DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure %oom Frontispiece Vol. II. MEDAL OF JOHN VIII. BY V. PISANO. IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. CATALOGUE OF THE IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM BY WARWICK WROTH ASSISTANT-KEEPER OF THE COIXS AND 3IEDALS IN TWO VOLUMES WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND 79 PLATES VOLUME II LONDON PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM, AND BY LONGMANS & CO., 39 Paternoster Row ; BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 Grafton Street, Bond Street, W. ; ASHER & CO., 13 Bedford Street, Covent Garden; HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, E.C. ; and ROLLIN & FEUARDENT, 6 Bloomsbury Street, W.C, and 4 Rue de Louyois. Paris 1908 [All rights reserved'\ OXFORD : HORACE HART PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS CONSTANTINUS IV, POGONATUS A. D. Sept. 668-Skpt. 685 (Aiig-ustus, from a. d. 654, with his father Coustans II.) HERACLIUS AND TIBERIUS, sous of Constaus II, associated in the Empire with their brother Constantinus IV till a. d. 680.'^ Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Carthage ; III. Sicily ; IV. Rome ; V. Ravenna. No. Weight 63.2 (pierced) Metal and Size AT .75 Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus C'lrc. A.D. 668-669 (Beardless type) Inscr. Bust of Con- stantiue IV, beard- less, facing ; wears armour and helmet with plume ; in r. , spear held trans- versely'; in 1., shield. •DNCONS A NMSP VICTORIA A V^M Cross potent on three steps ; on 1., He radius ; on r., shorter figure of Tiberius ; each is beardless, stands facing, wears long robes and crown with c]"oss,and holds in r. globus cr. ; beneath, CO NOB (VICTORA*) At end of inscr. , A [Purchased, 1904] Date ' So as (usually) to rest on his shoulder. 314 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 2 3 Weight G9. 674 67.1 6 684 68-8 67.5 64.6 10 I 68-8 Metal antl Size N .75 Obverse "DNCONS A NMSPP 684 N .75 -DNCONS A NMSPI N .7 -DNCONS A NHSP N 75 I "DNCONS A NHSP N -75 -DNCOST A NMSP Reverse At end of inscr,, B [Blacas, 1867] At end of inscr., € [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., N (=H) [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., [Purchased, 1904] [Pl. XXXVI. 1.] At end of inscr., I [W. Edwards, 1847] Circ. A.D. 670-680 (Bearded type ; Constantine and brothers) Inscr. Bust of Con- stantine IV, beard- <'(l, facing- ; wears armour,diadem, and helmet with crest ; in r., spear held transversely ; in 1. , shield with horse- man device (horse- man r. s J) earing- prosti-ate enemy). ' N -75 -DNCONST ANMS PPV (helmet has plume Avithout crest.) N .75 j -DNCONS A NMSP j [Pl. XXXVI. 2.] 1 A^ .8 I "DNCOST A NMSP (helmet has plume I only.) N -75 -DNCOS T NMSP [Pl. XXXVI. 3.] VICTOA (sic) A V^M Cross potent on three steps ; on 1., He radius ; on r., Tiberius (as on No. 1), standing facing ; beneath, CO NOB At end of inscr., B [C. A. Murray, 1849] At end of inscr., V [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., € [C. A. Murray, 1849] At end of inscr., S [Presented by Mr. Edward Wigan, 1864] Dat.' See .sup/ a, vol. i, p. 128, Note 2. CONSTANTINE IV— CONSTANTINOPLE— SEMISSIS 315 No. Weiorht I Metal and I Size 11 12 14 15 1() 17 G8.2 I 18 I 67.7 i 69. 68. 68-3 68-9 18 1 34.7 A^ .75 67-5 ! A^ .75 A^ .75 N .8 N .7 N .75 N .75 N Obverse "DNCO T A NWSP (helmet has phime only.) -DNC T NMSP Reverse At end of inscr., H [Purchased, 1904] At end of Insci'., N (=H?, possibly Z) [C. A. Murray, 1849] Circ. A. D. 670 (or latef')-685 (Bearded type : C'onstantine IV alone) Inscr. Bust of Con- stantine IV, beard- ed, facing- ; wears armour,diadem, and helmet with crest ; in r., spear held transversely ; in 1. , sliield with horse- man device. PCONa A NH3PPA PCONSTANHSPPA PCONSTANPSPPA [PI. XXXVI. 4.] PC0N2 TAN H3 PPA PCONa TA PA NMSP VICT0KA(6/c)AVCM Cross potent on three steps ; be- neath, CO NOB At end of inscr., A [Bank of Engiandg-ift, 1877] At end of inscr., B [Blacas, 1867] At end of inscr., S [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1465] At end of inscr., H [de Salis gift] At end of inscr., © [de Salis gift] Semissis •DNCONS TAMSPP. VICTOKIAAVCHS Bust of Constantine Globus surmounted IV r., beardless, | by cross potent, wearing" diadem, paludamentum and cuirass. [Koyal Collection] [PL XXXVI. 5.] Date * The obv. legends of* the semisses and tremisses here assigned to Constantine IV, are more abbreviated than those on the corresponding coins of Constans II. 316 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. I Weight 19 20 21 22 214 21-8 22-2 21-7 23 24 102-2 100-2 Metal and Size N -65 N -65 N N -55 M -85 M -85 Obverse Reverse Tremissis Inscr. Bust of Con- stantine IV r., beardless, wearing- diadem, paludamen- tuiii and cuirass. .. wsrppAV "DNCONS •DNCONS rNHSPP CONTAN TANM SP VICTOKIAAVCMS Cross potent on base ; beneath, CO N05 [Purchased, 1847] [PL XXXVI. 6.J [Presented by Mr. Edward Wigau, 1864] (A for A) [de Salis g'ift] [PL XXXVI. 7.] Silver Circ. A. D. 668-669 Inscr. Bust of Con- stant in e IV, beard- less, facing- ; wears armour and helmet with plume ; in r. , spear held trans- versely; inL,shield. "DNCON NMSP "DNCON NMSP [PL XXXVI. 8.] Inscr. Cross potent ; beneath it, g-lobus on three stej)s ; on 1., Heraclius, on r., Tiberius, each beardless, standing- facing-, wearing- long- robes ' and crown with cross, and hold- ing- in r. g-lobus cr. Nr..onnAi [Dr. Egger, 1860] ... isrA •nriAi [de Salis g-ift] Date CONSTANTINE IV— CONSTANTINOPLE— M 317 No. •JO 26 27 28 29 Weight 91-5 69.6 2474 274.7 254-7 Metal and Size Ai -8 Al -85 JE 1-45 M 1-35 -E 1.45 Obverse Reverse Circ. A.D. 670-680 luscr. Bust of Coii- stantine TV, beard- ed, facing- ; wears armour,diadera, and helmet witli crest ; in r., spear held transversely ; in 1., shield with horse- man device. "DNC... A NMSPP [PI. XXXVI. 9.] ....A NMSP [Pl. XXXVI. 10.] Inscr. Cross potent ; beneath it, g-lobus on three steps ; on l.,Heraclius; onr., Tiberius standing- facing-, as on No. 23. ... iMr ANnn(67c) [Purchased, 1904] . .[MT.?]ANI(mO [de Salis, 1868] M' Circ. A.D. 668-669 Inscr. Bust of Con- stantine IV, beard- less, facing' ; Avears armour and helmet with curved plume ; in r., g-lobus cr. ; in 1., sliield. riNHSPPAtI (Inscr. obscure) [D]NCONSrAN SPPAN (67V) M above, small cross ; on 1. , Heraclius ; on r., Tiberius; each is beardless, stands facing-, wears long- robes and crown with cross, and holds in r. globus cr. ; in ex., CON Beneath, B - [Blacas, 1867] [PI. XXXVI. 11.] Beneath, A [Purchased, 1904] Beneatli, 3 (?) [Nortli wick sale, 1860] [Pl. XXXVI. 12.] Date ' The large M coins seem to he somewhat rare, and the British Museum specimens are in poor condition. It may be suspected— though I have found no proof of this — that these large coins are really foUes of the 5th or 6th cent. (e.g. Justinian Ij restruck by Constantine IV after the careful obliteration of the original types. ■' With A, de Saulcy, Essai, Pl. XI. 8. 818 IMPERIAT. m'ZxVNTIxN'E COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Date Cirr. A. n. (;70_(;80 ? Inscr. Bust of Cou- stantine I\', beard- ed (?),tacing-; wears armour and helmet witli plume ; in r., spear held trans- versely; in i., shield? ■ V^ above, small cross; on 1., lieraclius ; on r., Tiberius stand- ing-, facing-, as on No. 27; in ex., CON 30 290- JE 1.4 ..coNsr riNHS pp. Beneatli, f [PI. XXXVI. 13.] 31 229. JE 1.25 r Beneath, € [Purchased, 1904] A. I). <;s8 4 Inscr. Bust of Con- stantine IV, beard- ed, facing- ; wears armour and crested helmet ; in r. , spear held transversely ; in 1., shield witii horseman device. jyi above, ? beneath, A on 1., A N N in ex., CON 32 26M jE 1-35 r [PI. XXXVI. 14.] On r.. [X] X X' [de Sal is g-ift] 30= b83/4 K Bust of C^onstantine rV, bearded, facing ; wears armour, liel- met witli plume and diadem ; in r. , spear held transversely ; in field r., M K on 1., M ; on r., + 38 55-8 JE -9 [de Sal is g-ift] [Pl. XXXVII. 1.] 34 94-3 M .85 35 7M jE .9 X ^ Cp. Sab., ii, 17, No. 2.5 witb X- Year oO, us Sabatier has pointed out, is reckoned X from the first year of the Augustus-ship of Constaiitine IV, namely A. i>. 654. CONSTANTINE IV CARTHAGE -THICK SOLIDUS 319 No. Weight Metal and Size (Jbvovse Reverse Date 36 G7.6 jE •9 (Countermark, siS) [PI. XXXVII. 2, o6r.] [Purchased, 1849] 37 G2.3 JE •85 (Kestruck) 38 53-2 JE •85 [«le Salis g-ift] | T I Bust of Coustantiue IV, (beardless ?), 1 on 1., + ; on r., K in ex., CON facing- ; wears ai- mour and helmet with curved ]3hime ; in r., spear lield transversely. 39 59-7 .E •85 [(h! Salis gift] [PI. XXXVII. 3.] (Restruck) 40 59-5 JE .9 [de Salis gift] (Exergue obscure) [PI. XXXVII. 4.] (Restruck ; on ohr.^ remains of long cross) ' 11. CARTHAGE Solidus (i) Tliick fabric = Circ. A.D. 670-680 DO N 8 VCC Bust of Constantine IV, bearded, facing; wears armour, dia- dem, aud helmet ; in r., spear held transversely; in 1., shield with liorse- man device. Cross potent on three steps ; on 1., Hera- clius; on r., Tiberius; each is beardless, stands facing* ; wears long robes aud crown with cross, and holds in r. g-lobus cr. 41 G6.2 N •55 [de Salis g-ift] [PI. XXXVII. 5.] On r., Z ; on 1., cross; beneath, .IB' 42 684 N •55 [Bhieas, 18(;7] On r., Z ; beneath, ? ' Sab., ii, p. 19, No. 34, describes a coin of Constantine with € (i.e. 5 Kummia) on the rei\ - The solidi of this fabric all show traces of barbarism in legend aud style. There must be some doubt, therefore, as to their emanation from the Imperial mint at Carthage, but, in any case, it is certain that they are of African origin. As to the Carthage mint in this reign, see Introduction, supra, § 2, 'Constantine IV '. ' Probably a blundered rendering of CONOB : so also on the following coins. 320 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Weight 68.7 66.5 67.5 66-2 64-5 G7.8 67.3 (pierced) 69. 61.4 Metal and Size N .55 N .55 N .6 N .6 N .55 N .55 A^ .75 N .8 N .75 Obverse Reverse (DO N 8VCC) [Purchased, 1849] (DO N 3VCC) [de Sails g-ift] [PL XXXVII. d.] (DO N 8VCC) [de Sails g-ift] (DO [N ?] 2VCC [de Sails g'ift] (DO M rvVCC) [PI. XXXVII. 7.] Circ. A. I DOCOl A NPSV Bust of Constan- tine IV, bearded, facing- ; all as on No. 41. [Purchased, 1864] On r., H ; on 1., cross ; beneath, ONB On r., ; on 1., cross; beneath, PKIB On r., e beneath, DDA On r., I beneath, ONO Beneath, ONO.? [de Sails gift] 670-685 PCTOR.I Avvne Cross potent on three steps ; be- neath, pellet ; in field r., g-lobus or pellet; in ex., CNO..^ [PI. XXXVII. 8.] (11) Flat fabric Circ. A. D. 668-669 Inscr. Bust of Con- stantine IV, beard- less, facing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr. ; paludamentuni and cuirass ; in r., g-lobus cr. Linear border. •DNCONSr ANIHS CCOI (Border of dots.) [PI. XXXVII. 9.] ["D]NCONSri TIN MSCCO- "DNCONSr TNT<; W33 [Purchased, 1863] VICTORIA A V^M Cross potent on three steps ; on 1., Heraclius ; on r., Tiberius, standing- facing-, as on No. 41 ; beneath, CO NOB Linear border. At end of inscr., € (Border of dots ? [Purchased, 1904 At end of inscr., I [Col. Sandeman, 1878] At end of inscr., kc/.(conob:.) 1 Cp. lievite hehje, 1857, p. 176 ; Ponton D'Amecourt Cat., No. 921. CONSTANTINE IV-(L\RTHAGE-FLAT SOLIDUS 321 No. Weiorht Metal ami Size Obverse 52 (Jo-G 53 66-6 .V -75 54 08-8 .V -75 N .75 Reverse a IX. A. D. 670? •DNCONS rN..NS CHRP Bust of Con- stantine IV, facing-, as on No. 49, but bearded. Lint'ar border. [de Snlis g-ift] VICTORIA ...H Cross potent and. Heraclius and Ti- berius, all as on No. 49; in ex., CO nob:. Linear bor- der. At end of inscr., F [PI. XXXVII. 10.] C/'/r. A. n. 670-685 ■oNCos r ANrsv. Bust of Constantine IV, bearded, facing' ; Avears armour, dia- dem, and helmet, witli cross and plume ; in r., spear held transversely ; in 1., shield Avith liorseman device. Linear border. [Purcliased, 1S()3] AhheTeTI PPAMC M..^ Bust of Con- stantine IV, \vith beard and long- moustache, facing- ; Avears armour and helmet witli g-lobus cr. and curved plume ; in r. , g-lobus cr. ; in 1., sliield with horseman de- vice. [de Salis gift] viCTOKi;^ ;^.gM Cross potent and Heraclius and Ti- berius, all as on No. 49 ; beneath, CO nob:* Linear bor- der. In field r., 'I* [PI. XXXVII. 11.] VICTORIA [AMC?]M Cross potent on three steps; be- neath, CO NOB At end of inscr., € [PI. XXXVII. 12.] c Date 322 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Date Semissis DNCONSTANTIN VSPPA BustofCon- stantine IV r., draped (hair indica- ted by dots). Bor- der of dots. VICTOKI AAT^HIA Globus surmounted by cross potent. Borderofdots(thick fabric).^ 55 32.7 N .45 [Purchased, 1862] [PI. XXXVII. 13.] M Before a. d. 681 Bust of Constantine IV, bearded, facing- ; wears helmet, cui- rass, and paluda- mentum ; in r., glo- bus cr. ; behind his 1. shoulder, s^^ear ; on r. and 1. cross in field. Border of dots. M above, X ; on 1., Heraclius ; on r., Tiberius, standing- facing-. Border of dots.- 56 124-2 M .8 [Purchased, 1904] [Pl. XXXVII. 14.] 57 64. M .8 (Restruck on IM coin of Constans II, Carthag-e, similar to No. 302 supra : on rev.^ traces of the t\Y0 standing- fig-ures and (K)T(C).) Inscr. Bust of Con- stantine IV, beard- ed, facing- ; wears helmet witli curved plume, diadem, and cuirass ; in r., spear held transversely ; in 1., shield with horseman device. 1 1 above, short cross ; on 1., Heraclius ; on r., Tiberius; each standing- facing- in long- robes, and hold- ing- in r. g-lobus cr. ; in ex., KKTC 58 289-6 M 1.25 Tl NVSA^ [de Salis gift] * There are no specimens (at any rate in the British Museum) of the semissis (and tremissis) of flat fabric, which can be confidently assigned to the Carthage mint of Constantine IV. The minting of these pieces at Carthage was, however, undoubtedly going on under his successor Justinian II (see infra], Cp. the tremisses assigned, infra, to Constantine IV, Roman mint. ^ Cp. Sab., PI. :^6. 1 ; de Saulcy, p. 109. CONSTANTINE IV— SICILY— M 323 No. 59 60 Weight 180-2 207-2 Metal and Size JE M ^ 1-1 61 62 63 64 55-3 72-7 50- 55-6 JE 1- JE -9 JE -85 JE -8 Obverse COS TA . . NVSAC Reverse COST [de Sails g-ift] [Pl. XXXVII. 15.] (Restruck) I [Blacas, 1867] III. SICILY (Probably Syracuse) M Circ. A.D. 668-669 Bust of Constantiue kI above, JS ; on 1., He radius; on r., Ti- berius, each stand- ing- facing in long- robes and. crown with cross, and hold- ing- in r. g-lobus or. ; in ex., SCL IV, beardless, fac- ing- ; wears helmet with plume and cuirass ; in r bus cr. O"lo- [PI. XXXVII. 16.] i [de Salis g-ift] (Restruck on P'l coin of Sicily (of Con- stans II ?) : on rev.^ traces of standing warrior holding long- cross ; on obv., traces of stand- ing figure of Heraclius ; cp. No. 362, supra, of Constans II.) ^ I [Purchased, 1904] (Restruck on kI coin of Sicily, of Con- stans II, similar to No. 362, si/pra : on rev., traces of headdress of Constans 11; on obi\, SCL and remains of standing figure on 1.) [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1849] Date ^ This specimen was at one time in the possession of de Saulc}', who figured it in his Kssai, PI. XI. 2. He thinks that it was restruck on a coin of Constantine IV (similar to our No. 69, infra: but it seems unlikely that the beardless type (No. 61) should be stinack upon a coin of the same reign with a bearded type (No. 69, infra). It is more likely that the coin is restruck on one of Constans II. 8-i4 IMPKKIAL I'.YZANTINK COINS No. 66 Weight 106- 67 68 54-2 6(). 69 104-2 70 93-5 71 78-8 Metal and Size 72.2 JE 1.0;') JE h jE h ^ .95 JE .85 JE .85 JE -85 Obverse [BLiciis, ]8(;7] Reverse (Kestruck) [PI. XXXVII. 17.] [l\a-clm.sed, 1904] (Restruck ; ? on a similar coin: on obr., remains of JS and standing- fig-ure on r.) Clrc. A.J). 670-680 Constantine IV, bea fil- ed, standing- tVicing- ; wears helmet with cross, and cuirass ; in r., spear. M above, JS ; on 1., Heraclius ; on r., Tiberius, standing- facing-, as on No. 61 ; in ex., SCL [de Salis g-ift] (Kestruck) I [RParkes Weber g-ift, I 1906] (Restruck o]i anotiier coin ofConstantinelV, of Sicily, like No. 61, .nip/u : on obi\, bust facing- Jiolding- g-iobus ; on rev.^ remains of fig-ure of Heraclius, &c.) [Pl. XXXVII. 18.] Bust of Coustantiue lY, bearded, facing-; wears lielmet with cross antl |)kimeand cuirass; in r., spear held transversely ; in 1., shield with horseman device. [de Salis gift] Irl above, JS ; on 1., Heraclius ; on r., Tiberius, standing- facing- ; as on No. 61 ; in ex., SCL [PI. XXXVII. 19.] [Purchased, 1904] (Restruck on Sicilian r'l coinof ConstansH or Constantine IV : on /■cc, remains of stand- ing- figure on 1., and of exerg'ual line, &c.) Date CONSTANTINE IV-SICILY— K 325 No. 72 78 74 Weiffht 125.8 68-6 564 Metal and Size JE .9 JE .8 JE .8 75 7G 71-7 40- ^ -8 JE .8 Obverse Reverse Date Im above, JS ; SCL m ex. Bust of Constiintine IV, bearded, fjicing- ; Avears lieluiet with crest, diadem, and cuirass ; in r., spear held transversely ; in 1., shield witli horseman device. [PI. XXXVII. 20.] [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] (Kestruclc; pj-(»bably on a Sicilian coin of Constantine IV similar to Xo. 61.) I [Purcliased, 1904] K Be/ore a. ]>. 681 Three busts facing- ; , JS on 1., cross ; on r., on 1., Heraclius ; on j star. r., Tiberius, each beardless and wear- ing- crown with cross ; in centre, taller bust «»f Con- [ stantine IV (beanl- ed ?), wearing- hel- met. E:icli fig-ure is draped, iiud Hera- clius holds iu r. g-lo- i bus er. ' ' [Asclikenasi of Tunis, (Restruck on a Carthag-e coin of ConstansII simihir to No. 338, .-i//j>ra : on rec, remains of facing- bust of Constantine IV Pogonatus on r., on ohr.^ XX in exerg-ue.) [PI. XXXVII. 21.] [Paul Gadban. 1865] (Kestruck) ' Probably each figure is intended to hold this object. - The source from which this specimen was acquired and its restriking on a coia of Carthage rather suggest that it was issued by the Carthage mint. On the other hand, tlie monogram nt-. type is found on ii coin of Constans II (No. 371, supra), which was. in all probability, struck in Sicily. 326 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weiffht 77 78 79 80 64-5 22-5 21-8 Metal and Size N -8 N .55 N -55 21.7 M -55 Obverse Reverse IV. ROME Solidus Clrc. A. B. 670-G80 ■DNC ON [ST] AN riNOPP Bust of Constantine IV, bearded, facing- ; wears armour, dia- dem, and helmet mth crest; in r., spear held trans- versely ; in 1. , shield Avith horseman de- A'ice. Borderof dots. [de Salis gift] [PI. XXXVIII. 1.] VICrORIAAV CMST Cross potent on three steps ; on 1., Heraclius ; on r., Tiberius, standing- facing- ; each weai-s long- robes and crown with cross, and holds in r. g-lo- bus cr. ; beneath, traces of CO NOB Border of dots. At end of inscr ^r., $ Tremissis Inscr. Bust of Con- stantineTVr. , beard- less, wearing- dia- dem, paludamen- tum, and cuirass. Border of dots. ■DNCON SrAN ripp [de Salis g-ift] •DNCONS P PAV^ (style varied from No. 78) [Campana sale, 184G, lot 1369] •DNCON SrANo PP (file) de Salis gift] Inscr. Cross potent ; beneath, CO NOB Border of dots. vicroki AVCMsr in field r., [PI. XXXVIII. 2.] VICTOKI AAV^MH in field r., (Broad raised bor- der ; : after CON 0B) = [PI. XXXVIII. 3.] VICTOKl AVCHSTO in field r., Date ' Rev. in somewhat high relief — rough to the touch — and the coin of somewhat yellowish gold. ^ occurs on a tremissis of Constantine IV assigned to this mint, infra. '■'■ There may be some doubt as to whether this coin is rightly attributed to Rome. CONSTANTINE IV— ROME- XX 327 Weight 21-7 22.7 22-5 23-5 22-9 224 Metal and Size N .55 N .55 N .55 N -55 M .6 N .55 80-5 M .65 50.9 M •G 39.2 M •6 42.5 M •6 41.2 M •65 Obverse •DNCONS rrANri pp?] [Royal Collection] •DNCONSrANri NMSPP[AV] [de Salis g-Ift] •ONCONS TANrN MSPP (57-c) [de Salis gift] ■DNCONSTANTI NMSPPAC [Purchased, 1863] "DNCONS... n NWS PPAC [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1365] "DNCONSTANTI N HSPPA [de Salis g-ift] Reverse VICrOR .AVCHS in field r., B ViCrORIA AVCMSr OR.; in field r., $ [PI. XXXVIII. 4.] vicroKi Avgnsr OK; in field r., $ VICTOKI AAVCVI in field r. , JD VICTOKI AAVCMI 6 in field r., X [PI. XXXVIII. 5.] VICTOR lAVCMI in field r., X Date XX Circ. A. D. 668-669 or later Bust of Constantine IV, beardless, fac- ing- ; wears helmet with cross and ar- mour ; in r. , spear held transversely. [Pl. XXXVIII. 6.] [PI. XXXVIII. 7.] Busts of He radius and Tiberius, beardless, facing ; both draped and wearing- crown with cross ; above, short cross; be- tween, X X in ex., KOm [de Salis g"ift] [F.Parkes Weber gift, 1906] [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1904] 328 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 92 45.2 Metal and Size JE .5 93 ' 31-5 JE 94 Ai -35 Obverse Reverse Circ. A. D. G70 (or later)-680 Bust of Constiiutiue | Busts of Heraclius and iy,boar(l<'(l, facing-; I Tiberius, facing-; wears lielmet witli j between them, X cross ; ( I ]'a| )('(!.' ! X i in ex., ROm [PI. XXXVIII. 8.] [de Salis gift] Circ. A.M. ). (DIMSriN ANM SS6 RM &c.) At end of inscr. , A At end of inscr. , S mSXRIS30SR6XR€ SNANTIFM Bust of Christ facing with cross behind head. Hair and beard flowing- ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in act of benediction ; 1. holds book of Gos- pels. (r for 3) [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] ^ The first appearance of the abbreviation IHS on coins. The rer. inscription of type 3, No. 18:— DNIhSChS R€X, &c., shows clearly that the h is not an tj but an h, i.e. Dominus noster Ihesus Christus, &c. See H. Leclercq in Cahrol, Diet. d''arch. chr., ' Abreviations ', p. 178. 332 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 18 I ()7.2 14 15 16 17 18 (;(;.9 68-0 fU.2 G8. 66-7 Metal and Size N -7 N .8 M .75 A^ .8 M .75 N .75 Obverse (CON OP) at end of inscr., H At end of inscr., © At end of inscr., [0 ?] (CONO B) at end of inscr Reverse [Purcliased, 1904] [PI. XXXVIII. 15.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 875] [Pl. XXXVIII. 16.] [Baukof Eng-land gift, 1877] (rOS for 30S) [Bank of England gift, 1877] (Double-struck) ([CO?]NOr) at end of inscr. (NAKfor NAN) [Purchased, 1905] Type 3 DNIVS TINIA NMS MHLTMSAN ' Bust of Justinian II, bearded, facing-. Wears crown with globus cr. and scarf of lozenge jiattern ; in r., cross potent on three steps ; in 1., globus inscribed PAX and surmount- ed by patriarclial cross. [Blacas, 1807] DNIhSChSK€X K€C NANTIMM Bust of Christ facing, with cross behind liead. Hair arranged in two rows of curls ; beard close ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. liand in benedic- tion ; 1. holds book of Gospels. [PL XXXVIII. 17.] Date ' ' Nova formula, qua Augustis muUoa annos precabantur, et quae in locum VOTIS V MVLTIS X successit. Dicebatur autem ivo\vxpovlCfi.v tovs ^aa-ikds, imperatoribus longam vitam precari ' : Eckhel, D. N. V. On the liturgical use of such acclamations in the case of members of the Imperial family (ets noWu err], Sfo-Trora, &c.), see Cabrol, s. v. Acclama- tions, in his Diet, d'arch. chi: Cp. the inscription VITA on coins of Justin II (Carthage), supra, vol. i, p. 1)9, n. 2. JUSTINIAN II (FIRST REIGN)— CONSTANTINOPLE— TRExMISSIS 333 No. 1X7- • V. A Metal and W«'S^* , Size 19 33- N .75 20 21 22 23 22.6 21.3 {pierced) 21-4 {pierced) 21-1 M .7 N .6 N .6 M .65 Obverse Reverse Semissis DIVS3INI ANVSP6 Bust of Justiuian n, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr., mantle, and robe ; in r. , g-lo- bus cr. [Purchased, 1802] ' VICTORIAAVCH S Cross potent with small g-lobus at its foot. [PL XXXVIII. 18.] Tremissis Type 1 DIMSTINIA NMSP€ A V Bust of Justinian n, bearded, fiicing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr., mantle, and robe; in r., glo- bus cr. [Pl. XXXVIII. 19.] (A for AV) VICTORIAAV^MS Cross potent; beneath, CoNoB [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1862] Type 2 DIMSTINI AN MSS€R VChRIST Justinian II, standing- facing-, bearded; wears crown with cross and long- robes of lozeng-e pattern ; in r., cross potent ; in 1., luappa. [DI]VS3IN Kl€ . . (.v/V) MCh mSCKISTOR€X K€"S" NAND"IHM Bust of Christ facing, with cross behind head ; hair and beard flowing- ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in act of benediction ; 1. holds book of Gros- pels. [PI. XXXVIII. 20.] (CKIS30S) [Purchased. 1904] [PI. XXXVIII. 21.] Date ' Acquired from M. Rollin and apparently the identical specimen engraved (not quite accurately) in Sabatier, PI. XXXVIT. 7. 334 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 24 25 21.3 26 27 95.3 (pierced) N -55 96. 102.3 M .85 Obverse Reverse TyiM' 3 SMMLT HS Bust of Justiniiin II, bearded, facing; wears crown with giobus cr. and robe of lozenge pattein ; in r., cross potent ; in 1., globus in- scribed PAX and surmounted by patriarchal cross. [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 876] • [DjNihSChSKex Ke CNANTIMM Bust of Christ facing, with cross behind head ; liair arranged in two rows of curls ; beard close ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benedic- tion ; 1. holds book of Gospels. [Pl. XXXVIII. 22.] Silver Type 1 Ai -85 DIMSD-|NIANHS[P€?] A V Bust of Justinian n, bearded, facing; wears crown with globus cr., mantle, and robe ; in r., globus cr. [W.M. RPetrie,1878] •D€MSA"DV[TAROnn AN] IS Cross potent on three steps. [PI. XXXVIII. 23.] Type 2 DIMSTINI AN MS[S6 KM.?]ChKISTI Jus- tinian 11, standing facing, bearded; wears crown with cross and long robes of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent on two steps ; in 1. , mappa ; beneath, CoNO B (Double-struck) Ai -9 [PI. XXXVIII. 24.] lhSCMS30SK€X R.€ "SNANTIMM Bust of Christ facing, with cross behind head ; liair and beard flow- ing ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in act of benedic- tion ; 1. holds book of Gospels. (Double-struck) [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 988] [de Salis gift] Date ^ Cp Rev. num., 1899, p. 197. JUSTINIAN II (FIRST REIGN)-C:ONSTANTINOPLE— K 335 No. Weight Metal and Size 28 54-5 {pierced) M .85 Obverse Reverse Type 3 DNIHTSTINIA N]HS MMLTHSAN Bust of Justinian II, beard- ed, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozeng-e pattern ; in r., cross potent on three steps ; in 1. , g-lobus inscribed PAX and surmount- ed by patriarchal cross. [Purchased, 1904] DNIhSChSK€ XKec NANTIMM Bust of Christ facing-, with cross behind head ; hair arranged in two rows of curls ; beard close ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benedic- tion ; 1. holds book of Gospels. [PI. XXXVIII. 25.] M No coins in British Museum. Sab., ii, p. 25, No. 18, describes a foUis (M coin) of Justinian II, dated ANNO HI I (=:A. D. 687, reckoning from Justinian's Augustus-sliip in a. d. 680). Thomsen (^Cat. No. 620) and Moustier (Cat No. 4022) describe (correctly ?) PI coins of year 1(?) and year 2. No coins in British Museum. Sab., ii, p. 25, No. 20 describes a half- follis (K) of year 7. Another type has on rev. K and three crosses ; beneath, PAX : see de Saulcy, p. 120 ; PI. xii, 5 ; Sab., ii, p. 26, No. 21 ; Thomsen, No. 625 ; Photiades, No. 351. Another specimen is in the collection of the Hague. Date 336 IMPERL\L BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 29 «i7.(i 30 ()84 31 G(i. N -55 N .45 .V •(; Obverse Reverse II. CARTHAGE Solidus (i) Thick iabric ■DNIV8TINIA NV8 PPA Bust of Justinian II, facing, beard- less ; wears crown with g-lobus cr., mantle, and robe ; in r., globus cr. [Purchased, 1865] lOSTVNA N0SP6HV {sic) Bust of Jus- tinian II, facing, beardless ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle, and robe ; in r. , globus Cf. [Purchased, 1849] 18 TIN I A N86R.8 CR.I Justinian II, standing facing ; wears crown with cross and long robes; in r., cross potent on two steps ; in 1., mappa. VICTOR. . . AVCy8 Cross potent on three steps; be- neath, CoNoB [PI. XXXIX. 1.] VICTOKI AVVP Cross potent on three steps ; be- neath, pellet and [CONOB.?] Border of dots.' [PI. XXXIX. 2.] I8CR I8T K€ XK Bust of Christ fac- ing, with cross be- hind head; hair and beard flowing ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in act of benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels. [de Salis gift] [PL XXXIX. 3.] (Carelessly cngra\ed on each side.) Date ' Cp. Sab., ii, p. 22, No. 1. JUSTINIAN II (FIRST KEIGN)-CAiaTIAGl<: -FLAT SOLIDCS 337 No. Weight 32 Metal and Size 69-3 33 34 35 36 62-2 69-2 G4.1 62.3 A^ .75 N .75 N .i N .75 N .75 Obveree Reverse (ii) Flat fabric Solidus IMSriNIA NMSP6AV Bust «)f .Justinian n, beardless,f;icing- ; wears crown with cross, mantle, and robe ; in r., g-Iobus cr. [Purchased, 1904] "DIMSri NIP^vNMSPP Bust of Justinian II, facing-, bearded ; wears crown with cross, mantle, and robe ; in r., g-lobus cr. Linear border. [Bank of England g-if t, 1877] [de Salis gift] [Bankof Eng-landg-ift, At end of iuscr., 1877] [PI. XXXIX. 6.] VICTORA (sic) AV ^M Cross potejit on three steps ; be- neath, CO NOB Border of dots. At end of inscr., Z ' [PI. XXXIX. 4.] VICTORI^^v P^^V^M Cross potent on three steps ; be- neath, CO NOB Linear border. - On 1., star; on r., K ; at end of inscr. , 6 [PI. XXXIX. 5.] At end of inscr. , Q (P for PP) [Bankof Eng-landg'ift, 1877] At end of inscr., © ; above CO NOB, O (Double-struck) Date ' The ohv. of No. 32 is of rather delicate work and in somewhat high relief. It is not conspicuously in the style of Constantinople, nor, indeed, in the ordinary style of Carthage. Ravenna and Rome are the two other conceivable claimants. I have, with considerable hesitation assigned it to Carthage, chiefly because the Emperor is represented as beard- less, and beardless heads are familiar on the coins of that city (cp. PL 39, 11). The treatment of the hair, it will be, moreover, noticed, resembles that on the Carthage thick solidus, No. 29, supra. The tremissis, No. .39, iufra, with a beardless bust of the Emperor facing, may also be assigned to Carthage : it has the linear borders characteristic of this mint. ^ The linear borders and the form of Pv are among the details that differentiate these solidi from those struck at Constantinople. II E 338 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 37 38 26. 31- 39 21.2 40 41 42 43 19.3 19.5 19.6 20-8 Metal and Size N .65 .V -6 N .55 Af DO N .6 M -55 N .55 Obverse Reverse Semissis ■DIMSri Nli^vNMSPP Bust of Justinian II r., beardless, wearing- diadem, mantle, and robe ; diadem and hair indicated by dots. Linear border. [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1863] VICTOR.i;^v t^%^ Globus surmounted b}^ cross potent. Linear border. At end of inscr., © ; in field r., Z In field r., K [PI. XXXIX. 7.] Tremissis •DIMSriNI ANMSPe AV Bust of Jus- tinian II, beardless, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe; in r., gl. cr. Linearborder. [Puichased, 1904] "DIHSri Ni;^vNMSPP Bust of Justinian n, r,, all as on the semissis (No. 37). [Purchased, 1863] [de Salis gift] (•DisrN iNV[n pq?]) [PI. XXXIX. 9.] ("DNioir ^vNr I pa?) VICTORA (sic) AV ^MS Cross potent on three steps; be- neath, CONOB Linear border.' (Double-struck) [PI. XXXIX. 8.] VICTOKi;>^ C^%H Cross potent ; be- neath, CONOB Linear border. At end of inscr., At end of inscr., [0] At end of inscr., ; in field r., H [Purchased, 1864] At end of inscr., Pv ? [de Salis gift] Date ' Cp. the solidus No. 32, supra, and note there. JUSTINIAN II (FIRST REIGN) -SICILY— M 339 No. Weight. Metal and Size 44 45 46 22.1 N -55 47 71.6 73-6 59.8 M .75 M .7 M .85 Obvei-se NIMS>NI AV2P€AV Bust of Justinianll, bearded, facing-; wears crown with trefoil and robes ; in r., globus cr. [de Salis g-ift] Reverse VICTOR. AVSMS Cross potent ; be- neath, CONOB Linear border. [PI. XXXIX. lO.J Date M Inscr. Bust of Jus- tinian II, facing-, beardless; wears crown with g-lobus cr., mantle and robe; in r., g-lobus cr. (Similar to the soUdus No. .30). IM above, cross ; be- neath, traces of letters (KfUJ ?) i .MSTINIA CV.. ZVSAV ["DIS?]IHSTIN [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [PI. XXXIX. 11.] III. SICILY (Syracuse) M Bust of Justinian II, [bearded ?] facing, wearing crown, mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; [in 1., mappa.^]; in field r. star, and branch. Pu above, -^ - (mono- gram of Justinianll); in ex., SCL [de Salis gift] I Beneath, ? ' [PI. XXXIX. 12.] (Restruck) ' Cp. de Saulcy, p. 121 ; Sab., PI. 37, Nos. 18. 14 : Thonisen Cat.. Nos. 622-4. * The T in this monogram is frequently off' the flan. 340 IMI>J':KIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 48 73-6 Metal and Size yE .85 49 50 30- 56-7 JE •iO M .9 Obverse Justinian II, [beard- ed ?] standing" facing ; wears long robe and crown with cross; in r., oflobus cr. [de Salis gift] Justinian II, bearded, standing facing, wearing long robe and crown witli cross ; in r., long cross ; inl., mappa. In field L, short cross. [de Salis gift] Justinian II, bearded, seated facing on throne, tlie two side proj ections of which are shown ; wears crown, long robe, and mantle ; in r., [globus cr.] ; in 1., mappa ; in field r., star.- [de Salis gift] Reverse IM above, ^ ; in ex., SCL [PI. XXXIX. 13.] M above, -^ ; in ex., 3CL; on 1. and r., star. Date Beneath, € [PI. XXXIX. 14.] M above, -^ ; in ex., SCL ; on 1. and r., branch. [PI. XXXIX. 15.] ' A variety of this standing figure (Berlin Mus.) has on rev. the interesting inscription CVPAKOVCI in addition to SCL: see Friedlaender in Num. Zeitschrift, vol. i, p. 431 ; cp. Thomsen Cat., No. 621. ^ Cp. Sab., ii, p. 25, No. 17. JUSTINIAN II (FIRST REIGN)-ROME— SOLIDUS 341 No. 51 Weight 67.1 Metal and Size N .8 52 53 N .75 04.4 N .7 Obverse Reverse IV. ROME^ Solidus "DNHST INIAN OPPI Bust of Jus- tinian II, [bearded ?] facing-; wears crown with globus cr., mantle, and robe ; in r., g-lobus cr. Border of dots. [Purcliased, 1904] IMSriNIA NMSP€AV Bust of Justinian II, bearded, facing, as No. 51, but style varied (eyes repre- sented by circles). Border of dots. [de Salis giftj "DNIV STINI (.?)... Bust of Jus- tinian II, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr., and robe of lozenge pattern; in r., cross potent on three steps ; in 1. , globus inscribed PAX and surmounted by [patriarchal] cross. Border of dots. [Purcliased, 1863] VICrORIA AVCMS TOK Cross potent on three steps ; be- neath, CO NOB Border of dots. In field r., [PI. XXXIX. 16.] VICTORIA AVHHI Cross potent as No. 51 ; beneath, CON O B Border of dots. At end of inscr., [PI. XXXIX. 17.] R€CNA. Bust of Christ facing, with cross behind head ; hair arranged in two rows of curls; beard close ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; 1, holds book of Gos- pels. [Border of dots.] In field r., H (or M ?) [PI. XXXIX. 18.] Date ' The coins here assigned to the mint of Rome are followed by the series classed as of • Central and Southern Italy ' (see on these sujyra, Introd., § 2, ' Justinian II '). The attributions to Rome both here, and in the following reigns, are put foi-ward with diffidence ; one of my chief ci-iteria in separating the Roman from the ' Italian ' coins is the comparative absence of blunders in the legends. The (apparent) alloy of the coin and the style of the engraving of the ohr. have also been taken into account. 342 LMPEIUAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 54 Weiffht Metal and Size 22.2 55 N -G 19-8 56 624 M .55 N .8 Obverse Reverse Tremissis (^Obi-. Profile) "DNIMST INIANPP Bust ofJustinianll, r., beardless, wear- ing- diadem, mantle and robe. Border of dots. [Purchased, 1904] VICTOKI AVCHS Cross potent ; be- neath, CONOB Border of dots. In field r., 9 [PI. XXXIX. 19.] (^Ohc. Bust facing"; plain g-lobus) Cp. Nos. 63-65, infra^ which are, however, misspelt, and, in two instances, of alloyed gold. Tliere was j)robably a correctly spelt prototype issued at this mint : cp. the Roman tremisses of Tiberius III, infra. (Ohv. Bust facing- ; g-lobus with PAX) Inscr. (off ilan). Bust of Justinian 11, bearded, facing- ; wears crown [with g-lobus cr.] and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r. , cross potent ; in 1., globus [in- scribed PAX and surmounted by patriarchal cross]. [de Salis gift] ....hS?K€ K€.... . . Bust of Christ facing with cross behind head ; hair in curls (all as the solidus No. 53, siqjrd). [PL XXXIX. 20.] V. CENTRAL AND SOUTH ITALY Solidus Inscr. Bust of .Jus- ! Inscr. Cross potent on three steps ; l)eneath, CONOB Border of dots. tinian II, bearded, facing; wears crown with globus cr., mantle, and robe ; in r., globus cr. Bolder of dots. PIHSriNI ANMSPe VICrORIA AVSMS AV 6 [PL XXXIX. 21.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 874 2] Date * As on the Roman tremisses of Constantine IV. * Possibly struck at Rome. JUSTINIAN II (FIRST REIGN)— ITAJ JAN -TREMISSIS 34:^ No. 57 Weight Metal and Size 67-2 58 59 66-2 641 .V .85 N -8 N -85 60 64. N -8 61 62 21-2 21-2 N -55 N -55 Obverse Reverse "DNinrNI AMHIPPV AV (Imitated from a solidus like No. 51). VICTORIA AVCHIw (CONOI) [de Salis gift] "DNIHSTN! ANMSPe AV VISTOKA AVSMS [de Salis gift] (Gold alloyed, of pale g-reenish colour) •DIMSTINI ANHSPPA VC (Linear border). [PI. XXXIX. 22.] VICTOK AV^M and star. (Linear bor- der.) [Purchased, 1904] (Style of coins of Dukes of Beneventum) DIVoo ANIV Bust of -DNIhSChSKeX R€C Justinian II, beard- ed, facing, holding globus inscribed PAX &c. (all as on No. 53, supra). Border of dots. [Purchased, 1863] MANTIMM {sic) Bust of Christ facing Avith cross behind head (all as on No. 53, supra). Border of dots. In field L, ^ [PL XXXIX. 23.] Tremissis {Ohv. Profile) Inscr. Bust of Jus- tinian II, r., beard- less; wearing diadem, mantle, and robe. Border of dots. ■DNI AePKV [PI. XXXIX. 24.] IVTh A/. NOOTI (type r ude) ( ?do t ted border). Inscr. Cross potent ; beneath, CO NOB Border of dots. VICTK. AV^HII [de Salis gift] VICTORA VIVII-V-* (? dotted border) [de Salis gift] [PI. XXXIX. 25.] Date 844 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 63 64 65 66 67 (;8 69 70 71 Weight Metal and Size 22-7 N .5 23.2 N .55 22-6 N .55 21.6 N .6 11.6 M .5 21-5 N .55 19-7 N .55 20-5 N .6 15-1 N .55 Obverse Reverse {Ohv. Bust facing" ; plain gfJobus) Inscr. Bust of Jus- tinian II, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle, and robe ; in r., globus cr. "Dll/IVIA MAH0P6 [PI. XL. 1.] •DNINIC NANOPC Cross potent ; beneath, CoNoB VICTOKIA AVYYI M [Purchased, 1904] VIC AVHHI M [Blucas, 1867] (Gold alloyed ; ohv.^ in style of No. 58 supra) •OINVIA MANOPC VICTOR AlVI [Royal Collection] [PI. XL. 2.] (Gold alloyed ; style as No, 64) -DINVIA NANOPC ■DNVIIA IMINVqV H.llllll? [Purchased, 1863] DNISTINI INSMeAV [de Salis gift] .... MMSAN (In r. , globus cr. ; in 1. , mappa). VICTOKI AlVI [de Salis gift] VICT AVCI* [Purchased, 1869] . Bi^M . I[A ?]CIMAV (l/lOO instead of CONOB) VICTKAAVCM(Cross blundered). [PI. XL. 3.] VICTORIA AVgSA in field r., star. [Purchased, 1867] [PI. XL. 4.] DIMS TINIANVS (Crown lias cross only). [Purchased, 1869] VICTO KAVS (Shaft of cross shorter than on preceding coins).' [PI. XL. 5.] Date * The letters and rev. type of Nos. 71-3 are less sharp and clear-cut than on the preceding coins : they evidently form a class by themselves. JUSTINIAN II (F1K8T liEIGN)-lTALIAN— TREMISSIS 34o No. 72 73 Weight 19-2 19-5 74 213 Metal and Size N -55 N N -55 Obverse DIMS riNIA (Crown has cross only). (Inscr. off lUm) (type barbarous). Reverse VICTO RAVC (Shaft as on No. 71). [de Salis gift] ...R.AVCH (Shaft as e on No. 71.) [Purchased, 1863] [PI. XL. 6.] {Obr. Bust facing; globus with PAX) DIV 831 NWS? Bust of Justinian II, bearded, facing ; wears eiown witli gl. cr., and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent on steps; in 1., globus inscribed PAX and surmount- ed by cross. [de Salis gift] ■DNIhSCh ANTIMM {sic) Bust of Christ facing wath cross behind head ; hair arranged in rows of curls ; beaid close ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction; 1. holds book of Gos- pels. Date In field 1., S [PI. XL. 7.] (Corresponds to the solidus No. 60) 34G LEONTIUS A.B. G95-698 No coins known to be extant (See Sab., ii, p. 27 : cp. de Saulcy, p. 126. TIBERIUS III. Apsimarus A.D. G98-705 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial class ; III. Sicily (Syracuse) IV. Rome ; V. Central and Soutliern Italy ; VI. Ravenna. No. Weight 6G.6 {pierced) 06- 68-3 Metal and Size A^ .75 N .75 N .75 Obverse Reverse I. CONSTxVNTINOPLE Solidus Drib€KI MSP€ AV Bust of Tiberius III, bearded, facing' ; wears crown with globus cr. and cuirass. In r., spear held before him side- ways ; in 1. , shield with iiorseman device.' [Purchased, 1904] [Purcliased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] VICTORIA AV^H Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CoNoB At end of inscr., A At end of inscr., B At end of inscr., €C * Tiberius reverts to the armed-bust type of Constantine IV, but his coins show the spear in front of the body instead of behind it. -' Cp. Montagu Cat., No. 1166, with €0U. TIBERIUS III— CONSTANTINOPLE— K 347 No. I Weight 4 68-5 66-4 6 I 66- I (pierced) 32-8 22-2 83-5 Metal and Size .V -8 -V .75 .V .75 Obverse .V .65 .V .65 JE -75 (Above head, on edg-e, Al ? prol)ably the im- press of another die. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 877] [Purchased, 1904] Reverse At end of inscr., S [Royal Collection] [PI. XL. 8.] At end of inscr., Z At end of inscr., © Semissis Drib€R.I HSP€ AV liust of Tiberius III, facing ; all as on No. 1. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 878] • VICTORIAAVSHS Glo- bus surmounted by cross potent. [PI. XL. 0.] Drib€KI MSPe AV Bust of Tiberius lU, facing ; all as on No. 1. Tremissis VICTOMAAVSMS Cross potent. [E. T. Rogers, 1877] [PL XL. 10.] Silver See Rec. Num. 1865, p. 286; rev., globus, sur- mounted by cross potent, between two branches. (Wt. about 50 grains.) M Coins of vears 1, 2, and 3 are described in Recue bdf/e, 1862, p. 200 ; Siilx, ii, p. 31, Nos. 9 and 10. Bust of Tiberius _ III, facing ; wearing crown with cross and armour ; in r., spear held before him, sideways.'^ [Purchased, 1863] On 1., 2 [PI. XL. 11.] ' Anotht^r specimen, Montagu Ca^, No. 1169. o v. •• qo tn ia 2 Details of ohr. partly obscure: cp. de baulcy, p. lol ; Sab., n. p. 32. No. 14, Photiades, No. 354. 348 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 10 11 65-5 m- 12 13 644 60-8 A^ .55 N .65 N .7 A -75 (pale) Obveree Revei'se 11. PROVINCIAL CLASS' Solidus (i) Tliick foln-ic DTIb€RI [A]HSP€ AV j VICTORIA AV^M Cross Bust of Tiberius III, 1 potent on three steps ; bearded, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludanientum. In r., spear held before him, sideways ; in 1., shield witli liorsenian device. [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] beneath,CONOB Bor- der of dots. On 1., T ; on r., S [PI. XL. 12.] On 1., r ; on r., S (ii) Flat Fabric DriB€ KS(V?). Bust of Tiberius III, facing, as on No. 10, but wears crown witli cross. Linear border. [Blacas, 1867] PriB€K ISPA H[g?] [de Salis gift] VICTORI/K /N.VSH Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CO NOB Linear border. xVt end of inscr., pellet. [PI. XI.. 13.] (Inscr. ends [AJH^HS) in field 1., cross ; in field r., cross. ' Some of theso may have been struck at Carthage, which, however, was finally cajitured by the Arabs (under Hassan) in the very first year of the reign of Tiberius III, A.D. ()98 (Diehl, L'Afriqiic hyz., p. 585). See furthf-r. ' Tntroduction ', supra, § 2. under Tiberius III. No. Weight ! ^^If^g^'''* TIBERiaS III— PK0VINCIAL-TREAIISSI8 Obverse 849 Reverse 14 Semissis 24-8 N .6 DriB eKI. Bust of Tiberius III r., beard- less, wearing- diadem (dotted), mantk', and robe. Linear border. [de Salis gift] [VJICTOKI/K [P^JV^H Globus surmounted by cross potent. Linear border. On v.. A [PI. XL. 14.] 15 20-7 16 17 Tremissis Inscr. Bust of Tiberius in, bearded, facing- ; wears crown witli cross and robes ; in r. , globus cr. Linear border. 21. 22-6 N .55 DTIb€ VSPCVV [de Salis gift] Inscr. Bust of Tiberius III, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross andpaludamentum and cuirass ; in r., shield held in front, sideways ; in 1., sliield with horse- man device. Linear border. A^ .6 N .55 {■pale) DTIbC PCV V [de Salis gift] TIbeK OAB (type blun- dered). ' Inscr. Cross ])otent ; ije- ueath, Coi/loB Linear border. VICTOV AVNH in field 1., 9 ; in field r., star. [PI. XL. 15.] Inscr. Cross potent. Linear border. VICTOV VNVM in field 1., star ; beneath, COl/lOB [PI. XL. 16.] VICToA VM I beneath, o|/|oB [de Salis gift] [PI. XL. 17.J ' This curious coin has the ohr. and rev. dies adjusted ^^^ instead of ^^ as is usual on the coins of Tiberius III. 350 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse III. SICILY (Syracuse)' M Tiberius III, bearded, standing- facing- ; wear- ing- long- robe ; in r. , long spear [or cross ?] ; IM above, p (mono- gram of Tiberius) ; be- neath [SCL]; onl., f in 1., o'lol)iis cr. - 18 49-4 .E -95 [Blacas, 18G7J [PI. XL. 18.] (Restruck ; evidently on another Sicilian coin of Tiberius III, similar to Sab., ii, p. 31, No. 13 ; PI. 38, 7 ; Thomsen, No. 629 ; de Saulcy, p. 131, with obi\ Bust of Justinian II facing- ; and rev. P'l and monogram of Tiberius between two branches. On the ret: of tliis coin (No. 18) are traces of tlie monogram of Tiberius and of one of the branches.) IV. ROME Soiidus [TJIbEKI HSP€ AH Bust of Tiberius III,bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and lias paludamentum and VICTORIA AVSM M Cross potent on tliree steps ; beneath, CO NOB cuirass; in r., spear held sideways, in front ; in 1., sliield Avith horse- man device. 19 63-5 N .« [Purcliased, 1869] (Carelessly struck but of c [PI. XL. 19.] omparatively good work.) ' Doubtless struck at Syracuse, as can be proved by comparison with the Berlin coin of Justinian II, with the name of Syracuse ; see p. 340, supra, note to No. 48. TIBERIUS III -ITALIAN— TREMISSLS 351 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Tremissis Inscr. Bust of Tiberius III, facing ; all as on the solidus, No. 19. Inscr. Cross potent ; be- neath, CO NOB 20 21.2 N .55 DTIbGkl MSPe A . [de Salis g-ift] VICTORIAAVSM in field r., G [PI. XL. 20.] 21 22-2 N .6 DTIb€RI MSP€ AV [de Salis gift] VICTOKIAAVSM in field r., M 22 20. Nf .45 (Inscr. partly off flan) [de Salis, 18G5] VICTORIAAVSM in field r., M V. CENTRAL AND SOUTH ITALY Solidus Inscr. Bust of Tiberius III, facing', all as on solidus. No. 19. Inscr. Cross potent on three steps ; beneatli, 23 03-5 N .8 DTIb€RI MS PA (details of type carelessly en- graved) VICTKA AVSM B [Purchased, 1904] [PI. XL. 21.] 24 64-5 N -lb Drib€KI MSP €A VICTRA AVSM M • [de Salis gift] 25 66.5 N .75 DTIb€KI MSP € VICTRA AVSM* in field L, M • 26 65-4 N .8 DTIb€KI MSP€ A [Purchased, 1904] VICTKA AV^M* in field, M and [PI. XL. 22.]* Tremissis Inscr. Bust of Tiberius III, facing, all as No. 19 (no globus). Inscr. Cross potent ; be- neath, Cqno^ 27 21.7 N .6 DTIb€M AV 1 [de Salis, 1865] VICTA AVC- 352 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 28 29 Weight 222 21-8 30 21-3 31 20-2 32 33 34 35 203 Metal and Size .V .55 N .6 N .6 (base) N -6 Obverse DTIb€KI AA I [Purcliased, 1809] DTIb€ PV DTIb (P€ I ?) Reverse VICTA AV«C» in field 1., M [PI. XL. 23.] VICTA AV^ M [Blacas, 1867] VICTK AV^M in field 1., M 20.5 19-8 21.5 N .5 [alloyed) N .6 N -G N .6 VIN[e?]l •?€ VICTV AVM [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1369] (On rec.^ a graffito, viz., on 1. of cross, X, on r. of cross, PI, evidently tlie name of Christ.) O TlPO .D €0 [Purchased, 1904] 03lb3b A V [de Sails gift] Drib eK IMS [de Salis gift] [PI. Xli. 25.] ■Drib eK IS s [de Salis gift] AII-IVqAOT> 1/ (QoNoV for CONOB) in field r., 6 [PI. XL. 24.] VVMVO AIOTDIV (aonoo) in field r., Z VICTO KIAM (shaft of cross shorter than on preceding coins). - VICTO RIA (shaft as on No. 34). ^ The (lies are ailjusteil ^^, and not /^^^ as usual on the coins of Tiberius III. '^ Nos. 34 and 35 are of the same style as Nos. 71-73 of Justinian II, supra. TIBERIUS III— RAVENNA— M 353 No. Weight Metal and Size 77-6 JE .95 Obverse Reverse VI. RAVENNA M DNTIb(?) AV Bust of Tiberius III, facing- ; wearing- crowu with globus cr., palu- damentum, and cuirass ; in r., spear held before him, sideways ; in 1., shield with liorseman device. [Purchased, 1904J M ibove, [cross] ; in ex., RAV [PI. Xli. 26.] 1 Cp. Thomsen Cat, No. 628; Sab., ii, p. 31, No. 8 ; p. 32, No. 15. Sab. (ii, p. 31. No. 12), also gives obv. Emperor standing, rev. M with monogram of Tiberius 111 and date, year 2. 354 JUSTINIAN II (Second Reign) (FjitST Reion, Septembkr a. d, 685-695) Second Reign, a. d. 705-711 TIBERIUS, son of Justinian II, Augustus, A. D. 705-711 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Rome ; III. Central and South Italy. No. Weight 67. 67-3 Metal and Size N -8 N .8 32-4 AI .7 Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus DNIMSTINIAN HSeTTI bGRIHSPPAw Bust of Justinian II, bearded (on 1.), and bust of Tiberius, Ills son, beard- less (on r.), facing" ; each wears crown with g'lobus cr., mantle, and robe, and each supports with r. hand cross potent on steps, [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1467] [Royal Collection] ' ■DNIhSChSR.€X K€CNA NTIHM- Bust of Christ facing, with cross be- hind head ; hair ar- rang-ed in two rows of curls ; beard close ; wears tunic and man- tle ; r. liand in benedic- tion ; 1. holds book of Gospels. [PI. XLI. 1.] (Without -) [PI. XLI. 2.] Semissis [DNIM]STINIA NMS6T TlbGRIMSPPX Busts of Justinian 11 and Tiberius liis son, facing-, as on the solidus (No. 1) ; each supports with r. liand cross potent surmounting" giobus. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 880] •ONIhSChSReX R€CNA NTIHM Bust of Christ facing- (as on the soli- dus, No. 1). [PI. Xlil. 3.] * Another variety (private collection, 1905) with the head of Tiberius much smaller. JUSTINIAN II (SECOND REIGN)- CONSTANTINOPLE^ M 855 No. Weisrht Metal and i Size 20-6 : A' .65 (pierced) . 20-3 (pierced) 22-3 A^ .65 N 93.5 M .85 57.8 JE -85 Obverse Reverse Tremissis Inscr. Busts of J us- tiniiin II and his son Tiberius, facing-, as on the solidus (No. 1) ; each su])- ports \vith r. liand cross potent with base. Jl(m)NIMSTINIAN MS[€T] [TI]b€RIMS PP HS€TTIbeK HI(.S7V)SPPA UNIUSTINIANMrS] eTTIb€MUS[b?] ■DNIhSChSReX R€C NANTIMM Bust of Clirist facing-, (as on tlie solidus, No. 1). [Lieut.-Col. Koss, 1846] [Purchased, 1904] [l^irchased, 1905] [PI. XLI. 4.] Date Silver aNNSTINIAN [MS €TTIB]6MMSPPA\ Bustsof.IustiuiauII andTiberiushis sun, facing-; all as on the solidus, No. 1. [de Salis g-ift] "DNIhSChSReX R€C NANTIMM Bust of Christ facing- (as on the solidus. No. 1). [PI. XLI, 5.] M DNI4STINIANMS6T i M on 1., A Tlb€MHSP Busts of N Justinian II and N Tiberius his son. O facing-, as on the above, + ; solidus. No. 1 ; each in ex., CON supports with r. hand patriarclial cross surmounting- g-lobus inscribed PAX [de Salis gift] Beneath, B ; 25= on r., X 705' X \( = V) [PI. Xlil. 6.] * Reckoning from a.d. 680 when Justinian II became Augustus (with Constan- tine IV). The date XX in Sab., ii, p. 35, No. 3, and Thomsen Cat., No. 631 is presumably misread: cf. de Saulcy, pp. 123, 124. 356 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal anil Size Obverse Reverse Date 9 62-7 JE .8 (Inscr. obscure ; ends PA?) f Purchased of Rollin, 190-4; evidently the specimen engraved in de Saulc v's Ets.sa /, 1.1. xii. 10 J. Bene-ith, f ; on r., X X V [PI. Xlil. 7.] 25= 705 K DN[mSTINIAN]HS €TTlb€KIMSP Busts of Justinian II and Tiberius his son, facing ; all as on No. 8. I> on 1., A N N above, cross. 10 24-2 M .75 [Nortli\vicksale,1860] Onl., \^( = XXV?)' 25? = 705 [PI. XLI. 8.] II. ROME Tremissis Dl MS Tib Bust of Justinian II, beard- less, (on 1.) and bust of liis son Tiberius, beardless (on r.) ; l)otli facing ; wear- ing crown with cross, mantles and lobes ; thej^ support between them glo- bus inscribed PAX ■DINhSKeX K€C NANTI Bust of Christ facing- with cross behind head ; hair arrang-ed in rows of curls ; beard close ; wears tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gos- pels. surmounted by patriarclial cross. 11 21.2 A^ .G [de Salis o^ift] [PI. XLI. 9.] ' Sab., ii, p. 35, No. 4 describes a specimen stated to read XX. As remarked in the previous note this date is open to doubt. On our No. 10, w and the short stroke on X the left are quite clear. Perhaps ^ = V. The space beneath w has been worn away, and X one cannot say whether there was once there the numeral V, X. Sab., ii, p. 35, No. 5, ... [V] IS a bronze cup-shaped coin. A specimen of this in the Brit. Mus. is of base silver, and is decidedly c«*Y, not struck. JUSTINIAN II (SECOND KEIGN)- ITALIAN— SOLIDUS 357 No. Weight 12 64.5 Metal and Size (pale) Obverse Reverse III. CENTKAL AND SOUTH ITALY Solidus ... MS. in HSTV66KIMS Busts of Justinian II and his son Tiberius, all as on the tremissis No. 11. (Carelessly struck) [PI. Xlil. 10.] VICTORA AVIS Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CoNoB [de Sails gift] 358 PHILIPPICUS (BARDANES) A. I). Tll-JUNK 713 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II, Rome. No. Weight 67-3 694 68.2 69-2 67. (pierced) 67.6 Metal and Size Obverse Reverse N .8 I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus DNFIL6PICMS MHL TM SAN^ Bust of Pliilippi- cus, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with glo- bus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., g-lobus cr. ; in 1. , sceptre surmounted by eag-le with wings spread and cross on head. [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1468] A^ .85 (FIL6PPICMS) [PI. Xlil. 11.] A^ .75 N .8 N .75 N .8 [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904; for- merly Ponton d'Ame- court, Cat. No. 929J [Purcliased, 1904] [Purcluisetl, 1904] VICTOKIA AVSH Cross potent on tliree steps ; beneath, CoNoB At end of inscr., B At end of inscr., S [Blacas, 1867] At end of inscr., Z At end of inscr., I At end of inscr., IB .Vt end of inscr., Sf' * Cp. the solidus (type 3) of Justinian II (first reign), p. 332, supra. ^ With A, Photiades, No. 356: with r, Rolliu and Feuardent (1905). ■■ With zr. Montagu Cat., No. 1173. PHILIPPK US- ROiSFE-SOLIDUS 359 No. Weiffht Metal and Size 314 22-6 58-3 .V .7 M .65 N .8 Obverse Reverse Semissis DNFIL6PICMS MHLT MS AN Bust of Phili])i)icus fjicing-, as on the soli- (lus, No. 1. [de Salis ^ift] VICTORIA AVSVS Cross potent surmount- ing- globus. [PI. XLI. 12.] Tremissis DNFIL6PICHS Bust of Philippic IIS facing, as on the soli- (ius, No. 1. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 882] ViCTORIAAVSMS Cross potent ; beneath, Co NOB [PL XLI. 13.] Bronze Sab., ii, p. 37, No. 6, describes a foUis M of Constantinople, year 1 ; ohv.^ like the solidus. II. ROME Solidus ■D NFILIPI CO [AMT?] Bust of Philippicus, bearded, facing* ; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1. , eagle-headed sceptre. Linear border. [Piircliiisetl, 1905] VICTOKIA AM^H Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CO NOB In field r., star. Linear border.^ [Pl. XIiI. 14.] ' The star points to Rome and the style and lettering are not unworthy of its mint. As to the hostile attitude of the Romans to Philippicus see supra, ' Jntrod.' § 2, ' Philippicus '. For a setnissis (Italian ?) of Philippicus see Sab., PI. 38, No. 15 ; ibid., PI. 38, No. 17 = Rev. mint., 1842, p. 413 ('triens'), and for a tretnissis, Thomsen Cat., No. 633. 3G0 ANASTASIUS II, ARTEMIUS A. D. June TIS-Jaxuaky 716 ' Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Rome ; III. Central and South Italy. No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus 1 67-2 A^ ■lb 2 68-3 N .75 3 68-2 N .8 4 67-3 N .8 5 68. N •8 G 66-5 N •75 7 68.3 N •8 8 69. N •8 X)NAP(.v/c) T6MIHSA NASTASIHSMMLA Bust of Anastasius II, bearded, facing-; wears crown with globus cr., paludamt'utuia, and cuirass; in r.,g-lobuscr. ; in 1., mappa. (Ends MM^) [Cracherode g-ift, 1799] [Purchased, 1904] [Acquired froiuM. Kolliu, 1905 ; previously in Hoffmann Cat., '1898, No. 2245, and Montag-ii Cat., No. 1174.] (Ends MHL) [Purchased, 1904] (Ends MHL) (Ends MHL) VICToKIA AVSM Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CoNoB At end of inscr., B [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., A [PI. XIiI. 15.] At end of inscr. , € At end of inscr. , S (A for A) At end of inscr., Z [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., At end of inscr. , I double-struck. [Purchased, 1905] At end of inscr., 09 [Purchased, 1904] ^ So Bury's ed. of Gibbon's Decline and Fall, v, p. 184. ANASTASIUS II— RONNIE— SOLIDUS 361 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 334 10 11 12 21-8 (pierced) 62. G2. A^ -7 N .6 N .75 N -75 Semissis ■DNAPTeMIHSA NAS TASIMSMML Bust of Anastasius II, facing", as on the solidus, No. 1. [Montagu Cat., 1896, lot 1175] VICTOKIA AVSHS Cross potent surmounting srlobus. [PI. Xlil. 16.] Tremissis ■DNAK'T€MIMSA NAS Bust of Anas- tasius II, facing- ; as on the solidus. No. 1. [H. P. Borrell t'at., 1852, lot 884] - VICTOKIAAVSMS Cross potent; beneath, Co NOB [PI. XIiI. 17.] II. ROME Solidus Inscr. Bust of Anastasius II, bearded, facing- ; Avears croAvn with cross and paludamentumand cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., ma])pa. qNANAS MMLANI [de Salis gift] [D]NAKT1M AST MSAN Inscr. Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CONOB VICTORIA AVSMA on 1. , I ; on r. , star. [PI. XLI. 18.] VCTORIA {sic) AVSMA [Purchased, 1869] [PI. XLI. 19.] ' Here correctly written, instead of the P (i.e. p) that is usually found on the coins "^^n^Photiades Cat., 360 A, is a bronze coin (apparently without inscription) assigned (correctly ?) to Anastasius II. II H 362 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse III. CENTRAL AND SOUTH ITALY Solidus , DAN AS rASIWSPA Bust of Anastasi nsll, facing-, as on No. 1 1. VICTOR AVSM Cross n potent on three steps ; beneath, CONOB; in field r., star. 13 64.3 N -75 [de Salis g-ift] [PI. XLI. 20.] Tremissis DAN ASTASI Bust of Anastasius II, facing-, as on No. 11. VICT RAV Cross potent (shaft short) ; beneath, CONOB, in field r., star. 14 19-3 N -55 [de Salis gift] [PI. XLI. 21.] 363 THEODOSIUS III of Adramytium January 716 — 25 Mauch, 717 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Rome ? Central and South Italy, No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Semissis' ■DNrneo-DO simsmmla Bust of Theodosius III, bearded, facing- ; wear- ing crown with globus cr. and robes of lozeng-e pattern; in r., g-lobus surmounted by patri- archal cross; in 1., V 1 C T R 1 A A V S M S Cross potent surmount- ing- g-lobus. mappa. 1 31-7 (pierced) AI .65 [Blacas, 1867] [PI. Xlill. 1.] Tremissis -DNrneo'DO simsmmla Bust of Theodosius III, bearded, facing-, as on No. 1. VICTORIAAVSMS Cross potent ; beneath, Co NOB 2 21-7 N -6 [Purchased, 1905] [PI. XT.II. 2.] ' It is probable that the solidvs denomination was issued at Constantinople as well as at the mints of Central and South Italy (see infra). But no specimen is in the Brit. Mus. Compare Sab., ii, [,. 41, No. 1; Photiades, No. 361; Ponton dAmecourt, No. 931, but it is not certain that these are of Constantinople. The silver coins attributed by Sab., ii, p. 41, No. 5, and p. 4'2, Nos. 6-8, to Theodosius III, all seem to be of an earlier date, and are doubtless wrongly assigned ; see supra, Heraclius, ' Carthage ', p. 233, note 2. 