PERKINS LIBRARY Uulce University Kare Dooka FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries is r AN ASSORTMENT OFOVER 500 COMMERCIAL VIGNETTES ONHAND. No.73iFi isitii Strett 4-^' tJ' EXECTTE CHECK, NOTE & DRAFT- BOOKS, CARDS, CERTIFICATES, DIPLOMAS, SHOW CARDS FOR MANUFACTURER S, VIEWS, ARCH ITECTURAL DRAWINGS, MAPS, PLANS, MUSIC TITLES, BOOK PLATES, E N VE LOPES & LABELS, iX'i ID e (( ffiMMmmiSiB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 77.'. liuiUtii.H ol'our (.tjabliiihmeut , for tJif fyrrt'ert cvcriilmii oftrfry f/i'.sxer, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court in the Eastern District of Louisiana. I> H E F A. O E. Tlie Twelfth Volume of the New Orleans Directory, is now offered to the public ; we trust more com- plete iu all its parts, than any previous number. The principal new feature of this number, is a Directory of the Planters of Louisiana, Arkansas, Missi- sippi and Texas, as far as iuformation could be obtained. A new arrangement with regard to certain firms has also been adopted in this number. Heretofore, we have arranged lirms alphabetically, according to the name of the senior partner, notwithstanding his given name did not appear in the style of the firm. In this number, all firms in which the given name of the senior partner does not appear, are ar- ranged alphabetically according to the style of the firm. A summary of the commercial history of New Orleans, with extended statistical tables running back beyond the beginning of the current century, and closing with a full statement of the commerce and trade of the city for the commercial year just expired, continued ; forming the introductory chapter of this volume, and will be found especially valuable to business men for purposes of reference. The work embraces, besides a general Directory, a full Business Directory ; the names of the individual mem- bers of all leading firms; Street and Levee Guides ; lists of all the public institutions, courts, oflices,etc., with the names of all City, State and Federal Oflicers; the names and locations of the Benevolent and Charitable Associations, with their oflicers, etc.; a list of Churches, with their locations, pastors, etc., and a large amount of other information, valuable not only to business men but to citizens of all classes. The publisher renews his acknowledgments to the citizens generally for l,'.,e readiness and kindness with which they have supijlied the information called for by his canvassers, and for the courtesy which he personally has met at their hands in the prosecution of his work. OMISSIONS, ERRORS AND REMOVALS. Allen J. A. Dr. dentist, 156 Canal Alli-n Sothend, 11 St. Peler, Pontalba bids. Allison Miss & Boudot Madame, schoul, 507 Magazine Arny Louis C. 36 Polymnia Austin Klislia S.jiilol, Constance n. Jackson Barrow R. R. 2 ISouth Bcrgier E. 30 Chart res Bolining F. 79 Common Bonito Frederi<;k, Gravicr c. New Levee Bougeard J. B.&M. F.Michel, shoemakers, 15 Bourbon Royd R. S. merchant. City Hotel Boylan W. G. clerk, 43 Natchez Bnzant A. 186 New Levee Brown Lemuel L. furniture, 42 Chartres Clark Theodore J., Thompson, 36 Camp Clarke, Pratt & Co. {Gen. W. Clarke, G. W. Pratt,) com. mers. 54 Poydras Coniiellin Mary, Carondelefc. Girod Conner J. R. 2 South Corri Henry, Acting Manager St. Charles Tiieatre, d. 194 Baronne Dodge C. S., CarondeJet e. Girod Donnell W. S. d. 175 Esplanade Pick Frederick, 74 Front Levee, d. 3 Foley Jame.s S. 79 Magazine Froh' F. clerk, 264 Conti Garthwaite, Wheeler & Co. (./. C. Gartk- u-aite, H. G. Darcy, W. G, Wheeler,) clothiers, 7 Magazine * Gleason P., Ticasurcr St.Charles Theatre, d. 165 St Charles Goldman Henry, drugs, 33 and 35 Canal FREEMAN & SIMPSON, (Geo. A. Freeman, Thos. M. Simp- son,) Distillers of Pine Whis- keys, Pliofenix Distillery, Schuylkill Eiver, Philadel- phia. 109 South Front street, Philadelphia, and 06 Wall street, New York. Gottschalk & Magner, notaries public, 33 Carondelet Hall&Rodd, 32 Old Levee Hasse Charles, tailor, 91 Common Hunley H. L. 2 South Jacobs Benjamin, engineer, 188 Basin Kane E. Kent, clerk, d. 367 Dryades Kittredge J. furniture, 42 Chartres LAFAYETTE HOTEL, Maga- zine c. Julia Lasch John J. druggist, 346 Carondelet Lehde J. F. 79 Common Leighton & Blanc, ( Chas. Leighton, JamOt Ji. /^/f(nc,jclothiiig, St. Charles c. Canal Neuser Wm. portrait painter, Carondelet c. Girod Place L. H. com. mer. 84 New Levee Quirk John D.G. undertkr.Camp c.Delord Schmidt C. F. &. H. G. importers, Tchou- pitoulas n. Poydras Seiler F. 79 Common Thompson Philip K. book-kpr. 36 Camp EERORS, OMISSIONS, AND TOO LATE FOR INSERTION. ! Allain SoPtliene. 11 St Peter j Avogno Bernard, stock & note broker. 33 CaronJelet Hattell. Daego & Co. wood and sanci, 287 Julia : Uauer F (Jravier I Rostock, Petlee ,V: Tuttle, (J R Rostock, Robert T. I I'cttes. lieo II Tuttle) lol Magazine. See Bos- I tock, T\ittle k Co.'s card, page "0 Itougcard J B & .M F Midiel. Bourbon Hourget A (P Laselle & Co) 39 St Philip Boyd. R L. merchant. City Hotel Bradfi>rd C >I. district attorney. 26 St Charles, d. 309 Caroudelet st Bradford J H. (McKleroy A Bradford) 29 Natchez Rriggs R F. real estate broker, camj). c. Common Rrocard At Foulon, (.\rtliur Brocard, C V Foulon) Not Pub, 71 Royal Rrousseau A & Co, {E Kattelle) carpets. 17 Chartres Br pwn U C. ();»fl-Fittcr, 12o Chartres Burns James Dr. 97 Common Rurritt Francis Mrs. M D, 139 Girod CiWJidavant J A. dentist, T53 Royal CaVaroc C & Co. (Emilc Seignouret) com. mers. and impiu-tcrs of wines. 116 Roval i Cliirke (i \V, coal, lis Common Clarke, Pratt k Co, (C.eo W Clarke, Geo W Pratt) com. nu'rs. .54 Poydras Cochran A F k Hall. (11 S Hall) com. mers. and imps- of Italian produce. 13 New Levee and 11 Ful. ton sts Collins. Carricre k Co, (C C Collins, Oliver Carricre, G 1) Logan) wh. grocers. Old Levee, c. Bienville Constant A A Co. ambrotvpes. 20 and 23 Hospital Cook I'aul, (Ci«.k k O'Bru'u) d. 208 Prytauia Cook Wni li, prcKluce merchant. 