IZ mo #Z0 Duke University Libraries Amendment of Mr Conf Pam 12mo #20 II* 9 * "*K. HOUSE— September 9, 1862. Ordered to be printed. AMENDMENT OF MR. CHAMBLISS TO THE MILI- TARY BILL. Strike out after the enacting clause and insert : 1 That when the President shall consider an increase of '1 the forces in the field necessary to repel invasions, or for 3 the public safety in the pending war, he is authorized to 4 make a call upon the Governors of the several Confede- 5 rate States for their respective quotas of such desired 6 increase of the force, to serve for three years, or during 7 the war, if it should be sooner ended ; and when they 8 shall be called into service, they shall be assigned to, 9 and form part of, the companies, squadrons, battalions 10 and regiments heretofore laisecl in their respective States 11 and now in the service of the Confederate States ; and 12 the number that may remain from any State, after filling 13 . up existing companies, squadrons, battalions and regi- 11 ments from such State to their maximum legal number, 2 shall be officered according to the laws of the respective 16 States having such residue. 1 Sec. 2. That the persons brought into service by this 2 act shall be assigned to the company from their State, 3 now in the service of the Confederate States, which they 4 may prefer to join, subject to such regulations as the 5 Secretary of War may establish, to secure the filling up 6 of existing companies, squadrons, battalions and regi- 7 mcnts from the respective States : Provided, That no 8 company shall, by reason thereof, be increased beyond its legal maximum number. 1 Sec. 3. That the soldiers brought into service by this 2 act, as well as all who have heretofore enlisted for three 3 years or the war, shall be entitled to the same bounty as I others, according to the act of April 16, 1862. 1 Sec. 4. That persons not liable for duty may be re- 2 ceived as substitutes for those who are, under suchregu- 3 lations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. T±L; Hollinger Corp. pH8.5