3G4 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 63.7 Metal and Size N -85 65-7 64-6 N .8 N .75 21- N .6 Obverse Reverse n. ROME ? ; CENTRAL AND SOUTH ITALY Solidus Inscr. Bust of Tlieodo- sius nijbearded, facing, wearing crown with cross &c., as on No. 1. X)rh€ ocrosiMSPA [Purchased, ]864] Inscr. Cross potent on three steps ; beneatli, C0N05 VICTOR. lAV^M in field r., star. [PI. Xlill. 3.] (Flat fabric ; pale greenish gold. This coin may perhaps have been struck at Rome.) dHTheo aosiSAHg (Holds globus with plain cross). [D]NTh€0 OS//AMh (Globus with plain cross). VICTORI AVS; (CON OB) V in field 1., L ; in field r., star. [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1470] [PI. XLII. 4.] VICTOR. AVI- (CON OB) A in field L, L ; in field r., star, [de Salis gift] [PI. XIiII. 5.] Tremissis ■DNTh€... SIOAM Bust of Theodosius III,beard- ed, facing; wears crown [witli cross] and robes of lozenge pat- tern ; in r., globus sur- mountedby plain cross ; in 1., mappa. (Carelessly struck) [PL XLII. 6.] VICTORI .A? Cross potent (with long shaft); beneath, CON OB In field r., star. [de Salis gift] 365 LEO III the Msaurian' (Syrian) 25 March 717—18 June 741 ' (With his son CONSTANTINE V from 25 March 720) Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial class ; III. Rome ; IV. Central and South Italy; Y. Ravenna. [Sicily, p. 369 n.] No. Weight l^^^t"' Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus Type 1 DL60 NP6AV Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing-; wears crown with g-lo- bus cr. and robe of loz- VICTORIA AVSM Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CoNoB Border of dots. eng-e pattern ; in up- raised r., mappa ; in 1. , g-lobus cr. Border of dots. 1 68-7 N .8 [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., S - [PL Xlill. 7.] 2 66- N .75 [Blacas, 1867] At end of inscr., Z [PI. XT.II. 8.] 3 68-2 N .8 [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., 4 64-4 AT .75 (Double-struck) At end of inscr., 1 [Purchased, 1904] • On the chronology see Brooks, in B. Z., viii (1899), p. ^3. Accordnig to A. Lombard, Con&fantin F(1902, p. 2), a.d. 740. -' Photiades Cat., No. 363, describes a specimen with T on the rev. The sohdi here described as type 1, are so classed because the ohv. type resembles the solidus of the preceding reign (Theodosius III), while our type 2 (ohv.) mainly resembles the coins of the succeeding reign (Constantine V) and leads up to type 3. Moreover, a M of type 1 is, according to Sab., ii, p. 49, No. 11, dated ANNO I. 3(;g IxMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 21 ■DNO^ueO NPAMHL Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing ; wears crown witli globus cr. and VICTORIA AVSH Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, CoNoB Border of dots. paludamentum and cuirass ; in r. , globus cr. ; in L, mappa. • Border of dots. 5 68- (pierced) N .8 At end of inscr., \ (?) At end of inscr., A [Purchased, 1904] (I (17.2 N .75 At end of inscr., A ? (Crown has cross only). At end of inscr. , € [de Salis gift] 7 08-2 N .75 At end of inscr., small letter (A ?) Type 3 ; witli bust o Struck circ. a. d CN0L60 NPAMML Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of rings. At end of inscr., G [Purchased, 1904] [PI. XLII. 9.] f CONSTANTINE V . 720 and later =» CNCONS TANriNMS Bust of Constantine V, beardless,facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of rings. 8 ()8. (j)ierced) N .8 C -^N&c. At end of inscr., A At end of inscr. , 1 [Royal collection] ^ tie Salis (Rev. num., 1859. p. 441 f.), followed by Sabatier, considers that this type was struck by Constantine V after the death of Leo 111, and he interprets PA on the obe. as Pater (patri) AtKjusti, i.e. ' Leo III, father of the reigning Emperor Constantine V\ I see no reason (except, perhaps, the change of portrait) why this type should not be assigned to the reign of Leo III whose name it alone bears. PA in accordance with numismatic usage is surely best translated as Perpetuo AuciUiito. On the solidus (type 2) of Leo III assigned to Rome, infra, we find the word P€KPeTHMS, while type 1 of his Constantinople solidus has P€(rpetuo) AV(gusto). When type 2 was introduced the ejaculation MHL was added, and in order to gain space the P€ AV was further abbre- viated as PA. In the next reign the ohv. type of Leo and its accompanying inscriptions were transferred hardly changed to the coins of his son Constantine V. " T)NO, often written "DND, is apparently for domino. Garrucci (Annuaire ^oc. num. franc, 1877-81, p. 506) thinks that it is an engraver's blunder, but it is found also in the following reigns. ^ Type 3 was supposed by de Salis (who assumed that PA must mean Pater Augusti) to have been struck by Constantine V, after the death of his father Leo III ; but it seems to me to be suitable for a coinage of Leo III in association (from a.d. 720) with his young son Constantine V. LEO III— CONSTANTINOPLE -SEMISSIS 367 Weiffht 68- 68-5 G8.7 Metal and Size M -85 N .8 N 'To 68-3 68-7 M .75 M -8 68-6 M -8 15 32.3 Obverse At end of inscr. , Z (CDNL€0 NPAMMLZ) At end of inscr, ") (Border of dots) At end of inscr., small T (Border of dots) [PI. XTjII. 10.] (T) for C) at end of inscr., • (Border of dots) (D for C) (Border?) Revei-se (CNCONS TANriN HG) [Purchased, 1904] (U for C) [Presented bv Mr. Edward Wigan, 1864] (NUNCONS TANriN MS) (Border of dots) [Royal collection] (UONCON SrANriN HN) (Border of dots) [Purchased, 1904] (•DNCONSr ANriN MSM) (Border of dots) [de Sails gift] DNCONSr ANriNHS MA (Border?) [F. Parkes Weber gift, ^ 1906] Semissis (LEO alone, a. d. 717-720) N .65 DUeO NP€AV Bust of LeolII,bearded,facing- ; wears crown with glo- bus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus cr. Border of dots. VICTOKIAAVSHS Cross potent surmounting g-lob us. Border of dots. [PI. Xlill. 11.] 368 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight k; 17 18 54.1 61-6 00-4 Metal and Size N -65 N .85 N -7 Obverse Reverse (With CON STAN TINE V: circ. a. d. 720 or later) ■ONOLEO NPAMHL Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing" ; wears crown witli globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus witli cross pattee ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, lot 888] 1852, T) CONS rANriNM Bust of Constantine V, beardless, facing; wears crown with g-lobus ci'. and paluda- mentum and cuirass ; in r. , g-lobus with cross jjotent ; in 1. , mappa. Border of dots. [PI. XLII. 12.] Bronze For M coins with IM and I>, see Sab., ii, p. 49, No. 11 ; ii, p. 48, No. '6 = Rei'. hehje, 1857, p. 179^ II. PROVINCIAL CLASS Solidus (LEO alone) Inscr. Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing' ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in upraised r., map])a ; in 1. globus cr. Linear border. T) L€eN VKC? (Double-struck) [PI. XLII. 13.] "DLCO (Hair seen on forehead). [Purchased, 1904] VICTORIPk p^msm Cross potent on three steps; beneath, CON OB Linear border. At end of inscr., ; on 1., •*• ; on r., I [Bank of England gift, 1877]- At end of inscr., ; on 1., •*• ; on r., I [Fl. XLII. 14.] ^ A SILVER coin, weight about 51 grains, with the rev. type of the solidi is described in Num. Zeit., i (18G9), p. 428 f. I have not seen the original. * Purchased by the Bank of J. Sambon. LEO III ETC.-PEOVL\CLVL-BIiOXZE 369 No. 19 Weight 64-3 Metal and Size N .75 20 57. {clipped) N .7 21 22 23 79-1 35-7 34-2 JE .7 M .75 JE .7 Obverse Reverse DL€0 NAM (Crown has cross only ; hair seen on forehead). FBorder of dots ?] At end of inscr., € (Border of dots) [Bank of England ffift, 1877]' ^ " ' (With CONSTANTINE V ; a. i>. 720 or later) [DNL€] ONPAMV Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown witli globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; in 1,, mappa. [de Salis g-ift] [DJNOCO NTANTIN (6ic) Bust of Constan- tine V, beardless, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass ; in r., g-lobus cr. ; in 1., mappa. [PI. XLII. 15.] Bronze A A € € O C N n (^yith CONSTANTINE V; a. d. 720 or later) K A UU € N C s n Constantine V, beard- less, standing- facing- ; w^ears crown with globus cr. and long robes ; in r., mappa. [PI. XLII. 16.] Leo III, bearded, stand- ing- facing"; wears crown with globus cr. and long- robes; in r., mai^pa. [Purchased, 1904] [Carapkin, 1853] [^r. J. Borrell, 1852] ■■ * Purchased by the Bank of J. Sambon. In spite of the absence of the linear border this coin seems to me to belong to the Provincial class rather than to Constantinople or Rome. ^ Sicily. The Baron D'Ailly in Rev. num. vii, p. 21, publishes a M coin of Sicily (SCL) with the monogram of Leo. Cp. Sab., ii, p. 48. No. 7. See also A. Sambon in Le Musee, 1906, p. 273. II I 370 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 24 64-6 25 65-1 Metal and Size M v». 20-8 Metal and Size Obverse Reverse N -55 N .5 N .6 N .65 N .55 {alloyed) Type 3 (With CONSTANTINE V, a. d. 720 and later) CNL€ ONPAMMI Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing- ; ^vears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass ; in r. , globus with cross pattee ; in 1., mappa. [Purchased, 1904] . NCON SrANriNH Bust of Constantino V, beardless, facing-; wears crown with giobus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass ; in r., g;lobus with cross potent ; in 1. , mappa. In field r., P [PI. XLIII. 6.] Type 4 (With CONSTANTINE V) Inscr. Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., g-lobus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. DLe[0 PA . M ?] [Purchased, 1904] D NOLE OPAMML [de Salis gift] [PI. XLIII. 7.] DNOue OPAMHL [Purchased, 1904] NOL€ PAMML [Linear border] [de Salis g-jft] Inscr. Bust of Constan- tine V, beardless, facing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. DNOCON TANTIN In field r., star. DNOCONTANTI On each side of head, star ; on r., beneath, star. DNOCON TANTIN In field 1., star ; in field r.,A DNOCONSTANTI In field 1., star; in field r., B (Linear border.) ' The style is not distinctively Roman or Italian, but I occurs also in the field of the Roman solidus, No. 29, supra (cp. Montagu Cat., No. 1187, with C and I, tremissis) ; and the cross potent on the globus may be compared with the cross-potent type of the semisses 38-41. If not Roman, it may be the Constantinople tremissis. 374 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Weierht 17.5 20.8 21-4 18-G 19-6 20-7 64-7 Metal and Size N .6 A^ -55 {(dloyed) N -6 Billon -6 M .6 M .6 A^ .75 Obverse NOL€ PAMHL (Lineal- border.) [de Salis gift] . NOL€ O PAMHL (Linear bordei-. ) [de Salis ^ift] DNOL€0 PAMHL (Linear ))order.) [Purchased, 18G3] [PI. XLIII. 9.] DNOL€ PAMHL (Linear border. ) [de Salis gift] D N0L6 PAMHL (Linear border. ) [de Salis g-ift] DN0L6 PAMHL (Linear border.) [Purchased, 1904] Reverse D NOCON TANT lu field 1., star; in field r., r (Linear border.) [PI. XLIII. 8.] DNOCON TANTI In field 1., star; in fiehl r., A (Linear border. ) DNOCON TANT On 1. of liead, star ; on r. of head € ; on r., beneatli, star. (Linear border. ) D NOCO TANTI On 1. of head, star ; on r. of head, H (Linear border.) D NOCONTANTI On 1. of head, I ; on r, of head, €, beneath which, star. (Linear border.) DNOCONS TA. On 1. of head, A ; on r., cross. (Linear border.)' [PI. XLIII. 10.] IV. CENTRAL AND SOUTH ITALIAN Solidus Type 1 •DL€ON PEAV Bust of VICTRV AV^H Cross Leo III, bearded, facing-; I wears crown with potent on three steps ; globus cr. and robe of beneath, CoNoB lozenge j^attern ; in upraised r., niappa ; in 1., globus cr. (Careless work) [de Salis gift] [PI. XLIII. 11.] ^ For SILVER coins of Rome see Sab., ii, p. 47, No. fi ; PI. 39, 12 ; op. Rev. beige, 1862, p. 201 (rei: Cross, L and four stars; also Sab., ii, p. 47, No. 5 = D'Ailly in jfi!er. num., vii, p. 22 {rev. Km). LEO III ETC.-TTALIAX-SOLIDUS 375 ■vr UnT • 1 *. Metal and No. Weight g.^^ 57 58 59 60 59.2 65-8 G2.2 62-5 N .75 N .75 N -8 N -8 61 I 62 63 60-8 66. 63.2 Obverse EL .8 El. .75 N .85 Reverse Type 2 Inscr. Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing* ; wears crown with giobus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., giobus cr. ; in l.,mappa. DLeOPPA (Crown with cross only). Inscr. Cross potent on three stejDS ; beneath, CoNoB VICTo RACHA On r., star. [de Salis gift] (Flat fabric ; greenish gold) DNOLeO NPAMML* [de Salis gift] •ONOL60 NPAMML [de Salis gift] DLe ONP€A[V] [de Salis gift] VICTOKI ACM n on 1. , r ; on r. , star. [PI. XLIII. 12.] VICTOKI AV^M On 1., star ; on r., A VICToKI[A] .VgM In field r., P ; at end of inscr., star. Type 3; with CONSTANTINE V; A. D. 720 and later Inscr. Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing ; wears crown witli globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; inl.,mappa. Border of dots. DL€ ONP In field r., A (Leo) [de Salis gift] (Inscr. obscure) [Purchased, 1863] .0L€ .€PTO.^ [PI. XLIII. 14.] Inscr. Bust of Constan- tine V, beardless, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., giobus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. . CO NST In field r., K (Constantiue). (Cp. Rev. num.^ 1865, p. 287). [PI. XLIII. 13.] NCON S[NP?] In field r., N OCo NSTO [Purcliased, 1904] 376 BIPERLVL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 19-3 22. 20-7 19-7 20-1 19.8 20-2 Metal and Size N .6 A^ .65 N .6 N .6 N -55 N .5 N -5 Obverse Reverse Tremissis D L€OPA BustofLeoin, bearded, faciug- ; wears crown [with cross] and robe of lozeng'e pattern; in r., f^j-lobus cr. [de Salis ^ift] VICT OKIA Cross potent (shaft siiort) ; beneath, CoNoB On r., star. [PI. Xlilll. 15.] (Flat fabric ; greenish gold) (DL 60PVV) [PI. XLIII. 16.] [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1470] D L60 Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., niappa. [de Salis gift] (Crown with trefoil) (D[L?] NTir) VICT 'KIA Cross potent (sliaft short) ; beneath, CoNoB [PI. XLIII. 17.] (R blundered) [Bank of England gift, 1877] (VICT KAS) On r., star. [de Salis gift] (With CONSTANTINE V ; a. n. 720 and later) Inscr. Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; inl.,mappa. Border of dots. [.NL?]... [PI. XIiIII. 18.] .[L€0?] NPA^M [PI. XLIII. 19.] Inscr. Bust of Constan- tine V, beardless, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and l^aludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. In field r., L [Purchased, 1863] NC. VHA. [Royal Collection] LEO III— KAVENNA -M 377 No. 71 Weiorht Metal and Size 55.4 72 1 75-5 JE -75 .^ .85 Obverse Reverse Bronze [DN]OL€0 PAMHL Bust of Leo III (beard- ed?) facing-; [wears crown with cross ?] and robes; in r. liand, stretched across his body, globus surmount- ed by cross potent. [Northwick sale, 1860] [PL XLIII. 20.] AV^> Cross potent; beneath, [C ?]0NB[0 ?] In field I, ? star.^ in field r.. V. RAVENNA M DL€ ONPeAV Bust of Leo III, bea rded , facing- ; wears crown witli g-lo- bus cr. and rolje of lozeng-e pattern ; in r. , globus cr. [de Salis g-ift] M ; above, cross ; beneath, KAV [PI. Xlilll. 21.] ' Seems Italian in style. A similar specimen published by de Saulcy (PI. 13, 8 ; p. 138) has A on 1. of cross. Perhaps both coins were originally plated with gold or electrum and intended to pass as solidi. 378 CONSTANTINE V, Copronymus 18 Junk 741 '-14 Ski-tembee 775 With his son LEO IV, the 'Khazar', from 751 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. I'lovincial ; III. Rome ; IV. Central and South Italv. No. Weight G8. 2 08-2 N .8 Metal and Size 68-4 67.8 A^ .8 N .75 A^ .75 Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus Type 1 ; a. d. 741-751 L€ ONPAMML Bust of Leo III (fatlier of ConstantiueV'-), beard- ed, facing- ; wears crown witli g'lobus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., cross potent ; in 1., mappa. At end of inscr., H [Pl. Xlilll. 22.] GNCO N SrANriNMS Bust of Constantine V, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass ; inr., cross potent ; in 1., mappa. At end of inscr., \ [Purchased, 1862] (Restruclc, apparently on another solidus of Leo and Constantine ; on rev., remains of inscr ANT.) At end of inscr. , [Purchased, 1904] G L€0 NPAMMLr) Borrell sale, 1852, lot 891] (Inscr. ends S T A N Tl NHK) [Purchased, 1904] (BCO NS TANri NMNC) (Inscr. ends SrANTI NMSK) ' According to Lombard's Constanthi T'(1902j, p. 2, a.d. 7-4U. "^ On the similar solidi struck by Leo 111 himself, with rev. bust of his son Con- stantine V (Leo 111, sui)y(t, type o, p. 3G6), each figure holds the globus instead of the cross potent. Moreover, Constantine during his father's lifetime was represented beardless, here (No. 1) he is bearded. CONSTANTINE V ETC.-C0NSTAXTL\0PLE-SEMI8SIS 379 No. Weight ()8-7 G7. Metal and Size N .75 .V .75 7 I G8. 69.2 (;9-2 10 ! (J8. N .75 .V M (D N .8 11 :J0.9 N Obverse (G L€0 NPAMHL-) (G L€0 NPAMWLX) Reverse (At end of inscr., '^) [Blacas, 1867] (At end of inscr., pellf^t) [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1366] Type -J; \Yitli LEO IV, a. d. 751 and later Le ONPAMML Bust of Leo in (father of Coiistaiitine V) beard- ed, facing- ; wearscrown witli g-lobus cr. and robe of lozcng-e pattern ; in r., cross potent. At end of inscr., ]teUet. [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr. , [Royal Collection] [PI. XLIII. 23.] At end of inscr., B ^ (A altered to B ?) [Bank of Eno-land g-ift, 1877] At end of inscr., [Jjord Elg-in] cohsrAhrihosSL€Oh oneos' On i., bust of ConstantineVJx'anled, facing-; on r., Inist of his son Leo lA', beard- less, facing-; ciich wears crown with globus cr. and paludanicntuui and cuii-ass ; above, cross. (Head of Leo IV small.) (Head of Leo IV small) ; between lieads, • (cohsrAriNos &c.) (Heads of equal size) ; between heads, * (Heads of e(|ual size) Between lieads, • [PI. XLIV. 1.] Semissis" DNOL€0 NPAMML Bust of Leo III ; Ijeard- ed, facing- ; w^ears crown with g-lobus cr. and paludamentum and cuirass; in r., globus cr. ; [in 1., ma]:)pa]. [Hlacas. 1• pe 2 Inscr. Bust of Leo III, Inscr. Bust of Con- bearded, facing- ; stantine V, beard- wears crown with less, facing; in globus cr. and ixilu- front, railing rest- damentum, and ing on the numeral cuirass : in r., o-lo- M ' ; wears crown bus cr. ; in 1.. with globus cr. and mappa. l^aludamentum and cuirass; in r., giobus cr. On cacli end of the railing, giobus ornament ; on r., small cross. On 1. of M, A N N on r., X X X 16 181. JE 1-2 (Inscr. obscure) [PI. XIiIV. 7 rev.] (Rest ANTINM beneath M, B ruck) 30= 749 50 17 127-2 JE 1- •DNOL€0 NPAMHL [de Salis gift] ■DNCONST ANT... beneath M, A [PI. XlilV. 8.] 30= 749 '50 18 48-8 JE •7 (Obscure) [Purchased, 1904] "DNOC (M and date partly off flan). [30= 749/50] 19 64-2 JE •8 (Obscure) [de Salis gift] ■DNCON STANT. beneath M, A [PI. XlilV. 9.] 30= 749 50 20 87-3 JE •85 ...L€0 NPAMML [de Salis gift] ■DNCO beneath M, A 30= 749/50 21 45-8 JE •66 •DNL€0 NPA... [de Salis gift] ■DNCON STAN . . (AN for ANN) beneath M, A 30= 749/50 22 19-8 ^ •5 (Inscr. off flan) (Inscr., date &c. off 749/50] [de Salis gift] ' flan) [PI. XIiIV. 10.] ' The intention seems to be to represent the Emperor seated or standing in a balcony (as, e.g., on a relief on the obelisk of Theodosius in the Hippodrome at Constantinople) or in a kind of pulpit. "^ This specimen was engraved in Sab., PL XL, 5 ; ii, p. 52, No. 27. IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 23 24 32-2 29-6 36.1 26 59-2 JE JE .7 JE .65 jE -8 Obverse Reverse Type 3 ; with LEO IV, a. d. 751 or later (No inscr.) On 1., bust of ConstautlneV, beard- ed, facing- ; on r. , bust of his son Leo IV, beardless, facing- ; each wears crown with glo- bus cr. and paludamen- tum and cuirass ; aljove, cross. [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis g-ift] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1081] (No inscr.) Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing; in front, railing- placed above M ; Avt^ars crown with g-lobus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern; in r. , cross potent. On r., small cross. On 1. of M, X; onr. of M, N (i.e. XPICTOC Nl KA). Beneath M, A [PI. XLIV. 11 rec] Beneath M, A [PI. XLIV. 12.] Beneath M cross on r [PI. XLIV A ; beneath two pellets 13.] Type 4; witli LEO IV, after a. d. 751 (No inscr.) Cunstan- tine V, and Leo IV, seated facing- on double throne ; above, cross. Eacli wears crown with g-lobus cr. and long- robes. [Constantine V, bearded ; Leo TV, beard- less.] [de Salis g-ift] [PI. XLIV. 14.] (No inscr.) Bust of Leo III, bearded , fa c i ng- ; in front, railing- placed above M ; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent. On 1. of M, X ; on r. of M, N Beneath M, A ; above railing on 1., pellet; above railing on r., two pellets. CONSTANTINE V ETC.-PliOMNCIAL-SOLIDUS 383 No. Weight 28 29 30 31 20-2 59-1 58-6 {pierced) 59- 49- {pieyced) Metal and Size M .6 A^ .8 A^ -85 N -85 A\ -8 Obverse Reverse CON STAN Tl Bust of Constantine Y, beard- less, facing-; wears mantle, robe and crown with g-lobus cr. ; in r., globus cr. [in 1., mappa ?]. [de Salis g-ift] K X N X N X N (Inscr. &c. confused throug-h double-strik- ing- or restriking-) ' ; in front of K, small cross. [PL XlilV. 15.] II. PRO\n[NCIAL Solldus (Witli LEO IV, A. D. 751 and later) Inscr. Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with g-loljus cr. and robe of lozeng-e pattern; in r., cross potent. G [N] OL 60NPAM [Campana sale, 18-lG, lot 1372] G .OL eONPAM[H] [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1472] G [N]OL eONPAM [Royal Collection] Inscr, On 1., bust of ConstantineV,bearded, facing- ; on r., bust of Leo IV, beardless. Each wears crown witli g-lo- bus cr., mantle anil robe ; above, cross. CO V- N A ..[GON?] [Pl. XLIV. 16.] CO I (Inscr. partly clipped) CO €0 (inscr. j)artly clipped) [G N?]OL CON[AII ?] (Inscr. obscure) [H. P. Borrell] (Probably an ancient forgery, formerly plated or gilded to pass as a solidus). I ' Inscription obscure; perhaps=year 30 ; or XPICTOC NIKA as on coins of Irene. infra. 384 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weigrht 32 l>9. 33 34 Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Semissis N .65 34.4 54.1 M .6 JE [DN OL] €ONPAM Bust of Leo III, beard- ed, facing-; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; [in 1., mappa]. [de Salis gift] [S?]TAHT Bust of Constantine V, beard- less, facing; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., globus with cross potent; in 1., mappa. [PI. XLIV. 17.] Bronze Type 1 K A UU € N C [S] n ConstantineY, bearded, standing facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and long robes; in r., mappa. [de Salis gift] [A] [A] € € O C N [n] Leo III, bearded,' stand- ing facing; wears [crown with globus cr.] and long robes ; in r. , mappa. [PI. XLIV. 18.] Type 2 (With LEO IV, circ. a. d. 751) K A UU € A [A] N C o c [S] n ConstantineY, bearded, N [n] Leo IV, beardless. standing facing; wears standing facing ; wears [crown with globus cr.] [crown with globus cr.] and long robes; in r.. and long robes; in i-., )iiap])a. mappa. •7 [de Salis gift] [PI. XLIV. 19.] ^ Sometimes, as hei-e, where there is a doubt as to the beard, its existence may be inferred from the presence of the moustache which is generally clearly discei*nible. Weight CONSTANTINE V ETC.-PIIOYIXCIAL-BRONZE Reverse 385 42.7 35. 44. 35-2 51-2 44- .36.1 40. 46.7 39. Metal and Size 48.3 ^ •75 45- JE .75 56. M •75 M .75 M M M M 7 7 7 8 75 7 75 JE -7 Obverse JE .75 I (O for ID) Type 3 ; with LEO K(onl.); A(onr.) UU N On 1., Constantine \', bearded, standing-' facing-; on r., Leo IV, beardless, standing- facing-. Above, cross. Each wears crown with g-lobus cr. and long- robes and holds in r., mappa. [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] (O for UU) [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] [Sir \y. Lloyd's sale, 1857] [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [Louis Eraser, 1847] - [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1081] IV; after a. d A A € € C N n 751 Leo in, bearded, stand- ing-' facing-; wears crown witli globus cr. and long robes ; in r., cross potent. [PI. XLIV. 20.] (A € [Pl. XlilV. 21.] N) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1081] [Campkiu, 1853] ' The full length of the figure is not shown owing to the insufficient size of the flan. For the same reason the inscriptions are rarely complete. '^ This purchase included some earlier Byzantine coins of Carthage, &c. II 886 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 48 49 50 51 Weight 52 53 54 55 56 36-7 44-4 39. 38-1 644 65-6 49-5 54-6 61-1 Metal and Size M .8 JE .7 (brass) JE -7 JE .75 El .8 {pale) El or M •9 Potin .85 Potin .75 JE -75 Obverse (o for UU) [Northwick sale, 1860] (Above Ijeo IV, pellet) [Northwick sale, 1860] Reverse [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] [PL XLIV. 22.] in field r., I [Northwick sale, 1860] (A instead of A€ON) III. ROME Solidus Type 1 D NOLe PAMLJL Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown ^\ith cross, mantle and robe ; in r. , g-lobus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. On 1., K ; on r., I On 1. , R ; on r. , I [Purchased, 1850] D NOCON TANTI Bust of Constantine V, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r., g-lobus cr. ; ink, mappa. Linear border. (Ends TANTI N) [Purchased, 1863] (D NOL€ PAMgL')(m') (Border of dots). [PI. XLV. 1.] (Crown has trefoil for cross) j on 1., I ; on r. , <^ (Linear border). (Crown lias trefoil for cross); onl., I ; onr., d^ (Linear border). In field r., P (eng-raved in Sab., PL 40, 1; ii, p. 51, No. 23). (DNO&c. for D NO &c.) (Crown has trefoil for cross\ [Northwick sale, 1860] ' [PI. XliV. 2.] (DNO &c.) (Crown has trefoil for cross), [de Salis gift] (DNO &c.) [de Salis gift] ^ The name of Leo has, through a blunder, been here engraved, but the bust is that of Constantine V, as on No. 62. ^ Nos. 54-58 possibly belong to some Italian mint other than Rome, or may be contemiioiary forgeries. CONSTANTINE V ETC.-KOME-TKEMISSIS 887 No. D( Weight 05. 58 55. Metal and Size JE .8 59 El or M •85 64-4 60 N .8 20-3 M .6 (base) Obverse (NOL€OMMaC;crowu has trefoil for cross ; barbarous Avork). (DNO &c. ; crown has trefoil for cross ; wears mantle and robe of lozenrre pattern ; g-lobus cr. and mappa omitted) ; in field r., A Reverse (OCOH AMI ; crown has trefoil for cross ; bar- barous work), [de Salis g-ift] [PI. XliV. 3. J (DNO &c. Border of dots). de Salis g-iftj PI. XLV. 4.] Type 2; with LEO IV; circ. A. d. 751 or later CONST L60PP Onl., bust of Constantine V, bearded, facing- ; on r., smaller bust of Leo IV, beardless, facing-. Eacii wears crown with g-lo- bus cr. and draj^ery. Between their heads, small cross and pellet. Above, hand emerg-ing- from the border of dots (i.e. hand of God the Father blessing- the Emperors). Border of dots. [de Salis g-ift] IVCTOR lAVCTO Cross potent on three steps ; on 1. , star ; on r., K; beneath, Co NOB Linear border.^ [PI. XLV. 5.] Tremissis Type 1 DNOL€ PAMML Bust of Leo III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with trefoil, mantle and robe ; in r., g-lo1)us cr. ; in 1., mappa. (Ornament of crown off flan) (g-lobus blun- dered) ; in field r., K DNOCON TANTI Bust of Constantine V, bearded, facings ; wears crown with trefoil, mantle and robe ; in r. , g-lobus cr. ; ink, mappa. (DNOC ) (Orna- ment of crown off flan) [Northwick sale, 1860] [PI. XLV. 6.] For two slight varieties see de Saulcy, PL XIV, 6, and Sab., PI. XL, 2-2 : p. 61, No. 1. 388 IxVlPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 61 ()-i Weight 63 64 65 21. 09. Metal and Size 21- 21-2 19-3 El 55 (base) N .5 (base) N -55 (base) El -55 {■pale) El .55 (bane) Obverse 111 field r., dK [de Sails gift] ' (Wears luantle aiid rolje of lozenge pattern; niappa omitted) ; in field r., A Reverse [PI. XIiV. 7.] [Purchased, 1863] [PI. XliV. 8.] Type 2 D NOCO[S.?] TANTIN Bust of Constantine Y, bearded, facing ; wears crown witli cross, mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1. , mappa. Linear border. [de Salis gift] (D NOCON TINS) TAN VICTOK lAVCT Cross jjotent ; beneath, CON OB ; in field 1., star ; in field r., R Linear border. [PI. XLV. 9.] (VICTORI AV^TO) (Border of dots) [Blacas, 1867] Type 3; witli LEO IV; a. d. 751 or later On 1., bust of Constan- tine V, bearded ; on r., smaller bust of Leo lY, witli moustache, both facing. Each wears crown with trefoil, mantle and robe. Abovt', cross. [Purchased, Rollln, 1863 ; engraved in Sab. , PI. 70, No: 21 ; vol. ii, p. 343] VI[CT]ORI AV^TO Cross potent on globe resting ou three steps ; beneath, [C]ONOB On 1., K; on r., m. Border of dots."* [PI. XLV. 10.] ' Corresponds to the solidus No. 54, supra. ^ Corresponds to the solidus No. 58, siqyra. ^ Cp. the solidus, No. 59, supra, and the rev. (cross potent and ?JCT\) of the earliest known papal coin, namely the denarius of Pope Adrian 1, A. D. 772-95 (Brit. Mus.; Engel and Serrure, Traite de num., i, p. 284). CONSTANTINE V-ITALIAN-TREMISSIS 389 AV eight 6.2 7.3 7-(i 4. •_>4. 19-8 Metal and Size A{ -35 M -5 Al 45 Ai 4 .E -aS .E .5 Ai- -6 Obverse Reverae Silver Bust of Constautine V, beardless, facing-; wears crown and robe of lozeno-e pattern. Border of rings. [de Salis gift] [de Salis g-ift] [de Salis g-ift] [Purchased, 1867] Cross conjoined witli K ; on 1., star. Border of ring-s. [PI. XLV. 11.] [PI. XLV. 12.] XXX (?) Bust of Constantine V, bearded, facing- ; wears crown, mantle and robe. [Baron Kolb, 1847] ' [J. G. Pfister, 1855] XXX(?) in ex., [K]onn (Carelessly struck on rectangular flan) [PI. XIiV. 13.] (Carelessly struck on rectangular flan) IV. ( ENTRAL AND SOUTH ITALY Tremissis luscr. Bust of Constan- tine V, bearded, facing; wears crown, mantle and robe ; in r. , globus cr. ; in 1., niappa. C NCO NS. [Purchased, 1904] Inscr. Cross potent ; beneath, CoNoB VICrO ..A; onr., I€ ' Purchased with numerous coins of Italy. The dies on Nos. 70 and 71 are adjusted ■^^ instead of ^^l^ as usual. - Nos. 7-2-G are debased electrum, practically silver. 390 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 73 74 75 174 214 18-2 20.8 M .55 M -55 Ai .6 M -6 NC [de Salis yift] . NSAH [Baron Koll), 1847J ' N [de Salis g-ift] VIC. ..A; onr., I€ [AyjSAH (CON OB?); our., A [PI. XliV. 14.] ... RrASAC [CO NOB?] on r., A 76 ON H[rrOP.?] (Bar- barous; lono-, pointed beard) VIC. [OA?]; our., H [Purchased, 1863] [PI. XliV. 15.] ^ Purchased with numerous coins of Italy. Cp. Sab., ii, p. 56, No. 30, with B on rev. 391 ARTAVASDES (son-in-law of Leo III) 27 Junk 742 ?-744 ? ' With NICEPHORUS his son No coins in the Britisli Museum; the following are described from plaster casts of specimens in the French collection. Cp. Sab., ii, pp. 57-59. Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Rome. No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus GAPrAMA S'DOSMHLr Bust of Artavasdes facing with moustache and slight beard ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; r. holds patriarchal cross before his breast. Border of ring's. Bibl. Nat., Paris. PL XLV. 16. Montagu Cat., Nos. 1190, 1191.) CNIChbOR MSMWUrHA Bust of Nicepfioras, beard- less, facing ; wears crown withglobus cr., mantle and robe ; r. holds patriarchal cross before his breast. Border of rinsfs. (Cp. specimens in Silver lhSMS[X]RIS TMSmCA Cross potent on three steps. Three borders of rings. AKr AMASDO SShlChF 0K0S6C eCHbAS ILIS+ within borders of rings. Bibl. Nat., Paris. Size 1- inch. PI. XLV. 17. three ' So Mr. E. W. Brooks in B. Z., viii (1899). pp. 84, 85, 97. Lombard, Con.-^fantin V (1902), chap, iii, gives his date as from (June ?) 741 to 742. 392 IMPERIAL BYZAXTLM: COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse II. ROME Solidus Type 1 D NOAKT AMAS"DO Bust of Artavasdes, beard- ed, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe : in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Linear border. D NOCONTANTINM Bust of Constantine V, beardless, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r., globus ci*. ; in 1., mappa. On r. and 1., star. Linear border. Bibl. Nat., Paris.' PI. XLV. 18. D NOAKT AMAST)© Bust of Artavasdes, beard- ed, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Linear border. Type 2 D NONI CIFORO Bust of Nicephorus, beard- less, facing; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. On r. and 1., star. Linear border. Bibl. Nat., Paris.'^ PI. XLV. 19. ^ This solidus, like the next, is closely modelled on the Roman solidi of Leo III in conjunction with Constantine V. The appearance here of Constantine V in conjunction with his opponent Artavasdes is strange, but is probably due to a mistake of the engraver, who mechanically copied the head and legend from the solidi of Leo III and Con- stantine V. In type 2 Constantine V disappears in favour of Nicephorus, though both busts (except for the inscription) are practically identical. y(^ - Also a smaller denomination of this type (tremissis ?) : see Sab., ii, p. 58, No. 3. 1 t-tJ< e<^ t^-u.^4^x^ ''i ^ ce^e-^y^^-T^t-*^ v-ju^-^ /^t<, ^< 393 LEO IV, the Khazar 14 Sept. 775—8 Sept. 780 With his son CONSTANTINE VI, from 24 Apeil, 776 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse •5 N .8 67-4 N .85 CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus Inscr. On 1., bust of Leo IV, bearded, facing- ; on r., bust of Constan- tine VI, beardless, facing-. Above, cross. Each wears crown with cross, mantle and robe. Type 1 (four busts) Inscr. On 1., bust of LeoIII, bearded, facing; on r., bust of Constan- tino V, bearded, facing-. Above, cross. Each wears crown with cross and robe of lozeng-e pat- tern. Leohvsses[s pjoncon srAhrmosoheo[S] Between busts, two jjellets (or one pellet double-struck). LGOhVSSGSSOhCOhSr AhrihOSOneOS Be- tween busts, pellet. LeohPAP/cohsrAhr OC [PArHR.]^ Between them, pellet. [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1473] [PI. XIiV. 20.] L€OhPAP/cohsrAhr IhOSPArHRe Between busts, \ ^ On the solidi of this reign two Leos and two Constantines are represented, but each is accompanied by a distinguishing epithet. Leo III is called the ' grandfather ' {Trd-mroi}, and Constantine V the 'father' {naTt'jp) of the reigning Emperor Leo IV. Constan- tino VI, Leo IV's young son, is described as 6 vtos. The name of Leo IV himself is followed by an enigmatic inscription which seems to be rightly read VSS€SSOh (sometimes VOSSESSOh ; on No. 6. VSS€SOh). Friedlaender {Zeit.fur Xitm., iv, p. 150) has interpreted VS (or VOS) as vlos, and this is a probable abbreviation, though one would have hardly expected an epithet ot relationship to be applied to Leo IV, as his 'sonship' is already implied in ndnnos and waTrjp. The rest of the insciiption, S€SSOh, is explained by Friedlaender as, perhaps, a participle a-ea-acov connected with aeua-os ' the Imperial throne '. But no such verb is known. Possibly the second S may be the sign of et or Knl (as it is on the Ai of this Emperor, and elsewhere), and we might read VS S €SSOh, i.e. vlos K(u ryo-crcof. But this is not very satisfactory. n ii 394 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 67.1 67.3 64.3 68. (pierced) 32.7 Metal and Size N .85 A^ .8 N .85 N -85 Al 1. Obverse Reverse Type 2 (two fi^-ures and two l:iusts) Inscr. Leo IV and Con- stantino VI, seated facing',ondouble tlirone. Above, cross. Each wears crown with cross, mantle and robe. Leo IV (on 1.) is bearded; Constantino VI (on r.) is beardless. L€....S€SSOhCOhSrAh riNosoneos [PI. XIiV. 21.] L€OhVSS srAh rmosoheos On i. of throne, pellet ; on r. of throne, pellet and B L€OnV[0?]SS[€]SSOh CONS L€OhVSS€SOnCOhSrA hrmosoneos On i. of tlirone, pellet ; on r. of throne, pellet and B Inscr. On 1., bust of Leo III, bearded, facing; on r., bust of Constan- tino V, bearded, facing-. Above, cross. Each wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern. L€OhPAPCOhsrAhrih OSPATHK Between busts, pellet. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 892] L€Oh AhrihOS PArHK Between busts, pellet. [Purchased, 1905] [PI. XLVI. 1.] L60hPA Between busts, pellet. [Royal Collection] L€OhPAPCOhsrAhri hOSPArHR Between busts, two pellets (,,). [Purchased, 1905] Silver' IhSMSXPIS rwshiCA Cross potent on three steps. Three borders of rin^fs. [H. P. Borrell] [PI. XIiVI. 2.J L€Oh scohsr Ahrinee Ce€WbA SILIS within three borders of rings. Pellet at end of inscr. (letters thin). ^ Nos. 7, 9, 10 (but not No. 8) have the dies adjusted ^^, not ^^ as usual. Cp. Silver of Constantine V, p. 380, sujira, note. LEO IV, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE— M 895 No. Weiffht 28-9 {pierced I 29- 29-3 79-5 69- 79. 29-4 Metal and Size M 1. M -9 Al -85 M -95 M .9 M .95 JE .65 Obverse [F. Parkes Weber g-ift, 1906= Sotheby's, sale, 11 Feb. 1889, lot 126] [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1189] [Acquired in 1839] Reverse (EndsSILlS*) Bronze M Type 1 (four busts) On 1., bust of Leo IV, bearded, facing- ; on r. , bust of Constantine VI, beardless, facing-. Above, cross. Each wears crown with cross, mantle and robe. Pellet between busts. [Purchased, 1904] Pellet between busts. Pellet between busts. B A On 1., bust of Leo III, bearded, facing-; on r. , bust of Constan- tine V, bearded, facing. Each wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge jDattern. Above, cross. In front, resting- on the numeral M, a bar with g-lobularterminations ' ; onl. of M, X ; onr., N Beneath M, A [PL XliVI. 3.] Beneath M, A Beneath M, A [Sotheby's, sale, 31 Jan. 1853, lot 318] (Without BA?); beneath M, A [Presented by the Hon. J. L. Warren, 1859] (Small module ; types, &c. on smaller scale than Nos. 11-13) ' ProbaVjly representing a railing as on the JE coins (p. 381) of Constantine V. BA = BASILIS; XN = XPISrHS hlCA. 39G IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Tyi^e 2 (two figures and two busts) Leo IV and Constantine VI seated facing-, on double throne. Above, cross. Each wears On 1., bust of Leo III, bearded, facing ; on r., bust of Constantine V, bearded, facing. Eacli crown with cross, man- tle and robe. Leo IV (on 1.) is bearded ; Constantine VI (on r.) is beardless. wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pat- tern. Above, cross. In front, bar resting on the numeral M ; on 1. of M, X ; on r., N ; on r. and 1. of busts, • Beneath M, A 15 97-5 JE .9 [de Salis gift] [PI. XLVI. 4.] 16 68. JE .9 17 50-3 JE .85 On r. of throne, pellet. [de Salis gift] 397 CONSTANTINE VI and his mother IRENE of Athens 8 Sept. 780—15 Aug. 797 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus Type 1 (two busts and three figures)' Inscr. On 1., bust of Inscr. Three figures Constantine VI, beard- seated facing, namely, less, facing ; on r., bust Leo in, Constantine V, of Irene, facing. Con- and Leo IV (the great- stantine wears crown grandfather, grand- with cross, mantle and father and father of robe, and holds in r. Constantine VI). Eacli globus cr. Irene wears is bearded and wears crown, adorned with crown with cross, man- cross and four project- tle and robe. ing ornaments, and robe of lozenge pattern; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., cruciform sceptre. Between each bust, pellet ; above, cross. 1 67-6 M .8 cohsrAhrihosrA si SVhic [h.^i.Avr^m. {pierced) K'' (The globus cr. in Irene's r. omitted). rHR[A?] = [Purchased, 1904] [PI. XL VI. 5.] 2 63-5 N .8 [cohjSTAT m Avrm cohsr[Ah]rihoscs. (pierced) TA [Purchased, 1868] 3 67-8 N .8 SI[K?] 1 hl[A?]€5. lA/ cons TAhos Cfnnos [Blacas, 1867] * The three figures connect this type with the two figures on type 2 (solidi) of the last reign. "^ The legends on the solidi of Constantine and Irene do not seem to have been published very accurately, nor have I been able to make them out completely on the Brit. Mus. coins. On No. 1 SIK=ET IRENE; SVmC = ZY NIKA. On No. 2 the abbreviated words may be CajT€P (or CHRISTE) ZY BOHGei. No. 3 {ohv.) is not well preserved. It appears to contain the name of Irene. 398 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No, Weight Metal and Size 66- (pierced) 67-9 N -75 41. 33-5 M -9 Al -8 Obverse Reverse Type 2 (bust on each side) Inscr. Bust of Constan- tine VI, beardless, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; in L, mappa. cohsrAh rmosbASj A/ -75 cohsrAh rmosbAS^e Inscr. Bust of Irene, facing- ; wears crown, adorned with cross and four projecting" orna- ments, and dress of lozenge pattern ; in r. , globus cr. ; in 1., cruciform sceptre. HRHhl AVCMrR. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 893] iKihH Arovsri' [Blacas, 1867] [PI. XLVI. 6.] Silver^ IhSMSXKIS TMShlCA Cross potent on three steps. Three borders of rino's. (Two borders) [PI. XLVI. 7.] cons rAhrmo ssiKihie eceesbA SILIS+ within three borders of ring's. (Last two lines CGEMbA SILIS ) [Purchased, 1906] [Campana sale, 1846, lot (Letters thin) 1189] j (Inscr. on obv. and I rev. double-struck) ' Cp. the inscription (probably of this Irene) on one of the towers of Constantinople (A.VanMillingen,£2/«.CoMs^.,p.99f.):-HPINHC THC EYCEBECTATHC HMaN AVrOYCTHC. 2 The dies of Nos. 6 and 7 are adjusted /[^^ instead of the usual y[^^. Cp. Silver of Leo IV, p. .394, note, supra. CONSTANTINE VI, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE— M 399 No. Weiffht 564 36-2 (worn) 10 11 33. 37. Metal and Size M .8 JE .75 JE .7 JE .8 Obverse Reverse Bronze M Type 1 (obv., two busts ; re v., three busts) (No inscr.) Busts of Con- stantine VI and Irene, facing- ; all as on No. 2. [de Sails gift] [de Salis gift] (No. inscr.) Three busts facing, namely, Leo III, Constantino V, and Leo rV. Each bearded and wearing crown with cross, mantle and robe. In front, l^ar resting on numeral M ; on 1. of which, X ; on r., N Beneath M, A [PI. XLVI. 8.] Beneath M, A Ty[:e 2 (obv., bust; rec, bust) (No inscr.) Bust of Irene, facing ; av ears crown (with cross and four projections) and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., cruciform scejitre. [de Salis gift] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1082] (No inscr.) Bust of Con- stantino VI, beardless, facing ; w^ears crown [with cross], mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. In front, bar rest- ing on M ; on 1. of which, X ; on r. , N Above bar, on 1., pellet ; on r., pellet and cross. Beneath M, A [PI. XLVI. 9.] Beneath M, A 400 IRENE (sole reign) 15 Aug. 797—31 Oct. 802 No. Weisrht Metal and Size 67-6 N -75 61-6 M .85 Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus 6IPINH bASILISSH Bust of Irene, facing ; wears crown (with cross and two projec- tions) and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., cruci- form sceptre. At end of inscr. , ® ^ ; on 1. , 13ellet. eiKlhH bASILISSH Bust of Irene, facing ; all as on obverse. [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 895] [PI. XliVI. 10.] M €IPI hHbASj Bust of Irene, facing ; all as on No. 1. [W. M. R Petrie, 1880] M above, cross ; beneath, A on r., N ; on 1., X N X N X [PI. XL VI. 11.] * Also with X, Montagu Cat., No. 1196, and specimens 'dans le commerce '. ''■ This inscription is evidently modelled on the familiar inscription of earlier bronze coins, e.g. the A X of Constantine V, and it is, at first sight, natural to see in it a date : N X N X XXX would be equivalent to 30, and A (the usual indication of the officina) would be employed as the initial of «n«/s (NNN). The thirtieth year of Irene's reign (reckoned from 17 December, 768, the date of her coronation soon after marriage to Leo IV) corresponds to 798/99 A. D. In this case therefore ' XXX ' might well be a date. In the very next reign, however, and in several subsequent reigns, XXX NNN are used by Emperors who reigned for a much shorter period than thirty years. It becomes doubtful, tbei'efore, whether (even in the case of Irene) XXX can be a date, and it seems best to adopt the explanation of Paul Lambros (cp. Rev. nion., 1859, p. 210) that XN means Xptaros vikS, as it undoubtedly does on the bronze coins struck by Irene in conjunction with Constan- tine VI, only it is here fhfice repeated. (Or XN may be Xptore vUn : cp. an inscription (temp. Leo 111 ?) on a city-tower of Constantinople (Van Millingen, Byz. Const., p. 100) : — xpicTe CO eeoc atapaxon kai AnoAeivioN oyaatte thn nOAIN COY NIKA TO MENOC TOJN nOAEMlOjN.) 401 NICEPHORUS I 31 Oct. 802—26 July 811 STAURACIUS (his son) Dec. 803—2 Oct. 811 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial ; III. Italian. A. NICEPHORUS I (alone) 31 Oct. 802 -Dec. 803 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus NICI FOKOSbASLE Bust of Nicephorus, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr,, mantle and robe ; in r., cross potent ; in 1., mappa. mSMSXPIS TMSmCA Cross potent on three steps. 1 65-5 (pierced) N .8 [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 896] At end of inscr., X ' [PI. XLVI. 12.] M m CI FOR./ bAS/ Bust of Nicephorus, bearded, facing- ; as on No. 1. M above, cross ; beneath, A ; on 1., X ; on r., N '^ X N X N 2 66-2 (u-orn) JE .85 [de Salis gift] (Cross long-er [as on JE of Irene] than on No. 3). 3 115. M .95 [Purchased, 1904] [PL XliVI. 13.] ' With e on ret:, Rev. beige, 1857, p. 184. ' On the inscription see note on M coins of Irene, p. 400, supra. II N 402 B. NICEPHORUS I and STAURACIUS Dec. 803-811 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE t Solidus hICI FOKOSbASILC^ Bust of Nicepliorus I, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., SrAVKA CIS"D€SPOj Bust of Stauracius, beardless,facing; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., cross potent; in 1., globus cr. ; in 1., niapi^a. mappa. 4 67. N .8 In field 1., pellet. At end of inscr., € [PI. XLVI. 14.] 5 67.6 M -85 In field L, peUet. At end of inscr,, € 6 68. N .9 In field 1., pellet. At end of inscr., € [Bank of England gift, 1877] [PI. XLVI. 15.] (Flat, spread fabric ; possibly Italian) 7 67. N .75 [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr. , 8 68.3 N .8 [Purchased, 1904] At end of inscr., X 9 67.4 N -75 In field 1., pellet. At end of inscr., X [Lieut. -Col. Ross, 1846] 10 67.5 N .8 In field 1., pellet. (Ends -OeSPOX) [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] NICEPHORUS AND STAURxiCIUS— PROYIXCIAL-BRONZE 403 No. Weight Metal and Size 11 59.3 1-2 27-6 N .75 A^ .6 13 14 6I.5 59.5 M .9 M -85 Obverse Reverse II. PROVINCIAL Solidus ....bAS BustofNice- phorus,beardecl, facing' ; as on No. 4. Double-struck. . . . . SbAS ' Bust of Stauracius, beardless, facing- ; as on No. 4. (Mappa rudely executed") [de Salis g-ift] Tremissis hIC FoKoS.. Bust of Nicepliorus, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr., mantle and robe ; in r. , globus surmounted by cross pattee ; in 1. , mappa. [Purchased, 1862] ST AMRACI Bust of Stauracius, beardless, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., globus surmounted by cross potent ; in 1., maj)pa. [PI. XL VI. 16.] Bronze N I K H Bust of Nicephorus, bearded, facing; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent. [de Salis gift] (H for N) T A V P Bust of Stauracius, beardless,facing; wears crown with cross, man- tle and robe ; in r., g-lobus cr. [Purcliased, 1904] [PI. XL VI. 17.] 1 Inscriptions very doubtful, but tlie types are suitable to this reign. 404 IMPERIAL liYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse III. ITALIAN Solidus AlC [F.?]0R08PAne Bust of Nicephorus, beardless,faciiig' ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., cross potent; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. CTAVKA CI2068PO 16^ Bust of Stauracius, beardless,facing ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. 15 64.4 El •85 [Montag-u sale, Paris, 1896, lot 1198] 16 61-9 El •85 (AlC lOPOBPAme Double-struck) [de Salis gift] (..AArK?]A CIS06S POI63 [PI. XliVII. 1.] 17 63-6 N .85 ise) (AVC I2062POH6) (rAVC I0€8P0H€) [de Salis gift n [PI. XL VII. 2.] 18 63.2 El •8 (AVC ri8]0€8P0He Double-struck) (rAVC IOe8POH€) [deSaHsgiff] ' i.e. -DesPQ/e. ^ Nos. 17 and 18 are more degraded than Nos. 15 and 16 and the heads are smaller. They may perhaps have been issued later than the reign of Nicephorus I and Stauracius. 405 MICHAEL I, Rhangabe 2 Oct. 811-11 July 813 and THEOPHYLACTUS his son 25 Dec. 811-11 July 813 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial. No. Weight 67-2 Metal and Size N .lb Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus miXA HLbASIL€5 Bust of Michael I, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr. , mantle and robe ; in r. , cross potent ; in 1., mappa. On 1., pellet. [PI. XLVn. 3.] eeoFVLA cros'oespj Bust of Theophylactus, beardless,facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and dress of lozenge pattern ; in r. , globus cr. ; in 1., cruciform sceptre. At end of inscr., €* [Purchased, 1902] 1 With X, Ponton d'Amecourt Cat., No. 948 ; Montagu Cat., No. 1202. Sabatier. ii, p. 78, No. 5, describes and figures a bronze coin with types similar to the solidus and describes it as in the British Museum. I can find no trace of this coin, and there is doubtless some error in his description. I believe that this coin, which he engraves as bronze (PI. 42, 5), really represents a gold solidus in the French collection, of which there has been for manj^ years a sealing wax impression in the British Museum. Sabatier (ii, p. 78, No, 1 ; PI. 42, 1) and other writers have assigned to Michael I a solidus of which the rev. is a head of Christ. It is impossible, however, to separate this coin from the similar solidi which Sabatier himself (PI. 44, 12) attributes— and no doubt correctly — to Michael III. Cp. the solidus, infra, of Michael III and Theodora, with rer. Bust of Christ (as on Sabatier's coin) : cp. also coins of Basil I. In the time of Michael I, the mint-engraver had not yet broken with the stereotyped designs of the iconoclast Emperors. 406 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 32.6 31.1 75-2 89. 49-2 Metal and Size M -9 M .9 JE -9 JE .9 M .8 Obverse Reverse Silver^ mSMSXPIS THShlCA Cross potent on three steps. Three borders of dots. [Purcliased, 1904] [Purchased, 1871] +miXA HLseeoFV LACr-€€Ce bASILISR.0 OlAIOh within three borders of dots. [PI. XLVII. 4.] M Type 1. MICHAEL I alone Obv. type, bust of Michael; rec, pl and X N X N X N See de Saulcy, Essai, PI. XVI, 4; Sab., vol. ii, p. 78, No. 2. Type 2. MICHAEL I and THEOPHYLACTUS miXA HLSeeOF/ - On 1., bust of Michael I, bearded, facing ; on r, , bust of Theophylactus, beardless, facing. Eacli Avears crown with cross : Michael wears mantle and robe ; his son, dress of lozeng-e pattern. mix A&c. [de Salis gift] ends S^ eeOF^ M on L, X ; on r., N X N X N above, cross ; beneath, A [PI. XLVII. 5.] [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] ^ Dies adjusted y^^. ^ 060 F may, of course, be equally well an abbreviation of T}ieopMlus,xn which case these coins would have been struck by Michael II in conjunction with his son Theophilus. This appears to have been de Salis's view. Yet an attribution to Michael I and Theophy- lactus seems to me preferable (i) because we have, otherwise, no M coins of Constantinople of Michael I and his son ; (ii) because Michael II and Theophilus are already provided with M. MICHAEL I— PROYINCIAL-TREMISSIS 407 No. Weight Metal and Size 60-5 594 Obverse Reverse II. PROVINCIAL N -7 N -75 10 11 26.7 19- 14-2 N -65 Solidus Inscr. Bust of Michael I, bearded, facing-; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; holds in r., cross potent. mi XAH.. [de Salis gift] IXAHL.. in field r., globule. Inscr. Bust of Tlieo- phylactus, beardless, facing ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r. , globus surmounted by cross. e€. [L?][l?]bA; two pellets above globus. [PI. XL VII. 6.] •C* LLMACI[L.?] [de Salis gift] Semissis A^ -55 .V .55 mix AH Lb A Bust of Michael I, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; holds in r., globus surmounted by cross. [de Salis gift] Th .MLA BustofTheo- phylactus, beardless, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. , mantle and robe ; liolds in r. globus surmounted by cross potent. [PI. XLVII. 7.] Tremlssis Inscr. Bust of Michael I, bearded, facing ; wear- ing crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; in L, mappa. mix LbASIL Inscr. Bust of Michael I ?, bearded, facing ; wear- ing crown with globus cr. and mantle ; in r., cross potent ; in 1., mappa. mi XAHL-ce. [Purchased, 1863] [PL XLVII. 8.] mi XAHL-oe. [Campana sak^, 1846, lot 1371 ; engraved, Sab., P1.42, 16;ii,p. 86, 1.'] 1 These tremisscs were assigned by Sabatier (loc. cit.) to Michael II, but they seem to me to present affinities with the Provincial gold of Michael I and Theophylactus. Moreover, they are somewhat less bizarre in the treatment of the heads tlian are the 408 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS Provincial gold coins of Leo V, and of his successor Michael II. I therefore assign them to Michael I. The hasileus of the ohv. and the de>ipotes of the rev. would seem to indicate that two distinct persons are represented. But the die-engraver has, either, by a blunder written ' Michael ' instead of ' Theophylactus ', or, through erroneous informa- tion, has assigned to Michael I a son (Augustus or Caesarj of the same name. 409 LEO V, the Armenian 11 July 813—25 Dec. 820 and CON STAN Tl NE his sou 25 Dec. 813—25 Dec. 820 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial. No. Weight Metal and Size 66-6 {pierced) N .8 M .8 26.7 {liieneil) M -95 Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solldus Le OhbASILeWi" Bust of Leo V, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr., mantle and robe; in r., cross potent; in 1., nia^Dpa. In field 1., pellet. In field 1., pellet. [PI. XL VII. 10.] COhsr Ahr^"D€SPJ' Bust of Constantine, beardless,facing-; wears crown with g"lobus cr. and mantle ; bus cr. : in 1. mr ,g-lo- majjpa. At end of inscr., € [de Salis g-ift '] At end of inscr., X [Purchased, 1905 = Mon- tag-u sale Cat.^ Paris, 1896, No. 1205.] Silver- ihSMSXPis rnsmcA Cross potent on three steps. Three borders of dots. [de Salis ^ift] + L€On SCOhSrAh rih€ece€w bASILISKO mAiOh^ Tliree borders of dots. [Pl. XL VII. 11.] ^ This is the specimen described by Sabatier in Eev. helge, 1859, jj. 312 ; cp. de Salis in Rev. num., 1859, p. 44.3, where ' globe crucigere ' in the obi\ description is evidently a mistake for ' croix potencee '. "^ Dies adjusted, 4.4^. ^ The inscription is identical with that on the M assigned, supra, to Leo IV and Constantine VI, except that KOmAI Oh is here added. This addition had first occurred on the Ai of Michael I and Theophylactus. Note also that the rev. inscription of Leo IV and Constantine is not accompanied by the cross that here appears. ir o 410 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 4 10 11 12 13 14 Weiffht 34.5 28-6 {injured) 83-5 G9. 83-8 88-6 74. 87. 91.2 89.2 90.8 Metal and Size M -9 M .95 M .9 M -85 M .9 M .85 M .9 ^ .9 iE 1. M .85 J3 .9 Obverse (No break in inscr. (one border only (All as No. 4) Reverse (One border only) [PI. XLVII. 12.] One border onlv) Rev. G. J. Chester, 1888] M 11 July— 25 Dec. 813 L€ OhbASIL^ Bust of Leo V, bearded, facing (all as on No. 1) [PI. XIiVII. 13.] M on 1., X ; on r., N X N X N above, cross ; beneath, A [de Salis gift = Rev. num. 1859, p. 444, No. 8] 25 Dec. 813-820 L€0 h SC OhSrA/ On 1. ,bustof LeoV,bearded, facing; on r., bust of Constantine, beardless, facing. Each wears crown with cross, man- tle and robe. [Presented by Mr. Rohde Hawkins, 1848] (L€Oh SC o hsrA/) (Leon SC o nsr^') (Leon SC o nsr^) (L60h SC OhS) (No inscr.); above, cross. (No inscr.); above, cross. (No inscr.); above, cross. M on 1., X ; on r., N X N X N above, cross ; beneath, A [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1083] [Purchased, 1904] [Pl. XLVII. 14.] [Townley] [Bought, Sothebv's, Jan. 1853, lot 318] ' [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] LEO V, ETC.— PROVINCIAL-SEMISSIS 411 Weight 49.1J (worn) 32-8 (woni) Metal and Size 32. 28- 18-6 {dipperj) 20. {clipi)ed) 19.6 {clipi>ei.J) M .9 M .95 M .7 N .65 A^ .5 N -bo N .55 Obverse (L€Oh COh) (each holds mappa in r.) (L€OhS....)(eachhokh mappa in r.) Reverse [de Salis gift] (Beneath, B) [de Salis gift] (Restruck on another P'l coin ; on rev., traces of N N N) K [A€?]ON [SC«?] Onl., bust of Leo V [bearded], facing- ; on r., bust of Constantine, beardless, facing. Each wears crown with cross, man- tle and robe, and holds in r., mappa. [de Salis gift] » on 1., X ; on r., N X N X N above, cross ; beneath, A [PI. XliVII. 15.] II. PROVLNXIAL Semissis L€0 hbASILEM Bust of Leo V, bearded, facing; wears crown with glo- bus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr, ; in 1., mappa. In field r., A [Pl. XL VII. 16.] (Inscr. incomplete) in field r., A (L€0 hbAC.) [PI. XLVII. 17.] (Leo hbACIL€.) [Purchased, 1905] CO hSTAhTI Bust of Constantine, beardless ; wears crown with glo- bus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., globus surmounted by cross jiotent ; in 1., mappa. In field r., K [Purchased, 1864] (Inscr. incomplete) in field r., K [de Salis gift] (AYithout 1) in field r., + [de Salis gift] (Inscr. incomplete) in field r., + 412 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Bronze On 1., bust of Leo V, bearded, facing- ; on r., bust of Constantino, beardless, facing; each A • K (i. e. names of Leo and Constantine) ; above, cross.' Avears crown with glo- bus cr., mantle and robe. Above, cross ; between, ])ellet. 22 904 JE {ih .8 [Purcliased, 1904] 23 GO- JE .85 [Purcliased, 1904] [PI. XT.VII. 18.] 24 TO. JE .9 [de Salis gift] 25 37.6 ^ .9 [de Salis gift] 26 48. M •7 (Leo on r. ; Constantine on 1, ; busts small) A 6 Bust of Leo Y, bearded, facing; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent. In field r,, star. [de Salis gift] K ONCT Bust of Con- stantine, beardless, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r,, globus cr. On 1. of head, C ; on r. of head, 1 - (part of the inscr. sometimes off the flan) ■27 30.3 M .75 [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1081] [0 off flan] [PI. XL VII. 19.] 28 56.2 M •8 29 50.7 M .8 [de Salis gift] ,30 48.5 M .8 [de Salis gift] 31 52.3 M •8 [Blacas, 1867] ^ The mask-like head of Leo V, and the unskilful treatment of the drapeiy (as compared with the M of Constantinople) show that these coins belong to the Provincial class. ^ C I has not been explained. It is possibly a pious ejaculation ; ? an abbreviation of KVPI6. Cp. rev. of solidus of Theophilus, m/ra :-CVPI€ bOHeH, &c. But the usual abbreviation of KVPI6 is certainly K€. LEO V, ETC.— PROVINCIAL- BRONZE AlH No. Weight Metal and Size 32 49.5 M .8 33 28-3 M .75 34 49- M .I'd 35 53-2 .E .8 36 26-6 (dipped) M .7 37 27.5 (dipped) M .6 Obverse [de Salis gift] [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] [Royal Collection] (A €0N) (A instead of star in field r.) ; on r. of bust, cross. (Bust only on flan) ([A] € (witliout star) O N) Reverse (K ON[S?]r) (without C I) ; in field r., cross, [de Salis gift] [PI. XIiVII. 20.] (K O (without C I) N) [in field, cross ?] [de Salis gift] (K O (without C I) [in field, cross .•'] 414 MICHAEL II, the Amorian 25 Dec. 820— Oct. 829 and THEOPHILUS his son 821?