05 Poyilras C-ook \Vm II. jr. 6.t Poydras Cromwell J & G, com. "mers. 43 I'nion Croiiks k Co. imps, of liquors. 110 Tchonpitoulas Cuvillier P C, att'y at law, V2A Common D' Thos H. Pr Chiropodist. 44 Uaupliine Delta Daily Office. '.14 Camp iJix Thos i, (late Dix k Rantlett) 67 Tchoupitoulas Dodge C S. Carondelet. c. i.iroil D..WM! Win D, 38 St Charles: d. 4.U Drvades liunu Ballard Rev. P E church. (Md Fellows' Hall Dupare k Fassy Attysand Xots Pubs St Louis n Royal Duval Geo \V. com. mer. and cuitoii fictnr. t).') Gravier Hagan J S Dr, 54 Rampart, d. 2 Eaton k Betterlou. ijobn Eaton. W G Rellerlon) wh. grocers, c. Kullon. C^iinnion and Lew Leveo ICIlis George. biKiks, opp. new C. House i-;spy D, liquors, 1S2 .\ew Levee Fisher & Sharp. (Thos F Fisher, Cha« F Sharp) pro- iliice brokers, 12'.^ Tchoupituulns Foster L M. -^bive deixit. 76 Baronno Froli K, cloik. 2»'4 Conti tjarthwaite, Wheeler Co, (Jeremiiih C Garthwaite, Henry (} Darcy, Wm G Wheeler; ilothing, 7 Magitzine st Ochin A A: Co, (J Claude) cutlon buvers, 2 Caronde- let st \ Goldman A Fendler. jewellers. 161 Canal Gordon W k Co. late Gnrdnn k Foster, ( A II Gordon ) Flour Dealers, IH poyilran Giittschalk k Magner, iiotaries public, 33 Carondelet Green, Crump k Co. (C A Green. Beiy Crump. Ric'd B Randolph, J J Green) com. mers, 153 Gravier st (Jreenleaf .lac r-. .St Charles, c. St Joseph Grittith, J R, Prof at Commercial College Gunuison A N, (Gunnison, Chapman k Co) d. 391 Baronne st Guette Yictorine, pictures and lookiug glasses, 73 Camp st Haase Chas. tailor. 91 Common Hall & Rodd, 6 Front Levee Halo Thon\as. Camp. c. Delord Ilerline .V Montgomery, agency, 9 Camp llill J T, M 1), homoepathic surgeon, 4 Old Magazine .lackson Dr Augustus W, 139 Poydras Johnston k Co, (D C Johnston, Adolphe Barrail) hats and caps, under St Charles Hotel Jones A A Dr. druggist, 114 St Charles Judson & Co, 14 Camp Kelsey & Potter, (J E Kelsey, C E Potter) 59 St Charles st Kuzac John C, book-keeper, d. 379 Julia Lacoste Camille. grocer. 209 Royal Leaumont G. Blacho .V Co. (G Leaumont. .1 E Blache, J Leaumont) atictioneers, 69 Ch.irtres Leeds k Co, (.lohii Leeds, T L Leeds, Charles J Leeds, Edw Grinnell) Foucher. c. Delard Lehdo John F, shoe store. 79 common Leopold Henry H, bill-jioster. 208 Baronne Levy J L, & Simpson, (.M M Simpson) 145 Common Logan G D. (Collins, Cariere k Co) Bienville, c. Old Levee st McKelvy P B Dr, 110 St Charles .McMaster Win. (Marqueze E & Co,) 75 Canal McXivir's .\cademy, (K H McXair) Prytania, c. Cal- liope st Neil k Wnshburn. (G W Neil, R E M'ashburn) piano agents. 36 Natchez Noyes S W. 28 Commercial Place, (late Noyea k Wells) see card. ])age 388 O'Brien P B, Cotton Pickery, 676 Gieatman Palfrey .t Co. ^lio^ers.l 4C. ernmu wall papers, 98 Quu^ and SO Poy- Urat sts( I : Uoder Frank k Co, (The^ilGM' oVlle) Uz1cB J .\d. atVy,atUiw. 5 Com. Plac^; d^5 Pry- tania ^ ) ScVjmidt C F k H (i. importers and agenta T've Cli- quof's Ch.impiigne. 37 Tchonpij^'ulaa Shaw G W .V Co. com. mers. 84 New Ltveo Shannon D W. cn I'resses ... . . x Cotton Seed Oil Factories Courts in New Orleans Crockery Daguerreo and Auibrotypists Dentists .... Directory of Names 471 471 iii 471 472 472 472 472 472 xiii 476 xiii 476 476 476 476 476 476 476 ix 477 . 477 477 27 to 465 Paob. Doors, Sashes and Blinds . . . 477 Dressmaking and Millinery Establish- ments ... ... 477 Drugs and Medicines — Wholesale . 477 Druids xix Dry (roods 477 Engravers 478 Exchange Dealers .... 478 Ferries and Landings ... 17 Firemen's Charitable Association . xiv Fire Department .... xv Fruits 478 Furniture 478 Gas Fitters 478 Gas Light Co _x Gents Furnishing Goods. . . . 479 Gilders and Galvanizers . . . 479 Granite Dealers 479 Grijt and Flour Mill Manufactories 479 Grocers 479 (iun Smiths 480 Guns, Killes and Sporting Appartus . 4!s0 Hair Workers 480 Hardware 480 Hatters • 480 480 . 480 480 . 481 481 . viii . 481 5 481 . 482 482 . 482 xxi . 482 482 Hides and Leather . Homeopathists .... House Furnishing . Ice Dealers Importers .... Insurance Offices Instrument Makers Introduction .... Iron Bedsteads Iron Fence Builders Iron Foundries Iron Safes ..... Jett'erscm Parish Officers Jewelers ..... Lamp Dealers .... Last Makers 482 Laundries 482 Levee Guide 17 Lithographers ..... 482 Loan unices ..... 482 Locksmiths ...... 482 Looking Glass and Picture Frames 483 Louisiana Tehuantepec Company . xvi Lumber 483 Manufactories ..... 483 Marble Yards 483 Masonic zvii Mechanics Agricultural Association of Louisiana ..... xvi Mechanics Society .... xvi Merchant Tailors 483 Mortgage Office ix Music ^tore8 484 New Lusiianos Benevolent Association xvi Newspapers and Periodicals . . x Notaries ...... 1 Odd Fellows' xix Oils, Candles and Soap Manufactories 484 346483 Page. Omissions, Errors and Removals . . 3 Opticians ^84 Painters 484 Paints and Oils .... 484 Paper Box Manufacturers . . . 484 Paper Hangers .... 484 Paper Warehouses .... 484 Physicians 484 Piano Fortes 487 Places of Amusement . . . 487 Planters Directory of Louisiana, Missis- sippi, Arkansas and Texas, 513 to C15 Plumbers 487 Post Ollice ...... xii Pi inters' Furnishin25,000 4,026,000 5,140,000 3,720,000 4,255,000 4,582,242 2,685,300 4.601,015 6,470,817 6,250,335 6,166,400 7,736,600 7,196,185 7,938,650 4,228,100 7,111,370 7,982,800 11,892,120 13,628,327 9,161,750 8,499,325 34,049,173 35,127,539 36,409,951 37,442,973 36,912,756 36,424.713 45 119,429 49.091,510 42,798,256 40,283,879 96,897,873 laoO 51 48,756,764 48.592,222 68.759,424 54,749,602 51,390,720 70,371,720 86,255,079 88,127,340 92,037,794 109,389.228 12,678,180 11,827,3.50 15.452,688 15,726.340 18.025,020 16,199,890 8,137,360 17,900,608 24,998,424 18,190,880 106.924.083 1851 52 108,051,708 1852 53 134,233.735 1S53-54 1854 55 115,336,798 117.106,823 1855 56 144,256,081 1856 57 158,061.369 1857-58 167,155,546 1858-59 172.952,664 1859-60 42,881,486 185,211,254 It is thus seen that the total value of the products received here has been doubled within the last eleven years, the greatest increase being shown in Cotton, while in Western Produce, etc., the increase has been comparatively small. Going back eight years further we find an equally remarkable growth of trade : In 1841-42 the total value was $45,716,045 In 1S42-43 the total value was 53,782,054 In 1843-44 the total value was 60,094,716 In 1844-45 the total value was 57,196,122 In 1845-41) tlie total value was 77,193,464 In 1846-47 the total value was 90,033,256 In 1847-48 tlie total value was 79,779,151 In 1848-19 the total value was 81,989,692 The following table, compiled from the records of the Price-Current, presents a state- ment of the Receipts and Exports of Cotton and Tobacco at the Port of New Orleans in each year, from 1822-23 to 1859-60, a period of thirty-eight years : BALES OF COTTON. HHDS. TOBACCO. BALES OF COTTON. HHD8.T0BACC0 Years. Receipts. Exports. Receipts. 