JOHN PINNELL. 4 .'-)* ■M 1^ K ^r^ Uq(>' f S^A. //r. /^/Kt|- '*J^ ^ag6n ann tt^e reft: 0nD alio \jul)at ts ment, b^ t^e Bilinagc of t^e tcaS* %\^^t i^ome is Bab^Iott^ tl)c bcaQcs tDit^ ^cc Mealies all; Sr^e to^o;c fitting t^eron, IS iaope t^at oatsne Q^all fall, %\^t tW^ foule fp^ttes lilce frogs, areiLcgatcsoft^c fyiic: ^noO^ail^anc parte tott^ dogges, t^ongl) tto\33 |d;eiatc0 of p)iD(» ts^t EocuQes to oedare, as flics in Rummer viUx ^i)t ^opiQ) cicrgv arc, apeopiefiiJlofftq^fe. S\)vgi fonge is noticing cIs, lintaltDapcscoajct, coajce: l^olv cl)iirc6,^oI^ ma{Ie,^olp Sells, i^olp b^aDj^ol^ o^le, bolv ^^l^^* J5p tbc matfecof tIjelSeal!, tbev ma^bot^ bpe mn fell: 2no as t^cv fa^e at leaO, rcDeeme foules out of 6clU i:%m toarcs ^et ftiall nt ca^, ani>pertQ)inan^oure: ISlUQjaUbetalteatDav, tfytis o^le, w^ne ann f^tie floncct anu momc n)a!l Dotottc be catt, ana 0?otDncD in tl)c Dccpe: ^er marcbannts t^cn atlaU, lament Qjall toaple anu uicepe. 2rbe 2)?agon anb tbe beaft, -g>at^an t^at Serpent oloe: lamic^irllanbt^ercff, in pannes Qjall av bene l^olbr^ t' ail^ctbatiSoblpbee, fromig-omequicfel? bepart: £>jclstoitbberpowfee, of plagues pe mnS b^ue part* arbis booke aiall efee bcclare, of^nnne,i3Qoncanbof(farres: - CanDclfticfees,\»bat tbcv are, ofbattellanDoftuarres. »?bicb anticbjifl fljall meiie, againft Cbiiftes Cburcb to fig^fr ano tbofe tbat toill beleue, in Cbzift, to Deatb tsill otg^t* 35ur Cbiil! on ^ion iSQoante, tbc Jlamb aiall ape p?eua^lc: ;0f bis ma^etb accoinpte, anb tDill tbcm neuer faple» grbefealeb are tbc elect, vobom 0obbatb cbolxtt free: ailotbersarcreiect, anb cottbewneb a;all bee» 3Srbc j^apneboto anb 'ojWt donbtg^ anb mantels manp one: 2^ bf angels eric alouoc, blc(rcbbei5obintrone, JTbc angels anb fpjvtes bolp, tbe elbers anb BeaOes fourc: |^;avfei5ob continually, CQa)oulbt»eeuermo{C, \A Sixain touching the contentes of this hooke, %\^t elect tott^ sooD tntettt, Zri^e tooman elan totrb Tunne, piap come Ho^ti 3iefu cotne: tottl) DaeceB ette ceotoneD bjigljt: tinto t&e laS intismenr, %\^t c^urcl) is ant) ^ec fonne, eo tuDse bot^ all ann fumme* our fauioar fiW^ ae^S^t. 3Sr{)e? t^at Dve m tl^e Hozd, ftrevgl)t toa^ Doe paffe to blvlTe; 3Br^t0 fcetptnre Dotl) reco^De, to^ere to^e anD glojv ts. S^l^enet)oe3lecnCtUem, of CW^ t^e fpouCe fo pure: %\it Cl^urcl? of fattWl men, mtopQ^allfitlUnDure* 2ri)e tronmpets t^at Slngels fotmDi 3l|n it no tetnplc is, anti tiialles of <5oD6 ire: no ^nnne no iSQone at alb S>eclare i3od to confounDe, ^o^ t.\ni& W glo^p is, t^atWit^danDe^Dedre, anDj^oDisallinall. Tcy^t l^arueS and t)tnta8r» Doepiapnelpfignifpe; Sr^t finne is rppe of age, jtttD oniAtof rig^ to oir» arisen i^eanet bp tbis &oo!(e, tbou fljalt tt)ee not repent: 3QftbonMtberon loobe, no^tnoni? better fpent* TeXoT. rHET%EFJCEOF Henry 'BulUn^erlDpothe Apocalips oflefuChriJl fct forth by the Apoftic and Euangelift f. lohn, vn- to all thcxiles for the name ofChrift in Germany and Swyfcrland, of Fraunce, England, Italy and of other Rcalmes or nations5and generally to all the faithfull where foeucr they be, abiding and lokyng for the corny ng of Chrifte our Lorde andludgc. ^tittW 31pocdItpj9i voQS r eueleD b^ y efns C^;tift bing of binse0 atu> ^tgt) JS>U (^op,oor 3Lo;D frot^engljt jt^ant) of t))eiPatI;er,8n2>m:: 'fo;t^ bpl^apeaoUcallfpirtte, fo? t^e taluattort of alfatt^fnil c^tcflpe of ttjofe t^at (^all bee in tl;e latter t>af>c0, be^ct^e laft utOsnic)^t*botb tbemat= tcr it Telfe, iobicbe \» trcatcD, being rigbt &)^oifome,e]cccU lent, ano necclTarp to be fcnos I tven , p^ouetlj: 3nl) alfe t^ y finipletnaner f meane. Sob^^ r bp it iisb^nbleb being eutbent anb plaine, bedaretb, H %t>i& fpeaHe of eitbet b;tcflp,CoUectpng tbofe tbinge^onlPtiDbtcbremetobetnoft p;t8fitable$neceCrari?.CbelLo;b lohn.xvj. I)abfapDintbe0ofpell, bow be ioouioafcenbe into beauen,anb from ^ence fend to W ^poaiea tbe bolp (^boS. f cotnfo^ter, Sobicb fi)Oulb leaoe tbem into all trutb ano^etvtbemtbctbinge0tbataretocome. Snb tbat ivbicb be fa^b be i»onU> boe in &>o;tbe0, ^e fame berel]» batb ^e alfo perfourmeD in beebe abounbantl)?. Cbe bo^P d^b^tt bepng fcnt tobi02^poftie0, intiaceotbem into all trutbe,ani)openebtotbantbe tbingee tbat iocre to come, efpeciallp to tbel^poftleanb Cuangelf^ft, ^.^obn.tDbo receitteb ti)i0 ISeudatiomeicbibitcD tobtmbpCb;ift« from tbe rpgbt bano of tbe iFatber, bp tbe mifterp of an 2langel,in tbe ^olp <5boft> anD alfo bp Cb^ifte0 cotnmannbement, committed | fame to4D??ting. Cbc fumme anb cnbc of MfvA^ &>?ptingi0tbis: Cjat -^ ,. CbJift3irftt0OttrJLo?b, fottl ncuer faple in bi«Cbtttcb in eartb,bot S nf^/* ftjill goucrnc it feitb bi0 fpiriteanb S»o?be,tb?0ugb tbecclcfiaOicaU mi= aoaJa.Sr. inaerp,notT»ttbftabpng f tbecborcb it felf ,i»btl«ft ^ remainetb in tbi« *"'*""♦'" ' Sx>o^fl)allfttffarmanp^inge0,fo;tpjiofeffing CbJtift anbtbetrntbe of bi0 l;at TheTreface. ft>l)atitQ)aU p^uatdi? ftiflfer of f^t feareb;ctl)ame tl)]tonsl)l^e(ir0, fc))tfmc0,anDgYeuon0 anD continuaU ftr^fedjCOntamoniB^co^niptt: en0 in matters ef religion: 211 nt) fpnallp \)0w tenibi? it Q^ovAh be bocs cd b? tl)C tnoft cruet perfecuttons of tt)e oio iSomane CtnpiKc.Knb tail 1^ bp tl)e Svickeb crafte0 ann cjctreme C??ann)p of 2^ntid^ift . 3U t^e !ipbtcl) tbinsc0 appcrtepne to tbi0 ntbe,tbat aU tbc cbofen being fofficis cntlv Svarneb before, and p^touibeb fo;i in all ase0 Sx^bdcft tbi0 Soo^tbe CbaU inburc , ina^ tDttl) true faitb alone, cleaue bnto Co goDl? i9>pttng, bf a mod b^pgbt anb goonip bifion. Htnb mo^eonev to tbe intent it mpgbt be Hnowne to b0 all, in &)batfo?t our %ojxt Jit^ (us Cb^ift our bing f p^ieft fitting o;%)0^iting m ^eauen on tbe rigbt banbeofbi0dPatl)er,i0 neuertbdefTe in tbe mibbe0 of tbecatbol^cbe cburcb,ix>l)crof ^e batb a faitbfull care, bow louinglp anb fullp be p^e^ f emetb iU anb in bed o^ner gouemetb it. ^ . 31 obn (b ewtb in tbi* biiSf \)ifion,tbatt tbing be tneanctb bp tbe canbeUltcke0 anb llarrc0 , callpnge ieetwn tbe canbelfticHc0 Cburd)e0,anbtbe fl:arrc0,1|lungri0 of tlje cburdjetf. Cbutcbf*. Cbati0toioitte,i39e(rcnser0, mmiaer0anb paftour0. 5ro? tlje 3Lo?i» cbofebntobimfcJfcfeucnfamoufc CbQrcbe0 in^Ifia, S»)ttbft>bontb« trcatctb novoc generally and compenbicuflp , bfing ^.3lobnfo^!)t0 , ., intcrp?ct0ar:i»bscbbcbotb perpetually in all eburd;e0 tb?ouj^onte Chap. ij. tt)efeo;tl&,anti&nlln£ucrcca(efo to Ho tpll tbeioo?lbc0enb.:fo;itbe and.iij. number of ^cum ivbicb is berp rpfe in tbi0 boobe, ano m tbe mmts beroffnlnc0,comp^e]^enDetb in it all cburcbe0.ix>berfo;ie^.3!oba botbfop^opounDe, moberate, anb tetnper aUt]^pngt0SDbicbbetrea9 vct!;of$»ttl)tl)cfef€aen cijurc^cff, 00 tljepmapbcapplicbbntoautbe C1)UTC^C« The^reface. leammsanbebef^tns.^nD fo^ ttje fame caafe,tt>efcfcuenCi)urcicjK tttapbe c;cample0 of all oc^er Cl)tirc^0.iFo?iooke&)^attt;fttgtl^cti DiD pleafc oji Difplcafc tt^e i^o^D m ti)ofe uuenc^urc^efit.&D^att^me t^efe ti)tngc0 ^ercrrue^eD: ri^e felfefamc in all otbtr Ct)urcl)e0,fl)ali plcafc 0^ Dtppleafe l)im,fo long as tl)C tDOjilt) {ball lad.SinD as ^c iooald ^auet1)ofetnftructeDf taagl)t:fotDtU^ec^ataU f Qnjsularbc mftruc^ tcD at all feafon0.=: tetl), anu p?omifctl). w^crfow m t'ocfc ioc Qjall fee, a0 it Soerc a tabic fctbcfo?cV)0, i»l)attl5Ctnic anD rigtitDoctrmcof tbccljurrt) 10. 3lnD aa gainc, Wc^xci) 10 tl)e falfc ant) corrupt Boctrine. wc Qjall Ijcarc anl> learnc,tbat^c cbuccb bdoncD of <5oD, mu(lfl:anDe(l|)Umt})ep;ea« c^png of tbc <^orpcU,oncc rccetncg from tl)c 3po(Me0 of oarlLo^d jjjc ru0C^?pft: anl) muft loofee foi no ncu),nojotl)crmobortrinc0,noj tyauenecoe of otlier ]8euelAtton0:5Fo?t^ecburct7ct0 alreabp tuftruc:: teb iot^ a mod perfect bectnne.C^etc t0tttaug;l)talfo,iDl)atfBC fmsl;ttooocit)itl)co;rttpte9octrtite0, anD teac^cr0.:3(ndiDl)crca0tt to eafi» to fell into t)ice0, t})i0 boobe Dot^ Migentlp anD plcnttfuUip wu ntfter met>tcme0, teac^s t^oto tl^e c^nrc^ Decaj^ing tna? be fet t)p anD tepsreb agatne: 31nD ^ere tt tteatet^ mttcl) of true repcntaunce, of t^e frtrites of repcnta(icc,anD of tl)e Duties of ^ainct0, 0^ of good Soo^besi i^oj^conei:,tte)cl)o;^tct^ t^ aSltctcD to patience anD conftanoe, anD totl^econfeffion of Cb^iftei8name,&»tti)eutefrare, anD toallgoD* t]me0: mani» times fettpng fe?ti) t^e utoft ample reroarDe0of ^OD. 9nDairo affirming t^at toarmente0 are p;tepareDfo;ttl)eDifobeDi6nt anDbacbflpDer0.li5? tl)i0i)»ap anD meane.^.lRo^nl^eioDet^totbc cburcb^owour 3lo;tDe 3Iefu0 CbJ^pd being mbtauen, ent^erigl^e IranD of bt0 fatber , in tl)e meant tpme, anD neuerU^cldTe ioo^het^ tn f iniDDe0 of tl)c congregation of bi0 fait^fiill, infpiring, quicbening, be^ tnnganD goueming it: 9nD agapne , I)Oto ^e cl)ur^ liamg inti)i0 InoilD, map liue notwitbllanDing in ^\n.iSt, anD be qtticKeneD of bpm, bppon %t)l)em it DcpenDet^ iobolpe, f»^om onlp it rcgarbetb, f ini»bo fti0pjtefemcD.1llnD to!^ iDtll not achnotolcDge tbusbanDlpngof t^e matter , to be all togetl^er 9poftolicke, anD rigbt &>dl grotmbeD in tbe Doctrine of CbuS :' lU5nt in tbefDO;^Heitfdfe,aUanD cucrp ti)pnge (^all to D0 be mucb mo;e extiDentIp DedareD. 113 nt fobcre a0 Cb7ift in ^t0<0orpel^at^fatD,tl)attl)e cl)urcl)^t0 trbeebuccbe toelbdoueDfp8ufe,fl)OulD be ejcerrifeDiDit^fonDjp afflictions, in t\iz <o;lb.^ofo be it, fo^afmuc!) ajS in tlje calamities anbperfecutionjS of tl^efaptbfuU, anb in tl)e f dtcitic $ triunipljins of tl)c in6bei0, tl^e mpnbe euen of euc:: xy> one of the bolted fcruauntes of (I0ob, is fo;e moucb, anb sreuouap tetnpteb: before ^- 3!o!^n come tobcclare ti)c t^caup 9 mifcrablcbcftu: nies of t^e c^urcb, be retteti^ foo^tl) tonto ti)cm, a mode beautifuU tppc <^ 6snre of t^e reucrcHbc, bolp,anb eucrmo^eblcifeb Crinitic,i»I)erin 10 (et fojitb> to befccne of tl)e epes of aUmen>ti)e bnfpea&eablelbifcbos ofd^ob.potoer, anb maieidie of (i5ob,tosit^ei:&itt)l)i0iaftsouem:: ment, anb bolpiubgcment in all tl7insc0:1IinbitiiB!aKobectareb,t^at almij^tte^ob tl)c fatl)er, bp tl)at SLambc (tl^atis, bp bP0 fenne , ouv enclprebemer)in tbe bertue oftbei)olp<]5l)oft,botl)gouemeiDeliaU ti)ingc0, tobatfecuer tbcp be eptljet in ^cauen,o;i in eai:tb,pea anb twn ti)el}erpbeftenie0 oftl)ecl)urcb> iDMateix>;tittenintl)cb09keof ^t0 etemtdi p;iouibence, clofeb ^iti) fenen (eal e0. Ctjere appere^ f i^amb of(!5ob,fetfo;ti)iDit^feuenI)o;ne0: Cijat iofurnifltjeb i»it^ fuHpo* Sdct afxoellmincelp a0 p^tieSlp , t^e grcatett of all, anb inall popnte^ tbe moft abiolute. Cbe Slamb recepuetl) t^at booHe of tl^e rpi^t l;anD ofljpmt^at fitteti) in tl)e Ci);one, anbbnboetbanbopenetbino^ba; tt)ofefeuenfeale0, :f 0^ Ije receiaetb of l)pjB( father allpon?er,boti^in ^eauenanbineartl). IHnb %Dl)era0tl)elLambe alone openctl)t))ofefe:: «enfeale0, it contepnet^ a ftoete mifterp, anb mtnidret]^ (tngukir corns fo;tttot^efaitl)fuU.iPe^io^eTea0&)e bcieue, tljattbeilambeof €»ol» i0oarrebemer3iefu0Cl);ift boti) louemanbinbe foe^ccebinglp^t^t nepti)er in Ijeanen no^ in eartb * anp tbpng map be fonnbe, t^atlonetj^ 1)0 mo^e intteirlp: l^nb now fee tbe berp fame, anb none otl)er to open tbefeuenfeale0,at t^e opening Soljerof, fonb;tp calamities i^ew out bp anb bp into t^c Svo^b . tobo iooulb miChufI ti)em to be fent to l)iin Ot^ernnfet^enfo;lbi0^talt^>tincctbepare not fent ioid^outbtsp^oa nibencc anb bifpofition, ix>bo birectetb all t))inse0 to tl)e ioclfarc of biflf cl)0fcn:' tonto all t1^eit)^icl) tbinge0 ti)t0 notable matter i0abbeb,tbat aUt4efpii;ite03ngelicaU,ti)eelder0alfo,anb all i)eauenlp creatures, &}o;i(]bipiti^ 6nfuUfletl)e,on5^ttolcarneti)at fceftoulbachnoroleOge alfof iufticc ef €fob in all ^10 iso^bes anb not murmur at bi0 goucrnemcntanb ntoa rig^tfuUiubgmentes: but rather ioo^Cbtp (00b, fubmit b0 bntp bun, p;tapfe ^10 rig^)tcou&ic0, anb geue tl)anbe0 foz bi0 moS !)oip goa ucrncment,anbcrpteitl) tlx p;opi)et, tboaart iufie £> ilo;be,in ali rt)pia)ape0. anb help i\\ tl)p £DO;ibe0. CI)efe tbingc0, being on tl)p« iopfcpzompfeb^ anb ti)e minbe0 of i^t faitbfulUtbu0in(lTucteband pjcparcb: in tl)e opening of tbe fcuen realms, tberei0feueraUpaccomps teb anb rccHncb bp, iv^at anb I)on> grcate enil0 fl^onlb come bpon mm from t})c f»l)i^ not fomuci} as t^c fait!)fuU Ititittg in t^ijS IbO^lb, (l>0nlft U TheTreface, kcfrcctrarttf, flaugfjtcrs, famine, pcfliicnccflfarcrcc^trt.anijfttcfi ^ ^ „ otljcr lyUc plat^ucB : 3ls cuftoD^c of d&oo, arc faucO from pernition. aina of t'ocfcareaccomptcDmnumcrablctboufanafS. wljcr !t)em«ft bpireicarnctljattbeHici^c^of mts eucn tobcn tbcp be nioft l)aungcrou0,anb tijat be Ijatl) !)i0 fcaleft fiocfec auD bis i»o?fl)ipper0 , tobicb lifec ns in tvixxcs paft, baae notboiiicDtljctrhncestoli3aall.2illtbe S»bict) tb?ousb^i0brirpeati= ablcgooDne0 ano mcrcpljebatbfatteO from perDition, ant) merc?fuU IpcleKfcb, from allcoj^rupticn. amo out of tbc Tcucntb fcalc, are bjoagI)t confeqnentl? fcuen trcm seaen ttff.. jjct0,bp tbc &b»cl) nrcoenounccn tl;c grcuott0 ccfiict0 of tljc faitbfuU « pctte*. to5i)cl0.yetbefo?etl)attbcrctbmgsaree]cpounDcJ>, Cl)?ift i0G)erocli Chap.viii. bcfozetbc Cljiione of (000 , making mtercefTion fo? t)0. 3! no tol)ptn arc tl)c faithful! fent in tbcir perilij, to crauel)eipefuccour,anDbes liueraunceatl)i0banl). 3lnDttic5OcnUl,tbcmaftcroflpc0 , blotoct^ tl)confettol)i0mcn: Sgauiet5)ebolp(piritcof(I5oo, founbetl) tljetrS petto t^e ^amctc0. €\)t^ iopnc togetbcr in battelt, t^c goaip$ bngoD \y>: tbc fiifctples of t\)C pure , anD co;rupt boctrine: tl)cfolbiour0of Cbiift,anboftbc3Dcuill.^crearc great I)aungcr0,anbtbcminb0of tbc goblp arc tnoje grcuoufli? affUctcb anb tcmpteb ^it\) perucrfc boc= trinc0mtbearburcb,tbeni»ttbtbccrucufv»oji)coftv?antc0, anb al= tnancr of calamine©. l^ ere arc f6D?pbcrefie0 rccitcb,i»bicb impugnecE corrupt tbc cuagclicall beritte.3Lnb ns bp tbc fcue fcalcs be bnbcrftooo all mancr of calanutic0,bp obs iuR mbgctncnt:poxr;icb out bpon tl)c foo;iltic: fo \3nber tbc feucn trompcte l)c compjcbcnbctb all Ijsrcftcs in tbc I1S0 jlD, anb all pcrnitiou0 opmi80 againft tbc npoftoltcall boctrine. C)eit)ingt!)atamongc0tbofcco?ruptebcp?auations fi^abomctricanb Chap iv ^apiftrie, bib mofl; cjcccll. 3ilnbcr tbc iiHcnc0 of <15re(l)oppcr0 . I^c ^' Hefcribctb tbc Canton t fee tl)etn toeiceD at t^t0 oap, tnonr t^e tnoft Dn:: t^apfi? paptftrte, ant> ma^ottietrte. ri)e ^ ofc 3inD ?ct left anp man fl)oult) to fo great enfljat bee DtfconrageD, ano pell , 0% com t^inbe t^t (Bonsi p^omefTc? toucl)ms tl^e enQe0 of gooD and euell mzn, foiBtton. ai;t)ti)ct>clmeraunceoftt)e fattl)ftill,i}? t^elafttuOsmentioereDapnc, ^ga^ne after an ^poQolicaU Dti^oQtten anD maner, ^e anejcetb ano fet tctb a mod (Itong confolatton againft all tijefe perrtUes m\> calamttu0 Chap. X. iFojl)ebjmget!) fo?tb, tbe JLo^ue Cb??ft Ij^mfclfe, confirmmg bp a folenmc otbc tljatdoubtktrc an enb ef all tl}tfe tbmgc0 (l)Oulb come: ^nb tbat (5oD of bis tu&icc ix)pU alTnrebli? renber tctcarbcs to f goos IV, anb puntlbmcnt to tb e ^tcbcb. ix>bere be bifTembletb not, ^ 3 obn l)imfelfe,fl)^P?^bcc? agatnc,(to iocete in apoaoltcallCptnteanb boc« Chap. xj. trpnc) to fepnsc0nation0, anb man? people. :S9o?eoucr, Ije afftrmetl) manifeftip that be iotll fenb into tbe ioojlb, tcacbcrs of tlje bctitie,anB of certaine faluaf.on, tobicb alfo moft fbarplp, Cbali rcbnfec tbe ioicbcb np0, anb icoickcd men, of tbe moft corrupt laft age, p^eacb Cb^ift Ctn^ cerlp, anb accnfe ainttcb?»ft moftgTcuouflp.C^efebefljabbowetlljb? a figure of two crcclltnt boctonrs . wb^tn befaitb,fojtbelibertieof p;icacb?ng, anb conftancie of faptb, fl)OulbbcemoftcrncUpflapncof Sdntt^juft, 115ut be abbctb . tbat tbefr i^all rccc^ue of <15oD, mofte ample rcvoaroest^nbtbat iSlnticb^tft (ball labom in bavne tofnp^ pltefTe tbep;ieacl)ing of tl)e€>o(pellbp f^^eanbfvooiDe, fo^ fo mncb a0 tbe ILo;be (ball oftentimes ftire bp neco p?eacber0,&bicb ftiall Ugljtett tbe DarUenco trtttb. ^ e abbet!) furtl^ermo^e, tbat man? (ball bal? re- uoltfrom ^nticb?iifte0kingbome, anb tbat tbe fame (ball finallpb? tbe commtng of tbe jjlubge, be btterlp b^ougbt to nangbt. 3inb be mabett) no coclu(ion, at B)i0p;iefent concerning tbi0 place of tbelaftiubgement of Cb?ift,butbifferretb tbe (]cpo(ition oj, treating of tbat matter, to an otber place mo;e conuenient, &bicb be banbletb in tbe .jcijc. anb .xjc. Cbaptcr0.3nbtbcfetbinge0bitbertobatbbe (policn generally of tbe pcril0, calamittc0, contcntton0 , tronble0, f cct0, anr» pcrfccution0 of tbecburcbof Cb;itft,tDbicb (ball cicccrcife it frointbctpmcof Cb^ift, ono bi0 21poftlc0 to tbe Soo?ll)e0 enD. 1^ crcunto be annejcctb a partial^ laro;pjiaatc,bOtt)bcit a plentiful! trcatifc off moft grcuous confiict0 Chap xii ^^^ pcnccution0 of tbe cbwrcb- fro} it bcbonetb cbicflpe tbe fainctc0,to ^' '' bncrotbefetbinge0,tI)atintbcber? pcriUe0 ^ afflictien0,tbc?jna?e remember tbi0 gobl? abmonition , anb beare in m?nbe fsbat tbe 3Lo;b batb tolbc befo?e,of tbe tbmge0 tl)at tbe? novo fuffcr, Sobo rnletb ana goucrnetl) all tbmgc0, anti Qnallp febo can anb &tU Dcliucr tbcnt from all tbefc euils, feben, bow, anD afmucbc a0 be of bi0 coob feill (ball fee itgoou.ifirfttbcrfoKbe pjopounbctb agapne, generally tbe partes of tbisconfiictc o;^ (hifc: najncl? a foomandotbcb toitb f funnc,cvoii>s ncD, trautling, i»bicl) i0 a figure cf § fa?tbful! cburcb- ^nD be fcttct^ agatnft bcr a moft 6crfe anb cvmll eneinp. 31 fa? tbe great rcD D?agon, «eiten ^^^^ fettcnbcabe0, 3D0 a figure of tbat oioe fcrpcnt, tbe bculH. Zftzt bcasS of ^^^ fetfojtb tbe?? attcmpt0, nature, fo?ce ano ccnSictcs o^ f?gbt.2(lnl> tbe Ciaaon ^^"^ agame foj a comfo?t 10 cicpKfrcb tbe bicto?? of Cbzift tbe beaa, 9 ' of bis cburcb anb members of tbe fame. ISftcrtrarb tbe 3Lo?l)b? 31 obn rcbcarfctb, fcuerall? in tbe bifion, tbe fpcciaW tnftrinnent0 0^ members Of tlje bjiagon, b?tlje5»l)icl) )}i atrauUctl), anb moft cn'.fU? be]cetb,anb Svertett) TheTreface, &crfct!)t!)cc!)ttrc1) .UtiDtljcfetnOrmncntejaf are tljebeaft&tt^fcuctt Chap.xfj';. l)cai)C0 anD ten l)o?nc0, anB ti)c ijeaft ixjttl) two \)o;nt8, tijat ts t^c cms pireanDt!)cfalfcp;op'oct,ano tl)C iniage oftfjcGmptrc.CiSlri'ct^mgcfi; seu-n fjcpaintctb out after ti)C JImitatton of iDan;cU,foliuclp,anD (QBitis {jeaucx? of fapD) ioiti) t^cp? ov»ne colons, in tl)Z. jciii. anD jc^ti. Cl)ap. tljat no man t])e beatt. canri;ccfcbatfcclc, ana mucl; mo;icpcrccpuc,ofiDi)om i)cfpcatictl>: fcctclpcuenoftljcolDc i^omiinc (gmptre, ?of |Dnpiflric.aiftcr ti^e imitation af5DantclUjcetcrmct})crudI UpngfionieiS o;i cmptrc0bp(^c name of I6caftc0. 2InD the tljpngit fdfc bcclarctb, t^at oar ILo^iD 31cs fas Cl)?ift, tlje !)caD ant) King of all gametes , faffcrcD anD S»as cru= cificDtmUcrlDoncc ^tlatc, sonernourof Juric , $»1)0 iDa0fentt!)t= t^erfromlSome, andgoaemctl) aUti)tnge0 in tbeuamcoftbccmpes tour Cibertn0. '^Ilfiapne, cucrp nxan Unoroetl) that tijc firft perfccation agapnfttbcC{);iftia0,5»aflft^jreD bpbpjj^cro <2mperonrof ISomc. Cbcfwonoebp :flmiom IDonntian Cmytvom of iSomc, io\)icl) in= trappcD olfo tbe aiutljour of tbis ^o?Ue. %nn after tbifliscrcafic of epgbt otber pcrfecutions oj moe, fl:p;ircD bp bp tbc rcfiuew of i^ omanc Cmperours, agatna tbc faitbfuU fpotife of Cbitftbptbc Siobtcbfli* Soas cruelif rent mpcecc0 j troacn bnDcr footc. "S^no tbat fo; no otber canfc, tbcn f oj tbat Q)t ioeulD not i30?fl;ip tbe bcaG: tbat is, tijat fb^c &>oulDnotrccciuctbe fuperfhons anD bcatben rites of tbe ISomane err= mane opp^eCTcb, till Cbarles tbe grcatKing of :?raunce. SnD intbcfe timtst of Defolation, tbat is of tbe empire opp;tffcD anD octmguilbcD in tbei»eft, tbel5?tb5pof IRome , began bp Utlc anDUtlcto gatbcr to iftw no fmatilc power anb poiltfrion.s. bp t^c aat'oo^ptie S»b»^ ^^ ^ ^^c tpon TheTreface. tcbe fall cf ri)coiDtm tpon!)im tjnber t!)e p?ctcncc ef €I)?ift ana i^e ^Ppoftletf^ctctann |3aulc,tpU fuel) tpmc as l)c began to reigne aifo. I^ut tljColDpopc, ^ifj P?eijece(routs , %Dcrc not p;,mm^ m tl^e C'ourcl), ruling lonlier pjacncccflHtUgiontbiittDtrc immftcrjj of ti)c vjri)iircl),fiinplcpafs tours ani3poc;i£.4inD^. |5auli? pjiopljccics , tl)ntoftl)c rumcottl)e *£mpire, anD beftruction citljc citxc, ^nttc!j?ift fbculD fpj^ng\)p.5ro; ljcfapD,onlptl)i0is!)cli)pngnaro(o;t onip tl)ie i^tljelett^atnoroUe^ tcpnctl))tvUttcomctop«frc tl;at it fcetaHcnawa^, auottjcnfl)aUtljat fcicHcBbcreuclcD. 5S?c fignifpcD tl)cvefozetljat Sintid^ziftCboulDcnot rc^gne, ccnic, no;i nppcie, bcfo;ctI)c clDc IRoinanc empire fecre taUcn Rwap. jff^oj tl;is being oucrtl)?cx»tn, tl)c ^ce of iKoutc fljoulDebc a ccs f CD. iFpj Ccrtuiltan, i»J)0 l^uct) a tl^oufanD anii tl^^ce Ijunt'jetl) pcarctf ' paft faytl) t\){iB in l)is booUc of t\)C rcfurrcction of tl)C flGfl;c: vol)0 fljaU be taUcn out of tbc i»a?, but tbe ftatc of 13 ome ^ foljofc Departing, bc= ingftifperfcD into ten Hinges, (Ijall b?ing in ^ntid)jin:. SdnD ^. l^ie- romcinf jci.qucflionto^lgafiafa^tl;: CljC i^onianc OEmpirGfeil^ic^ novxjpoflreflretljall nationjc fl;alt Depart anD be tafccn aroap: anD tljen fi)aU 31 nttcl)?ia ccnie, t!)e iaeifp^itng of injquitte. Ci)c fame autl;curjBf, bp^ab'^lcnin tl)i0 boohc cf. ^. 3ol)n, tnDcrfianD JScomc.antt yo\)n \}imUlU in t\)iB booUc fl;croctl;, tljat t^c feucnl^eaDeD nnD mtgljs IT? olDc empire of fgomc, being tabcn awai? , an otijer bcaft (bail arpfc S»itb tioo l^ojnes: tljat is to toittc, fuel) a 52»;iiHce, a0 fljall cljailenge to l)puifelfe,aboubie rule oji HingDome: fulnes 3fi fap, of power, afroci! in tbpnges fpirituall ajS tempojaU. %m t\)iti fame Dotlj f i»^ole Suo?lD at t]^?fi; Dap acKnowlcDgc to be ttje HBpfljop of iS ome, DccKeB Suitl) W triple croirne (bnDoubteblp bp tl)?ecl)O?ne0,S»'oicl) acco?Di?ngtot^c Daniel.7. t'?opl)Ccpc of SDaniell, cptljer b?oagl)t Iotoc, 0? toUc aw?ap t])\s bafe 9 contemneD t)o?ne) anD ^rmeD ioitl) two feei?e0,figmficng^pmtobe binganD'215pfl)op,tl)C mod mpgl)tj> ^onarfee, in matters fpirituall flnD tcmpo^all, Cl)?i(lc0 bicar in cartl), l)auing full pouter in l^cauen, anD in eartl). ^ e l)pm felf in tpmes paft, caufeD men to fct bp f 3!magc ot tl)e bead: tljat is, to fct bp a new empire, after tl)e 3I mage anD tlje imitation of tl;e olDe IRomanc Cmpirc. xol\ic\} tbing after it*a>a0be= gon in tnD«GDc&creftout,(^oDlp, anD S»o?tl)?'e ^jinces: CljcliBpfbop of IRomc iuac net aOjamcD in llraungc S»pfe to be]ce, trouble, cjccommus ntcate,Depofc,anDto fubftitute otlfcts in tl}Cir place, anDtofl?;Le))|t S0arre0tn manp IRcalmcs at ones, anD to fct tljcm togctl)erb)?tl)C care0,folong tpll ttjofe Hpngc0 DiD frame tljcmfclues after bis 5d?II anD appetpte, anD iDOulD fall Downc to Utile \)i0 kite: l^nD l)e l)^mielfc atti)elcngtl7toohebponl)imtl)c c:npire,anD publiO^ingljis Decrees to t!)ca>I)olcf»o?lD, boaftcDl^^mfclfetobce tl)c :S^c«atc^eo?folcrttlct of^eioo;lD,Svl)omtgl)tatl)i0plcafurc botl) Depofe binges, anDfe( tl)cmbpinlvingDome0 : ifinnlli^ , l)c5»as fupjcme iuDgc in cartij, to iuDge all men, but be t)im fclfe, in no ^tfe to fee tuDgcDofanp lean. i^\)ttfoy. Ipfec as in tlje clDc empirc,fef fcqueflrtD from tlje communis en of tlje beaftes, all gooD maiioljic^ 5»cre, oj, lineD ijnDer ^t anpire; fo in tl^is new alfo ioe Doc alwa)»rs ejccept t^e graue anD Snitt)?, f good anD goDlp men, anD all religious people , ioljic)) being miiccD araonge tl;em, not oneip abpDc diU in €\)U% but alfo eptl^cr oi)l>o;re anD con^ tanne The Preface, tetmietf)ebeaft,o]^toti)eirpotoer fisbtasatnft^imttDljerb^tlfe^come z^t C|)a « nottn^caccemptoft^ebeaft. %Vih tf)t0 tivo Ijo^neD beaft, marHett) tocteof t^i l>tfl(^&ojfl)ippa:0 fettb a cbaractc: 3lnb tljofe tljat rcfafe tl)?0 djaracte bcaa. be ejccoininumcatetb out of all mens company, To tl)at tt 10 latxifnU fo; tt)cm,ncitt)ertobpno?fcU: yeamo^ebe conocmnctlj tbem fo? bcre= ticb0 anH ftbifmattchs , f 0? Damnca f loft crcamrc^. 3 f tl)Ou ccnf cfTc tbi? fclf e now to be a Cbitiftian , ano p;of eife i»ttb a f pnccrc anu lo^all ^att tbc bcleefc ^f, creebe of tbe 2Jpoftlc0, f one bolp Cburcb of Cb?ift ano of aU fatnct0, anD Doeft not aboue all tbtnsc0 confefTe tbe P ope tQ beCb;t)?ftc0b^carincartb,iDitb tbcfulncsof potoer,anD tbciSomiflj CbuTCb tobctl}cmot!)cr of all cburcbctf, ant) tbat ftjce can not crre, tbou (batte feetne a0 ^ct to baue confcffeD notbing, but (bait be fapcli fatbertoberufpcctcDofbcrcfp,anDtberefo?etobc mo?e ftrn^tclv cjc« amfneb . Cbts tbing can not be DtflfembleD , f 0; tt 10 hnotocn to alt men no?e eafclp flee ^nti* cb?tft onceHnotren, ^ - 3! obn alfo aODctb tbe number of tije name f f tbe bcaft. 666: bp tbe Sebtcb ioe berel^ come to tbe name, oj Hnotus zi^i ^fx^tt kOge of IHnticb^tft- jfojifiocaccomptfromtbcfcttingfojtbof tbcHI- af tDenmng pocalip0,fi;cebunl»?ctbtbjeefco;e ano f?';ce pear C0, 5»c (ball come to tbe ott\)t beatt. pcareftfour JLo;H).76 j.^otbc famctpmc(31 fap) iDbeT(ntbe5i5ttb«p of IRome , fo^gcttpng bw bu»tnbtte , fimphcttie, poucrtie, offict, anb mtntfterpe, fetb»0mpno to bearc rule, anD rcceiuco ejcccatiing great rctparDeffofhmgpipineanD ofotbcr^3itnce0,anDp?cpateb bnwelfe c tDat>,i»berbp be afterwaru clpmeo to tbe bigb bignitie of tbe empire, to^icb tb'ns in ? tDo;iKc itfclf (ball appercmojcplatiUi? out of btth);ie0. 3int)a0^.31obn DiDonrc o;i twift before: fonotci alfo, after. tbe SUpoOoiicbe maner be comf ojtetb tbe affltctcD aut» fattbfuU Cbnrcbt, leaftbaplpintljeirDiQTcflreamjconttnuall pcrfccuti»n0 of 3ntitb!^iftc Comfo»e, ftftjoulD fall nno tbtnfee tbat ISfeltgion anD tbe Cburcb iocrr rieanc Chap.xiiij. fo3ifaben.!^clbcxx?ctbtbcrcfo?e, tbat bottjccrucupfocucrbotb tbe ten ■' \ti':- I)0;neDbeafteanDtl)cttDObo;ncDbcaftDoerage,pctftanDctb f ilambe neuertbeleiTe inmomit ^ion, not a0 tbe 3D;tagon ixi tbe fantie: 3nD f intbt0 ivicbeD fvo^lDe pointed of 9nticb;itfi Cb;t& bati)biiEr(bofet| cbnttb»&)bieb be 4»ill moft faitbfullp p^eferue euermoje anD nraihtern. l^c aDOetb, tbat bow wucb foener tbe beaft couctetbto bane tbrfajreo anb bolp p^eacbtnge, of tbe dpofpcll oppjeffeD, tbe dEfofpell C^fntiteti? tbele(rebepieacbcD,anDtbatclcrelp, a«Dll5abiior fljall certcnljefaU anD tbe Cburcb of Cb?ift be eftabiilbeb. l^e aDDf ti) mojcoucr foj a c6fo?t,tbat tbe fotrieaf of ^atntjStbat are' in Daunger 0; fuffer f oj Cb?ift , Do alTareDlp f ftreigbtiaap flitte from tb(0 cojpojall beatb to etemall lpfe:3nD agame , tbat tbe 3lo?D 10 reas Xnf to tahe bcngeance of aU bi0 enemic0,^ to req«i»tetbem abonnbants Ip, fcblcb bf Cbcwetb tr^ml^bp tbepatablc*of bintagc anD bisttieft. ainDtbcfetb(nge0banDlcD on tbi«iopft,bep?octDetbto Declare Dis ©ftbe t». ligentlvtbeenDe0ofgooDanDanDeuillmen,(febtcbtiSnottbemcancft ^^artc^ «tti po^.toftb»flbooKe)bew moft ample rcwarDt0 fljalbrgenen to tbe SfJl^J'^n i»oj(btpcr0 of Cb!iift, a«D moft grcuou0 paints anD tozmentc© Ojalbc ^,fu ■ lapDbpontbeaD^erentei of ^nticl)?!ft. fl^enofnofthaUeftimation, fticbc intbefctbing«Doiibtftill,artD tbetommon people Doc etre berr^ in to (l)amtfqUp:!a>^ileft fo^ ti^c p?eRt felteitie of tl^c felckeO Jlmi conti = up.). nuaU ThtTreface. . i^'f t^c^ichctt, o;ifo great rewarDM fo^ tl)e goblp. jFaj cucu tQ% t\)\a caufe fetoe Hccpe tS)tir (lanDpna;, nno nio^e iaugl^ atCt);itt(KOi^t0 ioo^Dc, land unbrace t^ p;cfcnt plcafures- of t^iji p^efent ^o^lde , t'of loiviiig tl)e mo;e bappp ano t}tcto;iioujS parte. Chap XV ■ '^l^fffo?^ bicHTcD ^. 31oi}ti , not i»it^out caufe ( at t!jc]Loi6ca ^eiii toi-iu coinmaun^cnicnt ) bcftototo yctp mtic!) CUtgence in Dcclarmg ^eCt tljingcfi cjcactl? . :2iinD firft «ftcc Ijps mancr ije bjingctlj f o;t^ fcucn in g^s, i^m.'^m cuppes of tl)c plagc0 of (0od, anl^tbe angds come out of tbc temple: Ugnifieng tljc iaDgemcHtc0 of <5ob in punifl;ing tr)c iDicH= cb, to be moft ii3l)tcou0 . aiRO tbcnumb;c of fcucn coiiipjd)cnDctl) n* ^, • ^pne all inancr abounDanc:ecf(0oD0 plagues. Ci}C 3i^ungcl0 pomre ajitfijbpoit tl)C barb ^arteb tl)at can not repent. 5ro; u5od being moft, tigbtcou0 plagetl^ tbe impenitent ivoilDe ia^itb fonD^v to^mentes: re*! retuuig^etmo^cgreuouic tl)en ti;efe, to punt6)e tl^em mt^ei&o^lbe Chio xvii ^^ ^'"^'^' ^"^ efpccialip l)c fljewetb tbe iubgcmcrit ( tfjat i« to ioitte, f *^ ^* paHifl)ctnent)oftl^e Ijarlot m purple, (3Q mcaneoft^epqpeanbtbe bcaft) to be feenc. iPtrftl^c b?ougbt f oojtfj an ^oncft ^ noble matronc, totDeetc,tbcber^fpoufeofC^^t(t. ^oiraditiscrc bp oppofitionbe Cettet^agamft^era p^oube iblwe, t^at falfencvo fl^artbp Somite > <^l)uub,e feetba^ §^. ^Ib^n l)iit^ fpo^en' fb fbplful^ » t^att]|e})at!; n^it^uier^ pbinteb Sott^ tl^ fingarCas tbep coinmenlp fap)iD!70m ^c uieanet)),^. of iobemi^jcfpeaHet^) boubtlc0 tl^c aunctent li>ipter0, 00 31 toib po^ CKao xviii ^^^^^^ before, bnberftoobe bp 2J5abplon IKome it felfc. TSS>Vit afttrvimri> V nap . J ^g ijtfcourfctb at length tbc bcftraction of )i3abvlOH ioptl) a wcrucloutf ^cntieofp1apneia)o;be0, afitioere potv^tng out a ccrten CuDbcol eloquence: anb compenbeouflp collecting all ainpli6catton0 anb ^gurcij ti)^ beauti^e iXyt fpead),,i»6^c(> fi^e^np S^He^etobefounbainong^ ^, . ^e iS>;opb«jt0. TS^ut bp tbe S»ap Ije placet^ among ti)efe, certe^itnoft t-nap. XIX. Jji2ati2nttbw;c0 of tbe manage of tbe lambe, anb of tbcb?.pbrp>epas ringlierfclfetbtbcniartag*, anbof tbc certcntp oftl^efaluationoftlje gobl)? anb 5»bat matter a tljmgtbat bleffcb fcUcttp tfi:wbicbfinia)e6, be befcebctb nnmebiatclp to the fame laft iubgetnent,%Dl)(d) 3! fuppofe tonovoljerc cl0intl)ci»bolcfcnpturc,notonclp fo befcrlbcb^butalfo paFHteb outi»itb Uuclpcculcurcg aait is Ijere .,fQ% Ijere 10 bcfcrifceb tijcperfonof tl)c 31ubsecpmpng to JPubganent iwitbb'JEf fatnic0 anb foul) great povoer anb c^o;p,Ci)ercftO£ibe againft biucutl)ms0asapnfttl^e ^atntecofclSeo. 4 ; • ' V . 25p anb bp fuccebetb tbc moS terrible iubgeHiet,but pet moft iuft , fa; V..... - . tbcfalfc p;opl)cti0e);o»)en bovine into l)clly bcivneistbcbeafttbjo;- 1h;k c'.j, f, Seen, anb boajn are caftcUtoicKeb anb tiupcmtcnt.perfon0.Cberci0 Chiv.'ix.' '- fbcw Jbbe'M tttoitoucr tbe iufticc anb equi^ic of tj)i0 bniucrfall Jubge tuebt in t% cnb of tbeivo^Ib.'iipl^erftH ii»pum{^menttalKit of all pcr:> %^ QfM^M^ibtVl^eligun^^^ee^ (^e 0; b^be fo euer tbep^e* Thefrefaci: tljat ate r«tttc(lrcT)fa«fnatcft from tljctnierch'siondfC^jilfW^cirf ^'^ *•'*' , fcotl) tl)c tefurrcctton of tf)t tcao ijs toucbtD, ana tl)ep?oceirc of tljc Sd^oIc iuDgcmoitJsfigurcD, i^ercuntoljcatmocctl) a tttofl topfull D'.fs tjutation ott^c blcffcD l?fe , Ojerrpng firfte gcnetaUp , fcljat it i», ana tt)at tt Qjall mod ccrtcnlpc be gmcn to tt)C faithful!: bp tljciotjtcl) trca* ttfc raoft ftrongelp to beaten Dovonc ttjc 6tfttu(i o? biffiDencc tljat is nas turaUp graffel* in W. aiftcr p;ipuartp ano t)lmt(fiaipt)Ht>f r tl>e Cppe, ^. ; ojjmagcofamoft bcauttfuU Citic.bc Ojanotoctl) after Rro?te,t^t '^".^P- ^*^' place an& palace oftijcblefTcB, omitting totterlp notlnng GtaU,tl)att8 x^U- fptl)criopottfc, comfortable. Delectable, o;ipjecioufc,a)i}icl)l^eaffirc tnetl) not to be in tljat court cclcftiallmoft abounuanrlp ar,Dfeo,:l6e foit^out enue. i^otioitljftanlJiJig Soefenoio iaell ihougt) tljat toudjing tlje top to cotttc, albeit i^.-lBoljn t}atlj Ijit^ertofpoKcnneucr fo largtlp, t>et l)atl) ti^erc nottjing been fapb Soo?tl)p fo great a mattrr, fe!)er e bot^ t^ep?op^cticallanD aipoftolicall fcripttire fapt!) : tljat $»l)icl) tbc cpc - ^afi) not fcene,Ro;i f eare ^atl) fjarb . no? pet iaat^ afceuDca into f 1)art ofma,tlbctt alfobptI)e&)apc).^. ^ofyn in tjis aipocalppfe bdiuercb bpCl)aft (as oft IB IjauefapD) tl)3tOttgl) tbc minifterp of a niofte.ccellentaiun' gel, commenDetl) to tlje \3ntucrfaU Cbnrcb of Cjtft, anb cl)icfip to b0 tponSv^em ti)t cnb off Svo^lii l)atl) cbattncebtiDberem^e ^atb taug^ tiottying at ail contrarp to tl)At , ioW'k l)cljat^ tatigijt in ^fsf cnangelfc cailfto;p, anb Ijis epiftletf.31n!)i0 fte?p \)c recttetl) certen tl)tngc0,con ^^, j^j, cctmngtl)epfrfecution0Oft^cc^tircl) , bp tlje feo;ibe0Ofourfa«io«ir ttincof tbe Ci)?ift,butof 2Pntec});iiftno^ing, bnUefTdjefapb tl)iM onelp,&!)tc!) apocaupfc inanp t)nberfto5e to be fpoben of 11inttcl)?ift:llcatnc in tnp father* l)atfromt]bcftl?lc of liis otl)cr booUc0. wljcreof ^e ^fl)aUto«cl)efbmcw^atalfo, mtl)i0t'o?.tf6llotDet^. 3!nt^riHcanetrme 'POuroillfap,ti)erc ftiantcti) notl)tng !ntlji0 booke (if peuioap eucrp ^t^ingbiltgentlp)SD^irt)pouQ)onlb require of aboolicnioftcuangclp= •ean,anb3fp6ftoiicali. we l)auc in t))z fame, not onclp e;cpjc(rcb, but rtfo SocHfeji^unbeb tljc c!)icf articles of our btlccfe. f^ojeoucr, innu^ merabieplace0oft!)€p?bpbfte0 are erpounbcb intl)i£f boofee.5fo?t{)c Tbe'apocis S»bic^caufetl)i0.^.3o!)n%)a0callcDof 3Bol;n £DccolampaBtu0, not lipfc isf tDe fe>itl)out caufe tiKfjfpoGtour of t^ pjop?)et0. 2lnba0f 1IJpoaie0l)ab parapDxaSaf •t!)i0pcculiartotljcmfeIuf0,to confirmcfucl) t^ingc0 a0 tijep tauobt, oftbcV>MJ« bptl)ei»?pttnge0bf«)c?«)?opl)et0:S)oint!)eocpoation , oftl^ebo'oHc Pv«t«*^- %(||a»aj5jpcr'C,^t t!jt0^ol^&;^ptrr^ |^v3Iol)ii, Ijatl) I)ptl)cr bojtrowfe The Preface, «ce tteaceo boohc. tt>bae nttv SdcD nil W tl^c0 dat oft^ ^crtpntrcff, o^ to beatttifie ant) confirmc lent? p]io8' bt0iD}itmgc0 bptl)e fcnpture. liBut cl)tefli? ti)i0 boobe of £>.3lol)n table tDtngaf (ettctt)fo3it^ tl)e htngboine anb pjieft^QDe of our iloju and fauiour 31 cs '■"' "*"*'' fua Cl)?ift, tl}e power, glojip, mto inateftte, of 1^(0 d^oDbcD ano mans })0l),anD t^emtdctf onbDcritieof t)i0rebanption. $no II Doubtiv^e- ti)n:nc]ct tl)C <]5ofpell) ti)ere map befounDctnanpot^erboolieof^e (crtptttre mo;e gooDlp anb mo;e goblpanb &t&ircrtptton0ofCt);ta. ^etti^cr boe 3 beftre, tl^at crcDtt {^oulD be gcucntto tbefc mp tDOitOC0: let tl)e tnallbc mabe of i\)t tbmg tt fdfe.yca tl^e cl^urcb alfo, tbe ci;ofat Cpoufe of Cl^^'tft 10 patntcb out mod bcauttfullp, anb (be ivitb bcr ber tue0 anb btcc0 10 toucbeb, anb alfo tf)e fall of bcr, anb itbcvrifc tl)e re= {laratton anbrcfo>matton,aitb tl)c conflict 0; fig'^tof t]}c fame, i^ ere be mo^ieoncr bcfcrtbeb tl)e pa tU, apbe, anb btcto^ic0: ti)at pou map feme to^ne^ein.anab^ibgcKientof tbc ftoitpoftbccburcl). !^t;tcouer» ttappearct^t)pti)t0boobeS»t)ati0tI;etrue anb fmcere boctrtns tnt^e Cbtttcl) of e C^rci). id uniting IplsetDpfe ail tl)e ivtcbeb , ioit)) all fuperftttion anb tongoblpnefTe : anb to l»ee Cbo;t . no iotjiere ncglectpng t^c c^ofcn, no •' tob^c fparing tl)e enemies. T£> efibe0 tl)i0 it frttctl) f oztl) to bs , tlje DefcTtptionalfooft^elDctttll,anbof all i)t0 malltce anbSvarre:il^nb (ettit^ befo;ie our epes alfo, tl)c bo.irlbleto;imente0 , anb papne0 tl)ae t^fufferinljell . 31tfettetl^optntob0l)eauenit felfe ,anb (bRo^ etl^tobat map be tI)C bope of tbe faptbbat i0 tbe true rcpentaunce of tbe faptbfuil, bere arc taugbc tbe true goob^o;iHe0 of tbc true f apt!) , ^b^t be tbc butic0 of true pis etie, anb i»bat be tbe bolp c]cercifc0 of tbe ^apnt0 on eari.b, bew anb / acceptable buto (0ob . I^er p are Ht^vxi^ alfo moft biligentlp tbofe fvics feeb ^teitu, Svbi^ arc to ^tten bp f fpirtt of an apoftle. 0^ ttbae ^nb all tbefe matters arc fctfo^tb anb banbleb after an Bpodolick meane anb waner, anb tbe accuftomcb facion of bolp fcnpture , plapne anb full of in «bat ro)t perfpicuitte.^a^t tbc beginning (0od p^iopounbcb \31mM matters ,anb ibefeawfct fucb as concerneb our faluation,aslt5»erel5nbcraUaple,anbbnber "^' figure0: not to tbc intent to barken oj obfcure tbem:but ralbcr to bna lolbe tb«nanbfettbrmfoo;itl). 5?©? tljismancr of beclarlng imiiGble tbinges, bp bi(ible: is mo;e tt to teacb, mo;e mectc to moue, mo^ apt foj^ per rptcaitte, anb motlxonuenicnt anb requiate ,tbat tbuic(0 map iw Ji»»^zti^ tmp^iate^ in tnpnDe,anD tb< UfTr fall oitt jPltbe tai^MIni 5!.ji tbtrfojt 'f>W '^;.^. The Preface. ti)crcfo;ic S»e rcbc tljaf^CppU;? tjifionsr, iocrccylHbitclitot^epatrfc: atcljes, as to abjai)am, yUuW3 cCqjt), ^l^ofcs anu ort)cr0.Ccncjaf if ^ou taUe from tl;e boofecs of t\)t p?opl)ctc0,t})cjr t)i&on0, parabU'0, ano funB;? figure© of fpcad): l)0ro muctj , 3i p;in^^oii, UiaUpeu ;caue of tljctr loctnncr'among0t^efc, tl)C notableftmloifiDn0arca£5fCi)tct, JDamell , anD 5acl)anc . i^cvtl)cr 10 tl)ts jnr.r.n: of tcacljrng bp i)i= fionfi, parablc0, niiD funli^iv fisures, taUr.i a\»a? m rtjj new tcftaHient: ^ IpUc a0 31 Ijaue Q)a»cD cl0i»5)crt. Cl)C t crp fto?p of tbc Cofpdl Dort) figuratc anD tenet) mod tljingeiB b? parable©. ?;na ^ . 3 o})n ijimfclfe mt)t0»i5ofpcil,is\Jcrpmucl)mtbe mention of ligl^t, tjarfene0,b?caD, 5batcr,a^^cpcr5,fi)cepe, anbfucl) ottjerlyfee. JjntfjcmcancSD'o^le 31 am not igno;ant,l)0vo great a Difference, tljerc is bctu-ccn parablco, ifi9rtapl)OjCj503i2tUego;itcs, anD tirion0.'S5utioboagameKnou'ctlJ not, tljatmtcactimg, anb fctttngfeo?tI) of matters, tl)emancr of atbcr be after a fo^t all one, anb of t^e fame effect :• :f oz tljcp feruc foj plat>n= nc0 anD perfpicuittc. llSut as foj fuel) ajat tl)mbe,anD not axuffe, f pa= tables taken oftartblp tljinges. Differ tserp mucl) from bcautnlp Difj= ons, let tbcm cofibcr \)Qxo tljefe cclcftiall Difiono are ejrtjibitcD to | aipo (He. ^. 3 o^H, bp Cb;»ft now remapnmg in l^eaucn , f requiring tf)at ^i0feruaunte0,l)aiimg t\}t^% mmDes iiftcD bp to beaucnlp tbmgcs, fljoulD learne tofauourfpintuall matters, irbcrcmljepetntuertiicicjtf l^atl)ObferucDplatnencsanDper{picuitie.3f«Ppofc Derclpt^tsboobe ^j,, 1,0-1.- to be fimple anD plapnc to tbc faittjfnll, tl)at ioill r tab it attcntiuclp anD jg pinvWe « SoiftDeuotion.^ graunt^ tbeolDecicpofitoursoftJisboobcljaueftic^ may iwbn-- fecD full oft m eicpouDing f famc,f coulD not altoapes iumDc tl)efcUte5 trrftinDcb. out: but m tijc mcanc fcafbn it is cuiDent, ti)at t^e fame men l)aue fapD oftnertbenoncCjtbat^arDtlp QjoulD tljisboofec be tinDcrftanD before ttiDcrcfulfiUcD. "ainD inDeDc to tljofe auncient fatljcr^, tbetoifionof 3DantcUfaneD Ijtterlp moft obfcure. iBntioIjen fuel) tbingts ioerc ac* cotnplifteD,asl)ebaDl)iD\3nDcr figures, tl)cre S»aKteD not tijat fapD, IjotD l)e ^aD S»?itten a fto;ip of things Donc,^^ not a p^opbccpc of tijings tobeDone.mnD our i.o;D bitufclf alfojmf gofpelof ^. fl^atbeu^fnpt^ TPbcn pou 0)311 fee tt)C abomination of Dcrolatxon,^I)tcl) ivas fpol^en of bp JDanicl ttjc p?opl)ct, ftanbing in t}}e bolp placcbe f reaDet^ let l)im tnberffanD. 3E)otl) not Cfap alfo m a maner in all bis p;iop^ecxes,aftcr f accompliCbtncnt cf tbc comming of Cb;ift, anD bi0 womife moft of '^ miftcrics of tbt femgDome of (SoD,femelilia»ifcto bauecomptlcDa moft plapne Ijiftojp ^ :2iinD Doubtlcs , if SuertaDc ioitl) Diligcncet^is CamcbooHc off 3tpocaltps,anD confer tl)Ofetl)ingsSDl)icl) IjcfpeaUetlj )jnDerafliaDoxxjiDit^tbcramctl)atilo;iesteftifietobcDonc: xoz Q;ail fap alfo, f Ije tclletlj plapne bifto?ics • 31 bawe bercip loucB t!)is beoUe ftommppoutl)t)pSDarD. 3i)aucglaDlprcbinit, f bcftotPcD mud) la= tour ,t^crcbpon, obferuing ioljattbinges it l)aD out of f booties, of p p;topl)ets,$ beto pp?opl)efieBl)ercof BiD agree Sottl) fotl)crp;opbcfica( off piop^ets, « Doctrine of t^eSlpofties. 31 IjaucfearcbeD finally, af- ter ti)C capantp of mp fhlcDcr 5»(t, Diucrs fto^ics, S»bicl) 3 tbougbt to ntalic fc; tl)c opening of y fence of ti)i0 p?opl)ectf . 31 l)ane fearcbeD alfo ti)eopiTO50of otber cppofitours: 31nD baucDiiigentipcompareD botofe IjoU) matters, fcb'iCl) are Done nortj in our tpmc,tpid)tbis narrationof iBobn: bp ail tl)c ioljidj tbmgs,^ cbtcC;' being apDeD bp f ^dpe of (Sod fcijicl) 3 caUtb fo?, 3i Ijauc sati;eTCD fuel) tl)m2S a* Ji new do comu= ^.i^'. Btcatf The Preface, ntcatc to V 50DI? rca^ct0.1^crcunto came alfo f fmgtdat learning « l»i« ligetice, anD aptncp m cypoimtmig tl)el)Olp fcnpture^ of tl)e moft 505- %>«rt .T^eoi Ip man. 5D . Cl?eoDo;c 25 iblianuer Doctour of Siutnittc in tljc l)mucr=» boite 0\)nt!)anfeful, (^\)zvcxzm^i- nctl) a0 pet a faithful relation of tl)c famc,impimtcD at 15nfpl f pcre of oar jioiD. 1 545:TP!)erm^cD'.fpofct!j t{jt0 booke of ^-3 oljn, fi geuctJ) uoho bane ^ 1^2^^ ^ ^ i*^'^' ^^'^ ^''j^^ notcs.^ainO botl) of t^c oia f ncn? f 3 cou'D witfctjbpa 5et,31l)auercDOucrnamclv1trctas(,yfuccc(ro?8faim)^ca3 biOjopof tbs Spoca-. Cetaria,;iimafiusai5tfi)op of JEtiw-iriei tl)cr l)auc 3! contemned Cl?omns of 1Jlqumc,no; bifptfcb tlje ojDmari? gloft, 30 tljep tcrmc it,of tl)c newer fo;t, 'S>t'^). ^ebfiftia ntcpcr mi= niftei: of t^c cljurclj of Ii5arne0.]cjc.i?earesfmce. aman of great \jertii anu learntng, 'i»l)0 fattl)fuU?, ano not ioitljout great fr mte trauelea in e)cpounDmgti)p0 bofec, i»l)ofc cotnmentaric© bpo tlje 3!pof aUp0Si3CT8 tmpjintto manp peres fmceat 5«rich, bp mp frcnft 5frcfcl)0ucr . 3lnD fi). :f raunces jlambart of aiucnion , a nioft goDlpf eicceUcntlearacU man bati) labourco in ocpounmngjtljc fame boofec, ic^o IjaD Srft pjtn= ~ reD it at ig^arfepurge, tl)e nobte bniueratie of ^ efTia: ^nD after in tt)e fame citte ne caufed to be p^inteD ant) fetfe;ttt),feuen bohe0 of tl^e ejcpoft tion t^erof , tbe i?ere of our ILo^iD. 1528. !gl9ojicotter, t^ereS»a0 imp?tn teD at wittebergan^a^np a commentarp bpon tl^e apocalipfe, 'bof.iu ten an^ttnD?et^ pcareg paft, ano fcnt to J>. i^utljer out of t^c furtiieti: tnoft part0.ef (^ermanp, namelp out of ^armatia anb tartaria,ix)l)!c^ 31 reD alfo: a0like)rtfe certen tl)png0 of 3D. ILttt^er0 bpon tl;i0 boeHc of ISenelation.llllnDljcreJl map not forget XMc mofte]cceUentiearncl» men, iolnch baue rigl^tiyellbeferucli of learning, €rabnn0 of S(oter Oame, anD ILaurecc ^alla, iol)0 l)aue alfo left tl)ep;t annotation0 bpcn t!|p5boobe.ai5p all S»l)ofc labour 3B confcfTe mp felfe to be tocrp muc!) l)0lpen: ioljic^ 31 recite francKlp fo; tl)p0 pourpo0 , tljat 31 tooulD bjf- (emble not^png, no;t feeni to offentt agapn^ crueltp, 9% to befraub anp manSo^ongftiUpof I)t0 beferueu pjapfe: 3Iln6 t^crfoye 3 abmoniO) y goWp,tbatif3 fccmetoanpmatoljaucDone anp tl)!ngmtl)i0&o?He |)?apfcS»o?tl)p,l)c map bnouj tl)at 3 Ijauc Don not!)ing fcitbcutcoaDiu ionr0: $nb t^at Jjc refer tl>i0 fet)Ole bentfit to <©aD tl)e autljo; anB f ous tapnofaUgooDne0, fgcue bimtl|anh0tt)erfo;e. 3! nB all tljefc tilings of mpne3 WopounD to be iubgeb of tl)cgoblp reaDcr0anDl)earcr0, tl^at tl)ep map tabe tbat CboU fecme §ool»l^erein: anb bcre 31 fceme to fjaueerreb from t^e rig^t rule, t!)ep map efcl)ew tbe fame, /^cpt^er ioiU 3 wntenD&itl) anp man, neitl)er ieiil^ enup better learncb, 0? better C)ccrcifeft febereof fome Ijzue p^omifcD aivcaBp commcntarpcfi J)pontt)p0boofee. 3f tl)epb;tingfo;ttl)bettcrtbingc0,3am ait»apc0 y*teabp mp felfe not onelp to receiuetljetit, but alfo to geuel)im tljanfeca tljat offcret!) tljefame . 3;n tbe meane feafon 31 put out mp talent, S»l)icb 31 Ijauereceiueb of t'rje ILojb , tljat 31 map Soinnefomc luKn; SDitlj it for, mp 1, oj8. 3iKb 3! befecl) t^e JLojtt f \)t 5em pjofpcr it iucll, ano blcffe t^i0 mp fimple trauell. l^ere mo?eouer 3 taUe (15 ob to &)itne0, tbat 3! Ijaue tafec tW pain f 0; no p^iuate ^attcD t9i;carii9 mt ma»,fo^ no Defirc of rapipng no2 f oji The Preface, (Rt19 fntcnt fj^iocttre ani» ma0 bifpleafurcbnt ruttpl)» to oet)Otmt> tl){0 c)c^ ^bat tbefe (Client 9 rt<^l)t p;io6tablebooHc of tbenen? teftainet, 5tB{)0 baue latclp £& couoittonff nip conunctanes fct fojitl) all t^e rcHfiue of tljc boo&c j5 of tlje new tcfta- «« frcniif mct.lUnD bcfiDcg all tbi»,inanp goBl? $ leames meoiitof(HC;ipplnce5, 'kj'"'"' in tljcir letters f»?ittc to mc , bauc requircQ mp cypofitto bpo tl)e a;po= caltpie.£)fi»bofciuDgcmcntbpcaufe3R inaHc great account : 31 Did in becbmoje cafclp cofcnt tottjiscbitio.ainD ialK^'^a i«f meanc t(mctt)c IjatcfuUcaufc of 3^nttcb;ift(asinanpmecaUit) came in t!;c I cgpnnpnf of tbc iDO^Uc to be banoieD, 3. ncitber ouebt, no? intsbt Diffcmble it* iSi^ojcouer , tbis is plame,tbat J bawf fcjoiigbt foztb notbing in tbts matter,^ ts ncvoc, ftraungc, o;i tbat batl) notbecne bcarb of: nettljer lo 3! role tbi0ftone alone. 5ro? all tbc 5i)0?lDcrictboiit,tbat no otbcran- ticljjill fl)all comt into tbe 5»e;ilD,tbe ^c tijat t0 conicn air eaDp in f :25!3 ftops of ifioine:wl)0 fbal m tbc tncane tunc bcflainc 5»itl) tl)c f\vo?t) of <5eD0S»o;tt)tntbcbarts oftbefaitbfuU, ? Ojo^tlvbciui^olpabobfl^cb, bp tbc glojioiijB coming of Cb^ft bnto inbgcmcnt.31; * 3 O^ab fupp^clTf f conccalc tbiiJ tbins,tbe ftoncs S»iU crp out. f^i non? 10 f time f«t5l3 lGD,f tljc femgDom of dpoD is comc.li5lc(Teb,f fo; cucr blcltcD be tl^ofc, *^^^ ^^^*^ * tbat Sxjatcb (I icoBcf o;i C t);ift bnto faluation-lR remember an bolp bp= ^f JtiiS" C)opfapQ,atboufaDffcurelium»:fbpeare0fince:iv})crca03!nticl)?ift x\)m tijc * l^et0butaferuatttbci9tllbeiDo;tfbippcoa0<5oD.'^ei'tulltananl) ^. popet? an* ^icromc,(a0 35 baae fapD now oftcncr tben 6ncc)ljaut cxpou5ebtbi0 tict)>itt. pzopbccieof ^.3ol?n toucbtng 15abtlon,of ISomc plainlp . (iSrcgo^p f firft of tbat namc,tobo ioas alfo Bptbop of IRomc, t»a0 not afrapD to ^"^,5?*^ ^* monounce opcnlp, tljat be 5»a0 f forerunner of ainticb?ift, that iooulb "*« iO»1?«* luffcr l)im fclfc to be callcb tl)C bniuerfall f b^Sb ^tfbop. ^ wt tljcn bitt tbc ai5pfbop of C6ftatinoplc,bfurpt to bint felfc tbi0 tTtle,i»bo ran be» fo?ctbc latter bpfbops of IRomc.^inb in tbei;)i:]cb. (gprffleto^obnbi* Jbop of Conftattnople:1Jlll tbingc0(faptb i;e)tbat are fpofec befo;ic, art fcone.Cl»efepngofp?il)C,toSDit3lnttcb?iri,i0atbab:3!nb(vSx)i)tcb tsf notlairfnUte bc(poHe)an armp of ^?icac0i0 pzeparct) fo;i"l)im. S^ tbcp feme m y ban^e of p?it)e iDl)icb ieere placcb to be guiBe0 of batui= Ittic.ainb tbcie tbingo S»;ote (!5resoip,i)c. b«nb?eb 5 efticpearegfuice. 2trnulpbus amaberpgoilpanDlearntb,l(5pUjopof ^^leance. 550. ao..nlpI'HiS pearejs fiHCc in tbc counfcU of lRem0 , fpeaHing opclp of tl)C )i5 7 fl)op of ©^bjop of lScmc,b?aUceutattbclaftintotl)cfeiDO?r)r0.'XDl}attl)m%Gvoubimto ua«?. bctbat fittctl) m f big^) feat,in tbc purple garmet,glin-cringtDitb golD:' Syb6,3 fap,tbinfec pou l)im to be:'2Ilerelp,if be be beftitutc of cbarttie, * bcpuffcbbp.f cjctcllcb Sritb onelp Kncvolcbge , be i0 3tnticb?ift, fits tpng in tcpic of (15ob,? beaftpng btm fclf,20 tbougb be ir ere dSob.llSut if be be ncitljcr grofibcti bpo cbaritte, no? pet tx^Mtb ioitt) fenowlctgc, be i0 in tbc tcple of (0cb an 3boU.Cl;tis far be: tuljo feemctb bp tbcfe bis fc)o?D3,to bauc allubcb to f places cf Scripture. ^pocahpfe.;cijc. 2. t0ix>;tittentl)ename of rcp^ocl)c:3'! am <0ob, 35 ca not erre:^e Gttet|j tn tbctcple of ^0D,f rulctlj farrc $ nerc . 3nl» aUtleafter,t^emaie(heoff people of lHoiKe,^l)crcv»itl; intpmc0paft t!)eS»o;lb iDa0 gouem?b,i0 tfhen cut of tljic eartl) . Cbc hpngbomc i0 tnuUiplieb,f gouemmctbifperfeD into manp,cut of Jcffcncli , 7, i»il not m pcece0.C!)« ^Empcrour ,10 a bapnc calipng, 5 10 onclp a fbas bow.Cljerc bejc. bmee0at onc0, iobicb banc partcb tl)C i»o;ilb, 5»l)ic^ ?nc0(S»l)icl) tljitig to ^.iHufte femco tncrcbible) Curfec©, ^reUC3,'atffnca0,Cgpptia0,^panparte0,:frfc})men, CngliOjmcn, <]5crmane0,^icilia0,3!tal{a0bopiofeire tbe^omancp?euincc0 ,$m tlje l)auebeftropcl) f ISomanc inl)abitcr0: 3lnb a litle bojnc Ijatl) grotrS tjp bnbcr tbcfe,tbat t)atb cpecanb a moutl) fpcahing great tl)inge0.3!t bat^bjougbtm fubicctio eCpcciallp tbc t^!tecKpnsbotnc0Of S>i"'ie, 3= talp,f ©crmanp,f compdlcD tbc to fcrue l)im, S»itb mtollerable tfi.d.\H' np:it bcjcctl) tlje people of Cb?iil,? tht faintC0 of d^obut confoftbetb all tbtt?ngcfl bel)pr«> bpin aga^nft tl)e Ifeca of 18ome,agapnft t^e court tljcre, and ac gapnft t^c ?&opc,tl)at if tJjcp iocrc compareD &)itl) tijefc tfjingcs, S»l)tc^ tn our time. 3D .ilutbct S»?otc moft btttcrl|> agamftlS omc,l)c map feme to betotterlp^aquifteo of tjtm.lCn t!)e %%.atantnH#« Jlcvpce t\)c + agapnft tl)c ^opc,tol)«ctn Ijcmucpctl) fljarplp againft f biftopof 18omc,f l)i0tv?amcaUatcc0.3Gnf fa»neage,tofoefttTOOl)ft= mtcDcl Ce- D?ebpcarc0 paft,fio;iiflKO alfo ^icl)acllCcfcna0, gcncrall of ttje ^u hnag, ito^ic0,i»l)O opcnlp accufcb tl)e |i)ope as ^nticlj?ift , f tlje €l}urci) anb &ee of lRomea0 ttjc&l)Oze of ll5abplon bjonKcn i»itl) tljc bioub of ^ a---„,^ wintco.Uln !)unb?cb pcarc? ftnce Imeb JLaurence Slalla , a gcntiema of ^aiia lRoniGOfanobUl)Oufc,4ol)oalfoDibfct^iinfelfe agapnfttl)c popc$ t?monU tljclRomtfb^cc,fojt})etol)icl) caufdjcSoaobjiue tntoc3ctlc:"batoft!)e mug s«cet in t^e frcfb mcnio^p of men, iotjerc it iDa0 bone about ttfc peare of •or JLo;ib.i+99-Tet3Pol)» iP'^ai»ce00icu0 tCarleof jaSiranbttlacala letl) tljefame ^auonarola, an Ijolp |D;iopljet.^lbeit ^ /I^anclerufl Ggs ntfietl) in \}ia fto;ip f \)t Bpb manp tl)ing0 fo? ambitio fabc 9 fo? Dapnc Slo;p. Xnb ^arriitu0 ifictnu0 attributeti) to tl^efame ^auonarola tliefpirtte of p:opl)ccp,inacerteine (Cpiftle. ^art^ermo^c^fjiUipputf Comines an li^i(lo;iiograpt}er icoitneiTetl) tljat ^eSoaB an ^olp man.anD ban ti)c Cptritc of p;opl)ccp « ir o;i tbep fap l)Ovo }jt p^opljecicb of ^t facs kpngof iPlo^encef &ome,anb of tl)erefiauratid o;i ref o;imation ofti)t c!)urcb f of manp otber tl)pngc0 tbat fljoulb cljafice bnto 3Italp,i»^id) cantetopj(rctt)c'rcintl)emcane fcafon. 31 rcmctnbcr , feljen 3B ioajB poung J followcD mp ftubp in ftii);ip bniacrfittc©,!', baue^carb certaut blacbe jPricr0fap,t^at^auonarolap?ouofeeb tbe inbignatio ofmieic* anber tbetoi.f of tlje court of iSameagapnftljtin bp notf)png mo;c,ti)eit foj f l)epzeac';cbagapnfttl)emin31talptl)eaipocalipfc of^*3Iol)n* ■jrljat fljoulb 31 fap,tl)at t!)c walDenrian0 foure Ijunbjcfi pearc0 paft in ^rauncc,3!t*dp,(0ermanp,ll5ol)crae,^olanb , f in otljer partes of tbc ft)Ojiib,piofcfrmstbc dKofpcll of 3Icru0 Cljjift, accufcb tl)e ^pfljop of IRoMte toitl) biucr0 tD;iitinge0,« continuaH p;cac!)png a0 tlje berp 3n- t{cl);ii(l , p?opl;ccieB of bp g> . 31 oljn tl)c Ulpoftlf ,f tl)cr f o^e to be abbo?5 rcb Cl)cp tbcm fclucs bepngput to mod greuou0 to;imcntc0, ^aue co=: ftantlp teftificb tljetr faptl) bp glo?iou0 martp?boinc0, f ftill bo at ^)\» bap.5ro;ttl)ep couib ncucr be rooteb out,iDl)icl) tf)pngnottt?itI)ftanbpng ^att) been full oft attcmpteb bp moft tmgl)tp kpngc0 anb piincco, tnfpi= teb bptbe bpfl)op of iaome,tl)eiDiH of (00b being ort)Cvruife. I15nt fobp tcl)carfe31 t^cretl)inge0,fincet^i0pcarc.if56.S»a0p2intcbatli5arill, aiigooo mi aregifterof tlj«fDitneirc0of tljcberittc ,f»l)iri)bcfo?courtptne , banc arau tfmeg fpobeigapnftt!je|5ope,iol)etcof tl)enomber inbcebctc grcat,anb t\)c ''a»p fpohcn mo;epartoftbcmcidlebt^eBptl)opofl8oinc,iditbcatan^p:oucrbc, ft8aT«tttb« tljat 3lt^ticl)?ift,to^icl| f^ouJb come into tijc fe>o?U) • .Cl;ei fo?e it is niaa ^^^^' The Preface. itif eft ,t^at 31 in t!)ifl(m^ Suotbe b^t^ng tov^ no tntvonteft tijtns.e^ tfjat l)atl) not been l)earD of before , feyng ti)at now ioe t>oc i^Iapneii? tnDer« ndu tt?at ti)i0 fong t^atl) tnfo manp aged been fongen^io^itten, painted, p;ttntct>,ct bcdten m of tbc beft,^olpeO;,f nioft ejccellentleamcD men, ^en ^ confirmcb too,i»itl) tbebnmcaiurableblouD of fl^atti^fi.iffurttjer* !uoje,if an? rcmame tl)at be acGrou0 of goob tljingefiamogcft tb#^ps (l)ops ojpjclatcs of t})e cljurc^j , f in tl)c clergp itfclfejlct tlje not be ofa f cncco 'uirti) mc , in cafe anp io^crc in cjcpounDpng ttjc 5llpowlipfe , 31 b?png f o?tl) tljcir fapmgw f Do?nsc0,fj compare t^e it tt^ tf)e ^poftlejS Daniel. li. too?i>eiB:ilettl)cratl)cibeDifpIcalc5'ix)it{) t^iroxvcniDO?i)0 f Dcebe0, fpofecn f bone bcnDC0 6^ acnpnft <5oD0 SrojD.aict tljc lenuc bopng t^at t^ep uo;Tca,lel i\}l doc pcnauncc, fo fl)ai tljcp ^auc pjiapfc in t!)C cbnrcl; of ^aintc0.2l5ut if tljep 1)01D on cuen againft tl^cir confcicncc to bdfenD ^ waintaine ttjcir femDc of lyft , tljcir plcafurc0 , tbcit ricl;c0, tijctr ^o= iiOHr0 5 bignitic0,f to acaife,pcrfccutc ^ nnirtljcr tf)cp?eacber30f tbe t)etitic,a0 cncmic0 of f djurcb'.lct tl)c taHc becb,i!jat tljat tljpng cbauce not to tbcfobenip iol^ici) tbc <0ofpcll recttetl),of { D;ionhe fcruattt,fo!)0 Math.i 4 . t»pD))C)cc f fceatcl)i0frilOK)fcruaritc0: biiti»a0 of t^c c!)icf aLojiDbpm fclfe taHen bnroarc0,S»!;cn be tbougl)t Icaft of it,$ bewen all to peece0. fCtje apota'- C!l5utif tljcrciDcrcGUcranp tpinebcrctofozcSD^crinitbcbouctbto upfc in otic fct f o^tb,to bxgc,f beate in tl)i0 boctnne to all tbe people : it 10 c^iefl? rv»nc iff not neceffarptobebonemtbieourtinic. :lrojtbi0 agcof ourcbatb tntbi ouei^ pjofi'- pope0 bpngBoine,fi)arpc f quicUc itjittc0 , fcbicb contenb i»itb inarucs tabic but tii'. JOU0 pjap(c0,bot]^ tbe pope $ tbe popifl; c^urcb,? perfuabe ^ Djiue into ceflAcr* tl)e ^eabe0 of tijetjnlcatucb fo;it,clcane cowtrarp tl)inge0 to tbe Cuans gelicaUf ^poftolicali Doctrine, i^o^ieouer tbepbaue Sooberftii crafted, Sobertoitlj tl)e Soittier number are alfo Difccaucb . Cbcp l)auc ioealtl^ f ncbt0,autboiitic,armure,muniti6,tb?Gatnin20, p?omifc0 ^ to;tmcnt0, S»berbp feme ftrong alfo arc maDc iuerp , (t are baUD avoap to tbe |d0:: pifb part . Cbete be manp ioit^out cjcpcrtence , ix)l)tcb eft cme not tbif tbpng,a0it ougbt to be eftemeD.^uclj care not no? pnfTc not iobat relis gion be p;eacbeD,iBbetber it be Cuangclicall 0; popia),ojt iz>bat tbpnj be eitber beUneD,o; not beleueb . 5F0; tbcp fuppofe ail tbefe tbinge0 to concemctijcm notbing.3Intf)C meanefcafon manp periflj ^ are msaits ger,not afcro fall alvoap,Diuer0fticUc inperpicictic,* tbe hpngD^me of CbMft is e«t fl)0?t . iro? tbe ^apifte0 omit notl^png. iobtcb map mabc foj repap^mg cf tbcir hingDomc,? fo;i tbe pulling Down of tbehingDom of Cb;>ft • Cbetfo;e S»bcr c a© tbcfe felloi»f0 fparc nettbcr papnc0 no; coft,fo tbep map turne all rljingcs to opp^iciTc tbe f aptb of tbe cojpo?aUS»eapon0,faue onelp &itb tbe fiuo^D of (I5oD0&jo?d.5Fo? now it is neeDcfull tbat 2I!uttcb?ift PooulD toajcc tilc,5 pctifbcin tbe mpnDc0 of mtn,tbat Cbi^ift alcnc mtgbtliuc agapnc,anD be glo^tficD fojeuer. 2inD tin0 mp C)cporuion 31 b fcrnio0,(luCicng mud),fo;tb?eutti);ainD otbcr tbings, namclp fuel) as coccrne tljc cofcrring of tong0, $ tbc K^nDc f maner of fpcaKpng,f fuel) otber li^e, J reljcarfta not to tbe cogrcgatio; but bauc fo?tttcn tt)e bcre in mp fcrnion0,to tl)C p;io5t of tbofe tbat 5»U1 confcrre ti)cfe ti)ing0 togctl)cr mo;ie Diligetlp . 3. t Q)albe tt)c part of tljcpjeacber to baue a rcfpcct ebicflp to fucb tbmgs a0 maUc boti) fo;i t\)z plapnc0 of fpcacl),tbat l)C map be bnDcrftanti ,mc of tV)c groffca fOit:f alfo fo;i tl)c gOificng of t^ auDiecc,tl)at l)C i>}vivx netbpng , tl)at fl)OulD ittle pioQtc. 3Let cucv"^ ma tl)evf07e applp tljcfc tl)mgc0 to ttjc eDifieng of tbc cburcl) Soljcrc l)C i0,})anpng conGtierattcn of tl)c place,tpmc, ^ pcrfon©: ytt ab tDapc0 obfcrupng f tnic fence of tbe booKc, cj of (I5OD0 S»o?a.5f 0; l)io= let 5»;c(hng0,f long Otgreflio0 far from tl)c purpofe,l)f fcruc no pjapfe in p^ieacftpng : no mo?c Dotl) our fro arupng cuermucl) from tl)e plapnc fence of t$e^cripturc,tol)eu)cboultout31 iuotnotiobat mi(lerie0. ^nDaUtt)iK&}0^be cempilcObpmp great labour anD traueU , but tr^^e teUn^ c1)teflpbpd)esraee6f(0oti,totI)eslozpof3efuCl);ifl;,anD&;tfttento t^ng of^s t^e faluation f confirmation ef ^i0 aSIict^D Ct)urc^, 3Q tteOlcate te poa toojHe. bonf (bed meii,ajE(-tttanp of ^ou a0 are D^incn out of ifraance,(IBnslam), 31talp,f ot^er tealme0 f nation0 fo;t 31 efu0 ^Wft f tl)e (I5ofpel0 fake f Dwell tn (^ermanp,^nii(rcrlab,f otl)er placeiir,%o!)ere (0oD ^atb pets mitten poa:aint) alfo 31 Debicatc ti)i0 mp $»o;ilic to all pou,fel)ici) being feifperfcD infonDjp rcnlme0 f nation0 , are confecratco ondp to Cbjift our 3Lo;ia,looSpng f oji l)i0 compng to iuligemet«3n tl)C febici) i»c fl)aU ijnDoubtcWp be Dcliuerco at tl)e lad from all euil0 , $ tben (ball be mabe ti)at fortunate rcftitutionfolongloofeeofojiinall agc0mo(l e)cp;ie(relp f confl:antlppjtomifeb,botI)bptbc^?opl)cte0^3lpoftle0.3nD furtlp ^OttrgoDlp5cale(baniQ)cD b;ietl)^en ) iobicl) bat) ratl)cr fo;ifafec pour Adl.3. cottntrcp,tl)en tbe <15ofpell,>T to i»ant pour tempo?all commoDttie0,tl)c to bepolluteb &itl) a rdtgto citraungcb from Cl):ifl:,bcfer«etb no fmal pjapfctBut poa bauc neebc of confl:acic,$ toonbcrfuU pcsticnc c,tbat afc tcr pott^aue been trpeT),pou map vecciac tf)e croconc of Ipfc , feljicl) t'nc ^^mes r. HojtD !)atl) pxomifeb to tbcm 'mW^ pcrf eucr bnto tl)C eno . i'^\)z !)caue= Math . 1 4 . Ip regeneration botl) not fo cl)aunge t)0,btit tbat fome fioubtfull ^ trott= blcfome Dicggcsof olD 3^t)am remapne.Cberfojc alwapes tbe rcgene= ratcb fcelc funb?p tetttptations,^ barb confiicte0:tben efpeciallp, feben fucbti)inge0 djaunceaatbepba^lcaft loofeeb fo;i. fCl)c goblptljerfo^c JjaDeaermc^cneebeofcGnfolation . li5uttfti0booKc oftl)e:aipocalipfe Dotb rainifter tbc fatnc iottb great plcntp : fobtcl) if pou faill rcab oucr t»iligentlp,pou fl^ail finDe all tl)png€S tl)at^appen to pou, anb tl)at beice ^ounott)&)itI)papnefulnc0, to bauc been aircabp fopjopbecieb intbi* boofee,a0 tl)cp now come to paff? . T£'i)crunto are anbeb oftctimc0 moft comfO(itableanbftticcte confoiationo. iii^o^eoucrp care not ignojaunt «g1)t^0R0jabUf 9carcii>jct!)?en,!a)^etc^a3nccbto ourfatljeristbcbo- ipeft TheTreface, Ipeft of nil oti)eY0.)^ oto tl)ci» SoanDerefi tn manf.onjBi tonccrtainc, $ 1)Ofo tl)cp i^cmcanet) tl)cnt fciuco in tt^ofe mod papncfull flttt^nge0. you ton- DetftanD not to fpcaUc of 2(ib?albam, ^fa^c. 3!acob, f Jiofcp^ :i»I)ofe rcniou^nge0out of Cl)alDcp into )dalc(ltne,fromti)cncc into <3gi»pt,f agajjnemto palcftme,?^ from tljenccagatne into ^Pina,f agapncinto ^alcQmcf Csppt,arei:oeUhnoti0cntott}cS»l)Oleix)o;lo . ilfoxvioijat feanilb«»entcj5 ^ perils ttjat 5»o?tl)p feruaiit of djoferartjcr to fuf cr aouerfttic ^iti) tl;e people of d^ob , tl)en to eniO|> tl)e pleafurejs ofrmnef0?afeafon:3lnbl)ecftcmebtl)c rcbufec ofClj^ift greater rt= c^cffctljcn tije tveafurcs of Cg^pt, fo? Ije bab rcfpect Vjnto tl)t rewarb. XPl)at 0)311 ior fap to tl^is , tl)at our ilo;ib 31 efus Cl);ii(l i)tm felfc Soas conftrcinebini)t0infanctc tofleeintodEgppt.euenin l)^s fioabblpng cloutefi,tcacl)png \)iis to fuffer cjciler'W^o is reab alfo in the (J5ofpcll to l)aucfapb : :if ojccs l^auc l)ole0 , anb tl)c bp?bcs of tljt ar>?e Ijauc nefte0. ,, ai5uttI)cfonne ofmanljatlj not&l)crconto reft l)i0i;eab.£Dfainti= Daniel. 1 1 • cl)?ift ice reab in beebc t!)at JDaniell pjiop^ecicb: to!)om SdIjo fo Soill acs bnorolebge ,l)eir>tU promote l)tnt to great ^ononrs anb mabe l^tnit^e |Lo;ib of tiianp,anb f^allbtftribute ttfc eartl) fo; mone^ . Contrarpxoife Sse ^allt)eareinti)e.] of t^is books, tl^atbotl) C^^tft anb tl)e . . Cl)urc^ ^10 fpotife,faffer greuon0 pcrf ecution bp tl)e S>;iason : Cbat phil. lij . l)atti)ingc0 foetter be l)pm felfc 4tt the (25ofpeU anb t^e %b},op\)ttcs anb 3lpeftle0 \)&t\f p^omifeb . Of t^e SDbtcbtnoft ample i)opttbi0 bookeof ^pocalipfemoft plentpfnU| anb gooblp bifcourfetl),mftructpng all t^at bcfire to Ijcare ccrtaine tljingetf anbmodfuUofcomfo^t.tllinto allpout^erfo^e cjdlcsanb goblpt^os rougljont tbc iDl)Oleioo;lb,&!)icb befirpng tl)c commpng ofCbjift our ^o^b anb iubgc of all,31 offer anb commcnbe anb bcbicatc t^iiS mp labour . IBecetue it 'rooitl) loupngtn]pnbc0 : i»l)icl) 3 fet fo;itl) to none 02 tbcr cnb,buttbat(fleeing 3lnttd)jift) pou fljulb clcaue to Cb?tft alone, fi]q»ng all ^our trud in ^im alone , fo; fomucb ^s ioe looke alreabp fro ieaucn fo^tbe felfc fame JLo;b,tDl)icI) (ball cbaunge our bilcbcbp,tl)at It map be Ipbe f afbioncb tinte bt0! 8lo;iou0 bobp, acco;bpng to tbe )a)Ozkpng , *a)t)cr ebp \)tei0 able to fubbue all tbpnges to I)^nt fdfe . ^ e blcfTe t)S all , anb b;png bs in tbat bap ^ into t^e Cgbt of bis fatber : tbat Sdc map fee br ^ i'-^l-V^ ^hic^ ^t))s,Xi befo;etbi0 teo;ib Svas truibe . Co bpm alone be glo;p . iFrom ^uricfec , tbc monetb of 31 anuarpjin tbepearc of our ilo;b. 1 5 .5 7. H^SEKUOKSOF HEN- ry Biillinger, vpon the Apocalipfc re- uealed to th e holy Apoftic and Euange- liftc Saint John. 4[M(ht autbottr of tht boohe of Hpocaltpfe , of tide argu^ mtnt smn parre£i flberof: i^tnallt> of tbe futiD^s \)(t , ano moK profitable commoDttie of rtjcTame. ^Thefirjl Sermon. ^z l^joplbcte^ of (BoD of tfte olDe wijatf»cr« STcftament , toece i5oDs meflcngcrs to tftc ^^^ 0^t> p^o- people , cicpofitottcc of iSaovres^o? of i5otis S?"f^^' ^"^ ,iato,anDeuettecdefiafticalp^eac^cr0,toljic^ [J-Jg ^°^' applteo tt)c oocrrme veueleo to t^e bp i5od anD tafecn out of ti^e laU) of i3oD,to ti^e peo- ple and tpmes to^crtn t^ep liueo , to t^e eoifipng of t^c con^ gregatton . !2lnD tl)cp all tott^ one aerobe ^aue c^teap t^aoleD ttoo tl^vnses in t^cic ^ccnions . foi firft t^ep ecpjoueo tlje co]intpt inanecs of all datea in t^eic tpme, by laying tbeni to it^e rule of i5otis la\»,e]cbo^ttng all men to eepentaunce ton* to i5oD moft acceptable . i^no to manp tbat toere incurable t^ey tbiteatneD all kpnoe of plague0,\ubicb tbep fettpng fo^t^ tuiti) all htmtit of fpeacb , (l)eU3eD tbe plainly to be feen 'mitli tbe eye^if baply tbep migbt fo be tnaoe afrapD^ano bealeD.^e conDlp tbep DpD p^omire , ano out of i5oti0 otone utoutb fet fojtb,tbciLojD cbiift?tbe true (3Eje(ria6:xx>bom alfo tbep oef^s ceibeD liuelp , \x^\x\i bis bolp Cbuecb -, tcacbpug tbe faptb ttt Cb^ift^ano tobat gooo tbpngee ate p^epaeeo fo; tbe faptbfnil in iLbMO:^nD alCo \2)bat be tbe true Duties of goolines.^ei:) tbet baue tbep concealed fucb tbinges as toete neeoefull to be kno\»en conccrnpng ^nticbitftii^omonifUpng tos moSDili^ gentip tbat toe (i)oulD betoate of tbat toolfe, q% ratbet of tbat mod Deepedonge5 of all abominations , ano.tbattxie QjoulD jlauD faQ in tbe fmcece faptb of Cb;ift. ano tbis is not onelp a ^umme of all tbe }a?opbetes of /CWftiwt tbe oti) 2re8amcnt:butaIfo an ab;iDgement of jiaeligion^ani} of ti;ep>(b! a moft perfect maner of tonco^cupteo doctrine , none otber^ pbetcffant tDifetban ittoas fetfojtb euenbpour ILo^d aW^ and bps ^be fum^- apoftles . fl)f tbe jajopbetes tbere te no doubt,con(iDerpng {J^^^f tb^tnoU) tbcfe toiij.peates togitbet, 31 banc expounded ^a^ »"«*•«. nid, ,.y ^< The fir/l Sermon . ,, .; ,^ \ ttid,t5fa^,ftt:i|^t^e Vsudttt id^opbets in to^omtott latteXeeit t\)t fame tl^ingtB opel^. ^n& to t^e itttctit pout iiivnDcs xm^ be ttabitft)CD mtbc fame ttutb , (t tbat pou mappcccciue bovo tbc Doctimeof Cb^tft ann t)i6 ^poQle9 tcnDetb to tbefame Ci)el(ipo- enD: 31 baue ta^rn t)pon me , tbo^ougb t^e beipe of i5oD ann itpfe. ^our ei^pounzi bnto pou t^e i^pocaUpfe , tobtcb ts a Boctrmc concerning t^c matters of Cb^itt^s Cburtb tenc^ led from beauen bp C^^td tn glo;p , a fumme of all Qoblp re^s ltgton,an Cjcpofttton ano bztcf Declaration of tbe }a?opbete0, and confequ^lpa ^^op!^ecie of tl)e nets i;e(lamem anD {Ho^ rpoftbeCbnrcb* i^otDbett,fb;armucba0tbis boobe is befptreti ofmanp Sooo anD toel learnet^men^ anD all men fo^ t^e moO part ate fuUp perfuaDeD tbat it is an t^np^ofttable boolte,3| u^tl fpealtc fome\i3bat of t^e fame matter. :>F!rftmanpmiflifee tbtsboofeefoi tbis caufeonelptbat it Soke tefui ^^ ^"^^ of bifions , tvpcs anD figures . ^oi tbev fnppofe bot33 of figures. tbtsbecommetl^nottbeenangelicallanD 0polloltcall Doc^ ctrineof tbc nebJ 2reftament. 25ut bv tbe fame meane a goon part of H>antell a)oulD be caO ab)a? : ^^icb tieuertbelele is Math 1 4 commenbeD to bs of Cbiitt bV»n fclfe in iKjatbeto.a^be gtea* ted matter of all,namelp' tbe calling of tbe i5Stils,is (be\»ed Adtci-io. to^.}acterbvab(rion,a0appearetbitttbeactes. boto tbe people of f ttebd ^Teflam^ CboulD fee btfions. ^no foDotb tbe bleCTeb ^poOle ^\^ctcv , etpounbe tbe fame place in t^e !3lctes of tbe Si'poa ftleSjfpealtpng of tbe people of tbe neto sreftament. 2ino our i^auiour Cbnft in tbe aofpell , p^opounbeD anbbeclateo t« tbe people tbe mod part of tbe mintfteries bp )^rableff ^ anb in maner b)? fapneD £ables,as tbep call tbem . 0nD bobj litlc tbintce vou Doe tbefe biftons^tvpes.anD fignres of ^.Slobn, biffer from t\)t fame : ^ueb fevu^^^of inDvting Dotb not bars Ken matters but inligbten tbem. ^nD it aiiavlctb berv mucb to tbc fctr^ng out of tbe matter pitbtbelV i»«o plapnlv,anD to tbc flrengt^ening of mcmojv-^o? bp tbis me aue,matters be not onelp Declareo toitb U)o;dcs,(£ b^^trD tottb t^e eates:!^ ut alfo are fet fo^tb to be feen of tbe epe,anD after a (o;te be fifeii m tbe memojv.iBSanyfoubiscaufc attribute mucb to papn* Sa ofrtS' t^ng:©ut31 fuppofetbatSl map mucb mo?e rigbtlv attribute ScrtDtnre ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^® maner of inDptmg anD teacbpng , toberbp ' t\)t matter is botb fpoben , auD after a fojt fet fo?tb to be loo^ kcD bpon,not in a coIoureD Dombe auD htah picture ^ but a& it tt?ere a liupng $ talt^png image , \j)\)it\) is fet Dotpne to tlje cub vponthcApocalipfe. i end tl^atmm (l}onIti t^nDccamiD it txid! an& pttfectl^, Silhtit i^cfc?c t^at t^i6 Uj^ole boofee in a mancc conMcti) of tiiTu on0, f!gui;eB,o;i tvpe6:'))ct fljal tDC m DeeD,tl)ioug^ t^e I'nfpu ^^^^ «)«" ration of iBoDS grace , Q)cto bv our ejcpofition , tljat all tljat fi^^ o/S?« ^ine mafectb foi t ^e perfpicnitie ano plapnenes,^ not foj tl)c ^l^^l *''*• obtoirvng oi oarUcning of tljofe moft bPgb ^ goolv matters, 31 tmll biv«5»»P cicpofuion out of tl)C tcrp Scriptures , bv ebnfcrcihg ti)cm togif ^cr,$ bp laying it to tbe rule of faptl? ^ cbaritic.3i toil (earcb out tljc circumftauHces,\»itb tbc tbmgs t^at lucnt afojranD tbc tbinges tbat came after. 31 toill (l)e\» tit IpUclvboocs anD tbc ^ulvfeeivbobcs : ^ 3] v»iil aoijc tber- unto t\)t experience of tbpngcs , anD tbc crcDite otbvftoj'CS* a?4?icb manerof erpouuDpng tbe Scripture0,all iuterpic^ tours baue alMiav^s graunteo to be fouuD auD triic . 3]f beti» ^ -Cor. 14, tertbvwgcs n)alfac reuealeD to otbers,3ritoill glaDlp gcuc iTheffy. place \jnto mp betters,af co:ovn3 to tbe ^poftlcc aDRiCe.^oj 31 offer tbcfc mp bopngcs to be toaveo bv tbe gooip , tppon conbttion , tl)at tbev trp all tbpnges , ano to t$at tobtc^ t\)t2 n^allfinoeto be goob,boib fad* ^econblv tbey obiect, t^at^itoell neto men fts olo , of no ^ow me of fmaUautbo;itie,baue bot^ ooubteo of t^is boo^e , anb of t^e.iate Dapest autbour t^erof,anD alfo bane cStemneo it, as full of fables. ^ baneoous ten\MOjt^? to be refeeneft canonical! . Ect tbofc tljat fo tbinfee **^ °^^^ Qtttc me tl)c fame libcrtie,(31 befirc tlje m) toljic^ t^ep tjfurpe K?i ano t^iinfeclatofull foubcmfclues ♦ ;jfo2ifti^c boobe oft^e ^Jq^* apocalipfc a)oulb tberfoic feme tuojtbp to be contemneb,foj tbat fbme notable'tb olo ano neto,!^aueboubteD of tbe autbo jitit tberof : wl^^ map it not recouer bis autbojitie a^ gapne,if3] fl)e\3D tbat tbe bell SDoctours of tbeCburcbbot^ olD ano neto , baue bab arigbt gooD opinion of tbis boobej ^D bere to tbe mtent 3] Dia'emble not , 3! am not igno;auuc tbat S>octour Martin Luther,amang^tnotablpIeacneDbatIj D. Luther; as It \xiere fiicbco tbis booUe toit^ a Dagger,bp a (ijarpe p^c^. face ret befoie bis firS sBtiitid of tbc neto sreftamet m SDutc^. i^otobcic goo^ $ uiel learncb me tocre offeoeD toitb i)im foi tbis bis inagmet, tobo fouD tberm great lacfee boti) of ujit ^ snobeaic.irberfojetDaping all tbpngcs moje tpjigbtlpano iiiligentlp,U3battpme ^e corcecteo ^isSDutcb 13ible,anb fent it agapnc to t\)C pzcfle in t^c pcare of 2Lo?D. i js r.^e fe t a fomc- ttibat mojc circumfpcct preface before tl)e i^pocalipfc : tobcc- in trulp beleauetb tbeautbojitp of tbc faio boofee Cil in bout, cbieflp fapcaufe Eufebius in tbe )oc\). cbap.of ^is tbpio boofee of c^urc^ao}iesrepojtct^,t|^tt|)e olo ^jitersDouteb of tt.But get . Thefirft Sermon '' ^et l^atibetl} t1)at l)e totll not (irtue t33it^ an^mf t^at Qjottlb anoucl)t^efavt) boobetobe BnobntbeEpoftles buttcauecl^ fcce iungeinet to tbe teaDcr . sobat is to be tbougbt of tbe re^ co^D of Eufebius \))bom \^t Icatictb cbtcflp bnto , l U)tU fl)eU3 anone after . ^mlp Luther , m tbat preface of biB tobtcb toe (paltc of eue novu, opcnct^ t^c toap and ft)e\»etb tbe mcanes tobecbp a man mav attc^nc to tl^e profitable ejcpofmon $ bfe of tbiB boofee . anD tbecfojc Luthers luDgement ts no pzeiwa Dice to tbis boobc of ours, tobicb 31 banc tafeen ijppon me to eicipounbe to ti)e pzofite of tbe Cbucc^. laifo tbatman ofblef^: D. zwm- feu fame S)oc.Huidricus , Zuinghus , mp U)o?ft)ppfuU matftet gUus. femctb alfo not to bane fct becv »nttcb bp tbis boobc , no| to baucafcrtbeD tt not to 3flobn t^e i^poftle.butto 51obn vobom tbev calico tbe dtuinc^no no oout ^ViX xxi fo Doing,be fimpl)? folOtOCO Erafm us of Roterdam in blB iSinnOtatlgB Y)pon f nCtO arcllamcnt . 3lln all x\^t iSccbe copies (faptb be ) tbat 3) bane feen , tbe title taas not of Jlobn tbe apolWc , but of 3iobn tbe Dittine.Erafmus aooctb t^atamSgcft tbei5cebc8ano cectaine olo \3)^ters,men ooutcD of tbiB aut^our,tDbicb tbvng be be« tlaretb b^ tbe tefttmonies of Eufebius^ahb Hierome^of wboft joptnion Q)albe fpoben fttetgbttoaves.;i5ut tbe Complutenfe ^pantft) cop^e tobic^is fetfo^tb after tbe certemtte of tbe mod auncicnt anb app^oued 0rebc0,e)cbtbitetb to te fucb a fitleoftbiSbOObe.Az50)C(xAti4j5T5 ayi« dwc^cX^ v^ ivAyyi}^t , fii luAvvM TV 3toXoy«; iTbat iB t^c iSlpocalipfe of t^e bolp i^pQ ftleanb i5«agelift ^.3]obn tl)t Diuine.;>fo?t^ieaunctctuto?ia tetfi fap,boto ^^obn tbe apoftleano lenSgclift, fojbiB ejc* cdlent tojttvng of t!)e fonne of iSoo^toaB commolp calico tljc 3a:>iutne.:n)berupon it folotoctl) , tbat tbis title ootb attribute tbiB boobc to^.3lobn,anD not tabe it from bpm. Certcs a- retas vuaB aHo a )$rebc autl)our,anD BpQjop of Ccfaria : £)f tbcanncieti ' ^xi^tl^ be)CcrtamcbaucplucbcD tbis apocalipfe from tbe tonr i of tbat tDelbelouco 3]obn , afcribpng it to an ot^cr:but it is not fo.^oj tbe famous Gregory ,vx5ljo is c^lco tbe IDiuine as toell as tbis 31obn,accomptetb tbis amonged tbofe Scriptures , \30b1cb btterlv \x>mt all fufpition of coun« tecfeitpng,faving:a6 t\)t apocalipfeof S»3iobn tcac^etb me. Sinb tbe fame Aretas alitle afo?e £a^tbtbno:l3ut tlt)at t^ifs boobe toas to^itten bp tbe moutb of t^t bolp gboH , s. BafiU; Hyppo- Cyriii,Papias auo Hyppoiiius,fatberi8 Of tbc cburcb > are meete Jitu$. men to be crcoitcD.STljus faptb bcjpea ^ Erafm us confriTctb, tbat tbe cofcnt off ts^o^lo, ^ tl^t autbo^itie of tbe Cburcb are of (ucbto^ce X9H\) i;tm,t^at ^e Daret^ not refufe t^is boobe. net vpontheApocalfpfc. 3 Sct^s ^earcnoto t^eiungcmetof t^at moff qccellcnc (g he Occokm- cpgocD man D.iohn OccoiapadiusCf fa^t^fuIlyaRoiirof r^tpadius. Ct)urcf) of laafill, occdlttttlv IcamcD in tbc pzop^cncall ntiD in a!i tl)c Cationtcall ^cript«ce6)tul)ic^ \)c ])ati) left tijzitten ffmccrn^ngt'gis boofec,mtbctj.tJOofec of tiis Cojrmctaiirs, tpon tl)t jcq< c?)ap.of l?amd:13ut ^.^^oljn tht janiapijzt-ia oz cjcpofitoiif of t!5c jaiopijctcsja^il? ljc,(ree ^oto mucb l^e Dotlj atfributc totljiB oucaiul30ur)\r)l)om 3! inarncIl^tD^V fcct«3in toitb fo raft) a mtigcmcnt no rciccf,a6 a mr incr,$ fcantifee , ^. antjnpzofitablc to^ttcr of t^e Cburcb : xcijcrc ncumbcIeCTc (\iiie m a!fo t\}t aiubour of ti)c jepiaic to tl?c l^efejitr c Dotb) ^c laptl) foitb tciy mat>v of tl^c mofifccucre auD ^tD tbpngcs of t^c olD STcftament anQ t^c jazopI)ctcs.l3ut tl)ofc great mc Do bctD^iv^^J)«if lift The firfl Sermon ijj^l niusamofl;auucictttU)j';tci'\)rctl)tl)ctcf!imomcs oft!)c^po- calipfe of ^.jTiOljn : auD UfecUiifcTheophiiusBvIljop of aiu Theophi. tiocl)C,xo!)ici) t^^ng \)t vMitiwttl) in tl)e jcpiiij. t^ap.of t!)C iitj. Oriceae boofee of t^e ficclcfiafticall ftoip. atio Origene , a gccat ma in * .31o^nt^e ^poSIc.iacaD tl)cit vuijtc^ ^c \)atl) icit ujztttcti agavnft tijc a- logiansint^ejrtj.beccfie » atttjs .Hieiomc attcibmct!) ^JCC? mUCfjtOtljiB Epyphanius . atlD S.Hicrome l^tmfelfc afccibcr^ tbis boolie to 3Jlobn tbc apoflJc. 2rbc Slpocatiyfe Of ^.3[lol)n> (fa^ib be m bis ijpittic to /'aulinus) batb fo inanv iaccamets, asitbatbtxiojtjes.Oilozeoucc/'hiiartrius iSvf^oP ccBiipia, V0|)Om S.Aurten fa^tb ^C fato toitb ^. Ambrofe at «3S)illAn , ac^s comptetb tbemfo?bcccticUcs,tbat tcittt tl^t apocalipfc of 3io^n, an& fa^ it ti^as not toiittcn bp iP.obn t\)C ^pcSlc , but 6p Cerinthus an beVCticftC^CCel^S. Ambrofe bVtIl CclfC ill bi3 boofees allcbgctb t^c tcfrimonics oftljc apocalipfc , \3RDCc t^e name of ^.31obn tbc i^polllc. s. Auften imbiacto tbis boofec as Spoftoiica!l:anij rcab tijc, fame to ^is Cbin^cbJeaupng ccrtani tccatifcs tpou tpc fomc» rrimafius alfO 15ift)0p Of Vrica il\ affriCfeC, C]CpOUDCD fbC faittC 80 ^poQoUcall.jOf Bedeanb tbcrefiDiteof tbatfo;t,3^, fpeafee notbpnc5,fincebis opinion is fenotocn to all men . Andreas alfo I6v(l)op of Cefavia,to?otc \)pa t^is bocUe: ^q Arctas ic^ po^tctb in bis c6mMuarics,tubcfc opinio 3\ Dcclaitli btfojc. i3Sje tbinfeet^JH baucfufficientlp cofiimeD tbeamboiitic of tI)tsbooltf,agavn{ttbcmt^atDtminta)etbefan*>c . ?3iitt^e ftrogcft ccafon of all fcemet^ to be tl)is,tbat t^c tij^ng it fclf, $t^eI)anDivngtbcrof piouetbtt to ^auepiocccDcb from tbc apoftle : w>bicb t^^ng tioc a)ail piouc in t^c trcatifc it frife* J5ttt if t^ofe blelTeb fatbers m tbeic tvme bib eppounbc tbc 21* pocalipfeto tbeir Cbutcbes:U3bF Cl)Oulb it not be laUtfuUfoi \}S alfo to eppounoe tt in our tvme (i^ t o our men \)pon tobom tl)C enbes of t^c too^D be ccme^fub all tbpngee arc mo^e fiiU !^ arcompIifl)CD noto,tqa tbcv tucrc tben i ii^a^ ratbcr , tbele tbpngeB feme mod cbicSp foj \)s anb fo? cur tvmc,in afmucl? as tt)C traucUauD be cpercifcD ^nber anticb;itt. 3ln tjavne tberfoje bo manp p?attcll,tbat ibis booke is ob* fcurc ^ can not be VinberftaDcD , atiD tberfoic tbat tbc iCljurc^ can rcape no piofite oi commobitic bp rcab^ng of it. ;^oztoomitboto not^ivngisfctfoitb in bolp Scripture, tobicb batb not an eicccllcnt fruite,anD t^at toe muft not bv at fepDifpav^c of tbc true tjnbcrRanbvng , altbougb attbe fitft fig^tjtbc Wv Scripture be obrnirc,iubicb is opcncb bv i3oa i)pm fclfcanb not to be opencD,but obtcincD bp piapcrs.auD gooli? e)ccrcifes:£ertcs ttie are not ignojaunt tbat manp bao ratbcr itotI;vng\»crefpofeen of^nticl)]iift , to t^c intent be migfyt retgiie gere mo;e carelcap,anD t^cp t\)t felucs be leffc fub- vpontheApocalipfc. 5 fitfnect topettld . ButC^^tf! comtnaunuet^ ^6 to fronble i^m.JLtt bs tljcrfo^e go fojtoacD in t^e ujojfee ef t!)c II02D. ana to^ercao it offcnact^ t\)tm , tljat 3!ol)n mahct^ litic J°J" ^^ mention 01 none of C^?ift,tol3crenottDit^aannpng t^cma^ ^.^.^^'"^ nccoftlje apoaicBisatttoa^cs to imitate C^?iftc , anotlje Sa grace of refiempti0 : 31 fa^ t^at tf t^is booHc fce toifdp loofeeo mto,tt piouet^ t^efiat contrary . ^^ofe acgument notu 3| twill recite. ^i)C 0io\il)tt ^jac^arie in Ijis itj . chapter lapet^ fo?tl? t^c 21 miut^ tp^ole miflerie ofCljitSto all mens cpes in a moft cmucnt ^*jy^'°" ^^ figure to be feenc.;lfoj ^c (cet^ 3flcru3 t^tbvgl) *9?icll , appa^ ^°^^^- relleo in foulcgannentes,anD fuffcrpng nnul? refiftaunccat ^at^ans l^ano^lpfec a biono tijat istafeenont oft^c f^it: ana anone after (trippeo out of bis tmcleane ciDtbvng,^ ap^ parelleD in tobite rapment, ana glo;ifiea $ p^ociapmca l(V^9 ana p^iedana ^auiour of all men. 2rbiB figure t\)c apoftle ana iguangelift ^. Slobn eicpott: betb: 2lna fird of all bee acfcribctb HW^ in foule apparell at tl)z firO fettingfojtb of t^c i5ofpell,a)e\33png boto great crv^ ingouttI)ereU}asmaaeagavnftbv>ntD^ent^e toicbea ^ao talten bpm,ana ^oti? at tl^e legt^ ^e looas na^lea to t^e crofTei 2rbere alfo ^e touci)etti ^is gto;? : ^i)t vv^icb ^e fertetl) fo^t^ ^ mo;e fillip bv aaapng a rcuelation ^nto it,\vberin be pzefett^' tetb bvin tinto ^os in to^ite ana glozions apparell,giuphg \is to ^naerdana.bou} t^at after ^is abatement , be is ejcaltea ^ l^atb obtevnea a nameaboue all names : I3lna botp y be noto bepngin glo?v,too?feetb neuertljeleflc in l)is c^urcbe, ana is tbe ^auionr of all tbe faptbfitU in tbe Cburcb . Jn bis HpU file ^e commenaetl) t^is U)^ole midcrv of i^cligion ana beae tetb it into alt mem ;f 02 ti^e tDbolcbool^e is Dtniaea into \ii, partes. 1 fox firft ie fet tbe title toitb t^e beginningana fomc of t\)t CbcamiCo tooifee,^ toitb a bjief narration : ana all t^ts in t^c firft part ^^P^If*^ of tbe firft cbnpter. llS^^^ 1 ^jcconalp from t^e mpaaes of tbe firff chapter to t^c iiii, ^ c!?apicr , iL\)ii^ is aefcribca reignyng in glo^v -> on tbe rig^t bana of tbe ;jfatber,ana tbere is aeciacca , boU) be is conuers faunt in tljc C^urc^ bp bis (pirite,ana bp t^e miniRcrv of t^e tuo;a::t>^att^png t)eteacl)et^frombeauen,ana ti3bic& is tbe fincere aoctrine of tbe Cbnrc^ : tobat is alfo tlje repav?ing of . fDbutcbcs t^at are fallcn,ano tbe pzefcruation of tbe fame. '] X 2:bcn from tbe ii^ t^e.rbXljiift fttll aamoni(t)ct^ 9<0 iS^^urc^ ailigentlp bp tiQ.^eales, ana feuen trompcties, • - The M Sermon toljattl^y^nges djall happen to t^e cijurc^, al! t^etol^iclj atet tiiottiuttip goutrncu of f5oD Ijpm (dfe bp t^c lambe Cljiift. ,4- 0$oxcouccfromtl)C)Mr.cbap.totl)C|h).iomo?cfttlli>Dcf^ ccibcD tbc conflict of t^c Ct)ucc6 toitlj tl)c olD fccpcnt , (t tiJitlj t^c olD anD ncu) bead . n^bcce atfo tbe uiomtQ) t^iauny botb olD anu ncti),anD ^w^ 3«ticbiift b«nfelfc is trimelv patntctt fo^b m bis couIanc8:ii5tot\Mitbftaiiopng tbat aftcrtDacD alio cbcfctbmgcsarcinoic plapnlp tjcrtaccu aga^nf. 5 anb from tbc ptj.cbap^ to tpt jcptj.cbaptcr , arcrccitcb tbe papncs nnb toimemcs of iint!cbiift,anb anticbiilhans ,anb tJi^cbcQcuctiotioftbcfame , anD tbc conbcmnatton oUil tbe iDicKeb.atro tbc tuDge Cb^iH is fct fo;tb -, anb tbc p^occffe of tbc lafl lubgcmcnt is figiiccD,2rbcce is aUo rcbcacfcD tbc tri= Hmpbc,iopc,anb rctoarb of tbc ^aintcs . vof)ttt alfo bcaucn it frlfc 10 opcncb to be fccn Vvitb our eves , tbat uoto wc ma? bv favtbloobc iuto tbc fame . iTbcbeptbe of belt is cpencD, tbat vxie tnav looUc into it alfo , ano ta^c gooD ^ccbe tbat \})t be not tb^oujcn bcadlong tbttbec. « ;f inallp about tbc enb of tbe )C]cii.c^ap. tl^crefollotoctl) ti)c cottclufion,aHb cotmiieoation of t^e \»o}tte, Uiitb tl^t (cal^ng l)poft^eraine. Cbe boobe ^^^ ^^^^ 31 toill not l)tbc an ot^er WMm of tijis too^be DeuincD bp not to be contemncD.tDbicb 31 fee ciJ^joCttours bauc in maner ItiOonsc atl folotoeb « ^o^ ftrft tbep ccbeaefe tt^c title anb brgpnnvng* ^ftect^ev anncjcctbc v^bolc \»o;lte ttfcUe , oiuibcD bp fcuen Virions.^nb in bccDc tbc fcuentb nuraber is moff frcquem,^ AS it \33tvt peculiar to tl^ts bool(c.;^tnaUp tbev aobc to tbe cis dufion of tbc Wo^bc in a maner comp;tfcD in tbe lad chapter, ^nb tbefe tjtfions be compa0eb toitbin tbeir limitcs* 31ntbeficfttb2ec£baptccstbc ftcB\)ifion is cjcpcunbco, tobicb cjcbibitctbCbnftt)ntot)6rcignpng in gloiv,gouer^ nV^^S^Oi^f fP"S>fOi^'^f^"Si^"^ pjclcciivug bis Cbuccb. arbc feconb tiifton bcgtnnctb m tbe ttb. cbap.anD rracbetl) to tbc ^ib.anb it fcttct^fo^tb i3ob btm fdfeanb bts Cb^iR to beloot(cb^po,U)bofemoatu{lgouerncincntofaU tbtugs in tl^e too^lD it cotnnicnbct^.anD opcnet^ tbe fcuen Stales. STbe itj.^Jifion batb \)tj. angels foimbpug feuc tronipet«. 3p£)^icb trcatife Bretcbetb to t^c irij.cbaptcr* arbe iiii . \iirion a)e\»etb tbe f tgbt of tbc t^joinan \3jit\) tbe l^e'.pcut,anb fettctb fottb to t)s tbe oto fcuenbeabcb, anb tbc neU3 tU7obo;neb beaH to be fecnc > wbtcb is t\)e oefcnption of anticb?i(l:anb is tbis in tbc.jcij.]cttj.anb.|:iitt.cbaptcrs. 3jn t^e \) t t}tfion,(eucn angels pourc out feuen t)ioIc6 of i50b9 vpontHcApocalipfc. 6 ;lf com thence begtnnetl) t^t ))i.t)t(toti,anti cpttmttl^ to tlje ]c]tit.c^aptcc,tntttattns of 0ods moft tuft tnogcnicnt aga^tift X5ab^lon,t^e tD^o^e of ^abplon, ano t^e ^iutcl);(aians,auo fmali? agavnft all totcbed atto tmpeuitr nt pctTone. sbc titi . anD laft ^iftou fcttct^ fozt^ to t^c eves of all t^e favtl)f«ll,tlje ^ov^ anD ftliOc encrlaQtng of ^aimcs.anD tf- rcli? t^ts DiuiTion of tl^e too^He ^atb a great grace ann affinu tie U)ul3 tl?e reft of t^e ti^pnges^tD^icb tn tl^te boolbe are all in a matter treated bv t^c (euem^ ttumlier : llet tlje reaocc fol- lotutop^ict)^e\x)tll. SdLO'm bp tl^efe tbpttges eucrp iitait irtav pecceiuc t^at t^ts wbat wo? boobe is altogetljcr 2lpo(lolicall,anD epceeDpng profitable to fitcifimtbc t)B aU,efpeciailv to^oiit t^e enDts of tie toojlo baue oiiertai *i?ocaiM>re. I^eti . i^ttD ti;ii5 l)ooUe Uiilbe t^e eafter to t)6 , bycaufe t^at all t^vnges are noui m a matter accompli(l)eo. S>atttel uias t^ottgbt to ^aue told of ftarlte D^eames, itn^en liieepropbected oftbe iBQottarcbies , before tbe OSjottarcbies toere . TSut after tl^ofe t^pttgeo u^ere accompltfl^eD tobtcb be p^op^ecieDjbe fccttteo tttto ittattv to baue rotttptieo an ji^pfto^: v^»ne felfe rame,Bi attt Cure,tl)ou toilt iuDgealfo of t^ts p^e^ fentbooHeof ^ .Slubtt. ^Dfmattp pzofitce tp^tc^tt eomet« itet^,tDe tDtU recite btit a fetae. i^trft \JDC ^aue itt t^ts boolte a full defcription of CWfi teign^ug in glo?p,oucfeing 31 fap,and )5pfl)op:and ^oto be gouemet^ t^e Cburcb , $ is tbe ^autour of all tbe faptbf ulU 3X>ebanealfoamoQe]ccelletdefcriptiott ofCb^tftes Cburcb, and botoc tbe fame is buvldtd , repapicd , and iitaintavncd. aftertoardtoe baue a pcrfite defcription of i^itticbjiftandof l)i& titembcrs^and of bis vnn5cge,counfcls, bts craftiede- uife0,ltvttgdome,attd crurltte,and of tljedcHructions of tbe fame,\Mbcreof itbpddetb tsbetoare . j3gojeouer tec i^mt an abridgement of^pfto^ies from C^riftes tpme , tmto t^c tQOZldes end. ^inallp toe ^aue an abfblnte (e aHured propi)ecie of things to come,fo as toeneedettot tl^e prophecies of Methodius, cy- rill,Mcrline,Briget,Nolhard and certainc otbcr triflers, jiFurt^ennore toe baue a great confolation and comfojt of tbe Cburcb tn aducrfitie , totjcn toe fee tbat tbe JLatnbe ope* «et^tt)e^eales> and all tbvnges are done bp0ods prcui:? dence , and t^at all euils and mtferics Qjall come to an cnde: ^nd tbat tbe c^nrci^ (bait contimte enermore>in de^iteof all tl^e dcuils in i)t\\ * llaftl^ toe |)aue a moft plem^full $ fttre C%./. The firft Sermon Doccrittc conccnt^ttg tl^c inii^t ant) lad tungement , anb con« cetn^ttg pannes ano rcu^acDes.^U t^efe tb^nges 31 C3p,Q)aU t^c tccattCe it Tclfe a)e\» ptapnl^ to our eDtfi]?tts ti^tongl^ JHef (u$£i^2t(tont:|Lo}0, JCOfthe title of the whole worke, and the expofition therof. C 31 ^^T?^^ ^1)^ ^^iil^ ^^^^^ ^^^ conte^neo in firte partes. ^0 oVtbe' ^^^ "^"^ ^^ ^'"^'^ °" ^^^ ^""^ part:M&ic]b batb cbtef* ftrft part. Ig t^^^^ memljcrs:2^1)e title,tlje beg^nnpng,ano a b;tef narration, j^o; ti^iB p;efent ioc toill onel^ fpcakc of tlje title, tut)ict)bE(tiHi0t T he fecond Sermon, r ;* J K^^^ ^^ rcuclation oflcfu Chrift , which God cjwttr! H^ rt^^gaucvntohym,fortoflicw-vntohysfer- uauntes, things which muft (hortly come to paffc : And he fent and flicwed byhy^ aungell vnto his fcruaunt John , whichc bare rccorde of the word of God , and of the tcftimony of lefus Chrift,and of all thyngs that he faw . Happy is he that readeth,and they that heare the wordes of the Prophccic,and kcepe thofe things which are written thcrin. For the tyme is at hand# Cbe title %%\s title is plettttfttll,an2) tittetet^ all profitable circum' •f { f»o;kc. (tauces,tbat are to be oedareo in t^e begv^t^vngs of boobes: for bere be feuen tbpnges fct Doujne fo; t)0 to conftber. fritVi is fct tbe title^o; tnCcrtptiou of tbe Vsbole too^be, tbac (s,tbc apoca!ipfe,o? reuclatio of Slcfus Cb?ift> tobicb ocare- anD pried 3ltfus Cbrid^out of bcauen , from tbe rigbt banD of tbe fatber,eitecntpng tbere tbe office of b?gb il3vQ)0P> and ^et StU tcacbpngtis pzofttabte tbpnges . i2lno albeit it be aiWtti af (0 tbe reuelation of 3lobn , pet ts it cbalengeo to bpm for none ot|)er canfe , tj^an for tbat bce receiued it , ano turatt it vpoti thcApocafipTe. 7 Chaf.r^- agapnc « is pet mojc i:Ja?ttl? ficdarefi, Itom tol^encc t^ifi irro feijf ce reucIatioin6:iBttcrt of i6oP bpm Qclfc . S^q% f)c feptlj , toljic^e !JL£*'^* <5oD,namcl? t^e ^^er,saac >jnro ^tm,to tucctc,ta C^?ift. ;ffo? in tl)e bol? anu blcifcn Siarinitic , t^ere is a Hiftittction of SccfouB.anD aibcit t^atafl tinges , tobic^ tljc father ijat^, ^ e tl)e fonncB alfo : 2lnD all t^pngcs tobicl) tijc fonnc l)st^,bc tlje fatljers libc\joifc : -yet t^e |;>cciptin;c aiiomljct^ r^c fat^cc to %tvLt t)nto tl)c fonn^,ai)d tl).e (onne to tcceaue of t^efat^cr , »?fici tiding all t^caimrictit tDjit?rs,^aiie fullgoDlpt)cpo&^ Dcl»,to bedoncbptl^etnittccp of Cblillee Di[pefatt5 . ;fo|t^e Tonne cccciueofomctDbat of tbcfat6cr,a0 ma:tol)o otfecctoifc lohn. 17. as f tjcrp fonnc of i5oD,favtl):;Jf afi)cr, Qlojific t^ou me \Mit^ t^jc glojp tobicb 31 ^ao toit^ cljec, bcfozc tbis tuojlD t»as. iB^ououet tbc fonne is t\it \o\knm\t^ \330!D,ano moiKl; of t\^t fat6er,bp tobom iSoD fpahe m tpmcs patt to tbc fatbcrs, |d^opl)etcs anb ^poOles^ano notu ^caltetb to tbe bninerfal Cburcb * STbc Catbec bp difpenlation ganc to l)is fpnne tbis ofifice,tUt ^c a)Qulo be 23pC6op,5fo^ no man ^att) feene iE3ob at anp time:3rbe onelp begotten t»btc^ is in tbe bofome of f . fotl7er,^at^ rcuealeo ^pm \)nto t)s .. Het t)s aOTure one felues t^etfo?e, tl)at tt)is is a ^caucnlp i^euplation, tol^icb i5ob t^r lati^er fo^lottetii>fi^nHpnd batb t^mel^b to ^ys C^urc^b^ pm onelp ^tg^ BtOjop C^) topnet^ togetbet;rt)e £3t^'ct: atmtl^e fpnne,tbat nruectl^eleffe t\iz ^ol? tiiftinttton of perfons mnapnet^ (afe. iEoto alfo is aooeo , to tobat enoe i£>ob t^efatljet bat!) re^ uealeD,o;i geuen t^e cbargc of rcuealpng ( 31 meane tbc ofiftcc J^ ^^^ of ja;ic0bobc)to Ijps fonnc out Ho.iD 3icfus Cbjiftrttamdp ^^211?,?!- rM j)C fljoulD povnt out tbc tbvngcs tbat toecc renelcb , ano JeaeSi as It toecc lap tbcm foub^^efozc tbc cpcs of bps (ecnanntcs, tl^at is to fap of i^ps \))o;a)pppec8 tbe CbztSians , tx)bicb are tallcD tl^ Cernaunts of i5oo fo; t^cic toillpng obeDience.*anli as a fecuaunt is tbe fcmaunt of a 2Lo;d # o^ctb to bps Ho^o allt^at be batl), 02 is toojtb ;^o toe oujc tjmo ©od one fel- lies toljolc , ano all ones , o? els toe be free , anb not bounbc. ^ohn. ?. i^ecc is alfo bcclareD,\}nto \x)bom tbts rcuclatton is opencb: namelp,to all f fcniants of iSoo , 31f tbccfojc tbott be glab to be calico tbc fctnaunt of i5oD,^)cat;c tl?is boobc,$ remember lt:anb bnoU) tl)at tbis boo^e is prepared fo; t^ee of i3oD« 2lfterVDarD be comp;i(etb tn fctu vcotoes, tobac Cb^iS re< iicaleoto 3iobn tobicfitocre tbe tbpnges tbat mnft Qjoitlp (0j]» to pafiP^ , %\it peSimcsjtberfojtof tl^r 5&btn^b dt:^ i^cct^ C,)J. tCD, qJtaf.t* .•'!rBcfirft*Scfmon ' teb^l^atffoob anb cuiil t^mgcB Q)an ^jappefi fo t^c $6b!v,f ^^=^ lifeettfirrdti>^at|)itnil|iihattc'6»HirttIfefep^ ^ow ^gpet) ; : 0[Tii> I6rti&^iftaiv«;a$^4ieccairie \)potv tijfis ujci^ti;muft, aii ?hH r« t1^ouo(^'^ieofitij?d<%tjth6tft?cei^r0jtljatt^eW(^^^ ir uft be '^ifi!l,trct tI??o«gl) x^it tone faaU,but bp i5oD8 cdmpidfio. fcvjnc, -15000 tljir^gs mua6€iidne,btcaufe0oi> txjillpnglv bmWS l)V'.n (clfc to \J3 bp 1)V0 piomifc, can nor but no tbat tobtcb ^t fiotb anil piomiTctb : anb ^tt ncHectbcIeCTc be toojfectb frcclp* i5Dor> tbvngs nuiR fee bone bp tbe goblp, bvranfe it m tbe nature of grace anb faptb fo to bo , Ipfec as it is t^c pjopertie of tngobtvttes lo contenineanb tranfgrctre . xohttloit tl^c? muQ aUo be pnnt(l)eb.!^nb bvcaufe tbe \cDO?Ib is fucl^ as it is, tbtre muftneebtsbebetefies^nbcatamiftics itmttincrable. ^nbbefaptbtbattbc t^v^S^stDbicbare rcnelcbmnft coinc topa(rcft}03ttlp,=bvcaufccertainetbvn5cs began intbetjety tvme of ^. 3!o^. ^nb aUbougb manv tV)vnges are founbe i.Pct.j. to be bone a tboufanb peares after,vettbe apoftle ^ . ^etcr (attl^^tbat a tboulab peares before tbe ILo^b,be,but as it wcvt Ve(terbap.2:l)erfo|!e t^is i^euelation apperteinetb to f times of t^e p^matitte $ laSC^urc^ t anb beilaretb tobat tbvttges (0 etter (bail happen tnto it till tl^e lad iubgemctft * yta at)ii ^\3tMtift)aU i»tgne fbi ewer; r9rt,»t««fi*r^ ' liWdjeouet tbe maiie^ of ttuealpttg is-olftxiftfctfcb ♦ fo% of rcwaT -C^Utttcucatfcb tbbfe t^$es in fenbyttg hv& ^MtU, o? bt i«na. ^i(bpt)g f^u^ ^s attgeII,\}nto tof^om be gaite in cdttinmun^ bement uibat be Qjoulb fap anb boe . xpbtrupon tbis ^tt^e^ _ . iBaftttA3Efameantbj(D^jitt,bpcaurebe rcpjefeiitci^t^pecfoti ' ' • • ^ r;, ijf Cblift.irberf82e,in tbis boofee,it i& not tbe angcU , but te . r. ! J:^ iscbiiftf^tisaitoavestobe tSlibeteb astbetrueantbom: " c ifcir? tifalliajerrtbpnges > anb in oeebe tbe ©obbeab of C^^ift is ^eacemincnbcbtmoDs, tobattvmetoebeare tbatcbitll „ , IS tbe ao?D of 4itgris, w>berof |>. iaanl'tu tbe l^ebiues m^ " ecafoncb mo?e at large. jOgopfcs in tbe.icij . of ;^unibtr»fets tetbfojtb cbiefip tb?ee matters of pjopbecivng 01 renelation. Cb^ec iffirft bp ^ifion,of tbe tobicbtozt manp are aferibeb to SDanifl bpntrBDf elWone notable to j^;iaeter in tbe.jc. of tbe acres , ^ Ipfeetuift pjtopbcci- to j$>,]daute . anbinto t^is fo^me 3n referre aiCo tbe apoea^ Fns- i^fe . ^econblp bp bieame: of tbe tdbicb fo^t tt^ere t^ofe of A6tcs. 1 6. i^i^ca J, a„i, /i^abucbobono^er fepngcs, toberof 3iofepl) unn Daniel. 4 . 2)4nicii toerc intf rp?ctonrs.2rbe jaiopbct Jloel in tbe fecSa Gene. 4 1 . cbap.metuionetb t»ifions anb b^eajnes . ^oj in tbe neto arc* (lament filfotbere bctjerp manp^olp $ piopbetical b?eames. Una of«li 0)otCc6 re^arfet^ an opciimanifcaati$,of \»btc| fdjt fo^ntan^ totremaDe ao &^t% anD it fo ftjjcctiv Caujcco . tlu^iappg ts ^ec,t^a: bnotoct^nott^cfetljpngcs* • I5efiDfst^i0,^cmcnfioiiet^oftctitVme0 tntototiSC^jiC co i»ijoift i)atl) opcncD tl)is Dtutne anD molt cjcccllcnt reudati6,tiainclp it Sca0 rc= to Slobn.Bc commcwDctl) Ijpm, tijat is ^im felii ( foj fo tuas ""ics , ana it cjcpeDicnt foi tlje confuting of ^is aDiicrfarics , fepng t^at JlJ ^J°"» '* laaulcalfo manvtvmfBmaintcpnca bis autl^oititic agapnft ™^^'*' fljcfelfcapoCIcs ) bv"« • fcuerali titles , ;lfojfirft^ccallctl) ipm relfe t^e feruaimt of Cl^jilt. a^ljis is tlje auncicntcft an& noblcatttIe,tD^tci) tl)c fathers, |d;opbcts,aHO apoHIcsbaue lorcD.^FoittephcaODictanDconfccratcto iSoD . ^cconolp Blobtt tefiiftcD tbe Wo^d of i3oD atnongcS t^apoftics,moa £i:p;circlp Dcclarptig tbe i3o2>bcad of £^;ift, elptctallp to^ere \t tcftificii ano fapo : 3ltttbe begpnnpng ujas li^ topjo . (tc. lohn i. iSlozeoucr be teftifico x%t toitncOpng of Jilcfa C^tiS^ X^tmo: to^icb name t^e Ilojo ^n felfe in t^e i5ofpeli,ani» ^ .Ho^n in t^eitri.c^ . of l)is idofpeii , comp^tfeo tbe t»bole jettan^ geiicail Doctrme . lanD tnUptje toas a pjefent be^ioloet of all tbefetl)pngc6\»btcb fjctoitncffctb.^oj intbefirtt chapter, toe bauefcenc(favtb bc)bt8 glojv.ano ui t^t. )cijc. cbaptcc^e fa\» toater $ blouo gnf^ out of t^e 2lo;DesXtde . 5itt bts x^pti john i lll$,tba( U)e baue Crene « faptb be^ an& bane bearo. ^u Kxttn Itoterb^tbat in certcin I5ceclke copies^tbere ts aodcD tbis fcn^ tenc&folotDvng:(tobicb:i8baoaUbtn tbr i3reeto coppeof ^pavnc>2lnD ujbat tbvngts fof acr be batb bear:*, ano tobat (b euer be,anD t:i3bat Co eticr nuif( be pone bcreafter. ^ SrbatlameSlobntbcrfojcisanrbourof tbis boofee,U3bicb farhtttsm t& be faiaj tbe Eoio in flcQ) tjpoit cartb , fo be f^to tbc famfciu Satton ^tiite reueaipng tbefe tbvnge$>t^beaucn 5 ajiD ptopa»mDctb of 31 obn. to tbe Cbnreb rigbtesinaS cetieit^ ^ fttre. ^bi&3^bs tpas tbJttbeioncb tJifciple of tbe IL*o?o;fa3bttb in tVe fau fupper, re- ftcb tpfi bis biefl, \3mo,tobotn \\\ bis lafrtaiU be bcqucatbco biBmotbcrontben:i3fre,onet)ir^incfoa{i ctber. jL3ceaioue flooe bp at tbe anltar of tbe croae U)b^n itbzitl DicD as a iajits ncs of bis true oeatb jBitti of our purmc^tion . Be fvueJj till c^e tpme of tbe iSmpttottrThiiine , tobfc^tbVng Eukl^iasm bis Cbiotticlcfi ctiet^ Mrtbf frencyiirrtbe notpng Of tbe pcip ivib tbe bpitb pfiCb^ft ati bunn^^t^ i^iee^ Bof othcus a iim9 aun= chpJ::^ ^ 'rhefitftScrlnoa ^^ , attttcictrt to?il«t,aRirmctlj tljat 3no^nlmeD«t9]f. fro^te^n^* '^ ??* ^?rti?^ ^*% ^ toucftcu alCD tljis woftte of t^tg soDip tDOjfec o| tmeiSon tcuclat(on,tl)atljcrcb? tlje rcaDcwattu teaccrg migitftcc pioitofttDtoiiiiigece.»>^cret!)i6l)oobci6caUcD aJfoaidJOa pb£dc.:)fo;t^tsboolteb^reafonof tlje foretelling oft^mgs to come,t& tJ)c pzop^ccie of tbe ne^ :3[re(lamtm : OQo^eouec It is a p?op^ccic(t^at is an cjcpofitiS ) to^tc^ opcnetSano c)Cs ?^i? . . poimbetl)t^olD}9iop^etes«att&itp2omifct^ bleffconcsto Satti^ t^e ccadecs,l3cai;crs,anD bcpecs of t^; e tl^mgcs that ace txjjit^ rT' ten in t^is boobc . :©lcirconcs compic^eoctb t^c benefites of V t'of t^e life piefent,fo farw fojt^ as t^c JLo?u pecmittet^ t^m to tie goBtv:bttt c^icflp of t^e \^fz to romc.iiDf t^epjofite of tl^is bool^e t!)et:e^atl) been fomto^at fpoUe btfo^ in t^e ficft §^tXs mon«^no marke , t^at it is not inoug^ to reao o; ^earc tbts boo^e*B1t muH be perfoncmeo xx^ otcDc.ano Isrpt diltgentlp^ f^% t^e iLoju fapB alCb in tlje iSofpell : BlcCTeO arc t^ep tbat beare t^e too^D of ^ob ano Heepe it.i^appp are tbep tbe t^at a)aU frame tbeic Ipfe after tbis bool^e. ;f or botb W^v^ flpe t^e f ebucpng of ianticbrift,anb ab^be tn t^e favt^ of ^%\\%^ Ipue forencrmoie.^c. i , s^inob^ fmtftiet^ tl)c title \»tt^ an acclamatiS, b^ tl^e U)t)tcl|^ be mou tt^ tl)e bearers eiccebpnglv : f^% t^e tvme is at I^anb. S^stboug^l^cii^onlbfa? : net no mantbinUe tbat bcreare lolb Chraunge t^pngcs,anb fuc^ as concerne l)im noH^png^o) to^icb (l)all cotne to pafle at legtb after manp vuorlbes^bout^ . ^ \sSSr tbev belong to euerv one of t)s . for tbe? be toritten of matters t^atx^ieflp concerne ts , anb etten of our otonc a(^ faires.^Qi^etoei^liec t^ttbisbooKets profitatile foiali tDorlbes,men,9^ ages * i5ob tbe fattier tubs teac^et^ tispro^ fitali^etb^nges bp bis foune,((aDmoni(l)etb t)s t^me inoug^ anb in one feafon^be prapfeb tuorlb toit^out enb«anb of tbe apoffleft faU - uatioii:lubeire(n are brctareb tbemtliertes c^tefip of Cl)atll^3ano1^(ohblp of i^itr tobole fapt^ % rmmptiotk. j The third Sermou, £0^tj tb the ieuen cbii^regat&n$ ih Afia . Grace bee •^i^^fitf^ yo'i^^fl p^ace^roni hynijW^^ island whiche wja'sjitij ^nVc^ is to comc,an4^ivf»it{ie feucn fpiritcs y,km^ arete tbi j^icil^Qcjifhis throoc .And Jtom lefus tittJii Chriit, ,i.fin^' vponthcApQcalipfe. p Chap,!^ Chrift,which is a faithful witncs, & firft bcgottc of the dcad,and Lord ouer the kyngs of the carth,which hath loiicd vs,and ^^^a(hed vs from finncs in his own bloud, and made vs kyngcs and prieftes, vnto God his father: vnto him be glory and dominion for euermore. Amen. Behold he commeth with cloudes '■ And ail tyzs fhal fee him* And they alfo which pearfed him,and all kinrcdes of the earth lliall wayleouerhym . Euen fo . Amen. I am Alpha and Omega,the begynning and the endyng, fayth the Lord almighty,which island which was , and whichis tocome» an ot^cc pccccoft^cftrttpatt oft^m boobc , comcinct^ C!)c ht^n tlje bcgyn^ittS ozpzcfacc, tD^critt is t^capoftlcs falutatioM, mngo? p;c^ mtl3ettihic'9t)eDefcnbctb tijc to!joIcmiOecv,firft ofCbiifl, £"J'^^''^ fecouDlv of t^c rig^t bclcnpng faptb $ of our ceDeptio.;)f 62 fo »^^^' tDcrc tbe apoftlcB toont to c6 pzife a bjicf fumme of falHatton in t^e begvnmpng of t^cir voutyngcs . w^icb rtpng ig cnccp tobcrc to fac fenc in jsaulcs igpiftlcs.anb bv f fame Dcfctipc tion bcc gcttctb t!)C bcncuoIcnccanD attcntiucncs of aJl men. 2rbc iapoftlcs falutation 0? greeting is not^^ng els , \m. to^at tistbe a bIcir^ng.l5!cflpKg is an olD accutlomcD oincr, toljerebp tlje atpoftico fa laatriarfees p^avco f^otitogiiic tl^ctc c^ilDzen all manor of ^Mtation, gopD t^fngcB, botb of boDp anD Coule. wbicb tercl^ \\\ {5es ticfis is iici'ccifacD at large. anD alfo t^e bigb piicft toas com- inauDeD to ble0c tbe \ot vcsLh in tbet)ii.of /i^Qbers: To\)cv€ I^e toas conmiaQDeti bv ejtp^eCfe too^Des to put i5oDs name \)ppon tbe people . STberfo^c it is a fuperOition to fap, S^c ^olp Croflc anD our EaDp fauc tbec fo? 0oD,fcom tobo cuerv gooD gtit DefccnDetb feom bea«e,!6 be tbat blcflcD, tbat is to fap,iobicb ^imt]) all gcoD t^^nQcs: anD afo:c tbe mini- fterB,02 mcn,tbev do but onelp toiQ) . i^nD tbc jloiD in DeeDc in bis la\jo p!0uuTctb,tbat be toill graunt tbofc tbtnges to bis pccple,>a3bicb tbcbigb pztcfts fl)euiD toifl)e Vmto tbe.2:bcr- foie ncitbcrtoojDcs nouroflVnges o; macfepngcs but t^e trmb a«D potocr of i3oD gcuc tbe giftcs . rot ougbt not tben toDout^bmtbati3oDtt!iil graunt l3s alfo tbe apoftolicall blctfvng.^o as tue map ba«e peace,bv bepng reconcileD tiu ■^'Jp" '"f« to eoD anD acceptcD into bis fauour . 2lnD firft ^ .STiOb" i*e- Sf SS^*^ pctctb bis otone name,left \uc a)oulD anp t^png Doubt of tljie team© tS autbour,\Mbora toe fee Cbjift to baue \3fcD as bts tojitec a«D consrcsati^ intcrp?etottc tnto all c6srcgations,12ut ^c cepetet^ not bim on*. (elfe Chaf.T, The third Sermon fdfctoI)et^efmtaimtofi5oD,$ toimclTeoj 0pottlcof3leftt ^C^jid . 3]t fufficeu to ^atte beacD t^at at t^ie ficft bcgpnnvng* a:l)erfo?e^eteac^et^moBeftie and ^timtimc tintot^ofeaKo tD^tc^ ^aue obteincD great giftc0. ^ftectDard be ftgntfiet^.to tu^om^e to^itet^^^ to \3)bo tbts booUe appectemetii) : namc:s Iv to t^e fencn cttttrc^cB of ^.Ha , toi^ofe names ^e t)tU tttec anonc aftcr,2lnD Aretas l3vCl)op cf Ccfacia fa^tji, t^at b^ tDc feiieii c^nrc^ce, bv tl)e number of reucn ^e figniftcD t^e mul* tttMUe of all C^urcljestbat bee m all places . 3iIfo Primafius Btft)op of mtica m Clffnfee,e)cpounDctb tbe number of fcuew (Co fci)om after t6e fame mauer,2rberefo?ctl)i0falutation, tbisboofee, ti)i0 boouc auo t^c \Mbole Doctrine of Slcfu Cb?»ft, Uijttten by ^ ♦ 3lobn, oppertei = appcrtepuctb to tlje tobolc tjntuerfaH it bnrclje of €W^ tbo^ ^^h toug!)outalUbctoo?lDe,maUt^mc6anDage0» jx>bereupoii it belongctb euen to ^0 alfo , as man? of mq as bee in tbe CburcbeofCb^ift . :fo^ albeit tbe25pi{lles beintitleDtotbe iftomaines ano i3alatbtans : vet folo\]?etb ttnot tberefo^e, tbat tbev bee not ours . i^no i)ct \xnittt\) ejtp^eOelp to tbe iL\)im\)tQ of !^fia,and nottotbeCbnrcbes ofl^terufakm i)^31c\3Drv:tberebvtofliett)e, tbattbe k^ngDome of Cb^tft, is comeu all reabv to tbe i^entiles . ^nn as i3oD from tbe begvnnpng cbofe Sjfraell , in ^bom to^ (et fo^tb a perfite ejC::* ample of a Cbnrcbe y mn common toeaUb * To from tbe bc^ gvnnyng of tl^e netue sreOamcnt ^ bee cbofe tbofe feneu Cburcbes of ^fta>fo^ an ejcample to tbe tubole CbiiHe too^lD. I5ut in cafe mome bao been fct in tbe fird place aihongeft tbs Cburcbes,as2gpbefus ts:gooD i5q^ ,bo\3) mmb ujouId tb^ momi^l foitmaUeof it , fo^f (tabli(l)tngof tbetrfnpjcmacie^ Cbefoj«^« 2lnDtbe maneroftbc 0poftle0 greeting toifl)ftb grace of tbe aipo= ano peacc.iSrace is tl}c fauour of i5ob,anD tbereconcilemet, (Hc0 Wcf- tobcrebv i5oDtbefatber is maDc at onetoitb ^s, ourf^nneg J?ns« paroonco , ano toe aoopteo to be bis cbilDjcn ^ foj Cbjiftes faHe . :S]:bcreof arifetb tbe peace ano tranquiUitie of mens mpnl>es,ann tbe oefirc of coucojd c toitb ail men* ^ttij bcre be flje^wetb abounoatlv^tubo gcuctb tbe Cbnrcb bis bleffingitbat is to vucete,gracc,rcconciIemcnt,anD peace: cucni5oD:namelp J5ootbc fatber,tbefonne,anDtbcbols gboft^tb?ee in perfonSvanU one inccrcnce.anti bcre be Difcer^ netb tbe perfons tjerp U)eU.;JFrom bim tbat i6,to U)ecte,from tJ^e fatbcr:ano from tbe feueu fpirites tbat is , from tbe boly gboRJ^ttiJ from3[leluCbjift:tbi0 is tbe Duicrfitv of perfons. <^nD tbe fignificatiou of tbe tjnttte is,\joben after tbe p;op;ie:3 ties of tbe perfons is Declareti) be ^^octb ; 31 am ^Ipba $ ^s megt\ vpontheApocalipfe. ' lo Chdp.r, mega. (EC. atnu toljcrcastftc ^o!^ gljofl fsfec Wtin t}^e m.thtAx> tniODcs,it Difomccetl) not t^c imftccv of tbe 2rcmitie : h\xt it gjonii pi« appeared) to be an argmnent t^at ^e ta t^e rpiriteas toell of ccb in t})e tfecfatI)er,asoft^efonne,anDt^at !)cp?occcDet^fcom t\^tm tamzu^ bot^ . ^s it is a!Co pzoueo bp t^e tooiDes of out; 2LotD , t^e, )«m. ]c\j. anb.p\)i. of 3ri0^n . l^ere is alfo Defcribeo tijc toljolc ^olfomc miftccp firft of €^?ifl: , t^n of t^c Cat^oUcfec faptlj, antj of oac ccDeption,fo tijat Ijeccm ^ou ma^ finDe t^ic c^tefefi articles of t^c apoftles CrcDe , anD l^auc fterc a moft gooDi? DcCcription of €^?i(l our E020 . l^ereb^ all men a)all iuDgc, ^oto trulp fomc men fa? , t^at t^is boobc , contrary to tijc cutlomeoft^e sapoRles ,mal(etl)Utle mention cfC^jiftanD offavtb. srbe father as fountaine auD o?igirtail,of \u^oni t\iz fonnc is begotten , is Defcribca firft : namelp t^at it is ^e tobic'o is, y if^"'' tDl^ic!) ujas^ toijic^ is to come . srijofe \x1c2Des toofee 3|i,obn g^J g: out of iS^o^fes \\\ tb€ . iQ.anu. )cjc]ciiq . c^ap. of igjcoo.anD out ^J ^ ofman^tejctcsofiffa^ ♦ anlibfcwc3"<^f^"0t^png els,but tbat i5ou tbefatber is aneternall eCfcncc^tDljicl) confiftetb bv anD of it felfc.ano is anii geuetb Jpfc to all,$ in all picferuet^ t^e fame : ano tbat t^is efTence is fucb , tbat it ijatl? been aU toapes toitl)out begpnnpng . ^qx tbis is it, tbat be meanet^ bp lopnvng tbe fozcbepng to tbe piefent bevng ♦ ano be ab= tctb,tobicbistocome,oKefxojoc6yc5)to^icbcft)albe,anb con:* (equentlpto^icbefl)alltemaineeuentotbe enDe , and tnto euerlaa^ngneffe tottbout enoc . %i\t i5reeUc5 Deriue tbe tt)0?D Theos (\WbiCb figuifpetb iSOD) off tUOZD Theetn \X>bicb figmfietb to laome: bpcaufebe intermetiletb bP»tt felfc M^xti^ alltbvttgcs bp contrnpng ^xxa runnvng^jnto tbetn, fo as bee ts pzcicnt eucr^ U3becc,eitber fuccouring tbe goblp,o? bipue^ Ipng tbe tjngoblp.iSotj i5,bc tbat is,^e tbatU)as,anD ^ctl^at (l)albe,o^ tubicb continuetb foi euer. anb tebereas tbe bolp gboft is but ond? one: pet nottoit^ ^oien fpt ftanbvng , bp reaCon of bis feucnfolb ( t^at is to fap bis "tiXiU xxtts, uerfall)gtace anb manifolb giftes , bee is termeo berc b? zY^t number of fcucn.ano from tbe 'oij.fpiritesCfavtb jlobn) tbat is fro tbat fpirite , txibicb is inuueb txiitb tbefeuenfolb graec* SUbofe biuersgiftcsarc afterafojt oeclareu of iBfapintbe, W.cbap.ano els \nbcrc iw tbe Scriptures, l&e is fapb to be in tbe picfcnce of f tb|one,tbat is to fav,befo?e f tbionc of fBob, iouncb Vicrelp in gouerncmet toitb tbefatbcr anD tbe fonne, ^6x tbetbjonc ismanp tpmes tifurpeb fojt^c bpngbomcv sri)e ^Ip g^oll tijcrfo jc is of all one glo jp , po\»er, anb ma« telHe Chaf.t.^ ^' The firil Sermon mit nttr: 5^010 ts l)ce cotncn to C^^tQ^to^om b^ i)i6 p^operttcs ^e crtpttonof tcfcttber^moftAboimiiaml^ . i^oubnouj^tbat^lcruststbo C^^ift. proper name of Cbnft : tobtcb 0^atbcto ncpoutiDctb , a^a- monrtanD Cb^tft is t!)e (urnamc of bts office auD ntgnttietas ^outooulo fa^,annovtucD,tI]at is to fav,bvft)Op auD Upng» Clj?ift a I ;jFitft be calletb €b?ift our }Loit),a favtbf»!l Vxiitncs , ^ tbat fa?ti)fuii otuof tbe.)cli)c.anr»,!.c^ap.of«5rav.;f ojbctoas fcntof tbefa^ S»ime«. ti^eftot^ctoozlo ontof^caucnasan :apoaie,to teflifictbc tuiU of i&od,txibat bee \joouiD bane bone toitb men : irbat is to ^^t ^ tbat bee tooulo faue tbe toojlo by bis fonne , ano bv i.Pf t.3 . fuc^ fa^tb in bpm,as is obeDient to tbe lauj of f5oD . ;Jroj be John . 3 . inuft tjo tbe toill of bis fatbcr.aubis Cbi?fi is a favtbfnll mu Math . 7 . jieg^ tbat is fiire, c onftatmt anD tnie : :gi)f tobofe Docttinc no man ougbt to Doubt . ^o man batb fecn i5oo at any tpme: ^lath.iy. STbconclp begotten tobtcb is in tbe bofomeoftbe father, ig £.Pet.i. ijc tbat batb rettealeD bpm . ?&e tberefo:e is tbe Bvftjop ann ^niuetfall teatber of tbe Cburcb . »)bo fo cuer DiflTcnt from btnt,are to be efcbevueb.l^eare bun,raitb tbe fatber.ns^atb.iz* ano.x.i^et.i. Cb;iift is f 2, ^c is tbe firC begotte of tbe beabjoz be b^eb fo? our finnes erft fruttc0 in \jerp DcDe anb rofe agapne from t\)t bcaD,$ bccante tbe firft of ti)c tbat begotten of tbe oeaD,^ tbe Jlo?D ana conquerour of beatb:31« *'*^- VDbosn toe fee tbat toe alfo fl)all rife againe, ano m tobat foit» Concerning tobom loo^e tbe fir(t of tbe Co^intbias.jrtJ.^nD iv^e as in tbe firfl p^opertiebee Q)aDotoetb tbe manbotteof Cb?iit , toberin be taugbt ano alfo l)iQ i3obbeaD,tobcrem be toas our faptbful!,true,(t tjniHcrfall 25vCbop,^ is vet at tbis ^1V* ^0 i" tt)e (econo^tbe articles of our beleefe coccrnpng y beacb of £b?ifti ^no bis refurrection are confirmeD.STo tbelc alfo mav bee aooeo tbe article of tl)t refurrection QU\)t iieaD. €W^ m 3 Cbiitt is PJtucc oucr tbe fepngcs of tbe eartb , a i3]onarfec t^ncc of >)erelv,anDlLo?b of all Hoboes : 3»bitb b«^tb recciiicD a name pngciar. aboue all names,tbe Eo?b of angels,and of all creatures , to tobom all tbpngs befiibiect:as tbe apcrdeJjeclarctb. Col.i. fdbil. ^*!2lno be Dotb not aboltfl) latocs ano 29Qagiftrates , itf tbatbetoillbefepngoffevnges,anDllo2D ofHojoes . SfoiH tbere toere no feinges^boto Q^ouln CbJtft be fevng of l^pngs J arbC moftfacreO l£mperonr8,Conllance, Conlbntine , Theo- dore,iu(Unian,bneto tbem fclues to be Cb^ifle s tafifals , ana tbat tbe ^ingoome toas £b?iftes,(i tbe^ bts rubiectes.STbefe CbuCt ackttotolebgetb fo^ bis , bp tobom be gouernetb tbofe beb^tb (^bcmed totd; ^is blottb « n^2 ^W P^ouolp reigne ouec vpontheApocalipfe. ii Cha^A, oucr t^c people, Ijoaftvttg tijem felucs to be jLo?ties of nil t^mg5,anD ac^notolcdge not C^;t(tto be monarch otter all, l)eilat:l(emaD. ass petbojclenfctb tbe fa^tbluU : ano tbat not partlv, but moft i^^b' fullp.Be aUuoeo to tbe toafljpnges of tbe latu , Ujbicb be e)c- poaoco alfo.:JfojS>auio favtb:i3ourge me tuitb l^pfope, ano 1 (l)albe maoe cleane , toaaie me , ano 51 Qjalbe U)biter tbati (noto.STbefamepbzafeoflpeacb repeatetbi^fapin bvsfttft cbap.f3gjcbeasalfofaptb:2rbeao?otDiUrettirne$\xiillbaueMiche.7. tnercvon ^s,bett)ill treabc tjtioerfootc our iniqnuies : ^no tboufl)alttbjott)aUtbeir finties into tbe bottomeofibc fea: ano tbe ILozD fa^tb, 31 toill call cleane toatcr tjpon ^ou , ano Ezech . 3 c ^ou Qjalte clcnfeo from all vourfiltb^nes , %\^z JLojo Cbzift accopli(l)pngtbe(efa^inges,toaQ^etb,purgetb ano tb^ougb^^ l^ clenfetb ts,afVx>eU from tbe fault^s fi:o tbe pavne. 13 c cle- ci);na iDev= fetbtjs from our finne6,not from one,but fro aU.^betobicb chct!) aii tbpng is p?oueobotbbp former tcftimonvcs, atao agapne in rmncp, tbe firUigpiaieof ^.3lobn,tbefirft$fecojiD cbapters. iLa(l= IVjtbc maner aUo of purifivng is fet fcub : namclp bv blotto, f^\ \»itbout QjcDyng of blouD no rewitflto Ujas maor . STbci; foj: rbzougb tbe mcDtanon of oeatb ano b!ottofl}covng tberc toas full rctniCfiou of all fiuncs obte^nco foz tbe fa^tbfnll. Chp.r, fl)ctb bp bloiiD. Heb.9. /^\)z effect of Cl)jtftC0 tcDzmption in tl)c fapti) tOccbce tDcebcc x.Pet.x. Kom.ii. and. If. Phil. 4. Heb.13. Exod.r^. Dometjsof (000. The thyrd Sermon 2:i)c^ tljafbi^itg Coit!) an^ ot^cr mantr of (o^gtucttcCTc of ftnncQ.ate inmrtous to t^c DCAt^anoblonn oftbefonncof i5oD . anD ^erc toe mav fee pla^uclp fctfojti) tl)i0 article of t^c lapoftolicall Cccet)c:3i bcicue t^e foigcucncB of CinncB. 31n t!)c V}.place is (lietocn tljc effect of out* rcDemption anD clcnfvng . ;Jf 01 c^iift Ijatl) bioiisl)t to palTe, tljat as nianv of \)sas belettemtbe fattier bv tbe fonne of 0oo , (l)ouiDbe ^^n^tQ ano piteftes to 000 bis father. Aretas ano tbe cop^e of complutc ccaD not biugs but |3a(t j\«oty,tljat 10 to fap,femg3 iiome:tI?e sxtl^itl) is not reao atniffe.;!? oi toe be tl)e b^ngjiome of i5oo,bvcaufe i5oo bv bis fpit;ite,not y fleO) noi t6e tooilo, oiigbt to rcigne in ^JS.iSlnD toben toe permit tbe gonccnemet to tbe fpicite,\»e be t^e Uvngbome of i5oo : xt>bicb t^V«S ^* Idattle baoletb at large in tbe tbe l^omains.OQoiic oner t»c be maoe ftinges.tbat is free bv €W^i tljat toe QjulD not rente t^e oeuiU,tbe fleai,anb t^etoozlD.acco^btng to tbat raping of ^^acbarie , tbat bepng oeliuereb from tlje banocs of our cnemve0,\Memigbt feme bpm toit^outfeare iubolpnes ano rigl^teoufnes befotebvmalltbe oavesofourlvfe.^nD Cl)^i(lc bat^ confecrateo t)s \B}k&cB uiitb t)vs fptrtte and l)louo,tt)attoeeQ)oulo offer )}p toi3oD fpirituaU facrifices, ti^attstotoitte^ourfeluespure , auD p^vn toobe tbefe things out of ejcoous:;ff 01 toe of t\)t fS^ttls tbat baue beleueo baue fucceoeo in t\)t place of tbe people of Bifraell to^icbe reiectcD Cb?ift tb;ougb tiHbclefe.^no tbefe tbings giue a ligtjt to t^at article of t^e Creeoe , 31 beleue t^e l)olv Cat^olicfee Cburcb, tbe communion of ^aiuts.;f 0; as manp of ts as beleue, are tbe felotoQ)pp of 0oos people, fanctifieo tf)^ougb Cbltft , to c6eferuiceofi5oo.!^notbusmHcb coucemyng tbat matter* 3lnti}e^ji.pIace,^ntbeDefcrtpti5 ofCb^tftl^e (lietoctbt^at glo^V^ti^ Dominion is bue V}ntoi5oo alone tl)iougbCi);i(l in tbe Cburcb foi euermoie.wc geue g!o;v tmtd i5oD, to^en toe afcrtbe our faluation.ano ail goobnes , not to out: ^tone Hreugtb ano merites,but to \)is gooones. wt geue ^vm Do^ minion,tobcn toe acl\uotolebge bpm to be Eo?D ano beao in t^e Cburcb>toozitvng bp ^im felfe anb not bp tbe ^aintes m ^eauen,as tl^ougl? be bab graunteo \)is potoer to tbeni : no^ bVt^eidopeas tbougbbcbabl)vmbts oeputie ))pon carti?* ar^e tobole glozpauD Dominion is CbMQcs. j^eueutbiptn tbe oefcription of Cbzif^) tbere folotoet^ ^ys commons t)iito iuogcmcnt, anb tl^c mancr of ^ts commvng. vpontheApocalipfe. 12 Chap.T. fti as a doitfie toofee^vm tp ftom t^c eves of tl[)c apoSft0, chjia iom cucn fo ft^ail Ijc come in clouDce to iuDgc x\it quicl^e anD t^jc come to JcaiJ,ficcozDvn5ast^c^cnptucetuirne(retl?.attD^caDDct^, luDgcinoit. tijat tljc cpcs of all men a)an fee tlje iiiDge , cucn t^e epcs of t!)ofc tobicfte I)auc peacrci ^v»« ♦ tt>^creof toe gather ttoo Math. 14, timgcB:ftrft,t^at t^e mugcmcnt (l)aU be touiuerfaH . :x)^erin ^^^^' '- men ll)all arpfc ant fee C^jiftUjit'g ttjeicotone eyes, ^no fc^ x. Their. 4. conr»Ip,tl)at C^?ift ftall come to iiiDgemcnc in i^c fajnc flea),* tn\wl)ic^l)etoast3JOiiDeD(tlhcheD,^angca\)pontI?e CroOe, ^ob. i^. bncpeo^anD rofeagaync . Wl)i6 place 10 tahen our of tbe piii, of 5ac^arp,ano 10 citeD alfo in ^.3lo^ns i3ofpcl.2lnii it bcs zacha.r^. i^ouet^ tI;at^iB booybee QjetocD to t^c Uj^oIc toojlDfuIlof lohn.i^. pjmtcfi ano macfecs,tl)at it may be iuDgeo t^erebp, 2r^e one Co2tbycaufe t^ev ^aue committco tbem (cUicb to fuc^ a rcDei menano t^c ot^erfoue bpcaufe t^cpljaue reicctco ano conte^ neDfuc^aonc . jOft^cfctoe tmnecftanDt^ts tl)at 10 adDcD: ano tticv fl)all toavle:xo4ovTctJ,t^at iB,t^ey Qjal renD,teare,^ tjeftrcp t^eni fcluc0,namel^ becanfe tbc^ baue neglecteo tbcic otonefaluation: n>bicl? tbe toifeman oifcoucCet^ at large, sap ? <. iSJojeottet: left anp man fljoulo ^oubt of t^ofe ttVMes t^at arc fpofecn of f iuDgcmem,^ of t^e lamentation of y voichco, 'Ci)rngffl (accojnpng as ^.peter fapo,tl)at t^ece Qjoulo be contenerB ^P^fecn of auD mocfeers of t^e iufigcmcnt)tieaoDct^ a feinnc of a confic- ^^ ^"^sc= mation,euen C0.amcn.3it is cectcinlp twc. SJtai^* Slnt^emalfois ci:pomU)edtl^earttcIc of tl)e Crcebc con^ \ p^. ' ccm^ng Cb^iOe© cSmpng to iuDge t^c quicbc anO t^c Dcao* " '^' 2^e conciutictl) t^iQ place \x>it\) t^efe uioiDeB : i am Alpha & Omega . ST^at to^icj folotoetbCnamel? f begpnnpng ^ enO) is omitteo m fome copie6:aB t^oug^ t^e tntecp^etatiS of tbe la^O UJOJOCB, I am Alpha & Omega, ^aO crept in OUt Of tbC inargcnt.a^ftiB faying of i am Alpha & Omcga, iB a piouerbt of ^.Sloljnt^eapoftlc . S)iuerre ^eretic^B,a« Bafiiides ano Valentine^matic a toonoerfull Dcfcantyng t)pon letters . 23ut agavnQt^ofe letterco^eretic^es Sjobnfpea^et^ plapnlybp t^emomb of C^jift, I am Alpha & Ome^a . 3!f an? t^?ng ong^t to be afcribeo to letters , 3] am all y mWt . fm 31 am t^at cnerlaflv^g ^ertue , eflfencc , ano eternitie , fo} tt)t fenfe is,t^at i5oD is t^e begvnnyng ano cno , t^at is to Cap , eter^ nail, )m^eabeable,beQ ano greateft • l^ereagapnearere^ petto,t^)c foKCa)?o toojocs.i&e tbat ts,to^icb toas. (tc. XJp^ic^ toeree^onnoeobcfoze:xr^erennto isaooeo,alungl?tp . foi i)erebptsoeclareOt^etmitieano maie0ieofi5oo ,ofV3}bom t^csryinitieaUo ^t^beneopeneo before * ano i^ertbvt^e 3D.9» aut!)o= Chaf.t, The fourth Sermon aut^o jitic of tl^iB boofec is confirmcn , to^ctof t^e favii ttcrs nail ann almtg^t^ i5oii 10 d^etvcD to be iX^t aut^our, to tol^o i)cglo^?,!^men. C^f tbe narration of tl)i5ba)hc,Ujb0rein tsalfo (bclacD tbe place ano ti^me^ano tbe autbour of tbts ^euclation. The fourth Sermon. T lohn your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kyngdome and patience which is in lefu ChriitjWasinthcllcofPathmos for the word of God, andteitimonyoflefuChvift:, Iwasin the fpiriteonthc Sonday,and heard behynde me a great voyce, as it had bene of a trompe, faying : I am Alpha and Omega, the firft and the laft . That thou feeft write in a booke, and fend it to the congregations which are in Afia, vnto E- phcfus,and vnto Smirna,and vnto Pergamos,and Thy- atyre,and vnto Sardis , and vnto Philadelphia, and vn- to Laodicia. i^matton. ^^^ ^^^ P'^^^ ^^^^^ f^^^ P^^^ fl)Ctuctb tnto \j6 a b?icf nac ^ ' ration , tobcrin tbe Slpo&lc ^» 3iobn Dedarctb tbc t^me ano place oftbte l^enclatiott,anD b^ U)bofe commaunocmcm bf to?otc ano fent tbe fame to tbe fcucn iLburcbes in ^fia. sano aga^nc notio tbc tbp?i> t^w^t is t\it name of jTob" t'C^ bearfco . ^cfa\D tJnooubtcolp,tbat tbcre \x)oulD be fome (\x)b:cb to tbe eno x^jf^ mtgbt tafec atoa? tbe \)fc ano fmitc of tbts booKc) \xioulD Doubt of t\^t autbour ; agapnft tx»bom bt rcpetftb auD rebcarfctb bis namefo oft,lcftttic ft)oulo oonbt anD lacfec tbe great commooitie of fo too^tbp a boofec. ^.IBobnis ano ^nto bis name^be aooctb ccrtcine tbv«Scs,tobtcb i«= ji)e b;ioti)cc ftruct tjs towcbv^Stbe date of tbe ^poftMnootbcr p?of:ta^ of ti)e faptij bic matters » ^irll be callctb bpm fclfe a bjotber , namrip cf *""• tbofe fcucn Cburrbes^auD of all ours : accoiovng as 3] bauc aomoniQjCD pou,tbat in tbenumbcr of tjg.tbcrearc compzu fco all Cbnrjcbes of all t^mes tbzongbout tbc tubolc tooilo, ^0 manv of \js as bcleuc,are all cbilujen of tbe one bcaucl? fatber:anD tberfoje all fpiritttall bzet bicn tn C b?ttt .be coin^ Rom. 8. beritcr6tDitb-Cb2ift,$bcvzcsof0oo.}x>btcbtbvng^.}aanl Math. %i: tangbt after ii\)),i^ , S^bcn fcpng our Diguitie is fo great , let t)s once beaQjamcD of our miitseoes , IcaS our inemo;^ b( m vpon the Apocalipr^; i^ pnt out of this mo8 noble atrt celclh'al fatmlte. 3lt is a ftiame &at tijc bjot'pcr of Cbufl,of ^ . 31a^n ano of all t^e i^poftlcs fljoulD ocgeucrate.^r.Bnt tubv 5)aue not tbe Hofancs of ti^c bleCTcDtirgme^artcanD oftbc^jaintcs aciuftamiv tzgcD tijis biot^ciijooc , as tbc i^onfecs banc callcu tjppon \)s to: t^eic otonc fozgco bzotbccboucsf Bpcaufc tbat U5as free, anii coftnotbtngrisiittbe iSSJonl^cs fcU tbcics atavc, 2Cbev be tbecfoje occcaucrs ano fcouccrs. aftertoacD becalktl) bimfclfctbetrpartaltecin affliction, 01 oppieflTion ano pcrfccution^as \)t tbat ferns xucn t^cn bans nifl)cobvtfje€mpcroiirDomman,ano lineo m ejciic. ^o befcpccatetb not binifelfc from tbcni in aoiiciiitie , hntio'^^ ntt^ \xiit\) t^ein: Vobicb is t^ie piopcrtie of all favtbfnll bie^ tbze. ano bcrclv tl)z pci-fecntion tbat \3C]cco tbe i^poftlf 6,ano Cbcpcr- tobic^ tojnicutcib ts at ttits oap,atre both one. iLct bs tljccc- !J<^",^JO" of foie rciovce t^at toe bane tbe ^poftlcs ano alli^c oejartics of ^^'l"f !;? CbJift fcllotucs of one trouble ano affliction . ano let \3S not cinncln be oifconragco )xiit^ tbe btirtben of nnfccies* Hct \)s be pati:^ ^ cm ano loncf fuffcing . foi it is not itiongb to be affiicteb, anolsejceo t^itb ail ^inoe of euils Cfoz man^ inoure molt greuous pavnes taitbont an^ frnite oz piapfe at all ) But tc becomuietb bs to be alfo patient in aouerfitic , 2rberfo?e ^» 3lobn at tbispzefentiopnetbtoitb it patience. ;fo; tbeEozd rapo in bis £3ofpell: Jfln ^our patience fl)all you pofTelTe vouc foules. ;lfnctbermoie,tnto tribulation an& patience, beaooetb ai li^ttgoomc,^cabcrclvabeaue!vbiugDon;c,butnotancar£b- 3ibinsDattj Ip bingoome. ano be bziugetb m tbe l?ingoouic fo; tbe coin^ P?cparco fbjtoft^e patient people. ;$fcj alfo tbe apoaie ^.jaaulfapo: fon^cps? 31tisafureramg,iftocoietuitb€b?ift, toe a)all Ivnie alfo ^^^"^ to3Vtbbim;5!ftoefnffer,\i>eftialreigne toitb bv«^.(^c. Hetbs altMaycs coinfozt our fclues beretu in aouerfitic , ;jf oz toe arc t\:)iuii Dotone,tbat tuc m^gbt be e?:altcoagavncintnncto comc.i.Coz.4.anoalltljcfctbin5S^are conrluoeo inCbziflt 31crus,bv tobom \Me he botb tl)C cbi!o?en of i3oo ano bzctbie, ano fuft'cr man? tbutges paticntlp, ano arc maae partal^cr^ of bis fevugoomc. ;JrQZ tut foz all tbcfe tbuigs muS toe tbaUe biio^ano bis tnerites,ano not cur otone ocfcitcs. Ect bs bere note alfo,\xjl)at ano bo^i) great tbe biuuilitj'e of CJjc (tm tbat great ano tooztbP apoaic of i5oo batb bccne, ano tobat of {^nmuji » toasbis fiate:namel^,notboinptucus,butpa!ntull, bo^^ otti;apotti^ beit vet pleafaimttbzougbil^biiiJenpatunce. But tobere be tbcvuo\3D^tr;!atglozv itt tbe name ofapoOles l tobo in tb« S>*i^. meanc Chaf.i. The fourth Sermon mcatic tvmc f\»cn toitlj p?iDe.anu todtcc atoa? fn filt^^ plc*» fitcesJ£>f\xil)om3iS^ueujammg, tl^at toe inay flee from t^ from Zpoftat&ts. (Tpcpiace ^nu "o^ ^c Q)ctoct^ tlje piace,\x)ljecc tW Dminc rcuclas s»i)ci:inlti)c tiohtx)a0fl3C\peDljim,\i3l)erc alfo Ije tuas comraawnucu of Tcudatiott jgoD to tDjiite t^e fame. s:^e place toas tJjc J^z of laat^mos. Soaj5(^w= piinimtl)C]cij.c^aptcrof^ts»uj.boofee,ccclsottetl)tt among *^' t^e 311anD3 calleD sporades, 3it lav owee agatnft afia,ani3 ti)C c«icofiep^eftts,aniitDasmt'gcr:5!?tbot5c of Europe anu affrtcfec, fo t^atit fcctuci) to be as it wtu a miDDic feate, oi l^olv c^a^zc foi C^jia to pieacb out cf,fcom ^eaue to r tofeole \3P0zlD,bp 3lo^n» i^nD in necue tl)ec;iiinauncc6 of laaul bab maintavneD a 17. veaccs etft l)cfo?eii^^iBii3afiboncinp T4.ozJ5.vearc of S>oimti- mi,$ tbe mii^ , peare after tbe beftcucttS of t\)t citie of J^ierus fale,anb after t^bpztb of our ILojoe.icrtjf. H>omitiantobo tooiUD ncebcs be counteo (t calleb a 0ob, teas flavne of bio otone men,anb fo after manp ttlanous Deebes, ^ Vjnnatarali wnrtbers, b^eo )sjit\) bifljono? m t\)^ %y),^zatt of bie reigtje, %\)t autboiirs bercof are, Suetonius in tbe Ipfe of SDoinittan, TertuUian m f hereticprefcript. Eufcbius in biS C^ZOniCleS.^ ^ in t\}e 17.$ 1 s.c^aptcrs of bis tbirb bofte of cburcb inattcrsj toiti) \3}^om alfo agreeetb tl)c ccmmS confent of all Vu^iters* j^0K0uer,t)e mm^ t^e time to^rein t^efc miseries ht» gan vpontheApocalipfe. 14 Chap.u ganto hit rcuealcD to l)vin,en/ tJ act KVftaxn 'mif5.,x\% tljatfo^ cbctpme aimcictit fatljcrs callcij one of t^e <^abbotljcs , t^at is to fap, iatton,£mD tlje ftrftDavint^c:rr>ccfee,tDbccftuC^iiflrofe agapncfrom oftijcfona the DcaD.(3eiatt).)cic\jiq.anD figacfe.ptoi. Euo t^ts Dap tiauct^e ^*?- Ci)iit:clje0 cborm to tl)em fclucs in ftcDc of t^c ^abbotlj Dap, as I^olv lu t^e renicfazatince of tlje ILointB cefnrrcction,t^icrc- m to fecepe t'qcic facvco anU folcmnc aaiinl)Iccs.;f 02 tl;at tfjm ba*^ toas foIcnuufcD aiiD confcccateD fojalTcmblecs in t\)t cfis gccgatjfi of Cozmtljent appcarctb manifcftlv m f. jc^ji. cbap. of tjc ficft fSpiHk to tfje CojtntI)tanB,^btrc tbe ^pottle c0:s maunbetbtola^apart t^ieir coUcctions in one oftl^c ^ab^ boti)CB : %\^t fame Da^ alfo tljc faptbftill opo celcbiate tljeic fccmcetoitb ^.}aaule,m tlje.joc.of tljc^ctes, sr^erfoic tobcc as Sozomenusi'cpoztct^) mtlje.biij. c^ap. of tbc firft boofecof tbc ftoj? 3rnpcnitc,tlja£ gccat Canihntinemabccectcmcbo- Ip Davcs,ano tijc JLojoes Day fb; one , tMbicl)c 10 calico of tbe i&catben t\:^t ^onoavnt isto be tntjcrftanb t^attie ratbcccc^s netocD tbc cuftomc of tbc sJlpoftles ano CatboUcfee C-bwrcb* tban ne\»lp inllitutcD tbc fame . anb fceelp of tbeic otonc ac^ co;b bane tbe cbittc^es reccttteb t^at oapifoz toe rrao not tbat t'tu^as an^ vobei'c commamiDcD . ^xin tbe congrcgatids faU) l^oto it toas altogether neccoarp tbat tbere Q)oulD be a cettettt tpme,in tbe vaibicb tt)e l^atntes (l)oulD mcete ano come toge^ tbec.2:bep cbofe tberfoic tlje bap of tbe refwcccctton , neitbec bpD tbcp malicicuflp cdntctTQc among tbcm fclucs foj tbefe tbpngcs,a6 tbc bpfto^ics teOific toas bone m tbc Cburcb af- tertoaro.^nb at t^is bap it tocre gooo tbat tbc I'upciSitious ^Ip bapcs tpcec ab2ogatcD,anb tbat fome cccteinc a)oulD be obfecucD in mcafucablc mimbcc,\Ditb pjcfccuation of qupet=: neOTe iw tbc Cb«ccb . S?)lq'^ tbcn fo:ai*mucb as t\)t apoftle feneto , tbat tbe faptbratl fccticD j5od m all tbcic aOcmblpes ^. -. Oil tbc Ijonbap : aUliougb he could not be pzcfcnt ujub i\)txi\ iS[» StSht"'' iw bobp:pct ujas be pjcfcnt tcitb tbetn in fpirite aiiD contcm- tobcfeSt plation»anb as be tuas tbufi in i^t fpirite ano contemplatio ' of matters biuuie,^ iw bolp p;apcrs,bc^earD a tiopce, tober* of toe \xiil fpeake bcrcafter. I5ur bete toe are p;cfetip taugbr, tDbat!5tbcrc!tgi6 of tbe ^cnoap^auDboUJirismeftcioob^ feme it.;jf inalip too^lDlp me are repzoueb, xcbicb pollute anb bieal^c it \331tb \X)oilblv ^ "bnbolp UsozKcs . E?aaiD tobat tpmc be fuffcrcb pcr4ccuna of ^aui,iainercb coiefip , tbat be mtgbt not come to tljc Eorocs ta'ocrnade. 2But our men accontpt it great fcUci«c,ro^£pe t|)cmfclues aitsapesoutoftljcfelotxia 2>,uij, ftjpp The fourth Sermon fl)^ of tl)c ^a!ntc0,attU to abufc the ^onua^,m gamenvng, UjtnfeV«C7l>*iWttc^tiS> attO toojlolv LufinclTc* us? ^\)m ^ijefc tbvnSf B bcyng on t^is \x(vfe Declared , ^c commct^ aS"rrt be ^* tcngtb to the rcuclationifetting fojt^ f tr tt t^c cjipjeflc come s»iotc ano mauttDciucnt of i5oo, toljcrijp ^c toas coinumunDcD both to fenttt)e ^^ \33Zttetbc tl)^ngs tcuealcD,attD aifo to feno thtm to tlt)c fcncn j?ocaiipfc, cijucc^es of Slfta.anD it tnafeetU greatlp to tht manec (t tna- ieftte of t!)c iiicucIatton,tl3at J^e i)carD a topcc, vta ano a nota- ble mtg^tv tJovce,as the fofto of a tcompct ♦ fo} toe icao ttiat tijc Ivfec \33as Done at tlje giuvng of tljc Ia\30 t)pon mount ^U tiap./^otM 10 Dcdareo to^ofc\30^ce it tDa0,anii toljo \33asti;ic aut^oui' of tljc rcuelatio.taccdp the cccunall 0oD,\x>bicI) ca!:* kt^ l)tmlelf Alpha ^ Omega^t^at ts t^e bcgvnnpng $ t^e e«D: jS>? as it is fapD in igfap,ficft auD iaft.XJOlicrof els to^cic. i^o\xi foliotioet^ tbe comn^aimocment tobicbe ^at!) t\X!0 pactcs»;fo>ftciltbc3lo?D cDmmam;Dctlj^.3]obn totojitc: Ztiij to tozite fuel) tbvngcs as be fau),tbat io to \»it,tbc ^po- caiipfc.2lnDtljatbcQ)oulD tojitcncitbcc intbc(anDe,no?on a toalle,but in a booSte:CHerclv fo? tbc cDifi^ng anD p?ofitc of tbc iLhntth p?cfcnt,attD of al! pofientic. 0ftcc he is alfo com^ maunucDtofcnDetbofctoiitvngcsto fcucn congccgatione, 9 conCequenttp to all tbe Ctjiictbeo of the tobole toozlD in all tpmcs $ agc6.2rbcrfo;e tbcfc tbvngcB belong to tbc profit of all congt:cgation6,pea eue of all tbat be,baue bene, oz Q^i&ihe* S^ccebp tpe Icarne, boto great tbc autbo?itie of tbc ^ccip- ^)nm}.u tare 13. 3ltttjasnotto?iftenanDcompileDinboofec6,butb^ %niState ^ous commaunoemct.arbccc be notablc teftimonics oftbe g>cripiurc. jjQQ^fg of i^ovfes^intbe.icicpiij.of igpoo.ano. jcw. of 2>eur»' ^nD(to fap notbvng of p refiBue of p p;opbcts,)i0 not Slcrc^ m^comaunDezito\xi;ttebi0^ct;mono agayne , U)bicb l^Vt'9 Sdoacbim bao cut in peeccs ^ bumt^DoubtlcB j^.}dcter bea^ Cbc fcrtps cctbmanifelltoitnc6,tbattbe 0?opbetes recciucD tbc mpftcs ISr? ^^^ ^*^^ ^^ iSoDs bv^S^cime to none otbec cno , but to rcucalc *"'^*^' tbcm to iJfi : it>bic5 m DceDe coula not be Done , bat b? Xoii^ t^ng.^no nott) is 31obn opcnip coumtaunDeo to tozyte. iPea anD be is alfo commatuiDeD to fenD bts Ui^itpnges to tbe congrcyations: ix?bccebp toe gatbecagavne , tbatiSoD mcanctbtjerptoell to all congixgattons,vcaatiD cncu 10 cuecp one of tjs , Jlct t)S tafee bccDe tbat toe put noti5oDs (0 great benefites from)]s tb^oug^ our o\»ne mifoeaipnges,2ro l;iv*m be pwpfcanogloz^* €^ht vppontheApocallpfe, ly f Me bestnnrns oftljt iDo^be 10 maue, ant) a mol! gooDl^ Defcrtption totitepbibiteD ofCb;jift§i^ngant)315t»l^o^ in gloj?,anD neuertbeUffe Ujo^fegns in ^^^ C^urcfj. The fifth Sermon, A Nd I turned me , that Imyght fee the voyce that fpakc with me. And w^hen I was turned , I faw feuen golden candelftickcs : And in the middes of the feuen \ candlcfticke.SjOne lykevntothe fonneofman clothed with a linnen garment downe to the grounde,and gyr- ded about the pappes with a golden gyrdell . His head and his heare were white , as white wolle and as fnow: And his eyes were as a flame of fire, and hisfeere lyke vnto bra(re,as though they brentin a fournace : & hys voyce as the found of many waters .And he had in hys right hand feuen Starres,and out ofhis mouth wenta fliarpe two edged fword,and his face flionc euen as the Sunneinhis ftrength. srbetbvnscB t^at ^aue bene treatcD of bttbcrto mtbts l>oofecbemaeDcofa}aiologueo?}3?cfiacc,a6 tl^c^ tttmtit, 'Xijefame 5]ioto tofll toe go in banD toitb t\)c mattec it felfe;* fecce tbct:= f."^"^ . fo?efoIott)ctb tbc fcconu pact of tbis boobc o^tuoibe , tobicb to ffid tcacbetb to tbc iitj.cbap. herein is Cbiiftano bis Catbolicfec ciSpttr Cbuccb DefccibcD tjmo ^s . fo} ftrfl bcrc is fct befoic ts tbe tnoft facrcD Siniagc of Cbuft our iLo?D,fljetovng Ms m tubat toife be i6 onf rigbt bano of bis fatbcr in gloip,$ boto be fit* ting on f tigfyt bao of bis fatbec ,to02fectb ucuertbeles in bt's Cbuccb contin«alIv,nenecabfcnt,butaltoapc6p?efcnt. i^no intbofsfcucn Cbmci)csbcreisfigurcD tjutoljstbc ftatcof tl)t ttJboIc Cbuccb ^pou cartb . i^cre tbcrfojc arc Cbcluco tbc ejcccUcnt gtftcs of Cbntcbcs,?: aga^ne tbe fliameftil ccroiirs: iboto tbe llo?D Cbzift confinnctb fucb as are rcaDp to fall,cfs tabliftietb tbofcrbatftanD , comfo?tetb tbetocal^c bacteD,cet tccpnctb tbc fooIifljbacDp,^ pjcfecuctb tbpngcs tbat arc cox^s mpt:;jfinaUp , boiafavtbfwlHSalloncsoftbeCbnrcbcmuft UDoibcano tcauell^toitb tbe people committeo to tbetr crcDit. foi bete it is epcei>V"SJV ^cll taugbt,in tubat toife cburcbcs ace to be ccpapjco ^ mavtttf"pncD.ainD tbecc alfo fl)aU a b^cf fjummc oftbctobolc^ccleriaRicaUauD bolfome Doctrine be Chafj, The fifth Sention b^ous^t into anab^tDsemSt^ant) (ct before \)0.;f oi ia0thta ^ng in glo^v •> tieltueretb from b^aucn a rcbearfall of t^c Doc^ trine of true tcUgton,vo^tct) ^e ^an fet fo;t^ mo;e pIcnnfuUp, to^cn^e\Mas ^crc on cartl),antj moS aptl^ applvctli it to tjc c6urcl)C6,accojDvng as tijc cafe of t^cm requiretb. %\it tooiucB alCo arefetttttogctl)cr , int)cr? gooDlv o?ucr: and ltKc>xiire ci^e \jDi)Dlc booUe te U)2ittm in pla^ne tx)0?DC6, baugvng rigbt tocil togetber : (o as tbe^ are deceaueD tobicb tbtn^e it to be lofe befomes o; becomes \)nbouD» Slobn beard a tjopcc bc^^uti ^yin crping::»berupon be turncu batfetoarD tbat be nugl)t fee tlje bopce fpeabpng,tbat 10 to toir,bpm tbac fpafee.;jpo?Aretasalfo aDmoniflietb, t^att^ere is a figure in tbe tDo;ties.;lfo; a ^oyce is not fene,but bearD.^nd turning bvm to fee, 02 as be turneD bvnt felf about: be Cato a figure of jict i\)0 Cb;ift our ^'atuour. ^berfo^e tuben f 2Lo;d fpealtetb,iet \)s turnc to t^c turne alfo \jDitb aii our bart, tt)at txie map Itbctaife iteferue to JLo?i» fee tbe mvfteries of tbe bpngoome of 000-, foj be glaulv re* fpcafepng. ucaictbbvttt fclfe to fucb as turne,anb aefire Ijeauclp tbings: i^nt) from t^ofe t^at neglect tbe mifteries of tbe ^ingtiome of i5oD,aU tbpnges of (aluation are X^iax^z. /^bc image ;lfurtl)ermoie , |>.3lobn tr^iWttl^ to ts tbe 3lmageof cf Cbjift CbJin,our foueraine fepng anD bVSb Bpfbop fitting in glo^ ts fct bcfojic t:p: tu tbe tubicb nefcriptid are comp^tfeo tbe cbiefeft matters ^' of £bMf^* ;f oz fucb a tafle of ^W^ ts bere geuen t)s , as in tbis tDo^lB map be of our \a)eal(e fle(l)e perceaueD. But at tbe lengtb in t^e too^Id to come toe (ball fee bim fu cb as be is, in tbe fulnes of bis maie(lie,\a3berin fl)albe iop anD life euerla;5 (ting: tjobicb tbing in tbis corrupt \]t}0}tt), ts pet gramtteD to x.Tohn .1. no man. STberefoje (0 long as toe tiue in tijis tuoiIDe, \xie be pertnitteli to fee no mo;e \int fo mucb as is profitable fo; ^s, andasourinfirmitiemavconceaue* 0nD tbat ftgbt is not litle oj notbing: but great anD large auD ^crp full of fpiritu^ allpleafnre, HmeaneifUjebebolDc tbcfe miOerics ofi5oD toptbalaptbfullepc.anD toptb a mpnuc Dcfirous of goDlp matters* ^nD Doubtlcs tbcp be tbpnges certapne ann true, tbat are ccuealeD bere bmo\)s,;jFo? tbep be reuealcD bptbe tcrp fonne of j35od. Hct bs not topft) tban to fee moje> oj De- fire greater tbpugcs tbantbefe arc : but let ijs tabe pleafnre in tbofe u^bicb Cbndbatb graunteo t^s.^luD let bs Unoui fo^ certaintie^tbat i5od beSoUietb a U)onDerfuU benefite bpo b0 in tbis btfion. ;f 0; Vobo UioulD not couet to fee CbnS in gio^ t:p,firiingontbe rigbt banoof tbe fatbc« 3x>bot!Cfirctbnot to t^noU3 tx^batour^auiour botb in beaucu^^uD bovo being in vppontheApocallpfe. 16 Cha^.u XKi. I)efllttett,be is nettcct^rics p?ercnt "^ixy^ \\^ c^utc^ ftt f art^j 25ttt t^iB facccD $ ^)0lVf3!tnage inftmctetlj all faitl)f«ll Cljjif=» tians moft fullv in all t^efe pointee . atiD tljis 3;magc of CO?ift 10 to be e)cpicircD,not toit^ coulcrs,fo? no conlcrs can tmxvvt to tl)e maieftic t^ccof:but toitlj ecclcfiaaicall Doctrine, totjici^ l)at^ t^e piomife of t^e fpicitc of C^nO: ano \& iX^vct^ foze mo?c cuiDcnt, ano onelp mcete fo? tl)e vcwz ejcpjcfling t^ccofXct ))s alCo pnnt t^e fame BRmage^not bpon anp Dean table U)ptb coulers tbat tPtll penOje ^ fade, \m. in out: barts tb^ougb tb^ liuel? fpirite of i5oo,tDbicb mav alfo i^ecpe it in our mpniics, neuer to be toipt out. ^bc tbings tbat are fpo^ fecn intbcfccona anb tbirb cbapterof tbisbDobf,arcbcrmci> outoftbisloefcriptionof Cb?tft> rotbe tab tbat tbemaieftie fif tbe t\i\x^% migbt.inuite \)b to a fingnlar btligence , ^t^er;^ topfe tbe matter is Vjerv plague. ;if irft tue are taugbt tobo \i is.tobofe Simage 10 to t)0 eirbt^ ^n^ngts bitco; Bo t tbe fonneof man bimfelfe in %\z otonc fubftance, tcp?cfctetb but one l^bc tbe fonne of man. arbc fonne of man after tbe ^^?«ft. pb^fc of tbe 0ofpeU,t0 calleb CbuS bimfelfe ^erp i5ob ^ tnan. I^ere be (b^^cb not bimfelfe to be feene of Jiobn xix bis fitxme fubfiauncc^but in tbe fourmc of an ^ngell, tbat rep^e^^ fcnteb jLb^iftrtDbicb tb^ng 10 oftencr tbe once founbc in tbts boobe. yx>ttmSX tbcrfoje refcrre all tbefe tbingo ^nto Cb?ift, ano not to tbe angell, tubitb i0 tbe minifter of Cb?ift va tbis mtSerp. xot fljall tben fee £b)iQtnbt0 oumefubdaunce, tobat tpme our bafe bobp batb beene beparteb, ano i0 tepfed fromtbtDeabanbtsglozifieD. 5]ntbemeanetpme,from t\^z Deatb of tbe boop till tt rpfc agapne , tbe foule a)all clearelp baue tbe fruition of tbe fpgbt of Cb?ift ♦ :ix>bcrcin, a© 31 fapa before ftjall be i\iz cbicfe iope anb fclicme» xot (l)al noto tbcr* fo^e fee Cb^ift as it uoere in a gla(re,anb fo mucb a0 Q;all fuf« fice bs: 2rbe S^o^o open to t)0 tbe epe© of our mpnbe. i^e telletb mo?eouer,\3?btre \^z fatpe ^\};)M^ namely in x\^t xohect mibDe0 of feuen canblellictos. 13p ano bp u^e fl^all perceiue ci);ta \^ tbat bp tbe canblefticltos mud be ^nberdanbe tbe Cburcbes. ab^ning. jLbtiOtben i0 \Xi tbe miDbeoiof tbe Cbnt:cb. ^e fittetb terclp on tbe rpgbt banb of tbe fatber^anb after tbe p^op^ictte of \^\^ bumapne boop.b^ i0 but in one place, anb tnnomoe,a0 ^, AuguiHne Dcclarctb abouubauntlp in \^\z Itjq.fepiaie to Dar- danus. '5»etfo?afmucb as be i« alfo \)erp i5oD, be 10 Ipfeetopfe in tbe mpobes of tbe Cburcb, as be piomifeb vc^ tbe iSofpell: »?berfoeucrttiooojtb?ee be gatbereo in mp name, tbere 31 ^^^"-^^-^^ am \\\ t^e mpboes of t^em, £l|tD a^^pne: be^oloe 31 am uiitb pou '\'-' The fifth Sermon von at all t^tnes Vnto tht tuojiDcs tnnt.'S^ttftiit bp tl)e po^ vx)ccof^ici5oD^eaD,C!j?ittt;ema^nctl)anu tooifeet^ ittt^c Cfjucc^i picfeut,auu tiot abCent. (Hcaue ti)en to inquicctobat Cbitft uotl; on t^c cpg^t ^auD of b^s father, to^ctijec be fttte cominuall^ 02 no. ) auD bcis^crclpm tbemvdtics of tbe cburcbes. ftpcb to no place,bHt ft)c\uvng bv^nftlf mDiffcrcnts i^ to aU egall ano bclpcful foi be nc^tbcc acceptctb pecffis, nojflccpetb: 3^c to notpamtfb,be is not idIc, be is not care- IcCfe of tbc matters of tbc Cb«f cb: But is cbieflp and onlv at* tcntiue to tbe faluation of tbc fame, ^ucb a one be piomvfco bpmfclfc to be in tbe h. if . anb i6.of S^obn.^nD feeing Cb?ift isintbemiDOesoftbcCbntcb, tajbattaicac mojeouec (l}aH be bauei ^ball be baue tbat enem^ tobici) is nicectlv againtt Ci)ji(l batb ^""» ^^^ ^ ^^f ^^ *^ 0"^ ^^"^ fiipplietb tbe roome of btm tbat no iutcar. ts abfent: but c b^iQ is in tbe imoole of tbe Cbuccb, pzefent, *: ThcfT.i . anD not abfent, 3lutbcte>5tfolloVDing €Wii isbefcribebatlargCjiJtmanv tbi?nge s are afcribeb ^nto bvn^ * ^^^ « is oecJareo in tobat fojt Cbiifl is in tl)C niyDs of tbc Ctiurcb . 5f irft it is Cbetoeo tobat garment be batb on : Wo txiit botb puefHp ano p^ince^ IV. 15 V tbe U)bicb tbing is figuret),tobat maner of one Cb;ift isinbeauenanbtneartb:irotciitbotb ]3p(l)op anb livng, tnterceffour^meDiatour, ano facrificc, a mofl perfect rancttft* cation ano tuftification,a cebeemer anb Deliuerec of tbe faitb^^ full to bis fatber, encrmo^e tuo^lting tbe faiuatid of bis faitb^ |2>oBcvejS. full: 2ls ^.?9aule teac^ctb, mom.8.l&cb,7. Poderes is fouD amongft tbe apparell of ^aron, ano it is a p^ieHl? garment, :poberof s.Hierometojitetbto Fabiola couceming tbe pjiefll^ garment. ^beCecouDtieiture of linnen is a coate botjune to tbe footc,of Double laune: tobicb lofephus calletb Bifj»^, oj filben.^nb it is calle?> in J^cbjcta iffke»efk^in i5reeHe,x«' tov. STbis cleauetb md to tbe bobv^anb is Co narroU) anb (tra^te fleeueo, tbat tbere is no \3)iim\t at ait in tbe garment, anb it came uotone to tbc calfe of tbe lcgge.:^bis vuas tierel^ tobitc anb cleane. :Jf oi tbe JLo?b Ctinft is an tmbefiltb piieft Deb.?, ^eptber tocaretb t)c agaynea foule befturcjas be DiD in ^n^ ebar.^.^oj a purpIe^asmtfjeip.ofJRobn. But a bzigbt one as be tbat ^tb obtepneo a name aboue all names. ^ n»o;b^ ^trtei 0^ a gjj,j,jg ,g ^ jj^jjgj of jj fouiiiper,anD of fticb as trpumpb , ann ""^** it fignifpetb tbc ropall bignitie in Cb?ift fo} CbiiCl is tbe fepng, uel^uerer anD rebeemer of tbc faytbfuH.?^is tJictoj^ ts ours. i:^c baib oucrcome ^atban,bcll,fvnne anb beatb- But tbebelte oj;girble of il^l^zift ts not fct in tl)e toonteti place> vpon the ApocalipTe. 17 ChAf,i: plflf e,td fc3(ttc,a!}ciut t^ie lo^nee, ;f 0? as ^reeas.^at^ a!fo aD- r.ioinClKit) > ti>eve are no concupifccnccB to be ixftrevneD in C^iiG. Srtitvfoze be if5 not gpjUeD after t^c inanec of (mners, but about tbcpappeB oi bzcftes: to t^e intent toe a)oulD tin^ lieeaanD bvt^c5pzt)ing,tbatbct6bv"50ffertt5cs,t)o^Dc of ail aCfcctions: nioS rigijtcous anu bolp m iuDgementes anD gouecnemcnt: 15utvet mtbemeanc tvmefuniift)eD fojtbe Defence of l)t6 c^urcb^as toe banc reaD it toiitten \\\ tbe^j . ISfalnie. 2c:bc2.oii) baib put on ttrcngtb, ana g^i^cji bv^n* fclfc.$c.iepb"ftm^gbt(ecmctobaucg^zbeD bpmfclfc otb^ci topfe tban piicftes o: fev"5cs ^^^^ foj tb«w be batb obtcvneD a tno?c excellent piieftboDc ana fev^Sl^oine, inDucvMS f02 euer» 3ro accompiiftie tbefc tbvngcs , it beboueD bvtn not to tjfe a teanfitozve temple anD palace, but beauen it felfe.J^eb.s.a^ 9. "yet in tbe meane tpme }:^\& toozfefulneflc percetb euen intu f terv Cbu«b,fo as be is p?efent in tbe Cburcb alfo» ButtbcbeaD of Cbiift appcatetb boare , anD b?6 l^ttitt Cbc bcas tobitt, Ip^c moS puce toolie,anD xaX^itt fnoto. ^ucb an beaD &"& Scares isafci;ibcDairototbefatbecofouciLo?D3fle(u CbZift, intbe^^f^^?^- ftuenib ebap-of 2>anicl!. fQ\ tbe^ be of tbe fame eOence.anD l^erebvtBfigmficDtovroomeanDage, anD alfotbe eternitie anD i^oDbeaDof Cb^ft . 2lnD bp ceafon tbat CbJitt is J5od, tberf OK is be bcaD of tbe Cb«ccb,miniftcmg to tbe boDv^life, fpieite,toi(eDome,anD all giftcs celeflialL jepbef.t » Can tbe pope of iflome,tbat mult toiebcD man of finne Do tbts^ n^bat an beaD is betbanitoitboutlpfe , toitbont biavnes,anD molt foolid) . i^s be is DcftnbeD in t\^t.%i. of ^acbarie . bat nccfictb tbetcanv tJirarj iBjafcn anD t^c fcctc of tl)t JLoiH arc of * Coppcr,oi lifee to 3lncf Es fcrtc. bzaircljttm?ngmaftrc,;jfo?3[lttccnflj?affcisatoo;lic6poim:s *i^i)e fame j,gj, of i5?a(reani»3lnccnce.Eufcbius repouctb (ano ftcfa^tb) JJ"ftS^fJhbatsuidasalfo auoucbctbtbefame)tbattberci6a fepnDcof Suffc febcr ^Copper mozc precious tl)an goln ; to^icb be faptb is mauc of of it is Saltpeter anDofal^^iSjcioctitj.bookc^ tnaoe 9 ac- tj.cbap.callctbttat$vnDcofbza(re,t3ol)icbisdiggeii outoftbe co?t>mgtof toavncsoftbccart^, intpmcspaft bauinp^ice . 3lt ftjonln wfcwbiacc fgpj^ie jQ jne to ^e tbe Came , \x)\)icl)t in t^e firft anD )c,of £&|e^ SaLfma J^ ^ ^^^ *^ ^^'^^^ Hafmal,a pjcfent rcmcDp agavntt popfons. fm mm ml if po^foncDtopncbeputintoacttppeoftbatCoppcr, ittaJiU be cdUeD in bifTc. !3lnti Co is t^c Dcatb 9 po^fo DctecteD*3rbefe moa cleane Cngittbc bjafen ant) ftrp fecte,Do fignifie tbe conuerfhtion, and ti?apes 3mber« of t^c Ho^o^to bc blamclefTc, ano bis iuDgcmcntcs rigbt anti 50ft 0^ iuft^ at^D tbat be fo toalbetb in t\)t Cburcb,anD goncmetb all ^loam- tbpnges,tbat in tbe meanc feafon all tnclcancs is DctectcD ^ lufebiu s (onfumet),but be btm felfe remainctb allva^es mod bol? anO pnre.^f o; fire pnrgctb:anb i5oD is a confmnpngfirc* Cb^ t)o^ce ^Ifo tbe \}o^ce of CbMft •> is as it txjere tbe no^Ce of man? of CbMft* tDaters,not fo mucb fo} tbat all natiSs ^ people do cSntenne ani) pza^fe l^^mtas fo; tbat tbe i5ofpeli anti tooiD of i3od is come into tbe tobole tuojilD . 3\n fucb tuifc, as tbe pwiC&nteft . It^nges arc IcfTc able to reftccmc it anb i^ccpc it tnocr , tban to iQDitbbolD tbe gua)^ng of \^attt3 , $ to t^e tip tbe topnocs in (acftes.STberfo^ebp tbe potsjerofp^eacbpngtbe Eo^o^is altoa^es piefient in bis Cbnrcb* Cbc rigbt STbe banb is an inftrument of all tnffrttmcntes, efpcnallj? band. tbe rigbt banD.3]n tbis HW^ bolttetb feuen ^tarres , to vuit fenenld^elatcso^idaOoursofCburc^esiniafia: ^no cuen aUtbe23v(l)opstb;ougbonttbe\3}bolcU30zlD . Cb^tO b^ bps po\x>er gcuctb to t)s as Idadonrs , anD inffructetb , comfo;:^ tetb)Confirmetb)anti Dcfenbctb tbcm, to tbe enD tbep (boulo pzeacb bis too^b^tberebp to iopnc bpm anti bts Cburcb toge^s tber*£b?iS tDO^bet]) bp tbe in tbe Cburcb,^ p^cferuetb tbcm« ^^eC^meismojelsuelp ejqp^catointietoojDcs tb^foU loto« vpon the Apocalipre. i S chap, t^ Ioto.;f 0? a Qjacpc t^.cDgcD Ctoo?D commetlj out of t^c Eojdcs 3 two c&= tnout^i . 2:ftcnG0O?D,ist^cujozDofi5oii, as itiongbttodl gcD ftco;u> DcciaccDint^cfvttotljc^epl^cf.anDfourtlj tot^e l^cbjucs. out of anD tl)i5 tooiD oj (VuojD l^angctlj not V^pon a txjallc tio? ftic* ^^^'JJ'f Jjw^ }ixx^ faft m t^c a)cat^,no? ^angctlj b? bis fii)c , but commctb "^""^* out of bts moutb.l^e (h^tb not,tt came fo;tb , o; tt Q)all come foitb:iSnt it commctb fojtb , as tbc tljpng tijat is tn contmus ali opciation,ojpccpctuall pzeacbing tbjougbout tbe toojID, ^no tt ts ttDO eogcD,(l)arpe and peatfmg , aftoell m tbe bare oftbegoblp t)nto(aiuatton,asmtbebattts oftbeU)icl^cdto pa^ne ano conoemnat^on.ianb vtt attbts Da)? tbat (tooiZ) c5^ utetb out of tbemoutb of Cbxift b^ tbe moutbes of bis thmi^ ftets.lTbetuozo.of Cb^tft tsm oeeoc cStemnco of tbe too^Ui, f^ ts calleo of tnanp>a fable 0^ idopiQ) ted : 23ut tt ts a nsjo^o, ]?ea anD a (\»o;Z) outof CbztHes tnoutb.^U tbetjnfattbfull do ftnDeanD fl)all finDetbts, boto foeuei: tbep refifte . »?itb tbi^ fi»02b Cb?ift feillctb i\it totcfeeo. anD tbc effect of tbis ftoojD IS greater tbantoas tbe ft»0?b of Alexander , Pomper , lulius C«ur,0J Marius, Attille,OJ Tamerlane . ^eitbCC tltafee'tb tt an? Civile , tbougbtbetDO)lDnoU}'aclmo\xiIcDgettnot.3Jlt(l)all Ho m t^me to come to tbett rtgbt great mtferte . IDoubtleCfe toicbtbtsbzeatbofbts moutb tbe Jloio commuetbattoa^es to comfort anb goueme ^is c^urcli),(o ti^at i^e is neuer abfenc from tbc fame, ;^mall^tbe countenaunceofC^;tft(^tnetb astbe^umte totb in bis greatedftrengtb about none , U}bfn it ts mod biigbt)Cleare»mtii pleaOaunt . %\^t countenance is tbe cbicfca tbpng tbat tipe kno\ja men bv» 3a[rberfo^e b? tbe conntenauncc toe ItnotD Cb?iff*:srbe countenaunce of £blifi is iigbtXb^id tberfo;e is Ugbt:^ea tjcrelp a biutne anb eternaU ligbt , tigb« ting all m^^tbat tbep may alfo be mabc tbe cbtlD^en of ligbt:^ tbat tbc faces of tbc Matures tnav ^xw, \\\ tbat bav,as bzigbt as tbe ^unnc,anD as tbc face of Cbzift (l)onc.j09atb. 13. a^.i7, 0nD fcing tbat CbiiG: Dotb tbus cotmnuntcate bis Itgbt t)nta tJS^Olobn.i.anb u3iobn.j.) boto is it to bee tbougbt tbat be QjoulD be abfcnt fro bis cbnrcb \ ^bou CecH botu be is pzeret^ ii^no (0 batb our Ho^ti CbMQ Cjcbtbiteo bpm felfe to V)s to be fene t)nto faluation,atiti batb openeo bpm felfe tsjbol? \a\s to \js ,33 bee is,tobat bee botb foj \)s , ano boto be is \xk b?s Cbutcb.sintbefctbvngesareaUtbe mvllert'es oftbciSof^ pellcomp;ebenDeD.;jfo?ujbat can poulav of iDbjift , tbat ?oii bauenot berein compjifebi Eet tjs tberfoie rcmcntbcr tbem, anb UJjite t^cm \)x our mvnocs j t^at vue ma^ intbjace £b?i(l our ChAP.t* The fixt Sermon onr fBiV^^ anD l5vCl)op , ant) t^at txie ina^ neuec let |)^m De^ parte out Qf our anncs,^o ^?m be glo?p» C ^otp Blo^n toatt m^nntn ntt^t Ogijt of etie tiiiion to l)^m e);btbttei):tI)ecomfo;!t of Blol)n,ano t()e ^jc^oHtion of t\)t tjiaon^appli^eot^nto confolatton* T he Jixt Sermon. A^d, when I faw hym I fell at his feete euen as dead: '"And hclayd his right hand vpo me, faying vnto me? Fcare not,I am the firft and the laft , and am alyue, and was dead . And behold I am alyuc for euermore , and baue the keyes of hell,and of death. Write therfore the thynges which thou haft fcne.and thethynges whiche are,andthethynges which flialbe fulfilled hereafter: the Sacrament of the feuen Starres whiche thou faweft inmy righthand,andofthe feuen goldecandelftickes [is fuch as this,]The feuen Starres are the Angels of the feuen congregations .-And the feuecandelftickes which thou fawcft^are the feuen congregations* 31t folbtoet^ |)0\r bleflfet) ^ . 3]oI)n toas moueo tott^ t^at celeOtaU $ toonnccful MxQx^m tioto ^erccciuco confoIatiS, ^inoieotter anejcpofition of t^clnfio applied to ^ts comfort, \jDttl) a commaunoement to mDtte an t^efe thinss Dtltgcntip* 3!o!)n fai= jp^at time ^c ^ao full^ fcnc t'ois omtnc anD fteaucnl? figot *"^ ?2h"^ of C^jift our Eojo , fitting on tl)e rig^t ^ano of iSoo in glo- ?«kc Int ^>^^2 ftccngt^ faplctl) Ijpm,^ falling ootune Ijpon tl^c eact^, SereTcas Ivet^attI)efceteoft^cilo?D,Iifeeaocam)ODp. :jx?ereai»tbat tje fame c^annceo to a)aniel in tbe.jc.c^ap.ano ot^ier men of {^00 atfo ^aiie bene feareo\r itt) t^cMiBsof^ungele. 2r^c toomcn alfo ixx tbe neto areftament tremblcb to^en t^ep fa\jj t^e angels at t^e ^epnlc^cr.pctcctoas ajnafet) at t^e greats nes of t^e micade in ^nD fallpng at t^e fenecs of tbc 2.ojD,crietb out^go from me,lloiti,fo? 3f! am a finnefnll man* Cbe wcafe= ^0^ t>inine tjififis betD?ap our infirmitie:/i^citl3cr heme ape SnftprS^ o?fuffictettfl)?purgei),to bcl^ofo t^ofefuperccleftiall tbpnges Svna ' toitb tbere cpcs ^no mvntes of ours to§icb arc ^et Diftafco * (carcelv toell cieareD.ST^erfojc muft t^c elect be cleared in m ot^cc lpfe,t^at tljev ma? be maoc partafeero of tlje glojp celei fiiatt. vpontheApocalipfe. ip C&4p,r, flialI.3flttt5emecinefcafDnfteccalI goMp are !)Km&IcD and ^ cor n abafeo b^ l)vg^ Minns anu ceuefatione . ;jfoj t^tp aDuatmce nott^emfciucBp?oul>li?ri>?ottgljtljcglozvof ccuelatjo: 23iic pcrccimng t^cic ttaturaH corruption, t^cp craucparDon,atta t^e augmentation of tl^e fuperfeUftiail grace anii ivgtt , foj; Ijnlefle toe be illiimmco toit^ tljc fpiritc of 0oD, toe fljall Ipe IpiscDeaDfome,{)6tuCoeuer)a)crecetuet^e i^eauenl? ^itfions tuDtt^ our bodtiv rentes. But t\)t^ t^at bumble tbcmfclues bcfoje t^c ilozDc, fpntrc i^umiiitfc p?cfcntconfolationattbcEo?r)es IJanD, I5v reafon tobcreof, is comfo?* tberccame immcDtatl? tnto 3l]obn alfo, a comfojtpcrfoimeD ^^^ ^^ «»« boti? in tDOiDcano ntencfo^tJ^t angel repjcfcnting tbc pccc ^^^^• fonof Cbiift,Iavctb ^is rigljtbano tpon Siobn : 2:^c tobic^ is a token of aniitie,p2otcction,anD pjefent beipc , ^oi in e)c^ p|cfling t^is mancr of fpeafeing in S>utcb,toc fav: be Ijolbctb bis banb ouer bpm. auD tbet:fo?e bp faying on of tbe ^auD, is fignifieD,t^at Cb?ift is gooD to 31oN, ^ reab^ to bclpc ^vin. iffearcnot. aiiOt^is bccoftrmctbincontinetlp mtuo?l)cs,faying,feare not.:[x>bic6 faying is common euerytobcremt^e Qoiy oft^e i5o{pel: ^no t^erfo^e is mod gofpel lybe.t^at is to fav.moft lucby. Stoi i5oD commaunDetb tbc bumblcD to be of gooo bope, ano to ly uc affuceo tnocr tbe protection of tl)c bigbcff* xxrbicb Merely toe tjuoerllanb to be fpobe,not to 31obn alone, but to \JB alfo.t^at toein lvbemaner,albeit tijat toe feele t^e tnfirmitieofour{lefl3e,(i)oulD v^t^opc toelloft^egcoones anb mercy of iSob.i^ecefolIotoetb tbe caufc mo?e fuliy be* clareD, toby 3lobn (l)oulb not be affraybe . ;jfoj tbc (bctoyng of t^is )}ifion toas not cf^bibtteb to put 3no^n in fcare, but to make bympcrceaue ^oto great anb mygbtte ^e is , tobic^ is prepared for tbe befence of bim anb of aUtbe faytbfuil . :^s t^oug^bcfl)ouIbfay: BHuasmucbas tboufecft boto great ^e is, tobicb batb tatten tipon ^ym to befcnb tltiee,anb finally topzotectanbgoucmetbetoboleC^urcb, tber^ is no caufc: to^y tbou fl)oulbe(l be affraybc : but rattier erecute bolbely, t^attoMi^ecommaunbetbt^ee. n^r^tetbat^e commaun^ bet^ to be toritten, be not affraybe of men, feare 0ob ratber. ;f or tf goob men be fo Core affraybc at tbe fig^t of bym^toljcre (i^ail tbe enemies anb contemners of i5ob appeared 2rberfore confcqucntly be erpounbetb tbc \jifion,teactiing tobo be is.tobicb toas feenc lylse to tbe ^oune of man toaU feyngamongcstl)egolbcnCanblefticUe6, anb^e applyct^ tbis c)cpofttio \)nto comfoit: t^iatbotbliobuanb cuery fiiitb- fuUperfoumay pcrceiucftoto migte G^jiU is , anb to^t e,j. t^ Chf.r. The fixth Sermon t^e feitUfttU^a(ucbv ^tm obtevncD. fai t^ ^ngd! fo tetttpc^* rctft ^is (pcaclj, tljat \»c ma? feeme to Ijcace all things ^ofel to \)3 nst b? t^c mout^ of thz angel!, but cf Cb?tft bvmf^f* ^ tiutCon. gint) t\)i& ejcparttton bati) bts parts, fo^ fic& be beclarctb (as 31 fa?D euenuovxj) tobofe^lmage it toas tbat toas fl)ct8Cii» ^Tban is anncpcD acommaunbnuent to Ui^ite tbv^ bOiiUe. after tbat is opcacb tbc miftecic of tbc ftacres. ^finallv, tbe (ccretnes of tbe canblcQtclis is rctiealcD: anD all t^^efe tbittgs arc bone rigbt plai?nelv anb bik^'^. Cb?tft itf f^^^ f ^0" ^3ft fccuc Cfaitb tbc ILoib)a \3irion,tpbnrat tlwu Tcp;tcfcntc3 toaSe amafefi: but fcare tbou not. foi tbou ball not fccucani? bp the fame cuil o; fearful fpicit, boDcniag an? miffouttnc:but niv fijapc, jiOo, 5»^iat ^0ij^ aj^ tjjp ceoecmer ano ILoib . 31 amfirft anb lalt* ann hom «Mt ^^^ Jnaner of fpcafe^ng (as 31 VoarncD a little befo je) be tofec goto are« ^^j jjj j^g lajopljcctes of igfap, as it is to be feeuc m tbe 4.x. 44.4j.attD 48.cUapters.ani3berigmfictbi)pmrclfc tobccocs quall^anb of tbeCame fubfiance voptb tbc fatbcr in allpoints ter^ i5oD,eternall.,nna incontp^ebenfiblc . jiroi looUe txibat tbpnges tbe father attributctb to b?mrelfe,tbe fame alfo bot^ t^e ^onnt \}(nrpe. T5m t^ere is no o^ber 0: rpme certaine to be bnbertoooe tnfirft anb taft^but pla^nct^ eucrlaftingnes* Ci);tift ig S^b^o;e CWft bere rignifietl),tbat be is Vierp i5oD, egalle, €3aii suitb and of tbe (ante efTenceuivtb xbe fatber fro all etemitie* atio tbefat^cf- Ae fainc is al£b inucb wnfirmeb in 3lobn.i.Mo.i4,anD ijv CQopters.ITbts figbtetb agatttfttbe i^creticUes,\3ubicb atttbat tiine benipeb tbe etemalli&obbeab of our iLo^D chiiSt^ Iptte QS t\)t ^ernetanes Doe alfo at tbis Dap. 1^0 tben,iftue \1n\Q\j3 anD beleeue tbat aw^ is ^ery i5oD in DeeD, we map tecetue Caluation bp bput: ^ut if Cb^ifl be not terp i5oD , be is not ourSraluation.';lfx); 3 am i&oD,faptbt^e ))eritie:anDbeftDe9 me tbere is tio i5oD,no (aluation» ^ecoDlp be faptb.,3i am lining, anb tnas bcab: toberbp be ftgmtpetb tbat be too^e f true bumane nature )}pd bim. arbc tobicb tbing maup alfo at tbe fame time benpeD:3!n IpKe cafe as tbere be fome at tl^is Dap,tDbicb Doe plapnlp Derogate tbe inanboDeof Cbtift. agapnft all fucb manner of bere&es, tbe EoiD confeO'etb bpmfelfe tbat \)t was beao. :rberebp it is novo mamfeft,tbat be is tierp manias be is alfo tjerp ^SoD, of tbe fame efTence toitb bi& fatber ixx 0oDbeaD^ as be is alfo of tbe fame fubllaunce Wptb tos in manboDe,lpbe Mnto tis in alltbinges,finnee)ccepteD» ^0^ bttooke not tbe nature of angelS) but tbe feeDe of ab^abam. anD it beboueb in DeeDe tl^at tl)t fonne of ma l^oulD be incarnate, to tl^etnb ^ migbt Jbotb vpon the Apocalipfe. 20 Chap^r, . botl) D^ anb fi)eD lits blouD. ^0^ a ^eftament 0; laft tovil is Heb . ^ iicmv in full foicc till tl)e partie be DcaD: ncptljer is tljcce anj? remt(rionmabetotr^ombloitda)edin9. sr^eHozD tl^erfo^e Zipetb^anD a)CDttb bloud,to t^e intent ^e mpgl^t gctte full vcc inilTionof finnes,ani»c5ficmet^ene\ue 2;caament. '))etne:f c^?m tfjat uet:tbeles,euenbe ti^attoast^ougl^t to be DcaD, no\27 Ipuetb^ ssn^neaD anb is tbeiame tbat is alvne,U)bo bauing ^janquiQjeD bcatb, ^^^^^^^)' tbc tbVJb ba^ rofe agavne front tbe Dead.auD repapzcD life fo; aUbeleuers,anb infpicetb into tbem bis otonetiei'v Ipfe. anb tberfozc beaobetb immcbmtiv : bcbolDe 30 am al^nc fo^ eueranb euec ;jf oz noto Cb?tft bvctb no moic, bcatb ftialt not rule oner bpw. j^av ratbec be is tbc Ivfc of all bvs fa^tb- full,tDbobpbi8otunervfing,batbb?ougbtlvfe agavne, peai cnen eucclafting l^fc, to inbure (31 fav) foz cntt anb cuec: ac* cobbing as be bintfeltebedaretb inoje atlatge.Blobn 5.6«7o» chapter, anbtbapoftle to tbeiJCom.4. r.cojif.^i.nrim.r. dQo^eoner,fo;afmucbasn\anyaeetoont to boubtottbvs lyfc gotten ano ccpa^jeb bv Cbjift: tl>e ILoib bprnlcUe confirm iRCtb bvs tuozbes \3)ttb an otbt,faving:^mcn. ^s tbougb be {^ontb (av.tbis tbat 31 fav is attogetbcr true anb Vinboubteb. iJFvnallv be abbctb, anb Si- bauc tbe heyes of bell, anb of Cb?ift batlji ««at0. ©v tbe tobic^ tuojbs againe be cotnfoztctb ejcceebing^ tbc ucpe0 of IV, anb ejcpjeflctb bis potoer: anb beclacetb boto secat be is, l^\^^ ^^ anb \jjbat toe baue of bv«u Bttc bv t^e tway uje mull (peafet ^^^^^* of tbe bepe. a^be ojbinat:^ S^bfe favtb toerv Ujell, be t^at batb tl^ebeves of anv boufe (faytb be) lettetb in tobombe toill, $ l^eepetb bacfee tobom be toiU f c6 entring in. S^beefoje Cbtift poflelTetb tbe ^eves of beatb anb bell, becaufe toboui be UovU, bebeliueretb front perpetuall conbcmnation of beatb: Slnb ^h^hcutgt. tD^om be toill > be Cnfferctb to rcmavne mdclp tntbe fame baungerufbamttatijon.^nb)}erdv^fav in tbe ^z.fpealtetb of eliacbim>\xibo bcfa^tb Q)ouIbbemabe3lttbge in f court of «g jecbias,favtb: 31 tov^i lav ttie feeve of tbe boufe of S)anib tpon bis (boulDcr: be Cliall open,aub no man &)all fl)ut:anb be fliall Qiut^anb no man Q)all open. 2t bercfo;e in tbc fcrip- tare, feeves arc put foztbe cbargc ^gouemcment of a boufe* i<acbim (l)allgou€rhc alltbitiges in tbe Court of i£^ecbta0 Aipjigbtlv. xspbatCbeuccbebetccmmctb nomafl}all infrmge it: anb tobatfocucc be abjogatctb, no manft)atlrefto?eit. Cbjift tbcrfo^e (a figure of tobom iSliacbim rep?cfeteb)fball i^tnfelfe bane aUo tbe cbiefe goucmmet in tbe boufe o^ btng^ Dome of i5ob: fo tbat tnbom be U}ill,be mav quictten,sj^ pluc^ bacbefrom ^ellanb frombatnnation: ^nb aanD fo tnanneti ^imfelf: (Wiic fewefl butas^Dntobisminifters anu fcnmoucs, bcgauetbein tbe of heaum ^^^^ ^ Of opening ano ftiutting bcaucn b? tbe pieacbing of tbe geuc to tijc iSofpell: toberbv to vobat beleuec focuec tbev piomifco Ivfe, uipoftiCiS. to b?m fl)onlD Cbxift pecfo?mc Ipfe fojtbe tcuct^ of ijps pwjs mtfe: ano to \a)bomroeuec tbcp tbicateneo Damnation , tbbtt Cl)Oulo c^ztttb^mfelfeconoemnefoubctcuetb of bis too|D. »?cfeetbccfoietbattbcllojobeepetbftfUano epcrcifetb tbe po\xicc, ano tbat ^is mtnillccs 00 e put tbe tbvug \\\ epccuti^ on, b? pjeacbing, but not bv' aWolute potoec» srbcrefoie tlje (^% fecpc0 l^opc is anticbzift, ttibicb ^furpctb ano tafeetb Dpott i^vm •f ti)eii3?= tbis full potjjer ano autbo^ttie in ^eaucn ano in eartb, and fljop of \x[, t^e iniDOes of tbe eartb alfo, oi beponoe all t^e eartb , iti iSomc. t^ofc Ijufoitunate 3'ilanoes, 31 mcane in iSurgatojp . Bp tbe \»bicb craftie oeuife be batb fubtiUv emptied tbe putfes,Cofs» Apoca. 13. fees, garners ano \xipnc ccllers of foolpft)e people pfvoarue from tbe articles of tbe apoOoltfee bcliefe, to tutt, 31 beleeue tbe foigeuenes of fmnc6,t^c refurreciion of tbe fie{l}e , ^ Ipfe cuerlaOmg » a^^at beafte oare tjfurpc tbe ttoo boines of t^e Daniel. 7. JLambe, namely tbe autboiitie of fevng^nD13v(l)op, ^ tberei f oie to bange t\DO feevcs tjnocr bis tciplc CroU)ne; tqat eiten bp tbcfe armcs all tl)c tuoilD map perceiuc , tbat tbis is \)erp tc, tobicb baning fubDueD tl)iec bpngts 0? bonnes, is cropeu t)p,anDcbalcngetbtobVinrcifcall potuer m bcauen ano \x^ eartb, fignificD bp tbe ttjoo Hepcs. ano furelp i\^t blpnoene^ of our tpme is \X)onocrfull, anD lamented, tbat baupn$ be as it \x>ttt a pzopofition,atttJ ttje eicpofition thereof (^oulb foloto inuncDiatip ixi t!)ts toire:tbe feuen ;^tacces,are feueu f^ncCTcngees. ^t ♦ ann bp tl)e tuoio §>acramcnt tinDcc- ftano tbou a feccct oi inillecp , ano t^e tiecp cjcpofition of tbe if poll tooulD fap,tl^t3 is tbe meanpng, tnberila^ bpng.o; fignification of ti^e ^taeres and tbe ligbtes.l^ete is to be noteo tbe gooDnes of almtgbtp i3oD , vxibicb Declaret^ to tjs bpm felfe tlje bacoeft places of tbe ^cctpture.ipbece be Cfjcfcnpa tbep tbecfozctbatacaife tlje Scripture of obfcurenc6,anD co- tw^oc^ tenoe tbat it ca not be tjntJcrftaDcbilet tjs bece macfee alfo tbe f^'ttn^cD, common mancc of Cpeafepng of tbe vobole ^cciptnce : feueti ^tari'es,bc fcncn (3SjeCrengers:2rbe fenen canDlefticfecs , are J^bc ^ feuen Cbui:cbcs»;jfoj fignes xtitixxz tbe names of tbe tbpngs, PJJ^J^ ^"i altbongb tbep be,anD cemaine in tbeic otone fubftauuce, anb *^"P^"^** fee not cbanngcb into tbe otbec.arbis is artmotoIeDgeD e«en of tbe contentious perfons tbem felues , Uibo in tbe Uio^bes of tbe Hoitjcs ^uppcr,This is my body,tDili acfenotolebgeno figuratiuefpcccbatalL E^bcfe ^tarces be calleb ^ungels,anD anngels be «5oDs jf^Qeflengers , anb foaretbepafloursofCbntcbes calico in t\it Q.anD itj.cbap.of (3S}aIacbie. Sfoi i5ob fenoetbpzeacbers as ^mbalTaDours to tbe people, anti U)iUbaue tbem to bee bcaro in Ipfec cafe as bpm Celfc.iLufee.jc. 3lobn,)eiij*»Lct no ma tberfo^e tarp till t\it ilo jb b?«i fclfc come Do\J3n from beaucii agapne , ana pjeacb ^nto Ids » ^Enen noto be pieacbetb to ^s fcp bis J39c0cngci:s,u>bicb pjcacb bis,tbatis to fap tbe toojD cfCbiift^ifpou contcmnct^cm,poucontemne€bzift. J^iea^s cbcrs be caUcD ^tarres , bp ccafon of tbeic biigbt anb bea^ ucnlpijocrnnc,anbfoitbficpuret'vcaeofI^fc. :i3cujacc tbcr- ^ foicpou jajcacbers ,tbatpou be not UjauDerpitor pianettes, \ f^''^' fo as pc i}aue no Ipgbt at all, ncitbcc in boctcmernuz conucc= ^""«•^• fatJonoflpfc.;^oitban peftjailbeclpfecnebto^tarces tbat fallDo\3)neoutofbea«en , asPijallbappen ^ererifceemtbis i^,iq, boo^e Chaf.t* The fixth Sermon i}ODl(c to t^e falfe ttmc^ers. fvhe (inrtt ^*^^ ^^^^^ ^tatrcB acc not iti tl)t 6caD,o? in t^e fcctc,o? oti Sthc ^^^ ^^*'^^ '^^ fii)C0:but in t^c^cig^t ^ao of Cl);ill.K't)iclj t^\>ns rpgijtW^ ^atl)!noccDeagccatconfo!atton,;Jfojt^c iaaftoursbein t^t cf Ci;j»ft. rtg^t^anD of i5oD,m (Sous protection, ncitljcc ft)aU an? ma tafee t^cmoutof^is^aurj» iSoo^prnfclfe aifogccuetl) }aa^ (loni:0 , anu fucniftjct^ tl^cm toit^ gooocs nccelfaric fo; t^c Ci)ucclj.2r^ecfoae is ttjc \x)t)ole gouemcmcnt attu glovg i^ps* 15? tcafon to^ccof ti)e ^poftlc affij Ta^t^ : tie t|iat txjateret^ $ plantctlj is notbpng^but i3oD t^at geuet^ tbe incccafe, Cant>cia ;Jf urtbenno?e as concerning tbc CanDclfticfecs: tljcrc toas ilicbeff, one in t^e arabernacic of jEOofes toit^ fcucn focfecttes , to fet tn fcnc canDeIs.3]n Salomons temple tDCvC )c.cant)clftkfees» %\^t one repjefenteD a figure of CbJiSJ^nu tl^c feucn t^cru- pon , anD tjettn , betoUenco tl)z \}muerfalttic of C^urcbes, xopic\9 are all inligbteneo by tbe onel? ligbt Cb^ft> ^ ^^w^ of tbis onc,ttibat ligbt fo euer t^ie? ^ane.^nD tbofc caDelflicfecs arc of golD.sri^e niiScr? uj^erof Aretas c)rponnD?ng : ^^c? are all golD,fa?tb be , fojt^e puritie ano pjecioufncs of fa^tS i?ing bibbe m tbcm « ^n^ in oebe tl^e canbcldic^es of tbcni Celues gtue no lig^t,bnt be receptacles of lpgbt,^o of t)s art« Cet^ no ligl)t,butDarbenes.l3ut tf in cafe t^at tbe ligbt tucts iaftpng , itt a ligbt in tbe canoelfticKe , t^e ligbt Ci)vnct^ : if C^jift illumine tbe Cburcb toitb fa?tb anb puritie, tban fatt^ 0)e\xietb for tb ber felfe in open contrffion, anb pnrencs of Itf e anb conuerfation. ^not^istbeilozb requiretbotbisc^urcl) tn t^e t),cbap . of id^ati? . ^o let vour ligbt (l)?ne $c.^nb tbe idlpollle in t^e t).to tbe pbtl3n tbe mibbefl of a frotxiarb and crofeeb nation fl)vne ?ou l^fec ligbtes in tbe toojlD* ^nb ^et^crto toe baue ^anoiebtbe confolationofCl)rtft anb t^e ejcpofition of tbat great ano celcftiall l)ifion , toberb? toe ^auc learneb t^e mvftcrirs of tbe fa^tb of cb?ift $ of b?0 Cburc^: to tbe enac toe fi)oulD fenoU) tbat Cbjift is t^e Eo?b reigning m bis Cburcb^anb applpuig all tbvnges to t^ie fal- iiation of ^is favt^ful!:2[rbat be icnbctb jaieacbers , teac^ct^ Jb? tl)em,anb Ifecepct^ ^ Dcfcnoet^ t^em»2r6 bvtnbe glo?v.$c» ^^ft})t €p\f!tks reacalebout ofthttii^ont ofdDobfrom Clj)ia b? an aungcll,! receiueb i fent of 3iobn.M^cr« mVo a part of tbe (BpiUlc to tht Cp^eliaB t0 erpounbcD, T he femnth Sermon. Vnto vpontheApocalipfe, 22 Cha^.i] Ntothe Meflcngerof the congregation of Ephefus writetThcfe thyngcs fayth he that holdeth the fciie Starresinhis right ■ hand, and walkethinthe middes of the feuen golden candelftickes . I knowc thy workcs^and thy labour and thy patience, and how thou canft not forbeare them which are euill: And examineft them which fay they are Apoftles , and are not: And haflfounde them lyers : and haft fuffered, and haft paticce: and for my names fake haft laboured, and haftnotfaynted. Ncuertheleftel haue fomewhat agaynft thee , becaufe thou haft left thy firft louc. Tout cljacitie bat^ fccne tkttxxtvxz 31mage of t^e ILo?D bolc\x)ojlD . ;foitl)ts moll ample anobolfomeoor^ trine map not be redccvnco to a fcto , finte C^zitl \% B^fljop Dniuerfait. ana great ts tbc aut^ojitic of t^efc iSpiftlcs . ftsx x\^ty are ci)eaot!jo« rencaleD fro?n tbe tbzonc of f5oo,bp t^e fonnc of i36o , fpea^ ntp of tijcfe ftyngbp an anngd!,vol)iclj pie fcnbctb to^at is to be Ujzitten €p(ftic0. in tbofc^epiOtlcs:^. 31 oL)urecciuct^anD ujjt'tct^ tl;e fame, tbzongb Cljziitcs commaunocment , anD fcnoet^ tbcm to i\^t (encn ccngrcgati53:!3-nD terclp tbep appcrteine no lefle tn^ to^s,tbaniftbemc{rcnger fljoulo no\» pjefcutlv enter into t^e C^nrcb anti oeluicr tbefc letters ^nto ^s. isgoieouer in t^cfc feuen Cbnrc^cs is figtircii ^nto ^s, tl)c ttaturc,mancr3,'biccs,mcDicincs, rebufecs ano p^avfcs of all _. . i3:i)urci3es in all tvmc6,anD tobat foeuer is vuont to cbannce fiUf^l' about them. 2rbf? ^^ examples of all foztcs of Cbnrcbcs , of tuqcrf^" e,C[cUettt,of tncane of b'^pocriticall , of tuichcD , ano of snpn- glcu.iilno t^efe our 2,oiD aot^ euiDentlp inftruct^repione, rc^ buhe, blame, piapfc,cojrcct, moue, cpbo?tc ano comfoit: alfo l?e t^^catnct^t^emanD pzomifct^ tbcm,iovfMU t^gnges . ^u Cha{,it The feu euth Sermon 3r^t6 IS no Itg^tnojt commo c]camplc,btit t^e cjcamplc of t^c fottncofi5oD,tt)c^igl)ant! moftbleffeDlSiC^op teael)m§^0, t)Q\s} toe a)o«lD tjealc )x>it\) all congregations after tljc capa^ cttte and oiCpofttton of cucrp one* anonot \x)itl)out caufe l)cc^ofet^ Vinto Ijimfeucn oftljc tioWeft HiticQ of afia . Certaine it 10, tljat afia \a3as t\)t firlt t^at toas in^abitcD bv ntcn , anD t^at from tbcnce t^ep \xicrc UifpeefeD into otber partes of t^e\x)oilD » Certaine it is alfo> tbat tbe oeuill fet \3p tjis t^jone in afia , anD tbtre reigneu in inentbzongb 3l]Oolatrie,murt^er,ambition,auaricc, t)nclea* ncs,anb filtbv pleafures . ^oi tt)c ^azouerbeoft^e Slouifee laugljter is tocUfenotoen : anb it is feno\joen to^ar tljc apo^ Clc\ttjotc to t^eigp^cfias in t^c iiij.anu ^. chapter. ^berfo?e our ^autour HW^ onttt\)it>ay t^at tbzone of tbe Deuill.and fet\)p ^is otone tbtone of rigl^teoufnes auD ^olpnes: b^ rea- fon to^erof ^c firft anD cfjieflp to t^ein of afia , t^at b? t^eic cieample tbe to^ole toozlD nug'gt be coirecteo ano amenDCD* tf»iiVicftirf amongeft ot^er Cities of afia ano 3]ouia,i£pl)cfus \Bas «jp9»w. jj^qq famous anD it toas callcD iw olD tpnic t^e Ipgbt of afia, anD mod refojtcD to of tbe icij. Cities of 3Rouia . jfjcitber toas t^ere anp Uetnple m all afia to be fene 0? ^vcarD of , nioze ricij C^c temple $ beautifull,t^an tbe temple of S)iana at igpbefus . 31t mou* cifiDiana. teD\jp in t^emiDDes of t^eCitie, as a Cpectacle of t^efump- tuoufncOfcof t^ci5reefee6,a6 Plinie ujjitet^. S^bis temple is fa^Dto^aue bene ttoo^unDietb anD tttsentie scares in ma- king bp all afia : anDittuasrctinafcnnpgrounDe,tbatit (l)oulD fccle no eart^ qtiaftes no? openvtig of tbe eartb . 3^^c Iengtl)ofitujas,4if.foote,t^eb?eaDt^,2io.3r;tbaDpillcrsan l)unD?etl) $ itoentie ano feiien,DrDicattD bp Co manp fepngcs. ^cefeetberedoutoftbe abjiogemcnt of tbe famous D.ioa- chim vadiane.a^^e apolllc ^.jaaule ftctt illumincD t\)i5 au tit toitb tgc beame of t^e 0ofpell. xoW^ iSpiflle to tbc fame Citie remainctb, anD a plcntpfiiU fto?v in tbe actes of t^e la^ Aftesji* . poGles.after ^aaule Ujas eicecutcD, lobn toent to tgpbefus, anD from tbcnce p^eacbeD to all afta , from tbece alfo txias be b?ougbt tol5^ome totbc x^mperourDomihan -. anotbet^icc ^e rcturneD after bis eicile:anD tbcre at Icngtb as tbc ccclelia- fiicall (loaves Do teaifte,be fell a aeepe in t^e Eo?D. Befojeeuerv of tbefe iepittlc8,anD t^erfoze of confequcncc bcfoze tbe isptllle to tbe i£rp^efian6,^iere is fet a commauDCs ,^igff^u^ment,to?ite.3;bis commamiDemcnt geuetb autbo?itie to tbe tarct0aurujiitpng,fot^attoemav notaffee , tobetbertbis Vc^itpng, t\)miU, onQ^t (0 be creDitcD,o} \jo^^ itH^oulD be bcleueDt;^0} ^ere is vpponthcApocalipre. 23 Chaf.j, tftee]cpic(recommaunDcmentofiSoD,antJtl)efimme aat^os . rttie , tDfjcceofcunonflp to inquire is tljoiigljt tiottoit^out canfe ^nlaijjfuU » isgovfcs tojotc fap t^c cominattttDcment of i6oD . anu Op t!)e fame comuiaunDcment of f5oD tojote alfo t^e i9?opt)ctc6 ^ apoflleB. wt)? t^cn ace not tl^eic tojitingcs Jjeleweo to be aut^eticall^Certcs Slo^n fapo truclp ano toife^ \TM t^at feno\33ctl) iSoo, ^eacctl) \3s:^)e tbat is not of i5o&, ^earcti tjs not. u 3lof). y. Cutious queftios ceafc ixi t^is cafe, to^ecettiem^nBeoft^cgoDlp , V^aanD euer^poojc fl^eepc ^notoet^ t^e tiopce of ^is Eoto ano (l)ep^eard* ct nenert^elefTe it is intitleD to t^e inmge!I,to tbe intent tl)e paQours map be aDmom(^eD,U)^at t^e ftate Oi t^e c^urcb is. ^t^eargximenroftbefirdcpidletst^is. HW^ tiedaret^ 'Xi)c ar^u^ t^t^ernletboiier^iscburc^jt^at^etafeet^icbargcanogo- mcntef tpt. nccnement of t^e fame, ^ome tbpngtbcrin be pzapfet^, anti ^*^^^? rometobarbe blamctb: STint^e meanctpmefee epboztetb to *^P9". repent3nRce,tbicatenmg grcuous tbpngcs, ano pjdmifpng mo(t iovfuli. and alfo be appipetb tbis epiaie to ail cburcbes ano communtcatctb it to all congregations ixi tbe tol^ole too^lD. But tbe epiQle is ejrboztatiuf ,(oz it inSructet^,e]c^o;3 m^ anD oirectetb tbe Cburcbes, anD firft be Cljetoctb tti^o be is, fro toljom t^e cpiOIe pjo- ceeDetb, t^at be map gene autbozitie tberunto: anD alfo ftieuj ^ott) be is tbe beaD, tbe 25pfl)op,tbc gupDe anD goucrnour of bis Cburcb . 2rbis part is tafee out of p image fct foztb in tbe firft cbapter.anD it foUotoetb tbe pzopbtticai maner of fpea^ bing: 2;bus faptb be U)bicb bolDetb tbe feuen ^tarres in ^is cpgf t banD. fQ% t^c jop^etes fap Ipfeempfe: t^us fuptb t^e ILozDi5oDof3lirraell,tbusfaptb tbe HozDe of boftcs. 3:b«s fapt^ tbe ILozD,mbicb bjoug^t t^ee out of x^gppt.^. anD be ^ repcatctb ttoo efpeciall tbmges of t^e former Dcfcription, W^^^ toberbpbctoillbcl;no\xien,anDDoetJ6to\)nDcrftanD, ^oto tbcrpffbt be being ILozD auD 15ift)op ruletb anD tx»o jfeetb in bis ct^urcb. banD cf ;JfirO !?e affirmctb tijat ^e ^olDct^ in \^i5 banD t^efeucu llacs. bat, (aytb be , 10 meant bv^oalfemg ojbepngtn tlje miODes of tbc congregations, bnt t^at be is p?cfent toitb tbem,pzefctuingtbcm,teacbutgtbcm,belping tbem, (tb? all meancs \»atcbing oucr tbcnii 3ln \ubicb refpectc be fa^tb alfo intbelallof^.iagatb. IScbolDiliamtoptbvoualttia^es tmo tbe voD^lDes cnDe. i^eceof voii baue a moft aptc figure in tbe latoe: tti^ereinamonges otber tb^ttges tob^cb apper^s tavnea to tbe miniftcric of tbe bvsi) }3^cK, be ban t^c cbarge of ovic anu of feue canticis, foz tbofc muft be pourge $ fnafte, anti ponre in ovle tobcn it bantcD. ^o Cb?ift tbe b?gb ano trucBvCliop, barb tbe cbarge of tbe feuen cannets, tbat is^o fav, of ail congregations: anD is wrefuU tbat tbep toant not tbat oplc tobicb is mcnrioneD in p 4.4.J3ralm. Be toatebet^, tbat tbev tuant not tbc fycr ano Ivgbt of tbe trnctb- ^vnallf, befnaftctbanDpourgetbb^favtb, tubat t^^ng fo euerbatb ncctsc to be pourgcD in tbem. %k^\Q farre faptb be . »?bicb tb?ngc5,toben tbcv beare tobicb mafee t^e Bvft)op of mome beau of tbe cburcbi ii is marueU if bp ann b? tbep tnDccftanD nottbeirfoU^anbmaDnes.i^crctbelLoz!} abbctbalfo, tbat bcbnotwetbaU too?fees,to \uittc,botb gooD anD tuili, aftoell of tbc Bpfl)op as of bis Cburcb. fm tbe iLojt»[ fenotoctb all tb^ngcs, anb is beab I5t(l)0p of tbe Catbolic^c o^)miucrfalI Cbnrcb, anD befettb tbe tbougbtcsof all men m tbe tso^lDe atoncmfta«nce;be^olDmg^battsDonc , anD tobatisnot iione, anD tobat tbingcs arc nccDfiill, fo as notbpng cfcapetb bym. ^nDfucbinDccDcougbtbeto betbatis tbc ^jniucrfall beaD of bvs cbtircb. 2lnD tbisfcntence (5i bnoto tbv U)0?Uce) is cepeateD in tbe beginning of cucrv cpiftlc. anD tjcrelv it js full ofcomfojt,UJbcn toe ^care tbat Cb^ift bnotoctb ail oun Dov'ngcs, ;ffoj uje bclceue alfo tl?at \^z batb afayt^fall care of sUonr matters. ' ;f urtbentto?e,t^ts great Bi?Cl)op tSmcnDetl? feme tbings Wtbps«i)ngrcsationcfi3pMw8. jiro^gocD Vuoito in Decu are VppontheApocallpfer 24 Chp.i, ttt aHotoeD of C^jitt, mn ^c pia^fct^ t\ic fame, to t^c mti to fpuc t^cm foj\MacD toljicf) are cunning in \)is toap. if 0? fv?a Ijcallotoetl^ t^c labour anrj paticnccbot^ of t^e23vft)op auD ,, . oftljccljurc^.lLa!jourcompiifetI).t^ou2^tanDcarcmp uja? *:J°£"5* ofeoD,mo?tif)?mgoft^cficQjc,ftuDv of goon too?fec0,anD ^^"^^^' c^icflpt^ecroircanDperfcmnon,tD^ic^t^cftojics tcMit to ^>auc bccne cjctrerac anu crucH in tljet)?mc of sDoinittan* ana C)cccptt^c perfccutcD ^auc patience, t^e^ can not inDuret^je labour, i^ol? patience fecepctb \)6 in \2)ozUe anti bolp labour. But leaft tbat patience UioulD be ftcetcljetj to t^ofe tbings ii^ot to to^erin is accouteo piavfc U)oub^ to be in.ipaticnr,bc aiiDctb ^carc cuiu, tbe feconn point tubic^ be piavfctb in tbem, namely tbou call not bcarc euill me. ^nD b^ tbefc euil!,be meauetb not txjeafe^ lvngc6,oi fucb as errc toitbout malicioufnes: 23ut tbe jajo- pbct tDauiD faptb alfo, lafalm. 1 19. 3] banc bateb tbe toickeb, t\)^ la\M banc 3[ loucu. 5x>^at toe fljoulD Doe toptb tl)c toeafee in fa^tb, J U)?tb tbem tbat crre of igno?aunce,ratber tban of nbdinate ftubbernes, tbe ^poftle bat^ taugbt )}s in t}^c jiiiii^ to t\)e l^omaines. %ht cicample of our ^auioitr barb taugbt ts atfo in banging agatne tbat araped Cl)eepe \ipo bis QjouU ficrs imo tbe fl)eepefolDe. STberefoie tbe HojD fpeaUetb berc of tbe obdinate.of tbe Deceauers U)bicb belpgbt to erre tbem^^ feiues.anb to D}(kXo otbers toitb tbem into erronrs^no C^ii^ fien patience biDDetb t)S beare to^tb fuc^ men. i^nb in tbe ^o^Desfolioto^ng, ^e Dedaret^ of U)batro;te tbofe euill men toere. l^boubaft ejeaminen tbem tobicb fa? tbcv be apofile«,anD be not,anb baft founb tbem l^crs. Hoe ^. ., , „ befpeabctboffalfeapoftles, of \Mbom in ^.llobns t^mtfJi^f*^^ tbere toas epceeDpng great plenty, jf 0? tbere tocre i!=lafares t^mofU ans tubicb mpiccD tbe lauje Ujptb grace, anb attributeb iuftis John, fication to tbe lauic,anD to our otone rigbteoufnes . xo\)om tbe bol? anb great counfcU at Slerufalem conDcmneD,as,ap3 pearetb in tht letj.cbapter of tbe ^ctes of tbe Slpoftles. ^ucb a faUe apoGle toas Hcbion, of ttJbom Eufcbius mabet^ men's tion in tbe tbirb boofee of b?s Ccclefiaaicall bifto?p t^ie )C)cijg^ cbapter. i^ereunto toas abbeb Cerinthus tl^at bereticbe anb falfe^poftle. SUbere toere moealfo, tobereoffome bcnpcD CbuSes manbobe, anb fome bis {5obbeaD . ^gainft tobom Slcbn tD?ate in-bis i3ofpell,anb inibis igpiftle, anb irency in bisfirabooiteagapnftbereticltes. iSTbeCetbe JLoinntnfet^ to be !apoQles,o3i apoftoltcall: tobicbtbing tbe ^apoaies al^ fobenpebiactes.iy. anb ivbetopfe tbe apoftle ^.3lobn in ^^5 cpiftlc canonicall; \»^o is a l^ar(fa?ti) |?e) but ^e tbat oe- Chaf.i, The feuenth Sermon '^roubiins **^"^ ^^^"^ *^ ^^ c^jift?$c, l^wt tf fuc^ ttotible tdere in of c}jur= Cl)urc^cs to^lcft f apoftlcs xatu vet liuvng, if tl^crc toece f^w. tljan fo manv t)cccaiicrs,tol)at marucl is it,t^oug!) t^e num^ ber of t^cm be not fmall tol^tc^ arc to be fouitD m tbe tizcggs oft^e\33o:lD,tou)Ute,m t^is our lafttvmc: w>bcrc be tbep noujt^at tojieSc mflTcntions anD troubles to tie Defence of tbeic errouri 2:be i5ofpclIers tbemfducc (fap tbev) are at mflentton. i5oD ts t^e {5oD of conco^ue, boui tban ^oulD 3^ belene tbat i5oti t6 among tbofe tbat oifTent i ^o mtgbt tbe j^opbtfters alfo ba«c ceafoneo in tbe apoftles t^rne* anD bere bane \Me a perfect toap, in tobat fo?te tbc Cbur* cbes (boulD neale tobcn troublcfome perfons Ivfec falfc apo^: ^ofo toe ftlcs attempt to beiiiDe tbe Cburcb a rimucr. fm fiicb nnge^? fl)ouU) Dcflic leaner© muft be trycu ano eiramineD: ano tcpeD mnft tbe^ be ioit!) i)crc= after f ^W^^ beliefe,ani» Doctrine of tbe apoftles: anb in^ ttcftc0. qnifition muft be maDe \a3betber tbev be ^podles ^ true m0, 0? falfe apofties ^ I^crs* :5X>be \xie Cl^al banc founD tbem to be falfe apottles $ Iyer©, ano tbat tbcp goe foztoarD obftinatel^ in tbcir toicfecDne©, tbev be no t to be fuffcreo: as in DecDe tbe iBpbefians DiD not tioucbfafe tobeare tjo^tb fncb naugbtp^ pac^es. i^nb it is to be tmberSooDe, tbat tbe not abpD^ng of open beretict(es,mua be after one Co;t in tbe paftours, aftet; an otbcr ro;t in tbe H^^ii^l magidrate, anD after a tbv?b toav in tbe common people, if 0? tbe fdaftour notonclpbearetb not ujvtb tbem, bv bifTemblvng anb taKvng beeoeof tbofe ttJolHes^as to bimfelfetnarDc : but alfo aCTavIetb tbem to^tb bolcfome Doctrine, anD rcpulfetb tbem from tbe a)eepfolDe0 of Cbzift> ^s foi tbc (SBlagtHrate, becaufe beis a CbztHe ma^ gi{!ratc,anD bp bis office is bounD to fcrne ZW^-, «ot onelp as a pzinate perfon^biualfo as a maciftrate: be ougbt alfo to cuiU vponthcApocaJfpTe. 25 Ch4p'>} Offinthus;attDX)f OrijCCB ttt Seru^tusitljC $>pa»^ttJC vattOltl t6?ng it fclte, anD t^eDattnger t^ccof, xomtttaumtett) t)5 to tDatc$> ann to t^ziueatoa? t%Q^\mikmvi\\\m\nt& frmn-r^ ^olv C^uccft of C^jift, tuljicl) ittum^dcCTc doc fet foit^ no» tt^^ng mo^tten patience anoc^antie, to t^ intent onelp t^t tl^cv' tnpgi^tlie fpatetr, and teadl|)A»^att!)ev)i<^^ agapnS X^^iS, and tpo^^e agavnft ^f0 ^ W(^, ^cMcareic in peaces t»pt^tf>eictDicfeel)tcct^tjnpnma)caii> ' "^" * '• ^ 33uttD^ent^eresuiUincn to^c^ fenuce mxi Ireremteeo, |3atfence f aw not fttflfeccDj^timpugneo^ great cSflicteac^fet^jto^cte wnftanctc irfagai?ncfpjing!abom;5:,«^oug^tB,care&ilne», toatc^ings, wbattcu. tniuries to ht fuffeceD f 0^ t^ name of C^Mft, ano tl^e Defence oftf)etruet^.;jfojif\»ebenet wflrgent anD patient \\x t^ys be^aife, t^e Deceauero tpfll get t^e %pper I^anD . But lietcin tl^e C^urcl) of t^e i^p^eftans bel^aueD it felfe notably Sx^tW^ih fo mnc^ tl^attbeHo^D commenDet^ cji^deeDingi^ t^e patience anD conaancie of t^e pattourand of ^v& C^reb. iSlnd trtiel? tbefe twinges are not tobeetalten as t^ottgb toe O^onld re^ fer t^em tjnto tbat patience, toberebp euill men are fufifereD^ Qn&permitteDto pjioceeDeintbeitmattce tm Deceitfnltiei^^ ^0? Co a)onlD tl)t6 place (trine agaynft ti)Ofe tb^ni^^ei^ Asobic^ u?cnt a title before . :xpbic^tb^ngt^e common imerpj;etouc mpnoeD as it femetb to baue cfcbe^jjcD , fQ% tbus be reaDetb: anD tbou baft pacicnce.anD baft f«frercb,\Dbece as it is in tbc idree^c , $ tbou^aft fuftercD anD baftpatieccl^ealtereD t^e ozDer, $ tPoulD not fct;bAtt ru^ceeD.befo?e)but|aft patience; left an^ ma fljonlb tnoccftanb tbat t^ey bai nme«D t^e falfc apoflles . ©utfct patience afo?c anD pntfafferannce after: a^bat \x)c migbt tjnDcrftanD boto tbcv fiiffcrc^not euill mcnr, but cutis U);ougbt b v euill men. ^nD fo tbep laboicD patients Ip foj CbJiftcs gJoi^,tbat is to toit foj i\it mamtcinaCce tbcra of againft toickeD bereftes.^uD i^e aDoet^^t^ou baft not fapn^ tcD tbo;ougb\]3erpnefleno}beneD,ircourageu ujttb pannes tafeintf»^oitoe arctaugbt to Ou?rcome t^jougb patient con^? ftancie , tobic^ is rigl)tl? calico itt becDe t^^ accotnprift^ment pfcucrpgooDtD02fee» ,., , .. ailanoeuerv oftbcfe twinges toe mttftappl^ijttto ourfel* ucs anD tmperyanD ujitb Uibat t^)?ngcs \X!e map noU) alfo at tbis Dappleafc t,\)ii\t our rcDem'er,fe5ng anD l3vlll)op,VM^ic|) truclv muft be Done b^? ttialfe^ng in tbe lame fteppes , tobccf |ttl»e feet^ congregation of t^e ^p^fiaus to^aue toaifeeo* ' : ■- ••' ■■; Sli c%.». The eight Sermon 31t fbtoVDiet^to^at tt)i^ns l^e blamen ttt t^e tmt tHwt^t: ttamel? ^tl>eviaueleftfl)eir fttS ioue « »>tiat tvmet^q? Itdl cecriltfDiit i5o(pcU bi^ ^.)datti,an& after b^ 3iol)n,anli ot^et g^Ddiv men , tijece toas (cne a great fentenmeOe tnt^ l))o;de6 ann neDes of t^ fa^tli)fuli : ^t)tc^ t^png map iic gas ^eren boti? bp t^e actes of tt^e Slpoaies , anD alfo h^ t\)t fS^ ptftle of ^.idaule to t^ei^pbeftans.^rbev loneo <5oti $ t^etc itetjibbours tattb amoftfement^ale^^bev bnrtteo m refo^ ittBitg of wanev?* 23ut m ^;ore0e of time t^ts beate tijas toet cooleonand tbci? toaiceQiCOljDer m true goDlpnes . Ki^ia great intfcbtef l)( rebufcetb in t^e , ano oeftrctb tobaue it reD^ni^Z)? as (l)aU folotD anone after * ^nti \^txt tue map note boto not onelp tber^uoltpng to 3iDolatrie,ano otber great lerimes are tmputeD to tbe c^urrb^b^ealfo if \»e Oacbe anp tbpng in bo^ IV $ea)e : fb tbat berebp \)tf map learne y boto toe ougbt to be l^olp anj^blamdeB before j&oo.lDonbties t»e of tbte Cbnrcb !O0bo baue bene ferucnter ]Cjc^ » pearee ago tban toe be at tbis |t»ap, cannot ejEcufe our felues in tbis bebalfe before tbe mates 0p of.i5ob. $c . jSDur HozD j5od bpnDle our uipnt)e0,tbat tot map plcafe bpm,sro tobom be gloip* M^txtmv^Qmuri tbtfecon^jpatte offbe Cptd^lefo fbe CDpbefianjt lobere mention v& maoe of ]3enaunc0 ano ofi^ieolaite0, ' The eight Sermon. D Emcmber thcrforc from whece thou art fallen, and rcpent,and do thy iirft workes , Or els I vrillcomc vnto thee (hortly,ani8 counfeU w eirijo^tatton to amcnDemcut. ^irft ^c counfcU f^ccii)02= ktb 0? ocbouctb to rcmcmber,?rcflev ex7r£;TTc.;x4^ from tobence ^<^b to tc= tbep ai^c fallen: tbat is to Cav , toitb boto great loue tbev baue p°^^""«- bamcD bctbcrto , ano noto boto colo tbep bee toaiccs : jfiH (otoD fortunate and blcOeDaQatetbe^ bauc aooebitbcrto,^^ ixi botx) tmbappp anu fbamcf id cafe tbe^ i^e noto. J" oi tbe ac^ taiotolcngvng of tbe trcfjpas is tbe beginniwg of rep^auttce, S J^ ^f^^ ff feytb inligbtcn tjs tbiougblp to confiner toell , tt>bat bencs Snl fites toe \m^ lo&,attdii)bat mtferic toe ttoto are in . }^e tbat tDcnetb be b^b toQnotbvng , \»fll netter be motteD to mabe an? fearcb m inqtti(tti0:anD be tbat tbinbetb btm (clfeto baue Callcntcdm ho fdtcitie>tDiUtate no tbougbtboto be map be vefto^eoXbecfoie in amenDement of life tt bebouetb tbat tbe «ctototDleDgpng ano confirOton of finnes go befote, (0 as toe lament oftrpooertie and to^tcbebncffe befote i5ob » !^nb in lieoe tbep fell not from felicitie,\»bicb tieucc toere in wxf feli^ citic.3rberfio;e toe leame tbat bol? men tna^ MX , anD alfo be &^mtcs cello;;eD b^ cepentannce . jT ben after tbc artmotoleDgpng of f^« onrmiferie tberefoUotoctb rcpentau(e:tbati6 tbe commpng agapne to o«r mpnoe, tbattoc go not foub on al\xiaves Ipfee niao vxtn ano foolc5,ttjalbpng m tbe tuap of tanitie ano t)n- tagbteottfnes . ^02 rcpcntannce is a cctwrnpng a ccniisrfion iScpctauce. ano cbauge.toberebv tve are tumeo atoap from enill,anD are coniicrtcD to gooo, bp remcnpngto our rigbt toittcs and bp \MOjftpng rigbteoufnes. StQ% laft of all follotoetb tbat , tobicb ejcponnbetb tbis tt^ pentaunce.S>o tbv fo?mec tomfecs:2ro 'mim , be bote agapn in loue,tooifee tbe toozftes offaptb, tobicb arc f ruites tbat be fcttc cepentaume . ISebolD tberc ncuc no neto Iatoes,o: long fCracfatiC= tiifpHtations concerning amcnDcmcnt* l^iieflp, 00 tbp foj^ faction, mcr toojbes , not of tbe flcQ) , but tobicb tbiw teganG tjpbcn ^jw ftctt cccciucoft tbe iSolipell , ant tpaft bojne agapnc in ^?ni,;JfinaUv F tnic cefb^mmiS is fo ftoi^e fe^wtr ttwjbes of Ch^f.ify \ The eight Sermon 0f 001) ) ftttd not t^e latter tDO^Hcs to^tc^ tl^t etrour of t^e tDOjlD t)atl) HeutfcD . ^inall^ ti;ic true repemauttce ts,anD aU taaves Cl)albc t!)i6:ttamelv,t!)eacbnotDleogi?ng of ti)c finne, t^ecSuerfion^jnto i5oD atiD to gooo,ano t^eturtipng atoap from t^e ocuiU anD from euill , ano tt)e too^b^ng of t^e ftrll fiooi),oi ofgoolv rigljteoufnes t^ojoiigb favtl) m Cijjift* S^ere tie man? ano fono^ Dtfputatiotts of rcpentaance ano of t^e partem of tl^e fame:of tl^e contrition of t^e ^art,of con^ fcOiott of t^c moutl?,anD of t^e fatiffaction bp t^e U)o?be:13ttt Ip^e a&ti^ere to none bnefert^n.t^totD^tc^Slefns jL^^tO teacl)ctb,fot)creIp is tbere none better o; mo?e certftine. ^eti)Katfi ^<) t^eCebis ejcbo^tations ano goolv counreto oeaooet^ neti). tbjeatnpngeo mod greuons,if bappelv perili mig^p^ouoke tbemtxi^om louecou^o not allure . i^no truelpt)e(pealset^ but fern too;oes,But be meanetb a great inconuentence tbat can not be fpofeen wqi oeciaceo » igjccept tbou repent , 31 toitt fSTi: v; '^ remoue tbv canDelfticfee out of bis place.srbe canolefticbe,as tbe iLo^o bun (elfe batb eicpouuoeo it, is tbe Cburcb : »>btel| Qanoetb in ber place,as long as fbe Iranetb to Cb^iO : ano is dfC^b?i^l))e{erueD,folons as tbe:p;eacbpng oftbrtrutbts matntetneo inber^ano fo long as a)eis tn oeDe tbe Cbnrcb oC Cb^d«^no a)c is reinoueo ont of ber place,tDbe (be is toitb^i outtbep^eacbpngoftbetrutb , ano leanetbnomojebppon Cb^iMoMB oeftnDeo bv bmi,but is fo;raben,ano is no ioti:^ gcr in oeoe tbe cburcb of Ct)?ift« %\^\% ts oonr of Cb^itt b?ni felfe,bv \^\ii tu(liuogement,\»battvmeour ))ntbanKefntnes, .^ tpurepentaum life,D}iuctb 0oo to Depart from t}S,to leaur i^s to our ovone errour,a^ oarltenes , $ to oeceitfuil men . $c« Srbio fenfe Aretas achnotoleogetb:tDbo fa?tb,tbat to remoue tbe Cburcb , is to leaue it bare ano oeOitute of 0oDs grace: bp reafon of vobtcb nabeones^tt Ipuetb in ooubifuU perple^i:^ tie ano in do^mcs tbat are call ^pon berbp oiicheo men.^no tierelpUie fee boui at tbiooavt^e Cburcb of tbe igpbefians ts rcmoueo out of bc;r place > ano no longer miovetb tbe bol^ fome ooctrineofCb^tfl^no; ftanoetb t^ppon tbe bealtbfuU roctteStefnsCb^tft ; l^tisopp^lfeo toitb tbe peftiferotis n^aones^f 03)abomet,attOli^bjin fo^otoAsnoer tbe feete of tbe arw^s. w>e fec*t ,ibi« oapini^erman^C tbe mo?e is tbe piti,e)man? caoelOic^esremoueoout of tbetr pl^ce, notuoitb ouc^bf great trtumpbe of ^atban.ano lofleof mens foules. 13^ o;eoner tbio to alfd tio be obferueo m tbts tbuatnvng,tbat not u^itbout terrpur ^J^ptbiHi vml cotne to tbec a)oitlv.;f o^ It IS ft pteaTf M|p^. jf^ llPfe IftB^itoilr ttJill be \y}ii\^^m e^ jjj ano ::!?G vpontheApocalipfe. 27 Chsp,2, foz toe ongbt to l)ate tbe tbcDceocs perfon of no man foz it felfe,butt^et3iceint^e mm: fo tbaf^^'^^ii^i^ tobenbcdiaUbanefojfahcnbistJice, toemnft iouetbe man^"^"®*^^* toptb ail our bart. SlnD great muft tbat euil neebes be,tobic^ enen i5ob confcfTetb bvmfelfe to bate. J^cre ali congrcgati:^ ons ftjailtjnbcrftanb tbat tbcp ongbt alfo bp all mcanes to ^atc tbe berefieanb abbcminaticn of tbe/j^icclaitans. i^^ibe^ it t^at at tbis bap tbe name be ejctinguiPocb, vet t\)t ^ercfic anb abbomination of tbe B-icolattani5 rentavnetb. 2[:bis ifiicotus toas of aHtioc^e,one of tbefeuen SDearos, oftobom mention is mabe in t^e^.cl^ tbe ^ctes. Bcis fapb to batie renolieb from t\it pnritie of faptb,as 31uDas cib: auD tobere be toas befozc a fi5ectle,(fo? it is fapD boto be toas a ja?ofelvte)bc reioiirncb in certcpne tbingcs to gcntilitie as a bog to bis tiomite. S^be iBnoOiUcs a!fo anb tbe fclotoers of Carpocvates are alfo il^icolaitaus, a fiitbv t^nb mcR mic^ fecDUpnbe of people. Clemens cjccufctbt^is ij^icolas iovdca tobat in Eufebius in tbe j.boofec a;;.cbap. of tbe jjfdcfbsffica! biftozp. l&ut tbat eiccufc feemetb net futficieut oz nift,i"mce all ti)c amicients toitb one moutb, an'o fpcciaUf tbe iJciv iubges ment of i5oD in tljis p;ercnt epiUle, ano in il;e epiftle foloto^ fr4^ ins Cfup.j. ThevIij.Scrmon pngaccttfcljvm. ireneus conBcnmctI) fjmi I}^tl)isfamc place, intl)CfirltbooUcn5avnfttIje uJalcntinians cI?ap.i7.(JC. ^o hOti) Tertulian iw ti)CUD Of Heret.prefcript. ^nh ill tly.Q plCfent place f^c 2lpo(tic Dotb toittiuglv glaimcc at t\)c Doings of tl)e ^tcolaitcs^t Detect t^cmjpaCTmgt^emouct: toitljout laving oft^cmfou^. Epiphaniusmtt)Cij.z6.i7. atiD ^ercucssi. ^ mother places Wbin o^Dec la^Dfojcft t^cic tonfpfa^.ablc a^ abbojutuablc Dealings tobicl) arc not once to be fpofecn Df,o; tljoug^t of ,auD alfo tl}Cit bealllv filtbtncs,fucb as ncucc toas ^eat'Dof; but tobetljer it \»as tuvfclp boncofi^vmoino,3] bnoto not. Phikarius alfo auD s. Auilen Ijauc toucbCLj :l)e ^U colaitanB,eit^cr of tbcni in t^cic regiftcc of ^ercries. ^l?ame m\\ not fuffcc me to recite ti)cic ooings. Jit is inougb fo? tjs iftijehno'oot^attDbicljtbc ILojD tpmfelfc fcttctb ootwne lu tl)c cpiftle to Pci gam us ,tu!)crc be calletb tlic Doctrine off jj^i- cclaiEan6,t^c Doctrine of 25alaatn tbc foutbfavcr. 2lnD tDl)0 feuo\3ocrb not toljat cour.rcll be gaue to Balaac fevng of iS^o^ ab,anD of iB63aDtan,anD l)oto be fcnt ont fapze toenc^es to t^e ^ong men of 3lfraeU , to^ofc ncquaintauncc cntifeD tbem botb to Dcfvic tbemrelnes,toitb foznication^anDallo to cat of incates offereo ^p to 31Dols, bp mcanes tr^creof tbep became partal^crs of Baal pco?. Ect bpm t^at toill, rcaa Slofep^ns tnt^^. tctoc3 oi otbcr places of to'^ojcDom. fit foj aiamc^er l)s lcanie!)erebv to Ucpe ^olp lJirgini£ic,fmglclvfcanDlaU)fulimarpagcs, anD let lisfiec tbofcDogstbeBicoIaitaus. Ectioslcacnc becebvto Ucepc iDCll our feiues from SlDofs, ioolatrv^auD all ftrangcfeinDcs iDf ^ozQjippings: foj «5od ^atetl? all tljofc tbingest m vpon the Apocalipfe. 2S Chdp,2, T^t bcatct^ att^e cares of ail meti tupt^ an 0MtctT,tncn!ng j^e -^ hath all men to attcutiucncsanuljolp obedience. ^iiD tOemit^- cares to all \)t appl^ct^ t^ps Boctcmc to all tonics, and to all congee^ ijcare ict gations in t^e tooJiD,t)fing ^is toontco Cpeac^ , repeated Co W^ Jjcare. Ofte in t^t iSofpcll: He that hath eares to heare, let him heare. ^ct tl}at It is \\\ our o\ajnc potccc to f)carc ann cbcp {goD: foi i5oo picpacet^ our caccs, anu toirl) ^is grace fcanietlj ^ ma\x;ft'9 0ue^actc6»Ecttl?cmtoto^om tbeqrarc cf i3oD js gVanntetJ , bctnarct^at x\^t^ lofc it not t^ioligl? tqetrncgli^ gcncctjanitif ,anD ligl?tnc0. |Lcttijcmfl)c\xic fncb tJiltgcnre, as £5oD in bis tsjojDe rcquiretb anD pzcfcnbrtb. 2:bcv tbat DO tbis,bane eares to bcare.l^e faptb tbcrfoze, pnn to tobom i5oo no\D fpcaltetb, ano tubofe bartes be no^ ftpzretb anD . moonetI;,tafec^e bcet?c tbat ponlofe not tbis grace tb?ougb Vouc ncgligcncc:15e Diligent,attcntiue, ano circninfpcctjanD - ilirre ^p ve tbe gift of i5oD in pour felues. ;>fnrtbcnnoze,alfo be pionol^ctb ^s to biligcncc b^ autl^O;? ^j,. f„,„,Y. ritietJinme.S^befpiritofiSotifpfakctb ano rcucalctb tbefe fScS rbingcs,anD not tjc fpirite of men d^ of erro«r:f02 gozi fpca- ttcfe tbm= feetb bp bis fpirite,\xibicb is reao to be tbe fpirit hti^z of tbe sc0. fatber ant) of tbe fonne. i3go?eoucr be appl^etb all anD eucip of tbefetbinges to all congregations, in tbatbcfavtb,'txjbat tbelpirit faptb to tbe congregations, not to tbe ccngregatiS, 5^o\r tbcn it is inanifcft,^ out of all c5troncrrv,tbat tbofc fes CbcTc ue cburcbcs tsoc rcpicfcnt a figure of all cburcbC6fb:ougbont tbmgea; atJ= tl?eu>boletDOilD.anbtbatalltbevbeii]flructcb mtbofe fcnc. pcttcincto ^nrtbermoif ,lcaS anv tb^ng (l)ourGC toant to tbe full zx- ^ ^^^^^^^ ^loitationtjnto repentauncc, favtb, ano Diligence: EaGlp, be anhc)cetb amoft ample pzomife,^ t}fetb an aliegoiical (peac^, tbat it mvg^t ^'iwc tbe mbje grace toptb ix ♦ STo tbem tbat 0- ucrcomc,bc pzomifctb to gcuc t\it fniitc of tbe tree of l:fe,pla^ rir*IS??m!I? teb in tbf paraDife of iSoD. xi^berin be allaoetb to t\^t 2. cbap» ^*^ P^omue, of £5cn. flnD be tranflatctb tbe fence from eartblv tb^ to ccleftiall tbpngcs. 3;be parauife of iSob ( bv i\)t ttibicb fome ^ aTamfe, tnbcrftanb tbccburcb)!S tbat euerlafting bliHe anu felicitie, tobeeoftbeLoiDfpafec to tbe tbnfejavmg: S^bis na^ fijalt tbonbe toitb mem paraDife. therein is tbe tree of life,Cbji{f, toboconnnunicatetbto^sbiseternalllyfe: xrbicbUse Qjall cniopbv being conne^eb into beaumb^bvm, to l^ue tbere tuvtb bvn^.;Ji''inaUv, tbisis t^at Ambrofia ojinimo2tali:te, tobicb tbe beaucnlp fatber geeuetb tis tobiinlte. T5\xt tbvs great anj) tDouDcrtuU gooo rbpng t^Aivsx\) net to eucry one, biuonelytobynubatouerccmmetb. iXDam oucvcame not, ;jf.ijt liut chap. 2, The ninth Sermon hwi toas ouercotnc anu n^t^ . Hf toe tljccefo^c oucrcome t\^t flcft}C,tl)c H)c«ill anD tljc \xioilD,tlj?oug^ C^jift, ttic fijal line alio in ti)C too^lu to coiuc tt>vtb Cijzift. %\^t topic of ComplatC l)acl?, which Is in the micldes of the ^t ttt? paradife of my God . auD areWB CppOHttDCtl) it,and fa^tl): I« ^^'^^ no man be offennefi bcrcat. au Ijmnblc tbinges agcec to tlje tijc office of bis man6ouc txibicb be toofee tppon bvm foj one rafee3:iiucrpcctti3bercofbebimfelfcitttbc£5oIpcUravrb: 31 afccnDc \3nt0 mp fatber,. anu ?ouc fatber, to m? 0od, ana ^our i5oD.^c. ianbtbus facte betbcrtocottcmiingtbc iJpiSle of 3lefiis Cb«it,\xijtttcn b? 3lobn to tbc epbcfians, anij tubat pjofite oucCburcbcsalfo^anD ettcr^ of \)5 mav ceceiue tbercof*2;bc ILo^O Usbten tbe epes of ounnvnbe* ^m^jna isejcpounoeD. jSno is anepbojtation to pari*' cnce? anbconfoiaticn iw a€ltctton0» The ninth Sermon, A Ndvnto thcAngellof the congregation of Smyrna wryte. Thefethynges fayth lie that is fyrftand laft, which was dead and is aly iie agayne. I know thy works and tribulation,and poucrtie,but thou art riche. And I know the blafphemie of them which call themfelues lewesand are nottbutare the congregation of Sathan. Feare none of thofe thyngs which thou ihalt fuffer* Be- holdejthedeuilliliallcaflifome of you into prifon, to tempt you, and you fliall haue tribulation ten dayes. Be taythfiill vnto the death , and I will gecuetheea crowne of lyfe. Let him that hath eares,heare,what the fpirite fayth to the congregations, he that ouercom- meth (lull not be hurt of the fecond death. Cbc 3rgu 3>cf«s CbJiK from tbc cigbt banb of tbe fatber , tbiougb incntof tijc tbemiaideneofan^ngcll by tbe apoRleanD ieuangcliftc feconi) c= ^.31obn, Cjcbojtctb tbe cortscegation of ^mvztta,tbenaffiic= jpiOic. ten toptb all fe^iDc cf cuilo fo j ti)t tjjojnc of iSob, Mnto ruffe*; caunce, anu comfo?tctb tbc fame ftgbmg noto \3nut f croflTc, p^onufin^ great t^mgcd to t^cm c$at oueccomc, ^nn ^tctl^ vpontheApocalipfe. 2p Cha^..2, t^crccattttotoftbiemattnccanti m ti)ic matter tihttm oj hiitlzt cjt!)oUatton and confolation be fouD.;fro? it is touc^D in fuc^ U) jfc by tl)e ctcenall toifcDonic of ti^e fiarijer ae it map rigl)t \joeU agree ^nto all tmies,ani) all pccfons tUat moucnc % gcncraa tjnDec t^c Croffe. ;Jfo2 IpHe as Chilli artbe ngi;ttr«nD oft^e comfo;tf father is t^e Cattjolttkc q% bmucrfall bpftjopno tjcreip is ^is cxijo^tattcn HDCtrinc gcnccaU,toobic^ ^c ^im felfcalfo appivetb to all con- ^° paticncc< gccgatians in tlje tn^ of tljis iCptftle, ano va. others . anD To be Declaretb t^at be louetb i^iz £i^ui'ci> , and is p^eff nt iti t^e lame bv bis povoec anb apDc* anb \ierelv it is to be macucileb , t^at not^^ng \z blanteb /c^ecoores in tbis cburcb , fince tbat fomc fault is founbc m maucc toitb s^tion of all otbccs.2:r^ccfoze toas t^ie C^uccb of ^my?na rtgbt ejcccl- ^inp?na lenr,^o\iibeit not lotted? toit^out anp tocm. fax tbs Hojb of ^^ cjctcucnt, i^is goobnes Hot^ not impute t)nto \)S out* fmall faultes ( of tbe tubicb tbc i^iopbct fpeafecttj , tobo fliali fap , n\v bact is cleanej^nb from mv bibbe ftnnes clenfe me)fo tljece be a fer^ nent befire o^ ^eale of goDlynes in t)S , anb ttiat tjoe be \)o?be of great enoimities» ;Jfira is n)e\Deb, tnto toljom t^is beanenlp letter is fcnt: (^\)t cpiaic itamclp to tbe ilungcU of t^e Cburc^ of ^mp?na , tbat is to is 5»?itten fa? to tbc jaallour of tbe tYm<^ of ^mpina, anb to tbc tobole ^^ f Qjcepe= flocfee . S^Qi a captaine is lapb to l^auc fougtiten, oi fleb, oj to SqI!? Ijaue tafeen peace , tobcn tbe to^ole arm? togctber twitb Ijvm ^ l^at^boneit . i^nDtbc Oo??csbeare ujitncstbat Poiicarpus poUcarpe teas tbat fame mcDfegerojpalJour of tl?c cburcb of ^mvjna, ^ ' ojbeineb I5vfl)0p tbcre b? tbe ^poftlcs tbem fclues , namel? , > 5b? ^.3io^n,anb t^at be Imeb in tbc minifterie of tbis cogre^ ? gation. S5.?eares . ^oz Co manv be accomptetb b?m felfe hts fo;e tlje JLieftcnaunt Herode , toliat t?me be tuas fa?ougl)t to "-> rJ C)cecution . Sfai in tbe fourtb perfccuno of p cburcb toben Au- relius Antoninus^^ Aurelius Comodus , tocrc iSmpCrOUrS, bC UDasta^enanDbjoug^ttotI)egoucmour:iSnD atlengti^fot tbe open anb (mccreconfcCTpng of €biifl5)c Ujas burnt, ^c ^ab tbis tjcr? muc^ in bis moutb: 2r^at notbvng ougbt to be rccciucb foi truc,\)nlcac it tjjcrc fenoujcn to be fet fo?tb b? tbc laipoflles.ireneus affirmetb tbat cDbcn be toas a cbilb be fatoc tbis olb father a man of great ?carcs anb reucreuce,in tbe x% boofeeanb ip. c^ . agaynS berefies, tobere betetlctb man? tb?ngcs of b?m bcfibes . ^o alfo Dotb tufebaus in tbefourtS boofec of tbe ecclefta. biCo;? tbc icinj. anb. pa , cbap. anb s. Hieromeintbcregiflcc oftbe famous tojitcrs of tbe cburc^. Eufebiusin^isCbioni, tiotct^tbatbefwCfcreb ^an??borae Cbaf.i, The ninth Sermon in tl^c ^cacc of our ILoiD a.C In, xt?l)erebv it appe«rctb tW ^ctoas maDel5vQ)opof ^jny?«ii in tijcvcarcof our2.o;D, I)C)cpiiij.oz tijfce about. ;Jf 01 tt»c fapD euenoUj,tljat l)t l^au bene in t^iatmmiacnc. 85. vcaccs. auD tbccfoie ^aD ^e beneBy^ Cbopof^m^znamanvvcat^ec before t^c (ettvngfozt^Df tbe j^pocaltpfc vabic^ toao to^ttten m tbc . ]cc)9q . ^care . xooulu l5oJi all }da(lout:0 toooulb (ct before tbetce^es tbts qoqh Po- licaipus tobefolotoc&,of\»i|)om t^ererematttctl? a ttotable i^ptQic to tbc idbtltppians. m): attt!jo; aftcctoarD tbc aut^ouc of tlje iSpiOle 10 DcdarcD agapttf : of ti^ cpia to^icU 16 fet fo?tb U3it!) t\ao titles, tafeen out of p f ounce \Jifi3 ^« of 3!ol)« ann tbc oefcnptio of CI)?ift.sri)U0 fa^tt) tljc ficl! auD t^claa»a^c. xo\>tttl)^ IS ftstiifted tl^e etcrnall i3o2)l)caoof iDbiitt , to^icb tpantetb bcgvimpng anu enupng , anu of })ptt felfe ts cttcrIa(lvtiS;^^cre is aD&e£3,tbat be voas Dcad,attb M^ netb a0avne, tbat ts to totttc, ^atb rifcn from t\)t ficao « ^un t^ts bcgpnn^ugaccojbctf? cigbt todt to tbc matter. ^01 t^q? pccceiuCjtbat to^o focucrarcafflicteD foj Cb?iflaub ^ts JSofe |)ell b^ mod tmgbtv fepnges and {d^mces, bauea ILo^b $ pa^ icone mo;c mtgbtv anD mo;e fa^tbfulL, tobtc^ tn no \aiie can bt ouercome. tpt)0 tjerel? mDurct^ longeQ (fu? all tv^auntcs tnud fo^go tl^etc glo^ous courte0,anD no man ouetliuet^ j5oii ) ano \3>^o ts able to faue ^ts, euen m Deat^ l^l^e as ^e ravfed tp Cb^tft from t\)t oeaD , to tbe intent )o$c mtg^t ^aue «nopenteKii~nonp,tt)at toe(^alU2ue\x>it^ Ct^jtft , enenttt oeatbttfelfe. Cl)»i(l anb notD commet^ ^e to tht matter it Trife, anbCVu^tcl) ^t linovoctb f tepetetb tn all ti^e iSptttles ) be (a^t!) l^ere alfo : 31 Imoto t^^ &o;Hc0of tat)o^bc0,to \x)ttte botb good anb cuil.^^mUe not tt^at 5] net^ ^?0* t^er Itnotxi no; care fo; tl)v matters. Srbou arcjtjerelp \»Mtteu fiut tn mv banDe0,3n ^notP,ree anb care fo; tbee anb all t^ne, idnb tbefe tb^nges botb piouoi^e \)s maruelouQv to tcrtue, tDl^en toe bnovo tbat {5od loolteti^ on t^s , anb bat^ a care of t}s:2lnD alfo comfojt \J6 grcatiVito^en toe tnberftanb , \)q\sj l^e t^at louet^\)S,anD tn no matter neglected t)S) ^atl^ \)s aU tsoapes as it toere before bis e^es* ^SiictiottjE^. ^nb bere particularly ^e bcdaret^ U)l)at I)e &neto:!3nb ftrS Jjcflicujet^ t})c afflirtions. tc^ic^j tbep fuffercb in tbat piefcnt perfecutton of tbe i^tnperour Domitian . SUxn affliction is as it tocre a gencrall \a30?D,to tlje fourc fev^^Dcs f olotupug. ;f oj be re^carfetb,toncbmg tbeir fubftaunce tbe (povl^ng of tbeir goobcs , anb t^eir pouertie : JPn tbcir name and enimacion, datmders.repjoc^eSjO; blafp^£mies:3|n bodp,imp|ifonntety and vpontheApocalipfe. 30 Chaf.^, DttD bont)e6,v^a ant) Deat^ aI(o.;ifo^ tott^ t^efc afflfcttons^Do t^etotcbcDperfccutetl^egoDi? fo^t^etrnt^esfaKc * attum t^cfe map be compitfeD aU otbcr bpttDcs of tributatton . 2:be tobicb tbejepiftic of3(lcf«gCbiiftceritct^ma gonip o^uer. a^^cicisttot^vug tbcrfojcoft^cfc matters totjic^ t^eEoin Ci)2iKfenotDet^nor. jaoiicrtie ^atb tbe ficft place, jstettbcr ougbttoc to tafec it ^t,e„-«ctv: ^crefptruiiallp foitbe moDcftieanu bumbtcncs of mpnuc: Jtccfthc altboiigl)itfaecmamc,t^attl)e cbucc^ of^mvzna toanteD fajtijfsu. not tl)e fame Dcctuc : But t^cre tx)as poucrticand lackcof an tbpnges bp rcafon of tbc fpoplmg of tbeir sooDes. ;Jf oj in tpme of pcrfecution,bp tcctue of fepnges pjiocamations , x^t gooocs of tbc faptbfttll pjofcffoucs of C^^ift areconfifcatcD to t!)e fepnges tjfe, 0? permitteD to tfjc fouiDioncs, nobles, oj pzomotersto take attben: pleafnre : %\^t favt^fuU bcpng tb^uS out of tbete boufcs^are ettbct: D^tueu mto cjttle, 0; go a bcggvng: tooulDiSoD tMetoantco ejcamplcstbcceofattbis Hap.Ect is beccbv Icaune to bearc auD fuffcc pacietip tbc ipUc cbamices atfo aOurtng one felues tbat 000 knou^etb our ne^ celTute. ^no bicaufc tt ts an baro tbpng foz an boncft man to bunget auD '^Sim \xittb bis fainiUe : fo; a comfort ano confo^: tatton be a^betb^burtbou art rtcb. ^bts to tbe tDo;!D femetb a paraDO):e,o; mcretiibIe.i:x>bHt ^piritoal} tsjiil tbev Cav:is be ricb tbat batb notbvng, ano is bzotigbt to ric5e3. tbe Oatc of ucg^ers i 2>oubtles tbe gooDcs ano ricijes of tbc tnpnDc arc ipiucb better tbanco;po?aU(«bftaunce . ;Jf02tbi8 map be bao , tuirbout tbe true felicitie s of ricbc men of tbis tDO]ilD,tbat Ipnc a moll miferable Ipfe. ^gapne pou (l)ali fee a pooie man,concempng twojlDlp gooucs,bttt fumifbca UJitb tbericbeaeoftQem^uDe,tobcbapppanDmoft blcfTeomtbat refpect aione . fax be couetetb notbpng , %t is content toitb bist}ocation:BCitbertooulDbccbaungebisaatetBitb moll toealtbp auD ricbe bpnges. Contrarpvoife pou Gjall fee riebc men but of an euiU confciencc , ano tberfoje tbongbtfuU ana burtbenco toitb caces^anbtteuermerp . ■j^ouQialircepcojc men leaoe a metp Ipfe altoapes iopfuU at tbe bart « »)bp tbcn (boulo it feme a marneil , if be tbat is fpopleo of bis VDo^iolp goot>es foj £bJift,wo inricbeo \x)\i^ tbe giftes of tbe mpnne, isglaoano retopfetbin i5oo,anotat^etb iw gooo parte ail cbaunces,an& foj tbe fame caufe is iusgeo to be tjerclp rtcbe^ S)oubtlcs tbe toife men of tbis toojlD faty aUo , tbat tbe one^ Ip toifc ma is truelpricbarbicb tbpng ts doquendp Dtrccur* fe& bp Cicero . Arecas feptb % mfpiritiiaU matters ^m^vi^^ Chdf,i, The ninth Sermon , tttafute bititJcm t^e fielD of t^p l)art,tD^ic!) fs C^jitt, bp ttti^ fou of \a)l)Ojn t^OH art ncl^ alfo:^mce tljou tiaft tiViu t^JV P?o^ tectour,\s)I^oairo \xi^t\\ ^c \»as ttcljc , became poo;e foj out^ (afecs.