[IIOUSF, OF RF.PRF.SENrATIVRS, No. 23.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, December 14, 1863.— Read first and second times, referred to Special Committee on Currency, and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Russell ] A. BILL To be entitled An Act to permit the funding of certain Treasury notes not now fundable. ^ 1 Section 1 . The Congress of the Cm^federate States of America do 2 enact, That treasury notes now outstanding, and not bearing in- t 3 terest, issued previous to the Ist day of December, 1862, shall 4 hereafter be fundable in like manner as similar treasury notes 5 issued after that date, and before the expiration of ten days after 6 the passage of the act approved March 23, 1863, entitled "An 7 Act to provide for the funding and further issue of treasury 8 notes," as provided in that act. 4 loJ-l