16,292 Exports. 28,624 Years. Receipts. 740,155 Exports. Receipts Exp'ts 1822-23 161,959 171,8721 1841-42 749,267 67.5.55 68,058 1823-24 141,524 143,843 25,262 25,910 1842-43 1,089,642 1,088,870 92,509 89,891 1824-25 206,358 203,914 17,759 16,849 1843-44 910,854 895,375' 82,435 81,249 1825-26 249,881 259,681 18,242 18,231 1844-45 979,238 984.616 71,493 68,679 1826-27 336,573 326,516 29,681 26.540! 1845-46 1,053,633 1,054,857] 72,896 62,045 1827-28 295,853 304,073 29.443 35,098 1846-47 740,669 724,5081 55,588 50,376 1828-29 268,639 367,736 24,637 25,288 1847-48 1,213,805 1,201.807 55,882 60,364 1829-30 362,977 351,237 32,438 28,028' 1848-49 1,142,382 l,167,303i 52,335 52,896 1830-31 429,392 423,942 32,098 33,872: 1849-50 837,723 838,59l! 60,304 57,955 1831-32 345,646 358,104 31,174 35,056' 1850-51 995,036 997,458! 64,030 54,501 1832-33 403,833 410,524 20,627 23 637 1851-52 1,429,183 1,435,815' 89,675 93,715 1833-34 467,984 461,026 25,871 25,210 185^-53 1,664,864 1,664,981 75,010 64,075 1834-35 536,172 536,991 35,059 33.801 1853- 54 1,440,779 1,429,180 48,905 53,043 1835-36 495,442 490,495 50,555 41,604 1854-55 1,284,768 1,270,264' 53,348 64,100 1836-37 605,813 588,969 28,501 35,821jj 1855-56 1,759,293 1,795,023 56,090 59.074 1837-38 742,720 738,313 37,588 35,555 1856-57 1,513,247 1,516,921 55,067 50,181 1838-39 578,514 579,179 28,153 30,852 1857-58 1,678,616 1,659,707 87,141 72,215 1839-40 954,445 949,320 43,827 40.436 1858-59 1,774,298 1,777,171 75,925 79,974 1840-41 822,870 821,288 53,170 54,667 1859-60 2,255,448 2,214,296 80,955 82,689 ^-COTTON, BALES. -> Receipts. Exports. Total for 38 Years..., 32,910,228 32,833,043 ^TOBACCO, HHDS.-s Receipts. Exports. 1,886,582 1,860,459 Taking the moderate estimate of $40 per bale for Cotton, and $70 per hhd. for Tobacco, as the average value for the thirty-eight years, we have a total value for these two staples alone of $ 1,448,469,860. GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. The following table shows the receipts and exports of our leading staples, and of the principal articles of Western produce, during the last two years : ARTICLES. Cotton, bales Tobacco, hogslieads Sugar, liogslieads Molasses, barrels Flour, barrels Wheat, sacks Corn, sacks I'ork, barrels and tierces Pork, in bulk, pounds Beef, barrels and tierces Bacon, hogsheads and casks.... Bacon, barrels, boxes. &c Bacon, haras, casks and tierces. Lard, barrels and tierces Lard, kegs Whiskey, barrels Hides Hemp, hales Lead, pigs RECEIPTS. EXPORTS. 1859-60. 1858-59. 1859-60. 1858-59. 2,255,448 1,774,739 2,214.966 1,777,168 80,9.i5 74,915 82,689 79,854 175,219 257,821 45,626 107,119 312,:?4;{ 353,492 119.587 146.298 952,174 1,081,318 379,928 592,527 12,378 30,927 5,936 27.106 1,702,847 753,292 649.398 178,.529 212,320 267 ,1M 51,462 89,381 5,279.658 35.119 6,011,220 51,108 22.775 25.236 42,886 35,589 23,146 18.248 4,629 3,927 3,288 2,175 35.127 37.104 14,167 26,118 57,014 78,116 34,277 65,206 86.587 64,302 61.019 5.S..S23 185,098 152,.326 68,929 58.466 159,129 112,621 137,101 98.102 4,422 11,385 1,121 5.114 81,992 74,309 82,826 78,387 The following table shows the receipts of the principal articles from the interior dur- ing the year ending August 31st, 1860, with their average prices in this market and their total value : ARTICLES. Apples, bhls Bacon,as'd,hhds.&C3ks, Bacon, as'd boxes Bacon, hams, hds &trcs. Bacon in bulk, lbs Baggiiigj pieces Bale Rope, coils Beans, barrels Butter, kegs & firKins.. Butter, barrels Bran, sacks Beef, barrels Beef, tierces Beef, dried, pounds. . . . Cotton, bales Corn Meal, barrels Corn in ear, barrels.... Corn, shelled, sacks.... Cheese, boxes Candles, boxes Coal, Western, barrels. Dried Apples&Peach. " Feathers, bags Flaxseed, tierces Flour, barrels Furs, hhds, bdls & bxs Glassware, packages... Hemp, bales Hides Ha.v, bales Iron, pigs, tons. Lard, barrels & tierces. Lard, kegs Leather, bundles Lime, Western, barrels! Total Value. Ave- Am't. rage Value. Price $500 Dollars. 337080 67416 45015 90 00 4051350 5987 15 00 89805 37814 55 00 2079770 39tX)0 8 3120 21427 15 00 321405 125429 9 00 1128861 8SS9 4 50 40000 38;i45 10 00 383450 1.506 35 00 52710 216677 1 25 270846 35318 12 00 423816 9616 18 00 173088 93726 10 9372 2255448 48.50 1093S922S 538 3t)0 1614 36092 100 36092 1722039 1 75 3013568 35596 3.50 124586' ! 110405 7 00 772835 ; 2900000 40 1160000 1121 12 00 13452 936 22 00 20592 375 12 00 4500 ; 965860 6 25 6036625 1.51 16 00 2205 68879 500 344:395 4883 2100 102.543 163568 300 490704 152659 4 70 717497 j 643 30 00 19290 ! 