^c. 55iafpiicm)? 3iu tl)e rcconb place 10 rccitcD blafpcmic, bp tbe tobicb tec agagnft tije ^nDctftatiD all mancr of ra^lvngcs anu fclaimDccs, \»l)cccb? faptijniu. j^g j|^,^0 guj) cftimatio of t{)e faptbfull is butt. iDf tbe toljiicb foit arc t^cfe«2rbev be bccetickes auD fcbifinaricbCB fo man? as bcfauouccrs of ttiis ncto ccligio: Srbep be totriJCD people, aefplfers of j5oo ano bis §)amtcg , tbe cncmpes of all 0ob0 {ecuice,anb tbcrfoje tbe plagues of tbecomon tjjealtb, tobicb If tbe? be fufifeeeD,tbe como toealtb titud nebes be bcHroveD. 0.nti tbefe tb^nges inbeoe man? t^mes tiejce goob men moie geeuoua? , tban tbe IblTe of tbeii* goobes . foi txjbo \utll not fet tno^e bp a goob name,tban bp great rrcbes l ^berfo^e tbe Jlojb m tbe ii5ofpcU of ^ . jO^atbeto tbe 10. cbap. »?ttb man? tooo^bes bealetb tbis bifcafe: i^no cjcbo^tetb bis tbat fo? t^e a<* no?b?ng of tbat infamte, tbe? fljowlD commit not^^ngtju* Uioitbv tl)e name of Cb^il^ians. tDbat tbett STbere uiitball alfo be beclaretb tbat be ^no\»etb tbe au^ SctfectttcrjBi tbours of tbis mifcbief , tobom be blametb ejcccD^ttgl? to tbe «. intent tbat tbe gobl? Cl)oulD tjnberCanb , botw greatl? tbofe enemies ofallgoblpnes are miQvfteb of i5oB: ainbtberfoje ^etaoulbbauemento care tbe IcfTcfoz tbeirbatreb anDper^s ftcutio.irbev fa? in i)eDe,ttiat tbe? be Sletjjes, tobeve as tbe? tenotbpngleffe.arbusalfo ^»i8aulebanblco tbe3r,c\i»esi« tbc.^.to tbe iS-omains . jffi^^e jetties arc calleb confcffoursi bono;ers,$tbefaptbfu{l feruauntes of i5ob. I5ut tbefe blaC:* |ibemei5obsname , unpugne tbe true faptb, anb opp?effc tbem tbat pzofcCfe anu ujoiQjip «5od . 2i:bercfo?e be tbe? tiot3letDes . ucbattban i ^l)e^?nagoge, congregatis onoj affemblcc of ^atban* :^b«B tbe \)cr? fonneof0ob plucfeetb of tbebiferne from tbefe liarlers, to toe comfo?t of all tbofe tbat fuffer perfecmia,at tbcir banbes tobicb fet fo?tb tbefelues totrb ftome titles,to t\^t mh it aiouiD neuer greue tbem,tbattf)e? are conbenmeb of fucb barlots , tbe cbiib?eu Df tbe beuil.Cbtilt attributetb to tbem tbe true title, anb cal- letb tbcnt notti)eolb,bol? anb cacboiicfee cbiircb of i3oi),bnt tbe confpiracie anb fcbole of ^atban , as into tobom tbe fpi* titenotof f6bb,butof^atban,infpirctbl?e0 ,iuggl?nges, bifceipteSjblarpbcmvcs , fires anb flangbtcrs . ITberfo^e let it not greuc tbec at tbis ba?,in cafe it be tb? fortune to be cS:* liemneo fo? tl^c J2>cfpell , b? tj^ofe tl^at call t^em feliiec moa ^ol?, vppontheApocalipfe/ 31 Chap.:i* Ijol^mott fl3mpng,moi! ceueccnt , ani^ moH itTepjeljettfibie idtdates and patronte of t^c oID cburc^,reltgton,anD cat^o^ licke£iiv(l),tial)tc^ ^atie on t^etr UDe^counfcte, &t^er0,fo ma^s ttp fnccefliOHB of 15pa)op6,i^e p?efcnptof fo long tyme, ann confcnt of Co manv mcalmcs.2;^ep be not^^ng lett'c r^a cljat t^epDeficc to be calleo: But ratt^ct: tbec^antptonB cf^ntt^ cfciO^anu tbe p^ofefleD enemas , anD trcaDers tnDcc feete of all C^^tSen meUgtom;f D^ ^bom is pjepareD cnetrtadpng Hedructton, after tbt? be puttetb fo^tb an eicbo^tatton anb a confolatt^ :f care not on moaembent, before tbevobtcb be (ettetb aUo tbe fumme tbecof , anb faptb: feace notbpng of all tbat tbou Qjalt fuffetr* srbe fonne of iSob bpmfelfe feaccb tbe crolTc anb Deatb , anb it IS a natnmll tbpng to feace euils,attb bcatb. 3rbcccfo?e \»c acenotcommaunbebtbat toe Cl)oulb not be men, q% tbat(lt^e ftocbes) txjc fl]oulb fap tbe tbmges gcecue ts not, tobicb ne* ^' '^"' 'vr^ ttectbeleCTe torment tjs e)cceebinglp:bnt tbe favtbfull ace in= coucageb, tbat tbep C^oulb ttanb ftcong in tbe faptb, anb not boeanptbpng bntxjo^tb? tbe fame fo^ feace of,puntCl)ment* yot be tbecfo^e commaunbeb bolblp anb cbecelp to contemne o;rupp^e!refcare,anb to ccaue (tcengti) bp tbe fpiritc of 0ob, anb to ejccrcife it m temptations* arbcfefolIotoccaronSjtDbccebp to obtcvnc t\)MHx>W^ ^t ^zm^nu- ^atb pecftjoabcb, ano to conficme,comfojt anb eicbozttbem to v^tSSt\)z ' patience anb condancie * 2^e p^opbecietb tbecfo^e to tbe gobs eutis to Ip,U)battbingtbevft)allfnffcc, anbaKotoncbetb tbe tb^jbe come. Itpnbe of affliction, namely imp^ifonment anb bonbes , tin- bee tobicb toe bnoecltanb all pum{l)ments,tPbccebp one bo^ Dpesaceto;menteb.lduttobetDacneb of an incomtenience afozc banb,is a great beneftte. rot ace mo?e eafelp oueccomc ijpiinfo^eCecne penis. 0nbtbecfo;etbeEo;b intbe^ofpeU after ^.i3e)atb«tbe jc.cbapt.anb after Slobn in tbe jctj.anD ]cbi» cbaptecs,telletb bis bifciples of manp cuils tbat fl)onlb come Dnto tbem, anb abbctb tbecto : ^beCe tbinges bane 31 fpobe to von, tbat tobcn tbe tpme fljallcomc , ye mpgbt remember tbem,tbat 3] bane tolbe pou befoze* ^0 noti) alfo ^e fapcbfuU: Iv fojetoacnctb tbe faptbfnll in tbis i£piftle» ^)Xiy be toncbctb tbe autbour ottbefe cuils,faping:2rbe be^ ,^j,g k„„« uill totll cad fome of pon into pjifon. arberefoie toe pecceiuc affuctctt) y fbat tbofe cmls fpiingfrom tbe common enemp of mafembc, fapt^fwu, anb of tbe faluationof tbefaptbiull : »>becof \»e map conicc^ ture,tbat be goetb about to intercept our faination,7anb tbat l»e oug^t t^ecfoje to ftanbmojecarneftl? a^inft bV»n. ^^ ;Jf«t)» touloii Chaf.2. The ninth Sermon fonlotours to!)! tf^t^ 'fytmt tW tfytit olut eitetttv is at ^attti; toaite not (in%^\G:^t,bnt c^erefull* 75m i^t DcttiU iufptret^ u* nill men,dr;o co^ru^tetl) laimccs and^tci) nxa tcinptpeifecution aga^nft tijc c^urc^. ^o tocceauc t^iat ^a* t^an arnctcD 3lob,t$at is to Tap, pzouo^D t^c cijaloets and ^abeid to ^til bts (eruauntes a^ D^meatDaf^ l^^s cattell.l^ere tljcrfbic tbc? inav ftc, toiptij tu^at fpictte t^e^ ace tncouras ged, tbl)tc^ at t^ts Da^ pecfccute tl^e cl)ttrc^ of £^|ift, f o^ t^c piofeOion oiti)t tmcc^» 2:^e goDl? liiaue t^at to^icl) map c0* fbjt tljem: ;jfou^cv ^eace t^attl^efonlcbcatt tol)icb fcttct^ J^pmfclfcagavnft t^cm,t6 but t!)c fame to^om C^?tft f p?ince £if t^e fapt^fuil ^atl) \janquift)C0 Co often , ano t^erefojc map be ouercome bp f faithful aUo tbjoug^ C^ziQes 6elpe,tn ma^ nee topt^ no aooe.^no ^erclp t^e Ho^o penmttetb t^e neutU whi> pn^Af'^*^^^^"^^^^^^ ^^^^ to banc potDCc Otter ^liB fccuauntes * 3flf SStS ^^°" mameU \irt)p:l)eare» 35r^at pou map be tcmptcb» i5oi> permtttetl) not ^atban potoer ouec bts feruaunts to t^c enD t^ep QjouiD pena)e,but to t^e enne tl^ep (l)oulD be temptco $ trpeD» 3r^ccfoje to a gooo cnuc arc toe odutcceD to tbc fper, tbattoempgbtbepoHCgeDfcomcHcfiUbpncB, tl^at tbe^ec» titeofour^faptbmpsbt(l)pne, ano i5oZ)mpgI)tbcgIo;pfpo^, ano toe maoe tbe purer. xoliQ tbcrefo^e^spU i^rceaftcr be tm^: patient, toben toe bcare tbat our bcpng beltuereb into mpfe^ rpe^ts to our great benefited vot read tntbe tq. of 3;3[?t[bome: ^B goloc is trpeo m tbc fper,fo are tbe faptbful p^oueb.^bts parabic bat!) ^. ideter ejepounoeb at large in t\)c iitj. Cbapr* oft^ctpzftiBpiQte* xo\)tte bctbattopU, map baue itmo^e abttuaahtJp. ^t ^9^- iS5oicoucr,t'gc tpmc a!(b of tribulation is aOTgneb, namelp o^'hcfevc= ffiJ If « aa\>es.2:be number of ten,fignifictb a muUituDe.;Jfoj tions of h)t S^acob fapfg to bps tatber in lato: SUtn timts baft tbou cba&d fa?t^f«u. geB mp toagcs. «]ci. anb ^umerp.iciiii. H^t faptb bt toas rcmpteo ten tpmcs^tbat i0,ofte,anb manp tvmca. Slob ^fo a^irmetbbpmfdfe in tbe rii^tjc.cbapt * %o baue bmxt im iureD ten tpmc s» 2rbc Hojti tbercfojtc faptb at tbis pjefeut: you (ball be biuerfclp anb mucb mo!e(leb toptb eutls. ^ot^ toitb&aoing fojafumcb as ht puttctb not nionctbes, peares, ttoi ages.but bapes,ne p^opbccietb tbat tbe euils (l)ai be con^ tinuaU, but tbat tbere fi)ail altoapes befpacesbettotjcteto bjeatb in: fo as it a)albe better from bap to bap: ^erelp, firft jtgfap tbe x^.cbapter,anb feconblp )&.)deter in tbe firft.]det.i« IDoe comfo;ttbe faitbfuU toitb tbe O^o^tnefTe of tbeir perfecn^ tton. Kit is ttoc t^( part of t^t fapt|?fuU to p^cfcribe iBoniTQut to^et^cr YppontheApocalipfe. 52 Chap,2, tu^ct^ettoe be put to paprtc a long tvmcoifljojt, to tafectt paticttt!^. Ect ts ttiinfec tatter, tljat mtftcioug contmii= aunce of cml6,tt)ece is Come enuc alfo fojcfeenc of t^e ILojDc: jaittD tljat tn t^c fame t^me of bjeat^ing, toe muft wpav?e tlijc entls., anD returne^into battell* Eafti? t\^t goDi^ arc cttconrageD b? a mod ample ^ large 0?om?fc of tt^omife, m t^c tobicb is incluDei) t^e fourth $ moftgreeuous ^^f^- bi^nitc ofaSElictton, and alfo tf)e bittec Deatb it fclfe , tti2oug(» fpei;ibaltcc,ftoo?D,tDatep.*c» ^oto if in cafetboufaenot af* f^oeofDeatb,butl}anquia)e it alCb, anD offer tip tl^pfelfe tonco i5o!),tben tDtllSI getietbee,favtb tbe Eo;D,a crovonc of iife»l^ereKmoisanne]ccDtbe(tateoftbei5piaie, ann fume afall. 2rberfozebetboufa^tbfHil)Cberefiillxand conaant> euS to tbe berp oeatb • SfQ% t^t Ho^ts fa?tb alfo in t\it goljpel: xt?bo fo perfeneretb to cbc enD,(b tbe fecono I^fe; 2rbe^ ibat bclceue m Cb? tde confeKtng of Cl[;;tll in tbe .^.-/j ., tBmcofperfecutiom The tenth Sermon. iyVl^d to, the Angell of the congregation in Pcrgamos f". wrrytc: Thi5 fayth he which hath the fliarpe fw^orde ;trj?it?h'twoedges. Iknowthy worker, and where thou dHi^elleftj ciien where Sathans fcatc is,' and thou kecpeft my vpon the Apocalipfe. 53 Chf>2, my name,& haft not denycd my fayth ; And that in the daycSjin the which Antipas was,my faychfull witnefTe, which was fl'ayne among you where Sathan dwelleth. lac^etliicDiSpiftleamongeflt^ofcfcnentieaucnl^ epi'fllca Cije SJrgu pjoceeDing fcomt^c rigbtbanD of f3oD,is tDiittcn to tt)epa^ ^^af "^' ftottcanticongrcgattonof jacrgamos: \i>l)crof thccontcntcs *^P^^^ artt^iefc. ;f irftljc coinmcnDct^ t^ccouftamic of t^cicfait^ m f cucli pcrfccmionB: nept l^e rcbuhctl? tljofc to^iic^ cIcaueD to t^cfectcoft^cifitcolaitans. 3ftectoai't» ^ec)cIjoitet^t!)cm to repentaimce.anDthisDOftnucijcapplpet^ aftertoarDcs to all congregations ttizoitg^oattljc v»o?lD . Eaftlpljcpzomi- fct^jmoftainplcretoacDesto tlicfait^fal!.5^ci:cbp\xic\)njicrtf a6piit inpmoutbeti) au off pjeat^er is not burnt, ^^^ejLozb puttetl) it in t^c mout^ tbpngcflf. of chafsi* * The X. Sermon - of an ct^er^t^att^c trutb (boub not be ejm'nstttTl)Cb,lnt cS^ tinuall^ founDe m t^c ctiutci^e . fimW^ not tijttiout cauTr, in t^ebegynn^wsof cucr? lepidle , iL^jift oot^ intimate, t^at \)tt fenotoetij all t^v"5cs of t^e Cl)nrc^c . 3] fayu before tbattbiB is as it Voece t^e fcnnnation oft^c fcareof iSon, aiiD of ^^stiii^ fcruicc ♦ ;>po?put tbccafea man toereftill^ perfuaiieo in ^pm felfe, tbat i5oD neither feetb tobat men too, nojfenotoetb tobat tbcvtbinfec intbeic bactee . ^battnot tbis man, tbiui^e you , fall into all tingoDl^ncflfe i ^e woulu ct:p , let ^jsDo tobat toe lift , fitb iBoo bnotoctb not tobat loe Do.^gapnc \33bo toil not raft of tbe bopeof rcvxiact),^ tbe loue of gooD Ujojfecs, after be be once perfuaDeo tbat f3oli bnoto^ etb not out: Voo^^es ^ But if bee ^no\j(3 tbemnot , boU) fbalf beiungetbetuojln^ ^Mt of ^cucrtbelefTe in eucfv JEpiftle tbetc be c cttcine elpcctaU Cbziftbis anb peculiar tbvngce . £)f tobicb fo?t in tbc i?piftle of Perga- i"°"S5 ^ h ™*** iB,tbat out of tbc firft tjifion ano oelcription of Cbiift,i« fSoiS^ tbe begvnnvnfj of tbe x^piftle be tafectb to b^m tbe ftooiD,cuf ' tbc fliarpe auD ttoo tXiq^tn fuioio , tobicb Vwe baue bcaro to come out of tbe moutb of Cb^tft « T5^ tbis is ftgnifteo t\)t in- oictall potoer full of equitie auD iufticc,ano alfo tbe oeliuCf' raunce of tbe gooD,anti tbe punifl)inent of tbeeuill . 4fo? tbc fuio^D is geuen to tbe (Bs^agiftrate, as an autbozitie to pumft) tbe euill,anD Defcno t\it gooD.Cbzift bpn; fclfe DefctiDetb b^s reruauntes,antibtsatiuerfariesbeebett>etbin pecccs . Ki^z (tao^D IS tbe ))erp tJio^D of i5oD moft a)arpe , t\CDo eDgen and pearfing tbe ticrp bartes . fai it imbolDf netb tbe goDlp, ano tiifcouragetb f toicfeeD.Cb?ift tberfoje gouerneib %i^ eburcb, asa3f]uDge ann oefcttdour moftrvgbtfuU'anDiuft^tx^bicbe b^tb bis (\Joojo not in \^iQ bann, hixt m bis moutb : ano tx)itb \^\9> fptrite ano too^D, be comio^tetb anD p^efcructb tbe favtb- fiilhanD frapctb ano toouuetb tbc tjnbeleuers ♦ ;jf ull rigbtlg tberfoje is tbis beginning applied to tbe cafe tbat follovuetb toucbvns tbe crolTe of tbcfaptbfull,ano tbe cjcpulf^ng ano ef^ cbeu3?ng of tbe Nkolaiunes.;jf oj ii is CbJtft, bp tbc tjcrtuc of - ^,^ vobofc too?o tbefe tbvngcs are lucfeclv bjougbt to paflfe. Churcbarc <3Sjo?coucr tbe particular tooifees of tbis congregation fom ti)igc0 follow ♦ 3intbiscb"tcb bcp?av(etbfingular conftancie in comriKDcD , faptb,an& pjofefTion of tbe famc,in moft oaungcrous perils, ano fomc temptations $ pcrfccutions. i^no it femctb to be a plavne re^ tiifpjapfcD. ^carfall oi Declaration tbat tX^t Eo?D Uuotoctb tobat tbev fufs» fcr,auD bb\» greuouay t^^t^^ be afiflicteo : but p;av^c is miji;eD tbere u^itbalt ^nd tbie commenbation fcruetb to incourage tbcm vpontheApocalipre. 54 ChAf,'^,'i t^cintfi pzocee^ct'ndjetiavngoftljc t^vttgtt)l)tc^tI)cpDpo» ; f^efavt{)l)ota3l)ct0iiDti5nowun£ tu^ciTt^cCIjuccfjcof J^ccgamos Dtoelletl) : cucn t^crc \jerelp tti^cve ^attian 6atl) fcttlcD^tB feateoitijzone . 2r^atistofap jIlfenotDin to^at Mfc tbou art,m to^at DaungerB,^ tuit^ tobcm t^ou art mat:: cbcD.J^cfa^tl) itot,3l fenoto tUatt!)oufuteftm t^c featc of |ja Cfee t^an: but, 3] fenototijatt^ouDtoclIcftt^ece', to^crc^at^an ci)urci)c Ijatlj ^is fcatcX^ztft t^crfozc is not ignojaut of tl)c labours, JSSfl*;, foiotecs anD tcinptatiSs of tbt faytbfull.^nD tbc feno\uIcDac JuJJl^ g' ^^ of Cb?iftbat^a ccrtetne peculiar pjopectie . fQX c^itft lo i0. fenotoetb F matters of tbc fatrbful,aB \,t is botb toitcbci toit^ t^efame , anD batb aifo a coufmcration oz rcfpcct of ijvs fei- wattutes ♦ antJtMcfccbovo Cbiift placet^ b^stbione tl^cre, toberc tbc tDeuili batb bis fratc tuabp . 23utat tbc icugt^ ^e t^iuUctb bpi" oat of bts featc* anD fo: ttoo caufcs /'ergamos fcmctb to be calieD x\^t feate, ^«;samotf tbzone ,anb Uvngcomc of tftencuiU ♦ f 0? firft Aretas batb aDs ftfaSJf ''^ moniCl)CD,infupcrflitionauDtuoiQ)Vpppng of^iDolsitpaf^ ^'*^^"* fcD all afia,tDbtcb neucrtbeiec tuas moft coirupt.jdcrgamos toas x\!it moft auncient ano fajnous Citic of 4fta 0? of iJ^ifia mib }abigia,iscnoinco b^ bpng Attalus anD Eumenus ^oj tbe " '^'\ famrtoas tl^c j&jincelifee palace of bpngAttaius , tajbicb came into tbe batban: chaf.2. The X. Sermon itmf5l)tljet^ott5^t bot^ blafpljeimc, anirfrearon , Butt^fs ijot^ t^c oncl^ begotten fomic of i5oii fromt^c rig^t X^mix of bis father pronounce agavnft iKomc, agapnft }acrgamo0, atiD agavnil all tbc companions of momc . »?l)o fljall accwfe bvmof ra(l)ncs , of U)ant of Difcretton, o? of bitter Qjcafevngj S^nilp,ligbt pcrfon6,pca anD acrant ftcomptts toitbe DiEplca feu if tbc? be called by t^ctc ng'ot names, o? termcu to be tbat tobicb tbep be in DccDe.;jfoj fucb is tbe glo^p of \jecttte,tbat al men couet tbe fame,vea encn tbe open enemvcs of tertue , (o tbatno man \23illfemetobe\}o^t)eof tiertueano fucbis tbe corruption anu Darttenes of mans mvnfie, tbat be toouiD bee t^at be is not,anD tooulD not bet^at be is : srberof commetb all tbis iiupaticnce in i\^t tot«ole \xorlD : tobcn a mattocfee is called a mattocbe^anB a figge a figge as tbe )d;ouerbe is. 316 an barlot tberfoze no barlot^beraufc a^e toittnot be^calleD an barloti^es \jercip is Cbe an barlot,anD a ft)amefnll bariot i $ tbaugb (be tjcn? ncue'r fo oft tbat Clie is a txibo2e,vet is flie art toboic neucrtbele(rc,anD rcma^netb a tuboje. ^o tbe fcat« D) tb^one of ^ atba is at tbis nap momc it felfc, tobicb twill feme to be tbe feare of Cbiift $ tbe feate apoftoliralK ^0? tbe tt38?^ 3? fMtJ of "^"5 ^^^ inftinct of tbe DeuiUabounu tbectn. ^Fmallp all Ci» tnc Dcuui tieB,Hroti3nc3,anb places, to^re trntb,goDlpne0, reiigtcn $ ^ ' tjertue are ejcileD , tobere tbe pzeacbpng of iSous trutb tje tbe correction of mod coirttpt matters bane no place :. txtbere fil:> tbtncs anD tncleanes^baudp fonges anu not fptrituaii }dfaU nie0;tx)bere craft anu uifccipte,furfcttvng,mnnber, auuouli» ttie i, opprcCftoH of goou people anu of goulv l^eligion tri:? umpbr, be tbefeates of ^atban ■, bota foencr tbev be calleu moft iLb?il!en anu €atboUche ritics,anu ma^nteincrs of tbe rigbt anu Cbztftcn faptb . srbis tbpng 3lefu3 Cb?i(l t}^t tet^ fomie of <5ou fa^tb,crietb,affirmett),repctetb,anu encn \x)\x\^ amaieftic pjonotmcetb . foi bp anu bp after tbe mnrtber of jant!pas,beauuetb:tDbfte^atbau\x)elletb.!3lnu tbefetbinga arc uoubtles trnctobicb Cbiift favtb anu pjonouncctb in tbe Cbnt:cb:(t moft fajfc be tbe tbvngs tob^b tbis moft fmnefuU ts30?,lu bere alieugetb agavnft tbe toojues of £b?ift. But tbe ILo?u commenuetb bVSbiv tbis one tbpng,.tbat iti (bHipper anu \)nf02tunate a place tbe^ bane floue ^piigbt \^\=s m-ts >rtirt m tbctto,anu coulu not be fnbuncu in tbe Vjcrp featc of ^atban* the inTcca ^^^^^ ^^ iearne^tbat it is laUjfuU , as occafion a)aU fcme,to of a fto'^ Uttiell in tbe miuues of afrovuaru nation: pet fo as toe be not warDnntio, maue conformable to tbem inanptoifc eitberin manerso; Ephe. 5 . fuperSuion ♦ 2lnu foj as mucb as it is uauugerous to utoelJ :c mncnsea vpon the Apocalipfe. 55 C;^^/.^. fimonscft tfft f^ratljctttO) fo^te , nnfi as it Asjtrc to tonc^ pttc^ toit!) our Cannes : 2:l)ou ftjaUtiotljvKgoffcnDeaGapnftt^e Eo20,tf tl)0!i get tl)cc to a fafci'place,txj^ccein 13 icflc Da«i;gcr anbmoic otcanouofallgoDlpncB . yen ratljrr toljrn tijoti snavcd comicnicntlv palTc tjnto(ucIj placcsttfjDu UicfecSDafl; gcrouOv tpon tljc fton^ roclics , to^erct^ou nia^eS cljauncr at tt)c lad to fuScr Q)ppu)?abc. ^nii ttoo tl)^nge0 fcc alfotoct!) cfticflp ttt t'ais C!)i!rc^:fir0 iBrttgfon t^)at t^ev l)olD tl)c name of C^iift . fo} rtjc i5cccfec trozo x^a- »""fi^ bcijoi T«v 10 not to toucft ligljtlp , but to Wt fal? , fo as tlje tlj^ng *^f^ toiicft a man Ijoloet^ rannot bcplucfeco atuav bv anv fo?ce« ano fotbc^ IjelDC^^Omoftoepclp ft^co mtbetr m^nfieo* arbenamc of iDbittt ist^ic bolfomc tooife^ng of our rcDf inp:^ 'tionano Oincttficatton , bcftocdtbe tsbtcbt^crctstio otbrr name )a0 ^ . )detcrfa?ti) ,\»bcrebv toe mav bt faucd.irbc? cleatico t^crfo^etnto HW^^s ^^ teat) off ^podlrs in tl)e i^.of lo^n. ano ncccC&rv it is y eucrv one of \30 ^ol& fad tht miOcricof CiIuationrootcD in ourljartcs.^cconDlp,it iB not KcWs^ow tnOug^ to rctaine tbc m^ftcric of faluation in our Ijart , X>n* rif'J^^ P>* Uffc toe pjofefle it a!(o toitb full ano open mom^: n>berupoii ^^^' it a^oet^ 0raig^t\»aves,anD baft ttot ocnpeo m? faytb. TBtd ^olD ^oto be calletl^ itfa^t^ noto , to^ic^ of late be ca!Ieb tb^ name of Cb^fi • ^tib be calletl? it pjoperl? ^ts favtb , as tbe U)bic^ 10 ttot btttifeo 0; inH^eo by membut fet fo^tb of Cbiiid bvm CeUe b^ tbe too^b of ^is trut^ . Bit i0 not any (naner of Captl),bttt it i0 tbts tme,(0{iif,mtb ratboMe fay tb^ tobtcb toe muQ confciTe icottbout benying : yea anb toe mud confefTe it c]cp}eay,bot^ in too;b,ant) beeoe. CbMft onb bis i3ofpeiI are cenyeb by moe tdayes t^S one. /^{,( ,f,^ 2rii)ey are benyeo by filence, toben txie boloe our peace, U)bat ncr0 of dcsT tyme toe Q^oulo (peaUe cbiedy fo; tbe gio^y of i5oD. iii)}ift a^ rapng t^t gayne is oenyeb t^^ougb btOtmuIatiS, as tuyere ^eter fattb: ^^^ 3iv»otenottaobattbon7aye(l.^oi^ebneto riglit tocll to^at tbe maybe (ayeb: bnt feare caufeb ^ym to bidemble. ^Ifo, be is benyeb^tD^en be anb ^ts truetb are benyeb rounbty,anb in openino)be0. Be is benyeb by coloureo confeOion, tobat tyme toe confefiTe fomewliiat, bnt ^tt fo barcl^ely anb To bidii:> febly,as it is tmbnotten \3fynt it is t^at t^ou p^ofefl'ed.B e is benyeb, tDl)en toe p;ctenb to beepe t^etrue boctrine in our ^art, anb beny it in our tDo^ites^botoing our felues before 31- bois,bycotnmyn9ab;oabe into beatbcn!fi)e ^burcbes, by communicating in tbe ceremonies of antic^?i(banb by knec« Iin2ont^egronnb,anbt»oia;ipptngtl7at t^ing toI)ic^ our 0,u con* Ch^p2: :r ,•»"}'" I Tliex.Sermon cfittfdtnccgaHcVjs, autr rije favt!) Cctfoiilj b^t^e apo(Ht« tattgl)t ^s to be no f5ofi. ^tiD Vicccl^ all tbis Dcuiall ac?ff t^ of fcarc, aniT of oitrcoxvupt affcctiottB . 3]f tljoii \Mcrt as face to be retoarDcD b\' lutn foz confcfiinq; tif c^itd, as tt^ou art fojc affra^ijc to \st put to pa^tc m cafe t^oit Diw coufcffe UymJ t!jcrc\»oulDfccmcnotifficulttc at all to piofeffc X^Jift Cm* ceucl*^. xohtu ti)ccefo?c tl^ou Dcntcft oj DiffgbUft, tijou Docft it fo: fcarc. iSut fuel) tiiiicroHS anu fcarefull Denpecs,tbc JloiD fl)uttecb out of bis h^ng^Oine. ^bc toozlD tbercfoze mud be Dtrptled,andti)enameoftI)elLo;D mud be eonfcOeZi bolpcl^ vm i23ttI)outfeare,;a£|Co^DHU0 to tl^e Doctrtiie of Z\^%\ViM^u iq-'^jg^arkc.s. ' . \ <■ ' ' ^ •-... '..'■'." tt>t muft ' ano tijis; cottfcOtoniif tb)^', ccttg«gat|oit of jaer^amcB i& ti^anpi»s arAplyficD auD b^S'^^H wmmCDeD bp rcaion of tbc tpme. ;f oj fcffc s»bcrc i| 10 a gixat mattst: to piofeili^ £^:iS,uot jitt qui£t,but in moll pcrfectttiou tvoublciofnc tpvnes. i^mitiismam'fca, tbat tbc Cburcb of »< s^uDbcieptapfeb, tbatbetDaca\Dttne6jr, « of mar= :• tbat i0,a f3ga,rtv?, Vf.ure tljio mactv? is puivfcD of iCb?i8 V toe linDerfianb tbat tbe agonies anb tonfltctes of mart^z^ RiDnld be pieacbeb in tbe Cbut^cb of £b;il(^ to tbie enbe tbat manve maf i^iltrrebbpanbtncouraged to follotoe tbep;t (tcippcs, ITbcrfp^ weaffinnt tbat tb^ pol^ matt^^s of i5ob arero^ie b9tiPttreD,.bi^nott<)^^^o^iPP^^ ^ catleb bpon.xr>e cdn^ drm^c all Jbojfc t^^t fpeafec aga^ittt l^olj? martvjs , 9^ toVpift vponfheApoealipfe. 35 Chu^S, t^rm tttto %\^t tiumbet of t^ofe c^at act» t^em. Buttottc^ttiff t^e \x}02n)tppmg of i^aintc0,31 t)auc fpoKcn ds to^crc mo;c at large, w leame hereof alfo, t^at tl^cp Hie not foz eiter ,!l)at 2)tc in t^tBtDo^lDefo^^rnainc of C^;!(l: neither t^atf tnace^ tpis be potiittcH tDitl)tDO}iDlp cepzoc^c^ioftoermg ^ou) t^e^ l)eccinm^nt)CDl)^t^c«tout^ofi5oD : 2ro £ij?ift i^crcfo?r bpng of j3$attv?0,i)et^onour,p2arfe, anli gio^v toojloc \si\x^i out enoe. i^men, C %^t iatfer part of tljet^irD d^ptillc ts rrpounDeD,ir^cr^ in t0 rpo^e oif tt)e ipticolaltdns , totjicf; arc oamneo.i^nD ' crbc;t2(tioni5mat>eto repcntaunce. ' f:- - ' ' ThexL'Sermpfi, D Vt I haue a fcwc thyngs agaynft thee : that thoii haft (^tmt, 14. them there, that mayntayne the doctrine of Balaam which taught Balac^ke, to put occafipn ofiinne before the children of IfraeJJ, that they myght eate, of meate dedicate vntoIdbHes, and commit fornication. Euen ib haft thou them that maintayne the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. But be conuerted, or els I will come to thee ftiortly,and vrill fight againft the wyth the fworde of my mouth. Let him that hath eares hearc what the fpiritfayth ^0 the congregations . To ' ^j hym that ouercommeth^ will geueto eate Manna that ishidde,andgeuchymawhiteftone, and inthcftonc a new name written, which no man knoweth fauing he that receiueth it. 31ntl)cfitftpartdftbi0ep!ftle, tl)e3Lo?ir ftatft comwenueu c^cj,ojn> tnftnvt^tnacsint^cC^ttcc^ofjaergamc&ianD intl^cfccono rep?ri)cn= pan ^e tDilT rep?e^cni>c afetoe. ^nii ^e fapti) a fctoc tl)iugcs, fcti) a fex» not tl)at t^t crrout of tl)e iiiiicolaitans is a lvsJ)t offecc, but f ;j;P"5f in tlje finnc is in otl^rs rather, tbenin t^c true Cbwrc!^ it fclfr : 7f^J:^^^^ totoitteintbcm,tobic^ttottoit^ftanDingt^3ttbev tucrc not xnSb^ of t^c boD^ of tbe cburcij in Ucclr, pet bio tbev io ync to it^ tbc "^ * f bureb outtoacol^, ana toouID be taUcnfoi mcuibcrs of tbc lame, after be fpeafeetb mobeWv, lead bp cjcafperating ouecs iniitb tl)t finne ano trroiir in tbe fa^t^fuil, be fljculD trouble t^eir rttjnbes iino btrcourae^c tbcm tjtterlg. S^bcrc is a meas " <&«ijt Cure c!upi2, : ThcxLSermon fnrc in all tlj^ngcsvas tbr comntoit facing (o. /iStcto if Cfejift fpwDc fome tijpng blamcU30itl)v,tnro coininguablc a c^mc'^: tuljat ft)all VDC fftv of tbofc tbat be Icffc comtneDable e ^ea tobp J?p« ft)OttlD \3jc not m all cbiircbcc al\uapc5 fee fome tb vng to be S^ai- ^wtt^^i J^^t Jtt^P ^c blamcD: not fo mucb foi t!)at f §>a!ntcs xa^ns that ''*'^^ altua^cB tcoublcb \xk^tb tbc mftcmitie of tbc flcftj ,a6 tbai m^bere= euermoie bppdcrttes anu corrupt perfons tovne tbcmfelucs Pjt^wiDsD. to tbe Cbutcb of 0o^:fucb as \aztt bcrc of tbc ^icolaitawB, and as 3RuDas tbc tbccfc aub tray tour ujas m tbc number of japaaics. 3!n Cbiift tbc cburcb is \»itboutanv fpot 02 tojin^ tie as tbc %^i^ faptb in tbe 15. of jflobn. anb in tbc countrvc to come it Qjali be mabc full aub perfca in all pointcs, tp^ic^ tljpng s.AuilcnaUoafficmctb- anb tbe Eoib 3ltfns blametb tl^ecbuccb of {dcrgamos^not fot maintaining tbc iiiicolaitau 0; IShlaamiticatl Doctrine, but tbat doctrine. %)it^ ofTcnbcb tbercfbtc , for tbat tbcv ^i^ Cbe? of:: not bate tbc /j^tcolaitans fo mucb as t^e ^Spbefians bio ,: of f crtDc tbat tobom toe beacb xa tbc firft cpilllc, tijat t^cv coulb not abpbe battctbcm (^g \jjtcfeeD . jobccfoic Icaft tbe foto^cncs of tbc Icancn Q)OttlD SineinTc*"* cccepefuctbcc tb^ottgb out of tbetul?oleiumpc of botoc , tbc Kco ooc^' olbe ieuen mull be pucgcb. 3lt is allotooable if pou neither fa- nine. nour l)ecc(tes,no^ cleaue to tbcm.l3ut tbe Hop requirctb vet a ^trtbec t^ing: namel^^tbat toe Q^oulb not nouridje t^em, buttipat toe ^outbe perfecute tbcm to^t^ an l^ol^ ^atreD» ^bcceof is fpo^en in tbc firS epiffie. tobatttfbe OBJoicouccbcebcfcnbct^tbc^ctefieoftljeii^icolaitanSjto crrotic of tl)e intent toe ma^ fee tobcccfo^e ^e blametb iu tobcrcfoje be of/i^tcoiau conbcmtietb it, aub tobcrefo^e it ougbt to be \:^ditz^. )Xx(ii \^t tsni^- befcctbetb it trimelp after t^e maner of tbe Scripture, fo as cbafte tares 0; a)amcfalfnes ma? not beburt q% ofifcnbcD. Sj tolbc voubcfote, boto tbcv toere mollfiltb? tbpnges, tobicl) tbe auncient tbiitcrs report off ij^icolaitans xT5m all tbtngs ace mod aptlp ano cbaaip becfarcb bv C^itd. %\^t^ are take out of tbcaz.xj.i 4.ij.cbaptcrs of tbcfourti) bool^c of <2Bjofe« calleb Numery. j^c callctb t^t ^icolaitau boctrine.tbe boc- trine of I3alaam,bv a finiilitiiDc* Bin }3alaam tbefootbia^cc ' tbcfe toicltcb crpmcs mpete altogether: tol^erebp it map cafe- 1? appcare.of U)bat fo;t ^is Doctrine toas . ;)pirft be tooke tbc tetoarbc of intquitic,as i^.)detcr tertnet^ itisxiaXi tooulb cuifc tbem \J9boHii5oD batb ble^cDy Doing cleanc contrary to bps ti'o^nz mpnbc. ^cconDlp i^e gccuetb tbe hvng mod pelhlene counlci!: tobicb t\^^ ^cripturt tbcrefo^ecalletb a Humbling;:; felocfec oj offence ♦ ;foj ^e ta«si?tt^el%ynga toapojmcanc, . tij^crbp vpontheApocalipfe. 37 Chaf.z, tx)becbvl)enu5l)tcntiTet^e people of iSoDhtta cma^ne ucs ftriictton: namclv,bv intifing tbem to moft.'bncleanc ftcDing of mcatcs oifcrrti \)nto31Dois,attt) to t^e camim«mg of moK iiltbp to^oieDomc. au tljofc tOetefo^c fiiaibe ccimteo inam^ rapners of ©alaaine Doctcine, tubic'O in bopc of filtbv lubcc, contcarp to iSoDs voojD anD tbcic otone cofcicuccs, doc teacb 3llDo!atrp,^ncleancfcciimg, ^fo]inicatioti:oj\i)l)icb rcpjotie not tbc tying tbat tljc^ fenoto to be ftltby, but ratbec connfeU men to it. «Biieu fo tbc ^icolaitane, \x\, fpeaUiug cniii of tbc xi\xzx\i ano of cb?iftcnp«ccnc0,ganc naugbtv counfcU to utar ti^, t^at tbep fl)ouio be pactafeecs of mcateo oSiricD \3p to 3!^ Dots, anD couple toitb b^rlot5,as \\\ tbe ftr6 iBpi&tc JTi Dccla^ re&moje at large, ^eccu)eperceiuebvtbcc]campleof ciir ^auiouc ^\^%\% pow bcrc» l^o\xibcrciirsfi)ou!Debcconfiitc&, not toitb biatulpng noi f'fsL""ip plearnres,eate dftbefacrifices of tbe oeaD , anDj&eDe tvxxi of 3ID0U offecpnges,anD ntnne of rvot in fomicatWns * Cou(!a tier 31 pjapvou robatbetbe moft part ofit)DpiQ)c laiicftes, tobereupon tbcp Ipueano be feo , tobat opinion x\^vi bane of Ijolp jsejatrimonp , em&bot» nwct) t^^ ab^ojre «Duoultrp^ CfjAf . J. The xj. Sermon tv^otetiomr»31)cv tiare be bolD to con^emne dQatn'mott^ , 9 to luDgetul^u^eDome better :(otI)e^ ma^tniop tipc ract:ifice0 of tijc DcaD, anojnanvtoavcBtaftctbcicplcafurc . ^'f an^ f 01 t^e abtiovDvttg of VDljo^Dome be tovneo in latJOiUll 0£iaf trtmonp^betctbougbttiutuo^tbvtoCacnftceo^to come at f aultartbut toboKmSgere areabutttteb tbtrbe anb tbKc folb, 0tib ati tbev fo^ tbe moS part are mod beafti? bonttflaned of t^c bcal^ , of tubom vou map beleue tbat tbe bolp ^pofi!e of iL\:}}iit ^.idattl batb fpobrn:tt)bofe i5oD te tbett beat? , anb tbeic glo^v tn rcpzocbe , feelq^ng eartb!? tbvtiges . £lnb to!)0 tosiU not acbnotoiebge anD atfiirme tbefe to be ^f t:v SHi^olaU tansematntevmngtbeooanne of Balaam tf^c tncl^aunter.a^ mongrd tbe tepo^altte vott Q)al finoe mett of aii foztcs tobtcb Nuaic If. fftmoicbu tbcDoctnneofl5a!aam,anD tbe toantcnncs of * 3:ambee, tba tbcp bo b? moDeOie, grauittc anc c\)ii^c Untts ntie.2rbep loue tbe Idbcctte anb toantdnee of tbe ficfb . iSrbei^ tDdl not bane poutb anb free people to be reftrcineobptiers tuotts bep tDtU euen at tbte bap banq:tet and maflte tottb tbe mapbens of OQabtan , ano fotioU) tbeie fiea)lp Inft. ^01 tbep matnteme fnefetting , tt^onblncs, atib t)bOKt>cme» l2Uib tbefe bealfo beep jfitcoiattans.^nD tbe fauourers of tbS be nettbcr a feto no; of tbe rafcatl ro;t:neitber bane tbep itgbt o; fetu ceaf50 tobcrcb to maintetne tbete race before y uioiiD» tSo^lMtttl) ^"^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ > ftttpng on tbe all bndean:: ^'g^^ I'^b Of bts fatber, mbgctb of tbem . 2rbofe perfone 0| mg. tbat fame tbtttg tvbtcb tbefe men tbtnto,teacb anb bo, 3l bate, (aptb t\)t Eo^ . »?bat tbpng can be fpoHen mo^egreuouSp, tban tbat i5ob b^ueb tbe ooctnne of tbe /j^tcolattas; ^o; tbt tobole 0>crtptuce of botb ^edamentee conbenmetb tl)is feet of tbe ji^tcotaite0. 1»< ethois ^^^^f (^ts befcciptton attb rep^efentiS of tbe ^icolaitans, ta\) to a^ be piocecbetb Itbe as m tbe former i^ptftles, to cjPbo^te tbcm tvenitmmt to amenbement^o; repentaunre. ^o; tubere be faptb^repem, be ))nDecftaubetb oi contpzebeuDexb all pcnauncc , ox repetu tannce.31] bauetjoid pou bo^ cepnttauncc ie a titcnphg tnto i5ob,\]}bcrbp toe amcnDi: eutll tbpngcs into goob , rcUnqui^ fbpng tbat is euili,anb in fteaoe tbcrof piacpng tbat is goob: and^ tbat tbe fame mud bebone tbtougb faptbtn ttjcfmcccc lone and fearc of i5ob. srbou fbait amenbe tbetfo;ie iu cafe tbott bocQabficine fcom ntcates ofifereo bp to jRbols ^ from fo;nicatioti,(E rccctuett tbe true ixeligion inflttiucD b^ Cb?tflt, anb bocft pofien^D th"^ bodp in. bonour , anb not in the tuft of cDn(upifcence;as ^,i$aute fapt^^ i,'^t)iS^^,w^t Cbnt^cb of vpon the Apocalipfc^ 58 Chdp.^, 0er3amosrcpcttteD,mcafct^)cv5iflrctnb!er) notno: to^nfec^j att^c filtljmcB of t^c /itcoIattan3,btit ftoutelp toit^acDc t^c fame.2:i)c /atcolaitans ccpentcdf la^mg tl^eiv filt^pncs a* fiDc,t^cp rccciiica aga^nc tl)c pui'uie of fagt^ ana f?fe. anu to an ana fingulac io (apD,rcpcttt. arlje llo;tJ ojiuct^ tijcm noto alfo to rcpctttaGce toitb 5Cf- i^bjcafts MiMis tbieatn?ngs:c]cccpt t!)ou aincuocCfayt^ I)c)3] toil come nmgcB a= to t^ec fl)o«Ip : of uj^ic^ mancc of fpcaiivn5,i)atij \itr\z trca= s^pnft ^ teDbcfoze . i^eaDDctb,ai«)3ltoillftgl)t toit^t^em toit^ttic unpcwtoit. ftoo^D of mp moutl).K>it^ toljom i toit!) t\^t impenitent , anD cfpcnallp toitl) tt)e ^icolaitans . ^c tijientnetb not \9ttcr Dt:» ftrarrton 01 oefoIatiS to t^e £^urc^,to^ccof tljeic toac great lE)ope t^at t^ep toonlo purge t^e eio leuen: but Ije t^ieatenet^ t^e tnrepentautu people. !2lnD lilbe as a uioge^o; tnagidrate, 01 (bnlotonr, )}fetb t^c too^D , fo Dotip C^iift tife ^15 too?d» ^nD ti)e too;D tndertie tsomidetl) 0^ fle^eti) no man : J5\xi tpbe as t^e pleaching of <3o06 VDO^d goetl^) be[i02e:ro Dotb tb( rjcecution of i5ods potoer infue. ^berfoze loobe boto £ti;ill toarnetb V^s bp bis toozD/o Dotb be alfo tigbt . fQi be teiletb ts tbat be toil iuDge 0? puniQ) l,oo!atcr6,btiliP goDs,f\»pne, 2»ogge0,btcb OQofes in tbe.3 ^^ of /i^ume, fiifcourfetb at legtb.^e fee alfo at tbis oap t\it ftoo^ of i&oo to go tbtongbout tbe to02lD,$ to ouenb;ot» noto tbefe, noto tbem,Coi none otber caufes^tban fo; tbe tobtcbtbe IloiiD fleto anD DeOro^eD Balaam tottb bis adberentes.^rberfoze let )}a ftace tbe Eo^D.ano toalfee in bis commaunnementes. fo% be r^ill ftrt]^ farre mo;e grenonap tsitb bid Ccoo^D^tsbe be Q^all pronounce in tuDgcm^,go pe cnrfeD into ficc enetlaOpng.^c* 09atb.x f . ^nD be (aptb not e);p2eaelp,3l U)ill axt pon toitb tbe (yjoo^D of mp mootb « fQi toe are manp tpmes laiireD ano ant toitb tbe tooid of f5oo,to our great p;ofitand Otrcipltne,anD fo; amennement : at tbis p;e(ent be faptb be U)iU f igbt totrb bis(\aD02D:bebolD be toillfigbt,namelpagapn(lbis enemies* S^berfdie be tb;eatenetb Deilntctton«!2lno \»e doubt notbpng biu tbattbeimpenttentesoftbofe and of all tpmes Q^alltie iteflrcpeD « f 0; ( as 3} Capo euen no\» } at tbis oa? tee want ttotepamples. ^sai^ne lea tbat notable ann boKome ooctnne (botdn i&,it^ feme ChAf.2, The xj. Sermon CDtfi^Dcc- fcinc to appmcmc but to a fcvo men of jaccgamcs ,^ notta SiSn oz ^^^^^ tbc'.23!joic^o?lij:!)e applyetlj t^ispzofitabicijcrtnuc aeacraiU ^'^ ^^* Ctjuucijes . <3Df ttje \»bicb application tue banc fpofecti ** once o; t\aifc in tbc fo^nicc fepiftlcs. ;$f tnatip aftct: \)iQ mmtt , to tbe entcnt toe CI) onto all be s«r .;»'"two:eftrong!p inoueD to rcpcntauncc ana obeoience;, be pio^s :(. :- <'!podnbctbap?omtremol!amplc:anDtbatt8bonc totbetbat 0riue auD oucccomctbc aeft)-tbc toojlb ann tbcDcuihbuc not «<' to fliiggair)es,nc? to liicb as Ipe in tbc mire of mifcbicf ♦ xoc are mconrageotbcitoie\x)itbtbe pjomife , tobicb is oftbice foitcs.;Jpic{t,bcp;omifctb jD9anna,pea cue tbe bibocn isgana. Sfbe oiu\Macb jKJanna tobicb is Uno\x)cn to all me,ifi not tbc tvuc i^imm.foi tbe ^ntbanfecfwU Sircaclitcg no lotb it, as a tncate ntoft ligbt : and bao ratber baue tbc flcQ) pottcc of iB^ gVPt full of meatc>onios JecUcc ^ gadicfec,tbat tbcv mougbt '■ care tbctrfiUe. arbcp fee not bcuj tbc out\x)acD iSfijanna is a ^mm counterfigurc of tbe beaucnlp (Kjanna tobicb ginetb all ftoctx: bf wc, ,|f g ^xii^ fpicituall pleafucctlTbc favtbfuU fee , tbattbis \)i^iit Joanna is Cb;(Cl •, as be bim fclfe eicpounDetb tt in tbe ti « of 3lobnXbiifttberfojegcuecb bimfelf to tbem tbatoucccome, be ginetb b?m f etfe to be t\)Cit meate, vea eucn a meate tobicb Ibatb fwffifance in it . i^c tbat Ujall once )3)iii^ true favtb banc tafteo Cbliftjtoill \»iCbe to baue none otbci* meate gene bim» ;foi in iLb?ift be barb al! tbpngcs,in CbJitl be is complc^te , ^ tjjitb all gooo tbvugcs fuUp lattffieb ♦ £> tbat one fubtill Dif^ puters ijnDcr^ooe tbeCe tbpnges : tben tooulD tl^c^ malie no reafonpng at all of tbe meciteo anb intevceffion of ^aintes ^ fucbotbectbpngeSjtobereotvt'bucft tbep crafon after tbeic tuontcb maner , tbev bcclare ti em fclucs not to baue rafteD as ?et bo vu gobo ano toeet tbe Eozd is. « fcbvtc ^^^^^ ^^ piomifetb to gcue tmto tbe tiictours a \33i)itt 0onc ftonc ^^ ^^^^^ abfolmion ano temifTion of all finnes , vea tjn'ooubi: teolv eneu to tbe fuU.;jf o^ Cb?itl botb tjerel? abfolue \3S from our fmncc aub from tbe papnes hut foj tbe fame , anb from conbemnation. k\nd be alluoeb to tbeeuOome of tbe aunctet men'iu inbgtmetits, in tbc twbicb tbcv conbcmnco men U)itb blacfee ftbnes , aub quptte men )3)it\^ \s)})ite , ^oi tbefc \3ccfes Cf Ouide MMamorphoC /;( iHA^ementesmen cfaum'tent tyme,Jid^fe Hones bUcke attd wWtght ^ TViaJi tffenders tpith the hUcke,the vfhtte to cleare them qutght, taitu berctoegeue toarnvng,tbat tbc rcmiflion of finnes is not grauntcD to men hupng foi tbcir tooifee o? mcrtte : but t^tfa^t^ ist^^tictojv J t^atouercommcti^ tt>c voo^lo . xbe yppontheApocalipfe; jp chafer. tol!)icl^^3ol)n ^tm felf tcftifict^:arti» t^e isi^^ trt licDeftgl)^ tct^ aoutclp in our ^artes^btit m t^e ineane tvme it acbnou?^ IcDget^in allt^)^ngc3 tlje grace of i5oD , neither mafectbit tovoe t^e meritte of C^^iO*;^o; as it is not aoutdfuU, fo is it agapncftarefuU. E.all of all ^e p^tmfct^ , t^at \fi, tDill tu^ite in t^c Gone a 9 nave tieu? nante)Vea,ruc^ a name as na inai;t bnotoeti? , fmi^ng ^e ^^^' t^at tniopetb t^ie fame . ^\!i\.\^ \DiU not geue ts onclp remiU Tion of our (innes, but t^eg(o;pmo;eouerann communion of i^is ^eaucnlp io^tmfpeaftcabte . £>f t^is nevo name botl) s^ap (( ot^er )d;op^etcs l)aue maoc mention. Conquerours ^ao famous namcs.31f ^^ ouercome vue iniop t^eglo^v ^^^'^ 0ialt, lu^tc^ is fo immeafurable t^at it map onelp be percept: ited bp feelpng,but not bp fpea^ng > ifo^ bbatfdeuer tboif (l)alt fap be it neucr fo great,famous^o^ e^ceUet,tl^at is gtea^ ter,t^at (ballbe geuen to tbe buercommers* ;f o| tbe iSlpoDlC' ^.^auIecitetb outofefap : 33rbatt3)bicb tbe epe barb not fene,no; t^e earc bearD,{5oii v^tb prepared fo; tli^ofe tbat lone bpm.^uD in tbis p;efcm t33o;lo alfo is geuen bs a quiet con- Science ano iop bnfpealtcable: vobicb tbep yxi oecbe feele , tbat no inippe t^e lame, arbep tbat baue not tafleb tbetrof , can ncs net beleue tbat it ts-Co 4nucb,as it is in bctbe * xob^ntpott j&«. idaule (apb , anb tbe peace of i5ob tobtcbpaaetb all tmber^ fianbpng . ^t . fuc^ mpnbcs fo aS^ecteo out; ^antont: C^^il! Stauntbs.iamen* CSC^e d^ptHle to ^bpattra \» eji;pounDeD> luberem are fun^ D;p, bertucs commcnoeD > ano x\^z bice of g(efab0U re^ p;e()enDeo» The xii. Sermon, A Nd vnto the Mcffcngcr of the cogrcgation ofThia- tirawritcThis fayth the forinc ofGod, which liath his eyes lyke vnto a flamme of fire,andwhore-feete -arc like braffe:! know thy workcs andthyIouc,feruice& fayth,and thy patience^ and thy decdes which, are, ejts jpwe. ccUet t}cr«!C6,anD fingular giftcs not a fcto. ^trcigbttoape« l^c rcp^ouct^ in tl^cm^c^at t^ev fuffet oucr gently ti)e totdtcn^ ncfTc of leiabeii^tD^ic^^encfcrtbcti), totiat, anD l^oto ftltl^y tt ts.i^c tipKatcnct^ tl)etnlb;c,t)nicfle toitl) pcrfite rcpetaunce> tl)ep amende t^cpz ftnnes anD totclteDnes. ;f nrtijenno^e ^cc tparnctt) t^cm to ioobefo^ no ncto rcuelattone, but to perfc tter attD abpsc tn t^ofe to^tct) tl)cp ^aD IcacncD l)ttt)crto, anD tn ^siYM^ t^tv noto arc.l^itbct alfo tott^ inoft large pjomtfcs j^cailucer^ t^cin, anD finally communicatctMnD comment dttb t\^\s Doctrine to alt cburc^cs. 0nD tbcre is a toonDerfitll lyltenes ano co^refponDaunce in all cpilile6:!a6 tbe fame may be feene alfo in all bcoltce of t^e |8|opl)etes, in tbe fioty of f Cl)e fcrip^ ettangdiftrs, anD in panics cptftlcB. :;x7^creof it mav cafcl^ tare 10 tn be gatbercD, tbat tl^e Doctrine of tbe Vicritie is moH abfoiutc, au tijingeg pcrfccte , anD playne, anD agreeable to it ft Ife in all tbyngr 0, iSbie tflT*' 3ln to mucb tbat if all tbc tojitingcs of all ot^cr apoftles anD U'St fd^opbets DiD retnayne,tDr Q)onlD bane bao no mo;e in tbole many anD moft plemeons boolte6,tben toe noto bane in tbe T5\W, i5oD p^ouiDCD toellfojiVs anDfo^ourtnfirmitie by tbt0 bfirfc toay. i^cre be fcuen iSpifHcs fet in tbe z. Cbapten but it i0 marucll to fee boto libe tbcy be all, teaching in ama« ttcralLonet^yng* Cbebfeof ^bis fourtp is cbiefly profitable fb^ tbofc congregations t|iit eptaie. tobicb^rcfounDein tbepurenes of Doctrine, anD are pure mo^eouer in bolyncs of lyfe, but are not fetncnt anD felons inougb in perfecuting of open btrefies . S^brre be alfo otbcc fmites anD commoDities, tobicb toe toill (pea^e of in o;Der, T5vx like aB in all tbe otber epiftles tbat goe bcfo;e,fira t^ere IB fet £oj;tb, to tobom tbe epitllc iB fent , anD from tobome H Cbcfoper- commetb: ^q alto in tbi£» epiftle jTbyattrene botb tbe fupec<» fcrtption ef fcrtption as tbcy tenne iu anD \^t fubfcriptid i& en);cirely fet* t\fifi epulte.^ti0(g,|t jQ^ejj^eflengecoftbcCburcb of STbyatira* ano _. w to to tbe tobole cb«rclj,as 31 ^^aue tolDcyou before oftftimes. C^rattro. ^ixdi ar^yatira is a noble anD famous cttie of HyDia in 2lfta, cm tbe ryuerof^crmus : tobere toe reabe tbat tbe tooman toas bo^ne,tbJtt tolDe purplctobicb toas conuertcD to C^iift ty^,idaulctnt^$i<^tOfti)eiSiacSt3ltt»a0dpopiitonscitie, iUID vppon the Apocalipfe. 40 Chaf,2^ ftttU imtc^ frcqticntv^ij, fo ti)3t ii is no m.iritcll tijottjb mf Di * wcrn?5eucn,\jndcantr,curious,ano Ijcrcnc^cs DiD aCbciate anD iG^nc t'ocmfclucs to tl)c C^uccb of i5oD. arije iScogras pJS)Ci:s ttjjitc nunp f'omge© of t^c famous citic of afia. 0nD t6e antI)oi of tl)c tgpifllc is tljeHojO Ctiiift l)pmfc!fe, (Cbatttfiot f^elptgb^pnganbiapC^op.tuM^fccl^tl^e apoaie fot i^ts off e^iai^ pen, oz blcCTcD ^.3lo5n fo; fjis ^ccrctar^, bp toljom Ije toill l)auc c^ofe ti^tnges publtO^ti) tb^oug'qout t^c tobotc too;iDc» i3lnD be gettctb tbc jepiOlcautbozttu:, bp repeating cmapnf members of rbc former image atib t)rfcnptton,U}bertb;ongb \^t fbrtDctb biitifelfe in fncb (ozt to \it fecneof tbe Cburcb^anD to be tjictoeD bv faT>tb,a0 tbcp bdpe tbe matter toonbcrfuUp^ l^efeetb bete bcreftesanti tbefecretsof bartes, anb treabcrb Imber bis mod pure auDcleane feete, ):dl?atfocuerdbu4ncct^ tt fdfe agaynft i5obs glozp ano trnet^. ^oto be caller^ bimfelfetl^e fonne of jSoU, tul^om befo^ Cb^ffttbe toe beam to be tbe fonne of man.3i;b^o^ b^ botb is anb at- fomuof fo remapnetb^as U7dl tbe (onnr of <5oD as tbr fonne of man, d^od an» ^ea enen m gio;v* bepng all one toptb tbe ^brr as toncbing *t*^>>- Qis 0obbeab, ano all one tooitb t3S as toucbing bis inanbobe, in all tbinges ejccept finnemeitber is anp of botb ^ts ttatures ftoalotDeo t)p in glozp: but ttuo DiOmct anb ituzt^X natures tottboutanppermijction, abpoc in one perfbntmbeuibeb: tplncb in bcfbe be one fiW^-, tierp i5oD anb tjerp man, to be tDO^^ippeb \0o;lD tDit^ontend. i^erof tue iiiaueteftimontes in tt^t i.of Hube^mtbe i.of lobnianb ^t u ebap. to tbe I^O:* maines. ano wbirb of tbe bereticltes 0; perfecutoors topU tnabe toarre toi^tb t^e iiuing fonne of i5oD; aftcr\»arb be attribntetb to bvin (d^ ^^0 caStng out fire ^\jt t^n t : ano Same, fax notbing efcapetb tbe toiot»lebge ano iubge^ flame of ' inentofCbziSour^nDge,bebeboibetbtberavnes a^barts, ^^' 0jo2eouer,be Itgbt^bfome, ano fomc be rbnuttetb to eucr- laaing fire, tberein to burne £0^ eucr , iao\» tl)en if anp boe imagine \33ptb tbemfelues, tbat t\it^ can bV^^ ^erefies (e vm^ iicc in tbeir bartcs,tbev are Xitttd.ntl.ifti% m p evesof i&^jift, , ^ » tbe bareknes it felfe is ligbt , 3ri)c famcl^ojo alCo ^atb tccte ' ^^"^ pourgeb auD cleanc: be treabctb batoneaU \)ngoDUr.e£:xlnti toberefbcucr be toalfee tq tijpib bis fijimng fcctc of b^e, be cofumctb immcbiatip ai bcreftes $ cozrupt ufe.iCbccfoicrbis palate tobicb is moa pucc^moft In $ apt to pourijc,^ finally beft f umifljeb to boaltc cut tbe fccrets of partes, ftjetoetb to tbe congregations tbefe tbpnges tbat foUot^c : ano br ^\\ns felfe )9amet(^ ano 19 couuerfaum in ti^e mibs of t^e i&b'^rc^, bot^ Ckaf .2. The xij. Sermon vte.2* ^nctDtl)etuo;&eBO(t^efameC^ucci): twtw fo^e rcpeatetO titu aUb, to t^e cntcnt tiie CbouiD ncttcc aDmtt tuic^tD fccutt^ tte,asttioug^t^e almtg^ttc anzr aluitmng J5oD bncti) not 1t)0 anti tSX Qwxz : of t^e U)l^ic^ matter 3R i^auc (poltcn fuCftcts •cnti^ before. ' :• ■ « ; ij^oto &ot^ I)e trimly fet fe;t^ ettcrv too jke of t^fe congee^ -gation^antifcmmcmjct^ftaemoft notable gifteso?bjv5J)t Ctjantie.!. ))ertuc6.;)ftt;ftC^antte,\x)bicb comp^ifetb tbe loue of i5oii anD otn:ncigbbont::tobcrbp te bzougbtto pafTe, tbat toe p^e^ ferre notbmg in t toozlD before {5oD,ncttbeti burt our netgb^ jbour, but ratber b^apr tppon bvut all buties ano bencftte0» % i^i^ toe Otoe to 0oZi and aU our b^tb^cn in tbe rongrega^ tion. £> f cbar;tte to fpo^en ele tobtt:c mo0 abounbauntl^^as in tbc iSofpell ano jgptftlc of ^.Slobn.^cconblp bep?apfetb tbeSDcaconCbippe;, tbatifi, tbe (agineOerpe ♦ 2rbe tobicb map be ejcpounncD ttoo toapes. ;Jfoz eptber be ^noerftabetb (as i^retasfuppofetb) mintages totoarbes tbe pooie anD neebp.tbattsto tottte,tbe fermce tobcretottb toefttitt out; ^ctgbbonrsturnes^as tbe buttes ano pavnesta^cn about ^e poo^c, bp lenbtng.rcliettmg, fuccourtng, fpcabttig fattb^ fitllptntbetrcaafe, in getting tbcm meate, D^tttfee, clotbing, (^ tjtftting tbem.(;lfo^ fo tbis tooio lDeacona)tp ts l}feb in tbe i.epiftleto tbe £o;intb.(tcO ^% els be meanetb tbe mintae^ ttebftbetoO}De,bptbetobicb ixi teacbing, e^bo^ttng , com« footing anb cebubtng, toe abuaunce terv mucb 0obs glo^p, anb tbe bcaltb of mens foules» 3rbe arbP^tirenians toece f) tundnk^tfligentiti eptber df botb. ^^tt^t^^ accufe tQ grce^ •^ tiouOp, tobo betng^abbicttb to our otxinea6fapzes,boc neglect our pooK bzetbzen: ano finally tnalte tbeminiderte of i3ob0 too^b obious, bp our rapling ano fcla&bering,eCpenaIlp \xii}i^ tbemtbatbeignozaunt as pet, anb ^aue bcarb notbpng of i5ob5too?be. ... . 0exomtnenbetbal{bfaptbttubt2rbpateriaits» lirbomao ^f !^(litinein btfi commentary tpott tbts boo^e,abmont(l)etb tis tbatU^tb cDifmtetbttotU3f tbarttie, becaufe it is founb fet ^ere in tbe firft place: but tbait Cbaritie $ goob toozbes fpjing of faptb: anb tbat 3llobn batb rcciteb cbaritie before faptb,befl canfe £»ptb batb ber efiimation of cbaritie anb too;bes3oto« f)eit,botoCoeuer ttHs^faptb'feemctb bere.notfo mucb to tttap ben fo; truft in ^ob, as fb; faptbfulnes anb truSines^tbat i0 to tott,foj; iuftncs, iop^igl^tbCiiting,anb vcm,%^,^% £aitbfiiUf {■ri . ttc$ IM- amv vpon the Apocalipfe. 41 Chaf.i, ttcs!jcaut(fictb^^Uot1)crgiftc0,ana mahtt^ tibcm p^iofitable 0? fcuitiiill. Sininittc tljattljott ijaft \\\tn izmmntt^ ^ mapoe ff rua«nteB t^at are Iiicfep inougt) in Doing of t^eir tlj^ngcc, iinu tljat tbc feifc fame be in tbe meant tyme bnti*nflic,aippci: auDDcccitfuil:\Jobata)ai!itauapIe3lpzav> tbcc, tbat tbev be fucnta)eD toiHl) funD?p giftesj 31 jnagincagapnc tbat a p?ca* c^ccoj ^cnatoucbcnotfo grcatlpfuntiftjcfi toprt) toifooine anDejcpcrtence of matters, but v^ neuertbelcsie faprbfnil, anti \joitb all bis bnttootb all tbvnges tip^igbtlp, and fauour cetb iuft cafes: aiall not bis faitbfulnes bere Cnpplp bid \338t; i^reat tbeefoze is faptb,tbat is to fap^faptbfttlnes anb trttSt:; nes : fo as it ts not fo; naugbt tbat tbeapo(He tequiceb it of cbe miniftecs in tbe 14. cbapter of tbe fird xSpiflie to tbc £0^ tim^taiis , raping : anb tbc cbicfc popnt tobic^e isccqm* ceo in ^tewardcs, is tbat tbep be founotruftp. srbisfaptb IS alfo rcquircD of bs at tbis dap, tbis faptb gooD b;etb;en is race: anbtbcrfo^e banc cuilsiouccflotoeD twtv^ tDbcre, fo; tbere ts no faptbfulncs totoaros i5ob no; man. Hct ts bat' telp p^p to tbe ILo^D, tbat be toill graunt tis t be Came, ano tt^attiocmape^nire tnfapt^futncs anb beceitfninesottt of ourbjeftes. I^ereunto is abbeb patience, \ij\^i\i v& p^pCeb aifo tn x\it idatience. former €bnccbe0,anb it ts a neccCTarp tiertne. fm itnpattcntf 4* «es caufetl) t)s to murmure anb gcnbge againO i5oD , (0 as loe Oanb not ftrong in tbe confcOton of t^e eaptl), tv^ilea tt)e refuretofuflferpattemlpfucbtbingesastbe cnempes of tbe faptbtb^eatentoputtosto. But tubpbcfileft tboutbp fetfe txiitii tbefte i t»bp mnneft tbou into t^e toarres of a fo^cpne Idlince^ :R?bP Doeft tbou pzacttfe tfucie,anD bamb;p^ S^q% be^ caufetl^ou lacked patience in t^p pouertie, tol^ict) t^outopit relicuetJDitb UJictteo boinges. %n be %o%t, tbe Ho^bc noto recitetb ail manet of goob ^0 abDute too^ltes : to^eceinbeecbteflp commcnbetbtl^is , tbat manp in gocn tpmes t^ep cicceUebtbeinfelues,tnboingmoKanb gceatec soo^^os. tbpnges. anb tbis is a tooitbp piapfe. ;Jroj tbe bnfbanbman, tbat ts to (lap, t^e l^eauenip Catbee pnrgctb ft cuttetb f tpncs, tb^t tt^vf map b^ing mo;e plentifnll fcutte. "Sx bccOmrtb not lbegoblpto(lanbfttUatajllap,UbeSnobnaD2onc0, as tbe PTOuerbe(aptb,anbttottop;oceebe in goblmes ,!anD moft fliamc of all it is, to be euec ^z longer tbe tooifc. as tbe fin* Ser,tbeldgertbeleae:tDbicbisobtccc;bto cbiib^einfcboles ^ l^at Icarne notbing. iLct tjs be aOjamcb of oHr flombfulacs. * ' #c» iUt lis 3r fap toap t'9cfe t^pugs Diligciulg xx\ our winbes: anb Chaf.2. The xij. Sermon mtd t1)m^ oft, xW i5ott aliotDttl) tbcm, anti tcqm'ret^ tl^em* anD t^at t^c^ be tbe ttue fealcs of t^e fapt^fttl toalfemg m t\n l}entie,anonotaS)arenametoit!)out t^e i^png, of fml? as boalloffavt^oncl^.31ft^oufcelc t^iv felfe not to be tJtterlv ^o^oc of tbcfe giftc6,p?avre i^ou: ano fenoto t^atnone of aft tbefc t^pnge0 le of tl)v fclfc,fcHt of graccj 2lno p?av fbz tbc in* creafcofrDcfegiftcs. 5if tljou beoeftitute ofttjcfe tiermcc, inourncaitD lament bcfozetl)elLoiO, t)umb!p af^e b^mfo^ gcucne£5, anD require tbeaboimdaimre of i5oO0 giftes* TObat 3ln t^e fecono place \)t repioiie tb fome tbinges m tbc fame topngcd are congregation: namclv tbat tbep permittco 3|e?abel to teacb. tcpjebcpcb ^^ ^x((i be tcrmetb it^ fmall tbvngtnot tbat tbc Doctrine of Schurcir"^ 3le?abel of it felfe is Iitle,but fojaftnucb as tbongb it befofioc *^^ ^' in otber0,ratber tbcn in i\)t cburcb, r^t bio tbc cburcb fuffcc it too gcntlv.tbat ts to faip, Q^ec Dio notperfecute it tuttii) fuf^^ ficicnt fcneritie. But of tbispbjaie of fpcacbc 31 banc fpofeen ^f *^f ?" ^^^° befojc. xot alioto not tbe Q)auiefull act eg Sf 3lle?abc!,noj ana coicut. j5fe„t j^qj (q tt,c fnmc:But toben taje migbt let tbem b? ino?c (eitere punia)ment,U7e permit tbem to abonnoe atto increafe. albeit tberfoje tberc be many gooblp giftesm \iQiyit batb f iojD tbuB tnucb agapnO tSjtbat toe fMfitev tbofe<|iyMg^0, ot t^at toe Deale Oafelp in tbem. But in cafe tbe ILo^b blametb tbat fame pctmiOtott , bolo mucb moie blame tuo^tbp fuppofe toe tbe toicbeones it fclft to be,3] meane,tbeboctrine fo^ p^ofeOion of Bje^abeil: xo^fii^ bouj tjvle anb fUrbp iti0,3ll toillbjieflv declare. Catapbiii^ 31 n iv^c cafe as bef o?e bp tbe ejcample of Balaam allebgcd sanso? out of tbe ^cripture,be coufuteotbc^icolaitans , euen fo at ^otamO. tbis pjefent be biingetb fo^tb tbe example of 3le?abcll , tbcre« teitb to confute,tbe Catapb^pgian0,oi <39ontant0cs . Aretas VmoerffanDctb tbe tubole place of tbe ^icolaitans , tobicbSl bacenot agree to bp reafon of tbe\Dbolc compofitton of tbe jepiftlc . 31 graunt tbat tbe ogontaniftcs toere partafe^ro irt <bvnes tuitb t\^t ij^icolaitans , But 3!efabell batb attecu^ liar tb?ngbp bet felfe. :f-«';' Cbe ^m 3]e|abcll,a0 tbe facrcb i^iflo?^ teftifietb in tbe.i^^atlb.iif . of 3ic3^beU. bookc of ^tnge0,tbe.)ctiji.and.Kt)ti. cbap.$c«TPao tbe oaugb^ terofi^^tbbaball t^n9(Bf^tDon:antbepng marpeb to^ cbab,a)e bii)ugbt in tbe voo^)ppp?ng of Baal into tl^ l^ng^ bomeof 31ft^aetl,builbvng ofa goool^ temple in ^amar^ , ^ founoipnga great coUcDgeof Baallcs idnedes > iifo^l^eli^s 10 reao to baue (lavncof Baalite0.4f ceiie of tbe^pi^gs ^^^P^ pla2n0,and ostt tvcvc jCanon^t^ p;cblDanc0,anb.4(^* mtai niSers vpoTi^thc ApoGalipre. 42 Chaf.i? itiftcrs o: counmc ci^pplams x\m fcnict!) in I)il6,tooobc0, anZ) gcotsesj. %\it iaine \romatt c^crfoze fouuDcD t^te i^clt^ 0ion anD fought to goucmCt^t p?op^cciivng at ^cc plcafure. Jpo? pottrfe\uvngfoi«af«*^?^cii3B,Qicacto3e^ei:^ ma«v of j^ lajopljetcs : merely foytljattbcp tuoulDnot tcacl^c after Ucu toomaniflj appetite, i^iojeouci* t!)?ougl) ie»aallc6 meligioit, to^o^cDome and ait \)nclcanrs u^erc augmeutcD.l^iug 3]t^u €bicctet|) to bpngllo?ami^afotmctl)e to^o^eiiomes of^ps tnot^ec . ^o^leiabcllalfo augmented t^ceatvng of meates fiicccD tjnto 3iDoi0,anii all 3i<)oi!atcic t!)?oug!jout tljc tol)olc |$VnSiiome: fS^xitv. tfccn alfo , \»l,>cn tlje ILojD in a folenme fa:? criftcf jbp mitaclc inincnm cannrll t^?oug!j t\^t imniGccp of l^eliae^^aD DedarcD co t^e to^oiemeahnet^at t^e i^eligiott of )eaalt»as ntoft liavne ano faifc , ana tfjat ttie iaeligion of t\it ondv ^^00 ot Ifcacll Ujas malJ finccre and tmt, fn} ^ts ?al3cU ncuci't^rleOetooUe tjponbcrt^e gonccncmcutin a- Mill majtcj:o.:jif 0? ttjc tjfurpeD tljc fepngcs fcale , and counter^ ficitcD letters i^uD feut tljcm in tl)t fepnges name to put /f^a^ bot^ to i)eatl;,a rtgl)t gooD and innocent man« ^uc^ tn oeoe toa0fiIt^V3Rf!a!;elU .iBtoU) afterlife fjt;ainple of t^ts defiled ti}onum,t^ere\3}ete xomm toomcn in tlje Cljurclj of S^ijvatira to^ic^ c^ialenged to t^cm |D?op^rte0 felues a pjerogatiuc i» t^e religion and tcacljing tn t^c con- ti)atisfyes ?regation,taHvns tpontljem t^ Cpirite of pjopi)ccie,tD^er- wticwff« p t])ev taugl^t in dedc but corrupt doctrine , (cdnc^ng t^etn M)l)om i5od bv bis doctri»e bad piepared to be bis feruauts* ]^ut tbcfe falft pzopbetiflltQ , cotntpteo ti)eir ni^ndes ,iind biougbt ri3Ub a neto doctrine and piopbecic.^man^tbinges not fct fojtb in tbe ^cripture6,but fctcbcd out of tbeir otone dcutltn^d^camc&and difceiptfulues » i^nd amongeft otber tb^nige tbcp communicated toitb the /aifolaitan0,in vobo?e:9 dome^and participating of meatcc offred to 3]5ol6 . xpi;crcf }9m^ bcncfpofecnbefo^,$l«d t^c Eo;d fcmctb plavueipto fpeafee of tbc iCatapbivsJans 0? /3G5ohtaui!ico , tobofc fcutpj nation bcf ug lapdc in tgc fpmc ot ^3,tpn^Xi^n after\X!avd in pjoccfiTc of t^eCand efpeciall? in tbeigmpire of antomiius. Ijc.^eaics after t^c apocalipTe toaa fct foitb)bKabe out mo?e jrongi^ and plentifiill^.a:bcp fav boto i5i)o«tauu6 bad j£)?is icilla $ «3S)a)cmiiiJa fcj bps pjopbetiCeB \a)bici)c bad tJifions, ^ndb^oug!)t in toonderfuU iflenelations intotbc Cburcb.^f tebom Eufebius trcatctb at large in tbe t}.boofee of tbc iCccle* flox)?.cbap» i0|iD^|ia ^vm f^IJf ^l IiolJ" 1 sovn^ about at *■ ...;... ■" ' ' - • ■ t^e Chaf.n. The xiij. Sermon tl)$ftrS begvtttt^nsto plttdce t)p anttHeftrov ti)eroofc0 of tits ^etefte , ^at( m tl)e e]cainple.of tW toicbeD tnoman 3le« ^beU>condemneli tl^at fame ^creric . %Y^t ^cctptuce alfo els taob^rc pio^tbttctl) a tuoman to rule , tcacl? o^ mtnifter m t^ congcegatton.Bp ann bv d^e iLo^o bpm (etfctDtU conftttet^c ne\» p)opt)Cci^e0,tD^en 6c d^all aomontO) ^iz^W Ik taotU re^s ttcale none oc^ec neto K^noe of Doctrine , beftoes tl^at toiptcl^c be^atb cominttteo oioelmereDto t)tsiLi)nrcbaIrta^,aUb fo^nicatton,ano t^e eating of meates offereo to BnooUes , art (onDemnco els tuliiere in tl^t Scripture moft (eutrdp, as be« font's (^?i>* 13ut ftncc t^at t^ofe t^pnges (o afRtcteo anb troubleo tbe Cbnrcl) of i^oo in t^e tpme of t^e ^poSiee , it te not i^aro to gather boto ^nbiftretc toep be,toi)ic^ at tlEiis oavCas 51 ^\s>^ CO vou bcfo^c)fo^ tl)e ^atrcD of t^ laeligton refio^eo, accnfe it of Ccctes , tobicl) bovie bp tnfucb plenty, ae tboogl^tb)? faine Ciltbpncs coulo pzoue , t^at tbe i&ofpcU tbat toe p;eacb u^ere not tbe i5ofpeil.;if 0^ tbc iDorpell tbat ttias p^eacbeb bp 3io^n anb tbe reft of tbe 0po(Hes,U)as tbe moO true anb moft pure i5orpell,bot0 focuer t^e falfe i^ofpcllcrs crept bp to become :^tcoiaitan9,Catapb^pgtan0,attb otber fettee innumerable^ T&vixxn tbenteanereafon,tbei5orpeU impugnetbanb con« bcmnetb all fucb tnaner of (ectee, anb tnaintepnetb tbe Cb?i^ Oian berttie ano bnitte of tbe catbolicbe £burcb * id^pte be to tbe ILo;D our i:5ob.iamen. i|2DI)e!Lo;b fb;!eatenetbfo;!e pnntlbment to tbe impemV tcnt^ao be tbat renD;etb to euerp tna after bts too;hei(. The xiii. Sermon. • ■ *— A Nd I gauc her fpace to repent of her fornication, & (he repented not. Behold I will caft herinto a bead, and them that commit fornication with her,into great aducrfitie,except they turne from their decdcs . And I will kill her children with death. And all congregatios fliall know, that lamhcwhiche fcarcheth the reyncs and hartes,aad I will gcue vnto euery one of you accor dy ng to your workes . sro tbcfojmererroursanbfinne0of31fjabell beabbetb atiot^ecdnnenoti^pnslis^t, to toitte, t^eabnfeHeaanb tbe cons vpon the Apocilipfe. 4^ chap,2, cotttetnptofi5oD0lon5fufiFcr^ng.«5DDaot& «ot bpaitDVj) ^^hja^fe and outof ^ano tjellcay iuc^-aobc ia ctirouc, vca c} in motto? c'ontcnivt gceuous imncs , But fiimcrs ace toont foitI)c tttoSp«« to cfcjo^e aijufe tijat iong fuffcraiicc of 0oa,\)uto t^c occarion aiiD pic- Jong^nuuis ttntt of finnpng mojc impuDcntlt^Japtng; 31? ^oXi aul)4!H'Cti .^»^' t^cfe offettccs fo grcatlv -, i)cc ^oulD 6^uc ocftrovco \3S long etc t^is:23»t no\Jo be nojift)ctl) tis geml^ , anD rbcrfoie ootj i)e not Co gccadp mtflt^e it . But tijts ib an abufe of i5oD6 log fufFcrv^g • ^oi t^ 2.o?b faptb at tljis pzeicut, 31 Jjauc geucn 3ic?ab?U a tvme to repent ^icc,ano to Icauc tjcr foznication, ^ to tticjie to tbc ILo?li:©otobcrt fl)e Ijatl) not coiictteD . »?JjicO t^png rbe Ho^o talsetl? in mod eutt pact,tbat bis grace CUoutD be DefptfeD ano (et at naugbt, ^beifo^e ^.)daule to tbe Bos inaineB.iDoeft tbou contemne tbc cicbes of i5oD0 goofines, long fuffccpng ano milontflfe 5 bnotovng not tbnt tOc gooij- ttes of i5oD p;ouoltett) t^ee to repentaunce . $c . 3;bcn tf tbe iLo^o ^ati) not fooenlp opp^cljfeti t)S tn our ftnneB: let ts not thereof ta&e tmto t)s a iibertte to Cinue , hm let ))s ratber a« menDc . ^.jdeter fapetb , tbeHotD tBpactent totoaroes 1)6, tt)b)iU;ft ^ tutu Deftrcp none , \)vix recetue all to repemauncev ».0^t. j.Certes 3le?abcll bcr felfe^vobcn after tbe oeatb of bee ijUfbanD Slcbab,ani) tbe mo;tall tail of ber Conne iSDcofiaB (l]s Dpd not amende (no; \3)tt^m tbe.jcq. "^tdiuti of ber foime lo- ram ,U)berem bee 10 reab to baue retgneti) d^d repent ber: ;)pelt tbe\3);atb ofi5oo fomncb mo^egreuous , fo; tbat tc toas long OMt came. 0nD m tbe tept follo^i^vng tbe ILo^o 3lcfns tn nttt i\m«ttf ^o;e tl^ra wet^ mofJ grenouUv tbe 3le|abcUne6 , tbat is to tcittc , tbe uniJiigw, Catapb^igians q% is^ontanmes , ^nlclTe tbev U)tll ^ct repent in t^me.;f 0; be openetb aga^ue tbe gates of biB grace to tbe penttent,recitpng,^oU) be uiUl plague tbe impenitet. ix^ber^ bp lierelp be afTa^etb to oituc tbf into repenta&ce b^ tb^eate^ npnges ; ft^ in recityng tbe ^noeB 0^ begrees of pumO^e^ mentt0)be (l)etoetb alfo Dtuer0 ^noes of tbem rbat be in er:3 roue0,attD Declaretb to euerp one \iiB iuogement, tobicb tbe? map b? repentaunce efcbeuoe . ^no be iatbougbt to baue rc:: bcarfcD tbofefepnoesfoj tbiB confioeration , tbat no man ^oulD tl^iube bpmfelfe gtlttes ann frec,tn caCe be be ncuerfo title partaber toitb 3]c|abell. ;JFicatbclLo?Dtbjeatenctb3]e?abcll berfdfc,tbacbe toill -^-.j,*,*- call ber into abeo . l^e fpeatectb of tbe fira autboars of tbe fljaube caa mil ano of tbe becefie, vpon l»boni be manacetb to Ceno fulu tntoa )i%v ncs t ^0} mau)? t^mes m tbe ^cripntre tbe bed is taken foj ^,i» t^e ^nn tl)e 06riaame&,4miiit^toiCe uiert^iQliQauicn fav^ t^c ?liricauJiiitlctjant(5jat»a^. . fC^ep tijat Seconal? Ijce t^icateuet6 ^A'f at afflictron to fuel) as ba«« mtWx i» to DO toit!) ^e^abclU tUat is to fa^,tD fuel) as clcauc tjuto falfc ^c^abeii ijoctrinc,ceceiueercoHrs^adigi;tin bcrcfics^anD go about to ibaibcaffu^ fct fo2tb tljcCame .JTo tl^cfc, t, ia^, ^e tljzcatciictl) moS gcc^ *"^' uoue afflicti53,tctBittc of SoDvauo foiilc, of t^iB pzcfeutlifc anu of t^clyft to coinc . J^c .ftciuctb to ^auc fap& fomcto^iat mo?Citl)aifi)CbaD rccitcDfamccertcmfetttDCB ofpuui[l)inct» nc , ttjc^eccftes tlj^t aceakcaDpconDemncD,\»cafecnfD , (ttDearvnga\»ap.2rt)eft f Jlo?8 iwntovcJJ ^^ti? tcmpoiallano ctef»aH M'atl),an|i tbe ecclcftafticall ftoi^ Dot^ tcftiftc , tl;at t!^c iloiDe batb in Beedc l»umQ)eD moft gccuouav ? not one!p xa^z bcccftc of tbe Cata^ p^Mgifttts, but all l^crrfics in gcneiall. ^uD ccrtapne tbing0 (oueerning t^e cataptingiane o; la^outmiilcdj are touc^cn bptufcb.Iib.i.oftljecl. ftQ2p,cap i^. Cbc tJcfhn ir^e JLoiD feemctb ^erc to mc to Ijauc allutscD to t^ic ol5^ ctioB of ais ftd^^of3!e^el3aft2lcab.;fojfttfc after tbe tpme tljatt^^ ^^^n^K *'^9^ ^'^ Ujozdiip Baal, ^c DiDas it voete raft tbcm into a be&, aiithMt tJ2 aiiD from Da^co Day i)e)M;tl)cm$b?ing tl^emlo\jj twubficfes acntie ticB.anD tt)c people that rccciucDt^e religion of ieaal,^c put: to mnc^ fototd, cuiIb anD afflictions. ;ffinallp i\itxtMl}iitn |e bpusl}t to a Oaaincfull Dcatb. sr^eir partakers a^fo U3ere Sapne, tbat tuoulp^ane l^aD Baals religioti^iAfi; aKD.Iounpe, anutoljaucfeeencrellaicDagapue. ^oj after tjebeatiMitia^ cbab bis farbcr, not manp oapcs after, Oc^ofias t^c fonne o^ il^cbab anD jieiabcl^tietng b^uKeD b? an tinbappp fal ano tatt mbcD,D^cD.ii9.mcg.cbap.i.anDiRi)?aman otjer fonne of ac^ab anD 3ic?abel being ttrickcn tbjongb VDitbanacro\x>e, toas fiaviie bp 3[!cbu. at-jalia tbc Daughter of acbab anD 3[|C5 ?aljc!,tbe mii ctf Jilojatm fevws of Sluoa^f fonne of 3(lc(apbat, ' being DentDcD \jDitb cbeftxjo^Dc of ?ioiapas,fcll Dot2}uel)cfp|Q ti^t gates of the temple. anD ^Debofias li^ng of 3i«Da^ t$e ioanc of 4^al}a atUi3|o^m^u>as O^iipnc alfo b^ tt^e povuer p^ 3!ebtt ^on the Apociilipfe. 44 Cba^Jc 3lcl)U. 5lnl> aftcrtoarD tI)eI>cp;fottncsflf iad^afetotreputtn Bcat'g by t^c limie 3flc^u . SlttD all tbe ^licftes of Baal \Dtrc iiavnc toget^f r m t^ie fcmp!e,anD tefo?c t^c Guitar of 23aa}» anonotoncoffo great a ttumber£fcape&-. '5>ca tljc teiiipicj t^e 3lDol,atil5 tJ)c fcrmce of 25aM toerc quite ano dcane oua*^ tb?o\»fn. 2r^i6 olDciliartttlotts anD tuoitDcrfull !)tfto?f, tbe Hojo callcti) to nicmon? vfisnifiVttS t^at ^c.iiuctl) vet a rcuc- ficr, auD a puuifl)er, to^o tortl tic^t^cc ouccpaOc t^e inft Ii^ mite, noi towt^i t^e fame out of t^me. ;jf o?-^c aofiet^, ano all congrcgatioitB (l)aU feno\».^c, 5l^ot\x)it^aani5ing t^is t^ing ts ttotairie, mtfi mott too;J •;? J^opf tt to i)ce rcmcmfazcD , am) no IcCfe full of comfo^tc : iljat in tl^is fcnt open teljcacfall of punifliemcntes ,l)e puttctij m as it tecre in x\iH Jj*/ JJ^ '^^ fniDoe6,a jnention of ccpentaunce , as tt)ouglj ^c a)oulii faVi let no man t^iul^c in i)!nireire,tf)at l)e mtill be tielti'DveD and peiift)e tbjougl? a ccrtainc fatall neceffitie. Sfo% if anp toiff re^ pentjtbe gates of tl)e grace ofi5oaartrfet open , t>vsf«"^c0 a^ail be fozgeuett> anD be il)albe ta^n into fauour, anb $)all be DeliucreD from all tbofe chiIb » . il,Mb after tbi& ro;tc,al(o baue tbc lajiopbctcs, Slerem^ iii tbe pttij.c^apttH atib s^ti\^* mtbe)c\3iij.cbap.tau0bt^Vi- " y • \ r ©utvobereafifbeptirtCnjmtttrfErftotbv anb b»? eicecuteb ))poutbe impenitent peTfonsiHO^Qial^baue tbcm e)idaii|e> tbat i5ob is a Qcpe, as tbat be feetlj 0? bearetbnotbmg, srbet:^ fojctbeJLo2bbvi"felfeatmftDeretbtbtm,atibfavtb: 0mi all congregations ^)u\\ fenotti $Cti:»ben 31 fljall Doubdcs ^ tbe ^i,e imDc iafte)je(Mtemvi3engeauncc iti iue feafon* ;jfoitbicna)ailall ucciarctb menlearne, tbat 31 neitbcefiecpe, no? neglect mv feniauntcs tijat fjc \s atanvt?me,no?\X!iU Cuffer tbofe t^at uefcrue euiUcf mcano ««cnscr of of mv cbnrcb to efcapc bnpuuiCbcD. ;f nrtbermoje , CbJtC its t C^urclje. Oiftetb t^at be fearcb'ctb tbe reinciEi anb bartes of all men* Slnb be meanctbitbat btfeno^uetb all tbougbtcs anb fieuf* fcsoftbe bare, anb tntallp tbe appctfte it fc'ifc and al! tbe te^: fireS'Of man, fio as be can iubgetritciv tbercf: fo? nofbmg,bc itnenrr fo fccrct, is Wat from Cb?ift ♦ 2:b^cefo?e is oe t?crp cb;ift i% ^ i5ob. ;JFoz It is tbe p?cpcr»e of 0oD , aub belongctb to bvm <^^^* alone to fenoto tbe bartes of tbe cbiib^cn of men:as ^atomo fcftifietb in tbe it); i»ocl^c of {^^ngs.tbap^^itj; Cb?ift tbcrfoje fectbfp^ime^ filrbv^oilits botb of tqe irlicolattwus,^ of al otbec beaftlv me.T??b*-fb toojfecs ^. jaauie faytb ate tntco?- tb^ to come to ligbt^o^to be c?:pjcav Dcciarcb to nie,i£pbe.5. iiilsitber ootb^Cbzift onclvUnoto atl tbe tbougbtcs of men to^tibtuectbevbcibutmo^eoucr gcue to cuer^man aftev C^j/L^i'^ i^t. /."^'.Tkejiliij.Scrmon €\}m se= %!4?otottttbmftc6. anDib tl)c iaU)ofl!e §>;0aui tcac^ctb, fap^ ucti) to cues iiig: 3ri)e!aft miigeinent of j5od fl)aU be opcneD, vuhici tott r? man af= ce\x)acDe encrp man accozDtiig to ifis DccDce, tijat is to (ay: Saikel pwVfc,^ouoiiMua immoitalitic, to tljcin tobici) contitiue m ^■^ *• \ije!l ooiug, anD)frcfec ctccnall life : IQiit \3nt0 ti)f m t^nt arc ecftellious atin Qtfobcv t\^c rrnetb, atiD folloto tniqintie, Qjall c6nt0 ittDigtwtioits ano toutb.tribu'ntion, an&angniQjc.ftC. 3',u tl)c fcconD to t^c mosn. jfoj tooiliefi be tijctoucB (rones of faptb anD ittfiDclitie: au& toojfecs, tol^ctl^er tbep be gooD oj cuill,be iuDgcD of i3oD auD tljc goMp men, accoiDing as t\)t^ 5i; ^14^ ^ p^JcecDc of raiflj oi of infiDelitie.^T'qcrfoic tob^tfoeiicc anv of V \St ' ^'^ ^^^^ ^"^^^ ^^^ ^^'"^ fljall be treape alfo. jfpoi i5oD is a moft '^ 'j.;. e roae(atton£;.Bnti of tbe moll large p^om^fes; of €f),nft maoe tinto f be €^urcl). 'Jj^Mtoybu Tfay^ and to tHet^fidue that be anD beatetb t^eir Difeafcs.^beriu appearetbtf^e •l4ttfpeatecablc mcrcp of i5ob,tobtth ceafcrij notto fpcabc \}n- to fticb as are ^n intauglcD ^3)yt\) bcrcfte,^ to bcale tbeir pc- fiiferaus Mt^tQj^n^ l^tdDmomajctl; aii mca^ tbxtibt^ ioobs vpon the Apocallpic. 45 Cka^.^ looftc fo;t no ncto tcuclatiotts,!3m fenoto c^ec t^at got) Ijotft tljjoug^ C^ita ant) ^is apoftlcB frt fojtij a mod perfect t)OD» trine, to^erunto bcttiii aODc nothing: ano tijcrfoic ^ctuoulD ^auctljcmtofecepcfaftm mcmojpfucb tljinges ciEt^ev^aD leanicD alreaDp, auD to^erein t^ep uicce alicaDie fctleD . fax j^ j.^ j^ . tlje Catapljiigians , caUeo alfo cejontaniftcs, biaggcD ofagjjoaani a ncttje comf02tci:,anD a nctoc reuelation:a3 ti,>oug^ ail things new reucia^ baD not bemc fttll^ fct foitfj bp t^e apoClce, but tijat tnanv tiott, fIjpngeBtDereleftasvcttobcceuealcD bptbem. ^s alfo at tbis bap tbe maintcpncrs of t^c jaopiCljc Cbwccb mod ftifclp: bocafftrme. i^nblpHeas tbe iDatapbztgians couereb tbev^ tnfles tnbec tbe pzctence of tbe bolv 0boG: $>o boe t^c }aa». pifteetpbetioirecloh^etbetavneconftitutione of men, and fcttbem fojtb^nber a faifc colour off bolp gboft. as tljougli tbe &o?bfpal(e of tbctr Decrees, tobcn^eiavDe : 3ltaurfet ntanp tbpnges to fav ^nto pou, tobtcb noto pe can not beare« ^euen^eles tbe fattbfull people of srbvattra,Uibicb ^^^ not tbeboctrme of3]e|abell, but catbcr betefteb tt, bot^obett pet fianbingasboubtfull,(apbe, tbattbebeniUtDasa cerrapne beepe gnl^, Sno bab a tboufanb craftes> anb coulb alfo tcif^ fo;mc bini mto an angell of Itgbt : anb tbat tbcp touerc biti fimple men, \x>bo being igno^tmt of tbcrcbisttmnberittlt craftes ann Cubttlties, bneto not tobat tbep mpgbt c^ieapfbU) lotQs, tobtlcO t^e fisUe |d;opbctes alfo mabe t^itr boaO of tbe i^olp gboQ, anb ^tne in miracles, anb \»tt^ great conftancie auoucb tbeir lioctrine to be true i yt Oiall finoe men at t^s bap tD^icI) toilt fap, 311 am a plapne fimple ntan , ^ bnoto not U7b£t^crpatt3n(l)oulDdeaueto, fmee tbe Doctours of botb partes afitrme tsitb great condanctc tbat tbep baue t^e triitb ont^eirfibe, anb t^erfo;eiaoillfomefap,ti}ep (ijall agree bet^ ter 0? eucr 3] tDill beleue anp of tbcm all.(tc. 2rbe Eo;d tberfo^e anfbiering to bot^,a)etoetl^ to^att^ep xoY^dt ti)ing OjoitlD boe; aro pou(faptb Ije) 31 fap t^at folloto tbe boctrine tn tbe atoet of3llejabcl,3ifapaIfototbcrefl:oftbc ar^patirenians , tbat "ti^of op^ foUotwnottbebocCrineof 3le?abel, anbpetncucrtljeles cont= SSSfhkA plapne in fucbbiffentions^anbtoonberfuU craftes of t^eoes fojio* Mill, rt?at tljep fee not \»bat is ^m^ : ITO pou all 31 fap, if pe t e (imple in becbe, as pou pretence, ifpetjailiooit^ all pour bare - --^ tmbj;ace tbe truetb; geeue pour (elues to tbe fimplicme apos ftolicall, cleaumg fad to (neb twinges as pou baue once learns tieboftbeapodles,ncptl)erloobmgfOK no) receming an)^ rma celigians,QiaDbttions,cd0itufious o^anpotbert^ns^ tno^eouer^ttat^atpou^ueieameb of t^c apodlcs. ;lPo| i$,t9» t()efc Chjf^^i*^ :■ The^imj-Sermcn ( .' tWt tljmgc0 tD^fel^ pott \)mc cccrauca are fuSicicttt to ftluj; tevncfaiuatiDti. ti . ano t^cfc t»o?iic6 of tijc Jloin umft be toa^cu tnoic sflu Ci)c iLojT) gcmlp, to tlje cnD toc mav pcrcciuc tl)c great fniitt t^at is m l5?Ctl) none rtyem y |Sa'/i5 19' o^uSs aMo ^ofo; ;tX)iv ex€TC: t^Ct 10, 31 tOV^t flicni53on *^^ ^P'^" V^" "^"^ °^^^^ U3etg!)t oj lJunljeit,bcfiDcs t l)i0 1 ^at Se church V0« *?**»«• 3rbc loiD afficmet^ tifst be tuil aUDenotbtng nicje * to tbe aoctrine migclicaU fct fo^b bp tbe i^poftlcg, as to tbat tobtcb is moil pccfcete. Certtgiftbe rxocttine of OBjoifcs toere fo pccfect,tl)at tbe %oi^ bpmfelfe oio pzobibite, tbat no man fljoulo aODc 0? taUc ama^ an? tbing fvom tbe Tame, but finely fljoult) Doe tbat tiJbicb ujascommaimoclr, as tuereaBC itttbe+.anD it.tbap. of S>c«t» j»botx)oulD tbtufectbnt tbcre (lr9alDU)antat{vtbiugt2UbeoottithcotCb^!^ tbefonne of f5oiii l^etberefo^tto\u afiftrmetb^ tbat be ^i*i W notbvns Dpon tbctn; mo^e tlym be l)!fX) lapD, anD tban tbe tcbtcb, tb^F Hiobeare at tbat tyme. tDbatbtira Slbuwben in tbe fcrmons of.tbe jSiopbcfcs istafeeu fo; tttttifi. toetcine of graneanDAjjcigbtie matter's, ^be iSlpofties alfo eaii tbe laujea^obeanD bnrtbett:2:becfoK tobft^c as tbe !ojo fa^tb tbat be tdill not lav ^Potx tbe ebnetb an^ i^tbr t: tnctbcns l^meanetbtbatbetxitllnot ecueaieiinv otbce uof trine, not etiftb^ebiit:ge tbemitDitbotbet rites 0^ ccrcmon^eg, tbafuc^ «0^ ba^^J^eineo ;« impofcD aireaa^.^iio ^^^b tbefs win^s " of Cbuff accord tbofe tbvnges tctp U)ell , tobtcbe are reao tti fbeiepiClcfent bv tbe Slpofilcs tbat toere afiemtkD in coQi; Rllait3l|eenfa!ciM.actc3.ic\j,;>poj b^ tbe ccmmon ccfent of tbe tonctccgation,am) after tbe m^nficijftbe bolv gboll , tbcv f^ay tbev torn impofc notb^ng mozeouer )}pon tbe ^bnrcbt tban fttcb tb^nges as tbep bao recemeaalreas^ of ^. ^aute, anD a fctu rbpnges tbat tbe? aDDcD bn a Dedaratton of tbe fame, laberupon ^ . laaulc OiVfi to tbe fi5alac . 31f an aungcii from bcaue p^acb i^nto youanv otbcr i5oCpeil,beU&£0 tbatU)btc^ ,, t6p?caccD,Ietbv»nbeacairfettj^ J ... .: v .r '. Itl^'^oea r, iJbbat tia\xUf\jr^.h dxf^^ov av «|c«? botiJlaft^tiatnel^ tbat jrinyX; tubifi^on baiicteceiiieu, rHfirctpngrt tij«tobcf pincfetoutof SSS^lSi ^0"c banb'cBt^oib faa 3 fav,^tt^ Wotb ^t navle,f ili 31! comei perpCTuau. ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^^^ j^jj iubgemait . Wi^oic be teftifieib eppxcfli?, tbattbis Koctriue n)albe pcrpcittaU ,attD Ijncbamu gf ablc,ana tbcrfozc to be liept moft Oifi^ of .aU men , ano not to ^ flnohl^c f tom,tboitg|iaU tbe vb Oslo ix^ out , ^ perCnaiK t^ecomrar^.i^e rcqf«ire&*tdtbVn(J ct^of fbem ( fn^tb Anecw J5ia?op of €i!ffar:ea)bttt ty^tityi^ Ujb«U):Uecpefafclp tbe goa^ vpon the Apocalipfcj i* 4^ ChafJ,^ earclp cfcticuj tijc cr^ffcs iJ^t^ t>c»tll , ^ uiftJcaiia^blc clonncoi: ;f oj ujljat foeiicc t^t^l>3(mg fojt^,tD^at focucu t^y fojigc mm.. faiuco? pamt voir!) t^ cb&tc rfcitcD colour of t^e jclv gtjcU, t»c mud tiawc altoapfee rccouitc to tljc fimplc Docmng of. C^zift fct {ojt^ b? tl)c i^poftlcB , toljcrcin alone ujc inuft reft, rejecting all t^v^S^s t^as ttjaU notaccoioc \mi\i t\^ fame, .; ^no f?)i6 Ijolefomeoocmncof Cljzift fo»fout»J>efl)ia'in«::'3ij^p.^.. Duiotts,aut> f«^)ucrt(Ht^aU' tonftmittotts mace finer t):it t^mt ttmmnZ of rl)c apoKleB . ST^goDl? mavalitt>ai?cs obiect tl^is fa^Jmof oi'mcru '- of Cbiifi to t^e ttaoitioncrs . 3] wiW la? none otbcc biirtljcnl ' j Ijpon^tt , bcfiDcstbat vou banc: Sirbat fame bote faftAjntfll \ tbc JaR iiiDgenicnt ; 2rbcvrti aooc any tb^ng \\\m ..artcsiifcf Cbiift fpaSc tbts in tbc tpmcof ^. 3lobn , in rljc pcarc of out 3lo?D.97.lS^bccfo;e4DbatCocn0r!atDeB^fraDirtonB,oiDfn:cctf bauc bene jitaocfincc tbat tpmc,\»c fenoto tbe^tsjcrcnof inti? pofcD Dp Cb?tft,tobicb laptb fo eppjeOclp tbat be toil lap none otbcr biirrbai on tbe favtbfull. i»b^cc tben rotnc tbe Decrees- and conduittions of tD0Ml)PPP?ng Sjmages in tbe Cburcb, foj-tbc ccnfecrationanbcclcbiatpng of j05a(ftB . ^iPbatajalt toe fapto^bt IDeccGtaJe oftlbc ©pSop of momc ^HTbev arc ail ouertbio\a)cn:anQ;ftricfeen ootoncas ittocrrtoitb atbou- lomjrjjj Dcr bott,bv tbi0 oncl^ ientcnce of Cb?iftt31 tmlt impofc none - ^ >if ft £*"' otber burtbe,tben tbat ^ott baue,l{»>ipe tbat Isntiil tbe iungc;? merit.l&eboti>,bc fa?tb,t)nto tbe iuogement iraft anp fbouto imagine in tbe meanc feafon^bac an otber tbvng bao pleafcd tbebolpgboR,actD0tbetfozcpcrffuereifitbtlamc . •\^>. l^cremito after bis toontcDrtutiier^amapetb. moll aiui^cftarge pie pjomifeB , t^at tl^ioHgl) bope of fo great T-tloar&cs beC't^^^'P^fs* migbtplMc^e tbem froinecc0ur0,ani) lo^nc tijcm to tbctnte Ifteligion,0nD Ipfie as in tbe former igpinies be batb fapb,be tbatouerconunttb:fo btre bcrcpetctb tbefamc,aDnionia)ing \}0 not to tieepic,bnt to toatcb,ano to figbt manfuUv ♦ ^n&bc. oucrcounnctb,tbatfecpctb tbe u)o?|ic^of Cb?ift^ntotbei!nai %i^ tooiUcs of Si\)M ^V a pjiiiic oppofition . are fct agapisftt tbe inucntions anb UjoiUcs of men ♦ .^b^ toojiUcB of iDbiift Cbc figiufic botb Doctrine anD faptb> ^ ^^^t (oeuer gooD toojHcB 'ix^iuis of iniiic tpon tbe fame namciptbcfcrmce o^ tDO^Ciiiippvng of ^^M' i5oD,anD tbe obfcriiatiS of leoDBtoojD.jJfojintbc, i8. cbap. of ^.i^atb.srbcE-ojo faitbtob'ts 'SDirciplcB^teacbpou tbcm to ^eepe tbo^tbmg^B tobir^ 1^ ba'^e commaunoco i7oa . i^e fpcafeet^ voit^a t)cbemencif5'o;l?td) 31 bane cSmsunDcD pon, ?^ai9« not Cfuf.i* -f The xiiij* Sermon ttot fml^ a0f oa fiiall \mt tnitrttceD afyout otptt b^apne. jfo| tI)t2rOM>ittlcogeti) ont of t^ )du^i>et m tt)c . pt) . of tt)c lame i^.fBQad} . fo^ng : 3ln t)avnc do t\)t^ too^Q)pp me , tcacijpng t^e DoctcmcB of men . ^\)tt(oit tWc tno^kes t^auc no pzo^ ttti(e:i3iUti)cVDo;i(e0ofC^ttS , U)l)tcl^i?e l^tmfclfci^atfoz^s Detttcn, $ tobiclje are Done of \)it Q^ictt, anD of tl)e tcne fapt^, tij^tleS toe fotfabe oue ectmrn anjo cleane to t^e tmt^ , tjaur ,^.,,.., -^aiKtp large piomife. -. /iriwiiirttt^ iauD ^cpjomtfct^ nuonotable tbpngee. ^be firft: Ipfee as Sof tbTr tnp fetljcr bBtb piomtfeD mc tictoj^^ano pcrtojmco it,tl^at 31 facaD cinta i)^t<^ oueccome all m? eucmtc0,ano trtuutpbeD oitcr t^cm. To anil ^is a0 tbep ace b^lten in peecee Itlte tjeflfels of ciav o; carti) tott^ tneinbarjS. out anp Dtfftcultte : fo tutU 31 geue Dnto pou alfo pouicr and t)tcro}ptigapn(ialltbe)}ngoDlp .ianD ti)at(amep;omt{rcac tbelail tljalbe full? accompliOjcD in tlje laQ iuDgcmcnt,tn tl^c lobf cb all tbe enemtee of goDlpnes Qjalbe caQ tinoer ti^c fecte of Cbttft:!2L& tt ts DeclarcD in t\)e idfalmes , efpectallp in tl^e. Q.anD» Cji^.idfalme ; iZl^D in cbis tuojlD alfo CW^ affirmec^, ^at \)\s feruaiites fljai fpirituallv reigne oner tbtir encmteo; 2LV&ea0CbMli^)aUbougtil)etDercto;mcnccD anoDpcD , vet ueuertbelcfiTc oncrcaine l)is enanpes . 3rl)e ^oiv and cccteiia^ 6icallfto;ipe0beatxisitnesoft^e(et^^tgc0fQSfiacntl^. . Cbemo^^ a^belattcn^l tvili gene^ptnt^e mo^pn^ftarre : i^itber txinsaarre. ^ttneanetbtbe toio\»leDgeof £b;iff mcrcaipng Daplv mo^ anD mo^e.anD fo cncn C^ftft bpin felf;,!^ Iv^e cafe astbe Da? at tl)e rpfmgof ti^c mo^nyng ^tarrc \xia]cctl) bngbtcr anD bitgbtcr : 3in tsbicbfctUc tbe apoftle^ . )dcter i£ reaoto ^aue )ireD tbis allcgozp in rbe»t).epi(lle ftrft cbaptcr : 0i rls ^ - ftirelp bee pjomtfetb a t erv bjigbt clcarcncffe . foi aDanicll .vi ; : -v*fitptb,iototbcfaptbfttllin tbc cefurrcction a^all a)pnc Ipfec cbefinnaincnt.3:be tDbtcb tbpngalfo tbe Hop Cb^tftalkD^ Sctb tbe.jiti . of 03]atb . ^no tbe apoOle alluDpng bereunto. ^pD^tbat one ftarre toas biigbter tben an otber:^o libetDtCe itttJ^e rrXurrectton one a)albe maDe bzigbtcr tben anotber. 2:bcfep;omifc6bcnioagceat, ncitbcrtanSl tbinfectbat anp gtxatepcan begeucn )}B*i5oD graunctjs grace , tbat toe nta? $(1:^ lemaneparcabcrs of £d great tbvnges. ?c 2.?;! ^inallp be applpetb ibis <£piftle to all Cburcbcs anD a* ^' ges of tbe udozId . s?btreof ftnce toe bane fpol(tn oftc;» ner tban once , rbcrc is no caufe tbat bp oft repeat tpng 31 djoiilD be teoious to anp man . Ko :..i^.,;o< tbcS.opouri!5oDbep^pfeanDglQ^p. vppon the Apocalipfe* 47 Chafj, ff ^e blutltttl) cert^tne tbtngefi m tbe tongregatfon of ^ar^ Dui : tiotlDttbttanDiing W dietuettj llretgl^tioai;e0 a re^ mtXiliWizt\ii t\izi mas be bealeo>anD befafe* The xl^. Sermon, Nd write to the mcfTcngcrorthccongrc- I gation of Sardis , this fayth hec that hatk thefpiritcsofGod,andthefeucnftarres, I knowcthy workes ; Thou hall a name that thoulyueft and thou art dead. Be a- wakc,and ftrength the thyngs which rcmaync, that arc ready to dye. For I haue not founde thy workes pcrfitc before before God.Renjember therforc how thou hail receiucd and heard , and hold faft and repent ♦ If thou fhaIcnotwatche,IwilI come on thee as atheefc,and thou (halt not knowe what houre I will come vpo thee. 3nn one congt^garton of ^arDts tocre ttao (o^tes of peo^ Ctt^o ple,pjofcinng on eirbcc ftbc tbc name of aw^ . But fomc in b?»«« of uebc aunftx)crcD hwt litlc to tbc bot? pjofeffion , I^uyna mo j< JJJJJ ? "*"* liccncioiiOp, tban became tbcm: ano tbc otbeca inboTpncffe ^'w^fv' of Ipfe fet foub tbe ooctrtne of ouc ^autom; tbat tbey ptofef:9 feo . arb? fictt ro;t tbe Ho^D 3nefuB accufctb in tbe fiftb epilHe bp ^ . 3nobn : ^no fl^ctoctb alfo a mcdtcme fo^ tbe Di(eafe» 0nD t\it later bee e^bo?tctb to pcrreneraunce , commcnD^ng tbeu:(bunone(re . ^berefoietbts x£pt(He is Deutoeb in ttoo parte0,\)ecp fit ano piofttable fo; onr tpme. 2rbe fitft part of tbe iSptffle cStemetb tbofe tbmgs tobtcb toebaueno\jDrfcttet): /^cvtbcr ootb be p^occeoe beretn in otber ozDcr, tba\JDC bauc feene btm to baue p?oceeDcD bttbcr^ to » ^oz ftcfl be (b^ti^etb to uibome it is Dedicated, ano fent: iiiamel? to tbe paftour of tbe congregation of bardie, ano ^arbt0. tberfo^e alio to y tobole cburcb. ^arois is (apo to bane beene tbebeaDcitieofUvDiao^ofiSQeouia, ano tbe motbercitie of tbat rich bpng Creffus tobicb tuas tsannniCbeu bp Cpjus as i^eroootus rcpoztctb.3riti0 a toonoer to tcllbott> it tuas Dec- beD ano rcnouimcD, auD tbcrfoje it tuas alfo gmcn all to cjc- ccflc. ;f oz ^trabo (toljo rcpozfctb manp otbcr tbingce of tbe feme cnic) faptb in bis ptij.boofec of fi5cogcapbP, tbat all t^e tDomcnferuaunts thereof voere barlots. Ccrtfs it (ecmctb Chpj, Thexv.Seiinon reccitteo t^e name of r^e Ho^u : ^no t^iencfoic m ^Mt bretie inoKS^uentofozuicatton,auDaUmaturoffUc^p litS. a^ije tul)icl)t!)tng t!)c EojD fcnnctlj to ^>aue blameu'mt^ein,as ^, IDMc liferVDVfc iniicpcD agavnft t^c fclftrfamc \3ice in p jDo?^ nntl)ian0. 2ri)e vdo?Id catt ^aifil? belecue tl?at fiuiple fojnts Aft-s cation is fume, ip^ccupou in t^at great counfcll of t^c d^o^ ^' filec, bot^ ti)t^ am tljc elocrs, ano t^c to^olc aCfemfaiv twtl) one luvttOc oecccco, t^at t^e gentiJcB QjoiiiD abBcine frS fo^ tucation* h:^c ocuili at tl^ts tiap goetb about many times to {»efiletbecbuecbagavne\xivtb fornication to fet Mp ftt^ts^ tbat tdbo^eDome mvg^t be pjactifeti bv autbozitie anb open:^ IV. ;fFfii fo being caft out,^e taUetij fcuentoojfe fpii;its,entec^ miring to pcCrclTe t^at place agavne,ottt of \i3bicb be Vipas tpU !eDbpt^cp?eacbingottbcj:3ofpcll. 5x?emnll tberfojercftftt ^^m, leaft tije HciD Slcfus ooe accufe ^s, as be bctb bete ac* Cb^tabfitbcwretbemof^acbismongreuottOp. 2lgapne,tbe JlojD3(!c^ atiD fcMDec!; fus is DeclareD to be autbour of tbe i^piGle, and not tii>itbORt flje fpiritc. pzayCe, SfOi be i6 fa?D to bane tbe (euen fpirites of i5ob , tbat 10, to baue ttc ifcucn fojmeo Cpirite, vjjbom be al(o potujetl? out tpon tbe fa^tbfult, oz els be is one octei? fpirite, ^nb not feuen: hut bts graces o^ beauenlp giftes be (euen , tbat is to rap,ofmanpfo;teso;manpfi)Ibe, as 3| oedareb in tbe f^itt cbapter. 2:be Came Cbzift l)^^ alfo in bts rpgbt banb feuett 0arres, to toitte, tbe ujbole multituoe of all p^eacbers ^mtJ nidcrs, ^eeppng anb tnftntcttng tbem« i^nb tbts beginning ngrectbitotamifTetDptbtbvs atgument, tobtcbbe tceatetb f n tbis igptOle. foi of tbe fpirite of iDb^tft couimetb Ipfe:anik cftbeiujantofbisfpiritecommetb oeatb. Cbzift pjeferuetb tbe muu(ler6,bot» angrpfocuermen are in tbe cburcbtuit^ tbem^fo; accufingtbeirtsicMebncs. )d;iuelp tberfoze be toar^ nttb tbem, to craue tbe fpirite, to nourifl)e tbe fpirituat lyfie: 0nD to tctta in HWfi^ Vvbo topli D^fcnbe tl^e mmifters, and abuauncc tbem. J^crcupon be rcpeatetb tbe fametbtng bece tabicb be bat^ auoucbcD in a! I tbe otber^epiftles; 31 bnoto tl)i^ teoo^bes, aa?bfrof 31 baue fpofeen befoje. STbeioibc, tobo is alfo tbe fearcbcr of mens baas,is iguozaimt of notbmg tbat ic Done C!)cficKc^ in tbe cburcb. ^nn cfpeciallv be blametb tbis in tbis Cburcb, nc0 oft\)is tbat ajee tbougbt i)tv lelfcalvue, toberas U)ce ujas bcab. I&e €\iux(\}. fpcafeetb not of tbe coxpo?aU beatb, but of tbe fpiiituall Ipfc auDbeatb.;)Fo?Cbztftlpuetbbp bis Cpiritc m bvs ^atntes aub fapt^uil, anb flpeipoctb Ipuelp tso^bes bv t^em: Hibe as vppQntheApocalipre. 48 Chpj. tl^e %t%\> teacljctlj mtI)e\3i.of 3noI)n, anu in mattp ot^cr pla^ fe»ofr^ciSqfpcllof^.31obn. irijeiapoftIefavDalfo,t^)at^c Gah.t. ipmfelfe ImcD not,but C^itft ImcD m \y^m : S:^c fame apo= 'I'lmo. j . (tie fapD)C^at \33pDotDC6 ipumg in \33antounc6, iic DcaD cuen ,tDi)ilc t^epliuc. :2r^ev be bead tbecfoje tobicb bauenot Cb^ift ituingintbembpfaptbanbrpimc, wx^ U)bicbbaue not tbe ;te««cofCI)?ifttoojfemginrbem,tbatis,tDbicb bjv«5 not iojtblpudpt»ojfee0. ;jfoj j^eJLovo is rcabtoljauefavDalfo M-,rh » in tbe iBofpeU; puffer tbcDcab to burp tljeDeaD. arbc^at:^ ^'^^"•'• Dcnfians tberfoje bab tbc name of mcnliuing, tbat is to fay, tbep tocte calico Cb^ifttans, fpicituaU,rcgcnerat£D ano boip tDO?Q)ipperBof{5ob:buttbep\}}et:e btao, to tottte, bvpo* ::crite6,in toboin no (ptritualncs no^ H^ii^zw life appcai'cb» :^beicaje, tbc\»02tDanbcozmption, aapetUurbm tbcm. J&ntfucbcbnccbcBDifpleafcCbjiift: H^bcwbcmanp fucb at ibis bap. 23utbotbiPbuftt:eicct cbem^ ^eiejv be blamett; fncb:butnotto confound tbcm, (fo^ Co tbe tDO^Id biantet^) Jbut to bbat tbcp % metitdne ^fl)ouIb bce in tbis cafe: tl)e^ tdletb be alCo tbe toboie congi e^ pcparcu S^ion tbeir biitie. »?bcrcbp toe learne, boto like Difeafes of IJJJ5''* ^*' CburcbcBare to bebolpen.^uD it belottget^ to tbeidaftoure ^' .tbat be commaunbeb tbcm to watc^, nameIp,ouer t^e fiocbc: Clnb to confirme tl^at toijbicb retnapned of tbe fiocl^e, not pec in becbelo0,butattbepointtobe !o(l if t^eptDcrenotbolpf ,tn tpmc U)ptbfoiinb ano bolfome Doctrine. S>oubtle0 be ali» 4uDe^ to t^at Q}cpbcrMp cureanb cbavge \xibicbtbe lo;D p^e;; .Icribetb in tbe ji;;]rtiij.cbap. of 2^|ecbicK 2:be fiocj^e is confpr;: nteb bp tbe \r o?D of i5oD: anb bp tbe fame it is ptuckeo bacUe from bcatbanb p^efiprueb in ipfe,$c« i])to\xi alfo beabbctb tl;ije reafon tn^p i^e commaunbet^ to (^\^z jcpniirme t^e floctie:uameIp,lealtt^cpfl)outb Qpbe into beatb* ^qiur of ,^0^30 b^ue not founbt|ipU}0^keBfmio^ perfect before 000. tbat cburcb ,^bc iSrceJiC cppie of Complijtc anb aretaB baue, mp i5oD. notft^bc=j -jdp too^fecB be \)nbcrliabetJ) all tbingB tljat are bone,toojbB "?^ ^^^ top^^es, anb tbe uaboleconuerfation of men. %\^t too^l%cs jDpubtleBcuenoftlje^ainteBbecuermozetnpcrfect, if \»e bauc rcfpcct to bumanc imbecillitte. ;jf 0; alti^apeB fo long as toe iiue bere, tbc flcCl) figbtet^ againft tbe fpiritc: 3ln fo mucb ti^m Slab (ap{i^ bo)» be frareb^l bis tso^es ; ano rbe^efoi^ 4eb to t^eclctnencicof t^etMbs^* ^otu>it^aanbing tl^cp be Chafj, *rhcxv. Scrwion perfect ant) full in eetpcct of c^ita. Sroi ift ts onr fufncs, mh in Ijvtn toe ate complete, 3lo^.i.ieplje.i.coloOr.t^c n, anl> te mafect^ Ub pcrta^.ers of ^isfulncsbv fait^.2:i?cp of ^ac^ DistDereDcdttuteofttue fa^tl?: Vui)erefo2e euctp tDOzbe of theirs muft nceties tie imperfect befoK f^on, toi^t ailotoet^ nothing but tbat tobtcb is bis otone fonnes, ano Co cdfcquft^ IVismoapnre.SJbecfojetbeiLo^D comtnaunbetb to tcac^ faitb Diligentl^.anb to beate it iu,tbat tbev inav be mabe pcr^ feet in €W^^ ^Tbts is t^e beft medicine fot t^e beabl^ Difeal^ ofCb^iftesCburcb* /arhp tttie ^^^^ follotoetb t^e bntic of t^e people, Ijoto tijep inap be oooftoubc ^^^^^ ' ^^ ^^^ Slpodolicall repentannce. «>bercof tbe cbv^fc rcpcntauce. pointesis,to remember tbe Hoiitiestoozbs, in wbat toe baue l)earb anb receiueo t\it fame. v>t are not commaunbeb to be^ uife t^eto foimes of religion anb repentaunce:but toe are (ent to tbe-olDc trabition tobicb toe baue in tbe to^itmgs of tl)e H^s nangeliftcs anb apoftles.arbefe,31 fap,toe ongbt to remems ber. fQ% tbi^ougb cuOotne of finning.toe forget i5oDs too^D* <^nb truelp tl)e beginning of Ideters repetannce toas,to bane tememb;ebtbetoo;besoftl)e2Lo;b. a:berefo;efucba6 tovU not be rep^oueb anb inftructeb b)p 0obs too?be , a)aU ncucc come to tbe true repentannce. ;ffiirtliiecmD?e it is neeeffarv, t^at toe 6eepe anb retepne tbe too|bes of i^ob,tbac is, f true boctrineof Cb^ift, lead toe forget it itraigbt toa^es , o^tb^ toe fet XX ixx tapne contemplation,anb not in ctfectttal tooilte* 2;be bpctnne of C^^id muft be topt, ^ perto^mcb in too^be. ^oMntbeiaft place it foUotoetb: anb repent, ^me repent taunce conftftet(i in too^be, bp turning atoav from euill bot|) in bobp anb minbe,anb bv turning tjnto i^ob in boing gooD anb in being foiv fo^ onr cuill faaes. <^nb t^is is tl^c true ^s poftolicall repentaunce. i&'p t\\mu ^^^0 (^^ \xiW^ rejpentaunce noto , after t^e binine p^o« ntnses i)e Poetical anb apoftolical manner, l^e b^toetb tbcm bp t^^eat^ ciebo^tctbte ninges. xx'^icb are in beebe to be rcfcrrcb aCtoellto rbemini^ ffpentaQee fiersvastot^e people, in t^e congregation. i^gaineplLo^ii tfetf) r^e parables, tobicb toe ttabe tbat be ^febin ^.jESQatl)^ 2 4 « ^b^ee tott^ t^e fame l^e eiebo;tctb to toatc^ing anb fo^ bjietie.:a)I)icbplace(tnceitis tbere eppounbebat large , 3n tteebe not to bfe manp too^bes about it bere* Xq t^e iCo^b be tnapfe anb t^anbes geuing fo^ euermo^e* fl)p0 aUotuefb anb eotmnenbstl) fliofe f^at conet to line • * goblp in tbe Cbnrcb of J&arbus ert)o;f ing tijem f o bolbe onanbp;oc»be, Tht vponthcApocaHpfe. 49 Chaf.^, c,'^.. The xly. Sermon, l^VtthoiihaftarewenamesinSardiSjwhich hauenot ; defiled their garmcntes: And they (hall walke wyth me ia white, for they are worthy. He that oucrcometh fliall Co bee clothed in white araye , and I will not put hys name out of the booke of lyfe: And I will con- fcfTc his name before my Father,and before his angels. He that hath eares, let him hcarc what the fpirite fay th to the congregations, 3:^eftconDpaitoftl)is^ean«tIpiJpttlIeis coitwncD m ci^cargu:^ t^efcpOimcs,mt^etDtiic!?i9P2aifcDanDconntiniDcDt^cin* raet ef ttj:« ttocencic, l^olvueB ana mttgrtnc of t^e fa^ti)fitll tn t^e cogtc- p^rt, gattonof^arDt0,mtraereIision.i^ee][^o^tcct) t\)tm tjnto pcrCcttcrannce bp a berp large p^omtfe. Hafiip ^s piopoun^ hu^ agapne tmto tlnem tnoft atnple teusatDee, to t^c coztupt ro^t,tf in caCe tl^cp amcnoe: anD to t\)t fa^^fuU, if ti^cp ccntt^ t««rastl)epbe» 2r^c coplKtenfian booto barb tf)tiB^a>^.Qi oKiyA lx«$ cvoV^ ra jv 7if$i(jir. T5mt^on baft a fe\3)e names m ^acDts. xoWo is ^ tnucb as tf be bad iapbe , tbep be not al! corrupt anD deao tottb tbce, attbougb in neebe tbofe be tietv ^^^* ^^^ ^0 ^^^=' betb aeetas, anD tl)t common tranflatton in Hatin . £)tbec copies banc (\j)btcb Erafmus foHo\»ctb) tbott baft a fctoc tiames alfo cucn at ^arDis : t\)!it is to (ap, tbon ban fome names cue in ^acDi5,botobcit but a fcto. 2lnD be put names r>Mtus fo? notable men. a>btcb manner of rpcabing is trfc alfo in ^^^^''^^' cur language, fox tsefap.tbereisnomanof name, fo^no eicccUcnt oj noble pcrfonage. arbcrc is no ejccdlcnt j fingu= larr^mg . 3:^crefo:e b?s meaning is, tbattbere bcintbe fame Cbnrcb noble pcrfouagcs,^ca,noblc cucn in founDnr s of fapib anD in bolpncs of lpfc:but tccp fcto,if tbep flioulD be Jfcoo gooD» ixfccrcD 02 comparcD to tbe number of t\)t bvpocrites oi of tbcDcaD,tDl)icbinDeDeareagreatDealemo. JBteitber ougbt toe berc atromaruelI.;f Ojtbe 3Lo?D faptbalfo in tbe ^ofpcl, tbat man? be callcD anD frto cbofenranD tbat tbe greater part DftbistoojlDtoalfectb intbatbioaDcanDtoiDe v»av ofprrDi^ tian, ^. }3crcrrcpctfD in tbe i.cbaptcr of bis later xgpiftle.^o as ^t^ are ratber to be bit^ fcD at,tban confuteD,tDbidje(eelie to DcfcnDc tbeir errour, bp muUituDe.'Pou QjiUl bearc terp oft at tbis Dap, pou arc but a Chaf.s> ■\ 'The xvj. Sermon itSat vx num!)et:,toc are tnnt)merat)le, ant) t^crfo^e our tnat> tec is tftc better. T5nt t^at fame eiccellent tbpng is c^iefl? to bee obfenteB, hVft ?M ^ t^at alr^ougl) tl)e gooi) Ujsve but fevoe , vet nencrtbeleiTe t^ Khurch 2.0JD coiuuienDctl; ana cptollctb tl;ofe fciou , boubtkCTe foj t?ic ofteart)i9, ejcampte anu imitation ofallotfjerC^urc^es^^betoojDes in Oe&e are fl^ou,but x\)t pza^fe moft ample ano large, ttame^ I^: SET^at tbev ^atj notucfiieD tljeir garmentcs : tobic^c teas mucbasifbeebao favo,^oubaue not poilweo^onc fottlco toitbftraunge opinions o; fpotte6ofberefie.;JFo? fou baw remavneo finccre in tbe true favtJ):vonc boo^cs airo,an0 1^ tobole connerfationof vonrIpfe,voubane notocfileo \iiii\^ filtbv ImOcs , toiti) flcft)el^ picafiircs ano \)ol«ptttoufneire» jDonbtles tbis ie tbe greatcfl i^avre auo moQ certatne ftgfie ofpcrfit goDlvnes:\jOberetoitb Ji tDOttlD toifljetbat mo of t)s toerc marUeo . I3uttbe maner of fpeacb l^ere requiretbalfa 'Sbc aRc- ft" e^pofition.:^bc allegozv of garmcntes is often ano nmcb goMc of aps tjfeo in bolv ^criptme.S^be ^le of apparel inuenteo bp i5ott pareiiin ti;c ^ym fe!fe,anD fl)ctoeD to our fojefatbers, bati^ tbis cbief p^i* ^cnpture. pcrtic,to ^toe tbe p?iuic partes of our boDp , to bcautifie ami fet foub tbe bobv,anD ftepe of beate ano colo .. ano tberefo?c Cb^iii i)Vtn rel& is calleo tbe garment of Cb^iftias.ano in tbe iSofpellin Deoe tbe toeoopng garment.:tPberttpon tbe ^oa (lie aouifet^ t)S to put on tbe ne\OD man , tobicl) is maae aftec l5oD,cuen aw^ bimfelfe.i^oma. 13 ♦ «5pbel.4. CoIolT. 3 . ;Jf o> aW^ coneretb not onelp our p^tuie partcs,but all tbe ftUb?« ncs alfo of tbe foule^vea ano be abo;net^ ano beamifirtb ))S, ano D^iuetb from \3s all iniurtc , ano all cuill . ^no toe oefile tbis garment , tuben neitberinfavtbnozin bolv^efTeofl^fe toje 00 aunfujcrc to our pj^ofeCTion. Jo? £ bjiR is our garmet: ano Cbiiflianitic , finccre faptb > ano bolpnes oflvfe, are ouc apparelUi^no fo confcqucntlp faptb ano our couuc^ratton is our garment»ifo?afmucbtbcrfoje as tbe ^are^nfians toere of a fincerc faptlj , ano \)ncoinipt mancrs : tbcp arc fapo to bane Uept tbeir ganuetcseleane ano \jnOcfi!co.;^ui*tbermo2e Co 5»aiKe tbe EojO geuf tb a reU)aro ^nto ijcrtuc, ano tX^ty^ foall vnalfee SDitbCi);tft toiti) me,fa^rb be,iu tubitc ara^.a^befc cjcccllcnt rbyngcs tzc ins»i)itc relv ootb bee rebcarfe to rctepne tbe gooiv ^arocniians in ara?t, j^^ jj. jjiitje,to nourift) tbem to greater tbvngcs , ano ro mouc otber alfo to fmccritie ano integritie . 2:be ^auites twalfee tdit^ ^t^iiat ixx \jobite arap , t^t ts to fap^bauc fruition of t\^t famegloip,U3berintDebclcuc£^?iato fljpne . :5fo?beoe(ts mf) ^id fat^cr,t^at ^e will grauht to tt^e favt^ful^t^at tdbere fOCs vpdnthcApocdlipfc. 5:0 Chap. 3, foetfMf ^e ts , i^^ map be tottb Ijpiu , ana fee ftis glo^p. ^c. in tfte i-TvCf 3lobn , atiD^. i35at^eU3.fa?>t^tljatatfiif|)tpmca» ClJ?ift tdas clearer ax tranCfoimcii [ijpo tl)c moimt, ] $10 face appeared as biigljt as t^c ^unne^ auu l)is ca^mmtaitD t^c reft of f)is boDv ft one ^\)Xit iifee p Itg^t. ^0 appcarcij C^iifl tmto Bloljn \\\ tl)c fiuft cijap.of tijis booUc,clot&ct) in \xi\m &s ra? . BotD t!)cifozc fa\>t!) i^e , t\)t gouiv tf)at fjaue not Dcfilf D t^eic gacmcnt,a)al accompany me ^ be ciotljeu toit^ lig^t ^s toci as 31 m\> fclfc.l^c aUDet^ an otbcc t^mg^foi t^ep be too^ S* S*'^^ tlip.srbis is tlje gceateft piavfe^tu^e t^e capmine faptb^t^at Xv tbefouiDioiicistuiSjt^oflionoKrani) gloip . ST^egecatcfi^ ^^' ftjame oi cepzor^c is , tobcu it is fapD tou^ ^s, tbou art tott:^ too^jbP.3:be firft fepnu of fpcacb (Ijetoct^ bpui to be mod cjc^ cellent in all fepnDc of )amm , toljicb ie fapD to be ttioztljp of eternal ligbt, anu bp tl^e later is (ignififD,t^at be tobicb is ac- comptctj \)ntD0UbP cf a goou anu cjcccllent tbvng,is marue=; lows negligei ana langracious.lSnt bere toe neue not to rea- fon of tbettremte ano oeferte of looo^tbpnes . i3od p;onoun=: cetb W to be mo^\)^ of glo^V , ano tbe godip referee all tbe goofiinefle tbat is in tbem Dnto grace , ano dill complaine of tbeic otonc ^utuojtbpnes.^ot to rep^oueiSoo of lping,bttt to p;apfe $ cotmnenoe tbe ejccellent goounes tbat is in bpiru acUnotioleogvnginoeeoetbat beeremaroctbgooo Uio^bes, anD Dignifietb tbeujojtbpnesxjf^aintes.tobo nottoitbftan^s lipng are notbpng pjouoe bereof , butacbnotuleDge all tbis to comeofgrace.^bisappearetb in tbe ooctrine of tbei^of^ pcll,!Lnfee.i7. iSgatb.^j. toberctbe §)ainte5 bepng comment DtD of i3oD , fo} tbe Ujo^^es of mercp, feeme to acHnotoleogc notbpngtberof. ?^otobeit bebedaretbmojcat large tbe tnoU ample pjo- crtptute6,tx)^obcfcttt$ensoftt)ebi^n8totneofiSol»; ^o; t^at x\»vc namts be vo^tttctt in tbe boobc of Ipfc no itiatt ttcQc Dcubt.^nZ) ^.3^,ol)n favtb:fo inanv as banc bcIeneD, be batb gcncntbcm pouicr^to be maoe tbc cl)tlD^ctt of i5oD . ^. idaulc fa)?tb:l^e tbat batb not tbc nitrite of Cb?ta,bc te none of bts.iand tbe fptritc ct:petb tn tbc mvndes of tbe goDl^, 9!i\^* ba fatbcc . irbc fame 0poaic Captb : i5oo batb pjeocainatcn ljs,tbatbe mtgbtauopt \)Bfo?bis cbilMcn,tb?ougb31cfiiB Cb^ll-iS9oieoucr:be batb ebofen )}S in Cb?i(},befo;e tbc foO^ nations of tbe \joo^lt) tptre iapbe . i:berfo;e alt bdeuere are to^ttten in tbat bcauenlpl^egtfJcr . }Pbo foctter tben belcue not,o? pccfcuecc net in tbc faytb, citbcu tbev are not tojitten in tbc boo^e of lvfc,o^ els tbep be pnt out agai^ne off boobe of Ipfc. ;^inaUp tbe fonnc acKnotoieDgrtbtbcbeleuersanD fncb as perfcner in tbe true faptb n before bis bcauenip fatber> ano bis laungcls.^no bcrc be repctetb tbe lEuansdtcal Doc^ trine out of tbc io*cbap.of^.(3Qatb*anD8.of^.^arl(c.!2lnD ooubtles it is a great matter in tbat tniucrfallluiigement^to be ^notoen of tbc (onnc of i5oD,tbc bpgb iuDsc,anD to be fa^ Xirnn anofrcnolpfpolum toof bpm , anbtbatto our great P^V^c • Slfanp la^incctvonlD in a great aflfcmble of people ltno\3) tbcc,vcs imb;afc ano commcnbc tbec,boVD b^PPV ^no fortunate toouloeft tbou tbinbc tbp (ctfc i But tben Ojall im^ b;afetbcctbet}erp Conncof i5oii , l^pngof J^pnges , ann iLo;D of Ho^oes.lLet t)S tbinltc of tbefe tbpngcs in tvmc,anii amende our maners, fox tbat all tbefe tb)?nges appcrteine to bs , tbat laG anO tDontcD acclamation of ^ . Sjobn p^ouetb : let bpm tbat bat^ eares^beare. $c. xt>berof toe t^auc fpoben els \x)bcre « 7o ^t llo^D be p^pfe ano glo^p* C^^be iLo^b commcnDctb tbe berfuexc, anb cbteflp tbe con« Itancie of tbe congregation of ]^bt( ThexUDtuSermon, A Nd write vnto the Aungcll of the congregation of Philadelphia : this faythhee that is holy and true, which hath the keye of Dauid, which openeth and no man fhutteth : And lliutteth and no man openeth.I know thy workes.Bc hold I haue fct before thee an ope doore y and no man caa (hut it ; for thou had a little flrength; vpon the Apocalipfe. 51 c%.^. flrcBgth : And haft kept my word, and haft not denyed my name .Behold I Hial gcue thee fome of the cogrega- tion ofSatha, which call the fclues lewes, and are nor, but do lye ; Behold ,1 will make them , come and v/or- ftiyp before thy fcctc, ' aitt all ot^cc congregations t^e JLoiaat t^c If a(5fount!C C!;cct)nrci) fomc faultc: in t^e onetv ctjncc^ of la'atiaaclpgia, ^e blaintf^ ^^ ^^^ JjJa* tiott)ing, sdiot t^at anv man is fonnt-c m t^is ficfl) fo perfect, "' J^ » ^^^ tl)nt l)c m^ not nccne of t!)c grace of 0oD . fai SDajtio cry^ £fflrJ Td ttl) out: ignternotlLojDjtnto tuigcment vnir!) tljvrecuamu, ^{g""^^*^*^^ fo;nomanlmtngCl)aUbcmSifteOnubpfi5t»t. Bur^.^jo^n i.iohn. i. anD ^.jaaulc alfo mabc all n\t fubiect to fiunc : vuljtcii tliiug Roma.3 . nlfo jg>, Mullen Difconrfet^ leanieDlp agapnfl t^c jaeiagians. ^^erfo?e t^at be blamctlj notbnig m ttjis congregation, it is not to be bnDerdan, as toougl) it vuere not ocfileD Ujit^ Dai>^ !y fanltec: but tberfo?e be nnputctb notbmg, foj faccaufe tie fmcermcanDuuegtmeoffaptbcoueretb ^ btuetb ujbat^iicc fo ewer tbere bc.;Jroz tbere 10 no conof nation to tbem t^at aic graflfeDm£b?ift3lefu.^nD albeit tbat ot\)a cbnrcbes baue alfotberigbtfaitb,VCttbise]ccciletberpfC!alIy.$c. 3|t mi(^\)t be rcfcrreu cbteflv to tbc 15ptt)Dp of tbe fainc Cbntcb. 3ln tbiB flirt cpiOlc be ccmmcnrjetb tbc fincerc fa?tb,$ con* itancie of favtb,ani) abinonifbetb to perfcuer , pzopounDvng ample netoariis. anb it batb funDjp goob lefTonSjtobicb Qjal appeare in tbe treatifc tbereof, :ainb tbe Hoib bercm foUotoetb tbe fajne ozber , tobt'cb tec fee be batb follotoeD in tbe otbere. ^01 one felf fame Doctrine. fernetb foi all Cbntcbes in all tunes. ;Jf irft tbcrc foje l)txc i& fl)etocii,\)hto tobom t\)t epiftle is to^itteojbeDicateD: naiue^ IVtotbcpaftonr anb \a3b0lc congregation ofjabilabelpbia. iabilaoelpbiataas a citie of jL?Dia,neitber tjerp famous , no? 42>biiaDd= vet obfcure.ix?c rcab boto it batb bene oft fliaUen toitb eartb- ^^^' Quafecs, anb repavjcD aga^nc. i>trabo mabetb mcntio tber- ofin bis ii.boofesof«5eograpbp,anb{o bane otbcr autbojs alio, "yet it mabe it fclfc famous bv Vjertues. aftct\yarDe tbe %oit Cbr.ft is figntfeD to be awtbour of tbis tpiUle, tubo as otbeetpmcsaKo batl^ tolDe^.giobntobatbe ft)oulb toiite. anb to CbJtii are attribmcb tb?ee tbingcB,oj ratbcr t^iift attribmetb tb:ee tbinges to b^mfdfe: namely, tbat be is bo- Ip^ true, aw» batb tbe feev of SDanib: tobicb tbing be batb bo^ rottieb out of tbe Slmage of tbe fitft cbapt, CbiiS ts bclv, be- Cf)?(ft Wf caufe^eispuce aub cleanc from all ftlt^v«es, anb from all %u t)nt;is^= C^jap.s* Thcxvij.Scrmon t)iirfg^(fOttrneB,tct^ i5oD, a confmning ficr,Dofngito mmt anp tD;ong,no; baumg anp tl?mg at all tljat map be blameD. Cl)?i1 tlie foi to !)iin t^c §>ci-ap5uis fatD ri5!)tlv,^olp,^iol^,I)olp,LoiO gitntc of iSoDof^nbaotlj: efav.7. CljiiftiBalfotticfeolvonc of t^c »dime5. ^attttcs,3l nicanc tijc tobicl) fanctifictlj all tW be far.cttfteD. atiD bcloucti) ijolines in ^is faints. Cl)?tft t^erfoie is itioft tmclp caMcD tbe ^olpncs of all tljcbclrcucrs. antic^iiB tl?c laope bati? tafeeu \}pon bpm tbis title: ujbicb agrect^ hs fitip to tbat ftltbv beaa, as if vou Cl^ottlde calla p^iuie o^liabcB a licofiec. §>pit ^pott tbatfoule anD ftltbv beaS^tobicb fuffctetb b^mfelfc to be callcb tbe «ioR bolp fatbcnanb \»o;ft)ii) Chm tbcbolpofallbolies, \jnleac ?ou baD ratljcc \jnt)eraatiDbp tbat bolinec, not euec^ bol?ncs,b«f i3oj3cbolpnfs,tbat is to Cl^ift i0 toitte^ftmfeing $ (dimming fiil of ail abbommations. Cb^itt ftw« is IpHctDire calfeb ttat^ becaufe l)c is etecnall anD favtbftiH, eucrmoie conftamanb incorrupt. 5^e ca nc^tbcr Deceaue, no? bctieceaned»23ntbemoQcbnaantl^ ^eepetbbis p^ompfes. Sill bts tao^oes be ^nboitbtezi auD true, ^nbalbeic tbat fled), tobicb can abvde no belap, begin tnan^tpines to boubt, ^ct tito onepointe ojttot of tbemfalletb atoa^. 2: be tructb of tbc |Lo;:D inburetb foi ci\tt, 2rbou flanbcQ ^on a moQ Qtre fiolU fiatton, if tboulcanetinto Cb?tf]t,U)bo in tbie 1 4* of ^lobnaU _. . -focallctbbimfclfctbetraetb. ^aa^^ JLamvbeabDetb,tDbicbbatbtbcfecvcof£>amti. 3R fpaftc '*' " of tbebcpcintbefirlicbapter. S^calliibctbtotbcii. cbapt. of jE^lap. xo^cv\)^ is (tgnifieo t})t biutne anb ahmgbtie potoer of CbMl^)bvtbe\»btcbbeb;mgetbt)s pncifieb into thc^n^^ borne of beaucn; tubtcb tpoibe t9ctelv,nepcbec oeutls, noia^ nv po\3)ec canlet, W\)t fame caftetb botune tbe tincleatte into b«ll, neitber is tbece anp tbat can bifapoint o: Defer tbe fame, fee faitb tbecfoic aptl^ anD eq)zc(relp, be batb not baD,o? fljal baue,bnt be batb noto. foi be alone batb tl^iQ potoer, tobicb ie commnmcatetb toytb no man eis. 2rbe|dope of i^ome lU ctb, tobicb fa^tb tbat be bv^n f^lf^ W^ ^is poxoct . 2:be one^ f?J?' ^P ^^""^ of i5ob eiccclletb in tbis pxcrogatme. S^bapoftles as iToSS^ miniOers anb pzeacbecs , bane reccpueb tbe fecpes of fenoto^ ^pvuMv. j^^g^ ^^^ of Vjrtcraunce , of learning , inftmction anb tntro^ buction,bi^tbetobKbealfointb.icatenvnc( tbepejrcluDe tnfi^s belsontoftbeh\'ngbomeof0ob,anbbinnbe tbem in tbeyi ftnnes: anb almigbtv <3ob tobtcb batb tbe bigb potoet* ratitia etb tbe tnogeinent of tbe mintaer, tobtcb b^ p^ononnceo not of bvmrdfe, but of CbMftts tooibes. But tbefe tbings agree rpg^ru^dl^ttt) t^oret()fttfoUotoofti)r openeb boie, toobicb m vpontheApocalipfe. 52 chsf,), tto man ran tljuf,attD fo to t^e tohole matter. f^x tioto t^c EojD piocccDct^ to tell, tol^t be tncitt j an& as l)c ^atb fa^nc m all cpi(llcfl,^c ccpcatetb m tljis alto, tljat ^c l^otoetl) all t^mges of t^tsanD of all otljer consregartons. anu be commcndet^ fo t^e pccfcneraunce in fapt^ tn t^ys '^ijoubfil congcegatron, as ^e rtgtttftetl) tott^ all^t^at tl^c fame airo iitD no povccr^ pjoceeDe of t^e grace of Cb;till. arljou bad (faptl) ^c) litlc po:^ t»er, ann ae ft were tto fo;ceanD (lreiigtI),wi}K6 r^ts tisozizie regardetb,aBpotocr,ric^es,tDoilaiv to!fBomc,t«cfev rucccfic, plcntie of frenocB, atio fuel) otljcr lifec twines. 2^bcrfo?c tljoa canft attribute notljtng to tijp felfc, tiotijing to ttiinc otont fteengt^.notfo muc^aet^fstl^atti^oii arra c^urc^.attD tbac t!)e\3ent!eoft^cgofpelli6freelvp;eac^)cotDitb tljce.jpoj 3] -rjiaticfrt fct open tl)is Doje. ano bp mp Orengt!) 3] fcccpc open }> fame, bcf o?c tijw t^t no ma ca Q)ut d^e f^me oo?e:tbat is to uo meanes an open p^obtb(t,l)inDee,o)ta&eatoa?tbe p^eacbtng auD grace onre ioo?c. grannteo* sro op^ntl^eDo:e,ts a rommo pb^afe of fpeabfng, 1)feb b)?tbapo0le,in tb: ^ to tbe C01.15. ano t\^t 1. £o;mtb* ti^e 2. ^e openctb tbe Doie,\jDbicb geeuetb an occaffon, ^ p^e« paretb f toap to cntec m. 13v F ^o?D tbcrfo?e toas opcneb f uoie of life.2rbe faitbful migjt enter tn:tbc fnfibels coulo not flop tt)t8tDap.;^o;tbebdttDofCb^tabelD tbe bo^e ope.^iD jH^otnScan tbefctbfngcBfnieebeboeberiare^tDbcrofitistbatin cities, ^"tf ^ojc totones anb loillages not greatlp fumiQ^eb \xi\x\^ anp fojce o} power, tbe couele of tbe gofpel pzoceeoet^ too^tl) fo lucbf fuca cefTe: i^nu tobereae manp goe about bp laving waite Voit^ craftes,pollicies,tb;eateninges anb perfecutions to (l)ttt tbe bo^e,anb cannot: tbefe t!)vnges are not bone tbzougb otn; cunning anb tovCbome,b«t tbjongb tbe grace of f3ob» f^otobeitif anp man lift to tnocrnanDtbofetbinges, and fucbasfoUoWbereaftcrtobefpoben peculiarlv concerning i^t )daftour 0^ ISpdlop of tl^c cbnrcb,31 Will not be againft it. ^o)in as mucb as be was bumble, anb tnfumiO^b of wo;lblp wifbome, bowbett, pet fumiflieb Wttb i5obs grace: i^eopenebtbewapoffalnation, wbfcb now tbepcouloe not Qjnttp, as manp as fougbt to put awap tl)e p;cac^mg of tlpc iSorpell. %^.t Irertuc of Cb^ift ^ept bpnu 2Lnbnowmozee)pp;e(relpbep;apretb t\ commenbetb tbc^i^e come fattbfuU conftancie in faptb of tbe paflour anb congregation: mmtiattoR 3ri)oubaObept(faptbbc)mpwojbc,anbbai}notDenpcbmp of pcrfc«e« name . »?bentbcilo?b openebtbebo^, ligbtebtbecanbel, Jf*^""* ftnbgauebcauenlpgiftcB,tbc^aftourwitb tbe congrcgatii ^^^* onreceinebtbemranb wben tbep bab receaneb tbem, x^v^ Itept %\fiVM anb Waning fo Hept t^cm,bcnveb t^em not, nep^ ClfAf'iy . . Thexviij.Scrmon tl)tt troDtJcttifm iJUDccfoote. JCWiS i0anc)cce!lctttp?apre» JDonld €>nD t^ecc twcve manp fttc^i cljuccbcs to be foanoc ac tJjpsnav.ldcremavcOt^ouIeacncaUo, £) tl)oii Cl)m*c^ of C5iift,l)cce map vo" Icacnc all ani» fingulac, \ul)at is tijc Du* tic of iaaRdiire, of tbcCl)nrc^,anD of ananDfmgiilac got?!^ tttcnaui3ts3omcn. 2i:i)v»ietitetDaBUoncataU: iSoDofljps grace Ciiouc \jnto t\)cc . 2rl)v \youl)pticB uias none, ttp Dc* {crt,po\xici* 01 aiu^ozitie u^ete «oite:£l?jift of bis mtccv ^at^ rcucalei! Ijim fcUc t3nto tl)cc.3fiml3iace jjpm t^cccfojc t^at of^ ferctb ^V«ifclfctot^ce,ljolDfaft,"anr)neiici; atanp tpme let ^V»ngoe.^c. Cijc &o;tt iainD note tljat t\)c EojD fapt^ , mp tooi^: not cnerp matio ;of Ci)jift,tjS \j30|D,tmt mpnE.»?l)at tl?e ujoia of c^iifi is, it is feuotocn to tobe hept. ^11 men.;(foii tljat tobic^ is tojitteu in t^e i5orpcU,anD fiift in Deoe bp t\)t iaiopbctes , $ after by t\)t xlpoftles teas fct fo?tl) in ijolp tD jite,is tbc \»ojo of CbiiSt . 3lit is not Cbiiflcs tooza tbat Qriuetb tuiti) tbe fanie,alti)ougb it I>e4et fo^t6 bp Conn- eels a^ bolp fatbers.C!)i!ft ootb not acbrwWleDge tbat toozD: \)t acUnotoleDgctlj biB fo? I?ic otone: Slno t^is mult be obfcr- rCl)efoo;t) ucDanokept.^bctoo^DofCbnftis obrerueD,uioattpmeit jBf Ci)jiftijB( is notco^rupteo tuitbaDDition6,Detcactions,$ to^eftpngcs, ticptijow. bHt in cafe It bcfeeptCincere inbisnatucall fcnfe. Sttisnot ^ .; bept,\xibcr. it is co^tupteo ox ficpiaueo toitb mens inuentios, ann peruerfe inteiptetatioiis . irbe \jdo^d of ii\)i\fi is ^a)t, tob^n it is not cSmenoeo U)irb tbc moutb alone , but is auo OCp^edeD \x)itb goolp toozbes mtbetobole life,ano beautifieo toitb bolpnes . 31t is not obfecueo , tobcn men Ipue f iltbelp toitbont cepentaunce,;f inallp t\)t tDO?D of Cb?ift «s cbfccneu anD feept,\»bcn it is not caft aijjap, Denpeo, oz iozlafeen, tbo^ tougbanp lotbfomncfrc oz impatience of ours. 0nD tberfcie ^ee anneicetl) incontinently , ano tbou baft not Dcnpeo m? name.3] baue fpoHen els tobere largelp of tbe confeapng ana DenipngofCbZJftcs name . 3rbefetbpnge6'\)erclv bpDtbe idbtlaDelpbtans^anD toitb tbefe tiertnes t bzougb faptb pleai (eo tbe Eo^D. lap tgefe al(b map tot commenDt our fdues to Ottc^auiour^. C^e %m ^""bermoze tbe ILo?B ft)etoetb,toitb bo^ great a retoara comiwtctb be tooulD bondnr tbat coftancic of tbe goulp m faptb.Tc bauc «i)c enemies not», faptb \)z , manp cnempes bp reafon of pour pure meli^ tonto tbe giombut m cafe pc tbus bolD oni31 t»ill caufe tbat tbofefame «f 9«f c^' enanpes Qjall become pouc fcenDes, ano finallp fcUo\3De3 of pour iacligion:3]tt fo mucb tbat tbep UJbicb banc bitbcrto co^ mmi\^ poufo> mHco dpecs»euly(i6i> Wi cotn^tjo^ vpontheApocalipfc. 53 Chap. 3. to pou fcoit^ great ^mntlmc , to dlfec yott fo^geucncfic , rt aa^ to cecctiic voiic iacligion , ano to \3D0ifl)VP ^Vi» toljom tbep ^aiic blafp^cmcD.^no t^cp fl)all come in mod tjumbic ttjifc, anD toitl) t^c gi'catcft ijumilitp t^at map bc.;jf oj fo favD i^fap befo2e,t^at it ft)oulD fo come to pafie ix\ 4,9 ♦ c^ap, to^eminto r^e 2.01D alliiDcD at t^is pzcff nt. I5ptl)etoavljetouc^ct^t^e3]etoe0,tl3enngulac enemies ^Paifc oftl)cfavtl),to^om^ecaUec^tl)e^mago5c cf^at^an, ;foi Jtrxts. t^jetctearljcrtoas noncot^cc bnttljcDcmll^aBm DeDet^ep |>atte no better at t^is Dap.Be ealleo tijefaifc Vetoes ^ tpars»^ #01 tieitljcf cofeflco i^cp tl^c lloiD,noi gloiificD f3oD,uoi be^ leueD ill Chilli t^eic (36)e{rtas . iSnttijcv t^ataeeSjetties m DeDc, be not fuel; : as t!jc ^pofHc ^.}9aiil fapo m t^e z.cbap. to tbc iS-omans . 2^^c potuec of i3oD coftccinco manp of t^e to foifafee t^eic SlcmiQmcs,^ to goe to t^e C^zifteu religion, 2ri)erefo?e iftue alfo couetoigo about to retcine ©ods t^t.-^.f.„ pure ujoioc iw our C{)urcbe6 , ano to receuie our enemies OTeSiticnfi bumblp: U)c muR not attepuc to tbefe tbvnges by toarrcs 0; nm? W to?onges , no: bpraylpng ano repzocbcfull tooiDt6:but bp fecpr. conGantfavt^.Butifcitl)er\ijep?ofeaettot ourfaptbpurclp, ozbcautific not tbc fame toit^\)ertues,tDbat maruell is it, t^ougb our cnempes abpuc our euempes fliU , ano continue to bate ^s euerp oap mo;e bapnouflp tban otber,ani) at legtb oppzeOc^s , ano ejctinguiCl^e tbe itgbt of i5oD bis tuoiD a^ mong maupilct ^s leame oeare b?ctbzen , to toin our bietbje bp goDlpnc3,conftanrie ant! bclincs, Sbc JlojD 3lefus graiit ^s l;i6 gcace to pcrto jme tbc fame. is^z erbo;jfctb t^m to pcrfeuer in \^z true faptb bp ttU tpngfo^fb moft ample rctuarbes. The xVi'ii Sermon, A Nd they fliall kno'v,that I haue loned thee* becaufe thou haft kept the wordcs ofmy patience : therfore will I keepe thee From the houre of temptation, which will come vpon all the world,to tempt them that dwell vpon the earth behold I come iliortely . Hold fall that thou haft that no man take away thy crowne. Sin cjcrdlent \jcrtuc i? commcnnc!! m tl)c congregation of w,hf ?/ ^- i9^ilaDeipljm:«amcipt{?att^cvOauefeeptf tyo?D ofCbnlt, Simg 31.ig\ not ^^ Cha^.3, The xviij. Sermon ttot.tuet:vtoojl>,bitt;t|)etoozD ofC^?m,attDl)aue not bc^ itVCD it.'2lnD J)C ^)atb bcgon to rebeaufe moa lai'serctoacDc©, toljiclj botl) be batb gcucn to tbis Cbut'cb , anu io alfo icaD^ to 5cur toanvotbcr,lifeem tbc^caleof goDlv IS^cligton. fax >jjc ace aUureo by ccvo acDcs. Enemies ;Jficft(favtb be) 51 tutl! conucrtc tbvttc cttcinves , tbAttbr^ wc maie "^'^V ^^ "^aoe ibv fcciiDcs anu bzetbzen^fo ae tbcy fl)aU couic frciOfjB. into tbe congcegation,attU t»oitl)Vp £b^iR,\ii'9om tbev bauc b!afpbcmeD bitbei:to,vca tbcv ft)aU fnbmtt tbem fc lues bum- blpano ioto!v*2ls toe rcaD of ^.jaaul^tobo tu tbc tbe I . lepiftle to tbc Coztutbians faptb tbat be is t}utJ3D:tb? to be calleo an apoftle.^r.anD t\i\5 is a ^uonDcifuU bcuefitc. ;jf 01 i3ou is glozifieo b^ fiicb as are conuerteb , ano x\^t trutb 10 fet foub,anD iivngani fupcrftitionarcconfounDcO. ro\itt of tbc ^aintes can not but be cjcccapngl'^ glaD. %\^t favtbfuU alfo are ndiuercD out of tbe ricuiJo clatuce, ano arc frajeu, /^ccbtircb STban follotoctb an otber bcncfitc of i5oD . 2rbc cncmv^s of (0oribc= of JBoD fljallfenoto anu fuiDt,tbattbe Cbnrcb,^ euecv mems lottrt. jjcr of tbc fame be tbc toel beloncD cbilojcn of £5oo.2rbc tne^* inies of tbc Cb«t*cb fnppofCjtbc faitbftiil to be toicUeo, i5oDs encmvcfi»bccctibec,Cburcbrobbcrc,batcD of {5oo ,anD ^n^ tooitbp to Ivne . I5m tbcp fliall t)noccflant> rbat notbvng is zutarcr to i5oD tban tbe fo^ ibc tol^cb be gauc bis (onne, ano vobtcb be cbofe alfo f o; bis fpoufc, ano batb mabe berpartai^erofi^is bpngDonie. ^.«, anboutoftbi8louecf(Soii(tobcrbvbc,bcvttgp?onofeci> SaoD come ^? "° bcfectes of ours , \im of bis otcne onclv grace an& na= icrtucis. ^i"^ goobnes , batb iopncD bV'in fclfe to tbc Cbntcb ) ail tcr^ tites DO pioccBc : $ cbitflv tbat tobicb imntcDiatIp foium^ctd, tiamelv tbat tbe Cbuccb batb fecpt rbe tooio of patience. 2:bc (ame3lobninbioCanonicaili?piftlcfavti)not tbat U)c bane loueD 0oD,but tbat be batb loneo \)s.(Ec.2:bcrfo?c tobcre tbc obfernation of tbe toojD of patience is anneiccD as tbc caufc cf lone,tt muft be rcligiouap cirpoQDeD, tbat tbc fauonr of i5oD, ^ all our giftcs be teccl^ of grace, but vet tbat be of tbc fame grace Dotb as it toere requite ano retuaro t}s fo^ our papncs. xiobctof tbc^aintcs arenotpzouDe, but bmnb!'^ aefenoto- IcDgeanD fct fojtb bi's gtace enerp tobcrc ano \\\ all tb^nges. ix»bati0 t\)z Sgavnc be cominenuetb tbc pcrfeucraunce of tfcc faptijf.ull feojDeof in tbc true religion. HTbon ba(lUcpt,favtb be, tbe tooio rim? t?aticnc€. patiencc.2;beV»oiD oi patience is tbc £I5ofpcll of ctcrnaUfaU uation:^bitb is otberU}ire caUeo of ^ . )aaul tbe too^b cf tbc croO'e^anD t^t fpj ttvo cSfiOcrationj^ » ^irft fo^ bicaufc it r^tu vpontheApocallpfc. 54 Chap. 3. ttibtt\^t})z croSTcanD patience of C?)ii{t^!)crcb\> toe arc Ht- ucD»2lnD agapne it pcefuaoetlj \35 alCb to bcacc t§e croiTcanD pacicnriptofuffcetDit^ iL^iift^iJgatb.i^.a.^rtmo.r, S^tix)itt muft an? nmn loofec foz an? pcrfciicraucc of ^tju ti?at is ?m- patifm.3:^elLoiDfa?t6 in tlje. n . of !Lufec,iu ycuv patience von fl)allporrca"cyotie ronlcc . 2rijcrfoic W^ cither tl)cpa- lloaco^ t^ie c!)urc^ of p^ilaoclpbia bcpt tijc Ujo;t> of patiff e, to \i!ittc,in rctcinvng in ttieie partes tl)c patience C^iift r Ijo^ roiig^ fait^,anD in Rjctovng patience in tooiDcs oi favingce, anD \\\ fndeinvug nnicl) tcancil of boDV. }:x)Ijid; inbtDe 19 tbc bcft toa? to Ucpe Cl)in*c^c0,vea ano encrv one of the f«jvt{)fnll fafcanD fomio . 31 fa?,let t^etn fecpctl)CU)0?li of Cfjzifics pa- tience, anD commit tpcceft to tj?e iLo'.o. fox \i foliotxictb : ^nD 3] \x)itt feeepc t^cc agavnc frcm tijf fjonce of teuiptation.^c. 2;ljc bonrc of temptation 10 cicpoiui '^^Jc tjoare HCD ttoo \jaavcc. ;Jf 0? eit^cc ^e fpealsetb of Ijeceftcs ana of be- cf tcmytas letifecsjb? ujbofetalfee, craftie tug5elmg,leuocncs, and Dr- '•^"* ceitfnlnc0,tbefaptb,fimplicitie, anD inregcitieof tbe faitbfuU arctj:veD:3X>beeoftbciLou»treatetbmnc5 iw tbcij.cbapiec ofSDeuteconom?: £>2 CI0 be fptafectb of tbe peifecutione^ (licrebtjp b? tbe j£mpecoiir0 of l^ome, amonge0 tobomc STraiane a moff migbtie id^ince fet foub foze p2ociamation0 agayna tbe Cb?ifiian0, (toberof }dltnie alfo ma&e0 mention tnbi0 10, bootee of ijpiflle0, tbe bnnDjetb anD onex^piftk) 25nt CbJift pjieferueD tbe cbnrcb of jabilaDelpbia, anD ixcpetb a!foattbi0DavtbcfavtbfnU bvbisuJOiDeanD po\uec in tbe pecil0 of bcceticfee0 anD bercfie0, anD finally of pcrfccntions alfo: fo tbat t^e favtbfuU ftanD fuee in all contronerfteo , anD recetuenotbingofbereticUes, tbat 10 Oraunge feomi5oD0 tDo;De, anD alfo geue no place in perfecntion0. Cbiifl caufetb wan? t?me0 tbat tbcic bnrtben of peifecutionpieffetb notfo beanelp. 2rberfoje let V)0 altoape© be coftaunt m goD0 toop, ano permit tl^c Defence to our iojD iSoD. ?^e Uj?I1 not ncg= lcctetj0,$c, 13ut foi as muc'g as in temptations anD afflictions t^e (^u.^e.^^ EoiD feemetb man? tpntco to our flea) to tar? oucrlong,$ \xi hTipctij m maner to neglect bi3 (foi \»e fa? connnSl? , I5nt tjnto man? t^uic. gooD fellotoes it is too long oz too late)f JLo?D pzeuentetb-,^ aDDetb , bebolDeS] come ajozti?. ^boiti?, 31 fa?, ? is to fa?, m t?mc:not too latcnoz too ba{tel?.2rbc tobicb toe fa?,ne?= tber too foonc noz too late,bnt in Due t?me anD fcafon. 31f tbe 2I0ZD tberfoze ft)ail feeme to be oner ao\x),Difpa?2e not: fo? be toill come t?mel? inong^w^eti ^c fl^aU fee it gooD, Poe not tliou Ckif.S* The xix. Sermon t'^ott pjcfcuibc \jnto l)im t^c luatmec anDmcattc ofBcIuic=' raimcc,but abtDe tbe EojDcs icafurc. iS-caD voljat gooDlp ana ^olcfojnctl)^ngcB^.paul^atl3tomtefonccnungtl)i3'mau tec m tl?c CUD of tl)c lo.cUap. to t^c ?^cb;ctocs, \xiycic a yUice alfo out Oi tl)e z.cljapt.of ai\ic!)uc is allcacoreD. ttoiuefifi StniJUOtD ^e cjctjouctb in i:ctoc,but mod cufoeut tooiDf s, that thou ^0 pccfciicrauncc in goDlincs, vu^ccin tljcy pyccHcD ^t Jbcrto. tjaftf. ^nU ^c f^?tl) ttoo twinges ^olDc x^etTf< bolDe fa(iC tljat tl;ou tiaft. arbe^ M tbc fSofpel! of CljiiS, ant> tlje tS30!Dc of ctcr- tiali Ivfc, tl)C trucfaptb auD goD!'^ religion. %\}t(t tbyngs be cominaimfictb to bolD fall, auD to peciift in tbe reliaion once rccciucti. 2lnD \ubilcft be cominauacD tbcm to hccpclbat xX-v^ baii,bcrigmfietbbvtbctoav,tbatnoncU) oi otbccuoctrync IS to be loobcb fo?: but tbat tbis once ccceaueD boctb fiifficc, net tjs not tbinfec tbcrfozc in tbc goucrnemcnt of tbc cbnrcb^ Yjpon otbcc iatucs, noi \ipon ctbcc trauitions, tban t^c gof= . pdl of 3i,efu Cbiift. STbis is fiilfiticnt fo2 tbc iL^xKt\) . 0fteci toarb ccafonmgas \t\iittt oftbcloirc,bcfaiib:2rbci'fOie nmft tboii \23atcb Diligentli>,anb bolDc ftcongly tbc fSofpcIl, foz if tbis be tafeen atoav , tbonait fpoplcD of ti)pcroa>nc . %\^t crotone is a toben of t)ertue anb t}icto;p. ^c (ap, tt)e crotone ofbonouc* i^onqucrours anb fnc^ as be toojtbv of fouercimie, arc tcotDtteb. irbe tjpigin tbat is befileb lofetb \)tt croton.i^bec^s foje bccetibcs, falfc pzopbctes, anb fcbncers tafec atuap tbc crottine, ujbat tpmc tbcv fcbncc anb coirupte : tbcccfo?e fapt^ t\^z Hoib: STboii b'lil gotten bonoiic ano glojp , fee tbat no man tafec it fcomtbcc. ^0 toe reabe tbat ^.paulefpafee in tbc tbc Coloir. Jltt no ma tafee from you t\^t tjictczp* Sin tbc i8.of i^jccbiel ; tbe ?Lo?b tcft!fietb,tbat be ujilnot :inputc ngbtcoufncs to tl^e tu{l,in cafe be fozfafee anb leaue bvs rigb^^ teoufnes. Eet \)3 p?a]7 tbcrefozc, tbat tijc niavcuermo?c per= fcuer \nt\it too^bc of t^c i[Lo^D. ^t p^ocabetf) in rcritpng tfjc great reliaitjcs. The xix. Sermon. Ulm that ouercommeth will I make a pillcr in the temple of my God, andheil-^all goe no more out. And r wil write vpon him the name of my God, and the joame of the cicie of my G od , newe Icrufalem , which of vppon the Apocalipfc. 55 Chaf.$. Cometh dovrne out of heauen from my God, and f will write vppon hym my newe name . Let hyin thac hath earcs heare,what the fpirite fayth to the cogregations. Oitr ?LoiD pzocccDct^ in ccviccotnptpng mnci) mm ample retoariics, uiljicl) !)e \j)ou'.dc gccuc to tijeni t^at oucrcomc: iant)I)cfotcmpefct6lJV3^o?^s,asVt3ema^ cafelp perccmc t'ois tJiom^fc not onclv to appccra^nc to t^c congregation of i^{jtlaDcIpl)ia, but to all foe C^urc^es in i^c toljolc tooilDc, Vca anD to cuccp of t^)c fapt^fiill. ^nD as toe ^aue oftentimes tcpcatcu alrcat)^ (foi3lam not aQiame&to rcpcate, feeing d)c5»ar= t^at t^c 2LotD l)vsni'clfc fo grcatl-p ^igct^ t^c \jicto:v ) agapne [^^^ ^hd tocfap,t!;attl)orct!)pngc6arcp:omvrcDnotto fzjcb as f«?g^r^^^°?f °|^ lig^>tl{?,02 nf gltgcntlv (foi Diucrc figljt, auD O)? ant) bp runne ^y^"''^- ateav) but to tl^ofctbat oucrcomc and pcrfeiiccto tljeenlie, ;>fojourli'Ci6atDacfarc tjpon eart^: to^ic^ liob alfo ^at^ confcflcD. nt folDiourbat^ afnrc purpofcto oucrcomc b^a cncmies.Our enemies arc,tbc Dcuil,t^e tDojlD,anD tbe fleOj . againft tljcfc toe muft earncftlv f igbt:of none ot^er intecbut to oucrcomc tljctn. a^bc 4po(f Ic in t^e t^e 25p^)ef.bcfcri^ bctb tbe armour of t^cfavtbfttil.3ln t^c^ictoiv tt>e^ainte0 confiocrfincercnes anu integritie, t^at uje lofenotbvng of ibc t)critie fenovoen: but rctcmc tbc pure U)o^De of 0oo, ani» Sincere fayt^, anb fecepe our bobics anb our foulcs clcancTro all pollution cuen to our Ivucsenbc. i^e pzopcnnbct^ mod ample rctoarbcs b^ piomvfe. xo^erb? bfalhib etb to t^e ma= 'Sbcmanct tieroft!)Ci3reefec3anbiS.omavnes, tobo bccreeb 3l]mages°ff^^rti"s to fuc^ as bcfcrueb toel of tbc commo tiieaUb,in t\^t vxibic^ al- p^"^>^^' fotbep\xiiote\jertuesoft^ofe fo? tobofc Cafee tbey tocrefet tp,citJ)cr in tbc cottrte, oi market place, 01 els tobcrc . 2rl)c^ feemeb bpt^ismcane to beliucr t^eir poltcritic as it toerc bV ^anb t\)t gloiv of t^cir clbers, to^icb tbev mabe alio as it toerc euerlafting. £)t^crtoifeairot^ct3feof tbisterme pillcc ^iiicrin is biuers. Sleremv is caUeb of iSob a piller foz ^is confiacie. ti)cfcrip= %\)t apofties are calico of ^, jaaule iw t^c z. to t^c i5alat^» tursg. cbiefepillers,fo?t^eire)cccllcncie,anb bccaufc t^c c^urcties leaneb \3p0n t^cm, anb foi ttjeir picac^ing of t^c truetb. ^i)t Cburcb ix fclfe aUo is calleb tbc piller anb footc of tbe tructb, fojafmucb as it is grounbcD t)pon tbc fure rocfee Cbiift. Jin tbc temple of Salomon ftoobetttJopiUers, as figures of rbe rTim.5. cuerlafting fevngbomc of Cbiift, ano of t^e bolv cburcb. 3]n tl)i6 place a piUcr is tafeen foz a man, aboincD toitb glozv anb lieautie, fQ} ^e (a^nb not ttiat be tbtU erect a ptilet: fo; a gob^^ 12 Chafy Thexix.Sennon \^ tnan: Mt SI tDtll^fattl) ^^e I)im a pillec: tW 10 to fa?, SI tDtU f^eautifte i^vm >3)Vt!) ^ouoncs anD gto^i? eucdaOms* Bite tD^cce Q)all tbis ptllct be fete to^ere (^all t^c glonv of CJepiiicr ri)e^amtC0 be famous? not in Courte, oj in mat*ct place: i^rctm t!)c but in rbctempk of !«vi5oD.3uDtl)c temple of i5oD,i6t)ca- (tuejiipic. „j„ jf fp^p^ jjj^jj j^ jj jjj, tuojiDc tbc l)ol^ Cbwvcb . JBlo?iou0 tbecefozc ClvaUbebcm tbeCburcb of tbe ^amtcB, as Uicil mtlifaunt,as tnninpljaut. Albeit tbcrfoie tbat tbe tcrv gob^ ip be ill rcpoucD of n\ tbis toozlD : vet tbts too?lD fljal pcriQ), Cbztft fljall vcvgne foj eucr^ano tbe ^aintes Cl}al itigttc tottb bvm. srbcir glojv tbcu fliall remapnc foi euecanb euecfltm tobcrcbcfavtb,ofmpi5oD, ^ret.ts cjcpoimbetb ttanofaptb: SbiB faving of mv gob,taltctb notauDav y biuinc nature, f' is Ccenc in £b?tK, Wt 31 mav fap, tbe confubftas ttalitie. fQ% it bcclai'cfb tbattbcljniou oftbctvoonatures, tbat is to toit,of bis i^obbcabanb cfbts^manbobete itibif^ folubic, vcaeuen in ccCpect of tmbei:ftanbiug,anb vet ttterlp toitbout cottfountting of tbcm togetbcf. fo% bp reafon of bis taking of our manboDe t^nto bv tbatis^tbeptbemfeluesarecallcD by tbe name ofi5ob,ano be tbe cbtlbreu ^ bcvres of i5ob« ix'bicb is bifcourfcb at large ^iiercotti= in t^t ficCf of Slobu^avibtOc t\^t momaincs. Slnb UJbat were be tbe can poubcuife to be more bonourable, tbantobe,anbtO|bc cbiiorcnof calicDtbefonne,notofafevng nozof an €mpcrour, butof ^oD, j^e l^^ing jgob j But tbis fame noble grace tbe 5lorb graun^s tetb to tbcm tbat ouercomc,in tbe firft of 3!ob«,tbc iij.anb \). cbap« ^ecottbl]^ ))ppon t^e ouercommers is tozittcn k. nintbemiD&esto!?erecftuast^c 2:abernacle as a token o^ pleoge of gods otone p;efence, to^o baD bispecu^ liar place as aD\Meucr\x)ptbtbcm. ;Jfo?tbe HojDe isintbe niiODes of tbe Cbnccb, as toe reasc in tbe )c,r\)(. of Eeuit. a«D in tbei.totbeCoiiijtb.tbctf. ^econM^ tbeCbnrcb iscalleD li^ierufalem. foi tbcolortoas a figure of tbe netoe, S^bis cojpojall Cburcb is neto i^ierufalcm, tbatis to fap, Cpiritw- aU.:jpt?bicb^}dauleal(o afifirmetb in tbetiq.totbe {3alatb» foi in tbe tbicD place is ejcpounbeD tbat nctoenes* Bit is not i^uilDcD of men,but coininetb Dotone from beauen aboue.^o; tnlcfrctuebebo}nefromaboueoftbefpiritc,anb of tbe im^^ iiu3uaiirccde,toU)itte,oftbe\33O2Deof0oD , u^e can ttot be members of xbe Cburcb. anb by fpirituall rcgeneration,toc arebo^neibecbilDjeuofCbiiftanDoftbe Cburcb. :n?bereof tbeHoiDebymrdfe bifcourfctb at large in tbe iq. of Bllobn^ I. ^et. I, anD ^.jaaulc tbe firft to tbe Cojimbians tbciij.^t fourtb- a^bere Q)all bcmoze fapD of tbeneto i^iccufalcm in y enoc of tbis bocke. 15ut by tbefe ye ^noerQanb, lubat is tbe Cbnrcb of Cb^fH: euen tbefellot»{l)Vp of tbe favtbtul^regene^ t:atcD by tbe uio^oe of 0ob.$c. ^ ;JFinally, in tbctn tbatouercome is Wiitti a netu name, ^ Cb«bic= Y iSjtbe neto name of Cbziftmot only y tbey fl;oulD be calleo touris get a Cb^iftias of Cb?ift,but becaufe a name is a bjicf oefcriptio of ^^ nawr. cuery tbing,$ of p natnre tberof,^ foiafmucb as aneto name IB piomtCcD: Bit foUotoetb y toe Ojouio trnDerQao y men (ball be cenet»eb,cbiefly h^ glojifiyng.l^e pjomiCetb tbcfojc a glo* rifiyng to t^e gooly, xv^creof is fpo^n els vo^ere in t^e 17, of chap J. Thcxx. Sermon "* of^.^^3)[at^.l.Co^JD\).i9^iI.3. anu t\)t firfl of Slottt tljett>» S^efc mod ample retuatues t^e ^aintcs map tierclplooUe foi,if t^ev ftsJJt t^at t^cp map oiicrcome. hereunto is anncjccD t^c tuotcD arclamation,l)p t^e to^ic^ bot^ t!)is Doctrine is applpcD auD cominimicateD to all c^uc- c^es ti)zoug^out tbe U30^lDc:^no is otclareo t^at it came not ofmcna6))avne,but of t^e loerp fpinteofi5oDmoatrue« ^^is fpirit ILo^o graunt \iB^ C %\)t %o}n blametb fo^c tbe Cburcb of llaooicea. The xxSermon, A Nd vnto the Aungell of the congregation, which is in Laodicea writetThis faith Ame,thc faythfull and true witneSjthe bcgynnyng of the creatures of God . 1 know thy workes,that thou art neither cold nor hoat: I would thou were cold or hoate.So then becaufe thou art betwene both,and neither cold nor hoar, I will be- gynto fpew thee out ofmy mouth ;Becaufe thou fayft: I am riche and increased with goodes , and haue neede of nothyng : And knowcft not that thou art wretched,, and miferable,poorc,blynde and naked. Ct)c arou^ ^^ Teumtb anD laff i3pt(IIe of otir ^auiottr Cb^tft , is ment of the \xiiittcn bp tbc banb of ^♦3]obti,to tbe BvOjop of JLaoDicea* cpiftie to f 2rbe fame is a great ccpjocbe of tbat people, in notbing ccm^ iLaoDtccaiS. menoable: ano neuenbelefle a faptbf uU aomonitio o? epl)QU: tatiott to rcpentaance . ano after \)ie accHftomeo nmner , be fignificrb to tobom be to:itctb , anofrom tobom tbe ijpiOIe pjocebetb.arbc igpiftle is inoitcD bp Cbiift to tbe ©v^iop of EaoDicea , anb to tbe U)bole congregation . 2:bcrcfoie fome tbvngi6tobefapDoftbeEaoDiccans,toberebp tbe reft map tbe better be \3nDerftanDe0 anD conCibcreD. Eaobicea tbe cbief Citie of Caria , after strabo ann Plinfe, iuottctfl. ftanbetb bp tberiuer of Lycus . Antiochus Theos,bniiDeb tbe Citie.anb nameo it after bis tt)ifc.3lt teas tbe toraltbicfl €U tit of vlfia: wbicb vadiane alfo batb notcD in bio abnugmet* ^Ttbaobpmafepng oftooUenclotb amoftplentpfuU gapne, tinto tobom ^.jaaul femctb alfo to bane pieacbco tbe i5dU pell.;jf 0? be mabetb mention of Eaobicca , from tobence alfo Coiofl; 4 *^o*w^ wt^ ^'**^ ^^ ^xt>tt tbe fitft epiftle ^nto S^imotbe* vpon the Apocalipfe. 57 Chf,jfi Cmcinl? it appcarct^ cucn b^ tijis ifpiUIc ^otobeit t!^at t ^c JLaoUicc^ ^laD uccciueD tijc i5ofpcI cojruptlv. ;f ozt^e^ Ujcnc about to matcb tbe vdojId anb (t^e c^urcl) togctbec , aito to iopne togctljcc Cbitft $ iSgainiitott,(t as it 10 faiD at tbis Dap, tb^p vxjoulD bccgooD Cb^iftians btit foz loGTe of tbcic piofitc. HTbetfoje tbcp lapD not afiDc tbeic auaricc,anD tbeic imino ci)c fitme Derate tcafficfec (to \jfc moberatlv tbe tcabc ofinarcbaunDife cf ti)Giiaos \5>ubout»DifceipjfalncB , no religion botb fo?bpD ) anb cjcccs «>iccijnfp. , bpng great riot ano piiDe , ncitber fccnicD tbep to uiant an\> tbing,bMt to bane all tbingB,fo2 tbat tbep tocrc ricbc.a gaiud tbcfe men tbe Hojo iniieig^ctb grcuoitap, oeclarvng tbcm to be ijerp mifcrable , anD mo?e tbcn ncDp ana (larl^c beggars, ;lFoj as in tbe Cbuccboffabilaoclpbia bcblamcD notbnng, fo m tbis be conimcnbftb norbvng at alK O^owf^ali finticattbiBDap manvIvfee,to tobomtbieia JLaomcea s f onnnon anD euer in tbeir moutb : 31 bane learncD botb to \yt ^siu c of a i5orpcllcr,anD aUo to bca fowlDiour, to bjinUc , to plap tbc 7^"^fK tDboicjnongec,anD to Ipuear pleafurc » "you a)alt fmbc Ipfec S^® '''^ CbttccbeSiferupngbotb Cb^ft anD (3Bjammon , 0? marcbau:: ^* t)ire,13accbus,t:ienusanD tbei5oD of battelLBotb tbcp ann all t.bcfe arc bcrc conf«tcD,^ callcb to rcpentannce.»?bicb ar=f guctb , fbat tbc mercp of i5oD is ejcccDpng great , \x\ tbat be fojfaltetb not a coinipt Cburcbes , ne rcicctetb men fo full of cjcceOiue filcbpncffic . jpo be to tbem tbat contejnne tbis tjn^ incafurablc gooDneflc anD 13g fuffcrancc of 0oD , anD t:unne on Qill in tbeir otone toicbcDnelTe* Cb^ift is bcrc agapnc mod picntpfull DcfcnbeD,tDbo be ts> ^i^e t)er« as in tbc fo?mcr titles . Certcs it map be gatbcrcD of all,tbat crtptton of tbc bed anb moft perfit Defcription of Cbntl is tbis : namelp Cl);nft» tbat be batb noncDctobcggcof anyotbcr, to\xiitte \)x bu^ mane matters, ©efcttetbfoitb bimfclfe twitb a neix) name, ^ callctbbpm,oA^Mit/,tbciamen,arbeVDOjD i^mcnis an I^c:= bjcto tDozD,anD is commonlp ^fcD in tbe «5uangeliftes,efpc- ciallp in 31obn.^.}aaul m tbe.^.to tbe Cojimbians tbe firll cbap. iL^ii^ tbe fonnc of i5oD,faptb be> tobicb bp ts is pzea^ cbcD amongeft pou , bp me anD bp ittie(rc tbctuillof i^oD tbe£stbec.i21nD bi0 tcfttmottp ( as be ^vm fdfe t^etct^ OftCs chaf.$> Thcxx.Scrmoii oftencv ttiatt once in tl^e i5o{])eII of ^ » llo^n ) i$ ftntte, cottd dant^fure^certatneano true, t^aupngno CairctMoubtfitlnco, no^ tncottftancte.2lno t^cfr tl)mge0 accoioe rtg^t toell to t^ts argument, to^eccmi^e tcpioucti) t\^t Eaootccans ofannr, ano e^^o?tet^ t^ein to rcpentannce . 3t is a gcenone mattec fou^eflc(bto|)carerucUa DoctnnetbmtDlijere tbccerretne, aCTtircOnes , o^trut^ of t^e tcacl)er is perceiueo , it tutll com^ m51? moue mes mi^nDcs if tl^cp be not altogether caS ootan anoocfpernte. is calico The Creature ) lybe as alfo be is caueD tbe ftrd begott^ of tbe beab.^o; iw Cb^ift manbpno is repairs rcb,fo as it batb not peciajeo: i5ob loobeb tippon tbe coun^ tenaunce of bis HW^-, t»ben be firft maoe man . ^o^ Cb^iS is tbe bcgvnnpng.tbat is to fap, tbe p^eferuer of tbe bumane itature : £ls it batb els tob^te bene tolD ^ou at large»^etber« to toe bane baotbcbrrcrtptionofcb}iff,tobicb is calleo i2lo men , anD tbe begpnupng of tbe creature of i5oo , bp toboni )}erelp all tbingcs are maoe^vubicb is tierp ano true i5oo,t(ie tuitneiTe of tbe oiuine \xii\\ of i3oD.$c* jEtoU) be telletb tbe Cburcb tobae opinion be batb of bet, tobat Q)e is^tbat is to fap be blamecb ber. ano as be batb tolft all t\^t former, tbat be knet» all tbeir U)o;Kcs : fo botb be to tbis alfo . anoftcftbe(l)etDetb,tbatbel^no\»ctb tbis of tbe CburcbofEaobicea,anb efpeciallp of tbe 23pQ)op tberof tbat ^ is uiti^tt colo,no^ ^ote , l^e aooet^ 31 tpooulo t^ou tuere, vpontheApocalipfe. 58 Chaf.3, fijC^^8Xov)it tocre t)cttcc,!f t^jow tocrc alt ogctlEjcr colD, 0^ r^o* rous^Ip t)ote : But not»tt)ou attlctDbcUjarme^o^btouo toanne.Slt ts an ailcgotie tafecn of mens mrate , 0} of cold, iotc.oz VDannc ti?ater , anD commonip it ts applied pzoucr^? btallp.i^c is co!D,tt)atopcnlvfoi!o\xi^t^ t^c tuo^D , a^tul^icl? Coft. Ijcpng U)zappeD in ^cat^cniQ) cri'oucs anu finncs of t^is fa30?lD pzdfdTct^ not tlje tcnc mcligion, neither toil! (cemc to ibaue anp tljpng to do ttjit^ it ♦ ?^e is ljotc,tti!)ofc Ijsrt bepng ?^cte. mflaincD uiit^ ti?e l)oIp gboft , comcmnrt^ rbc u^ozlD , louetp tl)e xxxxt religion eicccDpnglp , ano Ipuctb an bolp ipfc . I^e is tt>amtco} t»armc ozbettecnc botlj , toljicbc bat^ neit^c fozfal^en t^c Jctrooif t»o?lo,noz bts otune ctrours ano finnes,«c^ Ijatb ftillp tf ccis "^^9« ncD C()?i&4ioz x\it tcnt^.no^ rig!)teou(nes, butTcructb part^ Ip tl)C too2iD,ann pactlp Cbiifl.lBn ontujaro things be fl)c\j3;3 etb bpnt Cclfe to be a £bM>tiAn,bp rcfoztpng to bolp aGT^btees, andiecciupng tbe ig)acramcntes:but intoacDip bt is fo bcfic^ seD 0f tbc \3}o^o^tbat be ipuctb a toozlbtp Ipfc , ratbcr tban ai Cb^tQian Ipfc . ^ncb a mtjptuce tbc ILo^o allotjoetb not , u^bo i.uke.f . els tx)bere fozbiboctb to plotD toitb an ;SD]ceanD an ^iTc , $ to mafee a gaunmt of Itnen $ teollcn : 2:0 poure ncU) \»inc in^ to DiD bottcls,$ to patcb an olD garment )Ditb neto clotb* 31n religions anb rites tbatligbtnes anbmi]ctnre canbe^miicttire Ic0e allotoeb of 0oD.;jfoz pou Q^ail banc foine tbat^ill tem^ anb compos per togetber fnnb^p rcligi5s,anb of manp compile foine one* ntto cf co^ 05abomet compofco bis meligion of tbe BTiCtoiOje anb ^\i%U Jjpt ^^ ihaniacUgion. jSBjanp at tbis oap mafee an bogcpotcbe of pa* *9"'' piG^ic a^D tbe i5o(peU , 0; bate a cbucburnuilis as tbe ibvc^ inaines (allacalte of (unbzp grapnes . Jjfa^apift fee tbis kpnbc of fernice , be Hnou)etb it not fo; bis : anb if tbe (S>^U pcllcr fee it,be Unotocib ititot fo? bps ♦ ;f oz \i ts a mf)cturex)f vubole anb co?ntpt , ano tobere tbe found part batb no mozc 0rengtb,ibcco?cuptfo?tbc moll part batb tbe greater . ja>f (ucb fozt aix tbe maOes tbat are \)rcD at tbis bap of manp,net:» (ber altogetber ^apifiicail , noz pet tobolp i5ofpcUpte« ;f 0; tbc Eo;bcs Supper appearetbnotin tbem : STbe |dopt(l)e fS^alTe alCo is cut ofitnb altereb in tbe fame.3!f tue beleue tbat Cbjitt fct fojtb tbe befi rule of jKcligion anb Ipupng, ujbP fo^' Io\» toe not bpm foj our ondp iWaift er ^ But toe let mo?c b? tbe fauoar of mcn,tobicb tn no toifc toe toill lofc . if oz toc fee not fo mucb bp tbe feuour of ^\^%\^ , as to call tbat faping of tbeapometomemojp,if3llQ)OulDpUa(e mcn31fijoulbnot Geilbziaesfcruannt^ ]autt)careto|^t|)eEo2b(;»pt^toti^ mttngereUe0« sit <3aLj, toerc Chaf.}* The xx. Sermon tocre fectter(fait^ ^e)t^ou tocrc eyt^ec colDe oi |iote» 31t tocte !)cttct:t^ouv»ct:eaCtnnero]iani^eati)cn, t\^m anl^ppocttte, atiD amongercU. ;)fo; fo mig^tcd t^ou be moze eardv ^olp^, accoiniug to t^at favmg of t^c JLoiU: 3flf vou toece blvtiDc, ^c lohn.i. a)otilD^a«cnofmne. j^ti\xy \Bl)ct:eve (ecmcto pouc felucs xvSi anu fwCficicntl^ taugl)t anu fiicttin)Cii toptlj goDly cites as fm«ceBt^atp!cafc0oD: voulcaiieno place to fnctljec ixi^ flcuctiou, but contemnc tfte tx!0?De of iSoD , atiu C^itftes tn(titutton,vca p^efcccmgpout: oU)tte mi)cturc6 before ail tbc tuQificactone of j5oD. 3:^c Ho^D alfo m t^e i5orpel fapt^ \m^ tot^e}a^anfcis:i3ccelp3]faptJutopou, t^at^nblicanes $ commott Ijadots goe before pou into tbc IttngDome oUbma*. Math.iz. 2j^|jj Qi\^^^ nicmbec is plapnc moMg^i:tbat it toerc bcttec tbc^ \5)cvc!)ote,tiamclp\Ditt)t6efpintccfi3oD, toljic^ tljpngt^e apofllci'cqutcetl) in tl)c jctj.c^ tipe moina)?ne0. ^uctbennojc be tbjtatcnctb to plague t^em,if tbcp comics Ci)eilojt)e uue,as t^ep Ijaue begumie to be netuters : ij.k}iu) at ifxi^^a^i. 3R (bcjMjti) ^iii fpeto t^ce out of nip ntout^. ©v F to^ic^ manec of fpea» oattt)cnw iiingtj.tbinges ace fignifieD : Botb t^eiotb(omenc6U3|)ic^ ^*' i3oii couccauet^ of tbis nctotralitie oj toacmttec: anb ^^5 t)omittingout,to^erebv^epunifl)et^ t^efame. ;3(fojUjatme tt}aterp20uobetb))omitittg. :pc>b^t:eunto be feemet^to ^aue alUibcn^anb lt^c\xivre tot^at olDep^tafe offpeai^pttg , t^e lanb batb ^omitcb out tbe C^ananitea, anb t^efame fl)all iDomitetjppoualfo.lErberefojetbefecomporecB o? mogecels tpttb tbeir temperature anbmijctureboe fo btfpleafe i50D, tbat tbcp ingenbec \\x ^pin a lotbromne0,anb be tittto ^imati abbomtnatton,(oa0fiuall?be (tialtet^ t^em of. sr^e fame aUo Doe U}e tmbetSanb of t^em t^at matc^ Clj^ift ^ m^\n^ mon togetber. ^nb f p^^afe of fpeac^ 10 to be ttoteD,o(;ra)? ore notoe tbecfoje, 0? fo, foiafmuclj a0,o; noto feeing it 10 fo, oj ^o,t^cn,becaufe tbou act lufec Viaacine, o?,fitl) tjjou act lubes toarme. jC5Qo2eoucctl)elpngfnf!ecingofi6obi0ljecenoteb, tobo plaguet^ not immebiatlp , \mleOre t^ere appeacena tobece anp ^pe of amenDmenc, (SJabapp? H^e eppounbct^ moie fully tbe finnc of tl)e JLaobtcians, $ ticbcjs. to^at 10 t^e caufc of tbeic lu^etoacmenefTe : namely, becaufc t^ev loue cicbc0,to^ccein tijep tcuH, fuppofing tbtmfclue0 ta \Daut notbing: s^bc? tbinfee t^emfelue© to be \»ife,anb to fee all tbingts, anb to be fufficientlp furnin)eD sa^xXi t^tng0 fpi« rituall anb tempo?all, 3]t ib le(rc,\i3^ece t^ev fap, toe ace cic^: 2But \i is mo?e t^at follotoet^, 3] am incceafeb tijpt^ gooD0: tbat 10 to 1^2 > 31 ^^ue gotten (0 vcm^ riches, t^ot 31 ^anc vpon tlieApocMipfe. 59 ch^p.3. \3ttci-Iv tiCccaucD,anD mifcraiiie people . ,f oi Ijc rcisuUcti) t^c tuv.e. niRgoftcfpcratci Jje Ijatb not. fQi fuc^ perfeuccm tljeii; ccron?; ano aiimit no coHufcllom*. ^r^ccei'oie fa^tl) t^c llotac, tbou fenovyeft not rljat tbou act ToKalTzufo?, mifcratJc, \»ictcr>tD, lecarvf D aiiD teoinc tDVtl) c«tl0. ;foj t^c^ arc tovicD \i7vt*o matjv labours, t^atfcruc t^is ti3o;tDc: /i«^A2«vc?,in!Terable, tijat is to fay » \r?ctct)ciJ anD oiiciioDcn tovt^ mifcncs. jrijou fcc(^ not tW-c o'cottc mifccif : j^t^crs fccit,anD are full foiv. 5i;t)ou fccU not in tobat cafe t^ou art, anDtboii gretncC' t^cmtljattboiiart. fo mifcrable. SH^ts tunDc of fpcac? iigninctt) a ina >3crv \Dict- cbcD anu paft rccoucry, toljofcmifctv otijcrs fcc,;bi!tl)c})tni^ rcUfcct^ noti)ing.x:4 wroxo?poo?c,C)? abcggcr, 2:^011 ti)in= fecGt^^fcifc\)crvricl5c, butt!)Ouarta Jlarkcbcgger. £our- tons ric^emcn , arc pooje: S^ijcp arc pooic alfo m tjcrtucs» Si)c people of ilaoEiicra tocrc blvnue, jD^artfc ts tocrc callcu hl^nut in t^e p.of Sjoljn. xdcII figljtcQ in toozlblp mat^ tcrsT, in ^cauenlv^blpniie as becteis. j^aJscD, 02 beilitutc of gooD toojfecs. Uovccof tbe\rciitjmgganucnt. OtbcrUipfc tbcvtocrericbclvarapcDtovH^garmemcs of mcftfiue tuolK :5«tbefoiei3oDtt)cvappcarcDnaUcD. Ect tbcgaUamucBof t\)iB U3o;ibe,oj pzcuDc jaccocfecs rar \xicil c^cd , $ goz- geouflv apparcHcD, marfee i^cfc tb^^ngcs \23ca.2;^c EojDe gene tfjcni \jnDcrffanDmg. . , , ^2Cfie3lo:tjgeuet() boiefoinecounfcU fo fijc ?laotjic?mt0, aDmonilftmg tbcm fo repent. The xxi.Sermon, 1 Coiinfeli thee to hyc of mee golcie rrycd in the fyer, that thou maryeft be ryche: And whyte ia,vnient,chat thou mayell be clothed, that the fliame of thy naked- nesdoenotappearc: And annoynte thyne eyes wyth eye falue, that thou mayeil fee. As many- as I loue, I rebuke andchaften/Befeiucnt thcrforeand repent. ^OLifmucb as f5ob \jjiifetbttot x^ Deat?) of a finncr , btit i^cJcfcnie rat'^cr ttjat^e ajouio conuert ana i'^mx ^^crfoje after a gre- counfdk ' ^,!t nous Chap.j.' ' The xxj. Sermon" wons blaming of t^c cljurc!) of JLaot)icca,^c tttnnh l)cv Wt- fomecounCcll,aDmomQ)vngaiH) c)cl)o;tvngl!3c fame tocca pentatmcc: miD t^cretopt^aU ^c Q^adotxjetl) out r^c tntc re^ pemaiince. 3! cwnfcu 2;^c HoiD Wti^ thz Samt of coaufelIing,ani} not of corns ti;«. inauntJing, to tl)t intent to confounuc t\)t iiiaunca of tijcin, tD^tcl) ^nlcffe tbfV be Vjioletlv 'oja\3)cn,tbtnfee not tbcmfcliics aDmontfl)eD,aUurcD o^ calieo of tbc Eojo . Sut tubv'f ft tl^c^ ioofec fo? fucb a oiatMiug, t^ep neglect ati £DDlii5 ccuufcii, ano fallfcom tbetmc Caluatton. j3od counfcllejl? bis elect fucb tbpnscsa0arc!)oIefomc,aaDtbe cbofcn obey bis ccuufefs. i3oD tottcbctb mens bacrcs in\3)arDi?, auo puIJcrb ano bap^ Ictb tbemontujacMp fco crtill,bp tbc pjcac^pjuj of bis tJjoiD ^ bp funftxp toacmugc6.3rbi0 counfeli of cDoD le not to be Det pifctJ,anD an otbcf^iol^ calling to be ii«agineD,i5oD6 Ujoid jnnftbe btatij.2:o Dap, faptb f p?opbet,if pc bcarebis t3cpce, bai-Dcn not pout: banes. »?bcn tbe Hojio counfcllctb tuitb bis vuojDc^ auD tbc bearers barbcn tbcir nipntses : tbcp ooc tbat tbzougb tbcir otonc fa!ilt,ani} become aiitbouts of tbcir olou Deftruction. 13itt tbcp tbat recciitc i5oDs counfcij, receiue it not bp tbc foicc of free toill, but tbzougb tbc grace of i5i)D, tobicb tDOjfectb in ^s to voili auD to pcrfojmc» ^bccfoic ttibcn tbc Eojo counfcUetb bolcfome tbpngs>tbc cbofcn pjap tbat tbcp map rccciuc tbc fame: ^no tbcp reccine tbcm tbzougb grace, obcpiug tbc counfcUcs of i3oD. Cbefftme an?j tbc fuuieoftbc bolcfome coufcll is tbis; IBupcofmc, jf tijc boi= V fjri^j^ tbc ILoib,golDc trpeb in tbc fper,tbat tbou map be ricb, &^^*'""' bupe apparcil, anD get cpc faluetoanuoputtbpne cpcs. Be '* fcttctb tbcfc tbptiges as a mcDicine againl! tbe o Jfcnfcs \Mbicb be DifcourfcD bcfo!C,\33b^ bccallcD tbecbucctj of Eaootceans, poozc,nakeD,attDblinD.ii^otu tbecfojc be tcacljctb tbem boU) tbcp map be ricbe,bc ciotbco , anD vtctinc tbcir cpcs cj fpgbt agapnc, namclp,bp ^ctttixQ tbcmfelucs goloe trpca, oj fmcD, o^purpftcD. .j, t^Vi*'Si^tt!f (Tc it be rcceiiicD toitl) a true ^ ftnccre fn!t^.£:i;cr- fczcDoc3i,notrcpci-atcfavt^ft:omt^cttJozDE,lJUt3li'rtV aifo tbatpurc auu ftncecc faptb is fignificD bp golDc. :i3?{)cvecf ^. ISercr fapD,tf)at bv favtl^ oiicbarts be purgcD. foi alri)oi;g!j t^crcbe m \>s fpottcs ano uUicmttics , vet Is favtl; mofi puce tp reafon of t^e rubiect vubctupou it reCet^. 2:bc tooiH of piomtfc,anD confeqiiciul^ C^iilt \x)bo is tbc \jcrp pufcncCc it fclfc: 10 t^ct^png tljac fa^^t^ ccfictl) fcppoiu 3rbcrfo;c \jjbcn tbcHozD counfeileti) t\)t coiigrcgatuj of Ha^ DJ5icea to bup golDc trv^ i^i^c roimfcllcib f^cm to Scare iSoDs UJOZDe,aaD to oeieue it iuDecoe. 5f 01 t^e Eoia t3fctb lUe ujojn of bupiug,fo? reccjuing, t;earvug,anD obrvJing. 5foi no man inuft imaginc,tbr»t tjjcte to fuclj bargavit^ng i^ow ti]e hefoii i5oo as t^e re is vo^i^ men : i^s i^ougb t^^t fpirituail ^m of fep= gpftes of i5ot) mcugbt be bougbt fo: moiuv. ;Jf oj tbat is cc= wg is \jfco* pttgtiaut to tbc tobole fcciptucc , ano fpecially agamft tbe Df= tccminatiotiof^.pctcc pjonounceo agapuft^imou jS3a= gits. But t^is our cjcpofttioutbc iSiop^ct i£i<\^ appiouet^ m i)i5 J j.c^aptec.]a?bece amongeC otbcc t^ingcc fOuieCfau^ ^c) bwpe toyt^ottttnone^, atio toitbout pzice, o? f5;fbaungc. anil bv anti bp : Sin bearing btarcme, iuciinc pour eare.^c. Srbecfoie tbe laomif^c £bananite,tbe greateft Dcccanci: tbat cttet\2)as,3limeanetbeidope tbat great mavcbaimt, txibicb feiktbaHtbvngcsintbccbnccb^v^aanociien tbofe tbpnges tDbicb ^ batb not,batb no oefence becebv.^ojeouer,iiUe as it is pJamel^ cjcpieCTcD in i£fav,of toboni fucb graces oz gifts arc to be bougbt: ^0 bercalfo CbuS fa^tb ejtpicffelv: 31 coiis feli tbcc to bu"^ of me. Bebolrsc be favtb of mcniot off jaope, ofi3gonfees,;jfrver8, oi^iieftcs. ^oi Cbjift alone batb tbe tbingcs tobicb toe may require, l^c alone notb fatilfie, be a- tone grauntetb tbofe g^ftcs, ^nb tbetfo;e be fa^tb in tbe gof^ pellof^.Slobn; Ectbvm tbatbatbb"«gecoi tbictte, come ijnto me: ^0 me, 31 fay, letb^m come. 3lobn tbe 4. ^. anbi7» anb ^.jacter faytb: Eo?i),to tobom dial toe gcei arbou baft tbe tooibcs of cternall Ipfc. ^s tbougb ^c Q:)ouib fay : 31f toe toiU lyiic.toc can goeto none otber,but tjnto tbec, ^bou act t^eipfe anb fountayne of all goobncs* ^ozeoncr t^e tfe ano piofitc of tbis pure golb, tcteb anD i^\)t bfr moftpurifieD,3imcanc,t^eujo;b of gobs trmb (t pure fay tb, ^frmtc of is of tb?eefo?tcs . jpicft , tbattbou mayfS be cicb : ^econoly, pnrcgoi^ rbat V inaycG bye tbee appacell:i:bit:biy,tbat tbou mayftbye f bee eye faiuc, to bealc y blynbnes of tbine eyes.^oj y toojb ofi5obfEfayt^iu^ym>ist^efounDatiott oftcue meligiotu |&,ii, :ippit^out Chajt.^, Thexxj.Scrmon Ci)e true %^z ficfi; criuf c,i3 tocaUU o? nc^es,to toitte fpii'f'tf nt ll. 5f ox H'''f^?/f, ^^^ ^^^'^ ant favtb arc not a fatfc umigination ,'ano a tjayne .ti;c tflit.;rui. jjjj.j^> oftlj^ugcsuiofl: evctilcnt, ;foxl)ct}?at bciti!ctb tbc V3301D > fcclrtJ) lo^E iu l)!S {>aL-t,anD mtovcci) (prcinv,!! g?ttcs. 5l'iib ra pouriling e^rc{J,r^iof!Cj:!} lavtg IjcpcfriiTctl^ all gocD- ncs . Yyljcrupon a'io ti;c SJ-poitiv la ttjc firfl; ct)apf .ci tl)c firft igpraic to tgcCoztuil).fat>D:li 5cac t^auttcB to mv 0oD al- Axjaves foi VDu,fozt!5c grace of ^o&y is gcncii pc^ iu Cijj.a 3',cfii bccanfc vori nix m all ti}y up-cs mv^cijcD t^ l;vin, lu cue- icp XDDZD,,T m aU fenouiletgc ( lise as rbc tti!uJ)onv of Cbzift iscc'itfinucDtuyoii, )31niomuci? tl^at ycirarc net Deftmirc \i\ anp gift', ^c . JLct tijcm marine ujcii tfccfe ti)vngcs,tr-^ic^c t^nfecujoilDl? gaoDcetcfcc true nc*gc3.2:{jcicfoolce Mbc iiiDgen by tl^c ta;ifcZ5Citic olriSoD , as it is mantfcfi tii tec. « i» cljap.of ^.llnt^crauis bcfiocs tijis , tl):p ts5at arc scniuuc oC ti)c lig!?t of iI5oDb tDOiD,(c iar^e fiiptb ,mn not tJfe igclc. catt!)^ Iv ciclK3,arigl;t auD \ijcii. 2;^ci'foic tpc gc«;«cniv f tc^cs , ace t^tmv: riches, . . , v - ■'.^ Ci}c appa= 2Ci)afrcont) fcuitc , ts tljc clot^png an& coinc!v> appacc!!; tell of tbe to^crctoitb toe arc coiicrcD , tbat our fliamcfiill naliCDncCTc fajtijfttU. ftioulD not appfacc , Bcfcic t^cit tali fuir parentc£> vucrc na^ ljeD,b«tioul)outanv fljamc 031 i5ia)oncftv.l3ut alter tt)Ctrfal, t^ep tticrcaa^amcD^bccaufcfuttie bjnigcsi) fliamc , am voant of gooi) tooiKccr^uD au cmll coniicrfatiou,ifi amcft Qjaint^ full na!scDucB.'n?itlj tI?!S 'xttt t\^z 2,r.o5iccans nifcctcD » TBut d)iift,tD'QicI) IS taugt't \]3 bp cbc tooiD of triitb , (t percciucD Ijptruc faptb,is cl)2U)l)ire appareil of tl;cfaptbfu!,tl)cir ngb- tcoiifncs auD miiocencici^c coucrctb ail our fpoitc0,pijtictij a\xjap our ft)ar^lc^:lil naUcDncs,^ bccfect^ tjs ujubail UpuD of aUt3crtuc6,tpatt!Xicniapappearc boncilanD coiuclp bcfoic i3oD in bolp conncrfatiou .:;JFoz Cb?ift is t^c tDCDlipng gar:^ jnsm/iS^ije apofllc coam'ellctb ^s to put on £t)2i(t, anfi ro \it appavcUcD tuu^ rigbt*cmncs , tcmpcratmcc,e:- aU goaancs. arocptaccs be mtijc.i^ to t'pe mcmames. f£pl)r.4. €,oiof»3. iDur lLi^= cbap.iltDap v^itp our iaopes \33nnpic,tjnfccr tl;c tubicb tbcp 5i?es&r»i= connnonlpgatSjcrtogetbcr tl)C \JDicUc5 nnD unpcnitcut per? pJC' ■ Cotts.srbc.moU; pure ajzouDctij none iwii^ , ii)c iaueti) ctg^tc^ oufnes anu reacutaunre» ■'i\\i:',i Hjf ir.allp tuit^ tbis golD is bong'ot an f^ faluc , tobtc?) isd mcDJcmc fozt^c eves, twbicbiSJyJfrtions arc ixjoiittc tap to ^igijt iff Idic aun tiers epcs^agapnft bluiDues 2;bc CGnunn'.uiDcittcnt ycfto^cD. pf t^c iLojD,raptl) pauirjjis tj?pgt)t,gc«iug hg^t to tbc cpes» ;Jraptb vpontheApocaL'pfe. 6i C^a^:^^ fs^tf) a!fo bot^i rig^tl^ infojmc ti^t iuDgc mcnt ofinatt , tfjat toe map iuDgc feolplp of tjertncs i; t)iccB,2r^c xoant of iSoos U302D anD of true fapt^,b?ptiget^ in blynDncfi. ;JFoj ail t^tfe tbings t^c iLoiD couufellct^ f iLaotiiccan0,fo fccfee foj i3oD3 ti:o:D,anu to btlcuc it V)crclv.;f oi fo it tooulD come to paOc , t^at t^cv tjcpng incic^cD tuit!) ali fpirituail giftc6,aioiilt! kaDe a pure conucrfatton luttie c^wi'cb , pof- fclTc Cbjul^anti mDgc rigbtlp of all matters of faluattS . Ztio intbcretbpuscs alfo confiGctl) trucrrpcntannccmamclv.ltt fojgcucucB of finucB,anD in amentcmciu of Ivfe. $c. . cbp.Ocnctlj bitter toojDs $ fentcnccs,tbat,tDC are conflccmcD to Qifpaire: febome t)c I&epicuemctb ttiatfamc anDfaptb : to^om roeucr jl lone, ^o«ft^. sAsyx^ y^' tjocjcTgyo 31 rebuUe anD cl)afte . 2rbe ftrll tuoztj figs tiiftetl) to accufcanD repzoue opeIp,Vu!)icl) is Done \x)itb fljars per too^Desr^be latter is referrco to Difcipline, tobcebp ci?il« tiitw are bcpt in atoc toitb tlje }3almcr,lea{l tbcp foiget tljem fciucstbzougl) toamonnes.arbcILozDtberfoje aUuD^ngto tbetooiDesof ^alomo mtbc.itj.cbap.of bis jajouerbesjtgc nifietbtbata a^arpe rebufee , oifcuere cbaftifmgjs notaU toapesa fignetbat i5oD is angrp,but oftenec a to^en tbat be is pleafcD anD louetb tjs ♦ ^^berfoic be faptb , firft 31 rebHbea pou ft)arpelp of loue,ani> fo fougbtpour ialnation. 2rbcrfo?c It is nouj alfo an bolefomc figne if t\)t p?eacbers rebnfee tbc Cburcb U)ttb Q)arpe U}o;Des« ^nD agapneit is an isnlucbp ngne,if intolerable fanltes be (IrobeD \x)ttb a fojctaple,3]t is a tobcnoflouealfo , if a man fufferfonDzp mi(l}appes . :x7bic^ tbpng tbe ^poOlc Difcourfetb at large m tbe . jtt) « cbapter to tl)c|^ebjetoes» ^port tbcfe tbpnges be inferretb tbc fummc of tbe mat- ter,anD faptb : ^itb tbou fceft iSou fo eameftlp fcefee tbp fal- oj^^^f rt= nation, 31 piap tbcc comimie notatoapes to be tbnsina*'^^""^^' mammerpng neitbcrbot^,no^cola.ZyXc$c^oy,be jelouB,tafec ttttotbeea fecuentfcale tofolio\» aniJ catcbtbp faluatioiU! iJfojnoto be fcttetb tl)t ferucntnes of faptb conccaHCD of tbc toojn anD fptritc of i5oD , agapnft tbis neujtralitic ox tuarms nes.aftercoarD be aDDctb , anD repent: namelp bp foiiabpng tbpne cail conaer(atio,anD bp gcttpng trpeD golo at Cbziftcs banD : tbat is to tuitte b'^ gettpng pure anD fine golD , fo as t^ou mapa be ricbe > anD aapeD in tobpte , anD bane a meDi^ Ua^* cine Chj.$» The xxij. Sermon (ttie tu^ecctDtc^ to announce tl)inc eves,t^at t^ou ma^eS be* i|[i^e D;aU)et^ fl^em alfo ijcrebi^tnto repentanncc. T/;^ xxiiSermon. "D Ehold I ftand at the doorc and knockc : If any man heare my voyce and open the doore , I will come in vnto hym , and will fuppe with hym , and he with me» To hym that oucrcommeth will i graunt to fit with mc on my (cate euen as I ouercame , and haue fittcn with my father on hysfcate.Let hym that hath eares, heare, what the fpiritc fay th to the congregations* l!^crebvaIfotl)cEo?5 aflncct^t^e jLaoisiccansto repents tauncc,(l)eto^S t'pat cuec? t^mc is mete fo? co;mer(icn,anD tl)at 0aD ts euermo^e rcadf to teceiue Dttners , anD pjtmo^ betl^tl^cmaltDa^est^att^e^CUoulDaittcntie atiD Ipue.i^ii 9i!es«Mcai t|)ts mattet; i^eeeicponttDet^ m an i^liego^icail ano gooDlp fi?c2c^. fpcac^,tabcn out of tJje. 5 .chapter of t^c boofee of canticles* ^0^ \^z fapttetl) t^e Eozi) to fianti at t!)s Doo;e and &nocfee, vc^ attt) to p^omtfe Vierp gi:cat famtliantte ano to^cs t^nrpea^ea;? i)ie,totbcmtbatopen» ;^tratberfo^e^ere tenedared t^e soo&totll of i5titxo» toarDCjs; rinnete.auD I>t0 moft rcaop toiil al\3}aveB to recctttt tbetn, veaatidbis cnoieflTe tttDeuerto moue mentotepen^ taunce,t^attljep inigbtIpuc.;JPoit^c ilojD llanDctb attfte l>ooic,anD fenocfettl).2r^ too?D ilaiiD ootlj rign5fie,t!)at i5oD tsaioja^ce p^epareD.altjpavc^ toatcl^etb cute our faiuation* ;jf oj l^e ivtttt\i not ftiI,no? Jpctb not on tijc one fioe lifec a aag:3 gat5e;biit!jc flannctti bufclp to bvc toojbe.ano 31 uao fa^tlj fcjttot 31 CoDe,o? Q)aH ftano : But 31 llanD niccmoje rcaop, Cttccmojclouvngano genttc.jjo^tootb bcJi^eUnocftctb,Fta enenattbeZ)oo;e, oefirpngtobe lettn. ^0; Ipl(ea0 be tbnt !ttiof!ietb at t\^t oooze earncftfp couetctb to 'tt let in : fo i5oo Dcficctb cacneHIp to be of \3S receiucD.iano iSoo tjfet^ fcutsj^ ?^0t»t^e fe^noes of fenocijvug . ;Jf02 be tijacnetb , flv?cctb tjs Dp toitb |,ojt)*noc= ^10 tooiD bp tbe }9zopbete6,agapnc bp fignee nno toonDcrs, wf9« aifo bp fonftjp cbaunces anD moupngco. STbefc tbpnges nia^ befcne in tbc Cttte of 3lemfiate.l^e fcuDctbto tbem bps id^« p^etc04no ^poflies; j^e O^etpQCt^ Dtuet;0 wonocr0:I^e b^tn- vpontbeApocaL'pfe. 62 C^af.j, get^ tojotoful cljamices t)ppon t^cm,to toame t\)tm toittjall: ^uc^ci0arcrcpo^tcDmiLuhc.i3. of ti)e i3aIilcanB> and of tftofc to^om t^c touce of ^iloe ^au oucctobcimcD . ipe map fee tijeipfee at t^is Dav,^ovo tijc Eo?D lutocUet!?. ST^crfoze \)c faio ti:«Ip,!^irciifale>Bicruraiem.$c.j5gati?. ij.Sr^efc Doubt- lee are t^enomgee of i5oD,t9^o tDoui&e not tl)at a fiimer f^ouiD Die,but ratber conttert ano line. arben mud tsjc fee,to!)3t is ccquiccD of lis : tjcrdp t^at toe Purpart (l)0iilj) ^care ti^e Unocfeuig auD nopfc of iljc '^noc^cc, anD aU '® fo ^^care fo tljat toje il)oulD open ano cccciuc ^tm,fcemg be is bcfirous ^"^ *° •'p^* to conic m» ?^cre acetbcp ccnfutcD, to^icb fpcafee of man as tboiigb bee toere a biocfee , and imajjine 31 Unoto r.ot tobat manee of 0?aia3ing,faymg: 3ilt is nevtbct: m tbe rmtnci; no? in t^eujillee. ^c» Ccrtapne altosetl^rabflevne fi'o u^ell iioing,fa?mg: if 31 be cboren,u is mougb. J3nt tbe Ijcripture cuecv tobece ccqmrctb bearing anu obcDicnce. »?c fencto tbat onelp t^e cbofcii arc faucD: ano tbat tbcy be cl}ofen in CbJift: tbat tl)c^ ujbicb belcciie are m C.bnft:tbat bclcife commetb bp bearing4:ana tbat bearing commetb of tbe tDO?t>e of i5oD/ 2[:bcrfoiefaptbtbeia?opbet,tbisDapifvoubearc bis tjopce* $c. Sbc fame is rcciteo bp tbe apoaic»feeb. 4 . ^no tbe fame apoKle i.STim.zJaptb: 31n a great bonCe t'gcre betjeQelsnot 'onelpofgolDe^butofeartbalfo. 31f anp pourgcbimfelfe.^c, janiitbcrfo;etbelLo?iifavt^,31fenocl$e: 31t(^aUbe tbp part, not to bifpife bim tbat hnocUctb^bnc to open tmto t^pm. 0nd ^e recitetb ttoo tbingcs to bearc , tobicb botb in tbe s.anD 9* of 3]o^n, ia requireb of tbe cbiibien of j5ob , anb of tbe trnc n)eepe: ^nn to opcn,tbat i6,to receute tbeHo^b, 0; to beleue anb to obep.anb to frame tbemfelues after tbe totU of i5ob, anb to ooe penaunce. i^ottuttbfiading toe mnflbere betoare tbat toe tbinbe not tbat man batb potoerof ^pmCelfe to re^ ceiuc :be E'OiD.SETbe Eop illuminetl) biB elect,anD bp bnn toe can boe ail tbvngcs, toubout to^om toe can boe notbing.£>:; tbcr places miia be coferreb topt^ tbiMS Slobn.u.^.Co?.?^ jabiJip.i4 2:bcptberfoje tbat open, boe open bpt^e grace of i5ob:^nbasfoubemt^atopcn Hot,tbeir not openpng is tb?ougbtbeirotonefaulte,becanretbepbetoiappcD m tbep} fpnnes,anD not tbjougb anp fault of 0ob» Hetts bcaremoieouer tobat tbeilcjD pjompfetb to tbem wl?at&e t^atopen, tbat is to fap, to fuel) as rcceiue CbjifJ toptb true f^^m bp faptl;» 2r^c ILojD pjcmta-tb to t^emttoo tbings cbicflp,;Jfirft, ^^^m- 31 topi! goe into bpm,faptb be '^^^ fcripture fignifietb, tbat C^{tGt Diipoc|!ctQ cucrp to^ere tb^ougb fapt^, m t\)t partes of Chttf.)* The xxij. Sermon tljefa^tljfun, anDisfetttc tjntotbcm \33it^a\jcrvfitrcltnot. I&c tW catet^ mv flcflic $ DiinUct^ mv bloMO^abvUctb in me, anD 31 in t)^m, %\)ck t^^ngce arc fpofecn of rtjc Eoit) in t!)C »s blcCTcunee, tobicl) bcginnctb ^cce, ant> is ma&c pccfectc in t^e ofbcr \^fc. anD tl5crro?e in t^e feconb place tl)c Hoju fa^tb: 3^, toiil fuppc to^tb ^vm, anD be toptlj mc. xobccbp be betofecnctb agsv^^e, not onclp a moft Deacc frcuDQjyp anDfamiliaritic (foj tbc ta- ble i3 cofeccateD to amitic}bat rattier tbjoug^ tlje fcuinon of etecnall gloip. :Jf oj bp tbf fuppcc arc fignificD, tht tpttnytiQ great anD \)hfpca!^ablc iopts of ^cauen, toiiiclj tbc goDlp re- ceiue in tl)cic foules immeDiat!^ at tbeir Deatt), anD fliatl tc^ ctim nioic fiillp in t1)c cnDc of t^mcs^toben tbeir boDies arifc aga^nc. a;^ercfoic it is not appi\'CD to a Dinner^but to a fup^ pcc,a6ittBa!foini4.ofEnl«f,2ErbcniftoereceiuciH)jift,\»c , ft)aHI)aucbvtn Duelling ^Vtt) ^Q continuaU? , tii^ilca toe lVwtintbK5\JDoUD;anDmtbctuozlDc to come vuef^alt ^anc tbefnUfriution of alltlje iopcs cftertiall. srbcfetbingfBbc certaine $ true. ;jfo20tl)ertDpfe in tl^c !vfc to come t\)itt fljall be no riarouB banquctie&,f(tcb ns tbc iiTnil^ee dcc imagine; Cbet^jonc l&c flnne):ct^ alfo an otbcr general! pjonnle, to^crcbv ^t of (0OD 10 ejcl^o^tct^ anD mouetb men to tbc Oud^ of goDl^ reltgien anD mcparrt to repcntauncc. fox to bim tbat ouerc ommetb? is pjompfeD fojti)cpc= tl)ck^ngDomeofbeauen. 2lnD befav'tb to bym tbat onerco* mtcnt. jj^pf ^ (tD^eteof 31 banc fpcfee m tbe otbcr epiQlce) not to l;iitt tbatfieeti,ojtoacotoarD.(tc.?^e pjopounoetbaifo tljetjcam^ pie of tbc conquer onrC^)ji(t.;fo;voemuftcucrcome, as ^e patl) oucrconuncD. J&c in dccdc ouercame mod perfectly: \X)e after our litlc(lrengt^,figbt.anDouercome. i^nD tccclvt^e unt tictoip in V)b,is tbe luiclp tjcrtue of C^zift: tbr.t \c to fa]? bv ^V^^ tljcv o»crcomc,to^ofoener oncrcomc. anD iiUe as be banpng ouercome Deat^,anD VjanquiQ^cD t^e Vi?02ltic anD t'^e DeHil!,afcenDcD into bcanen, auD ftttetb on tl?e rtgbt^anD of t^cfat^er: (o^cptomifeti) \}6 alfo tobtcb ouercome, ti^at \)t topll geue bs tl^e feat of l)vs fatber: not t^at u>e (ball be mabe i^^liftes, to fit ont^t n^ipt i^auD of,ii5oD to tuDge at! fleQic: but vppon the Apocalipfe.^ ^3 Chif.4. ivA tW bcms maBc patwHcrs of cMcriafftng gJoip,anD nefu iicccD fr5 all iuDgcmet, toe a)ai appc ace in glozp, tolje t)c Qjal coine to tuoge ttjc quickc atiD ti^c DcaD. xt)c reao of a It&e pzo« mifc maoc to t^ e oifciplcs fsejatl). i?.anD EtiHc.^i. StiD fo afs furcDIp fl)al t^is gloivcomc ^nto l)s,a0 C^iift ^imfclf ie \)ec relv afcenDcD into ^eaiicu a«u fietct!) in tijc glciy celcOialL atit) ^erc toe mutt note a fpcciall tl)vng, tijat Cbjtft gciiet^ tl)attbmg,\23bicljtnt^C2o. ofogat^.lje oenpct^ t^at fc can 5CHe to 3laiuc anD 31 o^n,t^at is to fit m tt)e glozp of !)caiic«» ^^erfoie tl^is place cicpoiinoctl) ttjat. ;rroj £^;tft m ccQjcct of C^f i>mi= ISjio iI5oD^faD,gcnctt) t^at toljiclj t?c tscupct^ ^^inlclfe able to "i^'^^J geuc,m rcfpfctc of bis man^oDe . ^Ijis place tijcn p?o«et^, <»H)^ittr ttjat CbziR IS tocrp i5oD>tl?c gcuci* of ctcmall Irte. jc» Be aDDctlj (after bis inancr) an acclamation, t»l)cccbp be dppl^t^ tbto cptftle to all ccngregationsi, nno aStnnetb it to be inrptceo b? tbe fptrite of iL^ix^ , xol^tutA toe baue fpobeti befoie, Bctbctto;tuc banc treatcu of tbc feconb part of tbis vuozk, ^j^f QMiJfr ixjb^ccin are oeclarea tbe mod cjcccllcnt poiiues of onrrcJigi*; \i u j.-^w en, tDbo>anD of tol)at fou Cbnll iSyboto^(0ttetbm tbf^gtoi: ' ' •' ■^' <' t^ of t^ fati)cc^ boto be is pKfc«t;iii b^s clwccbv an&boxo be ■■^'^ ^Souernetb tbe fame as b^ngano }^%\tVkt , bp bts fpinte, b? bis too^de, and by bis^acramcntes. )37bac alfo, ano of txibat foitc 15 tbe Cburcb of Cbuit : tobat is tl^e true anl» rtgbt doctrine of tbe Cbuccb : tubat opinions are UjidteDit l3Jbat is to be Done topcb erconeons ooctnnes ano feDucers: bo\» tbc <:,Wtt\) fallehano aSflictcD map be repavKD : tPbat ts tmercpcntauncc,anii \i3bat are tbe DueticsottbegoDlp, ano manv otl^ertti^pngtsoflptce fouc . ^q i5od tbe fatber be pzavfc, t^anfecs getting, ano glo?v, V:fl.wti^ licfus CbJift C^bcfcconDbtfion ts fbexeoto ^.|obn> iubercm be fo^ etbd^oDtnbtsSDronetoitb C^loef^^ iDbdme W^tUtU betbtrimcl^. ^ : ' ■ * : T/;^ xxiiLSermon . Ftcr this I looked , and b^liolde a dporc wasopcninheauen, and the fyrft voycc which I heard, was as it wereatrximpcc talkyngwith inejwhklvfaydc : coirte vp> K.v, hcther. Cha{.4. .T) ThCxxiij.Sermon h ether, and I will Pneu'c thee things which muft be fuFr filled hereafter. And immediatly I was in thefpirite; andbeholdeafeatcwasfetinheauen , and one fate on the feate.And he that fate,was to looke vpon like a laf- perftone, and a Sardine ftonc: and there was a rayne- bbwc about the feate, in fight lyke a Smaragde. And about the feate, were xxiiij»feates. And vpon the feates xxiiii. Elders fitting, clothed in white raymente , and had on their heades crownes of golde. 2r^ t^irD part of t^is too^He reac^et^ from t^c 2)rs{nnms 6ft^C4.»c^aptcr,bmotl)ebegtttnmgof t^c u.cljaptcc: ann tontc^uct^ a notable \jifion,mca^olefome, $ of mnci^fcutt. 2r^cftrftt)trton,\x)^tc^toc^card eicpouuitcD mtl^e ^cl^apr. e]cl)tbtte£^afisure of ct)|ift, anb of !)tB cburch^auD 6oU] tbc JLojO reignct^ in tbc fame, ^o\u alfo t^c Cljurcb bc^auctb oj ((Ctie^ro;^ oog^tolicsneane It^ecfdfe. 3^ tbcfccotiD V^tfio.^.SJObn Dc^: ment of tbe darcc^ jirtXLtacuipfeii^oD uj^tb a tne(i )9p^tg^t ano boiv go^ fccono t>i= «er«emc«t,lM«^ l^ C^jtft rule all t^yngcs tbat happen to f MOW' cSttrc^iKii^fe tobjlbe, o? arc none agapnft it bv t^c too?lDc» l^ercm are re^earfen f moft fo^otofuU oeQentes, calanuttcs, f)iaguc0, i^cdructums^fammeo, pcrCecutions, rcuoitmseB, t)crefte2i,conflirtec,anDotbermoft grceuous inconucntenf xtB t)f xbc faine fmt, tDbtcb bappm to t^c Cburc^. aiXo,0Qd IB ^ere Dcrcrtbco.tu^o be ts,anD tol^at mancr a one i)e i0:t^at tB totcitte, tbat be is iuft^Jop^igbt , and boly \\\ all btB iuDse^s tuenccs:2rbatbetBtbeftrft fonnber of all tbvns^B: s:bat tbzDugI)tl>cmo(lU)V(£nnbt)»eUent gouerncmem of Cb^tO b£ rulct^all tbtngeB, tbat t^e bolp j^ntigels alfo anb all crta^ ftf ^"*^*^s DOC acfenoaoleDgebtm, anb geue §o?v ^nto b«n. i^ltta H^c^J;:„ fott tcacbetb tjs to acfenotDlcbge tbepjombcnceanb goob ^ * tjilt of i5oB totoarbCB tis^anb bis moft mft goucnicmcnt iii ^11 ottr bomgs , ^tti eu§ in f greuous calautttics $ pcrfecutid one U)bcrof it flial p^opbec^ awo«.2rbtc if toe Doc txittbQinct inViiDcc,U)e fl)all beare alfo moft bwuy buctbcns patiently: toe fl)aU ccafc to be ^rious in inquirmg, tobv <5oD permit* tetl) anticb?ift to fpjing tJ|),to tncrcafe, to rcigite, to opp^c tberdigio^anb^ainteBof^ob* %\)txi a)allcearcalfo tl^e Bla$l^bttslntffitiitic|oftbore, to^tc^ are not affravbe to fti^jisob i^irt becbe fbe 24)^T^e ts almigbtie, be botb \»bat be \jDtil,anb as be tsliti: anb toe are bdub lernauntes, miD ra^ ij^r >»»}^ t^^n^OKimil « ^im fo;tceii to jbeare to>l;dtCoeaeC: vppdnthcApocalipfe.' ^4 Chaf.^, %t toni I^i)poti \)0* Hit mnS be ob I)^ ttdl ^aiue re, l^t ts dbre tomato It bootcr^not to gattteCsp 9vm* ^s tt^bo OjoulD rav,ttiat0oDU)ete\)mu&,anDtcmi)Iewtt^ tp;anm«: rail rasc,$ culeo acco^fiins to fleQ^lp Inft » lit is moft (bamec foil to tl^tnbe fo,tnucb mo^e to Tpeabc tt» 2rbtB ttrton toil tie dare tbat f5od bp bis pjoutDence gonetnetb all tbmgcs, anli t^at be IS tttd m all bts \}}avcs.anti bolp m all bts tooibes. antificft^.IobnispicpareDto tcceiuc tbts tJifion, pea 35 mcpgra^ ant» toe alfo are pzcparcD in btni . ^oj tobcn bcbaD feene i}:^t tton to tiji.« Do^e m beaue to be topiie open,be bearD toitball, coine lip be^ \}tfion. tbcc.atclt is fucel? a bencftte not to be ocpjeflfeo to^tb toiig, tbattbeHo^oopenetbbcaucnfot vsmtTecable mn mo^tall men, anD futferetb ts to fee tobat ts Done tbenn, 0; tobat be bunfelfeDotb tbete, ano tobat bis tooiUes 0^ tnogcmftes be totoarocs men. Het no man fa? btteafter, tbat i5oD ootb ttjbatbeliftetbmbeaucn.tottbowtccgacDmg ts tbatcteepc tpon tbe eartb> tobo muQ tntmrc euen tobat toe toouio not. ;f o^noto pe velDetb as it toere an account of bts tootbs, ano becanfe be ts toell afltiteD of bis care , b^ aomittetb tbee as d looker on of tbe matter. ano bere bee nedaretb toitb a go^lp topee , tobat Slobn cbemtntre {bonlo Do,$ boto be fljoulo bebauebpm felfe * Cb^tft btooetb muftbe 3nobn afcentte into tbe riipercelefttall placesmot m boop , but itfteo tp« in mpn^ie.arbettoie muft our mpnDe be Itfteo tp into tbe c6« templatton ofbeauenlp tbpnges, anDbepourgeo as mueb US map be f com earcblp affections , tbat toe map bebolo X^zsl^s ucnlp tbpngcs toitb an beauenlp contcmplatton:'^ea ano tbe ejtampie of 3l]obn folotoetb timnedtattp . !^nD tncontinentlp 31 toas tn tbe rpinte:tbat ts,tna (pirituall contemplation , 0^ rauiaicD bp tbe fpirite into tbe earned cotifioeratton of tbofe tbpnges tobicb toere Q)etoeo me. ;furtbecmoie bere iz fct oototte an ab?tiisemettt of tl^z /trDcraiitc tbingestbat arc to be fpo1?en.31 toill Q)eto tbcc tobat tbpngs of ti^tngei muftbe Done bereafccc . /po? after tbe fcttpng ootoneoftbetobcfapB. S^ppe of i2>oD,gotternpnganO oiDerpng all tbingcs iuGlp bp aili^ti Sjmmeotatlp be Oedarctb tbe DeStnies of tbe Cburcb &p itixtn feales,anD {mm trompettes^ in tbe tobtcb are euerp tobereimerlaccomoft comfortable ^cffectuall confoladons. ano ficfi of all , before tbe feales ano trompc ts bete is fee % ^m of fo?tb a figure oj tipe of i5oo , (t of bis moft rigbtcous iuDgc^ <0od Soojs ineut ano gouernement in all tbpngesiano tbat is Done tbos fe^ngau rougb out tbe -^..ano y.cbap.tobolp,to t\^t eno to prepare ^s tijBjBcss to tbe reaDpng o; bearpng of t^ofe tbpngs tobic^ fl;aU foloto *"'"?• i« ChAf.4* :"i ThiixxHj. Sermon 4n t^ ^.r.anD »^ c^ait)« and m t^e teS of t^e £l^aptet0, lD|)t^ tl)pnses fceme greuouo, ^arD,$ linutQ to mans itiDgement* ^m t\)t irvpc 0^ Mioxx toas after tbte fo;t.3in ijeaucn it (Hfe i^hcWme t^ercappcai;etl)afcatco?t!)?cttcof(3^aic0ie.i^e t^atfittctlj ! ^ ?4i tbcrin,l)olDcti) in ^is cisijt ^anb a boofec , clofeD \DitlJ feales» oS J oS ^P ^"" ^^^^ ft^^^f ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^'^^^^ ' ^^»<^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^"^^^^^ fame ^^^^ openct^ t^e feales tl^erof.^nD out of t\)is t^;one atfo p;o ccbct^ a fcuenfoln fptritcttionDcrfully \)ttcrvng Ijis \jcrtucs. Befoic tlje f^atc appcaret^ a giaflic ^ca,bjig^t, ano eue l^fec jL^iifta!l.2r^e t!)zonc it fdfe ceftetlj UUe a tcwtgon topon fonre bcaCtes fiili of eves anD txi^tigcs, beneatb appearing rounoc a&out,anD imiironvng o: comparing tbe tb|one> ^ rainebotn IpUe an iSmcrauD ccmpaffcti o^ inclofctb it as a teebge* i^ount) about tbe tb^one ftano « lepiii^ . featcs in Cirdetoifc, toitb as manp elders fitting on tbem^crotoncD ,and in tubite acav ♦ arbis is tbe oiDcc of tbis fecono Vjtfion . 3|n tbeir place (balbe Declared \xibat tbe ^ambe,\])bat tbe beades , vvbat tbc i^iDcrsanti tbe otber partes Did . Sitfufiftcetb noto to bane coucbeD tbe cbiefeU pointes of tbe figbt o^ tiilion^anD tl)e b^ief onerfbaDoUipng of tbe fame. miOond ^ econDlp t»e muft fee , tobat euerv tbvng fignifictb « fa} ejct)tbueD bcteof DepenDetb a great part of tbe tDboiemifteries concern t • K"^ ^""^^ **^"S ^^^ maner off tifion. ^.^obn bjingetb no netw tb?ng > j)cro?e. tobcwneleDeoncernvngCbxifl.;fo?toereaDtbatfMcbina3 fterof btftonstxiere cj^btbiteb fo; tbe mod part to tbe}d}0« 4Jbete6,a6 to ^efa^ in tbe 6, cbap . ^o ejecbiel i.anD n.cbap. % C^/?enc. (^im to 2)anicU in tbe 7. cbap.^c . i^nD a tb?one fignifietb fo* uercm maieftie , anD ejcecutton of Blufhce . ^nD becaufe tbe tb;one is not fene in eartb^but in beauf:toe mnfltbinbe, tbat tbe pzouiDence anD aDtninidration of i5oDs iuDgcmentcs be ccleftiall, fotmcc, ntoft bol? , anD eleane t)o?De of ali cojrnp? ^ittuigin tion.anD»pon tbis famctbjone is one fitting, fitting 3] fav, ti)e tb^onc. anD not Iping oj flanDywg . ;foji3oD tbc iuDge of all is of a qnvct mvnoe , neitber is be moueD \x>itb an? affections IvJie men . i^ere is none affection , iniurie o} tinrigbteoufncffe in tbe )miuerfa!l gouernement of all tb^nges to be tbougbt t)p:s Son.i5libu.intbe34.cbap.of3lob, faptb: ;JFarrc from j2od e toicfeeDncs,^ iniquitie from tbe aimigbtie.;^ oj tbe \x>o?lte of man tDill be renocr to bim,anD acco^Dpng to tbe tua^es of euerv one be toill rctuarD tbem.;Jfoj tjcrel^ fdon toill not c6- Dcmne foj nou5bt,neitbcr toiU tbc almigbtp fubuerte inDge* ment, ^c » anD Arctas iSpftjop of Cefarea an olD ejcpofitoui; ftDmouiftjct^ , t^at of pnrpofc t^e f^apeof tmn i»9fi not at9 tribtt- vponthcApocalipre, 6$ Cbdp./^, mlJtttcD fo ^pju tijat ftttetlj on t^c rcatc.;f o? albeit t^dt after- ^ ., . toarD mention be maDc of a rigOtljauD bolDpngt^c faoofee, Stcilli?^^ pet 10 !jerenoa)apcof man ep^ibiteD. But Ijcfaprlj Cimplp no humne o«c (ittvng,\33itf)o«t giumg ^im any naiucSTl^e caufc is rea- a;ape* ' Up: foj iSotJ bp 1)13 nature can not be DefincD^as Ijc tl^at is tn- . iiifiblc, an^ \)njncarui'able . Sifter tJ)e maner of men humane members arc attribntei) to ^!in,but tJjcp muft be ejtponnoeD' J)V a figure . fSSszeoiur Xi^^tw V^t fame {3oo appear>;D to t\^t people of 3;rracII in §»in3,tl)ep bear& a ^opce ouclp, mt ti)cp fato no cgoiCS \sjitntnet^ int'ge4 . c^ap . of Dewte, CJereip to ti)C cno tJjcp fooulD not n;aUc any image to eppiclTc tbe incomt;zei)8ftbie, anu fo commit t^e great fmne ano toics fecDncOc of HiDoiatrie. ^.|aaui int'gc ir.of t'pc acces Denvet^ ttat tbe i3ots{)caD is ivfeetbe Deuife of men . 3|n tSje ep lilies to t?5eH.cma?nes,be aitouc^ctl) it to be tbc greateil folic tbat can be., to ma*«r 3';Doics after t^e Qjapc of men , to rep?cfcnt £5oD to(tga!I\ rrpcrcoftucijauc fpo&en elsUJbcrc. Im tljc mcane icafon are reljcarfeo t\xio pzecious fione3,\x-bicbbp t\itiK coHonrs Do after a fou (iiaooto tbc nature of our i3ot!, (£ put tbc gotjiv \i\ nv^nue of greater (t mo?e epceilcnt tbvngs, H ?afper is agcenc ftonc IiUc an ^mcrauDe.£5cenncs fignt^ fietb t^e eucrlanpngneflc of fBotJ,ano tbat be quicfeenctb auD ^petbalttbvngcsalvue . But tbe ^aroine loofeetbttiuba f pjie coulour Iv'ac a biigbt reo. ;jf oi iSoo DtucUetb in ligbt ^» appiocbable. 2llfo be is a confuiuvng ftrc,$ ^ery iouc it iclfe* ftii t^c nature of ftoncs rcaD PUme.&c. ilnrjarapnrao\xi inuironctbtbctbzonc rounJsc about, a Cl)^railtc= ra^mcbo'oo foz tbc moftpart is oc Diners coutoursrbut bere it bow ^xm-. isbfon:fou!our anDtbvitofani£mcrauDe,to'a5ntc grcttc» rasnin?^ STbe rapneboiiJ is a tcfecn of tije perpetual! grace , auD co«e= ttauiu inaDc after tbe fixxii^t , as isDcdareD in tbe 9 . cbap » of iSene.anD \}erclp tbc tbicnc of tbc bvgb i«lJgc niigbt put ijs i»nrtcbtD men in Icare. HT^crfozc tbc rapneboto puttctb \)6 in rcnicmmniuc of 0dds grace , auD ti^at i5oD tobicb by bis pzouiDcucc goncrneib all tftpnges , batb bounDc l;vin feifc m ICi^gfic to iivHT UinBe,to \i3bont \3crelv be 'ceul)ctlj taelia^bat league is fliilgrcncanDaltoavcs of fczce ♦ srbe gooDucsof ■fSoD toinartcs men is pcrpettmll. ;lro? tljiongl) beauc ll)oulD fali,^ altbougb r out of tbis tbione (l)oulD pzoccDc moft grc^ wous ibuDerboitcs^anD talamitics fall ijp6 tz iifee a ft oiine; yet !5 jSoD in league "^it^:^ tS5anD louctl) >3S Dcarelp, jg^jy- w^j^ xVocHttbctbzonearefcncfct. i:%\i^. featt6,anD \\\ tbemfit, t)cr0 m )C|ciiQ,i3!Dcr5jas^cnatoursoft^emoil mtg^tie^ngDome ftatcfi^. flf X. chaf./^* The xxiij. Sermon of i5ot), mh fI)oIc people of 3'ifracU,aJ t^c olD C^urclj befojc C!)zift. ^no tl)t ^!)?tftcn C!)urtl)\33as planteo ano fpiang tip cf t^c jcg. *lpo(licg,aftcc tljc incantation of Cljjift : 13^ rcafon to^crof t^efecononmnbccof tJjcttoelnc compie^cuoet^ t^ie toftolc c^itcf 1) of tht ncto people, ano fo b? tbe toljole jcjciiij. is ment {^c uj'oolc ^jniucrfaU company' of tlje ^aintec aC'emWco in bcauen,anD triiimpf)V»5 \33itU fDfjiiftt^eicfepng . ano tl)tr= fo?e t^ep be clotbco intnl)ite ravnicnt , as folfee tbat are pur* gen bp Cb?iS,anO matjc pure ano cleanefrom all cozruptioii, iaifo tbcp be crotoneD,bvcaurc tljev banc ouercomcn auD bo ttotu reigne in etentali glo^ Uinges ano pztefteo tbzoug^ CbJiU.^nOtbcDefcriptionof tbeirbebamouc abmoniQje'tb \j6,tbat in tbetn is notbpng toant^ng , tobicb map ntabc tbe tbiougblp bleOeD : ano tberfo^e tbep be (Ijetxieo fittpng.i^ot tbattbep ace tuoges of tbe felues, o; iuoge in CbziOes ftebc: hut becaufe tbep reli from tbeir iabour8,anD be of mo0 qupet ano pure affections,fitrvng toitb tl)t bPSb iuoge . But tobac tbpng 00 tbev^S^bep gcuc i3oD no counCell , tubat be (l;onld Do^oi bp tiPbat meane o^ tuay be map oo tbts o^tbar^ittt tl)vg allotb bis iuiigementes.;^o^ tbep ^noto atl bis too^bes to be tu0anD bolp.^be tobtcb (l)aUtmmeoiatIv foIo\x).)a7bat a)alt lue botban^ flialiit be mete fo^ts to inquire of tbe inbge^ mentcs of i5oo , o^ p^efcribe tobat be CboulD do ot not bo i 3| tbinke not:vou bane in tbis \)ntuerfalitie of ^aintes^all ]da« triarcbes.all Bf^uoges^all l^pnges.all )d?ittces,anD tbe tobolc people of i5oD:vou bane amogeS tbefe, bpng Salomon btin f cife,anD tbe moH cjDcelt^t anb toittieit ia^inces of tbe U)o;lb: pou baue tbe iapoll{es,anb men 0poftolicaIl, anbtDbattbebcattesbo. The xxiiii. Sermon, And vponthcApocalipfe. €6 Ckip.^, A Nd out of the Seate proceeded] Ilghienynges and thunderynges and voyces , and there [were feucn lampes of firejburnyng before the featc , which are the feuen fpirircs of God. And before the fcate there was a Seaofglaflelykcvnto Chriftall . Andin themiddes of the feate,and round about the feate,were foure beaftes full of eyes before and behynde. And the firft beaft was lyke a Lyon,the fecond beaft lyke a calfe,and the thyrd beaft had a face lyke a man ,and the fourth beaft was lyke a flying Egle . And the foure beaftcs had eche one of then) fixe wynges,and round about without and with in, they were full of eyes. And they had no reft day neither night X faying, hoIy,holy,holy is the Lord God almighty,which was,andis,andis to come* £)«r iLoji>3lcfucCIjn{t,as t^cfavt^fuU paCourof |))JS ci)cmarfer C^urcI),t6aboitctot)ttcrtI?c DeOtmesanDtDonDcrfuiirala^anDenD oc mitiee t^at fl)aU come tjpon t^c C^urrl) . STIjcrfojc to t^e in= ti)c ftrft tent tic mig^t ftoppe x\^t niout^es of Ciic^ as murmuc a«u be ^l^J^^ "^^ mquifitiiie of tbe iuDgcmcntce of f5oD:anD pcrfiianf allmcit ">^^"* to baue pattece tit tbefe ftouncs of cuils:^e fcctctb fo^tb a ttea ttXe before , tabertn be ftjetoctb tbac i5oii botb o^ pctmtttetb ail tbmges to be Dottc bv bis inoft rtgbtfuU p^otttbence , atto t^at t^e iambe goueinctb ti% o;bet:ctb tbcmtoitb ntoO tip^tgbt attbftebfall Sluftice. fQ% tobo fobclcuetbaiibremcmbyetb tbis , fubinittctb bV" fcit^ bwtnblp , louji? anb obcDientIp to ^is i3oD , lit all c^aimccs tbat bctpDc bym , aiib be alujapcs ctictb out, tbe !Lo|b is I'tg^tcotts iti all ^i& toapes atto bolp tit all bic U}02^e6.!2lnD tbis is tbe true (iacc of tbe firO part of tbis t3ifion,\MJ>irb is finiftjcD in tbeiip » aito fiftb cbapt . latttl* IS inozeoucrmoliclegaunt , molipleafauttt, anb moil full of confolation. sail tbpngcs ace ntojeltuely fet fo?tb anb petcet^; ixth m fucb fitte anb beauenlv reptercntatious , t^an t^e^ can lie titbecUanb in bate tooiibes. >Fitfi;bereisrecttrDa2;bione,vcaattba celeliialltbione, %xzctLim- leatt in tbe toojfees,tbe piouiDence anb lUDgementes of gob, jf ^JJ" ^? tue Qjottlb imagine anp tb?ng cacnall oi cojmpte. ^econbl^ KraS be, tbat fittctb on tbe 2Er^?one is tepjefenteb tjnto tos bp ttoo ^^^**"«"' coulloure.gccene anb reb.^o? iSob is an etecnall eCcncc ge^ itpng to all tbinges t^eic gceenencfle oi bevng. laifo be bnr^ Vitt\) ixi louc totvarbcs manU^nbe,^^ tuiUeti^ tveU tinto tban: but Cha^.Of* Thexxiiij. Sermon i)ttttot!)CDirobcDtcntanDtxl)ene0, ^eisa cottfunt^ng fvcr» ano il)c tl5iouc is inmroncD tev^^ a ra^ncboto grccnci' tijan gra[fe,comfoitvug\33,t^attxtc (IjOulDnotbeDifnm^cD ast^c figbcoft'ont goDlv t^ioiic, but roncmbcc altioavcs , tbat be tobicb Cmci'o on tbc tl)zonc,as iirogc anu goucruouc of all, is tnoft footbfaft auu tn;? m pcrf oiming bi? piomifcs, VC'^ ^ttu iu contiiuia!! league aub fccnUQjip to^^b ^s. Slbout f tbionc fitptiuj. xjiDcrs, \Dbo bctbcrto arc DcfctibcD, anu aisit tcctc fijaDQUJcD out tubat mancr of ones ibcp be: auij anouc in tbc cnae of tbc ^ .cbapt.anD in tbc u Cbail be Declared, tubat tbcy DOC, 02 \x3bat xV,t^ fa)?, ©oubtlcs all tbc ^atntcs in bcauen arc bcboltjcrs cf tbc i;iDsemcr.tcBanDU)0?fecs of i3oD. fQ% tbc tuDgcmcntcs of 0oD be not f«cb,tbat t^t'i fboulb (Ijunne tbc ligbt anb fenoU)!cDgc of tbc ^aintCB. . ii^oto follotoetb: out of tbc S^bione pzocccbcti ligbtnings, ^c. £)n tl}e tbionc iabc tbat fittetb anD tbc lambe,tbat is, tbe fatbcr anu tbc fonnc,anij from tbem botb piocceDctb fbc bol? gboO. ^oj bv intcrpzetation it follotoctb nnincDiatlv, Vobicb ^hc fiancs ^^^ ^^^ ^^""^ fpicitcs of i5oD. fQX tbe l!gbteningc6,tbunDCtf af the hoiv rpngecanJ) otbcr tbvngce bcrc rcbearfcu, Doe fignific o^ be- gi^oft, toUcn tbe bolp fpirite: \»bicb cl0 tobcre is rcD alfo to be (l)a^ DotocD by fper,anD toater,ani» tovnDc, anb b^ ficve tonngcs* J5utno man mutt tbinfee,tbat tbc bolvsboft, tobtcb is one in fubftaunccanb of tbc ftmple nature Diuincfljonlb be plncs fecD into fencn partes* ;jf oj 31 tolDe you in tbe firfJ cbapt.boto tbc fcucn fpiritcs of 0oD arc putfoj tbe feuen folbc, full, ano perfect fptritc of i3oD. Toz banc m tbc beginning of tbis iJifton tbc tobolc miff erj^ . - of tbcblcircasrrinitie, fonwcbas isnecDfui fojtjs to fenoto, Stfmtic bcleeuc,anD pzofcOe. srbetc is one ^eate, in tbat one feat are ^ ' contcpneo tbc fittcr,tbc Iambc,anD tbc fpirite : tberfoic tbccc is but one Duunc t^mtt anO naturc,anD tbcreof tbc potoer ^ maie(lie,one ritic tsbut onc,becauretbcrc is hixt one tb?onc. 25jicfly, tbcrc IS but one {5ob, truc,^ ete rnaU, foz euermojc bleOeD: ^Is jOBjofes alfo in tbc 6. of iDeuter. ano all tbc jaio^ pbctes ano i^poftlcs Wxt cncc^ tobct'c tangbt. I^o^bett i\\ tbis onclp one tJUDiuioeD fubClafice bcrc is fecttc a moa plain DiCtmctiaofpcrfons. ;JFo? tbcrc is be tbat fittetb on f tb?one, miDtbciambc, ^tbcbolv gboftp?occcDingfrom tbcmbotb* 3rbis mtScric of tbc 2rt:initic tue pjofcOTc in tbc CrecDe. Slnii It apjjcarctb openly m tbc incarnation of our Eojo , vobylcft tbc2tngellfavtbtotbc^p?gin, tbc boly Oboflfliall come tjpon tbcc,anD tbc po)»ci'af tbc ^yctt fijall oncrftjaDotu tbec: • vpon.theApocalipfe. . ej chp.f^o SttttJtfjat to^licb fliallbe boittcof tW,Qjal be rallca tbcfintttc of i2»0D. EvfectDpfe in t^e baiitiOnc of £i^?!(l is ^c arD a Voyce from bf aucn tpon t^e EojD: Srbis is nip tw cil bcIoucD fone, irbe bolv S^oft a!fo appcacetb in f iifecnes of auouc. xom^s upon t^c 2Lo?D commaunDeD t)B aifo to be baptt^cD in ri^e; namcef cbcfatbct,attDoftbcfonne, anb of t^c t^olp idboft* t i^-,;, •», ^bps p^ofcifton te cectapne anD true, and Co let fo;tb b? tbe mod inantfeafcriptures, ^ liueip p^eacbvng of tbe i^poates: libeas i ertuUian Dcclaretb agapitft tbe btrcufee Praxeas. xoz ougbt ratber to beteuc and to cteaitc timo tbcfc tbtngee^tbati to tbe moudrous anD blafpbentouB fopbiQrie of tbat corrupt. anotoicfefUpcrfonScruetustbc^paupacDc. ; But fpeciallv bcce in fctoc tMojbcs is Declared tfnto ios ^t £>f tijcTjoip tobole mtltetie of tbe bolp gboft, tsbicb in tbe gofpei of 3]obn 3i}oft. 10 tJttereD mo;e at targe, jftcft bis p joceeDing is noteD^tobicb terelv in tunes pad men aflftrmeD raQ)elp to be fet fo]itb in no part of tbe fcripture. ^.3lobnfavtb bcre,tbat ourof f tb?one fjjocrtiing. pioceeDeD ligbtuiuges.^c.^nD bp anD bv: Vnbicb are tbefeue l^imtesofi^oD. i^no tbistuo^Defx^refev^tginiBreeke Dotb figniifpe a^i);6cecbpng o?gopngout, DUt^,3i|obw berefaitb Ix^oj-sc/dvTo.tbaris to fav, pjoceeueD ^i^sitm fowb. anutbei:* fo;e tbat auncJtent counfel ofConftantinopIe Decreeb ti^tX^i 3(tfJl tig TO TTVlVlXATO&yiOV TO KUfJOV, TO ^CCOTTIOV TO tK Ty^TrtTfOg iKTrofivofjLiyor. tbat is, auD (31 bcleeue) int})c bolp f5boft tbe HoiD, euen tbe quicbener, tobicb pioceeDetb of tbe fatber. $c. J5ttt altbougb tbe Eojd biinfclfe m tbe iSofpell fpeafcpng of tbe bolp gboa (aptb> be Ujatl glo^tfie mt : fo; be ft)all take of \ tnyne, anD fb^ll (beto t)nto vou: anD atl tbpnges tobatfoeuec tbe fatber batb, are mpne: srberfoie 3l favD,tbat be diail talKe of mpne, anD (ball ajcvue it Mnto vou; <;et mulf not anp man tnoertfanD it fo, astbougb tbe bolv^boftp^oceebeDofttie fatber onelp, anD not alfo of tbe fonne,\joberof alfo uias long contention bcttoeene tbe iSrcefecs $ S^atines. ^c; if be pjoa ceeDeoftbe fatber, b^P^oceebetb of tbe fonne alfo. fai enett fo;tbefamecaufeattbisp;efentisbsreD to p;ocecDe out of ii^t 2r^bzone. But in tbe 2rb?one is not onelp i)t tbat (ittetb, buttbeiambea!fo,oft3)bomeintbe5.cbapt. Qiall be aODeo, -tbat tbe lambe batb feuen epes, Wbicb^retbe feuenfpiritcs of i5oD,fent into tic M)\)oU \»o^lD. Albeit tberfo;e tbat in tbe xj.of3llobn,tbeboJvi5boIlis (apDeto p?oceeDe from tbe fa^ tbcr; vet tbcre is fct bcfo?e; tobotne 31 ( favtb tbe fonnc ) twill feuDc )mtp vou from mv Uitl^tt, ^o be f^ojt , if ti^ere be but %.u one Chdf.4* ' -i Thcxxiii}.Scrmon ., One Cttbltaunce ant) nature of t^e father attn of t^'e fontteS 31 (eenotI)o\2)tl)cI)olpQl)oftQ)OulD p^occeDe from tl)c &t^rr, roas^edioulDnotpioccefitoft^cfouitrairo. ILet\)s cat^cc icauc tl)cre (ccupulous Dtrputanons to idle wtts : ano let los beletie tbat tl)e fptrttc piocceottb from bott). C^e effect iSQoicouer t!)c Ijertue ox effccte anD operatton of tftc Ijol^ SiH^flf 5« S^oft^^s bcrc alf fct fojitlj ano occiarco ticrp trimdv. fax firft Soip Soft 5e ligl^tcnetl),\MftEn f)c tllummctft t^t obcoient , ano fraret^ ^ ^^^ ' tl)cccbclles\x»tI)foict!)icatcnmgcs.#)Cc5Mv^ctl)un]iccct^, to^st x^wxt ^c tnucpg^ict!) agavaft t^vs tngrncious tooiioe, anorcpiouctljtljefamcoffiimcB^t^unDcrvng cut i\it tccru t\t tugcmentes of i5oo> 2rtt>o ^poQIes m 0^ar!ie ate caileD t^efOttncBOft^imocrB, oj tljmtDercrs, ja5oiccucr,ljc l3ttC;5 vct^ boiefonte tto^ccs of Doctrine, qcbo^tanon ano conrdatb^ on bp men, f o^ tl)e fanonr of men. ;jf mallp^tobcreas tipe ope^ tation of tbe (^Ip gbod can not be fufftctentl? toell erpzefleD, ^tt b?)iumber of feuen be compttTetb anD accompiiQjetb bts fitlneffe, ano faytb tbat fcaen firp iampcs are btimmg befoie ^c ^cote^ l (ai^, ano not qucncbcD, si% fmohpog;^ ^0^ tbe grace of tbe bolp gbod is bj^igi^t ano fuH of efftei^te, tubereof is fpoftenalfo before. ^nD feetug p a6 x\it{t tbinge^ are fouoDe in tbe sub^one, boto (boulD any man tbinUe, tbat ^etuDgementes fromtbenceptoccebrng IboulDe be in anv parte cozrupte, ocf^IeD o; to be blamcD. 25p tbe bolp i5boS alt tbpnges are p^efenteb, anb bp bis p^ouioence All tl^nges aretojongbt. Cbe siaf- i^creumo is aDDcD an otbcr tl^png: tbat is to toft, a gla0^ lic^ea. ^ca before tbe feat e,in clercncs anb bjigbtncs repjcfentpng CbJiBall. BercbpisftgnifieDtbps fraplctuojlDc, tubtcbis fubiecte to 0oD,anD as tc toere in bis ftgbt.^anb alio in otber places of bolp Scripture, bpreafon of tbe tinOablenes, tof^ ftng anb turmoplingtbereof, it bearctb tbe fignrc of tbis \)a* viable anD mo(tt)ncon(lanttpoilDe. anb ccrtapnelp tbeftate jof tbts \330tlD is mo^e bztc^le tban ^lalTe. ^ome \xi^at bereof fl^al foiloto in tbe if ,cbat. TBnt u^bat tbmgs (o euer arc Done \Mitb fo toonDerfnIltiarietie in tbe toojlD: all tbe fame ^)'^xit asinaglalTcbefozctbe^rb^oue, fo tbat i5oDfeetbtbeinall, as it U)cre tn a CbjiCtall: vubofe epes o? bnoiaolebge tbe leaft tbpnges tbat be^can not efcape. ^ai Mat mufi nottbin^e,tbac fucb topnges as are Done in tbe tno^lDe, are Done rafljelp, o| tbat tbep bappen bp fome foKtine,o^ tbat tbep be )mUnotpen to X50D. j^fter t!^ts \it retttmet^ agapnc to t^e tl^^one, to t^c intent • -vpontheApocalipfc. 6S chdp.4, %t ittai^ ftnaHv ftmQ)c,tbat to^icb ^e ^aD iiegottne once to dc^ :^ funtr n^ lrnbe;andQ3CtDalfoalltl)eu)0}lte6ofi5oD,t^atateiicncbv Cn-tption of ])t6 creatures, to be moft i^oli>. 3rbe rovall fcatcs, cl^avjcs 02 tfjc ^cair. STbJtoties of kpngcs are \»ont to be bo^ne t)p atio bcanttfpeD topcb bcaftcB, as Salomons feate toas to^tl) JL^ons: tDJisc^ ts to be fceuc m tbe ^booftc of b^ngs t!)c t o .cbapt. 3r,n ctbtc places^t^e gooD!tc(ibeane0])oe b^U)c tbe trtnmpbattncc^ riotecof iS?mcc0. 2i:berfojebp atpfechpnbcof fpcacbeae :« tifcD among men, beaftee aceCct to ttietb^onc of i5oo . fQ% 1500 in b?8 }9?opbeteB is caqpcD bpon £berubm,tbat is, in cfjernbtn* ^V6 beauenl? cbariot. ano iS^tc^ieii in tbe ro.cbapt. nametb openlv Cbertibtn,beaQes: anotbe \33boIe tcjcte p;ouctb, tbat tbe placemuQbe t)ni)erftooocofi5oDscbanot, ozatocn b^^ beafies, in tbe tobicb l)c bv"ifcl^ toas cacpcD out of tbc cit^c of ^ietufalem. ^^ere is in idoctes mucb mention of ^ cba:* riots of tbei5obbes, taken bapi^b^tbefirft to^itcrs out of tbe bolv Scriptures, if 0; ^atban,tbe ape of i5oD, goetb ^ boutalt»avcstoDiffametbetDo;oeofrrnetb. But toeomtt> ting tbe trtflinges of ^oetes,tx)^U conCtoer tbe (bber XitSxxx^a nonoft^Vscarvageof i5oo, o^ratberof iSoDis tb)one. ab tnpgbtte i5ob fittetbin tbis (eate* fitting in tbe fcriptares, is gouemement. i^ere tbeu is fignifieb tbat i5oD fittetb oti ^^ ^^^ alt bis aeaturesu^atis to fa?,gowemetb bis creatureB,$ bp Sia bSSS bis moft tDVfe pionioence too^betb all in all-^liCing cnetv cte:^ atureacco^btng to bi6 goob ano iuftpleafure after tbe nature of ener]? of tbem»:n>e muK cap tben, tbat b^ tbofe bea0es are ))nber0oobe allege creatures of i5oD, oiCpcrfeb tbzougb out tbe fbnre quaners of tbe \so^lb:t^at isto fa^jtobtci^ arecom^ p^ebttibeb in tbe \»bole \ODo;lbe» anbftrfl \fixz\% (bcteoeb in \aobat place of tbe t^;one i^t tvbere in | beaSes U)ere:to tottte in tbe miobeft of tl^e tb;one , anb in xX^t tb^one u circuit of tbefame.'^ou toillaTfecif tbcp be vx tbe tb?one,boto ^^* bwftcsf* fl)oulb tbev be about tbe t^one \ if tbe^ be about tbe tb^one, |)ow be tbep in tbe mibbes of tbe tb?one^ %\^t tbvns muft be fd conceineo ( as 31 aomonifi^b allio bcfo^ ) as toe mnft bn^a berGanb,tbat bnoer tbe tb^one t^e mibbea of tbe bcaOes bpti toitb ti^etr binber partes reac^ to tbe mibbeft of tbe tb^one in^^ t9arbl)?,anb fo as it toere beare tip tbe tb;one: <^nb tbat toitb ^etr fo;epattes(3n ineane,tDttb tbetr b^eaftes ,anb beabes $ toinges)tbev ^i'fi ftanb fo;tl),anb fo compalTe tbe tb^one, anl^ as it \3aere itiutron it rounb about.^o? (b migbt tbev feme to f^ein tbe mibb^ of tbe tbione,anb rouno about it» i^tectt)arb it is biligentt^ bcfcctbeo to^at matter of beafies wijat 0, tbc feconiia calfe,tbe tbicDafi^an^auD tbe fourtb aflivngiei^ 0le.I3v tbcfc feme to be figntfieD ail crcamrc0,\3tfib{e anD ins tttCtble^reafouable $ tnreafonable , pea tut tbe eiccellentcft of alU^f 0^ after in tbc ^ .cbapter toe O^al bcarr,tbat all creatures (orutlp togetberoko toitb mtemi?nt)e\3}oiQ)l?P tbe iambr,and ^^m cbatDtcecbott tbe tbionr.SlnD tjerclv idobWil) tb^n att, tbe §)umtc, tbe 0S}oonc,tbc ^tacrcc, tbc avicvtbe fire,^ b^iefl? alilmpngtbpnges.anD (ucb creatures a& bebatb cbo^ fttt^to t»ojbc anp tb^ngbp , be inaketb tbc Came to be of effi^s cacie,fnrnt(l)vng euerv one after tbeir Sate anb conDttton > fo as tbev toanc no tDi(cdome,reafon,arengtb> potDcr> patiece^ labour; (iutttoe£Lno;fU}tfcnies . 'S^t)c face of man ftgntfietb VDtttetaniLttnfeDomc^tpke as alfo tbe epcs ftgntfic a fo^ftgbtt lDatcbfuf tbcv tnap cjrecute tbe fame i:bctcftUl?,(p€Oel?,$ Ooutelv* Mti tber baue tbep anp reft ( marke bots bciaptb>bauc not>(l)al bane,o} baue bab,but baue)an^i;eSt tbat is to tjottte, rbev be in tbe cottnuall Do^nges of 0oii.23nt beare map tm ttot ton^ t>erftanb,tbat tbcp be greueo tottb an? papnefnlnes: ^nn lA^ Co tbe? bonour i&oD tuitb continuail p;avfe. Arecas (a?tb tbac tbefetDO^beS . And they haUe no rcil . Sec . ftgtU^tUlt ang la^ bourfomn66Di4)apnefulnes,bnta c5tiattalil)eltt^0 ^onmtl tiRtabIeail(emmtmp^?(insi5piit -^^ vpontheApocallpfe. 6g chap.^, ;f rtwllp Wt is ret alfo tijc fo?mc of t^c ?^vmttear.b pja^fe cbcfcnoc of all ci'Eamccs.Siu oId tvmcS^autD foiig alfo: p?avfc pc ^pm otf bcnactf ig>unnc anu jKloonc . (tc . :l^^c fame T^vmnc is fct in t^c ^.of ano s&ii)at j£fav.£lnDto^at Do all creatures commciiDc ini5oo,tiiljofc ^f Jmift fcrmcci5oD)3fet^,attOto^oClefi)?ce aiiD operation tijcp feeler icarnctljcrs aW^"^ ftolvnes.:ir!jefe t^v«scs oo chiefly conccrnc t\^t fome ®^' of tl)c tnatter.;foj t\M tcaxlj \j6 tbat jSod is Ijoip, \3tiDefi!cD, i«(i,gracioiis,aImigbtv,aIl tDOifeing^cuerlafting, tljc ht^^wc ner of aii tl^vngs^ano ti^c pjeferucr of t^cm.;JFoi tl)ep fap, Jo- I? ILo?D i5oD almig!)tp , \x>W^ ujas . $c . inoJ)icb toozDcs toe DpD cjcpomiDc in t^c firfl cbap. xoX^o tooulD not gatljer ^cre- of,tI;at t^e toozhcs ano uiDgenients of ^VJ" t>c uioft bolp ano inft^to^o t^cnfljallticrcaftcrrepzonetijc iiiDgementesanu too?ltcs of t^e iLozo? mtgl^teous is \> iLo?D in all l)is toapes, ano boli^ in all ^is tuozfeesj aj^is teftnnonv of all creatures mafeet^ tts \x)iU^ng,reaDp,cf)ercfull ano ^oyoc of fearc, fo as toe toiltpngli? fettle our fclucs >3pon tlje iuDgcmetes of i5oD, anD murmur not at bpm in anp t^ing, Uj^v be fl)oul2i Do tl^iz o?tbat5 Buttobolv fubmit our felues\3nto 0oD , beleupng alibis tooiUcs to ht gooD,anD to be Done fo? tbc profit of tbe goDlp,anD fo^ tbc m^ puniCl)met of tbc toicbeD.Bolv i^ 000 tbcfatber,bolv is goo.tbc fonne,$ bolv is goD tbc bolplgbclf, l^olp is Y one i5oD ia trinities toojtbp to be bono?eD fo? tntt mo?e.?^olp are all bis toojfees, $ bis toapes tnDefilcD . ^nu toe reao mo?e rigbtlp tb?ec times' bolp , tban ninetpmes af^ tcrtbe eicample of tbc complutcnfian boofec . ;jfo? tbc fo?mec maner of to?itpng is appjoncD bp tbc pjopbct igfap.^ro i5oii almigbtp be pjapfc anD glo?p» Ci^creisDccIarcDtubattbe (SlDcrsDpb about tbetb^onr, anD boU) tljep range bnto dDoD a fong of p;ap(e. Thexxlp.Sermon. 'A^d when thefe beaftes gaue glory and honour, and thankes to hym that face on the feate, which lyucth forcucr and eucr:Thcxxiiij . Elders fell downe before him that fat on the throne , and worfhypped hym that lyueth forcuer , and caft their Crownes before the throne, faying : thou art worthy Lord to receiue glory & honour and power. For thou haft created all things, and for thy willcs fake they are and were created- Chtt^.4* The xx^^ Sermon (trh< fnitt ^^^^ "^°^ S°^^^ VJifion \acH attD rigljtly VJti^ctCotic, auD of this \3i= f cpofcu ttt fav£l)fuU mcmoip , mfttuctcci) uo vi5^>iiv m mD* Cow. fil^i'S riS'Ot^V ti)C toozacs of iSoii^tijat toe fijoulD Itarc JSofi, ljcpaficm,fiibmitour(cIuc5U3t?otvro£5oJ3, an^ gccic all gloip tjnto ^pm.;fro: tijis is t^c bccv fnsitc^tliat commctl) tju to^s,anDt^cciiD ofaUtl?yiigc3toati?cccarcfpofecn. 0.n"o bv tl)C iD3'?l)c rcpctcrq totiat r^c bcaftca hiin zitu Uc* Ci)c cpm^ clareti) a!fo to^^t ;^c.^^Jiij,c!Dct*B DyU. I^crct)^ ti;c srj mauti pic oi ei= fcUl'^ faugl)t,tDijat tticaifo ctoj tjnto {5oD , ^ tDliar uje muft per0. tuiigc of bis tuoiUec , ar.D bo^ t»c iy oiil^ bcz^aue cur tcUics in iiKMi totoacDcs bvm. 4^, i • ITbofe bcaOcrv, t^at ts to fap , tl)C tobolc nrjnijcr of crca* tuccs, UJborcfeniice iDOb tjfeib ■> i" tbc gcrtn::tc',ncm of tbvttgCB, afccibc ib'.ec tbvr.gis ^nto iSoa togtcb fttteti?, t^at is to fap,tol)icb rwlctb ana gojiccneti) ail tbpngce:^ fay i:n= JO t\)t ciicrlaftvng anu cucri^ii^rirs i5cD tobicbc gtiictb oj b?catbcBi?fc into all tbv«gcs . ;5f itft gio:v,dc^:cv,to^acb tea maicilie,grauce{li:nation,reputattouA^^o^fl)iP>oi gccb opis ^10?,? to jiton:\»!?cn Xjoc tbtnfecttJcU of iSob , pu-reftvus tbat tbcic 10 <©o5 Due. notbvug better ,grcater, rpcclkuter , iigi^tcoitfcr , 0? ^olpcr, tbaw b^ » 2;l>isglo)ip ace tacal'ajapcs cojnumimijcri to gcuc bput , anbto cftejjx uotbpng in ti)i5 \i>o?ib htauv aub inou pjcctoust^ai3ob. ^cconblptbc? gcwe to butv^onour tv/k:^, ^onmiF ^jtjj ^^jj fgt'cfec figutfictl) l)ononr atib inict , anb t!;c bt;e anb[ 10 J5. Ibouiibcn Quctp tbat toe otoc to an?. .:n?e qtoc Vatto iDob cc^ ncrcnccanb fubmiaiott, j^srotijc.rupjaHc'P^b, flub tbfe' ondp anb true Eo?^ ofa-I » §>. |3auic m c6JMCiiJ- to rbclTc- mapnes ipca'Kvng of oUnmiCcniittQttjC i^agiui-Jite: to tobom yc Dt3c fcarc,fapib be, Qtuc fearc :,5lub to x^'voin ycu o\3ac bonour,2Cuc bonour.31n tl)t tim^ pl'Jcc fdlfotxietl) tliC^ r^ng,\x)b!Ci) bccallctb £i'x«-p'^'=<-V'^^f '^ tbariics gcmms.anb ptapfc.;jfc?^cbc commaiinbebto p?av*fe aUtbc U;o;^c3of tbclLo2i3,anbtogcaetbaKftcs foitbtfamc . 510b is fapbto banc bicCTcb oj tijatmcD fSob, foi tbe mofi grcuoiis affUctioii tbatbcftutbim /^oj bcftivb:!rl»cfic ttplcafcD tbclLoib^to batb it be Doncnbe tiuiitc of tbc £C2D be felcffet- . ivl;ikft tbc beaftcB bo attributrall tl)cfc tbpugcs to bv^utb*^ futctb ea tbc tb?one , by tbcir cicanriJlc tbcp tcstb ^;, tobat tuc TookId do: berel^ tb^'it t>.c ougbt to ^tlb aii aubimsujai: t'gelc things \)itto i3ob.Xi?btcfc^ if U3C Do:alI nuumuriiig anb all bifputvii^. bcgon tb^oug^!?' ciii: o^nc oucr r urrouCnciTc m rcatcbiT^g atiD ftft?ng0ob5\23dxcicstotbcbottomc;\i;it!ccalc . xoit}:)i\)c Umhtum^^^t oft^^c;allesisio?ttcbt^e?3^hu:c otfottcj vpontheApocallpfe. 70 chap. 41 of r?)C . jociii) . iBltJcrs . 2r!)ts is t^c C^urc^ trmntp'qanf , xl^t ^1,^ ro^gc company or all ^auites,»9atriarcI)C0,iajopl)ctcs, !?vpoaic6, of '(\]t%%\m. i3S)2rtvz5. jcas 3! DecIarcD to pou bcfozc . i^ouall u;c« ijauc Cificrji, «ot ijcrcan cjcaiRpic of fomcune ^in-r.oi teii'e ina:lat of all }jolp,goDlv%toiic ano tuoith^mcn . 2:^cv^auepiit cfi^cyi flca),attD arc liovDeof affrctious auD crroursrsrqfv be t^c r- foze of tiicozrupt luiiijemcnt, fo as ti):rc can fee no cicarcc oi puree cjcamplfs miniarcD to \j6.2:i)icc cz fcure tlipngrs arc taught \J5 ccuccrnpug tijcfc £5lDers , \rl)ic^ ttey rsvo 01 pcr- foiineoaiot to £iiciv' 'uo&v , but to l)yni v fitrctQ on f t^;onc> aiiD iiii£t;» fo2 £U€r inuD cncr.if 02 fo i)c toe tiflcc cf i3oD rcpc- tcD,U;^CtOf rij l"pc!^cu t]efozc.2X>c to!i) vou atfo tijat tl>f fcatrs of tl)c i^locrs'oiercrei- roimoc about t^ctl)?cnc on tt»l)ic^ ti)cvfc»tc clotbso toli^ to^itc rapmecfcotonca xoitl^ crotoncs of go!D,tyuvng Xoisx) Ijpm tljat lyuetg f02 encr, SE^^cynruan(eoutoftJ)c?rfratc0 02 cl)airc«, anti )mtt\z Cf)cffn?:: Oovonc (tTEJbvrct: Mc) ^poH tocii* luiccs 02 cu t{)ctr face be- Jp"''^ f'^** f02C £5oD. ano m falimg 02 fencclmg Doiyne,tbcp Qicto a r«b- fo^ J^qT miirion 01 iovolincs of iii';noc,tgat \i>c m!g!)t Icarnc to fiib- ' ^ mil our fonlcs anD bodies to our £5oo, \33vtb fingular IcUjii:: lines anoreitercnce: 31 mcanc,bv^rlDmg our fdues antj all our t^v»S^s to bvs go 00 toil anD picafiire. But if tlje bleffcD fowlcsnotjDpir{;ifV'CD,anba!rcaDv Waning tl)e ftuifion of i\)t figijt of iSorj, fall Do\33nc bcfo2e tl)£ 2.020 . :x)^at QjoulD not n man Dcc,\x!l)icl) is yet aai\232ctcbco,ntiferable,nio2tall,anii n finncr? Ide maj? be aQjameo of l>iB otsne rtubb02nncac an& Gifienes, feeing qe bcboiDctl) fo great fubmiirion in t^e moft noble anb goblv fotiics of tbe beauenly fiddlers. STben ti)c ^aintes voo2fl} ip, yea ^ tbc-^ toozOjip none 0= ci;c hiwt& tbtCjbu£bin;i{:.atfittctboht{?cfcate,anbIinettifD2 cucr, tbe iao^Ojpp. fatl)cr, t!)e{'onnf,anb l•)c^yOip gbo^J,{5oDtb?ean&onc,cuer- la^^'^g ^, ? coo?a- m trnetb, anrj toitb ir.ojaro feniicc, voben \i)e oepcnb tobolv ^^cu. >3pon biiu, tobcn toe ccnfecrate cur feiiUG U)!}olv ^mo bvm", anb\x)bcn\iielool;concIvatb'j>H:, as tl)c cnclv onctbat is moft infinite, mod U)vfc, nsofi gracious^mofi juvglitie, moft rjgijtEons, aub incft lucrcifinl. ilnD tbcy tbattbus fail Dotru bcfuze tbe tbzoiTC cf i5ob,aub fo wo:a)ip bpm , ooe not cons tenbe\»ptbi5oo about bis tojoi&cs, no2 quaaxil tovtij iSoJi tnpaticiin]?,vol)? ije bot^ ttjis^oj pcciuttict^ tljat^ H.iig- Unto Cha^.4* The XXV. Sermon (Ehz faint0 ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ tljingcs iQ aDUcu , t^at t^ev plucfec of tlje caft of tbcir ct^otonts of t!5ctc ljcaD0,anb cad tijem Dotanc bcto?c f cipzoncj (Towncjff. attl)e fcctc of ^un tbat fittctbin tl)ctf)2onc. 2:!)!S is not ones ip a notable nioaeft!^ but alfo an epceeopng lotolv l)innblc- tieo bcvonfi all t^iniplc. tacrcip fayt^) Primafius (an annciciit C)cpount)cr of tbc i^-pocalipfe) tc^atfocner \3cujuc,U)l)atfoeucr potucc, 01 tobatfceucc oignitte tl)cp i;auc, tljep ^tlttc it oucc tnto i5otj. ;f oj to I)vm ts attributcij ng^tiv, \x>!-;atrceutc is toouncoz gotten: ;eDf U)^oni,^c tljat 05ict:commetl),is ay^f^* 2rbus fapt^ ^c. 2ri?cv tcftific $ fignifieaifo, t^at tbcv VconlD HOtcabct)pOtttI)cnian^goDlp porocr, noz reignc,no2 pits fnmc to geue aDnifc lonto iBon as bJs cciuircUc rs,noi in anv cafe appoint ^VJii^^at to Doc: bntv^doe \)ntoj^^nn all au^ tI)o?me,aU potcec,anD all goncrncmcnt,vca ano cucn tbems fclucs ano allot^cctbV"efs tDbatfocncr,rc be rulco bv bun. foi bp c>:pencnce tbcv pet ccaue ani) fee, tljat in all t^e toljolc la30?lo,eptbct:^eauenc?e'in!),tberciBnotanvteifer, mtg!)^ ticc,oj greatccnoi anv t^at gone rnet ^ all tbrn^s mojc faitb^? fii!lV,btligemlpJafclv,o?C)cccllent!ptl)an i)£, ilit Ije t^ercs fo^e (Dcaee b^et^jcn) fet our felues )}pon tbe iuDgciuec of t^e ^mtts^ anD agree tppt^ r^ein tnallpointes concernvus t^efe twinges. ytn ano \Q\t\) e)cp?circ toojDs tljev tellifte, tobp t])cv tljieta iJOtonc t^eic f cotcncs: sd^ot tbat bcvng t)ntbanla«ll to i5oD, t^cv cfteemc not bigblp ^is giftes: I3ut fo: t^at xUv p^avulp acfenotDlebgc uU glojv to be Due to i)vm alone 2^^crfo;etl)ep accojoe tecv ujcU toptb t^e bealtcs anD allt^e creatures of i5oD: anD facing an J^inmc to t^e bvg^ }9?incc, tljc v confeCfc tpm to be Ujozt^p to anD ^e favD to reccnic: «ot f ^)c baD it not before, but foi tljat it fljoulDe feeine a moffc tjntooztljv tijmg, if eytber tbev o? anv otl)cv creature, tooulu cr \)nto bpm» fm tbou, fapt^cp, baft crea^ f^"^ y «m= teo all tbinges^anD bp (oni) tbp tuill,tbep arc,anD toerc ere- f J"J ^ Pf^j, ateD.2:btsglo?pof0otitB tDonnrrfnl! ano ^mneafnrablc. timctcfi ^bat tbou art ejrceenmg great (fap tbep) anD tbat all potoec ' ^'" ^ glo?p IS to be afcribeo tjnto tbee^it appearetb bp t^c too^lfe: itiaO^ip anb mafeing of tbc tobolc toozlD. s^q man toas toitb tbee at t^e creation t^erof, no man gaue tbee counfell , lubat mbo\utbou ll)ouldeQdoe , nomanbelpebtbectbufimucb. :{Pbo tba H^ouId app^ocl) tinto iW to be partaker m potoer; tobo Q)oulD glo^pbefo;et^eetbei5oii ^tttaberof all tbmgs^ ^bou alone mabeft all tbmg0,alone pzeferuel! all,anb alone gouertteftall.2:bou\j3illebft, anb tbeptuere maoe; %\^tai\^ ,,^ ^ fapbcfl:, ana tbep tjjere created, sittoaemougb to bane fapb,- ""' ' ^-^''/^ tttoas tnougb tobaite iDilleb , i^nDtnDceDealltbmgcs at tbis bap bane tbeir betng tbzongb tbV UJil,toitbont anp paine 4nD trauell of tbpne. 2^bo" gonernell all tbpnges ni moD t%= cellent and gpDlp o^ber, 21:010 tedtftetb tbe toonberful courfe X)f tbe Rarree, tbe plcaCaunt cbaunge of t^mge0,anD tbemoft fujectc and plentifnll fruitestbat fp^ing of t^efame . 