J/T/T^rrtA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Februnrv 24, 1863.— Filed February 20, 1863. [ Mr. II\KRrs. from Committtee nn Military AflFairi*, ] G. TOCHMAN'S SUGGESTIVE POINTS TO THE MEMORIAL REFERRED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO THE COMMITTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS. Richmond. Va., Feb. 24, 1863. To his Excellency, JtiFFERSON Davis, President of the Confederate States : Sir : I have the honor most respectfully to «nclose, for your can- did perusal, my memorial praying Com ress for some relief to save my honestly earned reputation and character from the stigma of being a pretender, or the charge of incapacity, or of some misdemeanor, to which, the effect of Mr. Walker's having, as you consider, exceeded his authority in dealing with me, subjects me for the remainder of my ^ventful life. My object, in taking the liberty to send you this paper, is to show your Excellency that I do not charge 3'ou with any injus- tice; but setting forth the consequences arising from Mr. Walker's having given me such authority as he did, as it seems without your consent, I only desire to have put the boat, which carries on my earthly existence, in the same stream of honor and honesty, through which I steered it during fifty years of my life, before this unfortu- nate mishap. I hope that you will apprea ate these motives of m}' solicitude, and indulgently accept this respectful expression of the sense of my feelings towards you. I have the honor to remain. Your Excellency's Most obedient servant, G. TOCHMAN. To the HonorahU Committee on Military Affairs, of the House of Bep- representatives, Conftdirate States Congress : Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of th