65784 30 00 1973520 90699 600 544194 1 6115 30 00 1834.50 33143 165 54685 ARTICLES. Lead, pigs Lead, bar, kegs & boxes.. Lead, white, kegs Molasses, (esti. crop) gls. Oats, sacks Onions, barrels Oil, Linseed, barrels Oil, Castor, barrels Oil, Lard, barrels Potatoes, barrels Pork, tierces & barrels... Pork, boxes Pork, hhds Pork in bulk, pounds-.. . Porter and Ale, barrels.. Packing Yarn, reels Rum, barrels Skins, Deer, packs Shot, kegs Soap, boxes SUves, M Shingles, M Sugar, (esti'd crop,) hds. Spanish Moss, bales Tallow, barrels Tobacco, Leaf, hhds Tobacco, Strips, hhds.... Tobacco, Stems, hhds.... Tobacco, Chew, kgs&bxs. Twine, bundles & boxes.. Vinegar, barrels Wool, bags Whiskey, barrels Wheat, sacks Other articles estim'td at Aver- Am't. age Price 80964 5 00 1658 17 50 1842 3 00 17858100 35 659550 2 00 20401 600 1020 30 00 571 44 00 9;»;j 34 00 207698 2 75 216523 17 00 71 40 00 1874 70 00 3803500 7 20940 10 00 3748 6 00 475 20 00 1.542 20 00 4001 20 40 12202 7 00 10178 50 00 7000 4 00 221840 82 00 8604 14 00 1025 30 00 67883 95 00 10908 185 00 2164 15 00 14544 15 00 3508 900 1206 400 3753 600 185042 900 13116 2 26 .! Value. Dollars. ~404S2b 29015 5526 62.50335 1319100 158406 30600 25124 317o22 571169 3680891 2840 131180 266245 209400 22488 9500 30840 81620 85414 608900 28000 18190880 1204,56 30750 6448885 2017980 32460 218160 31572 4824 131355 1665378 29511 7750000 I 186211254 The subjoined table gives the imports eign ports, of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee and at New Orleans, generally direct from for- Salt, during the last two years : ARTICLES. Sugar, West India, hogsheads Sugar, West India, boxes and barrels.. Sugir, Brazil, bags, &c Molasses, Cuba, hogsheads and tiercea,, Mola.Hse8. barrels , Salt, Liver))ool, sacks Salt, Sicily, &c., bushels Coffee, Rio, bags , Coffee, Cuba, bags , 18,59-60 I 1858-69. 3,129 16,914 332 17,419 6,604 848,327 371,182 280,926 4.616 636 10,604 470 1,205 842 636,218 186,398 404,883 3,218 Increase. 2.493 6,310 16.214 4.862 212,109 186,784 1..397 Decrease. 148 123,957 10 Gardner's new Orleans directory. .The value of Foreign Imports of all descriptions at this port during the year end- ing June 30, 1860, is shown by the following table : Value of Imports of Foreign Merchandise, Specie and Bullion into the Port of J^ew Orleans for the fiscal year ending the 30th June, 1860 — DATE. 1859— July August September.,. October November.... December.... 1860 — January .. February. March April May June Dutiable. 695,491 771,750 1,494,057 1,090,894 1,025,935 1,018,794 $5,996,921 2,194,314 1,420,262 2,121,675 1,487,064 1,060,792 916,490 $15,196,518 Free. 115,499 79,042 613,795 104,772 638,748 846,483 $2,398,339 868,588 1,120,191 429,997 322,605 121,182 176,973 $5,437,875 Specie and Bullion. 733,201 118,214 26,432 127,905 192,373 841,851 $1,439,976 391,689 161,083 154,205 6,750 50,918 81,835 $2,286,456 For the quarter ending September 30, 1859., " " " December 31, 1859. " " " March 31, 1860 " " " June 30, 1860 , Total for the year .$4,547,481 .. 5,287,756 .. 8,862,204 .. 4,223,609 .$22,920,849 Comparative Statement of Imports through the Custom House of J^ew Orleans for the fiscal years ending the 30th of June of each of the past six years: YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1855. 1856, 1857. 18S8. 1859. 1860. $6,939,002 4,297,170 1,687,436 $8,990,583 6,417,596 1,775,148 $16,417,035 6,637,076 1,927,039 $10,248,002 4,818,015 4,621,246 $9,952,646 6,725,446 1,671,424 $15,196,518 Free 2 286 456 Total $12,923,608 $17,183,327 $24,981,150 $19,687,263 $18,349,516 $22,920,849 RECAPITULATION— TOTAL VALUE OF IMPORTS. For the year ending June 30,1855 , $12,923,608 '« " " 1856 •. 17,183,327 «' «' « 1857 •. 24,981,150 " " " 1858 19,687,263 «' « « 1859 18,349,516 " « " 1860 22,920,849 Receipts of Cash Duties on Importations from Foreign Countries into the Port and District of Jfew Orleans, for the fiscal years of 1859-60 and 1858-59. 1859— July $ 95,966 August 124,371 September 240,773 October 287,923 xXovember 270,734 December 268,852 1860— January.. 346,468 February 224,252 March 336,086 April 183,007 May 130,568 June 111,266 $2,620,665 2,103,062 Increase $ 517,603 1858— Jnly $ 44,190 August 175,096 September 221,099 October „ 193,259 November 189,534 December ;. 280,077 1859— January 192,557 February 146,125 March 152,655 April 188,451 May 127,977 June 192,142 $2,103,062 GARDNEK's new ORLEANS DIRECTORY. 11 Receipts for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1853 $2,158,172 " 1854 2,647,336 " 1865 2,131,001 " 1856 3,643,341 June 30, 1857 $3,595,420 " 1858 2,034,654 " 1869 2,103,062 " 1860 2,620,665 The following table exhibits the exports of Cotton from New Orleans during the last two years and designates the countries and ports receiving, and the amounts taken by each : Exports of Cotton during the Last Tico Y'ears. COUNTRIES. United States. Boston New York Philadelphia., Baltimore Providence... Other Ports.. Great Bkitain. Liverpool Glasgow, Ac London .' Falmouth, Cowes, &c Queenstown, &c France. Havre Marseilles.... Bordeaux Other Ports. Gottenburg Rotterdam, Ac, Bremen Antwerp Amsterdam Hamburg Other Ports N. OF Europe. S. OF EUROPE. Genoa, Ac Trieste and Venice Spain Mexico Other Ports. Total bales. 1859-60. 132,122 62,279 4,682 1,165 6,819 2,223 1,349.877 16,392 106 24,085 43,G69 303,466 3,696 2.204 4,126 6,626 5,100 61,221 16,369 3,059 9,061 34,124 61,618 9,026 49,929 20,119 3,973 207,290 1,427,779 312,492 136,660 131,845 2,214,966 1868-69. 165,206 26,415 6,608 1,129 7,112 1,714 961,443 8,993 14,615 12,568 247,129 1,193 3,075 4,519 5,902 9,939 66,788 17,314 4,825 9,440 68,618 39,128 16,004 76,983 16,108 196,184 994,611 256,416 182,726 65,132 92,091 1,777,168 The general movement of the Staple for the year was as follows : StatemeiU of Cotton for the Year 1859-60. Stock on hand Ist September, 1869, bales 26,445 Arrived during the year 2,255, 468 Made from waste, damaged, Ac 12 000' Exported during the year 2,214,315 2,293,903 Burnt 6,490 2,219,805 Stock on hand, not cleared Ist September, 1860 74 098 12 Gardner's new Orleans directory. The crop of the past year was much the largest ever produced, amounting to 4,650,- 878 bales, against 3,851,481 bales last year, showing an increase of nearly 800,000 bales. The quality of the Staple, however, was not fully equal to that of previous years, and the price was rather lower, the average rate for Middling being lO^/g cts. per pound, against llj^ cts. last year. The following table shows the prices of mid- dling Cotton, at New (Jrleans, on the first day of each month during a period of five years — together with the total receij^ts at New Orleans and the total crops of the United States : September. October November . December.. January February... March April May June July August Receipts at New Orleans. Crop 59-60. CENTS. u @nM 11 @\l% iOM@ii 10M®11 105^@10% 10M@ll^ 10K@11 ioK®ii 58-59. @10>^ BALES. 