DUKE UNIVERSITY LAW LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/journalofconvent01alab / ALABAMA JOURNAL OF CONVENTION I8I9 FAC-SIMILE REPRINT WASHINGTON, D. C. I STATUTE LAW BOOK CO, 1909 JOURNAL OF THE © if OP THE ALABAMA BEGTJX HUNTS VILLE: PRHTTED BY J OHM 3 QARDMJUY. 1819. Photo-facsimile Reprint 57 copies only Statute Law Book Company July, 1909 %JF the C onvention of the Alabama Territory, begun and held at the town of Huntsville cn the fifth clay of July, in the year of our- Lord one thousand right hundred and nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the forty fourth, being the time and place appointed for the meeting of the Convention for the purpose of forming a Constitution and State Government ; By virtue of an act of Congress " Enti- tled an act to enable the people of the Alabama Territory, to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the ad* mission of such State into the Union, on an equal footing with the original States," passed on the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. The following members appeared and took their seats, to wit: From the county of Madison — Clement C.'Clay, John Leigh To-vnes, Henry Chambers* Ismuti Mead* Henry Sfmar 9 Gabri- el Moore, John W Walker, and John M. Taylor. From the county of Monroe — John Murphy, John Watkins* and James Pickens. From the county of Blount — Isaac Brown, John Brown^ and Gabriel Hanby. From the county of Limestone — Thomas Bibb, Beverly Hughes and Nicholas P., Davis From the county of Shelby — George Phillips and Thomas J. Rogers. From the county of Montgomery— John D. Biob, end James W. Armstrong. From the county of Washington — Israel Pickens and Henry Hitchcock. From the county of Tuscaloosa — Marmodukt Williams and John L, TindaL From the county of Lawrence — Arthur F, Hopkins and Dan- iel Wright. From the county of Franklin— Richard EUis and ffUliam Melcalf. From the county of Cotaco — Melkijah Vaughan and Thomas D. CraM. 4 From the county of Clark— Reuben SaffoldSf Jas.M*Go$m* From the county of Cahaba-— Lzfftepage Sims. From tne County of Conecuh*— Samuel Cook. From the county of Dallas- ~ William R King. From the county of Marengo — Washington Thompson* From the county of Marion — John D. Terril. From the county of Lauderdale — Hugh JVTVay. From the county of St. Clair — David Conner. From the county of Autauga— James Jackson. A sufficient number being present to proceed to business ; On motionof Mr. Taylor, Mr. Pickens (of Washington) was called to the chair. On motion of Mr. Taylor Resolved* that this Convention do now proceed to elect a President On motion of Mr Clay Resolved* that tellers be appointed for the purpose of counting the ballots t Whereupon Mr. Clay and Mr Phillips were appointed? and upon counting the ballots it appeared that Mr John W, Walker was unanimously elect- ed, who being conducted to the chair,, returned his acknowl- edgements, and proceeded to t he duties thereof On. motion of Mr. Clay Resolved, that the Convention do now proceed to the election of a Secretary : Mr. Taylor and Mr. M'Vav were appointed tellers ; and upon counting the ballots it appeared that Mr John Campbell was duly elected, where- upon he was notified of his appointment, and entered upon the, dutte$ of his office. On motion of Mr Pickens (of Washington) Resolved, that the Convention do now proceed to the election of a Doorkeep- er, and oti counting the ballots it appeared that Daniel Rather Was duly elected, who entered upon the duties of his office. On motion of Mr. Pickens (of Washington) Resolved, that ft committee of five members be appointed to draft Rules of order and decorum for the Government of this Convention \ whereupon Messrs. Pickens (of Washington,) Minor, Hanhy, Rogers and Moore, were appointed. On motion of Mr. Hitchcock — Resolved, That a Commit- tee of Elections be appointed to consist of five members ; where- upon Messrs. Hitchcock, M'Goffln, Towncs, Ellis and Wil- liams were appointed. On motion of Mr Hitchcock— Resolved* That the rules for the government of the House of Representatives of the Alaba- ma Territory be adopted as the rules for the government of this Convention, so far as they are applicable, until otherwise ordered by the Convention. 5 On motion, ordered that the Convention do now adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Mr Wiggins, a member from the county of Monroe, appear- ed and took, his scat On motion— Resolved* That the Governor of this Territory be admitted to take a seat within the bar of this House. On mot\on-*-Resolved 9 that the President assign to Mr. Boardrnan a seat within the bar of this House, for the purpose of taking down the proceedings thereof. On motion of Mr Mead — Resolved* That a Committee of Accounts he appointed, whereupon the following members were appointed Messrs. Mead, Davis, Crabb,, Wright and M'Vay. On motion* ordered that the Secretary of the Convention* under the direction of the President thereof, be and he is here- by authorised to contract for the Printing ordered by the Con- vention to be done during its session. Mr. Williams offered the following resolution — Resolved* That it be expedient for the Convention at this time to form a Constitution and State Government for the people of the Ala- bama Territory. To which Mr. Clay offered the following addition as an a- mendment, « in conformity with an Act of Congress of the U- nited States, passed on the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, entitled fi * An act to enable the people of the Alabama Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union, on an equal footing with the original states," and The question being taken thereon, it passed in the affinmu tive. The question was then taken upon the resolution as amend- ed, and decided in the affirmative. The ayes and noes being demanded by two members pre- sent: Those who voted in the affirmative were, Mr. President Messrs. Armstrong, Bibb (of Limestone) Bibb, (of