3X>bo tban ujoiild not gladlp fubmtt botb bymfclfe and all bis, to tW and to tbp gonemementi \jd^o toonld not commit al \)\s tbpnges \3nt0 tbcci Xi?.bo vocnld notacfenoujleogc tbe potoec and glozp to be tbinej Eet ts marfee tbefe tbings ujub atten^ tiuc mphdcs, tbat ttic map alfo appcare fnc^ befo;e iScd, as toe fee tbc^aintcs in^caucnappearcfSod graunttjs tbis* C£)fbtmtbat(tttetbtntb^pne,anb IjolDetb tbe boobetn bt0rtgbtbanDreaUotDtti)reuenXealejSi: U>^at tbatfea^ leoboohets. L.v, The ^%^- Thexxvj.Senii6rt The xxVt. Sermon. Cbaiffc? *^^^ ^^^ ^*" ^^^ ^*^^^ ^^^"^ ^^^^"^ ^'^^^^ ^^^^ °" ^^^ ^j, , " ; 4^^;2>^^ronc,iraAveabookewrittcTi\nthin andon '' ■ ^^j^theback'fide/ealedwyth feiien fcales. And I "" fawea flrong Angell preaching with aloudi , voycc : who is worthy to open the bodke and lofe the . feales thereof? And ho inan in heaiien nor inearth, neither vnder the earth, was able to open the bookc, and tolooke thereon . And I weptc much becaufe no man was foundc wovthy to open and reade the booke, neither to looke thereon. Be «6\B pjiotceBetlj to pefcriSJC mo2C fullv ^Vitt t^atfittct^ en tijc 2ri)2one; £)f to^oiu !)e Jjas coucljcis ccctsjne auD a feto t^pngcffbcfoic. Slijt^is pcccets iiofmaUfoice 0ftl)sscuc inaticr. ;Sf3j uo'o "^xW \)Z ft:)c\x)C ti)at,\»l)ic^ in \}m treatifeis pztjtnpai: nfimclv^t^ft^iU il)iiio(s U3!)ic!) ace Done in f toojlD, iice f^oix^^i i^oDs pjoiuiKucc luoft iuniv* anD ^oly!v goiif r^* nca tp jL^v.H'. .iPi?ic^ tljingali t^c ^aimcs anD creatures of i5oU ac^otolcijge, genius \)san cjcample to ticc t\iz liUc, in piavitng; auD cojmncnOV"3 l)Vin tljat iyuctlj foz eucr. ^ T2tnDitfl}dUbe}>ofie^sto \»eve tiizf^ '*330?t:c^ fo^afnutf^ ac iu aictp one of tbeut tbcce are great uuGcrics, ^ nothing; Jn atbionc ^ 2Di/Zona ^nu Ijv fitting is ftgntf icD not onci? t^e potuer of ' wagging, mlvnganD goncrning: Ijut alfo a Cjinyct m^nfie (nci troubles my ti) any cnill affections , after tl;e manner of iuBgcG of tljistoojlD) anD great eqnitie inaUtbinges* ^e^ ccnDip a booUeis fceue in the rigljt ^aui) of ijiin t^jit Mct^jOf x\)Z to^ic^ boofeetoe miififpcabe nujjeat large.* JDerc apjicarctb an allufion inaae ( as t!)cre is in man*; os t^crplacesoftijc^criptmc) totijc isjmccs oftl^is vuo?linr, VD^ici) hauc Bcofecs of latocs, of pziuileges, of cjcccutions, of ftatnte3,cfconnj:dhnattcrs, oftljinges Done o? to be Done, 0f ccttssf mnations,of cKi?cns,of Ivfc anD ofDcatb . ;f ci; fo is bot^t^cboofecanDbooUcca(figncDtoi5oD. ^o^Ccs favt^ in tbc 35, of «c!C0D.j9ut me out of tJjeboofec of life, (EC. 3f!nt^c jafaiiiis is ^ucb mention of tl)ciebooUes of £5oD: 3',n t^c |Sfnil.yp.V.t39. %\t\}zit\xtMti^ of S>anicU, bofiUcs arcopea Hcd: vw^roCnietioit is maoe aiio m t|ie lo, of the 3 pocaiipfc. 5X»ercaDcin tl^es, of (3^^ac^» of a boolie of rcmei»i)?aunce ■ bcfotc vppon the Aj-^calipfa. 72 chaf.f: Mb^c J5C&, %\^txtim t^is hm^t of igoa contc^nptlj all tht .. ... .. , .5,, t)ctcrmniation3,\aojUcs,anD iuDgcmcntes of i5oD. ^oj tdc -.. J . .. ^ Oiail locate bp airo bp, t^at alltljvngcs t^at ace Done Jiu!;c H-eSt tDo?I&, con;c 0::: of r^is liooUc^ss it voeix out of a foiuuavtts i,anj ijfS anati)iect^mgc63rcc^tcgp fpo^cn of tl3i6 fcoofee. ;{r^?(?, tbat iti^ct^ not in cijc 2:q?onc, 0? m t^e bofoinc of ^vm rjjat fittet^, oz \3uact t^e ST^jcue, tic Jangct!) bcfozc oj bc'gpnee x\^z '^ki^wzx but 10 \\\ tbe cigUt bitiili of f5oD. I^ecebp is fig- raficu ^oDs toojfefuU potorr.aim t\)t fame to be boti) lEgijt- fu! an?) niigatliil. Jf 0? t^e baoUc is not fccue \x\ Ijts left ^anD» i5oi3i1?crcfo?cte023Ct!), auDrojuiuuftlj 0? Bifpofeti? aiibv0/^l,c fcocfep ;toojlieB anD lusgcmentes mo^ fjol^Jl^.^ecouMv t^^at boofee to?tttat is \j5j1ttcn tuttbsu auD toit^oue , oi on tbc ^aclse UDc. ;jFoj in iottbtn atiQ tbe p3iomL!Ciicc aun inDgetneuts of i$0D,ali tbinges are con^ feitbout. tcgucD bctl; goon auD cml,!ucfev auB \)Uiuc!ip,rougb ^ fofte, ftoccteauD fo\xter,^trtblcanD inuiftblfjp^iuieauD open, ano aU ibi/ngcs in general!. ;5Fntr.3!v t^e bcoi^e ic fcalcfi toitl) feucn fcales » :f 0? it is cbc booitt inoa gcongi^xlofeD an&faSlcnca . ;fojtl?c iubgcmcm auD fcnicD i»iti) tocr^cs cfiDOUare ftcme , true ^ iua ano fuc^ as can not be fc»^ i%dXt%, toitbfJauD . 2:l?c tjfcjof feaies amongefi men is Diuerfe , not^ toitoftaDingifmap be foutciucb tnt\x)OpointeB.;l!F«:{lfcalcs /:c is notlj^ns Done agavnft x^t ti:«t^,faiti)fulncCre,!onc,ani) iufticc of i5oD. anD tUe opening of tlje Scales is Ijanulco \jccp aomCcoJp ano cjcceU0tlv,atiarge:to ttiitte, tu^o ntigl;t be tl)ougl)t tooia tl)p to open to tl)c C^nrc^.tl^c fecrctiuogemetes of i5oo,anii to ejcecute anD Difpofc ^is ^ol^ \3i;o;i]^es:t^at is to fa^, to tci^S t^e ^^ngDome ano t^e eiceeution of (Bods pzomDenre misl)C be committeD . ;)fo^ an^ungeU , anD ti^at not of t^e common fo?t,buta ftrong,anD toojt^^ oue,\Dit^ alouDe^o^ce ccpet^, to ma]^ ^0 all attentiue, anD to mar^e Diltgcntl^ , tDbo ^e is t^at CljoulD bot!) open t^c boofec , anD \)nloofe , 0; tjnDoc t^c (eales.^nD ^e ^oloetl) t^e fearer, be^olDer , 0^ tcaDcc a great tDl)iIe in fufpence , befoze te toiU Qjc^ to^o a)all do iu to t^e intent to cSmenDe^pnittieniojetjnto ijs* ^0 man,favt^ ^c, in t^e tD^ole \)niHerral t}302lD,neit^er amongca tt)e i^ungels anD ^aintes \w ^eauen , x\Xi% aniongeO eartl)lp men,anD t)n« Dertt)eeart^,\»a$ founDe \»^ic^ coulDeit^et; open o^ "m^ realet^cfjoofee» %tt \)s marbe \^tm t1)erc is none t^at ran open t^e boolkr, anD t^e Ceales^befiDes C^^ill alone. :(X)^^ t^an is t^e aDmint^ Oration of t^^ngs attributeD o^ comunicateD Ipaintes? none can open to ^s t^e fecretes anD iuDgements of i5oD, no man can eiceciite t^e iwDgementcs anD toojfees tbat i5oD toojfeet^ in t^ic tuoiiDjfane onelp C^?i(t t^e ILojD:ti3l)V t^aarc fo great Ijencfites fought foz of faintes^oj to^v is it imputeD to tpem, if either tljc ftcfee be rcflo?eD to ^ealti,oj a moztal manrcceine anp ot^er gift oj bencfite i manp toill Tap , 31 rcc cmeD tljis of i5oDs beneiite,but t^^oug^ t^e meDitation , potoer anD me^ rite of tbis 0; t^at ^aint,t)nto tD^5 i5oD fltraunteD t^is, t^at ^e Q)otilD rule ouerfuc^ a Difeafe^anD mig^t ^ealefuc^ as call t)pon t^e name of tt)c ^afnt,oj t Je name of i5oD bp tlje faint* 2^^efc are ^ere conftiteD notxj bp t^e toojDes of tlje iLo^D $ ^, 3|o^n, facing , t^at t^ere uias no man fonnD in ^eauen oj in eartji) ^ w5tc^ coulDopen r^e boolte. "^^et nettert^eleCTe aboue t^e t^jone fate t^e nw) . iflDcrs , t:ep?efent?ng tlje arvpc of aU ^aintes in giojv ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ <9cm toas fonnD, tobic^ coulD.op^ t^e boobe « ir^erfoiebe t^ei? a^eat Deale moDDer, toDbipb DO Attribute tl^e seiternetiifnt dft^sf&tn t^ C^itfc^ ^'^v, to vpon the Apocalipfe. 7^ CvS^^.y. to tl)e {dope a mod co^mpt mn mt^^ man. £>ndp jC^2ift re^ cetueD all pou^ct in ^eauen anD m ean^ : as toe {^all tncon^ tinencl? mo^c full v tinDerSanD. " §>.3loljntt)cpctl) ,bpcaure^cpcrceuictl)t5attl)c opening che hjtt:^ tf^E ccafivngoft^isDimnc boofecttnpojtcD mattccofmuc? ppngof^* tDeig^t:anD vet fafto no man at aU,to^ic^coulD etcher open oj 35o^n. .imfeale it.iEetttKr niu Ije as vet fullv trntjerftano t^c matter. 0nd ^e bace t^e ftguce of t^em , tDbtclje tnoetOano not t^e tuiigetnentee of i3oD,no^ IsmoM} not tbat alltbvnges are bo^ Ipiv goucrneo bv Cb^tft,tb20ug^ t^e p^outoenceof <5oD.;^o; in tl)tm not^png els rcmamet^,faut mourning (tbeauvne0» Cectemlv toit^ont Cbittt $ ^»s openvng*, to^erbp ^e renea* letb to \js t!jc Drame mtftcries ano mDgenientc0,no man can rig^tlv iwuge off fame. ;f 01 tnleflc toe t)nDctftano,t^c feales to be openeo bv £^uS , ano t^at all tbpngcs are bone bp bts t»jDer tobtcb loueo tJ5,anb gawe br«t felfe fo j tjs: to^jat tfeng ^all be left m tis, bnt ftgf^mgi But be rebearfeb tbiee t^vnges ^ to open , to reab^ anb to loo^e t)pon./|%o man linntg openetb,foit^at no man 19 mete fbi fo great a cbargc, fane ottefv t^e fonne of i£>ob . sfio man teabetl) oj t)nberftattbet^fu|lvtbe mbgemcnteB of i3ob , but ti^ fomte,ant}to\x)bom beM) renealeb,romucb aa an? man batb . SdiO man loolsetb on it , tl^t is to Cap , can bebold ti^e tootltes anb inogetnentes of i!5ob , fi\n be fljall be o^hm Beb , ejccept be be tnbueb tottb tbe fpirite , anb purtfieD toitd tl^e (iame.3rberfoie toe muft afbe grace of bvm , tbat tue map tnberSanb fo rnncb tit i^obs inbganentes as {Ijall fuGftce, $ t^at txje map banea goblp opinion of tbe fatne. Areas 25yQ)op of jceferia^ant^cpofitonroftbis bool», fiaptb tbat nettber anv of t^iofe tbat lacto flcfl), no; anp of tbf tbat are in tbe fleOj^no^petanp of tl^ofe tbat are bepartcb and left thtit dcQ) bcbvnb tbem,bane recetueb perftte ^notolebge of i5oDs matters.iatnb bp anb bv aftenneitber onclp is tbcre not anp tolji^ ronlb open it, bnt alfo not Co mncbas loolbe t^pon it : t^at is to Cap, toj^cf) coulbloo^e attentrnelp on r^c tnbgementes of f5ijb,aiiti (0 fo^tl) ». 2lnD ttt lading togetber t>f tbe\»boleplitcc p^ouetb fofftcfentlp^tbat ^.lo^n fpea&e(b bereof i5obs ttRigements:but c^iefl? of tbe gouemement of t^ngcs.^^e Hojb 3iefUs be glo^tfieb fo; euer.i3Unen» ^l^ercis liuel^befttjbebt^ fL^be inffte t&;one of gouecnet^ all tb^nges. S^ttbecto batb be bercrt^ beb tygm tbat (tttetb on tbe feate,^ befo^ tbat , tbe^ bol^ SboC^* :n>berfoie tbtfc ace bolCbme anb mod profitable boctrtnes foi tbc £bnccb,v»berb? tbe tme tn^tl) is conftmiezi. %\)t comfort of tbts 2£lber , and bis boannc,tDbicb bouts ieCfe is moS bcauenl? anb UuiM tenDetb to tbis cnb,tbat toe fl^oulbtjnberaano^oU) all tbecoinplapnts,U)eeppn9,grubd S^ng,^^ font);? tnnnoplinges of our minoe, can not be quen^ cbeb^appeafeD ano quieteb, tonles tse fee ano beleuc,tbat tbe Catber batb giuen all potoet: in beauen $ in eartb,V)hto £b}t(l anb confequentl^ batb inabe bimastueUtbe onelp cebemer, as aUb tbe beab prince 9 ^ouccnee at an tbvnges,U)bo tbec^ fojle ongbt to gouet:ne,an& ^nbec tb^ilaie of m^t^folnes and trntb alceaup gouernetb anb bifpofetb al| tbings tbat are 09* betneb'b? i5'ODsp;ontbence,anbbifcbReretb tbefecretesol d(5ob^^tbgementes bnta))a,iQ/arrea6 isMicicnt fo}l9flf» arbis if meJicJtoe tiJitb aMfbfe|ranbruitere m^nbe^toe (bal baire quiet cottfttencestran tqetDiftfcrs of t5qb)eti'en in fuci;^ asare^arb toinbnre,anb(etmto(bme meirmoa tmr^lba iwble> vpoft the Apocallpre. 74 Ch'af.^, ' lilMer^ol ^ iihoU) flat ^ bp tDljom all tl^tttses txt gotter^ neD,is of ottr nature anD kpnde^v^a cttcn one otone biot^en anD Dcrelv fuel) a one asfauoncet^ ))0 tott^ aH bis bart , anb l^tb fnffcrebDeatb fo;bs^anbIoirctb notbpng better mail ^etuo^lD tbanman:anDino}coucrbacb ouercomen Deatb) iinne , tbe DcuiU ann beil > pea ouercomen tbem fo; ts . vo^q lotll not!) tl)an fufpcct bis gouernemcm , permt0ion oz ope^ tattonf arbon bal^a bzotber tntbe id^mccs Court, tobti tbon art affureo to fauour tbec feom tbe bottome of bis bart : tbou bcareft fap^boto tbe J9?mce batb geucn \)nto bpm tbe gouer^ ttementand tuDgcmenr of tbctsiboic countrp,tooulDeft tbou fiicHe 0? be lotbto iv^imit tbp felfe ttuo bime nap ratber tbou Doefttrnftanbbopeto obtctneanptbpngof tbp b^otber. S^bcrfoie let tjs remember , boU? tbe Scripture not bere Cbck?itg« OtteIp,but euerp tobcre ootbteacb , f 3iefuB HWVi tbe fonne ^•♦"^ ^"^ oti5ob , ano in Deoeof tbe lame fubfiaunce ujitb ^s as tou- SJ^iftft tbpng bis manbobe , batb bp bping foi t)s, beferueo to bane cto^ a name geuen bpm ,4aiJbicb is aboue alt names , anb tbat all fbpnges (bonlo be fnbiectto bis gouernement , U) bat foeuer tieintb^ too^lMtftble ti% inuifible.^o; fo ^. 3lobn teatfietb lntbe.i«cbap.!anb ^.)daulalfo to tbe|dbit>^XoIof.i.anb to tbe ^eb|e)ves tbe. i. ebap. i^e is Capb attbis parent to baue ouercomen o^obtetnebco open tbe boobe^anoto loofetbe Ceales tberof . arb^rfo^e bp tbe bnotokbge of bim,$ tb^ougb faptb in bim,toe obteine>to loobe tjpon tbe booto,tbe tubge^ inentes anb all tbe too^bes of i5ob \»itb a iopfol mpnbe, anb quietlp anb pattentlp to beare tbe openpugtbcrof,anli bis go uernement in all tbpnges. iDUt to tbe intent tse map tubge mo;e rigbtip of Cb^tS y % wos gau gouernourofalt,aUbougb b^ batb alreabp oefcribeo bpm uimt^ fuu tigbtliuclp: pctjncto be pioceebetb to pamte bim out in bps, ^5 5?j"|"'" tbat is to fap) in moftgobip anb gooDlpcoHlours^totbeinbe «*'9?"t« toe mpgbt not be affrapoe of bis goueniement,but \ihtb qut^ etmpu£>€Smoa^iUingIp fubimtteourfeluestsbolp toi>ps operpng. if irft u is f^pb, tbat a Eton of tbe tribe of 3lnba batb oucr^ Cb;tft « commeD: toti)it,tbefame Cbiift of ours is i&in to baue oner- ^^0 of tbe commcb tbe beuill,finne4ieatb,tbe tDO?to,bell ano all po\Bcr ijlr^g oftbeabuerfarie.ianbbeouercamcbp uping,4nb fo attep- '^'" ttebtotbebigb^Kpointoffouereintte^auD toasmaDe Hojd of all. 3rbe betuU alfo is bp ^aint ideter termeo a 2Lpd,bo vu « beitinan otber fence, lanb Salomon anbtbe id^opbcts call ijjantes Jlpons , jOur aut^our tbcrfoK calletb CbJ»lJ a M- on. roote of chaf.y Thexxvlj-Scrtnoni ; • on, not o^liecommon (o;t,!mt of t^e tribe M3lnt)l .ftykt aUuDctI) tot^e piop^ecte of tlje )datctacc^3lacob,U)l)t^ is in i^e 4p.of i5cnc. bcp^opbcftett) tl^cce t^ac ^cljtlo Qjall comci, tDitb irientte ano 9000 inclte.tobo lilte a Hvon tbat batb tabi ^9 ptav^anD cannot be ottucn from tc b]^ anp tnan,ts able m befenbtborerbatbcbts->^^ome be b^tb piucbco out oftbe S>^igon6 datu c6,fo as no cncmv faretbonce open biB 1^0 cbzift 10 asavnft bP>n. ^Cbzift t^ecfoie is bcclateo a ^ictour oj catttte^ wicip moft cour , moft rcnotomeo, mod migbtie , ano mod mnincible, mutncibie. tobicb bclonsetb to bpm alone . Jti (ball vou finDe Hpnges, tbat ace euerp bonre ouercomco of totcfeeD luKes^tobicb tt)ill fuSet tbefelues to be calleo inutnctble. B;icflp, tbts f irft note intbebe(cnpti5ofCbzill,(V)en}etbtbat3(lefus Cb;idtbe gos ucrnoucofai!,ist^et3crpfame,U)bomtbc patciarcbcs ann la^opbetcs baue pppbcc^eo to come into tbe t»o^lo,a prince mod inutnctble. ^econbiv iiW^ ts calleb tbe rootc of S)atuzi.vlQibetttn be (eemetb to bane alluDcD to tbat faving of efap in tbe i i.cbap* 2E:bcnQ)aUabuDOecome foztbof tbe ttoctteof 3]e(Te,anD a floure (bail fpiing out oftbe rootes tberof. Ceites mw^ tb( oaugbter of SDauio , oftobomtbat modfacrcbfiouteCb^ill Ipjang ano came, tuas tbe OocbeofSlcfTe. i^no oftbe bet? tootcsof&auiD,o?oftbebtcginc,3]meane ofbecbetp ^nd true bumane nature, Slefus Cb^tft toas bo;ne berp man into tbetvozlD. ;jfo; be toobeno toberetbeii^lnseis nature,buttbe fecoe of !ab^bain.!^ei8tbecf02e bur b;otber,of tbeiamefnb^ (latmceVDitbb6>afterbisinanbooe.Sbefetbpnses Doe com^ fo;t bs e^ceebinglp, ^ confute beretiltesmoft ftrongIp:UDbicb fa^ne tbatcbziitbatb not a ber? bumane boope. imebane mozebereof tn tbe i.of (X)atb.ano i.x.3«of Hu^e. i^ftertoaroe itise]pp;c(rctvfpoUenoftbefameourjLo;D, tbat be is in tbe miooes oftbe irb;one,in tbe miDOes of tbe feure beaSes, $ in tf^t miODes oftbe jPjnitj.i^lbers: ano is tbetefo^e ejcempteD om of tbe number of creatures,ottt oftbe number of i^ngels, and out oftbe number of j^aintes, ^0^ be is greater tban tbefe,to U)it,of tbe fame fubSaunce tnptb tbe fatber , ano tti glozp equall tt)ptb bpm. ;lf 0; tbe fatber is in tbe miboes of tbe tb^bne: from tbence p^oceeoetb tbe bolp iSboll : ^ tbere enen is tbe lambe CbMdnotu founo: notonelp bcrv man, butalfd eb;ift \6 berp 0oo. ^no be is a biftincte perfon, ^0^ tbe bieffeo %tii bcrp(0oD. nitieUnoujetbnotanpconfufion. jBTbe fi^tber is i5ob , t\iz fomte is i5od,tbe boip gboO is j5oo: pet are all cb;ee but one i5oD, tbe father in ^i0per(bn,ti^e(onne in l^is, onb tbeboip Heb.i. €b;ttftfd lnrt)cmiai De(l of tijc featc. vpontheApocalipfe. 75 Chsp.s, anD pcrfonc in cnc indiutfibie $ rtentali cOence* i^nd tuyere as il^ztft is mcntioucD to be fn tt)e mtDDesof tt)c bcaftrs , ^ in tl^e intdDrs of iBioers : after !)t0 ituiine natnce ^ is mctu to be euciv tol)crc,to be tbe life anD p^fccuation of all.c«a» tures, an!) alfo to be in tbe miDbee of bis cbofni, and of \ji^q Cbutcb. Hijerfojc lifee as \»e belceiie Slefus Cbiift to^be b&s tv «wn, fo let tis alfo be kcuc bpmto be iia:p j3bb, of f (arae fubftaHnce toitb iSob f fatbec.arbcrfoic let 6?enictus pcnQ) U)itb ^rciuG anb iB^abomct, ano as many as Dcuie Cb^ftto^ be t^t fonnc of 0ob, coequatl tuitb tbe fatbcc in all tbinges. ;lf iietbermo;e be is noto alfo calleo a lambe,not tbarl)e \B nas ^c^;iift Ui a tueallp a (l}eepe,but becaufe t^at bp a lambe be toas p;eftgik lambe. reo to be tbc mnocentrcoeemec of tbe ujozloe, ano tbc oncl^ bolefomc facctfice of all tbc favtbfnll. ilambc is a tofeen of innoccncie, anb ti^as from tbe beginning appoinreo fo; facci^p fices. ^bel oSereb \}p a llambe:anD b^ tbc laU)c,a continuaU facciftcetoasbavlpoffcceb ,ofoncEambe in tbe inom^ng, anb of an otber ixi tbe earning . ;lf oz Cbiili is tbc clcttft^c of tbem,U)l)icbtoere in tbe beginning of t^cbozlD, ano tobict) (]^albe in tbe enbe. 2:bc)dafcball lambe in tbe iz.ofx^jcobns, tDbo(ebloub\a)itb^elDe tbe befteoving^ngcll from tbc^ou^ -« 1 - « fesanb tentes of tbe Slfraelites , repjefentco tbe figure of Cbiift,bvtobofep?ccionsblouD toe are reconcileb to J5ob. arbis citpofition of f jaafc^al lambe ^. laetcr biutlelfe in tbc i.}9et. i.anb ^.jaaul m tbc tbc Cojmtb.5.bauc b;ougbt. igfay accojbetb 'ay'^t):) tbctn in bis t 5 . cbaptcr. anb fo it is aU^ fo e)q)ounDeb bv tbe ^poftle ^.)dbtlip m tbc 5. of tbe 2lctes. ^inallv^.3]obn23aptt(l,\Dbo pointed out Cb^tft U)icb bP0 finger^ ctyeb{mt:bebolDe tbe lambe of i5ob,tobicbta^ctb a^ toav tbefinnes of tbe tooilb. Ilct)}5 tbcrfoiebclecuc,tbat t\:^t fame 3l[efus CbiiK,t)nto tbbom alt po\x)er is genen of tbe ^c tber,is our beliucrer,our reconciliation, innocencie, fat iffac^ tion, iuaification (t cucrlading faluation: as to bom xat fball bcareintbcicitj.cbapt,tobauebccneaavne from tbe beg^n^ iipng of tbe too?lb, fox fo mucb as bis onel? oeatb , anb one fiblation made once foz all, fanctifietb all tbat are fauctified, from tbe beginnpng of tbe tooild, and tobicb ftjalbe fanctifi* ed cominwaUp to tbc tooilDcs cndc. wbic^ tbing t^e apo8l« alfo affirmctb in tbe 10. to tbe i^eb?eu3«f. aga^nc tbis Hambe 0? ^auiour of tbe toojlde is fapde ro (land in tbe mioiics of tbe tbjone: bereivfoj tbat noto be que cMtet^tl?c offiee of Umw(r£allRv«Si l^j^cfi, and'gouernotir, 0Q.I, htin^ chsp.s^ The xijcvlj. Sermon bt^ns alt02V^ tn^ atiDix^cpareti to faue. ^o j^. ^te{)I)eli olfo in t))e t^tj.of t^e i^rtee fcetb ^i?m ftadyng. £>3i ci6 in otl^ct placcB ts)C tcaD rijat Ci)nff ftrtet^ on tlje rtgljt l^atiD of rl)c fn^ tJjcc.aga^nft to^iclj Casing, tljts place ftniietlj ttot,mafniucl> a9 to {ittt^xB botl) to reft auD to re^gnc. C92 lambe 0gjoxeouct: ttjis out ilainbc appcaccti) \i\ tljc tI)2one of tfjc flfl^wne Dittinc nujieftic, as if l>c twcrc fevlleu: not foi tbat ^e Uias not ^ ^^ flapne ixi Decoc,5nD ocaD (fci tJjat feme is a little afrcc r ^efc fro nioft eicactelyj; hnx. toi ttjat be ccniapntD not in Dcailj, but t^ tlitcD fia^ roicagavne from t'ue t^t cnDc ^t migljt Co occlacc Ij^mfcUc to be tbe l!fe,anD rcfarrcction of tijc faiib- h «' ■»h"i;iliill jfl>;UtCGlv,fo? tijat m cefpcct of Ijis nianljooe |jc is ceade tobeflavttc, butiti refptct of Ijyc «5oDt)cao to Oe imnioitaU, " anu fnbiectc to no cepzorlj. ir?Sjecfo:ei br i0 fapo ae tbougb be txiete aaine, fD?afm«cb as after s.chnToilomeana s.Auibnbebatb v« Oil cefeeueb tbe fcatrcs of t^e toounDes of tivs o^^t^ in toUen of ^^tsWctojp.afcc. m^t lambe ;fnrtIjentto;e t^vs ILainbe C\nx^ aicfus one Eo?b, batlj l^t^ fetten btj.bomes: not tbat in uti^t be caryctb Co manp Jjo^nes l^fee: \imt9* a goate of 3nnbe. an bo;ne,as appearetb b^ SDauicli, ano^ b? ti)e fong of ^acbarp in t^e firft of Eul(e,figmfict^ power and b^ngbome. H^be number of (euen is tbe number of fuIncOTe. 31ti6tberfozefignifieb,t^atCb?tftiBinDueb vupt^ aUl^ynbe ofpotDet:,Diuint,bumanc,tmpettaU,pontiftcal,ropaU,anbto bt;b7ieft% \xi\t\^ moftabfolute potoer. 3lntbe ts-cbap.toe (l)a! leare tbat tbe bead batb fallen to bvm t\jDo bomte^as it Uierc of tl^e ILambe.\»^crof It Q)atlfpeake in bis piace . £>aniel in tbe 7«cbapt. ^nb Dominion (faptb ^e) toas gcuen bvtn , and bonour„ ani^fouereiutie^tbat all nations and tounges mig^t tuo^n^ip \ji^m, Wl^ofe reigne is an euerlaftingreigne , tobtcty {l)aUnotperia)enoibccavatanp tyme. oajoKoner, bebat^ Cbe lambe [z^Ltn epcs alfo.2:befc be ejjpounDet b,anb faitb,U3l)icb are tbe ^atbfeuen feuenfpiritc6ofi5ob»fentiutotbetobolc\i>ojloc. 3lfl)ctucQ ^f»' ^ou bef oie,tbat tbe fcucnfolD fpicit is tcrmcD fcucij fpicitcs. ^erc t^crfoK ^ fignifieD tbe fulncs of tbe fpttite, ^bicb tbe S.o]ibpoU);et]) outtiponaUfleQjc. l^ere is figmfieo tbe \ix\i: tierfaUttno^vleDgeoft^eCbnne^ in uubole figbt are p^efent, toi)at tl^inges (beuer are oone tn beauen anb in eartb^opcnip ^ Plinel^. ^ti}t\^i^\xm of i&^2ift> tl^at iDiimeaTurable foite, vpon the Apocalipfc. 75 Chap,$. fncomp?cl)enfi!)!c snn mod i>mnw,fcarc^ct^ anu pcatfrt^ all ani>fuctiisC^ii(l,aQ; toe ^a«el)earDi)crcribcD ijet^crtc: t»^atte«je ofto^omt^c jaatriarc^es ^aiic foictpofeca, t^t ^cft)ou!Oc gcucmour corneas an iimmciblciJictoucanD tcmmol)aur conquccour, ofa»,aiJ& t»crp man of one o\»nefiibttaHncc,anD altb our terv bjotljer, ^^ °p^= ano ^cttjccp 0or» ncucrt^jdcc, of t^e fame fubiJauncc toptl^ JSS^* tbc father ano tl?c ^olv 5l>oft, t^)c ceco«cUcc,ceDecmcc,^ one= Ip faluation of t^c toozle: tobo Ijat^ fuffcrcD to: \)s, ano ie ru fen agapnc fiom t^c DeaD,ana afccnDco mto bcaiicn , leaning all pouter m i^eaucn ano in eart^etiolDmsail things, com^ municatingt)is fpiruc ^nto men> anD continuing (be faf t!)£ foil feeepcrano Defender of all jnanfevnDc* H^ijisCbiift 31c fus our ?LoiD,canie an& rccciucci (3i fap not conuci?r-0 qi Bale avuav) but cccetueD tbatbooheoft^c mume pzoaiDenc!^ of iSobstuDgcmcntes, ano oft^e ))utuerlall goncmcmcnt of all t^v^Bs^to tbc mtcttt,to opcn,;;t lofe tbc feales tbccof : tbat 10 ro lap, to reucalc i5oD5 luogcmcnres tinro ts tbat are re^ DcemeD \yy\x\) btB blouD.anD to DifpoCe and o:ncr all tbpnges m beauf (t m eartb. 2rbcrfo?e fince toe fenou>tbat tbe gouct:s nour of all cbv^ses^^ts gcucn \3B to be our reoccmer, &^ng, ^V<^op,ano ontlv faluation: \» bo Vsill not from bcncefo^t^ topllinglv fubmttte bVJ»ffllc to bvs gouemcmcnt^ anb fcc^ ' ingtocnoto\3nberaaHbcertapnclp,tbatalltbr»5cs arccjM ccutcDbT»£biift^«ber tbcfcalc of favtbfnlneCTc atiDtructb: U)bo bares be oucrcutious bereafter m feaccbiug out tbc too^^es anb tubgementcs of bpm, tobom vue ougbt to put in truB toptb tbe goueiucmcnt of all tbings^v^a cue tbowgb tbev toere in our otone potuer . /^ottoitbflauDvng vce muft ^^^ ^^ obfcrue.tbattbcfonnc ootb not fo rcceiuc tbcfc tbpngs of tbe fonne is fatbcr,as tbat tbc fatber is ocpiiuco of tbe,.;Jfoi in tbe.y.cbap. fapo to re? of^.iobn3i5ofpell,tbclLoiDfavtb:mvfatbceU30?Hetb\?n- cctae t^c to tbis tvme,ani» 3R too?fee.)6ut tbe tonne is calico tbe tooio, J°°^^^^ moutb,anD armc of tbc fatber , ^ to tbc eno it migbt appcace 2*^^ ^""^ tbat tbc fonne is leffe tba tbe fatber in rcfpcct of bts manboot» " ' ^ojAretasingoDlvuiifc Ca^tb , tbattobercas tbclambc cc^ cetueD tbc booUe of tbe rigbt bano of bun tbat fittctb on tbe • fbiotie:itmuttbet)nbcrGobeintbebcbalfe ofbismanbooe, Jpfee as alio tbat be \r as aavne,;jf ouoctrning bis fSot^bcab, none of all tbe tbvngcs ma^ txio^tbciv be fpoUen 0;; tbougbc of iBob,iB (cnecaU^ aCTigncD to tbiee pecrou6,iaupng tbc mas ticcofb^S?ngfojt^,of ^V^i^^^f ^'^se^^"^) auD of bVJ^tbat Chi^,s, ^ Thcxxviij.Sermon i6becrotcetr,ttnDdf^mt|^p^occDet^.(i^c» 2r(its ttcfmptiotioC Cl)^ift ta Ctngaiar^moft ejuellau^bct^ euangclicall,attD full of confolatiotr.anb tljcrfoic is it c^icflp to be lavl^ ^P ^n t1)e bottome of ouc tartee.^tiD l)cre \jdc finDe ^fo xW tbc? tocrc btfccaucd in tijcir iu&getncttt,\x)l)ict) VDtrc tiot afta^Dc to pzatc , tbat contratv to tlje tnanec of t^e apo- file8,tl)i0 boobe taugbt fe\»e ti^mgcs concerning Cb^tftanD out ttoeinption . \)^ p)av t)nto tbe Ho^b , tbic l^t \x>oulii '^ Aojncbtafe to illumine one mrnbe&*aincn, C^i^^td befmbebtbeloojfbpp anop^atfe geupngo^an ^gmne,^ id Tons tuito C^^tft bi? § beailes i tbe €lDer<. T/;e xxyiiiSermon. A^A whe he had taken the bookc , the fourc beaftcs, 'and. xxiiii. Elders fell downc before thclanibe,ha- uyng Harpes and golden Vialles full of odours(whichc arc the prayers of theSaintcs) & they fang a new fong, faying: Thou art worthy to take the booke , and to ope tbcSeales therof : for thou waft killed, and. haft; rede- med vs by thy blond, out of all kynredesand toungcs^ and people and nations, and haft made vs vnto our Qod , Kyngcs and Prieftes , and we (hall reigne on the earth. Ch^i^ itf ! y^ ^aw^ ftc^t^^ » t^at ^^^ lamht !)at^ receiitcb tl)c booftc of true f otte= t^^attD of bpm tbatfittctb in t\)t tb?ottc,tbat be inigbt open lytiionar^ it,^ loofc tbc fcales of tbc fame : tbat is toe baue VmDtrCobe, tbat Cbnft is tipe onelp ano rternall ^autour ano II02D, tm- to tobomall poti^er is gcuen in beauenanb eartb:anb ronfe^ quenti? tbat be onelv auD euermo^e fanetb ^ tbat be rr uealctb ^ . to ^ss tbe miftettes ano tubgements of i5oD, anb ftnalip tbat " .0{' i ^goactttct^anbDirporctbaUtbvtigcs intbetoozlD.SltfoI^ lotoetl) mo^ouer bom all tbe creatures of i5od bebaueo ti^i Hfats totuacoes tbis fount of i5o&,tbe monatcb anb gouer^ inottr of ail tbpnges . 2;bis tbpng is fet fottb toitb a marue^ iottsliuelptep^efentatton anbplenttfull fpeacbintbe H^vpe of tbettQ. bea(les,anb tbe jtitiit^.iglDetsXerteinlp to tbe enb t^t bp tbctc o^Sures^too^bes, anb \oo>bes toe miQ\)t tmbee Oahb, tobat is mete fo^ tis to bo in t^ie inbgementes of i5oo. ^0} t^i^e^iample is t^rcl? mamfoU),anb eoe of \)f .partes, vpontheApocalipfc, 77 Chdp.s* int^ as^citt (ball ^arDl? finde pu)pounitcd m an? ot^er \mu ^n e^tnpie ter . ?one of 6im t!)at fate : ^ol?, ftolv,^olp,2,o?D i3oD i^arnc ijow almig^tp.^ecouDlpwetjnDccftanu t^att^c.jcpiiq.iglDersfcI ^^ ^f'{«"c iioU)ne,ujo2Q)ippcD,caft iw\jjne tbcic ccotoncs , auD fang an to"iriraf« * i&pmne.if^oto foUotoctl)tl)etI)irD Degree of t^is cicaplc . S^m goacrncr 0? as ftrft t^e bcaffes ano if locrs Dio t^cfc tljvngce fcucrallp, fo au ttjmsw. tioto tovnti^ tstt^ one acco^De tipe bcafico ano xerloers fall Howne togetl^er before t^e lambe.Hettis tberfo^e fall Dotjonc ftlfo in all tbe mogementes atiD vuo^bes ofi5ob , facfoiet^e iambe tbe gouernour of all,$ let \)0 too^QivP • f^} altboitgb It be not berc aDOeD^ano tbev U3o;(l)VPpeD : vet is it to be t)n^ DerQobe, tbat tbctr falling Downe \xias to tbe intent to vuo;^ fl)VP. ;Jfoj to fall bo\nne,i6 to toojflipp . ipobicb t^yng is alfo percemcDbptbistbatfollotoetb » ;jfoztbev offer piavcrsto Cfjeiambc tbc Iambe , tbat is to tDitte , t^je? fing an l^vmne, tcbicb is a w5»oj(bip= partofgoDlp\Do?ft)pppvng.iB5o?coueritfolloU)etb immc= ^^^' Diatlp,tbat euerv creature (ang an |^ vmne to bnn tbat fittet^ in f tb^one, $ to tbe Iambe. (Ec.^no t)erelv ttoo twinges efpe^ ciallp anb biligentlp ^ . Slobn treatetb ix^ tbis e]cample. ;f 0^ firftbetrimlppaintetb out tbe bebauiouroftbe beaOes and i&lDers . ^fter\jDarD be annepetb t^e i^pmne,piayfe getting, 01 fong . ^nb as concent^ng tbeir bebauiour : firS and fQ%s inoO tbep fall bourne befoie tbe lambe:as 3] fapo tmn no\jQ. ^no tbis place is of cSicacie inoug^ to p;ouetbe i3obbeaD €\n,{RUi ofour^amoucCb?iK.:lfoM^efetbvnges ougbt»to be con:: t?crp<5o& ferrebtoitbtbofetobJcb are ttjjittentjpon tbe fame tajojbes {obcXoez:: in tbe iiij.cbap.2rbe.)C)ciiij.i2lDers fellbosonebcfoie ^imtbat ff'9'S fittet^ in tbe tb?onc,anb tDo?Q)pppeD bimtbat liuctb foj encr JJ^cfome anb cucrrano noto it is favD,tbat tbe fclfe fame iBlbccs bauc rfj'tt. fallen oovonc bcfoze tbc Iambe : \jDbcceupon it foUoinctb tbat l^e tbat lyuetb fo]i cuer $ tbe Iambe be tuo^QjVPP^b tott^ libe glo?v>fcc«ice,{t bonour : anb tbat tbe fonne ts cor quail toitb tbc fatbcr,to be \xio?fl)VPPCb fo; cuer. ix?bccbp nouj is opcti^ Iv pcrccmcD tbeabbonunable $ bctcltable crrour of 0rrius ^JT^Sthe anb ^cruetus,confuteb at tbis pjcfent,not onelp by tbe bca- tiafphemp (les^butalfo b? tbetubole cogregatton of tbe ^aiutcs in bea- of %xx\\x0. nen.3lble men reaCon fubtillp, anb pecucrte anb ujjcft i5obs too?b after tbcir toonteb giantlv bolbcncs, at tbcir plcafure: 13uttjeu)iUratberfollo\aotbee)camples ofall^aimes anb creatures m tbe \]3o;lb,anD ajdiU toozfliip tbe Iambe tuitb ^nn tt)at fitteci) in t^e t^ionc tvl^o \& blcCTcb f 0^ cucrmo^e. C% . 5 . The xxviij . Sermon f^ixvtgf asft^netbcre are QjctoeD to \)0 , tl)c KiDers kneel^ns ob toiauejs. tl)e pauemettc , (joldvng in t^eic Ijattnes ^arpee mtD tjiailes. Sin l^atiie in tlje idfalmes anD Mp i^idovf ie an tnftniinent of mtt(icl(e,conreccate to p^pCee Dtuine.Concemvns tl>e titair, t^c cupfotmoecs mate muci) aoo about it , of teiiat inancr of fi^ape 0} tDl)at faft)ioncD cup it O^oulD be : 3R ti^nDerftattD it to beftinplv a cup o; a bolle , fuel) ae v»e read tl^ere Uicce inani^ in t^e tabernadc and temple, appointed botb toi b^nlte oere<; cinse0,anD alTo fo; Hsoeeteooouce anD tnccnfe.iBtcucttbelcCTe tbece tl^i^ngee in tbe bolp ^eauentp utiiellere be not to be tos ken co;po;alIp , bntfpintuallp as coantctfigttrcs of otbec (bings.;lfo|tobat iSoDs fpicite tbeibifciofcr of fccrctCB menr, i^.BBO^^n !>pm feifC Declacetb, raping^: which be the prayers of the saintes . 2lnD tbetfo^e beccbv it is ment , tbat tbe ^aintes oSecp^apers coxSob : tsbicbeare mucbmoje* acceptable to jMnfiekc l)itn,tba tlye (Vueete meloop of 0a)ufical inftrmnete, o; f piea^ anotnccnfc, fauntfauoucof (b)etegame0,o?perfttme6acet)nto men. Hn P)a9«f . tbat tbcp bane bacpes (iiaptb Aretas tbe interpreter ) it betotie- netb a conco^oe anb agrement in geupng i5oD tbanbes. Sin^ l^eceof toe leame agapne , tobat toe (^oulb bo at tl)e contemn plattonanbtmDerOanbpngoftbe iubgementes anbtDO^tos of 000 . a^be &o;d is to be p^apfcb ano bleOcb, becaufe be is gooD^b bis mctcp ittbucetb fo; eucr . 23ut if t^anfees mud be geuen to i3ob , if bis ttoibes anb iubgcmentes ace to be p^apfeb, U)bP bo (bme meniinarcU uoitb i5ob , finbpng fautf at bis iubgcmentes oi b^ingpng t^cm letoblp infuQ)icionMet ts leame mo^eouer , tbat jgD^ganes anbt^ofe coipo^il ins cenfes bo no longer become tbe Cbntrcl) of 0ob. Cbetrue SDf tl)is place ^. Blrenep in bis iiti.boote agaynR berefies, famfice of in cbe.33 .and.34.cbapter CBet0etb,tbat tbe papers 9 tbanltcs C^^ifttlK. geupng of j^aintesbe tbelame oblation \»bicbe fSQaiacbte p^pbccirbto beo0ereb ))ptbo20ugb outtbe U)bolc too^lD. anb Ojo^tip after ^ertuUian follotoeb tbe fame tjipodtio 11 a:* gapnft tbe Bletnes , anb in tbe iiii > t^oolte agapnft 09arciou: iDbotnotber 2>octoHrB of tbe €burcbbauefoHo\»eD . I3uc tborepleafaunt ^opbtfticaltnfler6,3i meane tbe ^opxH} vt= ti biuines^bo as it Uiere triumpbe in tbefc tbpngcs. vob^t'^^as t^eir triumpbing is all tbe V»bile but (l)aboVDiQ) $ ronb: ^oi tbep applp tbefe tbpnges to tbcir facnificc , t»t)ccm tbcp fapnc tbem fcloes to offer t)p tbe bobp ^ bloub of Cb?t(f ))nto i5ob tbe fatber bnber tbe fozmes of bzeab anb \ximc,as a pzopitia^ coiie facnfice fo; tbe quicl^e anb tbe DraD.But Sircncp ^ i^tt^ euUian fpeate not of inO) a (acrifice^but of tl^ oblait5 of p;ap^ ers> vponthcApocalipfe. 7S Cha^.s, rts,to^'c^ t^e tol^ole constcgatton of CI)^t(l fotictified ^it \^is bioiiD, offcrctb tip mtl)e Hordes i^nppcr to i5oorl)e Ukx\^tt tDttl) t^anbcs stiffs fot ti)etr fcer reDemption , ano not t!)e (ofccratco fSQaOepzica aloncir^cfe^olp fathers nruer bneto t^ Talc (BQaQTts of t^cie Ct^ananites. }5p tt)C lame place of §> . Sloljn , tijc fclfc fame laapitfee go argapna about to pioue $ to ftabliQ) tbcir placing to ^attitcs in bea^ wapmgte wctt.l3ct)oiD,fap tbe?,tbc ^aintesaccfavo to piap opcnlp in ^amtw in !jeattcn.l5ttttbcpneDCttottop;apfo?tI)onfcluc8,ano tljcrs ycaucn. fo2e as intccccflonrs ^ pattonee tbcp p^p fo; t|;cir dientes $ tuo;Q)VPpers in eartb.31 aunfVsere , tbat tbc ^aintee in Dtoe p;iap in j^caucn.Bui toberras pou aoopng tbc Kinoe and ina« net of p^avmg.oo cjcpounoc it to be interceCTion : von patcb it lip tDitb a peece of vouc otone foigecie,vea cuen witb a mali« (ione ano tptng fo;gccie.^.3nobn \^ttt tjcpoundetb bim felfe, fo tbat be ncDetb not pottc patcbpng. ;f 0^ be aDDetb,anD tbrp ring a ne\33 fong.'^ea anb be rcciterb tbe \»bole folate of tbt0 fong , ted anv man ft)oulb corrupt tbat tobicb be bao fapo of pta?ec0.anD tbat (ame fozme conteinetb p;apfe anb blefl^ng oitbanftesgeupng^anDnbtinterceflion, OMnuoration. ft% certaine it is enen bp tbe boctrine of tbe 4po(lle* t . arimo . x^ ano to tbe idbil. 4. tbat tbece be ttoo cbief bpnbts of p;aper: inuocatton ano pzapie 01 tbanbes gcnpng . I3ut tbe tbpng it retfe ptapntp pzouetb , tbat ^ . Jiobn fpeabetb bere of ibe Iat:> ter,anb not of tbe firft . 2lnb ttbtre as tbis place eiqjotitioetb '^^ ^- certein jTppes, fl)aDo\»e8 0; miftenes of i^obs law : bp t\^t f oi»<0 off fame toe map tatbet confnte tbe intcrceOiiS of ^aintes in bea r^JJf ,. uemfoi i^^tit toojfljpppcrs . ^o> in tbe lato is permitteo one *^''»"*"' oneip golDenatiltae of incenfe. ^nb tbe fame rep^Centeb a fi:s gnreof Cb^itt . ^0; onelp Cb^tft is tbe mcDiatour anb inters ceflbnc bcttuiict i3ob ano man . 3|t tvas not latofiiU fo; &^z people of i5oD,to btirne incenfe, but bpon tbis aultac ondp. J[i toas not latofuU fo; anp prepare 0; make fo; bpm (elfc an ooouc of tbole lipnoe of gOmes^toberof tbe hinint ixis cenfe confiKeo , anb to fmell to it : as appearetb in tbe . ;o . of iSicoDus. n^bp tban bo not tbe(e bnbet1lanb,tbat p^apers be^ longto<5oDalone^ anb tbat tbe ^aimes inbeauen toottlik not fmell of fucb incenfe^S>auib in tbe. m' • Idlalmeli3ptb,let mp p;apec be Directeb as incenfe in tbp figbt, anb tbe lifcpng tp of mp battocs as an euenpng (^crifice. ITbe S>eutU befi« tetb to bane fucb maner of incentes to be mabe tinto btm:)3i0 appearetb in tbt.4.of iBQatb.ano in ^. ^n^itn of tbe Citie of i^obtl^Ht ottt l^eauenlp ^mxi^, ace not SDCHtls , I9bp tett» 09,ti^, Decs Chaf.s* The ^Qcviij. Sermon DetftattD tl)ev not t^at tl>ts anlter of mcenft fiattbeti;) noto tn beauen on tt)e tig^t ^anD of t^e fatlicc , and tl^rc mabetj) tn^ tcrceiTion fo; \}&: auD t^at f o; Ijts (attc tlje fat^ct is veconcilco to t)0,atiii we ace accepted of f5oi},anD ti^atb? l)im alone toe mud offer tip our pzavers ^mo i5oD,t3)btcl) are eis ab^omu nabitiwl^V Cce t^cp not tl^e i)caucnlp ^aintes at ti^ie ptelcnt to attribute all t6?nges to t^c onelv lambe alone, anD to c^a^ lengenot^png totbemfclues l ^tnall? tbat tbc^ make no metuton of tbetr tDo;(l)ippers : but pla^lp teOtfte , tl^att^e onelvlauibeuias ano is U)ouUp,to take t^ebooke.^c. xoW ig s i^nd tbe p;apfe o^ t^anbe geuing of tl^e ^eauenlp ^ aims ncwfonge. J^e^at^calleDanet»e(ionge> u?bicl) int^e Scriptures is no ne\3o tbyng. foi t\)c ^aintcs fat>,t^at tbc? toill f^ng in eart^ tnto i5oD a netoe fong.^(alm.53 .9^*?8. i ^^.1£UL^A^, ^nD netvefonges be called tt^oic ne\» balaDesoi)}erfes in meter, tD^tcI) are mabe of fome netooe benefite o% noble actebone, 0nD becaufe tt^e minoe of man ts oeligljteD greatlp toitl) nev» benef ites, tl)ev fing a neU) fong, tol^icb tuitb a iopfull m^nbe l);avfe i5ob, anb geue l)im t^ankes toitb tbeir intoarb afiec^ tions. ^inallp,t^e? fing a neto (ong.tobic^ pia^e i5ob \»it^ inpnbcs pnrifieb anb rene^oeb tottb tbe fpirite: tobic^ tl)vng toas dfitkVg getten to t^ofe ^eauenlv Samtcs. };x>l}ereof tue learne aga^ne ^o\u it be^ouet^ our m^nbes to be a0ecteb ^ fumifljeb in t^e p^apers anb p^aifes of i5ob. 3n(faitl) Aretas) tooulb call tt)at a net» fong^b? ti)e benefite to^erof, \»e Coo^a being inlig^tenebt^|ougbt(ietol)Ole ean^, l^aue beparteb from t\)t onerolbnes of tbe latoe to^ittcn.anb tsalke in netD:> tteffeoflife) are taught by t\)tJi^oVi i5^oato fing t^ankef* geeuing. iCbebiitttw 2ro iljefe t^pnges note is abbeb tbe ?^imne of tbe faintes, ^ ^^ of « ^*^ ^^ nipgbt alfo banc a fourmc bote to pzavfe i5ob . ano gSfi Si ^n t^>e B^imt t^iep fmg,tbat all tbings are fubiccte to Cl)?ift, Umta ^^^ ^^^ tbpnges o^bereb bp \)is gouemment.tbat l^e l^umbleb ^Vtnfelfe to t^e bcatb> anb toas t^erefoze c^attcb aboue all t^pnges. /iietn are alfo t^e tiertues oz efifectes anb toonber^ fullbencfitesof^isbeat^commenbebt}ntot)s: to tbecnbe ttiattoeefteemtngt^egouemourbv^is benefices bcflo\»eti tppon t)s,fl)onlb beleue alfo ti^at tbis gouerncmcm Q)all be tioleCbme foz t)6,anb tl^erHoze fubmitte our felues to btm toil- linglv in faptl) anb patience. 3R>bicb tierelp is tbe cbiefeft rabe of tijofe tl^pnges iDi^ic^ are treateb of t^ere tottl^ fo great Diligence. ^irllti)e?commcnbet^(maic(tie anbbignittt of iLl)%ifi, in vpponthcApocalipfti 7P chf^:i tirf to Imt rate otter att t^intses, ano to be t^e onti^ ^mU i^ne tg our of t^je too;to,t^)e rcueler of i5oDs mifteries, ano rtjego^ &»o;tbp ts uemottrofalt ;foj t^isis totaKe and to open tfte boofeK JJJJf'* U)!)ic!)tDeIjauenotD ofttpmcsrcpcateD. ^cconDlp,tIjcvani ■— ■ .^^ Hei» tl)e caufe,U)^? t^te sio^v l^ottlD belong onelv to f iambe 0} (onne of 0oo : becau{e,(a? tbtp,tl)ou toaft btlieo. ^no b? tbe leffe tbep tenoerftano tbemo;e:to tottte, bts U)boIe tncar:» tiatton,ant) tbe tDbolemttterie of our reoeutptton^bie beatb, refutrectton ano aCccnfton into t)eaucn. anb tbe refibue. jS^ee tberfojc is tbc true ano onclv meoiatour bettoene f5ob anb " " • * men: br is tbe onelp ( be tbat aione toas incarnate anb crucffieb foz ts : \)ce is tbe onelp gouemour , tobicb b? bi0 bumilitie oefcruco to be ejcalteo. )dbiltppians.i. Slnb be is a mod fitte gouernour of all tb^nges , ftB of )aA}om all men ma?,as of tbeir moftfaptbfiill faaiour, ^ea anb bxotber, bope toell, tobat tbpnges (beuer cbaunce ))nto tbetn tb^ougb j^tsgouemementa^c* 3l]n tbe meanetpmetbepcommcnbe moll bt'SblV tbe berrC!)ebertite tneoxeffeaeofCb^iftesoeatb. ^o; tbis bevngrpgbtlvbn^ «cffectcof berftbobe,toearemojcreabvto(ubmitte our felues to tbatj^^^atijof Qonemonctobom toe^otpo to be our (auiour, tobtcb louetb ^^?u^ t)0 Dearelp,anb tooulb baue all faueb» 2lnb tbe cbiefeO effccte of Cbziftee beatb^is reoemption. licebeemtngtnclubetb cap^; iSeorptton. tinitie. wt t»ere p^foners ano feruauntes of finne, of oeatb, anb berv bonoeflaues of tbe oenillano bell. But tbe (onne of d(5ob came ano too^efiea)e,ano Ojeo ^is blouo ffot fo alfo is tbemanerofrcbeempngbseicp^eireD bptbeelbers) $toa(« fi^eo bsfrom our finnes,anb tsb^n be bab maoe tis cleanc,be raunromeobsfromtbepovoerofbeatb^b^^lUl'tnne anb ^a» as note toe be of i&ob« HTberefb^e tbev lap cjcp^ifrip, tboubaS reoeemcD bs to i5ob» ^x^c betbcrefo?e of 0oo: tbe beuill batb no mo^e r^gbtto bs: lue are tbe free m^ of Cbit0, beliucr^D tb;ougb bpsbloub.i.iaet»i.Beb^eb}.9. iSlnofbiaf:: mucb as tje be noto of f3oo,to \»itte, iuftifieo frcelp, b? bps grace,tb^ougb tbe blouo of Cbztl^^as tbe laipoltle faptb aifo in t^e tbe Romanes: tUcrclv toe ougbt to feruc goo in netxines of rpirite,anb not tbe fieQ)eanb tbe oeuill , in tbe oloenesoftbelettcrauDofourfleaje. 33?btcb tbvngtbefamc 2^ottleDifcour(etb mo;e at large in tt^t 6,tQ tbe Romanes. i^lfo tbe)? oeclare bp tbe toav^tobom be b^b reoeemeD:tbac xoijo are i6tot»it,menofalltribe6.?c. 31n tobicb rebearfallbt botb rcoewnco, imitate 3^aniel in t^e 7,cbapt,anti fignifietb an.botuerCalitie, Ch^.h ^ Tficxxw.ScnBftfti 7qv .& n:: i ft%tt^ 'iMi}%a^ v^t^ fo; iril: bnt titiatallarrttof matreifti^ ^ 'takers of t|)t0teDctnptton, tttstlj^otis^ tl)cir otrtic fanlte* < 4fo]rt))rS.oz2ir^dttdetl)nom$,liut^tmonciptDt)tc^tb;ons^ |its otQttc t)nbeictfe,ati2t mtfl)etrtfc ercluDrtI) l)pinfcHc.(tc. lRtl)at it iitfttftcti) men before i&oD , ^ ma^ eti) iuftifi^ Het!) tftem ^pngce atiD }a?ieftc0 . ;^oz tljcp tftat be iuftifpeD, cation antt too;bc rigitcowmcfi. 31 tjaue ocpoimiieD tIjiB place cacemina tc&emptio. tbe|aiic(lboDc anb bpniguomc oftbe CbJtftiansmtbef^jS c^iaptcr,\xibercvonmav^aucif. t. ;. . ^owfattt' 2:i)e^atntC6aDt>eino2eouer,tbattbe^(i)ailtognetpotc tcs raigne cart!),to tx)it,tbjougb tbe ienue of Cbiift: not cozpo^allp, as )}pon Mrtij. j^p is^iUcnarics ooe imagmcano tbe arncfecBfoiloujmg tbe fantc.XDbo imagine tbattbepQjall baueboDcly ptcaCnrrs ttt tbt0 tDO^lD , o; intbenet^repapied tt)oMo> o; in tbc eartbl? parabife.^oztbe\]9bole(criptnrcp;iomifctb better t^pnges. ^ettber mnft tbe goblp be fo geuen to co^pozatl tbmge0,tbac tbev QjoulD bope fo^ notbpng aboue co;po?atl mattero* %\it tv i^aintt0fpeakebcteoftbelalliuDgement,taobcrinit(balap« peare to tbe tobole \»o;lDe > ann to all tbat Dtooeil tjppon tbr f artb)tbat tbe ^ainte0,tDbitb fometimc Ceemeo to tbe toDo;Iti to baue beene uiicheD, ^ngoblp, peaceb^e^ero > b^reticke0» anomnrtberer0,anofo} tbe (ame cauCe bane beene aavne» ; t^ be iuQ,botp,kvng0,anb p2ieQe0 of iSob* ^q 3Q Tap tbcp ^alt tctgne t)po canb.2:be U)bicb tbvng 10 declared mo;e at large tn tbe .tt).anb.)).cbapt.of tbebookeof X9p(bomc. 2.cttbe ^ainte0(3n fap)confiber tbefetbvng0. iSnbtobcti tbe? be oppzcffeb bp tbe taoicbeo in tbtB tDo;lD fo; truetb ant ngbteoufneofake^tbKiugbtbcpermtinon of £bztft tbe go« nernourofall:IettbcmnenertbeIe0glo;tfpe tbe ILo;D iSoD, ano pzapfc bpin tooitbout ceaOtng* Sa bvm be gio;p fo; cucr* ^l^txt tK oefcHbcb f be commrnbation anb l^pmnc, fonge tnto Cb;tlt bp tbe dngeto^ane bp all creatures. tc» T he xxlx. Sermon ^Nd I bclieldc,and heard the voy cc of many A ngels about the Throne, and about the bcaftcs and the ciders, and I herad thoufandes thou fandes faying u'ith a loudc voycc: worthy is the lambc that was kylled, to rccciue power,and richcs,and wyfdome, and ftrength, and honour,and gIory,and blcffing. And all creatures which vppontheApocaKpK So cJ^^ffi, Whkharcinhcaucn, andonthecairth ,thd rndttr the farch, and in the Sea, and all that are in them , heardi faying: bIe(Ting,hotlour, glory, and. power be vnto f»im,thatfittcth vpoilthefeatc, and to the lambe for cuermorc* And the iiii.beaftcsfayde. Amen. Anci the Xxiiii.Eldcrs felLvpon their faces and worfiiipped him that iyucth for cuermorc. 3|n tbe fonttb place ttoti) come tl^e langels of i5oD alfo to t\it eioere aiio to (be beaaee. J! meane to tbe moft rj^ceUent c^e 9ii« cceantrc6ofi5oD, anDtogctbcruiptb tbcmDoep2apre0oD9ei0aU9 aneitbtiambetDvtbanbVinne: Doubtles foianejcample to v^^^t . t8,tbat, as 31 oft t^mes lap ano repeatc, toe mpgbt V)nbccc ^^^ 0ano VDbat tbpng becommetb Vs alfo. SDautd Cpeabvng of Angels in tbc bunb;eD ^ fbttctb idfal. Among ocbcrtb?ngc0(avtb:^bicb mabctb bteiangelsfpu: Cfsnaei^ ntes^ano bis miniftersa flame of fiet* i^e tcStftetb tbcrefo^e tbac tl^z Angels tucre maoe ot cteatcD of i5oD. Sin refpcct of tbeit (ubSaunce be calletb tbem fptrites, ano bp a parable be xaUetb cbem a flame of ftec.ttibtcb is puce,b;tgbr>(\»ift, peatu c?ng,anD biiniyng. arbecfo^c after tbeir fo^t anb matter ^ t\^z atigelicaUCptettesbeaitogetbcrfucb: vobom bp tbeitroGTtce \fi calletb mitti(lccs,to toitte,of i3oD ann man» ano jg^.^aul ?**^':t' alfo atleDgtng tbe fame tejcte of H»amD to tbe i^ebjetcocs, .niJi" faptb: ace tbep not all (cmilablc fpicites (ent fo?tb to hoc fcr* ""'«"»• utcefo^tbetefabc6\]9bic9 are bep?es offaluation; tbat is tu tDtttc,foi mens (abcs. Sbefe tbpngs teacb ^s to moge rigbt^ ip of ^ngels.tbac no man mpgbt Voo^Ojip reruauntes,o; anp creatures be tbep neucrfo e]i;cellent,fo2tbetr gooDlp giftcs, >Stcptber in Decoe can tbe Angels o^ ^amtes abide tbefcUtcs to be \»oifl)tppeD. i^cre Doubcies tbep attribute all gto;p to i50D ano to tbciLambc, to i5oD tbzee anD one , tbat ail toe CboulD Doe tbe IvUe. ^ere is alfo Dcdareo tbe place, xa^^tum tbe Angels uiereznamclp about tbe tb2one,about tbe beafics, ano about tbe eioers. a^berefojetbep garoeD all tbefe places counDc about as it voere a garDe. S>antcl in tpmes pa(t fauie tbpngs notiuucbt)nlpbe tbefe in bis 7.cbapt. Ccrtcnitp tbep (lanD ipke tnapters anD leruitours., rcaDp to Doc fcruice.^n^ gels ace fapo to be about tbe goDlp men ))pon eartb , and to attendc tipontbe falaation anD icruice of men.Sin tbcjc^jcitc^/ idfalme iDauto Cmgccb: ti^t affitcteo perron calicD Nippon tbe |lQ2D,$ tbe Ho^D bcacD bpm,^ fed all bis troubles b^ Dcliue^ reo C^4fj. t^? Thexxiy.Scnnon tt\y1^m * arije atts^U of ti^ 2Lo^ ptcci^^ ^e tmtea about tt)cm tD^tcl) fearc ^)pm ( t^e 2lo;D) mn be zicluiecet^ tt^etti^ ,iand not tnucl) )inli?l(e t^^nges ^ou map rean m ti)e 9 i,|dfal. ^nn t^ou (l)alt Ijcre note^t^at tWt tW be amictcZ) , doe caU tpontbc ILo;D,atn) not bpon t^c ^nsete: ^nn ttjat t^c Eo^n iiotl) trcarcatiD Dcliucc t^cm: anu foi t^e toojbpng ri)crof, \)s fet^ t^e (entice of ^ngcls,as of tits mintftces. pon , anD *i*r. ' toojCbippetb 2lngels,altbougb ^^ob bfetb tbeic fcrnice in Oft» Ituertngmen. - Cije mm-- ^im alfo be fcttetb boton tbe number of lainngels, botj^ bcr t>f 3ttT= 6eit a certeine fo; an ^ncertame , tbat is to toitte , tboufanb sci0. tbonlanucs foj iimumerable. ^e alluDetb in tbe meane tpmc to tbat facing of S>aniell tntbe.7.cbap;33rboufanD tbonfanDs fenteo bpm, and ten bunb^etb tboufano dooe about bim. wt be Vuont to efteme tbe pou>ee offings bp tbe greatnes^buge^ nes,ano tnnumetablenes of tbeiearmpcs . xoi^ta. tban Q^all toetbinbe of tijit po\»er of our i5oD , tobicbe is tbe i5oo of boftes^ann tDbomnotoneip innumerabte legions of !2Uma ^ete,but alfo all creatures ferue^ ^no tobat an cjccellet p^pfe ts tt,)»bicb is fong togetber of fo manp blefleo fptrttese fti% after tbie^tbe proper outp 0; office of aungels is ton:> cbeo : 3^ bev Ting p;avfes to i5oo , ano commenoe tbe lambc of i3oo,ano tbat tDttbalotoiie tiopce . 3Ptt (^tUetb not greatlp tobetbcr tboufing pzapfesto tbeilo^oin aloto 0; anbpgb tovce : but foi afmncb as tbep tbat crve Voitb a lotoDe tiopce, are fo^ tbe moQ part fo^e moneD,as ouervobelmcD toitb great fozotD,o? oucr loveo toitb great glaones: arbcrfozc toe (ball bauep^atfcD i5oD toitb a louoe tjopce, if toe p^avie bun toitb a fernent mpnoe ano mtoaro affection of tbe bart. Cbe b^mne ^be aungelicali ^VHtne ts noto anneiteo^tobtcb acco?betb 8f tbe %n'- in all tbpngs toitb tbe l^vmnes of tbe bcaftcs ^ jeioers. foi gti0,fapDc tbev celebrate tbe lambe,tbat is to fap tbe fonne , tobicb as be "i W^?? is tbe ^auiour alonc,fo batb be uefcrueii to rcr ctuc all pctocc fit ci)?itt. ^j^^ gioiv,anli to gouerne all tbvngc6:as is Cavo bcfoie. sano (cucn tbingcs do tbe aungds attribute to tbe lambc, tbat is,to B'cfus Cb?ift our 2Lo?o,on tbe ttgbt bano of tbe fa* tbcr.;JFir(l cPwa(x,iv,potocr , tbat is to toittc, Dtuine potoer, to create, quicfeen , m'^ mmmiwt . £)f tbis 31 fpake alfo before, ^econulp TtUvjo^ ricbefiV.;^o? be is ricb,a8 tbe apoftle faitb, fo^ all tbat call tipon bim , l^Qma * i o « iSlnb )&b?i<^ bvm f(if^9 Ctaptb \ vpcnthcApocalipfe. 81 Ck4f,^» na?t^ Prin^afius)i5 t\st trcafurc of ail gooD tlipngee , $c , ^0? schadtU/X\^f\zt\} t^cCuffictencte ofallgoobeB ofti^tmvnde mti) boDp:^nD if It be laU)fuI to attribute a beati^cn \»o?D »n^ to i5ob , ^e IS ^crv ^atnrne , fttlftHvng all creatures . ^nD ftmetbc iaungcle oo fo commeoe ^}:)i%\{ix tobo tooulD tbmbe, tbat m^ (l)oulD fo fcrape to tbem felue^, a0 t^ougb tbep tbem felnescoulDfilltbeiroUinc oeftres i STbantbep attribute to Cb^idmeoome , to tuitte goDip auD great . ;fo; tbc (onnc tstbc tDiiebotne of tbe fatber > n>bcrcof |>»atomon treatetb •nucb.l3v tbis tDtft'Doiue be kno\uetb boto to rule all tbings toitb mo8 conueuient aub excellent gouernement . n bo ft)aU Ca^f ^bus \* fl)oulD bauc bene oonc . irbe totfeDoine of i3od |)atb mod gooDlilv auD ejcceUently uuioe all tbtngee from tbe tieg?nnvttg,fo tbat our reafon ra tuaip blame notbing. ^bat tb^ngd^alltDt blame tbanno\3} in tbe tmiuerfall goueme« inent of CbwUf^lto tbcp afcribc tonto Cb^ft> ftrengtb to eife^ cute fucb tbintgf s as be batb moft tcifelp ojbcincD , ftreugt^j to Def^o bis, anb to fubbue tbe aDucrraries.;ffo2 be is almigb* tie. jg>ucb tbings^s follo\»,namelp bonour^gloj^^^ tbanbes Scupttg^are beclareb befo;e,\xibat rbey bc,anii of \33bat fo^ce; fauing t^at tbpng to^icb be calleo firft lc;x°^j><7toi,tbat is to fap tbf^gett^ng,^e callet^ noU) io\oyleuill onclp ercepteb ) \xjbat tpnic be cc^ compttrb tbe creatures tbatarc mbeaucn,\Dbtcb are m eartb, tubicb dt:e t)nbec tbe ^eartb > anb tn tbe ^ea : anb finally ^b^ betb, anb all tbat be tbertn.lTberfoze tfalltbpnges createb bo celebrate anb too^Cbpp bim tbat fittctb on tbe ^zone,anb tbe lambe.rE fubuitt tbem fclues \)nto bimtis it not a fl)<)me, ^ea ^ a foule ll)ame,tbatman alone^bemg ilop of all,a)Ould reuolteto tbe Cuiome encmv of i5ob,tbeDeutll , anb to talte part \juttb bim quareling.carpmg^anb rayltng agavnft i5ob, anb in aaunbcrvng bis tubgementes anb gouernaunce >anD tn repining at iii^ tuo^besaub tatlU ymx maruell, 31 tooie ti3eIl,bo\» all creatures, (fitb man? of tbem be \ioybe of reafon , anb tnfenftble) canp^ayfe i5ob» Bo)3s}beit tbis figure pzofopopeta tbat is tbe fapnyug of per^^ fons is tierp common bttb all tbe fdjopbetcs, ^ cbiefip \3}itb 2>auiD:pjapfe ye bim ^unnc $ jSgoone, faptb b^^piapfc b?m Vebzigbt^tarres.jazapfc tbe JLozb from tbe eartb v^SDza^ gonsano all Dccpe places, fire, b^Vle, fno\», iTc. $c . ^nb b? Cucb miners offpeakpngtbe jd^opbetes mentto mccuragc anb avjre \)p men to pj;arfe i5ob . iinb feyng tbat tbe creatu* res tubicb^^c "o li^^ ^ bo after tbetr nuncr p^ayCc i5ob , fee tbat vou after pour maner bo pzavfeiSoD ini^pmncs ^fpi- vituaUidfalmes. ^nb m uxst 2Damb fl)e\i3etb a plapne rcaro> VQbp ¥ loumimbcc^ bobpes t^at ^auc no Ut to p^aple i5oD« ■ net I vponthcApocaIipfe» S2 ChAf,^, Eet t^em wi^^^Sm\^ ^U'&fi, name of ^e EoiD,tof)Vibccaufc i^c commaQdeD,anD t^cv toere cccatto . ias ti^ougl) ^c OjoulD fep;t^|Cf be bis ct:catiires,anli in tbat tbcv ccniamc (fill , tbq? ^ane t( of bV)n:tbcrfo}c ict tbcm maltec tbc name of i5oD gIo< of x\^tvc inahec ano p^cfecucr . Qnd be fignificn atfo tbemanec of piapfpng , tubece be aDoetb , be batb oiDeinen tbcin,tbattbcv QioulD iuouce foz cnec: begauc tbcman ojDi^ nauncc.ncitbtr is \i tcanfgrcflcb . ^s if be Q)ouiD bane iapD. j^e^ng tbev neglect no paw of tbe tbi«gs,tDbn:unto tbcv are manc,tj«t arc ccaovmtbcir place, 02Dcc,anD tpmc, ^Do tbcic Dnetp cjcccDvnglv toclliDo tbcp not pieac^ >s^xdQ men K\^t toon Dcrful toifcDomc ano potoer of i5oDi;lFoj in an ot^cr jafalmc alfo 2)attiD fa^tb , t^^i^ bcancne fl^cto foztb tbe glozp of i5oa, anD tbe firmament oeclaretb tbe toozUcs of bpo banocs . (cc. arijus 3R fav tbe creatures toitbout i'^fe do pzapfc anD conu menDe tbe name of i3oD \jnto men , to bat t^me tbep are mo^; ned,tooz^e toonDerfuU^^ann obcDiently Do tbe tbpng tobere ^mo tbep are appointeo. 2rbe Idpmne of all creatures ( l^^e as tbat toas of tbe ^nid^ttm beafteSfiSlDers anD i^ungds ) is bere atfo trimelv DefcrtbeD, fa^d bnto altbougb b?ieilp.l3ntfoj afnmcbas it batb notbing,tbat batb ^b?«ft ofal not bene DeclareD before ; 3] toill not bp o(t repet^ng (t fpea^ ^^^^i^fff* kvngtbe fame tbvnge8,moleft anD toer^ tbe gentle ijearers, BOtobeittbat onetbpngfemetb cbtcfly to beobferueD , tbat tbep ioyne 6?m tbat uttetb in tbe tb;one,anD tbe lambe toge:: tber : tberb? ac^notoleDgpng tbe fonne to be coequall toitb tbefatber^anDbotboftbemtobc too^Q)pppeD toitblp^ebo^ nour,a::D toitb ipbe pzapfes to be celeb^ateo anD conuneDeD. 2Fbep attribute peculiarly to tbe labe igmpire oi b?ngDome, fo^ tbat be recciueD tbe booKe of tbe fatber, as is DcclatcD be^ £o?e:to ^xxxz all potoer,^ autbo^tte to goueme all tbingrs. STbe foure beadcs fmg to it i^men , eitber fo confirming % cofcnt \» tbe l^v»nne of tbe creatures, 02 tbus Declaring tbcrrconfent appjo«e&. toitb tbcm a^o tbe intent toe flioulD toitb one mittDcp^aptOi ti^tx^ is gctbcr anD pza^fe i5oD tobo is blefieD foz cucrmoze. osjojeo- ^^''"^"* uec bcrebv are confuteD tbe DiOfenfions of men. Ube EozD aU lotoetb liic concojDe anD agrement of men , anD requirctb it ^ttcrlp,efpecially in p^avers anD goDlv p^apfes. fox be com^ inaunbetb tbee m tbe i^ofpell to lav botonc tbine oblation, tobicb tboutooulDeU offer, in cafetbou Doeft remember anv ftifcozDe bettoipt tbee auD tbp bjotber , $ to go into bpm, $ to tenetoe amitie;, $ tban to renirne to tbvne offr^ng ; tobicb i« tb^ I3}opl^€te0 is caUeD an abbomtnationjin cafe it be offered of Chap.6» The XXIX. Sermon ofm^ttbespoflWcHtoitl^cancourattiiirtaUice^jic. ' ^ Sm «S? ;JFiinrtli^, t^c elDecs fali Dotone aga^nc aim too?a)

t:atbet idecbctaneB, anb mozeoucr aga^nft ^iixxvcz ^ curious biCpntations anb temptations toucbpng t^e too^^cB, iubge^ mentes anb pjouioence of i5ob» 3lf toe be tovft^toe topi obe^* bientlv Cubmitte our felucs to tbe Ivuing i5ob , toptb all tbe creatures anb faints of i3ob,too;Q)ppptng bvm, anb to^t^ tbe idiopbet crying: tbon art tuft S.o;b m all tb? toapes, and ^olv in all tbv >3)0}be6 ^E^bou baft createb \)s,aU tbinges are tbvne. ^bon gouemeft all tbvttges tn beft o|ber» 2:^ou lo^ neft man.i;^ou baft geuen las tbv Conne. ^bon by t}y^ fonne otir rcbcemer gouemeft all tbpnge s ^pjig^tlp. tot tnojOj^p tbee tbe;fatbcr,tbe^onne, anot^ebol^ i5^oft, oneter^ i3ob. %Q tbee is imz t()e l(2ngbome,^nonc, anb glo^p fo) eucr anb cuer. ^incn* ^%\sin fealeis are openeb, anb tbe btrecte courfe of atiD of ivs ctcrnall pioutoecc. ^no t^is is as it \xicre a piog^ rtotltcation foj all tvmcs ano ages Vjnto t^c ujojIds eno. ^0? tbe mwft tiot t^mbe t^at ^crc arc rcljcarfCD onclp t^c actcs of ^ fottmtaii Cttcagco^t\MO,lj«tofall. ;jruftofaIl,t^pnges arc generally fS'l,f n ftcrcribco,^ aftctujciro by partes particuIatlv,\M^cn mc come ti,„"g JJ^.*;;* ftoitt tl)e fcacnt^ fealc to tijc trumpets. %^z Cumc is,t^at t^e ttjc bmh of ieie fctt&tt^ foitl) the picac^ing of t^c truct^ into t^c tt)o?lo: ci)?ia. ti)^icl) wt)en i))€n rcfufc ano oclptic^tl^ev are DeflroveD lovtl) toatccs^anD ot^et calamtties innumerable. 33M bcfoK all t^)?nges ^.3]o^u is ejccitcD Canu in ^im all Jttttntm « tne) to beatt'emiiic. Slno one, t^at is to txiittc , t^c firft of t^c "«^ ^txt \ti bcaftesboetb excite bym • jfiDncof tbc^abbarsisfetfojtbc^^^^^'^P- firft bap in tbe tocebc , ano tbat fame is tjcrclp tbe ^onDap* !arbc Vjopce of t^ic braflis Ipfe tnto tbunocr. n?!;crebp is figs niftcDtljatbctTietreatcDofgreat^f moft vxieigbtp matters. ^0? moft^gccat ano terrible tbpngcs follovo,U)i)icb ft)afec tbe tobolc toojlb. :^bccfo:c let tjs not plap tl)c accpv fluggacbs, IcttisnotbeblpnDcanbbcafc. S>otibtlest^caoutbfumcs of one tpmc is fucb. tbat tue little confiDcrt^c tt)0?fees ofi5oD, anbto^atisboneinourtvmf. srbc ^tojfecs, ^\3jailou>cs, anb2^urtel6,ant)tbcreftof Ipuing tbingcspaiictJB, tobub f«U\Dtl!obfcrucfbcirrvme. 2rbcrfo?caicU3e bcw^cHf^tt- teb tjp, tbat\DC fl^oulDcnot be fioutbfuU, but marfec txjl^at tbvngcs are DcclareD ana (IjetocD ijs of tbc iLo?b. anti tot)c ^. 3lobn bab oiiigetip marlicb tobat U)as boitc, Cbe fir* > fccfectbtbclambc, cbull 31 nKaneourrcocemci;, open one fcaic la os^ fcalc,t^ati6tofav>,tbefirft:ianD ftratgbt tuavcscamc fo?tb p^"^^* it VD^ttc ^ojfCjOn to^om ^c tljat (ate,baD a bo^'c ben^anb an Chaf.6, The X5fx. Sermon ^rrob itt tt. 2ro ^i?in toae gcHcii a crovajnc, anii ^c toet fo^t^ CDuquccmg^t^at ^c invgt)t cucrcomc,5rt»? !?t^f >?''•'• nnuSc c^cpofttton uj^cccof ifi car»^. f :; I'ge jLoju favct^,'t^at i?e toplt 5tClnr: t^i; beucnics of t!?c Cfjucclj. miUd, ©oifes of funDiv coulours arc alfo bjoiig^t foztlj of 3^a:» cl)arv in t!)e firft ct)apt. ^nD tl?c (igtiifit tl)e t)ftriablc coucfe ^ ftatc of t^c people cf SfifwcH. 2E:^e uj^itc coulour is confecra^ Ci^econrfc tei)tomnoccncic,puntic,*oictoncanrj felicitie. ar^icccfojc b^ of (0900 tt)e toI)tte I^oifets ftgnifiro t^eluclcv \iucraucc of goDs too^D, foo^o. ot pzofpcrous pteaci)mg of t^c f^ofpell. ^02 tpon t^e ijo^fe fitter^ al)ozfcniart, tojljict) giuDctb tjie ^oife, ani l^at^ a bo\»» certainly C^UftDoti) p^o^cc t^e courfc of tlje pzcaci^pug oS t!}c{5orpdL i2lnD t^C4f. ^faimeDotl) attribute to t^c fame a bow. ft)afte0 o: arco\ucs. fax be Bcifectb bvs enemies farce of, ^. biingctb tljcm into bl?s fubicction. l3?ieflp,togtb tbe toojD of 1)P6 mout^jbe (nbDuetb people auD nations to I)^m, ^efa^ in fbe 4 5 . b^ngpngj in Cb^tid Cpea^ug , faptb: i^nD l)e pnt m^ mout^ as a Q^arpe fwozoe , tbc a)aDoto of b^s banb coueced mce , anD be pat me as a pikcb s^rroto, l^t b^boe mee in ty^Q queuec. a^bzouglp Cb^iS tberefozep^ocecbet^ tbe pieacbpng of tbe too^D: be gcuetb Srengtb tvtbe p^eacbpng : ije fl^abetb' b?s bent boto. wW fozce (0 euer tbe tuo^bc bauib pzopbecping befoze, fapbe: tX^z HozD a^all fenbe foztb tbe rob of bis potoer out of ^ion, ^0 rule amongcstbvnc enemies . (BQozeouer tbere is geuets bvni a crotxinc^tbat be ina^ cro\»ne fucb as ferue bpm fattb^* fnilp. ^nb it is a pbzafe of fpeakvng, to fay be toent foztb tta quering,tbatbempgbtouercome:\Dbicbisa6 mucb tofap, as be tbat tjoent foztb is a conquerour,anb vcent foztb of pur^ pofc to oucrcome. jif oz it fignitictb tbat Cb?ift toiU abuaunce tbe pzeacbpug of bvs tioozuc tbzougb out t^e tuozlbe, fo asua inanfb^ll be able to toitbSanb bpm, pea euen in befpite of bell gates. ;jfoz tbc toojD of tbc ILozD mburctbfoz ewer. m^^i the ^"^ ^^^^ P^^^ tcacberb, tbat tbere fbal altoapes be a cburb ^arcb {ball ^^^ ^^^ toozlbc, anb l^^etopfe t^at tbe truetb Qiall altuapes be be aivoavc^ pzcacbeD,tbougbtbe enempes botoelles burfte . 23ut if toe f tijcpjca^ reab cuer tbe ftozv of tbe £burcb,toe fljall better bnberftanb gjng oft^caUtbpngcs,anDpcrcciuetbattbis}a?ogno{lication b ^o)» muc^ fo euer tbc lUigljtg Vpon the Apocalipfe. 84 chap,6, tnfg^t^ oft^fs bjoilt) rcfiflcD t\^t fame. 2r^c t^t'ngis tDSDcr^ fuil, in cafe t!)ore fiuc ^imDzcD v^accs be confiDcreD , to^ic^ ace acconnteD immeDtatlv after tl)e tncamatton of our IIo;d» Slntf^em Ujciu foubt^cconnticronc to oiicrcoine: a«a in tccDc t)e oucrcaine,t^e U)l)Ote \ijo?lD to^iclj recciiieD Jtl)?i{!,$ toozftjippct) l?vm. ^iticc t^ofe scares , (as befoje alfo) cec* tainefecDes of errour0 began tobcCotocnabioaD . 2f:beBv* f^ops began to contenoe foz tbe fnpzemacie, anb \jobo fl^ould be tbc ^niuerfaUbcaD of tbc Cbuccb m cartb: a^bevtJfS^tt to reafon of tbc tife of 31 mages in tbe cburcb, anb bjougbt tbem into CbnrcbcB in beebc ; Ipbc as alfo tbev calleb tbc I5vfliop of laome tbe fupzeme ^ generall bcab of tbe Cburrb in eartb* j^nb migbtv }9?inces, anb in a nianer tbe tubolc ftate of iear^ nebmenconrpircbintbcfe opinions: but be batb tanqui- a)eb,vut)ifbtocmfoHbtoljanquifl)e. ©ebab \ix\^^BiL\)wct\^ innnmcrable \x)bicp bo\ueb not t^cir fenees before tbis 23aal» 0tboufanD vcares after tbe incarnation of Cb?iff, tbe Bv^ (l)op6 began to befile tbe Eo^bes fupper anb otber )}nRatneD Uoctrincs of favtb,too bfatbenifblV.I3ut tobat pjcuaile b t^ep (31 p?av vow) bv to manv counfels , beterminations , anb 0= uer earned inbcuours i be tbattoent foub to ouercome,bat^ J oucrcomtneb . 2: be tobite J^o?fe batb Ooutelv burft tbjougb tbetn to tbc faluatiS of many, jfoi boto great battels m tbcfe la(t fiue bubjetb !?eare6 ^t goblp anb learneb men.bauc fuf^ ta^neb agavtift tbe laopec anoi^vftjops, ftojics bearc tovt^ Vites.^t tbts bav alfo appearetb tb;ougbout tbe tx^bolc ujo^lo -^oto lucftelp tbtB UJbitc boUe goetb pet ftill fo:tuarbe, tobif^ rjat^belbon bis courfc eiicn^ntiltourti'me.arbciSofpell ^iebdcueb.neptt^ercautbe fapt^ be e]ctingui(l}eb uiptb au^ toaterso?fvecs. HTboumabefteicccption, tbat tbev Ujcrc^erctifeestw^ic^ cefiflcb tbc :t3vR)op $ ^f c of motnc in t^efe 500, laft vcares, as Bertram e, lohn ScotfurnamCbSDunfC, Beringarius, Arnol- dusjBrixianuSj Waldo, Wicleffe aub Huflfe, Luther, $ Zwingli- us, anb fucb ot^er men of tbe fame fojte: anb mozcouer, toat certavne of tbefe toerc ouercommeb alfo, anb put to beatb b? •tbc lacpe. 31 aurifftiere,tbat as men tbev mvgbt crrc m man? tbvngfs:but in tbcfe tbvngcstoberem tbev agree tuvtb tbc Scripture agavufl tbe ^ce of l^me, 31 afftrmc tbat tbcp er- teb not, but lavbe tbe tructb. }PC>bcrtupon it is ccrtavnc,tbat Cbiift ouercamc bv tbem. iPbat tvme wicheas, Hchas, zacha- rias, Amos, Icremias, anb Otbcrs picacbcb tbC UiOZDC Of 000 agav^U l^ibols anb VbojUjippcrs of 31ootSj tl^cv ujcreaiOj Ckt^.6. The XXX. Sermon fonT)cmartfo?fcDittoir6antJ!)crct!Ttcs: vcaanDccrfapnc pf Il5cm Ujccc rafecn out of tljc tuap, but toae tljc triicti) \)anquu fticDi 31t ts (avD xW amicbiift fl)oulD Ijauc gooD fortune , ^ r^at ijc fl}ou!D punifl:)c anD afflictc tl^c flcong, anu t^c people Df i5oD,i3ljcn tijcnbcvng tijc mimftcrs ma^ bcopp;caeD,biit tbc miniftccv « fcifc nciicc Dccavctb.^.jaaiil (aptb,t^at be ts boimDcn foz tijc fSofpcis fafec , but t be i5orpcil ib it felfe not bouDcn. 2rbctfoie be tbat met out to ccnqucc,batb coqucre D bctberto,auD (l)aU rot^qucr fttll, tobofoeucc, anb tobatfoeun; tbcv be, tbat fccfee to mtcccupt tbc plapne courfe of t^e JBot pell, tbcv ftumblc at tbis c6quccoar,a0 ata ftmnblmg blocfe. — . f ^ 6Et|ojcouci: \»bat v^mt tbc feconb fcalc QjoulD H opcncD Sifl 3- ^^^ ^^^^^ bcaa,to toitte tbc mt ox Calfe eic^oztctb agamc ^. ycneb, ' 3l]obn to attenttueucs , tbat toe airo il)oulo confiDcc \»bat ts piopounDcb ijnto tis.^no ttovo coinmccb fo]itb t^c ted bo^fe, tubofe coulouc is fomtobat libc ftrc : tbcrc (tttet^ alfo on l)tm a utDet; , to \i7bom potocr is gcttctt to Difiurbe peace itt eartl;^, anb to ma^c mett to MX one an otbcr. foi tbcre is geue ^pm a great fujo jo . arbc ccb ^joife f ignifict^ tbc (late of ujacccs, of Soarrc^. oj tatbcct^c fatbcr of i^cs , 3] mcane tt)c S)cuiU , uj^io l^t|) bene a murt^crer from tbc begvttnptig.i^c gatbccct^ to $pm tbcmeggcs of men tomaUe ctuile conunotions,ivams,De^ fit:itctton,butnpng, flaugbter, aub befoiation . ')>ou fee from tubcttce tbe b^ea^v^g of peace is,tobtcb i5oDbatetb.^nb toe Ijeace bo\x> it is geiicn ^jim : jOJarbe geucn , tbat is to fap , h? i5oD6 iuDgemcntpennittcD to trouble all peace a^b to ta^e tt a\x)av , anb to (et men togetbcr bv tbc cares , t^at one mo? toounbe ^ bill an otbcr.^ojfo t»c ceab intbci.of 3lob, boto ^atbanbab potbergcuen bimof i3ob agapn(!3flob. iilnta l)loubv foulbiours is geucn a great ftoo^b ^ great potoer to burt,anba bsonbcrfuU fb^ce offigbt^ugrilvbcas ij^abmn &h fo ejepounbetb . /l^critbcr is it a rare tbvng in tbe Scriptures fo^^autes.anb mtgbtvmen of U}arretobecal> leD,a (\uo;b.5f o; fo 25^ ccbicl callcD /^abucboDonofo;: $ iSlap calleb ^enacbcrib bvtig of tbc i^frvztans a jl&a^oz. (Kot) {0 of ^^^ ^^^ cbicfcft 31 ufticc is , to geue cuecv man ^ps o\3}nr* Booi tbigd ^bcrfo^et^is place botb iuftly afcribe tbattobicb isgoobtin^ ti)c ocuiU to i5oD,;£ tbat ujbicb is euill to tbc 2>ch!U . l3ut,tbou favett, Ruti)OHr of if i3ob permit : tben loobc uubat be foibibbetb not , liZ botb. eaiu. j^epiobibitctbnotujarre,bccaufciullice\ijilInotfuffcr|)pni fo to bo:but be cotnmaunbetb bv>n to puutQ) r!)e \a}icbcb,anD to trict^c goob b^ voarre : but m permtctvng warres , i5oD offcn- vpontheApocalipfc. S5 Chaf.^^ oShtbet^ nothing , fe^ng t^at W permtttms of tl)e fame ts fo} mofttnft iW&ZQ.fQi tljep t»oulD not imb^ce peace offered tl^cm bp tbc pieac^CTB of t^e iSofpcIl, anD tbccfoje tocre tbep tDOjtJjpto be intangico tottb toacrcB. arbeSlctocBfeneto not tbcDav of ct>ziaes \31f1tatt6, ano tberfojetocrc t\^ty^ tooitbc^ Ip ^iCtteD bv t^e laotnanes anb oeftropeb . ^nb tbts tbing \& x\^t VDOilD pcrpetualMbat tbep tbat tuti not obep t^e i5ofpe!, muft obey tbe Captatne of tbe t»arre6:aitD tbe^ tbat tutll not t)care CbM^^muft beare ^nttcb;t0.3:bou mapeft not contend toitb i5oD,tobp be botb tbis, ano permtttetb tbat , jt>o?(l)pp i5oo ratbcr,a6 tbou baft bene taugbt in tbe.4.ani).y .cbapt, net t}0 pcnifc once fto«e6,$ fee if tbcre be not fucb toarres to be foimoe, \xibenn men baue fla^ne tbcm fclues \x)ttb mtt:; tuall u?ounDe&,anD baue bilieo one an otbcr fybe beaftes. 3|f poututll reao i^eroDtau,£>iofms , anb otbee gooo i^ifto^to:? St:apbees:pou mav fmDe tbat tbe momane tSmpeeours bau( bene teoubleb U)itb nioS greu^us toarces,fo^ none ot^et; caufe,t|)an tbat tbev rcfufeb peace offeceb to tbem bp tbe gof^ pelK^o; none otber caufe toas laotne it felf e at tbe laS tatott ftp t^>c weftgotbes , burnt ano netttopeb bp tbe igaflgotbee* 3rbeEo2D baD gcuen tbem CbnOen jajmces : but tbcp loueD mo^e jnbois . fQ% j^tmmacbus gouemour of tbe Cttte toas To bold to tetjuice a teftitution of 31boIatrv.3l fpcafee notbinj noto of £ltbiia,notbi?ng of tbe ideefta ano affttcans \x)artes« 2lnbU)btle t^ietetoas atoonbecfuU ftrtfeamonged tbeBp^ fl)ops about tbe (uptemacte , tbe ^aracenes fp^ang t)p atiD became migbtte * laftettbe tboufano peace, began rbrbotp tDarre,U)^icb as tt teas moft blaubp, fo tuas it of Idgeaeon*; tinnance.ii^euec anp fucb t»acce ujas mabe in all tbe UjozId, Bonffacc tbe biq , inftituteD firft tbe pcare of Slubilcpja moO tXHcbeb nuin,tDbo alfo bpo eicbtbtte btm felfe to be fene of tbe people botb iaope anb jempeeouc • I3ut tbe fame peace of a tbouiano anb tbzee bQnD^ctb,t»b^nn be Dtb tbefe tbrnges , a^ rofe Dp m s^lfia tbe tnbtppe 0; fcourge of 0ob £>ttoman , tbe o^iginali of tbe i^mpetoues of ^neftes tobttb retgne at cbts bap,;jfoj fo tuben 0>alomon bntlDeo places of Slbolatrie ,^15 ■ , enempes fpjang Dp , tol^icb toonoecfuUp Dcjceo anb afllicteD tbe tepngBome of <|>alomon . jx>bat toarres are mabe noto ^ bapcs,ano tobat be tbe c*:Hfes of tjoacces^all toife men bo fee, yot UjiU not receaue tbe peaceable i5ofpel:31tiB rcafon tber^ foK,tbat f :rncfeiQ)carmieB ft)Ottlb muabeDB,tbat ^c map botb feele ^nttcbnS to be a ftoute t»arriour , anb map all ab^ ^ojrcanobetefl^tmt ^.ip* ^^ Chf.6» The xxxj. Sermon Jlttt) t»^at otl^cc ti^png temapnecl) iiere , twt t^at be^tkr cottumeD to i3oD tl);oiigt) c^ift , voe Ojould (ente r^e ilo^ ix^ fincrte £aptl^,anD l)oiv clcancflTe^foj cjEcqic toe connmc, t^f m 10 lapD at t^e tttc roote.^c, i|)^ere Id opeiuD tbe r^;D anD fourti) ^eale , aim is t»cla^ reo toljat t\]z too^lD (^fufffer b^ banger « pettiUnce. T/;^ xxx/. Sermon, A Nd when he had opened the third Scale J heard the thyrd bcafl fay :come and fee. And I beheld and lo, a blacke horfcand he that fate on hym , had a payre of Balaunccs in hys hand . And I heard a voycc in the mid deft of the fourc bcaftes fay : A mcafurc of wheate for a penny , and three meafurcs of barley for a pennyt and oyle and wync fee thou hurt not. And when he had opened the fourth feale,I heard the voice of the fourth beaft faying : Come and fee: AndIfawe.Andlo,a pale horfe J and he that fate vpon hym , his name was death and hell foloweth hym. And power was giuc hymoucr the fourth part of the earth to kill with the (word, and with famine ^ and with death , and with the bcaftes of the earth. ^ repetitto. HW^ ht^)x% cpaltcD abotte all tbpRS^0> ^^ tlo^b of all ttt bcaucn anD in cartl)>opcnctb tbe fcalcs of tbe beanenl^ , tbat 15 to tutttc , dtXpofetb $ soncrnetb tbe o^otnaQccs anD tnDge« tnentcs of ^oo \uttb ftngulat: tip^igbtconrnrO'e: anD ftrO ge« netb a piofpccous courfc to tbc pzcfscbpng of tbe i5o(pelU iU Dpng altQa^esfattbfuU numacre tobicbp^cacb tbci5oQ)ett tUXfi, kpngoomcof i5oD, anD peace >anD conco^De . 13nt fo^ afmucb as eutU men do contene tbe peace of tt)C 0o{peII tbe? are too;tb? to be tnotedeD tottb cmeli u^arres . 2[rl)ecfo;e t\^t lambe openetb tbe feconDfeate , anotberc ruQ) ont ccuell toan:c6,(lmgbtcrB,(cDitiouc auD robbcciec. :5tt«ntion. ^wt bcfoic tl)e tbVJD ^calc io opencD , tbe tbviD bcaffres fcmblpng tbc countenauucc of man> c]cboitctb t)B to tafec Di^ Itgent bCDcubat tjbe ujc fee tbcfe tbiugs come to paHetu^icb arc bcce fpobcn of bcfoze , v»e QjoiUD cDufiOcc from tobcncc t^q? conu,anD foj \»l^at caiifc© tbcv arc fciu, ^ tbat tbep nw^ vpon rh e Apocalipfe. 8 6 ChafJ* Ibrfutncbdtoav bvatiercpcmaunce. ^nnine referee t^cfc t^jvnscB abfolurelp to cl^aimcc anD fojtunc , foinc agapnc to li;e nat?4iai car»rts,ttJitijcut Jjamng an^ rcfpcct at all to i3oD tttxXi to !)is ocaucnip opei'ation , to^cicaB noitoit^aanapng, toe feuo\» tijat i5oD Dfetl) tmturall caufCB aftcf i/is gooD ujiU 6ttD4)lrarurc. ^gccfoje let ts toatc^^loofee, conCiDer, ^ ftitoto t^at il)e ngljtf ous i3i)D ujo^jxct^ all i^v«gf s to tlje vuelfai*e of I)is c^ofcn,^ to tlje ouertljiota of Ijib enemies. Slje blacUe tjoifc ujitl) Ijis eioer,a)ctovng a balaunc e m l)»B ^atiD , fignu fieti) t^e Yjnfojtimatc oi fo;ccu)f«ll tymc of fcacfetie , famine ^^ , ^HD penuric of all tl)ingc0.;f oi it ib a tooztbv attD a fonoignc ^^l^n^ ptmiftjmeiu, tbattbep tbatDo notbpng eftcmetbe b^eaoof nS ^ IVfe,ttoz i^nue tio confiDerattd of tbe fooDe'Of tbetc foules ) but boti) reject it tbem Celues, and bp tbetc tp^annicall p^oclama^ tionsb^pngtopaOe tbatttiBnot receiueb of otbers , anD ft^s nallp tobicb foj tbc bieao of Ivfe bo fpoplc tbe goblp of rbeic SooDeB.anb moll totcbeblp toad tbe fame in all Hinbe of riot, fl)ouU} bebjiuen to bup tbinges necedarp at ejcceflftue i^%\tt&i f ea not to ftnbe tbtngs ucecaairte:but to pine fo^ bHtigei*. xot bnoto tbat tl^c blac&c colour is tfeo in mourning anb ^ani^ ^^/ biocke m^ti aiib tbat toben tbe flefl) ^ bloub are confumcD foj toanc '^^?^^ of meate^tbe Cteinne grotoctl) blacKc ano cutll fauourcb : aub tf)crfo;e tbts bo^fe is blaebe. 2rberiberoftbis boife bolbetb tn^ts ^anba ba!aunce; |c/y<)y,toitb ttoo feales bangpng ateitberenbe oftbebeame, ^l;at tobici) tocecaliapapjc of tocigbtcs . Arctas faptb tbat a \iix= ^J^'" ^^ launce is a to^cn of rigbt anb cqnitie.;^ oKfaptb i^auib) f bon tbat inbgeft rtgbteouap art fet tipon tbp tb;one. irbc balaOcc (ben figniftetb tbe ci^ecutionof tbe tuft mogement ofi3oD» Areas batbnot allebgebtbefe«tbpngcs amiOe^bo^betrtse ongbt ratber to p^eferre tbe ejrpofition of ^. 3|obn bim fclfe. ;f 0M>)0pce IS bearb from tbe miboea of tbe beaOes , ^bitb (lepomtbet^ to ts tbe ballaimce . ^o^ itfounbetb, amcaQtre of tobeate fo^ a penp, anb tb?ee mcafures of badp fo^ a pen?, lawbtbismeafure caHcb choimx , figniftetb a biet oi oaplp **»wrttrc, tneate:a6 Erafmus batb in biB p^ouerbe^ Ctt not)}p0 t^p choi- nix , arbe fame Erafmus in biB annotations i3pou tbis place faptb tbat Chomixis a mcafurc of \Bbcate,oi otber bjcao co^ne , tobicb is ftifficiem foj one bapes fuCtenauncc . Budarus tbinfeetb tbat itU3apetb.itij.poubc,Poliux.u).2;be tooio iber- foje fignifictb,tbat a Yjcrp litle meate (ball coO a great p2t(e,(g vet not be gotten fojmonev:peaanb tbat it Ojalbc fo fcarce, OS it Ojallnot bsbealt out bp mcafure but bp toeigbt . ix^bic^ - ^,iiij. c^urv^ ChitfJ, The X3CXJ. Sermon c^amicetl) in tJ)t t^me of fmntne . »7bac ttit ifteinatie pcn^ & tDO^tl) Bud^us O^etoet^ : toe ))n!)et:aand bp it plapnt^ a great p^tce » ir^erfote tU)0 tbmges are ftgnifieD , fcarfitie 0% Dearth of co;ne,ant) famine . Dearttj ratfet^ t^e p;tce bevoni) reafon, ;JFamme batb notbyng to buv , tboiigb be batb ncucr fo mucb mone^lptngbp btm : but bungretb, toantetbi pitietb, and at tbe laft mtferab!^ confumctb to naugbt : voberetn tiercl^ neartb anb famine bo ot£ferre.2[rbe i^ermanes bifceme tbem bv fenerall too^bcs calling (carfctie bcartb anb famine , bnu^ ger.'^et are tbe^ fo^ tbe mod part infeparable* iDflartb and ^^^ ^^ ^^^ *" ^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^ °^ ^^^ Bible,* tbat foz tbe cS^ fiffiin(\ tempte of tbe pjcncbing of iSotJS latoe, ano tbe biingmg in of a fitratmge ^nbe of troiQrPPPtng i5oD , tbe Slfraelttcs in tli|e t^mes of i^elias anb BeliTcus tx^ere moft greuouflv pn« ni^eb teptb bnnger anb oearrb. ^b^fc tbvngs be plentiful^ Ip beclareo in tbe ^.boobe of^vngcs tbe irt)ij.anD]r\)i^.cbap» !2llfo in tbe 4.of|^^nge8,tbct3i.anb^q.cbapt. 09o;eouer, in tbe time of tbe ismperour ciadius,\i}btie(l tt^t i^poQles pjiea^ cbebtbe iSofpell fa^tbfttU?, anb tbejievxies anoiSentiles Oontl^repulfitb it, famine moft greuoua? afiltctedtb/ ^o^ tnapne iSmp^e: \PDbtcb tbing ^«llube rrbearfetb in y actes of tbe iSlpollles, I i.cbapt. But tbefe tbpngs toere Done before tbps reuelationtoas ejcbibiteb to ^.Blobn.^ime y t^me tbe l^iftotiograpbers recite funb^V ^^^ innumerable famines, oeartl^ee ^ petmries^in biuers countries, fent of 0ob fo^ cbs ^^ i i . tempt of bts truetb.Naucierus mentionetb a famine in f peare of our ilozb SS9, tobcrein motbers alfobeuoureD tbeir otone c^ilb^e. xaW batb cbaunccb in our memozte in tbofe toarrcs of iSQtllan anb els tvbere^it is no ncebe to rcbearfe* nt^ be yctfrcfl)cinmcmo2p, anb\a)jittenintbe flo^ics ofcaUaaftt cafeiu. xot felt fome part bercof alfo \)x tbe peare of onr Ilo;b . 15 19. anb tbepearesfolotoing.2rbeiuailo^bpuni(betb,anb tno^e toil puniQ)e our great \)ntbanbfulnes, attb tbe rdtcntpt . of ^sobi^ t3>o;b: as be ^i^ in tbe beOruction of Slerufalcm* ^■^' " ojpottlbiSobtbe blv«bctDOilDe\»ere topUing to repent anb tumetoi5obtobenbepmu{l)etb, anb to imbzacetbetoojbe' of truetb t»ttb free anb toeltoilUng barts: fo^ fo ajoulb tbere be mo;e feUcitie anb leOlD miCerv. « * «,^ ?^otobcit foz a comfo?t,at tbe enbc of tbps ^eale tbere is SttcSnot abbeb: anb ople anb topne fee tbou butt not. ©enametb'tbe hi^mrrcv Hpnbes wottttccciTarp fo j tbe tjfc of man, anb meanetb, tbac in pani(b= i5ob boetb mcccifuHv referue fome tbvnges, tbat be cbicfely wfi. ncceflTarv fo| manj^ t)ve, efpeciotls fo^ t^r electcs {s^, tbat all f^oulb vppontheApocalipfc' 87 chap J, ft>ottIli not pena)e anD pine in seneralL xo^etlb^ tde tinDcr:; 0(inD t^t t6e loiD fozgcttec^ not i)t0 ineccp, encn m tl)e mtti:^ fied of tli^e affliction anD plagues tl^at ^efcnoctlj. JCYMziti t^mespaftempnoing to pnmQ)e i^iy^f ano octjcr nations ttpt^Campnc, ^lefcnt J^.oreplj befoicto picfcructlje^oufcof BRaco^, anoot^c people innumcratlt. '!Pbu fee therein moil clearelv,l?ou) it is of i5oD ti^atfometiine t\)t co^nc is blafted, ano t(ie \)pnes ano olpues periC^e: and ^oto it is long of \^\va alfo, iW coine ^ topnc peine incteaCe , fQ% fo ^at^ t^e auott^ c^>ei) ijecetofoje in t0elatt»eXcuitic.2 6.anoS>ent.2g. aoc ace comcn no\B to tlje fouctlj ^ealc: to t^ie be^olopng C^ fourth oft^eopcnpnganD operation bj^eccof, toe be mooitcDbpt^e ftatetsos foHctb bcafl tijljicl) is an igaglc . iDf ujbom toe bane fpoften *^^' before once o^nrife. ^uo tbe pale^o;fe comntetb fo^^, in Cbepaie i5cceftcxxafo$, tiJbit^ conlonc cefcmbletl^ tuptbeceD gcaOTe bo?ft. Ann berbes. 5ln3nngliCl)c toe call it a toan o^beaolp coulour. Salomon intbeit.cbapt.ofi^ccler calletb tbc coulonc ap« pearing in bead boDies,anD tbeic countenaunces, goloen \^e tone* )X\\ idoetes call oeatb pale . ^nb lA^t rpber m Xitzht is eiqp^eflfelpcallebbeatb.i^crebp tDe^nberftano tbe courCeof i^t plague ano of all oifeafes , anb znm of bcatb it rclf:\»bom i^ell foTlo\Detl^,t^at is to (ap, a pitte oz a grant. fti% schetiin i^eb^eto fignifietb a pitte o^ a grane. Bnt if pouuiill neeoes t}nbec(lanb it oft^e place of tbemtbat be bamneo, boubt« les i\^t^ be cacpeb beablong into l^ell, fo inanp as are confn« meb beretoitb ficbnes ano Die toitboHt faptb ano repetafke* j3r^erfo;e ^ell follotoetb oeatb rigbtly . 25ut if tbou baofi ra^s tber bp b^l) to tinDerdand a graue: it figniftet^ t^at all Ojall be full of coarfes anb burials. iZlnbtbatplagnesanbpeffilences moft mo^all ^auefo^e idiamiat^ Done, to ri)c intent tbat bv plagneB i)e tntgbt call ))s a^ gavne to rcptmauncc. %^\x^ tjcrelv mnft toe iuDgealttjapcfl cf calamities. J;f anp niugc otljcrtoJVfCitl)ev are not ameDeD, t^crfo;c arc tl)cv puntf^eD l^crc,and after t^iB Q)aU burnc in pcrpcmatltoinientes. :i:o t!)trt niozcoucr is ai^tieti an ot^ec tl^pngalCo: t^at is to :f Mitc toit, ano poU)cr \jjas gtucn tnto t^em.^c . $qi to^en meti fcour5c0 tcvll net anieDc u;^tb fmgie calamuics: t^e cuils o^ plagues agapnft tije of jgot, are DonblcD. 2:be fame arc rccoumeD in iv^c oz^er ^ mfwabic. munber bp tbe }a:opbetes, 31eremie in tbe. i jX^ap.anD i5* jccbieU in t^e. 14 itbap . fm tbcp be tbefe, ^tooiD,>famine, pcatb, o^idcfltlcnce, ano bcaGee : fo are tbcp recited in tbe la\3je alfo. 23p tbefe as it toere fctit in from tbe ni). partes of t\^t \230}lD, our mod rigbteous gob cjcecutetb bis tubgemets* 22ln& let ))s obfcrue tbis cbieflp> tbat to ^tl is gnten tbem ofi5oD,vcaeucn oner t^efourtb parte cftbe eartb. ;^o;U}C learne.tbat i5ob alone is be tbat quicbenctb, anb acpet^,and tbat be tnozkctb tbe fame moft iuQlp bp i)i5 in(lrument6,anD fiuallv tbat all bis U)o^bcs are numb^eb anb bone in o^oer* 23? reafon tobercof be poto^ctb out bis furte tpon t^e t^icD >, part of tbe too^lb. ^0^ be knotoet^,v»^om I^e njoulb punif^, ^ anb to^om ^e fl^oulb nouriaie tenbetlp. t^s mjCnt. Certainelp ftoues teftif ie, tl^at tol^en tl^tnges i^aue b^cne gtotoen pa&e recouerp, anb come to Cjstreame co^ruptnefTe, dE5ob batb b^ongl^t in f^;30>be,pe(hlence,eam^ne,anb beaOes, tol^icb^aneplagttebmen.^nb fuUaptclp x^tii\^^reus recite l^eret^etoo^besofi^is p^ebecefTonr ^.^nb^eto, 13p(l)0p of Cefaria outof tl)c i^cclef.Oo;? of Eufcbius, tn tbe 9* boo&e. s. cbapt. concerning tl^emiferies tbat toere iavbt)pon men in tbe revgneof t^e lEmpcrouc OQajcimine. xohit^ ondp ejcam^ pie map qnefttonleCfe feme in lleebe of manp* Slnb t>crelp U)itbin tbe fine l^unb^eb laQ pcares, i^iQo^tograpi^crs tell of manp fucb li^e t^pnges,anb \se bane feene fome» 2^berfo;e if toe couet to be quitte of fo great enils> let V)S feme 0ob in truetb, anb make muc^ of l?is too;b , Wl^tcb ^c l^atbfent tobealet)8. ^0; reafon it is, t^at fucbasrettcte f onnb boctrine,a)oulD be tiejceb topti^ fmtb^p btfeafes of foule anbbobp.^^c. f&!he ffoob But pou tvill fay ,tl)at t^efe cutis tnuabe ctten tl^e belt tl)at ^e airo b^> ^0 tbep boe in \iztu. n7bp i3ob permittet^ tbat,^.<2ln^ fubtccte to 0eH fbctxictb at large in I^is firft boolte off citie of gob. £er^ t^dc cuUjer. tatnlp to tbe goblp all t^pngs tame to tt^e beftt %^t tt^eeues vppon the ApocalipK S 8 Chafj, (UfTcreb tiS^ (^me Dcat^ of tbe CroflTe, ti)at Cl^itft i)to , anD ^e fi0Cl)ev:bntt^ccon(iDeranonof ti^cmts (acre dtuera. 2r$e flpoftles and tnnttmerable OQartv^s 5pe of ct)e (\do^d, Ipbe^ iDpre Dae rottlDtottrs m t^e tvarree.but tottb tnitbc lot. %\^t i5oDIp are tnaoe pertators of tbe paflid of t^c (onnc of i!5oD» 2rbe tinsoDlp are punif^eo fbt tbetr totcfceones , ^ tbeir fuf^ ferpttg is U)ttbou( gloip: pea rather tbts ts t^e besmnmg of etterlaQtnstoimentes, ^mleffetbep acbnotvleose ^pm t^ac firtbet^ t^em. IT^e Ho^D p^efcme )id from vx^. ^^J^iz fiftb^eale tisopeneo', anotbe perfecntion oftbe faptbfuK ret before our ei^e^^anoalfo t^e ffate of^ar^ tr;d in an otberlDo^lo. The xxxii. Sermon, A Nd when he had opened the fifth fcale , I Taw vndcr theAuIcar,thefoules of them that were kylledfor thewordeofGod, andfortheteftimonyc which they had. And they cryed wyth a loude voyce, faying: ho\r long taryeft thou, Lorde, which art holy and true, to iudgc, and to aucnge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth? And long white garmentes were gcuen vnta cucryoneofthcm : anditwasfaydevntotheni, that theyihouldrefte for a little feafon, vntill the number of their fclowcs & brethren, and of them which fhould be kylled as they were, were fulfilled. ' STbc ftfte ^cale bcpng open eb bp tbe Eambe, djetottb ta our epc0, oz rather fertecb foztb to be itcixc tbe comtnual per^ fecttttons of tbe £burcb: beciarpng \)uto t)s otltgentlv^tobat is tl^t date of tbem tobtcb bpe in perfenttions . aerrlp tbe 2,010 CbiiS fenDctb fo;tb mtnifterB anb pteaebcrs fox tbe faU ttatton of men. i^nb tbep tmtbanMull^ouectubelme tbe fattb^ fuUmc(ren9er3ofi3obt2)Vtb aU^vn^^ofimnrpes, anb at lengtb mod CTttcUp flap tbcm. £)f\aljicb matter tbe talfec of mcnamongcs tbcmfclucB is oiucra, tbe tjerp fonnc of iSoD attbisp^eCcntbotbtrimcIp mdcnctbps Cburcb, Declaring tobat tbe goblv Qjall fiiffcr. anb firft in erponnbing tb? fame, toe 0)^1 fpcakc general- c^f tfjcpcr^ I? of tl)e pcrfecutions, U)berU}itb aHsjcU ti^e mini^>'rd, as all fecution of , C^4fJ* The xxxij. Sermon tl)e fift^fttn £I)nrt1^ tiCo, Is Dtitetfel? ejcetctfeD * W%t fLtn% Ct)^ttt|iatl)a)etDe9t)s before its t|)e fdoiptU manp t^^nges tonc^^ng tl)e pcrrectttion to come : tirrel^ to tlje enoe to p^e* pacet^emi^ntics ofalltije fa^t^ftill to ImtteUano pattettce» %\)t places be m tl)«i4.of 09attbctD:3intI) ano» ai.ofilnbe:mtbe.i4. ^r* a^ i<;«ot3nobn* lanbalfotbeSlctesof tbeapoftles tell of man;^ tbvnses , \xibtcb tbe goblv fuSereti m tbat moft bolv pumttine iDbuecb . ^bouio tbat man bane bene t^ongbt to bane bene toell in bis tptttes , tobicb at tbat tVine tuoulD bane fa?b:bcreb^ it appearetb , tbat tbe iSlpofioo licall Cbut^cb^is not tbe Cburcb, fo^ tbat it is rnbtccc to all tbe tnocl^ette0,utiuties and Oaugbters of all men i tob? tban do toe not ac^noujlcbge at tbis oap , tbat tbev are fbul^ Decea^ ueD,Vx)bicb meafure tbe Cburcb bp tbe outtoaro peace $ trati qutlttie ottbingesf laaulus ;0^o(tus inbis.7. boo^ of biGo^s riesrecomptetb ]e . greuous perfecuttons. raireo aga^nR tbe Cburcb frS tbe time of tbe i^lpoftles MntA f igmperour Con^ ft^ttne : \x>})it^ time bio not full? accompliQ) tbe (pace of.3oo» 1?carcs.2:be ftrH vuas Ov^reo t)p b? Ncru, a monftrons man, toberof alio Tacitus mentionetb in bis Cb;onicles . 2rbis mi tifpatcbeo ideter anb ida^l^tbe moft bolp lapoftles of Cb}ift» STbe fecSO beSruction off Cburcb ^as b^ougbt in b? Domi. tjan,\»bo tn tbe Uimt bis pet(ecutton moil greuouap afflicted botb tbis our i^.3nobtt,anb tbe tobole Hf^wxl) alfo: ano \D\)i be \» as b;ougbt to moine, baniCbeb bim imo f Bile of }datb^ mos,W\)t tbiro toas rapfeo bv Traiane^tsberof fdlinie tbe go uemonr of ^fia mabecb motion in bis lo.bootos of ^iOles^ 3ln tbis ^x)t^B ignauas an bol? 13i^op caft to toilbe bea6es,at to^ne m peeces . ^no m. Antonms verus moleHeb t})t Cburcb tuitb tbe fonrtb perrecutton,ano conCumea ifbat too^tbp 13?^ fi)op |9ol?cacpu8 toitb fire. Septimus Seucrus moueD tbefiftb pcrfecution , tobicb iSufebius purfuctb in tbe ^.boolte of bps igccleCiadicall fto^p.iuims Maximinus ttiilct i^ampbilus mars; tp;,anb tspas tbe fijctb tbat rageb cruelly agapntt tbe Cburcb* DeciusTraianus began tbe feuentb per(ecution,anii rji^ecnted \iCVi man? tbat pjoftlftb CW^^S^l^t Iffmperour Lic^nms va- lerian bebeabcD ^.Cpp^an tbt goob l3?(bop of Cartbage,^ tuas tbe eigbtperfecutour of p cburcb. Aurehanus verius begg tbe i)c. persecution, tobic^ be abuaunceb but a IttletDav , fo% i5ob tbe iuft iubge toobe bim atoap iinmebiatl? . 23ut&>iOd cletian anb m^Pimm (beb mo^e CbliCten blouo , tban an|^ otber of tbe laomane x^mperonrs. jBieab 3] p^ap pou tbe hta gvnnvng of tbe t)ii),boot(e of t^e igcdefiafticall ao^p of Eufe- bius. vpon thc'Apocallpfe. 8p Chdp.s, bius Compare t!)ofc t^jpttgcs U)»^ ouc tpmc , attD mugc ansi c0tectu^c\})^at \JDiil fl}oztlp coiuc to paQTc.anD tDt)at our Sate lutll be. ^ccfccutions \»ccc cencttjco aga^ne after ConHan^* tmc,\)n&ec Conffamtus anD 3luUan.)5ut tl)e moft tcrntic ^ gtcuouB ofaU,^aucfaovIcD\3p tonDecanttrljziB,anD ^aiie m* DuccD no\33 Uv tt)c fpace of fmc !)unDjcD pcarco $ }no2c.:»^ac te Done at tt)td Dap . alt tl?c tooiin CectI) . :^i}c c^tounb is tocc toiti t!)c blouD of fSjact^js.xpbiclj tilings ^»31o^u fojcfatu* . anD tijc catifes of pccfccuti5 do arifc partlp of t^c goncm- C^ccaufrtf tttentcfCljuft,to!)ic6openctbberetbcfift^cale:attDpactIp of pcrfcnis of mcn.2:6e jLo;d fcnDet^ tijc CeoflTc $ fice ro Uz fecuaums, ^^^ to ({iitcftenrucb as are ao\}),anD to ma^e tDofe cleane t^atare coucrcD \Mitlj cud , anD to fine t^t cozrupreD golD . jif oz fo t^e ^cciptttceDcfmct^ m ttie.n.c^apterof 2)anicI,anD t^c apo- .ftlc.| tl)crfo?enotto Dcftrop , btic :totctc,pecniittet^ \)crv many t^pnges to t^zauntes agapnft tlje Cbucct) . %^t goDl^ men alfo procure to tljcin feluee t^ ^eanp i^anD of tl}e 2Lop : uititleft m DeDe tbev beleuengi^tl^ in t^e fonne of i3oD,anD DepenD onelp tjpon ^tm: but neiiec^ t^deflc arc mtangleD toitb fnnDjp cmll affcctionB , anD com^ intc (Qcb airtes as become tbem not . arbts map pou fee Deda^ rcnat large in tbe begpnnvng of tbe s.boofec of t^c i^cclcfia^ SieaU fto^^ of enfebiiiOi^b^b ?i tatelv alIeDgeb.23ut t^e tp^ ratttttfitbatperCecnteDtbenCas^cuaebeabanD Jamioc^s) IMuc an otbet refpect , anD our 15p(^ops anD )d;mce0 . ^o; t^efearemoueD \xiitb tbe batreo of l^eltgion,auDare piicbeb CoictoarD fap ^atban.^rbcv tt)iU fjaue inan^ toirctbetrilDflu tacrotts i^eUg^on numte^ncD.anD^e meltgton of tbe ^oC^ 4jeli tjttertp DcftcopcD . arje^ can hot abpDe to bane t^^cir 3P» ikols oz otber finnes repzoueo . ^iiD foi tbiB ante arc t^ep ,maD at t\^t favtbfuli ano fucb as f ranl^Ip fpea^e agaiuft tbeic JiDols anD tvicl^eDnes . anD t^us Dot.^ t^e perfccutton arifc, ijovlcbpanDp?oceeDc> a arbc mbicb toben lY^t fapt^full foe uicrcafe t\vk\ mtD fcelc :an«timmff tbcmlf ItJes fozc oppj«;aeD:tbcp marneU , bo^ loug tfec Hdzp tnpcrfcm? trill toinfee at it . o^anp crie out tbat tbe jLaiD ni^mctb bw tion. ^lattecs,^ tbat t)nto man? , bis bcipc cpminijtb to late .' Srpc . iojD femetb to Dwle ^miuftlp UJitb bis fehiatwtsj.bc Ccjnetb tottetip to fojgct tbcm , if=ieitber is tberc anp, Doiibt but t^at manpbp murmurittg offcnD t^e ILo?D greuouflp.iijtoto't^cca foje are toe taugbt bece to ^aue bcpc anD patience. anD at tbis pzefent bcaucn is opcncD to ts , anD fljetoca l)d to bct^QlD : M(Q it \q p.e(;lat:c,D tuyere |)c t^cfoulcs of cl^eut tj^at €^4^1.6, ''■ ^ .'The xxxij'.S'crmoft" C!)c fume %n m M'^t ixi pcrfccrtfilDns, anu tbljat \<& t^et'r Ctet^jmo^ * of fuc!) oiier,t^at 0011 fotgcttct^hot to be rcufgcD : ti)l)pairo ^e oife *^J"sefi as ferret^ tl)e fame ana^oto^Otig.articfc ttipnges are fpol%cn to to bSin ^^^ ronfolation of a!l t^c favtl)f«il,t!^at are noto affitctcD twit^ th!0fealc. ,pcrfcfUtion.;Jfarre ot^cr tJjvns^B at^c fjcbibitco hereunto ts, tl)an patntcro inttructcD oi ratl^er cozriipreD t^ j0S)oufee6 anD ;jfrtcr6 bauc fetfojtl^ totis x to \Mitte a great companj? of isgonliec au5 ij^unnce couccefr in ?^eauc« toit^ our JLati^cs *^;r ' I. ^evfe,a0 tijoug^ t^e gceateftpart of tl^e upcre faueo ^.loiti ' *^'' " ; . fljctoet^ tjc ncitcr a jfrinifeHt rattier ttianv iSajartp^s, \»iiom t^ejjfricrsatt^ifeba^mafecmoze t^anot&crmcn . I^crebp t^erefbje , as b^ rfee ooctnne of tr«f b , toe ma^ Icarne toljat b^nuc of men^anotobat ftate q% Degree of men be mod plcnc ttfttll m ^eauen;uot tbat toe fl)oulb tbtnke no men but onel^ ;|S)artv?6 if^ be faueD ( fotfo manp as truel^ bclene m Cbn(t> imD cntcifte tl^etr fie(l> tott^ concuptfccncce of t^e (iame , fl)all lie aflTociateb teitti bbl^ jflgartyis , anB rciovfc toitl^ CbJtft foj euer)but tbat cbtefip tbc bolp (^artpjs arc faueo , U)l)om t^c ntaatob^Ia fttppofet^ to beioft. AotiufctJa ' ® "^ ^^^ ttiimges ^cre ntuft be ejpatnmeb of tjs mod t»It^ rateD from gctit!^.;Jfo?ast^i6pIaceismoilmanifc(f,rot0itfull oftnoft t!)cbo&p be5oIcfomelcCrons,jlFic(J^.3iobufeet^),anDft)etX5Ctbt)S asit tinmo^taii. toere bvpo voting to it!) btB ftngar , tbe foules , v^^f euenof ■tijoretbat toere flavne , to toitfc tbe fpirituall ^ntJ intmojtall -fubftaunces^to^tc^ remame alvue after tbat t^e bob^ 10 cott^ tnnteb an^'bohe atoav.'39rbc bob^map be.lttUeb,tbe route catt ttotbelttI{cd.xi7|)tc^ our^auionr batb liuel^ ejcpjeflfcD in tbe >ro,of fB9ati).3ln t^e u, of Eube , be fa^tl) : be not affravbc of i^em tobicb fla^ t^cbob^, anb aftertoarb ^aue notbpng tbat tjcvcanbomojc.^c.2:bcrfo?e t^iauntcsmigbt toelt bill tbe *tioDi?ei5 of egatvts,buttbev bao no potoer ouertbcir fouic0» ^bts place tottncfTet^ manifefliv , tbat tbe foulee of men not oneli? be tmtno^ali,but alfo tbat tbe^ rtmaine anb contineto ir i - * V^ ^caiicn^tuel^ oj \]pafe^g,anD not Djoufie 0^ fleeppng.;^ oj «r;i.t; i ^^ebc^tt^infeetb&fouIeB bepancufrat^cbobptoOcpe: • ' '■ tobtcb t^png is tnoatja^ne. fflThft eaufc ' • * ^<5^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^"^^ '^ ft)ctoeD tol)^ f O^art^jfi are flapnet SaS Hamel^ foj tbe toojb of i5oD , anb fo^ i\iz tcfhmcnv tbat t^c^ ;Q9artwtf, ' ^ab .21;^ toere not put to beatb foj toicfeebnes 0? euiU bo;^ not tbe pu= yng.bnt foj't^e true iacligion,tol)erbv tbcy confcCTcb $ pjea* mt^ment' cbeo tbat too^b of 0ob , tobicb toas in t^e beg^nnvng , ann bccame'flta) : $ bvcaufe t^ep l^ab tbc £5oipeU tobicb is i5oos ♦iwacraunt^f ctcinolUifCjCommutclJ to t^einjtoi^tc^ aifo tb^g miiu= vponthcApocalipre."' go Cb4f4,^ mintftttb an!) pjicacieii . Conccmpns t^c toojn of i^oli a^ tea 0unon? of ? cfu CI)jift 11 i)a«c fpofecn in tlje ficft cbap . ^ni tljcrc ic ttottc otljcr caiifc at t^is oap,\33ljp fo mattp arc put ta ocatl) toitljout number b^ o»c )6iCi)op0,&^ngc6 $ }a?mcc6» 3|f t^e^toece aDuouItcrcrs, \)furerD,biafp6emcrs, ano tuic^ . beo ooctro.t^ev (l)oulD be in fomc cdimatiS. But noVp f02 af4 inucb as tbcp pjofeflfe tbc ouelp fontie of <5oD, ana pieacb tbc f3ofpell,tbe? ate mnctt^erco votti^out incrcv . l^cre Wit sat alfo cmcmel? ocftneo , to^o be %tv^ i^actpje in Dceoc : not t^evt^atfu^erto^mentrs: but tbcp tW ate to^memcb fo$ 15006 \]}ozo.;f oz t^ caufc ntal^etb tbe jCB^artv^ ©uttobcccacctbcfoules of tl^emtbat accfla^ne foj tl)c whetetft* toojo of i5oD fljevceo \)tito ^sjtinoct: tbe a«!tac, tbe anitar pia« i» of 10 aftet:\2)aro in tbeSvC^aptfer in bcaucn, before t^tt^jonc of ti)e fouieiS <5oO. 2rljecfo;e tbc foules of ail ^aiius are in bcauen,bcfoje flapnefe? -» tbc tbjone of goa,tp^icb to^s aUo (igntfieb bcfozc in y ^ppe 2®^^ *»'°?^ of tfte wiiii»*£locr0. 2rbe Eojo ^atb favo alfo, toberc 3] am, ^ , ' tbcrc Q)aU mv fcruannt be Ip&eto^fe.But tbr ilojo is in bear JJLh * iien:tberfo?etbcfonlcsoftbe fapt^fuU, Ujbofe bobics bauc^SSr ijee»^aHlic.».o|.b«rpcD toitbout flaugbtcr , be no vubere e!5 *^^* ' but in b^HJ^jt. ii^etiertbelcs it toantetb not a lingular miller cte^tbattbe^arela^eo tinocrtbe wluUar^astjnbcr a Qjadoto, tl^OH^^bofe benefitc tbe foules be vocll at eafe. 31 toib pott Ijifoje.jfrbc^e againe repeate,tbat tbc aultar fignifietb £bjtillf«. ^01 be is alfo t$e goloen aultar^intercelTour, ano p]ioptctati« on fo^ our (imtes. ^oi tb^ougb tbe pzopiciation ano meoiati^ onofCbtiCi^e are rcceiueo into tbe iopesofbeauen. ^nd 5GDbJift is our life ano (aluation. anocr bjm t»c Ipe biooc'a^ ^. Ijnber a couer 031 a fl)aDoto. irbomas of Equine ejcpounBitig ^"""^ '^ tbis place of §>.3lobn: I3v tbc SluUar ( fa^tb be ) is figniftea Cb^il^iin U)bom ano by tobom toe QjoulD o^cc to t^e latter, tobatgooo foeuertDeooe:anDtb;ougbbimis maoe accept table, tobat fo etier is picafaunt to idoo « ^nber tbis aultar, nameip,\inder£biift>t)e tbe foules, not onclp in tbe Hate of tbis life, (to toittevobilcft toe Ivucbcre inearth) but alfo in tbeSateof our couutrep (to toit,iu bcaucn) astnber bimof tubom tbev are couereo, as tinoer a flaaootu agapnO all euil* ^b«5 fapti arbomas. T5nt 31 fuppofettjat tberc is an otbet; tbvwg alfo fignificD: namelv>,tbat iSSjartvjsare maue confoj=s inablc to tbe 2luf tar,tbat is, to tbe paOion of £bzift,ana tbcr- foje DOC nou) reft \)nDcr tbc aultar CbiiO ♦ ^Qi tbcF tbat are cbeamtat partakers \i3vtb b?m in paffion, ooe communicate alfo toptb anu bofom t^Hm in gloj^ i^o^i^^c as tbe bofomc.of^b}^^am,tscalleo of n^bj^ t^e Chaf.S. The xxxij.Scrmon 0e tccct^tadf , $ fatten of faluation,tttto t^c to^tc^t^c foHTcs 6f t^cmare rccetncfi \x)t)tc^ l;)an t^c favtU of ^b;a^am : To Doe toe tinDccQanD t^c aultat: to be a place of blcffeDncs in ^caue. i»bcceiRtl)cvrfft,\w^icbtuVf^ true favt^ ^auc acbnotolcDis ' S(eo iDb:i8 t^eaultar.piopiciattott^ fancttficatton anD fattffac^ tiomanD^anemojeouet: in fuffering offereD tbemrelaes to i5oD in Cb^ift, tb?ougb patience, an acceptable facrift'ce to j5oD.t3nDcr tbis aultat toas gatberen tbe f irft OSjartvi abel: ibnccctbisaultararegatbeceDasmanp as banc fi^eb imce t\)^t tvmc fo^ ccligtons fabe : ano tjnDcc tbis aultac ttjall all bee gatbereb bcreaftec , as manp as enter uito glojv^ V]}itb Cb^iO t^^ougb CunDjp tribulations in beacv"S of tbe ccofle. «^ Mntu ^°^ *'^ ^^^° bedareb tobat tl)(^ boc linbectbc iaultar.2r!)e S^tonwt ^^^^^^ (31 ^»?) ^"^ "0^ f ^^ beattes (as erft ) Doe cr^e : ?ca £J 3liuUar. ^"^ ^^^P f '^P out to^tb a louDe t oyce. ^o man nmfl nnagme tbat tbe bleiTcD foules in beauen Doe compla^ne, mourncac* cufe,anD be tcoubkD. arbcfe tbvnges are fcvneb to an otbec cnD: namelp, to tbe mtet toe OjoulD gatber tbcrebp tbargoD fo^gcttetb not bisferuaunts, ne toppetb a\3)a^ alliengta&cc anb pnnifl)ment,but feetb,perceiuetb, anb regatbet^ tbe m* titriesanb iieatbes of bisCerHauntes.):t>bcn Mttii^tAmt^iaU lotbetbnotimmebiatelp, manpfuppofefSob tolietl^tffi: anb to baue no refpect ^nto \)\& feruanntes . wt f)titc ti^etr5nto int,to Cvpina t)dttte>fo? tiengeaunce. ^o^ tbe 3EDiuinc6 call certaine Cinnes (uwcrff. crping^as t^oie tdbicb are reao in tbe Scriptures to crp tn^ to i5ob, as is at tbis pzefent tbe d^ebtng of blouD : tbe fmnc of ^obome, intbey.of I5ene(. tbcopp^eflfton of VDibotsDes ^ £>}Pbanes,intbC2z.ofiS)cobu8,tbe betepnmgof tuagesfo^ ttio^be bone,I>eut.2 4 .anb Blames tbe 5. ^berfo;e botu long foeuer j5od Defcrre tjcngeaunce,be it neuer fo manp peares, ftt IS not tbe bloube of tbe ngbteous forgotten before i5oD« S.)S>aulcintbeu.totbcl^eb?e\xie&raptb> tbat tbeblouD of abell fpeeikctb. 3]n tbe 1 8;of iLufee tbe iLo?D laub, tbat tbe a6= flicteb Dce erp botb bapauDnigbtfozDeliueraunce. xoouln {5t'Q tbcp txiottlo vuepe tbefe tbpngee, \xjbofe fcete are fuiifte to U)ebDc bloub* i5oD vdouId net m tpmes pad be mercpfntl to bps people, becaufe imtcb mnoccnt blouD tuas (l)cbDe a^ mongcs tbcm bp tbe mcane of lOeianaJrcs tbeir kpng : asapa pcarerb m tbe iiQ^boobe of bpnges; S^erfoje bearct)^et^;en vpbn th^'Apocrfipfc. pi ChAp6r^ let 1)9 conridet toel! at tl^ts oa? w^at toe doe, anb let td ttot l^ebfic mnoccm b!ouo tafl)clp. Certainelvt^etoojDcsarc ej:p?c(reDbv ^.3»]ol)n, to^iicl) wijctijetf tl^e iWaetvjB cc^cD to t^c EoiD : iovu long, fap t^cp, Eo?0, g»mntcfl m toiicb att^olv ano truest. Sr^c^ put i5oD in remcmbjaiice, *Jcauni de = tu)tft8i5noiaunt,ojmconaam, but asbnoyajing anomoft fi«^cn= icDfaftlv m^nbcful of bio bol^nesanb triictb. Sm in afmucb s^^""^^ 9a x\iz Eo?D is bol? 1 be batetb all tttboip anb tndeane per^ (ons,anb fpaeetb tbein not. ^nb foi afmucb as be is true, b( Siaintetnetbanbbefenbetbbiscbofenn anbpnni0)etb ^op^ KO'etbbtB enemies as beb^tb pjomiteD b^ bi6 too^oe. ^z^ tng tbtit ( fa? ^^ ) tbat tbouact fucb a one: jaD i5ob, tobp Ooofttbou not tubgeanb auenge oueb!oub>at tbc batibcs of ^em tbat o^ecutc tvtann? tjpon eartb^as in t^etr oton bing^ Dome, anb opp^effe all gooD men? ail tbis fignifietl) ^one oi *" -^^^^ tbec tb^ng^but tbat i5ob tobic^ is bolp a«b true, toill fo? bis »>'" '^^r^ 1 5 otijtiefat(eneue|;fo;gettbeimuctcsofbisfernaumes.2rber^ ~ "j fo}e toe tmberHattb tbefe tbings to be (poben bp a figure caN * ^ ieb ia^ofop9p^d: tbat t6,bp tbe fanning of a perfon : not W^tx fbe j^aitites in Seanen boe finoe fault toftb i5ob,but tbat tt>g befncb ^ fiS^i^ m^gbt bnberffanb ^oto i&ob batb care of tbe IBQartv^s, becauleoe isbol^anbtruc. ig>.^uften in tbe^s^ queftion\)pontbemti)e aredament, fa^tb tbus:^cing tbe ^o;b batb taugbt t)s to pia? foi our enemies , tobat is tbe cante tbattbe fonles of tbbfe tbat are Oapne, crp out as boetb tbebloub of labeil , anb require tbat tbe^ ma^ be auettgebf anb be matetl) aiwftoer: 2rbe ^ aimes be not impatient , fo a«tbevfljonlbtj?getbattbingto be bone noto, tobicb tbrp toots? fljall come to pafl'e in tbe time p;efi)ccb,anb \X)bicb nci« tbercanbepjeucmeb,noj5etbelaveb:but bvtbis facing be mrnt to Jdjetue boto 0Ob witt auenge %\iz bloub of b?s fcr^ uaunteSjleaft becaufe be feemetb noto fo pattent, W^z \jDicfeed tuarre tobicb is mabe agatnft t^ i^aintes,miig^ be tbougbt (0 be \)npuntft)eb)tb|£fereflrs bis nnnbe is bot^ to b^ue a ftare Intotbcmt^jatpertccutetbeferuaumcs of «56b, anbalfo tof erto?t tbefuffcterstjnto patience. STbusfayi^ be. ahb tbia tnbtebcfeemetb tbc plapneft fence of all otbcrs : efpcciallp if \qz confibcr tbe tbvtigc tbat follow in rbeJLojbes aunfxccre, anb it iDoas fapo ^nto tbera tbat tbcv fljoulb reft. ^. ^ . }a?imaftus)3vfl)0p of v3ttca ejfpounbing tbis place of ^;^,,"^^^^ 3lobn faitb: 3ltts nor to be tbougbt tbat anv ^tOjli? meaniugrfcg <^^^ 01 luftinesintlamctb tbc faints to bercutngca, confiDCtmg camaii tns ^bto V0e titioto tbat t^iongb t^e abounbani;^ jQf.cliaritte tbc?^ nctftaoms. 1^,U "tf**'^^ louco lioueb ttmtWt ettftiipcs aUo v»l)ilc it)cp u^ecc ^erc: buf icte ctiiDcnt tt)at t^cv p^ iiiogcmec $ \j:ngcaucc 13 pjcpirca to bc^rccutcD m bis.'tiihc *■ '',' ^''l^'^*;iig<^(nn tbv encjuyes ^ cotcncra of 3eD,b»t cbicSy^g^iinil tb« J'tlJf^^pcvicmowcs of bis U3o%(mD tQt mmi)titv^ of bis ^aiittsu : .! r :i;i>bicb tbiug io ma^c fuliy bcclarci by t^Q tbat folotocibi - ' \ iTojitbe tpiiigec tbst foltii^ , fucb arinfuiccc \»K5 maue tot tbe vpdfl the Apocalipfe. pa cfj^p,^..'- tfeccompIaitttoftlicOaarttJSiflstocmap \jn&crfIaMb to^atp^ijat feajj 10 t^i Rate a'nb 5lo?> of'tljc ^aihtes in ^caucit, vutitc^ ^aiic aimfircrco cfftrcD tl)cic boDics foi t^e ITf (lament of «5ol>: anu Ijoto goD to tijc inar= ^latJ? not foigotteu tljc blouD t^at b«^ bccnefpilr, but be uitl ^?^^ ^«i"»= at IcKfjt'o requite tI)ofc blontj (IjeDDcrs \ubcn be reetbt^mc. o^J^^"^- ]^mfojaftnufb as be batbccfcrucbtbtB time to b^mftlf, tobe^® be toil rcu>arD tbe bfoub fucfecrsntts not &ur part to tncjjuire^ ninotillv tbccof :bntf atbct tobe in a reabmeB,tbat (if be ujill' biueijg alfo to fufferfoj tbe tpftimon^ of Jlefus Cbiitt) toC' ftouIbrmitteflwDelvanb cberdy^^tbjoiigb afflictions tjnta alo?p;t^oirijt!ni$j net^mg but xW\ toe ftjoil \it io^ncb to t^e"* SienH i^amiSi^leatich^nnbtb^ti^e fiia iubge in t^at ba?^ U3illtefibcrpWtJ>€ehnnve6'8f-i56bs b'f tb^Cburcl), atib o^ jjfijtlf^fttrtp Sftttfalbeit t^c tvmeof pet?* f^enrionWemc! a \iA^t t6b?lD to i^t flcfb JVf 1 10 it berc, ana ristol&crejin tbe |?tc(pturcg,caUci) (bojt. TBnt t^efe t^^nucs mnftbereneanbconfibereobvpartts* ^ ;f tcilbottbtleflif rbe Oate of t^e fou!es in beancn is in all *^*jc nztt ttipnge^ moft fo^ttmate . 3^be tol^ieb is figtitrto by rbe ujbite Jf ^°»'f« «* gatrnftcS/^oj tberbp is ftgtufieb tl)c gJOiv of tbe blefTcb foitcf *f J"^ " «* ^ ttjijicb art tioto in light, anoleeleno ^cccc offiarfccncs. 0? "'^" '^'*^'f tl)& garment 31 ba«e fpol^en befo?e.anb it is favb cjcpjcfTclv^f tSat\J3bttegafcmcntc6 arc geucn to cncr^ one of tbcm.;froj e»» nct^ foiilrreceined) bvs reVoarbe:ianbt^ebO'bv alfo at tbe' tjx^i of tbe toojlb ft)all receine bis oton garment,2rbe faintcs. Cfaiitb !^,©rcgfrYp)ento^ as |«t but one Able 0? robe a peer c^ Jo? m ;;/ tobic^ xtxii MewbtJcs of^beir fonks . JSut in tbe cnb of tbe' -^^^ <>'^'J^i tsjojib^t^ep (ball Vceciwe ttoftolcs io|«ipmtentto . f^tt^mt^- ^^ '« J3 fbepetfectio^e of tbcir fbaleSttlev n)dnb?-'clotbcb^lfa t»i^ ~ o:'Wji(£| tbeiticbiruptifltt i!>e tbeit bobves . ?&crcof a^all be reafonca ' ' ' mote DiKgeml^abonttbettHi'of t^ein^ . cbopter^tobere tbis^ place ftiati be beclareb wxtAt at large, lafter tt \3Dds^pD to tbe; liteO'eb fbtfifd(aift7a<^<7tfvTk()tbattbc^ fi^ttln reftuS^rfo^e^ ^ft bea1ti)ttc^$eif# Buict,anb ffcde nb infe6inbjlll&*«e^]i»bi^* t^^ng w tticit|.eP|>m4fi^(mbtepli^»lf 9$ Sei^aeebiii^t^ toitb.flJitib??i& W% m#!k-i^ret^ to ifetboiigb beU)Qttlbbiaite"fS?6. Jf toas tblb tbe^Wis, tbat* tbey Ojonlbtetra# anb abvbe»;ffoMtfeUo^^ i^et aliHc^ tDbtlV;K^bcrfoi^i3obfisnifictb,tb3t after a lilfei^me \^t \i^iW 0l1\^ OjouiD ajl^o bifi^t^fii^ tl^e Uiojti oi0oo.a;.^etfQ|e iet^jsno mo^ bereafte^ m^Y^t to^l^^er^ (eeutton ^laU ^aue an ende ; 02 U)b? t^ llojiti Deteccetl? ^tm* Qeaunce^ano \iom long^^o; u^e ^aee t^at t^e nmnbec of tt^e elect muQ be fiUeo t)p . Tdm ioi afmuci) as f t^nu islmotottt to i5od alone,Iet not t)0 be cueiOK0:bat let bs tbtnSe of (uc^ ^] i) -f-^fbi^ngesasconceme onrimette,tbat if tbe cafe fo reQwce,toc lu ' -. I map otfo Dye ftontli? fo^ tbe sreaamet of one HoiD i5od, tbat ^ ', ^ toe m^ be aObciateo to ouc bietb^en, ano one fellotttes , an& Wf4 5e Qjould tubge of tbe bol? iijoaiD m- ($9artp;0 anbbleCTeofouIes in bcauen^nametp enena0 toe ge of m l0irne bcre b? 0000 ^^D . jT bey be calleD tjppie&g Brethren, fyumtcu in ^^ o-ovjTiixpf.tbat ifttft fay FcUowrcruauntcs , ant) notJLojDes l^caucn. ^^^ founoers.^oi altbougb tbe toDiDe© muft be tonDerftone to be mentof t0 tbat are yet alytfe:y et ia ^tt^ relatton»;f 0^ if toe be tbetr b;etb?en ano fciioto fcrnaunteo : tbey be Derel^ our b^etbxen olf 0,^ i5oDs frruauntro toitb t)0> anb euen ono feilotp tobatdatbe^ obteyitef i^uenaetoereaotbat Cbli(i;fayO:tobi0 motber^tobch fbt requtreo^toy tie at tb^ d^anage :,too,man ^b^t baue 3n to 001 tpitb tbee^my boure is not yet comemfo itltetDtfe are tbe mar ty^0 bcrecQijimaunoeo to tary^a^ abtoe tbe,mc!l. 2r^tfc tl?^u5csarc fpolccn ^itljcito of t'qc pcrfcf»tioit0of asm t^ctncauctD!)tIc (^cvi^aiicntluiarcDmoft comfortable coitfolations to ail tiMCfuffcc pcrfccutiottto t^e cnD of t^c U30jlD:auD !)auc iifeeujifc cm of mnouo qucaions, aiiD fee >)3 iafc anJ) to^olc m t\)t voil of i5oD,to^ciupon if tuc reft our itXntz U)it^ouc (cchvng fo^ a»v ot^ct: ^clpcs,\s)( Q^al finde t^e (aine (o be bed fo^ t)s» 31t l)cbouetl^ U0 t^crfo?c to gatbcr foitte cectcinc groiibce, tobemtt^ to comfort our feints as tuttb moli cci'tctue ma^t^ tnees fee Dotone by i5oo biut fclfe . ;jf teft , tbat i5oi} ts ti*ue $ tull:auD tbeefo^e ncgiectctl) notbts fcruaums, but tenoem^ t^em toitb f Jtbcrlp care.anzi tbat if be call \^z into atip oauiti: fiiei; Q% biftretTc^bc fame Qjall \}erclp turne to tbc great profit of tbe goMp;auD tl^at if be tal^e t}s a\2^av bv tomteutcs,be oe^ Ituececb t)s from euils^f rom mtferies , anp from t^^t coirup^ tton of t^is toojlD , ano recompenfetb xht fame Voi^b euerla^ Vt^nzwts » jg^econbip confiDerpu&tbat f5oD is iw^ atto true: it \& cerccine i])at be pa^etb t^e lotclteD fo;t acco^amg to tljeit; i)efert:aub ti)at if tti cbe mcane ^bilc be maUe tbcui fouunate in tbiB too;U),c^c Same tnaUetb but to tbetr oeftructiou. ^bat tf 000 be aotu ixi puni(l)ing>it is of bis otune long fufferace, and be U)ill recomplce biB dotjoncs txiitb tl^e )jueigbtpnes of 8unta)mait,in cafe tbep be incurable. ^ e^ng tben tbat t^efe )pngs are^nooubteblv ccrtaine, tobat reniainetb tl)ere,buc tbat toe Q)oulii commit ourfeluesandallourstotbelio;!! onr i5ob^&e bnoioetb t^e time $ mcane tobercbv to auenge 1)10 (ecuauntcsanbpiagut ^is enemies* sro^^mbeglorp fojeuecmojc^men* f[^l)^ firt^^caU t0 openeb>ani) tbe co^ruptung of t(ie &(]>• cere ooctrtne t0 fl^eUieo. T/;e xxxitf. Sermon^ jA Nd I faw , when he had opened the fixth fcalc , and behold there was a great earth quake . And the Sonne was as blacke as facke cloth made of hcere : and the whole Moone became eue as bloud; and the ftarres of heauen fel vnto the earth,euen as a figgc tree cafteth fro her her fi^^cs whc (lie is fliaken of a mighty wy ndc, O.iij'. and Chaf.6. The xxxifj . Sermon and Hcauen vaniilied avi^ay c as a fcroll when it is rolled together, Co?nip* 2r?)C opening of tljcfijctl) fcalcb? tl)elainb«,ft)etoet?)\jn^ jtng of tbe ' to \)s anD fcttctl) fo;f b to all mens epcs, tbc co;nt|)tiott of t^e fouaoc DOC- ooctcmc m ttjc C^iirclj,\j)it^ t^c fojotofuU anD terrible effect KiH^''^ of f ^c fame./gicirber is tijcrc anp otijcr tlj^ns fapn berc itt tbc «-o«rf9. ftipt^ feaicno? alfo in tbc fine former fealcs , tban tbat i»bicl3 tone p?opbccicD bcfoic bp tbc fame our %m Sicfns CbJift i« tbca4.ofi^atb.namcl? tbat tbc i5orpclia)OulD bepjcacbco tbjongbciit tbc UJbcle ujojilu: ^ boto tbc re IboulD come mod gccuouo toacrcB,faminc6,ptftilcnccB,attD pcrfccutione ,pca ^faifc id;opbctcs aIfo,ti?btcb (bouto oeceaueinett, cib;o\one tbcnt in uioftgrcuous fo^oujcs. Cbitft a ilJtcttcrtbclcffe tbpngcs muft U conftmcb tcnerentl^. fQ% nocautbo} it is not tobctbott3bt,tbatb^caurc tbc iambe openetb tbe of tbc co;^- ttjct ^ealc,anD tbe ^unnc by ano bp tvaicctb bIacbc,CbM(tts Tupte DQc^ tbcrlozc an autbour of corrupt ano cuill ^ctrtnc. ^ot Cb^iO tm\z, 10 be tbat fotuctb gooa fccoc in tbc ftclo, ano tbc encmp Coti)« ctb bamcli : as tbc ILo;d btm fclfc crponnoctb it , f99atb. tbe n . ;)fo; cb^ift teacbctb (otmoc Doctrine bp bps^poftlee ano fincerc p;cacbcr6:]5ut U)b^ tbc fame (cmetb ^\\t to tbc too^n ano can not picafc iticnnben be of bis iviXt iuDgemciu Icauctb tbc contemners to tbcir otonc affccttons,anb (as tbc apollle *.Thefl*.i. ^ . jaaulcfaptb, ) fcnoetb arongillufions tjpontbem^fons tbcpmap bclcuc, to tbc cnD tbatali tbcpmigbt be bamttcD tobicb bcleuen not tbc trutb ,but ban picaturc \\\ tmrigbtcott(:f tirOc . anb tbc febucpng tb^ougb corrupt Doctrine , is amo^c burtfitll cnill,tban arc tbc biouDDy perrecutions.')>ea anD cb( fcDuccrs anD fiaife id^opbctcs ^mt Done mo;c burt to tbe Cburcb^tban crucli tv^aatcs.;^ inaliv men arc wo;c grcuouf* ip punia)cD tobat tpmc tbrp are left tp to be fcDuceo bp De^ ccaucrs : tban vsbcn tbep arc tsM t)p to be to?nc in pccccs bp tbcir nmrtbcrers . S^bcrfo^ it ts a t)crp grcuous anD bo^rt^ blc plagttc of 0oD,iDbcn fo|t Dcfpirpngof tbe fimplc tcntb^mS be left )}p to bcCfaupng rencrcncc; bcQjit^ ten auD bcpifiiDD bp tbcm»acco;&png to tbcir Dcfcrupng^.^O) tDbcrc tbc 0olpcil is purdp picactjcD t;uto maup, tbcfc men Cfip^l \)nDcr&ao not tubat tl3c(c men txacb ts out of tbc i5o& pell : but f bis 31 can fee tbat tbc olo pcpclpngcs banc all to bcravcc t3,aiiD tbcfc \\m fcllotijcs botb bcpiffc auD bca)mc tjs.^rijccfo^c ttjalt :boa banc tcacbcrs , ujbicb tVjall pcrfo?mc to t(^cc in DccDc tl?c fame t^at tl?ou talkcft ♦ ^ oiilD 0od twe ujatii? vpon the Apocalipfc, ^4 Chu^.e^ toamcd LTAmpIc0:and d^d not fee (ome nat lOtts.tD^ic^ ^atte ^I'ctofozc l)at) tt^cfrec and purcp^eac^Vt^S <)f t^c i5orpdl> noU) titterip bereft of tl)etrut^ ,anD gtonpiig\)nDer luOanD tnalapertnes of mod tDiclteu idopclyngs U)|>tcl) treaDc goDs wo^D \)uDec foote^and conBcimte it {a\ DcreCv^auD Koppc x\,z mont^es of tbe to^etc^cd people fttU of mans oun^cSlpie is t^c piint(\)nunt of oefptftng t^e trutt). ^nti t^ts place ma? not be e^pounttrti to be ment of foine C!)r z>cp;t3* onccectcinage,finceasvcttI)vngsareccbcarrciiin5CHcraIU nation of livii oftbat t»boIctvme,tob!cb ceacbctb fcomtbcageoftbe t^cDocmne apoOlcs tmto t^ laft iubgcmcnt. 31t contemetb tberto?e tbc ^^ i ci;iircij. CO;ntpt DOittine of Valentxne,Marcion,Manich3fUs, Nouatus^A- rius,Macedonius,Neftoriiis,Eutyches»Doiutus,Pda2ius, Prilol- Ihn jStx^ finally of all ^erettUes, ^ tbe mtngte mangle of {B^a^ f)oinct compofcb of tbe (ainc , ano cbtefip tbe Copbi^r^ $ molt co;cnpt Doctrine of !^nticb;i(lanb of biB minivers* TSviX tobat time tbe lambe opened tbe ftpte feale, tl)cre tooas 3n €artb^ not beam nouicas befoteitbe tme of tbe 23caQc9 , i^loers, quake. 0; (S^artp^Stbttt a terrible eartoquai^e . ^n cnrtbqiiaUc in tbe j^ccipturcs Dotb fignifie a \JDoberfull cdmotion of all tbinga, troublcB,t)p;o^e$,anb great alterations, ^no^crelv tberea^* nTctl^ not greater trouble of an^ tbpng,tban bp ti;M^ alcerpnr^ of goblp ia^cligion,anb tl)c recempng of vjuic^D boctrine.;^o^ fo acvfe fecteB^febitions^warrcs. Ton map Cec manp ejcapics beceof in tl^efto^p oftbeauncient people ^to^icb are rcaota baue bene greuouflp fbaUen,fo oft as tbep cbaungeo tbeir re^ ligiottanb bpnoe of boctrine . I3v tbts jeartl^quaUe tberfoje it is figmfieb , tbat eiccebpng great trouble fljall arife bp rca^ (on tbat a neto ^ a flraitge Hmoe of boctrine a)all i^e bjougljt tmo tbe too^lb^bp letDD ioiels anb naugbtppacbes. l^ere bane poutuberetoitb to aunf\3oere tinto tbcm,tobic^ 9tttboar0 impute to tbe i5o(pellanD to x\it }d;tacbcr6 tberof \»bAt Toc^ cf tumuicrflt . ttct troubles,febitids , anb commottons be at tbis bap m tbe ^ troubicg, tuo^lD.l^eliaB I^atl? ones mabe aunft^ere fo; tis ^uibtcb map feme fo^all timesu^e place is in tbe tbp^b booke of ^pngc^^ 1 8»cbapter.31 bauc not tronbleo 31fcacll,bi!t tbou ano tbp fa- tbcrs boafc,tt)bicb baft fozCafec 0od.^c. E^ercumo appcrtcii ttctb alfo tbe ftoip of 31, crcmp in tbe. ^ 4. cbaptcr» TX)^it all tbe euils tbat tbcu t)C)tca tJjc toicUcb arc iinputcb to tbe fitu cere boctcme ano to tbe lazopbet 3icrcmie toitbout c of tbe trabitiotts of inm,aiti) tbeit marring of tbe §>cript«tr, arifctl) oarUcncs anb blacfeencs in matters of ijttligftm. ic^t i^ofpell of it felfe is bjigbt anb bolefouic: lLf)iifi is1igt)t, fnll reDemprion,bea!t^,anb i^fe moft perftte.Bnt to^cnmen^D tatljcr fecbe ti)e Doctrine', I^fe , anb falnation , at ot^er mens ^anbes tban of Ci^ft anb bis bolefome i5trfi)efl,moft tlfi^t - anb groCfebarbenesatire in tbttnpnbec of tboft men. foi t^iere is cfltabtifljcb an pt^ boctrinejrig^tcoiiftirB ,lnterceC». fion,rcbeinption,faluatfOB anb life tpan Cljjiftes.irbc^ ttjat 2j facue o! wcriuc tbat Doctrine , fee me to ba«e pnt on tl^m a Ojirte of \)mt, l)ctre toljicl) pzicfeetb ,cbafetb anb tiejcctb tbe contimtalfv. foi t\)ttc is no reft, qntetnefife, fccuritie o; fpirituail pleafnre and repaft in corrupt boctrine,bnt oncl^ teDiournes.Cl7#pnre:> Ip anD fincerelp to man a tope tmfpeaKtable , and a moft bzigl^tanb topfull Iigbt» Cbe tnoone ^fter is abbeb.tbat t^e uibole moone, anb not a peece of it is ojSbKuio. onclp, is become bloubp, ;fo^ a likening is agapne arniejteD, asbioub.iS^bemoonereceiuctbligbtoftbe §>unne, anb is fubiect to courfes,oi cbamtges , tobilett,onctDbiIe it increas fet^,anD an otber txjl^ilc becrearetb,anD it ftgnifietb f cburcb. JTbe cburc^ fet Ijpon tbe rocUe^is not\jnftab!e : but bp rea(5 of tjariaWe fo^tune,ic fnbiectto moft Diners c^jauncrs . fot tio\3Jtbec^urcbtriumpbetb:anDfti:aigl?ttDapcs Qjee isop^ pzeireDanbmournetb:anbnoti3Q)ccincccarcrb in nnmber, anb bp ano bp n)ee is DiminiCl)Cb. ano tbe cburcb is iigbteD of Cb:ift. But toben tbe ^unnc it fclfc is barter ncb.f moone ajioob. can not cbufc but be \jerp Dim. 25loub in tbe fcriiunrcs bcto=j bcnetb great to icftcbncc: cbicftp 31bolarrp anb falfc toojftjfp^ ping of 00b. SJbcfloi^ in tbe i7.of Ecuit* faptb,tbat bcioJl acccu;ptacauu2e\»oja)ippiu2,fojblouD, j^^crefojc t;!?cti fait J? vpponthcApociIipfe, P5 chsj^J, faptl^ flttti fetto\JDlc95care Darttettcu itt Cbiiffc s C^m-cl) : tt c5 not be cfjofcn, butt^at blotiu Ojall acife m x\^t ^ttmciTall Cbiiccft: t^at is to ujtttctbe cojruptc \x>oiQ):ppmgof 0ob, tobic^ t^c Eo2i» cllccinct^ as Mwrtbcc , ano necDco m«ft ixs,:: ttttmcrable finncs anB torcftcDncs fp?^ng tbrrcof. f oi toljcii t^c liuelp Doctciue of C^uft ts mice ro^mptcD.all tbmgsmuft oftttcemticbcmoftco?n:ptc,ano {\»armc ftiUof fupcrftiti^ OttsanDmiqttutcs. iro tl)cfc ts auDcu antjt^c tfmtg, to^bt'c!) tieipcti) r tl^pttgs tl)at arc fpofeen:a:bc ftmres fall from l^caucn \jnto tljc cartb* 5>tarroBf Daniel cailcD pjcacbcTsftarrcs intljc n.cbapt. ^o alfo Doot^ faufrom ^♦iaeter.i.Per.i. sir^crefojc Docttcpieac^rsofCtjurctjcs^fs^f"* rraoUefrii tbc ijcanllv ^ottrmcflfjC^iiftiD^ic^ toas bzowgljt anDteucalcofrombraucniauBreDucetlj mm from bcancn> ^eppngt^em inl^eattenl^ conuerranou: ^nD rcceuiecaa^Il» Docrnrte, tl)at ts to Tap ^^t Isortrrae of mm. Z3? tn^ic^ tbptig it commetb to paffe, t^at botbt^fmutc is MmmcDatrd tbc tnoone ts maoe blouDp. %\^t ftarrcs a)pnc:ti)at is to fap,tl)e p;eac^crs oug^tto fct fou^ C^fttbe true ligbt^to t^c uo^ole ta)oM&:bntibep^auenotpaneDtoDoeit, becaulc t^cvtoere IHtdt'ttedfot^trotottetraDitiotts. STt^cfeftarresairat^aue at lplKtilttlgat»Dtllt©tjJCJti:^O^itf0l0tDCtlj,Aud the IhrresfeM to the earth ofj tryxii 3aM« rye o/^ovfly^ a.uvfi% vtto (JtiynKM fAou (Tije^ t^ figge tree caSctb of bcr figges bcmg flja^ CijeOartf *etiofa Vie^ancm tupuDc. Bttc is fignificD t\)t ccjtiiptiou fciitpon ofpxcaci;>crs,anDtl)c great tiambcr of tbcm. ;foj t^c figge *^^*3nij. tree toas mane to biing faitb ftucrtc f ntites : fo toas tljc mis tiiftcricoftbetDozoeozDevhcBfattt^cfaUtationof men. TBvit f^e figges i;ipencdnot,(Et^ercf02t r^cprcmapncD greene qi l)ttrt)|fe figges. irr^eb^tsfigmheDtl^attoep^eac^ers toet;e iiotPipemtrieettnDtole&geof £i):ifl: anu tljcrfoictoere Qja^ l;mi>&\:pt{e toitijctterp t^^nu of Doctrine,fo as t^ep botl^re^ ceittcD anD taiigljt eartljlp things, ilnu tbc ttoic boufc of falfc teacbcrs t^st Qjoiilo come, ts bctofecncD bp tbc falling tjoton oftbctjntpmelvft^es in greatnumber. 2rb«s ftje^enp* fare (peattet^nor^re of cbilozes gamcs,but of falf teacbers. vi3poutl)eCet^tngcsnoU}follo\xictbauotber: anbbeaucn ^eaufbtrs toetttatoap,d;7s;^'x'j>/oSvi,a5 it U3crc ficD out of mens figbt atib "tfliet^eu .^ baniaicb atoap. I&ere agapne is abbcu an 5i'»uage oj finuli- ^^^' ' ttlDe^Ais iSi^A/oy £\j(Tffp(Ueyov,llHcafcroUc folD^ljp OJ rOllCD tOa getber,o:46abookclappcDt3ptogetber. S^cancn in fgof* ieillignifictbmanp times t^c fetngoomcof i5oD.^befemg- dome of 000 Votnoetl) ^p it fdfe m cart^, ^ t!^e fZl)nvc\) Doti^ ^^^f f* The xxxiiij . Scnnon ae tt h)crc bitte ber fclfr, ttot tbat at tbe tafi tbcre Q)0ul5 be tta cburcb at all (foz tbc cbutcb Cl)ai be altoaveo tnto tbe tuo^los entie) but fo^afniucl) as in tl^e enDe of tbe too^loe tbe Cburc^ (l)atl4pGbiDdc,nrvtbcr(l)aUtbat be tbougbt to be tbe true cbMrci),iDbicbt6tbctrHcCI)iircbmDtede» 2:bc letters and too^Dcs are not totpte out of tbeboobe^butarenotfeene, VearatberarebtDiie,\])benttt0roncDt)p. 3]t is manifeft at tbtsZ)ap>U)bati^.3l]obn meant b^tbts parable, ^o; aUmeti ma maucc bcleeuc tbe neu) Sart top momia)e Cbnrcb, to be tbe true £bnrcb,U)bicbm^erp deeoe is not tbe Cburcb of CbMft: anD i\^t cburcb tubicb is tbe Q)oure of HWBi is xuxi^n to be bercticall. iSnd tbcrfo;e tbe Cbutcb is as it toere t0?ap« peDanDroUeDDptogetber.srbelLa^otonfblDe and p^&nte tbe fame, iamcti, C S^be tfStdt of co;rnpte Doctrine t0 fet fo;tb>atU) tbe 011^ 0elK UiitbbolDe tbe iDtnoe from bloluing* The xxxiiij. Sermon ^Nd all mountaynes and lies were moouedoutof 'thctr places. And the kynges of the earth , and the great men, and the riche me, and the chicfe captaines, and the mightie men, and euery bondman , and euery free man hidde themfctues in dennes, and in rockes of the hilles : and (ayde to the hilles and rockes> fall vpon vs, and hide vs from the prefence of him that Htteth on the featc, and from the wrath of the Lambe : for the great day of his wrath is come. And who canindureitf fCbcfeoetb A Nd after this fawe I foure Angels (land on tlie foure C^er. ^ corners ofthc earth, holding the foure wyndcs of the earth: that the wyndcslhouldc not btowcon the €arth,ncithcr on the Sea^nor on any tree. f^aictf artb ^°^ follotwctb tbe effect of tbe cojruptc ooctrine of meti; %cs are ^nD btiles and antanos are mooueo out of tbetr place: ^ber^ moucQ ont in ts alfo a refpecte bad to tbe eartbqu^e, as tbougb bv tbe of tbctr rartbquabe tbev toete remooned from tbetr place, ^nd motU v^ce. taynes and Sites doe betolten,reatmes,common U)eales,and men fb ftedfafttn fa^tb-. tbat as mountavncs and 3nies be tm« toouabiCyand are not (^ten to^tb tb^ Ooimed of tbe i^ea^fo tbofe vppontheApocalipfe, 96 Chaf.j, ^otcm^Sbtreemetobetmmutabte* x^teuccc^cIcflTcattljeaU terationano corrupting of Doctwnc,t^c^ ace nonj alfo ccmo:* iteo out of tbcir place, ano qutceouert^^otDen . ano fuel) as rcaoc^ittoiics Ojall finoc eucc^ to^ece, tijat fuel) Ijauc becnc neceaueo b^ ciaftcs of bcrencbe6,b? tbe power of OQal^omet, ano bi? f btpocrifie of tbe idope^ae a mS \»oulD baue tbougbt couiD neuerbaite ben abu(eD:m as mucb as wbote ctttes ano realmcs bane deanc renoltco. f 0? feoucing is of great fojcc, efpectatiptn fucbasbauc alreabvtegontorceleanDtoaioc fromtbetoclte ofibe Cburcb. lanotbe? tbat arcQ^a^cn, anti remooueb from tbe fate Cbo?i)it>e founoation,gct tbem into caucs anD rocfecs of billes . ^oj it J**"li" is Dnpombte foj bV^ tbat boloctb not Cbjitt tottb a fnrc"^""*^ Ciptb^tobequiet. j'o; like a raging ^ea be tstoOeD betbet fuib tbetber. ^q\ xxi as mucb as be batb not tbe Cure ano cer^ ta^neinanerof life,no;committctbbvmrelfeto be onelpm^ leo bi? tbe Scriptures, tbat be migbt boloe tbe certaintie: %t pelbetb bitnfelfe to be leb bp euer^ matbat be meetctb.:(x>bcr^ fo;e toe fee tbem,\)nto tsbom Cb^^ft a!onc \z not all, to fee^c .iatuation in idilgriinages, in bercmitage6,ini3y)onkcrie, in cbatttfement, in fati(]^ctions,ano 3n Hnou? not vc^ tobat otbec foU^es,orratberblarpbeimes. i^nb tbefe intierpDeebeare (apo to bibetbemfelues in oennes ano caues of ftone. ano tbe^ tbintte tbq? ma? lie bi^i^e fafel? in tbem, ano make (atif^ faction for tbcir finnes^ano plcafe tbe Eo^o. X3nt xxk rebcarfing manp bvwbes of men, becompiifctb all wbobtue dates in tbe \»o?loe. ;jf oj of all fortes of men tbere baiie beene f^«.'w"^c* founor,notafe\»enorofmeane(late, \»bicbi^auetabcnt)pS tbem tbe beremitical zcax^ monafticall life,$ bounoe tbefelues to funorp Itraite ^noes of lining, l^cre tbere£oieare rerfto^ neo t)p binges, /xe>j javes, great men oj jdjmces , cicbe men, X^^^ctj>xo«, captapues oner tboufanus , oz cbifetaines ^wraror^ 0rongo2 migbtie men in tbtstpoilo, bonne mm cbicflp,ano free mcn,\ubom uje call at tbis oap gentlemen, TJcomen^no- blemcn,anD men of bonour. T2>vix bou) manp bpngs ^ }drin^ ces ano noble gentlemen are fet fortb to be {ieene iix tbe cbur- cbes of i^bbeves, painteo \xi tables ano bangeo, tobteb ^^wt Ipneo fometvme a monaSicall life; I3uttbetrfntrtngintomonaaeries, tooobes, anb toil- ;faiit)pon bernco.ano tbeii; tabmg^pontbem afevnce of firairtr lyfe, t0tnoun= toptbtunorv fatiffactious, pilgrimages, toalbcs , ano otber tayncs. liUe Difciplincs , banc not vet biougbt tbcm to qmerneflfe of m^aoe, but ratj^ec m^oc tbcm \»o}rr afrapoe tban tbev toere before cfjafT, The xxxiiij. Sermon Jjcfbif , tnfomncl) tUt tljep lie Me better tl^nmWttUfi »pai>;c.;Jrojmt^)cfctt)iii5C3to3l?trcm tijcv fought fo? quiets «C0,tl)ep^a!icfomii)enonc: no truclpt^ereis noQuictnoj vctttobefouiiDc u.ul)out C!);ift. ^^c? tbat ^auc tpiieii in t^ofc umrcffcs tJiiDcrt^c t)nl)appv jaapiarve, t}niicrnatu» tl)c t^png nsl}t \dcII tuljic^ 31 fay ^ci*e,anD ti)C too^Ds toljictj ^.3!oI)nrcctrctl)ljerc be offuc^ as are in greatettbiftrcOif, ^ turn in tjcfpecation, tobcre tbcv crv \jnto tlje billcs, fall tp5 to.^c. ;f 01 fo is tbis raping VifcD alfo in jSDfte in t\)t icdjajr* ano in E»l5e in^apr. anbljerebp iQ figmfteb a Vcrp fjo;c troubles ano intangleD confcicnce, tobicbfcetbnot, ne feetctb not anp couifojt any tobf re, $ tbcrcfo:e couctetb none otbertbingtbanp^erentncftructton, to tbe intent to bebeltsr uereD from tbep^cfent euill anD intoilerable griefe of mimie* ^ucb a tbing is tbis VDbicb v^giu tnalketb Tumus to Q)ea^ itttbC lo.bOOfee of bis /tneidos. iyflas "^^hatfliallldoe? Vc^at earth ^ili^afeja wide What Seafo deepe tofwallow me vp^that J no longer hide, Moft mig htte \]?indes lyoH adore ^than pitieye my cafe (place, "Driuejhip en rockes orfHcl^rigfands,that none may jindetuj ^ r f ^oicouer tbe can&» of tbts feare,btQ}ap^e, (e bibtn^ace^ S?"J«Sfi tbcfaceofb?mtbatfittetb on tbc 2rb?one, tbe tojatboftbe octpcrano, j^ajj^^p^ ^no fox tbat tbe^ perceiue boto t\^V2 can not abibc to fianb before ^on in tbe ba^ of bis too^atb anb )}engeaunce» STberefo^e tbep fiee from tbe face ofi5ob,tbevfleefronttbe 24tnbe, tbat tbev mtgbt efcbttu tbe t)engeaunce,if tbe? cotilD efcape it. 2:be feare of i5ob ts commenbeb to t)0 tn tbe fcrip^ ture0,anb tbe^ uibicb feare not i5ob are conb&teD: but tbere tbefcriptureCpeabetbofafeare to^ncb toitbtrue faptb amr lone. ^o;^*:^obn laptb-. loue caOetb out feare. if uen fo i\^t lame fcripture p;eacbetb to \)s tbat i5od is tnd^, anb fb^Uietl^ b?m to be angrp toitb finne: but pet neuertbelefllr it bedaret^ bvm to be gentle anD merciful! to fucb as acbnotolebge tbeic (innes,anDafbefo^gceucnes. jTt neclaretb tbat 0ob batb geuen bis onelp begotten fonnc to man^nne, b? tobofe me^ Diationtoemapcometo tbe ^b^oneof i3ob, iobicbot^er« Ippfe no man map app^ocbe to. ;f inallp , it p^eacbetb CbM^ t^t Tonne of 0ob to be tbe lambc , tbat is to fap , tbe p^opiciation fo^ tbe finnes of tbe tobolc U)o;lD:anii tbat tbe fame calletb all men tinto btin , ipt (luDpng no man > but p^omifpng anb pjoferpng all tbpnges vpontheApocalipfe. ' p7 chf,j^- t|at tna? mabe to Itfe and Ca(ttatt5,t)nto all men . Bttt to^cte a0 fotmpc }a»eac^er6,:lf rters attb idopti^ id^ieSes ^ane fo^ blten t!)t5 ftmple atiD moft pure Doctrine , ^otefomeanD full of conCoIatton.ano bo^ne men in Ijano t}^ i5oD ib an tintntf treatable Rhad4mantus,anofctfb;tt^ C^Mft rather as one aim grte tban fauonrable:ooubtIeai^ tbev oo alienate tbe t npnoe^ of men from i5oo:i&o as nou) tbev mav (av eicp^eOclp , tobo 10 tDO)tbp to come into tbt fisbt of i3oo i no man Sjall be Ul^ ueb before t\^i& mod feuere 000, anb bis tbe rigorous inbge iis fonne. %\^v^ turne tbem tberfo^e to imm meanes of Cil nation: tbe^ cbufe tbem mebiatours anb interceflTonrs b? Ipobofe mediation, meane anb meritestbepma^rebeeme to g' emCelues tbe fauour of tbe angrv ^Dbbeab. But fince tbot itbiSoDtbc onel^mcbiattonanbintercelTion oftbefonne is of foice : tbefe to^etcbes are bifapo^teb of tbetr purpofe, anb at lengtb ^U into tbe fa^b befperation *^i9bett tbep per^ ceiue tbat tbe monaSicall l^fe , anb tbetr o\une merites , can not ilanb bcfoze i5ob:tbev See from tbe face of i5ob : anb be^ l^ngtozmenteb toitb tbe pzicbes of tbeir confcience,ttnot» nottoDbat tbcvtnav bo,tDbetber tbep map turne tbem, noi tobere tbetruf faluation is»3;berfo;e toe inbge tbe risbttv to be moO blcfleb ,tobicbtbu]ugb Cbiift acltnotDlebge tbefa<* tber as a fatber:anb tb^ougb HW^ baue accelTe to tbe fatber, as fauourpngtbetn anb loupng tbeimacbnotolebg^ng ti^tic iixMti in tbe feare of 000 , but pet >a>ix\i a true ^tb boppng fo^remi&ionof (tnncs , bno\»png tbat tA^tt aretbo^ougb Cbl^tft reconcileb to i5ob tbe fatber.arbe 09onaftica]l, ^erc^ mittcaU,fatt(lfactonou0,anb idbarifaicallfacttoobotb notfnk Ip acbnotolebge tbis boctrine : and tberfoieare tbep to;men« .i..«^^^ .3lobn laitb inxaitn^ ^eretbaiC;tbi^4S)allfinbebp6]EpBBrience. c poun^eoof J fmit&ermit it mtgt)t Detme tbat tbis^xlace il^onld be t%s ti)e laft m:t Man*cii C[|$be;tdi(etisis»btcb go befo)^ tl^eiaftftiiDgemcut^^^cmcnt. .w;o : of Cfhtf^j* ^> the xjaiiij^crmon^r/ fiftl^etctrcnr oft^ctDttbtfitdftDlom tf)e )lo^6pKnc^c& iti tuanecio t^c laine effect in tlXixi.llttte.lSut of t^t laO mDs« incnt Qjall be fpo^n mote at targe^m ^io oue place in t^. 1 1* and. 19 *c})Aptci*,oftl)i6boottcantiel0'Oi)t)ere. J^uDasBl 00 not i^tfcominnme ti^at fame ocpofitton : fo t^tttlse 31 tl^ t!)e gtttecaU Defttntc0 6t tl;c Ct)urcl) be ^ere rcttoseti)cc: among ^t to^tcl) fo; afiuuc^as cottupc Doctrine occupvct^ not t^c liutDcnnoff place , t^ere arbutD not^vnsf ^^Q^o^^ t}eteof iti senerail(to6crof many tl)vn9es in parttculac a)al be Tpolteii in tbc. 8. chapter , mi otber0fdlloU)vn|K>i9»teaet^ts patient place tsere eirponnDeo after tl)c fame (oitc as it ts . f\\t^l;fixd mm tWt tbipngee x\m follott) ( U)btcb can^a»«e no plact i« tbelaa luogement) tDtll ^angt^e bcttcctosct^crtniti) titcfil) ftSt^t^ngitftlfetoiUpioue. ■? Jr / i^tbe tl^ae^t^at foilou) in t{)^ptec^ appemine ttf tbeeppofitid of tl^efipte reaIe,o^t[)nto t^e tteatife tbeeof. ^vcf^ tl^eett)?ngc$ci)icfi? ttcecicerl):l)0U3tt)e iaungcls tof^^^eto t^e \39inDeB tW tt^ey QjouiD not blou) : i)otb an innntnecable fompanv isoasfealcotntl)e ntiooce of tbe corrupt oo^ctt^ev li^caufet^cp a)onto notpecift) :^D toi^at tbe fiate of t^em' i£ , to^icb are Departed out of t^\% vuo^lo , either bip niart^)^ 2)om(i,o^ot^erU)i(c! rlenfeo yptirgeo , oz oetiuereb ftom (bc|i;« ccffine co}ruption:iODl)icb t^ytiss areahnej^eD becaufe ofcon^s (bUiticn^^o; tt)t6boolcc of apocatipfe is toonoerfiuu iguan^ gclicaU, moGfalI,not onelp of p^opbecics, but alfo of aomo* mttons,qcbo}tation0,anD moft comfortable confolations* •xDhat&inb :fiKttAse inufte^potmoe tbattD^tc^is (pobenof tl^etCd- iaL ti)c fti^eintc of tl^e tovni^^s hn\^t iaungds , tbat t^ep ft)oitld ttoc itxvgtiAxt&, blott) • ipinbeano alfo leanen in tbe j^cttptures , are t^fen^ botb tn^ooo ano cuitl part * ^0; ti^noe is catteo tja^ne anD- faUet^c(rine,and an^opecotuetueo of erroneous ^octrtne^ las in Mtz tbe * n, anb tbe.f . ano.iz.of Blertmp. ^6 is lea«' uen calico ti)c^I)ari(iaicaIliioctrme,an9 t^bVPO(<^i< Q>?in^' gvngtbcrof » ^.^ tbei^p^f. fo^biobet^ Vft^ to be carpeb about toit^ cuerp^tnoe of ooctrine.anDtbebo*^ ll^ gbPft ts refcmbleb by toinoe in tbC/^/ibaptet, ol^.^o^«t ^m in tbCvi.cbapt.of tbc acteis. TPwnic is (nfctUe , mtoipcar^ fpng,a«t! is fclt,anb not fcue : great 10 tbe fojcc tbcrof J fo? it* ^. • . cotitfctb^, it bitetb) anb it gatberctb^ioubcs , tal^icbtayne an&l -li- . ■ iinate ti^ccactb fertile . ;f uHrigibtfpiberfoic bv uJVttbc-tefisM* , \c ( . ! c'i|tificD i\}t fpii'itc of i3oo,anbti^&mhO0 DbctriitMH)i('b4S)dtf ^ci > t!(^fpii:itbofi5i&!9^b«ti istbcrcime to^nztt ibMromii^t^ $ .) .}.3£t^cti{lic£qucc^Bkb^0(^att)5io iaimm'2 p^s^tdd ikmuM vponiheApocalipfJ. p8 Ch4f.% tDerd)Mob}i?ng fromtlljcfourrcoaftcB of rl^e (btemiD t\^t fyvsct qtmrtccB of r^e eattb > tl)at iz to la^ diTpetfcd tUozonnli tiie \»^ole VBOtiD.2:^ccfo}e t|^ fioctci»eott^e iSolpeU couu tnvng tp tnQ)icatioit blovoefl) 02 ^l^rac^D from ail panels DC cfiuctuo^b -> Co aBt^crebetnatt? ttptiocfi vtoljtct^tteucctl^e^ leffc pzocceuc all'from onc.^oi it is iintiaU onrXctft (aine (]pss; rtt.wbtc^ rpcabctt) bp ti^e miniScrs.anD gcuctl^ tl^cnt CutiD^p ^acts. 1X0;. K. B;tcfi? , bp fb( bl^ft ottDittbes loctinbct^ ftanbtbc free pKacbpngtalttnDtiCQft^ebslVJ^n^ipciircs. ^ecoubiptDemua bnototb^ttbcrrfie botb goob>eutU cfjeneas jaungel0 in t^e j^cnptnrt&.mntgds.'aB appcareo bcfo^e.acc c^png of coUeb t99ini(Ut;e.anb tbeeebe 900b a^b eitilimitiiQcrd^^t (be <1^oh»o;» gpob inQ)!teb of i5ob anb i\it gobb aungcUaub tbe cuill ins w»o^w= 5i'ceb of tbc caitl ^lungcll . Slnb tbe cncmp of tbe tcutb ftp^ tttb ^P men in all places of (be \]ao;lb , in tbe Conttcs of l^^ngcs , in tbc places of Slubgement , in ^cboles , ixi CoU 1eb9es,t« Cities, srottnes and tillages, to bpnber tbe free cotttfe of 0obs VDOp. 2:berf o^c tbe piodamattons of ^ngs anb ;^pCl)ops flpe to anb (toe anb arc ptoclaiineb anb fet tp, p;obibttpng tbe reanv^jg of tb? Bible , anb tbe ptcacbpng of tbe £5orpelI. !;inb to tbc intent to b^c fomc pretence of tbep; enill boptl9,tbep funnife tbat tbe Bible is cozrupt in a tbou« fanb^laces,anb tbatbererieis learneb anb taugbt outbf tbc fome.STberfdiealfbtbrp piobibiteanbconDcmne tbe Bible anbtbc boofees of tbe f5ofpell : of tbe \}nt»o;tbvnes of \33bicb bealpng^ it can not too^belv cnongb be fpotsen before 'tbe Cbf(ccb.2^bcp bo tbe fame tbat in tptnes pad Afitiochus,E{d-t phaQes^DJocle^lan,anb otbcr men of tbc f»imc fojte arc rcab 1* fo Qaue bonc»^bc cjcpofitours of tbc Bible in tpmespaCt bc^^ frrueb ejccecDing great p;aprc:ncttbcr vpas tbereanp faitbtull ifiMin t^at fapti tbe bolp bodice toas c6irnpicb fo j tbat all traf-" Hxions agrfci^not amongcft tbem fcincs . rot Ipnc fberfcQC:' m tbis bap in a tpmc moft cozrupt ano mofl t ntbat*efnll.' ^ - ' aitb tbercftraintc of rc^ibing bolp ^cnptHL'e,iBtbefottn*» bation of tbe cojuupt boctrinc,a^ of intanglmg tbe confci?ncc» anb of biipapzetbatCQlIou^etb on tbc fame . pnticsbla\aj , tbctcse6ilo?iG)cnot,ncitbcr tticmbtbc cattb grccnt.Xbs Jdzopbf c faptb .( feuD foztb tbp fpiritc , anbr tbcpft>aUbecreatcD#tl;ou(b^trcttctufbefacc of tbc cartb. a^iib cjcccpr t^c ABOjbofi^ob^be pjcacbcb, t^cinpnDcs cf n;et$ tecj; CffAf'^' The jaxv.Scrmon^ tncifnot ^;cttxuts neitberare fntttes of soob tuo^kesbjottsl^ fo}tl^ bv mcn«anD tberfo^ tbc iSlungels ujitbbolD tbe tDtnur, tbc]? iite foi^D to bntt : as ntjieede tbcrc ts notbi^ng mo^e pe^ fttlem no^ pecntctous , tban tbe (ttppieO^ttg of tt)e free p;ciu cb^ngof i5oii0 t)}o;iic . 33:^ Ho^Dr'b? bis i^<^U( tm(t»e alt partesDf tbc too;lD*amem iiSCbe fattbftiU are Tealeb to faluatton, tobtcb tber obtdn^ bi? grace of <35db in Cbjitt 3lefu. A*« vru I? f : ; j*^^ xxxTp.Sermon.^^ ^ . A^^ ^ ^^^ ^" other Aiingcll afccncfc from the rifin^ uii^«* •'^^ofthcfunncrwhichhadthefealeoftheliuingGod, and he crycd with a loude voycc to the foure Aungels (to whom power was geuen to hurt the earth and the Sea)faying;hurt nottheearth,ncitherthe,SQa,neiU»et the trees , till we haue fealed the feruautesof ourGod in their foreheades . And ,1 heard the number of them whiche were fealed , and there were fealed an , C.'and^ xliiii.thoufandofallthe tribes of the Children of If- taell . Of the tribe of luda were fealed xii. M . of the tribe of Ruben were fealed. xii. M . of the tribe of Gad were fealed xii , M . of the tribe of Affcr were fealed xii • M . of the tribe of Ncptali were fealed xii .M* of the tribe of Manaflcs were fealed xii . M .ofthc tribe df Symeon were fealed xii* M, of the tribe of Leui were fealed xii.M , of the tribe of Ifachar were fealed xii. M * of the tribe of Zabulon were fealed xii • M . of the uibe of lofcph were fealed :fii.^, of the. tribe of Benij^: ixiin were fealed xii.M* f, : ];:?r ■ U3)i ->■: '(aayiiUi . After this I beheldc, and loc, a great multitude (which no man could number) of all nations andpco- |Me, and toungesjftoode before thefeate, and before the Lambe, clothed with long white garmentes, and Palmes in their handes, and cryed wyth a loude voyce, faying: Saluation be afcribcd to hym that titteth vpotk ^ the fcatc of our God, and vnto the lambe. And all the Angels Itoode in the compaflc of the feate, and of the Elders^and of the foure beailes^ and fell downe before the vpontheApocalipfc. pp Cha^.j. the fcateon their faces, and worOiipped God, faying: Amen. Blcf(ing,and glory, wifdomc and thankes, and honour,andpower,and might, be vnto our God for cuermorc.Amen. yx>t ^aitc ^earD,bjet^?ctt, !)oto tljat at tijc opening of tlje ^ *,eai!ciit fi^^ fcalc^tbc ^unne toas maDc blartjc, tljc ijgocnc bfouDv. matter ftas anDtbe^tarrcs fell frombtatien to tbc i^anb^anDtbcrcfi DotrcD d? ^at toe banc rebcacren : 23p all tbe U)bub t»as ftgntficd tbc tiarcfui pa^ roituptton of Doctrine. ^ fozotsjfnll ano a fearefnll mattec tobUs. toas diaootoeD tD^tb mod fearefuU anb mod terrible paca^ liles.n^e bcarb boU) tbece foUotoeo in tbe tooo^lb an ejcceebtng great tourmo^le of tbtnges^tubtcb b;aue tnanv into grettous Dt(pav;e:anb tbat tbe toinbes alfo toerc as tbep tn^Sbt not biotoe. i^oto great a griefe it 10, pea anb bearuc:; tional(o,to tDanttbcav?eo^tonDe,\3)e fenoto bp e>:pcrience: "' ^' -' »• tnfo inucb tbat tottbont b^eatbing anb cooling, men inull ' ' '^ iteebes tnttber ^ be quefomeneo anb cbobeo t)p. TS^m tuitb fo great an tnconuentence are tbep tiejceb \xibicb are beOicute of tbepteacbingofiSobctDojbe. whf«,« ^ome manmigbcmaUee]cception^ere,anbrap:tban t\^t tV 4hoic tDo;lbepena)etbinberefie5t)nbertbe!aico?ane, tsnoer ida-SDo^tiDoo pt(hn?,anbt)nber otbet; corruptions. 3]n tx>bat cafe tbtnltepertfbem pou tben are our fo^efatbere^ Doe vou tbinke tbep are Dam- trrourf. ttebs i^*3nobn p;euentetb tbefe tbvngs, anb toitb a btfton al- togetbtr euangeltcall^tbat is to tDtf,tuvtb a confolatib mod profitable (betoctb^ tbat gob batb an innumerable multitube of people, uibocb euen mtbe mibbes of tbofe ^ntttbrtQiati times 01 iiSicuitics^are mabefaferanb tbat of tbe mere gracs of f5oir, tbiongb tbe interceirion of 31cfu Cb?ift> of tobom as loneis faluation: tbat is to fap^tobom alone,tbe^ tl^at are fa^ neb ma? tbanlte for tbetr faluation. 3a>cbaueoccafionattbispze(ent,toaunrU)ere men of t\^t ^n»fff»= contraq? faction bttto \)s, toboare altoapes triumpbing m ^JJIJ ^^^* our toap in tbistopfc:xgptber our fbrefatberstocrcallbam^ Siiatifl^ifef ticb togetber, or els cbep toere faueo . 3lt toere tptc^eb to con- oik %xbtxa Oemne tbem all: tbep be Caueo tberefoie . :&ut tbe? baue not •l^earboftbtspournetoe Doctrine, but Uept tbe olbe: 3in tbe olbe tberfore Q)all toe alfo befaueb. 3ro tbts vjoe mabe auuf? lEDcrc:tbatouri5lDerstocrefaueD,\]]e graunt glablv,vca$ toebeleeueit alfo. 13ntuieaDDe: tbrougb tbe free grace of i5ob,as &e fball bv anb by more plapnclp t)nDcraanD , anb su3t b^ popifi)e (uperaition: neicbcr tberfoje Ujalt t^ou be Ca^ Chp.-j. Thexxxv.Scmion ueD bv tl)c r(ime:l)ut t^on aUo mnd be CaueD b? itbM(}>if tbcm iDilt be CaucD . 5i^av ratbf r fccmg tbat at this Dap,t6ioug^ tijc CmguIavgooDucsofi5ob,tbc ^ofpcll is ptcacbcD, auD is pjcac^cD ciicn to tbee , anu tl>oii a>ctoJc(t ti)V felfc a rcbcll a* gavnft It: tl)ou Dcclaceft tbv fdfc to be none of tbe number of iSoos cbilDien, \aj!)icb btacc tbc toojDc qf iSon tw^^tb iov,anO *ecpc it; /iicvtber Qjalttboubaueanp clobc oipmecc tobcr^ tpttb to crcuCe tbv fmne.l f tbv f o^efatbers bab bob tbc opo^is tnnitte> tvbtcb tbtin neglectea,goob gob^tobata fpace \douIii tbev banc nmnc afozc tbec; srbctfoze tbou botb tooilimg anD toittmg,fpeafecftagavn(H5oD,$toilfuUp tb?oVoeft tbp felfe into oeftcuction. S)ie tbccfoze tljiougb tbine otonc faiilte. H5t» f stace /l^citbcc Doctb tbis place onclp teftific, tbat \itt^ manp be of(0oD,ina Caueiibvtbcgeaceof0oDft:omcozcuption, anD m tbe true np are fa^ favtbieuen x^t}x \x>ben in mans iubgemct tbcrc appears none ^^^ ^^i^\ ^* ^^'^ ^^^ ^° ^^ faptbfnil: ano Vjerv ifmt q% none to be Ca^ inoft Mt- iteo, bv ccafon of f c)ccccDing great coirnption otencrp time: TuptWcii- but ttic bane alfobtarb anorcaD in tbe ^boobc offevnSCB* gion. ti)( i9.cbapt. tbat tob^n Heiias ntabe grcenons compiatm of tbe fcarcitic of tbe faptbfnll,tt ujas to Doe bim to tjnocrftanb, tbat i5ob baD referneo vet feiien tbonfano men , \»bicb bad notbotQcb tbetr knees befoze :6aal. %\^t ILozD tberfo^ebatb tii i.t- .i J tuermoic bis cboCen,\23btcb in tbe mtobes of DeftructionanO . * luQ i !■♦ pecDitiow are faneb b v grace tb?ougb Cb^ift. Cb^d i0 ^"^ ^^ ''^ fbetneii ctten at tbc firK enteraunce,tbat tX^t titiu auti)ourof lvautbouroftbtsfaluationanDpKreruatton,i8 tbc^nngell idUtatton. tbat commetb >}p from tbe r^fing of tbd j^unne: to tottt, tbe iloiD Cb2ift,tbat funne of rigbteoufnes, rifingb^ inf^rbictie dmicb?iKian barcknes,to tbofe tbat fecKei&oby«itVinl^c^ tiingtbetnbpcbafingatiDa^tbeDarcknesi ;ifoz Cbiifft0 tbe true ligbtofallttines,ligbtningaH,(o manp as be iUumtneDi aifo be gccuctb bis people pzcacbers to fence i5obs people "' ^ t0Vtb bts vc oiDe, f as tbep mix^ not be oeUropcD \»ptb tbat common beRmcfion. t £)f f fcaic f^"^ *f "S DiUgeittl^ eFp?ea"cD,tbat tbis angcll bab a feale^ of tbe \^ «infi tbat not a fealccmclv-, but tbe (eale of 0oD , ano euen of npns .^ toe vpon the Apocalipfc. loo chap,'?, toe ^atic fn tl)ii5 tooiln . isiit bv a figure t^c fpicttc of i50& is tecmcD fo, b^ to^om ^c infpicctl) bts faycbfull Ceruaiuits,AnD bptt)Ijomalfo^cgeuetl)tl)cmUucIvfapt^, tijzougl? f too^ne of t!)c letting auD cternaU i3oD.2;i)i6 fcalc tbcrfojc,tipis fcale of tbe liupng i5oD (31 rav)is iSoDs qwicbcningujoiD,t^e fpi^s rite of Ipfc, auD Ivueiv favtl). i^ercottljc apoftlc i3aute fpca^. ^ l ltctbt^uc;»?cairoDoe bdcciicin Cbzift bpM^canng of ti)c ^ * toojDc of tructb,tDbtcb io t^c glaD t\?Dinges of pour faluatiOy toljereinalfo after pc bclccucD, vou tocrc fealeo toitb.t^e ^ol^ *^ >^ ' '"- Cpiritc of piomifc. 3r^cfctI)V«Scsarcnotfcta(unDci;. ifo^ favt^isnottuitbottttbetpozDe., noibotb tbofe txittbout tbc botv gbott in tbc favrbfull. ;ifoz CbJi^^calctb toitbmen b^ latofuUmiOcrics , infpicmg fonic mmbpmcn, foastbep- ttaxi^ anD aDmomflic men, but be bimfclfe gceuctb tbcm faitb au& biB fpinte, tobtcb is tbe infealpng of tbeirinvnDsXb^tfl tbeccfo?eDoetbp;obibitctbeimtti(lcrsof^atban, tbat ^v^ {^oulb not pioceeDe to burt men bp ceftravnmg ano letting tbeftxepzeacbingof{5oD6U)oide, befoze tbe mynDesottbc. cbofen be feaieo ; tbat is to fap, botofoeuer tbe tiuetb is cc- ftmneD^auOtbepzeacbtng of tbe iSoCjpeU oefaceb : Yttt\9t mpnues of ntanp Cball IJo brfumifl^D tottb iSoos too;D, anii tQitb goblp inipiration: ano tb^ fame (bait To Ipue v ano be fa cffectualltmbem vQS no (eottcing can bane place tutbem, 0^ tftbe^^oueanv at all, yet can tt not abioe o^ peifeuerta tbcfn&e* 2rbcce be alfo tvoo otbcc places of tbc rcciptutre, teftitvingr i^ovo «>» t^atfignets tt)ere geucnto mcn^vobetvuitb tbep toere fcaleo, aunctcntctf «ntt c)temptettoj Deliuccetr from tbc piefcnteupll: neitber bei" ^P'mw ^vi repugnamu to tbis one fcale of tbc liuing 0ob.3ln ftpi^ g^ ?»^* »5.ii,tb« pofles Qz Do;e cbccl^cs of tbc 31ftaelit^0 voeuc-l^jiiiii »f3'«»* Sleo \3)ttb tbc blouD of tbc lambe. 2:bc figne of it felfe (^oulD banc pjenapleo notbing,\}nlcfrc tbe t)ert«c of i5oB tobtcboja lepncD and confecratcD tbe figne tortb bis taozoe^aDtunico r^ Woap tbc angell tbat Dcftuoveo . /j^eptbei: /iwnit tbc fignc ^<» to)itboutfavtb,as oft as it toas tfco bp tbc bolp men of ©oo* ' ^'^ foi tbe goDlv ccceine not tbc ojoinatmces of iBoD toptbout . .'* fcptb.irbcrfozctbefamcpoU3ccofCb?iflp?cferucotbe3lCra^ , '?: elites from ncff mction,tobicb noU) fecepcib tbe faptbful ftom tbe infection of amicbzift. 31n tbe 9. ofEzechiei, one fealetb tbe fozebwDcs of tbc favtbfull,in tbc lifecneOc of a fc ribc an& apjictt.xaccelveb^tftbatbatatttpmes DcfenDcr) bis . ^na |)e fcalttb bp imprinting 0? tozpting tbis ntati^e oj letter 7^-«» S^^at matitoiistufpab7'«r«£9t^ ts to fap, a latvc, oa Direct Cba^.-j. Thexxxv.Scrmon tiono^tule. ;^o^b)l)oroetter^atl}ti)eIdtDeof0oii, tt^etno^ of i5oD, and title of favtl) msraucn tijjongijlp in l^iB l^att, \ft 10 (are ann fuce from all eutll . %\^t attncienrs in oio time cats ieot^ctierparttdeoofourfapt^ , tlje tnle of favtl> anoonr oircction, i belecue in God &c. yt fce tbcrefoje^otD alltl^oGe Ctgncs come all to one point, ^o; t^cv be (ateano (ure from ' ' ^ eui1l,t»^omet^e (pirite ofi5oobat^in(ptreoanotlI»mincii tovtl) fapt^ b? bis too^tie. %\im mttcb of tbe (eale* «>!)o be fea^ ^j^otD let t)0 ^o confiber.tobo tbep are tbat be fea!eb« xot ^* rean in Ezcchiei : paOt tbjongb tbe citie of Jjeculaiem, ano maebc Tau in tbe fo^bcaoes of tbe men tbat mom^e ano ia« mentfb;alltbeabbomination80oneinr()e miooes tbereof,. ^nb bete it is fa?be,tiil toe (eale tbe (ecnanntes of one f&ob* ITberefb^ctbefcmanntes of i3ob, anotbe? tbat are fo;pfo) abbominable tincbeDnes, are fealeo,tbe contemners of iE>od are ouerpaflco as bogges ano oogges. 3ln&bat. intisQ^etoeo mo;eouer on tubat part of tbem tbe? be fea« ^nofti)e« leD-sintimepafttbeblouD oftbeHambetDasannotntefe oti v^vf \>t iw s j^ J ^Qjg pottes. 31n Ezechiel Tmu is marbeo in tbeir fojbeaos* l^erealfois impzinteb tbe fcale of tbe lining i5oD in tbe fio;e« beans of tbe fa^tbfulL 2:b(fo;ebeaD peloctb arefemblaunce of tbem^noe tbe cbtefeftano mod e^eUent part in ma • %\^t fpiric ano faptb are pnt into tbe mpnoes of tbetaitbfttll* ^xa nertbeleOi^ tbe marbe is aptl? fi)^D to tbe fo^ebeao, not to tbe btnoer part of tbe beati,to tbe baclte,o^ to tbe QjoulDers. ;|po) tbev tbat be ligbteo lo vtb t^t too^D ano (pirtt,ano bane fattb, ooeconfelTe tbe fame, tottbom oiaembling: anbmncblefle are afbameb, but oeCire tbat tbeir glozv (tbatts,tbepj; fav(b) mi^gbt be Itnowen of all. xot toia)e commdlv tbat bnr aotaa »^ 'Uti^ bleft Dotnges fboulb be tootitten in onr fozebeaoes , tbat is to ia?,(^onlobemaDemanifcft, as toberebf toe ne^tberbea^ ^ameo,no} f o;(ccbinfte t)0. ^%m^t» 3Rf toe appl? tbefe tb?nges to fncb as toere oone in old of fncb M tvme^anb as are none noto alfo at tbis Dap:tbep toill b^i^ng ai are feaieft great Itgbt to tbem.2rbere toere founoe gooo men . fa^tbluU ^*S *i ***^ fearing «5oo,moHmpng 02 foirotopng, ano fernannteg uL?Ss^ of 000 . i2lnD tbere be fonnoe at tbis bav alCo , in tbe miODes uwg fiifw. ^^ 0Qabometrie ano |dapiftrie,tt)bicb e]cp;effelp cdoemnc and banc conbemneD tbat ^noe of Ipfe : openlp confeDT^ng , tbat tbe fame IS nottbetrne toapoflpfe,anb tbat tbere is not a vmt tntdteo Itpnoe of men Im^ng^ tban be tbeir |dj;icftes , Co as tbei? can not/inoc m tbeiri^rtes to petD,cojnmttteD t\itm (einesanbtt^eir (alnation to tt)cm,butTat|^r to tbem feluc4 vp^ntlieApocallpfc. loi C/jjf.^, tyW^to «E>oDBmcccv». attDot^iccfomc tol)tc^l)anc fpcnta great part- offline lvfc(of a gooii |ca!c, uoubtlfs , but nofacs cojDpitg to !sno;3lcDgt)m tSofc tctflcs $ fupcrairions, \»bcii t\)c^ ace come to tlje ttta of t^cir ltfc,ocfpifcall tbat baggagf? ym atiD freely pjofeffing tljc trtitti, coDciunc all tijofc trificB, anD coimnittijeinfcJucs t»!)o'v to t^e COiidum fv^v't??,c(tc- mpngnot^jvng tnojc c)ccc!Icnt oz fare , tban tl)c nilc of favt^ to^icMIfo tbep cottct to ftear^ rccitco to tbtm as a true con- fcffion,auDOyemtbc fame, ailtbefcljattjibeniccc^ ofi^oa fcalca \3)\t\) tl)c icalc of tl)c liiivng £5oo , aito ocliitcrct^ tl^cm from all ilttttci^uflian auo Dcttilia) tnfecttott^co^cuptionjdnd ieftruction> tbzougb 3iefu5 Cbiift our ao?D. * ycA ano led voe fljoulD gather in cuecy age ontl^ Ijere one ^ ^^ annt^reonctljc 2.610 ^vnifclfc now mafectlj^crc a great numbJare accompt.ano firft of tlje 3letoc6 bp c uerp tribe , be gatbcretb fauco eum t\3oelue t^oufano ,anD after bprnuItipUcatton, an bunozetb mti^e^ms,^ (onrtie ann fburc tboufano : anD of tbe i5cntils a multituoe i>o'"c of innumerable . ipberfoic in euerp tpmc ano age innumerable ^^^^W^- obteine falnation : boto mncb focucr crrour, fcoucvng, ^ oc* ftciictiS reignc ano rule in tbe xooilu. Wl)tk tbmgcs Do big^=s If commenoe i5oos mercv>ano comfort t)6 cjrcecDinglp*^nii tobtre Come do gatber bereof , t^at tbere Qjall be vet tn ttys tDOzlD befoie tbe tuDgetnet a ^aturntcall ox golDen age,\])bcr in tbefe tbpnges (l^all be fulftUeD:anD tbat all men Q)all come to tbe It^ngDome of i5od: it alluDetb ouer mucb to tbe groGTe ertour of tbe iSQfllcnarics , tcibtc^ is alreao? cppnlfeD out of tbe ai^uvclf of iSoD.^befe tbtuges vocre fulfilleo tn olo ttme> anb are at tbis Da? , ano Cl)albe fulfilleo lt^e\»tre , fb long as t^ \»02D Qjalf tnDure.STbc ^i>ngDome of ^atban ano of 4n2> tic^jift (l)all continue altoaves to tbe lad mDgcment,anD (ijal ftill impugne t^t ^ngoome of CbMtt , ano feme euen to op^ p^efTe tbe fame nnucbieflt tben ougbt tbcvtop^omtfe tefa great fccaritte.iooben tlje fonne of man ft)all come ( faptb tl)c fonne of m§ bpm fclfe tn tbe i5ofpell) tbmtte von tbat be f^at finoe favtb t)pon eartbi^no agavnm (1)311 be as tn tbe Daves of jiioe ano Hotb . 2r^e tooioes of tbe iSofpell are bnoujen, ahofobe atfo tbe vdo^dcs oftl^e bleOeo ^potties ideter anii; jaattle.2,}aet.3.i.s:bcff.4- ' ©ttt fncb as hfee not tbts oweirpofition ojt rnvnte , tj?ge ^p f fra? bjieflv^tbat tbe pjomifcs of tbe jajopbetes fo? tbe refto^ing of »s rcufowBp afracU arc not vetfiilfillcD:bnt tbat arcozDvng to tbe trutb or J^ ^^^ J^;i=» tljcttcrnall i5oD,tbcv are as vet to be fulfilleo. J^b^V fnppofc S"-^** tiecfoje i tcaanDconteuDcalfo , tbat tbere mnft a certaine oj '^ Chaf.j, The XXXV. Sermon p^fijECb t^ttc remapne,vul)ccem all ti^cre t^?ngc0 w.x^ be m# C.)amCfuUp CCCC toit^ Papias,Iunine,Ireney,Tcrculljan,anU lac- cance:,anD \2}itt) t^ofc tl^at arc callcD d^tHcitacics , ^juIcCTc toe tuDgc I?crc \)p2ts!)tip . 31 bcicuc t'aerfo^c tbat tbe Cime refto^ tvng,\:Dbcrcbfc!7C}dzopI)ctec rpeate^nmfl bedcutDcDtmo t$icc tpinc&tfo 00 t^c fira t^mc is anD ft)C4ilD be called btftoas rtcaU,aud cjttcndctb from ^vng Cpius to tbc gtcat )dompc?, tbc tobicb tpmc i^jcas , ^cljettuaB , anD tbc 4utt)om: of tbe booUc oftt?ci3QacbabcrB DcfcrtbcauD tcac^cto be fuifttlet>: %\^t rrconDQ)oulDbcgvn attbecomm^naof ouc^au'outr, and pioccetic tJttto i^nttcb^ift^attb to bis DclrovtngytDbtcb tt| DccDc tbe apodlcB anD j^itaugettQes b^ne moS oiiigrntl^ ficfct;tbcD,ani^ U)bcctu tbep teHiftc tnanp tbpngs to be accottu plt(bs{^«^t)D tbat t\)i x\yfiXi time tboulb begvn trom tbe i5oC^ peil rcdojeo , anD t^e lad tuDgemcnt , auD contmiie foi encc^ tnoK*«^btcb ccQimttou tjcrelp fcmctb to be of aiUtbccmoO perfite anD complete, \xii)er in 0oD ujill geue \)nto man mod IftUp^u^bat tbvng^s Cocucr bebatbptomifrD bv tl^e moutbes £f bis i^iopbetcs anD ^podlcB . i^ereof batb ^. ^eter moQ utanifcdl^ maoe mention in tbe^cteat^e.s.cbAUter, faving: Bcaucn muS bolD £b;ta, ^ntill tbe t^me tbat all tbvnsed be i;e0OKt>?^bii^b i5oD batb fpoken bv tbe inoutbofaU bid bolf id^opbctes Cince tbe t)0}iD began. ^nD tbe iLo;D b^in ficift tn tbe fdoCpeli.fpea&ing of tbe laft iuDgement, favD;iift tp i^ouc jliieaDcs becaule vour ecDcmption D;a\i)etb nere. jgD; bappelp tne map on tbts Ujifc Dcmbc tbis matter per^ dDnetitHce mo^ plapulyube refto^png of Sjfraell, ojof ail tbf favtb^U,i6 berelv m\^tt co^pozall) o^ rptnntall . 2rbe cb^o^ raitmav be calleD bp(to;tcaU,anD uiaBperfo^meD bp Cf ;iu0, ^o^babel,3lebofua,iS|ras^ij^ebemia5 anD tbe iSQacbabece: iSlnD tberp{rttuall is fi4lftlleD . c^ is pet to beaccoiupliCbcbW tpe cdmpng of tlje bolcfome o^t^m one ILozd 3icfu5 Cb^iul. lElnD tbe commyng of tbe ILozd is of ttoo foitcs : tbe fit:(l ttl^ ^eoe IS ixn tbe fIrQ) ^ in ti)e \x>l)icb use belcne manp tbpnges^ 10 baue bene fulfilleD by £^zi(i, accojDpng as tl^e iSLpuaies. lieat;eU)itncae:anDin tbe lattee be Cl)aUcoiucagapue from, l^eaucn Vsnto iuDgemet.Hln tbat commpng be Oball mod fuU- ..•f ; ^ ' ^^ accomplifb , fucD ttjpnges as^ \ot lee as vet Toupccfojii-eD;' ' * " »nD DoubtleiTc all our ^opc is bereunto icfcrrcD , ano com^j fozteD bp tl)ts commpug . ^^oCe ti^puges t^at arc ipol;eiz4% . . tbe ilpofile m tl)e . I ^ . to tbe irlonjaniiB couccinpng i\)ttonk' -^ liirlion of t^e 3icUies,ace f(4ft>IeD ^m\i alp^D^, ano pat ti^ rpdn the Apocaliprc. loz chaf.7, •rcftttfilleft &«vJp SHD njal! be fulfillcj) ^crr after. /i^ctt) Vue cciutnc to t^c fcttpng foul) of tljc qceat nitmbcr ^""P 8f tt)tmtjjatfl)aHjerauer>a^areAtccaD^faticD frotfje miUDcs ^^^S!^*^ of t^c femgionic of anttclj2i(t.^.31o^n DcuiDfrJj t6c femucr- f : f4S^^ falmcofnvanfev«lintto11ctocoantil5£ntiiC0.iDftl3c3iCtocs ai'c rccoiitptcD an feimojct^ ano fourtpatiD foiirc tl)onfanD» io^creasi tljetnOcs offSp^iaim anu are not fet Dotone b*^ «amc,t^c aitncient txintccB ti)mhe it \»as Done fot funDip taij fcs . 23ttt3f1 amfimplv of opinion , t^at tijc tribe of i2pti?ain? IS compjeijenDcu \)nacr tl}e tribe of 3Iofcpb . 2lnD icuic 10 fct Do\»ncbere,\Dbcrca6 in all otbcr rcbearfals it is commonly left our.S>an lifectoife is left out bcre:but pet fo:! ail t^at be t» tteuer tl>e inoze (liot out from <5oDs people , no nio;e x\^tiXi tbc Heuites (l)oulDnot beoftbe munber of iDoDs people, tbougb tbcp tocrc not rccUoncbin tbismufter . Sifter one tUDgemet, of a tbonfiD 3lctucs tbere rccmctb fcarfciv one 0? Cto'lKs(aucD.i3nt fo2 afmucb as bp tbe teUinionp of our ^a* iitour bitnfef f;ro great a number is fauenuruiy \i :^ to be ga- tberet) b^ tbtsnumber cerceinc ^ tbat an infinite muItituDe of tbisMnec^eb pecpie be (aueb.^nb tbev arc notfaucD bv tbc 2la\]^^0} b? Circumcifion^o; bv tbeir Damnable Qubbumeffe: butbp f?§race bf gob \Vi £bn(t tbeir C9ge{rias,^bc onelp rebe^ tntr,tcnealeDto tbem of 000 mcrcpfuUp , anb of tbcm recet* iteD fa]?tbftill? . f^% if tbe tbefe on tbe crofTe migbt be faueb, tDben'bc t»as m a maner at tbe %ccp point of beatb : tobae fiiatiiet.itmnmerable jHetoestq be faucb b? tbe fame meaner 1S>VA 3n VDil not bere Determine f maner bo\»:/i^eitber toil % Alfo bp tbis meane ma^e fruftrate t{)e minifterie of tbe voo^n. dno $>acramentc6.^euertbeleffe3l fenoto tbe tbpngesto br true,tbat bere are fpc»tten:anD tbe maner is fenotucn to i5oD, ttcitber is tbere an? tbviwjtBttb biw tmpoCrible.anD bercun* toferuetbtbe ^ tbe domains. '^ou toiU fai^itbis Doctrine \uiU make men to neglect tbctr Hf tf^ecnat- etonc fa!wan5:conftDering bo\» tbere be foine alreaop, tob»cb ^^ 5ooD,aa toiHCip : If tbe cnD be toclt , tbcnisall tuell. as tbougb tbcp s^^ fi)oulD bane faiD,boto foeiier tbou liueft in tbis tootlD^D^oto- iieD \x{ pleafurcs auD btouD , anb gcuen to glmtotiv :, beleuc onclp at tbeUft enue of tb? I^fe.and tbou fl^alt be (aneD» S>oubtle6 31 am not iguo^aunt b&tu tbere be manp t)ntlcane ^ogges anD ftltbv Cu?yne , abufvng tbe vooiD of trutb auD tbc eonfolation of rye i5otpcIl:but fl)aU tbe abiife of \»tcfecD mtu laneatoap tbc trutb fromV^s^XberbilDKu cf i5oD ti?btr^ lttio\)) t|)ac ti^e is none ot^er p$optciatton 01 iatiftactton fo^ l^,iiij,, fumes,. Ckif.f* The XXXV. Sermon fmut0,bHC tbe oblation of Cb;t(t,ccare not tbccfo;e to rcnct» x^zic Ivfc oavlp bv ccpentauucc. m^t soM^ STbud att^ougb tbc sodlp ooubt notbtng , bnt tbat tnnu^ Abufe not tuerablc at ti^e laO cnoe of r^eir itfe arc conucrteo ano faucd fo th£*S? ^^ '^^ ^o;o: vet Doe tljc? not aDufc tljic mere? of iBoD to tbe tieoi a£ J^bertic of t^c flcfljc,biit ace affravcD. ;jf o; t^crc be otbec pU- mncL ^es Diuers, t3}^icb ectcpne tbcin tn oiDcr and butte . ^0| tbe ILo^D (aptb: tbou art maoe boIc,goe ano (innc no ino^e, lead fomemojfCttbvnsbappen^mo tbee. 3l|tem ,let ts doc gooD tubtted U)e baue tvme: tbe tvme U}tU come toben looe can not jtoo^be.srbe parable of ten \)irstn5 Declarctb tinto t)s f fame. aifo tftbeiufta)all^nnetbbe faucD, \]?berea)alltbe ftnnec «nD tsicbcD appeared iBQoieoucr, tempte not tbe S.o^D tb? i50D. ^auD inniimcrabU otbcrs of iv^e fozt . iSlnD \Dben tb( ig>amte0 &)aUbane all tbetr ivfe tvme DcmeancD tbemfelues blameleife in tbe rigbtcoufncs of i&oD : vet in tbe lad time of tbetrlvfetbev truftnottotbefame,but to^iSoDB-moi^^ercp tb^ougb Cb;id. 2rbcv remember altoavcs boto greeuona^ be U)a& rebulteD in tbe f^oIpeU, ficft in Deeoe be tbat enuve]> tb^gooD Incite of bvm tbat labourcD witb bvm in tbet)inr:> ^arDe,fo; tbat be bao recetucD as mucb usages fo^ conning into tbe \)inevarDe about tbe Intt bourc of tbe Dap, as b^ban receiucD tbat labourcD all oav lotig: i^no agavne,tbe tb^f^V^ fonne, fo^tbat bevuasfoiv tbat bis uiaaemil anDp^oDigali l);otber ti^as rccciucD agavne of bisfatbtr^anbafead toacf mabe bVtn^ anD fox bim tbat ti^as altoaves obeDient, $ tootte 'trmmt- pavncscontinualiv^nofucbtbvngujasptcpareD. raMe people 23ut be c5triaetb not t\^t i^entiles into anv cenatne mttn^ of aiiparw bet, but faptb boU) be fatoe a great multttuDe, tobicb«»t» nwii of fioo^rDc c0i,io tell; no mote tba tbev coulDctbc ftarrcs, (anDe,berbe0, awwueo. ojgraCfcboujmanvtbevtticreinnuber. J^efignifietbtbeta- fo;e,tbat in all tbe teoojlD^at ail times innun^erable are faneii bp Cbzift. !2lnD lead anv < ti^n inigbt tbinlte it (boulD p;euatle til binbcr bnn to faUiation, to be borne of tbts o? tbat nation, tribe Q% touge: $>.3iobn aODetb incDtincntlv, tbat tbcrc tocrc people of all tribes, nations $ tounges o^Dcvneo to Caluatid inDifferetlv. arbetfoie tbisDifftrcuce biuDcrctb faUuition no* tbVKg^bnt f CUen m Inde, itthiopia, Barbaiia, ^ ixi tljt fclttbcft part of Libia, Scythia, Tartaria.VCa (t in tbe ttteiltiOQ CUDCS Cf tbe U50?lo,tJ)ei*c be fomc \»b:cb are faiicD Up y grace of Cb?ift» fCbc fai?tb= ^no bccaufc le batij mucb coubtfulncs ro icafon of tbings fuumijcas to come, ^.3lobn fpeaUetboftbcm \itxz c)cp?circlv, not as n^mojcc. t^oiigbii^etViucofti^eirbemgfaweauicrcvftto come, \^nt as vpponthcApocalipfe. 103 chaf.fT> ae t^ouct^ tl)c^ ijan mmtn raluattS alceabp,^ isjere already in l)tdue: \)crd^ to t^e intec \DC Q^ouiD not Doubt of tl)etr (au nattd. SLnn alfo he a)aDo\set^ tl^e inancr of tljctt: Qriuatton 0% '^ ^ blifle cncclafting. 2ri}ts trcattf: cofutct^ tl^ofe U)I)tc|i (uppofe t^e Cbules to accpc,$ not to i^auc tl^c frmtton of t^c i5oo6eaD before t^c tuDgnnet^no; to be as pet m bcaue. ;f tcft he faptb, boto tbcv SanD before the 2rbxone, 9 in tbe f igbt off Hambe. • r^. jpo^ tbe ficS felictttc in tbe blcffcb life, is to fee f5oD as be ts,^ 10 ittiov b!« Sto^ be ^it^ <^*)Mtt i« 5to?p,3lob.i7.i.3lob.j* I9bitc ftoles ace tbe gacmets of ttimnpbant 9 cleane pet:(58: ^s betreaftrr (l)atl be oedaceb mo;e at large, anb batb beene ttotcb once oi t^ife befo;e. 3t betolicnetb y tbe bleffcD foults aeebeciteDtDitbttgbt-9^c. ano tbe idalme atfoisatolten of taictotp. Phnie tceatetbtttucb of tbe palme in tbe 4. cbapt. of cb< P^^ tbe i^boolse. ail men w^ite tbat tbe idalme tvas tl}t mod amtcientbabgeofaconquerour. »?bp tbe men ofoloet^mc cbofc cbiefelp tbis tree to tbe fa^o pucpofe, ^«/«i GeH/tti Qjeto^ ' ' ctbtbecaufeintbcu.cbapt.oCbiss.boofecof ma, An. jjjzv^' ctngfaluatton,bealtb>ti3eifarc,bappines anb fclici^ faiuatton, tie iic afcribeo timo bitn. fQ\ fo ja)TMf /& is ratbcr , as alfo e. f afmas bstb uoteb.^o? tbtv tneaue not tbat 0ob is bleCTeD in i^nifelfe^buttbatbe ^atb commuuicateb bis toelfare ))ntQ tbem,anbfiuebtbem. 5!>f tbe arbione 01 fcate of0oD ttjas fpofcmbe&?eintbe4.cbapr. i3oDtbc fatber brmfelfc fittetb on tbe fcate. 3lti6tberfo?eapbiafeof fpcacb,tobtcb batbtbps fence: toe o\»e tbis our falnation auD blelTeDucs to our i3oD, tobicb fittetb i» bis 2trbione. ;s ^ aga^ue tbe communicate tbis faluatton to tbe lambea!- fctbatis to CbJitt. 5Pot fSoD b? b^s ^rjcct^tDug?) Ci^ttft fas' , . uerb tbe bcleeucrs. 2lnb tirbecc as £bit(! is ealletj tbclainbc, tbe tobclc mifteric of tbe ittcarnatibnanD rednnpttbn is re^ membjco in tl^ toojb iawbe,t^ac bctngw oeebc cecontildi' i3,\?, ta Ephc.i. «re confii== j;!t',?f' e^fct.t. 01 .Th Cotmesrof sr^erfoie tljr^^imcB m j^a^ ttfitf^unD 9\xt fiu^i'c alreao? fancD, anD dtdcltttis in ^rauctif am- feflifie, anti in tcflif^iug teac^, tbat tf)e^ be iuftifveo ^ fai ttco.not bp 0Sa^omctrir,Gii idopccie, oz au^ otl^ec obferuaui pes,init by tbe mere grace of fDoDmC^ziS. ; A , Bccebv acefOttfiiteD tvuo opinions, cigbt bwrtfuU to tb^ tobotewozlD.Sbcficatocnctb, tbat tbc idapt&tsbe Gaued toitbcicfiinpiicitie, ai«r feuece Difcipltttr, J'o? beranft (fe^ tbev) tbtv Hnoto no better tbings: ano tbe txioibiS tbat cbe? 2ioc>i;be^ZKoetbcmofagooD intent, tberefoiie are tbev fdiieU b^xbefame.srbatismoOtnvneam) moS tingo&lp » arbep aooe^ tttiiifle vue Ujouloe luogc tbits, Doubtles tbere Q^oulfic not one of tbe idapiOeo hefaueu, Certatnelp3i fav ptapuctfi tbat no tnanis fmtcii bp iaaptftrie, no tnojittban bp i9^ab04 mctrie, ^o^^itiscaileDibeiODapofperoitioncuen b^ ^.m" ter bpmfeife. i^o\x)beit 51 tbinbe not tberfo^e^bat no man of tbe number of idaptftee to raiteD * 15ut 3} beleette tbat vmu |MerabieanD tbe tobole^cnptiire, Vobofoeuerconteniie tbat eucep man 10 (aue^ bp bps otpne felisHon, jii^teptbet' can 3] tell, tobetbcr anp otber tbpng (a lpi^rtruU,eaiibeimagineD.2i;bcrfo^elet%s boloe tbat tbpngv WbicbaU tbe faints tu beanen banc tangbt ^9: namelp,tbac Oiluation t3 of 00^ tbzougb Cb;ta. iHnti leaft anp tbpngmpgbt toante , tobtcb belongetb to a fureanDcertapnetc(timonp:!^lltbe iStigelem beatten cons> firme tbefe tbpngeB^ano ^to teacb ))5 bp tbeir ejpample,U)bat tpoe CbonlO Doe.lrocp ftngtogetber amem wberbp tbcp aliei rcIitac,tbatiaiuatiQ ts of onclp grace tbltougb Cb^ift. s^gaine tbcp fall Do\X)ne, ano U}o^a)ipi5oD. ^ow mucb mo?e tbctt ougb^.We mo^tail men to^^eloe l^pm tbt& bi^ii^^rbpuioja fljipping •ib^cii^ inatlon of cicainple f tiWn^^m i ^nn bp (irtstna an ^tmtt^ tt^e^mtfy t)6 a fo^me of (crtiKis iSoo^-antifinaUpiif iuDgtjts rig^tiv tottcer^ nms 009: toot toe DtQjonoumottoc cceatoz, bpattnbHttns tj aiip crcatucc, oitp ct^y^g tf)ac belongct^ to iBod , but tbac tpDC aftctbe all tbpngceio i^od v^Ng . 37bc tao^Dce of tbpe l^^mneace expounded mti)e4>dti^^*cl)apt« To as 3r neette not ^f ce to tarcvc about tt)em . ir^p put bicflins foj, p;a^fe^ Cbc cefl of tbe \3jo10c6 ace plague. ano tiotD (ec^s ^^ b<; tausbt:^? fo matt? tc(ltmontc« # O^amplcs of ait ^atntes, let tj9 leanie to fo^fabe ail taptic 9s U)icftcd optmou5i$ to geuc all gloip to 0oo tbtougb Cb^tG; CO tobom be p^a^fc ano tban^es geutug. sStinctt, m i^tre idcrpouttbeb tubo t\)t^ be jflla^ are dojtbeti in ixibitii from tDtien(g»faiuation>>mt>^tebat w tbetntc fatefr The xxxVt. Sermon, ^^^ I A Nd one oFthc Elders aunrwcrcd , raying vnto mcV : what arethcfe whi?h arc araycd in long white gar*; nicntcs, and whence came they? And I fayde vnto him^ lord thou wbtcft.' Andliefayd vnto me: thefe are they which came out of great tribulation , and made theyr . garuientcs large, and madcthem'wMfein the bloud.of / ■ ■ theLambe: therefore arc tlicy in the preferice off^pj i; ' icatcofGod, and icruchyni day a4\d. night in h«tcmj» < ■ pic, and he that (ittctkin the (eate , will dwell among the^y. They lliall honker no more , neither thirft, ney*: riicr fhali the Sunne lyght on them, neyther any heatci^ Fbr the Lambe \^hidh is in the hitddei of the fcate,fliall ffecd^themVMrtfl <5h^Jf4?^<^^^^h?"^^o fountayncs of ly- VI ng W!ater;' ^^^$,6$ i^alt ^J^e ^viy ill tcares ftpia, ■ ^ . jHofefato tbc foitlc0of Sfl^ati^is ceftpug \mber tbc cfieocwc^ aultac^c,otterco mith \jj!)itc gacmcntc0 . ?^c fa\» alfo an infts on of ms ttitc multttuoe o^iill nauonoauo pcopIc.Diuco from t!)c 3loo f^pofitiotb latrie of tbe iE^entijlcs^anl^CupcrQuion of 2lmtcb?t(t, coi^cccD ^axpiti) t^u%Sf»tum^r!^i^^^ ^ Chaf'f fai TIic*xxvJ.S(?rilfioiriqv fi)ciflT1i^!fre^oSbcii tnto\)s>tDl)att!)e^ a^e\B|»ic^ Arc doir t^cotw w^ltc garmcnfcs , to^icnce rt)cvijaue x\m tobwcnw, purenes, $ faluatton^^uD fttiallv to^^t ts tl)c Sate o) feiuitic 0ft^c{r,o;t»l?ati6t(ictniebIc{rcDnes4 Cbc&cau= lopfjartpine ^ . sioijn ^an ft nc ttem, tic manicIcD tott^ottt 5nft rftTn^ alt iJou&t,Wl)at ttic? \»crc,ncucrtljcles ^c ic rcaD to Ijaue in* Sinatiboi- QUiWD notl)vng.®«t Of ^te otwnc accojue one of t^c . wsii^, pen bv an i£ii>crs,offcccti) l)v«i fcKe to I)^m as an tj^Dfitoun a^ fioubt^ ejcpofition ^^^t was an t^tetlcnt tcacbcc,a oatmrc^c auo puip^ct , $ dtutne. ftnallvamaffcccdcSiall, totoi^omtocma^tuOfpgeuectCd Dtt.^cce appearetb tl^e tgnoiatmce of mans tiottte . f^i tplte as t^ci£unuci)e of Aethiopain t^e.8.c^apt«of tl)c ^ctes otia^i podlcs acbnotoIcDgcti) ^ts igno;aunct , c]ccept anmterpje^ tour ano \hctc tcacl)cc twccc gcucn f>^m: Co at tljis pjcTent al^ (Q birOieD <&.3|ol)n \fivxit\U bcpng DcinaunbeD v ttt^etlja: be knttD tl)cm t^at u^crc apparellcD tn tobtte^cdfcfletb btB voant of Unotjolebgc : vet be afcnbctb to l^is tcacbcr ttje bnotolcbse tbctof,anbbv tbatmeane tb^ongbamoll bnmblcmoDcfitc tequtcctb afurtbcc Declaration . ;fmatlv bece appeatetb tl)C tnniraritrable goobneOeof i5ob,to^tct) taHct^m tianb xa trae^e tie tb^ ate tube anb t)ntDo;tl)p. "Sot ^aue man? tx&xha litesbettof ctfcr^to^eee in tl^e |d;upl)etes,anb m tl^^ol^ iSofpellofCb^tft* tc^M,* rt«n» ^^ ^ ^^ bcg^tttt^ttS ft wig^t toapcs ^c beclamft to ^i arc f Swtt 3l3^n"»anD to all tbe fait^full in tbc tDo;lb,\x)|)at tljefe ace tijat Wece thep ^^^ clot^tb in vo^tte:anb be e]cpounbett» toit^ all,fr5 U)^ence come cio= tOep came: if o^ ttfitl) one anb tt^e (ante auntoere l)e btQiat^ tbcD tn c^etti totb ttoo.i^e fa^t^ bzieft? -> tW tbe folbe tDljicb be cto« ^ttt. t^eb tbitb ^l)ite itf {^eanen, be tbe goblp people of all cvmeft anb ages, tD|Mict)e at tt»e length l^ane e(capeb(ex' r^g 0X(4e»$> mit of great tributatton * arctbnlation tsfbunbc to be funb^ip^ attb biuers . fQ% ficft tbere is a tribulation , w^icb commet5^ Ifi laving usavte anb perfecution of tvjauntes » sr^ts apper«^ teinet^ to (S)artp;s alone . xpbtrof t»e ^aue (poben in t^.^^ c^apt.sanb fo; aCmuc^ as in t^is too^lb tbep toere ouertol^el^' meb txiit^ cepjocbcs ^nfpcakcable^ifb: t^rtoo?bof !5ob , tbe^ |)aueiniinotbct:\x)o;lb recciucbtutjite gacmcntts^irbanifl^' tbeccauotbwmfa«latjojn,ujbicb arifctb of t^e feare of i5ob> anb IB a race of obtcvning faluation. arijis is unffo? tbc \in* ttgbtcoufnes anb corruption of matti.3lt is Cozv fo|tl)egce»'' nous abbominations of amicb?ift.^nb tbcfe alfovalbcit xi^t^^ be not tnaoc 03artv;6 , vet are tbev in anotl^erlpfc clctbcDf ^m \JDbite . ^mallv fo rnanv as mo^ttfie x^tix fie^ t»ttb <4» con* vponihcApocalipfe. 105 Chdf^i^ ronettpiCcScefi ti)erof,|)atte ttibuUmonB attn ttotibles m tbetc fieCi) . %xs^ bccaufe t^ep mottme bete : m t^e t»o|l0 to coine tbev Q)an recciue comfo;t ano confolatton. slga^neieftanvman OioulD arcnbelpftanb (iilttattottco iPrSSob^ce 09actv^iiomea0tooucuio;tbc,andto rcpematmceas to one tsirftanb Defect : tbt Ho^D mo^couec nedaretb bp tbe i^lber cjcpjcOctv, ^ainotioii. ^om tubence tbat lyfc ano (aluatton piocecoetb^ano boto tbe (a^d tobttenes ana puretic cbauncetb tinto tos.ianD tbev baue tpaO^eo tbetr garmetttes, fa^tb be , ano maoe tbem tubite b^ tbe blono of tbe lambe.ilno bere is founoe a otuero ceao^s* Slno £';7Xarcvpngcs t^jat 0oD W^ p^eparcu foj t^cm tbat ' loue ^im,aee fttc^ as no epe ^at^ fene tto; eate ^carD . 0nti ^e reciter^ man^ tl^ngs,of tt)c \3)iiicl) ^etuill i^auc \)5 to gather t^e cjccellcncie of ctcrnalt faltiatton , ant) to^at goon tt^^nges toe obtcinc in tlje fame. :firft t^ ^aintes (tanbbcfoie t^»e2:^?one of jSou.Sintlje t^;onc is rbc bonoiabic inaieftie of 0oti anD tbeblcOTcD 2rrt^ nttie.^nD tbe ^atntes flantrbefoie t!)e fcate.not as tbcytbat ace toont to \xiai?t atfome gate: ^ti% as tbe moft tntier frfnca ot i&oD , tbe^ arc alU)avt& tn tl)e figbt ol i^oo , anl^ baMC tb4 fruition of bis i5oDbcaD.:2a>^croftt)e EoiD fpcabetb in ti^ j6ofpeU:p;a^ V^^^avtb be^tbat pe mavefcape tbefe tb^iiges^ RanD before tbe fonne of man . ^nb alfo PautD: tbc accom^ pli(l)mentofiovcs is in tbp figbt , anb pleafamuneCTe tnt^)^ rigbt banb fo^ ener. lanb t^ere is anncjccb an otber tb?ng , ta e^pounbe tt^c (apb ftanbpng;: tbe^ Cerue i5ob tn^ts Ji::£inple botl) bap $ ntgbt. %\^&x fcruice ^tb pleafuce '^ no papitcfUU en- Me0.!^nbtbevferuei5obintbctcmpte,asi5obtstDonttobc ^'' (erueb in t^e aremple . ^q% tbcv Icctpe ^olp bapes , tbev ar^ glab , reiovfe , be metv anb pclb pzayfc : anb fo tbcp offer ))p' Cacrifices , anb arc rcfrc(l)eb U)itb bcaucnip repafl . i^lnb tbis to? (l)aU be euerlaftvng anb perpcttiaU: tobici^ is rigntftcb \y^ bap anbnigbt.£)tberVDifein tbebliOe cuerlaavng t^cceifl^ iio nigl)t atall,no; anp c^aungeable courTe of tpmci^eretitu to 10 abbeb,cbat ^c tbat fittetb in t^e fcate, t^at is , t\it niuint ntaie(lie,.S^ Ip CbMft tl}C lambc , tljat is to fap,icijzift tl)c meDiatouc anD rcDemcc m toe miDDCB of t^e fcatc,tl)at isMv^ i3oo.;f o?(ao botl) «g jccIjicU.m , anD tl)c llo?D alfo bvm fclfe mtbc»n.of ^.3iobii. ii>itnc(rctl)>oi.uotv«:tOatifito fap , i^c cf)?fll fe» iDtfl fccDctbcm,ItUca aKpl)carD,atit) as a guiDcbe \jpiII leatie t^tti) And tbe to tijc foHtttamcs of liucl^ toatcculjat is to wittCy i)t toil! qwichiKtij, qnicken t\)cm fot tttcr.anD picfecuc all ^is itt tt)at fclinttc.Siti t^is tccattCc i)c Mkt\) ti)c ujoioes t^at be mod tfuali ano rpfe amog t\)t }d2opbetcs,to t^e cm tbat tve dimpns \)nto bigbec t^tnges^uugbt aftec fome (o;te efteme l^eauenlp gtftcs.i^ccC' unto be iovnctb vet a notable benefite : $ tl)e Eo^o tuill toppe all tearcs from tbcic evcc.:a?bicb toojDcs be batb bojrotoeD ofefav . ;Jfoitbe ^aintesbepng intbis toojlD tncmopIeD tDitb (unoiv eiitls , bane O^eo moK pient*;fuU tcares : but in tbe ujoilD to comc,tbe iLoio comfojtctb tbcm,glaDDpng tbem lunes tsl toitb ioy euerlaftyng , ncitbec geuvng tbem at anp tyme ang ^ occafton of gcicf.sanD tbccfoic be fapo m tbe iSofpcU , Mevclig ':':.!. 31 fav tonto vom^P^" fl)^Il ^e anb lament , but contratvtoifc tbe U)ozlD flMll t:eiovre:anD ye C^all mourne,but vouc mour^ n^tiQ ajatl be turneo into iope^i^nd vdnr bart Qjali reiopfc, ^ Vone iop {^all no man talte from von.i37e (l^all beare tbe Ipbc tbpngcs\)nto tbeCealfo tn.21.0f tbesapocaltpfe. $c. l^ccebp toe pcrccineiboto QjamefuUv tbev tcattfgcelTc, ZQumtljt tobtcbbaaeal\»apesmtbetrmontb,if3] fboulordtemnetbis cotemners picfent Ipfe foj religions rabe,tobo can tellme,U)bat is tl)c 0= f^^^P}^ tbec Ipfc to comei peraDuenture if 31 neglect tbis,in an otbec *^^ '^^' tDOttD 31 (l)all get notbing.^oz bere toe baue a mofl manifcft tcftimonv, tbat Ivfec as aOuceb faliwtion is pjcparcD of i3oli in beauen toi tbe raitbfull:fo ts it aifo mod ample ano great: info mucb tbat tbe ^poftle in an otber place faptb , tbe afflict tions of tbis tpme pzefent arc not cgalt , to tbe glo;p vxibic^ fbalbe reucalcD to l}s.^bc ILozD graunt t^s, tbat toe map ac^ bnotolebgc tbef e tbpngcs, € ^biiefi tbe.l)tt«^ea{e is opened^ anb tbe i3[uitgel0 tptf^ ' trop^ltf come fa^bjCbnft tbe tnterccCWur of bi9 cburtb ofifercf b bp before \)is fatber tbe p?at ers of bps faitbfulU The xxxyii.Sernion. ^0mA) Nd when he had opened the. vii . feale , there Jbccigbt S^\^ was filence in Heauen aboutthe fpaceof halfc buttnfpireDoftbebot? Sbod. STbcre be builDtngee mod (^Ifnllpbutlded of me, ami frameD ann contrineb in moft gooblp o^oer. 13ut tobat beauts tit U)tl vou tubge tbem to bane, m cafe pe compare tbem taotcb tbc creation of tbe tsoo^lbe, anb tooitb tbat mofi beantifuUo^ii (er,U)bicb taoe (ee bavl? in all tbings crcateb,^ in tbe cba&ge^ able courfe of tvmes, tbe mod excellent veojbes of men bane notbpngintbem :veatbei?fecmet)vle,incarepou compare 3reca(rint^tbemtDttbtbetDo;bcman(^VP of i3oDtbe creator. Bntfoi lattoik b^igbt o^ber anb playne treacife,tbi0 boobe of tbe lapocalipfe %m amonges otbers a moS notable,e]ccellenc anb voonber* fnll piavfe.^.3lobn b^tb (et botone a fiime of tbe matter^fig^ nifping tibat be tuonlb (pealtc of tbofe tbingce^tDbtcb Cl)onlbc be bone in tbe Cburcb from bis tpme))nttll tbeinogement, ob boetb tbis^o^permittetb tbat, ann tobV ^s P^obibitetb not tbefe o; tbofe tbinges: ^.3!obn batb ejBbibiteb to ))s a moft bolefbme Difion, bp tbe tnbicb ^^ map leame,not to talke agapnft i5od, noi to contenoe toitb bpm: but to acltno\Dlebge all bis inbgements to be rigbteous anb w&, :soW^ ti)png tiecelp bot^ aU t^e i^aintefi m |)cauen,aiift alfo vpon the Apocalipfe. lo 7 c/v/. S . A!fo t^emtselical! (ptntcs Doe ac^noUDleogc, ann attrtljureto i^oDallsloi^. ^nn tbus ijauing p^cpareD tt)c mvnDes of tits l^eaccrs, ^c cominctl) to t^ctljpng it tcIf,anD ucclacet^) tljt fa= tallDg(tcntc0oft^ciL^m-c^ . VXnutt tt^c tticalc^ctout^cc^ ScncraU^t^ccou'upttoncfDoctnnc, \3}^tci) Ctiuc tttsmo;e pcdlousanDmd2cpe(!tIcntt!)analloai(grrs ofmattB boop, 0? outtoartic periUcs, be reafonctb v^ t »no?e fullv tl)ccof: an& tto\3j paiticularlv tJnDci* tbe opcitmg of tlje tij. fcalc cccitctij, ^o\» farce tl)c fame llcctcbctb. ^0; Ijc Dcclarctb botomanv, $o\}} great, attD tolKtt manee of fcctes, bcrefies anD troubles fl)ail anfe tn tbecburcb^auo bow burtfttll t^ep aiali be to tbe cbuccb. 2lnb tbis place contepnetb an biHojp of corrupt Doc- trine, of bcwficB 02 fcctc6,auD troubles eiier fince tbe tpinc of ^.3{|obn))ntotbelaftiubgcment. 3|t is ejctenoeo tb;otigb^,ti.cbapt. jaeucrtbelelTc bcfo?e tbe tnimpcts comcfo;tb: foza confo:: 31 f^fou- latiott,as it Ujere.bp a little bifgrcDrion,berc is placcb a reine- tion cucn UV, tobicb t^c faitbfull in all ages nia^ ^fc in t^at pcftifcrous Cuangcivs coiruptiott, tobeepefafetbeirfottles, anD tl^e CounDncfi'e of caiu tbe fame. ^01 manp times in tbis booUe are b;ougbc in moQ ttrong confolations in matters of moU bifficultie. ^01 all tbe io.cbapt» goetb ^pon tbat grounoe. anb t^c remcDp t\)at be il)ctDCtb,is tbis: tbat \Joe muft flee t)nto Cbjtft tbe reoecincr, mterceffour,anD recoufiler of manfevn^c: t^at toe fl)al befafc Ijnbec bis Defence, auD tbat Xac mufl offer )ip our pjapcrs ca=? timiallv \jnto bim.auD \jerelv tbe ilozD in tbe ieofpetI,fpea- bingoftbe great Daungere tbat t})c H)eutU b^Dpzepareo fo^ tbe company of tbe apoGles, tobicb tuere teabv to figbt tp5 tbem: aDDctb bp anD by UJbcrtoitb to comfo?t tbeir fo^otufiill mpuDe6,faving: 3R baue p?aveD foi tbee peter, tbat tbv f^^Vtb mavnotfaile.^c. ©e^olDeuje are faucD in greatcaDiarcne, tbo?oto CbJiftcs protection, to tbe ence ^e a^oulD not faintc infaytb. j[&b\Mbcic,acco?Dmga6Cuerv t»bcre tbe iguan gel i^ call anD iapoOolicall ujjitings erbojt ^s, our cotinuall piav^ cr0,tDbicb wc offer to i5oD tbpn5bCb?ift,mu(i be iovuco to oiictruam CbJift . ^»D m fetiic tiito^Des tbe intcrcclTion of CbjittattbcrigbtbanDofiSoD, flwD tlje effect auDmancrcf i^c pzaver of ti)e faptbftill are bere fet fojtlj to bebolDe. ©ut toe voill Declare cuecv tbing in ozDer. xsunntt tbe fiptb' fcale,bc (pcafeetb m general of cojrupt Doctrine: iii tbe fcu^ii> be U)iU Declare tbe fame pacticularlp anD moft abouuDantlp^ a,:iD ttiljilcri tbcfeucrsc!) (caievnas opencD, tbecctuas utcnre tub^^tiieu aimoQ b^Ucon^oure. ot tbiBfileucct^eejcporu Chjt^S: TIiG.xxxvij. Sermon. tourstoutctinici:fdp.:5iitas3rirl)mKctl)c Ijcarcrc arccjccU tcD b^ tljis ftlcurcta aDiUgcutauD aitcntii;ci)Ctirv"5. ;f oifi^ lencc batl) an aQmicarion anu ar. cicpccration of matters moft vycvgbtie. Salomon favtJ? in tyc 9. of e-cclefiaft . tlje tooiDcc of tDiicmcn arc IjcarD t« filcncc . a?"i)cn ujevgbne matters Q)oulD be piocla*^mco anD fct fozti),tbc cc^cr is toont to pio-- cla\?iuc ftlcncc.anD tuDccuc rtjcp be matterc of great impbz^ taiiuce t'pat folloto : to^tcU ^jtilelTc \:oc obferuc U3u!) great at- tciuiiienes , \dc fl)aU pcriU) tljozougb fectcs ana reoiictions. STbofe rptrttual u^ic&coneacs be mo?c baungerous r^an co^a poialipcrib. anD noto \Ebvicil in filcncc tf>ef toa^te topt^ an aDtntrab tiott tDb'it ft) julD come , tbe lafl fcalc is opened , ano behold tbereappearc (euen ^ungcls as rrompcttcfts . j^f tl)efc toe a)aUfpcafeeaftertoacD. % T::n:xiic i^iovo is placcD ano fet foztb a rente b^ to be tafeen in fa a^apnrt nil great euils , as 31 fayo . 2:bc vobicb -, to t!je irtcnt ft migbt be li^nDCy of jj^Qjc i^iiclv , ano piinteD moae beepely in our beetles , is fct ' "^"Virm fo^f^tob^ f«^^"c ina\3crp gooDl^ "Sifion.Befoic tbe feate, t-3ubic5 ^"^ ^^^ ^^'^ con:paQeaimott of the fear c , appearett) a goiDcw ^ttltac . anil tberc coniuictb an ^ungcU anD Oanbetb at t\^\Q aultar : t'ge fame batb in bio bano a golDen ccrtfer , anb into tbis tbe §>ainte6 put tbeir offeringeB,be offcretb tbembefojc tl)efeate,anb tbe ftnaUc of t^e obours afcenbeti^ t)p from t^c \^dm of tbe aungell befoze i3oD. €h;ift is Tot fa'j?D in au orber plaee , tbat t^ golbcw aultac of iti^s x\)t g )iD:.i ccnfc \53a3 Cc^t S.01Q CbiiU bv'nt feffe , tobicb is botb Guitar, Siuiwf . (-KctScr^anD }aiie(l:as §).}3au1e toimeCTetb to fo be IS ralteD an aungell , to toitte, t^ fameof ttbom bot^ Malach . 3. ^fa^ maSctb mcntionm tbe ^.c^apt.anD alfo i!«jaIacbp,Cava iug : bebolb 31 fcnuem^neauugeli , tobicb Qjall prepare tbe tt>a?befoiemc,anbfoD3vnI?tbe Hozb Qjall come tjnto b?s temple.tobom you feebe fo^^ano Vt^t aungd of tbe couenaut, tobom voubcrire:bebolD be comftb>favtb tbe JLozb of bodes* ITbe fozmcr au»gci!,tb2t is to fav> tbe fozmer meOenger , oj Mark- 1 ^mbaOTiDouc , teas 31a^ ISaptift , vobicb pzcpareb tqe umi? foj tbe ilojD.l^Cto t2jitte:,fbc1atter aungcl, came immcbiats ly after tbe pze.Kbpng of jlobn , ano acconiplifljcD tbateucc* Wiat rt,,ifilaCl?hgeoucnaunt tjo tbe full. S^je fame note appearet^ on Djtii ntx\z ibc rigbt b^wn of f5ob in bcauen. m )t t)ino ^nb tU30 tbvngcs of ^im are tJttcreb . ;f irU , t^t^ (fobc of £t)e fa- bcfoic , oz in, 01 \)'^on tbe Guitar . yx^c may not bcre imagine ti;;f. auH boDelg tpvns^ but twc mufttgiuUc t^at bg t^ismanecof fpcas s vpon the Apocalipfe. io8 chafi.S/ fpca^itg IS fignificD tl)c laiicftljooDc of C^itl.l^c appear ml) a!\jjavc6tnt«?cn5l)t of ^is father, foi t)s:vts^.}aan!c ^atb taugqt tijc tt)c iaomapncs^anD ^ rUc jl^eb. Be plcaDct^ t^crfozc t\^t cafe of Ijis Cljiiccl) tietoie J335,ana iaaouorate foj thefa!tl)fnil.2r!)c fame inoicoucr ftar.Dctl) be- foic tl)c aultac, tijcfamcflanQctbiutbeimDaes ofrljc fratc* ^Fo; be is cocqwall \nvtb tbc father after tjis <5oDb?aD: accozs . a^ng to tbctubirbbc RauDctb m tbc fcatc:auD after bis \\u\u ' ^oobc be is of tbe fame fubftaacc tbat tuc be: accoiamg to tbc tobicb&tfpenfattonbcis reao as l5pfl)op anD ijcev man to Rant) befojc tbe aultac. iTbe tbpngtbat is to bcobferneb, is- tbis: tbat £b;ift bolDctb inb^s b^^no a goloen ccnfcc. fQi be ijatbtafecn awe loery natiitc tajytboiit fitmc, tbatbcmvgbt tnaUcintecccffionfo^tiSy anb offer tip our p]avei:s to i5od t^cfatber. anb to tbe intent t^at no man mvgl?t bcn'jt of bps recci- Cbns offe Bingofowcpi2avec6,anDof bisoifecvttgoftbem \3nt0 £5oD:Tetb jjpoim anb finally to tbc twxit alfo tbat tbc true office of tbe Cburcbr P^^^*'^^' tobicb offccetb top all tbpngs bp Cb^ift nugbt appeare : tbcic ts abbeb: to ty^m arc gctteu mariv ODoitrs. 23ut to tpbat enbi to p«t tbem tjpon tbc golDcn aiiltar, yea cncn before tbc fcat> as tbougb vou CgoulD fay^to bivng tbe into tbe ftgbt of i3oD. anDtoi a fartbec Declaration, leafttx»efl)onlDenot fenotu c^jctnie tbe true oDours wbicb pleafe i5oD^anD U)btcb tbe faitbful of- gdoursbe fer \into i6ob tbiaugb CbiiftionccujtvuiiebcabDctb, tbat ti)ep;iapcrff tbofe cboiirs be tbe piai?ciB of^aiutcs. i^na be meanetb by ef ^^w»tw ^aintes, not tbofe tbat didcU \\\ beauen, but as intX^t eartb, ■ tobicb arc fanctificD loptb tbcfpsntc of ouri3oD,U)ytb tbc bJouD of £b?«fti bp baptifme,favtb,an3J 0obs tuojD.Slob'j. anD tbe pzavers be inuocations^ano gciung of tbanUcs.anb Phil.4.» ^>e faptb ejcpicaclv of all ^amtes, leaft any a^jowlDfcare tbat. be ano bis piaycrs offcrcD bp Cbjift \xjerc ejccluoeb . 3]f tboii. |jclcc«e,tbouart bolPvatiD t\}^ pzapecaisoffSuDaccepteD, »>battbcpiaycrsof^amtesUe,itappcaretbmtbe JLo?De& piavcr,t33birb toe offer \)p to tbe fatbcr m tbc name ^ tuozDes of Cbzift: i^alloujca be tbv name, tby fe^ngbomv' come, ana. tbc rcfibiic:tobicb all fig^t agamft t^e fectcs ano corruptions oftruebisctrines. . ircneiis allcabgctbtbis place in/jje si.anb ;t.cbapf.of bpst 4.b3oSc. ano bp tbis mcanc be caUctb Euchanitia U)bicb la geeuing of tbaufeeg,tbe facrtfice of Cbziftians.;JFoz tbe main- tepncrs of papiflcic doc cozruut tbat placc.auD t3ttcr it Co , as. ti^ugi? itineaju t^at t^e piieil lljaiUo facnticc tlje reail boo?. cLtf.S, <^])Z fjttDUC OlU)C 05 Heb.15. t})z ccnfer Soul) fire f into tljc cart'g. ThexxxvIj.Scrmon of C^^Cfo.j9falme. iSluD in man^otbec places. 3ln t^e i4i.tbe ?&?op^et fayt^. jlct mv pja^er be carpco top as iucenfe in t^v fts^t^^ Icttbc liitpng top of mp Canoes bean e^ ucnpng facrifice . Pnmafius ocpounDvns t^is place, fa^D ^o\» ii:^ii(l is favo to baue talu:n of tbt p;apers of ^aiutes . ^o^ bvcauCc tbJoiigb biui tbc pjaycrs of allmap come fujectlpbn- to i5oD . li^ereof tbc ^poKle : by btm toe offer top aluiayes 9 (acrif ice of p^ayfe tonto i3oli , tt)at is to fay , tl^e feruice of cm; Ipppes confcOyng bis name. i^ereby is confuted tbc opinion of tbem, to^icb fnppofe t^at t^c ^aintes in ^eauen be t^e fpokefmen of tbc favtbfull, to commeoe tijeir piayers tonto J3oD,am> to malke t^^eirtoap open to 000 . ^01 tobat ncoe baue tbey to pzocure to tbem (clues otber intercedours 0; abuocatcs^tvl^at lacbe fino t^e? in clniUioiw^o may tbey p?eferre,oi compare \Bitl^ £Wf!tl Slurs tijbat fl)aU tue fay to tbis, tbat in t^ts p^efent place , tbe oDours are offerco top b^ tbe banu of tbe ^ungell i W\it ceie** ftiall Cannes \xizxt p^efent mitb t^e Hozoe , ano toere feene about tbe feate : but tobicb of tbem toobe tbe cenfer , anb z^l^ tbercb tbc players of tbe faytbf»H>!t offerco tbem tonto 0oD5 3(|t turncb Ozias oiAfanas tbcUviigto Difplcafurc , t^at ^c toobe in banb tbe ccnfer mynoyug to Gicrifice, auD to txttmt * tbe ptieffes office:tbc fame \soulD be tpozfe fo: t^e beaucnly u\»cUcrs,nay tbey Qjoulo not rcmaync m bcaue, in calc t^eg tooHc topon t^em tbc Otfice of tbe oncly I5yCl)op.^^c. ^ftcr tbis toe bcare tbat Cbiift filietb bys cenfer toitb fire ta^enfromtbc iauUar,auDca(!etb itootwuc uuotljc eactfi, }5y tbe tobicb narration be retuructb agapuc to fiuift) tbe oc^ pofitionof tbe trompcts . 2i;bis fire> is ti;c grace of tbc boly gboft . WY^t fame is put into tbc ccufer , taHtnfrom tbe auU tar , and fent Do\»nc into eart^ , ^qi ^v^il^ too^c t^c fulnes of vpontheApocaKpf^*' top Cha^.S, of t^c <^ictrc,a8 ^.3!ol)n Cl)c\Mct^ m t^e. i . antt .' j . ^Ijaptet: C^jitt is botl) tijc aultar ano x\)t ccnftr. ir^c firciS tfiSe l)cre firom of tt)c tanlrar . ^0% ti^ ^oi^ gl^oft , ts tbc fptrttc bot^ of tijc >F4tl>ec anD of c^c §>oime . :rpljom, laptb Oc, 3] toill fcnoe Vou from m^ fatljcc.l^vm l)c fcnt into canlj, ^nDcc rijc fljapg of fine toungues:i)ercnDct!)bV"t^i^<3 acttiis Dav into t^e ^ctcsofttjefa^t^fuIUtofettljcm onftrc.:2:^ts ist^cfamc fice,\ajt>icbt^c2.o?Dmtt)c0o(pcUofiLufecfavt^,f^atl)CU)iU mkc n; fcHDc mto tl)c cact0,anD tooirio t^at it fljoulD faucne, OSjozconcc tljc effect oft^tsfice foHotoet!) imnieBffatdpi 5Po? tijece toerc maDc t^uuDecvnSCS -> attD tjopccs, anolig^:^ iiVn5CS,anD cartijquafecs » 13 v f 5c tiovces of tljc fI5ofpclI t^e totJoimDcs of fmncrs arc ^caleD,anD tlje tjartee of men lig^teir 6? t!)c iHuminatio of tijc ^olv fptnte,(ec. ;a^f t^ic to^c^ things toe ftauc fpofeen alfo int^e.4.c^aptec,anb.24.i&ermon. t3pa? ^c pjcac^vnS of tl)e i5orpc!t(accojDpngas Hag<^eu5^aD pjo^ S^teD ti^at it {l)onlD come t6 patTe ) t^ec^ infucD a \}}unDcr^ x\\ commotion of all nation^, $c . ^at^an alfo \Ba0'ftpjccD* tolJotavfeD tjp \i\z miniftecs t^iougl) outride too?!D agapnCr t^t ^olcfomc pjcacl^vng of tt>c iSofptU . >f oj tijcre fpiattg tip , , . »fre0,\3u^M)m t^c mainteinecs of t^e tcnt^ refiCc?) anirfoug^t ^^'ii £ ;. |ga^ft t^em . «>^erof ^c \33iK tccatc anonc at iarge . Wl^t .^ in Si*' S.oitt'gette5ifa«c,t'pattljefct^>jugc«mavbotljb0fpottcti aiii " ioWh l^eacD ttiit^ ihticli fniite* • . /--; . /,i:o:i,^ ^^^^^ fTj^f f^e feaen aangeUc frsmpeffer^ ^ and of t^etrfrom^ : pette0:ano of t^e firlt.iiano.nt.trom^(t. The xxxl?iiLSermo}2. ■ '■■ .... . , ..,......,* .j.,*i A Nd the feuen Aungcis which had the tcvtcn-trora^ pettc$,prcparcd them felues to blow, The firll Aun- gell blew : And there was made haylc and frre , whichc weremyngled with bloud and they were caft into the car,th : and the thyrd part of trees wai biik'ni: j^Oii. ^^^ grecne grafle was brent»Ahd th'e;fecondAtin^eIr blew, and as it were a great Moucaine burny lig with fire was cart into the Sea , & the thtrd:f>^t of-thcSe^- turned to bloiKi:and the thyrd part of cpeatures which hadiyfe, ^ycd :and>hc thyrd part of SiyppG^-WeFc ^*?ft»oyed. And the thyrd Aungell blewe,am!H^^ fell ^i great Qjii*. ii*rcc i^rp€ from He^uf n,bumyng as it were a c^^flct, ai>d it. Jqli^into the thyrdp;irt of the Riucrj, andinto the fou- taifics of waters, andthc name of theStarrc is called VVbrmewoodc, and the th'yrd pare ok' the waters was tiitncd to Wormcwoodc .Arid rriany men dyed of the yf^|;^jj)eca^fyhsj.w^ejmadc bitter.' • ■ '■''-- \i^it)[ Hotb^tfi^ C^)iii^t^ hmblcu in eatt^ a bMgl^t and |)01^Cm^ (itc^'^Ki) i^eiXpoftk^ anD men i^iiodoUcaU^aue cacrv fooce mo;ean& mo^c tn{iAmcD.23ttc contracpv»t(e^a* tbanCpc^^ to ciumc\)t t^isi^olcfomc fire , anD not onelv to. ciMcnpranD marec t^ts Docrtne of faluation: irnt airo to abOi>^ i[$;^iranDouectol)eImeittuttt)i^c0.2r^e meane anOtnanq^ Icreot 10^ t^0 p^ct^t Dcrcribeti v v^a ano tninelp painted Q^f ^itonc oti?^(e^de^ burt^att^efiipt!)|uU bevngtbamei^ ^dl mMit^i end of t^t0 baoVi is , to pzcfcrue t\)C C^ur^ l^fe at^rbuh^ frd coicuptiotis^oz at Uft to txpav^ (|^<^^wl& ?^ rt ^ M^^^W^^y^^^ foi^^ !5l«nscl0 Hand in the figUit oij ftJJftftt Ac 0S jH?«-,lBnb^nifiet^ to DO fcnuce , and con^ifc&;jj r:;^«f ^ telhatm.dilisehcc'difemitoiff .^ernanwe^^ SS ^ teSMt^Wgehw^'fifeciiiw^^^ igoji. Rp^S^ fi^)^^A^P (d do (ci'utce , and to cjcecuteali tbcttcomu)^ .dcmcntcs.«?creadint^c.r. chapter of !Sob . sT^efotutee of iSllid.c^Ame^and &)de dofo^etbe S^ozd , and^^atban came^liai into tbc miDdes of t^cm. ^(le bleOco ^limscle are called tbc c'oilztieno; fonriesof i^od . srbcp cotneto Dofcrntce before i5od:i^atban pze^ifjpt^ tnamougcHil^cni , fozafmucb as l)e is alto tbc fcrwaunrof «50d , foj tbc qcecntton t>f tbofe tbpnges, t»btcb appcmvnc to.ti^eu^^atb aud4ndtgn«itionofi3od a:^ Sa^fft^etDicKed . SlfiefemmteBbeiSods fcruamttes^anD fobealttbe creatnccsofi&od.. iPo^be istbeE^o^d of ^wa baotbitbe i2oD of boCtcs:, tobo foi tbe faiuattonaud danina^ tiP9 ^f nKn> ^let^ all ^10 creatures toeUanD ri<{l)dv > eutr^ fine ^i;ifojdwi0 to ^10 nuucj andUiTpoIiticn* ifo? \}t Wtl}t\)t (eriucc pf ait^elclibc !2tnugel^:anD (0 tbc fcruicc of denils, as dciiils nr dtbc . 2lud foj afmiicb as tl^c nntnber of feiicn is tt)t numbet bf fiilitdj^cDmeming fn it felfc all rimee(fo;4bct» be Teutn da^ts of ceirxttdmmbTcO , and tbrre be fcne tob^lds stages ) cetteincip^be appeao^ng of ^e feucn i^ngefs be^ Cq^c i3od^t8 to betQl(eGiaUiC$cil^a(f IW r^ii ,'Qi).4ii^^i<(d^^ tp.tDceWdi)ff^M%u ,ovn''J ilv ir::.A Li/ri3 ;:^-.-. vponthtApdcair^Hf/ no cha^J^ ' fQi to tijcfc fciif n aiingplB'nrcg'cnchff ttcntrb^^ t^caiingcicaircaovljaD t^t tronipcts > mitJ pjcpatcn r^tiu Itintz to tjlotu t^c oiifct: Tx^ljcrc cljtcfl^ t^c ^fc of troniy cfff ff iTj,e tfe of IB to be fcarcljcZ) foi . 2:l)trfamcismof!pIcHtvfnIlv DcrrrUjcu ticinpctfi, of 09ofcB,m t^c. /^iim'ucrc, 2:i)c tjfc ot trompcts tuacr liinei-3,ac it :s a!fo at tbis Dap.ifirfl b^ t^cfoimric of t^c troi: pctt!)c people DfJRfracIltDcrccaUcti rogcr!;cr,,to confrJtor tfje common UJcaltD . ag^ttt at t^c foiiuDt ii.^Wjpt ^c?, natc of tbc ijiihccc of f5e people n^a afremb!t^:.^b2coflp rtjeptcere ujarneDb? tbetrompct,VDl)etr autr ttibo ft?oi^ rcmoue tbetc tzxntz . ^«rt^ermo?c tbt trompcts bleto \)tita; Iiaucll, tt)b3t tvme i\^t^ to^neo to figbt,a^nia? be fend in ttc »^, of^e people mojcc»cctDprcca!ieixto5etbecttiit^ — trompets oti tbe ^ol? uaves to pubhicfec aitb tiiurnc fernitc, '> ^^s*" - ^imDe\x)rtlj t^e trompet in ^loti , call t^c congcegatioti, •'' * favt!) 3lo^cI, gatbcr tbc people ♦ ar^crrtoas mojtoner a feafl' of trompets,anD a 3f!wbtUp , ^auvng tbat tiamrof tbe bioti?- t?ttgattofomi0e oltrompefff^irt ofmabm'gtti^tbias appea- ret5 in tbe. i$^ of jLcuit . ;f inallp x\it pjeacb^ng of tbe teutb, toas figured b^tbefomiDc of teompetSjtiettbtc migt^t an?; ott^t b!o\» t^e fame bnr }92teas. foi it fo?cet§ to to^pm potr ^mitoibc!mcct^epubltcfecftgncs» , , ' v, ./ ^' 'fl>f tbis fatinzv \'fe of trompete, none'\3i)i|!atJtTetettfr,ti>' our >nattec,tl)au tbe \Barlifee. fm tbis \DOjlb batb a ttjapc of toarce.3in If ace tlje campes of gooo oten, aito tbc campes of nnll ; tbe tentce of £atbol(cUc6,anD tbc tentes of bcreticfees, 2r?jecbteftapntoftbcfe m^atbau,anD oftbofeiCb:iIf:^ jfcapfattlcano xjjnperoue oftbe£e is tbc^ctttllipf tbe otoej?^ tjf fonne pfjgoD.^nD npyp tbe Mangels founDctbctc tcoifcf pets,anD m^> tbe onfet :tiot tbitt tbc good ^tmgels ^ feobv tiprti fclic is rjciambour of bcccfics ano ofbf crt!cfee0,tDbofe ojigtnalHB ttferrcti f ^atban anb ftmie : bittbp (bmibv^g: tbeic trompete tbepgetictDarnvwg to all men, ana fignific tjinx moR grewouB \warre^ Qjalf arifr in rt^c tocjlD, at^ tucti lit tbe Cburcb itfclfe . ISatbtueromcn arcDiwera? ijiiouctt anD^uoifecm ttrAcrcaccozapnjs^ttJtbcir nat«rc0 ,%i^ftti\t:, CatboltcUea be^ng toacneo F^ ^xit trompet > tra$r ^ecbc top* t^cmfclueSjanbpiapianb finally tafe^ng in b^i^j fpitituati Hyeapons tbe^ pzcpare tbem (elucsljrtto battcll anb manful- Ip figbt foj Cbiiti > anb fox mavntein^ng anb befenbpng tbc - trHtb.i^cccticftes,fectarics,aKD men of cozrupt mynaeo , at= coxbpngto tbetrma!lire,raUpngto tbrni alfo !3.rmDur,ruttur fbjr^ a»b fig^t agatnft ^b^ft ana tbe trmb,ut B?tice of ivcsj" CkipJ. T^c xxi^yiiji Scffnon , (ucQ as be tpeaKcIpn0cj9.jrt)c goot>.a)Cpi)cacDeMcc tl)c tcS^r , - . .- pcCBoff3dDa«i$ofClj:ift:anDibciJcuill blotoct^t^carc^ij ' ^' ^;»w ^cteticfecfi aiiD bcgv^wf rs of fcctcs. 2;^e? fcc t^c Dentin mina firelsahti ttompcttccs. ^ fl)f t[)c gooQ,anD of t^cic figljt.toc tljalll^cacc in tbcn.ann ia tljc cljaptcc fpllotopng . Bcucctijelcs in cuccp conflict toc: muG ijnuccftao f t^c faints Qcpc not,nDj be anv toljcrc iule iidt DO t!>cip buette cuery u?l)crc.3lt toas now in Htu tnoug^ ffiitl^c %Qiu to Il)etD ^B tbc bereticbes anfi.&ctanee ftgV t^ng,anD to Dcclav^^bou? tnuci) t^ev m^? i^^utt^t^ac toemtg^c. vioaccb mb^e m1tgentrp,anD beu^arc of all coemption. < Cbearft STfteficaaungeUfounupugtbcficfttroinpc^DcnouncctJi' trotttpct 0^ ^nto b£ tbe fit:D;^ntItct . 2i\l ann Xingutar t^efc; battels I^aiti^ 6si;c. (time t^^tig IpUe,an&,2iiucr0.i:^ctr libencOe ta,tbat all I;ict:e4 0^2 Do itnpugnc £biiQ>attb moulD baue tbe tcut^ of tt)e go& pcU^ett^ce c)cttuguiQ)e2),0} tozedcb out of tbe true (enfe. ^nd. tbetepeculiarneaic o^Dtueefitie ts,tbat ^atbanbatl^ (otoett fiuiD^p l)crcric0 iti t^c Cburel),bp alTa^ltng (unD^p pointcs of. tiioctnne,romeatone tpmeannfome atanot^ce.^cefb^e toben xlfc ;clungcU founbetb tbe troinpet , tl^at is to (ap pio^ ^a^nictb \i)arit,be \Joatnetb tbe ^aintes to \3)atcb.33rl)era)^: as be is vet blotavng , tb^ougb i^obs peemiOTion, acco^bvns to bis iud iubgement , bv tbeincaneanb fuggeQion of^a^ t^an , tbtre \sas maDe bavle ani) fire mipeo mtl) blouo , t!)C tDbici^bevngto tcmpcreo , ^loas fcuto^ fell ^poncbeeartlj» f,^li> . idaule ac^otDlebgiet^ fpirituaU policies in tl)e ^ca^ ttenlp (]pirit^5 . i^no t^e Scripture in Tome places botb viqfyt tb^lt rcp;elcn^ tf)c f^unb $ Wbolcfome Doctrine h^ tbe betoes aitD Q)oturcs of t^c apze tobicb make tl^c cartb fntiteftil: mod tigbtlp tbcrfo?e boti) ^ . 3',obn compare tbe falfc anb bereti^? call Doctrine to baplc.^Fo: bapic Deftrcvcib tbe ftwitcfttU pi*: ces of tbe eartb^ano inarrct^ \]Cf crip tbe plenttfttl feutte of t\i$ groui^D. m^berfQie lil^e as els \3>bere t^e pemers Doctrmc iH calleb D«nelMe«en,cbaffc. ^c.i6 is it berc calico baple . T5ut ^\»fm\c is tempercD , an^f^ toonberfifllmi^cture * >pa^ it ^^«re anb blouD iopncD iiiit^ it. ' \- j ^ C; . . , fyck t'oiugcs muft be cjtpouubcD after An dicgoive, not: after tbe letter, iaailc is tuatec congdcD Ujitb colDe. Slnb tljey f^a^itis ^aaecanttitbetuireDomcofibcfcriptucc,\i3atcr:|^avIet^er:s. aaSfme ^^^^ MHoc falfc tuircDoitte. '57et fice is put tinto it : tpbcjreb^j is meant a pietcnce of tbe ^criptnccs, anb of tbe inCpiratioft Dft^e W2 Si^oQ* :p^^ru^t9j& oDbeb blQUD , xobit;^ betol^^ vpponthcApocaliprc. m Cfra^J. net!) tl)ecutUScction0 of man, to toittctbe^tce of ambttton, ttiat!),contemion,t)2trcD auD libt affcctto0. of ri)crc is co:u^ potmDct)an^avltcDocct'mc,f)urtfuII DoubrlesanD pediicnt^ ^01 tDt^en fatic Doctcmc culcci) o; inactrctb Vc^t Scriptures, ^ lutclwn affections of tcacbecs ace iovncD mV:^ all: a pcSilcnt Doctrine ariicti). ^ncb tuas from tbc beginnmo; t^e Doctrine of tbC Nazareans, OZ Mineoritcs,anD Of t^C Hebionites, Uj^O tpbclDe tbat tuQificatio came not bp t\^z oncly faitb of ^v^^i^y but b^ tbclatoc. our men foagbt (l)arpclv (to toit,^.^aulc anot^eotbcr apoftlco) aga^nft tijis pcrniciciis ooctrme, ano from tJje beginning manp being infcctcD ujttb jabilofo- jDiufnftt* pbic. ano otbers being blpnoeo to^tb mens traDitions, banc coirupt bp b;ou3bt foitb moft coirupt opinions. Btnoziesbearemit^t ^i)aofo/ ties bcrcof. ^no Tercuiiian not uiitbout caufe calico idbi^ofo- pi);c. pbcts tbe idatriarcbes of bcrctickes . ^qx ^.}daule moft Di^: tt9cntl?t2}arneo, tbat tbe goDlpfl)oulD be\jDarc of ^bilofo^ pbtc* ^b^ tbat bane not bept tbcmCcUtes frotn it^ but l^mt fttmo^ebpidbtloropbic, anojn tototo not uibat maner of tcaoitions : bane in Heaoe of beao of tbe bcaucnl^ i)e\sc and fu)cete a)0U)?cs,ca& into tbe cburcb great bcanp b^ilcft ones* • 2lnli tcuelp tbcv bane burt tbe Cburcb tier? mucb.^oz tbe ^icD part of trees toas bumt^ano alCo all grene graOe. STbis nmnber is intimateo in foure trompcts, ano in i\%z liketuife* ^nD it feemetb to ftgntfie, tbat a great number of tbe incon^ 0ant anb tmQable folbe are feoucco anb lolt.bp vclbmg tbcm . fcIucB to be beftco^eo of \»icUeD men : Znn agapnc, tbat tbe deft part of tbe favtbfnll be faucD. s:be Ho^D bvi^^clfe knotu^ rtb tbe number cpactel^. 3]tis inougb foz tz to bnoto t\^z{t tbpnges tobicb be batb reuealeo )mto ts, anb not to fearcbjc cnriouflvanvfartber. arbatmcnarefignifieo bp trees, it appcaretb bp i\it % (Zxtti, cbapt. toberc it is fapDe, anb tbep b^tj cominaunDement,tbat tbcp Cl)OiUD not burt tbe grafTc of tbe eartb, ueitbcr anp tree, fauing ouelv tU mcn,\r!b:cb arc not.^c. »?bereas be iljonlo bauc favae,faue oncl'^ tbofe trccs,\X!bicbtocrcnotmarfecb: it ii8cobJmratberto/a?,meiu.tbatbempgi)t as ittwcre 'oi'^t\^ tbis feepe tmlocUc p iumiSccie. ii^eitbcr xb it rare to Cb^^oro, meii in tbe Scriptures bv trees, floures, anDgralTc: as toe map gatbcr oftbc i.iafalme, tbe ^o,cf jsgfap, ano tbe n.cbap. ofS.<3o|atbcyi3. But tbat latter point, tbatalt greenegiafle Vpas b;cut, muJlbc faiiourablpecpouKOcD. ;Jfoi\i3ljo can be^ le?ue tbat all men tocccbcriropcDbptborcfirabetcrics J xot HuberftauD t^cvf^ozc tbat.tbe mpntjcs of t^e faicbfull were bi« Cha^J . The xxxviij . Sermon • uf rfcl^ afflictct) aiiD to? wovicti toit^ tl^ofc f rronre attDtrou* blcs: but vet \Df re not tJUctlvitcfiic^cD , Ivfeetljcgoiise t^at istrvcDint^cficr. Cbt fcconD 2ri)c fcconD xl ngf II foutioct^ tljc trcinpr t, ff gnifrpng t|)at trompct. jtttoc txiai rc6 arc no\x> a bzc^Ding : atiD tbcrcfo:c cjbojtctb, ail tbc goDip to Dcfcnr^e tl^cmfcittee vi^vt^ tocapotts . 0tiD tbcrciscaftintot^c^ranotammmtavnc, but astttccrc a ^ bttm^ng iSQoutavnc burning \Mitb ficr. :^bc ^ea br acctl) a figure off wouBi-aine. t»ojlD,tbanibe\K!l)icb tbere is notbmgmoie Unliable. 3xi» a terv ryfe tiding among tbc ^^opbctfi,to call tljie cue toojlD . txjbereinujcftuc,a^ca. ©vmoimta^neoacefigjijftcfihingtf uomes, toime ffc ^efap in tbe r. cbapt. 2>an!el tbc *. anb 53* cbarv in tbc 4.cbapt. anu cb?>ft btmfetfc in tbc?. of ^atb» 15V rcmootting of biUcs 0? monntavncs, fignifietb an^ barft tbing, anb bp tbc opmion of manv iinpodibic . ji^otu tbeti, tbece fpjmgctb tJp b^rrfie anb falfe Doctrine iti tbc Cbntcl}, as a bitrntng iB^ouiuavne furnifljcb at all pointce , anb to mcnfi fccjutng nuiincible. xot rcao tbat fucb toas tY^t bcrcfte ®alcttttnl= of tbCValcntiiuanSjtKbOfefectC tbcbOlpmartV? Ircncus auott^ anw. tbctb to banc faccnc Dcuifieb into manp. ^ucb tuae tY^t fury of i^anis Manicheis anb Montaniiies. STbC? Cctmcb tO inan^ tO fc«mf cbnff. toitb tbc fpiritc of 0ob, anb to be notb'ng elg \iv[t aUoaHt^c SS^^ fpintc, ano all tbcir iavmgec (ccmcb to be of tbe bolv ©bcft^' •*"**• Maiiichacus callcb bii^tcUe tbc apoftic of 3!Cin Cbitft. 2rb^ Won tanirtes bjaggcb of a T ttu e bolp gboft. i!?]rf ccbmglp oiict^ plcntifuilUjaB tbio eamcit tbitjugbuut tbc ^jntnerfai cbutxb. ^cirbcrtoastbcfncccacti?tioffinall. fox tbc tbJrb part of tbc ^ca teas matir blonb.2^bc ^poniefighifif ib tbc tuubci):* ncfi of fcctcs. fQX bovtji Vile anb (bamcl^lTe tbc bcreticfeCB calc^ JCD Gnolhkesj Valentinians, aub Manicheis \j)crc: IreneirsjS^ Auilcn, anb Epiphanius DOC tcftific. ^nD a great part of tbr creatures \\\ rbc ^ta pcriftjcD X^c fpeafectb of fucb as Kaue^ foulcs in beebc: not offiCbes, but of men. 03;anp fbippes jnojcoucr \jQcrc iott,to toitte,ogannccB,anD Silanb tnenjbCfi nig corrupt tov^b tbefc bcrcKcs. at tbat t^inc tbofe bcrcfies fpjang tjp bp tbofe iSltttboura tubicb 31 namcD: anb ac pet t\:)t'^ be not tjtterip Cjttincte, b^ rcafon of corrupt men tobicb bane bitbDcb tsp in a mauer c8:> tinnallp from rymc to tvme, anb renneb tbc olDc erroure, «i to mucb tbat tbcrc rcmavnctb a bitter 6rifc pet at tbis bap iti t}^z cbnrcb:anD tvc arc Daplv abinoni^cb^tbatvoc Q^oulb bc^ tpare of tbofe coemptions* ir^c t^irb ^ngclt bfotoct^ (jis tt:ompct,p;ocfap}ntng net3» toar'vcs; vpppntheApocalipfc, 'm cha^.i, toanrcfij attn beljolDf a great ftarre fdl Dotonc ftrom ^cawcn, ^wtj^ *t^^ barn^g iiftc a ccrtTct , anD iufccr crl) t^e tljicD pact of rv«ccs SSct auD foantavttcs of tuatcts: t^at Oarrc ie cal!ct> tooimtDooD. ' 31 tol5c poti in tl)C 1. cl)apccr,t^at ftarrcs arc caltcD pzcad^crs, 35 iwrndig 15?ajop5,and no«ble mf n in t^c Cl?m:cl).3lt fignifictlj tbec- crcffct. fote tt)at Conte notable ma Cl)oulD fall atoap fro tbc ttttefaptti intotjcccfic,\xjljci;c\x>ubbcCl)o«lDiufcctca great pact of tbe lODo;lD,in co^iritptingtbc j^cnptuces, ano tbc (ouno ooctcine of favtb. ^nd tbcfc (binges fectne to be fitlftUtd in Paulus Sa- ^^xa %iti tDofatenus anb Arrius.iTbts cccOct bucncD bo^cibl^.anD tnfla:; moratenni^ meo tbe tabbie tuotlbc tottbouc cecouecic . 2:bat pcSilence DenpeDtbefSobbeab of Cbn^tanbmabetbetiJboIe i3ofpeIl ^vtvm. toVJsmoflbittcr.ifoitfitbiitt be not \)ccv £5oD, boto is be tbc^auiouc3ing,l3vftJoPvi««cff{rouc, mcDfatouu, ano raluattd of cbe^VtbfuU^ i^e tbatDcnvetb CbziQcB iSobbcaD, ^ucncbctb -tbc l^bf . 2rbccefo?c be is catlv'a fap tbe name of too:m.t'aiooD. arbe j32opbct 3icremp tjiea tbe fc!fc fame alle* fia^ie,oMn:tapboi^oiaitufion,intbC9.^z;.cbar.aniiajuoa in tbe Thodo- rctus, spzornertus, Socrates, anij otber6,anD pe fljal! pcccciae l^oto ap'tcl^ ^:3Robu batb\»?tttcn ail tbefc tbingc6,anD bo^ iigbtip i^^ are fntftlleb . ij^o fmall parte of tbat bitterneffe iatb floujcD imto our tvme, tnbpleft tbat olDc crcouc is ofa tcut^>mc3bpi^em&igationofrbeDcu:lirenueb.^o^f Voo;Id knottictb ^bat batb bcenc ^omiteo ontagapna tbe tonne of j5oti,bp tbat \)ncleanebcart Michael Senieiustljc ^paniarbc, ^..t^,, txjbtcb^as burnt at 0cnenafoi bis tjnamtnbable taicfteD* ScraSo. ncsai^rcojumuall blafpbewp. ^Tberfoie voe mull pjta? tot^e Jlojb to Ueepc 133 fife $ founb i\\ lucb baungcrous cSflictes* CSC^efourtbamjfiffc tirompetiseicpounbeo, oft^e opc^ ning of tbe botomleCTc pitte> ano of CDa(l)opper0 cres^ ling 9at into tt)eeariCj^* ■■:nj Cha^. p . The xxxix. Sermon Thz xxxix.Sermon* A Nd the fourth Aungell blcwe, and the thirde parte ofthe Sunnc was fmitteH, and the third part of the Woone, and the thirde part ofthe Starrcs,fo that the thirde parte of them was darckened . And the day was fmitten,that the third part of it fhould not iliine, and Jykewyfc the nyght. And I behclde, and heard an Aun- gellflying thorow themiddesofHeauen, andfaying wythaloiidc voyce: wo, wo,wo, to the inhabiters of the Earthjbecaufc ofthe voyces to come of thctrompc ofthe three AiingelSjwhich were yet to blowe* ^ Cl)e«ft»tb A Nd the fifte Aungell blewe, and I fawc aftarrc fall diopter. from hcauenvnto the earth. And to hym was geuen the kcye ofthe bottomlcnepitte. And he opened thi bottomleffepitte, and there arofe a fmoke out ofthe pitte, as it were the fmoke of a great fornace . And the Sunne and the ayre were darckened , by rcafori of th6 fmoke ofthe pitte . And there came out ofthe fmokq Grafhoppers vpon the earth: and vnto them was gcu« power as the Scorpions of the Earth hauc power* And it was fayde vnto them that they (houlde not hurt the graffe ofthe earth, neyther any greene thyng : neythcr any tree, bu t onely thofe men which haue not the fealc in their forheades, and to them was comaunded that they (hould not kyll them, but that they fliould be vex* cd fiue monethes, and their payne was as the payne thatcommethof a Scorpion, when he hath Oonge a man . And in' thofe dayes (hall men fceke death, and fhall notfinde it: and (hall deHre to die^and death (halli flee from them. ^ trempet trfne of Idebguur. 'S^t fbttrt^ trompet Dedaretb t^e l^ttttftill mn a I6g ftrite^ to^ic^ arofe in t^ C^nrcl) t^zoug^ t^c Doctnnc ef |detagttts« Sr^tB idelagme tattg^t > t^at t^e ftnnc of <^Dam did \^utt hnt liim alone , ano not all man^nD , anD tl)tvfoic t^at all mtH t>^e not tlj^itgt) t^c fame. 2: jat man Ijatl) free tortl , fo as t)t mav Do gooD , anD t^at ^e (IjoulD not befrce^tf l)e ncDcD r^t ^clpeof i5oD , to^icl) tf ^e I^aue , ^c ma|^ t^c tno^c eafclp d^ SOOD vpori the Apocalipfe. n$ ChapM^ soon: 6^ tf be l^aue it nor,tbatl)c ma? pet nencrtbdcOe tooii^c c!)c doc^ it bp bis otott (lccngtb,anD ma? Dcfcmc cucdafi^ng !?fe,aiii) mme of tbecfoic tbat our Dictoz? is not c^iougb tljc bcipc of i5oa,but pcias«tw» tbxowsb ft^cc toill : atiD tbat rcmiifion ts not %t\xt\\ to pcnu tcntCB tbiougb tl)c grace ano mcrcv of i5or),but accoiovngto tl)COeierteanDtDOiHmgoftbcmml)tcbti)iougl) rcpenraimcc are too:tbv of iSoas nicrcv,ani) tbc reftbitc tobtfb IJ>. 3lu(tcn rcbearCctb in tbc buiiDjctlj airj fijctc i5ptfllcto 13onifacc,tbat idciagtus bad renoimccD:\Dbicbe neuertbclcflfc m anotbetr place be (bctoctb tbar tbe fame jaclagius bab taugbt, anb rc- turneb to bis "bomitctils in tbe regifterof berefie,tbe. 8^. be- cefic . HTbe fame agaynft tujo jfgpiftles of tbe jaelagians , in tbe.i,boofee.r.cbapt. to l5omface.fa?tb,tbat tbc laoamcbets, nenp tbatfretoill ujastbe mcauct»berb? ettillentcceb firft into man tobcrcas be uias gooD. srbe pelagians fap,tbat an f^^?