2,255,448 4,650,000 CENTS. ii%@iiy2 io%@ii3^ llM@l-2 12 @12i^ 11 ©111^ IVA@IVA ny2@n% BALES. 1,774,298 3,851,481 57-58. CENTS. 15 ©1514 9M@10 11K@11M 9'i@ 9K 10>^@10M 11 @11^ n%@\i% ny2@u% 11M@12 11K@11M 1,678,616 3,113,962 56-57. CENTS, 10K@10M 11%@1P« 11K@11% 11K@11M nys@UH i2%@uya uy@u% uji@u n%@u uymm 14M@15 BALES. 1,513,247 2,939,519 65-56. 8%@ 9 8%@ 9}4 8 @ 8M 8M@ 9i4 SH@ 8K 8M(5) 9 93^ @ 9% 9r8@ 9% 10>^@10% 10H@10M 10%@11 10K@10M BALES. 1,759,293 3,527,845 The average prices of Cotton per bale, and the total value of the receipts of the staple at this port for the last thirteen years, as made up by the New Orleans Price Current, is shown by the subjoined table : Eeceipts Av. price Total Receipts. Av. price Total Seasons. Seasons. New Orleans. per bale. Value. New Orleans. per bale. Value. 1847-48 1,113,895 $29 00 $35,200,345 1854-55....... $1,284,768 $40 00 $51,390,720 1848-49 1,142,382 27 90 30,844.314 1855-56 1,759,293 40 00 79,371,720 1849-50 837,723 50 00 41,886,150 1856-57 1,513,947 57 00 86,294,979 1850-51 995,036 49 00 48,756,754 1857-58 1,678,616 52 50 88,127,340 1851-52 1,429,183 44 00 48,592,222 1858-59 1,774,298 53 00 92,037,794 1852-53 1,663,864 41 00 68,259,424 1859-60 2,255,448 48 50 109,389,228 1853-54 1,446,779 38 00 54,749,602 Total receipts in 13 years, 18,989,442 bales. Total value $825,860,702. The movement in Tobacco has again been large during the past year, the receipts having amounted to 80,955 hhds., and the exports to 82,689 hhds. The foUowmg table shows the receipts and exports at this port since 1835. Receipts and Exports of Tobacco at JVeto Orleans each year for ttventy-Jive years. EECEIPTS, EXPORTS. 1835-36 hhds. 50,558 1836-37 28,501 1837-38 37.288 1838-39 28,153 1839-40 43,827 1840-41 63,170 1841-42 .' 67,555 1842-43 93,506 1843-44 82,435 1844-46 71,493 1845-46 72,896 1846-47 65,588 1847-48 55,882 1835-36 hhds. 41,604 1836-37 35,821 1837-38 35,556 1838-39 30,852 1839-40 40,439 1840-41 54,687 1841-42 68,086 1842-43 80,891 1843-44 80,249 1845-45 58,579 1845-46 62,046 1846-47 50,366 1847-48 90,364 GARDNERS NEW OULEANS DIRECTORY. 13 184S- 1819- 1850- 1851- 1852- 18.53- 1854- 1855- 1856- 1857- 1858- 1859- -49 52, 50 60, -51 64, -52 .....88, -53 ,74, 54 48. 55 . .53. 56 56. -57 54. -58 86. 59 74, 60 „ SO, 335 3(J4 112 995 650 564 611 367 .961 784 ,915 956 1848-49 52 899 1849-50 67 i)55 18.50-51 54 501 1851-52 <)1 ,su 1852-53 64 2(18 1853-54 54 317 1854-55 (55 102 1855-56 1856-57 59.193 50 229 1857-.58 72 387 1858-69 79 S54 1859-60 82.689 The ratrs for all qualities of Tobacco during the past year are shown by the follow- ing table : Prices of Tobacco atiring tlie year 1859- '60. Soptember (U-t(il)or... Novfinbor December. January.. Kebniarv . .Marcli..".. April .May ,lune .Tuly AU!{USt.. . TO Common. 6 ® 4 J,® 4?4@ 4^@ 4>,(i^ 4?i@ 4;!>'@ ikm 4>4@ 6 (ffi S)i 6 @ SJ^ 6 @ SY 5>si 1% ^h(a 7\ 5A:@. 7h 5>5@ 7>i 5>i@ 7}i 6 @ " 8 smi «x The crop of Sugar for the past year fell short of the average production of the last 18 years, having amounted to 221,840 hhds., against 362,296 hhds. the yearpreviou.s, and the average of the cro]is during the period named, u[i to 18.58, was alidiii 2.3.3,000 liinls. From 1828 to 1833 the production of Sugar in Louisiana .•(mountid to ahout 281,000 hhds., equal to 281,000,000 pounds. Tlif crops since, with their weight, the average price perhhd..and the total value, are shown by the following table : Tbae. TOTAL CROP. Ayerape Price per Hlid, Hbds. Pounds. 1834 100.000 30.000 70.000 65 000 70,000 115,000 87,000 90.000 140.000 100.000 200.000 186,6.50 140,000 240.000 220,000 247,923 211.303 236.547 321.931 449,324 346.635 231.427 73.976 279,697 362,296 221.840 100,000,000 30.000.000 70.000.000 65 000.000 70.000.000 115 0(10.000 87.000.000 90.000.000 140,000,000 100,000,000 200. 000. 000 ]s(; (;5().o()0 140,000.000 210.000,000 220.000.000 269,769.000 231.194.000 257,138,000 36k. 129, 000 ' 495,156,000 385 726.000 254 569.000 81 373.000 3(t7,6(i6,700 414,796.000 2,55.116,750 $60 no 90 00 60 00 62 50 62 50 60 00 65 00 40 00 42 50 60 00 45 00 55 00 70 00 40 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 48 00 35 00 62 00 70 00 110 00 64 00 69 00 82 00 $6,000,000 1835 1836 4.200,0110 5,062 500 4,375 000 5.750.000 4.785.000 3,600.000 4 750.000 6 000 000 9.000,000 10.265,750 9.800,000 9.600,000 8,800.000 12,396,150 12.678 180 11,827.350 15,452 688 15.726 340 18 O2.'>,020 16.199 890 8,137.360 17.900,608 24.998,424 18.190,880 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 18.50 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 18.56 :. 1857 1858 1859 Total 4,836,549 5.174.282,450 68 50 266.321.140 14 Gardner's new Orleans directory. It is thus seen that the total production of sugar during: the last thirty-one years has amounted to 5,117,549 hhds,, weighing over 5,455,000,000 pounds. The Exports du- nt)g the last twenty-six years have been as follows : Yeae. Exported to Atlantic Pts. Hogsheads. Exported to West States. Hogsheads. Year. Exported to Atlantic Pts. Hogsheads. Exported to West. States. Hogsheads. 