— Oct. 829^ Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial. No. Weiffht 69-2 68-4 67-8 (pierced) 67.4 25. Metal and Size A^ -8 JE .8 A^ .75 N .8 Al -9 Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus mix AHLbASIL€WS e€OFI LO'DeSPr + Bust of Michael II, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with giobus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., cross potent; in 1., mappa. In field 1., * [PI. XL VIII. 1.] (miXAHL bASIL€HS) in field 1., K (miXAHL bASIL€WS) in field 1., K (mix AHLbASIL€^) in field 1., 5K Bust of Theophilus, beardless,facing' ; wears crown with g-lobus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., cross. After +, e [de Salis gift] After +, € [Blacas, 1867] After +, X After +, X [Purchased, 1905] Silver IhSHSXKIS rwshiCA Cross potent on three stej^s. Tliree borders of dots. [de Salis gift] +miXA HLseeoFi LG€ceeH bASILISRO mAiOh Three borders of dots. [PI. XL VIII. 2.] * Mr. Brooks (B. Z., x, 1901, p. 540 f.) shows that it is jirobable that Theophilus was crowned and married to Theodora the Paphlao-onian on 12 May, 821. The apparent absence of coins of Michael II alone (see note on Provincial gold coins of Michael II infra) confirms the view — as Brooks has alread.y observed— that Michael associated Theophilus with himself at an early period of his reign. MICHAEL II, ETC.— PROVINCIAL— SOLIDUS 415 No- Weight Metal and Size 10 92-3 111.8 116.3 112. 117.6 ^ .9 M M JS 1.15 jE 1-2 ^ 1.15 11 12 59.6 59.2 N .55 N .45 Obverse Reverse M mixAHL se eoFiLos On L, bust of Michael II, bearded, facing- ; on r., bust of Theophilus, beardless, facing-. Eacli Avears crown with g-lo- bus cr. Michael wears mantle and robe ; his son, robe of lozeng-e pattern. Above, cross ; between busts, pellet. (A in inscr.) [de Salis g-ift] (A in inscr.) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1083] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1083] (mixA HL s ee ofi LOS) M on 1. X X X on r. N N N above, cross ; beneath, [PL XIiVIII. 3.] [PI. XL VIII. 4.] [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1083] II. PROVINCIAL Solidus mi XAHLbA Bust of Michael II, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr., mantle and robe ; in r. , globus cr. [in 1., mappa?] [PI. XLVIII. 5.] (Without bA) [PI. XLVIII. 6.] 66 OhILObA Bust of Theophilus, beardless, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent. [de Salis gift] (eE ObIL only) [de Salis gift] (Small module ; lumpy fabric) 416 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 13 59.4 A^ .6 (b A partly off flan) (wears robe of lozeng-e pattern and holds cross potent) (660 hi LOS [b?]) (Wears mantle and holds globus cr.) [de Salis gift] ' [PI. XL VIII. 7.] Semissis mi XAHL Bust of Michael II, facing ; all as on solidus. ee OhIL BustofTheo- philus, facing ; all as on solidus. 14 28.8 N .4 (Lumpy fabric) de Salis gift] [PI. XLVIII. 8.] Tremissis- mi XAHLbA Bust of Michael II, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe ; in r. , globus cr. ee OhILOb Bust of Theophilus, beardless, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent. 15 20- N .5 (bl for bA) [Woodhouse bequest, 1866] [PI. XLVIII. 9.] 10 14.3 N .4 (1 for bA) [Purchased, 1862] (Without b) 17 19.5 A^ -5 (mix AHLbA) [PI. XIiVIII. 10.] (GE OhlLO:)€) (Wears mantle and robe) ' [de Salis gift] 18 20. N .45 [de Salis gift] (eE Oh€IL.) (Wears mantle and rol^e) It) 18.8 N .4 (b for bA) [de Salis gift] (GE Obi LOS) (Wears mantle and robe) ^ de Salis [Rev. num., 1859, p. 447) assigns (on account of the costume) coins of this type to the reign of Theophilus (829-842) and supposes that they were struck in association with [his son ?] Michael (the elder). But he has not noticed that Theophilus is here heanUess so that the coins must have been struck before 829, after which date the coins always present him as bearded. "^ The tremisses assigned by Sabatier by Michael II alone, have here been attributed, supra, p. 407, Provincial gold, to Michael I. ^ The shaft of the cross has the appearance of a palm-bmnch ; this is really a rude representation of the right hand of Theophilus, as is clear from No. 18. MICHAEL II, ETC.— PROVINCIAL-M 417 No. Weiffht 20 21 22 2S 24 25 26 27 83-5 764 55-3 77-8 62-3 58. 56.1 53. Metal and Size JE 1-05 M 1. JE JE 9 8 75 75 7 Obverse Reverse M JE .75 mixA HL seeoh On L, bust of Michael II, bearded, facing- ; on r., bust of Theopliilus, beardless, facing-. Be- tween, pellet. Each wears crown with cross. Micliael wears mantle and robe, and his son, robe of lozenge pattern. [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] (mix A HL &c.) [Blacas, 1867] (Inscr. partly off flan) [F. Parkes Weber gift, 190G] M above, cross ; beneath, 6 [PI. XLVIII. 11.] [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1904J [PI. XLVIII. 12.] Beneath cross, pellet. [PL XLVIII. 13.] 418 THEOPHILUS' 3 Oct. 829—20 Jan. 842 THEODORA, his wite married a. d. 821? CONSTANTINE, his sou associated with Tlieophilus, circ. 832 ?-circ. 839 ? MICHAEL (III), his young-est son, born 839; associated witli Theophilus, 840-842 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial ; III. Italy. No. Weiarht Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus Oct. 829 ? or later. (THEOPHILUS, wife and daughters) e €K' e€O[0'?e]ea)' Three busts facing, viz. in centre, Theophilus, wear- ing globus cr., mantle and robe ; on 1., his daughter Thekla ; on r., his wife Theodora, both wearing- robes of lozenge pattern. Theodora has crown with three projections; the crown of Thekla has two projections ; above each bust, cross. PARIS (see Schlumberger, in /nVr. umii., 1892, pp. 1-6 = his Melanges cVarch. bi/z., i, p. 141 t.). [PI. XL V III. 14.] X AhhASAhASrASIA Two busts facing ; viz. on 1., Anna; on r., Anastasia (daughters of Theophilus). Each wears robe of lozenge pattern and crown with two projections and a cross. Above, cross. ^ Coins of Theophilus and his family. On the attributions see Introduction^ siipva, § 2 ' Theophilus '. THEOPHILUS, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE— SOLIDUS 419 No. Weight Metal and Size 67-8 {inerced) 67-5 68-3 {pierced) JJ .85 .V .8 N -85 4 67.(] 68-5 .V .85 N .8 Obverse Reverse From circ. Oct. 829-882? (THEOPHILUS alone) *e€OFI LOSbASILer Bust of TlieoiDliilus, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with giobus cr. and robe of lozeng-e jiattern ; in r. , g-lobus cr. ; in 1., cruciform sceptre. [Purchased, 1905] [Bank of England gift, 1877] [Blacas, 1867] CiVRiebOHGHrOSO •DOVLOK Patriarchal cross on two stejDS. After X, A After K, € [PI. XLVIII. 15.J (>K ; after which, €) 6V/r. 832 ?—ci.rc. 839 ? (THEOPHILUS with MICHAEL II, his father, and CONSTANTINE, his son) >Ke€OFI LOSbASIL€r Bust of Theopliilus, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross, man- tle, and robe ; in r., patriarchal cross ^ ; in 1., mappa. At end, A (EndsbASILS) +miXAHLSCOhSTAh rmr On l, bust of ]SIicliael 11, bearded, facing ; on r., shorter bust of Constantine, beardless, facing. Each wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; above, cross ; between busts, pellet. [Purchased, 1905] [Royal Collection] ' = K ; so often €C = €K on silver coins. On the inscr., see Introcl., § 2, 'Theopliilus'. de Salis (Rev. num., 1859, p. 446, No. 14) places this type late in the reign. I believe, on the contrary, that it is the earliest type, for the reason that the obv. bust is substantially a reproduction of the bust of Theophilus as it appeared on the solidi struck in conjunction with his father Michael II (PI. XLVIII, 1) ; the engraver has altered the inscr.. substituting basileiis for (Jespofes. ^ He holds the patriarchal cross which had appeared as the rer. type of the solidus No. 1. With the representation of Michael II (on rer.) compare the bust on the coins of Michael II and Theophilus (PI. XLVIII, 1, 3). 420 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 10 11 Weight Metal and Size 67-7 6G.7 (pierced) 68-5 68-8 67.7 05-8 N .8 N -8 N -75 N .75 N .8 A^ .8 Obverse (EndsbASILee) [PI. XL VIII. 16.] (EnclsbASIL€^e) At end, 6 (Ends bASLO) (Ends bASI LEX) Reverse [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1476] [Purchased, 1905] [Purchased, 1905] [Royal Collection] [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1372] Circ. 832 ?—circ. 839 ? (THEOPHILUS and CONSTANTINE his son) JKeeOFI LOSbASILr Bust of Tlieophilus, bearded, facing ; wears crown with giobus cr., mantle and robe ; in r., patriarchal cross ; in 1., majipa. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 899] +cohsrAhrr'D€SPO rirA Bust of Constan- tine, beardless, facing-; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r. , g-lobus surmounted by patri- archal cross; in 1., cru- ciform sceptre. [PI. XL VIII. 17.] 840-842 A.n. (THEOPHILUS and his son MICHAEL III) +miXAHL-D€SPOrirA Bust of Michael III, beard- less, facing ; wears crowu with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globe surmounted by plain cross; in 1., cruciform sceptre. Al solidus, described and engraved by C. Penon in the Renie de la mini, hehje, 1862, p. 203 ; PI. X, 23. ' Cabinet de Marseille '. +e60FI LOSbASIL€ se • Bust of Theophilus, beard- ed, facing; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r., patriarchal cross ; in 1., mappa. THEOPHILUS, ETC. —CONSTANTINOPLE— SILVER 421 No. Weight Metal and Size 12 13 14 47-5 20.9 {clipped a7ul inerced) 30-7 M 1-05 M -85 M 1- Obverse Reverse Silver Circ. Oct. 829— c/rc. 832 ? (THEOPHILUS alone) IhSHSXPIS rWSNICA Cross potent on three steps. Three borders of dots. [de Salis gift] (Only one border visible) +eeoFi LOS"DWLOS XRisrHS'Pis rosehAvro bASIL€HKO mAiOh Three borders of dots. [PI. XIiVIII. 18.] (Only one border visible) [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 996]^ Circ. 832 ?—circ. 839 ? (THEOPHILUS and CONSTANTINE) All as on No. 12 but on rev. GEOFI LOSSCOnSrAhn hOS"DM LMXPiSrMS PISrSbASIL KOfDAlO' M Size .9 inch. See Sab., ii, p. 343 ; PI. 70, 22 ; Photiades Cat, No. 419. Gin: A. I). 840-842. (THEOPHILUS and MICHAEL III) ihSHSXPis rMsmcA Cross potent on tliree steps. Three borders of dots. [de Salis gift] +e€0 FILOSSmi XAHL€C6e bASILISRO (DAIOn-^ Tliree borders of dots. [PI. XLVIII. 19.] = SoCXor Xpiarov kiu (^ t) nicrros, &C. ^2 Another variety (Sab., ii, p. 92. No. 8; PI. XLIII, 11) has on rev. GEOFI Loseceew pisrosbA silehsko mAion ' This inscr. is less elaborate than that on the Al coin of Theophilus and Constantine just described. It seems to be modelled on the inscr. on the ^' of Michael II and Theophilus, PI. XLVIII, 2. 422 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 15 16 Weight Metal and Size 105- 96. 17 116-1 JE 1-15 ^ 1. .E 1-2 Obverse Reverse M 829P-832? or later (THEOPHILUS alone) M on 1. X ; on r., N X N X N above, cross ; beneath, Q [PI. XL VIII. 20.] 66 OFILbASILJ" Bust of Tlieopliilus, bearded, facing- ; Avears crown Avith cross, mantle and robe ; in r. , patriarclial cross; in 1., majipa' ; in field 1., >K [Purcliased, 1904] (Restruck ?) [de Salis gift] Clrc. 832 ?-839 ? (THEOPHILUS and CONSTANTINE) eeOFILOSSCOhSrA M onl., X; onr., N nr/ Onl.,biistofTlieo- X N jiliilus, bearded, facing-, X N wearing- crown with above, cross ; cross, mantle and robe. beneath, 6 On r., sliorter bust of Constantine, beardless, facing-, wearing" crown witli cross and robe of lozenge pattern. Be- tween busts, pellet. Above, cross. [de Salis gift] [PI. XLIX. 1.] ' Compare the bust on ohv. of solidi of Theophilus, Michael II and Constantine, supra, No. 6 ; PI. XLVIII, 16. THEOPHILUS— CONSTANTINOPLE-FOLLIS 428 Weight j -^^«i^>"otent (star before inscr.) ; on rev. the Emperor in robe of lozenge pattern holds yJohus a: THEOPHILUS— PRO VINCIAL - SEMISSIS 425 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Semissis (THEOPHILUS alone) eeO El LOS Bust of Tlieopliilus, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with g-lobus cr., man- tle and robe; in r., globus cr. eeO CI LOS Bust of Theophilus, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus cr. 34 28-0 N .5 (Before inscr., X ; at end, bA ; cp. note to No. 33) (At end, bA) [W. Edwards, 1854] [PI. XLIX. 5.] 35 26-8 A! -45 [Blacas, 1867] 36 25-4 N .5 ( base) (A for L) RYoodhouse be(iuest, 1866] (A for L) 37 26-3 N .55 (base) (A for L) [Woodliouse bequest, 1866] (A for L) (inscr. double-struck) 38 26-6 N -55 (bosf) (A for L) [de Salis yift] (A for L) 3y 26-5 N .5 {base) (A for L) [Purchased, 1905] (A for L) [PI. XLIX. 6.] 40 26. N .5 (base) (A for L) (060 FIAOS) [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906 ; purchased at Athens] 41 17-7 N .5 (Before inscr., K ; at end, bA) (At end bA) (holds in r., cross potent) [de Salis gift] 42 19-8 .V -45 (b for C) [PI. XLIX. 7.] (66 Obi LOS) (liolds in r., cross potent) [de Salis gift] 426 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 43 Weight Metal and Size 19. 44 45 4G 47 48 G2.7 73-2 56-3 A^ -45 Obverse Reverse (THEOPHILUS and CONSTANTINE) a re. 832?-(7'yr. 839? eeO hILOSLe Bust of Theo phi Ills, bearded, facing' ; wears crown, with cross, mantle and robe, and holds in r. g-lobus surmounted by patriarclial cross. [do Salis o-ift] ' cons rAhrih Bust of Constantine, beard- less, facing-; wears crown with cross, man- tle and robe ; in r., [g-lobus surmounted by] cross. [PL XLIX. 8.] M (THEOPHILUS alone) 75-5 18. iE 7 •9 iE .95 M 1 M onl., X; onr., N X N X N above, cross ; beneath, 6 [PI. XLIX. 9.] (Restruclc or double- struck) eeOFI LOSbASI Bust of Theopliilus, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r., giobus cr. [de Salis g'ift] [Purchased, 1904] [Purchased, 1904] (Restruck on r'l Provincial coin of Michael II and Theophilus similar to PI. XL VIII. 11 ; on ohi\. traces of bust of Miclmel II and inscr HL ; on 7"7 No. Weisrht Metal and Size 49 50 51 52 Obveri?e 67. 69-8 42-5 30. JE -75 .E 1. JE .7 jE .65 53 54 55 64. 63-6 65- A^ -9 ( base) N -9 ihase) N -9 {base) Reverse Follis Circ. 832?-c7'yr. 839? (THEOPHILUS, MICHAEL II, and CONSTANTINE) eeO FILOSbAS Bust of Tlieophilus, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge jiattern ; in r., cross potent. (b for F) [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis g-ift] [de Salis gift] +miXAHLSCOhSr On 1., bust of Michael II, bearded, facing- ; on r., bust of Constantine, beardless, facing ; each wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; above, X '. [M. J. Borrell, 1852] [PI. XLIX. 10.] (Busts smaller) eeOFI LOSbASILe Bust of Theophilus, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus cr. ; at 1. shoul- der, cross ( = cruciform sceptre). Before inscr., star [PI. XLIX. 11.] Before inscr., star ; (pel- let on globus) Before inscr., I - III. SOUTHERN ITALY Solidus (THEOPHILUS alone) CVKiebOHGHrOSO ■DOVLO Patriarchal cross on two steps. At end of inscr. , starand € [Purchased, 1874] At end of inscr. , stiirand € [Blacas, 1867] At end of inscr., € ; 1. of cross, star. [Purchased, 1863] on 1 One variety (Montagu Cat., No. 1216) has cross instead of X on rev., and Theophilus wears mantle instead of robe of lozenge pattern. 2 Cp. Photiades Cat., p. 27, No. 409. 428 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 56 57 58 Weight 63-6 63-5 61-5 Metal and Size A^ -85 {base) A -85 (base) A -85 (base) Obverse Reverse (THEOPHILUS, MICHAEL II, and CONSTANTINE) Clrc. 832P-839? eeOFI L02bA8IL€0 Bust of Theopliilus, facing-'; wears crown witli cross, mantle and rol3e ; in r., g-lobus cr. ; in L, mappa I [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot , 1476] [de Salis g-ift] miXAHL2C oi/iarAH TIH Imperial bust (Michael II or Con- stantine) facing- ; wears crown Avith cross, man- tle and robe ; in r., cross potent ; in 1., mappa ^ [PI. XLIX. 12.] (fnxAiiceoH arAii rill) (THEOPHILUS and MICHAEL III?) 840-842 eeOFI L08bASIL€ AlC I0€8P0H€ Im- Bust of Theopliilus, facing- ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r. , glol)us cr. , in 1., mappa. [de Salis g-ift = 7^^ r. ntim.^ 1859, [). 445, No. 10] perial bust (Micliael III ?) facing- ; wears crown with cross, man- tle and robe ; in r., cross potent ; in 1., mappa *. [Pl. XLIX. 13.] ^ On No. 56 (a similar specimen is in Bibl. Nat. Paris), and on Nos. 57, 58 the head on each side appears to be beardless : but little importance can be attached to these details in the case of such rudely executed busts. - The globus is here badly represented and has nearly the form of a horseshoe. The mappa, also, is rudely indicated. ■'■ The engraver of these coins had evidently seen, or been furnished with, a description of the Constantinopolitan solidi (PI. XLVIII. 16) obv. bust of Theophilus, rev. busts of Michael II and Constantine. But influenced by the conventions of this Italian mint he places only one head on the n-v. — a head that had already done duty for other rulers — inscribing it, however, with the names Michael and Constantine. * The rev. does not really give the name of Michael but is simjily a copy of the inscr. and iy^Q of the Italian coins of Nicephorus 1 (and Stauracius), which are themselves often blundered (see snj)ra, p. 404). Sabatier, PI. 44, 1, assigns the coin to Theophilus and Michael III and this is perhaps the best attribution. The globus on the obv. has the homeshoe form found on Nos. 56, 57 and thus suggests that the coins belong to this reijyn. 429 MICHAEL Ml ('the Drunkard') 20 Jax. 842—23 Sept. 867 with his mother THEODORA and his sister THECLA 842-856 , with BASIL I 2G May 8GG— 23 Sei-t. 867 Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial ; III. Chersou. No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus a re. A. i». 842 or later. (MICHAEL III, THEODORA, and THECLA) •miXAHL S e€ CLA On 1. , bust of the child Michael III, facing-; wears crown witli cross, mantle and robe ; in r., globus cr. ; on r., taller lialf-leng-th figure of liis sister Thecla, facing- ; wears robe of lozenge pattern, and long- scarf and crown like Theo- dora's, but witli plain circlet ; in r., long^ patriarchal cross ; 1. hand holds scarf. +eeO"DO KA"D€SPV hA 1 Bust of Theodora, facing, wearing- dress of lozenge jjattern, and crown with jewelled circlet surmounted by globus cr. between two triangular projections ; in r. , globus surmount- ed by patriarchal cross ; in 1. , cruciform sceptre. ^ i.e. bia-noiva, the title of the wife of an Emperor or of a Nandrtji (Coium. in Codin., De Of., cap. 17, p. .366, ed. Bonn). 430 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight G1.7 {pievcet'l) GM { pierced) 65. 67-5 Metal and Size A^ .85 N -85 N -8 N .8 Obverse ■DespvhrA) H. p. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 902J Reverse (0 €CLA) (Crown of Michael has globus cr.) [PI. XLIX. 14.] (Restruck on solidus of Michael II and Theo- pliilus, lilce PI. XLYIII. 1 ; on ohv.^ traces of bust of Micliael and inscr. bA &c. ; on rev.^ part of bust of Theophilus and "DCS &c. visible] (Sceptre at slionlder) [Blacas, 1867] [PI. XLIX. 15.] (Restruck on anotlier solidus (? of Michael II and Theophilus): on rev.^ traces of bust in lozenge- pattern robe) ' a IT. A. I). 852 ? (or earlier) -856 (MICHAEL III and THEODORA) +miXAHLSe€0"DOKA On 1., bust of Michael III, beardless, facing-, wearing crown with cross, mantle and robe ; on r., bust of Theo- dora, facing, wearing robe of lozenge pattern and crown with cross between two triangular projections ; between busts, pellet ; above, cross. [Royal Collection] [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1475] IhSMSX RISrOS^K Bust of Christ, facing, with beard and flowing hair ; behind the head is seen the cross. Tiie drapery- is a tunic and mantle : the r. hand is in the act of benediction ; the 1. hand holds the book of the Gospels. [PI. XLIX. 16.] ' The solidi Nos. 1 and 2 were probably executed at the time of the accession of Michael III (Jan. 842). From the circumstance that these specimens (and apparently also Montagu Cat., No. 1220) are restruck it may be inferred that they were issued in some haste. No. 3 shows an older -but still boyish— bust of Michael III, of the same height as the regent-mother Theodora. One might conjecture that this was struck cifc. 8.52 when Michael was about 1.3. No. 5 shows the Emperor alone — bearded — after Theodora and Thekla have been dislodged (a. d. 856) from their Imperial position. MICHAEL m, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE— SILVER 431 No. Weiffht Metal and Size 67-2 65-2 (pierced) 33.5 31-6 (pierced) N N •85 N .65 A\ 1. Obverse Reverse A. D. 856-8(10 (MICHAEL III alone) mi XAHLbASIL€/ Bust | IhSMSX RISrOS ^K Jiust of Michael III, bearded, lacing- ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozeng-e pattern ; in r. , labarum witli cross ; 1. in front (holding- mappa?). In field L, cross. [Montag-u sale, 1896, lot 1200] 1 [Canipana sale, 1846, lot 1372J of Christ facing- ; alias on No. 3. [PI. XLIX. 17.] Semissis A.D. 856-866 m IXAHLbA Bust of Michael III, facing- ; all as on solidus No. 5, but 1. hand is not rei)re- sented and labarum has pellet instead of cross. In field 1. , cross. [Montag-u sale, 1896, lot 1201] IhSMSX RISrOSiK Bust of Clirist, facing- ; all as on No. 3. [PI. XLIX. 18.] Silver Clrc. A. D. ^-^2 or later (MICHAEL III, THEODORA, and THECLA) IhSHSXPIS TMShlCA Cross potent on tliree steps. Three borders of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 998] -}-miXA HLG eCDORA Se6CL«A€Ce/ bASILISRO mAiOh Tliree borders of dots. [PI. XLIX. 19.] \ This to Michael ' Michael I '. coin and the corresponding semissis are attributed in the Montagu Catalogue I, a much less probable attribution, as has been shown supra, p. 405, note 1. 432 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse A.D. 856-866 (MICHAEI ihSMSXKis rnshiCA Cross potent on three steps. Three borders of dots. -III alone) +miXA HL€Ce€M PISrOSbA SIL6HSK0 mA[i]Oh' Tliree borders of dots. 9 23. {pierced) Ai .85 [Purchased, 1904] IhSHSXPIS THSmCA Cross jDotent on three steps. Three borders of dots. [PI. XLIX. 20.]- +miXA HLPisro s me^ A s^ b A SILEH S KO mAiOh Tliree borders of dots. 10 30. {pierced) M -95 Beneath steps, pellet [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 997] [PI. L. 1.] Bronze A.D. 866-867 (MICHAEL III and BASIL 1) + mihA€L IMP6KAT/ Bust of Michael III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozeng-e jiat- tern; in r., g-lobus sur- mounted by patriarchal cross ; in 1. mappa. +bASIL IHSR.6X5K Bust of Basil I, bearded, facing- ; all as on obv.^ 11 12 128.7 [pierced) 107.G JE 1.1 JE M [de Salis gift] (Restr 1 [PI. li. 2.] uck ?) * The epithet iriaros here occurs for the first time on the coins. In the confession of faith (adhesion to the Apostles' Creed, &c.) subscribed by Emperors at their coronation, the formula used (Codin., De Off., cap. xvii, jj. 86 Bonn) was: — 6 Selvn iv XpicTTM T(o Qeca ttkttos fiacriXfvs Knl nvroKpuTuip Vu>fiaio)v. - Another specimen iDublished by the Vte. de Jonghe in Rev. helgp, 1898, p. 138. ^ Cp.,an inscribed stone (a. D.858) now in the church of the Koiniesin at Nicaea iBieh}^ Ettn/e., hy~., p. 357):-nYPrOC MIXAHA MEfAAOY BACIAeUUC €N XUU A/TOKPATOPOC. * The absence of bronze of Michael III (alone) is noticeable, but probably the bronze of his father Theophilus (at the present day extant in considerable numbers) continued to supply the currency. I cannot agree with Sabatier (ii, p. 103) that Nos. 11, 12 were struck at an Italian mint, or, indeed, at any other provincial mint. MICHAEL III, ETC.— PROVINCIAL— M 438 No. Weight 13 14 25-6 25-6 15 21. 16 17 50-8 60-6 II Metal and Size N .55 N .55 (base) N -5 (base) M -75 M -lb Obverse Reverse II. PROVINCIAL Semissis 842 ?-8G(; (MICHAEL III alone) mi XAHA Bust of Michael III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with globus cr. , mantle and robe ; in r. , g-lobus surmounted by patri- archal cross. (At end of inscr. , b ?) (Globus surmounted by plain cross) mi XAHA Bust of Michael III, all as on o6t\, but wears robe of lozenge pattern instead of mantle. (At end, b ?) [de Salis g-ift] [PI. L. 3.] (Globus surmounted plain cross) [de Salis gift] [PI. L. 4.] 866-867 (MICHAEL III and BASIL I) by mi XAHA Bust of Michael III, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r. ., globus cr. bAC lAEIOC Bust of Basill, bearded, facing ; Avears crown with glo- bus cr. and robes ; in r., globus cr. [PL L. 5.] M mi XAHLb Bust of Michael III, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent. [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] M above, cross ; beneath, [PI. L. 6.] 434 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 18 19 20 21 Weight 40-8 25-9 27-8 34. Metal and Size JE '\ M -05 Obverse Reverse M .7 M .7 [Purchased, 1904] | [Pl. L. 7.] Restruck on Provincial-^ of Theophilus, Michael (11) and Constantine, as PI. XLIX. 10; on o6t\, traces of robe of Theophilus ; on rev. , remains of inscr. , . . . . H LS COh &c. [Purchased, 1852] ' Follis Inscr. Bust of Michael III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross and robeof lozeng^e pat- tern ; in r. , cross potent. .. X A M I [X] Inscr. Bust of Michael in, beardless., facing ; Avears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in r. , globus cr. ^ M . [X]A [Purchased, 1904] [PI. L. 8.] M I X b [Purchased, 1904] [PI. L. 9.] MB III. CHERSON Bronze A.D. 86G-8G7 (MICHAEL III and BASIL I) I o nx^ M Size .5. Sab., ii, p. 103, No. 11 ; PI. 44, No. 1 7 (Sabatier Coll. ; Hermitage, St. Petersburg) ; BurachkoY, ('atal. of Coins of Greek Colo7iies, &c. (Odessa, 1884), PI. 17, No. 131. Cp. Koehne, Mus. KotscJioubei/, i, p. 220 f. — On the coins of Cherson see further, A. Oreshnikov, ' Cliersono-Byzantine Coins ' in Transactions of the Moscow Numismatic Societi/, vol. iii, 1905 ; PI. VllI, IX, X (cp. Hev. nvm., 1905, p. 434). Also C. Robert in Rec num.., 1859, p. 44. ^ Moustier Cat. (Paris, 1872), p. 277, No. 4058 describes (correctly?) a bronze coin with ohv., busts of Michael III and Theodora, rer., cross ; M and 0. "^ The attribution of these is a little difficult on account of the two differing busts each of which bears the name of ' Michael '. I am inclined to regard the jDresence of the two busts as due to the unthinking convention of the Provincial engraver. Michael III had no son of the same name and there would be the same difficulty if the coins were assigned to Michael I or to Michael II. ^ These letters (cp. Sab., ii, p. 104) have been interpreted as O TTPOT€Y(x)N o XEPCOJNOC which does not seem satisfactory, fl may perhaps = TTOAIC, X being o the name of Cherson. Under Basil I, fl occurs without X 435 BASIL I, the Macedonian 24 Sept. 867—29 Au(;. 886 EUDOCIA INGERINA second wife of Basil I CONSTANTINE son of Basil I by his fiist wife Maria ; created Augustus 6 Jan. 869 ; died 879 LEO VI, the Wise son of Basil I (or Michael III) and Eudocia Ingerina created Aug-ustus 6 Jan, 870 ALEXANDER son of Basil I by Eudocia lug-erina created Aug-ustus c/'rc. 879 ^ Mints = I. Constantinople ; II. Provincial ; III. Cherson. No. Weiffht 276-2 Metal and Size A^ 1-05 Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Piece of four Solid! (BASIL and CONSTANTINE, a. d. 869-879) bASILIHS[€rCOhSTA.?] hr/AH^^ Bust of Basil I (on 1.), bearded, facing ; and bust of Constantine (on r.) beardless, facing- : they hold between them, labaruni ornamented with •*• Basil wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; Constantine wears crown with cross, man- tle and robe. Border of dots. [PL li. 10.] mSHSrXPJISrOS* Bust of Christ facing, witli beard and flowing hair ; behind the head, cross; draped in tunic and mantle ; right hand before breast in bene- diction ; in I. , book of the Gospels. Border of dots. (The edge of rer. bevelled ; perhaps for- merly set as a iien- dant). [Presented b v Mr. Edward Wigan, 1864] = ^ W. Fischer on Alexander's reign, B. Z.. v (1896), p. 137 f. 2 Published by Madden in Num. Chron., 1865, p. 121 ; PI. IX. 12. The piece seems to me to be undoubtedly genuine in spite of the unusual denomination and the 436 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Solidus (BASIL alone, A.D. 867, 868) +bASILIOS€CO €MbA SlL€VSbX Basil I, beard- ed, standing facing; Avears crown with cross and robe and scarf of lozenge pat- tern ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. + lhSXPSK€X R€^NAN TIMM+ Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with dais ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cruci- ger ; r. hand outstretched in benediction ; in 1., book of the Gosijels. A^ about 65 grains. PARIS in Rev. num., 1904, p. 10.5; cp [Pl.Ii.ll.] See J. de Foville . Photiades Cat., No. 427. (BASIL and CONSTANTINE) A.D. 869-879 bAsiLiosercohsrAh r/ AM^V b^ Bust of Basil I (on L), bearded, facing-; shorter bust of Con- stantine (on r.), beard- less, facing-. They hold between them patri- archal cross. Basil + mSXPSR.€X R€^NAN TIMM5IC Christ seated, as on the previous soli- dus. wears crown with cross and robe of lozeng-e pattern ; Constantine wears crown with cross, mantle and robe. 2 68-2 A^ .8 [Purchased, 1904] [PI. L. 12.] 3 68. N .8 [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1477] 4 68-6 N .75 (ins XP SK€X &c.) adjustment of the dies -t-l^, instead of 't'4'. It may have been destined for some Imperial gift or offering, the exact amount of which was four solidi. Cp. the three solidi (yo^'KTiiaTo) given to each of the poor men whose feet were washed by the Emperor (Codin., De Off., chap, xii; p. 71, 5 ed. Bonn); the 'purses' distributed at Coronations containing three gold vofxia-^ima, three silver pieces and three ' obols' ; also the distribu- tions of gold coins made at that time by the Emperor to i^ersons of high rank : Codin., chap, xvii, p. 88 and p. 98 ed. Bonn. BASIL I, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE— TREMISSIS 437 No. Weisrht Metal and Size 22- N -55 Obverse Reverse (BASIL, EUDOCIA and CONSTANTINE) A.D. 869-879 +bASILIOS AH^MSr^b^ Bust of Basil I, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., globus sur- mounted by patriarchal cross ; in 1., nia^jpa. cohsrAhr^sevDO CIA >|C BustofConstantine, beardless (on 1.), facing; bust of Eudocia (on i-.), facing : above busts, ci'oss. Constantine wears crown with cross, mantle and robe, and holds in r., globus cr, ; Eudocia wears robe of lozenge pattern and crown with cross between two triangular ornaments ; she holds in 1. cruciform sceptre. N solidus. PARIS. [PI. L. 13.] See also Montagu sale Cat., No. 1224; PL XL, 1224; Photiades Cat, No. 436; Moustier Cat., No. 4064; Sotheby's sale Cat., 11 July, 1905, lot 156. (BASIL I, LEO VI, and ALEXANDER) A.D. 879-886 bA SILIO^AVr(S?) Bust of Basil I, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent I in 1., mappa?] N solidus. PARIS. [PI. p. 204; PL XIX. 5 = Sab., ii tremissis of the same Emperors + L€0[hS€AL€i:-'JAW (\^ >tc On 1., bust of Leo VI, facing ; on r., bust of Alexander, facing. Each is beardless ; wears crown with cross and mantle and robe : above, between heads, cross. L. 14.] = de Saulcy. Essai, p. 109, No. 14. Cp. the infra. Tremissis (BASIL I, LEO VI, and ALEXANDER) A.D. 879-886 bASILIQ/AMV Bust of Basil I, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozenge pattern; in r., cross potent; in ],, mappa. [Cracherode bequest, 1799] +LeohseALeii/AH^V On 1., bust of Leo, lac- ing-; on r., bust of Alex- ander, facing. Eacli is beardless ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; above heads, cross ; between lieads, pellet. [PI. Ii. 15 A.] 438 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight I ^^^i^} ^""^ ^ ! Size 42-6 41-5 M 1- Ai .9 10 71-5 115. JE 1-05 jE 1. 120.4 JE 1-05 Obverse Reverse Silver (BASIL I and CONSTANTINE) A.D. 869-879 IhSWSXKI SrHShICA Cross potent on tliree steps ; beneath, globus. Three borders of dots. [Purchased, 1904] [Lieut. -Col. Ross, 1846] +bASI LlOSCe' COhSrAh rm/pisrv bASILIS Romeo/ Three borders of dots. [PI. li. 15 M.] (Letters smaller than on No. 6) Bronze (BASIL I alone) A.D. 867, 868 +bASILI0SbASIL€VS5K Basil I, bearded, seated facing on throne with curved arms and orna- mented back - ; wears crown with cross and robes with square pat- tern^; in r., labarum with X ; in 1. , mappa. [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1904] +bASIL loseneeo bASIL€VS Romeoh [PI. Ii. 16.] ^ C€= K€= KAI. Previous to this period the usual conjunction on the coins is S. '' The back of the throne is covered with drapery ornamented with jewelled squares. With the form of the throne, compare the throne on a Byzantine triptych ot the tenth or eleventh century with Christ seated ; Musee de Louvre ; photographed, Schlumberger, L'Epoj). bijz., part I, p. 37. , . r i • i • 3 The robes are ornamented with a series of squares in the centre ot which is a pellet, perhaps representing a jewel. Weight 121. 80-6 98-1 86.7 70-5 119-5 114-6 BASIL 1, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE— BRONZE Obverse 4-39 Metal and Size JE 1-05 JE 1-05 JE 1-05 JE 1- JE 1-05 JE .85 {thick) Reverse (BASIL I and CONSTANTINE) A.D. 869-879 («) +bASILIOSSCOhSrAh TA^^I (partly obscure). On 1., bust of Basil I, bearded, facing- ; on r., bust of Constantine, beardless, facing-. They hold between them labarum. Each wears crown with cross, man- tle and robe. (Leo's bust taller) [Royal Collection] +bASIL SCOhSrAh rmoseneo bASILeiSK omAOh [Purchased, 1904] [PI. L. 17.] (Restruck on Constantinople iE of Theophilus, like PI. XLIX. 3 ; on obv., traces of 660 AV^) [de Salis gift] [Northwick sale, 1860] [de Salis gift] [Northwick sale, 1860] m Inscr. Basil I, bearded (on 1.), and Constan- tine (shorter), beard- less (on r.), seated facing on double throne, holding between them labarum with X. Each wears crown Avith cross and robes with square pattern. jE 1-05 +bASIL SCOhSr/AH^V -l-bASILIO/ scohSrAh rihoseneo bASILeiSK orriAioh (bASlLOO [de Salis gift] 440 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 18 83-3 M 1- +bASILO COhSrbASIL IS (bASILO/) [PL L. 18.] 19 106- JE 1.05 [+]bASILI s scohsr/ bAIL[IS] •20 105. JE M +bASILIOS SCOhSrAh (BASIL 1, CONSTANTINE, and LEO VI) A.I.. 8 rO-879 + L€OhBASIL/ COhSr/ AM^V In centre, lialf- leug-tli figure of Basil I, bearded, facing" ; on L, the shorter half- leng-th fio-ure of Leo VI, beardless, facing- ; on r., half-leng-th of Constantine, beardless, facing-, and of the same height as Leo. Basil +bASIL/ consrAh rsL60h€h eObASILS Romeohi wears crown with cross and robe of square pat- tern ; in his 1. hand, mappa. Leo and Con- stantine both wear crown with cross, robe, and mantle fastened on 1. shoulder. 21 102.5 JE 1-05 (+L€/bASiL/ conrA hV) [PL L. 19.] 22 122- JE 1-05 [de Salis gift] 23 95. JE 1.05 (+L€OhbAS^ cohsr/ AM^V) [de Salis gift] 24 95-3 JE 1. (+L€OnbASILSCOhSr AM^V) (no mappa) (5|c not shown) [de Salis gift] 25 108.5 JE 1.1 (No mappa; Basil's robe varied from No. 21). (Mantles fastened on r. shoulder) [de Sails gift] (+bASIL\ COhSrAh r'SLeonen ^bASIL' Komeoh ' Oh the Constantinople coins of the reign of Basil I we find KOfDEOh ; KOmAOh ; KOmAIOh and, again, P0m€0h. BASIL I, ETC.— PROVINCIAL— SEMISSIS 441 No. Weight 26 105. 27 29 Metal and Size JE 1. 98.3 110-3 94. 30 20-8 JE !■ JE 1.1 JE 1.1 .V .5 (hctfte) Obverse Reverse (bASILforbASIL/) [PI. LI. 1.] (+L€OhbASILSCOhSr AW/ ) (No mappa ; Basil's robe varied from No. 21) (Mantles fastened on r. shoulder) ([+L€]OhbASILSCOhS TAM) (No mappa) (Mantles fastened on r. shoulder) (Leg-end probably tlie same as on No. 27) (Details of dress ob- scure) (Restruck on JE of Basil I and Constantine, like PI. L. 17 ; ohv.^ two busts ; on o'ev.^ traces of bust of Constantineonr. ; ono6??., remains of inscr.,bASIL€ISR. omAOh [Presented by Prof. \V. M. R Petrie in 1882] (Inscr. obscure) (No map- pa ; mantles fastened on r. shoulder) Restruck on another M coin ; apparently one of Basil I and Constantine, similar to PI. L. 18 (o6y., two seated figures). On ohv.^ remains of liead of Basil; on rei\^ traces of bASIL€ISK. The obverse of this Om[AIOh] coin is scyi)hiite.^ II. PROVINCIAL Semissis (BASIL I and CONSTANTINE) A.I). 8G9-879 bAS IA€IOC Bust of \ CON STANT Bust of Basil I, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with glo- bus cr. and robe of lozeng-e pattern ; in r. , giobus cr. [de Salis g-ift] - Constantine, bearded, facing ; wears crown with globus cr. and mantle ; in r., globus cr. ^ This is an isolated instance of the cup-shaped fabric which is not found regularly on Byzantine coins till the tenth or eleventh century. - de Saulcy (Rev. Num., 1842, p. 414) possessed a similar specimen purchased at Naples. Nos. 30 and 31 have the appearance of brass or copper and can contain but little ^old. No. .32 is simply copper or bronze. TI S 442 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 31 32 Weight Metal and Size 33 18-6 16-2 JE -5 32-8 34 35 36 37 56. 41-4 21.3 14.1 N -55 (base) JE .85 M .7 JE .65 JE .5 JE .45 Obverse (Before inscr,, X) Reverse [Purchased, 1905] [PL LI. 2.] Bronze (BASIL I, LEO VI, and ALEXANDER) A.B. 879-886 [bA SILAMC?] Bust of Basil I, bearded, facing ; wears crown with glo- bus cr. and robe of lozenge pattern ; in r., cross potent. [Purchased, 1904] ^ [L€ONC€A ?]L€[IIA M^ ?] Busts, beardless, of Leo and Alexander facing. Each wears crown with globus cr., mantle and robe. Above, cross. [PI. LI. 3.] m. CHERSON Bronze (BASIL I) A.D. 867, Sl Linear border [de Salis gift] On r. and L, pellet. Si.; on r., cross. [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] Cross, on steps, with ex- tremities floriate ; on r. and 1., pellet. [PI. LI. 4.] [de Salis gift] [PI. LI. 5.] f]- ; on r., cross. [PI. LI. 6.] * The legend is obscure or off the flan. Cp. de Saulcy, PL XIX. 6 ; p. 205 (= Sab., ii, p. 110, No. 16; PL XLV. 9; cp. ib., No. 17); Mus. Naz. di Napoli, Cat., No. 15814; Thomsen Cat., No. G89. Cp. also the gold ' solidus ' with barbarous legends described by Sab. (ii, p. 109, No. 13; PL XLV. 6) and assigned by him to Basil, Leo and Alexander. ^ Cp. p. 434, n. siqva, 'Michael III, Cherson.' BASIL I, ETC.— CHERSON— BRONZE 443 No. ■«)ir„,-„i,t Metal and W«^^^^ Size Obverse Reverse (BASIL 1 and CONSTANTINE) A.D. 869-879 3.; on 1., K ; on r., UJ (i. e. Kwvo-TavTtvos) '. Border of dots. Cross, on steps, with ex- tremities floriate ; on r. and 1., pellet. Bor- der of dots. 38 117.1 JE .95 [de Salis g-ift] [PI. LI. 7.] ^ Cj). Burachkov, Cot. of Coins of Greek Colonies, S^c, PI. XVII, Fig. 136, where another variety with the names of the Emperors is given. The projections of K on No. 38 are formed so as to resemble C ; the 00 is formed of U and U joined together. 444 LEO VI, the Wise 29 Aug. 886-11 May 912 ALEXANDER brother of Leo YI co-emperor 886-912 ? ZOE CARBONOPSIS Iburtli wife of Leo VI ; created Aug-usta 907 CONSTANTINE VII, Porphyrog-emtus, son of Leo VI and Zoe Carbonopsis born 905'; crowned 9 June 911 Mints of Leo VI : I. Constantinople ; II. Cherson. No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse I. CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus (LEO VI) LeOl^€l/IX«UU bASILeWS KOmUUI/l Bust of Leo VI, with long' beard, fac- ing- ; wears crown witli g-lobus cr. and imperial robes ; in r., g-lobus surmounted by patri- archal cross. +mAKIA+ Bust of the Virgin, facing-, orans ; she wears veil, tunic and mantle ; •'• on drapery. On 1., M-P ; on r., SW- 1 GG.7 N .75 [Purchased, 190G] [Pl. lil. 8.J ^ Middle of May or beginning of Sept., 905 : see C. De Boor in his ed. of Vita Eufliymii, p. 116 f; p. 127. ^ Another specimen, Paris (de Saulcy, Essai, PL XIX. 7; see also Ponton d'Ame- court Cat., No. 958 ; Photiades Cat., No. 438. On the type see ' Introduction ', supra, § 2, ' Leo VI ' and the note infi-a, p. 449, on the chronology of the coins of this reign. LEO VI, ETC.- CONSTANTINOPLE- SOLIDUS 445 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse L€Oh€hCRISTO bASIL +mARIA+ Bust of the €MSK0m€0h Bust of Leo Virgin, facing, orcais; as VI, bearded, facing; as on No. 1. On 1., W*; on No. 1. r., SM Photiades Cat., No. 437; PI. II. 437; Sab., ii, p. 118, No. 1 ; Prowe sale, Vienni (Egger), 1904, lot 2992, PI. XV. (LEO VI and CONSTANTINE VII) A.D. 911, 912 L€Oh€TCOhS"S'Ah'S"/A + mSXPSR€X R.€^NAN MWKOm^ On 1., Leo VI, Tmm Christ, bearded, with short beard, stand- seated facing on throne ing-facing ; on r. , shorter with dais ; wears tunic, fig-ure of Constantine mantle and nimbus \^I, beardless, standing- cruciger ; r. hand raised facing'. They hold be- in benediction ; in 1., tween them long- patri- book of the Gospels. archal cross ; Leo wears crown with cross and robes with square pat- tern, viz. a long- tunic over which is a scarf- like mantle, an end of • • which, ornamented +5 falls over his r. hand in which is globus cr. Constantine wears the same crown and dress, but the end of the mantle falls over his 1. liand in Avhich is globus cr. 2 67-8 PJ .8 [Bank of England gift, 1877]' [PI. LI. 9.] 3 65.3 {pierced) N .8 [de Salis gift] ' With the costume of the Emperor compare the figure on a tenth-century ivory, coll. Stroganoff, in Schlumberger, UEpop. bi/z., i. p. 45. With the throne and figure of Christ, compare a Byzantine triptych of the tenth or eleventh cent, in the Louvre ; reproduced in Schlumberger, oj). cil., i, p. 37. 446 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Silver' • (LEO VI) A.D. 886P-911 IhSHSXKI SrMShICA +Leajh Cross potent on three • steps, beneath wliich, €hXUL)€V g-lobus. Three borders of dots. S€bHSbASI LeVSRUU fDAIUUh Three borders of dots, tlie central one orna- mented with eight glo- bules. 4 41-3 Ai .95 [H. P. Boriell sale, 1852, [PI. LI. 10.] lot 1001] 5 44. M .85 [Panni, 1865] (LEO VI and CONSTANTINE VII) A.D. 911-912 ihSMSXKi srwsmcA + L€OhC€ Cross potent ; all as on COhSTAhTI No. 4. h/€hX:UU€V S€blSbASI LKKOm/ Three borders of dots, the central one orna- mented with eight glo- bules. G 48.7 Al .95 [de Salis, 1861] [PI. LI. 11.] Bronze (LEO VI ; seated fig-ure) + L60hbA S ILEVSRO +Leoh m/ >K Leo VI, with short eneeobA beard, seated facing on SIL6VSK throne with curved omeoh arms and ornamented back ; wears crown with cross and robes with square pattern ; in r., labarum with X ; in 1., mappa. 7 111.2 JE 1. [de Salis gift] [PI. LI. 12.] ^ The dies of Leo's silver coins are adjusted ^^. LEO Ml, etc.— CONSTANTINOPLE— bronze 447 No. Weight Metal and Size 9 10 107-6 104-8 123-8 JE 1-05 ^ 1-05 JE 1-05 11 12 135-8 108-6 JE 1-05 JE 1- 13 64-3 14 15 54- 68- JE -8 JE -85 JE -7 Obverse Reverse (LEO VI ; bust) + L€OhbASIL€VSROfn/ Bust of Leo YI, with short beard, facing ; wears crown with cross, mantle and robe ; in 1., niappa. [Sotheby's, 31 Jan. &c., 1853,'lot 318] (bA S for bAS) + L€Oh eneeobA SIL€VSK omeon beneath the € in 060, pellet. [PI. III. 13.] [Purchased, 1904] (LEO VI and ALEXANDER; seated figures) + L€Oh SALeZIAhGROS On 1., fig-ure of Leo VI, with short beard ; on r., shorter figure of Alexander, beardless, both seated facing on double throne and holding between them labarum with X. Each wears crown with cross and robes of square pattern. [M. J. Borrell, 1852] + L€Oh SALeHAh GKOSbASIL/ Komeon [PI. LI. 14.] (LEO VI and ALEXANDER; busts) + L€OhSAL€[IIA] Onl., bust of Leo VI, with short beard, facing ; on r., bust of Alexander, beardless, facing. They hold between them la- barum with X. Each wears crown with cross and robes of lozenge pattern. [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] (Inscr. oft' flan) + L€Oh S AL€IIAh GROSbASIL Romeoh/ (often partly flan) oft' the [PI. LI. 15.] [PI. LI. 16.] 448 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 11. CHERSON' Bronze (LEO VI) Ae Cross, on two steps, with extremities floriate ; on r. and 1., pellet. 16 48. M .75 [de Sails gift] [PI. lil. 17.] Bust of Leo VI, facing. | A € Patriarchal cross. JE Size .6, Sab., PI. XLV. 15 ; Burachkov, oj). cif., PL XVII, fig. 137. (LEO VI and ALEXANDER) AA Cross, on two steps, witli extremities floriate ; on r. and 1. , pellet. 17 47.2 JE .7 [de Salis gift] [PI. III. 18.] A A Patriarchal cross. | Cross, &c., as on No. 16. M size -6, Sab., PI. XLV. 20 figs. 139, 140. Burachkov, op. clt., PI. XVII, CHRONOLOGY OF THE COINS OF LEO VI, ETC. The coins fall into three main classes : — I. With name of Leo VI only. AT, M, JEl. II. With names of Leo VI and Alexander. JE. III. With names of Leo VI and Constantine VII. N, A\. The only class that can be dated with exactitude is III, which belongs to the end of the reign of Leo and cannot be earlier than the coronation of Constantine in a. d. 911. The relation of I to II is difficult to determine. Fi'om tlie lai)idary inscriptions, &c. it is certain that Leo and his brother Alexander were associated as joint-emperors. But it has been supposed (Sp. Lambros in B. Z., iv (1895), p. 92 ff.) that from cirr. a. n. 904 Leo reigned actually, ^ The dies of Nos. 16 and 17 are adjustod /fv/f. instead of -^4^ as usual on the AI and M of Constantinople. LEO VI, ETC.— CHRONOLOGY OF COINS 449 or at least practically, alone, aucl Lambros would assign all the coins with the sole name of Leo to the end of his reign (i. e. after circ. 904). The numismatic evidence seems to me, however, to suggest that the coins of Leo \1 alone were struck in the beginning or middle of liis reign rather than in the later part of it. Leo was, no doubt, the mling spirit — the Basileiis — while Alexander was, as it were, the despotea^ and Leo may have chosen to strike coins in his own name solely, without tliereby formally denying the existence of his co-regent Alexander. On the present evidence, Alexander is seen to be relegated to the bronze coinage, but it would not be surprising if gold and silver money with the conjoint names of Leo and Alexander were one day to come to light. It may be by some accident that such coins are not now extant, just as it must be by some accident that the gold and silver coins of Leo VI (alone) are still rare, seeing that they must liave been struck in considerable numbers during liis lengthy reign. We may now comment on the coins of classes I and II according to metals. Gold. The solidus of Leo VI alone (Pi. LI. 8) would seem at fii-st sight, from the long beard worn by the emperor, to belong to tlie latter part of his reign, for at his accession in 886 Leo was only about twenty years old. But, on the other hand, if we do not assign this solidus to the earlier part of his reign, we have no gold coins for the whole period 886-911, which is a great difficulty. I am inclined to believe, then, that this solidus — of entirely new types — was struck by Leo at his coronation. He places liimself, for the first time, under the protection of the Blessed Virgin, who, on an ivory in the Berlin Mus., is represented in the act of crowning him (see Schlumberger, Melanges., i, p. lllf. and additions at end of volume. This ivory bears the name of Leo— evidently Leo Vt). Silver. It seems likely that the coins with the sole name of Leo were first struck near the beginning of his reign — otherwise we should have no silver coins till 911, tlie date of the coinage of Leo and Constantine. Bronze. This coinage is evidently closely modelled on that of Basil I. Thus, we have Leo and Alexander (like Basil I and his son Constantine) represented (a) as enthroned figures, (/?) with their busts only. The coin of Leo VI alone (PI. LI. 12), showing the emperor seated on a richly ornamented throne with curved arms reproduces a coin of Basil I: I think that it may have been struck at or near the time of the coronation of Leo, just as the coin of Basil seems to have been struck. (There is also the bust type of Leo VI: the three specimens in the Britisli Museum are in remarkably fine preservation, almost suggesting that they have never been in circulation.) The bronze coins of Cherson have the name of Leo alone, and also the conjoined names of the co-regnant emperors. II 450 ALEXANDER 11 May 912—6 June 913 No. Weight Metal and Size 68-7 N .85 Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus +AL€XAhcJ ROSAM^H SrOSROm/ The em- peror Alexander, on 1., bearded, standing- facing*; on r., St. Alexander, bearded, head bare, standing" to front, placing with his r. hand crown with cross on the head of the emperor ; in his 1. hand, cross. The emperor wears robes with square pattern, viz. a long tunic, over which is a scarf-like mantle, an end of which, orna- mented with -|-, falls • • over liis r. liand in which is globus cr. ; his 1. hand is extended. Alexander wears long tunic and mantle ; his feet are bare. +lhSXKSR€X R€^hAh rmm Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with dais ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. hand raised in bene- diction ; in 1., book of the Gospels. [Purchased, 1905] ' [PI. LII. 1.] ^ Cp. Photiades Cat., No. 444; Montagu Cat., No. 1227 = Ponton d'Amecourt, p. 156, No. 960 ; Sab., ii, p. 117, No. 1 ; pi. 46, 3 = Cadalvene in Rev. num., 1848, p. 401 ; Coll. J. Dos Santos, Sale Catalogue (Schulman, Amsterdam, Sept., 1906, part 3, lot 5764; PI. IV, No. 5754). For small M coin of CHERSON, see Oreshnikov, Trans. Moscow Num. Soc, iii (1905), pi. ix. 31 ; No. 31 :- Ohv. A ; Rev. FTX. 451 CONSTANTINE VII, Porphyrogenitus 6 June 913— (15 ?) Nov. 959 ROMANUS I 17 Dec. 919—16 Dec. 944 The period covered by these two reigns (913-959) may be divided into three main epochs : — a. Constantine VII witli Zoe as reg-ent A. D. 913-919. /8. Constantine VII with Romanus I A.D. 919-944. y. Constantine VII, independent A. n. 945-959. Three sons of Romanus I, viz. Christopher, Stephen, and Constantine, and the son of Constantine VII, viz. Romanus II, were also associated with their fathers, so that the period may be further subdivided as follows : — I. Constantine Yil with his motlier ZOE as reg-ent June 913—919. II. Constantine VII and Romanus I, co-emperors 17 Dec. 919—921. in. Constantine VII, Romanus I, and C H R I STO P H E R, son of Romanus I (crowned May 921) 921— May 924 IV. Constantine VII, Romanus I, Christopher (d. Aug-. 931), STEPHEN (son of Romanus I, crowned May 924) and CONSTANTINE (son of Romanus I, crowned May 924) May 924— Aug. 931 V. Constantine VII, Romanus I, Stephen, and Constantine Aug. 931—16 Dec. 944 VI. Constantine VII, Stephen, and Constantine . 16 Dec. 944—27 Jan. 945 VII. Constantine VII (alone) 27 Jan.— April 945 VEIL Constantine VII and his son ROMANUS II April 945— Nov. 959 452 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse PERIOD I. ' CON ST A N T 1 N E V 1 1 with his mother ZOE as reg-ent June 913-919 CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus cohsrAhr/cezuuHen lhSXPSR€X R€^hAhri XOIb/K/ On 1., bust of HfTl Christ, bearded, seated, Constantino VII, beardless, facing, on throne with dais; facing ; on r., bust of Zoe wears tunic, mantle and facing. They hold be- nimbus cr. : r. hand raised tween them patriarchal in benediction ; in I., book cross. Constantine wears of the Gospels. crown with cross, mantle and robe. Zoe wears crown with cross and two pro- jections and robe with lozenge pattern. N Photiades Cat., No. 445. Sab., PI. XL VI. 4. Revue helge. 1857, p. 387 (Chaix Coll.). Num. Chron., xvii, p. 128 (Finlay Coll.). Bronze +cohsrAhr/C€ZOH +COhS b"^ On 1., bust of Con- rAhrmo/ stantine VII, beardless, CeZOHbA facing-; on r., bust of SILISKO Zoe, facing. They hold meoh between them patri- archal cross. Constan- tine wears crown with crossandrobeof lozenge l^attern. Zoe wears mantle, robe, and crown with cross and tMO projections. - 1 108. JE 1-05 [Blacas, 1867] [PI. lill. 2.] 2 119.5 JE 1- (b/ for b\) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1087] [PI. lill. 3.] ^ In these complicated reigns I have classed the coins under Periods and not, primarily, according to the metals. With the exception of the insignificant bronze coinage of Cherson all the coins are now of the Constantinople mint. ^ Notice that on the preceding solidus Constantine wore only the mantle and Zoe the ornamented robe. On that solidus, too, his hand holding the cross was heloiv the hand of Zoe. Here, Constantine wears the ornamented robe and Zoe the mantle, and Constantine's hand is placed above the hand of Zoe. Both on solidus and bronze the son is represented as of nearly the same height as his mother. CONSTANTINE VII. PERIOD II— SOLIDUS 453 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 3 1174 JE 1. [Sotheby's, Dec. 20, 1852, lot 207] 4 94.2 jE 105 [Sotheby's, Jan. 31, 1853, lot 318] 5 86-3 JE .9 (rAhrN) 6 69.5 JE 1. [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1087] PERIOD II. CONSTANTINE VII and ROMANUS 1 , co-emperors 17 Dec. 919-921 CONSTANTINOPLE . Solidus + cohsrAhrmosc€K OmAhChXUUbK On 1., Constantine VII, beard- less, standing- lacing ; on r., taller figure of Romanus I, bearded, standing facing. They hold between them long patriarchal cross. Constantine wears + mSXPSK€X R€^NAN TlWm Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with dais ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. hand in benedic- tion'; in 1., book of the Gospels. crown with cross, tunic and mantle em- broidered with cross, &c. In his r., globus cr. Romanus wears crown with cross and robes with square pat- tern, viz. a long tunic over which is a scarf- like mantle, an end of •• which, ornamented +, falls over his 1. hand in whicli is globus cr. 7 65-6 N -85 [Purchased, 1905] [PI. LII. 4.] 1 Doubtless this is the gesture intended, though the hand is represented rather as if holding back the mantle : so also on Nos. 8 and 9. 454 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 8 64.2 A^ .8 C+ on end of mantle of Romanus) consrAhrceKomAh AM^bK On 1., bust of Romanus I, bearded, facing' ; on r., shorter bust of Constantine VII, beardless, facing-. They hold between them patriarchal cross. Romanus wears crown with cross and robes of lozeng-e pattern ; Con- stantine wears crown Avith cross, mantle and robe. [de Salis gift] + lhSXPSK€X K€^NAN TIMfn Christ seated facing, as on No. 7. 9 66.3 N -8 KOmAh/€TCOhSrAh r/AM<1<1/b/ On 1., bust of Romanus I, bearded, facing- ; on r., shorter bust of Constantine VII, beardless, facing-. They hold between them patriarchal cross. Romanus wears crown with cross and robes of lozeng-e pattern ; Con- stantine wears crown with cross, mantle and robe. ' [de Salis gift] [PI. lill. 5.] + lhSXPSK[€X] R€^ NANTIMM 31C Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with dais ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. hand extended in bene- diction - ; in 1., book of the Gospels. 10 65. (pierced) j N .8 [PI. LII. 6.] '■ The name of Romanus here precedes that of Constantine and this may indicate that Romanus makes a new claim to the chief imperial honours. Already, however, on No. 9, Romanus had held the position of honour on the right (i. e. the spectator's left) and had worn the ornamented robes, even though in that case the name of Constantine had preceded his own. '^ The hand is here distinctly extended in benediction. This coin — ^by its reverse — joins on to the solidus of Romanus I and Christopher (No. 35 infra) which was probably first issued circ. May 921. CONSTANTINE VII. PERIOD II- CONSTANTINOPLE-BRONZE 455 No. II 12 13 Weiffht 91. 93-6 92.2 14 90.2 15 1345 16 164. Metal and Size JE 1. JE 1- JE 1. JE .95 JE 1.05 JE 1. Obverse Reverse Bronze (On obv., CONSTANTINE alone; a.d. 919-921?) + COhSrAhr^bASIL^R OfT)'^ Bust of Constantine VII, beardless, facing- • in r., labarum with y^ ; in 1., g-Iobus cr. ; wears crown with cross and robe of lozeng-e pat- tern.^ [de Salis g-ift] (Head small ; labarum small) (Head small ; labarum small) +COhS rAhrih/ €heT)bAS iL/Rom/ (Double-struck) [PL LII. 7.] [PI. lill. 8.] [Purchased, 1904] (On obc, ROMANUS I alone; a.d. 919-921 and later) + RUJmAITbASIL€VSR ULim/ Bust of Romanus I, bearded, facing-; wears crown witli cross and jewelled robe ; in r., labarum^ ; in 1., glo- bus cr. (UJ nearly W) [Purchased, 1904] +RUJmA h^eneeuubA SIL6VSKUU mAiuuh (UU nearly W) [PI. LII. 9.] [PI. LII. 10.] ' Though Constantine VII here ajjpears alone, the coin was ]3i-obably not issued duiing his period of independence, i. e. 945 and later, becausfi. of that period, we have bronze coins on which he is represented bearded (either when alone or in company with his son Romanus II). It would seem that Constantine was allowed to appear on the bronze coins (from circ. 919?) unaccompanied by Romanus I, while Romanus I, on his part, appears on bronze coins unaccompanied by Constantine VII. These bronze pieces of Romanus I (Nos. 14-29) may belong to any part of his reign, 919-944. ^ Usually represented on these coins as £p or £6. With this representation compare the labarum held by a tenth-century Emperor on the Bamberg textile, Schlumberger, Un Emp. hifz., p. 365. 456 No. Weight 17 t 99. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 143-5 106-5 107-6 87-8 61-5 119-8 131- Metal and Size IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS Obverse ^ 105 M 1-2 JE 1-1 [de Sails grift] (/ for •) (bAS IL &c.) JE 1-05 i (bAS IL &c.) I [Purchased, 1904] jE 1-05 JE -95 JE 1-05 JE 1-15 83-7 (pierced) JE 1-1 Reverse (Nfoi-/) (\ for /) [PI. LII. 11, obi\] (\ for /) (\ for • ; bAS IL &c.) (A for A) [de Sails gift] (+RmUJA sic) [Purchased, 1847] (bASIL&c.) [Presented by Mr. George Finlay, 1854 = Num. Chro7i., xvii, p. 127, No. 1] Restruck on JE of Leo VI, like Leo VI, No. 7 supra ; on obv., remains of L€OhbAS+ILe ' ; cp. similar re- strikings, Rev. beige, 1857, p. 398 f. (bAS IL &c.) [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] Restruck on JE of Leo VI, like Leo VI, No. 8 supra ; on ret*., remains of ohv. inscr. and crown of emperor ; on obv., remains of €h SI L OfH . . . h &c. For a bronze coin of Romanus I with rev. Cross potent, see infra., a. d. 931-944. (Inscr. obscure) [de Sails gift] Restruck on JE of Leo VI, like Leo VI, No. 8, supra ; on obv.., +L€0 and remains of bust of Leo VI; on yet'., +L €h SIL ^ Anotlier bronze coin of Romanus I is found restruck on a bronze coin of Constan- tine VII and Zoe ; see Num. Chron., iv, 1841, p. 56. No. 26 Weight CONSTANTINE VII, ETC.-PERIOD II-CHERSON Obverse Reverse 457 Metal and Size 131-6 M M 27 28 21) 92-8 112. lOM JE 1. JE 1. JE M 30 31 136-6 99-4 M 1- JE 1- (ends R.Om\) [Bkcas, 1867J (h\) [PI. lill. 12, rev.] Restruck on ^ of Lfo YI, like Leo VI, No. 8, suw-a • on rev., L€Oh ' i ' A S R O h Restruck ou ^ of Leo VI, like Leo VI, No. 8, .supra ■ on obv., IL€VSROm^ coinciding- with part of thJ superimposed inscr. I [Blacas, 1867J On rev., traces of restriking-. (inscr. partly obscure) , [Presented bv the Rev. I Arthur Dixon, 1906J Restruck on JE of Leo VI, like Leo VI, No. 8, supra : on obv., traces of helmet with cross and inscr. IL6VS Kom/ CHERSON Type 1 ROMAN US I, A. D. 919-921 X (monog'ram of Romanus) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. lill. 13, obv.} [Purchased, 1853] Cross, with floriate ex- tremities, on steps ; on r. and 1., pellet. (Type nearly effaced, perhaps intentionally : so also on other sj^eci- mens, as Be v. num.. 1859, p. 45) ' ' A smaller size is also known, Sab., PI. 46, 9 ; Photiades Cat., No. 447. — There is also another type with o/jr. as No. 30, but Avith rev. monogram (explained as biUTruTrji) \ see Koehne, Mhs. Kotschonbei/, I, p. 231, No. 6; Sab., ii. p. 125, No. 4. and Burachkov. PI. XVII. 141 ; cp. the monograai oi' liea-rroTrjs on .E of Nicephorus II Phocas. Burachkov, PI. XVII. 1.50. See also Tnuis. A[(m-ow Num. Soc. iii, PI. IX.