^^^ tniW man batb free m\\ fufficicmlp to bo a goob Xizttt . 2rbc ^JJJi* JlL Catboliclte boctrinc ccpioHctb botb of tbem: facing to tbe ^^^ I39anicbics,tbat 0ob mabe man rigbt.^c. anb facing to tbe runnc int» pelagians, if tbc fonnc banc mabc vou frcctbcn ace von ftce an otbcr, tn Xittu, ^nb in tbe ^.cbapt.tbefame antbonr faptb . x&bere toefaptbattbe \3oillofmanisfrce ofttCelfet}nto eutU,anb tbat \)nto goob it mult be mabe free bv tbe grace of i5ob : it mafectb aga^na tbe jaelagians.anb tobcrc loe (ay tbat tbe ts MiIl,tobieb ^as not bcfoie,i6 fpiong of man \)ym felfe tbat is agavnft tbeiS6)amcbcm.iX3ozeoucr mtbe s » cbapt.)aelagius fa?tb,tbat tbc tbmg ujbicb is goob may tbe caapec be accom^: plia)eb,if grace beipe tberto.i3vtubicbabbitiott,oftbe (ayb toojbe0,The eafeiyer,be botb tjs to \)nberOab, botti bis mea^ tipng is,tbat altbougb tbe bclpc of grace toant , vet is be able topecfojme \\^z goob bp bis oujuc free toiU,bottibcit mojc Ijarblp.agavne tbe fame in tbe. 4.7 . i5piftle to eiatent. Captb ^^° ^^ « tbtts » 3rbat manfalletb into tbe errour of tbc }ae!agians, *°*^%^^ tobicb fuppofctb tbe grace of £5ob to be geuenfoi an? befert XLSSl of matt,\»bicb grace alone mafectb man free , tbiougb jfefus ^ ^ Cb^ift our ILoio.But agapne be tbat tbmfeetb, tbat ujbcn tbc Eojb fljall come t)nto iubgement, tbe man tbat tuas of f«ffi= cicnt vcarcs to W tbc free cbopfe of bis otonc 'coiII , Cl)aU not be iubgcb accoibpngto bis u>oitJec,is m crrcnr no iefTctban tbe otbcr . J^t Cavtb in a mancr tbc fame tbvng in xt^z fcconD boobe tbc.i3. cbapter concerning tbe mcritesanb remifTtott offmnes* . s ipitb tbis boctnnc of iaclagius toas tbe tX^itfi part of t\iz fuune chap. p. pmoftbe i«nuc,of^ tbcftarrw /5rit!)er Dap no;t night fl)onc Sotti) the tvo to t!)e ef ti}c cart^ The.xxxix. Sermon fminc(tI)atistototttc,of Cl)?ifttl)ctcuciiapfmmc of cigljtes oiirne0)fi:i*ifee,tl)3t i3 to fay^Daccfecucu : foifoDotI) ^.3riOl)n cicpouno l)inUcltc a litlc aftcisfavintj: in fo muc^ t6at f tljicli partof tljcmvuastjaccHcncD.^oulje pelagians DoctrmcDc^ ji^co tbe grace of Ci)2ift, awa tjitlj mans jucruc rroac tjnocc footc tlje mccttc of cb^ft. :f3o!)ccbp alfo tljc t^iro parr, tljat is to tcittca great part of t^e i38)o one, namely of tljc Cl^uccft, is rcaD ro be finittcn auD oarcfecneo, ^ moiccitcr x\it t^piD part of t^e frarres, 31 meanc of tijc pzeacljcrfi auD nmiiftcis to be ts3ounlic?jJoaBt^ptaugbtnot\j)ttbfuf!5 Ipsl)t as became tbcmjFoi Holies toimcDfe tbat tbis bercfic did foic infccte nU ucrs partes of tbe UJOilD^Co as zvlvsi BvQiops (c- IcarneD incti foliotDcb tbis nopfome errciin at iaalcnmc m tbe «eaft toas aflemblcDa^tnDbeoflSvfoops, tobicb tijouc pclaguiB to tecant. 2:l)cv bifputcD alfo at moine ajarpcJp againU tbe laca lagian Doctrine: atiD Cotmrcis vuere adcmbleD , tubicb con^ Ueuweo tbe fame. Sibcrc tccrc ^inoDs aflfcmblcD in aCrtc*, anD after mucb reafoniug,fcntciue toas pzonounceb agavnll laelagiiiB.jJfojniauvttJcrcDavIv taken tritb tbis iMfectic»» ^o; tbe Doctrnie is pieafaunt.ano tzianutb not bis niapntrp^ ners ano oefctiDcrs cue at tbis bap.^f oj tt femetb goblp, ann foj t^e dubv of tiertue neoefuli^to af&rnic free tuill, ano mas mectte : agavt^c it appcarct^ to be licentious to attrtbnte all tj^png to i5obs grace, l^e aDbetb,tl)ac neitber tbe bav (l)one tsitb (bettf^b part thereof yncitbcr vet tbenigbttMit^ bistbiro part. ;fa? Ivfecas grace conlb not befullp pccceiuco by tbe boctrine of jsclagi^ us>no nto^e coulDefume . ^nb ^.^uflcn intbe i. boobe of oiigmall fmnda. i fiftbofeberefies. ^nb betberto batte toe fpokcn of t^e foure trompets, ani>^ of tbe grcateft conflictcs in tbe JCbntcb: /i^oto ttjere remapnc t\;iizz trojnpcttes : uabicb ^auc alitle preface fet befo?c t^em^ Vo^crbp to ftiirc bptbemvnbfscf tbe bearers. !«3nD^.31cbn fa^tb> boujbcfavo anaimgell flpingtbo^ rougb tbf mibbes of bcauen,anb bearo bv w crping^ too,tDOy WO to tbe mbabitprs of tt)e.eai:tb#tbat\x>d9 foji t$,etbFnges to^it^ fbotilD t^an c^aunce tixm men , to^cn t^e otber tbiee tronu vp(5ri the Apocalipfe. 114 Chap.p, ttompefs ftjoulDbcblotocti . arbcrfoic t)nto cuci*v trompet IB iopucDa too . TX)i)ic^ toe fjcpicnctJcrvtocUm £)utfljcbp i)toc,otoc,otoc.;Jfoz the ^tccfees fap,anD ^ . 310^11 to?ote in <5i:cbc,oya<,oyct(,ooct}.anD it figniiictt) tjccelv,tl)at tbc tvmc 6 of tl)c foimcc confiictcc toccc fl)acpc : but ^ct tbat fticb as fol^^ lotofliailbeagccat Dcalc fl)arpci* au^cnicllcc » ;jfo; 31 tolD pow ^crctofozc,t^at tl)!3 toop too, cotupjiietb tijc enils botlj of t^i3 Ivfc picrem,auD alfo of t^c ivt:c to comc,at\xicll of boo^ as of foulc. 2:t)crfoic Qjall t^c tpmcc of laapiftcp, ega^omc- tric,an& of tijc lafl iiiDgcracut, be nioft oamtgccous. 2;ijc complutcnfiaii topic l^afbati i5gle,toberetoe rcab ^oincrca» an anngell fiving tb?oiigb t^e niiODcft of beauen : pcrabitens ^ ^eic fo» turc bccaufc ijcfomioc it Co m Arctas . 'j^ea anD t\)t common ^ ^wnficU tranflation , commonly caiicD ^ . I^ieromes, batb an iCgle foi an 2luugcll.5lnD r^crfoie Primafius rcaoetb it fo Ivfteteife, tobo fctr.ctb to banc follotocD tbe olo trallation in alltbings^ 25nt tbe egle is ftotft ,anD of moll ll)arpc figbt , fignifipng tbeahuigbtp feiiotoicbgc of i3oD,anD e)cpeirit!on tjnfpeabca^ btcinbopngoftbvnges. STbtfift trcmpct compicbenbet^ tbe cmcll battell , toljic^ /Cbc fiffe tbe 13opc batb (tpiceo tjp , bp aDmittpng cvronrs into tbe trompet. tooiIii,yea ratbec bp b^vngpngin , fcttpng foitb 1 anb befcn^ bvngtbem,bv bis ^ngratious fSrafljoppers tbat eate tip all tbpugcs . 3it laftctb to tljc toozlocs cno . jpljccof be tuula^ gavnc bifconcs uiojc picntpfuUp anb mojc pjopecl^ int^e* i3.anb,i4,cbaptcc.rtc. ; E^be oiiginall of tbis euill is refctecb to t\^t fai! of a ftarce, % ^tmt fm a ttarcc4;atb fallen from beanen to tbe eacib.^tarre6,as faiicti) frfi' 31 fbetoeupouincbebcgvnnpngoftbisboobc, aboiittbecno i)w«cn tnta of tbe .1 . cbaptce repzefcnttjnto tjs tbeftatc of CSJintfrccSjOj tbecwtb* J5p(l)ops . fQX as ibc narrcs ft)puc in beatien : fo Zovfljops aUimineb tottb bcauctiiv itgbt, ougbt to fl)vnc in tbe Cbnrcli altodl ixi Doctnnc as m boncft V?lt . Sluobctbcrto tbep ftanD in beauett,fo long as tbcv bo tbcirimctic: i5iit tl^t^^ fall to tbe canbitobat time tbev forgetting tbeic beaucniv cSnerfation ^ Doctnne,fct tl)eic jnv'nbes \)pon eactbi^ tbrnges,anD follo\» bononrs^pfcalitres, anu fucb \fex rozniptios. ^no a litleafs tct be toiU CviH bv«» an l?vnngrU,tob5 note l^e calicib a Rarce. 2rbe Cbnrcb of Komc toas notable $ pure, -^ca ano re noto^ of rtje tntDfomttpn^cbv^ tbe cojnmcn^ation oft'ge ^pofllcs.S^bc €ifarci)ot fame bao I3vfl)0pc ,tbat is to fap, (^Jinificrs of tbeCbnrcb, ^owc tjnto tbe lempeconr Conihntme, abont. 3 1. foi t^e moG part tjer^ tocU IcarncD , molt ^ol^ ( ^tt men ) anb moft gioiious chap.S* Thcxxxix.Scrmon iSSim^s of £^;tlt.^ga^te from t^e lEmpetonr ConAantine tnro f5rcgo]iv tbc gicat ace accotnptcD about.^ij. Bif^ops 0) pailoitts of y C^urc^ of Uome, am5gcft vo^d t^ccc toere man^ mcctlv Diligent inoug^, IcacncD, ano 50Dlv:but vcta:^ tnongcd ihtic txicce foine founoc al(b , ixt^tc^ bcvug bl^ntieD tutti)t^c cutll of anituton,bcganmo;cto tttciiKC to fcche ^o^^ nours, and glo^touc titles ^ tljan t\)c ooctttnt of CI)iill con^ ccmv^g bumUitic am ftmpIicmr,anD tt^z cjcatnple of Cl)^iff, ano apoflles W\) permitted . Ct);t(l flco , tal)cn tbc people UioulD ^aue c^ofcn $ maoc ^vm hpng. 2^c fapd, t^at Uymges fljouloteigne , anbtl^atJ^ts 0po(lIesanD t^etc lucccflTours (ijoulo feme » 31f ^V«SC6 t^crfoje tao offeceo tljcni iacahnes t ano cicl)ec,tiKV (l)oulD not ^aue teceuteo t^em. xoW atttin J5Vft)ops of Bome l^auc pzactifco toit^ t\^e C^ucc^es otaf^ frtcbe,ant) ^ow t^ev tuoulo ^aue riiico ouec t^em^t^e So^ic^ Do platnlv Declat;e./Btot\3}iti)SaDvng t^erc \actt fome founD^ aindgeR t^c Iattet:l5va)opo(aB taelagiiis anD i5cfgo?p (ur« namtD great) wbte^ greuouav accufeo t^e ldvn)ops of Con^ O:antinople,fo; t^at t^ev toent about to cftabiiQ) tbc Cbucc^' of iDondantinoplc^as cbicf of all others in tbc u?o;iD,anD tbe 13ifl)op tbcrof as \9muerral.ijicitbet: ujas i5rcgo;p aOjameli to (av c]cp;eflp , tbat be is tbc f ojicrunnet: of lauticbMQ > ^bo (o cucc toouiD couet tbc rantc o^ title of tbc ^jniucrfaU 23?^ (^op>Bu( Boniface tbc ^.of tbat name being no uobit moncn ^ece\Joub , ccquitcD anD obtcyncD of tbc xSinpecout: Idbocas tjjitbm a tobilc after tbc Deatb of iSccgozv , tbat tbc Cbucc^i of momc mtgbt be callcD anD taUcn ro2 tbe cbicf anD bcaD of al ^iih(Mi9f€^i\tt\)CQ,T0\)cu\)^t\)tT5^ii)0j;iQ ofmomcbcpng plucked iKome a out Of beauen , anD call to tbc cartb ■> tittcclp began to clcauc ftarrc faue \)nto cactblp tbvngcfi,to care foj cartblv tb^wgcs, pea $ eueii frobeanni'toaCpiretotbc ismptrc cbief rule anD goucrncmcm.i^cre ^ue vou,t)o^t ftarre fell from beauen to tbe eartb. ^nD to tbis flarre (be calletb bimaftcrtoarD tbe ^ngell of tbcbotomlclTepittc) o^25iCl)op (31 name but one, but 1 tn^* Der QanD all of tbat (late ano fucccfTion m tbat featc) Uias gc^ abevitfac ucntbcfecvoftbcbotcmleircpittc. Cb?ift tjcrclv Uecpetb tbe umtothz ^^V of E)auiD:a5 3l1 fl?e\socDintbci.cbapt.oftbiBbooUc.vlnD ftarrc , oj be ga«c tbe apofr'ris tbc feezes of tbe fepngDomc of beauen, ^ungeiiS. anD pouter to open oz to Ci)ut beauen: tbat is to \x)it , tbc mt:9 ttiflcrie of p^cacbmg tj^c Corpcll, vubcrbp is OjetocD anD aCs fueeDlppiomifcDtbcmtgcucnefrcoffinnes anD cternall Ipfe (oaUbciceuers: anD tbc retcyniug ofrinnes,anDecrtavne t»amn;ittontb}catcneDto tbe t^nbclccucrs , ^o goDlp man Doub- vpon the Apocalipfe. 115 Cha^j, toul)tct^bntt^att!jcfe feezes to crcgcuenaifo tttfotljc 15^** iljops of Home, agapne cwecv man feuotoct^tljattljc latter |9opcs DiD not ^fc tljem la^xifuHv : but coiruptco t\it iSnaus gcltcalltmct^, auD infecteutl)cIatofult mmidcae, attD got t^cmfclace coimtccfcttcD feezes, arijci'fojc xY^t pziuce of narfe^ ne0 getict^ tljcm t\)t fee^e of tUe botomlcs pitt^to toitte^coz^ tupt aiiD routcifct Doctrine, $ not tl)c apo(toiicall but an 't^ poflaticall niimncric, to^cceoatCas it \rcic fro out of ^clf fcf toiDc opcn)tbep Ijauc b?ougl)tfo?tt) outragtous crrours, fus pcrllitios,$ tongoDlvncB of all foitcs. 4n£j 31 fuppofc it tiat^ ,^fjc poucji not c^aiicco toitljoitt fooDs pzoutaencc, tUat tl^z Bpdiops of bcpcs, laomt ace caUcD poztars oi feep bearcrs,anD ujcare feevcc in t^cpz anncs . 23nt ?ou nmft not V)nt)craanD t^cm to be tbc bcpesoftl)efemgDomcofl)caue, butoftbebotoinlclTcpitra- tbcc ; ftncc be IS a teacber of crrours anD of all abbonimati5, ^ mo;eouct' ttie autbo^ of all tuarres anD DiOcntionSjleaDing men cutn^into bell- i5oD is xYi. DceDe ti^t founta^nc of pcrpctuall gooDnes,anD t0o6 tt^ malice of ^atban^fuU of ttngoDlpncs, abbomination^anD all fcpnDc of Iping. ;JFrom bcnce faubbletb t)p all maner of errouc anD abbomtnatton into tbe loozlDe bp t\^t falfcteacbcrs auD indminentesofamtcbzift. f^i ^at^an i\it fatber of ipes, fp;eaDetb ab^oaDc all tuanrr of Darc^ncile into ti^c toozlDe bp j^smdcumemes. 32rbcrfojc tbe ftarre oi vlngcll of t^c botoinlcCTe i^ittt Ctbat ,^f,ci,or- iSitbeiaopeozBpOjopof iHomc) opcnctb tbe faottomlctfctomic^pir pittetovtbaUcpe^an^bpanD bp arcenoctb\)p tbeUnoKeoftsoiiencD. tbcputc»;JFm3] bancfpofecnbetberto of tbe beginning of tbe enill: noto Q^UfoUom t^cpiocccoinganD fp^aoing abioaD of tbe fame. 3rbc laope bv bis cai-upt mimH^rie opcnctb ^ell^anD not ^rm'tt Bcaucn. ;©ut of bcli afceniJvti^ ox nfcr^ a ijuofec . 6>mokc m oMt of i\jt fomc places of tb€^crip'-«ce> !3atofecnof ti^cpzcicncc auD botosnicilfe toiatbanDlscngcauce otiSoD : as^ybcrc mtbc tyme oti^Iiip piKc aCnwUc cafe in 1^5 ^ciHple of ^alomoiuj. booU: offemgcs* Chjp.p. The.xxTcix.Sermoti 2.cljapt. t*rav <5.m tJ^e i^.of £g)cod, -mc ccan tfjat fmofte afceti^ DcD from t^c moumavnc,fl6 out of a fouiace, "^Jou ccaD tn t^c is.jafalm. ^mofectuemtjp in t!)cU)iacl) of £5 oa , fire burnt from bcfozc ^io face, at tt)is p?cfcut,fi»oUc fccjiictl) to figni^ fie ^uctfTjll atiD Diiiilfillic opmiono. ^moUc I)«rtct^ t\)t c^ta anu fufitcreti) not clcarelv to fee t\)t triiett?. ^o uotlj alfo pe r^ itcrfc Doctrine, it Dafclctbtl)cc^c0,tabetl) a\xinv iu^gancm, ana blinoctlj tovtlJ errour. ano \230Zt^c!p Doc fqc^ fnfier t^^cfe tt)ingcsbvtl)cfmoUeofi3oDljistjjjatb, anD bv tbc Ipesof Difceaneablemett,tol)icbbauefoifa!sent6e ligljt oftbefSofa pcll,anD tbe grace auD clcarcncirc of i3oD0tr«ctb.mnDer tbe tumc of tbis bciunjc (mofee, arc comapncD t^efe opinions ^ abbominableanidcs of tbe I5vtl)3p of momc: namcl?, tbat as be is tbc prelate of tbe cbtefe cbui'cb anD ^ca apoaolic^e, foaiCobeispaaonrtimuerran anD apoftolicaU: irbatbets tbebcaD of tbc Cbarcb militant,* t^cbicar of jtbJift in cartb, tobofc bovce muft be bearD afu3cll,ao CbHftcs bimfclfc : t^t be batb fwtl pouter itx tbc Cljnrcb, anD tbe beres of tbe feing* Dome of bcanc, anD others of Ipfee fojt. anD t^at be batb a«- tboiitictoojDcvneauD gccucto allCbttccbes, 13rfljops,oj }da{iOurs>togonerneaUott)crir^urcl)e0 after t^e p^cfcript of tbe C^urcb of l^ome.^c. ft am ttrcat 15ut ^loto great tbis fmoftc is,anD |)oto cffectnalVrt is litter CtnoHe ts f J? CFpjefTcD bcre. 31t afccDet^,faptb be,a5 tbe fmobc of a great of vobat'cf' folate, oi as a fmobc out of great fmoiDcr. anD bereb? is feet* meant, t!)at tbe popiflje opinions , anD Doctrines are tbicbe» o; grofTe, mantfolD,anD apparet : \o\)ttt in DceDc tbcp be no^ tbing but Cmobe anD Mmitic pufifeD t)p anD \}apne . But it is of fncb a pou3cr,tbat it Darcbenetb tbe fuuuc anD tbe m^* 31 bauetolDepouoftt^mesalreaD^t^atc^^id ts tbefunne of rigbteoufnes . anD U)e call tbc a^e tbe bolefome Doctrine, tob^t^itb tbe foules of tbefaptbfullare refrea)CD. S^bcrefo^e bV t^^ popi{l)e Doctrine tbe futtneauDtbe a^K, tbat i0,c^^i8 auD tbe (dofpcll arc DarcbencD. Cb;iO is tbe ^niuetfall (l)ep:« bcarD , tbc bpgb auD onel? I5?[l}0p , tbe b^ao anD bcaltb of tbefavtbful!,ujbicbfrcclv foigccuetb finnes, anD tobicb is p^cacbcD bv t^e i5orpell. Wl)i& Doctrnte becommct^ notbvng tDOUb "ci'mx tbc jaope is aomittcDfo^ bcaDoft^ciCburcb, toitb full pococr of gramuingparDonsfo; all fumes, S^us €>ftiie istbefunucDarbcneD. Cmobe a- l^oUJbcit tbc caill pjocceDetb fitrtbcr,anD fettct^ bp it felffe tifc locus in tb: Cbucc^ a great Deale moie effcctuall . ^oi out of tbc dkcs. fmobe cmuc fojtp S^ocndcs ^pon tl^e cart^« ^o^ tubat tpme tl^^oug^ VpontheApocallpfe. u6 c/jap.p. t^?ong^tl)efalfepcrrtoafion of corrupt Doctrme, t^eevcs of all men tocre bltuBCD anD loofecD not rigbtlv ^pon CW^ ^ $ 1^13 onelp i5ofpel,anD ail men uciicceceD tljc j5opc, as tljc )au cat of c6iiS,t^cUeaD of tl)c cburclj, anD a man iapofJolicali, anD as it \xiere t^e mout^ of i5oD,anD be notu maDc Biftjops ^p^icaes^ano nounQ)Cti,auatmceD $eaablt[l)eD 0gon^«s $ Jncr6:an infinite nmltituDc oftbcClergieincccafcD mod iucbclViSlmeanebpamoftpIcuttfull incccaCe, and nnmbet; tbat coulD not be nmnbtcD. ;f oi be btmfelfe immeDiatel^ tti t^ctvo^otstbatfollov)}, ano bitb a fuller eicpofitionbecla:* ttti)^ tbat be fpeafeetb notb^ng of tbofc little toojmee f graf^ poppers, it Of, befa^tb: ano ittuas commaunDeti tbem , tbat ibep Q)oulD not butt ti)e gvaSTc oj bapc of tbc cactb (anD Mz^ rel? tbcciccgic liuctb not vjitl) bap) ncitbec anp grcnc tbing, tiojanv tvcc,butmeonclv,2lB tbougb be ft)0«iiJ lap,3R fpcafec notb^ng of i5ra{l)oppcrs Cuc^ as in tyute pad beftrovcD Agipce : but 31 fpea^e of peailcnt men, atflicting men uiyt^ tbc popCon of Doctrine. ^nD a little after tbev are DefcribeD tti cuerp point, as no man nccDetb to Dotibte , but tbat tl)c falCe clergic is meant tbcrbv.3:bet»bicb tbing Primafius alfo fa\3, wbae are ta)^o in t^xQ commentaries tipon tljis booKc CapD : !^e fettetb %9wiXzd, fojtbtbeambs^soieuill Doctrine* Stoi Iplte astbe ILocufte |)urtetbU}itbbismoutb, fo Doe tbep teare\»vtbtbeir pica- cbingcs: acco!i;ing as tsoe reaD tbat tbep be greeD^ :npolue5, not faring tlocfiocfee.^c. s^bns faitb be.l^berebc alfo otbec caufes tDbercfo^e bcUUcncD tbc falfe clcrgte to EocuScs . 3lf tbe EocuQc be fccmetb to be mo(lDifpifable:fo tbere iBnotbingmo?c \3i!c tbaafolitaticmonUeoj3fncr,^zicaoj TopbiRcr. ©tit if tbev ftoavmc togctbcr, tbcp be a terrour to tnc, ntitber cantbep be Djiucnatoap toitb any fo?cc,tbeveate anD Dcftrop all . xvl)tt\ tbc iSjopbet 3loel tocalD fl)c\x) tobac great eutll tuas to comCvbc favtb tbat f3rafl)oppers ft)0ulDe comc.Sln fommcr tbcp fingicapc,anD Ipue at eafc ^ pleafurc, to Hit loffc (£ binDcraiince of bufOauDmen. 2:bc fame tbinges tnapeft tbou fee alfo m tbc clcrgte . 3 fpcafee notbing bcce of ^^ - tiolp p^icKe6,tbat is to (ap, of laujfuilmiuiacrs off Cb«wb, »etcSti/ cfgooDmcn, b^»cilattDjtarncD: 3] fpcafee notbvng of tbe '' ^ auiicicntauD bolv (Sjou&es^'csbicb^crc burtbcnous 01 grc^ uaus to no n;an, auD ujcrc no pjeacbers , bnt ijcrp lap men, getting tbeir lining Voirb f bcir oauDcs in tbe cbuicb, fubiecte \23itb otber faitbfuil folbc to t^c jaadours of tbc Jtbnrcb.^c 3irpcaUeoftbc^nlatofull, OnggacDes, iDle bcUics, Deuoiis rccs of VitaHlCjbut c^iefilp offauc tcacbcro^ i%,Q, SIM. Chap.p. • The.xxxIx.Scrmon Ci)J Cicr- atta HoubrtcCTc tl)c laapcs ricrgic is inol! ri^Wv compa* gp jsintiu= riDtogcaft)oppcrBo:Catci*pjficcs.;JFojbotljtbcv arcinna^ mcrabie. mcratJlcauD tt)z^ occupic anii conrumc all t^pngs.^ln timc0 pad tijc inmiftcrs ott\)t cljuccljcs might be numbieb.^oj tbc niimb:cu)a5i)mfmalI:ncitl)cc\33ci:c^u?jofttablc, oi\inm^ ceC&rv pccfon0 iioiinftjcD of tbe Cb«tcb gooDs . ^^erc tt^ inavncti)a conilicuttou of tbc iSmpcront: luthnian , xol^tna^ mongc0 oti^er tbtnges: toe ozDatncD tbat tl^ttt be not at an? tvme m tbe facrcD great Cbuticb abouc Ip jdzieae8,0QcnDead fonsan £. ^ubDcaconBln^jOc. ano rcabers an bnnDictb anD ten,noi aboue )cic)).fmgecs: tbat t^e toobole nQbcc of tbc c\tv^ gie of tbc greater cburcb map conftde m 4x5 .perrons.befi&es an C.boic ^eepers^as tbcp tcrme tbem.2r6crfo;e m tbc mod iolv gvcat Cburcb oftbis ournobltcittc of Conflaminople, and in tboCc tb.iee ebttrc^es to tbe fame 'omtn ( to toit, mtbc iCb«ccbofour2,aDp,of^.3rbcoDozc, anb of^3ccnc, !ct tbts be tbe tittermoft number of tbc clergic . W\)is fummc of tbc mintdcrs of tbts tmperiall Citie ano mod large Cbntrcb, caabli(l)cD fiuc bunbietb anb tujcntic anb fiiie pcrfons. 15uc 1)0)3) jnauv }azic(lcs,i3Qonfee0, ;lfrvcrs aao /Dunnes may v^ fiubeattbts bap inl^ome anb in otbcr great cities; srbcp epceebc tbts number foure times and moje.^nb to leane out many tbtuges tbat migbt bcre be b^ougbt in tbis cafe: Sabel- licusintbc fiictbboofee of bis npntb Enneadc Qjetwctlj , t^at tnbcr jaope pius, tbc fecte of tbc ;jf cpccs minors (ot^ertopfc called ^artbcarcrs) \jaa8 To gri atlp uiultiplpcr) tb^ougbout f too^lDc, tbat at tbat tpmc tbcp bcloe anb poiTciTcb %l p^ouin^ ccs,anD\)nbereuerp one biuers Clopdcrs anb conuentes, (t^e rulers uj^croftDcre ealleb voarbens) ano e^ceeoebtbe number of tb^cc fco^ie tboufanb tntn: tn fo mucb tbat tbe ma« iler of tbc tobolc ozocr, trbom tbcp call gcncrall, batb bccne ^cacb manp tpmc6,to offer tbe jaope (toben be picp^t^cb anp armtc agatnH tbe srurbes; tbtrtie tboufianb figbtpng men of tbe ^erapbtcall otder of ^.;lrraunce0 , tobtcb (lioulo be tocll abk to feme tn tbe toarres^ujttboiit bmberauce oz let to tbeic l^eltgion . i^no noto tobo is it tbat^noVDCtb not bob} man? oiDcrc tbcrc be ofOSjouUcsano:JFncrs;'))ou map tbcrfoje accompt tbc otber ozbers after tbc rate of tbe <^erapbtcaU 0^ ucr of ^amt ;fFraunce0 , anb tbougb pou alloto to cucrp one but tbc one balfe of tbat number , to uibat a fome Uitll tt a^ mcume^^otbercifpou abbe tbe Collebgcs mozcanb lefTe, tbiougbout fo manp DiotelTe toitb tbe jdarfons , Mitates^ £bapmtu£0 anb i^AtiH) p^tcdce ^ pou muft neocd srafit tbat vpon fh e Apocalipfe. i r 7 Chaf.^^ fbe comparing o: Ipkcn^ng of tljc jaopil^c cijrgtc tonto i&ca(l)oppcrs is not t0ttl)ourgooD caitfe* ©m bou) t^cv ligljt tjpon alt r^vnss ^ &ciionr all t^pngs: nomfhs 3]nfDcuottDUl)manptx»oiOcsio Declare. 31 1 is commonlv ocftroycatt fev^i.tljat t^e fpiritualtic ^auc gotten li). partes of ail tDtaltl? 5"f"^ into tbcic Ijanucs , ano tljat iljcv fttiuc pet ftiU foz tljc fourth, topjigce, SX)l?cee foeuee t^oti feeS an? place , p!ea£aunt ano ^olefome, toijerc euer t^ou rtoeil 0; gord , tbou lljalt Cinoc tt full of tl^e jCIcrgie,anapoffefleD tuitlj religious men* iaiCofee tceatet^eicpzcapof t^e potoec of tljefc Eocuflcs* Of ti)c pois l&cfettct^ t^cnifo?ti> bp a parable: ano potocc toas gcuen ^erof tbc tl)ein,favtlj tjc,a8 t^e ^coipions of tbc cartb ^aue . a ^coii i^ocuftc*, pton ts a flatterpng ano m mane^ a bon(l)olo tooime, to^tcb Cooenlp eribct^ tuitl) \^\z taple , 01 catljcr toitb t^e llpngc of ^istaple^anofo popfonetb . 2rl)erfb;e tbozoug^ Satterm$ toouice tOcClergicof i^nttcbntl oecetuet!) ano potozcti? in tbepopfan of ))enemons Doctrine, i^ofpeabecb t^e^poftlc iftlfo of fatfe teacbers in tbe . i <: . chapter to tl)e uomains, STb^ongb fapte fpeacb, faptb ^e, ano flatterpng , t^cy oecciue f be barter of tbc fimpic.irbetr potoec cbecfoze is none otber> but eiRU ooctrmc,>2}brremit()(as it tsere tottb tbc tienome of ^co^ipions.) x^v^ mfect tbc fimple CbzifHans vbut c(peciallp tlH)fc tbat contenme tbe Doctrine of tbc i5ofpen«. ;fd} tberef oil otsetb a Declaration, tobom tbcfeHocnSes i^^omet!}^ inapburt.a:bofcbc t\»o!JvnDesofmen . 2:be oneinDeeDe J^ocuftcs toitlneoesperiQ) taittinglp ano VDiUmglp ,anD are tbc open wui^urt, dno p;ofeffeD enemies of tbe bolp i5ofpcll: tsbom bp tbe mS utDgementof0oD tbefc^co^ptolocnftesoeftrop uitrbtbeic popfo«.2rbe otbcr being niozc fmtple,Do ecrc ratber of igno- Munce,tba of obftinate malice: tbcte bpcaufe tbep bauc a fcalc \\\ tbrir fo;cbf aocsCUJbcrof is tpoften m tbe,7.cbapt.)are not ftongcn of x'kz ^coipiolocii&cs.jjfoz tbe potocr of tbis mifa tbief is limitcD, ^ notpennittco to raimgc tDttbouc bouDes^ 2ri?erfo;e toas xi getien to tbc (ocuQcs , tbat tbcp f^oulo noc tifllX-not tboCc itDicbeD tubtcl? bao ratber Dpe tban Ipue) but tbolJtittnple.jr^cp b»rt tbcm itiDcDe.but not Voitb Dcatb^ as f bcpijuct tbfiaptblcs.vlttD tbcp \)C)cc tbe fiue monctbcs.anD tbat co;mem iA tbt tcoublf of tbe confcicnce , U)bieb tbcp toz^ mcnt\j3itbtbjcatnpng6,bipocri(ic,anD toonDcrfull erconrs. STbcrc is aoDcD foza cojufozt^fiuc monctbcs^be locHftes :f^.«^m8s torretp coine out uttbc monctb of apiill.anD liue \3ntiU ^tp- n«bc«*- tenibcr,anD tobcn tljep banc Ipueo vobolp f iise monrtijcs, m* wncmendp tl)epDve,31t figuifictb tbcrfo?c tb^uicb as art jl^.it^ coiu ^/ The xjncii. Sermon- confccmte to soMincs fl^all fce!e rl)crc toim^m n Itile tolitlei andrOatt^cDtfcctucrs QiallttotaivoavcB pzruavlc:bntt^at £l)crc fl)a!l fce fpaccs to celt anD bicatlj in , tDljetcm tl)e goDl^ map be cccoucrcD t^ioagb cl?e trutl) . foi tbc i5rafl)oppccB DcQro^ tiotalitl^e pcare long , ncttt)cr are tbcpfene ali t^e peatc long, ^bcre femctb tberfoze a comp^infon to be ^cce tn tbiB lictccmmatc number , Co as tbe fenCc (lioulD be : Iv^e as tbe i3raQ)opper5 Ipue not longer, tban from ^pUU to ^ep^ tember : (o Doubticfletbcre is a t^mtp^eftjeen to tbofe fedu^ ccr6,anti falie idoptQ) Clergte. i^uen tbtis batb alfo tbe SipO:s ttlc ^ . idaule b?m Telfe coinfo;iteD tbe cbnreb : tDbo after be baD pppbecteD tbattbe cburcb (l)oulD be tDonderfull? \7ciceD of bppoerttes anb faifc teacbers , tneommentl? asDctb : and A.Tim. I . lifee 08 lamncs $ lambrcs reftfieD Mofes, rigbt fo DOC tbefc rc* (tO tbe of a tnpnDe corrupt , ann ietu De as concern st^ngtbefavtb : but tbcp Qjall p;euatle no longer . ^o^tbcir ntabnes Ojall be snantf eft to all men , li^e as tbat toas of tbe otber. Sinn Primaflus Cattb tbus : i^ere btmeant tbofe fo^te oif inen,\»bo tbougb tbei? bane beene rataglet) $ (hartleb xb falft lioetanes,pet totoaro tbetr enn^of tbete life tbcp fceleccnto^fe ^ reeetue goDs ttmrb-^sapne U)e feecas 3n Uiameb pon tn tbi 7.cbapt0tbAt oU opb tiot|)ena),\ubteb tvere lonce mtangiei) tDttb tbe fnares of i^lnttcb^iG.^o^ at lengtb tb^ongb* tbe mecj cp of i5oi) tbev e(eapei),ami Congbt tbe grace of 0OD CO btgex tten tbem tbzougb Cb^ift^fozfabvns all fuperftitions . wtXtt ntoieouer^bp reabpns of btfto?tes, bovn i5ob batb at certeine earned opcneo tbetrutb bv bi0 favtbfttll mtntfiers , tb^ougli tobofep^acbpngtbeletooenes oftbeHocuftcfits ttttermpr^ teli,tbat men began to rmelltbem ont , $ to efcbeto tbe {amc: YtottDitbftabing tbe regcnerateD,manp tvutes bane retnmeD« i^c.^nb ltke)at)tfe otber miniQers bane retumeo bome.#e* ^om great ^no furtbermoze be oeclaretb , bow great v»as o^ (s tbe istbcfo:ce fo^ceoftbistnifebief. iTbetrtozmentvngJaftbbe^tsas tbe •f f pepfon. to;ment of a ^eoipion, tobeti be batb ftonga man.Cbere fs ito great papne felt at tbe firft:bntttgatbtcctb ftrengtb b? Ittle anb litle,ano at tbe laft afbetb ercedynglt' : 3}f remetii? be ban tntpme , tbe popfon is notDeablp : if it be not taben , be opetb tbat (5 ftongentberetoitb* STotbeitfclarationof tbis t02ment,U)btcb men fcde in tbeir confciences , apperte^netb tbis tbat folIo)33etb,anD in tbofe oaves men Q)aU feektoeatb« ^c . !2lnD it is a IpHe pb^afe of (peacbe in a maner , as ibis is: Ye mountiines fal tjpon tJS,anD coiier ts.^,5X)becof3! Ipabe m t(^e«6.cbapter « i^nott ti^tbe ti^p^ce of one tbat islo^raSlietf J tfb, vpon the-ApbcaHpfc. irS Cha^.^, m^m^ bioug^t m a lucucf to i»fpap?c . 2>ottbtlc0 tftat jao = ptai Donnnc of mcntcB,of t'pc i3QonafticflU petfmion,anD of ot^cc fuel) ij5$c iJDctrmcs , banc fiimen miiup bwDlong liito t)erptrat(5.l^creuntotsaD!)eD,t!;attt}etpinrsof t^ciocuf^cs • toccc eiccctiing ful of foicotocs: teibercf all Copies complainc. xr^c HocuacsDvofo fctmcn togcti^cc bptljc cares among tbcjnfdiic6,tbact^cIyfeoftl)C)n\jDast3nplcafant.$c. aitD to be b2tcf,t^c^ biougbi mc in Cucb cafc,tbat tbcp loifljeo to Dpc» 2r^e S. 02D 3l€ai5 oclmcr t}s fro tbc popfon of tbe(e'iLocuf^c0» CS^be llocuSe«;(tbaf ts to fap tbe popttb CIer9t0)are ^tU ; crgions ofyron.And the founde of their wynges, was i^s the founieofchiretSjwhen many horfes runnc to- gether in batta)lc • And they had tayles like vnto Scor- pions,and there were ftynges in their tayles. And their povrer was to hurt men Hue monethes. And they had a icyng ouer them which is the aungel of the bottomleHTc pit , whofc name in the Hebrew toung,is Abadon, but in the Greeke ApoIIion. !i»cbatttfpoftcnalrca5^oftbcoitgitian a^bpotocr of tbt— -^ Eocu&es . ^cnenbeldTc Ien«npman fl)oulD be impccticD (t^^^^^ toubanpobfcuntie, fo tbat be cowlo notltnoto tbe^Locnftce beware off aiib bctoarc: C fo? tbe enD of ibi« tobole pzopbcfie is to titabr jtocofteis. ts bnntrftauD ano bcVDare)ttotD alfo bccefcribetb tbe iBrafs hoppers tajttb a tuonot rfnil lirtclp ccpzcfentanon , ano alfo tbcir figbt asa^nfl CbJift,ant) agaynft tbe Doctciwr of goblp* ncB,of aU otbec figbtcs tbe moft pccillous, ana tbrre is no Doubtc but tbat tbe tobo^c acinic of tbe pope ts^et:cDcrcnbed,rpcciaU2 tbe fpintuaUic as t^c^ tetm^ ^.iitj» K chap. if . The x!. Sermon Cbtfpiru *^» iPonbcfoIafottrs oftbeigmperourfltof aUftaiterkfttscB tuciu \}oo(iz ^^^^ PliHcc&as r^cv terme tl)cm,fcmc btm. SlnD in t^e popes of tt}c po.)s tcmcsoft^cCpicimail^mtiebc CarittnaUcs, idatmrc^es, ijBi>cr«tecD iarc^bpa)opB, ©f ft)opB, iaibbot5,jdzclates:ncptbcciBtbece aup number of pMc&ee, ano religious peefone of botb (epes. i^eetmuo appcrtapne manv tmrnecficicB , 2>octour9, and OQaiaere, great Cbamptons of tbe^dope: tbeie betiecei? tbofe Hocuaeg, tobom tbc SrO^b Blefns fpeaketb of bete . 3) bnotD bou) DiTpIeafantlv manp toil tato tbt0 mv eicpofitton. ^no 3(1 tuoulD glaolp (i3oD is mv to!mc6)baue fparco tbcm: but all tbe blame is in tbcm,\3)bicb i^ too^Des anoiuo^bes bctoiav^ano Declare tbcmCelues to be locultcs.^f o; cjccept tbe tbvngitfcKecrpout^tbattbofeare bone of tbem, txibtcbb? tbeejcpofuionarenotu b;ougbt to ligbt: 31 U3ill not oefire tbatcret)itil)otilobegeuentome.3l$ea^enotbin9 bere in tbe fauoiir of anp man, neitber fo; b^trcb. S^et i5ob bvntfelfe ^e iuDge bettotjct t)s, let tbe truetb it fclfe iuoge , ccrtavnei? alleicporitours tuitbone confent t)nberftanD bi^Hocuftes (aire teacbers. ©«tlet\jsfee tl)c befcription of tbe iapo01e^.3lobnbp an thinacfi *^ fcwelation of 3flefus Cb^ft, twbicb botb miurv to no man, ^cntaoe ^^^^^ OaunDerctb no ma. ^nb befl)e\uetb tbe Homoiomata, pinpne b^ tbat ifi to (ap,tbe fimilituDe6 of iLocuOes, by tbe tobieb tbe^ parabicjT. may be figureD>anD as tt \»ere ret before our eyes^ to be li^lu; tbe tbinges t^bicb be biingetb fo;tb. ^o; ^mo euerv part be applpetb a parable o; ftmilitube, toberebv bt e^^etb moft aptlv tbe bifpofition ano maners of tbe Hocuftee. ^03if«p;tc- ^irttbcfaptbtb^tbeiocuOcsarelibe \)nto boifcB Pif# parcb u 0areD to battell . I3p tbe tobicb parable be figtiifietb iiuin)» biuta^u. tbinges at once: tbat tbe dergie (boulD not oneli? be ambiti^ ous anb pzoubeCfoz an bo^fe ts an Slmage of p^ibe)but mo;e^ oner rebellious anb bolbe, ano eue cruelly fierce, anbintbeie mifbelicfe, anb in tbtir erroucs nioO obftinate, being tstter^ Iv ignoiannt of retucnmg bacfec,tbat i6,of repcntaunce . fo% ^.3P,obnfecmetb bere to bane alluocD>j«to tbefe voojoes of 31ccemp: l^o\3j cbauncetb « tf?at tbis people is not ttv^^cn from fo froU3arD turning atoav: STbcp cleaue (liffcly to Deceit auD tbcy ccfiife to rcturue. 31 marUcD ^ bcarD,anD tbcv fpaUe nor cigl)t:tl)cccuj-^s none tbat \nasCo;vfoj bis euiU, ottbat tooulo (av, t37bat ^mt 31 Donej eucrp one of tbcm nia runnc bi3 conrfc, as it ujcre an bozi'c let loofe t}nto battell : Cenea to.>tb tbis UinDc of me tberc is noneamr nDuicr.2rbcp tbmUC 5»\r^er aU,^ou) t^q? uuy atUue oi\)Us^ iim cvcoucs Ujitb tbe. vppontheApocalipre. up ch^,p::: l^e ftstftft'et^ mincoucc tW tbc ciccgte Qi^ll be tustltbc, atto tl^e auct)our8 of barccs.mtd Qj^lImooueQ) acres agamStijc ^aintesandtcttea)oiQ)ippees of i5od . foi cbep bauc c^c fecular po\Dcr,as tljc? call tt.readp. i^f long c^'iiu noto tZ^cie I)aiiebcencinnunct:noVDart;es,\a)t7tci?t)aucnoc bccne w^^i (eo b? tt)t5 bpttoe of mm. ^toitcs bcarc mitncs bcttof. ytdk anD tn tbts ouetvme CAcomalg ano l3'^Q}ops l^auc baD tbe Icaoing of iacmpc0.(tc. ^Pmallp tberc is fignificD beccbp tbat tbe decgte Q)aU concmuatlp t^cjce ano ttjcarv (l)e tiue chnic^ of CbMft ^tcbfptnniaUtnarrealfo. xpbcrfoze tn tl^c u.cbap* toe Cb^btatrebotDtbc bead commctb out of tbc botomlciTe pttce^ab matotb toacre uoicb d^c cjccellcnt )dzopbcrs of goo. 2;b£? mt]ce rbcefo;c ano pmctiCe aCwcll fpiruiiall as cozpo^ali toactcs, JLaft of all is figtiificD tbat tbc jaopcs clccgic (i)al be tDellfcd,faireanii\»cllt^mg,anD gcucu to DoluptuouTncs, luQcs anD plcafuccs of tbe boo vc . ^q% tbts kv"be of people rap^em not i^mfcs tbat be gantc o; Icane , Cucb as goc ta ploto ano carte : but fucb as arc tocU kept ^ fco tmxi to feme topotitntbctuarres.;lfoibcbolbe\»vtbme ano confiier, 06 tobat toitt^e dergie is (foi tbe moft part) ano vou t»iU (ap, t^t tbe? are bcre ret foub iti tbetr rtgbt coulours. ^cconolp\}pontbeir ^eabs faitb bc>tbere tocre as tc tocce Croa)i^4 ccotoncs,lil(t))mogolDe.RabanusMauru$^apt. of bts firtt booke of tbc tnftttutto of Claries calletb tbc Qiautng of tbe idzteftcs croU)nc,a Itingdontc.a robe tiercl^ of tbe Dtg-^ nitte of ab^ng anb )ditefl.;^Q^ jdiicaes ano O^onbcs 0; fxu crsboaatbniifclucstobcHvngcsanb i^ue&es, mibvet ttt OccDcarenettbrrofbotb. ^oitbetruc favtbfuU bcfozc i5od aretemgcs auDjajicftcs. i.}dcf,i» But bv tbc ojDcvhmg oj fljitting of tbc ^opc, tbc? cccciue notb^ng cytbcr of bmg- Oomc oz pitcabooDc. ^i\\\ t»ell tberfojc favtb ^.3Robn , tbat topon tbctr beaocsarcastt\x)cre crotDncsli^ctjnto g;olDc: fozbefaprb»ct, tbe^tMcrccroujncs, but libe astbcp tocrc croujufsof golDc. STbcv^ocrc not crou^ncs tn occoc, i;cv^ tber tucrc tocy &uc tjnto tbeui, ^anb ^^a notiDUbnanomg m tbeeudcof ti)c uuo^lD no\2) tbcy bi^uctaltcn 4}pon tbciuSDta- dctncs^oz miters, and croumcs of goloc airo, anD tbe faitte mod picctoiis. '^'ct batic tbey Dotic tbts by no rtgbt.31n times paft ©v^iops bia tocarc \xi\)\tz mttcrSjin toScn of piiritte ^ Imccrcncs, anb of tbc Unomieogc of botb areftamcnteB ; but itoncoftbc dpoKicsuoiapofioitcUc ituutjjarc ibcm.:^bcci feif tij£V bctoiay tbcnuVlucs lyUca matte \a;ptbti?cvj oujne VttcwuttcCjt^iew^cpJl ruppDfc to be boiic b^ i3oo3 piouu i%,\)» bcticc CbAfiiy^ 5racc0Of mm. ^■' We iil; Sermon ©"bctr faces ij^erc as tljc facte of inc it, not as t^fiiccs of EofUaes. '^0 i(Ur\»!fe in. sDftttiei! to anttc!)2ftt ace attnbii* ceo tl)e €}^c6.of a tnan. ITo \r!i^qtucKnc0 an& poMicic. irbcfe ittcu jjHiertcejk'gccat I){nhaimic,attD tl;cv befttnuf\icD vevtl^ fa^ie ipcact). fo «15 ^o« \r eulo tijtnfee if ^umanitic ujcrc loft^ inntg^t be foimoc uitfjcm: but t^icv favnc t^rfc tbingcB , to tbc ixmiM to bimg t!5cic maitcts to paOe, ana to oeccmc men fa^ crcepingiutn t^ctf bOiOincs. 3Rn craftcs, oeccitc^Voilinc ffe auD piiactifc, as tlje? t cnnc iu %^t jacpes legatee, aitibftftf faDcnrs, l^icftes.auo reltgiouspeirotts, ciccclattocbectoiii? tmnof t^e tdoilD.S^be'p pzeaf^; into dllaacmblicis of atimen, tbep Unll be maoe piiuie to al! tinges, tbcp tabe all f binges foz t^e bjitngi tig of t^ii' matters to paflfe^tbcp fcmble and Dt& (ctnble all tbtngcs, t^ev can rafelv fupplant anD btgnvlCv euS !(tcb^ be mod tDtttv. 0Qo:rouct: tbev arelrameby totitive^ lottnenty ano mon^etfull cratttc in ail tbvngcs* 2rbe tff^xt^U ftlfe rp'eafectb anb teftifictb, tbat 3. tojitc tbe tntab. < ; ■^no H^ bad bcateji^c tbe beare of U)omen: b^tbe to^tc^ (imUttuoebcnotetbtbeic^antonneO'e, Jibienee, toboitiQje appaieitjflnD effeminate mpnoes, ^o; tbev bccombeoann ptHcb,anb\}ctlv finely apparcileb , beligbtvng in vuomens 3ietoel0,^earingeo(l!pgflrmentes,^eciallviH tbe ^\mt% tobccttbev ougbtinon ofalltofbewe buttiilitieanbo;ber«? tineJOfei xPbtc^ of tbe ^poltles t»ent eiicr ib becbeo Co^ ratbec bifguir^o) in tl)e temple oitoitbout tbe tanple^ iTbcejcccOis ant) ccai^nelTc of appareil of p^ieftes anb pontes gecitctb no place to tbe co01v arav of tbe {derfian feyttges. i^gaync tbe tbyttg it felfe fpe altctb. ^.^wfHtxk \\\ an bomUpe tpon tbe re« unttb of tbe apocalipfefaytb tbui(: 3fltt tbe beat:e,be meartto ))nDerffanb ani^ft)eVDC,noc onely an effeminate o; toomanl? fc)^e,butatfoeitberofbotb fejccs. arbtts fapt^ \^t*XO}^i^% leauc to be condruf D ano fcanncD of otbei;0. 3in attribmpng to tbem alfo tbe tcei^ of Hionc^e figntfia etbt^eit^crueltie clgainff tbe pooje anb faitbfnll p^ofeffourB of ^%\^, ^bc? arentoftcrnciltnpettemtions.anb of bloud moff t^itlite, neptbec are tbey mooueb beretn tmtb any com« paffion. Ma tbey beffvoy aU tbings toitb tbe(\3)o;b:anb mac ny of tbem bcmfc fnnoiyetoimcntefi: anb in tyranny tbef pafrcBufirisanbPhahris.a^betbmgttfclfc fpeaHetb agayne, Jo2 if l^yugtB, pjitices o)! ogagiftratec, tjjoulb Ipare tbe fel^ \»K(c^e9,t^c id$ieOc0 anb ;ff t^erd-cq^ out t^at it is not laxo^ fulU fntt. finsiVg ti)t^ mccnfe ti)|;n;^DC6 of all timers ano 0949 gtOracee agav^uft ci)e sofpeUcrs.bp pzeCcrilitng fo?nics of tH« i|utiitton9 auD opp^eCTions* H^ttta ts anbeo t^at Tome of tOcmarcfto^ers^t^dOiDtnstpkpnglv ^cafurc^ vuitt) )}n(a« liable conctoitfncs, ant) rcugioas robbci-pts . ^ga^ne (ohtt mba;\Dalterd fuccccDe^to^tc^ [tt obioad cutl! gotten gooD, ^ tpaftc It pjonigaU^ m cvot>^irittg,totiouag,aiiD in piactife of toactce. 2Dl)ccfo;earet^ctcctb oiiL^om attribntcD to t\)tm 'ngi)tfv:llnUt(c cafe ae ^11105 is r^ to !)auc attcibuttoro tbefalfcidjopbctcs. ITbcv (^ao alfo J^abccgion«jeo^ctK«L$) ^ab^rflic* tobtcb is a Dcfecc fo: t^cbicftc, caUea a b;;c0c piatr> i^Kja Vjour* featse. £)tbccBOcpo»niitit,cmTcftcs, Ji»ittbei^ro«esB .«H tbc^nif ;-* j . '80fty,©abccgtwft6otpwoalFc&Mei:tbcbi;cQ(ia«uticrclt}p ': :•: 'i&(fgntf(eD,t^attl>Dirblltta;oul^bcihtrDK;anDAn|abI^!^l^• ;;v. :. > • htootic^ to pttte. arbcp are Oiffc iittktb ana araittMf^t^tiei* •^ t^» tber depairt tbcf^one beacc b^rabtb 'feom tbete erronrd, b^c tnaintapsietbattbeiiamt^cacantioterre: vca aim t^atti]ip Idope can notcvrcw ^0; tbe^ cut ttot ab^Ac to H imtgbt 9ti^ «dmbnl(m^biitp!a^?iiptbait^ £}t)iiiiue-anb 1110$ l|tceHeittit»tbc VsQittti. a^(. ^ca and t^p»^oi}^ tbep b^aggf;, Sfbb^tet(^ntbc|iar6u»9tb¥iec anb greater tbanrbc t^^in "iXtar^, fox tb«rB^ciiart«nrcrtn bco toombo 4bc.^otu^ 'ISttfd tiDbeit tbo? iiJe, ibei? nta^efucb .4 uapfe, ^^^ a>fc^ l^O!^ in mam^ toattp^e^cbasidfjoes v nom ce^o«|9.ium^^ -rmihti^oe eueiniptsttbai) O3(to ia,)iM ^mj^mSif% ^Am# 9)^beMtm,niDft tdacii^S)Mtnfnba2i^ii»$^|ifa^ ^cf tft^ rrijelf G,erfomm«tiifation»,fcmeiicf 6 gmtn at Kome, \\)t }9opc3 Bailee auD Mjiitvngs^tlje boaflpngcs of Dccrcca, anD fiiwH^ tl?attljcp btof mnmcibic VuilfiiliuOe. au tljcft t^ngs Mtofec a nevft'toget^cr^ano tl)imiJec tcrtiblV) as t»l>i ^ l&oft of Mtcn runne ottc \jptf« an ot^cr, ^ ;feeccmTfo?ttbat(as\iicba«?fay>obcfoic)mett\»tHiiefii:ctoD^c, fttppflffjttgtijattbcccisnobclmcraunce. ? Ctjemng::- ^tl^efcl^cotptou!^ tapirs, anQottbefiqc inonctji^cs 3l| tn3 capic0 ii^utpokeu btesie in tbe foiiucr j^canon.^bcreb^ t& uotc& J^^f*>*P*='^eirl«me«w3tf6 ttoctctne , ujljicljc nrnmbeiclfp at cct:^tuiic •"^* ^^^^ ftjalbc repioucD , tbat goalv men map betsac^ t^erof • iSinD^^oteett) not , v^a \x)bo teelctb not alio ,^0^ gccuons '«t I^am cbte frabtx^ battell te ti?at ts mabe bp (uc() SLocuGcsi ICli^ettb^e batg tbc ILozbes moutb rigbtlp matcbeb atoo t»tt6 ' ' '- 't^at ^ fntgljt t)C eircmpteD from tbe mrtfotctton of ^^mcee, •^ • *^ '' tthD b^eIon6x«itieautbo;ttteouenbeiLlcrgtcaltoi^o;t^c^ ^ttmdtoledge notte otber dQagiftratc,tb8 tbc pope of I^omii: Mix raple ttpoti femlac )d;tiKes(fbtib (bcf catltbem ) $ tMli ^oc iobcp t^e^.i^n tbep bpnbe att^ (toearetbttn felites to^ Tea of laomc yfo^ tbe tnerpntettattnce ano (afctte tobctof , tl)c^ ^t Hat^^tt^^l otber men pt riO^ TEXjr i^ywsAi^ti QX\)ify ltNo^n,\obtcb ts tnabe bp BpOjoppcc^bottes anft S>9|q? |8l^4 to cbii iM^e.i^n]} if jQipngee ana id^mtes eo b^t iuw}^ 4B^iti)ti)etr1itl€ firngertine x^ 4&-4ntYb|?nteb tttub ^t Bpo l^bpd opie jMtl^oaglr' ^e be d Cbnecbirobbei?, armnctbcrerai ^ef^jliHb tniflo^tl^ ore ^alOotlUQitbMnfiiilcp as^it^eir vpon the Apocalipfe. rsi chap.p\ Hta!ttte0arcoccommuntcatct) . irt^nejflfapt^crcEocuaeB 2rqc fame is caticD alio t^e ^ungcll of tijc bottomlcs pir: cijc arms nxca ftccigljtujavcs int^c.n.cljapt. 6c fl)all becnlleD tbc bead gcii of tije tDl)ic^afccttDctlioutoft^cbotfojnIcspit. c^it{lti?c anngell totomiclCf of tljc arcttamcnt auD of t!)c great mcffagc is com: Dotonc to P^"«« tifi from l)cauS. wbom ^bo focncc oifoaine to bcacctljcy arc tDo;tb? to^carc t^c ^ungcll of tf)c bottomlce pittc, tbat ts to toittc iamicbiiftfent of ^atl)ait Ijim felfc from bcU. ^o? bf is tljeaDucrfaric ano cncmic of C^iid, in tol)S co^o?alIi?DU3cU Jcti) t\^t Dcmt!:accoiopitgalfo as i^.Jiercme tbongtt,tljat tIjc Dcutil OjoulD \u!)o}p ini^abttc tbat great anicUintbe.7.8.anD.n«cbapt. anD jacbar.intbe ^becbfl© II . 00 attribute to^uticb^id tbispotoeranD pioptrtie. ^* ^^ pa:ditt& )Sanl callctb bint tbefonne of peroition, to 'mity tbe moRfb^ lo;ne ano Damnable, ano tbe greateH autbour of peroition ano Damnation: ano finallv tubicb n)aU be tbe caufc of mucl) aaugbter bp funbii? vuarres.;^oz tbjougb faU'c boctrinebe be* Ihro^etb (oulcs , ano tbo;ougb tp;annv be toaftetb 2^ealmes toitb fire ano {u}o;b: ano loo^euibo rcfufeto obcvbVin,bc Havetb i\^^ta \»ttbout mercp . 2Lct tbe Dopngcs of tbe popes anotbep^ctifes of tbe fpiritualtfatbers beecon(ioereD:Iet tbcm beapplpco to tbefe o^ades of i5oD , ano t^an let a corns parifon anD iuogcment be maoe . lano tbis is as it toere tbe feep,tDbicb optnetbto^jstbcfcnfeof tbio place , ftjetopng ^oti3 it ougbt to be erpounoeo of ^nncb^iQ^U}bom^. paule calleo tbe fonne of pcroition . Habad in i^cbie^ fignifictb) is lofto? Dcflropco.anD tbcrof commetb HabbaJon ,pcrbit!o ti% bcftruction . <^o m iSrefee Apoieo ano Apollymi fignidctb to loCc ano ocRrov , bereof is Apoiiyon .arbc iLojo 31cius Ca^ tbis bedcover \3Jitb tbe b;eatb of bts moutbjdnO take ^vnt a^ toap \)tterlv by bfigl)tt0 of iSlaiyometde li^t^^&ta^ ttnts.Wutkts anD irartartans , moScruelip foiig()trnattl» iSDicI) muc^ tuo . ^nd UjouId i^oD it ^ttt fougi^ten . 5Po; bf t^ctj^pngee tl)em felucs we dayly fee , yea anD aifo tctk t^f miflccte of t^isp^opljectcanz) t^e fttlfillpng t^crof. Cbef^ttte at t^c founDe of t^c trompeoft^cfijct i^ungcll ^ » 3l[ol)it 9iti)i biOo. l)tattt\) a to^cc from tf}t foure corners of t\)t goIDcn aulrar, tl)at istofapfrom t^cmiODeft oft^c aiiUar;fo?tbcrcisno cam'e,tDl)P U)C fljoulo fcUe a mpftccic in t^t number of fonce* lano 6e fpcabetb of t^at Guitar , tobtcb is before tbe eves o( i5oD.2:6(it)N)VceeommatmDer^ tbe ^nngell trompcttcr, to iooCecbefonce tbat ts tbe tbv?b part of tneR,^o t^ofe ^ojftmen > and t^e ^^ce oi pou>et; of tbcm m moQ vpon th c Apo callpfe. 122 Chap.p .' " moS Diligcttt!^ tercrtlied* }X>eIeacneDoflate,tt;ac tl^z gol&en !2lnltdr tsot^ ftgmfie Cijegei^f Cl(mft,fttt^tt5 on t^jc rij^t I)aii of t^c fatbcc.l^ c is pnrcc ana o«itar, tnojteinccions t^an golo : ^c ts t^e )d;ic{l and facrtftce of a!i tl)c favt^fuU,ftanDpng bcfozc tt)c cycB of f50D , to ty ittc plea^ f?ngi5oD , fo^ to^ole Ca^c i5oD ts tocU pIcafeD tott^ all t^e fa^t^fuil,tut>oret)ectticru£f2rct^aU. i^no fuel? a one U)ouflt i5oD ti)efati)cr ^aucl)pmto bepzeacipcD^bdcncDofalit^e fapt!)fuU in r^c \3Q0ilD . ^uct^ a one alfo t^c auncicnt C^ucc^ inaimtcD of x\^t ^poftics bclcnco ano taught fy^m : V^nttil bp tbc too^be anD tnfftgation of x\)t H>cutU , men mo(t corrupt Ipiang tjp in ti^t C^urc^,lo^etrof fome DcnicD CbiiDcs J306a 9eaD auD fome ^ts man^oDe: foine plucked a Cunbee \)iQ j^zu fon court&png of 0oD anti tnan , anu ot^er fome confonnoed l^s natures 0; f psioperttes of tits natnres, %\)t gooDties of i5od fu^reo ti)ts t^png a long tobtle pattentl?,man^ t^mes fcnDpngfaptbfuIi ano iitfcrete DcfcnDecs of tl^e ttruti) , to DtCs pioue t^ofe blafpbtmous erronr&:\33{)ic^ t^tng uje ^anc read to be Done by feuerall 15pIl)ops 0^ ia^eac^ers of t^e Cburc^y ti% bp iccclefiafttcali aScmblecs, tobtc^ toe call counfeis : Tuc^ as toerc tbe COUncelS Nicene,Con(lantinopolitane , Ephefine, and Chalccdonian : 31n tbe UJ^icb tOCCe COnDemnCO Arrius, Macedonius, Nellorius,Eutu:hcs , auO Ot^Ct monftCCS Of ^eces; ticftes uj^icb unpngneo Cb^ift./l^ottoitljClanovttg, t^e incita rable fcotwaroneirc of men ovi> to gteatip p^na^le , as tbete tuas none enb of alteration ano blafpI)cmves.:lFozt\]30 great laetcratm Bvftjoppcs ofnormaUCburcl3C5,Peteri9atciarcl)eof!an- g>cueru0 t(ocb,anD Seuerus ofCon&anttnopIeftepttjp^int^ereigne nenp f auis of tbc iftnpecour luftmian , ano impwoentiv anD toicfecolp tar cijitft afifirmeD ( as tbe actcs of tlje fift Cotmccll of Con(lan= ^'^< ^^ tinople 00 plentifultp enougb ocdarejt^at tbe boop of CbJift toas tottcrlv incozmptiblc^ano tjcrci^ DeificD,anD not fubicct toanpnnpeacbmentesasoursarc . ;^o^t^evfa^o,t^attbe tDOjD became fleQ) in fncb uotfe , as t^ev botb gre\2} bp ano b?- toto one naturt,tbat is to u^itte into tbe Hatttre of{5oiil}eaD> fo as iLb?tft ujas become Aphthartos,tbat is to Ta^ t)ncoirup;s tiMe . arbcfc tbpngcs fljonlo feme to pzoceoc ont of rt?e xxixt^ beb fcbole of Valcntiman , Nlarcion, anD Manicheus . lames Sy- t,„.- r„ rusjCttcnaittcD zanzalus,of \»bom at tl)ts Dav tbe laco bites are ^' fiameo in tbe igaft coimtrcv, toolte \jpon bV'n to DcfcnDc x^^t iKjctrinc of Seuerus . %\^t bercfie tbat tbis man taiigbt.ttjas lancMrnptiblcbc ncitbcr ruffcrcD,no: \x>as cnicilicDibut t^at Dome ot^(;r \xias put to tojmcmcs iQ% ^\)\i^ , ano t^at £b^i(l Chd^.fi. ..'The.xlilSermon; ' DVD l)«t ottciv HanD bv tnmfablp anD loofec on . Sr^ts biovn^ ficHc opinion \iinB beaten totonc b? man^ tcjttCB of^cnp^ mre,$ finally troDcn \mDct iootc bp tl)c ferules of oiii fait f?» Cbn^ i\xU ^oi\x»c confcffc m our bcticfc tl?at be fnffcreu t)nDcr laoce fcrcij i)cie= 0iIatc,\xias cructftcD,?)caD ano barpto. 2:bc|aiopbct6 toloe ^« crpzcOclv bcfozctbat be Q)oulD fuffcr d otc: ano tbat be W^ '■■ ftiffcccb anD uveri,tbc klpoClcB baue txntnc Oco : of U3bom ^» : Slobnbcbel^etbcDcatbanDpaff'onDf Cbnft on tbccrotfe, ^tubccrcaD toe tbat tbcHoio tuas eucr fo nmcb oficnbcD: vuptb bis Difciplcs,as be toas \uitb ^etcc foi going about to mfujabc bim from bis paCTion, as a tbmgtjnmccrcfo; tbe fonncofi5oa. ft^i be favbe, goc bebinoe §atban > tboufa- itourcll not tbofe tbinges tobicb are of i3oD,but tobicb arc of men. arberfoie ftjoulo tbe? not baue rcniieo tbe errour ana inaDnes confuted. I^e fecnietb to rcofon pzobablv^ tbat i5o5 tnpgbt baue reocenico tbe t»ozlD bp an otber meane, tban b^ t^e incarnation o; paflion of t^t fonne of i3od:anD tbcrfo;e f It toerc an tnfeemelv tbing foj \j8 to belcuc tbat tbe fonne of i5ob \33as beaten tovtl? tbe banos of tbe '^itiiizti , anb mo?co^ ner Oapnc. 15ttt tbis piobablencs is of tinclcane flcftie,not of i3ob, pea it is of ^atban bimfelfr. ytt batb tbis abfuroe an) mod tntcbeo opinion founoe not a fevoe foliotxiera . ^02 tbe ^erefie of tbeSlacobites contc^neD tn tbe aicoranc,t6 fp^'eaoe abroad farre anb neare once all tbe iSaS countrep» }pobcreb^ itappearctbpIapnelp,tbattbegolDcn btcb tbing xotyv^ts tp Htnbleb tbe vx^ U)2atb of f5ob . 5f 0; of bis inft tuogement i^epermittrbiBQabomettotna&enetoelaujes, anbto (p;eaD abioao t^t berefte of t\^t 3rarobites farre anb neare tb^ougb^ ontaUtbciQ0O|lb£.;fottbevtbaitttUnot beare Cl^jiO > ace \D02tbv to beare anttcbitft: tobicb tbing tbe idpoftle tjatb aUo m tbe firlt tbe Uomavne&, anDt^.^be(f.q.cbapt.afs firmcb. arberfoje fcoin tbe anitar tbere is bearo tbe tjopce of bvmtbatrittctbattbcrigbtbanb. commaunonig to loCctbe fonrcatmgels bounb in tbe rmcr euybiates: tbat is to ix>ity to bivng foK^ into tbe tioo^l^ Deftropcrii^tDbtcbniap ouertutt «Ti*mf bi? bim to inft puttifljmcnt of tbe impem^ icntcs. HTbitfl teas ^innacberib , ^alnuinafar, anD s^tt^ tebfi!UUto^r>(4Uebtbe.(crn3tmts-ofi5x)Dr^btcb e]i;ecmeD bis iubgcmcntes. %^zxi^%t let \)s fearc f5oD,aub perleucr int^e .ttjnereiigimt.iu. ,- . ., • ,i,.'. :- . ... xi ^lepate^ "■■ ,09^ieoiier^ fbi^} ^aracencs^ITurbes mXtKmws^v^^ art t>ap and m^ vHligeml^ bejcnbcD. ;ff ird is commebcb 4n tbem ais9^ bourf, DerfiiU ejrpedicion $ celeritte, t^e p^tnctpail t)cmtetn^anre0« vpon the Apocalipfe. 124 cha^.p. 3;!)C^arceucrcntytHv)rcaDp atciicrv momctttto tj^txmt t^t uiDge mentcs cf C5oD. Sl^crfojc l)c lUfauct^ all pairtcs of tv>mf ,€ucu tntt'^ ^ourc of t^e liav. 0nD fo t^crc is no fccuru tit fcom i\}in\x tvcu ranft ncucr be tn fiirctic . 2:{)cv ace lig (t b>/ in atiinonr, auD come VjtiiooUcD io>.,ti)cp tniiadc.attu (pcztc tfcic matters mcft iurfedv* ?S)C aDDctb tljat tl^iouglj tl?cjc ccucU ^ Cpcf Dp Demcauouc t^e t^jirD part of men \\\ c^c tuojlD 03cnlD be Uavne. tiUf rc!v 3fia,aSfdfKf ,antJ jguropc l^auc fcit in voaircc moil mtclSaug^crs ant DcGruciioiisip {\it ^a^ raccnc0,2:iirbcs,auii 2:arratiaiis, f tvmeof iSQaa ^omct \3nt0 oucDavcs^abcitf tt;e fparc cf ip. l;iino2cDauDjcp» Vearcs.auOaUotbeianeftcsof iJQal;omct ace Vecy qmcfec 0UD Diligent, ta alliicc mcu mto t^eic cn:om:s,^cr tcaut t^jcpUicUpfticceUc, Sbc umnber is alfo notcD \\\ awancr infinite, anD t^c jpuiBbcn ttumbcu craptb be) of tbc aumic of bojfcmen , toss tt»o OSp* tiaDes ot ^pnaDes- ^ KBi^p^taDc i£> tbc number of ten tboiu fanD. i^uD io fl)ou!D tiao asfJiniSDes of rnvziabcs mafec VQitxi!^ tictbouranDmpz>aDC0,an^fobi^tl)ri)eolDc tcanflatour ccaD- 6% tcattflatc^ iix ilno Hrafmus biitn tianQateo it tcucntie tbou^ (aniu^mts ten il^oufanD, STbf Dmcb tranflation batb,jnan^ tboj^(an^ tl^'oitfanDes. Laurence Valla in bts anttotations \)p« t)ontbenciu^c(tamcntDotbintecp^cte,a0batb tbe IDtitci^ craufiat^on^tboufauD tboufanbes. But b&bloeuet: it be, cer^ tafnc4t ifi.bp tbc conference ofotber places, tbat a cmapnc number is put fo? an^nccrtavnc ,tbat is to Tap, foj ejcceeoma great: anD tbat it is mcnt,tbat t\it bojfcme ottbc^araceues, |rur^cs,anD ^artartans C^oula be luuumerabte . ;f 0; tue ce}UJCintbt7.ofH^auieU, tboufauD tboufanocs fcnjcDbpm^ anDt^iitboufanoCQillionsftooDcbeio^ebvm, '^iwJi be fpca^* bctb of ^ungeis (robom be figuifietb to be mnumerablc)ani» oft"betc miniaecic. ^0 alfom tbcfifte of tbc apocaiipfc: 31- l?cacDC(avtbbc)tbc>)opccofmanvvluogel3., wio tboulaaa tboufanDes faping toitb alonDcbopcc^cCectainlptbe Co* tiestedilictb tbat tbe ^aracenes came out of^papneinta ^raunce in number fourc bun^je^J tboufanD, Pauius ^mili- us in tbc. I. booUe of tbe acres of^rencbmen,cccitct^tbat Charles Martell OUCCCamS CbJCC buUDlCD, CbjCC frOJC anD,)C>). JboufaiiD 0iaracenes. anSi Matthias Michon in tbe firft boofee g.Cbapt.Of Sarmatiiinafla. Tamerlancs (faptbbO^a^ aiiac- micof li.bunDjcDtboufanD. iB^oieouec, it io plapnc, tbac fbcretticrcncuec in anp age J mcmoiic gccatev armpes o( ijoircmcttiettottt of au£ nation^ t^la^ of arurfeeSj^araccnes, Chap.^, ' Thc.xIi.Sermon anb Tartarian©. ^>.iicljnaDDctl),tl3at^c5carDt^cjr nabcr, t\r])ZK foi tl?at i)c toculD To c6tirjnc,tl}at ijc ^aD favD,i)o\M tbcir po^Mcr aiaulD be crcccDtng gccat,oj foz tbat be ujoulii parti? Cignifte, tbat tbcir ^ictoivco alio ujcrc nuinbieD, aiiD (l)ould Ijaue an crtDc . STbat in a)anidl is mod notable, Mane , Thc- kcljPheres: tb^t 10, batb nnmbicD,batbttjapcD,batb DeuiDeD. I&c batb nmnbicDjfavtb bc>tbP feingDome, anD batb bjougbt ittoanentje. anD at tbc bcgpnnvng ^ alfo in tbc t^ineg rbat fo!!otocb, tbc ntatter© of jOgabomct incrcafeD epccDpnglv . after 0Si^ mn potDct boniet bim fc!fe tbcv ban in ozoer* jcj;^ , amtrals C foj fo tbe? anD fucccfTc called tbeir j&ings oi }9jinccs)\Dbicb mleb toitb great poto^a of d^aijo= ee \juto tbe vcare etgbt. C.tbiee fcoie ^ ten . about tbts tpuie metonef. tbep^j.^tniral calleD 0gaboutct,\aj'cnt about to D^tueontano oppzeOTe Jimb^ell gouernour of }3abplon:tDbtcb fern fo) ^ucbulet tbe SETuche out of Scy thia againtt tbe amtrall. anli tbcSTurHcDifpatcbeD b»s matters , anD D?o«c mati? of tbe ^aracenes out of aria,anD fo tbe srur^es began to retgncttt tbe t^ad . anb tbe ^aracenes bevng fjrpulfeD out of tbofe partes , came into affricfec ; from tbcnce failing iifito ^icilic anD otbcr3llaDes,tbep poOeCreD ^pavnealfo; attti oitertrMie' otbec nations nere,anD inuaDeD 3ltal^,fpoplgng i(iotnt,?inB confum^ng manv gooDlp builD^nges toitb ftrc. Cortcermttu- tbe tobicb matter pe may reab volaterjnc in bis. n . yebw of jgeograpb . in tbetbzefolD arabte. ^Ibout d^t pearebf out io?D,i99XCC. tbe '^mMi) iSmperoursbaD tbeir begpn^ «V"5 of Ottoman, tobo pofieQe m tb!6 Dap a great part of a^ Iia,affricfeeanD iSurope . ?^caof batb toiittcn Baptifta Igna- tius in tbe enD of tbe . i ♦ booUe of tbe montane /^mpeconcg, iinD Paulus iouius.(3Qanp of tbe auartarians rcccmeD tbe i&e^s ligion of (3Qabomet , anD baue mod greuoua? plagneD t\it toozlD , V]3berof Mathias a micbon uj^ttetb w ^armatia of a* lia.anDDoubties tbe people ofiBQabomctbauc beneoftjer^ .great potoer,anD be Co dill mtn at tbis Dap. ^o^femcn . 5i^otD are papnteD out alfo tbe bojfemcu anD bojfcs tobers i^ojfejj. upon tbep riDeubat is to toittc tbemancrs anD potocr cf tbe ^abometancsare DcfcribeD . %\^t%0TXt\nzn baD en baber* gions,not of vion , but firieof peloto atiD bzimdonp colour, STberfoie fire, i^iacintb anD B^imdonc ^crctbctr armoiti; m deDc of btedplates.jjfo; tbe l^tactntb br pnttetb bv anD bp ftnofee . ;lFoi J^iacintb in colour refembletbfmofee ne]ctt)ntfl fire anD flame. anDtbeboifcsbao ILponsbraDcSranD^era pentcs tA]f 1(9 'm.^ ^rabes ^ % ^e ^oztes b^eatbtb' out of tbeit; moutl^eft vpontheApocallpfe, 125: Cka^.p^ inont^eg fice,fmofec,ant3 biimftcnc, witlj t^cfe plagacs,fait^ ^c,to tDittc,ftrc,rmofec,aui) biunftone, t^c tbpiJi part ofmcii toercflapne. aifo t^cp DpD ^uct men tout) t^c{c|jerpctun:c tapics. JSje aDDct^ t^at t^cir potocc toas m t^cir moutg , ana tl^Eic novfoinncile voasmtficic tap!c.3ilt ftmct^ ti?at t^cic %ngcBacc tobcyjnDerfioDcaua CjcpomiDCD botlj fpicitnai- ipanoco?poial!p . ;jFo?t!jc iS3a!?omccancs fcyt^eictoicfectt toctnnc,tol)ic^ is aptlp c6pacca to fire DcOcoving , to fniofee blpnopng, auDto (linfepngbziinftonc, ^aucDcftcopcD inniu niccablc.;jrittailv toit^ a jlionif^ ojtp?anicallfo?ce ttiep toe conftccpncD inanv people to teccine t^eic aico?an;anD mo?c* oucc tij^at tpme t^cir falfe ^aiopljctes fane to riattec (foz e- Capfapt^,afaifc}9jopbct is ataple) t^cppiav tijcp Serpent, ^ infect men tnti^ t^e moft corrupt popfon of tljcic Doctrine* £>\xt Of tl^tir moutljes pzoceoe not onelp blafp^emous tatoes tttt aifo maruelous pzapCes , great boaapng of ^iao^tce anD abi)ominable b!afpbcmics.i2)l5erc fap t^ep , is pour Cbiifim (aptb^onr religion of lagabomct oncrcommetj all. au vour tijpnges arc mifccablc.lScvng tjaqmCljeD pe ferae lifee boQDc flaucs cnerp ti3bcrc»a:i)c tljing it felfc Dcclarctb,tbat onr iac^ ttgion ts true.ani) ponrs ftar^c falfe.^no in oeoe tbc jGE9al)0s tnctanes rcigne in a man:r cncrp toberc : 3in tJicto?icB anD cicbcs tbtp arc fortunate ano ncbtc ♦ 2:i)attbvngmaSctb tbc CbJJfti'ins uffravDc, ano cauCctb njanp to reaoltc . ^01 tobat IB Done amongcQ t}B,iB to manifcd to all men.:2rbc i^ofpcU Icrs bawconcc 0; ttoife fougbt tnluckclp , ano abpDccner^ ijourc great perfccntions : tbe laapittes onercome ^ reiopfc^ arbere are fonnDetbcrfoie iiianp tboufanbc6,tt)bicbfav%boU) tbe tbing it fcifc fpcat^ctb^tobctbcr i^cligio is bcttcr.Doubt* les tbt5 great fcltcitie boicctb mai'V lliil m crrour , tobicbe tooiilb els be gentle tax'^ tract.Tble.arbcrfoie it is no marucll, tbougb tqcS^urfeesoi jG^abomctanrs pjcnaple tjcrp muc^ tS3irbtbcicmontb,finncsamongea\JB CbJiflianstbc t}icro:» ries anD tbe felicities of tbis toozlo are of fo great fojce in ma ncr toitb all mc. ^InD pet tbeir CA^ccilpng is but in moutb ana in boa6png,anD not in ^erp ocoe no? in trutb. fQi altbougb tbcSJHrlus bc^jictozions ,pct iBtbciriS-cligion moJtfaife, mod U3icfecD, auD luoR abfuroc. anD bG\a) tbofe tb'^ngcs map \it Cjcpounbcb coipoyallp, tbcrc is no man tbat frctb net , \a)bKb Unouiccb tbe ^nrbta) bpSo^CB. ^beCBiSJbsmctancs burnctoitbfice^bJimRoiut fox barDlp IS tbecc a«p otber nation , tob^cb batb fo toaftcD tbetsjojlD \yub fire , as cbis ♦ toW^ ivap fo cucr ibcp ^vi\}% Cfr4p.^* I'ThexIj. Sermon t^ciM,al! t^yitgcs biirnc \witl) a ligOt five, ali i6 full of fiito^c; 2Pl?cii: laiiuccs arc Jitons,auD t^cir gDuerncuicnt is Ime ilia one , all f l)?ngcs arc tvjaimicail . 2;l)c^ lomniamiDe crucU t!jpngcs,ucitljcc commetl) t^ccc anp otUrc tljpng out of t^cic moutl), ttjau tljat ujl^ic^ is bloiiDOV . 2r^crfc?c Ijauc tnatip of t\)tm ca'lcD t^cm (chics tljc \»jatb of i5cD ano tlje tobippc o) fcoiu'gc of i5od.^nd )ietti^ cUis \yi}at\) of tl^c Eo^D foilo^cr^ couiipt Qoctcmc ano CVoaruvns f*^om tljc fa^tb . »?itl) t^cfc tbicc plagues firc,fmobc anD bjimftone tl^c tly^in p^rt of t^c XDO^ID is aa^neano DcQropcd. -P- . an«- iSQoieoucc t^cic ^ccpcntie taylco numoniQ) rijicfl? , tbat SaSpic'^^^^ iJo!)urtijcrp mac^ . ;JFoimcarc t^c (SQaijomcraiice oj a, hca&cfl. Srurfees baucaav tobcrc cmrcD iulcagetuit^ C^iiOcn min CC0. tl)cv ijaue not Done it toit^ont craft ano gmlc. Wi)v^ i^at ^ane bctcuco t^cir p^omifcs and fiattcrvng tootDs, anD banc rcquircD anD Ijab a^bc of t^eiu,^anc noucit^cD a ^crpc ut in t'^eir bofcjuc. «rhc avDe i^crcof rcmainc ttoo notable crauiples.^ birrczbe rofe be* auD natu- ^^^^'^^^ tbc xgmpcronr of £or»ftantt;;opic ani bvs }3?incc0* rmssott'oe XPi;iIca Marcus ILo?D Of Bulgaria ij^tlCD ^^mfclfC.'tUitb tl)C «^urB0 arc f^?iuce6,oz iloitcQ of i£>rccc,tl)c xgmpcrot!!; teas compcUei> pcrnicioHjB. to require a)?Dcof Amurathestbe firftoftbat nanx tbctbpjft STHrliifo fgrnpcroucaftci: ottoman.anb beapocD tbc lumped tour gcntlv. foi be fcnt into iBrccc . nooo . coofcn HTurfecflr, tV tbe av^ of tobom , t^c jempccouc DifcomfitcD anD put to fiigbtMarcus biinfclfcanotbc reftoftbe rebcUccButtbat fame amitie tuas tbc bcgvttttpug of tbc DeRrucno of tbe fgnu ptreof ^onffantinopic , rmo ct all ti^e cdamities of j5rece* ^01 \x>\)cn Amurathes tonoccKoDc b? tbc foulbiours \j)bicb re wrneo borne , tbat iSrecc toas botb a \)erv goobl? countrcv, anD not (Irong.bp reafon of tbc t;ifco?.be ano Deffructio of tbe laiinccstbe Dctcnmnco to trafpoue thct\)ct imtucDiatlv, tm^ Dcr pjctenCe of purforvng tbc icnipcronrs cneinpcs. ana To bcbcgato poacffc i5rece it fcif, \3yl)\c\9 botb bis fonncs $nc« pbttioestoitbiuan.C. peaces bjongbt ttJbolpintotbcicfnb* iection.3Rn onctpme aroica Diicozoc fojtbci^ealmc of ^un* garie bettDi)ct Ferdinand ,tobo novo is lEmpcroiir, ano lohti Vayuode ^?mcc Of ^ungf*rie tobicb being not able m ftrcgtb to mattbt Ferdjnand,\via6 WUZ tO CtanC (lyU Of Solyman Qm pccour Of tbc Surfecs. irbe STurfeetcas bp $ bv rcaov ttJitlj great favnb anD Diligence auD \)luch B^obn in bis UvngDonie» iao\»bcit ttie fce,tbat aHoone as 3l0i;n U)ay ocao , tbe urnrfee tuiovcD t^c^pugDomc of i^unsacic « Xv>uulD io^n tbcrfo^c t^a( rpontheApocalipfe. 12^ Chaf^, t\^9X tW!il 0jimcc6 UjoulD not truft tfjc 2rnt*ia) name auD meiiof\»arrc.;froj;tt;^iIcft t^c<^aljomctaneIa«g^ctIj tpoti tbcCl)?ift«an tuitlj afrcuuip contcna«nce,^c mtcnoct^ to put a Serpent into bis bofomc^ano to ocftcov l)vm . ana at ^is Dap toe be^etftil!astt)cUm tl)e fiict^ battel! asm t^cfifttJ, t^atts to fap,m tl^c co?cnption,totcfecDncire, ann t^?annp, as tocll of tt)c iaopc as of t^c s:utKc,i» t^e jaapiftical ano (3qa* ioiuf ticall conniption , toicbe ones anD tp^annp , 2r^c iloja 3lefti5 oclmcc tjs from all t^efc cutiics fcp \i\& slo?io«s com^ mpng tjuto mD5cmcnt.amei!,amcn. C Wfjat tbe rcfiBue of tfjc Ijnrepcntatmt (tobo as pet fecle no l)arme ) Hjall t}aue Done tmo t^em bs tt)$ (l]>ral^op# pcrsano^o;fe0. T he xlii. Sermon. A] Nd the rcmnaunt of the men , which were not kiT- '"led u'ith thefe plagues, repented not of the dedes of theyr handes,that they flioiild not worfhip dcuils, and Images ofgold,and riluer,and braffe^nd ilone, and of woodjU^hich neither can fee, neither heare, neither go* Alfo they repented not of theyr murther, and of rheyr witchcrafte, neither of theyr whoredomCj, neither of theyr theft. 3It iB fpoiUm sbaunaatttIp,ljoto great calamitie Oial come tmo t\}c tuoilDbv^tbclomftes anotioifcs tmoect^cfift ana fijct trompet auD fui afmuc^ as it is fufficicntlp fenott3en, t^at all are no t Ttibicct to t!)c lonidcs anr> l?o?ff s, neither be pimi^ (IjeDoft^^icb neucrtijelcs commit tlj'^mgcs alfo tcoja t^p of puu'Ojment : feme man m: gljtmaritcU, tobctijcr t^ofe t^at be free auD cpempteD fro tijefc plagues , map fafclp leaDe an impenitent Ipft I i)t pzeucntct^ ano laptij , ano ttjc rcri jut of mca,\a)^ic^ alfo cctuunt lijaincfalJ tJjpiiges agapuC 0oa> anopctarenot(lapnc\3)itb t^efc plagues (Citozr!),mapnot tbmUe to efcape 'oupunifl)eD.^oi citcn tljcp Ci)aU Uc punill)ca alfo of i5do tu^o ts ntoft iuft. :froi ti)z fpeacl) is ocfcctinc, aiio t^eno^ to be maae \)p,bot^ bp t^e tenure bcreof^aiiD alio b? t^c catt)olicfec fenCe of p \jal)olc rcciprure,i-o^if/r) iu fall impe^ ttitcut pcrCons arc pim'iajcD of iSfO : ant) t^at fo vmkI) nxoic grcuouilp J as t^ep ^aue mojc carctcflcip abufco 0ocs long^ ^,iig^ lufifei Chaf.p.' The xli). Sermon fuffcraficc attis not bene moucD tott^ an^ eiwjttples of i5oB« tuDgcmcntcs . ytt favt^ lie not tins by cjcpicfTc tuozDco . 3ilt >3)as enouglj foz ijhn to rc'^carft t^c tj3(cfecDhec,tu!)Ct;in t^e]? VMcce ojoujucD . iJfoj hereof may cucrv nian gatl)cc , tti^ar 10 Hue to fuel) ofleuDccQ.Aretasa fSccfec cjcporttoui;,c]cpouDpng t^is placc,favf^: 2r^iB fpeaclj Q^c\uctl) an erceffc of tnfeufibi^ Jitie , tftat is to fay , of tbc tjnrcpentanntncorc anD lafciuionf ^ lies of tbe,tx3^sc^ ^auc fpent tlje tynic gcauntcD ti)cm of i5oD to repent ixi , about tanitie , tbat euen tQ% t!)c ucfcrt of tljey? aoutbfulnes tfjcy mig^t rccciuc tijcic ceujarD : pea euen bea foie tbe eyes of tbe tjngoDly t^e \3ecy cetoarD is put ixi t^m: vet tbefc men not oncly by tbe ftg^t of tbefc terrible tbynges, tDbicb t\^t^ baD pzcfent befoie tt^z^^i eyes , tocrc maoe neuer ai tDl)it bettcr,but alfo t»ojife,anD beyng mo?e auD nioje tojap* peo in finnc,baue fulfilleD tbeic courfe ♦ (tc . STbus farre be,oj els toe may rcaD t^e teict in fuel) toife as t^e meanyng cf tbefc tSJOJbeS, Andtherefidueofthcmcn that were not kylledwith thtfe plagues repented not,(l)OU!D bC plainly auD fimpiy tbus: ^bat tbe refiitue oftlpemen \jDbtcbe efeapedalyue fromtbc fpoyle of tl)e ^urbes , neitl)er txiere not tooulD be moueb bp tbofe plagues to atnenne tbetr mtrbebamour:fo;afmuc^as tbat age Ojoulb beatteynteb wttb a eerteine diamcfuU ^mre^ pentauntnelfeanDbloltif^ DefperatenefTe.xrbicbtbpng (alas iQ% fojroto ) appearetb to to mantfeftly ixi many men of ouc ageattl)isp?efcntDay* _,. ^ anb teacbetb tbe loue of ouc sieig^bonr,fo^biDbtng luurt^er^abulteriejtlicftc anb It^e mif^ c^tefes* vppontheApocalipfe. 127 Chaf.p. mtXtz. 5>.3]o^tibzmgctljfO2tftttoofmne0, noncagamtttlEjc fit:ft table, anD ti^^cc 0^ foure commuteDagapnatbefeconD* ^e^tbctt0Cberean? Doubtc, but tbat be compjitTetb tn^cc tbefe all It^e 0; not ^n!t&e,!no;e o; leflff offences againa god, anD^i0tuiU. xpbcfocucct^cffojctbouacr, iftijouoffcnDe a^ ja^nS t^e Diaine latD, tijon Cljaltbe pnntoieb. 3[lf tbon fceme in tbiB toojlD to fcapc free, anD to flittc from bence bappp^tbe fame map cbaiwcc Vinto xW^ tbat bay peneo to t\^t «cb glut^ touttobofe mogcment 10 Dcfcnbeo in tbc it« ftta th?' inls.if 0? our trtiei5on tuyll Ijaue ^pmfelfc aloae taUcu ,l)0« JJJj,, ^^ noureD anD \Doja)ippco fo.i {5oJ). anD ta)l)0 is fo nta0l>c,favtf cK t^oii,a8 to ujO!tOt)ip oeiuisj taerciv tljcrc be certapne peo« pic in tl;c eaH, to^iic^ arc favcD to \xiojft)ip 2)?uils , foj none otbcrenDc,bmtI)att^cvCl)onlD not butttbcnu i^bts is ai barbarous ano foIiO^e people. xo\ji^ ooe tbcv not rattier txjo^^ fljpp b^m, tubicb is onclp able to rcflrevne tbc S>cuili tbat be can not,bnrtj i^otobcit tbis toicfecones ftcetcbctb farre. ^oj tbev \\\ DccDc U)0?fl)!p tbe sDcuiU, tobicb toiU fecme to too?^ fl)ipj5oODe6.;fo^tbis matter is eftccmcD not after tbc opi^ nion, ountcntof tbe tD02(liipper,but accozbing to tbe intent of tbc tatDC ntabcr. fox tbe i5entt!cs uoouId not fcemc , tbat tbcp facrtficeD to IDcuiis: but tooulD bauc taV:en it inodDifd pIeafauntlp,ifatipfl)oulobauc favtic tbat tbcp tDc;ia)ippco tbe JDcuill. a^boH art (tooulD tbev b^^uc fapbc) a \)fx \;arlet, anb QiaineleOfeflaunberer , to offer (o great repzocbc botb ta tbe 0ODOCS auD to los. ©utneuertbekfre, 3i lap not, (faptb ^.Idaule) tbat anSIDoI, o; tbattubicb is offcrco tnto 3l]Dots IS anv tbing : but tbis 31 fap,tbat tbe tbvngs tobicb tbe iScna tils offer ^p,tbev offer tbcni to SDcuih-, ants not to 0oD.^oj Ceeingtbcreisbut one ouclv iSob, ano be aUoujctb onclg tbe Iacrifices\»bicb arc cffcrcD to bvmfclfe : calling a!l otbcc i5ods IDtuils,and affummg tbat tbe tbingcs tobiti arc offc* reb )}nto tbcm, be oSfcri^D Inuo tY^z SDcuiii: tbe tbuig »Rtt0 be cCeemeo acco^Ding to tbfs tauc> ctncnt of bis,anli t.ut at cr tbe {onD iHteut of men, Jiiing ^:J3!i!c toculu banc ofierci) to i3oD tbe burnt offering or i^amuct: biu Samuel toto- b^ju , tUt be cOmtt^D iDotatric.ani] mrigtcbe.^c. 5Fbis is axx bail) lap^ ing , buryct true » 5x>bcrect3i banc li^obcn inai* otbcr place Co&e^= mojcfit large* 2:bcttiO?Q)i|iping bcno!:ring,rcncrcnf»ng, oj fttp jma= ftruing of ^'maccs, of iScbs {t of p ^ taints is agiiinf* f> Icroo fi^P* p]icccptofffirtltablc.;jfoiaUiDQlatcvi6p2oi»iu:{cb.^3obii botb bcre Define anD tbcretoitlaU alio tminr 35001^8 xc ) t^a cboler, alluding to tbe U}o:Des of tbe )d;bpi;ct m tie )aiaim» 114. S:bc31DolBOftbci5ctils,arcftIucranDgo!ue,tbc^o?be of mens banDB:anioi;tb tbcv fcaucauD fpeafeer.ct.(Ec.2Cbcc* Soze tt appcaretb bv tbe matter, t^at Simagcs ^auc no reiigitf oufitcs vpponthcApocalipfc, 128 Chaf.f. otttitcs in t^em.5f«3:tl)e^ be of eawl), of golac, b^aiTe, ftone, timb?c.$c. ^g4^c,itappearet^bptl)ffourmc anD a)5pe oC tbcm,tb« 31 mages ace ^apuc. fax tbcicfounnercfcmtjtcttj A moU gcoffe Qjapc, ann cuca a Icalmg . ;jfo? itcvtljcc iSoD, no?tbc0amtcfl\3jcrcoftljatQ)cipe, tobici; t^e3i^olsccp?c* fem.auD tbcce is no po\Joec in tljcm.^rbe? fee not,tl)cp ^eacc itot.afc. i^ouj tbtn DOC ttjcv rcpjcixnt i3oD 0? tbe^amtcsj^j Ijauc rpoUc of 3]ool6 els toljecc. %\)v^ tljat tbinfec l)oto t^etx IsaDiuccitttcbccujijctt^cjFDotsoftticC^itatans and t^ofe of ct)c (Scntils: let t^cm a)e\3)e tl^at tOcv arc not of \»ooD, o; t^at tJjcp Docfcc,l3cacc.^c. %^z finncs tijat foUots3,acc againfttbcfccottD table, tobiclj ;2|9art^er« comiuaimoctt),tl)ouft)aitDocnomnrtl)cc, r^oii Cl]a!t com- mute none aouttcnc,tbou(l)alt ttotflcalc. 2rt)ei"e be jnanp fepnoes of murtbcrs. ;Jfoubcv> llcp \m\X cnicllp, tobitb bawc no ftuojbe fant at)encmous tongue. Di5an? Hi U toitb coirwpt \ tortcine. 2rbct*c^ftn.wqucllcrs,anapai:«noc0, anbmur^ tbec?C0.$c. ^gjccept tljcfc cepcnt, tbcp ftall not enter into tbc bpngoom? of <5od. ano tbc? tbat fujcii U)it^ cnnie ano ma^ iicc, are manqucUees as ^3o^n fa^b in ^is canonicalt its plRte.:,anD.5.c!japt. wftcbcraH 9«j'wotx£/a,|aovfott,«)icc^ccrafteoKojcenc, 0? inc^amt«yp^f^ tfn3,appccfcpnetbto mnitber, }aopfoning,lo«ccnppcs, ani» "^"^' (ac^miumcnt0,\3)c«mt'aetvmeof^.3lob« moft frequent teo tl)?o:tgt)out tbc ijonia^ne «£mp?ic: ano at tbis Dap tbofc totcheD aetes are remicD. But W^v^ fljal be punt(i)eD of i5oD, fo manp as applp tbcmfclucs to tbc fame. :f o^m'catia jR^oinication batb alfo Diners partes. 2:0 t^e fame belong °»« t»3boiebome,inceftc,a6u!terp, ano if anp otbtr tbing be mojc •bDininable tban tbefe. 2:be iSentils fnppofeD , tbat fimpic fojnication,tbati3 totottte, betvoeene ttoo fingleperfons, toasnoftnnc. ISuttbe apoftleDefmetbtbc contrary in tbe tbc Coiintb.^.anD. i y.of tbc actcs.S^bis peSilent opinio lit tbis Dap is rcuiucD in manp. 23ut fure it is^tbat a vobo^e^ monger entrctb not into tbcbingDomcofiSoD.iEpbef.f. iCbcfte ^inallp is fet tbcfte toirb all bis partes. ^jJbcrcot 1 fpal^c once \)x tbc ep^ofit ion of tbc jcconnnaunDements. HTbe Eo?D 3llcfu6picicriic\)3 fromali Defilingof iinncs.^ciaimen. CCbJtft tbc llrong ^ungell, is fctagapnll ^KA\t\iM\ anD iscrceUentlp DefcribeD,(l)iningagapnc in tbe Darcfenes of ttie ctiurcl) tQtti) conColatton., The xliij. Sermon The xliiLSermon, J^ictent^ \^^\J<^^S^d I fawc an other mightle Aungcl come i^aptcr. |'^J!;^^^^^ffidownc fro heaue,cIothcd wyth a clowdc, ' ^and the rayncbowc vpon his head, & hys face was as the Sunne, and his fectc as it wc re pillers of fire : & he had in his hand a litlc booke open: and he put his right foote vpon the fea, and his lefte foote on the earth . And he crycd with aloudevoyce, aswhen a Lyon roareth . And when he had cryed, feuen thunders fpake their voyccs:and whc the feuen thunders had fpoken their voyccs, I was a- bout to write. And I heard a voycc from heaue , faying vnto me: feale vp thofc thinges which the fcucn thun- ders fpakc,and write them not. I^et^mo I^aue toe j^carti manp t^mgcs cScemmg f moS Daungerons confitccce agatnfttl^e c^;tacn teltston^ trutt^: but not^tng ^at^ beenc Qio^tn of tt)c Defence ann mapntcp:^ necB of t^e true relt9tott:but rather t^e fucceOe auD tuotiDer^s full felicitic of t^c toicfeeD batl) becnc fct out,rpectalIp in f fifte anD ft)ctctcompct,to \i3tt,l!nDer }9aptRnc anD isejabometrie* 2;^crfojc it mtg^t fccmc to uianv ,not onclp tljat ttjc truetlj it felfe IS opp^efTcD anD Iofl:,i)ut alfo t^at t^c aUurauncc of goDs pjomifcs faitttcti) anD quailcth . froi t\)t goDlp arc bo?nc 3 grraeus Do\xittecuervtt!bcrc,anDtngoDlmcctriumpbctl) : tbetruct^ temptation ig troDen tjuDcr footc,anD Ipitig rcignct^ in all places, xo^o auc cnD : jcapiftric Uiiill riigne ioi cuccjt^c ^a^omctancsi ft;aU conqueic foj c^ ttCC vpon the Apbcalipfe. i2p Chap, 19, ttcc,t^c gotJlp fl)ft!! \yz mifccabic foi cuer,an^ cbcrfoie I'r is b:t tec to frame tl)cm fciiics to tbc too jlD . xoz Ijauc uoto loofeen fo? t^e iuDgetnem a long t?mc,pea out fatljecs.S). C CiC . c? a t^ottfanD veares ftnce IjaD t^oug^t tl)c laft Dap of t^e Eozn l^aD bene at bauD:anD pet none enD appearctb anp tolpere,but ali tbpnges are dapip rcuctoeD : and tbcefcie Cl)ail tbc too^tn continue aitoapcs after one t:atc.,anti tbmgcs fl)all from time tptpme bepet^etr oibtnanecourfcs.a^^bo tben bnotoetb, tDbetberretoarDbep^eparcDfo? tbcgoDlp ,o?pmuQ)metfo^ tbc toicUcDi^o; tljerc cbanncc farre ot^ct: t^pnges \)nto bolp mcn,tban manp loobc foj i arbrp loobc fo j bteCfpng, Ipfe anD feltcitte:anD bcbolD tbcp arc ouertobdmcD tott^ tbe curfes of diimen.carieo to eicecution,anD fane tbe mod ijnfo^tnnate of ail men.S^e tbat clcauetb to tbc }daptfte0 , IittrUes anD ene^ mpes of tbe i5ofpeU,goetb tbtongb Inct(clp mougb.^c* %\itviQ%t Ipbe as m all otbcr places of tbi5 boolte, topfull tb^ugceare intcrlaceD tottb (o^otofnll tbpnges: fo bcrealfo, dfter tbegreuous battels of tbe Vi.and.tii.trompct, ant) aftec tbe Orong temptations , be topnetb a moatopous glab v^:i Dpngesfo) tbe comfozt and confirmation of tbefaptbfull, left tbep a)Oub anp tobere Doubt of tbe afTurelmes of i5oDs p;o^ tnucs>0} reuotte &om tbe true mcltgton to tbe faire:£lnD tbet: fine agdpttftaiittcb;tft tbe blacUe idungellof tbe botomles pttte , bete is Cet tbe b;tgbt 0^ {l)mpng i^ungell of beauen tbe tlo^d CbtiO>tobo is ))erp ropallp DeCcrtbeD : anb be ts fa^b to t;etume ^nto biB oton.atfo bcftocarctb (olemneIp,tbat tbere (ball be none ctbcr tpme,buttbatm tbefcuen trompet tbe miilerte of i5ob ftjaU be fulfilled « d^oieouer tbe Eo^o Cb^Q .-y. commaunDetb ^. 3iobn to eatt tbe open booKc tobicb Cb^tft belo in bis banD.ano to pzopbcnc agapne . Bp all tbe to!;icbc ^ tbe eofo;t of all tbe goblp it is (ignifieb,tbat Cb^ilt fi^ailreturnctoitb great glo;ipanDpotoer into tbeCburcb, tpbtcb be femeo to baue bene caft out of bp bts euemp anb x^i - car : ano tbat tbe bope atiD ej;pectation of tbe faptbfull is not toapne, boo) focuer tbe lafl baip of iuDgement be biSferreb ma upbnnbicD pearcs,ro as tbe goblp fccle great abuerfitp: ana finallp tbat puniaimcnt ano retoarb are pjcparca of i5ob : ^ tbat tbts Cball be gctten to tbe goDlp,and tbe otber lapD ))po» tbetoicfecD.;Jro;totbeintettocmigbt bereofbemoftaOTuccb, Cbzift tabetb afolemne otbe . ^no be faptb it fball come to pafiTe, tbat tbe CatboticUcanb Cbii^ian tvutb(l)all agapne come into tbe fieto,anb figbt taleafitlp agapnft tbe i2lnticb?i> iltan aab PM<)ineu(aU OActrioe , i^mbp tbcrfb^e toe niuft Jcarncs Ckt^.io, ' The.xHif.Scrmon ft iirnc , not to tJiTpaf ?c m t?jc bng pcrftcutton0 of ^nn'c^M'ff ant) jCga^omtt; Trre iimft frame alio I}o\x» ro f2g!;tagaii!f! l)icbe fcmeo inuincibic. C^jiO^otic S^ng a& ©^ft)op animatetb all bis favtbfull vsjitij ^is fpiritcanotoo^o inDiuercntlv,anD altwa^cs anoeucn?' to^ccc too?fectI)man^ tbV"S^sbp bis potoec , fo t^atljc is tio\33 felt of all me to be comcnagavne, »motDbom be femcti ^t^erto to^aue at&nteb l^vmfelfe fometobattolong. ^nn- 3p Donbt , \s)^€t^f c tbere be m all tbc Canonicall boobescra^ w^ttff t^ piop^iecfeof iBfa?,tl)e fto;^ of tbe i5ofpel,anb ti^u ctall^ t^e 0bfpell of blelTeb ^ .3lobn) anp otbec booKi U)^icOf ^at^ mo anb mo;e goobl^ befcrtpttons^Df iCi)?IQ , tt^^ai^ ti^is boo^e.^rbcv are bifceiueb ano mucb abufett , Vs^icbiiif)^ pofea rare iSofpell to be pzeatbeo in tbis booUe.. }3ut let t}& fee t^e befcrtption of Cb^iCt bp partes. Cbzift 8 ^ t)aft3).trompey t^at ^ntfc^^'lt^ ettsbt)> tl^e pope anb aaial^dmet are ftrong. jiiotu ts fet againlY tbem- ^lun^eu* a migptie ^imgell,tbe Eoib C^iill $pm felfe : an ^ungell in bcbe , not tn nature o? bignttic , (lo^ b^ toofee net t\^t nature £f an^ungelUbtit tbe febeof ^b^abam , anb is mucb grcatci; tbattiaungcl6,asbetl)atis ^.o^bofa^jngels. n)bicb tbpKg tbe apoftle a)ctoctb in tbe. i . anb. ^, to t^e J^cbzetocs.) igup t^eaungcll of great counrcll,to\joitte tbe lambaOabour of iSob tl^e fatber Bnto tjs , as iKfap anb jfQalacbic callcD bvm, xa ttacb tbe toill of tbe beaumlv fatbet,ano to tojoifee our faU nattou , anb noto aifo appointeo , fromtbc rigbt banb of tbe father as J&xn^ anb ]^vft)cp,to Ucepc anb bcfcnb bis cburc^^ ?rl)t6 CblHt 3i fa? getien to men , is ftrong, anb not UJcaUe. j^trong to oiicrcome anb bzeaUe a tunbcr ail tbe fozce of tbis too|lb,of l)is enemves.of ^ntic^M(!,of tbe xDeuill anb of beli gates tj^omatvtljerfo^e neb^tobonbc^bmt^at l^emav be vpon the Apocalrpfe. 130, titfctt^cij b^ i\^\^ ftrong gyaunt : no man wttt to tJifpapjc m au? pfcilsoi matters bctbcp neiici; fo farce puQ cccouccic, fui? £^zift alinigljtie Ipuetl) , \si^K\) is able to ^clpe tbgUijce iuien t^ep be at t^c lad caft.Be tt^crfoie mud be called tspon of ))6 ill all da^ngcrs : of bun toe mud loo^e fo? (^elpe patiet^ Ip ano t(3Ub fleofaO; faptb. asaccem beDcisfaUcttfcombca»cn,bttt ia tlje mcatte 3n 3ng€ii time attticbjia is crept out of tbc bottomlcs pittc, ano Cbttft 5^!?J_ ^°^" 10 DcfceuocD from beaucn.2:be ILoiD coimnctl; not from bea- "" ^caoctw lieu cojpoiallvJaue \3nt0 tbe lalt movement : but fpirituallp %t is fapo to rcturne , fo oft as be batb icmcD a litle , to banc luttbbiatoen anb abfenteb bpm fclfc . -^qi be is ncuer abfcnr^ |buteuerpierentU7itbbiB,fo;bciscacrvtijb(re . i^nb b^is &pb to be abfent , vob^n \xit fecle not bis aybc , tvit arc tur^ tnoplcb \3)itb abucrfiiics , anb as it \rerc b; toitb eml0» CbtiS tbcrcfoK befccnbetb ^nto \i5 fo oft as Ipc geuet^ t)s apbeanb coutiTellat ourucbc.^oin ti^emodiDaungtrous conflict of anticbzift aub csjabomct, ano finally of bcreticfets miD of all otber abuerrarits, CbJ^id b?m (elfe toitb bis fpirite 4&p;ef nt toitb biSvbclpet^ ^is , inconragct^ anb autmatet(^ ]()i9,anbDefenDetbbi0* ^ttticbsift ^^t'^x^^ as it toere clotbcb anb U);a^peb toitb t^e n trngd co< littoKc of tbe bottomlcs pitte , is euiil fauourco:aub £b;t(l ucrcd i»ttb b^pngcoucrcb anb as it tacrc bcc^cb \x)itb a cloube , fl^euictl^ aciouoe, ^pm tclfc to be i5ob , fo as be can conucpe t)p bis , abonct^^ iip;e aub cloubes into bis Upngboiuc , anb can rapne boisne tetxieo^ bolcromefi)oures to coole anb mabc IruitcfuU bps cbofen.^ cloube manp tpmcs tu tbe bolpbiSoip toas a to^ctt of l3obs ptcfence . ^ cIouDc tooke\)p Cb^iO^s it \x)crc gp^^ tieb fromtbcepcs of bis sDifciplcs. Cloubes toitb t^fapiii tbe. 4f ano.^^o.cbaptcc bjoppc bo\Mnc grace, irinallp \i»e fljal 6c taHcn tp ixi tbc cloubes toitball tbc cbofcn to mete f ILojb in tf)e apic.ianticbjift is crctoncb. \Mitb a crotone , tobiclje be -goto to bpmfelfc bp craftp mcaneSil|p 9atteric>tbfcatnpngc0 ^ttDbtfceiptc£i:?toetbtbcfamcbp\xjicfe^b.pjactifes,blo»b- ,^ .; 1>H Weapons; anb all bpube of craftic iuggclpiig aab Inigob* Ipne0.13uttberapneboto tsontbe ^cab of CbMft.^orbe is ^in^ungei ipngofjjeacc^pacifipnganbrecowjqilpngalltbpnges ^nto crowncDSJb J5ob:rcconcilvng alio men tbcm fellies togetbcr ujitb tbe tijcrayncs bonbc of cbaritic. iTbc rapnebot^ is aio^S ot tbe league anb ^^'^* auiitieof ^00 totoarbAj^^as Ujc metioncD before in xtiz mats tcrs of icioe. ji>f anticbiift la \MO,berperation,anguiR) , anb a (oK^Sfitctcb mib troublcb confcicuce,Ci^ji(l is ^ conColation, ■■'■■' anb • Cha^^io, The.xliij.Sermoft " anu peace of ttjc confciecc, xW no matt ncDe to Tap: ^c fl^dfl* ramco fall tpon \jB,anD conccA)s.;jf ou^e fa^tljftil bcpngDc- ImcrcD , crv 3bba fatl^cc . 2rlje fame llo?ii c^iift fa^D alfo in tbc iSofpcli : in rticuiojio vc Cl)aH Ijauc afflTcticn , but in me peace. ^nDagapne:cometomeaUt^at labDmanbarcfaiiri - ^ K-tiJf«c^>$ li tuuirffeef\)pou. >ri3crf02c tbc ravncbotw fitfct^ T^l':' "'^ on no mans ijcab moie ngi?tlp,t^3 tpon C^iiHes beab . frt% on tbe ^esb of tljiB angel appeareo tbe raipncboto^aB tijougj it ^ab bene bis ccotone o: Biabcme. anb lioto \r e Vjnbcrflao, from U)^ence confolattoh ano pacification is to be looHcD fo) in t^e grenouB perils anb afflictions of anttc^iift. Cbcfac: of a:^e foule Dacfecnvng of tbe fnnne bp tbe ftnoftc of t^c pit tbe Zvmitx t^attnas rapfebtjp bptbe anngell of tbe bottomleffe nuns feau a* tbe gcon,ujaB a great grief to t^etoojlD. Buttle coimtenauncc ^unnc. jjf (jjjg ojjj. aungcl is cleare,(t fl)inetl) as bjig^t as t^e fnnne: as in tpmcB paft alfo ^e iBfapb to Ijane Q)one in tlje.i7.of^. l9QatI^ . %^t b;igt)C conntenaunce of Cl);t(t bzinget^ iop and tnfpcafeeablc glaones to tbe bebolbecs , and quiettet^ t^epj mpnbeB.anb tbe fame is fene of t)B fpiritnall^ anb bp faptb* ^ » )danle is t^e bed eiepofttour of t^is place m t^e . £ . to t^e Cojint^.s.ano. Certeinlp.of t^e full bnotolebgeof ^^jitt , totiecebp toe beleuc liim to be genen tos of tl^e fatbec, t^at toe mav be mabe perfect bp t>im,anb be alone become all tbpnges ^nto t)s , tbere rvfetb a mod pleafatmt Ipgbt in onr bartes » ^oi toe are ligljtcD of tbe ligbt , as is beclarcb in tbe jgofpell of^.31obn.i^oto foeuer tberfoi^e tbe terrible Darfee^ beB of erroursanb calamities be. oner caa in tbe too^lb b)^ ^efd^ince of barHenes^namelv bp tbe jdopcanb (a^abomete anb otber co;nipterB or i^obs trutb:vet tbe Itgbe tobicb is m tbe mpnbcs of tbe faitbfnll tb;ougb faytb in ii\^i\^^Ximiitx^y ligbtetb,comfojtctb anb p?efcruetb tbem» Cbe feetc ^nticb^ift batb ^co^ioud? taples full of povfon: but t\^t Qftbe^iun- feeteofourHoibCb^i&areaspiUerBoffire. ailtbpnges of gcu ptiuris £b;i hjc ban? (t no man fl)uttetl). "youbttDeraanD tberfoic usberof it com- abooKe o« metb tbat amicbjift , aUbcugb be be of ntucc fo great potoer pen. can notattbisDap Ujut tbe i5ofpeUbooke, tobicb belctUctb toitb all biB foicc to Doe.Bp meanes of CbJift auD ]:i\^ fpirit, tbcUJOjDeof f5oD is cicarc bntobs: anD bp CbztGcs gracc^ toe baue t\^z biigbt picacbing of tl)c trnetb,agamft ti)e Darcbe anD intricate fopbif*r:ccfi5imcl)jiU. iDU^is boofee fljalfoU lotomojeplentifull twinges bereaftcr. hereunto appcrtcpa ttctb tbe txjoztop inucntton anD goDlp bencfitecf}a?inting, muer commenoeD inougb. 'K\)iQ opcnetb faool^cs, anD fcn^ Xiti\^ tbcm abjoao mto tbe U)ozlD \\\ DeCpitc of all tbe enemies of0oDstcuctb, auDicatterct^ tbem abioaoin euerp coiner oftbe tDOzlD. ^0 tbat ttberc nun can not bcare pjeacbers,to tbcm come goDlp boofecs not toifbont fruitc* STbe founDeof anticbJiiSes tuingcs, is as tbenopfeof cba;^ ^fer3rim< rets, toben manp bojfcs cantic into battel! : tbercfoie Cb?t!^ grii'roarctij aifo tnalietb a novfc,anD crpetb i\\ DccDe \j0ptb a louDc bopce. ipfec a 5,v6. ^.Bllobn aDDetb a parable. %t roaretb as a 2.p3.2:be grccUt foptebatbftuxaTat,bcloa)etb,tobicbtsa3mucba3 ifbcbaQ tsilXi^z roarct^, ^qi ptraDueturc (faptb Erafmus) tbe grefecs 3r,i» feeeyc chap, JO- \ •■ The.xliij. Sermon ' Jiccpc not tlje DtSfcrcufc litttoi)ct i.j>t;j9ai anB //oKSaSai as t^e ?Latinc9 Doc bcttocnc Rugire ahu Mugire, tijat IB to roarc ann tolotoe* rot l)anc^carDbefoicljoU)£^jiftt8caUcDalLvon of t'^e tr^be of iluoa. sr^crfoic Iifee as tu^cn a Epou roacet^ (as Smos notct^ in tiis ^ cbapt.) all arc aSfcapoc of tljcm=; fcluc0:foU3^cnt^ciLo?J»C!)itftccvct{^bvt)is toopc, atl tljc toicfteDaccamafeD. w?^crcbv is fignifico tljat t^e j3ofpdl ftalbcpjcac^coagavnft santtc^jia conftantlp anD \x>it^ au- ftjojitic, to t^c tercouc of iSo&s enemies, ano Doufetleffe als tbcrttg^ t^e idjinccsaftoell fpicituaU as ccmpoiall , fccme to conteuinc anfi tjttcclp to Difpife t^c pleaching of tl?c i5ofpc!l: pet is itccctayne bv 'naup tofeens anD conicctuccs, tbattbc^ ace c)cceeiM«gIp foie afifcaya of tljat pieadjing tol^icb t^ev ue^ J^iifc as ijite, ;5f oj t^ev bcno all t^e fojct of t^cic \xy\tttQ^ ann IcHcH all tijeic piacttfes at tbe aboli(l)mc nt of tbat fame pjea^ c^mg.Bntittcafctbcpfuppofe it to be of no fozcc, to^pace tbev fo affcapD il^ecofj to^? a it tbcv at fo great charges J tiJbP can t^ep ncucr bs at rettf b^rcimto appertcinetb tbc common p?opbwie,UJbicb tcHctb, tbat tobV^cft i^nticljiift cetgnerb, feelva6fl)allcome, UJbo ujptb aQjarpe, liudp, anumanlg pzcacbing, ft)atl confute tl)e triSingcs of ainticbjift. %^tve=s ioit tbc fpictte of J&clpas, ano l)is earncft pjeacbing, is tbat roaring ct tljc ?Lvon,\x)bicb roarctb fttfificicttt fQj tl)c got)Ip . auD oKt of r^rmt^c picactrcris map tafec to tl)cmfcluc3 tfjunficrmges, ligljtenmgB mt c^iinDcc^ boltCB againft antic^iiG anD all fcctcs. ^nti \jDl3ccc i)c is com inauitDCD to fcalc ^p tlje I'Dpngcs alccaop tttcreD: it aUanctlj totljclaftc^apt.ofSDameil. i^nD t^at fealmgts rcfccrcD as tocil to t'gc got)lv,as x\ft tJiigoDly. ^caieD letters arc Dowbt- fee of moS autl^ojitic* ^.3',o{?u t^ctrefojc \yi ^is fcalmg,nia- b:t^not notDtl^e ^cctpturce auc^cnticail : but in Ceaivng tt)cm be Dcclam^, tbattbeparcautbentuaUinougb. ^r.Dfo «o goDlv man goctb about c^tijcr to a^Dc, 0? DnHmi[l)c from tbe full fcirptuccs.STbus 31 la^tbc Scriptures arc (calcbto t^c goDlv, as to tbcm tbat ace fuUp pcrftwai)cD,tbat tbc fcrip^ turcs are moS perfect anD^utbcuticall, aub fuUp Cufltctctit in tbe 1L\)wci\) foz tbc mauu£uauce of cbc true ccligtonagainft- all t)n30Dlvnc(rc. ^eemg tbcii tbattbe tuic^cbtxitllnot fee tbis, nozfccfee in tY^t Scriptures fo; all tbiuges perrc^ninj to celtgibn, noz g^catlv paHe Co^ibe Scriptures^bnt fee mo:e o no;e bp 31 toot net tDbat,a foit of tcabitious j tobat mamell ..... wi is it if tbcSccJpfurcs be fca'co {tW is to fav, Cljut tjp) from tbem, coiiWberiug boto tbcp nc^tber cace iimcb foz tbcnt, tioj tnbcclianb tbcm,noz are toilling to ))n&er0anb t^em^ ^no. txi tbis t»ifc is £bzi(! fct agavnd !2lnttcb^ift , anb recoucretb agapne bis Cburcb ^ riircdfuet^anD (ubDuct^ ianttcbzifl: ta toboin be curiBTmsfQ} eucp. i|£)uriLo;b Cb;ittmafect&anpf]&c, ano confirmctb b^« elect, tbat tbe^fl^oulD not boubr of tljeCurenellc of (UNjOj^ p^omi(es4c» m; >i;;^>^. ThexliiipSemim. ^N^f the Au^gell which. I fawc ftartdii !yp6ii. the Sea^; • atid.vpon the earth, lifted vp his hande tb Hciiien^ and fworc byltym thatliueth fireuerniofeYuiiich'tTe- ated hcauen , atrd the thinges:w-hichjtberein are, and: thefea and the tjfiin^e^ U'hi<;h Si,t£. tlterei^,:that ^^^«| flial bc'fiQ- tnore timc:bp; tli4tia,tl>c ,clity,e§ af jche.viojxc; (j^tht feuen th Aun gelI,Vh€ ft he fcill begmne to blovf^^ the misery of Cqd ihal be finifliedyas hehath pr^eadicd by his feruauntes the Prophetes, J$Ht fS^ftiiwfe^ as t^c toicfecb triuinpb^tb tbc eaemreft ofi Ch4}*f6.»: Thc.xliilj. Sermon iSou , amidjjtft anu isjal^omct , get t^e Ijppcr ^atil), tovt^ moft lucfep ruccclTc: $ foiafhric^ as aU gooD men arc opp?cf* fcD, auD DccciteanD lv»i5 ccigue eiicrv^^ccc: manp me toill tljinkc tJjat t^ccc ajat nciicr bean euDc, neither of tbcfc cuilc, itoi v^t of tl)C tooilD. 5ro? aCfiice vom* fclucs (fapt^ tbc ^po* filc^,^ctec)t^t iHtbe latter Dapes (l)allcomcmDcfecrs, U)^tcl) totii tDttlbe after t^cir ou^ne concuptTcenccs, and vu^lt fa^,\xi^cr0 is t^e p jomife of ^is cSming? jSDf iDo|)on; Maiachi- as alfo ccafoncti) in t^e 3 .ano +,cl)apt» But to tijc intent tl)e goonnesof 0OD mig^t Ideate t^eWonndes of c^e gctiip, ann . tntgt)tauaunc6tl)enunt^etrueti), agapnft l^mcr^iuD reuol« ttng> anZ) OabliCI) t^em in t^e fame: C^^iS commcto abioaD, anDftuearet^ in t^e Cig^t of all men folemnelp « :v^^:cb xX^irx^ tnna be tj^ounoeD b^^ll circumSauncee* ^;i% it is a t^ing of \)er^gteatU}eig^t,\}er?fuU of comfort, ano rig^t^olefome anD necefliat:? fo; all tnen* 4B:!)Mfte ^^ere is no Doubt^but tbatbe alluoetb to t^e fad cbapt. of ioizvct^, !&aniel, tobecein alfo tbe <^ungc!t of tbe EozD f\xiearetb,con« firming bp a foU*mnc otbc, tbat fncb tbtnges as banc betbets to bene tola to tb^ lajopbet bp piopbccit, a^all be all fulfilled ixi tbeic tpines^arberfoic tbis migbtie ^ngclt ftucaretb noto alfo,pca eucn Cb?ift bimfdf,>33'gjcb f?t bts feete on ibe fca and lanb, fQ% bv tbc aatc ano bei;auiour of m Jjobj? be fbfetjjetb ftebfaftncs, lea3 ts)e fl)ouIo boubt anv tbingbrbis fa^tbfuU neO'e ano truetb« ^no fo^fmucb as be is Eozd of all,^e ftan^ tietb mo^o«et\HJOw ftete, notfttflidp, but of fieric ^jtlets; arberfo^ all C-biiftes tbpnges be ccrtavne, furc, ^ bmnoue^ able, i^e tbat reSetb on bim^daiiDetb iurcfv,bt tbatbelenetb \i\% U}oioes,n)all not be confounbeb. :2lnb it is no ne\0Ei tbing; tbat Cb?iff (Voearetb. ;JFoj toe reab lierp ofte in tbe Scripture tbat 1000 batb (too^e. xot reaoe in tbe iSofpel tbat tbe fame ILop CbJift W^ tocn? ofte rcpetcb , Ijerelp 31 fap Mntts voir, ^erelp tjcrel^ i fa? ))nto von . n>^icb is an otbe of one tbac Ctoearetb . XPbntCappbasabiurebtbe %q%^ tniuogement, Cb;ilt Dib ttotconceale^anb b^ bolDing bis. peace Diaembleb: butiQ}ptb tppxtSt too^bes confefleb tbe truetb* lo^bereof tbott ma^ftiearneitbattbellDibtDbcnbcfozbabto ftnear^ atall, meanrnot tbe ^l^ anb ireuerenb taltihg of a latoefnll otbe* xobicb tbtng becanfe tt^t bulTarblv ^nabaptiaes toill nottm^ berftanb.tbep fticre bp boonberfull trouble,ioDO^t^vto bepnt to filence toitb mo^efeueritie. j^nx mbp , 0; to tobat cnb otbts be mabe o} tal^ett, tbeJSU {iome(ontof tbe la\9tntl)e,2rO§at^ occlarcb atlarijeintbe* ^ vpontheApocaIipf »t^aDe qu^^ct.SDot^ aup arewucn. man Qonbt , ujljctbci* ti?ou Dcale feptljfuil^ tcirl) f)Vin : i5oa foinmaunDct^ to auoucl) it bp an oti) , to t^c cno tbat all uif:= triift mav be tafeen awav.i3S3cu((avtl) t^c apoflic) ftucace b? ^vni ^ ^Ixc'o is gccattt , atiD ti)c fame is an ents cf ail control iiccfic,in cafe it be confirineo bp an otbc . 3]u tbc uibicb confix Deration i3ou niinfipng moie abounoantiv to (l)e\i3 \)nto tbc ^>cv*ies of pzomne ttie liucl^aimgf able ftcbfaUncs of bis tctci; mination,aDDeD an ot^e . i^ucn fo at tbis picfciit foj afmucb as tbe oiumcpjoniDcnce cva fozfec tbat tonocr tbc tAingbonic cf anticl)iift ti)C bartcs of tbefavtbfull ft)oulD be rigfc gi*c* MOiia^ tcmpteD , anil nianp by rcaCou of tbe moli p?ofperow0 fo^ne otauticbitft anb ail tbe tt)icHcb , QioulD be barD bar- teb to bcleue 0oo6 piomifcs , auo inauv ( '^W^^ tbvng alfo ,^{,e art- Daniel mtbe.>i.cbaptcr.j9?opbecicb ) a)0«lD rcuoltcto ^n- faftnca ord ticbnft: JSob tbongbt it gooD tbat bis fonne aioulb confiiinc cmctnttc of bis piomifc0 toitb an otbtiV?^ ^ "f " ^tt^ ♦* folcmnc otbc : to an oibr, tbou^oulbcft tbmisc It an \3n\230ztbv tbvns to Doubt of ^v^ piouiife6:boto mncb leCTe fljall it be latwfull fo; tbcc to bouljt of tbep^omifcs of tbe fonne of i5oD, oi of anv of ijis twozbcs U)ben tbcy be confirmcb \uttb a folemnc otbe . 2:beifo?e be^ Icuc tbou tbe fonne of 0oD \jppon bis otbc , ano bclcnc bpfi «5ofpcl fo f«rcl^,)poacranteD, gea cucn tbougb tbe tnic Qjou^ vca ano iX^t cternail trntb tobicb ncitbec oifcea- cwetb np2 is bifccaiicD:anD be is nicrcpfull, anb louctb men fo ^ mucb : tbat \^t tempccetb \i\tti fclfe alfo after tbeic capacitie. .. '-? ifoicuetjfoi t)6anDfo;om: infirmittebe takctban otbe,to rbc enb to (actffte 1)6 ut aU tbv^^^s: anb tbat ail occaftons of ^ tjnbelcfe ano rcnolr^ng to anttc^MS anb to t^cfiJtl)^ U)0?te, ,".;..* ; ' -migbtbccutatua^ . ^ ^vom.^iw /nlouj come xot alfo to tocv t\)t mancc, foijne , ant) tcafon cbc itmit- : Of tbe Otbc. 2:\ajo tbv«Qcs ai'c bcre reciteD:ibcntaiieroft^e ojifourmc Cu3earcr,anD tbe loicmne \2)o;ds ot tbe fuscarer.^ci be fa^tp, of C!);ift ba\» tbs i^ungcH Uiico t)p bis bano tovaara bcauen : t»bicjt) br5«i)c. 'vinbccbcis amcft amuientcuftcme anb bolv ccccmonic (^f fujcarcrs.ijfo? U)C rcab tbe fame of ilbzabamm tbe. 14. of 0&s ttcCis . anb in tl-^z . u. of 2)anic!l it is b?ttten of ati iliingcllt tobicb lifccbtp botbbis ijonDcs tobeaticn ani)f\x>arc. j^^'c^oriffcbp- - Ijcwl]^ ^Qlo \}p oiic risot b^^ub.i^wt tubcrc \we ^q^,\W m ge- \)mxkts* chif.ifi, ^ The xlii'i). Sermon «v«« of ^o^ccfi tuc tt?ill {)o!?) ^p boti) our Ijan^cc : toe figwi* fic tpaituc tDill\jrtcr!v be of t!)e fame opn^ion, tbattuf bcacc t^crc piopomiDcd » 2:^crfoK tt)e !)oIdvus ^p of botl^ ^nuoc^ Dotbfignjficamofl pccfit favt{}f«ineQ'c,anoa(rHrcfi confica tuation of tljctbvns fvuoine. Cectcinclv in tbe bolp ^criptiu red tl)c Ufrvus ^p of tbc b^ints is oftcncc tlian ottcs put foz an otbc. :x>bev*of pctaBucntuce tioe i^etmancB li^aue bo^otiacD f b(9 )d^ouccbe,tbou mua t^olD \;p tb? banb to tbine cares fo; ^ me: tbat ts ta TiaVjt^ou (l)ait couftrmc me tbts bp an otb.Slnd ^ tn matters mod Tertous anD grauc toe are toont to \)fe Come ouc\3)arD ceremonte ,U)^crebv to matte t^etoo^bes anb tbe tbpns it felfc as it toerc moic notable and gcaac ♦ jpberupon tD^en toe p;ap \)mo i5oD,U}e Uft ))p'onr ^nocs. ianb tcrcl^ an octets as it toere tbecalivngitippontbe name of i&od« tc -^ ^ i5?bcr«pon it is coinmonlv tafccn of cndome to mabe great f " f onfcience m tafepng of otpes . Sf^% al! men arife, anb put of f l)eic cappes,as i\^t'i \3)ere reaop to fail on t^eir bnees before t\it^i%\it ofi3obt)pm(eIfe . x^ben bargapne o^ contract is - ■ inabt toitb yjoo^bes, tbe rigbt banbes are toyneb togetber al^ >to,tn toben of favt^fnlnes.lT^erfozc toben toe tai^a folemne otbe 3 toe lift t)p onr bann to\»arD t^eaucn , uil^ere t»e beleue tbat t^c ILo;d Qjctoetb b?m felfe gto^ions to tbe fai^tbfiiU: frd \2)^om toeftele tbatallgooD tbvttges come Dntots: from tobcnce toe pcrcetne a)fo tbat ticngeaunce bot^ fall )}pon tl^e periureb ,anbtbe contemners of f5ob . i^etberto tberfo^ ^Cbiift appl^et^ b^ felfe tmto t)s:^ after t^ maner of men, to ix^t enb tbat men mx^ be mabe tbe quieter,t^e1tftctl) ))p ^ts ^lanbestjmobcauen. ^oicmnc ano tbe folemnc tooibcs of tbe ftorarer be t^eft: \^t ftoare jdo;dc0 to bv }:)m tbat liuetb foj enermoje,\»bicb mabe bcauen, anb ^t Knfthat^ tl^pnge s tbat arc tijerein. $c. -^o reab toe of lab^abam in t^r* \ZStl% "»• "if i3enefis . 31 lift top m)? banb to tbe bpgb ILojo iSoo , tbe cucrmo;x. ' pfifTefTour of beancn and eartb. ^nD in tbe* i r.of S>anteU. l^e fujare bi' bim tbat liuetb foi cnenno^e.aifo intbe.4»of aere^ luif . antJ tbou fljalt ftDeare,tbe ilo^b f iuetb . xot fap,fo trwlp asiSoD Iv'uctb, ano agapne, fo i!5ob belpe me . ann tbis is a true mancroffQjEarvng.0oD tbe cccatoi is bete mod pl^ ^tifuUv anD mod pioptcl'^ erpjelTco: anb aiifo bete are ail crca? Jt«rcsfcucraUverp?cneo.lbc alone is tbe crcatoi s be alone IB iiuvnj fo? cuccmozc , as be tbat is life of bpmfelfe,anb ge* *«crb I'fc tsufo ati.vHcrcIv tbis creation ano lifcgiupng ,'tB not coiuimmtrarco to otbcc6.:?tS alfo bealonc bnD\jDctb tbebarts of men ; t^at l;crcbv toe ma^ kamc tor"a;c4re bpt^e namejof c 'jw .... i5oa vpontheApocalipfe, 154 Chaf.r9i 156D alone , not to mu to W\ an^ crcattircsr, tol^ict) ktiotw not t^c ^actcfi,nciibcc arc life of tf)cm (due s,but arc InTc tba ^c: aUDt aifu !effc tl)a« men , as t^ep tljat are niaoc foz men. 5ftc)ct after i5oD, tl)crc le uotlj^ng greater tl)au man . 2r^cr* fojc let not man ftccarc I)? an? ot^tr t^an by i5cD . if 0? alC tfte JSemilcB fuicarc ij^a fri^cater,3lf t^ou (ttjcavcCllj? tl)e ^amtes , 0; b? t^c i5oDB , tUott dialt ftscare bp men ^ egail »ercIp,ano not greater. i3 00 alone is greatcfiauo beCar^ici; fbic muft toe aucare bp t^c name of iSoo alone , ivke ac t^e Scripture tcac^ct^ els tobere, in tl)e.^.ano. 10, of ©entercn^ *^of je)P0D.2v of3ioiae.4. ano.y, of3lcccmp,4y«6;.of igfap, anD els voljere. But Gcpng tbat CW^ ism Deette ^0^ ^pmfe!fe,^ot9 (toearctl) ^e.fapeQ tIjou,bp t)im tbat Ipuet^ fo^ euermoic:tbat IS , bp £3oo i t^e f\joare bp ^im felfe, as in manp otljer places of (i^e Scripture . £>^ el& i)e (toarea&er tbe Dirpeufatian ann sdumption of t^e humane nature : acco^tipng to tb£ tuijicb^jc (apd > mp fatber m greater tbanSI , to^o nottoitl^f^anopng tn ^10 0odbeaD was neucrtl^eles coequall toit^ tbc father* ^nd tbe fame tbat 31 ttoto rel^earfeD^is tbe mod (impleanu ^ fn^ t^ftm uiofttruetiocirineofotbesanD fojmcofftxjearpng.anapetDoctnncof t^crebcfomc totjicb^JUDcraano t^at Doctrine toetl inottgl?> f'\^ mg bmneuertbcles fojtbcfauonrofme'n toonlotocare glaolp^"^^' bp ^aint^s : auD tbecfoze bcmaunDt , tobetber tbep map not topne ^aintcs to 0od, efpeciaUp iv^ tbis fcnfe , tnUes 31 pcr« fo^me tbiS) 31 toil not be accompten in t\^t nuber of ^aintcss 31 aun(tDtiere,tbat tbep map not : botb bpcanCe uie It^auc an tj^^ pzcOefojme of otl^e , to^icb Voeougbtto foloU) obeoietip anD Cmtplp to tbe bonaur of idoti ; ^atiabpcatiTe tbat t^p tol^tc^ cequiirc ^ picfcribc tbe otijcc fo:mc,U)OttlD Ijaiie \J6 to ftxjcarc ^ bp t^c names of ^aintcs in bcauen , ano fo to acbnotolebgc ^^^*'' "^ tbat toe ar: bolpen ano punt(\)cii bp tbstr ttrtue anb potoer^ "XoW^ i^P? DO anD ac^notolcDgc , tbcre is no Doubt but t^ou bocft grcuouflp trargrcCfe t^p fmccre religion. Certcs if t^oil confeflc 000 bere bef 9^ mrn^^e Unll alfacoiufeltc tbce befoie ^10 fati^er anD bis ^migelsuf tljonDenp f)pin,Ijc,toiU alfo Dt^ np t^ee.^c.^n 0Ji?e is as it ujcre tl?pconfeIItait, to^rbp t^cfeti confcflfeO; > tobom tboitDotlfac^notolebge aiiD belcncto be tbp cbic? t'el jcitic, tbe rcuenger aliJo of euiU , anD t^c reujarDec til gooD.31f tbou fl)alt tbcrfoic topne ^aimcs ijuto i5oD bint (clfe,anD matcb tbcm togctbcr auD fap, fo bcipc me f3oD anili ^is ^amtcs : 3in coiipltti^ tbctu fo toitb 0oD,tbcnaoeft au Co giauui^cm to be i5oDS t^at can bctb ^clyc t^ce l^nrt tbc(l ir^crfoje fafec ^euc to^nt t|)o« Ooca , m?a5 $>.aHl!en7n ^i i45.iepiftICfOPubIicola. wb?it l^oUJbctt tec mull fee mo:co!jet:,Vpl)artl3c3mtgeU (bare CD>ia DID 1^^ tbifi cwft wuc aiiD folemue toozDcs . ;jf oz in t^is one tlj^ng fwJM«. (onfiflctl) tbe mtiolc fummcof t^e matter. 2rbc i«lmigcl in tijc li.e^aptcr of S)amcl DiD(\a3eace,2:titfoia cpme,tvmcc,anl> ^alftr a t^xixz , anD in tije tov«^?"5 ^P i to fcattcc tfic bauD of t^e i^olp pcople,all t^efc t^pngcs Qiall Ue fullv cone. o t^is our iaungclt ijcce^ftucarct^ t^at t!)cic Q)a!l be no mo;c tvuie, but tbat int^e Da^cs of tic tjo^cc of tl^c fcucml? ^ungcll^ tobeHl>efl)aIl bcg^nto !)l&\u bis tcompe^tbc miftccv ofigoij a)aHbc {ulfiUcD.3lt Qjallbenomoicfo bercafccr , but tbci? ftjall plav at tbcir pleafure in an otI)cc taoilo.lSwt bcre let no man tjnucrftanD tbat all tpn^c\)ttecl^ , anii tbat cucrlaOv^S- ne0 it fclfe (l)oulD be aboliftjeo anb tbat tbcre fl)OulD be no^ tbpng mo?c after tbc iuDgcmcnt: but tbcre fi)aUnotbc ai* ioapcs (hcb a t^mc, as no\» is , anb f«cb as tbe vjjicfeeu iniof in tbts to(y;;ld,U)bo tuppofe tbat tbe courfes of tpmcs n)all be' alujaves, tbat tbe toozlDRjall connncto alU3ay£6,tbattbe^ fl)all altoa^cB flourift) iw bonoitrs aitb pIeafHre0,opp?c(rpn5 tbe 50Dl^.2:bt6 fljall not bc,favtb be,ncitber fliall tbcre be a^ tt]? niojefncb a tyme tbat (l)all perift) anD be fwbiect to cbauiui' aeable courfes . ^o; about tbe laft iubgenient an tbefe ped^ n)V«S tbV«SC8 ftjall penQj o? be rcnctDCD,attb l^f c anD ^^ ^ucrlatl^ns fljall fttcccbc,f meane tbe tvme of eterhitic tiJit^ nil iop^erfozc faytb be tiot fimplelp, tbat tbcre (Ijallbc nDmoKtpme:bnt abbttb )tbat in tbe oaves of tbe l)0)?ce of tDe feuentb ^UgeH,t^at is to tDitte,at tbe laft iubgc^ (nenr,tbe;mtfterie of i3ob ajotilD be maoe confummatc, per« Cbcmtftcs fStc,anDful!p complete . »?bat tbis fecrct, o? miBerie of <5ott| «p of <0oD te,tbti3tpome eicpounBetb ano a^tb. ^ Cojintb . ^ f . 25eboW M^mtUi, 31 tell vou a mitterie , toe fliall tiot all Oeepe : anD tbe refibn^ to^icb arcreab tbcre. srbemiftcricof goo tberfo?c is nDtbir;g els.l^ut tbat tbe cud of all co^ntptible tbpnges is at banb , ^ tbe bapppanb eu^rlaftpngt»o?lD(baUfucceeBe:tbacCbiift malttbcn come to ittDgement: tbatSlnticbzid bv bnn Ojalibe «boml^D:tbat betDitb"? tobole bobv of tbe toicfeeo beftcovei^ tbhctl)fi;ticab U)allberavfcfi tjp agapne: tbe toicbcn to eucrla^ ftpng|[erDiti5,tbegoblv to eternall l^fenbat beatb,ftttne anl> to\ cbituption Q)all be taKen a\jDav from tbe goblv , $ be tro:^- 6enD[tiliecfopte,^ all miferie lapo tjpon t\it ujiefeeb,tbat tbe^ inav bfe toimeteD \y ozlo tuitbont en&. i^u?) foz afmHcb as ma< uV't^mcsmenbOttbtt^erofjC^ 31 i^aucCavb no^ oft>cb?ift vppontheApocalipre. 13 j chafitiy ^ae^toojnc^tljatalltljclctljynorcs ^nW aintrctjl^ come to patTe^ana t^at ti?c gciDlp fliall Oc pcifcctcD toit^ all glo??, ana tija; tl)C \33ickcD Qjall be faltiUcti ujitl) ail femoc of toimcntce. anD tl)is ID t^at great miflecic of fl5oii,fo; tJjc \»^icl? t^c tjccp ^nticjof i3oD bcvng incac«atc>licaD, ana cavfeo agapnc fr3 t^e Deat) afcenDcD into Ijcawcn , tbat ijc migi)t couucp tjs tbc* tbcc to ^im^baumg lubDucD ©cll,^atl)an> anticbzil! ana all \jngoDlv«c8 » STbci'foicasmt^c.^. cljaptecVDasfavDtot^o OEjartpxctbattl^cv U^ohId ccG fo^ a litle fcafon , till t\^t num- ber of tljc cbofcn be fuifiHcD : fo becc toe bcare alfo , tbat t^c mtfterie of iSoD Q)sU at Icngcb be fulfaieo.^c . 2;be >aikit^ 10 (jjoften to tbis twXit alfo , tbat tbc gool*^ a)Oult) be of qwpet mvtti»^c,anDpaticntlpabvDe Dclmccaimcc.3]ftbcrfo;e tbia confummat ion oi fulfilling be DcfceceD,lct \)s ab^bc patient* ^ anD conftantlp,confir}ucb ixi Cl^jift , anD bfs jeuangclicaU truti,accop2nga0 tbcapoaieoi£b?ift ^amt|9aule^at^ taugbt^B out of t^c ja^opbetcB , in t^e . 10 « Chapter to t^e i^ebietses. 0go:coucrfo? a farther Declaration, bcrc is abl)eb,a0 f5oD cfjeiaioe lavi^ye^cTe, tbat IS, batb i3ofpcUcb,tbat is to toft , bat!) topt^ p^ctC0alfo goob anb lucfeictiDingcs fo?cfi)eu)eD Dcrelv bv ^ia feciiants, ^^^ ibew* tbat is to fav, b^ tbe iajopbctc8,tbis unftccie oj fecrctc,feno- W^^ *"♦* toenonel^tatbcgoblp, namctv, concerning tbe cnbc of t^e ^^' toozlbe, tbe laK iubgement , tbc cucrlalting pumQ)cmcnt of anttcbiittianD all tbe td&icfeeo, anb tbc glojif^ing of t\^t gob:: IV.(tc. Bcvtbcc favb be tbcfc tb^ngcs foj a Declaration onelp, bm fo: confirmation alfo. ;jf oj bv tbc o?aclc6 of t^je laiopbcts fbe favtbuUtoerecomfoztcD, uibofcoiacles fincetbep banc iiener faplcD in anp tbpng: nevtber fljail tbcp in tbe enbe De* (eifte jitfucb tbpnges as tbev bab pjopbefpcD concerning t^e Wt iuDgemcHt. ^nb agapne tae Cce bow great is tbeautpo^t:: tie of tbe annctent^crtptnre, anb tbat tbe tjfc of it is cjccelCet in tlje Cbnrcb i5uangclicall; UJbcrcih Mat fee botb Cbzift aim i?5 apoftles to confirme,inligbtcn, garniUjc, anb fl)ctoe j lap fo;tb to tbe epe, all tbeir faprngcs bv tbe tojitingcs of tbe Idppbetes. %\it tetltmonics of tbe jdiopbctes conccntyng flje latt iuDgcmcnt, tbe reu^arbc anb pnniOjment of tbc gob* I^ anb tjngoDlp, anb tbe aboii[t)png of 4nticbii(l-, bcatb, anb all corruption, arc mtbc Ho.^ralme, in tbc 24.1^. 17. anb ee^ aifoin7.n.anb u.ofH>anici:intbei4.of 5acbaric, 3.anb4» of iS^alacbie, anb alfo els tobcre. a:t)apo{}lc })atb citcD ^(cc«, i^C-c^intb.if. ; ' j3r^et;fo:c let t)s lift \)p our ^cabes,b^et^rcn, lettstoatcK . %s\ ano Chdf,%6, The xlv. Sermon txst^ p;aF,fo;!)tcattrc out redemption Dialnct^ mare.l^elmet 1)0 iL()^i(t from all cuiU. iSlmen. €^3oI)n DeuourctI) tbe bsohc reeetueDattbe^ungelloi H^anD, anD p:op^eetetb aga^ne to t^e (iDenttls^ nations^ anD|kj:ngc0* The xhSermon, A Nd the voycc which I heard from hcaucn fpakcvn- to mcc agaync , and faydc -. goe and take thelittic booke, which is open in the hand of the Angell, which itandcth vpon the fea, and vpon the earth : and I went vnto the Aungcll and fayde vnto hym, geeue me the li- tle booke. And he fayd c vnto mee, take it , and cate it Yp, and it (hall make thy bealy bitter , but it fhalbc in thymouthasftt'eetcas honyc. And I tooke thelittic booke out ofthe hand of the Aungell, and did cate it vp, and it was in my mouth as fweete as hony : and as fooncaslhadcatenit, my bealy was bitter. And he faydc vnto me: thou muftprophecie agaync vnto the heathe,and tongues & people, & to many Kyngcs. Cl)e3lpo2 33r^t0t0t^e.t^.comfb;t, ti7titc^mtl^i'0)c.el)apt.t6 eottta^^ KeitcaiDoc:: net).^o;t)noett^epcr(onof ^.Blo^n is Ojetoco l^cte s tl^at trine 10 res tl)e:3lpoftoltcananDi£uangeUcattDoetrtne muft be refic^ei^ ^*'?^J.^ in tbc lall tvmc0 bcfojc t^c iuDgcmcnt agapnll auttc^?rft and SS (^a^omct. anD ^cmtg^t bjicflp IjaucfavD. ^heapoOolM ''' Docttinc, 30 it toa0 pjcac^jeu of John , ftjall flojiOje agaync; but be bao tatbct ocp^effe xJc^z fame b^ a gooMp tiiftcti^ and as tbelafttoaboeaplAvtuanti bztefc ejtpofttton oft^e ))ifion» jXJ^icb i0,tbow mud p?cacb agaVnc^c. '^obnmea- ^"^ ^^^^^ tbmg0 all eppofironr© ooc cjcponube agtcablv, 5cth ^ fif tt '" ^f ^^ c^^^c pecfon of lobii, (tobo Vnuct; tbc i^mpc^ fiapnc. tone N cru2« retutneb mto Clfia from eictte^ttd bv ^t (pace of fine ycarcs, oi tbere aboiitagavue pjeacbcb t^e 0ofpett.;f o> bel^ucbtilltbe3.oj4.vcareoftbercigne ef tbe fSmperoMC Traiane.) Slttb fccoKblp Of ally^cac^cvs, Uefo^tc tbc laOuinge* mcnt, in^cywcD iDinl) ftc fpiiit anb aoctriuc of ^.liobn^anji fonftantlv piofcffing Cbiift sga^nS !t6i6bct}nDccftooDcoft^ctJcrp pcrfon of ^.3lol)n:^ctn(en herein IS \]ndcr(tanD, tl)attbc EoiotopK ^aoe l)V& C^urc^ Ititetuv^c mdnictcD nnD tattgt)t b]^ ot^rr^isappcrtcinctl) to tbe confolatiott of t^c fa^t^fUU, to^ic!) f^all line in t^ic t)a?c6 of anticlj^ft , ano t^c tefioue. sr^omas of aqaattreairofavtJ) : 3ln ^.Sloljn l^'^m* itUc ottitv pzeaci^crs are l}nDci'ltoooc,tDi)om t^e EozD in tht t^ineof ^nttcl)2tft toiti ^aueto pjcac^ tnftauntl? to great and Cmall. ^0 mucb fa^t^ sri^omas. Aretas:3pQ)opofCcfana, an ocpofitonrof t\)VSi boofee, ^aotetht tcpo^tet^t^attipon tljis place of ^.BPoIjns, arofrt^opinifi ttiDgcmcnt, of tl^c common people, tbat^,3flobn toitb enocl^anDieipccSmrtb e= ftottlD come aga^ne into t\)t tr ojlo befoze t^e iiiogcnient , to *^^ ^' tajit,cojpo^Up,anbcacncftlvanDconlrantlp pitatp agapnft pj"* ^»»* anttc^Ziftvar^efdfetameDoct^ Areus cepeate tottlj amo^"^^^^* plenttfttU eppofition in t^ n. cl)apt. Miiete l)ecppoundct6 ll^etoojoesof 3lobn conccntingt^c ttoo toitneCfes .^c. Ccr- tes VX)l)eee as in tbe44..ofeccle(t. it is \a);itten, tijat x^nod^ toas tranOateD t^ot be mpg^t teac^ tbc l^eat^cn : manp ^aue (jcpoiideDtt, as t^ongb ^e fl)oulo cozpo^llp retttrne to tcac^ tl)ei5entt(saga^nftanttcbua: tDt)en as nottDitbftanovng, tit (avb tranOating o; cemouing of ^im into ^eauen , \]Dbic^ tuas Done To long agoe, notti) rather teacl^ t^e i5entils t^at tiei'c is an otljcclpfc p?cparcD fo? t^e fcntaunts of i5obj anii t^att^ramcisbuc to mens boDiesalfo ( confiDeringboto tSnoc^toasconuepcD^cnccbotbinbobye and Coule) cotca- tp to t^e opinion of i^picure, $ tbe mad U)0|lD,toi^icb fnppo< fet^ none oti^ee life to rema^nc aftec x^is. but f t^c bodies do putrifie,and Q)aUneucc c^fcagapnc. arijis ignocl) fcemetb to come rpicituallp to t^at (aa age, to; t^at t^e Ho^d bii^felfe pjopljeried t^>at a Ipfee t^ing a)OulDcomc tnto it, as cpauccd befojct^cfloudofii^oc. foi lyUc asmanp t^cn being carc- icOTc, contemned tijem-igcmcntcs of 0od, voytbout feace of anppcciU, o; ^ope of any better lyfc:fo commctbittopalTc alfo in t^elaftage,tDbccnu2en3cb constantly picnc^etb bp t^em, to^icb eftabli{l)c and nniuicvne ctcniail lyfe , and t^c rcfurcectiou of mens bodies aga^na t^e jeptcurcs , i^elvas in Cha^. 1 *' The xlv. Sermon tungentcnt CijjiR i'lito t^itt c^ofcn apoHlcs: ncitlicc is it to b€ tljoug^ comctbi^fs tl)atabomt{)ceuiicofr^ctcio?ii5c!)cmuftbet^?Mftout of j^ !^f * ^p'"it itJC*i»c»iV J3a?acc> iinS) agavnc be fubicctc to cojniptsion , ano 4.nnci;;ut. obicctcD to li^c ctucll t)anoc8 of anticbztSians, to tearc bvm ttt pcecr6.;f 0^ I^he as tn t!)c time of oHt* i^anionc Cbjifi ^ta Ivas int)crtuc a«D fpintc, 31 meatte ^.3lobu 23aptiRe \»cnt bero;tr£bHll(l)clLo:u:roa!fol)efo2etbe tuDgeinent l^cfvas flialipifac!)uui)ofeagavtte,U)bicb bcvng luDueD tojvtb ibc Tpinre aiiD po\X!f c of ^cf^as, fljall call a^a^ tbe mv"^c6 of ail men from x\)t U30ia)!ppmg of creatures , to tbe leiierciij; ciugofibcetcinailanDotielpiSoo, i^elyas crveDoiit,boto -y ^1ongooevel?afteonbotbriDes:iftl)ciLo?Dbci5ob, foUot»« ?. oimms0 ^^j^. iti5aal be i5oD, foUcto bvm. ano noU)e ttiall tbc ^cis Ipauco cr^e: if Cl)?ia be tbe perfection of tbc favtbfuU , to^at neeiie ie tbere of lunns ttmentions and cdftittttions to \]n3?Wc a perfections 3]f iTbJiSbc cur iii{lification,fatiffaction,cleatV3 mOTe, auD onelv meDiatcur ana reDcrmcc, \xibcrfojc are tbefc » tb^nges attribiitcD to mans merites i tobv arc ^amtcs a^ ' connteo intercefl'ours in beauenst2)bv iB faiitation afcribeo to manv otbcr (linfeing tJjvngcs? i^elvas crpeD out : boU) long bait ve on botb ftocsj i^stbougb be fl)oulo fav,it is not iatcM fwl to part vour barts bctu>i]ct tv»o gGOeineHbcr is it latofijl to attribute anp tbiug tbat coucernetl) iyfe ano Caiuation, bt^t t)nto 000 alone. iaartnerll}ip ofoommion is boubtkCTe q« tious m tbis cafe. ITbc jj^elvans ft)aU crve: if rigbteouf»e(|5 be of tbelatoe, Cbuft upeo in\}avnc» iiio man can fernc ttop tttaiftcrs . Cb^ift fliaU pjofite von notbvng, tobtcb fee^ faluattonmtbctrflt)!tio«sofmcu. Comcvc>jnto£b?!flJ be is tbe perfection of tbe favtbfull,ant! iw bim vxe arc complet?^ antj Ivfec as IDctpas grciiouav accufeo Slcbab , 3le!abel va4* tbe 13aalamttcs:rigbt fo lljalltbe ^^elvans moft fljacpelviius uc^c agapuftHpngcs ano ©vflioppeo, 31bolatcrs and i^nti^ cbttftmns. 3;b"B 31 fav Idelv^s commctb,ba{b commew, ann. (l)all come agavne bcfo?e tbe tiiogcmeut* •jBcfoje tbe ii^ciibcr a)ai^»3;obn pjopbcfieotbcrtijiTc befo:ey iubgCi: iuDgemcnt ment. J&c ft)aU not rcturnc into tbe earttj in bvs ijoove out of 30{)ncamc bfanen:bnttbcp?eacbcrsiiiOcU3eD\»vtbtl)c boctrmc cf^* agamrt liobn, Cl)aU rcmie all bvs ooctrme, tbep Diall eicpounbc fticb atwtte^^ift. tijy^ngcs os b^i^atblefiebnto tbe Cbnrcb U)?ittcninbvs go^ pcti^n bis igpifilcs, ano in tbe apocaItpre.i:bi& booUe batb -- a teibvie liiV"^ b^btif^ a^d contcmucD cuen of gcoo ano Icatf itebtiicn) \»^o notwit^aanoing ooc p^cac^ tbeianictbpng tbat vpon the Apocalipfe. 137 chap, if, Hat fseontc^net) ant) fee fo^tb in t^tsloofee: hxxt it a)aU b^ Jb^ong^ttoltgl^tofotljere^anDljefecbv^nsicts pla^nc tl)4t tntbts one mcmo;tc is Done of manp.^mD bp ail t^ere c^mgs toe Doe cleaccl^ peccetue, boto ^nttcb;i(! mud be impugned anil fla^ne, nottxtptb fieQ){^, btuvoitb fpaituaU taeaponsuo tx)(tte,bp fmcetre doctrme^fcantcD after tbc cjcrtmplc of ;(^nocb, l^elve, anu 3|obn, ^ taken out of tljc bo!^ fcriptwcca, «?bec* of toe a^aUfpcaHemoicfuU in tbeiu B^teftptbe^octc^ne of Bjobn^bonttbe iafiiuDgcKient Q^ail be mteVucD agavne,ano be knotoen to tbe too^toe in Defpite of tbem,and againS li^tit U»li.!anD binder tbeboctrine of Hlobn xx^t tJttDerftanoe tbe toboie iSnangelicall and i^poftoltcnU tbe to^iting unD fetctngfo^tb iuberof ^.Blobn aUo implo^be afingulap tranellamongee tbe bca of tbem* ^nb in tbe meane feafon in tbe fame Mion is figureb t\it xow tbe? indole manner of tbe fa^tbfnUanblatohtUid^eacbcrs to be muabe,^ inatcbebtuitbi3nti€b?iil^,tob^t tbc^ ougbt to be, anb U)ptb &>itbt9bat tobat qualities fwmift)CD. ;JFictt ^.3lobn is calleD, bv a \joi?cc ?"^*'.2f^ . fpofeentob^mfcombeanen^tDptbaccmmaunbcincnt, goe. SJ!!!?'/? ' 3rberfo?e 10 i5obB calling cbicUp ncccOacp, Icaft an^ man SwSans fi)ou{D take Ijpon b^m tbis oSice toptb an eulli aflfcctio. 090- Sc^iift. fe&^toas caUeb: tbe jd^opbets anb 0po(Ue& sattt caiieb:rome in Xittht immcoiatclp from i3oD, not of n;en, ncptl)cc bp m€j lome oi0ob aifo, but ^etbv men anb of men. srbe ^poftlcs of HM^ Xmtu not cUleb of men,boafting tbe latofuil fncceC^ fion, a&ivom Caypbas.i^nnae, anb tbe coilebge of )a;ie(l0: neuertbcles t\it'i) bab tbeic calling of Cb^it^^ ^^^ p^oucD tbeic call^g in beeoe, to toit, bv pjeacbvng of tbe tcuetb. %i)txt^ fo;c albett ssyz can not at tbV0 bap rcf crre our callpng to tbe }9opeanD layajopg, tobicb bjagge of latofull fHccefTion : vet fo^wmucb as\»e are able to p^ooue in t^rrv bcebe, anbb? ft^t teltimonpcs of iCb^tftvtbat our Doctrine is Cb^iiles Doc- trine , mi tbercfo^e tbat our mvntQerie is lau^cfnU : toe (arenotatobitfo^ tbep^ rep^ocbeftill anb ravl^ng too^oes, l0obicb crpe, tbat tue be not calleb no; o^beincb bp tbe laope* 2$at to bim tbat is called is gcucn a fure commaunbemer, i^q t\)t tt\^ to \iiittz tbat be a^oulb take tbe booke : not cnerv boobe , but icd in gcuen tbeopmbooke,veaanbattbebanb of tbe !2lungcll,^agapne a fut^com:: of tbe aungelltbat ftanbctb tjpon tbe ^ca ano laub , 2i:bat maunsc = anngel is Cbiift tbe JLojb,a,oib of tbe tobolc eartb, of tbe fca JJIJ^^^ ^/^! anb alltbpngescontepncb tberin. ^e toitb bis banD oaferctb ;2g S of to y^xQ minitters a bookc open , to toitte tbe Scripture : anb xL maxxx, cl^ieflp ^is CicceD anb bol)? i5ofpeU,U»}appeb \vit^ no barker i':v/j nes, The.xlv.Serfnon ncs , neither cfofcD , bnt ng!)t matufcftto f^cm l^at toil! (it: fQi albeit t!)at foi t!)c ant iqmtie of tljc touug, foz t^t pzopzic^ tic Qt fpf ac^, fo2 tbt figtices, ana rites, places , tijvngcg, auD OoiicB out of luciuoi^ , Ionic places map appearc rometol)at I) in& ^aittte3lobnb«^tb|3.|^x^j>Kr«cv,anDnot|3t^Aicv,3litlcbooae, not a boofec. ;JFoufpe compare tbc bolP^ble(fpccialI^ttie i5orpci booUe) toitl) ot^cr latoes ^ boofeeB,attb cfpeciallv tit t\)t Decrees ^t>ecretals of tl)epDpc:ibelideboobeoft^cbOi' Ip iScfpcU fliall feme tjcrv fmall . Piimafius cicpounDvng itits place favctl):^c rcmetb, to mcane tl?c trutb of t\)e lato ana tl^t fdiopbttcs manifeftcD in Cb?»ft : anb tberfoie be faptb not tioto ,a6 befoie^tljat be t abctb ti^e fcalcD , bnt tbe open boolbe^ fo], Cbitft is tbe euD of tbe lato , to inafee all men rigbteoim tbat belcue,anb fo fo?tb . 2rbcrroie tbe Hojb Cbiitt bpni relfe acmtlf )}nto tbeCincere pjeaebers none otber p^eacbtng^tb^n 0i6 oMine, to \x>ittt tbe i5ofpeU. ;jf o^ be is tbe ligbt anb rwe:* hier of tbe too?lb , our rigbteouCncs anb lpfe,ticitber is t\)tte lialuation in anv otber.SE^bis p?eacbpng is not fetcbeb no^i ta^ kcnof otbers , tban of tbe banbes of tbe iaungeli , not of t^^ ^anbes of tbe jaope oi ©vCbops . Cbzift fapctb , go fojtb in^ to tbctDboIetDo;{D,anb p^eacb tbeiSofp^ll toeuer^ crea^ ture,teacbFng t^em to feccpe all t^^nges ts^tcl^ 3\ ^aue cotn^ maunbeb^ou. » Blobtt applpet^ butt fclfe to tbe comnmunbeutentes of i5oD,' not VDttbout grace . ;f o) be goetb to tbe i^ungeU anb liaptb, gene me t^e boobe, foi t^e Ho^ muflbe p^eo : toe mua rcab vpon the Apocalipfe. 13 8 Chap, itr* tean Iriligeml?', as ^ , 0anlc alfo commatmuctti : toe muU leame ano obcp tljc commaunQcmento of iSoD, auD not tacg till 25od toiti^ouc tie iio Dzato tiB. 2lnDt^cllojDDcnvct^iiot^pngtotI)cmtljatacc toillpng CI)cilo?q to alfec , ano are Uillgciu*, foi in x\)t f3orpcIl ^c fapt^ : Ki toiU f cnpcti) no= gcuc vou a mout^ anD tDifcDomc,to^iclj all vour aDucrfaciee ^^'"s JJ ^i)^ Cl)aU not be able to gapncfav. (39o?cou:r: mv bcauenlp fat^ct *^^^ *^^^* Ujili gcuc bis bolv fpiritc, to fucb as ocficc of bpm . 2:bcrfojc (aptb t^t aungcll nouj:tafec tbc boofec . /i^cntnbclcs be p«t- tccbbcccanottjfc commaunocmcnt:cafcit.i&callHl)ctb to ^ fcramts ^t, i.anb, 3. cbapt. of eiecbicU p?berc tbc 0jopbet is Iifec= "^^^ ^Jj= toifc cSmanuDcb of 000 to catc tbc boofee offercD tnto bim. SftcrB ^ f[Q\ ^amt 3lobn bcre inucntctb no ncto tb?ng . STo catc t\^t x& ximm boofecfaitb ^.Ctmbjofc,is to lav tip tbe YjnocrfiaDpng of tbe Scriptures m tbc fccrctbotocllcooz cntraillc6,j[^c fcmetb bp a trope botb to intimate an carneil Dtfire , ano to bcate iti a fingular Diligence . fox toeoeuonrc toitb agrcDp Dcfire, fucb tbvngs as toe baue long $ mucb couctcD to eate . i39anp are (apo alfo to baue beuourcD boobes ano autbours , totic9 tbe^ baue perfitclv leamcu ano cunneo bp^art, xot fay iti ^Utcb , i&e batb eaten Galen OJ Pnfcian qugte tjp , tbat IB to :j favibc batb Icarnco tbe bp bart 0^ at bis fingars cubes , 3it is rcquirco tbcrfojc oftbe pjcacbcrs , tbat tbep learnctbebol^ Scriptures toitb a bcfirc , ano tbat tbcy Icarnc ano remem- ber tbem tobolc ano cicactlp . »?itbout all Dcfire ano fcrncnti ties of invnoc tbou a^ilt piofit litlc in tbc CnDv of bol^ ^crip ture6:anD Viulccrc tbou leacuc tbc i5ofpcll eicactclp , tinpzofc- tablpf^alttbou pjcacb tbc fame , a^^c iS^iniftcts tbtrcfoie inavbcafl)ameDoftbeirignouiunce,to^icb arc mc?cgcuctt to iDienes, S^aucrncs, b«ntvng, Oicvng, ano ct^cr too?fe tbvti5cs,tbantotbcflubpDfbo!p Scriptures. iS'bep hv^tit^ farrc tinlvfec tbc 5lpo(llc S.3lo0i^ Qjall \\\ tbis warfare a^s gavnft^lnticb^intomncrmaUrenotone, tmlcOctbcv atoal^e out of tbctr beatbcnifl)e accpc,ano cbcarefuUy pcrfo?met^ cic charge, tobifb toitbout oonbt is moll boly. i$,cvtber is bccc oiacmbleofo murbas tbccffcctc of tbc /^be effect miniflcnc, ^ tooiopifacbtD.3'iti6ftoctcintbcmoutbasbOf ©f Cdcds «ve. ;Jf oj S>auiD batb fong alfo : tbe iu^jgcmcnts of tbc ILozo ^o?p a^ctc arctobcotfircoabouc mucb golo ano piccious 0oncs,ano ano fitter, ftoctcc tban bonp ci bonv combes . ^bis ftoctcncs is eucc f elt.itt tbc lutoaro man ; auD tbe faitbfuU being ligbtco tottb tbctrutbjbatb altoayes continuall 3"iop: but pet nuiR toe not conccalc , tot^at itfemet^ to t^e Ccflj , ano toJjat is r^e effect Thc.xlv.Sermon t^erof m x\)t otit\a)arD man * ?it mal^etl) tcrciv t^e bdl^ btti tentD^tc^ is alio apl):a(e of fpcacf^,\)nto tD^ic9 ours annn»e rct^i,tD^en tac fa^ it mabet^ mp ftellv to alie , figniftpng xW t\)t Catnc tol)tcl) is piopoimoeotmto Ub,is botlj papnfalT and srciious.a:i5c too|D of iSou ttjcrfoicb-jiugtt^tfiemojtifipng of t^c flcft),tiaueUcs,pavnciu!ncc,t^e croffe, ano auuerfitica ittnumerablc,tDljic^t»itl)aftcottgauD coiiGam patience toe inwft o«crconie.;Jf 0? t^c jLojD in t^c i3oipelI p?cacbet vepen^ taimceoMno)tification,anD amongeftot^cctbpnges maoe tcrp mucb mention of perfectitions ^ toberetoitb ^ts (^oulu be altoa^escjccccifcu? xoX^tn tbou (l)alt banc DeuonceD tfte tioolie ( favtb Primafius ) t^ou Cfealt ivx DeDe be bcligbten toit^ ftoetncs of tbe bcaneniv tooib,anu uiitb bope cf falnatio p?o mifeD,anD tDtrb t^e pleafamit tad of i^obs rigbteoufne0:bne Donbtles tbou Cl)alt fccie a bittcrncs, toben tbou fljalt beg^ti to p^eac^ it botb to tbc ocuout anb t}ndcuoute . ft^i as foone «6 ti)e p^eacb^ng of f5oDs iungemeut is ones ^earD , doubts (est^jousbtbcbitteenes ofrepenrauncciomcare conuerteD anb cbaungeD to x\^t better : anb otbcrs agapnc be^ttg o^en^ beb, are moje barocncb , ano faearc great batreb ano mallicc totoarocs tbe pjcacbers . 2rbe toifcman faptb , rebufee a tuife man,anbbc\»ilHouetbee:but rep^ouea fooieanb ^etottl bate tbce t^erfo je,anb fo fojtb» ^Sapnefui = il^eitber arc tbcfe tbinges , fa^b ontHj? , hm alCb bone anij nw 10 felt. feIt:foj ^ . 3! obn fa^tb anb toben 31 bab beuowreo it,m? bell? toas mabe bitter . ^xi^ toe fccle at tbis Dv^^ tbc greuous ^a^ treD of mig^tp me,to toittc,of fpintuall fatbers >aub tempos ralHeunces ♦ ^an? arc Djiuen into epile , mnunictableare ibut t)p in pjirou0,an infinite mtiltitube are flapne toitb fun* b^V fevnbes of beatbcs. aii tbefet^pnges oiD tbe ^^opbetea p;opbecie O^oulb come to paa'e, our ^auiour \^m lelfe m tbe j^ofpcU gaue ts toarn^ng tberof : ano tbe Hoib bcrc telletb t}S agayne x\^z fame tale . 2rbcrfo;e let bs be (Irong anb con^s Cant m tbe %m , anb figbt agaynft anticbjtft bnto tbe enbe ofoMrlvfe.a;be2Lo?& toillnot fojifafeets , tobo(to t^emtent toe RioulD not fce banquiUjeo of tbofeaDuerfarieotolD ts of tbe Diiigcilp bcfojc.aRD tbus muft tbolc be inilructcD totjicb fljall toacrc agaynft 2luticl)jiift bcfozc tbc laft iubgcment* m)ttm^' iLalJlv as 3^, fa^b in tbc beginning of i\)t ^ernton,is feta fttteitoftije bjicf cjcpolitiou of tbe ^ifiou . ^oubc J^ungell faptb bnro \>iaon. 3,abn> tbou muft piopbecieagapnc to x\it g)catben , ^c. 23^ tbis "tiiftonjaitb b^iSl mcauc to Declare uotbpng r!s, but toat t^ou mua pjcac^ agapnc tof toojlD , Ihabv t^^^ ftlfe in alia, after vpontheApocalipfe. i^p chaf.ji. after tl)Ou art rctunun ftoni cicilc : anD (cconDl^ b^ faptljfrtil v 033tniftec6 cucn to t^c ttiozlDcs cnD,tobtc^ Cl)al fp2caD abzoaD tl?is Doctrmc,novo fctfoztb hp t!)cc, toit^ faii&zv touugs tljo^ roug^nations,antitl??rcttJtt5 ftjallijeatcDotone antic^iif!'. flnD fuc^ as arc accuftomcD torcaDtlje Scriptures fenotoco p:opf)e t^at to piop'gccic,i8 tafee foi to picac^.^f 02 piopl)cac,ts p2ca= cic. cjpng.^^cv ^crc in t^mes paft callcD jazop^ctcs , tul^icb at tl^ts Dap bepzeacl)crs,as toe ma?gatl)cr ofti^c.i.Cozintl). T i« ann. 14. c^apt« ^tiDt^edoctrtne of ino^n is turncDimoi^e Syrian tOMng,/Ethiopianj iEgyptian,Germane,SpanifhjFreuche, £nglini,italian,to bc djo^t tn a maticr into all langagcs : in ait tbefe p2cacbctb S . ^ioOn at tljis ua? bp faithful! jOjiniacrs. 3rt)e iScntilcs be tijcp ncucr fo barbarous anD ruDc bcarc ^.3lobn tcacbpng:anD fo do t^e people of manp nations. ail t^efc receiue not a little comfort in t^efe mofi Daungerous tapes ofanticb2ift,anD Ijaue rcceiucD of tbein alfo befoxc t^is tvme,tDb'f^ ^°"S fince rcnc\i3eD tl?e apoHolical Doctrine ngapnG anticb?itt.2rbe fauje Doftcinc is bjoug^t at t^isDap, anD ujas b20ugbtin tpmcs paltalfo tnto Hinges anD popes t^ougb t^cp feicbeD auD fpurneD agapnft it . ^be tbpng 3 fpealtc is iiot Doubtfull.;^02 \j)C botb bcare $ fee t^cfc tbmgs cuen at t^is Dap.Biftoiics alfo repojt nianp t^pnges I^creof. EauDeanD glo^p be to {5oD . Some copies mtbe Hatm are C02rupt,U3bicb ^atie /gtt>*r foi iteru,n.^Q% S»3!ol)n fapD , tboii tnuO piopbecie ^raXiT.tD^icb (ignifictb iter»m agapnc, not //>- tur. fQx be meanctbtbat ^.31obn mu{l,cucn after be is DeaD, pieacb to manp nations m funDip tounges , bp tbc faptbfull miwi^tx^ tbat a)ali figbt agapntt anticbzift . 2rbe JLoiD af^ lift toitb bis fpirite all goDlp ^jeacbers oft'pe iJuangclicall trut^ anD apoftoUcall Doctrme* ^nteti. C^ Biobn meafuretl) tbe temple, anD fl^etoetb tW tf' The.xIvj.Sermon uen vnto the Gentiles, and the holy Citie /hall they treadevnderfoote,xIij,monethes. T^ie Eoz^ 10 ^ct in comfoumg,ani> m ucfcrft^gt^e tnta in^lic tuarcc aga^nft antic^?!ft:anD Q)ctDCt^ t^at t5e cljurclj ^allnotbc foifabcn in t^ofc ^ntic^uaianandirucltiftj&if^ ficultics : uoj tlje cncmvce fo qmcrip inioyc all t^vnges , but tljat tbe Ci^urc^ aiall i^aue alfo l)tt champions o; Defentiecs, \»\)ic^ (l)^lt ^^^ \)aleauntl^ rcfiO C^2i(!e6 aduerfacie s» (The fame ^"^ ^^^ t!)ingeB are figiiratnie,tob»cft ace celjcacfcD intl)t of tbisfer^ beginning of t^e c^apt. and Ceente to be taltcn out of t^e 40^ mon. cbapt.of e^ccljicl. 218 be ti^ofc alfo uibicb are fpoben in tbe 7» cbapt. concerning t{je fcalvng of t^e favt^fwll, out of tbe. 9* cbapt.of tbe fame |S>opl)ct. ijFozbeiscommaunncb to meat* fure tbe temple, anD to caa ottt tbe inu^ard quire: tx)bcreof be Cbe tzmi U)e^etb tbe caufe. ^nb be mcanetb not tbe temple of Bit« pu. tufalem, tobicb attbat tpme (acco^tiing to tbe p^opbefpins ofS>anielIanDofCbM(^)lavouertb^otDen, anD Q^oulDnot anv moje be rcpav?eD:bnt tbe \jct^ Cburcb of £Bod,31 mcane tbe tobole number of tbe cbofe. ;f 0^ ^.J9aw! callerb tbefaitb* full tbe temple of i5oO,Uuelvt)ecel^, as alfo^.}acter.%pet» ^Utiitet. r. anb.i.€ozmtb.^anii.i.coiimb.6. 3:x>ebauera?b noto ofte tvmes, tbat iL\)%ift is tbe onely Guitar in tbe Cburcb, anD fa^ crifice foz finne.anb laiieft anb intercedour on tbe rigbt band wo?tb?p= oftbefatber. arbctooifliipperBbetbci?tbattDo?fbippc iSoD ^fi". tbjougb Cbiift in fpieitanD truetb , anD fcrue bV"* latwfuH? 01 ujptb fcare. ^0 manp as br fucbCtbat is,tDbofocuer cleaue tomoCbJifttbeonclvpcaccmafeccoftbefaitbfHU) ano ferue j5oo truelv bp faptb, tbep be tbe ^tt^ temple of i5oti,anD tbe Comcate true Cburcb. ^Tbefebatb ^.3lobn meafurro: toDoetis to t\}z temple. V)nder(lanD boto tbe EozD ib fully myndeb to buylDe Vp tbe «c Cburcb, anb not to Deftro v it. fo} tbep tbat topi buvlDe,mete tbe platte uiberupon tbe builoing aioulD be fct: asappearetii in tbe4o.of Jtg?ecb.2:ben toas alfo tbe temple oeftrovcD of tbe CbaloeiB.aB tbe Cburcb (b nou3 tuadeo bp tbe {sapiftee ann STurbcs: But tbe EojD piomifctb bp tbiB meafuang^tbat be toill repapze tbe rumeB of tbe Cbuccb, of tbewcrite of £b?»8 anD tbe fattbfull U)oza)!ppers. (B^ozeoucr be fignifictb , tbat tbe faptt)full in tbefe troubles are numb^eo (bcfo;e toe bearD tbcptucrefealcD>anDlurc,foa5nocncmic can baue potoec to buct tbem in all tbeir DiftrcQ"CB.:Jroz as tbe auJrcr Cb?ift is ))ndefilcb, anb can not be QapncD 0^ DeftropeD bv anp pouter of tbe Dittiil: ^0 are tbe djeepe of C^^tO ^notpt^cn to i&oD , 9 periOje vpon the Apocalipfc, 140 chap. 11 pcrtHje not: ^6 alfa t^e {^\\\t E02D Jieriis Cb;t(t tcdtftet^ nt tlje lo.of Blaljn, ano t!)c ^poftlc in t^c i.arimotb.*. 2;o \iz a)0?t, Ctj2iftc8 faptt)fuU fcmaimtc0 are partakers of iSoD atiD of all i5oDs gooDs , To as i)e carets fo^ t^ein, biiplDctl^ tt)em \)p, rcgtllretl) tl^on, ano Dcfeoctt) t^cm. Ii:^ts te a mofi ' affureD confolatiou. l^o\x)bcit\M!)ci:cas t^c JLozo p?op^ccicD ml)ts i5ofpcl,t!)att^e trucfavtl^fullfl)oulDbc cjccommutn^ catcD bv tl>c falfe tcac^cre: ano be re alfo foiefaU)^\x)^at O^uili cljaimccto tbc VjngcDlp paftours of tbc falfc 13vfl)oppcs : be faptl) tctclv tbat tbiB lattfcfoitcappectaync notbpngtotbc buplDing of i5oD, but be cjccoinmttmcatcu bv i5oD, to t^c m^ (CbctKulre tent tbc goDlp (IjoulD not fcare tbeic cefure ano cucfmg. 2luD ^ttbin Ijccctbetcjftc isCct Dotonetiuotoapeff, tijbcrtoftbcfica i6'""^*'J ino?c atlovoeo : t^iat is y^ doA^v t«» ^jweev, t^ Cl^auncdl 0;^^ °"*^ mupiietbatistpit^m, caOtbouout: tljat ts rofa^, Declare tlpem tbat be tn tt)ts qutre, to be caft out of i5cD. (merclp tbe iSlnttcb^iQiane uiiU be mttbm tbe ^^empleo^ tntoaro partes of tl^e temple, ano tbe c^tefeft part of tbe Cburcb^ tn £0 luuc^ t^at uo^oroeneracKni>V2)lcDgetb tbem not, ano foUo\uetb t^^ not tn all tbtnges^ano frainttb not tvmfelfc conformable to tl)e cbutcb of is^omc^ts tuoseo to be an btrcttUe . ^be in:: toaro qu^;e tn t^e lame toas tbe aation of idrtedes, t^e place U)berttt tbe toere toben tbev QioulD 00c Cacnfice » ano to^p^ left be (avtb tbe qup^e mnH be cad out, be figniftetb figura^s ttnelv tbat t^e ^ntecb^ftian ^zielles Ujall be tl^zou;en out» ;f 01 tbe place is fct foj tbe t^vns contevneo t^jcrein . lainii Uibere be favtb,ca(l out: bis meaning is tbi&: looUe tubom i&oD batb %\\x out^tbofe Declare tbon to be caCt out. f^% god jbotb rjccommuntcatc ^ ano maupzonouncctbi ano cjcecutci^ i5oDs mDgenient.2:i)e latter (etttng DotDne of tbe tcjcte is tti ti^iStO^fc; Andtheporche(Tx;/ i^ofiev) which is without, call out. ^0 ^atl) tbe ^paniOjc ccptc. But boti) fl)all ^mt catle out tbat to^icb ujas tcitbout bcfojcj arocrcfoieji Iphe (as 3f] lapDe) t^e former reaa vug. '^\m toe rcicctc not tbis rcaDpng neitbcr. ;Jfojtl>e poicb tbat is ViMtboiit,figmfictb i^t collebge orfcloml^p not comumeating ojitb ti)C onely iialtar €i)?ifl', Di U)itb tbc true cbucc'p af Cl^ita^fucb as ail t^is bookc fl^cto* Etbtbcj&opco to be VBitb all tbcir faimlic . (EQojeouertbc Jdbai ifcisanDiaueacs cad out bvmtbat \j3as borne blvnoe, xo\\^t u » 3l^,obntbe.9.tbat is to fay, tbev did crfonmiuuicatc bim foj caftout, tijc confcOion of Cbzift, ano tbc EoxD faitb in tbc i5.of3f|obti: 3|f aup abpDc not in me , bee is cad out as a biaunrbe, and )»^t^eca|j» 27^eciOiC U^I^vlcd ^.3iobni^cumma«a)cD bcre ^^ii» ta Chd^^if' ■' The.xIvj.Sermon ro caff out tUc CoJIcDge of iaiic(!cs, !)e 10 tjcrcf^ cominttnn* t»eD to Dcclarctljat tbofc pncfts voccc cjccSmtinicatcD, vo^ic^ tuotilD not be, but fe cmc to be tl^e cl)icfc ^iclatcs of Cb^iftes C^iircb. S)ce 15 atfo foibiD'ucn to mete t^is qupze. ;jfoi bc:* caufc iSoa U)iU not biiilDc tbcm t)p,btit beftro? t^em,anb not ' \jmt tbem mimbzeb amonges bie, foi be ^atb reiecieo tbcnu XXJbo tban toitl bccaftcc fet a Scato bp tl)c rjcconmntcatton of tbcni tbatarc c)ccommunicatebj\3oiclteD poprs bane ejccomii^ nicateb iempercucs,noble inen anb goblv* a«t» bifcbargpng tbcicfnbicctcBoftbeicfea!tie,banc fct tbemin tbepjpzmces foppcs. srbe (loiie of Gregory tbez. isfenotucnagamft Leo Ifauricusianb Of Gregory tbe 7. agavuR Henry tbc'i. ^nb Of Innocence a!ro,agaitnl Frederike t^^^t i. auD Of OtbfC i3pfl)0pS '**" agavnB cigbt gooD jaimccs. 2>0Huii£jTi iyc cbiefe ftringc o( tbeidQpta)etpiannp> bat^ bcenc ej^couununicatton , tb^icl) t^clLo;Di)erclQOftti>. •C'.)e ciuire ^^cit^cr boetb tbe ILo:b conceafe tobv ^c piononncctlj t^e )ncertavne, anb \jnperfcct. srbofe tbat belceue anb clcaue to t -jc famc,tl)cp call IjetctiHs: anb tbe boctrmc taUen out of tlje |:4iuc, tijcp call bcrefic. Slgaine tbep tbat baue not Cbzift t^ci? bcab, anb gro.tu not to ^pm as bjaunc^ics %xmt to a tjpwr^ vpon the Apocalipfe. 141 chap,ri, ^ane no partnectlitp txi^tb iL^?t(l,bucacc ^catl^cn . iBxxt fucfy t0tl)e)dopeanDt)tsaD!)crcms,perrecunng C!?;ta am, and alltiorcUj^icljaffirme t^at Cljzift is t^c onclp ^ea?) of t^c C^urc^jtljat C^Jtft alone is oui* cigtitcoumcs anD ipfc, ana t^ataUt^efai?t^falIareniat>e fiiUv complete tip £f^?ift« ^e tjat t^it? fe^Dlcenctfj, c^cp piononnce Ijvjn an ^eren^c.^o^e* ouei:tl)cl^cat^entoo?fl)ip3lDols,caU ^pon creatures, auD ftippofe iboD to bc^onouccD to^t6 corruptible ti^pugcs , as jjolDe,filucr, auD pjccicus t^mgc6,oeDicaieo to ttic2i:cinple, and fet tp to beanttfie t^e fame . ^nd tDi)at otl)er t^png Doc tijcp in t^)e Cburc!) at t^is uapi 2r^on fccK pla^tielv Ijeat^en JTemplcsto^cnt^oufeeftttjeir £l)uvches. srftc Ipfe alfoof t^e l^eat^cu is R^anicfuU and ftlt^vJ tftv at^e geue to tjoiup- tnoufnes, full of furfetting, atiDicte to fitt^\> luC, tljcp ftincKc mto^Oieoome^anDejcceeoeingozgious apparcll ano pam^ pering of toe bou^. ^ ee ujbat t'qinges tbe apolHe te5?itct!? of tbel?feaui> conuerfation of t^cljeat^cn in tbe4.anD u cljapt* to t.^c itpljeUans. i^nD in t^e i, t^c iS.oiuavnes,^na \m\^z ti)c Coiimb.tlje 6. cbapters.^otc tobat tbe Ipfe of ti^e jaepe is $ of ^is fpiritualtie, t^c tlj^ng it lelfe too open!? trUifiett}: fo as eucn foj t^is caufe onelp tl^t"^ myg^t ^ dn?> ougijf to be accounted amonges tbe f]c:ommunicatcD,as aga'^nll xu^iouitbe apoftlc bvn^fclfc pionouncctb tbe fcntecc or ejccommumcation, in tbe place iubicl)\yel5ane notB citeD, tbei.totbeccojintbtbey* xot ma^ put hereunto tl)ctcjSpi-» curifljc Devilvng» ;JFo? if tbcp fet by an? religion , if tijep };iaue 6ttvfeareofi5oDintt)cm, \i3bv hoc tbcpfcll alltbv«3C3 ui tbe Cburcb, fojgeuencs of finnes, beaucn, C^iia , tl?c cbla* tiou of CbJiG, niatrimonv\minia:eric,ano hiit^'i all ti)ingoj tobvcall tbevinooubt otucrs articles of ourbeliefej toi^ac theanc tbefc Doubtful Dtfpucatios of tbe immoualttie of Hies fowles,auD tbe refurrcction of t^eir booyes I \»|)v maUe t^c^ amocfeericof tbelpfc eucrlaQingj i&cretmto is aDDeD,tbat tbefe treaoe vea anD trample \3p3 ' iSob tbe bcatljen arc commen into tbpneinberitamJcc,tbvbolp2rn"pic bai;etbcp DcfpIeD anD inabe ir rufalcm an btapc of (tones. S^bc Dead boopce of i^p fentauntcs \^mtt\)t^ gcncntobc meate\)tuo tbefouicsof tbe apze : anb tbe fieaje of tbp faints tnto tbc bca&es of tbe lanb. srbcir bloub banetbep ftjcD IpSetoateconcucrp fioeof 3lerufalcm> anb tbcre toao no tnan to burvtbcm:anD tbc rctt tbatfollo\2>etbtntbe 7^* iafalme. !3lnb a iittic after in tb|^0 tbap. aiallfoilou? moe t^v^S^ of t^eperfcctitiSof i^ntic^;ia» . anb tbat not tuitbout caufcanb pet nottcitbftanbvng an tnccrteinc tpme to be tnbcrOoDc . trv^n, fl^aU be troDcn anD fuffcc pcrfccation. 2:^110 faytts ^c» S)oiitlc(rc al! cicpofiroufg in a mancc gtoimDpng tijcm /gni?i»«rr CeliiC8t)ppon ti)istept,{3aucattnbutcDto tbe b?"5Domeof jjg^i^g* amitl)Zift,anD to ^ts moR cnicU pc cfccattcns, no mo vcarcs tjjcpci'cff of • tbantijiee ;f a l)alfc»5foi fo mau^ v^^accsnuUe iciij.moncil)C0, 3^ntu5/?ia. if vc allbto tujeluc monetises to a vcare.t3otDbeii t^c ^alp- tucc anD tl)c tijvng it fclfc tell ^3 , tl)af tijc UpngDomc of vln^ tic^jiH QjonlD be a great Dcalc longer. n?l;crnp on 'S\ f2iD,t^at a ccctainc tymc is aiTtgnrD of t^c ^poSlc , anD an ^jitccrtrine t^mc tjnDccUoDcnijat is to fav,all tl^at fame tvme,t^at is re* fecneD from tfjc fotall pcares of.6^^ . ijo^crof is mcntioncD vn tbe. 15 . c'qanter Oitijeiapocalipfe ,\3ntiUtbcia{l inDgcment» ^nD \i>^v 3(1, DC tjcponnDca ccctcinc time to impojtan tmcff- tctuc,tbete be tijc canies . ;Jrir(?, fo? afmuc^ as tijc fame num- ber of moitetljes,U)i;if^ is fct bcre is izi Doton alfo \\\ t^c. 15, cbGpptcr.anD afccibco to tUc olD momane s^muirc , Uerelp ta tftccnb tpat in t^cietcibiilatioust'gc^aitttes mig'gt tjnDcr* ttanD,anD comfoit t^em fclues , tijar t^cte is an eno appoint ten to ti)cir t*^iannp,\j3l)i:f ') is feno\jocn of i5oD : anD tbat tqc ^aiutcs U)0«lD no mojc be f 021*0 uilnll,tl)an if tbc^ fijoulD be conClrcinea to cIj^;dc tl^eic tpzannp a tevu monctbcs oncii?„ " ^iljcftDife if vc il)"oulD accompt frosn tbc fira pearc of luUus CaefarjanD biVi^S i^ii coucfc cf tV'iue \)ntUi tijat vcarc, \D^ci-i!i Odoacer buugng Dtfpatcl^cD x%z Cxfars oj CO Cpca^c mo?e ri§i)tlv tijc i^mpcrours oftJjc jx>c(i,t»as acUnorolcogeDfoi kvnSJl?3« iijali not finDc oticl-p tl^ice peaces anD an ^aifc:bnt about fiuc bunozct^ auD.jc^ij.VcarcB . 3if vou fliali bmig t^c accomptfrcmruiiosfotbc i5i>ipirc tal%ena\x)a^,v^uD gcucn to tbe iaope,poii a)aU fiiiDe aboHr.767. vcarcs . 2Li:D tbe later caufe isfoj tbat HDanici, o^r EozD Ctjji'^-. anD tt>e silpunie §^^ faaulc , agccablp Do lap , t^at r'gc pcrfecutiou cf xlmicb^ift Q)oulo laii ^nto tbciuDgemcnt . Butuj^ fijaii rcUoiilanto 183 tbc vcarcs anD oaves of tbc iali iuDgcmciit i anD tljcrioic imtft ti)c numbcrceriamc b? erpounDCD tiv tl)e t^itcc riTin,ana to e miia tbin:?c t^ar all tl^vng: 3 ar: ninnisztD anD p?cnjceD m ti?c pucpofc of iSoD , toho ncuer tieglectcfl? i?is fauotiiU . Sua '^uni^eglo^v ioicuermojj,^Hun. Chli^jf, The xlvij. Sermon (Witt,anD of tijcir poUicr. T he xhii. Sermon. A Nd I will gcue power to my two witncfTes, and they (hallpropheciea. M. CC.and Jx.daycs clothed in facke cloth .Thefc are two oly uc trees, and two candlc- ftickcs ftandyng before the God of the earth . Andif any man will hurt them , fire (hall come forth of thcyr inouth,anddcuour.theireneniyes.Andifanyman will hurt thcm^this wife muft he be killed.Thefe haue pow- er to fluit heaucn,that it rayne not in the daycs of their propheciyng: and haue power ouer waters to turnc them to bio ud , and to fmitc the earth with all mancr plagues as often as they will. '' ip;op!)rtefif "SUhtte t^vttgcfi appcctcmc a!fo to ti)t cottfolaft'att of t^c arc pjomp= favt^fiill ♦ fo} t\)t EojD p^omiff t^ t^at bcto^il unD iajq^ ^co« pljetC0:tl)at is p2cac^cr6,\ajl)tc"q ftjall maintc vnt anu Dctcttue tlje tctjt^ of t^c i5ofpeU , am t^e glojv of C^?ift , anu aSai^lt ^ntic^^in.auB Z)c(!rop ^ts ^mgdomc.attD atiaunce t^c faing:? tion of t^c fapt^fuil.3in t^c fojincc chapter©, s.^.*?. twas DeCs cribea t\)t fig^t of glntic^iift^ of t^e ^eceticfecs agavnll iCoD mn !)m Cb;t(t, anii aga^nfl W C^urcti : anD ua\» atfctse toojDes is (ct agapna tbc fame t^e contcatv ft3^t,anD tl)c at* tnv of Ci)^ift IB mufleccD. Ct»o 1^10= ^"^ be b?mgctb foit^ ttoo }ajop^ttcs,tI)at is, p?eac!)crs: v¥tce. ttot fo^ t^at t^cre a)aU be tUio onel? , but foj tl^at ^e putpo* fet!) tbccbp to DO ^sto^ttOerflanDt^at tbcpotoec ofCi^jift in tbe too?lD QjaU feme to U)ojlblv men to be but fmall ( asBH il)aUtcUvouanone. ) ©utin t^c incane tvmc be tnDeca ilanbctb all favtbfiul p^acbecs attb paflouts of all t^mcs, tobicb offer tbfiufeluco to refifteamicbjiftanD bcreticfees* arbcre betbatejrpouniie tbcCctb^ngcsof ignocbanbi^elie, \2o])Uilf fl)a!t come cojpo^allv tcfoze ti)e iiiDgement . i^otubett ^.l^ieronie m bis epiflle to Marcclla uotb refer y opiniS ro JS^i(\) fables^figmfivng f tbcle tbpngcs muft be fpiricnall? fXpouniseQ of f l;oie isjopbctes , as arc alfo tbe moft tbvtificft of t^isbooUe.^auD in maner all eppofitoufs toit^ grcarcon^ toiu J DC tmecpjetc all tije t^^mges concerning ibcfc.i5jo« pt)etc9 vppontheApocalipfeJ 14^ fi^cteg f^icimall?, ^ not co:po?an^ aftec t\^t Ictter.3i fiippofc t^ fo; tj . caufes tbere be q . ^^op^ctcs ouelp Ijerc re^earfeD* ^trft , fo^ tl)at ^e tsjonlD aliiiDc to tl^e old 1^i(!oi^ oi pzo^ ptiecie of 5acljacic,\iil)tcl) is iw tijc. 4. c^apt. 3lt toas ti^ougljt t^au alfo to ttjc people of BSfcaeU , uiljen t^ep toecc cctHrncD from 13ab?iott,tl)at tijc rcpacittg of tbe srnnplc toae t npof^ fible,bpcaufe tbev bao manp atto lutgbt^ aDaccfacic0, ^ toccc toealjc antj fet»,ano t^cir gottcnioacs 59jobabeI anD 31el^oa Ota contemtied.But tbo;ottgb tbe mtgbti? bano of £500 , mn ^10 fapttjfull avDe it came to pafTe^t^at tbe povoer of tbctr atr^ necfarieB tiantfljCD atoap ae ^avne,ano t^c^Cin oefpite of ^>et gates ) builoeo \)p tbcir ^cinpie, ttgbt fot^e ILoiD lavtbic (l)aU be in tbe latter age, tl)att^e j[X)im(lers ht^xi^ ttterii? DefpifcD , ano ticrv f e\33C in tunnber , Qialt buiibe Dp CbUftes centpic, anb repare iv^ anb dia^e tbe inigbt? potoer of latitt^ cb?ift.l^crennto 31 fuppofcbeiongetb tbat taping of JDanieU: ano tD^en tbep fall , t^ep ajall be ^olpcn ujitb (mall apbe.ntc, ^econblf fo> tbis caufc c^ief!? be accomptctf? onei^ ttno \xi\Xo neflTes , foi ibat it is reab to^ittcn itt tbe lato , in rbe moutb of n3Doo;tb;cc\uunefrc3c«cr^tDo?D aiallitatib, 31tifiiuogcD tberfoica fiilJte8imoiip,\Mbicb Qjali be confirmco toitb ^t agreable bcclarattcnof ttoo . xolitxt tberfo^ctbeHojbCiavtb tbat be totll gcue t^o ja^opbetes , it is afmncb to (ap , as be tDtli geue To manp mimders as Cl)aU fuffiee, tobicb fball bot6 builbe ))p ^is Cburcb anb alfo pliscbe botone ano rent a fun^s ber tb: ^vngbomc of ^nticb;i(t.2:bere be of fbe cjcpofitour?, tobtcb tbiuUe tbat bp tbcfc ttoo toitnefle are tmberftobe tbe ttoo areftamcntes . feotobcit toe fee tbat tbe Hojo fpeafectb bercof tDtt«e(rcs,not of tbe tbing teftifieb oj to be toitnciTeb, tobicb neucrtbeles toe icparatc not from tbe tDitncffcs. 2;be^po(tles anbi^poflolicallmeu arecalleb toitnelTes u^!jo&e etterptoberc in tbe i5oIpell,anD in tbe. T. cbaptcroftbc^ctes SDimcffcj*. of apotlles . «?itne(res arc oiDeineo in iubgemcnt tbat tljcp ll)onlb faptbfutip \jtter tbattubicb tbcvbanc fent ozb^arb, tbat tbevft)0MlD foigc notbpng oftbcni fciues , anb to tbe tbvngcs tbat Cl)oulD be teftifieb lljoniD neitber abbe 02 put a^ «? tb^ng,no2 tafee atoa? anp tbyng . ^0 lihctotfe fSoo batb placeD VGituciles of btm felfc,tbat is to fay, be barb places \}\s mimftccs fjj pieacbcrs,m m% Cb wccb : anb of tbcm is rcq»!:» reb , tbat tl)ev 3i,Jnagine notbvttg of tbcir ottine b?ayne , m% put to noi tabc a^av anp tb^tig from iSoDs toojD ^bwt fnw- pi]? Declare to tbe Cburcb of 0ob tbe tb^ngs \ tbcp bane Tene ixi t^'C ftoie of tbe iSofpf Ijaub bcara of tbe jajop^cjcs $ apo^ a,\)» files. Cha^.ii, . The xlvij. Sermon nie6.5:fccrfo;c arct^cp falfc toitnccrcs, neither tomt!)? to le callc&tbe tDimc(rc0ofi5otiantiof C^;ta,\OD^tcb b^pugnot t^ i3oCjpeI.2^!)c^ be rat^ci' ttie jaopcs totmcflce, tofcofc SDc^ crccs ^ 2>ccictalB t^rv bjing fo?t^,(t bcarc \a31mtg of t^cmto t^cfooUai people. 2ri)crfoie Q)aU tljofc ttuo jajop^etes be tuitneOes of ^WX , atiD a)aU b;vt'*3 )2)t(ncs fo^ iLtrp ottt of t^etcue^criptKCCfir. Cl)e e^st« ^tiD tbe beg^nn^ng of t^cm is ^ere refccrcn to l5ob anD mi of p;o2 to ^ts Cl);i&,aB tbe oiigmal of iSlnttc^^ta ts rcduceo to W^t Df |ji;ctpjBf mil ^im fclfe . 31 U3iU gcuc , faptb t^c ilo^o , to mv t\»o toifc* ncn'c0,ant) t^cv Q)allpicp!?cnc.Cbnl^ feniictl^ p;eacl3CC0,ami tVv'c ^i^^ ^^*^ gtuet^ ti)etn abthne to pzeact): tobici^ tB a U)Otu tjctfnll comfott . 5f o: !iUe as tbe ocwiti manv tpines feuDetl^, tndructet^, and ^elpetb t)!S faifc la^op^etee : ^0 Cl?;t(l lea^ uet^ not ^12 c^itrc^ nellitute.but gcuetb to ^is mintaete ^ bthtie;of teac^^ttg and ooyng Incbeiv * f^% m t^e i5o(pcil al^ fo ^c p^omtfei) ano fayo : 31 voili gene ^ou a inout^ ano ^Dtfe^ tJome,\»liiclj tfjcy Cljall not rcfift^fo inanv as be aga^nft pon» ^^efe tbpngcs oug!?r to ccinfojt t)B,tn t^c greuous confola^ ttonc , tccafons ano affaitltcB of tbc enewpeB of tbc {^ofpelU C^ift toill not fozfaltc IjiB mimflecB,fo t^c? be favt^fuU, and ••Ijepcttti'bpon jC!)2ifi alone. flThttDiKc' /I5.otoi6aifooccIarcDt^ctimcoft^cpitac!)ingoftbeJ5ot fif ti)cp;Ea^ pcUaga^ft ^nttc^ita^^jccelv all tl)at tnnc tobertn antic^ztft ct)m3 of ti)e H)aU ttcaOt oovonet^e srempic ana ^oip Cttie . ^o; a tbou^ ft}Qpi;ct;s. (andtV]0oi^unii|0t|)auD.l]c.daveBmake.jclQ.monet^e0,tfvott put to euerp it\cnetb . jcjcp . Dayf b . Biit tve ^eato befo;e tbat (flnttc^iift Cl)oulD tccacc Doujnc tlje C^urcb. )clq . monetbcB* lagayne tt)ecfo?c ^ere ts a ce rtamc number put fo? an \)nccc^ tame . !3no berebv is tbc tvmc bcccbcncD ana faicfct tjnucca miftcnc , not of vcaccs oj of monetises , but of Da^cB . ;5f oj tbougb tbe function ot tbc mmidcrtc be neuer fo baib $ iiautt gecous:pct toiir^cij {0 comfouano confinnctbcm, as tbeic . iuffervng of pcrfccutton auD tljcictranclyng m tbis painfull : tuojfec of t^e ILdzd , ftjall feme ^uto t^em to be but fo? a fctooe ia^eB ,anDnotfoimonetbC0 c? vcatcs.anotDbecfSH ^auc iayD tljat t^ofe nubicD sa^cB arc put foi Vincettctntie of nme, tbiB batb mcueD mcutjat by auD bv in tbe. 1 2.cbapt. tbe fame iiumbcv of bavcs fliall Ujc affjgue'o : foj tbe tul^icb pet be bat^ V fetbcfo?c,foj a tvme.anb tymcB^anD balfe a tvme. »7t>tc^ ap^ .' pcacetbplapnel^ to be taUen out oft^c.7.ano.i2. c^aptcrBof SDanicl.a fenoto tbat tbe fame istppounrjcD of many foz tb?c - j^eat'cs % a yoifc^fo 00 1^( ttn«e,Q^ulD tigutfic a y eare^Tmes, \^ vppontheApocalipfc.' 144 cUfjt, ttoo vwtres : attti Ijalfc 3 tjmc, ^nlfc a pwcc . But eiicrp man ma? peccctuc t^at tl)e t^tttg tt fclfe is rcpugnauttt to t^at niU bee of )?cace5,!f l)c be at tbe left anp t^pitg fe nc in Gojiea . 3]if tI?c.7,of 2)anic!:t^e otljci; bca(lc0,Cfavt^ ^c ) ga«c ouer t^eip wilc,anDfpacc0 of Ivfc^ece gcamueD,fo? a tvine,anD a t^rnc* J5\xt toljo toill ejppounDc t^cfe tl)vngc0 of ttoo peaces onci?: ft't^ it is eHlDCnt,tl^at tl)C Babylonians , Pcrfians attD Mtccdoni- ans cetgneu man? peaces i it fignifietl^ t^ecefozc t^at t^jofe bpngDmnes QjoulD cetgne fo lottg , as i5od toottlo pectntcte f l3cm,attD geuc tljem potoec to rcigne* xot fa? in S>utc!) tac^ a t?mc,ot abpue a to^ilc,\ajljccc pet we appoint no tpme p^c« fipcD^n t^i fame c^aptec of sDaniel is put t^e fame p^iafe of fpeac^ : namelp , t^at tlje ^aintcs C^all be BcltucceD into t^e ^D of ilntic^iift, foza tpme, tpmes, auD balfc atpmc . ana . tnt^e. u . chapter be faptbtbattbis p^opbefieof bis aiailbc fulftllcb in a tvme,timcs,ant> balfe a tpme.23ut to^o i^all be^ Icue tbat\3)itbin tb?ce peaces anDan baifeaUtbofetbpnges ftjouiD be accomplifl^cn , tobicbe b^e Dcdaced \n\^z vobolc U)ojfec:xPb?tbanJJO tbcpceftcapnc tbctpmesof anticb?i9 to tbiee peaces anu an balfe, cfpcciallp bis pccfr cutiou l tob^ feetbep nottbcDcftcuctionof vlnticb^ift , anD tbe peace of ^t i^aintes , anB tbc Dap of iubgcmnu , to be all one tap ? ftyy Daniel! faptb ^ tbat tbe beaft OjoulD be caft bo\xme ^eaDtong into Belt, toben tbc feaces be fiiruiO^eD « i^nbidaulefaptb, tobom be (ball beftcop toitb bt^ commpng . ^nb u^Ipo Qjall fl)ct» tnto \)s tbc cectaiiic bap of mbgement i 3P,t is fenotyeti to tbc fatbcc alone . JLct tbcm leauc tbcrfojc to Criue agapnll tbe 0ofpell toicb x^tit fupputations . 3flt appeacetb tbat tbe JLo?D bp tbat fepuDc of fpca^ng as it \MCce bp a ciDDle , DifiRs neb no time ccctatnc:but catber admonta)eD tt^e goblp of log fift^ecing. of patience ano conftancie : anb commaunbeb tbat tDCfljoulonotoueccuciouap feaccb tbcinttauntoftbistime, bm catbec pecmitteitto £bn(S bimfelfe, )ubo in anotbec place (aptb:3]t bclotigctb not to pou to ^o\jo tbe tpmcs, and tbe mouientcsof tpmes,\»btcb tbcfiatbcc batb cefccuebiti ^is QMiwt po'jt7ec:but ti^atcb , tbat \27ben tbe ILozb Qiall come, , Jcmapfinbe pou vwatcbpng . S^b^ecfoic ujbctbecfo euectbc ^010 Q|iU btfccce bis utdgcmene be it a long , a Q)o^t , 0; ar meanc tpmc,be pou conftat.^o at tbis picfent \)t faptb, boto tbeminiftccs of Cbiift tl)allp;cacb all tbat tpmcujbccm 2ln- ticbiift Cl)alpccfecutc.!dnD tjccclp if tbou ccaD tbeftojies,tbou (l)alt finisc.tbat tbc molt tiectuous anD beS leacneD me , bane ixk all ages , nou) Co^ tl)c (pace of t^clc fcucn l;unD;cD peaces anb Chaf.Ji, ; - Thcxlvij.Scfmoit ^ mtD mo^e cotiSamI? refttlcn t%t popee cnterp^ffee, attb t^efet great abounnntiQnB,^ t^c tcafrte iugglmges and fenucvngcs- of iae^oDtes atiD ;ff rtciis . £)f ti)e pcrfccattons t^ t^c]? t^aae fafficccD,3l toil! fpeafec l)crcaftcr» Ci)c appa- ;Jf «ct^ermo?c alfo tl^e apparell of t^ cfc piop^ctes is tljctotf rciiof ti)c ci> , t^at Ijcreof aiCo ma^ be gat!)?rcD tbc manci: of t^eic doc* |2>;iop^et0. trine . %h^ ftjall not Ijc clot^cD tn fort oj precious apparell, as^tUtct,{attu^ 02 damal^e, 02 crimoftne mgravtteo , tut la (ac^edot^.^no (acktclotb, as appearcti? tn t^e j|^2Cpl)0tC9 ret ttet^ fo; atnouruyng gartnent , ano fo; fuel) &s> are pemcetit* Math? II 2^^ctfo?clifeca6^.3lo^nvoa6coitrfcl?appareUeo,aniipK« * cljeo rcpetttauttce:ig&o (l3aU t^cfe alfo uioue men tjnto repma tauncc ann amcnuemcnt of lvfc,anD pccfuaDe men to t^?iftv« •ics,muev!ng agayuft r^ct auo DifojoereoncOe. Certeinlp all gooo ant) Icarnco men no\33 tbefe feuen ^ntii32e& v^ares ^aue requircD notl)pttg els of t^e iSope auo Clcrgie, ^ of i|)e peo^ t}le tmt tepenraunce and a reformation : fo; t^e tt^^tci) t^e? ^aue ^aofmall t^anlte at t^eir ^anoes.i^iu tv^at t^e apparci of tl?e amic^jiftians is,tl)erc is no ma iguojaunt at tl^is iiav* Certes in fome of t^em it is iittic better t'gan Us^o^ift). Con- Kqiiendv ^c occlacetl) mojc fuUv ano moze at iavge , of tjjbat fojtc tbcv ll)aU bc,ano alio tljeir jnin:ncrte,anis to^at fljall be t^e effecr,aitD tje rtiic of tijetc pieacbpng . ^na tl;e fame be fet^. tetlj fou^ ano oeclacetl) \»\i\^ limD^p tigitres taUcn out of tl^^ Scriptures. Ci)c|3?o= ano firft J?e alluDct'o agapnc to t^e.4, chapter of ^acljarte^ pi)etc0 be gr^cfe be ttoo cUttes.etc.\33it^ o^lc, lamps arc feept bumingt €)Uu«RtH) 0^ie t^erfDic figmfict'o tbe matter of pjeacbpng o?of Sec^ ftS« mons.;JFojtbe cauuleaic^cs beari?ng ligbtcfit)pon tbem, be^ wa»p». ^^^^^ j^^ picac^ers t^at fl)eao ab?oao tbe ligljt of CbJifljanH' of bis i5ofpcll t^?otigbout tbc toojlD. ano tbatpjcacbvttgof ligbt is ta^en out of tbe ^crtpture,as alfo tbe ligbt of a catt^ tie is nouridieb toitb o^le. iSDple is a refemblannce of t^e ^o« Ip i3^oft . n^^erfo^ ^ . 3Robn calletb alfo t^e boip gboft , an anno^ntvng.Certes t\^z bolp ^criptnre^is t^e tnfptration of ti^e ^olv i5bo(l* 2r^erfo2e t^ofe p;eac^ers fljail pieaci) Clujtift out of tbe i^crtptures . ana fo fo2 afmncb as tbe? picacb t^c i5ofp€llofCb;tiStbiougb t^e tnfptration of tl)e bolpi^boO,, t^ev are favi) to ftanb befoze tbefigbt oti5oo of tbe eart^t t^at is to fay,tbe^ be \3n0er tbe pzotcction, tbarge,tbe cure, (b Che laio- p?ou^btncc of tbat 0oD,bv tobofe p?c«iDcnce allti^vnges are pbcts iiQti goucrneb botb in ^eaucn ano in cart^. S^q% be femetb to ^laut beio;c soo. aHubeb ini^efe tvo^b^s of ^^d^wciz. , ITl^e c^ejei of tbe j^o^d^ vponthcApocalipfe. 145 chap, it, loo^c ouec tljc toftolc cartlj : ann tbcfc be t&c ttoo cI)ilD2Ctt o^ oplcUJ^tc^ (lanDbefojc tbcgoticruour oftbctuljoic earth* anD t^cfc tbvngcs comfozt crccDpuglp tOe favt^fuH pica^ cbei:0,to^icl) fee tljat i3uD ^at^ a care of tljem, 31 mcane £5od tI)eiLo?DofaU» agap«e,as manp as tafec part tevtl) anticb^ia, effecming tqc Dzrggcs anD aoutige of men in ftcaD of tbc oplc of t^e bo= Ip i51joa, anD po^ojjuiS f b^m alfo into tbe Hampe, fo as tbcv pjeact) not tljc Ipgljt but oarcfencOc, ano tbc opinions of coz^ rwpt men: be ncptbcr jOipncs noz tbe CaoIeCicbes tbat Oicb tbc Ipgbt of tbe iSoCpclI . ^. 3r,obn rcafonpng agavna tbis bpnoe of men,faptb: 2:bcfctbmgcc bane 3] tuzutcn tonco pow concerning tbofe tbat Oct cntc pou. ano tbe anopnting tDbicb pou bane receiucb of bpm,abpDetb in pou, anD ponbane no tie CDC tbat anp man a)onlD teacb pou : but Ipfec as tbc toerv anopmpngteacbctbpoHofaU tbpnges, foisittrne, and no leafpnge. Ba\M are alfo tbc tocapons of t^efc pzeacbers befcribcD, mit ar= tobertoitbtbep befenbe tbeir cafe, and figbt againft tbeir cnc- imire of tbe t«?cfi. IifatnJ mantoiU bucttbem (acTix^jaO fire iOlictb out ^jopi^tw Df tbeir montl^, ^ benonrctb tbeir encmpes. anb tbis a^iKu^ ftgniffctb-, ^itb a pzetcnfcD inaltft, anb agamO iuflice to burt 0; to minre : anD firft be fapD to burt. 31f anp tberf fo?e of tbf cbamptoh0of^micbu&,n:)all alEapie tbofe pzeacbers, and iljall blame tbeir Doctrine anb mmifteric,flrcigbt toapes tbe? Qjallb^ingfoztb i5oDsU)ozDeoucof tbebolp Scriptures, ^ fo rep^elle $ oncrcOme tbeir enemies. fQ% tbat t^efe tbmges map not be oqiounDcD after tbe letter, it is pjoncD ebiefelp b? tbis, tbat anon toe ajallbcarebovu tbofe uzopbctes fi)aUbc tanqitift)eb, anb put to Deatb bp anticbzaV: to \x)iixt^ cojpo^ . t:aHp.«>bo tbenca not gatbcr bercof, tbat tbe \)icto?pcfpzea« •*^" * cbers isfpirituall, fo as tbeir aDucrfaries being Vianquidjeo bp tbe truetb, fl)aWlpue ftill in boDpc, anD petnottuubSan^ Utng map fceme to be flapnc fpirituallp bp fojce of tbe tiuctb* SlttD tberefoze as it toerc bp an interpzctation bcre is aODcD; anD if anp toilt iniucc tbcm , Co muft be be ftapne. ^0, tbat is irtrc goctip to fap.; bp tbc fire vubtfb goetb out of tbeir moutb . ^nD vubo J"^ ^\^^^ toiUfap, tbat matcriall auD naturall fire a)OulD comefoztb JnoScT** of a mans moutb^^lnD ^.paul alCo dcpouDingtbefctbings^ muiui;c», bozotoetb tbc manner of fpcafeing of igfap, anD trcatnig of CbztO anD antscbziftfaptb: \ubom be ft)al t^pl \uitb x\ii b?eat^ ofbVsmontb. BcbolDe ^. panic caUetbic tbc bzcatb of tbc tnont^, \33l?icb ^.3lo^n uaiucD fire, xot reaD alCo m t^z joci^, c^^pt, Cha^. IT, The.xlvij. Sermon c^apt.ofSlcteinvtHlB not mp tcDOjDc asfircaitiiasjndlirt bKii^tng t^c rocbcj atiD aga^nc in tl)c t.djapt. 31n as muc^ aspourpeahctl)i6\x)OzDc, bc^olDc^luiiilmafeemv u>ostDes m t^^ mout^ firc.ann tljis people tooou, and it ftjatl tofume t^em. £)fi^elvaB toe rcaDciut^C4.of|^vnigc0.:.c^fipt. tbat cafl^ng Dotone fitc from ^caucn Ije boJjclp burnt tbe fepngcs reiuan»tr0.5»I)!cl?e)cajnplctol)erft^cDiffiplf6 3lamfs anD Slol^n ailcacgcD, t^c JLojD foibaD&e tijcm to t^e cnfie to put tbem in m^nDe of their office, to tuitte, tljat t^ep tnuft fpgbt tpitb long (uffc ring anD to^tlj t^e too^D of t|( truet^ . n>^c^ ^^apoOlc in an otl)cr place cointnauntiet^ ejcpzcflclp^ to voit in t^c a.2;iinotl).2. I30l)creb^ vx>c are piavniv raugbctijat an* ttc^M^linnflnotbe t)anquia)eD \x)Vtb cotpo^aU U)eapon0 b^ tbe mtniflers.but toitb (ptruuall. ;if o; be nutft be aapnc U)tt| t^ei5o(pell,tbatmo{lQ)arperu}OZDe, anb failDotJoue (id^c in tbe bzcftcs of men, t^at be ma? be ttterlp rontemneD^ ano bnotDcn to be antici^^tft . ^uD uo^ere manp confounbc t^e ininiftcrie of tljc toozbc anb tbe potoer of tbe magiRrate,anli foz tbe fame caufe taUe t^e f\»ozDc out of bis banbee, fozbpD^ Ding b^m in any cale to firi^e b^rettltes ano blafp^tmers, anb affirming tbat tbev ougbt not otijertopfie to be puniQjed t^anbv tl)e tuo^b: let tbem learne to bifcerne better bctvi^ijcte nffices^ anb not to gene tbat Itbtrtie to blafpl^cmers, anb to all maner of febuccrs, anb to fuel) as fjauingbeen a t^oufanD t^mes ronuict of ^erefie^ toil! not ceafe to infect innumerable anbtobMngtbem into pcrbition, tonlelTc tbcp be ftraigOtl^ puni(l)eb bvtbe magiHrate. Eet cuer? one t$erfo?eapplve ti)eiro\xmc office, anb therein foUoti? t$e rule of truet^ and equttie^ano tlpen O^all twinges be better in &^bet:« flrttc^hwt ;iFurtbermozc be abbetb moje ejcpjcflc tbmges concerning power to t^tir pomer anb mtniflcrie, cuen berein allubing alfo to fun^^ ll?ttt bcauc. bj? figures of tbe Scripture. fo% firft be faptb^tbcp bauepo^ toer to d^ut beauen tbat itrapne not in tbe bapes of tbeic pzopbcfprng. anb be atUtbcb to tbe fiozp of i^elpas tpl)ic^ is reb in tbe 3. of Idlings tbe 17.cbapt.anb x\)^ muS be fpiritu:; allv appUeo to tbis our bufmes. ;ff ozlv^c as J^elpas t$zoug|| t^e pouter of i&ob, bib pzobtbite tbat it (l>oulD itot rapne : Co fl)all tbe pzeacbcrs of tbe :5ofpcl Ojut \)p beauen it felfc, t^jat ts to fav, affurcblp ttiitncs tbat 0ob Ijatb fljut it \)p from t(ic bifobebient, anb from fucb as \x)ilt not beare ^v& tuo^be, but ^ab leaner to befeouccD bv popiQ)e abbomtnations^w^ereas t^ere is none ot^er wa](» to beauen but CbZtO alone t^e onel^ sate, vo|?0))vt^ei? nottpoitt^Oanbins bpe oefp^fe* anb alfo tl^c .' pjeacliers vpon the Apbcallpre. 14^ cha^. //. Wcw^crs fljall tcl! t^cm fljarpiv , tijat tfte grace of i5oo is licapcD tijcm, tD^icIj is onclp gcaunteo by C^jiS. ^01 f pjo^s ?()ete6 tellDs, tbat rayne dot^figniftc t^c grace ofiSoD, and IS fruttfuil toatertng Tent Dotonc from ^eattcn . ir^crefoze Uttrmgallt^e t^mc oftljcir pjopI)ccv'mg : Vi^vi fl)all tMitncdrc t^atas niatip as Ijao ieaucr to t^aue t!)c popes cdaSTe, t^an t^e true b?eaD from l)eaiicn,are bereft of tbe beauelp gracejig^r, ftnb Ipfe, tbiougb cbe uifr oefert of tbctr oU)nefaulte. oQ)cU concerning tbe feezes of tbe fe^ngiJome of beauen, anb tobicl) belong cbicfip bcreunto, are uioie manifell tbS tbat 31 (ioul& iiotD rebearfe tbenx, fitb 31 bauebotb at otbertvnie6,anD be^s fo?e alfo m t^is fame booUe fpofecn of ibcm at large. ^econblvbcaltuDctbto tbeijtojpofiS)ofcs,anbfavtb,t5at ^^^ potDcr is gcuf to tbcfe pzopbets to tume toaters into btouD: *"'^"* '^^ to^jic^ DifcoiDctb notbpng from tbe fojmcr member. f^% tbe Sui"'° toater is afigwrc of iSoDs tn^fbome, of grace ano of reliefe bptbe fpirite. i3lo«b bctobcnetb offence ano pnniQjmet.jifoj ti^atfentenceoft^cla\3}e,anboftbapo(He is \joeillmotuenr your blouo be \jppott vour o\Bnc beab. 2rberefo?e ftjall tbf fe jdjopbets tcflifictbat 0oD batb tjerelp fcnt bis tciojDe of fal^ nation, to fane aU beleuers, anb tbat tbe fame a)ail turne Xix tbe bamnation of tbe \)nbeieuf rs tbiougb tbcir oujne faulte* ^0 J tbcp tbat bcare tbcpjeacbpng of 0oDs ujoib, anb belcue it not, beare it to tbeir conbcmnation. ^nb fo is tbe iBofpell attbpsbap preatbcb tomanv ujptbout fniite: upbobcyng cojrnpteD^ptb tbe j9opvCl)c Doctrine, toyU notbc infojcea tobeu>^fe>^c» ;jftnallp, tbtp bane potocrtodrifeetbecartl) \3^^i\) euerp /^fj, plague, fo ofteastbe^ toitl. But tbe^ topU not,e)ccept iSoDs ftrme tbe tijo?D,(bvtbeti3bicbtbevbeinfpV2eD, inllcuctcD anbgouer^ caiti)5x)tti tteb,) fljall commaunoe tbem.;^"oi tbcp U)i!l do notbing toil- P^3S«W« fully, no? foUoto tbeir ov»nc affections, but tbe tcozb of gob, ^oujbeit tbev arefayb to ftnbetbccartb voitb p!agues,u>bc out ofiSobstDOXDtbeptbzeateu tbat i5oD tovUpiaguc and pimiftje tbe finnes of men. Cbefe plagues are rcciteo m x\^t ^6, anb 28. of a>eut. n^bcrfojc in cafe tbev tb^catcntbe impe^ tiitcnt perfons ujub toacre, pcffilcncc,famtne ficfeiuffcs anD otber calamities, i5od tuiU fenbctbcmtofucb asaretincui table, as tl)c ilojo (aptb of bvtnfcl^c in 3)eremp. agayne,^nb imi^ecowc^rypaptt^evajalUimc^etijofe t^at obevf5obs ' ' xwojbj C/, Thcxlviij. Sermon tajoitj, tjvt^ a!l nwner of bcncfitcs, b? pjcac^ing tl)cEo?lic«i blcffiugtjntot^cm. 2rf)us mucb bat^ ^c fpofecn bct^crto ronccrmng tftc p?ca^ cljcrB of tlje eofpcH, tuliic!) a)all figljt agapntt anticl)zill, iti tW laa age bcfojc tlje tungcmcut, ano bu^lDc ijp tbc cijurcb, annconficmet^cbdencrs. srbou tbvfflfc muftobfcme, in \ubat pjcacbcrs tbou a)alt pecceitie t^cfcmacbes, atiD t\)e fenie imifl tljou acfenotolcDge fo? tbelatajfiill^itopbetesof' jfSoD.anDtbectoitballalfo? mutl acUnotolcDge bou) greac a bencfitc of 0od it is, to banc true aub faitbfull pjcacbccs of j3o5s ujoiuc . srbclLozD our i3oo confirmc allmimftccB o( bts \3}o;o in tbe (ctting fo^tb of biB tctitb,to tbe too^Dcs cni>» C ^f tbe cruell figbt of anticbjiff agai^nft tbc popbet« of dl^ob, tobom be ouercommetb anb a0^etb> ano ibame^ fuU^bfetbtbem. The xhiii. Sermon, A NdVhcn thcyhauc finiflied thtirtcftimony , the, bcaft that came out of the botomlelTe pitte, fliall , make wane agaynft them : and ihallouercome them^ aiidkyllthem. And their bodies fhall lie inthcftretes of the great citie, which fpiritually is called Sodomc and-£gypt, where alfo our Lord is crucified • And fome of the people, and kynreddes, and tounges , aiid^ ofnatipns, mall fee theyr bodyes three dayes and an- halfe, and fliall not fuffer their bodyes tobeeputiiv graues. And they that dwell vppon the earth, (liall rc- ioyce ouer them and be glad, and flull fcnde giftes one to an other: becaufe thefe two Prophets vexed them that dwell on the earth . rot baue bcare of tbc r Stinuall pjeacbittg of t\)t pic acbcrs^ tobicb ftiall fct tbcmfclucfl aga^nft ^nttcbjift atru bps arniic, foj Cbjiflcs tcuctb, atiD tbe Cb"tcb of rbc favtbfuU, pea enen D«CV«S alUbe tpmctbat anticb?ifl fl)aU e)cccci(ctpjaimva=^ gavnfttbcCbwccb:2lnDiiotD confcquenrivour iLojD 3lefufif^ tjjilt teacb tJS b? tbapoHle ano Jt^uagclift ^.jnobtt UJbat tt)ail' tt tbe lot of (be ^aintcs in tbcif figbt, ano boto atuirbiift ft^ai! ituoitntet: '^ix^ tt)e:\»bicb ^^^ ^pperiein^tb to conroi vpon the Apocalipfe. 147 chap. //. tiDtt> ann ts a tieceiranc aDmonittott^leaa an^ man R)oulD be ^e per^ iJifcoucagca toitb tj^ felicitie of ^ntic^iiGtan©, anD t^e cala= fccutton of tnmcs of t!)efavti?tull . ?^ccfpcal^et^ tijcrcfoje fjcpjcCfdp cf 2iintui;?ift. tbc gtccuous pcnccuttons of antic^?i8 ,toj!cljc!;at^tiotD conttauci) t^cfc maup peaces (31 incane all tljst tpmc ^l)crm tijc ©pfljop of monie bat^ VjfucpcD, aniJ tafeen bpon tjiin au- l^outte oucrall Cburct^cs) toit^ Come Cmal fpaccs of tcfpite, tv^icl) t^e ILo^D ^at^ gcucn to b;catl> in. %\)\q perrccucton of l^nttc^zift i^ mo;e grcuous ant) longer , tt)an cuer toas anp, cpt^cc ainonges t^eaunctcnt people of i5oD,o} tnt^e p^tma^ title C^HCc^. Ccrtainlp foj t^efc faie ^imo^etl? pearcs, \x3\^q:: fo euec, (tuljatflate 01 conaiticn focwcc^e tocceof) ticganta (pcafecneuccfolitlcagapnftt^cCIjnct^ ofmomc, ^cfcltm- contincmlp ^atccD, tmp;ironmet,baniii)ment, $^ts "lioc Go?ic3 tcftific: uj^icl) fljcto alfo t^att^e fame pccfeauion fo muct) r^c mo?e incceafco,a6 t^c ©pQjops t^cmfclucs ann tbetc champions, j3^onUes ano ^rpers, were incrcafeo in ttwrnbcc ano potocc. 0nDtl;eEozDDeclarctb moO biltgcndp, tobcn, t)^o,o! tubatcdate, Ulcere, Vol)en,anbtotcbboU3 great crtieltic ^\\s ixO^lxH Qjail plap t^e tpjaant agapnfl tbc fapt^fnll fernaunts of iSoQ. ?&c aooetb immeDiatlp, tbat all bio enterpzifes ftjall be Yjitcrlp \3apne:anD bo\» great UjaU be tbc retoacbcs of tbc cSaant miniRcrs, anD tinallp boto great calamities t^e cbji= ftiaus (liali inDncc all x\^t vobple. ait^ ftrft of all , be aomoniOtctb plapnlp tobat tpme per^ '^^^ f^f"- fec«t!oufl)albemoucD:nan]elpnotbefo?ctbetefiiraonpoftbe^i'!"L°L^ pzopbetcs be f?n!a)eD.3l a)cU)cDpou before ytbattbctemmo mn^lxi tticisibc iincerepjeac^ing of tbc 0orpcll.Aretasfeptb:U)bat be fimQica^ teCimcnieiarbat be \x>W\) (l)ai be pjcfcnt at tbat t^xm.ti not tcfo^c ti;c Cb?ift,b«t a Dcceaaer,anD apcflilent CeDiicer^^c^nD Co great pcrfccutton, iz 09U3 goo]:>nc(rcano louc toujaroes bis Cbnrcb , tbat be w«nco«« toill not fuifev tbc pzeacbers to be tafeeu aujap , till tbcp banc finift)cD ibeir picacbing. jlroz tbe JSofpcll muft be opelp piea^ cbci! to all m€n fo? falaatio, ano Dcliueraunce from anguilb» cratres anb Difccipics,^ tio ^uticbiiftesfeDuccrs . ^noibep fl?aU accoplift) tbeir mintderp \»itb funb?p to^itpnges,^ con^ tinaall pzeaibpngcs . 31 fap tbcp fl)aU accomplin)U\Mbenit plcafctb i5oJ».;jfojfoiiie pzcacb anb abpoefafe aaD foimo ma- tippcarcs:ani5 contincto i3nburta«j free from perfecutions: ^no otbcrs are imaicoiatlp appzcbcntiea , caft \x\ piifoa ano flapnc.:i:buB are tbtfc t'piugs Doue^as fcmctb goo^ t«J t^oo;. XobiJ muHcucr be tpougbt to auaunce bii3 e\»ue glo> p > i^«& chap. I r. The.xlvit), Sermon to fn«!)cc t!)eA»t!farc of ?)t5 £l)urcb , feOatmeanc fo ettcc !je \)fcil) . ^atttD hereof alfo it came ( as \»e ceaD oft tvmes in tljc jCDlpcl) tijat tl)c ILoiD \33as not taM,foi afatuc^ as ^is ^o«w toas not comtn , 2ri)ecfoic ftjalla ccrtaineljowcc alfo bcap^ pointea of i3oa to tljepieac'oECS* Bcfoie tljis l)ouce tljc^be fafeana fuccttjougl? tl)e Dciir'U be nctiecfo maDDc , tviaimtcs rage,^ blouafuccoucs auD tbc cncm^cB of t^e fapti) !av \»apt foi tiicm . roe marticU fometvmss , bo^ tbepzcacbccB of t^e tSofpel coulD pieacb »n fo great a company of koines fo long tvjnc,^ tbat Diccctlv aga^nd tbc \a3ol11c0, tuljp tbcv' tocrc not ^oVibcfen- 5,^ atitt bv taint in peeces i irbeiLo:3i5oD almig-jt^ bat^ »>«') b'sf fecpttbein becaufebctooiilaffcft bauetbnrttbjougijlpto ft^ Siw tSit "^^ ^^^ tettimouie of tbc tmt\) .srbecfoic be tcrccu tb«c tm^ hmt miee^anb gaiic Ilcengt^ to bis rrctumues to pzcacb. aro \)nn \ * mud toe tcnaet; tt)anftcs,tl33t mm^^ gooa piracbt ss in tpnics paa,an?} of late Da^cc d Xucher, anb d. zwmgiius , aub otbcc faitbfttl ujitnefl>0 of i3ob, coulo in fo vicjicj^co a a3oiiD,anD in V fo gccatpatocc of 5liiticbii{l,c]ccc«tc tbcic niini(!cric,fo manp V^^J^f s^«» befpttc of l^cll gate0.;jfo;taltboiigb tt^e ^imcce, $ isgagidcatcs uefecue alfo to be piapfcD^ foi tbc laujfuU befecc bc(lo\ajebljpoa tbem:vrtfl)oula tbis banc bene none at all, ^nleJTe tbcpo\MCC of fSoD toDHlo ^aue bab it fo. ^erfccutio anb \3)I)at tpnie tbe faptbfnll in t^e Cbnccb be fufficieml^ tmtt\) w. abniania)eD,fo t^at fncb ao mill be toife^anb not of a fet pnca pofc pcnfl),may all cfcapc tbc fnarcs of lainttc^jifl, ana line in Cl)iift:imincbiatelv fljalUolloto pei'fccntion.ifoi fo fooneas tbe^opeana bis cable Q)ajJl beacc.t^at be isalTavleb, bs toil! ttceig'jt toap beg5?n to tbunbec , anb Ipgbten , aub finally to flCbe bend n^ivc \)p tbe fcculac po\jpec ag^apnCi ^cccticfecs.^oj ^>e ^etio^s Hiwn \j? ctb e)cpieDrel?,tobo fljall be tbis cnemic of tbcfc jaiopbctcs ^ psrtecntioH. of tbeicpxcc6?ng:namelptbebeaft,tbatifito fapt^e ©pCljop of Iftome tobo is notable fo2 l^is cruell,tp;annicall ano bcaft^ 1t> po^ueC. £)f tbe bead (l)aU be fpolcen moze abounbantlp in tbc.»?.anb. 17. c^aptecs lobcce \2jc {Ijall brace botu \)t cornet^ on: of tbc eartb^oi catbec out of t\)c botomlcs pit , anb out of tl^e bcpe Dungeon of bclLifoz tbe o^iginaU of tbat \2)icUcDnes is ccfecceb to none otbcc parent, tban tbc bcuilltbc piincc of |)dl , tbat Ipcc anb muctbcrcc . anb tlje tbpug it fclfc Qjeroctfi attbis ba^, tbat all perfecutions anb confltctcs ace ntoueo, ftpzceb anb infercca bp tl)e pope , and bis bloub&v uiiniOccs of mifcbicf ^Ht of tbe fame vpclfp^v^^s ftotoco all t^e caiamt' tiesoffozmcctvmfB. iSlub i)t ftgt^tet^ asa^uQ t^e mtnifttrs anb t^c mmidcde of ypon the Apocalipfe. 748 Chap.n, ftf tf!)?i(lto(tl) fop^iSnc,toit^ ccafhc atiufubtflc pjactifce, /^i^c bcaft ana c?;couuiumtffitioii,Dcatl;cs,anD tcrrours.ianacviift toill ftatjtctt) iib putmto?crunDzvfevni)csotto2mcntc0 (fa^tQHayn.o)^fiic^ tijc 4ii?o= ae Ijc can net oucrcomc , tc txiill aSav to \janqmfl) U3u6 Doc- P^jcccff, trine . ?&c t»:U gene rctjacDCB > p:oiuifc fir-ctc too^urs , anD fl)c\33 alfbfalfc miracles. $c.2lnD fcvngw Ijat^ilcafcD ttc HoitJ to cal ttjat fcatc tije fecafl,ti;l;crfoiE fl)Oulfi tuc cati it tljc i)olp ^ea;tf t^c jdopc be tijat blouDDp bcafl ^ \23bV Q)oulD Uie feluce f)hu bv tbe name Df moft ijol? fatljcrj 15 c flicujctb mojcoucr , toiib \23l)at lucfee , ftitD VDitb tobat I5nttd)?tn fucccOe i^ntJcbuH {l)an figbt agavn3 tbc jaiopbetcs. jidc Qjall oucrcojiu oiicrcomejavib be, and Uiil tbcm . :^9c frtmetbpiig> Ta^D tbe '"ct^^'^^o JLoiD plapnip m tbe iSorpdj^atb.'o.auD 3r,obn,i 6.ano be=^°}f;. ^« fo:c alfo Daniel in tbe.^.auii. 1 1 .cbaptcrB.^onic tbtngcs are ^***^9« fpoKcn alio beretofoK in tbic bco^c ,coccrning tbc bolv mar- lV?s . STge JLo?bgcuctb ibis toarnvng in tv»«c-.lcft Jf^^ fijoulb fee tbc picacbf rs of ibe lEuangclicail triitb flayue, toe inigbf boiibtoftbe tnicncGTc oftbcirpieacbpng, 0? cHeinctbe matter of ixcligion bp i\^t fclicstic of tijio ti;o2ii3 j a bict) ne- Mcrtbcles inaup do at tbis ba?.;JFoz moR men faynf tbis U3ere tbc picacbmg of tbc irutb^as rt 13 favo to be: 0od be^i^S bini felfe motl true tDOiiia not tozfafec bis oujn cafe. T5i\t no\» fu^ tbepjcacbcrs areoppjeffcban^ DcttroyeD : tobv ft)onlD toe tiot gatbcr , tbat tbcir matter is falfe , anb tbeirs true tbat o* itercomc ibe^I5ut if \3je migbt fo reafott:tban tbe piopbetes, Cb?i&,a»c t'gc apoflles DefenbcD a \)crp cuill ca(e . if 0; all ni a mancr be^ng oppiclleb b^ tbeir enempes , iw tbc enb tocre Cs^nc aJfo . if uU gooD tbrn toas tbe qnarcll of tbc 3f,ctoC0, i9bariici5 > anb tbc inoS toiclieiJ cnempcs of iSoDs tooibj f^o\Dbeit , tbcn toiit lap , fitb t:^z trutb is inuincible , boto 15 lanticbiift fayb to ouercomc it I Doubtles \^t fljall not ouer^. roine,bv furc tcaimonies,^olp ^cripturce,ciQr5g rcafons: but bp lo2cc,tmp2ironinent , ftoozD, ani> fire . auD tbeiloie in tuavofinterpietationtmmcbiatipfollotoetb:attDbctt)iUbri! > tbem.STbcifozcbv iJilliug bf S)ali feme a conquerour . ^oi if inacaiilbar Aeneas Q)atl ouercomc $flaj?Turnus,^neas ft)all becatiebatJtctoiir antJbetbcrto iabcDcSluticbjifloucrcom- tnctb.lSuf alibougb tbe sgartv^s be Oaincvet co tbcp befoze iSoii rccciue tbe levuacQ of uictourB:bicauic f:}eir cafe is iaO", anb tbe tuutb oucrcammctb m tbcm.2;bc enemies oucrcomc toitb muItirubc,pompc,autbozitic, potoer^fauoar, nebcCTe $ .ijtbcrliUetbpngcs:\Deiutbegoocincs,aiiDejccellcncic oftb^ caic,^fii;aiivbvbcst£r:caimoi;icsoftbc ^lo pastes snbiu Chxp.TT. p;'he.xIviij.Sermort' /CbJ ctacu rot l)%\it m\x> tl)c mancr of t^e fig!?t ann \)icto:ic. J^c fljal tie of ^n= figi)t auD ouGccoini: bv caniall vociiponG , ana ftjall be fiib:* tic5).r.ft. uc\ajcD ujitlj fpivimall armurc.C^crennco is aurjcD,UDl)at cro^ pieOctl) iuttoo fcn£cncc5 : atiD tljeir boDycs fljall Dpc in t^e amcsoftI)cCitie:anD t^cpQ)alinot fu6fct:t^cic iioD^csto be put in tljc gcaucs. CbcM Hri)c ffcft fcntcncc bcto&cnctlj an c)rtrcmc cnidtic , iopnen coarfcflt ipe U)it^ an\)ttcc contcmpt.^o^ all filtt)^ tljiugcp are call ont in^ m i arrtciS. (o tit flwte , v^^^be uungc of all ftccrcs is trofie \jnDerfectc» •anttcijiifl tljccfoje Qiall JanBle clje jazooljctcs mod Ojamc^ full^, in fo muc^ as all men fljall bclcue t^at tbcp Ijane potocr oucc t^cm,anD ft)all as ittwcce fpuntc t!)cm toitb tljciu feetc, aDii calte tl)em foi outcafles auD totc^eD pei;rons, \)pd to^iofe taU^ug ont of t^e toa^ , all t})^n^tB fljaU be fafc . Cems rbc maner is in fame Ctties,co caS into t'pc nrctcs t^e bodies of tbe tbat ace cpccnteD,to tbc intet t^at alt me migbt tecaoe ott tl)e,$ Qjiuc cacccs oticc t^c,foi tbe ttvvont of ot!)crs:$ to fig:^ Miftc tbat tbofe me ejcccntcD tdcce mo(? DetcRablc , ano pm to Ucatb foi no fmall crimes . ianD bcrcnmo appertcinctb tbat anticljjid by fcciilar potocr , bag'tl) bp Com? muiifters of tJ^c c'auccl) openly in Cities topo tbe gallo^es , $ faCtnetb others tojtl) c'gaines to a pod, ^ fo b?oile£^ tl}e tuit^ a Oouj fire $ feil- Jct^ t^e at laft. ana tl)en bopfing tbcm ^oiriblp tip to a giber, ^angetb t^e \)p to be ga|ct) at to tt^t terrour of all men. ^ea ^ it tuogetb tbcm^l3urial is ti)C laft bononr tbat is bone Dnto ina:bnt be tutll not fuffcr t^c boD^es of tbe faptbfuU to be btt^ C!je neat) rici)» irbns peraDnetnrc be cppou?)etb tbat ttJ^)icb be fpafee aa coarfes arc faje, \sjbcn bs fa?b : anD tljeir boopes f^all l^e intbe llcetes* notburpco* attbisDa^ notonelvburiall is Den^cD to fwcbas fnffcr fbj tbe i5ofpeU:butalfo tbep oigge tip and bnrnc tbe bones of tbe !)eab, to^icb toould notreceme tbe iaopif^ Sacraments, \3)\)i\t tbe? t))ere al^uc. ^oz in cafe anp man Depart , anb bat^ Cbitft"?* tobifpereo tbe }3:iett in tbe earc , confeaV"5 to i)vm all bps watCon bp finnes,anD batb ttotafbcD abfolntiS of bim , noj rv'ccincD l^ia ^^^u, i5ob of bjcat), 01 fuffcreb bim fdfe to be rcgcncratcD Ujitb an ^amof. ^g^ip^g J altbongb be Dcparteo in tbe r rnc faptb , pet foj af- mucb as be batb not Wti tbofe )dopt(I) ceremonies , anb bii^ bleb bitn felfe to tbe }dope , tbe partie U)aU not come in Cb;t^ ftcnburta!t,butisburiebontt)eDungebill among bogges^ srbc tb?ng it (elfe fpeafectb at tbis bap. iJ^ojecucc tbcfe an- ticb^tQcsfebebptbis meaneitoabolifb allrcmemb^amtceoT t^c gool^.jf oj tumbes are mabc to retcine tl^e ^onca memo^ tit vpon the Apocalipfe. 14P Chaf.ji, n'e df t^e beau. But t^c rig^tcons ft)aU be itt etertial rc»«citta |6?'(^ttcc. ^r» an?) tijcv in tieefic tljinfec t^at t^c? Uo I^lte gooD Catl^oiicUcs ; btit tl)c Hoi^ Iicfus crpounUctS theic tooz^c, ahu favtti !t is cjctrtmc crudtic. 2^i;an toljar Ojai! ?ou t^infee of t!jcm,U3i)ic^ bcvng bliuucu toitl) tt)c ^strca of tljc true me^ ligiou il^c i^ttc rx?o'uesanD i^ucnstjpont^cbotjpcBoft^c bca^ i3^art^^e,auD pull t^cm a pccces , and ^aoic t^em moll fi)aincfuUv^ But t^at outrageous and Wohddp crttfltic,tt)al! eontinuc ^, but t^c Cpacc of t^ice oaycs ano a ^a!fc : tjjc to^ic ^ all t^c c)cpo Dars ana fitOKCS >:4«DcraanD fo! a aioit tpntc, ccrtaiiie in ocDe , ^iwt'^tt an i?'cuk tncectaiuc to tis : as 31 tclD pou faefoic of tfjc monet ^rs anu fcarc0 . 2^^ec?foic 3]fuppofc t'pis fl)o:tncireof tt^metobe ■fcioufj^c foi a confotatmn. wt fav alfo : 3^ t laltetl) bat au e«e* 'W^ng 0? a ;:ozcnoonc.?»lfo,tt toilbs DilparcljcD \\\ t^zcc Daves, t)?in t^jecDavc3nhDal3aIfe,ani3t^en it toilbc better 0? eis •'^aite attenD.;r 0? f HLo?d gcu«t>tl)e affiictcD fpaccs to bjeat!) ttt ; anD a;oifucro our torotnfuU Dave6,to tl)c cud toe migljt te able to ab^ac it . 3|f rberfoze our patience be trycD bp fomc ^reucns ana rrueli pcrfccution of ilntic^«S, ictts tbinfec, t^iir ottr llo2?i iDOD bepctb a rcfeoning of all t\^t caves of our "eaiamit^c : ani> t^^a: ^e ^arp ft)ozti»eo tpe fajnc , foz i^z coufo:? 4ar!CJn2ftfc)f fcocafee. - '"'•ianD't^?\)cri> place, tobcre tbi6crueltiemnflbc\x>?ou3bt — , ^ ^gaynl! tbe lajopbetcs, be e,rpicflctb plapnip, ano as it iuerc SlaT** ^oitite:^tttcv?tb tbefingar. iTouiittc tJje great titit, /soto suijcrcthe tf!eu,t^crcis t^ccitic of iSiU, auD tbere is tyc citie of t^ese- pjophncs: tiin:2ri)?rci5i!)CC!tieofxibeiltbciimoceRt, anu t})cr:istbe mufibc iLfttrtjf Cai«tl)emiirtbtrcr: STycre is tbe CatboliUe Citic ^^^^i^ orrbe5)afntcs,ati6 'tbere istbe ^pnagoguc of 0nticb2ift. 2rbef?f?tjesareo?Kntl):ougrjotittoctol)ole \doj1d, aub arc tnrloreb Witi^ ito ifraite\ijaUes:tbou«ug4)i;cft call tbis citic, tbe !Lo::ifi)ip,bomm!on,l5ing&cnie, f5mup2r,oi felo'a3a)ip of tbe \j)!cUeD. ix>bere fceiicr ti)erf02c tbat i^uticbzi-l 0? t^cpcpc 'ot iSiomiJ batb innlbtctton, vea etien m tbe laonnaje €b»rcb irfeifc, tb^oug'bc^itr aft aations-^ p:op!5itb-:fc tOittges \iibici toe bant ijfarijfijaU be none a^fapna fS^^a'tv^s. f^x fcttpng foubtbat cttic lavtO moje pla j'nc toUens: tbeir booics, favtj- 5c,rga!i l^c mtbc firctcs of tbe great citie »^nt} bv an erpofi* tton be aSbttbtwinch is called fpiritiiaUy Soilome and ^-Egypt. t3g^:cq»cr,toberc aifo oiirEoiD \13a5 crncifieb. anD agaVnet 'aiiDtbev i}cM freof pespfe^ana fe^RrcbiiC'B,ani) toimgo, ana uatuijiBjt^erfoic bi' ttjis be ^n^f rScoDc ucc ar.^f»5aKC, ^tt^ Chd^.i f , Th e xlviij . Senii en Crctcljctt) tljiougboiit t^c ujojId voljccm DVocU nation©, fciiv rcDDcs,pcople. $c. ^oDomc km itg^ptc ace faice a (nnDec, tieptljcc can tl^cv ije io^uea together tottlj anv toallcs.agame ourEo^DtoascructficDtntijccttie ot i^tcrulalcm, \pDbicl)i0 alio called of cl)e }d^op^etcfi^o^ome anD {&omo;t:i)a: but ^e is ccucifteD Datip in !)i6 mcmbei's tl);otigt)out c^e toozlz^.^uD (l^ccc 16 one felfe Tame cittc anD rocterie otaU t^e \»tcttcd lu tUe to)o?lD,lifeeast^ccei6oneUoD^oftbcgoDl?. ilct tosbnou3 r^ccfojci^oto ttie fa^o cttte to^ccm t^e bo^ves of tl)c pzopljcts Ipc ui ti)e ftcet cc, ts t'gc citic of Cain, anD t^c tionxia) c^urc^ (cattereD otter f U)o^lD« 2;i)e fame is calico i^gipc f ^oootn ^ ^pirituau bt> ^^ SPpt robbeD tbe cbtiojcn of fgoDofibcirlibertic, opp?e(ft|i tbnn \3i'^i\i t^\t bonDage,anb piobibitcD tbem frotn tbe trhe tuo^a^ippmgof j[3oo« j^oliUetdtfctbemomiO) CbHrcb bat^ fpopleb tXit Cbttrcb of £b?ta,of tbe liberttc gotten b^ Cb?i(i^9 ano tD^appeO bcr in filtbp bondage, tbat a)e migbt feme iti tbe Dirte of mens traditions. j^Qozeouer bv all meanes po0T« loTjereour ^% Cbebeepetb W from returttingtotbei3ofpeUto(erne so^ozD ^00 i5ob angbt« ^nD \)erd? our S.o;d Siefus Cb^iS tnas emcift^ uruci&cd. CD on jdsionnte Caluarie, at tbe citiie of {^terufalcm : anb alfo tbe articles of onrfaptb cjcpounDtngtbe fame, Cap tbat be inU fercD^nDcriaoncc}ailatc. HTbts dilate toas tbe momapne goucrnour; 3]t is manifcft tbercfo^e, tbat Cb?tfl futfcreo tin* Her tbe momapnc iBmpire* ^noer tbe fame t^mpire, and bnDer tbe iuDgcmcnt tberof, toere ejifccntcD tbe ^oQles anD amictcnt ise^attvzs.^nDer ti^z ifmptre of ttetu laome Dpe tbe idiopbetes alfo at tbisoap bpftoope and ftre..^Co people^ ^nicDDcs, tongttcs atiD nations obcv t^is iSmpire, notn callcD tbe cburcbJo as tbe p^cacbers are in all places appK' bcnDcD at tbe MaxW auD commaunDetncnt of tbe bead, ano t%s ccnteD XDtcb crucll Deat^ci? in tbe fig^t of people, binrcDDeSy AnDtiations^ 3ro vpontheApocalfpfc. 150 CA//>.//.' Wo t^e angmctttation anD mod apte cicpzcflins of t^e tvin -.. , . eltic, t^io tl)vn2 appccta^nctl) cfjtcflp, tl)anl)tit cact^Iv men K~!J^, (po0cain3int^cfeIaune0ac^uccMUo5ctl)ci; carnall) Q)aU atthsrcaia- rciovccanDbcglaDcucc tljc calamities ^ mtfcrabic Dcat^cs mtticisof ' of id^opl^ctB. STije fame nit aifo tt^clLop tjtmfclfc p:opipecte t^c goDi^ bcfoic in tl)e i«.of Joljn. v3ci'clp,t)ecelv,31 Cap \3utc vo«> Vow fl)aU\2)ccpeanDiamcm,bntt^cu302ltsa)an tcio^tc^c. ym t^cp (IjaUfcnDcgiftesJatti) ^e,auD letters of rcio^cmg.S^^at tiis Ujag bene in t\)t coufell of ConSaunce, tot/at tvmc lohn agajifjaetd Hufre,auD HieromeOfPragettiercbm'nt, ^tftOjirfimafeeme- Sum c mace tion,«?c ^auc ijeacD noU) latcl?,aftcc jenglanD Ujas falUu a=: fo;t ti)ctv.u gavtte to tl)e H.QmiQ)e celision, to^at top atiD glaDncs, tu^at of ^{^ngiad. banquettes anDti-tump^e0c!)e}dapi&es maDt maliplaces* ^0 ofte as t(ie mtm((ers>o> otijei: fapttiful are but;nt,t^e fap& rable Iteepefolemne c^eare and plcafaimt banquettmg, fmg^ ing r\»5iclj tbcp bnte of tijcir mojc tban a ooggc 0^ a ^nafec. fo% tl^cp oefirc cptbcr to at» bwti;cn. cbeue honours riches, and pleafures: o^f tbep b^ine t^cm, to becpe tbe (!ill: anD tbev are foie affraycD lead tine fame Qiould be aj?c\x)Dlp Q)afecn 0? tobolv taUc from tijcm bp pjeac^mg, Srberfo;e tbcv bcfite notbpng mo?e tban to be rio rt DcUuercD of t^cic clamoiirs,^ immcaiatlp to ^auc tbem taUe out of tbc toap. ;f 0; fo i\i'^v^t tbev tbat tbcv Q}albe fafe, $ tniopc tbete t)learit£cs at toil s>ttU iyto mmne anD of liUt tntenr^nei^tbec kingoom, no^ great fume of goloe, but t l)cab of Bnol^n 23ap;» tifttoascraueoatl^eroDsfeaa* :2:bc idopcs ^ao ratbxcat t^is Dav to banc tbc bcauesof ccrtainc mimftcrs of \ cbiircb* tbaninanptboufanticroujncs, "^^eamojeonsc t^eraimflcrs of cbiiicbes arc caUcD plague3,l)t{lnrbcrs,ourccvcts,ani» m^s titrtous agapnd i5oD anD bps faints, anD apyufi all men. 2:bccfo?ctOcvtoiQ)etDirballtbeiF bartsto \it cafco of r^]?s burtben.i:bc £o;d 3iefus fo;gcnctbem tbts fmnc* C2^^e cntcrp;iife0 of0nticb;ift inluaDiiig ouf tbep^ea* ■ cbcrstflibapnetboU) great tbcretoarDs3 of g;cac'ocr0i> anDt^eponif^mcnt of r^ luickeD>i]^aiba* Ch 5f tra,in tbat tbc free pieacbitjg of i5oU0 too jb againft ^n^ tic^jift CbaU b? rcitojco, t»bo fccmeo to ^vn^ff if to bane ouers conuneo ypponthcApOcalip^. 15:1 chaf.jt, U)O?DC0: and after three d^es and a halfe, riie fpirite of life from pjiccte Qirll God entrcd into them . l^C ftgniftetl) b\' CfjatnUJUbeC o£ DapcS be oft rcfto- (363(1 tolDe poll bcfoze; a tocrp njozjctymc: as t^ougb be rcD,i8titci) ^oulD fap, tbcp ft}aU not long miopc tbcii* falfc sniJ fclouDp f"iu£i) w^j plcafuccc. ;^oj fSou (ball capic 'up orbcc ^zopbcts m y place tiuguiqjeD. af'tbofe t!)atarc DcaD. ams be rpcafeetb.astbcugb idoD a)ulD capfe ttp t^e Ctlfe fame iaiopbct£i,\3)btcb iSlttticbjift bab Oainc, erno tbat be tooulo fet tbeuivctasa^neagavntt tbe*\x>icfefb m* tbcir otuttc bobves . l)utrpeciaUy of t!?c dcrgte. ^^e DiompQje fo?t are affrapzie of tljisTpirit, ano fit! t^c cares of t^ empe<» roue ano bpnges tD^t^ complapmes andaccufations , ^ vc^ outt^attoe Q)ould allicutti) our booltcs b& Dcfiropeo ^hxxtn neD.^ac«ttiettf(re}I)epo\JDcrof i5ot)ma&ct^ tl)e )dzopl)etf to fiann otu^eir lef te , ano tijeir puat^tng to runne a pace: l^ot2)foeuer tl^eferage in t^eir fiiric, ano perfecnte f5oiii^ truetlt»p;eac^eiit^;oug^utt^eVD^ole\uo;!Dc. %z i3oo te ti)ep;avfeandglo^l?. 31« tijis confdlation are mt)ceo alfo retoaros pjepawti for Z^!T ^^ fapt^foll nttrtifters: in tijc oapitig of uj^om tfee antid) jw» TOcoarcD **^"^ ^^ ^^ ejtcommunicate tljem t^at t^ep map fcna Jtt)tm (o/^ ffooip ^^ ^^ ^^'^^ bounMtti^as it totrc abanoon tl)em to ocuils , oi «ntntfter;8. t^em to be toimenteo \x)tt^ eucrlaQpng puni(l)mentcs . i^nd ^eretofo^e all p^eacbers , tobicbe banc rpoben agapnft t^e C^urc^ of lftome,ani) ^auefuGfcreo t^ct;fo;cat t^e idopes l^ano^ljaue bene tbougbt toi)aue peri(l)eo botl^ boop ^ foule: t^eir boopes 31^ Cap , confumeo \utt^ fire ^ ano ttjeir foules t^zou^en bovone into belt . fQi t}?cp viocre conb^eb as Wz^ tx^Zi^ enemies of i5ob ^ t^e Cburcb, anb euen as plagues of manfepnb,anb fo tabenout of tbis ipfe » But contrarptoife c^e ILo^b t^ere p;onouncet^,$ beciarctb euerlaOpng retooarbs to be prepared C02 t^em. fai tbeir foules bepng beliuereb frfi t^eir bobpes,arc Oraig^t tuap take )3p into Qcauen:anb tipetc bobpes bepng rapfeb at t^e laft iubgcment,a(cenbc into l)ea« wn alfo , ti)ere to reiopce "o^itt^ C^iift fo^ enermote . ]3ut to t|)e intent tl)isgob!p p^mife oft^e cntrlaftpng anbmeftis mableretDarb,mtg^tbeofmo2c autbozitic anbcrcbittxtic^ alt men : t^e Eo^bpzopounbctb it not fimpldp , but moOc]E« wllemlp becfeeo ^ furuiOjcD^foz ^c fctictb fccfoje, tijat a Y)opcc toas fent to t^e jdiop^ets^from l)caucn:$ mozeoucr.a great, fn loubetiopce . ^foz great is t^e confentof tl^e idatriarci^es, pjtopbetee ano apoSles \»\\^ t^ tiecp (oime of i5ob,in mod rppon the Apocaliprc. ijrz Chaf.ii, «tnn«^ aoctrtite : vo^creitpon toe bcleae tjutjcubtcuiv , t^at tbofC; vubici) OtSfcr foj xi^z confctTion of C^jtft , are faucD bot^ bo29i? ftUD fotile. ^nD cipis oocccme uias b^ougbt ftrom bcaue, faas tUccc 15 no place ieftfo^ ooubtfulnes.irbere be tettt^ monies tu rl)c ^cnptnces botb mamfc{]t,anDntanp,as inM* ofj£*<5,offi?jatb.i4.of3Rol)n>auiDt* uer0 others » xri)ac Q^oniD loje fay tbac at tbis piefrm ts bjou^btau cjcpieSTtcatmou? bct'eofefo^ a to^ce (ouHDecb CometM from bcaiicu oucc tbe afflicted toitb tbc tvjaunp of anticbjill: ijcw^, come ))p betbf e . %W ts armuci) to fa^, a9,3[] fee tbe icU)de^ nes attD crueltte of tbe 0mtcb»fttan6 to be fucb , as tbece ts tto place left vo4 m eartb . ^bey tucmo^le and pecfecnte^oti as piagucsianb \}nu)0jtb? to line on tbe eartb: come pe tber^ fote betber to nic , into tbe bfaitenlv palace ^ tobctber 31 ntp felfie came alio alter m? paOio ano repioc^fiiU Deatb* xot rca& ixi t\^z (^oCpcil tbvU tbe inbge Q^all (ap to tl^e goi^Ip , come ve WefleDufmvfatber.^c* ;^urtbcnno^clea{l an? man (l^oulb tbtnl^etbefe tooibes to cber %H be \]a?ne,tbe SLo^D abto^netb bv ^.Jtobn, and tbep afccnueo bp into into beauemot fo^tbat tbeir tefurtection is pad alreaop : but beanm tn« fo;tbe\jnoottbteo ccrtcmtieo£tbctb2ng,bcfpeafectb of tbe ^°*^ tbvt^ toxomc,as if it toere pad : of tbe \xii^it\^ foue are found inanv JV^ pb^afcs euer? U)I)cre in tbe idzopbetes. i^elias itt tpmcs pad afcendcD into bcaucn botb foule ano boDp , as toe ceaD in tbe. 4..boofee of jf^pugs tbe. i. cbaptcr bp tbe fame mi* raclebe(l)c\23Cdtbcn,tobatretoarbtbe iLoiDbatb pzepareD fbz tbe faptbfnllp^cacbers of i5oDs too^D;nettbcr is tbere a« tip otber tbpns bece noto repetcb.l^e aooetb^boto t^^^z'i toenc A9p tna cloube . ^o;a cloube tootte t)p Cb^iA our beao from tbe cpcs cf bts ^ifctpies : ano toe Cljall be alfo taken tip in ai ctoube to mtxt tbe S.ozD in tbe av^e, as tbe Scripture recitetb jntbe. i.of tbe ^ctes, anb tbe . i . to tbe ^Tb^fTalontans tbe.4* tbapter. Albeit tberfoze tbat p^eacbers , anD tbofe tobicb bc^ leuetbcpzeacbcrs becjccommunicatcD of i>Xnticb?t(T, aub tbo- rongb opr n and diamcfml puniCbmcntes feme to be fcnt to tbe beuiUpet CbMeeceiuetb tbcm otfcbarseb from all eutls, Imto bim Cetfe into tbe palace of beauen. taato tbis be aODctb an otber tbing alfo : (t tbeir enempcs (^u^^ p«-^ Cato tbem.STbcp fatoCSl fapjtoitb an boirible fcare.;jFoz tobe mtcs faw« tbcp fee tbofe men retting m glojp as tbe true auD bono?able tijem., freu&cBofJ5oD,tobomtbcp baocoubcmncD foz iSoos ciie^ tnpesitbcp a)aU gatber , tbat tbcv tbcm fclues uyall be Depui teo into tbe tello^n^pp of cbc bcuils , i^cao a plcntifuli cotiw Cha^.Jt. ^ thexlix. Sermon ^ mcnmrv^c«of in tT)t. ^,m'^, 5:c^a|)t'.of tl)cboofec oftoife fiottis.aibctt tijctfoie tl^tft tJ?e pz^artjere of tie iSofpr 1 m t^is pzefent t>>o?l& be iiiDgci) auD feme before t!)c \x)o?ii> a$ Dam^ ticD:vct in t^atfame Da^ , toljtrin ail men fiia!l be airembleo^ fo inanv as eiie f banc benc,bc noto^ojfljaU bc:fliail be mania feG,t>nto tbctn a!l timt tbcfc be H^e ^eare frenncs of fooi»,am^ tbat tbeic cafe 10 befl.SSnt) ber'eti>ttl) fxixW t^t £1 did f>auc tbem i^: j^: cd'rtifouet) tobici) arcpcrfcfutcti,conDcnnieD,i!crp{rca,ana M trampi[eD\)nierfcote foi tiiey?eafbvngofi3oiiotDoiD,15v tbefctbvti3B bepzepami) anb faabimictb tbejnvu&cs of tbe fmtbftill,t^at ti)t^ be not Dtffonragca toitb the rcbwtec s,rcata lynges anD oppKOibiis of S^ntic^iiaann bts linnncs, ^ ■ ; *•■* . panoftbeCitiell)alfal!.!anD31\)nD>rftalJnoncotf)cr Citie to be fpofeeofbere tbe tl)efav'&cme of iSgvpt^$t)6tftnctbat 3fi ipalteof berctofo?e:Ax)t"yi(9frfiati^f tctl>pavrtoit4 gre^a part:vetfo,a0f mb^epart fl%1Urctnartte(HeG:0ur,ac ^.}ae< tf r p?opbecieD Cboulti come to paire,ln tl)r.i,|SEf . tv iinci^e JLojB bimfeif atfo in toc,7.of CB5atb . i^nD be ice mexb to rccttc ttoo incouen!cncc0,\x3bicb bagc cutr tOe,;«anfcv; calriu;itirs?, ^reH0lting6.;^i3;^.3^;Obnbimfc]t:fcciuci.itc aaoc ane)cpos rit!on,ani} to fav: ano tbcrc tocrc flavut inib^ wabfiuafec tbt tiamco of fcnen t!)oitoD intn.2[nt) tbc ^Jtffiaucvficrtfltoi^ciJi. anb ganc glo?^ to tbc0ot> of beatiifit;' -■;"■■ c: <• " :-rrfz -. ; arberfoie 31 f Jtp»;ofe bv tbe eactl:'n«ahc to be frgniflieb ejr* »^"!'^^* ccb^ng great altcrattons , conunotionG , fcaitions , \rarrc0y Svtb the fl^ttSbtcrs anD tjcftriictious . ano ijcTavD ibc names of men MTtfaqwaUc. ^ftf c tbe ydthic\y} pbiafe , foja number of mm . ano be purl 7000 , a number crrmnie j fo? an tjnc^i?tavne : is tDbei;e««i» fti^D to i^elias > 31 batie left me rcueti tborti^uu wcu',^^bicl> banc not boi?g^co ttieir hnees to l&acd V if ox it ti^ifiecb ^ great tnnltitucf .E-'.Ketoifc Ije ftgnific tb bertalfd , y no Tmail itumber ofanttc'pziftiangft)a!l be sifputcbeo out oftbc tua? b^ flangbtcr ano fonoi^ oz ail Kincts of calamities . a:gapttt bc'%ittricti7tl^st t^cremb part oftbc tofr2lD,tbatiB toCa^ not-afctijc of ibeao!)rrcutcs annfaHOurcrs of tr^e iiJomiQ^ iJibutcy fl^ttRfcehftftc from t^ Ta^ic-fibwccbc , bq?K§JfcaMa vpon the Apocalipfe. i^^ Chat, ti, tott!) t^c p:car?) >>«g of «3oD5 tx>o ju , attD toitl^ plagues la^n bpon t^e enemies of 0oii8\33Oid ^aniitbrp (ballfo fozCabe t^e momiQ) C\)utc\) , as t^c? (^ali Qtnc all gto?^ to tl^ i3od ofl^cauen. Bf r^ecto bcvng abufcn totti) t])c is:omifl:) trtfics , anD Tos Cfjc tent^ pbifticalt opimonB,tbcp!)a«e33tgcucnallgloip tobol^to pa^toftije tbctcuc i5oD, cccatoucof bcaucn anD cartb , axio tbc m\)abi= ^.-"^ ^^^'^ ttcanDgeucrof bfaaen , \»l)ilcfttbep baueattcibuteDmoic ^'^' tnto cceamccs , mens umennor.o > ant) cccoucs , tban to tbe tcatb : anti communtcatcD tbe gloiv,VDbici) tbcy otwc to f5od alonc,t)nto ^^imts alfo,antj to tlje tooifecs of tbcic bauDes: butttoto bepnginatntcted bptbe p^eacbpngoft^e iSofpeli, tbtp to{lI Dcpcnoe tpon 0oD alone,attd afcrtbc all gIo?p ^n^ to b"n tbzoiig^ CbJift, ^0X0 if p£ conferrc bcrctoit^ t^cbv^o^ics, tiot of olD ( foj tubcccunco ftjoulD 31 moIeS vou tcitb a long ccbcarfaU ) but latdv ma^c,vca cucn in tbcfe buniJico peaces, pou Qiall gewc a toottijccfid ligbt bcccuuto. robcn ilje pjcacbecs of Babcme ' toere burnt at Conftaunce,a great commotion oftbc people infueo immcoiativ anb tbc ©o^emers moucD mo^alltuarrc agavnfttb^uomaucs. Aeneas Siiuius^imCelfetoi tcof tbat toarrc , tub^rrctn manp tboufanbes of men toerc Oapne , and manp places oeftrove^ auo lapo toaft. O^oicoucr innUmecas b\e men foaio^e tbc Tea of laome . 3ln our memoiie too^ere^ grcaous perfccation toas Opirco \)p agapntt tbc fapt^fUIl tb;ougbtb^m(ligationofiaome,anDcertemc tboufauDcs of tbc faptbfuU flavne:coutrarteto tbecjcpectattonof ait men, ssometda iftometoas taken tn tbe pearc of our 110^0.15^7. anb fo befa.? ucn. czi} anb Q)opleo , tbat tbe fame calamitie mtgbt be compared tottb tbofc olb anb tioitb greater tbat euer were, ^i^eit^er pet 00 tbe punces eeafe to tsiarre amSgeft tbem felues, $ to toea^ hm tbem Celues tottb mutnall beQructton,U)btcb neuer ceafe tnaniauecto Qieb tbe bloao oftbcfaptbfull.25ut tueareglab anb reiopce,tbata toonberfnll number at tbts bap bo reuolte fro tbat iftomiQ) (ca,$ geue all glo?p to iBoD t^zoug^ C^iift, %o l)im be glo;p anb rule f 0: euer anb euer.i^men. i{2Dbefenentb ^ungellbloUiet^tlje trompe>anbt^eC^(^ Ders Gngc a fong of p^apfe. The L. Sermon. THc fe€ondw<> is pafty and behold the. ii/. wo will comcanonc iA^ndthc feucnth.Aiingeli blewe5and there Cha^. //. Thc.I.Scrmon there were made great voyces in heauen , faying : The Jcyngdomes of this world are made our Lordes and his Chriftcs,andhe^iallreigneforeucrmore. Amen ♦And , the foure and twenty Elders which fit before God on their feates,fcll vpon their faces, and worfhyppcd God faying: We geue thankcs to thcc Lord God aimightie: which art and waft , and art to come : for thou haft rc- ceiucd thy greatpower,and haft raigned. BV t^f fcucn trompcB anngelicall not one!? t\it ueflcnics of tbc c^urclj arc ft)e\MCD,bntaIItbcsoDlvacealfo occiteD to toatcl),anD to feepc fpirituall toarcc. C^ee !2lnD to tlje t^jcc laft tcompcts, as inoft ua«ttgccouB , ace &99c^ io^nefi t!??cc toocs, figntf iyng, as 31 fapDc in tijc enne of tije s.c^apt.t^at ail UpnDc of troubtes anD moft grcuons afflicti^ tiotts a)alf cljaunce in tljcfc tpmcs, toljcceijp inenftjaltiic b?ong^t \x\ gccateft tuftccOe. auD t^)e firttlje IJat^j fcncreD fcfi tjc fccont) anD t^icD bv t^cfc partes: one too is paft , anD loe ttoo to DCS arc vet to come after tbis. »?l)icljn»ancroffpeac^ Dott) nor bjcaUe of tbc matters, butframctlj tlje fpeacb mq^s t«r. ;Jfoi tbe popifl)c too ccafetlj not, ujljen tbe arucfeiQjc too comtnetl^ on , ■ fcnt affiictct!) the Cb«tct)es tcgctl^cc . sroat manner of fptafe^ng IS fetnotoncfoz ozDcrsfaUc . 0nD fd noto be Difcemetb tbc tbirDc too from tl?c feconD : figiafprng in DccDc t^at iKjal)omcts latoc ftjail mDure to ^t latt lUDgc:* incm: auD ^ct in tijc mcane tytne Ijc Dcii yetij not,but tbai pa j piftnfG)aUeominnefoIonga!ro, to^trof ^cbatbbfictofojc in t^e M . cbapt.D!rco!irfel) many tbtngs, after be \^:iXi tmiSc^t}^ tbe matters of ia^a^iomet m tbe i?,cbapt. arbercfoje x\^t fcjice of tbe :3lpo(lIcs tooiDcs fceme tb to be (bns : ytrn banc l^cacii of tbe firft ano feconD ttoo,t)eare furtbcrmoje alfo of t^tc t^ini andladttoo. anDtoemndmatfee Cto^iicbtbpngmafectb cbieflpfoz t^c tottfolation of tbe goiJlv) boto ti?e apoftle Captb eirpicQrelp,^ t^e fitft anb (ec5b tooes are pad. ;jfoj beftgmftttb » tbat t^icfe ttoo greated tpjantcs ft)aU bane an cnoe, anb tbat i5oD tiatt) p;eCcribeDtbemccrtavneliinittes anobounbcs, tobtc^tbep cannotpaOc.EcttJSiljerfoicrtio^ce, tbat igoD batijacarc oucr \3S,tobicb toill not negicctc Ds,noj pcnmttc t^e toicfcca to Doe nuitc tban is conncntrnt. ^e «wb 2rbetbicbtooft)aIVfticfee,notmt^gotIV,biitI)crfoic sDa- °"°"^ nielfavtlj alfo in tijc it.rljapt . ana tl)c tpmc (i)aU be ^aroe, foci) as ^atlj not becnc fincc tbc bfgmni«g of people . TBvit tDbent!jist»ot"l):iUbr,itisnDtcicpieaeD,noiDetermmeD,tioi •Ifo tbc Diiv> of iwDgcmcnt: toOtcb is fenotocu to t!)e father a* lone, anD tljerfoie mud not be fcavcbco of \)s ouercunouflp* 31t is fn^Ficicntfoi tos, tbat it fljall come fljoitlv. :JFoi p EoiD (aptb intbei3orpcl!,tbat^etijiUfoube electes raUea)oite« ^ tJjofe bacDe tpmcs. ano agavnc, tobcn tbcfe tbp ngs beginne to be Done,lookc top anD ipfte top voiic bear)s,foi vouc rcocp^^ tionappiocbctb ueare. But tbefc tljvngcc bcgmnc not noto to be Donc,bat acealccaDp accompUCl)eD.5[>?becfo?e it can not be cbofen, buttbat our rcDeinptton isatbano. ilvuap tbatt toptb tbongbtano care, ujbcrvuitb manp toimettbemrcIncB, tbat i5oD Dclapctb oner long,tbat l)c gcuctb oucnnitclj biiole to tbe tD(CfeeD,tbat t\it gouly are tocjceo too foicanD \\\ manec foiIafecn,anii mucb moze ncglecteo.ifoj tbctoeritie (aitb;2ln& bebolictJjc tbiro \a30 ftjall come quicfeIp,v^caoncrqtticfelv,tbat is to ra^,toi)itb rp?cDe anD in Due time, jf 0? m tbe tentb cbapt. iteaffirmco touitb a folcmne ot b>tbat be toil come tonto iitogc^ went, aao as concerning tbe toerv moment ano opoitnnitic of tbe tpme,geuc tbe glo?)? to i5oD,anDacfenotDleDge bpm to ijfc moft cjjqnifite opojtiinitic in tbe courfes of tpmes, ano in tU tbpngcsano creatures. }33beretbcrfozetbou confeOcft in tbv CreeDc: 3! belciic tbat tbc Hoio Qiall come from tbe rigbt ^auD of tbe fatber, to tuoge tte qtucbc ano tbe oeao: confe^i^ ftlCo tbat be \BpU come m one tvme. anD Ipbe as from tbc be^! ginning of tbe \x)oilD,be barb nciicr fo?fafee 0? ncglecteo tboCc tbatCenteo bim: fo \»ill be no mo^e neglecte tbem in tbe enD& oftbetooilo. ^01 to crponnDc tbc tbings tbat goe befoze bcre folpvoetb: Cbc fcuftb auD tbe fcucntb 3ungcU bieuj. ;jfoi be Declarctb tbat f iuagc ^nngdi isttotoatbana,anDtbatbcrapfetbtbc goalp ano tongoDlp bio»^«bti)e from Death: tbc goDiv tonto iop, tbe toicbcD to papne cuccla^ otj.tiompc. fting» 'S:\it\t fl)albe uc\i3 battels, but to tbc \23trfecD tonfcztu^ •tate, anDaltogetbermiCerabie. Df tbetroir.pct of tbis ann- gell,ponreaDmtbei5ofpc!lof^.f3gattb.mtbei4.cbapt. ^ in ^.J^aul in tlje^, cbap. of tbe ficft to tbc 3::bcira. lac Cl)oulo ^ . Vne no\i3 tbe tojbole manner $ DiCcourfe of tbat laft mDges ttwV* but t?e \xi\\\ oefercc it to tbe i^, auo , lo, cbapt. im tbe mm mcane C^,^ -tT' .-" The.lj.Scrmon ttt^^C tiJmi?, ice^ozBitjg as ^c ^at^ p?otnvfefi , |e toflrrcritif; t^e funoufnes of ^atban aga^nft tlje C^ucclj, $ ftoto l)t toill tfc t^ofc notable inOmmcnts t!)c olDc ant nctor iaomavnc igmpv?e, to coimnumurtl)cr,anD in manner to DeCccp ti^r C^nrc^: tu^erctn notto^^CanDtng tlje toicfeeD Q^all m t^^s too^lD aUo be put to mod greeuous pumd^ments . s^oxo a^- tnittittg,o? rather referuing t^cfe things to tt)etr ovune placr^ !5>cfettctbfojtl)t^cttiump5ntses, ceiopcinges, ana mict^* fongcsoft^e^amtes* Ci)e teiops 'S:t)t p;tDe ano arvoganctc of t^e totc^eD, atxxt c^tefip of t|e cpng of ti)e anttcb;tfttansbat^ feenteo ^etl)crto tnt^eU}0^lD mtoUera^ ^icm i0 bic:tbev^aneopp2e0cDt^>egoD!p,an5biaggeD of t^en:\)!Ca SS?? to?ies, boafteo of tbcic otonc (elicitic to^tbfnil mo»tb:anD as '^''"^"*''^* vxjcaiallbcaceint^cis.c^apt.of tbis boofee, t^at beaftbatl)^ fapDe: Bl fitte as ^ueene.and am no tD:t>o\3)c , and (l)all ne^* Merfccanvfoio\».;fojfucbfapingeB astbisare ^carDfcom laomc: all ismppjes arc ones. 3flt is fenotoen tpbat manner of tbVttjf^fe Auguftinus Steuchus anj^taltan anu cbtefe cbain^ pion of tbe popes bolvnes batb fet fo;tb m tbis canfe agamO Laurence Valla, abonttbe bonatton of ConOanttne, !^nti oap^ Ip are beartJ tbe bzags anb rciovcmgs of tbe paptOcs, of t^e enerlaOmg continnance off ^ea of iaomc,Df bcr ^icto?ie6,(E opp^eCTion of tbe p?eacbv«g of tbe eofpcU^ anb tbat tbe fame batljberpotucrftcetcbebtbzougbout tbe \rojlD.(EC. Butui tbatba^ CtDbatttmeour ^.o^bs^cfus Cbjift, a)allaboIvft)r all po\»er, rule^anb aut^o^ttie, anb Qiali baue maoe ail bis e^ nemtes bis foote ftoolc acco;btng to t})c Scripture in tbe now iaialmc.anbintbei.totbeCo2i«tb.tbci5.) srbcrt; Q?aU be ^eatb agavne tbe tjopccs of tbe giabe anb lovfnll fo?f, imging trnc anb cterna!! triinnpbfonges in beancn, foiiic an?cis anb ^aintesfljaUfing together: tobcrfoic tljetjovccs (bal be greater anb jho:e butabJc tban tbe t)ov«s of Cb?»fff s cnc^ mves,tobicb tali but a fraall fcafon. Cbc fong ;^urtbermoie, a!fo be rebeaitet^ tbe fong oj tntnnpbant pftbccu m'ttieanbreiopcing:tbcHpngDomfsoftbifrt»oilbare inaoc ^^*^ our?Loibes,anbbisCbiiftes,^beft)a!!rcignef03te«crmo3iC, Slmen. Bt lJ)ctoctb tv^o tbptigs, tbat all Ijvngbomes are tbe fat bers anb tbe fountsranD tbat be Q)all reigne foi cuermoie* ailfepngbomesujcreour ILo?b 3[iefus CbuiJes bcfo?c: but fbe fame appcareb not fo plapnelv taall men, tobat tyme tbe bVfi)op of iaoine alfo Vjfurpeb tbe fame to bpmfclfc , anb op^ meflfcs tbem ^ifb iJib onclv ntatntavnc tbe name of Cb?iU. temtntljatbav it fljall tniclvappcaretoall acfl^e,tbat all vpon the Apocalipfe. 155 Clap.Ji, feingbomcc tof re tucc.ana yet ccmayne tht one cternM god, Cbjift tijccfoic oncrcommcrlj, t!?e tcuctb owcrcommctij, tJjc iSofpcH oucrcommct^,t^ic iLi)wt\) oucccofnmccl? : t\)t^ t\m arc \)anqihQ)cD,aiaU ije IcD to ^cli : C3gal)omct toyt^ l)is, ano tftc25vrtopofuomc\»itt)ljts. STI^cceiaaDDCD, t6atCI)jill fl)all rcignc fo? cucrmo?e.ant!ct)?tft mDecuc ijatl) cc!gneD,a5 t^c toicfecD tjauc tciiimp^cD in t^is tDo:lD , 1)0^33 beic fo? a t)c^ rv ft)o;t time: but notu ttiall t^c goul^ rcignc tcitO Clj?ift fo; encrmoje. fjicithct Doet^ be noto DeuiDc tfe feingDomc of t^c ;jfatt)er anD tlje ^onne,bnt Qjctxjetlj it to be common, vobcre ht fa^tb tbat tbc feingbomes are mabe: tbat is to fav, it is o* penlp beclareD,t^at all bingbomes are i5ob t\)t fatbers , and ^tsfonnes, anb tbat be Q)a{l retgne toitb bis elect foz eucr^s tno?e« ^0 vott may fee t^at t^c place of ^ . )daulc may iiot be ejcpounbeb after tbelettcr,\»fticb is \»jirten in tbe. i. to tbe Coiint^.tbe i^.c^apt. tobcreitis fayb,tbattbe fonncmuft be fttbiecteb, anb beliner tjp t\)t feingbomc to bis fatber. fo} bt (l)allbeltucrtbe&ingbome,to\»icre, tbeCburci^: tbat is ta fay^be fl)aU b?ing,anD pKfcnt it to tbe fatber, anb in bis me« bers {l)aU be fubiecte to tbe fatber,toitb tsp^om nottoitbdan^ Ding be bymCelfe dial reigne foi euer. %tnft any man Q^oiilD doubt any i)?bit of tbcfe celelliaU miseries. 2^ ere is abbeb tbe toarramingtoojD, . I^otobeit be botb mozcpiaynely^ cjcpoumse aftertxjarb, tobat tbofc \}oyces are tbat bcre fpoUt in ^)eanett,tt)l^en be anncicetb tbc narration of tbe jcjciiQ.tgl^ Hers, anb of tbe tbinges ujbertoitb tbcy p?ayi"cD i5ou. i^nb ^eret^e moSgooMy a^bcautyfullozberoftbisbooHe (emetbtome\j3o?tbytobeobfer«cb ♦ 3lntbe begyanyngof tbis \iii\o \): b;ongbt in tbc fame elDer6,teacbyng iis by tbeiir tjcampleanb 0^ymncs, tobat \x>t aioulD bo : berc tbcrtoie be l>?yngetlj tbem in agaync alio ixi tl)c cnb of tbis ioiiion , tbat toe migbt be inttructeo agaync by tbcir toozues anb boyngs, Kot onely concernyng tbc iaa iut}gemet,Gf bbat foite it ft)a{i lje,moft rigbteons iioiibtlcs,33 all bis mbgcmecs are(tobicb tbe tubole tjifion appiouct'o ) but tbat alfo \xfc fl)ou{d tinber* ftanD,tobat becommctb ^s , anb tobat toe (I)ouId bo : \)ercly tbatme (boui&too^f^yp 0ob ,ani:i fubm:: our fclncs voboly tnto binuanb beleuc ftebfaSly tbiJt botb tbe iuDgcraeiu iljall affurebly come, anb tbat alfo it Qialbc n;Dft iiift. aJbe i^ymnc oj p?syer,\x)btcb tbcy oSfcr Mp bnto fSob , is % getting a Hynoe of p?ayfe . foi it is a tbanUclgcupng 01 rcioyiing foj of tbattfeesf*- teictoiy . fo} tbcir giuyng of tban^cs lama (5od ts in fncii tbjtejas tberctoit^ali t^cy commcbc t5o'o ?}igb5y ana reioyCr y,h grcatlg Chap.ri. '\ Thc.lj. Sermon gccatl^ in rt)C be^alfc of tljem fclucs antj of a!! tl)c goul? , fo$ t^cii;faliwt!on.;jfoit^cpgcue 0DDt^anfecsfo: t^cicfalaaj tion . anD commenu Ijis mftice anD tnitlj , tol^ic^ ^c fbctoct^ t\M\)\5 t)t3mDgcmcttt,mrcU}arDpng tl^c gooD tott^ good t^Vngcs > ano tt)c emll xaitl) euiti . sr$erfo;c like as t^cp rife out (itt\)tK cl^aircs atiD fall ootonc before almtgbtv 0oD : C:> ucnfo ougbttDcalfo botb novo atiD eucrtouo.w^crof isfpa lien nio:c in t\jt, 4. cbaptcc . ?^crc Ujc n)oulo leanic bamili^ ticano t^at i3oD alone is to be U}o;n)ippeD,anD t^at to b^m alone all pza^ers o^ tnuocattons, o^ geu^ng of tbanlies inuQ be oSfereo: ttje \»bic^ tbpng is clcane repugnaunt to t^c ido^ pift) Doarinc. :»7e fee noU) tbcic tbankefgeu^ng , tban tbe tobicb tio bet^ tcr can be founo^lTbev gcue tbSUes t)nto 0oD. Jlet "oq tbcr^ fo^e t^a^e bim to:^lfo tbep commeno ano ejealtebim^tobiicd t^ep call bim tbe S,o;D,anD i5oD almigbt^tano alfo tbev cele« b?ate bis maieftie^tobcce tbe? tuv : Vobicb art,$\sbicb ^afte, ono >OD\iit\) act to come . a;bcp alluoe to tbe toopes of i3oD, (poiteninolDtvmetoiSQofesintbe.;. ofi£)C0Dus.25vtbeDt^ uerfitieof times.tbeetentitie of i5od is figureo . ^utoftbtS tx^nnc of fpeacb 31 b^ue fpoken uioze in tbe firftcbaptet;* Cbiift In ^^ ^°^ ^^^ Declare , tobetf d;e tbep gene tbanlfes : fo| tuDsement tboubaQteceiueotbp great po\3)er,anobaCtveignco * i&ott rcceiuetb ticrclp ncucc la^D afioe bis potoec , tbat be nebetb to receiue power antj it aga?ne:but Wbtit time be fljetoctb not tbe fame , ano per^ fcpns^omc. tnittetb ^ecg mncb to tbe \)ngoblp , tbat tbep bp tbcir po\ajec can inftinge^anb p^euaple agapnO 0oDs toojD , be femetb to baue lapoe it atoap.i^bcrf o^e noto tbat be oppieffetb tbe \x)ic* Iteb^anoasa iubgeaouauncetb tbegoDlp,maintapnetb tb( trurb,an!) oeftco^tb Iping , be is trulp favo to bane receiued \)iQ great poioer.lLii^eVDife no^ is be fa\^D to reigne ^ not be^ caufe be reigneo not befoze : but fo; afmucb as t\)c JLotXi batb reignebin tbemiODcQ of bis encnivcs>fotbat rometvmeit toas DowbtfuU ano tjnccrtainc,U3bctber Cl^iiii rcigue ox an^ cicb^G: pea it batb femco tbat be batb ija^ tbe tppcr b&o>anlk iLbziS batb bent opp^effeo : no^ tbat H^W^ batg b^o^^enall tbe po\»cr of bis aDucrfaries,bc is lapD inoR tcKlv f o ceigne* i^uD ))erp tocU Erafmus aDmoutdKtb in bis aiiuotanons ^p5 tbe neU3 2;cflamcnt,tbat tbe tcaufiaccur baa turncDmojc aprelp, Eb^ctie»fas,\^ b^ baD fapD,tban baS obtcineo tbe fepnjSa oome.;jfoube 2.attnme {^'^^Reg»autt,^z\^x{) rtigneD,U?bJc(> batb left rcignpng : as tijcp bauc liueD , V^bic';? line no moie^ Ijitt \»itb ibe fSrecfccB it ie ct|?cru?ifc ai :^e icft U)irt' in rbefe vpontheApocallpfe, 156 Cha^,ji, tDOtDes.lTo our iw^^t mod mCt^moS mtgljtte , ^ moil n^^ teoufi,bcp?apieaiiiigIojv>fc?cuccanDeuct'.amett. .; -^^.t i^2u|;2 fljanfecfgeu^ng of ffje (l!;lD0r0i£i erpounDcctbe fem^ pic ts opcneD in fjcaucn,tl)e j^rkc appcaretft , anD tficrc tuere maoe ligtjtenynacs.f f . The ii.Sennon. A Nd the heathen were angry, and thy wrath is come, and thetyme of the dead that they (houldbeiud- ged,andthar thou fliouldeft geue reward vnto thyfer- uauntcs the Prophctes and Saintes , and to them that feare thy name , fmall and great : and (houldeft deftroy them which deftroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened in Heauen« And there was fene in his tem- ple the Arke of his Teftamet: and there followed lighr- nynges,and voyccs,and thundenngs, and earthquake,^ and a great hayle^ 31 QjctncD ^ou^^oto tl^t fBlnttQ niti (a gcuc t^anftcs tiitto ^Df tf^eiaff J5oD foj t^cic fiJlttation,as tbcrc toitUall tlje^ c)ctoUc&i5oBS laogancnt* tigljtconfncs , anD cjcccUcnt trut^ , to^ic^ ^c (^ctoctlj in \)^s tnoft cig^ttouB luogcmnu VD^crcm ^e rctoacDet^ t^e goiil? tDttl) tud re\:}arZ)cs , attD plaguct!