1834 45,500 1,500 26,300 24,500 26,500 42,600 38,500 28,000 63,000 34,000 101,000 79,000 45,500 44.500 23.500 36 000 32.500 32,500 58.000 46,500 50,000 60,000 52,000 70,000 75,000 70,000 1847 84,000 90,000 90.000 45,000 42,000 82,000 166,000 122,000 39,133 1,850 73,885 93,885 33,553 115.000 J 835 1848 108,000 1836 1849 125,000 1837 18.50 123.000 1838 1851 149,000 1839 1852 206,000 1840 1853 185.000 1841 1854 143,000 1842...., 1843 1855 131.027 1856 39.576 1844 1857 153 012 1845 1858 187,339 1846 1859 133,423 Total 1,619,206 2,447,877 The average price of the last year's crop of Sugar was 1}^ cents per pound, or ^82 per hhd. of 1,150 pounds. :• The yield of Molasses for the past year was estimated at 17,858,100 gallons, falling short of the production of the previous year about 7,029,000 gallons, and the average price was 35 cts. against 26 cts. per gallon last year. The total value was ^6,250,335 against $6,470,817 Tast year. In Breadstuffs, Provisions and Western Produce generally, the business of the past year has been of a moderate character, the demand being confined chiefly to our do- mestic trade, in which, however, a large increase has been shown, especially in the di- rection of Texas. In a previous table we have given the receipts and exports of the various articles, the differences between which represents the consumption of this city and neighboring places. The imports of Specie at New Orleans during the past year were $8,444,857. During the year ending August 31st, 1859 $15,627,016 " " " " " 18.58, 13,268.013 " « " " " 18.57 6..560.015 " " " " " 18.56 4,913..540 " " " " " 1855 3,746.037 " " " •' " 18,54 6.967,056 " " " " " 18.53 7.865,226 " " " " " 18.52 6,278,523 " " " " " 1851 7,937,119 " " " " " 1S50 3.792,662 " " " " " 1849 2,.501,250 " " " " 1848 1,845,808 The following is a statement of the Deposits and Coinage at the Branch Mint, New Orleans, from the 1st of August, 1859, to the 31st of July, 1860, inclusive : GOLD DEPOSITS. ralifornia Gold Bullion $89,394 26 Other Gold Bullion 71,434 57 Total Gold Deposits $ 160,828 83 SILVER DEPOSITS. Extracted from California Gold $ 690 07 Other Silver Bullion 1,310,927 21 Total Silver Deposits . $1,311,618 28 Total Gold and Silver Deposits $1,472,446 11 '< " " " 1858-'59 3.145,880 10 Decrease $ 1,673,433 99 GOLD COINAGE. Pieces. Value. Double Eagles 3.600 $72,000 00 Eagles 8,200 82,000 00 Pieces 11,800 $ 154,000 00 GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY, 15 SILVER COINAGE. Pieces. Value. Silver Dollars 245,000 $ 245.000 00 Half Dollars .......2,012.000 l,00fi.000 00 Quarter Dollars 38S.0O0 97.000 00 Dimes 370,000 37,000 00 Half Dimes l.OC.0.000 53,000 00 Pieces 4,075,000 $1,438,000 00 In Silver Bars 29,209.41 Total Coinage 4,086.800 pieces. $1,621,209 41 " " in 1858-'69.., 3,578,996 47 Decrease $1,957,787 06 The B.\NKiNr. Capital of thn city somewhat exceeds twenty milliona of dollars, upon which the old chartered and free banks are working, besides large amounts employed in private banking houses. Upon this basis the immense amounts nf domestic produce are kept in movement with a degree of regularity to be seen in but few of the great marts of the world. The following table shows the capital of the several banks, with the amount of dividends paid by each during the year ending August 31st, 1860. Banks. Capital. 11? ct. Dividends Paid. Bank of Ijunting to aliout one million and a quar- ter of dollars, making an actual working capital of $'J,7.'j(),00(). ' The condition of the banks on the last Saturday of each month during the year end- ing August 31st, 1860, is shown by the following table : 1859. September 24. October 29. .November 26. December 31. 1860. January 28. February 25. March April May June July August 31. 28. 26. 30. 28. 26. 12.601.690 12.710.629 12.438,190 12,115,425 CIROnLA- TION. 9.306.694 9,442.739 9,237.325 11,579,313 12,818,1.59 12.882,194 12 945. 204'13. 600,419 12.437.195 1-3,975 624 12,100.6^17 11.593.719 9.883.812 9.774,381 SHORT diso'nts. DISCOUN IS AND TOTAL EXCHANQB LOANS. 15,596.7,59 22,228.245 28.329. ,509 2,001.624 17.821,585 24,495.812 28. !»74 693 3.960.983 18,432.608 25.045.141 '2S.S()2.654 19,777,806 15,905,428,30,301,394 19,677.121 24.916.431 '29.891.908 19.218.590 24-.397,2S6 30.064,248 18,6S1.02O '23.674,714 3(1.. Vi0.9S4 12. 99;i, 204118, 380, 033 22.312.376 30 450 11. 9(K), 864 17.038 774 10,921.057114.671.491 9,813,564 1 14.363.265 9,263,874113.614,301 18. 6H8. 492 129.919.526 16.627.125 18.. 563. 065 21.332,818 30.374.012 30,201.985 29,686,878 5.542.706 DUB DISTANT BANKS. 1.525.035 1.787.709 1.861.009 7,301,377 1,402,875 8.144,581 8.0S3 929 8.149,061 7.647,069 1,603.. 503 1.635.256 1,610.490 1,649.060 6 599.676(1,596.210 4,123.242 1.401.804 2,809.828|l.318,197 1,756,034 1,346.214 The increase in banking facilities and in the movements generally for the past ten years is favorably exhibited by the following table, which shows the condition of our banks on ihe last Saturday of August since 18.')1, inclusive : 16 Gardner's new Orleans directory. YEARS. 1851 18.')2 1853 1854 1855 1S5G 1«57 1858 1859 1860 SPECIE. 4.894.409 6 332 839 7,280,059 7.595.376 6.328.341 6,661.698 6,566,052 11,173.821 12,924,929 9,900,424 CIRCULA- TION. 3.950.854 6,770,886 6,456.360 6.209.914 5.946,239 7,442.550 8.325.334 6,731,399 9,788.919 9.263,874 ,792,140 220,000 ,652,802 ,160,817 152.874 653,795 706.(103 343,938 ,314,678 ,614.301 Loans AND DISCOUNTS. EXCHANGE. 742,096 963,917 737,698 285.110 349,270 512.273 294.933 ,4(;5,648 ,793,22^ 686,878 1,272,540 1.163.607 1.0S8.45S 1,923,207 1.570,677 2,682.029 2,265,624 4,081,875 2,441,899 1,756.034 Since 1850 the number of our banks has increased from five to eleven, and the amount of capital from less than twelve millions of dollars to more than eighteen millions. Our Insurance Companies during the past year have paid losses to the amount of nearly three and a half millions of dollars against earned premiums amounting to nearly five millions, as will be seen by the following table : Crescent Mutual Home Mutual Louisiana Sun Merchants' Uniou — half joint stock Hope — joint stuck Citizens' Mutual Star Mutual N. (). Mutual Louisiana State Mutual Capital Earned Losses Cash on Premiums. P/.ID. Hand. 1,462 422 936.005 612,466 122.259 1,410,967 649.158 364,012 52.213 .932,348 771.941 ■ 382,697 160,892 1,506,798 864,180 440,457 115.008 881,847 925,828 963,100 38,210 515,976 326,042 109.606 58,285 313,741 114,820 41,303 38,248 371.720 303,496 267.991 32,143 300 000 126,826 413.000 301,000 65,000 $8,409,816 $4,934,470 $3,403,498 $617,359 The New Orleans Jackson and Great Northern Railroad