— The dies of Nos. 30, 31 are adjusted ^^ ; Nos. -32-34 are placed ^^ as usual on the Constantinopolitau coins. II U 458 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 2 ROMAN US 1, clrc. a.d. 921-944? * H *■ (i. e. name of '^^n^ Romanus) Cross, with floriate ex- tremities, on steps ; on r. and 1., pellet.' 32 65-2 M .75 [Purchased, 1904] [PI. IiII. 14.] 33 50-6 ^ -7 34 43.8 JE -7 [de Sails g-ift] PERIODS III and IV (May 921-931) ROMANUS 1, CONSTANTINE VII, and CHRISTOPHER, 921-924 ROMANUS 1, CONSTANTINE VII, CHRISTOPHER, STEPHEN, and CONSTANTINE, May 924-931 (Note that Stephen and Constantine his brother do not appear on the coins tiU after the death of Christopher in 931 ; and see coins in Period V.) CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus Type 1 ROMANUS 1 and his son CHRISTOPHER (CONSTANTINE VII omitted) - A. p. 921-927? ' Sabatier (ii, p. 132, No. 3; PL 47, 6) assigns type 2 to Romanus II (son of Constantine VII) leaving only our type 1 to Romanus I. At first sight this seems a plausible division, but its correctness may be doubted because (i) it does not appear certain that Romanus II struck any coins during his sole reign even at Constantinople (see infra under Romanus II, though he struck with Basil II at Cherson) ; (ii) the cross reverse type at Cherson belongs rather to the time of Romanus I (see our No. 30). Constantine VII also used the cross reverse, but afterwards introduced the monogram, or rather, monogrammatic cross, p. 467, as his reverse, and a similar reverse was used by his successors.— With regard to Sab., PI. XLVII. 7 (also Burachkov, PI. 17, 147), a bronze coin not in the British Museum, I should say that it was of Romanus II, possibly struck during his sole reign or, perhaps, during the lifetime of his father Constan- tine VII ; cp. the M of Constantine VII, No. 59. infra, with ohv. bust facing ; ret^ K UJ ' The omission of Constantine VII is curious, and one might be inclined to date this CONSTANTINE VII, ETC.— PERIODS III, IV- SOLIDUS 459 No. Weight Metal and Size 35 36 37 38 68-3 66-5 58.1 66.5 N N N M •75 39 66-1 N -8 Obverse ROfDAh^eTXPISrOFO" AM^^b^ On 1., bust of Romanus I, bearded, facing-, wearing- robe of lozenge pattern ; on r. , bust of Christopher, beardless, facing, wear- ing mantle and robe. They hold between them patriarchal cross. Each wears crown with cross. (FO/) (FO ; b reversed) (Ends AH^^V/) Reverse + lhSXPSKeX K€^NAN TIHM and >K composed of dots. Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with dais ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. hand extended in benediction ; in 1., book of the Gosi3els. [PI. LIII. 1.] [Purchased, 1905] [Purchased, 1905] Type 2 ROMANUS I, CONSTANTINE VII, and CHRISTOPHER Circ. A. D. 927 ? + K€bOHe€l ROmAhUU T)€SPOrH On 1., Romanus I, bearded, standing facing ; on r., Christ, bearded, stand- ing facing with r. hand crowning the Emperor. Christ wears mantle and tunic and has cross behind head ; in his 1. hand, the book of the Gospels. The Emperor wears crown with cross and robes with square pattern, viz. a long tunic over whicli is a scarf-like mantle, an end of which, orna- mented + , falls over his r. in which is glo- bus cr. ; 1. extended.' [de Salis gift] cohsrAhr/erxpisr OFb/R./ On 1., bust of Constantine VII, bearded, facing, wear- ing robe of lozenge pattern ; on r., bust of Christopher, bearded, facing, wearing mantle and robe. They hold between them patri- archal cross. Each wears crown with cross. [PI. IiIII. 2.] type circ. 927, the year of the marriage of Christopher s daughter Maria to Peter. King of the Bulgarians, when Christopher seems to have been granted by his father Komanusi ..-ran^Aor^no nvm- fVio ,.r..PTY,i^Prm- Cntishanhine Vll (see Fnedlaender m BerL Blatter, l«b5. precedence over the co-emperor Constantine Vll (see , „ -i- p. 175, citing Cedrenus II, p. 309, ed. Bonn). But as Christopher is here heanlless, this type obviously precedes his bearded types (2 and 3), and was probably first struck in May 921 on tlie occasion of the coronation of Christopher. , , rp, ' Op. Berl. Blatter, 1865, p. 173. r'l^vl^fni.lipr is rPiiresented bearded. lh( Christopher is represented bearded. The type is 460 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 40 Weight 50-2 {])ierced) Metal and Size M 1 Obverse Reverse Type 3 ROMANUS I, CHRISTOPHER, and CONSTANTINE VII A.D. 927P-931 KebOHeei Kom Ahuu "OeSPOrH Christ crown- ing Komanus I (as on Type 2). xpjsroF/ er consr Ahr/ On 1., bust of Chris- topher, bearded, facing ; on r., bust of Constan- tine VII (bearded ?), facing. They hold be- tween them patriarchal cross. Each wears crown with cross. N solidus. de Saulcy, E^sai, PI. XX. 5 ; Berl. BhWer, 1865, p. 174. Silver Type 1 ROMANUS I, CONSTANTINE VII, and CHRISTOPHER A.D. 921-927? mS[H]SXR.I SrHShICA Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, globule. Three borders of dots. [Purchased, 1904] + R.OmAhO/ COhSTAhr/ cexpisr[OF] enxujevse b/bASIL/R./ within three borders of dots, the central border of which has eio'lit g-lobules. [PI. lilll. 3.] probably at least a few years later than type 1 which shows Christopher beardless. It may belong to circ. A.D. 926 or to the earlier part of 927. Type 3, where Christopher's name precedes that of Constantine VII, may have been first struck in the latter part of 927 when Christopher had precedence of Constantine VII. CONSTANTINE VII, 1<:TC.— PERIOD V-SILVER 461 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type '2 ROMANUS 1, CHRISTOPHER, and CONSTANTINE VII A.D. 927P-931 mswsxRi srHShicA +R.omAhO/ Cross potent on three XPISTOFOK/ steps ; beneatli,giobule. cecohSTAh^ Three borders of dots. ehX*UU€VS€ VbASIL/R./ within three borders of dots, the central border of which has eight globules. 41 40. Ai -95 [de Salis gift] [PI. LIII. 4.] [CHERSON. Romanus I and Christopher, see Trans. Moscoto Num. Soc, iii, PL X. 42, 43.] PERIOD V. Aug-. 931—16 Dec. 944 ROMANUS 1, CONSTANTINE VII, and STEPHEN and CONSTANTINE (sons of Romanus I) CONSTANTINOPLE Silver mSHSXKI SrMShICA • — • • • — Cross potent on three steps ; beneath, • • • ; in centre of cross, oval medallion'with bearded facin g- head of Romanus I, wearing- crown with • +RomAhO/ cohSTAhr/ sreFAhOS CeCOhSTA/ €hXUUb/R/ cross and robe. Whole — . ! . — within three borders of dots, the central border of which has eight glo- bules. • within three borders of dots, the central border of which has eig-ht globules. 42 48-6 Ai -95 rRolliu sale, Sotheby's, 12 July 1853, lot 585] [PI. LIII. 5.] ' On this medallion see note in/in, p. 472, on M of Nicephorus II Phocas. 462 IMPERLVL BYZANTINE COINS No. 43 44 Weiorht 131-4 (pierced) 69- Metal and Size JE h N .8 Obverse Reverse Bronze (with head of ROM AN US I only) A.D. 931-944 Bust of Romanus I, bearded, facing-; wears crown witli cross and robe with squares and pellets ; in r., globus with patriarchal cross. Border of pellets placed between two borders of dots. [Purchased, 1868] ' mswsxRi srHShicA Cross potent on steps ; at centre, X ; below steps, g-lobule ; on r. and 1. of cross, star. Border as on obv. [PI. LIII. 6.] PERIOD VI. 16 Dec. 944—27 Jan. 945 CONSTANTINE VII, STEPHEN and CONSTANTINE No coins issued. PERIOD VII. 27 Jan.— April 945 CONSTANTINE VII (alone) CONSTANTINOPLE Sol +GOhsrAh r/Avr^c RArOK^ Bust of Con- stantino VII, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross and robe with squares and pel- lets ; in r., g"lobus with patriarchal cross. [Purchased, 1862] ^ idus + lhSKIS(6u)K€XK€<1 NANTIMm Bust of Clirist, bearded, facing, wearing- nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels. [PI. LIII. 7.] ^ This coin — the actual specimen— was formerly in a collection at Naples, and was well published by J. Friedlaender in Berliner Blatter fUr Miinzkunde, 1865, p. 177. It is of remarkably neat and ornate work. Friedlaender compares the head with the small head of Romanus on the M of Romanus I, Constantine VII, Stephen and Constantine, No. 42, supra, a coin struck a. D. 931-944, and we may well assign our coin to the same period. Compare the obr. also with the solidus of Constantine VII alone (next coin described). ^ This coin is assigned to Constantine VII (rather than to Constantine VIII or to CONSTANTINE VII— PERIOD VII—BRONZE 463 No. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Weight 130-8 107.8 120-3 96-7 77-8 84-4 86-1 101-3 109-4 Metal and Size JE ]-l M 1-1 JE 1- JE 1- JE -9 JE -95 JE -95 JE 1-05 JE 1-05 Obverse Reverse Bronze +COhST/bASIL/ROm/ Bust of Constantine VII, bearded,' facing-, wearing- crown with cross and robe with squares and pellets ; in r.,mappa; inl.,g-lobus cr. (m\) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1087] [Purchased, 1904] +COhST/ eneeobA SIL6VSK omeoh (SILeVSR) [PI. LIII. 8.] (SIL€VSR) (SIL6VSR) (SIL€0S67V) (81 L; ends en) (SIL6VSR) [Pl. LIII. 9.] [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis g-ift] [de Salis gift] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1087] Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PI. LII. 9. On rei\, remains of bust and g-lobus cr. ; on obc, +RUJmA SIL [de Salis gift] | (SILE &c.) Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PI. LII. 9. On obv., [+R]UUmA UUbA SRUJ UUh Constantine IX CXII') as in Montagu Cat., No. 1244) because its obv. closely resembles the obv. of the solidus of Leo VI, p. 444, No. 1, supra, and the obv. of the JE of Eomanus I. No. 4-3, supra, while its )-ev. is like the rev. of the solidi of Constantine VII and Romanu.s II infra, PI. LIII. 12. ' This coin, at least when photograijhed, has the appearance of being beardless, but on fairly well preserved specimens the beard, or at any rate the moustache, is visible. For the beardless bust of Constantine VII alone see No. 11, supra. 464 [MPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 54 55 56 57 Weiffht 79-2 84-3 137. 79. 58 39.2 JE .65 59 37-8 Metal and Size JE M JE 1.05 JE M JE 1- JE 1 Obverse Reverse [de Salis g-iftj \ Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PL LII. 9. On rev.^ remains of bust, r. arm, sceptre, &c. ; on ohv.^ part of inscr., h€ &c. SIL (r for T) I [de Salis gift] Restruck ou JE of Romanus I, like PI. LII. 9. On rev.^ remains of inscr., SIL€ &c. (COhST/ obscure through restriking) [Presented by Mr. George Finlay, 1854 ; same as Num. (Jhron.^ xvii, p. 127, 2] Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PI. LII. 9 On o6t'., head of Romanus I ; on rev.^ mAIUUh &c. [Presented by Mr. George Finlay, 1854 ; same as Num. ChroJi.^ xvii, p. 127, 3] Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PI. LII. 9. On rev.., part of bust and +RUJfr)Ah ; on o6r., remains of inscr., h€ SIL mA &c. CHERSON Bronze Type u K OJ [de Salis gift] ' Cross, on steps, with floriated extremities ; on r. and 1., pellet. [PI. lilll. 10.] Type p Bust of Constantino (beardless ?), facing, in mantle. [de Salis gift] K UJ [PI. LIII. 11.] ' Cp. Sab., ii, p. 128, No. 13; ohv., bust of Constantino ; rev., floriate cross, &c. - Cp. Trans. Moscow Num. Soc, iii, PI. X. 44-47. Dies of .j8, /l^./[«. ; of 59, '^^^. CONSTANTINE VIT, ETC. -PERIOD VIII-SOLIDUS 465 No. 60 61 62 63 64 65 Weiorht 68. 67-8 68- 67. 61-4 (pierced) 68. 66.3 Metal and Size N .8 N .7 N .75 A^ .75 N -8 N .8 N -75 Obverae Reverse PERIOD VIII. CONSTANTINE VII and his sou ROMANUS II April 945— Nov. 959 CONSTANTINOPLE Solidus cohsrA nr/ C€KomAn AH^<1b/R/ On 1., bust of Constantine, bearded, facing-, in robe of lozeng-e pattern. On r., bust of Romanus II, beardless, facing-, in mantle and robe. They hold between them patriarchal cross. Eacli wears crowu with cross. [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1371] (r without / ) [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1477] [Purchased, 1905] [Purchased, 1905] (Ends AVI I R) [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] [PI. LIII. 13.] (h/; I forb/) [Bank of England gift, 1877] [PI. LIII. 14.] + mSXPSR€XR€^NAN TIMfT) Bust of Christ, bearded, facing ; wear- ing tunic and mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. raised in benediction ; in 1., book of Gospels. (Three pellets in each limb of cross of nim- bus.) [PL LIII. 12.] (Legend blundered) (tw( > pellets in limbs of cross) [Royal Collection] ^ (RX€ for R€X) (two pel- lets in limbs of cross) (Hair wavy) (three pel- lets in right limb, two pellets in remaining- limbs of cross) ' Possibly not issued at the Imperial mint. H'Ai IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Silver mSMSXRI SrMShlCA +CONST/r/ Cross, on three steps, nORFVROV with smaller cross at ceRomAho each extremity (cross enx'oievseb/ crosslet). In centre, bxKuumeoh X ; beneath steps, within three borders oiobule. The whole of dots, as on obv. within three borders of dots, the central border of which is ornamented with sixteen g-lobules. 67 454 M -95 [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LIII. 15.] 68 43-6 M -9 ()9 43- M -9 Bronze +cohST/r/ceKomA +cohsr/ h^VKom/ On 1., bust CeKOfDAh of Constantine VII, enxRisr/ bearded, facing-, in robe VR^omeo Avitli square pattern. On r., shorter bvist of Romaniis II, beardless. facing-, in robe of lozeng-e imttern. They hold between them patriarclial cross witli X in centre and g-lobus • at its foot. ' Eacli wea rs crown witli cross. 70 101.3 JE 11 [de Salis g-iftj [PI. LIV. 1.] Restruck ; on obr.^ traces of inscription. 71 93-3 JE 1. 1 [PI. LIV. 2.] Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PL LIl. 9. On rev., traces of ohr. leg-end +RlJU(T)Ah'' ; on o/>r.. bA &c. ^ The globus is here unusually large. On the gold of this reign and on earlier coins the long cross is often represented with a globular ornament ( = the globus cruciger?) at its foot.— The cross and globe here shown are reproduced on a leaden seal (Schlumberger, Vn Emp. hj/z., p. 327) of the Imperial commerciarii of Thessalonica. CONSTANTINE Vn, ETC.— PERIOD VIII-CHERSON 467 No. 72 73 74 75 70 77 78 Weight 128. 109-5 103- 94-5 75-7 (worn) Metal and Size JE 1-05 JE 1-05 JE 1-05 JE .95 JE 1-05 54.4 JE .75 46.8 I JE .75 Obverse Reverse [de Sails yift] Restruck ou ^ of Romauus I, like PI. Lll. 9. On rev., remains of bust ; on obv., KLUfDA eOJbA SKUJ Restruck on iE of Romanus I, like PI. LII. 9. On rev., remains of bust. [de Salis gift] | Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PI. LII. 9. On obv., remains of ?'ev. inscr. h€ SIL mAioih [de Salis g-ift] (Inscr. incomplete through restriking) Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PL LII. 9. On rev., bust of Romanus I with sceptre; on obv., h€ SIL6VSKID mAIUUh (Inscr. incomplete through restriking) [Presented by Mr. George Finlay, 1854 = Niwi. Chron., xvii, p. 127, No. 4] Restruck on JE of Romanus I, like PL LII. 9 On rev., remains of rev. legend A UUbA SKUJ AlUUh CHERSON Bronze "vL" = KUUNCT (Constantine VII) [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] ' ^*X^ = POJMA (Romanus II) [PI. LIV. 3.] ' See also Sab., ii, p. 130, No. 18; PI. 47, 3 {ohv., facing bust; rev., facing bust) assigned to Constantine VII and Eomanus II. So also Koehne, Mus. Kotschoube;/, i, p. 234, No. 1. Oreshnikov, Trans. Moscow Num. Sac, iii, PL X. No. 43, with more probability assigns these coins to Romanus I and Christopher (cp. p. 461, supra). Dies of Nos. 77, 78, "T^. 468 ROMANUS II (15?) Nov. 959—15 March 963 BASIL II son of Romanus II, by Tlieophano, crowned Ai'Rir. 960 CONSTANTINE VIM second son of Romanus II, by Theophano, crowned Aphii, 961 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE It does not seem possible to identify any extant specimens as tlie Constantinopolitan coinage of Romanus II. The bronze coins with the name of 'Romanus' formerly assig-ned to this Emperor are now proved by the evidence of restriking- to have been issued by Romanus I. Sabatier (ii, p. 131, No. 1) was inclined to attribute to Romanus II a soiidus assigned by Du Cange (op. de Saulcy, PI. XXI. 5) to Romanus IV. Unfortunately, the coin described by Du Cange had already dis- appeared wlien Sabatier wrote. The tyj)e (bust of the Virgin crowning the Emperor) is certainly, as Sabatier remarks, more likely to be of Romanus EI than of Romanus IV, for we find it on the solidus of John I Zimisces, a. d. 969-976. But I am inclined to suspect that the eeOTOC KOmAhUL) "OeSP of Du Cange's coin is a misreading of a solidus of Jolm Zimisces, like our PI. LIV. 11 with GeOTOC KOMe^ IUL)"DGSP (pbv.^ bust of the Virgin crowning the Emperor). Of course it is possible that Romanus II may liave instituted tliis type, but it does not seem probable tliat he did so, because Nicephorus II Pliocas, who intervenes between RomanusII and JohnZimisces, uses a different type of the Virgin (see PI. LIV. 5). ROMANUS II, ETC.-CHERSON- liHONZE 469 No. Weigrht Metal and Size Reverse CHERSON Bronze (ROMANUS II and BASIL II) if of (monogram of Basil iF) (monogram Romanus II) M Size -7. Burachkov, Coins of Greek Colonies, &c., PI. XVII. 143 (p. 125, No. 141, where the coin is assigned to Romanus I, BA being interpreted as Bao-tAfvf); liev. num., 1859, p. 46 ; Sab., vol. ii, p. 132 ; Oreshnikov, op. cit , PI. X. 55, 56. The coin of Cherson in PI. LII. 14 with the name of 'Romanus' (rev. Cross) seems better assigned to Romanus I than to Romanus II ; see note, siq)ra, p. 458, No. 32, Romanus I, Cherson. 470 THEOPHANO widow of Romanus II, regent for Basil II and Constantine VIII 16 Makch— 15 Arc. 963 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Eronze M eV Bust of the Virgin, facing, orans. Border of poUets. eeoF A hOhAur Bust of Theophano, facing, wearing crown and robes ; in r., sceptre. M Size 1. Published by de Saulcj"^ in Rev. num., 1842, p. 415 ; P]. XIX. 4, from the specimen then belonging to the Marquis de Lagoy (= Sab., ii, p. 133, No. 1). The rev. has to me the appearance of belonging to a later period (cp. the M assigned to Constantine IX), but de Saulcy vouches for the correctness of the obverse legfend. 471 NICEPHORUS 11, PHOCAS 16 Aug. 963—10 Dec. 969 BASIL II and CONSTANTINE VIM sons of Romanus II, co-emperors No. Weight Metal and Size 67- N .75 67-7 N .8 Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma (Solidus) ' Type 1 (NICEPHORUS and BASIL) Circ. Aug'. 963 NIKH + OP^KAIBACIAA Vr/RP- On L, bust of Nicepliorus II, bearded, facing-, in robe of lozenge pattern. On r., bust of Basil II, beardless, facing, in mantle and robe. They hold between them patriarchal cross. Each wears crown with cross. (hlCHFOP/C€b[A]SIL/ + mSXPSR€XK€^NANT mm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, wear- ing tunic, mantle and nimbus cr., with three pellets in each limb of cross ; r. raised in benediction ; in l.,book of Gospels. [Maj.-Gen. C. R. Fox, 1850] [Purchased, 1906] [PI. LIV. 4.] 1 The types of the solidus or nomisma (as it may be now more convenient to call it) are exactly reproduced from the solidus of Constantine VII and Romanus II. PI. LIII. 12. The portraits are purely conventional. On the A^, A\, and M struck in his sole name, Nicephorus places a head which has more claim to be a portrait. Type 2 may have been issued soon after type 1. ■ a / a \/i- 2 Sabatier in lievue belf^e, 1859, p. 312 f., publishes specimens ending BACIA^ AVl K^ P/ and BACIA^ AVr^ K'' and suggests that the title Autokrator is intended. Photiades Cat., No. 460, has a specimen stated to read AVf/ KP/. Our No. 2 (similar to Montagu Cat., No. 1231) has again a different legend, ending bK/ (or bK/ ?). 472 IMPERLVL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 66-5 68-4 67-2 N -75 N -8 N -85 Obverse Reverse Type 2 (NICEPHORUS) 963 {or later)— 9Q% +e€OTOc/VHe/'hi CHF/T)€SP/ On 1., bust of the Virgin, facing-, wearing nimbus, veil ( with •*•), mantle (with •••), and tunic ; on r., bust of Nicephorus II, bearded, facing, wear- ing crown with cross and robe with square pattern. They hold between them the patriarchal cross. On 1. of Virgin, M ; on r. , 6 [Purchased, 1905] [Thomas sale, 1844, lot 3040] (•D€Sfor-D€SP/) + lhSXPSK€XK€^NAN Tinm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, as on No. 1. [PI. LIV. 5.] (h'fTI ; two pellets in nimbus) (two jDellets in nimbus) Silver 963 {or later) -m'd + lhSUSXRI SrUShlCA and 5|c dotted. Cross, crosslet, on two steps ; in centre, medallion of four lobes with h C I F and bust of Nicephorus II, bearded, facing, as on his nomismata.- Wliole in three borders of dots, the central bor- der of which is orna- mentedbyeight pellets. + hlCHF/ Ehx'uuAvro CKAT/eVS€V bASILeVS KUUm/MUJ/ Wliole in border as on ohi\ ' eeoTOKe BOHeei. - ' Le meclaillon, qui est quaclrilobe [cp. the oval medallion on /R of Romanus I. with Constantine VII, Stephen and Constantine, stipra, PI. LIII. 5] represente certaine- ment le couvercle de quelque capsule ou boite renfennant un fragment de la Vraie Croix. On sait que ces fragments veneres etaient presque toujours places dans una cavite ou receptacle au centre des quatre branches de croix processionnelles ou autres. On gravait sur la face principale de la capsule le portrait du prince regnant, et ces monnaies d'argent nous donnent la tres exacte representation d'une de ces croix-reliquaires.' Schlumberger, Vn Emp. hijz,, p. 494. No. 6 Weight I ^^*gf^^"'^ NICEPHORUS II-CHERSON-BRONZE Obverse 473 444 42-6 M -9 M -85 76-3 JE .1 10 11 12 112-6 113-1 111.4 92-7 jE 1-05 JE -95 JE 1. JE 1. 13 60-3 JE .7 [Purchased, 1904] (5K) [Royal Collection] Reverse [PI. lilV. 6.J Bronze 963 (or later)— d6d Type 1 +hlCIFKb ASILKOM Bust of Nicephorus II, bearded, facing; wears crown witli cross and robe with square pat- tern ; in r. , labarum ; in I., o'lobus cr. [de Salis g-ift] +mcHF/ eneeuubA SILeVSKUU mAiuuh [PI. LIV. 7. J Type 2 +hlCIFKb ASILERUU Bust of Nicephorus II, bearded, facing-; wears crown with cross and robe with square pat- tern (varied from type 1); in r., cruciform sceptre; in 1., g-lobus surmounted by trefoil. [de Salis gift] [Northwick sale, 1860] [Northwick sale, 1860] +mcHF/ eneeuubA SIL€VSRUU mAioih [PI. LIV. 8.] (Double-struck and re- struck ?) CHERSON Bronze |\|.(p-K (monog-ram of |C Nicephorus II) [Purcliased, 1904] ^1r AecTTT 0T7;s- [PI. LIV. 9. J (Cp. de Saulcy, PI. 21, 11 ; Buraclikov, PI. XVII. 150) II 474 JOHN I ZIMISCES 11 Dkc. 969—10 Jax. 976 No. Weight Metal and Size 68-2 63. 62.4 A^ .9 A' -8 A^ .8 Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 +eeoTOc bOHe^iuu ■D6SP On r., bust of the Virgin, facing", wearing- nimbus, veil (with •*•), mantle (witli •*•), find tunic; on 1., bust of Jolm I, bearded, facing', wearing- crown with cross and robe witli square patterns. John, wlio holds in 1. patri- archal cross, is crowned by tlie Virgin ; above his head is the onanus Dei. Above the liead of tlie Virgin, MQ (Jolm holds plain cross) (•D6SP0 (KOHGO + lhSXPSK€XR.e^NANT mm Bust of Clirist, bearded, facing-, wear- ing- tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. (with • •*••); r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 912] [PI. LIV. 10.] [Lieut. -Col. Ross, 1846] [PI. LIV. 11.] JOHN I- CONSTANTINOPLE— SILVER 475 No. I Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 68-2 49.7 6 I 37.5 N -85 M -85 M .8 Type 2 +eeoToc/ bOHe/iuu "OeSCD/ • On r., bust of the Virg-in, facing-, robed as on No. 1 ; on 1., bust of John I, bearded, facing-, wear- ing- crown with cross and robe witli square patterns. John, wlio holds in 1. g-lobus sur- mounted by trefoil, is crowned by tlie Virg-in. Above, in centve^manus Dei blessing the Em- peror. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 913] + mSXPSReXR.6^NANT in m Bust of CJirist, bearded, as on No. 1 (nimbus cr., one pellet in eacii limb). [PI. lilV. 12.] Silver T^^pe 1 + lhSMSXKI SrHSmCAJK Cross on two steps ; in centre, circular medal- lion with I A and uu h bust of John I, bearded, facing;, as on liis nomis- mata. Wliole in three borders of dots, the central border orna- mentedbyeij^dit pellets. [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1008] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1009] + IUJAhh/ €hXUJAVrO CRAT/eVS€b/ bASIL€VS KUUmAIOJ/ Whole in border as on [Pl. LIV. 13.] ( • • tor • • • m orna- • • meuts) ' 'D€S®'^. The S is blundered and has rather the appearance of Z. Cp. the specimen desci'ibed by Sabatier in Rev. num., 1863, p. 18. The dative of beantWrii must be intended, and 0'^ cannot be the numeral Q as Sabatier (1. c.) suggested. - One of the three specimens in the Photiades Cat. is plated, No. 467. The die? of N06. 5, 6, and 7 are adjusted '^^^ as on the go)d and bronze coins. 47(> IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 2 ecebG/roisb/KsiLS/ Bust of the Virg-in, facing-, Avearing nim- ))us, veil and mantle (with .•.). She holds before her breast a circular medallion of the bust of the Infant Saviour in tunic ; be- hind his head cross +m€ReH ■oe-DoiAsm oeis.seeL nizuuhOM CAnor/X • — • •— . • Border as obv. with . Onl.,NFP: onr.,6Y Whole within three linear borders. 7 432 A\ M [Purchased, 1886] ' [PI. LIV. 14.] Bronze' 972-976 +€MMA NOVHA Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, wearing- nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; +msMS XKISTMS bASiLen bASILe*' ^ For similar specimens see Photiacles Cat, No. 466; Sab., ii, p. 141, PL 47, 18; Madden in Num. Chron., 1878, p. 209 (the Paris coin). The obv. legend is QforoKt (iot'jdd Tols jiaaiXiiia-L (note the allusion to the co-emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII). The rev. legend is MrJTep GeoC debo^aafievrj 6 els ae eXni^i^v ovk aTroTvyxdfei (' Mere de Dieu, pleine de gloire, celui qui met en toi son esperance n'echouera jamais dans la realisation de ses projets', Schlumberger, VEjw}). byz., i, p. 320). C. M. Kaufmann, Handbiich der christlichen Arch., 1905, p. 609, engraves the coin as reading APIO'C/K'' and interprets OVK aTTOTev^erai Kvpi'ov. But yMHCUyX is clearly the reading on tlae British Museum specimen. This is the first appearance on the coins of the Virgin of this type, i. e. with the medallion of the Infant Christ. The medallion is in reality the nimbate head oi ii figure of the Infant seated on the knees of the Virgin, facing the spectator, as e. g. in the mosaic group of the Virgin in S. Apollinare Nuovo at Ravenna (6th century ; Venturi, La Madonna (Milan, 1900), p. 4; cp. the Virgin and Child, ib., p. 6, Rome, 9th cent.). Later on, the head of the Infant Christ appears as a medallion, as here, and on other monuments, e. g. the Madonna of St. Mark's, Venice (10th or 11th cent.) ; Schlumberger, Vtlpop. byz., i, p. 665 ; medallion of Infant Christ held by Gabriel and Michael, mosaic of St. Mark's, Venice, 11th cent. ; ib., ii, p. 576. Cp. Cabrol, Dkt., 'Baouit,' fig. 1281. The coin (No. 7) may have been stinick about August 972 when John I celebrated in Constantinople his triumph for victories over the Russians. These victories were specially ascribed by the Emperor to the Mother of God, and her image with the Infant Saviour was displayed on a triumphal car. See Gibbon, vi, p. 161, ed. Bury ; Schlumberger, V^i^p. byz., i, p. 176; cp. p. 84. ^ The first institution by John Zimisces of the anonymous M coinage is referred by Scylitzes (Cedren, vol. ii, p.,413, ed. Bonn) to the year 972. See Muralt, sub ann., p. 556, and Schlumberger, UEpop. byz., i, pp. 183, 184. See further on this coinage the dissertation infra at end of this reign. ^ This dot, and another dot in centre of coin, not always present or visible. JOHN I— CONSTANTINOPLE— BRONZE 477 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse r. hand in benediction; 1. holds book of Gospels. In field, IC XC Nim- bus with one pellet (•) in each limb of cross. 8 225-5 JE 1-25 Book with I in centre. Above and below, scroll ornament. [PI. liV. 1.] 9 300-1 JE 1-35 Book with • in centre. [Blacas, 1867] All as No. 8, but nim- bus with tivo 2)ellets (••) in each limb of cross. (Double-struck) Aboveand below, scroll ornament. All as No. 8. 10 277-3 M 1-25 Book with • in centre. Above and below, — 0— [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LV. 4, rev.'] 11 125-7 ^ 1-05 Book with * in centre. Above and below, cGP [Purchased, 1904] [PL LV. 2.] 12 118-6 M 1-05 Book with • in centre. Above and below, oQd 13 301-5 JE 1-45 Book with • in centre. Above and below, — A — [Purchased, 1904] 14 226-7 JE 1-35 Book with • in centre. Above and below, — A — [Purchased, 1904] 15 205-7 JE 1-3 Book with • in centre. Above and below, — T\ — 16 218-2 M 1-4 Book with • in centre. [PI. liV. 3.] Above and below, — R — [R Parkes \V'eber gift, 1906] 17 286-2 JE 1-4 Book Avith • in centre. Above and below, — R — 18 302-4 JE 1-3 Book with • in centre. Above and below, — 5|c — - [de Salis gift] [PI. LV. 5.] 19 169-3 (worn) JE 1-35 Book with • in centre. Above and below, — O — [Purchased, 1904] ' It may be noted that 5K occurs on the ohc. of the silver of type 1 (No. 5, svpra). 478 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 20 268.7 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 167. (woni) 242-7 17G.7 220-5 230-5 219- .309.6 318-6 29 J38.3 30 253. Metal and Size JE 1-3 JE 13 JE 1-25 JE 1-2 JE 1-3 jE 1-3 JR 1-3 JE 1-3 J5 1-35 JE 1-35 yE 1-35 Obverse 31 178- Book with [• ?] in centre. Book with • in centre. Book with • in centre. Book with • in centre. [Purchased, 1904] Book with • in centre. [Purchased, 1904] Book with • in centre. Book with [?] in centre. Book with O in centre. Book with O in centre. Book with O in centre. [Purchased, 1904] ^E 1-05 Book with O in centre. [Blacas, 1867] Reverse Above and below, — • — [Purchased, 1904] Above and below, — [Purchased, 1904] bASIL€/) Above and below, • (Inscr. as No. 22) Above and below, • (Inscr. as No. 22) Above and below, • (bASIL€M/ bASIL€/) Above and below, +•+(?) (bASILe/) Above and below, •*• (H) Above and below, Above and below, [Presented by Mr. Rolide Hawkins, 1848] (+msH XKISTH bASI L€S bASL€ sic) Above and below, • • • • « (b/\SIL€M bASlie/) Above and below, • • • • • Book with • in centre. (Double-struck) [PI. LV. 6.] JOHN I— CHERSON— BRONZE 479 No 32 33 Weight 59-3 117.6 34 75-8 35 122.5 36 90.6 37 299-2 38 44.8 Metal and Size M 1.05 JE h JE 11 JE 1-05 JE 1.1 M 1.35 JE -65 Obverse Reverse (Book obscure) [Presented bv Mr. Rohde Hawkins, 1848] on another similar coin ? (Inscr. incomplete through restriking-) Restruck (Book obscure) [de Salis gift] Restruck on coin of Nicephorus II Pliocas, like PI. LIV. 7; on obv.^ head of Emperor and part of inscr. visible ; on rev. , traces of UJb A KUL) UUh &c. visible. (Type and inscr. obscure) (Inscr. incomplete throug-h restriking-) [de Salis g-ift] Restruck on coin of Nicepliorus II Pliocas, like PI. LIV. 7 ; on rev., traces of head of Emperor and part of inscr. ; on obv., remains of inscr., SI L6WSR.UJ &c. mAIUUh (Inscr. and part of type obscure) ; book with • in centre. (Inscr. incomplete through restriking) [de Salis gift] [PL IiV. 7.] Restruck on coin of Nice])horus II Pliocas, like PI. LIV. 7 ; on obv., inscr. hICIFKb &c., and head of Nicephorus clearly visible ; on rev., remains of reverse inscr. of Nicephorus, fDAIUUh &c. (Inscr. and type partly [de Salis gift] obscure) Restruck, apparently on a coin of Nicephorus II Phocas ; on obv. , remains of inscr. AU as No. 8, but nimbus with three 2>cllets (•••) in each limb of cross. Book with • in centre. [Purchased, 1904] All as No. 8. Above and below, _.n._ [PI. IiV. 8, rev.] CHERSON Bronze ^*'j^ ('Iwii/i'oi;). Border ^l\ of dots. [Purchased, 1904] tO-C (Aco-Trdrov). Border tV of dots. [PI. LV. 9.] 480 ANONYMOUS BRONZE COINAGE OF JOHN I ZIMISCES AND HIS SUCCESSORS (see also Introduction, supra, § 2, under ' John I Zimisces '). The coins that may be attributed to the reigns extending from John I Zimisces to Constantino X Ducas, a period during- which no bronze pieces (except at Cherson) were struck with Imperial names or effigies, are mainly as follows : — Class I. Ohv. Bust of Christ. Reo. Inscr. Ihsus Xristus Basileu Basile. PI. LV. 1-8. Class II. Obv. Bust of Christ. Rev. IS XS Bas He Bas He and Cross. PI. LVIII. 3, 4. Class III. Obv. Half-length figure of Christ. Rev. IC XC Nl KA in angles of Cross. PI. LX. 6, 7. Class IV. Obv. Christ seated ; r. hand extended (throne without back). Rev. ISXS Basile Basil. PL LX. 10. Class V. Obv. Christ seated (throne with back). Rev. ISXC Basile Basil. PL LXI. 6. Class VL Obv. Bust of Christ. Rev. ISXC Basile Basil. PL LX. 15, 16. Class VII. Obv. Bust of Christ. Rev. Bust of Virgin orans. PL LIX. Q-^. Class VIII. Obv. Bust of Christ : pellet border. Rev. Half-length figure of Virgin orans: pellet border. PL LIX. 9-12. Class IX. Obv. Constantino X and Eudocia standing. Rev. Ciirist standing. PL LXI. 7. Class X. Obv. Bust of Constantine X, facing. Rev. Bust of Christ. PL LXI. 9. The general order of issue may be determined with some exactness by noting the instances of restriking. Class I (PL LV. 1-8). Tiie types of this class are struck (a) on well- spread broad flans; (/?) on smaller flans. The smaller flans often prove, on examination, to be coins of Nicepliorus II Phocas, or of Romanus I (TJiomsen Cat., No. 717, ' Romain II'; cp. No. 718). This Class I, then, is Liter than Nicephorus Phocas. Class II (PL LVIII. 3, 4) is restruck on Class I. Class III (PL LX. 6, 7) is restruck on Class 11. Classes IV and V (PL LX. 10 ; LXI. 6) (they are difficult to distinguish) are restruck on Class IIL Class VI (PL LX. 15, 16) is allied by its rev. to IV and V. ANONYMOUS BRONZE COINAGE— JOHN I, ETC. 481 Class VII (PI. LIX. 6-8). The types of this class are restruck on Class I, hut as coins of tliis class are used as flans for restriking- by Romanus IV (de Saulcy, p. 250) they prohahly belong- to one of the latest of the anonymous series. Class VIII (PI. LIX. 9-12) is allied by its rev. to Class VII. Class IX (Constantine X and Eudocia, PI. LXI. 7) is restruck on various earlier coins. Ckss X (PL LXI. 9) is restruck on Class IX. It is more difficult to determine tlie particular Emperors vJio issued these diferent classes. Sabatier (PL 48) has assig-ned several classes to John I Zimisces (our Classes I, II, III, V, VII, &c.), but this attribution may be criticized as clearly providing- too many coins for John I and too few for liis successors (cp. Sab., ii, p. 149). de Saulcy had already observed that some of these classes must belong- to the successors of Jolm I, but he did not attempt to allocate them. (So also Schlumberg-er, UEpop. hyz.., i, p. 321.) One curious clue to the attributions has not, I believe, been previously noted (except briefly in my paper on Byzantine Numismatics, in Corolla Nvm., 1906, p. 334), namely, the varying- forms of ornamentation displayed by the cross of the nimbus on the obv. The rev. also presents a variety of ornamentation which is of some service in the matter, and the ornamentation of the book of the Gospels held by the Saviour may also be taken into account. Class I (LV. 1-8). These coins, or a considerable number of them, clearly constitute the currency of John I Zimisces. (i) They correspond exactly to the description of Scylitzes (Cedren. vol. ii, p. 413, ed. Bonn; cited Introd., si/pra, § 2, under 'John I Zimisces'), who informs us that this Emperor inaugurated (a. u. 972) the anonymous bronze coinage, (ii) They are usually of large module, while the later anonymous coins are generally of smaller size, (iii) They are struck on new flans, i. e. they are not (as a rule) restruck on coins of earlier reigns. In such cases of restriking as occur, the coins of Nicephorus II Phocas, the predecessor of John Zimisces, are generally found to be employed. Type and inscr. remain tlie same througliout, but, besides varieties of dies, there are extremely numerous varieties of type. Thus, more than eleven forms of nimbus-ornamentation occur, and each variety of nimbus is accompanied by one variety or more of reverse-ornamentation. It seems likely, therefore, that some varieties of Class I may have been struck by the successors of John Zimisces. To Basil II and Constantine VIII (joint reign) I would attribute the following : — (a) All those with a nimbus-ornamentation of star-like form (PL LVI. 13, 14 ; PL LVII. 2, 3). A starry nimbus with tlie form I'l or • • • is found on tlie gold of Basil I[ and Constantine, and not on the gold of John Zimisces. II ^- 482 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS (/?) The coins witli a cross (+) in the nimbus (PI. LVI. 12). The ' cross ' nimbus is not, indeed, found on the bronze either of John Zimisces or of Basil and Constantine, but one coin of this series has on rev. a spear-head (PI. LVI. 12), and this unusual device is found on the nimbus of the g-old of Basil and Constantine (PI. LVI. 1). To Constantine VIM (alone) I attribute the coins with crescent-nimbus (w) (PI. LVII. 11, 12). The crescent is found on the gold of Basil and Constantine and on the gold of Constantine (alone), but not on the gold of John Zimisces. These M man belong to the joint reign of the two Emperors, but the \j seems, as a nimbus-ornament, to be more distinctive of Constantine (alone) than of Basil and Constantine jointly. To Roman us III I doubtfully attribute the M with n (precious stone) in nimbus (PI. LVII. 14) ; see further under Class II. The remaining coins of Class I are assigned to John I Zimisces (PI. LV). These are chiefly characterized by the pellet nimbus. Such pellets are found on the nimbus of the gold of John I to the exclusion of other devices. Altiiough pellets occur on the gold of Basil II and Constantine VIII, we find also on tlieir coins several other kinds of nimbus-ornament (spear- head, star, &c.). Class II (PI. LVIII. 3, 4). A variation of Class I (tlie cross being- added to the inscr. on the rev.'). The nimbus is ornamented witli D (apparently a jewel), and a pellet (•) is placed in two of the ang-les of the cross of the nimbus. The Gospel-book is ornamented with *•• Some of these peculiarities are found on those coins of Class I that were assigned to Basil II and Constantine VIU, but it seems reasonable to assume that the comparatively new type of Class II was introduced by a new Emperor. It would be satisfactory to assign it to Romanus III (tlie successor of Constantine VIII), but there is nothing- to connect it decisively with his reig-n, and the nimbus on his gold coins is devoid of ornamentation. There is rather more reason, liowever, to assign this class to the successor of Romanus III, viz. Michael IV, whose gold shows tlie nimbus-ornament :b:(P1. L\TIL 1,2). With regard to Romanus III, I attribute to liini (as already stated supra., under 'Class I'), tliougli doubtfully, the coins of Class I with Q nimbus and ;.; on the Gospel-book (PI. LVIL 14). Tliis \>\ adorns the Gospel-book on the gold of Romanus III. It is also found on the M of Class I attributed to Constantine VIU, alone. D is not lound — as lias already been remarked — in the nimbus of the gold of Romanus III, but it is found in the next reign (Michael IV ; and on the gold attributed to Michael V). The bronze of Class I with this device in the nimbus may, therefore, provide some coins for Romanus III, who during his six years' reign can hardly have fViiled to issue bronze. ANONYMOUS BRONZE COINAGE- J OHiN I, ETC. 48:^ Class III (PI. LX. 6, 7) may be assig-ned to Theodora (a. d. 1055-1056). The lialf-leng-th figure of the Saviour is similar to the standing figure ou the gold of Theodora, and shows tlie same neat treatment. Class rV (PI. LX. 10) is, according to de Saulcy, restruck on Class UI (here assigned to Theodora), and may be attributed to Michael VI, the immediate successor of Theodora. The seated figure of Christ is identical with tJiat on tlie gold coin (type 2) of Michael VI (note the outstretched luxnd, tlie plain nimbus, the tlirone ivitliout back, the cover of the Gospels with *••). The sam<' figure is, however, also found on the gold coins of Isaac I (Class VI, infra). Class V (PI. LXI. 6) closely resembles Class VI. It may, with considerable confidence, be assigned to Constantine X Ducas (successor of Isaac I) on a comparison of the ohv. type witli the Christ on the gold of Constantine X, PI. LXI. 1 (note the back of the throne, the position of the right arm, and the cover of the Gospels with *•*). Class VI (PL LX. 15, 16). I am not aware of any specimens of this class being restruck, but the rev. type evidently indicates that the coins were struck in or near tlie time of Isaac I and Constantine X : the rev. ornaments — + — and — ^ are found on the coins assigned to Constantine X, the successor of Isaac I. I assign this class to Isaac I. It will be noted tliat the silver coin of Isaac I (PI. LX. 14) bears on the ohv. a bust of Christ which closely resembles the bust on these JE (note the two pellets in nimbus). On the rev. of the silver we also find the ornamentation — + — . Class VII (PI. LIX. 6-8) (^rev. bust of Virgin orans). A specimen appears to be restruck on a coin of Class I and another was used as a flan by Romanus IV (de Saulcy, p. 250). This class was struck, therefore, at some time between A. D. 1025 and 1067. It may be assigned to Constantine IX, for whom no bronze coins have at present been provided. The M coin (PL LEX. 4) of Constantine IX with the Virgin orans seems to show that lie placed himself under the special protection of the Virgin, and the Virgin on the bronze bears considerable resemblance to the Virgin represented on the two silver tj'pes of Constantine IX. Class VIII (PL LIX. 9-12). In type and fabric this differs little from Class VII. I do not know of any quite decisive evidence from the restrikings. Perhaps it is best to regard it— like Class VII— as issued by Constantine IX. (A later Emperor, Michael VII Ducas, might also perhaps chiim this class, for his silver has representations of the Virgin similar to those on the sih-er coins of Constantine IX. But Michael VII Ducas is already supplied with a named bronze coinage.) Classes IX and X are Jiamecl and belong to Constantino X : cp. p. 480. 484 BASIL II, 'Bulgaroktonos' and his brotlier CONSTANTINE VIII joint reign from 10 Jax. 976 to 15 Dec. 1025 (Basil dies 15 Dec. 1025 ; Constantine reigns alone — see infm- 15 Dec. 1025—11 Nov. 1028) No. Weight Metal and Size 62. 62-6 67-6 N .85 N .85 N .9 Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma +bASILCCOhSrAhTI bR On 1., bust of Basil II, bearded, facing- ; on r. , bust of Constantine Vni, beardless, facing. They hold between them patriarchal cross. Each wears crown with cross. Basil wears robe of lozenge pattern ; Constantine wears mantle and robe.' (Cross with triangular object on shaft) [Purchased, 1862] (Cross with bar on shaft) + mSXISR.€XKeCNANTI nm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing ; wears tunic, mantle and nim- bus cr. ; r. hand in blessing ; 1. holds book of Gospels. (Ends Thim) Si^ear-head in limb of cross. [PI. LVI. 1.] each (Ends TlSm) O in each limb of cross, (RerNANTinm) • (pellet) thrice re- jDeated on circum- ference of nimbus. [PL LVI. 2.] Cp. the busts on a leaden seal of Basil and Constantine, with rev., bust of Christ facing as on the ^E coins (Schlumberger, V Ejmp. hyz., i, p. 768). For two full-length figures of the Emperors, both bearded, see Schlumberger, op. cit., iii, p. 801 (miniature m MS., Bari cathedral). e , i^ , , i BASIL II, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE-NOMISMA 485 Weight 62.7 65. 40-8 68.1 67.7 66.8 67.6 Metal and Size N 75 N .8 JE' .75 N -85 N .9 N .95 N .95 Obverse (+bASIL/CCOhSTAhT (Basil's robe lias square pattern) (Cross with X ; Basil's robe of square pattern ; Constantine has robe ornamented with pel- lets). (All as No. 5) +bASILCCOhSrAhT IbR. Busts of Basil II and Constantine VIII (as on No. 1), but hold- ing- patriarchal cross crosslet. (Basil has robe of square pattern). Above head of Basil, the mantis Dei. (Without iimnifs Dei) (Concave) - [Purchased, 1905] (Witliout manvs Dei) (Ends Rm) (Witl)out manvs Dei) [Royal Collection] (Constantine's mantle jewelled) [Purchased, 1846] Revt>rse • (pellet) in each limb of cross. (Endsh'fT) ; crossof nim- bus varied) Two pellets (• •) in eacli limb of nimbus. [Blacas, 1867] [PI. liVI. 3.] (All as Xo. 5 ; ends hfTl) [lie Sails gift] + lhSXISK€XR€^NAN Tlhfn Bust of Christ, facinji", as on Xo. 1. (Ends TNm) Two pellets (• •) in each limb of cross. [PI. liVI. 4.] Two pellets (• •) in each limb of cross. [F. Parkes W'eber gift, 1906] [PL LVI. 5.] (Ends Tiqm) • |» in each limb of cross. [PI. LVI. 6.] (Pellet at end of inscr. ) • • • in each limb of cross. [PI. LVI. 7.] ' This piece shows remains of silver plating ; it is perhaps an ancient forgery. ^ A much earlier but quite' exceptional instance of concavity occurs on a solidus of Heraclius I and II, p. 187, No. 21, supra. The fabric of Nos. 8-13 is flatter and more spread than that of earlier solidi. 486 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 67.5 Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 11 N -95 (Constantine's mantle (Ends TIMfD) jewelled) * • * in each limb of TBank of Eng-land g-ift, • 1 1877] cross.' +bASILCCOhSrAhTI + mSXPSK€XK€^NANT bK On 1., bust of Basil mm Bust of Christ, II, bearded, facing- ; on bearded, facing ; wears r., bust of Constantine tunic, mantle and nim- VIII, beardless, facing-. bus cr. ; r. hand in They hold between blessing- ; 1. liolds book them plain cross. Each of Gospels. Three bor- wears crown with cross. ders of dots. Basil wears robe of square pattern ; Con- stantine wears robe and jewelled mantle. Above liead of Basil, ona mis Dei. Three bor- ders of dots.^ 12 67-5 M 1-05 [Blacas, 1867] O (probably intended for w »w») in nimbus. [PI. LVI. 8.] 13 G7. N 1- (Slightly concave) \j w (two crescents) in nimbus. Silver" enrovruumcAr/ b/K +bASIL/ SlLeiCCUUhSr/ Cross ccuuhsrAh/ crosslet, ornamented nORF.VR.OV^ witli X and u, on four nisroibAS/ steps. On 1., bust of KUUfD/MUU/ Basil II, bearded, fac- Above and below, or- ing-, in robe with square nament. Three linear patterns ; on r., bust borders. of Constantine VIII, beardless, facing, in mantle and robe. Each wears crown with cross. Three linear borders. ^ A specimen in Ponton d'Amecourt Cat. has • • • in each limb of cross. ■^ Instead of the single border of dots found on the earlier solidi. Of the seven silver coins here described, three have the dies adjusted -^v/jv and four ^^. * This epithet serves to distinguish these Emperors from Basil I and his son Constantine (cp. e.g. toC re liaaikiiov [II] Km KtavarnvTivov [VIII] rav iTop(l>vpoyfvvi]Ta)\', Psellus, Hist., ed. Sathas, p. 1). BASIL II, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE-BRONZE 487 No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Weight 44-2 38-3 46-2 41-8 35-3 34. 33-6 Metal and Size M 1-1 M M {pierced and ffilt) M -9 JR .95 M -9 A< .85 Ai .8 Obverse At base of cross, floral ornament. [de Salis g-ift] At base of cross, tendril ornament. [S. Verkovicli, 1859] (Cross rests on globe and four steps) (Cross as No. 16) [Purchased, 1904] (Cross as No. 16) [Purchased, 1904] (Cross as No. 16) [M. J. Borrell, 1852] (Cross as No. 16) Reverse Ornament, — O — (nisrvbASO' [PI. liVI. 9.] Ornament, — Q — (No pellet in third line) (^lSTVb/^s/) [PI. LVI. 10, obi:] Ornament, — • . • — (No pellet) [de Salis, 1861] Ornament, — • • • — Ornament, — • • • — (nisroi) [PI. LVI. ll.J Ornament, • • • — (Several pellets in field) Ornament, — 5|c — ^ Bronze +6MMA NOVHA Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, wearing- nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels. In field, IC XC. Nim- bus with cross in each limb of cross.* +lhSMS XRISTHS bASIL€M bASIL€/ ' This coin is well preserved though somewhat broken at the edges and woukl seem to be of the same denomination as Nos. 15-20. Dr. Regling has, however, kindly informed me (1905) that a specimen offered to the Berlin Museum weighed, in spite of two holes, 4*32 grammes (i.e. nearly 67 grains ; size 30 mm., like onr No. 14), a weight which indicates a distinct and higher denomination. '^ Coins of this type wei'e imitated contemporaneously or nearly so in Denmark (Hauberg in Conf/res International de Numismatique, Paris. 1900, p. 338 ; PI. 26, No. 1, ohv.. cp. No. 2) ; and imitations with barbarous legends have been found in Eussia, Georgia, and in Frisia (Engel and Serrure, Traite de num., i, p. 338 f). The British Museum possesses a specimen (de Salis gift; 26-6 grains) of unknown provenance which is a close copy of the Bj'zantine model, but the legend on each side is blundered and unintelligible. ■' On the attribution see supra, pp. 481, 482. , * Nimbus of the Saviour as on an enamelled medallion found at Kiev, Schluniberger, VEpop. bijz., i, p. 112. 488 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 21 256-5 22 222. 23 146-6 24 239-2 25 200- 26 186-2 27 165-5 28 118- 29 134-4 30 267-7 31 242-3 Metal and Size JE 1-35 ^ 1-25 JE 1-15 Obverse JE 1-35 JE 1-35 JE 1-3 JE 1-1 JE 1-05 JE 105 Book with • in centre, [de Salis g-ift] Book with + in centre. (+.MIVIA ONHh sic) book with + in centre. All as No. 21, bnt nimbus with • •.• • Reverse Above and below, • spear-iiead • [PI. LVI. 12.] Above and below, + [de Salis gift] Above and below, + [Purchased, 1904] Inscr. as No. 21. Book witli • in centre. i Above and below,— •*• — ' [Purchased, 1904] j [PI. LVI. 13.] Book witli • in centre. j Above and below, — 'l* — All as on No. 21, but with •»• - in each limb of cross.^ Book witli * in centre. [Purchased, 1904] Book with * in centre. [Purchased, 1904] Book with • in centre. Book with • in centre, [de Salis gift] M 1-35 Book with ••*? in centre. [Purchased, 1904] JE l'^ Book with *•* in centre, [de Salis gift] Inscr. as on No. 21. Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation. ^ Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation. Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation. Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation. [PI. liVI. 14.] Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation. [PI. LVII. 1, rev.] Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation . ' The reverse of these coins closely resembles the leaden seals of the period; cp. e. g. the lettering and ornamentation on the seal figured by Schlumberger, L' Epop. byz., ii, p. 221. '^ Sometimes (as on No. 32) the central pellet is represented as ■. ^ Cp. the reverse of a seal of Basil II and Constantino VIII, a bust of Christ with ,«, in nimbus ; Schlumberger, L'Epop. hi/z., i, p. 768. Cp. Journal internat. cVarch mini.. Athens, 1903, pp. 71. 72. ^ Cp. the tendril-ornament on ohi\ of the silver coin of No. 15, supra, of this reign. BASIL II, ETC.— CONSTANTINOPLE— BRONZE 489 No. 32 33 34 35 xxT • 1 . Metal and ^ ■ Size 36 r25.2 103-5 192.7 181-5 204- 37 38 39 40 Obverse JE 1-1 JE 1-05 JE 1-25 jE 115 jE 1-25 170-5 136-2 153-8 163-6 II JE 1-1 .E 1-15 jE 11 JE 1-1 Book with *•* in centre. [Purchased, 1904] Book with *•• ? in centre, [de Salis ^ift] Book with •»• in centre, [de Salis gift] Book with *•• in centre (head large). [Presented bv Miss K. McDowaU, 1904] (Book obscure) [Purchased, 1904] All as No. 21, but with \{' (star) in each limb of cross. Book witli O in centre. [Purchased, 1904] All as No. 21, but with >^ in each limb of cross. Book with •;•(• in centre, [de Salis g-ift] Book with ^'{» in centre, [de Salis gift] Book with y^ in centre. [Purchased, 1904] Reverse Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation. Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation . As 33 (A &c. blundered). Above and below, ten- dril-ornamentation . Above, — O — ; beneath, -r- Inscr. as No. 21. [Above ? and] below, -C- [Pl. LVII. 2.] Inscr. as No. 21. Above and below, — O [PI. LVII. 3.] Above and below, — O — Above and below, — O — Aa 490 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight ^'If^f'^ Obverse ; Reverse CHERSON Circ. A. D. 976-989' B^ (BACIAeiOV) E^ (AecnoTov) 41 45. JE -65 [Purchased, 1904] [PI. IiVII. 4.] 42 57. JE .7 43 51-5 ^ .7 (MonogTam varied) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. liVII. 5, obi'.] ' On date see Introd., sujyra, § 2, under ' Basil II and Constantine VIII '. The dies of Nos. 41-43 are adjusted l^f^. For specimens inscribed BA on ohv. and KLU T on rev. see Oreshnikov, Trans. Moscow Num. Soc, iii, PI. X. 61, 62. 491 CONSTANTINE VIM (sole reign) 15 Dec. 1025-11 Nov. 1028 No. 63- N -75 62-9 M -8 Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 cuuhsrAhrih^BASiLe SSKOm BustofConstan- tine VIII, bearded, facing, wearing- crown with cross and jewelled robe ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. [Blacas, 1867] + lhSXIS(sic)K€XK€v^N ANTinm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, wear- ing tunic, mantle and nimbus, with cross having in each limb two pellets (• •) ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels. Border of dots. [PI. liVII. 6.] Type 2 +cujhsrAhrmbASiL€ HSROm Bust of Con- stantine VIII as on type 1, but beholds in r. hand labarum with *•* Three borders of dots. Spread fabric. (Single border of dots) (Fabric as type 1) + mSXISK€XR€5'NANT Ihm Bust of Christ, facing, as on type 1 ; cross, plain, and two crescents in nimbus. Three borders of dots. Spread fabric. (Single border of dots) (Fabric as type 1) (Cross with two pellets in each limb ; no cres- cents in nimbus), [de Salis gift] [PI. LVII. 7.] 492 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 67.7 (pierced) 66.7 (pierced) 66-5 65-5 67.5 66-7 (pierced) 50-2 Metal and Size N i- N -95 A^ .95 Obverse N 1.15 N M N M N .9 [PI. IiVII. 8. J (Concave) Reverse (iirm) [H. p. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 919] (i.h.m) [Blacas, 1867] Type 3 +cuuhsr Arn bASiL€ HSKm Bust of Constan- tine VIII, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe ; in r., long- cross ; in 1., g-lobus cr. Three borders of dots. Spread fabric. (Concave) (Concave) [Blacas, 1867] [Woodhouse gift, 1866] +lhSXISK€XR€^NANT mm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, wear- ing tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gosjjels. Two crescents in nimbus. Three borders of dots. Spread fabric. [Purchased, 1905] [PI. LVII. 9.] (+mShSKeXK€^NANT hinm) [Pl. LVII. 10.] (+[SR..?]lhSXISR€XK€^ NANTinm)' Bronze +€MIVIA NOVHA Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, wearing nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels. In field, \C XC In each limb of cross, crescent. +lhSHS XKISTMS bASIL€H bASILe^ 1 Moustier (Cat., No. 4091; PL VII, Fig. '4157' = 4091) assigns a silver coin to Constantine VIII alone. This coin would appear to belong to the solidus or nomisma class (?if electrum rather than silver) and would be better attributed to Constantine VIT alone. The Emperoi-'s dress resembles the dress on the solidus of Leo VI, No. 1, p. 444, supra. CONSTANTINE VIII— CONSTANTINOPLE— BRONZE 493 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 10 109. ^ 1. [PI. liVII. 11.] [Above and] below,— A — 11 182.7 JE 1.35 [Purchased, 1904] Above and below, — A — 12 145-5 ^ 1.15 Book with ••• in centre. Above and below, —q) — [Purchased, 1904] [PL IiVII. 12.] 13 181. JE 1-15 Book with *•* in centre. Above and below, — qp — [de Salis gift] ^ * The bronze coins assigned by Sabatier (PL 49, 1) and others to Constantine VIII ('XI ') have l)een described, p. 463, supra, under Constantine VII (alone). 494 ROMANUS III, Argyrus 12 Nov. 1028—11 April 1034 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma ece^BOHe/ RuumAhuu + mSXISR€X R€yNAN On 1., Romanus III, TlhfD Christ, bearded, bearded, standing- seated facing on throne ; facing-, wearing- crown he wears nimbus, with with cross and long- plain cross, tunic and jewelled robes ; in 1. mantle ; r. hand in hand, g-lobus cr. ; r. benediction ; 1. holds hand placed to heart ; book of the Gospels on r., the Virgin stand- with *•* on cover. Two ing- facing. She wears borders of dots. Spread nimbus, veil, tunic and fabric. mantle, and with her r. hand crowns the Emperor. Above, M 0. Two borders of dots. Spread fabric. 1 67.G N -95 (KUUfDAhm) [Royal Collection] [PI. liVII. 13.] 2 67-6 N 1. [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1375] 3 67-8 N -95 [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 920] * QC€ = 0€OTOK€. The attribution of this type to Romanus III was due to de Saulcy, Essai, p. 263. The Museum has a barbarous imitation of No. 3 (Royal Coll. ; Wt. 64-5 grains), possibly an ancient forgei-y. The gold is of a light colour.— The head of Romanus III may be compared with his portrait as shown in the MS. of Zonaras at Modena (Schlumberger, L'J^pop. hyz., iii, p. 532). ROMANUS III— CONSTANTINOPLE-BRONZE 495 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Bronze +6IVIMA NOVHA Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, wearing nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels with ^•' on cover. In field, IC XC. In eacli limb of cross, J||T • +lhSHS XRISTHS bASILEH bASILe 4 121. JE Mo [PI. LVII. 14.] [Above and] below, M 5 1624 JE 1-2 (€ double-struck) Above and below, J^ [Purchased, 1904] 6 120-1 JE 1-2 [L. Strange, 1841] [Above and] below, ^ ^ This probably represents a precious stone or jewel, like the D and O seen in the nimbus of the Saviour in a mosaic of S. ApoUinare Nuovo at Ravenna, figured, Diehl's Jtisfinien, p. 1.33. 496 MICHAEL IV, the Paphlagonian 12 April 1034—10 Dec. 1041 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 +miX AH LbASILEMS Km Bust of Michael IV, bearded,^ facing-, wear- ing- crown with cross and jewelled robe. In r., labarum w4th ••* ; inl.,g-lobuscr. Above, manus Dei. Three borders of dots. Sj)read fabric. + mSXISR6XK€rNANT mm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, wear- ing; tunic, mantle and nimbus with cross in each limb of which *■* ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of the Gospels. Three bor- ders of dots. Spread fabric. 1 68-2 N 1.2 (Concave) (Inscr. double-struck) [Purchased, 1905] [PI. liVlll. 1.] 2 67.9 N M [PI. LVIII. 2.] 3 64-8 (pierced) N ]. (Rm^) [H. P. BorreUsale, 1852, lot 925] 4 63-6 (pierced) N 1. (Km\) (Shape of labarum varied, J instead of Q ) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 924] 5 65-8 (pierced) N 1. (alloyed'?) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 923] ^ Compare the portrait of Michael IV that appears in the MS. of Zonaras at Modena (Schlumbergei'j L'Epop. hyz., iii, p. 533). MICHAEL IV— CONSTANTINOPLE -BRONZE 497 No. Weight Metal and Size 11 14 15 257-6 275.2 8 216- 204. 10 1313 M 1.4 M 1-35 M 1-3 JS 1.4 M 1-15 105- M 1.15 12 191.2 M h\ 13 I 124. 1 M 115 116.1 M 1.15 140.2 M 1.25 {pierced) Obverse Reverse Bronze +€mmA NOVHA Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, wearing- tunic, mantle and nimbus with cross ; in eacli limb of cross, D • Two pellets in nimbus ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels with *•* on cover. In field, iC XC [Purchased, 1904] IS XS bAS IL€ bAS IL€ Cross on two steps. Above cross, — • — ; at each end of transverse limb, • [PI. LVIII. 3.] Restruck on coin of John I Zimisces, like No. SySupra^ p. 477 ; on rev.^ traces of iuscr. [Blacas, 1867] Restruck ? [Purchased, 1904] Restruck ? I [PI. LVIII. 4.] Restruck ? [de Salis g-ift] \ Restruck on coin of John i Zimisces, like No. S.