^ ti^e tDtcl^cD toith Dcfcrtitd pum(l)mcnte0 . atiD tjttzicr t^ts figure of fpcac^ t^ey teac!;e %s,t!)at bot^ t^e tuDgcmec D^all aOitrtil^ come , mto t^at t^e fame m tbpngeB Qiialbe md&^ol? and ht&.:moulD j5od t^e^ tooulD Dtltgentlv confttier t^cCc t^v^ngcs totcl) t^cm fdues to^tcbmdgc tt^emto tali^eoftri8cB,tl)atmaUe mcmioti of t!)at ^o^riblc anD moft (lratg!)t laft tuDgctncttt. ;iFo2 toelool^c foi tbvngcB mo?e terrible , t^an anp toung be it neucc fo tloa quent is able to cjcpzelTc* . Bt rebearfctb tbc ^zatb ojtviamt? ofMfBcts, againft t})C cbe tptm- feiptbfuU cmcUp anD coatinuaUv qcccuteo , ^ca $ tbatinfucb oefo^ntJj «* toife,asraan^tbougJ)t i5oDtobcfo blocfeift)as be ueitbcr come. tooiilD noi coulD be angvv.Btit tbc cluers cictotl iSoDs trutb intbe cpcciition of 3[mn!cc,auD fav tbat bis tozatb is come Up potttbcm. tDoubtlcOttljc bolv J^?opbet£S ot{5oD ba»e aU toa^ea tbieatncD pmua>mcntcs , tcttifi^ug tbac iSou is an=s grp^ botb toitb tbe Ciiincrs auo toitb Cinues : but foj afirmcb aa t^c ttjjatl^ of 0011 apy earen not imjneDiatl^ , tbe piopbcta. ckij>.ix> Thc.Ij .Sermon fcntc!) to Co? met! toitlj \)avnc tcrcours.Sut no\»,fap t^c d- Dcr8,tte trut!) bnt!) appcate!),anD tljc Ujint^ of i5oD is come, ana t!)c tojat^ of i5oD,Cl)ctoct^ it fclfc in tl;c iuft tjcngcauncc ofiSoo, Cbc t^me iaeiozcottcc tbcv tUQ\\ t\^z tnttlj attD iufticc of jCod , fo: Of ti)c ucat) tljai tlje tynic of i^t Dcao te commcit , t^at tlje^ ma? be mn^ tj0 com;. gcD . ^ctl^ccto \o\n\t^ tl^c \x)02lD fio;ttfl)eD ^ tt)cv femrD to tell fabicij,U3l);Cl? rpaUc of £l>£ cefuccectiS of tijc licaD,anO tbcl^fe to comt . ;Jf 01 tgc ccfiirrc ctton of tl)c ocao toas contemncb of tl)c pbtlofopbcrs.auD tncn of r^is UJOjio.But t^e HXtynzt^ Moiw^c tljat tbe fame tv^ne is come , ano tijat tlje rscao arc te- niuco , tijat 10 , tbat tlje boO]?e« of tlje oeao arc rpfcn aga^ne, auocommcn totuogcmcnt. in^b^roftl^e iapoaicfpeabpng: toc muft all favt!) I)e , apycare openlp befoje tl^e iuogemcm fcate of 0oo,t^at cucrp one ma? receiue fuc^ tbpnges ae arc toncb^tbe boo? acco^opng as itt)at^Done,to^ct^et; it be gooD oj twxW.i.. Cozimb.tbe s, cbapter. ^oD (n t!)e ^urtbermoje tbc? moil !)tgbip commeD iScbs mfticeaittt tusgemcnt trmb,\»bcn tbcp Declare f )cact!?,bo\a3 f3oD b? bis iwii iubge:* i»ii require inent,renD?etb to f ucr? one tbac tobtcb is bis . ^t Declaret^ t9« mif* tbcrfoze ttibat be retDarDctb,anD tobom be rettiarbctl^ . ;Jf irft b^ pa?et^ \xiages o^ b?^e . fQ% re^aiaro is pzomtfcb of i5oii umogooo\»ojbes.;fojmtbc.i3. of3Rerem?t^cJLozbfa?tb: rcfravnc tbe tjo vce from tocpvng , fQ% tbcre is a rctoaru foj tb? U)O^He » ^no ti^e !Lo;d fa?tb aifo in t^e iSofpell , be glao aub reiovfc^fo? pour revxiaro is great in braucn. ana agayne: tbefonne ofmanQjall come in tbe glo;vof bis father toitl) ^is aimgcis , anb tban ftjall be renoer to euer? one after bifi>o tbeapo&ie(a?D,tbateucr?one muft rifein^is j)\xme bob? , tbat euer? one ma? receiue fucb t^?nges as are bone b? tbe bob? , \]3^et^er it be gooD o^ euill . n^biteft t\^i% tooilb ao]itft)etb,anb tbe toicbeb retopfe in tbeir tioluproours nes\anb tbe gobi? are afifiicteb,anb afifticte tbem felues U3it^ conttnuatl mouifi?ng •> tbefleQ) inbgetb tbat tbeCe lofe botb labour anb coa:but tbe otber to be ber? bapp?. roW^ t^png isalfoDccIarcbintbet^p^oanb fourtb cbaptcr ofiBQaiacb?* £3ut at tbe iaft mbgementtt Q^ail finall? appearc>t^attbe gobl? banc not laboureb in ba?ne , not tbe t2)iclieb contemn neb 00b , anb befptCeb gobivncs tinpuniClieb . fti% 0ob re^ toarbetb euer? onc,aftcr tbe qualit? of bis tooike: tbe to^iclj ^c callctb tijagcs.iftciicrtbeleUe,tbe goDi? m tbe meanct?me abul'e not tbts Ca?mg,but acknowieoge tt to be of free mere?, t^at t^c? ^aue bclcueo , anb tu^oug^t U)cU t^ojongb gooo ta?tb; vpontheApocalipfe, 157 Cha^.ju fe?tlSi:«nDt5d[tt^cfamc gooDUJOjbv^S outlines istl)eifo?c acfcprcD of Cod , bcraufc t^c? be in Cljjift . ix^Dcccof 31 Ijaue tDjitKu intljc. 3. c totct. £>ftl)c grace of iSoD fuSiripng , tnbcrc Ji tiaue Ojeujcu t^at iielcrwpug can not be groauDCD ^pont^ctoojD toagcs^bV^PjOKctcarD* ^cconDlv t^cy ucciarcto totjom ^e pavetJj ujagcs : 311 fey '^o &l)om to ttwo foztcs of men: namclp, to t^e gocc anD to t^c baD. a= rcroarac iik gapnc %z ccaccountct^ many fevnJico of gooD men . ;Jfiril ^c Sf«"»' cailetbtbcmt^creruauntB of£3oo,a3 t^sp tbat bc^fubiectc to f^e commanniicincnt of iSco alone, aiiD obcp Jjitn in all twinges. )a? ann by be nanietb t!)cmp2opbcts,tbat 10 to fay, teacbcrs of Cbuccbes, £l)f tobofe date moe tbmgcs are fpob^ tn t^c ii.cbapt.STbefe fccme to be moje tinfojiunate ti^an any otbrrs tn tbc uioi^D, andareaccoutpteD of ntauy as great of^ fenocrs, to:;fcl) being taben out of t!?etDa';?, ailcicarcnefle ftjoulD fecnif to coinc agayne . srbercfo je be tbep iuftiv rcacs> countcB \\\ tlje rcgnlcr of rbem, \a\yvCi) rccciue a reUjatD of tbc 2LoiD, to \X3ir, in cecompencc of t'oeic traucll. 0i)o?£ouer, into tbis ar rotintc cc me a!fo tbe ^aints^bat is to fay, all tbe goD» ly,tx»v'icbbcmgfancnr"»eD tbionjb f^v^t^toub tbc fpirite ani^ tloua of i5oD , baue lyucD an boly life, beepmg tbcmfclues from all tunjlclyljncicancneae. ^urtbermoie, in tbe goal? retoarct ano nnmbcc of boly ^aintcs are cccltoneD fucb as feare tbc name of tbe HojiD: tbat is,tbcv tbat be tjccy boly ana tchgtousinueeDe. finally Icaftanyman ftjoulDibiuUeany cf x^t faitbfuU ejcclnDeD, be aooetb: 1:0 fniali and gpcat : tbac 13 to fay,t3nto men of all ages, Gate,anD ic]ce.(Ec. after be commctb to tbe cmll, ano aUDetb : anu fljonlDeK ^{,j.*-oj«. ucCcoytbem tbat DcUroyeD tbe eartb. STbefc tbinges fccmeD^^rorS bo^rotseo of x\^t p;opbets,\X)bic^ mabe mucb mention of tbe t\\t\u \x>\y!^ ucilroyers of tbe eact^, tobomtbe JLoio ftjoulb Deftroy at tbe Dcftro^^. tcngtb. anDtmoertbenamcof Deftroyers !^3cbn DnDcr^ tijfccattiju. CanDetb firlt STy^anntes, |&inges,attD jaiinces, tbat be pcr^ Cecntonrs of tbe Cbnwb. aiCo mcuof toarre ano foullnours, tsjbicb by ^jniuft twarces beftcoy all tbinges vuitb fujo^o ana lire, ^econoly, be V)nDcr{lantJetb^niitft3]atjgc8,moKC»cc oppzeffours of t^e poo?e, tcljicb afflicsc to tt;o\a3e0,anD Mt^t fa^ tbculca"c:mojeouertobicb »n Vjfune, iK^'itt^ oeccitcfulnege, cjcto^fion, anD euillmeanes are hurtful I to all men, ano by tbeirtmfatiablecouetoufncebiccQca Deartbcf ail tbyngfs^ jFmally, \33bicb ^'^ toboJcDome ^ aDiioutcic Defile aiiD buaUe i)xjly matrimony. Haa, bcrctiUes i^ciiroy tbcearib, ^xii ftjcb^ aemfecieinentDiii^co^ruptf Doctrine, t^m Du^eU V)pon tbe- ehaf'ji. The Lj. Sermon anD trt»ptours,anD ortcc uiicfecD mtn, l^crbitton ntit Ojall t^c Ho^D Dcilrop tntt^ cneclaaing Deftrttmotr, 10 not to a= fo as t^ep t^ac pcrtQ)e, a)all not ceafe to be, bm a^ail become boiiQie. tnuc^ mo^e tntfcrabtc, tobplcft tbep ace teiced tti^tb torments tbat neuer (l)ai! bane enDe.ti^ntbnftes anb p^Dtgalt perfons are fapD to be iolt, anb "^ti in pend^tng tbu0,tbep ceafe not to hti bttt p;tiErceeDe baptp to be ino^c mtrerabU> tobicb is pecbi» tiottitfelfe. «oD opc= :>f Hctbcrmo;e^ ^.BRobn boubletb iW boctcineof tbe xta ncti)beauen toacDe of fbegoDi^ : and tbatt»btcb before be tceateb tinbec to w , ti)at tbe founne of a tbanbfuU p^reanb a topone tnumpbing,be t^ep loobe ptopounbetb noU) cdfequenti? tbe fame as it \xitxt to beftne Up to ^pm. to^tl) t^e eves bp a tjifion celcllial. anb be cnbetb tbis tjifioti rrtmlp U3ttb tbe opening of tbe aremple, tobtcb bcbega tooptb tbe opening of beanen* ^o^be loutng Ho^bopenetbtobts feruannte bcan^ it felfe to be (eene of tbe epes of our minbe, to tbe enbe toe Qjonib no toberc Donbt of tbe glo^p picpareb fa^ \}s in beauemo^ rap,tvbo batb (eene tbofe celefttaltbtngee tbatarepzomifeo bsi ;f ot Itteas tbe bleflfeD fatber8,tbe p»o« pbets anb ^potties bane bao manp t)if ions of tbis fo^t, effect tuail, true, $ goblp: ^o map euerp one of ts vuptb tbe epes of our mpnoe tbiougb true faptb loolse into beauen it felfe. 31 Iknou? vuel tbat t\^t )»o^iblp men pafle notbing \)pon fucb t)t^ (tons, as of U)bom tbe Eo^D in tbe i3ofpctl batb fapbe : ^be tDO^ID can not receiue tbe fpirtte of truetb,becanfe it (eetb bttn not, neitber Itootoetb btm*!Let not t)S care fo^ tbeir^ccoum. Cbe temple ^^^ t3s fee tberfo;e,\»bat is prepared fo^ tbe feruauntes of of (Sob ope <5ob in an otber too^lb. jpirft ^.3i|obt((a^ beauSop^: noto, in beancn. in bcaucn it felfe be feetb aifo tbe terp temple of i5ob open to all tbe goblp.Bp tbe temple of j5ob,be tmoeraanoetb t^^t iu cretes of i5ob, tbe intoarbe (tp^iuie partes of beauen, tober^ into be \3)iU receiue all beleeuers to tbe fruition ofbpmfelfe* But in tbat biuine temple of beauen, toas feene tbe^rlie of Srbetntbe ^(^ 2rcGament. ^Q\ i5ob mabea couenaunt o; league Uiptb Cemyie. t\^t faptbfull,tbat be toooulb be tbeir i5ob, tbeir f nines , anb a tnoO plentifiill ^ea of all goobnes, a moftabounbaunt , ano moS (ufficient plentie of all tbpnges. 2rbe confirmation, te« lhmonp,anb beclaration toberof is tbe i^rbe of conuenaunte» tbetjerpfcnneofidoD, inujbom bUielletb all fnlneOfe of tbe ^obbeab, anb in \2)bom \»e be mabe pcrfccte * fQ% be is tbe arise, intiobomarelaptietip allbeauenlp treafnres, full of Srace anb kw%%\^\z ^r^e of goob ti^ingcs^anb of eternaU feltcitie. vpon the Apocalipfe. 15 8 Cka^.iu fcliritic,appcarct^tii^fa«cu. ;jfojt^c tonne of iSoa ts tn t^c ttnoncofiSoD.arijelibccaUanDboumuaUfatljcr of l?caiic« toill potoze out tljis arkc \)pon Ijts c^ilozen^gcaimtmg tt>em ftll Ijcaucnl^ giftcs tljiouglj Ctjzlfl bis oncl? fonne , fo as \xjc tnap ht pactafeccs of all Cbztftcs bcncfitce, ciicn to tvs tet^? i5ool)cao \jjljcnn be cpccllttb bts bjct^icn. ^crebp it appca* retb, bo\M OBJofcs picpacco tbc 3lrfec,aftec tbe ocainplc of tbe Camet»bicb i^e(a\»e in bcaucn : auD \sbeceof tije ^rUc of t^e (onenaum toae a ftguce»$c. £)t^et:^ifetDeQ)aibcat:etnt^ 21.cbapc.of tbis boobe^tbat ti^cre is no temple in ^eatten.^c* ST^cfe mod beautiftUl twinges to be feenc, ano moQ plea^ fatmt to be beatb, t\it fonne of i3oo barb Tec fou^ to be feene and ^cacD of ts. Confcqucntlp beaODetb, tbat punifljmcnts arc prepared fo^tbctDtcKcD: ano tjrponnoetb tbe fame alfo J)i«erfelp,anofettet()t^einfo?t^to be feene. ^ct^erto tocce ^nuugijte= inaoeltgbtenmges,topces,anDtI)unDening0.$c. bpreafon mnsstocre oftIpeQ)m?ngoftbe^ol^0boftmtot^et»o;lD, to^o b^atx)- maDc. rt^jCticretb, anb fcapetb men bp tbe Doctnne of truetb : bnc ti^t mabbe tooilDe tooulb not tnberRanb, no no; fo muc^as |)eare t^e manner a^ \Da^ of (aluatton: ano tl^erfoze tbe beuine iuQtce requtretl), tbat tbcp Q^onlD be taulfeeo \Dtt^all m an a> tber language,anD fo bp tbe mft iuogement of iSoD are mabc ligbtenmge.^c, ^nb bv tbto ^eape of \vozDs beftgntftetb.t^e ^o^rtble puuta)ment tbat eob MoxW fenbe tjpon tbe luicbeD. 22lnDI)efeemetb tobaue allubebtotbe bumvngof^odomc, anb alio to tbe too^bes of tbe i5oDlv idzopbet: it Cball rapne topon ftnners fnares, of fpze, bziiuflone, anb fptrtte of tem^ pctt,in tl)e ii.pfalm. :n^crfozei6 t^is tJifion conclubeo , as tbe flo^v of ^.iS^attbctDCs i3orpcll: anb*tbcfe Qjall goe mco ruerlaatngpumfljtnent, anb tbe lufl into life euerlaHiug. xot bauc in tbefc t\^\:^x laft chapters, tbe tW^ part of t^is boofee, anb a notable abjibgcment of tt)c ijcclefiatticall ao?p, from t^e tvmc of ^. 3iabn lanto tbe too^lDcs enbe:\xi^icrtou^ toe are tnaructeb x\\ tbe true faytb, anb arc abmoniajcb of all pcrillcs m\^ treafons, tobcccbv tl)e tmefavt^ is aOaglcb, to tbe cntem tbat being tijatcljful toe map beu»are of all cozrap^ tion anb craf tie febucmg>anb be mabe fafc.:^o i5oD be pzaife anb glo?p, i[2:bcbefcriptionofflieCburc]&, anb off be rebS>;agon, fighting agatnS tbe Cbnrcb* T he Lij. Sermon, Y.iii/, And Chaf. TJ, The Lij . Sermon 'Nd there appeared a great token in hea-' Cb«". tlW/A'^vfB woman clothed with the Sunne, *' ^* ^^^§^^^andtheMoonevnderherfeetc,and vpon her head a crownc of xii«ftarrcs .And ilicc . was wy th childe, and crjcd trauayly ng in birth, and payncd ready to be dcliucred. And ^herc appeared an other token in heauen, and be-? feolde a great red Dragon, hauing feuen heades, andxi hbrnes, and fenen crownes vpon his heades : and hys tayledrcwethc thirdepartofltarresof heaue andcift them to the carth.Ancf the Dragon IVoode before the woman, which was ready to be dcliuered: fortodc- uoure her childe as foone as it were borne. And fhec brought forth a man childe, which fhould rule all na- tions wytharoddcofyron : and her fonne was take vp vntoGod,and tohisfeate. And the woman fled into wildernes, where (hee had a place prepared of God, that they (houldfeedc her there a thoufand two hun- • drethand«Ix.daycs, (trhe tahn ^^^ (OUttl) part of tI)IS bODfeC C]C!)!llitCt5 to tJ0 Hit tf^>^ttt SoDifaofi- ^ifton,\3)^ir^ others tbatDiiuDctljcicconD into ttoo, m^e tiou of tw tht fOMttb. 3in tijc fccciiD Mian the ILcjo batt) oftltimcs attO boo&e. mucb nta^c mention of t^c pci fccuticn av:D figl)t of tijc fatt^^ fiill agaptitt anticl^iift^anCi clje \uicbca r tjemtcs of CoD.cfpc^ cfall^ iutljc 6.p.ano i^aptcrB. Dc pzccccDcth tljcrfo?c not» in t\}t tijtru Xnfion, ano t^at abcuuDaiulv to mfcourrc of t^e fame confiictc, auD to fct fojt^ t!jc tJjvng it fclfe as tttucrc to ht (ecne uj vib t^c cpcB,m tl^t ti)ict cbapters nrrte foluto^ns, Ci)c argtfc: iiajneli?,itt tljc ix, 1 5,14. ?&c rcpcatftft all tijingcs mo?c oecpcs; ntcntof t\)^. lv>aniiticrcribctVaudpandDthgcittIv ti)c s^uttcs of tbis cd^ 12.1t.14-. fitcre,anD after tljefigbt it felfc» WUtctoiz after be^atb once €\)m^0. DcfccibcD t^c cfjurcl), tobtcb abvticti t^c bjunt of tbps toatre, betiefmbetl) affo tbe Dzagon tbat mouctb the \}?arr, ano De« clarctHo^ tjufitv be toatcbctb: anDagavnc, Icaftanv man {QoulDbcotrcourageo.beaoiicthbotu i^uIucUciv bef^Sbtctb: Viccelvbcraufe C\)iiii oucrrommttbbpm, ano 0oli bvntr* rctb anD aifappoituct^ bi3 cmcrpjtfc6,vclbine Iviu \3anqm3 (bcDtotbcftiptW»l. i3S5oitouet:, bcDefcribcil? tbccbicfciti* 6rmncntc0,VDbtcb^atbant)f€tbina6auU]?ug ant) pctfccu^ tiwQ t^c iS^i)m(i) to t»ute, t\)i olDe ano ncwe i^omaine x^m^ pnc; vppon the Apocalipfc; i^p chaf.tT. pitej^ tljerttt alfo Dcfcnljct^p foule jaopcDomc, to^enn aw* ttc;)2ift is alfoimelp pointed . I3p anDbv after t^cdccUca^ tiotioftgcCetjnlttcfep tljvHgs, fo? tycconfolationanu comfoit oft^cgoDl^J^^eaDDctljrtijattljcIam^JCftanDct^ neucctljcicffc en j96)aum ^tou tv^e a c0qnrcour, ^aiuug I^is Ci^urci? voic^ ivm, Ijo^focucrt^istooilDeragiet^, anD bcneuccfomao'jc atiD ccacll, tijat f gofpcl is pjcat^cD m Dcfpitc cf a;iticl^2ift,$ tl^nt all men be teamed to bcuiarc oi; !^ntic^zt(! : toqcce alfo l^eticgtnnctt)toti:eateofti)ctaDgcmcut of 0oii agapt^Q tl)e tDicfeeD,to tl)t enoc to mafec ^ps iwa^ to t!)Ofc tijvngs tt)!)ici> ^e tofll fpeafec in t!)c j. pact, touching t^c pannes oi pimi^* inmtsoftt)Ci3lmic^;tQian8,U}l7ic!) trcattfc ^c beginner^ tti tl)C If. l^et^erto tljcrfoic Ijc tccatct'q of t^ef igoc oj conflicte of t^e Cf)uccl) anD of tljc U)ic(tcD, namclp, of ^ntictj^iil, to^om t§c2>euilt!jc father of all mnttl)ec« of all miqumcinfp:rctt)» ar^cciozc lifee as tl)i5 tw^olc beoKe te rafte out cf t^c fcrip- J^^f^ mres, anD cicpana^iet^ cjccecDmglv rjjcll t^c oloc fcriptwrco: tajlmour* fo tbcfe tl?^ngcfi alfo \DbicIjarcbp ano b? in t^e bcg^nn^ng of t})cii,iri> ccbcacfeo, fcemcto bctafeeoKtof t^es.cbapt.of i3m. ro\itii cijaptrr of t^elLoiDfa^t^:31ttiillpmcnmitie bcrajijft t^jcc (ineanpng mes . i^cttber is it a flraungc o;i mcnn,t'ic' care ibpng,fince at tbc ttrU bcgynupng cf tbinges i\it ujoma cijurcb. began to repicfent tbetvpe of iDbudes fpoufe tbe Cburcb^as is to be fcne in x^t.t. of Ocnef . at^D fo Ijatb tbe apoCle tps pounocb tbc r^pc in tbe. j. cbaptcr to tbe igpbef. 31 uecbc not RO\33 to recite , tbat ^fa? batb oitencr tban once rcfemblcD iSrods CI)urcl) ^ocer rl^c tpprof a \2)oinan: rcio^ce t^ou bac^ y.'n^ ten Chaf.i2. The Lij. Sermon t'm <^, iaaulc to t^c i5atar.4. ctjaptcr ^atl) (ct fo;tl) sara as a figure of t^e C!)urcl) : \Dbic6 Salomon airo in ^is Canticles niff oiicfeD at lengtl) m Dcfcnb^ng of ^is^c C^itrclj ti)anis t^attDOtnan coupleo U)it^ C^^ifi Ijecrpoufc in true faptl? ano conttnuaii tone.i^ftet: t)e applvetl) cemine tl^vngts (euerallv to t^e tEtrgin jOQacie,\)nto to$om nottDtt^fiaDvns t^et^Vnges tl^at go befoze , $ folloto after no not altogetl^ec agree : Ul^tcb t^Vng bOtb Methodius ano Primafius dOQ^CtO) ano otber cicpoCitourealfoVDitb great accoiDc. «:hcft)o- ^^^® tooman is clotbeD toitb tbe fMnnc . ^^c^criptuce mkifl cio^ callet^ Cbiift tbe ftmne of tigbteotiCnes^anD iigbtof Ivfe . i^» tf)eD ispti) idaule coinuiaunbetb tbe Cburci) to put on c(im(I * i^e timers ti)c ftmne. fo?e is tl)e ltgbt,tbe life ann rigbteoufnes of t^e C^ucc^ . Idt Cb^iOt^e nabeones of t^e cburc^ iseoutren.cii^ift tst^^e ornament and beatttic of \\^t C^urc^: t^^ongt) \m- it Q)i?net^ intbetDo;ID. Ci)c moene ^^<^ iSQoone is fnbiect to alterations , and tjaciabie , ann DnoeT \ixx teceiuetb funb^v co!ours:(l)e increafetb , anb becreafet^ : anD feete. . alt^oug^ it Q)pne,^et appearct!) it al^a^es full of fpottes , 9 bo^rotoetl) b^t^ligbtof tbe ^unne . srb^t^catl courfes ant alterati0s of t^mes^anb tobat foeuer is mutable anb co^rnp' ttblein t^istDO^Ib,aIl affections alfo anb infirmities , tbe Cburcb treabctb Vinber ber feete . ail tbe ligbc ttpat fl)e ^at^, a)e^atb it of Cbiitt , tbe ligbt of ber rig^teowfnes increafet$ w^\i becreafeti? : fitiall? %t gatberetb aluoai^es fome fpottes of tbe nature of fle(l)s tobicb Clie can not leaue but bp beat1;» ^^erfo^e tbe C^urcb Cl)tnetb ix^ ^tt^t , botobeit Q)e feeletii fomebarlbcneffeastl^elloitbbat^fa^b alfo:euerp b^aunclje bearing fruite be purgctb,tbat it ma^ b^ng fo^tb mo^e frutte* anb be t^at is v»a(l)eD,is ail cleane , anb nebetl^ no mo^e but to\ua(l)^isfeete» % crownc ;lf uttbermo^e a crotDue is x\it bonour of tlje lE^eab , anb t^e of ttociuc fiStte of a It^ngbome . Cbuft is tbe ht^wiit , comei^nes anii aarrc0. ^?ng of t^e iDburcb. Sin tbis cro^ne are no precious fiones> but (farres. ;^o; )aatriarkes,tbe is^opbetes, anb tbe ttveluc apo(lle9,U)6tc^ b^ue iigbt of t^e crotone , anb poure out tl^c fame into t^e Cbutcb,are \x^ Cb?itt anb bo botb beautifie anb inligbt^ tbe Cb«ccb.iderebp tbcrfoje is ftgnifieb tbe boctrinc oft^cmtntaers,as in tbe fird cbapter of tbis bool(e. /i^eitbec ; is tbe (l)invng mtnilierietbe fmatlea portion amongeftt^ moO eiccellent tb^ns^s of tbe c^urcb» 08)o}couer c^ toomaa l^atl; in ^e( btll]^ x>^\vO^ tn a uu tctne vppontheApocalipfc; i^o Chaf.12, ttfne p^fe of {))cac^ ts ae mttcb to Civ, as rl)at tdcmatt tsas 3. CHomnn tpitb c^tlD:anD ^ao not onelp a great bellpcae tee (ap)i)ut af^ ^£^tL ter tl^emancc of tootnen trauelpng cneo out, ano laboureo $ nearebeK toas fill of pa^ne tl^at O^e mtg^t be oelmereD.^bic!) p|oper= traucii. Ip appectcinctb not to t^c ^Etrgm iSQanc , but to tt)c Cburcb* ^0; tb^ougb tbc ficft p^omife o#4^ati)Ie(reD feeoe , tbe p^tmM tiuc c^urct) concciueo a mod aflUreo bope, tbat at tbe Icngtb tbe fonnc of i3ob,(tobtcb ^as tbc p^omtfeD feeoe tbat (bottlD b^eabe tbe Serpents beab)a)oulD be bojne of a t^tcgin^sroei; foze Did tbe Cburcb toitb an earned Defire^anD tottb mod fer^ tt^ p^avers court ano \xitfi)) tbat Cb;id mtgbt ones be bojne in ano bp tbc ejccelientmember of tbe fame tbe bolp turgine^ 0Qo^eouer £b?id te begotten in bte faptbfull , voben tb;ongb \ix% ))crcHc tbcp be regcnerateD.;lf oi ^.idaule,raitb tbus: m? title cbilD)en,tubom 51 traneUagaihe,tiU Cb^id \^t (bapeo ttt poa.arbe Cburcb tberfo^e trauapletb , ano b^ingetb fo^tb af;> ter ttoo fo^te0:bODpIp,tobtled flje earnedfp couetetb toitbout papne,tbat ii\i\\^ mtgbt be bo^ne of tbe tirgine: ano gbodl? bpfaptb ano regeneration, t»bilcdfbe Deftretb to bemaDe conformable to cb;id m ber members . srbts tberfo;e is tbe nature ano Difpofition oftbis woman: tbat banpng bartl^ Imb^aceD Cb^ides incarnation ano ber reoemption bp bvm, 0)e ttJottlD fapne be Unoti^en to manp : ano tbat many tpmes fl^e luiO^etb to be regcnerateo ano refo^mcD after t|)e Jimage ofCbMd. %%\% is \jerelp a gooDlp Dcfcription of tbe Cbarcb^l&cre^s ^.t,. ^^^ ttnto compare tbem , \Dbitb at tbts Dap fet fo;tb tbemCelues ^tion of toitb tbe title ano pretence of tbe £bnrcb:anD iuDge,boU} toel tbe cburcb. tbep agree toitb tbts Defcrtption. But tbis true C^urc^of t^^%i^ is b^ougbt in Daungcr ano battell* 2Let bs bearenovb iw tbe feconD place, anD as it toeteon ^eo(£: tl^e contrarp part , tobat maner one is tbe aDuerfane 0? tx^t^ crtptton of tnp of tbe Cbnrcb:to witte tbat olD ^erp^t, tobicb batb bene tbcDeutu a Iper ano a murtberer from tbe beginning tbat ouer olD anD Jnocr ftc onertoicfeeD topgbttbeonclpautbourofall euill,ofall miT- Sf^'^J^* d)icf,of all crrours,of alliniquitp, anD of al murtberano bit ^^^^^^ quietnes, eue tbe Ungracious Deuil, \))bom aftertsjaro be cal^ letb ^atban, tobom be tcrmctb tbe febucer of tbe U3o;lD, anD tv^om be oecbetb Vuttb o({ier titles.mcte fo; bim. jTbis is tbe S)?agon,pea euen tbe great 2D?agon, to sxiixtt ^c jrcat of great potxier tb;ougbout tbe t»o;lD in bis members . :^nD JDjajsotu a dragon, for bpcaufe inolDtpmebetoo^e tppon bpmtbe ll^ape of a ^erpent,anD oeceaueD our fo^efatbers . M Dja^ gons Chaf,t2. TheLij.Sermon gone Plinie attH ot^f r anttiours Myjxtt man^ %ngcs ♦ "Sift fcSky.i.j. ^cnptnccmfomcplacc5,callctfttbe2)emUa tojptijen^ccfi pent. ^02 ^c 15 toonncrfulirttbrill.anD can tnme $pm Ccife xa to folDes tnfmtte^t^at i)e ma? Dtccaue,and bepc t^e Dcceaneli incrrour. IRei>. ^^ *^ *^^^» ^°J ^^ *^ ^'^^ ^''^^^^^ ^"^ Wow^ of ^amtc« and of mnoccntcs»a rig^t blouu fjounuc , tl)e parent antt patron of all perfccutonrs ano blouDp foHlDiourB. In tint Dtcbe^et tbe fpottcs of t^)c blouD of abell.l^e fmellctb pet,of t^c a)CD» D^ngof tljcWouD of tt)e}a?opl)etc0,anD aponics. ^euen ^Uo i)c tatb (euen ^eadeetanB lipon eiicrv one of t^em ts i)eaD0,? ten fenc a ccotDncrovall.fectatt alfo ten bo2ne6.;Jfoitl)cS)enai ^o;nw. 15 caUcu tJje iSuncc of ttis \330?lD:anD ^att in tjcrv fici>c bene goucntouc of t^e tuicbci) rulers of all ages , anD rpiig leaoct; of all tonnes oz blouODp mealmes. Be vtjas tbcrfo;c tt)c ^eai»^ of Ninus , t^c Jti^nganD ^?incc of Pharao , cbief Captainc o! Balthazer |Jt?ng of Babylon , of Cambyfes alfO tljejacrfian , Of Antiochus t^c i0Qacebontan,cf luiius Cae&r tljei^omanc , and ItfeetDife of all ot^er t^zauntes. Csric. %\^z jDjoptct 2gCa? called a falfe pTop])ct,ti6 tavle,bp rca» Con of ^is foottpng and flattering tuoiDes , toz tbat tottt) |fi& meal? niombann (Vxjete u^oz^es , pe crepeti) in fauouc txittln great me. srtcrfoictwit^flattervng anu Deceauab'.c\»ojl>CB, ant) i^g p^omtfe0,tobcre\37ttb (as in tpmes paS) \^t pzomt^ Cittt bis u?o^Q)ippcrs gotilp tbvnges^be alluretb ftarces, tbat is to fa?,pzeac^ers ano notable men to all tutc^eoneffe : ana totcn \it W^ plucfeeii t!)eni from ^eauelp tbpnges^te caflct^ tl)cm DotDttc tjnto eartbl? tbvnges , fo as banvng forgotten cefeSiali matters ano t^eic toip office ano tmet? , tbep clean t ttoto tints eact^l? tbvnges , ano arc to^appeo in tbe eartbl? loloes of ti)e SDeuils tavlc. ano tbus in ocoe ^e Q^all cojmpr not a feto. JFoi ^c puttetl) tbe tb?;d part cf; a great nmnber of notable men ^u^bofc mtntaerie be^fetb agapnft ttectnrcb.i^creoft^erebc man? ano notable cicamplesof all tymcs in all ^pfto^ies. d)^ T^%^ ano after be batlj oefcribeo tljis foule beat! , ano Ibjojne fions enters enem? of all ^aintes from tbe bcgvnn?ngof tl)e UJO?loe: p?ife'a= ftrcisbttJja?CB alfo ^e \jttcretb bis attcmptcs , treafons an& 4r vT^ k^ ^^^^ pov\^on sgainli tbe Cb«icb> ano be uj be began to monc ^wxfxi' toarte.arbis £>jagon,(avtl) ^e,lloDe befoze tbe tDoma,tDtit(jL toas teao? to be ocliuereo ;ano be (tooe toatcbpng, oiltgenr> attentifc,att?j a^uapttng burtl?,at all tvmesMuo tc obferweo, imo tOQ&c t^at occafion of Imt^tF^S^t^e ^^urc^ , ucitljer bat^ vponthcApocalipfe. i^r Chap.n. %t omittcu an? opouimitic.anD tl)c end of allfjiGcnterpjifcs tt}4S,to Dcuourc t^c fonne, bojnc of t!)c fpoufc of i5oD ♦ i^c ^atl? altwapcs cn:nfcom t^cbcgv»nP"S oft^^ toozlD gone about to cat of ti?c gtoz^ of Cb;tR : attb if au^ fait^fuH foiHe be fpicitualli? boine a neu? b^ tbc Cljurcb , fo as t^ep are be^ come Iifee faftjioncD tjtito Cbiift , l)e attcmptctb alfo to bjpng t^an into erroursano to oeftrov tbem . xo^ccfoie #> . i^crcc not tijitbout cauCe Capo , tbat t^e S>euill goct^ about h&c an ^nngrp ILpon,fcbpng tubom be jnav oeuonc. J&c ftjcujrti) no\D bp tbc toap,tbat ^\^x\^, as ^e toas pios cbjtfi&atf imfe6,i6 f)cbibiteb to tbe C^urcb,anD tbat tbe IDzagon coulD incarnate, ^ itotboanp tbpng agapn(l(im.X)?bcruponb^ biU^aue \)s s^ue to tbe Ijtterip to conclude, tbat be djall tjane no potoee ouee Mz net- ^W^ . tt)er,if toeabpoe in C^^ift.;^o^ noto I)e Seppetl) from t^e \}ni iteriali Cburcb to a fingulae $ molt ejccellem member t^erof t^etJirgin i2Qarp , auD Imittctb V)p in feto teojfics t^c mpfte:? tie of tbe incarnation. t::bat epcetlent tooma , of ts^bom mrn« tion is mabc in tbc tbpiD of i5cnefi6,tbat is to ttiittc tbc bol? t)irgin 0^arie tbe baugbtcr of t^at fo^faib matrone 31 meane of tbe Cburcb , batb b^ougbt fo;t^ a man c^iio , tbat is to fay ^ec firft begotten , ^png and iaziea:as ^ . HuKc tcQifietb in t^e.2.cbapt.l5p anb bp be bcclaret^ , \s\^qx and of l)o\j) great potocr be is, and \jjbv ^.c called ^im a man cbild . I^e it is, of tDbom(S>auid)p;opbccied in tbc.t.}dfalme . arbat ^e (^oulD rule ail natios toitb a rod o; fccpter,not of \xiood oz leed t^ac IS plpable , but of pjon to tioitte (hrong and durable , namelp t\fi too^d of i3od : and fucb as U)ill not obcp i5od8 uiozd , be tuillbeate tbem dotune farre $ ncare toub an v;on aaffe,tbat te)»itbpoi»er,tDbicl)no man is able to refiQe . I3ut lo^ tbis fo migbtp a id^mce.^atba tbat old SD;agon,latd an ambuf^, and apzred Dp tbe cbicf of t^e 3ietDCS and i3entilcs agapnft bim:but be found in bim notbpng at all,as tbc Eozd bim fclfc . fapd in tbc.14.. of 3]obn: no mozc fl)aU be at tbe laft finde anp I bing in tbe fait^f uU of CbJift. ^ ozcoucr tob ilcft tbc Dragon attempted great t^pnges agapnfl CbiiQ tp t^e elders of t^e 3|c\3)es,aftcr be tons rifcn from tbc dead , t^c JLozd toas tabf iDp,a6 It ttjerc out of tbe tbzotc oz botcft aOaultes of tl)c t>\^= gon,\mto bis Ijcaucnlp fatbcr,$ ftt at tbe rigbt band of iSod tbeCatbcr , and fo tbc old ^erpcntcs attemptcs ujcre made frutlrate. scbetberalfo toill ^e receiuc tnto bpm bis fapt^* full,tbougb tbe ^crpcntes guttes a)ould bura.;jfoz tbzougb ^opc VDC fu togetber txiitb our ^ead m tbe places abouc bca^ uen.i^pi^erians ti^c.r^and t^is is t^e c^ief and greatca bopc of chap. J 2, The.Iilj.Sermon: oftljec^urcljc m t^is conflict. ;JFo? t^us Y^t gat^erctlS);tI^e 3a>jagon mo ft ftcousl^ anu ficictip inuaDctf) not ondp t^e auncicnt C^urcti,but ciicn t^e ^cr^ tjcaD of tlje C^urc^ , anli rcDcmcc £l)Zi(l : l)o\»beit Uiit!) ti^s fucic outcngcouo ^cc coulD notl)v«S pjcuayle : t^ccfo^e fyt (^aU no moje pjcna^Ie aga^nfl^iBmcmbcts* Ci)cd)ard) 5iiio\x).l)c tetumett) agavne to tljc C^wtr5,anD faptb: after flectij mto t^cS>jagoncoHlDc&zmg nothing to pa0c agapnft t^icfonnc toUDemw, ofJ5oti,|)cttjentan&maDctoacreagapn(l t5e Ctjurci, ana t^c C^urc^ flcD into toilDccnc0.Ce«amlv 3levoj!t in t^c p;o3 p^ctes 16 comparer to a place moft frcqucnteD:aiiD t^e 0ena tiles are catleu a ocfertc oj toiloemes. 2rijcrfoze after iL\^iu 0ee afcentiou, t^e apoftlcs Departing out of 3ietoiy , repa^a rcD to tlje gentiles : yea ano t\)t 3lie\j3es bcpng tnfpireD of t^e rcD S)^gon, caft out t^e jDl^urc^ out of p coaftes: tol^icl^ toaa conflre^net) ( as appearetl) in t^e ^ztts of ^po01es) to flee l)mo tlje i5entiles.^nii Ipfee as tlje fLb^o prepared a place fo| |)is C^nrc^^foas^is C^urcb is greatlp augmented amcns t^ei5entiIes:Certeseuenfo,tb^ougIp title grace ofl)pmtI)at mepareD t^e place, \ul^o alfo caIletb>guiDetl),(E feeoetti tits fiU lie fl)eepe, anD not fo^ an? Dcfert of man, tbe fame JLoio i)at^ oiuepnel) anu ftil DotI) o^cpnc ajepcljcrus fo? p fame c^urc^, tofeeue it as tljemauensoiu i^clpas , During aU t^e tol^ole tvme tl^at aialbe )}nto tl^e \330tlDes enDe. ;f o^as fe; ti^ettunv^ ber of ttjore.DapesJROifcourfcD before. 0nD bptl^tsejcpofitt:^ on is fignifieD tbat t^e 2>;agon Qjall figl)t ttoutlp agapnft tl)e £t)ureb,(o t^at a)ce ajall be compeileti to flee: but ^ow muc^ foeuer ^e ttiall rage agapnft t^e Cljucc^, t^e 2,ojD iSon ^all l^etpzepare a place in earti), vsjl^erein ^ee map D\»ell (afe:and tDill euer renoepaltours to feeoe.i^e (^etoet^ moKoner,tl)ac i^eeing a^all not ^toapes be repjoci^ablc* %\iz llo^D (aue and ^eepet)s.:3mrn*. cr ^be defcrtption oftlie conCTute ofC^^tlK aim Vit Ci)ure|i iDiri) tbe ^^agon : tfje )BD>agon is ouerrome , tftc b^a* uenlp DlueUcr^ ring p;apre5. TheLitj^Strmon, A Nd there was a great battell in heauen, Michaell 8i. his Angels fought wyth the Dragon, and the Dra- •goivfought & his Angels,&prcuailed not, neither was their vponthcApocalipfe. 1^2 ChapJi2» their place foil nde any more in hcaucn. And the Dra- gon that oldc Serpent called the deuill and Sathanas, wascaftout. Which deceauedallthcworlde. And he was caft into earth, and his.Angels were caftout wyth hymalfo. And I heardealowde voyce, which fayed: Now is faluation, and ftrength, and the kyngdome of our God, and the power of his Chrift brought to paflc in heauen: for the accufer of our brethren is caft out, which accufed them before God day and night . And they ouercame hym by the bloud of the Lambe,and by the worde of his teftimony, and they loued not their iiues vnto the death .Therefore reioyceye heauens , & ye that dwell therein « Wo vnto the inhabitersof the carth,and the fea; for the deuill is commen down vnto you, which hath great wrath,becaufe he knoweth,that he hath but a (hort tymc. %\^t ^poQIc ^at^ fpoHett of tl^c partts of t^e notable ftsl)t «nd tDo;t^? battcil: ^e batb fpobcn aUo of t^e attempces ann |)iu;pore of tbe ^?agon, tobtcb tierelp applpetb all W p?actt^ tes to t^ts mtent,t$at l^e mav oeuuure all goolme6,t^ac te to Tap, Dcilrop tt t)ttetl?:i)c batp QjetDeo boto ^t began to moue toartc aga^nQ tbc iL!)urcb -> tv^icb flcD into tbe tDiloerneOi;: ano novu as n, toete leaning ti)c tooman in t^e toilDeenefTe, %z teemctl) to bjing foul) ot^cc folaicncs, tobiclj gene battell CO c^e Dzagon, ano mo(i ))alpauutl^ afTavIe anD alCo otfcont^ fit^imahoaUliiispotioec. ^.31o^n tftecefoje Defcribetb tljc fmgular figbt of an ejrcelient pevlon^to \33tcte j^QtcbaeUtobtcl^ ouercame tbe "^m^^w : ano Defceibecb tbe geneeall ftgbt an^* tje]ceo vjoitb tbac paeticnlar. fo% be aDbetb,tbat dl tbe angels of jiBQicljacnfongbt agavntt tbe H)?agom 2lnD fit;abcaiicni0a)ct»KD tobcetbcplaceoftbeft'g^toj matAsct cSfiict . ;JFoi in beaiten, laytb be,UJa0 fougbta great batta^le. of conflict, janu it is eniDem, tbac^atban ujas at fge beginning of all . tb^ngcs caft out of bcauen into tbeeartb, ano tberfoie tbat be inouccb no Quaere in beaticn, noj capfctb anp tnmnite. Si^% ^caucn is a place of reft ant> iop, anD not of tscbate ano cons tcntion* ^rijeccioK tbis nmfJ iie tat?cu ftguranuf Ip nttcr tlje tnauec of tl)c virion. ;Jf 03; tbe ZLojD bat'o by ftgnes rcpid'entf D tbi3battapIctobCiceutini)ca!ien. tobicbin occDcis fougbt -in eart^ in tb^ uUdocb of t^e i&^uycbt Cha^,i2, The.liij.Serman ant Ijcre is fct fojt!) an 3lmagc of a notable fig^f , tol^erbiJ' to QjeVDCD vuljat ^latb bccne, ano \»bat 10 ^ct Done m cartb.3B CavcD eueu no\», tbat tbis combat toas in ijceoe particniar, bo\ubctt,fo as it batb a gcnccall figbt anneiceb. ^oj o^icbacll fig^tf tb, tubicb is as a capta^ne of tbis toacre : anD ^icba* «>b» fis!)t. els Angels figbt a!fo: tobicb muG be toell i)ifccrncD,aItbongb tbat iSejicljacU anD bis angels inafee but one pact onelp. £)n tbe otbcc fine figbtctb tbc S)jago,a6 iSrmmocaptavne of tbis toacre, ^ bis angels figbt alfo. anb tbefe berelp inafee none otber partes,tban use banc bearn before in tbe beginning off ebapt. namel^^tbattbepartes of tbis figbt toece tbe Cbuccp ano tbe beutU. j]ieuettbele0e leaa t^e tictojtp (boulD be attet^ buteo to tbe Cbuccb, anonotratbee to CbMft: tbe tootnan tnndnotjobe omitteOvano iSQicbaeil b;ougbt in figbtpng, xobereupontbere is in tbefe tbinges fomebifificultie: but tt fijalbe eafie inougb fo^ brut , tbat vvill marke enetp tbvns inojDec* iBicbaeU ;^tea toe mnO fee, tobo tbat ig^icbaell is : anD tbere is tti captatne of beeoe no ooubt, but tbat tbe angetl i£)icbell appeared in t\iz tbe ioarre t)ifion,\xiitb an acm^ of angeis figbting. ano tb^ton tbrcSai agapnit tije tracp part agapnft tbem fougbt tijc SDiagon tD)?tb an boUe of 3D>aflon. j)CHils,13utfo?afmucbastDebcaro tn tbc beginning , tbat tbefe toere tokens, tbev mutt necoesfiguifie ano betoken oj* tber tb^ngs. 31 fnypofc tberfo?e tbat bece is betokeneocbW tbe bean ano kpng, ano oefenoer of bis cburc^,togf tber txjit^ ^isapoQlesano nBSiartpis, annall bis faitbftill members^ ^eitber is it a rare tbing tbat Cbiifl Q)ouId be ftgnteti r o \}0 b^ angels: \ivx it is a )9erp rife $ o^oinarv matter, fo^ I5ct>5 meCfcngers ano CbJittes favtbfull feruaunts to be calleban^ gels. cbJifttberfoje tbe beau of tbcCburcbano tbi^fa^tbfuU members of C^?iR>figbt agavnfl tbe Djagon, botubcit aftec a otuerfc fojt» ;Jfo| Cb^ift ouercamc bpm alone in ti^z ronibat tuitbout belpc of anp creature :;jpirft putting bpm to fitgbt iw all temptations, ano final ip bjeab^ng bis beao all to pee^s cesbp Dpi^son tbe crofle ono rifing againe from tbeoeao^ ^0T» cb^ift 3rbis is tbe onelp, true, ano Angular bictoipitoberebpafter^ bjtbfoagijt vjjaroes are obteineb tbe bicto?ies of Cbnllesmember0,got* ^Mttm ^^" 0^ ^*?^^ gcncrall figbt, tobereui Cb?ift figbtetb not notuc **^* * onelp banD to banb toitb tbe Dentil, but all tbe members of lDb;tft at all times bnoer Cb^iK tbeir Captapne figbt againft tbc2>euill,anointbe\jertueojt)icto?v of Cb?ift, figbt anft ouercome: as we Cl^all beare bv ano bp in tbe fong of p^apfe, T^vit iQi great ano funo^i^ caufes \;oe aSirrae H^W^ to be &« sarca vpon the Apocialipfe. 1^3 Chaf.j2, gttrcB attt» RgmficD to t)8 tjnuec tlje tvpc of jssjicbacll. irc tDi)o<»ti)at bnoty Ijp t^e Scriptures as maap of \)s as bee tearncD , tl)at xd!)p ^\f^ isgicJjaell , as alfo i3abMcIl , be tbe itames of gooD Angels cijatii 10 ofi5oD. jSe5icbaclifignifietb,tobo isasiSoo^ 2lnD totio 31 ^"^v^* pzav J5 fuel) as «3oo, but ^c in ttJbom is tbc eicpicffe 31magc of tlje fatbcrs fubftatice, anb saW^ is tbe Slmage inuitibic, attb vx)02b of tbe fatber from tbe begtnnmg, 31 ineane tbe y^u rp fonnc of i5oD3lcfu6Cb]tiftJi35icbael in tbe 10, ^ u.cbapt. of 2>amel,ts picftDem, pjotcctour a^jdattone of tbe3letoia)C nation, anu it is p!apnc,tbattbe people of jilfcacU bao froia tbe bc0nntng none otber tutonranb patrone,but tbe ^tSUU as binifetfc, tbc bleOeb feeDe. %\i\^ appearetb \x^ W^ty, of e* fa^, lobere toe ream tbat tbe ILo^o fpareo tbe people of 310^ ^>anbtbep;inceltt(eciticof C^xift. 3ln an otber place Ije feptb mod openly: 31 v»in befenbe tbat citie fo? inp felfc, anii fo^mprcruauntDauib.ianb^anibis caUcDCbiift, \\\ t^e ^4.of 2^^ecbicL CbMIits tberfo;e in\)crv oeeoe gouernour of (dispeople, ttjbo nenertbetefl'cin befenbingano beliuering. %\z reruantes,\)retb t^e miniflerie of !^ngels: tobo alfo attri^ Ibute not^^ng to tbemCeiues, but ail glo^p to i5ob alone. ISQoKOUcr tbat ejcceUent\}icto;^, can ttot toitt^out offence of Soblvnes be aferibeb to OQicbad tbe ^rcl^angel.^o^^ro omit« ting ont iB^efTias Cb^ift, vue Q)oulD coinmende iSlttgels, and finally ^e fl)oulb botb become anb aUobereruetobecalleb ^ngell feruers ratljer tbancb^iftians * 3ln tbe latoe \% \23a8 to;itten:tbefeebeoftbe^oman (l)all b^ealtc tbej^erpentes lieab. But tbe jLo^b neuer toobetbe nature of an angcU, but tbefeeDeof^b|abam,anb b? finne ^tb conbemneo finne» S^ber e Q^atl f oiio\s anon in tbe fong. jQ^o to is falnation anz»^ 90\»er.$c. iandtbere is abbeb:fo; tbe2>euill is call ont.i^nd ^is raluation batb Cb^fS alone accompliCl)Cb: tobcrfo;e it is of neceOitie t^at C^ili tl^e conqnerour of ^at^an mnlt be fignifiebb)?0Qicbaei; i3inot^ea>;agon not onel^ fought I^anb tabanb aga^nS ibe ILo^b , u>^cnbe tras matcbeb toicb \m^ \x\. tbe befcrt : bnt cbc "Siix^ «l(b nener ceafcb to tempt anb alTaple ^im, fo long as be liuco gon ant> \]im^ \jxxt on eartb: be ftp?rebt)p alfo aga^nfl bim i\it jabarifeis f ""^d* anb j&jinces of tbe people, tbe l&vnges anb tbe naomanc go- "S't. ttemour,anb fo at tbe laQ b;abe tbe Ho^bes bcele . %\^\q toas tbe gceatett (igbtoftbe2);agon . 3:btfameE«agon iiifpi* cetb no\jj l^pngcc anb lajinccs ^^^tmrtscit jdzicttcs anD cruell mcn,bi8 aungels to mafee toarrc ijpon tbc Cburcb . atiD alii t^^&ticrelpbo per(eettteanb)}epe tbe c^urc^iivt^epotuea ^a«K of Cha^.12, The.Ilij. Sermon 0? t!)c rcu 2>i{i5OtT»^to>ic0 ticclarc t^je fame to begone befeie CljiiCcs tvmat^c fame tcftific alfo , anls ocpccieucc pjouct^, tl)c Ii!« to be Done from t\^t afccnfion of Ctjiid into ^caiicn, \jmo t^is picfcnt DaVi^tti^^ttW tljc ^MO'JDes end. tottb Sttbat ifiotu is alfo Declaced tottQ ioD))at lucl^e rbc^ fougbt on tU luciic tbcp tbte fiDt: to toittc mod lucfeclv conccrnvng £biift > moft tjn^ f»«3')t • iucfeel^ as tonc^'^ng tlje JDcnill oj rcu S)jagon . anu in tbiff fig^t,as alfo in tbc fong immeoiatlp fot!o\rvngs is conteineo f l)c m^olG fciiue of tbis oifpiitario . frQ} bcieof all godl? ma? Icantc,tljat ^atban one cucmic is trn^cmeD : anB tbat Cb?ift in tbis confiicc 10 on our ftDe , as one c-mpercur (;agon,fot a comfort ano confoUtion. slnD tbe nai turall oiDerisbcrc altered, tobicbtrratetb notbpng of tbe Cucceife of ba^taik , jtill it baue fee fo;tb all t}:^t conflict before. T^nttW battaile a^allbccominaed bcreafterin tbe refl of tbe. i^.anb all tbe. j 3 . cbapten Cbttft ottwf ^^ Dcclarctb at tbiee toojDcc , firft tbe Ijictojii of Cbjift, cotnmeti), f ^nb fccDUDI? of all cbjiftians . 2rbe ikfX is xsh' ovk iVxycrctv> CbMatans; j^f p pjcuavleD not , tbep baD no ftrengtb , abilitie, po\»cr,oi 525,"°^^ migbt . S>oubtlestbe fojcexjf tbe Dcnitl is great if iSoD pec:» mittc, $ \Jtterlv o«crgrcat,in confiDeration of tbe iix^ inDge^ ment of i5oD,as appearetb in 3lob, tpberc \^t i$ able to trooi* jble and bical^e tbe firongefl tbvnges . T5\xt i^t HojtD fa^tb in iohn.14. {^e 0oiptU.2:bc laiincc of tbis ujo^d came,anD agapnft me Math.i^r. jjj, j^^j^ ttotb^ng.^gavne in tbe 0ofpdl ; rbe gates of I&cll fl^all not p}cuaple agapne ic^tbe rocbe 31 meane,anD (econDl)? e^ga^nQ tbe Cburcb . aitbongb tberfo;e tbe "^mM ma^e att bo^rible tjp^o^e , anD cruellp rage aga^nft Cb;i(t anD bis 5&burcb , pet ts be U)itbont fo^ce , foi tbe tiertue of Cb^iil pjenavietb. 2:bc feconD part is , ncitbec tons tbeir place an? moje fonnD m beanen : vobicb tnaner of fpeacb fignifictb no otbet tbvng,tban tbat tl)c rrp?obatc amigcll is p«t from all Digni^ tit , gloip anD povuer : mo^eouer tbat be batb no mo;e an? place m tbe Cburcb > o} amongefl the elect of i5oD : not tbat tbe Dcaill fl^oulD nat ictnme , oj (l)oulD not tempt , o^ renue tuarre,bnt becaufe be batb no place parmanct. hereunto ap^ pmeinetb tbat tx^btcb tbe HojD fo oft repetb in t\)t i5on)eif; vponthcApocalipfe. 154 cha^.n, mtU ttoto ^t J&:incc of tgrs ^oitu is call out, in tlje . 1 2 . i < » anD.«6. cljaptcrfi of ^. 3lo^n . ^ojeoncr, bp ottict plaice of t^c^ciipiiicctt ismamfca,tl)at tijc Dcmtl is fqitt out of ^ancn.ant) it ft]all be eaiic fo? \)S to fljut Ijimi our^vwljici) be- png cart out bp t^c fonuc of (500 , tifltb tio place in tjs, \)nie6 toe our felucs gcuc place to !)>bicl) to tlje cud toc fl)ouia not iio.tbe jiop altmontQ)ctt) tjs diltgcutlv •. t^at tec djoulD tooatcl^. arije fto;v is feuo aicn in :l)c» 1 1 »of Oujatl). of tbc H>cuiU tJjat purpcCetj) to rctm:ne,attD tbcrfoic toobe ^nto l)ivtt Icucii toozfcc fpintcs.I3Ui toljccfoje uoeii tljou Ijcaic l)im,ti3'oi? t}orlTtbouobcpbuu>to^om t^uri CccQ Q^ut out ofi^caucu^ ^ottuitbOanDyng tijat bcrcU^ is figaificD airo , tbattbe^e^ ttiil toas To full'^ \}anqmrg £& of C ^^zid^ti^at ^e toas alCo ti^u^ CO fczfalie tbe place of tbc battatic* ^oz x\it t^iTD meinbec^aa it U)crc c^fponnDpug tbe fccossD ^at?)5 ttK'^ ftDBctb:^ be teas catt to tbc cartb . ;f 0? tbcp tbat ace tb?oo)Cu J°"^"!.^ to tbe gcoimbc,3t:e iuDgcD to be oucecojnc.^bttfo?c a ful lJi= ^^^ ""''* ctojy auD pcrfit conqucft is figmficD . ^otobcit be toas ones moll \3aleautit!p tljzotuctv to tlje cartb bp ouc ILozD 3fleftts ^\},\\^ y\\\ tbe midccic of out; rcoemption : anb bv tbetct:tut of tbe fame be is baply cad to tl^s cattb^bp tbc faptbfuU . ^nzi lt]^e as tbe '^vx^ batb no place pecmanettt \x\. bcaucn no? in x^t cbofcn : Co t)ecclv botb be iubabite all carrblp , tbat is to fay men fauoucyng tljc cartb , atib cotucmnvng bcaucnl)? r^Vnges . '^eaauDtDC beare tbat bis ssiimgcisare can out toitb ^m.S^Qi tbe Eo;b in tbe 0ofpcU of ^aiut 3]obn tbc. 15. cbapt. favtb:3in tbc ujozlb fcu ba»e afflictiombut be of good cbcrcjTi baucciucrcome tbe tooilD . anb i&.31obn m bis Ca^ itonifaH i£pinic:vou arc of 0oh litle cbilojcn , favtb be , anb i- ^^^n- 4. t>ou ^aue oucrccuie tbcmifoz be ts greater tbat is m vou,tba i-ioim, j . ^c is tbat is iuti;Ctco;lD.anbti^isisti)Ct)icto?^ t^atouer^ came tbe VDOzlD,cucn pour faptb. lanb bp tbe toap be cjcpouuuti!? , tobat toe fl)0ulb \)naer- 'S:be na s ffauD bp i^e SDzagon , of tobowt be batg fpofeen betberto , to ^"'^^.P^^^l toutc toe olD eucmic of tmmfcvuDc»i^e ff ttctb bun foztb ^ttb ^1 jf^"' IS)is titles, atiributvug to btm fourc names , tUar bcrcbp alfo fc-tcinc toe map l3nbcr(Utii>bis nature tbc better ,-ar^D iiiap bcvjaarc syojiJc* of tbattoicfecfi tuuribcrtc. ^irft l;c caUctb ^\\\\ tbc olo ^iu pnit . ;jFoi at tbc bcgpnnvng bp tbe- ^crpcmbe mfcftco out: firft parctrs '^xi'i^ tbc popfon of bcatb an:; fiimc,anD bp it^tvx tbc tubole tjmuerlal tooilb:as is to be fcnc m tbc^.cf 0cnef, an? i\iZ, 5 . to tbe i^ou-aius . Srbcrfajc 3(1 fapb \xi tbc bcgpu* npngof r^is chapter tbat l^c is calico a Djagou ,.;Sitcrbe caU chap, J 2' The.Iii). Sermon Ictlj !)^m t])c a)tuai,t!)at IS to fa? a (clatttiDcccc , 02 a falfc aw citCcci^oj b? atiD Ijv it folio\»ctU, (U3b:cl) ma? cppounDc tl)is \x)o?D)foi tljc accufcc of ouc bjctlJicn is catt out . a^c. ia gooMp cpamplcof tl)i6 tbpng is ucdaccD intbc t. ann . i . c^aptcc^f Slob.cTiai^aMa) ftsttifictb to accure ox blame,anD <^ict|3oA/ct a ccttne oj complaint. %i)itii\^ bv an ^eb;cto vdo^d ^e calletb bint ^atbant^at is to (av an aDuccrarieo; tottbftanbei: bpcaitfebe toitbttan^s tietb i^oD in all tl^ynges^auD (ettctb ^im felfe agapnd men in ail bolp matters,i{ ^appclv i^c mig^t ^inoec 0^ co^ntpt tl^em* Ead be is callcD otXavSv a frduccc , beccauer,o; one tbat fup« placet^ anb betcavetl) tbe tul^ole tDo;lD. ^o; fo bot^ t^e Ho^n mtide bint in t^e. s.of 3]o^n,bicaure I)e (at^ bene a iper front tbe begvnnpns.anb is tbe fatber.tbat is tbefonntaine anb o« riginatl of all li^ng,beceipt,ereour anb (ebuepng^anb of alt t* nilL S^o% all errours anb berefies, all Deceiptes , anb all lea^ fvnges , finally all ttpnbe of euilles , ^aue flotoeb out of tbts moft filthy toellfp;png . anb U)bo is l?e tbat ^earetb tbefe tbvnges , bbicb ujill not ab^o^re tbat tjple bead i tbep mud neoes be (lael(e mabbe , tl^at feeke bp all meanes to be in fft« none )a>it\9 tbattDtcbeb fpirice* l^e (l)oulo not» bere conlequemlv anne]ce t^je vefibne of tbts ttgbc -, to toitte ^oto t^e ^;agon perfecutetl) anb aCTauU teti? t^e \x)oman,anb O^t agayne bp flipng cefiftet^^anb ouet' tDitb ^W commetbti);oug^C^;i{tl&utI)e(ufpenbetl) t^efamenacca^ lucbe tbe? tion vet a litle tt)btle,anb placet!) noto a (ong of t)icto}p > ann ffottsbt « teiumpbe of tl^e ^aintes^t^e aungcls, 9 of tbe ble0tb foules tn ^cauen.3r^e fumme toberof is, t^at Cb^ift ^atl^ oucrconu men,anb t^at tl)c faptbfuU bo ouercome itt £\)iif!t : anb tbtr^ fo;e tbat tbe ^eaucns tbem felues, anb all t!)at bU)ell tbctcin, muft reiovfe ano fmg . ^n\i 31 repete , tbat tbefe tbpngcs ate tnterlafeb m tl^e oaungcrous i^nticb^iHiSanb l^omiQ) figbt> f 0; a confolation , to tbe cnb tbat t\)t ^aintes O^oulb not be Difcourageb in tbofe great baungers bp rcafon of ti)ut natu^ rail infinnitie : but call \)ppon tt)e name of C^;iS , anb fig^C manfuUp , (cpng tliep t)nber&anb tinber tobofe banner tgcp figbt , anb \Bitb to^om tbep fig^t : tjcrclp \53itl3 one ourcco* mcntmberCbJiltcsftaiibart ♦ anb tol^entuebearet^attbc lE[>zagou9 fo^ccis b^oKcn,tDemu{!t]^infeetbat tbe furies of eubcr bean , ar\x)cli tbe ten l^o^neD as tbe ttoo bo^ncb , arc tDca^cneb in tbe faytb of £^zt(l . arbis geuctb alfo no fmall courage in tbts conflict , tt^at toe fee ^ou> t\)t S>2agon batb no povoec oner ti^m r|^ar arcfpiinMcD^anb pitntteb wttb t^e l^lOttO vpon the Apocallpfc. j6$ C^ap.rji, blottt) of C^M(l,but ouec cart^Ip aiiD too?!Dlp wcti. 0nD tfjis ttiump^c is Ijcaucn!^ . ;jfoi^ovcc6 ace ^earD out of tjcauen, fingvng a meru note , to t^c intent t^iat tije ceiopcpng of r^e bIcflcD fpicitGB migptljaue mojeaut^ojitie, gcacc,anD cffica^? cie amongeU tl)t pooic affltctco. ^^cv all toiti) one \}opcc fing mecelp, t^jat faliiation anD iscrfccte potocr is no\3) maw perfect, to? bvt^eILo?oc36eat^anD re- faiuatton furrecfion, iSoa ^at^ toiougljt potocc,ano mane petfectcbFC^jiO. tl)^fa!aation pzomifeu to tl^e fatljcc, to xoittc^ Vu^ien 6e troDc Do^ne t^e Serpents i?eaD,aboli(l)eD Cmne ano oeatb^ano tes ttoitn ivfe. sr^is is t^ettpngoome of i5oD in tl)is tuozlD e(Ta« bUfl)eD in t^e electe, \s>\)i\tit bp tbc pott}erof C^ziO tbc puncc of tbts too^lo io cad out ano ourccotne. fai t^e caufe foiloU}' etb^ tobctfbze toe muft fo rctopce, anD^ tob^t tecctne and po^ tuerofCb;tiJbatt)fl)e\x>ezt^ttfelfe>o?boto faiKatton tsmaoe perfect: becaufe, favt^ ^e, tbiougb C\)M t^e IDeutU is catl DotDne,tlyattstofap,ouercome anotbzuil outofDoo^es, fo as i)e can no moze accufe manltpntie befoze tbe iuogement (eate of i5oD. Berennto bdSgctb tbat Uibtcb ^.)dauletx)?ot» WliO fi)aU accufe tbe electe of i3oo^ Sit is i5oO tbat ntfttftetb, tODbo IB be t^t conDemnetb^ llttsiLb^ifttobtcbbpro, ^m t^btcb cofeaga^ae, tobicb tsalfo otit^ectg^t ^ano ,of i5od, tobtcb mabttb tnterceOion fo^bs* OQozeouer, tbe beauenl^ otaaellerstioettotonelp O^etoe €:i)mf)nt^ fo?tl]itbet)icto;^of£b;ift)butofaUtbe &^tbfoll, \»bicbt^tv tna&eairr|- obtcpne aga^ntt ^atban in tbe faptb of 3lefw Cbzift t fo as it faptijfim map ^ecebv at tbe Icaftappcace, Vobat toe ftjouJo ^nocrCtand \)tctonr& before bp (Xjicbael, ano bp bis i^ngels. ^no be beatctb in Di^ tigentip, tbat Cbziftiaus oucccome not |?atba bp tl)m otone i«cntC6,fo?ce,oz ftrcgtb, bat bv tbe mecitc $ grace of CbJifti Sim tbep (fagtb bO to toitte , tbe Angels of (39icbae!, ouec^ came tbe S>?agon bp tbe bloud of tbelLatnbe. ;^o; in afmuc^ as tbe favtbfttll are purtfieo bptbc blono oecb?ift) ^atbati ^atbnotbmgagavnfltbcm:butrincetbev bauetbe fpirite ^ faptb of CbMtl,tbcp ouercomctbe 2)ettillalfo» ^o Ui t^mta |>aa tbe Deftrover bao nopotoerouer tbofeboufes , tobic^ tuercmacbeotoitbtpc blouocoftbeS^ambc: igicoo.iz. ^nu l^e ai»Detb an otber tbitig, fojitbc tobicb tbe faitbfnl oucrcamet foj tbe toojDe of tbe tcftnnonv of Cbzift, tobicb is tbe gofpel* ;JFoMnasmucbastbefameis imiincible ano ctcrnaU, ibcp oiiercomc all tbvwss of tbis toozlor, tobotoeuer abpDc in tbe tpuel^aul),ctccnaU ujozDc of t^e tructb. anD men m tbe gof= peUto^ic^ is mod trii3,tl^f2Lo^tJbvmretf^atbP^omprco tbat chap. 13, ThcLiij.Sermoni - Ijctoill tiotfoifa^tljiss but toill figljcfoz tbem. 3:b«pcfbxe muft rljc favtljUUl nccDec ouercomc» 3:0 t^efc tppngs io ao* DeDinozctbccfft'ctcofCbJittcs purifying: arbcv loucb not tljeir Itfc moic tban £b?iO:ani» tijf rfo?c baucjtbep gcitcn-it fox C^uft timobcatip, anD Co bauc oueccomnicu » ^0; man'p arr tattqutfljcD bp t^is one t^i?ng, tlpat tbev toil not baiaiD ti^cic IpfcfojCt)jift» ;jf 01 tbefe great benefits of anb fucb a^ &)ail pectfl)e: f oj; tbe getting ano ^eeppng tobereof, tbe^toi^Il not iitclsctodoc aup tb vng be it neuer fo barD,U)bere as iai Cb^des fabe-tbee tsill abtbe to boe 0^ fuffer notbing. ^nto tbefe x\^t2 benonnce an bo;nb>e too, to U)tt^ tbe curCTc of tbis pjefent l?fe anb of Vqit to come.STbere is not a mo^e mtferable people ))nber tjje A^y.i. ^unne tban tbe S)cmlsm3rtv2sbe» , .' . . Butintobomtbc3>cutUpoaeSetbbt6lJinsbome, in tbe lameaUo be,t)tteretb bis maiiice agavnft tbe elect, ^ttip tbat tigbt great maUice.;fo^ be ragetb mod cruelly againii f gob^ Ip, anb againft goblpnes. ^e ragetb alio jmoU q^treamely ^ gapnfttbofe bis too;Q)ippers, \ubom be bcfvlctb toptb all ttpnoc of (iltbines,anb biajonedetb tbem ts^itb all Ojame and jrepiocbe. ' agapne, 31 (uppofe tbat fantc to appertevne to tbe c omfojt of tbe gonlp, tbat is (po^cn of tbeli30*tticire of tbe t^me. ;f oj ^atban m decbe tb^oucb antjcbiift fl)«ll moft crucllv rage a» gapnfttl)ejDbHrcb,but tbofc oaves iljalbe ftjojtencDfojtbc electes faKe. Bp tbe u^ap is noteo alfo tbe taicbeb nature of :g)atban,U3bo^otoing tbat tbe laa iuogcmcntisatbanD, tubeecin be muft be tb;ctx>enbeablong into bell , tbiuHetbto requite onb recompent: djr^oitnes of £2^ut.\»]pt^i$c crutU tic of ^is tojatl? anbficueUfl^cfwir, : ; : ;; : n r;, (p ; vpontheApocalipfe. i66 Cha^.jz. anTj Ijet^crto of tl)e b ictojv of C^ii^ A"lJ of fjfs ^arntee: ito\i) foUoto ti)?t|)iccre teccoitc,t)otobcit 'qtt ^ojifible rbing©, of tl)c toarcc, to!)iti) tlje S)iagou mo ft gccc&rlv auD fieccdp inoueti) againC t^c toifc of 0oD,:^!)e Ho jD Jp.ctuo tjpng ^im m fubtecttou t^uocc out; fccte. ^ni€n,^men* m.%Mz S>;agort pcrfccufcfft tbetucman: fljcc t'gDefenDcft anti p;{ercru9D of tl). llo^o.2D^eK>;agen ItanDett) on tf)e fanoe.ic Tht Liiii.Senno?t. A' Nd when the Dragon fawe that hcwascafrto the 'earth, he perfecuted the woman, which brought forth the maa childe . And to the woman were geuen two winges of a great Egle, that (he myght flie into the wildernes, into her place where fliec is nounflied for a tyme, twotymesandhalfeatyme, from the prcfencs ofthe Serpent, And the Dragon eaft^ out ofhis mouth )ir^ter^ after the woman , .as it had b'e^ne a-rkicr, that rj>yght c^'ufc her to be caug?jjt of tile' ftre^m^'.'And the earth hoipe the woman, and the earth opened her mouth and fwalowedvp the riuer, which the Dragon catt out ofhysmouth»And the Dragon was wroth with the woman, and went and made warre with thercm^ naunt pfherfeedc, which keepc thecommaundemets of God, and haue the teftim$)ny of^Ieijis Chrift, and he ftoodc on the fea fand* '-'.^v' - ! '■ ^ 1 2!ri)at toljicb bcfOK \)c h^Xi begonnc, f o fpeafee of tl>e petfe ^ C!)c pttfa cution of tl^c a)2agon, atiD ^i^\n of tbe Chntcl), an& l)aD tnf= cution of fcLTcn a Iff tie, tb Declare tbc victoip of Cl)if8 : noto ^c refill tijeXDjajo. intt^ ano finidicr^, ano &cfrrtbrf b r be figbt Ipticlv, ana niofJ g:picaelvanoconltantiv^r;infj;ctb mauvr^'mco tbe bclpe of i5au,\xibicb IS gcucn to tbc cbnv^^ tbiougb tbc grare of goD. xolim ^ tbcccfojc , fai^jc b^infelfe oneccommeii b^ CbitS, anD quite caft our, \)t\)tg.m to ca^te agavnH v cburcS tcbccauD icDttb t?ic blouD of i3oD0 f?>niic,anD t)C)ccD bee toitb gfcuous perfetnfton. fm tiranejiatcl^^ after iZhii^-^s aCTcns tion, a great pctff cutioti toas ff^'ircD i*p ag«,i:n(> r\)c ^poJUcs. ano 4iiOiloUcaU C^nvci^, ;jfej tbe a»aft*e5 hms pminpiu Oa.ud, Cone, chap J z. The Liiij. Sermon geo tovt^ coDDcs anD ujlj^ppeD. ^tcp^e toas ftoncD,3P,amcfl A6^cs.tzagons figbt, !2lni) ber^ tdrtgtttfteo, tbat a large po\0er is graunted to tbe cbuecb to flee , atiD efcapetbe furies of CbM** 8cB ettcjniec, attn to fct fo?tb tbe gofpel am5gc0 tbe iSctilcs. Ci>c be p^cfcribetb not. ^c^be \)fetbagapnea bpnoe of rpe^cb> ft9 ' ix \atu a ri!}Die, bo^o^cD out of Daniel : u^btcb i30D ti^wu pctbtoben be toil! baue tbe tpmeto \z \3ufeuoU)en : tobtcfif fo?afmucb as toe ]fenoto to confift in bis sooi» ano rigbteouflf potoer, \»e oagbt not to enqup;e curiouflp after tbem. xo\^tt=* of 31 bane fpoben before. Doubtics it is plavne,tbat tbc Cburcbe atnonges tbe t5entplcs , (l)all eontpnue anb tu mapne to tbe tail tubgetuent , 23ut tbe Dap of iUDgement cati tioMiawbiffme. ^ebonrt^ ^gapne be Declaretb,toitb tubat furpes tbc S>cuin Pgalbe tctba flo»t) tjEjpt^meD , to inafec ncU3 auD conrinuall toarie dgapntt tbc aft" ti)c ^^iitcb > «?bcn be faica x\)z cbuccb amongcd tbc i5enti!6 to s»omtm. jjg jj^pj^ increafeD anD eaabliQjeo, be tjfimitcD our \»ater af:» ter tbe toonun : anD tbat toe niigbt feiioto tbc figure , be ao^ Dctb,aB It toere aiS.iuer.;>foi be ii3iufietb,tl)at tbe dcuiII batb poui:eD a fca of cuili§ ir>|ft jfe:f^iii'0,ft!Cici>^^ vppon the Apocalipfc. 1 67 Chaf.n. tfons,tttmalte6,fedt(ton0, tm pecfecnttondr , to^eretott^ t^e U)l)ole too^lD l)at^ bene ouerflotoed.Ti^creiv \it ratfcD t)p tw^ rp toi^erc all magtftratcs anD p^teftes aga^nft tijc apofflc0, ano apoftoltcatl Doccnne.lfteao tipe actcs ofti^c ^potties t^e 13 . 14 . If . anD t^c caters folou^vns . iBtctt^cr ts it a rare t^Vng in t^e ^falmes, to \)nDcr(!and all bv"^^ of aSfltcttons bp toatcr5,fluDDe0 and rtucre . ^ni> to t^ts enD ^e rapfcD tip t^ofe great cnils , anD pcureD t^cm on t^c goDlp , oj>iiTov TTOJVffM.t^at \^t «iigl)t caufc t^e Cljurcl) to be carpeD atwa^ toitb tbe flouD, tijat 15 to fap , t^at be mig^it DcWe t\^t Cburcb 0^ tai^e it qu^tc a\oap : tbat ts , tbat ^e mtgbc talte a^ toap tbe goblp,anb tbe Doctrine of goDlpncs* i^nb tbie is t^e continnall enbcucr of ^at^an , bercunto be applyetl? all b?0 confultations anb bopngcs . ^0 in t^e i^mpirc of Nero anD Domitian , ^e fltiD^eb to ujafl) atoa^ tbe Cb»rcb bp tbe blouD of j^aintes, but pet m bapnc . fQ% t^erfozc 31 fuppofe it is favb,t)et)omiteD afluo of eutls after tbe ujoinan , not tippoti t^etDoman. fm iSoD nenet faplcD ^is afflicted Cancel) : 3ln fo tnnc^ (tD^icba man map maraavlcat)tbat tbeeartb opcneb ^er ^otttb,anD (toallotDcb tip tbe flouD poured out of tbe ^er^ pentes mowtb . a^bc cartb djanfec tip in old tymc", and conei red tbebloud of ^bctl . ^nd bere ts figntfted ^ tbat tbe godlp tD^ic^ fnffer perfecution.b^ue ^elpe, from tobence tbcp loo^e not fo; : as ^auid \x\^ tpmes paft is read to be deliuercd bp tl^e belpc of t^e paleftmes^tbpnHpng nothing les tban to de^ liner a>att(d out of t^e bands of J^png sauie : \i\xt pet tu^ilcft t^ep go about an otbcr tbpnj^t^ep b?png to paCfe tbat, to!?icb fcmcd good to tbe Eojd,tobicb can turnc t!)e cuill intcntcs of ^ curt mzn to tbe piofitc of tbe godlp.^lnd donbttes toe fee jna^ Rptpmes in tbe Scccc oftbei^po (lies, tbat tbe eanb batlj ftoalloujcd ijp a find of tails : t^at is to fap , tbat cartblp and tomldlp men,dopng in tbemcanc finite an otbcr tbpng, ^auc procured peace to tbf to^it!) fct notbvng bp tbe !au) 031 tuo^b o( i5ob,ncitbcr frame t^etr hfc alter tbe fame.£)f tbts matter is fpol^en at large in t^c . 14 . of jiobn . 2:^e tcdimonp of jncfn Ct)iift is noit}yn>jclB but ttjc i5oIpeilof 3!eru Cb?iCip2ea* cbpng tmo iib tor free remiCTion of finneB « X^e^ ^uc 1910^ to^icb pofTeflc it bv favt^), C^e iD^a- ^nD U}^erc be fa^tb > tbat t^e ^;agon 9obe ott tbe ^t^ Qonaat>cti)|(anDe)itiB a preparation to rbvttseB tbatfoUotD:fo;bvanD on tt^c fca bv be favtb , bo\2} tbe braft rbe p^tncipaU tnttrument of t|ie fenoc. S)jiagon,camc out of t^e |!>ca bv tbe S>e«ilB meancB . Slnb it t^atb a confolatton , tbat tbe Dragon iz favD to ftanD on tl^e fanbe, anb not on a rocKc . fai it fignifietb tbat tbe fnries of ^atbanft)aU not long maureagavnO tbe £b«rcb , anb tbat tbebvngDomeoftbeDeuiU ajall beruinouB ,anDfali tooe« caVjtobofc fomjDaiionB arelavD tpon tl^e fanbe, ^^ crbibifefb f be notable tnttrumcnt oftlb^ K>;agonfo be feene,nameiv tbe do i^omane (!^mptre,Uibub 10 ^^ rrtbeb )jubat maner a one it iB,f e* < Theh.Sermon. CT3C n. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^"^ of the Sea , hauyng fe- Cbaptcr. ,^^\^" "^^ h^des , and ten horncs ; and vppon hys ^c^VV^ homes vppon the Apocalipfe." K^g Chaf.t^, homes ten crowrnes,and vpon his head, names of blaf- phcmie.And the bead which I faw was like a Cat of the Mountainc , and hys fcetc were as the feete of a beare, and his mouth as a Lyon ♦ And the Dragon gaue hy m his power, and his rcatc,and great authoritie ; and! fawe one of his headcs asitwere wounded to death, and his deadly woundehealed,and all the world won- dered at the bead , and they worfhypped the Dragon, which gaue power to the bcaft. ^ .3|oftttpioccDct^ totcfcribetl^c notable inttrmncntcs -ynffrua tiim l»emil, tD^crcbpbc^atl) afifactebtljc Cbttrcb ofCbJift tnetsb?t!ie totc^commRatiann mofl gccnous pecfccution^acco^bi^ttgas io\\\i\i ti)e C^jtft batb reucIcD t^em ^nto bint . ^nb be fpea^etb of tbc t)Gmii batbi dlDanbtbc ne^inomaue i^mpirc* ^ .3lobn bcvngaman ^^^^^ ^ tJufuniilftcD ofti)O2lsIvbclpc0,anbtberetoitbaIlconDemneb wo?fectb. anb bani(l)cD,coulb not baue (po^en,eE mucb le0c banc \xi%\ts ten-tbcCctbpngcstxjttbOHt ejcceispng great iiaungei;.;jfo? tbc Ulotttane tgmpirc toas tafeen t'oj goDlp , innincible , mott faa crib anb eaectaOvng.^euectbelcs tbe i^poftlc butb fpea^etb and \»;itctb bcceo( in furb fo;t,as it Temetb tbat be can not tis cbetooecbenameofa (ebttiouspeefon^anb of an ofienber a^ gavnH tbe bol? maicftip botb of tbc isnipetour anb tbc iCm* pice.^mte3bat31 p?avtbee\3jou!Bcatbonbo,\»bcni5ob cS* tttaunDctb tbee Co to fpcaUe anb tontcj 2rbc tajo jiD alio cagctb at tbis Dav,t»bcn tbcp bf are lacaU ^. . inc««nttpolicie0 cbaftifcD bv i5oD0 ujoid foj finnc anb toic- SSif J*^' feebncB comtttcb ; auD Jlojol^ enougb fonieja?incesfetfo?tb bSSiof -p^oclontattons ,'cotmnaunb?ngtbatna Cucb tbvngbebcaro t^e st>o;tii>e an? mo^e. I3ut tbe Eozo faptb in tbe i^oCpell : if tbefe bolb aga^nft tbe tbcic peace., ftones Q)alt fpcafee : fignifipng tjttcrlv > tbat tbc truetb- tcntb tnna be picacbcb , ano tbat tt can not be oppKlTeo oj Math.n. qnencbeb txvit^ anp DcceceB , tbieaten^nges , fo^e of ^rtuca, O}pnnini)int-nte0.i;bctfoie tftbevf^oulb attbtsbayltcepe filencCytinco tabom tbe office of pjcacbvngis coinmitteb,,tbe Ho^btooulb ftv^retipotbec p^eacbers,\K»btcb Ujonlo bcnre toitnee to tbeti^utb.tbougb aUtbetooUDfa^b na? to tt.^bet; fo;e 31 u^uio counfeil {dances, tbat tbev Cl)onlb not \7epe t\^z reiues i^'Aia^ne \x)ttb tboretbetr fnnb^v attemptes aga^nd <5o&s ttutb*;JFoi tbcv fl)aU not pjeaailc.STbc tcntb fl)ali \)aii itma).^o^bctbat.tbenfucnt(bco lllobn agapnd tbe momanc i^mp(<:e,att^at time mo(iao;tQ)2ng $ puiifaunt^^A^il Doubts Clhtp.T^, ntai^ne tre accept ten. The Lv. Sermon Ics get t^c \)ppcc ^atiD at t^t© nap alfo, bp rcuclptts ^JS tnitft to tjc toojlD uoto crafcD auD toajccn olD. voo to tijofe aifucca feeD natuces , U;^icti lone to fcDucc . JLet all picar ^crs Icarne tV t^e c)ca;nplc of t^c apoftle ^ . 3'iO^tt , to titter freely fuc(> tl)pngcs as tl)cv l^aue rccciucD in commauniiemcnt ,anD to feacc no man . fee is gceatec toljic^ is in ts (as t^c fame ^* 3]o^n fapt^j ift tl)e.i.3[lo^itt.4.)t^an ^c tbat is in t\)c tuozlo. ^nD not iDit^out rigt)t \jpeigl)tie confiDerations Dot!) i)ee terme t^e laoinane i5mpire to^tcti toas of fo great aut^o^itie anD in mancc Oinine , a faeaft , SfOi tbe ILojD feeepet^ ttiU tl)e p^^fe of i^e ^cnptwce^imitatvng 5DanieI,U)^o in ^is feuet^ cbapt.attrtbutet^ tbc name of bead to tbe momane lEmpire^ <2lnti ^.i^iecome ci^pounDpng bp t\)t ^^opt^ecie of SDaniel!, bptbe bead t)ntiet:fianiietb tbeiaomaneiEmptce:anD(upd poCet^ tbat t^erfo;e it is not ealled a^ a Beaee no; n iltbatD, but a bead : becaufe tbat tobat ccueltie foenec pe can Sltn^gine in beafles>bp tl^e fame pe map tmoerdanD t^e ixo^ tnanes . S>oubtles in maners t^ev ^aue (l)e\x)eD tbem (elnefi^ beaftes.Mithridatestbe mod tenotx>meD bpngof jdontits, fpeabpng of tbe Romanes in tl^e . irp)i;\)i^ . boobe of luOine laptb tbus . !3s tbev tbem felues repoK , tbat t^tit founoers toetr nourif^eb bp Tuefepng of a XDoIfe : fo bane all tbat pitas pie 2x>olues minoes, neuec ratiffiCeo tvitb bloub , euee geeD? of dominion anb bnngtpng after ricbes * i^lnb note boto tiU t^pbeaftesmanp momane ^^inces baue bene^tbeir otone tojitcrs iiilifteiCbicflv Suetonius , anb others t^at baue.ujjit^ tenoft^e i^mperours Ipues.^nb tbat tbe people ofiaome toerealfoofbeaaiv tnanersat^e^i^ctjaptetoftje iSptftic to t^e momaines ptouetb. 51 HnotD toelipou tDtll fap : feyng tbat^ , 31oI)neomp;e« lienbetb tbt \xibole bobp af tbe iftomaine lampire tmber t^io refemblattce:(l)all\De call conflant ConiUntinc,Thccdo/lu$ anb otber goi^lp jeniperoiirs,bealle6> S] ra^ ^oU) itie ^crip^i cures W tbis maner of Cpea^ng^anb by beaftes in bebe Vitt^ berOanb i&mpires,altbougb tpvi call not all tfyok tt)at btoeU m tbofe i^mpires beaOes tuttbout attp biSerence:tberfo^ toe tnberOanb tbcm to be eicentpteb in alli&mpires,tbat line alpfetoi5ob acceptable: anb fenotu a(rureblv,tbat neitbetr !Daniel,no^ ^3obn \330ulD bane biffameb fucbgtltleiTe mm anb \2)o;tbv of all p^apfc . -))ea in all tbis treattfe of tbe s£m^ pire anb of 2lntirb^ft,tDC except altoapes fuc^ men as are itu nocent anb cjccell in tiertue , )^^erof \»e QjaU l^pelp fpeaftt inoie^cceaffcc* ; ^ ' ana. ypon .thc^Apocalipfe. i^p, 2lit&firtt^cfl)C\MCtI)t!iebcgmumgoftbiSi3mpire. W\)t s^htnim^ ftcaft commcti) out of t^e ^ca, on tljc fanDc tobcrcof ftaoetb nauoft^e tl7e&>]tagon:anBmtl)ei7.cbaptJtt5 fapeD, boto tl^e bcaft empire. came out of tbe bottumlefTc ptttc. 2rt)crcfoze tbcbcgvnttyns Dercof 16 rtfetrreo to j^at^an. /gtottoitbRaDtng tuc muft^ere take dtltgcnt bccDe, tbat toe taUc avoa? nothing frointbe ILoiD out' 0OD , tbe ti)bicl) be c^alcngcib to ^v»nfclfe . 2nje ^cnpture in fund;? places, but cbteflp bv ttoo tnoO cjeccllmt toitneCTcB, bp S)anicll in t\)t s.cbapt. ano ^.paulc m tbc r;* tbe laomapnee, batb left m reco^D^tbat btngDomcs mtD i5mpp?e6 are of tbe Ho^o, anb tbat be fettetb \}p and br^ pofctb fe^nss* 3rbete is no pou^erjavtb tbe i^poaie , but of «5oD* anobetbertoinbeebetbeiSlpofHcscommaunbc men t^tm ti^e to obevidMnces anb magiftrates. 2^o\oo ts it tben tbat t»e isomane ^)cace, tpat tbe momayne iempv?c came out of tbe bottomlee ^'S'^" *^ ptt, fince tbe lapottle fpeabctb of tbe fame J a)onbt!c6 f mo^ S S?iS2 ma?ne iCmppie is not abfolutelv of t\)t JDeniU ♦ ^oi <5oD is J^? *^'* tbeantbourof iSQonarcbies , and p^eferuetb meatmee ano poticiee, geuing tbereunto cette^ne fa^tbfttll feruaunts.But jl^atbanmebletbtDttbmens matters, anb co^ruptet^ botb tinges anb bpngbomes: anb in tbat refpecte tbe? be of t\it S>euilt Sbe CbMttians inaUpolitifee matters obepeb 1tv^^ perours, but \33bentbev commaunbeb 3nbolatrie,tbep obep« eb tbem not. Certa^ne it is,tbat gob niXi fet tp tbe itongbome i i^in. »• of 3nrraeU,o^ of tbe ten tribes bp tbe id^opbet labias : pet ne« ncrtbdeflfe tbe Hoio crpetb out m an otber p^opbet:tbev b^ue Amos, f « ceigneb in beebe, but not bp me. ^0; tbe S^o^btooulbe bane \^^ii tbofe bpnges to baue frameb all tbpnges after bis tDo;b» anb to reignc in tbe feare of 0ob: anb tuyere tbep Dtb not (o> tint f oilo\])eb t^e ittctigation of ^atban,$ ojbereb alt tbings after tbcir otone lufte, tbep arc rigbtlp fapeb to reigne,not bg ^ob,but bp tbe ^euiU . 2:berefo;e ^tnwt ^t goblp obepeo Kpttges: but tbep pbepeb tbem not \ubtn tbep commaunbed txjicftcb tbpv^ges, attbougbtbcp toofec tbem fo? tbcir feinges, iQ5ob bab i|;ll]tutcD tbe ojuer of jajieftcs : notujitbftanbpng iLb?itt callttb tbe ooiuges of tbe fame jajicftes tbe toojfees of barcfenes.Slub^.jBcccrfapcb: \»c mufl ratbcr obcye iSoD tbanmcn. ^o\)ep?lvtbcH^omapnci£mpp?e, ttibicb ujasof f5ob, cameralfo out of tbe ^ea (as Mantel faptb aifo) tbat is to fap, out of tbe tcoublcfome \uo;lb, $ euen out of bcH , anb toas inaDe great tbjougb fiaugbter, murtbcr , fcbuion anb treafou. iFoi tbe people of i^oiuciuptb tbe moft part of «2m* pcrouts regarbeb t^( beutU aub tbt txio^lb, anb not i5ob« iSnii • Chap,if,^crmon CHc !So'^ ant t^flt t!)c mmit of mome is at tljfe Da^, ?)c ft'gttrtt)^ mine Cm ^ noiij a!fo. 31t ^atl) fcucn ^caosann ten Ijomcc, $ eucrp ^o?ne pirc of fcuc jjau ijiB cro\MUC, ftqmfipug tjccclt>,t!jat Op ^ojnes are nieatit ^eaottf* fevngDomtc. 5r^cul)£ciiccDctDt^erctob?mgittanpnetiJCoi ticrc fcteljcis ejciaoruion, Slntlje i7,fl)apt.t^c angeJ eppomti isec^ ijtmfclfe^auD (apt^,t!)atbp(eucnl)caDesate fignificDfca uen mcmntavncs oi ^i!!ct3, miD feucn fepnges alfo.Jn mome areaccoinptcts manv!)il!cjD,buttljercbe fcucn notable. ;fo| tberc tS mOUntC Palatine, Capitolinc,Auentine,Ccelius, Efqui- Ii(je,ViininaIle,ant) Qoirinalle : Propertius ejCpOUllD^ng tbt foinem one)}erre(tpbif^Sl^<^t^ cjcp^efTeD in t\2)o; fapt^t ■". , . - >« ! ; Stften/iryi alt a '»/« '^<« J*'* pnfidet tihe, '■ A ckie fee alofte on feuen hille«, •, Wliofc people rule the worlde at their ownc willes. J^n^ tberfoje it is xallcD of tbe «St:ce!$c0, ^5TTaXo^o5, of fcn(f |hUc0. ano terelp tbe cttte is tal^en fo^ tbe toijole i&mpirr* ^o-i?auc tbtcc bccuc alCauianp Ictngcs (e iSmpecoitt:0,tDb(C^ arc compjifcD in tbc number of fetirn : but pet is it certapnr* tbat t^c number of feuen bpnge alfo ts cji^ctelp founoe in t^e biaoj^ie.^o^att^e beginning \]>bcnmometDaBf(r{!bNilDeD» tberereigneu feucn fepnges in opec: Romulus, Nunu, tuUus HolHhus, AucitsMartius, Tarquinius Pnfcus , Scruius TuUius, Tarquius Supcrbus: after tbe cjcpulfing of tobom, becaulic bvst (onne bab rauiIl)CD Lucrcce, tftcv twcre ruleD bv confuUes, bp^ . .„,. tcnmcn,anbbpS)ictatour0,\)ntiIItbctvmeof lulius Caciar, " " ' *' to^o firftl)furpcb to bv^nfclfe agapne a fevngcs crotonc:aftei? txjbawuxigneD agap \\t atljcr feucn: t^at 10 to xj^iu Antony ^ Odbuian^callC&A'ugi^itus^ Tiberius, CjaiusClattdms , ^ Ncro«. ;^in Nero t^c cmppie rccciueti a\»ounDe: ^rom tbenccaftaine arc acCOmptCb fcUCnvO ttho, Galba,Vitellius,Verpafianc,Titus,; Domitiaa, Ncrua . ^rcm b?ni toas tbe]Smppj;cgutDuer to vipiusTraiane,a^paniarue.2r^er&j|c f i^oniapnc xgmptre coulDnoibvpIapnecmarbesbeoppjeflcD. SJotbis xgmppjc alio 2>aniel attributeb ttxx bo;ne0,aDuc(lfoz tbat it tijas col^ )ccreoofntanv£ivng&ome0> a0atrafQ; tbatittoaeDifperfeot agapnc into many. r-?^crcof Qjalbcfpofecnin tbt i7.cbapter» i^nD it is a commo ti)png in t\^t ^criptures^to fignifie bing^ ^omes ano poSDcr bpbo?ncij. Cije !Ro= ^nD to t^iBJipngDome tl)e ScO^b Slcrn© afctibet^ op5 Vu'fc* """u5f'"' feebncsyve^bcwiletb itblaipbeinouo. ^m be aboet^: and SheittoIiL ^P*^" ^^^ beabes tbcnamc of blafpbcmie,tbat is to fap, UJbat V ,«.uww). {jlafpijemie focuer map at anp tpme be anp tobcte beuifeb,all tijatCatne OjaUbc fouuoe mantfcS tnt^is i;^mpii:cjanbcbicf» 12 vpoiithc Apocalipfe. 170 Chap.j), \^ (» t^e Ijeaas. ^q% if vc bcbolDc tbe IjiUcs ofl3:ontc, ctjicfcl? tt)c moume Coptcoimc, pe Oialt ftttDc itcaUcD of cicero , t^e imnQott place of tl)e <5oD0: \)etclp fo^ r^ac tc cotttepucD m a •nanncc tlje 3lmagc6 of all tl)C 0oddcb ;f oj on tljofc ti'Mcs tDeccfcenctbcarcmplcs of 3flupitcf after all 610 properties, (EC. Su^e2rcmplC0OfSaturne, luno, Minerua, Of Mars tl^erC- ttCngcr, of Hcrculrs, lanus, Venus, Apollo : aifQ tl)C 2:^CmplCS Of ;f ojtunc, l^caltlj, tlictozp, ConcoiDc, aiiD fuc^ otljer.anD nircifc co be calico i5oD ano tbe £,ojOe» anootberoalCob^ue require!) goDlp honours, men ftvtm^ mn^ in blafp^einies, auo Qin^ing m all tDickeoue0. ^urtibcrmo:e,bp an j^magc compacte of fnnojp beaCcs ^e '^ po^rt^ Ojctoctb, bo\M tbc laomavnea^mppjc iucrcafcD^ ano obtep- °\^f J5°; neDfucbpotxja:,anav»^a:betl)emancr0tbcrcof . 3Rn t^c?. SJc ofmte rbapr.of 2>anicl. ©p t^c Cattc of tbe jagonntapne is Vigntftco JJarcbtcs cbc iWonarcbic of f5^zttt 0% euaccuo^tc , bptljc Stare, t^c ot>i«jcCcD. idprfian, anD bp tbe Epon,tbe iB^onarcbte of t^e £bal!>ct0 o} l^abilottiatte. 53lnti it 10 plapnc, tbat tbc i^omapnec oucrcS- ittpnottbbCe nations, ano putting botone anb rnbDupngtd i^emijDlucis t^bfe OQonarcbies, came ^nto tbe bv^eft ropp| bf goucmcmcnt . -^ai tbcp ftiboacD to t^emfclucs tbe, nm parte0CbiCflpbpLucullus,Poropey, auD CrafTus : Macedonic anbail 0rccce, bp Pauius.^miiius; agooB parte of affricfte bp Scipk-) anb Marms : cgpptc bp oaauius Augurtus: anofo foxtb.^nblp^eastbepujere in religion bngoblp: fo \orre tbep in otber mancrs not tinlpUc toplbe beafics . fti% as tbc Upbarbe 0; }dantbcr xz fpotteb of Tunb^p colours : fo arc ^b^ sabmapnc0, acollection of manp tiation0. bojne to malrdttf Ditionanbflaugbter.^TbeBeareboetbnotonelp goe ))pon ci;e tso^ |)tsfcele,bittU)ptbtbcraineairo^ti^etb, anb catcbetb bv^ manrsarc yjap: foifbeltomapnesi^b notbpng cl0,but i|r^c,ftgbt,anD bcaacjB. take (poples « Slnb a0 tbe fo^c of a Eyon (|$ aitionges fonrcd looteb bea^0 moll ej^cUott, anb jtbc H^on&utbntbtnf^tia^ blc ano (linking: fo t2>as.ttt^ ji^omapne i3tnpp;e mofi (Irong {Quetou0,neuer content^, atUi'^c)}erj?in^tter anb co^up- ^t,. ft^*=». iiott of mifcbiefe. ^ , fmm% anb ^.3lobn ueclarctb mo^c cpp^flTclp, tbat p momatnes to tije ihoJ %ant all tbat totcbebnes, cruettie,anb mifcbiefe of tbe S)euil: w ponder Sr^S>)«i0on CaptbbejSauclomo^^'ac ^aS, bv^ povoer, ano anofcatc t^at, The.Iv.Scrmon tW great: ^e gatte alfo \)is imc. wWh ie ae inttcl^ in effect, as if l)c ^aD fa^ctjubc 5)ciii! rctgncD \33^ole in rijc momaines ^ auD t^c laomaines ujioug^it by tljc SDcuill, all tbat tljcv D]?ii, ;JFox tl)c 's>tmil is t\)c o^iginall of murtfjccs ann Ipcs. £>( tit Deuils feate 31 banc fpoUe in tijc feconD ctiaptec of t^is boobe» l^otiobctc t3}c mua ^notD,tl)atall po\]dcr 10 of j5od: but be b? ^isiuftittbgcmcntbot^i permit man)? tbmsce to tbc 2>euiII oner tbc c^ilDje of imfbclefe»5fo?voben ^.jaaulc tn tbe.i.tof srbeir.tbe .2.baD fpo^enoftl^emoft mig^tietoo^Ktngof ^a^ tban, by toftens anb i^ing tDonbers, toberetoitb tbe? d^ouln bee bcccaucb tbat )30oulbc not rctcauet^e truct^:bcabbet(^ immebiatelv: tberfo;e i5ob fbal (enbc tbcm (Irong tUnfions, t^att^e^maybrlceueipes, anb be inbgcball tbatbeleeueo not tbe truetb.^c. Stoi (asj ^auc oftc abmonia)eb) toe mnli talce goob t^eebe, t^at tue ntijce not tl)e \x)o;be0 of f5on and t^e ^euili togetbet.i5obb vpo^ibes are of i3ob , euill arc of ^ £>eutU» ^otD lead; anv man aioulb ntaruaiIe,tD^^ 0ob per« tnittetb(omucl)totbemomapnc0 anb tbcbcuili t^eirbcab, anb bot|) notinfringc tbeir fo^ce fo} tbe clecte0 fabe.^.3|o^tt Intcriacetl) tbe beauiecbaunce of tbe people of iftome, anbot t^etDbotex£mpv;c,tDbic^()appenebto tbem, tmmebiatei? alter t^ettrft perfecniifi moueb agapnft tbc Cl^urcb of C^|tft> jftnb after t^e epemtion of t^e nobieft !apofilc0, t)ereli? to re« Htnge tt)at innocent blonb. ^oi\)tUtti one of tbofc brabes, as it tueretoDonnbeb to beatbt N&ro tu^cb firtt of t^e t^mpe^ tours ftirreb tip tbc ftrft perfecution againd tbe Cl^nrct),lhc^ Ifeeb bvtnfelfe toitb bis otvne ^nb* !3lnb ^etuas tbe ia(l fBm:* peronr of t^at fautilie, anb left tbe i5mpp;e Co a£flicteb,tl)at t( tsas l^lteinougb to-baue fallen to became . Certai^ne pjonttu cesreUQlteb« caiba,. ottho,anb vitcihus , foug^jt antonges c^mrelQes,anbmabectmIetDarre0. a:bt0 viteiliusmo^eo* ner, bjowe sabinus^vcfpafrans bjot^ervfurpccung none mill, I»itbot^er0, into tbc CapttoU bouft^bfetting t^e ^Temple bnfire,be(lro?ebbotbtl)eirempie anb men together, ano inabeall one^eapc«i!^eit^erbotl) ororius:conceale,tDbF tbefie Q)pnge0 bappeneb, raping: bp anb b^ i^ome toas punif^e^ fb) t}ic iniurtes t^t Qjcebab boneto tbe:Cb?tdenreligton,bH ^^ t^cmiirtbcrot^er}a?tuces,anbbp^(;tuilltbarre0, jpebeabi)? j]^ot\Ditbttanbittg , t\)t apoftlc abbctb, tbat tbe toounbe £SSt taaObealCbagaVne..;tfO)Vefpafian(XaptbSextus Aurelius vie- *^ *• tor) bib foone releeue t^)c VDojlbctbat ^ab longbeene iincleflit anb fojldjne ♦ ?& tre^ou >wai? fe^ ^^i« ts meant b£ tbatjtbat " "* ' " t^e(>cabftemebtobr asittpere aajne: anb aUo poM baue vpontheApocalipfc. 171, to3l)atl)c vtxttm b? favuig- t^at tlje ujomud teas l)?a!ctj agamr ♦ ;jfozot!)crtD'tit:rs Diftourfttig f fame tno?c at large, fct fo?t^, ^o\Jo Vefpafiaii retuvnpitg to iK-O'ivcacrcmptcD uortMugiuoje noble 0: bciicr , x'nm to cCtablift) ana beautiftc tl)c ccininou • tucakb tbat toas fozc aS^dctcD ant> Deca^eD, to bipitg m ozDcc anu frame tbr pjouiucca ans Cttice tbai toere atfciDcrcD bj? mmultcs au^ itDiiioas bp?ojts,to rcfo?me tbc toarlicfec Difs ciplinc Vijfncb toas grotocn oucclicetious, atiD to pimift) of^* fenDcrs . ©cceparctJtbe£mcanc\xi tobicbbao bcncDcfa:: ccD toitb fojmcc ficingco ana mines : \)t bniloco agavne tbc Capitoll bo«rc tbat mas burute : ana erectea tijc 2:t)eaf ec in cbe miaDciitof tl)c £itic,ti;emoa auncitut j[^onmnemc of tbeiempirc.^c, j0go2eouecbctoucbctI)no\a3Coictl)cfooIin)encs anab)tc='^^« foa» feeancffeof tbctoozla . ^natberetoas atoonaerpngm tbej;^"^^ a"^ tDboIc eai'tb.^c. jifoj tbc tciojlD foliotoetb tbe picfent fclicitic, W^!",? ana cftcmcib all tbvngs aftec tljcic gooa oj cmll fojtnnc. fQ% ^ ^°J'o* tbat i^cligion,fap tbcv,i6 nioft nobie,ftabie ana tcnc , \i3bicb 16 famous in tjtcto?tC0, ana tl)inetb ujitb tbc oinamentesof tbis ujojla . srbei^foic foi tbc maieOic of tbc momanc f£m= pire)U)bicbtbc^baaiugreatcilaamiration, tbemoftpact o( men rcccauca tbc L^omiH) i^eligion , ana acfcnaea tbc fame asfittccrc. B:u^aint3]obnacclat:vnstbccno?mitic of tbis fmne,favtb:anatbe^toojCl)^ppea tbeS>;agott. ^c.bcfavtbi^cp&oi* not^tbe^ \}30ifl:)Pppea 0oas , oztoooa ana ftones:buttbev Oitppeo m toJ0?Q)pppca tbe aemU.Si.aolafccs mill fav,tbat tbc? too^Cbip JDeaau ana boiioui* iSoas , ana arc not ignojaHnt, tbat Slmagcs ace Jmaacofmattci' cojcnptiblc^ ana tbat tbe ttioiflitp tbat tbe? ao tjnto tbem ceaounactb ) not to tbcfe aeaa fignes , bnt to tbem,\xJbcrof tbej? be fignes.aJbns \3erelp ttiill all ir.aolaters (ap : tjnro mbom if pou lap , poumcjajpp moo a ana flones, tbc^ mil! annfmere qnicfeelf , tbat tbc? baue great miucie Done tbcm.iJfoj tbcp be not 10 foolia) ( tbep mill fa?) to mo^a tkf^p tbat tbpMg,mbicb ^e? maae mitb tbeic omne banaes* (EC But tbc apoftle ssi^it^ fenem mell tnougb tbofe mojlalp e]cpoi4ttons,ana mtlie djiftesof 3l]ao!ater0, fpea^etb franbl? aga^ntltbcm ana ttfpcctetb not tbat,mbicb tbcp alleagca foj tbem felues : bat tbat fame ratbec , mbicb «5ob iuagctb , ano tbetrmb oftbctbpng pionoancetb, (aping: ana tbc? ^jo?* %PpeatbeS)cnaiD?tbe2>jagon.^o}9anlein tbe 'Cojitttb^tbe. lo.cbapter^S^be tbpnges,tavtb be, tbat tbe bca*: m CJjA^.Jh Sermon itx\^ not \jpott tl)C mt)gnnciuc0,attD utr cut cs , anD be male of mm,bm pionouncet^aftcr l)io o cone uicgciucnt. "Sn ttic i ^ ♦ of iLciiit. l^c frtvtl) Mf vc c^cc tjnto mc obianons otI)ci\Dtfc, t^ajn ^aue piefmbcD^^c ftjaUDcfilcpoucfclues toitl? bioim: t5at is to fa^,31 toill impute it to vo« as murt^cc . Ect no\j| t$c ogaCfcinSgmg jajieftcs ccv out till tl?cp be boatfe agaync, toe offec to tbc ?LojD0o&,anD not to Draimgc i5otJS:^c8 {l)aUt^clLoioes femenceaann moil true to;eucr,tbatt^ei? trattfgces 'mix\^ t^nlatofull too^CbVPPVns^ tto Xi^z t^ati if t6e? commit(CDmurti)CC.2ls alio efap bcacett) tuitncs in. 66. chapter, ar^e Hojo f5oD allotuetl? tbc fmce re obtDiecc,to^)ic|j toe fl)eto t)mo bis Iatoes,be carets notbpng fo; our tnuetttt^ ous auD gooD imetttes . a:bus at tbis p^eftnt be fl:)etoetb at tcto too^bes^as tbc tl)png is in bcbe.tbat all 3]ooIaters too;^ {^VP t^c S)eml!.31t toe tooulD at t\:}\Q oap eftcme t^cfe tbings rigbtlV^toe fl^oulD not fo cSrcnbc as it toere fo^ Itfc $ lanbes: nbout maintcpng of Blimages in tl)c Cburc^ . jri)c2.o;D J^za (us lig^c our partes and mtnbes to fee ^is tcm^» C^be beaft ts tuo^n[)i?ppeb , ano be blarp^cmcfl) t\^z name of (I3oD , ano t^e ^atnte^ of Ooo , ano finally tna&et^ toarre U)it|i t^e ^amtc0. The hi. Sermon, A Nd they worfliyppcd the beaft: faying : who is lyke vnto ihc beaftPwho is able to warre with hy m? And there was geue to hym a mouth to fpeakc great things, andblafphemies : and power was geuen vnto hym ,to ' do.xlij.Monethes.And he opened his mouth vnto blaf phemie agaynft God , to blafpheme his name , and hys tabernacle, and them that dwell in heauen .And it wi^s geuen vnto him to make warre with the Saintes and to ouetcome them, aru» i^aff. ^^ fa?b,t^at t^e too;lD tDOjQ)pppeb t^c SD^gon : noto \^t Jrt SoSrJti abbctl),tbattbe fame too?ft)pppct^ tbc bcaa. i^otobeiticpnjj CC6 « bow ^^^ ^^^^ *s ^^^ ^empire , fomc man migftt mamcU , Ijoto t^c ^ empire migljt be too^Q^pppcD , 25ut toe at fcto too^bes fa?, l70tot])e?U)o;a)pptl)e empire, to^tcf^receine tl^cHicrees, rites anDfitpcrftitiouso^btnauttccs oftbe etnpirCsanbO^ pcnot»|^otp)»pQnt^cm i i^nbf^evc Wvcenota tetuat t^at fl?me. vpontbeApocalipfe. 172 cha^.jj. f^mc,tol)0 foj lottc of t^ic ixomane i5mpirc ncn^ea t\^t fapti) of C^;!ft,a«o ixjioltmg fcomt!)c C&urc6,tcvuci» t!)cm fdMv0»gion aao iacrtiicca to tl)c fcilovxifljpp of t'QC i£mpicc» 3r^cv in tjecp dcdc \i3oil)VPPCD tl)C bead . ogozcoticr tbat t^png Uj!)u^ t3 onclp Due tjiuo one £5oD , t!jc fame b^D tbc iiomancs attcibutc to tbcjr HJmpicc . 15ut \dI)0 foeiter afcci^s b2tg amiac pzopcrtics tJiuo any tbmg,oot!) Vscrdp Bciftc anD to)oiri)Vp tl?e Came . auD tl^c piopcrtics off5oDbc t^tfc,to l)an: no matcb oz pcrc^tOat !jc alcne le grcatcil ant) beft, ini^ moitalI,Ciccna!l,moil mig^tic,moa inmr.ctblc.ifoz fo fa^ tbc |d;opbccc6:Uii)u lo li^e Isnto i\)tt^ (5od , tn beaucn an!) in cartb'vui)0 iaas tboujtUijo carefift i3oDj23nttbeia.omancs DiDattnbiue all tbcfc ti^pni^^s to tbeicCuipcroure^anD fo tbctc ifmpnc , (aving , as 0>,liobn aiio i:ccuctl):tobo is I^kc into laomc ^ \xibo is able to toacce Uiitb it i tbep calleo Jbeic jCmpccours i5ocs, bcff, grr ateft, tnoR pmflaunt , atiD moft inuinciblc. S^^c zjmpii'c it fclfe ttjcv c^^lc^ cternall . Jt map fectbcrctbingcs wmmoiJaimcicntambotirB ^ covnce.^o maup tbcrfojc lis id cix not all)amco to attribute tbofc tbmgs to tijc laomane icJiinces ana Uj^ngjioine , arc fapD cigbtlp to ^a'.ic\23 j.itljippcD tbe bcall.Slno uitjat otbcr tbing 31 pzap vou is Done ntii)iQ ba^ , Uj^ileC! foz tbcfauour of ijmpccoucs, JSi?H3cs,0ap£0,auD tbcicl^caimcs, tbc trutb iobcnpcb , 0% tozatleD aucrtijfa^^^ctiond of men i ^r^cfe \uoj[l)VPpc t^e Jbcailalfo. i^ouj is genctt alfo tbe bead a mont^ fpeab^ng great Umoati),! t^yngc6,r.nt5 blafponnic 5 , Of biarpbcmpcs toe fliaU fpcafec fpcaKpng mo>c auoiu.But toz afuiurl) as tbc IK-omanc ^empire obtc^- s«cite tica great ^ictojies , anD bclD mod gatlannt ano lolcmne tvu ^-^rnscs' umpijcs : t\)c^ km: to bane occafion gcucn to boaft p^ouDlp of tbvir l3iao?ics , anD to cbair ngc tijofc tbmgco to tbem IcU iic3,\Mbicl)\JoerciuDcDcviozQU3l)t tI)?ougi)f potuecof i3oD» anD DaubtlcOTc tbc IS-omanes inagge eycebynglpanD oner- liccntioua; ,tbattl)£v ^iic touquciouis anD ilo^Dcs of tbe toozlo , 13u£iacb p?iDc i-^^as grcuotifip pimiOjcD m Nabucho- donofor tlje kv'ng. n>bc rof vou mav »ec ix\ t^e.^.. cbapt. of S>a* niell. ^. j^ctccaliruutb tba: iSob rcfidetb tbc pzouDe , ana gcuetb grace to tbc bumble . -^.n batecb t^z arrogant ,auD tafectb atra? tbcir namca from t^c tart b. ctne yaujcc ujas gcuca^^m to Do,tbat is,to \»ozKc\3iolcncc.;c|i!, picuoc, J3b.ij, moncr^fs; ' Chaf.JS* ' Thc.Ivj. Sermon mottcttcs : tijat is to fap,Cb long t ]?mc , as it fcmctf) goou to t\it i.o:D : t!3J)iclj ttciiectl)c!ccre , alt^ougJj !)e tooula ^auc t^c t^mc to be to \J3 tJuHnotoett , ^tt is Uno'ojen to Ijiin , fo tbat t^c godl? ma? atTucc rbem fclucs, t^at tijis emU a)aU inDucc but afctxj monctijcB.iDf t^ie number banc 30 tcafoneD \x\ t^e ir. cljaptcc anD.)clto;.^ei'mon,anD Jjaiic fljctocD in t^cfoimcc places tijat tljoft numbers toereall onc,toujittct!)c tbou^ hxXQ ttijo bunUicD auD x\:n^t fcozc naves, t^c. %\\) . monetbcs, anu tbc tvme,t\330 tpme«,ant) balfc a t^mc . i5oD tberfoje au- mom(l)vn9 ^s as it toere b? a riODle , toil! not ^aue t)s curi^ ouflv to inquire after tbctvmes,\37btcb bebatb beptm 6vs oVDue potoer : it is fufficient to t}s t^at .^e ^at^ alTigmD all tljynges \x)itbin tbeir iuQ bonDes. £>f ti)e biaf /3to\x> follotoetb a plentifitll treatife of tbc 2a:omi(i) blaf^ premie 8! of p^cmics. ;jf irft ^e faitb bp a tropc,be bat^ opcncb bis tnoutb: oiD iRome. ^jpcrebv be batb fignifieo ^is bo!Dncs, anb Iibertic,oj ratbec iicentioufnes of fpea^ng. ;f o; toe fay be tooulD not ones o^ pen bis moutb:VDbcn xot meane tbat an? man U)il not fpca^e frankelv*13utt^ejl^omanes<,and companions oftbel^o* mid) Cuperfhttonblafpbeme i5oD tbtecmanerof tpapcs.;fos firS tbcv blafp^eme tbe boi? name of i[5oD in tbat t\)t^ pita ferretbeirfalfei3obsanb tbeir fuperftttions before tbe true i5oo,anD tbe true anb mod bolp iftelision. fo} tobetas tbe? aomitteo tbe i3obs anb t\)t iaeligions of all nations into t^e iLitit of iaomcubeptjttcrlv refufcD tbci3:cUgion of tbc one* Ip i5ob of Sifraell , bpcaufc tbe? pcrccaueo bo\D be ttioulb be U)O^Cl)VPpeD alone anb after noneotbcrmanertban \)t^pn felfe bab pKfcribeb . But tbep bab ratbcr recciuc tjjicfecbl^ tbofctbetrmanv<5obs,anb tbeir J^cligion altbougbmoft abfurbe , tban to commit tbem felucs mto tbe mitim of one, anb to recetuc a moberateanb fimple religion : ^utbour.Au- rel.Auguii.3^reaccdptnotnotutbe blafpbcmoustjoo;ibcs of tbem, tttercD aga^nft tbe true i3ob , about tbat time cbieflV9 tob5 Vcfpafian anb Titus baupng fimfl)eu t'pe Sleujes voarrcs, triumpbcb borb oucr tbc iLitie UJbicb tbep bao bcftrovcb anb Ducrtbc people of iSobt^bom tbcpbsb conqucrcD . STbcrc Uiere caricb about in tbc truimpb tbe bolp Mcffclz of tbc W^s plc,anD euen t'Qc 0od of tbe Slctxjcs ast3anqui[beD anb bou* benjemcb to be Icb into tbe CapitoU boufc, to make bis fttp^ pUcatia to t^eir great j3ob 3iuptter,as it plcafeb tbem. ^pobct^ ttpontoe tmberftab tbat tl)e name of 0OD toas no \»bitte(re outrageou0p blafp^emcb^att'oatt^mc.tbanit u^as in oln t|?me bp t^e jdAlcftincs o; 0^tliaiansi)t:u^at tpme t^cp fct t^e vpontheApocalipfe. 1^3 cha^.i^, atcfec in tbc tcj«p!c of t^cic {Sou S>agoit : lilscVoiTc bv Rap- fake, atlD Syniuchenb, mOJCOllCr bi> Balthazar fe^'iig of Bab^- lott in tije. f . cljaptcc of 2>3nicU.15ut tljc otfcuDoiitB arc fouDc out at toe tail. ^econolv tl3C itomamcsblafpbcmeti tbcHTabcfiiade of i5oD.a:^atfainc oiD 2:abcrnadc of tijc people of^lfcacKtoas not oucl^ tl)c office, oj place of mcligion ano \i30i(l)VPPVnS» but alfo a toUen of Cods pjcfcnce . ;jFoi i5oo is no\x> pzefeute In tbcmtDDca of b'S Cbtticbc , a figure of tobom,tbe arabcca ttacle of vDitnefTc icpiefcntcD . But tbc iaoinaines caileb tbe jCbjiftctt Cbnccb toKfeeD,foolil\),fctiitious, U)bojt(l),anD be^ teftable : tobtcb tbey alfo nioft grenouUp oyo perfecute , anD fougbttoDcItropb^al meanes:bet:euntoalfotbe2 benttbett; tDbo!epo\joer. ;jFinalIv x\iZ'^ blaf^bemcb alfo tbe beauciil? btocllccc, tbc ^^jj- ^^ K^apppeanD bleCfco foules of ^ainteo, |9?opbctcs, auD apo- n-ificcsoti ftles,vobomtbep calico tDicfeco,feDucct6,pcaccb?eafeers blaf- uertobcb pbemcce, beretibcs ano nunefuU perrons. f^\ at tbis tpme, racD iQ)t>tii tDbileft ^.3lobn \33jotc tbefc tbings,oiucrrc apoftles,\)noec «t»oci;e0. tbe l^omapnc lempvJe, ban noto bccue ejcccuteo aub Qapne, as plagues of tbe tooildc, veti (^no tbeir meuto^iall aub ooc^ tcittc conoemneD . '^wx berebp vo« percciue,bo\j) oifplca^ faumlp i3oo ta^etb it, if anp ma raple \)pon gobl]? p^eacbers, ann bolv mintQcrs of Cburcbes. ;lFo; tbe Hoto ta^ctb tbc re^ p?ocbe to \iz fpoHcu as it \x)crc agapuft bv»ttfelfc ♦ ^bcrc re* tnapncvcfattbtsDav ccrra^ne blafpbemies of tbis fojtc tti Cornel Tacitus in bis zf.booUc of tbc Doingcs of tbc x^mpc^! rours, \DiitteuagavuR Qgofcs auD tbe people of i5ob. f^o:eouer iDoD pcrmittctb tbe bcaft, to Ujarre topon tbc /trbe beaft ^aitttcs, ana to ouercome tbem. ^01 tbe iJiomanet£mpp;c mahctb Ijmili tbe cpincofConihnrine tbe great, ftirrcD^p tcnmon:^a»^^ptb Srecuous pcrrcnutons agapnli tbe Cburcb. »?bereof pou^bcfamtcsf. JWapceaDCEufebiusbvUlOpof Cefaria, ailD Olbrius iutbcbi^ fto?.? to3!){cb be U}?otc to s Auflen. £iuij tbis placc cbieflp ap^: pedepnctb to tbc iuttructiou ano conifou of tbc CbHrcb:^oj tbe 2-ozt> alio iu tbe JSofpcll pjopbccictb of tbe oedcntes of tbciEburcb,to ^z conrolaitonauD information of tbe goDlp, asoppcarctbmtbeif.anDi^.cbapt. of ^3,obn. ano bo^u tbc ^ai»tc5tc ouercome 31 otclareb m tbc n.cbapt. 2^bc Hojb 3icfus pjcfcruc \^\^ Cburcb. ^mcn, €.^f tbc potocr of tbc ttomarncCmpuac, anotobolwo;j« Chapjs* ' The Lvij. Sermon ll)ip fbebeatt: ano of tljc Detraction ofUcmc,anO t6$ The Lyij. Sermon. A Nd power was geuen him oucr all kynreds,toungs, and nations, and all that dwell vpon the earth wor- (liypte hym : whofc names arc not written in the bookc of life of the lambe, which was killed from the begyn- nyng of the worldc . If any man haiic an eare, let hym heare. Hethatleadeth into captiuitie, fliall goe into captiuitie: hethatkillcth with the fworde,muil be kil- led with the fwordc. Here is the patience, and the faith ofSaintes. 3©f tijepo- 'S:\)t apoBIc by t^e rcitclatiott of CWtt fpeafectb a!fo of Tmto{ti)z t^cpotuecanDinaicfticoft^ci^omaynci&mppic. 2:^cjaos iRomapnc ma^nc 2i5inpv?e \xias in occoe of gceatcS potoer m t\)c time of «?mpp?c. odtauius Auguiks, aUo m t^c tpmc of Dominans tctgnc , ann mt^CmgneofTiaiane,aIfO ^nDer Hadrian, Aurelune, Dio- clefian, anD Conitantine. ST^e greater parte of tl)C UJOllOC mi tabitcD obepeo thereunto: as ail i^uropc iit a nianer , topt^ acta auD ^frifee: as bot^ latin anD i5recbc ^(ftojtcs ooe tc^s Mic . J^otBbcit berebv tbe JLojD toarnet^ l3S,ttiat toe (lioulD not cttciouQp fearcb tbe feccctes of i5oir , noj be inquifitiue, \ tobp ^!5oD gauc Co great poujer to tbc ixoutavnes, uj^o be lineto UjoulDcabufc tbe fame to tbe oppjefiingof Cb?»ftes CbwecbJ fo?\xibecc befaptb , tbat tbe pot»cc toasgencn to i^ome, be ftillctb ano appeafctb all murmurtngs, fox igm^ PVKC be of £5ot>» 15ut be is mod toyfc, rigbtcous, anb bo!p. »>becetberfo?cbe inatjetbeU\mgDomesof tl}c toojlD fnbiect to iaome,bc nin it toifelp, iuttlp, et boivl^. 3fln tbat tbe mo* maines corrupt i5otis ozDtnaunce^anD coinmttte tbemfeluea to be gotterneo of tbe S>euill, it coutmetb of eutii* Het our Difputations berc ceafe,fo? tbe ujife man faptb al^ (b, tbat uoic^eonten and bppoctttes retgne foztbe rinnes of tbe people, anD \a)bet*eas be cebcarfctb UinreDbes, tongues, ano nations, ^e ooetb after tbe imitation of tbe is>?opbetS>aa ntci, \33bicb bv^ (itcb a pbiafe of fpeacb ts tjoot to figmfte a mod large anD muOaunt 2i5inpv?e« * ©m \»b« appertepnetb tbts to tjs, o^to^at pjofit (dv^tH vpontbeApoealipfc, 174 Cha^.i^, rtjott) c5metti to \js ^cccbv, t^at t^eiaoitia^itc iBmnt is fo farcjctcnccD ti)jcu3f)outt6e vwojlii. 3:^1)16 V3crclv,tec Tec l)olo t^ispiopljenc \:^tx^Wz cucrv ttmigng^tlp t^at tocnt be* fozc: r{)crcf02C !i5 i^ccc Icftcno place to Koubt cf tbc t'oyngcs tbat follou) . ic>c may pr rccaucino?coucr, tl^at tl)c putOTautcft feVngDomes,u>^icbfennctomcnmmnnbIc,mavofi5o& ht UilTotuco tDit^o-at anp DiffjciiU ie: let \jb t^ccfozc Itani to fcarc i3oD, ani) to toal^c in ^10 coinmaun^cmcntce, ano to titrptfc t'pcfccarti)lvt^?ngc0. ;^actOcnnoje, alfo \)t ttf darctb mojc C)cp?cflrclv^ ^bo (Ijali ^},o cyg,, tooitljtp t^e bcsQ: foi be favcD,tbat men in tbe too?io fl}OulDe Q^imjc the be tabcn tuttb aamiratiou of tbc bead, anb fbail \MOiCl)ip tbc bwa. bead: be notu Dcclarttb tbe fame, anb fo placctb tbebozDc of tooi(l)ippi«5 , as a man mav ^"^f rfJana ttasujellof tbofe tbatarcpzcfcntasaUo oftbofetbatarcto come. ;foibf fpctt:» bctb not onciv of me of bis tvme, b«t of all fucb as being ra» iiifbcD toitb f be abmicario of tbc empicc,ani> maieUic fberof, fi)all eptbcc benp oz cStcnme tbc faptb of Cbii&.iilnD be (aitb, rbata]itbatbU3elitponeartbCl)aUU}oza)ip tbe bead. But lea0an)?man Cljouib refccce itabfolntelp ^nto all, astbougb tbere a)05iltj be no true too^.Cbipperc of iSoo at allibe annejc^ ctb: \x)bore names arc not ojzittcn m t\^t bookc of life of tbc lanibe, to^jtjit, tbe cep3iobatcc,nottbe cbofenubetinbeleners (31 fap) tobicb contcnmc tbc tcozu of tbe tSofpell, uifbapne to beave it, aub be rebelics to Cb.iifl. ^bcp ouiell bpS tbe eart^ (faptb tbe cjcpofitouc Gretas) tobicb are moueb to^tb no care of bcaucnlv tbiugcs, nc: of tbe glojp tbat is tbere ; oj \j3bif |> gene tbemfclncs co eanblp babuatton,anD apply tbemfducs to a bcaSly Itfc accoitsmg to tbe fame, a^bomas of Equine b?iug£tbairotc(lntiDnv) ontof rbe i7.of3',cremy . 2rbep tbat bepact from mr, ftjai! be UJiuicn in tbc eartb. i^oj t\^t>^ bane fojUafecn tbe ticpnc of 'vnclv trattrs, eucn tbe llojo bvnifelfe, jtt>f tbe boonC of iyfeli banefpoUcn in tbc 5. ano j.cbapt. anD bJiU fpcaUe of tbe fame m x\)z 19. ano xo, cbapt.ofrbis!^^ Ijocahpre. IDcrcuntobeaimejretbarxtablctbtngaftec tbc mancr of tbcapoSles,\»bicbarcalU}ave3\xiont to celebrate ano fet fojtb Cbii flapne fvoiii ^t ^ ^^ Icngt^ x\)t^ cjcpounDc tt,tljat C'ojtft toas Oainc tn abcl, ti)c bcgin= 3nD m all Cannes, bp pacticipanou but not tip paSion, Ccrs nmgof ti)c tainlp tt)c map not cjcpomtDc tl)is place after t^e letter . ;Jfoj s»ojioc, Cbjiift coulDc not be aavne,bcfo;c ^c \x)a6 boiiic , iKjoieoucc tl)capoBlcaffirmetb,ti)atC^ziaimce tfjc bcgiuning' of tbc tP02l&,batb not beenc flame oftntr tl)cn once. mca& tol^at be faptb intbc?. cbapt.totbei^ebjeiM. Certcs tbe mod (IcDa fall an& true toojDc of fSoD cannot be contracp oj rrpugnaUt to it felfc. 2rbcrefo?c fap \xiz after t^e connnon rule of ejcpcfta Dpngtbe Scriptures, tbattbe fignes baue tbc names of tbe tbpngcB fignifieD. ^o? tbe Eambe tuas calkb tbe paffouer ox paffmg bp,\»^erof it toas tbe figneXiccumcifiou voas calleD tbe league o; couenauttt felfe , $ Cacrtftces are nameo ftnues* ^0 ^trelp from tbe beginning of tbe tno^lbe Sacrifices \joece flapne, tobicb Ulcere fpmbolles ti% fignes of V:n\^ to be incar- tiateb anb offereD \)p once foj tbe rienfing of finncs . xot t)tv» Derftanb tberefoje bp tbis teftimonp of Cb?ift, tbat all tbe fas» crificc0Oftbeauncicntfatber0,txierefacramentcs of Cbjift, anb tbat tbe reDemption of Cb?ift batl^ feom tbe begpnnpng of tbe \x>o?lbe beenc of cfficacie to all tbefaptbfnll. STbercfojc tbis place is notable and vuo^tbp to be obferueo . Bet^erto appertainetbtbe^poKlesteaimonptntbefirato f Co^t* tbe I o. STbat all our foiefatbers baue eate of tbe fame tpiritu^ all meate \x)ptb t}s,anD D^on^en of tbe fame D;pn^e,anD tbat t^ep D?ankc of tbe rocfee follo\Ming tbcm, UJbicb ^iJas Cbjift. j©f tl)ctic= iSlnD ^et^erto batb be fpofecn of tbe ftatelpneffe, blafpbcs ftraction of mottfnes,anD finfulnes of tbe momamc i^mppje. /j^oto fol«s f ttomatnciotoctbtbebearuction of fo great an igmpp?e,anb tbcpu:? «mpt>^c, nifljments of tbeic finncs, 3PPlpcrof notUjitbBanbing fljaU be fpohen in tbe 17. c^apt. ana toitb an acclamation,moK commotilp ^feD in tbe gof^ pell,anii as it tocrc peculiar to CbJift , ^c ftirrctb tp all i^iQ bearers, anD crpctb out: be tbat batbau eare to bcare let bini beare, ^erelp it teas a \x>ont)cr,au6 fccmeD toncrcDible to mc: tbat fo great a jKjaiefliccouiDe fall: but pet it is falnc. S^bc faptbftill macucileD alfo \xibat a)oulD betbecnbeofblafpbe:* mpes, aaugbters, iuiucteB,anDabbominations« 65o?coucc t^cDoctrme tbat follo^ajetb is notable, ejccellcm, anD ujojtb^ to be fecpt in memojp. HTberfoje be flirretb tjp all men to ats tentmenes,anD tbcn be faptb: tobofoeucc (l)allesiic into cap* tiuitie, aiall gee into captiuitic; tobofocuec ftcibct^ toptb tbP ft»ojb,$c, ;fi'ojinfucl;fojt^cDcclarct^ pbeftmctiSofi^omc anD vppon the Apocalipfc; lyjr Chaf.i}, wx^ t^c Utomavne ismp^ic , as t^cwbv ^c cmtfinncc^ t^e ittfltwlTe of 0oi3 iuD3cmc«f. 2r^eccU)it^all ai(o l?c compzi^ fet^ in toonDccfull a)oiccoomc,tl)c ^mneafucablc fojcc of tt)e fcutcnce \i3l)K^ fSot) ^at^ gcue oj pjouoaccn agamft m^me* atiD it IS bot^ bv t^c ^'^''^ of i5oD, b'^ tijc iauje of natircc, ann b^ t^e htoc of all nations rcceiuco as a tl)vng moS \i\^ , tj?ac e«ccv »i3Jt fl)o:ilD loo'^e to bauc tl)c fam; Done to t?viu , tbat be Dorb to an ot^cc. fQ% to t^ts belongctb tljc fcmecc vebeac^ fcD of /Btoe in tbc ^.of 0cn.JI^c tljat a)cDDctb blouD,bis bloua fljalbc Q)co» Sbc fame is repcateo i\\ tbc 53 » of efa^ . 3x>o to tbec tbat rpo^left,a3aUtbou not bee fpo^IeDi a teaiino^ Mie to^ecof is ^iniue in t^c lazopbet iBiabunt, anb Babptoti tnaUtbc0;opbets. srberefoiebatb tbc2.o^btaugbt in tbe <3ofpcH, tti^atfocuec pe toouto t'gat men ajonloc boe to yoii, fioe pon tfje fame t^nto tbem alfo . to>^x^ vobat nicarnrc pou meat l}nto otbers, ty it^ tbe fame Qiail otl>ci;s meat knto vo« agspne.5X>bo foenec ftrtbetb toitb tbc itoojb , \xi\t):^ tbeftuojb fljall peeiQ),2rbecfojcit is mott reafonablc , tbat fmce mome bati) fpopleb ti^c tobole U3o;io,anb iniuricb all nations , and tnabe cruell toarce tppon all men : it (l]oulb be agapne of att nations fnuabeo,fpopleD,toine,anb teoben tnber foote « %tx tes mar^e tbis tuDgeni:nt of i3oD,anb let \)s feare 0oD, and bo goob tjnto men, if 0^ bcce is fentence gcuen againft all mg tbat bo iniuric to tbetr neigbbours.but cfpeciall? t^ofe tbbicb innaDc innocmtes taitb lonuiff ^pieb ujacces. ^nb bcre muft toe ccpcate fome tbvng out of i^pfto?ie5, c^cbc=: tD^erbp tbe trut^ of tbis piopbtCie map be tbe better Unotoen ftructton of anb tjnberftobe . xo^tw tbe molt eicceltent iaiince Conihntine JlomcanD bab receiueb tbegonccnemcut of ti)c cmpiie , as ittuecc ab^ yRowatne bo?fV"g^o»tte,bcbn!;iDeD Connavittnople , anb mabe it tbe ^*"PW^ feateojmanfionof tbe jgmpicc.ano from tljat time tbe OQa^ tellie of l^ome began to fall tinto mine . vHnbec tbe i^mpes roue Gracian > a ^^iuce mofi^ \x)ittie , tbe Barbarous nations toereagceat terrourtotbe l5.omanes , tobcceupon Gratian inabe a league 'ts^it\) tbcm. sdhco fatljcr in iauj to Honorius , a Tl^anball bo^ne^btiuintfbeD tbe tsjages of xi^t. iBot^ians , anb otber league fellotoes oftbe people of l^ome: fo; tbe uibtcb caufetbeptoofec armour; anb bcpug pactfiebagapne, tbep toeredp^reb )}paftertoarbtb;ougb toemalliceof snlicoanD SDube Sauk :anb \)nber tbe ebbutte of Athalaricus tbeir i^png, tbcp mabe baft to income , lapo ftege to it , beXiegeb it bp tbe fpaceoftU}opearcs,anbat tbeiengtbtoolte anb fpopleb it. :90i^icb ftege anb Cpople s. Hierome in bis 25piftle betuapletb l$b,\)t rnucb* chap, Ts . The Lvl j . S crmon mucft.Orofiustojtm^muct) anb Cbztttianip hereof m t^e» a? ♦ ct)aptcr of ^ts. 7 . booHe of g)!fto?ics. 3Jt is re po?tcD t^ar iiometoa0tciV,cntl?rfit:&unvDf3p?!!!,mi^evcarc. 4T2. *))« (i)c Gothians tmmcDtatlp Icanvng t^e Cittc, rcmoncD into 0^ tl)tt placcc tbci'c bv : ncMcn!)elf He , bcpng agayne inflanteo \x)it^ futp t^cv rctucncD , ^ ^nDcr tljeic captame Athauiphus, pfagucD auD ^ovlcD i^Dinc. tooifc tljan t^fV t>it> bcfojc. ar^ic bpng tjaa cctc nnmco,to cjctingmflj t5}c tiame of iaomatncs, anu to l^auc calleD t^c Cttie Gorhia,tt b« ^au not bene Difi\iiss DCD bV Galla PlacKiia,Dang;l}ter tO Honorius. ^ fCtU VCaCf S afs tcr,iJlomf toas taJten againc bp Genfervcus,feing of vandals*, anu tbat to^ic^ \x1a0 tnrjc!)f d anu rjpIciiifVicD , Usitl; tbe rob* bcn'csofallnat:os,toasbpfounca Dapcs together cniptttD Cicane . l^ftCC CatnC Odacer tOltl) t])t Cermanes : auD pilttvng tJOU)ttct^etiameofi£tnpciciif,vcicnc&ouec tX'catic tyin felfc as !iv«Si^V t^c fpacc of, 1 5. vcarcs. xj?l)t;m Theodorichus of Verona cjcpulfeD anD llctD,anD tbcce rcigncD idoit^bis ^«fl^bantoas it rcroucret) byBeiliia- ruis.fcj luiHnian Umpecour of f5rece,biit to tl)e titter Dcllru* ftionof iHomc . ^01 Totilas fey^-Sof GothiaUifcomfitrD botb t\)t J5refee anD iaoniamc armic at Placence : after ^c beficgco 3^omc,fealcD it^ toofee it,racfecb it, ouertljzcU) it , auD f«t it cii firc.STbc Citie burncD )cttj,iiavc0.5i^eit^cr tuae tljcrc^nv m« in Ujbptbc fpacc of icI.Davcs .iaeaD t^c.4. boofccof sabciiitus tbe.8.^neade.}dcraDwcnturc31 CljallDifcourrc mo;c at large of t^eDelitiiction of i9Lomc,mtbe,r7. chapter. XTJ^eifoietoitl) intbc fpace of.i36.vco?lD, cncn vout: faitb.3^nipacicnce anD tjnbelefe batb IcD atnav^ many into t^e Ueni^ng of t^c fait^jto Jfjoolatrie (t to all Xjnso:;lF«cc.2:b"0 Jcarne vppon the ApocaIIp/e» i ']6 Cha^.i), Icatttc \»c alfo, ^oto to armc cue fdues m oat napes agapnft ailtingoDl^nes.iS^^c %qx^ Deliuer tis from cmU,:^mcm ff ^f an otlier beaS , tDbtcb commetl) bp out of tl^c eart^: t5att5tofau,of0ntic^;ta. The hill. Sermon. A Ndlbeheldanotherbeaft commyngvpoitt of the earth and he had two homes lyke a lambe -.and hcc fpake as dyd the Dragon. %\)z 0po(llc ^.jaaulc pla^ttclv te(lifict^,t^at fucb things wfjat t0fl^e as are UJiutcu arc vujittcufoi our learning, t^at t!?ioug^ pa- cnoe of ttjtjs ttcnce anD confolation of tijc Scriptures voc ma^ ^auc ^ope: gjop^ccw, to^erfojeujemuftalfo apply ti)crimto tl)cfc ti^pngcspicfent. Ro"^iy« ftii \D^en Cbjifl: t^c HozD of aU,foiefato ^otu greatly ^aij^a fljotilD \y^ ^is c^ofcn mebcrs t^c olii ano ncto iiomaue igm- pire,afiflict t^c ii:^urc^,^c meant to Ijaue ts uihgcmlp aomo- mUKi' of eucrv tijvng , to t^e intent t^atatlafflicteo pcrfons fljoulD hereby Icarnc patiecc,antJ conceiuc comfo?t ano ^opc, auD not be oirconragco 'mii^ t\^z (jeauv burtbcn of mils.ilibc as be batb tbcrfoje oiligctlp Dcfcribeb tbe olo ixomane em^a pirc , ^ {l)ctocD auD as it toerc pointed \x)itb t^z fmgar tobat mifcbicf It aioulo \xid?Uc to ttjc Cburcb , ano aDmoniOjeo all metito banc favtb anD patience : rigbt fo toiU be from bencc foKb ocfcribe ^operie o; ^nticbufttanitie ^ va tbe toibicb oef^ cription be fettetb fooub before our eyes, \z)batroeucr tbe faintes ft)all fuffcrubat being \xiarncD bcfo:c,tbep may mojc tjjanfullp abioe per(ecHtion,anD IcCe vcId to niifcbaunccs, ano in gooDl^ ojoer begynnetb be to fct fojtb anticb?ift Cbefccontt after tbe i^omane ^empire tozueauD tai^cn ausap . ;f oj Da- bcaft com= niell favtb^tbat alitle ^ fmali borne ajonlD anfc ^p amongeft l""^ "'J tbe ten boznc6,ani) pull D0U)ne,piucUe of, ano cad auiap, f.,Jgj(|Jg tbice of tbofc bonnes, ano f&acteine tmo great po\xicr. tabeatoap* fli% be fignifietb , tbat tbe iiomane igmpicr (Soulo be XitnU fieo , b:ougbt)}nto Decay anD tbat anttcbztd fball arife , ano procure to dim (elfe a neu^, auD countcrfct ^empire * ^no S>» iaaulc faytb alfo,tbat Cbxift ll)al not come tnto iuogcment, till anticbjift banc gone befoie : anD tbat be (ball not come , ^ »eitbcr,^nleiretbisDefirtttafeenatoay,\»bicbbinDcrctbanD ^-Tneii.*. iettetb,tbat be can not come . 2rbe tobicb^^.I^teromeanD O:^ t^tr ^olv eiirpodtottrs do ^nDerOiD of tbe i^ompc i£m^^^i^ Chdf.Tl, The Lviij. Sermon to^icft itiul! be plttcfecu %p,$ talten atoap, atib tbat tbcn ajaW 0micl);tft arife » Bnttlje OSjatcftteof t^ciginptrc ^wacBc^ Ceo veD about tbe ^caix of our ILo?li» 4 so. tpi^cu odacer inua* t>cD mDinc.;jfoj from tbat tpmc bp tbc fpacc of. :^oo . ycares $ ino^e, tbcre teas no lEmpercnr of t^c »?cft after Auguftuius. anD bcfiDcs tbts tonDcr tbc iSmpt rour luiiiman , uiomc toas bjmtauij la^ii u^aft by Toalas.^incctbctDbicb time tijcBp* ft)ops of liJomc ijaue begou to lootic a Joft,a«& to tbmfee tp* pon a Xitxa l^nsDomc. Ciie ffcontj ^i'^ tbcrfojc tbe iLo?D faptb , tbat tbis bead an'fctb of tbe bead of tije tjcrv eartb . 2^be b^ngsomc uf our JLoiD 3lcf«s Cbr»ft com^ fartb. mctb from beaucn , ano bjtugctb to bcaucn . }sapi6rte com* mctb neitbcr of ii:b?tft,«o^ of ijis Doctrme , but ccmmctb cut oftbceartb:tbattsto tijittc ,of etuUmeanrs> ambuion, aua^ rice, treafon anil crucltic . ]Q?bat jC^mifrcrB oftI;c£burc^c CbMftozDeineD,io cafclv percemcD b^tijc 0ofptU ofSlcfn Cliji(l.2rbat be fo?baiiiie tbem goticrucmcnt, fupzc macicjus ^ perio?itie ano maiojitie ( as tbcv tcrme it ) appearctl) bv tbe, §>.i99attbcto . ano. zi.of Hufec. arber* fatfZ DO tbe i^ctes of SlpoQlrs, and tbe Doctrine of peter trftt^s fie,tbat )deter toas a aQmiQer,anD not ILozD of tljc ^poQIcs, anD mucb lefle id^mcc of tbe Cttte o; i^mpire of i^.oiue . S^tn tbep I?e louDe, tbat fav, boto laome anD jltal^ are tbe patria inonie of ^.ldetcr,gcuen btm of tbe lloiD . at tbe firft tbe a« po{lles,auD 0poaoltcaUmen , toere miniQers of CburcbcB, auD goucrncD tbe CbHtcbes eqnailv,ncitber did one ta^e t)p« ponbunmojcpjebcmincncetban anotber.K>bicb tbvnsSl am able to p;oue , bp inaup tcBimonics ofauncient U3 jucrs, if ncDc rcquircD . abcnt tbc Coimceil of iiJtice , anD a litic be^; foic tbat tf me , tobew CbnrcbcB tocrc greatly , mnltipIieD, taere o?DciucD,anD cufiomablp rccciueD fetropolitanecans llitutcD in Dcbe bv a tauDable (but pet mansjo^Dtnaunce ; tbat is to \x>ttte ) in cuerp id^onincc q% l^eaD jLitic \2}as o^DcincD a Bpfliop oz jaaftoji , vubicb fl)oulD bauc as it twerc, tbc oucTi; fiQbt otibc reft,anD l^oulo ferue foi tbc calling of ^pnoDcs o^aOcmblecs. '^pcttuas it tban Dtligcntlp p^ouiDcD , tbat be 0)oulD not be calleD {animate : bpcaufe no wan (boniD tbmUc bim fetfe p^efcrreD before otbers in pou)er,but in oiDcr . Sd-tU tber \]Da0 tbeBvil)op of Bome at tbat tpmc , e^aitcD ti\imt altotbcr0:buttbereVDcreDiuer(c (B^etropolitancs ,toberof tbel5vft)bp of l^ome toas one . %\ii ^icene CounccU cone firmeo tbat fame ciiRome,anD tooulD banc it ratificD.Socrates in bte i^alcfiaaicail y^x^m tbc,^boo^ctbe«8, cbapt.recitet^ ' • ' mang vpon the Apocalipfe. 177 chap^j)* maitp d^cttopolttanc Cftitrcl)cs iw Afia j^. l&tecome to Eua- gnus , and m ani£ptfl!c to ^ttus favtb plapnip > t^at tn olD ti^mc €l)urc^cs\2)Ct;cgoucmcDbv tbe common CounccH of ia^ieOes 0; i^locrs , ano t^attyme BvCliops ano id^tcftes toere atl one : ^ftcr bp t^t cndome of t^e C(ut:cb , and not of tbe tcutb of tbc S.o?ocs oiomaunccCSl re^earlc ^. l^icromcs too?Dcs)©vfl)opstDCce picfcccco befoje }aite(lcs,b«t yet tnufttipep goucrne Ct^ucc^cs togec^cc in common* ^no of t^at fame cuftome, ]pca rather of t^c abufe of tbe cu- i^ow ^t flome, amiebjift ^^^ bis beginning, fai Bomface i5ifl)op of liBpQjop of iaomc began ftcft to tafec \3pon bim Dominion oucc tbe cbuc- rom« wme cbesof Jaffcicfte. But betoas immebiatclg cepjeaeo bp tbc tobt^fua tbefiictcaffncanecottnfell,UJbcccats.Aurtcn is ceaD alfo to fJC'^a^'^' bane beene: iaftcc tbat began alfo tbe 23pa)op of ConOantt- tiople to cbalenge to bpmfelfc tbefup^cmacie.fottbi&ranCc t^xz^'^^ tbat Con(lanttnopIeu?a6 tbcn tbc courtlpUe idaiace, mio cbiefc Citic of tbe xgmpvic. J^otobeit bete certapnc 35p» fi)op5 DID tefiSe bpm: amongce tobom ta^ae Leo, 25pCbop of oiDei^ome.^rberecemavneccrtcpnci^ptaies ofbps to tbe i^mpecourofCondanttnopIe, to tbe bv(l)ops oftbei5aa« anotootbers. |>o toi^s x\:^iQ tronblc fo]itbattvme alfo ap^ peafeb. But ftraigbt vuav an otber 15pfl)0p of £onaanttno« pie bivnoeo toytb ambition, cequiicb a freflje to \^mt tbe fu^ piemaciegcncnbpm. ixbomPaiagius anb Gregory bpQjdps of l^omc tu^tbilode : ano tbis latter fo impugneo tbefup^e^ macic of tbe fdatrtarcb of Con(lantinople,tbat be fttcbeb not tocaUb^mtpetauntcuiToucofidnticbjift, Mal^xfA^ t»ontDt)^ furpe tbe tptle of gencrail bvQjop. i;bcre rcmatne nota fotoe epiSles tojittcn of tbis matter, tn bis rcgiffcr* ij^euertbeleiTc a fetoc vcarcc after, vubcn tbc iBf fljops of laome toere fo;e affravoe, tcad tbat Dignitte Q)on!D begeuen to tbc bpfljops of Conftamiuoplc, Bomface tbe 3«obtcpncD of tbc igmpcrour Phocas tbc martbercr, tbat be tobicb toas bp^ fijop of oiDe i^ome,a)onlD be td,)^t\\ fo; tbe ^niuerfal bi(l)op, ana ifcomefo^ tbe beao of aUcbnrcbce: tobicb conQttntionfce tp tbe {dope in autbo;itte , fo as be Uias noto taUen of tbc moftpartoftbctajeftl5pQioppcsfo2iapo(!olicall> anomanp fl\^ matters toereb^ougbt before b?m to Determine: toberebp be got Y fauour of manp Id^nces^ cbicfiv of ;f raunce, by tobofe apbebeb^oucout of italv botb tbc xrmperour of i5rece, anD tbett?nsesof2LumbarDte,anDb;ougbtl^ome, anD tbc bed anb molt flo^tOjing partes of Slcatp tmoer bifi o\oone Cubiectu on,sr^tis 51 (av,out of t^c cartb c5met^ t^p tbe feconb beaft« ^urt^cr^ chap. rj. The.Ivilj. Sermon aSf aft* 5f!trtl)ccmoiC ,' C^?ift callct^' tl)c ia:omtfl)e fSopctiomc (t bead, foi t^at in aMartccfouctoufncs, tpzannv, cvur Itic, ana rucn in bcafdyne 6,!)c DifTcrctt) nctlj^ng from t^c olDc bcaU, ofto^ojn 31 Jjauf fpoUcn bcfoic. I^ct^crto {)c I)at^ fpobcn of ti)C ozig-na!! of^ntictiua 01 of tl)c ^opc, anJj of t^e nc\33C £l3mpr:c: ;5rurt?)crnjozc ^. l^oljii pjocccDf tb to ucfcrtbc the fcr ono besft Ivuc'.y , t!)at Vuc Qjoiiia all ?5notD anu cfcljctMe r^jc lame ; anu firft !)t trcatct^ of xXyz pc\XjrrofauticI)nft. Ct)e bead 2:l)at Drl)cc bcatl^fa^t!) bcba!) ttDO I)Oiitcfi: anti !)C asDctI), !)at» ttc3 liSf a lambc. Sfo% of t^csn ic fpofecn in t^c fiftc cljaptcu of tbis j)o;nc3, booftc ♦ 2lnD t^c EoiD ftgniftcfb tbc ^anra^oic (t fevugtjjme, toJjicb t^e popes t^utrpc fo tbcmfcUies^afFsiJUiiigtbat poujcc is gcucn t^ctn \\\ bcattcn ^ m cartt?,in fp!ri:t?a!i maitcrn $ te- poj4l.iFoz tljcrfo^c tbcp gcac in tl)cir armrs q.fecpcs, tijat 13 to (av^ttob boittco ; arijcpboafltbattbcp baue rooo fmozDcs* £)f tbc tobicl) b!afp!)CittiC6,!)c xW UJtIl be fwUv mKracrcD^lct bvm rcao f ujoiDcs of t^:)z braUce: nair.dv' of Boniface tbc s,. in t';pc <5.booUc of Decretals, cocr rn^ug inaioiiiic $ obcDiecc, U3bicb booUc btginnct!) u?tt?) ti^cfc \i;o:r;2,One hoy.&c laina of Clement tbC.5.!tttbC.2.b00feC0fClementinus^ in t^e mm!) title c5fcrnpng ot^cB: ant) finally Oi Gregory tbe tttntb,02 ra^ tber of Innocent tbc tljico , \x\ x\)t fttft botfee anD j 3 .tvtlc cons femiugnuiiojifican:)obeaience,\Dbic^)bcginnctb tbne: Of the !)l?!oiiCC JUafee mctlOU ttjat BonJlace t^C 8» Bio in f veatc cf cue jLojD. 1 3 oo.inflitute tbe ftiH i ubiiey , ano ixi tbc fame openly b:fo>c tbe people fl)c\u \\\ tlje tDtip of oOc* ration tbe pontificatl anD igmpeciaU maicftie , ujbvlctt on tbc one Dap be il):'cucD btmfelfc openly to tbe people in t^cappa* rcilofa23i?a)op,anDoutbe neicteoapiu robes of eCatc auo po2t of an i£inpcro«c» HTbev ^arveD bcfazc bvnt ttuofujoios* anD tie biinrcUc ccpcD, toe bcie arc tt»o lujozoes : as tijcngb be{l)oniO popntujptb ijpsfmgac to ibc'co!5o!e ujoiId, tb>vt be ana ccrtein: of ijis picDcccCronro aiiD :i\\ bis fijccefrours^ujcic tbat t\M0 boincD beail . xo'^dx fl)a!i \i»c fap tbar nii Idpfijops bp bpnveoniccratcD,Doctocare"upontbeir beaDcs juv'ters oj i\MO l)ojneD wps. W.vCs{^ t^erfoze U)e be blvuoer iban ujas Tyrefias,tLic ma? fee \33itfj our eveB,tobo is y great amicbzift, tlrfee tbe anD ^ecc toc maft ntailjc boto be faptD not, t^at tbofe arc iUmbeis. tbe boinec of tlje Hambe . ;f oz Cb?ift fecrtjetb ftiil bctb Ijps pzicft'gooDeauD bpngDomc among tbefapt'gfulhnf cbnrcfj; BeirbccDoctbbercfignctbe fame to any orijec: be bat^ap^ |)Oim(D>no ^vcar>fo}^cca(toitailH cjtccutecb tbc oSficcabotb 1 vpon the Apocalipfe/ " 178 Chaf.ii, of fe^rtff att!) ^^5l) iDjicft at t^c tigljt ^atiD of Ijps father, ant) tljat tioc all tljc fa^:i)full fceic topt^ to^c. ?^c faptl) tticrcfoic, IVfecttjclLambcB.;fojt!jc}aopetovUmafec ail nun bclccnc t^at ^)c ^ati) reccmcD tl)c laitcftljooD anD ^Kmpvjc at £l;:iac0 I^and, anil tl?at ^c is C^^idcs mvcar: t3}!)Ct:cao ^c ts nothing IcOc. ?^c biaggct!) cncrv UJ^ccc t^at Ijc is t^c great fl)cp^ciij, anb ^atl) rccctuca tlje fecyes of tljc fepngDoinc of bcaucn: >3inD tl)at,of £l)c tjccp jLambc of jSod, m tljeapoftJc ^am: |&ctcc: anD (bi'tfo^e tt^at all byfliispd arc fubicctc to ^^in,anD f mallv> all^! ngcs, princes anb people. Be p?occcbet^ to ft)ett) moiconer, tobat t^c talfec of ami- i^efpakc cbiillis, to^at IS bisboctrinc, anb tobat is biB fpmcb. ?^c a0tijc 3D?« fpa&c,favtb Ije, as byo tb: 2>?a5on» 2:bc Diagou ib t^c pc=! fion* mil, as befojc ic play^uelp Q)cU3Cb. H:bcrto?e xjuto anticbjift oj to i\^z iSbpcbome be afcriTjctb bcnilliCbc boctrinc , 02 a bc^ inlliCl)cmontl) 01 tongne.«>e nuift fee tbcrfo?e,^o\B t^c bcml (pea^etlj: tfjat We map fo tjnbr taano iigl;tly,boU) anticl)?iK fpcafeet^. in parabifc be fo ttnipnet^ bts taifee, tliat Ije caU letb yxi boubt tl^e certemttc tsci^ trttcnelTc of Cobs too^b, ano li^t^at occafton placctb Ijts otone \xo2be,tn acab of tbe \juo3iD 0fi5oD.3lBitfo,tavtbtI)c2>cntlU^atlji5ob fo?bibbcn pen, totibecpctiUof)?onrlffe,tbatve(l)oulbnoteate oftfeefrmtc Gene.i. of ttc tree of feno\»lebge of goob anb cnill x ^ap rather if pe eatctl)crcof,?cfl)aUbcmabcl?Uc\3nto <5ob. anb after tbe faine (o^te anttc^^itt in bis laopcrie biingetb ti)e trnct^ of t^e fcriptncc in boubt, tol^icl) bv all meanespoITiblc ^c Diffamct^ as Dnpcrfecte, mav'meD, obfcure, anb boubtfulU anb bp and by \7pont^at occafton, l^eb^ingrtb in^psotunctrabittons, . anb bccrcts , to^ercujptb to patcl) tp t^at to^iclj ^e btaret() men vx l^anb to be txianting in t^t fcriptnrcs. T2>viX in ^is tra^ Oitions be affirmet^ contrary to fSobs U;o?b , anb fo Occeiuetb men. anb all men fenoto, tbat banc anp (uill of po^ liiOjc matters, tt)at tt)e fird anb ct^tefe pitncipall anb founoa^ tton of Idapiftric is, t^att^e Scriptures are ))nperfecte and obfcitrt,anD ttierfo^e ^aue ncebc of trabuiotis. i96)o?eouer t^e S[>;agonrpealiet^;openlpagapnat^elatPcsof0ob: anb (0 toetl) t^e idope manifeitlp. i5ob toill be tooia)ippeb alone* t^eidopeabbet^ to ^pm fainted. i5ob fo^bibbet^ Bjbolles and sibolatrie: ^e )dopc commaunbet^ t^em plapnelp. il>od tDiU^auebps name to tec fanctifieb ,anb^y)s name to bee (tnome bp ondp: t^ laope bp otfpcnfing \xipt^ otbes,poUud tctl7t^niimeofttklLo)b,anb commaunbet^ to foieare bp the nomtsof 0009,1^00 commatip^t^ t)9to beepe ^oipt^e ^abbotl) chap. //. Thclviij.Scrmon ^abbotl) Da?: 2r^e }dope b^tnget!? tljts m contempt, tttm\i foitl) bis otMncljol? Dav^s, auD mafectb Double fcaftcs, iSoD f omntnmtDctb V)b to l?ono««; our paixptcs: STIjis Doctl) tbe J^opc abzogatc, ano commaunisctb to maftc moic of Abbots auu abbctfes. i5oa conimaunoctb,tbon flialtnot ^yli, tboti fl)a!tnotcoinm»taDuoutric, ozftcalc: urbejsopc gcamuetb moft atnplc mtjulgcnces anD par&ons to bis foulDiours foi vall)c toacccs , mate at bts toiii ano plcalurc: be fpoplctb ail iEb«i-'cbC0 tottb bisfacrilcges: ano tuptb bis mapoatpjicftcs be fiUctb a'l tbc too2li3 toptb aouoiitfics , ann tobojcoomcs, ano otbcc moie filtb^ tbvngs,^bcrof ji toitl not fpcafec. ann tajbtrcas i5oD foibiooctb I'v^s, ano falfctxJttnccre: tbc jaope, ano \i\z tobolc ooctcincftDbicb ^^ fettctb foub bcfiocs f fcrip^ tucc) 10 (o'ojco of Ipcs: ?.'r\^ not oucly bcoifpcnfetb ttiub falfe tDttneffes, butpcrmittctb alfoto bicatic fafcconcititcs ana publicke favtb geuen: ano ifbcbtitcajaiincc^bcabfoluctb bis fubtectes from tbe otbc of tbcit: fiDciitte ano obeotcnce: geuc^ Itbectic to all concupifcriiccs, $ malcctb lau)c&, \i>bic^ nouriRje tbeocftrcs of tbc £lc(i}e. ano \x:bo Qiatl be x\)tt>'iSki 50ttsmoi«b,if tbiB be not iti %\)t Djagon mo?couee js ceai Math. 4 . to banc fpofecn ano fa^oe to tbe iozo : au tbcfe tbvngcfi toill 31 gccKe tbee (foj be fljetoeo bpmf ^pngoomcs of tbe toojlo; iftbotttotltfall ootooneano \3}o;ibip me.^batotbeetbpng fpeal^etb t^t Idope j ooetb be not inricbe bV^ obeotenc cbiloir tottb tbertcbcs of tbte UJoUo^fpectallv fucb as vxiill fall XiQMan ano l^lTe b^s lectte 31 fuppofe tbe &euiU txioulo ncucr be fo {bameies, as to offer to ^e Eoto bis foote to btfle: but tbat beaS tn tbc ftgbt of i3oo $ bis angels, ano of all tbc too^oe, taretb put out bis foote,marKco (not txittbom a great moc« fcerv) ^ptb tbe ftgne of tbe CroOe, atio p^ofer it to be moed of all t\^z cbilo;cnof 0OD. 3! can not b^png fo;tb tbe bo?rible ano innumerable blaTpbcmics out of tbe Decrees ano Decree tallcs . ;JFo? 31 am aOjamco of fucb tjngoDlyncs . »>bo tbcres fo^e tutu not ac^no\DlcDgc tbat ^atban bimtelfe Dotb in tbis iieaa reigne anD rage^ 0oD Ojo^tl^ confonnoe tbe (ame« £U mc;t,ametit C ^gapne of tbe potoer of 0nttcb)tfl^ > anb fiotoe t^( fo^ iner beftH i» loo^tlitppeD. The Lix, Sermon, vpon the Apocalipfc. lyp cha^.13. A Ndhcdidall thatthefirilbcafl coulde doc in hys prcfcnce.And hecaufeth theearth,and them which dwell therein, to woriliip the firfl: beaft whofe deadly wonnde was healed. aga^ttc ^c tccatct^ of tbc po tocr of tl)c fccons bead , 0? of l)ct:e be aDDetb,tu bis picftncc : Aretas cjcpoimoctb, in ^ follotopng immcDiatl^ aftcr,ano enru in imitating tbc fame. But \33bat pou)Cc ano autbojitic tbc^ cpercifeb , |] bcdarca befojc \w bis placc,about tbc bcg^nnpng of tbts cbapt. a^bcc^s foze as tbc iaomaticiempccoiics fiippot'cD all bpngDomcs as pjouinccs to be tbcics,ano to appccrame Vinto tbcnnfo do tbc B^Qjops 01 iaomc mafec tbeif bead tijat al! iacalmcs ace tbeiPS>3ifp.eafee notbv»3bccc\)pon affection oz batccD. arbccc came foztb lately a boofecjazimeo atiLvon6,ofAu- guflinusSteuchus bcpCC Of tbC }90pCS iLtbzaClC , ilt t\it tubicb bercci'tctbout oftbecegiScccfoucGregory(3] fuppofc tbe 7O alltbcfepngbomcs of Europe , Spayne , England , Fraunce, Dcnmarke,Hongary .&c.2rbC ptOpjiCtie tObCCOf C aS IjC (aVtb) appctteinctb to tbe featc of B-omcauD tbc ^fc lonto tbc p?ina ces,as ^affals of tbe fame fca,;jf«U oft bauc tbc popes afla^ca to bz^ng into fubicctiou to tbem anD to tbcic ^ca tbe fepngs fiomcs of tbc igall alfo^tinoer pzctcncc of tbc botp toacrc.anD of cecoucci?ug tbe JLozDcs tcptilcbze. SlnDiifec as tbc olb mo* tnaucs VicjccD ojitb couttnuaU toarrc tbc nations tbat did not acfenotxilcDgc oz obep tbe olD iS-omant logics : fo tbc ^ca of jjiomc inouc t^me,anD m i\)t mcmozvof owe fojcfatbera |)atb put to bufiues anD trouble , tbofc i^^ngDomcs , nations anD people , tbat n^nt about to I'cuoltc , ano tooulD not ac* fenottilcDgc tbofeDortbtc feezes, tbat is to fap tbofc tti30 bo?- ■* ties . ;jf oz xoijo feuo\xietb not toitb U)bat cc icU \juarccs be tjcs jfcDint^mespsHtbelaacf Bohemer ujbofenoVDctb nottobat i£>mm\\^ ma xgngianD batb fuffcccD in f ozmcr peaces i^q laccelptbc fccouD bcaU f pcccifetb tnmi^tbc 3rv7at^n^^ of tbc olD bcafl . E^bc olD bead fet fo?tb pzoclamations cone ccnpng iXcljgion ^ ano paipug of tcibiitcs ano cuiiomcs ^ anD fo wxk^ poucciftjea lu a maucc all mcalme6,b? bzpngiug tbcic rrcbf s to ia^oi|ie.4nD 'ojbat otbec tbpng Dotb tbat feate at tbis 't?,^i tobat b^ibitDonc noujito vtcHru thz IcaiJ, tbcfclme buuQi-t'a teav^^ I iftemc ijat^ vffcn ^poin all Hdcs bv pccccmcaic m^ 5&c,i» Ua- Chdf.iS' The.lix. Sermon lcarucci^,^o tbcifoie uotl) not fee , t^at t^c ft rontj bead f jc* crcifctt) moft abofiDauntl^ t!jcpo\»rcof tl)c firft bcaOj a itu tcincma maDetJcrfcs in JLatiu tauntvngtbccouctoufncs,^ fieccitcs of momc : ^ UJbccc momc Dotb magnific bcc fclfc to be beau of tbc \»ojlD,tobicb ini^atin is c^^«/,tbisCaptbl^e: liCaput come of C/«^/», which fignifieth to take Thin may Rome well be called fojWhich doth nothyngforfake. If you decline Citfie C<(^#i,and to the groundes come Her ncttcs are large and ca not mifle,to catch both all and fomc. \&i)0 %Bo;t« i^e aDHctb beccto an otber tbpng.nantcli? tbat tbis fecono Ih9i) f firft bead l»otb p;ocure,tbem tbat D\]}cli t}pon 2£artb to tootCbpp beaft. tbe ftrft bead . 3pc>bicb boubtleB uie fee fulfillcD in tbe idbpif^ bVngDomc ttuo twa^cs.^o^ firft tbc i^apittcB bauepiocnreo, (ucb autbo^itp anD ceuevence to tbe momanc i^mptre, MoWi tbcv call botb faccen anti bol? , tbat as manp as i^ne at tbts oap , tubcn tbev ^tttxt but tbe name of tbe momane x^mptre (pohen of.oo Slmagine a certeine oiuine tbpngbzougbt Vnto tbem from bcauf .3n graunt, tbat tbcre bane bene inanp cigbt noble punce0,goDlv,anD all p;aifc tooztb?,in tbat fame jem^ pire:a8 toas conltannt Conilantme tuitbCome of btsfonnc0, Gratian,Valentinian,Theodofe,anD Dinetfc OtbefS . 31 gcaunt; tbat tinocr tbefe ano fucb otbee libe tbe i3)upit:e ujas bolp , ^ tooas in bene tbe x^inpireof iDb?ift.^o; Cbiift voas acbno\9« leDgeb voitb a txwt favtb:and vet Mat fee.bob tbe &o^b 3i]efus |)atb ncuertbelesCas Daniell batb Done alfo)callcD tbat x^m^ ptee a bea(l:Doubtles fignrattuel^anD fo; t^t tpianes.^b^^ fo)eU)emnfttDtfelp ano tuaip attribute tocncrponctbati0 lbts,anD not tottbout rcfpect inibzace ^ reuercnce tbat bloub^^ Dp ismptre fo; facreo anb bolp . i2lnb \3)e b*tue alfo Declared before , m tobat fo^t bpngoomes are of 0oo , anb bo\30 farre tbcti^ tDO^Itcsareto beallotoeb tbat are \\\ ^pngbonies * ^nD bereof fl^all be fpoben a Ittlc after pet moze plentifully* Hfteptrle ^ec onolp tbc fcc5D bcaS canfetb men to \uo?(J)pp tbc ficCt, ijatb rcDu- bcrcin cbicflp:tbat paprftrie batb bzougbtagapnctbebcatbe^ ccB tbat tbe firft bcaC xuas \330?fl)ippeD,in this tbat fe!p men teccincD tbc Romanes is;.cligion , ano ujo^ibippco 3lDol0» 2:bc bcatbcn oiD tcrclp ronfclTc tbe btgb <3oo almigbtietbut tbcp iopncD to bim niaup i2oDs,t)nto t»bomtbep fubmitteo elcmentC6,Direafcs,arfc&,rc:unrreis3,citics<,tbc members and partes of man.ano lucb otocr liiic rbmgcs. Aeolus voas <5od of tbc tt):nb:s,ano Neptune or tbc ^ca , Pluto ruleb tn cartb, Mar^ \99aSi^9b C{\0arre,VlinerU4 aUD Apollo i)farte0 i Aefcu^ lapiiu vpon the Apocalipfe. 1 8 o chap. 13, lapius onci* t5ffearc8,Hcrcules atiD \m\vp mo. Venus teas Eauy of ilouc,!* tijc iSoQiDcffc luno of martugf. ^c«l)cc \x)a3 t^crc anp insi-ibcrm tt;c boDp , that bao not^m 0oD:ro!)aDaU Courrc'^^o ans €inz^ t'ocir failing iSouDc 0, anD tutt'^ ^oufc t^civi3OincaicflUf5oJ)fiC0.2:ot^cm aftcvtoarD tljcpframca 3ID0IS , tf):U is tofecns and incmojtalo , to^iclj mtgljt bzvngc tliofc Jjcaucniv iSoUDcc into tl)c mcmojic of tbc cart^lv Dtx>c! Iecs.2;i)cvibmiDcDfo;t^cCljapcls ano C^urc^cs , tficv in= ftitatcD jajicftcs,^oiv oavee , mcs ano Ceremonies . %^tiz tljingcs are founDe in tbe boofece of t^e iSentiies , ano in one ^illoiics , ano alfo in t^cir toiitinges , tobicb bauc confuted tbc bcatbcn jTiHolatcrs.lUut in tlje jaopifl) Uv"5«Jome at tbi0 Da? , t!jc names bepng onclp ctjaungco ^ \i)bo can Oenp > tbat tbe fame U30?(l)ppping,tljcfamei^eIigion,oj ratbcr fuperftid tion is not rcnctueo^ of tbcfc twinges 31 bane trcatco at large lump booftc cottcemvng tbe iDjigiuall of errours. STbe jaa^ pifles teacb , f tbe faintcs m beanen reigne vuitb i5oD,$ tbac to tbem are fubiect ric^encOes ^ artes , limmes 0^ mentbers, Cities ano all tbpnges^auD mufltberfo^e be caileo \)ponand todiftjippeo.^aintes ate cjcpieflfco ano repzerentei bp 3]ma^ ges\ STotbefc 3lmagc6acecrecteo i^ultarsanu Cbwrcbcs: bztcfip^it is Done to tbcm, tbat voas Done to tbe iSoDDcs and 3iools of tbe bcarben.xpbo tberfojc \jnoerftanoctb not noto, tbat !anticb;ift batb p^ocureb , tbat tbefirft beafi tnigbt be U302fl)yypco, tbat is to toittc , migbt be of fojce agapne , an& (bat tbe otD Bldolatrie ano (uperflitious Vuo^fl}ipppng migbt be renetoeo anD freqacntcoj anu as toe bauc ccao it to be fapo bcfoie , anb tX^f^ tooi^: xo\)o %o}^ fljpppcc bimall ttjat Dtoeli in eartb , tubofe names are not fbrpf firft to;titen \i\ tbe boohc of life of tbe 2lambc:fo faptb be aifo bere ^^^•'^) ^"^^*^ plaT?ndv,anD be caufetb ti>t 2gartb-,anD tbe inbabiters of tbe ")cucomj. eartb, t'oat is tbem tbat fccfee ^ regaroc onclp eartblp tbings, to toozft)?p t^z ftrG braft ♦ ^oj all be not poUnteb \x»itb jao^s piQ) Siooiatrir, ;jf oz brccuuto apperteinttb ih^ noble biSciie of Leo tbe tbirD i3inpcrouc,an^ Gregory tbe (econb, anb of 0- tbcr popcs,tbjougb uibofe ujic'acbnes 3lbo!af rv teas againc fejongbi into tbe £b«rcb; tabid) 3! y:>*otc of long fince in m^ tooifee conccmv'ng t^^t iD jigitull o* erronc. ii^cit^icr \33itl? cut a miltcrie is tbis bercunto annejceD, -^ijofciiwo tubofc bca^'v pUgue toas bealto. ^q% be fcmctb to compare tp fcounsc togetber tbe firfl ana Ceccno beaG^oito to Ojeuj tbe licfeeues of ifl^cauc, tbem.^nb 31 tola pou , bcto nianp men at tbe firCl tocit ijc pt ftil in t^cuomaiie errours ^ 31i5olatrie,foz tbat tb? i^^cuiicsv JCc.ij» bv Ch^.fS' Thc.llx. Sermon b^ Vefpafians mcaiies , tocrc favi» to ^auc picra-ucti tic com:: jiion tocfiltb , toljic^ tls toiti^ ciuilc toaiTcs teas as it tjcre bioug^t to t;uinc.;jf inaUv toe rcaD m aoncs,tl)at t\)c iBmpitc ot laoiue l)atlj maup times ucceineD bcablp toounocstljut vcc ij^ anD bv , tl?D?oug^ t^e toifeDomc atiD tjaleauntnes of fomc Moble mcu,tbc 0oDDcsCa6 t^cp fpe afec)fo toifluig,bane bene IjeaicD agavne.JTiU tbat number arc rccboneti Lucius Sepamius Scucrus, Valerius Aurelianus , C- Aurel.Val. Diocletian. &c - ©^ toboft Ittcfep fiiccelTe , triamp^es , t}ictoites anu rcftoi^ng of tbc igmpire , manp bane bene moiicD to fa^ , vubo fee tb nor, tbat mome Qjall be eternall , anD tljat tbc iftomanc iSLcligton; is to t\)C i5obDC5 mod acceptable , ano tbat tbc j^mpcrourB aifo auD pnblicfec toeale is inbuctJ toirb a certetnc iSobbeaD, ano IS to be bonourco i after tbe fame foit tbefeyngDomc of tbe jaopc 01 5lnticbJift bailing trico kiiuccs cbauncc6,btitb tie^ rv oft cfcapcD out of Dcfperatc Da«ngcrs.;jf oice ^ polictc ^atl> iseflicteD it,anb aUo tbc jRcligion of Henry tbe. 3 . igmperonr,35 of bis fonnc Henry tbc. 4.anDof FriderickctbcfirftanDfccono tiOccBtbc ^opes . STbereujcrc alfo otber migbt^ ^jincc0, Vot)icb gaue mo^tall uioimDcs to tbc ^ea of iiomc. Cbc tooil^ agapwt^tberc tocre iBiCljops of momc tobicb toitb fingit* tes of mti'iarcraftcs baitcciircD tbetr U)ounbes aga^nc:oftbe tobicli ticbtift b«3= fojt \j3as Gregory tbe.7. Vrbane tbC. i. Pafchalis tbd. Cabxtus ^^* t1^C»i.Alexandcrtbe.3Jnnocentius tbc, 3. Honorius tbC,3,Gre- gory tbe.9, Clement tbC»4. an6.5 . Boniface tbC 8. lohn tbC.ix* anb iituers otbers . T5iit toas not tbat fcatc in grcatcG penll in tvmcs pan,tDben tb?ee Jdopes ttierc crcatcD at oncs:\xi^cc of one toas rcfiDcnt at iaome,tbc fcconb toent to Auignon in ;jf rauncc,anD tbe tbpib IvncD in ^papne i But all tbelc tb?ce toecc put Dotone b^ t\)e poU3er,Ditigencc , autbo?itic anb po;: licie of t^c iSmperourSigifmunde,anD tbc CoimccUof Con^s Caunce , fo as tbat Deaoip toounoe toas fapjc bcaleu in Mar- tin tbe.j.anij tbis fcljcitic,anb rcflojvng of tbc laopifl.) bings iwmc , perfuabctb tnanv efFcctuallv, tbat ^operie is of i5oD, ano tbc )aopta)iUlcligionmoft certetnc ano true: as ivbic^ !)anpng bene fo often affavIcD bp mtgbtv )^^nccs , migbt in Debc be (l)a^en, but ncuer ^ct ouertbiouicn . l^be liaunt^ns of all tbe momift) is fenotxjcnniamclv tbat tl;>c fti^p of ^.jae^s tcr is toCTcD toitl) ftojmcs , but can ncuttii^e bjotoncb . I3ut 2>anicU bun fclfc alfo batb tpjopbecieD f r^is dioulD fo come to paflrc,fa?ing:anb ^c C^ali pzofpcr , ^ a)all do tobat be toiH, ano (l)all Hit! tbc itrong anb bol? people at \)i6 pleafure , anb guile l^all go fo^toarb in ^ie ^mto , :p7^ic^ t^i^nges t^tt doc not vponthcApbcalipfe. iSi C^ap.ij^ ttot marfec , tobtcb are at this Dav fo mucb offctiueti toitlj tlS)c fclicitic of tljat cljaircof pcRilcnccanU ttic bcaft fl)crof.2:bcc5 foze Ivfecas tf)c Dapcs of mounif ng > ana foucmc Dcflmctiott camctjpon oUjUomc^anotjrtcrlpucftnjveDbotlj tljcCitic anD i5mpirc;eucnfo fl)aU \xie Ijcacc in rtjc.n.anD. js.cbapcer, 2^i)at t3at)ploti ftjall bauc ij'fc fatall Dcftcnics.2:!jc ilozD 3\c= fiiB cotiftrmc ts m f tjc fa^ilj of B'iCfus Cfetft , aiiD Dcliiicc )oq fromti)cgi»le6,4uckp fucccCrc,a»Dfclicuieoft^at Uomiflj <[^f t!)2%u5 of a«ttclj;itt>ani> tlje 35 mage of tbe. bead fct r/;? Ix.Sermon, A"^' td he did great u'onders,ro that he made fire come ''dow'-nc fromheauen into the earth in the fight of men,and decciued them that dwelt on the earth by the meancs ofthofefigncs whiche he had power to do in thc-figlttorthebeafty faying to them that dwelt on the ^drth ; thatthey fhoiiid makeanlmatzevntdthcbeaft, \vhich had the v?-oundc oFa fwordjand dyd lyue. And it was giuen vnto hyni to gene a fpirite vnto the Image of the bean:,& that the Image of the beafl (ho'uldTpeake* And Ihould caufe that as many as would not worfhyp thcimage ofthebcaftfliould bekilledr : . • ; ;„,... ^t p2occDf tij moH Diligc rttip to licfci^c ^ntic l)litt'^ i(^ fepngDomc , \x>6icO fo grcatip impugnctb tbc favtb of C^iiCf, anD aSfiicfftl) 1)\b Ct^urcb, to t^c itucm ^e inigl^t bc^no^icti iUiDcicfjctuelJofallmcni : j^cfavT^) ho\»'^cft)4ll DOC great Hgne©, bptbeto^tcb^^ Oftrac iJii&crflanocto uivwclcs. )!X>l)ccof fonic be true, ^ feme falfcj mp^acicA 31 call tboie true mpiadcB, veljiclj arc banc mbccD(^, anbarc not bp anp craftie rnggclpng coimtcrfcitcD,anb tbc Ust icb at.? iurc men to tbc trucft), anb fct foub ibc true rb. j^f tbc tobK^ fo?toutofbo«br\jDcretbcin?iaclcBoft^ci3iopbctC6 m^^^ poftlesj^olv sajactpxB, anb cbicflp of Chores $ €\)u5. 2:befc i»oc5oooV)utomcn,aubbMnc tbem iiot,noj emptpc poo?e tncns purft3:pea liioieoncr tbep glojifie i5ob> anD maUe tbe Unnt) to be bcieeutb , m biau^ing men cnclv 'cnto i3oD , as toifecfountapucofallgoobneB. 0>o 3iobn tcOifietb of fbs Chafjs, The Lx. Sermon JLoiUsfirfl miMdc Done in jTana of f3,attu fa?t^:2rlj<0 IS tbc firft to^g tbat 3lcfu5 uiD at Cana fu i5ali!cy, ^ ft)crc!C& ^vc gIo;V) iitto t)tB Difctples belccucD on ^pm . 3i:^is tolicti ipc^.o true, anD rntpectcd of no tnggclpng, it tsasabcncftte bcftotoeD tjpon poo^e folbcs nttnlv inatpcD,anD bp tl)c fame, i5od ts^as glo^tftcD. i^tsDtrcfpiCB btvngmooncD beretovtl^i anD bp tbc fpintc of i5oD tvozUing alio m\»arDlv , bclceued on £b;t(t>^o ooe all cmcmv^aclcs tcatfte Cbufi to be beltb^ full anb bencftciall, and tbccfo^c alone to be calleB t)pon,an5 VootQ^tppeD. ^0 Doe 3lobn anD jaeter intecpzete tbe fignc o^ iin^iacletbattbtp tbemreluee ui^otigbt mtbes.eftbeactes of xlpoflles. <^nD of (ucb mp^cles toe bane great plentte m tbe euangeltcali, ^poSoltcaU, anD eccf eCtalticaU (loitct net^ tber banc all tbofeanpotberenDe,tbantbat toemuabelcene in tbe fonne of i5oD, ad U)bo alone is able to gene life anD all SooDtbpnges. iiDf fnife ^"^ falfefignee 3R call tbofe tbat are Done tb?ongb DcmU. ngnc0 0^ ItQje crafte o? incbauntmcnt, o j bp tbe craftie inggelpng ann tnp^cir0. fubttll aetgbt of voictteD men : ae be tbofe of opitcbes anD tn^ cbaumersKucb as tbe topfe men of idb^rao were,anD^ptii0 jQQagus : anD tbofe tobtreaf mention is niaDe in tbe 13. of peut^^ittaUpfncb tuere tbe m^^acles of tbe ^r^er p;eacbcrs tbat \»ere b^entat TBtxuts in |>tDia'erlaD : anD greatly it ts to be feareD leaa fucb b^ue been tbe mod part of tbe mp^ades of OQonbes anD termites. |lt&e\x)ifetbore are calleD falfeaU fo, ^xiiixtl^ altbongb tbep be Done in DteDe, pet bcare ^ttnclTe toalpeagapnfttbetrnetb,conftrmtng tbe^ope to be b^^D oftbei&burcb>tbat3(lmagesare to beuio^ftjippeD, tbat U)e tnuftp^VA)nto^aintes,anDgocaptIgriinnge fo^ religion, ^ta rather fot ittperlf itiBs fabe^tbat \x)e mud uio^fb^P ^ netoc <5oDlpittgbibDctjnDerfo?meofb?eaDanDtop«e, tbat j5od umdiiebonoiireDixiFtb^otpesanD 09on^i(l)e ronuerrattd, , imD if tbercbe anp otbcr tbpng of Ipfec fojce . «>itb fucb bif* .''''' cetuable (ignes are filleD at tbts bap all Scmples, Cburcbes "' ' uttDcbappels.arbefcbaucperftejaDcDmucbeucntoifemen,^ toe alfo at tbts Dap, xrbicb tbing tbe IL07D pzopbtctcD a}OulD come to paflCjfaptng: 2i:bef e ft)al arife falfe Cbiiftcs anD falfe |9?opbetcs, anD fljall (bctoc great fignes auD vuonDcrs, tbat men (if it twere poflible) tbe elect (bouiD be b?ougbt into er^s ronr. anD jg>,}9attlealfo: arbe commpng of anticbJift(faitb y be) (ball be after tbe too^lting of ^atban , toptb all potoer^ anDftgnes,anDlpingtDonDers,anD tbe red, tubicb is read wtl^c 2,to t^c ^r^eSTalt^ ^nD m ^no\xi t^at m^^np bpa;d|p0 vpon th e Apocalipfe. 182 Cha^.ijs Bf momc Ijatfc toioiigbt myiadcs. But t!)at is not fo ttotabic a matter, as t'qat t^c 23vft)op of i^otnc ijatlj couficmcD \a)^at mviacIcB fo cucr ^aue tjccne tDjougljt in all CbuftcuDome, aniiaiigeutcntcD tbcfamc \xi^i\) ^is bullrs anD tuDulgcnccs» JDoubtlcffc all bars a contrary cnDe to t^c imvaclce of C^jift, auD pet banc, foj tbev tioc not pjofitc men, bni cmptpe tijcpi pnrrcs , anD pnt men to funDzv r l)at'gc6,anD leaa tbem atoa^ fcom tbc fait!) of tbe favtb of anticl)nft,conftrmmg bto re ligioit , fupcrftiuon anD Doctnnc* iiicvtbcc Doctbbc place tt)cfc bis miracles amongcs tbc lad 01 bis argnmentes, ■ tDbat tvmc tbc ftmplicitic of tbe gofpell is nnpngneo . J5ut if -tDebetDire,\jueU}iU betoarc of tbcm , as of a mot p^efcnt pcftilence* s ann amongcs bis miracles tbc Hojb bp ^.3!obn rehears ^c mafecth tetbtbata'oo«ealltbingcs,bccaufctb-fircto ecmc DoU)ncto firttocome tbEeanb,pcacuenmtbcpKfnueofmcn.^nDbf fccmctbto Downcfro baneaUnt>ci>totbcflo?v of Delvas,tt)bcrcof toercaccintbcbMucn. 4.boofec DfBvngcstbe r.cbapt. ano tobcrrof toe mabe mcn^: tion \w tbc u.cbapt. rot reaD tbat it toas no fmall mvpclc \\\ tbc iStctcs of tbc ^pontes , tbat at tbe laving on of tbapoftlcs |)anocs, tbc bol^ gboCl toas ijeucn. ^yuion isejagus alfo bin conct x\:it fame grace: bnt be roas ro;e rciecteb of ^.{aeter tbe iSlpoaie: as toe rean in tbc s .cbapt. of tbc ^ctes of 2lpo(lle0» ^nd bcre is to be obferucb (as alfo ^.^u0cn batbadmom':: fliro iutbc I j.boofec T>«tnr>it. tbc K^.cbapto tbat tbe ^po(Hc0 gauc not tbc bolp iBboH: foi it is <3oD alone tbat geuctb tbe boip gbo{T:tbcrto?citt tbcpjavcts of apoft!cs>anD at tbe lap* ingoncfbanBcs, tbcbolv i5boft ujas gcnen from bcaucm 3x?berfo?c^.Slobnl5apttftfapeDbo\Mbc baptifeb toitbtoac ttx^ bnt tbat Cviiil UjOnlD baptifc vcvib fire anb Vuitb tbc bo- ip gboft. lano tp fire is fignrcts tbc bdv gbo^.Bnt $^ntjcb?il? dje |5cp* tbe iaopcajallmaUe bis bcaS tbat be bauing potocr gcuen5C"ctb bpm from btaucn, granntcfb ttje grace ofibt bOiVfli»bof^. sracc. JDonbtIca in tbc tpmc of confccratnig,be ffcptb: rb«t be gcnctb tbe bolp gboC. ^0 jifecteiic in nnricnlar confc(i"ions,anD ab= (blutions, tbc? b;aggc rb£t tbcp gcuc full ab^oliujon of On0j tubicbin occDeisagrfatmvufle. iCbcplap tbfv? bancs *ijpr pon x\)t fmncc tbat confeCfetb, anu fap:boU3 tl;ev abfoluc bnu fcom tbc payne anu crnnc, au5 tbat bptbc potoer rccciucD of •tbat mod }^vi !§>caofiAomf ♦ PriiBafius rypountii'rg tbps place; Sit is no manici},fapib bc,tbc>ugb tbat tbc b^afr,txibKb fapncDlp tjfiicpctb to bvmfdtc tbc name of tbc Jlamfcc feplicii «ai pet liwsngj dc^ frauonleilp cbalcnge to bpnucli aifo tbp.^ 2i itcnij* Gite Chap.T3» The Lx. Sermon jBiftcof tijc Hjolp g^oft colourable bp 3]mifatton, fittb fat^ttf n Scuiug of it bv bis miuiacrs: CmQMjc rcmcinbtc ibat §>ymoii t^a be aftrayeD. 1. irpmotlj. ^, l^o\3ibeit t!)e HoiD aooetb tbe "tofe anD tfittt of anticbziRes ^cDifcct; toonDcrs , to tbe eno t^c ^turcJ) migbt moge irgSjtlp of tbe; ucti; Dp auD be occeinctb ( faptb be ) tbe ovueilerc on tbeeartb b? rea- fiawiBf. Ton of tbe miracles, ^c.l^e fball feoucc b\> tbefe fignes m vxU • radeB,to toitte by tbat grace of tbe fpirite , lobicb be faynetb tbat be genctb , ano ujitb tbofe bis ejccommnnications tobers tuitb be taoulD feme to ca(! men ootvne into bell , tbat Dtoell tjpon eartb, tbat is to fav nto?c gcuen to rartblv tbau to bea^^ itcntv tbpnges . ano be {l)all IcaDc tbcm from x\^t faptb of 5Cb«fl>'onto Ijis trompcrics . srpcrtoje mufl tue inogeof t\it miracles anbooctrinc of il-nticbiifJ, fo? tbat tbep feouce mcn» ieanc maruclpng tberfoze , boto it batb cbannccD , tbat tbe laope bat^ aliureo to bts ftDe fo manpmett of toifeoome and learnpng. '))oubanebearDalreaDv byt^obat meanes tbisis tJone.STberfoie be not von altuapes fooleB,lcarne, tabe ^eDe, anb belcueCbiiftanb bis (5ofpcU,anD cleaue tbcrunto* agapne be faptb,tbat power is geneu to tbe beaB C tjerclp ,,5^, ,,„- bv tbe iiifl; mDgcmcnt of i5ob,tbat accoibpug to tbe apoaies SS- fapmg J tbcv map be iuogcD , ujbicb bao ratber belenelves, dcsmtbc ' tban tbetrmb ) tbat be ftjoiilD vuoi^.ctbofe miracles in tbe agbt of t^t figbt of x\^t bca(t.:n?bat is it to ^wojUc miracles in tlje figbc of bead. t]:^t beaa.but to bo tbem m tbe pzefcncc of all me , bolDlp ano toit^)out fcarc, encn to frap ano occctne tbe tjccp bead i Bttz tbcrfojcnotiJUjebearcofttoo braflrs . tTgcOcaft tbatbotb tbetDonoers : ano tbat later bcaU in tubofc figbt tbat ot^er former beaftootbtbofe miracles . "ycaita):.!! follovo ^ereaf- 3intbci9. ter,tbatbotbtbe beaft,anotbc faUc p^opbcr.VDbicb Ootb tbefe cbaptcr. miracles before tbe bcaft , by x^z tobicb be alfo Dcccmeb r^^t tcaft,a)ali be caft botb into fire encrlatlv»S • 5X?bo tijerfoie is tbe fonncr ano tbe tuio bomco bcaft , but tbe }dope i tbe i)erp Came is tbe falfe pjopbet aUo.ano tr bo is tl)e beaft in U)bofe figbt tbe 0opc ujoikctb U)ooerB,bHt tbe 3lijnage of tbe bcaft, ano tberfoje a beaft alfo , in aftnucb as tbe Umpire is rapfeD flf tbe beaft,anogouemeobv tbe fpiritc of tbe beaft. /sm ^ #» . •;^o; it folto\»ctb,tbat tbe beaft fcttetb tp an 3i,mage of tbe S?/:^ 1?? t»aft,an6il)atof t^efajwebeaft \pbici)^Dti)e wounbeofa Jn 4 S Chf,j3» • - - TheLx.Sermon * ftDOiDe,«ttt) I^MCtb,t^at IB to v»it, of tW olce l^oma^tt lim pVif. 5^o\D ri)CicfoK i0crcctcD ancto Komavnc xgmpvie, toljic^ ttcucrt^jcicfic is not catlcD plavnrlv a be a(?, but tl)c J^* 'inagcofri)cbca(T: tbntistofav, ^tt i^mpirr inDecBc, bat tDbtcl)coinmctbnotfonearc to tY^z olDc, b^as farrcasati 3Pmagc D;{fcrctb fro tbc true c^implc. ftii tbc olue mcwiatne jCnipvJC 13 as it Ujccc a pattcrnc, \i>^rot tbc ^empvic fct %^ tV ttt 2^omifl)c ilnticbjif!, ie onclp au 5ina(:e,repjcCcntatiJ» mi, fliaoovu, atiD as it torre a ujcame, ^Rfng neucn^eltfle f :;J CoincI^fecncsoftl)Cfamf» :' t) p ,. ^(w tije 51 wiDc befoic , anu OjetocU out of floiies, l)oto t!)c o!d> 3imagcof i^omavwe iginjjvze toae tojne anD rem in pccccs, anii tabcrt Sl^ ^ ??*, Q""^^ a^S)a^. ^in tvmes paft tbc one iSnipcroiir goucrneu in XBOflict.^p.jjjPjg^g^j Conftantinople , anD tl)c otbcc in tbe xjpctt at l^omcoiatl^annma. But froin.Auguiluius bvtWfpacc of tbJccbfwtDicbvcarcsanDnio2c,ti)crcujasuo i^mperour of tbc ipocft. anD fncb lanocs as tocre tl;c ijmpercuro, totrc nottJpoCfcflTcDofotbcrs, an^ tbe ifnipvzc tx>a6 tJttcrlyloft. JTbcrfojc about tbc pcarc of our iLojD cigl)t bunDietb , tobat tvme Cbarics tbc great feing of ;jfrau«cc catnc to iaomc>\3p5 Cbi»ft»nastiav, iLcotbe.3 .of f namc,l3vft)op of ji^omc, fet* ttngf CrotDtic^pd Cbarics ocab.mabe bpm i5mpcrour, $ all tbc people favo to^tb a ioube topee: to CbaricB tbe szm^ ' , pcrour crotoneD of i5ou, be long Ipfc anD >3icto?p . 3rbefe tbvnges are rcaD in all RoiicB, elpcciaUp vx x^t, 4.bocbe ef Auentinus CjoniclcSOf Bourbon. iSTT^r w^ft agavne vobcn tbio lampire femcD to toanetanD to fliDe» St) to If c ^"^ tbcrfo?c \ua0 tifee Q}o«lp to fatl,tbel3iQiop of iaomc ina tnbabitcT0 RuntcD fcwcnjajinees iglectonrs , ^omc refcrre tblS02^ia of tbe cartb natmce to Gregory tbc.j.tobicbttiaB ^opctDbcn Ottho iraa ti)nt ti)cp xEmperour.^nD feme to Gregory \»bicb eallf D Raf^ of iijuij inafee abfpurgc to tbc ^c^mpirc . in?berof Cl)all be mojic fapD anonc, ??t?/Sr*ft ^"* ^^^^ ^^^^ ^'^ ^ .lobn faitb fjrpicflclp^boto tbe bead fayi ' .'>^^^"*»' to tbc iiibab iters of tbceartb>tbattbcp flboirion^afee an %s mageoftbcbcaft.;ffo?tbe}aopes erecteD tbc ncttjj!?mpv?e b\) fpeafepng,anD not bp ftgbtpngcas apptarttb- iJi tbcftcyies of IBpftiops of Uomc , cfpeciaMp of Leoi^if. 3 . >;5fo; bp >]afa* ebvng.pcr(\i;aDvng,anD p2act!fnig,(i^cp b?cwgbt ibciEmptet to Upug Charles. jLertemlv Platina m tbc life of Leo tbe.3.a^-bf J3vfl)Op,CaTtbbc,mitiDvngfavfomctneanctogratifie fepng Chai les uj'bo baD DeicrucD rigbt tocil of tbc Cbnrcb > DitrtDitJ alottiiC i)cvcc Denounce ^n igmperouranD crotone.bim iti 4 f K ' -:5 jS>,i^tn:6^l?Mrci?aftcp foJcuwc fcrwicc Done , brtbic Dotci vpppntheApocallpfeJ 1S4 Chdf,!^. iHinaefott ant) at t^c fnte of t!)c people of l^ome. l$utno\»toemuafcemo?eDihgcmIv,U)l)ccfo:etI)ctuU) wijatts crectcDigmp!teDft^cpope,is calico t!)c3lmagc oftljc olo pwcripf beaS.^nD Ijccc itx DcDe,tmg^t manv tbtnges lie alicogcD: but 3^ mage of 31 fljiiH recite of manptijpngsottclvafctD.abouc alltbmge, ti;cfcaft. ft is callcn t^ic 3Rinage , botb fo? tijat it 10 naincD tbc igrnpire it felfc,anD ttioufo be tafecu foj t^c ob «5inpice,\»btre it is in tieoeaname U}it^outtbrt!)png,aniia^avne title, voit^ouc tljat auncicm poU3cr,maicll!c,an& gio?ie.;if oj tjnlcs tbe ilwu perotti; ^aite tbe ^ngDomc of t)is D\JDue \yi m^ccttauce^^ubac feVttgiiome (ball be baue bv x^t name of igmpcrouc > Qiall be ^atte jttomejftjall be ba«e Jfltalie, tbe olo feat of tbc iSmpircj ftjall be banc ;JFcattttce, ^papnc, ?^ouganc, fl5f rmante \ f^% aitbongb i3ermamebeno\» take fo; tbe fcatc ot tbc Ji^mpirc, pet batb fl)e bee oujttc }a;iHces,bci: otonc free Cities , Uibieb rniovtbeir }£>?iuilegcs,altbougbtbeplJc calleo igmperiall. Theodoricke of i3tiein,a iSenitdinc , auB a familiar frjcpoe of ferteineiaopesjtubicb Vojotealfo t^eliues bfcertcineBp^s fljops of i^mCjtobicb Ujcre lad facfoie ttje Councell of Con^ ftaunee,(^vtb tb«s i« tbe tbirD boofee tlje . jcliij. chapter of bis; ^totii^sti^f tobat maieQie tbe i^omaiitc j^mpire ts,it m^ bi opcnlp fette in d(3ermanie. ^0^ pon fl)an bane t^ecc att iSlrcb^ bpfljop oj a i5pfl)op,twbic$ batb of pearelp ceuenetoes ttoife _- (b mucb inbjc, as tbc Hpngof iaomaities receiuetb in all bis S*?ll, fiomtnions.anb agapnc^a tcnipo^all jajincc, tbatbatb moje barcwSof lanDeSjtbaubatb tbe ](^inperour. ^nb fo fo;tb*0^o;eouer in I Bomatne tb^ olD (Empire , t^ere \}?as foine uiig^tie (3Qonaclte , tobicb Cmp^K* tifeb fiill autbo;itte , and toas bonourco of all men as a {5od tn Cartb.^lS Caius, Domitian, Dioclcfian, auD OtbcrS. J^is3|- mage is rcp^efenteb bp t^e ]dopc , vubo is botb 23p(l)op, anD bpng^anb as it toerca ctrteine 0od tcrredriall , tbe greatcd }99bnarbe,\vitb fttlhes of po\}3ei.;lfurt^ermoK2^ome,o? tbe olD bead^bao a inoftl^ouopble ^cnate.^o batb tbe 15pfl)op ofJUlomeaUb , ai^mcelv^enate of p;ouDe ptirpleo Carbu itals.^o? t^cp be t^t ntauer al |a)inceg. j^b^^oohe of tl^e )3^q^ ttu^ne gonernementes ceritctb t^e tstcar , 01 Eicutcnauut of tbc 5)io(icire of afiaCa ^iocclTc in i5rcfec S^om^^i is a bifpo* ittton, dbmttufiratioH,i^ifpen(ation, ^ouerncmetu, oj tariff ^tCtt5)tbeBiCai?0ftl)eE>i0CC(rc of Thrada.aUb of Pontus . ^0 v»a0ibi^l^6fi.uojbl( ini p^efi^$t ofi^^ gou^rneptlts in %xt^%. ^uetinfttmtof;fFt9f(i^e. $lnbl]^lte a^tgeip^nn^f ot^^fraU ^1 ' ' v^ (^AfJl^ .'theLx.Sehriort tl)c i3ctteta!l 6f t^efoiriWonrfi at wo?tiics,tfti acfenobilcttst . t6cS)ufecofj(Jsgcm^aj^2oc6fnr:^oattl)t6 6a^,tbcBtft)ops Df t!)Ofe cuics ace ftiltcf tf 6 to tt^c arctlnn)op of oajcnrj.STljC 25v(l)0|)6 tl)crfo2c feme by t%t jaopes oiDm'aiincc , to TucctDC in tfje place of tl)c ifiomatne gDiierncmentcs. Cc ctemciv pow (l)a!l Ctc tl)c niottpact of tljcle 15?ft)0pB callea not onclp inofi rciicrcnD fatljcie in Clj^iil , hut a!fo mod noble anumigljue JDiiUcgaut) pj'nces of tbe empire. ani» tljis iis aUo mani:* fen ,tf)at t^c i£mperonv of tbe o!l> bead baD ^is legions , tbe aaomane tgglcB oi enfeignes^anB niGft eicpert anb puiffaunt /BThc nt-- ^^'*Pf**"^cs ot\xiarce,Bui t^e bigl) 25:(l)op ft jOsyng of is^dnic tmc0 anD ^^^'^ "^ '^'^ rcfeinbl^ng «g wptic, obcuicnt c^ilDicn , Sipngcjj power of anD#imccs m iguropc not to be bcfpifcb:\»bom bettta^ c5i tbe f3opes maubc if ncac reqtiire,to Ihretcb foztb tbe fcculac pouicr . ;f o? fa?o;t>C. fO tbunbZCt^ Bonificc tbC ». tn t^e f lt0 bOOllC De M^ior.^ Cbci dient : Doubtles , fa^tl^ bc , tD^o focMcr benictb tlje tempojaU ftoojb to be m tbe poujec of ^eter , ^c tonueraanuetb a nuffe tbe \»02D off Eo?b;f£Vi"g : pnc tp tbp r\i30?rj into il)e fl}catljl (bo\» fubtillp anD botp apt!v).s:berfoje are botJ) fvso^bec iti tbcpotoecoftbe C^mlclj^to UJittebotb i^t fpfrituaflanoma* tcriall f\3DojtDjbut tl)tein|ttft in bebe be cjcf rtirr b^fo? y C^rt^ tfte ottier b^'tbc Jtbnc^^.2ri)t'fpirituaU by t^e 0jicft;tljemai» tcctall bp tbe ^anb of IKvnges anb foulbiourB,but at t^e ^il| • anb appointment of t^e Ijigb ^jie(l.$c.27l)c oib 6caft'betb't)ia latoec U)«ttcn, anb pttblitt)ei) bapl)? \\\ a mancc neto . %\^i ttti popeBt^eiJfoic after x%t mutatton of tbe j^mperiallJatoeB, '* ' feaue tbjitten t>ccrcta!s,ani> many tvmes'maUc nt\i) latoe?, 0?eaj« d?f o\ier t^ifp fav feeto tbc^ovceanb pteceptcB«j com* matihbcmeutes of tl)e isope arcaft»[e!l to te rccctwb ano tat» feen^ ^B tbe toozbeB of onr ilo?B'Jef«B C^jitt tlje Connt rif iBrob , anb t^c ^podic^. jac^er. ar^ei^ aboe H»o?f oiitt tbefe t^yngcfi a?fo:tbat\3jenmftdanfetotbc laopcB betfwanaa tion.2r^atA»J)erc tbe ^cpt tB,t^fi:c is t^Cfff ncral Cbiinteif*^ jp^cretbejappc is,t^creiB onrfwWWtr^Swrjtfef'. a;J)at'^# IB mbs cbAipeUrbD? rcp?cuec cf h^i Wmrf,^!t^ii!Ht» ^%t%^i fctf krt^^chichf ; 2J^ftt be bati) aff iatfrfl^#'6|eaft ;«4»iri tljc trrcittrf bis bjcaft : 'arbat ije nray' lw^rpf?erc-o?^^tfunb0 aH t^^ngeB. :€ be fame botb r^iftend fctfnecciai^ itt(i54it4^i^ ne boofecs , to toitte out of tbeir S)ccretals ano glofcs.lTbcre is a boofec of Anthony RufTeii of Aretine , concecttpng tfjc potoer of tbe laopc ano tbe iSinpe- roue, txjbcfe in ^oumav rcao innumerable tbv«Sf0 of tbc fame fo?t ♦ But of tbefett^vngts \xiWh 31 banc notcD bctbccs to,31 fuppofe it be maoe plapne inongb,botx) tbejaopt tubicl^ ts bece alfo caUeD tbc falfe i$^op^et , ^at^ Cet tpt^z 3]mage Dftbcbeaft. i&eceunto 3lobn atjuetlj anot^ec tl^pngn^at \\)\^txi t\^t xnDheiiafc JEmpire is tbus caabiiftcb , aub all tbinges fct in ozDcc , t\^t power to bead 02 faUr ^lopbet coib moue all tbe ttobole engine , ano gene a fpt^ put life into tbe 31 mage, fo as it can fpealJe:to toittc tbe fame, ntcto ti)r tbat tbc falfe p?opbet batb geucn it to fpcafec , ;f 0? cjccept tbe ^»nagc of j9opc DO confirme tbe election of tbe Bvng of momaines , be ^b? beaa. ftjallnotbetbougbt toojtbie of tbc name of jG5mpcrouc. iv^ i^ueff, s^de forma, in tbc glofc tbt iBmpccouc fttiearct^) to tbe laope^as tbe \3aaall to bis Ho^OiSrbe fame mapefi tbou read in tbe firft bOOfee tbC^.title Oe sure turand<,,$n Clemittms . jO^OJC oner ujbo fee tb uot,bovo afojel tbc i^mpcrour as otbcc pjina CCS, are cnuironcb \ajitb a company of 15pCl)ops , tobicb iita fpice tbem , \3i\)at tbcv fl)oulb fpeaUe , oj boe , ano ^oto t^ieg fiioulo bebaue tbem felucsin all tbpngcs, ;f oi tljis caufe are fent alfo tbe negates, tbat are calico Leg^tt a Latere . ano xx is not tnfenotocu,t^at in all jaiinccs coimfels foj tbe mod part tl^efpintuall l^&nttl^z cbicfrulc.2:bc^bcfo? tbe mod part, Cbaunceliinrs,^ea*ctaries, ambaCfacours, anbtobatnoti ano tbeicjaopeano ^^ng fa^tb openly , boto ^c oitgbt to lUDgc ali mcn,but to be mugco of no nmn. yea , ano bis crca atnres alfo tfurpe tbe fame \mto tbcnifcluee.31f ttjere be anp a(remblee,tbcre tbcl5?Cijopofmome,cotnmonip ruletbbg bis (pirite , ^ gouemeib tbe cbiefcft matters , eipecialiv mat- ters of JS^ligion » ;Jfoj ^jnlcCTc t\)t SDccrees pleafe f be fatbers, tbev tbjeatcn tbat tbcv \wili abiogatc , fucb tb?ngc6 as tbe States hauc occrceo.lSut if tberc be calico a counccll gcnc^ rail oinationall,ttis tuboUy rulcobv tl^z laopes fpirit.arbis fpeafeetb ano beterminctb as it plcafetb t\^e jaope . foi Mtu kffi it H>eci:ee after t^e laopes plcafure , ^e mW go about to abo^ chap. 13, The.Ix.Sermon :v abolifl) all together . ;jfo? toe Ijearrj of late , tW tijc ^v«oBe oj Councell 10 tl)crc,\M!jcce xht i3ope icUno innoccntms t^c Cbc U>opc 9.mtl)C.?.mucff.^bcm2)5c,(avtl)6e>(l)aUbcmrigcii ncit^cc is aboiK' tije of tl)C igmpzroiif , tieit!)Ci: of t^c \r1I30Ic CIccgtc , ticifJ;cc of coticcu: fant upngcs,no: of tl}c pcoplc.auD tl)c glofc tpon i^e fame place of mS re «btct{),t{jc Coimfcll caunotiaDgctije jaopc. $c. K>^crfo?c if afoncth tbc tl)ctti^olctooiiD n)on!D gcucfcmciKCiuatip matter ngavnft pmwrp. t^c j9opc,tt appcarcrlj t^ai \xie ougljt to t^c iaopcs fcntcncc agavufl tijcm all.')>ea tljc fame glofcu in another place favtb:2^lJc}9opcifl)C\yilI,mavDifpettcc agapnft t^e Ccunccll.:JFoi ^e is mo;c tljan tlje Couuccl!,fQcft truly tl)cc foxe fayD tl;^ iLoiD at tijis piefci'.t , botn tl)e bcaft ^aD potoer. to gc«e a fpintc to t^c beaft, anD tijat t^e 3f]mage of t^c bcaft (l)oiilD fpcaUe . ^ojto^o focucr f^cuj not tljeni fduce obcDi^s cnt , anti toiUvng mifntmftitcs \jnto tt)t6 bcafi in all I)V6 afis fairc6,are.accomptc& foi Drao anD rotten membtrSj ano t^cc £ozc to be cut of from rbi0 tttatl boDy.'yea foifot!,). €mp)?j«)S l^otDbeit ixx tlje mcane tvmc>lcaft 31 may blame atty mati arc of goj^ f> is pzayfc tDO?tb\>,oi feeme oncrmiicb to taunt tbe tbat banc tbe cojrtipi: jjefcrneD none eaill , o?fl)oalD be fapDenotto ac!uio\rleiigc tt^tf^ofT' tbcgooi)ncfiofi3oD tooifeing in ifmpviCB . but ratber w Jjf* "' finbe fatUttovrb tbc fame, ano to confouno anb put to gctbcc a!! tbvngcc botb goot» ano eulll , ujitbout anp cboyce oj vta fpect: certainttbv«ss are bcre bv a long,vct neccOarv Digre fa (ion, to be aomontilKD, ano better bectareb. SlaDmonif^e tJjderfo^eaitb Ecpctjf, tbat tbe iLoiD our f5aQ is tbe autbour of 3Cmpp;efl,anD ozbcvacil) tbcfamefoz tbc tocltb of men: mjx tbat tbe S)e«ili io^aetb bpmfclfc tt)vtb tbe goob oj&maimccs ofi^ob, auD accoiitpng to btseuiU nature fozraptctbrbofe gocrboibinaiutceccfiSob^bv moouittg mens affcrtions bis ucrfly, anD applying tbem to enjll mattcrij . xobeccupon in goncruemcnteo \jcry many tbyngcs arife tobJcb ate to be miaplteD of tJ)c goDly: as ace tyranny, alteration of tbe Uate, anofucb ctgcriy&c. j^enertbeieo, albeit i3oo Wct}^ alltuica feebncs anb cannot alo\u any euill, tooc fee, tbar be of bistros liwitt goQ^nes bfetb tbe cutll goucrnujf nts of men tjiitc t^c goDD 0? piofitc of bis ferua«nts» ^01 <5oo louctb bts £b«ec^ eject cbingly: anb feeUctb to relieue artD comfozt ail mmiUyoD by iSmpires, altbougb "ot attogctber) o^ in all cbutgs corns menoable. cit:gouernmct0. SDa- goetj p/m^ tttcll ftgureD t^c foutc o^onarc^tec of t!)c tooiiDc by bcaftcs: ce0 tmtinr | anDvctncumljdcflc \^z fuppofcD not tljatalUljcii'jaimccs 3lniaeeo£ toccc bcaftcs, ncvtlKC couDemncD Ije all jazincec, ncvt^cc ^^^^wtt. t^oagl)t be tijat tijcre ^ati) bccne 0^ ft)ouio be no gooD topns in tbein, altboiig^ tbe inofl pact toere mot! coiruptcD. srbcre toercfoimDcintbcolDemomavncbcaft (to fpcafec notbvns in tbc meant t^mc oft!)c jajtnces of a(rit:ia,15abpI6,05jeDeB, laecfia, oj (sgaccnottjc) \abic^ bane fct foub profitable laujes \j)?tttenintbcboofecsofiuiHnian, STberc banebrcncfonnDe tenner tbat moll ccueil olDc beaO, tobtcb baue abuatmccD t^e mieccIigionofCb^tft. ^befcnoeD jncftcacneftlvtbccbnrcft of 0OD , fncb as toC favb tbat Conftatmte Conlhntine , The- odofe, anD Dine ro otbccs \jdccc : uibo come all tjnDcc tbc nfU tier of tbe i^mpvie, but not of tbe bea0,faumg in ae mncb as tbe beafl fignifietb tbc xSmpice. ^0 may tljecc be founD pjm^ ceo tenner tbc Slmagc of tbc bead not afettj, tobirl) baue botb (ccfo;tb boicfomelau^es, ano bane implov^e great benefttes teponntanbpniiejlpbe as Charles Lewis.anOLothane of ^ajts on^nD otbtcs b^ue Done. j^otu^ttbftanDtng tbattbcp tl^tms (dues ixi manv tbyngcs can not be allotoeD of tbe goDlp. ^bert are fountse amonges tbe latter ^nges of tbe netue i5mptre,\sbtcb m potoer anD mateftic toere not mucb tenlibe tbeolDt^noMntecrtnesmucb bebmisc tbem,bntmcertavne tbpngs egall. Sbere arc founo uobtcb ^wxt adaveo to pourge tbe i&mppie from idopt(l)e co;rnptt5s, ^ to b;mg tbe idopes tenDer corum : bttt\x)vtb no great 0; gooD fuccefle* fQ% lubat (be Otthoncs, Hcnrickcj, Ludouickes, Friderickes , anD b^teflp manp;frcncb|3imces, Saxons, Sweuians, Bauarians, anD Of Aurtrich bauc betic y nxanp notable teftimonics of biRo?ie0 Do tepojtJUJbKb tetlific tbat certapne fetngcs botb of ;Jf rannce ^ titber realme0airo,baucnotboU)eDtbctrlmces to tbtelSaal: 0; if tbep bane Done at anp tpme, pet baue tbep repemeo, ano l^aue a)et0eD fome toUen at tbe lead topfe, uibcrebp tbe U^pCc tttpgbt pcrceiae, cbat tbep (ct not mucb bp tbat bead. ^cre tbccfoje are to be epcufeD all bolp auD excellent men, i^oip men teJbicbbauelpneDmtbetajboIecottrrcoftpmCjtobermtbeSls aw wufcD wage of tbc beaft batb beenc ccecteo $ rctgncD.anD 31 meane * «?:c«i?t«&« i&mptrours , Ifepnges , }9?inces, ©pfljops, States, Citie0, anD peopU of tbe igmpp^c anD oibtc rcalmes^ tobtcb IpucD, but pet \»erc not tenDer tbe tenbappp 3lmage of tbe bead, bc« (au(( tbep o^crcD not tbemfeluestotbcfpittcoftbcbeaOta chap, r> . . The.hiSermon 6c tljccof mottcD attn goucrtteu: nc^tljcr \^mi tpo^S t^tiks Iv, il)at t!)vng to!)ic!) tl)c bcaft gauc to fpcafee:t)ut rat^iet ^auc f jjoUe agaprift tbc bcaS,attD bane mucb miOvfecD ^is Domgs* 2r^crfoie as 31 Ijauc not compzifcD i^x t^c olDc ia^onarcljvcs; (ana uajucip m t^c oluc moma^nc bead ) t^c goiil^ jaiinces ann aooB goitctucHicnt, noz tiaue cotiDcmncD tbem of btad:^ Ivncffe: fo nouj neither in baptingtbc 31mage of tbe beaft, do 31 confomiDc tlje gooD ant» goulv piinces anD people, $ tbeic goHcruetncnt, toStclj ba«c not bcenc marrcD by tbc cojcuptc Dcmgceafamicljjta. ;jfoz eucc 31 c?:ccpt moucriiteanDpzo^ ft tabic j6mp VIC B, boncftnicn ani» goMp, ^otufocucc tbc^ lyuc \3nBcc tbc 3lmagc of tbe bcafl,v'et not after t^e mfpi'rati* on of t^c bcaft 01 faltc p:opl)et» % pjepl)c= Bercuuto 31 aDiovnc tbts alfo, tbat i^t xBtnp^jc toas not cte:0 to be foDeinlv eftabliftjcr) after t^e tuil ano plcafuce of tbc Bifliop, c^poum)cD_ jjyt jj^ utuccfe fpaccs of t^mes, (unD?^ attciuptes , ana tcea* fifiSaSm" (one tmuimccable, bv tncancsvubeceof, it toas b?o«gbtat of thpncre^ ^^"5^^ to cptceame coiciiption ano \3ttcr hzdi^\^\\t[iz. xo^u^ anD timcjs, ^V it appeacctb tbat tbc pjopbecie of ^.Bio^n, is to be apph^ eo to tbe tbinges tbemfeluc0,anD to tbe tymco, aft 6c tbe ffatr^ inaltctoufnes ano cozrupticn of ener^ t^^'in^ auD tytne.'Tbis IB mod ccctainc,ano connnott confent of all l)i(tojiograpbcr0 plapnel? teflific ,tbat tbeempmtobicb bao bcenc ucca^cn in tbe \x>e»,tcia0 renuco againe in Cb^irlcs tbe gveat.tbiotjg^ tbemeanes ofjaope^leo tbetbpzb ; anD tbUBtbe3lmageot tbebeaffvt^atistotDitte,oftbemomavucempvze, mas fee Ijp aga?he» atiH albeKt tbat at tbis tyme tbe ii*mp^ je Decapelf in tbe toeft, toa^ rcftejeo bp tbe jaopc: f et is it cnisent, tbaf t^e iaopesiiif beginning of tbisiBmpit'e,bcvngbp ceetcinc uonationB $ giftcs mucb incicbcD, DiD not nz^cx We fo gcea r potoee, as t^cy ^furpcD to tbcmfciMeB afterujarD, toben tbe^ bao ouectbzotoen ano DepofeD ccrtavnc iginpccourB. fQ% al^ tbougb tbe Donation feemeto be maoe bp fe^ng jaipine, anir tbe ^ope IB teao tban to \^mt receiuea tbe bcgpnnvng of b^B ItpngDome: ^et , tbat be toas fubteft to j^inpctoutB ann ispttgeBtoit^ tbeCitie of mome alfo, tbis amongeBotbet? tbptig^B p^otmb, t^at in tbe ^tcncb Croniclcs at tbe -iactes of Icpng Cb^rleB tn tbev^^^^of oucEo^iD eigbt bttuDmbtanzi one, ti^ttB it \^ fonnoe tuzitten : aftecU}arDc b<^uvmg fet in o?s Der tbe matters oftbe citieanD Bpfljop of monie, anD of all 31falp (tbcrfoie DiD 3italt> tban aUo obey tbe ^ampcrour) not onelp pnblicUe ^ bntalfo (marfte) ecclcfia:ttCiiUimDpzi«ate (fbj Ml t^e \»viMZK¥ dto notl^^noi cIb ; ^p i^cparteD.frg mome vpon the Apocallpfe. 187 Chaf.ij, t»y tf) his fcuuc Philip, attD came to spoier. 2i:!)c fame aut^o? in tbc;2lctcs of tl32VC''ire eig^t ^tmi»?ct!) atiD. i<;.(av»I)H)U6: Stephen, btiugckcrea in tijc place of Leo t^c ^.taUct^ as great loucncpeo as ije cotilD to ccme tl)C i£inpccour, fenoiug m t^e tncanetgmcttoo^mbafiaDoucstorccatcttivt^ tl)c jginpe^ rour(Ludouicuspius;fojl?t3 confecratton. ^0 fv^ctciie in tbe acics of rlje pence ctgbt ^miDictlj anD 17, is flittocD l)o\aij Pafchalisjjcpngcijofcnjcnt aniambaffagc to Lewis t^ei£m.» pcrouc, jpn tbe actes of tJje^care. 8^3 . tlje fame B^ft)op (looc at the ci^mwation anD iuDgcment of t^c ijmperouc . '))oa inav ftnijc \\\ tbe artcs of tlje Hcpt peace ttjat tije igmpcrouc Lotharieeftabliflj'^fitlje matters of 3ltalp$mome. ^Jet Dot^ tbe fame am^our agapne maUe mention of t^e Donation o( 3^vn5*2>ipine,ta)ljic!?gaucto^.*actcr luuenna, ano Penta- \pohs ano all i^c gouccncment. *y ct ooet^ be maUc no menti- on oft^e Donation ept^ecof CJjarlemapgne, 0? of Ludouicus plus. 2;i)e.4V^cb bp anD bp after be Difcourfet^ t»i?tl) along eicpofition out of tije Ipfe of ^.^ilueSer, too^itt^ (as tbep (ap) bp Geiafius^in tl)e cbapt.follotPing.33ut Antony Bpdjop of jrlo;ence oenpet^ in ^is I)p0o^p, tbat tbis Donatio on Doetbremapne in anpolDe booses. CufanusanD Laurence ValUbaueimpugneDtbeiame:neptber bacb Otcho i3v(l9op of ^rifingintbe.3. cbaptof tbe.4. bofeeof bis ftojie,noj Mar- filius Patauinus in tbC Defence of peace, noj Raphael VoUtcrane allovoeD tlje fame, no? manp moe p 31 coulDe rebearfe. 09ojie^ ouer in tbe Cronicles of tbe b^ngsof ^raunce, fet befo?c x\^z ftojp of Paulus iEmilius Of tbc ^ctes of tbe fepngs of ^cannce, intbepcarc.75J.tbusvoumapreaDc:Pipine agai?ne entrett^ atlD bauingfubDUCD Aillulphus, gauegpftCStO Maximus B^a (i)op of i^ome , anD alfo tbe I>n&eDome of R^uenna of ))er^' , great lanocs .- anD leaft anp man aioulDeUntbanfefwllp ann tJmiiClH taHe atoav t^s lar^cs of tbe ;jf rcnc^ Mgngr bc afcri* b€D C^, Thc.k. Sermon b^U thXt to tljC IJJUperOTlC Conlantine^Vobicb Jdipiitf ^mttQ t{)c CljuccI) of H.omf , agavnft t!jc topU of t^c Ocechc if m-- pci:ouc,tx)!)oaSf:rmcDt^cfemeponcO'iotts to bctticr^gljtof tljc Umsi'ic, ^com tijeucc jaipinc firft tecemcD anu b?ong^t into;^t:iuiicccl)ei^cclcfUtticaU cites of t^e i^uima^ncd and* ^ccmonics of fougcs.^c. Ci)e €m s Botobcit tifc gouccncmcnt of tijc ifmpirc Cljartcs poflc^j pire co:i= n'tic \Da5 uot \)ci'v fiaWc auD pctsnaucnt. ;jfoj from t^c fief! mpco from ^£arcofCl)ai'lco,U)l)crcm bevuaocrcatcD dupcrouc^tima tDe 5Frcncl) tj^c fCUCnttj ^eacc of Conrade^ tD^O toas /^CpJctD tO Lewis *S;^i uinca tfee.s.t)^ i)i3 bjotljcc,anD uias t^c laft of t!)c !)oufe of Ctiarics .r.iwne». g^p gccomptcD aUout an t)fiD?ctlj at:D i^. peaces. ;jFo^£^atle» maignCCCi5UC0lgmpCCOUC.t4..ycsce0j Lewis x^. Lotharmt 1^. Lewis t^ feCOnDii. Charles tt}t fCCOnfi fUCliamCD t^CBald tmQ pcares: Cljatlcs tijc t^icD funiamcD tlje gcofTc, ttucliic peaces. Arnulphc. ir. Lewis tIjC .3, lo. Conrade.y.Conrade Ipngon^isdeat^beD^beqaet^eD ti^e hpugdome to i^enc? IDu^c of ^aroti Curnainen ^alcotter. 2ixiii tins ^tust})ttm» PV^C tcanaaten to tt)e fSecmaines* 3;^is Henry caUcD t\)c ficft , faittc ttcuec in Sltal^ , tto; tte# ttcctoas conCcccatc in ccoujncD of t^c jaopc . Biz fonnc ow tho,tl)e ftrd.oft^acitiime , bepttgfctttfo; tn Itftlp, is ceaD to l^aue gone t^et^ec \3)ix\i a gceat armtc , anD to l^tic bene vu ceiueo at momc , anD faluteD of tl^e people i^mpecottc ^ ^u» gufte.ottho Frifingc in J^ittojies tljc.17.cbap* tec afficmctb out of t^e S)C£cecSvtbat }aope Leo tbe.s.of t^ac ttame nvD confeccate^OtB Ottho tbe ficft ^nQo( idttm&ntB^ ^OJ bis fat^ec Henry refniCDit.AlbertKuntz in tbCio.anD.H* c^aptec of tbc fouctb boobe of ^ajcon mattec8,a£ficmctbtbat Idope Leo maDe a fucrenDcc of ali fucb tbpnges as tbe popes bao cecetited of tbe kynges of ;)fcaunce , auD tl)t autbonc be^ fcu^ctb tbisfuccenbec (0 mabc to be true . Botpbetffbe be* pet: of tbeHibuirte tedifietb , tbat otcho conficineb tbe bona^ uou of tbe bpngs of ;f rauncc,Pipine,chade$,aub \>i8 fonnes* STbece remaiuetb mojeouec inti)c bccceesa copte of tbe otbe, tbc«43.DiiHn(f^.\Mberfapfepng ottho bpnbetb bim fclfe to tbe iaape«t^at be fl)aU tntcnnebble UMtb notbing tbat concernctb tbe }3ope anb tbe motnanes:aub{ecdbIp tbat be a)aH cedo^e 9il tbe ianbes of ^ . idetec tbat (ball come into bis b^nbes* 23?bicb tbyng let tbe ceabec in^^c \pb^t tbe^ ace. ^. . ^ ^bojtl? aftcc tbis time , about tbe peace of out iLbjb.?^; c^icwDOF^. STbep fap bouj b^ tbc E>cccee of jdope Gregory tbe . 5. anb b^ tl^e ccinfent of Qccho tb^ .3 <^t>U?<^^ouc» tbe (cue p^ces iclcoa vpon the Apocallpfe. 1 8 8 chaf. 13 , fottts tocit alHgttCD , tnto uj^om t^c Dcfcnr c of (i^t Cljurc^ {as faiti Wimpeiingiu5)auD tbt ji^omanc £rmptrc voas com* tntttcD . 3ln tl)c toljicb tfjvng all BpRoiiograpijf re auD uj^is JCrSDO agCCC,anb namcl^ of Italianes,Blondus,l*htina, Sabel- ricus,Volatcrane,Egnatius auD Otl)CC6:of i5crmanfB,Albeftus» ^auelerus, GArion,^Funftius, gnd cmcint ot^ecs: Diuccs ^auc maije no incntton of tijia ojDinaunce. xi;^^rfoze Auentinus in l^s.f .boofee of €^joniclc0,f«//tf.yio.7O7 . faytb t^at ^e bnouj* ctl)C3r, can not tell 6o\5)certemlp)t^at after t^e Dcat^of Fride- * ricke t^c ♦ a ♦ t^e j^BUctours \situ uiRititteD , anD conftrnien bp Gregory t^c. io.l3ut Ijott) CocHtv t^at mattct ftanDct^, ccc* taittcitist^att^erc baucbcnemanp among t^efcucr.jairm^ ces i^lcctoucs boti; fcrucnt anu rarncft in tcnc Hxltgion.ani^ Cjccclicnt in allfein&e of V3cctiics,anii cfpcctallv t^c ft culars aa t%zf tcrme t^)cm>tol)o tauc nmct) ii;iaifecii tliic t^zaiinv $ U3ic=j fee{me{re oftI)e popes of l^ome,mfomiKl^t6ac t^cp l^aue i^cutrclp oftentimes U)ici){itoDc t^cm . iDurage Doubrkdets tnucb boQD to tbts ozoer oz fiate^tbat a goon part cf tbc p;tca^ c^^ngoftbc^olpiSbrpcll iarcfonncD , tbc tobicb botbthf? ibiit^ otbcr |a;inccs of iScrnum^ mod toojtbv of pzavfc boe (b? i5oDo infpir4tion;\)altauiu!v^ agapnft tbe fnnes qIZvau cbjiftuefcno anD-maiutamc. 2:be Hojd tncrcafc bic giftcs in tljnn,anb otbcr goDl^ f^unccstbicngb tbc tDbolc\MojlD,anD tnrrcyfttllv Hcpc ^ pjcfcritc tbcm.i3«t to rctnrnc tatbcpjofcs und o?i)erof tbc BiftojLtc,ccrtaui.e it is , tbat mimcbiatlv after Gregory tbc.5. tbc IDcwiil iauabcD tbe fca of iSijme . j^citber toulo Platina mOcmtlc tbiB tbpng , a \x)iitcr of ^opes l4Jues &V'^lf fenotxjctt to all inen , tobo b^tb tjcr^ canoncabi? fparcb bVB SS^ ,„ EoiDcsanb mainccs,attt) manp tyuics coucrcntbcirabomi^ tbcipfc^tf^ tiablcactcB. j^ieiicrtbcleG m uj^iigiig of siiueileribc tccoD, tbc ucact . 3. fticcelToj of Gregory tbe. y. be (aptb . silucftcr tbe fcconb bcrc to foie calleb Giiberte,a ^sjonVje of jFloicv,fo?fafepng bisnionas Ccrie,foUo\DciitbcnemH,t)nta\xibo bcgatie bimfelfc tobolc. ClttU bp ano bp be aUDctb: Gjlberte bt^ngmouco. toitb ambis tion^^itn btmliflj Dcficc to riUCvtb^oagb bJibme gctcfirR tbc £lrcbbtIi)opj!cfec of tciiiU bjca^ Pb,q* Vivng Chdp.n. . The.Ix. Sermon feV^Slo^f^^^cftanasapucto cage mtl)ctoojlD.)»'acrorfl)an folloiTj ccctctn tOv>«gc3 m t^'}3tec of t^is boofec.i^ot:^ toit^ilanomg 31 Ml not rcfufc to gitljec ^cce ccttcin tijmgfl out of t^ts Benone caruttta!! , auD ij?ic8? to recite t^cm ^ce. fou^c Declaration of ouc matter, ^ Ct)c mau ' 3:l)crfoie Beno \xi tl)c l?fc,anD acres of Hiidebrande , calletf itccof tije Gregory ti)c.7»fapt^ one Gilbcrtusto^idj^DinfeetcDt^eCi^ . ^ope0 tie « tie ujit^ fojcene, commons Up out of t^c botomlcs pit , aftf c >;pn3 t^ jjjg tbottfano peaces toecc fulfilici) , ccigncD foucc pearcB as mS' ^^^^ ^"^ ^^^^ pcciniCfion , ano c!)aungvn5 l)i6 name . teas calleD Siiueikr tjc t . ^nn after Giiberte t^c veare.M.(3l fup= poCe ii Cl)OulD be ccao.^x.i^no boto tbep cetgneD tbcfe peaces ^toiies teQifte, tbat is to tt)itte tierp euili Theophihaus bps ^cboter got tbe feate Diolentiv and tnas calieo Bencdia cbf * 9.^e bad a tieace fcenbe ^ p^mie to all bts bopnges one Gra- tian,^rcbpMeft of S. lohn portc Latinc.^ntO t»bom Hildebrad a iSDonbe of Clnnep , fo^ifabi^ng bis sabbep , bib familiacel? clcaue,anb became a familiar fccno of bis . 23ut B?nedi<5^fea> rpngbitttrelfeJolDbis Ccateto Gracianeis^aiderof Hiidc^brad teceiupng of btm a tbonfab anb fine bund^eb ponnbes , U)bo bepng piomoteb to tbe office t»as callcb Gregory tbe. 6. s^u nectbeles tbev bab f^oztip atbp;b }dope sabinus , anb be\»as calleb silueiier tbc. 3 . 2E:be lempeconr tberfo?e Henry tbe. i, a goDlp man , Daleaimt , tntfe anb fioute , gopng to mome , to purge tbt Cbnrcb ( fox as pec tbe 13pQ)ops tfeb not full auo tbOlttie3c5pellebBencdiift Ol ThiophiUdtc tbe Magician tOUCC, caft Gregory in p^ifon^ anb fent aujap Sikerter to bis olb 15?^ fbopiicHe::anb be bolbpng a CounicU, placcb tbe 15pQ)op of Bamberge.tsbom be callcb Clement , in tbr featc.O! wbom aU fo be receiueb tbe crotone. 'An\i be biougbt Gregory ujitb bps. biCciple Hildebrande \»itb btm into i3ccmanp. Sjn tbe ntcanp tpmc Benedidt cetucniug to iB^ome from fligbt>tJe>^eb ciemer, ano toirb mucb incbautupng infectcb tbe Cintrauo bp letters recemea from Hildebrande out of i^ecman^, \^z Icamcb \j3^ac toas Done in tbe igmpcroucs Court . Gregory Dpeb tbcre in p^if3,an^ left Hildebrande bis bep^cbotb of bi^ faliepacfepng anQOtbtSmOncp.ClcmentDpCbalfo . WbOm Damafus tbc.i* fuccebetb unmeoiatelv.but llceigbt \xix^tz be toa^ povfoncD^ Bp ceafon of tbe tumult tbat ts^as in t\^z \.\nt, tbe i^mpcroni; fent Bruno ( 23p(liop of Tuliy , comctt Of tbc uoMc bo»fe of tbe i5arlcs of 0olft)a twojtby man. ?^cre Beno annfjcrtb :iii tobolc tcapne tbiougb tbe oucrm icb ru?ferattncc of ttjc Hm^ prrouc » Hddcbianie twas pgrtnittco to rvfutncjbp tb?6 pit* vpontbeApocalipfe. iSp C^ap.rjs ittffl!on to fubucrt boti) tljcISpQ^opjicbe auu fBnipkc \juuct? t^atljc uiasmsDE oncoitl^ctecpcce of ^.iscters ^ulrai'. JSnD lu a R)ou tymc {)e fiiici) !)i6 coffer©, ^m l)c alfo reconciJ tcD 1)16 olii jlojD anD i^Mct Bcnediae,favning ccpcntaiutcc fiecectf u!lp to Leo tijc, 9. (foj fo Bruno bcptig maoc iaopc toas ca!lcD)rtn& tJjjoiigO t^e counfcil of Benedide, ot^ertt»ifc called Thei>phiiaae,^-c»icmca Leo agapnH tbc. <5toimannc0,ani8 be- trapco i)un l)iUo t^cm . 2ir()C i^sfuancs t^eiloze \Kcrc flavnc b^ tccafon , ano kmtl^ tl)t pope ati Dcfolatc cfcapeD . ^\)is Cl^rijBeiio.i^tmcmemCitiS tl?att'.)iS{35onfee Hildcbrande, Grenorv ftoui tijattpme foi\joarD afpircD to gtt tl?efcate:anD intl^c tbe 7^ incanc tune \s)\)ik(i it voas goncruco of ot^et:s,^e inccnfco ^ ruled t^CiaopCS,a3 Leo t^e.9.Vi<5tort^e.2. Stephen t^e.9.Be- nedidle t&»Nicolas t\)t.2.^ Alex.xnder t^e.i.SlnD t\)t t^inqS tljat arc fet fOlt^ in tl)e name of Lco, Nicolas anO Alexander 00 fmell of Hildebrandes ftile auo nature . T5m at tlje icngtti ^e ^im felfe dome tip into t^e^e to^ici^ l)e fo Vita bint fclf,t^at no man iDRlcire 6e VDcrc darfee blinD,but mig^t fee f bis Deniua) gouernement , ^at^ nquitcD moil abounoantip Henry t!)e.4.tije fouue of Henry t^e c^iro , \)iQ fathers caripng of Ijnn into i5ermanv.^no tie began openly, ano impuoent^ Ip to tabe \jppon bmt't^e potoer of t^e igmperour . ij^citbec can it be tolD at it^xt \]po^Des , in tobat oeteftable tou'e tbis beafl DtD afflict botb tbe emperour and tbe tobtle betuas {dope,fo; U)^oleveares.^n^b;ibge:3 met of tbat ftojiv ^^^^ ^^^^ Fundius compileb in t^e, 10, bobc tnbec tbe ycare of our ILojD. 1 074^ 31 bnouj tbat Piatina, anomanp jPitaliantojiters, pea and ^irmgos fome iSermaincs alfo Doe bigblp connnende tbe rctigion ano pjniono of tiertWCBOftblS Gregory tbe. 7. bV t»bicb tbpltg tbejaoppQj, Gregory tpjannp, tjnber tbe pretence of religion is to oniicrtnllp aug- ^^ •7« inenten ano confirmeD^ano many blpnbeD. yet is it commen topaaeagavnetb^ougbt^egraceofi3oD, tbat men ofgrauc aut^o?itie, religion ano >3ertue0,batte fap?c auD tuell plncfeeo oftbc\3ifurefiomtbi0beatt» Si^berefoie baue ^ynooesanD Couttfcllcs of goob autbojiticconbemneo ti^ii5 Gregory: ana ficft in becDc tbe Connfell of Mcntz, \30bcrin \23ere.i9,famca0 :^Vft)0P6. arbantoasairembleiJBrixiaa ^pnobeof. 50. I3y^ fljap0j anOfjf t^e molt pact of t^c nobles of i^ermanp ano of. Chdfji, The Lx. Sermon 3!tal)>. S^tjcrctoacalfoa Ccuufell alTcjnbfctJ at Worwesi toijcce itt tl)t pjcicuce of jftytig Henry, nil tl?c 0crmane 13^^ fl)op0Cf)cccptf^epof§>aicouy) DcpoieD tijc }$ope ftoni t?s (line tioit. 2ri?c igptftko ans fuasmcnrec of tijcfc Ccuufctles accfoHnDcmfl)c Cconidcsofvrfpengenf.c^icflv. lac tsac^ c«fcD bv tijcfc opcnl? of all Vc!Cfeci>aes atiD ^jngoDlvncffc , of Ij^pocuific $ ccue!ttc» IPC Ijauc i;cl)catTeD a little bcfojc, tol^at dCai-ainali Benno, atoiprcrof fepstpmc, ^atl) cojwnutcD to to)jitmg» 2r^cre ccmavncalfo tcftimonics of sigifbertjan olDe toj^tcis cflttcccn^ttg t^ys laope, xo^n fo totU, map rcai>e t^e fift^ booUe of Aucntinus, fromti;c. i^i.leafe, anftfo fojt^j £lnD alfot^e idiefaceofjt^e. ^.boo^e . ^bc famc<^ut^oui; mtbC 7. bOOfee, reporting tbCtUOZUCS of Eberharde B^fljOp of ^altf^urge, \)^ in t^c Countcll of mcgcufpurse,(iivti^ t^US: Hildebrande, 170. ^carCS flttCC \)nDCCP^CtCncC Of tt\i%U xin, la^Dc firlf tbe fouDation of i^lmicb^tilcs ttyngbomc.El^ts toicUco toarrc i^c ijv^iufcifc ficil bcganue, to^ic^ bv &t6 fuccer^ louts is continiico ^txl^tnt^ ;lftc(lt^cybaucciccluDcot^e xEmperour fvomt^e)dopcflt e!eccton,aitbrcfcrrcDtbe fame to tbc people and la^tedes of l^omc* ^ftci'UiarD, baumg mockcD tbemalio^anDtbzufft^ m\i^ t^cp goe about uoU) to b^tng 1)6 m fubicctton auD bott^ Uagc, to tbe intent fi^z'q jn]?gl)t rcigiic alone. ^nD tbe tbingB 10 foUoto. But tl)e t^vug it fellc Declaretb,t^at tljece bat^ not ipueD niaup idopea mo;e bolDc ano impuDcnt tban t^ps, no; tDbtc^b^ueaDuatmccDmo^c bigbl? tbcmaiedieoftbefcate* l^e ejccommnnicatets t^ca^mpecour i^eney t\)t.^mh XiV^iU ncd ^pm of t^cDignitie tmpceialluno^couer J)c fttrrcDtip \}\b fubicctcB agavnft bvn» > aw2> abfolucD tbe rebellcs anu trap:* tours from tl^eir otlje of fiDelitic:ani) \^z bpmfelfc Ipfee a 09oa itarfee, gauc tbe Croujne of tbc i^mpirctnto otbcrs at bP3 plcafitrc. HTbc potocr tbercfoje anD irreafour of tbc j^mpirc iiatb beene fo too^uc auD toafteD, 'mX^^A ujptb ciutlc,ano U}^at tojptb fo?cpncla3ari:£s,tbat t^efe man? pcarcs note t^t bings of ^Imaignc baue neptj^cr beene able to recouer tbeir fo^ce, no; pet to rcfif! tbe mod arrogant tp;annp of tbe idopes:^nd t^us at tbc lad tbe idope is become a i^onarcb^aud tbc Hxna perours, ^pugesano idjinccs aremaoe ^ps \ia8^lC0 and l)nDerlingc0» XDben Gregory tbe.7.toas Dcafi, t^crc fuccccuci».4.095ftC5 Df Hildebrandes icctc auti faction , Of bis maucrs ^ feancferci nature, as it tucrc ^eptes ano fonncs tbat goe notbing out of fcpuOe, Vi^or tbe. 3 . Vjbane ti?C»it P^chol t^C 1. i^nD Gelaiius vpontbeApocanpfc. ipo Ckap.rf^ tH ». P^Jrchalis faufCU t^CfonUC Cf Henry ll;c.r. (Ol^ tOfcfecD $ ^„no ^^^ tnifecabic Henry tbc. -:}.. iSlnii ft}S?tlV aifo^ Gelafius t^e. X. ana Calliilus t^e.i, cVcomjnuutcatcis Henr)' t^f* f . i^nti ccafcD not to tjejcc t^is piiiicc aU o,tiU tijcv ^aD toiongc out of i?tB ^anDs tljc giftc 0? election of }3pQioppzitfeC0,to t^c great atiD meat- Sf Xrf inable p2ontc of t^c ^ca of Uomc: ano to tl)e loncccouecablc miK^a takl ioffeof i6crnutTV.(fc» S^^cCc tt)vnges arc iscfcttiJCZ) luoze at fvotijc aits iargc bv vrfpergenf. in t^c £rontdc cf ci;e wcarc. nia» perouw. 31n t^c tvmcs foUo'uiing.aU^oiigl) iht aiiDacuMc, anti po- toer of ti)e laupcs increafco^oiire{?,^ct tijc JScrmans King© l?a«e refiftcD t^cm ftoutly inong!), l>ottibcit toptb fiunUc fuc^ ceCTe, UJbercas m tljcmcanr fcafon tnc mafircmfmbf r tije toojocs of tbe 2Lc;D,\3tt£CCD by Danicll,fa?ing:anD tbere fljai arifeafevngofaCl)amcieQefacc,an^ tJnDeraanJsmg piopofi^ tions, ano bis ftrciigtij ftiallbe fo;rificD,but not in bis oujne Cojce: anu it ca not be ijcIecutD bo\» b^ toil Dctoy all tbingg, ano be fliall piofpcr anD doc.$c» 31 toiil toucb tbei'fojc in fetec toojtcc, tubat ibvttgs ia ttx cijc tp^nn^- tvmes foliotoiiuj laopec bautattcmprcD agaiaftUvngs^ana npof vm^ bolDeIvboncfoitbceftabli(l)ing of rbeic jemppj^anD (350= ngamttcms narcbV. ?30PC Alexander tbe.3.Di& C^COinmiltUCate Fridericke ^l^^^^' tbc I* calico Barbarottflfe, anD trooe bimtjnoec bvs f«tc. ^^"'"7^. ano tobcrc tbc gooij jaiincc favco, bot» be ll)CtocD tbat oi}c- Uiencc to ^.lactcr: tl;c bcalt fctting bv»wftlf befoie Pet^r,crv^ CD out ano faveo^otb to me ano jactctjano Gampees on bun. laope innocentius tbc.3. im\hz uot abvbe/.anD nuitb IcCTc al= lotD) Philippe tbc fottue Of Fiidcricke, creatcD i£mperout:but %VXUUZ9*. commaunbca tbc elcctouts, to cboofe anctber, 31 nieanc ot- thoSDuUcof^ajron, twbom notUJitbGanoyng tt)Ozt!p aftce ht ejccojumunicaccD alfo. STbatpiouoebcaGfav^eD, tbat be tooulDtalJC from Philippe tbc cinpenail crouiuc, oj lofcbvs lapoRolicbc carter » ^nto tbis innocent arc afcribeo tbofe inoflpzouuctoojbes, ujbtcb are leao in tbc bccretaU of Gre- gory tbc,5>.de Eiedi iutbc. 6, dde.34. cbapt. ou tbis ujifc: tbat tbc ^jniccB banc rigbt aub autboirtic to cboofe al^Vi^Si "ti^ afcertoarDc to aouaimce bun to be jempcvcuc^ toe acfeno^s Icfigc, a3\xj2 ougbt, as to 'inboni of rigbt auncient cuftouic it is feuotocn to appertapne: elpeciallv fmce tbat (ucb rigbt ana autboJitic canic Dnto tbcmfconi i\)t ^poiloiicall ^eat:xDbicb tranaatcbtbemomapnciHmpvic from tbc i3recfeco m tbe 43ermanes uube pcrfon of great Cbarlcs. l^otobcitf piiu::: ecsmuft fcio\» agavue, i^m^t ngbt auD aiul^ojitie to c)Kfej~ poaiij, mim. fh V The Lx. Sermon chap. ^tz i)ow mfttc i^c pcffon tljofcn fepng, nm toht pjomof ct» f o t o£ ttn$ tije?t)furpepu-c,!3cic«gctl)Dntot)c,tDti»c^5ocaimotnte, confcccatcanJj to tbem*^-^ ccotwnc ljim.(tc. STlje fame m tl)c ficS booUc tl)C. 33. Titl. do Uiw0, ' maior.& obedient. jx?ju!ug to tl)c igiupcrour ConDamitte^ ' fait^: ^0 miicl) Dtuerftticas t^crcis bettoijcttljc^unne ano tl)e 0i)oonc, io great a Dtfifcrcncs ie t^erc bctvoenc popes ano JKvngcB, mi5oD6 name* iSQOZeOUCC, t^C IgmpcrOUr Fridericket^e. i»i!iep^c\» to fi" 2 n BarbaioiifTe, ail c)cccllent ja^ittce , toas f iccommuiticatcD b? idncru?ffcD "^^"^ J3opeB, ttamc!^ ,bV Honorius t^C. 3 . Gregory tljC ^.anU -"•^"- Innocentiust!)C.4» ^llD in UecDe Gregory t^C. 9. U3^tkft Fn- dericke t^at c)cceUcttt j£)?mcc maDc toaccc in Syria foKcJigioti Ujy t^ t^e ^olDanc, inuaaeD ano fecpt tbc pzoumces of Fride- ricke. ^T^ccc U3CCC moft cciicll toacccs attU bifcoiues tjetujiict annJil'^ tl;c jaopeS ano t^ifi Fridericke. %\^Z fame lnnoccntiustbf.4» ** ciecommunicatcD Conradc t^e. 4» of t^at name, ano ^onnc ofFridericket^c. 2,anD fltrcct!) lip t^ic is^mceof ST^iirmgc aga^nft^pm. ^nDU)i5cntbe^mpEcoucconrade tijasucao, 2rt)e {dope obtavneD tbr gooD tntlies of tbe NeapoiJtanes^ to peioetbcmfelues to tbc^ca of i^ome. Conrade ba^lefte a i^onne ann bcpie calk D Conradine, ano Manfredc b!B baCaro b;otbcr, \xibtcb taoouio be rallcD lipngof^iciie.:tX)^et;efb?e iaopevrbanetbcfonrtb (fomcbauc clement tbe. 4.) agapnll Manfrede fettt fo; Cbaiie6,b?0tbCi: to fepng Lewis t^C ;J|TCncI| 9iino.i2 63 bpng, 2BrIeof|d;ouinceanDof !2tniotD,to cometoul)an2ird mie into 5lratp, ano calieo bvm ji^png of botb j^tciliee. ^\^q' oucrcamc ano flcuje Manfrede at Bcneuent, ano rccemco tbc itpngZiomc6of^tcilteoftbe|aopetoooebtmbomage. 23ut Conradinus 2E>MbC0f Swaucland , accompanpeo \DitO Fndeis ricke H>ulte of Auitrichieo out Of iSctmanp a rigbt uiellfur^s «iQ)eoatmieinto3ltaIpagapnft chades toi tbc rccoucrpng ofbie Otoe ano fatbeclpbpngoome. 23tu bcpng tanqmQ)eD of Cbarlce at tbc tafec Fucme , be toae taHcn toptb E>ufec Frw ni8.i247' dericke. HTbctc toere fiapne, as itisfaveo. u. tboufanO . 2DbC occafionof fo great an cmll \33ercttic *aopfs, rbicflp Clemens tbc.4» uibtcO bcpng oemaOoeo of Cbarles tbc \»ojt^ppjince, tobat be fl)o«!o ooc toptb bis piifoncrs, auniuiciec fo, tbat tbe ^renc!) men tjn&crltooDe tbat tbev muft fufftc. 2:bcito?e be put tbem botb to tbc f\juoioe. 3lln totomc tbc bouie $ po* '^ZXixiZ of tbc moft nobie H^UfeCS of Auilrich ano Swaueland IS fai^ac to baue faplco , Pauius itmilius oifcoutfctb tbiBgffifc tnoze at large in biB.7. boofee of ^ccncb ^ctcs, ano Auentinu» ta tl?c,7,boofee,©nt pet mygl^t not t|?c ice ^ fuutc of t^ofe moft bet? . vppontheApocalipfe; ipi Cbap.ii. fcolv^ fiit^crsbc fo pacificD, \»^!c^ toas conccmct) hereof, tl^at i'^^t noble D«^cs of s^tajauclaiiD ijaD fo: i3oD3 gloiv auo tlje tommon\j)caltcBfafec,moftgoDlvanD!no(l conltantlp ccfi^ acD t^ci^oimaie :5vC^ops,ij>olucs 3] tooulD ijaucfapD. 25at tijefe muctfjccs anDbloiiDD^ uiarccs DifplcafcD all CijeCms 500D mc« ciiccv to^ece, anD cbicap tfie topfeanD goislppiui= P^^emaoe CCS, fo tbat t^cp ^nDccftooDc boto tijcp muft efcl^evx) tbat em= ^"o'^f^* ppzcauD flee from it as from t^e plague: ast^e toljicb toas notaQjaoottie, butujoulDtjiteclvcomfuine !ji6 pcacelp re- ucnetocsauotrcait;ur,\i>bicl)fljoiilDrcccmc tijc office> ;foi tiotD\jDa0itfeno\x»ciitb?ougbouct^ctxJozlD, to^at tbcmoli yjalvauntauD excellent idzmccs of i5ccmanp ^aD notti about ii9.pcacc0,fi:omi^ciirptbe.4.totbc bonnes of ^riDencHe tbe.».fuffereDtb?ougb tbc bolDe ambition, ano tmcrcDiblc tnaUice of tbc }9opes : anD tbat many of tbem baD loftc bot^ tbeir Ipucs ujitb tbcir auncicm femgDome0,anD t^eir Iibcrtic moaeycciicntofatl* anD^cre\i3a6tbc iSmppje toitbout anpsemperouc fox ccrtaine veaces: tobtcb 3 amujont to callabcfolation of tbc kpngDomcozigmppic. ;f=oitbcj9opes toitb tbeic inmnci^ bic anbimoUcrablepzpbcanDtviannv baD fo tocaHencD tbe fozreoftbeigmperoarctbattbecmppjc fcemeD fubucrtea ^ Dcftropco: lieitbcrcoulDctbcrc anpbceafelpfounbe, tobicb fipD ret bp it^ oz tbougbt it tDoztbp to be Deficeb. at tbe laa,ac tbc commaunDemcnt of Cregoip tbe. 10. tobicb beibacoun^ fcilatjlpor4S,tDa6c^oi'cnf£rtc iiobulpb ofafpurg:\xibicb aitbougb be fozfooHc not tbe tbvng offcrcD , v^t bcvng oft re^ qtteKeo to conietomomc, is fapeD to baueaunftsjerco : tX^t toaptoarbe fleppes of feetc Doc feare me foze, meauvng tbec^ bVi tbat ^e truSeD not t\;)t ^opcs, \3y^it\i bp cbcir craftts l^xt^ DeftroveD botb manp jazmces of iSermanir, ano alfo mnu^ merable people conimiug to iaomc^nD tbis ixafc is reab to ^auc bene crovontb bpng m tbe ycare of our llO:D. 1 1 - 3. tl5e» aoo . veatc after Gregory rbc . 7 . ^Hb fo Icng tpmc laCeb t^ie ftgbt of }9opcs anb igmpccours , a title UJbiic sitcr,tDbe Al- bert tijcfonne of Rafe toss cbofen xjmpcrcur,ani> tbe etecttoii toas rcfcrreb to Bomface ti^e.s.of tbat nanic,bc ftoutelp vciec- teb tbe rame,anb Qjetoeb by anb bp iw \xio^D anb Dtbe , tbat be toas botb f3ope anb emperour , tobo bp rigbt bao botb fU30!DC6.:xx)i)icb3l]ejcpounDeDintbe.j8.^ennon,^ tbe fame Dotb Albert Krantz Declare ejcccDinglptDeU mfi;c..^tcoUc.s<5. tbapter of ^a.con matters, sin tbe place of fev^-S Aibe. t, uias (ttbiJjtutcD Henry ^\mz Of jittccjnburge . Ibiu ca^-at auibo^ IDM, rttie Chaf,T3, The Lx. Sermon . ritic tSope clement tlje. j . ctjal^ngcD oucc Ijiju atiD t^c <5m:s piL'C,^C tliatllft , may t^notti of f!?£ Clementines . ;Jf 0? t|)Crc 10 alongtrcatifct^crotmtbci.boGfec.p.r//^ .j] coulaaiforfs ^carfe mau^ ot^ec lifee tl^nigcc cf ?£)opc 3Pi0^u tl)c. ^^ , anD of ot^crs,if 31 DVD not tl)mfcc it fupcrfiuons* (The mo- :i^o- ''V tIJpfc ttJ^ngf 6 tDl)icl; 3?, tiaiie rr^carfcD Ijctl^ctto , it mitttc of appeaucD fuffictcntiv , t^at t\)z popes tbcni feiucs bp a imfs femsDoiiiejs cl)ic»ouo bolDtus,l5auc tafecu to t!)cm fciiics t^c iSmpirc , Da !cf popc0, ' boaft t'Qcm feluco fo2tnottai:Uc0,Do abufe t\)e fctuiccanD mu: battijcbfe nrlct^ 0fUpngc6,ast^ctrU)ai'DcsauDdicmc5 anDvctftill ^i^ingij (J putcuD tl)£ name of foimcs,to t^e mtcnt ttjcv inav toe t^em ^}uK(s, j^g jj^jjjg obeDient: if oj fo in t^mes patt Uiiotc Gregory t^c.7. to Geuias u^tig Of jE^ottgarv: toljic!} place ?c map icaD m t^c» i7.cbiiptccaftb!SbooUCvtbc^cnnon.75.Vftt3nDcraanDtt)c tu t^c incane tpmc tbat t^e gceatcD parr of iazmccs anD /j^o^ ties b^«e notfenotDCtttijc fame bcaO, biir ijaiic ratljcc impii^ qncD bvJH 1 a«^ tbcrfojc cosncnotmr^e muQciboofec oft^ bead faupng fo fariT fcub as t^evlmeDtuDei'tJjc igmpirr, tiottoitbfJanDv«g tyat t^c^ t»erx \jt jcs ftraiigcic to tbe braft, ;f oj im'() as crv o«t anD fav,tB^)o can ab^Dc to \)m£ tl)c ^o^ IV 2?mptrc anD fo nianp noble j&pngcs auD jaiincc e , anli fo conimcnDabic Cities auD countrevs, rallcD tljc jpmagc of t^e bead : 3] uicane to giue t^>i6 fljojt faping foj a full auuftwcrc: ttamclv t^at 31 neither oug^tnoztoill cbanngc tljemanerof Iipeafev«gtt)bici)tbc ^cnptncc ^fctl^ . srbev be t!?c jLo?Des to)o?DcsaIi,U)l)tcl^ Daniel in olD tpme^auD no'n) 31o^in , i^ane reucaleD to ^s : anD tijcv may cjccept anD cjccufe , fnc^ as ace cjccufeD bp t^c tcSiinouic of ^ccrpture . W{)C tua^ is reaDp 9 b;ief:tD^o foeuec toill be fcce from c^c beaft,lct ^im taUe ^cDe t^atbcbencttnfpiiTD U^iib ti}e )aopc6 ipiriteranD t^at^e fpcafee not anD Do,t^at tljc jaopc conunaunDf t^ actamS goD^s Ipncs.Ect ^im rather Ijc rutcD "xitl) t\)c fpiiitc of cbiitt : a«D fo Gjall it ccmc to pafictbatDtoellpng in t^c miDDcSof^a^ bV!on,be R) all not iyue after tl)e iniquities cf 23abtton,but ttt t^e feV"gDoinc of Cbiift. 31tfoUoto3ct^:anDtbc0caaamlIcauff,tbactobofocBcrtoil Sm^iSnot not Vcoja)VP tbc3lmagc cf tbc bcaa,Q)ail bcQavnr.anD it is ttotfbccifi ^W "^"^ tl)Vug,to U30iQ)VP tbat oId bead , anD to \x)om}VP tJ^c Jbaioc Cain. 3^ttiageof t^cncU) bcaft.j^f tbc UJo?ft;ippingof bim, 31 toe fpoUen a little bcfcjc . ar^erfo^c Do t^cv tooza)ip tbc 3magc of tbebcaft , tobirl) aomittc tbc Decrees , anb oiDmaur.ces of t^e featc ^ iguipirc, fpeafepng of tbe inlpiration of t^e bcafl^. ^'^ic^ allow t^c A^onuQ) meltgion, \»^ic^ (all (o tl;c U^ning. Qi vppontheApocalipfc; j^i Chaf.j^, flft^cl^opcfi fccte,attafl)t\»e t^cm fclMCS in all t^vnses obefitcnc ci)tiD^eti of tl^e ^cacc , ano arc fattijfull to r^e laoptd^e i3mptrc * ij^ototfatip tDtU not be fuc^ a one but tDOtild be content tott^ Cb^iftianttte,^ tuoulD abbo^trei^ome t^e ftate of t'ge bea&,anD bctefl tbe Slmage of tbe bea(l,behUc a Cbuccb cobbec , anD traitouc , is mogeatjnujojt^^ of Ipfe. jrbccci5aCano:;mtbe.6.boofecofS)cct:cc. tbe.7. tit.of be^ ret . xp^ecem toitbont anv ciccumftaunce cf \uojoes , Lucius rbe tbirD of tbat name , betecmmetb plapniv , tbat berettcbes are Ctciclten U^ttb an enerlaftpng cncre.tobo (ocuet:beieuean& teacb otbcmife of tbe ^acramentes , t^an tbecburc^ of iftomebcleuctbanbteacbctb.i^e commaunbctb mojeoucr, tbatfucb be^ngbcpuucDofall Digtittie , ftjali be committer to tbe iubgoncnt of tbc fecular potcers , to be p«nifl)eD Uiitb hnt correction. i^nD if t\^t tcmpo^ill (3a|agi(lrate toiU not pn^ itil^, anb Co befena t^e Cburcb , tbat tban be aifo ajall be be* * piiueD of ail bonour . ^c. But tobp bo 31 tarp \\\ re^earf^ng t^pngese^U men at tbis bap Imoto and ree,ti3bat tbpngs are none ba^Ip . srb^V <}t^c ronbemneb, ejctleb, eiecommunicateb, G^^wt )3p in p2tfon0,\)c>;cD Sii^W:^ fonb^p to^mentes^at tbc legtli alfo cruellp aavnc,tt)bofoeuerrefufe to too?Q)vp bot^ tbe beaa anb b»B 3lmage»3;be ILojb 3lefrtS,tbe true feyng $ Bp^ fijop of bis cbtircb fuccour Mz , auD reSraine t^e cmeitie of t^e iBngracious bcaft. amen. C^f t!)e mar&e anb number of tide name t^tt%z bea((. The Ixi Sermon, A Nd he made ali both fmall and great, rich & poore, free andbonde,toreceiue amarke in their right handesjor in their foreheadcs. And that no man might by or fell , faue he that hath the marke , or the name of the beaft,eithcr the number of hys name • Here is wife- dome . Let hym that hath w-itte , count the [number of the beaft ♦ For it is the number of a man , and his num- ber is Cixs hundreth three fcore and fixe. V^t anttcicctb tbe tefl,tobcrebp amicbjift map be fenotoeit, mn (bunncD* anb t)ecclp b^ map cbiefip be bnouien bp tbefe t^pngestbatfoloto. ^nb ^e Q;»eaUet^ of t^e (ubtectes of ^ntic^iill > anb of t^ts Chaf.Ts, The Lx. Sermon C!jc rub= "Cto 5feV"S> «"i> 15yQ)op. ?&c toiU p?ocutc to btm fdfc,fa^t!> tcctij of j^n i)e,an infinttc mii!titude of ailfeinDe of men , of aft aarcD ana tity^ia. ucgrcce.if 01 f?tB l^vngtjomc ft)a!l be ample ano large. 2:t)cc;3 foze Dotj) ttse io?!) rcfitc !jcic,ccrtcme femos $ Gates of men: Slnii *(jnQcc tOc fame ^c \i\\i crftaDctl), all y be of t^e iaiKc (fate int^c\ybolc\X)ojtD.2i:l}C momia) amicoxia bjougt^t tuccc ^)i6 rubicction fmalt anb great , ricb anb poo^c : free ( tbat is tou;!ttc)nob!c6 anb bonb . ;Jfo?ti)e (cetbat xgmperourB^ 3&V«Scs,S)»fees,CS)arque(rcs,i£arIe0 anb Baronnes.lS-eal- tnes,Ccnntrev0,Citie6,^atrlarcbes,arcbbiCl)ops anb Bv- 0)ops , lajelatcs , iDoctours , Clarfees, anb Hap men, obc^ ^un : anb alfo men of grcatcft potoer , rtcbcB anb toifebome, togctbc»^Ujitbt^'epooiepcople.2ul)erciBnofucb fetngoomc, anb fo biiitrflv compact in t^e ttioilD , no not amongeft tbe Mahometirtes.^no all tbcfc acc toiUvngiv fubtect to x\^t fcatet ^zti tbep baue perfuabeb tbem Telucs , tbat tbev can not vocU Ime anb tbat t^ep can not be {&.\xtti , t)ntes t^cp be fubiect ta t^e^eaofifiome* -p. an otber \33btte anb reab , fome blac^c anb pelom, ixibicbtbc^gcuetbetrroulDiours anb feruauntes totrcare, ano tbep pjofeCfc tberebp to be retemeb to bim o? bvm: ) arni^ as tbep marfee tbeir bo?fC5 \xiitb tbeir b;anb , anb fet tbepj. tnarkes t}pon bonQ^olb )}c(rell: ^o aiall ^nttcbuQ bonbtles ^ane aUo &is x^^^^yi^^ fo U)Utc ,bis marfee , tobcrebv be ftjall bot^ bpnbe men to bvm,anb fo fute tbem,a5 t^ep map be bif^ cerneb frS otbers , ano bp tbts meane map uieare tbe babgc^ anb as tt\jDere tbe coullours of tbeir Eo;d (e lOQaiDer.^nb be tDtll gene btB marUe on tbe rigbt bab,oi on tbetr to;ebeabes« ^^ Aretas anb Primafius.attD ftnallp all e)cpofitouc6 agreablp^ iSfrwoht boerpounoeittobetbe confeflTion of tbcmoutb,anb (luDg Bcs w ^"^ operation of goob toojfees . vot banc bcarb t)erclp,bo\ij f ojebwoljs ^W^ w tbe feucntb cbaptcr hin impjint on tbe foiebcabes of bts feruauntes faptb^bp cffectuall cbarttte . ^nn in toerp beoc t^e figne of i5obs cbilo^en , is fapt^ , anb loue tbat commet^ of tbe fante fapt^.j^o bo tbe U);ttinges of tbe i^uangelito ^ 0pofiles teaific.5i^euertl)elcire, CbnR batb alfo tbe c]cternail marltes of bis (eruanntes^namelp tbe ^olefome ^acrameted iif ty e £^urc^,i3apttfme anb t|;c Eo^ore ^uppc^ U vpon the Apocallpre. tp^ chdf. o. i*- ^ otobctt if attp be baptifeu at tbi0 Da^ , aitb be pattafeeP nU^t iLo^Dcs^uppec, call Nippon i5oD tbefatber tottbt^e SLo^DespzayecanD^tret; bi&faptbbpafmcere confcOionof tbs ^poftlcs CreeDe : nto^eouct: confefle tbofe to be goon too2ttcs,tD^tcb ^n Done m faptb after tbe rule of tbe ttxx com« snaunDementes , anD befiDed tbts do a)tne in goob too^Ucs: (ball be be ta^cn fot a txwz Catboltcl^e ^ rtgbt iL\fliTitn inani 3|n olD tpmc doubtles all men toottld baue imbtaceD bnn fo^ a b^otber . T5m tobat a)oulD be be at tbts Da? in tbe )dopes l(pn9Domes:^ou (bait feme bp all tbefc tbvngs to baue c5^ fefTcD notbtng at all of tbe true faitb^cjtcept tbouplapnlp p;o:9 fefTe tbat tbou beieueft after tbe favtb anD traDttton of tbe Cburcb of jiftome:anD tbat tbou Doeft acbnotoleDge tbofe f o$ gooD tuDzUestobtcb tbe Cbnrcbe of Iconic batb app;oueD^ ^^nleffe tbou bdeue anD p^ofeCTe on tbts tptfe , in tiapne (bale tbou confeOe all tbe former matters . Bo tbougb tbou fapeft tnoitouer tbat tbou beleuefl tbe la\i},tbe p;opbete6,tbe ibo^^ pcU,anD !2tpoftles:2rbe? totll Itbe tbee a great Deale better , if tbouJapefttboHartanobeDientcbtlDoftbe^poaolicall^ea QuD Cburcb of mome : tban if tbou (l)oulDeft fap , tbat tbou atttbecbilDof i5oD,a CbMf^^n man ,o; tbat tbou putretttb? tubole trull in tbe (onne of 0oD , \»btcb is tbp onelp Caluati5 anD rigbteoufnes.Teape (baUfinDetbem,tDbtcbtDiU b? anDi bp at tbeCe too^Des crp out , tbat tbep fmdl of berefie , anD ai mpnDe infecteD tuitb popron.3n fapne notbpng , ejcpecience it felfc \uill tDttnelTc tbat 31 Tap trutb* !(tnD tbus Dotb tbe idope mar^e bis men botb m tbe f o^cbeao ^ in tbe rigbt bao. arbus are tbe gooD momifb wbdpesDifcerned from otber faitbful, asittoerebpmarKes* laeftDes tbts tbere is an otber tbpng . 21U idapiltes Doe playnlp auoucb^ tbat tonles aman be marbeD in tbe fozebeaD toitb Cbzeame bp tbe lapfbops banD, be is no Cb^tftil:bou». (ocuer be be baptifeD,(E beleue in Cbud Snefus. n^berof it foU lotoetb^tbat cbep attribute nio^e to tbeir cgfirmation anD tbe annoyntpng bp tbe 13pfl)op,tban to t):^t iDb;tQenfattb.i{teaD tbe booHe calleD summa AngfUc^i m \\^t tide of confirmation* 2:bts (b^^o^e is a fcalpng of tbe ^opiQ) iieiigton:tbe £b;i^ den marttcs of coufl are Cuffictcnt . ^be }dopc alfo bp an o^ tbcr xsapinipiimetb bts marltc iw ^t rigbt baiiD of men , b? btgbting of ubtoes,$ bp perfozmpng of otgee, as tbcp tennt ir.;^Dt tbcp tbiit malte a t)0\s)e in tntrpng into aitp meligion a& (Oep call it ^ do binDetbem (elites to tbe tdopc ariD ^ca of IS-ajnci, adt^Yocr^b^.refogmfance, jfurtbcrmo^c ^uticbjtt J - tb« Chdf.ii. The.lxi.Scrmon i^t i^pe as it tocrc bv rrcognifancc uotb bm!it anu bzfttg fti Jattgcr to ^m,empeccucs,IKings,acc^bpQ3ops,iajuucs, J3iC6ops,a)octourB,^n!uci fitcs,^ all ttatce^bv mafepng ^l to lift tjp tbcic rigbt bai»6 in tafev^S tbeir otbe to pcrftjimc to toarfics ^im. 2r5cp piomtft tbat tljcy toill attept notbvng a- gapitft tbc cburcb of liomc,uoiagamC t^c big^ btOjop tbcr- fif , nojv^aS^PWftf'JC pjiuilegcs ^ Catiuce of tbe|?c« . l;bc inancrof otbcfi rcmaine in tbc E)ccrccs ^ S)ccretal0»3i toarb ti)cfc tbpngcs b?icflp.3:bcp fee mozctbat fl)ut not tbeir eves, ^no all men bebolD , boto tbc pope batb fet bis marine on tb? rtgbt banb ann fo^ebeao of mcn» ^e fo;biDs 2;bcrc foUotoetb agapne of tbe ficctc cnttltit, anb blonb^ dcrt) ti)at tpiannv, tobicb i3lnticbiift pjactitctb agapnfl tbe Cbztftiang^ ne manbup (J^i {g toS^v, agaiuft tbcm tobicb ^iU notcccciuc tbe marbc Eo^ «»• of tijc beaft: tbat is, tobicb ^ iH noi gctic oiiec tbcmfcliic g to tbeluft of tbe idope, miD rbc fcate of pcOileje. anticb?iri(faitb tbcJLoiD>Q)allbpbVspDt»ccb.ipng to paffc^^tbat none map bpe oifcll,faucbetl)at batb tbc marhc ofvtebcaft.^K. anD ^tfccoinr all to one effect, tljc maiKcof tbc bead, tbc- name oftbebeaft,ai«j tbe number oftbe name cf tbe bcaft. ^o?rbc l^atb tbc inarUc of tbc bcri&vtobicb acfenotulcDgcib x\^i fcate; auD piofefTetb tbc faptb of iiojue: anD to \xiJ)om tl)c CbuKcw feptb ie not inougb. Be batb tbc name of t^c bcatt, twbofoe;* necbebetbatu^ill be namcD an obeotent cbilDc oftbebol? |»eaofifiome,nnDaciknomlct!gc tbe idopetobe bea&of tbe* Dniuecfatl Cbi^i^cb . ^e batb tbc nnmbec of tbc name of tbe Iica0> \Dbicb bittb afocictte uiptb tbe bcftil.tubtcb focietic tbat ttnmberbc'aizapetb o^a)e\3;ctb» ^i^ercfo^ Cjecepte tbonac^ bnoujlcDge tbe ^ope to be fap^me bcao oftbccbnrcb its eattbv^ttb Quince of po\3}ct: :\3nle(re tl)au p^ofcffe to follutor rbe faptb of tbe bolp cbuecb of la^mt, wttL to dcteft all tbings tubatfocuci; tbat|i>eabatb c5oemtieD^tbouartfo;biDDen ficc anDtoater. antitbis batb tbe £.0^0 calico a piobibitia, tbat fbortittapefl ntitber bpc no^fell.:x)c fap in2>mcb:0!C cbcche and bache i&beatcaa\23apv nieaunig tbetrbp tbat be is bannio ^ed out of alt mcne company. %\^txl^%t be mcanctb cjcconi^ wimication, tbatboiriblc tbunDtcbolte ot tbe popr, \»berc« iwvtb ate-ftticfeen all tbofc, tbat bauc fct incie bp Cbiift^tbaii bp tbe Idope, on \3)bicb batie lotted tbe }^opc8 Dcates in th^. pacifon of tbc iSofpcU. iLet bpm i:caD,tl)at lifJ.tbefiiet Dcrrc-s tall of Boniface tf^r. «, \\\ tbC.^bOOUC tbc ^MtUe heretail^ ZU fo ciemsnitbe.i. boofec). TuieJe.hertttctj, i5m betbattDpU mubacj^teli^a compctij:uQu& trcacifc c^ cp^a»^; auo a jpiaOe vpon the Apocalipfc, 1^4 chuf. /). •f bttec^cnc, let Ij^m ccaD tijc Ball of Martin t^ie. ^. toljic^j 10 put to tl)e ^ciriottsofjcl)eiDoun(cllafConltaunce> ^\jDZtrtctt to t^e BvQiops anD tuquifitoucs of \^titi\z . 0monges otl^ec tbpugcs, t^ecc is one, toftic^ geenet^ a toonDcrful! I^g^i to this place toljtcl) toe note ciniounoe j to^eec it commaimDct^ tijatt^ep QjoulD not pcnnittc tijemtljatDifpifctOe cominu* Bionoft^ciCl)urcboftxome,to Ueepcoifitocll in anpljoufc oz longing^oz to mafec anp bargavne0,o j to occupie anp traf;» ficbcojttaDeof tJ^arcljaunDiTc, oz to Ijauc anp comfo?t of Ijua inanuie tottlj t^cfa^tljfiill uf C^zla, Heao t^ou toe rcO, leafc i34« ©ciTunto nwpbcaDacD,t^atm laopiOjeCljttrcbesia tl)c greatcft bping an!) friivug of all. BnttonicCTc bps crotonc be Qjancn, ano bis bauDcs bcfmearcn txjpt^ ople, tbat is, n^ ccpt i5C bao recetucD tit tljc fozdjeao oz Ijeao, ano in tbc rpgbt jjanD tbe ntarUc inDcliblc (foz fo tbcp tecmc it)tbat can not be put out, bebatbnoinarcbaunDifclcft bpm in t^cboufe, noj fo mucb as a little corner. But Vc^i^ tobippcd tljefe j^ac:^ c^3UtttC3,ozbpcrs anD fellers once 0? ttoife out of tbe temple: anttcbzift batb b^ngbt tbnn \\\ agaiue. ^no tbis is )}erelp a» toonDer, tbat tbep Q)etoc mozc fauour at tbifi bap to Slctoee, Srurfees,anb beatbcn folke, tban to C^ziSians. f^x bnto ^t onelp gofpellers is no place pennitteo : tierelp fo^ tbat tbn? afccibealltoCbuft,pzeacb Cbnft onelp, anb leaue nothing totbeidope, but^ratbec accuftbpm mod conOanttp, and bitfcrlp* 15nt \33bat ajail toe top to tbeni, toljofe I^anbs ^ fozcl^ba eotmfeif Uaue bccnc befiieb twptb i^t marfeci 31 bib tbcm toaf^e tbem- fo;i tbe ft* (etues toptb tbe blonb of ^Wli^ fo^faKe ^nticbuiS , 9 tnnie ^uced. ^nto Cbxift \i\ rclinquifbing tbeir errourg $ repetpng tbcm, 51n cafe tbou b^li bounbe tbp felfe to ^nticbztft bp an otbe,DQ not perfozme tbat caftjc ano '^iCm^ otbe , bp \3ng0Qlp fpea* bingagainfl tbe iSofpcl.po penaunce,ma^c tbp purgation, retmne bnto Cbjiftianb tbou Qjalt be faueb. .. ■ u- - xr-.t jRotM lead anp man bcre Qjoulo cbattcc, tbat to^ map^e Vitttin iDb^iQtans, anb abonbantlp inaructcb \\\ beauentp toifobme) Sstfcdome^ aUbougbtoeboei^eareozfpca^enotbtugof tbefdopc ^ po^ pil^e matters: tbat t^ofebiipntations are Unprofitable, pcii anb ODIOUS, anb appenapne to tbe Qirring V}p of troubles, (e tbecfozc be burtfull aub fooUa):: our Hoib pzeuemetb % auzi (aptb cppzefTelp, berc is toifoomc. 3]n tbt fenotolcbge $ rigbt iubgcmcut of tbcfc tbpngcs, confiftetb tbe true,bcaucnlp ana ttOblp\xiifbomc.niilcireU3cbe\i3prctn tbistbpng, tocQjall &c fooleS) ano not toife « ^^e ILo^b tljcrcfb^c aiirctb ^p tbo^ i^eatcrs* Chd^.tg. Thc.!x»Scrmon !)f8rcrfitot^cfluDveiftnqu^;t«5 after <3itticl)?i0, anu fo ftc^ ten: c of l)im tubcn be ts fcunuc. ;f oi in t^c. 14.etapt.toc a^al ^carc, tljai tl^ev ajali ti?!Kfec of tl)c Uipue of iSoDs voiat^, as iiwnvasbaiicrccciufiitbcniarbcofttcbeaft, auD teozfiiips peb ljV0 linage. ixJ^ccfcicaEmanpaB^aiic DefpifcD pbpene fiiall ujinfec at cttc table tcit^ iLl)?ift cf tljc euppe of lyfc, aim of tie grace of {5 on. aiiD tojijo ftial nenv tt to be tbc true toif* come, bv tbe vcljtcb tociiia^ccmcfrotntbe\x»?at!)ofi5oir, tott>tsracc,fc»otcft)ip,anDpauicipaticn of^i^mi C3Qo2co* uer, t^e Eo?D miovnet^, t^at meti inoeujeD toitb tjnberCfan^ ijittg, not toitleCe,anU ftiH ot bnrtfui foil^, ttjonlD recfeon t^c name of tte be a(J, tljat ib to fap,(iionlD ic uiligcntlp ocrnpien xot are c6= in tbtB matter,tbat tbofe t^m^B fljoulu be DiUgentlv fearc^e^ RtaanDcD fo^te^tcb tDo^ittlv men afttimc to be cnriouGy foiinbtann jiiigcutipto inqmceD after, not onelvujitboutanp pzofite, but ujubloflfe «*«^^" alfo. j95o?couer, tbc iLo??i cotnmaQDctb to accompt tl)e nnm^ ^""^"^ bcr of tl;c namcoftbebeaft. ©eauDetbt^att^efameiBnot ^arbt to Doe.;f 0; l)e abuoHcbetb tbts number to be x\it num^ ber of a man, tottitte,\»biicbariiUgemmaumapeafcIpbp . fapti anft mbuttrie atta^ue to . ;Jro? fo Dotb Aretas ejcpoQDctS it atfo,faptn9,t^at tbe fame number ts common and Hnovueti CO men. t^em leaue tban to trouble our goDip inbeuours tu^teb blame our (ermons mabe agavtift tl)e )aope, ^ lattgli at our Diligence fnc^ as tt is tnejcpounbtng popii^e abbomt^ nations, anD finally tebtc^ fuppofe tee fpenbeourtpme itt t^c accompt of tpmeg. 2rbev doc ^cre, eiccept t^ci? tetU beare not^V^g > t^at tee baue recetueD commaunbemettc of tbe »bo peraijuenturc am^unoiet^ V^arcs after t^c fctting fo^tbofttic^pocalipfr, tojotebisbooUeagamdtjcrefics, anb fa\33 fomc, tobicl^^aii l)earb ^.3lo^/nplcacb. TS^itb s ireneymafeetb alfo Andreas t^e gOOb ByPiiep of Cefaria,\B^!Cb Aretasfpeafeet^ t^USUbCpCt^ fir reckoning, ano iuftaccompt of rbe number, aslifectxjvfe otbcc tilings 'o^W^i ace tujittcn of tbe fame anticb?ift, tbe 0- ^^^. - ,„ pouunitic of rime Qjail open, anb tjcrp eicpertence, to fucb as rratie an - toill toatcb bitigentiv. ;Jf 0? if it toere neceffacvCas fomc of t^e ticbjift/ S)octour3 fuppofc)rb.u tbifl name QjoulD be manifcftlp feno- tDcn: be tbat urco bv«i \j30ulo boubtles ba«c ccnealeo it. But tbe beKtne grace allo\Drb \i not, tbat tljc name of t^ts pcftife^ rous beaa a)ou!De m t^is goblp boolto be rc^earfcD* sr^us farrCAndreas» after t\)z fame fo;t alfo tbe bolv i33jartpi of 'et bvanbbvbe(aitb:tbenamexaTfivo$ cometnetb i^t number of 666, anb terv lifec it is to be true . fQ% t^is terme batb a licq? feingbcme, ^ojt^e? l)e Jlatine6,tbatnovo reigne.:^bi8 i&e«i« Cavti) Chap.r^. The.Ixi.Sermon %ntmia faj?tbljc . anfc toubtlcarc tijts gcou a)ccrcuc crrcD net ottc n)aib: a*La voijjf^as one iJiGuf a toitlj tijc ijo'v fjpir.ft of iSoD. ;f oi toe icc S^: ?f ^''^^ ^^'^^ f'^^ Cljurcb of moinc is calieD t\)z aram ji:i)iirclj, auD t^c SiSrB ^''^ ^OP^ ^^'^ ^^^55) Bin)op cf t!?c Hattu Cljurtl) . :n>c fee all (crs pijetifu. jj -^^ ^j^ ci)iiccbc6 ra^u in tl)c E-atiu tcung : 3^,11 Coiincs aiiD all i!iDgcmcntrsofI3vfliop5tl7ClLatm comTgoncfpifit)feD. iSgoicouernomaii fl)all feme in tI)i0Cl)m*c!),cmptl5cbca Eatinift. voW toill vou fa^ tljat tbefe JlamnacB call tbe t^ cs bitty , t^at 15 to toittc , tljc Ijolp tomtg , b'^ an oppzobzious tiajue, 3RcVDifl) , auD t^c iScccc Cburctj and toinig ijcrcticalli i:\)t Bibles in i3rcfec anD Bcbictoj be of tncni fiifpccfetJ.^oz tbcy toill Ijaiic tbe 2.atiu 23ibleo onclp ro be nut^cr.ticail,an& CO be rcatJ of all men as atitijcmicall . 13iitt*pcfc t'pinges arc bcrtec Uno\xie tban tljat 31 necbc to amnonifi) eno mite tbem ^erc \y itb manv \uo^bes.iBieticnbclcs tbts boiv man irenens Dotb notto^olp affinne t^ts bis conicctureas moS cettainc, U3l)ic^) not^itbHau^vng be fapb pet ttias moft piobabic anb If^c to be} be abbct^ : nottoitbttanbyng Ujc \joill not be in baiaub beccin ( lot, be reciteb alfo t^e name T«Tctv,t^c copall ou^zannicall name of Nimrod ) neitbectoill toe affic^^ tnatiuelv pzononnce.t^at be fball baue tl)is name:bno\33mg, tbat in cafe itVoercrcQuifitetbatbis naincfl)oulD bemani^ teftlv pjeacbcb at tb^s p?efent tymc, it fl)oulD Doubtles ^aiie bene ^ttcrcD bp btm^tobicb b^b fenc alfo tlje rcuclaiion. 15 ut tbis number of tbc name batb be (l)etoeD , tbat toe mig^t bc^s toare of Ijim to^en l)t commetb,fenotDV«5 ^Oo be is. a«b be concealed bio name ; foi tl?at is not toojtjp to be pjcacljcD cf t^c ^olp gljofl anD fo fojtb. 2,*'^''^^fH 5]^ettet;tbcleire tbe fame ireneus befoje t^is fl}e\rct^ bs ti th2^ Sn? ^'"^P^^o^ f accompt tijofe ,66s, yeares . Sfoi t^ns Ije fapt^: . chaijt iwh' fenotaing tqc fucc ttumbci*,\Jt)bicb is fljetscb ^sof t^c^cnp:» tcti) ti;i^ ture , tbat is to fa? , of.