Montgom- ery") Brown, Chambers, Clay, Connor, Cook, Crabb, Davis, Ellis, Hanhy, Hitchcock, Hopkins, Hughes. Jackson, King, M'Goffin. M'Vay, Meatf,Metcalf, Minor, Moore, Murphy, Phillips, Pickens, (of Monroe) Pickens, of Washington) Ro- gers, Saflfoid, Sims, Taylor, Terril, • Thompson, Tindal, Townes, Vaughan, Watkins, Wiggins, Williams and Wright No one voting in the negative, the said resolution was u- nanimously adopted. TUESDAY* 6th Jtd$, 1819, LAW LIBRARY 6 On motion of Mr. Clay, — Resolved* That a Committee of — — members be appointed to prepare and report to this Con- vention a plan of a Constitution or form of Government for the State to be formed of the Alabama Territory. And on motion — Resolved, That the Convention do now proceed to the consideration of said Resolution. And unon the question being taken thereon it was determined in the affirmative. And the question being put, will the Convention agree to the said resolution, it was decided in the affirmative. Mr. M*Vay moved that the blank in the said Resolution, be filled with the number twenty-two : which motion war, deci- ded in the negative. Mr Moore moved that the blank he filled with the number twenty : which motion was also decided in the negative. Mr. Clay moved that the blauk he filled with the number fifteen, which motion was decided in the affirmative. Whereupon the following members were appointed in pur- suance of the said resolution, to wit : Messrs. Clay, Pickens (of Washington) Bibb, (of Limestone) King, Taylor, Hitch- cock, Murphy, Chambers, Hopkins, SafFold, Phillips, Wat* kins, Hughes* Bibb (of Montgomery) and Ellis. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn till ten o'clock .to morrow morning. WEDNESDAY, 7th July 1819* The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Toul- min the member from the county of Baldwin, appeared and took his seat Mr. Pickens from the committee appointed to draft Rules of order and decorum for the Government of this Convention, made a report which was received. On motion of Mr. Clay the Convention resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the said report, Mr. Murphy in the chair,and after some time spent therein, Mr President re- sumed the chair and Mr. Murphy reported that the committee had according to order had the said report under consideration and had made several amendments therein with which they desired the concurrence of the Convention. And the questions being taken thereon, they were determin- ed in, the affirmative. The question was then taken on the adoption of said report as amended, and passed in the aQirmaiive. 7 Standing "Rules ot Ox&eT ani OecoTum fox conducting business in the Convention. TOUCHING THE DUTIES OF PRESIDENT. h The President shall take the chair every day, at the hour to which the Convention shall have adjourned, on the preceding day; shail immediately call the members to order, and on the appearance of a quorum, shall cause the journal of the pre- ceding day to he read. 2. He shall preserve order and decorum ; may speak to points of ol der- in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose, and shall decide questions of order subject to an appeal to the Convention by any two members, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once unless by leave of the Convention, He shall rise to put a question, but may state it sitting. S. Questions shall be distinctly put in this form, viz : As ma- ny as are of opinion that Tas the question may be] say, aye ; and after the affirmative voice is expressed, As many as are of the contrary opinion say 9 no. If the President doubts, or a division be called for, the Convention shall divide ; those of the affir- mative of the question shall first rise from their seats, and af- terwards those of the negative. 4. The President shall have a general direction of the Con- vention. He shall have a right to name any member to per- form the duties of the chair, but such substitution shall not ex- tend beyond an adjournment 5. Twelve members shall have power to call a house aud send for absent members. A majority shali be a quorum to transact business, and five members, after the hour of twelve, may ad- journ from day to day. 6. When a member is about to speak, debate, or deliver any matter to the Convention, he shall rise from his scat and res- pectfully address himself to Mr. President 7. If any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgress the rules* the President shali, or any member may call to order, in which case the member so called to order, shali immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the Convention shall, if applied to, decide on the case, but without debate. If the decision be in favor of the member so called to order, he shail be at liberty to proceed ; if otherwise, and the case require it, he shall be liable to the censure of the Convention. 8. When two or more happen to rise at the same tiiae, the President shall name the person who is first to speak. s 9. No member shall speak more than twice to the same ques* tion without leave of the Convention ; nor more than once, un« til every member choosing to speak shall ha\e spoken 10. Whilst the President is putting a question, or addressing the Convention, none shall walk across the room, nor, when a member is speaking, enter on private discourse ; or pass be- tween him and the chair. 1 L Upon calls of the Convention for taking the yeas and nays on any question, the names of the members shall be called alphabetically, and each member shall answer from his seat. 12. Any two members shall have a right to call lor the yeas and nays of any question. 