Duke University Libraries The colporteur' Conf Pam 12mo #917 THE COLPORTEUR'S COMMISSION \ TRAiT FOR THE TIMES. IX SKVEUAL SCRIPTURAL HYMNS, BY EfENRt KEELING. /.'< . )>' < ffully d' tHroird to tl<< Churches and Armiet Southern ' ,'■ Richmond. V>t. Nov, 18f)2. :. Tin: commission. Matthew, xxviii : 19 20 ; Leke xvi: 21 2$ ; John X: I 20; 1 do forth my friends, and find. Where e'er a wanderer strays, And seize him in your arms, and bind. And briug to wisdom's ways, 2 For, many a >h< ••}• I have. Beyond this present fold, And every one I'm come t<> With other price than gold. 3 The world belongs to m<- : My Father mine hath given: One' told and Shepherd, we n W itliin the gates of heaven. . 1 From KuporstitiOn rain, And vile idolatry, From siu and error's guilty chain, I eome my owirto free, The reader will plea-.- read the n-ferenees. and it were |jett< I ••eninii them ;<> memory, .5 Th.it they may overlive, With me in cloudless day , My life, the prive, I freely give. The ransom down I pay. 6 But labor must be done, If we the lost would bring, To dwell with (Soefsround the throne, In rapture there to sing. V Then go my Friends, and find. Where e'er a wanderer strays . And seize him in your arms, and bind, A nd brin£ to wisdom's ways. NO. 2. OUR LORD'S PRAYER.— Mat. vi : 0—13. 1 To thee, our heavenly Father, We, children of thy care, Our adoration offer, „ln humble, grateful prja name we hallo . Nor utter once in vain, Lest thy displease; The word or thoughi 3 Tlj': kingdom long • Of thine Anoindd ' I M prophecy predicted, May it in glorj come. 4 Ks in the" highesl Heaven, On earth thy ■?, ill be done, Shown in example given, Of thy beloved S»n, From that abunda m OhmII thy ci us our portion daily. Of raiment an I i'. ] Tr offences we've committed f)o thou I ; As . - remitted The offeni eive. 7 In sore temptation • Confer endnrii < >r from tl • liver, £ And when the Gospel Btorj I k': clime, Power and (J lory Shall be lore' J Hi- DECALOG1 jhlp Jup from thine and .' Pay i,'ot to other Grod.i than me. I aia Jehovah, I al< And claim the horn: inn talt thou make, Though' then from h 3rd, [ngyorship I ith' Remember well the*Sabbath d i To both ti honor pay. 6tb>.aiW 7th. Thou shah ■ Nor wrong a husband nor a wife. Sth. 4 Thy neighbor's goods thou shatt not use. Unless ho shall permit and choose. 9th and 10th. Of others do not falsely speak, Nor what is their's unjustly seek. REWARD AND PENALTY. 5 Attention to these statutes give, Obey and thou shalt surely live. Transgress them and thy soul must die. O'erwhelmed with vengeance from on high. THE GOSPEL INVITATION ACCEPTED BY THE SOUL.— Mat. xi : 28—30. 1 Come hither ye weary, and hearken tome ; All ye heavy laden, with burden oppressed, My promise I make you, from burden to free : For I'm meek and lowly and I'll give you rest. 2 My yoke, it is easy, when once you shall learn Of me, and shall wear it in ways that arc right ; My burden no} heavy, when willingly borne, And they who so bear it. must find it is light. 4 From me, and salvation remaining away. The world must forever continue unblest. With me for its portion — come whatever may. From burden and labor, the soul lindeth rest I And when life is over, its labor all done, In mansions in heaven rcmainetha rest- Above with the Father, the Spirit, the Son. Whero souls dwell forever, immortally blest. 5 To thee, my Redeemer, most gludiy I come. For life and salvation through Ihy name alone, A sinner convicted and sentenced to die, Through thee to the Father, in mercy brought nigh. ru, my Redeemer, to < t to thee In peril an&sorrow, may penitent 5 ! flee: For thou art the only, the true living way. na darkness and rain, to unclouded day. 7 Thou art my Redeemer, though great Be the cost. Nor will thy grace suflerthe soul to be hvg That looks for salvation in thy name alone, Wherein is all merit, tor sin to atone. 8 Thy lips shall instruct me in wisdom ami gi . Thy precepts command me in ail righteousness, Thy pattern shall guidd me to make known abroai The love that restoreth lost simiersto God. NO. 5. THE CHRISTIE PATRIOT'S PRAYF.R.— Pa. lxxx 1 Incline to us, ill . car. God. attentive to our ]>r onward th.ongh her shinii Our barqe advanciii 4 The gentlest breeze that blows, I ho wild> Wafl to the land oi To joy that never dies. 5 And when the voyage i o'er, And heaven itself po Nor faith, nor hope, ia oeeft 77?•-! now to niirth ami glad#j Be side I hese vcatere deeps My heart is doomed in sadm Both day and nignib to weep. • o When back from tins vile bondage, We bothjiro home restored : Our raptures wilt acknowled The goodness of the Lord. G Till then, hung on that widow. Thy strings must, silent he, Dear harp of tones so mellow And soothing once to mo. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5