-sifj^ra, p. 477 : on rev., +lhS XRIS bAS [de Salis gift] [de Salis g-ift] Restruck on coin of John I Zimisces, like No. 8, supra, p. 477; onrec, IhSMS &c. [de Salis gift] 1 Restruck, probably on similar coin of John Zimisces. [Presented by the Rev. I Arthur Dixon, 1906] | Restruck on coin of .John I Zimisces, like No. S^supra, p 477 • on obv., bust of Christ visible ; on rec, mscr., + inS XRIS BASIL BASILe B b II 498 MICHAEL V, Kalaphates 14 Dec. 1041—21 April 1042 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma + miXA HLAH rocK + inSXISR€XR€^NANT Ar/ On 1., Michael V, mm Bust of Christ, with bearded, standing- short beard, facing, facing, wearing- crown wearing tunic, mantle with cross and long- and nimbus with cross robes embroidered with in each limb of which. jewels; in 1., globus cr. ; ■ ; r, hand in bene- r. hand placed to heart ; diction ; 1. holds book on r,, the Virgin stand- of the Gospels. Two ing facing. She wears borders of dots. Spread nimbus, veil, tunic and fabric. ' mantle, and with her r. hand crowns the Em- peror. In field, M 6. Two borders of dots. Spread fabric. Con- cave. 1 66.7 (pierced) N 1. [PI. IiVIII. 5.] ^ Coins of this type appear to be unpublished, unless, as I am inclined to suspect, a nomisma assigned by Banduri (ii, p. 751 = Sab., ii, p. 175, No. 3) to Michael VII Ducas is really of this type (AM TOC misread as AV KOC ?). The obv. type is evidently borrowed from the nomisma of Romanus III (PI. LVII. 13), and it is possible, therefore, that this may be the earliest nomisma of Michael IV, the successor of Romanus. But I attribute it to Michael V, (i) because Michael IV is already provided with gold coins while Michael V is without a coinage ; (ii) because the rer. type closely resembles the bust of the Saviour on some of the nomismata (PI. LVIII. 9, 10) of Constantine IX, the successor of Michael V. It may also be added that the dress of Michael V (on obv.) re&embles the dress of Constantine IX. 499 ZOE and THEODORA joint rule, 21 April 1042—11 Junk 1042 No coins CONSTANTINE IX, Monomachus 11 June 1042-11 Jan. 1055' No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTAN TINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (thick fabric) +CUUhSr Ahrh bASIL CMSKm Bust of Constan- tine IX, bearded, - facing ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe; in r., sceptre with trefoil top ; in 1., globus cr. Border of dots. +msxiSR€X RerNAN Tinm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, wear- ing tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. hand in benediction ; in 1. , book of Gospels witli many pellets and one central pellet on cover. Border of dots. 1 62-4 N .7 THuxtable sale, 1859, lot 478] [PI. liVIII. 6.] 2 62-2 M .75 (+CUL)hS nri bASIL€M 3 62-3 M 'lb [Royal Collection] (Inscr. continuous) [PI. LVIII. 7.] 1 So H. Maedler, Theodora, Michael Stmtiotikos, &c., 1894, p. 24. " Compare the portrait of Constantine IX that appears in the MS. ot Zonaras at Modena, Schlumberger, L'Epop. hyz., iii, p. 540. His personal appearance -of great beauty and charm at the time of his accession— is described by Psellus, Hist., cxxv, p. 14f') f., ed. Sathas. 500 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 62-3 62. Metal and Size N .75 A^ .75 68-3 G7.4 N 1. N -9 Obverse Reverse Type 2 (thick fabric) +cuuhsrAhr mojile' Rm {sic) Bust of Con- stantine IX, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe ; in r., labarum with •»• ; in 1., giobus cr. Border of dots. (K blundered) (+cajhr Ahr hOJiL€ Km) + mSXISK€XR.€rNANT mm Bust of Christ, facing, as in type 1. Border of dots. [Blacas, 1867] (Ends NANTm) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 926] ^ [PI. liVIII. 8.] Type 3 (spread fabric) + CUJhSrAh hOSbASIL €MSKm Bust of Constan- tine IX, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and cuirass ornamented witli star ; in r., globus cr. ; in 1., hilt of sword ; on each side of head, star. Three borders of dots. (Concave) (+cuuhsrAhr noJiAS I L6MSRm) + IHLXISKeXK€rNANT inm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing ; all as type 1, but three bor- ders of dots. [de Sails gift] [PI. LVIII. 9.] (inrxir &c.) [Blacas, 1867] [PL LVIII. 10.] ' No doubt for hOSb'' L€ ; cp. the obv. inscr. of type 3. '^ A specimen in Montagu Ccd., No. 1245, is of pale gold. CONSTANTINE IX— NOMISMA, TYPE 5 oOl No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 4 (spread fabric) +CUL)hSr Ahrh bASIL enSKm Bust of Constan- tine IX, bearded, + lhSXISR€X RerNAN Tlhm Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne facing ; wears crown with cross, and robe with broad jewelled scarf. In 1., g-lobus with patriarchal cross ; in r., sceptre surmount- ed by cross and with tendril-ornament and two smaller crosses on the shaft. > Three bor- ders of dots. with curved arms; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels with *•* on cover. Three bor- ders of dots. 8 67-9 N 1.15 (Concave) [Bank of England gift, 1877] [PI. LVIII. ll.J 9 664 (pieixed) A^ 1.15 (Concave, pressed flat) (+cajhsr nrn [bA] siLeMKm) [Blacas, 1867] [PI. LVIII. 12.] 10 67-3 (pierced) A^ 1.15 (Concave, pressed flat) (+cuuhsr nrn bAS IL€H[Rm?]) [C. A. Murray, 1849] 11 60-8 (pierced) N 1.15 (Concave, pressed flat) Type 5 (sp +cuuhsr Ahrn basil €HSRm Bust of Constan- tine IX, bearded, facing" ; wears crown with cross and robe with broad jeweUed scarf. In 1., g-lobus with plain cross ; in r., labarum with *•' Three borders of dots. [de Salis gift] i-ead fabric) + mSXISR€X Re^NAN Tlhfn Christ seated facing ; all as type 4. 12 68. (pieixed) N M (Concave) [M. J. BorreU, 1852] [PI. LIX. 1.] * With this cross compare Schlumberger, UEpop. byz., ii, p. 613; iii, p. 321 (crown of St. Stephen). 502 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 13 14 15 16 17 Weight 67-8 68. (pierced) (pierced) 324 (pierced) 37. (pierced and broken) Metal and Size N M N 1.15 M or Potin ? 1.05 M 1-05 A\ 1-15 Obverse (Slig-litlv concave) (+cujh r Ahrh ILeWSKfT)) bAS (Concave) (+CUUh T nr bAiL€WSKm) A (Slightly concave) (Leg-end partly ob- scure) Reverse (his for IhS; A) [Purchased, 1856] [Bank of England gift, 1877] [PL IjIX. 2.] (Leg-end obscure) [de Salis gift] ' Silver +Aecnoi NAcuuz O I C The Virgin (Panag-ia Blachernitissa) orans ; she stands facing on footstool, and wears nimbus, tunic, and mantle and veil orna- mented with •*• In field, NFf and eV. Two linear borders. (Concave ?, pressed flat) (Concave) [PL lilX. 4.] €VC€BH MONOMAX ON Constantine IX, bearded, standing facing ; wears crown with cross, cuirass, tunic, military cloak and high boots ; in r. , long cross ; 1. rests on sheath containing sword. Two linear borders. [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1190] [PL LIX. 3.] (The cross is of the patriarchal form) [de Salis gift] ■' ^ Photiades Cat., No. 483, also assigns (correctly ?j to this reign a nomisma with obi\, the Virgin and the Emperor; rev., Christ seated. '^ Photiades Cat., No. 489, gives a specimen with a different legend. With the type of the Virgin oranis the following monuments may be compared : — (i) The early types (sixth and eighth centuries) in Venturi, La Madonna, pp. 4 and 5. (ii) Mosaic of St. Mark's, Venice ; Schlumberger, L'Epop. hyz., iii, p. 397. (iii) Bas-relief of S. Maria in Porto Fuori, Ravenna; Diehl, Ravenne (Paris, 1903), p. 113. (iv) Jasper Cameo in British Museum (Dalton, Cat. Early Christian Antiquities, No. 109 = Schlumberger, op. cit., 693). Further reff., supra, ' Introd.,' § 4, period IV. — With the rev, type compare the figure of Basil II in military dress in the Venice Psalter ; Schlumberger, Un Emp. hyz., p. 304. On the inscr. see Introduction, supra, § 2, ' Constantine IX.' CONSTANTINE IX— BRONZE 503 No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Weight Metal and Size 23. (dipped'?) M -75 122.9 132-2 113-2 1.32-8 132. 151-6 JE 1-05 JE 1-15 JE 1-15 JE 1-1 ^ 1- JE 1-35 97-1 ^ 1-15 Obverse Reverse HRAAXe[P NITICA]' Bust of the Virgin (Panag-ia Blacherni- tissa) facing-, orans ; weai's nimbus, and mantle and veil orna- mented with ••• In field, NhP and eV. On r, and 1. of head, un- certain object. Two linear borders. GKeK/e, KUUNCTAN TINUJA6C nOTHTUJ MONOMA above, "-J-* — •-j-» ; beneatli, •-^» X^ •-i-« Two linear borders. [PI. lilX. 5.] Bronze Bust of Christ, bearded, facing- ; wears nimbus with plain cross, tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds volumen. In field, IC and XC. Border of large pellets. [Sale at Sotheby's, 20 Dec. 1852, lot 207*] [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis g-ift] [de Salis gift] [de Salis g-ift] [de Salis g-ift] Bust of the Virgin (Pan- agia Blachernitissa) facing, oralis ; wears nimbus, and mantle and veil ornamented with ••• In field, Npf and eV. Border of large pellets. [PI. LIX. 6.] [PI. LIX. 7.] [PI. LIX. 8.] Restruck on a coin of John I Zimisces, like PI. LV, No. 4 ; on obv., — O — and remains of inscr. [de Salis gift] Restruck 1 Cp. Sab., ii, p. 159, No. 9. The first letter on oh: is H = ';, not M as stated by Sabatier and Madden; on rev., X^ belongs to MONOMA- On the Virgin of Blachernae see Schlumberger, Sir/illogr., pp. 15, 37, 134 ; Sorlin-Dorigny in Ber. arch., 1877, Pt. I, p. 85 ; Madden in Num. Chron., 1878, p. 207, No. 10. With the obv. compare the bust of the Virgin omns m a mosaic of the Church of the Koimesis at Nicaea; Schlumberger, VEpop. hyz., iii, p. 361 ; Diehl, Etiules bi/z., p. 367. 504 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 26 95-5 27 110.5 28 111- 29 110- 30 136- 31 1045 32 79-7 33 87.2 34 53.4 35 47. Metal and Size Obverse ^ .95 JE 1-15 JE M JE .95 M 1. JE 1. JE JE JE JE .8 95 9 Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-; wears tunic and mantle and nimbus cr. with • in each limb of cross ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels with *•* on cover. In field, fC and XC. Border of large pellets. [Purcliased, 1904] [de Salis gift] Reverse Half-leng'th fig-ure of the Virgin (Panagia Bla- chernitissa) oralis; wears nimbus, veil, mantle and tunic. In field, M and 6. Bor- der of large pellets. [PI. LIX. 9.] (Details obscured by re- striking) counter- marked.^ [PI. LIX. 10.] Restruck ; on another similar coin ? on obi\^ traces of hand of Christ holding book of Gospels. [de Salis gift] Restruck [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [Marsden gift, 1834] [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [PI. LIX. 12, ohv.] (Small flan, clipped) [PI. LIX. 11.] [Purchased, 1904] (V for M) [Purchased, 1904] * Compare the countermark (Arab or Georgian) in Sab., ii, p. 14.3, No. 11 ; PI. 48, 8. A bronze coin of Michael VII (see note infra) bears a Georgian countermark. ^ Dies on this specimen adjusted '^'^ and not ^^ as usual. 505 THEODORA (daughter of Coiistantine VIII) 11 Jax. 1055—31 Aug. 1056' No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 02. 1 62-5 M -7 N .7 G2. N .7 CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (thick fabric) +e€OAUJP AVrOVCT Bust of Theodora, facing- ; wears crown ornamented with cross, four spikes and double pendants ; her robe and collar jewelled; in r., sceptre headed with ••• : in 1., o-lobus cr. Border of dots. [Purchased, 1906] (+eeoAA vrovcT) (+e€OAuu Avr[o\?] IC XC (in field). Bust of Christ, bearded, facing- ; wears tunic and mantle and nimbus cr. formed of dots ; two pellets (• •) in each limb of cross ; r. hand in benediction; 1. holds book of Gospels with ••• on cover. Border of dots. [PI. LX. 1.] [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 14791 [PI. LX. 2.] [Tliomas sale, 1844, lot 3043] , * The dates are so given by Maedler, Theodora, p. 24 f., and by Schlumberger, JJEpop. hjz., iii, 765. 11 cc 50(1 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 0- 67-7 N .95 (jyierced) G7.9 A^ 1. Obverse Reverse Ty[)o 2 (thin, spread'' fabric) +eeoAiuPA Avrovc TA On 1., Theodora, on r., the Virgin, both standing- facing and holding- bet-sveen them labaruni "svitli *■* Theodora "wears crown (with cross, spikes and double pendants), long- jewelled robe, and oval apron ornamented with cross ^ ; her r. hand placed to her heart. The Virg-in wears nim- bus, tunic, mantle and veil (pellets on dra- pery) ; her 1. hand in benediction. In field, M e. Two borders of dots. (+e€OAUj Av rove TA) [Blacas, 1867J +hSXISK€X D6SNAN Tlhim (sic) Christ, bearded, standing facing on rectangular footstool ; wears tunic, mantle and niml)us cr. formed of dots ; one pellet (•) in each limb of cross. Book of Gos- pels (with pellets on cover) held with both hands. Two borders of dots.'- [Loscombe sale, 1855, lot 954] [PI. LX. 3.] (KeiNANTKhm) (foot- stool semi-circular). [PI. liX. 4, rev.] Silver HKAAX6P [NITICCA] Bust of the Virgin of Blachernae, facing, orins ; wears nimbus, and mantle and veil ornamented witb •> In field, W* eV. Border of dots. +eK€ ROHeei eeoAuuPA A€CnOINH THnOP(t)V poreNN/ -TOJ- Border of dots. [PI. IiX. 5.] ^ Compare the dress of a Bj-zantine Empress ('St. Helena') represented on the eleventh centui-y reliquary of the Cross in the Cathedral of Gran, Hungary (figured Schlumberger, VEpop. hijz., i, p. 81). Compare also the dress of Theodora herself as re]n-esented on the crown of ' Constantine Monomachus ' in the Museum of Pesth (figured Schlumberger, Un Emp. hyz.. p. 517 and p. 5-2-3). ^ Probably the ' Christ of Chalce ' ; see Introd., supra, § 2, ' Theodora.' THEODORA— BRONZE rAn 117-7 7 165-3 8 158-8 9 143-7 10 124-2 JE 1-15 JE 1-15 ^ 1-15 M 1-1 ^ 1-2 PARIS. A{ Size -75. Wt. 1 gram. 22 (about 19 grains). Published by Schluniberger in Rev. num., 1895, p. 88 = his Melanges, i, p. 311 ; also by Dieudonne, Rev. nutn., 1899, ]). 197, with photograph, PL III. 27. Schlumberger and Dieudonne are inclined to attribute the coin to the period (a. d. 1051-1055) when, after the death of her sister Zoe, Theodora 'regna obscurement aux cotes de son beau-frere Constantin [IX] Monomaque '. Schlumberger supjioses that it was issued simultaneously with the ^ of Constantine IX, PI. LIX. 5, which it closely resembles, and he contrasts the title despohia with the title Augusta found on the gold coins of Theodora as sole Empress. Without undervaluing these arguments. I would point out that it does not seem very likely that Theodora during her period of eclipse would be commemorated on the Imperial currency. Again, despoina has already been used on coins as a title of the Empress Theodora the mother of Michael III (see N, supm, p. 429), and on one ^R. coin of Constantine IX it is applied to the Blessed Virgin (p. 502, No. 16, supra); despoina does not, then, seem iiecessar ily io indicate a rank inferior to Augu.^ta. I therefore adopt the simple plan of assigning the coin to Theodora's sole reign as Empress (a. d. 1055-1056), a period during which we naturally look for a silver coinage to match her gold currency. Bronze I C XC Nl KA in the angles of a cross composed of peUets and with a peUet beyond the extremity of each limb. Border of dots. +€MMANOVHAHalf- leng-th figure of Christ standing- facing- ; wears tunic, mantle, and nimbus cr. with one pellet (•) in each limb of cross; r. hand in benediction ; 1. liolds book of Gospels mth many pellets on cover. In field, iC XC. Bor- der of dots. [de Sails gift] [Pl. LX. 6.J Restruck ; ? on coin of Basil II and Constantine VIII. I Restruck Restruck 508 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 11 95-6 JE 1-15 [Sale at Sotheby's, 20Dec. 1852, lot 207*] [PI. T.X. 7.] 12 87. M 1.15 13 844 JE 1. [de Salis gift] 14 59. M 1-05 (Double-struck) (Double-struck) [Purchased, 1863] 15 105-9 JE 1.15 [Presented bv Mr. W. H. Whittinghain, 1906] Restruck on a coin of Michael IV, like PI. liYUI. 4 ; on obv., traces of cross and of inscr. 16 164.2 JE M [Presented by the Rev. Arthur Dixon, 1906] Restruck on a coin of Michael IV, like PI. LVIII. 4 ; on obv., traces of nimbus, &c. ; on rev.y cross with steps. 509 MICHAEL V!, Stratioticus 31 Aug. 1056—31 Aug. 1057 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (thick fabric) +miXAHL AVrOCK Ar 1 Michael VI, l^eard- ed, standing- facing on footstool ; wears crown with cross, long- jewelled robe and Bust of the Virgin (Pan- agia Blachemitissa), facing, orans ; wears nimbus, and mantle and veil ornamented with ••• In field, m* scarf ; in r,, long cross ; in 1., mappa. Border of dots. and ev. Border of dots. 1 61-8 A" .7 [PI. IiX. 8.] [BorreU sale, 1852, lot 931] 2 60-9 N .75 (XA for XA ; AMrODK AT .:•) [Bank of England gift, 18771 [PI. LX. 9.] Type 2 (spread fabric) +mi XAHL A€cnor Onl.jthe archangel Michael standing facing, winged and wearing tunic and mantle ; on r., Michael VI, bearded, standing facing, wearing long jewelled robe and mantle. They hold between them the labarum with *•* The maniis Dei is seen on r. crowning the Emiieror. Two borders of dots. + lhSXISR€X R€SNAN rmm Chrlst, bearded, seated facing on throne (without back), wearing plain nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; r. hand out- stretched in benediction; in 1., book of the Gospels with *•* on cover. Two borders of dots. A'' Size '9, described in Sab Photiades C((t., No. 494. ., ii, p. 161, No. 2 ; PI. 49, 16 ; * This title occui-red on the nomisma of ]\Iichael V, supra, p. 498. 510 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS 142-5 138- 93.3 110-1 123-3 JE 1-15 M 1-15 M M ^ 1-15 JE -95 The types of this coin were closely imitated on the silver money of Sven Estridsen, King of Denmark, A. D. 1047-1075 (P. Hauberg, Mijntfoyliohl or/ Udinijntninger i Danmark, Kopenhagen, 1900, PI. VIII, No. 7, &c. ; p. 50 f. ; p. 128; \). 250 f. According to Hauberg ('De Tinfluence byzantine sur les monnaies du Danemark au xi'' siecle', published in Coufjres inUrnat. de nuinisnuitique, Paris, 1900, pp. 3-39, 340), there is evidence that Sven's coin was struck before his accession, circ. 1046/7, so that the Danish imitation would be earlier than the Byzantine prototype. If the Danish imitation can really be assigned with ceHaintij to circ. 1046/7 A.D., it is clear (as Hauberg has pointed out) that the Byzantine prototype here (and by Sabatier) attributed to Michael VI (a. d. 1056/7) must belong to an earlier Michael —Michael IV or Michael V {d. 1042). Yet there seems to me to be considerable difficulty in assigning this nomisma to any Michael except Michael VI, and I therefore, though with some hesitation, allow the attribution to stand. — Cp. also 0. Montelius, Kulturgesch. Schwedens (1906), p. 228 f. Bronze Christ, hearded, seated facing- on throne (with- out back), wearing- plain nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; r. liand outstretched in bene- diction ; in 1., book of the Gospels with *•• on cover. In field, IC and XC. Border of (lots. [Townley Collection] - + - ISXS bASIL6 bASIL\ + Border of dots. [PI. LX. 10.] (Double-struck) Restruck ? [de Salis gift] | Restruck perhaps on a coin of Basil II and Constan- tino VIII ; on rev.^ traces of nimbus ; on obi\, remains of inscr., +lhSHS:^ [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] (Inscr. incomplete through restriking) XS Restruck ; on similar coin.f' on vey., SILE IL 511 ISAAC I, Comnenus 31 Aug. 1057—25 Dec. 1059 No. Weight Metal and Size 61-8 N 'lb Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (thick tabric)' + KAAKIOC RACIA6V CPM Isaac I, bearded, standing- facing ; ^veal■s crown with cross, cuirass (with crescents and pellets), tunic, military cloak and liig-li boots ; in r. globus cr. ; 1, placed on sheath containing- sword and standing- on ground. - Border of dots. (M blundered) + IHSXISR6XR6SNANT mm Bust of Christ, bearded, facing ; wears nimbus cr. (with one pellet in each limb), tunic and mantle ; in both hands, book of Gospels Avith numerous pellets on cover. Bor- der of dots. [de Salis gift] [PI. LX. 11.] 1 Here, as elsewhere, it is not easy to determine the order of issue of the vanous types of the nomisma. Type 3 may be the latest issue, as it seems to suggest the ohv. ot a nomisma {'Type 1') of Isaac's successor Constantme X. Types 1 and 1 (eacli ot a different fabric) may have been issued simultaneously about the time ot Isaacs coronation. "^ Cp. the type of M of Constantine IX, PI. LIX. 4. 512 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 2 (spread fabric) + ICAAKIOC[K?]A CIA eVPuM/ Isaac I, beard- ed, standing facing- ; costume as on type 1. In r., drawn sword ' resting- on shoulder ; 1. hand rests on sheath hung- at side. Two borders of dots. + IHSXISK6X R€SNAN Tinm Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne (without back) ; wears plain nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; r. hand outstretched in bene- diction ; in 1., book of Gospels with *•* on cover. Two borders of dots. 2 G8. N 1-05 (Slightly concave) [Purchased, 1905] [PI. LX. 12.] 3 67.5 N 1-05 (ends UUM) (Concave) Type 3 (sp + ICAAKIOC [KPJACIA eVCPUUM Isaac I, bearded, standing- facing ; costume as on type 1. In r. labarum with *•• ; 1. placed on sheath containing sword and standing- on ground. Two borders of dots. [Cracherode bequest, 1799] read fabric) + IHSXI2K6X K€SNAN rmm Christ seated facing on throne ; all as on type 2. Two borders of dots. 4 08. 1 N 1- (Concave) [J. E. Sinyanki, 1852] [PI. LX. 13.] ^ On the type see Introduction, stq^ra, § 2, ' Isaac I.' ISAAC I -SILVER— BRONZE 513 No. Weight 120-8 128. Metal and Size JE 1. M 1- Obverse Reverse Silver Bust of Christ, with short beard, facing; wears nim- bus cr. (with two i)ellets in each limb of cross), tunic and mantle ; in both hands, book of Gospels with stellate ornament on cover. In field, IC and XC. Two bordei's of dots. PARIS. Size -Qb ; wt. 1-38 grammes ; published in Schlumberger's Melanges (Varch. hyz., i, p. 61 = i?er. num., 1889, p. 261. - + - KeKOHG ICAAKIUJ OPeOAOlUJ AECnOTH TUUKOMNH -NUU- Two borders. [PI. LX. 14.] Bronze Bust of Christ, with short beard, facing- ; wears nimbus cr. (with two pellets in each limb of cross), tunic and mantle ; in both hands, book of Gospels with *•* on cover. In field, K) and XC. Border of dots. [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] - + - ISXS bASIL€ bASIL/ — \j — Border of dots [PI. LX. 15, obi'?^ [PI. LX. 16, rev:\ Dd 514 CONSTANTINE X, Ducas 25 Dec. 1059— May 1067 EUDOCIA, Makrembolitissa wife of Constantine X No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 ' (spread fabric) + KUUNKACA OAOVK + mSXISK€X K€INAN AC Constantine X, Thim Christ, bearded, bearded, standing- seated facing- on throne facing on footstool ; with back and upright holding- in r. labarum arms ; wears plain nim- witli •••, and g-lobular bus cr., tunic and ornament on shaft ; in mantle ; holds book of 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears Gosjsels with *•* on crown with cross and cover. Two borders of long- jewelled robe and dots. scarf. Two borders of dots. 1 68-3 N 1. (Concave) [Blacas, 1867] [PI. LXI. 1.] (pierced) 2 G8- N 1-1 (Concave) [Lord Elgin] 3 50. A^ -9 (Without ornament on shaft) (Slightly concave) ^ Type ' 1 ' is placed first as being apparently suggested by the nomisraa (type 3) of the previous reign. Tyjie '3' is placed last as corresponding (on the ohv.) with type 3 of the bronze coinage. — For seals of Constantine X see Schlumberger, SigiUogi'., pp. 419-428 ; Jonnial internat. cVarch. nitvi., 1903, p. 72; Eostovtsev and Prou, Caial. des 2)Iomhs (Bibl. Nat., Paris), No. 864. CONSTANTINE X— NOMISMA, TYPE 3 515 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse 68. M 1-05 [pierced) 67-7 67.7 65.7 A^ 1. M 1.1 N 1. 61.7 (pierced) N Reverse Type 2 (spread fabric) + KUNKACA OAOVK AC On 1. , Constantiue X, bearded, standing- facing-; on r., the Virg-in,standing-facing-, crowning- the Emperor ; her 1. hand in benedic- tion. Constantine wears crown, Avith cross, long jewelledrobe and scarf; in 1., globus cr. ; his r. placed to his heart. The Virgin wears nim- bus, veil, tunic and mantle; •*• on drapery. Above, in centre, M ; on r., 0. Two borders of dots. (Concave) [PI. LXI. 2.] (Concave) (Concave) [PI. liXI. 3.] (Slightly concave) (A omitted) + lhSXISReX R6CNAN Tlh(D Christ seated facing on tlirone ; all as in type 1, but the throne has curved arms. Two borders of dots. (+ 1 H8 1 XSReX&c. (Arms of throne twice bent). [Bank of England gift, 1877] (Arms of throne twice bent) [de Sails gift] (+IHSIXSR6 R.6NANTI nm) [Royal Collection] [Purchased, 1905] Type 3 (thick fabric) KUUN KACIAOAVK Bust of Constantine X, bearded, wearing crown with cross and jewelled robe with square pat- terns ; in r., globus cr.; in 1., sheath of sword (or mappa?). Border of dots. [de Salis gift] Bust of the Virgin, facing, orans ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; ••• on drapery. In field, KFf and eV. Bor- der of dots. [PI. LXI. 4.] .516 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Silver +eK€ ROHee The Virgin (of Blaclioi-nae) standing- facing-, orans ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; on drapery •*• In fi(dd. +eK€KO HeeiKuuN CTANTINULI AecnoTH TUUA[S]KA on r. and 1. of ]iim- bus, ••• In central Border of pellets. field 1. and r., m' and eV. Border of pellets. d 19-5 ' {pierced) M -75 [de Salis gift] [PI. LXI. 5.] Bronze Type 1-^ Christ, bearded, seated - + - facing- on tlirone with ISXS back and upright arms ; bASILe wears nimbus cr. (witli bASIL pellet in each limb of — yj — cross), tunic and man- Border of dots. tle ; holds book of Gospels with *•* In field, ICandXC. Bor- der of dots. 10 1484 M M [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXI. 6.] n 141. M 1-05 [de Salis gift] 12 131.3 M 1-05 [de Salis gift] 13 123. M 1.05 [de Salis gift] 14 10()-5 M 1-2 [de Salis gift] Restruck on coin of Tlieodora, like PL LX. (1. On rey., XC and remains of do tted cross. ^ A specimen (pierced) in the Cabinet des medailles, Paris, weighs 1-55 grammes ( = 24 grains) ; see Blanchet in Rev. num., 1893, p. 47. ■^ Order of types. The rev. of type 1 is like the rev. of the M of the previous reign, and the ohv. like type 1 of the nomismata of Constantine X. Type 1 is sometimes used as the flan for type 2, and type 2 is used as a flan for type 3. CONSTANTINE X, ETC.— BRONZE, TYPE 2 517 No. 15 Weight 16 17 18 19 20 21 159-3 145-5 74-8 {clipped) 118-2 1.35-5 152- 112-4 Metal and Size M 1-2 M 1-2 iE -95 M 1-05 M 1- M 1-05 M 1-15 Obverse Reverse [Purchased, 1904] Restruck on coin of Tlieodora, like PI. LX. 6. On ohv.^ bust of Christ visible ; on rev.^ remains of dotted cross and KA. The coin of Theodora is itself restruck (on a coin of John I Zimisccs ?). [de Salis gift] Restruck Partly off flan. I Partly off flan. I [de Salis gift] Restruck Type 2 (CONSTANTINE and EUDOCIA) + KUUNTAK (on r.) ; eVAKAVrO (on L). On r., Constantine X, bearded, standing- facing; on 1., Eudocia standing facing. They liold between them labarum with ••*, the shaft forming a cross and resting on steps. Each wears crown with cross and jewelled robes, and each places one hand on heart. Border of dots. [PI. LXI. 7.] [PL LXI. 8, ohv.] + €M MA NOVHA Christ, bearded, stand- ing facing; wears nimbus cr. with one l^ellet in each limb of cross, tunic and mantle ; with both hands holds book of Gospels with \»\ In field, IC and XC. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1092] [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1092] [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1091] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1091] Restruck 518 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 22 23 24 25 26 27 Weight 121.2 167-7 150- 127.3 141.2 Metal and Size 142.3 28 123. JE 1-15 JE 1-2 JE 1.2 JE 1.25 JE 1.25 JE M Obverse JE 1.15 Reverse [Blacas, 1867] Restruck (AV for AVrO) I [Presented bv M. F. I de Saulcy, 1871] Restruck on a coin of John I Zimisces or of Basil II and Constantino VIII, like PL LV, 1, &c. On obv., traces of the l3ust of the Saviour; on rev., remains of inscr. , MS &c. This is itself restruck on another MS coin. Cp. Sab., ii, p. 169, No. 2 ; PL 50, 9. (AV for AVrO) [de Sails gift] Restruck on coin of Theodora, like PL LX. 6. On obv., nimbus of the Saviour visible ; on rev., remains of dotted cross and I C Nl 1 [Manso da Villa, 1856] Restruck on coin of Theodora, like PL LX. 6. On obv., traces of tlie figure of the Saviour; on rev., remains of inscr., IC &c. (An for AK) 1 Restruck on a coin of Constantine X, type 1, like PL LXI. 6. On rev., - + - IS AS &c. ' (AV for AVrO ; AH for [de Salis gift] AK) Restruck on a coin of Constantine X, type 1, like PL LXI. 6. On obv., head of the Saviour visible; on rev., traces of L &c., and beneath, — «^ — (Inscr. partly obscure ; [de Salis gift] AK/ for AK) Restruck, apparently on a coin of Constantine X, type 1, like PL LXI. 6, wliich has itself been restruck. ^ It may be noted that here, and probably in other cases of restriking, the side of the coin tvith the Im2)eri(il figures is generally clear; that is, the type of the former coin has been more or less carefully obliterated before the new type has been impressed ; the type of the other side is confused because no attempt has been made to obliterate the original type. CONSTANTINE X, ETC.— BRONZE, TYPE 3 519 No. •29 30 31 Weight 112.9 160-5 99-6 Metal and Size JE 1-15 JE M JE 1-05 32 136. JE 1.05 33 34 133-8 157-7 JE 1.25 jE 1-15 Obverse Reverse [de Sails gift] Restruck, apparently on a coin of Constantine X, type 1, like PI. LXI. 6. On obc, remains of inscr. [de Salis gift] Restruck on a coin of Michael IV', like PI. LYIII. 4. On rev., remains of cross and inscr., IS AS bAS &c. (AV for AVrO) I [de SaHs gift] Restruck on a coin of Constantine X, type 1, like PL LXI. 6. On rev., - + - IS XS &c. ; and beneath, — *-* — Type 3 4KaJNKACi A6VC0A OVK Bust of Constan- tine X, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe with square patterns ; in r., cross ; in 1. , hilt of sword (or mappa?) visible. Border of dots. (+UUU for +KUUN ; C for €) + eMMA NOVHA Bust of Clirist, bearded, facing ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr., with one pellet in each limb of cross ; r. Jiand in benediction ; 1. liolds book of Gospels witli star (>r<) cover. In field, on IC and XC. Border of dots. [Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1091] [PI. LXI. 9.] [Northwick sale, 1860] On a large flan, perliaps that of an older coin. I [Borrell sale, 1852, lot I 1091] 5-20 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 35 Weight 109-1 86 158-5 37 130-3 Metal and Size JE 1.1 JE 1.25 JE 1-15 Obverse Reverse [de Salis gift] Restruck on a coin of Constantine X, type 2, like PI. LXI. 7, On ;ru., lower part of labarum with steps and inscr. . . AKAV +KLUN visible; on obv., liead of Ciirist visil^le. I [de SaHs gift] Restruck on a coin of Constantine X, type 2, like PL LXI. 7. On obv., Constantine and Eudocia holding tlie labarum are clearly seen; on rev., the figure of Christ is visible. Restruck on a coin of Constantine X, type 2, like PL LXI. 7. On obv., lower part of labarum witli stejis and part of inscr. visiljle. 521 EUDOCIA widow of Constantine X with her sons MICHAEL VII and CONSTANTINE May-Dec. 1067 CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma (Spread fabric ; obi'.^ concave) + MIX 6V AK KUUhS In centre, Eudocia standing facing- on footstool; on 1., the shorter fig-ure of Michael; on r., Con- stantine (somewhat shorter than ^Michael), both beardless and standing- facing-. Eudocia wears crown witli three triangular projections and a long" jewelled robe with oval apron,ornamented with star,and mantle ; in her r., knobbed sceptre ; her 1. hand placed to her heart. Michael holds in r. globus cr., and in 1. mappa ; Con- stantine holds in r. mappa, in 1. globus cr., Each wears crown with cross and wears long jewelled robes witli *•" on apron. Two bor- ders of dots. + IHSXISR.ICX R€CgNA NTIhim Christ, bearded, seated facing on tlirone with back ; wears nim- bus with plain cross, tunic and mantle ; r. hand in benediction ; in 1. book of Gospels with •»• on cover. Two borders of dots. II I 522 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 1 2 G7.5 G8- A^ 1-1 A^ M [Purchased, 1905] (KOJPP = KUUNS) (R€ChAh &c.) [PL LXI. 10.] (Ends Tlhm) [de Salis gift] ' ^ Constantine X had by Eudocia three sons who survived him, namely Michael VII, Andronicus, and Constantine. The last named vv^as born after his father had become Emperor, de Saulcy {Essai, p. 298 f.) refused to assign this nomisma to the regency of Eudocia on the ground that one of her three sons — Andronicus — did not appear on the coin. He suggested that it was struck by Eudocia some years later when her second husband Romanus IV was in captivity, and he accounted for the omission of Andronicus by the supposition that he had died before the issue of the coin. But we now know from Psellus {Hist., p. 243, ed. Sathas) that Eudocia reigned (in A. D. 1067) with her two sons Michael and Constantine ; Andronicus was evidently kept in the background (ci). Psellus, p. 240; cp. 13. 264), though he appeared, later on, upon the family coin issued by Romanus IV (Nomisma, type 1, infra). There is no difficulty, therefore, in assigning our nomisma (Nos. 1 and 2) to the regency of Eudocia, May-Dec. 1067. 523 ROMANUS IV, Diogenes Dec. 1067— Aug. 1071 EUDOCIA (widow of Coustantine X) his wife MICHAEL VII, CONSTANTINE, and ANDRONICUS sons of Constantine X and Eudocia No. Weisrht Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (spread fabric; o6r., concave) + PUJMANS IC XC €V AUKIA In centre, Christ, bearded, stand- ing facing on footstool with r. hand crowning- Roman us IV (who stands on 1. facing), and with 1. liand crowning Eudocia (who stands on r. facing). The Saviour wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. The Emperor wears crown with cross and long jewelled robes ; in 1. globus cr. , his r. hand on lieart. The Empress wears crown with three triangular projections, long jewelled robe, with oval ornamented apron, and mantle ; in her r. hand, globus cr. ; lier 1. liand on lieart. Two borders of dots. KOJN MX ANA In centre, Michael VII ; on 1., shorter figure of Constantine; on r., figure of Audronicus. Each stands facing on footstool, wears crown with cross and long jewelledrobes. Michael holds in r. labarum with • in centre, and in 1. mappa. Constan- tine holds in r. globus cr., and in 1. mappa. Andronicus holds in r. mappa, in 1. globus cr. Two borders of dots. ^ Andronicus though older than Constantine was inferior in Imperial rank ; on No. 1 he is on the left of the Emperor while Constantine is on the Emperor's right, the post of honour; see also p. 522. 524 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 69. 67-5 66. 45. (pierced) 62.6 61.6 (pierced) Metal and Size N M M 1.05 A^ 1-1 M -9 A^ -7 N .75 Obverse (I for P) (lUUMAN IC &c. [PI. LXI. 12 (v^ forS) (evAKniv?) Reverse [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1480] [PI. LXI. 11.] (KUUl/l); (no footstools) clotted exerg-ue. (Double-struck) Dotted exergfue. (Not concave) (€AKK- (No footstools) dotted for€VAUKIA) i exergue. I [Lord Elgin] Type 2 (thick fabric) + IUUMAN SeVAKAl-' On 1., bust of Romanus IV, bearded ; on r. , bust of Eudocia, both facing and holding between them globus surmount- ed by tall cross. The Emperor wears crown with cross and jewelled robe ; the Empress wears crown with three triangular projections and jewelled robe. Border of dots. [Blacas, 1867] (+IUJMA SVAAKII-) +eKe KOHe Bust of the Virgin facing, holding medallion of the infant Christ. She wears veil, mantle and tunic. •*• on drapery. In field, NFf and eV. Border of dots. [PI. IiXI. 13.] [RoUin sale, 1853, lot 259] [PI. LXI. 14.] ^ The legend is usually blundered, as on the specimen in Moustier Cat., No. 4115. and in Montagu Cat., No. 1257. ROMANUS IV— SILVER, TYPE 1 525 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Rever.si:; Type 3 (thick fabric) PUUMAN^ A€CnOT/ +eK€ ROHe Bust of Bust of Romanus IV, the Virgin facing, holding bearded, facing ; wears medallion of the infant crown witli cross and Christ. She wears veil, jewelled robe ; in r., globus mantle and tunic. •*• on or. ; inl., labarum with *•* drapery. In field, M-P and Border of dots. eV. Border of dots. [PI. LXII. 1.] N Size .8. PARIS. Cp. Bev. K9f, 1858, p. 150; PI. IX. 14 = ■ Rev. num., 1865, p. 288. Silver ■ Type 1 +n[A]peeN€ comoA ocHAn[ijKenAN ta VA 1 N 6 The Virgin stand- KATOPeOI Romanus ing- facing on footstool, rV, bearded, standing holding in 1. the infant facing on footstool ; Christ ; her r. hand wears crown with cross placed to her heart. and long jewelled robe Christ wears nimbus and mantle ; in r., cr. and tunic ; one hand patriarchal cross ; inl., in benediction. Tlie giobus surmounted by Virgin wears plain patriarchal cross. Bor- nimbus, veil, tunic and der as on ohv. mantle. •'•ondrajDery. In field, M and 6. Three borders of dots. the central one orna- mented with eight globules. 7 41.8 (2)ierced) M 1.05 [de Salis gift] Other specimens of this pi {Z. f. Num., iv, p. 21 ; A. von (Handbiicher der K. Museei (2) Santangelo coll., Naples (1 fiir Miinzkumle, ii (1865), No. 674.— Sab., ii, p. 172, descr and one in silver (No. 7). ( Vol. ii, p. 62.- de Salis {Rev. [PI. LXII. 2.] ece are: (1) Berlin Museum Sallet, Milnzen und MedaiUen, 1 zu Berlin), 1898, p. 104). Friedlander in Berliner Blatter p. 179. (3) Photiades Cat., ibes a specimen in gold (No. 6) ;:;p. Trans. Moscow Xion. Soc, num., 1859, p. 448) suggested 5-26 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Metal and Size Obverse Reverse the attribution to Romanus IV, which seems very probable, especially when we compare the figure of the Emperor with the bust of Romanus as shown on ohv. of type 4 of his Al, infra. The type of the Emperor standing ap- pears to be imitated on a Danish coin of Sven Estridsen, who reigned a. d. 1047-1075. This coin is dated by P. Hauberg (*De Tinfluence byz.' in Congres internat. de numismatique, Paris, 1900, j). 341) to some time before the accession of Sven, and if this dating is certain, our coin cannot be of Romanus IV (1067-1071) but must be of some Emperor who ruled earlier than circ. 1046/7. There is the same difficulty about a Danish imitation of a coin of Michael VI : see supra, p. 510. The side representing the Virgin may be treated as the obv. on account of the insci-., a hexameter line : — UapBive o-ot TToKvaive os rfkiriKe wuvTa Karopdoi, ' Whoso hath set his hope on thee, Virgin all-glorious, prospereth in all his works.' (Cp. Gr. Macdonald, Coin-types, p. 242). On the type of the Virgin, see Introd., supra, § 2, 'Romanus IV.' Type 2 Bust of Christ, bearded, facing ; wears nimbus cr. , with one pellet in each limb of cross, tunic and mantle ; r. hand in bene- diction; 1. holds book of Gospels with *•* on cover. In field, iC and XC. Border of dots. + K€ BOPUJM[A] NuuAecno THTUJAIO r€N€l Border of dots. Al Size -65. Sabatier coll. (Sab., ii, pp. 171, 172, No. 4; PI. 51, 1). Type 3 Bust of the Virgin, in usual dress, facing, holding medallion of the infant Christ. In field, [nhp?] and 0V. Border of dots. r+e]K€ ..PUUMA NuuAecno THTOJAIO r€N€l Border of dots. [PI. IjXII. 3, rev.'] M Size -7. Museum of the Hague, (de Salis in Rev. num., 1859, p. 449 ; cp. de Saulcy, Essai, p. 303.) ROMANUS IV -BRONZE, TYPE 2 527 No. Weiorht 11.3 {pierced and broken) Metal and Size M -65 Obverse Reverse Type 4 PIDM Bust of Romanus rV, bearded, facings ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe. In r., patriarchal cross; in 1. , globus cr. Three borders of dots, the central one (apparent- ly) ornamented with four g-lobules. [PI. LXII. 4.] Bustof theViro^in, facing, orans ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •*• on drapery. In field, M and e ; CK ' and PA. Border as on obv. [de Salis gift = de Salis in Rev. num.^ 1859, p. 448 = Sab., ii, p. 172, No. 5] Bronze Type 1 + PUJMAN A€Cn Bust of Romanus IV, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe ; in 1., globus cr. ; in r., another globus cr. Border of dots within wide border of concentric circles. i M Size 1-25. PARIS. Sab., ii, p. 171, No. 2 ; PI. L. 13 (on another specimen, Sab., ib.. No. 3, Romanus holds in r. hand a majypa). 6VA0KI BACIA Bust of Eudocia, facing ; wearing crown and jewelled robe ; in r., labarum ; in 1., globus cr. Border of dots within wide border of concentric circles. Type 2 Bust of Christ, bearded, facing ; dotted cross behind head ; wears tunic and mantle, and with both hands holds book of Gospels with 1 t 5 on cover. In field, IC ancl XC ; and Nl and KA. Whole within border of dots. Another border of dots at eds'e. C K P A- Cross, with globus and pellets at the forked extremity of each limb and X in centre. 1 K = R or B, and the four letters may be. explained as = CVPie ROHGei PUJ MANOJ AecnOTH _ , .,.^01 2 The attribution to Romanus IV was suggested by Baron de Marchant, but de baulcy (p. 304) was the first to explain the meaning of the four letters ; see previous note. One specimen appears to have been used for restriking by Michael VII. Ducas. the next Emperor (de Saulcy, p. 305). I 528 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 9 128-4 M 1-1 [PI. liXII. 5.] [Presented by Mr. Rohde Hawkins, 1848] Restruck 10 156-5 M 1-15 (Double-struck) [de Salis gift] 11 114- M 1-05 Restruck ? 12 75.7 M 115 [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1093] [PI. LXII. 6.] 13 73-7 M 1-05 [de Salis giftj 529 MICHAEL VII, Ducas Aug. 1071—24 Maech 1078 MARIA, wife of Michael VII No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (Scyphate) + MIX AHA RACIAOA Christ, bearded, seated Bust of Michael VII, facing on throne; wears bearded, facing- ; wears tunic, mantle and nim- crown with cross, bus cr. with one pellet jewelled robe and in each limb of cross ; mantle ; in r. , labarum witli both hands holds with ••• ; in 1., globus book of Gospels with cr. Two borders of *•• on cover. In field. dots. iC and XC. Two bor- ders of dots. 1 67. (pierced) N 1.1 [PI. LXII. 7.] [C. A. Murray, 1849] ' Type 2 (Scyphate) + MIX AHA KACIAOA Bust of Christ, with Bust of Michael Yll, pointed beard, facing ; facing- ; all as on type 1 wears tunic, mantle (labarum has ' ■ *). and nimbus cr. with *■* in each limb of cross ; r. hand in bene- diction ; in 1., book of Gospels with nine pellets on cover. In field, fC and XC. Two borders of dots.'^ 2 66. A^ M (Star instead of pellets on cover) ' Another specimen in Moustier Cat., No. 4118 is of pale gold.— On his leaden seals Michael VII is represented standing holding labarum and globus; on the rer. Christ seated ; see Schlumberger, Melanges d'arch. hyz., i, p. 263 ; Rostovtsev and Prou, Catal. de.«pl07nbs (Bibl. Nat.), No. 861 and p. 375; Birch, Cat. of Seals (Brit. Mus.). v p. 3. 2 The types of both ohv. and rev. seem modelled on the nomismata ot Michael 1\ (PI. LVIII. 1). F f 530 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 3 44.5 A^ .95 (• for ■) [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot (Star instead of pellets {before {X>ierced) on cover) clean- ing) 1481] 4 67. N 1.05 [PI. LXII. 8.] (Twelve pellets on cover) 5 66.5 {pierced) El M [Blacas, 1867] 6 66. N M 7 66-8 {pierced) N 1-15 (Pressed flat) [Purcliased, 1905] 8 68. N 1.15 (KACIA€ for RACIA ; OA omitted) [PI. liXII. 9.] 9 66. {pierced) El 1.15 (In^r. as No. 8) [Blacas, 1867] ^ 10 67.7 El 1-2 Type 3 (tl + MIXAHA SMA PIA On 1., bust of Michael VII, bearded, facing-, wearing- crown with cross and jewelled robe ; on r. , bust of Maria the Empress, facing-, wearing crown with triangular orna- ments and globules and jewelled robes. They liold between them long cross ornamented with X and o. Bor- der of dots. [F. Parkes Weber g-ift, ^ 1906] lick fabric) +eK€ KOHG Bust of the Virgin facing-, hold- ing- medallion con- taining- cross and bust of the infant Christ, wearing tunic. The Virgin wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; ••• on drapery. In field, NFf and eV. Bor- der of dots. 11 63. N -lb (MARIA) ; without \j on cross. - (Without nimbus) [Blacas, 1867] [PI. LXII. lO.J ' Nos. 5, 9, and 10 are of pale gold or electruni. The scyphate specimens in silver and billon described by Sabatier (ii, p. 176, No. 5 ; p. 177, No. 9j were probably intended to pass current (whether legally or illegally) as nomismata. — The nomisma, Sab.,ii, p. 175, No. -3 (ohv. the Virgin crowning an Emperor), is probably of Michael V ; see supra under ' Michael V ', p. 498. - A specimen without X or vj, Montagu Cat., No. 1260. MICHAEL VII— SILVER, TYPE 1 531 No. 12 13 14 Weiffht 61-2 604 (2)ierced) 59-2 (pierced) Metal and Size El .8 N .8 El -7 15 16 17 34-3 30- (pierced) JR -9 M -9 28-4 M -85 Obverse Reverse [Royal Collection] [de Salis g-ift] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 944] (+eK€Ko Heei+) [PI. LXII. 11.] (+eK€R He€l+) One pellet in each limb of cross ; on r. and 1. of nimbus, uncertain ob- jects '. (+eK€RO He€l+) Pellets as no. 13 -. Silver Type 1 (obv., Michael and Maria) €NTOVTUdNIKAT€ MIXAHAKAIMAPIA Cross crosslet with X and o on central sliaft and pellets at ex- tremities, raised on two steps. On 1. , small bust of Michael VII, bearded, facing-, wear- ing- jewelled robe and crown with cross ; on r., Maria, facing-, wear- ing- jewelled robe and crown with triang-ular projections and g-lo- bules. Three linear borders. (8 for OV) (S for KAI) (Cross on three steps) puj) [Presented bv Mme. Irenefidi, 1862] - + - MIXAHA KAIMAPIA niCTOIRA ClAeiC^PUU MAIUUN* Three linear bordei-s. [Rev. G. J. Chester, 1889] [PI. LXII. 12.] (Double-struck) [S. Verkovich, 1859] (niCTIOI) (without . at end of iuscr.) (Above inscr. , — •—)* ' Objects of nearly the same form are found outside the nimbus of the Virgin (Blachernitissa) represented, supra, on JR of Constantine IX, p. 503. Cp. p. 550, no. 48. ^ Type 3 is found in electrum, Nos. 12 and 14 ; Photiades Cat., No. 509 ; Moustier Cat., No. 4121 ; in silver, Dieudonne in Rev. num.. 1899, p. 198, No. 43 ; silver gilt, Thomsen Cat., No. 749. '' One with B[?]ACIAHC, Photiades, Cat., No. 510. * Dies adjusted ^^^/jv instead of the usual ^^. 532 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight I ^^Itg^"'^ 18 19 20 21 30-6 (inerced and broken) 38-3 {piet'ced) 31-5 10-7 {pierced and worn) M 1. M 1-05 {gm'>) M 1. M -75 Obverse Reverse Type 2 (o6r., Emperor standing-) + MIXAHA RACIA(OA K ?) Michael VII, beard- ed. standino- facing-, holding" inr. long- cross : in 1., sword in sheath ; wears crown, cuirass, tunic and cloak. Two linear borders. Scyphate fabric. (RACIA[OA» ?]K/ ) [de Salis gift] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1014] +eK€KOHe€l TUUCUU AOVA/ The Virgin standing- on footstool facing-, orans ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle. In field, NFf and 0V Two linear bor- ders.^ (AOVAUU) (Double-struck) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXII. 13.] Type 3 (obv.^ Christ seated) Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne with- out back ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with two pellets in each limb of cross ; r. hand outstretched in benediction ; in 1. , book of Gospels. In field, [l]C and XC. Border of dots. [PI. liXII. 14.] +KeR[e] MIXA[HA] A€CnO[TH] TUUA[OV] -KA-- Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1015] ^ With the types of both sides compare silver of Constantine IX, p. 502. - Another specimen, Cabinet des med., Paris, v?eight 22 grains ; Dieudonne in Rev. num., 1899, p. 198, No. 42. MICHAEL VII- BRONZE 533 No. Weight Metal and Size •)0 23 24 20-7 16.7 146-82 M -75 M -75 ^ 1. Obverse Reverse Type 4 (obc, bust of tlie Virgin) Bust of the Virg-in , facing, holding medallion con- taining- cross and bust of the infant Christ. The Virgin wears nim- bus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •*• on drapery. In field, w* and eV. Border of dots. (On r. and 1., outside nimbus, a pellet). +eK€ KOHeei MIXAHA A€CnOTH TUUASKA Border of dots. (ReHO€l; MIXAKA AeinOTH) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. liXII. 15.] (Double-struck) ' Bronze + MIX AHA KACIAOA Bust of Michael VII, bearded, facing ; wears crown with cross, jewelled robe and mantle ; in r. , labarum with ••• ; in 1, globus cr. Border of dots. [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1093] Bust of Christ, with short beard, facing ; r. hand in benediction ; 1. holds book of Gospels with nine pellets on cover. Christ wears tunic and mantle ; behind head, cross of double limbs ; above transverse limbs, \C and XC ; beneath them, star on r. and 1. Border of dots. (Star instead of pellets on cover ') [PI. LXIII. 1.] ^ Sab., PI. LI, No. 5 (JR -with obi: Christ crowning an Emperor; rer.. Virgin seated ) assigned to Michael VII is probably misread and of a later date. ^ Finely preserved ; the coins of lower weight are generally thin and worn. " There are barbarous imitations of this type in the British Museum. — One of the ordinary coins of Michael VII (Brit. Mus., Georgian series), like No. 24, bears an Oriental countermark (stamped so as to obliterate the face of the Christ) which appears to be the name of Hercules II, a celebrated king of Georgia, A. D. 1762-1798 ; cp. Langlois. Essai de class., Gionjie, p. 12-3, No. 69 ; PI. IX, No. 4 ; and cp. the countermark (Arabian or Georgian ?) on bronze of Constantine IX, supra, p. 504. Hercules countermarked various coins, but it is strange that a Byzantine coin of the eleventh century should form part of the currency of a contemporary of Frederick the Great and Voltaire. 534 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 25 94. 26 67.5 27 59-2 28 79.8 29 86.7 30 91-4 Metal and Size JE .95 JE 1. JE 1. JE 1.05 jE M JE 1.1 Obverse [North wick sale, 1860] [de Sails gift] Reverse (Star instead of pellets on cover) [PI. LXIII. 2.J [de Salis gift] j Restruck on coin of Romanus IV, like PI. LXII. 6 ; on rec. , C K and top of cross. Many bronze coins of Michael VII are restruck ; see Soleirol Cat., p. 267. [de Salis g-ift] | Restruck on coin of Romanus IV, like PL LXII. 6 ; on rev., traces of C P &c. [H. P. Borrellsale, 1852, I (IC and XC beloio and lot 1093] the stars above the [PI. liXIII. 3.] I transverse limbs of cross ; star on cover of book) Restruck [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1093] (IC and XC beloiv and the stars above the transverse limbs of cross) Apparently restruck 535 NICEPHORUS III, Botaniates 25 March 1078—1 April 1081 No. Weight Metal and Size 66-4 62- 64.7 65-2 El 1-15 El 1-15 El 1.15 El 1.2 {plated ?) Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Tyi^e 1 (Scyphate) + NIK H (DP/ A€Cn/ Bust of Nicephorus III, bearded, facing- ; wears crown with cross, jewelled robe and mantle ; in r., cross ornamented with glo- bules ; in 1., g-lobus cr. Two borders of dots. [Purchased, 1905] [de Salis g-itt] {A€Cn/T\) (+NIKN sic (DO A€C no) Bust of Christ, bearded, facing- ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • • in each limb of cross ; r. hand in blessing ; in 1. book of Gospels with nine pellets on cover. In field, IC and XC. Two borders of dots. (Star instead of pellets on cover *) [Purchased, 1905] [PI. LXIII. 4.] [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906 = Sothebv's, 1 July, 1890, lot 392] (Pressed flat) ^ On the coins of Michael VII the book-cover is likewise ornamented either with a star or with pellets. 536 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 2 (Scypliate) + NIKH0PA€Cn TUJK OTANIATH Nicephorus III, bearded, standing on footstool facing- ; wears crown with cross, jewelled robe and mantle ; in r. , labarum with *•• ; in L, globus cr. Two borders of dots. Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with back; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • in each limb of cross ; with both hands holds book of Gospels with ••• on cover. In field above throne, IC and XC. Two borders of dots.' 5 68.2 El 1-15 [Purchased, 1905] [PI. IiXIII. 5.] 6 63-8 El or M gilt 1.25 (Ends lAT/) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 947] Type 3 (Scyphate) + NIKH(t)A€C TUUKOT ANIAT'^ Nicephorus III, standing facing, all as on type 2 (but on shaft of labarum X). Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with- out back ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. ; r. hand outstretched in blessing ; 1. hand holds book of Gospels with ••• on cover. Above, in field, 1 C and XC. Two borders of dots.-^ 7 66-5 (■pierced) N M [Purchased, 1905] [PI. IiXIII. 6.] 8 64.6 A^ 1-1 (base ?) (T for -J) [Sp. Mostras, 1852] 9 67.5 N M (base) (Aecn) [Blacas, 1867] ^ The rev. is suggested by the rev. of the nomisnia of Michael VII, type 1. The ohv. figure resembles the figure found on leaden seals of Nicephorus III, rev., bust of Christ: see Schlumberger, Sif/il., p. 423 ; Constantopoulo in Joiirn. int. d'arch. num., 1903, p. 73. For a seal of Nicephorus as Curopalates (obv., St. Demetrius), see Rostovtsev and Prou, CataJ. des Plombs (Bibl. Nat.), p. 292 ; cp. Photiades Cat, No. 515 a. ^ Reverse suggested by the obverse of silver coin, type 3, of Michael VII. NICEPHORUS III— SILVER 537 No. 10 11 Weight ^^^^1 a^^^ ° Size 56.5 68-2 El 1-05 El 1-15 Obverse (L^C ; crown without cross) (Zi€C/) [Purchased, 1904] Reverse [de Salis gift] (• in each limb of cross of nimbus) ' [PI. LXIII. 7.] Silver Bust of the Virgin, facing, oralis, nimbate and in usual dress. On breast, medallion of infant Christ. In field. NFf and eV. Bor- der of dots. - + - eK6R0 NIKH0OP C6BACTUU TUU BOTA N6IAT Border of dots. JB, Size b. Wt. ? This description is repeated from Sab., ii, p. 181, No. 8 ; PI. 51, 17. A similar inscr. and type are found on seeds of Nicephoruslll (Schlumberger, Siriillogr., p. 625; also in Rev. num., 1905, p. 339j. Seal and coin (as Schlumberger has indicated) must have been engraved before Nicephorus ascended the throne. (C6BACT0C was at this period the title of a high-court functionary and not distinctively an Imperial title ; Schlumberger, Sujil., p. 581 f. Cp. B.Z., 1904, p. 644.) This silver piece if intended for a coin must have been issued by Nicephorus when he set up as pretender to the throne. 1077 — March 1078 ; but it is curious that he uoes not take the Imperial title, for Nicephorus Melissenus, another pretender who issued a coin (see p. 539). calls himself ("^e(r/T6r»;j. Possibly our silver piece was not a coin but merely an impression of the seal of Nicephorus. (Cp. the large cameo at Vienna representing the Virgin oruns; round the edge is an inscr. in which the Theotokos is implored to send aid, NIKHOOPUU 01 AO XPICTUU AecnO[T]H TOJ BOTANIATH: Mely in Monuments Plot, vi, p. 195 f. ; also figured in Schlumberger, L'Epop. hyz., iii, p. 598.) NIKH4)KAIMAKI[A€N TOVTUU NIKATej On 1., bust of Nicephorus 111 : on r., bust of Maria his wife, both facing. Be- tween them, cross crosslet raised on steps and ornamented with X and '^. - + - NIKHcDP/ KAIMAPIA niCTOIBA [C]IA€ICPUJ MAIUUN M Size •: PI. LXIII. 8. Wt. 116 grammes. Berlin Museum. See Friedlaender in Z.f. X., vi, 1879, p. 20. 11 A specimen in Sal*., ii, p. 181, No. 7, is described as being of silver. iX 538 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COES'S ■M TIT • ut Metal and No. Weight gj^^ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 75-4 81-4 70.5 74.5 83.3 79- 128.4 108-7 73. Obverse Reverse M .9 M .95 JE .85 JE .9 JE .95 JE .95 JE M iE 1.05 JE M ^ 1-05 Bronze Christ, bearded, stand- ings facing; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • in each limb of cross ; r. hand in blessing ; 1. holds book of Gospels with l»\ on cover. In field 1. , I C and star ; in field r., XC and star. [Purchased, 1904] C Cross with giobule at each forked extremity, and in centre circle containing- star (vary- ing- in size) of eight rays. [PI. liXIII. 9.] [de Salis gift] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] [PuUan, 1858] [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXIII. 10, rev.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] Restruck - i [Purchased, 1904] Restruck [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] Restruck I [Blacas, 1867] Restruck ' KVPie 1<'/J^ as usual. 531) NICEPHORUS MELISSENUS Pretender to the Empire, a. d. 1080 — April 1081 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Bust of the Virgin, facing, orans, wearing nimbus and usual dress. In field, t^ and [0V]. Border of dots. [GKeROHeei] NIK[H]0O PUUA€CnO THTOIMe AIC(-NUU Border of dots. M Size -7. Bibl. Nat., PARIS. PL LXIII. 11. Described by Waddington in Rer. num., 1863, p. 393. 540 ALEXIUS I, Comnenus 2 April 1081—15 Aug. 1118 IRENE DUKAINA wife of Alexius I born, 10f56; died, 19 Feb. 1123 ' JOHN II, Comnenus sou of Alexius I aud Irene born, 1088; crowned, 1092 No. Weiijht Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma" Type 1 (Gold) A A€ SI UU no T Alexius T UU KO IVINH N OJ 1, bearded, standing- facing, hold- ing- in r. labarum with ••• ; in 1,, g-lobus cr. ; wears crown with cross, long- robes, and broad mantle jewelled on three of its edges. Above, on r., mmnis Dei crowning Emperor. Two borders of dots. +K6R0 Heel Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne withoutback; r. hand outstretched in blessing ; in 1., book of Gospels with ••* on cover ; wears plain nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. Above, in field, IC and XC. Two borders of dots. ^ E. Kurtz in B. Z., 1907. pp. 74, 94. ^ From this reign onwards the vv^iafxn is always of scyphate form, being concave on the Imperial side. (It is usual to call the Imperial side the obverse, though it will be ALEXIUS I-NOMISMA, TYPE 1 541 No Weiffht 1 I ■ 66.3 2 i 69-1 3 I 66. (pierced) Metal and Size N 1.1 N 1-15 N 1.15 62.7 N 1-25 5 67-7 {pierced) 67-8 {pierced) 67.4 (with ring) N 1.25 A^ 1-25 N 1-2 64.2 N 1.2 (pierced) \ Obverse (n lor no (.lewelled ou two edg^es) (Jewelled on two edg-es) (Inscr. ends TUU KO IVISH N ) (Jewelled on two edges) (SIUU for SI UU) (ends TO) KO IVISH NUU) ( A Till A€ KO SIOJ IVNH A€C NUU no TH ) (Inscr. like No. 5, but A for first A = A, and I for S) (Inscr. us No. 5) (figure attenuated ; jewelling- of mantle exaggerated) (Inscr. as No. 5) (figure and jewelling as No. 7) Reverse [C. A. Murray, 1849] [Blacas, 1867] [PI. LXIV. 1.] [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1481] [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. IiXIV. 2.] (Double-struck) [C. A. Murray, 1849] (Pressed tlat) [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906 = Sotheby's, 1 July 1890, lot 392] (Pressed fiat) [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXIV. 3.] (Double-struck) [C. A. Murray, 1849]' noticed that here and elsewhere the legend begins on the S-ew/-se ' :— K€ R.OHQ€l — AA6ZIUJ AECnOTH.) I have numbered the types for convenience, but the order of issiH! is not easily made out ; some types were doubtless issued simultaneouslj". Type ] resembles type 3 of the previous reign (Nicephorus III). As to the various metals in which the nomisma was struck, see Introd., supra, § 2, 'Alexius I.' ' Cp. Sab., ii, p. 187, No. 4; PI. 52, 4; obv.. Emperor standing: rev., Christ seated. Inscr. 'AA€[Z]IUL)C nOPFVPO'. A solidus. (•? if correctly read). 