has been completed within the last year, and we are now brought in direct communication with all the principal points of our country north and vv'est,'the mails and passengers between New York and New Orlea)is now making the passage in thrre and a half days. The Opelousas and Great Western Railroad now extends to Berwick's Bay, a distance of eighty miles from the city, and is expected to reach New Iberia, an additional stretch of forty-five niile.s, during the iJext summer. These two roads are of great importance to New Orleans, opening to our trade as they do, the richest sections of the southern and south- western interior, the Opelousas and Great Western passing through an im|)ortnnt sec- tion of our sugar region and penetrating Texas, will soon connect us with Houston and other leading points in that State, and the connections of the Jackson and Great Northern road, branching through Louisiana, Mississippi and Ti nnessee, will together draw to our market increased amounts of the rich products of those respective regions, while the ready access of a market will still further stimulate production. In our last year's Directory we had occasion to congratulate our citizens upon the healthy condition of the city, and the entire absence of epidemical disease during the year then closed. We are now able to repeat our congratulations, as ihe year now closing has been remarkably free from disease, and we do not hesitate to pronounce New Orleans one of the healthiest cities in the United States. This condition of things may be attributed in a great measure to the improvements in grading, draining and paving our streets, which have been carried forward steadily and vigorously during the past few years, and which have led to other and greater improvements over our great thoroughfares, and in the suburbs, where princely residences are multiplying. LEVEE GUIDE. Posts in 1st District. ASCENDING BIVKB. Nos. 1, opposite Common 2, bi'twecn Common and Gravier 5, oiiposite Gravier 4. Poyilias T). b. ro.vfiras and Lafayette 6, ojiposite Lafayette 7, lietween Lafayette andGirod posite Krato 20, between Erato and Benjamin 21, opposite Benjamin 22, b. Benjamin and Terpsichore 2:i. b. " " 24, b. " " 2-,, b. " " 2C^. opposite Terpsichore 27, b. Terpsichore and Henderson 2H. ojiposite Henderson 29. b. Hinderson and Robin ;50, oppo.'^ite Robin ol. near Rol)in ;52, between Robin and Race 33, opjiosite Race 34, between Race and Orange S."), op]iosite Orange 36, betwi'en Orange and Richard 37, opposite Ricliard 3.S, l)etween Ricliard and Market 39, op])osite Market 40, b. Market and St. James 41, opposite St. James 42, b, St. James and Celeste 43, opposite Celeste 44, between Celeste and Nuns 46, between Nuns and St. Mary 47, ■* ** ** Posts in 2d District. DESCENDING RIVER. Nos. 1, opposite Canal 2, b. Canal and Customhouse 3.b " 4. opposite rii.;tonilK)Use 5. b Ciistonilioiisf and Bienville 6, oiiposilf Hicnville 7. between Bienville and Conti 8, opposite Conti 9, between Conti and St. Louis 10, opposite St. Louis H, b St. Louis and Toulouse 12, opposite Toulouse 13, b. Toulouse and Jeflferson 14, ojjposite Jefloison l.'i, opposite St. Peter If), ojiposite Jackson Square 17, 18, opposite St, Ann 19, b. St. Ann and Madison 20, opposite Madison 21, o]>posite St. I'hilip 22, b. St. Philip and Crsulines 23, opposite Ursulines 24, b. Ursulines and Hospital 2.'S, b. " 26, b. " " 27, opposite ITospital 28, opiHisite Barracks 29, ojiposite the Mint .30, opposite the Mint 31, opposite Ksplanade Posts in 3d District. DESeE.XniN'G RIVER, IN CONTINUA- TION FROM TUB 2d district. Nos. 32, opposite Elysian Fields 33, b. Klysian Fields and Marigny 34, opjiosite Marigny 35, b. Marigny and ilandeville 36, opjmsite Mandeville 37, opjiosite Spain 38, opj)osite Lafayette avenue 39, b. Lafayette avenue and Port 40, b. Port and St. Fcniinand 41, ojijiosite St Ferdinand 42, b. St. Ferdinand and Montegut 43, b. " " 44, opposite Montegut between Montegutand Clouet opjiosite Clouet between Clouet and Louisa opjiosite Louisa between Louisa and Piety opjiosite I'iely between Piety and Desire between Desire and Elmire ojijiosite Desire ojijiosite Congress opjiosite Bartholomew b. Bartholomew and French b. Posts in 4tli District. ASCENDINO RIVER, IN CONTINUA- TION FROM THJS 1st DISTRICT. Nos. 49. opposite St. Mary street ."iO, oj). St. Mary and St. Andrew 51 ojijiosite St. Andrew 62, b. St. Andrew and Adele 53, opposite Adele 54, between Adele and Josephine 55, b. Josejiliiue and Jackson 56, b. 57, between Jackson and Philip 58, opposite Philiji 59, between Philip and Sorajiaru 60, opjiosite Sorajiaru 61,1l)etween Soraparu and First 62, " 63, " " 64, opjiosite First 65, between First and Second 66, between Second and Third 67, ojijiosite Third 68, opjiosite Fourth 69, b. Fourth and Washington 70, opposite Washington 71, b. Washington and Sixth 72, b. 73, opjiosite Sixth 74, between Sixth and Seventh 75, between Seventh and Eighth 76, ojijiosite Eighth 77, opjiosite Ninth 78, between Ninth and Harmony 79, ojijiosite Harmony 80, b. Harmony and Pleasant 81, opposite Pleasant FERRIES AND LANDINGS. First District — New Orleans and Algiers Landings; Canal-st., N. Orleans and Market, McD. Second District — Landing, head of St. Ann. New Orleans and Powder stre<'t, Algiers. Third District — Landings betw'n Piintcliartrain Railroad ter- minus and Mariu'ny. Fourth District and Gretna — Landing, head of Josejihine, d. 4. Memphis, Vicksliurg, Natchez, Lake Providence, Milliken's Bend, Red River, Ouachita, Bayou Sara, Baton Rouge, Coast, Lafourche & Balize--b. Canal and Bienville-sts .d. 2. Louisville, Cincinnati, St. Louis, etc , between Julia and Canal streets, d. 1. United States Mail Steamship Company — New Orleans. Ha- vana, Cliagres and New York —ojijiosite JacKson square, between St. Peter and St. Ann, d. 2. Texas — iijijHisite Julia, d. 1. New York and Foreign (Govern- ment wharf.) between Monte- gut and Clouet, d. 3. United States Traiisjiort — be- tween