13. When amotion is made and seconded, it shall be stated hy the President, or if in writing shall be read aloud by the Secretary, and every motion shall be reduced to writing, if the President or any member request it. 14. Any member may call for a division of the question when the sense will admit of it 15. Each member shall particularly forbear personal reflec- tions, nor shall any member name another in argument or de- bate. 16. After a motion is stated hy the President, or read by the Secretary, it shall be deemed in possession of the Con- vention, but may be withdrawn at any time before the decision or amendment 17V When a question is under debate no motion shall be re- ceived but to adjourn, to postpone to a day certain, to lie on the table, for the previous question, to postpone indefinitely, to com- mit or amend, which several motions shall have precedence in the order they stand arranged. 18. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate. 19. Tiie previous question shall he in this form, shall the main question be now put It shall only be admitted when de- manded by a majority of the members present, and until it is decided shall preclude all amendments and further debate of the •main question—On a previous question their shall be no debate* 20 in taking the sense of the Convention a majority of the votes of the members present shall govern. 9A. No resolution,section or article in the Constitution shall be finally concluded and agreed upon until* the same shall have been read on three several days, unless a majority of two thirds may think it necessary to dispense with this rule* which vate shall fee decided without debate. 9 22, When any question shall have been decided, it sliall not be reconsidered bat on motion of a member who voted in the majority, provided that if such motion be made after two days from such decision, a majority of the whole Convention shall be necessary to a reconsideration. £3* The Convention shall resolve itself into a committee of the whole when deemed necessary, and when in committee of the whole* shall be. governed by the foregoing rules, except that in committee of the whole any member may speak, as often as he may think proper. 24. The President may appoint committees* unless other- wise directed by the convention. 25. On all questions when the yeas and nay3 are demanded the President shall vote. 26. No member shall absent himself from the service of the Convention unless he have leave* be sick or unable to attend 27. Upon a call of the Convention, the names of the members shall be called over by the Secretary, and the absentees with out leave, noted ; one hour after which, the names of the absen- tees shall again be called over, and those for whom no excuse, or an insufficient excuse is made, may, by order of those pr&* sent if twelve in number, be taken into custody as they appear or may be sent for and taken into custody where to be found. COMMITTEES— THEIR BUTT. 28. It shall he the duty of the committee of elections to exa- mine and report upon the certificates of elections and other credentials of members returned to serve in this Convention, and to take into their consideration ail such petitions and other* matters, touching elections and returns* as shall or may be pre- sented, or come in question and be referred to them by the Convention. 29. No committee snail sit during the sitting of the Conven- tion without special leave. 50. The Secretary of the Convention shall take an oath, to be administered by the President, for the due and faithful dis- charge of the duties of his office to the best of his knowledge & abilities. It shall be his duty to keep and preserve all records and papers introduced and submitted to the consideration of the Convention ; to furnish such papers as may be committed, with the names of the members that compose such committee, to the chairman thereof; and in all things to perform his duty as Secretary of this Convention, under the direction of the President. 51. All questions relating to the priority of business to be acted on shall be decided without debate. 10 On motion ordered that one hundred copies of the foregoing rules be printed for the use of the members' of this Convention. Mr. Toultnin offered the following resolution Resolved* that a committee be appointed to take into consideration and re- port to this Convention, their opinion on the propositions of* fered by the Congress of the United States for their free ac- ceptance or rejection of this Convention in the sixth section of the Act entitled " an act to enable the people of the Alabama Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal foot- ing with the original States." And on motion ordered that said resolution lie upon the ta- ble. Mr. Townes offered the following resolution; Resolved, that the Secretary of this Convention be and he is hereby authori- zed to employ one or two assistants or clerks, to aid him ifi the duties of his office; whoso duties shall commence from and after the instant And on motion ordered that the said resolution lie upon the table. On motion of Mr. Bibb (of Montgomery) Resolved* that the Door keeper be directed to employ in the service of this Con* ven lion a suitable person to aid him in the discharge of his du- ties. And on the question being put, will the Convention now consider the said Resolution, it was determined in the affir- mative. And on the question being put, will the Convention agree to the said resolution. It was passed in the aiHrmative. Mr. Taylor, offered the following resolution ; Recolved, that the Secretary be authorized, under the direction of the Presi- dent to purchase such Stationary, as may be necessary for the use of the Convention during the session. And upon the question being put, will the Convention ■con- sider the said resolution. It was determined in the affirmative. Arid on the question, will the Convention agree to the said resolution. It was passed in the affirmative. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. THUUaDJk f My 8, 181.0. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment Mr. Moore offered the following resolution; Resolved, that Mr. John Campbe!l,Secrctary to this Convention* be nbw qua- lified, in conformity with the rules of order and decorum which have been adopted for the Government of this body. 11 And 07i the question being taken thereon, it passed in tm affirmative,. When the oath was administered by the President in con- formity with the rules aforesaid. On motion of Mr. Clay the resolution offered by Mr. Townes on yesterday, and ordered to lie upon the table : authorizing theSecrctary to employ an assistant &c. was called up and af- ter making some amendments thereto was adopted as follows: Sesalved, that the Secretary of this convention be and he is hereby authorized to employ au assistant clerk to aid him in the duties of his office, whose duties shall commence from and alter the 8th instant On motion of Mr. Clay, the Resolution offe red by Mr. 'Foul- min on yesterday, relative to the propositions contained in the 6th section of the act for the admission of tins Territory • into the Union was called up. And on motion the Convention Resolved itself into a com- mitlee of the whole, on said resolution : Mr Pickens of (Wash- ington)^ the chair, and after sometime spent therein Mr. Pre- sident resumed the chair and Mr. Pickens reported that the committee had according to order,had the said Resolution un- der consideration, and had amended the same by striking out the whole of said resolution after the word Resolved* and in- serting in lieu thereof, the following « That this Convention in behalf of the people of the Alabama Territory do accept of the propositions contained in the 6th section of the act, for the admission of the said Territory into the Union, and on the conditions expressed therein : and that a committee of members be appointed to draft an ordinance conformably to the provisions of said section. With which amendment they asked the concurrence of the Convention. And the question being taken thereon. It passed in the af- firmative. The question was then taken on the adoption of said resolu- tion as amended. It passed in the affirmative. Mr. Moore moved that the Blank in the said resolution oe filled with the word "five." And the question being taken thereon, it passed in the affir- mative. Whereupon the following members were appointed, in pur- suance of said resolution, Messrs. Toul min, Townes, M'Goffin, Rogers and Williams. On motion ordered that tins Convention do now adioura till 10 o'clock on Monday next 12 M ON DAT, July 12, 18i& The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. On motion* ordered that this Convention do now adjourn till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. TUESDAY, July 13, 1819. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment Mr» Hitchcock from the committee of elections made the following report, which was received. The committee of elections to whom was refered the certifi- cates and credentials of the members returned to serve in this Convention, report the following members duly elected. From the county of Madison — Clement C. Clay, John Leigh Townes, Henry Chambers, Lemuel Mead* John W. Walker* Ga- briel Moore, Henry Minor and John M. Taylor. From the county of Blount — John Brown, Isaac Brolvn, and Gabriel Hanby. From the county of Limestone — XAos. Bibb 9 Beverly Hughes, and Nicholas Davis. From tiie county of Shelby — George Phillips and Tfimas JH. Mogers. From the county of Montgomery «~~John D. Bibb and James W. Armstrong. From the county of Washington— Israel Pickens and Henry Hitchcock. From th$ county of Tuskaloosa — Marmadukz Williams ana John h. Tiwdal From the county of Monroe — John Watkins, John Murphy? James Pickens, and Thomas Wiggins. From the county of Lawrence — Arthur F. Hopkins and Dan* iel Wright From the county of FvbnkV\n+r Richard EUis and William. Metcalf. From the county of Cotbcq^Malldjah Vaughan, and Thomas I), Crabb. From the county of Clurk—Heuhm Saffold and Jmnes M*~ Qoffin. From the county of Baldwin — Harry Tflidmin* From the county of C$ih%b2L-~lUt[€pag e Sims* From the county of Conecuh— -Samuel Cook. From the county of D a! fas-— William U. King, From the county of Marengo — Washington Thompson. From the county of Marion — John D Territ From the county of Lauderdale — Hugh M'Vay, From the county of St. Clair — David Conner* From the county of Autauga— James Jackson. 13 Mr. Touimin from the; committee appointed to dr aft an or- dinance, comformably to the conditions, contained in the $th flection. of the act for the admission of this Territory into the Union ; made a report* which was received and read the first time. And on motion ordered that the said report be referred to a committee of the whole and be made the order ot the day for to-morrow, and that fifty copies thereof be printed for the use of the members. Mr. Clay, from the committee appointed to draft a plan of a Constitution or form of Government for the State to be formed of the Alabama Territory, made a report, which was received and read the first time. And on motion of Mr, Clay, ordered that the said report b© referred to a Committee of the whole and.be made the order of the day for Thursday ne^rt Mr. Chambers moved that one hundred copies of the said re- port be printed for the use of the Convention. And the question being taken thereon it was decided in the negative. Mr. Clay moved that seventy -five copies be printed for the use of the Convention. And the question being* taken thereon it was decided in th© affirmative. On motion, ordered that the Convention do now adjourn till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. WEBJSTM SDA T, July 14, 1819. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment Mr. King called for the order of the day on th£ report of the committee appointed to prepare an ordinance, conform?J>ly to the conditions oi the 6th section of the act for the admission of this Territory into the Union. And on motion the Convention resolved itself into a commit- tee of the whole on «»id report — Mr. Pickens (of Washington) in the chair ; and after some time spent therein — Mr. Presi- dent resumed the chair, and Mr. Pickens reported that the Committee had according to order had the said report under consideration, and had amended the same by striking out the preamble and the word therefore, with which amendment they desired the concurrence of the Convention. Oft motion of Mr. King, ordered that the said report and amendment lie upon the table. Mr. Hitchcock ottered the following additional rule for the government of this Convention ; 14 All adjournments shall be to 9 o'clock on the succeeding day. Ariel the question being taken thereon it was decided in the negative. Mr Minor offered the following resolution — Resolved, That a committee of members be appointed, to draw and re- port to this Convention a Memorial to the Congress of the Untied States praying that if the treaty with Spain, made at Washington during the present year, shall be ratified by the Spanish government — so much of the Territory thereby ceded to the United States a3 lies West of the Appatachicola river, may be annexed to the State of Alabama. And the question being taken thereon, it passed an the affir- mative. On motion — Resolved* That the blank in said resolution be filled with the word " five." And the qnestxon being taken thereon, it passed in fcne affir- mative. Whereupon the following members were appointed in pursu- ance of the said resolution, Messrs. Minor, Toulmin, Cook, Terril and Jackson. On motion ordered that when this Convention adjourns, it will adjourn till ten o^clock on Monday next. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn* MONDAY, My 19, 1819, The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Bibb, (of Limestone) moved the reconsideration of the motion made by Mr. Hitchcock on Wednesday last, that the following be added as an additional Rule for the government of this Convention. « All adjournments shall be to 9 o'clock on the succeeding day unless otherwise ordered by the Convention." And the question being taken thereon, it passed in the affir- mative. The question was then taken on the adoption of the said rule and decided in the affirmative. Mr. Tonlmin offered the following resolution— Resolved, That the same record be kept of the proceedings in committee of the whole as it is usual to keep when the President is in the Chair. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. On motion of Mr. Clay, the Convention Resohed itself into a committee of the whole, cn the report of the committee ap- 15 pointed to prepare and report a plan of a Constitution. Mr. King in the Chair— ami alter the some time spent therein Mr. President resumed the chair and Mv. King reported that the committee had according to order* bad the said report under consideration, had made some progress therein, but not having time, to go the same, had directed him to a&k leave to sit ag&rn which was granted On motion of Mr. Townes— ifesoJvec?, That when this Con* vention adjourns, it will adjourn to 4 o'clock this evening. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. 4 o'clock, P, M. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. King the Convention resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the report of the committee ap. pointed to prepare and report a plan of a Constitution ; Mr* Toulmin in the chair, and after some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Toulmin reported that the committee had according to order had the said report under consideration, had made some progress therein hut not having time to go thro' the same, had directed him, to ask leave to art again which was granted. Mr. Mead moved the following resolution — Resolved, That the Secretary, bo directed to have printed for the use of the members, copies of the Journal of the proceedings of this Convention. And the question being taken thereon, it passed in the affirm- ative. On motion of Mr. King, ordered that the said resolution lie upon the table. On motion, ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. TUESDAY July 20, 1819. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. King the Convention again resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the report of the committee appointed, to prepare and report a plan of a Constitution and State Government for the State to ho formed of the Alabama Territory. Mr. Bibb (of Limestone) in the chair, and after sometime spent therein — Mr. President resumed the chair and Mr. Bibb reported, that the committee had according to order had the said report under consideration, had made some pro- gress therein but, not having time to go through the same bad directed him to ask leave to sit again which was granted. On motion of Mi*. Taylor ftesolved* that when this Conven- tion adjourns, it will adjourn till half past three o'clock this evening. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. 16 Half past 3 o'cfock, P. M, The Convention met pursuant to adjournment On motion of Mr. Taylor the Convention resolved itself in- to a committee of the whole to take into consideration the re* port of the committee appointed to prepare and report a plan of a Constitution and State Government* for the State to be formed of the Alabama Territory. Mr Saffold in the chair and after sometime spent therein, Mr President resumed the chair and Mr. Saffold reported that the committee had accor* dine to order had the said report under consideration and had made some progress therein but, not having time to go thro* tiie same had directed him to ask leave to sit again, which was granted. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. WEDNESDAY, July 21, 1819. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment Mr. Mead called up the resolution offered by him on Mon- day last directing the Secretary of this Convention to have printed for the use of the members copies of the Jour* nalsof the proceedings of this Convention. To which Mr, King moved an amendment in the following words : « And copies to be distributed by the Secretary of State anion-; the several counties of the 8tate(according to the law in relation to the distribution of the Journals of the House ol Representatives) 5 retaining copies to be deposited in the Executive office. And the question being taken thereon, it passed in the affir- mative. On motion of Mr. King Resolved, that the first blank in the Resolution be filled with the words " forty-five," the second blank with-the words "five hundred" and the third blank with the words ** twenty-five 99 On motion of Mr King the Convention Resolved itself into a committee of the whole to take into consider ation the repoit of the committee appointed to prepare and report a plan of a Constitution. Mr. Murphy in the chair; and alter sometime spent therein* Mr. President resumed the chair and Mr. Mur- phy reported that the committee had according to order had the said report under consideration, and had made some pro- gress therein but, not having time to go through the same had directed him to ask leave to sit again, which was granted. On motion of Mr. Taylor, Ilesolved, t hat when this Conven- tion adjourns ; It will adjourn till 4 o'clock this evening. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourifc 17 WEDNESDAY^ July 21, 1819.— 4 o'clock P. Jfc The Convention met pursuant to adjournment On motion of Mr. Hughes the Convention resolved itself a- gain into a committee of the whole, on the report of the com- mittee appointed to prepare and report a plan of a Constitu- tion, Mr. Toulmin in the chair, & after some time spent there- in — Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Toulmin re- ported that the committee had according to order had the said report under consideration & had made some progress there- in, but not having time to go through the same had directed him to ask leave to sit again, which was granted. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. THURSDAY July 22, 1319. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Taylor the Convention resolved itself in- tra committee of the whole to take into consideration the re- port of the committee appointed to prepare and report a plan of a Constitution, Mr. King in the chair, And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. The yeas and nays being demanded by two members pre- sent, those who voted in the affirmative, .are Messrs. Crabb, Hanby, M'Vay, Moore, Tirida.l and Williams— 6. Those who voted in the negative, are Mr.' President, Messrs. Armstrong, Bibb (of Limestone) Bibb (of Montgomery) John Brown Isaac Brown, Chambers, Clay, Conner, Cook, Da- vis, Ellis, Garrow, Hitchcock, Hopkins, Jackson, King, M'- Goftin, Minor, Phillips, Pickens (of Monroe) Pickens (of Washington) Rogers, Saffold Sims. Taylor, Terril, Thomp- son, Toulmin, Townes, Vaughan, Watkins, Wiggins, and Wright— 35. i 34 Mr Williams moved to amend the Constitution, by adding totfae General provisions a new section in the following words, "all lands liable to taxation in this State, shall be taxed in pro- portion to v alue 99 And t he question being taken thereon, it *was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Thompson moved to amend the 8th section of the Sche- dule, by striking out in the 11th line the word "one" and in- serting "two" in lieu thereof with a view of giving Marengo county two Representatives instead of one. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. Mt Bibb (of Limestone) moved to amend the 14th section of the 5th article by striking out from the word house in the 7th line to the word pass in the 10th line. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative- Mr. Pickens (of Washington) moved to amend the Consti- tution by adding a new section to the General provisions in the following words. "The General Assembly shall makeprovision by law forob- t&ining correct knowledge of the several objects proper for improvement, in relation to navigable waters, and to the roads in this State ; and for making a systematic and economical ap- plication of the means appropriated to these objects." And the question -being taken thereon it was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Bibb of Montgomery moved to amend the 8th section of the Schedule by striking out the word « two" in the 23d line and inserting «one" in lieu thereof, with a view of taking from the county of Madison one senator. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. M r Cook moved to amend the 28th section of the 3d arti- cle prescribing the place where the next session of the Legis- lature .shall be held by striking out the words, « at the town of ifUntsviHe." And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. Mr Metcalf moved to amend the new section proposed by Mr Williams by adding a proviso, in the following words <* Provided that the General Assembly shall have no power to levy on white polls a tax for county or State purposes" And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative Mr Williams moved to reconsider the amendment proposed by Mr. Crabh to the 8th section of the Schedule (relative to the apportionment of Senatorial representation ) And the question being taken thereon,it was decided in the affirmative. 35 Mr. Crabb then moved to strike out so much of the said section as relates to the senatorial representation and to in. aert in lieu thereof the following; "and each county shall be entitled to one Senator who shall serve for one term.'' And the question being taken on striking out said section, jt was decided in the affirmative. The yeas and nays being demanded by two members pre- sent, these who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arm. strong, Bibb (of Montgomery) John Brown, Isaac Browu, Conuerj Cook, Crabb, Ellis, Garrow, Hanby, Jackson, M'- Goffin, Metcalf, Phillips, Rogers, Sims, Tcrril, Thompson, Tindal, Toulmin, Yaughan, Wiggins, Wright & Willams-24. Those who voted in the negative, are Mr. President, Messrs. Bibb ;of Limestone) Chambers, Clay, Davis, Hitchcock, Hop- kins, Hughes, King, Minor, Moore, Pickens (of Monroe) Pickens (of Washington) Taylor, Townes and Watkins — 16. Mi'. Moore moved to amend the amendment so as to give Madison county two Senators. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. The question was then taken on inserting the words propo- sed by Mr. Crabb, and passed in the affirmative. Mr. Moore moved to add the following new section to come in under the head of general provisions. "Any member of ei- ther house shall have liberty to dissent from and protest a- gainst any act or resolution which he may think injurious to the pubiic or an individual, and have the reasons of his dissent entered on the Journals." And the question being taken there on, it was decided in the affirmative, M r. Toulmin moved to add a new section to the Judicial de- partment, in the following words, " w henever any Judge shall be unable to hold a circuit court by reason of sickness or other disability, the Governor shall have power to issue a temporar ry commission authorizing some other person to preside as Judge at the court or courts at which such Judge may be un- able to attend." And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. Mr. Moore moved to amend the ,12th section of the 3d ar- ticle, providing that Senators shall be elected for three years by striking out the word three and inserting « two " And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. The yeas and nays being demanded by two members pre- sent, those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arm- strong, Crabb, Garrow, Hanby, Jackson, M'Goflin, M'Vay, 36 Metcalf, Moore, Phillips, Pickens (of Monroe) Pickens (of Washington) Saffold, Sims, Terril, Thompson, Tindal, Vaughan, "Wiggins and Williams — 20. Those who voted in the negative, arc Mr. President, Messrs. Bibb (of Limestone) Bibb (of Montgomery) John Riown I- saac Brown, Chambers. Cfay, Cook, Davis, Ellis/Hjtchcock, Hopkins, Hughes, King, Minor, Rogers, Taylor, Toulmin, Townes. Watkins and Wright— 22. Mr. Moore moved to strikeout the 17th section of the 4th article; And the question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. Mr. Moore moved to strike out the word w native,** in tti* 5th section of the 4th article requiring the Governor to he a native citizen of the United States. And tlx? question being taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. The yeas and nays being demanded by two members pre sent, those who voted in the affirmative, arc Messrs. M'Goflin Moore and Rogers— S. Those who voted in the negative, are. Mr. President Messrs. Armstrong, Bibb (of Limestone) Bibb (of Montgomery) John Brown, Isaac Brown, Chambers, Clay, Conner, Cook,Crabb, Ellis, G arrow, Hanby, Hitchcock, Hopkins, Hughes, Jack- son, King, M*Vay, Metcalf. Minor, Phillips, Pickens (of Monroe) Pickens (of Washington) Saffold, Sims, Taylor, Terril, Thompson, Tindal, Townes, Vaughan* Watkins. Wiggins, Wright and Williams— 33. Mr. Bibb, (of Limestone) moved to amend the- 8th section of the Schedule, by striking out (in the 1 0th line) the word "three,*' and inserting the word "four," with a view of giving Limestone county four representatives And the question be- ing taken thereon, it was decided in the negative. On motion ordered that the Constitution be now engrossed for a third reading. On motion of Mr. Clay Resolved, that a committee of three members be appointed to superintend the engrossing of the Constitution, whereupon Messrs. Clay, King and Hitchcock, were appointed. On motion of Mr. Saffold « Resolved," that the Secretary be authorised to employ an additional clerk. On motion of Mr. Taylor Resolved, that when this Conven- tion adjourns, it will adjourn till llo'clork to-morrow morning, On motion ordered tbat the Convention do now adjourn. FKIDJi Y, Jvty SO, 1 8 1 9. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment 37 The Ordinance relative to the conditions contained m ttns 6th section of the act of Congress^ for the admission of this Territory into the Union, waSread a third time and passed. On motion, ordered that the said ordinance bo attached to and be made a part of the Constitution. The memorial to Congress, praying that all that part of Florida winch lies west of the Apatachicola river may be an- nexed to and form a part of the State of Alabama, provided that the late Treaty between Spain and the United State?, re* lative to the cession of the Floridas he ratified, was read a a second time. And on motion ordered that the said memo- rial he now taken as engrossed and read a third time by its title which was done accordingly. The qucstioivwas then ta* ken on its passage, and decided in the affirmative; On motion of Mr Pickens (of Washington) Resolved, that the said memorial be signed by the President and counter, signed by the Secretary of this Convention, and transmitted to the Congress- of the United States. Mr. Bibb (of Montgomery) presented an ordinance estab- lishing places of separate election which Was received an4 read the first time, and on motion the said ordinance was read a second time by its title and ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. On motion, Resolved, thatwhe^ thin Convention adjourns it will adjourn till 4 o'clock this evening. On motion* ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. 4 o'clock P. M The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Pickens (of Washington) the engrossed Constitution was read a third time, and the question being ta- ken on its passage, it was unanimously adopted. On motion of Mr. Pickens (of Washington) ordered that the Constitution be enrolled and that the same committee who su- perintended the engrossing do superintend the enrolling thereof. On motion ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. SATURDAY, Juty SI, 1819, The Convention met pursuant to adjournment On motion of Mr. King Resolved, that an additional mem- ber be appointed to supply the place of Mr. Clay (absent from indisposition) to superintend the enrolling oftiie Constitution; whereupon Mr. Taylor was appointed. Mr. Aing then moved that the committee have permission to attend to the enrolling during the session of the Conven- tion 5 which was granted. 