542 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 9 10 11 Metal and Size 494 61-2 (pierced) 67.7 12 18 JE .95 JE 1-05 JE 1-05 63.5 (pierced) 67-2 A^ .95 EP 1-15 Obverse Reverse Type 2 (Bronze) A A€ TUU SIUU KO A€C IVlsH no N T Alexius I, bearded, standing- facing- ; wears crown, long robe and mantle falling over 1. arm ; in r. , long scejDtre with jewelled top ; 1. holds mantle. Two borders of dots. [Purchased, 1904] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1095] (A for A) [de Salis gift] Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne with back, holding book of Gospels ; wears plain nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. In field, IC and XC. Two borders of dots. [PI. LXIV. 4.] [PI. LXIV. 5.] Type 3 (A^ and El) A A€ SIUU TUU A€C KO no MSH T N Alexius I, bearded, standing facing ; wears crown, long robe and mantle falling over 1. arm ; in r. , long sceptre with jewelled top ; in 1., globus cr. Two borders of dots. [de Salis gift = ? Revue helge, 1859, p. 314; PI. X. 8] [Purchased, 1905] The Virgin seated facing- on throne without back ; holds with both hands medallion of infant Christ. She wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •*• on draper)\ In field, Kff and eV. Two bor- ders of dots. [PI. LXIV. 6.] [PL LXIV. 7.] ' Very pale electrum. A specimen in Photiades Cat., No. 520, is described as of silver. One in ' pale gold ', Montagu Cat., No. 1263. No. I Weight 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Metal and Size ALEXIUS I-NOMISMA, TYPE 5 Obverse 543 69-2 58-5 58. 55-8 61. 62. 63-8 50. 22 63-2 Bil. 1-05 Bil. 1-05 Bil. 1. Bil. 1-05 Bil. 1.05 Bil. M Bil. 1. Bil. 1. Bil. 1-05 Reverse Type 4 +AAeZIUJ- A€CnT (sometimes incom- plete). Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing-, hold- ing- in r. cruciform sceptre; in 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears crown witli cross and jewelled robe with star in centre. Three borders of dots. [Purchased, 1904] (Pressed flat) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1019] [de Salis gift] (Pellets instead of star) (Pellets arrang-ed as star) (Billon) ' Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne with back; in 1., book of Gospels with *•• on cover; r., raised to- wards left shoulder, in benediction ; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. In field, IC and XC. Three bor- ders of dots.-' [PI. IiXIV. 8, obv. and 10, rev.] [PI. LXIV. 9, obv.] [de Salis g-ift] [Purchased, 1904] Type 5 (BiUon) AA A€C Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing-, holding- in r. labarum ; in 1. , g-lobus cr. ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe. Two borders of dots. [Purchased, 1904] +K€R Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, liolding- book of Gos- pels ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with ■ in eacli limb of cross. In field, IC and XC. Two borders of dots.* [PI. LXIV. 10, olir. and 8, rev.] ' Base silver, or bronze washed with silver: No. 14 has almost the appearance of bronze. "^ Here and elsewhere the UL) is sometimes formed U. ^ Compare a variety of this type in gohl, de Sank-}', Essai, PL '26, 8; Bevue uuni., 1836, p. 201 ; PI. V. 1. '' Compare Sab., ii, p. 188, No. 7 ; PI. 52, 5 (Emperor holding cruciform sceptre). 544 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight I ^1^*^^^*°'^ 23 : 67-1 El 1.15 24 62. Bil. 1-05 Obverse Reverse Type 6 (Electrum) A€CnTH TUUKOM On 1., Alexius I, bearded, standing-facing', crown- ed by the Virgin who stands on r., facing-; above, between them, larg-e star. Alexius wears crown with cross, long- jewelled robe and mantle with star in cen- tre falling- over 1. arm ; in his 1., g-lobus cr, ; his r. hand on heart. The Virgin (near whose head is M) in usual dress witli •*• Two borders of dots. + K€POAA€Zia)Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne with back ; in 1. , book of Gospels ; r. hand placed before him in benediction ; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. In field, IC and XC. Two bor- ders of dots. (Injured by centre) dent in [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXIV. 11.] Type 7 (Gold and billon) (CVrr. A. 1). 1092, date of coronation of John II) + K€ROHe€l lOJAGCnr On 1., John II, Comnenus, beardless, standing facing, wearing crown and long robes ; in r., labarum ; in 1., globus cr. On r., Christ, bearded, standing facing, crowning John II, and holding book of Gospels in 1. iC XC above. Bor- ders of dots. A'^ Size 1-05. Described by Sabatier in A)i)iuai>-e de la soc. franc, de nui)i., 1868, p. '292, from a specimen in the H. Hoffmann Coll. +AA€ZIUJAC eiPHNA Vrb On 1., Alexius I, bearded ; on r., Irene ; both standing facing, wearing crowns and long robes, and holding be- tween tlieni patriarchal cross. Alexius holds map- pa (?) in r. Borders of dots. (+AA€ZIUJA, rest obscure) [Presented by M. J. P. Sabatier] ' (Legend obscure, appa- rently, I UU AIT?) [PI. LXV. 1.] ' This is the specimen described by ISabatier, ii, p. 203, No. 28; PL 55, 1 :— 'Get exemplaire unique, dont j'ai ete heureux de pouvoir enrichir la collection du Musee britannique, en reconnaissance de la complaisance et des bons precedes de MM. les ALEXIUS I- SILVER, TYPE 2 545 No. Weight Metal and Size 25 2(; 60-3 49. 27 58- M .75 Al .7 M -Go Obverse Reverse Silver Type 1 +AA€ZIULJA nOTTUU KO M N (partly obscure). Alexius I, bearded, standing- facing-, hold- ing- in r. long- cross; in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown, long- robe and mantle with star in centre falling- over 1. arm. Border of dots. [Purchased of Rollin, 1904: = Re vu,' beige, 1858, p. 268 ; PL 13, 2, Penon. Coll.] [de Salis g-ift] +€MMA NOV[HA?] Christ (XttA/c7?T7/s)' bearded, standing on footstool, facing-, hold- ing- in both hands book of Gospels with *•• on cover ; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. In field, IC and XC. Border of dots. [PI. LXV. 2.] Type 2 +AA€[2IUU] Ae M Alexius I, bearded, standing- facing, hold- ing in r. labarum ; in 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears crown, long- robe and mantle falling- over left arm. Border of dots. [Northwick sale, 1860] Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne with- out back ; r. hand out- stretched in blessing- ; in 1., book of Gospels with •»• on cover; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. Above, in field, \C and XC. Border of dots. [PI. LXV. 3.] conservateurs a mon egard.' Though the coin is in poor condition it still remains very rare. (Cp. a billon specimen not well preserved published by F. van Vleuten in Z. f. y.. vi (1879, p. 676), where I am inclined to doubt the reading ' Manuel ' instead of ' Irene '. more especially as van Vleuten has not recognized that a. female figure is represented.) Sabatier at first supposed it to have been issued by John II, Comnenus, and to com- memorate this Emperor and two of his sons. A comparison with the gold noinisina. p. 544, type 7 (from Sabatier's description) seems, however, to prove almost cei-tainly that 24 is a coin of Alexius I, with his wife Irene and son .lohn II. The seal assigned by Sorlin-Dorigny (Renie archeol, 1877, Pt. I, p. 90, No. II, PI. IV. 6) to John II and his family would also seem to be of Alexius I, Irene, and John. ' Probably the Christ represented on the Chalce gate of the palace ; see A. Dumont in Rev. num., 1867, p. 195 f. - This type corresponds to type 1 of the iiomisma. Cp. Revue beige, 1858. p. 269; PI. 18, 5. II H h .U6 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS ivT \x7- • U4. Metal and No. Weight sj^^^ 28 57.2 Ai .7 29 50-6 Al 30 54-8 I Ai .7 Obverse Reverse Type 3 +AA€ Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing", holding- in r. labaruni ; in 1. mappa ; wears crown and jewelled robe. In field r. and 1., star. Border of dots. [M. J. Borrell, 1852] Christ, bearded, seated facing" ; all as on type 2, but r. hand is not out- stretched. [PL liXV. 4.] Type 4 (+AA€ZIUUZ\€C TUUKO MN?) Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing-, iiold- ing- in r., cross ; in L, g'lobus cr. ; wears crown with cross and robes with star in cen- tre. Border of dots. [de Salis g-ift] Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, holding- book of Gospels with both hands ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with ^ ■ * in each limb of cross. In field, IC and XC. Border of dots. [PI. LXV. 5.] Typo 5 +AA6IIUUA nOTTUUK Bust of Alexius 1, bearded, facing-, hold- ing- in r. sceptre Avith jewelled top, and in 1. g-lobuscr. ; wears crown with cross and robes. Border of dots. [de Salis g-ift] Bust of the Virgin facing-^ oralis^ witli medallion of Christ on breast ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •*• on drapery. In field, nFp and eV. Border of dots.' [PL LXV. 6.] Cp. Sab., PL h2, 9, Emperor holding labaruni ; and PI. 52, 8, rev.. Virgin standing. ALEXIUS I— BRONZE, TYPE 1 547 No. I Weight I ^^^*gf^g^"'^ 31 32. 32 14.5 (worn) Al -8 M -75 33 48-7 ! JE .7 01)verse Reverse Type 6 Bust of the Virg-iu, oralis^ with medallion of Clirist on breast ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •*• on drapery. In field M and a Bor- der of dots. [Purchased, 1855] +eK€ ROHGGI AAeSIUU A€C*nOT TOJKOM NHN[UJJ Border of dots. [PL LXV. 7.] Type 7 +eKe KOHeei (partly obscure). The Yirg-iu standing facing-, orans, with medallion of Christ on breast ; usual drapery. Above, in field, [NH»] and eV. Border of dots. [de Salis gift] ' AAezi uuAecno THTUUKO MNHNUU (Inscr. partly obscure). Border of dots. [PL IiXV. 8, obv.] Bronze Type 1 +AA A6C Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing, holding in r. labarum ; in 1. , globus cr. ; wears crown and jewelled robe. Border of dots. [PL LXV. 9.] 34 49-4 ' JE .65 [PL LXV. 10, ohr.] 35 61-8 i JE .75 (A for A6C) Bust of Christ, bearded, facing ; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; in 1., book of Gospels : r. held before breast, in benediction. Infield. I^C and XC. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852. lot 1094] [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] ' Cp. similar specimens in Sab., ii. p. 189, No. 13; de Saulcy PL 26, 9.-For another silver coin of Alexius see Photiades Cat, No. 522: types, obi:, \irgin crowning Emperor ; rev., Christ seated. -' Obv. and rev. resemble those of the nomisma, type 5. 548 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight p^e^gfj"*^ 36 66-6 37 47.7 38 52.2 39 49-3 40 56- JE .65 JE .85 JE .75 JE .75 JE .85 Obverse Reverse Type 2 AA€Z I [A€Cn] Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing', holding- in r. jewelled sceptre ; in 1., [g-lobus cr.] ; wears crown and jewelled robe. Border of dots. [de Salis g"ift] Bust of Christ, bearded, facings ; behind head, cross [above which, two crescents] ; holds book of Gospels ; wears mantle and tunic. In field, iC and XC. Bor- der of dots. ' [PI. liXV. 11.] Type Inscr. Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing-, hold- ing- in r. cross ; in 1. , g-lobus cr. ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe. Border of dots. +AA Zl A€Cn Bust of Christ, bearded, facing- ; r. in blessing- ; 1. holds book of Gos- pels ; wears nimbus cr. with • in limbs of cross, tunic and mantle. In field, IC and XC. Bor- der of dots. +AA Zl A€Cn +AA € S [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1094] liestruck [de Salis g-ift] +AA S [de Salis g-ift] [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1094] [PI. LXV. 12.] Restruck ' Cp. de Saulcy, Essai, PI. 30, 3 ; Sab., ii, p. lOu, No. 18 : PI. 52, 15. - Like type 4 of the silver. ALEXIUS I -BRONZE, TYPE G 549 No. Weight 41 I 50.5 JE .7 Metal and Size 42 i 68-5 43 44 63-5 61. ^ .65 JE .65 JE .7 45 59.7 ' JE -75 Obverse Reverse Type 4 +AAeZiaJ A€Cn Bust of Alexius I, boarded, facing-, holding- cross and g-lobus as in type 3, but dress varied. " Bor- der of dots. [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis g-ift] Christ, bearded, seated facings on tlirone with- out back ; holds book of Gospels ; wears nim- bus cr., tunic and mantle. In field, IC and XC. Border of dots.i [PI. LXV. 13.] Type 5' +AA€2iuu AecnoT TOJKOM Alexius I, bearded, standing- facing, holding- in r. labarum, in 1., globus cr. ; Avears crown, long- robe and mantle. Bor- der of dots. [de Salis gift] [Purcliased, 1904] Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne with- out back ; holds in 1. book of Gospels ; r. extended in benedic- tion ; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. [In field, above, IC and XC]. Border of dots. [PI. IiXV. 14.] Type 6 +AA€[ziuu]A€ [c] nor TULIKOMNLH ?] Alexius I, standing facing, hold- ing- in r. cross, in 1., g-lobus cr.; wears crown, tunic and man- tle. Border of dots. + eMMA NOVHA Christ, bearded, stand- ing- facing, wearing- tunic, mantle and nim- bus cr. ; in 1., book of Gospels ; r. in blessing. In field, IC and XC. Border of dots. [PI. IiXV. 15.] ' Another variety in which the Emperor on obv. holds labarum instead of cross : see Sab., ii, p. 191, No. 22 ; PI. 52, 20. ^ Like type 2 of the silver. 550 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 4G 47 48 Weight 377 58- 72. Metal and Size JE -75 JE -75 JE M5 Obverse Reverse 'J'ype 7 Inscr. Alexius I stand- ings facing-, lidding- labarum and g-lobus cr. , all as on type 5. Bor- der of dots. +AA€ +AA. IIUJAeC Christ, bearded, standing- facing-, holding- book of Gospels ; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. In field, \C and XC. Border of dots. [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXV. 16.] [de Salis g-ift] Type 8 +[AAeil?] A€CnOT Tu . . . Alexius I, beard- ed, standing- facing-, liolding- in r. labarum, in 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears crown with cross and jewelled robe and mantle falling- over 1. arm. Border of small dots. [de Salis g-ift] - Bust of the Virgin facing, holding- medallion of Christ on breast ; wears veil, nimbus, tunic and mantle ; •*• on draper}-. In field 1., KfP and un- certain object ; in field r., [eV?]. Border of small dots. [Pl. LXV. 17.] Restruck, perhaps on a coin of Constantine IX (like PI. LIX. 8) which has itself been struck on another coin. On obv. and rev. remains of border of g-lobules. Cp. a similarly restruck specimen in Becue be/f/e, 1858, p. 269 ; PI. 13, 4. ^ Another type, ohv., AA€[Z ?]IUJ A€CnOTH, Emperor standing; rei\, Virgin seated with medallion of Christ: see Photiades Cat., No. 526. - Dies adjusted /jv/fv instead of ^^ us usual. ALEXIUS I— BRONZE, TYPE 1) 551 No. Weisfht Metal anti Size 49 414 50 : 40- 51 34.5 JE -7 52 ' 52. 53 42. 54 ! 47- Obverse Reverse TyiH.' 9 luscr. Bust of Alexius I, bearded, facing-, hold- ing- in r. cruciform sceptre ; in 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears crown with crossand jewelled robe. Border of dots. JE -85 AA A ^ -65 I A€ (luscr. obscure) JE .8 j TUUK [OJ MN JE .85 TUUK [O] MN JE .85 < (Inscr. not clear) C AA A' Cross of four efjual limbs, jewelled ; at base, step ; at extremi- ties, g-lobus ; in cen- tre, X. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] [Pl. liXV. 18.] (AA) [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1094] [Pl. LXV. 19.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] (AA) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] [Pl. LXV. 20.] (AA) (AA) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] [Pl. IiXV. 21, n'c] Restruck on a coin uf Alexius I of type 3 ; on rcr., remains of the Emperor's head and cruciform scej>tre ; on obc, IC and part of bust of Christ. ' Usually interpreted KVPI€ 0VAACCe AA€£ION A€CnOTHN. Svoronos {Jouni. internat. d'arch. num., ii, p. 382) interprets C (here and elsewhere) as Irmpf, the appeal being made to the cross represented as the type. (Cp. a coin of Baldwin of Edessa, Rev. nioii., 1897, p. 533 f., which appears to read a-ravpi 'itjaoii piKas.) Similai'ly, he would interpret the familiar legend IC XC Nl KA placed in the four angles of a cross as ^ravpos 'irjaov Xpiarov viko. — Tliis legend is modelled on the C N A of the previous reign, Pl. LXIII. 10. but it is not the earliest type of Alexius as it is found restruck on type 3. 552 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weiffht 55 56 57 58 59 60 45-7 40-3 30. 25. 25.6 23-5 Metal and Size Obverse jE -95 ! (No inscr. clear) JE JE M JE 7 •6 .6 •65 Reverse [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1094] [Pl. liXV. 22.] Kestruck, apparently on a coin of Constantino IX, like PI. LIX. 6 : on o6r., remains of nimbus of Virg-in and 0V ; on both obc. and reo.^ remains of border of globules. Cp. de Saulcv, PI. 27, No. 1 ; Sab., ii, p. 192, Nos. 29 and 30. Type 10 Inscr. Bust of Alexius I, | A bearded, facing, hold- ing in r. jewelled sceptre ; in 1., globus cr. ; wears crown and jewelled robe. Border of dots. M 75 AA ... SK AAes ? AA€ &c. AA€ [Pl. LXVI. 3.] K Patriarchal cross on step. Border of dots. ' 61 17-4 Le .55 A de Salis gift] PL LXVI. 1.] [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [Pl. liXVI. 2.] [Purchased, 1904] (A formed like A) [Purchased, 1904] [de Salis gift] ' Sabatier (ii, p. 230, No. 4) attributes this type to Alexius III, and de Saulcy {Esuni, pp. 358, 359 ; Pl. 30, 2 ; cp. Jiev. num., 1836, p. 210 ; Pl. V. 5, and Sab., ii, p. 230, No. 5) A assigns a nearly similar specimen with i-ev., K united by a cross, to the same A Emperor. But the ohv. of our type 10 so closely resembles the obc. of type 9 that I think both classes must belong to the same Alexius, i.e. Alexius I. The letters A A K (as read by de Saulcy and Sabatier) are hard to interpret : de Saulcy {Essai, p. 359) says KVPI€ (t)VAACC€ AAeZION ArfEAON, and adds 'il n'y a contre cette lecture que le fait de I'abandon du nom"A77eXo? par I'empereur Alexis (III), qui voulut prendre le nom de Comnene '. (Svoronos, Journ. rnteniat. d'airh. num., ii, p. 382, interprets Srnupf — alluding to the type — 'AXf|toi/ "AyyeXov Ko^vrjvov (f)v\aar(Te.) I am inclined to think that on our type 10 the inscription intended is A A K (I) and not A A K . the A being sometimes cai-elessly formed like A ; if this is so we should have the legend AA6ZI0N AecnOTHN KVPI€ 0VAACC€, or, perhaps, (Sravpe) AA6ZION A€CnOTHN KOMNHNON OVAACCG. and either of these interpretations wouhl be suitable for Alexius I. ALEXIUS I— BRONZE, TYPE 11 553 No. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Weiprht u. 14-3 18-3 18-1 103-5 100- 79.2 Metal and Size JE .5 jE -55 JE -55 ^E -55 JE 1-05 {washed n-ith AX) jE 1-05 JE .95 Obverse Reverse Inscr. obscure. (CD for d)) [de Sails gift] Iiiscr. obscure. [de Sails gift] AA (A) [de Salis gift] Inscr. obscure. [Purchased, 1904] Type 11 Cross on base and step, with a globule at tliree of its forked extremi- ties, lu the angles IC xc Nl KA Border of dots. [PL LXVI. 4.] _ + C6PCVN epreiBA CIA€IAA €[2?]IUJ Border of dots. [Purchased, 1904] Restruck I [de Salis gift] Restruck; on ohi\^ remains of head of Christ in nimbus cr. with • in limbs of cross ; possibly a coin of Theodora like PI. LX. 6. de Saulcy, Rev. 7nnn., 1836, p. 202, PI. V. 2, is restruck on such a coin of Theodora. [PI. LXVI. 5.] [Purchased, 1904] ' Restruck; on obv. and rev., apparent traces of a border of globules — perhaps a coin of Constantine IX. ^ de Saulcy {Fev. num., 1836, p. 202 f. ; cp. Essai, p. 323 f.) is inclined to doubt whether coins of this type were minted at Constantinople. One specimen bears a couple of Oriental countermarks which Sabatier has read as an Amb word ' good ' or ' current ' (Sab., Dtscrij^t., ii, p. 191, No. 21; PI. 52, 19; and in Me'moires Soc. d'arch. et num. St. P^tersb., 1850, p. 15). The British Museum possesses a barbarous imitation of type 11 with the rev. legend much blundered. This has to me something of the ajjpearance of a coin of an Eastern mint (Antioch ?) of the time of the first Crusade. 554 IMPERIiUj BYZANTINE COINS ANONYMOUS BRONZE COINS Usually assigned to the LATIN EMPERORS (a. d. 1204-1261), but probably Crusaders' coins of the period of ALEXIUS I. These coins (figured by Sabatier, PI. 58, Nos. 15-19 ; PI. 59, Nos. 1, 2, and by de Saulcy, Num. des Croisades, PL XIII) form a homogeneous series — anonymous, flat in fabric and with ornate cross on rev. — which has been attributed by de Saulcy and Sabatier to the Latin Emperors of Constantinople, A. D. 1204-1261. But, as M. Schlumberger has pointed out (^Num. de V Orient latin, p. 274), there is really no positive evidence for this attribution ; and I would go farther and say that the style and fabric of these pieces is of the eleventh and twelfth centuries rather than of the thirteenth century — of the time of the Jirst rather than of the fourth Crusade. (i) Evidence from restriking. These coins, as I have ascertained from specimens in the British Museum, are found restruck on coins of Isaac I (1057-1059), or Constantine X, Ducas (1059-1067) ; on Michael VII, Ducas (1071-1078) ; on Nicephorus III (1078-1081). We are thus conducted to about the reign of Alexius I and the period of the First Crusade. (ii) An ornamented cross is characteristic of coins of tlie early Crusaders struck in Syria (Schlumberger, op. cit. , Plates I and II), and of the flat JE, of Alexius I, type 9. With the ornamentation of the cross cp. also Schlumberger, IJEpop. hyz., ii, pp. 69, 516; Engel, Num. et sigil. des Normands, PI. I. 7; p. 84. I assign these coins, then, to the time of Alexius I, and I am disposed to regard them not as Imperial issues but as coins of the Crusaders struck in Syria or Palestine. This is the view — at least in part— of M. Schlumberger (Num. de VOrient latin., p. 22 ; cp. p. 274), who states that it was finally acquiesced in by de Saulcy. The coins are of circular, spread fabric, resembling some of those of the Counts of Edessa and the Princes of Antioch. On the other hand, the Constantinopolitan bronze coins of Alexius I and his successors are of irregular (not circular) form and are usually thick, resembling in their fabric the silver coins. Type 9 of the M of Alexius I is partly an exception. Though specimens of these coins have been obtained from Con- stantinople (de Saulcy, Num. des Croisades, pp. 122, 123), the more usual provenance appears to be Beyrouth, Aleppo, and even Bagdad, and they occur mixed with JE coins of the Counts of Edessa and of Tancred of Antioch (Schlumberger, Num. de VOrient latin., p. 22). DDD JOHN II, Comnenus 15 Aug. 1118—8 April 1143 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nom isma Type 1 (Gold) lUD no TH On 1., John II, bearded, standing- facing', crown- ed by the Virgin who stands, on, r., facing-. In field r., M-P; above, + KeKO Heei Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne wnth back ; in L, book of Gospels ; r. placed before him in benediction; wears tunic, mantle and nim- bus cr. with • in limbs of cross. Above, IC eV. John wears crown with cross, jewelled robe and mantle ; in liis 1. g-lobus cr. ; r. hand placed to heart. The Virg-in wears nim- bus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •"•on drapery ; 1. hand in benediction. Two borders of dots. and XC. Two borders of dots. 1 694 {tvith ring) N M5 (IVP) ') 62-8 {pierced) A^ 1-25 (IVP) TH. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 953] 3 G8.3 M 1-05 (AC for AeC) (K€ II UHeei) [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. IiXvi. 6.] 4 G9-2 A^ 1-05 (Inscr. blurred) (K ER [0] He€l) [C. A. Murray, 1849] 55G IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 5 67.2 {pkrced) N 1-2 (Vi; SHVI) (K €Ko Heei) Double-struck. [Blacas, 18G7] [PI. LXVI. 7. J f) GG.2 A^ 1-15 (N7e; SHVI) (Inscr. partly obscure) ' [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. LXVI. 8.] 7 67-2 A^ 1-05 (e for ev) (K6R0 Heei omitted) [inerced) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 937, ' Constantine XIII'] Type 2 IUJA€CnOTH On 1., John II (halt-leng-th), bearded, facing- ; and on r., the Virgin (half- leng-th fig-ure) facing', holding- between them patriarchal cross ; above, manus Dei in jewelled sleeve crown- ing- John. In field r., m* ; above, eV. Dress of both figures as in type 1. John holds in r., mappa. Two bor- ders of dots. Double-struck. [PI. LXVI. 9.] (Gold) Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with- out back ; in 1., book of Gospels ; r. hand out- stretched in benedic- tion ; wears tunic, mantle and g-lobus cr. with • in limbs of cross. Above, IC and XC. Two borders of dots. 8 74-2 N 1. (Inscr. absent or obliter- ated) (0) [K6K0] Heei (Double-struck) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXVI. 10.] 9 63-2 A^ 1. (Inscr. blurred) (G) [C. A. Murray, 1849] Ken Heel (o for c); on seat of throne, r. and 1., star. [PI. LXVI. 11.] ^ There are various graffiti on this coin, but itjs difficult to decide whether they are antique or not; on rev., K(?); on obv., (above VG) ILL); in field r., T (and A&c ?); in field 1., O? Various scratchings often occur on Byzantine nomismata of all reigns: I have noticed that they not unfrequently have the form X (for Xpia-ros ?) ; e. g. No. 8 of John II. JOHN II— NOMISMA, TYPE 3 557 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 10 67-7 N 1-15 [C. A. Murray, 1849] (No pellet in nimbus) [PL liXVI. 12.] 11 G8- N 1-15 [Lord El^in] 12 68-6 N 1-3 [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 955] (No pellet in nimbus) [PI. LXVII. 1.] 13 66-3 N 1-3 [Purcliased, 1905] (No pellet in nimbus) 14 644 N 1-15 (In field r.,-eV; above, M-P) [S. Montagu & Co., 1883] 15 G4:.8 N 1-1 [C. A. Murray, 1849] 16 67-3 N 1-1 [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. LXVII. 2.] 17 66-5 N 1-2 (H omitted) (Double-struck) [C. A. Murray, 1849] 18 69-2 N 1-15 (TH omitted)' (On ohv., three g-raffiti, > [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. LXVII. 3.] C (above); V, T(onr.)) 19 62-2 N 1-2 (TH omitted) [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. liXVII. 4, obv.] (The figure appears double through mis- striking) Type 3 (Gold ; sometimes silver) Inscr.^ On 1., John II, Christ, bearded, seated bearded, standing- facing- on throne with- facing-, crowned by the out back ; in 1., book Virg-in who stands on of Gospels ; r. out- r., facing. Above, M-f stretched in benedic- (or KFf or M) ; in field tion; wears tunic, r., eV (or eV). John wears crown, jewelled mantle and nimbus cr. with • in limbs of cross. robe and mantle, and Above, \C and XC. liolds in r. labarum, Two borders of dots in L, mappa. Dress (sometimes not of Virgin as in type 1 " ; visible). her 1. hand in benedic- tion. Two borders of dots. ' In several instances letters are obscure owing to imperfect striking. 2 The oi-nament •*• appears on the veil and on one or both shoulders. It is sometimes found also on the front of the mantle, singly, or twice repeated as on No. 24. 558 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 20 6G.6 N 1.05 iID no n T P H Double-struck. On seat of throne, r. and 1., + ; double-struck. [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. LXVII. 5.] 21 57.G N .95 iID Ae en CD n p V m On seat of throne, r. and 1., + [C. A. Murray, 1849] 22 61-8 N 1.05 OD n p V On seat of tlirone, r. and 1., + ; double-struck. [C. A. Murray, 1849] 23 69.5 N M lID OD A€ n 3 [0?] (e for 0) On seat of throne, r. and 1.,+ [C. A. Murray, 1849] 24 64.2 N M Id) .€C no [T?] n [0?] On seat of throne, 1. [and r. ?], + [PI. LXVII. 6.] 25 62. M 1.05 T OD n [r?] On seat of throne, r. and 1.,+ [Purchased, 1904] 20 65.7 AT 1.15 [IJUJ ..c OD n PO r Above seat of throne, [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PI. liXVli. 7.] 27 71-4 A^ M OD n P r Above seat of throne, r., ••• (••• instead of • in cross). [C. A. Murray, 1849] JOHN II— NOMISMA, TYPE 3 559 No. 28 29 30 Weiffht 31 32 33 Metal and Size 34 35 644 69- 66-7 {pierced) 70-2 73-3 64-8 n7.6 62-1 (pierad) N -95 N 1-05 N 1.05 N M N M A^ 1-05 N 1- A^ 1-2 Obverse (Leg-end obscure and blundered) .V r . c ? .? lO) .6 no T CD np V (Inscr. obliterated ?) [I]UJ no T H lUU A€C no 1 [l]UJ .€C n p VP o r (CD blundered) n CD P r Reverse Above seat of throne, r-, ••• [Presented by Mr. J. T. Wood, 1874] Above seat of throne, r. and 1., • Above seat of throne, r. and 1., • ; double- struck. [C. A. Murray, 1849] [PL LXVII. 8.] [C. A. Murray, 1849] [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 971] [Pl. liXVII. 9.] (Pressed flat) n V p (One border only ?) [IIUU CL .ec n [n]. (One border only ?) (Ml for M=f) iGD OQ . EC (blurred) n (e for hH» ; GV omitted) ri]Ou T ..c n no T (M e instead of M-P ; _eV omitted) lUJ 0V Aec po noT re Tuu m n T (All as No. 41) (All as No. 41) [Blacas, 18G7] (*•• for • in cross) [C. A. Murray, 1849] [Royal Collection] [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1482] [PI. IiXVII. 11.] (No pellet in cross) Restruck ? (No pellet) [Blacas, 1867] JOHN II— NOMISMA, TYPE 4 561 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 4 (chiefly electrum) Onl., lUU ; onr., 0' Clirist, bearded, seated A€C r facing on throne with- no e out Ijack ; in 1., book TH tJB of Gospels; r. out- r stretched in benedic- Onl., John II, bearded. tion; wears tunic, 111 standing facing ; on r., mantle and nimbus cr. St. George, beardless Above, IC and XC. and witli curly hair. Two borders of dots. standing facing ; they hold between them patriarchal cross with two steps. John wears crown with cross and tunic enveloped in mantle ; his r. hand placed to heart. St. George is nimbate, and wears cuirass, short tunic and cloak ; his 1. hand on sheathed sword. Two borders of dots. 44 68-2 El or (On r., O [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, {piened) JiX gilt 1-2 r € UL) p r) [PI. LXVII. 12, ohr.'] lot 977] 45 54- El 1.25 {pale) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 979] 4G rj.>7 El 1-25 (On r., O n [Pl, LXVIII. 1.] 47 64-0 El 1-25 {pale) (Inscr. as No. 46) On obi\, graffito, V [de Salis gift] C, &c. combined. II = = 6 5yt 562 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 48 49 50 51 52 53 Weijilit 32.3 60.6 {inened) 66. 67-6 {pierced) 57-5 {pierced and hroke7i) Metal and Size El?. 9 M 1.3 El 1.2 {pale) El 1-2 Bil. 1.15 554 Bil. 1-15 Obverse Reverse (Inscr. on r. off flan) (Clipped and pressed flat) (Inscr. as No. 46) (No steps to cross) (Inscr. as No. 46 ?) (No steps to cross) (Double-struck) [Purchased, 1905] Type 5 (Electrum, and billon) On 1., lUJ ; on r., O A6C 91 no suu TH n DO On 1., John II, on r., St. George, standing- facing-, holding- be- tween them, labaruni ; details as in type 4. Two borders of dots. [Purchased, 1905] [de Salis gift] Christ seated, blessing", as type 4. Two bor- ders of dots. [PI. LXVIII. 2.] Type 6 (Billon) + IUUA6C nOTT' nV noT po TO) re nop isH T John II, bearded, standing facing-, hold- ing- in r., jewelled sceptre, in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown, long robe and mantle. Bor- der of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1097] >e 4 Bust of the Virgin, facing-, orans ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •*• on drapery ; in field, Nhf and eV. Bor- der of dots.^ 72 44-8 JE .7 [PI. liXVIII. 12.] [Purchased, 1904] 73 64-5 JE .75 [de Salis gift] [PI. LXVIII. 13, rev.] 74 58-5 M .75 [Northwick sale, 1860] 75 57. ^ -75 ' Sab., PI. LIII. 19 is probably of John I. Despot of Neopatras (A- »• 1271-1296) : see Schlumberger, Num. de I'Or. lat., p. 381, and P. Lambros, Rev. num., 1869-.0, p. 188. 5GG MANUEL I, Comnenus 8 AruiL 1U3— 24 Sept. 1180 No. Weiffht Metal and Size 63-8 07.3 A^ 1.15 A^ 1-2 G5.8 A^ 1.15 Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (cliJefly gold) Inscr. Mtiuuel, bearded, standing- facing-, hold- ing- in r. labaruni, in 1. globus with patriarchal cross ; "vvears crown with cross, long- tunic enveloped in mantle ; above, in field r., tnanus Dei crowning- him. Two borders of dots. MA TUL) NSHA nop AeC cDV no por. T r^NH H 5 Star on front of mantle. + KeRO Heel Bust of Christ, beardless, facing- ; in 1., volumen^ r. hand in benediction ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr., with !•! in cross. In field. ICandXO. (lers of dots. Two bor- [C. A. Murray, 1849] MA T [C. A. Murray, 1849] NSHA UU A6C no np TJH cDV re N Star on front of mantle. MA GD (Double-struck) NSHA nop [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot Aec io. 0*0, u ur pcnc , No. 544, argent. i iia » The Saint is usually represented on Byzantine monuments (as here) as a bearaiess warrior, occasionally with a long tunic below the cuirass. Here he is not armed witn spear, shield or sword. See e.g. Schlumberger, L'Epop. hyz., 1, p. Id ; n, pp. 4o, ot, ouo, 645; iii, 129, 581 ; Dalton, Catal. Eavhj Christian Anfiq., No. 694. 574 laiPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weiffht Metal and Size 34 35 36 37 38 534 724 59. 46.7 72. 39 453 JE 1.15 JE 1.15 JE 1-2 JE 1-1 JE 1-15 JE 1.05 Obverse Reverse Type 9 (Bronze) MANS HA Men Bust of Manuel, bearded, facing-, holding- in r. labarum, in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown with cross and jewelled dress with star in centre. Two borders of dots. (MAN OVHA A[€Cn] (Double-struck) Bust of Christ, beardless, facing, wearing tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • in cross ; in 1., volumeu ; r. hand in benediction. In field, \C and XC. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] [de Salis g-ift] (•• in cross) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1099] [PL LXX. 3.] [Presented bv the Rev, Arthur Dixon, 1906] Type 10 (Bronze) Inscr. (OAnOC or Or€- UUPnOC?) Bust of St. CTBorge, nimbate and armed with lance. MANSHA Manuel stand- ing facing, holding cross, and crowned by Christ, who stands facing hold- ing book of Gospels. In field, fC and XC and star. JE nomisma. Photiades Cat., No. 55-5 ; cp. Thorasen Cat.. No. 786. MANUEL I— NOMISMA, TYPE 11 575 No. Weight 40 62.2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 745 Metal and Size 474 48-2 73-7 56-7 52-4 63-8 65- 56. Obverse Reverse JE 1.15 jE 1.15 64.2 I JE M5 .E 1.05 jE 1-15 ^E 1-2 JE 115 JE M JE M JE 1-1 JE 1.1 Type 11 (Bronze) MAN8HA AecnO On 1., Manuel, boarded, standing facing- ; onr., the Virgin standing- facing crowning- him. Manuel wears crown, long tunic and scarf with *•* in centre, and holds in r. short-shafted labarum, in 1., globus cr. The Virgin in usual dress with •*• on drapery ; her 1. hand in benediction. Above, M ; in field r., eV. Two borders of dots. (Double-struck) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1099] (Inscr. obscure) (MP for M) (double-struck) (A€CnT) (Double- struck) (MANBAH A€CnT) (A€Cn[T]) (Inscr. obscure) (double- struck) (A€Cn) [de Salis gift] (Inscr, as No. 48 ?) [de SaHs gift] (im &c., i.e. A€CnO blundered) Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with- out back ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • in cross ; in 1., book of Gospels ; r. hand in benediction. Above, IC and XC. Two borders of dots. [de Salis gift] (Double-struck) (Double-struck) (Double-struck) [Presented bv Mr. F. W. Hasluck, 1905] [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1100] (Double-struck) [de Salis gift] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] [PI. liXX. 4.] (Double-struck) [Purchased, 1904] Above seat, r. andl., star. Above seat, r. andl., star. Above seat, r. and 1., star. [Purchased, 1904] 57G IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 51 Weiffht 43. 52 53 54 55 70-7 54-3 45. 67.4 Metal and Size JEl 1.1 M 1-2 JE M5 JE 1.15 JE 1.15 Obverse (Inscr. obscure) (star instead of *•• on Emperor's scarf) (double-struck) (Pressed flat) Reverse [Presented by the Rev. Arthur Dixon, 1906] Type 12 (Bronze) MANSHA A€C HOTH Manuel, bearded, standing- facing-, hold- ing- in r. cross, in 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears crown, long- tunic with star in centre and mantle. Two borders of dots. Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne with back ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. witli • in cross ; in 1., book of Gosj^els ; r. in benediction. Above, IC and XC. Two bor- ders of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] [PI. LXX. 5.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] Type 13 (Bronze) ^ MANSHA A€ CnOT HC Manuel, be-arded, standing- facing-, hold- ing in r. labarum, in 1. g-lobus surmounted by patriarchal cross; wears crown, long- tunic enveloped in mantle. Two borders of dots. The Virg-in seated facing- on throne without back, holding- medallion of Christ ; usual dress ; in field, nFp and eV. Border of dots. Sabatier, ii, p. 207, No. 5, describes one siDccimen as being of gold. MANUEL I -BRONZE COINAGE, TYPE 2 577 No. Weight 56 5? 41. 53-5 58 62-7 59 60 61 46-3 532 63-3 €2 63 46-6 45. II Metal and Size JE 1-15 JE 1-2 JE 1-05 JE -Id M .75 Obverse Reverse (Double-struck) [PI. LXX. 6.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1099] (M A H A ec n O) (Holds sword in slieatli instead of g-lobus) (Double -struck ; inscr. obscure ; throne with back) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1100] [PL liXX. 7.] Bronze Coinage Type 1 MANSHA AecnOTHC Manuel, bearded, standing- facing, hold- ing in r. cross, in 1. mappa ; wears crown Avith cross, long- tunic and scarf witli star in centre. Border of dots. M .7 JE .75 M -8 1 (Holds in r. labarum ; ••* on scarf) The Virgin, in usual dress, standing r. with hands raised towards the maims Del seen in right upper field ; in field, n? and eV. Border of dots. [PI. LXX. 8.] [Purchased, 1904] [PL liXX. 9, rev.] Type 2 MANSHA AeC HO T[H] Manuel, bearded, standing facing, hold- ings in r. labarum witli X on shaft, and in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown, long tunic and scarf. Border of dots. [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1904] Clirist, bearded, standing facing, wearing tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • in the cross ; in l.,book of Gospels ; r. in blessing. In field, IC and XC. Border of dots. [PI. LXX. 10.] [PL LXX. 11.] ii m 578 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 64 65 66 67 68 69 42-2 36.6 44. 28-8 14.8 24. 70 46-6 Metal and Size M .75 M -8 JE -65 JE .6 JE .6 M .6 M .7 Obverse Reverse Type 3 MAN6HA A€C ROTH Manuel, bearded, standing- facing-, hold- ing- in r. cross, in 1. g-lobus cr. ; wears crown, short tunic and mantle or scarf. Border of dots. [de Salis g-ift] [de Salis gift] (MANYHA) Bust of Christ, beardless, facing- ; wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • in cross ; in 1., volumeu', r. in benedic- tion. In field, IC and XC. Border of dots. [PI. LXX. 12.] [Sale at Sotheby's, 20 Dec, &c.,] 852, lot 167] [PI. liXX. 13.] [de Salis g-ift] (Same as rev. but in incuse) (The coin instead of talcing- the impression of the obverse die has received the impression of the reverse of another similar coin which had been accidentally left between the dies.) Typo 4 MA N6 Ae[C] Bust of Manuel, bearded, facing, holding- in r. labarum, in 1. g-lobus cr. ; wears crown witli crossand jewelled robe. Border of dots. [de Salis g-ift] Bust of Christ, beardless, facing-, as type 3. Bor- der of dots. [Fl. LXX. 14.] MANUEL I-BRONZE COINAGE, TYPE 6 579 No. Weiffht 71 72 73 74 44. 64. 69-8 51-7 Metal and Size ^ .8 M .9 ^E .85 JE -6 75 51.7 76 77 65.7 44-8 JE .8 JE .8 JE .85 78 : 18-8 JE .6 Obverse Reverse Type 5 MANS Aecn Bust of Manuel, bearded, facing-, liolding- in r. labarum, in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown with cross, jewelled tunic and mantle. Border of dots. [Purcliased, 1904] (A€C) ([A]C€:^/r) (MANu .... ; globus with patriarchal cross) Bust of the Virgin facing, oralis ; usual dress with ••• In field, n? and 0V. Border of dots. (nh* blundered) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. IiXX. 15.] Type 6 Inscr. Bust of ^lauuel, bearded, facing, hold- ing in r. labarum, in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown and robe. Bor- der of dots. MANS HA A€Cn MANSHA .... MANSHA Aecn MANS A6CnT Inscr. Bust of St. George, beardless, with curly hair, facing, holding in r. spear, in 1. oval shield ; wears cuirass and cloak. Border of dots. i£ r n € 0? [North wick sale. 18601 [PI. LXX. 16 •J (Inscr. as No. 75) G n r€ oc iL o n re oc d5 [PI. LXX. 17 •J 580 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 8G 87 Weight 79 42.2 jE .65 80 314 JE •7 81 32. JE •7 82 17.8 JE .G 83 .38.1 jE .75 84 49.1 JE .8 85 45- JE .7 70-4 57-5 Metal and Size JE .85 jE .75 Obverse Reverse Type 7 Bust of Manuel, betirded, facing-, holding- in r. labarum, in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown with cross, and jewelled robe. (Dress as type 4. ) Border of dots. [de Salis g'ift] [de Salis g-ift] [de Salis g'ift] [Northwick sale, 18G0] A^ . > ™ Border of dots. [PI. LXX. 18.] (n partly above bar of cross) [PI. LXX. 19.] (n as on No. 83) (n as on No. 83) Type 8 Inscr. Bust of Manuel, bearded, facing-, hold- ing- in r. labarum, in 1. globus cr. ; wears tunic with ••' in centre and scarf over 1, arm. Border of dots. MAHSHA H MAN8HA AECn TH IC XC Cross (on two steps) radiate (i.e. so as to form X). Border of dots. [de Salis gift] > de Marchant (letter of 28 May, 1829, first published in H. Grote's Blatter fur Mimzlcimde, Leipzig, vol. ii, 1836, p. 88) seems to have given the right explanation : — ' Les caracteres doivent etre lus dans I'ordre suivant : M AAKPI, en suivant le mouvement de la main dans I'acte du signe de la croix a la maniere des Grecs, ainsi qu'il suit : MA, la main au front et au bas de la poitrine ; A, ii I'epaule droite; K, a I'epaule gauche ; n, au centre de la poitrine. C'est ainsi que je lis, M«j/ovjjA Afo-Trorr;? Koyivr}vos llopcfjvpo- •yfwijTOf. Cette medaille appartient a Manuel Comnene (1143-1180).' Cp. de Saulcy, Essai, p. 341. MANUEL I— BRONZE COINAGE, TYPE 8 581 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 88 60.7 M •8 MAl/I A€C [de Sails f,nft] [PI. liXXI. 1.] 89 69. JE .8 MAN A€ [Purchased, 1904] 90 37.5 JE .75 ... A€ 91 34.2 JE .65 MA. A€ [de Salis gift] 92 49.5 JE •65 A [S. Verkovich, 1859] [PI. LXXI. 2.] 93 37-2 M •65 A [Purchased, 1904] 94 49.2 JE .65 V? [de Salis gift] 95 47. JE •85 (No inscr.) [Northwick sale, 1860] 582 ALEXIUS II, Comnenus 24 Sept. 1180— Sept. 1184 \ •! ANDRONICUS I I joint ruler, Oct. 1183— Sept. 1184 ; Alexius II is not known to have issued coins bearing- his name ; but possibly some of those inscribed with the name of Andronicus I may belong- to the period of the joint rule of Alexius and Andronicus, i.e. Oct. 1183 — Sept. 1184. 583 ANDRONICUS I, Comnenus Oct. 1183—12 Sept. 1185 (namely, Oct. 1183 — Sept. 1184, jointlj- with Alexius II; Sept. 1184—12 Sept. 1185 alone) No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (Gold) ANAPONIKOC A€CnO Tlie Virgin seated facing THC On 1., Audronicus on throne with back, I, bearded,' standing holding medallion of facing-; on r., Christ, Christ ; above, Nhf and bearded, standing eV ; Virgin in usual facing crowning the dress, with •*• Two Emperor. Andronicus borders of dots."- wears crown with cross, long tunic and scarf ornamented witli "^ ; in r. labarum, in 1. globus cr. Christ wears tunic, mantle and nim- bus cr. with • ; in his 1. hand, book of Gos- pels. Above, 1 C ; in field r.,XC. Two bor- ders of dots. 1 67-3 N M [Pl. LXXI. 3.] 2 66-8 N 1-2 fDress of Emperor and [C. A. Murrav, 1849 nimbus of Christ [PI. LXxi. 4.] varied) ' Baron de Marchant (cited by de Saulcy, Essai, p. 348) first called attention to this peculiar beard, which is always long a.ndi forked. Nicetas (ii, 2, p. 450, ed. Bonn) imphes that this beard was characteristic of Andronicus I :— koI fidXioTa d KaQeiixivov e^ft to yeveior 8i)(fi hiT)pr^n(vov, Ka\ fxvovpi^nv Tifpi to nepas tov TToiyoifos. _ / -i v » Another specimen, Montagu Cat, No. 1275.— A specimen of this type in sUver (gilt) was shown at the British Museum, May, 1906. 584 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 75-7 67-2 El 1-2 El 1.15 Obverse Reverse Type 2 (Pale electrum) ANAPONIKUU AGCnO TH On 1., Andronicus I, bearded, standing- facing; on r., Christ, bearded, standing- facing crowning- the Emperor. Andronicus wears crown, and tunic enveloped by mantle ; in r., labarum ; in 1., mappa ; beneatli r. arm, +. Christ wears tunic, mantle and nim- bus cr. with • ; in his 1. hand, book of Gospels. Above, IC ; in field r., XC. Two borders of dots. [de Salis gift] ' [Blacas, 1867] +eKeRo Heei The Virgin, standing facing on dais, or cms -^ wears veil, tunic and mantle outstretched ; •*• on drapery. On her breast, the medallion of Christ. Above, f^f and eV. Two borders of dots. (+e HERO Heel) [PI. LXXI. 5.] Type 3 (Bronze) Inscr. On 1., Andronicus I, bearded, standing- facing; on r., Clirist, bearded, standing- facing crowning the Emperor. Andronicus wears crown, tunic, and scarf with star in front ; in r., labarum ; in 1., globus cr. Christ wears tunic, mantle and nim- bus cr. witli • ; in his 1. hand, book of Gos- pels. Above, IC ; in field r.,XC. Two bor- ders of dots. The Virgin, standing facing on dais, holding medallion of Christ ; usual dress. In field, W* and eV. Two bor- ders of dots. ^ A specimen in Montagu Cat., No. 1276, is described as of gold. ANDRONICUS I— BRONZE COINAGE, TYPE 1 585 No. 5 G 7 Weight 10 61-3 40-3 67-5 85-2 50.8 Metal and Size 79.2 JE 1.2 JE 1. JE 1.2 ^ 1.05 ^ 1.2 JE 1-2 Obverse ANAPONIKO) TAeCin OTH _ "- ^ (IC for IC) (nimbus without cross) Reverse ANAPONIK ANAPONIKOC A€CnO THC (Partly obscure) ANAPONIKS (ICfor IC) ANAPrONIKOC?] A€C n.... [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXI. 6.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1102] [de Sails gift] [de Salis gift] Type 4 (Bronze) ANAP'NIK A€Cn»T [H .?] Andronicus I standing- facing-, crowned by Christ, as type 3. (••• ? on scarf). Border of dots. Christ, bearded, seated facing- on throne witli- out back, holding in 1. book of Gospels ; r. hand in blessing ; wears tunic, mantle and nim- bus cr. witli •% Witli- out border ? [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1102] ' Bronze Coinage Type 1 ANAPO NIKOC Onl., Andronicus I, bearded, standing facing ; onr., Christ, bearded, stand- ing facing, crowning tlie Emperor. Andron- icus wears crown and tunic enveloi^ed in mantle ; in r. , hibarum, in 1. , globus cr. Ciirist wears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. with • ; in his 1. hand, book of Gospels. Above, I C ; in field r., XC. Border of dots. The Virgin standing facing on dais holding medallion of Christ ; usual dress. In field, Nhf and eV. Border of dots. ' Photiades Cat., No. 558, describes a 'monnaie d'argent, inedite'' of Andronicus I, ohv., Virgin crowning Emperor; rev., Saint Demetrius. II N n 586 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 11 1L> 13 14 15 10 17 18 Weiffht 59. 54-3 G9. 474 40.6 30.3 32-2 311 Metal and Size ^E .85 JE .85 JE -85 JE .85 JE .7 JE .75 ^ .65 jE -7 Obverse [Purchased, 1904] Reverse [PI. LXXI. 7.] [Purchased, 1904] [Pl. LXXI. 8, ohv.] Type 2 Inscr. Andronicus I, bearded, standing- facing-, holding- in r. labarum, in 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears crown, tunic and scarf. Border of dots. [AN]APON IK OC ANAP ....OC Bust of tlie Virg-in, facing, orans ; medallion of Christ on breast ; usual dress. In field, fy? and eV. Border of dots. [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXI. 9.] [de Salis g-ift ; formerly in Soleirol Coll. ; en- g-raved by de Saulcy, Essai, PL* 29, 3] [PI. LXXI. 10.] Type 3 Inscr, Half-fig-urc of An- dronicusl, bearded, fac- ing-, holding- in r. laba- rum, in 1., globus cr. ; wears crown, tunic and scarf. Border of dots. AN APO .... [A]NAPO NIK ON e (67V) N[l?] Bust of the Virg-in, facing, orans ; medallion of Christ on breast ; usual dress. In field, m" and eV. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1102] [PI. LXXI. II.] (Restruck ?) [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXI. 12.] [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXI. 13.] (Head small) [de Salis gift] [PL LXXI. 14.] ANDRONICUS I- BRONZE COINAGE, TYPE 4 587 No. 19 20 Weight 39-4 39. Metal and Size JE -8 JE -75 Obverse Reverse Type 4 Inscr. Andronicus I, bearded, standing- facing", holding" in r. labarum, in 1., g'lobiis cr. ; wears crown, tunic with -^ and scarf. Above, r., inaniis Dei blessing the Emperor. Border of dots. ANZiP'NIK'C [MCnOTHC? off flan] ANAP A€C (Globus has patriarchal cross) Inscr. Bust of St. George, facing, holding in r. spear ; in 1., oval shield with ornament in centre ; wears nimbus, cuirass and cloak. Bor- der of dots. \^^ An r • S 'I [Purchased of Hoffmann of Paris, 1864 = Sab., ii, p. 249, No. 6; PI. 60,6] [PL LXXI. 15.] o r € rest of inscr. obscure.' [H. P. BorroU sale, 1852, lot 1102] ^ Cp. Sab., PI. 57, 13.— As to the M (rev. cross), attributed by Sab., ii, p. 220, No. 13, PI, 57, 14 to Andronicus I, see mjra, M of Andronicus II. 588 ISAAC II, Angelas 12 Sept. 1185—8 April 1195 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (Gold) Inscr. On 1., Isaac II, The Virg-in, in usual dress, bearded, standing- with •••, seated facings facing-; on r., St. on throne with back ; Michael, beardless, holding- infant Christ ; standing- facing. They above, KfP and eV. hold between them Two borders of dots. sword in sheath ; above, 7)ianus Dei crowning- the Emperor. Isaac Avears ci-own, long- tunic and scarf with star in centre, and holds in r. cross. St. Michael is winged and nimbate, and wears cuirass and short tunic, his 1. hand to liis heart. Two bor- ders of dots. 1 67.5 N 1-15 1 X CA AP A Kl X OC Ml (onaniifi Dei omitted) (swonl long) ' (Em- peror holds labarum in r.) [Bank of Eng^land gift, 1877] [PI. liXXI. 16.] ^ The sheathed sword does not usually extend below the tunic of St. Michael, when longer than this it is noted as ' sword long '. ISAAC II— NOMISMA, TYPE 1 589 No. 2 Weiffht 62-7 (pierced) 69-1 Metal and Size N 1.1 N 1-15 10 584 (l^ierced) 68-1 {pierced) 36-3 {pierced and clipped) 64.9 {pierced) G6.4 68-2 N 1-05 N 1.2 N LI 65. A^ M N 1.15 i^ 1-1 Obverse (Inscr. as No. 1 ; manus Dei. omitted) (sAvord long") (Emijeror liolds labarum in r.) ICAAKI0CA6CnT X AP X M (Beard of Emperor forked) ' icAAKiocAecnrrv] X PA X M ICAAKIOCAecn A X M Reverse N .85 I ICAAKIOCAe X AP X Ml ICAAKIOCA X AP X M (Sword long-) (*•* for star) (Inscr. as No. 7 .?) (\>\ for star) ICAAKIOACT X AX M (Sword long-) (*•• for star) ICAAKIOCAecn X AP X Ml (Sword long-) (•.* for star) Pressed flat. [Blacas, 1867J [Bank of Eng^land -nft, 1877] [Pl. LXXI. 17.] [Blacas, 1867] [Bank of Eng-land g-ift, 1877] Pressed flat. [Koyal Collection] [de Salis g-ift] [C. A. Murray, 1849] [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1483] [Pl. liXXII. 1.] [C. A. Murray, 1849] * The engraver, no doubt through inadvertence, has reproduced the characteristic forked beard of Andronicus I, predecessor of Isaac II. Isaac's beard is usually short and close, sometimes slightly pointed. 590 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 11 12 Weight G3.7 Metal and Size A^ M (j8- 13 14 53-7 El .65 G4- (pierced] 15 ()l-(; pierced) El or A\ 1-05 El 1.15 El 1.15 Obverse ICAAKIOC X AP X M (Sword long-) {'y, for star) Reverse [S. Montagu & Co., 1883] Type 2 (Pale electrum) Inscr. Ou 1., Isaac II, bearded, standing* facing-; on r., St. Michael, beardless, standing facing-, crown- ing- the Emperor. Isaac Avears crown and tunic enveloped in mantle ; he holds in r. cross, in 1., sword in sheath. The Arcliang-el is wing-ed and nimbate and wears cuirass and short tunic; in his 1., sceptre witli jewelled top. Two borders of dots. ICAAKIOCA O ICAAKIOC O X AP X M X A[P] X M ICAAKIOCAG O X M ICAAKIOCMCn (blurred) M The Virg-in, in usual dress, with ••», seated facing- on throne with back, holding- infant Christ. Above, Kh> and eV. Two borders of dots. [Presented by Mr. S. Vacher, 1898] [PI. LXXII. 2.] [Bank of England gift, 1877] [J. G. Blister, 1850] [Campana sale, 1846, lot 1377] ISAAC II-NOMISMA, TYPE 3 591 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 3 ^lironze) Inscr. On 1., Isaac II, bearded, standing facino- ; on r., St. Georg-e, beardless, standing- facing-. They hold between them patriarchal cross with giobus at base. Isaac wears crown and tunic enveloped in mantle ; in r., sword in sheath. St. George, nimbate, The Virgin, in usual dress, with •••, seated facing on throne without back, holding infant Christ. Above, riff and eV. Two borders of dots.' wears cuirass, and short tunic ; 1. hand on sword hanging- at side. Two borders of dots. 16 51.7 (pierced) M M5 IC A A (rest obscure) [PI. LXXII. 3.] 17 73.1 M 115 .... KIOC re [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1103] [PI. LXXII. 4, obi'.'] 18 37.5 (pierced) M M .... KIOC o re [OP?] r [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1103]^ ^ For other P. Lambros, \\viKboTa other specimens of this type see Sab., ^\.J>1, 19 ; P vofnanara tov (jLecraiaiviKov ^aaiXdov rrjs Kvnpov, Venice, lo/o, PI. 1. 4. ^ Two other types of the JE nomisma have been described:— (a) ohr . Emperor crowned by St. Michael; rev., Christ seated (Photiades C«f., No. 567; op. P. Lambros, op. cit., PI. I. 5. (3) obv., Emperor and St. Michael holding labarum between them; rev., The Virgin seated (Sab., ii, p. 223, No. 3 ; PI. 57, 17). 592 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. "Weight 19 33-7 i>0 774 21 78. ^)0 65-7 i>3 60-5 Metal and Size JE M Obverse Reverse Type 4 (Billon and bronze) Inscr standing- facing-, Isaac II, bearded, hold- ing m r. cross, in 1., sword in sheath ; wears crown, tunic and scarf with ••• in centre. Above, manus Dei crowning him. Two borders of dots. Billon l-l ICA .K nr ..C H c ^ 1.15 ICA A AKI ec OC n T H C (Star for :.:) JE 1-05 1 .AA MC Kl nr .C H c JE 1-05 CAA A€C Kl n 1 C T H C ICA Kl C The Virgin, in usual dress, seated facing on throne with back, holding infant Christ. Above, riff and eV. Border. (Sometimes two bor- ders of dots). [PuUan, 1858] [de Salis gift] [PI. liXXII. 5.] (Head double-struck) [H. P. Borrellsale, 1852, lot 1104 ; found in Cyprus] [Pullan, 1858] [Purchased, 1904] Restruck, apparently on a similar coin A€ ; on rei\, part of tlirone. on obc. ISAAC II— NOMISMA, TYPE 4 593 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 24 64-8 JE 1-05 IC [z\?]ec A n A O K (obscure) T 1 N o c C [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1104; found in Cyprus] 25 43-1 JE M c A CO A€C n T N : for :•:) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1104; found in Cyprus] 26 49-8 JE h 1 • AA .1 .C A€C Infield 1., no star. [de Salis gift] 27 52-2 JE -95 1 CAA Kl OC Aec n T [H] (Head double-struck) [de Salis g-ift] [PL LXXII. 6.] 28 514 JE 1-05 1 CAA Kl C A.. no TH n [de Salis gift] 29 49. JE M Inscr. obscure A n T (Double-struck) [de Salis gift] 30 62-2 jE 1-05 AA Kl C A€C n T On throne-back r., star. (Double-struck) [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1104 ; found in Cyprus] 31 51-1 JE 1. 1?. .A . 1 (Do A n T(c?) uble-struck) On tlirone-back 1., star. (Double-struck) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1104; found in Cyprus] o O 594 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 5 (Bronze) [ICJAA[K]I0C A[=A?] € N (On r. and 1. [€CnO]T Isaac II, beard- M S within orna- ed, standing facing-. M H mental bor- holding- in r. cross, in [A] A der) 1., sword in sheath ; Christ, seated facing on wears crown with cross, throne with back ; r. tunic and scarf with hand in benediction ; star in centre. Two wears tunic, mantle and borders of dots. nimbus cr. with • In field, [IC] and XC. Two borders of dots. 32 50-9 (pierced) ^E 1- Type 6 Inscr. Isaac II, bearded, standing- facing-, hold- ing- in r. cross, in 1., sword in sheath ; wears crown, tunic and scarf over shoulder. On r., manus Dei croAvning him. Two borders of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1104= Sab., ii, p. 225, No. 14; PL 58, 6]' [PL liXXII. 7.] (Bronze) Insc r. Bust o f youthful Christ facing- ; in 1., volinnen ; r. hand in benediction; wears nimbus cr. with ••*, tunic and mantle. In field, IC and XC. Two borders of dots. 33 66-2 JE 1.1 1 A CA € AKI C OC no 0€ MM N . A H. [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1108] [PI. LXXII. 8.] 34 41.2 JE M5 1 A 06 NS (pierced) CA € AKI C ,.:, no c MM HA A [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1105; found in Cyprus] ' Another specimen, P. Lambros, op. cit., PI. I. 2; cp. PI. I. 5. ISAAC II— BRONZE COINAGE, TYPE 1 595 No. 36 37 Weight 53-1 48. (pierced) 55-5 Metal and Size JE M JE 1-15 JE 1.15 Obverse [ICA?] [obscure] A Kl OC ICA A Kl OC A€C n o TH C? Reverse 0€ MM A [obscure] [tie Salis gift] 06 [obscure] MM A (• instead of *••) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1103] Type 7 (Bronze) St. Michael standing- facing-, holding- in r. sceptre ; in 1. , globus or. ; wears nimbus, tunic with ^ and mantle ; below, X and X A* M Border of dots. [Purchased, 1904] 0€ N5 MM [H]A A Bust of youthful Christ facing- ; in 1., volumen ; r. liand in benediction ; wears nimbus cr. with • • *, tunic and mantle. In field, \C and XC. Border of dots.' (Double-struck) [PI. IiXXII. 9.] Bronze Coinage Type 1 Inscr. standing facing, Isaac II, bearded, hold- ing m r. cross, in 1., sword in sheatli ; wears crown, and tunic en- veloped in mantle. On r., manifsDei crowning liim. Border of dots. The Virgin, standing facing, orans ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle. •*• on dra- pery. On her breast, medallion of Christ. In field, nFp and eV. Border of dots. 1 Cp. Sab., ii, p. 226, No. 15 ; PI. 58, 7 ; Photiades Cat., No. 566. The attribution to Isaac II is not certain but seems pi-obable on a comparison of the rei\ with the rev. of type 6. The tunic of the Archancrel is ornamented like the dress of the Emperor Andronicus I, as seen in Plate LXXI. 4, and also like that of Isaac II on No. 44, infra. 59G IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 38 49-5 39 40 41 42 43 57-3 50. 42- 28. 45. Metal and Size JE .8 JE .75 M 75 .E -75 JE .65 JE .75 ICA AKI OC [l]CA AKI OC ICA A Kl OC Obverse MC no T HC A6C no T HC A€C n [O] T HC [l]CA A€C &c. obscure n O T H C ICAAKIOC MC n o T H C Reverse [de Salis g-ift] [PI. LXXII. 10.] [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1103] [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXII. 11.] Type 2 I C A. K I OCA Hulf-fio-ure of Isaac II, bearded, facing" ; in r. cross, in 1., g-lobus cr. ; wears crown, tunic and scarf. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1103] Bust of the Virg-in, in usual dress with •*•, facing-, oralis. In field, Nff and eV. Border of (lots.^ [PI. LXXII. 12.] ^ Another tyi^e, with rev. bust of Christ, is described by P. Lambros, op. cit., PI. I. 6. ISAAC DUCAS COMNENUS, OF CYPRUS 597 No. 44 45 46 47 Weight 60. 5] 49-6 81-3 Metal and Size JE -85 ^ -9 JE -9 Obverse Reverse Type 3 luscr. Half-fi;^-urc of Isaac II, bearded, fac- ing holding- in r. cross, in 1. sword in slieatli ; Avears crown, tunic with ^'5 and scarf. Border of dots. JE -9 ICA AKI OC A6 cno TH C ICA (rest obsci AKI OC (Double-struck) IC AA Kl OC IC A AK IOC o X A* X Ml Bust of St. Michael, winged, facing, hold- ing in r. sceptre with jeAvelled top, in 1., globus cr. ; wears nim- bus and tunic, l^order of dots. O X X "1 M A?\ P J (Sceptre obscure) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1103] [Pl. LXXII. 