[House Bill No. 319.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Jan. 3, 1865.— Read first and second times ; continuing special order after last special orders ; to be printed. [By Mr. Miles, Military Committee.] A BILL More effectually to prevent nnd punish Absenteeism and Desertion in the Army. 1 Se(.'tion' 1 . The Congress of the Confederate States of Ame- 2 ric.'i do <'nact, That every General commanding a department or 3 separati' army in the field, is hereby required to drop from the 4 rolls any officer absent, without authority, for a longer period •5 thnii thirty days. 1 Sec. 'J. Ho it further enacted, That any regimental officer, '2 Nvho, in the opinion of the General commanding the department 5 or separate army to which he belongs, shall willfully or care- 4 lessly neglect the comfort and care of his men, or exhibit an 5 undue laxity of discipline, shall be punished by suspending him from his rank and from all pay and allowances for such time, 7 not to exceed three months, as the General commanding the de- 5? paitMient or army may prescribe. 1 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any commissioned officer '2 of the army, who shall knowingly recruit or receive into his 2 3 command any private belonging to another command, or shall, 4 after being informed of the fact, neglect to return such private 5 to his command, or to deliver him up to the proper authorities 6 charged with the arrest of deserters, within the state where such 7 officer may be, shall be dropped from the rolls by the President, 8 upon satisfactory proof that the offence specified in this section 9 has been committed by him. 1 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That any officer, uon-commis- 2 sioned officer or private, who shall desert from the atmy, shall, 3 in addition to the penalties now provided by law, have his name 4 recorded in the Adjutant General's office, upon a separate and 5 distinct roll to be kept for the purpose, copies of which shall 6 be sent, every three months, to the Governors of the respective 7 States and all Generals in command of separate departments or 8 armies in the field.