38 On motiort of Mr Bibb (of Montgomery) the ordinance es- tablishing separate places of ejection was t ead a third time and passed. On motion of Mr. B»bb of Montgomery, Resolved, that the said ordinance be considered is enrolled; and that it be signed hy the President and attested by the Secretary, Mr. Pickens (of Washington) offered the following resolu- tion : Resolved that the compensation duo to the members and officers of tins Convention, as well as all other contingent ex- pen ces of the Conventionale paid on the order of the President out of any money in the Treasury. And the question being taken thereon, it was decided ju tbe affirmative. Mr. Pickens (of Washington) offered the following resolu- tion, Resolved, that a copy of the Constitution he prepared un- der the direction of the President and transmitted to the Con- gress of the United States And tin* question being taken thereon, it was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Bibb ^of Montgomery) offered the following resolution. Resolved, that forty-lour copies of the Constitution be printed for the use of the members of this Convention, and that one thousand copies he distributed by the Secretary of State a- inong the several counties according to the temporary appor- tionment of Representative*. And the question being taken thereon, it passed in the affirmative On motion, of Mr. Pickens (of Washington*) Resolved, that ■when this Convention adjourns it will adjourn till 10 o'clock on Monday next. On motion, ordered that the Convention do now adjourn. MOmUY, Mgust 2, 1819. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment Mr. Clay from the committee appointed to superintend the enrolling of the Constitution, reported that the committee had according to order performed that duty, and had dii*ected him to report that the Constitution was duly enrolled. On motion of Mr. Hitchcock, Resolved that the President and members from the several counties, do now sign, and the Secretary attest the same. Whereupon it was signed and attested as follows : J. W. Walker, President of the Convention, and Representative frbm Madison County, Madison Connty. — Clement C. Clay, John Leigh Towncs, Henry Chambers, Lemuel Mead, Henry Minor, Gabriel Moore John M. Taylor, 39 Monroe County. — John Murphy, John Watkins, James Pick- ens, Thomas W iggms. Blount County — Isaac Brown, John Brown, Gabriel Hanby, Mmettcne County — Thomas Bibb, Beverly Hughes, Nich- olas Davis. Shelby County — George Phillips, Thomas Ames Rogers, Montgomery County— John Dandridge Bibb. James W. Armstrong. Baldwin County -—Harry Toulmin. Mobile County — S. H. Garrow. Washington County — Israel Pickens, Henrj Hitchcock. Tuscaloosa County — Marmaduke Williams, John L Tindal, Lawrence County — Arthur F Hopkins, Daniel Wright, Franklin County — William Metcalf, Richard Ellis, Cotaco County — Thomas D. Oabb, Melkijah Vaughan. Clarke County — Reuben Saffold, James Magoffin, Caliawba County. — Littiepage Sims. Conecuh County Samuel Cook, Dallas County — William R King. Marengo County — Washington Thompson. Marion County— John D. Terrii. Lauderdale County —Hugh .M'Yay. St Cl&ir County — David Conner. Jlutauga County. — James Jackson. Attest, John Campbell, Secretary of the Convention. On motion of Mr. King Resolved, that the Secretary of tho Convention be instructed to deposit the enrolled Constitution in the office of the Secretary of $tatc. Mr Pickens (of Washington) offered the following resolu- tion, Resolved, that the thanks ol this Convention be presented to John W. Walker, President thereof, for the dignity, ability and impartiality, with which he has discharged the arduous duties of the chair. And ttie question being taken thereon, by the Secretary, it passed unanimously in the affirmative. Mr. President then rose and delivered the following ad- dress : « Gentlemen! — I receive with lively sensibility this fresh testimonial of your favour: while 1 have life, I shall never cease to cherish a grateful recollection of the uniform kindness and support of this enlightened Convention. It affords me sincere gratification to tind that the manner in which I have been enabled to discharge the duties of the chair, has been sat- isfactory to yon 5 and for the polite and flattering terms in 40 which you hare chosen to express your approbation, I tender you the return of warm and cordial thanks. The subject on which we were called to deli borate was of the tot importance. Out labours are now ai an end. We have given to the State of Alabama a Constitution —not in- deed perfect — not precisely such as any one member of tlhis body or perhaps of any individual of this community, would, unassisted, have framed in his closet. Yet emphatically re- publican and such as gives us a clear and indisputable title, to admission into the great tamily of the Union. If it has some faults, it has at the same time, many excellencies j and for all its defects it carries -within itself the grand corrective of amendment. The people can mould it as they please. It proclaims the great first principles of liberty: It guards the equal rights of all, and some new features of vital interest, seem to prom ise the happiest resnlts, The offspring of mutual concession and compromise, it occupies that middle ground on which a majority was found to unite. In the main we have all approved and signed it Let us hope that it wdl be also ap- proved by the people of Alabama: and that under its auspi- cious influence, they and their posterity, may long be free, prosperous and happy. Accept gentlemen for yourselves individually* my best wish- es for your health, happiness and long continued usefulness." On motion of Mr. Fickens of Washington) ordered that the Convention do now adjourn sine die. Whereupon it was adjourned by the President accordingly. JOHN CAMPBELL, Secretary of the CovDeMion* I Alabama (Ter. ) Convention, 1819 • J ournal , , • L76781 reprint 1909 DATE ISSUED TO J L ?C It!