13.] [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXII. 14.] [North wick sale, 1860] (Sceptre witli trifitl top) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1103] COINAGE OF ISAAC DUCAS COMNENUS, a.d. 1184-1191, 'EMPEROR,' IN CYPRUS. Sabatier (ii, p. 227 ; PI. oS, 9) has assigned, with jDrobability, to Isaac of Cyprus (see Introduction, sujjra^ § 2, under ' Isaac II ') a bronze nomisma in his collection : obv., Imperial figure standing, ICAAKIOC AGCnO O AOVKAC : rev., St, Theodore. The seal of Isaac (published by Schlumberger. S/oilluo/:, p. 425) also bears the figure of St. Theodore and is inscribed K€ BOHOCI ICAAKIUJ A€CnOTH TO) KOMNHNUU. P. Lambros, in liis 'AvcKSora (cited, supra, p. 591), assigns to Isaac t»f Cyprus various coins wliich I have here catalogued as of Isaac II. the 598 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS Emperor, namely the nomismata of types 3, 4, 5, 6 and the bronze of type 2, «S;c. (Lambros, pi. I and p. 17 f.). These he assigns to Isaac of Cyprus because of their being- found in Cyprus and because they differ (as he states) in style and execution from the coins of Isaac II, the Emperor. M. Lambros's treatment of the question is far too summarj'. (i) Provenance. There is, no doubt, evidence that coins of the class under discussion come from Cyprus (coins from Borrell sale described supra under ' Isaac II ' ; cp. Warren in Num. Qiron.^ 1892, p. 209, found in Cyprus?), but Lambros has not stated whether Cyprus is the exclusive -provenance of the coins or whether they are found also in other parts of the Empire, (ii) Btyle. These coins do not seem to me to differ materially in style from the coins of Isaac II, or from the bronze nomismata and bronze coins issued by earlier Emperors, (iii) Lambros has not noticed that Sabatier's coin (accepted by Lambros himself as of Isaac of CyjDrus) bears the qualification O AOVKAC but all these coins have simply ICAAKIOC A€CnOTHC. On the present evidence, therefore, it seems to me hazardous to withdraw any of these coins from Isaac n and to assign them (as Lambros has proposed) to Isaac of Cyprus. 599 ALEXIUS III, Angelus, called Comnenus 8 April 1195—17 July 1203 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (Gold) ' (Vari ety 1) Inscr. On 1., Alexius III, bearded, standing- facing ; on r., St. Con- stantine, bearded, standing- facing-. They hold between them patriarchal cross. Alexius holds in r. sword in sheath and wears crown,long- tunic and mantle. Constan- + K6K0 Heel Christ (of Chalce -) standing facing on footstool ; r. hand in blessing ; in 1., book of Gospels with ••• ; wears tunic, man- tle, and nimbus cr. with y. In field, fc and XC. Two borders of dots. tine wears nimbus, crown, long' tunic and scarf with star. His 1. hand on heart. Two borders of dots. I 67. A^ 1-15 AA€ZIOCZi€Cn OKUJN CTANTI (On ohv.^ graffiti, viz., bt r., K and circular graffiti). (No iuscr. except IC and XC; [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXli. 15.] meath Christ, X ; on edge 1 Sabatier assigned coins of this class to Alexius I, and to Alexius I in conjunction with Constantine Ducas. On grounds of style, &c., the attribution to Alexius III, suggested by de Salis (cp. Num. Giron., 1868, p. 56), is decidedly preferable. In variety 2 Alexius is called ' Comnenus ', a surname that he is known to have assumed as Emperor. 2 Cp. Dumont in Riv. num.. 1867, p. 195 and note, supra, p. 515, under Alexius I. tiOO IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Wei<,'bt 57-3 iiyieyced) Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 2 A^ 1-05 AAeziuuAecno o [= o dyios] KUUNUIA (•in nimbus) [Blacas, 1867] (Varic 'ty 2) 3 G4.1 N M An2l[UJ]A€C TUUKOMNHMO [Purchased, 1905] [PI. LXXII. 16.] 4 64.0 {pierced) N 1-15 AAesiuuMcn TUUKOIVW (K€Kfor KeKO) (•in nimbus) [Blacas, 1867] [PI. LXXIII. 1, obv.'\ 5 51-5 [pierced) N 1-05 AAeiiuuAec UU [OD?] KO[IVISH?] K (KTKO for KEKO) [Purchased, 1904] 6 64- A^ M AA6[Z?]l[UU?]Aecn o UU K T[UUK ?] [C. A. IMurray, 1849] (On oh v. graffiti) 7 74.6 {pierced) Billon o-ilt 1-25 +AA€[2]IUUAecnO UU K [TUUKOMNHNO?] Type 2 (Pul luscr. Ou 1., Alexius III, bearded; on r., St. Constantine, bearded, botli standing facing- and lidding- between tliemlabarum. Alexius holds in r., cross, and Avears cro \vn , Ion g- tunic and scarf with ••' St. Constantine, holds in 1. cross, and wears nim- bus, crown, long tunic and scarf wi th ••' Two borders of dots. [de Salis gift] e electrum)' Inscr. Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne without back ; r. hand outstretched in bless- ing ; in 1., book of Gospels ; Avears tunic, mantle and nimbus cr. In field, iC and XC. Two borders of dots. ■ ^ The legend on coins of this type, owing to careless striking, is rarely legible. Sabatier, ii, p. 202, No. 25, assigned them doubtfully to John II and his son Alexius (cp. Photiades Cat., No. 527, 'Alexius I and Constantine') but a comparison with the N and M nomismata of Alexius III suggests that they belong to his reign. ALEXIUS III-NOMISMA, TYPE 3 601 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 8 62.2 El 1-2 Traces of inscr. [K]€RO Heel (Double- {pierced) ....lUU? struck) ; on throne r. and 1., star. [RoUin, 1905 = Sab., 11, p. 202, No. 25 ; PI. 54, 16] [PI. liXXIII. 2.] 9 69-6 El 1-25 AA€[Ziaj?lA6 O [K UU?] [K]€Ko Hee [de Salis gift] 10 68-3 El 1-2 A€ K Kei^ rH]e [de Salis gift] (Star instead of ••* on scarf of Alexius ; Con- [PI. LXXIII. 3.] stantine without nim- bus) (On edg-e of rev.^ IVK X in graffito) Type 3 (BiUon)^ Inscr. On 1., St. Deme- + K€KO AA6S Bust of trius standing- r. ; on bearded Christ facing ; r., Alexius 111, bearded, r. hand in benediction, standing' facing-. They 1. holds book of Gospels hold between them with • • • ; wears tunic, patriarchal cross on • • • ' ' mantle and nimbus cr. step. St. Demetrius wears nimbus, cuirass, with .. In field, fC and short tunic, and and XC. Two borders holds in 1., sword. of dots. Alexius wears crown. long- tunic and scarf with : : ; ; ; his 1. hand placed on lieart. Two borders of dots. 11 G0.6 Bil M A on ]. ; on r. [A M €C &c. ?] • [de Salis gift] [PL LXXIII. 4.] ^ The obn. legend is rather obscure. Sabatier, ii, p. 208, No. 9, is described as reading MANUHA. Is this reading correct? A comparison with the M coins of Alexius III described infra suggests that these coins belong to him and not (as Sabatier supposed) to Manuel I, and on the rev. we have K€KO AA6S. II pp 602 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse • 12 03-7 Bil 1.05 A on 1. ; A M €C 1 n &c. ? T [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXIII. 5, obv,] 13 58-8 {pierced) Bil 1.05 A on 1. ; on r., ? M 1 T 14 65.5 Bii 1.1 (Labarum instead of patriarchal cross) (Inscr. obscure) Type 4 [PL liXXIII. 6.] (Bronze) (Variety 1)' Inscr. On 1., Alexius III, Inscr. Bust of youthful bearded ; on r., St. Christ, facing ; r. liand Constantine, bearded, in blessing ; 1. liolds both standing- lacing. volumen ; wears tunic, Alexius wears crown, mantle and nimbus cr. long- tunic and scarf with ••• In field, IC with star ; he liolds in and XC. Border. r. labarum. Constan- tine wears nimbus, crown, long- tunic and scarf with pellet orna- mentation ; in 1., laba- rum. Tliey support g-lobus cr. between them. Two Ijorders of dots. 15 65-8 M 1.2 [AA6ZIU?] KUN^AT. [+KeKO BO He €1 ? ob^ scure] (Double-struck) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. liXXIII. 7.] IG 5G.G JE 1. (••; for star) AA6[Z?]IU KUNTA K€RO Hee 1 [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1095] ^ Variety 1 is mtJiout the name ' Comnenus ' (on ohv.) and so fiir coiTesponds to variety 1 of type 1. Variety 2 i^resents the name 'Comnenus' and in this respect corresponds to variety 2 of type 1. In variety 2. I have arranged the coins according to the rer. legend, which is divided Heel; HGG I ; HG €1. ALEXIUS III— NOMISMA, TYPE 4 603 No. 17 18 19 Weight G9-3 45-1 20 21 22 23 24 25 50-4 67-4 Metal and Size 65-8 55.2 61-6 42-2 59-3 ,E M JE LI .E 1- .E 1-25 JE 11 JE M5 JE 105 vE 1-05 .E M Obverse [AAeZIUJ?] o uu K TANTI AAEXOIUU.? OK TANTI? Reverse K€Ko Hee. [F. Parkes Weber gift, 190G] ..K. Hee I [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] KUJ... (luscr. obscure) (fabric [de Sal is gift] flat) Restruck on a coin bearing an Arabic inscr. : on rev., traces of the word 'Sultan'. Possibly a coin of Kay Kliusroo I (Seljookees of Room), wliose reign began a.h. 588 = a. d. 1192; (cp. S. Lane-Poole, B. M. Cat. Or. Coins, iii, p. 51, No. 102), but the obv. of the orioinal flan is here obscure. (Variety 2) AA.... O UJ KOMSIH [K] AA€ . . UL) O KO. [^p] AAe. lUU [O] Rest obscure. (Double- struck) UUKTUUKOM (;.; for star) (Double-struck) . . €ZIUJA»^ O Rest obscure (*•* for star; UJ blundered) .^ . . UU o UJ Rest obscure K +K6K Heel (Double-struck) [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1096] [PI. LXXIII. 8.] +KeK Heel (Double-struck) [de Salis gift] . eK Rest obscure. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1096] [PI. LXXIII. 9, obv.] Inscr. obscure. (Double- struck) [H. P. Borrell s;ile, 1852, lot 1096] ..KO Heel [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1096] +KeKO nee i [PI. LXXIII. 10.] 604 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G Weight 74-8 49-6 48-7 51- 53-5 54-4 (;7.3 58.6 [pierced] 51.3 47. 41.7 Metal and Size JE M5 JE 1.05 JE .95 JE 1. JE 1. JE l-Oo JE M jE 1-2 JE -95 JE 1-05 JE .95 Obverse Reverse AA€ ... O UJ TUUK. 10 (Double-struck) A [..TUUKOMiy] ...U .(=0) Rest obscure (*•• for star) UU Rest obscure ('•• for star) ; between the two figures, two stars. (Double-struck) Inscr. obscure except O (=0) (••• for star) [UUA ?] O rlD.n TUUKOM.? o 1^ TUUKOM . (Double-struck) Traces of AACZIOJ &c. (Double-struck) AA€ ... O UU TUJ[KOM blundered] K AA6ZIUJ obscure O Rest obscure. (Double- struck) Inscr. obscure except UL) 10 (X for star) +K6R0 [Hjee I (Double-struck) [H. P. Porrell sale, 1852, lot 1096] +K6.. Hee I [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1096] .K ... Hee I [Purchased, 1904] € I (Double-struck) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1095] KeRO Hee i [Purchased, 1904] . KeKO He ei [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1096] [PI. IiXXIII. 11.] +KeKo He [ei] (Double-struck) [H. P. BorreU sab-, 1852, lot 1096] + K6K (Double-struck) [Presented by the Rev. Arthur Dixon, 1906] ...KO He ei (Double-struck) [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1096] .K€ RO He €[l] [Purchased, 1904] [PI. IiXXIII. 12.] (Inscr. obscure except CI) [de Sails gift] ALEXIUS III— BRONZE, TYPE 2 005 No. 1 Weight Metal and Size 37 38 16-3 (pierced) Al 30-8 JE 75 Obverse Reverse Silver IMHADOIlAOuul. AAeZIUUAecn onr. On 1., half-length fig-ure of St. Demetrius, beard- less, r. , looking to front ; on r., half-length figure of Alexius III, bearded, facing. They liold he- tween them long cross. St. Demetrius wears nimbus and long tunic. Alexius wears crown, long jewelled robe and scarf. Border of dots. ROHeei AAeilUJ AecnoTH TUUKOMNH NO) Border of dots. [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXIII. 13.] Bronze Type 1 AAeS. Ae Half- figure of Alexius III, facing ; in r., labarum ; in 1., globus cr. ; wears crown and jewelled robe. Border of dots. Bust of the Virgin, nim- bate, facing (type partly obscure). _ In field,' NFf and [eV ?]. Border of dots. [de Salis gift] [PI. liXXIII. 14.] Type 2 Inscr. Alexius III, beard- ed, standing facing, holding in r. labarum, in 1. globus cr. ; wears crown, long tunic and mantle.'- Border of dots. O re n d) OC Bust of St. George, beardless, facing, hold- ing in r. spear resting on I. shoulder; in 1. sword ; wears nimbus, cuirass and cloak. Bor- der of dots. Cp. the similai- specimen, Sab., ii, p. 229, No. 1. Compare the Emperor's dress on type 1 of the noniisma. 606 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight 39 56.6 40 5M 41 39-7 42 42.4 43 32-7 44 22-7 Metal and Size JE -75 M -75 JE -(ib JE -7 JE .7 Obverse AA€SIOC [THC] AAesioc THCJ AA€Z[IUL)?] AGCnOT[H] AAEZIUU A€cno Aec[no [AJAeZIUU TUUKOMN [Purchased, 1904] JE -6 I AAesi [CjnOTH Reverse [de Salis gfift] [PI. LXXIII. 15.] [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [Northwick sale, 1860] (Spear rests on right shoulder ; in 1. hand, shield instead of sword) ' [PI. LXXIII. 16.] (Type as No. 43) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXIII. 17.] ' This variety of the type of St. George had already appeared on the M of Manuel I, supra, p. 579, No. 7."), type 0. The M with monograms, &c., assigned by Sabatier, PI. 58, 10 and 11, to Alexius III, have been described, p. 552, supra, under Alexius I. 607 ISAAC II, Angelus (restored) and his son ALEXIUS IV 18 July 1203—28 Jan. 1204 No coins known ALEXIUS V, Ducas Murzuphlus crowned 5 Feb. 1204-12 Apeii. 1204 No coins known ? (See Introduction, supra^ § 2, 'Alexius V) LATIN EMPERORS OF CONSTANTINOPLE, 1204-1261 No coins kuowii {See Introduction, supra^ § 2, 'Latin Emperors'; and p. 554, siqyra, at end of Alexius I, on anonymous bronze coins) 608 MICHAEL VIII, Palaeologus 15 Aug. (Coronation) 1261—11 Dec. 1282 ANDRONICUS II (son of Michael VIH) jointly with his father 8 Nov. 1273?'— 11 Dec. 1282 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma Type 1 (Gold) Inscr. On 1., Michael View of Constantinople, VIII, bearded, kneeling- represented by a cir- to front, supported bv cular wall, tlanked by St. Michael (who eigliteen towers, ar- stands behind him) and ranged in six groups crowned by Clirist, on of three each. Above r., who sits on throne, the lowest group of facing. Tiie Eniijeror towers appears the bust wears crown and long- of the Virgin facing, tunic Avitli pellet orna- orans^ in usual dress. mentation, his r. hand On r. and 1. of her, r^ placed to his heart. and eV. Two borders St. ^licliael is winged of dots. and nimbate. Christ is bearded and wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; in 1. liand, booli of Gospels. Two borders of dots. M 1 64.5 A^ 1. IC XC (Monograms confused) 1 piercefl) X on IVI A/ AC nc [Purchased, 1905] ' On date, Bury's Gibbon, vi, p. 469 ; cp. Muralt, p. 424. MICHAEL VIII— NOMISMA, TYPE 2 009 No. Weiffht Metal and Size 62-7 N 1-05 (pierced) 67-3 65-5 {pierced) 634 {pierced) N 1. N M M -95 X M A€ [ni?] X M AC ni X A€ ro X M no Obverse M IC IC IC ? ri M IC X on A A €0 xc on A xc no T XC ni Tr Reverse rev for ev) [Blacas, 1867] (Monograms obscure) [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXIV. 1.] (No — above inscr.) [Purchased, 1881] [PI. LXXIV. 2.] (Double-struck) [Lord Elg-in] Type 2 (Gold) Tlie and as type 1. XC on AAp OA- Emperor, Christ St. Michael; all The Virgin, iu usual dress, seated facing- on throne, holding- medallion of the infant Saviour. The front of the throne is ornamented witl» square panels and pel- lets ; on the back, K ». Above throne, Mi» [ev]. 1 Two pellets here take the place of the letter M which identifies the Saint as 2 Possibly an imitation of the Constantinopolitan nomisma, but even the other coins of this type are not devoid of blunders in the legends. II Qq 610 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weiirht 65-9 40. 36-2 Metal and Size N 1-05 JE 1-05 JE .95 Obverse Reverse [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 974 ; found with others at Smyrna, and described by Borrell in NuTn. Chron. , iv, p. 19 ; cp. p. 18] ' [PI. liXXIV. 3.] [Two types of nomismata in silver are ascribed to Michael VIII in Photiades Cat. :— No. 571 (^-gy., Virgin seated) ; No. 572 (ret\, St. Michael seated).] Type 3 (Bronze) Inscr. The Emperor, Christ and St. Michael; all as type 1. Inscr. obscure' [X?] n T?] [M?] IC X [O?] n A IC xc K A Bust of Christ [beard- less ?'] facing ; r. in blessing ; in 1. book of Gospels ; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. Border. [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXIV. 4.] [Northwick sale, 1860] ■• Another specimen is described by Eollin in Rev. num., vi (1841), p. 175 with ornamentation (^ ^) instead of letters on the back of the throne. A specimen of this type in the Moustier Cat., No. 4153, is described as being of silver. Borrell (N.C., iv, p. 20) considers this type 2 to have been struck by Michael VIII while Emperor of Nicaea (1 Jan. 1260— July 1261). The chief argument in favour of this plausible view would be that the rev. type (the Virgin) breaks the sequence of reverse-types with the view of Constantinople, introduced by Michael VIII at Constantinople and continued by his successor Andronicus II. The type would therefore for this reason be more conveniently assigned to Nicaea than to Constantinople. In the absence, however, of strong evidence that coins of this type are found at Nicaea, I prefer to place the coins under Michael's reign at Constantinople. It will be noticed, moreover, (i) that the ohv. type is identical with the ohv. type of Michael's noniisma (type 1, p. 608, Nos. 1-5, supra) ; (ii) that the rev. resembles the rev. of the bronze nomismnia described infra, Nos. 9, 10, especially in the treatment of the throne. - Photiades Cat., No. 578, has X M MICHAEL Vm— NOMISMA, TYPE 5 611 No. Weiffht Metal and Si5^e 21.5 JE -95 10 38-5 JE 1. Obverse Reven Typo 4 (Bronze) X m _ A [n?] On 1., Micliael VIII, bearded, standing fac- ing", with r. hand on heart ; on r. , winged and nimbate angel (St. Michael) standing facing. The Emperor wears crown, mantle and long tunic. Bor- der. The Virgin, in usual dress, seated facing, holding medallion of tlie infant Saviour. The front of the tlirone is orna- mented with square panels and pellets ; on the baclc, 8 B. Above . throne [r'P ?] and eV. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1110] [PI. LXXIV. 5.] Type 5 (Bronze) HA A€ 6C .A Michael VIII, bearded, standing facing, hold- ing in r. sword in sheath ; wears crown, mantle and long tunic ornamented with ^ and with pellets. Bor- der. The Virgin, in usual dress, seated facing, holding medallion of the infant Saviour. The front of the throne is orna- mented with square panels and pellets ; on the back ^ ^ Above throne, [KfP and eV ?] ^ (Double-struck) [de Salis gift] [PL liXXIV. 6.] ^ With rev. cp. the rev. of the gold nomisma, Sab., PL 59, 5. 612 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 6 ;] Bronze) X M/(=IVIIXA M o &c. A KO HA.^) Al (iuscr. obscure) n n rH ?■] e La . Michael VIII, bearded, St. Michael (bust or standing lacing, iiold- figure ?), nimbate, fac- in r. cross, in L, sword ing. in sheath; wears crown. mantle and long tunic. Border. 11 30.G JE h [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1110 = Sab., ii, p. 243, No. 12 ; PL 59, 14] (Restruck?) Type 7 o X HA M A € [A]6C O injo A TM (Double-struck and blurred) ' [PL liXXIV. 7, obi'.] ^Bronze) Winged figure (the Arch- angel Michael?) stand- ing- facing, holding in r., sceptre; beneath, f and A.^ Border. Michael VIII, bearded. standing facing, hold- ing in r. labaruin with •••, in 1. sword in sheath ; wears crown, mantle and long tunic. Border. 1-2 49.2 .^ .95 (Double-struck) Sib A silver coin (rev., Chr Photiades Cat, No. 573. [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXIV. 8.] /er ist seated) is described in ' Sabatier assigns other bronze nomismata to Michael VIII: — Sab., PI. 59. 7. The fleur de lis rather suggests that this may be a coin of Nicaea. Sab., PI. 59. 10 and 11, belong to Michael I, Despot of Epirus, according to Schlumberger, Xiim. de VOr. lat., p. .373. Sab., .59. 12 may belong to Michael I or Michael II, Despots of Epirus (Schlumberger, 1. c). ''' The legend is almost certain though somewhat obscure ; Sabatier, PI. 60, 10, assigns a very similar specimen to Andronicus II. ' These letters may perhaps indicate that the archangel is Gabriel, but Michael is the usual figure represented on coins. PA may be merely mint-letters such as are found on other coins of Michael VIII and on the coins of the next reign (Andronicus II). MICHAEL Vlir, ETC.— BRONZE COINAGE CyVii No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Bronze Coinage (i) MICHAEL VIM alone The bronze piece nssig-ned to Micliael Vlll l)y Sabatier, PI. 59, 15, is a misread coin of Manuel II (see i)ifra under his reign). Tlie absence of bronze (apart from the bronze nomismata) is remarkable. Possibly tlie gap might be filled by attributing to }kIicliaelVIII the 'Uncertain ' pieces figured by Sabatier, PI. 70, Nos. 11, 12, 17, 18. (ii) MICHAEL Vlll a ud ANDRONICUS II A.D. 1273 (or later .?)-1282 Inscr. Michael VIII, bearded, standing fac- ing ; in r., cross ; inl., sheathed sword ; wears crown, mantle and long tunic. Border of dots. Inscr. Andronicus II, bearded, standing fac- ing ; in r., cross; inl., sheathed sword ; wears crown, mantle and long tunic. Border of dots. 13 34. JE -8 HC ANAPONIXOC A?... onAA.o.noT? [Purchased, 1904] [PL LXXIV. 9.] U 204 JE -8 [MIX ?] onAA.o.nor . NAP Aecno... [Northwick sale, I8G0] 15 23-2 ^E .8 M? M? nA AC A no € TH ...poNKo:): Aecno THC [de Salis gift] ^ Both figures are (apparently) bearded and both are represented as equal m dignity. It is, therefore, difficult to determine (as de Saulcy has already remarked, Essal, p. 430) whether the coins belong to Michael VIII and his son Andronicus II, or to Andronicus II and his son Michael IX. I am inclined to ascribe them to Michael VIII and his sou, because Andronicus II and his son are othei-wise well provided with bronze coins. There is perhaps the difficulty (in this attribution to Michael VIII and Andronicus II) that Andronicus is (apparently) represented bearded, though he is said to have been only fifteen at his coronation as joint Emperor in A. D. 1273 ; he, however, reigned with his father till 1282, and these coins may have been struck a few years later than his coronation.- Sabatier also attributes to Michael VIII and Andronicus II (PI. o9, 17 ; vol. ii, p. 243, No. 14) a bronze coin with AVT0KPAT0P€C PUUMAIflN on the reverse. Cp. Penon in Etc. helqe, 1858, p. 276, 'Andronicus II and Michael IX' Sab., PI. 59, 16; ii, p. 244, No. 15, does not seem to me to be of Michael VIII and Andronicus II, nor even, perhaps, of Constantinople : de Salis appears to^have assigned the British Museum specimen to John Angelas Comnenus, a.d. 1232-12o4, Emperor ot Thessalonica. There is another specimen of the coin described in the ^^ mdisch-Cxratz Catalogue, No. 337. 614 ANDRONICUS II, Palaeologus caUecl 'The Elder' 11 Dec. 1282—24 May 1328 (died 13 Feb. 1332) MICHAEL IX (son of Andronicus II by his second wife IRENE) reigned jointlj^ with Andronicus II 21 May 1295—12 Oct. 1320 ANDRONICUS Ml, Palaeologus, 'The Younger' (son of Micliael IX) reigned jointly with his grandfather Andronicus II 2 Feb. 1325—24 May 1328 No. Weiffht Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE PERIOD I ANDRONICUS II alone 11 Dkc. 1282-20 May 1295 Gold ' nomisma Inscr. On 1., Andronicus II, kneeling r. with back bent, with face to front, before Christ who stands facing, blessing tlie head of tlie Emperor, and holding in his 1. boolv of tlie Gospels. The Emperor is bearded, and wears nimbus and tight- fitting tunic with pel- let ornamentation. Christ is bearded, and wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. T^vo bor- ders of dots. View of Constantinople (a circular wall flanked by towers, as on nomisma ofMichaem:iI,p. 608, siqjni). In centre, the Virgin facing, orans. Border of dots. (Type usually blurred or douljle-struck.) ' These pieces all appear to be more or less alloyed. ANDRONICUS II— PERIOD I— GOLD NOMISMA 615 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 1 62-3 A' 1-0.3 + [ANAJPO rlC.1 NIKOCeN xp- XUUTOe ^ niCTOCB ACIA6V onAA beneath, B Beside head, Kfp and 9V ; on 1. of Virg-in, B [Rev. R V. J. Arundell, 1839] + ? 2 62. A •9 ANAPO(- IC CNIKO*^ XCrdouble- eXOIT struck) oeooi niPoc SA BACK beneath, fleur de lis.^ Beside head , [r^-P] and 6 V ; on 1. of Virgin, [C .-^J ; on r., ZC [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXIV. 10.] 3 62-7 A .95 NC ANA.. IC ANK06. XC X?UUI POIC BAC C On 1. of Virgin, C ; on r., ZC [Bank of England gift, 1877] 4 42-2 (pierced) A .9 ANA PONIK C6NXUU IC A€CnOTl XC conA A . o On 1. of Virgin, A ; on r., A [Purchased, 1904] 5 81.7 (set in ring) A .95 [ANA] PO... IC OC6N.. XC Aeno[Tic] onAA AIOA [oroc ?] + On 1. of head, T [Bank of England gift, 1877] 6 63.7 A 1- ANAP [IC] NK06N XC x[uu]Aecn [0T]H0n ..€0 Arc beneath, v On r. and 1. of head, pellets; on 1. of Virgin, >K; onr., H [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXIV. 11.] ^ As to the lis on coins see A. de Longperier in Rev. num., 1869-70, p. 270 f. = CEupres, vi, p. 26. 016 IMPERL\L BYZANTINE COINS No. 10 Weight GO-i 'Oi- 61.3 [})ie)xed) 62.4 {pierced) Metal and Size N 1. A^ -95 El 1. N 1- Obverse + ANA PNIKOC €NXUU A€n OTI- / + ANAI PNIK[0?]C [Ajecno Ticon Ao N IC xc IC xc (Emperor without nim- Ijus; ANA PONIKO cAecno TICO [inAe?] A _IC X[C] Reverse [A]NA PNIKI. IC CA€n. Tl .... / xc M (Emp( nimbu i jror w i t li u t On 1. of Virgin, •'. : on [General Haug^, 1862] On 1. of head, * " ; in field, above, B and X ' [Purchased, 1881] [PI. LXXIV. 12.] On 1. of Virgin, letters (P€?) [Blacas, 1867] On 1. of liead, .*. ; on 1. of Virg-in, letters ? [de Salis g-ift] ^ Cp. Sab., ii, p. 249, No. 4, with B and A. These letters can hardly be explained (as Sabatier explains them) as referring to the Virgin of Blacliernae, when we compare them with the numerous other letters found on this series, Nos. 3, 4, &g. Cp. also the large letters on coins of the previous reign, Michael VIII, Nos. 6, 7, 9, 12. ^ The letters MP are perhaps to be classed with the other large letters found on the gold of Andronicus II (BA, BX, &c.), but it is also possible that they are to be taken in conjunction with the IC XC, thus making up the well-known sacred formula XMf (on which see H. Leclerq in Cabrol, Diet., s.v. ' Abreviations ', p. 180, and see B. Z., 1905, pp. 672, 755). ANDRONICUS II— PERIOD I, BRONZE 617 No. 11 12 Weight 21-8 53-3 Metal and Size ^ .85 JE -8 Obverse Reverse Bronze (Concave?, bent flat) On r., ANT A] ; on 1., OTAq>IOT[V]A AndronicusII, bearded, standing- facing-, hold- ing- in r. cross ; wears crown and tunic. Border. Cross anchored; one pellet in each ang-le. Border. [de Salis gift] ' [PI. LXXIV. 13.] Bronze (Thick fabric; not concave) A NA ION IKC A€C noT [0?J n A A OA Andronicus II, bearded, standing- facing-; in r., labarum ; in 1., globus cr. ; wears crown, tunic and mantle. Border of dots. Bust of the Virgin facing-, orans ; wears nimbus, veil, tunic and mantle ; •*• on drapery. In field, nFp and eV. Border of dots. [de Salis gift] ^ [PI. liXXIV. 14.] ^ This seems to be the identical specimen described and figured by Sabatier, ii, p. 250, No. 9 ; PI. 60, 9, though he has somewhat ' restored ' the legend and type. By its fabric, style of lettering, and reverse type the coin seems i-ightly assigned by Sabatier to Andronicus II rather than to Andronicus I. On the other hand, he seems wrong in ascribing a very similar coin (Sab., ii, p. 220, No. 13 ; PL 57, 14 = Revue beige, J859, p. 315 ; PL X. 10) to Andronicus I instead of to Andronicus II. ^ The general appearance of this coin would lead one to assign it to Andronicus I Comnenus (cp. Sab., PL 57, 7) rather than to Andronicus II ; but the name ' Palaeologus ' on the obv. is hardly to be mistaken : see also the specimen described and figured in Thomsen Cat., No. 821. II s r 618 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 13 14 Weight Metal and Size 62. N 1. 58.8 N .9 Obverse Reverse PERIOD II ANDRONICUS II and MICHAEL IX; joint rulers 21 May 1295—12 Oct. 1320 Gold ' nomisma Inscr. In centre, Christ, bearded, standing- fac- ing- ; on 1., Andronicus II, kneeling- facing- ; on r. , Michael IX, kneeling- facing. The Saviour wears nimbus cr. , man- tle and tunic ; blesses each Emperor with outstretched hand. Andronicus has long- forked beard," and wears crown, tunic and mantle ; his r. hand to heart. Michael in similar dress is beard- less, and places 1. hand to heart. Two borders of dots. IC xc A X N M A A OP €C N ni 1 \ (Christ stands on dais) On 1., Al/IKCA; in cen- tre, IC XC; on r., AMXAni View of Constantinople (as on No. 1 ). In centre, the Virgin facing,orfms. Border of dots. (Type usually blurred or double-struck). [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXIV. 15.] Beside head, NH> [and GV] [Royal Collection] Often much alloyed, apparently with silver or copjier. Like his namesake Andronicus I, see note, supra, to No. 1 of Andronicus I, p. 5^ ANDRONICUS II, ETC.— PERIOD II, GOLD NOMISMA 619 No. 15 16 17 18 19 20 Weight 59-2 63-3 60-3 (pierced) 58. 64-5 61.3 Metal and Size N .9 N 1.05 El .85 A^ .85 N 1. El .95 Obverse IC A N A N V Y IC A/I API VI KO m xc X M A i: xc X? A6 cn Onl., ANAPONIKC; in centre, IC XC ; onr., IVIIXAHA[A?] IC A N Al Nl Kl XC X M A€ CM T XC Reverse On 1. of head, •*• ; on r. (and 1.?) of Virg-in, •*• [de Salis gift] On 1. of Virg-in, A ; on r., A [Blacas, 1867] [PI. IiXXIV. 16.] On 1. of Virg-in, B ; on r., [de Salis gift] A X N M A A6 PO cn Nl T KO C IC XC D? A/AN^ X [M?] 0? On 1. of Virgin, 5K ; K onr., Kl N [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXIV. 17.] (Pressed flat) On 1. of Virgin, C ; on r., 2 [D or Fl?]' [Pembroke sale, 1848, lot 1483] [PI. IiXXIV. 18.] Above, r. and 1., a pellet (•) ; on 1. of Virgin, € on r., /e cp [de Salis gift] I Cp. Thomsen Cat., No. 82-3 with K and M only. " Cp. No. 2, supra. ' Nos. 20 and 21 are of rude work. The name of Michael appears to be placed on the left of the coin. 620 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse .^ ^M 21 504 El 1. IC XC (Rest of inscr. blurred and obscure ; like No. 20.?) Above, r. and 1., 5K ; on l.,€; onr., /e 9 [Purchased, 1862] [PI. IiXXV. 1.] 22 47-8 El 1. IC XC (Rest of inscr. blurred and obscure) On 1. of Virgin, H ; on r., a [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] 23 44.2 N -9 On 1., AN AN IK. ; in centre, IC XC ; on r., [AN?] AN[A.?]^ Above, r. and 1., a pellet (•) ; on 1. of Virgin, fleur de lis ; on r., A [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXV. 2.] (Witli IRENE; drc. 1295.?) AH _ ' — 1 A IC PO XC 1 q? € • • \A\ 1-23 KO On 1., Irene standing C facing, holding in r. On 1., Andronicus 11, bifid sceptre, her 1. bearded, kneeling- hand to heart. She facing-, with r. hand to wears crown, tunic and heart; on r., Christ, mantle. On r., Michael bearded, standing IX, standing facing-, facing-, crowning or liolding in 1. sceptre ; blessing the Emperor ; wears crown and tunic. in his 1. hand, book of Border. Gospels. Tlie Emperor wears crown and tunic. Christ wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle. Two borders of dots. 24 68-3 El 1. (Double- struck) [de Salis gift] - [p 1. LXXV. 3.] ' The name of Andronicus seems to be written twice. Possibly the coin may have been issued by Andronicus II in conjunction with Andronicus III (see infra, period IV), but I am inclined to think it is merely a blundered variety of Andronicus II and Michael IX. ^ No. 24 is the identical specimen described and engraved by Sabatier in Revue beige, ANDRONICUS II— PERIOD II, SILVER NOMISMA 621 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 25 46-4 N -85 {hase) (Inscr. on 1. broken off) (Inscr. broken off or ob- scure) (type varied ? ; fig-ure on r. has right hand to heart) [de Salis gift] [PI. liXXV. 4.] No mis ma (Base silver) M (= AN) [Inscr. onr. AP off flan] \A\ KOC A6C no The Virgin, seated facing-, with medallion of infant Christ on breast ; Avears nimbus, tunic, and mantle formally arranged. In field, 1. , B On 1., Andronicus II, bearded, standing- facing", with r. hand on heart ; on r. , Micliael IX [beardless] standing- facing-, with 1. hand on heart. They hold be- tween them labarum. Below, in front, B. Each wears crown, mantle and tunic. Bor- der. 26 30.5 {dipped) M -7 [hase] [Purchased, 1904] ' [PI. LXXV. 5.] 1859, p. 317, and (with a variation in the reading) in his Description, ii, p. 257, No. 3J-. I cannot agree witli him that the rev. reads on the 1. ANA and on the r. . PHN ? The letters on the left are thick and blurred, possibly l^€ as I have suggested. The letters on r. may be intended for MIX, a reading first adopted by Sabatier in the Revue helge (1. c). Another specimen in Photiades Cat., No. 602 (not described) ; another in Moustier Cat., No. 4159 described as of ' Or rouge ', no doubt gold much alloyed with copper, like our No. 25. The issue of this family type probably took place at the coronation of Michael IX in May 1295. — For representations of the Imperial costume at this period see Strzygowski, ' Das Ej)ithalamion des Paliiologen Andronikos II ' in B. Z., X, p. 546 ff. ^ With this coin compare Sab., PL 60, 16; ii, p. 252, No. 16, with XM A€CnOT on obv. ; described, incorrectly, as in Brit. Mus. 622 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Sil> ANAPCNIMIINiqZll/IA MX Andronicus II and Michael IX standing- facing- (all as on No. 27), holding- between them labarum witli • Border of dots. [Purchased, 1886] ' [PI. LXXV. 6.] +ANAPOISHKOCA-AIC no Cross pattee, radiate, within circle of dots. Whole in border of dots. 28 20. M .65 Bro Tyi Inscr. not visible. Christ standing facing-, bless- ing- the two kneeling- Emperors (as on the g-old nomisma. No. 13). [Purchased of H. Hoff- mann, 1850] ' [PI. LXXV. 7.] nze )e 1 View of Constantinople with Virg-in in centre (as on No. 13). 29 41. JE .9 (On 1., indentation or countermarlv : the fig-ure of Andronicus on 1. is nearly obliterated). (Concave ; nomisma ? both on obv. and rev., and Constantinople mint). [de Salis g-ift] [PI. LXXV. 8.] Tliis coin is of rude work may not, perhaps, be of the ' Another specimen, Moustier Cat., No. 4157 ; cp. No. 4158. - For n ? (Palaeologus). ' This is apparently the specimen described and engraved by Sab., ii, p. 252, No. 15. ANDRONICUS II, ETC.— PERIOD II, BRONZE, TYPE 3 623 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Type 2 (Concave ; nomisma ?) A rx p-i A/ Lm-J Bust of the Virgin, in usual dress, facing. [A.?] orans. On her breast. Ml medallion of tlie infant [K]0 Christ. In field, r., [M+PlandeV. Border. On 1., Andronicus II, L J bearded, standing- facing-, with r. hand to heart ; on r. , MichaellX, beardless, standing facing-, with 1. hand to lieart. They hold be- tween them long- cross. Each wears crown and tunic. Border of dots. 30 29-5 JE .9 (Double-struck) ' Type 3 Inscr. On 1., Andronicus II, bearded, standing- facing, with r. hand to heart; on r., Michael IX, beardless, standing facing, with 1. hand to heart. They hold between them patri- archal cross. Each wears crown and tunic. Border of dots. (Double-struck) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. IiXXV. 9.] (flat) Head of Seraph, with two Avings above, two be- neath and one wing at each side." Border ot dots. 31 48-3 JE -85 ANA MXA [North wick sale, 1860] 32 31-6 JE .85 ANA MXAI-cn)TI [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXV. 10.] ' The two crosses seen on this specimen are due to double-stnking. The same is possibly true of the two crosses on the specimen engraved by Sabatier, PI. 61, 5 = Revue beige, 1859, p. 315, Sabatier Coll ■■' Cp. Isaiah vi. 2. C. M. Kaufmann, Uandhuch der ChristJicJien ArcMoIogie (1905), p. 418 and Fig. 155. 624 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 33 34 35 36 Weight 28. (pietved) 21-4 31-3 28.7 Metal and Size JE .8 M .85 JE JE .85 Obverse Reverse Type 4 (Concave, bent flat ?) A X N [M?] Andronicus II and Michael IX standing- facing-, as on No. 31, but holding between them labarum. Bor- der of dots. In Patriarchal cross, field, IC and X C Beneath, *• and *• Border. [de Salis gift = Sab., ii, p. 254, No. 27] [PI. liXXV. 11.] Type 5 (flat) Inscr. Christ standing facing, blessing- the kneeling Emperors Andronicus II and Michael IX, as on No. 13. Border of dots. Onl., >IO..M; in centre, IC onr., AVTO.? XC Onl.,.NI ..^. ; in centre, IC XC ; on r., inscr. mutilated. Onl., ; in centre, IC ? and w on r., •!•••• (these dots on the coin take tlie place of letters). Bust of St. Michael, nimbate and winged, facing, holding in r. sceptre. Border of dots.' [de Salis gift] [PI. liXXV. 12.] [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXV. 13.] [NorthAvick sale, 1860] [PI. LXXV. 14.] Type 6 (flat) Inscr. Andronicus II, bearded (on 1.), and Michael IX, beardless (on r.), standing- facing, holding- labarum. Each wears crown and tunic, and places hand to heart. Border. Cross i^attee, with pellet in each angle, placed within circle of dots. Outside, circular inscr. (as below). \\^hole in border of dots. 1 Cp. Sab., ii, PI. 61, No>^. T, 8, 9 ; Bevue lehje, 1859, p. 316. ANDRONICUS II-PERIOD III 625 No. 37 Weight 37-5 38 34-8 39 47.8 40 24. 41 26-8 Metal and Size JE -8 M .75 ^ -8 JE .7 M .75 Obverse A N Al N Kl [C?] X M] H?l A J On 1., inscr, on r., XM . obscure ; On 1. , name of Andronicus obscure; on r., XMA hcn On 1., inscr. obscure; on r., X [M] &c. On 1., ANAPONIKOC; on r., inscr. obscure. Reverse u +ANAPONI no THC [de Sails gift] [PI. LXXV. 15.] + ANAP0NIK0CA6C no... [de Salis gift] [PI. liXXV. 16, rev.] +ANAPONIKOCAecn TH[C] [Northwick sale, 1860] +A . . .ONIKOCACnO THC [de Salis gift] +[ANAPONIKOC]A€C nOTHC [Obtained by Sir C. T. Newton in 1854 when H.B.M. ConsulatMyti- lene] PERIOD in ANDRONICUS II (alone) 13 Oct. 1320—1 Feb. 1325 The coins issued during this period — if any — must probably be looked for among those that we have included in period I. Or, again, it is possible, if not very probable, that Andronicus in was associated on the coins with his grandfather Andronicus 11 even before the date of his formal coronation, i.e. before 2 Feb. 1325. On this supposition, some coins assigned infra to period FV" (Andronicus II and III, joint reign) will belong to period III. s s 626 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size 42 43 44 45 46 32.4 25-6 264 32-3 31. Obverse Reverse M .85 M -75 M .8 M .85 Ai -8 PERIOD IV ANDRONICUS II and ANDRONICUS III joint rulers 2 Feb. 1325—24 May 1328 Silver On r., AVTOKPATO ; onl., PeCPUUMAIUUN On 1., Andronicus II, bearded, on r. , Andron- icus ni, beardless, both standing- facing-, with one hand to heart, and holding- between them labarum with •, and with O on shaft, and resting on stand. Each wears crown, tunic and scarf. Border of dots. [Purchased, 1904] (Ends AION) (AVTOKPATOP 6CPUU MAIUJN) (Ends AION) (Without O or stand) (Ends PUUM60N) On r., +KVPI6'; on 1., BO Heel Christ, beard- ed, seated facing on throne without back ; r. hand uplifted in blessing ; in 1., book of Gospels ; wears nimbus cr., mantle and tunic. Near head, fC and XC. Border of dots. Above throne, two glo- bules. [PI. liXXV. 17.] On throne, two globules. [Presented by the Society for the Promotion of HeUenic Studies, 1900] (KYPHh) On throne, two stars, [de Salis gift] Above throne, two pellets. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1022] Above throne, two pel- lets."^ [PI. liXXV. 18, obv.'] ' € on ohv. and i-ev has the form €" or h. - The British Museum also possesses three specimens with barbarous legends, probably not Imperial coins. ANDRONICUS IT, ETC.— PERIOD IV, BRONZE 627 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Bronze AVTOKPATO. [....M AIUUN] Andronicus II and III, standing- facing-, as on No. 42, holding- between them labarum. Border of dots. A Ar po HOC l/ll AN KO C Bust of St. Andronicus, nimbate and draped, facing-. Border of dots. ' 47 36-5 M .9 [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXV. 19.1 (Flat fabric) AVTOKAT.. ....M€UH Andronicus II and III, standing- facing-, as on No. 47, holding- be- tween them labarum. Border of dots. + KVPieCUUCONTSC BACIA€IC (encircling coin). Within a circle, bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cr. and drapery. Beside liead, [IC and XC ?]. Whole in border of dots.- 48 25-4 JE -8 On r., AVTOKPA.. on 1., inscr. obscure [P€C POJMeUUN ?] Andronicus II and III, standing facing-, as on No. 47, holding- be- tween them labarum. Border of dots. [de Salis gift] [PI. liXXVI. 1.] Cross pattee with one of the letters B i^ in B a each angle. Border of dots. 49 25-4 M .75 [Purchased, 1864] [PI. liXXVI. 2.] 1 Cp. Sab., PI. 61, 17 and PL 62, 7. ^ Cp. the specimen in F. Pichler's Repeytorimn der steierischen Muiizen, vol. ii, p. '233 ; cp. also Sab., PI. 60, 20 ; PI. 62, 6. ■' On this device, see Svoronos in Journal inteniaf. d'arcli. num., ii (1899), p. 363 ff. ; cp. Sathas in Rev. arch., 1877, Pt. I, p. 100; A. van Millingen, Byz. Constantinople (Walls), pp. 112, 113. 628 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 50 51 Weiffht 404 19.2 Metal and Size JE .8 JE Obverse Inscr. Andronicus II and III, standing- facing-, as on No. 47, holding- be- tween them patriarchal cross. Border of dots. On r.,V[V ?]...; onL, .UU>II[M?]IUH (Inscr. obscure or off flan) Reverse Inscr. (as below) en- circling- coin. "Within circle of dots, cross potent, radiate. Wliole in border of dots. +AVTOKPATO[/P ?]CP UUMAIUUN [Purcliased, 1904] [PI. LXXVI. 3.] +AVTOKPATO..., [de Salis g-ift] 1 Cp. Sab., ii, p. 25.3, No. 22 and p. 254, No. 2.3. Sabatier says ' le mot AULIKI M 10 N pour doKlfjuov, qu'on y lit, semblerait prouver que ces exemplaires etaient des essais.' But a much simpler explanation would be to regard the word as simply PnMAIUJN blundered, the obv. legend being practically the same as the 7-ev. legend. As to exagia of the period of Andronicus II, see Svoronos in Jouni. inf., ii, j). 341 f. ; Schlumberger, Melanges (Varcli. hyz., i, p. 35 f . ; Photiades Cat., p. 48, No. 675.— Sabatier (ii, p. 259, No. 43 ; PI. 62, 3) further attributes to Andronicus II and III a large scyphate bronze piece. This specimen is in the British Museum. There are traces (not noticed by Sabatier) of a legend on r. and 1. of ohv., probably identifications of the two Emperors represented, possibly Andronicus II and Michael IX, though the legend is obscure. On 1., A ; on r., X ; but most doubtful. The figure on 1. (i.e. the spectator's left) is N M beardless, the figure on r. has a forked beard. In the British Museum collection I have found the coin placed (by de Salis ?) under John V and John VI. 629 ANDRONICUS III, Palaeologus the 'Young-er' 24 May 1328—15 June 1341 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Silver Onl., AMAPONIKOC Christ, bearded, seated in centre, f^ facing- (m throne with O back; above, IC and A onr., ZiHMHTPOC On 1. , Androuicus III, bearded, standing- facing-; on r., St. Demetrius, standing- on footstool facing-, hold- XC ; onl., i ; on r., B ; wears nimbus, tunic and mantle ; r. in bene- diction ; in 1. , book of Gospels. Border of dots.i ing- in 1., cross. The Emperor wears crown, tunic and mantle ; r. hand to heart ; 1. hand outstretched in adora- tion. The Saint wears nimbus, tunic and man- tle. Border of dots. 1 33-6 M .85 [PI. LXXVI. 4.] [Northwick sale, 1860, (pierced) igi^t) lot 790 'iV' = Sestini, Lettere e Dissert., Coll. AinsI.,u,ix203,n.Y. 15'A^'=Sab.,ii,p.269, No. 1] ^ Sabatier, ii, p. 269, No. 1, assigns this coin to Andronicus IV, but it does not fit in well with the smaller and ruder silver coins which seem to be i-ightly assigned to Andronicus IV. Svoronos {Journ. int., ii, p. 386) doubts whether our No. 1 belongs to the Imperial series of Constantinople, but I do not quite understand to which personage of the name of Andronicus (' Andronicus of Thessalonica ') he would assign it.— St. Demetrius, who on No. 2 is represented as an armed warrior, is here shown in a tunic and mantle holding a cross. Similar representations of the most popular military saints, St. Theodore Tyron and St. George, are known, e.g. on a Byzantine enamelled medallion in the British Museum. Portable crosses, probably of cypress wood, were distributed by the Emperors to high officials to be carried in procession on festivals (Dalton, in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, London, 10 May, 1906, Fig. 6). 630 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Bronze (Nomisma ? ; reo., concave) Inscr. Andronicus III, bearded, standing- facing-, holding- in r. labarum, in 1. globus Inscr. St. Demetrius standing facing- ; in r. , spear; 1. hand on shield ; wears nimbus, cr. ; wears crown, tunic and mantle. Border of dots. cuirass and cloak. Border of dots.^ 2 44.8 JE 1. N? A K N C A (Double-struck) AH A IVH n TP Of 05 [de Salis g-ift] [PI. LXXVI. 5.] 3 53-4 .E -9 AN AP N &c., partly obscure. AH ? &c., obscure. A n Of [de Salis g-ift] - ^ Cp. Sab., ii, p. 26-2, No. 2 ; de Saulcy, PI. 33, 1. ^ Sabatier assigns to Andronicus III tlie M piece (rev., patriarchal cross and 9 B) described by him, ii, p. 262, No. 2 ; PI. 62, 13. The obv. is described as having ' pas de legende', but his plate gives the letter M. A similar coin in the British Museum shows a longer but very obscure legend, and I do not venture to ascribe it to Andronicus III, though the coin may belong to about this period. The British Muse-am does not possess specimens of Sab., PI. 62, Nos. 14, 15 with monogram on rev. ; cp. Photiades Cat, No. 611 ; Thomsen Cat, No. 826 ; Rev. helye, 1859, p. 319. 631 JOHN V, Palaeologus 15 June 1341—16 Feb. 1391 No. Weiffht Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 15.4 (pierced) M -65 Silver (With his son MANUEL II, 1373-1391) On 1., bust of John V, bearded ; on r., bust of Manuel (beardless ?), both facing- and hold- ing between them patriarchal cross. Each wears crown and tunic, and places one hand on heart. Border of dots. [de Sails gift] Bust of Christ, bearded, facing-, holding- in 1. book of Gospels, r. hand in blessing-; wears nimbus cr., tunic and mantle ; beside head, fC and XC. Border of dots. [PI. IiXXVI. 6.] This is the identical specimen engraved by Sabatier (PI. 63, 5) whose attribution to John V, if not quite certain, may be accepted, after comparison of the coin with Sab., PL 63, 4, though the latter piece is inscribed nOAITIKON (see p. 632, infra) and is probably a ticket and not a coin. There are no other coins in the British Museum that can be assig-ned with certainty to the long- reig-n of John Y. The small bronze piece (Brit. Mus., Wt, 28-7 g-rains), with the Virgin and Magi on rev., described by Madden in ICuni. Chron., 1878, p. 194 and p. 214, No. 10 ; PI. X. 10 (cp. Thomsen Cat.., No. 829, and de Marchant, Lett re X), was ascribed by de Salis to this reign, but it may be doubted whether it is a coin. 632 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Sabatier has assig-ned to Jolin V three types only, all in bronze. Of these Nos. 17 and 18 in his PL 62 are, perhajDS, rig-litly attributed, but No. 16 is probably not a coin but (as Schlumberg-er has sug-g-ested, Melanges d'arch. hijz.^ i, p. 294) a ticket connected with the public distributions of bread at the Imjierial Palace ; it is inscribed on the rev. flOAITIKON, and must be considered in connexion with other pieces of tlie period in M and M which bear the same inscription but varying- tyj)es : see Sab., PI. 62, No. 16 = Thomsen Cat.^ No. 828; Rev. num.., 1865, p. 291 ; PI. 12, 6 ; Photiades Cat., No. 677 ; specimen in Brit. Mus. (iR, Wt. 7.3 g-rains) with obv.., cross, and •: a ; B :• ; •: 8 ; B :• each in an ang-le of the cross ; rev. +nO AITI KON in three lines. See also Sab., PI. 63, 4 (John V and Manuel II) and Windisch- Gratz Cat., No. 342 ; Hoffmann Cat., 1898, p. 160, No. 2259 \m Andronicus IV). For gold seals of John V, see Schlumberg-er, Melanges, i, pp. 183, 184. 633 JOHN VI, Cantacuzenus 26 Oct. 1341 (re-crowned Feb. 1347)— Dec. 1354 No coins can be attributed to this Emperor. T t 634 ANDRONICUS IV, Palaeologus eldest son of JOHN V, Palaeologus 18 Oct. 1376—1379 No. Weight 13-2 10-6 Metal and Size M -5 M -55 (base) Obverse Reverse Silver (or Billon) Inscr. Andronicus IV, beardless, standing facing', holding in r. patriarchal cross ; 1. hand to heart ; wears crown and tunic. Bor- der of dots. flan] partly off Al/IAOM (rest obscure). Christ, bearded, seated facing on throne with back; in L, book of Gospels ; r. hand in blessing ; wears nim- bus cr., tunic and man- tle. Beside head, IC and XC. Border of dots. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1024] [PI. LXXVI. 7.] [de Salis gift] Both these specimens have blundered legends. Specimens published by de Saulcy (Essai, PI. 33, 3 ; cp. Sab., PI. 62, 21) and Thomsen {Cat. No. 830) are stated to read A\ALPO HHKOC. The attribution seems fairly certain. Sabatier also attributes the follovping coins to this Emperor : — Sab., PI. 62, 19. Already described siqora under Andron- icus III (' A^ '= iR). PI. 62, 20. The rev. type seems to be described from an imperfect specimen. PI. 63, Nos. 1-3. Bronze coins. (Cp. PI. 63, No. 3 with Photiades Cat., No. 615, of Manuel II.) 635 MANUEL II, Palaeologus 16 Feb. 1391—1423 ((7. July, 1425) HELENA (IRENE) wife of Manuel II JOHN VII, nephew of Manuel II joint Emperor, 4 Dec. 1399—1402 JOHN VIM, son of Manuel II crowned joint Emperor 19 Jan. 1421 ^ No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Nomisma (Gold) • [MIA HA N5 Afi .?]0 HA AG A€c ro View of Constantinople (circle of walls with six groups of towers) ; in centre, fig-ure (or noT C Manuel II, standing- bust) of the Virgin, facing-, orans, nimbate ; facing-, holding- o-lobus ; on 1., H ; on r., -Q-. wears crown, tunic Border of dots. and mantle. Borders. 1 72.5 M M [de Salis gift = Sab., ii, p. 275, No. 1; PI. 63, 6]^ [PI. LXXVI. 8.] 1 Muralt, p. 806. ^ Another specimen of this rare coin is described in the Catalogue of the Naples Museum, No. 15,979. 636 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse Silver Bust of Manuel II, beard- Bust of Christ, bearded, ed, facing ; wears nim- facing-; r. hand in bus, crown and tippet blessing- ; 1. holds book scalloped and orna- of Gospels with ••* ; mented with pellets. wears nimbus cr. and The type within circle drapery. of dots, beyond which In field, 1. In field r. is a circular inscrip- ic xc tion :-eVXA PI TO R A € C AeOAO[rO]C;beyond . ' + MAN0UHABACIA6V C[OnAA]eoAr in field, two pellets. + IVIANO Aevco riAA In field, r. and 1., pellet and star. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1025] ....OVHABA on AA€0... In field, B and i ■' Inscr. B ust of Manuel II, bearded, facing- ; wears crown and tippet, scalloped and orna- mented with pellets. Border. [M ?]ANO; in field r. and Reverse [Northwick sale, 1860] In field 1., letter [A ?] [Purchased, 1901] [PI. IjXXVI. 11.] [de Salis gift] (Infield, I C XC) [Purchased, 1904] [PI. liXXVI. 12.] (In field, fC XC) [PI. LXXVI. 13.] [Northwick sale, 1860] Bust of Christ, bearded, facing, r. hand in blessing ; in 1. book of Gospels ; wears nimbus cr. and drapery. In field, \C and XC. Border.' (In field, fC XfC] C [n])^ [de Salis gift] [PI. IiXXVII. 1.] ' A nearly similar form of the letter occurs on the seal of John VIII, Palaeologus: see Schlumberger, Melanges d'arch. hi/z., i, PI. X. 4. ■' Cp. Moustier Cat, No. 4163. ^ Cp. Sabatier, PI. 63, 12, 14, 16, 17. * C n occur also on a silver coin of John VIII. inft-a, p. 641, note. Cp. also No. 2 of Manuel II. supra. 638 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse 12 14-2 M -6 ... [OV€A.?] (Tunic instead of tippet). (Obv. of rude style; [de Salis g-ift] [PI. liXXVII. 2.] perhaps not Imperial) 13 8- M -5 M.^ A (ic xc) [de* Salis g-ift] 1 Bronze On horses, riding- r., the Emperor Manuel II, "^ ' within cir- 1 7^ cl® 5 beyond [nimbate ?] holding- in 1 /^\ which cir- r. , sceptre, and a Saint, cular inscr. nimbate, holding- in r. + HANO. . .[A€C]nOT labarum. IC Whole in border.^ 14 34.6 ^ -75 Bust of Manuel II, beard- ed, facing- ; wears nim- bus and tippet scalloped and ornamented with pellets. Circle of dots, beyond which circle of pellets. Whole in border. [H. P. Borrell sale, 1852, lot 1109] [PL liXXVII. 3.] Saint, nimbate, on horse riding- r. ; in r., sword. Border.* 15 25.5 JE .75 • A Manuel II, boarded, standing- facing-, hold- ing' in r. [cross. ^]; wears [crown], tunic and mantle. Border of dots. [de Salis g-ift] [PI. IiXXVII. 4.] Within oval compart- ment ^, standing- figure of Christ facing-, wear- ing- nimbus cr. and drapery ; r. in bene- diction. In field, IC and XC Border. 16 13- JE .05 [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXVII. 5.] ^ Also two other specimens in the British Museum with barbarous legends ; probably not Imperial (weights 14 and 11 grains). ^ The monogram of the Palaeologi ; cp. Van Millingen, Byz. Constantinople (Walls), p. 113. ' Cp, Sab., ii, p. 243, No. 13, ' Michael VIII ' ; Thomsen Cat., No. 822, Andronicus II ; Berliner Blatter, I, p. 154, Andronicus II and Michael IX. * Cp. the similar types on a silver coin of Manuel II, published, Sabatier, PI. 63, 13 ; de Saulcy, PL 33, 5 ; Photiades Cat., No. 614 ; Hoffmann Cat., No. 2260 ; Koehne's Zeitschri/f, vi (1846), p, 205, Reichel coll, "' As on the Venetian zecchino d'oro and on silver coins of Servia, MANUEL 11, ETC.— BRONZE 639 No. Metal and Size Obverse Reverse (MANUEL II, his wife HELENA (IRENE), and his nephew JOHN VII) circ. A.D. 1400? Inscr. Bust of Manuel II, facing, holding in r., cross; wears crown, nimbus and scalloped tippet. Type within circle of dots. On 1., John VII, on r., Helena, both standing facing, hold- ing between them cross ; each crowned and nim- bate. M Size -8 inch. Bibliotheque nat. PARIS. Pl.LXXVII.e. Cp. de Saulcy, Essai, PI. 33, 6 ; p. 462 == Sab., ii, p. 278, No. 14 ; Photiades Cat, No. 616. The inscr. is very obscure on the Paris coin, de Saulcy read his specimen +fnA TOCBA The John rei3resented may possibly be John VIII the son of Manuel II who was crowned joint Emperor, 19 Jan, 1421. But de Saulcy's view (1. c.) seems preferable, that the coin was struck by John VII when left as regent by his uncle Manuel II, during^ Manuel's absence in Europe, 1400-1402. The quaint group of Manuel II and his family represented in the miniature of the MS. of Dionysius the Areopagite, in the Louvre, and itself originally presented by Manuel to a Frencli monastery is well known : see Du Cange, Gloss., vol. 7, PI. vii ; Bayet, L'art hyz., p. 231. 640 JOHN VIII, Palaeologus 1423—3 Oct. 1448 No. Weight Metal and Size Obverse Reverse CONSTANTINOPLE Silver Bust of John VIII, with Bust of Christ, bearded, pointed beard, facing- ; facing-, r. hand in wears nimbus, helmet- blessing, 1. holding- like crown ornamented book of Gospels ; wears with pellets and tippet nimbus cr. and dra- scalloped and orna- pery. Near the head. mented with pellets. ICandXC. The type The type within a within circle of dots, circle of dots ; beyond beyond which, a border whicli are two circular of stars and pellets. inscriptions divided by Whole in border. a circle of dots. Whole in border. 1 132- Al 1-05 Outside:— +IUDAecnOT ICOnAA€OAO[r]0[C] Inside:— eVXAPITBACI AdCTUUNPUUMAI On r. and 1. of head, star. On r. and 1. of head, star. [Purchased, 1904] 2 128-5 M 1-05 Outside:-[+]IUUAecnO TICOHA Inside:— eVXAPITIBAC lAdLCTUJUPH'eOLI On r. and 1. of head, pellet. [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXVII. 7.] 3 131. M 1.05 Outside:— +...€CnOTI conAA€OAoroc Inside:— eVXAPITIBAC lAdCTOIPajHeUUN On r. and 1. of head, ])ellet. [Sale at Sotheby's, Dec. 20 (&c.), 1852, lot 378] 4 133.8 M 1-1 Outside:— + HC on:AA€OAoroc Inside:— +eVXAPITI BACIAeCTUMPUMeOl/l On r. and 1. of head, l)ellet. [Sale at Sotheby's, Dec. 20(&c.), 1852, lot 379] [PI. LXXVII. 8.] JOHN Vm- SILVER 641 No. Weight 120-2 (uot'n) 123-3 129- 53- 45-6 Metal and Size M 1-1 M 1-05 Al 1-05 M -7 M -8 Obverse Outside: — [....ecnOT HCOnAA Inside:— eVXA PIT I BAC IAd.*TUJN[P]aJM60N Outside:— +eVX A PIT I BACIAdLTOIPUUMIH Inside:— +IUUAZ\€CnO TICOnAAIOAOrOj^ Outside:— [>].?] iUUAecn OTHC.AVTOKrPA?] TOPOn[AA?] Inside:— >!. eVXAPITH BACIA€VTULINPOIVI€ On r. and 1. of head, pellet. Bust of John Vin, facing, with pointed beard ; wears nimbus, crown and tippet scalloped and ornamented with pellets. The type witliin a circle of dots ; beyond, circular in- scription. Whole in border of dots. IUJANHCA€CnOTHCO riAAEOAOr On r. and 1. of head, pellet. + iaJANH AOrOC (Letters smaller than on No. 8). On r. and 1. of head, pellet. Reverse On r, and 1. of head, a kind of lis ornament, [de Salis gift] [Purchased, 1904] [PI. liXXVII. 9.] (Border of stars, instead of stars and pellets). (On cover of Gospel- book, yj [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXVII. 10.] Bust of Christ, facing, as on No. 1. Near the head, \C and XC. The type within circle of dots ; beyond wliich, border of pellets. Whole in border of dots.^ In field, 1., 'I* ; in field, r., . [Purchased, 1904] [PI. LXXVII. 11.] In field, 1., 'I* ; in field, [H. P. BorreU sale, 1852, lot 1028] [PL liXXVII. 12.] ^ Pellets are inserted between several letters of both inscriptions. — The inscriptions on the portions of the fortifications of Constantinople restored by John VIII usuallj- i-uni-IUL) €N XUU AVTOKPATOPOC TOV nAAAIOAOrOV (Van Millingen, Bi/z. Const. (Walls), pp. 104-107). In another inscr. we have mCTOC BACIA6VC KAI AVTOKPATUUP PUUMAIUUN &c. (Van Millingen, p. 126). The form )\ for A is found, as on some of the coins. 2 The specimen figured in de Saulcy, Essai, PI. 33, 7 ; cp. Sab., ii, p. 282, No. 3, has in field of rev. the letters C and fl, which Grote (cited by de Saulcy, Essai, p. 468) has interpreted o-cofotj lla\ai6\oyov. The same letters occur on a coin of Manuel II, supra, p. 637, No. 11. II u u 642 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Weight Metal and Size 17.2 M .65 125 (clipped) ill .6 11-8 ^ 55 7.3 ^ .55 10-4 JE .6 11.4 JE .6 132 M .55 14.4 JE .55 6. JE .55 Obverse +iuuAecnoTionAAio AOrOC Bust of John Vni, with pointed beard, facing ; wears crown and tippet scalloped and orna- mented with pellets. (Inscr. obscure) [de Salis gift] Reverse Bust of Christ, facing-, as on No. 1. In field, IC andXC. [Border partly obscure] [F. Parkes Weber gift, 1906] [PI. liXXVII. 13.] Bronze Inscr. John "ST^II, beard- ed, standing facing ; wears crown, mantle and tunic, and holds in r., cross. I UU A A (Type rude) n (?) K^l I lUU lUU A (Without inscr.) Type rude. I UL) A N Within oval frame, figure of Christ standing facing ; r. in blessing ; in 1., book of Gospels. In field, IC and XC and pellets. [de Salis gift] (Without letters infield) ^ [de Salis gift] [de Salis gift] [Pl. liXXvil. 14.] [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXVII. 15.] [de Salis gift] [PI. LXXVII. 16.] (Without letters in field) Type rude. [de Salis gift] ' Type rude.-' ' Nos. 13 and 17 are of barbarous style and perhaps not struck at Constantinople, but the whole series 12-18 is of careless workmanship. ' The reverse is worn and of rude style ; on r. is what appears to be the letter B, but the whole rev. is perhaps only a barbarous rendering of the figure of Christ in the oval compartment. 