^^6 . let t])t goDlp abpoc 0? loofec fo? place . Uttt tbe biuiftonof tbc ^pngbome into ten , anb aftectoatD ttiben tbep reignc anD bcgvnnc to refozmc tbcic mattci:B,anD to augment tbeic WngDomc looUciobocommctb t)ppont^e (oDavne,anD cbalengctb to bvni fclfc t^c,an& puttct^ tbe fo?cii^VD feyngcs in fcave , baupng u name conrs tcinvng tbc foie fa^D number,tijcv map fafelp tafee l)i«» foj tbc abommstion of Deiolaiion.2;bis agapne faptb be. Buttabo feetb not,tbattbcbolp jSe^iactVJ fcnDetb tjs to t^c p^opbecic of S>auiell , tc»bo in tbe. 7 . cbaptcc faptb , bo\B tbc laomauc igmpirc £l)all bcbiuiDcD into manp l;v«5^Dmc£: auDt^oU) in t^cmiODcrt of t^ofc j^^^^n^cs tbcrc djotUDrifebp J, it ^ vpon the Apocalipfe. ip6 Chap. 13. aIitIct;oiue,\23btcl) ftionlD cmcrf^7,oto auDabnfctljzc I;omec: anD rljat t^c fame ftjOiiiD ijcgvn to rcignc piouDip , tyianni^ calip,anD teictirol'^ , agavnS boc^ J30D auD men 5 but cljicai? to t\)t favci^SuU i'Jtollcrabic. if t \3S fee tl)An , {5o\33 a«D Va^cn tl)cfe t'^v«5f 5 arc fulfils f€\)t Ko^ leD.5X>!)cn tijc iaosnanc jgmpirc ^aD 300IP iEmpcroni"s,anrj »"a"c (em« pet tDicl^et) mome teoiiiD not botoc Ijcu fiiffc uccUe \3nt0 P'^^^ *s»ft9« C^jtl>, but iii\)3.ivc3 moficbllmatdvarpircDto !?ccolDa«D taontcD iDoiatne, vxsljifi) it coucicD to ^aiie rcftojeo : aiiD iU tiallv toijcn t^e fatall v^mt tuas at 1,'anD , to!?crcm t^c EojD moil rigbfcov'.s tbong^t to rcqmtc b!ouDDp i^omc: ^c arnicD agayua iti t'pc £5otliians,taanrjalcSjanD i5crmaue6,tt)bicl) fubDiieD auo ucUroveD tbc iLaup of ti)c tobolc tuoilD^anD Dc^ (IcovcD tbe tajbolc i^mpire : of tbc tubici) mattct ftfec mojc in t^e.57.^crmQn,anrj mtl)c pennons fol!otoV"S. ant! It is ciuGciu tip i^ vfiOzics,tbat tfje momanc «5mpirf , ^g^^ S!oppct),ana voao DiuiDco into nianp bv icafon of tbe mnafu J3o?nr0 0? oiic of tl)c iSoti^cs , ar.D of tbe rcuoltvng of conntrcps ciier\? brf'Scsa- tobctc . ^0^ to fpcafec notbpng cf ^Jia auD SftncUc , tcbctof nfc. tbe foimcc vuas \x)aitcD bv tbc iaccfians anD tijc otbcc bv tbe taanMlcs , all 0rccc folloU3CD t^ic xempcronr of Couftautrs noplc,auD ii!xe^tfc otbtc natios nccc.aJbc XDCflgot^cs pof^ feCfcD all ^pavn^i^iw^ tt=c ;Jfccr»cbmen of ;Jfrancome fubJ>ueD jSauUec auD f^cnnanvano tbc nations abiovn^ng to tbc fajnc.2:bc JDaHgotijes $ 2.umbarbcs,obtcinci) 3r,talv. 2:bwB liei'eivujccc eCJabiifijCD manv l^v^Sbomcs , anD in ftcbcof iS-ome rcigticD man? !^\nigcs.t?)0U3bcit tobilefttbcfc fevngcs coaf'DcrcD,^ot3o tbcvnugljtbcftinlarge tl^cirfe^ngDomccfls put Dotonc ^ cj^puiCc otbtvB,fuli craftlp tbc ©vfyop of iconic plapeb bis pact aifo, ;^oj be obte^ncD tbc fupjemacic oner ail 13vfl)0KS . anD fo gotc bim great aiitboiitic toitb ^yngrs ana mcalmes - vca anb linfecD bmi felfc in league anb amitic tDttb ^^ingcs anb }D^inces.:«?bci:upon quicfeci^ anb fobcnip, astbciSjanpiofCbtill p?opbecicb,iDnlocfeebfoj,bc ftacte tp,anb at iari l^lurpcB tbx £tV«5bomc,to toittc of iS.omc.;Jf cj bV bisiubgcmfrcs falfelp taken fo? !apoftolicaU,be pntbovcn feVngChildericke , oftbellgnagC of .vcrouinges , tbC latofuU Uvng of ;jf taunce:aub abuaanccD Pipinc.tban Captaine of tbc ^ccucb gacDc,totbeccoi}juc.ainbfobcoucrtbicxxj ojplucfeeb botDue one bj3jne ; $ bounbc tjnro bnn a mod migbtv fev«S^ bv uibofe •pcvocr afrertoarb ^c toas a tcvrout: to tbe feyngeis of i5cccc ano Humbarbv. ^oj about t'gc^care ofoucEo2b.z6?,t^c «gmpcrcuc of iecQ, 5toti= Th Chap iRome \}U terlp caft Ooxvnc. [,The.lxi.Sermon CoufTa-jitmopIc , c)cpu!fmg tl)c t5aitgott)CS , b^i) mflimtea tjc\i3 gone rticmcut m jfltal^.lSut fmcc tl)is hinrjc of rule anu Soucrnoucut is not Itnotoeu to all men, 3fl U^ill b^efiy ccttte is^atanD i)o\3? great ttioaebpt^e too^Des of Nauckrustbe l^iftoiiograp^cc,£A^^»«-rrf/.-»^i)eiLtnii= DueDtotljemfeiiicsntanp jCmcs ano people of llltalp, cfta^ baroe^. Will)mg noto t^e fourtb Dommio,tDljic^ t^cv called tljefemg:^ Home of JLambacDs. 2;^cv I3AD moft pmffaunt Utngs.BoxD= htit t^at cjcarc^ate of i^^ucima, alt^ougb tlje^ la^oe Diligent a\»aite fojit, ano toent about tomnaDemvetcoiilDctbep neuecejcttngtuQie it: ttIltbel3y(l)op oflfiomeptttto ^is beU ping bant), b^ pzetenDtngtbe ftncceitie of religion. Sidoiiograpbecs accompte fijctene iSicarcbes in o^uer, Ci)e mains tubicb reigneD about an bunDjeo anb foucefcojc veaces.2rbe tevn^s of if.Oftbem\Mas calico Paulus. LeotbetbiCD (faytb Nauclcrein -^^^^J?^p tbe» wtj, gcnecat.) tbe i^mpecouc of ConCantinople com^ Sc iBtaon tnaunoeo, tbat tbcv tbat \x)ece fubiecte to tbc momaine i?m= ^f jgomc a pp?e,Q)oulDplucbeootoneaUtbeic3lmagcB, bzeafeetbem, ^png, ano bucnc tbcju. Contcact^pfc tbe }9opc, (fomc tuill bane bJni Gregory tbe. t. foiuc tbc 3 . ) tu?ote to tbc tubolc IXIOllD, tbat tbcp (l)oulD not obep tbofe (o \uickeo commaunoem^tes Of tbe j(gmpeeoue. Platina faytb mo?c in tbc life of Gregory tbc tt^it\i. Gregory b? tbc confcut Of tbc clcfgic Of liomc bepjiueu Lcotbet^icD iglnpecoucofConftantiuoplejbotb of tbcigin^ pp;e,anziaUooftbe communion of tbc faitbfuU, foz tbat be bao plucbcD ootxjne Slmages. Naucierus faptb mojcbuen hnt fo great autboiitie at tbat time bao tbe }aopes decrees, tbat firtttbevof Kauenna, auD after tbe people ano foloiours of Venice, mabe an open rebellion aga^ntl tbc igmperouranD tbc]carcbem3]talp. ^no tbe tccafon increafcD bavlp . ;JFoj MarinusSpatarius,2)Ufeeof3^0me, aUO biS (OUnC Adrianc* paflUng tb^ougb champania, tocrc aatne oftbemomaines. 3ln tobofe fteao tbev createb S)ufee of iaome one Peter, j^be^ of Rauenna alfo, tubilcft fomc bclDe UJitb tbc i£mpecoHr,ano iomc \x)itb tbe }dopr, tna tumulte,aetDe Pauie tbe^rcbc and ^16 fonne. %\^\IQ tOjitetb Naudere. 3intbere commotions, tbe i[Lumbacbes,(ttppofingptbeoc' Cb( cafton fo long tDiQ)cb fo^ to benoto ofifereb,DtD tb;ougb y co^ irrencbmf dHCteofLuitprandetbcirfevttg> tnuaDc tbelanocsoftbecm^ aKfcntfo? 'p?je, and beficged aUo momc it fclfe.But ^opc Gregory tbe rjf'? f^^^ Jierb^attd of all tbc ftucccs in 3f1talp,tbe folDiouc and piactici= ^^ '^ *^^^* onac of tbe fame, tvfec no jaucfi nojpzcacber, diDCcndefoj Charles Marteil feing Pipines fatbct:->toitb bts ;lf rencb cbampi^ on6into3]talvagamaf>lLumbarDs. I^otwbeit t^^iz Charles perfojadcatbcfe'^ngoiiLumbardcs frcnoelv to depart from t^e Citie,2$ttt yet \m long after Aiiiuiphus feing of tbc Hums ige,tq» bacocs Chdf.ij. The Lxj. Sermon barijcs Qjo^Icd agamc tl^t latiDcs of Raucnnt, rcnctocli t^e 3Ji» talvan toaccc, anD toonnc Raucnna it feUc, atiD DcniannDcD cnbutc of tipc cittc of i^ome. 15ut }dopc ^tcuen t^e fccottD, tp^o to get t^c j^^atbO^ip of i^ucntta, anD toifi^cD to l^aue ^aot^eS^umbarocsoeftro^co, rcqturcD apoc ant) refine of fetng idtpme, (tttto to^om }dopc 5acl)artc not long afo^c ban b^ u?^ongfuU tuogcmcnt as manv fuppofc, gcuen tbe'^vng^ Home of ^raunce) and did ae it tocrc puttbc foueicimie into |)isbani).B?rcaronU}bereoftbcifrcncbmcuoiD put tbcm^ .-!=::.. fT fclHfsinarmcB,couettngalfototxiinnc3iralp. yvt^m fev«5 Idtpine cntrcci into 31talv, be tnct toitb tbe ^mbaaabourB of tbeiSmperout: of ConRantinopIe, tobtcb rcquircb tbat ^c tDOttiDc rellojeiaaucnna anb t^c|i:arc]^atc ano lanbts tl)ecof, f tbe iEmppK, tubofe of rigl^t it uoas , anb not to t^e iaope Di iftomaines. idtptne aunlVoeceb, boto \)t Voarrrb fo; ^aint idetcr $ tt)e pope:anb tnbenoureb t^at t^e JLumbarbe a)onR» not \itpt t\)eC^ntc^ . I3lnb tbat ^e U?oulD ta)te fcom tbcm t^ cparc^ate, anb ot^ec Hojbl^ippes of 3[]talv,anb beliucr tbcm to t^e idope, tu^irb be perfo^meb in becbe . foi ^e ouetcame ^ng Aiihiphe^too^efrom bun t^e gonerninent of Raucnna^ anb bdiucrcb it to t^e l3pa)op of mome* (CbeMns0 l^ecein map all men ree,V)nUac it be t^ofe tol^tci topll fee onertb^os tiotbtng, botD tbts contemptuous 23?a)op, anb teerp fmall ja)en,ti)c ^ojine, batb at one puOje ouenb^otoen ttoo booties. ;f o^ b€ qgopc bt»ri= ^atb put tbe xgmperour of Conaantinople from tbe goucm^ a binff* ^^^ Of Sltalv: anb put botone t^e bpng cf 2.umbarbv > ann n Bwif, faufcb bifi people to be biiucn out of lutalp. Sroi a fe to ycares after, tbe idope bp t\)t toicc of^^aciemaigne, put botone Dcfideriustbelaftfeingof J^umbacbp, anb tbcrctDit!)ailcooa teb out tbe U)bole people of tbe Eumbarbce. ^im tbusftart l)p tbe fdope, anb became as it toere litng of olbe laome, anb 0f tbe cbiefe parte of 3flcaIi?, ZnD noto are t^e beginntngcs o( t\)z l^ingbomes lapeb, but as pet be reigneb not tottb full m^ tbo^itie, as is beciareb before. Eberardus tbcrfo^e 23vQ)op o{ ^alifburgc,t)3bofe wo;bes 31 reciteb in tbe preface of t\)^ boobe, eictenbetb tbefe tbingcs fuctber. But i fuppofe tbV5 our c^pofition to accojtbc toub tbe la^opbet, tottb tbe tbingcs anb tpmes. anbfo; tbts fo great gift tbe idopc gaue to bpng }9ipine title, as PlatinafljeUjetbm tbe Ivfe of Stephen tbe.u tbat all binges of ;fraunce (l)ouib becallebmoftCb^inem SlftertoarD was tbe 3l]magc oft^eiSmppjcbeftotocD Dpon Charles:toberof is fpobcn befoze. anb leaft t^c laope Q^oulo feeme to i;aue receiueb notbtng. rpon the Apocalipfe. I ip S chap.i)^ te^jffcftfent5|9tpmeganc!)imtbc):arc^atc, tl^eftoztcfi report .^^ciaooc tt>U5:r^r]Kirciatc tuas DtatoeD into ttco ixgtou5,namdv,m- tnace a to Pentapolis anU ittnilia. PenupolU ^SD ftuc CittCS, Ka- moftinig^:: iienna,Cefen2,Clafre, Forum liiuj,anD Forum popilij . 3|tt^- ticfepng. milia tUCCe, Bononie, Rhezo, Parma, Placence, $ all t^C JanftCg tljat l!C fiom tijc t)0?DerB of t^C PUcentines anU Ticinians \jn« to Adria, anD from Adria tO Ariminc&C. TSWt l)C t^aC lift tna? rcaD tfjC DonattOrt OfLudoukus plus, m Volaceranes Geogra- phic, tobcce !)c numbzct^ t^c fepnges of ;lfcauncc. xot (ap no- thing p^^t of tl)i8, t^at aftcctyaroe l)c VjfurpeD to ^imfelfcpo- toct; oiiet; binge anD ccalmes^finatlv ouec all Cl)ucct)cs anD routes, To t^at \xit mud confelTc, t^at a mo^t niacttelous jajmccncucclmcD^ 2ri)ou ^afl ^etc a bzKefe ant) compcnDtous 6o;tp,t)edactng lioto tbc )aope bantng bumbieD $ ouertbiotoen tbKt bpngs, began bimfclfc to be a liv«S • Outlet \js hoto applp ^cceun^ ^ji^ aepeij to tbc UMinbcr of tbc name of t^c bcaft, to tljcnDe it map fo be poaerauff* linotoen to tbe tobole tiJo?lD,tljat tbecc is no otbcc anticbjift tnetaj botb to be loofteD foi, tban tbc l3pQ)op of irtome , tbat is comen: tn(pintaai= tolijicb in fieeoe iapcD tbe foundation of bis bpnguome liniict: ?^^»J!?/" •tbempccoMCPhocasjtuDbuiloeittmliertbc feings of iPcaUcc: jj!"^*^^ ana inlacgebtbefamc\3nucrtbe igmpeuoucsHenrickesanD Friderickcs , auD fmallp, eftiibli(l)eD it tJuDec tbc^mpccoitcB foliotbing: fo as be notu rctgnetb in our time,anD ^at^ Done ccrtciuc ages aiccabv paS.^c. 2:bc fupputatio of. 66nDcrj5 $ Nauclerus m tl)c. \6, gcnccat. fs'^tl^ tijus : 5ln tbc v^^trc of i^onftcrff. oncEojD.yyo.toitDccjaopczacharic, atiD \)ttDcrt^cmpcrouc Conihntine t^c.^faegantlJe.^,7 j^» tnia^c rcii= tbc rites anb ceremonies of tbc Cburcb of mome , ujcre ca^ gionobtru:: P,gj,,tito ftmncc anb firft rcccmcb . 3in tbe veares of one ^^' Jlo3ib.7^7.}aaule luas mabcpopc, anb immebiatclv foUoVua etbtbatfatallvcareofourlLoiib. 76^, as tbc mibble point be^ tVDijcttbepcare.750. anb.77o.oj . 773. JPbcrein tbcfctbiJtgrp baite al togrtber cbaunccb, Uibitb botb gcuc tbc name to ^n^ ric^:ifl)atibVi?^crof,ascncr2 tU^^tg ctsis^novpcn b^btia^ ' name, vppon the ApocalipK ipp Chap.ri, 31tt t^C ^f arc of OUC3Lo?J).768. Stephen t^e.^^cIDaC0U^- TiDoIatr* cdI,of tftel3pa)ops of;Jfcauucc anD of 3l]talic , in tijc C^iirclj ta confirm of Haterane e!t l^omc, an& Dccreeo , t^at none QjoulZic be oj- mcd. ucincD 25^il)oppc of mome , but a caristnaU . il^c cons ucinncD mojconcr i^z i5rcUc Connfcll of tfje j^mpcconi; " Conibntine agavuft 3P,inagc£,VJ3^ic!) ^c romniaunocD borb tq be baD auD \ajO?%ppclS . Srbcfe tb^agco tOjttCttJ. Antoninus tn Cbio»./'//.i4.Cbap.i.attD.r. Ziizt tbis , tbat great ciurics , t)^t (onne of Pipine , bepttg _. fcnt foi into ^l^alie bp jaopc Adrian,tOOfee Defiderius,fevng of ^^fr^^ 2.umbarBC0, ^DcSrcycD tbeUpngoomc of tbcS^umbacoes. STSoS. 2rbi6 ^awc bone iw tbc yearc of our ILo?t>. 773 . $ alfo tbc ttoo ^ ^nuDicrb auD fourtb ^earc,nfrf r tbat tbc iLunibarbcs bao ac* riueo in Bltaltf.^nD be coufirmcD ano angtnenteo tbeoona^ tionof i^ipinebis manp l^iftoiiograpbers mafte relation. lohn Funcliusinbis £b?cin»aDDctb,tbattb?ongbout tbe \2)boie mealme of ^raunce , at tbe commaunDement of Charles, tbe ceremonies of tbc i^tomiftjc Cburc^ toere iixs fiituteb « xot baue no\u tben tbc name of anticb?il! , bp tbe number . 666, xot bno\3p tci^o l^e is , and uj^om U)t (l)ould ^c\33arcof. 31 can not bere omit,but at feto toojbe muft note *}it fup= ^ ^ pntationof Sibilla ,concernvng tbeoMginallof anticbzift to JJagtife mv iuDgement,t3crv agreabic to tbe fo?mer accompt.;jf oj tbc. flwaire ob- s.bsobes of ^ibelles opcIes,ta^en out of tbe jltb^arie of tbe trutcD to f bono^able common tucaltb of ^ufpurg, toerefetfo^tb bp tbe ^trmanc^ moft goftlp anuiearneD man , D.xiilus Bctuleius, in tbepearc flif our HOJD . If 45 . in fSrefeC . 0nb tbiS Sibilla Erythrea , OJ tobatfoener Cbcusere^pzopbefietb in tbe. B.boUe, tbatmome fl)ali fall^anb be burnt U)tt^fier.2r^cU)opes of^ibelle m i^rebe are to tbis effect. The plague of God vpon thee once fliall fall Proude Romc,vnto thegrounde thou flialt be caft Vnto thy foes made firll captiuc and thrall , And than with flamyng fier be burn t at lalK and tbis tbpng toas accompliflKH , at tobat tpmc Totiias bpng of i5ort)cs tired tl^ Cttie,as toe banc rebcarfeb befozc. ano O^o^telp after in tbe fame jgDjiacles are tbcfe tvopcs imneiteo. ', when Empcrours that haue the world opprefl V' Withbondagc.greatfromtheEaft vnto the Weft : The number haue fulfilled of fifcenc . i' . C^^t^^h ThcLxj.Scrmon A Kyflg fliall come in white hatte to be fene Which vnto Ponti his name (hall ncre annei (As he that fliall be called Pontifex) To worldly pleafures geuen ihall he lyue And with his wicked foote rewardes will geue. ^nD t^e refiDue txi^tc^ are read t^ere» ^I)c bpDDctb acconipr 6:8 tljcbumpng of Utome)c\j.fepngfi3» 2lftcctol)omfl)3ll comcanc\M b^ttS^^jljom ft)c Dcfcribct^^ 0116 u 10 manifcft tljat momc vuas tafeett,fpoi{ci) and bucnr, tuDcr tbe xgmpecouc luiHnian. after are accompteD from lu- iline tbe ^ouu5cr,to t%t igmpcronr TheodoHus . I J. after Thc- odofcfuccfDctb Leo t^e.^.^ij^ofe name toas ifauricus,a)c caU letb t^oCe fepnges Deiicatos toat is , gcuen to pleafures. T5u c^Ufc t^e moft part of t^em tocrc not tjer^ tialiaunt , but \)n* ncc Leo 3 .3itaUe rcuolcetb from tbe igmperour : anD Qjojtl? alfo tbe gouememenc called tbe i5]carcbate,toa6 gcuen to t^t ISope bp ftpng Pipine , agapnft t^e igmperours mvnoe . xot fee tberfoze tbat t^e fupputattons bo agree, ^o^ toe bane alCs Aiougbt to hpng Pipine tbe pearcs » 666 . anb fo a neto ftpng arifct^ , tobom Sibiiie namctb TroXioxf avov notable bp reafon of tbis tot)ite ^attc o? mvter . ;jfoj Co tlje notetb tbe J3vfl)op (U}bicb tn olD tpme D^b tueare on tbeir beabes v^^bite mttcrc^ tbat (l)oulb be a bpng.^be geuetb buu a name alfo . fti fi)t (aptb boto be batb a name nere ijnto Ponti . ^qi aobe fex ,to tbe toojb Ponti,anb pon banc Pontifex. ^be annepetb certeni notes 0^ marbes alfonbat be fb^H regaro eartf)lv ttitngs^ani^ not ^eauenlp:anb tbat ^e (i)al alfo p;ouiber^£j>;|a>v)o^ oeutfe mtb geue reiaDarbes,\x)Ul) bis Ungracious foote , anb tbat is tigbtip {pofeeti,fincc tbat after Domuian anb Dioclcfian , nonr .fif all t^e Hi?nges,faue t^e )dope , batb offcreb bts foote to be biOeb: toberebv fooles tbinbe , tbep reccine great retoarbes* But omitting tbefe tbvnges,ict ts returne tnto tbe \27ap. ^be bleflcb jflQartpj ireneus fpeabvng of tbis Jjpng, in tbe fame. ^.boobe.Sin tbe bead commvng , tbere is mabe a farblc of all iniquitic,anb of alt beceite , to tbe enb tbat all apoQatis ^ntfcb^ift eallpotuer bevng bjougbt togitber anb packeb )}ptn bim, ifftbefmbr mtgbt betbiotoeninto tbefojnaceoffire. ^nb tbat be b^t^ of au bngoD fpoften tbis tbing bp tbe fpiritc of p;opbcfic,aU men Vpil con* jpncjre aw> fgfle ^ tbat baue reab tbe l^ues of tbe Bv Qjops of i^omc : fci^t fctffcttmcfif. ffpcciallp of Silueftcr tl^e . z. Bencdidus tbe. 9. Gregory tbC*. Gregory tbe,7.Vrbanus tbe.i.Pafchalis t^C. %. Alexander tbe. 3* Innocentius tbe.3 .Gregory tbe.^.Bomface tbC S^. CIcmcnfc tbe. j lohn t^e,aa,anb jenxoiUfpcafee not^png ofbiuers^otbcrst vpppn the ApocalipJ^; 200 Chaf.ii, X0\i9X ^t luHcSjClemcntcs ,Leos,anD Paulcs Ijaite OOttCin 0«C Da?cs,^paVHc?^caa"«>^"Sl^^^?&ougane,anOi5cnna:9 itiMnD otl^cr mealmee fpeabe, U)^tc^ ^aue bene ret together bp ti^e tares , an& tntangtcd amongedtl^em felues totti) mod crutUtuarces. 3:i)eblouD ofiS^ait^^s Ojcd fpcabctlp w^ic^ cc^etb tinco t^e 2,o^d. ^bat rcmamerb t^crfoze , \iwt tljat toe d)onlD tate bccDe to ouc (eines, (^ betnare of tl)t5 man of fin, anD deane to ouc teDemcr Cb^ill our Ee^d , befccbvng b?tn , t^at be tDoulD come Qjo^tif , anb beUuer ))0 from ali tw\U ^ inen,2lmen« ^ ano to tbe intent tbeeemigbt Uiant notbpng tbat eoncemen af«ttcomfojt,bcabbetbtbe tbvng ujbwb map cbieflp con^ f trme tbe mtnoes of all tbe goblp euen m tbetr gceateS oaun;* gees , namelp boto tbep tbat bpe in Cb?iB boc flit (leaigbt toapes from tbe co;po;all oeatb Dnto Ipfe euerla{l?ng«»?bicb tcpngfima)eD,betui'netb to tbe oefcription of tbe puniib^a mcnt tbat ftjall affiircDlp Itgbt Ijpon tbe 2lnticb2iflias,tt)ber^ fo?e If tbe boofecs of tbc iSofpcll ano ncto srcflament be to be eftemeo fo^ tbe mantfolD bcrcnptton of Cbiill , ano of tbe faluatton b? bnn obteineD fo; tbc favtbfuH.o^ if tbe^ are to be eflemcD foj tbc comfojt,ano pzeacbvng of tbc iSofpellnbis is Doubtles a boobe moll iSofpell lito^as tobicb bp a comtnitai tenour annejcctb comfojt to cafes of biftrelTc. /Cbetl-amb ^.31obn Ccetb tbe jLambc ftauD^ng topon ^Kjotmc^i^ ftanoeti) onon.£biiStberfozeaepetbnot,beisnotigno2aunt oftbcpcit mount^is nlsano conflictcsof bis Cbwrcb : but be franbttb pjeparcD 8«« toavbcanbfuccour b»s . BcCanbetbasafev«S iHuincible, tDbomneitbcctbeS>?agon,nojtbcolDnoHbcnctti bcaflbatb ouertb^otnen.^o^Sl baue tolo pcuoftener tban once, efpecio allpin tbe. f.cbaptcr tbat bp tbcHambc is bnoctSoDc CbJitt. ;lf 0; be is tbc lambc anb pztcc of our reiiempti5 bnitl tbe ft«b« gement:but tbcn laying apart tbc office of an intcrceflbur, be fijall be a mott fcuerc,anD alio a moft boly iuDgc . Slno Cb?ill fiaoctb^not on tbe ( ziyD x\^z ^;ngon:bftt on a jS^out, pea anD bpon mount ^ion. Og)ount^ion uiasafigurcof Cbiiflts hv«giioi»c^as appearetb plavncly in tbca.pfalme, ^ tbe.x.Df lEfav.Slnb tbcfevngbomc of ^\^%\% is tbc Cburcb, abseil trinmpbant,as militant:tberfo;e in tbe fcUotdfbvP of ^aintes ffanoetb £b^t&,tbe top ano ^lo^p of tbemtbatareiti beaueu^anb tbc Ipfr anb belper of tbein, tobicb ftgbt as pet ttt cart^tUct ))d beleue t^er&);e,t^at w, t^c i^lntic^^tllian ptrfc^ cutibnd vpon the Apocalipfe. 201 Chap, 14, cwtiottfi C^jift ttjill ntxxtt fa^Ie bis favt^ifuilras be is read nc^ ucr CO l)auc favIeD t^e olD ^atntcs , t^at \33(t'e afflicted "twhtt t\^t olD moinanc iJinpicc.;f oj tl)is confolation fcructl) cbicf^ !V foj tjs, tobicb arc \)C)ccu of ilnticb^il : ^ fcriicD foj tbcmaU fo,\»ljicb fuffcrcD jCQartpjaome ^jufter tbc olD iaomanc t^irvs pirc. ji^citbcc is tbccean^ Doubt, but tbat tbcv confinneD tb5 felwcs bcrctxjitb in tbcic grcatcG pcrfccutions, But tbis is a tb^ng moK full of c6folation,tbar tbc lambc wfti) ttjc IS not alone , butbatb toitb bim an bunoKO anD fcurc ano i^mbe are. foiictie tboufanD : tbat is to fa^ a moft ample Cbnrcb . 0ota H+000. foeuec tbccfoic tbc bead cagctb auD navctb tbe confrtToucs of Cb?ift,vct fliall tbccc be alujapes a Cbutcb , tbat fball ncucc beplucHcD ^p,euen \\\ tbe eartb. 2^e fettetb a number certeitt foj an bnccctcin , anD vet cectaine anD Determinate : foj tbat tbetutmber oftbem tbat a^allbe faucDQiall feeme rmall in compartfon of tbetn . tobicb (l)aU vi}02(l)vp tbe beaOes , anD perill) . C^ovubeit toe tinDcrffanD tljat tbe number of tbem (ball ncuertbcles bcljerv great, tobicb (Ijallbc tbc boDp of tbe Cbnrcb -, ^nDcr tbeir beaD £b?ift > enen tbenalfo , tobat t^me tbe )dope to itb all tbtlimmesof amicb^ift Q)all bane pourcD out all tbeir furie.iDf tbis number of tbe elect 3] banc fpofeen in tbe.y.cbapt.tobcrc tbe fclfe fame number is let. anD as tbc amicbifftians beare tbc marbe of i2lnticb2ift in C^c? banc tbeir rigbtbauDs ^ foiebcaDcs: fo tjcrclp tbc fl)eepe of Cbnft, f^« "^"^c of anDtobicbfljallbetbeCburcbvtbc fpoufe of Cbiift, tjnDer ^^'^f^*^?^ tbeir bcaDCbJiR, ft)all banc tbeic marfec alfo in tbeir foic=SSj«^^^ beaDes,totottte,tbename of tbe fatber of tbe JLambc. ;jfoj^ tbe \so;D l^is, is to be refcrreD to tbe Hambc . atiD be fpea^ / bctbnotofanouttoarDemarfec,\Dbicb Cl)oulD bcpuntcDon tbeir lojcbcaDcs, bucoftbemarkeof tbeicminDcs.irbcfame ts faitb , tbe inarfee of all i3oDS cbilDjen . aiuD tbvs faptb is tbeir trufting in tbe ;JFatbcr anD tbc ^onne, tobicb ace not VDttbout tbebolv gboHt. i^no botD aioulDca tbou bcleue, tbat almigbtic j5od is tbv fatber, tjnleffc tbou tnDcrflaD tbc fame to be obtapncD l^v tbe fonnej 2rbis faitb tberfoie is bcre \i)x= DerttooDe to be a Cb?iCcn, anD not a S^.ctoiftie oiSTurfeiQie fa^tb, tobicb vet confcflfetb i5oD to be tbeir fatber. But fincc tbev banc not tbe fonnc, as (apD ^.3ilobn in bts 25piSle,tbev ncitber banc tbe fatber. subccfojc tbe true members of tbc Cburcb of Cbiift, tbc true ft)eepe,Do bcleue tbat tbcv banc a meccifttll fatber tbjougb tbefonne, tv tx>bom tbev fenotuc tbat tbev fatber being pacifieD,batb gcucn tbem alltbingcs pertaining to life ano raUiatid,m bis fotme, jTbcv tbat (ccbe tu)t chap. 14-. The.lxihSermon not foj falimtion anD all goounefi in tl)c oncl^ mctsuitour tljc fonnc of jBois Jjniic not Donbtlce t!)c ngbt macUc of tiic cl)iU Ujtn of i5oi)4u t!)c«:fc2cijc?.!!cs. sItti)iG Day alliojill be £^:ij fttans,f.nDvctncQtcct!ngcbjiit.t^cvDcpcnDc to!)oIp \3p0u ^amtc0. 2!:^ci'cfoic t!jctc faytb 10 not^bc tcuc maiUc of tljc rljilDJcn of iSoa. j^a t!)c^ ncitfjcr fenoui tbcfattjcc no: t^e Tonne, ana rl)ercfo?e t^cv pcrfccutc tijofc tljat clcane tDi)ol?' to tiic fatl)cc bv f fonnc. !3niJ fcing Ctind is xa\t\^ i)ifi cbiirc^, tol)at nccnetb t^t cl)nrc^ a \3Jcari Ceitcinciv \x can net be t^c rrnc r^nrrl}, \ybic!) batb a ^icacof Cl^Jifl, foi t^an it toantet^ C^tift, vsjijom tl)e trnc it bnrcl) ran tiot teant* , . 3]t toas not inongb foa tijc apoftic to i?ane favDc, tljat tbe C!)nccb *a3s!S \jmtcD toit!^ Cl)jift: isnlcfTc be paD auDcD nioie-' ouectDitbmanp\M03tutB, bo^bcbatb fccuetljc Cbnrcbaf- flictel>,anbboto fliecDcmcancD bcrfc[ff,c«ctbcn ^rrclv,tDbc tbe beaGcs bio aff licte \)Zk : tbai voc alfo map icarnc tbcrebp, tobat is tlje bopc of ^atnts in gnatcfJ Dnu5;2ci'g , (s cf to^at fou it bc^onctb ^s to be \\\ pcrfccutionD nni:) rcmptations. fee ijwcth f^^^ ^^ btacetb a ^opcc from bcancn, as tbc tjopce of ma- ti)e to/ce n^ Voaters. »?aters in tbe ^ciipturcs nianp tpmr s do ftgnii: of maHi? fie people ♦ wt \)nDet:ffanD tbcrfo;ic l)ci:cb?>,tbat tbe H burcb Skaters. (l)ail be populons, anb fpeafeing : to tbe intent tbcv fl)oniDc biCTcmblenotbing, bnt fceelp to pjofcCfe Cbiift* ^nb tbcrfoje be beamb alfo x\^t founb jof a great t^nnbec . fm tbt Cbucc^ gettctb from bcauen potoer to pzcacb anb ^)t\xi foirb tbe ^aU pell gcaJielv-, tl^ougb tbe toojloes botocls burft. anb tjrcclp of tbe fran^e anb conftaunt pjieacbing of tbe i5orpcll Jflobn ^ 3ianies ace calico in M^t\\t^ tbe fonncs of tbunbcr, Snb eS* cerning tbe pzeacbing of tbe f3ofpeI, a)all fo!lo\X) inoje aftcr^* toarb. ^t beacctb niojeoner a ntclobious barmonic of hic« ringing to tbeir bacpes, anb finging as it tocfc n nctof fong. '3:)^t\x>):^\C(^ is Ci)iea^ refecreb to tbe Ipaintes in beauenJing- ing eternall pja^fcs to 0od: anb feconblp to ti^t ^aintes 1^^ uing i)tit vet in eartb, tobicb alfo offer tonto f3cb continnail pja'^fes anb tbaUcs gcurng. 3rberfoic botefocufrtbctr baits oemabefoicoiyfnllmpcnilccanb abHcnmes, pet tbcirfpi= ritereiovcccb in tbe iLo?b. Sfof. no man coulalcarnctbatfainc long, faitc tbe clecte. ;Jfoi like as none of tbcbcanenlp Dtocl- lers can Cjcp^effe 0? ^nberffanb t^e ejccellencie of tbe lopcs of t\iz life to conic, anb tbe p?avfcB of fSob, cpccptc fje bti^cUa^ tnongs tbe beanetilp inljabtters, anb be pcrtafeev of tbe mod goblp life: fo ejccept anp man lining yet bece m eartb be rcgc- ncratcOjl^e wither fectl; ^m great is tijc fdicitie of t^e fan^^ * ' fttll. vpon the Apocalipfe. 202 Cha^.14^ f ttU, ttcitl)ct; can f)c ttift!)? cftccme tijc pia^fcs to^t'cl^ t^ep of^* fee ^nto i^oD. s:otic!)mg tijc neu) fongSi ^awc fpofecn m tl)C f .cljaptcr.anjj ccrfcnip to tooilDlp men tije t^ingco fcemc as t^cv\3ocrcticto,\ul?ic'o t^c faithful bimgfo^t^otieoDsUJOjD* iBtoU) Doti) ^.311)011 Defcnbcalfo tb^ac inauuci: one£5 t!jc CJjetrac (Ijccpc of ctjua fljall bc,Ujl?icl) ftiall ccnrmuem tijc C^nrc^ marucs of £jf C{)ju1,Dcfpifmg t^c tooDnciTc of t^e bcaflcs . ^mo toljom '^^"^ f'»»tOf"i' alfo t^emarfee cf l)is fatbcts name lu t^eic fojcljcaDca is cjc- pouaeu. »?c fi)al peccciuc nio;coucc,tol)at be t^c tc«c marfecs '^^^P ^''/. of tljc faiil)fall. f\tSXi\)Vi aixrcDccineD fio tijc cattl).s>cufct- ^f^""fj[f»^«» Ics all \x)c bcaniig tbc carcljlp 3U»agc of jbe cact^l^ ma,\3icrc ^ ^^^ ^' foluctuDci* rmuc,foz tbc tw^icbc caurc toe arc aU'ofubiectc tociircrmg. But tljciLoiD ^at^bougJjt t)S\x)it^ti;cpjicc cf rciicmpttoit,pavei> \)pou x^t croCfc, fo t^at noto \ije are fijape tictoe after ttie 3lmage of tlje bcauculv matt, to \a31t, toe be a^* ftoptei) foz tbc cbitDjcn of idod. iDf tbe tol)(cb reucmptton tie ^poftlcbat^fpofecuintbc.i.Co^utt^.tbe.j.anD to i^eiaom* f^c.j.atiD mother places, ^.lactcraifo.i.jact.i. jaitDfoiaf- iimc^ as tlje faji^f uil feuoto tbcmfelucs to be boiigbt anb a* Doptcn bv Cl)jift to tbc bcauefv mJjcntaunce,tbcv are aUDictc to fcruc tijcir renccmcr oiicIp,anD infcpcrablp cleaue to ^im. (S3o?coucr tl5cv arc tirgms^not DcfileD to?t^ toomcn. :^n (^fjcp are - crpoutit>itigtbctobicbti)ingcs,tbcaunctfm tojiters co?met DufiwejEf, t^cmrelucs,lcaft ativ ib^ng ^crc ii)oulD fcemc to rcuou«De to tbt Dercgatiott of tjolv matrimonv. tobccbv uoubtles bp tbe toitttcs of tbc xtpoRlc in ti)C. j.Cczuub.^7« tbc ?|eb» tio tnau is ocfilcD. 31 am berc afl)ameii to b?ing fo?tb tbe xxis flesoftb€|aapi(!es. 5foz\x)l)ocanbcarc tbe tmleattcs of all mettrcafoningauv tI)jngof clcamicflc \ SCbcv toiU b^ccbp uiamtainc ano coulcr tbat fingle life of tbcir5;but all men fee tte«crtl)clcfrc,ticfept tbcv be blvtiticr tJjcn Bctelles, tobat fiU tbincs b^tb becue committer at;D is committed bapl^, "tonDct; tbc pKtece of tbts 'bngractous,atiD moa f nclcanc imglencs* But tbe Eojb fpcalJctb uotbmg at tbs p^fet of co?po?all ma^ ryagcbut ratbcr fpiritimll. f^% it is mauifeft, tbat tbe ^po^ Qlesastbcb^tbeleabersofout: ^autour, baue b^iougbt tbe Cbut'cb to our Mainour ^ cbart c tjirgin , tobtcb ^atb «ot baD to boetoitb aup firaungeoj fo^cinc toomaa ; tbatistofap, tobtcb is not DcfilcD toitb tbe paipticipatton of euill boctrme^ mcabe Salomon rcafoning of tbat tocmait grauel^ iv, tbe,4, cbapt.oftbciajouerb. mcao moieouer tbe ^poaieintbcz, totbejCojiiitb,!!. occeeoingl^toeUteacbing, tbat tbe favtb- fill are an \)nDcfilcb tjirgin tbe fpoufc of £ ^jia, S^^c faitbful Xhaf,j4. The.lxii.Scrmon tbcccfoic tobicl) ImcD tjnucc tl)c tmnnp of t!)c bca(lc6,tcccii nctt no (Iniinirx sortniicof BTBdIIcb, ant) of ot!)rr l?ff.i!}fmfl) ccrciv.onicc, ucitljct: eocat tl)i£ tifiV'^i^tn'ttc tljcpoiJifticiiii frcncu, bnt'6ccpc tbeirmavficnlv Jnv»^fs fo? tOcii'^nutauD C^nft, being DcftioVufeD tinto bmi b^ faitb mod fir.ccrc. C!)tp foii jrbcre foUoVx) tl^eplamb, \jubct^cc focwcr be goab . STb^t icujtijeiabc is to fav\ tbev wtrc foznonmnbut Cb?ift,tbcviicfirenon:au toncti)cr 10 |j,jf £^2ifijin ^ini tbcp rcpofc all tbcic ayDe, all tbctc comfort, ooctt) all tbcic iopc, all tbctc fatiiatton, to bim alouc bauc tbcv aU toavcsrcfpeff,m bun tbepfenototbemfdttc0 to be complete: tobo being bur one «nD alonc,!0 to tbcm all tbtngcc. iSQojCa oncrtobctbec foeucc Cbiift calletb tbe faitljfuh bvooctcmc anb cicamplc, if it be to \iziy ocatb auD moft ccuell butcberie, tbep folloto tDillinglv anD cbcacclv. ir>bccebp it coinmctb to p*iire,tbat in tbctDojlt>e to conic, tbep can neucr bcfcncrcn frotn bun. fax tcbecc (ocuec CbiiO is, tbcre is Cb^flCB ini^ nidcr : as be bim (eUc batb vuitnea'cD in tbe. u.auD. 1 4* cbap« tcco of lobn. «rt)finrt> a^bev are alfo rcDemcD fc5 men, DelincreD ^jcrclp tb?OKgi> from men, tbe grace of Cbiift , tbat tbep fljouio tiot folloto tbis coirupt ano ^ncleanc vpo2lD,bv all btnDc of pollution, fox Cbull bp bis fpiCit $ too^D calletb bis out of tbis txjo^lo, tbat altbougb in boD^ toe arc conuecfaunt in tbe U)ojlD, ^et QjoulD \a;c toitb allourmtnocabboiretbe\x)02lDe, ano tbe tbinges tbat are iFirfi fra= tbecein. ;Jf urtbermbje fo? tbis intent batb be cbofen , ano rc^ ic0to, DeemcDbisfromtbebonDageofmeno? of tbe tec?loe, tbat tX^t^ Q)OulD be firli fruttcs to {5oD tbe fatbcr $ to bis fonne. wbicb p'ace tbe moJl ffODlp anD cjrccllcnt Icarnco man S)ocr, Fraunces Lambertc cjcpbtmoing m ijis coiiinicmarics \3p6 tbe apocalipfejaptb: ix is manifcft bv tbe.z 3 . of 2,cait. tbe. ry . of ^umeiv,anlJ i8.of'£)eutcr. tobat ficftfruitesbe, ano tbat tbcp toere gatbereo fo? tbe EoiD, ano toentto tbe bigb PMcft. ©ut Cb?ift is tbat bigb ^iicft, timo toboai tl^z fpintual firtt fruitce apperteine to ujitte , tbe goolp , 9^ fanctificD to i5oD. ^beic tbpngcs are couftnnco of tbe ^po0(e,VDbicb rapD,tbac Cb^'ii gauc bpm fclfe foi \iQ^ to tbe end be migbc rcoecme lis from alt iniquitie, anD ungbtpucifietis to bimfeUe^an cfpccis alt people, anD foUDtxjcro of all gooD tuo^bes. iJberfo^c doc tbe true fairbfull rtnguiarly applp tbem to goDline0,tbat t\iV2 map be tbe firll fruites , anD a moQ tjccciicnt parent to tbe HoiD , ftnce tbep bno\D tbem felues to be reoeemcD fO; tbps enDc, tbat all tbe pcft of tb^ v^yw oftbeielpfe, tbep inpgbc frrue 0oD* 3!^ vpon the Apocallpfc. 203 chaf.14.. 3in rt)cic montlj is f ounDe ito gnile. Be fa^tl^ ttOf,tTo con^ 3!n rtjnr Cttpifccticc,o; cuiil motiott is founD in t^e Ijattco of t^c fattb- rKouti) no^ full: butl)c Denver!) ttjat tljcce isanvgrnlcmtijeit; mout^. auuc. ^0^ albeit x\^M H)e fatti)fiiUbctroHblcDaittit)cpedtDicbrt)c affections of tl)cfleri)c,vcttbcvfoloucibctmetb,t!^attDtbeic tinotDleDsct!)cv> trill bcccmc no man. anu dtiicflp tbcp biffcs ble notbing,tlie.t appc rtcpnctb to tbc confcCfion of tbc tcuct^ ano ^ecttie, no: \Az any guile int^e Doctrine of tbc gofpelL I 2rbev be mozeoucr U)tt{)out fpotte before tl^e trone of goD, not bv tbeir ou^nc \}cnuc,but bp tbe bolpnes of £b?tO,t»btc$ ^.}danlealfo afftrmetb in tbe.i. cbapt. to tbeifpbefians. ano be ^atbfpobfn it aptl^,bcfojcf be tcone. fQ% |).2lutteii tav^bvtbat ouc bolpneffc Cl;oulD at Ia(t be maDe perfect \\\ xX^z tDo;lDe to come. srbcfe 31 fav be tbe true marges of tbe tnte fhitbfuU > and tbat tbe S^o^b tooulD pjinte xX^txa depeif in 11)18 mpn&e* m%Mz aungeU p^eactietb W< eternall dDefpell of Ct^^iff, T he Ixiii. Sermon, A Nd I faw an A ungell fliyng in the middcft of heaue, hauyngthccuerlaflyngGofpell to preach vn to the that fit and dwell on the earth,and to all nations , kyn- rcdes,and tounges,and people , faying with a loudc voyce :feare God ,andgeue honour to hym ,for the lioure ofhys ludgement isconie :and worfhyp hym thai made Heauen and Barth ,and the Sea and the (pryngcs of water. . ' ' '* anttcb^ift btftretb nocb^ttS Cb tnttc^ to l^ane oppjeCTeb , a0 tbe p^eacbpng of tbt iSoljpcU . foi euen tberfoK 6atb be ou tteincb tbe Btnqnifitours fb^ ^crefie,^ be Daretb call tbe i3or« peU1)ecefie.2:berfo}e be bumetb tbe idofpdi booltes,^ pjea^ c^ete oltbtiSofpeU , ^ enctv tubcte teUreinetb tbe reabpn^i tf tl)e berfo;e tbe rim« 9IC fuppofe , t^at it can not be but tbat c^c x^oCpell toitb aH chap. f4* Cbe %w- gdl IK a fi- gure of t!)e tmftficft of !^cauen. . Thc.IxHi.Sermon ILozdes confolatton ts b^oug^t tn>a ttfion of an idltmgeil (fb^ \^z 10 (till in tl^e t)trton)fltpng m t^e miDDcH of ^eauf ,^attvng ti)e euerlaft^ns <5orpcI,anii p^eacl^ms tc to tbe iodo^Id. :pt>$ct:^ b? 10 fto^nifiied , tbat c^ i5ofpeU (l^aii be picacljeD \3nt0 men, m Qefpite of all tbe enem^e0 tbecof . e tDtUb^iefip confiDer cuery tbpng. fix^it 10 eutbent euen bp tbe former tbvngeo.tbat b^ tbe ^nnscU 10 (tgnifieo tbe mintftero of tbe tuo^tb , ^nb tbe lietv mmtftertc of tbeiSofpell. Cecte0 tbe jg^crtptnre call»b p^a^ cber0 ^ngcl0.^o^ fo 10 ^.Slobn 15apti&e nameb b^ tbe pbct OQalacbte.n?berof 10 (poUen befojte . Slnb tbe 03)mtQer0 b^ tbt0 bonoiable title are anmontdjci) , of pure tie, 9 of mod (mcece fa^tb-ilPo^ ^ungel0 be {3od0 j^miilcrs : U)bom tbe? onel^ rcgarDe^lonr^anD bonouc: tsbofe connnatmbcmcntes tbev ejcecutemoQ faptbfullp,fmcerel?,and btligentlp.^ucbic befemetb pieacbcto to be tntbetr bpnbc ann oflftce . ^nb Iplte a0!^nngel0 cannotbeburt tbtougb tbetceafon0 anbtniu^ t;te0 of men:ro 0ob ocfenbetb bt0 mmi(!er0,\inttU tbe bouce appomteb . ^0 10 ideteroelittereb out of p^tfon , in tbe. ir.of tbe ^cte0.^o i0 ^aule \\\ a)pp\j?^acHe. ^c . ^nD be (a^ otbec 0ungcll,fo; tbat be batb b;ougbt m alccat^v fono^v ^^ fion0 of Diuecfc aimgels » ^ottoiii)ftanDvng,tbat otberjcs metb to be put foj tbe ficft ♦ ^oj be annocctlj to tbis ^tt tu)o i^ungcl0 moc.I^b^ ixx^ \si\^ttQt b^ MtxX^ an otber^tbe later> t^ictbwb, 9!inxi tbts i^ungell fiv^tb in tl^t ntt'DbcG of beanen^Bp tXHH tbvng t0ftgmhebtbclurb^ courfe a^ p^oceD^ng oftbep^ea^ cb?ng of tbe i5ofpell.3]t i0 alfo to^ttten \\\ tbe |d;op^ete0,bi$ tDO^D tunnetb Ctoiftel^. idfalme. i^« H>amb cSparetb t\^t runs nvngotf PKdcbtngof tbe i^o{pell,totbtcDurfe of tbefunne, tovfull a0 a giaunt be runnetb bt0 ^ay: m tbe ijttcrmoft part of beauen0 be ariCetb , ano runnetb agaync to tbe fame , ttct« tber can an^ man ftop bun > no^ X^m btm fclfe from tbe beate tberof . S^befunnc (btnetb in all ptacco . STberfojc fljalltbe picacb^ngbefree • ^qi a0tiDe canncttbciplucbe bacfteno) biuDer y tbe tbvng0 tbat are abou^ bs m ti^t a^^e ano (tete : fo foall \ot nenbcr pluclte ootvne , no; bniocr btm tbat ft^etbE(ts tbe miDOeft of beauen* %}^t \]Dp;bc0 and tozttf ngcB fife, tbe? Ate farre anb wtoc cucrv U)^re,^ci(i^cr can ($e trut^ be op« vpon the Apocalipfc. 204 chap. 14, |ne(ftii . i5oi) ^atb gctien to tljc tuoib idzint^ng , tobcceb^ tl)c iSofocU is pjcacijcD auD rnnnctij farce , ujioe , anD moft ftoiftclv. an& tijis Hansen Ijat^ t^c eucrlaft^ws <5ofpcli. w^crem ^^^ ^^of, IS t^e grcatcft comfo2t.;JFo? it (igtiifict^, tijat tijc \3ccitie (liall pcu cucitac be \x[ tl)C\x»oUD itmincible . ^nu fot inan^ caufcs is tljc iSof- ftjng, pcll calleD cucclafiwg . fitfi , hcraiire tlje bcritic i8 immo?^ tall,tt>!)ic^ can notiJCiJOunDcn,boto fo eucc tl)C minillccc arc fmeccD aitr)fla^c.2.2rimotJ)ii.(ccotttilv t^e iSofpcli i^txtt^ nal,foi b:caijfc it \33a5 fljeujcD to ouc ftrft fatbcco, pjopbecicn m x\)t tauj aiiD iajop^ctcs,fuifill£D of Cb?tft , ucclaceu bp tbe apoOIes^aniJ b^ tbe grace of j6od b?ougbt \)nto \)B.'>>ea ana before all times VuaspitDeftinateb.meab tbejepbeC ^0; tntw foi tJjiB tain'c is it callcn cucclaft^ng, fo? afmucb ao itappcmiuet^totjsatid toourpodcritie iDtuotbeamcl iu tl)f .7.cbapttr, i$e rcfeonctb tp nati6s,fe:n;j rebes v tctmgcs , atiD people : anb tbus figmftctb be tbat x\^t j5olpeil Qjalibe pjeacbco tbojiougbout tbs \Dbo!e toozlD» jpbic^ t'ovngtbejLozbfatb alCo aioulb come ropaflcmtbe, »4.of flsjatb . anb tbcn ti)at tbc cnis QjOnlD come, ^nb U)e fee «t cbts bav , tbattbciSorpcIl ):^&x\^ in a mauec tbuubercb tbo- toilgb out t^t twbole mjojId » 2lnD bcrc 31 gme toarnvrg Ictt ftnpbectine btmfelfe.lJbe s^podte in tbe. 1. 2:tmotb.3. anb. I. Colof. batb fat>b tbat tbe iSofpell \Mas pjcacbcb tb^ougb out _. Ibe tobolc ttiozib in bis tpmc. j^ctDbcu all mm bab not tban S;i!fii teccincii «,but a fctJo.SDo not tberfo?e 3|maginc \Mitb tVv iclf, InaDc one ibattbci5ofpelli2notpzcacbcb,inlcircaltcecciuctt.a:bev tijcpi^cara are abufcD,tb3t piomifc to tbcm felucs befo?e tbe iubgemtnt « one Qjct^v II conco}De of nationsjfo; tjjat it is ^anixxm , t^at c^cre aioulb fou>« . ,> a lottte chap. T4, Thc.Ixiii.Scrmon be ones one Q^epl^eacii.and one dirpefolD. ^ai rlie fAtne toaa accompliCljcO, to^tlett of tljcJlctaiCbc ^v^^Scg;? and tiCpcc* liott of t^c 0etils,t^e Eo;d p;cpaccD to ^tm icUc one ctiurc^ toljerof Ci)^i(t ts 6eaD,atto paltour.ano amtct);tR {Dall at t^e lettgtl) b? 1)18 iaft comm^ng be aboltO^eo . sr^erfo^e fljaU be al\3?a^e6 rertS £b^t(t« ^nccbecmote \obere be feetb anD bearctb tbts 2lnttgell p;eacbtbei5ofpent0icba louoe t)opce,bemeanetb rbattbe pieacbers (ball tottb fieeat conftancie atto fraRbcnt5,i?ea anD tbttb %trle tiopccs $ Vierp great eantcdnes pzeacb tbe iSot^ pell aga^nd lamicbMO. ano toe fee at tbis oa? , tbat tbe mo>e cmeUptbefa^tbfnllacegreueDanD oppzcCTtD^tbe mo^efet:» uentl? anD louaer do tbe otber fo^t crpe ^ fo as tbep maptoel! be calico clamorous ccpers , (bK^ees ■, (biamers , o) veUers tobofe crvins tnud be Otnteb vottb an baiter. xow tbe 09o;eonet: be comp^ifetb in a b^ief lUme, tobat tb?ngs ate ^ongcu to befct foitb m tbe p^eacb?ng of tbe iSofpell , cbtefl? in tbe i^eacbct^' tail t^mes.if ted be la?tb:feare i5oD. 3r be feaee of i5oD is tbe begpnnpng of totfcoome : tberfo^e not to feacc 0ob , ts tbe icbe fcire beg^nnyng of fboltfbenes , ano of all etronre . 3Fbe feare of of (00^ <5oti,batb notbing commontDttb tbe ftare of tbe too^lD.arbe gool? man ts not aSrapeo of i5oD , as a gilt^ fentaunt fea? rctb bts maifter , ^eaanoof pnmlbement mo;e tban of bps matOectDbombe ratber batetb • ;lPoMbefeaceof 1500 batb tbe ceuerence ano loue of i5oD.3nt attnbutetb to iSoo tbe (u^ p^eme OQaicfties tinb^cctb taptb , ano batb a fsptbfuU care, Kuberebvttatoaptetb tipon 0oD,tuo;a)pppctb,p^pfetb,anli p^ofeOTetb bim . S>oubtlcs becaufc U)e mo?e fcare men , tbati <5oO , ano bvcaufe toe fearc tnoie tbe pope , ano tbe inalUce anb batreb of btmano bts , tberfoic oo tuc not cjcccnte infttce t>pMSbtlp,no} p^ofeOTc tbe trutb fran^clp, ncttbcr petfet fb^tb tbe i5ofpell.l3ut tl^e Hoio in tbe Colpcll Captb : fcarc pe not tbetn^VDbtcb mapbtlltbeboop anobauenopoujcr oucrtbc (oule : ratber feare pe bun, toobtcb cononnnetb botb boojp and COnle to bell ftre.Certcs x%t feare of i&ob ts not onelp tbe be^ gpnnpng,butalfo tbe bonoe of aUbcnitci^ercafter toe fl^all beare tbat tbe frarefnll (ballbecaft into bell, tnttb tbe bead anb tsttb> tbe fifilfe id^opbet * irberfo^e let 0oo be our fearc, tptte as iSIap teacbetb in tbe* s . chapter . 2Lct bs feare i5oD fi)} onrftnnes commttteo.i^erefeto are affcavoe: butmanp are i^k( bQ . affrapoc to (jpcato tbe trut^ , to matntepne gobl)?nes,anb to Botitof rebutototdtebnes. eo^ i^econbls tl^e pjcaci^tng of tl^e J5oQ)eU compje^ettoetb t^ vponthCx^pocaHpfe. 205 Chap.J4. Ijottour of i5oT) . fQi ^c faptb: ant) gciic !)im Ijoncttr , 0n5 ^{jc jjonoz t^oiiQocftnorfcpciats ti)C fomic from tt^fatocc. ;>fozmt!)C ofCoc^ f .of jTiOljn i)c fayti) tljus: tl)c fottjcc tjat^ gr ucifall iuogcntcut to r^c fonne.tbat ait Ci)onlD ^onouc lijc fonne,as tljcv Ijonoiic tl)cfat!)cr. i^ctijatoononretbnotJi^cfoimc, Ijoiioiirct^ not tbe fatucr, to!)!:!) lent l)im . ^nD m ^crp Dcctie tijc father can tiot be IjououccD, but bp ttjc fonnc. f:oi toe Jjonouc btin,vt)^c toe be!ccue -{^im to be rnic,$ reccinc Cb^Jft t^c fonne of 000, ^ astbconclv) cigotcoufncs ano perfection of all tbcfattbftill. I5p faitb t^hfoie CQieflp toe bonouc f3oO, tbcn rcuercncpng ^imonclvb^faubfuUobcDicnce, ano toalUmg in bis coin- maunDcmcntcB,^.I,o{?nmbiB Canonic, be tbat beleeuetb not i^z fcnue, faptb be, inaKct^ iSob a {"^dx ( fee boto vc ma^ Ijigbl? OJfl)onour i3ob) tobicb bclecactb nottbctcftimonp, )aA\i\^ i5oD bitb tclliftcD oftjts fonne. ^nb this isf'tcftnno^ tip tbat 0ob batb gcnciuo i)3, etccnall life: anb ti^is lire is in !)isfoimc. Be tbat b^tb ti)c fonne, barb Ufe: bctbatbatb iiottbefonne,bat9 not life. ir'caretbcrfojefojbiDbcnto ffcRe Ipfc anb all gooburflc cIs to!jcce tljen m Xb?ift alone . But t^ejdaptScs boHoui^tbe ^opeanb t)is conaitnt!on6,anb bis ^amtcBaJfo, anbljonouc not iDOb alone* ^^^^2 mgraueiti tbciu ciippca,5e// deogiona: to i5ob alonc tt glojv : but vet i» tbe mcauc fcafon ibcp pcrrcuuc tbem, tobicb totll notafcribe ti^t glo:^ "dm to i5oD alone, tsnto fqcir foolifl)e trifles . But t^e f^ofpciltoillctv our,tbatto i3ob alone all gloi^ isbue» j^ercuatotsaDbcDafpurre, topiicUc tbcm to feare anb djciuBgc* Qlor.iiei3oD;fouljccouicof bis iubgement is come. :^be '"cnt of i^c i3ofpeH t^trcioie m tbt latter bapes ll)all bcatc into men t^e S^ °^ Jail HiDgement. 2rbi6 ijatb a toonoerfuU effectc to obtapnc of men amenbment of life. ^uD it is purpofeipfapb, it is come: anb nor,tbc bourc of bis mbgcmcnt Ujall come. ;f 01 fo is t^e certan tie of bis iucgcmciit cppir CTeb, anb toe arc toarncb, to looftc foi tbat fame bap cucrp moment. H^^e iipoli!c\)reb tbe fame arguing in tbe. ly.cbapt. of il?c '^azz^ to tijem of a then s, anbtotbeCoimtb. t^z.^. i2piit.y, cbapt.lLettJBtcmcmlJcc, ;£) b:etbicn,tl)at Kraue iubgcment : Icj >)S amenbe our favtb anb yiaucrs, anb all c^pngcst^at agree not toptb tbe i3ot pell. 5roz certccnlp toe Cball Xiit-> certcmlp toe il)all be iubgeo^ ^n^ tobvH toe Q)aU pzomife our felucs peace, t^en Rjal come fobfipne bf aruction. roatcb. ;JriuaUp,cbe f3ofpcU teac^etb to tociajtp iSob alonc. :^^3 Co %Qpz . boenot tJjc faitbfuU toozUjip ^Tibolles, to tobom foencr il^tp ^)^ <^ov te ett ctcb, ^^e? t^ojajip not tbe iaojie ouccto^clmcb topt^. ;jff.itj» ' toicfecbs Chdf, T4* The Lxiiij . Sermon fl)ip^t0\3»gcacioiisanDftmcfeingfecte. H:!?cp \))o?(l)ip not Daniel.ii. tt^c i3oD (Bi^au^tmof tl)c \sitiitt tn^et'0, t^ic i5od in t^e bojre, tDl)tc^ tstpoifQippeii in palaces anD a)Htte t)p tnc^cpiice. irb^p tDo;(l}ippe not^atntcs:buti5oDaIone» 3:^crcfoiclifte\3p your bancs Ysnto^aucn aub tooj(l)ippe«. ■xoz bawe bccc in eactb tDonberfuU tD02'ae6,tobicb ma^ moue )}6 to \x>o^(l)tppc cbis i3od^e is ma^cc of bcauen ano cartb,anboftbc^Ea. robots greater i tobc is migbt^ccj 2i:berefo?etoo?Q)ipp£btm,tbctruci5oD?«EQattb. ^ ?^ean^ rcjcetb bece fpjinges of toatcr, foi tbat tbc inv?acic anb bcne^ ftte of \xiaters is great.^o; if Vx)c confiDcr t\)z original fp^ng, rnbOaunce, pleafauntnes anD commobttie of fonnta^ne0,tDe fijall be compelicb to toonoer, i5ob be p^a^feD. C^n otbcr 0ngcll p^eacbetb tbat ^abi^lon O^all fall : and an otber btftDabetb all men from t\it fellotulbtppe of tl^c religion of tbebeaflt. The Ixiiii. Sermon, A Nd there followed an other Aungell, faying: (heis fallen, (hcc is fallen, euen Babylon that great Citie: forfliee made all nations drinkc of the wyne of her whoredome. And the thirdeAungcll followed them, faying wyth aloudcvoyce : if any man worlliippethc beafl,and his Image,and receiue his marke in his fore- head, or on his hand, the fame lliall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cup of his wrath. Andhcfliall bepunifliedinfireand brimftone, before the holy Aungels, and before the Lambc : and the fmoke of their torment afcendeth vp euermore. And they hauc no reft day nor night, which worfhippc thebeaft and his Image, andwhofoeuer rccciuedthc printe of hys name . Here is the patieace of Saintes. Here arc they that keepe the commaundementes , and thefaythoflcfu. Cbc tso^ fQ% tbe comfott of ti^t fattbfnll flocl^e of Cb?t(!, ts bcre mtO) rt)nrcb bjongbt fojtb an otbec aungell, a type of all goblp pzcacbcrs, ^aiifiou jipj^if^ pjeac^ett^ \»\t^ great conaancie,t^attbc H^ngoomc of jancts vppontheApocalipfe, 20^ Chaf.14, antic^^'fl Qjall fall, ^otofocucc itp?omiCct^ to ii fclfc cucclai ftmgnee.auDljcccoft^c^aimcs gather, tljat perfeciitions ft)iUtfjcctoitl)aUbefima)eD,v»it^ all ot^cc ab^ommations t^)2oiigl)out tl)c tiJOilDe. ;ffoi toljcrcas foz tlje cominiiall per=» fcciuiouB of tl)e toicltcD, all tijc ^atntce cannot tut be mar^s neloua? faDDc: arljc^ mnfl necocs tiecclp beceof reccine no finall iO{? ano conifojt, t^iat t^e? Ijeacc ^otu t^cp Q)aU not in^ Ourcal\ua^c6. jauD bccc tt ts (avd tbat laabplon a)all fall ^nb m beebe tt a^abpion. toccc foolvftincs to cjcpounbc tbcfe tbtnges of tlje olbe ISabi- lon in afia, U)btcb toas fallen long fmce , fcaccclp anv tofeen tbcccof being left: jsoe muQ tijccfojc tnbecftao it of an ot^cc, iRome. tobtcb is in ber flo\x)zes, anb euen bv a figuratiue fpeacb) toe tnna tjnbccftanD it of iaome. ;jf 01 tbcre is as it Ujece a great Antono- £o^innagebet\Joipttbeinbotb.Babplon\x)astbe fivQ iS^o- mafia. natcbie, iaome is tbe lad. Babvlon fo;e afflicteb tbe people of 000,^0 boetb mome gceuoua? tejee tbe Cburcb of i5ob» Babylon burtbeneo Bircaell vnvtb a greeuous captinitie: ^0 l^omel}epetb tbe Cburcb U)Vtb ttioze tban a long capttuitie* Babylon oucrcamc tbe people of iSbb, ano burning tbe citie of^^tcrufalcm, anb bcftro^mg tbe temple, IcD atoa^ afraell captiue: fo mome alfo bautng rafcb tbe citie of i^ierulalem, anb fubuertmg tbe temple, trimnpbcb of sifraell. 26abploti p(anteD5]boiatrie,rupcr(litton,anb all abbominatton , ano abuaunceb, maintayncD, ano let fo^tb tbe fame t)nto all men: but at lengtb tobeu ^)^^ tbougbt lead of it,tbc people of iSoD . toecc fobaml^ Dctiuc rcD,aub ^zt ujas ^ttcrl^ fubucrtcb. ^0 IS momealCo tbe motber anb nurfe, ano reuiuer of all abbo^ winations in tbe Cburcb of tbe laft tpme, toberin fl)ee fljall periflKaitbelaft,anbaUtbofe tbat beleeue truelp inCb^ift fljall be bclpncreo. ano efpeciallp it is callcb great, fox boto great ano migbtie tbe Cburcb of iaome is, all toe fee anb b^ C]cperience fenottJ at tbis ba^. /l^citbcr am 3] t^t firft tbat tn- Derftanb bv l3abilon,i^oir.c. ;f oi nianp cppoiitours reabing tbe firft igpiIHe of ^atnt l^eter, in tbe enbc of t^e epiftle, boe Ijnberfianb bpl3abvlon,mo«te . Certes Oecumcnius favtb: anb bcrebc caUctb l&abvlon momc , foj t^e cjcccUencie anb gloMOUfnefle of tbe iSmpire \»bicb l^mcobtevnebalong tpmefince. 13ut tbis tbe moie auncicntt^^iters cjcpounbc tnoje plapnclv, as Tertullian in bis boofeeagaynft f iietoes, Uj^)icbfavtb:fo Babylon in ^amt Siobn bcaretb tbe figure ■of tbe Ciiie of jaome, V»bicb is tbercfoic alfo great anb p^oabihl^ec Hinj^boine, anb a murtbercr oft^e ^atmes^ ChafJ4-* The Lxilij. Sermon %\^t feme tooiUcs in a jnaner,^ercpeacct^ in tl)C tbtrs bccftc againft Maidon. anD no icflcplainel^ ^amt Hierome calfct^ laoms 23abplon: cucu ttjatfamelBaiJvion to{5iCieot^.3P,ol)u fpcafeetb int^c apocaUpfc.mca^i tbc j^pifilc of Paula ant» Eu- ftochium toiitten to Maicella, bp tijc tieipc Of ^atttt l^icroiuc, ?lftcaD^imfcIfmtl5e.ii.qucftionto Aigafia ilgamcml/ispjr- face to t'gcboofec of Didymus concccning tl)c tjoivig^oft , to Pauliniane. ^Ifo lUtbCCnDCOUbc z.bOOfecagavnft louinian. Sbc fame in tlje life of $> (Sejacfec fapt!) tljus ; i^iCicr m f fitft cpiftlc,\)nder tbe name of laabilon, uot^) fiQUcatmcIv ftgnifie mome. 25ut ^.Slobn toiU cicpounoc biinlf Ifc m tl)e i7,cbapt» flnb toe tjntjecaanD tbat tbcCitic of laome Q)aU fall cbicfip, tovtb all bee tjngoDlvnes: anu \x>itb iljc fame alfo , xX^z JJto:» nuClic ftipccftition anD abbommatio, tbioug^ont x^t vuojlD, ^i)ce ts; vttc iboBtofau. oftbetojatbofbeefojnication. anotecclvtijc effect of tupne in men is gceatea.2i;beefoic Docteme is compaccb to it in tbc laiopbets. mcme tben tuptb bee tiucleane anD corrupt opts mons,bi}tb maDc all people Diouke^^nD it is callcD r^e toine of tbe U);atb. ;^o; looUc >xiii^ ixi^om i5oD is angep, be fuffe'> retb tl)cm to cere in i\^t trap of t^c laomifljc C^urcb. fQ% in afmiub as i3oD batb eeucalcD tbc imccrc Doctrmc oflpfe, bp ^116 onelv fonnr,finD moft cbofni aLpoOles: anD men receiue not tbc fame; j5oD ifi niCiy uiteuDeD ujptb tbcm, anD geuetb tijem oiicr into a repiobactiuvnDP, tbat tX^t'f map foUotoc ftiamefuU erronrs : ^s ^iim: f^anle alio p^opbefieb aiouJDc coHictopafic mtI;e,a,totl;c J!;i^cfl>,c^agi» ^^10 topne^ig called ^ vppon the Apocalipfe. 207 ChAjj^. callcD nio^roucr,tl)c \dv«c of bcc fojnifatton, toljcrbv n)c ^ec fclfc Ijauyng iirll pla^cD tbc Ijarlot , is become noto alio t^e l^iaidccs ot fojmcation , auD as it \atKz baiiDc to all others. 2rt)is mancc of fpcaUpng is ngbtttJdlfeno\»cn , cucu out of tbc ia?opl)etc6 . momc &v^"ot pcrfifliu tbcDoctcmcof tlje /cijeDcuiia i5ofpeIl,anD of tlje ^potties ', but tnucntcD a nctu , vf a anD a itQ) ooctritw tontrar^ to tbe iSolpcIl : namely of tbe taicac cf Cb?iftiu of laoitic. cart^,ofrbcpo\DCi:ofIxcvcs,ofinouIgcuccDanDparDon5, of iuftification of ttiozUes aiiD nicrtrcs, of fatiffacttous nnD con- fcCTions , of tooifliippvng of Siinagcs,^ piavmg to ^amtps, of cclcbiatvng (36Jaire6,anD tooiQivpppng of rgc Sacrament of tbc aultai:,as tbcy tecmc it , of jSgonHcc^ ano ijotocs , anD fucb otljer iimiimci*ab!c.2ri)is Doctcmc as apofiohcali,a«n^ cicnt,anD Cb2t(lcn,Q)C D;iirHetb of to ail people: and fopluc^ bctb tbcm from ^Cl)iift,t»itbbzatDctb tbem from i\it iSofpeli, CcDticetl) tbein from tbc oId Ciniaiauuic , ano Dcftcopctb tn- mimcrablefouIcs,2rbcrfo:e /goDpourctb outtobctalfoof tbe cuppc of ^vs wjatl? , ano bipngctlj i?cc alfo to ocGcuction %Q% cucc. anD \jpon tl)is occafion be tJiOfuabetb all mnt from tbc fc^ "^^-mvork^ lotoQ)VP oftbcmomiH) Cb«vcboz}aapiflt:ic,t^attDC banc i>ctb sufto tiotbVttS to DO \a31tb tbc !K.onufl)ls.eligion,t)nlcfic tuctoill ^^ ^^FSi"' bcpartaUers aUo of tbe cucclaftpng punifljmcrt. j^ercalo- 51*^°^?^ ttctb tbccfozc ^pon tbc loffc auD pimsa)mcnts,anD Dcfcribctb cSb ^ gi;cHOusanDboznblcpavnes,ifbappclvmemigbtfobefeas rcD from tbat \ingoDlvnc6.3:bc ^nngcil tberfozc ccpctb, anD tbat \xiitb a iouDc"t30;cc. a berfozc ict.all xecdefiafticallpzcas cbcrs lfacne,tbat tbcp mud eacncUlv, anD tciTiblp crp out nx tbis cafe , tbat all fl]oulD flee tbc communion oftbciacntiflj 02 poptit) Cbnrcb.3] UnoU) Doubtlcs tobat tbc common pcoa pie faclcne ^ favmamelp tbat all fball be faneD at tbc laft Dap, Vubat iX-cligion fo cucctbcp be of: anD namclp if anp ceniame an open jdaptft , But U}e can neitbet: conDtmnc nozabfolnc anpman,fcttbcmm?^eauen,oua{l tbemto?^cll.i5oD \u uctb a tigbt xw^i^t ^t alone hnovnet b , VDbo fl^all be (aucD oj baneD.»?eougbttbecfo?cof iigbt,to cc:Ditbis i«Dgemcntcs» JBut tobece as be pjonouncetb openlp , tbat tbe fanonrccs of tbclRomifl) CbuccbQ)allbcDamncD,U)bo am 31 to fap tbc comracp:o; UJbatmen ujiUpjonoimce otbemife J Jict tjs ^eacetbecfo^etbe fcntence of tbe iu3 tuDgc, atu^lettsbelcue tbe toozD of tbe fonnc^i^oD , ano let De bctoare of t^c ido^ pitt) iJlcltgion, "som It IS tiD too}fi}ip t^c licaa anD %y& Bdtnase, anD tio^at ;JFf,tj, it is Cha{j4* The Lxv. Sermon it is to recetue t^c matfee m tt^e fozel^eaD $ on tbe ris^t I)ant»; 31 Ijauc Cufficicntiv DcdaccD bcfojc in t\^t. 13 . cljapter. BMcfi^ tbcp tuo;Q)pp , and rccctue ttje matbe of tl^e bead, loo^tcb ^o tiarttctpatc \)3it^ti)e ]dopift) Cbnrc^c oi jdeltgton : finallp tti^ic^ obe^ tbc toicfecD Decrees of tbe iJmpire , ano perfeuer m tl)c obeDiencc of tbe ^ca \Ditbout ccpcntaunce . Arctas cjc^s pounu^ng t^is place (apt^ : to too?fl)VP tbc bead , ano to re* ceauc ^16 fcate , ts to edemc ^nttcbztd to be i5oD , $ in Ujo^Zi anD \xiojUe,to fet fo?tb Ciicb t^pnges as be lifeetb. ano berc in ^ozriblc toife,anD toit^ piopbctical! toozDes, SShon of ^^ ^'^^"^f^ eutt;laftpngba!nnation,pzcpareb fo? tbcm , tobo etcraaii fo?f^afepng Cb^ft tbe ^auiour,cIea«c into antjc^itft t^e Xiz^ tmranatton. Proper « E'V^c as tbev ^aue gtuen ot^er men t\it )dopes coz^ rupt Doctrine toD?tnbe:foa)aU tbepo^tnHe t^ttiJbicb tbe rig^teotis Eo?o poto^etb \)nto tbem,moft mtgbtciv $ (Irong Iv out of t^e cup of bis Vo^at^i i ^nb tbe tuvne tbat is poureo in x\^t cup of iBobs\»mb , is tbe Rravte , cpquifite, anb mofl greuous iuogemcnt of i5oD, vubcrc tb?ougb belayetb boiris ble ano t^nfpeaHeable punlQjmcnt t)ppon tbe ^nticb^tflians ixi }^\s anger . a Ipbe niancr of fpeac^ is reab in 3icrcmie tbe. If .cbapter * ano like as pure tu^ne , not beiaveo , is of mofl efficacie>anD mo^epearfing:fo tbe iuogemet of i5oD^\ubereitt ^e UDiU pjioceoe agapnft tl^t aHticbzi(lians,(l)all be moll grc^ ttous,rucb as no toungbe it neuer Ifo eloquent can ejcpzelfe, ano fo; a further Declaration (l)o^tl? afterfollotoet^,tobat t^ep muft DzinUe of:^erel]^ f ire ano bzimflone. )deraDuenture tbe Hop alluDeD to tbefetuozDes of i)auiD in tbe.n.)dfalme» Tl^po t^e tingoDl^ be (l)aU ratne fnares f tre,bzimftone,(to;me ano tempeft , r^ts reuiaro a^aU tbep baue to D^ml^e . ^t iu tnetb mozeouer to baue alluDeo to tbe burnvng of ^oDome, auD to^apter of t^fap , m t^e enb toberof is 0)c\x)eD, tbat bell a)all be VDtDe inougb to receiuc all tbe ^ngoDlv, and tbat tbere Cl)all neuer tpant resell toberetoit^ to niirrt fl) x\^t fire tbat it go tiot out . J^e eicpzeCTetb mozeouer a grcuous t)apne,\Mbcte be favtb,tbat tbev iliaU be tozmcnteo : ano t^at in tbe figbt of tbe lambCjano of tbe bolp ^ungels^tbat fo tl)eg map receme conoigne puniftjment foj euer foj tbeir cStempr, lEO^erbp tbep baue DcfptfcD t\^z lambe.auD tbe tnedagcs of bis aungels . iihctoifc in tbe. 13. of ILukc tbe EozD faytb : tl?cre C^all be toeppng anb gnaftjpng of tetb , toben pe ttiall fee ^s l)}abam3faac,anD 3nacob auD all t^e id;op^etcs in tt?e king« Dome of i3oD,anD pou to be fijut out. ^u atiD \% xM!m\^ to t^c euioent fettj^ng fo^t^ of x^% mmtt atiD vpon the Apocalipfe. 20S Chap.t4: anu to Ctvjre \)p a tcrcouc in tlje Ijacteo of all men , tijat bp a „ ,. notable anuimclp tcpjefcmation oftljcibpng it felfc be aD- "yP*^"P®^ Detbi*nmCt)iatlp,Andthefmoke of their torment goeth vpe- "* uermore . ajbcrfojefljalltbc bttcn^iigauDpumXbmem of tbc l)ngoDlp be cuetlaatng.anD nenct: to iit hniClieo too^lDtottb^ ontenD.^nD tpxfcalebeeebptbis Dcfcitpnou, as ttvoceebeis fojc our epe0 CO lee tbc flsmes of ctcmail Damnation cacpcD tp on bisb * anD gt'cat bcaprs of fmolKc caCi \)p u;itb tbein to rollc bp,anD Dtfpeefetbem facte and U)ide * 31 remember bete t^e facing of Virgin. The waftfuU fire gan crccpe and cracke a pace Till to the top through helpe of winde it came Out burft the blafejbrake downc and did deface The fky flyeth full of fparkes of fmokc and flame. £lHDtbatnokvnt)eoftetcoitrmtgbtU)ant,moftapte!panti Caerio* moll aboimDantlp be CjcpteCfctb tbe pcrpcttiitie of cucrlafting ftingpo* puniftjmcnt^favingnicitbetbaue ibep rcS Bav noznigbt: ^0 n»tbo»«n^ favtb tbe llo?D m toe. 9. of (EQarbc . Xbeic fire ig licuer qKcn- cbeD , ano tbeic tijojme lljall ncuer D^e . ^bep crrc tbcrfo je, tDbicb p^omife t\^z oamneo oeltueraunce from tbeir to^metes ^termanptuo^lDe0. ano not ill tjapne be tepctctb , tbat tobicb be bab fapo be* fcje,bouj tbcp tbat tuoiCbvP tbc beaft Cbal fuffec tbefc tbings* ano tberfoje be rcpctctb it , left ( as it bappcnetb ) Uic QioulD etteme it as a ligbt matter, s^bcv fliall be Damned , favtb tbe trutb,\3obicb receiue tbe jaoptd) fcrmce anb religion, $ per^ fettere iw tbe fame.:^o all t\^\& is anncjtcD an acclamation , q% Double fentence , notable ano bolcfome . ;JFoi in as nmcb as Epipho- tbetoifeDomeoff5oDbvbfojefce,tDbataDuerfitie rcmavnco "«™*' foz tbe goQlv m tbis \xio?lD, UJbicb all ti^c^ migbt furelp loofec foi at amtcbitQcs bano vubicb p^ofcffeii tbe trutb , tberfo;e fo; a comfort anb confolation be at>Dctb : bere is tbe patience of ^aintes,tDbicb is afmucb as if be bao fapD : anb bcre fl)aU patience ta^e place ,U)berbv tbc^aiutcsmap onercomeall euils.i^ere bao toe neoe to banc a ftoutc courage , ano a (ure anD conttant mvnbe.Sln tbe. iz.of Hu&e tbe ilojD lifee\33ifc rc;» quirctb patience in perfecutions . i^ere tberfo;e is counfeU 5euen,botxi tbe ^atntes fl)oulD bcbaue tbcm felues, to u^itte tbat tbcv tl)Oulo fuffcr patiently tbofc cuils , tbat anticbjid {l)aU \xioi'aeagapnft tbem.:anD tbcrc follo\iietb an otbcr fen* tence,t»bicbligbtctbtbi6: berc arc tbcv tbat feepe tbccom^ tnauwDememes of iSoDjauD favtb of icfus.a^bcp fljallouer* cbtne t^joug^ patience in fo great eutis ano DaUgers , tobic^ l;ep0 C^4/./^. The Lxv! Sermon fecpe tlje commmmucmcntcs of 0oo,tl)c rottttnatton to^crof IS tbc fa^ti) of 3ilefu6 C^iift: tljat is to fap, u ^ c^ put all t^cic truft in Cbiifi , Ijcarc tbc tooiD of tl)c 0ofpcil , ano fecpe t^c comir.aimbcjncntcs of i3oD, anD not of men . ST^ciilic \3nt0 tl)CicaccrcaDmtljc.i4.of69atl).anDt^c. lo.totljcli^cbjctjj* * 3lin t5)i3 fujue tymc of anticl)zift,favt^ Aretas , tljc patience of ^atutcB !S Q3ctBeD . %\)an is t^e fpcaclj ftgurr*=) , as tt VDcre bp a qucSion moufD.iSlno to!)o be tljcv U)Oom i£ic callcil^ pan^ cnti4rtcc,as tljoNg^ ^c Qjoulo aunlujcrc : tl)cp tl?at fecpc t^c comniAunDcnicntCB of iScD,? fapti) of 3:cfu. foi tljcy, tD^cw penis appiocl),\DiI fct moie bp ^oa^tljan bp ocati) anD tcnu: pojall euils.srtiis favtb nc.^\ pzai^ fBoD t^efc tbvngs may be as favtbfuti?pccfozmcD of i36,as tt)i^ aie calciv iJnuciUooc. Sr^c JLop graunt bs ^is fpittte* e%^e fa^t&full aCfurecl^ antj ffreigbt Uiay flittc from f Ije boDilgoeatU tinto lj>fe euerl4llr«g» The lx'\). Sermon. A Nd I heard a voyce from heauen , faying vnto me: write , blefled are the dead whiche dye in the Lord, Thence,yea the fpirite fayth , that they reft from theyr labours. But their workes follo\i' them; ^.^ aibft't ^c bat^ ofterner tban'oncc fpohcn of tbc ftatc of tv-Siu^-^'^*^'f°"' an otl3Ci*t33oilD,au^ of tbc fchcute of tbc favtbfuU tto'i ocihc*' ^^^f^ ^^^ '^'•'^f ^5 fo? religtonc fafec:vct U3S5 ir bfcc cbicflp rc:* faiti;mu, qnifite to treatc of tbc fame matter jfoz 3] faiD.bots tbatina^ nv muSbcfeilIco of tbebeaft . i^o\x> leafttbtp fot fcare of ticatb QioulD cbofc ratber to Uioiflj-^p tbc bcaft^tban to ht flavnc fo? fcare icafl bappelp banyng left tbis ivfc,tberc tijcrc" no otbctlpfctobclookeo foz tu ibcujoiiDto come; be trca^; tctb moft Diitgcntlv , auD moft ccrtcmlv of tbc ^^t^ of foulcs, anD of tbc frl'c'.tic anD bIcCfiDncs of mens foules, sx>\)\z^ tbc^ attcine as foonc as tbev Dvc , aflttrcoip ano Gratgbttxiav flits tpng out of f bis ujozId into Ivfc cneclaftpjig. /^oxo tbcn,tbc? tbat fenoto tl;crc tbingcs , ano banc conccmco ibcm by a true faptbinamclv tbat tbcv fljail tjnooubtcDip fiittcfrom tbe co?* pozall ccatb into tbc bleOcD life , H can not be cbofcn but t^at ttjcp fl)aU mozc bolDiv contcmnc tbc life pzcfent. 2lnD tbis bblefomc Doctrine is compufcD m tbzcc pointcs; ;jf oj ficO ^e f^ewct^ t^c cert emtie t'9creol ; fccondlp ^c Dccloi rct^ vpon the Apocalipfc. 202 chaf, 14, ciccamaaunccs. %x tl)e ftcft ticrelp be (erinct^ co alluDe to t^e xtm tm.i^ inancc,accuSomal)l?ctcttueD of allnactons^t^tfucb cl^tngs offeiaatioif asttjevtudulDl^tie tl)ougl)C to beccrtetne ani»tn&oubteD, aretobftcjp t^ep tDoniD aUo commit to to jiting to Icaue W^twx 'bnto poftcs ^J'^ttrt . ritte. Buttle ccrtemtte and truet^o; auttio^ttic of matters t0grounDc&bpontbeftraautbot6 6ftI)em, tu^ic^ I^auc De^^ tcnntncD tipon tt^mgcs among tbcmrelues, anD aftectoarde i)auc canCcD ti)e fiamc to be put in to^iting . ^t tb^s pzefent tberefo;c i5oii ts OjetDCOtobctl^eiSlntboar. ftix ^.Slo^n fa^t^: ano 31 l^eacD a t)opce from bcanen. ^nd bv ^tto b? aD^ tetb : pea tl^e fpirtteXavtb . zrbcrfo^ tbcrc is no twnbt, but tbat tbc fonne of i5oD bimfelfe batb fpohen anD reuealcD t^efe tbingcB. ;ff 02 \|^v^ be (au) at tbe beginning of tbis^reuelatton: ^xct %9^ after i?e (eetb diuers kinbes of !^ngelB,bntbe(eetb not ipblift l!c(iu( fpeafting to b^m. Butbe bearetb notx> bi& )iopa froyti bcdtie, c^^iO. %t bearetb tbc rpiritc (pcaiiing^bv tobom tbc4o;l»£apD,tDbi^ -. ' ni leO be tuas pet connerfaunt m eartb tottb bis bifciples , tbac t^e tDoulb o;ber anzi tpealte all tbinges in tbe Cburcb. Het \)s belenetberfo^tbatf tooibe tobicb arebcrerecttebbpCb^^ flesDoptig,ftreaceleGiaUo^cle ccrtaine ano true, t»bereof tDfougbtnotto DoiAManti^.llobntbeiSlpoQie anb i5u§« SeNS is commamibeb to to^ite tbe Takings of ^^Wk from tbf i^eauenlp fear. )PPbitb tbing be boetb:at\{i (b at Cb;iQcs com« maunbemcntfenbetbtbemt)ntoaUpofteritie, t)nto ts aiCD ano to onroflpiing euento tbe tso^tDesenDiBut if letters tD^itten bp tbc cbancelours 0; fecretaries of bings mto |d)in« ces,bemg notable men, befeme crebit:taDemapmttcb mo;e m(Hp and rigbtiv betene tbis to?ittng>\»bicb tbe (onne of goD inbitetb from btaue: anb tobtcb tbc \it\fi\x%'b bifciple of CbMtt tbeSlpoGle anb i^uangcUQ ^.3lobn to;ttetb. a^bon babS once a confioence in tbe ^opes laulles (tbrp map toell be cab leD 23uls , fince tbep be mo;e liapne tbe bubbles 01 blabbers tntbetDaterjrentfromtbe^eaof i^ome, tDberem tbou as otte aCTurcD bibft put full truft to baue remiOto of (mnes and bleOeo Ipfe.Slnd fb^lt tbou notnou) be accompteb mabbeano outoftbptDitte, in cafe tbou toilt not beieeue tbisbeauenl? tD^tpng. irbatotbcrtoasinbiteb bp tbefptriteof anticbiift, bp tbei9opetbemanoffinne,anb cbilbe of perdition : and tDttttenbp fomedecetuerinfcaed toitb^imonp^ (iacrilege, tobo in life and maners toas filtbines it (elf. But in 3nobn is ttotbingbmcteanneflis,pnritte, andfomtbties,and tbetiec? ^otmeof 0Odt(obt^^e(crit)etb t^e jtbiujuesto ^Ml^ li Chif.j^-. Thc.Ixv.Scrmon S2«5if*" t^joii mavcft icauc to t^ifi l)caiicnlv i»;itmg,toiic!) ^ccc ib ofa •y a«wn. jj^^jj ^j^ji gpjj^^^ jij^P fP^pjp 2;^ou nccijcft not to Dtfburfc fo> " ^*" tbe fame one farti^ing* s:ijc J^opc oiD fct \)p bviiig auD felling anb Dincli(l)c bacgavntnc; about parDone and otbcc twinges \\\ tbe Cl)urc!), tt)$tri) vwere pla^ne oeccttce (c tiliifionBi,plame ino^crtc0, ann open blarp^eimes, atiD t^erfo;e Hccurfetr fo$ euec: ti5 |>.}dctci;aifopztfrto«uccitOan tl)(C.8. oft^eactes^ i5bD I^tmfetfe Dia\»d3et^ atl men from fucl^trnmpcnes, ann bargainee, tokKeo and tia^nc , in t^e . t^ . ci^npter of xeiap, iD^ere lie p^omtfet^ aga^nc, t^at ^e \»tU geeue to t^e aoDlp all plemie of all good rj^mges. i^itfttt) are Slnbuoto let ))6 Ideate, tobat t^e to^tte 10, and to^at ^ » t!)eDea% 3]o^n t^eommaimdedfram^eaucn to pitt in isiitmg. jftis fe>!)tri)T)^ a (^t>3tt fetf t^ncevl)^ as m manp43lacc0,t^c \»!ff dome of god 4»ti)e 110)0 comp:'e§en4ct^mftU3CtDO?DB t?}£ trac fummeof bleaetneg: tbcreb^Pfomdingfoiout: infinnitie, ieaft tje mpgbt rcma plainrtljat t^e doctrine toere oner long, ujbicb ujc toitb one (lenderAinderftandingarenotableto attayneto. ^^e ILd^d p;oito{tf{cet^ t^em to bet)leircd, icobtcb die m tbe Eo;d » X96 t^ecefc>?e mt>fl Tee tt>^at ^e meanetb bp Wctfedncs, and to^ t^e? be t!}at die fn t^e^o^d. Bleffednes 10 liiat .lHSt).felieirir, tobKbcbaunce^tot^et^fiillinan istl^er \]90^d ,'tol)cret^ tDeft)allfee0od b^nfelfe asbe i6,anD£)auetbeh:mtiottof IpimVmto aidyfn!l,andttturdottifome fttlnes, «?cfl)aU bae tn t^e faiifc taftb^n tl)c faints foi cucr, an^ fljall bane 101*0 it^at can not be cypicC^ ttjitb tounges of inrn, i^f tb«^ to^ic^ ft ieta^tt^crcaftcf, fb<^trbev fl)0uld reft fronvtbcir labours* IIWdmiJjtjp^cntifHJlv in tbcti.c^apt. HTbev die in t^eILo?d> ^btcb be^tig by ^aytb grafted in fi^^w dptiteanc to bpin^a^ lone, wpendc v^boly ^pon bvw, otuty rcgarde bym,and dea fire tfot^ing d6 but bpm alone. ;j[f 0? tbey are (aved to Ipnc iti Cbnft, in VMbom Cbxift liuctb by faitb : and tbcp tbat lyne \\\ ii\i\\^Mti Rsnifii ' etbfrom tbat tcrp inftant,froni tbat tierp tpme,fromtbence* ^ fo^tb, fo?tbtD!tb,imirtcbiatip,ftraigbtt»apes,out of bano, IipanDbp,ozincontincml^. ^itfuffcretb no (pace bettoijcte, but ejcpzeOctb tbat, tobicb tuc are tuont to notcfap tbe a)ntcb pbzafe,tajbcn tpc lap, tbat gone Mp from out oftbe toozlB euf fntu ^eanert,l3eing)aDmoniO}tt tbetf ozc bp tbe Unint ojacle^ and cohfirmeo bp a mmt bzoiigbt from bcauen, Icttjs all be ItCTHred tbattbelbttfes ofall t^e faitbfu^l Doe flttteti^mtbe Chaf. 14, - ^ s • -> Thclxv^Scrmott ftdbil^'ft^ftt^ fttedlife cucrlaamg. aWt t^fttges aw confirm mcD anD maue pla^nc alfo bp otUcr places Df j^criptnrc itia numerable; 5 toitl cljoofc out oncl^ a ccrtein fctoe, anu tljofe fliatbe t};c too^Des of oue ^amouc, toboiBtljcIigbtof tbc tos:lDe,anDtI)ctDO?u of life, ^ntbc.j.cbapfeeof ^.3|ol)nl)C ravtb eicpKlTelv, tbatrbefaubfuUarc foficliucccDfcomDeat^^ bp ^16 crofrc,aB in tvmes paft bp tbe figtjt of tbc bjafcit ^cc*: pcmtbc3lf^'icUtcstoerc DeitueceD from tbc bcaulv ftpngof \)encn;ou6 poprott.anDplapnettig,tbattbcp toccc urimecfD ' ' iucontuietlvanDmoafull^3l]n tbc. s.of3lobn tbc fame faitft: be batb paffib from ucatb to life. Jlct tbis place be toapen Di* iigcntlV) anb ttu^tUappeare tbattbatoue alone t6 able to fa^ tiffic in tbt0 matter. 3lntbe.b^of tbep mabe a mfiitn;amcfuUgapne.3^b<1^ Areidro-fonftuebto^cbbelccuc, tbat toutcs be mo;taU,atid tno^eoucr tbat foules Seepe in anotbcr toozlD, txibcreas tbcf can not acepe bcre in tbis tnfirmitie. ITbcrefoie pou U^tllfap it is macncs to tbiuHc tbat fouies 0cepe \j)\^ta tbcp be quttc itifpatcbeoofibeburtbenoft^bPbp* , iBidle?)nejBi ^utconcerning tbe maner of t^e bletfemtes of t^e ^amf& Yca fro au t^q? rd^Crom tbeiriabours. i^luatton t\^tt£ia% i&a tnolt wbottr. topfnii tranqnUitic. a toap goc at ones bifcafes, Ci^eticOies £rie^es,a6rcctions,ro;rousfanune,^irlle, coloe, bztcBp all Il).inge8t^at t)e)cc o^ trouble men.mcQ anb trtutqutlitie , to; anbbitfrecome ia place, ^no fince tbcbeab reft from t^eirlna: I^OUipSi^^o can bclecue tbat t^ep betiejpeb Ujit^ to^mentes^ i^vix lead^i^p man mpgbt ncuer fo little oonbt ^reof, be diM tteiip.(b a conftrmatifut vdt, pea, o^ certeinlp, tiet^elp fapct^ tl^e (pictM^i^fl^ailbcdatetfrom^ii tl^cti; ig^^cfes , ILet na maoi^erfOK Doubt* \2im vpon the Apocalipfc. 2 1 1 cha^. 14, Slttt5 !)C at5t3Ctl) an otijcc tl^^ng^r^at t^c too:If ^aiKtcs ^hcfr follou) tl)cm:toatis to fap^after tijartljc ^anucs be acpaitfU iso^hoe? foi ^cttce,t!Kn v«£c tI}C'P reU^arocD in an ot{;ec toojJD , if t^cp ^auc low ti^cm. DOHC auf t!)vng 'G3Eil,if tl)tT Ijanc fuffeccn l^arD it)vn5cs. f^\ t^crc is a ixtoara pieparcD foj^mucs . SJ^c vd^jc^ r^e faitts ctcsao^opcfojanD rcceiue icoitt)o«rbDaftpn5 oftlicicoujne l>efert,aitD not in contempt of t^ie niemoof ii:!??ift . ^oj tljc^ acfenotuleDgc , t^at {3od in b^»3 ^aimcs f fotonctb bts c\y ne gifte. ^ttZJ t^is IS fpofeen ov f ceujavD of tuojUes fojtbc ccfos lation of tbcni,tDl?Jcl) ftiSvt: manp tbpngcs in tbis \:ooxlD. g>o ta?D tbc Hojo nuijc iSofp:!l:voiic t:c\:jarDis pknt^fuU iw ^eaue.anDtbeaporilcatfumetbcuci'ptobcce^tbati-etoai'Ocs are picparcD foz t !)e,tbat arc crucifjcs Ijcrc uiiti) iC bzift . iSnD ^crc let V36 marUe D5l:acnt]'^,tl)at tlpefc t^v^^S^ arc fpofecn al- (0 i)^ tbe fptritc of Ctiuft tiuDer tbe affwrantice of an otbe.;f oj tbc ttJotlD Defpifctb rdigtous pet fou£; , anu fncb as laS'cr fo? iS-cltgion, anD ubtcctctb , tbat t!)c? lofc tijcic labour auD ro^. Contcarvi23ife tbc fpiriteb? an ot|ieanoucbetb jtbat retoaro 10 pKparcD foj "I'cctne. 2,ett!BmarfecalfDtbis tbati0favb,tbeirtcojfec0anDtiot i'oiictej otbcr mcns,a!fo,folioU3 tbcni , ano arc not bp otbers fenraf= tijcm, ter tbcni . Hit no man tl^crfc^e bccciue btin felfc , let tio uiau tbinfec,tbatafarDlcofotbec mcnsmcrites fl}aU be fenrbpm into iaurgatozp bv fou'e jaiiclle© afier l)Jo Dcatb . Hrboic are tiot soo!)UJOT:l5C0,\33bicb arc cone bp i^ncfls anD ;^ricrs bca fibcsanD aga^nft jSous toozD^butpzonocation© of fFjoas tuiatb. 3nD be tbcv not in tbe i5ofpctl Q^nt out of ti)c lipng^ Dome of a3oD,\53bJc^ rmmc to atbcrs^to bpc t^jem ovle . %\\t ^cripta';e ixi an otbcc place fuvtb . ilctt's tjcgooo , tobileS toe baac tpmc : tbc ti^inc tail; come rbai no \\\u\ can U)ojHe^ Eettjs vuatcI^tberfojc,anbtl^joust)^p£b bogocD luojUca^ tnoeeie. ^2Cb<5 3"tw;cmcnf off bellow isDcfcribcD tnoectfeepara* blc0 of barueft ariD bintage. T/>e Ixl^i. Sermon. A Nd I IoGVed,andl!>ehoId,,a'vhire cloude, and vpon* thccloudeonefittyngjlyke vnto the Sonne of iiinn, hauyngon his heada golden crowne,and in his hatide a fharpe fickk . And an other Aungeil came out of" the ' . ' "Cgi*. '" ' Tern- Cha^. 14. The. Ixvi.Scrmon Temple , crying with a loude voyce to hym that fat on the cIoude.Thruft in thy fickle and reape, for the come of the earth isrype.And hee that fate on the cloude thrufl in hys fickle on the earth, and the earth was rea- ped ♦ And another Aungellcame out of the temple, which is in heauen, hauyng alfo a fliarpe ficWe. And an other Aungell came out from the Aultar, whiche had power ouer fire, and crycd with'a loude voyce vnto l?ym that had the fliarpe fickle , and fayd ; thruft in thy (harpe fickle , and gather the clufters of the earth , for her grapes are rype. And the Aungel thruft in his fickle on the earth, and cutdowne the grapes of the rync- yarde of the earth , and caft them into the great wync fatteof the wrath ofOod : and the wyne fat was tro- den without the Citie. And the bloud came out of the fattc,cuen vnto the horfc bridelles , by the (pace of a thoufand and fixe hundred furlonges. c^e tjctii 5iioto goctl) Ije to t^e ucfcriptton of iSons ut?jgemcnt,cC« gcaunccof peciaUi^agavnfttlje !2lnttct)it(lianB>ani:i agapndali tt^elin^ dpo^agaift goDlp.ari^ia pact mtgl^tbe iopncD tottlj ttje matter anD cl)ap« SftftiJfttf ^^^^ foUo vsj vng,a6 toljtc^ is of t^c fame acgwmet . aiiD it ap* c9jiwiftH^< pectcinctlj totoeconfolationanu confirmation oft^efa^tft* fttUptrfecuteo bp ^nticbjid.irbere be t^attbinUe, bo^ t^ere fi)all ncuer be an? tnogement. l^otD foeuer tberfoze tbcp op^ pieCTe tbeir neigi)bour9,tbev tbinke neurr to fecie anp oifpleai (lire fo; tbat matter^accozD^ng as toe p^ouerbtaliv fai?: ncuec iLoclce [l)Ail crou) after \t . (SQo^eoucr tbe faptbfnit are temp^ ten alfo , tobilcft tbcp fee tbe toicfecD floiift) , ano tbem felueg tyitbcc Dapl^.Xberfoje tbep tljinfee alfo t^^u tbc ILojb tarietb ouerlag.')>ea mo^e tbey fail to picaopng \Joitb tbe Hozb , and fap:Vuben (bal there be an enn of inturies^if Cb^iftt^Dillcome to iHDgement,tDbP !)otb be Dififerre tt fo icug, anD to fo great inoleftpng of bisf arbe Hozn tbc cfoze ll):U)ctO itoto , tbat tbe tuogemcnt U^all certeinlp be:anD Cl)aU betbeu, \3)bat t^me aii tbi?ng6 Qjatl be ripeno Ujitte tob^ tbe imqinities of tbe Amor- rheans Cl)aU be complete , an!) tbe meafure of miquit ie filleo, accozD^ng as toe fap>\Z3bcn t\^z nut is tvpe auD gapetb^it faU Jctb . iP^en \x>ict{eD men tberfozc aee vrapeD rppe , tbat is to fa?,iaoben tbeic tvmc is f aUilIeb:tbe Hozd toill come to iuDge. 3ln t^e meane t^m^ \»e muK ab^be \\\ conU^ncie anD patiece, as vponthcApocalfpfe. 212 Chaf.j^s tjiipacieucic rctio!tc,^c is «ot allotwcD of tl)e HozD : ae tl^c 4- poftic allcDgctb out of t^c jd;op^ct in tt)e . 10 . c{)aptcr to t6c fecbic\33cs » auD as toe niav ijauc a Dcfice anD a longvng af- ter ^acueft ano timtagcjo tnav U3c not fmDc fanlt toit^ j5oi>, becaufc Ijc tarictt) longcc tl)an our toif^ ts:lifee\uirc U)c ougijt not to rontenDc ujtt^ Spm,^i?p ^c commcti^ fo late \mfo tud' gcment.anJi JiUe as Ijacucfl ano Mintage are certtinl^ IcoUco £o;,anD come:fu ^jDttl^out all ooubt iBoo ^s^iW pmiid) tl)c tdic^ ' kcD:anD fauc t^c ^oi'l?.2lnD tljcfc aretjcrclp as it ujcrc taftcs of all t^c tl^nigs i^at foliotx) pJent^fnUv ano are mo?e Cjcp^cfa fclV tJi:clarcD;anD t^cv arc anuciccD to t$e fonner matters , foj t^at ti)ev apptcf rme to ttjc comolation of t^e goolp. !^nZi to tl)e mtcnt all tl^pngcs mtg^t be mozc mattifed , ^c fettetb fo?ti) ail tOpngcs to be ieue bcfoze our epcs , bv para^ bles \PoI)tc!) ^e brpngrt^ . ^tiD ije Vifetb in oeDe ttoo parables i)o^ro\vco otitof t!3c idzopbetcs ano Doctctne of t^e idofpclU ^0^1?^ )d;i^P^ctcs fullort DO figure tbetuDgcment ofiSoU bp barueft ano tiintage , Cettes isx tbe tbv^b of Bjoel tl>e Ho^D Iiavt^:51 will fit m t^e \}ale of jnofapbat to mbge all nations. Sri^^uft tn t^p ftc&le>fo^ ^aruefi is rtpe.^ec.^mi it is alfo well knoVDen,\a3^atisreabtoucl)vngtberame matter in t^edo^ of tbe jSofpell . :[X7e mud tberfo;ccopietbe(c tbvtigcs moze inu)arDlv into our l^artes, anb feare i5ob , aub abpoe ^is xxa Hempcion in patience* ;f irU ^ere is treateb tl^e parable of Ijaruett , anb t^en t^c ^ayuclt parable of tmtagt:bot^\u^icbt\»o ft)etpt^attbe HozbtDill be tuoge in Due tpme , agapnft all tbofe , wbic^ cither tbinbe c^ere Qjall be no iuDgement,o} \3)btcb quarell t»itb t^e £.0;^ fo? t^at be commetl) lb Ocujlv anb late . $c . ^nD ftrO in Debt l^ere is Dcfcribeb tbe otoner of tbe ^arncft,t^e Eoib bvni felfe anb luDge 3li,efus Cbzid . i^c is favb to be It^e tnto tbe Connc of manmot fb; tbat be is not no\u tbe %tv^ fonne of man , 0^ foz t^atbeQ)allnot come \}nto iubgement mtbe berp ^u^ mane nature,tubie^ be bat^ ones ta^en of \38,anD ncucr put }3i Of (fox be is tierelv i\^z fonne of man , anb rcmainctb on tlje Cbeerf^ rigbt banb of t^e faftier:anb n^all Vjcrelp come m t^e Ijumanc SSK?,^!! ttamrc toiubgc tJjequicbe anb tbebeab) : but^e Cemetb to ^cfua l)auc allubeD to ©aniell , ano to banc ejcpjcffcD bps pb?afe of cbjift. fpeacb>faping:3l loofeeb in tbe nigbtl^ tJiQon , anb loe , tberc came one in t^c tlouDes as it\Merctbe fonne of man . $c. »?l)ere toe reab aUo tbe befcription of tljc iubgement agapntt t^ bead t %\XSi t^erfoie ^c ^att) bere mabe mention alio of « Qh^Af,j4, : The. Ixvi.Scrmon clontic.^c. jQgjoitouct: tijc amtgels in tl)c ^tt es ra^,ro I)C fl)a! coiue , as vc tjj^uc fenc I)tjn go "up iiuo tjcauta . <:X\xii ri^cv law Ijim tatvcn lipiann a ciatJDc cccciue l^im, ant) conuep ijvm om Dl: toeir fig'ot. 2;J3crfoj£ djall Ije cOinc !xq,Ci'^xit in a clonic \3iito iuttgcijicut» iDc rent) oftciuvnicc nuljc fc^faittiee , tlia: B5oa fittt'tl) on a toI)!tc cloaiic . 35v tljc itiav tljcrtoic ^jere is ftgiuj ficn tbc i3oDi)cat) of tlje iiiDgc . ST^erfcjc Jis tbis iniigc tjcr^ i^oD ano ^ccv mau^t^c ^auioiic of rljc lavtM'iH , f ^e rcncn- gecana tiiuge of tijc luf jDcis.3a?e arc fciit tijcitoie b^ ^.31o^n to fljt.7.cijaptci; of E>amcU. a rroiDcn BcfiDCD tpis , !)? u>cacct!j a goltjcn cro^uc on !)!S Ijcai): cro«PiK oit MOt t^'^f t'3-''«^ ^5 a»ip ccintpt'.blc golD m i)cauf n, mt l)£ [pea* I)t0 ijcaD* Uct'g fo fox cojuuptibic mens faUcs^tljat tliep jnap \)«DecUanD x\^z\t mtigc f be liyz ijigb fev"g ♦ twa tna^ gatl^cc Jl^ccof , tf)at no man is able to rcrift ti)c po\33cc of tOis fev^ig • ;^oj otijec:* S Hnrpe ^^^^ ^^^ ^°?^ ^^^^' "'^ "^^^ °* '"^^^ coituptiblc golD . finiAV^ lic'aic. o'^i^ 2^01^ ^c^"s ^i^t^ ^ ficMc,ana tijat cig^t fljarpc . K>^crcb? is fignificD !)!3 iuogcincnt cjcccijvng fira^tc , anii t^c Deftruc* tion of t^c toicUcD.lfln x\i^. 3 .ot" i^att?. 2;^c iiiDgcmcnt of tlje 5L03;D ts copareo to a ivinne,bv liiCflfcDjloljn . i^caDCecl) , tbat tl)C aice is la\>D at tbr rootc of tl)c tree ; UJ^cpebv ^c fignu'icn tliat ccctaiac uiigcmcnt toas at ijauD 01 catljer Deftruction. ; Coins rppc 5i^sta foliottiKt) an ejcpafition of t^cpzoccavng of t^c iuD^ to f ficuis. gtmeni,anD tic pcrfciicrctlj in t^c parafcic.^o^ \^t ipcafeetl? as ir a feruaunt returning ^omc om of t'^c ficlDcs, fl)ould fl)euj '^x-Miu,^- '^i^to j)!3 sgaificr to^iclj loofecii fo: tl)e ^oncc of barucft , tlja c *' f!?e Come toacno\jo ripe (tljcljacDneB oftljcgrapnci£mt02? fcicnottvpcne3)anDt!)atitis tymc to be rcapca. ;jfQ2cis it itf nonscDcto auinomil) bv»n t^at ^novcctbail tt^png^icau^ ici)ing,tbat Jjc ccmcmbieti) uotnmsclj IcOc of tftc ijouec of1uD:< gcnuut ttsbicb «onc of tbc aungels fenotuctij , buttijclatijco alone, ^ijcrfojetxic nfccibc ttjis tuboi? to t^e4jrtcablc:anD ixie Vnccfaanb t\)M a ccrtcmc boucc of ujogcincnr is appotutcD, at (t52 commmg 'CDbccof,tbe goDl^toKboutiJcIa^ fljail \it\iza lmC'CC&,ano t^c VjngoDl^ conacrnnco. :an orijci; ;au;icpel,lavtlj ••'"!«'• t)c,f amc foit^ . Jf oibctoic voc Ocavo ^oiu orucrs came fojti?* %^ii, ci'ictb ujit^ a louDc t)ovcc,as one tbat toil tell of a mat:s tec moll great anocertaiac,ant) to be DcclaixDm tocCijnrcl) \Ditc) cjcceD^nig great out ccvccito tbc comfo?t of t^z i^^xXM^^ XftlJJCP ougnt nqtl^vivg to ^Joubt of ti;c luDgcmrnt , auli to tbc (?^'Oiii?of ttjcia)icUrD,U}bicb feme to i5tejmii:ti)cfamc . ilwo fits crivng^ngcilcommctlj ontof rj5csc:ii{pIc..;^i\2^:l5^catro fccfo^Cjtyat^.S.iiiiJjrfuU) atcmptc m:i;fitK;ui.;^iid-i^bcrc: t^ vppontheApocalipfe. aij Chapi^, ct^et of tbc iuDgcmcntcommct^ out of tljc temple , it ngnifld «6, t^iat no \}nc(gl)teoufnc6 is tuan^ toifc to be imaginco tti t^e wDge.;?f 0? tljc temple is confcccateo to ^olpncs auD lig^s teoufnes,anoiscallctitt)e^oufe ofi5oD.3lullIp fgccfo^eijc mi)get^,atti> \\\ lutt tpme ^c iuDgct^ , anD iuSIp ejceciuetl) all t^pngs.aJljc aungcU biODet^ t5e iuoge oo t^at tbpng,to^icl) \^z of ^im fclfc ujas about to do. 2:^juft \y\ tbp ftcUlc,ravt^ l)f, anu rcape . 2;tD0 caufcs arc alkageo . ;lf irft , fo? tbe bourc is come,t^at t^ou (IjoulDcft rcapc.2r^crfo?c a ccctcine ^ourc of tuDgement is tbe commvng Vubcrof, t^eiuDgc^ mcnt Cljalbe moft ccctcinlp.ano it is commcnfo; tijcc , faptlj Ijc , foi al! iuBgcmcnt is gcucn to i\^t fonnc . iatio agapnc bp- caufe x\^t eoine of tljc eaitb is rppe. ^s tl)ougb ^c QjouId fav: tbe iniquitic of cart^lp mc is geo\uen tp to tbc ^igbett, tljec^ fo;e is it ceafon tbat it Q)0ulD be iwx oouine . i^no iDoo alone feno\uetb.UJi)en tbe tniquitic of t^c eartl) is fulfilleo.^c 23ut tobe it fl)all come t^eceunto, tbcce fl)ail neeo no great ^ moft pjcparation,i)eci&ingo;pottBeringofcaur56. at oncvwozDc q«iciie woa 6c fini(l)ctb tbc iuDgement,ani» t^c ejcecution of tbe fame^ano S"ncnt. a6ittoercfU}allo\]0Ct^\)p$ ncuourcto tt^eto^olecart^ina tnomcnt,faping:2lnii l^e.t^at fate )}pon tbe clo\])Dc oio i\^%\x^ |)i6ficMeintot5ceart^,antit^ecartbvoa0rcapcD . su^e reft oftbetbpttgesto^ic^fecme to belong hereunto , tal^e out of t^c.q.cbapt.of iS^atb. anotbattobicbbcbatb fapco bctber^ to,berepeatetb,anobcatetb in bp anotber parable. ;JFoj bp tl^is be Cl)aDo\xietb tbe fame:to^icb tbe otber parable Oio com^ tnenDc. STbe foiefavo pletie mabctb fo; tbe plainer cuiDcnce, anobeatct^inmoOotligentlptbecerteinttcant) truetb of tbe , Ibogment, IcaS berein U}e Q)onlD ooubt anp tbpug, ano tpos' uer tuitb tbe tmfaitbfuU tsjo^lD , tbe parable is tafeen of tjin^ tage.^bc fame istifeo tjerp oft bp t\it |d^opbets,fpraUing of tbe Dearuction of anp nation, i^no t^c Ho^D aifo in tbe 0of£ pell comparetb bis people to a ^pne. ^no tbe ^ngdlibolDet^ in bis bano a a)arpc fickle. i^crcp;cfetet^ afpgurc of Cbiift? tobicb batb all potocr of iuogcment alone. J^is a)arpe fl)zea* Hing^npfeisbisdratg^tiubgement, as toas fpoben oft^e ficltle before, ^bis iSlngcllcommc tb out of tbe temple alfo, to toitte, a iuoge mod cigbteous. ^uto bv«i ctpctb an otbec angell,V3Jbicbbat) po\x)cr oaer fycr,tx)bicb commctb out from tbciiulrar. ;f o?bcfozeU3ebearo,tbattbere isanaultarintbe temple, antj tbattjnbcr tbis aultar Do reft tbe fouies of tbe _ bleffco tS5artpis, l&cre tberefoje is figurcD , tbat £5oDDotb J^"^?««f« tioo? remember tljeblouDOjcD of bis ferwamucs, tp^icb foj JSnSw« Chaf,T4> The LxvJ. Sermon onel^facnftcc)tocrcfla?ne,anD notopiocccDc totaUe \)ciV3 CT)e:iingci gca'.mce,i)etl^ccto fo iongocIapcD. £:^ei*fo?c ti)i0 i^ungell is i)amngpo= (avcDto^aiiEpo\Mct: oucE f^tt . ifpec manp tvincs m t^c votx oueip jafaimcs fignif ictl) iSons t engeaHticc. 2r ^is aimgcU t^cr- ^^' fo?e is ^)ccc, m it toccc j^aifter of eicccution, atiD captapnc of l)Cttgcauncc. ;Jf oz ^ngcic in 2)anicn airo,as iBoDs miuiftcrs arefa^D to ^auc rule oner ti^mgcs: not t^at \x)c Cbottlo ti}0}2 (l)ip ano t^onour c^iefc miniOers , but ttie Eozo t^at tooibetl) bV tticiit. Sri^rf(mncanDmoonearet^ciigl)tc6oft^ctuo;ID: bm tljcrfoic no tovfc man toill tDozQjip t^cm» B ere is fignis fieo pla^nclp, tbat Vengeance is certainclp pjcparco foj t^cm to|)ic^ Q)eD innocent blouD on t^e cartb^ ano t^at tbis tjen^ geannce a)all cbiefl^ beei^cutcD in tbe end of tbis t2}o;lD. 9iU tit tbat be punitive ncucrtbeleffe greuouflv before tbc cnDC alfo bore in eartb, namely mttrtberers : in fo nuicb tbat tbe 3aratmograp^(apt^,menofblouDQ)aUnot Ipuc l^aUe t^c^^ 0nD as in t^c parable , barucll toas finiO^eD ti)ptb a O^o^t femence: ^o is bere alfotjintage enoeo at feUDC ujo^dcs^ fo% Co foone as t}9t ^ngoMp aiati fee Cb^ift in tbc ctotoDcs, U)itb t^e primes of bts U)ounbes,anD bis faints U)itb bpm, tD^otntbepbtiue contemned, b^teo , perfecuteo anb flavne: tbe^ txi^lt gatber Uraigbttoapes, tbat tbep b^ tbeir iw^ oeferc inuft be allotteD t»ptb Deuils, tobom tbep b^ue folotueo ^ ferucD. 3:bercfo;e (^aU tberenceoe nolongoifcuCrmgoftbe matter, i^uer^ mans confcience ftjal accufe bvm,$ tbefinnc0 of eueri? man Q)aibc mamfeft to all creatures : JTbe t>ngot)I? fi)aU ftano before t^e tuoge toit^ great confttfion, in ))tter co^ tempte, in pa^ne anb feare,anD fo^rouoes not to be ejcp^effcb, ^cc fljc .^ anb fljallgoe ftraigbttoapcs into pannes anb to jmcntes tbat Vtii^h^'k ^^^^ "^"^^ ^^"^ ^"^* ?^ereof 31 fav, it bebouctb oft tpmes to SSifoom »"a^ej{u:ntion,bcreofitbccommetbmanvtvmc6 to toarnc all men, tbat tl^cp map betoare intvme, anbtafec^ecoe to t^emfclues. Botubeit^.BRoljn ^mfelfe in a fctoetoo^bcs fpguretb tbe euerlaSing Damnation anb tengeaunce, tobt^b {3od ejce^ Xfeincfat iwxnX^ \)pon bis enemies, anb be fapnetb a topnc p^effe o? a SJSSp >3uincfat,tbat be map fo tarp in tbc allego^p, $ tbe fame tr inc- f i;c «nn«. pj^jjg Q^ tijpnefat is mabe toitbout tbc citie. ^no bp cjcpofuio ^ bccal!ctbittbegreattupnefatofi5obstujatb. fm tbe fame ts bell, OM^e place of puniaimcnt ano conbemnation. sinto t^i^ tt)pncfat,ajaU be gat^crcb t^c cluacrs of tl^e i^artb , o) grapes vppontheApocallpfc^ 214 ChafJ4, scapes of t^e eart^, 3] mcanc c^c cart^Ip,attD \3tt5o?)Ip nicm ano tljc Cine of i5oD 10 !)eaucn it fclf c, r^e feat of t^c btcOcD, to^icl) fl)atl after\x)at:D be aefcnbcD inoftabounDauntfv in tbc II. chapter . But tbat to^ne pieCTe is fct to^tbont tbe Citie» ;f o: in an ot^cc place of tbe iSofpcU t^e E02D faptlj aifo, tljat tbctDtcfeeomuftbecaft out, into tbe tjttermoft oarcfeencfTc, tobei'c 18 keeping anD gnaftiing of tectb. anDtbtstopnefatisrigbtlp caiicutbe toytie&t of i5oDs p?c. ;jf 01 tbc ttiiatb of iSoD IS epecutco tberein;ano t^ep U3it^ tobovn i5oD is angr? foj tbcic finncs, arc fl^uttc \jp x\^tu\)^y tbat tbccc tbcp mav accojoing to tbcic.Deincritcs, be to?mctt:s teo ano t)cpeD fo? eucr,anD toitbout endc , foz tbere fljaU tbc rigbtpzcffingfatbefettopanomaDercaDic. ^nobecallctb it gceat, f 01 tbat tbc place is tupoe inougb to ttmwz all tbe >jn^ goblp. las alfo efap batb aomonia)to in t^ endoftbeirjtjr«. cbapt. jOtbers rcao of tbc tojatb of f5oD, STbercisaDDCD^tbat out of tbe fatte 01 topnepieire tbcrc runnetb no tovnc,but blouo,anD tbat in laecp great plentge* »)bicbbcft)abotoctbbpamaruelousanDbo?riblc ejcccOc of Cpeacb. ITbe blouD flotoeo farre auD b)oab, bp tbe (jpace of m tboufanoanbfDcebunDiebfurlonges. ^gapne, ittoas tecp t»pe. S^fi\ it came ^p to tbe bipolcs of tbe boifes, of tbem % meaue,tpbicb tucnt anb tozefticb in tbc bloub,to t»it in tbctt? t^mtxt blouD.Bp t^e tobicb tjcccflfiuc Ipecb is fignifieb,tbat tbc tnultitube of tbc \)ngoblf Q^albe cjccceoing great , atio tbat i3oD \xiiU moS abounoauntlp reuengc tbat )]nmeafurabU Wouo,tobicbtbctoicl5eDbaucfpiltineartb. arijev tiuercDe- ligbteo txjbilcft x\^t^ Irueb in eartb, '^ii^ toarrcs, Oaugbtcc, pccfccutions anb martpibomes.STberfojc Vxjill tbe rigbtcous i5os,potoic^ntotbeminanotber\joozlb bloub inougb, in ^i,£,«jij,(j fomucb tbat being Dio\a3neDin tbcir o\»neblouD\}ptotbe thpiftcs c^in,tbev mav fccmc to batb tbem in tbcir otone blouD. anb fo? bioaa. Ijere toe muftcemember,tbat tbe b02fcsp?cparcb tobattaple onnue of\»bomU3Cfpafeemtbe.i?.cbapt. cucn tbc pamperco }aal=^io"0> fee ves VDbicb eate atuap tbe pioucnber from tbe leane plouob 3[iabes,ft)albebio\s)ncD \\\ eutrlaftmg tojmcnts, %\^\x%^i\i\x% at tbe laft toill tbe Hojb abucnge bvn»fclf \3p0n bis cnempcs* tjs call tpon b?m, anb abybc paticatlH anb ^alvauutlp* arbc HojD graunt tjs bis grace* CSDbe angels of feuen plagues are b^ougbt fo;tb ^o^e*^ ouer tbc triumpb ano mi>;tbfong of Cb^ito [jolr ^r* tE^woffcribcD, Chf.TS' . The Lxvij. Sermon The LxVil. Sermon, CJc.if/ i^'^r^p^Ndlfawcanotherfigncinhcaucn great gaper. ^W^'^jjSb^m^nA wonderfiill. Seuen Angels, hauyng ^ ^the feucn laftplagucs. For in them is ful- filled the wrath of God. And I fawc as it .were a gladfye fea myngled U7th fier, and them that had gotte victory of the beaft, and of his Image, and of his marke,and of the number of his name^ftand on the glafly Sea, hauing the harpcs ofGod: andtheyfangthefongofMofcs the feruaunt of God, andthefongofthe Lambe, faying : great and maruelous are thy workes Lord God almightie, iuft and true are thy wayes, thou Kyng of Sayntes. Who (hall not feare (O Lord) and glorific thy name? For thouonely art holy, for all Gentiles fhall come and worfliyppe before thee, for thy iudgementes are made manyfeftc. -_. tapon occafiott of ^acucft atw tjilfegc ejcpounticii (n tljc inent of the '^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ fo?mtr \)ifiott , ^ttt t6 annejccD t^c lift part of 6fte part. ^^^^ S^)^"? "oiXii^t toljtc^ rep^efetttet^ t)nco ts t^e foucti) )s^U (tou of t^ts vnozbC) to^tci) fome mabe tije fifr. sr^e fame is of tt)emiigementcsofi5oD> tt^at^ttoo pattco: to^ercfo^ett intg^taUobeDeutoedtuto inoe titfions, buttae ^aoratl^ct; tfefc^ec. ^01 ficfl i)e Difcourfct^ largely of t^c pannes oj to;mnttc6 p^epareD of i5oD, ann to be ejcecuteo ))pon !3lntt^ cb^tn bis members, and all tbe \)ngoDl^:beretBtreatebo( tbetui)gemcntoft!)etx)bo^e of Babylon, of tbeoellimes and taincoflK-omc, anotbejlbwwbofiS^omc, of tbe ceiovc^ng miD fong of fatntes,of tbccommingof tbe lubge isuto iuDgCi; inent,of tbe paync ano cwerlafting Dcftcuction of all tbe tuic^ ken. antj tbefc are iutrcateD of m tbe. i j . 1 6. 17. i s . 1» fbap.^nctbermozcalfobcreafonetb moft eiccellentlp of tbe retoatDc anu of tbe cucrlaftmg fclicitic oftbe^amtestbo^s rougbouttbetDbole.rr.cbap. anbagooDpartof tbe zi. <2ixiu in botb tbofe places ts fet open bell it felfc,anD beaucn it f :lfe; 0nD it is gencn V>6 m mamicr in x\^\q mo;tall flellje to loobe« twtn into terv bell ttfclte anb into tbe )}crv palace of bea^ uen. iaeitbec ftjall pou finbe anp tx>bcre in all tbe ^crip^* ture0 (0 continimll a treatise noj Co pUmcoas a btfcourCe of vponthcApocalipfc, 215, 6f t^c iutjgcinctttcs of i3otJ , of tljc tojmctttcs of t\t ssiK:) bed , ann of t^c fclicitic atiD topes of tl^cgoDlp^as mt^i0 p^cfemboo^e. ^nD full neccffarie fs t^is treatifc,rpcciallp m t^ts our lafi « ^a,^ ,, anu tjngcacious tt)oilD,U)^cnn men neglecting tijc fpiritc of SuJi* Si^ <5oD,ace become Iiftc bjiitc bcattcs all togettiec camall,rcgar gent tTca= nvng t^c flc^,anD tDljolp DcpenDing tbcrupon. ^appv,t3ic:: tifc of rtje tozions ^ ttieali^p, bonojablc, anD glououB arc all tbc '2imi= tunBcmftetf cb:iftia«3:bnt mu'crablc,poo:c,$ DcfpifeD, arc ri?c true C^2i- of (Sod. ftikns , anD fiibicctc to t^t inmries $ perfccutiSe of all men* ar^erfoje do tbc cantali men cGcmc all tbpngs bp tbcpiefent foitunc , anu vc^ out tbat tbcic religion ano ccuerfation pica* fetb(5oD,andtbattt)ciacltgionof tl)c Cb^iltiansDotb btfs iJleafc i5oD . "Zi^z goDlp are berc alfo grenouap tcmptcD^as ttjep tocrc alfo in tpmcs paft,reaD J9falme.73 .anD ^t, r.cbap- rcr of ^bacucUe. Ki)t \)ngoDlp p?omife tbcm felnca, tbat tbcp (l)aU reignc foi euer:anD at tbc Icngtb alfo tbcp contcmne tbc iiiDgcmcntCD of i3cD , ncitbcc tbmbc tbcp tbat c«er it twill come to paCfc tbat tbep (l)all be pumfljcD . j^bep tbinbc t^c -- talfec of punif^mets to be Dimfeo bp mtlancbolicUe pccfons, anD to be ))ttereD of mallicc:anD tbcrfoie tbcp fap and tbmto tbtm not to be regacbci):but to be mcrp m tbts tuojln.^bcr* fo;e It beboueD tbe place of Cods iubgements to moft largcs Ip $ Diligentlp DccjDcD,anb to be fct as ii toere before tbc epcs of tbe bearers : to tbc eno all men migbt rigbtlp tmbcrSano, tDbatQioulDbeaerurcDlptbcenbofgooDanbeuill . J5\xtt\^t puni(l)ment5 of tbc tmgoDlp are Omers, to toittf of tbts pies fentlpfe,anaoftbclpfetocome,anD x}:^t pumQjmcntes'of tbis piefcntlpfcarc almoll innumerable: but ^t to?mcnts of tbc Ipfe to come are etcrnallanb ^nfpeafecable . ano as tbcre is no coiuparifou bctttiijctc a pavnteo fire anD triicfirc : fo m t^ccc none bettuijct tbcpunifUjn'cntcs of tbis picfcnt life and tbat to come. But in cafe men toouiocarncaip bclcuc,tbac tJnCpcafeeable lopcs anb e uciiaOvns toimentcs arc piepared of i5oD fo2 gooD anD enttl:Doubtles alltxioiUD fmne IciTe auD rcruci5oDmoie Dtl(gcntlp.l3utlcttsfcenoto,U)^atts t^c treatife of ^,3r,obn ccnccrnpng tbe fame. ^ira be {l)€\Detb tbc oiiginalt of all tbpngcstbat folloto, Cbco^tgic: not to be eartblp , but bcaucnlp . ^oi be Ccctb an otbec tolicu naii of tbe m bcauf n . i^c faptb an otbcr , fo: tbat m tbc . 1 1. cbapter voc joctrinc of ^carDtbat mention ujasmaoc of an otbcr certemeOc^ncauD tbeio5ge| l^e callctb tbat afignc o: tofecn,\Dbicbe figmf:ctb anotberJEpJ^^'^ t^pn3,auD t))erfoie not to be coufiDcrrt jjf u iclf c ; but in af=» muc^ Chdfjs, The Lxvii. Sermon \mxt\) ?.6 it b?ingctl? into fenotjicrsgc an ot^cr ttntm t^htg," aui)tl;attntjcl5 greater tl)an it Cljctoet^) at t^eficflfig^t . ^c callct!) t^is figuc,ttjat is to toittctljat fame \3ifion,gi'cat aim inaruclous.;f oz tijc iuijge mt ms of igoti are eicceDpng great, aitD toonDerfuU.»?^i{eft t^cy are eicccutcD, tljc tjngoiiip tnar^ MelI,U)l)ic^ ^aD t^oug^t fuc^ t^v^gs fl)OulD ncuer tiaue comf topaCre:t^c goDIp aifo mariicil at r^e great potwcr of i5oD, lijis mod iuft rtg^>tcoirfncs,ano ^is r^penes anu favt^fulncs in Dcliuccpng anu faupng bis people* ;jf urttiermoze l)c uecla^ tctIj,tobatfigne\Das flieujeD {)nn m beaucn,anD bp t^at celc- ftiall tJifioH:be Cato feuen a«nge;s,baupng feuen plagues in fcnen cuppes^ST^at !s,De pcrccmeo i5od pieparcfi anD fnrnia £l)eD \Ditb potoer uminc^tobertoitb be botb cguId anD toonlii fenD plagues ano conDtgne puuift)mentes,aftO£ll tjpon ^ws ticbztflt btm relfc,as tjpon bis members,anD tpon all tbe \yxi* ^tam an= ^f^^^^ wcn in eartb , foj tbcir vuicfec^nes coinmitteo agavnft mi0f fnte ^^^ * ^"^ ^ taebaue manv tpmes Uiarttenvon in tbts Viasoe;?. boolte,tbennmber of feuen, is tbe number of fulttes . vol)cva foic {5oD batb iBQiniaers tnougb anD encngb> b? vnbofe fer^ nice be map plague anfi oeRrop tbe tngoulp. anD tbcrfojc fe^ Hen plagues , are all maner of plagues . 2; empo;ali plagues areabunDantlprectteD in tbe i^^.ofEcuit.anp.zs. of IDeuter, Ulicb iBt^c ILo;D,pea euen m euerlaflpng plagues of oiuers ^nDes . ;foztbe |;>criptureincerteine plaees rebearfetba SnatDpng\aooVme,afp^ze\!nquembcable ,toeppng anDgna^ ftpng oftcetb,out^arDDarfeenrs auD manpotber of Ipfee fo;t . X3ut tbefe feuen plagues \)c calletb tbe lad: auD immcdi^ atclp fl)cVDetbtbe reafon:foj in tbemis tbetozatbof i5o& fulfilleD.;jfo?ontbofc laftanDmoft corrupt ages tbe 2,ojD tuill poure out bis plague , pea mm tbe plagues of bps taGi ta^atb,anDbetDtllpourctbemoutmoftfullpto tbe enD,anZi tpctute l)is full tozatb agapnS tbe \ingoDlp,foz euermoie. "^^ct notD be CnljpenDetb a \x)btlc tbat narration began^eon^ ternpng tbe iaungels,tbe maifters of tbe plagues : anD pla^ Cbejopeflf cetb o? fo?efettetb tbe great iopes,triumpbes,fongs of pjapfc Jf "Shf teiopcpng anD tbanfees geupng of tbe blefifeD t^artpjs . ana w? gooip. j^^g ^jj^ jg interlafcD bere mtbe trcatife of puniQ)mentes,foj tbe confolation of tbe faptbfuU , tbat tbcp fljoulD bnoto tbem felucs DcliuercD from punifl)jncntes. anD if it foimnc , U)bi^ left tbe toickeD are puniOjeD , tbat anp Difplcafure toucb tbem alfo(as it ca not be cbofen, but toben tbe toicfeeD be plagueD^ fome DifcommoDitie muft alfo arifc \3nt0 tt)e faptbfuU ) tbe? «tapt}nbct;QanDpeti9ttat t^e Daunger^ of tbt DtfcommoDt^ vponthcApocaHpfc. 21^ Cha^.u. ft't0,(l)aUbc rccompcnfca toitftt^ic cicccllcnf aljunbancc 0! io^c5,aifo be ueclacetb tljat t^ccc fl)all \iz a c^augc of t^ngs^ fo as t^cp ti^at bauc ece tDt)t!es U)cpc m t^e tooMd , mull x^ttt Vkixtx. be glad auD topfull , accojDvng to tbe fapmg of our ^a^ utour in t^c. 1^. of Slo^n . (SQoicoucc itbcqowcD bp t^c tcftt's tnonp of all ^aintcs to be DeclaceD to t^c ^amtce tbat Dujcl vx cartb,tbat tbc iuDgemcnts of i3ob be rigbteou© anD tnit, attbc^nDecaanDpnguiberof , all queSionvngcs auD Cartas bic gruDgpngea agapuft i5oD uo ccafc. jJFit'ft be fcetb tbem \a3bicb oucrcame !31nticb?ift , a«b bauc ban notbpngto do tuitb bmuas uje Cap in 2)«tcb,U)bicb baue nettbet:tnaoeno^meDDleDU)ttbbvm,fo^tbt6 Blfuppofe be figuifieD bp tbat plentiful rel)eat:fall of certeine members(fbe declaration ttJberof IB fetfo?tb befojc) , not in fomc Doctour, 01 no \s^izu , as Come men gather but in beauen . J^e fato 3| ^ (^aflv? fap,inbeaHcntbeblerrcDfoulesflanD\jponaglaap^ea,mi- ^fa mireii )ceD toitb fire.auD in an otbcr place 31 bauetolD pou , tbat t\iz sppt^ ger. ^ea figuretb tbc tuoilD , bp reafon of tbc rage ano bnftable^ nes tberofXertcinlp 2)anicll fo tafeetb \x m tbe.7.cbapt,^nl> it is calltDglafTp becaufeoftbefrailtie anb biicblenes . ;jfo? tDo^lDlp tbpnges n)pnc, but tbep ar? foone bioben . :x7beru^ ponitisfapD tbat tJoo^lMp tbpnges areasb^icbell asglaSTe: tobtcb tobileft tbep Ojpne , bjealte « !^nb not Uoitbout cauCe is fire mipeb toitb toozlDlp tbpnges . f^% tbe ^aintes , tobilelt tbep be conuerfant vix eartb-, fecle altxiapes in a maner t\^t fire of affliction. ia?beroffpabc ^.}9eter.i.|9ct.4.anD tbep (JanD lopona glaorp ^ea mingleD toitb iiu,f^\ conq»erours tread topon tbe too^lD , ano )}pon all tbc to;mentes ano mockeries of tbc tuoilD, as triumpbpng ouer all too^lblp tbpnges. STbe pzopbet in tbe. ^r^.jdfalmc^bitngetb ix\. tbe ^aintes fingpng a ibpfuU Cong tinto f5oD , anD amongefi otber tbpnges fap^ mg,tbou baft biougbt bs into fnares, tbou baft lapD tribula^ tions tipon our bac^e , tbou b^ft (ct men in our ncches . ^e i^aue pafteD tbzougb fireanD\Joater, anD tbou baft biougbt Ds out into a4)lace of relief. 3rbcrfo;e do tbere follo\Jo altera^ tions in an otber toojlD . :2?bcrfo?c Aretas cjepounDpng tbis place,tbe glalTp ^ea,faitb bc,(cnutb to intimate notbmg els, tbanbp tbe^eatiereip tbe multituDe,anD bptbe glafTc tbe bjigbtnes,bp fire tbc paretic of tbcm , tobtcb arc wo?tbp tbat blcffcD Itfe^^nD certcmlp tl)c famctooiDes inDiucrs refpjctes map figuific Diucrs tbpnges, anD mafee tbc fenfc agreablc. l^etbcrto toe bauc bcaro, tbat tbe ^amtcs arc \\\ beaucw, to^crc cbtp triumpbt ouer (be ^npuniO^D \»02^D ; but notn toe ChafJS* The Lxvii. Sermon toe Q^a!l ^eace mm clct;clv,\2}t)at t^ep do \\\ ^eauen,attD I)ot» tl)cv fingc\)iuo t^e 2Lo?tiea (ongeof tl^an^cs atiD pzapfes^ tol)icl) fillip agrecti) luitti t^c iafalme . 66. s^nti l)c amtbutetii Ci)c l)arp0 to rl)c blcCTcD martvis l)arpes,ris ^e Dvii to tbc jeiDer6.2:t)cfe of <0oD. ^c callct^ tbe Oarpcs of you tooiilD fay uiumeano cc^ lcaiail,mcete to fet fo?t^ t^c pjayCcs of i3oD . ;f o; a cclcaiall Subilcv is ftgniftcu vutjccof is fpofecn in t^c^.c^apt, l^e aD^s tetlj mojcouci: , to cjcpicCTc t^c muficfec : auD tljcy fmge . dn& Ci)cfoitg Declarer^ alio t^e manec of tbeic fingmg, tlje fonge of CQofcs ef fli^ofes; t^cfcntaimtof i5oD , anD t^efonncof t^c JLambe . HT^crfoje f tije lambc t^ig fonge of t^jc ^atntcs,iB a Dittie of ccioy cing,triuHipt)itt j ann t^anfees geiiyng . ^oj lifec as \\\ tvmes paft isejaric toit^ . ' tl)C compaiiv of tjicgincs of 31fraell , at tbe appointment of IS^ofes fange a fong, \nben tbe 3firt:aditcs tocte Dctiueceo ont of tlje bondage of ^gypte,^ Pharao vwas DzotoncD in tbe rcau ^ea \»tt^ ^i& to^olc armie : \a}l)ct:cof vou nmp rcaD nio^e im tbe.14. $ .If .c^aptci^e of i^^oD . ^0 ti^e blcCTcD fouics in bea^ tten p^avCe i5oD , \Jobicl) batb DeliuercD t^em from j^at^an, amicbJifl , anD tbc tt)o?lD . anD tbe fong of tbc 2.ambe is tbe Cbiiftian tbanbcB geuyng , by tbe tubicb tbe \3ect«e of ii\^i\^ anD ^i0 ceDemption , is pjayfeD of tijc ^aintes . ;jFoj iifee as tbe olD fatl^ees after tbe eatpng of tbe laafcbaU lainbc uiaDea retopfing,anD gaue i3ob tbaUcs: ^0 tbe bleffeo ^atntes be^ ^ng nott) tnfrauncbifeD toitb tbe full Itbcrtie of t^e cl)tlDjen of i5oD,geue tl)anlte0 tinto Cb^iR tbeie Deliuecer. ^ ftf iJFmaHv ^^ cecitetl) p ojuec o^ fo?nie of tbeic fonge. <5oD is ^amteis ^<9^^1? comntenDeD ^eeein,tubicb is calleD t^e ILo?D, i5oD,aU ^ inigbtv 1 1J^Vns of ^aintcs . as fo? to^om tbe ^aintes make toaree.b^ to^om alfo tbey be goueeneo , ano U)^tcb DefeDctb, mainteinetl) anD l^epetb tbe ^aintes . ^nb be is caileD boip^ in tpbom is no fpot,no iniquttie.^nb befo]ie ail t^yngcs tbe^ p^ayfe ^is \x}o^bes ,t))^ic^ t^ey call great anD inarueiotis* ^^efe are manifed \\\ beauen anD in eartb . 2rbev Declare tbe poUDer,tDifeDome,anD iuQice of i3oD . iSTberfo^e tbep inftrre by anD by:tbat tbe U)aye0 , tbat \Q^t\it cotifioerations of iSoD tu^ic^ be foilotoetb tn gouemyng anD Doyng of tbynges , be true anD luft * fQ% be Deceiuetb not , be Dotb no man tD^ong» ^Tberfo^e i5oD is tuft in punifl)ing tbe ^nticb2iflian3,anD ut fielittcryng bis. S^q% altbougb be feme to neglect bis , yet be* petb ^e p^omifc tuit^ tl)e goDiy:as aUyng t^at neuec neglect tet^ bis fubiectes. iS^D?eoner tbey allcDge^to^at it becommetl) all men in tbe ^art^ to DO alfo^it is reafon tl^t ail men teare t^ee, anD gio^i* Cie vponthcApocalipfe. '217 Chaf,ru ffe t^ec in all t^^ttgcs, auu not to accufeanD iimnnure at t^g lu^cnicntcs.srijcte is asisf d an ott-fc tcafcu f^j t/c alone jis |)Oip,*a)!C^oiit finuc,auD ti- itljout fpouc . 0,Qxxt ot all tljc cce^ siuces bat?) i^is . aitbougl) maup iSeu£ji6 noto conrcnme i6oD,vct ftjali £^cv one Dap come snD too;U)pp:ana t^cp ftjal knou) t^et; o\Dnc tutijpncs , atiD tl)C {jolpues and cis^rcoiif^ ties of iBoD . ;f 01 :i)c iuQice, an^ iuospiucnt of i5oo , to^irl) ace not pcf reucaicOs^inD c^ciio^c are C9nfii£tni)ei),(l)a!l Jje one Dap cciaaleD , ttiat aH tljc goalp uf ail nanona map attci5)me gio?.ptorijccighteoii0i5oD> ^gi'fc.typagcs YjeupJi? pjeparc airo I'at ica&ccauD grr-rcf to tbc trcatiretifi'aj fellotopng coiu Eccnpitg tl)c iuij£Cirientei5 of 0oo, auu t^cpmiiaKtueiitcs of tijc tjngoDlp. srf e ILojD ope m- cpes of ouc mpaace , t ^at t»e inapfect^cfet^p:i3cs\»u^itmtepj[cmpfull, ,. , ;,'$ . " . ' i. -'{if: -r\i''t ^2Df)c feucn jaungels are Dcfcnb£O,com.i;w$ii0l9jtli fe? e|Tm 9ik^ if^r 'ihf , gj o ry bif* ^ o^ jja-i) ^ fei' (>}s P9;%i|r and no manVvas able to (•nterinco.theTumplQ^icilittfeR fcucaplagues of the feuen Angels wJdrcfttlfiltc^^ ':;: xr ' 4 Be ccturnrt^ nota to f tjefccjption!of t^c luagcmcntJSf of z\)zUmi IS^or; fcomt'at-tutjici)il)c 1)25 miiszuLixm at^ttimn^^^m tcs of tije tceati&^ati? mnc^ fmite«:^o»t^?asDgcfliciTt{r3iHi2MsOstj(lt^c tvwtifc of ptittifijjncnte^cipapncB oet!)titBusca ,' aitaftl^tfimihiptff «i5cds mD= of i5oDs rigbtcoufnec snti ttutbi Sg&pnc tl^ij08ir«?c^c.ccsS^'"^"*^*' toitJ) confinncD iiuijcic l)opc.;JrflUl)rp fcetijato^ic 333tc-tScr^ not fa^l fi'om tijc *a)0zucs anu rrjicampiigcs ?0t t6o"j i^ltguuu^ fej ij?:(if lQngifi^ferrteig,anD 'coinUGtb an^rm Icr.o; , atiQ cucn Ce^aet^ wjlattimr.asiJ)iaf;3atE tl^ctn^fliiip . %^ g*julp^ i^tv^ .ti pjouofeeo to repetauncc:ujl)ic^ \»bUc(l t^cv rcfufe,tl)cv f^^i^ tjnaoubtcol? plaguecas Pbirao felt. C^e'ijef- ^ut befo:e t^e Angels po\x»?c out t^e cuppcs of plagues criptionof t;ecctueQ,tl)Cvbe\Jcrp triinlp anD aQuifc&lp ocfcrilJcD. anii Sim »il ^et?€ tg Q)CU)co, from tobence tlje? came out: t^at is, to^at is ^imgnff. ^^^ o^iiginall Of tbc mOgemetues of ©oD. 3:^ev come out of tt)c temple fet open, vieaano om of tijc temple of tl^e a^abtr* naclc of toitties, \x)^icb is in bcauen. :Jfoz iBe^ofcs fato a tem^* pie ontbe03)ount, ano alfotn b^au^ti, after t^t Ctmilitut^ tobcreofljctxiascommaunDeDtv i5oDto mafee tbc araber^ tiacle of toitnes.STberfojc toastije arabetnacle of tuimes fa:* (l)ioncoanti built after tbeil)apee]c^ibitctj ano fecnc inbc^^* tiicn\tD^ic^t^biea'eDapoflletot^c ©ebj^ttjcs caUet^ 6;ro- ^ejy/xtt,to toit,tbe \)cc^ eicample o? patcrn. ^qx it toas fapeD to0S}orcs, fet tbat tbou mal^e euer^ tbmgacco^Dingtotbe patcrn, t^bicb tpas (l)euieD tbee on tbc (SQount. roWi tbina ^oCes dto acco;btngly. :t3ut {\xt\^ tbittgcs as came fo^tb of f irabcrnacic oftoitncs maue in eartb , fccmco totbe3]frac^ Itti^fiittttanbbof^* ^rom btnce veerc affect tbeo?acles ana mM\Bnz of i5ob,tx}b(cb it \»as not laU)ful to (peaH agatnft. Cbtl^ttn^ Xrbcrfo^etQbetittjebearenoU} tbattbeA^crp tuDgcmcms of gci0 come j[3obagain&tbetpic^cD)CDo;lD, ano tbeir pavncs^^puntOj^a uia^ of tbe ments come outof tbe true temple it feU, tbepatern 31 mcane tcmpu. ^itktwx^ t^e bcaucnlp patent : tobo n)Oulo bereaftcr Doubte tbat^HtbciuOj$emcntsof0ob,\»bcrctoitb be plagnet^j tbc tttgoDlp, betacrebahb boi^,anD tbat tb^en tbe^n^otil? sat pla^tebL, toe mtift tbtuKe notbtng els,bnt tbat a femence as tttoeremt otacle is commctio^p^onomtceb from bcauett, tobicb it is DnIa\3)fuUto gapnelape^ %q concltcbe, tbeDittine tnogememesDoep^occebcoutoftbe lierp arb?one of 0ob: tsbcrfozctbcpcannotbutbemottbolp.jDtbertDife toe 0)411 beare intbe.n.cbapt.tbat tbcre is no temple in beauS. ^befe be tbcrfo^iVpesand figures, not matters true ano pccma^ nent:!>nti8fter tbev baue (tgnifieii tbts, Ib^ tbe uibic^ tbe^ toece 09bcpneb,tbep pafle ano fabe oiooa^. Utrngcto ^ l&ctetttttoal(bappertapnctb tbe apparcltof angels, tb5t ciotbeo in (berbp tae mav alfo edeeme tbe iubgementes of i5oa» arbe? b^tgijte arc fapeb to be clotbco ixi pure lpnnen,o^ clccme ami tobite^oi Sprite line, fejigbt Cxettfoij'ov xsi Xet^rf ov)txjberbv is ftgttifieB,tbat| ittbgeii metttsof i5pD,are t^nlpotteo auQ bj^^t^o} ^e imne^^ed *►* tbat vponthcApocallprc. ii8 Cfiaf,j$^ fo;e\ue mav not imagine carnalltiimgesm^eanenlpmac'* tecs, bnc fpintuallv to ejcponnDe fuc$ twinges as in ti)e ftgn( fenne to be as it tocce cozpo;ail. ITlje garment in tl^ts too^lo IS cbaungeD tottl; t^e Rate of things, fQ% t()ep tfe to^tte gar< tnentes in ttctoites anD triumpi^es, blacMe at buetalles and inottt:nings, tczi in battell. I^ere tsftgntfteD tl^ecfb^etbat tbe indgentents of 0od are moft pure, ano t^at i5oD ouerconv« tnet^anD tr(umpt)etboucrtl)et)ngoDlv. i^tt^e rcrurrcctiott anDafcentionofourllo^D, Angels appeared tntvbite gar« mcnts> anD %ning hiigX^t,, to rignifte t^e gIo;v of Cbuft: ntoteoner, tbeir b;eaes toere gtrDeD toitb a girdle , ^ea mtn tuiti) a golDe girDel . i5olDe is taben of purenes^JTin tbe b^eS 18 tl)e feat of affections. 2rbe giroell bpnDetb>(E mo^eouer p)e paretb fo^ tbe iourne^. irberfo^e it betoKenetb? f tlje iuDge^ iiientesofi3oDarep2epareD,a^ in areaDines, (ct^attbepbe topDe of affections,7 is to fay , are not p^onoQceo oz Done o( enup 0} malice.ioue oz fauoz,but be ina^moDerate $ i)pzigbt» klnD one of tbe beaOes gaue ^nto tbe feuen i^ngels tbe re^ ttcngers anD puniQjers , feuen Vjtalles, anD tbe fame full of ^^oftfje *E>oDstDzatb.ii5lotDaltbougbi5oDneeDetbnot tbe belpe of^JJJ^^g* creatures, neither recciuetb an? tbing of tbem, as ujantpng ""^ °'^*' an? tbvng: v^t fince be maoe not bis creatures in t)aine,anD Dotb tbtngs in o^Der, all creatures DoubtlefTe C fo^ 31 TapD tit tbe. 4.cbapter botu by tbe beades tbe ^muerfalitie ofcrea^ tures is rtgnifieD) bedoto tbeir labour agapna tbe topctteD, auDUibatfoeuertbev baue ofi^oD (of uibom tbe? baue all f:b?nges)atb?stuplIanDcommaunDement tbe? implo?e it U)?llingl? anD francbei? to execute tbe tuDgemcnts of i5oD.. 2:bus ficr fatl?ng from beauen V^pon ^oDome anD tbe cities about tr, DiDmtuiaer tbe plague o^cup of i5oDs tozatb to tb( angellreuengcr, ^o x^t eactb opening f^oalotoeD tbe com^ pan?ofchore,DathananDAbyron.&c. 2rbus tbe acm?e6of t^c gentiles implo? tt^emfclues to ta^e puniaiement of tbe t>ngoDl?,3i;be tualles of lencho fall , tbe ba?lc Dcitro?ctb tbe chananites» SJbus iSoD toitbout an? DifficuUic pun?fl)etb b?s encm?cs, rcc?ng all creatures arc reaD? to a?De ^ aflitte* anD tbe \j?aU oz cuppc is of golD ♦ ;ifoz aga?ue bere is Cigni^ ficD tbe iuSicc anzj equine of i5oDs tuDgemcnts. anD tobere i5oD is caUcD a rcueuger l?uins fozcucr:bi3cter«itieanD maicaicisfignificD, U)i)icb tbe tcauritozie tbpngcs of tb?s tojozlDc, anD Ournane infirmities ttjall ncuec oucccome. 3ln tbeftgbtoftbel?mngi5oD,allt|?eU3icfecD fljall fall, anD pe^ vtOjeeucrlatttngi?, iaftec Cha^iiSi ^' " .•'The.kyiii.Scrmon Cbe tcmc ^ ' ^'ftec t^iSf^c apotifc fcct^, tbc tmpic ff !!tD to^tl) fmc!?e »i«fuu of att^e maicdtc of i3cD; anD at !)is potocv, arijar fmofec is a imouc. fmiic of 0or?at^ : arcopii'.g as \i is favf&» finofec afcciiDei) in l)is to?afi)^^.iii; ueit^f r is fmofec \xjif6o«« f?cc,not fjer toirbont fmobc. ^f . 05o2conct' fmol?e Ijtittct^ tl)e e^es, anD wsiictl) tbcm blvnbc. ^o in ^Sfav t^c, 6. % ^c tf m^ pleofi5o5,toi;iciiEiapfcct^,i3fiileD tt>vrt fmoSc. awj at tbis pjcfcnt X^tit fremcEJ) ttot end*; tbc pjcfeucc of i5oD , ann of i)is ttiiati) f be fignifits : but alfo to be fignrcu , tbat t^e tursgcmcntcs of iSoDbc i}ii(carcl;«ble, fott-at t^c t^pngcs to^icl) l)cl)vmfclfe vcueaktbnot to ^£,tD€ can ncrattavheto* 5P02 1)16 maieBie is innnTte,antj !)i8 po\Jccr paffetl? all things* primafius ©vQ)op Of vtica in Affricke cj:pountringt^!s placct lE'ljinltc (favf^) ^c) f^<*f ^V fnioUc I ere i6 meanr tt)at all nieti can not perce tnto tJ^c feccetce of i5ot86 iiiogemente, ^ tbat tbc epee ^ m^noee of mortal! Uicn fljail C)ti|cl at ttc contemn '^'^ pletton of tbcplagueB, giopyng in Daicfeius:tx)l>!cb plagues 6e Detccminct^to ^ttcc» affirnvpng tijat fmofec abyoetb fivH in t^c temple VJntill tf)c accoplifljmf nt of tgcm srbio fait^ l^e* gh^xmn i^oUj{ioUott)'etl)t^atU)t)icl)i"cemet!}toejcpounDtbcfamc? fouiD enter Wi^ "O t^a^ fc"'^ enter into tbe Sremplc.!^c.23utcei*tavne it into tijc 16 b^ tbe icu:tlj of tbe iBnangcIicail anfc apcftoUfal Uoctcine, temple. t^att^cfoutee pafQng out of tl)c boDv i^csoic tl^t cnD anD laft iuDge mcnt,go cigbt into ti)e bicffcD ifaies^ano Ijauc tbccct^e fcuition of tl3f io?e6 pzomifco of f5oc fo mxz . ar^crfojc Ijere i6aiiot^cctJ)vngfigm{ieo,ro toiitt, rl)atbcfb?c tl)c cnD of all t^V^S^s f^)c ^aintcB cannot clearclp fee all t^e iuDgemcnts of i3oD. fQ% berc toe fee bp a gtaflfc, tficre face to face, ^ Cl)all linotD jSoo bvwf^lf. fl«i3 tijc tmei ano all ttie tngoDl^ T/;e Ixix.Sermon, Nd I heard a great voycc out of the tern- C^m^, pie faying to the feucn Angels rgoepow re ^^aptcr* outyour vialles of wrath vpon the earth. And the firfl went,, and powrcd out hys vyalle on the earth, and there fellanoy- fome fore botche vppon the men which had the markc of the beall, and vppon them that wor- fhypped hys Image. And the fecond Angel powrcd out hys vyalle on the Sea, and it turned as it were into the bloud of a dead man: and euery lyurng thyng dyed ia the Sea. And the third Angcll powred out his vyalle vp- pon the riuers and fpringcs of waters, and they turned to bloud, and I heard an Angell of w^aters faying: Lord which art and walte, thou art righteous and holy,' be- caufe thou haft gecuen fuch iudgcmentes : for they fliedde the bloud of Sain tcs, and Prophetcs, and ther- fore haft thou geucn them bloud to drihke: for they arc v;'ortbye. And I heard an other Angell out of the Aultar faying; cuen fo Lord God almightie , true and righteous are thy iudgementcs. ^ftec ftc I)atb fpofeen in gcneraff of t^etig^teons luDgc:* mentes of 0oD,i;e p^occeDet^ no\33 particularly bp t^c ntiitV' ber of feuen, ano oeclatetl) at large ttie plagues of i3oD, CHpia^ to^tcl) m t\)is tvoilD alfo^elapetb t)pp0nrSetDtctteD, tjursue^of c6te6p^pponti)ei^nttcl);t(ltanB. ar^is place aunfo^eretl) to ^^ssvt* tW (02 at lead ^atb manp titjmgs Itbe to it) tol^icip is in (99or> fesbobftc of iBroD. from t^ tlit. 12, ^0? malltbofe tdbolr chapters are DefcrtbcD t^e ten plagues of {3oD, \S3\)tra tDttbfcjfmnebeplagueD&^ng^^arao ^t^e toljolcrealmc of iggvpt. ST^efe plagues ace comp;t(eD m gooDlp t)€rfts bt D^Mufculus mp tiJOjQjipfttll iSoofat^er, The water turneth into bloud. The frogges defile all that is good. The dullc broughtforth the fcrallinglife,. Hhj. Tian: Chup. t6. C*)e cure C^e true caufe of % tjopcc OUtOftl)C CcmpU. 3ungcU fijeDOetli The. Ixix.Sermon Than came the flie a ncwe deuife. The pcfHlence,the botche, and hayle, Loculks and darckenes did affayle. At lall was flayne andquite forlorne, All thitin Acgypte firft was borne. ^^cfe plagues arc fct fo?t^ alfo in tljc. i of .i^falnic. 3ln t^e 15 .c^aptof if jcoD. t^e Eoza fa?ct^: if t^ou ttiilt ^cacc Diliget^ lptl)e\)ovccoftbvi3oD, ^U)iltDoct^ati0ngIjt in^isftg^r, anu toiit bcepc ^is ftatutes,^', tuill fctiD tjpon t^ee no Difcafc, tojbicb 3R rent \3p0n tlje jegiptians: fo? 31 am tijc ILojd U3^ic6 ^ealetb tljce.xipe leacne ttiecfoje bp ttje treatife of t^e plagues of i5oD to fcacc iSon, anu to toalfec in ftps commsunoemcts* ^citftecisitcepugnaunt to tftis fcntence ofiSoD, tftat toe tcaii,l)OU3 3]o!j,anD otftccftolpincn, \Joalfepng in tftc com* nuunDcmcntsofi3oo, toerctJOCcD toptftgreuousoircafcs, fQX tfteCe toece p;iuate anD not cftiegp fcnt fo;finne , but foj t^c eiceccife of favtb,anii incteafc of terrues. i3^en foz tfte mod part aCcrtbe tftc caufes of plagues to tfte llacce6,anD to otbcc matter6:anD tfterfojc tftcp ooe not turnc to tfte E'O^ti tftat (Ici^etb tftem, bp amenDment of tbeir eupU ipfe. i5wt toe are taugftt bp tfte trcatiCc of iSQofcs , ttibicb toe allcaogeo out of iSjcoD. an?i bp tljis picfcnt oifputation of ^» 3l]oftn, tbat i5oo bim felfe puniCbetft tbc (innes 9x^^ toidteD^ nes of mcn,altbougb be tjfe tbe feruicc of me anD clemcntes, tnto tobom as to tbe neict caufes men impute x\^t euils recei^ }xt\i^ tobicb tbcp fuffer iuftlp of i5ot) foz tbeir finncs . ifoj i\iz sxi^vC^ catife at tbis pjefent is bcaro a tovce,not out off ap?e, oj froui tije eartb , but from tbe temple of tbe llojo,true , \viSX anJi bolp,commauopng tbe aungcls to come out, ano pourc tbctr ))iaUes ))pon tbe beaoes of men . s^be '^x^z'^ tberfo^e are plagucD of i5od bim Celfe^i^nD a tiiv^Ue is no otber tbing, (51 fpea^e of tbe toop in tbe.T.cbapt^but tbe \\x^ iuogement of i5oD,oz^cugcauncebp menoererueo* laungelspoureouc rbeir\3iaIlrs,fo oft as men are pumdjcDtoitb plagues tbo^ rougb meancs bp i5oD appoimeo. ^no tbat)}opce tobicbe is IjcacD from tbe templc,is great. ;fo? no man can refiftc i5oD, noz infringe bis £>ecree.xPb^ be cornmaunDetbjall creatures Doeobep. anD toben tbe firfl aungril t^t crecutcr of iSobs iuDgcc ment,pourcD out bis plague lipon men , tbcre fell ^xxog koixov y^ Tov«f ov a nopfome fozebotcb tjppon men »2rbis plague aunftoecetb to tbe fit t plague of ^gypt . anD tbat botcbc fig* nifiet^ a canHer , a fi&ula , auD fwcllpng (o?c6 oj boples, but cbteav vpontheApocallpfc. 220 Cha^.KT* c^icflv t^c pocfecs of iTinDc , to^i(^ others call t^c UiTcafc of ^aples,(onic t^e :Jrrenclj pocfecB,aiiD fomct^c |)pantft):\)t= C!)f poc= rclp foi t^at m t^e uiarcc ofij^apIcsCto^ic^ toas inaDc bp t^c hcg firft, ^ccnc^mcu aun ^panpacoes in t^e pcarc of our % ozD. 1494) t^cv came \]p ftrft m t^e caniijc bp mcancs of a tDf)02C , tubic^ infccrcD tbe annic.:n>bici)tbVttS Maynardus tbc |9{)tfmon aiC* courfctb at large . 25ut !)ott)focHccDmcrs anD \3cncmDti6 fozcsDo mfcctinanv grcuouflp,vctDoc tljc;Jpccncb pocfecs cbicfip coirupt tbc abba^cs of ogonlicsano /j^untics , an& ColleogcB of jazicftcB^abouc otljcrB. ;Jfo; tbev geiivng tbcm fclncs to moQ filtbv fornication , co abbo^re anD Dctcac m 0^ tbcrB bolp jCQatrimonp , ants tbcrfo?c ceccitie tberrbp tbc rc= tuaro oftbetr iniqwitic . I^berfoze is it favDbcrc c]cp?cflclp, tbat tbc anncbnftians fl)oiilD be ttiitb tbis DifcafcD,tc]ccb, 0; tatbcr pmua)CD.")?c (l)al fmDc fome,\i3bofc face 10 earcn toitb cbts DtCcare . xx?bo2cmongcrs anD aDuomcrers fot tbe mod pairtarc commonlv troubleo toitb tbis plague . 3]ob alfo tbe Cjrcellcnt feruaunt of i5ob was couereo toitb fozes anD bv^^ lts:buttbat aias\)pponafmgular pucpofc ofi5oD,as3l toHcbcD alfo bcfoie . ■^bcrfoie u is no maruell , tbougb fome tpmctjerp gooD men free from t^c tjnclcancs of UjijoicDome, be alfo infcctcD toitbtbisDireaCc. ^TbcfcconD aungcli QjcDctb bps\jiaH on t^ie ^ca:anD ^caiicncf tbcrfoje t\^t blouDoflvmng t^pnges , became alltogctbcrfcconD, Cucb as is m DtaD mcn:to tottce corrupt, anD turncD into mat ter.n?bercupon all tbat IpucD m tbe ^ea dvcd , STbe ^ea is cuermoie llvzrvng,anD tjariable : full ri^btlp tberfoie bj> tbis tX^t tDojlD is figniftcD, 0? tjnconftant men m tbe toozlD : tbefc fo? tbeir finnes , arc infecteD \j)itb tbe }9e&ilcncc , anD Dye m great plcntie.jnn tbc u^ozDcs is tbe figure Synckdoche,tubcrc cuerp liupng foulc is fapD to Dpe . a^bis fecouD plague aun= ftocrctb to tbc fift of /Egypt.anDer tbis plague tee copxtfc all feinoe of ^cRilcnces ^ plagucs.Ezechias alfo toas taUcn \Ditb tbe plague:a3 manp goDlp men alfo Dpe cf t^e pedilcucc; but t^at is bp fomc fmgular purpofe of i3oD. Sbe tbirD aungell ftjeD bis \)iall on t^c riucrs auD foutt; iJoicufe taints oftDatcrs,tDbi£^wct-cbv anD bp tiitncD mto blouD» ti)?J^. 2;bisaunfU3crctb to tbc fitfl plague of itgypie.2;bt ^uypti- ansbaDDiotoncDin Niius,tbenett> bozneboDvcs of infantes, auD bab oppicffcD tbc innocet^'ifraclitcsjSbbcrfoze \xicrc tbe^ VooztbptoDziuUeblouDfoztoatcrcucofNilus. TTttrerotbcctoifeuubc Scripture figmfietb Doctrine, as \TA if^cc^icil ano 5ac^arp , ST ^crfoje do t^c riucrs anD f onus j^^,q» tannics Chdf.tS, The. Ixix. Sermon tapnes of toaitetfi; , figntfte ccdeftafttcall pjeac^ecs anti idittt;^ cc0,tx)^om i5oD i)atl^ gcue to tl)e people foz a Defence anb tc« Itcf.Cettcmlp ^.idctci: calletl^ falfe la^op^eres \i3dles \uitl^i» outtBatcc.x.}aetcr.x.3Rntl)e»i7.c^)apter\33e C^allljcacc ,tbat h^ taaters are ment people . %\^\z tl^crfoje is ti)e plague of ji5oD : t^e id^tnces of tl)e people , ann pieac^ers of peace , ace become x^t ant^ours ano nngleaoccs of rebellion ano of U)at:t:e0:3nntbetobtcbtbeT>faUano fetllone anot^er^tobtcl) fl^eo tl)eblouD of ^amts.^no albeit tl^at m tsarrcB t^e goD^ l^are alto plagucD:vet bnotoet^tl)c Ho^b bovoto requite tbetr pa)?ne0 , anb to eafe t^eic fo^rotoes . s Auiien ocrtoetb tbts matter at large, m bis firft booUeofCb^iQcn boctrme, But If toe loobe^pa tbe tiariable btOo^c of iltalte, ^raunce, i5erinanp,anb i^ungar^ , anb of otber i^iealmes , tbat glo^p to be calleb Cb^tfttans : tee (Ijall finbe tbefe to baue bene tbe blafvng fireb^anoes of toarree, tsobtcb ougbt of butte to baue xomtfi bene tbe }d^nces of peace . Slnb ly^e as t\it Eo?b fai^tb in ti^e ft^^rcD bp x5o(peU,tbere muO not a )d^opbet bpe an^ tobere el0,tban at b? |9ope^. ;^terufale:i^omuQtberenotuarrebemoueb,butbppope0 of !^ome,l5?a)op0 anb {d^elatee. 3] uitll onelp rtcttc a fe\xie* Idope Gregory tbe. i.tbtougb rebitt9,t]rpulfeb tbe iSmprrout Leo Ifauricus out Of 31tal]?. }50pe Stephen b^OUgbt IttPipinc b^ng of ^raQce,tnto 3italte agapnft tbe jLumbarbce. charie- mayne bau^ug maoe cleane ribbace of mod part of tbe Untiu barbes b^ tbe D3)o^b,b^aue tbe reff out of ital]? at t^e motioti of idope Leo tbe.^ isope Gregory tbe. 7. a moS totcfeeb man, O^^reb Peter bpng of i&iigarte,to toarre tottb tbe iSmperour Henry tbe.4.tntagleb all 3(|talte,anb i5ermanv tottb toarreo, anb b^oue Henry to figbt manp fielbee^anb battel0,tbat biere notltgbt . vrbane tbe . ^ . Of tbat name, turmopleb botb iSaft anb :p(7e(l anb all otber partes of tbe ttjoilb tottb^ts toarre tDbtcb bt calleb boli?,taben in bab fb; tbe recouer^ng of Xbit^ rulalem.STbts U)arrc \x)as long , cmell , great anb bloubbp, fucb as m all too^lbes pou can not ftnDe tipe Ipbc. ^cx'bac Alex- ander tbe tbVJU, to^OUgbtaga?nft Fridcricke Barbarouffe , aub botD be ravfeb V)p all Sltalie agapnQ bpn^tije ^to^cs bo telU £lnb vobtleft Fridcricke tbe fccoub )varrcb in tbe bolv lanb, Gregory ibc^.toofee Naples from bim.i^cre tbe jlbbotof ^Js fpurgefumetb,tbatfogreatab)tcltebne6 (boulD be commits tz^ b? a jdope.Hirbtre arofe b? tbe ^opes nieanes ano mott^ ons,great factions in 3italie, of tbe cuelphians anb Gibiiines. ciemc nc tbc 4.b^0Hgbt va tbe ^rencb ^rmic , b^ t\it conbuct of ftpng charies^into ti^e bpngoome of ^ples; anb put con- rade vpponthcApocalipfe. 221 Chsfj^, nde 'mw^t of ^\»alatt!) fr3 !)i3 inftcritaimcc, m^ cmtfcd t)iin (B Friderickc S>UHC Of 4uftClCC tO be bCtjCtlDCD togCt^CC , VOltl) manp tboufanocs of t^c iScrmanes. jsope lohn t^c ttuo ana ttX)CntlC,acmcD Fridenckc S>Hfee of auftriCCanD Leopolde,a3 gapnft tbe igmpccouc Lewes tbc foucti) , of tfje boufe of 25ao Mice . Boniface t^c cigljt , commauiiDeD bpng Albert SDufee of aiiUciclJ , to bcacc armcs agapnft Philippe tl)c ^icncl? feyng* anD A arnn tbc.Y.ftvJ^co ^P gi'cttous toarrcagapiid tljciBoj 6cmcrs.Euceniustl)cfo!irtt),bctravcl)tbcConquci:oui*Ladif- laus fepng f f }3olI $ BungacVito Amurathes tbc great SJHVfee to be tianquia^cD ano aapnetbiougb treafon,feDyng l)is %t:i gate luhane Cxfarinus catDtnall aboitt t^c pjactu'e , ttibo pca riQKO alfo in tbat tmiuc^se oncttbiotn » ^b^e commctb ta tn^nbetbatfa^ng in virgin : Tolumoius^im Cclfc tbc foutb» fapei'tsflavnc.}aopcsixtustbe.4.fcmto tbemoS pmOaunt nation of ^uifre6,a reb fcarfe 0% banb, toitb a 33ull banging at it,\jobcrcm be giaunteb moll large inbulgences tofucbas U)OulD figbtfo; tbc £b'-^t;cb of laome. lulye t\^z fecoD tbiotig^ tnncb and great bioiiD(l)eD of tbe ^tiiiffes , began to cjcputre tbe ^rencb fev^^ out of 3f]talp:U3bicb tb»ng at lengtb Leo tbe» jo.biougbt to paCTe , ceceinpng t^e jempeconc chjiies tbe fift tobofc (onne riiletb v^t in^tatie . Clement tbe feucntb began to oppicflebimagapnc , but Deatb bifapointeb \^\q enterp^t^s fes.Paule tbc tbPJb.lOVttCb tbc foZCC of 31talp toitb Charles tbC fift,$ tuarceb on tbe iScctnanes foj Denying obcbience to tbc (ea of j^ome,^ fo? receiuvng p i5oQ)ell.3ln t^e tob^cb toacre toas tafee Philip t^)c ILantjgcaue of ibaffe^nb lohn Fridericke Dul^c of ^a^on, id^ince jeiectouc . 0reat ^illanie ano crudes tit^ toas u^zougbt by f foulDiours in i3ermanie.}dope iniye ^t tbpjbjbegan to oalic toitb tbe ;f rcncbmen : ano Gpzrpng kp tbe toacce of jaarma anb i3Qiranbala,biougbt t^^t iPcenc^ Mtcnto^encs.srbcre arofcamoft greuons \xiarrc by ^ea ano lanb,bot^ in ;JFraunce,anD 3i|talie aab alfo m i5crmanp, tobicb inbttrctb at tbis bay : i:bc id^inces ano people tearea funber one an otber^tbey d^uii^c tbeir blouo mod aboOoaut^ ly,\2)bicb neuertbeles in tbe meanc fearon,perfecute C^iSes fil^nccb mod grcuonQp. a^bc JLoib fenb peace. anb notu twbere tbe gobly migbt marueli , to^y i5oD fo dPotj i& fttffcretb tbe tcoilo to be fijafecnano turmoyleo toitb ntutUi rigbtcoust all Quaeres :tbc i^ungels pzenent tbcmaruelyng anbconw >nbi0 plaint .anbftieto notonelptbccaufc, but alfopzayfe tbcm^ mDficme^^, .0iceofi5oom tbcfciuDgemcntes.anDbe bzyngetb inttijo ^nsetSjasmeteauDfuSictemtDitnefres ofti^ie bufineOie; Cha^, id. The Lxix . S erm on The one ^c tna^ctt riilcc of toatcra , tijc otbct fpc afep^S otit mr^D nifl' °^^^^ ^"^^^'^ * l^efcmet^ hrrciuto foHcvr SDanicU , to^o alfo or' tSctf *" ^^'^ ^***^^^ c^aptcr,faptl3 t^at ^.ungctt as £;curru0iu'3,toete ^ ^ fet to I'ulc oucr lazoumceB , ^ottljat iCoD boi^ not \330zfec atiD gouerne all tl)V"Sf s in vraters anD in aU clemcncce ritiD jmcgiou3:l)ut foj tfct ^c \j(ctl) tijc traueJl of iSungciis, as i}?5 (3Bjtmftcrs.l5«t \iol)ei't t^e laapiftcs gather ^ctcof, t^at faiit^ US rule cucc c!enienfcn,£ircaff0, Itminec, €nm^ anD cnet)? part in inan,it is fcD'ifl) ai;i3 iupcillit jous , anu fmeUyng of 31i:olatvic . ^oi t^c mancc or i'Tigds a«D ofbiccrcu ioutf« is Ci)35t.i9, cleanc umer3.iJsjojeoHcr,t})c ^cnptiirc attnbutei^ ^nto t\^S. an3,2i. fane otticr tl)pngtc,tljan it uct!j to t^cie » ST^ou Hjait rcaa nat^yng of t^e bleOcD routes , as Jjaupng anp t^yt^S w Dec tojiq mcu ^cre iu c«rti),m t^e \X!^o!e Scripture, lout m fan^ ti?v placcc of t!)c ^cnptHrce,vcu ft)ai ccau that ^ungels are fct ;o 'cc mens istpecs , auD to fear: t^ctn vait!) xttu^vz mim^ ficrics. aigavne , vc rca^ uoc,tt5at ^ goolp iiaue fo; tl,i5 emit gcucu anv goDlp tjcuouc to rl)c >?aingc!c : no, toe fi)all tie^ire in ti);0 cooltc ^c\a) ^autt jiOlju tuouio Ijatte tuo^Q.)ippeD an auugell,but tras pjooibitco of tbf StungcH once c; ttopff* iBQo^coucc, Ijcre t^c angcU renfijetfci a rraioit^vctip t^e toatcc is turneD inro blouD, auij coumictrDetlj^l^ere in jSodb mSicr* foi tnrnmg bis talbe tnto i5oD : tbon an i«rr, laprb be, ;^ JLo2Dtebicbart,anD tobicb toaft.^e. ^e p;;cnoun£ctb bv«i tigbteouo, as \)t tbat tspH bo no tnauanp ui^ong, ano tbec« fojecallctbbFtnalfobolp. 3ln tbe meanc ivitt^oeftgnifiet^ Ijps cucrlanmgne6,attb tbat be geuctb being tjnto all tbuigs, t»bcre be faptb:\»bicb art, ano tobtcb toaft.^c. £)f tbts pb?afc of fpeacb is fpofeen in ibe fira cbapter. 9itin tbc true rigbtc;* cufncs geuctb to cuecp one, tbat tbpngtobtcbisbiB oiune. SJbcrfoietbeiangcliraptbtarbrrcfojieJLojD tbou artrigbte* am, anb oeclarea tbv ngbtecufnes to tbe too jlD,itt tbat tbou bnft gcucn tbembloub to Djinfee,tobicb baue aicDbealfotbe blcivo oitbe}9jopbctes:ibati3, of pjeacbcrs,fojpieacbingof tructb. Sno not tbcicWoub onclp, but baue ftjeo alfof blouD of t'9v bolpfaptbfal, 31 meanc, \jubom fo? tbc true piofcOing of tbc faptb tbcp {)iiic te)ccD. ^uD at laB aapne. a^betfoze arc tbcv toc?tbv, tbat tbcp tbcmfelucs Q^oulo agapne Djinfec tbc bljuD of tbef clues ano tbetis : tbat is, Ci)OulD tall bp tbe luua tuali \3jarrefi, tumultcs, anb Gaugbicr3,foic recitcD* Cbc3Cn3ci irbcfe tbinges are confirmeo i)y an otbcr ^ungell tobicb fgrauctb fpccifectb from tbaultcr: ano not toicbout caiifc from t^t auU aiS ''^'^ tcr, ;JFojujc^earD before in t^e»tf,c^apt. t^attjuuer t^e aultap ' tbc vppon theApocalipfe.' 222 Chaf,i^, f^efottlcsof t^emt^at are feilifDcrpe out a«tj Cap, Ijoto fOKg jfi It tW t^ott aucngeU not cur blouD on tljem. ^c. ^!)crfo>c ttotoistbctalfec tjttcccDom of t^eanltac , to tljc cnDc uje Ci)OulD \3nt)eci1anD,tI)af iSoti foigcttct^ not t^c ^loiiD of Ijpo ^amtcs, 6wt ccncngct^ it in luR anD Due fcafon. jff^o\i3 Ijece 10 alfo commcnDCD (as it toecc tp t^c toap) ttie almig^rinf (Te of0oD,t^att^ct}ngoDlpmap tmnccUanD, Jo\3oinit)ctpme ofaSfiictionanzi tcngcauncc, tl)ct:e (Ijallbcnopoujct; iikilt ta rcfil! tlje almigl)tte« S^o ^tni be gloz^^9lnun» l52Dt) Jngclles flbeo tbei?^ trailer. The Lxx. Sermon. A Nd the fourth Angcll powred out hys vyallc on the Suniie, and power u'asgeuen to hym to vexe men with heateoffire. And the men raged in great hcate, andfpake euillofthe name ofGod, which had power ouer rhofe plagues, and they repeted not to geeue him glory. AndthcfifteAngellpowrcdouthys vyall vpoii the feate ofthe beaft,& hys kyngdome became darcke, and they gnewe their toungues for forrowe, and biaf- phemedtheGodofheauenfor forrowe and payne of their fores,and repented not of their deedes. ^(jcgoulpi tneutoff3oD, fco ot fa\>tlj, tjotufocucr tljcp acfeuaUjicDgc tpcmfclucs to hz qojJ nKD" inSIv afflictcD foi tl)f ir fmnec conwnifrco: pet ^rtx x\)Z'2 com^ v^njotiip] menbc nenerttjeiclTc tl)C grace ct i3cD to^ico coniicrr et^ tbc pmnftjmcntecoffmnersintotljceiccccifes of tapt^. S'o tlje tngoDip, pnniftjtntuics arcplagucs, \ii\}\i^ ncrroct: ri)cv can fuffcc paticntlp, noj gloiific 0oo, tm rat^rr bi5.fp!):n;c ^i!>^, «'»m)fnppofctl)attI)cpfU(fcL'\)n^ojtl)clp. 3r^cccfoze ace toe plagues of 03ti tot^tm nioilgrceuous, tx>i)crcneufrtbeli'aj muci? nioic cr:;cU tl^pngco ar^ foi ttitm pjcpare^, to >;ott,tI^at tljcpniaiifuffcrman ot^cc UJOtbc tucdaUiatgDanmatton, S^^cifojc i^c plagues ct't^is tib^iD t^at are lapco tppon tljc l)ngob!p,arca3 ittocec ccrraine pjcparat iijcs anD jr.cimbJcs. of ino;c grcenous tojnunts. argcv be fmali ptttanct'c oj tea- chings to fccDc tfie^, vfAy ^rcat (uppn Ij: geeuen ilytm^ ^rge foualj SngcU poitrttt) out ^ts ^paii cu t^c ^.«une> $* Cha^.jS, The Lxx. Scnnon jDioughtf t)ntol)i>m teasgccuctt potocctoplagiiemcntovt^^tiite o? -j-piaauc. fVtc. 2^^ic plague noe manp ejcpounuc a!lcgo;icall^, VjnDcc* fiattDvngbpt^e^uunCjtobcC^ztQc^eanng tip ttjeconfct^ enccs of t^e favt^fuli: to^o ts DarcbcneD tn t^c mpntics of ml tW zWt rattier t^c narcbneGTc of ^ntic^^ft, tl?an tl^e iig^c of C%%\^: anD t^ccfo;c tt)at mens confctences gopng aarai^atiD iievng CcDitceD tott^ ercour, Doe burne \xipt^ funD^p luQes $ z>crperation6,Vut)erbvt^cpl)eo^mtnatt^e length to fttnoi^ tlafpbnmcs. ix?b»cbc)cpofition as 31 bocitottJtterlpceiecte, fo (aftef mp iiiDgcmcnt) tlje fence Q}aUbemo?cpIa^ne, ifvoc tnoerOanD t^efourtb plague to be an bcate ^ great D^ougbt, a barrennes of tbe eartb, anD fcacfitie of Coinc, finallp an in^ toUerabIc t\^n^ aGfttct^ng botb men auD bcades, ano laftlp izccD^ng auD ingcnojing boat oifeafes. ;jf oj fo U)C baue read in tbr tbieatentngs of tbe la\]oe:5l totil gene an beaue of bzaflTc lano an eactb of pjon. 3l]n xl^z tpme of i^elpas foz contemning 'anD ceiecting p txjozo of tbe ilozD, 0oD plagueb 3ifraeU \»it5 a foje Djougbt,as ^ou map fee in x\^t ^.booHe of Kinges,tbe i7» anb.i ^.cbapt* leremie alfo oefcribetb tbe like Dzougbt $b^ate inbiB.H.cbapt, agavne,tbe jLojb befenbeb 3lfcaeUtxj^tb ta pillar of a clouoc b^ tbe oa^, ano a pillar office b? nigbt. i3B5ozeouer,tt)e baue bearo beretofozc in tbe ;apocalipfc:tbc j^nnnc f^all not fall \}pon tbem,neitber anp beat, ^no iuttl^ IS tbis \x)o;lD plagueo tuitb burning bcat,as tbe uibtcb offee Dctb grcuouQ?, burnctb toptb lunbjv luff es,anO alfo bp tuic^s feeo proclamations p^obibttctb tbe cooling anb refreUjing of i50DS\3)0rDe, Cbc earcct ;Jf 01 tbe z^ttt of tbis plague f oUotoetb. iSlnb mcn,faitb bCr of tb?0 burneb tu^tb great beat, at tbe firft,favtb bt,bepng inflomeu plague isf ujitb an fjcceeomg great beat, tbep ttiere euen ragmg mabbe* great, ^^-^ ^g pp^D x\\ flozies tbat men bepng afflicteo toptb oner^ mucb bcat,baue felt greuous Difpleafucesanb torments botb of boDp ano tnvnoe. ^ban be aODetb tbat tubicb follotoetb of tbe fozmer number: tbe impatiencie of tbe bcatpzouoben tb6 to blafpbemc 0od, auD euen b^m tbat ban po\ucr oner tbefc plagues; to tairte, fo; tbat baupng full potoer fo to Doe, be J. - \M?Unoti)elvucrtbemfo\jC]ceDtx)rtb burning beat. Cbtra* ' t;c\upfetbecbilDzcnof3ifraeU in tbeir tentcs bcvngftongeti toptb Serpents, mflameo tbe tubole bonp \si'^t\^ tbeir ftpng, mo cepcnt,ucitber Dio tbr^ bUi'pbcme £5od» 15ut commpng tnto ia9ofcB,tbcv fa^fic: U3C b^iuc ftuneD/oz U)c baue fpofecn agapnft tbe llDZD,^agavnG tbce, pzap tijc JLojD, tbat be toil tafee avoav fro ts tbcic ^erpcme, j^\)i'i bUfpl^cmc t^crfojc tbe vponthcApocaLpfc. 22^ Chdf.jf, tlSie itamc of t^^t Eoz^, fo mani? as t^iong^ tnpaticntwes Doe inurmaceagavnft tbe iuDgcmctits of 0oD, ann topll not ac^ lutottjlcDgc t^cmfclucs to be ngljtl^ an!) tuSIy puniQ)cD,an& (occaucpacbon.;finaU?^crci5aDDci3, neither Did t^cprc* pent tl)at tt)c^ m^>gl)t gc«c gloiptoCoD.^c. f:u\ t^e ioiu plaguct^ ti6, to ti3c cno bcmg a8flictc& toe OjoulD cepeni,ana gaie 000 tlje gloip,cotTfcffmg,as3i fayo befozcv toe be pu* niQjco i«ft!p,ano oiig^ttoit^ cueepingano toaplingto xum^ to t^e 2,010 t^atftnfeetl^\30. I5utt^efciifec}a^arao,ttcptIjci: feot» tftc acltitoU)lcOgctl)eit:finne,no?pwptnto i5oo, noipctacca- gowpt i3tu> mcnoet), butmanv tpmes ouercome t^ctnfclncsininalici- goDipbe= oiifncB. I^cceof \xie leamc t^e Oiuerfitic bcttPict t\^t gcDip $ bauctbems tngoolp,anObotDbotH^rctl3cmrclHcs in affiicticns . ^ai^^^^^^ t\^c goDlp gcue gioip \)nto i3oD, ano amcDc rl^cic Iifc:ano t^e ^aiictien*,! orljcc geuc not 0oo t^c gloip, but become tooife tban tOem^ (clues. a:o geue 0oD gloip,is to gene place tjnto i3oD , au^ not to refift, bat to acUnoto leoge tgcir fmne, anD iooos ngb^ rconfncs; ano not tijisonelp, butalfo to acfenotDlcOgetbc tnercp of i3oD,anD bis clenicncic totwarocs tlje penitent » an& t\)t tone to ceqmre bumblp» 2:be fiftc4ungeU potoictb !)ps ciippe bpon t^e feat of t^c ^fjeuarks fjeaQ.:S^batafeato?tconeiBtiicofoi a fevngoome, is moienriTcofttie' manifcft tban tbat it nccoe to be pioueo bp tcftimonies, fmce iSomiQj fca tbat^.SlobnbpmfclfeDotbbpanObpfoia feat place a feing= t-i^'Piafitit. boHie. 3lno alfo in tpnies pad tbc maitters, oj ratber mini- flees of C^iiecbestaugbtfittpng, ano ^ao tbcicttoolesana cbapies in bolpalTcmblpcs. ^bat fapmgintbc 0ofpell 10 bnoujcn: J,\\ tbe cbap?e of rxjofes fitte tbe Scribes ano pba^ rifeis.cjc. 3i is fenotapen tbat in anncient tpmetbcretoece feateSOfjaatrtarcbeS, Hicruralem,Antioche,Rorae, Alexan- dria, Conihnunople aiio otbers ; anO tbat t\^t fame are calk apottolicall featcs, foiafmucb as tbc ^poftles bauc taiigbt tbece. ilno fo is f ^poftolical feat tfeo foz y ^poQolicall 00c* trine it felfc. 2rbat feat ececteo an^ eaabhCl)eo atixome bp tije 3po(f Ics ano i^poaolicfec men, tbc bead tbat is tbc jaopc Ijatb fnbiicrtco, ano \\\ x\iz plac: tbcreof erccteo tbe feat of pc- ftilcncc,tobicl) be oarcnciicctbeles call tbe feat of Cbii(l,anO ^apoffe^ tbc feat of ^. peter. Cb:ifti;atb no moie anpfcatmeartb, 5)5^^'^^^^ ^^ (auc tbat be Ou)clletb m x:v)z bartes of tbe faptbfnl Cbnrclj, O- £ 3?^!? t'Dccttjpfc rbc true feat of iLbnft, is tbcrigbtbanoof tbe;fa- ^■^^^^' tbcr. iTbe tniefeat of p:tcr, 15 beaucn it izXic . iiomc is no longcc bJS fear: foztbc^poitolicall ooctnnc, ano iaattiar^ cl^aUci^apzc is ocQro^co ixxc^ troocn \}nucr foote:ano m ^za\x ChdfjS, The Lxx. Sermon tlberof 10 m cart^lp «emp?jc o? femgnontc fct \jp bp tlje pope* OPca niojc ^c purftict^ f apoaoUcall fearcs b? fojcc of armeH* ^o\:Dt^crfo;ci3oD baumg compaflton tipon bts^ ponrctl^ out !;pB tx)?at^ anD plague on t\^t ^ca of Iftomc, iUunnnvng tiicnvupt^tljeligbt of i\)Z fSofpcll, to tbe cnoe tbcy mpgbt feiiou) atiD fee tljc toicfeeoues ano abbomination off moinifl). ^ea. h:^c UJbic b is a VuS&ccful bencf jte to tbcni tbnt be ligb" tcD, anD a great gricfe ano toinient to tbe iaomia)e fojt, Jo? t\)t effect ot tbe plague follouiet^: anD bts fe^ngbomc became Darcfee. 2rbt6 plague aunfujecctb to tbe p.of 3egvpt» ;Jf o? libe aa tbiclte DarclineQ'c plagueD tbe ^egiptiaiie^anb bjigijt iigbt reiopces tbe3',fracIitcs:io vocre tbe laapiffes tojmenteD U itb< ftjantclcirc crtourcanD it aiait gricue tbcni alfo to banc tbeit: ccrour© DttectcD, ano tbcte glojv obfcuieD: but tljefaptb* full (ban reiopcein tbe Iigbt of Cbiift. :JFo? noto bcgvunctb, auD alceaDp batb bcgunne tbe fiS^atcOi^e oftbe §i>i&.t^ i.uD of \y^m tbat fittet^ t^cecm, to be obftureD. 2?bat u>b!cb U)as> once caUeD an bolv feat, is nota of tijc goDlp awD leaincD caU !eD toiclteD mo me, t)^z u;bo?e of ©atpbn, tbe moibcr of till fojnifations, tbe Denne of tbccucs, ^oDouic, i2:gvi)t,t{)c ie& i^arlotbpeeafon of tbepourplefenateof CatrDuialtes, u>l;i(b Uieare rcD anb purple. 5lt is commonlp iavb ano rtuclv , t\)t ttereriaome,tbefuetbecfro CbJiift.ll^bepcall (anD tbat nioft rigbtlp)tbe caeDttta!6,i3vfl)opc,anD fpicituall fatbtvs , tbe fanuUc anD luumec of anftcbJtfl>me DecciucD ano Deccirurfi, tottb ^vmonie ^ fiitl)^ Ina nica coirupt.ii;beifo;ic tbe Hmg^ t)ome oftbe beaBCfo be cppouDetbibeffatcjVjaBniaDc DnrUe^ STbeceia aDDcD fm:t^eriHOje,bovo tljc toojflivplici's of tbe . feate of tbe bead bane auD to bebaue ibcm leluee . ;f left io^ iCbe fatte papne anb fo?rotD,tnDiguation,\yjatb tm eniiie , tbcp gtuta of tbe ^a- ojbrte tbeic tomigcs : U)bicbistl>egc0urecfatigip men, ^^^^Irt, ^^^ ^"^ ^^ ^"^^ ^s ^^"^ "^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^"* ^^'"^^ *" ^5c«^ cage, SncS ^ »»^fl"f tijat bitune in fi:rf ous rage. 3r,t is a pb?afc of fpeac b, *^ ^* ftgnifipng boto t^cp tuilUage vottb great turicagapua ii)i tcHtb openeb ,\Dbicb tbep vdcuId baiietJtrcrlv bioDcauD op^ miCfcD . i^gapne (i^i'f blafpb^mctbe iLoiiJ of ^faucn,anu mac Kerofall,lJo?bfcjtbatbca6fhctet^ tbcmtxiiiO botches, anb fuuD^p plagiicSjanD alfo fo? tbat be caGcib a DsiUnc c Vp pon tbfirfeV"S^omc.;jfo?euentbcrfo?e tbcliiomia) fojc bo call ti^t p?cacbcr6 oftbe i3ofpcU Dccciucvs uiD bctfticHfc:anD t^c tjcrvcoctrine of tbe fi$ofpclLbcrcfie. I3nttbis rtpioclje teDounDctb tobV«»^^icb ioaiitbour of tl)C fame Dortrme» jfi^inailp tl^fp bo not rcpet t^cm of tfjcir bo^nss, of t^cir ^v* monp, vpontheApocalipff, 224 'Chp.ig^ itifiM^of t!)dt CMCtie ittCjglrng, facri!cg;c0, lU of^rte , fjnD all tljeapoftlcfavH),ftovo tiii \l men, ^tjccca^* ucwtoill ^a)ce ^ojfc auB U)oife,Deceiiivng anD Icvtig Dccei':* «cD.2!;i)tt;foie is itno macucMbougl) voii (cc-tl^e mpidcQ at t^is Dav,«oiti) a tlicQ'cncc^e to pzoccue obfttnafclp m tijeir cr:* rours.iaut tl)c gccatca p?agnc ts to 13C fojfaUcii of i5ob , ana Ciibbuniclvtomav"tc"^c ^^^^^ crrours $ VKc:ot«IVtic0, ana tticccin to pccfcnere. %\)c JLoin nelmcc \3s from emlJ.ameit* fj[i:^c n;;t ^ungell C^eoetli btis tt'aUe. T^e Ixx't , Sermon, A Ndthefixte Aungellpowredouthis vulle,vppoti the great riuer of Euph rates, and the water dryed vp, that the way of thefe kyngesoftheEaft myght be prepared. And 1 faw three vncleane fpirites , lyke frog- ges come out of the mouth of the Dragon , and out of the mouth of the beaft, and out of the mouth of the falfe Prophet . For they are tiie fpirites of the deuilles workyng niiracIes,to go out to the kyngs of the earth, and of the whole woi Id , to gather them to the battel! of the great day of God alinighiie . Behold I come as 2 theefe.Happy is he that watcheth,and keepeth his gar- menteSjltit he walkc naked , and men fee hisfilthyncs. And he gathered them together in a place called in the Hebrew toung Armageddon. 2ut)cfijci^ungcltpotom^ outbts^janon t^c great i^i^^^gj^ ttcrof2£apJ??atcB:thc ei;Doft^is(l:cDpug; i3,ti)at tbt\ra^^pofbcrefoze tbc potocr of tbc iEiomanc Cljurcb bcgynnetb to Dccap , to tl)c intent tbatattl)e length it ma^ be tafecn anti abol!(l)eD bp t^e Eozu Cb?ift bv»« fclfe* SiS^^tf S)oMbtIe6t^ctr«e Cbjiftians tjnberaanti,belcueat«) pzo^ SipcD bo ^^^^ ' ^^^^ ^^^'^^ ^^''"'^ ^^ ^^^ ^auiour , auD tljat tberc ie no ''^ ^' faluation in an otber: t^at tbc fame is ge uen frceip : anb tl)at rbcp be maDbcanb committe ^v>«o"ic ^nb facrilegc, to^ic^ intbiscafepiactifcanbmafee marcbaunbife ♦ mcao tbe . 5 r»- chapter of ierav,anb t^c. 8.of tbe ^cte6,anb finally tbe. i.anD 2.e^apter of ^. }daule to t^c CoIiofT. XDbcretn it \& mod btlt^ gcntlp Declarcb , ft)e\x»eb , ano fet fo^tli tbat bp C^iift alone toe are abfoIucD^anb in btm alone baue all fulnee. 0inD \JDbat tpme tbe common people bo ^eare tbts^to toute tbatbp tbofe iaomiftTtnfles,fav?eB of parbon6,$otber craftp mgglpnges t^ev are beceiucb , anb robbeb of tbeir fubCamicc , tbev (l)ut bV anb bp anb malte faft tbeir cbeQes, tbeir purfes , tbetr ceU lars anb garners. ^nb (0 bipet^ \)p t^c riucr of toealt^ ^ pUft (tire : t^e goiben (Ireame fliall be take from t^em. l^lfo tt bM« etbt}p,U3bet^egoblv benv to geue ot^cr tetbcs^ paUes,ftra fruttes,anb fucb oFber Iti^e tt^pugcs . ^0 51 fap i% tlje toap pzepareb fo? tbe fepnges of tbe xgaft , fo begpnnetl^ l^ometbe feconb 23abplon to be taken anb come to naugbt» ^» 3inti= 31t f ollotoet^ furthermore , ^o\» anttc^?i(l ft)aU figf t fo> cbv-ft beDa= tljie mapnteinaunce anb incrcafeof Ijps bpngbomc agapnft wtb b?m t^e faptbfull anb goblp foit tbat labour to b?p tip igup^iatce* fo? tbe p?c= (jinD tjj^crcas be migbt ^^lit^^^ l^ianc fapb , bt toill fenb fo|t^. ^^oihfafL i3l»nba(rabourB t3nto all J^pngcs anb jazinces, to ftp?rc tbem ^^ ^ ip agapnft tbe iSofpellcrs , toz tbe befencc of tbe pjmdcges, tig^tes anb reuenetoes of lY^t ^ea of i^oine: ^e bab ratljer to befcribc tbofe ^mbaflabours abutreblp,anb to fbcts} tbeic beftruction.SIt foicetl) terp muc^ to bane fenottien tbe popes JLcgates.^o? tbep are maruelous peftilcnt to t^c £b«tcb oC j5ob : foztxie baue not onelp cjcperience of it at tl^ts bap , but alfo bp tbe rcabpng of all flozpcs,tbat great euils , anb all ca^ Jamities in a mancr baue bene bzoug^t into tbe Cburc^ , ana are alfo at cbte bay,t^^ougl) tl^e matgatioB of t^ofc negates,. vponthcApocalipfe. 22J? ChafjS. 31 f ottc^eij a Ittic bcfo?e,tD^at mifc^ief carDinal! lulian Cefa- /^^bc tet rine t^c Hegatc ef pope Eugenius tD^ougljt tti i3ermanp, 23o- mption of |)C}tte,)aoIe ano l^nngacp.n^Ijac is Done tn euc tpme , ^ i)atl) ti)e popes bene Done tn our fathers inemotte^tt Uiere to iSg to reljeacfe. ^mbatra^ 3]f our eiDers IjaD b? tbc Doctrine of 3lcftt iL^nxfi rcwealcD to f °"|^ ^ tbe Cbuwb bp ^ . 3nobn,t)nDeraoDeattD fenotocn tbenature 1 i7,Sl of tbe jaopes legates , tbep inigljt eafelp baue cfcbetoeD tbe ^"^^^ great mifcbiefes mb^t^^it^ tbcp baue tnDifcrettp tntangf eD tbem felucs.anD fuffercD great loCfe anD binberafice*!] fpeabe ttotb^ng bere of tbe ^mbaOhDours $ i^mbanaDes of jt^inges anD common ts^ealtbcs Dnco;mpteD« ^ira be a)eU}etb Dtligentlp tbe original! of Eegates,to tbe Cbe o^gf ^ intent tue migbt t^nDerOanD , tbat tbe? be teo toicb a ujicbeD ^^'^ of %ge fpiritc,anD tbat tbeir Yiocation is not goDlp,but Deuiilifb. j^e 8^^*^ d}ctpctb a tb?tfolD ouginall,tobere in tierp DeDe tbep ma? all bereDuccD to oneDcuilit^ tjmtte.i^efatD (faptb Vtimifiustpg pounDpngtbis place ) one fpirtte , anD fo^ tbe number of tbe partes of one faptb tbzee , tbat all tbe number of tbe tuicbeD migbtbeDttereDtobeleD tottbone DeutliCb fpinte. STberfojietbe ftrftDenne tbat tbe negates b^abe otttof,be callctb tbe IDjagons moutb.iSDf tbe S>^gon is Ijpolben in tbe. ix.cbapterneitberistbere an? tbat tnDerDauDetb not, tbat It fignifittb tbe DctttU btm fclfe . 2;be? come fo^tb tberfo^e fr$ t\)c Dcuill . ^o^itl tbe affaires of tbeir iClmbaflaDe confift in I?rs , craftes , piactifes , anD finall? in co^rupt?ng tbe trutb anD fincerenes of tbe 0ofpell ; anD alfo in fatuous , DiOentt^ ons^Oaugbter anD blouD.i^nD tbe DeutU tsas from tbe beg?tt n?ng alpar,^ murtberer,as tbe ILo;d bim felfefa?tb in» of 3iobn*^nD betbcrto tbe? be of tl)t Dragons moutb . 2rb^ felfe fame arife alCo out off moutb of tbe beatt. ^0; tbe? come fumifbeD VDitb tbe popes autbotttie,legates Eateraluiitb ful potoer.^f tbe bead 3n baue fpobe in tbe.t3«cbap. finall? tbe? come out of tbe moutb of tbe falfe|d;opbet. 33i;be onel? true |a;opbet auD b?gb ^epbearo of tbe tniuerfall Cburcb , is Cb;tft tbe Conne of i5oD.^nticb?ift,is tbat falf^ )d;opbet,anD cbief feoucer of tbe VDbole tooilD:as is fa?D in tbe.i^cbapter. a:berfo;e come tbe 2Legates,fent from tbe idope, tobicb batb put into tbeir moutbes tooioes, oz inftructions 0; commtOt- ons tbat tbe? nioulDfpea^ctboretbinges tsibicb are offalfe p^opbefie. i^otobcic be cjcpounDing b?mfelfe moie pla?net?, Cb;ire bn= Declaretb of tobat fo?t tbe legates (ball be: to \xiitte,tbie t)n= tUant fpi =j dcane tmdeane fpiite is euer? taberc in tbe fcrip= ^^tw • (ure caltcD tbe DeutU o; ^atban, ^ercl? of nature auD cffccte. chap ,i6, Thc.lxxi.Sermon fm as t1)e fptrit of i3oD is callcD bolp, fo cotttratvtoife t^i^B fpiritc 16 callcD \3nclcanc. f^\ be jjunftlfc is of nature, (0? ra^s f5ct:cfbiso\xineco2niption,anoreuoitmgfrom i3oD) im^ puic, ann t^c autljoitr to men of all nnpuntie ano \3nclf auc^ tieEfe.Bcfigntfietbti^ecfozc^tbatt^orcilcgatcs ft)aUbe men of a Dcuillifie \)ncleaneneiQfc. ant) in occce if von lav bcccnn* to tl)clvfc, manners, ano conueriation of tbofe Eegates late^ rtill, ano of tbc families, vo» ti)ali fmoe in manner notbvng els .but eictreame VjuclcanneCfc, filtbineCfe ano bcafllvncffe, mondrous luf^, toboieDome anii aououtric , anD BeteOable fornications, toonDerfull furfctr ing, blouocraftes ano comta (elks. H^bccfoic tbe tbvng it fclfe fpcaiKetb : ano tbe tbvngcs tbat tbe £egat(S idoc c«crvu)bcrc,arca commentarv of tbis place, ^no tx>bcre tbcre be tb;ee t)ncleane fp^ites recboneD^ fomeDoeejcponnoeitof Diuines, latocversano religious, as ^onfeesanO;Jrevccs,oftbetDbtcbtb2ce (ones foube moft part arc cbofen tbe popes ambaOraDours.311 ^noerto fimplv 6V tbe nuber of tb?ee, ytbofe JLegats flialbe tb?ougblV Uirnis a)eD tovtb all mifcbeuons autbojitic,cttbat tbev ft)al al agree Vxiell amongs tberelues,ani» all bclpe one anotber: tbat uibac foeuer one feemetb to lac&e, an otber mavfiipplv* ^alomS in igccle.favtb,f a tb?efoloe rope 0? Ivne toil not ligbtlv b?eabe, But notD to tbe eno tbat no man C^oulo finoe anv lacl^e of y (tobicb 15 bew^feb m iSreebe foj beutll,batb bps nameoffunb]ipUnotolebge,anbn(tlftUne0 of tbmges: and feemetb to be in a maner tnbtfiferent,altbougb tt be common^ iVPHtfojtbebeuill.^enectbeleirc, fo?a biffcrence tbepare faUebEudaimones,anOCacodaimones,aSit toCrC UielffeiUcb anbmt(ltiUeb.;jfo)tbei5ree^eefaptbat (TckVciv is calleb of ^ct)}/uMvtbat ts, fenotopngoj ffeilfuU, ;jfoj SaSiiJ^m ts calleb a cwnning perfon oj a craf tfmaifter. %\^t JLo?b tberfo?c figwia fietb, tbat tbe laopcs negates fljall be fpjttes of bemls, tbat i6tofap,fpintuailfatbers (but inbettjeb toptb tbefpiriteof ^at^anj tupfc men o: ffeilfnll, craftte ttiojfecrs to bjing tbeic matters to paffc. 2lnb tbecefoje bcannepetb, too^ftingujona bers.»?berbvbcfccmetbto allubeto tbe tsgagiciansofiSs gppt, tobo alto tojougbt mp^acles, anb becepueo fepng jaba* taomlpesagapnCttbetruetb. ^.jaaule mojeouer in tbe. 2. to 2;imotb.tbe.^cbapt. comparetbtbetupfe men anb mtnu tters of ianticb?ift to tbe jSBlagicians of i2gpgt, ano rigbe tveU&no\3oentti0,tbat tbe legates boecucrv xx^W^ boaft of inpjecleSjtDbubb^n^becn bone in tbeir cburcb anb religion, ano fo feecpc ftiU tbe bartes of bpngcs ano pjinces in popitt) ecrours.fl)f my jacks fpcafeetb ^.laaul in tbe i,to tbe STbcCT* »♦ anbSl bauefapb lomctbmgbcreof intbe.i^cbapt. ©ere is (l)Ctt)eb moieoucr tbe enb of aU tbe piactifes anb d)c Etc bjiftesof tbe ^opcs legates : namelp,to goe fojtb to tbesatc0are binges of tbe tubole eartb, to aflcmble tbem to battavic.^c. J" «« wnstf %\^t^ ajall cceepc m t^e courtes of all fepnges atio ja jmces* "»'^^^»' S)oubtlcs Chaf.i^. ThcJxxLSermon S>oul)t)e0^e Q)a11^ue tbe ^opes legates toelneare m all bvngcs courtes. 3nD tobat toe Hie^i 2r^ep mutronneferngs anu pimccB. ^^cpfcc tijat no fait!)ftiU man be afimitteoto tl^e fevtte^s fpcac^, t^cv Icacne to bnoto all t^c bings coun« fell, toliic^ tljc? tujite anu fignific to iaome : ano if t^c? mtC* Ivfec an^ t!)mg,t^ev labour to inftingc anu fubucrt t^c fame: anD tbev altoa^es beat m tbat fong of tl)etrs,to toitte, ccoa)^, croabe,tbat is tecel? obeotence^tobtcb all me o^e to tbe ijo^ Ip ^ea: finally, t^ev aeme binges anu ia^tmes to i)efe;ib t^e ebuecb of mome, anD to Beftror becefiee* 2;bi0 31 Tap , ts tbe battell of tbatfame Da? of tbe great {5oD almtgl)tte, tbat is ta (a?, tobtc^ (i)all be partebbp tbe commpng oftbeConne of i5oD \}nto iubgement, anD tobicb fl)aU inDureto tbe cSmpng of Cb^iQ^ntombgemcnt,tDbo{l)alltbenanenge tbe blouD sf bp0,at tbe ban&e0 of tbat \)glv beaft. anD becallctb p Da? 6f tuDgement,t^e Da? of tbe great la oD : as Doetb atfo ^aint Idaule in tbe. %\x. i3inD tbe Da? of i5oD almtgbtte: as i)e t^at C^all tben O^etoe bts almtgbtmcfiDir anD tbe full potioet of i^is i50DbeaD , \x)bom tbe,\)ngoDl? furmtfe to bcasnotoa aeepe b? reafon of bts long fu6feramtce. arbts necelTarte ana tnoft profitable Defcriptton^.jllobn batb fettnbere, b? tbe teHeal?ngof3|ciU8Cl);i(t, to t^eenD t^atU)e(^oulD\uatct^ anDbetoareoftbem. «n tthot - l&creafter follotoetl^ a fa?tbfun aDmonition anb e)cl)o?tft5 tetion to " ^^^^ ^^ watcl^ing, leaft \x>t fall a fleepe anD periO)^ \D?tl) tbe teatcbtns. i^nticb^iQians m tl^e cares anD plealhres of tbts too^lD* i ^alUeaft loobe fo; it. fQ% lYit Eo^d l^ere rcpeatetl^ tbat t1^?ng, ^W^ ^e fa?D alfo in tbe gofpelUbebolDe 31 come libe a t^etfe. arbeCe t^?nges are reab in tbe.24.of jQ^attb.anD are repeateD of tbe J^pofile int^e* t\:it 2rbeir.tbe. u c^apt» lanD tierel? tbat fame foDen comm?ng of tbe 2,o;d vuabenctb tbem?nDe5af\)S all,anD p^ouobctb MQ to toatcb, leaii; uie i^oulD at t)nu)ares be oppzelTeD. 2^eaDio?netb alfo immeDid atet? a profit p^epareD for tbemtbat vuatcb. i^app?,rattb be, IS tbat man tbat \»atcbetb.i^ aDDetb mo^couer, bou?tbe %eepetb? S^^^^? (^oulD Demeane t^em&lues in tuatcbing . h oU) tbe? sarmentejar muS beepe tbcit garments^tbat tbe? be not DcfileDtanD tabe tbat tbon beeDe mo^eoner tbat tbe? tsalbe not nabcD,leaft tbeir f?ltb?' go not na= ttes be efp?eD. ^oucbtng garmcutes , 3R baue fpoften t)er? ^^* largel? in m ot^cr place oftbts boobe;. SiJbat man beepet^ bis garments tobitbbeepct^ bis l?fe anD couuerfation tm^ fpotteD of t^orlDl? filtl^ineire, )^ tuolbect^ not nabeo, tobtc^ puttct^ vpon the Apocalipfc. 227 Cha^. /^. puuctl^ on C^iift: lutljiB t^mxt is fccnc,t!jat linuctb tinpu:^ Dcntlp. But cbicflv ist^cic ft)amc Tccne, U3^ofcU3l)oiciDomc, anftoutnc, auD fleflitv tuftcs arc fenotocn, aitDopcnto tbe cveo of all jucu. attD 6ccc is t})c ftate of rljcm to be lamcnrcD tfiat arc callcD fp icituall, anD rather vet are m Dcecc to be Dc^ teftcD t^an to be oefcribcD, ©Icffeo arc tijc^ U)!?o(c fumes arc coueceD.anD b^PPV (tt^e tbc^ tbat baue leamco to be adiamcd. tllttbappv ate as manv as can not blu A),but fct fttcb a f^ce ou tl?e matter, as tbev glojv "i tbcir finnes ano tutcfeconcs. aftcc tbis be toucbetb at fetsu toozbcs tbe Dcllrwction bot!j cfjc ficftm of tbe negates ano alfo of tbem tbat arc DcccautD bp tbe ELc^ ctton of t\)z gatCB,anD of fticb as figbr agamd i5oD anu true religion, foi frosgcs. tbe maintavnmg of tbe Uomiftic maicftic. E^bc Ecgatcs in- DeeBc DOC affcmble men of tbeir faction \3nt0 battapic againffe ; tbei^oulp : but tbe Eozd b^tb gatbereo tbem into a place tojjic^iiscatleDin ?^tbietoc ix^ua.yiU^ taljicb fomc inters p?ctc tbe Dcflruction of tbe Utiutr, anb fomc tbe armpe of Dc< folatioUi ©lit boujfoeucr tbat is,tbc fence fecmetb eafie: tl^c^ accinDccDeaCfembleb bp tbeiLegateSitbattbcpnugbtUjitb- fianl), 0; piobibite tbe bcllructiou of tbe miutr, anb riime of laome. I3m tbe S.01D Q)al aCTeinbte tbem alfo, tbat in tbe tit^ rpfamr place anbVBojfeetbcp may be bcftropcDbp tbe Eo?b, a?bicb fmallp at tbelaft iuogcment twe bcleue Q)al be accom^ plpfi)CD.^otbe2^;b£b2Hlout;i;eDccmer ana reuenger be piapfe Ann glo^p.!^metu C S^f^e Ccnentb ^ungell potu^et^ out ^pjs tpnlle. The Lxxii.Sermon. A Nd the feuenrh AngeU powred outhys Vyall into the ayre. And there came a great voyce out of the temple of heauen from thefeat, faying: it 15 done.And- there folowcd voyccs, thundennges,§htninges, and there was a great earthquake,fuch as was not fince men were vppon the earth,: fo mightic an earthquake And fo great. And the great Citie was diuided into thre partes. And the Cities of nations fell. And great Baby- lon came in re mebrauce before God , to geue vnto her thecupofwyneof fiefcenesofhys wrath. Andcuer^ Egle fled away^, and the moun tay ncs were not fou ndc. l4»i. Aiid C^a^. j6. The. Ixxii.Sermon And there fell agrcathayle, as it hadbeene talentcj, out of heaucn vpon the men, and the men blafphcmed Godbecaufeofthehaylc, for the ftroke ofit was ex- cccdingfore. ^be laft %\^t feucitcb ann lall ntp pottrcd out mto \\^ avK ^ nfinf;» iuDsement fictl) tfec perturbation auD alteration of all elements, «nD t^e of <0oD fi- ^o:riblc,but vctiuG iuDgemcnt of <5ar),ar.b finallv tUc cud of f^H\i «!' ^^* tiJV"Scs,anD papncs^c t^pngcs bcindos cSi IcDtoitI) figuratiuc fpeac^cs, tafecnfozt^e moftpart cm of ^ * t^e pzopljctcs^and b^ ap^tuie eontpartifon bjouqtit out of t^e ^olv^o^te . V)\M\^ IS done fo; t^is conriDcratton,t^at all tbvnses mt9l)t be mote full of OQaicftie , auD t^ar euerp matt fi)oulD mo^Dtligcnti^, feared foztl^e fence of fo ciccellema matter , toi^tcb be^ng founde j)nce , oug^t to be ^pt and res tameb in perfect memozte. 3>oze tern c ^nb UD^at tvme tt)c !dp;t is zuoueb , fmibz^ anb l)om&le ^Scjs. tcmpeftes arife m t^e av;e . i^nb t^e ILo>b 5lefus in \\^t i5of<: pell after t33|ccvngc3,tcvccs,iigbtnvnges , anD tbnnderboItes.aHD aueai'tbquaKc,fo tetnble, tbatti;eu;o^t'a j)atb neucc ataup tynie felt tbc I^lic, ;Jfo? ^. jscrcc aifo in tbc et«j of bis latter igpiftlc,recicctb tereible tbvnges of tbc !aft Dav,anD bumpng of all UiozlDly tbv»gcB . 15nt tbc quaUyng atto terrout: of mens m^nfics , Q^all be ^et a great Deale mo^c iccribletbanaUtbefe. 2rbc EoiD in ^.f^atb.f5ofpeIl , 2rban ft)a!I \xiavle,faptb /^^e go&i» ^,a!I tbe fepnrcDcs of tbc caitb.if oz tbc l3ngoDiv,\x)bofe coii^ arc ryetiip = fcicnces ace toickcD auD coir«pt^fl)«il feeic tbofe tcrtours auD tec from fo^mentcs \)nrpcaUcable.lLjbc as tbc gclJl^"' Cacroiomg to tbe nrerii tcr^ facing of oiir ^amouc}come not vMi^ niDgfiuct;£b altbcugb '^°"'^^* tbat tbt^ aifo bv reafo of tbcmfinmncs of tbcic flcfl)^ be Icmc tobat aftonpcD at Vc^z fobainc aiteratia of tbingSv$ at tbe ter- rible tearing (t cca(l)V«g of ail clemcntes tyctfojafmucb as tbev banc fenotoe bcfozc, tbat tbc fame fboulD come to puflTe, $ bekuc x\^z ^au!Ouc,favmgvVOur vcDemptiS ozatoetb ncre, tbcv gatbcr \3p tbcir fpji'itc^,^ comfozt tbcm fciijcc m CbiJft> aitD ceiopcc \\\ bim, coimnpng to iiiDgc 0: couDcinnc tbe ^jn^ SObI^,but to fane tbc go^i^ . i^ao berein is alUiDcD to fon&^^ Ooiics of tbe bol^ ^criptuces , but cbieflp to tbe bnrn^ngaf ^ tbe D;o)xm^ng of Pharao in tbe rcD ^ea , atio to tbc rumc of BTiCricbo. $c . Xbofe \xjere \3crelp but fcucrall Dc^ flructions,^ pet terrible aboue mcafure:tbc'cfoie tubat tbinfee toe tbatlall Dcflruction toill bc^tobifb fl)all be generally arban fl)alltbat grcat£ttie,namclvtbe ^jniucrralitie of Cbe great $neu in tbe great Cbuccb be cut afuuicr oz ociuDco into tbzec cute ibaite partes: tbat is to fav,in x"^ emi tberc Q)ali be tb^c feynbe s of oc"»fi«o «n = men fmrno in xk^t Cburcb . 2:bcrf be trnc Cb?«5ians ^\Mbicb "•^' p^''^*^- attribute to Cb^iS bis true gloiv, tbatis ,aUtbvngcsof true IaIuatiott,ano clcaue to bim alone b^^ fmcere faytb . srberc be laapiSes , tobicb ^xtx. tbe letter afcribe \jnto Cb?ift man^ tbvngo,but not as become tbcmrfoz ibcy afcribe tbofe tbmgs to ^nticbiill v\Mbicb belong to Cb.iifl alone ;anb m roinmu^ nicatpng \0Ditb biva , fucb tbVi^gcs as be not to be conmumi* catcD,tbcv Dcnp cbzift . ;j?oj if tbe isope be beaJj of tbe tburcb tniuecrall , if be be 5^vng ajio }a:tcft , (tc. ix>becfc je is Vm^ pieacbcD to banc tbofe tb^nges alone i Hrbcrc be mojeoueu ji5te^trrs,ti)bicb to ill net feme to oenp Cb?ift, aiiD vet attria ttutenotaiiclc to Onticbiill^v^ibom neuertbclelTc m xwm^ 5.tq» tl;?«SC8: chdtf.iif, The.lxxIi.Sermon tl)»;itgcs tb^V f otttctnnc aun ficfpiTc tttcrty . Z\)t{c I;atic m ccctaiuc L^eligion , btu fuel) as is cftab!iCi)CD anD conccancd at tbcic plcafurc,as it libct^ oi plcafctl) i^cm to bclc uc ti)iQ o? tl)at.^6crc is a great utunbcr of tr^cfcmeat tbts Dap , tobtc6 (cojitc anmnocUcujljatfocucc tstiotnmcD after tbcic moft itg^t>ft \Mauton Lucunicail tDittes»'5)oii map finue alto in tbe i3ofpcU,a fielD fotoen ttiitb fonDip fcctic, to bjvng foztb jnoft uiuetB fruitcs , v^ ^ ciicn cocfelc anD Darnell , xoi^ic^ at Icngt^^ intticcnD oftbeu30ilDfl)albegatbcreD.$c.eSjat^.i3» Ci)c citicn i3Kjo;coucr tbe Cities of I5entilc5 (faptlj be) f^all fall , b? Vttm ^ca^ tl)2 ^bic^ 31 ^JuDcrftanD tbc3letiJia),2:urfeiQ) , ano ftraungc ti)6n fail. iicligionc,plucbeD into fonDiv ftctcc o: berefies. 3nD euerp one of tbcfe bau: tbeir focietics,ritcs,anD latoee , twbicb tbep cominenD to be tbc beft,anD fucb as ii)all inDurc foj eiier: but tbc]? (l)vill fall alfo. 2r^c onelp jutcligion o? faptb of £b?ift fbal picuavlcanDoucrcome. AretaseicpomiDvng tbis place aftcc tbc fantc fojt faptb:2rbc Cities of tbe beatben falipng Dotonr, be Diuc^rs opinions of fapt^ about Religion. $c,2r^cv (31 fa?) are fallen all. . , „ ^ J3ut as it toas mete anb rettuifice^ljc a6ficmctb anb ftjcto- ^lon c'?uc f^^ biligcntlv , tbat tbc iLitic ano Cburcb of is^omc Qjalbc Dc- mto the re- ftcopcD, anD committeD to perpetual! to?mentcs » 3l Dcclarco mcbwimce; fttfficicmlv bcfojc,tbat i3abplon is iW.ome,tDbtcb inMcr^ of (i^QD. bcDc is great^not in Sltalic onclv> but tb^oug^out all ;ffrauce, ^papne , fScnnanie , anD otbcr i&talmes . arbe Cttie anti ^bttccb of is^omc batb fcmcu to man?, tbat it Q)oulD be cucr- lading anD triutnpbauntfo^ eucr . ^5 to^o tooulD fa? , tbat i5oD Unotoetbnot ofrbctn,but mudlcttbcm txiojfec tbcft; plcafure « i^crcin tbc igpicurcs cr? , tbat iSoD carctb not foj tbcfc infcriour tbvngcs : but tbat cucr? man Ipuetb bcrc , tis tbcc Ijappclp o: \jnbappclv , accoiDvng as be batb Difcretl? ^ toittel? :fcameb bis Ipfe , anD tbat i5oD fenctoctb not of owp plcafucGS an^ DiCpleafurcs^noj of our coucrfation . ©ut con* trarptoile ^.BT-obn affirmctb,tbat tbe EozD batb rrmcmbjcii Babvlon:?ca ano fo rcmembjcD bcr,tbat be barb Dctermineo \ tocommitbcrtotoimentes.arbctxibicbbctittcretbbvapjos pbcticall pi)2afe of rpcacb,tbat be migbt gcuc vmo bcr,tbc cup of uj^nc oiinuignation^oifearccncfTc of bisto?atb;tbatis to fav,t9at be migbt punift) bcr accojD^nglVias tlic great inbig^ nanon anD \x)?.atg of i3oD requirctb . 2rbtrfo?c 11)C fl)allbauc 110 fmall puniOjmqu : fo? tbc \»?atb of i5oD io not ligbt , but inoi! greiious aiiD borre.;jfoi be requirctb anD rccompenfctb "ti;!rflac^nca'c cfpuml^mcnt,\»it^ tljc cjitrcmuic of pi»?nc vppon thcApocalipfc, 231 Chaf,i6, tm torment . %\^t Iplte twinges ^on map wan bo\D tbe tec? 3QiaDes fiee,ano tber^ Co^e tbat fucb ae tPoulD aec )}nto tbem can not get to i^i^tm. i^eanoctb tbat W^z jCQoiintaiucs , t^at 10 to fap, t^c places of refiige 0? lucfepng can not be founoe ♦ ^^erfo?e tbcce remap* netbnotbpngbuttljatallt^ebngoDlp \xl generall (l^albeta^ ben ano put to to^inentes. ;ff«rtbermo?c be aboetb tbat \(^xxc^ oj bcffroping baple^ 0; baple as bpg as talentes fl)aU be eaft Dotone from bcauen tpo tbe tDtcbeotpea $ (tteb batle as batb not ben: rtnten\b?cZ) ^apit i^&e to bane fallen tn no memo^p of men ^^no be femet^ to baue taienttis. alluoeb to tbe llo;p oftbeCbanamtes, tnbicbts m« cbapter of Sjofna . %q be a)ou bere is fignifieD tbat x^^t gre* ttousano ineuttable iuogement of i5oD pzonounceb agapnft fmtbet)ngoiilp,Q)allat tl^egcntralltuogement torment tbe toicbed U)itbfucban CFtrcmitie.t^at no eloquence of men, no firnce noi tinticrnanDnig can attametinto it:fo; it is al\»apes tnoje gceuous.Primafius orpounDpng tbis place, fait^:l)efetd tetb tbe toiat^ of reuengement in baplc . }»>berof \2)e real; :f be tD^atb of tbe S^o^D falletb Do\»ne Ipbe baple. ^Bteicber botb be tott^out cauCe make mention of a talent toeig^t. ;lf 0; toitb u t^ixxt mill ^e cjcccute bts iudgement.^c. ^ereisdietueo iiii^t obSmate ano tincurable mutmpng Cbe&fc^ anaimpaticnneof tbetoicfeeOrUj^erbp t^epare inccnfcoai fecawat ga\>nfti5oi)siui5gementcs,\)omitpngout blafp^empcs acPi)c»nc(lEfo5 gavnftt^e ^ftuoge Oimfelfc ano ^is iuDgement.3fl baue banii= *" ^^f^ ^^t^ Ico rbcfe tijpugs moic b;ieflp,fo? tbat toe banc beam in a ma* "^^"^ ncc tl^c fmnc before about tbe end of t^^ , n « cbapter , 70 t^e i.02t) be p?apfc anb g^ojp^ Cttc3«tJsemenf o^punifl^ent oftbe purple tDbo^> is O0fcribeD:anD alfo t^e nnne>anD bngoblpncs of ber* Tht Ixx'nySermon, lijij. And- ChAfJ7* ThcLxxiii.Sefmott ' l^^T^^A?^ Ncl there came one of the feuen AungclsJ CiSir* eM^ vi ^'^^^^""^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^'"^" vialJes , and talked ^?^^ \ ^'^'^ nie,faying vnto me :cbme, I wil ibe;^ (w^l^ V '^^'^^ thciudgenicnt of the great yvhore^ ^S&V^S ^^^^ fitteth vpQumany waters, with who the kynges of the earth haue committed u'horedome, and the inhabftersofthe earth aredron- ken with the wync of her fornication .And he caryed me away into the wildernefle in the fpirite. And I faw a woman fittyngvppon a rofe coloured beaft , full of names of biafpbemiejwhichc had feuen heades, and ten homes. Be ^att) l^ctbmo DtTcoutfeZ) m generall of tl)e tuQ tntigf^ tumte0 of£5oii: albeit t!)atmt^e mcane tpmc ijeljat^) tou^ cbcD ratljcr tljan ftanDleD fome pacttciilac mattccs cocecnpng 23abpIon ot laome.^ttD ttoto confequentli^ fcucrallp , atiD ts uihtnxX^ ^e batiDietb tbe Drftcttctton oz end ot ttje beaft , and of bis 3|niagc,of olD mome an^ nctD,5t uicanc botb t^e i^m« pirc ani) idaptdnc : t»bicb be femetb to point at . a& it uteet toitb bis fingar.3(ln tbe.15.14.anD. 1 6, cbapters be gaue fomc tncM^ng beteof: ano noU) be purfetDeto cucrp tbvngtoitb a notable plentp and euibence.^nD tbc fame tbat 3) fapD in tbc begpmi^ngof tbis place , 31 repete bece agapnc ; tbat beeeb^ are affirmed , bovo tbe iuttice of i5oD is fl)ctx)CD to be tbe end rcbep^o&tt of gooD and euill,tbat tbe goDiv are cdfirmcu,and ti^e rnDge^ of ti)i0 pisce nicut to eomc cftabliflieo , as \»e confcCfe ejcpiieffelv in tbc ^^ ih^^y "^ yoftlcs Crejjc.aJbcfome otall is tbisrtbe olo $ ne\aj jK-cme, tion of ^^* empire ano ^opiili bvugoome,\i)bicb is t^e bvttSt^O'ne ISomc. of 0.nficb:tfl (l)a! pcrill) foi (mnes,anD great enoziuuics.^oj l)c topnetb togctbcr tbe bca(t,ani) tbc 31 mage of tbe bcaft , tl^z bcaB ano one uttpug on tht bcaa,a piouDc ftrompet , fo (bat tDev can not be fcpcrateD.2:t?erio;c mull tbe place be e/cpoun^ DcOotbctb2&mpircc. fChat © ^'^^ ^^^^ ^"^ "^^'^ [l)ou!D ti)m«c mc ro be Ico \x^\t\i an cuil ^obn %z^' affrcnott, fo? ^cUDcraanomg tbefc tbpngto of i^omr, 31 tuiU feed) of ft)cuje by tbeteGimonp boib of ibao anij maa > tbat tbe fame ISomc. erpOiitionisolDe, anDnotne\2?c,truc,anDnotaffccteO. fo% ftratght tcap tbe angell bimfeite, as \)jc tvitili bcare, cicpoun- Detb tJ)erc tbingcs of iaomc. Aretas alio an otb' r cppofijoui: of tbis boohr,favt?nJ)U3 : umcrs ejrpoiuouis doc bv f tobo:c )}n$er{lauD oioe iJloiuc, )^i\\^ i\)z fatnc Aretas fatcb by anu bp a^a^nc Vppon thcApocalipfe. 230 Chaf.jj, Ugapnc ': toi^iicfl Ijc fa^t^ t^c motijcc cf totozcDomc, tD^ctl)cr fo cure vou incatic citftcc olac mome oz ucto, 01 t^c time of fl?c coinining of anncl)?iG (&c!)o!dc ttie tpmc of anncbita ^e favf^) vou can not erre frcni tljc tructl?, foz t^ac botljcinccCHomcanDConftantinoplc) ^auc occupv-^ tbc «£mpviC,anDcufr^'0ftbcmbati)!3Ccnc imbitlDcD; u^v^b t^c t^cbiouDofc^c^olviS^actv^s.^c. l^ct^ccto^c. 0nD vul^at t^CmoaaunCienttolVtCCTertuUian, ana S.Hicrome^at^ipO- , bcnoftcncct^anonceofSab^IonanDt^c purple to^ojc, 3] ^aac Ijerctofozc rcpo jtcD m tl)e. i4»cljapf. anD lut^is ojDcc^cpzocceDctl). ;jfirft ^e (Ijctocf^ t^c au-^l,eoj6cr tbouc of tljis cc»cIation,anD aftectoaru garljcretl? tljc fmnmc of ti)i0 Dft^eceucianon citsiuon. .ifozagauicbttixatct^ by \3iTi8nc, c^apu to ti)e cnDe all tbinscg luyg^t be maze tiiiel^'auD zwxtzt. anD in DccDefome maUc tots (cneitj tjiuon from tbdj.cljapt^^ans to tbc.a ucbapt. be bat tbe fiitt^iriott^aB 3R aomontflK^ tn t^e besmntng of tbis u^o^Hc. :^b^n notctb bt tbe place and ina^s tteroftbc"tiifton.;JFmalIv,bep?oponnDetb tbe tificnitfclfc, anD Onmebiatclp aoiovnetb tbe ejcpofition tbercof.ano in tbe pVoteffeottbis matter be ^fctb a iwntcrall Upnoe of plcaDing, anDt^ataftcrap2oi)bcttcallmaner. ;Jfortbc ?a?opbctcBboc commonly ftifiof all fetfo?tb tbe finncs onu tjoiritrDncires of tbepeoplebefozetbeevesof ailmen: anb tbentbcvanneiee tmto It tbe iubgemcnt,pa^ne,o; pani(l)mem. ;f oz fo botb ^» 3lob« alio at tbis pzcfent» ^ira,tbeautboiiroftbi3Dzcai5funtJtC5,i5t^eS,oi!i Cbzt'l! voho fliete* Ij^mOcIfc: bnt be tfetb tbcminiftcrteof an angcIi.anD namcc ctbti^ps JV,of one oftbcmtobicb came our of tbe temple of tbebiuync tiaon, inaieBif^anb ujas appointcD tovfb fi)cc otbers to potuze out plagues anJJt)val!e6, 3:^16 is tbe beau mini0er. anD it U3as rccmel^tbattbeimigemeutof25abvlonfl)ou;bbe'i3ttcrebfap an angeil tbat baa tbe rule oucr to?m(;ntc3.2:bc ILop Jicrus tipmfelf toili taiiepuntfljment of t^ie bfatt^foj t23bcm tbis tri^ umpbeis rcfecueb. anD U)c tjuOcrCtanDibarfucbtbtngcs a0 acefctfdzt^anotreatcDbere,baitepzoc|:euCDfrom tbe bvgb .BVfl)op bvmfelfc J^fus Cbziff : auD tbe ntaners of fpcaj^png to be angeljcall, bcaucnly,auii goblv. xd^q Cljail tb^n blame 1)6, if tuc tCing the lu.ozjjcs cf aiieglaano of CbJ^lt bvnifclft, ftjall lav tbat tbe I3v(l)bppe of i^ame aziD all }9operv is ibac purple, anD great ano moil cominon bat-lot. lit fceumb alia to'many tnbicbbearch coiiutniauuccof pDliUvlTf, tbatmoa Deration is neglectcD/Joben.tbca' ibmgee arc repcarcD bv tbe ^ac^ers^uiytc^areplavnclv itt forjtb to tcb^ tbcejcpjeGit • '^ ' '^yM> \uojDea ' Chaf,if, The Lxxiii. Sermon toojucfi of anscis atiD of ^W^* 31t fccmct!) tW t^c? toonfa ^^e mou- ^„tte ano lloppc t^c mout^ of C^jift Ijimfelf. I&otobcit tljc^ SomP attempt it m "QSi^x^t, foi if t^c p^cac^cre ^olDe t^cic peacc,tlpa ftoucc ttiill cr^e. ^oi it befeouct^, tbat lifec as t^c glojp of ^^iift,fotl5cft)a:ne of anticljiift fl)ouU)el>cfeno\Men tot^c tD6ote^^o?^&»^Mtt^fVoffcnDemoftgccuoufl?t!3i?ic^ in t^ ^ccmSs maoe agatnft i^nticbjift, require Bfi feH0\» not ^»^at inooeilie, Zs t^ougl) tie oug^t to be fpareo.vo^ict) fparetb no gooo man. ^5 t^oug^ t^at Doctrine t»crc not mooef!, to^ic^ IS taken and receiueo of t^emcut^ anotoo^Dsof C^uH. ^f" tcrittt^e.i8.c^apter.w?cft)aU^carctf)e JLozD commannDe: rcn^crianto t)cr,as Q)ec l^atb renojeo ^nto ^ou.^c, Ci)cfume ^econDlv ^e compjifct^ in fctoe \»o?D6 tljc fumme of all, ottijguina. ano (^ctxictbtobernmotDC ftjoulo referee aUtbvngs» Come faptb ttie iannsdl to ^.Slo^in, ano 31 toill fl)e\»c t^ee xj-jju*, t\)t iuDgcment, connemnation anD puni(l)ment of tbe great te^o^e« 2lno Ulcere l^e fapt^) of t^e great t3)^o?e, ^e Doet^ itt^; timate to^at tl)e crime is o; caufe of puniQ)met: namei?, fo^:* ttication, mifbeletfe.o^tmgoDlineO'e. 2:bi0 ^ifion alfo apper^ tevnet^ berennto, tijat uoe mtg^t tjnDcrltanii, l^ot37 l^ome fi)OulD be puni(l)eb o; bearopeD,tI?at is to fa^, t^e momapne tBmpire, o^ t^e H^ngbome of tl^e i^ope o; of santicbxiS : ano «omci^a ^^^^^cfoze, ojbottj itDeferuet^j to be beOcopeb. ^^ec isei Sboze to^oje, anb a great anb an arraunt to^o^e. berof 3Q ^aue rpoKe man^ times botl) in t^is boo^e anb els tol^ere. \ !2lnb a moQ common t^ing is it in t^e Scriptures, to call reuolting,\)nfi3itl)fnlnes,1mgoblines,fnperaition anb 3nbo« latrie, fojuication o? ttibo^ebome. 3if any ma bcfire teftimo* nice bereof, Ije Ojal finbe tbcm in tbe. s.of Jiubges. i?fap i.anD.3.of3riercmp,t^t.iree,anb in ot^er places.l^ometberfojeu^as a great ftntm^ pet, anb is aUo at tbis ba? a moft ftincKing ^arlot.;^o; to^?, a)ee is full of 3nbolatrie,tDo;a)ipping of creatures,anb ab^o^ minable fuperfhtious. ii^eitber is Qjee !?er felfe onel^ pollu- teo \i3itl) all filtbincs> but Q)ee cSpcllctb mo?coucr tbe \3)bolc toozlbtoferue,vcaanrjtoferuciu Sioolatrie anb fupcrCfitt> ons\3^^atvx3iUvoufap,tUattb?ougbt^c toontJcrfuU pjoufi bence of i5ob it came to pa(re,tl)at a ujomanfapning I;er felf^ amaU) vpon the ApocaL'pfe. jjp Chiftj^ amatt^DiQcI^m^tiptot^c^icaofHome.tdais created i^^a fl)op, anD caUcD lohn tti?.8. ttiijicl) tuas one Gyibcrta,a great ^!)oze,bo;neac Mentz. jfo^ t^its uooulD 23oD Declare, t^attl^e Bpd) op of i^ome Ctttett) ^ uobo^e bpon t^e beaft* 0nd ^eretti HfoUotst^econftamconfetttofaU l^tQoziograpI^ers. s^^» uert^cleffe, 3] am not tgnozaunc, t^at tijerc befomevul^tc^ ^aue tboug^t, bo^ t^tsiohn tuas tmruDeDmtot^efeatb2 an ^arIot,auD fo; tbat canfe toas calico an barloc» ;ifui:t2)crmoze,olDemome^aD potocrto Doe tberetbpngs: Aihcctfet^ fo^O^ecfatetjpbn manptDaterBUbatts, baDDominton anD^Qn maiS tvL\t oner manv people, anD funD^p nations, l^e alfo f btngs Soaterii. oft!)eeart^bauecommttteD tobo^cDome U)ttb ber^tDbpled tbepbaiteftibmttteD t^emfdues to tbe laomatnes, bonnDe tbeinfelnes \\\ league^ anD receiueD of t^em fuperfiittons and Sioolatric. ^oj t^e cljilDzcn of JlfraelHooece alfo fapD to ^ane («t,. i*,^ committeDtuboicDometoptbtbeiegvptwns, \t\% t^at tbepccBcommS li)aD io;pneD amitp Vx)ttl) ttjein^anD toere become felotues tsttb Soijo^edots, tbem m religions. 0nD fo neU) l^ome tbe idopes btngbome Itretcbet^ farre and toiDc^anD Itpnges $ id^inces of tbe eartb commttteD tobo^eDome toptb ber. ^berfoje Doetb tbe uio^d of tbe Eo;d call tbat tb?ng filtb? U)bo;eDome, tobicb tbe i^O:* milbefoztDoe'tenheb^tbenameofabolp bonb anD obeDi« ence. :3:bere tsaDDcD, anD tbe? tbat Dtoelltjponeartbare mabeDzon^en* ;^oz be fignifietb , tbat bepnginfecteotoptb errours^pearatbcrafottcD, anD cleane out of tbetr U)ittes> tbev b^ue been maDDe in 3|Dolatrie, anD pet rage in tbetr fn« perSitions like DitonKarDcs, anD can not f oz fune recetue tbe pzeacbing of tbe i5orpeU. aroncbing i\^\& U)ine of fornication anD ^bo^eDome, anD tbe D^onttennes, 31 \mt fpoben in tbe i4.cbapt* ^nD tt is aptlp QioKen, tbat tbeDWellers t)po eartb are maDe D^onbcn, not fo mucb fo; tbat men Dtueilpng bpoti eartb are inaDe D^onKen, as fo; tbat eartblp xwtxi. anD fttcb as are cbotteD toptb eartblp Dcfires,(^all become faptbfull too^^ 0^ip]icrs of tbe i^omtO^e ^e^. ^birDlp, be eicponnDctb tbe maner of tbe Wion t^jns : 3fl cbemante Uttas carpeD a^ap in f rp;ite.:»>berfo;e toitb bis boDp rnnai^ of t^euioa. ntng va }datmos,in fpirite be (aVue a tooma fitting on a \^ti\^^ anDDearovcD\Mitbftcr. ^ncb bemanptjifions anDfigbtes in tbe idzopb^ts.^uD be notctb alfo tbe placc^toberin be Cats tbebcaft;notiubeaucu,ncitbcrintbe temple oz tabernacle, oz in a fcniifull placc,bnt tit tbe toilocrueOc. fJfap calletb tbe /^ebcaft i5cnti!csa«t( L^catbcncaujilDcrnctrr. auo tjerelp tbeolDe (ntbctoiu Uomair.Cijauane'coc ujitb tbcir fupcrftitions ^an'e bab no^ftncire-a 3P,i,\), place Cl^dfji. . The Lxxiiii. Sermon place in t^cC^urc^, but arc tDitDcHttteC^urct. i^c^fo?^ biDDe tljentljat toe fijOiilD acfenotoicDgc tljc c^uccb oi Borne tobcIjcaDofallfaitl^fHllcljuccbcs. anD at t^is isav inaup of tbem tobtc^ arc callcD mod {joly ana mofi rcucrer, r)iffec kd^ tbmgfrom tl)c f5cntiIcs,tl)C{c litlcs ani» Ijipoctifie onely tjc^ «ptcD.:tt)^ccof IS fpo^cnl3cfo?c in tl^c.ii.c^apt. ^ourtj^lv anD laftl? ^c cpbibttetb tijiB \)i(ion oi type of olD ana nctu i^ome,anD tije ruinc anD ucfltuction of tbem boib, anDt^ccuiitbaHbctiefcnbct^moftbiligcntlv tbe toicfecDncs of cvt^cc of tbcm. i4nD ricft miift tbc bcaft ht confibcrcD, ana aftcrujarDtbctooman fitting on tbebeaft. 2rije bcaftrcpjc:* femctb tbc figutc of olDciaomc: tbc tooma tbe figure of ne\» l^ome ana of jaoperie* auicl alfo afifttmctb, tbar Cbebrtift iainticb?i(! fljall pitcb bJS (eat oj palace bettoipt ttoo ^eas, to to KofecOs toitte,tbe Hadriaticall^cacaUcD COmonlV Ibe gulfC of Vemce^ tturcD. anD tbt 2Ervjbenc oj jT wfcane ^ea. 2lnD tbc bcaft is mofc co^ tourcD, it is ofarenanbb^igbt colour (iHe Crimofinc. frQi laoine batb been moQ cruell and blouDv> ana fwimmpng aU togetbertutbeblonbofalltnen> bmfpcciallv of Cb^Hians. I^OU) mUCb blOUn toaS fijCb bV Manus, Syl-a, Bornpey,! luliusL anootbers^ after bil^oMesPimic batb reported. iKome bati) toitb fv»o?b ano fier ueftro^eo tbe toobolc \uo;lD.3rbe ten per4 fecutious of cbxiftwns bcfoje tbc lemp^c of Conftantinc arc mod commonly Imogen* - 3^0U} i\^z bcaft was fttll of names of blafpbcmv, 3f1 O^eto^ eb in momcabonnbebitijttb cbapellcs $3liDols» 2Da?lp K btafpbemeb ^ob,anD Cb^iC^^no bte i^olpell , anZi tcnttbeCburcbafunDer.fl)ftbc.7.bcabe6 a«b ten bonnes, IB rpofeen alfo in tbe. 1 3 .cbapt, ano ccrtainc tbitigcs (bal foU loto in tbis fame cbapter playne inougb.^no tbus mucb be- tberto of tbc olDc \it9iStx berc foUotuetb of tbc tooman (itt^n^^ iDpon tbc bcaft. ,5r:i«? ^^J '^^SCbe fame matter iftt^ff ill frcateo of,; anbtljc biCon ttf : eypottnbcb, T he Lxxi'ttj. Sermon, A Nd the woman wis ataycd in purple ancJtofeco-i . J , lour, an4 decked with golde, precious ftbne ,• atrd pearleii - vpon the Apocalipfc. 232 ch^f^^tf, pearlesj and had a cup ofgoldein her hand, full of the "abominations, and fiithineflc of her whoredome. And inhcrfotehcad was a name written, a miftcrie:; greac Babylon the mother of the whoredome and abomina* tions of the earth. And I faw the woman drunke wyth the bloud of Saintes, and with the bloud of the witncf- fesoflefu. Andwhenlfawe her, I maruailed with a great wonder. And the Angell fayd vnto me: whcrforc maruaileft thou?I will flicwe thee the mifterieof the woma, & of the beaft that bcareth her, which hath (e- uen headesand ten homes. The beaft that thou fecft, vras, and is not, and (hal afcende out of the botonilcflc pitte,and (hall goe into perdition, and they thatdwell ' on the earth (hall wonder (whofe names are not writtc in the bookc of life from the beginning of the worlde) when they beholde the beaft that was and is not , And here is a mynde that hath wifedomc. !^c DefccCbctl^ cjcceeuinglv tocH anu liuel^^anu fetter^ fo?fft to be fcen of t^e epes of alt men^tbat fame woman bcf o;e na^ tneo tbe great tobote. i^bout tbc eno of tbe cbaptet; be tlcpcQ^s tietb bpmrelff.ann fa^tb: ^nd tbe woman Wbicb tbou fawcCt d^e&omS " ts tbe great cttic: great ijcrcl^, as Qjeetbatbearetb culeoiiec iBtbc great tbc feimgcs of ibe canb. Bemcanetb tbcrfojc tbcttrp citicof citic, laop iaomc, anD tnm tbc popiQ:)e auD l^omifl)e Cburcb , ano tbe of fepacsf. laope bpinfelfe toptb ail bis creatures ^ £bappIapnes,U)bicb maHt a great anD ilcong citte, retgnmg oucralibpngcs ano pzmccB of tbe cartb- if 01: wbo Unotucib not tbat jK.omc an& tbe ^'.elates of tbe Cbuccb^ooe rule men abone magidraces anD iauncce; coufiocr tobat is oonc \\\ courtcs of bv"5fs ^ lajtnccs, anD bp to^jofc aouifc ano counfellcs tbc |3;iuccs of i:jc cart'.) arc cbitflp gouernci). anD in callmg pipiftrie a tro^ tnan,ocaIluDetbtotbe.j.ano.7.cbapt, of tbc iaiotictJbes cf Salomon, wbo alfo Ubcnctb craftic ano Dcceipffuli pbvlofo^ pbp,anDU)3ilD!vt»ifcDometoafapje woman tuUofmuDj^ ccaftesanDgiulcs. anD no'ii) alfo be paintftb onttrimclv anDeu:D:ntIptbc.^ejti5P5- appaiel 01 clotb ngauD tJcrp toboZifl) tcbauiour ot tti's u;o- rtx of ti)c ma'i. ^5ce*i5mn]ill)rD\33U{)nogooa q!i:»ht C3 luvwarDclp, ^oman. Wocv'o? il)ee m^v commenoe bcr iclfe to tbc tcoilD aui> to Dec louci:^; t^crtoje fi):c ejiccUct!? m outwacD DccUuig ot bet telf, Chdfjf^ The Lxxiiii. Sermon io^cre fi)e ts tnwarDlv fttU of all alil^ommations : fo^ all t%t tx)oMD,ltkc ))nto t^e ^^artCcts ^ ^ypoattcs, M^X^tm tft Horn Capt^ are tott^ouMtbe (^m]?ng tmnbcs of marble, but toott^ in replentQ)eDt)ott^aU co;rHpttonanD ftltbvned,anb etteti fiin^ns . i^no bcreb? is (tgntfteb cbtefl^ tbat ti)e Cburcb of uome ano^^ngtiome of^nttc^^tfl rcttet^fo^t^ttfetfealto^ getter U)tt^ \x>q%M^ funttture , to V»ttte tooitb golD , filucr, precious ftone5,anb all coOlp arap. 3irbefe twinges are foutiD m tbe olD people^bc^ng tsnoec tbe oiTctplme of t^e la\v : tbei^ arefomttie alfoamoKgedt^e i5emtlc6,tDbtc|i fuppofe not i5od to be rigbtl? ^onoureo , but tnttb tbe pjectoue tbpnges oftbtstno^lb .!3m tDeltno\3)tbatt^eEeumcall {d^eft^one is ab;ogatcD tottb all tl)c outtoaro arav anb tbat noto tbe Cburcb becltetb i^er felfe vvit^ \)ertne0,anD batctb anb abbo;« retb out\rarb gamt(l)mg.Laaantius cafutctb at large all out^ toarb bec^png in rcltgia o^ gobl^ \j0o;Q)tpptng,m bis boobe of /«/?//«/ . de ^ert cuifu . ^c . 09o?eoucr all olb \»;tters (^ett), tbat i3ob is not \}}o;Q)^ppeb of tbe Cb^tdtans \»ttb golbe (i Ciluer: buttoitb fa^tb,cbarttte)anb rtgbteoufnes . ^bat v»tll (efap to tbts tbat iDanicl in tbe.n.cbapter a)e\3)etb tbat an^ ttcb^iO fball U)o;Q^pp i5ob tottbgolb, filuer anb p^ctous tl)^ngc6^tDbtcb tbvttg be conbcmnetb anb retectetb. Cbe'ldo^e ^nb botb it not appcare berc plapulv,tbat tbe !Lo?b 3nt(us painttb \)\m felfc W\) kt foub to \)0 tbe Idope o; *anttcb;ia patnted fn^ at as it touere tn a table*;^o},be appearetb altogetber fucb, anb its S^S J? f"^^ ^*^ apparcll be fljetoetb bim felfc to be fene of all men, f^e 5»o?». gg j^g xxi^Q^t of ©abplon is netken toitb at tbis p?efcnt. 2ln&^ be cbalengetb to btm felfe tbts apparell b^ a certetn rtgbt . ;if o; tbel^apiftes b^pngfo^tbafalfe fapnebbonatton ofconihn- tine, amongcttotber tbvngec pjonouncvng tbns , in tbe Di- Ciiebona- ^^•9^-xvc gene anb bimife to blcfleb siluefter ano to all i)iQ ttonof €5:: fuccefTcure tbe palace Hatcratte of our €mptre:mo}eoncr tbe ftantmefau S>iabeme,to \3? itte tbe ropall crotone of our bcao ( trbicbtbc »d. idope calletb a fevngbome , and batb tnabe it triple ) anD alfo our pnrplc rcbc anb coate of Critnofme , anb all our Slmpe^ riall arav . $c. BTi can not bere omittt , but mull nebes to^ite n feto tbinges out of Platina,tbe i^cpcc ^ecrctarv, De^nhpM. ///.;fojbffcnbvng tbe life ofcicmcnttbe.j.attbejSopescoa ronanou,favtb be^tucrc p?cfcnt Philippe fe^ng of ;jf raunce, ^ Charles bi6 bjotbcr , anb lohn JDulie Of I5jitaine,\X)bo bc^ng oucrtobelmeo \siii}) tbe falling of a VuaUe , u^cD ( fee tbe t\:s nine anb ind iuogement of 000) tottb manp otbers , tobilcC^ ttie pampe of t^e £opnatto»>as t^e maner 10, txiae icb tbo^ wug^ vpon the Apocalipfe. 235 Chtif,Ty. tt\x%\l t1)C ititt'c . IHpng Philippe a!fo b^ tljc fmnc raine toas fe^c ^tirt anD lamedu^e {dope t»as ftrtcben of Ijts ^o^fe , anD loS a laubp oiit of ^15 m^tcc cl^ac coft ft]i;c tl^ottfano S>ttcatrs» 2;l5isfapt^l)C» 3;t;i5 t»botemoiicouct; mmbctf^toall natto»soft^ecttp^i)et>;in^ ©f Circes, tDbic^ t^c JLoju caltctlj Of golfi.SlnD It (igmficf!) Do- hcti) to t^$ ctcinc . fm to gcttc Djtnfec ts to tcaclj, igjct^tel. 34. i5olD fjcs caroufc. tobnictl? finccrencB ana purcnce of Doctrine ♦ Doiibtlcc tjna tec pictcme of finccccnr auD iSoDs trat^, ifiome ^at^i cafe* Iv pcrfttaDcD all people, CO lectmctl^eDoctrmc of t^eiaomtfl) ^ca . fax t^c laopc ^att) boti) naineD ^tm fclfe apoftolicall, ano tl)C C^urc^ ofixomc alfo ^poSolicaU.a«o in t^e Cano^ tics,^e Ijatlj left U)iittcn:ng^t fo ace all tlje latoCB of tljc ^cai ap0ftolicHctot)e£ahcn,astljougl) t^cptoecc confinneDb^ r^e goolv moutb of ^.lactcc ^itu fclfe . Di(i,na jj,, jKeao tb^v lo.zi.ii. z3//f/»«?.ari)erfo:ct^emoiefimplefojt oftftetoojld bauc fitppofcdjtbat tbep ceceiue t^e \)ecv tuo;D anD ta\De6 of i5oo,\MSattvmc t^cp cccciiicD tieSDeccecsanD Doctcineof rl)e Cljucc^ of iaome . iSixt cue !Lo;d Sjefus Cl)ii(l ootb bece Dcclace ^nto\)S,\x>^atljar^ bene , ano U)^at isenenat tbis Da?tbeicDoctcmc,anD favtb:f«U of abbominations, anD \)n3 tlcanes of becftltbp luft. iiS^nD tbc ^cciptucc cafletb abbomts natron,3nDolatcie,S>ent.7. cbaptcc. iBBjojeonectbcfalfetooia {l)?pp1?ng of i5oD,fnpccftition,anD (ucb otbcc tbvnges lvfee> %\)t tinclraues of tobo^cDome in tbe ^^opbetes is notb^ng tl6,bnt pecuecfc Doctcine , anD pecuecfc UieUgiou , not attcic bmpng all gorfD tbv«ge0 to f5oD alone bp ^i^ Tonne, but ca= tbec DiuiDvng tbe b^ct , anb appUvng tbem botb Vinto cceaxj tuccs,anDto uoicfecD tt»oia)VPPP«5£^s . Butfueb is tbcDOc^ fcinc ano iS^cligto of tbeiflomirb ^ea . srbccfoic i& bee gccat^'*;ff«oiC: finnebececcatcD,tbatfl)cbatbtt>itbbccemUanD\jcnemons ' Doctcine fcDuceD anD infectcD all nations, anD euen noyj) alfo rcteinctb tbcm in fnpecftition anD 3P,Dolatcic . a Ipfec place is in tbe. le.cbaptcc of ejetbicl . anD3] fnpperc tbat one iLo?D Siefus ^Wi t)fcD bece notu \JD02Dcs^tcv-ffltbv,to tbe intent be mig'ot plucbc atoav fconi tbc momiftj Deccccs anD CanSs tbetc autbaiitie a»iD \)ifecDe, anD tbat tbeicfikbpncs nugbtj ^^^^. appcacc \)mo all mcn,ant) be fenoVDCtt,anD cfcbctoeo. fSfth" 'S if uctbtrmozc left anp fboul& be i^nozaunt, tubat tbc fame Uhich i tMOrnan tocce , uibich is bccc fct faitb to be fcne ^ anD tbat all open the mtgbt flee tbat gceat toitcbc circes ,be \Dzitctb bee oton name tmOtrp ojt m bn: t)ccp foicbcaD , tbat all men nugbt ceaD it^ anD tbat fl)e bnuerftans 4nigbt b? no m^aues be ^nUtwujcn^ ^oj^ caUctI? a mificcic i>rns. ChafAf^ The.Ixxiiii.Sermon t^e ttteam'KS o?, figtitfrcation of a(ecret,fu?b?a ftgiirc utome 10 callcD I5abiia.3:)[?tiec9f 31 banc fpofcm befme.anu after t^e true figjit&catiott of tijc ujojd . Isabel! .foiinbctb ccnfufton!* iSlnD iaomc batb bzouggt ancjcccDpng great confiifton into tbt Cbu«b . 5FoJ ii^c as tbe pjimatiue Cburcb of laomc fee fo;tb tbc i^ofpcll in tbc xr>eaft conntrcv: fo after tbat tbe ficft fimplieitic an^ purenes toas once cjctingiiiftjeD, tbe later 13? ft)op0^rcgarDvng niojt ambitionanp conetoufncs , tban bn^* tnilitie,l!beralitie^anb goDlinefi,baue \iyaw^x into tbe \»boIc tooilD all maner of 3IDolatricanD fuperOition.Certeinfv Q)e iscalleb of tbeilojo cjcpzcffelp tbe motber of tbetobo2e£)ome& ^ abbominations of tbe eartb JFoz toe map tbanbe tbe cburcb of iJiome,foi all tbe corrupt Doctrine anb \)ngoDlpnf s tbat is \x\ tbe £b«^cb.^be is tbe oziginai of 3Rbols,fla}acre,anj) otbcr abbommations.STberfc^c ts Q)e moatuo^tbPT^abc puuiOjc^ Doitbmofigrenoiisto^Hicntea . ^no tbis l^erelpts tbe moft tDOUbptideoftbeiHomiCb Cburcb £>tberscalIber^po(lobo;e:* iiomc3,cncH after x^t flefl).;Jfoj vobileR tbe Cburcb of iftcmt %^\i pnobibiteb latofull (3Qartage& pcrmttteo bp i5ob to Hu cUftaSicall perCons , it batb opcncia tbe gate to fornications, abuUertes, tobo?cbome0 , anD luaes abbominable»2rbcrc ncDc no vuoiDcs.tbe tbpng \x felfe fpcaketb. SDnonlicn llnto tbefe beanncjtetba ccimcofall otbermoftgrcnouBt fmtb tbe b;ton^ennes,tp;antip,anDnmrtbcr.anDberealfobe^retb fcioub tt an amplication . f^x be faptb botoo tbat great circcs x^z moft ^aitttctf. ))enemon0 toitcbc ^ fo?cerer,is nor fp?inbleD , oi inibicUieD, 0^ toette ,but Dtonkcn tottb tbe blouD of S»ainte6 >3l meane of bolp iSjartp^s , tobicb bane bo^ne toimes to :Sefu Cb;tf^, bp p^eacbpng of tbe i5Qtpell,anD afcrtbing all tbpnges of fal^ ^^< uationtoCb^iQalone.ButbotDinanptboiU'auDes.napmiU lions of i9S)artv>3 tbzougb tbe inSigation anD nicanee of x^z -JBpCbop anD Cbwrcb of mome.bauc bene ejcccutcD \joitb moft extreme anD bojrtble puni{l>mente0,vottb \xi tbefe ft]eeo; fine bunD^etb peares , bpflo^ies mabe mention . xobat batb bene done , and tobat plentp of mans blonD batb ^tx^t (l)eD txxtxk tAUt^iut^e(ejo,peai;cs ,^^cj)Our mcmojp Dotb At^^^P>t^ (o, mp vponthcApocalipre. 2^4 chafaj, iHp ^act gt uDgctl) to recite . fSrcat is t^ie ccime alfo, foj t^* ;. . ^ ♦ tt)^cI)l3al)j?Iont5plaoucDi>f<5oDlj^mftanDinoagrewou0 . . i^acctfice: anb toil! not fovitctoitb at!) b^ t^e ttjaptbat^bcboctrineoftbtCburcb fit Home IS atfd moil petrfi^.ioitc bab in ivHc t«neec^ Vottb tbr. doctrine efi^ei^orpeU, t^ar'tbc )dope is beao of tbe %\f(xc^ militat , anb in cartb tbc true ^icaie of £b?ift , aub gcnccali ^bcp!)earb,anb tbatcbe ^aintes ixi brauenpjapfoz >}s, and- rbat \S)t (Bi^aire is a true anb real! facrifice fo; tbc iinncs of tbe quicfec anb tbe beab : tbev ace conbemneb foj^reticScs anD fc^ifmatic&es^to be cooteb out of tbe eart^ toitti (ioozb ^ fire* ^nb ^etberto reac^etb tl)e m^fterie of ti^e\)trton,bp boi^ri^c ble figbteB fet before our eves , tobereiti i& t^net? &efcr^icDi» botb rbcolb iJiomane igmpire,anb cbieft^ t^e jdoperi&iif jKonie Ujitb tbttr finnes anb crimes ^apnous anb full of r^ ' nozmitie . iaereafier a)all fotioto an eiqjofition of tbe \)ifioti, to tbe tobtcb ^^ tbc iall a)a12be anncKscb t^e ptmid^ment to be ta^eti of anttcbzift , anb tte tobole ^IttticbntHatTCtrtf . IDut tti race, vcQ)allapplv ail tbefetbpnges tobic^^rr Aiottrn of t^e toriman to «lb mome,31 toill ttot be agapti» it ; ;jFoj tl^ere tDasaifo^'meligionati^ome^tobicb confided in goto anD pzectons tbpnges. jgDlb jt^otne bab a cuppeof fatfe totfebomey toberetottb ftje mabe bjonHcn anb infccteb all nations . ^\^t toas tbercfoic tbe mother of abbominations anb tubo^a bomes^as of tfubom tbc lajouintcc Icarncb fupcrtticions, a^c;* jbotobeit tbefctbvnges pectiliarlv ^ bo concerne tbt ^pe«; ^ottoitbHanbv'ng tbat olb mome alfo toas b;onbm xsM^ rbe bloub of ^amtes . (tc» §>.3l|obn maruailetb ejct eby wc^^j^^it^e fato t^tootiw* 5v3o8?a ^otS)aniell alfo marnailcb till ijis ^art altnoft fapleo ^)pm, jna''"'^?'^ tobwtJc fattj t^^t momtaj beafl,a5'«ppearetb in tbe.p^cbaii- ^^l!':}^^ tet ofS>attidl.aiI i\^z epJblp in a maner maraan>!c^fo at t^is bjaft Bap , tobtti tbe^ ffe^ fo gtfeat tbv«scs graunteti 0^ pcumittcb bp j^ob to tbc Cbnrcb of momc agapnft tbe puce firtcermeB* fvt, tbsiS^elates of tbe Cburcb are fortunate , \2ictonou6, pniit^nnt.anb in fanonr toitb all id^mces: anb b?png to paOi^ tu^at footer tbcp imagine 0^ litt . 0appp is l)c tbat is not xa tbetn offeubeb.meab tbe. - 5 . lafalme. f^oto fioOD 10 i5oti to 3llfcvU,tot^cmt^atberig^ttti;art,9EC* -^>f^i-^Wi< --^^ Chip*x7» ' ■ * The.lxxiiii.Sermoi> Ci)e otto*^ a^tt atmgtU, as cbicfc miniftcr, ^ttcccrb t^ miaccic fn fitton of t!)c ^.3lo^ti and tl)c tuljole Cljurcl): tijat is to fa^, optnct^ t^t DiOon. fecretc auD true incati^ng of tbe ^ifion Ijy pactte moft Dili=f gcnti^.ianDl)efpcahct})mDccoc oftlje toljolc boDpc of il)e ficaft, iiottoitijftanDing tljat t^e bcaft, ^atb cerraine t^^ngcff pcoilicr,anrjUkc\»ifetl)e tuljojc: pet tbc^ungcU^pmrclfe, (apetb: 31 toill Q)(^ tbee tbe miftccie of t^e Vnoman, and of y beaflt^at lieaml) i^r. Bcucctbclesibis fame ts alfo aj>arfe$ fpeafemg,t3obctewtl)cbe5mnmg(Oftbeeit3pofition be (agtbi t^e bcaQ tpb^ tl^ott fatjoefll, tioa6,a)^j6 not. S^be B-omane i^mpi?jctt»as pet tMbilefl Domitian rHleD;b«t it toas no nioit fucb, as btbai) been bcfoze. ^qi fcom tbc ftctt i^sjonaccb IhIh us, it toas as it \x«rc bp inbcritaimce tutbeboufe ofcxfarsy tintiUNcro. ;jf«pjiabimtbtbraftfcc€ancDa&caolp Uionniiet but it toas btaican fl0i> Dinccs JBnipci'oure ccignco, not of a^ nv one famtttc. 2:^);te namp^^e tberfoze bad been in tide potpec tjf onebonfc brtam bm.after Nero it iwas hot fo. agavw^^tb^ ^Rojiiapnes pofTcCffd tbe jenipv?caftciNero. ;jFrom Nerua,. tabicb istbe..7.aftcc nci o,tbc ^Binpvjc tuas covmcpeD to Xra- iane,t}uDci:A»bom it toas putlTaimtanD ftcoug . srbccefoic it t»a0anDitt0,ndt. tPbeceof ^ *3P,obn bviufclfetoiil rpeaU& alJtlCiiftcjc^aapKPUcistbe flojics teftific, tbat tbe tgnipv^e of lEtometioaa otttnguiAieD, aiio in t>lacis tbeceof fp^ang tip att otbec,tiJ^icbic alto calico tbe momaine igmpice: ,vo§'ri?e6l ^timxa,^^ ht moft reuclp xi toas anb is not. f^i f^al bio Uo- inaine iBmpii:c,\»as tbe mottample ^ nobic igmpire in tbe too^lb: bnt tbis ncto, no\» cccctco bp tbe }aopc,i6 none fuc^,. butcatbccauamage oftbcbeafi (asj] favfi ix\ tbdj.cbapt.) aflbabo\» ano amcame.arb^^^oK \»e boubt notbing but tbat tn(bis))trionis^biliiteoto^satvpe, bot^ tit tiKfiloe and nd» i£mpwc,b«t 5bieftp of ^opcrp. /Ci)eo;{si^ i^nb no\» be Ct^etoetb none otqec oiiginall of t\^ bea(?y nau^of tb« bmbelli^eaubdeut^ifl)c»;lfQ;^e faptb> bo\n be Q^ail come bwft. \jp,ont of tbe bottpmeleOrc pittc. lobctrcof is fpohcn before, \' , aUi^jnpviW tfi^fipsss ujitnefTetb a)amell in bis.x.cbaptec, "' ' hti^i^^nT^imm tljc ^oueencuics be cdjtuptib , tbe be^^ gtnnmg q; o^g^tlv ho t ot tbe i^nipp;e in beeoe , but of t^e co;m]«ti0n is xti^tu^ to tt^c oeuilt l^et;e is aooeb mo;eoucr, t»bate9be tbat tinbappp i^mppj^ isli&e to bane at tbelaft: «nQ$oetbmtopeeQUi0n.;)foMtistuttet}p bptl^erootcs \\\ tartb) anb c5bem^eo in an otbee too^lb to paine cuetlaSing, j.O^wf Ipftea^^e (i)meD intbds.cb^t. tobo ^oulo xopxu %t% at, t^at is, Cl)o»Wl)^i%t(^4i^ t^oil^pp t^ beaS; Co bece vpon the Apocalipfc. 23/ cka^. //. %t repeatetb t^e &mc: nott^e c^ofen c^tlD^enof i5oD, but xo\)o be ti)e eart^jly mcit, anD rcpzobatcs, tofeofc names aue not twjitten s»o?a)pp= intfteboofeeofl^fe. ib^cccoftDC^auefpofccnbcfojic. i^eani^ per0ofti)e ttcjcct^ an acclamation: anDljcrc 16 a mpnoc t^at 6at^ toiCc* bc«t' Home, ir^c IL02D fticcetl) »p all ^carers to t^c Diligent ccnfi* ficcation of tljcfe t^pngee, ieaCtue mvgtic bcuccciucDanu perifl^e* c^epbefoolest^atmacneU at tbe bcaftcsfelicitic, ttcto^ics.pompcs.maitftie , cicbes, anD pleafurcs, ann (ub^ mit t^cmfduc0 to l)nn. :^^cp be tircclp topff? t^at t»nt)crftaD tbc emppje to be tahSatoap, anu fenoto tbat \3n0cr t^ Q)a5 ti0\xi of tbei^mppzc.lucltetb ^ntic^nOtbcc^titieof pccDuiott ano man offinnc, to be crcJjetueD of all tbc goal? . ^0^ tbcfc ace conuecteo to Cbnii. 3C.nU)bomtbcp Kno\u t^attbcp ^aue all tb^nges pectapnmg to ipfe and faluatiou, and tbac tbc? Ipue in b^m. %ti \jm be piapfc anD glo^p, cne goblj? tifion i& set mo;e plapueli? tiedareo. The IxxTi). Sermon. 'T'He feuen hcades, arc fcuen mountaync>s, on which the woman fitteth : they are alfo feuen kyngcs. Fine are fallen, and one is, and the other is not come. When he commcth he mull continue a fpace. And the beaft that was , and is not , is cuen the eight , and is one of the feuen , and fliall goc into dcftrudion. And the ten homes whiche thou fawcft , arc ten kynges , whiche hancnotyetreceiucdthekyngdome,but (liall recciue power as kynges at one houre with the bead. Thefe haue one niynde,and fliall geuc their power &. ftrength to the bead:. Thefe iliall fight with thelambe^and the lambe fliall ouercome the. For he is Lord of all Lordes^ ^ and kyng ofall kynges: and they that are on hys (ide, are called chofen,andfaithfulI. ^c angcU tbe ocpounucrof miffcncc>pf?ocf cuctb to x^cs dace to ^aint B'lO'on tt)c miSerie of tbe beaft tbat toae Qicto:? cD,anii of bet iiiDscmtnt,patticuJaclv. ^no at tbisp^cfcntbc iJttetetb tbicc tbvngs: tu^at iaagmfie:) by feuen bmBtxoi)^ be favcb of tbfc bcaS, be taoas anD is not; ano UJbat tbe temre ^oinesDocJjctofeen. ©e cppcanmi; t^c fenen ^cabcs ttoo teases; ftca by (cue Cfmf.Ty.. The.Ixxv.Sermon bcaDc0 are ^ "^c of t!)c c!)aptcr l)e callctJ) t^c great fiiixtx to ujittc great fcucn \)\VLzfi iiioinc,\xil)ic^aUfurnameSeucnhiii, asflanDnigtipoiifcHcn luounta^ucs* ilOo^eoticr t^etcaft ^atl) fcucn I^at)e0,becauretice ^ad tttauv t^mcs fcnen fe^ngc© . W)^creof 3l fpabealfo in tijc. 13 » cl)aptcc. at tljts pjcfcnt Ije cccfeouct^ fo tl)c fcucn Hvngc6,a8 t^cretsno Doubr,tuttl)atui6iaomc to^crcof ^e fpcafectl?, lu^ii;^ 31 fuppofe to be t^c Eozdco cbicfc intent in t!?cfe mats tet6» >Foj iiz cDulJic not fpcakc mojc eicpzcnciv, tnlcffe ^e OjoulD baue cpptctTeD tbc name of momc aUo : but ti^e name ofl3ab]?lon \oz beard cjcp^efTeD bcfoie. ;jptue,fapt^ be, nref^s len, to \otttc,ftnce tbe oeanlv \3}0unbe toao gcuen, in f Dcati) ofNero,intbe(paceof.i4.vcarc3. ;JfojiimmcDiat!^ after Ne- ro, bcgannc Gaiba to rcigneraftcr tobofc Deat^ Otto reigncD; after tbat Otto ban feiUeu bvmfelfe, vitcilius fuccecbeo, tt)^o toasalfoliiHeobpt^c Fl.miancs. fQ% after ^u'm, Fiauiusvcf- pafiane toas jgntpcrour : after tuljom came tkus, tbe befl 49;ince of all. ano tbefc fine fell voitbin ♦ )ciiij.pcarc«. ibe aUa dctb,anb one of tbofe is^tbat is to toitt , reignetb no)»,))ere£ iVtbcfi)ctinojber,Domitianctbcfonneofvcrpafiane, ^ bjo* tber to Titus a mod ^jngraciousmau, tobtcb pcrfecuteo t^e faitbfuH, ann ban conbemnco ^.31obn into e]cile. an trtbcr, fa^tb ^.3llobn,i0not vet commcn: nameiv cocceius Ncrua. ;jfoz after be came to tbe igmppje, ano liucD mod tjertuouflp, and moftrig^teouav o^ocrcD tbe2^mptrr,bc tartco not long* f^l tobe ^e baD reigneo one ^earc^ tbzee monetbe0,anD nine Ziaves,^^ b^eo* i^no t^\x% vxixO^ bet^erto of t^e fencn lyings, and of i\it feuen i^eabee of t^e bead « SiJbefc tbvnjcs fo certaine appcrtainc , not fo mucl) to tbe eppofttion oftbteplace^as to tbe confolation of tbe fa^tb« full : to^tc^ ^ere map clcarclp percciue boto ^empires confil! ixx tbe band and p?ouidcncc of 0od ahuigbt^ , tubo bnotoctb -bvs , and batb a care of tbe goDlp , aitbougb x^t^ map feme, bV rcafon of tbcir grenous perfecutions , ^ crueU to^mtmes^ to be of 0od neglected* Cbe bcaft Coufcqncntlv be e)cpoudetb> to^erfojc ^c fapd of t|)e bead, foas, anD \^t U)a0,and IS nottterel? fo^ tbe etgbt Uing of momanes,vi- i» not. pius Traianc. ;jf 0? be IS tbe cigbt from tbe lempire toounded m Nero :Traiane ujas Of tbc feuen,tbat 13 to fap^Ujac adopted .of Nerua tbe feucntb iSmperour . ^nd bctberto tbe momane lemptcetsas goucrnedjfird m deoeof Cxfarsjafter of t^c nos ^a £{tt|en0 of I^Ome, ]3UtJ0f tl^iS Traiane , «^ic^ fuccedcd Ncrua, vpon the Apocalipfc, 1^6 ck^, //, NcriUjt^ic toiiters of ^iRojies fap, t^at be toac tbc firlt ftrna= gc^-t^at riilcD t^cempice. ;jroj bctoasa^panvarD.a:l)e ifmpirctljcrfojctoasojljatljbmc mr^clJanDcs oftl)cHo- maucs,noU) it is fo no moze . ;f o? a ^panparD lucccticcq,fo as it fcmctb nouj , t^at tbc empire iiugljt be callcu iaoimft) ig>paniCl). ^nD fox as ttuiclj as Tuianc pcrfccuteD Clniu anD bis members , be alfo tociit into pcrDitioa . anD let no man tbinbctbat tbistoastbe onel^ anofolc caure,vx)btrfo?e^. 3lobn favD , boto foz Traiane it tuas fapD:bc \x>a0, ani» is nor* Joj bcc batb pjonoimcco crpKOelp , ann bee is tbc cigbt : as tbougb bf fl)onlD fignific , tbat tberc bt otber canfes atfo , foj tbe tobicb ittiDci5favD,tbattbeiXomant i£mpivctoa0,au& no\» i3 i^ot, tobwrofis Cpofecn bcfoir. ©cceafterfslo^ecb alio tbc ejcpbfitiou oftbetcnboines. (^cbw^ ana tbe fame bomes are bcrc reciteo, txibicb are fpofeen cf in «fs. art ten tbe fenentb of H>anif ll,anD in tbc 13 .of tbc apocalipfc . s^n= *^?"3f«' tbec is tbcrc an^ canfc,tDbV vc ft)onlD fuperfluioun)? ftirhc to tbc number of ten.ifo? in tbc.H.of /inm.tbe HojD faitb,boto be batb benenottJ temptrij tentpmcsof tbc jHfraditce.-foz man^ tpmcs . ?:^erc isfignifico tberfojc , boto tbc isomanc ijmpirc fl)aU bcDifpcrfco nuo maup fevt»S^O'"cs. ;jfoi tobcs tbcvvou fav, Hinges , oifev«pomcs , tbc matter :s all one* S)oiibtlcCrc t»bcn tbc ixomanc i^mpire began to fall roDc^ cav,tbcrc fpzang \)p bvnigcs in tbc ijaft ann i»ca > vobicb itio uaDCD tbe i^^omanc ^empire : namclp jacrfians , J5otbcs , xaanbalc, Eumbar^cs , ano 31 vooic net tobat ctbcrs : at tbc laft m |3pav«c , ;jFranncc , il^ung.uic , C 31 fpcafiC not of !tlf= fricUc auDidftav) toerc fomiDc Dmtrs Uvtiges, ana tbc iio= mane aionarcbic ceafcD. £)f(bcicUpngcstbc SltmgcU ^arnctb tJSfojtJincrseaits rcs.2rbcfc,favtb bcc, banc not vet rcccmcD tbcfe^ngoomc, fQ% vobilcll^amt 3iobn to?ote tbc Apocalipfc, Domitianc cnlcD,anD tbc momanc Umpire toas vet migbtv anU frrong, an^ fo rcmameo ftiU certcmc ages . n>bcn tbertozc D^o tbc^ recetKCtbcirfeVrtgDomcjirbcv rreciuc, fa^tb be, potrcr as feV"gc6 at one bonce mxl) tbc bead , namely U)itb x\)t fecon&. beaft.;Jf oj tbcfc ibmgca tan not be ^jnoer&ooc of tbc firft an&- olD momane icmpiie. aim Primafius, ocpounDing Ibis place^ Cbc'feUiff*- aDmonifl)etb,tbat an bourc bcrc is tafeen foz a tvinc pzt fent. rrcrpuc S^berfojc at ibc Cimc tymc, tbc beaft, tbat-is to fav, tbat ncu? pcwcr ^n\y. Umpire grotjoctb Dp anoincrcafctb , a^Q tbc feVKScc vccciwc ^^^cbcaft, migbtauD po\33Cr.irojibc.Dccav of tbc dlo Umpire, teas tbc ftrcuatb of ^pngsjftuo tbc Decay of tbc ncvu Umpire U3u6 tbe. SvU.q* (Ircngt^, Chaf. if. The. I:«v.Sermon (Iccngtl) of tbt|g>opfSomc.i^nD fit Dcjic tl)c iBmpcroiic Pho- cas comiuauuDco i\^t C^vivtii of i^omc,aiit) f^c 23Vfi)oo il)Ci'* oftobcl)eaDofallC!)nrr{)cs: :tx)l)crl!pl)cgai;c accucmcbc* apunvng to tljc laopcs Domiuioi^as alio m t^c . 1 3 . r baptcc % banc rccitcD:U3!)tcb be obtctncD at tbc lecitb mc?t fuiip ijus Dec b^ng Pipinc,anD oibct jdiiufcs tii^xmxut atiij iDenna^^ tv;. I3ut Nauclerus fpcaU^itg of tbe i^mpicc of Phoca? in tbc, ii.i5cnccattott.arbc encm^ecfnvtb be, oftbciHomane jcgm^ pux , grotovug ftrong tbojougb tbc Ocutbnunce ano cou>- ai'Oifcof tbc i£»npct:oucB,baD raUcna^av «" tbc itcft tmxus ti'c^3llanbc&togctbec toitb 0cnnanp,;JFi*a!mcc,^pavne, ?^uugaiT,^!auome,ano a goou pact of 3fii^??, ano tbcieto ai gieat pan of affctcUc : ano in tge i&aft pacicB , Cacannus 0! I'hraciaj^pngcf ^mmcs ceafcD tjpon tbe SibctiaiiB , larmc* ttians,acabianB,2)arDanc0,attD tbc nnoulc partes ot (Sgace* Ijonic ana Crete . antJ tbc iaccftans in a manec poffcffco al! aflfirta.srbe Saracens DcftrovcD iEgvpt . ;jFpc foi fl)ame,ouc ftccngtb batb fo favlco \)5 tbjougb rior^conctotifncs, ano ijo^ laptuoiiCncs , tbat tbc inomanc empire ftcDc tban onelv in namc.S^buB wwcb faptb be. 2rbc Tame tbv«gcs ba«e toe txU k.Thcff.i. courfcDmozeatlargeintbc.ij.cbaptcroftbis toojfec . anD Viecelv xDanteU fticvyctb boiM ainougcft tbcfc ten bojncs,onc ot^er itttle bo;nc a)3iUD grouo \)p , \23btcbe (l)ouldQrtkcof tpicc^ano tafee tbeir pIace,ano rctgne ujantonIp,crucnv , ann vxiicUcDlp.^Pbecfojc tbc popes I5mpire,$ tbofc fonozp fe^ng* nontes greto tip tn a inaner about one (elfc fame tpme. Cbc fcbiss Be Cl)e\33etb mozeouer , \oW maner of bpngoomcs t^ofe baue one fljali be, auo bovji? tbep (l)atl Demeane t^etn felues tovoarttes m?noe. tbat latter beaa^namel]? totodarD tbc Cl^nrcb of Kouie : t^ey, fa^tb be^baue all A«,tbat fl)c niav intertecnc pec fubicctes,not as fernautes^butas cbiU l»en.§>bcp«ttcf^nocltingc3 out oftbetcpo0eflion,bntper* thittctb tbcuito rcigneas bcr fcnnc6:anD bp tbcir eeignpng, ftjcrciguctbl^ecfclfcalCo . 5^ucrtl)elcacCl)C'aii!lbefenoix)c'h foi;giueencanD|Lacp. SboubcarcftbotoalUbe inoft noble ^««ncf Utcalinc0 be fubiect to tbc ^pofiOltcail ^ca . i£iien tbcre ^e ^''^?' fljeujetb ibat tbe noble fetngtJo:ncs of ^pavne,;jfrauce,^ng5 lanb,S>enmacfee, iS-iuTelauo, CroatieyDalmatia, 3rragon, ^aroinia,faouugallc,l5obnnia, ^\xicnia, anD ^^^ojtoap, be fubiect anb tcibntacics to ibc Cburcb of i^ome . j\\ tbe seat- •n.p'7 .i&eabiietbmoiconer:altbougb tbebv^ges reigneD anb continucb m potTcCfion :^et are tbcv Ujont to acfenotw- lebgc bf c ac ;auccnc,anb true £abv ano gmcr ottljcir fttng;: tomcs.anb m tbe sea,on.ios\it fap^:^t)e olD monumcntes ^ ofalljaspes arefnilofbpgb antboutic , tobcrbp tbcp ^ane?J^"f^ toit^ tbeic empires gouerneb tbe tobolc tooiUi , bau^ng x^^t S Lea? nileanboiber of all lanoes : »?bicb poujcc auo antboiitie tbmacg. tbatimpubtnt p^apfcroftbel^omil^ ^eats nctaa^anicD to call omntpotctu 02 almigbtv* anb bottbricB uje fee at tbts bap, great ambaOaDcs (ent toiS^omebpt^eVBeCeenfevngsnCiMlpelcctebanb croujneb,. to tbe intent tijfeiffe tbe }9opesfeete 02 toe of i^micbiift, anb to ofiferbtte obcbience, as tbep call it. a^bcrtoze bcrctofoje be calleb \.\)txs{, nor feingrs abfolutclp, but as btrigcs ,^0: tbe^ acfenoU3lebge afi?pcriouc, anb be eoen as it tueve feruanntea 0^ tDacbcs of tbe Ceniaunt oi (eruanntes« £>tU)l)om one ^at^. mane tbefep?opec\jeefe6t Ye folke that come flocking from all coailes wyth payne. The fcruauntof feruauntes doth oucr you raigne» l^creunto ttie :3lpoftlc abbftbatbpngpetmoic grcuons. cijrfi'cht STbcfc Upngcs (jn ineauc tpc coufcbcraas ot tbe ^opc, ano ^pth t:^ QbeDieiuc^UDjenoft^e^i^urc^ovmomc, inDetgeo \»itb ttjtiamke; Chif.!^. The Lxxv . S crmoit fptritoft^cbea(!)(^a!lfjg&t toitHl)c aambe. w^crcb? tS fignifiiD tl)c tviann^, tDl)icIj Wngg, anD jajincefi, anD ccrtein or^ccRatcaoftljcmcmancjgmpvJc hoc piacnfc, ann long i)auep^3cttieDagapn(lii:t)^iaanD t)ts gofpcU. Concttmng tl^e lambe toe ^aue alrcaDv fpoU^ tnoug^ before. 3Robtt 13aps ti(l,potmmg\x>ubbt6 ftngat to Cb^ta, favtb : 23cbo(t)r tbe Hambe of 00ti,\3)btcb tafectb atoav tbe ftmtts of tbe U)o;tbr* a^bcrfozc fl)JiII tbe laomtQ^epimccs figbt^notagapttK CbMft bvnff Jf->*^oi tbcp ttiill be Cbii8ian5,bttt agnvnft rbc Hambc, tbat is.agav^Q (be fanctificatton^iufttfication anb fattffamoti cf Cb?iJt.;>ro2 if anp man fav at tbis iiap,tbat tbe fonne of goi 10 mofiboIV) bptobom alone fmncs arefozgeucn, anbtue are fanctifteo : ano (ap notalfo, tbat tbe Z3i>fl.)op of laome ts modbol^liteeujtre, an& purgetb b? pactions graimteb, but (ball fap catber,tbat paroons arc platnc &eceitfulnc5,anD tbe Idopc moii ^nclranc of all: be (liall DoubtleGc neitber be taUS foitngbtratboItrkc.nozbcrparcD foz confeOtng tbe Hambe of f5oD.31faHV tn^n confcfTc tbat iuftificatton le onelp in tbe fonne of 0od alone, anD tbat men arc iuftificD bp faptb one* Ip, anD not alio bponrotonevooz^e^ ano nuritee: be Cl]al be carpeD to Ueatb o^ to pn(ion,netti}er fl^all tbe confilTton of tbe Hambe of i5oiipteuaple bimanp tbmg. 3]i'anp man fap,tbat betsfuUppurgebtbiougb^beonelpobiatid ofCbztft on tbe cro0e,asofalambe\»ttbout fpotte, ana facnftceb from tbe tegtnnmg, $ tbat be tteeDctb notanp pDpi(l)e iB^aQec^tub(r« i)Ptbefl)auclpngc0t}oaiitbattbepanakeaDaplp ofTecmg fb) tbe fnmcs of tbe qutc^e ano ocaD^txibtcb m^eeoe is botb faffe imo blarpbemous^be is &ratgbt tcapee burrteo to pzuon^anD fromtbenccDzatven to tbe datee anD bzent. :n?e can not oen? but tbat tbis is true, fcemg tbcre be ar tbte bap mnumerable epample5ofi^omt(l)eHpnges ano }aaucc3 m tbiB bebalfe» }n?cfl)all»otncebetberfo;cto fcrcb our cjcpofition farre of, tiou)tbe(efepnge0, t»bicb tx^bolp depenoe ofrivciaopcflMll figbt Witb tbe lambe.31] fpcaUe bercHOtbpng of otber0,l»biciy cleauc Wbotp Vinto Cb^iQ* Cbe lambe anD tbcrf oze foz a ccmfozt bcrc 10 confr^ncntlp anncjccD, fl)aii ouera ^^^ j^^ JUmbe fl)flU oucrccinc tbcm. fai albeit tbat popid] ^\u v^tm, ^yiiges aiij) jounce© fecme to oneccome tbe ^aiutes, U)b£»m tbcpburne,murtber,anD Dcftrop: pet CbzJft Ipuetbtoiciaec, anDtbcrebcmptionofCrb^illfio^ifbetb, xli>u\o(l goDlp tbat jjooDpoetbatbfong: Chnft lujcth yet, and (hall doe ftill, , His trueth eke (hall rcmasne: Whillt all that doethchiswoadiulfill. Shall vppon theAppcaKpfc^ 238 ChMf.jj, shall perjflie and be vayne. tl)c mirt^ tfl nciicc cljauugcD, C^zift ntucc pcnQjettj. ?&caD-s io^;uftl?amo:i(ii"ongi:cafon:toi^iS3S,oiDof iLoiDes, antt bpiigof t?v«§cB. 2;Jtrtioje fl)aU t^cv be mauca foote ftoolc fo? w5c fcciC of ti? Ilainbt,a3 many as Cbal Ocmc againfi trnn. •:?Dufccaija?nf,\x)^V i^.1lobnf3pi» benD?c: tbep cecemcpo^ vucr as femijco. :JFoi al! feyngea ace \)nDcc £l)2ia, tytjo cjtceis lctlja!!iLo?D£:smr^ctoo:iDc^;fo:-toljvmisgeucnpo\»er itt fccauen auD in csitb.lLtt'sa tbccfoje be of bolDc coucagc.;Jfox tijc Jloia is out- igmyerotif, ani» fevngalmigbttc, imnioztalli a»D inuinciblc. K^e \uili come fboulp in t^e cloxuDes of t^e apie, to iiO^e t!ic c}u?cU: atiD w DeaD,$c» ioajoieoucr 3icf oiv is j?',aia!lco atTurefilv to bs t^at be tbc ^^ ^ fcmaameB of C!)j a. Sno t^cytbat be toifb bimoion bVB£fff?Hft^ fiDc are cal{eo,cljofcn, anii faitbfiiU. n?c be cbofe x^x Cbiift be. ^"^.ra»n;tMi. f Die t^c fflimDationc of tbe toojloteccc layo, tbat toe a)ouHi belew itt bym,ani) be fauco,tbe firft to tbc i5pbef» i^cceiinto toebpealico favcbcpieacbingoftbeiSafpjU^mcaDtbe. tbearbefftbc.i.cbapt. anD we ougbt to geuc tbanfeestou- to i5oti foi eucr.^c. ILe£ )X3 boloe faa tbefe tbpngcs , anD be conftantanD tottboutfeareintbe xcoublesof tbis too^lD.sro i£)ODbeglo?v. C^g^t"^ tbi$tt(!oni5mo;ie fall^ beclareb> anotbe pu« mfl^ement oftbc bead tsi^clseo* jr/;f IxxlfiSerm on,. A Ndhe Tayd vnto mc: the waters which thqu fawcft, where the whore fitteth, arc peopla and foike, and nations, and toungcs. And the ten horncs which thou fawcft vppon the beaft, are they which fliall hate the whore, and lliall make her defolate and naked ,and fhal catc her flellie, andburneherwyth fier. For God hath put in their hartcs to fulfill his wy II, andtodoe wyth one confent, for to geeue their kingdome vnta the beaft, vntiil the wordes of God be fulfilled. And the woman which thou favveft, is that great citic, which reigneth ouer the kinges of the earth, arbe attgcH rent of tbe 2Lo;d i^W^, Wttttl) to 3fobtt attd t^eujI^olctoD^lott^cmtiteneof tbe beaft t^a( wa$a)evoe&; chip,!}. The Lxxvi. Sermon hMt crpcciallv !)cr mugcmcm t% puniQimcntJo? ^cr fjapttona ccfmc0, xoW^ ^c toill pnrfuc alfo ixx ^t cljapt-folotning. an& no\» \)t cicpoiitiDct^ tijcfignification of toatcrs.ouec t^c tDl^icb t^ toboK rcignctl): to ts3ittc,t^c momi^c pottjet, xo^tm xosxnz figntfic feingoomcB Difpccfeo t^jougljout t^c tt>o?lD, ir?a*lh?*' ^^'^^ ^^ cjcpounoctlj affcc bie luanei*, altogctljcc pjopljtti- Sholc nt= ^^^^^''^'^ ^*'*^ ^*^° "^^'^^ bcfoze,b^ t^ic tecmcc. fQ% in naming tcth. people, tollic, nations and toungec, ^e compjc^icnDct^ as it "tocrc innumerable nations, biOmctc toitj) funo?v ianguagcs ^nb mancrs. ^nb fo^afmucj) as notOing is moze mouabie o^ Dnconftantt^anujatcts, no? U)I)en t^iev JJf once ftircebtp mo]tcfunoH8anb omragious: tl)c common folHe o? people ace rigfjtlp comparcD to water^bccatifctbat tbcv alfo tQ% tijeic ..,.-, tjnfJablenes are calleb moiiablc oj tjnconftant, ano foj t^efi ; j ragc,bot^ fucions ano maobc. %\^tu{Qit not tuit^ont caufe all toifc men ^auc greuoua? Commott= conbcmncb fcbitions , toljicft toe are toonttocalltumultcs ojw. 02 t)p?ojf 6:as by t^f tobrc^ are aOcmbleb manp nang^tic nok lures, anb occafion is gcuen tljem to b?cafec out at tbtttlnff, anb to i)urt.]5ut feeing tbatfomanv nations toere fubiecte to t^e laomaine 2£mpvzt,anb ^aue erreb ncucttbelciTe in t^c true favtl), to^at Qiall it p^cua^le bereaftee to recbon top ma:» u^ anb funbzv feingoomes, to^icl) fljoulb confent \\\ anp rr^ tigion: as t^ougb tt)e fmccrcnes anb certetntie of rcltgtotf 0)Oulb bepenb \}pon a multitube of me agreemg in t^e Came. CbctuDac:: iiiloto foUotoet^ ti)e iHbgemcntofi5obagavn(lbioubb^ went of ' Home, to^)icb is t^c cbiefeft t^png m tljis toiUon. 2rl)c fume 50D agatntt of all IS, jiaomc.Cljall be b^ent ixi pceccs, anb burnt tovtb tier: isomc. as toc bearo alfo m tljc 1 5 .ctiapt. libc as fliec batb bone to o^ tljers, fo Ujall be bone tonto ^er. ^nb tbefc t^^nges are to be eypouubeb firlt of tlje olb iUiomc,anb after of neve: anb in t^e fiijucmuftt^etoozbcsbcfirftcoufioercb: anb ibeu a confer rence of Qoztes muH be bab, out of tl^e to^iclp ti?e tu\ti\f of i\)ic p^opbccie mav appcare. <^?b-«trrt» 2rbc ten bomcs, lignifie kpnges, tobicl) \}u\xt rtfcn of tlje of.?:.bojnc3 tearing a funbcr of tbciaomamci£mpv?c, fucb astocret^e foboi^ '^^ bV»gfsof n?eagott)cs, eaOgotbes, of i3crmapncc,:JFreci^ *^ men, JLumbarbcs, J^unnes, 53auballcs. (ic. ar^efe nations fenicb once rl?c Kbmaines, ano toofec tbcir toagcc : ti)cp fa^ uourcb tbcm, aub to tbr ir oujne loffe bzougbr tt)cir matters to paOTc: no orbertoifc rban as an carncfi loucr feructl) feme Dnc })arlot,from U)^oin l)ccan by no mctiiicc be UJicbDjaUieti 0» Wl/om i)c louetip mod fcrucutl^: but ai lud pcrccming bee 1: t)Titruc vpon the Apocalipfc ijf^ ChAf.jJ* Dntcttc bcal^ttg> Ije bcginttttl) to ^atc Ijcc tnoft Dcauip. ^o tl)c(c nations anD oti^ccS) bcgaunc fo to pecfccntc tt)c name of momatncs, t^at tl^ev tooulo ^aue no monuments ot footc Qcppes of tt^cm any t]}$ere to abpoeo; cemarnc. au t^e p;o^ uincesoftbcmomatncetncrc filfeo fuil ofiaomaincpoftcs, SImagcB, ptltcrs, titles anD uontmges: but m tbe fame^efpe^ xiallp m iSennanv, $ tl)c bojDccs tbereof, Ijoto man? 3| pjap 1?ou,of fo great p'entic ccmavnei ^be cities uibcrtn tbtiao« inaiues t^ao tijeir gacntfons,are \)ttcii^ be0royeD,tbat fcarCs Ip tbccc appeacc anp footc ftcppcc of tbcm at tbis oa^. ^uD like as an boned man bauing a toboic anb a Q)amc^ leffe fteiunpct to \^i^ Ujife, Doeti) not onei^ bate, but alfo fo?:^ faHc ber, trouble bee, auD tiirue bee nalteo, (Inpptng ber out of all bee toifelv appacelt ano oinamentes (foz fo i3oD m \i\z ofe • j3iopbetestbjeafcnetbto oocionto bi5 people foz tbcinjus e.-cHkc faptbfulncc:) fo t be nations tbat ceuoltco from tbe ikomane ' i^mptre, DeSroveo and impouertfljeo tbe fame, fpopling tbe rtcbcs tbeeeof, tobicb i^t momaines bao bcapeo togetbcr bp ti)erobbcncs of alt nations: tbcy fpovIeDeuecptobcteaffo ^omame pzoumces. i^nb vubcre it is (apo tbat tbofe Hinges ^^^ ^^< {l}alt Dcuoue tbe flcQie of tbe beaft: it is to be \)nDer(looDc of ^^^^^ f be manner of fpeafeing . ;jFoi fo are \xic tDonttofap,U)bat ^*" tpme me ftgntfic ejttreame crueltic ano malltce toittpout mcr^ cp: tbcrfoze lit^eas l^oinc batb been mod cruell touiarocs all itaiions, euen fo Q^atl all nations mod cruelly teare ber, ano Imallp a^all burne ber xs^it)^ fier . ii^o\3) let )}s compare t()e bv^oiics \Ditb tbefe tbings^anD % do;t^ of fecbo\»tbcvtucrefirifilleD intbcoloiaome, anomavbepett^J^^cftruca fulfiUcc m t^cncto.anJj firdtxie U3ill ipcafec of olomome, (e ttonf bnr=' after of ncto^^crelv olD B-omc gre\JO maup vf arcsyauo pjac- Htit tifcD robberies tbiougbcat tbe \23bole tooilo , ano bcdroVcb tbei^aintc8 0ftbemoabigbctt:tobcrfo?ei"c\j3as\a30jtbp,tbat tbe puni^bment tberof fl)oulD eii^tcnD $ moure manv v^arcs., ana 10 as itujcrc fcp S)egrees oefccno to t^c lad burning ano DeUcHctio fbcrof. 2: be pearcs ofbcr punifljmcnt begatbcceD to ic about. «56.m tbeujbicb fl)? bepng impenitent, ujas bcs icejj an^!C6,Qaugbters,anD to:y;Uions,2lnobcrcof 31 compileDanabziDgcuicnt \\\ rbe.jz* . anDbeieJitoUlrCr per e a fcu) t ppnges^auo rebcarlc cert eiiic or ber tbpjiges mojc plapnclp ana at large, as tbe ILo:o ia pumfl)?ng tb^ Niniui- tes ano people of 3ReciiralemiOcclaceD bis long fuS'^rpag ano (kiueiiae,«mo alTo bis ^uxz'^i iadice : rtjQt (;^(up:oceopua Chafj;* The Lxxvi. Sermon flob3Cl^,to Dcff rop i^ome,!)c left tbcm mcrcpfiillp fp«fe to tea r.f nt iu,tt)!)icb fcvug t\)c^ rcfufco lo Do,!jc \uaftcD ^ Dcfttopca il?cm re rciblcl^ as nnpcniicm.l^e gauc tijcrfoic to upmc cp* Cellent gOOD }9?mCCB,Conlbnce , ConfUnniK, louiane.Vaien- tinian,Gratiane,Theodore. &c ]gp\ui>OfC DlligClUlabOUCaua aoDlvncfi , i)t btfclDfeD tljc fuiies anii ragpug laolatric of t^e 0cat!)cn,anD alfo reftoit5r4nD£Cablia)eDtl?ctruc jtaciigi&n. But as in tbe tvme of lofias tbc olD can^rcD tccoiir anD at)bo« iumal)lc iaolatne coulu ttot be rootcD out of tbcit bat:tcs;tbuc ti^at t!}c greater part l)ah rather Oaue itiil tbe abbomtnations cftbe Amorrhcans . fo t^c 55.cmauc5 botbmtbcCitieanDiii tbe p?ouinccs gapeD grcDci^ after tbcrcftiration of tbe old iDolsirie . 2:berfo?c liV;c as be tamcD at tbe U iigtb tojitb grc^ uous toarrcs tbe muiucible Vjngo^lpnts of ttjt 3|ctors , anD trflroveo tbe Citicof J^ieruiaiem : fo bp tbeujarre of t^e *5otbC3 anti taanoales , ano bp tbe tnnaftous of tbe iSaiba^ ^ tons nationsCfo tbe ftoziec termc tbem) be belt ropeo p^onbe S httfnr ^"^ tJJicfeeb mome,toitb ber picttuices,aub finaUp confumco Swne ^^^ CitictoubtbeftwojDanD fire of tbe i5otbes.2:be V)ctp ' wame of tbe cnemp crpcb out , tbat tbe tjcngcauttce urns not CjcccutcD bp men, but bp i3oD bun felfe . ^o^be i5crntane terme of i^otbes , ootb Cigntftc tbe people of 000 , ox 0otis people . foi j5oD m bigb SDutcb is calleb Gott ; tbcrbf com* inct^tbe «5ottbec,Die gotther, tbc people Of i3ob » 2rbcrfo?c i5ob,anb^not ntau bpo cbafien , turmople ano at laa DeOrov j^ome . xo^it^ ti^png ^*3f[o^n at t\)iB pzefcnt fpeaKet^i mou cjcpjcOclp^ Alarickc a f^^^ "* ^^^ «5mpirC of Hononus aitH Arcadius , tlfC Wtdi ^easottb. gotbc0,(bp tbe cououtt of Alaricke)berteget> ti^c Cttte, aO^ul^ teD it,toofee it vano fpopleb it . ^. l^ierome to Principia Dot^ greatlp Umctit tbis cbaunre of laome^m tbe i^pttapb of Mar- cdla:but OrofiusasJlalforebcarfeD intbe.jy.i&ermo^Dotb, m mp iubge»ient,iuoxe rtgbtlp coimncnD tbe tuft iubgement of f5oo inputtiCl)tng ofia^uue^t is plapue^tbatiaotne teas tbettfo; tbe grcuoufnes of btr fmnes vCbaKtfcD toitb itiercp« T5ut fo^afmucbas tbeiaoinaues vvoulD not aclotoujlebge tbe ^anb of tbe ftrilter , it came to paflfe , tl>at tobett Alaricke toas beaD , tbe \)icto?tou6 armp baupng noto Adolph , o? A- deihilfcouunonlp callcD Artyia to tbttrcaptame) returnrb out of Lucani,attb fpoplcD t^c rtcl^fi cf 3^me muc^ imit grcoee IptbantbcpbpDbcfozc* j^ront tbe^jbicbivmetoasgraunteb agapnetomomea (pace of vcpcntauncc, abour,4^t peaces* 3ir» i^c mcatie tpme vpon the Apocallp/e. 240 Chap.rr^ 6?5eftructiottsani> owmljiotocfigcucH tj^ tfjel^umtcB in ^'^'^* tbeicpjomnccB,tt)^ic^ouml)20uje6\Bcrc great anD toawc^ gP"Sof fttlUtiq? \x>tu aDmomfljeD to be toifc . ip^at uiiU tljcp fa^ to '^"^f*'* tbpB tijat AthiU ^iin fclfetjjirij ^lis S^mincB iniuiDcD litaip it feifr.auD ^ungcoucctf^enccbeof l3;ome;^^crc r^auncrotlja ft t^vng , tD^ict) ^D bene able to baiie turneo tbe i^omanes to tbe rerutce of tbetme <5oD , m cafe tbere b^o remayncD m tbem anp one fpacfee of tbanbefulnes. ;f 0; tbc intmacr of tbe Cburcb of l^me,23pfbop Leo (tbe ambtttotts p^toe of popes tuas not petltno\nen)a pteacbee of tbe Cb^tdtan fapt^, ano 9 lle\3jarD of CbM^^s miOecies^mak^ng fupplication to Achi- la,obtetneb peace fo^ jUioine , ano b^ a mantfeft j^zatton tur^ ncb atoap tbe bloubp cnemp from p necfecs of t^c iiomanes^ 2rbts toas an cjccc&mg great benef(tc,\JDbicb 000 bv \^\z fer^ wsLxxm tooulD RjetD to tbc Homanes , in cafe tbcp txjonlD pet ' ' ceale to t)ate tbc mettgton of £b?ta , auD to fciaunber Cb^ift, as tbongb be poureo out emls into tbc txioilo, ano tbat tbere cante no gooD no^ qtiietnes bp tbc p^eacbptig of tbe i5ofpcll, ^0; euen tben C not to fpcabe of otbers innumerable ) be tnu plopeoiipon l^omca bcntfnc inedtmable , anzi tijatbp tbe meacberoft^e0ofpeU . ITbi&^dB Done in ti^cpearcofout; Il01tl.4r4. ©otobeit to^ileft tbc Homanes pjocebeo after tfteic accn^ r ^rrnVh ftomcb manec , ^ alfo tbat vaicntinian a jajince not euill uias a'wlar^aiL in«rtbereD,ano manp \)ntuojtbp tbpngs t»ere Donc,bp rpot, ****^***' anopetnotobenoftbanttefuinescotoaroes Cbn(t, o^tgne of true conuerdon appeareonb^oug^ tbe meanes of one toof man Hudoxja tbe tuife of valencinian , tDbo bCT fclfealfo fuSfCd teb tnanp tjntoottbp tbinges \\\ tbat tumnlte,it coae bzougbt to paiTctbat Gefenchus fepiig of ^aanballcc^Riplco cut of 4f^ fcicUc tDitb tbicc ^unDietb tboufana men to iaomc,anD toofec it,ano bp tbe fpacc of fbuttenc ujbolc oapcs, gatbcreo ^p tbe trcafures btoug'^t ttjetber out of ail partes t»clncreoftbe toboie \jootlo inoabiteo.srb^n coulD tbc intcrceffion of Leo 00 ttotbpngjauc tbat it^t vandaiics abttcpneo from bpilpng ano b;irningra)bicb ti^as alio a bcncfttcof i5od not to be cStem^ nco . %\^t firii bing of ^ei}gotbes,\»bicb bmUe into 2^omc loas calico Airich , otl)^rfl cail bpm Atalancke ; buttbiB ftpug Oi varicUiies is nauicb Genferych . 3i;bc fitll maDcbiB mcnail ricbe,^ t^is otb?c mioe tbcm ujt)ole neb. i^wb fo isiomc tgat toboie tobicb bao L)etbcrto bene to p^oitoe bpcaufc fl)v ujas iniTiclKO U){tb tbeXpoilcB of all nations toas left ocfoluc and tuocd > Si «neaue facttcb ip:i: [eUc « 23u( pa Qs^i voao not noui. Chdfjj* The Lxxvi. Sermon altoget^erncfaccD $ bient : tijc to^ic^ teas no fuiafl bcncfitt VjjIjicI) CbJifJ agav"f flKtoen to Home foj an mncnucmcnr. lanDpctmojcouccarcgcaumeO about tU)cutievcacc0,i« tbctobicl)ncHml)CIcs,aBm tljctcnttibco of3';fracll before 4.booiJc of tbc Dencuction of i^amacia , tucre piactifco contmuaU mur* fepnfic0. t^txz , tobilcft ten ia^inces raiQucti at mome : pet fo fo? ail tbat,tbat tberc voas ncucr one of tbcfc tobicb toas not citbcr flavnc,murtl)crcD oi cppullco bv> otl^cc . Auguilulus amongeft tftcfeujas t^c laft. foi as Auguitus fucccDpng luiius gauc tbe bcgpnnvng tot^c momanej95onavc^te:foAiiguilus cnDeii ti)cfamc. 5Fo J after tbat tbe iKoinane legions^anb tbc name Bimpe* od rera tialtocrcmfpatcbcbbv tIjc i5ectrianf6:odjeer,(tDbtcb toofee ^mtian^ btc nvimt of Dearoving of lanDcs , o^dacer, ano toae called as it toece a oeftvo vcr,vuane i^omc,anD in it raiguco king a^ bont.i5.i?cares . "l^ct toae be cjcpuKeo agayne , ano OapneCaf . tbeinftigationof zenon ijmpcrouc of Conftantinople ; bp Theodo- Thcodohcke iajince Of tbc jeangotl)es . ^nD i\:it itaftgotbcs 2s ft ^\ raigneo at iai)me about fiftv veaccs, till tbc jemperouciuiUr. caftflotp. „jjn (cntBelbfarius into Jltal^ tuitb a J[5cebearmv»,tD tecouec tbe fame:toboin tbe i^aQgotbes , be^ng apoeo toitb a poujcc of i5ci:niancB,fcnt tinto tbcm bp Theodoper bpng of ;jf raiicc, Ijalcauntlp refiCco.2:bep toarreo in 31talv bp tbe fpace of. i8» yearcB continuaUv,\»itb fortune tjanablc, at tbe iaft Totiia Baideuiiie got tbe tppcc banD . I^c toofte ant) burnt tbe Citie of ifiomc, ano vet not fooainelp . jffo^ be gaueatvme to Deliberate . ano tuberc be coulo not fo pze^s uaple,be ocCropcD mome , ano as &>, 3lobn batb pjopbecicu burnt bcr voitb! ftozics mafee mention of tbis beftrucs tion . iohn.Aucntine i\\ bis tb^b boo^c Of £b?onicles , of t^ fame matter batb toiitten. Totiia 2:biB Totilas beficgeo mome,anb toofec ity tbe, i ^.Ibalcbcs. Balduffc Of 3lanuarv Co? tbc. ly.of jDccembcr) in tbc peareof xX^t t}nU fi^Balduill OenCalnatto.;^^. Totiia gauealltbe goons to tbe foIbiourB^. but becommaubeu bp pjoclamatio, tbat tbeir bo&tcB CljouiD be free. ;lf com tbence be fent ambafTaDours txiitb bis pleafure to nttD momeCtbat is to rap,to CfiRantmoplc) \?nto i uilini- an. ^c rcQMirco of tbcigjnperour , Sltalp, ano tbe league as it baD been \3nDer tbc i^inpcronr Anaihfc, anD bing Theodo- rickc. 5r>bicb if bc mjgbt not obtayne, TonU tbjcaieneo, tbat be tooulo rafc tbe ntie, tobif b be coulD not fecepcanb abolifl). fteiS-omamename. ;uilinianam'tfiXifrco botu Bcihianusvuaa m S|talv,iDnto vobotn t^e ^au committer ail Jitaltan matters^. Tatik vpon the Apocallpfe. 241 cha^.i/, TotHat^crforcbjIjcntbciSmpcfciirtoowlD notgtaunt ^ps tcqueftce^DctcnnincD to cafe t^c cicie of laome. 2:^c gtf ateft pact of tbe vwallcs m uioft places Jje matic cue to^tt) f gcouD, atiD ict t^e capifoUe boufc or. ficr. ©c commaunucii ait Cu ti'jcns toitl) t^cictoiuesanD cl?iiD2cn to Dcpact ont oft^e aa tie. 2:i)e comtiious of Home 'citu uifpcrfcD in tijc toujncB of Campinia. a;t)c £^enatcurs anD uobtlmc,Totila bept\j3Vt^ l^im foiplcDges. 2:t)cn ujas ficc put into cuecp {jo«fc. ar^ua ujas mome fp?cD ni all places, auD Tociia left it toacatit,anli i3.Da?c9t^cfjecb?ciitcleacc. 2;l)e CmcofUomctoas.40. naves m tftar folttarmes, t^at t^erc toas ueitl>ec ma no? ujo^ ma m tljc fame, xq)^^ t^c citic teas ouert!)zotDen,l?e rcuioncD ^15 fuinpe tO\»acDeB Lucania auD Calabria. Bellaariuj came tO t^c iume tl)iiBt3acaut,anDCoonccti)ana man toouio Oaiic tI)oirgl)t, fouiiico apart of it uj:icI) Ditci^'ojaUe, campace, anD rnrietu of toooD.if aj all coulDc not be ccpapieD. Tonlas came to ijvm: but being repulfcOljeocparieii to Tibur. Bellifarius toasfcntfciinto I5xuz bp tijc xErnperouc. Toula bcficgea Uome anD tooUe it. ^0 in one peace mome tbe bead oftbe ^o^lo, anD 2laDv of all nations, luas la'een ti^^ife : tbus M^iU tCtbAuenrinus.LconardeArctinetOlfting of t^C Sitauau tcai; sgapna tbe i5otbes, in tbe cnD of ^iq.x. bcobe, fapt^ tbns: aftei'tbisTotila Departing from laomctDptb btstol^olcac* tnie^lcfi: It ^Jttcrlv etiolate arDbacant.(tc.»5bo toil fapttoto, tbat^ Jlobrtbato not in feU3eujo2tDcscompie^cDeD tbc DCs arnction of oiDc uomc, tobscb t^e Ctozies aftectoarDe bane plcmifnlip DcfccibeD : anD finally bota after rbe fame mancc as it U)aspzopbefieD, it batb foIlotscD tbe pzopbeiie^aftec 4 n. peaces: :2lnD tbat be batb let it foub fo euibentlp mfeujc tDO^DeSftbatvouujoulDtl^ui^epzerentlp to bet)olDe lacme botb fiallpng anD bHcning. ;2lnDliUe as intbefiozicof tbe^ofpell tbe Ec;D intermtic:: ^eia^e etij a pzopbecie of tbe Deftructio of jflcrufalem, auD of tbe eno i^'omcaifo of tbe toojlD, to tbe cnD tbat njbenmen fauj botti tbe i^iiit of fljaii fail BRecufalem ujas DeftcovcD accozDing to tbe Ho^Dcs pzopbefi^ 5»itb ^tb bis banD Uiall bzing Dotjonc :aJUicb;ll^> anDaboIift)C bv»tt \»itbbvs commons. Certavncttictbattbc i£anb,anD aU tbe toojHes tbat be tbcitin Cbnli be b^ent. ;f o? tbuc is tbe apoftoUcall Docteine: anD tbat aii tbcfc tbpngs ffealf be in tbe- etiD of tbetoojlD. ls.caD J^.lul,^.tc i\it s^bcflT, tbe.i. anD lac- tbe.i.iepiClctbc.j. cbapt. jceojecncr, tbecc anfe infnnDj^ k^ngDomcs of tbe tooztD leamtD mcn^tubicb bauing bcreto^ to^ebenebounDtotbe^caofmomc^bnucDcfeDeDbce ^ bet' Sinewing 3l0oll, but notu bc^ng conucrteD to Cb?ift , begpri tobatebotb l^ome, anD tbe igoniiCl)eCbnecb, tubtcbalfa tbe? aGapie, anD burne to'jtb tbe fice of {3oDs tuo^D . ^bcr^ fene dU tbeglo;?,Dignitic, anD \rcaitb of tbe idope anD pope^ tie batbpenfbcD anD perifbetbDavipin tbe goDlp. oDome is upojtbp to be b^ent tovtb fieelallmg trd beauen. /jieitbcc is tbere anv Doubt, \m tbat agcccHOUft tengeaunce is pzepatcD aga^nl^ btr» tisofi batb ^"^ M\^^'i bcre is QjetJocD a realo.n> tDbcttojc tbe fev«5f s St into tbe fl)o«lJ> J^age fo ccucUv againtt tbe beaft,anD tobv tbefe tbingfip hartefl of ace Done m facb CQ?t anD manci\as \Me baue \it9!c\^, jffo? iSoD H?ngeiBf.$c. favtbbSjbatbgcueniniotbebartesoftbem, ;roi5ja t«p yvw- /x/(Vcty7V,\3q7rot»crct BiD put into tljc ^actc0 of t^e feyngcs, Sal- manafar, Sinacharib, Nabuchodonofer, Cyrus r.ilD OttlCfSjtO t>oe as tl;c^ arc rean toj^aue Done , to tiottte , m punvQ)^tig i!^z xoicfecu, an& ftcfcnumg t^c gobf^.antj tl)c it 10 alfo men^s tion inane in i^pftozics , tjou) Ahricke Jtcpng of i\it wett- gott)t6U3a0 inoc?Dcuia\x>ai)Ci) bpa feruannt of iSoD , t^at %t ftjoniD not mafec fuc^ ^aft to Dcftcop mome : anu t^at ^ce aunfroereD. 3S;^erc ts one t'qat continuatlp troublct^ mc and fapti^.goie^ocftrop mome. ;i(l t^e^gl) fepng: toljecoffoiarmucb aoibep baa no Ipfeing, but ratbci' f03i diitct:© flcfljip ano toojlDlp caufe© bao leuec to bee Ipucf tbeir UpngDoincs to tbe jaopc, ano to fubmute tbem= ^ fcluco to tbe ^ca ( a0 tbep call it ) apoftohcall , 0od of bps iuft iuDgemcntbatbfoifafeentbnn, ano geucn tbcmouci; (as .^♦}aattlett)zotetbeiabmanc0)iiuo a uepzobate mpnbc, to jjoetbofetbpngestobicb^oDaUotoetbnot. 0lnD Co ace tbe too^bes of 000 p^opbrfteD bp tbe )diopbcte0 and )apo(lle0, on tbio toife fulfilled. S)oubtle0e tbep be tbe Voojideo of 0od and not of men,tubicb ate cead of tbts matter in IDanielUand m all tbi0 boo^e of rcuelatton. ;ffiuallp, tbe angell ejcpoundctb, tobat is (ignificd bp tbe ^e feo: 4oo)nan fucing on tbe bea0: to tuttte tbat great citie of ^ome mantjB tbe tbe bead and iLaDp niatflreOe of tbe toojlde, and tbe i^o= steat Citif im(l)e Cburcb, )dopetp,and poujecvftretcbing out ber (ielfc and ber iipngdome,oucr xX^z I^pngc0 of tbe iSartb. ^ftobom alreadp b^tb beenefpos ^rntnoug^* aro <5Qd beglo^pr. Chaf *iS, Thc.lxxvii. Sermon ffBefljrtDctbt^at Uome (^sU aCTureolu fall: atiD aODet^ 't()etaaff5ofbcrfaU. T/;e LxxVilSermon. 'Nd after that , I fawe an Aungcllcomc Idownefromheauehauing great power, pnd the Earth was lightncd wyth hys brightnefle: and he cryed mightely wyth .a ftrongvoyce, faying: fliee is fallen, (lice is fallen^ cuen great Babylon, and is be- come the habitation cfDeuilles, and theholdeofall vncleanefpirites, and a cage ofvncleaneandhatefull byrdes : for all nations haue dronken ofthewyne of the wrathc of her whoredome . And the kynges of the earth haue committed fornication wyth her, and her mar^hauntes arcwexediycheofthe aboundaunce of herpleafures. f^epttrfctoet^t^iougljoitt all t^ c!)aptettl)eDc0cuci ttotiof oide anunetoc i^omc, anD *ilfo of ^eitljennES antt 0nttc^;i(ltanttie,auD tl)at \27ui} a maruelous plcnnc anD euu ^mtt offpeact>, to asv^ tooiilDctljmhf , t^atv'oufau>caU Cbcffttne t&Vtigcc pzefeittlv. ^uD ^e tjfcti) a ^crv goDlp ojor c. fQ% firft of tije. 18. tie atigell Dcciarctb t^e trcSrRction of i^omc toit^ moft aptc cWt^' tooUies.^cconBlv cotmfcil te geiicu to c^e gortlp^Qoto to bc^ l^anetl)em(eIuc6mfo grfat natmscrs. 2:0cn is aniseD t^e maner of ci^c i»cioIatton:t^at !f Uc as moinc ^at!) grcDcIv ano ccadlvfpoplcDaniJBcflcoyfDotljtr natiows, cucn fotta)aU t^amice t>mo ^ec alfo. ^ftcr t^is, a iamcntatton is maDc, ttjljccein t^c }5imcc6 anD marcl)a«ntcs Doe moucncfo^t^ie tuine of iftomc : toljcrc tbepalfo recite t^e dcljes auD pleas fttccs of mome. ;ff pnalli^, t^^t apoCIcs anD lajop^cts reiovcc at toe mofl; tuft luDgement of i3oD. ijgapne, tijc iinngcil of t^c HojD, cattcth a initftone into t^c bortotnc of t^c ^fa:t{?at tyccebp tl?cmoG ccrtavne, tjnrecouerablc, auD fo^c Xit^mau ou of Iconic mpgljt be ifgmficD.:np!)ereunto aga^nc arcana nm^ tbe caufcB of fo great cuiUcs, anD ti^c fame arc fjma)eD ^.3fol)«t: toitbtbep^avfe anD reio^cmgof al!tbc{)cauenlp DtDfiiCra* nwtsrtcti) f ^nD moft lucfeelf Dotb be mimxt tlje bolp i32op!)ctes ot p;topi}cted. i5oD}Vpl)crof t^o in a mmtt after tlje fame io^c , Do oefcribe- \ vpon the Apocalipfe, 245 Cka^. it, fiJCDcfftnctioit of olD BabpIon.i5f:ivm t^c. ^\ . 14. » an& . n. cl)apf.2luD3lcrcm? in fl)f. 50. $,5i.ani) foDoti3€^erb!cl,i5cf:i mbct^c oucrtljjoto of Tyrus,m tbe. 1^.27, auD. is. c^aprcia, ^01 as t!)c lot anD cnD of all tbeljngcblv is iplsc : fo DDtl) tijc Cahomcall ^cciptiicc in papntpng out t^cir iicnriutio,cigqt tof U agree toit^ it fdfe . jDS5o?couci:,a:t{50U5b tljedpoftlcs ^!)c mates fpafeeatiD taiotcto t^eiScnrdcs ini5rcUt:Fct aUcicDt^cp mcoftijc iiotbvttsoftbcicnaturallpbiafcof fpcafemg,Dnt couftravucD ijoig toung, ftraunge toungcs to feme x%t boly , auD not Vest i^cbjtta to fcnic^jnto bcail)cnlangagcs.;lfojfpcafev«5i5cffec, tQCp ob^ (erueo tbe natucallpbjaic ol: tbe i^tbjcio fpcacb , as ftrft , tU ume , and bol? . 3nb tobcrc tbc? conJD fpcn^c all langagc©, fct byb tbcv ncucc fpca&c noi txi^itcanpfozcme laugagefo, but tbat in t^c fame il)e j!^ebzcu» pi)?afc mtgijt be pcrcf iiifD. iet fome tberfoie fctU^acc at ibis cap , t^at tbcp be not to bcr ^ije curto* mtic careD,ani) fotlotx) tbc piirctic of tbe iLauuc fpcacbCo , as fmc of tije tn CjcpieCTvug tbe fasne,tbcp jnap fall m tbe mcanc tubilc fi'om teaDcrs m tbe fimplicittc of tbc bolp toung^anb tofi not a fcu> miflcrtcs. ^^^ tranOa^ 2ri)cp tbat be not fcottiatD^baDratbctrft'amc tbemfclufsro S?!!!^ ^^^ tbe bolv langagc , anb Icacnc ibe pl$?afes tbcrof , tbanto fub* ^ ' Hue tbe fame agapnft tbe bepje to ftraunge tounges , anb to coinpell it to fc luc our Delicate eares . iB^ozcoucr voc baue aU rcaDp abmonilbeo oftentpmes , to^at is t^e cnb $ tife of tbis treatifr , couretupng x\^t mogcmentes , oj pimifl)ineiitc6 of iSoDjroi tbe trutb anb xxxViix of iSob is confirnicb, tbe aff li^^ rtcD ceceme comfort , anb ti)c toicUcD auD all i5ose cucinpes^ aremaocaffrapbe.fc. But ujbco 5>.3]obn publiCbeb tbefe tl^iinges, anb PKP^Cr isMt^wn ficD of tbe DeBruction of Babplon,\ubicb all menat tbat time ip ttcriDc (bp reafon of tbe late fubucrfton of S^erufarem aub mol! gre- tbe owcicje^ Mous eaptiuitje of tbe 3[leu>eG,U)bicbbablatelpcbaimceDt}n= of^ou. ber Vcfp 'flan^DpD clearelp tuDerftans to ngnifie jl3.omc :^oj rigJKfo baD 15abplon intim'^s paft,bc)cebt(?e bolp Cit!c,anD no"Q) vefpafian baD bone tbe iJiomanfc.E'ljegot.!p in ^t^z beleueo tbcm to be true , $ tbat tbep n)ouib DnDoub- teblp come to paiTc:23uttoc ungoDlp laugbeo tbem to fcouic asbotagcs.lTbefamcbaDtbeir jjglDersbcnc . ;f oz \»ben tbe piopbvies alfo p^opbcficb tije fubiicrfion of ii^iniue , ISabp- loUianD otb^^r moG migbtp O^Quarcbics, rbtpi'cuTcD to tbe»ii to be mab.ii^citDitblfauiipng men at tbcp baD fapD , io iCk\\\z it to paCfe.l^bcrfcze tbe faubfuilbclaieiDoCs iapings \rbifb are picpgertcfi to ccmc,bou3 long focuec ibcp b? Lrftcrrco , oj^ 1)0X0 :c;ipoiriblc I'oeuer t^cp apiicare Vnuo tvCtyijiD. fax no* Chaf, T'S. The. Ixxvii.Sermoti t^^itg is ^aru if i5or) fpea^c it anD to ill iW Che 3la= ^ttj, gopng about to Cl)C\» tljc fubucrfiott of jKome,^)epje^ lS?rt n?^L pacct^ ijis ftcaccc6,anD toinnet^ cceirit to tUc p^opftcficto^i* i9i» o^cie. jpjijjpfpjp aUtl)pngc6bcQjcU3Ct^t^e aut^owc of t^c £)?aclc 0? pjop^cfis , t^e tjecp vlHngcU of iBoD . aiiD ^ecclp ^jc conv» tncKdetb ^igbl? t^c fame ^ungd to V}0, to t^c end uie (l^onld j)oubt notI)vng,of t^e tjectue of t^ofc tljinges toi)ic^ ^e fpca? lietl).;Jfoj ^e favt^,^otD be came from ^cauen. xvp^tupon toe gatbee , tl^ofe tbvngcs tbat be b^tnget^ to be biuine anb ccic^ ihaU*berfo^e t^e fame ^ungell criet^ t)tt^ all ^is fo?ce,$ t^at pjcacbfrd^ toitljagreat^opce . ;jfo: it bebouctb tljele ojacles of <5oD, anD ciearei? tti^crm i3 trcateb Of tbc glojp of i5oB,anD faluationof mens S?^hS? ft fo«Jf s , to be p?eacbeb toit^ !oube tjopces , ^oto foencc t^e 3.nnctj?itt. ^Qjij, pjo^ibitctb anb perfccutetb tbe feme, anb Jet t^em ob^ fcruc tbofetbpnges toljicbtbinfeetbat men map be reftrep^ ncD bppxoclamations,fire atiD fttjojb,tbat tbep fljall not \x>ii^ \)opce moft cleare pjcacb agapnll ^nticb^tK.STbe fooles arc Dcceaucb . arbep l^ant fougbtano contenDCD bcrcintbefe im bunbzett pearcs anb moxe , anD pet coulD not ( tbougb be ragcb ncucc fo ficrcclp)b?png tbis pzeacbinga Hcpe.ait bjea* Itett) out manp tpmc8,anD pearcctb farrc,cucnot tbis bapal^s fo tbioiigb out tbc ttiboie \uo?Id: tbcrfojc tbc glojip of tbis ^w gcU 16 pet,$ cner ftial be Q^mmgano bjigbt, anD bis l>opce ^ pjeacbpng moft ftrong,tbougb tbe jaoprs guttcs burft. ^!)c fsfate ^oco folioujctb t^t piopbecic of tbc iilungeli , t^c fumme l^uJn ii?a ^5)c»^of ts* momc Q)all pcriQ), neitbcr fljail anp ftcppe of bee bpion ^^ left.2rl?is tottcretb be pzopbetiralip , as be apD alfo in tbe, ^ ' H »cbapter . ^bc is fallen, Cije is fallen great Babplon . ^bc ts falleu^^e fapb , fo^ Ajall fall : puttpng t^e tpme pnft,iQi ti)e vpon the Apocallpfe. 244 Chd^,iS, eertciite of t^c t^v^Sifoj tl)e time to come to^cruttto t^e oous Wpngalfo appmeinetb . iLifecujifc fpabct^c }a?op^etc0.Ma- crobiusmarnclct^ at tijc toouDeifuU bjcuitie ofvirgiU.^iiD amongeft ot^cr t^^ngcs in tljc fiid cljapret* of tijc 5. toolir cf Saturnallcs,toUt t^OU t^ZOXt Virgill, fayt^ ^C, fpCaiT^ng VUlt^ fo muc^ (J2e«itic,tl>at bicuicic it fclfc can be no mo2c cloCr ip pac:s bcDanb uwtocn together J ani!ficiDC0 \rticrc HTrov^ ^c'i0» 35ebolD in ijoUj fc\i> toozDes ^c Ijatl) fuppeij of anD f\23aJoU3eD kp a mig^tv great Citie, ^ Ijat^ left no nunc of it at all . i^c- tbecto^cfe il^v«g«^s«iap toe mo?c trnip $ mo?c tightly applvca^mto one jajopUetes mod eloquent in tfeep? tonng , auD c^ieSp to ^, iflo^n . fQWaW conlD be t^oug^c moze b?ief,tJ)an tijat vij^tc^ ^e ravD,fl)e is fallen , a)e is fallen great 13abplon i 5roi^.3'o^nbot^ ejcpif Oeu tbe greatncs an^ maieftie of tije citie,ano r\xiaUo\weD ix \)p totjole , leauinj no cuinc at aH:foi be meanctb tbat botb o!& anu nc\2) i^omc, altbougb it feme Route, iniuncible, anD ctcrnaJi,a)all ncucr^ tbeles fail:anD fo fall,tbat notbpng t^ecof a3all be left. wW\^ fljojtl^ aftecbe fettctl; befojicoue epesmoie ejcpjefTcIv b? a ceweinc notable fact anD faving iopneD togetbec , in tbat tbc 0«ngc!! taking tjp amilllDnc , anD caav«g it into t^e bota tomeoftbei>ea,aDDetb:tbus oitsjitbfucba Violence fl)al! Babylon tbat great Citic be ouectbiotoen , anD be founDe no inoze.arbccfoic tbcre netjcr toas, is, oj fliall be any tbyng iw t^c 'U)0!lD fo migbtp 0? tjnpzcgnable , to^icbc tbe Uiunicible potoec of i5oD can not bipng to nangbt , toben be Ujill , anD tDbentbefatall bouceis come.£)lDi3^ome isiofi,anD tbat migbtv iSejonarcbie Decay cD : tbecc is fallen alfo tbe lupecfti^ ttonanD31Dolatne oftbei^eatben,tba£^atb reigncD man? pcaecB: nctu laomc fljall peeifl) alfo toitb becJUmagelp jCm- piee:tbc fepngDomc alio of tbe jaopc 0? amicb?ift te^icbc (atb long fotteo anD plagueD t^e wo^lD , fl^nllfall , atiD CaDe 'Oiitli fmofee. jg^ozeoucc bv a figncatiuc fpeacb tafeen out of ti^e 0?op^c- 2f hd itis te6,bc [l)ea!etb tbe manec of tbe Dedniction bp confequences: maDc toe oa anD is become tbe babitation of 2)enils . (tc . ;f oi bcteby ^e bitanon of fignifietb tbat it a)all be fo DettfoyeD , tbat tbe place tobicbe ^^"^** toas befojc mucb feequenteD of men,fball be noto tbe babita^ tion of toilDc bcaflcs anD Deails ^ tobo Delight in toilDcrncs, as our ilojD alfo tcfttiieib in tl)e. 1 2 . of (Sgatb ♦ ^«d be aUubeD totbc\x)oiDesoftbciazopbeti2fapmtbe. i,'.cbaptcr. ^nH ©abvlon tbe beauty of mcalmes {ibalbeouertbzo'a;cn,as x\iz HojD fnbttei;teD ^oDome anD i&omojr^a: it ftjall not be in^s Chdf.if, The. Ixxvii.Sermoii !)abitcD,but beaftcs dinW tUtt tafec tijerc rcO , atib tl)t ^at^^- res M Ijcacc^ ftjalltijerc leape . £\)c fame t^v^S^s are cepe:s tcD alfo iu t^ jHcrcmp.auD in t!^cfavt!);anDl£ai fajJlou (^itll be m Scapes , anu an 'jabif ation foz S>2agonB , a \DcniJcc $ a !)iffVng,t^at no mm vnav ctocU ihacSfiot mnc^ tjnlvfec t^yngcs arc ccao in tljc, i^. of i£jcri)!tll ottljc fubuet:;s flOU of Ty r us ^nU tijat OlD UlOmC toas DcfncVCD , 31 (i)CU3CD befo^c:^ foz t^e Tpacc of fourcie Dapes ano moze it tjuas tn^a^ bitcD of no man . anD ttiac twc (re it mtjabitcD agavne , it icts tet^ notopngt^etnit^ ofC^jiftcs pjopijr cie . 5^di Fraunces Petrarche an 3]talian , anD amongcft t])c bcC ieacneD :5italias not ijmDcrmoft,m a ccrtcine :(gpiftlc to a it no , c^poUiiDvng t^cre ujozoes of tl)c apoftlc ^.aobnianiogcft otpcr i^vnge, fa?t^:t^ou act Ijercl^ become fucb alccaDVifo^ l?o^ mucl) bct^ tec is a voicfeeD man,ano of Defpcrate Dopngcs^tljan a Deuilli tjcrclp t^oti act become t^e habitation , 0? ratbec bv"S^onJC of Deutls:\x)^ic^ by tbeic ccaftcB.aibeit m mans Cl)ape, raigne in t!)ec. $c. Petrarche liueD anD tozote t^jefc twinges about ttjjo bunozeo peaces Cince.^nb in an otbcc cecteine i^pittle , (peas king of olD ano ncto 33abvlon;a)e ujas, fapt^) be, UJOZft of ail ot^ccd^anD at tbat tyme mad ftitbp : anD ti^is noto 15 no Ci^ tie , but an ^ouCe of finbes anb fpc'cites , anb to be a^ozt , t^c rinUe of ati fume anb fl:)ame,anD tbat l^ell of tbe liupng.fignis ftcD fo long befoze bp tbe muutb of Dauio , cce it toas foun« PeDo^Mnoujen.^nDt^efelfc fame man fapt^ agapne:U)^at rpeuec tbou baft ceao of I3abpld m ^fficia 0; of i^egppt, to^at iotntt tbou^aftceaD of tbe louce Labyhnthes oz Mazes, finally !iA)batfocucc t^ou i^aftceaooft^e tua^to i)t\\, of t^e DavUe \uo;De0 t^ecc ano laques office ano b^mitone , if t^ou com^ pace tbem to t^is ^ is but a fable: !)ece ts t\)sti pzonDe anD tcrcible Nimrod : l)ccc is Scmiratnis xoitt) Ijcc quiuec : ^cce is 5)nm:CCVt«U Mmos : bece is Rhadamantc: ^ece iS Cerberus DCfl wouL*vnialltbpngs:bccc!5 Pafipha^pmto t^c]3ulle,amon« gccUc fepnbc , as VugiU faptb , a poung intp of Double (l)apr, Minotaurus bp uamc a mouKcous nionumeut of )}nla\x>fult luii./$?mahp b^re mapefl tbou CceUtbatioeucc is confufeD, tubat foeuec is blac^e, tioljat foeuec is oz map be unagincD to lit ^ozcible anb ^uglp.^c. aT^efe tbpngcs l?atb l)c , ano man? ot^ecmoe liUctbcic u^^tten in ot^ec iBpifflcs . ^nt \a)bat tbmKc pou t»oulD be \uzitc nQ\a,ii be faui tbe rouct ofmome at tbi9 oap i ujil)ic^ is Doubdcs manp \xiapcs moze to?cupf, ^^ati It \)jabtbai©jicap^.Iioi5njo£0 ^3 to tcitte accozopug 10 t^e ftintcucc of ji:^;ia,t^e Itsug anD mDge,t^at|^ome boi^ oiD vppon the Apocafipfe/ 24/ Chaf.rt. nlD miD ttcto,togctI)cr toitlj Ijcr bcatljcnifljcncs nnti aiuic^its fimnitie (l)al( pertQ) ^ttcdp,an& neucr be ceOtozcD agavnc. 2;^c caiifes befojc once oj t\a)tfe cc^carfcD,^c rcpctcti) anb tcatctJ) in agapne : namely tjngoDlv'MCs , iDoIatcjC ano fc&u- Cbe caufca cpng of aU people anD nations, UJboni t^cpbauc compelled oitfjcrutne bp tojmcntcs to »;ecciuc falfe luchgion.XD^ccc cmcltv,ip?an- 5;S^"5!^ * tip,anD blouD alfo ^atb place . 3R fpafee of tbe tomcof toDo?e= ^'"p^c Dome bcfo?c in tbe . 1 4. . cljaptcc auD ds UJbctre, fo t&at \x ties uctb nottoixpetc tljcfams agayne voitb tcDionfnce . i3nii hereunto madotD an ctocr neto caiift, and x\it marci^auntes of tl^ccartb iyi T«5 ^wvot,^s«5 Toy <^^h'd otur^s vucFe mabc ricb bp potocr oj plenty of bee plearucc,oj toantonnes. Slnb be fa?D, of tbe potuerofplcafarc: fo: tbiong^ tonmeafucable, niigijfy, anb tjnfatiabic UiH^rccc tbey maDc ricb . ;Jf 0? mafmucb as laoine abounDeD mtt'j fpovlcg^totiicb it ban gi'cBclg ta^cn of ott nations , ano bzougbt to iconic , tbey \Bcre gcuen td*all feynDc of rioic anb iuantonnrs. 3llt became ccuctoufi^VDylyc, anb u^ilfuLiTberfo^etbemAtflvTS of tioluptuoufnes^anD oes Mifecs of Delicate plcafuccs , anb maccbanntes of inoft pjeci:* oustyaccs repattvng tbetbec , fonnbe euermoK tbcm tbac ttootilb b?c,iiucrtaine,anb fct by t^em,anb fo tocce mane cicb by tbe \}oluptuons auo riotous lyfc of tbe momatics, STber- fo;c tbe j^oSle nocetb an tncreDibte follou^yng of moO fap:^ tnons riot^in meatc,biinlte,appat:ell»bMilbyng , pampcryng aubc^ecirt)vn3 of tbe boby . 2:bc 23:omtfl) aUo otouc tymc tcing ficifeen ujitb tl?c lame cage botb in Sjtaly anb toitbout, fpr nb eicccbyng mucb ncbcs xa. liuyng cioioutty. 2:bis is fenc cbtefly in tbofc fpicituall tatberfi,tbcl5iQ)0ps anb ^bbottcs, anb \\\ tbe tobolc momiCb Clergy . But f3ob ncuer fnffercD riot anb tyranny lougtinpunifl)CD many nation. :2rbcrfo?e ts ISabylon fallen alfo, tberfo;e il)al tbe Cburcb of mome fall too.i;berfo;c boe p^iuatemen alfo loue temperaimcc^anb ta abacync from nor anb p}tbe,2ro t^e ILojb bcgfo^y, ^CounfeU v& gcuen to X\)it gobly > toljicti are rommaunbet) to go out of)i&abyIon.Cncmyct^arcfiy;{rcD lipagaynH SBabtlon^anD V^tt are comrnaunoeo not to fpare ber. The Ixxyiij, Sermon. ^Nd I heard an other voyce from Hcaircrr fayin^t^ come away from her my people, that ye be r.ot paii' Ll.iij. raker J ehaf.ji. The Lxxviij. Sermon takers of her finncs,lefl yc rccciuc of her plagues . Tof her finnes arc gone vp to heauen , and the Lord hath remetnbredherwickcdaes. Reward her ezicn as (he re- warded you , and geuc her double accordyng to her workes. And poure in double to her in the fame cup, which (he filled vnto you . And afmuch as flic glorified herfelfeand lyucd wantonly, fo much poureyc infer her ofpunifliment and forrowjfor flic faith in her hart: i fit beyng a Qucene , and am no widow , and (hall fee no forrow.Therfore ihall her plagues come at one day, death and forrow , and hunger , and fhe Ihall be brent with fire: for flronge is the Lordc God whiche fhall' iudgcher« m\z cetm- ^^^ ittmXi place of t^te cl)apt .is t^e fatt^fttU connfdt of fell of (000 t\it ILo^D, ^t\xl to t\it goDlp.^oto t^c? O^onlD zicmtane tl^em^^ fo^i^e fait^ fclues tu tlpetc feltctttc, ^ m tl^e Dcaructton of t^e cttte. Iflome fuU,!)ow ^at^) tit Dccu of long tvmc becnc laDp of tlje \j30?!d, ano t^c xU t^cp {^oniD c^es ^ picafuccB of t^e to^ole tcojlo Oaue been ften at momr» frj litf ** jTif anp at mome oj in tlje picaincce, (Ijctof D hvinfcifc tuacta* imz9, jjj J .jj^jj ojjpjjienj (0 (^ J motraucc, ano loiuo mud) tljc iS-os mi(l)e cdtgton, auo niaoc butt confozmable to tl)c co^rupte matters of t^c ijiotnanes, l)C toas tttucb inaoe of, ant) tttpgbt come as it Uiere bp Degrees to ^pgb p^omottott ano Dtgmtte, to t^e greatcft ticbes.attD moft cbofen pleafiires. 3]f anp tnati toonlDteft0tl)eiaomt(l)ereltgtott, ano \2}oulDttota(fent to tbe momattes: ^e tuas ^e;ceD tottb pcrfecutton, be u?as {poi^ ieo atto b^uen tttto c]ctie, o; caft ttt p;iTon, o^ leo to eicecuttott» iri)erfo;e toere cl?e goblp gceuonav tempteb> atio bneU) not tol)et^eetotuntet^em. !2ls torfcctbelvHcooneatt^psDa? tn netoeiaome,attb mt!|epopiQ)e feingDomc ib;oug^outti)e U70^Ib. :n7l)ettoiei5ob,Uibo voiUttot tbat man fl)0Hlb pet:tfl^» butbefaitcD,geuetbtbebeftcouttreItoftcue feltcttie and CaU nation: tobicb (o man? as obcy.are blcflcD. 0nb (ieatgl^ttoapes from t\it begnmtng ^e a)C\33et^ t%t tnti^onr of tbts counftl, to tl^c enb be migbc get tt antbo^ttie, tno t^at toe migbt boloel? receiue tt. 3i bEarD,faptb ^)e, an o- tber topee from beauemfcom i3oo tbcrfoze out of beaue pzo^ ceebet^ t^is connfell: tobtcb tbep tbat iolioU3,obep i5oD:tbep tbat obeptt not, comemne ano Defptfe tbe counrcU of i5ob, ^nbtv^atist^iscounTcU^b^tefe^plavtie^poOtble, bcncft, ^ ^oielbm^ vppon the Apocalipfe* 24^ Chap.rS, li>oIcfomc,uo«btlcs, C9me a\ra?m? people, fn^»^t^e!Lo?o, -ficcfrom fi;oml)cc,to\»ittefcom25ab?lon,oj from mome botb olDt i!^.ab^ion, anD ne\ne: tbat is to Tap, pou tbat toiU be cailcD t^e people of 10 f counrci i5oD,anu be toiitten in tbc number of tbc cttj|ensof iSoD, ofeoD. 2ri)isrameisbtscomtfcll,anDnottcotber. 2ri)c fame coun* fell i3o& b? bis }9jopbete8 gauc to bts auncicnt people, toben tbcp toere \\\ tbe captiuittc of Babylon. fQ% tbus (attb i^lap mtbe.4 *», Dcpart,i5cpart, come r^atoap ftom tbence, toucb no bncleanc tbmg.Comc atoap from bee, be pc maae c!eane,tobicb bearc t'pe ^effcUes of tbe £.020. ann Slecempintbe jr.cbapt.;JFlc6 from tbe miODes of ©abplon, nnD let enerp inau fauc bie foulc, tbat pe be not rocteo ctit in bee tDicbeDnes. :jro? tbe time of iSoDs tjegeaunce is at banD, bctDplltetoarobcr. 2:be2.o?Dtbercfo?c ccunictletb to flee, tbat fo one foulcB mvgbt be faucD jf oi cle trniefle toe fLzt^\syt fljall pccifljc. ^otobcit tbe iaiopbetes taugbt not tbe jFjcae^ lites to flee out of Babplon booelp, bpfbifting of place, as tbcp tcrmc \t> ;froj3^cccm? intbe.^^.cbapt.ejcboztctb tbe cap^ tpue people to Dtoell mBabpIon, ano to mafee ihtit p?ouifi:j on tbete, til! tbe t?mc of Deliuccie come, fai tban mull xX^vf xo\iti.t ti^t comeoutofiaabplon. 3l|!t tbe meane feafcn betDonlDbauet^coufeuctik tbem Depart, not bv boDeip rcmoouing, but bp \3nli!5f nee of inancro. S^qi albeit tbcp dujcU in ttjc miDBcfi of tbe fupciUi- ous, \3ngot)!p, awD 3i,Dolatcrs: pet xuoulD not tbe 2Lo?o baue tbem maoe lifee ^nco tbcm, srbat fleeing tbcrfoic is tb!3,tbat tbcp(l)Ou!DabftapncanJjcefi:apnctbcmfclucs from ^ngoo^ Ipnc5, iDolarcp, anD rinnc,to Ujitte,fcom blouD,^5rueie,piiSe, Iccberpe, anu otbcc Ipfec \3icc6; auo pcvfeuec in tcwe cooiineis rniD innocencic. Sin lifee mancr no^Owbctbcrfcf ;:cir tbe gc^Ip HjoulD banc fle&be^nDcrttfCoIoc laomaucfEmppic, ri^^p fi}0? ID nicrp vwberc bant lallcu agapne inra ibebanocsof t^c ipLsiniraues; Ipljc as ujc aifo at ttiis Dap, altljong'; toe cvautigr cue place, i cor < pet b«uc toc poprcie eptba= n?aic,oj uninciite. SCb^t'cfozc tbe iapofllefaptbtocU: toemiiftgcctjs outoftbctooi!o,if toe to'PU not be coniiciiamit toptb I'mnc rs. HTbis tbercfoie ts tbe tnie anD goDip flight, if ccmapmng intbis toozlQ bo5clp, toe Depart mctl)cDuoll out of t^e tooUD, in mpuDc auBmaixa ncc3,fo tbat to cabitamc from all iDoIatcic, auD beat^jentft)^ too;[l)ipping, fo 32 \:3c alloto ituoc, fo as it plcafc tis uor, fo nstocucitbeealTent^noi frame cue fclucstorijcinanc^s of tbe \jn30Dlp: fo as toe uetcap not our cciigion>cprgcr ioi me, 0? loi toojlDlp gaine . ^0 tbei'foie t^t Cbjifndrts toijicl) tmeii H.iiQ^ ^}iDcc C^ TheLxxviij.Scnnon twhn tljc itflmavne iginpv?(, {Icoiiiotnc, infutbtopfc At t^cv ))ttct;!v abdnvucD ttcm U}o:Qitppmg of ^looUes, and fi:cintljccojruptmanfr0ofi!)ef3eiile3, alt'pougl^ t^c^lmcJ) amonsce tl)c i)tatl)t\ufoi tl^ac t^c aunctcnt c!;:!cctic0 in 2l(tai tocrcfuclj, tuc ^auc beacD in tl)i0 boofef, laibctttbcrfozct^attDeairodtuclitnlirctl^c ^optCbc ^'^n%s fiomc,anOintl)Cj£mpp?ctbat pccfccutetl) t^c iSofpcH: ^ct ,muft U}c Hcc papiacic^tbat ts to Cap popiQ) cburcbcs : none of ttjcgotilvcugbt foi \2)o^(l)tpptn3 ozotcdKncc uibctocmec in, no; to aclinotDleogc^aUoto oj W anvt i9opifl)c ritcc o? cc^ renionics: but to dec from tbcir \)icc& ano cDiruptione To fac a0 i0 pofltblc. ;ff oz Co tbe apottolicail rrnpturr tcacbct^ \3q in tbe.ixjotbciaomon i.Co^intbt^.tnt^c.^.to tl^e i^pbcr.and i.jact.4.ano ^.31obH at tbis pjcfcnt as it u^cre f)tpounDing 1^vnircifc,favtb: be not vc pacta&ct0 of bcr UniKS^auyKctvuv^- (Tvrs.comntnnicate not ttjv^b bcc Cinneo * 0nD rinnc0 be not onelvtl)oreU)^icb are Done agamfttbeCecono table, butalfo tbat are commtttco, (ano t}^at mucb nio^c) agaynft tbe fpz^ tabic: of tbe tobtcb fo^tare iDolatrie^fupcrfiition, tbe abnfc of ig>oD0 1)oI? name, ftraungc tt3o;(l)tpping, aga^nO tbe.^.and 4.p;eccpteoft^e fir Stable. STbofc uicretbcn, anofoareat tl)i0 ba? taHen fo; \)erp gooo \3)o;lte0^tDbtrca0 tbep be abbo« mination0. }danaliing 10 cbicSt^ in tbe communion of facrcd tbVttg0^ ano againe if tbe? be gcucn to tbe fame biOblute riot toitb filtbP men. 3|f tbcrfoitc toe be toare of tbofe tb^ngs, tve dee out of ]5abpIon,anb folloto tbe goob connfell of i5oD. l^oto men Tdwt bereiu toe cffenoe at t^to bap (ommonlp, toW^ are tttcnu at ealleD {Sofpellers. foi manp t^inbe it to be fufficient, in cafe *bp«03? 2= tbep obfenie 3 ujotc not tsjb^t rcligiott in tbeic bart pjiuelpj ^ft^"S« ? o^b openlp Doe communicate toptb tbem, tobicb «iap eitbec co^icijoj ijcipcojb«rt.'yeQ)aUbauctbcm,tbatU)ill croucbanofenele before 3iloolle0,tDbtcb >o)i\\ bcarc (3S)affc ano |aopifl)e feruice. ^bcre beTome tbat ^notu manp abominations of tbe popifl) piicftbooD, but pet ncucrtbclcire matic tljcic fonnco j^iicBce; Bccanfe p;omotion0, ano tbe ciarkip Ipfe^tbat 10 to fap , tbe toeaitbp ano pleafaunt Ipfe ipltctb tbcm uiell. 3:bcre U fome tbat tbiuft tbepz cbilbzen tbiougb tbe bonbe of tordlocbe mto ibc mibde0 ofidapiHrie: neptberDoetbcpregaroeanf tbing «l0,btttricbe0,anD toozlDip bonDur0 an& freoOfipps. ^gainft ail tbcfe tbe lazopbeta toptij tb: ^poaico, ano at tbi0 pzcfent Cbzift tbe fonhcof0oD from tbe rpgbt l)m^ of tbe jjfatberj tbunDcrctb ano ccpctb out a louDe, cmne atijap from bcr mg l^eoplc, anb be not parta'acr \»ir^ ^er Unncs, X t)cfe Uiozbes fioe vpon the Apocnlipfc. 24^ CUfdf.rf, ^ot ttot afimttte anv M^ittic oz cititle rearontng, nm camall 0^ traftic qualifipng. ;fi*oi it foUoxoct^ : leaft pcrcccmcof ^cc p!agitc0.^on{vcJpHcjaom?^ifveU&ct^c momifl): rcligf;^ en, If Homtfl}e p;clacte, rtc^cs ana pioinotions plcafe pou^ tftbei^omtQ)ccoitn|)nou comcuc vou, let tl)t lUDgcment^ papne ^ Damnattbtt nm to (^titic^itfluuttic content pon alfo» 3x)c^aucmojcoiiccatt^i5picfcht,tol)ataun(\t)cc twcmap^. .^ mabc to tijc laomaniaec^obiccting anD lajf mg to one cbargc Jn^^Jr*'? renoltpng 01 apoaafic, anD foitljcCamc cauCe alfo t!jc crpmc Slrrcto thp of ^cljifmc. 'yc Oanc fallcn,fap tl?ep,fcomt!)c Ijolp Cljnrclj of cr^mcof ia.onte,anD bp tbat fame fo^faHing.DccIare opcnl^^tljat pc arc rcuoit^ns* fectacicsann^cljifmatikcs. 3:x)ljcrcnnto toeannftocce^tljat tuc put a otdmction in t^c c^urcl) of l^omc.;f 0; \jyc acbnoto^ icoge a ccrtatnc olDc i£i)urc6 of mome, notable, anD ^poflo^ Urall. 0f tt^euj^tcl) tDzote ^.)daule: pouefaptl) is Q^etoeD ut cl)e U)l)oIe \notlD. from tl^cfamc toOofocuec Departet^^toitb out Doubt Qiatbe boti) a ^rbtfmatibc, anD alfo pectf^efoz cs tier. STbere 10 agapne an otbee Cbnccb of Uomc, netoc, and cleanc contrary to tbe oloc, no longer noto iSpoaoiicaU, bnc Idapiflicall ratber, toberein be not tbe mmtfters of tbe too^De anD ^acrametttes, but eptber idimcee, not^mg Dnlybe tbe i^cntilcsiozmarcbauntee^bptDbomtbe ^acraincntes, tit remtOton of ftnnes,beaucn it relfe,$ all tbpnges in tbe cbucc^ firetobefolDe fo;monep. ^b^P teacb a Doctrine (tDartting Huitt from tbe Doctrine of tbe i&orpcl. irbefe are openIp,no£ infccteD,butft»immpnganDftincbingof mod Q^amefnll \)is ce0>cuen of tbe filtbpneore of \ubozeDomei to fpeabc notbpng tto\jU of Cbn(leblouDa)CDvng. .fi^citberiB tberefeenintbeiit anv rcpctttaunccv icitb tbefcto perfeucr, \xiitb tbefcto com* muHicatc^t0 to pcr([l)e cucrlaQinglp ^ srbcrefo^e from tbefe mcn0 company tbt Eo^D commaunDctb ^0 bere to Depart^ pca anD to fl:e from. Xberefo^e, tbat toe baue Done, toe 6aue Done at tbe Ho^nes commaunDement, tobo open^ Ip berc commatmDcrb Ms to come a\joap. Depart^ anD fle from rbe purple toboK, anD from tbt0l3abplon.2rbere be alfo 0^ tber notable places commaunDpng^tbts Dcpartpng: tsbicb tobo fo liOe to hnotu anD confiDcr,lcttbemreaDS)cut.i3.3le^ remp tbe.13. ^be U30iDes alfo of tbe EoiDin tbe i5orpc!l of Unbc tbe. ts.afc. t»i)at ii5a= anb rcnDzpng t^ic caufc, tw^p tuc Q)OulB flee froinBabf * b?ion 13 to iott,!jc tjtteret^ r^c piofit,anD Difpjofit. Heft pe rcc eaue of ^ waaopcco. plagues. ;jfoito^o Totuer niatcljctb Ijimfclfctuitl) t!)e tngofts lp,inoIaters, filtljv auD tjntleaue perfons , ccctiuetb t^c (ame tctoatD tuit^ tl)em: namely in t^is ipfc piefcnt , curfeDneirc,a reprobate mmDe,(EronDip calanuttes,reciteti in t^c.e, ctKip« tec anD els Vul)ere,anD after t^ts l^fe, eneclaftv^S to;inentc0» ar^erfoie be rreatetb of no Itgbt matter , toben be treatetb of fipeng fcon l5abvlon,oi of awoiDvng tbe juionnfli iadigion* iBSjanv belcnc not tbefc tbvnscB : foz tbat tbcp coni'iDcr not, boto great IS tbe abbommation of tbe Cburcbofuomebe:; fo?e i5oD:an?i tberfoic beare tbcfc tbuigs as it Vuere a fable,^ perfencr in tbe fame kmoe of iife , UJberin tbep arc anb banc linen betberto.But be Ipetb not.tbat raptb,boU) tbep tbatp^o ijibe not fo^ tbemfelues to flee out of laabplon , a)aU (l)0}tl2 perifl) tuitb 23abplon , anb toitb tbe tubole feltotof^pp of t^e toieHeb.xpo be to tbem. (Cbat (Kott ?^ot»beit foi afmncb as tbe toicfeeb in tbis tooilb arc corns rcmf b?ctb wonlv fortunate C toberof ninnv gatber , tbat f&on bnotoctb SDicfcrtincjEf. not our mattcrs,oi at leaft if be bnoto tbcm carctb not greats 1^ foz tbem ) tbere is aDOeo bv tbe ^poftle , o; bv tbe o?ac!c b^ongbt from btauen : fox ber finnes arc conunen tip to bca:' Men,anb tbe il did batb rememb?eb btr toicbeoncs . 0cb tc* relv nener foigettctb iniquitics.;Jroi all tbvi'.gs are euermcic pzefent before bun . '^ct femetb be not to remanber,^ vcn be pwniQ)ctb not . fo} fo men fuppofe : but ttsbcn be pun' Cl)ctb anb tifitetb finncr6,bc femetb ^tterlv to ^aue bsi} coniiDera^ tion of cur matters,anb to bane remcmbjeD Wicfecincs anu toicbeb men^arberfoie i3oD is rigbteous , anb rnvncefnil of tmll,anb of goob alfo : anu tebcn be fcetb tvme vdiII refcm^ pence all mens U}o;L^cs,anbcbieflvtbrcuiU.3;ntbc meane tpme be fignifietb aifo, tbat tbe (mnes of oiD anb mxa i^omc are great anb full of eno?mitie . foi in tbe . 1 9 . of 0cncf. tbe ftnnes of^obomeare favotobauc afcenbeD tpto bcaucu, anbasiitocrctobauc crveo outagapnft tbcDocrsof tbem, anb to bane rcquireb tengeatmce . ^0 \3}t real) tn tbe.n. of 31eremv tbat tbe fmnes of Bab^ia afcebcb tp to tbe clouDcs. foi ^a;nt 3^,obn m a maner cuerp tobeie ^fctb tte places of ^cripture,to tbe intent be migbt gctbicboofee moicambo^ ¥itie,a!t^oug^ ot^crvuifc it be mfpivcb of tt^e ^oiv gi^oft. :2lnD in vpon the Apocalipfc. 24? Chaf.iS, fttDebCt^COlDSityricall^OCres aj Horace, In uenall^anD 0* tljcrsvDjotcrowagapnft t^e fmncs atiD \3icc5 of olD iH^me. STOecc rcma^ne aifo at tl)is Dap maup ftarpc to^ivnfiCBa* gapnnuovnc,anDt^c£arDmaUe9 anoia^clates oft^ei&o:* miO) C^mrc^)c, auDPafquiUcsmnwmccabie ( Paf^uiUcatt^is ftap 13 a satyncall toxitcc ottc in Seal) of man?)fo tijat as ujcll «t tt^ts Dap as in tpmcs pad y t^c Ctnucs of Uoine crie ^p ^n^ to !)eaucn tt felfe. i^c p:occDer^dftect^is to teaccotnptagaitie tteplasnee, uetparne and mod cecrjtincDcfhmctioti ofHoine,tsI)ici) te tljt cl)piD i^cr as i^m place of t^is(^aptcr tuyere aifo IS cjccco^nglp tocIlDefcribcD ijatj; xtx^ tbc moS 6o?riblc anD ccurt jnancc of ti?e DettrMctiou atiD fubs ^'^ ^o** Metfion rbtrof.:ffoi iSoD rs bioug^t in callpng on anD Cjcboz^ tpng tbc fonlDco«i:6,anD tbc Cotnmiffiounrs anD crccutcHrs of!;i0 mDgcnicmtjnto tcngcauncctbattbcv ft)oiilD pnnifl) ^cr mod ciptrcmclp, anD not (pare bet , but retoacD \)n inoS abounDantlp,anD mete \}nto bee bp tbe Came meafure, t»b^^ tDttb l^ome batb meaTuvcD to otbcrs . fsi\ bcre caberb place tbat fame raping oftbeHoiD^anD common (aping tuitboU nation5:\x)itb tbe fame mcafare tiuberetDttb pott mete,otbers ibai! mete bmo pou agapne , atiD tbcre Ojall be genen good mcafuce,pic(rcD,fl)afee ^runnpng oucr. srberfoje fcpng tbat Uome batb eobbcD tbe trbolc \jdo;1d , anD fcDnccD tbe U)l)oU to02lD:ngbtlp anD bp tbe in'^ ujiatb of f5oD toas Q^c Cpoplea anD ijttcclp fubuencD. n?bicb tbpngcs tbe iSottbes orb \oit\f great faptb anD Diligence : fo tbat \se can not Doubt alfo, but rbat ncuo uome , anD tbe ^ea ^podaticall , muQ be plucked all to pccccs bp b^rencmpes, tobom tbe IIo:d batb piepaceD, anD bp tbciXungcls tbatgatbce\jp tbe tacen.anD \Dbat fliall become of bee m an otber t»o?lD,tDe map gatbcc bcrcof , tbat l^e beatetb m Co oft, tbat ber euils ber papne airo,mournpng, anD gceuons tonnentes , Cl)all be DoublcD \oitb out mrrcp. STbcfe tbpnges Doubtlesare greuous anD boiriblc . i»oiUD i5oD tbep migbc be pcccemeD of faptbfull mpnbee . ^nD a« gapne tbis place is tszitten as it vsere \»o^D foz tooiD out of rbe.yo.cbapter of 3;cecm(e:tDbccepou ceaD to tbis effcct:be a- BengeD on 15abplon,anD as Q)c DpD,Do pe \3nt0 bee . ^poplc anDDeficopfaptb tbe HoiD , anD accompliOj all tbat j; baue commamiDCD tbce.DeSrop ber, tbat notbpng remainc . jf-ti* tccncb bee rounD about, tbat no man etcape . i^toarD ber af- ter bee tooiUcuuD accoiDpng to all tbpnges tbat Q)c bat^ Done, DO pe ^nta ber . ;Jf oz ftje batb bene pjouDe agapafttbe Hop , onD ogapnd t^ ^olp one of mfcoell , stilus lapD tbe ILo:D Chdfjt* The Lxxviij. Sermon EojD ill Sicrcmic. 2:^011 fecftt^ccfoic to^crctljcEojD W^ tojrotoeD Ijis otune at tljis pjcicnt . ar^ou Tecft ta^iat cncc^ Citie , ot common \realti) , oz man map piomtTe ^tm Telft > t^ bepng ttinc^eD bp t^c loOc cf otl)cr0 , ^e line \}oluptuouav $ pjouDlv in tl)ts tDo;lo.;jfoi i5oD ts t^efamealtua^cs^ano ^ta tuDacmtnts are cgall agamaall ^ngo!)!?. Cbetaine ^^ ^^^^^ toitijali i)e W^ meODfcD tbe canfcs of inhntu nio^p, pitioe fionmamelv crucltte^couctournce.ejptozfide^flaugl^tcre, but:^ f fecuntte nvnges^toberetottl) Uomc t^at^ maoe zicfolate tl^e vol)ole of i&ome. tto^lD.But ^ep^occ&etl) mo^ cjcptcflp to tcctte ot^et caufca: to UJitte p^iDe,glo;?tng and boaatng,fecurttte,not,ptca(nrc$ ani> toluptuoufncs . ;jr*o! it follotoct^ ; as mucb as ftjc Ijatb g!o;ificD bee feife,am) IptirD U}antonly.^c. ^m agapnc toi iti bw ban fl)c &ptb,3ll fit a m.\m\t^t. ©c batb bojcoujco tbcfc tbpngs alfo out of tbe.47.0f ecav. :f5c?l)crc I3abvl0tt glojifictb tbu9 alfoanb toirbfo manp t33o;DC6 . 2?.ome in tpmee pad glo^ieb becfelfetobeHaDv cf tbetuo^lo , ano tbat a)e(boulD ht cuctla0^g.^o?tbcp ftairpco m ^ilucr covnc6,of 2aome etemall . 2rbc? bao tbougbt tbat ibc UpngDomce (bcuto ne< wee bane bene plucfeeo from bcr . ^ be tbongbt tbcrfo je tbat fl)e ())oulD neucr b^ue bene a UDibDoto . ^no Sl boubt not but tbe i^ermanee bo^rovueD of tbe Romanes tbat I5ennant tDO^b Romcn.bptbetDbitbc tbepmeaneto boafto; bjagge fiontelp:U)bicbremetbtobane bene peculiar anb proper to tbe j^tomanee. j^be voac careles 0; in fecuritie . ^be bob not tbottgbt tob^ue bene fubiicrteo . ^bc IavD,lR Ojall fee no tttoumvtig,3] Ujill baue no monmvng cbcce.jR toil! altoapcc ftng,Gaudeam us . STbt momanideo at tbis bap alfo fnl b;anc^ Ip malte tbeir boa(l,tbat no x^ &pngs,no peos bereticbes ano ^cbifmattc)tes(fo; fu tbep terme tbe t=: nempes of tbe momiCb toic^ednea , men goDlp anb learneb) baue pet IncHelp affapIcDmome . iirbattbe enempec of tbe Cbntcb of Ifiome baue alteapcs bene opp7.cQ'cD: tbat Qjc bdtb altijapcs triumpbcD ouer ber enemies , tbefe feuen 0? eigbt bunfijcd pcaree ano mo?c : a^bat tbe Qipppc of ^atnt lac tc t: map be fo;ictunnopIcD, toCTcD, anErtijafl)eD toitb iraucs ann billotDes^but can not be D!0\xine&: ano tbecfo^e tbat t^e ^ca of iaotne (Ijal beperpetnaU;GiueeneanbS.aDp of all realmes anb CburcbeB»eic. Borne (ban But bcare no\jD t\^t insgemcnt of i5ob fo) as mucb as Qje f CTiCbc tp6 is pzouue , tjapne glojioiis , careles ano UJicfecb : m one ba^ aCoDapnc. Oj \\\ come ber plagues. Aretas noccrb , tbat bp one Dap is figs iwf ieo a (bbainc bcftruction : anb tf^at 0; c fljonlD tl?an pcnn;. vpon the Apocalipfe; 2^9 Chab j$, tolctt Oje bjoulu ^auc tljoug^t left, antt ^ec plagues Ijc rccf^g tct^ in azDec, ncatl), mourning, famine anD fire. 2lnD ftoitcs tcftifie,tl)at t^cfc t^pngs toere b^ t^c J5otti)eB fuIfilleD acco?^ Uj^nglv in olD motne:vo^erof 31 Oaiie fpofecn bcfozc. srtjcrfoje tocioouUt notbpngataU,biut^atneiu iaomcalfo flja'I bp men.anD bp i5oD6 ^ungcis be to|nc a ftinDer and plucHt t)p bp tgc rootcs.anb Icaft anp man (IjoniD tbinfec t};?0 \)npocri^ ble(foi great is tbc poujcc auD maieftic of either iS.cmr, in fo miicl) toac berijat QjoiilD banc favfi in ^aintSlotJn bis tynic, laomcftjall fall, (boulD bane fcmcD to bane fpobenatbvng as miicb iuipoCTibic , as if be bao fapD , tbc ffepc Qjall fall) be anncjcctb incontincnt!v:fo? (liong is tbc JLoib 000 tbat Qiail WDgc bcr . ^i)crto?c let ^s not Donbt of tbc fall of t'ac popc^ Don»c. fox tbc ilojD is truc,inajanD almig^tg. 2ro uj^om be Slo?p foj ener anD e«er. i^men, 9^2L bolcfull fong o: monrnpng,anb lamenf af ton of Uome^ \»\iii\) t\iz '^mi^a ano ^arcl)auntc0 moUe fo; ()en T he Ixxix. Sermon. ANdthe Kyngcs of the earth (hallbcwcpe her, and vvayleouerher,whichhaue committed fornication, and iyued wantonly with her, when they (hall fee the fmokeofher burnyng,and fliall ftanda farreof^for feare of her puni(hmet,faying:alas,alas, that great Ci- tieBabylon,that mighty Citic : foratone houreisthy iudgement come ♦ And the marchauntes of the earth (liall weepeand waylein thcmfelues,becaufenoman will buy their ware any more,the ware of gold , and fil- uer,and of precious ftone,of pcarle,and filke,and pur- ple, and fkarlct, and all thynen wood, and all maner ve{fc;ls of luory : and all maner vefTels of moft precious wood,andof braire,andofIron,andSynamon ,and o- dours,and oyntmentes , and frankenfence , and wyne, and oyle,and fine fiowre,and wheate , and cattell , and flicepc,and horfes,and charets, and bodycs and foulcs of nien. And the Apples that thy foule luited after , arc departed from thee . And all thynges which were dein- ty ,and had in price, are departed from thee, and thou flialt Chaf ./I. The.Ixxix.Sermott . flialtiindc them no more . The Marchauntcsof thefis thyiiges , whiche were waxed rich by her, (hall Ihnde 2 farreofforfeatcofthcpuniihmentofher,weping,and waylyng,and faying : alas, alas , that great Citie , that was clothed in filkeandpurple,andrcarlet,and decked with gold , and precious ftone , and pcarles: for at one houre fo great riches is come to naught . And cuery fliyp gouernour,and all they that occupy fliyppes, and iliypmen whiche worke in the Sea , ftode a farre of aad cryed, when theyfaw the fmoke of her burnyng,and fayd»what Citie is lyke vnto this great Citie? And they call dull on their hcadesjand cryed wepyng, and way- lyng,and fayd :Alas,alas, the great Citie ^.wherein were made rich all that had ihyps in the Sea,by reafbn of her wares : for at one houre is ihe made defolatc. % lamenta* %x\ t^e foitit^ place ol t^is cl)iiptcr,foIIotoctO t^c tDcepmj tion*toa^= ojtoavlmg,ozIamctttanonofjBonie, h^txit rniD DcGcopeo^ «omc"^ 2:i)e fto?e is pIcmiftiU anii macuaploHfir, b^ an cmDcnt rcp?e- »aiw. (entation fcttmg all t^pngcs befo?c our epcs. anD out;2.o?i» 1500 Ijatl? alooaves a famil^cr manner: t^at\»^atti^mc|c toVlI CttiDentlp a)CU3C Ijefoic, ana fijcc in tfte partes of ail mm t^e oitf tt^joU) 0? Deftruction of a nation, fepngDomc,o? cine: (e \33 vll commaunDc t)t6 la^opl^etes to ftng tnourntng ti% la^i metable Tonges.^D in fu'ci) ItpnDe of lametations ts Q)etii}eli notonel^ t^e (ubuerfiou , butalfo tbe caufesof deacuctton, anD mancc of Dcfolation: t^t cno aifo 0^ Die is Declared, ieaS others bee maucl'^feetjmotbat nation, ant> become parta:» bersofbcrficfltruction. xot bane tnanifefi cicamplcB m ti^t toiitingcs of tbcia?opbctes,cfpcciaU? intbclamentation&o! 3lcccm^, anij (tubicb agree better to tbis place; t\it Doleful! Dtttie of 2:p^us fong bv ig^f^i^ l^i" tbc.i7.anD.t8.cbapters* lanDtierrlpttappearetit^tliqt ^*5|Q^n ^at^ bo|o\3oeD man^ t^pngee from thence* ^eitbtr is t^ere anp matter ^ere,to bnfte om; fclnes muc^ about, ^efitmmeof all is t^is. mome a)all fallano perillje ljtterlv,foast^ercft)all be notljing left, cvtberoftbeiemj VW-> 0? oft^iat ^ea, anD inucb IclTc of tbctcricbesanD plca^ fnces. %\^t mbtc^toas partlp fnlfiUcD in olDelK.ome,$ part^ \2 (l)aU be fulfUleD in tbe netuc at tbe Dap of iuDgement» i^otobeic ncitljcr C^^tft ^imCclfano} t^e ^poaie ts b}Ottgl)t VponthcApocallprc. 2/0 Chap.iS. % bctoa^Irngtbefubttccfion of ©abvlon.but tdickeu pccKs; ^wngu ami ace ini»uceD,toljtc^ are firll to be cofiDercD. ;f oj tbev be ftings mardiants ano ja^inccs of ttie eaitb, iSS^arc^auntcs ci gouemoui's of mourne. fi)tpso^{3^anncrs,\s7bic!?bnue atl committtD u^bo^eoome to^tb tbt0 Qtumpct, ano b^ bee companpbattebeencmabe ncb.3ni>tecilp:o!Dmome \»asfurnifl)CD UJ^tbtbe amities of j&v»5Sfi*auD aga^nc tbc picfioenta tbat tocre fent of tbem to gouccne iajoumccs, fcemeo eur rv one to be J^pngcs anD iajmces, anD foi afnmcb ao tbc ricbes of ISomc txjece great, aub all flates toece ujonncrftjllv itt at rpot, t\)t osjarcbaunts tbcce got ejcceebpng mucb Ciipne. jsjojcoiiec tbcretoaa fapa lpngto3Xomco«toftbe2£a», ^o«tb,attl)«?cae, 3] mcanc oiitof^5?jia,anDiggvptoi2lff"<*Ci ano out of^papne tt felfe, ano out of tbe tjitcrmoG partes of tbe toojlD, But tobat t^mc iflome was oefiroveD, lap ouertb?otoen, atib tbe Hvm pp^etnas rent in peeces.tbep coulD not but lament, tubofe lucre auD pleafure toas lo3. Befioestbofe tcmpo?all inarcbauntes , mome batb alfo 'P« waf^^ (jer peculiar marcbaunts ano jajinces of ber otone» fax tbe 7^"«^^ °' pjetatCB of tbe cburcb be |9iince6.;3lnD in f Cburcb of Uibme ^ *"'^*"** all tbe faints of i5ob bnoto boto to occupie tbe trafiftque of MtarcbaunDpfc.^ojtDbatbolptbpngis not to be bougbtiti t\^Ai ^cai iSBjaccbaunbifc is pjactifco in foigcucncs of finnes, in pacDons ikxi^ fariffactions, in i^cclefialiicall benefices, iti t»o?a)ippiug of 3]mages ano ^aints,in tQafTcs, in burials, in faying Diriges fo; tbt oeaD, ano almoft in all fpiritual mac^ ters. hereof commctb an t)nmeafurable gaine,anb tbe grea^ teft cccafion of plcafures. j^tbcr marcbaunts buy tbeir ujare terp Dcare: tbc ^omtQ)e Cananitcs, pay not one DoDUin q% fartbpngfojtbeirujares, but fell tbc fame foz ant)nrcafonaa blepjicc. ilieitber fuppofe 31 tbat cucrtbercujasanpiSgar:* cbaQDife Iplte linto tbis tn all tbe U)02lD,no; pet a mozc gainer full lucre bp a tbpng of naugbt. i^rrafmus batb alfo toucbca tbefc tbvnges, m tbe pzoucrbe to afbe tiibtite of a Dcao man» ^nD fojafmucb as before tbe oap of iuogement , tbe iLoin C5?ift fl)aU ijcftrov anticbjift toitb tbc fpiritc of bis moutb, ano tbat tbe fapo gspnc begiunctb to be intnifl)CD: \xic fee botD euerv tMbcre amongcs tbcfc Cpirituall marcbaniitcs, complaintes ano gruoginges arifc.S^ben tobat mancr of la- mentation ano toapling tbtnfee pc tbat tt»pllbc,tobcrctbc Came jlozoe bp bps commpng ., fl)aU tJtterlp abotifl)e tbc fame ^nticbzta, ano tbep mufi goe mto fp^e euerlafling I ^s gapttc^emuOfomfVo^aUQconfiDert^e mourmng . sro mournc The.Ixxix.Sermoti motttmofitfdfcisr.ofinnf. ;lfo? t\)t bcflaniD^oI^ed mcti bauclamentcD t^cir DcaD, ann tljcic calamities, anUDcBcHO tion of cities anD rcaliues. 5Poi abial^am inoiimcn. ^^e la- mentations of 3lecemv rcmavne, cuec il)c citic of J^iermate» %\^t faitbfHlI mourneu tov^b a great moutnmg foj ^tepljen tn t^e actes.l^otobcit in tljc lamentation tijcp fecptameanc, ant) refcrreo ail tiding to tl)e glozp of i5oD, ano to t^e faluati* onofmensfoulcs. 2^bc\)n50Blvan"otDo?lDlp men oocnot mourne aftcc tljis fou. i;^epncuci;rcmcmbci:tl)e fmncs of men, fo: t^c txi^icl) tbe ngbteous ILozD puniCl)ct!j tfec U)02l&, neitJjcrboct^cvrcfcrrctbtcmiiesof tbem ano theirs to tl)c gloiv^ trnctl), anD iufiicc of i5oo, oi amenumcnt of manert: tl)cecfoiearctbrvnotrQivtl)ati3oDi£OifenDeD, no? rcqnfc fojgeucnes of fmncs:bnt it gceueti? tbcm ttjatoccafion of fin* ning is tafecn fconi tbnn, ano tl)ai t'qeic plealnces ano Incrc is pad. ano no\x> \x)avic laiinccs, fBQarc^anntcs ano iBQari^ ticcs, not fo? tbe loflc of f5oQs fauour, not toi tnic compa(Ii=s on, 01 lone ot tbeic neigbbour^ but fai f one of tbemfelues, foj tbe lofTe of eactbtp i^V"5f s, foi tbc BcSrnctio or gooDlv,ann:s cicnt, firong ano piccioue tbingcs : bnt cbieflp for tbcie lucre lo5c,anD ptcafures tafeen a\»av.2:be Slpoftle mafectb mentis on of evtber gcicfe m tbe feconb to tbe Coirintbians tbc.7» cbaptcr. 2lno lurelv tbis fozroto ano mourning is notbpng cis,bnt a Dcfcriptton ano a i[l)aootx)mg of a mod certapne anD- great oeQructton, tbat aiaiUvgbt t)pon tbc tJngoolp. ^nd full taell ano purpofclvooetb bcfet fo^b tt)C voaplpngbotb bp tl)e be^auiour of tbe mourners, ano alfo bp tbetr u;o]:Ocs» %Q tbcir gefture appcnavnrtb,tbat tbev U3eepe,\i)avlc, crye out, anocattDuftontbtirbeaoes. 2:0 t^cirvnozbes arere^ ferreo tbcfctl^pnges, ujo, ujo, alas, alas, tbat great citic,(tCr %\^z Uj^icb is repeateo of tbc marcbauntes ano faplcrs, Cbc riot, jsgoieoucr, ^ere are toucbeo tbc znwit^ of tbe Oeftruction: Douiptuc namelv,tbe rvot ano \3olupruoufncs, \xibcrinmomc floUJCD. oufnc0 anD ^^no lifec\D\>fe are rebearfeo tbc tt)caltb,ricbes, maieftie,p;iiDe pi/^ttfcs ano pleafures of evtbcr mome. ano bere bp tbe vuap, \i>c ate otittome. \x»arnco,\x>batall tuoilolp me map lookc foi, in cafe tbcp a^^ Oicte tbemfelues to tbe pleafures ano totuptuotjfurs of tbps tooilo: tobicl) toas at iS-omc^ano is Vinmeafurablr. sditmzt ^auc toe rcD \\\ anp ftojucs^tbat nations b^^uc long (otunieo, lubicb ban: been gcucn 01 \)anquiil)cO of tuoilolp plcaiurcs, 2:0 briiioe, to eace, to oimUe , to be ciotbco, anO to banc fer- uauutes men anb luomen, is latcfuU: but a meafurc muQ be bcpt in t^cfc as m all ot^cc t^pnges : t^c benefices of i3od muft vpon the Apocallpfc. 251 ^af.iz, wmfl be ftdfenotoleugcb, attD tl^e^ ina^not be woie fctbv t^^ tertue , 15ut at j^omc , miD tn t^e tt)b2l&,pa(F^tig otter goti= Ipwes anD ineatie, t^efct^v«g^s ace onciv ccgarDcDjiiefircD, anD beloncu. 3y\ biiilDingc^ attU l)orrft)olDeftijffc all twinges toere fnmptuows ^ ^jnineafiirable . %\ivi arc of golDc toijicb tKigbt bauc bccne tocli of cart^ oj tttuic : of ffliicc , toljcrc toooD o?v?on mvg^tfjauc fcrueu ♦ att^ \w^cn t»ooD yaias? cboreti, it toas not euecp tiJ00U,bv fi^n qv tl?vtien,t^at/6 to fap tbc e)ccc!Ientcfi toag cbofcn. 2:^^iieit feeinctbTO be tmir.eD of Thyu,atcee,to tl^etoljtcb Theophriftcatrr(bmetU^ttat^o=» nour, tcpo^tvtig ti^at tbe famous; btitUitnges of oiDe temples VxjcrctttaDct!)crcof,anDt^att!)crc 10 in it a cccraiite immoi- talitie ofniattecinroinipte^nifiitmigon toiifes agav^ftall teetbcrs.^c. Plinic ^atl) tbis in x\)t. \ 5 .boofee, t!)e. i^.cbaiitec, 3fin Ccruice alfo tbcy l)fc men lyUe beaftcs : ncitlj'(Jr ^a«e tbe? anp beattcs foi t^cic otonc \3fc,b«tinoa c^oftn . 2!;be^ Ijauc |)D)(e0(emulcsejcceeDingfine, STbcp banc tbcicbo^felitterSi CocbeeB, ant) cbaccttes cigbt notable t aU tb^nges gliftjqc ^ ^itb goiD, piecious aoncS).anD put;ple ; ano att tbv^ee^t^e tD^ougbtanb dcmfeo Jfo^pjib^anDittuipttiottftu^. "smi (baX toefap, tbattbeujbolebanbesof tbett mm gbe all iiv ftlfees anb Delucr, toearing tbetr maiftecs coloucBf ^bf 2.6ib bte CelftofalUittittgontbeajonUrtrrB of bis BelpbonierB, \^ &ojne on bigb,anD is caricb on mens bobies as tbe mod no^ 6le cbarctte. i)n tbe meateand D;inbe of tbefemen aUtbtngs dtemo^Beltcate, cipquifite, and liatiab^e. irbeit:;$}inbe:ts cofllV) (ftaunge anD unmonecate. srbe apparell of tbeir bo« by i6 alfo ouerfumptuous . ^Tbeir garmentes gliffer vxivtd golDC, anb ace ftiffe \!i^\^\i peavle. %):^%\x, common ravment is Df Ctimofin fatten. s:bcv *Cf all o^ntirt^tes httb apples of tefirej\»btcb mav bort) be thbecfjoobcbf tbe fcmttj? bf^cees, ^noalfo of idomanbets conrevningmit(%e^atibimett(\X)etr^ ano are ful of ooofcrtons fauours,^bicb toe call pontaoers* ifinallv, in all tbingcs is to be conftDeteD, tobat tbe enbe ^^^ ^^^ o^Ujtnbingbp is of riot,pjiDe,anD t3oittptnoufnc6,anb boto nuafuveiB bnflableistbctaiujuranofrenDCbtp^ofniett.^^rcalUbings bj . ^ pecia)e once, notb?ng remfiBnctb rafe* Slnb tbevWifiQire ^e» a ^it^ vi\ rcl^ in one bowre, tbat baueteen pioHibe$=foj: tnant peaces. 3 r -tr-nft 2^bev flee from \^6 inoaunger, UJbieb bane ttcettiea great »' i.a gavnexit our bauDs. "yeatbev ftano a farrc of,^ out of oann* ger, anb lament tbe ooUefnll cbannce: no man c cmmctb net?t to belpc oj ueliiier. V(S . .e«erp man is afravbc ofbis oU)ne ^ivmS>%V^ ie^t^^ t^]t^9^ (O tens in i5ob>t9derptfe picas j j09m,i. Cures,, chap J S. Thclxxx.Sermoa , furc0,&nDito put no confiDcttce tn^(l)eanbfrettbQ)!ppeof men . jl^Q} wh^ktt t^ou arc fouitnatc, tbou a)a!t t)auc man? ftcnoeB: if tl^eujojlo bcginne to fro\wnc on tijec, t^ey toill aU fo^faUc tbce,tn tt)$om t$eu puttea t^^ truQ^anD teaue t^ee tti tl^cb^^ers. ^ndt^tstetl^ecl^tefeenDe of^Utbcfc t^tngcsas 31 a)etDCD at t^e firft: l^otne a^all fall , anD be maDe befolate ioii^tt^Vr ^.t^c ^01^ puc i5o2i reftravne all eutll. ^mcn, i( ^6e reio^cing of tlie ^amf e0 fo; t^e ouertij^oUic of j!5a« b^lon> t^e o^otDtung of t^c fame, ano tljc caitfc^ of t))t o;otDnutg o; Dedriidion are rebearfco. • ' ' ' T he Lxxx. Sermon. "DEioyccoucr her thou heaiien, and yehoIyApoftlcs L^a.nd Prophetes: for God hath geuen your iudgemet on her.AndamightieAngeJ tooke vp agreatMilftonc, ^itrwi caft it into the fca, faying : with fuch violence (hall jftjit |t*atcitie'B»abylon be caft ,'*"«! ^all be foundc ^d.niO're, And tfib voycc of harpers and muficians,and bfpipcrsinci trumpets (hall be heard no more in thee; ^nd no craftes man, ofwhatfoeucr crafte he be,(hal| be founde no more iii^tliee: and the founde of a Mille (haU be hearde no niorcinthec:andthelyghtbfacandcIl ihall (hineno morcin thee,andthe voyceof the bridc- gi'ciinc^ind ofthebfyde (hal be heard no more in thee: for thjr tiiarchaiinteswere Princes of the earth, and withthync Inchauntmcijts were deceaucd all nations: ai^ in (i^f u^as fqundc tHe'bloud of the Proph6tcs,a»d p/tbc Sain-ts>and of all that were (layne vpon the earth* 'SRn t^fift plate of tbis cl^apter tbc angcll of tbe ILo?D vna «rfie rciev^ ^o^etl) all t^e ^atntea of beauen to retovce, ano tbat fo^ tl^e (uia of onertb^otn of Babylon, i^no tbis rctopcing of tbe faints is ^amte« fet agapnft tbe tnavltng of tbe tsoicbeo. fQ% as tbep lament fo; tbeDC' fa; tbe catffes Of plmures talteu from tbem : fo tbe ^aintes ftrumon of teiopce ouee tJttgoblvnec^ opp^eOeb, anb tbe glo;^ of j3od ce^ lRome« )tengeb, ^e are t)erclv fb^biboen in tbe |d;ouerbes of ^aloa tnon> anb in tbe Doctrine of Cb^iCl anb iiz bcrof tDereaDtbattbe^;opbttravDmtbe.;8.)d(aime. %\^z rigb^' teousfl^alleetovce, toben be QiaUfeeVjengeannce, beib^ll toa^e bts feete tn x\^t blouD of tbe tmgoDlv^ to wttte.bc fbali pourge bts affetttons ano eutll manere , tobat tvme be Qiatl Cbattbs feetbebionDoftbetjngoDlp fpiltet tobicb be belcnetb to be S>^intc0 re Done foj an cicample, Icatttoe aioulD follotn our cmli afifectu J°SJ ^J^^b* ons,anDtbatour bloiiD Q)0«1D bcQjcDalfobptbcmajSoDpfthc^tc^ anb bts minifters, ano a man toiil fav ; terel? tbere is a r es jje^. toarD fo? tbe ngbteous,t)ereIp i5oD luDgctb tbc cartb.srbrr- foje are tbe rigbteone glaD,anD rciovce toben tbe^ fee ttftge;* aunce» land it ts notfapD,tbattbe^ couet^o; txit(I)c fat t)engc;3 annce, taengeaunce is mync^avtb tbc 3Lop,31 toili rctoarD* }p[?bentbeEo;Dtbetefozeretx>arDetbtbevaccgiaD foztbe De^ Ituerannce, anD foi cbat tbc tintetb ts cQabUQ^eD anb conf^^^ men: but tbep cciovce not of anv batreD \ tbcp bcarc tovoacoe tbe oppzeffours^^bomtbep banc uii(i)eDlo(t anb DclirovcD, %\^t goblp tutfl) eucriuoie i\^z tatcltcD to \x conuerteD,anD to retucne into fauour \xiitb i5oD. I3ut \rben tbep fee tbcm mo^: ncD ttittb no rcpentanncc,but obQmateiv to p^oceDe, ant) fait into tbeir otiinc oeOtuction , anD tbat i5oD Dotb cut tbcm of, fo^ tbe (aluattonof tbe faitbfuil, anD DcUueraunce of tbrgoD^ l^:tbc goDlp ceto^ce at tbis Ddiuecauce , anD p;avfe tbr mfncc of 0OD . iJiottoitbftanDvng tbattbep bao dtoayes rarbcr , if tt migbt ^ti,\xz\^txiz , tbat tbe left bao otbcctoife IcD tbtirl^fe: but no to fince it can be no otbetvoifc^tbiougb tbeir o\i>ue ob^ fiinate mallice , tbc^ fpeabc not aga^nft tbe iuDgementcs of <6oD,but ratbcc commence tbe fame . SCbefe tbpngcs Vjcrclp DO tbc ^auttes m cattb . 3nD as to; tbc ^intes m be ancn^ fincc tljev be puiifico no^ from alt a(fcaion6,tbcir rciovCm^ is aUogctticr moS pucc^fo tbat it tocrc fuperfiuouc to rcafcu curiouap tbccof.lDUt tubcrc tbc bcauel? reiovfcat i\^t Dcdru^ ctio of tbc taickcD,\xic map caielpniDgcboU) mucb tb^V crre, X^\fixX) truH to tbe ^elpc 0? piapers ot ^.aiutes;t9^cc ncucc« i^mtQ* tbclcflCe -v«Fojintbe. ichrt>. fa^D to pnnift) tbeir enemies: ^♦^ntbonp toitb tbebol^fire, Valentine toitb t^e falling ftcltenes , ano otber U3ttb otbcrdi^ (ed(e0*i5od alone^(as tn tbe« is.c^apter isoedareo at large) punifl^etb , anolenoetb and talteetb atjoap fidtencs. ^nd mod certatne it ts,a(^tll b? tbis , as alfo bp man? otber places of tbis boobe^tbat iiSod aepetb not,but Vail teoben be feet^ time, reuenge and puntQ) molt certetnel?. JTbe (S^artp^s tuben tbe? Cbould dve , bad committed atltbeirtudgcment to t^e Eo^d tbeir i5od.i^e iudgetb note tbe tndgemct of tbe faints 1}pon mome: tbat is after bis tull iudgementbe ta^etbpu^ ni(l)ment of mome , fo;tbat Q^eJ^iad tvitt) to^ongfull iudges: mtntoppzcfled tbe^aintes* j^n tbe fij^t place of tbis cbapter bereturnetb to t^e deC^ cription of tbe fubuerfion of 23ab?lon. ^nd it is a moK clerr^ aHDcucnac(rt€incje?$l? and cnidcm dfuioi^ration bpafis 5i}?i'), .PtXJfi:, mili* yppon the Apocalipfc, 25^ Chap.iS, mtlieuDe ot ttotablc dcdc domg.;ifo2 talc^ns \)p a great frone, m qiiatititic iiftc a (3QiIftonc,t)e cattet^ t^c fame into tlje ^ea, _ ano mafevug a occiaratia of ^ts fo i)opng,ra^tli, t^us foDatu- J^abpion fs( Ip,anD toitlj fucij a Violence, (<5j>A*'f Atxr.) fljall Babylon be caft fh? feja^*" iio\»ttc,^c.2iri?i8Pla«istafecnoHtoftI)eeni>oftbe.ji.cbap5 tetof 3|ercmie,\»l)ct;cpou reau mamancc tbc lifeet^pnges too^B fd; VBO^ti. in tbe i5o(t)cl affirmetb^ tbat tbe crime of fclaimber u^ offence ginpngmuQbe pmiiQ)eb^itba OQiidone bunge about tbe necke:^eaanb tbat tbe fame is not a punifl^mcnt greuou£i tnongbf altbougb amongefl t\^t Syrians it toas accomptcD fo; tople and fl^amcfaU , fince tbt crime deferuetb to be ptmiO^ed tDitb a mucb moje grcuous 0? ccncllcr pa^ne . «>bcrfo?c Pri- mafius fuppofeb , tbat bere bp tbe \2jap is figmfieb , boto iSa- bplon^fo; offences geuen to tbe too^lD, Qjoulb be b^ots^neb in tbe ^ea^asitvoeretoitbaOQilftone tpeD faft to bcrnectte» 36oQbtIts if euer anp i[,\tit^xit\xtx anp bingnome ixytxt bate^ full bp reafon of great ofifences,anb innumerable 0umblpng bloctses geuen to tbe Cb^tGias:]aome ano tbe laomane i^m^ pire , anb euen tbe {dopiOjnes of tbe Cbnrcb batb burtmoS bp fclaunber , ano ^^tt burtetb . »>berfo;e it is no boubt , hut tbat it batb bene plagueb moa greuouap , ^ f^all be pet mo;e puniQ]edoftbe2Lo|D. i^gapnebp pzopbeticallanb fignratiue fpeacbcsbefignis ftetb a notable defolation , anb tbat tbe fame place Q^oulb ne^ tier after be tnbabiteb fo; eucr.^ucb libe maners of fpeacbes fljall pc finoc in tbe.i4,of igfap,attD,26.of iBjccbiel anb in bi^ nets otber places, ail pleafure, faptb b^ , fljall penfl), efpeci* allptobicb teas tuontto be tafccn of cejuficfee , vlllcraftes Ojall be lapb botone. Bjicflp tbere Q)all be no moje anp babi^ tationfojmen. 3ln tbe fcucntb anb lafl place are fet fo?tb agapne tY^t tm^ (Cbe canfej*: fesof tbisfubucrfion, anil tb?eemo?e notable tban tbe reft, of bcrncfos- S^bcfirft: 2[:^pmarcbannts\i>crcia;ittcesoftbci£nrtb.;lfo;^^^''"' tbep tbat bauc occupieo uiarcbaiiDife m tbe Cbuf cb of laome, anb pet bo,are in a inaner princes . M vo^om 5] W^^ t^poUe ^malt UefoK* Chaf.jf The Lxxx. Sermon iicfo:c.{^ere it noteD tt)crfo?c t\itit pzidr,anartccvanti iitiiti)^ moiifHC6.©c callctl) t^cm marcl?auntcs(fa?tb Arcus) u>^ic^ tucmovle anD trouble t^c \x>^olc^o:(D^a&ttU3erc certctne fs.'2%tz.^u%\^t rcconD:fo; tptt^ i\)int incl^atmttttients ati w^ itions ^anc bene fcDuceD«2:^rc ts no Doubt,I)ut t^at incbafi^ tvng,ant) magtcfec,rc!gnc in ]5bp t^e t2?arce8,febitions, anb t^^annp of i^omc.^o tue teab alTo in tl)e firft ;SD^tion of 3nerem^,tl)at {&ob Craitlp xu qniixt^ tbebloub of bis (eruauntes Tpilt . jpoubttes all Q)e^ bvng of bloub is grenous ( tl^t fame ejrcepteb tv^ic^ is inSlp bone bv t^e i^agiarate)pet is one moze bepnous tban an o- tber . ;)foz i^etljat Kiilet^ap^eaK^r of tbe i5orpen,finnet!3 mo;e greuouap,t^an l^t tbatoifpatc^etb a pzmate perfom anb be tobtcb foziieligion fa^ 0apctb a man , anb ma^ctb a jSgartp; , Cmtietb mo^e bepnouap , tban be tbat ktUetb a man in tbe \jaarre * 2rb^o;e all t^e bloub(l;eb cf momc after ani? fozt , {l)all be reQUit:eb of iftome , anb is rcquircb . irbus tbe Hb^b ipabealfo of t^eCttie of l^iermalcm.Ob^atb. 2.3 .'S:*^^ Hozb jlefus baue mercp on ts , anb loo^c tpou t)s tsit^ t^e tpes of ^is mercp.i^Uncn^ ijrsrije retopflnges anb !^mnc5 of tijc ^aintcs arc rec ifeo foi tbe oeSruaton Uome m^ fo; t^e taUi^ng atuap of all Dngobl^ncif. / The vppon the Apocalipfc, 254 Cfoap.i^, The Ixxxi Sermon, ^Nd after that, I hca;rd the voyce of much ^c. ,9^ j people in Heauen, faying: Allehiya , Sal- C^aptnr, juation and glory ,andhonour,anci power be afcribed totheLordc our God . For ,true and righteous are his iudgementes, becaufc he hath iudged the great vrhore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication , and hathauenged thebloudofhis feruauntesofherhand. And agayne they fayd, Allehiya . And the fmoke of her afcended for eucrmore. And thc.xxiiij.Elders, and the fourc beaftes fell downc,and woriliypped God that fateon the feate, faying-. Amen: Alleluya. Anda voyce came out of the feate ,Czying : Prayfe our Lord God ail yethatarehisferuauntes,andycthat fearehym both fmall and great. And I heard the voyce of much people, cucti as the voyce of many waters , and as the voyce of great thundcrynges , faying : Alleluya . For our Lord God almighty raigneth.Let vs be gladand r^ioyce,iind geue honour vntohim : forthemariage of thcLambc is come. 5fo?afmwcfya8 t^c apoftic in tW boofec moR plcnttfull^ dPoancu « |)atbDefcrtbttit^eopp?eflionof t^t ^amtcs^anD tticcmell.foira&eit^i mtfc^ntDQS,attiip^ouDeaflauItc6oftt)epctrccutoucs of tt)e i)iBkt^ iSofpdl, toljeccbp t^cv bottrmocfeei5oD,aniito2mcnt^VS «auntcjsf», ^aimes, toljentpon cucrmojt at afl t^mcs ti)e complatntcs cucnoft^cgoDlpmcnacercDtoljaucnfcn, as t^ottg^iSou tbiong^ ttslongfuflfccinganD great patience , G)oulD fenne to ncglectc tije oppze0rca:5c Mfccurfct^ aUoat large no^,t^c rciovfingGs auD pjapfinges of tlje ^atntes, to^crfa^ thev tic* toHc tljttniet^janfi mfticc of i3oD,\u^o ncuerncgicctct^ ^is, mn moft grceitoua? pnnifb^tl) tic tjngoDip pcrfcciitours* ?&otDbeitt^errciovcc !)crtcf5jefelp; auD piapfc iooDfoz tlje ta^vnga\Ba?ofantic^zia,m«ja{it)ngoDlvncB U3Vt^ ^y»n, »?!)ic'g ^crei^ !S r^c fira place of tlj^s cl)aptcr. 2r!jc feconoe confirinctl) all ^amtcs,leafl t^c^ (botilD &oubt anf si)fnQ of rijcfaluationoftlK faptljfuU, tobtc^ ^e ttjctoctlj to be mod actapne, %^t t^icD plac^ rccitcti) t^c finnc of blcCto 3lo^«:> fSSimMf and. chdf,rp TheLxxxJ.Scrmoii - ann t^e fs^t^full fioctttne of ti)e Wt aungeil ,t^at toe Q)0uld tt}o?(^tppeno creatures, be t^ep ncfierrot)olp . 3iin tt^e ta(i place id Dercrtbet) {1)0 tuDge,o^reucnser31eCu5 Cb;tll, com:? in^ng to tnDsement: t^ere ts tno^eouer tiercrtlieii t^e peri>tti<3 on 0^ pnmftjment of alt ttje t)ngoi)IVt> ^^tcb t^e tuft anD bol? 3Lo)D rabetb of tbem« wW^ place Vierelv begottue in tbc. i > . c^apt.of tbts boofte, anD bepng fufpenDCD betberto, toae re^ peateD fomtobat in tbe. i4.cbapt. antt noto at tbe laft fmt(l)eb. i^nD ))erel]? tbe teio^ftng of tbe ^aintce 10 btuerfC) plen« ttfull, anb inantfolbe, ouet tbe loft ano conbemneo enemies of tbe goblp. ;^irft beb0aretl)atopce,anDtbatagreatone, of mucb people in beauen. l^e fl^etijetb tbcrefoze m generall, tbatalltbebeauenl|?fo;t,(tbebtcb tbmg toe tinberftand a)aU be Done at tbelaft tubgement, toben all t)ngoblp folbe fl)al be troDenbnberfoote. Slnb before tbefe tbtnges bebonetbep are rebearfeo anb befcribeb, tbat berebp tbe gobl? ma^tti baungers anb torments comfort tbemrelues,anb abpbe fteb^ £aft in tbe true fa^tb: beleeutng tbat tbep alfo.tbougb tbev be notQ opp ^efifeb, Qjall fmg p^^fes of tbanbes to i3ob* ^nxi ^erelp be batb bere comptleb f U)bole i^tmne tobteb is fa^be in tbe p;apfe of i5ob tbe reueger.i^e placetb fojmoll AUeluya. Alieiuya: after %t anncjcetb tbe p^a^fes, faluation, anb glo^p* (Eci^nb Aiieluyafigntftetb,p^Vf^ pe tbe 2Lo;b * i^e^fetba tnoft common too}b,anb of all men beft i^notoen in tbe p^i^ mitiuc Cburcb* ^Q% certapne |9(almes baue tbts title, Halle- luyah . f:Q% tbe cbaunter fo ejcbo^teb ano fttrreb tip tbe people to p^a^Ct f3ob » ^0 after tbe fame manner nota auo, tbe ^aintes as ittsere computing tbe argument of tbeir Cong, fa^ Mleiuia. ^nb tbelit U)0|Des baue nio^c grace in ours anb otbcr ftraunge languages, t)fui'peD tbau tranflated.^o bane rcmapneb in tbe Cburcb, Ofanna, Amen, Sarla, Maranatha, ano Diners otbcrs.:a?bereofalfo U)Mtecb s.Hi.rometoMar- ccllaanDDamafus. -p. . . ^oto follotoetb tbe b?mne : Valuation, anb glo?p , anb ^^SS^^"*^"^**^* ahb tbofe tbinges tbep p?svfe in i5crj, anb aTs ^ cribe \jnto bpm tobolp. xpberccf 31 fpafec in ocpoauD^ng tbe -A.anD.f.cbapt.of tbisbooUe. ijejojeoucr tbeppjavfeiBoD fb; tbat tpbicb m tbis cafe is p^inctpalU fc? bvs iuDgcjiientes are tuft $ true, wbicb facing feemctb tuojtbv to be pjtntcD moft Dcepcl^ in tbe bartes of ail tne, as tbe U;bicb in tcmpiations niav nota little cbearc t'gcm. anD tui^cicfoic tbe uiDgemcuts of ii5oD be iviSt ano true, ^c aobctlp, became ^z t^atb iuDgcb tbe great vponthcApocalipfc, 25J 'Chdf.jpl q,tzsit to^oje: tftat is to fap, tafecn too;tl)? attD conuigne ptt^s mQ)einencoft^eSceat toUoje * l^etl^mo man? men ^aue tli)0U9t)t t^e 2,o;D CO be ouce Qotue, ano too^nuc^ fauourabte to mbme, ano i3:omta)C C^ucc^: hm t^an ftjall tlje? fee t^at <3oD is mott ma. j£Df t^e te^o?e 10 fpobcn befo?e» '^'ec Doct^ be repeat bote agayne i^tt mod b^^nous ano great fmnes. ;ffteftco^cupttontb;ou9b tobozebome ano in- cbauntment. wbercb? is fignifieb febncing bp co jcupte ana tDtd^eb Doctrine . ^bt latter, tbe (bebbpng of tbe bloub of bolp 0S)artp2S.xx>bct^of toe baue afreabp (poUen manp times* 2rberefo;ei3obpunia)etb tbe corruption of doctrine, and crueltie of tbe momiaje C^urcb p^acttfeD agapnft t^e faints ofi5ob. anb Ipfee as in tbe beginning tbcp fang Alleluia , fo in t\^t f^nu^ ^.^^ tmt alfo tbep repeat tbe fame. 23^ tbis rcpetinon Declaring, fei if (feoa tbat tbe piaffes tsjbicb toe alfo po\^;e out to {5od in x^artb, tod^oDare bt to i5oD mod acceptable. i^uD bp ^ bp is aODeo a fentence, acceptable* tobicb mpgbt feeme to be put to, eptber bp ^.3]obn,o? bp tbe Denine beauentp D\»eUers tbemfelues. »7berebp is figntfieo, tbat tbe burning of tbe tmgoDlp (ijall be perpetuall, anD d^al tteuer baue enDe; as IpKeujife jefap batb fapDe in bps 5 o. ano 4^.cbapt.ianDtbeS.o;Dbpmfelfe m tbe. 15. ofa^attb.anD.?^ cbapt of 09arto. SfQi looben be (apetb tbe fmoHe,be ^moerda:; Cbefmoiie DetbtbattbereisfiertmDerneatb. Eet\)seacneaip tbinl^eof vofetjp. cbefe tbpngs,fo oft as tbe pleafures anD commaDities of iSln^ jticbMft boe flatter bs. ;jFo; tbis perpetuall tier is prepared fox all tbe ^ngoDlp,efpeciallp for tbe anticbufims . i^no tben ge^^ nerallp bebringetb in prapftng i3oD, tbe.jcjciiq.^lDers, and tbefoui:ebeaOtcs,bptbe\jDbicbtbe)}niuerfalttie of creatures is t)nDerftooDe. aroucbing tbe toJbicb tbpng, fee tDbat is fapd tntbe.4.anD.f.cbapt.oftbtsboo'^e. ^uD ttrilnotxmciptbcp &neele,but alio fall dousne, to tbe end toe U^oulD tnderS^and, tobat \»e ougbtto doe in eartb. ^nd tbep toor{l)tp i5od tbac fittetb m tljc iljrone, and neptbcr aimgcls, noj fpirites, noj pet anp creatures. ^uctbermoie,toitb t\»o toojaes \)t fljad^ dotoetbtbeir bpmnc. ;jfoztbcpCragc, Amen, and Aiieiuya.^o? tbep confirme 0oD to be iu{l,and bts iuogemetes to be rigb- feous,anDib3tbeiul]kippum£l)etb tp^tobore, ^udtbercforc tbatbcistobepravfeD. ij^o'o) cometb alfo a tjovce out of tbe tbJone , to \ii\ttt from ^ ^,ojce co^ iSDD bvmielfe, but bp tbe miniRcric of an i^uugcl. ;^oj ir fot- met}) out of toU3ctb:fmgpiapfctooiu*f5Qd.33cbolDebtfaptb,ouri5od. ti)ct|?cne. ST^erfoje ipc accompttib by»^fclf bet^e im tbe number of ti^cm, Chafjf, The I.xxxj. Sermon attgfH,tu^tcl)t;cntcDt!)ofetl)V»5CBofi5oD » STijtifostc t^at ^e ^aiutes Dec noto, tijep arc commaimDcii to i>oc. ^o; m tocmiDDcscftI)cpzapfcs,t^is^ovcci0 fteiica from i3ou bp t^e auQcll. Skd i)e commaimfist^ to pza^fc t^c true ^ onclp l6ct), ?§c a)cu)et^ mo2Coucr,\x»l)0 a}oulD piaffe t)pm: all t^c ^amtc6,t^at is,aU tt)at feare i5oD, uj^ct^cr t^ev be great oj fmail.Bvt^tscommatmocmcnt t^crtfo^e te ftgntftcD , t^at i5oD IS odig^tcD Ujptb tl)c pzapfes of bolv tncn , anD \^ttt\^ t^cm. xp^crbv Voc noto ttjat DU)cII in 2^artb, Icacne to pzatfe tbe EoxD toit^outceafing, anD xuptb afmccte batt.ia^c icarne tbat no man is cjcceptcDjto^atrotucr Dcgccc,age,fc)tc,oj con* Ditioui^ebcof. m)t titiine: i^gav^c, an otbtr \^'^m\\t is attnciccD, as it tocix an cpim^ pyapfcsare pIeofobctiicncc.i'o?i5otH)Vtbc iangcU ccmmaunDctb tbc stfatfft. §>atntcstop2avfcbVtn. 51^otx) tbccfoie tbep obepi5ob,ariD offer to bV'Jn pjapfcs. ano Ijovc great tbcfe piavfes ttif re, be fl)ctoctb bp a Double companfon^ anD by a marttelous b^cui^ tie, anD cmDcntojlittelprcpiefemation. ;f o? b^ feptb, bD^ tbc )}opces of tbc fingers tuere 0)2iile,as tbe gu(l)ing ^ nopre of ntanp toatcrs t anD alfo Ipfee tbe clapping oj crackpng of $reat tbunbersi. JTif fucb b^euitie anD pcrfpicuitic ^rc found in Homcre oj virgiii, it ttioulD baue judnv niaruailer&tljerof, taobicb tooulD eictolle anD commenDc elegancte. But no man inaruetlet^,iioman fettctb fo^tb oi commenDett) t\^t bol? fcripturcs,anD t^e elegancie auD efficarie oftii^efatne, tboug^ it can not be fampleD.^nD againe,bcre is annejccD an btmne> t^e beginning tobcrcof,a0 of tbe fo;mer,is alfo AHduya. iSnD !vke as in tbe fozmer bymne t^e ^aintes X^mt DedareD, tljat i5oDDoetbmflippuntCl)et^etDtclieD: fo ixi tbts tbcv p^acb tbat i5oD rcignetb,anD tbat \)t fauctb t^e ^aintesfreelp anD toptbout any Defcrt of tbcirs. 2rbep commaunDe tbcrcfoieto pjapfe Vc^t jLozD. STbe reafon,fbj bccaufc fmcc be is almigbt^, licreignctb.i^Ebatb^erelpreigncD cucrmozc: butfince fa tnanv tbpnges banc been permittcD bp bvi» f o ^^^ t)ngoDlv, inani? bswc tbougbt tbat tbc DngoDlv,anD cbiefelp ^nticl^^ift ^atb reigneD: but noto fmce be batb oppzetTeD bpm, anD auc- geD^isglojpauDbisferuaumcs, it is maDc manifcft to all »ncn,tbat jSod alone reignctb fo? cuenuo^c . H^bep alleabge alfo an ot^cr caufc, tobv i3oD ftioulD be p^apfcD , pea ratber tobP tbc goDlp a)oulD beglaD auD rciopcc;nainelp, fo; tbat f tnariagc of tbe Eambe is ronie. ;f o?afnmcb as tbat tpmc is tioto come, voi^tcrciu t^ llan)briiuufclfctopUb?png i» tt^ c^iU VponthcApocallpfe. 25^ Cha^.ip, c^fltt^en of i5oD , Ijvs tocll bcloucD fpoufe, tWt 31 mcatte tD^omljp^i6blouDft)eDl)c ftatb wDccmcfi ro iovcs CMct1a:e ftpng. Oftbe manage fl)vil! be Cpofecn a litic after at large. jSzapfe ana ^\m ^txu our ccDccmet; £^?tft Sicfug t^e Eoid» 0mcn. C^f tftc marpasc of tijc ^lambcj anD of t!)C mafe)?ng reaog oftI)e3Umbe«U)tfe. The Ixxxij. Sermon. A Nd his wife made her fclfe ready. And to her it was geuen , that flieefliould bearaycdwyth pure and goodly filke . Forthcfilkcis therighteourneflc of the Saintcs. STbc ^ amtc0 celebiate tbe Eo^b toit^ p?avfe0,reCo?cmgs anb bpinncs. srbcrcbecattrce innumerable : but tma nota- ble abone otbcr0. :irt}c ftrlt^fo? ^ ILo;b batb tuogeo tbe lo^oze onb ai)ucngcD ti^c bloub of bi3 ^ainteB. %^t feconb , fo;tbe marpage of tbc Hambe is come.:i:be? retopce tl^erefo^e at t^e iuQiceQfi5ob,\3)bercbp^ebatl) ptmtfljeb t^ebngoblp:and at bis mcrcv oi grace, b? tbe to^icb be geeueti) to tbe goDlp a blelTcD Ipfe. Bitt bere mud t»e fpeabe of tl^emariage. arbere is iicrp muc^ mention maoe of t3)eblocl(e 4nD ma- ^atnmoc rtage in tbe bol^ Scriptures bott) of tbe olbe ano neto 2reflfa<; np ano tiia= ment: ar^e tJbicb map not be ejcpounbeo afeer t^e letter, but n?ase. bp an allegozp: leaQ \2}itb tbe ^Turltes anb mal)ometi(les,\DC fall into fl)amcfuU anomonarousabfurbitics. ;fo;fptricuai tbpngcsarefigureb bpcozpo^all matters. £>ftbe (pirituaii tbis is tbe fumme: i5oD tbe fatber tbe louer of man^inbe,toil faue men bp bis fotme. ^^is t^png is beclareb bp a parable Dftoebloc^anDmariage.^nbinmatcimonietbereisacon^ tract o;ma^ngfure,tbere is a coupling o^ l^nbfafting of eptbcr partie,anD finallp mariage. 3ilntbe contracte net onclp tbe pong man anb t^emspbe^p tons are affiaunccD, but alfo tbe mbole manner of tbe marpage to trect tn ma come is appotntcD,anD an ozber tafeen. ;lf oztbe latopers fap, fepng (utz, tbat affiauucing is a pzomife of t\^z marpage to come. ST^ps contracte teas mabc at tbe bcgmning of tbe tsjozloe, tobcre i5ob pzomifctb tx^^t be topU Deliuec manfepnbe 1^ ^is fonne, anb receiue bim mto glojp.i^ereunto appertaineallt^epjo^ tuifes of Si^W% of tt;? remiflion of fimtes,anb of ettedaftpng l^fe* The Lxxviij. Sermon lVf^» ^o?CDttertI)e Duties of t^efpoufc arc p}efcrtbc&. ^tiee p;omtfctb to be obcDiem.and ot^er tbvnses. (le. Cb^ift tbe bivDcgrome tt)e Tonne of i3od tl^e father, afftauncetb to bvtn fcltc a!i t!)e cbofcu t^?ougb ^ts ft'ec grace : ije pjomifetb tljcm feifi rigljteoufucs, all be«^wcnlv gvftes ano ctemaUlvfc. i^c tafect^ tjpS bim uioKoucr alltbe mfinnitics of tbc b?!Dc, anD pourgetb ber ftltbmes* i^nd tbe b^^Dc 10 affiauceo to bpm b? faptb, as it is to^itten in jSDfec, Foi be tbat is iudCas tbe fame ^.3ldbn faptb) ^"^o^"-? - toorltetb rigbteoufncs . irbctfore be tbeir iuftificatious , to Wittz tbc rigbteoufncs of faptb iuftifieng, anb tbe rigbteoufs itcs cf toorl(^5 iuftifipng:t^at is to (ap,oeclaring )hb to be iua fttficn Cha},jp] The.lxxxiIi.Sermon fiifiel) bv favtb onel^ . fQi txic ace purifieu bp t}^t bfoub ot C^jift fcedp^tlje tnUtc^ toe rcceme b? faitb:anD be fullp iuOia fieD,U)itnc6 oaule in tbe .3 . to tbci*ot"ancs » agavne tbc^ tbat be ctgbteou5,Do fonD^p uio^bes of ctgbteoufnes,^ com^ tnenD tbcmCelues bnto i^ob.^o do tl^ep notappeaceitabeD, bnt clotbeo tsttb tbeic uoeDOvng gannent,a5 toe touc^eo alfo tntbe tbV2i> cbaptec of tbts boobe. % pore anD ^nD fail aptelp is tbe garment of tbe b;?5e calleD pure o( b^isbt sar <= cleane^not fo^ bee Ceife , tobom \2)e Imo^ to beaitua^es b?n^ tnent. tieceo ano toeabeneo b^ t^e flea), but £d| tbe fptrtt rsbtcb (atu cttfietb , and Coi tbe blouo of tbe (onne of f5oti : as ^ . jdattle teUifictb igpbehans tbe fift , anu firtt of 3i,obn tbe ftrC . %\^t garment is fain mo;eouer to ht Cbvntng ant) bzigbt, and tbat is bv teafon of tbe glojif i^ug of t^e ^aimes to come, wberc of is maoe mention in tbe. I r. of Dauieli, ano . 13 »cbapterof ^atbet3).;ffo; of eigl)teoufne(Te folio toetb glo^p . ^0; tobom ^ b^ batb iufltfted,tbe fame batb b^ alfo gtojifieo, ^mo b^m be noma.?, pja^febonottcanoglojp, m^t tbe certetnfte of tbe faluatton of ^aintes, aitb tobat biilI^oKaluattoni0* The LxxxftLSennon. A Nd he fayd vnto nie : write, bleflcd arc they wbichc are called ynto the lambes fupper^And he fayd vnto mt ; thefefayini^esofGod arc true. £>f tbe ctt' ITbe feconb place of tbis cbapter is, of tbe certetntie of tbe tentte of ti)e faluatton Of tl)t faptbfttibtDbtre is fignifieo in tije mcanc fea^ faiuation of fon^lobatanti Of tobat maner,!s tbe blifife of tl^e fatt^fuU . 5f 0; ti)c fa?«) = tbere is fapD inongD alrcaDp of tl^e mariagc of tbe lambe,t^at tHU. j5 to fapjOf tbe glo?? ^ btiffe of tbe cbofcn: but man? twinges are put into mens beaDes in tbis lpfe,\])btcb bipng faluatioti in Doubt,anD go ahoitt as it \ucrc to n\afec it tjnccrtaine , ano tberfoie tuaiierpng mpnDes are tjccc nou? conf inneu . :^t)is Doctrine isp^ofttatjte fojaffiictcD anDtroiibico coufcicnces, fojit ouert^jotoett) anD bcatetij ootDue t^c Doctrine of fop^i^* fters,vpbp affirme t!jat man is ncucr aUTurcD of bie falwation, bpcaufctbat in an ot^cr place tbe toife man faptb: ma fenouj- ctb not,to^etljcr^ebe tooulip of Ioucdj batrea , Uibcrcas be batb fpoben tbat bpd an ot^er occafton , auD to an ot^er eiiD, as 31 baws beclacfD in inp bool^of tbe grace of x^oD.^e. at vponthcApocalipfe." iiS Chaf,i^. at tl)i0 pjcfcnt tl^ccfbic is a)CtocD,tl)« t^e feluation of t^c 3ioijn a c5 favtljfull IS mod ccctainc.if oj ficft tlje aiitificU commaQuct^ maanDco to tljc euangeUft to tnttte . sr^ts is tabcn of t^e matter of men, &>^ttc tobic^ pittttttvtitingt^cii; ireftatnmtes, couettautttcs , attn batgaittcs.and t^cn feale ti)e fame,fo; tli^r tito;e vctxxix atto fo^ a pccpetuall memo;iiaU of tbet^^ng . i^no t^cp t^at^aue fitci; ItpttDe of txtttt^ttges , are of a qitpct in^noe , attD t^inbe t^em fclucs fdfc atiD a(rurcD,agavttft alt ccaftcs , atto fnbtill pjacti* fes . i^no t^crfoie to t^e mtcnt tljat t^e tttptiDc of man migbc be quietcD \x\ tl)e matter of faluation, be caufetb as \x toere atf tnffntmencto be tDZttten.tnl^ercbp all tbe goblp migbt be af^ (ttreo of certaine falhation . 2r^e famemaner of toMt^ngouc 2L02D in ott)er places foUo\xictb in toetgbtie matters . 2c& tue ma^fee intbe.s.anb.s o. chapters of ie(ap,anD in tbe.i.ofiau bacube.xipljerfo^eitislccretobe maruelefi ,tDbPtbe ^poftlc ^atttt laaule Co oft alieogcD t^at fame out of abacn^e : tt)e tigbtcous (Ijalll^ue bp faptb .^oj tbis onelp tefttmonp of i&oD,as vobicb is citeo out of tbe goblp inRrument mig^t be in (IcaD of all. anD to^ere as i5ob opcnlp comntaunbeD fljjofes anbSles ^^S^^ jccm? to tjjjitcCtobcrcb? Uie map boubtles iuDge,anb certein^ fe^rtetw Ip gather tbatotber}ajopbetcB,apoaie0anD ifuangcliftes, ^^^^P""** )»;ote not toitbout commaunbcmcnt) toe fee,of tobat autba> titie ti^ebooticsof t^c olD anb ne\DO 2reffament be tvitbalt tbe goblp.jl^oi t^cp bebiuine,autenti£aU, tbe in(h:umemanD S^eSautent of i5oD,ano tbe booses of i5ob bpm fclfe , tubicb are rigbtlp bcIeueD^toit^out anp oc^er ^clpeoz confirmation* icot beleue tbe teSamentes anb fealcD u^^itpnges of men: bou) mucb mo;e oug^t \))e to beleue tbe boobes of t^e Ccrip^ ture iLanonicaU^ . laigapnebere it is manifcftlp Declareb to ^,l|obtt,lubati;)e ^e caues IboulD ta9;itc:blefireD are tt^ep tobicb are calico to tbe mariage are biclTfd* bi tbe lambe.^bet^o^e it is cuiDcttt, tbat noto it xt confirmeb botb bv i3obs Oracle ano alfo bp bis latofuU inftrumeht,tbat tbo(e to^icbarecalleo to tbe lambesfupper be anb Cballbc jble(reD.3;bis lame toas pionomtccD bv oracle oinine, $ U)^tt' XVA ^utcnticallp. ]Q?bat place tben of Doubtfulnes is left^bn^ boubteblp bleOeo are t^c faitbfulUgraffcD in jLb^iS.^o; tbe? be no\09 caUeb , bnto \3)bom t^e i5ofpeU is p^eacbeb , bv tbe vubicb tbcp are calleo to tbe participatib of tbe giftes of i5oD, but cbfefip to ctentall Ipfe tbo^ougb iiWSi : tbat is to toitte, tbep tiQbicb not onelp bcare tbe tmtb of tbe i5ofpcU,bnt alfa receiue it , anb beleue it voit|) t^eir ^rt « fQ\ manp be caUeb, anb Chab^jp] ' -: Thc.lxxxill.Sermon ftuti feb3 djoff n.;Jf oj tljc iSofprl! ib pjeac^ctfto mmt^,anb t^c grace of 0db is offcrcD in iLlnift,but t^c^ rcceiuc it not. 13ut fuel) as t^iougi) f grace of i5oii do cccemc tttwub truefavt^i, aie blcCfeb.iJFo? tt)cv ate not onclp callcD m tbe pgariage, but alfo come ^luo tljc mariagc,ano miop ttiat toetiDptig (upper, 2^ i)cfe things feme to ht tafeen out of t^c Doctrine of our ^a- uiour tt>^ic5 l)c taught m tl)c. i4» oOlube, of tl)em tl)at tocrc biDDen to t^e mariagc.i^eaD t^at fame place, . ^ that ^eucrt^rtcOe bv t^c ujap ^crc is DcciarcD , tu^at tbc blcf:* Sc S feiJnes of tbe faitbfull istnotbing cJs t)erelv:tban t^e fruition oftbefupperoftielambcsmariage^atuppcrismaDctD^cn t^c Dav Diaujet^ to\xiarDes an enD . ^o is full faluation gcue to tl)e goDlv about tbe cuD of t^e too^lD, at i\)t re furrection of t^e DcaD:as in tbe fojmcr Sermon is eicpouuDeD. ana ^eres 1^ all tbofc t}y^xi^^ be altogctbcr allcgojicail, to^icb repiefent tnto \)6 a certein fignif ication of eternall Ipfc anD glojv . 0* t^ertoife toe badie IcarneD bv tbe Doctrine of tbe }a?opbetec ^ apoftleB,tbat tbe earc ^atb not bcarD,no? tljc c^e fene,tiaj t\^ .. bartofmanconceiucD,tbet{)vngcs t^at iSoDbimfclfc ^arl) pjeparttifoj tbem t^at louc bun. (Chcfc - ;jrinaU^becctsantte)ccDaga^ucamofltoeigbtpairectiotT, fa^tngei^ of^^ confirmation bereof.;ifo; be bearetb it \)ttereD b^ an o^cte d^OD be from ^eanett^^Tot ht Xo^ci aAr^'Voi tictrwj hoij.%^t\t toopcft ^"^ icij faptttges ef i5od be true . arbcp be Merely tra^,-anD bibC jD5oa . iDj els , tbe? be truc,foj tbcv be of i5oD . Erarmus'^atiJ tran0ateD: tbefc toojbes of i3oD are true, 0nD fo^atb tbe tonlgare tranaation : tbefe Capinges of i3oD arc true .15^^ Double reafon tberfo?e are t^efe tbpngs confirmc&,tubtcb arc berepjopounDCDtbotb'fo: tbattbep be true , atrD becaufe t^ev be of i5oD,13ut tbep come bot^ to one pointe . fax fince tbc^ be of i3oD , tubo is tbe trmb) tl^ep can not but be true.i;^er^ foje let Us belcue tt)efe t^puges , mtbleaue noplace Unto boubtfulnes, (Ci)c ^crm ^^^ is ^utte of t}9Z occafton of fubtile reafohpng, tbat t^e ture 10 Scriptures anb p^acbpng is fet fo;tb bp mf out of tbe fcrip^ 890jBfj»o3i&.tnres,arenottbeti30?beofi5oD>foj tbattbepbc ssiiimn on |9apcr\witb31ttftf5^nDpionomiceD toptb mans Uopce , ann Ujprb a founDc paffing aujap: tDl)ere tbe tx)o?D of i5ob is nci^ tber bumane, noi coiruptible, no? paOtng atoap. ;jf oi t^e ce* leftiallojacleDoeH)^erepjonounccinanifefllp, tbat tbe fap- inges tpbic^ toere tojitteu into^be boofee bp S.3lobn,$ pjo^ ttountfeb bp tbe $lungell, are bdtb true,mtD alfo f^oDS ttjoii'* ^0 jsatil affit^ntet^ alfo in tfte; r>a^e^i;t^at f witt tobtc^ be vpon the Apocallpfe. 25P Chap.Tp> |)e pjeac^en,toa6 t^etjcr^ tooiuc of i5oD. JLv^clMpfc ^.0e^ f ec,iH tl)C.i.}9ctcc, 1. 2r^crfoic let curtouB nie icaue b^ngiiig fojt^ of tl)cfc|aaratio)ce0, ^ ccafcfromt^cicDifpiitpng, t^ac f^ctDo;Dofi5oDtD;tttcn,an£)p:cac^cD, tsnccttcuioiDc of f5oD. ^erel^, it is not t^e tooiGc of iSoD , to^at tpinc fuel) f^V«Sfs ^s accto?ittcn oi fpobcn agree not tovt^ t^c Ijolp j^cnpture of 0oD. IT^c manors of t^e faithful! art rather to be allurtD to t^te point, t^at t^ep ^cteeuc.anD clcaue tnto ail tD02nf6 0ft^)e^cnpfuret)ecIaceii mtljeicngljt fence, as t^c mofl certainc \3}0^t}6 of i5oD. ;ifo^ et6>to iDljat t^v^S ^)^ ^^ tvud^tstiat tl)tng after t^is a)aU toe t^aue DnDoutteo ann cer« tavncjaro i5oD be gloi^. cnefacte of ^Jofin t£s Declareo, tubtcb toonlbe baue luo;Q)tppeD tbc 0ngeU^ ano of t^ ^ngell p^obtbtttng. The Ixxxittj. Sermon, A Ndlfell at his fecte, to worfliyp Hym. And he fayd to me : fee thou doe it not. For I am thy fellow fer- uauntc, and one of thy brcthcrne, and of them that haue the teftimony of lefus. Woril^ip God. For the tcW ftimony of Iefu,is the fprite of prophefie. ; berc is aDUeu tbc tbiru place of tbts chapter, to tort tc, tbe 60vngoftbcapoftle^.3lobn,anr)tbeaungell of (5oD» ^. 3lobn toouln bane to02ft)ippeti tbe ^nngell: but be is p?obi- ^«,. „.^ biteu bvtbc aungell, tobicbbiUDctb bV»" tDO?Q)ip j5oD.anD loicie of before all tbynges^obus acre anD intent feemctb cbicflp to ^unoeitf. be cbnfibered. i^ngcis arc fnte.p rigbt noble creatures , and of great potuer, bv Uibom tbc lozD ei;ccutetb grcatea afiEaires. arbe? taUe ))pon tbem fo; tbe moQ part tbe a}ape of men,an& bcrv oft apprare tnto men, to feme tbcin, to bcepe tbem^ $ to Doe good tinto tbem, accozbinglp as i5oci ))rf tb tbeir mU ttiOcrie. ;Jf 0; x\fi apoOle fpeafepng ot angelsCas 31 rolDe vou u j, , in tbe.i^.^crmo) be tbcv not all,faitb bc,nuuifi:ringfp?itcs^ iDbtcb are fcnt foub to feme fo^ tbctr faUcs tobicb^allbe «uaDc be^KS of faiuation i^no tbefe tbingts Dotb t^c j^crip^ turemafecpiavnebpfimDiv cjcamplcs. 3rbice appeared to, ab2al)amininan6lvlJc«e8,\x)bicb tijcrc aungcUes, inftmc- i^. IVugbvm. 2ru)0 DelmcrcD iLotbvm telfc out ottbebaHbes Of tb^^obomite0,anDb?ong^t^Vn»out of tbe tier: \rbol6 Gene.3t» ^U4» ariu^es Cht^. tp» The.kxxilil. Sermon t^c foicc anD tjiolcnce of l)^c biot!)ci: iBfau ^vc ^ngcll bcfo?c ogofcs aiiQ tUc ctjii&zcn of 31fcacU,tb Iraue , M!ti?tfi of a«gcls inujcijitiic 3iAcob, BefcK&v"5 W\ agat>«ft 1 xo J. 34. t^c f3jfp jjaj, tjioicnce of l)^c biotfjcc iBfau . Xl?e£o;D lent 4 .Kings. 5 t^cm t'gzougl) t^ctJoilDccneB tnro r^c l;;nD ofpzcmpCe. f^%\t 4 iivn^es. c^arcttcB coiupafleDalJOut Bclt|cu6. ian launscU leuieu tijc iQ.' " ficgeof©ict:uralcm,aa?insanl)unDKi) foufcfcoicanDfyue tl)oufanDoftl)e 0(rp?tan&. l>antcU ^acl) anseHcs famtlpat; topt^bpm.2.*ctovfctI)CfaHjfrsanD ot&cc ja^ou^ctes. bl? ^c com^ Math 4 . maimDcf ^ to conue v aujap ^W^ mco iggppt; angdlco miv ag niftcc to C^jift in tubitc garmcmcg : tljcv tcttifjed t^t tbc ?Loir> voas ci(ea,anii afccuDcD imo ^ca«eit . 2ri)c^ biyng tbc Aaes.1.5 . apbaiesoucofpxtfontoftteoftbcm Dcliuccctl) lactcc oBt of I o.anfteK3 t^mfs tbep impio? great bcincfitcs ^pon men. ST^v iJCflare to!)? -joijn tijcmlelues to be of gceatpotoec tbiongb i5oD ♦ ano ui^en toauiD i)auc men nutfec tbcfc tbvngcs, t^ev tooulD U)02Q)ippc itbotu an^ oitfcrcce. fai noto bcrc follotticti;i i\^t facte of an SlugeU mofJ cjcccU (^wm^ lmt,tl)at is tafa]?ya goDlp confutation of tlje crrour. ;jf irft ^ ti^er 3:un= fc^buotlig^dv, Doe nota3tl)oubaftpMrpofcD:i)iugicf- i^'^^l^^ wottflv conDcmwug i^ps facte, ^ fa^ib toptti a ccrtamc ijcbe- ^oliii ?c mcncic, fee tbou Doc tt not. X5pe ^aue alyfeep^iafeoffpcac^ SDOjthpps j^crMU^tDicerlanD, tubattvmc (fignifvingiii an v tuple tOprt>» be)33are)tDe fav>Loug vna chu das nict ilooKc tbou Doe ix not^ »>^crefoje toe bauelearncD bp tbe tcftimonie ot ti)C Alungclli tfeas noto nept^r ^tuugds no: Ipaintcs are to be toojft)?p^ pcD. ;Jro?ietpngibeEn:D bpmCcltfavtb of faints, t^cp ajatt be as tbe ^ungels of i5oD : 31 fee not tob? tbep ft^oulDc not inatcbe t^c faints 'oiit};^ angels . aiiD to^ bauc tjcrclp lear* iteD tbac tbev ma? be too;a)ippcD ncitber toitb: goDiv too^- fljip,nojtoifbfcruaundp\x;o:iW ;jf6?,totoo?Cl)ip is to fall Dotonc at ones fecte toitb a txucrc ncutg mvnDe, q% to botoe Dotone, oj to ftnccle,a6 3| ^aiic fapt ci£ teJjerc. . . - : , after f$eanngcIlft)£\i»etbrcafons, tobp btor.gljtTtotto tDOifluo:foi 31 am tb? tcUoto fcruaiu.^c faitb not fcruat,b«s feliotofcntanttto toit, oft^e fame office tottbtbee, bnoert^s fame ILojD (Ematller.;^o?angets fcruc goD after tbeir maner, anDfo DoemeXenie gcD aftcrxbeirmanertpetarc tbe^aUfcc^ mntapea $ tbc ficruajus of one mafler.anD-itis agaittl! rea^ fon Y one fernant Q)du1d boncj ^ toof Qjip a^i otbcc of bis fel* lotof B,bcing of tbc fame ftate $ crcatifi. 3!t is tl)ct;fo2C an tn* toojtb? matier,v ibc faubful ft^oulD tooza^ip f apomts,piOs» pbcte8,oii355anv?s:mucble{ieDoct^tt become tbcm tobOiJ nour tbeir Dcao bones. auDlcaft anp man Q)oulD fap,^ot» tbe. angel \\x DceD in rcfpccteof tbc moft cpcciicnt ^^poClc &^ 5,o^n, co»fcaia^.l;i?m£clfe labt^isfelfoto fcruanut;but tba« jl^n,Q» tl)cr«. chip, ip, The.Ixxxiiii.Sermpn tijcrc is an ot^cc confiDcration to be fjau of otiici; mcn.tot^c?^ come not ncarc t\^t Diguittc of bleficD 3lioljn:atiD t^cifoje fmce toe tjc muc!) infcciouc, txjc map tDO?Cl)ippc angds anii a^o^ Ci)c bjcs jiies our fupcnours: l^e pjcucntctfe anu fattlj, ant» of t^p bjc:s Sm'I^h* t^icn. ano tDljo be tbe bjctljjen of tbc apoftie ^.Bobn f tbe IS angcil bpmfdfeaiinftt)ccct^,ana (apt^, \i3bict) banc t^c tcftu ' * monp of 3lcftt. STb^ teftimonp of 3lefus, ib t^e i5o(pcU, ana tbet)cr? faiptbfipeDon tbe i5orpeU, compiei^cnDtn^ fefus toitb a faitt)fttli mpniie. ajljccfo^c all tlje faitbfuti cf £^;?fl,tc Sloans b?ctl)jen: tl)Ccfo?e te tbe angell tbcic fcllova ariiaunc atfo. anD tl^ercfoze none of tbe faptbfuU ougl)t to vjD0Ul)!ppe anv sSlungell o^ apodlc: tbe ^ojiD bpmfelfe alfo it: ii)t . 1 1. of iSgat^.calletb all tijat obep bifi toojDc o? pjcacbmg, bjetijun, Cb?tftc« ano ^crcttisDtligetlvtobenotcDjtbatbvfaitlj to care maoc fcotcrnitic. tbc bzetbjcn Of Cb?ift,oftbc angels ^ of ibcapoftles.jrbps Q)ouid tbe (B^onbes anD ^rpers banc beaten in ano fct fo^tb^ anD not tbe b^otberboDc of one Habp, ano tbe fraternities of ^ainte0:t)nlcae tbe? bab been t^c apofties of t^at great anU abbominable amicb^ift. Cbe tcfti* ISSi ojcouer tbe anngell bim felfe e)cpounbv«5 agapnc l^ps won? of o\Mnc\»ojl)es,Q)e\jDetb tobat istbeteftimonv of JicfuCbjift. 3Btfttj8 ^01 t^e teftimonp of 3leru,ts tbe fpirite of }ajopbecv»anb t^ic Cijjift. fpicitc fignifietb renclatia oi \jnberaanDpng : anb p;opbeaf^ tbe pzopbeticallanD apofiolicall Doctrine, anbtberfo^e tbe (cnfcisnbeteftimonp ofljefuC^^ftiB nootl^er tbpng/bttt tbe reuelpngoftl^eboctrineoft^e Jd^pbctes anb apofHes in tbe mpnbe of t^e goblp tbo^ougb tbe bolp gboK anb faptb. anb tberfoK tl^e apodlce in tbe gofpell are ralleb \x)ttne0'e6: anb tbe i3oCpeU,a teSimonp oinooitncOpng. anb to teSifie^is fo p^eacb . )SDf tbe \»bicb erpofition fucb an argument map be gacbereb : tbe caufe of t^p tuo^Ojpppvng, 3nobn , is boubtles tbat ejccellem mtelation anb p^opbecie , tinto tbee bp me re^ uealeb.l&ut if 31 (l)oulb tberfoje feme Vuo^tbp to be too^f^pp^ peb > fo; tbat tbere is in me an ejcceltent fpirite of fd^opbeae: i)p tbejp^e crafon a}alt tbon too^Ojppall tbp b;etb;en, in \)9bom is tbe fame fpirite of p?opbecie,to toitte tbe teKimonp of lefu,tbe true faptb. ^^^xt fo; afmUcbas tbou feeK , anb tbp felfe art contpelleb to gratit tbe fame to be \}erp mucb agapnO rcafon , aCfure tbp fclfe it tocrc as mucb alfo agapnU reafon if t^ou a)oulDea ttto^O^pp an aungell. TDoii^pp ^bc laft anb flron^^a reafon, tob? ^c \3}ouIb not be tDo;« <&oQ. Ct)VPP<^b,t& tbi&:tDOz^pp fSob.Sjt is taUen out of tbe autbo« ftdcanb laU) of 0Qb perpetuatUnb immutable , rcuealeb in 5 tl)e vppontb<;ApocaIIprc; 261 Chaf.ip. f^c. tf,of SDcwt, ann repctcb bp our ^aurottrC^iid m tl^c, 4» of KSlatb.tfvxicmouiD obep tbela\» of i5od,aUret:mce ^ujoj:: fi)ppp?ng and tnuocatton of ^amtes ^ao bene long ftncc ba« ntfi)ed ntiD epileo out of t^e Cburcb« iFwrtljecmo^ctberebe otl^cc places alfo , tobicb commenb uingeifl are tbcmmiftcnesanDtJcrwcsofangclB^tcacbpngncucctbelcB not to be ^ tobonoucano calltjrpou ^ob bimfclfe.mcaD tbe gooblp s»o?a)ippco lafalince. 34.anD. i^.anb if anp man lid to bauc alfo tbc con= "°? w'lej) fern of tbc fatbets, Ictbmi reao ^ . auacn tobo faptb, tbat ^^^^' ^ungrls tnitftneitber bctD02(l)pi)peDno]icaUeb )}pon, no^ banc anp tacciftccmabc \mto tbcin,noi Cbwccbes ccecteb* 2Srbc cbiefe j;leafe. 477» De cm,t.Detj.\iQ^^z Iflfl cbaptcc . ^nb i^zj:. booKc,cbapt»x^, »i>.io,2ro i5oD be tbc gioi^. CS^bc befcription of Cb^ili tbe 3IuDg« commtjng to t^e ladutogement. The Ixxxlp. Sermon, A Nd I fawhcaue open and behold a white horfc,and he chat fat vpon hym, was called faythfull and true, and in righteoufnes dyd he iudge , and make battayle,. His eyes were as a flame of fire , and on his head were many crownes: and he had a name written, that no mi knew but him felfe , And he was clothed with a vefture ftayned with bloud,and his namt; is called, the word of God. And the warriers which were in heauen followed hym vppon white horfes, clothed with white and pure filke.And out of his mouth wcntafharpe fword,thaE with it he (houJd fmitc the heathen . And he fliall rule them with a rod ofyron , and he trode the winncfatte of the feareceneflfe , and the wrath of almightie God, Andonhis vefture,andonhis thighe he hath a name written:KyngofKyngcs,andLordofLordes, ?^etbcrto toe banc bearb manp tbpttges of tbe frnibzp pn^ Cf tbt faft ittfbnientes of tbc \)ngoblp : ano beraufc it is manifcfl: , tbat 'i^'scmcnfc i5oD tal(etb puniQfrmcnt of tbe mifcbieuouo ano toicfeeo at fntm^ t^i»cs,anb Diuernv,but mod fuifv anb mod fcnercl^ /i^n.itj, ID - Chaf.j^ ThcLxxxv.Sefmofl tn tl)at fame iafi tut)gcmcut,attti fcom tl)tncc foit!) cucnitotc> anD j&.3lol)nl)atI) once,ttoifc,vca t^iifc bcgon to tccate of t^)C IaftiuDgemcm,(aB xm\)t tm of tl)c.i» anD pctl)at^ CKcc DcfcrrcD , fufjjcnncD auD rcfctacD tt to an otgec placc:at t^c lafl tOinfevitg it tpnie^to fet bcfoic ait mens tytz a Dcfccipnou cbicfl? ncccfTarp ,et t^e Icngtb be tafect^ it iw ba«D , ^ notM ftnifljctb it \}p as a matter of all utbcc tbc gcca^ tcft.i^c anueicetl) tbccfo^e a plcnt.fuli trcatiic of tbe toimcnts of tbet}ngoMv,amoftfuIan'oemDaitDcrcnption cft^cmoft trtgbteoneanD great iutige.anD of t^atiaii iuDgcmcnt,U)^tci) is mott Graite ot ail otljccs , tu^ercin mod fullv auD fciiecelg t\^t pannes ft)aU be cicccntcD ^pon all aniic!)iiftir=ns,anb tin- goDl? folfec foi cnccmoje.Sbic place ( tobicb is tlje fottttb of tbis cbaptec^anD tijis ttcatiic flcetrbetb tnro tl)t,z\. cbaptec, S^be utterance is great faiioiing of piopl)ccicaU maicflic^ano 0po{lolicaU dearrues anb eSTicacie.^ou aiall fiuDc not afcto of tbis fojte in t^e ^diop^etes , eCpeciaUv m t^t,i^,zu x<$.ano» a7.cbaptcrsof^fap. ^ f.^ anb tjecclp tl)is Doctrine is \)erv> profitable anb ncceffar? W''«nccrf- tobcleameb ano tjnbetflanD moflbtligentlpof allanbfin^' farpuoce gwlart^efaytbfulUasteljic^ toastoitljmucb bdigenccanb trine of tbe molt plcntpfull aboimbaunce fet fo^tb to tbis cnb b^ tbe Idp laftoa^ of p^ctes anb apolHcs , but cljicfip bp tljc ao?b 3riCfus C^fitl tubfloncnt. ^tin fclfe,botb in tbe J5ofpeIi, aub alfo in tl^ismoft goblp re^ Delation . ^02 \}nles t^on be l^ept in tbe bueae tuitb fearc of tbe iubgemrnt anb Slubge to come : it is no manirll tboug^ tbou runncGmabanb pertQ)tDttl) t^is fooltfl^anb toic^cb tDOzlb « Bin tt}e treattteoftbe latlmbgcmem iperetsfcnc t^e rub of all men,t^eir life anb beatb,fc'icittc anb mifcrie,papnc 0; to;mei][t,an^ VnfpeaHcable anb beauenlp rctoaro. ^e t^at rememb^etb tbeCe tbpnges \13eU , ab^o^rct^ vuicUebnes , ano toatbctb m bolv^carcbcfoie iSob. Cbatfti^p anb tue banc learuibbp tbc bocmnc of t^e0ofpcn,tl)at tsKnoracn tbc fame bav)oftberctlojv«SOfailtbVKgs, anb of o;)p?cflion tone man. of tbe t3ngoblp,anb alfo of all tsngoblpnes, is bnouicn to no mouall ntan, but to tbe fatber alone : aub tberfo^e to mquire of t^e l;0ucc anb moment t^jerof tt tocie moft foolifglv 0; ra^j , tbcrvcicUeblvbone.ii^ottoitbftanQpng tbegooolLojb batft fDeojeb at:b figntfitb tohens , \Mbtcb vobcn t»c fqall fee to be fulftUcD anb accomplifi)eb,uic titav lift ^P our beaos, UnoU)« VJ«g^l)atbttt^ wbemptio b?au)eib na*e.l5C(;oib voiirrebcmp* tion.favtt) ^e.not i^ouc torment . fti% t)c ipeaUetl) cf t^e goD^ ljp,loo^^ng fo} t^cir rcbempcign from ^eaucu , at %^z rctnrtte ^ of ' vppon the Apocalipfe^ 262 Chaf.ip, 6f one ^atttout: aiiD reDemcc cur E02D Cbjifl : ^^kI? a^aU alfo be ancngcD of Ms enemies , as ^ . pdule fa^tij jni^e.u Sr^ecr.tbe. r.2:^crfozc let tis not ^ece be cnnou0,to fcaic^ foi tl)pngc6 t)nleaecljeablf:l5iu catI?ci:Iet\)B toatc^ aitD p?ap, af^ tcrt^c bolclome commaimuemeiu of OMr^«inour,t}iDgc,9f rcttegcr,tet \)3 baue one lovueo 5pjDcD,anD let ltsl)te£3 burne tn cue oanDes,let tis iooitc fo? bim ftcDfaft in favtb,tit fonnbe in iS>o!i? bope . JLct tjs ratbcr rafee becsc , tont tbe eare of i\\\z lODOiSb pafff (Te not oiirba«cs,anD b£\i3at:eof bjon^cnncffe anb furfctvug,auJ x))dX tee be not of tbe munbec o: comiccfa* tion of tbem , to^ic!) in tbe Oaves of n oe ano Loth , regarbeu toozlDlp tbpngcs ouciv,bcfpifeb ^caucnIp,anD laugbeo tbem fo (coine tbat gaue tbcm guob counfell, till t^c Vwjatb of *j5od teas ^nDie?),auDfeirt3pon tbem, Uj^cnt^cp lead looltfb fo; it, wjc fee all tofeeiis tbat are fapo Q)ouIb come bcfoze tijc ba^ of ottc iLoib,to be fulfilleb . £et bs toatcl? tbccfoije : mtb r^cfc tbpnges ontbistoife confiDcrcb,Ict\}6fee an^ bcai'c sx^xW^ great anb biUgcnt attentiwcnes , to^jat manci* ofiubgcofall fljaU come , anb vobat x^^t iubgcmcnt ftjall be of tl?c gobl^ moft ujift)eD fo?,to tl)e ^ugoblv ^ojrible anb \wu^ tccmblmgr to be fcareb. 5f icit ^ . 31ot)n m tbe \j?fio« feet^ beanenopcn . :5foj bv a ^eaucn t»ifiou,Cto tbe cno all tbi>«ges.migbt be moic euibemobe not otfcn, oncip tellcib Co great a matter , but fettetlj it alfo before tbe cpegia bcbolD:anMoofee\23bat ^rfa^tb^ ^e faptb it bp tbrre- uclation of Jicfu CbJift : Icaft anp Q)otilb obiect anb fap , »ivt not t^ou a mabbe fcieuj to ralKc tbus of mattcfs tsaUovoeni fti\, tobat 13 be tbat fenotoetb , tobo oj tobat tbat iwbge QmH be J 01 elB toijat tbat mogcmcnt Q)all be i ITfjecvO^e be telletb tberctb?ngcStfcom tbe tuoge Cb^ift bim felfc, anb b? an bea^ nelp rcuelatiom^o? otljec places of i^e ^cnptme a)tOD,tbai tbe iLo?b fljail come xn gio?p ana csjaieSie i vcitb a great ana ft)invng bjigbtnes of ivg'bt -. ^itb fire anb c jereDpug great clearenes . :Jo? fo \i io fa^o in i\^^> 24. anb, ^j . of ^ . aoaib.iu tbe.7.of s>mu£l!.$Jn'ii ibc.ai3:l?c'X i.cbapter.s:bf r»D:c bv t^c opening of be^uen ts f!gnificb,ib*it ti:.e toljo.'r iXfOjiD O^al be? ligbtneo toitb gloiv anb b;tigi)tnf3 ,^' tbat tge ioiiie bap ftjalfe. be moQ flivmua anb (lcare.£)t^crB'bnbef(laiib,fbatcbeiuD^ gcmeut can nor be fuHv percciurb, bur bv cdtSu'Ui ccuf fatiS». icbicb as 31 conftiTc to brmoQ mie , fat^i-u^e jTi i)cce fom^ gixater matter to be figmfieo, ♦Tbca fQlc\J3ftb tbe brfcripticn oftbe tuSf\C , an of a noble aai&fioute warriourjConCiUpugofnuuv pafica, %%i g^bl^ chp.ip The Lx«{V. Sermon Ci)e uiDge tnuf tftatib Ijecebp^t^at t^ic bcpcr, U)atct)mait ^ attb it ucttgcf commetij of tl)e cbuccij llepet^ ttot,VDljom t!)c toicfecij belpc, not to ^txa iiiscrcS cf ^wc,U)l)at toxong t^cp do to t^e goDip, tioj to care fo; tljc fit^ ^ perft!tionsc6ji»ians,astl)cp tciincttiem . %\^t^itt moje^i oucr tijat t^cp crrc,if t^c? tiinbe C^iift at anp tpmc oiiccfa^ uourabiC) anD to tombc otict long at t^e ralainttiefi of bts fee uauntcs . foi noto ^c coinmet^ fo;tb a tuDge anD reuengcr, ST^ecc beaa manv ejccelicnt Defcitpttons ofCi^^tft in t^ts boo^c^asmanpotbec: but ti^ts is mod elegant nnDluielp, toljtcb 31 acco?Dvng to mp fmall talent , t>)ill cicpounDc bp partcL^. 2:!^ou mu(t euec tbmbc of greater tt^vnges^titl it (^al be gcucn \)S to bcbolD tbcmp^fentlp tott^ owe eves. ^c nt)ctb ^^<^ i^^S^ commett) on bo^ebacUc , ^t^ auD on a tubite onaivi)tt( ^o^fe: nottbatbeneeDetb tbe beipe of corruptible bo^festti l^o^fc. beauen^ but tbus be fpeaUetb after tbe inaner of men,tbat >oot invgbt nnagtne greater tbmges. Coquerours riDe on tobttc bojfes.l^ere \b figntfieD t^ertojc,tbat our luDge fl)a!be a coua querour ^ a trmpber. jDtbers fuppofe bp p ujbtie boiife to be figntfieD bis mod pure inaboDe . ii tinDeritaD ratber f tobite c!a\BDc. S^Q% tbe fame tooke bpm "bp from tbe cpc© of bis Difx> ciplea, \x)bat tpme be afcenbcD tnto beauen from i3^ounte jQltuet. 3lin tbe fame be (l)all come agapne to iuoge. iSlnD itise as ^pnges are carptD on boiifee anb cbarettes : fo tbe }dfaU mtfi afcribetb to i5oD dotoDes a& bo^fee anD cbarettee» :frairt)fuU ^» j6DuriuDgcifio;Tur ^ ubge batb ^crv many crotoneB tppott f)is l^t^tit fo; be alone gouernetb all rcalmcs atiD nations. 0s alfo ^a« sttell batb fignifieb in tbe.y.cbapt. I^e alone migbt truelp be CalleD AffficanusjEuropeus, AliaticuSjParthicuj, Perficns, Get- manicus, Gotthicus,anDotbers, tobicb our bpnges bane fnl! fonEiclp cbalengeb to tbemfelues, affectat^ng fo tbe ^omts cbie, mbcre Cbzift alone is tbe true monarbe fo? cuer. arbps 3r,ubgeanD migbtie pzmce a)all (IriHe of tbe triple crowne from tbe bcaD of tbe T5^(\iov}^co(}Xomt.fX}oi£, tbcre (]^al be none fo migbtie a bpng m tbe tobole \x)o?lD,t^at djall be able to refift bpm, anb mafee toarrc agapnft l)^m. s* j^ur mbge batb a ne\x) name vx}iitte,\isb>cb no ma litno\2J- z namt etb fane be bvinfeire. :^bts (l)all bemo^e ptapnrlp openeb a- bnbnotcim tjon, Cb^td batb a name t)nrpeakablr,fo;bc ts tbe true £dod, tternall incompjebenfibleano almigbtie.3:bis name fencta?^ ttl) no man but bunfelfe. ^fozftra tbeiSjaicateofioobis greater tban tbat it map becompiebcnbca ofanp creature: agapnc th^ name of i5oD is agrcable to no man, tut to bpm alone: fo; t])t name of i3ob , m tbis figaification map not te commumcateD ;f 0? be is tjcrp iSob, anb bsfiucs bptn tbere is none: ujbic!) tbing fifap rcpeateib ofte. ^t is tbeCautour, H?ng,monarcb,:?IiuDge: all tj^bicbtbmgs belong pjopcrlp to bpm alaue,auD a 'e not co-nmon to otbcrs. iS3oieoucr,tbc JLojD bpniiclf faptb m ibe i5ofpcli: no man l)&t\) Unoujcn tbc. fqnne but tbe fat!?er:ncit'9cc batb anp ma mtoujcutbe fatber, f^ue t^c fonne, anb be to tubom tbe lonne t}:it\^ plcafcb to re^* tiwlc, ©si'iDes t^iSjVuc fee ^erctmacrfitlp ; mn t^e gloip of #n,^, cjje C^fjf* 3 blotrt)? off uiftcc, tbetuozDe i.Tohn.r. Heb.r. Cbcarmp The LkxxV. Sermon t\)t bi'mne maicflic ra fo gccatcas cuen noto 31 fa^)t^at wi^ rapActttc IS tenable to conceaue fuc^ a glo^v . ^o man t^tvta f02c fatte i5oD alone bnoVDCtl) ^is tiame* €, ^l)t ^cflucc of one iiiDge \raE ftavncD tott^ !)IottU,)»l)f r;» bp is ftgaifico bictoip, anD flaugijtcr of ^(b cncnucs : U)i)icl| Cl)aU anonc be aDDCD about tbc cnDc of t^c cl)apt.!^uD i)C tcl(e tbisnotcofourmDgcoutoft^c.6 5.c^apt.ofefap. il^eallu;^ fictf) to coqucrourc returning from battartc, tobofc gariuf t0, anD armours,arc imbsttueu tovti) tbc blouD of t^e Oavnc^nd be bctoUcr^ctb tbe tuft feuerutc of tbs Sludge y auD ti)t great daugbter of bis ennn^f 0* 7. Srbe name of tbe wDge is noto ejcpieCTeD: tobteb fe ^ftcrif tnUnotccn to tbe \3ng0Dlp. ^nD tbe luDge is calleDttc tco?D of 0OD. iJpoi tbeConne is> tb,t tooiD anb fpeacb of i3oD,tbe cj:« pieffe marfec of tbe Dmmciu bflfiucc: in xub^m tbe fatbcr btm* felfe 16 ejcpjcOTeb: anb bv tobom as bv tbe toojo tb^ true mef^ fengcr of tbe bart, tee tjnoerftanb tbe topll ano mvnbe of tbe Catber. irbefe bolp toojbes of tbe gofpeU are fenovt/cn:3jn tbe beginning U)as tbe U302D, ano the vnoid Vuae irvtb i3cD.(Ee» 27berfo?e Cb^ii^ tbe toojDe^tbe Eop and 3r,»&ge of aU> be^ camefie(l)e. 8. sro tbe SluDgc tfi abbeb an armp, not of angelc cnefp, to]?tb tobotn be oit repeatctb in f gofpell tbat be txioulD come tnto iuDgement: but of ail tbe taittiruii^^i ^aintee^VDbtcb at no timc,no not bcre arc fequeftreo fro tbcir beab. ^0? ficCl at tbeCoimbe off trumpe blotnC bp tbe ;aircbange!l»tbc faints arpfc, anb tbe l^uing alfo toitb tbe beao are cba&gep, anu ate tafecn tp to mectc Ct^nft in tbe a?;e. ?^ere, bere in f dctubcs and b;pgbt av;e, appcare as bappv auD bteCTeb eonquc rours Utptb £b^ Bv anD bp tbe tmgoDiv rife alfo, and tbofe tbat ipuedattbatdap.arcc^aungedvoitb tbem tbat rvfeagavne, to papne and eonfufion.But tbei? fee tbe ^aintes toitb C\)ii(i in beauen, and in gloiv,and fcele incoutmentlp l;«fp:a^ea.» bletoimentcs. ^l^fg come to pa{rcdoubtleCre,anD arc fnlfyU led^tobicb tbingcs are dcfcribed in tbe»3.and. ? .cbapt.of Jijif:* dome, ^nints^obn tbcrfoje faytb, t^at tbisiili'mie is in bca* lien, not in earrb. Bt fa^tb bo\a3 ti,^cv foUoty Cb»ft. ;Jfo? tl)t fame fapuc tbe apoftic alfo, m tbs (ic& to tbe I2:i;€(ralou!an0» tbe. 4 . fiajoicoucr be adDc tb tbat tbcv xocvt riotbcd ^ ,and ap* pcarcdnothafecd: and be cjcpieCTctb tbe bvndcoftbcir gar* ment. 2rbc\? ^ere clotbed (iavtb be; m ftlUe, U)bitc ^ cleane, ;fojtbc^amte0Obta'^ningrigbteourne0$ gloip in Cb«ft» are made clcane ^ are glozitied.auu t^is fence ^tb ^ Slabu- I |(j?mfdft a little bcfojc otrcncD to \j«,favut of t^c SlriDgcs moutl) pjocccDctb a t\x>o cDgcD anD ai fajo;ittc tbarpcfujo;De«rtVfofto?,tu^Kft cuttctp oucvtftcufiDc. 3|ti8 ontoftijc not ft bill t!)at cuttctlj on oitc fiDc oneJy, buta ftwo^u tbat cut* 2? Jgf* tct!) on bot^ iiacs. 31t is not a)3cpc on one fiDe,ani> blunt on ^' an otbcc, it cuifctb on bor^ftDcs inDiffccentlp . xv\)ttt\i^ is (!gnif;cD a init Centencc pjouounceD of i5oD0 moutb agavnft tbe vuicfecD. fo} againa tljcm t^e fcmecc of £5oD is a (toojD, pcarftng mtnto tbcicbarts. )x>ticcfo?e it isalfo calleD Q^arp, 3Srbc iwgcment of one iange i6 {Iraig^t anD fcucce, bm^n intt ano cig^tcous. xoW tUatfttJO?D i&Mt\)t 0ofp£tl is Dt*! cIarco:\jci:dpt^atbcauvaHO!mmutable fentence, get vo» ^encc into fter f ucriaftmg.iSSjatb. 1 u 3:x>'pct;upon itfalotoctfj in t^etDOjDeBcftl)ejSuanscit(l; t^atvoitbtbeiamcbe ma? OnKet|)cbcatbnt,totoitcc, tbatbemap Damne, ano put to pccpctaaUcozmtntesail\)nbcIcuers. «» «, 1, »o. ano be a}ail rule tbcin UJttb a troDof aeon. 15p tbe fame ^.L^f" ft^nDc of fpcacb in a manec ^e faptb tbe fame, tbat be fapo be- Smi an^- fo?e.ifonbeptbat\uou!Dnotreceiueo? ac¬tJiebge tovtb ronioo, tepeiauncet^c Sage of indruction auD fl^epbeeolp Dtfcipline, (bail finbe in iuogemet ana feele tbe lleon fcepter, u?btt1oitb |)e ii^all b^eaKe tbtm all to Q)iuer0,like a pottecs tieOel. s^ci^ tber Q}al anv potoee ccfift o) p^euavle agatnli bpm. i^no tbis mamiri'Ofi'pealtingista&cnoutoftbefdfalme.iio» ^0; ^. 3lobn bfetb glabl^ tbe \s)0?Dsoffcnpturc to tbe etiDto mafec bts boo^e mo^e cotncnDable.o; mo^e pkafauut ^ acceptable* II. J^etecaDctbtbc\Dpncfattcoftbc tovwc of tojatb.^c. i^- ga^uc be faptb tbe fame, tbat be a^o bcfoze : but bp an otbec 5^ette«»' parable nou3 tJtici'CD, ano tbe fame is tal^en out of tbe fcrip^ i'^5^ tnces, to toitte,outof tbe.63.c"gapterof 55fa?. 2!;bc effcctcoj ^?"^^*^ Cnnune is,be tjaul po\JDze out l^is to^atb ^^poii tbe tmgobip, § puujQ^e ti)i moft e^treamlp^Gristug tbciu on t\)c beaoe toitb bis aUuigbtic banD, uibf reuuto all tbmges geue place . l^e -^v \33Ul beaue tbe uopuep^eOe ijp.anfi let it fall Nippon tbem.^ee \a3bat is fapa beceof m tbr.:4..cbaptcc of tbts boofee. ^ li. agaiue beee is Cljeujeo y name of tbis iuDge,^ in }> name yp«5 of is bis maieilte ^ po^Mei* of all otbei's tbP greater. I^e batb tl)t TSSfa^^ name vujitten on bis gaement, anb on bis tbigb. J£>V tbcfe is I'^Sci DeclaeeD tbe true manooDc of CbJift,after tbe tobicb beiscjCis ** ^ '^-■■ aiteD^as tbe^poltlc faptbmtbe fccono to tbe idbtlippians. 0.aD to bim is geuen a name ujbicb is aboue ail names.I^eee ^ is c^led Icing of It^ngs,^ &ap of ^o^os,t)£rp 0aD,S.o;o^ monat^e. Chafjp* The Lxxxvj. Sermon inoniir^c.anb tu^ge of all men. ^o; fo do t\^t ot^er apoffles ^ntitljccemig^tfcme in tijts name of t^c 3iuDgc> as « toece a caufc to be ftjctocD, tD^ccfojc ^e ts Ijccc appointee 31«ogc oHcr all. laccaufc ^c is b^ng ano 2Lo^d of aiU 270 vot^om be glo^p fo; cucr,:amen« [|IDbc Defcripf ton oftbe tut)gemenf>tjDberetn pumC^ement \& tik^tw of t^e ^ttcb^in tane anb of tbe bngobli;. The lxxxl?i. Sermon. A Nd I faw an AngcU ftand in the Sunnc, and he cry* eciwithaloudevoycc^fayingto all the foules that flye by the middes of the hcaiie: come and gather your felues together vnto the fupper of the great God,that you may eate the flefh o f kynges,and of high captaines, and the fleflic of mightie men, and the fleflic of horfes, > and of them that fit on them , and the fleflie of all free men and bonde men, both of fmall and great . And I faw the beaft and the kyngs of the earth, and their war- rious gathered together, to wage battayle againfthiin thatfatonthehorfe, andagainfthis rouldioiirs. And the beaft was take,and with hym the falfc Prophet,that wrought miracles before him,with which he deceaued them, that recciucd the beaftesmarke, and them that worlhippcd his Image. Thcfe both were caft quicke in- to a ponde of fyer burning wyth brimftonc ; and the remnaunt were flayne with the fworde of hym that fat on the horfe, which fword proceded out of his mouthy and all the fowlcs were filled with their flefhe. mit nt- 31ntmebtatl^ after tbe bercrtption of tbe llnbge, atib a cer^ fcriptton Qftemitnei|^ptctuce,abe(crtpttonnoIefire eutbent folotoetbof tt^e iuDge^ tbe tubgement:tbat is to ra?,bovo CbMfi ban^ng Y)anqnt(l)ezi: tnent, taib bts enemie6,commtttetb tbem to perpetuall tozmentes. 2lnb i»yjjjtb»netit tbe ^poftie \)fetb a pjopbeticall pbiafranb eloquence. ;f oz bp Jp?* afig«catittcfpeacb,attfoule6 are callebto tbeflangbteranl^ *^'' f eaft,tbat tbep msgbt be fiUeo toitb tbe flcft) of tbe Oavne, ano firftananufton tsmabe offucbasflep toaresanb prepare a ftaa,U)becemito tbev ma^ call tbeic frenbes , anb tnal^e tbem cbere,2lgapne an aUu(t5 is tuabe^to tl^e umnt^er anb Oaugb^ tec vpon the Apocalipfe, z6s ChAf\ip\ Xti of enem^ea , tol^ecof \3}tlDc bcades atiD rauenpng fouleo ftccfiltcD|./(icit6ec ist^erc anvt^PWS ^crcbp fignificn , but t^at C^ztft (l)al oum^;oU) ail t^e t)ngot)Ii>,anD ta^c puntQ)^ ment of t^c (ame .laefoK uias fee fo;tb a fupper fo; tlje goolp, tot^erctxitd; tl)ep at;e refren}eD ano ftUmlcD.i^oto tsp^eparcD a feaft of tbe folemtte aaug^^crebp x\iz tngootp cecctue no cominoDttte,nett^et: ace tl)ep faciffied, tut rattier arc Oaine and deuoutcD^tbac is to fap pet:tQj.;ff o^ no man toil tmastne, t^at tbc istclteD Q)aU be ouertb^otren at once, ano aftec toec:; rteo of U)tlDc beaQee.ano gnavue of foutes, ano fo all puntO)- met to mabe an eno togett)ct:.;if o; fo QjoulD t^etr papne feme to be none at all.l3ut bp tempozali parablC6,eternalI tijpngg are ftgureo * a^bcfc arc taUen out of t^r, Idjop^etes , namel? ont or tbe*^($. chapter of i^fap.ano cbe . 19 .ofi^^ecbtcljWi^ere arercaDinamanertbefame UDO^Destubdttpmc becoucrcti) anb tupppetb tbetingoblp loottb caiamttteB, 31 meant uj^eti be mabctb as tt \sere a bntcbcrte of t^em>bp toarres , anb be:? fiructton6,anD otbcr to;mente0:but cbieflp , toben at ^t iaO tubgcment be committetb cbcni to papncs euedaOvng. anb x\^& aaugbttr 15 oeclarco bp an i^ungeU Sanbyng fn %n %m^ tbe funnt.anb cnpng \x)ttb a louDc tiopce . :tx)bcrebp ts ftgnu ftanDpng ixi ficb.tbat tbe bav of mogemcnt Q^ail be folemnelv pzoclapmeb tbe funnc toottb trompettc0,anb (^all be a notable bap , fo as no man ca be tgno^aunt ber^tn, but all tbpnges C^all be bearb of all me* t^e4;foiebc crtctb toitb aloube anb an aubtble)9opce» lainb be callcti;i togetber, (as it is in i^f ec^iel ) tbe bp^bes and fonles to Dcuoure btnges,anb men of all Oates^age^anb fcjce: tbat is to fap , all tbefe mud be calleb togetber, to (ufifer eter« nail puntl^ment anb Deaructton . STberfo^c ^e recitetb bilt^ gentlp bpnges , cbtcf captaines , Orong men, anb men of all I'o^teSjto tDit tbe perfccutours of Cb^tfl , ^ntict^iifiians, )m^ goblp,contemncrs,anb impenitent perfons. I^erc is fi)et])eb tbe caufe of t^e oamnatton anb beSntc^ '^^umit tton of tbe bngoblp.tiobileft tbeir enterpnfe,inbeuour,anb at- of Damna ^ tempt is (l)etz}cb.i:bep are notxi aflfcmbleb to fig^t a battaile tton, rcfi= agapnft Cbutt,^ l)i8 eiect,tbati6 agapnfttbe Cburcb . »?bo^ SS ^^^* tbebea(l,tbekpngB of tbe cartb,anb tbcir armic6,captaines, "^^' anbfottlbioucs,ftgbtingbotb fpirituallpanb co;po;allp.:3nb ^ere neoetb no long Commcntarp . Ifleab tbe fto^ies of tbe Cbnrcb foi tbe fpace of tbefe fiuc bubjeb peares.i^nb fee U)bat is bone at tbis bap of popf€s,l3pCbops, anb id^mces^ anb of |tbeir counrcllers anb mini&crs. )darliamentes are calleb , in f ^em are bloubbp bccrecs anb lau^cs mabc agapnU t^e i5of« pcU ChAp .tf, The.lxxxvi.Scrmon pdlcrs . iXttU gtcuous pcrfccuttott is attcmpftti aga^uB t^e iSofpcU anD tlje c^urc^.2:^c fpirituall fathers cluttcc togc;i tbcr^t^tv confiiltc, anu trie om , t^at t^crc inuft a counCtll be caUcD»ipljcrfo2c 31 pia? ^ou l to t^c intent t^at t^e ncto not* trincCas t^e? mil it)bf tDc <5ofpd,mav iJCcutDp,t:ooteDout, anD pIucheD ))p bv tl)e rootcs . l3lnD tbsrfo^e tbc? Qanb al^ toasts teaDv to fts^t,anD ate manv times aOemblcb agapnd i3oD anij bis annovmcb , to figbt to^itb tbe Hozu Cb?ift , anD tuttb l)is cbofcn. ii^oto a Da^rs if at aup tpme peace be coclU' deD , and tbe blouDD? toaires of jazinces taKcnt^p , eitbecin tbe cotnpofition of peacc,o) tmmebiatelv after^confultations arebaD , boto to opp?cCre tbe goQlp . ©ut tberc is nootbec bynDc of finnemoje baino!is,tpa to impugnc tbe tcutb of tbe iDOfpcl. ann tberfme is tbis tbe cbiefeft caufe of tbe conucm- nation of tbe \Dic^eb at tbrt'amc Dap. Bltisaccompteo at tbis nap amongili a^t cbiefeft \3ertne6 of id;mces,if a }d;iuce toili gettenoplacetotbe p^eacbpngoftbe (bt^t out tbe fame , and defeno and niamtccne tbe Cbtn^cb of laome, toitb tbofe Doctcines,rites,anb cctcmonies tubtcb ate falfel^ calleD olD.^ucb are called rigbt and good catbolic^es, mod £b^iQen,and defenders of tbefaptb» Cbebefla ^"^ "°^ ^^ ^^^^^ damnation , and tbe maner tberof an^ t0 ^ben. tte]ced.^nd tbe beaO is taUen . ^nd be (peaUetb of tbcCe noto^s rtous offenders evdvTo^ ttuicre taHen tPitb tbemaa ner,anB tabenitidedcbcpoitde tbcir cjcpcctatiow .^o^ in tbe middeft of tbeir enterpjife an? i\}^ mtercepted . xo^^tn tbt^ be pet in great bope,and tbinfec terclp to b?ing manp tbings to paOe agapnU £b?ift and bis CbMrcb,tben in tbe felfe bewe and \Micfeednes of tbcir impugnpngcs andpcrfecntton tbe? Ojalbecaugbttbem feints . :rPbfiCHpon a!fo tbis is manifeft, tbat perfccution and impugnpng of tbe trutb ttjall perfcwere to tbe toojldes end.But uj^o ftjall be tafeen? tbe bcaft and tbe falfe |8jop^t,tobicb tojougbt miracles* aroucbpng tbefe tbpngeB,fte tobat is fapd about tbe end of tbe.i j .cbapt. STbe caufe of bis eternall damnation is agapne bere placed » frQ% be batb reduced x\iz too?ld fap bis incbaummcntcs and crafty iuglpngc^ , bp bis decrees and commaundemcntes . TPber^ of 5ibauefpofeen before oftcncrtban once», as alfo in tbe. j7» cbapt, ^c.rbe fellotoCbip alio of bis condemnation is adiop- tied: for manp as bawe rcce iued t\:^t marfee of tbe bcaft , $ bawe toojQ^ppped tbebeaft^ jpberof toetoillnoto repctcnotbpng, ^befe tbpnges are declared in tbe. 13 .cbapter. iand albeit ncM tb?«3 can ojottg^t to be p^oucd bp t^e pictarcs ; pet is it ne« VponthcApocalipfe.' 2S6 Chafj^'^ ifett^eles ecrtatne^t^atiaamtets ^auebo^rotoed hereof tl^ofe r^eir oId pa^nt^ngcs of tt)c laS tudgcmenr. ^0; U)c fee ti)e oiD pictures of ti^c tail iuDgement , pamtcd ait ^tnto^cD pcatcs (ince anD mo;e , to rep^efent ano ejcl;tbtte to Vis a great cable Qi}^%\t^tz , i9Qon^e0,anb friers, ano all manec of fptrttttatl fatticro: but cbtcfip tbe gboOes of bv^S^^^ andidope0,\3?btcbat:eburrted tobeU,antibumetn tbebot^ tome t^erof tuitb fire eucdaapng ♦ jjpbcnipon it is fa^D, t!?at tberc go mo ja^ienes tban plougbmettto tbebeuiU.^* ;f ut-tt)cnno;e tbe Damuation it felfe , ^ maner of torment, % la&e of m tbe tojjttctit ix feifc (ball be im , ^01 ^. Siobn faptb : tbefc fire bur = ttuo are tik^ quicfee into a ponoc , burti^ng toitb bjpmSone JJpn5S»ttb T»vA<>viyimoalafeeo)i aano^ng toatecasbciu fcnue couus ^**"'*^"^ treps.fotfucbistbeoefcciption ofbcU.atid of tbe ejctreme punifl)mcm,aB is alfo oefcribeo b^ Ufa? in tbe . 30 « cbaptec. Tophec ttias long fincc picpaccD,t6e famt is alfo pjeparcD fo; bvngcs ujbi^b be bat^ inauc boti? u^tDeano oepe^tbeintoarD parlour tbcrof is fireano ti^crc great (lo;e of toooD , tubicb tbe blaQ of tbe Eo;d^ 0^ ilreameof b;iin(lone fettetb onf^^c, ^ot mncb tjnlibe tbv«scs are rcao m tbe. gg, xbapter ano iti tbe iSofpell of 31efu CbJtft.i35arUc t^e.p.ogatb.ij. ano in 0* tbcr places in maner infinite . !to ci)c^ ^xt tbev fljall be caft quicfee into bell . fm fo is fignifieo tbe re= cait mte Curcection of tbe DcaD.i^ere is fignificD , tbat in tbe inogemet t^c ponoc t\^t toojlD tbat (ball be remaining at tbat time, a)all be tafecn ^»^c^* tnt^c lle(b)noc as i^ct Dcao but liu^ng : wbicb ^ « i^^ule tji^ p?ef^ Ckaf .if, Thclxxxvi.Scrmon pjcffct^ liucl^. r. ar^tCf. 4 . anD toc pjonounce openly m t&« CccDe,rapmg : from thence ^c ft)all come to iuDge i\^t quiche anl) t^e DraD : not onclv t^e iuQ atiD tnmft , but t^e dcaD , to VDitteccinainvng in t^cfleQ), anD Imyng . anticl)Mftt!)crfo?e ftall Ipue at t^c oa? of iuDgement,^ Q)aU not be cjctinguiO^co ' bcfo?c. %\it perfecatiS of lanticbjift Qjall mBure^toitb aU tjn^ goDlvne0,c«cn to tljc laft bap. anb ivfee as chore, Dathan , $ Abyron,anD t^treO of tbc contpicatours, tucce tabenintlje Dcrp ci:tmc of ccbcUton^nb ftooallotueb bp qmc^e toitb tbetc tentes anb all tbat eucr tbe? b^b ,b? tbe opening of ttjc eartb: f at tbe bap of iubgement bell gappng \Dibe ^all recetue anb ftt)aUo\xi bpalltbebngoMp,but cbiefip tbe amieb^ifttanet SCbe tt>bicb inanvMoU) bclcue not, but in tbat bay a)aU fo finbeit tPttbbn{peal(cabiepapnc5,anDbo^rouc mcrcDible, anb all \xie ftiail fee it toitt) tbefe our epes . Hwzt^ one puttetb ttuK in \i\& owne feet, anb bopetb to obteine faluation in bis fupecOition.But tbe tbpngs tbat toebere at tbis p^efem> are tolD bs bp Cbiift tbe iuDge bint moO certaine anb bn^ boubteb,anb after a fo^t fet fo^tb to bebolD» 9tmti)c te- lano tob^t fball be bone at tbat iubgement toitb tbe rett^ nauntare ttue Of tbe bngoblp,anb impenitent^ Uiall tbe ^ntrcb^t&ians Oainc fettb otiel? bc bamncD foj anticbjiflianitie j ^3obn abbetb : anb tbetoe^b. tberemnaunt areOapne tuitb tbe ftt)oib.^c.;jfo^ in tbe . 15. of iBQatbas pzonounceb bp tbe moutb of tbe iuDge : go into fire euerlaQpng^pzepareb fo; tbe beuill anb bis iSlungels . fQ% 31 tofts bungrie^nb v^ gaue me no meate , anb fo fo;tb * Si^% \i tbep be to be bamneb bp tbe iubgement of i5ob, U)t)icb W^en tbef mtgbt baue none g&ob to men,b(iue not bone it:vobat % pjap t^ee Q)all come of tbem ^ tobicb not onelp b^uc (be\»cp noliberalitietotbenebp,butbauemo?eoucr fpoplen fucbas IptteD boneftlpanb toere liberall of tbeirgoooes:ano tbe? aftenooarbes baue fpem tbe fame in liupng ttottouQp : anb (0 baueb^ougbt tbem tbat toere ofboneS fubOaunce into t^ treme mtferie:anb bp tbis meane \^zsxt robbeb tbe pooie alfo^ KD^icb u;ere toont to be bolpen tbzougb tbeir Itberalitie, of rbeir belpe $ fuccour^ bere arc alfo compiebendeo^ beretibes, Bjetnes, {5cntiles,03abomcti(lcs,auo all otbcr libe. ITnD an 9lnD tbe zxK\iZ is repcateb , tbat all foules are fitleb tuptb fouiejaiftrc t!)cflc(l)cof tbe bnnyicD . STbeujbicbe tMebnberftauD to be WeD. rcpeateD bp a figuratme fpcacbc : w\^ not to bee eppounoeb after tbe letter, but bptbat mancroffpeabpngtobeefigui^ fpeo, tbat all bngoblp anb impemtentperfons (l^ailbe pu;: niUjeo laoa abounba^tlp « Primafms cjcpounbpng tbis pi0,i, Be* Cha^. 20. Thc.lxxxvii. Sermon C!)c grca= Bfcaufc tijc gceatcf! pomte s of cctigtou nntj true goblf * tciif3;icc of ttrs,confiftcint{jctcuck»otDlcDgc,anD 'DnijcrCanDingof t^e Vn^?^ ff= lalt iuDgcmcnt,a53] oftcaDinoniOjc: t:')crefoic to our great bnJ liUX commoDitic ^3oljtt Difcourfctl^ toui)fo muc^ Diligence t^e of th-iaft ^ '^f '^"^^ °^^^^ ^^^'^ iuDgcmcttt» auD after tiis accuftouico ma^j iuDacment »^c> ^^ '^^ »"^^"^ ^** twinges tljat Ije piopouttuct^ map ^auc ' t^e luojcplavnencITe, ^cnot onel? occlarct^ tijc matter in U}oiDe0,but alfo fettetb t^em foui) bv totfions as things pie^ fcnt to be fecnc toitlj xY^t epcs of tbe faitl)fu!l . foi to i\^t tixu favt^fuU,aiit^eret^inge6,alti)oug!7inol£ goDl\> and otuine, feeme Oartte trtflee an& fables.But ti)e ^a^iToome of i5oD w laugi;! at t^em aKo,tiiI)en (l)ee fcet^ ^er tpine: as {l)ee tbicate^ netb xxi tbc id^otterbcs of ^alomS. i^uD alfo ^e aObpIett) cer^ tapne queftions, t»^icl) are toom about tl^is matter to be mooueD. tcx^sx Oj&u i^e favD^^oioo tbc bead bpt^ t^c falfe ]diop^et ant all ^vs become of atbercutj^flionlD be caS at tl^e iaS bap into beU « I5nt fo^af^ tijcm.jtijat ji^m^ as tbe cljiefea part are neither attticl)?i(!ians no? ^\^\U 5f SE ftians, bm fetftoilleo ano felfctopfe men,lteeptng a rule ano % iwiS- latocoft^jeirotonemabing, fuc^ as betjic Neitorians, laco- chitftianiJ ^ bites,Gcorgians.&c.^?tboretbatbcftiIlJjcat^etto?<5eti!es, and mo^eouer 31e\3)es and ^nr^es : (ome man migbt mar^ uaile^anb oemaunbe^tDbat Q)aUbebone\3?ttb t^em, oi tobat fl)aU come of tbcnt? ^.Slol^n mafeet^ attf\j)ere : atib t^e rem^ naunt toereaapnetoit^t^e fojo^be of tjpmtbatfatteontbe bc^re.^c. i^gapne tot)ere a goblp man mpgl)t marttapIe,l)oU) tbcp C^oulb be conbemneb , tD^ic^ being bo^ne amongeft t^e srurl^e8,l^erettc^es,3iletDeB ano i5cnttle0,ncuer ^earbt^e £^}t(iian tntetb. ^aint Sjb^npzeuentetl) t^ts imagination, anb \yf tbe begpnnpng of tl)e to . chapter Ojetoetb u^iti) txibat amaicftte,p!apnne{fe, anb euibence t^e truetbof Cb^Gcs xDttb S]9!)at i^ofpcU tDas notiftcb to tbeU)0?}be:botuairo allfo^ce anb a maieftie f potacr vxjas tafeen atoap from tbc Dcuill , bp tbc fpace of a beritie of t^oufanb f enuesrtubercin tbe pjcac^tng of tbe i5orpeIl tbnn- ??f *So^ bcreti couf inuailp : fo t^at t^ep be \3tterlp ine)ccufable , fo ma^ rtc SSift *^V as ijaue not recciueb t\^t i5o(i)clI of Cb;ift. ^o? t^e pjea* ^ ^ c^pnii of t^e 0orpctl toas not m bucfecr mucfeec ^\>m mott Clean; anb manifelt, no? Ojo^t anb pinc^cb , but pub!pa)Cb bp tbefpare of a tboufanbpearcs,anb it was not recciueb of afe\]i)e little ones , but of all people anb nations )}nbcr t^e funnc . ir^erefojc groffe is tbe ignoMunce of t'pe E^urbes, Bereti&es,3l€toe0,anbi&enttles. fQX altl)oug^ ixi tpmes paft t^e tntet^ (eemeb to ^aue been notabip bnotoen, ^ notos tttt vpon the Apocallpfe. 26S Chd^, 20 , »t is not fo: ?et ccrrapnc \x 10, i\^^tt\it maicftie of t^c iSofpcII ftatl) iccn fo great in tlje ujojlo, t^at tbcrc rcmavnct^ a pzint ofitciienvetCiUamong all men, auD t^cpt^attjnDcraano nothing concerning ii\0!LiMz fuel) as fl)Uttc x\^t\x, cpes toi!=; fnllp. ir^ccefozc is t^at Casing of tl)e .}aanlt ^at^ toucl)eo in tlje lepiaic to tlje ip fonnems l^^omainee in tbe. r.ano.i.c^ap. i^cce tijcrfoje ie a profitable "^°* anoncccfTane place treated, oftbefamuus p;cacbvtig of t^e gofpelltb^ougbouttt^etxio^lDc, i^z courfe thereof indurco a t^onfanD vcarco. ano tbis tceatife p?oceebctb in tbis oiuer. ;jFicft is t^e au- gell oefcrtbeD; afrcrtxiarD ^ts \joo;ke o^ effect !S oeclareo.^nd lalll?istbefcalingoftbetvmc*:2rouc^ing tbc defcnpttono^ t^e^ngell, firQ mDceoe ^e isnamco an^ngell,anDcom- Cbc^nnx inctbfojtl)abjoaDe:^otubnttl?etobolc8ate apoftolicall \z ec" ngmgr i)ercb? \)noer(loooe, inf tobicb fijinctlj ejccceomglv ^.laaul "^' ^^'^'^ ^ tbeuoctour of i5entilcB,ncit^eci6it maniavle,tl)at tbe o?Dcc Smivm? °^ of apoaieo is fignifico bv an angell . ;Jf 0? an an^ell fignifi;: ""«t«*"' etb a mcflcngcr^ambaOaDonr^or an ^poQle. bicb tbvng is t'tcK-weo iu tbe. 10, of j59«tb.ant).io» otlobn. jpejarfee. i<^.auij 2Lufte»i4,. .ano ^.i^jaulfagtb to tbc I5«lafbfa0jt^at be U)f»& tailed, ^no o^ca^ncu an apoillc iteio ^o,ij; tljct, Thclxxxvii. Sermon t^cr h^ men,tio^ of men: hnt of i5oti t^^ougf) Cl^tl. xiohtts upon itappeat:ct^,l)otD great mr^e autUo^ttie of e Sun- ^ftectnaro , tt)ts t^e aungell ts fapti to I^old tn f>V5 ^ano sell boiDeti) tl^oCettoo eieceUent m(leumente0,t^e Kep ano c^a^ne, Het \t» tn{|t0i)anDc fce.UD^at ts meant b? f fame. IDoubtleo bp tt^efe tu^aindru^ m kepc f iticnts ^.3|obn tJubecftSuetb notbpng ete, imt tbe fcee,tmc, cijapne. i;ol^,ano Itucl? pjeacbing of tbe 0ofpel:bv tbe tobtcb it came to paffe^tbat botb bell uiae loc^en fcom tbe fa^t^fuU, ano tbe DeutllUiasbolbenanblteptfaabounDem cbapncs, tbat be couloe not buet tbe gobl^ Co mucb as be tooulb, anb febuce ttrbom be lta.;f o^ fo beceaftec g>*3lobn tutl eicpouDc btmfelf» ^ ^ anb tbe feepcB of binbmg anb loofing, tbe apoftJee cccei^ *^ *' iteb of tbe Jlo jb in tbe. i6,of ogattb.anb. lo.cbaptof 3lobn bg tbe pzeacbmgoftbeiSofpeUtbei? open tbe bottomielTe pitte, ma b^U it fetfe to tbetmgoMp , toobentbe^ Hietoe tmto tbem tbeic Damnation in^tbeie^ngoblpnes. srbep a)ntt)p bell from tbe gobt^, wben bv tbe p^eacbtng of tbe gofjpei tbe? open beauen,anb b^ng tbe faitbfnll to tbe io^es celeftiatl . Ji baue (i)often of tbe ibepes at large in an otber place, a cbapne Cbapne. 16 tbe figne of captiuitie. 13V tl^e p;eacbing of i5oD9 too^b tbe "S^tniW is ta^en anb bounbe. wi)tttof it commetb to paCTe, tbat tbe common painters bauepainteb tbe Deutll bonnbe toptb cbavnes to certapne notable p^eacbers* m tabeti) STbe fignification of tbis Iteve anb cbapne is lapb fb;tb tbe ti^e SD^itso. better bp tbe tbvttges tbat folo\o,in tbat tbe eSfect of tbe Opo- ftolicall pieacbvtig is fet boiaDne.;)?ot be abbe tb: anb be toobc tbeS>;agbn, ^c. anb be repetetb tbe names of our enemie out of tbe II, cbapt. vobere enerp tbpng is eicpounbeb, tobere poumapalfolooHefo^ tbe fame, anb tbe aungel bib binne ^atban,tx>btcbe is tbeenbe anb t^fe of tbe cbapne,\)erelv tbat be {l)oulb not beftirre bitn, anb inuabe anb beftropttbefaptb^ full. 0Qo|eoucr tbcre foUovoetb an ot^er tbinge petmo^e \it:: bemcnt:anb be fence bim into tbe bottomlc0e pttte : to toitte be cad bim beablong into tbe bottomc of bell , tbat be Cl)oulD not murber tbe faptbfnl.^bere foUotoctb an otbcr tbing yet moze greuous : anb be (l)ut inm tjp, tbat be (boulb not come out ajagne, ar^isis t^cewb« anb W of t^ feepe, ;ffttrtber» •>ii* .uryiT * mo}e vppon the Apocalipfc. a^P Chap.2», tno;cl)e fct a fe^c '»p3 fetm. ^nu IctterB,p?ifottfir,attii graucs are toaittc jo belca1cD:anD tljat ts foi rl)c mm furcneire,tcaft anp mamic ftraulDc \3ni>oct^em , anD tbat tijcp tni^ljfc rc^ mav»c fl)iittc,fealcD auD tafc. ann alltl)cfc tfjmgcs fignific ^ fttil aiK) luoJl pf cftfburmv, toSjjcb t»c l^auc obtcmcu tjioug^ iDljitft* by t^c U)OiD of tt^ 0ofp8U p?eac^cD tjuto tos, aun cS- miinicatcD tlj2oug;i) faptl). ;JFoi twz foj ^3 ^c ouecfainc;,oucri: tl?zc\x)c , bouiiDc , tocfecD t3u , aiVD lealcD tl)c twtxnit , f!;jat use tnig^t \it anD riice from !j!m.;>f inaiip it follotuet^ Coj^ic^ .nf^inc'' mapDcciate all atiD fmgulac partes Ijcrcof ) to tbc euD ^e -..^. fljoulD Dcccauc t'oc pcopit iriino?c :to totttc by fucfj mcancs &1t^* as be DID fcDiice tbcrabcfiSzc tbc t)ictoiy of C^iitt,^^ bcfo^tl^c Jnoicoc" i5orpellu>a5mcac!)CDtbiougboutt^ctLJo:tD. ^foubcutocre ccaucthc all tbingJB fail ot VjBgotilmcs anb crrours. 2^ep!c& of laabs yecpic o;i ?DoUc8 tDcre cricr^ \33bere.31DoUts tocrc ujojQ)ippcb:31* tols gauc o^aclca : aiilracs CmoUcb totcb tbe btoub of tncii anb bcaftcsxuUtoicUcDnce raigncbt^n fiSjagicUc , toitcrafr, murbcr ana vubo;coomr.\33crcpzacttrcD to itbourpimi^met: ^0 man can carclp c )cpjeac, (no not in a long oiation,) bo\» 0) inufuiip ^atbau bab bccctueb tbe toozlb^bov:;} adurcblv \)Z raigncb , noi botu foic be bab fnadcb anb bounb \)nto bvm mau^Vt^^ Ip^^ a bonbfGaue.Uct \^wxi loo^e \xibo fa \i^ ^pott <5rcce,3itatv,anb ^Ifia : aub m tbe fame , Cojmtbeof iScecc^ laome or 3RraIv,anb epbcfuB tbe bcab Cine of ^Cia.l^e aialt finbe abbommattons lot^fome , attb ^ttl (a? , tbat tbe beut^ caigncb in tbcm tobolip , d bavl? tuttb ntMy gHtlesbeVuttcbcfr tbe felp to;(tcbc0 . I3nr after tbat jaaulc alonec J| totU fpcabe Motbpng nots of tbe ot^er i^poftlcs) came to Co;intb^epbe< (tis atib laome , anb tbcre bab pzcacbcb £b?in : tobo can not (ee,bott} trnel^ ^ . Biobnbcre fau^ tbeS>euill bomibanb lad (^ttt \)p i 31 atn tbe bzicfcr in tbts matter tobtcb is mod plen^ ttfuU,fo^tbat3l tbin^ejd l^auebone enougb -> if 51 Qjeto onel^ fome foote(leppes,bv goi^ng tubcretn pe may come to a muc& mo;c ample conftberation of tbefe t^inges.l^ercunto apper^ tame tbofe Ximnt txsozbea of ^.|dau{e,\]3bi(b are rcab m t^r is.of t^eactcsjpoljcn bcfo;cbpng Agrippa,anb tbe idiinces of^V^iaanb Feiius tbe p^oconiuUtbere.jifo^tbts intent baur 31 appcarcb tmto tbce ( faptb t^e Hojb to ^ , laaule) tbat 31 migbt o^beine tbcc a nuntOer anb a \uitncfie botb of fuc^ tbpngcsastbou baft fcne , anb alio of fucb t»bcrein31 ft)aH appeare timo tbec after tbis^beliacrvng tbce from tbe people anb nations, tobcrcunto 31 note fcnb tbce , tb^t tbou mapeft open tijeir escs,t^tt^c^ tnav turne from barHenc& to ligbt» ^o,ti}> and C^af. 2 aulc (i)ctoctl),ti?at cijztft !}atl) oucicomc^at^au , anu t^at tl)c fame C^itft ^arlj rcuimcti \is , ano bioug^t \)B out of t^c fepngDome of oatfecncs into tl)e UvngDome mt Itg^t of t^e dTMiftinfii fMwicof i3oo » SiOetfoje UJ^erctljc apoftlco anD minillccs tSz ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^° b^nue ano Qjut tjp ^at^att,it is to be \)ttOec- feathan, ft^oe as b? t^c Vonv of t^tic miniftccte. d£ucrv >»au alfo ma^ Biogc bg tbc ti)V"Sf s tljat bauc bene rccatco tjttbcrto , toljes tbcc be banc p^ofttea in t^ Doctrine of tbc iSofpell , \Dbicl) ^e ,, . . J^^atb a I5g t^mc beaeo in tbe temple, ^oj in cafe t!)ou tbv fclfe .: "^ ..'^^'.beasKti'ounB (litltDitb tbecbaine oftbeS)euil. (J^ct^at is ' . tioe m f Dcuils cbaines oaiicctb after tbe Ocuill in all mifc^icf ano \3}icHeDnc0 ) tbou baft not ^^zt bearo tbe i5ofpeU , as ap^ perteinttb :buttf tboufeclefltbat tbe^euil) is bounoetoit^ tbe c^atme>atYD tbat tbou rttltft tbe H)enil, anb tbe IDenttl not t^ee.tbe matter goetb toell . Crie \3nt0 i5oD : HojiD confmne ti)is,attb tncreafe,tbat tbou }^dSi toitougbt in \iB.^t, % tbonfanb - Stub concerning tbe t^mc of tbis moft f^in^ng trut^ of fearcjS. t^e i5o(pel, it is (apD boU) ix fi)ai inbure in tbe tuo^lb a tbou^ fanb veares.jf 0? be fa^tb e)cpjea'eli?:be bouno bim fo; a tbou? (anb yeares.iSlnb agapneubat be i^oulo no mo^e oeceaue t^e pfiople^tiUtbetboulanbpearcs tuerefulfiUeb.31 fenotot^at ibe opinio of tbe eit;poritours,touci^?ng tbefe tboufao ^eares, be btuers.Bl Imoto -, ^oto t^e bercfie of tbe chiiuftes 0^ Mille* naries bp Papias aut^our bercof,as Eufebius rccitctb inibt . ?• boofec of tbe jecclef . bv^ojie , toas tafeen hereof . 31 ttjiil not l^ere Cano to confute tbe opini5 of otbers ■, tobicb alfo tooutd be oucrlong anb teoious , ano not of ft) great profit . 31 t»til onelp titter mpne omn to be toa^eb of tbe goblv reabers,and tban to ill 3] leaue it free fo; ener^ man to follotu tbat t^png, tobtcb ^e (ijall tbtnl^ mofl agreable to t^ trut^, anb p^of tta^ ble foj tbe goblp . anb 3] t)nbcrllanb plapnl^ anb fimplelp, t^at §).31obn fpcafectb of a tboufanb vcarcs , tobicb came on by cotmiiall courfe from tbe time of CbJiS> ^mill tbe laft c 0?:^ tupt^ngof tbe iguangelicall picacbvus ^ i^l?»t:cb ofCb^ift. «:bc besm- iRtcitbcr am 31 ^ery fcrupiilous m fcarcbing out tbe terme iSigof tt;e ^ t^c fupputation of ibcle tboufanb vcares. ^implelp3laps accoraptc of point tbc begpnnpngof tbe reUenvng m tbe open pjeacbpng atbottfanue of tbe i3ofpcU,U)^at time tbe toozb began to be rccetucD.ana pearw. t^as rccemeo of tbc tSf ntiks . 31 fuppoie tberfoje tbat tbcrc man be t\)in termed o^ t^mes appomteb > to^tcv ncucrtbele«f Ojall vppontheApocaIip#;r 270 .Ckifl2i, fljftH come all to ontrcfeottpng^Dtffccvng little 0^ tiot^Vng a« inangcff tl)f m fcliies oz bau^ng unall Dmcrfitic, not paffpng l^afff a vcarc mozc ozleCTcTemav tl)erfozc,ifvcplca(c,Bcgv'it t^c fappaianou of tbc tljoufanD peaces from tl)e,)ci:pnq.vcare of Cbiiftes h'^xx\^^ tol)ercin Ctjiitt alto afctnDco into ^eaucn, ant) idaulc bevng called to tbe miniaeeic , ano Dzattiv"g t!)c i3cmitcB into tl)c feUoti)Q>ppofi5oDs people bp tljcpzeai cbpng of <5oD bts ujojD, began to ceftrapne ^atban . ^no Co ft) ill poucome to tbepeacc of o«c£ozo.io34.'anotfltbe 15V» flj jpzicfee of iaope Bencdiae tbc.9.t»bo afict be dome bv t}ns laujfull meancB imo tije cbay^ie of ^ . jaetec , as tbepr all it, piactifeo art i385agicfec,anD ttjas iopneo in league ttJitb tl)e ne* iulI;of\j3bombett>ascarpeij a\3Dayalfa>tDbattpme bebaD folo bis33pQ>opiicfec befoje to jaope Gregory tbc.e.ueao x\t 0o?ie of CacDinall Benon,\Dberof is ineutioneD belo?c in tbe* 13. cbaptec^letto eeao otberRojies . Ccrtaiue it is^tbat tbe iDruill at tbofe Dapcs dpo occupie tbe ^poftolicall tbcp tecraeit.i^eab tbe Goiie&fco siluefter tbe.i.ano fo foitb* arboittoilt faptban^tbat about tbattpme tbeS>emllbza^ loofe agayne , ano feDucco tbe people , efpenallv by J^opes. ^Zbegpntbe fnpputattonoftbc tboufano peaces from tbac tyrae^toberetn )daule bepng bounb foz tbe (&oQ)eU at mome, Iteftifteo tbat tbe 0ofpell vuae pzeacbeo tb^ngb out f toozlo* STbat uias about tbe peare otoue Hojo . ^ » fromtbcncc ac- tomptpugatboufauD peaeeo^bou Q)alt come to r^^z peareof ow £oiD.i 06^-). \uben Nicholas tbe feconb teas }aope,tmDri; ' tp^om it istozitien tbat tbe trutb^ae biueereip temptco ano coznipteo , ano tbat Gregory tbe feuentb opo tban alfo bp bis ,ccdfrrsanD enterpziTes tuouble tbe \x)bole ujozlo . iDz begpn tbe Dzppntattonlcom (be ocduution ofidteiuIaleiR^vxibat xpme tbe Vetoes u^ece call of >ano Wit fettles m gceat nuuu; bee emrcD $ \i)cce eeceiuco into tbe place of tbe JietioeB tbat toceerciecteb^tobicbtoas tbe pcare of our Hozo. 75. ano tbou fl)4itattametotbepeavex)fout;lczo.iQ75. euento i^ope Gre- gory tbe-feucntb : m tbetobicb tpmc notafctw l^pftoiiogca:? pbcrc tsztte ti)at tbe aDcuiU bun (eife retgneo . l:>i)ubtlcs x\z* uccman bwMgoDlpnes,ozmozcftoutlp aauaimcea voic&eo^ neB^baubpO tblS Grcgory,0tbCl"\13lfe callCD Hildebriode . jS)f bpm 3] bauc fpofecu be£oze m tbe. i^ . cbaptci* . iPbcrc alfo 31 aomoiuajco pou, tbat CarDtuall Benon oio accompt tbofc tboufauD peacee ftoin tbe Uinb of tbe llozD^ano concluDco m syiudbr tbe fccoiu) . lit 10 cuiDcnttbeeiozc , tbat tbe iSofpell ^atlp ^D a uotaUie pkcc \\\ tl)c usozlo > $ tbat it ^arb npt bctie. jQo.uU, quciLs quenc^cb fot t\)t fpaccofa t^oufanD vcarcs : t^attstofap, ttomtbetpmeoft^ciapoftlcfi, \)ntiU tljc vcarc ofoucHojii toad cecKoncD. 1073. oittjcre about . toW \]pae done a( t^at tvtnc anD after, \sit Qjall t)eare t»l)e toe Cl)dli come to t^at tap^s ing. anD U}I)ett tije t^oufanD peaces Q)all be fttlfclleo.^ic* ^ome man \x>\\\ fap, 3R cannot fee t^at t^e pteactitng of tl)c l5ofpeUijatD comtnuco m t^etooilo fo longtime, to votttc, « t^onCano vcaces. ft^% it appcarctl? b? IjiGoues, tbat f Dots trfneofmentee, fattCfacttons, anDti{ruficattonofU}oiKe0, Ziid mconttnentlv aftec tbe ^poQies t^me^lap tbcir ficd foun^ nations. :r3?e ^nou?e tbat tbe mtccceOions of ^amtes, and t^cujo^Qlippingofreliques, toereoefenDeo bp i^amt^^tCi) rome, VDbo DcpartcD out of tbta too^lo tbe vcre of one S.D10S incamatton. 4"» 3X)e btioxotbat t{)cBptl)opofmomcbtD immcoiatelv after tlje neat^ of iBrcgczv t^e firri, tafec t»ppon ]}tm to be beao anD cati^otique QjepbcrD of tbe cburcb V)muer' (ail. xot Unotx) t!)at about tbefame t^me (to tvute,abont t^e ^eareofonr&o^oes incamatton. emllfljou!DbeOjttrtct)p fo^atbonfaiio ^eares, ftuD rcma^ne boun&e, t^U a tboufano pearee tuerc ^t an cnD* l^nD tbe fame tue ejeponobe on tbis tr^re. %\it ilup fapDrin tbe i3ofpeU. ifioU} ta tbc tuDgemeut Ot tbe cooitlb, tiotp i^all t^e idzince of tbis \xioz1d be call out . i^uii ujoere ae it io not lawtiUlto Doubt of tbe truetb of Cbiittco tec? oca; vcrncucrs tbeieffe be is not rean to tjc fo caft our, b?:t t^af be b^i^b bccne of great fozce m tbc U302tbe,anb bat!) bccuc callcD o{ tge ^ipo^ Rics t^cmiclucs, t\:^c ja:incc of tm 'a30;.lD . Botu tbcn is b« fa';be to be call out, to tempt tljc goiii? , torcignc, dm 10 be ^ .^- caftoutofbisl^ngDomei f??^ S ^^ »s ^^^ °"f ^^ ^^f cb'ircb,«^nb otit of tbe faifbfu!,ttot tbat Jfpcmr th ftc commctb net agapne^ano t; njptcJb - (t«i aiiraycs be «* ti)cfaubiktKruct^,miaieeUct!?:opmcfebacfeciOffcii;cmco)b«tfou^at - iJ -i s .■■■ ' > t^t vpontbeApocalipfe^ 271 chdf.2$l %t poCTcCTctl) no mo?c tlje fall i5mppjc,;^oj Cl)?i(! ttoto Imet^ anD rctgnet^ tn^is C^urc!) atiD in Ijts i^amts. 3;ipere,a0 ^^ auGen ra^tU^Oe alTapletti fcom upit^out, tje is caa out of ^^s anncicmpocrcflTton, but I^elabourcti^tocecouccf^molDeljas l)itation» a«D t^us toas ^atljau bouiiDc, anD ftjuttc \)p foj ai tboufanD peares,as be tDat poffeCTcD not tbe faptl^a I of Cb?i8 tbioug^aut tbe tMozlDc, noi nilco t^cm at b^s plealurc , ann nfccc 1)13 mallicc, altbougl) ^c bstt> teinptcD ana tjepcD tbcm. ^0 tsas tbe ^olp g^oCt dcn^cD to be gcucn, not t'gat ^e \ua9 not at ti)c U)o;lD and m tbc ^;op^etcs : but becaufe be toas itcucrfopIemtfnU?potD;cDoutt)ponallfieQ)c, as aftec tbe g!oiifvi«3 of oMi^ 2lo?i> CbiJft. 3lu tbe fame fence t»e fap, tijat DeacU a»D futne are ra'^cn atoa^ from tbe fa^tbfull, ano tcoof linDer footc. as ^.idaulc tbcrfoje (tnbo trt tbe ficH cbapt. to (beColoiT.fapDc.tbattDcaretranaateD out oft^e^mgoome nf Dacchues, imo tbe Hyngdome of t?gbt):favtb neuertbcleflis to tbe Co^ntbmns, tbat tbe iSoo of tbts U3o;lo,batb blpnocd tbe mpuDcs of tbe bnfaitbfHl; fo j^. Jo^nattbts p^efcnt (att^ botu tbe Deutll 10 bounoeanofcateo, b? tbe fpaccofatbou^ fano peaces: ano "iztlc^z faptb aftcrtuacDe, tbe red of tbe Dead reuiucD not, till tbe tboufano scares vocre falfillcD: tbat is to la)^, in ail tboretboufanopeares, tbe^tjobtcbfet mo;e bv tbe })ea9> tban tbe^ Dio b? £bzi(l,bcleeuco not. ano tbe^ \izu\'^ tb;ougb tbetc o\xine fauU,anb tbe infltgation of tbe Beml be^s Ieeucanot,butpcri{l)eD. l^bcrfoic OiD ^atban ejcerctfe ^^0 fozce iw tl)C(n. :mi)o to tbef jvtb^utl is iti oeeoe bounoe > and tpco fd(l> but to tbe t}itfa?tbfuU fees anb oucr famtlgcc. ilifees topfc bcU is (l) .u to tbe goDlv, but to tbe loicfeeo it isopcm 2»bJi*foie aifo toe confcOe \x\, t^e £cecDc,lvfc e«ecia{lmg,auD not aeatbo^ Damnation eiiccladpng. ;foj t\^t fa^ti)f«iibaue no bell, Qi tbercis no bell pzepaccD foz tbcm : but foz tbe x^ws goblp. )f oj Cbjifl batb bzoUcn bcU,botobcit but toj pis tattb* full: n\xt totbcibnfairbCali aUt^^ages of l^cll ave^etmoU ftcong, anb tl^t^^ bane <^?U. 31:|on cjtpoiinDctb b?mieitc,anD Iv^mx tW be (I)'j«l3 acccrtue ^be p^^ople no uwje. a?batis tbis mozc^ but tbat be f^iii not fo feaucc cbem fcom bfucefojrb, a3 b** batb oonc betbf eta* a^ijccfaze ii\)im tbat m f mcanc\ubilv be tbali ocecauc fomr, ^zi m tboic f'>3ufa'io yearcs be batb not rcignci) fo fuUp ana at UL'ge,a0 \ti b^o before , auD ae it is peciiaccD ^im to mge ipo,)}, aticc Ch^.i9/ Th^L^rxxvIJ. Sermon after t^ofc f!)Ottfenb Vf^f f 6* 3:^ccfbic tijefc tftittgeg aw fpo^ fecn bv a compatifon , anD not abiolutelp. ppcr bad , tbt doctrine ot latiftaction anD tnans nteritcs biD picuaplc : ^bcrcupon toas \3tterlp obfcuccD tbc Doctrine tf BTicfu aW^y coucernpng tbc ftce renuffion of finncs , anB imputing of rigbtcoufucs»^berc grc\2} tjp an optntouatn53 (onte , tbat tbc ^aintcs DiD mabc tntcrccfifion oz p^ap in bca:3 Men fo? tbeir tooiftjpppccs . ucliqucs began to be too?(bppa pcD ouer foonc , /i^eucrtbclcCTc fucb as tocrc lUumincD ctaue faato tbc onelp mtcrccObur Cbiift, ^ bottO?cD not reliqucs. But after tbofc tboufanD fatal! pcarcs,manp attrtbutcD mote loi^ainttB, tbanto tbc^crpbolponcof ^aintes . we fee tobattsDone attbis bap . 3:bcU)zitpngr8 of 03oHkesand ;f riers teftific, boto inucb tbe tDOz£i)ipppng of creatures batb increafcD \aoitbtn tbcfc.iit^.bunDicD peares , oi tbcrc aboutes. yol^Q vsillDcnptbatcicceopng manpbauc bene DeccaucD bp bcreticfecs jBut tMbo ca gatbcr tbercbp tbat tbc i5ofpcll batb ^enc tittcrip lod^anD tbat ^atban batb raigncD fuiipe %\)t 13p{l)opof laomcbatb afcenDcD into tbc toppe of ^oumzion »anD \£>!UbccaUeDtbe b^aDanD gcnerall ^be^ pbcarDof tbctuboic cat^olicbc Cburcb . Butpet tbc ^ad mod conQantlp rcfiaco n anD Co DiD otbcr partes of tbc toozlii alfo . ^ttcngtb after a tboufanD peaces , be ntabc bis boaft moO impuDcntlp,tbat tbc fnlacCTc of poVDcrtoas gcuen bpm» tvbtcl) be QQt bp ^o^c anD ccoke ^«inoaftev )?lurpcD tbc famev Maho- vpon the Apocalipfc. " 272 CfjAfUt Mahomet TeDuccD n\sm * ^^ t neiiect^eleOc tlje J^atriarc^all Cljucc^ts pcrfifteu , ano ttje eaft IjonozeD C^jiiB : ^0 Ipbc* toife niD tl)c ^out^ auD /aoitlj , fo tl?at tlje t^ouCanD pcarcs aga^ne baD fl)c(c Itg^t: ncttljcc ^atlj ^at^an m t^efc cagcD Co mucl^,as ^c Ijatlj fincc ttjofc yeacce tocrc complete. S>o«btIc« fittce tlje S^ucbcs began to cuic anD ceigne, ali matters of cc^ Itgion gi:c\xi euerp Da^ tuoifc aiiD tDO?fc . auD tlje txsarre into tl?c t>ol? ianti oyD tjecv ni»c^ !?"« f t:eUgion,atiD gaue great courage to tlje |)aracenes $ Dngoolv : tDl?crof 31 Q)aU fpeafec aftertoarDcs . anD 31magc6 began to be Tcttjp in temples, anD to be DcfcnDeD » 15m ttjc bvftoiies tcflifie , t^at tbe fame toas Done tuttb great DtSficultte : ano ^rDIp coqId t^e tife of t^cm be obrapntD , bpcaufe ail gooD men moft conftantlp tu fifteD.^no ttjfeat t^me t^ep toerc noto aDmitteD:pet \»cre not tbc 3floolatcr6 fo ftarfe mao,as toe fee tbep arc noU3,anii banc bene certemc scares paft. )»bcrfoze it is rigbtly fa^D,boto af* ter atboufano veares , ^atban Q)outDbe loofeD from bps cb.r^nes , vubo before atfo moueo t^e ))nbclcuers but ^etcji^ getb moze furtouBp cowarfies cbe mo. ^.Slobnaflignento amicbjtfta certeincnDberofpcares, to toitte. 6 s ^.:3?berof ti)c migbt tjnbccltanD tbe name of %ln:» ticbJift 15ut tbcrfoje it folotoetb not,tbat tbe Deuill tuas tba qti^te loofcD , oj tbat tbe ligbt of tbe iSofpeil tjoas tJtterlp e)C:a tingmfl)ei} » fQ\ tbe lapodle in bis tpme , fpeabpng of bvnt: 2rbe miftcrie, faprb be, of miquitic notxi tooibetb . amicbjift tbeif 01c batb bis fccQcs : be b^tb bJS begpnnvng : be batb bi« nf^ng tip,bts grot»vttg anb increafes . I5ut after a tboufand ^cares,be\x)entto tx^ozUe mod tmpuDcntlv ano moQbolDtp, tMbece as bef oie aifo be bao \3ttcreD b^s raaliciomnes , but ttotx) after tbattpme mofltjcncmoua^of ail be fpeojctbouc i)is popfon, oppiefHng ISipngcs , ano all tbat fpeabe nciier fa ittcle agavnQ bitn. ^e ^otx) mozeouer tbat in tbefe tbomanD pcarcc pa(l,t^c SDeml batb raignco in manp fap mnrDer,pec^ iurieano innumerable anb'snipea^cablc mifci^ieues . 23utif ^e confiocr tobat batb bene Done fmcc tqofe tboufano pcares, anD \Q\^dX is Done at tbis Dap :.pou toil! (av tbofe ages Df %\^z tbortfanD pearcs \Derc golDcit aiiD fiiuer vsozlDts : anD ours cwnitJtten iiotD fox tbeie fine bunuzeo »eares are of bzafi'c,vzon,leao,anD of tbe idft €la^.La(5tanciusmtbcfeneti)baoftcofbiS3inftit.i:be.i>.cbapt,s3c« (aptl^notnarDes tbclaS enD of t^c \xJOzlD, tbe Gate of tuoziol? matters mud ncDes be altcreD,anD iniauine pzcuavimg, auD tncime to tbe coozfe : fo tbat tbcic ourtv»nes,in tbe vobi") m^ tQtii(iean'a tnifcl^ief is grotvcn to t^e tpigf^t^ft Degr^'c , map ttt com= ChAfj9» The Lxxxv. Sermon compariTon oft^at tincurabfecmU.beaccompteb fcztutme anD in inancrgolDcn.^Fo: vx^itt Q)aU iY^nx \»a)ce fo t^mnc , ^ )}ngoDlpne0,couctournes.toiifu]nc0 anD 'uQ Q^a! be fo com^ inon , iW it t!)ci'c be tijan bappclp anp gooD mcn.tbcv Qjall be a pwp to tije \x>icfecD,$ cwecv tobecc tcpco of tbc tjnrigbtc^ ous.i^uD eutii men oneiv Qiall be \x)eaitbv^anD tbe gooia vnu inopleo tn all \3epati0nauD miffne. ^il rigbt Qiaii be confc&a ijf D,^ latocc ftjai peciUj.irijan Cl)aH no man banc any tbmg, faue tbat to!)!Cb 10 ettber eutil gotten, oz cniH fecpt . I5olDnes anD Violence a)all banc all . srbcce ftjall be no taytb m men, no bmnanttic, no (liamefadnes ,tio ttutb . 0nD tbe remnannt tDbtcbareccaD tbct;c.23v'aU t^cto^jk^ (aptnges our Dapcs noto feme to be pamtcD imelp. ^eittufl be ^^^ ^^^^ is tbatjtDbici? lo amuj;eD,tbat tbc SDeuill inuft lofts a utile ^c loofeD foz A little fcafon 5 fenietb tljts a little feafon , tot'ict> CEaCon. rontiuuctb hou? fine bunDjeD veares i ^nD tbis plate tse e)[:;» pomiDe fo •, as tbat fame in tbe i^ofpell rtnltu'e tbofe Dapes toere (IjouneD^no flcfl) QioulD be fatieo . ^0;: it 10 cuiDent b^ (logics, tbatneitbet tbe H>euiU , noz0.nttcb;t{t, baib iniopeD i)t0btngDomclong tnqupct* ;^ozeuetmo2e, anD mail ages taue fpzong \3p Tome bolv anD learneD men, tubteb bepng ti^ lumineo anD comfoiteD of i5oD, ly^e fSnocb ann ^elte, baue reftlteD tbe tngoDlp anD tsngoDlvnee , anD baue matntcvncQ tbe true ifielrgTon. ix^becbp mens confctence0 tbat vurce afflu cteD bp i^nttebziQ baue ceceiueD comfort bp reafon tbat I5dli. of bis mercp batb fo tempeeeo matters , as tbe cboftn mtgbt not Difpapie in fo great temptations, errourc anD DarUenes^ a:btrfo}e botb <&atban ^ tbe idope coulD imop tbeir tnat^s tcrsbuta fmallfeaion. ^oMmmeDiatlp after tht tbonlann f earc0>tbere (p;augt)p tbe Waidois,U}^teb conDatlpimpng^ tteD t^e idope,anD bts ^ngoDUne0»s:be S^o^D batb rapfro tip certeine bpnges , amongcft Uibom be t^c Friderickes i^mpeo cours of fSertnanie^Lewes of t^e boufe of Bauier , anD man? others . %\^t l^opes alCo baue bene at Diffention amonge& tbem felnee tDbtlcO tnanp Ijaue bene ebofen,anD euerp one oi tbem UJOulD be tbe \)tcac of Cbztft.anD fo teare all tbat igeelc^^ QaOtcall boDp of theirs toitb ^ebtfmes . agapnft tbefe rofe kp tbc earncft anD tjebcmcnt pjeacbers, wiciefFe, Hufle, Hjc- rome of Prage.auD Dtuers otbets . xoW IS Done at tbis Dap» attD batb bene Done nots tbefe tbirtp peares anDmo;e,a» gavnft fuperff ttions , anD 3l|Dolatne , anD agapnO tbe Idopr^ anD all bts £lergte:tbe paptftes tbemfeluescrpe out ana gU partes of t^ctaoojlD can ccSifit * ir^erfo^c is t^eSDeudi vpon the Apocalipfe. i 7^ chaf ,20t loofrt) a little fearon , ar^c S.OJD Slefus treaD t^pm tnoep our fcetc Q)ojri^» f iS)f io^af ro:t tbofe tlnsufanD ^eares fl^al be,and off &e cep tame felicity of foulea after boDtis Oe4tli>anD of t^e firtt rerurre(tton>ani) fecono oeatb. The ixxxyiii.Sermon. A^ I ^aw" rcatcs,and them that fate vpon them , and thciudgcmcntwasgeucn vnto them. and I fawthc foules of them that \vere beheaded for the witnefTe of Iefu,and for the word of God,which had not worfliip- ped the beafl^nor his Image : nor had taken his marke vpon their foreheades,or in their handcs : and they ly- ued and raigncd with Chrift a thoufand ycarc : but the other of the dead me lined not agayne,vntin the thou- fand yeares were finiihed , This is the firft refurre(5tion»* BlcfTedandholyishc that hath part in thefirft rcfur- rcAion.On fuch hath the fecond death no powcr,buC they (hall be the Priclles of God and of Chrift,and ihall rcigne with him a thoufand yeares. IS? tbefe ^.3lo^n Dedarct^ hitn felft , e)q)ottnopngto|iat i^ettigu:: t^ofe tI)ou(ano peaces f^alt be . ^Btot fucb oonbtles , as laerp dared Soi^at inanp, ( amengeft to^om are accdptet) al(b tbe Millenaries 0; ^ofe ti)oa= chiiiaftes)iio3]maginetoitbtb5fe!nes,mtbe\wbKbt^cp fap, JJ"J1J*^** tbecc flioulD be traqttilitietpott eactlj, $ in tbe tobicb peaces ^vs^^t* cbe ^aintes ^ece in eactb (l)oulli catgne coHio^lI? rh HW^ in moa ejcquiftte pleafuces anb iopes.;lf ox ^ .ijo^n bim felfe confutetb tbis optnion^tsbileft be Ojetoetbiboto tbe ^atmes (bould be bebeaoen b? tbe beaS anD bp bis 5lmage : ano tbat tbe otbecs vubicb cemaine in neatb -, Q)oulD not Ipue agapne, 0^ cecetne tbe i5orpell of Cb^ift . 3]t ts manifeft ^ecfo;e tbat tbe beaft,^ bis 3]inagc Q)al be in tbore tboufanoe f eaces . 3flt is cutDenttbat tbeisorpeli of CbziftH^all in tbofetbonrano Vtarcs fo Qivne , ano tbat ^atban (bali be fo Qcapte tveo in cbavnes , as tbat neuectbetcOe all fl)aU not ceceiue ti^e f5oi' pell,noi tbat tbcce Q)aUbcfo qupct tcanqailhtic : but tbat tbe ^aintcs Ojal fuficcperfecutco bp tbe bcaff,foi Cbziftes tcHtb: ano manv Q)aU not bclene tbe {5o^ell,bat catt)cc tuitbdand tbe Came ano peciC^ : ^ pettb^t tbe l^cntU itvtbe meant t|?mc Ojatl Chaf ,20 » Thc.lxxxviii.Sermon (^n ttotljauc fo great povccr , as ^c^^ nhttinth fince tl^t tbouCanD i?eaceB mtte f mifljeDjno j tftc iSofpcl in tijofe tl)otu fann vcarcs be fo DacfeeneD, a© it ^at^ bene comipteu $ inar^ ren fince t^at tyme . anD be toucbetb toitb all certeine opinio one rigbt notable ano neccCTacic , ano openetb tbe fame: to tottte VDl^at aiall be tbe Rate of tbem , tobicb eitbeeacebUleD foj Cbitff,o? J^ciect anticb?ift: namely tbat tbeic fonlec do noi flepe till tl)c iuDgement , but line txjitlj Cb?tft in beauen . ?&e treatetb mojeoucr of tbe ficft ccfurcection,anb feconoe oeatb* arbwstjnto tbnntbatmac«aile,tt)bere tbe foules of tbe bean (ball become, anbmbac tbe^ Q)aU oo immebiatlp aftet; tbe cotpo^aU Deatb , be amtftDcret^ , anb beclavet^ fo miicb a$ is teqnifite to kno\2). . Cbc fouic3 a^bccfoie ^ . Slobn feetb fcatC0 , $ tbofe tbat fit on t^em.^ of ti)e mt ^nb u?bo be tbofe tbat Qt i be aobetb b^ an ejin^o^ition > ^^^^ bebei)eaDeD Captbtanb tbe fouksoftbem tbat ate bebeabeo , ;f ot by an ejcpofition it is talten,as tbongb von fboulo fap , tbep tbat fat ortt^t btauelv feates^were tbe foules of tbem tbat arc bebea^ ' Ded * joules are not bebeabeb , but bob^es : tbe foules r&s ntaincin tbeie Date anb tpfe . ^berfo;e be fa^tb ti)t foules of tbem Wbore bobves toeee bebeabeb oi flavne.SnD t^tte ittMQ note, tbat ^ . 3P;6bnfpea^etbnotof ti^ebobveseeaffumpteD, cbaungcD , c^ ravfeo agn^ne at tbe laft iubgcment , but of tbe foules bcIiueceD from tbe bobics of t'gei3S)actVJS.;JFoibcfpea Kctb of foules looCtb from tbe boD^es , before tbe 5!ubge« ment, acco^b^ng as enerv one in bis tvme iinetb bere in tbis tDo;lD,anD is caUeD from bettce bv beatb.^o} Aretas alfo J5u (bop of Cefarea e^ouubetb tbis Of tbe foules of 0gartv;s:vcc tbinttetb be not neuertbeleife y no ma Q)oulb be faueo , MnUQ be h^t bv tbe tv^auntes f\3?o;b. foi be abbctb tbis mo^eouer: ox \itttVg b^ tennetb tbem to be bebeabeb figuratiuclv,tDbicb bane mo;tifieb tbeir members, tbat are on eartb » l^etberr o be. ^nb toe alfo baue a^euseb befoie , tbat firft anb cbieflp tbe bolp mart^zs are retoarbeb \s)it^ eternall Ipfe : ^ feconDlp all tbev tbat bauebououreb i5oD trulp ) ^ baue bone pcnaunce, anb crucifieb tbeir fit{\y t»itb all t\)t concupifcences tberof. :Bcbc9t>ei5 ^^ib be fa^tb c^cpieflEclv, tbat ti)t ;§>a(ntcs toerc bebeabeb, Ui, €iiitt. not foi tbcfte^ uutrDer anb mifcbicf c,as aifo ^aint idectr tea^ cbetb.i.^et,4. 25utfQjtbebMi2be of i3od anb tettimonv of 31efujtb^tl»3rbetoo;bofj(5oD,6Ao),c5 is tbe tjcrpfonne of i5oD our §>aaiour: anbtbe teGononv is tbat bolclomc idoU pell, anb tf;e tocrv pwacbing anb^jofcOing of tbe fame : ivfee &s b^ tbe conference of ^cc^itures ipoebaue beclarcD befoie; vpon the Apocalipfe. 2 74 chaf .29^ 21)cv arc rccfeoneD mojcoucr amonges t^c |>amtc0 , tofjic^ tocnottooiQ)ippefi t^cbcaft.^c. and (ucD arc tljc jSEQartv?^ i)c^caDeDo}fla^nc,fou^attl)e?l?aiteu>o?(^tpped i^od, bnt tl)c bca^ ant) ^ts simagctoouiD tijep not too^Cbip* l^otubcic all arc not Qavne.tbat retcctc antic^ittt, anii t^erfoze particu^ larlv as a peculiar member berel^rarrcn t^em alfo.But wbae It is to UJOiQjip tbc b«aft anD bis 31»ttagc, anD to rcccaue b^s fnarhe.^c,3lba«eDcclarcDbcfojcat.Iargcin tbc»ij.cbaptsr. ^o\»!ct\)sfcc,\jubattbcic(latcie, tbatftjcD tbcirblouofo? Cbzift, anD abbo^re bcrfoje^,3(lobn bati) annc>fcn,anb tbcv rcig^ mugcmcut. »cd vi)itb Cb^tS a tboufano ^eares : to toittt, all tbat tol^ole pjoccffe of t^mc.il5iotfoj tbat tbep reignco not and line b toitb CbJiflaftcrtraro, but foi tbat tbcir foulcs bctberto, t% to tbc !nDgcment,baite not acpt, but baue l^ueo ratber in beaucn a bhOeDlvfc. xobicbtbvngalfo fromtbe beginning be bccla* retb bvan otbcr uefmption, ;jfoi be feetb fcates ( e^'o'v^?) fet, anb tbe (onlce fitting on tbtm. ano b? a figuratiue fpcac^ l^e ftgnifictb , tbatccrtapnefeate0,anbl)onottrablc places , arc pii;pareb in beauen foi tbe bleOto foulcs, Ipbe as alfo y S,02d 5vmfclfc favn^ in tbc 0o(pelb3!tt mp fathers boufc arc matig inanfions, anb noto 31 goc to picpare vou aplacc. i^e callct^ tbc fcates tb?onc6,ailub^ng to t^c ro^all JTroncs of bpngcs* TS>\\x of tbefe ccleOiall feates, toe mull conctaue, greater, Dt^s nine, ano fpirituall matters, ^bev fittcintbem, not foitbac tbcv boe notbing tls but ftttc on a cuf(l)ion: but t^ep rapgnc, tnumpbc, tcft, Ivuc, anD baue fruition of tbc comfort , iope, anD glozv cucrlalling. ^bis 3i fap is tbc mancr of t^e Coules anD fpirites in tbcir fitting . ^c aDDctb mojeouer, boti) to tbofc foulcs toasgcuctt iubgcmcnt, Vjcrclv^fonbattbep arc eiPcmptcD from iuogemcnt , anD come not into iuDgcmcnc (cuen as our ^autour faptb ) but baue paOcD from Dcat^ to lpfe.31tisalfoDcclareD in an otbcr place, in \3}bat fence tbe 4^atmesar£CavDetofitte tpon tbe fcates, anotoiudgc x^t too^lDc: VBbcrc it is manifeQ in DccDe,tbat all tbc iuDgement ofiBoDisgcucntotbcfonne.litiseuiDent tberfoje bptbps tonfaUiblc place of fcripturc,tbat tbc foules of ^amtes accpe not after tbc Dcatb of tbe bob^ \)mill tbc laft luogcment, but ltuetnbC3ucnt»itb£b;i&. But at tbc iubgcmcnt tbe? Qiali mnme to t^ctrboDicsra)^feDaga)^ne, ano together uivt^ Chaf .20, Thc.lxxxviii.Sermon t\)tit hahitB Qiali be teceiuen into Wffth [mce, ^nh t^ys is tjcftatcoftljefait^mil, ^ffcom t^ts ^opcictt)sneucr futfcr oucfclucstolJcuj«l)D?a\ucn. 3!n mp S>ecai>cs 31 IjaueDit couctcD tnoieat large of t!)e fonics feparateo from t^cic bo^ tv^^ano ^aue QjetocD ttjat t^ep no not fleepe. 31 f ottic cT = anu I) ccc 31 can not rcf ravnc,but mull nccucs fet fojtlj anis tour of recite tbat to^ic^ D.iohn.Funaius, a learner man , Diligent, 31oiniti)e ant) one tt)at6at^ reo muc^, a^euiet^ in t^ boobe ot ^s 2i.|c)ope. Chronologic, tinDecf pearcof owcEo?^ic(etM?lis: about tbts tpmet^c moOt^of^ father |dope3|obn, tbe.x2. of tbat name, fell into t^is ^erefte,tD^tc^ alfo I^epjofeCTeD open^ iy.ann taugbt tbatt^e fottlee fato not got) before tbe laQ Dap» foi fo bafi bis fatljec taugbt ^ivm, bcvug oeceauco bp tbc t)t^ (ions of Tantalus, to^icbtoecccommonlp carpcD ab^oaoe iti to^iting.anD}dope3lobn Cent t\x)0 pzeac^ecs to laacis, to ^ittt a couple of if rpers one of tbe o^ber of p^eacbers , an o^ tber j0Qino?itie,to p^ofclTe bis etrrour tbcre. 13ut one Thomas a p^acber of icnglanb refiftcb tl^e ^ope ftoutelp, tubom tbe Idope committed to p^iron. anb tbe l^png of ^raunce called a ^^nohc in bis palacean tbe foicQ of ^amt Vmccnc, tobct^ aUtbattDeceaffcmblebfubfctibeDagapnft tbe idope. S^t^cti tbe ^ng (ent ^jnbaffaDouirs to tbc )dope, ej^bo^ing bVtn t<^ recantbiserrour,anbtbat ^etooulo Delinet Thomas out of p^ifon. arbt Idope inlacgeo bis pMConer: anb alfo (as it is fapb) follotoing tl^e admonitions of bis ft:enbe6,at tbe boure of oeatd tepenteb.j^o mucl) Funaius.3]t is a (l)ame tberefb;e foji fome, \x)^icb at tbis Day in fogteat l^g^t of tbe i^ofpell Dare rcneto tbat moft fooliflje ecrouc, affirming tbat f foulcs (epacateD from tbcir bodies Ipe fnojing 31 bnou? not m tobat dormitojie o? doztour, and fcele not anp tbvns > tp^l at f dag of iudgemem tl^e^ be iopned agapne to t\}tiv bodtcs, ano rife agapne. tbbicb 31 p;av Vow* ^Mti tbat ^f *^)« fiirH tobcrcbp men rccctuc c\)ii{\ tbiougb true faitb^nD rife from rcftirrcmis finne in netones of Ivfe. iDf tbis tbe apoftle fpeafeetb mucb 1" >r^ in tbc. bo are fegregatf D, notable, excellent and rpgbc DearelpbeloneDbotb of i5oD anD of Cb^ift, to offeuternall p}ap(estoi5oDineuerIaQing I^fe. ^t is repeateD agapne: anD tbep Q)aU reigne ixmb bpm a tbonlanD ^earcs> anD tbps fignifietbtbataUjg>aintes (bali reigne ^itb CbMft fo^euer, |)ut cbicfl? tbeXouleS) euen alio befoK tbe iuDgemcnt, PrimaiiusB^Q^op Of Vtica ejepounDing tbis piace^ Ta^tb tbus:itisnot(pokenonel^of]3p(})ops anD id^eftes : but Ipl^e as tje call all Cb^iftes, bp reafon of tbe mifticall cbtifme o; ointment: 0) are ^ ^Meftes, fo; tbat tbe? be members of tbeia;ieft,of\»b(un£^e iapoftle^.^eterfaptb: anbolvpeo^ pie, a ro^all id^eftbooD; tbus faptb be. But tbis U)bole place of tbe binDing $ loofing of tbe IDcuiUof tbe tbouCauD peares, anD of tbe firft refurrection^anD feconD Deatb,^.!^uften bat^ )xir1l auD Diligently fo^ \^iQ tpme, anD fo^ fo mucb as be coulo fee DilcourfeD at largem bis lo.boobe d^ amtJet. % fet Dototi tbefc tbpnges of mpne to beoiligentlv confioereD bp f fa^tb- full . Eeteuer^inanbolDc tbat \nbicbbeCballtbFnl(t mod ccnionant to tbeintetb. 2ro tbe Ho^D our i^oD be p^atfe and 0lo^p, no\D anD ruermo^e* i^men» ^WXsdX %vX\ be Done tolben tbe tboufanD r^are0 arc c)cp \p reD» £Dftbe DeceaueD luo;.loe, ofluarrr,anDgreeuou0 perfecution of tbejsoDli?> anb of tbeeuerUfttng pa^ne of rijeUiicUeD* Tie IxxxixSermon. And vpontheApocalipfe. 275 Vhatf.^g, A Ndvhen thcthouGmdyearesarc expired, Sathan fliallbeloofedoutofhisprifon, and lliall goe out to deccy ue the people, which are in the foure quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog to gather them together to battayJe, whole number is as the fandeot the Sea. And they went vpvppon the playne of the earth , and compaflcdthc tentes of the Saintes about, and the be- loucd citic.And iirc came downe from God oct of hea- uen, and deuoured them . And the deuil that deceaued them was caft into a lake of fier and brimftone, where thcbeaftand the faJfe Prophet were and Hiall be tor- mented day and night for euermore. J&c ficdacet^ ^cccbv , tnljat fljaU IJappcn aftcc t^ofe tbow^ totietaaJi fenD vcarc s.^nD ^e fa^t^ cljicflp ttoo t^vugcc , t^at t^c 2)e- be Dcnt af= mUft)allbtkiofeDDntof l?ispiiCon,tl)at^cma^ uccrme t^cJ"t^«fi?otj people intljetDoilD,anDa(TcmbIeGoganD Magog tjr.tobat- »^^pcarw tailc . aro ti^c toijtcl) agavnc Ije annrjcsf!? orijf c ttuo t'ov'ngcs: namclp a moS ccncH pcrff cutiou of t^c t^urcti, anu tbc payne fiftl3€^icbrD,toit^ t^cueriaRvnSUscinaaon ef r^rDcBtll 'ana ^ts meinbtrs. xltiD t!)tfeDncfng of t^e tooilOfmiffagavnc be ejpoanDtD ^m t^e b^^^eftg«reSinecdochr,ti)atts,bpputtvngtl)e tobole foia ioo;fDcts patt.;f oj t^e fenfc of t^e Scripture totll not permit \)S to ljn= ^«f^"fii BccJtanSjtijat tijcre fl)onlD be 110 go!)l? left at r^at t^mz , foi ^^^^^^* Vdc bclrne all,tiat t^ecc (5 a Cl)urc{), pea anb an Wv c^nrct, anb 0)311 beal^av>es in t^e toOilo'bntiU tqc iuiigeinfnt. !3nii toe ijaucbtacD mc;coucrmt^is bool^e.hotDinanptl^CHjfaoes nre fealcb tbat tbcp ftioulbnot penfl). xlnb alio r^at tl)c Dja^s gonmuO be loofco (o} a little feaConXtfec as t^r rfozevc c reao in tb€ i5ofpel,tbat ^at^an is cafl otK,anb ^is feiMKruouieta* feenfrom bun : taljcrc ncurrtbelefle ^ . jaetec tuainetl) anH faptb,tb3t rbe Demi goetb aboar lyfeea roanng i-voti,^ fee- feecb tobotn be map be nonce: \jf rely foi tljat the grfarcU foicc of ^atban is foube fawbfnll mfringeb b? €l)i\b ('m mtgb^ tv cbanipion anb noble eonqucrour,t^wgl) tbe *Denill not* toitbftanDvng bo go abonr anb aCpir« agavrtc to tbe grnpicer anb labour to be rc8o?eb to \)i6 foiniec place : To at tbis p;ca km toe \)nbec{tanu, tbat j^atban bcpng loofcb after tbofe tbouCanb veares,eanngctb noto abjoab moje fceclp , erercis» rctb great aiitboiitie, fcbucetb moic people m tbe tooilb , anD tvditi) fattier , t^an l)t ^o ratgncb tbcfe t^oufano pcares^ |3p,tj, Igiit Cha^. 29, The.lxxxIx.Sermon 13 lit vet foast^ercfljallbc ncuect^tlcffc iit tl^c toojiD a feU lotoCli^p of ^aintfs DtfpcrfcD anD ^cjceD iniferablp . fQi immcDiari^ ^.3lo^n favtb ,tl3at t^cbdoucD Citic of j5od is beficgco of t^c cnc mycs. 2;bcrfoK Qjall t^c Cl)itrcb be in t\^z mtDDeft of t\^t cuemvco.u>berfojc ail tljat fame place muft be e^cpomiueD not of t^c \jttei: quenc^v«S of trutb anD IRcligiS: but oft^emo;e large anD ample potoer anD febucttonof^a^ t^antbeolD Serpent. Cbe t»fufu 3x?becfo?c ijc fa^t^ ,tl)at to^jcn t^c t^onfanD peaccc {^alt (5meti) ont be ejcptceD , t^e ^emll a)all be loofeD out of t^at bis p^fon, of {^tfon. tobcretnto t^^ougb t^e potuer anD mtsbt of Cb^tQ , m p^ea? c^yng of t^e apoOIcs ^c baD bene ft)Ut.;jf o^ to^cn tbe cbavnc tuas ones b^oUen^to U)ttte t^efmcere Docmne anD p^eac^mg oftt^e iSofpeU co^rupteD anD marreD, became out: anD to t\iis tx(^ ^e came cut,tbatbe mtgbtDecctuet^e i5entties,tl)ac ts to fav all people anD nations , tu^tc^ are D^util^ng in tbt foure quarters o; partes of tbe eart^ , 3l meane tn t^e to^ole tninerfaU too^lD:anD to tbe enD \i% migbt allure Gog anb Ma^ gog, namely fierce men , barbarous , toop^lDlp , u^btci^ modte anD contemne tbe true jiaeIigton,aDDict to robb^ries^auD 'geCl)alI not be^eccautb bf^iatl^an; but fo; afmnc^ as tl^ep be grounbeb on C^^tft, ttje^ ()^a]l per« feuere m t^e Doctrine of )d^op^etes anD iapo01es , anb fljall tigbtl? v»o^a)VP £i};ia,anD ab^b^re i^jittc^^iO', $ aU tumg^f t^nesint^etDOzlD. ^Dl)at D:cca 15 ut t^at fuc^ DeuiliQ) Decetn^ng W\> paflfe^ t^^ongl) t^e u^na^aii ^Qjjjj fat;j;e ^nD nere fincc tbe t^ouCanD pcarcs tuere e)cpiceD, SoSnaftct ePPecienceteac^)etb,anD!)iftojie6 to^icljarc t^ietoitneffesor Sc Souflo ^^'"^^ ^° teQifie.;Jro; it is p^apne,tbat During ^bolc t|)oufanD vmza* peares , tbere toere famous C^urcbes of Cb^iO in t^e.iCaflt, UJbicb notujit^GanDyng baue bene DcdrovcD \i}ttbin tt)efe f iue buDieD peares to our grief, srberfo^e tbe UiickcD anD ^\)s ^ominable feet of j(3Qat)omet began fijcebunojeD vearcsaftep tl^e bp?tb of C^iiQ^anD from tbat time fo^b Uias aDuaunccD bp tbe Saracens , anD pzeua^leD at t^e lad after- t^ofe ttou^ (^nDfataUveares.;foi(otx) great tljepotoer of t^c ITurUes is no\5) in AfFricke , Afia , auD Europe , no man ije>?eRcD to tbem fcluca t^c con^ fcccatvnj of ispajops . W\^t^ ijfucpco moieoucc tl)C C^uccb QooDsaUo,bpt^)e tol)tc^Cfiicljafoicc bat^ 2.aDpinonc^ )t^c? mig^t 00 m t^e tooilo \D^at c'gc)> MtJ}, ^oj b^ t^is mcaiics idapiane « ccmco ^ec ftcongeCl Cinctues . iJ93ico:icc aftcc tijofe tboufano peaces t'occc ujas capfcD \}p auo cftabliftjcD rbat i5oOMayzim,ofUjtioni alfo S>amcU uufectb mention, C!)C(2foa tol^ici) bioitgbt ai(o a gt^cat ffretigtb t>iuo i^opcrte: n ineane i^^apjim. tcanrubitauttatton^anotbe bomblepollutvngoftbe Eo;ds i^uppcr.auD mamfoloc abufce of tbe bolp miOencs.^no of tbefotcebcrcofmcceafed an infinite ttumbct: of idztcOcs and ftltbp Meiers . ilfoj after tbofc tljoufanD pcares at tl)c length came bp tbc feet 0; o^Dct; of Jjacobines , Cclcdineo > i&ilbct:^ tiwjj, 0cavfnccs, l5lacfeefnecB, w^bitefcicro, anbtnanp 0^ tbec friers, ana moftrons OSJofecs, twbtcb baue ccaftlv cropg into tbcfauonc of all }ditnce9,to tbe intent tbev migi^t Hnota all tbcir fecretcs b^ auriculae covfeOton » a;ban began all tbpngeo mo>e itnpuoen.l^ to be fct foub 9^ Colo in tbe cbnrcb> tban euer before . j^upccQittons anb \)tM)zofttable ano burt^ full ceceinonif 5 oticrfiotioeb . ifo; toe bane fcne tbirtp peares fincc ano mo;e , boU) ntucb IRbols anb Jlbolatrie « tooiQ)pp:: ppng of creatuc ee^ anb abufes innumerable about tbe famr^ fulgrmuges to Dunune SIbole , anb an infinite number at tbeiame fo;!t baue ha^V^ incrcai'cb.31 rente not bo\}} bol^ ma:s trimonp u^njreo noto \)tle alter tbofe tboufaub veares , in fa mucbaea^midersofCburcbes toerep^obibitco to marry. 2irban toajceb uibo^ebome rife, anb rape, atio abuUcrie , aui^ .^et mo;e ftftbp tbpngcs tban all tbcfe^ $c . Bl palTe ouer bere iBcrp man? tbpngesubis onclp 3Q rcbearfc > tr vc compare tbe tttes,ceremonies ano fupcrSitioB of idapiQrte tcitb tbe bea^ tbeu gcutilitic ( as 3n baue partly Qjcujco berc ano tbcrcitt mp \]oaiHcs ) ye mill fay tbat laapiQric pafTetb farrc all gett^ tilite . ;ff 0:. m caCe tbat tbe falic opinion an;) pcrDtafiouujere once tafeeatoay auo tbat yc Datajcisb \»t)at laapiftcie is m it (elfe : you mill graiuu , toat tbere mas neucr lucb a cojrapc t\i'il^z »'-i c^2 m'j;1o.;JFuJl rigbdy tbecfojc faycb ^.3]obn , tbat ^4ti;.w i&b}ol?c{ilwre oat ot'pii(ou.i3y tbe mi^ici^ p^oucrbc^^ Chdf^io. * ThcLxxxix.Sermon. ^r c fav tn ^e Rguif ict!) tijat tnattcts arc Cjctrcmciv cozniptcD , atib i^at Cn3U0;c uoi^v"5 ts Doue lit ^16 placc 01 ucccnt ojoec , but all tl)^ng !)ciit0 b?o=.fonfHfcD,aU tucncDl)p fiDeDoujne,att^e \ajiU and luft of Ucniofe. t^cemll iiritc. (Poi> ant) l^crcimto is aDDcD an otljcc tftpngmamel^ tijat to^cn t^e j^aaoBaref^O"^'*"^ Vfaccsacc cjcpiccD , ^atljan Ujall gather Gog ano Buionrco ^'agogto battatlc : 3ln tlje to^icl) todpcc Doubtlcs ^. S'.obti to.battaiic. tiatip altuDcD to tl^c p;opbccic of J!£$ccl)tcll , Vjobicl) tocreaD tn rbe.3 s.auD.sp.c^apt. i^iecbtdUccmct^ to baue pzop^cctcDof tlKioacres of iBQaccBomc ano of Antiochus, fpcakvngljcrcof bpapzopl)cttcaUpbiaCc,anDa funnotintpng ampltficatton* 2r^c }a;op^iet fa?t^ t^jat Gog is tbc lanD of Magog . anu tma Hencu IS tbat Magog U}as laphetes ronne,t)l7tcbe DtDclc at f^otmt Caucanfus , anD cjcteDcD bte iSmptre to ^^thiopia anD >^gipt.!2lnD aftectoaro out of ^Cia^anD out of tbe jE^aft pane s^ Antiochus Epiphanes matic toacrc on tl^c pcople Of i5od.2rt)e fametoasa figure of moftgreuoust9arres {l)alartfe,tDberctt)ttb tbe cbttrc^ of <5ob O^all be f^afcen anb la^o toaft . anb be faptb t^m t^ ^oftoftbefebeQroversf))allbe tnnnmerablec after tbe ma^ Iter of tbe fcripture t)e abbet^ a parable fo; mo?e plapnncfle ) as t^e (anb of t^e ^ea . anb alfo by an otbcr p^^afe of fpea^ It^ng ^e ftgntfictb^tliat tbe enemies of i5obs people C^all be bolb , anb reab? to ouermnne tl)e to^ole tioozlb , anb to tnrs mople all tljvttges \s>\t\i toarres.;^ o; be faitb:anb tbev toent tp tjpon tl)e plapne of t^e lanb . as mnc^ to fa?,as tbt? be« V"S l^i^c ^^^^ bblb , fl)all ntnne oner all tbe ^o^b . i^ueri^ to^crc,anb tbzougbout tbe toibe toozlD Q^albe crueli toarres* Cbc^ com= ;Jroi purpofelv be abbet^j : anb tbcp compaffeb about tljc paflfcu a^ tcnres of tbe ^amtes , anb tbe beloueo Cirie . I&e meanetb bout tbe tbat tbe Cbwrcb of fSob Qjal be mod grcuouflv plagueb tcit^ tent0 of tpofe iSogtcall ^ barbarous tjar res. fQ). in t^mcs pafl l&ie^ »*J^j5^f rulalcm \joas rallcD tbe cbofcnanb brloucD£itic:bnt after Sod " ^^ rciccteb t'pc Ujoib of tbe HciD , Q)C toas no moze bcloueo ' ofi5ob,butratberreierteb^batcb.2:bcrto?c^ Slobnfpea^ fectb of tbe Catbolicbe Cbn^rcb, tnbicb ^. ?3autc alfo in an o- tbcr place out of ijfavnamctb t^icrufal^tljnt isfromabouc* %\:)^ fijnc is alfo callcb tbe tcntcs of tbe ^aiurcs . ^Q% tbe ta^t^jfuU arc ix^ tlpe iL^wii) as it Vocrc in tcntcs , figbtvng a^ ga^ntt vppon the'ApocalipfrJ 27S Cha^.io. favtlj,tbrv conipaQe about tljc tcntcs of tlje ^amtcs:^c favrl) fomci23^at mojc,tIja« if f)C batj \a3jittciT, t^^ aiTavicD c? bciic- SCD,o: aOaalttD t^c tcntcs of t^e ^aintcB.f oj t^cp compaOe tbcm aboiit,\x)^ic^ (5C«c tljc aCTauU roiinD about, ^ l'C)cc tljcm moft greuoua^^as tbougb tb^V ^^re alrcaop tafecn , fo as no liopc appcamf) to aup »Hau,no? refuge ojtuav to cfcape. tauDoubtcDlp if toe conferee tbefcilHugcs vritb bvftozics, tucftalltinsctoattljcCbnccb^atb bene manv tymcs afTav- wwc!^ \tb tDitb crucUtoarccs ; but nrucc pet U)itb crueller, t^an af- ^^^.. tcctbofctboafanbfatall vcacc0. 3f! meant t^e !?o!v toarrc as nouQ^bp'v tbcv terme iuxoW^^ ^auc \D2itten at large wuiiam arc^bt^ ^oip&ar/. fl)op of Tyrus , x\}t ^bbot of ^ifpurgc in Cbjonic . JTirem Bc- nedide Colres,anD Paulus ^milius m IjlB fourib bOOUC De i cb. geftis Francorum . ;5f inallp Voiateranein ^tSCleUCtl? bOOfeCOf i5eograpblC in Coelefyria anD Paldbne. i^paoiiograpbers repozt man? tbvwscs of tbc battailc of 2rrop.£>tbcrs fuppofc tbat tbolc of 4%ia $ Babylon tuece flccater.^anp cjctoll ^t marres of tbe iscrftans ano CSQace^ lionian8,as in \)crv Dcbe tbcp t»cre bozriblc. %Y^z laomaneg tjauealfo tbetc toacres }dumcall,i3QetbttDatical,Ctutle,Cnnj bjicall,$ i5crnianieall : but 31 fuppofe iiccelp tbat tbe toarrc, tD^icbe tbep call bolv > toas inoje cruell tban all tbcfc , moje blou&bpanDraK,and of longer conttnuaunce.jjn tbisbaue loytKd togetber tn niatne battailes.,U}ttb multiruDes of mett mnmmrable,m a maner all nations ano people of tbe vubole \ajo?lD,tbatisinbabiteD.)3?onDcrfullauDmonftrouB fiaugb^ tersbaue bene maDc . :^bcre baue t^vebnio btmozcD tbou^ fonDcs of men tbati can bt crebiteD.Slt batb continiicb mo?e:= Ottcr many ycareo , vfa nio tban tbe foimcr , o: any ujarrcs tbat eucc tucrc in tbe toojlD . ;lf uutbermoze it uias bone \0Diib ntofl beably mynnes , CLnDCtbctubtcbe maUctb moll foitbfs purpofe ) in tbia toarre toccc Oy^reo \3p tbe igallerne ^ara^ cens,2rHrl?es, i^gpptians, iBabylonians, anb otbcr barbae tons narion3,fo as tbey bicm U)itb antatiuencbablc batreu agaynd i\it Cb viflian ls.eligioit, anb uient about to plucke it tep by tbe rootes, auD agceat part tberof baue plucbt ))p, and ccafenot to doc yet at tbis Day.Sbat fame toarcc tberfo;ebea Vng moQ gceuoiis of atl otbers, \3)as caufie of tbe perrecutioti of tbe faytbfnll \\\ tbe laaft anb it>cft.anb to tbe intent 31 map note auD rcbearfe foim^ajbat bcreof,foj tbofe tbat be ignoja&t mftozies: ittsplame,tbatt)nbertbatcbilDcofperDitto {dope Gregory rlje,7,t^.ECc txjcrc many anb nioft famous c^urcbea i^p.iiii* itt ChAf.20. The Lxxxix. Sermon. iw tbc fgfti!, vca anD laatriarc^all djnrc^cs ^tt fafe, iSut tol^M Ua tbts idopc abottc ail ott)er6,Deatt tutcftcDiv againft Xb^tll tbe fonnc of i5oD, anD bts bolv Cbnrcb » Ipbc asA3?e rcan xxk tbetvmc of Salomon, ti)at after be baD tcnoIteD, many cne« tnve0 arofe agapnd bpm,anD tbofe mo(t crudl: To tn tbc totcs IteD anU tpjantHCall raigue of Gregory tbCfcUCntb, Solymanne 3lnf t^me tbe 2:urUc imtaDCD 0nttocb, at tbe tvbtcb tvme tbc icmpeo ofpo^ec&rc rouc6ofi5rcrcarerapDetobauc bene tufpatcbcn out of tbe Boji?ti;c.7. jeaftcoimtrie. ami tbe STucHes maccbittg fo?cujacDc, arc cuU0bcgan fgpoe to baue inuaDeu anu t)t)ccD, ficft tbe Orattcs o? pojts of tooBcrflow tbcCafptanebitlc0,aniitbecontttrie of Armenia, about tbe V^'^^^ofourlloiD.7^4. 'xo\ittttil tbcre ts notu tto tpmc to J{)eafec. after Solyman fucceeueu Beichiaroke a SETurbf fbc idttttcr, ti^bom otber0 call Belzet, lobo alfo innatieD f5rece it fcife, in oerptgbt of tb'e x^mperours of Conftantmople. Alexius, tobo tbcn uias ^ntperour.ts fapti to baue ziemauttDcD avtie of tbe Vs^edentemenasavnfttbe^rurbes. anD alfo one Peter an i^errmtte (U)bom ccrtapne }^t(h>2tosrapber0 blame moft greuouflp,not tottbont caufe) commtng out of tbe lE^aft , anti tunumgtb^ougbouttotbexDcft.crpetbaiacme. Vrbanc tbt feconi), ujbom fomc call Turbane, an& ntfctple of Gregory tbe Ci)c coun^ 7.calleD a great counfell at Clermounte in ;rraunce, tob^retti fcu of cier be propounded a quedion fo; tbe recouering of tbe bolp lano, mount. and fo; tbe deltuering of tbe Ilo;d0 (epulcb^e out of f bandes cftbe3lnftdelle0. irbat counfell puttetb me in remembiaficc of tbat Vobicb i0 dcfcnbed iw tbe. s.booKe of jEipngc^ tbe.ix, cbapiter,\)ndcc Achab and loiaphat, fo| tbe recouering of ifta^ tnotb i5ilead , outoftbebande0 oftbe^v^t^^s* ^0; tberc t^as in tbt0 alfo a decciuing (pirit : tbere tocre Achabs> tbere toere lofaphats, and manp otbcr tbptigcs Ipfee. and to tbc in* tent not to mabe mant \X)O2&C0) a iourneptDa0 decreed a^ gainK tbe barbarous inftdcls of tbe igaft. %\^iz tDa0 done in tbc pearc of our ILozd. lo^j. 3in tbc mcanc tpme Petcrtbe l^crcmitebcftp^rcdbpm apace, and gatbercd ccrtatne tbou* fandC0^ t»btcb be led tb^ougb lid ungartc into ana. andim* wcdiatclp after, fsltotocD t0c \jn!ucKv captapnco Folkemar, ^ jijottfchaikc }ajiellc8,U3bo bp t!}e txjay dcClrovingail ujub fiec tind fvoo^De^VDcre flapnc. at tbc laR 'Godfrey ^ Uaid wyne moft nrhpfirft "'5^^^ ja;ince0,tt)itb certapnc ctccilr ntCaptavniB «uo noble Si°einto toarriour© conufvcd an iimunirrabtc n;jiiiitai!COf«;en into \ bo'p lanD. ^Ti^^J tt)btcb tbcv fap t»ao done in f^i vtare cf cur iLo?D. 109^^ and vt>itbin,4.pearcs fpacc at ti?c moftjOj tbjtc, ti^cp bad taa vppon the Apocalipfc- 477 Ckjif.14] futn b\> affauU oj fncrgaip^tlje €,ixitz of ii^icc,]^emcle«,3rar^ ru8, antiocl),anu J^icriifalcm. arijc aijbot of mjfpttcgc, re* pouet^ t^at tljere uiae fo muct) blottn f^ei^ m tbe cttte of l^ie^ rufalem, tbat m tbc twcv t^npJc « fclft, tbc Ijojfefi ftoobe \)p to tbe Unees in cbe blouD of cl^e Oai^nc tbete. 97be fat^e man tellecl) of a notable batcapic fougbten at affeilon, in r tobicb about fiftene tboafanD footemcn^anb fiuetbonfanb bojfemcn 1^ not«bu of Cljiillians, ouectbjeU)e ano bircomfitcb Solunanoc of 25as batta^ic. bp!ott,fitmia)eDU)ytbanI)unD]ieDtbouranb bo^fcmen, ax^ fourc bunbieo tbonfano footemen, and tl^at tbere toerc aatne tntbatbacta^Ie,aboneanbunbiedtbon(anDmcn. lainD tijpff tonmc^ of Godfrey toas t^c ficS ^monges tbc tno^tbf tpagCSefSyriaOf Afia. 1. aftcc tbis tj^agc follo^eb otbere moe, anbtbofcber? tocll fumiQ)cD . fQ% in afmncb as tbe Wtaiit anb goon lucHe of tbem tbac uoent firft into f i5att toas bigblp eptoHet ^ ftnocommenoeDtbtongbouttt^en^cd: William id^ince ann IDuHcof^oicticrs being put in great bope, leo alCoanbun* DieD ti^oufano footemen into tbe isatte countcie , arb^ ?eare of our ILo^D teoas accompteD* no:. ]3nt of Co gt;eat a number fcarcclpone t^oTanbe are tojitten to baue returneb borne jnfafetie. 3. lafter in tbepearc of onr 2Lo}b.ti47. Ctb;ongb tbe ejcboi^ tation of Barnarde Clare ualle) Lewis 3&pngof;ffrannCC, attD Coarade Uvpng Of i3crmanic,ano Fridcdcke isjincc of ^uja* lano.tooKe tbeir iournep into t^e iSafte, xo\^q leo \xi\t\^ t\it\xi an ^Kmiz almoft innumerable: but tbe fatne bpeb in a manec all, ana (caccelp tbe {dances toere lefte on Ipue, 4-. Bin tbe peace of our Hozo. M89. (U)bat tpme tbe Cttte of ibieruralemtDastalcen bptbe soidane jQiing of }derria^\»bere tbe Cbu^ians bab kept it onclp about. 89. vearesjjsrbej^m^ pcroUC Fridericke fuCnamCD Barbarouflc , Philippe l^png Of J^rauncf ,Rychard jQivng of englanu,an6 otber ounces mott putOauut, Icuied an eitceentng gtcat ^rmic of Cbiiden peo- plc^torecoucr tbeCiacanD jl^olp lanoe: anb \)erp lucket? trafpoitcD tbttr ^rmie into ^[ia , \i\xt aitertjoaro tbep bab >ota ^ rp eupll {ix-i^z, S^Qi tbe lempccouc Friderkke toas Dzo tontoj aut) t9c ^.?Ql£4cmic ( as Vrfpargcnf. teftifietb; bpeo of t^e plague. f . 5rie fiftc \jpage into §>pjia ( bcpng famous in beebc> toas mabc Op tbe moft migbnc kpngs Philippe of ;Jf raimce, (i Richard oflgiljUiia fllCtiamrb Cwur de Lion. ^CbCiamCOiaS. boaetut^epcareofourilop. n^(. ^oa);ett ti^ep rctuaKO^ Chsf.u. TheLxxxix.Scrmoft tDtt^ont dM^ tooo^tl)]? orploite done, tuantpng not a &be of t^ctrmcnne. i, anD Palmerius a Croitograp^cr fa^tl) , tbat ©cwirt^e fonnc of tl)c Cmpccour Barbaroufle, fcnt an arinic into ^^a ria: to^icn rctMrncD agavne tbc ncjit pcarc. STbc C-^jiftians t^crfo:rl)cvugDcRttutcofavocjn^V?i^> Joft Ijitcrlvall tftc uominton, ttiat t^cv ^au leftc* i^c notctd tl?cfc t^v"SS w tljc ycarcofoHclLoiD.iiys. 7. 2lgavnc,tn tl)c vcatc of one ILojU^iirj. |dopc 31nnoccnt t^t.3.ot iW name Cent l}ts letters pnt)iicbe to all r^e faithful of C();ia, tDljeretn ^e cjc^o^teii t^em to taUe arntouc aga^nft Innocent t^e3HnfiDellc0, to^tc^ poffcCTci) tl?c ftolp lano. 31fanp man «)c.?.a0t)to b^wc Icvfure, auD lift to rcao t^cfc lcttcc0,^e ftjall finue t^cm vrbane In t^e C^jonic.of Vrfpurg. ^nD not long after in t\^t vcarc of fl)c. j.rm3= one JLojD. ^^ i y, ^e l)clDc a gcnetall coufcll in Ilaterane,toljei's ft^aiarme. tnl»arre U7as oecreeo agavnfl tbe i^aaetlinges. ^no alCo Hoaoriust^ie.^. abont t^e veare of our Jlojli.ui7.treatetl) and confirmet^ttiefamet^vng. :n7l)erupon tnanp£li)}i(^]d;tn^ ceB mette at acod, u^^tcti fomettme was Pcoiemais,anD made moitall warre tppon t^ie jeafterl^nges. ^^eretn t^ep toofce t^e noble cttte Damuta . ytt neither t^e enoe not fritite aunf^ toercD fo great enterp;iifes,anD cofles.perilles ano loOcs. 8, Sr^crefoje Fridericke t^e. t. an ismperonr moft ejccellenf, |)oppng to Doe fome gooD, inarcltieo alfo toptb an bnge an& toell fttmtQ)eD armie into t^e i^aR: U}l)tel) tbe^ fap toas Done mtbeveafcofonrEo^D.i^^. Sint^emeane feaTon \33^vltS ^(.iic!tt)alpamitl? vx t^e ^saa, t^e la^H^oppe of jl^ome Ore:: gory tbe.p. of t^at name, tai^pnganoccanonO] tjfef tsojdes /rhtjaooc iDfvtfpurgenfl)oft^e abfcenceof tbe iSmpcronc fern a great ftttctb*p6 armie into Apulia, ano toofeeatoap tbelanDesoft^cigrapCtf ti)e tiempe^ rour^tu^ U)as abfent in tbe (ernice of Cb^ifi (!03it^\t^ is tncd roar in ti)e tuirtceD to be fpoben) a^^ept tbem tbus fubDuen to bts otvne 7i7eft,tDt))p= tit^ ano bp no meanes tooulo fuffer tbofe toubieb ^an tabc tl^e ^^^ ^^^ ^^^V ceoCfe (t^at is to fav, tobicb ft)oulD goc a toarfare to tit wttjintijc igji^pcroiic) to tafee fl)ppping 0? paOage, but Ictteo tl}tm to ^ bv>s potocr afts^el in !^pulia as in i,umbdri)ie.!2lnD mo?e fuel) ftiiffc, tobic^ t5)ep map reao tbat i)mt lepfure^m t!?e fame* :S9bccfo;e t^e jc^mpcrour bcpng cadrapntii^lefte bis matters imperfect tbere, ano falling to accmpofuto tuit^ tbe euemp, munted,tbatbempg^trecouerfnc^ t^pnges as t^e iaope baa taften from bpnu 9 ano no long time after, to toitte in tbe peare of onr Eotb «^8, Lewij JJtpugof ;JiTa«mc tt>it^ ^ts bjet^ijen Kohertc ano^ ^ielM Charles,, Vppon the Apocalfpfe. 2 S o c^, Chiirles, and H moft pmiraimtacmv,faplei» into ^Viia,tobere Robcrte toas aavnc,anD Charles being tA'^m b? tbe ^olDaue toas barDip bcltuet:eD at tbe Iaft,am) uiitb a fetoc eCcapcb. arbe fame fepiig Lewis of f caujc, mtbepeare of owcHoiii II 7o« tmbarbcb bunfelfc \3)n^l)is t\)}tt fonncs at 0Qarfclte0, to faplc into aff«cfec.a:bc plague lpgl?tcu tjpon ^ps acinic m tbe enemies lann, \i7berof botb tbe father $ tl)e fonne Dteo, auD tbe \33bole acmie receiueo an ejccetbpng gceat calamities 2lnb agapne.altbougb tbev ban but eutU fauouceb luci^e in tbe tnacccs agapttft tbe I3aebarian0, vet toas it tteucrtbelelfe treatebagapne in t^ecounfelt of JL^onz tmtieri5rego^ptbe lo.abautt^epeaeeofouclLozD. u73»of cecoucnng tbe bol^ lanb. ^nbPaimerius in bis Declaration of tbe peace of ouc Hoio.u^i.fait^ ti^n9:l3ecaure manp t^oufanbes of tbeCbM' aians \3)ere Hwgnt in ^p^ia bp t^e ^aracenes, all t^e reft fo$ feace fieb out of tbe counttic«^nD tippon tt^e Cb^onicle of t})t bpngcs of if rauncC) Aemilius, (apt^ be, mabe ^ere an enbe of tbe boiv ujarceCto t0itte,in tbe peace of ouc E'Otb. ir^iOtobeti pcoiemaisintbei^afttnasDeftcopeD bptbe ^blbane* 5|t is man{feftc(iecefo;etbatt^is]3acbacous anb gogicall toacce lafteb about. 1 95 .peaces. ^0 long tpme as 5] bnoto no ot^ec toacce in y ujo^lb p euec \»a5 maoe bp fucb obftinate minbes toptb fo great armpes, anb fo mucb Cbebpng of mans bloub» ipe fee in tbe mcane tpme t^etentes of t^e ^aintes, anbt^e beloued citie of i5od, to toitte,t^efaptl)full Cl^nccb tbioug6^ out tbe toailD in tbe iSaft efpeciallp.anb in t^e meft alfo^to be moft greuouap aSfiicteb^anb mo^e tii^a opp^elTeb anb beOrop^^ cb, a fewe fmall remnaunts onelp remapning : fo as toe ma? pccceiue it U)as not toit^out caufe ttiat tbe ILo;b fapbe in tbe i3ofpeII:but \x>ben t^e fonne of man l^allcome, O^alll^e finbe anp faptb on tbe JteactbJ 2rge moft ^oip auD mic 0^opl)ct of i5ob Darnell temet^ ^ntign to ^auc fozeCene anb piopbefieb all tbofe tbiitgcs,as be nia alt place oe tbe reft cocerning auticbiift. foi after \)t bao IpoHen at large ^^^*^^L oft^epotuer ofsamicbjift, an!) tbe ujo^ftjipping of tbe iSob^f^^lfJJJ^ fSBjapjim agamft tbe apoftles inft!tution,be aaiopnetb in t^ie „ X^t n.cbapt. anb in tbe tpme of tbe enae (to \3oittc,\»bcn tbe en^ ' ' ^* of tbeujojla aub tbe laU iubgcmcnt appiocbc ) tbere ft)aU fee bpjn bpm, namelp t)pou ^uticbziil, tbe Upng of tbe ^outb^ anb tbe '&'anb Mai paifv* t^piigb>tbat ista Cbdf,u. The Lxxxix. Sermon ie to fa]f ,l)e d) ^ll ottercome all li^c n conquctottc Doitts ti^^ ^e lift. ^0% tue Ijauc fcene bo\» tl)e armies fent tttto ti^e i^ad bi? t^c counlelles miD motion of tl^e Bv(l)cp of Iftome , ^atie moledcn t^e aJttrUes and alfo tt}e ^oloane of BaUplon ano „ j[8g^pt,boti) bp (ea auo by tano. xr^bat \»tU v^ fa? cbat Danti a etl poitu^ngas it mere tuytb bio fmgar to tbe u^arre tbat ts ^ calicb boly^adoctb ^ ^c (l)a!i come alfo imo tbe cbofen taub, tmtabe tbe lanD of Dcfire: namely Ble\(]};?> t^bicbfometvme tDoaff calleb tbe cbofen, oekctable^ anb picafaunt lano * Snd man? (b^H fall in tbe t^arre tbat Cbali be mabe foi tbe recoue* ringoftbebol?1anb.5itfailovx>etbiit^antell, tbere{ball be beliuereb ottt of bis banb , £dom anb Moab, snb tbe id^nces of tbe cbilbjen of Ammoi^ . 5Poj tbofe nations are not rca to bane been fo bcftroyeb as tbe reft t9cre,bv t^e ^araccnes, anb after bp tbe sriirttcs, foj tbat tbep frameb tbcmfclucs to tbem in tyme. Daniel! aune]cetb>anb be ft)all lay bis banbes topon realmes.neitber iiynW tbe ianbe of egypt ercap?.;f o^ it is cuibent, tbat tbe fame alfo toas poftcfTeb by tbe ^olbanes tobotoereid^inccsof l5abylon, anb b^ tbe icmperours of S^urHye. 