643 CONSTANTINE XI 1 Nov. 1448-29 May, 1453 No coins known. INDEXES In the following Indexes the Arabic numerals refer to the pages in the Text, and the Roman numerals to pages in the Introduction. The two volumes are paged continuously, volume I ending at page 312 with the reign of Constans II. I. Emperors, Dynasts, etc. II. Mints. III. General Index (Including Types). IV. Remarkable Inscriptions. APPENDICES I. Alphabetical List of Emperors. II. Chronological List of Emperors. TABLES OF Sizes and Weights. INDEX I EMPERORS, DYNASTS, ETC. (See also in Index III) Alexander, son of Basil I, 437, 442, 447-50; xlvi-xlviii. Alexius I, Comnenus, 540-54 ; lix- Ixiii. Alexius II, Comnenus, 582 ; Ixv. Alexius in, Angelus, 599-606 ; Ixvii. Alexius IV, 607 ; Ixvii. Alexius V, 607 ; Ixvii. Anastasia, wife of Tiberius II, 112- 14 ; XX. Anastasia, daughter of Theophilus, 418. Anastasius I, 1-10 ; xiii, xiv. Anastasius 11, Artemius, 360-2 ; xxxv. Andronicus, son of Constantino X, 523, 524. Andronicus I, Comnenus, 582-7 ; Ixv, Ixvi. AndronicusII, Palaeolog-us, the ' Elder ', 613-28 ; Ixix, Ixx. Andronicus III, Palaeolog-us, the ' Younger,' 626-30 ; Ixx. Andronicus IV, 634 ; Ixxi. Anna, daughter of Theophilus, 418. Anna Comnena, Ixi. Artavasdes, 391, 392 ; xxxviii. B Basil I, the Macedonian, 432-43 ; xlv. Basil II, Bulgaroktonos, 469, 471; xlix, li-liii. Basil II and Constantino VIII, 481, 482, 484-90 ; xlix, li-liii. C Christopher, son of Romanus 1, 458-61. Constans II (Constantinus III), 255- 312 ; xxviii, xxix. Constantina, wife of Maurice Tiberius, 158-60; xxii. Constantine, son of Leo V, 409-13 ; xli. Constantino, son of Theophilus, 419- 28 ; xlii, xliii. Constantine, son of Basil I and Maria, 435-43. Constantine, son of Romanus I, 458, 461. Constantine, son of Constantine X, 521-4. Constantine Ducas, son of Michael VII, associated with Alexius I, Ixi. Constantino lU, see Constans 11. Constantine IV, Pogonatus, 255, &c., 313-29 ; xxviii-xxx. Constantine V, Copronymus, 369-90, 392 ; xxxvii, xxxviii. Constantine VI, 393-9 ; xxxviii-xl. Constantine VII, Porphvrogenitus, 445, 446, 451-67 ; xlviii,' xlix. Constantine VIH, 482, 491-3 ; liii. Constantine VIII and Basil II, 481, 482, 484-90 ; xlix, U-Hii. Constantine IX, Monomachus, 483, 499-504 ; Iv, Ivi. Constantine X, Ducas, 483, 514-20 ; Ivii, Iviii. Constantine XI, 643 ; Ixxiii. E Eudocia, first wife of Heraclius, 184. Eudocia Ingerina, second wife of Basil I, 437. Eudocia Makrembolitissa, wife of Con- stantine X, 517-24, 527 ; Iviii. Euphemia, wife of Justin I, xiv n. •648 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS G ■Gregfory the Patrician (a. «. ^47), xxviii n. H Helena (Irene), wife of Manuel II, 639. Heraclius, 184-254 ; xxiii-xxvii. Heraclius, son of Constans II, 255, &c., 313-29 ; xxviii, xxx. Heraclius Constantine, son of Hera- clius, 184, &c. ; xxiv, xxvi, xxvii. Heraclonas (Heraclius), son of Hera- clius, 184, &c. ; xxiv, xxvi, xxvii. Irene of Athens, wife of Leo IV, 397- 400 ; xxxviii-xl. Irene Dukaina, wife of Alexius I, 544. Irene, wife of Andronicus H, 620. Irene (Helena), wife of Manuel II, 639. Isaac I, Comnenus, 483, 511-13 ; Ivii. Isaac II, Angelus, 588-97, 607 ; Ixvi, Ixvii. Isaac Ducas Comnenus, ' Emperor ' in C\^rus, 597 ; Ixvi. J John I, Zimisces, 474-82 ; 1-lii. John II, Comnenus, 544, 555-65 ; Ixiii, Ixiv. John V^ Palaeolog-us, 631, 632 ; Ixx, Ixxi. John VI, Cantacuzenus, 633 ; Ixxi. John VII, nephew of Manuel II, 639 ; Ixxii. John VIII, Palaeolog-us, 640-2 ; Ixxii, Ixxiii. Justin I, 11-24 ; xiv. Justin II, 75-104 ; xviii-xx. Justinian I, 23-74 ; xiv-xviii. Justinian II, 330-45 ; 354-7 ; xxx- xxxiv. Latin Emperors of Constantinople, 607 ; Ixvii, Ixvii i. Leo III, the '■ Isaurian ' (Syrian), 365- ii' XXXV xxxvi Leo iv, the Khazar, 379-88, 393-6 ; xxxviii. Leo V, the Armenian, 409-13 ; xli. Leo VI, the Wise, 437, 440-2, 444-9 ; xlvi, xlvii. Leontia, wife of Phocas, 165, &c. ; xxiii. Leontius, 346 ; xxx. M Mankaphas, Theodore, pretender, Ixvi, Manuel I, Comnenus, 566-81 ; Ixiv, Ixv. Manuel II, Palaeologus, 631, 635-9 ; Ixxii. Maria, wife of Michael VH and of Nicephorus III, 530, 531, 537. Martina, second wife of Heraclius, 184, &c. ; xxiv, xxvi, xxvii. Matthew Cantacuzenus, son of John VI, Ixxi. Maurice Tiberius, 127-61 ; xxi, xxii. Michael I, Rhangabe, 405-8 ; xli, Michael II, the Amorian, 414-17; xli. Michael III, the ' Drunkard,' 420, 421, 428-34 ; xlii-xlv. Michael IV, the Paphlag-onian, 482, 496, 497 ; liv. Michael V, Kalaphates, 498 ; liv. Michael VI, Stratioticus, 483, 509, 510; Ivi. Michael VII, Ducas, 521-4, 529-84 ; lix. Michael VIII, Palaeologus, 608-13; Ixviii, Ixix. Michael IX, 618-25 ; Ixx. N Nicephorus, son of Artavasdes, 391, 392 ; xxxviii. Nicephorus I, 401-4 ; xl. Nicephorus II, Phocas, 471-3 ; xlix, 1. Nicephorus III, Botaniates, 535-8 ; lix. Nicephorus Melissenus, pretender, 539 ; Ix. Philippicus (Bardanes), 358, 359 ; xxxiv. Phocas, 162-83 ; xxii, xxiii. INDEX I— EMPERORS, DYNASTS, ETC. 649 K Romanus I, 453-02 ; xlviii. Roinanus II, 465-9 ; xlix. Romanus III, Arg-yrus, 482, 494, 495 ; liii, liv. Romanus IV, Diog-ene.s, 523-8 ; Iviii, lix. Sophia, wife of Justin. II, 77-96, 99- 102 ; xviii, xix. Stauracius, 402-4 ; xl. Stephen, son of Romanus I, 458, 461. T Thecla, daugliter of Theophilus, 418, 429-31. Theodora, wife of Justinian I, xv. Theodora, daug-liter of Constantine Vm, 483, 505-8 ; liv, Ivi. Theodore Mankaplias, see Mankaphas. Theodosius, son of Maurice Tiberius, 158-60 ; xxii. Theodosius III, of Adramytiuni, 363, 364 ; XXXV. Theophano, widow of Romanus II, 470; xlix. Theophilus, 414-28 ; xli-xliv. Theoi)hylactus, 405-8 ; xli. Tiberius, son of Constans II, 255, «&c., 313-29 ; xxviii, xxx. Tiberius, son of Justinian II, 354-7. Tiberius II, Constantino, 105-26 ; xix, XX. Tiberius III, Apsimarus, 346-53 ; xxxiii. Vitalian, 10 ; xiii. Zoe Carbonopsis, mother of Constan- tine VII, 452. Zoe, daug-hter of Constantine VIU, 499 ; liv-lvi. II 650 INDEX II MINTS (See also Index IV for Mint-names CON, CAR, &g.) Alexandria, 62, 63, 97, 121, 122, 148, 177, 178, 224^9, 287; xvi, xxvi- xxviii, Ixxx ; ci. Antioch, 8, 9, 18-20, 24, 53-61, 91- 6, 116-21, 125, 126, 144-8, 175-7, 223, 224 ; xvi, xxvii, Ixxx ; c. Carthag-e, 21, 63-9, 97-101, 122, 123, 149-52, 160, 178-80, 229-37, 288- 300, 319-23, 336-9, 348 n. ; xvi, xix, xxvi, XXX, xxxiii ; ci. Catina, 69, 152, 153, 180, 237, 301, 426 n. ; cii. Cherson, 43 n., 72 n., 158, 159, 434, 442, 443, 448, 450 n., 457, 458, 464, 467, 469, 473, 479, 490 ; xviii, xxii, xliv, xlv, liii, Ixxxi, ciii. Constantia (Cyprus), 222, 267 ; xxvii. Constantinople, 1-7, 11-16, 23-40,75- 83, 105-12, 126-38, 162-8, 184-212, 255-87, 313-19, 329-35, 346, 347, 354-6, 358-61, 363-8, 378-83, 391, 393-403, 405, 406, 409-11, 414, 415, 418-24, 429-32, 435-41, 444-7, 450, 452-68, 470-9, 484-9, 491- 597, 599-642 ; xxv, xxvi, Iv, Ixvii, Ixviii; xcix. Cyprus, 222, 223, 267, 597, 598 ; ci. Cyzicus, 18, 49-52, 89-91, 115, 126, 141-4, 172-5, 219-21 ; c. Isaura, 221 ; xxvii ; c. Italy, Central and Southern, 329, 342-5, 351, 352, 357, 362, 364, 374-7, 389, 390, 404, 427, 428; xxxi, xxxii ; ciii. N Nicomedia, 7, 8, 17, 18, 24, 44^9, 86-9, 113, 114, 126, 139-41, 170-2, 215-18 ; c. ' Provincial,' 348, 349, 368, 369, 383 - 6, 403, 407, 408, 411-13, 415-17, 424-7, 433, 434, 441, 442 ; xxxiii ; ciii. K Ravenna, 70, 71, 103, 104, 124, 125, 15^7, 181, 182, 244-53, 310, 311, 328, 329, 353, 377 ; xviii, xxxi, xxxvii ; ciii. Rome, 70, 102, 123, 154, 180, 242, 243, 306-10, 326-9, 341, 342, 350, 351, 356, 359, 361, 364, 370-4, 386-9, 392 ; xvii, xxxiv, xxxvii, xl, xc, xci ; cii. Sicilv, 69, 102, 152, 153, 180, 237-42, 301-5, 323-5, 339, 340, 350, 369 n. ; xvii, xxv, xxxiii, xxxiv ; cii. Syracuse, 237, 301, 323-5, 339, 340, 350: cii. Theoupolis, 53, &c. ; .see also Antioch. Thessalonica, 17, 41-3, 84-6, 112, 113, 126, 138, 139, 168-70, 212-15 ; xxi, Ixxx ; xcix. U Uncertain mints of Justinian I, 71-3 ; xviii. G51 INDEX III GENERAL INDEX (INCLUDING TYPES) Abbreviation marks on Byzantine coins, cviii f. Acclamations, 99 n., 332 n. ; xx. Africa, coinage of, xxxiii ; exarch of,xxi. Alexander (brother of Leo YI), stand- ing-, 450 ; chronolog-v of his coins, 44'8, 449 ; with St. Alexander, 450 ; with Leo VI, 437, 442, 447 (busts), 447 (seated) ; reig-n of, xlvii. Alexander, St. , see St. Alexander. Alexandria, see Index 11. Alexius I, bust of, 543, 546-9, 551- 3 ; standing, 540-2, 545, 549, 550 ; seal of, 545 n. ; Ixi ; crowned by the Virgin, 544, 547 n. ; standing with Irene, 544 ; coinage of, Ixi, Ixii, Ixxvii, Ixxxiv ; portrait, Ixi ; reign of, lix-lxiii. Alexius II, standing, 582 ; Ixv. Alexius III, bust of, 605, 606 ; with St. Constantine, 599, 600 (holding cross), 602-4 (holding globus), 600, 601 (holding labarum) ; with St. Demetrius, holding cross or labarum, 601, 602, 605 ; reign of, Ixvii. Alexius IV and Isaac II, 607 ; Ixvii. Alexius V, 607 ; Ixvii. Alloys of bronze coins, Ixxxiv. Anastasia seated with Tiberius 11,112- 14 ; XX. Anastasia and Anna (daughters of Theophilus), busts of, 418 ; xlii, xliv. Anastasius I, bust or head of, 1-9 ; standing, 3 n. ; reign of, xiii ; cur- rency-reform of, xiii; coins of,lxxix; portrait of, Ixxxviii. Anastasius II, bust of, 360-2 ; xxxv. Andronicus (son of Constantine X), 522 n. ; with Michael YII and Constantine, 523, 524. Andronicus, St., see St. Andronicus. Andronicus I, Comnenus, holding labarum and globus, 586 ; crowned bv Christ, 583-6, characteristic beard of, 583 n., 589 n., 618 n.; Ixvi ; reign of, Ixv, Ixvi. Andronicus II, Palaeologus, the ' Elder', standing, 613, 617 ; kneel- ing, crowned or blessed by Christ, 614-16, 620, 621, Ixx ; with Andro- nicus III, 626-8 ; with Michael IX, 621-5 ; kneeling, with Michael IX, and blessed by Christ, 618-20, 622, 624 ; silver coins, Ixxviii ; seraph- type, xcviii ; reign of, Ixix, Ixx. Andronicus III, Palaeologus, the ' Younger ', standing, 630 ; stand- ing with Andronicus II, 626-8 ; with St. Demetrius, 629 ; Ixx. Andronicus IV, standing, 634 ; Ixxi. Anna and Anastasia (daughters of Theophilus), busts of, 418 ; xlii, xliv. Anna Comnena (daughter of Alexi- us I), seals of, Ixi. Anonymous bronze coinage of John I and successors, 476 n. ; discussed, 480-3 ; li, lii ; of Crusaders ?, 554. Antioch, Tyche of, 20, 24 ; blundered coins of, 92 n. ; called Theoupolis, 53 ; xvi : see also Index 11. Arab countermarks, 504, 553 n. ; imita- tions, 205, 254, 267, 274 ; inscrip- tion, 603 ; coins, xxxiii n. Archangel Gabriel, see St. Gabriel. Archangel Michael, see St. Michael. Art of Byzantine coins, Ixxxiv f. ; chief periods, Ixxxvi. Artavasdes, bust of, 391, 392 ; xxxviii. Artemius, see Anastasius II. ' Asper ', Ixiii n. Athens, Byzantine coins found at, 193, 255,^260 ; xxix. 662 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS B Balcony, see Railing-. Bardanes, see Philippicus. Basil I, tlie Macedonian, bust of, 432, 433, 437, 441-3 ; seated, 438 ; standing-, 436 ; with Constantine, 435, 436, 439 (busts), 439, 440 (seated) ; with Leo VI and Constan- tine, 440, 441 (half-length fig-ures) ; reign of, xlv ; seal of, xhr n. ; family of, in art, xlv. Basil II, reign of, lii, liii ; portrait, lii, xcvi n. ; with Constantine ^TLII, xlix, li-liii, 484-7 (busts) ; bronze coinage of, 481 ; with Mcephorus 11 (busts), 471. Belisarius, 25, 67 n. ; xvi, xvii. Beneventum, Dukes of, 343 ; coins of, xxviiin., xxxi, xxxii. Bezants, Ixxiv, Ixxv. Bisante bianco, Ixxiv. Blachernae, see Virgin of Blachernae. Blachernitissa, see Virgin of Blacher- nae. Bokhara, coins from the district of, 128. Book of Gospels, 481. Borders of Byzantine coins, 1, 91 n. Branch, 339, 340. Bronze Byzantine coinage, Ixxviii f. ; anonymous, of John I and suc- cessors, 476 n. ; discussed, 480-3 ; li, lii ; of Crusaders ?, 554. Burgundian imitations, 10, 21, 73. Carthage, 348 n. ; xix, xxvi ; see also Index II. Catina, see Index 11. Chalce, see Christ of Chalce. Cherson, mint, &c., xviii, xliv, liii, and see Index II. Chilperic and Tiberius II, 105 ; xx. Christ, bust of, bearded, 331-6, 341- 3, 345, 354-6, 430, 431, 435, 462, 465, 471, 472, 474-9, 484-9, 491-3, 495-500, 503-5, 511, 513, 519, 520, 526-30, 533-5, 543, 546-8, 562, 563, 565, 601, 602, 627, 631, 636-8, 640-2 ; xliv ; bust of, beardless, 566-9, 574, 578, 594, 595, 596 n., 602-4, 610 ; figure of, seated, 436, 445, 450, 452-4, 459, 494, 501, 502, 509, 510, 512, 514^7, 521, 529, 532, 536, 537, 540-6. 547 n., 549, 555- 62, 570, 571, 575, 576, 585, 591 n., 594, 600, 601, 612, 622, 626, 629, 634 ; seated, with iSt. Michael and Michael VIII, 608-10; figure of, standing, 506, 517-19, 538, 545, 549, 550, 564, 572, 573, 577 ; stand- ing (half-length), 507, 508; standing within oval frame, 638, 642 ; stand- ing crowning or blessing Romanus I, 459, 460, Romanus IV and Eudocia, 523, 524; Iviii, John II, 544, Manuel I, 574, Andronicus I, 583- 6, Andronicus II, 614-16, 620, 621, Andronicus II and Michael IX, 618-20, 622, 624; of Chalce, 545 n., 599, 600 ; Ivi ; figure of Infant, held by the Virgin, 525 ; see also Virgin holding medallion of Infant Christ; first appearance of head, 330 n. 1 ; name of, as graffito, 352 ; rej^resentation of head of, xcii, xciv ; represented seated, xciv. Christian monogram, see Monogram. Christopher, bust of, with Romanus I, 459; with Constantine VII, 459, 460 ; reign of, xlviii. Chronology, see Dates. Coins, Byzantine, careless execution of, xciin. ; periods of issue, Ixxxvi. Concave coins, see Scyphate coins. Constans II (Constantine III), bust of, 255-8, 262-4, 266, 267, 277, 283, 286, 288, 289-94, 296-8, 300-2, 305, 307-10; bust of, with Con- stantine IV, 259-61, 264-6, 289, 291, 292, 299, 300, 306, 308, 309, 311 ; standing, holding cross and globus, 268-76 ; standing, holding- long cross, 279-83 ; with long beard, standing, 302, 303 ; stand- ing, with Constantine IV, 277-9, 285-7, 295, 303, 304; reign of, xxviii, xxix ; name of, xxvii n. ; bronze coinage of, Ixxxii ; dated coins of, cxi ; portrait of, Ixxxix, xc. Constantia : see Index II. Constantina(wife of MauriceTiberius), bust of, 160; standing, with Maurice Tiberius, 159 ; xxii. Constantine III, see Constans II. Constantine IV, Pogonatus, bust of, 313-29 ; bust of, with bust of Constans II, 259-61, 264-6, 289, 291, 292, 299, 300, 306, 308, 309, 311 ; bust of, Avith busts of Hera- 111. GENERAL INDEX (INCLUDING TYPES) 653 clius and Tiberius, 283-5, 325 ; standing, with Constans II, 277-9, 285-7, 295, 303, 304; standing, ■with Heraclius and Tiberius, 262, 279-83 ; reign of, xxix, xxx ; bronze coins of, Ixxxii ; dated coins of, cxi ; portrait of, xc. Constantine V, Copronymus, bust of, 366-71, 373-6, 378-80, 383, 384, 386-90, 392 ; bust of, and railing, 381 ; bust of, with bust of Leo III, 393-6 ; bust of, with bust of Leo IV, 379, 382, 383, 387, 388 ; bust of, Avith busts of Leo III and Leo IV, 399 ; seated, with Leo IV, 382 ; with Leo III and Leo IV, 397 ; .standing, 369, 384 ; standing, with Leo IV, 385, 386 ; silver coins of, Ixxvii ; bronze coins of, Ixxxiii ; reign of, xxxvi-xxxviii. Constantine VI, bust of, 398, 399; bust of, with bust of Leo IV, 393, 395 ; bust of, with bust of Irene, 397, 399 ; seated, with Leo IV, 394, 396 ; xxxviii-xl. Constantine VII, Porphyrogenitus, bust of, 455, 462-4 ; bust of, with bust of Christopher, 459, 460, of Romanus I, 454, of Romanus II, 465-7, of Zoe, 452, 453 ; standing, with Leo VI, 445, with Romanus 1, 453 ; periods of the reign of, 451 ; xlvii-xlix ; portrait of, xcv. Constantine Vlll, bust of, 491, 492 ; bust of, with bust of Basil II, 484- 7 ; bronze coinage of, 481, 482 ; reign of, liii ; reign of, with Basil II, xlix, li-liii ; portrait of, xcvin. Constantine IX, Monomachus, bust of, 499-502 ; standing, 502 ; bronze coinage of, 483 ; nomismata, Iv ; reign of, liv-lvi ; portrait of, xcvi n. Constantine X, Ducas, bust of, 515, 519, 520 ; standing, 514 ; with Eu- docia, 517-19 ; crowned by the Virgin, 515 ; bronze coinage of, 483 ; reign of, Ivii, Iviii. Constantine XI, 643 ; Ixxiii ; seals of, Ixxiii n. Constantine (son of Leo V), bust of, 409, 411-13 ; bust of, with bust of Leo V, 410-12 ; xli. Constantine (son of Theophilus), bust of, 420, 426, 428; bust of, with bust of Michael II, 419, 420, of Theophilus, 422 ; xlii, xliii. Constantine (son of Basil I), bust of, 441, 442 ; bust of, witli bust of Basil I, 435, 436, 439, of Eudocia, 437 ; half-length figure, witli Leo VI and Basil I, 440, 441. Constantine (son of Romanus I), coins of, 461, 462 ; xlviii. Constantine (son of Constantino X), standing, with Michael VII and Eudocia, 521, 522, Avith Michael VII and Andronicus, 523, 524. Constantine, St., see St. Constantine. Constantinople, view of, 608, 609, 614-16, 618-20, 622, 635; Ixix ; personified, 77, 78 (half-length), 75, 76, 103 (seated) ; xix ; mint of, see Index II. Consular dress, 106, 107. Corsica, xviii. Costume, consular, 106, 107 ; imperial, 330 n., 445, 452 n., 506 n., 621 n. Countermarks, 222, 223, 237-40, 267, 270-87, 553 n. ; xxv. Crescent, 4, 5, 18, 19, i)4r^iS, 482, 492, 493 ; and star, at Aiexandria, xxvi. Cross, 5, 6, 8, 15, 18, 19, 24, 35, 36, 58, 69, 125, 160, 180, 233, 285, 286, 299, 300, 497; also as adjunct symbol or ornament, passi7?i ; in nimbus, 482, 487 ; formed of pellets, 507, 508 ; anchored, 617 ; crosslet, 466, 472, 473, 475, 486, 487, 531, 537; floriate, 442, 443, 448, 457, 458, 464 ; forked, 247, 538, 553 ; patriarchal, 419, 427, 448, 552, 553, 624 ; xciii n. ; pattee, 64, 624, 625, 627 ; pattee, radiate, 622 ; pattee, on globus, 195, 196 ; portable, 629 n. ; potent, 105-7, 122, 124, 129, 130, 149, 151, 156, 164, 185- 90, 193, 194, 225-33, 244-7, 255-66, 288-94, 296-8, 300, 306, 310, 313- 17, 319-21, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333, 334, 336-9, 341, 342-52, 357- 70, 372, 374-7, 380, 387, 38^-91, 394, 395, 398, 401, 406, 409, 410, 414, 421, 431, 432, 438, 446, 460, 461, 462 ; potent, radiate, 628 ; potent, and globus, 107, 150, 151, 292, 293, 315, 322, 333, 338, 347, 349, 359, 361, 363, 367, 388 ; radi- ate, 580, 581 ; with globus, 261-5 ; with globus and pellets, 527, 528 ; jewelled, with globus at extremi- ties, 551, 552 ; with medallion in centre, 461, 472-5 ; conjoined with 654 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE (JOINS K, 389 ; between A and O), 149, '228, 229 ; and palm-branches, 164 ; type of, xxxvi ; introduced by- Tiberius II, xix ; see also Rood, Holy. Crusaders, coins of, 554. Cyprus, coins found in, 267 ; jewellery from, 127 ; mint of, see Index II. Cyzicus, see Index II. D Danish imitations of Bvzantine coins, 487 n., 510. Danishmend dynasty, Ixxiii. Dates of Byzantine coins, ex f. Demetrius, St., see St. Demetrius. Denominations of Byzantine coins, Ixxiv f. Despoina, title of, 507. ' Despotes ', xl. ' Dextera Domini ', see Mauus Dei. Dies, adjustment of, 350 n., 448 n. Double-struck coins, xcvii. E Eagle, xxxiv. Emmanuel, type of, Ixv. Empresses on coins, Ixxxvii. ' Epikombia \ xxxix n. Epirus, despots of, 612 n. Estridsen, Sven, 510, 526. Eudocia (wife of Basil I), bust of, with bust of Constantine, son of Basil I, 437. Eudocia Makrembolitissa (wife of Constantine X), bust of, 527 ; bust of, with bust of Romanus IV, 524 ; standing, with Constantine X, 517- 19, with Michael Yll and Constan- tine, 521, 522; crowned by Christ, witli Romanus IV, 523, 524 ; reign, Iviii. Euphemia (wife of Justin I), xiv n. Exagia, Byzantine, 628 n. Female bust, helmeted, 71 . Fleur de lis, 612 n., 615, 620, 641. Floral ornament, 487. Follis, Ixxviii. Forgeries, 12, 377 n., 383, 386 n., 485 n., 494 n., 530 n. ; Ixiv. Frisia, imitation Bvzantine coins from, 487 n. G Gabriel, St., see St. Gabriel. Gaulish imitations of coins, 104. Gem in nimbus, 482. Genius, winged, and Victory, 2 n. George, St., see St. George. Georgia, imitations of Byzantine coins from, 487 n. ; countermarks of, 504, 533 n. Globule, 460-2, 466, 626. Globus, 316, 317 ; cruciger, 149, 224; and cross, 261 ; and cross pattee, 195, 196 ; and cross potent, 107, 150, 151, 193, 194, 224, 262-5, 292, 293, 315, 322, 333, 338, 347, 349, 359, 361, 363, 367, 368. Gospel-book, 481. Grafati, 352, 556, 560, 561, 599-601. Gregory the Patrician (a.d. 647), coins of, xxviii. H Head-dresses, imperial, 78 n. Helena (Irene, wife of Manuel II) and John Vll, standing, 639. Heraclius, bust of, 184, 185, 193, 194, 196, 197, 211, 214, 215, 219, 220, 224, 227, 229, 232-7, 241, 242, 244- 7, 253 ; bust and "n (counter- marks), 237, 238; bust of, with bust of Heraclius Constnntine, 186- 9, 221, 223-6, 228-33, 239 (counter- marks), 240-5, 248, 251, 252 ; bust of, with busts of Heraclius Constan- tine and Heraclonas, 243, of Hera- clius Constantine and Martina, 249, 252 ; seated, with Heraclius Con- stantine, 195, 196, 246 ; standing, holding cross and globus, 225, 234, 235 ; standing (in long robes) with Heraclius Constantine, 197-202, 212-17, 220 ; standing (in cuirass) with Heraclius Constantine, 202-6, 210-12,248,249,251 ; standing, with Heraclius Constantine and Hera- clonas, 189-92, 196, 209, 210, 250 ; standing, Avith Heraclius Constan- tine and Martina, 206-9, 213, 218, 221-3, 226 ; consular types of, 232 n. ; portrait of, 184 n. ; xxiv, Ixxxix ; silver coins of, Ixxvi; 'hexa- gram ' of, Ixxvi ; bronze coins of, Ixxxii ; reign of, xxiii-xxvii ; mints of, xxvi-xxvii. III. GENERAL INDEX (INCLUDING TYPES) H'j't Heraclius and Tiberius (sons of Con- stans II), busts of, 289, 290, 299, 300, 308, 309, 327, 328; busts of, with bust of Constantine IV, 283-5, 325 ; standing-, 260, 261, 265, 266, 285, 286, 292, 295, 304, 306, 311, 313-24, 326, 329 ; standing-, with Constantine IV, 262, 279-83. Heraclius Constantine, bust of, with bust of Heraclius, 186-9, 221, 223, 224^6, 228-33, 239, 240 (counter- mark), 241-5, 248, 251, 252 ; bust of, with bust of Martina, 233 ; with busts of Heraclius and Heraclonas, 243, of Heraclius and Martina, 249, 252 ; seated, with Heraclius, 195, 196, 246 ; standing-, with Heraclius in cuirass, 202-6, 210-12, 248, 249, 251 ; standing-, with Heraclius in long robes, 197-202, 212-17, 220; standing, with Heraclius and Hera- clonas, 189-92, 196, 209, 210, 250 ; standing, with Heraclius and Mar- tina, 206-9, 213, 218, 221-3, 226 ; reign of, xxvii. Heraclonas, standing, with Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, 189-92, 196, 209, 210, 243, 250 ; reign of, xxvii. Hercules II, King of Georgia, 533 n. Hexagram, 195 ; xxv, Ixxvi. Hispano-Byzantine coins, 73, 128, 161. . . . Holy Rood, see Rood. ' Horseman-device ' (horseman spear- ing enemy), see Shield witli horse- man-device. ' Hypateia', xxxix. Hyperpre, Ixxiv. Iconoclastic movement, xxxv-xxxvi, xxxix, xliv, xciii, xciv. Imitations, barbarous, of Byzantine coins, 487 n., 533 n. Incuse types, 38 n. Indian imitations of Byzantine coins, 74. Inscriptions on Byzantine coins, civ f. ; see also ' metrical inscriptions '. Iota of Justin II, 98 n. Irene (of Athens, wife of Leo IV), bust of, 398-400; with bust of Constantine VI, 397, 399 ; reign of, xxxviii-xl ; portrait of, xciii. Irene Dukaiua, standing, with Alexius I, 544 ; Ixi. Irene (wife of Audronicus II), stand- ing, with Michael IX, 620, 621. Isaac I, Comnenus, standing, 511, 512 ; bronze coinage of, 483 ; with drawn sword, Ivii ; called ' Orthodox ', Ivii ; reign of, Ivi, Ivii. Isaac II, Angelus, half figure of, holding cross and globus, 596 ; holding cross and sword, 597 ; standing, holding cross and sword, 592-6 ; standing, with St. George, 591 ; standing, with St. Michael, holding sword (or labarum), 589, 590, 591 n. ; stand- ing, crowned by St. Michael, 590, 591 n. ; reign of, with Alexius IV, 607 ; reign of, Ixvi, Ixvii. Isaac Ducas Comnenus of Cyprus, coinage of, discussed, 597, 598 ; seal of, 597 ; Ixvi. Isaura, mint of, see Index II. Italian imitations, 21 ; coinage, see in Index H 'Italy, Central and Southern', 'Ravenna', Rome'. J Jewel in nimbus, 495 n. Jewellery, coins used for, 127. John I, Zimisces, bust of, in medallion, 475 ; bust of, with bust of the Virgin, 474, 475 ; bronze coinage of, 476 n., 480-2 ; li, lii ; types of relating to the Virgin, li ; reign of. 1, lii ; portrait of, xcv. John I, despot of Neopatras, 565 n. John II, Comnenus, bust of, 562, 565 ; lialf-length figure, with the Virgin, 556, 557 ; standing, 563-5 ; stand- ing, crowned by Christ, 544, crowned by the Virgin, 555-60 ; standing, with St. George, 561, 562 : reign of, Ixiii, Ixiv. John V, Palaeologus, bust of, witli bust of Manuel II, 631 ; coins attri- buted to, 631, 632 ; seals of, 632 ; Ixx, Ixxi. John VI, Cantacuzenus, 633 ; Ixxi. John VII, standing, with Helena, 639 ; Ixxii. John VIII, Palaeologus, bust of, 640-2 : standing, 642 ; titles of, 641 n. ; seal of, 637 n. ; Ixxii n., Ixxiii. Justin I, bust of, 11-20, 24 ; seated, 23 ; standing, 13, 16 ; semisses and 656 IMPJ':iaAL BYZANTINE COINS treraisses of, 12 u. ; coins of, with Justinian I, 23, 24 ; bronze coins of, Ixxix; reign of, xiv ; portrait of, Ixxxviii. Justin II, bust of, 75-7, 84, 86, 91, 94, 95, 97-9, 102-4 ; bust of, with bust of Sophia, 99-101 ; holding globus with Victory, xix n. ; seated, with Sophia, 77-96, 99-102 ; bronze of, Ixxx ; reign of, xviii-xx ; portrait of, Ixxxviii. Justinian I, bust of, 24-73 ; seated, 23, 54, 55, 58, 60 ; on horse, 25 ; standing, 29 ; gold medallion of, 25 ; xci n. ; coins of, with Justin I, 23, 24 ; bronze coins of, Ixxix, Ixxx ; reign of, xv-xviii ; mints of, xvi- xviii ; Italian coinage of, xvii ; portrait of, Ixxxviii, xc-xcii. Justinian II, bust of, 330-9, 341-5 ; bust of, with bust of Tiberius, 354- 7 ; seated, 340 ; standing, 331-3, 336, 340 ; dated coins of, cxi ; reigns of, xxx-xxxiv. Labarum, 423, 424, 431, 435, 438, 446, 455 n., 491. Latin Emperors of Constantinople, 607 ; supposed coinage of, 554 ; Ixvii, Ixviii. Leo III, the ' Isaurian ', bust of, 365- 81, 383-8, behind railing, 382; bust of, with bust of Constantine V, 393-6 ; with busts of Constantine V and Leo IV, 399 ; seated, with Con- stantine V and Leo IV, 397 ; stand- ing, 369, 384-6 ; and the Virgin, xlvii ; reign of, xxxv-xxxvii ; por- trait of, xciii, xciv. Leo IV, the Khazar, bust of, with bust of Constantine V, 379, 382, 383, 387, 388 ; with bust of Constantine VI, 393, 395 ; with busts of Con- stantine V and Leo III, 399; seated, with Constantine V, 382 ; with Constantine VI, 394, 396 ; with Constantine V and Leo III, 397 ; standing, 384 ; standing, with Con- stantine V, 385, 386 ; reign of, xxxviii. Leo V, the Armenian, bust of, 409- 13 ; with bust of Constantine, 410- 12 ; xli. Leo VI, the Wise, bust of, 444-8; with bust of Alexander, 437, 442. 447 ; half-length figure of, with Basil I and Constantine, 440, 441 ; seated, 446 ; seated, with Alexan- der, 447 ; standing, with Constan- tine VII, 445 ; chronology of the coins of, 448, 449 ; introduces type of Virgin orcuis, xciv ; reign of, xlvi, xlvii ; portrait of, xcv. Leontia, standing, with Phocas, 165. 167, 169, 170, 172-7 ; xxiii. Leontius, reign of, xxx ; seal of, xxx n. Ligatures in Byzantine coin-legends, cix. Lis, tiee Fleur de lis. Lombardic imitations and coins, 104, 126, 161, 183, 254, 312; xxi, xxxii u. Magi and Virgin, 631. Mankaphas, Theodore, Ixvi. Manuel I, Comnenus, bust of, 574, 578-81 ; standing, 566-9 ; standing, holding cross and globus, 576, 578 ; holding cross (or labarum) and mappa, 577 ; holding labarum and globus, 576, 577 ; standing, crowned by Christ, 574 ; crowned by the Virgin, 569, 570, 575, 576 ; standing, with the Virgin, holding cross, 571 ; standing, with St. Demetrius, 573 ; with St. Theodore, holding cross, 572, 573 ; with St. Theodore, holding labarum, 571 ; reign of, Ixiv, Ixv. flannel II, Palaeologus, bust of, 636- 9 ; bust of, with bust of John V, 631 ; on horseback, with Saint, 638 ; standing, 635, 638 ; family of, in art, 639 ; silver coins of, Ixxii, Ixxviii ; reign of, Ixxi, Ixxii. Manus Dei, 387, 474, 475, 485, 486, 496, 509, 540, 541, 556, 557, 566-9, 577, 588-90, 592, 593, 595, 596. Maria (wife of Michael VII and of Nicephorus III), bust of, with Michael VII, 530, 531 ; with Nice- phorus III, 537. Martina, bust of, with bust of Hera- clius Constantine, 233 ; with busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constan- tine, 249, 252 ; standing, with Heraclius and Heraclius Constan- tine, 206-9, 213, 218, 221-3, 226. Matthew, son of John VI, Ixxi, ni. GENER.VL INDEX (INCLUDING TYPES) 657 Mary, the Virgin, see Virgin. Maurice Tiberius, bust of, 128-57 ; seated, 127 ; standing, Mith Con- stantina, 158, 159 ; reign of, xxi, xxii ; family coinage of, xxii ; bronze coins of, Ixxxi ; portrait of, Ixxxviii. Medallion on cross, -with head of Romanus I, 461 ; of Nicephorus II, 472, 473 ; of John I, 475. Medallion of Infant Christ in art, 476. Medallions, gold, 25, 105 ; xviii, xx. Merovingian imitations, 10, 161, 183, 254. Metrical inscriptions on coins, Ivi, lix. Michael I, Rhangabe, bust of, 405, 407, 408; with bust of Theophy- lactus, 406 ; xli. Michael II, the Amorian, bust of, 414- 16, 428 ; with bust of Theophilus, 415, 417 ; of Constantine, 419, 420, 427 ; xli, xliii. Michael III, the Drunkard, bust of, 420, 428, 431-4 ; with bust of Thecla, 429, 430 ; of Theodora, 430 ; xliii- xlv. Michael IV, the Paphlagonian, bust of, 496 ; bronze coinage of, 482 ; reign of, liv ; portrait of, xcvi n. Michael V, Kalaphates, standing, crowned by the Virgin, 498 ; por- trait of, liv, xcvi n. ; reign of, liv. Michael VI, Stratioticus, standing, 509 ; with St. Michael, 509 ; bronze coinage of, 483 ; portrait of, Ivi ; reign of, Ivi. Michael VH, Ducas, bust of, 529, 530, 533, 534 ; with bust of Maria, 530, 531 ; standing, 532 ; with Eudocia and Constantine, 521, 522 ; with Constantine and Andronicus, 523, 524 ; seals of, 529 n. ; portrait of, xcvii ; reign of, lix. Micliael VIII, Palaeologus, standing, holding cross and sword, 612, 613 ; holding labarum and sword, 612 ; holding sword, 611 ; standing, with St. Michael, 611 ; with Christ and St. Michael, 608-10 ; reign of, Ixviii, Ixix, Michael IX, standing, with Andro- nicus II, holding cross, 623 ; holding labarum, 621, 622, 624, 625 ; stand- ing, with Irene, 620, 621 ; kneeling, with Andronicus II, and blessed by Christ, 618-20, 622, 624 ; reign of, Ixx. II Michael, St., see St. Michael. ' Michaelitae ', Ixiii. Miliaresion, Ixi, Ixiii, Ixxvi. Mints, Imperial, enumerated, xcixf. ; table of, civ. Mohammad II, supposed coins of, Ixxiii. .^ Monogram, Christian, see /fs, &c., at end of this Index. Monograms on Byzantine coins, cix ; and see at the end of this Index. N Naples, coins of, xxxiin., xlv. Neopatras, 565 n. Nicaea, coinage of, 610 n., 612 n. ; ' Empire ' of, Ixviii. Nicephorus I, bust of, 401-4 ; xl. Nicephorus II, Phocas, bust of, 473 ; in medallion, 472, 473 ; with bust of Virgin, 472 ; with bust of Basil 11, 471 ; his alleged debasement of the nomisma, 1 ; reign of, xlix, 1 ; por- trait of, xcv. Nicephorus III, Botaniates, bust of, 535 ; with bust of Maria, 537 ; standing, 536, 537 ; name of, on cameo, 537 ; seals of, 536 n., 537 ; portrait of, lix, xcvii ; reign of, lix, Ix. Nicephorus (son of Artavasdes), bust of, 391, 392 ; xxxviii. Nicephorus Melissenus, coin of, 539 ; lix, Ix. Nicomedia, see Index II. Nike, see Victory. Nimbus-ornamentation, 481. Nomisma, the, under Nicephorus II, 1 ; Basil II, lii, liii ; Constantine IX, Iv ; Nicephorus III, lix ; Alexius 1, Ixi-lxiii ; Manuel I, Ixiv ; Isaac II, Ixvi ; Michael VIII, Ixix ; Manuel II, Ixxviii ; flat and scyphate, Iv ; history of, Ixii, Ixxiv, Ixxv. Numerals on Byzantine coins, cix. ' Nummi scyphati,' see Scyphate coins. ' Obryzum ', xcix, c. Offering-coins, 436 n. Officinae, numerals of, 268 ; under Heraclius, 192, 193,230,232 ; Introd. § 5, pp. xcixf. and cix. Yy 658 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS Orb, see Globus. Orontes, river-god, 20, 24. Ostrogothic coins and imitations, 7, 9, 10, 21, 22, 39, 73, 74 ; cii n. Palaeolog-i, monog-ram of tlie, G38 n. Palm, branch of, 265 ; branches of, and cross, 1G4 ; tree, G3, 152, 227, 228 ; wreath, 122, 123. Panagia Blachernitissa, see Virgin of Blachernae. Pellet or pellets, 4-7, 19, 76, 91, 109, 122, 137, 154, 175, 182, 186, 187, 236, 237, 294, 297, 298, 336, 348, 379, 382, 386, 387, 393-7, 399, 402, 407, 409, 412, 417, 419, 427, 430, 432, 437, 442, 447, 457, 458, 464, 482, 569 n., 619, 620, 626, 636, 637, 640, 641. Periods of Byzantine coin-art, Ixxxvi. Persian soldier ? trampled on by Heraclius, 248, 249, 251. Philippicus (Bardanes), bust of, 358, 359 ; reign and coins of, xxxiv. Phocas, bust of, 162-4, 166-82 ; stand- ing, with Leontia, 165, 167, 169, 170, 172-7 ; bronze coins of, Ixxxi ; reign of, xxii, xxiii ; seals of, xxiii ; portrait of, xxii, xxiii, Ixxxviii. Pisano, Vittore, Ixxii, Ixxiii. Portraiture of Byzantine coins, Ixxxivf., Ixxxviif. Precious stone in nimbus, 482, 495 n. ' Provincial ' coinage, see Index II. R Railing, before bust of Constantiue V, 381, 395 n. : before bust of Leo III, 382. Ravenna, Exarch of, xxi ; see also Index II. Restruck coins, 317 n., 481, 518 n.; XXV, xxviii, XXX. Reverse-type twice impressed, 578. ' Romanati ', xxxii n., Ixxiv. Romanus I, bust or head of, 455-7, 462 ; in medallion, 461 ; with bust of Christopher, 459 ; of Constan- tine VII, 454 ; standing, with Constantine VII, 453 ; crowned by Christ, 459, 460 ; xlviii. Romanus 11, bust of, with bust of Constantine VII, 465-7 ; reign of, xlviii, xlix ; portrait of, xcv. Romanus III, Argyrus, standing, crowned by the Virgin, 494, xcvin. ; bronze coinage of, 482 ; types of, relating to the Virgin, liii ; reign of, liii, liv. Romanus IV, Diogenes, bust of, 525, 527 ; with bust of Eudocia, 524 ; standing, 525, 526 ; standing, with Eudocia, crowned by Christ, 523, 524 ; Iviii, xcvii ; portrait of, xcvii ; reign of, Iviii, lix. Rome, coins of, 341 n. ; Papal mint at, xxxii, xxxvii ; see also Index II. Rood, Holy, xxiv, xxv. Russia, imitation-Byzantine coins from, 487 n. Sabatier, J., on Byzantine coins, xi, xii, cxii. St. Alexander, standing, with Em- peror Alexander, 450 ; xlvii, xlviii. St. Andronicus, bust of, 627. St. Constantine, standing, with Alexius III, holding cross, 599, 600 ; globus, 602-4 ; labarum, 600, 601. St. Demetrius, half-length figure of, with Alexius III, holding cross, 605 ; standing, holding cross (or labarum), 601, 602 ; holding spear and shield, 630 ; standing, with Manuel I, 573 ; with Alexius III, 601 ; with Andronicus III, 629 ; in art, 573 n. St. Gabriel, 612 n. St. George, bust of, 574, 579, 587, 605, 606 ; standing, with John II, holding cross, 561, 562 ; holding labarum, 562 ; standing, with Isaac II, holding cross, 591 ; in art, 629 n. ; Ixiv. St. Michael, bust of, 597, 612, 624; standing, holding sceptre, 612 ; holding sceptre and globus, 595 ; standing, with Michael VI, 509 ; standing, crowning Isaac II, 590, 591 n. ; standing, with Isaac II, holding labarum, 591 n.; holding sword, 588-90 ; standing, with Michael VIII, 611 ; with Christ and Michael VIII, 608-10; Ixvin. m. GENERAL INDEX (INCLUDING TYPES) 659 St. Theodore, standing-, with Manuel I, holding- labarum, 571 ; holding- cross, 572, 573 ; on seal of Isaac of Cyprus, 597 ; in art, 629 n. Saint on horseback, 638 ; witli Manuel II, 638. Saints represented on coins, xcvii. Sails, Count J. F. W. de, cxii. Sardinia, xviii, xxxiii, ciii. Saulcy, F. de, cxii. Sceptre ornamented with crosses, 501. Scyphate coins, 441 n., 485 n., 540 n. ; xxxiin., liii, Iv, Ixxiv. Seals, of Emperors, &c., 529 n., 536 n., 545 n., 597, 632, 637 n. ; xxiii,xxxn., xlivn., Ixi, Ixxiin., Ixxiiin. Semissis, weig-ht of, Ixxv. Seraph, head of, 623 ; xcviii. Servia, silver coins of, 638 n. Shield, with horseman device, I n.. 30, 128, 314, 346, &c. Sicily, see Index 11. Siliqua, Ixxvi. Silver Byzantine coins, Ixiii, Ixxv f. Solidi, piece of four, 435. Solidus, see Nomisma. Sophia, bust of, with bust of Justin II, 99-101 ; seated, with Justin II, 77- 96, 99-102 ; xix. ' Soteriki ', xxxii n. Spear-head, 482, 484, 488. Spoleto, Duchy of, xxxii. Star or stars, 1-8, 11-19, 23-30, 35-7, 39, 40, 43, 44, 53-5, 64, 65, 67, 69, 75-7, 90, 96, 102-4, 111, 128, 137, 144, 163, 167, 175, 179, 180-2, 187, 234-7, 242, 247, 271-3, 275, 297, 298, 307, 309, 310, 325, 331, 339, 340, 349, 359 n., 361, 362, 364, 371, 373-5, 377, 387-9, 412, 413, 427, 462, 481, 489, 500, 519, 520, 529, 533-5, 538, 543-6, 556, 566, 575, 588, 593, 599, 601, 604, 626, 636, 637, 640 ; and crescent, at Alex- andria, xxvi. Stauracius, bust of, 402-4 ; xl. Stephen (son of Romanus I), coins of, 461, 462 ; xlviii. Sven Estridsen, 510, 526. Syracuse, see Index II. Syrian imitations of coins, 270. T Tendril ornament, 487-9, 501. • Tetarteron ', 1. Tliecla, bust of, with bust of Michael III, 429, 430 ; with busts of Theo- philus and Theodora, 418 ; xlii, xliv. Theodahat, 74, xci. Theodora (wife of Justinian I), xv. Theodora (wife of Theophilus), bust of, 429, 430 ; with bust of Michael III, 430 ; with busts of Theophilus and Thecla, 418 ; xlii-xliv. Theodora (daug-hter of Constantine VIII), bust of, 505 ; standing, with the Virg-in, 506 ; bronze coinage of, 483 ; portrait of, liv, xcvii ; reign of, liv, Ivi. Theodore, St., see St. Theodore. Theodoric, the Ostrogoth, 10 ; xx n. Theodosius (son of Maurice Tiberius), bust of, 160 ; standing, 158, 159 ; xxii. Theodosius III, bust of, 363, 364; XXXV. Theophano (widow of Romanus II), bust of, 470 ; -xlix. Theophilus, bust (or half-length) of, 414-6, 419, 420, 422-8 ; with bust of Michael II, 415, 417 ; with bust of Constantine, 422 ; with busts of Thecla and Theodora, 418 ; reign of, xli-xliv ; bronze coins of, Ixxxiii ; portrait of, xciii. Theophylactus, bust of, 405, 407, 408; with bust of Michael I, 406 ; xli. Theoupolis, a name of Antioch, 53 ; c- Thessalonica, coin-denominations at, 43 n., Ixxx ; see also Index 11; 'Empire ' of, 613 n., Ixviii. Thomas the Slavonian, xli n. Throne, imperial, 88 n., 90 n., 438 n., 445 n., 446. Tiberius II, Constantine, bust of, 105- 25 ; seated, with Anastasia, 112-14 ; dated coins of, discussed, 125, 126, ex ; reign of, xx ; bronze coins of, Ixxx, Ixxxi ; portrait of, Ixxxviii. Tiberius III, bust of, 346-53 ; xxxiii, xxxiv. Tiberius and Heraclius (sons of Con- stans II), see Heraclius and Tibe- rius. Tiberius (son of Justinian II), bust of, with bust of Justinian II, 354-7 ; xxxiv Tickets of period of John V, 631, 632. ' Toupha ', 25 ; xci. Trebizond, ' Empire ' of, Ixviii. 660 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS Tremissis, weight of, Ixxv. ' Trinity ' of Emperors, xxx. Tyche of Antioch, see Antiocli. Types of Byzantine coins, Ixxxiv f. U Uncertain mints of Justinian I, .see Index II. Uncertain object, near nimbus of the Virg-in, 503, 531. Uncertain pear-shaped ornament, 630, 637. V Vandals, coins of, 21, 74. Venice, coins of, 638 n. ; Ixviii, Ixx, Ixxi, Ixxviii, xcviii. Victory, standing', holding cross or staff, 1, '2, 9, 10, 73 ; standing-, holding* globus with monogram, 26 ; standing, holding cross and globus, 11, 23, 26, 27, 127-9, 154, 155, 162-4, 181, 184; advancing, with wreath and globus, 3, 12, 28, 67, 77, 104, 129, 155, 156, 164, 181, 182 ; seated, inscribing shield, 2, 12, 28, 76, 77, 103 ; seated, with winged Genius, 2 n. ; advancing, with Justinian I, 25 ; crowning Justin II, 75, 76, 91, 94, 95, 103 ; two figures of, supporting shield, 100, 101. Virgin, The, bust of (usually orans\ 444, 445, 470, 503, 506, 509, 515, 527, 537, 539, 565, 579, 586, 596, 605, 617 ; xciv ; bust of, with medallion of the Infant Christ, 476, 524-6, 530, 531, 533, 546, 547, 549, 623 ; bust of, with bust of Nice- phorus II, 472 ; with bust of John I, 474, 475 ; li ; bust of, and Walls of Constantinople, 608, 609, 614-16, 618, 619, 635 ; half-length figure, orans^ 504 ; with John II, holding cross, 556, 557 ; seated, with medal- lion of Infant Christ, 542, 550 n., 563, 573, 576, 577, 583, 588-93, 609-11, 621 ; seated, with the Magi, 631 ; standing, ormis, 502, 516, 532, 584 ; standing, hands raised to Manus Dei, 577 ; standing, holding Infant Christ, 525, 526 ; standing, with medallion of Infant Christ, 547, 584-6, 595, 596; crowning Romanus III, 494 ; liii ; Michael V, 498; Constantine X, 515; Alexius I, 544, 547 n., 555-60 ; Manuel I, 569, 570, 575, 576 ; standing, with Theodora, holding cross, 506 ; standing, with Manuel I, holding cross, 571 ; of Blachernae, 616 n. ; bust, 503, 506, 509; half-length, 504 ; standing, orans, 502, 516 ; orans, in art, 502 n., 503 n. ; xciv n. ; ornament on drapery of, 557 n. ; Hodegetria, lix. Visigothic coins, 10, 21, 73 ; xviii. Vitalian, 10 ; xiii. W Walls of Constantinople, see Constan- tinople, view of. Weights of Byzantine coins, Ixxiv f. Wreath, 3, 7, 10, 63, 64, 69, 71, 74, 98, 102, 122, 124, 138, 141, 149, 154, 156, 160, 178, 182, 232. Zoe, l)ust of, Avitli Constantine VII, 452, 453 ; liv. 1^ ■/ MARKS OF VALUE D, 43. r, 43, 63. A, 43, 159. €, 7, 9, 16, 20, 22, 24, 39, 40, 52, 68, 72,73, 138, 151, 180, 319 n. €,40. H, 111, 112, 168. V, 10, 22, 152, 180, 237, 242. S, 63, 227, 228. H,42, 158, 159. III. GENERAL INDEX 1 , 5, 6, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20, 37-^9, 48, 49, 60, 61, 68, 86, 95, 96, 98, 101, 111, 120, 125, 137, 143, 144, 147, 148, 151, 153, 157, 241, 242, 305, 319. sIni, 98. X, 67, 69, 97, 98, 102, 111, 120, 121, 152-4, 168, 176, 177, 179, 180. 286, 253, 300, 309, 310. nXm, 236. V V (= 10), 300. IE), 62, 63, 97, 121, 122, 148, 177, 178, 224-7, 287. IS, 41, 42. K, 5, 6, 8, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 35-7, 41, 48, 52, 58, 59, 66, 67, 73, 82-6, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 100, 101, 112, 113, 118, 134-9, 143, 146, 147, 150, 151, 158, 170, 211, 212, 214, 215, 234, 235, 243, 251, 252, 286, 287, 305, 309, 318, 319, 325, 335, 347, 356, 368, 383, 411. XX, 70, 102, 110, 114, 115, 119, 120, 123, 149, 150, 154, 157, 167, 168, 172, 174-6, 179, 182, 235, 242, 243, 252, 296-9, 308, 309, 327, 328. (INCLUDING TYPES) 661 )^, 157. NXXM, 149. A, 210. XXX, no, 114, 115, 118, 389. Af, 62. M, 4-8, 14, 15, 17-19, 24, 29-35, 44-7, 49, 50, 51, 53-7, 64-6, 70, 71, 78-82, 89-94, 99, 107, 108, 116, 117, 130-4, 139-46, 156-9, 196-210, 212, 213, 215-24, 227, 234, 237-40, 248-50, 266, 267, 270-86, 295, 301- 4, 317, 318, 323-5, 329, 335, 339, 340, 347, 350, 353, 355, 356, 359, 368, 369 n., 377, 380-2, 395, 396, 399-401, 406, 410, 411, 415, 417, 422, 426, 433, 434 ; xliii. m, 108, 109, 113, 115-18, 165, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 268-70, 301, 311, 322, 323. XXXX, 149, 166, 168, 171. 173, 174, 234, 250, 296. M, 182. PK, 74. PK€, 74. CN, 21, 74. MONOGRAMS, LETTERS, ETC. PX (Anastasius I), 7. v2^ (Justinian I), 72. t^, 72, 73. W,73 H^,99. ii (Heraclius), 189-93, 195, 205, 209, 210, 250. 'J\ and bust of Heraclius (counter- onarh), 237, 238. K, 207, 209, 221. R , 202-9, 218, 222, 237, 238. "n and oL- (countermark^, 240. HJR (Heraclius), 247. hP (Heraclius), 247. 662 Jc» or J/ (countermark), 222, 223, 267, 270-87, 295, 301-4, 319. X (Constans II), 295, 301-5 ; (Con- stantine IV), 322-5. *, 307. "^ (Justinian II), 339, 340. IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS B K 637. (Tiberius III), 350, 353 n. \Sj (Romanus I), 457. ^vi/^ (Romanus I), 458. (Constantine VII), 467. (Romanus II), 467. (Romanus II), 469. E) (Basil II), 469. |C (Nicepliorus II), 473. /f\ (John I), 479. jK^ (Basil II), 490. AJJLk (Manuel I), 580. j j-^ (monogram of Palaeologi), 638. ^TP (A€o-;r<;r7?s), 473. Ynr (A€o-7ro'rov), 479, 490. A 0), 42, 64, 149, 178, 228, 229. A.f UJ, 178. A (or A) O) and cross, 149, 228, 229. B a, 637. a B and cross, 630 n. ; cp. 629. B a 6 a and cross pattee, 627. B A, 616 n. B X, 616. ^Q^ and cross, 310. C T, 297, 298. r1 =7?, 287. r A, 612. 6 0, 636. Q.AI, 270. e H' 312. K (Constantine V) conjoined with cross, 389. K (uncertain of Justinian I), 71. K C, 320. K >1, 609. K A, 610. C K+N, 307. O Mr, 616. Kff ev, 444, 503, 557, &c. IVP, 555. f?l, 226, 227. N M, 150, 151. 2 Z {graffito), 191. &, 35 n., 59. 6,40. P (uncertain of Justinian I), 71. e (Antioch), 35 n., 59, 94, 95, 118, 119-21, 146, 147, 176, 177. i, 205. -p, 2, 12, 28, 45, 46, 79. ^, 2, 28, 76, 103. K (uncertain of Justinian I), 71. HI. GENERAL INDEX K m, 307. G, 65. SCS 301. -JV-.^ and n (countermark')^ 240. oCL^ {countermart)^ 237-40. SCL, 302-4, 32.3-5, 339, 340, 350, 369. ^, 306. ^, 306. dt, 306, 307, 327. X, 205. $, 326, 327. (INCLUDING TYPES) 663 $k (Phocas), 182. 5|c, 29, 42, 55, 97, 100, 414, 419, 420, 422, 430-2, 637, &c. X, 414, 419, 425, 427. 5^ , 16, 26, 42, 43, 65, 80-3, 90, 107, 123, 134, 1.38, 141, 223, 224, 253. %, 65. ^, 143. ^, 138. K/Ra, 253. 5K-P*, 21. 664 INDEX lY REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS (The forms of the letters are in some cases, for convenience, given conventionally ; a rigid separation between the Greek and Latin legends is often impossible (cp. p. cv, supy^a). For marks of value (rU, N, &c.) and various monograms, see at en N CONSrANriNMS CONSrAN TINH (Constans II and Constantine rV), 291 ; cp. 292. T) N CONSTANHS PP V (Constan- tine IV), 314. "D N CONSrAMS PP (Constantine IV), .315. "D N CONSriN - (Constans II), 260. D N CONTA[N]T (Constans II), 289. T) N CONTANriNI CONSrANr (Constans II and Constantine IV), 306. T) N CONTATINV? (Constans J 1), 29-t. "D N COTATN . PP (Constans 11), 299. •D N CONSrANriNHS C CONSr A NT I (Constans II and Constantine rV), 259. T) N CONSrANriNMS €r CON SrANr PP AM (Constans 11 and Constantine IV), 306. D N €RACLIO PP, 235. D N €RACAIO PP A, 229. D N 6RACAI0 PP AV, 233. D N €RACLIO CONSVLI BA, 232. D N ERACLIO er €R.A CONS PP A, 229. D N CRACAIO €T eRACAlO CONST PP A, 229. D N FILEPICMS MMLTMS AN, 35cS. D N FIL€PPICMS, &c., 358. "D N FILIPI, &c., 359. ■D N FOCA Ne Pe AV, 175-7. T) N FOC AV N PER. AV, 172. T) N FOCAS P€RP AVC, 162, &c. D N h€RACLI P6R.P AVC, 211, &c. •D N h€RACLIMS PP AVC, 184, &c. D N H6KACLIVS PP AVC, 244. D N ins CHS K€X KeCNANTNIVl, 331 n., 332, 354; 343, R6CMAN TIMM. D N IRACLIVS PP A, 247. D N ISIIVr PP AV (PJioca.s), 177. D N IVIIVNI (Justin 11), 102. D N IVSTIN €T IVSTINIAN PP AVC (Justin I and Justinian I), 23. D N IVSTIN lANMS MMLTMS AN (Justinian 11), 332. T> N IV3TINIANV3 PP A (Jus- tinian 11), 33(). D N IVSTIN IAN VS PP AVC (Jus- tinian 1), 26, &c. D N IMSTINIANMS 6T TlbEMMS PP A[V] (Justinian II and Tiberius), 354. D N IVSTINO ET SOFIE AC (Jus- tin n and Sophia), 99, &c. D N IVSTINVS (Justin II), 77, 78. D N IVSTINVS PP AVC (Justin I), 11, &c. ; (Justin II), 75, &c. [D N] L€0 PGKP€TM[MS] (Leo III), _370. -ON nriAMri CNPAMT (Maurice Ti- berius), 144, &c. D N mAVRC Tib PP AVC, 127, &c. D N fDAVRI PP AVC (Maurice Ti- berius), 129. D N mAVKIC PP AVCAVC (Maurice Tiberius and family), 159, 160 n. D N mAVRIC (ornriAVRC) Tlb€K PP AVC, 131, 132. D N mAVKICI (Maurice Tiberius), 152. D N mAVKICI PeKPP A (Maurice Tiberius), 140 ; cp. 131, 135, 144. D N MAVKIT PP AVr (Maurice Tiberius), 150. T) N TATIO, &c. (Tiberius 11), 116. D N TeODOSIVS PP A (Tlieodosius, son of Maurice Tiberius), 160. •D N rneO'DOSIMS MHL a (Tlieo- dosius 111), 363. D N TIB MAVRICIVS PP A (Maurice Tiberius), 151. D N Tlb€K mAVRC, &c. (Maurice Tiberius), 131. D N Tlb€R. nnAVR PP AVI (Maurice Tiberius), 130, &c. 668 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS D N Tlb€RI PP AVC (Maurice Ti- berius), 129, 130. X)NO (^ = domino)^ 366 n. DNO ARTAHASTDO, 392. DNO CONSTANTINHS (Constan- tine V), 37]. DNO CONTANTI (Constantine V), 386, 387. DNO CONTANTINM (Constantine V), 392. X)NO L€ON P A MHL (Leo III), 366, 368. DNO L€ PA MHL (Leo III), 386, 387. DNO NICIFOKO, 392. DO N h€R.ACL € hRA (Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine), 221. DO N 2 VCC (Constantine IV), 319. ■DOVLO, 419, 427. ■DMLOS, 421. €C ees^EK eeoY, 380; cp. 419 n., 421. [€RAC]AIIS, 233. €RACAIO CONSVAI, 232, 235-7. eVDOCIA (wife of Basil I), 437. eVSeV, 460, 461, 466, 472, 475. cVSebHS ; eVSebIS, 446. FELIX CAKTA, 13 n., 21. FELIX CAKTHACO, xx. FELIX RESPVBL, 21, 98; xx. FELIX KOMA, xxn. F O CA, 179, 180. CLORIA ROMANORVM, 3, 13, 25, 29, 105. O n+R., xxviii n. € H hS XIS K€X DeSNANTIhim. 506. HTI, 3 n., 63. I mS, 331 n. mS CRISTOS R€X R€"SNANTIHM, 331, 332 ; xlv. IhSMS XRISrOS, 430, 431, 435. IhSMS XKISTMS bASIL€H bASILE^, 476, 487, 492, 495 ; li, lii. IhSMS XKisrns niCA, 380, 391, 394, 398, 401, 406, 409, 432, 438, 446, 460-2, 466, 472, 475. IhSHS XPISrwS NICA, 421, 431, 432. mS XIS R6X R€CNANTmm, 484, 485, 491, 492, 494, 496, 498-501, 509, 511, 512, 515. IhS XIS K€X KeiNANThim, 514. IHS XIS KICX K€CCNANTmim, 521. ms XRS K€X Ke^hAhriHm, 450. IhS XPS K€X R€^NANTIhm, 471, 472, 474, 475, 486. IhS XPS K€X Ke^NANTIHM, 436, 445, 452-4, 459, 465. IMP6RAT/, 432. IND {Indictio\ 150-2. IN N DNI MSKC, &c., 2.30 n. lhP€R COhSi; (Constans II), 266, 267, 277, 301. lOSTVNANOS, &c., 336. IKIhH ArOVSri (Irene), 398. IS^YR, 221. IS XS bASIL€ bASILN, 497, 510, 513, 516. ^U'l (Justin n), 98. IHSriNIANMS P€ AV (Justinian 11), 341. K KAR, m, 99, 100. KART, 64, 65. C K+N (Constans IJ), 307. O KRT^, 149, 179, 234, 235, 322. KTC, 295. L€Oh bASIL/ COhSr/ AV ?] eeUU^ (Thecla, Tlieo- philus, Theodora), 418. eeO'DORA (wife of Theopliilus), 430, 431. eeOTJORA "DeSRVhA (Theodora, wife of Theophilus), 429, 430. eeOAOlPA AVrOVCTA (Theodora, daughter of Constantine VIII), 506. eeOAUUPA AecnOINH, &c. (Theo- dora, daughter of Constantine VIII), 506. e€0AajP0 2 (St. Tlieodore), 572, 573. eeOFAhO AMF (Theoplumo), 470. eeobiL, 416. eeOFIL/ bASIL/, 423. eeoFiLE AV^ovsre sv nicAS, 423, 424 ; xliii. eeOhlLO bA, 415. eeoFiLO -Despr, 414. eeOFILOS, 424. eeobiLos, 416. eeociAos, 425. eeOFILOS bASIL€, 419, 420, 427. eeoFiLOS ec eew Pisros bASiL €HS KOfDAIOh, 421. eeOFILOS •DMLOS XRISrM S PIS rOS €h AVrO bASIL€M ROmAI Oh, 421. 11 eeoFiLos s consrAnrmos "onm xpisrn s Pisrn bASiL KomAio^ (Tlieophilus and Constantine), 421. eeOFILOS S miXAHL €C 06 bASI LIS ROmAIOn (Theophilus and Michael HI), 421. eeoFVLAcros "oespj, 405. eeoToc/ b^He/ nicHF/ -oesp/ (Nicephorus II), 472. eeOTOC bOHB/ lUU ■D€SP(John I), 474. eeOTOC KOfDAhULI ■D€SP(?), 468. e€0[ct) ?] (Theophilus), 418. 960 0V (Theophylactus), 408. eeC (Thessalonica), 212-5. [e]€UJ/ (Theodora, wife of Theophi- lus), 418. eC€ be/ rOIS b/nSI LS^ (John I, &c.), 476. eC€ bOHG^ KOimAhUJ (Romanus III), 494. GKe R/ 6/ KOINCTANTINOJ AEC nOTH TOJ MONOMAX/ (Con- stantine IX), 503. eK€ KOHG, 525, 530. eK€ KOHOe, 516. eke KOHeei (Alexius I), 547 ; (Andronicus I), 584. e"k€ KOHeei eeoAuuPA A€cnoi NH TH nOP(t)VPOr€NN /TO) (Theodora, daughter of Constantine VIII), 506. eke KOHeei kudnctantinuj A€CnOTH TUJ A[5]KA (Constan- tine X), 516. eK6 KOHeei mixaha AecnoTH Till ASKA (Michael VII), 533. eK€ ROHeei ruu cuj aovauu. 532. OKE KO NIKHcDOP CeBACTUJ TUU B0TAN6IAT (Nicephorus III), 537. eKC, 85. ec, 85. eV (Antioch), 59. eV XAPIT, 636 n. eVnOAS, 53, 54. 3 A 674 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS I INA(Indictioii), 302, 303. IS€? (Irene, wife of Andronicus II), 620. ICAAKIOC RACIAeVC PM (Isaac 1), 511. ICAAKIOC A€CnO O AOVKAC (Isaac of Cyprus), 597. ICAAKIOC AecnOTHC (Isaac II), 59G. ICAAKIOC A€CnT (Isaac II), 589. ICAAKIUU A€CnOTH TUU KOMNH NUU (seal of Isaac of Cyprus), 597. iC XC, 477 and later. iC XC nIkA, 507, 551 n., 553. I C XC O eiVlMANSHA, 568. IC XC O XAAKHTHC, Ivi n. lUJAN (John VIII), 642. lUU/Mlh/ €h Xlu AVrOCKAT/ €V S€b/ bASIL€VS RUUm/MUL)/ (John _I), 475. lUU AECnOTH (John II), 555, 562. lUU MCnOTH OD nPVPOr (John II), 559. lUJ MCnOTH OD nP0 (John II), 558. iLu AecnoTH TUU nopovpore NHT (John II), 563 ; cp. 560. lO) A€CnOTHC...^VTOK[PA?]T OP O n[AA.^] (John VIII), 641. luj AecnoTi T nop AA A (Alexius I), 551. C N A (Nicephorus III), 538. KUU, 443 Constantine, son of Basil I ; 458 n., 464 Constantine VII. KUUN RACIA6VC O AOVK (Con- stantine X), 519. KUUN KACA O AOVKAC (Constan- tine X), 514. INDEX IV— REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS 675 KUUN MX ANA (Constantine, Michael YII, and Andronicus, sons of Constantine X), 523. KUJhS (Constantine, son of Eudocia), 521. KUUNS A€Cn (Constantine V), 369, 384. KONTA, KON^AT (St. Constantine), (J02. KOJNCTAN, 267, 275, 276. KUUNCTANTI (St. Constantine), 599. KUUN T ZIK €VZ\K AVfO (Constan- tine X and Eudocia), 517. KUUPP (= KUUNS), 522. KUUT (Constantine VIII), 490. A A, 375 Leo III; 411, 412 Leo V; 477 John I. A A (Leo VI and Alexander), 448. Ae (Leo VI), 448. AeO (Leo V), 412, 413. AEON A€Cn (Leo III), 369, 384-6. AeOJN (Leo IV), 385, 386. AIC[F?]0R08PAh€ (Nicephoms I), 404. AlC IO€2POH6 (Michael III ?), 428. A«K (Leo V and Constantine), 412. AA, see under A. AA A€C, see AA A€C. AhheT€TI, &c. (Constantine IV), 321. M M, 85 Justin II ; := AN, 621 Androni- cus II. m, 493 Constantine VIII. MACP, 227. MAN... [AVTOJKPATOP GV XA PIT O nAA€OAO[rO]C (Manuel 11), 63(5. MAN e€UL) niCTOC B (Manuel II), 636. HANO... [AeCjnOT (Manufl II), 638. MAHO [€N] XO TO 90 HICTOC BA (Manuel II), 637. H^N5. A (Manuel II), 638. MANSHA (Manuel I), 574. MANOUHA BACIA6VC [O HAAJE OAr (Manuel II), 637. MAN5HA A€CnOTHC (Manuel J), 576. MANOVHA AecnOTHC O HOOV POrNsHTOC (Manuel 1), 569. MANOVHA A€CnOTH OD HOPOV POreNNHTUL) (Manuel I), 567. MAN6HA AecnOT nAA[l ?]0A0 roc (Manuel II), 635. MAN5HA A€CnOTH TUU HOPOV POr . Nsh5 (Manuel I), 566. MA PI A (wife of Michael ^^I), 530, 531. M B (Michael III and Basil I), 434. Mr, 616. me^AS, 432. meR. OM 'oe'DoiAsm o eis se €l nizuuh OMC Anor/X, 476. m* en, 444, 503, 557, &c. M e, 504, &c. M ev, 470, 569, &c. [M]IXA (Michael I), 408. miXAH L, 416 Michael II; 433 Michael III ; 619 Michael TS.. miXAHL AVrOCRAr/, 498 Mi- chael V ; 509 Michael YL. miXAHL b (Michael III), 433. miXAHL bA, 407 ^[ichael I ; 415, 416 Michael II. MIXAHA RACIA O A (Michael VII), 529, 533. miXAHL bASILEj (Michael 1), 405. miXAHA bASILe/ (Michael III), 431. miXAHL bASI Lens (Michael II), 414. miXAHL bASILEMS RO) (MichaellV), 496. miXAHL "D6 (Michael I), 407. MIXAHA Al-Cn (Michael IX), 622. miXAHL A€CnOr (Michael VI), 509. 676 IMPERIAL BYZANTINE COINS miXAHL -DeSPOrir (Miclmel ni), 420. miXAHL ec eeM pisrosbASiL€MS K0mA[l]0h (MieJiael 111), 432. mixAHL eeo'DOKA s eecLA ec e^ bASILIS ROfDAIOh (Michael III, Theodora, and Thecla), 431. miXAHL S COhSTAhTinr (Michael II and Constantine), 419. miXAHL S eeCLA (Michael 111 and Thecla), 429, 430. miXAHL S e€OT)ORA (Michael III and Tlieodora), 430. miXAHL S eeOF^ (Michael I and Theophylact), 406. miXAHL S e€Ob (Michael 11 and Theophilas), 417. miXAHL S eeOFILOS (Michael il and Theophilus), 415. miXAHL s eeoFVLAcre ec e bASILIS KOfDAIOh (Michael I and Theophylact), 406. miXAHL S MAPIA (Michael VII and Maria), 530. MIXAHL KAI MAPIA niCTOI KACIAeiC PUUMAIUUN (Micliael VII and Maria), 531. miXAHL Pisros me^AS bASiLess KOmAIOh (Michael III), 432. MIX b (Michael III), 434. MIX eVAK KUUhS (Micliael VII, Eudocia and Constantine), 521. MONOMAXON (Constantine IX), _502; MO NO MAX/, 503. IVP, 555. MX (Michael VII), 523. N h (John I), 477. neOS, 379, 393, 394. NI (Nicomedia), 18, 48, 88, 89. NIC (Nicomedia), 8. NIK (Nicomedia), 45, 48, 49. Ni KA, 527, 551 n. hi CAS, 423, 424. [NIKATe], 537. NIKH (XJcephorus I), 403. mcHp/ en eeuu bASiLevs kuu mAIUUN (Xicephorus 11), 473. hiCHF' en xo) AvrocRAJ/ evseb^ bASiLevs Kuum/Muj/ (Nicephoriis 11), 473. hICHFOP/ Ce b[A]SIL/ AU^^ b K^ (Nicephorus II and Basil II), 471. NIKHP Aecn TOJ ROTANIATH (Nicephorus 111), 536. NIKH+OP/ KAI BACIA AVr^ KP (Nicephorus 11 and Basil II), 471. NIKM (Nicomedia), 17, 44. NIKO (Nicomedia), 44-7, 86-8, 113, 114, 139-41, 170-2, 215-18. NIKOH (Nicomedia), 17. N I KOMI (Nicomedia), 7. NOn, 229. O O AFHOC ANAPOMIKOC (St. Andronicus), 627. O AflOj ZHIVHTPO5 (St. Deme- trius), 630. O AnOC AH Ml (retrograde) (St. Demetrius), 605. O An* J, 587. API 2 M/KO, &c. (St. Michael), 612. OBV, 227. 01 AH, 225. O reUJPriOC (St. George), 562. O eMMANSHA, 594, 595. O KOJNUIA (St. Constantine), 600. O KOJNCTANTI (St. Constantine), 599. OPeOAOlUU (Isaac 1), 513. INDEX IV— REMARKABLE IXSCRIPTIOXS 677 n HAN, 227, 228; xxvii. n[A]Pe€N6 COI nOAVAINE OC HAn[l]Ke nANTA KATOPeOI, 525, 52G ; Ivi, lix. nHTIAC, 121. nisroi,486; nicToi, 531. niCTOI BA[C]IA€IC, 537. niTATI, &c., 119. niTNOC, &c., IIG. nAA€0 (Pakeolog-us), 609. nt^(?),642. o n (Cherson), 434, 442 ; ciii ; cp. xliv. no H, 229. nOAITIKON, G31, 632. nON or no N, 229; xxvii. nOKFVROV,486n. o R (Antiocli), 35 n., 59. n X (Cherson), 434, 450 ; ciii. nVNOC, &c., 117. PUM, 512. PUUM (Romanus IV), 527. PUUMAN A€Cn (Romanus IV), 527. PUUM AN / AecnOJ/ (RcmanusIV), 525. PUUMAN S eVAUKIA (Romanus IV and Eudocia), 523. C = KAI or et, 484, &c. C = K, see under Greek legends K. C€BACTUU, 537. CNK, 270 n. C n, 636, 637 n., 641. CTAVP (Stauracius), 403. CTAVKACIS Oe8POI€ (Stauracius), 404. CVN€Pr€l, 553. CVPAKOVCI (Syracuse), 340. Y VA. AIA, 178. VOS (vlo^), 393. VOS S €SSOh, 393. VS S €SOh, 393, 394. VS S eSSOh, 393. VS S eSSOh. 393. 0K (Pliocas), 182. -^ i''. J \^ '0 '-43 '^ "^^ Xii'k 20 A' 21 ""^ jj^'cc/.^ ^'^^h JUSTINIAN II. (1st Reign). Italian. TIBERIUS III. CONSTANTINOPLE. PROVINCIAL. SICILY. ROME. ITALIAN. RAVENNA. PI. XLI. ^") -fl 0^$^ 2 1 ^^i^ N • ) ■ . ^ ^ 2; JUSTINIAN II. (2nd Reign). Constantinople, rome. italy. PHILIPPICUS. CONSTANTINOPLE. ROME. ANASTASIUS II. Constantinople, rome. italy. PI. XLII. ^^^^^ 1 : AUTOTYPt. THEODOSIUS III. CONSTANTINOPLE. ITALY. LEO III. CONSTANTINOPLE. PROVINCIAL. ROME. PI. XLIII. w.lli^ ^Mlii^ " 12 LEO HI. ROME. ITALY. RAVENNA. CONSTANTiNE V. Constantinople. PI. XLIV. CONSTANTINE V. Constantinople, provincial. PI. XLV. CONSTANTINE V. rome. italy. ARTAVASDES. Constantinople, rome. LEO IV. CONSTANTINOPLE. PI. XLVI. 10 r-sti N u mi J 1 A ■v'il** 'U 1 5 ^^i00gs^-' mif "^tKB N LEO IV. CONSTANTINOPLE. CONSTANTINE VI. and IRENE. Constantinople. IRENE. NICEPHORUS I. and STAURACIUS. Constantinople, provincial. PI. XLVII. 2 y*?;(? iO; ,ibQ''v i-LrlOii ^liiiddciyd^ijl '^'-l^'^^O^'' hij/lt '.A'jJiJ'Jil'J, luAiOii NICEPHORUS I. and STAURACIUS. Italian. MICHAEL I. and THEOPHYLACTUS. Constantinople, provincial. LEO V. and CONSTANTINE. Constantinople, provincial. PI. XLVIII. y/ !6 a; ^iWM /il^lii MICHAEL II. and THEOPHILUS. Constantinople, provincial. THEOPHILUS. CONSTANTINOPLE. PI. XLIX. '''.^;/^e^J '&^u,'^^ S)]^.-^ ^Ji^ N THEOPHILUS. CONSTANTINOPLE. PROVINCIAL. ITALIAN. MICHAEL III. CONSTANTINOPLE. PI. L. AUTOIVpE MICHAEL III. CONSTANTINOPLE. PROVINCIAL- BASIL I. CONSTANTINOPLE. PI. LI. % BASIL I. CONSTANTINOPLE. PROVINCIAL. CHERSON. LEO Vl. CONSTANTINOPLE. CHERSON. PI. Lll. i»' '-^Va JLiAon .fill J. ^iii ^^y 14 ALEXANDER. CONSTANTINE VII. and ZOE. CONSTANTINE VII. ana ROMANUS I. Constantinople, cherson. PI. Llll. sirt /JAJiUXMy}, ,/►>■/ CONSTANTINE VII. ROMANUS I. and CHRISTOPHER. Period of CONSTANTINE VII. ROMANUS I. STEPHEN and CONSTANTINE. % CONSTANTINE VII. alone. CONSTANTINE VII. and ROMANUS II. PI. LIV. CONSTANTINE VII. and ROMANUS NICEPHORUS II. PHOCAS. JOHN I. ZIMISCES. PI. LV. JOHN I. ZIMISCES. PI, LVI. / j'r'f-y: ^T-FM (m ) BASIL II. and CONSTANTINE VIII. PI. LVII. BASIL II. and CONSTANTINE VIII. CONSTANTINE VIII. (alone). ROMANUS III. PL LVIII MICHAEL IV. MICHAEL V. CONSTANTINE IX. PI. LIX. \ ■-'7t. /£ /E /t 12 '^4 / ^ 10 /£ AUTOTYPE CONSTANTINE IX. PI. LX. THEODORA — MICHAEL VI. ISAAC I. PI. LXI. /Ipf: CONSTANTINE X. - EUDOCIA, MICHAEL Vil. and CONSTANTINE. ROMANUS IV. PI. LXII. ROMANUS IV. MICHAEL VII. ^ PI. LXIII. MICHAEL VII. - NICEPHORUS NICEPHORUS MELISSENUS. PI. LXIV. ALEXIUS PI. LXV. 0t\^''f''' .-V ,./^ ^ AL£XIUS I. PI. LXVI. ALEXIUS 1. — JOHN II. PI. LXVII. JOHN II. PI. LXVIII. 13 JOHN II. — MANUEL I. PI. LXIX. MANUEL PI. LXX. AUTOTTPt MANUEL PI. LXXI. MANUEL I. - ANDRONlCUS I. — ISAAC II. PI. LXXII. ISAAC II. ALEXIUS PI. LXXIII. ALEXIUS PI. LXXIV. MICHAEL VIII. — ANDRONICUS PI. LXXV. ANDRONICUS II. PI. LXXVI. 4:^^J? ■ f'- r": '^r^n-,, > 1 " /> '' ./'< /R ANDRONICUS II. — ANDRONICUS JOHN V. — ANDRONICUS IV. MANUEL II. PI. LXXVIJ. ^^ 14 d? #:# MANUEL II. - JOHN Vill. o«^ H: ?