3lt follotoetb^anb be Q)all t^ane tbe rule of tbe trra« Cures of golbe anb filuer, anb of alt tbe precious tbynges of tbe Egyptians. By tbetobicb tbe id^opbet batb fignifieo tbe tneftimabletrearuresanbrtcbes,ano tt)e eiccellent j^ateftie 6f fbc j^olbanes, anb ^Turbif^e i^mperours. i^ll tbe tubic^ tbynges.euenroastbe^^opbet batb faybe, ejcpericncep^o^ ttetb to bane been, anb pet fttll to be fulfiUeb. srbe idjopbet ilbbCtb)finally tbe Lybians ^ Aethiapians Q)all be inbtS iOHC^ tieyes- :(x>bicb tbe olbe tranOatour b^tb turneb. S^e Ot^aXl paCfe alfo tb;ougb lybia anb Aethiopja: o; as otbers bane tranfta^ feb iu tbey a)Jill be in bie ^ay. i^nb be mranetb tbat tbofe re^ Sions fbal be open to tbofe l3arbarous ^oloanes ano €m« pecours of 2rurbes> by league, \)tcinitie, ano amine* s .Hie^ rome e)cpounbingtbis place; toben ifgypt^ (aytb be>tt7as taa> lten> tbofe lanbes were alfo aftrayoe. ^berfo^c be iaytb not, tbat be toobe tbem: but pafTeb tb?;ougb Lybuano Aethiopu^ :3R>betber fence of tbefe fo euer tbouebofeft^tbou fbalt not crre as 51 ibinKe from tbe truetb. ^nb ^^niell aobetbi tbe b^ute itomtbe tSaft anb from tl^e f^ottl) fball trouble bym , in fa tnucbtbatbe (ball goe fo;tb inagreatfurietobcftroycann kyll many* srbe tobicb i^.Bierome Q)c\»etb muft be tnber^ tanb of ^nticb^ift. 2:be )dope of mome afftrmetb tbat tbe ^atttarcball feates, JU HicruiaXero,Antio£lie anb Alexandra are (ubica tO binianH- tbat vpon the ApocalipfeJ 281 Chaf ,29, tW t!)e bolp laD t0 ttgl)t. !lnD t)c ^earctI),out of t^e i3all, anb omofti^c.fjiou^t^at aUtl)ore parts are poflTciTeD of t^e ^olx) Dance.ano i^mperoucs of S^uri^es : ^e caltct^ tl)erfo;c great connrei0,anD Decreet!) toarre agapnQ t^em.l^e ^earetl^ moie ouer tt)at Conftantmopie is tafecn, t^at t^c Rhodes is toonue, DaImatiarttbDueD,BulgaricanO HungarietJanquif^eO. (fC« iSlc gapnc tt)crfo2e l)C ruutmonct^ counrd$,t)e armet^ binges, ^e leaDetl) fo^^ rouiQiours^l^c mouet!? toarre, ano Decreet^ t^ac toarre (l)aU be maoe foz tbe recoaervng of tbc ^olp fattD , $ to roote out t^e siurbes. ^0 terely t^is Gogmagog ^ps isarre is not ^et tmtn 0; appeafco at tbts oap. :x>berbv tt commetly to paOe tbat an infinite tnuItituDe of men are aapne on eitf^et; fioe . ifurtj^ermoze attbe eno of tbts }d;opbecte , tbeidzo^* pt^ct O^etpetb^auD as it u^ere tDic^ bis fingar pointet^, tbe pa lace 01 rcateofamicbuftfi5«i'co before in Antiochus : Icattas n? man djoulD not bno\D,U)bcreanticbjift tJoere to be fomiD* (^^ f^jfj 0nD be Q^all plante, (a^tb be, oz fiji;e tbe tabernacle of ^is pa^ f palace of iace bcttoijrt tuoo ^eas:to toitte tbe ^ab^iaticali^ea , caUeD 9nttc^;ia« ttoU) tbe gulfe of menife , anb tbe j^irrbene 0^ Ernfcane ^ea, tn tjbe mount of Defire of bolpnes : tbat is to (ap in t^e pleads ^nt ano bolp bHl i^e baue bearo certeinip , ttjat t\it palace of ^,^tm is pzefcrrcb botb befoje mount sion, anb alfo before Siwai.irbere fittctb f moft boIp,in tbefeate of bolines, a^l^erc is mod full remiffion of all finnes.arbere is tbe motber , ant) fupzeme beab of all C^urc^cs ^ irbcre is t^ie bisb Court and tuogement^from \3)^ence map no man appeale. jCbere fitter^ tbe bpng of Upnges.anD bisb l3pQ)op , xaW^^ To farre qxtU letb in bzig^tnes anb iSQaieap t^e i^mperour $ ott)er iting^, as tbe^unne Dot^ tbe a^oone ^ ^tarres.:3rtere istbougbc to be perftt bolpnes,anb all tbe tceafurts of Cbitft anb of 5i« ^aintes.:irberfo^e fapo IDantell rigbtlp^tbat ^ntic^^ift Q^all btDclI xjx tbe noble ^m bolp bill -, namelp in tbe feucn ^ill? iaome:as toe bearb alfo in tbe. 17. cbapt. ;jf inallp bf pjopbe- cietb alfo of t^e enb of tbts moS puiOannt ja^ince, ^nticb^i^, anb laptb : ano UJbat tpmc be fl)all come to kis enb , no man Q^all bclpe bim . fm Cb^tfl commpng to iuogemcnt , (l)all tbzutt btm out of bis fcate,3lnb 2)aniel in tbe. i t.c^ap.foloto^ l?ng, befcribetb tbe iuogcment. 2:0 C^;ift alone be glo?p» iLet bs conrcquentlp pzoceoc to abbe a feU) tbpnges . con^ eempng tbe papncs of tbe tjngoblp, anb tbe euerlaftpng con^ acmnation of tbe S>euill aub bis members . ^ . 31obn taptb: anb fire came bourne from beaticn, anb zieuoureb tbcm . ^nb t^e idpp^ct ^mos in tbe, i ,c^ap, callet^ 0obs ^jengeaume, fire. Cha}.zo\ ThcxcSermon ficc^ae t^e ottjtrs to alfo. xrbccfoic ^.3r.o^tt ftgr.iffet^, t^at t^c \)Cttgeauncc of i5oo ftinll fall tpon all t^c enemies of tftc C^urcl).31n tpmes paft alfo fire commpng Dotone from ^ca^ tien burnt t)p Sodomc anD Gomorrhe : ftttD alfo confiiweD tlje memoes ofj^elias.annalt^oug^ cajpo^allp fire fiotbnot altDai?es£aU from ^cauen, vet ajallt^e perCecntours of t^r riurcl) neuer cfcape tjnpmtifljeo, foj tftat ttjep ^laue \je)ceo t^e ^aintes of Cljuft. SDoubtlee iftoevoiUl)e^oi&atiDconrfJjer» to^at toao Done in tl^at ^olv tDarre,anti feo^at c^attncet^ Da?« !V,\joe\3}iU(a]?t^artl)e teengeannce offdoD istnofi p^fent tot^ agavnft t^e SJur^rs ano t^e idapiSes . i3ut if an^ mats ta^e tt,t^at about t^e eno of t^e tt)o;lo fire fl^al rage anb con^ fume tbe a^fo ^ .peter metuioneD of fire and \mu t»vttg,out of tbe j9jopbetec.i.}9cr.3 .31 toiilbcaga^nft it, 9.aa of all ^e totttljetb alCo tl)e etterlafi^ug Damnation of ^atban anD all bis membere.ilf o; \3)b( re tbe Ho^b TatD in tbe i5ofpell,tf tbeblinD leaDe rbe bl^uDe > botb (baK fall into tbe bitcbe: itfollotoetb,tbatbotb ^atban tbe Deceiner , anD tbt people bp bim (eDuceo , mud be caricD togetber to bell . iSlntt ^ere i^. jjobtt nots? placetb,anD as it\uere to^etb tbe beutlU Gog anD Magog, tbe ^aracenes, anD ^urbes , anD b^tcfl^all nations tbat bane beneDcceineD , ans tbe beaCt , an6 tbefalfie |a;oipbet,anD all tbe lanticb^idians togetber.3»>e feetbetfo^, tbat tbe iuDgemem ofOoD isrigbtcous,tbe tobicbto Def^ cr4be,b^ returnctb uou? againe. icluD B] baue \varneD ^ou be^ fo?c,tbat b? bis fpeacb,tbcv fbal be toimenttD Da? anD nigbt* 9C . 2rbe perpetuttie of Damnation is fignifieD » j^rom tbt tobicb tbe Ho^D our 0oD Deliuer bs;to t^bom be glo^v ^^\ ^* uermo^e.^men, i[l!Dbe 37uDge,aiiD m^ tuDgement iis DermbeD».tuitb tbe xu furreatQuoftbebeao. ■ The xc.Sermon, ^Nd I fau- a great white featcrand hym that fat on it^ from whofe face fled awaye both the earth and the heaucn,and their place was no more founde. And I faw tJic dead, both great and fniall ftand before God : and the bookes were opened : and an other booke was o* pened, which is (the bookc)of lyfe , and the dead wcra iudgcdby the ihyngs which were writtein the bookesi ac- vpon the Apocalipfc. 282 Chaf ,2^, accortJyng to their deedes . And the Sea gauc vp her dead, which were in her , and death and hell deliuered vp the dead, which were in themrand they were iudged cuery man according to his deedes. And death and hell were caft into the lake of fire . This is the fecond death, and wbofoeuer was not fou ndc written in the bookc oiY^it;^^z caft into the lake of fire, ^ . jlolin liaD 6egon to fpeabe of tlje^nttttcrall mtti laff ^^ ^^^ foDgcmcttf, about tl5c cnD of t^e. 1 1 .chapter. atiD rcfumco t^e oj DifpoQ= famctobcfmiO^cD mtl?c.i9.c^apt.»?becctt)et)caco,t^acian- tton oftjjdg ticb^tft n)Ouiobcc^zotDettdotDneout of ijts fcate ano gloz^P^^* into bell.)37^cce cl)aucei) a qucQton to acife concenivng tt)em, tcbic^ att^oug^ ttc^ deattc not to autic^jiff, ?et arc tjcp not toyncti \Dit^ £^2iQ,VDl)at a^ali becontc of t^cm at ti^e laO tuD^ genientii^auvng aiTovIcDt^efamc,anl) Qjctioeu t^c equine of 430DS tuDgcmentes , ^e ccturnet^ as it toeretnitt) an aftct; fong to t^e Defcription of t^e gcnrrallanZ) lad lUDgemet, and compenDtona? oefcribetti ti^c lame : anD t^at mo^e generally M0U3,ti)an befoic in t^c, t?. chapter . ipl^cce ^e femtt^ c^icflp to I^auc treated of tl)e Dc£truttion of ^ntic^^td : pet fo as ^e {l)etDeD after a (oit airo,U)^at Q^oulo t>appen to t^e ot^et: tm^ gorilp . Boto ^e baolet^ mo?e gcnecaUp t^e felfe fame iuDgc<» inet,Q)Ctt)Vug t^at all fljall be utngeo bcrcin,anD ft rtet^ fojt^ the fame iuijolv as it tocre paiiucD to be fcne of our cpc6.;jifoj after bis tsjonteo mancr ^c fettct^ fojt^ all t^'s matter by an ijeauelp ^ifion^t^at be ntigbt not feme onelp to tell t^e t^v^^S to our earcs,but alfo to fl:)etxi \i fou^ to be fene of our eves,to tbe intent it migbtbcmojeDetpelp pztmeo in our mpnlits^ 0nd all t^efe tbpnges are mod certeine anD t)nDoabteolp(as 31 alfo admonidbeo vou before } reuealeo bp t^e iuDge C^;t(l ^im felfe* lS>\xt t^e inoge anD Ho^D t^im felfe can be ignoiannt in noibvng of tbis matter . ij^eit^er can toe perceiue t^at ^» 3]o^n Ipat^ bct^erto beene DeceiucDo^ abufeDin anpt^png tl^at be bat^ fet fo;tb to t}s , but ^at^ ^ttte tiglitlp all anD ftn« gular pointes,acco^Dpng as toe fee , tobo can teQifie ^is p^o^ p^ectes to be fulfilleD.:r bp tban Q)oulD toe fo muci) as Doubt once of fucb tbpnges as arc fpofecn of t^e iuDgementiarbera fo^ let ^9 creDite tbcfe tbpnges, $ not be ^nonged tbe moc^ bets ) tobom t^e ^poftlc ^ . ideter p^op^ecieD Q^oulD come anD (ap:to^erc is t^e pjomife of bis commpng^Doubtles tbis matter \% of iv^x great tmpo^tauncc , anD \% t^t fonnDatioti chap, 29. Thc.xc.Sermon (snie cottC' (f rooteofottefavtli.l&ctearcto\)sc)cpoliDcu nofafctoa«i:s Deration of clcs Of OttC fittcecc ^ CatljolicUc fapt^ , cl^ieflv tWt : 31 bcUuc ti)eiaftm^= tl)at £^:tft (^al come to iiiogc t^ic quicbt (t tl^t licaD:3] bdeuc gement is (Je cominuuioii of ^aintes , t^c rcftirrcction of t^e flcfl) anii ofgreatcjt i«fccttct:laftpng. a.ct\j6t^ccfo?e be Diligent m^earv^ganli importance j^acfe^ng t\)ck t^)vngc£3,Icaft toe be accomptco of tbcic num^ ber,\x»bic^ bcarc tbe miacrics of t^e fevngtjome of eon toitlj out an? fruite : (t let \}s rather prepare ouc felucs to go mete tbc iuogc , to tbe eni) \i)C map toitb tbe toife t)icgins , entcc tijitb tbe biiDgcome,to tbe manage, anu iopes eueriaft?ng, Cbe p^n ? Sinti tbe Defcrtption o^ bemondratton of t^ts Witm batt^ cipaiiartt^ tbeCetb^ngescbieflpttx^bat tbe iuoge a)aUbe:\3)boa)aUbc des of tw imjgei):bo\cotbe?[l)allbeiiiDgeD:ofujbatfo?teft)albetbcre:9 ^lace, fucccction of tbc oeaD: of eucrlaft^ngijamnationjanD final!? tobo f^all be pzopcdp uamneD. ro\)ii\) tbvnges 31 fl)aU in o?- Dec(acco?bpng to tbe grace tbat 0oD ^atb geuen me,)Dec!acr asplapnelpaB3lcan. tobat itibge xvW manec of inbge tbere fl)all be , toe Ijaue tinbcrlto^e at tbe laft before : at tbis piefent be is fljabovxjco by certcinc notes o j w&geincnt. marbcs.arbcfe tbpnges agree vuitb tbe fame \)ifion,tDbicb is Defcribeo of S)aniell m bis.7.cbapiter. xo\)tvc b? tbe toav ttje fee agapne bote tbis boofee batb bis tcjctes out of tbe lajo^j pbetes , by \xibom it is commenDeb to \}0 , Itl^e as 3lobn alfo oepounoetb tbe lazopbetes t)nto tis . ^ . 31obn feetb a fcate> pea anb a vubite ano great one . Sroi tbe iuoge bim fclfe favb, tbat be tooulD come m glo;? anb maieOte^to toitte toitb great Itgbt.i^no toe beleue alfo tbat bis tubgemetes are rigbteotts, ind anb txibite . ^nb Aretas an ejcpofitonc faptb : tbe Ccate ts great , becaufe be (ittetb tisercin , of tobom tbe }a?opbct fapo: greatis tbe JLojb,anD great is bis potoer. $c . sano be fittetii in tbe (eate as iubge of all, anb as moQ rigbteous , f urniQ)eti toitb all po w er ano tiertue.;^ o; all tbis fignifietb tl)e toojD of fitting. arbep tbat are to be iubgeb,ftab,bnr^e fittetb. ffi^ber^ foje be calletb bim tbat fittetb , as you tooulb Cap inbge . ;f oj otber name be gcuetb not.But U)e beleue, tbat all iuDgement is geuen to tbe fonne , anb tbat be is appointeb iubge onet; «ll.^.3lobn tberfojc fcetb,anD alfo a)e\xjetb tjs to bebolb tbr Eo?D 3]efus Cb?itt compng in tbe cloubes of tbe apje, a rigb- teous anb migbtp iubge . ^ . jaaule alfo in tbe . i . to S:«U3 calletb bPJH a great «5od: not tbat tbcre is one grcvit i5oJ> auD an otber little i3ob : but tbat tbe O^aiefiie of our ILo?li 31efu Cb^tOdjall at tbat bap moft euioemlp be fcne ,anb tl)C i.opt)pi9(elfc Q}all ti)anf^e\»!7pmC€lfc tot^e toojlbtoit^ area* vpon the Apocalfpfe. 283 cha^.20. greatet; glot? Aul)poiBer,e^.itt etter l^ececafote. aifo 1)£ fljail appeare moll fcucrc aniJ mod iuft. »?beriipon :f to feOofe ^ .1loi)n bv a favnittg of peribn faptlj^ftom tDl)ofc face fieooe ^s^^ 'jwue atoap bot^ IJcancn anD eait^ Jf oj if t^ofc twinges tol)ict) ^atic ^^^^ nor rmncD, Dare not come in ti)e tiiDges ftg^t, but fceUe as it toere to fane tbe mfclncB bp fligi)t:iDbere 311 pzav ^^^^ ^l^^ ^^P^" peace tbet)ngoDlpanDfinners i i^nDDoubtleetbe^jopbec 0Qalacbp alfo fattb: \o\^q fl)all abide tbe Day of ^is comming; 0; tD^o is able to (!anii,tobcn ^e Qjall apprace l ^0 in tf)e fijcc e^aptec toe beaco, tbat beaucn fleb baclte, ano toas foibent^p tpHea fctolle, tl^at tbc motmtapnes alfo anb 3]le£ flittcb, anb t5at l^pnges anb {dances anb otbcr men bpbbetbfmfelnes in cauee: anb fapbe to tbc biUcs anb rocKrs , fall tppon tis, mn bpbe Mb from tbe face of ^pm tbat fittctb on t^e fcate^anb fcomt^e tojatb of tbe lambe.^cXp tobicb vx>o^bcs altbougb ^c befctibcbtbe cffccte of a befperate confcisnce out of tots ruptebectrine: pet tbe fame (V^all appeare cl^iefelp in tbps tubgement,U)^attpmetbeficttcreanb moft rtgj^tcous htbge fl)att appeare . ^ mncb Iptte figure is reab in tbr>i s.^dfalmc. 3X7bcreas bcre is abbtb, anb tbeir place was no mo^c founb: It is anncjccb to ampltfte tbe matter,not tbat bcaue anti eartl^ fl^all be no U)bere, but fo^o muc^ as tl)cp bare not (toi^icb is Q)oftcn bp a figure) appeare in tbe tubgement of i5ob, arco^^^ Ding as toe fap , t^at a man baretb not {l)cU)e bps face anp tCDbere, 0^ tbat be baretb not carp in anp place . Bp all t^ef? tbingcstberfojteisfignifieb, tbat t^e \)ngobIp bepng beftt:' tntcofallcounfell, (Ijall not Hnovue at tbat bap Ujbctbcr to tnrnc ti)cm, oz tobat to boe: but tuitb trembling anb befpaic fl)albc\je]ccd\Mitbtonrpcafecab3c tojmentcs before tbcfeate, 31t map be t^ugbt iw tbe meane rcafon,tbat i9E>.3|otin fignifi=:^ et^ tbts alfo, bovo btauen anb cart^ aiall at tbe commpug of tbe iubge be teneweb . ^be to^icb alfo tbe ^px^Oie ^.iactet^ moie plapnelp eirpieffct^ in t^e. 3 .cliapter of b tbat eucrv one map receine in \ii^ boD^ accozbing to tbat be batb Done, tobetber it be gooD ouuiU.t* Co2intb.5.cbapt.bntafter abiucrs maner appeare bdtb gooD aiiD eiiill. ^0^ tbe toiclteD as gtltte are bpugbt to be iuDgeD anD pimiQ3eD,anD tbat tbeir giltines map be opcnlp Imotoen Cbe bit:: tQ jjii creatnrcs. 2rbe gooDCfojafmucb as tbep be iuOifieD^nd se:tbentbevtbatfeareDtbeEo;dfpabeeuecpcine to bv^ tiepgbbonr: tbe Eozb gatte care anD beard, anb a boohe of re^: tittmbjaunce tras mabe in bis piefence.^c. ^s folio\x)ctb. 2r^erfo2c toben tbeir faoofecs tuece openeD,tbat is to fav, tbc ftcretesofallmenbjougbtto ligbt, oz maDc manifcft, tbe. S/Ozb Q)all iubgc tobatfoeuer barb been tbougbt, fayb. Done, oz left Unbone. 2;be boosts alfo of confcienccs (foz tbecon^ Ictence is m &cad of a tboufanb tsottncfifes) (l)all be opcneb tti WDgnncmbv f3oD,tDbo toill reueale $ inbge ail tbings.jif oj ^,}8aul(fpeafemg of t^e i5etils)t^cp (aitb be: (^£to f U30zU& of tbe la\jjt tojitten in W^txx bactes, tbeir confcicnc c alfo bca^ ring toitncs , anb tbcic tbougbtes accufmg one an otber, oj alfo crcnfing ,in tbat bap tobcrcin tbe Eojb aial iubge tbe fc^ cretes ot me, acco?bing to mp gorpcll,tb2ougb Slcfus Cbzift» anb tbcCc are m b eebr tbe boobes txibicb fljali be tinclofcb iti tbciubgcment. xo\^tx^>i it appcatctb,tbatibe iiibgr met ftjall be bone tt)!tb.moS c)cpebition,ncitber (^al e ut cp man be rea^ fonebtDitbaH,bvboofecstozitrcn to maUetbcmogctucarp, as tbe ignoiaunt migbt nnagine bsrcbp. 15nt tobat is tbat fingutar boofec of Ipfe, to^icb alfo fl)aU 'Cijr fecobr be opencb mtbe iubgcmcnr? cf tbe bcofee of Ipfeis fpcbcn rivof irfc tbe. 3 .cbapt. arbcce pou map fee. %q be b?iefe , ibc booKe o£ Ipfe batb but one arttclcibe tbsj bclceuetb m tbe fonnc of go^ batblpfcciicclftfting . anb tbtrcfo^e men arc iubgtbbp tbic tbat 15 ujzittpu !n tbe boc&e of lp{c.;Jroj tbep tgat belceue arc faueb: tbep tbat \iz\u\M not, are alreabp tubgeb ^ t^at is ta lap, ace moO afl'urcblp bamneb, anb foza&nucb as feptb flje^rcc^it fe^fc- bp icuojtSjes,,^ \Mi €tter? «tr bclcifeaUbtiJbicbtsbibDetntbebavt bevuiapetb bcrlciic bp mtutcrcDof tooztjcsttberfoje ^.jlobn a^bctb mcontmenilp, atco^Dpug bisScojSis,!v to tbeir ^o?fecs.;ffoz man in tbe Scriptures is if^eiicbtoa treA^ttiit^e tree isiubgcb bp tl)c fruite, tjj^ct^er it be goolt Ch4f.2o. The .xc.Sermon oj cutll. a ttct Ijatlj a gro\»mg oj I'ucrcafmg !ifc,to^ic^ (n \^ tiniscallcD^Animavegetatiua, jinD a nature 02 fitrpofition, bringing fojt^j fniitc aftcc Iji3 nature ^ Upntje. But tbstfoulc veoetaciua^ that goofittfporition.bitnging foul? \\\\iii gooD frmtc, tljat is to fap, gooD too?*cB,ts atmgli? faptl) in CJjjift, toOcre t^e fame ie,tl)erc tljc man is rcgcurtatcij , anu ^at^ a SOODdifpoCitton: ti^ercfo^e ^ccan not but b^tngfoitbgooD f nates bv rrafon of bts good bifpoCttion . ^bcrfoic after one tvoibes \Dt Qjatl be tubgeb all.:f o^ tbe iubgcmcnt uuid be oa pen $ mantfeft:but fa^tb appearetb not, but m tooihcs . ^0% tt is tbe gift of i3ob,anD is of it feife inutCible , to voute a fure truft in tbe p^omifes of 0oD. 2lnD it ts fene in u;o;^es. l^otD bett tbcrof it felotvetb not, y men are iuQifteb bv vxioz^eo aU (o,$ not bp faptb onelp:bnt tbatbv \soihes faub is beclarcD, U)bicbpurifictb9&m(ttftetb.tbat afteruiarD loe map be able to b^vng fo^tb tbe tuoibcs of rigbteoufnes.BTt fotoU)ctb,bo\» tn tubgement no p^ence,no bvpocrifie (l)ai be allo\»eb. ;^o) tnanpCaptbcpbelene^tobtcbbeclare tbeirfaptb bpno gooD tDO^bes. :»>eleai:ne bcreof,tbatnobooltea)aUbeoffo2ceae tbe Ia(liubgement,raue t!)e booltes of i5od , o^ tbe boofees o! conrctenees,U)btrctn {5od uontctb tmtb btsfutgar ano finaU ip tbe bootte of life u^zitten bp i5ob before tbe U)o;lBes vnere maDe,tb;iougb bis Diume pKbeOtnatton,t»berbv be ^atb p^e^ beRinateb ns^tbat be migbt abopttis fo^l^is cbilDje bp £bMS 3(lerus.anD tbe rea^wbtcb ^ . Idanle recitetb in tbe. i. to tbe i&pbef.3:berfo;e fljalt f bunfui boofees of 3]etues, Cb^taias in title onclp,anb Turkes, as tbe Thalmud, pecretals ^ Mco. rane peri(\).2:i)efe Qjalt be of no fo^ce at ail tn tbe iuogement. ^rcbe re^ ^j^oto be retuntetb to ^t DeaD,of vobom be bab mabe mU fonectio of {fg^ befo;e,anb ieaff anp man fl)ouib (ap : botoo Ojail tbe bean tbetttao. ^g inugeb,tobicb toerc b?o\Bneb in tbe fea,tobtcb toere ftoaf- iotoeb \)p of ftCbes,^ beuoureb oltDitbe beaftes, tnbtrb tioere confmneb tsttb ftre,o^ tn tbe eartb \x>ttt b^ougbt mto nn^i^t p^encntetb^anbbectarctb^tbattbebobpes oftbebeab rpfea^ gapnc^anb bepng (b refto;eb come to mbgement , anb faptb: anb tbe ^ea gaue Vip tl^e beab , tbat toere tberein : tbat is to jfop,U)^tcb bab perifl^eb int^e ^ea.Slnb bp tbefe too^bts aifo batb be toncbcb tbemaner anbmeane of tbe refnrrectitn of tbe beaD,anb barb fent ))s vuitball to tbe.i.of f5ene.2;bt ma^ ner of tbe refurccction is i5obs almig^tpnes , as ^ . idaule alfo witneCTetb in tbe * 3. to tbe fdbtiip * if 0^ 0o& bp bts al^ mtgbtpnes raifetb ^p,anb cailett) tt)ofe tbpnges tbat are nor, tW^W inoF be*3lf tiiidt^ins (cme^into ti^ee nctti o^\)npo(s (tbie. rppon the Apocalipfe. aSy chap. 20, ll(ble,btt)ol2i t\it bcg^mipng: of tI)^ngefir,anD t^ecof cRcine t^e fmall reaitutton.ipa& not t^e j^ca oK tsaterfrom t^e bcgpn^ itmsibutte tttDztttento ^auebaDanpftajpe from t^e bcgtn« npttginoncatail . But 0oo commanttocD tbat tbc v»atrt fi)outatic replcniQ^eD tout) fiOj.^nD DtD not Srcigbt at sons tommautUiemcntaUmanerof fiQieeappearr, tobcre before tbecemag nQtoncttmbat mamel is it t^att> if i5oD in tbe end of tbpngcfivComniannDe tbc ^ea , anu otbei;^ eicmentes atfo, to pdfi aga^nc tbcir Deao.ano t^ep obep t^eit maMcr^ mtxtVjt tl^eEom tntt)c i5orpcnraptb» t^at tbe^tubicbarein tbciriohn.{. gratics alCo^Qjali tjearc tl)e tiopceo^ commaiin&ement of tbe (ontie of f&oDy ano {i)tx\\ ciTc agapne. i:i)c bofipcs mozcouec of t^em tbatDpe.arc tumeo fo; tb.c mod part into ti^c fame ts Clements fro tobcnce tbevtoerc ta^cnout»^i)erei5 fome mi tbat putriftetb tn tbe eartb, 9^ i&connerteD into eartb* SE^bere are fome confumeDtottb fire. STbere are fome tbat periCl) itt toater.^omebang in t^eapze,anD are tljerc confumeo . But at t^e Homes ttibat kvntie of Ocatb foe^ uer tbep perifb^tljep ft)aU rife agftvnrta tbe iuDgcmcttdbole» Arctas alfo Bpft)op Of Cefaria perceiuentbiB ati&favD : be res citetl) tOcfe tbvnges , tatljc xwizjxt be mtgbt Declare \ijbat tbe finall ano \}niucrraU refurremottflTallbe.;foj \»l)eremau2 belcupngnot tbat t!)c fame fl)aU be , no fay , t^iat it is bp no meanespofltblevto be in t^ole boDpes,\2}t)icip bauebene long corrupted, and b^ougbtto t^atpomt , t^at tbcp benotat all: tl)is Sermon nou) coirecting tbis>favtl):E astbougb bt (boulD ^^ro. (ap:Deatbitfelfe redo^etb to tbe luDge $ iuDgement , mbont ' foeuer,after UDbatfoit foeuer be batb DtfpatcbeD. ^eatb tbec-3 ^^e is fapncD to be as it vuere a perf5, vxibtcb bolDetb tbe Dead in btm felfe.o^ in ap^fOn.^nD bell batb not pet manv booies (fo^ 'mt reaD of fern tbat baue gontDotune to bell qmc^e) but it batb tbe foulcaof tbe \jotcbcD . a:bef? tball rctumeto tbeic boopcs^jtbat tbc mbole man map be iuDgcD , boop anD foulc» ^.tbers bpbell.aftcrtbe l^cb^euji pbzaie,t}nDcr(laDtbe (epnU ittce 0} gcaitet^gapite ^ere is repcteb,tbat tbe u>b))tt uia %9^ ^q.ib^ ^ Chaf.2», The XC. Sermon. be luD^cD bou^ ant) foulc,aftcc cuerv mans bci^e©. pf cucria= 2;t)«s nmcl) Ijcr^cno of V:)t ccfucrccticn ot ti)c DcaD^to^cr* uingDams ofuiDiirbooUcs clfiUi!)crc,trjcl)aitcricaEcDmo?c at large, nation. 3]ntf)C laB place fcliotocti) of cucdaBpng Damnation, ^uj^o bcpiopcrlpconDcnmcD.anD Ijclltaptt) ^c^anorjcatljaicraO into tljclaUe of fire, ji^^ccof bait) bene ipolicnbcfczc.ann i)cU bcrc figuifutl) net t^c pincc of pMmftuRrnt-,bHt tljofe tljat are ttiljabtrcrs ot ^ell, to tuttte \x1l30fe fonlre arc vccneteineo m ljcil,02 appointeD t^ttljer . Dcati? alfo figntfctt) ttofe tbac are DcaD ixi fmnc,an:i t^icfe Ujljicl) irom tl)c iptirriiail oi tf nu po2aUDcat^,5ofiraig^t\DaptoDeatl) cncrlailpng. ir^crcu- pon IS tmmeotatip annrjccD.i;bts t& tbe feconD licati^ by ti^e tt)i)icb Vjeijclv tbep t^at arc Deab to Cbnft , anu t^cv i^at Ivne to antKl^ift anD t^e tt»o?lD arc cfiDcmncD to nierlaftvngfire, £)tber6 ocpomtDctbcfc tbpngcB in il}isvui(c,tbatattcctl)e luDgement tl)e^atnte£i £l)aU nettljcr be bunco anp moie^n&i Dpe.iPbicb ^ . 0anlca8it;meD alfo out of ;©fcc in t^c firft to tbe Coiint^.t^c. 15 .cl^aptcc. A^etas anD Pnitiafius mafee \x)it^ lDe.;f oj Aretas favtb:anD bP callctb Dcatb ana UW , t^ofc tbat ^auc committed tbvngs too^tb? cf pnnifl)nicnt,a6 fiilftUvn^ tbc nmnbecof tbc fcconb bearl) . aiib Pnmaiius fav>f b tbat b^ tbefc namce,bc fignifietb tbc H>cuill(becaMfe be ie ambonr of Dcatb ,anopavncBinbcH)anDalfo tbe'a)boicfcl!o\x)ft)vpi ol 2>cml6.;f 01 tbiB is tbc fame , t^t be fpafec mo2C plapnlp be* fojc,bp t^c ixiav of picucntvng : anb tfic SDcutli uj^icl) ecccas ncD tbnn,\3)as caR into lYit lafec of hrc (t bziinRonc. anb tbat tDbicb PC abbcb x\)iu mm obfcurclp, faying , ano tbc bcaft ^ t\^t fa'ic }9iop^et UDcrecafi into tbc Jafec ^c . le fee fojitb bcrc inozc playiuiy.^o mucb Pnmafius . anb UJbo bno\»ctb not^ tbat tbc members mnd f oUoto tbc bcao , namely all tmgoDl^ muft folcu) t^c H>cuiii,tl)c bead of a{lt}ngoDlyne5. auD moft cuiDcntly ^e cjcpKirtib^tD^o properly at tbc iiiDa »l}Tcb are ^ix\\tx[t ,.acc abbict to fire cucr!a0yng : tljcy tbat arc neit^cc in'rtic hcoS ^iJ^c" -> no^lounbc m tbc boofec of lyfe . S^bcrfojc t^c onclg ofSfe faytbfull \\\ C^ta, ( in \2)bom tocy arc pjcDcftmatcD Vntu lyfc eiicrlaftyng)fl;all be faucD.ail ot^crs,of UJbat i^cligioif focucr t^cy bc,o; \i3bat focucr bynbc of life t^cy ^ane liuco be It newer fo acaitc,a)ali pcriflj. £)tbcrs rcfcrrc t^cfe \ajoibs to fnclj as arc left a line at tl)at Day.;Jpoj vx»e bclcuc tbat t%z fonne ofiSoDfijaUiubgcbott) tbcnmrt^c anb tbcbcab.'SDoubtlcs tPbetbcr tbey be iyutng , oj tobctbcr tbcy be Dcab , certaine it ic^t^at no man a)aU be fancD in any ot^cc, bnt m t^e faytb of ^jciu C^uO; all t^e rcabuc f^all be Damuci) * auD ti)is is t^s fmatl vppon the Apocalipfe. 2S6 c/, ftttftU cttl» of tl)e gooD anD cuilLaro Ci)M 3|cf«, mDge of a!!, auD rcDcmcc of t^c fapt^ful,ljc pja^fe an^gloiv fo? cuermcie . «2D^af tbc tuojlo C&all be rcnetocu, antj tftc ^aintts gfou* fico ano maoe bktXtty: ano Uidat tt)at feU.ttte £l]aU be, ano^olpcertaine. . Nd I faw 2 new hcaucn and 2. new earth. C^ Tor the firft heauen and the firil earth <^^aptof* were vanilhcd awaye, and there was no more Sea. And I lohn faw that holy Citie new Hierufalem,comc downe from God out of hcaiien, prepared as a bride gar- niil^ed for her huf bad. And I heard a great voyce from the feat, faying: behold , the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with theni.And they (hall behys peopIe,and God him felfe diall be with them, and Ih all be their God.And God fliall wype away all teares fro'Ti their eyes. And there (hall be no more death , neither forrow, neither (liall there be any morc.payne , For the ©Id thyngesar.egone. Andhe that fjt vpon the fcate, fayd:behold,I makeall tliyngesnew.Andhefayd vnto me,wrire:for thefe wordes are faythtuUand true . And hefayd vntome^itis done. " -'^ ; 3! aamQitifljeD voa abottt t^c be gpnnvng of tljt\ i f . cbsp^ ^^)^ o;&r^ tcv of tl)is boohc .t|at tlje fift parr ctite too^fec brgdn at tl)c. is . cljsptcrauD trcatc'o ottljciiicgenicntes pfOoD ngljtfuil anD inU. ^nD fo? aftnurl) as t\)t uiDgcmfntcs of ii5oD arc of tujo foncs , int?)at ^c rgqattctl) tljc eiuli accojDpng to rljcic loickeDnes^auD rcujarDetl) tijc gooo toftb tctoara? e : Ji fapD ^oto ff)is plSFXt ronfjfrra of t\X30 partes fo} firt! 3^! lavD ttjat ^.31e!)u molt picmifuif; trcatf D of toimcmcs to be layn V;p- pon Cinticbxnl auD all the ungoolvjano Cccoolv crrf ^^arDcs, cfpcciallp 1:1 fl)c CUD of ti/c \33D2lo , to bc imj>ioj.^Dc i-ppon all faints. ^01 oft times toe t?auci)carDm tfeboolieil^attijc foules i>p?catcj frjju tbc boDy , avs immcD!:ttlv after cojpo^ lull av^ii^jia^cn ))jj mto ivfc ?ijei'laftvtTg,but i^at igc jiccfitc Cha^.2t\ TheXCi.Scrmon. (t fuil fclicitie bcfallctl) f o tbc fapt^Ml m tlje enu of tlje toojID, U)!)at tvme t!)c boDvcs,bcvng uo\d rapfcD agavnc,tccetuc tlje rc\x)ai'Dcs ofglozv cueclaflpng . i3nDtl)i6 place is ttcatcn tbzoug^outallt^e.^e.ti» ct)apt. ^tiZ) itfec as in tl^c foimcr part l)t ^at^ Cct tell tn a ma^ . ntc to^Dc opcn,ani) il)ctDCtl) tbe cueclaflpng tozmentcs as it VDcretobe fcncpicfcmlv:fotntt!6 later pact ^e tjnlocbetlj after afoit , oj openctl) I^eauen it fetfe, t^attoit^ t^e cpes of favtl),\»cniouH) fee \x)l)at ^opeano glozv abpDct^) fo; tl)c Ijvamtes . aiiD bcrc \x)itl) all is moft r learclp eicpounDeo t^c i»fe cumL *^^''^^^ of our faub,3] belcuelpfe euerlaftpug. ano agavne fo; ams ^^^ '"^?^ clcaccncs be Dedaretb tbefe tbpnges bp a t)ifion, tjDbtcb otbcrs recben to betbe fcuentb ano (afl . srberfo^e nre all tbpnges figured fpirituallp , auD are not to be tinoerflanD and tal^en carnallp.^oubtles tbe matters are ejtcellenc to be \)nDcrflooe,euen after t^e letter : botrbcit U)e mufl t^inbe of fpirttuall matters , ano greater altnapes , tban tbe rpeacb of man can atteine to . ;f o; uie ^noto as taugbt bp tbe Doctrine of tbe ta;opbetes anb Hoi. i* (^becbicfc anDtbecbicfcflpotutes of tbis place be tbefe. ^irft be fljcs artteies of \})etb tbat tbe >odQi\^ fl:)albe renetneo. j^econblp be figniftetli ti)t0 place tbat tbe ^aintes Cljalbe gloiifieb anD blefTeD^anb Di claretb in J|0^ sjojp geuerall tubat tbat fame felicitte fl)albe,anD mcontmeutlp be or f mcuco. cQ^finnctb tbefe tbingcs bp manp reafons. fiQoicouer be Dc^s . fcrtbetb tbe place, tbejcourt ano jdalace of t^e blcireD> $ Ip^e^^ topfe tbe glo^p and felicitte of tbe ^aintcs. srbe tobicb tbpng bcfmi(l)etbe)cceei»ngtDeIl,\)nDertbcfigureofa riuer$ tree of life, m tbe begmntng of tbe.]cjrt).cbapt. ^uD like as be batb fo; tbe mofl part bozotueo all biB tbpngcs out of tbe bookcs , of tbe iaiopbets,\x>bo ^.3flobn alio \33ub bis reuelation ligb* X -tenetb: Co batb be alfo at tbts piefent bozotDCO tbefe out of tbe 6f,anD.^6.cbapr.ofi£rap.jainD.37,ofi£jccbiel,anDoutoft^e laft cbapters of tbe fame* Of tbe rcnetopng of tbe ttio^lo be fpeafeetb plainclp,a6 bo^ Oftbcre^ ctbalCo tbe apoftlc ^. peter m bis latrcc epiftle,tbc.;.cbap, tbeaQOiiQ ^^^^ ^^^ tbpngcs ijcrclp Qjoulo be purgeb bp ftrc, $ not tubo- ^ J • jpaboU(l)coattDbzougbttouorbpng,bu£bcpurifieDfromall cozruption: foj be figuuictq (faptb Arctas) not tbe cjctuiguif^ ft)ing of tije creaturc,but a renctomgfoz toe bctrtr. iCbccfote fapii) ^.JiO^n cjcpjcfTclp, tlpat ^c fa^wc a «c\xic ^caucn, ano a ncvoc vpponthcApocalipfe. 2S7 Ch£p.2r. netoccattft,\»!)cccuntoftcaDDct^bpc)cpofttiott: tijat p fp;(i f^tmm auD tftc ficft ea«i ace tjaniftjcDatoapzco U3it,tljcp ace c^aimgcDmt^eic qualities: To ti^ac ti)eco;cupttbIcci)pngcs ace 110U3 gone, cccateD foz coicuptible t)fcs . ^0; euen fo is p ^ea no moze,ai(o Doubttcs Tubiccte to coicuptton, but cbaiU gea into bertec. s.Aurtcn,auDbi5 TcboUcc Prim.ifius fuppofp cbattbetconblefome date oft^e\xio;lD(ftgmftcD not fetDome m tbc fcctptuces by tbe ^ca ) Qjall ceafc about tbe cmic of tbe tOOZlD.iaeaD tbe.17.Cbapt.Of Dectmutedet^l^j:^: pounDing tb.ts place, be ceafonetb libeti^ife at large of tbps ccnetoing of tbe txioilo, \x\ tbe boofee dc uuitate dei^ 3f1tbm&e meeteintbismat^ tec to put auiap all cuciofttic : ano if anp biboe tbing appcacc tbecetn,ebat it fl)oulD be ccfecued tinto tbat Dap,tn tbe ti3bic|^ toe a)all fee all tbinges eutbentlp . ^nD 3] fuppofe tbat tbefe tbpnges concerning tbe cenecotng of beauen $ eactb, ace not tbecfoze(poken,tbattbece(l)oulDanp place be p;epaceb fo; ts, tpbicb U)c (l)oulD inbabire agapne in tbefe furious pactes tnber beauen (foz >m belcue tbat uie fball flie into beauen, $ goe mcece tbe ilozD in tbe clo\xiDes, acco^oing to tbe Doctctne oftbc^poftle.i.a:be(r.4..)buifo^ tbat out mpnoes are tbus conficmcD, tbat tbe favtbfuU Cl)aU \}nDoubtedlpbe ceneujcb f glo^fteD. y^Q% it beauen ano eartb tobicb tvere maoe i^i matt, be reneiued $ purtfieD:tobo toill boubc novo t^at men tbem^ felucs aiall be mo Q cbiefl(> glozifiebi ;fozconfeqacntlv noto ^.3Jobn Declaretb,tbat tbe faints ^amtw fljal botb be cene\j3eD ^glozifico, anb placeo in blcflcD feates: JlJ'JJ'i, ano fignifietb pet gcnecallp tobat tbe glozp of ^atutes Cljall B»o^»n»i. be. i^ftec be toill Declare moze at lacge anb feuecallp all tbofe t'gpngcs mod Diltgcntlp. if oz be beacetb an auugell , fapmg: come , 3] ujill ft)c\jj)e tbee tbe bzvoe tbe toife of tije Lambe.^c. 2rge fame noto figucatiuelp be namctb a Citic , pea euen tbe bolp auD novo l^tecufalem. ^no a Cuie rigniftetb af\x)ell tt^t place anD babitatid,as tbem tbat D\x>ell in tbe place,3il mcane it^z citizens tbcmfeiues. :irbi6 citie tbecefo;e is not onclp tbe place or tbe bie0eD, but alfo tbe tiecp communion of faints, tn olDv' tpme pzefiguceD iw tbe citie of {^lerufalc. 13uc be put^ tetb a great Diffeceuce bc£\joijct tbis of ouc neti),anD tbat toifi- bleano coipozall j[^ietufalcm. ;jfozbecalletboucs bolp; but «^»cniiaif, tbat otbec m tbe lanb of Paleiline toas tmbolp, pollutcD witb tbe btouD of Cbiift.auD of tbe idzopbetes an£) apodlcs, ano foz tl^c fame caufc it \x»ac ocftcopco \)tteclp, :C>ucs is alfocaU leoneujet^oz tbe communion of ^amtcs ^\\\ be ccnetxieo ^q.t)t attire QhAfau TfieXCi. Sermon at t^e fmne Da^. ^ttD t!)crcfo?c bp mtcrp^etation follotoet^,* commvng Z)0\2)nc frotn ^caucn : not tl)at t^e ^abttanon of ^amtcB aftct; t\)t tuDgcment Cliall aga^nebe mcartb:but tljat ti;c glo?v ano ccttEtoing Biali be grauntco from bcautn bp tbe tiiumc maieltieaaD pococr. 2I0 aifo ^.BRamcs 10 read to banc fapo, cact:v Soo^ Sift^ ^^^ eiicr^ptcfcct giftc is from abauc, cotnmvng do\jdiic from tbe fatbccof If^gbtcs* 2lndi^» l^aiileatfoin tbr,4.totbc£5alatb.fa'j?o tbattbcfcec Cburcb ts tbc bfauenJv i^icrufale. ITbe fame ^aul m tbe.i.Cojmtb* tbe.»y.2rbEfit:ftinan,faprbbc,!6oftbc cartb cartblp , tbcfe;» conD man 10 tbc jdozD b^mfclfe from bcanen \ ^ucb as cbat car'tbl^ toa0, fucb arc ti^t^ alfo tbat be bcauenip . ^nb as toe Ijaue boint tbc 3! mage of tbc rartbly man, fo Q)all ttie bcarc aKotbe 3!magf of tbc beaii^iv. 2:bf i'to?e fapu i^.Slobn inott jrigbtiVittJiit^tbcCbiircb of^aititcs coinmctb botunc from '^cancn,to \»ittc,from b^aue reccitictb bcr glojp. ^oj agatnc feV a bcmonttrauon be rat:tb,pjf parcD of £5oD,a0 a b?ibr gar^ tf.Cbcbfoj bcrbnrbano. fQi tbe iSpoftfe^in tbc. r. to t^ Co^ tmtb.tbcf . 3»cfenoU) (favtb be) tbat if our eartblp manfion of tbts tabcrnacie be ocftrovcD, tioe banc a bmloing of i5cD, a manftoit not maoc tovtb banD,ciierlaDpHg m beaticn. i^tm ^nottf : bt tbat barb p:cpaccD \}S foz tbc fame is ^OD. J^e rca tttonet^ from bis ^ainrca all fojtaptton, and fieelp mDi.etb ana fut:niCl7etb tbem toptb all mt guits of a gIo?ifi«& bobpe, (oastbrp be gatmflKD tDOUbel\\ auD iitijitlmtbecnrtla^ ftmgbivbefbamba\x>vtl)tbeirbivbrgrcmeCbitft. iPbcrc^ loje tbis garnifljing confiltetb in tbc abo!!fl)mg cf all coiirupa tron anb mojtaliiic, anD m tbc gitic ut l)nco?ruption,tnt»tioj^ taliticanD g!o2V. £)f tbc purifying ano Dctfeingoftbcbiybc fpeafeetbtbe i^poftte^.jaankalfo mtCe.s.fbapt to tbc i£- pbcftans. BcrpuriiYmgano trimming begmncibut tbio U)02iDe,anD (l)a{befmiCl)cD modprrfeitip aitbeenoeof tbe teoziD.;5foj tbcn flja! tbe Cbutcb bane neitber fpot noz tojm- ltlr,butatlco2rnpttonfl)ailbe tovpcb auap^ ano ait gio^p rcccincD. Sinn bcrc learnt by tbe toap, tbat i\^t $>aintes tire p?cparcb of iSob i ano rbcrefo?c tbat faliiatton isot bvs mere grace. wl^?K!i?.H ano be pzoccbctb to bcciare vf t ikoic plavwlv ^ tol;at tbc be t>)e ctcr^ 5^0iPfi}albf :uibf I of I" tbis vuo?fee be batfcbciJ ctca.iLmtiio ttoifEUcute. ipcafer Oittntrtban once. liJicficiLincfc ii\it\ coiififlctb mitco tbynges.^oi iSoo \cuill ginc >)nto bis ^austts au tt}ai gucD ti5,ano tDilI taHc trcm tbcm ail eui!i:anii io (l^ali tbcv fo; tutc xmov tljf foucraine gooD,aui! tciicwic iU0& pcrlu, iai^ fl}r.f fee Hit vppontheApocalipfe. 288 Ctafzu fceefVomall ijapnc anD mtfccie . ^ . %\xSXvx m x\t cnu of l^ps boofec De ciait.Dci: J^o\» grcatjavti) i)c,ft)^l tljatfclicuie be. Ulcere no ciiiii O^all oc,uc? no gcoD ftiailtomtt ; ana rljis dcs cjacation of cterudUkUciric Ijailj l5ci- pai tea , toijtctbp il)c is titaDc iiniufcJit.iroi (icil a \3ovcc , vca auD a gceat \30pcc: ccpctt fcoin tl)e tb;o«c : I'gljolD t l)C rabcinacic of idou 53 U3?ti; \m\u STijc comuiictioji ofsSoa ujulj ^olpmcu,roasmtpmepalf pzcftguccD b^ ^bc ^rabcrnadc of ^tmc0,vubercbv iScb tcfti^ fieDtbacbctuDn.D bcituijc miDOea of bis people, ^nbtbe J"*^^/^ fame ft)all be at rbc CUD afra* tbciuDgcmmt pccfoimc inoft fffif^/^"^ abounDindv.ano tbccfoic tbat \)ovcc anncjccip ;a»a be VDiU oiaut-eau Htudluitrb tJ)CJ4i,anD rbcv P^all be bts pcopiC, anb i5oo bvm ^oWf c fflfc ttjitb tbcnvano UJill be tl^eiir £5ob.irbc VMbicb ^'>. laaalc femf tb to bane "btteicu inoic il)0itlv %. b?icflp , anb i5i)0 ftiail beallmaU.iFoituljatlocaccisgoob^tobatfocucc ts fapje, tol^at foeucc is plrafaum anb bclcctab!e , \xibat foeucr tbe m^nbc of man cm nnaginc to be \a3i(l)CD foi , b^ca? tobat foa euerappertcmerb totbctcucanb perfttlciicittc,and bicffen Ipfe , tbat fame Qaali tbat great i3oD alrnigljtp be uj^ole , ana tbar n)a!l be (l)eu) m btm fcUe nioft fttllp . sinb lil^e ae all ano fmsuiaemcn Dotuubapleafaunt fulncs tmov , tbe amtable tjiig;>iucB,an:) bolcfome bcate of tbe ^mine , ano vet neucr* tbcits tbe ^umic loletb notbpng by tbe fame: wix^ albeit i^at 911 men bfe tbe ^unnc m common,anD euerp man neuertbe^ Ie0 mtovet^ t^e fame ae pzopei* anb pemUar, rtgbt fo m auo^ t^er \y ojib \33e (Ijall \3fc tbat ctetnali ligbt , auD top cucrla^ ft\)ng anD tinCpcsUcabie . ix>i)erot tncontmenlv ^^^^ foUoU) tbpngcs mo^e plentpfuU. ^no tban.lii^c ae i5oD gcttet^ ail goobnes m bvm felfe to ^^ q.^^ tbvtu tbat be glo^tfteo : fo \x)iil be ecmoue all eutU from x\^tvM deituer tbe fo as tbev n)all not onelv be oeKuercD from calamttteB ^ but ^mntes t\i% fame Cl)aU ncucr rcturne, novbc feareb moje . 2!:bc \j)bicb ^^^ ^ii in mod plcutjfuU totfe be Dcclarctl?,by txJozbCB boirotyeo out pagnr. of tbe ozaclcs of tbe j^jopbctes. i3oD (l)all U3ipe abap , Cayt^ bc,aii teares from t^eir eves . ic>bi£b ^v^bc of (pc atb be tiieD aifo in £be.7,cbaptter,t3cre!v taken out of tbe.a^.ano. <;j. cba^ pitersof f^Cav.^nb iDautb alio m, u6. jafaim.I^bfV t^ai fo^ \\\ tearcs.favtb be^(l)aU reape in glabncs . l^e fcmetb to bane ftUnbeb to motbers , U)bic^ U)ipe tpe eves of tbeir tenber ann beare cbilbjen tbat crvc , comf ozt tbem tuben tbcv be foiouj^ fuil.anb cberifl) tbcm \3}ben tbev be burt 0^ bmfeo . ^beefo;e if tbe ^aintcs banc (ulfcrcb an-; pavur o: grier m tbis ttjoilo, t»^ca t^cv fi3.U come into an ot^ec wa^lo, u fl^aU be rcquittii t^cm., The XCi. Sermon t^cm> ant) p^oufDeD , t^at tl^e? Ojall fcele no moieabuerfttie; acco^tipng as toe commonlp fa? ije tDtil cccoinp^ctt^em ti)Oa cougl)lv fo; all t^etr papncs. a:i)e JLoiit (a?D al(o in t^e i5oU geli:t)crclp Dcrel? 3n fa? tinto ?ou ?e (ball tocpr anu laincnr, ut tbe tDOild Cbali rctopcc : anD ?ou fball be fo;otDfull , hut ^ouv foioU) (Ijall be turned into to?.9^c.3nn tbe.iepng tberfo^e tbte goblp man , CaU) ti^t i^'fXK^^ bnn relfe , uibtcb ^t rebearfet^ : to boubt of tb^ tante toereavutcttebnes. ^eeonblp be bearetb a \)opce , pea anb a great iiopce , and *> mo;eouer p^ononnceo out of tbe tbpne,to tottte of tbr.]ip]cnn» fSlbers ano i|)trites ^ungclicall , anD of tbe teobole beauenip bod . i^no t»bo can boubt of tbetr teOmtonp , tobtcb aireao? are in bltCTe enerlaftpng i ^bep Knoto , ano bane eieperience UJbAt tbe feltcttte is , tberfo^e tbep fpeabe ^ teSifie tbat U)l)t^ i0trpebanDbnot»en» jOQozeouer be btm felfe tbat [ittttli in tbe t^^one , (peaket^ , ano tefltfietb,(apmg:bebolD 31 mabe ati tbpngs neU).i5oD is truC)$ m btm 10 no Icafmg.^no (cpng be tefiiftetb fo piapne^ Ip^tbat life euerlaOpng (l)ait be : ano vue fee bun Declare it al^ fo, of \:ubat fozte tt lljaU be:tbere ts no place left f 0; bonbtfuU ttes bereafter. !2lnD tbe tbpnges tbat be batb (l)c\33eb anb beclareb of ^t 4> ^appp Ipfe^b^ commannDetb immeotatelp to y»;tte.i;bpnges arctD^tttenfoz apeipetuall memo^tallof tbe tbpng , tobtcb Vue knotu to be true ano (ubltanttatl . ^o; \2)zttpnges qx xt^ia mouials u^bicb are tozutcn 0; mane anb fcaleb, iip tbe iato of all nations , anb bp common cuQome of men , bane tbe fo;ce of antmbonbteo teftnuonp. isutfucb letters 0^ teaunonials are maDeanb fealebattbc commaunbement of 000 . ^q% i5ob commaunbctb ^.31obiuo \si\iit tbe tbpngs, tobicb are taugbt concernpng tbe blcOeo Ipfe: ano tberfo^e tbcp be true, tmboubteb,anD infallible , as be btm felfe trnmeoiatlp anne^ m\i anb (apt^;fo} t^cfe vootocs arefapt^ftUi anb trne^ Oablc 31 Ckaf^if. ■ The.TOJ.Sennon 3! ra^attD^at can be fpofeen moic twintnt tl^a tbeCce^erc isalfo tijc aut^o?!tv of ^oly Scripture cftabliftjco* But be aDDetb an otbcc tbvng almott ino?e\)cbcmet: ano be > fai?u tinto me,it IB t>one. 15? t^e tobicl) maner of fpeafevncj is ftjnifieD , eitDcr tbat tl)c cud ie cojncn , anb all tbp«5cs ac* complttl)eB,lptte as It i& \jfcD m tbe. 1 6, cbaptcc ox cte rbat tbe tbP»S tobif b ts (pofecn , ann bclciteo to be to come , is fo cer^ taine^as tbougb it \»tKt Done atteab^ . rot iSemuncs fo oft astpe^xitiirignifie , tbattbetb^ng tubtcbetEiebaue put:po^ feD , 01 pjomifeu anfi (apu , is (ucc , tsoe ace toont to lap, Es ift gemachtjit i8iiDne.?lct\3s t^crfoic ht\t\xt afliiceolp tbcfeann «ll {3oDs too^bcs.iSQoicousc let i]s gcueoncHo^o 0oomoO batt^ tbanfees,tDbo toub fo great faptbfulnes ano Diligence fu0avnctbauD conficmetb our bope : anD batb comtnannDeD tbeCe m^ltericB of our f aluatid to be pnt in vomiting, auD pub- ItCb^^ ^ (be \33bole U)o:JD in all ages. 3^0 brn^ be glo^v fo; ts> ttermoje^^linen* ffjf i$ fiiitbenno^e DeclareD , tbat tbe bope of tbe caeria* fijpnganbbleOeofeltcitteanDglo^rtJSt certaine anobn^ ^ubteb. The xctj. Sermon. TAm Alpha and Omcga,the beginning & the end. Tos himthatis athirft Iwil gene ofthe well of the water oflyfe freely . He that oucrcommeth , (hall inherite all thyngcs . I. wiJl be his God , and he (hall be my fonnc. But the fearefuli and vnbeleuyng , and the abhomina- bie , and murtherers , and whoremongers , and force- rcrs,and idolaters and lyars (hall haue their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimllone,which is the fccond death. ^m (tf bci ^wfo all tbe former commetb ntjto x^t filet teftimonpc of g?nn?ngf tbecectcntieoftbetruefelicitieoftbefavtbfuU, tabcn of tbe «n&. tjec^ natwrc of i3oD. ;jf o j be pionouncetb of bpmfclfe ^ faptb, 30 amct anD a>: i^no unmeDiatel^ in toap of ejcpofitto befaitb: t\it beginning $ enbe . WI^xb be toobe owt of «efa?,bv tobom ^z iLojD fa^tb oftenec tben once , 31 am tbe ficQ anD tbe Ull. anD \^tu let no man imagine tbat iSoD is ficff in 02Der,refcCtf nng tbe beginninfi( to t^e confequences, oa t^ot^b ¥ ba!> ^ be? vpon the Apocalipfc. 290 Chaf .2t, beginning: o^t!)at ^e ts called t^t lad 0^ entie, as tliougl) lie fijonid once ^auc an enDc: hmfyz contrary rather in tlips founne of fpea^ng:t0 to bc^nDcraooD : to totttt^t^at i5oii |)4C^ no l^eguming noz cnD, hmiQ cueriaQpng, of t»i)omaJl tl)?ngC6 ^au? t\)tix be^g , ano fep uj^oCc Decree all t^vr.ges ^auc an enpe^ wlpcrcas 6c 6nnfelfe inDnrett) foi eneriano Sps Vearrs nener fairt: \^1m as in an ot^cc place ttjepzop^etfait^, ana tl5c apoftic alfo. ano fozafnmc^ as ^c is etecnall, toptl)^ OucbegvnnvnganD toic^outcnD^toi^icb iiuet^ al^apce, and pjefenicti? in ipfe all things t{;at!mc:boto 3^ pzav ^on a^ould not. f)e qntcfecn tlje fa^t^full i ^0 cectaine ttjecfoje is t^e Igfc, falnation,^ fcticitte pf t^ favc^fulljOs it is cectaine t^at i5oD is Ipfc^peaanD cnenl^fe enei:laftpng.^03i Ije is ettcclaftpng,^ t$e Ipfeof t^c fa^r^full.£)f t^c pt)?afe of fpcac^,31 am a. and «, 3} ^anc fpo^cn in tljeficfl cbapt.anD t^icD. Sermon* sr^e fcuet^ tcftimon^ of ouc >}nDoubteD falttation isgroQ- <]5dt>i)atl^ Dct) t3ppon ^oiistcHtncs ana^pon ^is pjompfes, ann tiat^ PJo^Jftn a/cectapne alliance Ujitlj tl^e foimec. ifoj t^at iu$icl5ie 0ol» rj*^'2^"B batb4)jomifeD,t^e(amea!focabeperfoncmc ujitl) ndfj^ine^ '""^^"' ©i pat^,^omifeD a blcflcd l^fe: mod allitpeDlp t^efozeto^l %t pecfonrmetljc fameto tl^e faitljfnll. iand ^e alleaDget^ cjie pjomlfe of i5bd at tl)iB piefcnt, $ Ijjinget^ iw i3od fpeabpng to3]oDn and to tjsalfo in tljcfctuoiDs: a;o^?m ttiatt^iicftctj 31 tDiH gecnc of tl)c tocll of liwc!^ toarent^at is to fap,1| , t^at am I?f c and cteniall.and ewen ctcrnali !pfc,ttjill gene f fa^t^ fn'il t^e toatcr of life to djinfee; t^at is to fap, 31 xxjyll qnicfecn • ^ym,p2cfcruct)vminlifc, and dcliucrijim fromdcatlj anD all euiis, and rctoarde l)pm toytlJ all t)cartcnlv giftes ♦ v)^ can \izzz doubt of t^c tciicnelle of tipin tijat pjoinifet^, efpecis allv fmce t^is place oz t!)ispiont!rc f<3 read itrmoe places tt^e one. £>auid in tije. ^^.jafaline fingct^ pla^ne : tb? merc^ , Jlo?dj reacbetb \)nto t!jc tierv teaucns, and t^v fav^cijiulneflTc tonto tpc ctou3!ieg: t^^ rigJjteoufnes is lifee tlje ilcong mou^ fa?ncs,tbV indgenirntes arc l^^ctl)e great deepe.ST^iouloiii fancddbtfi man $ bead. Boto cpcellcm is tl?v mere? £> god J 2lni)tbccbtld?cnofmcnfl)atlput tljcic triift tinder t^e R)a* doU) of t!)y topngcs. iTfje? ajaU be fatifited toyt^ tlje plcnte^ onlncs of tbp bouCc: and t^on (Ijait gcu: tijcm djinfee out of tl)eriaa*oftl)?p!earures. ;Jroz \»itlj tljeeist^e tocllofl^fe, and in t^v l^gljt Qjall toe (ce ligbt. ^nll nian^ of tticfe tljings accintbcia^cp^ctts, and are eppoandtdb\> our^auiouc; ^iinfclfe in tije.4.f tliiys \33ater of Ivfetoe baDfometbvnge5tnt^c.7.c^apt.of tijis booke totoacuet^e enoe, ann O^ali l^aue ceaapne piapne matters ttt t^e beg^tf^apt. 9^mtttt^ But in t}^c meane tot^v^e , anD bp tl^e \uap, ^e Q^t^s>tti) ano nail ipfe tis bcdacctb tinto t)s.,afccr tbe ^poftolicbe manner ( tobo YutU eomuntca^ lingly anb ofte Declare tinto Mq tbe manner of one faluatton) tco to w. jj0tD eternall life is communicateo to tjs: to toitte,f reelp J*«- * f eav, VDitbowt coft o^beferning : to^ic^ nottoitljftanbpng fo;: tbeboufatfulnes of fpcacb,^? tjnDerftanbingof t)oo?DstJJc eic- pjefle not pjoperlp t^efoicc oitbe iSreefee toojoe eav,free{v tl^^ougb its grace: tbat is to (ae bV tbe mere mcccp of i3ob,b? no mcritc of man» ^0^ f Cimt sapoftic in tbe fame jt^piaie to tbe i^om.tbe. ts iffc euerlaQing, anb be abbetb incdtinetlp: tb?oug^ Cb^ift jfeaiuatton 3!efns our 2Lo^d. STbcrefo^e ^.3lloIm faptb rigbtlv^tbat eter^ comuteti) to nail Ipfe ^appenct!) to t^e faitWW freelp: tl^at is> bp t^e berp^ D0 frceip. grace of i5oD, tb;ougl) tbe ntertte of CbM^r anb bv no befert %nhoft\)Ui of man.;Jfoj if toe coulb bp our toojkcs auD rigbteoufnes bc» frccip ^^^^^ eternall lpft,tban cbjift tiab dvcd in bapne, aav,o«gbt after tbis toap 9 m/i- ner to be eppounbeb, manp otbcr places of Scripture p;oue» jSejatb . tbclLojo faptbtfrcelv, mc toit^oiif caufeufeuig{ooiia)jn£iifoMpfnoi"3 tJjcirmonev about tbpnge0ofnaug5>t. l^cre oiig^t ti)Cccfo?c to ceafe t!jc faircs of rnDulgeces anD parDonB,anD of ^ol^ things in t^jc c^wrc^. ^t i\)t jaelagianB becpc filcnce. j^o\33bcit Icadarip bv f^^ free pjeacbmg of tl)c grace anb xo\)t\tisxz^ tnerite of ^W^ agavnfi tlje bcfert of man^ftjouln gatljcr tbat fi"'^fo of t^e bleOeb Ivfe cbauucctij to 31Dle folUes,aecper0,anD fuel) as [J'^"l{Kj ceafefrom all goou tooiUes: auD ibat 0od alone \x)o?Uctb>^ frcdv toe tt)0?fte notj^ng, but ondv fuSfcr t^c operation of igoD in ^* tJB, anD t^at foj tbc fame caufe notljvng is rcqutreo of \)S : be pjcuentctb, anD firft t^e HoiD faptl) tbat be \Dili gewc to tbcm tbat are a tijirftc to Djinfec of tbc \i>atcr of l^fe . arijcrr is re- qiiireb of \36 tberfoje favtl), $ a fccuet Dcfirc of goDlptbmgs: trot tbat faytb is our0,bttt is gene of 0ob. ^qi tbat bp tbirfl IS fignifieo ti^i fa^tbfuU befire of a goDi? man,tbe JLoiD bim^ (elfe is autboiir in tbe. 5. of i9a)atb. pzonouncmg tbcm blefifed tDbicb bungac anb tbirfte fo^ rigbtcoufnes . ^nD alfo in tbe boto b^ tbat is freelp iuatft:3 ebmuafigbtalfo :anb not figbt onel^r , bntalfo onercome^, Srberfoie tbe buties of cbaritie be reqmreb,toberof is fpcUcn \x\, tbe.r.anb.s.cbapter of tbis boofec . »?bct:e!n is \)erp ryfc inemion mabc of tbis figbt anb tJictojie, ;anb tbentwill i5cD acfenotolcbgefucb as labour tbus tialvauntlp, fo; biscbil^ b?cn, anb to tbcm \uvn be ajetoc Y^^nxkMt a fatber,.anb take tbcm fo; tbe bcpjes of all tbeir fatl;crs poCtefrions. S^bep arc baaarDlv cbilDjcn, tobitb bcvng iule, b?agge of favtij, p?apic i5ob \jDitb tbeir moatb anb vj;e2a0,anD huvx bpm voitb tbciu nccbs.'yc fee tberfoje t^at b4jti> jviuft be pjcac^cb m i cturc f;;: vo\)o arc from tl)2 true UMcU fie. CkiD.if, Thc.xcIi.Scrmon «5tocUt^atU'clcm(?ificD »c \)nto tjem fox t^ciu finncs t6mitteD,tDl)icb,ncit^er banc anp fait^ at all,noi tan bv any meanes be perfujaacu to repent^ano to turne lins toi5oD. J^oiintbefirfti£piftletot^c£o?intb. tbc. auD toit^ t^e fpjite ef our i5oD. 2rbcrcfo?e if vue Ijane been fucb at any tpme, let ^s repent : oj in caCc \JDC be falleinu to tbefe finnes agaync, let ^s rife \jp^ anJi turnc to t^e Eo?&, tubtcbcalIet^ftnners\mto^vm,anDp;omtrctb parDon and srace. }5\\t too hz to t^e t)ncurab!e \)>btclp tsaal^^e altoa^es, ^ toitbont repctitaunce in tbc ujay of initiuittf . -ffearcfwii. i^"^ ^^ ^jall touc^ feueraUy cigbt partes of tljtstcgiller. ;jfivftai:cplaccDtbefearefttU.l5uttbeEojDbVtnfelfc toasa^* fra^Dc^ attU eucn quafeeo foj fcarcofoeatb: tbc^aintesof jSoo bane feareb alfo , anu often fleD foj feare : vet arc r^e^ not foj tbis caufc conbcmncD in tbc Scriptures . ar^etefoje an otbcr fearc is meant,to VDitte,tbat fame immobcrate feare bV tbc compnlfion tobcrcof,\yc doc fox fear of men,t^attbiiig tol)icb iSoD Ijatb p?obibitcD, bcvng comiifteb in our xjtonc coufcicnces, tbattoe finncin fo Doing:oj tobat time tbiougi^ fcacc \De leauc tjnbonc tbat tbing tobicb iSob ^atb commaQa uc&t>B:bJiefelv,U)l)entuc mojc feare men, as }a?inces o; leaugefelloujcs, oj enemies, oi anvotbcrmen tufotfocucc tbcv be, tban our iLo?D 0oti bi?mfelfc. ^nb tbcrrfoic f EojD bpmfclfc in tl)c0ofpellfapbc; feare vcnot tbemtobic^j byll tbc bob?, anb can not UyU tbc follicle. agjat^,io» 3rbc Came jiojD xwm ot^ep place (a^t^ : ^e t|iat Dcit^et^ me before t^at aouous vpon the Apocalipfc. 2^2 chap . 21. amtotttcroue gcncratio, % u^iH Dcme l)yin alb tcfo^ mp fr»^ tt>cc in Ijcaiicu. Doiibtics it is a fooslc lijmnc to fcarc jno?c V6bcl)alfcattI)cfcDape3moftgrcci!ouflv. ;Jfoj fomcHanD fofoicinaujcoftoicfecDanDcrucll pc rfc (utoui'0 , t^at cncti fou^cmt^cvtoillcommaimuctopciucrtcr^c pjcac^png of t^e igofpcU, 0? to fecf pc ftltncc altogether. ST^crc Ic x%^^l ujil («mo?cbptljeSivng,j9?mcc,i£de, Baron, Citizen, laloto* man, B^Ujopo? Abbot, ozfomc fiartcrvng^iTcr, o? \i\\z «iaffcmongvngi92u(!,anDlviUfavncaiiDDifftinbIc fo? ^vs fanonr , rather tljan l}cc \x>iil fvtelv conffflc \\)t tructl? , anD fcarc anD glojific 0oD ujl^o is to be fcareD on?iv. tlnto rbcm fait^ ^fav :fcarc ve not conlpiractc,anii be not afrayDe ol tcr- roucoftbe enemies, nciiocc be von Dirconragct). Biitratljct: fanctifie t^)e ilojD of boQts: let l)vm be your tercour, let I;vm be vonr fcare. i^e (Ijall be tl)r fKinaric, auD numblvng Rone: anb tl)c reft in tl?e. 8 .ct)apt. of ig fav. ;Jroj t}nk(Tf Voe pur aU)6p tl)is tfayne auD VJicfecD fcr^re, ani> gee about to finiQjc tp ttic JLo?bCB \i302fees talvanntlv, conftantip, anD txiit^out frare, toe ftjalfurelv be caft bctonc to l^cU. Eet iimo?ousmc t^ir.fee ^eccof,anB caU\;pontbeILojD,ant»tal« Into tl?cmthe fpjitr of ftcengtbvanb of toirc anb goDl^ boibncc: anb toe y toojke of tbe ILo?D, not negligently, but biligently, talvaunilv,anD fonftantlv. f^c is grfaicr,tbat is in Vs((avtb ^,3r,oijn m ^10 iTanonifali) tl}an is be t^t is in tbe toozlD. 2^^&lnibclruer6^re not tbofc t'^at bebea^ctn fatt!j,noj f ©nfctic:^ milo , no? fnc'g asfcar^0oD:b»tfi!cbas beituc not iSobs ucrjs. toojs \yl)cn it p2omifctb,cGmmauniJei^ $.tb?e02b Df«3oD,tt'Cvcann9t fcutromcmne i&cbs tootbitDbileftrljef Dcrpifc tbe ftermons oftbe pzeac^crs. Inn tl)c tbV2b place it foliottictb , t^.nt tl?e tojmentcs of t)el! 2fb^ctKtKa«- accbuct/i«JeXt/5^A<^vo:;,totbeab!?ouunable,anbbctcRable.;fc2iu, jStTeXy} Mctfignitict^ abbD'umatson anb ftmcb.l^e nctctb t^cr f02c ab^iounnablc anb bctcnatir mcn,to ic^cm all Ucligion is a !uochcrie,\xii)ici) fcomc 0Db,anb fcte \r02b , ^ blafpbemc all i^.oi^ t^v«3^Sjti?c cgtiDjen of Beliallj'buciu'ablejanb fpur-^ iir.ij, nciis^ ChAp.if, The .xcii.Scrmon !urfi.Cllt^ougb tl)at tl)cfc do fenoti) tbc tmt^ , vet tbcpfeitoto \X CO t^cic oujnc conDcmnatioii,repng t^c^ contemuc it to^eii tl)cv Mnotoc it , atiD i^Hc Doggcs atto Ijoggcs rctucnc to ticic \3omirc anD ttialiovxiing in t^c inv?C''n?l?om alto tbc ^poflics l)aucnotcD.}aftccmtlicfcconD xepiOlctl^c. a.anu.3. c5aptec» ^.♦aaulc tn t^c. 3. to 2ritu6. atiD. it. to tlje f^ebzcvwts , ano ilunas i:i?aDDcu6 t^jougljoutf cbtcfcftpactof 6iB igpillle. ^. 3lo!)«6«nrelfc about tljcenu of tijc. it . cbaprccrccitvng tn a matter tbc fame i^egtder, calletb tbem Dog9,0itiD \jDOuiD ^Dd\x>e\X!anteD ejeampieeattbistiav oitt^cfcaUbommable mcit,anD of fucb bV"bc of Dogges.I&iu tbcce is no caufc \x)l}p \»c n)OttlD inamailc bcreat , confisccvng tbat tijc Iptie mtbc time of al otbcc moft coirupr, fuc^ as vjcrc t!^e times of j^oc atiD iLotb:08jatbeto tljc.i4. :fl9ttrt!)e * :Of I39uct^ercr6 tbecc be fotiDiv HfttUcs . ;Jf 01 toe feill t\^t xtx& 0^ i;o; ^art,moutb miD tooibc. ^Pbcrof vou map fee tbe cjcpofuouis nticiactf. of rbe.)c.camntaimbemetes,cbiefiv D.Mufcu!us.36ut3l tbinfec tbe too^lD bab ttcuer a mo^e notable , mo^e rtueil , anb mo^e djamclcs murbercr , vca oj ratbcr a moC arrant fatb^ r qucU Ice , 0? ( acco?Dvng to jtbJiRcs fapuig m tbe \)tij. of 3iobn) a inoje rigbtfirit begotten cbiib of tbe SDcmii,tban tbe iBifliop of i^ome. ;>foj be m a mancr at all tpmes ( foi tbcfc fme bwn;^ DtcD scares atib mo?e)batb blotoen up tbe trompet 10 all tbc grcttous txiarres of i^nrope 0^ Cb^iftenbome: $ agavne batb graunteb mofl large anb ample parbons to maqucllcrs ,fpe:; ciallv to fucb as tnabetoarre w. tbe qttarrcil of tbe ^ea of Ifiome^ to tobom be batb alCo pzomtfeb bcaucn tf tb^V bye iti tbat warfare : alt tbe tiobicbe (beyng maup of tbcm eiccellenc men bab not tbe great mercp of Cob bene) be l^ab beftrovcd botb boDv anb foule. wbojcmS 5 STban ^.^obn i:eaccomptetb tobozcmogcrs. Snb be na^ gcrjs. metb tbe louiefl l^pitbe, to tbe enb toe fl)oulb tinoei ftanb tbe ftigbcr anb tipler as rape,aDnltcrtc,iucef!,$ ^or!ometrp:anii tbat toe Q}oulb not en^clube bere gtottonic , bionUennes , anb all ^nbe of riotontnes , anb noui'tfl)png of \}o!uptuou(ncs. UPbcre boubtles toe fee tbat fi^aint jaaule tsnbec t\^t tcrme of tobojebomc , compicbcnbetb all filtbp Inft atro riot . Bat m our bapestobo^e buntpngts mabefo common, tbat euerp moQ aiamefull tobozemongcr is abmittcb to tbe anltar : anb a marveb lanrfl tbat bepetb ^olp matrimonp is cjcpelleb fro tbe fame . ;jfo; tbe tobicb toe map tbanfee Syricius , anb otbet: laopes : to^om tl)e^poflle ^att) grcuouflp notcb , in t^efirS to2rimot|)c,4» m vpponthe'Apbcalipfc* 2^5 Chap.2T. ~ 0f ^o?ccrers is fpoftcn in t^e.?. cljaptcc of tl)is lioofec ^. ^oiccrcrfi 3}o^«l^ati *ctj'/xetxey(Tr,auD ^e tucaiietl) jiQagtcicn0,3[incgaQ= ter0,^ot^fa^ers, witc^)C6,attD b^ SDcmliCl) cnftcs loiic inaa feces . ar^e jJLatin men tuDcrftanD t^emalfo , t^at gcuc pov^ foncoDjinUe. 3]DoIatcrs \)t toJOiftjippcrs of Jliaof s . anD maruailc it is, JBiioiatn-jf. t^at tbc jaapittes at t^is Day , Dcnp tl)cm fcUics to hz 3lDo!a- tcr5»;jpoi to^at otJjcr t^uig is an luoll , Mi a a^apc oj intagc tnaae of an? matter •uia^lcrepicfcntpngtljefoMue cf i5oD 0; a)g>aint,but tDit^outfpintefan3i,Doll t^erfojc is an Image of toooo,ftonc,o? metaU , rcpicfcntpng t^c ftjapc of iBoD t^c latl)cr,of <5oD tf)cfonnp,oiof§>.pctci:. $t. S)a»tit» uefcri&et^ anSlDoIl , anD favti) ; ttjc Sltiols of t!)e bcat^cnarc iilucc aitb golD, eucn tl)C toojUc of mens ^anDs* 2;^cv !?a«c mouttjes ^ fpca'ae uoi:cpc3 !)auc t^ev ana fee not. $c. jDCatmc. 1 1:5 . iana 31 tDouiD favnc bnoujtw^^ttljej'.iJoIscftlje iaapjKcs Dififcc fcom tljefci Concerning teojQjipppng of tl)cm , tljep can not DCHV ^ ^\n tijat ti'jcp \DO?H)VP f^oie 3ioo!6 of toooD ano ciap^ ;jfo? t!>cp attribute to tijcm l?oii? names , ano cncn tlj*! facccci name of i5dD to be commimicatco to none ot^cr,favmg:t^is isCpoinrpng to ftoneojvoooo ,tbati5,toan3lijaU of ujood) *5oD tf?e fatl)ec, t»)i3 is iSoo t^e fonne , tbis !S &> , \Btttt , % tremtle i\\ mp mvn?JC,^bileft31 repoit tbefc tbpnges:efpcci^ allv* (incc tbc 2.oji3 bun fcifc batb fflvo,'a3bom toil vemiiHe mc IpUeJiJfap. 40. lino ^.laaule calletb tf^ts piaynlp, counter- feting foolifl)i?es: auD ejcpiefip ncnvetb f ©oobeao to be ipfee a HoneartUiciailp poUD.) > . ^cies , 17* ^gayne tbefc Slmagcs , ttJbicb tbe? cdl tbcsr fSoDs anD ^amtcs,maDC taitb mens banoes^ibcp biyng into tbc C^urcbcs , namctv a place of U)oifl}Vppvng,anbfct tbtmt}pon tbc aultars ; tjnto tbefc tbcf gue on pUgtunage, fall Dotone bcfo?c tbcm ^ too?^ Cbpp tbcm , fence tbcm , offer oblations to tbcm , ano bang 31t^els on t^t\y\ . :4nD mozeoucr tbcp attritnte to tbein alio apart of tbc beaiienip Doctrine ano inftrnction, Caving tbat t\^z tJulearncD fo?t arc taiigbt ano aomoniCljcD b ? cbcfc . ana VDbat is to U30?a)ip,if tbis tt notjiLet tbcm fee tbccfo?e,tobcs tbcc tbc? can bcrctn cpcufe tbcm felucs bcfoic i3oD anD mcnt an^ipiouiDc ratbcrtofauc tbeir foules . ^oujbcit aUtbcfe tbviiges tbe? \D^pc avoap as it tocrc ttHCb one taoio^anD fapt v»c looift) ;p not tbc ligncs , but tb^ngcs^ fignificb . m^m if tbcfignesbcrctaUenatoa^ , \j)Oia^ ^z retiiuacto tbc jdJols on piigtimag? i Do vc not tbinKs it Done in a mancr to iSoa ^itt.fcl{e,ti)a: ^o-i fee Done to i\)Z siools i do ve not puma) an .^x. ThcXCii.Sermon. ^01 ^z Q)aU ttot (erne to Ijanc rata runDct tuooD , but to l^aue dcfticd idoD ^tm fclfe . 2;^rrfo;e ^e acUnovulcDge fommj^ac mo;e mtI)tsU)OOD,t^anU30oD alom.fmvon t^mbe t^at foine Dtuinc ttjvng te 6tt> tbercm : anD t^crfciK is tipid tooon accotnpteD of pou tso cainon Vuooo. ^^tc^ tbvng vcn Dcciavc «t(o bp funo^p tokens ot^etivtre . t^otcoucr t^e dentils ri;^ cufeD t^cmfcittca aftcc t^c fame mancrnfavn'^ar tt)cp \»o;^ fljtppcD t^c tl^pttges^anD not t^c ftgncs . But t\)\e fcmeo not a fufiictent c^cnfc \9nt0 goDly men : as it is to be rean in Lac- uncius anD Athanafius m tbeir bookc0 agapntitbe i^tntiies. 33ut i3oo batV at onetooio confntcn v^uanD fapt>, tubo ^atb reqntc^ti tbefe tbpngcs at pour ^anoes^if an? uitli pelb xooi^ ft)Pp ))8to me,iet bun txjozOjpp after tbe p^efcrtpt of tnp moS ^olp lato.arbep too^C^tp tne in tiapne^teacbtng tbe Doctrines ofmen.arbefetbpnsesbaueSi Declared fomeU)batmo;eat !arge,to t^t intent tbat fucb ae \3}tli pet beare anp reafon,anD in U)bom tbetno^DanDIavo of i5oD batbanp place ontgbt knoto anD anopDe tbatgroOe anD DeaDtp finne of 3nDolatrie, fLfst$, ^nD ipars comp^ebenD men tbat are tigbt of tbeir toung, fcIaUDerer0,taleteiler0,U)birperers,Decciuers , coueroue per:: . fon0)tbeeue0) eictouionero, tofnrero, b^tbero , anD allmanec of bPPOcrite0anD(lipperieperfon0.^D?n0 i5oD it tbetrutb, fo louetb be trutb^fimpItcitie^conQoncie ,anD founDne0.2:bis Dice of Ipeng reignetb at tbis Dap farre anD vupoe . foi tbere is tbe leall,o} ratber no fapc^ atali in t\)t eartb^ mt)t %o}^ be mercpfnilto\)0. ^uDtoucbpng tl^elafteoiponDc Ittrnpng toitb fire anD &;imaone,anD tbe (econD Deatb,! bfiue fpoben before in tbe» xj>,anD els U)bere.^D be figntfietb,tbat all tbefe anD tbe ipke (ball becaODototte Df tbe CotD into tbe e« nerlaOpng fire of ^ell . ^0; be puttetb bere part fo^ inben« tanncc,a0 alio in tbe. 1 1. idfalme; be (l)all rapne tpon tbe Dn^ goDlp fire anD b^mftone , ^ tbis is tbe part ^f tbeir cup: anD tn tbe.24Df (^atb.^nD be fl^algiue bim bis part \nitl} tbe bt» pocrtte0.anD \x>t (ap aIfo,be batb obtaineD bts rigbt: 0} be is punifbeD as be is U)02tbp . STberfb^e Itbeas tbt ^atnteo ob^ ecinc tbe Itingoome of beauen bp inbcritannce: (0 are enerla;* tt^MQ tozmente0 in ReaDe of inberitauncc to tb£ \)ngoDlp. j^o tbe ^o;d tbe rigbteous tuDge be pjapfe anD g!o?p< :2Unen« ij^f re is kt fo:tb a gooDip pttfure , Defcriptio o^ fifiure of § bl?aco rcate>t of tbe ^eAUCul2 ^i^ t ^^W cucrJaapng, The vppon the Apocalipfc. tp^ chaf^2x, ThexciiLSermon, A Nd there came vnto me one of the fcucn Aun- gelles , which had the feuen viallcs full of the fcuen jaft plagues : and talked with me faying : come hither, I will fliew thee the bride , the lambes wife . And he ca- ry ed me away in fpirite to a great , and an high mou n- tay ne,and he fliewed me the great Citie , holy Hierufa- Icm,defccndyng out of hcauen from God , hauyng the brightnes of God . And her (liyning was ly kc to a Itonc moltpreciouSjeuen a lafpar clcare as a Criital:and had great and high wanes,and had tweliie gates,and at the gates twelue Aungels : ajid names written , whiche arc the twelue tribes of the children of Ifraell : on thcEaft part three gates,and on the Horth fide thre gates , and towardc the Sou-th three gates, and on the Weft fide three gatesrand the wall of the Citie had twelue foun- dations , anil in. them the ruiues of the Lambes twelue Apoftles* g>.31^^r««ntctI)tat^ei>crcciptioitoftl)c5eaufIv citi'e, %Xietrvi»: \iiW^ m tl^c^cginmng of tt)is chapter i)e ^ao attempted, jl^e tioa of ttje ijati) intctat ccrtapuc t^pnacs in place ciglat ncccfliicie, tou- ijcaucnip c^^igtljc cf rta^nc l)ope of tljc fnvtljfuil : uj^iclj after i)c ijath erne. fmi(l)cDi \)t Cccmct!j afrcctoarne tat)n!ocfec (t fct open btaur, ttjatt^c goDi? tuitlj t^>t tvts of fiivtlj, n;f gf)t as it \Dtu looUe ljctcm,anD fee riearclp \3?D \)z:\}xmg^t tjnotrtljc psratjics of vecDDimgcs and. (eaOcs^ mAitU Jinn Ghf,.2t, [TheXCiii.Sermon. ' ^i;e (ijcws ^"^ f'cR l)ft:c is DcdaccD tnto \3S,toIjo is f Djetdcr of r^ts cr o: f t)ca= 50DIV anD toonDcrfull Miov.: tl?at 10 to fap, tc^o is t^c opc^ uci^ totfion. ucr of t^c miSccies: tiaiucip an ^uugcll of {5od, and rtje )}c^ VV fame, toljtrl) bcfoic m tlje.u.flj^ tht fame Jlo^u fapiu com^ 31 ^lU ^) t'oe tjnaoDl^ ,' $ geuet^ rcttjarDcs to tijc goalp, auD DcnoCiccrl) tijofe ^10 rigb^: f eott0 iiiugemcittts tjtito men bp ^10 mimftccs . isgo?coucr-, fmcc toe fee ttjynscc to be moS ccctainc, anD parteip alfo acs coplifljcD, tutitc^ ^e fljetDCD bcioie cf tljc {uijgf met of i^ome: to^otooulDuotgatljcist^att^cti^pitgftjaUbeaifo mofi cct;* tavnc vw^icb ^c uoU3 tJttecctlj aun ii)eu3Ctb cciwet*«iu5 tbc c? ncclaaing gIo?v of t^e faptbfulli Slr.D jjatbermga frtiiunc Of tbc t^ynges tuljicb Ije Ujill (l)c\»c bvtn, ^c fetrttb tbtm bcfoic ^pm, ano e^o^tetij tiymto folloto ^VJnif^Vi»S» ccme,3l uifll a)cU)etbcct^iebJVOcti?e tovfc of t^e Eambc . m bee ^atlj bcene ofte vgmts fpo&en before, i^e figniftctb tbc cougregas ttoti of ^aintc0, eoitpkn bv f^ptb to octr faftlour Cb^iit.^nd be not onelp fl^etuct^ to 31o^n($ in bim to tjo all;tbc fpuufe; but tbe gloip alfo geiicn bee of i5oD ♦ ^ be meaning tbcrfoje ist^i0:come,3ltoiUfl)ctoetbec, toljat fi^alibetbtglojy pi tbe Cancel? of Cbjift mtbe Ipfe to come, tubat Qjatl bep ftatc of tbe life eueclafting . certcs be fpcal^etb alfc ^ctp niaup tbVi^gcB of t^c Cl^uic^, but c^ttfely of ^rr glo^2 ut t^e too^lii to come. ST^en tOHcljetl) ^c alfo biiefelp t^c maiicc of ccii£aIing.;jroi Stwcut^ Ije aubctl), ano be toobc mc \jp in (jpzite into a great ana bvg»J lation monntavne. a:bcrefo;c Ipfec as in tbe foimcc tJifions (jc teas eaepcD atiiav in fp^ite^^is bo:;? remaining in )9atl)mo6:and as \3}t ^ane rcaD anb abmonia)eD before, ttiat fuel) manec of tiftons anb tauiO^ments ijappeneb to iSfecljiel: eucn fo fait^ ^e nou) alfo t^at be is carveD a\s)a? tn fpztte, anb in mtnbe to fee tbe tbpnges ujbicb t'ge angeli a)c\ucD . ix>bccefoze if toe to^W alfo ctao oz beacc li^cfc t^pngcs to anp pjofite, be muft iplte yjp our mynbes, anb be carpeb tp in out fp;tte,^ tbmUe tbat all t^rfc tbings mutt fpii'itualip be \)ubei;(looDc.?a?sbt- IV (fapt^> Aretas)mfbc mourtttipncttiag fljeujcb tb: l)«:aurni? JpfeanDconucriaiionoItbe^amtes. :JrozU)Vtbtl)cm isno^ tbpngcact^lp,lo\»czbafc:bi«aU t^pngcs lofticanb !^vgl)» STbisgc. Certapnciv tobac tpme mtbeiBofpcil t^c Edzd Cbztfl tDOulo epbtbite to bts cifciplcsa certeine {aOe aub rape cf tbe s'az? to come, be conuepcb tl;emt)p into a iaejoume, auD voii5 aaitingureb befa?c t^em ; to^it^ tjjpng.^-.ogatt^. ;;^ :. afiiniict^: vpponthcAporoKpfe. spy Chaf.zu affimtct^ int^c 17. ^auccljaanccu to l^«cc,3iames> anD noto ^e anncyct^ t!jc \3ifiou it fclfcaM jenccally ann bzi'cfclp Defcnbctl) oi a)aDoU3Ctl) tlje blcffcD fcatc anD glo?p of tbe Ipfetocomc ; artenaat'oc %t smpliftct^ t^c fame moje largely, pacticulacly^awD as it toccc by paites, ano fo enlac- gcD anD faeautifico 'gc fcttctb it fou^ as it tuece to be fcenc of t^e goDlp. aiiD I)C tallctl) tl?c bcaiieniv' coimtne, au^ l/abita^ tiou of ^amtcs,tl)c gteat Cuic. ;jfoi it is tijc citic of tb: great J^^ ^We «f l^piig, ana in it a)ail d'ojcI an mmimcrablenttiubcr of p bicfs z^^l\ fco, a«a of aimgcls t'ooufan:)eB infinite, tw^icb Qjalbauc ibc ^^^^^^' fraii'toii of (Treat glQiv:ncvt^ct: is t^cccan^ feacc , Jcafitbc place fi)3uiS not faficcfo great an boU of men ano fpiitcs, jDi Vm itilMl b5o;i:c flrairc.ioceat is tl)C citie of 0oD,VDbicb itj )3CC£l}? aalcio eccciu: all gooo uicnabounoaimtlp. 3i,tt t^c gofpcU of s^^obn tbc^oio favtg: in niv fatbers bonfeare ma^ tt'^ manf(ons,anD io foitbifge.t^.cbapt. 2rbe felfc fame place IS calleD bol^ l^iecufalem :Jfoi liHe as no fitt^mcg (Ijal tljcec be efpieo, fo il)all tbcre no tindeane perfon tbere appeare. jDf t!)e beauelv tecufalem is fpoU^ befoie. arboinas of Equine faptb; l^bee is isi^u to tjaae DefcenDeb fcom bcauen, bccattfe tbat loo&etubat gooDncs faenct: tbe bolp Ctiucc^ !)at^, Qjee acbnotalebgttbbec felfe to bane ceceiueo it of tl)C gt'aceof i5oD. iDUtotr^is matters] bane fpo^en in tbe iaa^ermon» 0nD tbe citie of i5oD,3n meane !)eauen,i)atb rbe feates of goD ^aafna t^ anD ti)c bleOeD ,r^t gloiv of iSoD^tbat is to fa^^tbe Dinine ma= ^m of ieftieauD biigotues, anD tubat gceat tljvug fo cucc y nipnDe <^°^' of man can tbintvc oi imagine, 0; in all tbpugcs tbe tmfpeak^ a^Ie c]eceMencie of {5oD,fucb as nettbee i^z eve tpatb feene,no} tbcearebatb i)caro,nDiVCt barb afceuocD intotbebactofma, T.coiintb.ttK.i.cijapt. a;bcfct^pngsbat^^cfummaciIv,anD genecallp toncbcD bctbccto. anD confcqiicntlp be fettct^ fojtb pacticularlp ^ atlargc^ecttfrof tl)c (apD celcftiail glojv,anD bleCTcD ieatcs. ^ojiu^at twinges ^otJ «toft foeucc ace ample, ujbaffocuecacc in cities comm:nDabIc,t^)e.^'"P^^^"^ fame aecplapnelv tounDc in tbis onr citiemoft ejcccUcnt , as ^^^ tbclacgencs, ftreKgtb,maieftte,fnrci;e3, rjcceltencte, beantie, plcafaumnes ano plcntic of tbvnges . srbefe rbV'»iSC3 31 Tap, anD all otbcc Uftc doc tooDcrfull^ cjcccil m tbe citie of our goD, anD ixK ou>; fatbers ^auic vlnu tubere as tbcfc twinges arc oit tbis tti tie fctfoitb ana umplificD moftlibeiallp: pet fccmet^ tbece noibing at all iapoe, m tsi^lz a man conuDcr ibf tonipea^ toblc iiiiiicQic of tpc gio^v ccletliaU.l&nt ail c^efc twinges acg i^cYj, anea= ^^^f^f' The XCiii. Sermon Cow^at dlleaDgei)oftI)c iLoiiibp5>.3loI)u, totftis cttiie\)ereIVit^«t Sll\^fL 2^ ^^^!^ ^ tmmn tott^ il)c Dcftcc of fo toojtl)? al?fe,anD gmgctf arc r^Ottmt^nfeeittoi«:mbulatias,anDtroubIcs,tl)att!)eaffif^ H'^ttf". tions ol rbis pjrfcut tooilo, are notbmg in comparifoo of fo cjccdlcnt auo (oucraine gloi^: ai«» finally tljat all are maooe, \»l)icli bcginne to Doubt of tbe etcrnall btMW of tl>e faptbftill, taerp manvtbmgcs of tbfSfwtarerraDalfo m igjccbiel! in ibe.«j aftc r.»>c toil toueb eue rv part of tbie trea* tife, tJfmg ncttertbclcCe a fba?t bicmtie,leaa toe fbottlo be tc^ btone to anp man. ^nD berciv be tcucbetb tbe pMnctpall mn moft commenoabie tbpnges of Cities, ano bv tbem fcctoetb tbat tbe cjtrc of 00b ejcccUetb* m>tv^t 3|n cities anD boafcs tbe cbiefcftpiav^ft iSytf all tbingcs b« oftije citie. ligbtano clearer fa? oarchnes is bouible emu tjnplcaiaunf. 2:bcrefo^etsan cj^ellent tigbt Declared to betntbecitie oi boufe of tbe ILozd. srberc is aoDco a par^ble.toberebv is Q^e^ toeD tbe eiKellencie of tbis Itgbc . 31t is Ipbe a moft piectous tone,fuppofca ufper, as it tscommonlp caIleD,o?a chryfo:* Hche^o^fomelilteaonrmo&bzigbt* ^ta^.5tobn bvmielfe aDDetb mo2e,as it tocre a Bflalipar (lone lil^e a Cb;tl^all. 3arbis fs a netoe maner ol fpeabing, but tt batb a tnaruelous grace, if toe tmoerftanD it rigbtlp. ^o^ a llfarpar is grene, a cbfiftalt » b^gbt. i^tfeemetb tberfo^e to faV)b«>tof celeRiall bjigbt^ nes is cdtintmlly grene,anD toitberetb neucr: tbat is to tuit, (bat tbe brauelv ligbt is euedading, anD in it felft after a fo?t toajcing grene^ ano in gr&tomg grene toajcetb biigbt anD re^ iovlttb aU bcattllviOtoelUrs.;fPo? bercafter foUotoetb: fo; tbe glo;p of i5oD batb ligbtencD bcr, anD tbe Hambe is bcr ligbt STbtsbtigbcnesan^moSiovfttU ligbt tbe ilo)D in tbex^of- pell of BtobtrpiEomitetb m funDj^places: ano tbe tobcle bleC« feD li^fr, ts calleD commonly tbe bleiTeD Ijpgbt^anD tbe ligbt e^ tterla0ing,o? tbe Itgbt of beaue>bp reafon of tbis ligbt,tobicb is not tbe Icaft port of it. 3nt fcemetb to bane been p;f figureD in tbe golDen canbelftictte of tbe tabernacle.$c. jfo} if it toere not barD fox our Ho^d 0od to geuetsnto precious (fones^ toonDcrfuU colours attD Uiigbtncs: if be illumine tbis toozlD ftobieb is full of nangbtie ini) tottb-moS gooDly ligbtcs, tl;e ^unnri tbis ligbt mucb mention is ntaDc m i£(av anD in tbe j^iaimift* Cbt xoaWcQ in Cities ace moft notable auD eiccelleut,. in cafe j»3Uc0 of j^^y (jj ^igb,tbieHe>auD flcoiTg>ablctoabiDc all 63?ceof cne4 vppontheApocalipfe. tpS Cfodf.2x. mfe0, ant) to Defenoe c^c Cttt|cns from all f ntucic^, anD ro keepe tl)cin m peace aito^e l^eauml^ toalles ci^er^ fme ace bdcb great ^arong^andaUo i^tgt) o; Vinpzegnable. I^eteb? is fignifitD, t^at ti)e piotectiou cf ^atnre^ m beaittn Ml ti);oug^ i5od be mod (afeaito fuce, fo r!)at tbc ^ jimes ftjaU be in perfect fccttFitie,atti> e)Cfmpt from all feare. 3/berc ftj3ll no man trouble ot tahe atuap tbttr toyes : as tbe Ho^d in t^c. i^.of ^.31obns «5o(pcU barb afftrmeb. ^oj tbcrc Qjall beperpetnaUfccurttic, onbgiabneetn bcauen moll pcrfccce anbeuedaftvng* (99oieouer in tbc\3)alle0 are placed gates, tubcreb? men Cbesatris goetntotbec{tte.3llntbe\»aUtbeefo3ieoftbebeauenlp coun^: ofcbeci(t«. rrie Q^all be ttocltte gates: tbat ts to rap> a mod large entrtng ttito eternal! i^c a);ill be open on enerv fioc* <^nd toe beleue, t^At tbere is no otber t»:tp to beauen.'no otber poit o; gate, ot wxp otber oootc otpodemc to remaine,tbau tbe onely anb fbie Cbnd Bicfus our JLojb: asbe b?mfelfe batbtaugbttn^.i^.cbapt. TStttfo^fmncb as btbatb appoint^ tcD^ngel3oip;opbetes,anb^pollles alio to be posters of beanv'u, CO UJbombtb'itbcommttteb tbe bepes of tbe kpng« borne of beaucn: ano tbefe Do b^tng tbe cbofen, anb let tbem rentofi5oDfo} t^z faluation of men ? 31 meanc tbat tbc^ mpgbt bjpngtbem b^ tbe ojope of tbe cructb, ano bi? tbe bol? mtatSerie into life eaerlattvngtb;ougb faptb.(3B|o;eoncr we reao bow tbe fonie of pooie Ha^arns vuben be opeb, was carpeD b? Angels into tbebofomeof^bjabam. xoh^ tbenO^oulD we maruelltbat aungelles (tanD at tbe gates^ S^m by tbe true anb onel]? gate ^W^^ti^vf b;ing ix\ tbe fa?tbfiill into tbe beauenlp countries 2lnD agapne fo; a fartber Declaration bere is anneiceb, anD -x^i ^..^ in tbe gates were names w)itten,wb^cb are tbe names of tbe ^e \Sittm twelne tribes of tbe cbilo^en of llfraell. ^o; tbe ILozD woulD tnc nawcs (ignifte,tbatbe))feDtbetrauelloftbe)datriarcbes anb id;o- offcbUM pb^es of all tbe tnbes, in opening beauen Dnto men: anb a^ ^f Jfracu. game tbat all tbe cbofen of all tribes appertaine to tbe fclow* a)ip of felicttte« xot Q)atl fee tberefoxe in beauen tbe ^datriar^ cbes anD)d}opbete6, anballtbe^aintes, wbicb before tbe commpug of CbM(^ are wzittcn \\\ tbe regiders of t^e beaul^ l2 mnflerOQO^c: l^^c as t^e^poOles alfo (awe i99ofes and i^elias Chaf 2t. ttonoft'o^ tattonflof The XCiil. Sermon i^cliaa ttiVm^ to^t^ CbiifimtI)c«99o«iite. 3»Ijitrefd?cnot ixittl)oi:t great c aufc ttizotc tl)c apoftle to tlje I^ebictoeD: ^ou arc comcu to t\^t momit ^ion, aiiD to t^ie Citie of t^e litimg iBoD,to t^e tcleftiall I3icinfalcm,$ to t^c mwltituDc of manv tljoufaiio amigcilec , anDtmo t^c congregation of tljeficft &oinc,\a)i)tcti sre to^tttcn m !)eauen, ^uD t()e reft \»^tc^ ts rcD^apt. attune tonc^ct^alfot^crmtat!on oftI)C gatee* ;jfo?ljcaf:9 fignet^ tt)?ee Ijnto eucrp parte of tljc ffeie. /lept^er oocti) ^e t^is toitbout confiucration. ^qi our ^auiour ftpmfcifc fait^ mt!jcf5ofpcH,tt)attl)evft)anccme from tljeeaftano from t^e ixjeft, ano a)aU reft tayt^ at)?al)am, 3ifaac anD 3Hacoi}, in t6c fe^ngoomc of ^eaucu. Aretas aUo fcar({;ctlj ^crc t^e nititc- rie moje Diligently-, ana fuppoicil) tijat no man Qjali enter in by tbefe gateB,faue l)c, \r^ifij uotlj acfenotoleDgeitie eternall trimticof i5oD, anoalfo int&eraantictl) t^e mitteric t)frt)e croCTe of C^?ift, jf o? l)c ^Vtl) l;oto tije iu,elHC trites ate nia uioeD by t^e 2r riniticaccojomgiot^cfourefolDe figure of tfec tiJOjlD»^c. 5X>^criipon Aquinas alfo Uivtl) : \2;l;cro£uer ate la- weD, tl^ev are inGifteo by tlje fatt^ of t^c J^r/iV a/'iur*ti£ pabli- O^en \x\ t^e foure quarters of tl^e toojio by t^e !^poate& pjea^ c^?ng» JBtotn fl)ett3etb ^e alfOyt^at tbt founttations of t^is ctttc are mo0 fnre anD \}nmotieabIe. ^o^ t^e tualle of ti^e Ctttr , faytt) be, batb t\3}elue fouuDatione. iToucbing tl^s toun&atton of tbe Cbwrcl) anD otir faluation, l;a«e fpofecu e)tpicaciv,2)auiD in tbc i&fatmes,i£rav in i)ig i«.cl)apt,Dur JLojD anD 0'auionr InfunDjp places of tSc i5ofpcl,iaejcr mcuomr m t^c ^ctts, anD in bts firHepiaie: anD libets^vi'^ t^^ itpoftic^.jdaule, tDbo CayD, any oti^er fomtDatton can not be iapoe , tban li^ac tobic^is lavDt, txbic^ is Cb;ift 3[icfus,i.Co?intb.3. feotu tbcnarela?DciU)eliicfounDaticns^Doubtles CbJifi remav- ttetboneanDafitrefcunDation . IDotDbeit in as mucbasm placing anD reucaling Ijm^tbc ILc?D batb bfcD p tnuuUcnc of tl)e tvxjeUie ^poaics: foj tijis canfc tbe Citie is lav^c to ^aue ttDehiefomiDations.Bott^attbc apoftles are mbccDc i^e founDations of tbe cl)urcb ano our faluation ; but m tbts re- fpectc, t^at CbJift tijat rtuc founbation , teas b? t^e itwelue ^poftles maDe Uno\2}en to tbe faitbfull, anD as it u^ere layDe tmDer, U)bereupon t^e beleners baue builDCD tbcmfelucs bp. tbc^ipoftlcsfaptb. i^^bftcitpon be faytb purpoicI?,anDm t(jo(etU3Clue, tjje naiurs of t})elambesttticlucilpo;Uesr;jPo? t^e i5ofpeUairo (vo^tci) is bst^ in locrv becDc ano \)ucbauge^ . ablK vpon the Apocallpfe. 2^7 cha^ ,2r, abl^ 31efus Cljiiftes alone ) 10 cailcD t^c i5ofpcll of 3iot)n, fi^att^cto,(3eiacbc, Hufec, atiDjactci: atiD jaaulc, liccaufe it Sat^ bccK pzcacbcu bv tbcm. ^no toe \jnDecftanD bcrebp not ottclp t^at tlje Cb»rcb, Vobicl) toaebcfoietbccommpngof Cb?:ft auo of t^c jaatciaccbcB anD |9?opl)ctc0, tobiclj is noU) ccccaucB into bcaucn to cciopcc in i3oD: but alfo tlje C^iurcb apoftolicall, m mcanc all me ixi t^ic tobolc \x)ojlD tobicb banc betciicD tbc apoaiicall Doctrine, a)al luie toitb all tbc faints in t^at bcancnlp conntnc: all t^c \j0!)icb\»cfl)allbotbfce, anD toitl) tbemalfo Q)all glojtfieiSoD fo? cnermo?c» Primafius l5pfl)op ofvticaDiffcntctbnot inucb fcom tbis volicther one e]cpofition,c]cponnDing boto tbe i^lpoQles are calleD fou- ti)e ^po^ Dations.^fojt^nsljatbbelcfttD^itten: tolt)erea0Uje fenoto, ms bcfo« rbat tbeCbnrcbbatb one onelp fonuDation , tbat is to fav S)ation« of Cbiift,U)c ougbt not to be jnoncD, tijat bccc be faptb Cl)e batb t^c tijurci?. ttoeluc.5fo? m Cljiift banc t^e iapoftlc0 DcfcrucD tobetl)C founDation0 of tbe Cbuecb:of u^boui ti^e i^poftle o- tbee founDation can not be lavDt^befiDeo tbattvbicb is lapDe, \wbicbei0C^iiR Slefns . 31n b^nt arc alfo tbe apoftlcB (apD to be ligl)t, ftnre be favtb )}nto ti^em , ^qm are tbe ligbt of tbe tD0jlD:\i3bcre Cb^lt alone io tbe true ligljt,Ujbtcb ligbtetb e^s nerp man commpng mto tbis uiozlD . iL\^\\Xi tberfoze i0 tbc ligbt illumining , anD tbep tbe ligbt illumincD . ^b after a fetD \xio2De6 tt)e fame aut^our faptb . i^ere it bebouetb "^z to ac^notuleDge ttpe tu)elue apo01e0 to be founDations , bovo^ beit vet calico In tlje onelp foundation Cb?tft 3ficfu, i^creuns to appertctnerb alfo , t^at be bat!) not conccaleD t^e name of tbe S.ambe.^be ^polllcB tberfoze be founDattons, \iwx in tbe one founDation 5!cfu CbJift. ^no Cb?itt alone ttiitbout t\^t ^poftlc0 i0rtgbtlp calleD t^e fouuDattun: but tbe ^poftles toitl^out C^^Ot^i^oitld bv no mcanes be callcD tbe founDati0s of tbe Cbm^Cl). I^bCfe tbVngc0 faptb Primafius . It>bicb Aretas ©vftjop ofCefaruDcclarctoutojc biicflvauD plavnelp,anD faptb : tbcv are in dcdc calleD fouuDationB ,fo2 t^at tbev b^ne iavDet^cfouuDatioHS oftbe£b;i(lcn fapt^^auD gates; tbat bv tbem,tljat is to U3itte,bp tijcir picacbpng , tbere map befounDeno\a7,tbatareable to b^v^tg oti^cra to tbeCb^tdctt faptb.irbus murb faptb be. ^oubtlco tbe^podlc ^ . isaule . intbc.i.totbeiepbcf.callctb CbJift tlje founDation of tbe a^? potties anD )9^opbetc0 , tobicb tbcp baue lavDe bv tbeir p^ea^ cbpng , anD to t^e \x)bicb tbcp l)auc IcaneD , anD bv tbe tobwb alfo tbc]?4rc raucD,^o btm be glo^p^ Chii.2u The.xciiij.Sermon il ^ef aga^ne 10 oefcrtbeo t^c feate of r^e rnerladj^ng cou«« frkinljfautrt. Thexciiii.Sermon, A Nd he tliat talked with ine , had a golden rccde to mcafurc the Citie with all , and the gates thereof, and the walles thereof. And the Citie was builte fourc fquare , and the legth was as large as the breadth of it. And he ineafured the Citie with the reedc . xij . M . fur- longes and the length and breadth , and height of it were equall.And he nicafiiied the wall therof, 1 44, cu- biteSjaftci" the.jncafure of a man which the Angell had. And the buyldyng of the walle of it was of lafpar . And the Citie was ofpure gold, like vnto deare glafl'e : and^ the foundatios of the walks, and of the Citie were gar- nifhed with all maner of pretious ftones . The firft foii- dation w^s a lafpar , the fecond a Saphire , the thyrd a Calccdony,thcfourth an Emerande,thc.v.a Sardonix, , the.v/,a Sardeos,the.vij.a Chrifolite,theeight a Berall, the.ix.a Topas,the.x.a Chrifoprafos,the. xii a lacinte,. and thetwelftan Amatilt,Andthe tweliie.gates were tweJuepearles,andeuery gate was one pearle,a4id the ftrecte of the Citie was pure golde, as a through fliy- nyng glafle. I^e pjoccDctI) in Dcrctib^ng tbcblctfcu fcatts , atits tbc life .... „_ oftbetooilDtocomc,^nDcctl?e31magcofamofl gooDlpanD mod ejcccilem Citie. xpemufttinucrftani) a!ltbpngcs,ttctaf5 m t\)c Ier£cc,but after tlje fpirrtc. $^11 twinge e arc fapD foj our coinfbzt,a*ti» tot^ccniic \j3efl)oulD (tomclp comrmnc tW U)Oilo,auD t^e p!cafurc« t^ecof , ^ t\)t fimcs of pcrfct titours niiiJ to t^c cntj-Vnc CljoulD altoaves orCirc fo great , anl> cucr^ laftpng gooD t!)mgc6 p^ojuiTcD ^'S, \2dc Ijauc hcaro tn t^f ocf- mption,\>ca anD caen fcnc toiirc fmgular tljiugs of t^is be a- nenlp Cine as it \x>ccc ota liuclf picture, to^ata ligljt it b ub, toj^at tDailcs,\Dbat gates alio, atiD \a3^at fouiiDatiotis. Botu trt.tbc ftft.placefoUo\joct'g,to^at is t^e vwioettce , vcccitc oj iargrncs of t^is HmcSroi hereof arc Cities cSmcnDcd. 3na $j«cU;ii;icit \^,t\)^x t'^c gccatcK number of Citizens , aioul& ■ vpon ftic Apocalipfc* 2 i? 8 Chaf .!?/, ^AUC tl)c littojcfl 01 srewcft Citic. srijcrfoic tijccc coinincti) fojtl) a incatcc orit of t^is Citi'c, ^^entfaftt: an auuccli fciu to 3[]ol)u fiom I)caucn , l)olD^?ng in ^io ^ano !"'i ^'l^ ^ a recnp,t{)at is alongpotlc ojmcafurvngroo , not oftoooD, noiac „fae ti\\tt^, biuofgolDe. iauD by tljc nicafucvngljc vdoiiId toe fl)oulD eftf tne tbc quantity of tijc OlcfTcD fcatc.3]» tbe mcarcu t^crfoicano mtljemeafnre toe QjailnotnceDcto fccbeanp great miflcciefi.;jfoj tlje cteniall toifeoomeanD pjotiiDenceof <5oD ^atl) pKP^rcD fcatcc fo? Ijis cl)ofcn : auo tijat m a golDe o?Dcr,tbatio to toittc mofl puvificD, tobtcb tc figntfico bp i^^z Solocu re CDC oj mcafare.;^oz tbc iiiDge xn^, jsgatb . pioiioa bctl) tbc Uicpc to tafcc tl)e m^ecitauce , pzeparcD from tbcbc;? gtttKmg of tJ)c tooilD.i^c alone bnotoet^ aIfo,tobo be bis. Sbbe fitiiation of ttc Citic is oeclareo to be planteDm a3i fcpwD^e fqitait:tobeccb^ is ftgnifieo tbe fivcugtb ano ftablenes of tbc n fquarcs blctTcD m bcauen.;jpoj tbc place is no balle , botolle, 01 globe, ^^ *^^ c^^'f* rollvug ano eafie to tttme. /i^eitbct* nceoe toe to Doubt of tbc ccrteintic tberof.^Poi bope a)anietb no inan:anD ^e t^at bele* uctb in £bitft,fl)all ncnec be confownDcD, 0)ojcoiice tbc lcngtb,bjeaotb ano beigtb of tbis Hitk arc ~. ,^,^ cqnaU.iguci:vfibe,in bis fquaDci; , ^at^ ttoeluc tboufano ftic^^ .waMh longcs , tobic^ niafee iw alt fonrtie ano eigbt t^onfano in t^e ^* toljole ticcuite. iToucb^ng tbc furlong, tobat ano boto mwc^ ^Fln^mt« it contcinct^,31 fee learncD men liaric. Piinie in bis . ». boobe •''^"**'"* tl)e. 13 .cbaptccattributetb toafurlonganbunDjcDano.i^ paces , tbat is to fav, fuce bunojeo ano. ir . foote . 3|f ve noto accbntpc tbefe tbvngcs^anD DiuiDe tbem into miles ^ou O^all ftuDe tbat tbc ^itie is mod ample ano large, arbere be fome tbat reUen it . uo . i3ermane miles* j^erebp 31 fuppofe to be fignifieD,tbflt tbc place anb fpacc is great enougb^tobat innu tnerable multitiiDcs fo cuer of angels, of bleCTcD fpirttesanu of men fl)all flitte into tbc bleOeD reate,anD Otoell tberein. !^9 alfo tbc JlojD in tbc i5ofpeU fa^D : 3i]n my fatbct^ Ijoufe ace manp manfions.3ln tbe.3 o,cbapter of j^fap about tbe eno is a)etoeD,tbai tbcre Qjal be Ipace $ place inougb in bell alfo fo? tie totcfecD^no tbc cqualuie on cuerv fioe Declarctb,t^atmf (gaaaiitie bV tbe mcalmes ano countreps t^at tbep be of , niall bane no ' 4)icro5atiue.;Jro? tobctbec focner tbou be of tbe jgafi,o? of t^c xx?eft,tobctber tbonbc i5rebe oz Barbarian , fo tbat tbou be fa^tbfuUitbou nialt bc^tecciuc&of tbciloiD, 496)o?eoucr in tbe iSoCpcU equaluic is OcclarcD , tobiieft tbe penny is payeD not onelv to bvm tbat toiougbt in tbc ^incyarD all bay long , oj !?alfe tbc bay , but Unto ^ym alfOjto^ic^ came into t^e timey» arointi^ccuenynst %\fi Chap.2i, The.xciiij.Sermon (^z\iti&t ^\^t bci'gl^t of tl)e toall is Doubtlcs \)nincafurablc. xohtt:i of U)f gat^cc,tt)at t^c bleffcDncs is mott fiirc : anD tl)at none can come into t^c fainc,but b^ tbc gatcs.;JFo) no man caclime oucrfucb an bcigbt,tto man can fcalc tbofe vwailes , tobetbec be be enemp,tbat tooiilo molcft tbe:oj bipoccitc,tPbicb goetb about as it toerc bv fitaltb to toinne btauen» xo^ttt be fa^tb,ano be meafurto tbe toall tberof, an b«n->» lijeb^.4.4.cubite0,itcannotrui:clvagceetoitbtbe fiirlSgcs: /cbc tOKK^ tbcrfojemufttocnecDcstjnDcrilano it of tbe tbicfecnceoftbe "^*' toall.lBp tbe tobicb agayne is ftgnceu tbe ttccngtb ano fare- nes of tbe bleOeD.Sit is aDDeD,boto tbe ^Qgell D^o mete toitb (SThf mpa ^^^ meaCurc of a man^tobicb tbe aungell bao : tbat is to fap, futc of a ti^t ^^^ aun-gcll mcaiurcD tbe toontco cubitcs ^ $ fnrlongcs ttian,fef)icb ^^ *"^" accuftomcD.^ppbfrfoic tbis saagcll bab tbe fame mea- tbe aunsdi furc in tbts metvng,\a)!)Kb is commonly ^fcb of men, fax fo bao. U)oulD be ftgniftc tbat tbe place of ctcmall fclicttie (boulb be Determinate ano certaiuc . fm tbere fl)all be after tbe rcfur^ rection bobyes trne anD Determinate . 3lf tberc be any otbec mitterie bcrein , pcrauenture it is tbe fame , tobicb tbe 2Lo?D Luke. ao. Ipafee of in ILufee, namely of tbe bliCTc of tbe faytbfui! in an o^ ^tt \vo;lb: tbev be egaU tuttb ^ungels , ano are tbe cbtib;en of 000 , fmce tbey be tbe cbilojen of tbe refurrection . 3lf an? ma UJill accompt iberc nubcrs moje eicactly, anb fl^eto bigbct miftecics , 31 toill glarily gene place . 31 fuppofe tbat bere arc tratbec celeftiall tbvnges to be ftgureo.tban eitber !2lritbmeti^ call mtmbers,oz Geometrical proportions to be taugbt./i^e:* uertbeles 3n can tuiUmglp graut,tbat tbofe artes b^lp^ to tbe )»nDerftanbpng of tbe Scriptures. Cbe mats 31" tbe fijct place be treatetb of tbe matter of tb? 6 bcaitenlp ut of t^t0 Citie.if o; Cities are commenbeb by rcafon of tbeir Quffe ano Ctttc matter . %\^z feyingof Cedr Auguilus is txiell fenotnen , \i)bo ts fayo to bane fpoben of i^ome:S1 founo it of b;icUe, 3] ieaue ttof marble .^to xl^t ^xiitQ butlbeo of (lone , are iuftlp pze^ ferreo before tbofe tbat are of timber : $ furb as are* built of free Gone fquareD,befojc tbem tbat are maoe of rougb ftonc» 13uttt>bat IS tbe builoyngoi matter of tbe Citie cclcCtaUe X^m^ no ^^nclcanncs, no milt vpon the Apocallpfc. 2pp chap . 21. ettiH affections , t^cte Ojall ht no trouble 0^ pa^ne . 2ls t^c ^atittatt^ S,ozo favzie alCo tu ti)e . 19 . chapter of ^at^cU) Oifpntpng a^ gapnQ tt^c ^aDucets.S^^crcfo^e Ip^e as gold is mo(t tcycd (i; pnce , fo (^a!l t^c cclcftiall Ijabitation be moft clrane . sr^cc- foic mud tbe boDves alfo tbat Q^alliiVneH in beaucn be datu fieD 01 gloiificD . f^eaboetb ^ tbac tbis gold inod pure is not glaffc,but \\\ bzigbtncs botb rcpicfcnt mod puce anb fl)ining gla(re.;JFoj m bcauc all tbpngec arc clcacc. STbcre \nc fl)all be fcnefaccto face.2:bcre toe ftal mort perfitlv fenoto al tljiugs. 3. anb firttbefaptb getterallv,tbat tlje founbations oftbe iFotmDat<= Citie , arc beauttficD tottb all mancr of precious Soncs : anb ^«s» aftcnooarb pamculaciv be recitctb bp name tbe Cones tbatare mod e]cceHcnt.2)oiibtlcs notbyng is mo2c piccious,notbing mo;cci;ccllent,tban CbitHtbefounbacion of our faluation, ttoj tban tbe apoftolicall boctrinc,tobctbp toe are inbuceb to tbe bnotolcbgc of €b?ift ^ of our falimtiou. Sln^ be fettctb iti o^bcr.)cp. ftoncs,to rbe intct toe Cl)oulb tnoerOab, tbat tberc is not one p^cctous Gone alone placco fo^ tbe founbatton,bue a rotoe of one fo^tc in fucb a lcngtb,as tbe ftbe is fquace, and To confequetlp It^etDife in all partes of tbe fquate. fQ% ni tbe firft rotoc tbcre is placcD a jijafpar (lone , tbat is to fap , m tbe ficfl place of tbe tounbation,3]afpar (tones are fct in tbeic ranfer:agavnc in tbe nc;ctro\i>e^pon tbe 3fiafpars are layoe i^apbv^es, tbiougbouc tbe tobole fpace,in fucb icngtb as tbe founbationvoas^anDfoconrcqucntlv i\^t otber Qoncstocre concbcb anb laybc in oibcr. I9v all tbe tobicb is fignificD,tba{ tbefouubatton of our (aluatiou isbotb u^oH cjcccUcut $ fure. Xobicbtoeougbtofrigbttofctmoicbv, tban bp tbe pziceo^ all tbe Je'flocls \x\ tbe eartb. sdno tbcre are founoe men goblp ano bcneftci3ll,tobicb bcftoU3ing,oi fellpng tbefe cartblv Jfie^ els (acco?bingto tbe 2lpo(lles boctrine m tbe. i. to 2:imo. tbe «. ) prepare fo^ tbe feiucs a goob foubatid in an otber U7oMd» arbere are fonbc fooles , tobicb are oucrmucb in loue toytb Iietocls, $ manv tpmes in (frab of piccious ftones tbat coBe tcrpmucbcrc tbcvbcpolifl)Cb, tbcp bupc glade. ;jFulltooj3 tbvboubtlcstobe Dcceaueo. tUlcrdv pjecious (tones Uuc tbcir t)(c $ tertues.neitbcr \jocrc tbcv mabe of iScD m tjame. But voe muft alujaycs remember tbat facing of tbe toifc ma; All tbvnges arc not mcetc f 0? ail men. 4. ©p tbe regidcr of piccious ftones Ije fccmc tb to bauc al- ?2^?f cfe jj* luDcD to tbe piccious acuES tbat vjerc fet in tbe atiice of tbe *^^>^f»' bigb bi(bop,m tb^.t^J, or epoij. jacttbcr boubt 3] tbat ^aint 3lo[;utooUc x^'^zlc tl^ingo partip out of tbe.y4.,of icfay^vobiclj ^U\, place Chab.2i, . The.xciiii.Sermon place s.Hierome c)rpoQDmg,fcnuct^ tI)CKi t^at bcfirc to fettoto moZC of ftonCB to Epiphanius, an3 to tl)C, 3 7.t)00feC of t^C Na- tur.Hift.of Piinie. Arctasm^iocoinmcutarics, applvctb t^c tta)clucp?cciouBftoncefot!)C li.apofuccofC^jtS. 2Cl)cre vcmapnc moicoucrt^ctujitingcc of BedeVjppou ti^^^s place; OtttofUJ^omThomasof Aquinctoohcfutl^tljinco aoljeijat^ in^is commciitancB \3p0tt t^e apocaltpic. 3F, izt not ^otij 3| tail ttJit^ anv great fcuitc tari'p longcc m t!)iB treatifc.xr>^er* foic %\ rcfccrc tijc cunous icaDcc to tljcfc Sut^omfi: it le nt;* Dugi) foi tuc to ^auc ft)c\y cD, t^at bv tijcfc coftip 3P,e\»cIlc0 15 figniiicD ri^e tpccUeucic of t^c founoatton of our ^ealt^ aub faluatiOH. Cbc satciJ. i^ojeouec in tbc fourtl^ place ts Dcclareb t!)c matter of tijc gates. S^^cp loecc of one U3^oJe peaclc cuec^ of t^cm,\ubcc- of tl)c pjice is cjccecDhig great, srijc gate of 6cauen is C^jifJ, ano tbe posters of l^eauen ace tlje apoflles ao is beciaitD be* foic. aJocitoje ace t'pe gates mod precious anD luoft IJrong, 3fl:u!)e.'3-c^apt.of^.i36)attl?eU5e0 0orpcIl,£^2(ft ^prnfelfe anDt^efaluatiout^atisot{)vm,arccomparcD to a iacatlr^ UJbJcl) tl)C luarcijaimr felling ali t^at be batl), biivctb to? bims feif,ti)inV;ing bp>n*elf rid? ino«glj,if ^c map l,-"at!c tbe jaeade, ^trccte, 5. 31n t'gc fift place is a!fo bcfccibco t^c ^tictr, tobat it is. 3fl n tbcCiiiesbsce in cart^,tbe(lt:cte6 arc manp tpmcsmps cic,tbougb otbecujpfctbc cities ht neucc To fanujus ^ nobie. :a?bci:c tbev be notable, tijep ace paucD tuit^ ftonc o: biicfec: but t\^t ^tcetc of one £itie, is pauco \2Jitb golac bot^ cleanc nnb bJtgbt. ;JFoj ix^ beauen is foimoc no novfomcncs, no ob:* fence barcfecnes. au t^efc t^pnges Donbtles ace fpo^en mo ft bcatuifnUp:bnt vet muft faccc gceatec things be tjnDccftoobc mti imagined : an^ ttie mnU inbenouc tsi^^^):^ ali one mpgljt, tbatloofecto^attbvngtbctonngc of man cannot^ttec, noj Dttc m^nbc conceinc ^ccc foj tlSic gceatnes ano ejccellccie tbcc^s of, \3De map at tbc length bc^olDe ibc fame in f)cancn pieftnti ip, ana ^anc eicpectencc of t^em \\\ t^ofe cue gJo^ifieo bobtco, t|):ougl) 3|cfus £ip;ia cue jLozb. ft i^urtbcnno^c pet is tcfcribcb tl[)e cucrlatling counfrfe in i)caucn. The xcl). Sermon. A Nd I favc no temple therein. For the Lord God aU mightie and the Lanibe is the temple ofitp and the Citie vpon the Apocallpfe. 300 chdf . 21. Citic hath no need of the Sunne,neithcr ofthc Moone, to lighten it. For the brightnes of God doth lightc it, and the Lambe is the lightthereof. And the people which are failed fliallwalke in the light of it : and the kynges of the earth fliall bring their glory and honour vnto it. And the gates thereof ihall not be Huit by day* For there (lull be no night there. And they fliall bryng the glory and honour oftheGentiles toir. And there fliall enter into it none vncleane thyng, neither what- foeucrw'orkethabhomination, or maketh lyes ; but they which are written in the Lambes booke of life* 2r^c ^poI!!c p:occcDct^ in t\^t Defcription of t^c Dminc oj ccIcQiall Citir, to coinfozr anD Uccpe the fapt^fiU in all temp^ tations aiio afflictious.srhcrefoie \\\ tlje fcucntl^ place ^e my courfet!) of tijc temple, froi m famous Cities t^creisno '^')c tax^ fmalfconrtoeratioiiansp^i^reofC^urcbce. sr^is ismani^ P^^- fcSb'^ all ujzitccs of ftoiicB, places anDtvmc0. it'ljattemplc is tban iul)cauei none at all. :foz ^.3lo!)u fayt^: anD 31, fatu in t6e citic of goo no temple. HT^is place ixpiigucto not \x»iii> t^oCc ti)vngc6 \xj^ici) arc iiitljc.n.anD.i^ chapters coucci'c tiing flic temple in Ijeaucu . ^ox t^c temple is tijcre oc^foi^ ten m a figure anii ^ifion, not ttiat t^crc is in Deeoc anp ttm^ pic iw Ijcaiicn: but tl)at tbus mtgijt be fignifieo iSoDs iwnitt anDccrrapcialuationpjomifcDin tijc ^cnptiucs,. IpHc asr \j3e banc m tbofe places Dcdareo. !auD\i3batistbccaurc,tbattbftcappcacctI) no temple iu Bo tcmpf? ^eaucnr2rbeDim'necciiclatiouauf''a)erctb:foitbg EojD i5co »"tcf.«cn» almigbttei ano tbe Hambc is the temple iu tbat our beauenl^ coiiutrie.srbc^fc of temples is tbis. 2:bci,ozD b^btsfifS iiiuituringofcbc tabernacle, ano aftertoavbe oftbctcmplr, U)OHlo bauf it teCificb fijat be \jcil be pzcfcnt in tpc mioucs of bis pcoplc^a father, llozD> ano bcfcnbcr. anu tbcrcfoiearc tbcp lavD iw the icriptiucs to come ^luo y Ho^d, \xiW^) eaiue t^i^z'c £0 tbc tabcniaclc 01 to tbe temple of tbe EozD. Cbe iU plemoaeouectoas erecteb foi pleaching ano pza^cr, auo foj. tbe 0!U\i»avD fcniice of iSoD,,aiU) fo: rccciiiing of tbc ^acra^a mcmes, oj o{fcnug\3p of faciif ices. 25 ut tbe ^aintes m toe beaucniv' ccumr-e banc no uccDc of all tbefe rbvngcs. Ebec- fozc is no temple &c«c iii b-^^aucu . iroz tbt jiioza i5oD waxst 0icx»ctii ^i^tt^iclo: to t^.cm ta Oc imopco of tlicm; t^e ^amtcs, ^n.ii» ats Chdf.ii, The .xcv.Scrmon fence, wt acctaiigbt by Doctrine vuljat i5oD is, anD voljat ts bio tuv^H '"^"^ t^^t toe be faticD b? tbe Hambc : but noto ttac ixie fee 0OD bvtnfeife face to face, ano tbatfaltiatio ts commS by tbe ilambe of iSoB , toljat ueeDct^ tbcre a t jmple in beaa uenj 33v p?apec toe cequice life anD loves cucclafttng : noto fmce tbcfe ace bappencD to tbe deer, U3bat nreDctb anp ^onfc ofpzavecj 2:be|jamteBnotwtoptbontan?t.:mp!e, offec^p etcrnaU pjayfes \)nto f5oD. ano feeing t^a: facriftccB anD Ceis crauientcs bane no fan^ec place m tbe eaeclafhns countrie, 31 fee not \xibp tbece fl)oulD be an? temple in bcaucn. vot eeft anD Ucepe in beauen an euerlafhng ^abbot^. ^u^ts place mojeonct; p?onet^ , tbat C^;ift is tec? i5oD , coequall tuit^ tbe father, as to tobom l)e is iovneD mfepecati;^ in all glo^^ tv» ii5teit^ec is t^e bol? i3boa fepecateD from tbe fatbec anD tbefonne,la3^icbelsvobece isfa?De toDtocUm \)s: fb^tbe tobte^ caufe toe ace calleD t^e temples bot^ of i5oD anD of t^e ^oi?gboft,bvtbeapomc, in tl^cfirft to t^e£o^im^,t^e. 3 ♦ anDtbefeconD.Co^^. Cbc iW S'be eigbt place of t^ts Defcrtptton ts repeareD of t^e Itg^c ee ti)c cittc, ccleaiall, anD tbat not uitti^out great caufe : ?ea anD tbe fame of <0oo. iigi)t 16 agayne conimeDcD in tbe.^r.c^apt. jPoj in bnilDings tbcre is notbing moze eicccllent t^an ligbt.^tbcctDpfe toit"^^ out li5bt,all tbmges arc blVBDe, ^artbcrmoje, befavt^not tbat tbe ^unne ana (3goone aionlD be no mo;e : but tbat i\^ V Citte of i5oD a)oulD not neeDe t^ofe l?g^tes.}^e Q)e\joetl) t(ic reafon: foz tbe glo;p of i3oD ^at^ iig^teneD iu ^nD t^e glo^? of i5oD, is tbe Dtuine, celefliall, ano tnfpealtable bztg^tncB of bis \)napp;ocbable ligl^t \jD|icb be inbabitetl^,((acco^Dvn3 to bis gooD pleafure,communtcatetb to tbe c^ofen. 2r^e lo^D aWSi (tBbicb becc ts calleD tbe iLambe,fo]t tlje miRcrie of re^ Dcmption) illuminetl) t^c bleflcD. ;Jfo;bp b?m tee are clarifi* eD,anD into? tbateternaU,ntoft beautiful,anDcelcQiall ligbt. ^.3lobn^atbbojotocD t^)is place out of t^e.ciul, anticbiift, ano from tbc curfc ano t\^c tooiio . 2lnD £-W^ fa- nctb tbc elect anb fa(tbiiil2:bvV tberfozc ftiali m beue bz par= rafecrs of tbeligbt : ST^cfc ace x\it citizens of tbc conntri? e:= Hcrladirig.BnttabaciBtbcirGate anb mberitawncc^ 2rbc^ (l)a!l \x)alUe iti tbc iig!)t of foob i\^z fatbcr anb tbe lanibe: tbat is to fay, x\^z'^ a^aU banc tbc frujtion of tbe ligbtano of i3oD ^)V»ifeIte, to tbcir io';fult fujcctncs anb fill, ^bi It is afigii- ratine fpeacb, to \x»a!!tc m tbe Iigbt, foj tbat uibicb i3> to in^: iopligbt. Clerelv in cbc.88.iafalme IS reab a figure nominee t)nl^'^c:Eozb tbep flia! uja'tfee in tbc ligbt of tbv counip.iauce, lanD agaync : 'S::bou iljalt ma^c Uuou)en iinto me tbe faotc parb oflvfe: rbe fnltiUvng of loves is in tbv f^S^tj anb glab* «cs \\x tbp iigbt bana to; cucrmoze. But crpeciailp tberc be places in bcaucn, anb in tbat i3a- ikingc^ are lace bitiine, foi l^^wgtQ. j&pngcs are gonernonrs, anb fap= in tbc couri ravnesoftbepcoplc,astbe2be,UJbicbarc calle-y ^vngcs ^ ofijci-mcn. jannces, goncrnonrs, t«5aginrates,iutcrs af^cl! of iljc pos ittiqjic, as ccclcDsiticali gouerncmcnf,Doctonrs,c*!aificrs> tearbeco, lilrtificers, anb ^arnite«. ^01 tbe Dntic to l3crtC5 oiia^ to gonerKC tbctr fubi£ctc£5, Icbotlcrc, oi cbi'ibicn, to feetpe tbcin tsnbcr atoe 0? bucipime, to cbaiiifc ^ Dirccte tbcin to V:it btierice of life anb all goblpnes. 2:biB if t^cv boe, tbev ftiall bane a \x>oitbvpj ^no tbcfc be tbcic glojv ann bbnoui:.;jf 031 ^.jaauie m tljc. i. to tbe Cos faitb, fo; toe be pour glo^p^as pou (Ijall be ours alfo in tbcDa^ of our JLojn 31 cru.anoagavnc intbc 1, to tbe iTbefTvtbe* x«cbapt.tbe fame apoftle Taptb : fo^ \»bat is our bope,iopc,o? crotonc of reiopcvng i arc not vou \t^ in tbe figbt of our HojD siefu Cb?ift . at bis commyng i foi vou arc cur glojv ano iop.if uU toell tbcrfojc faptb Aquinas : ^.Siobw (peaUctb after tbe maner of couquerours , \x)btcb b;png W^tvc fpovles into Cities.^bcrfo^e be favnctb tbat )d;inccs, p^ea^ cberS)^ parentes bipng Vuitb tbem into bcauen Cucb as tbei? I^aue ujonne : tobicb tbvng to tbem Cbalt be an bononr and gIo;v.^bcre tbvngs altxia^es let \)8 tbinUc tipon^anb 00 one Duetp iniovneo ))s of i&oD , tobicb ^c perceiue in tbe euerla^ Cpng countrev to bane fo great retoaro « 5f 02 it aiall \it tbe grcateft glo;v tbatma^ be , to OanD u^itb fo manp \joonne,iti t^z p^fettce of tbe etcjrnaU 0oD , of tbe Eambe, ano of all ^amtcs * Contrarvtioife t\^ grearefS Q^ame i& to HauD witb fo great a mnltituoe of mf loft,vea ann loll tb^ougb our fault ; els t^at tl)rre alfo tbe goDip gates of tbe ^poQoItcaU doctrine are open fo? all raen, tjnto tbcir Icarnpng , tobicb !?aac mo;e perfection . jjc . Cer^ teinlpt^epa)all neDcnoteacbers tto;gmDf6,tD^icb fee all tnifteries no\}) pzefcntlp,^ are b^ougbt into l^atttn \x fdfr. lainD efpenalip cleanes ixi ^Cities is btgbty commenoeo ,,tf c^ecieans' t^ere (^em 0; appeare notbpng tbat offenoetb tbe r!g!)t ^ ^a^ nes of ti)e ' rpng and fmellpng^vubtcb is lotl^fome to loobe tpon, ano to ^cauen^ be abbojreo . ano ixi piiuate boufcs tbc cl)icf pw^fe is , if all f^"<» tbpngcs fljpne , ano ^^\x^ enerp t^png in ojoer , anD Ipc not (cattereD atm ftm&e. ^0^ tberfoze in tbe clcucntb place ^c Q)etDCtb, t!jat tbf re {i)all be notbvng i" ^cauen , t^at inap offcnue , t^at is to fap, tobicbIl)aU not be pleaCauntanD Delectable moadcmie ana tietc,abrolute anD complete . a:be fame place alfo mu3 be re- fccrcD to t^e pcrro3.;>f oj H f ollc\Det^:fauc tbep tbat arc teiit- te xxi, t^e lambcs booHe of life, jpc tinberCano tbcrfoic , bbtu into tbe litpugi}ome of bcau^ n^all not enter tobo^cmbngcrs, 3iDolarer54varg,Dccciuers , ^ toljac focuer is tncleane , anD not purgeDtDUb tbe blono oftbe fonnc of i5oD tboiougb bis- fame tbc apoBlcafftrmetb \\\ tbc 2. to tbe coimr. tbc. j.auD.^.cbapccr anD to tbc ijpbcf . tbc. f.cbaprer. ©suio nlfo DemaunDcfg:ILozD tobo Qjall DioeU t\ tbc taberuaclc , 0; tobo fljall rcfl: intbp boipbill.^tiabe aunfujcrctb inconti* tjcntlp : be tb^ \»alkctb ojitbont^ toojfeetb rigbtc* onfnes,anD fofoub as infiietb in tbe. 1 y.}aralme.;Jf inaUp bcre fl)all be lUifUleDfucbtbvngcs as are to?irtcn in tbe. 13. cbsp^ ter of S)eut. toucbpng tbem \abici) arc p;obibitca to enter into tbe £b««b . JtJbcKfo?^ tbis place batb a fecret Doctrmc ^ }^%\m aDmonia)ment,inftruftvng\js^tbat if \23c ^JOiil , 0; co^ net to be bep^cs of tbe enerlattpng coutrcp, toe £»aaulw all ay:* pi? our fdues tobilcil toe Ipuj b^i^c m eartb , to rigbtcoufncs auD innocencic . ^\q% it (l)3lt foilaiu in tbc . 1 1 . cbaptcr . f^t%. toitboutare Doggesanomcbauntccs, anDU)bo:c!nongcrs». ^c. arbe JLoiD bjpngbs bg tbc ^^? of rig;.^teoiuuc3 ^nia life; cuerlaKgng. € C^ t.M\xmX^ pefinDercrtbijng tb^blcCTcD featcsi. Thexcyi.Sermou, ^f,iig» Andl, ThcXCvi.Sermon. ^Q^thereateofGod,andoftheLambeJnthe ^iniddell: of the ftrccte of it , and of either fide of the riuerwas there wood oflyfc, which bare tvvelue zilaner of fruites , and j^auc fruitc cucry moncth: and the leaiics of the wood it rued to heale the people withalK And there (hall benomorecurfc,b«tthefeate of God and thelambe fl>allbeinit,andhis feruauntes (Irjl! feme hym .And ' they (hal fee his face, and his namcflia! bcin thcirfore- heades.Andtheredial be no night there :?.nd they nede no candIc,nor light of Sunne:for the Lord God geiieth them lyght and they fliall rcignc for euermore. /TbctJica- 3^" ^^^ n»clftlj place Siobn Dtfcribcf^ t^c plfafautttitf0, faunmeo oC tnt«ncs, picutcoufnte atiD aboimDance cf fooDc m tl)c Cttic «i)c cttic of of i5o?j.!aincrs mafec Cities pic afaunt anD oclcctablc. »?it^a fo 3; repete noVu tbc fajrx aga:nc,tbattbofc things are not to be \3uticritab after tbe letter^as tbe Millenaries tafec tbem . ;Jf 01 tbe JLojd taU«tb tuitb Ijs anD euen lifpctb , to tbe eno vxie migbt after tbe iinbcciUup cf our \23ttte conceme tbefe tbpugcs.3,t anv Cl)oulD U5ifl) foj eartljlv tbpuges, 31 txjcne \)Z coulD court no greater tbi^nges , tban tc bcre DefcnceD . rvz \m\'^ tbuiUe tbcrfoie, if tbeloiD ca gcuc tb:fe eart^;iv tbings, ■ if tje t»oulD, UjI)P can be not gcuc greater to tbe foulcs of tbe gjoDlv ^ boDics gloiifiCD^v^ii tbe 2fo2D usU! tbat (being \DUb= b?atoen from ti)c ccnteplation of eartbtv tbvugs) tec fljcuiu iDofcc altogctbcr foi cclefiiall anD Diuiuc tbvuges mcetc foj blcOcD foules auD boDpes clarifieD. XPbicb tcrelp bo\x) great, 6UD uji;'at t^e^ {i;aU be , no toting cf man can ejcpicfTt toijs, be vppon the Apocalipfe* 303 ChAf.zi. %t i% neuer fo eloquent . f oj tlje %ti^'^ l^at^ p^epawa greater tf)^igesfoi!jiB fcruamucs,tljan^ccctoe can compicljenD* ar^etto jc Ijc bjingctl) fo?tI) ^ccc matters nioft ample: t^at af^ tee acertcmc manectoc mig^t concciue ^rauenlvnljvnges muc^ mozc ejcccilcnt tljan t^c? be . ST^erfojc t^c fenfc $ mea^ npng of all tbofc ri)^ugc0,t5jl)iclj are fpolten (jere of t^e riuec 0f Ipfe, and ot i^c Ujodd of l^fe , tv a« ampUfication ttg^t cjc- cc!lent,i0 none cttier,fe«t tUat \\)t blcCfeD m ttie Ijeauelp ccft* trev fljall be q«icKenea bp i5oD^ anD p?crerueD x^x tx)^i b^pp? Ipfc toitbbisb tciectatton foi encrmoje » iSlnD tberc le no X>oubt,b«t tbat ^.Sio^u bat'g boirotoeD tbefe tbvngs, (as be Uotb all tbe reil , fmcc be tr» toe ep^ofitour of tbc ^jopbetes) oat of tbc ^a'tpmres. :21uDrbcrfoi€ \^^x\i\iK allwDeu to jaa- ralnfe,u;boi"c DCiCupnon fet to^tb m tbc fcfono of iSe ne. Dotb Ujitb tbis Defcdption of beaucnliet^u: ell agree .;fojtbere fpiingctb alfo a tjiicr in jaaratjifc , ujbJcb nnmcDiatcl? is oi^ \x\m^ into fourc beaaes ano toatcrctb tbc garoen of plealwre ^^ ^ moft pleafauntl?.3ln tbc fame jaaraDife ts x\iz ujcoo , x^^x is StJifrcf « tbc treeof lpfc,bj»ngj)ng foub Iniclv frmte to tbc caters: as it tiicfaui^fuii IS ejcponnncD of ^ . auacn in tbc . 13 ♦ boo^e oe cmitatc du . ts t^caucn \% ♦ idwt foi tbc fmne of onr firft parent toe tocre fcif«. cafi- out of ti^at iaara Jifc : ano Cbnft is come , to tbc eno be migbf bivng tjs agayn into iaauaDife,tbat is to fa^ into btgb fclicitie.i^o\a) tbccfoze tbat true jaaraoifc^ prepared foj t)s of CbjtCiis fljetocD in bcauen,anD is bere oefcnbeo . 3]nto tbis jaarasife cnrrea x\it Eoio after Dcatb, anD bzongbt toitb bv^w into tbc fame alfo tbc favtbfnll tbefe,to toboin be fapo: tjerelg 31 fa^ \jnto tbec,tbis bap fljalt tbou be >si\x^ me iu jaaraoifc* S'berfo?eougbt toenot b^rctofo?ge to our fclnes tbc gac^ Oensof Alcinousm eartbiO? in tbcavjcabouc tbc globe of tbc 09cionc,ana rcafon of ^araDife tcrrcftriail . ^nr laara- £iireisccleaiaU,\rbicb ispzcparcofo^tsinbeaucn: as ^» i9aulc batb fa?De in tbc tbirbc to tbc jabiiipp. anD paraDifc tscalleDagacDcof pleafare, as at tbispzeient it is called ai goloen Citie oz of pjccions ftones, tjcrclv bp a figure on ep^ iber CiDc. Derennto appcrtnpnctb alio a place of ^acbaric in tbCM.cbaptcr. srbcre is alfo an otber place of Scripture in tbc,4.7.cbapt.of £g|ccbicl. wbicb istbis, anD tranaatcD 01 tu?ittcrt ont bv ^ -Siobn into tbis place in a mancr toczDc foj toojDc: bp tbc tiucr,favtb bc,on evtbccliDc of it ftjall grou)c Ijp all mancr trees tbat brace frnite, toboi'e Icaucs ftiall not fall, noz tbc fcuites f«*^le, but cncrp monetb fljall tbcv bjpng fojtl? ncujc frujte0.^oj tbcir tuaters aov\)C oat of tlje fauetu- ^r,tj, arte. Chdf,2:. The XCvi. Sermon ttcit] tMti tbtit fmftes O^all be mcate,anD t^tk Itumtfi me&t« ctnable. ^nt) iS|cc^tel ttincv a figure fee(^ tl^t fiune blcOcD life, and ^apppfcatc^, U)^tc^ ^.llo^tt at t^fepterctttfeet^, by tl^e (l)ey3nng oft^t ^nsell. lanD cvtl)er of tl^ein botlfeed^ tic l)ap^ fcatee after t\)t fame foK,ant) \)nDer tbe Itbr fignre. ^0^ t^eee is one onei^MeOednce, common to aH t!)Cfovt^^ f nil of t^e to^oU toojlD. %\)e |9atrtarcbes,|d^op!?etes, ^pe« files, and iSQartv^s atcbtettc all one fettcttie . ^^c^ fee t^e tU net on t^t\)ct ft^e, ano tl)e fame running out of t$e fanctua^s tie,o?featcofi5ol>;Sr!)evfceoneftber ftoe t^e riucr, trees plantcD tijat bj^ng foub tlje fruites of life, ^bep bjing fo3itb fraites encrv monctlj frc(\>c aniJ netxje : ano tbe Icaues of tbS noebeale, 3) fuppoCc tbeoloei&oetcsboiroUDCo onteftbe ^cnpatres fucb tbvnges as tbeptw jote in \)erfes cSccmvng Ambrofia anD Neftar, t^e mcate anDDjuilieof t^j[5oi)De0« Sl^at {Jtiom \3ttle of Martiaii t6 lmot)3en, U)bicbb^ccmmenDtD foz tbe purcnes^b^tg^tuee, ano dear:: nes* ^e anbetb a parable, tsbicb gcuetb ligb^ to ttat be batl^ (apb, ano be faptb: cleare as criaall. after be aDbetb)Cl)at tbis nncristberiueroftbetoaterofI?fe,to\Ditte, !ii«Ip toater, tubicb picCeruetb tbe bzin^ct^ tbercof in Ipfe* ^mailp be ftjca tict}:^ alfo tbe ozigtnall o^ fp^ngebcaDn \x>^ Capft tbon mo}ci Chafit, TheXCvi. Sermon inojcj fiefireC tboii to fenoto mtt> fee f«c^ ttmgsas iSoD ^at$ ftjetoed t!)ccj HTl^oii {)afi fccnc enough anD aboimDamlv at t^is pjcfent 2r!?e Eo?D i?aty fl)ttt)CD t^cc a'ooQDantlv moug^ of life $ picafiirc cclclttai at t^is picfent.31nijeuottcnotp onl^ to tceacc t^c Dcutll,t^c toojla $ 2lnttr^u(l \3nDc1* fcotc,attu to afpirc auD be Iv^tcD Ijp into tbolc^eaiienlp fcatcs. ogoicouct: lic\warctbouLicnotmoicaino«atl)an!smecte 02 rcquifuc; mxi t\)Si,t t^ou fcc!?til not to hno\jD tttojc eicacte twinges oftbcbcaiienlptotDjc, ano pcrpctuall iopcs, tl5ant^iciLoj& J5^mfclfc,tDl)icl3oucIvbno\xied)tycfetI)v«5£S, l)atb to rbcr reucalea. Eet tbis ciuDtut ocmonrrration of etcrnafi life fwfc ficet)0.3|bcleeucncuci; none bat^ Difputto better oi liioie tigbtip, moze clrgantlv^ anu in^zc ciiiDciitlj^ cf t^e bleflTeo life, t^an^erc ^3obn ^at^oone.^3tl)ercfc?ercpofe o«c felucs m i5otJ, let tjs bclcctie b^s ttiosaes, let ^is rcHclaticn fufficctJS, anD let ^socftectobcio^ueoisjvt') ftV»n in tiJVS ^caucnlv couet, in all felicttic anb etertrail iyfe juo ft perfect. Stttmccoi anDnoUj ^.3^,ebn recoilcctmgtbe cbicteft pointes of t^is JcctcDoftijc matter, anb conclnbvr.gtljiB place of etcniall isfe , fmifiictij ^ocjj'^jof tbisenerlaflyngfehcitieinfcueH members: toljtcb voc topi! fffe ^ttt toucb one!|\ fojt^^t man^ tbinUe toe banc fpofecn bereof V alreaby fnfficientlp, anb plcntifnltv inougb. ^no to beginnc toitball,tberc fl)all be no ciirffe, no bamng,no toarrjvttg noj toarre^noj famine, no? bifeafeB,noi pet any f«c^ tlj^ng, as is ^J^^J^reciteboffi^ofes amonges tbe nirlTes in t^e27.anb.28»of carffe S)ciiter» 5i5ot t^atallareaccurfeb, to^icbare(ubttcictotl)e f^mc, (foz 3]Gb anb ctber bolp men , toere toimenteb toptlj ficbcnes):buttbatcommonlptbeaccnrfcb, tjnbclencrc a«D toic^eo areplagueb t^eretoitb. ii^ot tbat tbep flioulb be C)cer- cifeb anb pzofitc \x\ gobipneo, but t^at t\it'^ fi)onlb firft be af* flicteb^erc, anb fobp certavne bcgrccspaUeVJUto greater to2mcnte0,Jt)!Jatt^cn^ Cbe fcate 2:be feconb member infiiett) : \i\xt x\^t 3:ronc of «5ob anz> af (000 III of tbe JLambe Qjall be in t^iat cine. 2:0 toitte, ttjc fepngoome tb« citie. of fgoj, (^^^^{1 jjj, t^cre,anb i5ob Q)ail rai^tie ano alt faleoyng, bm no ciirfling in t!;c cJ)Ofcn. H:ticrefo?c ujbat iovmU tilings fo euec tbe }d2opbetes,C^:ift, anb tbe apoOles bane fpoltett oftbcfe^ngbomeof i3ob,tbf fame ftjall be u;bejiucn,anb ilje bleiTcb (l)ail ^aiic tlje fruition tbcreof . anb agapne, Oereare iopneb togetbcc inftperafalelv tbe fatber anb tbe fonne in t^z bnitieofciicnce,tol?icbne«fvtl^clc(reint!)e biaanme of pers Cons ace e]cceebingl?tocll,nctbiuiDCD, butmfceincD. S^befe miaeiJCB office blefTcb S^rmiric are l^«o\i^eu to t^e laitbfwll^ vpon the Apocallpfe. joy ChA^,22. ^crc foHotoctl) t^c tljiru member, ^omc ma^ maruaple, i^^ fer= tobat t^c blcCTcD ajall doc in t^c ujojlo^erefojc uautcs Q;a] ^.3IOonfavt^i,a«D^i3fcmaumcs, x«tj>£c;(to«(tiv, ftjall feriic^«f»f i^^w* ljpm,i3ou3]fa^attDtljc!Lambc: tbevftaI!too?Q)ip bv»nm lb6noucmg,pia?f!ng,anD magnifipng Ijtm foi e iiec.5rictfo?c fi)aHrljep\a)^olpaDeictctt)emfdueD to goblp tooja)ippmg» XoW^ tbpng a)all m Dce&e be to ^pm great plcaCure, as aUo ^.i^ttftcn in an ctbcr place. ;jifourtijIv,t^epfljaUfcc tbefaceof i5oD.s. Auftcn trcatct^ CJjcp fljaa ihucboffr^ng 0oD, to Paulina: aiiD toacnctb SO^JV ) t^atf«t*J«fac« UjcfljoulDttot I?cte3i,maginetoonrfcluc0 cacnati t!)pngcs.^^^« 4 . of 3lo^n , }:^mt accomptcD it fo? a bigb felicitie, to fee {5oD m be i0,anD as it is commonly (ayD,face to face.i^nD tbcre is tnboubteiiiv in tbis Tigbt aub feuition.btgb felicitie anb tope euctiaSvng $ moH complete:botDbcit in tbis pjefent too^lb, (as tbe HojD fa^o to i38)ofes,)tt cbaucctb to no man.lTbe bo^ 1? fatbccs banc m bcec fcne i5ob,but bp a tl)ape, anb fo facre fo?tb as be batb ^oucbefaueo to eeueale anb Cljetu bim felfe to tbemtobefene.HtKeas Tertullian Cbetoetb i\\\)\% boobea^ gapnft Praxeas :bm toitb fnll cpe,to fee tbc full glojip of i5oli \»itb top tban ftrll geaiiteD Vis , tobattime be^ vng Deliuereb from mifcrte,anb pnrgeb from corruption, toe ujatl alfo in bobp be ciartfieD.;)f o; tban at tbe Ia(l,as ^.fobti fapb a{fo in tbe. i.of Hlobn tbe. 3. toe (bal fee bim as be i^.W^it tigbteous tnawBTiob fpeabpng of tbis fcpng of lEiob ,fapb: lob. i^;. tob^n tbepCto toitte tbe fatbcr > fonne, anb bolp gboft, ) Cball * ' baue cfipaflcb q% clotbco tbis,namelp mp bobp,\x>itb mp flefb: 31 fball bebolb 0ob out of mp flcaj : tobom 31 fljaU fee to mp felfe,anb mpne cpes (\)all loofec tjpon bim, anb no otber, tbc tubicb is mp onelp bcftre . £)f tbis fr png fpaUe alfo tbe S)oc* tour of tbe i3entiles,anb fapb:no\i3 \y e fee in a glatre,euen in i.Cor. 1 j . a barbe fpeabpng : but tbcn Qjall toe fee face to face . $c. ^nxi of tbis fepng s . Auikn batb alfo bifputeb in \ii^ boofee oe a- W/^/f zjw.abouttbe enb. ^iftclp,tbep a)all bane tljename ofiSob in tbeir foie^i^fjcnaiKf beaDes:citber becauCe tbcp (l)a! be tbe cbilD^en of i5o&,as toe of (Bon banc bears in tbe s^pidle to tbc ^biiabelpbians^in tbe tbp?b fcjiittcnin cbapter of tbis boofec . anb tierclp in tbc countcie cclcftiall it tbcirfo?j= ft)allbemanifeftlp fenotDcntoall,tobofactbccbtlb?eofi5ob:bw"*'« 3lntbi3 tooilbtbcp aiecommonlp taUcnfoi tbecbilbjen of rbcPcuilltDbicbin^crpbcDc aictbe cbilt)?cn of0oD.35ut t\}i& f^al clcarelp appcare in an otl^er tQozlD,to t\)t great glo< Cha^ .22] The.xcvij.Sermon ty of tt)C rt)Ofcn:anu Vjcrcl^ tlje biigljtiics of i5oD Qjall Q)Vttf fcom ti)c f02c^caDcs,02 couutcnaficcs of t^c clccnas m tpines patttbcbiig^mcs of ttje^^oiDQiouc front t^cfaccofagofcs auD £bii(l.£>;bccaufcaii^amtc6 HiailHnoto oncanotljcr, fmce tl)c tocctiie o{ <6oD rtUctb m tljcic cowntcnancce : \s)Wi {twit 31 pcrceiiic tjatl^^pleafco PnmafiusiDjfoj tl?at tijcp Cball be pitcftce before t^cHo^d fOKucrmo^e : as tbc id^op^ctcs ^aue taught of xi^t cljofen . 3fitt olD tvmc tbc tjist* i^zicfi bare tbc ^et^ name cf 0oD in bis fojcbcab m a plarc of £olD,bcuJi to bis beau \3jttb a lafc . anDcubtcDl^ \\\ tijc be aiicnlv r oun* trietbc gloj? of tbc cbUDie of i3oD fliaii be toonDerfuU great, of tbofe cb^efi? tbat banc r ofcfico tbe name ot £b|ift in eartl^t foj tbefe tbc celeftiall father U^all glojitic, «5obiisbti 31rt tbc fijct luein'ocr is repcteo agavnc, ( tobicb W^ once netb i^t 01 tv}3ire bene (pollen bcfo^e/)tbac tbe elect in beauen^are illu^ cbofcn. mincD toit^ tbc gloz^ Xiiwixu , \ul)ct:eof bat^ bene (poben u nougb before. 3[lutbe laft anb icnentb ineniber conipiifvng as it tocre all tbpngesof l?feanb felicitie,^\JttervugtbeHi'toitb onevjjoib: Cbc^QjaU tbepSiallraignc,favibbe,tojcuermoie . %\)t ILo2D3[|eiu0 taigne. grannt to t)s \^\z favtbfuU, tbat fiicb tbmgcs as toe baue no\» bicarb plemifnll? of bis moutb, map Ojo^rlvbe feltbpcicpe* riencc m our (oules (t boDpes^fo as toe ma? ccv vvitb icpc,ta' <5ob tbc fatbcr mod mcrcvfull , and to 3ie(n Cb?ift tbe rctJC:* iner mod migbtp auo bemgncano to tbe bolp gbofl tbe mo8 . ♦ T fujcte comfojtcc be pja^fc auD glojp foj eucrmoje.ainen» ^SCbe contlnfron of tbis taoihe , tobcrcin ts clfablilTjci) t^r aatbor^ttc of tbe rame,ani>.,tbe fume ccMetteb b;ic9g, w ; i' ■ : . V i! -^'-'^ xcyii.Ssrmoiu Jl Ndhe layd vnto mc, thefe fayinges are faithful and ..true.And the Lord God of the holy Prophcies fent his Aungell to fliew vnto his fcruauntes the thyngcs -vhich mull: be (librtly fulfiired. Behold I come fliortly. Happy is hee that kecpeth thie faying of the prophccie of this bbokc.I am John which iaw thefe , and I heai'.d thcni . And when I had heard and fenc, I fell dbwne to worOiip before the fectc of the Angcll,whiclv fliewed me thefe thyngs,Aad he fayd vnio mc; fee thou; da it aot. For I a in the fellow: feruauatofthcc,and o£i V7>on the Apocalipfe. 505 Clafjj. thy brethren the Prophetes, and of them which ke^p^ the fayingcsofthis booke.WorfhypGod. ^r^cfirtan^ lad part oUhis toojfec contcmct^ tljccon^Cijcceiu tlufioii , to^ic^affirmgt^ tijctljpngcs tt>^ic^U)e Dauc ^carD, ciufionof to beniumc , ccrtatne , auD tJUDoubtcD : foj ^c collcctct^ t^e ^W^otit, c^icfcft t^pHgcs , anD mouctl? all men to fa^t^ , ano fttiDy of goDlpncs , t5at m ItcDfaft Ijopc tuc ft)oulD loofee foz tl?c mDgc of all , to romc a^oulp , ana to uj&gc t!pc quiche anb t^c DcaD. anD ingooDlpoitJcr tl)igIa(ibCQHc of tl)t Canonical ^ctiv^ tint fm!fl)Ctl)tl)e goolv narration $ toctrinc,totti) tljc uiDgc^s luent^anD cn5 of all t^pngc0.;jfo? tljc ^olp Scripture bcgv^t^ tictb at tl}c firft oziginall of all tt)ingc6,anD continue tl? a uar:» ration tntill t;}c cno of tljmgs,contcinpng m it felfc tl)c ^ni- ucrfaliti? of tl)vngcs,ano all fuel? tlj^us^s as arc rcquifite to . be hnotof n of matters ncoefuli ano pzofitablc , Sno all t^ofc tbvttscs^atbonrgoo^ Eozogcncn ^oto beUnotocn mtbc ^ol^ ^cctptnrf ,toat is to fav,m t^c Canontcall boo!;c6. foi Cfje 3po= t^cp \3Z talk ^arluts, tOat Tap , tljat aJl il^png s tu'gicb appcr- ca'ipfc is f feincto tl)c trucano ftill goDlyncs^ant) fa!r?anon of rl)cfattb- ^^,^ ^'"'^* fttll.arc not m foul) in Ooiy vwiitynges, anij t!)crfojc tbat tee ^Ti^Vu^y^ ^auc ncDc of trai>ttion3.2:;bcv tnDeoc bane ncDe of tbofc tra- cfSekt^ l>itiortSOJol)icl) toill \3ttcr t^eir craftic toarcs : tec ncoe none, ture tobicb cflcmcailtbsii^ toarcsnot tooit^ a gaily balfepcnnp . ta be boagbt of anp man . Stoi i^rap bat^ fuificientip DiOiw^ SCD \55 from tl)Ctp occcuiablc ano craftie iugglings in bis. 55« • cb'iptcr.^ntj ti}\6 concmaon contcinetl? about, 1 6 , articles, 3P?ijicb toe wUlbircitlTe in c^Dcc. limine oiatlp afier t^c bcgpntt>;ttg is fct tt grauc affciicrt!:: cbat t})dt rion, tbattbc tbvngcs tobic5 ^c ^at^ fapD oj tojittcn ^ctbcr^ tbpnses be to arc tri!c,(«re, ccrtaineanD\juDoubccD,ouTO{ oj ac>c{ ;^ ftc&faftanD \3nD0ubteD. anbtbefen tcncc is rcferrcD to tbc tbpnges \s}\)it^ be f po^en of tbc bfcffcD life in t^ic teoilD to comc,lcaft tpc ft)Ou!D be left in anp Donbt- fulncs . 4gavne it is rcfcrrcb to tlje tobolc narration of t\}is feoofte.^lttb tbis fentence fcmetl) to be a claufe of toarrantife, fonfjrmpng tbc ccrtcintie oft^c matter pjopounbcD : as be t^ovc alfo in tbe i&?opbctc5 : foi t^e Eozb baty fpofeemanb aa gapnc,tbus favts) t'bc HojD of bofles: afib tbat \y ^tcb is com^ tnoitlp tjfcD in tbis OofpcU , tjccelp tjcrclp 3R I"ap ^nto pou, ano tQC facing iw t'gc ijpiaics $ilpoOolicail> 150010 mp toit* Chdf.22, Thc.xcvij. Sermon ties, tlSiat^ll^c not. 3ttti t^cgooDitcs ofi5obfiot^ fttccont? ouc mficmitie , to^cicb^ manp tvmcs to^cn toe Doubt of t^c truti) of iSoDs tooiD,aHD do toaucr, l^e conft'rmet^ our ^ope tott^ t^cfe as u toerc \jDtti) anbets.:i?^erfoie t^efe mnft be Dt« itgentl^ beaten anD t;gcD tn t^e i?cciefta6tcall Doctrine.Are- tas ejcpoutiDms tbts place fa^tbtas tbe toonteD inanee of tbia ^ol^ iguangelift is altoavcs,fo is it bece alfo . fti% iibc as \\\ i\Q i5orpell,tn tolten of lopaltie be Uytb : anD toe l^tioto tbat bis teftimonv is teue:fo in tbis place aKo,fetting to bis frale, be fa?tb,tbcfe fapingcs arc favtbfnll anD tme.^etberto (pea^ fcetb be.2;bcrfo?c Q)aU it be an \)ntoo;tb? tbpng to Doubt (be tt neuee fo title) of tbe tbinges tbat are to^itten m tbis bool^e, anD in otbcr boofecs of tbe Canouicall ^ctipture. -^e %^x^ i^econDlp be repctctb,tobo is tbe ambouc of tbis tooifee, tbonr of anD b^to all tbefe tbvtiges are rcuealeD to bvtn * ^nD tjcrelp tW ioojkc tberc is none otber ^utbour but tbe HoiD i5oD bini felfe, vcii ^oi> of tijc eucn tbe i5oD of tbe bolv lazopbetes . 2:be tobicb tbpng batb Kf?^^^ a great cfiFicacie : foi it ft)etoetb not onel^ tbat be is tbe i^oD pgctw . of ijot^ ureftainentes , euen tbe fame iSoD tobicb bp bis fpi^ tin batb infpireD botb ti^t )d;opbete0 anD tbe apoaies : but alfo biDDetb t)s fecrctlp to efteme tbe trutb anD certeintic of tbis booUe bp tbe p^opbettcall matters rberof. f^i if be coulD in olD tpme tell bis people before of tbpngcs to come.anD ^t« ter all tbings bp tbe iDtopbetes.tobat maruell is it^if be noto alfo perfojme tbe fame by ^.3lobn i^no if all tbofe tb^ugcs eameto pade, tobicb tbe id^opbetes dvd pjopbccic to come,$ tbat no toozD , no no^ anv one jiote DiD fall tsnto x\^t grounoe^ tobicb toas not fulfUleD:tber2 is no man alfo tbat map Doubt of tbe trutb of tbis boo^e , if at lead be confiDtr tbat tbe fame j5oD tobicb in tpmes pad toas ipitb tbe lazopb^ccs , is noto alfo toitb bleOeD 5lobn . 2rbe ia^pbctcs favD , boto tbe lanD of Cbanaan fboulD be DeliuereD into t}:it poffcCrio of tbe cbiU D^n of Slfraell : it toas DeliuereD . %\ft fcife fame piopbccieD tbat tbe people of 3|frficll a^oulD foz tbeir finnes be caR out of tbe fame lanD into Babplon : tbcv toere cad out . ^ftcr^ toarD bee p^opbecieo agapne tbat tbep QjouId bee DeliuereD^ anD tbat tbep(l)oulD rcpap^e tbe Citie^totbe tobicb iZ>W^ tooulD come,tobicb f})oulD reDeme manUvnD, anD call all na^^ tions into tbe feIlotoCl)VPOflpfeauDbliire:tbevtocreDehd nereo , tbep repapjeD tbcir £itie : 'S.W-^ came , anD reDemci man^pnD^auD tbeiBofpcU toas pzcacbcDtbo;ougb out t!;c tobolc tooilD.W)bat tbpngtba remainetb,but tbat tijccburc^ Q)oulD be tunnoilcD^^utic^^id HjoulD come,au«> rcigue, au3 t^at vpon the Apocallpfe. 507 chap . 22, tWt^t tcne C!):iftianBannljecft)ouln txiagcbcittailetogcs t^ec,anu tijc JTiiDgc come at t^e latt tnto iuDgcmcnt, auD rt- toarD cucrp one accoiDpng to !)is Dopngcs i ^ilno tijis place t)iouet^ t^e inan^oDE of c^iiCt mfalliblic . ;f oj tc^at can be €inift^c= fpofemmoicpIapnlv,t^anv»asfapDJ2:i)c JLozDiDOD of t^c tp (jpoD, ^ol^ jaiopbetcfi rent foztb ^is idungcH . ^0 m t^c firft c^ap^ rer is fapD:2r^e reudation of BTiCfa CW^ > to^icb i5oD gaiic ^pm . anD anone after bee tortt Tap : ITi 3f efits banc (cut inp 0ungen tbat be migbtteftiftcinto pou , ^c . ^ttmx tbcrfozc ts ^)tmtXi tbc tjnitic of tbc fubftauncc of t^e ^oD^caD aiiD t\}t Dtftmction of tbe perfons. autJ tbe manor of tbe cmelatiott is {l)etDeD,oz rcpcatcD , 0? ^Q^x t^ia tatbeccoUcctcD:bercntbis ^ngell. CbJift tbercfozebvbvs boohc Soas angeUajctoctballtbpngcsto i>.3robn. ^ifoi no man batb^^f^c^ic^- fecnciSobatanptvmc:ncptberfl)aU tbe£.o?b come Dotone agavne from beaucnbcfoje tbe iungcment. 3^bcrcfo:c tbvs tDbolc\)ifion \x>as ecbibitcD $ neclareo bp tbc3.ngcll, ujbicb toas tbe mcCfcngcc of CbJift tbc iloitj. ir>berefoze all tbingcs are piopeclp rcferreo to t\\\itx tobicb fent x\^t angcll. But ta toJbomDv^beflietocoz rrticale tbcfc tbvnges ^ 2:0 bis ler:? uawntes. ;foz tbc contemners of jSod laugb at tbcfc tbingcs, a: impoitct^.;^ oz ^.laanic W^ tojitten alfo,\j)^^lcft tl)cp a)aU fa^ peace ^ fecuricte^foDatne dellmctton fl)al coinc t}pon t^f^ 4. I3ut tu^at p;oftc (l)ail tl;e fecttauntes of i5oti looke fo^ of Cbe com^ ^^V6 tiooKc^ 3]n a Ojo^t fentence ^e compMfet^ muct),$ (apt^: mooitte of ^apptcts^et^atbeepec^tbe\»9;De0Oftl;cp;DpMeof ti)p0 ^\& boobc. booUe. ;feltcittcanDt)leireZ)ne0, tBt^tft-tutetl)att6 taben of tijis booUe. 31n tbts pjcfcnt toojlD being lincfeeD to^t^ CbJttl \33eCbaU uiallte mtbetoap of ng^teoufnes, and efcbe\xi tbe t^e crafces of ^nticb?t(l: ano Qiali not feele tbetozmentes tobtcbartrctntbeconfctence,tb:ougb conniption of toid^cD t:eligion.^nDU3bcntDCDcpat;cbence,t»e djall got (Iraig^t to t^ofe bleOcD featee. %\^\^ is tbe btgi) blcfifeDnes and feltci^ tie. ^no Ice ))smar^e, tbat it is not inougb eitbcr to baue feene,oibearD,ozceatitbisboobe: itnmH neeoes bel^eptt* ;lfoz tue mud betoare tbat it goe not \\\ at tbe one care, and out at tbe otber, tbat toe forget not tbe tbpnges tbat are told ts^but tbat tue ratber frame our tuboie life after tbe Doctrine of tbtsbooUe. ^no be attributetb to ii tbe title of p;op^t(te* 1^11 tbe j3>cripture is called a p;opbefie, tobicb is as tnnc^ to fap as Diuine: But confiDering botn tbis boolte fo? tbe mo^ part tbereof,i^eU)etb tbpnges to come tmto t^e Ciiurc^,it is rig^tlp calleD ap;opI)efte. 5. i^e repeatetb agapne anb beotetl; tn.botlj l^is name ^ aU iichc felt- ^^ ^^^' ^^ ^^ ^ toitnes tbat fato ano bcarD,tobo map furelp be tcr of tSi ct^^^it^^* ^^^ (^"^ ^^ minoetb to get autbo^ttie to t^is bobe boHc 3!oi)n S^^l it "i"^ neebcsbe bab in great cftimation^tubic^ toas t^^ iDincb repc ceiucbanbtDzittenbpt^eapoftleanbi^uangcIift ^,3|ol^m teti; but iBQanp accom'pt a fault in 3lobn, tbat be fo Dtligentlp ejcp^f^ name, fctb bis name. 13ut maruell it iQ^ tbat tbev o&ferue not t^e famealfocl6ti)bcre,anbofotber0nottoitbout p?apfe. 2>p& not tbe I'clfe fame 31 obnrepeatcanbbcatc into ts bpsname of a)ifciplc in bis Co?p of tbe iSofpell^ tobo Cbculb repjcbeno tbisj 31 fee ttot tberfoze to bat be batb offeoeD bcrcin; 33«t raa tber fo;afmucb as be fo^cfaioo in tbe fpirite, tbatmaup toould (peake agav^tl tbps booKe: a^bcrfojc tipon tjcrp great caufe, anb tovtb mucb fruite,anb alfo of cjctrcame necf ITttie batb be li^gcb bis name.^no tbe ^poBie ^.^aaule alfo to tbe 0alar« fa^t^: BcbolDe 31 *aaulc fap tjuio vou, ix\ cafe pc be circumci:* feb, CbJift fl)aU pzofite pou notbpng. 2crbe fame laaulc alfo Ui uiouc a^ection}fettet$ bo\»ne $ts name to Phaemoa . Are- ta* ■ ' vpon the Apocalipfc. 308 cha^ . 22, us t^ctfo?e \jcrv aptel? ocpomtuvng tljps place, Tavn^ ; 0^nii tl^is tea ccctavnc pjopiunc of fpcacb m t^ts apoRolfrall foHle, ;f 01 CKf u as ^e hiii in tijc i5ofpcII,\x)^crc l)t faptb:anD tje il;at (awe Imp bo?nc tojimcB, auD fjle tcfttmoiuc ts tiiic: - foDoet^ljr in t^iB place aUo,tcGifvmgtl)at i)e \xias botlj'au |)carecanDbe^olDccoft^£fet^pnsce,\w^icl) are pjopljcftcD. ;JFo? ^cccbp be UJinnct^ crcbit to tbe tbpngs tubicb ^aD bcrnc fccnc. 2ri):^B mucb be £Dtbccsbauc tbousbttbatnottoptb* out caure.$>.3l]obubat^mtbisboofec repeated bps name of<3 tenec tban in bis ftoip, fo? tbat men toill nio?e barDJp bclcuc apiopbffic fpcafeyng of tbv"scs ^ct to come, t^ana(io?p, tobtcb telletb of matters pad. e, 3ln tbe fijct place be aunricetb, tobat c^iaunc cb to ^^m a^ gapne^MV^btbc^ungeil tbat reuea!cD tjntobVJntbefcbvglj ^bp Joifn iniSccice. a Ipfec fiojv fo? all tbe txjojloe, bab Uie in tliie nine- ^ooniD soc? tcnetbcbaptcr,\DberealfoVDe ejcponnbeo t^t fame: toberc ^^f^ tijcan^ |)e tbat lift mav fee iu anb vf t t^f eicpofitours bemaabe,bo\2) 2" ^sapne. c^aGcct^ it, t^iat agayne 3lobn boetb t\)t fame tbat ^e b^D be^* foje, anb vuas pjobibiteb of.tbc aungellj Thomas of Aquine \3itnct^ tbat jg>.3llobn bepng befibes bitnfeife bp reafon of tbe rjccellencicof tbefe ^ifions, nin itm one aftonpeb. W^c gloft faptb: ?&crctofoje tbe angell fo?bab, tbat be fl)oulb nottooi:* ft)pp b^m \33vt^ Soblv vuoia)pp: anb berc be p?obibitetb,t^at l^etDojfl)VPb?innottt>?tbfcruaimtlptooi£l)VP. 33ut to me it feemctb (fauing alUjapes t^e hetttt iubgemem of ot^)crs> tbat m ^. 3]obn tbere is fbctueb to all tbe goblp, beto great ts tl)e frailettes of ma to fall, tnlefife be be ceftraineb $ b^atxi- in bacbe bv tbe m^gbtie banb of i5oD. 2rt)c angcU jab flje^? U)eb 3]ol)n ejcp^elTelp befo;e,tbat ^ Rjonlb not bae t^at ujbicb ^c t^enbib, anb no\B be cepeatctb it agavnc, ;jf 0? Waning as it were forgotten sbofetbv«ge6 bp reafon of tl)c ercellencie of tlje aungell ,.bcetpoulb fnrcly bane bone bpmfouic tuo^ CD^p. Sroi fo we permit to onr felneainozc tban is beccnt,eC» peciallptowarbc noble perfonagcs, wbbme fo? tbe ejcccUcnt g\>ftesofi5ob,weefteeme woitbp to be woz(l)ippeb at oun ^anbes witl^out tbe offence of i5ob. Hibis opinion becetuet^ in onr tvme tbe moft part of tbem,\3>bicb agapnft tbe comlp^ ntQ of fmcere religion,wo2Cl)VP anb bonour ^aintes. "iS^ut tbeaungelloftbciLojbberenevtberfozgettet^ tioi bjpngctb fojtb anp new lioctrinc, b«t tbat olbc in fojme, as tbcp terme it, to tbe intent we (i)onlb t)nberftanb,tbat tbe Will of i5oii is alwaves one anb perpetually wbicb tupll not Ijaue f mod: l^icelUnt creaturi)^ to be wo^ajvpp^b^but t^c one i5oo alon&- 3!;^t,ij, to. chap. 22. Thc.xcvii.Sermon to be I)onourct). ^t repcatet^ t^erfo^c t^e fame caufes^toliic^ i^ealfoobtectcDbcfozc. 2;bcrefo;c be tbep aluoavesoffo^ce, tttitb all men, anD at allt^ntes* ^.Slobn in tbe mcane tpme fcemctb-, tbat be meant to commence tnto be tbe ejcccUenete oftbtsbtftonozteuelattomanotbattbc ^ungeU Dtbatimo^ titfljc b^m conliantlp of bis Dutie, ^ bs ail by bvn^jtbat toofec tobat t^^ng is pzoper to 000, ^e (lioulD not tranrpofe it to anp cccatuces . ^no it bcfccnetb c)ccecov"5 S^fat pjavfe tbat^ainte 3',obu \^ttt Diflfcmblctb norl;png : but bp c>:pje(re tooioes commtrtetb to to;tting bis fall , ano biB otx}ne rebu^ fe^ng bp tbe angcll mod euiDf ntlp. fQi bp bis fall be tooulD aDinontaic tbe gool^ tfjattbcp fboulo notfall in IpKe cafes, but geue all gloi? to i5oD. 15 ere fcemctb alfo to be obfccueD, a marnelous afifection ixi tbe mancc of fpeabing. ^o? tt)e an^ gellcrpetbourto3lobnbe^ngreaDptofallDo\Bne, ^ca pio- ilrate alceauv'-. ano noto about to toojQ)VP, t^a. f*^-. ^ec tbou doe not , tbat tbou berelp inteubeft to Doe . l^erc is cpp^e^ feo tbe carefulnes of mpnoe^and baft, tob^ctD^tb be goetb a^ ftowt to pienent t^e cntecpjife of 5lobn. ann tb«B ace tbe bo- \2 fptcites in beauen Diligent in letting all tbpnges, tbat bp anp meanes map turne bs from i3oD, to tbe u>o»fbvp?nsof creatures: mucbleflfetberfojetuoulD tbep tbefelnes be too^ fl)ippcD, ojbauctbc tbpngs attributeo to tbem, tobicb pl&as ptaes at tbi& Dai? attribute bpfo^ce of brines » ^beCo^D of bis clemencie ana mcrcp conuerte tbem to a cigbt mtnDe,tbat tY^i'i *wa? attribute all gilo?v to <5oD,!2lmen» ^^.3lobn tiScommannDeDnof to frale tbt0 bool^e^ but to publilbe it, baupng refpectte to no man. The xclffiii,Sermon. A Nd he faid vnto mcfeale not tbe fayings of thcprp- phefie of rhys booke. For the rymeisat hand. He thatdocth euill, lethym doe euill ftyll , and he whicK isfilthyCjlethymbefilthyeftyli: and he that is righv teoHS, let hym be more righteous: and he chat is holy^ let hym be niore holy. ^ ^eaic not 7 ^be feuentb place tbat is treateo in tbis concUifion , foji ii)cboobe. biDDetb 3obn,tbatbefealenottbeboofeemMtte,^tf ?fot>tV)?5> faptb tbe ^ungdl,fcale itnot.anb ccrteinlp letters $ boobes arc toontto be feal^D , either fo; crcDit anb confirmations fa^e, vppon the Apocalipfe, ^ii cha^,22, fa!t?,oi cIs tbat t^ev CljoulD not be openly icaD of all jnctt;bttt oft^ofcouel?totDi)omt^epare Dtrectci) .^n ^ungcil faptl) to 2>anicUt« Ijis. 'i. cljaprcc » ^nti tl)o« H>a?ucU cloie tp r^c \j30ZDcs>auD fealc t^c boofec tjntill tlje lail rvme ♦ l^c is com* tnauDCD to (l)ut t)i& booUe,t^at ts to fa^.to ma^cancnD, and not to loobc foj anp moic ceuelanon:fmatI^ ^e is commaimi ficD to fljut It foi eijc \)ngoolp,"onto twbo affarcDlp ti) is boofec (^ail feme oarfee ano claico . ipoj it folJoteetlj : fo^manp Riall crce.ann bnotolc&gc Qjall be manifolD.foj tl?cv t|iat are not rnlcD b^ tbc ttnaiwz anD ftire ttsoiD of i5oD, bau^ uotbpng at all ccitemlp tneo ano Uuotocn , but toanuec tbjougb inanis (olo oj fonojp ano \jnccftainc opinion8,tu5gcm:me6, ^ tea- bitions of men. ^oi JDaniel! favtb > t'oatfenotolfbge ftjall be teariablc:tbat is to (av ^ tbcre Q)aU be mnumcrabie optntons- anD fcctes of tbe ucligion ano fetupng ot i5oD:>»biTc r.cuci'^ tbclcs tbcre is but one onelv tcnc opmion, Doctrine , faptb oi rciigionrtbe fame 31 fap,mbicb H)anicl fct fojib "i bis booHc, t)bicb boD^e alfo be (caleb : tbat is to fap , coufirmco tt as tc tDeret53itbgoDlpfcaic5,a3aiit^eticall,oia9tbo?ifco,$uj'gtcb toas tooubv to beci'c2>itco.jl^o\Mbcitattbi3p;icfcnt^.3]obii is not commauuDcd in tbcfame ienfe ano meaning not to Ceale bJs boofee , tobicb to^: feno\» to be altogether atubenti:» cail:bnt tbe ^ungeil meanetb fucb a tbvng as tbis is, naineip concealcoicoKCcnot,anDbiDenottbi3 boobc:\a)bicbi5oii j^^^^<*fe^ Vw juit) tl)2ffoic \^Vi\t to be tsjiitte, tf>at if migbt be a publicfee S fo^/aii bocrrinc tit foe xo^q\z vdo:Io ^bcrb^ all nv! jncgbwt dCfUie ta^m at» i^ : anj tbi»T4i^ it caa Jut be o^v 3Ct»{gr &£t^ Chaf,22. The XCviij. Sermon bcrOolic^as obfcmx anD full of Darfec fpcaltings. ISut to i5oD fcc pzapfcatiQ tt>anhco gctivng,U3l)o Ijat^ Vjcuc^fauco to pzos tttDc fo; \jd fa^t^fuH^ ano in time bp t^ie mod pzotitableanu moa nccccraL'ic boohc» Cijcrc 8 %\)t cig^t place of t^is cottclufiott fcmct^ to trcatc of a ccc t!)mgeff tcin pzeuciuion,;jfoi fomc ma ^ccc migl)t fap: t^ou toilt ^aue JSS,hoth'^ tl)tsboofec to be open , atiD come tjmo all men ofallftatca, toti"e hen- ^^^^ *'*"^ ^Sec : but tberc be fome,\a3bicb Uiill tjttcclv contine Tcr0 anD to tbc Cauicfn ^amc tbccfoje a^all it l3C pjcacbco ,in teavuc a)al fuel) asioiu toe ijzgc t^cfe to;itpttge2,among tijcm cfpeciallv,U)^icb toill not i;carc. fcoznc t^c (amc , ano cppoum) t^cm tl^i£3 tojap oz tl)at toav* at tljeic plcafurc.lSnt be fcmctl) to pzcuent tbie, ^'xa fap Doubt- Ico tbcrc ajall be ijucigljfcotiB iuniimcvablc, tobicb ftjal pzo< ceoe tnbziDleo \w tbeic iniquities , ano moze ano tnoze cjcceDe ano paflc tbcm felues : but vet tbcre (ball be alfo righteous, \jDi)icb perfeuccvng m all rigbteoufnee , fl)all increafc in bol? ^ectues,anD berein alfo furmount tbe felucs: w>bcrfojc (pace nottboutobttc^to tbcm all, fucbtbpnges as in tbtsboo&e 31 baue comntaunDcD tbec , ano be not cacefuU foj tbc fucccOTc tbcrof : let me alone toitb tbat: ejcccutc tbon t^c office of pzeas cbv«S«31 toill bzvng to pacrc,tbat tbv fa^tbfull pzcacbpngfljal not be bavne . ano let tbcm alone , if tbon fee fbme tijat toiU be altogetbcc filtl)v,anli pccifl) m t^eicfiltb^ncs , fcvng tbe)? contcmne all tbp faitbful labour.:JFo? tbou baK none tbv ^\xt^ tic , ano art blanteles : ano tbcp pecifl) tbo^ougb t\)tvc otonc fault. Tobfifoic BlitoiUncitbccbauctbee, nojpetnootberto bcouercatcfiill^tD^attpmt^on fee man^ contemnetbepu^ ritie of i5oZ5s U30ZD,ano t^at bao ratbcetoalloto infiltbines, Math.i4. ano tojercao els vnbcce alfo, tbat tbeiSofpcll isp?eacbebto X .Cor. X . manv f oz tbeir conoenznation, ano tbe fauour of .tbc i5ofpell to be fujcte \Jv:to fome tinto faluatiou : ano to otbet's an ins tollcrable flcncbe Dnto pevoition . a It^e place in a manet; is in ibe.i.cljapt.of ig^ecbiel, tobtte toe reao tbat tbe ILozo fa^ft to tbc ^zopljct : ttiou fonne of man , 31 feno tbce to tbe cbil^ uzeu of 3ifcacll,to a people icbclliDiiB, toljicb ba^\i\^ ine \)nt{ll tbis oa^ . s^bev be cbilo^en of an baro fauour , ano of a frotoacn bate. 3, feno tbec bnto tbcm , ano tbou Cbalt tell tbcm : tbus faptb tbc ^ozd i5oo,vi)bctbei* tbep toiU beare , o^ 'not beart : fozit is a rebellious boufe , tbat tbep ma? bnota f ct,boto tbcre batb bene a lazopbet amogeft tbcm.ano tboii fonne of inan feare tbcm not , ncitber be ti)ou afra^oc of tbeic upo^oes : fo^z tbc^ be contentious auD p^icU^ng liUe tbo^nes^ ano vppon the Apocalipfc. 310 Chap,22. anti t^y btodlvng ts \rit}? |?cojpi83.13nt tf)crfoic ftjalt tljou not be afcavticoftljcm,tijoua)alt fpcat^cuiv tuozQCB ijuto tl)cm,tDbct6cc t^cv tDiIl Ijeai'c tUcm,o? no. i&ou>bcit ^c inuft Ijcrc tdi^t ^cDc, t^at ujc miftjnt>cr{lan!) ^ ^tm noc,as tljoug^ iSoD comaGBCD, t^at tijc tongoDly UjouId ,na„4cth pjocctic to be mozetJugo53lp,Uil)Ct:ctl)eaungcU!:aptt):t!ct^at not tijat is ljucig^teous,ict ^im bc\)nrigl)teou6ftill.^c.ifoi itiemct^ tijc tDtcfeeo in maneu to be fucb a facing , as t^at fame \q hi tbc ^ofpeU: fliouitjc t^at tbou Qoe(t,Do it mojc fpcbclv.;5foi be cominmmtict!) l;uu ^J'^c ftvu to l)o,tbat tb^ng vubicb be fencU3 be lu'oulD Do.aftcu tbe fame l",vi^„.^ fo?t bcce alfo, looUe \2Jbat be fencuj tbe tcicfeeD VooiilD do , be ''^'^^^''"^P' fa^tb tbep fijali Do : ncitbcc toillctb be tbat tbeii* Dopnges (l)o«lD trouble 3[iobn,anD tbe faptbfwll p?cacbcc , feyng tbcre lljali airo inan^ gooD, tubicb ft)ali alfa applv tbciu felues tin- torigbtcournes.iDeacetoontalfo to fa^U3ttbamucb Iv^c pbjafc:31ftbo«toiItnotbcpei;ruaDeD,tbcngoro,too2feemif^ c^ief tbp bcllv full . 5if tbou tuilt ncDcs pccia) , peeifli baeDl^ foj mc.ii^ot tbat tue biDDc bini tbat peciCbctb, to pcfifl) : \^\xt tbatfo toe cepiocbto bpm bis maDues ,anD Ciguific tbat be pcciftjet^ t^iougb ^^^ oujuc fault , toiUinglp auD tDittingl^* Sltisnoincouragement fa^tbArcusjbutcatbera rcbul^vng afamafojtbc tbmg tbatbe^elDetbbimfclfeljnto.anD Tho^ mas Aquineraytb:2i7befcttfcoftbcfct33oiDc3,b£ tbatbuttetb^ let bpu; buct frill is.STbat be \x>iU \^nu, bp Do^ug otbcr e uils: fo as tbe ^ugcl mart be ^judci'iIodc to bauc fa^D tbefe tbvngs in toap of piopbecipng^uot in tuap of UJiC^pug.ijc.ianD fo tbe incanpng is,tbat tbe \MicUeD coutemniug tbe pzopbecie^QjaU contiHue to be toicUeD , anD tl;c goDlp agapne fl)all gcouj in tbe bolpttuDp of cigbteournes.rPbicbrenretnUpfcmetbniott plavneftof all . Btitbee Diffcctbcpmucb fcotu tbefe, tbat aue reaD in t\)t. n. ofDamcll bp rbefc \x)0?DeB : go Pfiuicll faptb tbe auag^ll , auD fcarcl? not oucc cuciouap tbe \\\^if,m of tbe Ian tpme: foi tbe tapiugcs are clofcD anD frnleD^tJutiU tbe laft tpmc . cicrv many (l)ali be puriftfD anD niafte \ii\)nz anD caft ncu3.23 ut tbe U3ic^eD ftjall Da luicUcDlp anD all ^ngoDlp 0)all not bnDa'ftauD » I5nt tbe learneo fball teacb . ;ff rout tbeft tbvngesfujarucnotbvngatall tbeUJOjDesoftbe ^pottkin i.Ti®.5. fpea^ngauD pjopbcctpngoftbelatec tpmes: all tbat ujill ipttc goDtp in CbiiS 3lefus , Qjall fuffec pcrfemtion foi rigb= teoufucs. j^ottuitbttanapng euill men, ano Deceiuers gcou) tooifcaitD tDOifc,\»bileOtbcpbotb leaDe otbcrs uuo ertxiMr, m^ erre tbem felues . STbecefoie fcpng tbe later age of tbis VuoilD %i\\ b; (ur^ylet \iz , tw:;scb arc cdUeD to tt>i5 fane tioii. ChAf.22, ThcXCix.Sermon ptocebe fOttRantl? tti anuaHttccfct fcjtb nn& l)cafcf«,f?)c\je* i:VVDOiDof!3oU,anD t^cceudanou cf Jtfu C^^itt Vntoatt iMcn,icgat'Dpng notl)j?ns , toljat tl^c teojlo anD toojluig men fpeafecagapnftm Ci)et)n:i awD full clcgaittlp ^c fcttet^ ttco fo2tC0 of tntn agapnil nQi)tco«iBr ttoo ct^crs,t^c tnng^tcoiis agapuft t^c cig^tccMS , nnD tfte « fiitb? arc f||t^^7 agavna ljoIp,o acTaSyJait^ l;c,t)f t^at Boi^ cutl,lct l^im t e nS- ^0 f "i** ♦ oj ^^ f^^^ *^ tjnng^tccuD , let ^im l)c \3nt:ig^teca6: Ijirn ijttrt QilljOj fuct!)criKO?c . £)i fjec tt)at Dot^ eiull atiD \irxa ngl3t,lccl?imDo fo ftill. agarnftt^iB ^efcmt^j: ^ct^atis tigi3tcou0 , ict ^im be moie righteous , !ct bim p^occDc furs tJjcr,anrj groto moje (t uiotc In all gcti^ttcs , anD go bcpcuD bvm fclfe mngl)teou{nc5,l)ojl) of fapcU anD \jjo?btg . ;(fo? bp tigfttccuCncs of fapt!) toe arc iuftificD:ljp t^t ngbtcoufncs of t»o?fees , toe arc ccrtarcij to be rigbtcous . ianD t^t ^ t^at be r!g6tcous,uot onclv ^urt no man, but alfo p?oft(c $ do gooD to aU.C6trarvt»i(c tljc tmrigbtcous, \»ljtcb toant true favtb, want lvgbt:anD\aja?bet!jercfojc in oarfecnclTc , ano bo t^e tooiUcs ofDarfeencs:pcrrccutpngbotb tl)e righteous , anD ngbtcoufne0,attli moleOvng all men . anb t^at tbcre Q)oulo be f«c^ men in tbe later Daves,tbe EozD ^atb alfo pjop^cnen \\\ tbc.z4.cbapter of tbc iSofpell after iBgjatljeto. a^be ot^er b^nbc of men,are t^c tjnclraue,poHuteb, iMy^ ano t)vle,5 p'c/;r«v,$c.Be t^at is filt^v^^avi^ ^e, let ^?m be fiU t^V fttlL anb t^e intcrpzetours of tlje £5rcefeetoimg abmo- nifl)t^t^i;7r«s,i0 t^iatfilt^pneo, txj^tcb toe gatber at ouc tiavlc0 enbe0 . i^nb ^e figniftett) isncleane pcrfon0 tn bobp ^ foulc, 3|i,bolater0, fojnicatouro, glutton0 , anb fuc^ lpl;c .a* ga^ntt vnbcm ^e b^tb placeb,t^e ^olp^pure, anb clcane : tbat 10 to fav putftlteD bp faptb > anb applti^ng tbcm reluc0 bufilp tc bolpneo . s:berfoze lyfeeaotljc filtbv bo mozeaub mojc ttiolloto rbem fcluc© in tbem^jc , anb becap anb befile tbem^ (elucB too t}ilelv:fo t\^t gobl? bo mo;canb mo?e appl)? tbcm« felni0 baplp to cleaneo anb bolpne0 of life* ^^c Eo;b 31e(ns tKfltfic anb fanctific ))0 fo; euetmoK* C^c gat&eretft fuel) tbrnfifi^ a0 bee W^ f augW of fl)e faft ^uDgemcnt,anb of tbe reljuarbC0 of tbc Bbbl^^ at^ of tbe to^mentes of tbe toicfeeb. The xcix. Sermon, And vppon the Apocalipfc. - jop CJbdf.^^^ yl Nd bcholde,! come (liortly,and my rewardc is vith me,togeeueeiicry man accordyng as hys dcedcs flialbc. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the cndetthcfirftandthclafKBlefledare they thatkeepc his commaundcments, that their powder may be in the tree oflyfe. And may enter in through the gates into theCitie. Por without ihall be dogges Scinchauntcrs, and u'horcmongers, and murthercrs, and idolaters, and whofoeucr loueth and maketh lelin^cs* 9. 2r!jc nint]) piacc of tlji's t^e Ho^D \}mo ttingetncnt tlji's concl«fion,!S of tl)c commmg of ,^'^/^^^7| rnt,anD of tije ccujaroepicpareMo; y KSl?:* CooD,an:>oftl)cto:meiuc6nppopnr£D foj tt>e impcmtcnt ^^m iot toicfecD. Sroi !)e coilectet^ ac ttjvs P?cfcm,r^e tb^nigcs t^at Ijc rewa«c0 f tFcateDmoieDiligeittlp auD maic atiacgr la ti3 ponocc it tjcrp oftc in oac inpuoes. >f o^ toe rtjall i^ Icflfe liccnciouav (inne.ano toatclj tl^e mo:e Diligcmt^. anD in tbvsconclufionof ^.3RoI)n t^e pcrfous arc tftm /^tfLofot c^aimgeD. ifoi one \i!l)vlcfpeaftett)3io^tt opinfcUc^ana inc^ C»j>iftctt= tinentlv ^e b^thget^ in tije %oitt fpeaUing. las at tbis y^cfem mett) Q)aile terelp be mabetb tbe Hozb Cb^ift bpmfctfe to fpeolte, ano to '?* (ap: beboloe 51 come quickelp. foi tbe tao^D pzottoimceD or( of Cbttfltesmout^ is ofmoieatttboMtte,anD bat^mo;ccreDt( tuptb ail men,tban tbat toM t^e l2lpoaie fpeaU?tb . !^nD in fapingtbatbetDvlicomcfl)o?tlp,bcmeattetb toRtrrc \jpalf men to ujatcb ,rcpent,anD pja^. :>fOx in tbe fBolpctl ;^e fapeo; Ujatcb,fo2poufenovo ncptber tbe bap noi tbe bouce. yont EoibU3pllcomcatanboare,tobenpoutt>inbe leaft* KW^ to^c be frapetb t^c aoutbfull and bnclcane perfons^tobic^ cd^ fo^ttbemfelues^tbattbelLozD (^all not come at all, an& tf^e come, tbat pet it (l)aU belong ftrffv anb paraoncnture ncmt^ agapnU \3)bom be pleabpng, faptb bo\» be tojpU come qmc^s Ip. Slgamft tbcm alio reafoucD i^alacb.itt tbe.s.ano. 4.cbap. * ano ^.|9etccin tbe.x.anb.3.cbapt. lagojeoucrmaffirmpng tbat be ujpUcomc fljoulp, be comfojtet^ tbe goDlp tbat be tempteo ana toffeo oiuecfelp in tbis ujojlo . ;jf oj t^c gocl^ fometpiiies crp airOvtbat tbe iLoiD oeferrctb ^ps commyng oucrloug, t^atbe ts too gentle to bps enempcs . yx>l)ttcfQ%z ^e Capt^, tt^at ^e tuUl no o) come foone inong^, t^a: is to fap, %UM^ in Chaf\2z\ ThcXCix.Sermon in Uttc tpme: boti) ijcliuct; !)is (eriuiimtes, anfi to icttto^ anU tootc but 1)16 enemies anu contc«mcrs» if oj It foI'o\Dctl^ toljtU a o«c, Ijoto, anD to to^at ?nDc ^e Vuillcomc: ^e MyxW come glozious toyt^ great maieftic * po;* VocrtQOdiiiei'auD folic tl)c favt^fiiU, ann to conDcume x\it \)ngoJ)Iv,fo:^e,favtl):anDmvreVoai;iic is topt^ me. »?l)ic^ 3Prtj mp tc= tooiDcs fceiue tP be tafecn out of t^e ^c.cJ)apt. of jgfap . ^vxy s»arDcija( ti^cv figinftc, t^at f5oD is ftirnta^cn abouDaittlv t»Vt^ all iin* So^tijmc. picmentes, tjj^ecctottt) it bcl3ouct^amx)arDci:«anD reucngcc to befucniO^cD. Hrl^eifozc tic favt^,t^e fcv«acoe to W 31 ^)^^ gene to eucr^ ouc,aftct: Ij^s Dovngcs, 31 Oaue pjcfentip \iovt^ luc, ann t^atrca&v>^«i' plentifirtl. ;jfoi our fe«?«S 3«^ S'lUDge toaiuctlj not povuci- ann t re afurc: ag man^ times t\)t ^yngs of tl)^s \a30?lD,e^t!)ec can tu)t pa^ tbcic ^olDiours toagc6,a5 t^cpougl^t, oi^aucitnoticaJ)^, but uefeccct^e payment a tong t^mc, But tbis our captagnc faitb: mp cctuarDe is toit^ tne. auD immctiiatclp cf pounDpngl3vmfelfe,i)e faptbn^atbe toj^U cetuarDc eftetp one accoztipng as ^vs Dopng (l)albf .;f oi fo tbc iatpodle alfo in tl)e. tbc cojuitb. ^. (aptb, bcto toe HiHltaU appcate befoie t!ic iuogcmcm feat of Cb?itt?tbat cue* rg one map ceceauc fiicb tOpnges as ace none bp tbc boop,acj cottiing as |e ^atb fione,tobct!)et: it be goon oj cupU , 5Fo? in t^c.i«»cljapt.oft^ci3orpcU of ^,i3gattl;.ti)C CojbfapDipfeca ■ % 4 V topfe,tbat t^c tpme tooulti coinc, t^at t^c fonne of ma fl)ouHi come in t^egto?;p of bps father, toptb ^is iaiungcls , anD tben fljall ^c rennet' to euerp one after bis Dopnges » %Y^t fame i5 raugl^t bp tbe apdftle m tlje.i.c^ tbeifiomanec^ ^no to tbe intent no ma nioulD Doubt,, bnttbat our iunge lam A can accompliflje in oceDe,tt)attbingtobic6 in toojDcs be fapD . ^* Ije tooulo Doe,namelp to renner to euerp man after ^ps t^ »na «♦ pnges:^eaDiopnet^,anD faptb,1] am Alpha ano Omega, tbe begpnning ann t^e enoe.-^c. 33p tijc toljicl) toojDes be fignis fietl), tbatbcis ^erp i5oD, eternaU,anD alinpgbtic. aj^efen^ tencc is tafeen out of tbc.4?.anD.4r.cbapt.of lefap. Slno i« c;c:« pounneD befoze» SJbcfc tbpnges tcac^ t)s, tbat Jlefus i:,\)y\i!t is berp i5oD, ano t^erefoje tbe retoarDer of aU> moO bounti^ fuUanDmoftrigbteous, - iflcwfltDes Confequcntlp agapnc,crpiefrcIp,mo?epIapttclp, anb \i^ a »;cpavrt) ptt'tition> ^.3!0l)nbp tbefc bps toopes Dcclaret^,to^at,anD (0^ { ^m-^. to tobom t^e S.01D topi! geue ^ ^nn ftra iniieed l^e treocetl; c! tbe rctoaroepzeparcDfoz tbe goon, and after of elite punifl^e^ ment appopntcD fox x^z eupll i^^^ tbc tuft tungentent of <5o&v ^nb cetoatoc 1$ pnpeD^oz gcucnrat^ec^s^.i^aule (aptb, to Vppon the Apocalipfe. 312' CbafJr^ tbetn i\}Z,t bccpc tl^e cojnmi'.mDcmfte of ijpiu, tl)at ta to \»ic, of jCf)i!(l. ifoz UDt t^ev tl)at ccaD , oi ^eacc tl)c coimi^awttDes incuts of i5ob, 01 boaft «tnD pzcac^ t{jcm,ace bleCfcD: Out t^ef c^at Itecpc au6 pccfoiinc tljem in Dce^ciFoj fo l^atlj out il^ozD i.iohn.j ' auQ ^auiouc C^iift taught \)s i\\ tlje iSofpcll aftcc j3Qatt§, * t^e.7.cljapt»auDJLufte tje.n* anD ^is commawuoemcutes arc tljofc tljat arc fct Do\ajuc in t^c ttw picccpt0,oz in t^c %qU pclI ccftce^nctj to tfjclouc ofi3oD mxii ouc nctgl)boui:,oz t^c uoljtcl^ arc tiauuD of ^.3lol;n ttjc ^poftlc faptl) auD loue » 3it l)c()oact^\30tl)ccfo2c to be religious, in cafe tocIooUcto re:» ccauca rcvoaroc of £5oQ, ^uii vubat is tbe rctuarotbat is gc* ucnoftbciuDgetotbcgoDl^\xio2(\)^ppcr3of0oDe STbat is taUtntbiccmancrofUja^cs. ;foj firti tbc^ arc calico b^^PP? 4inoblcircD,^econDlvtl)ev(l)allbauc potocc oucrt^c\uooii oflpfc,t^atistofap,tbea'uite3 oftbc tree oflpfeQjanbcim tbcirpoujcrubatistoujittctbcp ajalll^uean ctcrualllpfc topti; iDl?zill,a0 befoze is occlarcD. ;jf oz be alluDctb to tbc fo?^ mer tbpnges. >la(llv\tbcv f^all enter injaitb bc,b2 t'pc gates ntto tbc citie before DcrcribcK, namelv, tnto t^c ctterlaflpng countric, after tbts be toucbctb oj coUcctetb alfo tbe ptmtf^mems tottbout appointed foz tbcttiicfeco, ano \w one ^ozoe compziCctb all ^^53«;5. togctbcr, \x)bvlefl be faptb,tt)Vtbout. ^oz bV tbis oncl^ \bo;d ^c cjcduoctb tbc toicUcD out of tbc bcauenlv countric, ano iws cluoctb oz inclofctb tbcnz \\\ bcU, anb bell tozments \)n(peafefl able, enoics anD innumerable. ZnXi ^.3llobn berc follo\jjeti> tbc Hojo \\\ tbc i3ofpcll,faving : BTi fap ^nto pou, tbat manp Math. »; (Ijall come from tbc xsaflanb from tbe W)cft, ano fl)all reft vw^tb ab2abam,31faac ano 3lacob in tbc fe^ngoomc of beaue: ano tbccbildzcn of tbe ^v^tSbomc a^all be caa out into otitis tuaro oarcfecnes, tberc ft)allbc ^joccp^nganb gnafa)^ng of tectb. ^0 lpHe\a) v^c in tbc parable of tbc ten \jicgins,tbc gate ^ath i ? is fa^Dc to be fl)ut, euD tbc foolifljc Uirgins (i)uttc out of tbe ' iopes cclcftiall. i£ucn tbere be commaunoctb tbc >jnpzofit*3 bleferuaunttobccaft into tbc outtoaroc oarcfeencs. Epfee^ to^fe in tbe. 13 .of Jlufee,tbe JlojD fa^etb, boto tbe ^nbclcucrs {^albc tbzuQ out. antj tobo be tbcp BTi befcccb tbcc, tobicb in tbat fad iubgc- roWWf mcntCl)aUbc caR out^ x>Dg5cs,ano tbcrcfiDuc tobicb are re- ^criptijrc citcD m tbe rcgiftcr of tbc con^eiunco. 2~bc tcrmc of Dogges of ooggcs;, is not altoaves taUcn in tbc bolp fcripturcs in tbc cuill part, but vet foi tbe moft part, abner tbc 2,cifctcnaunt gcncrall of fevug panics \»arccs,fai.H^ \?nto 3lofcpb * 31 ^in tbc ^cao of n Chf.ii. ThcXCix.Sermon ftia>0S8e y iD^iclj ucfcnuc t\)t ^onre of ^aule aga^nn StwBaj ^tgntfiptngtl)at!)cb(tDtncitrccDt^e Dtrpleaftttc of t\)t tribe of 3luDa, foi t^at \)c tiau rctcincD f n tribes pet in t^icic Dutie, attDVinDettbeDommton of tl^ l^cufe of l(vns Rattle. 2SI0 tD^)ere^Btnt^e.iwOfi^att!)cttitl)ci3emil6, oii^eatben, oj edraungeo from t^e people of i5oD (eeme to be callr d ^ogs. ^0 fome at tbJff ua)? call t!je arurfee B,tiaimitg tljem STutfeiflj £)ogge5:t!)ati6ro(av,^nrbi(l)e aiafiucls. i3fijozcouer alfo tljejaiopl^etjefav callctlrt^cfalfc jaiopI?fte6 tDDggce, be^ cawfe tbev tx»ere C^amelefle, rauening, tjufatiable, nor able to barfee a«D oefenae tbc (i^cpefolDe, oz els tjntovllvng anD Oce- pie. after tbe fame fignification ti)e apoftlc faptlj to t^c ^f)U lippians : bctoare of Dogges, betoare ofeuiUtoojbers.^c* l33oieoucr m tJje ^olp Scriptures angric ,ficrce,anD crud!,^ comemncrs of goDl? tljpngcs, baiUers at tbe truetl), fclaim^ Derers ana pcrfecuters thereof, anobiafpbcmerB, are calico Uogges. ;jfoimt^e li.iaialmc. SDamoaftgureofCbJift t^c S,oiD crpet^: a>ogges 6aue inutroneli me ronoDe about, t6e compamcoftbcmaliguam bat^ compafleo me. :jPbom ^e nott) callctb Doggc 0, bp auD bv be namctb malignant. 2lni» toben Scmet curCTeD S>au!D,!^bifat tbcfonne of ^aruiafaitbt to^V ^OftlJ t^is Dogge tbat Q}all Die curfc mv How t^t b^ngj jQAat^.27. ^nutbeHoiD tntbc i^olpelUozbtODett) to caQ tbatU;btcl) ts bolp to Doggcs, 01 pcarlcs to Clonic. ;Jf maljv, tbcfe filitp ^ tnclcanc men tt>itl)^nt rcpemauncc, toaUotu vug tbcmfclucs iutbe Dungcbill of iinnc anD \»iclieDnes,are calico 2>oggc0. ^l^eti i^oi^.^tttv caltttb fuc!) men Doggc0,rct«rrivng to tbeie *^ tomite. ano t^e IL02D p?obtbitetI),tt)at no man hutiQ f pjicc of a ftrompct 0; of a Doggc niio tije 2:emf ic . fci cncn tber:» fojctbc3'CtDia)e ^j!dit£i'e^ufeDtl^cpnceoibicu& offcrcDbg Sfluoas. STberfoic Dnt^cr t\)c uameof Dcgges Use tJuoctflauD teatbcn ojinfiDelics,fa!le iazcpUctssoutreancrB/iucUmc, blafpbcmer0,pcrircutcr0 of tU tructb, rurfeb fpea^cr£,con'> temncrB of toe tructl),Y)mlcaneattDfiUbv.^c. "I^rfwcfl) anb as toitbcmembcr0tbattollo\air.iOcpi:aue beetle C1C3 and tnaUct^ ponubeb bctozc^to U)ittf,m t^c^.c^apt.auD about tbe brgin^ ■ktxn^iS* ivt ng an:j m i^e cud of toe ii,c'^\^yt. £0 a iv^ p^ aoacti) t}cre> be rijat lourtb ana mabcii). ;Jf oj matip miiiKc tbcm not cpt IVs burtbe^iouc.fanouranoaDUAunce toeui. ^janv ^^tb loue anii mafee tbem. s;bei> louc akiiKgcijiueiv, vu^icb mayn^ tapnc \;ntrHelcarnpng,anb ocli^bt a)£ccm»26ut bercotmoa purpofclp Pnmafius BvCl)op uf Vuca laptl), to aU mit tbutgs «iiulbegcucnnot wtligeiuc ofc^^ounoHng;^ butcacetuinca vpontlicApocallpfc. 314 chdfjs, uiU.^men» cCb^tll t£( fl^elueD asarne f be t\it 0aebour of t^^a bt&fte, botu great foeuer ^e t5. ^ere ib alfo oeclareo rbe Dc6re of tbe Cburcb^ U)^(btng fo;t tbe commtng of C[);i(t,ano tbe ItberaUp^omtfe oft^e £,0^0* T/;e C. Sermon, T lefas haue fcntmyne Aungell to teftifie vnto you thefe thynges in the congregations. I am the rootc and offpring of Dauid, and the bright morning ftaire. And the fpirite and the bryde fayd,comc ♦ And let him that hearcth fay alfo, come* And let'hym that is a thirfte,eome. And let whofocuer wy 11, take of the wa- ter of lyfe, free- .: 2Er^c tctit^ place of tWs conclufioti fljetoctb agaitte tbe m^ ^^^ ^o* tbouc of t^is \uojfec to be Slefus t^W^^ ttJbicb is bjOBgbt in ^^l ^f. ^ece bv §> .3lol)n Cpeafevnfif»to tbe intSt tbc tb^wg tbat 10 (i)05 SSHJ^* feett inavbawe tbc mo?e autbojttie, atto tbat tbc beaw^cfli ma^ ^-gjw^ geeuetbe tno^e creott to tbc \»boIe top^c. ^berefojfe ikm tbvitgtstobearccibeoto ^.3iiibtt,butf tojttirtcjolf mojke, tbat is to \ii\t^ tbat be ftrft fato all tbefe tb^ngcs , ano inoitea tbcm ano committeD tbem to \D?itvng . ^no r be maner alfo 0f reuelation is cepetcD.Cbiift bim felfc camenot botonc in^ to tbe eaetbi J into tbefe lobcc iranes^but Cent foftb bis ^n^ ^ '< 6e{V^\i)bd ftxfin Cbii4ano \x\ ci^iQes irame opetted ^ ^tS3s^ f D tbeCe^inilsto^.Siobii.l^bc eno alfo of tbe SUtHgets feti^ bpng 02 ceiteiattott ?6 ^ectSeo i tbat be fboUb tefttfte tbtfe tb^ngcs fento tbe congregations , ano to pow all tbat are itt tbe too?lD,iimtoibcemi of tbc tooilo. ^no voelracnebf tbofc feto too^tMls^tbat creDitemu(( begeuettto tbis booKe,as tubfcb i^'i^f^^tbbptbe tctpfottne of <5ol» b*^ bis iatUngell attb iap(!«Ie,'t)crcJp e^tito ail tbat are in tbe Cbwrcb.i^gaitte tbat^erti^ Cb^ia is >Kt^ i6oo , tbe Jloio of ^ttngels ; as ^. laaAIeeHfe-aSFHrhtetbth tbe . i . cbaptcr to tbe ?&eb?e\Dcs. iDf ^b^ft t>e« tbe ttJbicb tbV«g is fpo^en alfo bcfo je . auD tbcfc inoft clcare ^? ^•^^ tettimonies of t\:^t ^crtptare ougbt to moue tbe fa^tbfuU tnoie,tbaiT all tbc Dotages of Seruetus tbe ^panpacD anD Ser- iKcaties pi^gingtb^'^tians^ Ile^e&, S^et t)s obfeme mbjes ^' ' ouec Chd^,22\ The.C.Scrmoti trxvcA^t CW rent t^is auugcli, not to mw oi to tml^ti ^e l)0ip bnt /Lictf Tyj>«(Tcti,t^at is to tcttific . xp^cn tcOnnonics be ia\»- «c m?Sim fwl^V ta^c«,02 coinmtttcD to ^Mttng aao fcalcD,it is not la\B Sc^ fttU taCpeafee aga^uft t!)cm.;lf o? tljcp arc altogether taHcnfoj am^enticall . But all t^io booHc mas tozittcn bp ^ . Jio^n, anu is tl^e rccoise oi te (linionp of t^e aimgcll of i5oD. i^tjcr^ fo?e is It tnlatofuU to ooubt an? t^tng tijccof.atfo toe oug^t to \m^ t^c fame opinion of all otljec boofecs of tbc olb ^ uc\u arcftamtnt . :foj t^e }a?op^ctcs anD 0poft!es arc calico tljt vuitneCTcs of 0oD : antJ tbe i3ofpell ano ooctrme of rljc i3;o- pbctes ano ^poftles^is ealleo tt)cir uottncs ox teaimonic. 0e is mauac , t^at tljinfectlj not tbe Canonicall ^cnpnire to be of it felfe autbenticall , tjnlcs it be f trft maDc antbenticall b^ tbeappzobation of tbe iDburcb ano of Counccls . ibqokouci; toetjnbecftanDtbattbe Doctrine of tbisttibolc boofecbclon= 5ctb not onclp to tbe feucn Cburcbcs of ^aiia , but to all oif^ pecfcb tb;oug^i)ut tbe to^ole txiozlD : auD tbcrfo^e appertei^ nett) cftiefl^ ano ftngularlp \3nt0 \3s,\j)btcb liwe at tbis bap at 5uricfee oj in ^\xivccclanD,i5nglanD,;Jrrauncc 02i5crmanp, Aretas ISvQjOp Of Cefaria faptb tb«S : tbat be (IjOUlO tcftiflC, tl)at is to rap , tbat be (^oulo p^oted notpiiuclv, no^ obfcure^ ip , but in tbeauDienee of all Cburcbes , bifperfco in all tbe toHJjio , (b as nq man pjctenb^ns toilfull ignojaunce , Ujoulo temainetjncoxrecteD* 0nD ineonttnentlp t^e ILo^b l|)tm felfe alfo fbetoett) anD De^^ «hi«i itf tTacet^,\j)^o,anD l5o\xi great be is, anb to bat tbe faithful Ijane Se Toote f ^?^ ^P in (loK inbim.^no be )3fctlp agame parables anb al^ ftQcbe of lulions fo| t^e moze plapnnes : ^no ftrft be callet^ ^im felfe IDauib. t9e roote ano offpzpng f Dauib , tbat \z to fap true anb na^s turall man. ;^o) ti^c bearo before tbat be toas ^erp anb natu^i tall i5ob » ^nb ^e cuttetb of all finewes from all ^crnic^ea t^at benp anb inipugnc tbe tcue fie;A) ofCb^ilit inoll ftrongl? p^oupng^tbatbe after tbe fleO) is of our nature. »>^erof be is calleb alfo in tl^e Scripture tbefruiteof t^e toombeof S>a« uib,anb be tbat is rifcnof ^is lopnes. i3Slo;eouer it is fapb to tbe^auiDicall ^irginc anb mother of i5ob : tbou (^altcon^ ceiue m tbp Ujombe anb bjing fojtb afonne. :^bertoje be caU Ictb t)tm felfe alfo botb cbe rootc anb tbe of fp;vng of IDauib, anb tbe p^jafc of fpeac^ is to be marfeeb. SiQ\ tbe lifee is reao in tbe. i^.of i^jccbiel . STbj? rootc ano tbp offp^ingis of tbe lanb ofCt)anaan:tbatistofap,tb? bp^tbisoftbc Cbana* Mite6,o?tbpof[p2vng is of people pollntcb . Tet fcmctb berc neucrt^eks alfoan oti^er certemet^^nis t9be dsnifteo . fr^i vpon the Apocallpfc. 314 c^afj^, t^e coote beacet^ a ttcc,$ tiounajcti) 0? qm'cfeenct^ t^e fame* 2rt)C cootc is not borne 0? nouctftjeD of t^c tut : ano Cbjrtl tbe Ho^D ts t!^2 founDatton , and pKrcntatton of tbe boufe of S>aniD,ani) Cljurc^ of t^c faithful, a^bat 2>auiD 10 picfcnicD, fbat rbe offpzpng of DauiD is not cootco ont.ujbtcb bftrimcs it batb DcfecHCD to be, it is Done in refpect 0? mecitc of Cb?itt t\)t iLoint . Cb^ide batb i^mn tbcin , and Dotb fane tbcm , fo manp as ate (aueti , as be tbat of all tbe pzomiCes ma&etnta DauiD is botb tbe beaD,tbc ^crtue pea anb tbe f5me ano per* fectton,as inujboni is pctfite faluation,anD aUfulnes,as tbe clcace teftiinonics of tbe ^jopbct lefap beare toitnes in tbc» 7,anD.37.cbaptetanDels\2)bere,anbintbe,3,of£>feeanDtbe 3 4.anD . 37 . of e^ecbicl . i^nD not a mucb tnlibc place is in tbe. 3 . boofee of ^vnges, tbe. n. cbaptec 3lobn alfo in tbc.i, cbapter of tbisbooUe names Cbiift tbe rooteofSDaniD. $c. agapne tbe JLo?D callctb bpm felfe a ^tacte , ano tbat not ^i^in. ,- 1 a Dim flac, but a Q)vnvng ano b?igbt one , anD cucn tbe mo^ bztSit raoi- npng ^tatre. :jx>ben be callfD bim felfe a ^tarce , be baD ttU ningftarrc. pert to tbe annacntiD?acleof:3alaam tbattoifeiaiopbetiti tbe tgalt i^e pjopbccieD tbat a ^tarce fljoulD acifc out of 3flfs raeU,tbat ts to (apa bcauenlp ftacce,anD enen tbe \3ecp fonne ofiSoDfljoulDbebojneofatooma.anDtbat tbefame Harrc aiu acife , tbe jXJifemcn tobo toere alfo of tbe igaft, do teOifie in tbe.x.cbapt.of ^.06)atbetu.anD it is calleD b;igbt,beraure iL\)iiitis tbe ligbt , illuminpng all uten tbat come into tbe toozlD . £>f tbe uobicb mattee tbe fame ^ . 3i0bn batb treaten mucb in tbe firft^eigbt.^t npntb cbapter is of bis lEuangelieal Ooip.lTbe fame out' ILo;d is alfo tbe mompng Oarre , fo caU leD of ^.}aetec,z .jaet.i . i3lnD of tbis ouc ^ . Slobn m tbe.u cbaptcc of tbe apoca.^f o? Ipke as toben tbe Dap ftacre cifetb, be DzaVBCtb tbe Dap after bpuufo iLl)ii^ fbmpng in tbe bactes of tbe faitbfull^Dotb ligbtcn tbem mo;e anD moze m tbts pie^ Tent too^lD alfo ,anD in tbe Ipf c to come do tb dotb tbem UJbolt Xonl) tbe ligbtcelcfliall . Thomas of Aquine ejcpounDpng tbis place faptb tbu6:Be is tbe moznpng §)tarce, to ujittbemef* fager of tbe Dap, tbat is tbe cucrlaftpng felicitie tbozougb ^ii refurrcctton.anD tbefe tbpngs bane toe JjeacD betberto of tbe moutb of Cbzifi ■> conccmpng Cbnfl -. tubo anD boto great be is,anD tobtittreafures toe bauc lapDetjp in ftoze in bpm . ^e is tjerp i6oD auD man ,^ toas incarnate fo; tsSitbat be migbt be our roote,t3crru€,lifc,Ugbt,anD (aluation . s^berfoie baue toe rcpofeD in btm , aU fulncs oifaluation . ^no fo vce fee na gapue , tl^at tbis booHc ts x»}\ttcn M)it\) lapoHoUcaU fpirue^ Chai,22, Thc.C.Sermon toWc^ tpitnte t)cre!v fo oft a£ occafion fcntctft , teafonet^ cjr* cclletitlv of C!)?ift,flni> pieacljctlj Ijio falimtion,anii comment tict^ t^c favtl) in ^im , tjuto all t^c fait^full » ar^e fame fpicitc t^crfojc ^atl) infpiccD eitljer boobe, bot^) of tbc i5ofpeU , and of rbe lapocalipfeof ^. 3lo^u, aiiD caufeD t^em to be tjo^men. off^cfamEautbour^ Cbe fecQrc ii. 3l]n tbe clcucntb place t^ Cbuccl) isb;otigl)t in, rpeafeing of f cburcb anu toift)^ng fo j tbe coimrvng of iL\)%\?i \jnto iuDgcmet. fQ% foj tbe com itt afmncb as our EozB ^icfus Cb?tft is fo gooD,fo gcntlc,a»i» »JJ"Sof fo ^olefome,to^om all tbie boofeebatbpiomtfeD to come, tt-b^W' gfjia to oeliuer t^c Cb«rcbc of bis affltcteb ^aintcs m tbis toojlDnioU) is ccciteD tbe bcfice of tbe fame bis C^urcb , "oaU fl)^ng anb calling t^c S.o?D,(aping,comc.;jf 02 aitonc toe (Ijall hcace tbe IloiD pzomiKng^ano fa^mg,be it,3l come quicfeelv: a«0 tbe Cbui'cb agavne icponing amcn,euen fo come ilo?D incfa.ano tbat tbe fptcite toitbtn one boDv ccictb bufil^ to tbe S.o?D fo? our Dclineiauncc ano glojificng , tbe lapoflle men^ lionet^ mucb in t^e.s. to tbemamancs ♦ iiiottoitbfJanDyng tbat bp tbe fpirite map be UnDetGano euecp fpicituall ma al3 (b, ano tbccfo^ Aretas faptb^b^ namctb tbemfpinteo, tobic^ arc accompteo tooztbv of tbe fpintiiaiJ laiac^iagr ^ ano tb^ bzpDr, tbe Cbttccb itfeife. srbws fa?tb 'be . ^f i\^t bjvoc toe l^ane fpoben many tpmes in tbis tDO?^e,fo tbat \x)e necoe not to be tebious va repeating tbe fame » i^ou^bcit \xiptb a txton^^ DerfuUDeftreallt^egoblv couet tbat t^e Eo^du^ouId come lanto iuDgement: ^q tbe tiotckeo t^at bap is terrible anb ab^ ^o^reb, to tbegoblp moft iopfull ano tcpOjeo foj. ifojtljc goblp perceiue tbat tbev Q)al once be DeliuercD fromall emls,. anb be plentifully retijarDcD teptb all goob tbvnges, tbat t^t $lo?^anb truetb of {5od fliall be abuaunccb anb eaablifl)eD>. roasali:bngoblvncs a)allbe aboliQ^eb, anb tbe toicUcbb^ t^e tail iubgement of i3oD tozmenteb. :n>()ereupon ^ . ^t^ tcrtn.t^e..3.cbapt.oftbeactcs,callet^tbis bap t^erefto^png anb performing of all fucb cbingcs as f5ob bat^ at anp tpme (poben bp tbe mout^of bis id;opbetes. 3|n tbat fame oap ^refojcft)aUaUtbepnomprcs of i5ob eucn of tbe grcatell matters, bcfulfiUeb tbiougblp. STbcrefoic faptb tbe Ec:a in. tbe l5ofpell;lpft \3p pour beabs,foi pour rcDemption bjaujs etbncare. 3rbev tbat moume ano are bcfpcratelpbe, caft ttotpne tb(ir beabs: ^be ILo^o biobetb tis Ipft tjp our beabs, tube c^ccefnllanb ol'goob bope, ;ffoitDe Q)all ccneulp bebe^ Ipuer^b anbgloiifieb, tobtcb baue been ixix^^t \X)0^.lD a iaitgb^ 9i2f^cMe,muitotnii(raaonofaltmentirt^erfo?e muatb^ civi'U placea vponthcApocairpfe. 315 Cap,22, |)Iacf 6 fcc fppoKtUiCD figutatiuci^,to!)tc^ purport t^c ncrcca Ding great tamcntatiou ^^otuiingtljat fljail be m i^:d Dap. :f oj tjc toicfecD foj angutCl) at;D papnc ano l3tter Dcfprratioii fball crp out,9J tcarc tfemfelttc6:l5actUc goDly aiali cciovcc in l?im,U)^)om t^cp fee commg,fl)cvj3mg t^c ujounoc to^cc^ tDit^tljcv arereDcmeD.2.ifee as tIjcctoicrteDeftcc offamtcs UiaB grcatea,tD^en t^e i\t?t comtiung of out: fautour appzc^ c^cDBecc,asmSymeon atone appcacctt), Luke.i.ngljtlo at t^cfecouDcommmgof CJjjiftljnto luogement, aU itamteo toitlj>jncefrableV)ovcesfl)ailcc^,^tcommua!l';iio crp, come jLoju llef«,romeanD De!mcct}S,coinc ^ nmititavn: t^p glo- rp anD c^)m:clj>almoft b?ongt)t to naugbt: ccme our ceDemcc ano ^autour fo U)ifl^ed ano lofecD fo;,Difpatc^ %z fc5 cuile, graunt tjs tbe gooD iljingee pzomtfeii.afc. jp^ccfoje ttie twinges tl?atfoUcto,tnav betcfcrreu mljci; come, to t^e cljurct) ojto ^.3r;o0n,tt>at cither tljccbucc^ oz f 3\Q\}XI Cl)0«lDfav: ^nDiet{3imt^at6carnl)fap,come. Gretas tp:> pounDingt^ts place bnefl^ ^ tocIlJaitlj t\i\x^ bv t^cfe U3c;D3 ^e meanetb tbc nt^tobtc^ are not pet taticuinto tbe flocU, but arc reDp to Ijeare goDlp matters, antt gtwe tbcir Diligence to HnotD tbe ILo:D. j^o mucb bc.^tiD Doubtlefl'e tbt Defire of tbe goblp tfi fo great, tbattbepcouett^atall creatures UiouiDe p^ap ti;c lotD to come \)nto iuDgemcnt:as manp times toe fe in tbc 0ialmcs, tl^cgoDlpcicboutbe ^unne $ j09|oonc anD aUcreaturcs,top?a!fcanDfpeabt\3odloftbcJLojo. n. %\^t *-^«rtDifth(ni li. place of i^cccjiclufton , contctucrb a mcfi large pzomifc t^tusatbirft anD comfou of CbztO. 5f 0^ be p^omifetb againe fran^lp.^B come, cbfiugb be Q^ouId tap:!"; ^no\x! U)batt^mgstbe faittfiii Qial ruffcr \)nDer ^.nticbuft,^ tobat anD boto great craft be fl^all p? twinges toill be fell foi mcnp,?^fauen $ xgact^, anD tbofe tbmgee alfo \jDbtcb arc not in b!S poujcr : lanD be fl)all Decciue manp,anD [l)atl fpople maUp:ClnD all tbe goDl? fl)all be ttjx anD opp^clTc txiitb grcuous pcrfecutton. Sobers fo?e if 31 tarp long, ^ come not incontincntlp, in afmuc^ as tbe tDift)cs of tbe faintcs couet tbe fame,pou tijat lone $ be= leue in mc,flee ^micb^tfi, geue not pour felues to be fpcplcD of {^im: loofee pe fo; me,baue rccourfc tnto me- {Be tbat is a t^ir0,tbat t5,be t^at Defirctb an beaucnlp gift,oi be tbat is va angtuil) 0; tounentcD tcitb cares, anD fonL^p euiis, let bpm come to me, to me 31 fap let bim come: 31 txiiU fill bpm toptb gooD tilings , Deliurrbtm fr5 ctull,c5fo;t b"u,$ arengbfbctt ^im toit^ mp fpirit,in all maner Dangers, tbat be map paci^ tntl^ t^cact anD onercomc all cutis* ^nD ^c fccmctb to baue Cap.^2. , Thc.Cr.Sermon lo?o^ci5 t^cfe i^olfome tcoms am moO fitl! of cottfolatiott, owt of tUc Dcctrincof ^fap,U3l)if{) is m tijc yjc^aptcc^anD in r^cy.fliap.of Siotin.i^cccotace fpoUcn rcircu t^tnjcs about t^sbegiiniuigoftljCii.c^apt, r.lieic\r»ci;caaiil)e£o;i)c to tiauc faiD: i^no to ijim tljat le at^ii'tt toiti 31 gene of t^t tocU of tl)c \v>atct: of life freelp. ainti !)ec t\)at 23Ht to^ece &e £au^,anlj ^c tljat twill: |)e incatietb not, as SsaL $nanv niiSafee ^im>tl)at it ftaitDct^ in our voitl^tbat roc map ijcfaiicD. :Jfoi\i)clmot3otljattbeapoaicl)atijfai'a: it is not in tljc \Dii!,noz in t^c runnin5,but in tlje mcccp of 0oii,2r^e 2,o:iJ of I?i0 o\i)nc goou \3)i\\ lmttl)MB: pctnottDit^ftanOing ^efauct^ not tl)e \)n\a5illin5,but tt?cU3il!ing. iSiit ^e gcuetS )}s t^at uoc mav w\\t accoiDing to t{pat favtng of t^t apoSU, it ic iDOD tl)ar U)O^Ucc^ in t)3 botl) to toil ano to accomplti^. |&?nnafiM6 fa^tt): toitljoiitanv gcoD giftcs going befoje, ^c tacimtl) tht tDatcr of IVfe frd^.^o; toUat Ijaft tljou^Caitlj t6t ^poQict^at tbon baft not cecciucitiirberfoie bane tue tccei= iteo of i5oD ftcclp t\)t \x>tli of comming alfo: tnto tobom U)e gaue nothing firttvtbat Use QioulDbcc: mucb Icffe tbat toe ^ould of finners i)emaDe righteous, arbus ra?tb be. ^ot^ toitbffanning tt mtgbtfnne to be fucb a mancc of ipcakpng as is among tbc i5ermatnc5: \sbicb is 31 ntalie it free fo; all to comc:31 oo cicrcl^ eiccIuDe no man,3i tin all come: fo,anD be tbat \poiU: tbat is to fap>come at^ano mciuc U}at€r,^cSo tbelojDbeglojp. C^untibment t^tiecrdebtotbe corrupters of tbisbohe* inbe ilo^b fa^tb: tbat be Uiiil certamlp tome to iixlf^p ment.SCbe d^urcl) toifl)etb fo? b»5 comming* The Ci.Sermon, J Proteftvnto euerymanthachearcth the wordes of theprophecieofthisbookc : that if any man (hall adde vnto thefe thfrrges^God fliall adde vino hym the plagues that are written in this booke.And it'iiny man dial minifli of the wordes of the bookc of this Prophe- cy, God fliall take a w^ay his part out of th? booke of lifc,and put of the holy citie,atid fro the I'lings which are written in this booke. He which teftificth thefe thioges^ vpon the Apocalipfe. 31^ Cap.22, thyngcs , faytli.Yea, I comequickely: Amen: Eucn fo come Lord lefu . The grace ofourLord lefuChriftbe with you all. Amen* 1 3. 3RH tijc. 15. psrt cf tijis cottciiifion ie ntctttn a pa^ttc foj % pcttamc ft? tiecottteinnccs ofttiicboofec,bw cfpcriaUpfoz coumetfrs ttjecontrmncrif tcrs oj fb;ger0 , twl)icljc(as d . Bibiimdcr tiat^ lavD full ujell ani> to?ruptcr* anugoMp) Dace attempt to CO jcttpt o^falfcfict^is goDlpm^ cfti?i8booHe. eminent, anftljol^cOattcc oft^e «5mpirc(EBp(l)op?icfecof iD^tift,bp aDDjug anp tD^^ng 01 tafemg atoap,oj alttcpng t^)c true meaning auD fenfe i^eeof . sr^ts place ts taben out of t^e common ^Dagcof men, fo} >a?inces arc toont m t\)t enii of t^eic txi^t^nges to edabltO) t^e fame agapnfi falCefvers bp luenac^ges anD t^;eatnpnge6 » ^nticW^ ^ tl)e 0pe of puc iLojti c^iUt^about tie enb ot bis TSuMt^ aobetb : if anp man OjaU cafijlp p^efume to go aga^nft tl)ts our commaunbemet, 0; malapertt^ to tnfring tbe fantc^let btm ^no\jo tbat ^e (^alt tncuere tbe mbignatiou of almtsttpfgob anb t\)c bleffcb 2Ld pottkB ^acteranb laaulc.anb our^tgbbtfpleafure.i^nb It^e^ uitfem^epvugoftrcarutcs anb pitbltc^e tl^vngee , \3)^ete baungect3fraeeb,mcnfct on locoes anb barees . ;^oit^e U}^ic^ caufe t}crei?,tx)bere tt}e ILo|b vsas not ignojaunt t^ac fberc yvoulb be fonteu^^ic^ toouia fe^e to opp^eflfe anb abo;? M) t^fs boo^e,be fenbctb it vnel armeb to aU po&erittes. vot reab in olb aut^o;0,t^t cecteine bcvcttcbcs in t^e beginning of t^e Cbuecb toofee Dccv mucb tpon tbcm in cojrupt^ng of t^c ^cciptnceojvca ^ t^at fome ott^cm banc ceiccteb t»ljolc booses oi t\)C l^olp ^cnptnee . ^ub Tertullhn tmputct^ tbe fame tjuto Maroon , tu^icbc alfo falfeficD boo^cB . ?^oUJbeit tb^ngb tl;e goobnes of 000 it came to pafie , t^at wc t^mc tteuertljetcGre rccciuco x\)t ^o!v boofecs Uj^oIc anb tnco?* rupteb . )3?Ijici)et^?ng s.Hierome fl)etoetb plapne!? in ^V3 Commentaries tspon igfav tbc.^.booUe. anb Erafmus of Ro- terodim in 1)15 ^potogic Of tbcucto STeftamcm , an^ alfo in I?i0 iSlpoIogie aga^nlliames Latomus.&c. ^tobcit ibc ilojD at U)is piefcnt bott) no neto t^ing tobe ji^ortj^ng to be ltiecommatmbct^tbatnotb^ngfl)OuiD be abbeb >o; taenia- atucQ not})i?n3 toav.;Jfo;omsojt\»ifel^efommaunbeb bvO^off^ : 2^l)OUto u tm\^t% fl^aUabbe not^^ng to mp too^be , nettf^er taKe feoin it an? t^^ng.anb Salomon in tbe. 3 o, of cbe id^ouetrbee , commaiU bet^ tbe fame.^utmanv> matudl, ^ finbe fault , tbat ^e ^atl^ t^zeatttCD fo many plagues to tbe corruptees . }s?l?v tban bo notice fsme mc blame anb ceppue m ^.}$aulc/^at ^e ^atl^ W,9, in Thc.Ci.Sermon in otif^Doitse coiny^tTcd as manv plagues anB Dtlplearuree, as ^.3P,ol)n bat!) ^ccc i'ccitcD,tDljccc IjefaiD t)nto t^ic i5alat1j» 01t!)OHgi) 31,01 an aungci fcom ^caucu (l)all ptcac^ t^mo vott a iSofpcf ! , orl^cc t\:)iin tl)i6 ttjat toe t)aue pzeacijcD tjmo vou, Ieti)im:i)erau omcatl.o? accurfed.^nzi t^e fame U)o;Desagam !)C Doublet^ $ repctct^ . a>berfo2C if t^cp graunt tbat ^aaulc 6fitb bf rcinXo !i.t|e offcnDcD , r ^c batlj DcfcmcD p?apfc alfo: ice t^cm Icauc biainvng of ti^iore t^pugs^tobtc^ ate ^ctc mod piirpofelp placcD of lie ILojD CbJift IJVmfclfe bp ^.31l)on intbetr Due place auD tpme. tHciclp ^natbcma (tobtcb too^d ^. paulc tifeD) is be ; tbat ts cut of from tt)c feIotDfl)VP of all gooD mcn.conoetnneD to ejctrente puntQjmct , anD euen fub^ tect to all tbc eutls botb of tbts pjefet life anD tbe life to come. :n[7bicl)tbvng may begatbcreb of ^euteronomte anD otbet; ^olyboolces. wfcn shT»p mth ^^^ ^^ tfiiiittl^ anD tafeetb a\»ap,not tobicb tfetb otbcc Di* Sho tafec Sp ^^^^ > ^"^ piapncc too|De0 in ctponnDpng. a fcntence of tbc wv »»^ »w i? ppi,eiatton:bHtbe tbat puttetb in anptbpng contrai:? to tbc ttm (cnfe , anD Viatipng from tboCe tbpngcs xol)iti)t are berc bp tbe S.o;d ejpp;e0'eD : o^ be tbat taltetb atuap anp tbpng , o} t»btcb Dac^enetb o^ peruenetb p tobicb tbe Ho^d bmfelf batt) bcce e]cp;eap fignificD.iPbetupon Thomas of Aquinc faptb: be aDDctb to,\»bicb puttctb to a Ipe ? be mmift)ctb tt>bicb ta=^ bctb a\rap anp tbpng of y lubicb is to)ttten,tberein, o; alfo u^btcb Denpctb oi gapnfaptb tbe fame.irbus mucb be.I^bec^ !o;e tbis aDDirton anD fubllraction., confiftctb not in too^Des onelp but ratber in fenfe . foi neitber tbe ^jopbetes in cps pounDpng tbe latp at large , are tbougbt to bane aDDeD anp tbpng to {3oD6\]t}OtD:neuber tbe ^poHlee in p^eacbpng tbe libertie off iSofpcll, are fapD to ^auc taUcn anp tbpng av»ay from tbe lauj. «Co teftifie. ^"^ ^° pietjgft is to affirme a tbpng toitb re'tgious ^cmt^ nccring,oj to auoucb anD vuarrant a tbingujitb cacneRairHs tauiwe.anD eucn as it ujcrc to binDe tbe bearcr,fo as be wap- cf rteinelp feuoto tbat tbefe tbpnges \abicb are fpofee do bang ouer bim,anDiO2eduec be com«? IliicbenDetb bere alfo all gooD tbpnges inli^einaner ^^ooW^ tipc pjomifcD in tbis boofeeto tt)t goDIp auD obcDient fei::» upiunt:jpf ^ j(^oi> ; of.ail (be >»W¥ tb^ngt^s , tbe comemn^tfi vpon the Apocalipfc. 517 cap.2j, UMtfitt 9 coiruptcr of tljts boofec Qjalbc Dcpiiiien.s»it!j Jtiotci gitat cuilB ann Daungccs tticn do t^ev iiuauglc tijcm fclHcs, xoi)Kp tooulo ^auc tljis boofee tjttctl? fitppjclTcD , $ arc a ler, tbat it {l)oulD not be c^pouDCD opcnt^,^ come tmo tbe banns of allnteniagavue it is mod ccitamc,tbat tbcv fl;all obtmt of0oDaUmancc ofblefTing, Co manias b(iuea gooo opt« nton^ anD tbtnhc Dcuoutcfv of tbis boohe, anb fet fo^tb anD comincnbe \)nto alt mcntbc tbvngcs tbat are ujiittcn in tbc fame to tbcgloi? of i3oD,anD tbc faliiation of tbc f«vtbftiU» : 14. J\n tbc fourctctttb place tbc ambo^itic of tbi9boobci0,^i,„j5fa^j ^ fcalcD,anb cucn fignco as it tocre Vuitb a fubfcription. foi it twtcdiStt) fbUotottb,bc favetb tbat bcarctb toitucs of tbcfc tbingcs: oj tbcfc ti^^ngcg. be tbattellifict^ tbingo. ;jfo? m mancr all tbc cppofito?s fup^^ pofe tbolc to be Cb;tflc8 tuoiDcs, astboiigb be bmtfclfc foi ai confirmation b'lb put to tbc fame, ano favbc : 3] ]f cfus, as n faitbfttU tiDitncflfe banc fet Doumc all tbcfc tbmgs (ano fpcci= allv tbc tbingcs tbat 3] banc fa?D of tbc faUificrs) as tjnoou- tcDlp true.;Jroj ^qumas faptb, bcre is biougbt in Cbiift, af- finningtbcfojcfavnmanacing, an^jappioumgall tbvngcs tbat acc\»nttcn in tbis boofec.:t3iit 31 foi mp part (rcfcruing tbc titbgcmcnts of otbcrs (afe)fuppofe tbts to be tbc fubrcrt- ptiott of §> .31obn tbc toiiter of tbis boobe. fox tbc /notaries ^Secretaries oj cbanncclers of jSjinccs arc vuoont at tbc cnn of tbc feings 0? emperors letters of iujitingcs, to fubfcribc tbcicnamc,^uD\)crilv^.3]obHintbcbiftojp of tbc iSofpcU ^tb obfcrucD tbc fame mancr.;Jfoi in bio i9.cbapt. be faytb: anD be tbat fa\3j,barc \uitncs,anD bis teflimonp is tnt^anD at tbc cnD of tbc ?^iaozv be fubfcribctb anD fignctb it tenbers ncatb ttiitb tbcfc tnoiocs : tbis is tbat Difciple,u?bicb bearttb tijitncs of tbcfc tbinss,anDtD?otctbfm,anDVucfeno\u tbat l^stcftimonp is true. ;Jfozall tbc cburcb bneu) anb confcOea f bis.31n liftc maner be fcmctb at tbis picCcnt to banc fubfcri= bcD tbcfc tbings alfo in bis oton name anb to b^ue fapD. 2^e tbatteftifictb tbcfc tbings^iavtb. iji. 31ntbe ij. place i)c biingctbinagapnc tbc 2Lo?D 3lefus bimfelf fpcabing anD pjosnifmg tbat be \r)ill ccriamlv come SiJvprJJJ', to iuDgement,^crilp to rcDcmc ano glo^ifv tbc goDlv>,anD to Jo luoge pnnift)tbc\»icfecD.2rbcrfo?c\iiitbagrcataircucratiob£faub -^ * * cucn fo (vat) (urelp,anD Doubtlcs 3| come qnicblp.iaitbougb Kl feme to tarv long,anD to fome not to come at alt : ii^cucr- tbclcCTc vet mod ccrtainlp, anD m tpmcDo 31 come: as before atfo isfapDano DcctarcD.^nD tbc fame tbVtiSiotrcpcatcD, in ircwcr t»it^ tl^cfame tooojbcs tbc oftcncr, as a t\)^Q mott W),mr voojtbv Cap.22, The.Ci.Sermon toojt^? to Ijc mar^cD atiu fenotDcn. i^e aimejcctt) irujtieDiatel? tt)c favt^,anii toift)C,anu great Deficeof ^.3Ro6n,«oft^cfa^t^fuU c!)iirc!), ojofanpgoDlp, fttbmitting l)imfclfc to tt)c pzonuCc ,anD faymg,amen,ciic Co, \xiMW ts to fa^, U3C acfenoyulcuge ic to be inoit cectapnc ^ l3niJ0iibtcD,t^at t^oii pzomifeft tl)at tl)o« \xi ilt come . ^^cr^* fojc DO toe lofec foj tijcc toe mogc of tije qiiicfec ann t^c Dcaft: vea ano pjav tuitlj our mtoacD totucle^comclojo 5icfu. >foj cl6\»l)ecearfo toe piavoatlv.2irl)p*UmgDome come. aiHi all ,P tl)e goDlp toitb ({gl)cs ^nfpcakeable tuifl) to? t^e c5}nv«S of tbe 5]u^3^ifoj gJoip; :n>l?erof tbc Slpoftlc treatct^ iH tbe tji^. coapitectotbei^oina^neB, attotoeli^auc touc^cD t^e fmne mattec f)efo?.e. d)c ^pooicjei 3[in tbc laR place of tbc cottciuriott, (after x\it Slpodolicfec biciipn^. maiice) ^c totU)cH) tbc grace of our EoiD 3irf« Cbiift to all tbetjwi'ei's anuccaucrs of t^is bofec.^.jaaulcmtbe ^.iti^U VAt to tbe a^bfintbe 3 .cbap.faltb.arijns 3! U)?tte,m euerp ig^ piaie,t^e gcacc of one lozD 3lcfa Cb?itt be \uitb all pou.amc, ^etbcrfoiebcteagreetbtoitb btmielfe, as tbe il^poitoltcall (jp^tteDotbeuet;^ tobece. i5racc comptebenbetb tbe tubole tnatter of i\^t reoemptton and gtftee of CbJtilt. ^e luvQjct^ tbeefo^e to t)s al,tt)e blefTing^tobtcb toeba^tem Cb^ift 3le(us oui:lo?D.5Pbfrof tbc tjfffel of clccnon ^. jaarttcbatb DifcouT:* fcbmoft plemifullv anb ejcceomglv ttieU m t^c i.cbap. to ti^z togitber \si\i\i tbe fatbcr ^ tbe bolp gboQ, fo?e«cnnc;e.!amcn. Come 2.o?b 3lcfu our ccoemef, ano cnel^ g>auiour, nnb glottfp tbem tbat loo&t; , fo} t^]^ coutmvng mod tx)i(l)eD fo?,t^at tvc mapglo jifp tbcc foj cuer. amen. Ttlor }l^ An Index or table of the moft notable thinges and wordes contei- ned in this bookc of the Apocalipie. |lj5I)omtnal)Ictticn 3bfolutton. ^S.b IjtjsvJeoplc.+j.b Xffcctioaarcnet in(^8t>. 64.b ^ffWctios ott\)t gotilpanaijngos; IpDtuerflptecatucD. 222.* 225.3 ajffftction0 folott) rt;e faifljfuILi j.a ^fflicttonjs m t^ifil^t areQ)o;c. 9i-b Affliction. 29.b. tljc ctiD of it, ^i.b. t)0)v long it laded). ^i.b 3ipl)aanD£)mcga. 12 Stltat apiece of WcfTcbncs. 9o.b ^Iteration of ti)c l^emame dHmc pite. . . 2)+.b 2^Uc(latcs( bounDcto tlje |Dopeb? rrcogmfaunce. i95.b 3Uduiatntcrp;ctcT). 2 54.b 2111 men G;nlbc iuBgeO* 2 83.b atmbalTage fcnt from popc0 , fn iD'i)at it confiftctl). 225.0 J^tnlaaffatioars of tbe ^opcin^urt fettl) tbe fpiritc of 8cuil0. 22 6.a 3mcn cxpounDcD. 57 3Pnabnptiac0 crro; fo^ i9asi= llratefi. 301 2IInn«nt«> tpuc^ertfgrcnouflppui niQjcD. i2 0'b SPngcU ^c rcp^cfcntet^ CI)?ta. 7-b 2|ngcuagnifift^ojit>er. 2<8 AungeU^cabnl; outoft!)e8ultar. 221 b StungrtSDcfcTibcb. 2 03.b 2llHge!s tl)Cir e;:ceUcncic. 2 5 9 2tngcls! src creatures . 80 . feaptc en got)l)> men. 80 .Si^gclc tl;c minifl-crs of 2arfeencD.223.a b. t^e Gnisc of ali fmnci 9 9.b. 10 e3c= potmBcb tptljc number of . 66 Ijttf members cona bcmncT), 264 3nttclj;t0e0kingdotne natpeaccas blcalvrapcfi. 272.5 SnttctjiCcflfucccfTe. 148 3ntici)?;fie2 name ioljcrefoiecon- ccdict).i95'l;otv^cmuitbe ban:: quiibcb. i+f.b 2UtticI);i(lc0 Hegatefi IpEe to ims po?tunatc pcilpngcs f toggcs . i25.b ^ntic^^i^ian^i \)&ut i^ofperitie. 120.b SPntipas a i^artpj. 3 5-b ^pocaiipfe Ijovcc rctiealeb .307. &)5)at It 10.1 .8. bctJtDcO into feaeit biuon/s. 5. b.^ljewc it 10. 7. 5»ljat bfc is Ot tt. 7.l}Ovx5 it Jxjas rrucaUfb 7.b.bnDcrfrcDe bote neucfull,+,b pmeinctl) to all mm . 9.b • io^at WOfitcit bjingctlj . 6. 8 . b , iol;» fe;iote It. 8 SJpocaiipfs mifli&crj* atmfwercD. i.b.anoi SfpoJJafiemlSoiMc. 207.3 3po(H£3 of Cl)jift. 2 5 2 . arc foitoa:: ti50 5)305. 2 9 7 . are ligt^t in C\i?tft w1^5J•iig, ' 297 Thelndcx or Table. z IReme bp fos • DjplcarneDfe?itcr0.- 206. a ^ alance ioljat it fijnt. 8 6 ll5alaam0cotmfcU. 2 7.b la^ahiams filtbp bices . 37 . !ji0 bos ctrincftfllrcmainctl). 37 115 a(Jarb0 bjag of f apt!). 29 1 515 CO f 0? Difcafc0 tahcn. + ? 16cl)cabcD tvxio iDapc0 tafecn.27 ^.b al5cleucr0 i»jittcn in t^e boobz of ipfe. . 5o.b iKcricfite of cotierteb enemies . 5 3 .b 56enefitcsefCl)?t(lc0bcatb. 79 ll^tncDict ^opc a :^agiaan. 270 23iblc0 in i^cbjcvoc anO (^rcebe tonnops fufpcctcb ef tijc )i^apt(ie0 195-b 1l5p(l)6^ of IS omes opinions. 115. b.boto gtolTe. 115.6 ^tQ)opof IKome mabraking.197 JSpC^op of IRomc ioljcnlbc became 6caD. 2 7o.b c85tfboii of Wome perfccutetlj. 1 47. b.i0f greatcClniwtl^apa:* 292.6 ^injop6niHcrfall tf)cf0?timntr of ^nticb?tft. -. n+.6 C!i5pfl)op0 SpljQt tl)ep &)crc in olo tpmc. 119 :i5iafpl)etup agapnft tl)z faptljfull. 3o«b li51afpl)pmpofiabme. ^ 231.6 Hgicflfcb ipfccljauncetl) not to «4e folKc0. 291 1131e(re6ne0iot;arin confidet!) . 8^6. 105.6.287-^ IBIefTebncs befallet^ totl^e fotdejs of tl)e Dead immcbiatlp. 2 1 o.i li51c(rcDne0 to tt)em tt^at becpe tt^iitf boohe. 907*6 OBlcfTcDnes of ti)Ofc Sol^icije 6tcin tbc 310^6. 209.6 IBlriTpngiDbatitiS. 9 Cl!31pnonc0 ix>itl)out t\)t 'mojXtt of • <0OD. 6| CQSloub fp^inMeb \)fno it purifiet^» I Of 213I0U6 ftgniSetl) ioicbebnes. 94-6. , 1+6.6 ll51oub(l)eb in f temple of 31erufal€ 279 Il5ottomic0pit. nf 113 ott) froo^De0 clapmcb bp tlje pope i9i>a IB oobejs of confciencc0. 284. li5oobe of ipfe, 50 1!3ooheof€)OD. 71.6 iS>}tti)lxn in €})}itt. 12.6. \)Otx> ioe be. 2 69.6 iSSj-i&tneg of te3cf)er0tn^eattcn. 301 leaping fo!)at it meanetb. 6d 2l5ulle0 of tl^c )3»ope ivl^p fo calicb. 109.3 25urt!)enSDi;at it ig. 45.6 r^3fpne isaCgne of captfttitic, ^ 268.6 Callpng of p jeartjers. 1 3 7 Callpng of (006 is not bp Violence. 59.6 CanbleSicbes e^onnbeb. 2 1.6 Caftpngont^obat. 140 CaufemaHetba^artp;. '90 Ccl(Titie(!)icfe(litti»arrcif* i2 3m. 2 9o.b Cl):iftl)att)b9unft^atban. 2 Ci)?tftc0 CImrcb troocn dawnc. I 'f-i . cruci&eD in \}Vi manbcr0. Ci?;tffc0 appareU tjcpcunDcb. 1 6.b. ^j»fi tobitc beao . 17 • l)P« bjigljt ej»c0 , \i^z(m f . etc , 1^0 boi?ce anb Ijanb.iT b.l)i£;fxuojD . i8. Ucmap fauc anb UiU iub^n i^c U(t. 20 C^ifl: i;t0 bobp 10 tn ^caucn , ^p0 ^^otoct cucrp iol)tre. 1 6 Cliitift i;at^ allpotcn: geuentjpm. 74- C^^ta firft fisi)tctI)SDtt!) W &)0;tD, t1)cnioitl)I)t0fi»o;be. 38 . t0ti)c SDO^b of (000.2 6 3. b. t)t0 bp^tgl^t tttbgemcnc. 6^ Cl^i(le0 f»o.zttc0 tDljat t!;e? be.4.6 tjauc t);onttfc0 atinc^eb . 46 . b. - bjinget!) peace. ijo.b Clxiift ber? man . 3 1 3 . b .tl)c md?c tipng ft arte. 5 1 +.10 a lig^t. 1 8 Citte0 of t^el^eact)cn f^alt ^I. 228.b Cttte0 Sol^at in tnoS q:cdlent fo^ tban, 295-b Ctt^en0 of t\)t €itie of (!5ob &)l^o. 301 Cloubc tofef of i)0 bc.5 8 . comflunbemente0 of^obt»l)att!)epbc. 312 Cotninpngofdfjjift. 14.1^.307 Commotien0 coiiocmncb* 2 8.b ComCo;ttfo;aUnffUctcD. 13.19 Communton crigt;t not to be t)ab S2>tt!) tbe fotclirioi. 2 4.6. b. 2 .4.7. b CGilco;i^t plcafett; (Bob. 81 Ccnco7Deofn'j.ttcn0noc tobeioos kcb t'o? bcf o?e t ijc J iiDgcmcnt 104.8 Conbemnatton bp blacbc ftone0. 38.b ConfciTtonofrmnc. 16 C onf tfrton of Ct;]ii(l mutt be open^ ip(:i cuei'pman* 35 Confeiii^ ot€-\iii(lin pctfecutten. 35.b Cemlanttne^ donation to tl;e Tea ofl3omcf(\vneB. 2 3i.b Conrnnicc0 of ttjc &(chcb con* bemnetl)ett:. ri3.b C ontemto f 0; fup^ctnac)? S2>1)cn.84 Conteumer0 of blcfTeb Ipfe rcp^os ueb. 106 Contrary tljpnge0 S»?tttctt to tifc ^criptiire are not ti)c Sro^be of oD. 259 Co;ttaptboctri)te caUcblDantcl.^^c iio.b Co;ruptwnmp2cad)cr0.> 95 ^outtous rid) riicn arej'oo^e. 5 9 Councei0 agapRft <25o&0 bccrec are \)apnc. 37 Counccll gatljereb b? ^rbnne fel)crfo?c. ayS.b CounrcUfc? t\fs fcbuccb bp SSiiitt: cv)Mft. 194 a Co^innage bettot;:t 1i5ab^lon ani> Iflome. 2 06.fl Creature* p?apfc 0 fo^ getdS^ob. 48 .b D, r\^f of tubgcmcnt bnfenotren, *^ i4z,(^&lbefoIanncl)?p?3cIaj3 meb. 16*1 S>amnatio of tl^iDiclieb&!;p. t6 s IDauib tl)(fitnnne of pcrfecttcn. 3Dccons The Index Of Tabic. iOtit]) of (Bahs ct)ilD?cn pptcious JDmd m t!)C 3lo>D D^rcribcO . 2 o 9 .b rcfi. ?i2.b ajcat!) S»l)at it fiamfiet^ . i 8 5 Oit\x>o io;tts. J 75 3D cr*tl) firft anXi fccenD . ? 2 b IDcaBitibobe. I7^^'b 3D£cap of tljc nctp cftrncttoiTofKomc. 229.b S>cfpa)??cnotmpcrfcration. 129.5 S)crpap:c Soitl) tl>e caufe^. 9 « b SDefpap^e »( not M)ettvcpentauce is. 127 SDeftruction of JKome flialbc fo= Sapnc. 25^ SDefcrt figntfictl) tl)c Ccntils* j €Uer5. .' Clegancp of bol? ^criptnreB. 255.b ^tnptre of SSome Difpcrfcb mto man]? U)?ngboine0. 2}6.a Cinptrc tranflatcDfro tlje^frencb totl)c^crmamc0. ^87.b CEmptrc of iSomc become ^pamfb 2?6.a empire of )Rw\t tnat>cDefolar;« i9i.a CmptrtjSa{^intl}el;anbeB of€>ob 235.b emperourjEfcojrertOttrtf of t^e fea pfiScme. i88.b emperour c^abct) from election ofpcpcB. ' ' i89.b Cn^rn^e^ ijam^ ^rc tumeb b; The Index or Tabic. C picurc0 conf utcD. " 2 2 8 . b CtcrnnU Danatton i)Cfct(beD.2 07 .b ^xavcljCitt of 3:talp a ftraungc kpn&c of Qoucrnemmt tnftitutcD bvtbeCmpcrourof Conftantu noplc. i96,b <]B]ccontmumcart6n cl>icf thinge of t^jcpopc. i^o.b C^ccotiiKiuntcation tljunUcrcD out bptt)cpopc. J9^b Circdlenc^ of t!)e booUetf of tt)c Scripture. .io6.b men 10 fo?bpbs Ocn. 2+.b iFIigljt Otttcf 23abplon intcrpjctcD 2-6.a :f ipcfrom a^abplon , t!;e counfcJl 0f^500, 246.a' ^ooliQjncs of tl)e 5tt)0;ilD iniubging religion. 171. a ;;f ontne0 in Socarpng ofjutls. 299 5fo?cc of^atljanin Sof}omit p?f= uaplctl). ' i65.b :f o?tljctib rcfcmbictb tijcnunb 100 :fo?gcttpngin(I5oDf;ovotti0. 284. 5f o?ntcation i0to be ubi)o;ircb. 2 7.b ^Fornication Soitb tljc part C0. 128 5f eunbation of (I5ob0 Cl>urcl}e. 296b :f rauncc tl)c cljicf armc of tl)c pope. • i77'a ^cneQciail to tl)e fea of &otne. i87.a :f rcnc^ pocfec0 tfjc fira plague of Cob.bcfctibcb, 220.3 rfozlongfebat. 298, :f tiers ja^ino?0luffpiDarricr0. ; . n6.b 5fnlnc0of <15ob0 iubgcment ngnr= ficbbptber.tuiibcrof fcuc. :i5.b :(FuUpoK)cr of tl;c iSomaineCHt:= pire. i75.b :ffreiibfl;pp of S»o?!blpngc0 bccett- ■'•'•^ -^ G. . :'' /^2Inneiitc0&l;po?betncb. ^gM ^^<0ilbcrta a ioctnan crcattb ISpi (bop of IHoMie: Jji.a ope. i7f.fc idBo;p bdongetb to i0ob* 3 dg.b <^lo;:p emb l^ono^ btic to €> ob . d 9 .b d^iojp The Index or Tabic. 0B 10 eternal, z 9 o.ljati) no fatgmr. npng. a 8 9 -b. can not be fan)ionco out 6 creator of all tl)pngc0. 71 .tl)C fountamcotall gooDnc0. ii5.fenottjctl)alltl)pngc0 .zj.b alone rctgnctb- 2 5 5-b. fpcaketb to our capacitic . ^ o 2 . b . riiletlj t\)C Ijarte© of femgc0. 2 4.1 . ioojfbPP^ pcb of allnatiO0.i55.a. 2i7.a. t!)c autboj of trutb. 2 5 8 . b. tbe bpng of fainted . 2 1 6. b. bjitngctb W rewarb ioitb bpm. 3 n .b. opcnet^ \)cmm (oj, b0 . 6 + . ncucr f o;ifa= betb bt!SfcrHaunt0. 2 5+.a. pjouis dctb Cb?pi)earoe0fo; bt0 SocUe. Ki.b.isbp bcfo;ifaHctl)b0.2 6.b. to iobom i)t isil be a fatl)cr. 291. qaii^netb ano Qrpetb . 8 7 . b. re- copmfetl) all .*iis«cKcbnc0 in tpme. 247. b. p?cucntctb tbct»cutff0 of tbci»icteeo. 2 2 9. a (Sox> in iuCtice vcmemb^ietl) mcrcp. 86.b <150ij!)eab of €l).Uftp?ouci5. i9cti0gos ueru:nicat no: to be bcfpifeb. i85.b c5o50 juft iu:)5cntcnt p.gafnft flcil)= ipfc)o;lDyrgc0. .2+2.3 (Ipobs inanifcll luDgcmct at tljc co^ ronation of Clement tlK fift. 2 5 2 p fo caUeb. 2 9 7 .confutetb fecte0, 42 M <0ofpell l)0\x>t ittle to t\)t looped boobes i37.b (!5otbe0 interp^eteb. 2 39.b (15otl)tan0tabelKome. i75.b (IB»race5»batiti0. 9.b 0race of ^ob open to penitet per= fon0. 44 (0ricf in tl)t0 &o;tIb Q)albc turneb toiop. 105 (I5reanne0 ^bat it meaneth* <$f (^rece bovo it 9x)sls ouercome bp tl)e Cm He. izj.b H. fJlUbitation of $)ainte0» 2 9 f ■• *l^atlot3 tbatfaptbe ^cripta? rc0 are not fufficient to faluatton 306 l^eaucnlp Citic bcfcribcb,294 tbctD«illc0tbcrof. 296 illeaue figmtictl) (0ob0 Upngbcmc, 95 ^caucnnjutbcre. 145 ^ ell Dcfcribcb .26'^. ioljat it figni. 285. btwitifitbiittc. 2 gurcD bp a 4Dpncp;ic(rc. 2 1 3 .b.b uc to S»bon»- 2 9 1 .folorDCtbbcat^.87 I'^dpeofcKoTJinbuetpme. 54 deltas comtnpng. i3<5b iSjprcfie cioticb ^\t\) tl)c Ijolp gboa. ni.b Thclndex or Table. fjcnfte mttft all abljoiire. 17 l^cTcftespiagucD. ^^^ ^ crcfttff confutcD Ijote. 57 ^crctiquc0 ^oco tt)ep umlk be Ir^aD^: leu. 24Mb !^iBcr0 of ti)i fdne0 in caneat S»i;o. l^ientralcni no nto^c ti^e Cttte of ^OD. 277.b l^tlocb^anb an abuauncet: of Sotc^ bci»nE0. Z70 ^inbcreT0 of 45ob0 trut^ tn all ^ce0. 9S !^tpocriQefa^lct!) in tbe leStivOizz^ mtnt. zS^.b l^olp Svarre .278. murbcrcr of all nations. 278 |^oID?ngbt)ofl)anbc0febat. i?j ^omar bp fwo?b ftablt(l;cb jg^^o raetc0 law. 123 ^ono^of^oDbefcribeb. 205.3 l^ono^ to ^aintcs is fame. 2 5 9 ^b l^ojne figntfietb pooler. 7 5 .b f^etefDbobe. 5S ^ooreoftentation&bat. 54- l^ow <]5ob t0 iDO^Q)pppeb in bob? anbCpirite. 70 t^nmilttte abuatmcet^ bst* 1 9 !^l»mncS»^at. 155 I. T 3cobtte0 IjercTie. i22*b ^ 3boll£Dbatiti0. 293 '3bolater0&>I)O.29;.ait abomtna:: ble. 27.b> faito;ier0 are Balaams frcnbc0.37.{l)albcaffltctfb. ^}.h JicUisi €i^iift a iubge betb ct» iUtcM 3Iel}n cad into bopling o^lc efca^ pctb. ij.b 3 obn l^ttflTc b«rr»cb. 1 5 1 .b JttbilcpinftitntcD. i77.b jubge oft\)t laft lubgementbcfcris bcb. 2S2.b 3nnb3ement ofCf};ttft comealrea^: Dp, 205.3 3Bubgcment of C!)jta bcfircb of t!je faptbfnU. 195 ^ubgcment of ^ebagapnft tUefe* ucnbeabc0. ^^ i7o.b 31uBgement of 0f}i(t ccttagjie.' 3!nbgemcntba?bnhox»cn. 2 6i.b« 226.b 3RaDgemente0 of d^on bjigljt anb bnfpottcb. 2i7b.2T8.a 31aD5einct of (^^ob figurcb bp bars ucGanD bintaje. 212 a 3ubgcmeme0 of (0ob berp ttgb= tcoy0. 221 nb 3;ubgmentc0 ef (ipob bnfearcbablr, euenoftlicfaptbftiil. 2i8,b 3lnbgemem of ©ob agapnfl ffiome 2?8.b 31a(irnianc0becrcc fojtljcnwnbet of^;itcfte0. ji6.b 3Ie5abeUbcfcnbeb. 4.1 .b K. i/" ynge0 calleb inuinrible, pet TiAi *^ bucb of t!)dr oton luftc0. 7 +.b l&^ngcsanb i^;tncr0e]cecttter0of ^atban0 fnrie0. i6;.a lipngc0 of tljeTDefl: , obcbfent cbil- b;en to t^ (acreb Cl^cbe of l^ome. 2;6J» ^^nzcg of tije zaxtfy Soa^ic eoet ISomf The Index or Tabic. IKomc. 249.b.2 5o.a lambc 2^7.b l^pngoomcfl clapmcD (nbcljalfe of tl)E|0oi;ca 17 9. a Xic^cfl! i»})at tl^cp fignific . 2 o . tbc niimftcr p of p2cng. 1 1 ^.b linoioie^gc cf Cb^ifttjs t\)e imy- ' npnjftarre. ^6.b L. T 1tbour&l)atiti5. 2+ •^Jlambc ij5 a to&tn of uinoccncp. Hfltttctatton of too^iikl^ men. 2 5 o.b itamentation ofttfcifeno &nne. 25o.b %nyxffvM otl^e not foibtDOm. 1 3 2 .b iLaotttcta oefcribeb. 5 6 .b Hentttcal p^ttcdbo^c ab;05atcti.2 ^ 2 Sleicce0of:fTauHcel;pj9 armpDv'cD ofat^ague. 280 Upcng {tt0 to can tI)e|dopcmoft ^ol^. 121 iL?f€ is of tx»o fo?tc0. 275 fL^ft of man a ioarfarre. 5 f 9i,igt)t it»c are not naturallp » but tarUncjff. 2 i.b SLiu^ng; men deab. 48 3L^ac icctnudfoitl) i^tclieb men, butnota0tl)cpD3. 5+.b jlpucis in CbziftbcfctibcD. 2 09.b SLocuQcdtlgm&c ioicbeb ^;icQc0. 3L021ICS of the ^opctf cbaffc l^auc 16ft (15050 grace. 1+6 fltttnbarDes c(lablifl)tng t!)«fotntb Doniimonin3!taIp. 197.3 ^LnmbaiDcjS oucrcome b? ^Dtpine a iFicncb Kpng. 197-b 3^{xtl)(v occtaucD about tl;e ^ipo^ caltpCc. 2 M. X/j 1llI)omctesi bnt^ . 1 2 ^ I)i0 (uc- ^ •* ccflTe. 1 2 4.. b. iaw ljot» iong it fl)albe. -^ »5?.b jgl^a^oinctc^&ti^e l^opeto l)f u. 15s iS^ateSpof ^ob {5 tncomp;ei;ett(K: blC. 16^ jg^atcfti? of tl)c I)oly tomtg. 243,8 $^ai5tma(lD0D, 277 ii^antipnO ioafi in bondage . 7 . iif moic bntl)anUcfuU tljc aU creatu = rc0 .81. b.ljatb no power of \yjgm fcife to rcceaue Squ. 6z . IpKcneo toatrcc. 111.284 S^ma utpnbe mnft be on ^caucnlp tb!>nge0. 64 ^annaS»i)at (ttjsi. ^S.b ig^aintdnaunce of Jbolatrp ma- betb of tl;c ii^Fl^op of iSome a fepng. i97.a £^artp;0 are to bee i)ono;eD not ioojiQ)PPpeD. 35.b. conDnnneDbp ti|e ISomKbe table .234.8. ioI)p ti)ep arc dapne. 8 9tt^ Cl);ift. i36.b fl^ercp opcneD to penitent0.43 .44 i^erc? of. ij^-^ i^tcbaellmterp^eteo. 163.3 ^tllcnarte0 crrour. loi . 269 •b. 27? jS^im(ler0 callct) angels. 268 S^mitktvfofaunQtls. 163.3 jfl^iniftcrp two Si)apc0. 40.b jfj^iniftcrp of fepRge0 abufcb bp tbe i^opcs. i9i.b £9iwclG0 con5rmcb bp t^c pope. iSz.a :^traculou0 p^icrernation of t^e QODlp. 1 60 ^p;tabe iol^at. 124 £^iftcrt> of (5oD io^at , 1 54 . b . of tbcCnmtic. 66.b f^onarcl)]? of ISome begon and en= DCD. 240.b ;89onarc!)ie0opp;e(rel) bpt^elRo^ tnatnc empire. 170. fputtT>nsofjrepentanncettU t^e lad cnb confuted. iqx ^ple refcmblttl; tlje Ijolp g!)oft. I44.b £)plerte(nt6et!)^ermon0. i44.b ClblKomcbcftropeb. 239,3 ^penaboojc'tDbat. 52 C>pmton0 of leameD men fo.: ti)s autbo; of tbeHlpocaUpfc. £>;tacle0 ofd^oDbenbeb of t^ebn- jjotlp. 243.3 ^3tber0 of ifricr© began. 277 £);gan0 become not t^e CI)urcl) of <5eb. 77«b ^^tgtnall of tbe beaff. 2 3 4,11 £);tgtnaU of ti)c Iftoinaine Cni' pire. 1 6 9.3 j]D;tgtnall of 3nttd)|tt(|-* 1 7 6.3 ^^ginaUoftbepope0 3(mba(ras bourgcslIebHrgatesra ILatere* 2 24.b.2Z5.3 £)tbe ^W tt (0 . 1! 3 . b . &>l)p tl)ep aretabin. 133 Ottoman o;ifljip not fisilc/tJttr f^sc0 . i 9 . b. ioljcrcm greater tljcn tfjctotrgiiic :^arp .120. tl)nr Dclufionjj. +5. clofee tljcir JDccrcc0 bp tbc l)Olp g^»rnc Dcaa mc0bonc0. 1+8 .b..tnampl)e i»t)cn . 1 50 . arc net faueb f 0^ tl)cir fttnpltctttc. i o ; b . Jpein scupns ttutne pomer to ^aintc0 . 7 o. b. jtljor confirma* tion biafp.i)cmou0. i .9 3 a fS>aptftrpBto;e corrupt tl}cn s<^= litie. 27 7 |&araMrci»^a^it40. 2S l^araDife of i\)t fa^t^fuU Soi^icbe. fdartabfriati pf €»OO0 bpnc(botne tO^O. ?02 l^altourjBt be .l)a^ bcncfitejs tl)e?i)aae. 62.b |E»enaitv foji cotemner j( t^fCWQcs SuojD. 317 |3eter0 feate fiibuert^ bp tl;e pope 223^ pcrmidion b;reHctl) l^mt in tijc €I)urt!)- 4;.b 12>crmticnfeJ)-Jt. i57.b |2y cr fciur auncc 3 2 .comnten&fD .5 2 . eoiwtttanni^cb. 5+ |^errcucrauncei0 not tn impatience 5+' 43eTfecttto}0 (Afto^rcb of 0o)O. ^o.b |9 ctfccution SoKen. H7 . b? &bom it is (l^teb. HT^. agaima Mfo 1+8 ^acrfcditionoftfjc Cbure!) .S8 b. * ■ ifiM^^x\)tti:$iinipine mabc bpngb^ ^efdopc. i98.b )3|agne0l)otv ti)ep map be fbtinned JJ7.b.of fwarupng from tJje trut^ i2 5.b,^oojtobccttrcD. 2i9.b |c>iague0rapmng. 87 iE>laguc0 fDttl) t^eir e^cient caufe Dcfcribcb. 2i9.b fdeurcbbpontljebngoup. 219.3 ic>olicarpu0 paftour of ^mp;na. 2 9.l)i0^attp;Domc. 29 )doltcp!)atbfetbp^ope0. iio.b popcp jt)oft bjtrcnbcb . i 8 . b • c;crs: cute sutt)oititie of 4Bmpcvouv0, i79'a.ravfct)7c)U&arre0« 119 |E>(^e I)att) not ti^e bcpc0. 2o.b.5 i«b Pope0 bepc^.115. openeti) IjeUnot i)caue 1 1 5tcrrc(lriai (i^oD.jS^.a 1)18 treaf agatnft ti)e € mpct oitc 279.b,l)i0boIDnc0m cjccomjrmis nicatmg.277.l)tsb?aggc0 fojtijp feaoflSomea^+.b.bfurpetb tbe name of l)0lp.5Kb. becrctatefttbs ucrtcb. 46. ncacr receauebtn t\)» ©ail Cburcl) 30 fjcab. 27i.b ^opefbnlcgctl) aintiocl). fe.28 o.b ^ op.c become a i3^onarclj. 19 o.a 43 ope 3! obn. 2 2 .\)is err c^. 2 7 +.b i9ope0 fubiect to ti)C (Smperour. i8«s.b.faptl)!)copcanppapiftc0are bcati^tn. i+o.b |3o;tcr0^f!)eatien0 nxtftfi^vo^ TheTri3ex or Tabic, fdoocrti? of t))e1Romame empire. p oitctt^ of tl)c f(iptt}ftdi. 90. ttfctt comfojittitpoucrtv. }o poxotv of dSoD tonfearc^cablc. i7+.a ^otDcrofd^oittmitnctble. 24-4>.a 4do\vct ofC^;t{tte t^c S»o;itbfes mcti)fmali. i42.b l^ovoer Qf <]^sD ID ^a^meobp tbe ^oye. i82.a ^otoereflSome. 291.0 )aon?cr of tt)e )3ope0fi»otli. i84.b p;occDpng oftl}e ^olpg^oft. 6t« tl;e effect tbergf. 67.b ^;;oiinre of Cl;^Ul to coinfo;t tbe fapt!)full. ;i5.a ^}cr0 arcanaccept(U)!e facrifice los.b ^;iaver0of^«tntr0 arrftDccteo^i iouvfs. 108 |3;ia]?m3 to ^aintCjS cmfuteb. loS.b f2>?apfcof2oMi5ncB&^at. -ff.b ^ta^ks of (0OD are acceptable to l)pm. 255.8 fd^avfciSof !)0ip men bclectable to oDd <5o{peU can notbee^nsutQieb. 24;.b )D;teac1)pns co^upteD loofeti) tlje tieutU. 27<.b p^teadppng iff not fcven of t^c ^ope. n7.t» ^ajetcnficb atitIjo;(tp of XnticWH- i77'b.2?j.a )d^mcei)(dectottr0 (i(rig:ne&.i87.b ^;ince0comttfjitS)fte?^ei)ontc. z^i.a ^>iniacp foflrtbben to !09ctropolts taKe0. i76.b ^;Ltntpns tl)cbenefite tljerof. i ^i |^;ofperitte of t^e ^ofpcU iB at <£»eD. s^.b f^;opertic0of(]5ob. 172 a iSliopbctcs of tt)e oio Ceaament Doctnne. i ^>opl)ete0 apparell. 144.5 p^op^ecpe0 come to pafTe. } o 6 .b p;iomi(c of 0OD fyf, etemall ipfe. 290 ^?ocebtns of d^itttg mbscment. 2(2 b )9^ofefromr0 of Cb^tide of twoo fojte0 in one Cburcb- 47 ,i^titb;fbett« 9Z ftfs The Index or Tabic. !R cDonption tp C!)2ift ondp. 7 9 )Scto;:u:)tton long requtrcD of t\)e popes Clcrgp. i+4.b li^ctopfmsof ^aintes ouertljeDe- ftrucctonof !Homc. 25i.b.z54.b IKciopOngp^^oceDctij of Diucr0 cau- fcfl. 252 a iSeltston altered hitbtt)) troubles. 94 IRcItstons^ mingled. 58 IS eliqueiK began tobe&o;t(I)pppeD. lyi.b IRcmtirton of fumc0 commetb not bvmcritt0. 38.b IB emeDp agapnft frcted. i o 7 .b SSennpngoftbeiv&^lo. 2S6.b lSep;obatcangcU tptitfrom ail Dig- nttte. i63.b ISepcntaunee 'boljat it ig.i6. partes tl)crcof. 2 6.b. l)0vDnct)cfuU. 27. Pltomifed to tl)cm t!>at repent. 2S iRq;icntance l)Ou; it tnult be in b0. J7.b iftcftojipng of 31 fracU 1)0to. 1 o i .b IRefttrrcction contcmncD hf ^l)i= lofopl;cr0. 1 5 6 .bf of tveo fo;tte0. IRettoltpng b?eoet!) defolatto. 1 2 ^.b IKca}arde0Oft)ertue. 50 S(tcl)e0 (pirttuaU. 30 IBtg^teonsmc tto good to ail. ; i o.b Ifltote ano liolQptnoufnc0 of IHome 2 504b.2yi.a fSomefamamcdreaeni^iil 2^5. b.a JLai>poffepngcff.2?2.a.C^et!);ionc of ^at!)an.i+.b. figured bj» ll5as bplon. 2 33.b. an^abitattonof d^ utl0.244.a.b.t!)cmotl)er of all a^ bonnnatton0.233.b.aiDl)o;e. 2;e b. croeli and bloudp .2 ; i .b. cl;aftt^ fed ^it)) merep. 29 9.b.p;opi)eried to faU.1 9 9 .a.(edttcctl) all nation0. 253 .b.ioberf o;e fapd to be fallen. 106 . io\)v ttfea0 taKcn bp Hjc WeftgotbM .85 facUed bp (5en= fcricuflUpng of aiandallcfl, 2 +0. •.cicancoucrtljjo\tine.i75 b.176. b.fallen. 2^2 .b .burnt Suit!) fier. j-f o . b . taUen. i*;}. totterip caft l>ovcnc .1 9 <$ , dapip dtcapetl; .2 ^i . b.f|^aibe no ttio;e inhabited. 259 a Siomatn Ctnptre. 1 6 8 .begiuntn^to fall.17 5.a. bp diuiOon faplctb.i 9od of t)p0i)O' nour. 1 7 2. a iKonuQ) Cl)urci;p;op!)ccted to fail* 205,11 ]Romt(l) IKcligton to be detcfted. 207.« ISomil^e tromperp bpcomparifon dcfcnbed. 209,1 S. c9bot!) fobe o;tdatned, and Wjets fojc.i+.iDl)ertoferuetl).i++.b ^acriace of ti)e papifted confa:eO 77.1» ^acrautcnt figniSctl) a mtfterp. 2 1 ^acramentc0 tl)e pledge of Clj^ts (le0perpcttiallamitte. 2 56.b ^atntc0 are t^e fonne0 of dEfod. 5 5 , b.Citt3en0of(i5od0Cttte* 56 ^atntC0 fuigpng p>apfc0 to ^od. 2oi.b,dcrirenon}engcaunce. 91. executcr0 of (15od0 commatmde^ iitent€0. 2 55 . b . rccepHC all tl)Gpj ftregtl) of Cl)zift. 2 57.0. in l)caue punned front all affccttO0. 252.3. rcvoarded accojdpng to tbcir oron Soo;iHe0. 2 1 1 . a. r ciovfc f 0? diucris caufe0 . 2 5 6 . a . do not puniO) t!)e Soicfecd . 2 a . b . can not ll)ci» t)ff jiougl)t. i37.b ^ardj^defcribed. 47 The Index or Table. ^aracene0 are folowertf of ;^as f)omct. i:} ^tit!)anca3: Ptttof ljeattcnfromrt)C l)cgpnn}>ng . 1 6 : . ragctl; aga^nft ti)e €\)ttu\) of (!5oo. i66.a ^atl)a cojruptctt) ^?mccfl( againft €:t^;ifnan0.£( tncmbertf perfccutctl) t\)Z elect . 1 6 5 . b. i)is ^mdgoge large. i+g.figurcDbp fourc (ttli;0. i6^a. flanoet^topon a fanbc . 1 8 7 • b . ioofco out of ti)c bottoinl?0 pic . i88.b ^carfitic t^^eatncb. S 6 Scripture 10 dSons ioO}li . 2 5 8 . b, l;i)eautbo?itlct!)crof. n5-i0pw- fcct.^9.b.not ijarfec. 2 1.10 calico a p;opbcc?. 3 07. b. io}ittM fo; oinr learning. 176.3 Scriptures Cpeahe not to oncbut to all men. 2 5 . bow tl)c? be fcaleO to itjegoblf. 132 . arc pcr Q)ut bp. t3t.artn5tCaufcoibrref»c. in Scriptures pjercruto bp <0ob. 3i6.a ^ca5aarct')tl)cf»o;tlb. in.b ^ea 9i WkOmc muadcb bi^ ^atban i88.b 0caIcof(5obi)»I)at.99.b.gcucnm olD tpme .ioo.ij>i)crto t^cp fcruc. 7i ^calcb bp <08S0 fpirttc arc free fro eutll. loo.b Seatc0 pzcparcb fo^ tbc cl)orc. 298 ^ccuntic i^otr it map be rancDicb. 4o.b ^eBuc^ng lioro forcible. 9 I;o. 16 S^ngcoftl^e ^ambe befcribcb. 2i6.b Somefaneb in Snttcl^^tdcsbtngs borne. 101 Sclcmni^ation of tl)e;fli^ariaseof Cb;ift. a-je.b Soolei0tmmo;itan. 89.b joules in beaucn mDQ:l;appp . 92, not to be pet m Dntruc. 105 Scules of jjj^artp^s inbcaucn. 9 o ta)oulc5£>?ic(lcpconfounOco. 211. a ^piritcof(5ooi0afcaie. 109 Spinteof €\)}ia b^pnjctl) l-^fc. 47ib Spintcofl^clias. iji.b Spintuall tici}e0. 6o.b SptritU'^llipfeanDOcntb. 47.b Spirituall Clcrg|> poffclTe all plas CC0.M7.i»l)Otl)cp{)art. iJ7.l)0«) bcaOlp tl)ctr pcrfon is. n 7.b SpcOpcotnmpngofdrii^in'. 311 State of foulcc after Ocatl). 274 StanO^ng irljatttfignifictl;. 109. b S«bt:n(rion to €aue necDcnot ; o o.b ^ernblcncis of (BofiS luDgancnt. 28} Ccftimonpof 3icfu0Cb^tft. 260. i67.b etbolt of tl)c ^ opejBt cnrfe. i82.b Cimo?ousmcn&bo. 292 C?mercuculct})2lnticl)?ift. 195.8 c fottle. .89 b Cf ;anntc0 callcD afi;vQ;o» 8.^4) 'Co?mcntc0 of pi^cacfjer/Bi &ttb?^ ». • 148.1^ Crabition0 pjcferreb befo;tc ttje iDO?D of ^oD. 178 . a. of mcnobc fnirc Cl»iac0trutl?. 9+.b.of me COIlfutCD. 4.6 Crabitioner0 S»edre a (^p7t of becre, 9+.b Cranfubftanttation began. 2 7 7 Cranfgr cfroji0 oi tl;c lao? puniCbcb. i26.b Crcabpng&bat it Ggnificttj. Hi.b CrimttcDefcribeD. 10 Cnbulation is fuitD^p. i o^.b '5:riumpbc0oftbe fioblp. 215. b Croubtc0 of Cb;il^ian0. ijS.b. fottjcn bp 5 nticij}i&. 1 7 9 .a Croubic0 of gooD men dpob Q)M (bc^rcn. '•t^-b ^rucrepentannce i0to remembei: Cl);tae0 iDo;tiic0. 48. b •^rucmanet of fwearpng &>l)icbe. i??.b CtneCb?iftian0bcfcnbcb. 228.3 C rutripet0 ix)bat Ke tbc|p b^ue . 1 1 o, '^nunpettc0 fpiriti alL no ^Cmmpetteo of ti)e otuilL 1 1 Cnic reformation. z6 Ctue faptb b;f>ngetf) fb^ti) frttite0. . i57.a Curl{C0 inuafion to 3([tUiocI)<2 7^.b 'Curke0 armie gteateft* 1 2 4 Y^Ipne^o^ipf fecuritte of IRome. vUltngeounce Dcfircb of (5ob tiro 5»Apes.<) r.b tiioft terrible. 21 -f.a. povjrcD bpon tlic bn^oDlp . 2 1 j.a. ont!iecnem)>e6of©oD. 28j.b ^lao;^ cf €i)ii^ ano W Cburcb i63.b 511iolcnre of IRome Itmitcb bv Coo- i72.b 5ilifion0fcbatfo?cetbcvbattc. i.b. |ej:.»g. are The Index otTatlei aretctriWe. ' ' ■•. -m* ig.b t&iifarc of tt^e pept pIuckeD of. mnmimitit of %nti^},i&t9 i^t- Z^tta. 225 1) ^nbclcuerBfo^o. 292.8 ^ndcaiie fptritc0 DcTcribc^. 2 2 5.3 ^IngoDlpHW tuerp fe^cre trittms pl^etl). i28.b til3.mtteoft!)e(!5ei>!)edl>. 307 «a.lnpenttcnt menefcapt net ^oi>jbi plagues. 27 tEnpcnttcnt nnner0 are t>anc^. 1 2 7 mifeoftnnpics. 300 W. \V791Mng on in fotcbctineK f0rc= ^ pjoc^fnll. 910 \t)eaie0ofl)eancn. 296 towctti fti?;rcb top bp |)ope0. 2 2 o.b >07arnct>foljo be. 5S loarnpng tsmt to tbe goDIp agaifnfl t^ef e battnserou0 tpme0 of 9ntt£ cl»tft. 2+5.b t&arres fob? X)l)obein!)eauen. 296 •jobojebome in p;tce. 277 t)7eponj8 of p;cacl)er0. 1 45 'loickeb men are to be 8bf)0;trcb. 2^4. ivtcheb men iooulb be cottntcb tocr^ tuouf. 34 b tvpnbe fol)at (t flgnifietl^. 9 7.5 wifclrtme requireb in fcarc^ing tl)e number of tlje name of tl;e bcatt. i9+.b 'ix^oe.&I^at it incaneti;. 1 1^ xoowxm treuaplpng fignifict!) ^e Cburcb* 169 "Houmi map not teaci) in t^e c!)urc^. 42J1 XDonien)d;opI)etc£(. 42 woman tppe of Cb;ti(U0 ipoufe. wonber0p8?tenbpna atteration of eflates. i^sb wo;O)ppper0oftl)ebcaft. i7+.a Wo?lbiptl)pngc0tranOto;ip. 217.11 isjojfecoof^amtc* tonpcrfect-48 7oo;6e0 are toucl)&one0 of f aptl). 44.b ' WOjtb of <0ob botv f ojxiUf . 1 8 wo^boftljccreffc. 53.b ivojlD tocrp bjiicWe. 67.b WO?H)ipngc0 iirtjge after ti)e otit* warDappearaonce. iif.a YPOitb Of CbMft &»bat/ 5 2.b. ^w it muft be obfemcb. 52.b Wo;(^pp of t!?c bead, intcrp^eteb. i7i.b wo^Cbppppng of 3boi0. 2 9? wo?Q)ppperff of ti^e bcuilL 1 2 7.b wojtOjpp onelp to be gcucn to (D'ob. 2*5.9 U)2itpn8e0areauthcnttcaIL 3i3.b >X'o;tbpnc0 in tnen I)0 w it i0. 50 Wo;tDe0Ofp;xacber0arcftre. i