Desire and KJmire,d. 3. Flatboat — opposite St. Joseph, d. 1. Julia Street— North side New Ba- sin, between Ramjiart and Liberty, d. 1. Covington and Pensacola-South side NewBasin, between Ram- Jiart and Liberty, d. 1. Florida— North side New Canal, b. Howard and Locust, d. 1. ' Vera Cruz— foot of Julia, d 1. Upper Steamshiji— between Terp- sichore and St. Mary, d 1. Port for breaking up Flatboat — b. Washington and Ninth, d. STREET GUIDE. Adams, 4th se, from and parallel to Canal Avenue, from the river to the Canal, Carrollton. Adele, 3d s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to Fulton, d. 4. Alex, from River to O. R. Road. Ann, 5tli sw. from and prl. to First, from Adams to Lower Line, Carrollton. Annette, 5th w. of and prl. to Pontchar- train Railroad, from Goodchildren to woods, d. 3. Aline, 2d ab. and prl. to Louisiana Ave- nue, from river to St. Charles, Jeffer- son City. Amelia, 5th ab. and prl. to Louisiana Av- enue, from river to suburbs Jefferson City. Annunciation, Elizabeth and Jersey are known as Annunciation street, 6th from and prl. to river, from junction Tchoupitoulas, d. 1, to Toledano,d.4. Annunciation Square, 3d e. from Camp, fronting Orange and Race, d. L Antonine, 4th n. of and prl. to Louisiana Avenue, from river to St. Charles, Jef- ferson City. Austerlitz, 8th n. of and prl to Louisiana Avenue, from river to Coliseum, Jef- ferson City. Arts, 6th e. of -and prl. to Ponchartrain Railroad, from Lafayette walk to woods, d. 3. Aubry, 2d n. of Jean Pierre Canal, from Bernard to the woods, d. 3. Bacchus, (now Baronne,) 2d w. of and prl. to St. Charles, from Canal to Great Route. Bagatelle, (now Bourbon,) 2d w. of and prl. to Pontchartrain Railroad, from Esplanade to woods, d. 3. Bank, 3d s. of Canal, from Miro w. to woods, d. L Baronne and Bacchus are known as Ba- ronne street, 1st w. of Carondelet, from Canal to Jefferson City. Barracks, 1st s. of and prl. to Esplanade, from river to swamp, d. 2. Bartholomew, 16lh e. of and prl. to Pont- ciiartrain R. from river to woods, d. 3. Basin, St. John and White, are known as Basin street, w. of Rampart, from Carondelet Basin, d. 2, to Jackson street, d. 4. Bayou Road, from Rampart nw. to Espla- riadr m d. 2, from Esplanade nw. d. 3, to Junction of St. John's Route. . Belcastel, from river to suburbs Jefferson City. Bellechaise, (now Religious,) rear of Or- leans Cotton Press, from Tchoupitou- las to St. Thomas, d. 1, and prl. to river, to St. Andrew, d. 4. Benjamin, (now Thalia,) 5th s. of St. Mary's Market, from Front Levee to Annunciation, d. 1. Berlin, 1st bel. and prl. to Napoleon Ave- nue, Jefferson City. Bernadotte, continuation of Lower Line, from 12th to the Canal, Carrollton. Bernard, 6th w. of and prl. to Pontchar- train Railroad, from St. Bernard Ave- nue to woods, d. 3. Bertrand, b. Roman and Johnson, n. Per- dido, d. 2. Benton, (now Franklin,) 6th w. of and prl. to Nayades, to Covington Land- ing, s. to Felicity Road, d. 1. Bienville, 2d n. of and prl. to Canal, to Metairie Ridge, d. 2. Blackberry, 15th nw. from and prl. to Ca- nal Avenue, South Line to 15th, Car- rollton. Bolivar, 11th w. of and prl. to Rampart, from Common to Perilliat, d. 1. Bordeaux, 4th w. and prl. to Napoleon Avenue, Jefferson City. Bourbon, 4th w. of and prl. to river, from Canal to Poland, d. 3. Brainard, 2d w. of and prl. to Nayades, continuation of Bacchus, from St. .An- drew to Philip. Broad, 23d w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal in d. 1, n. of Canal to Es- planade in d. 2, n. of Esplanade in d.3 Burdette, 2d sw. from and prl. to Canal Avenue, from the river to the Canal, Carrollton. Burgundy, 6th w. of and prl. to river ,from Canal to Esplanade, d. 2. Burthe, nw. of and prK to First, from Low- er Line to Jefferson, Carrollton. Byrne's Row, Carondelet c. Canal. Cadiz, 2d w. of and prl. to Napoleon Av- enue, Jefferson City. Calliope, Louisa and Duplantier are known as Calliope street, n. of and prl. to Delord, from river to woods. Cambrone, 3d nw. of and prl. to Canal Avenue, from river to Canal, Carroll- ton. Cammack's Buildings, nw. c. of Common and Carondelet, d. 1. STREET GUIDE. 19 Camp, 1st e. of St. Charles, (junction of Clmrtres,) to Felicity Roau,d. 1, con- tinuine; to d. 4. Canal, dividing; 1st and 2d districts, from river to woods. Canal Avenue crosses first on Railroad one square from tlic depot, from tlie river to Canal near end of Common, N. O., Carrollton. Carondilet, 1st w. of St. Charles, from Canal to Great Route. Carondclet Rasin, foot of Toulouse, d. 2. Caroiuicjrt Walk, n. of .Carondclet, Canal and llasin, d. 2. Carroll, Isi w. of Carondelct, from Poy- dras to Perdido, d. 1. Carroll, from Jackson, b. Race and Ellon, d. 4. Casacalvo, (now Royal,) 3d n. of and prl. to river, from Esplanade to Poland, d. 3. Cecil, continuation Upper Line, M. Ridge. Cedar, (now Howard,) 1st w. of St. Paul, from New Canal n. to Cypress, d. 1. Celeste, 1st n. of and prl. to St. .Tames, from Felicity lload to river, d. 1. Celesiine, IGili n. of and prl. to river, from Bernard to suburbs, d. 3. Chart res, 1st w. of and prl. to Old Levee, from Canal to Polaiul, d. 3. Chestnut, 10th w. and prl. to river, from Felicity Road to Route, d. 4. Chippewa, 4th w. of and prl. to river, from i\It'lpomene d. 1, to Great Route, d.4. Circus Place, n. of Old Basin, on St. Pe- ter, d.2. Claiborne, 13th w. of St. Bernard, to Fe- licity, d. 4. Clara, 12th w. of Nayades, from New Ca- nal to Felicity Road, d. 1. Clara, 13th nw. of and ]nl. to Nayades, from Gormley's Canal to Philip, d. 4. Clay Square, b. Second and Third, Chip- jH'wa and Jersey, d. 4. Clinton, Gill se. of and prl. to Canal Ave- nue', from river to the Canal, Carlt. Clio, 2d s. of Tivoli Circle, from Camp to woods, d. 1. Clouei, 9th e. of and prl. to Pontchartrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Coffee, continuation of Dryades, from Jackson to Phili]i, d. 4. Cohn, 13th ne; of and prl. to first, from Lower Line to Upper, Line, Carroll- ton. Cole's Cottages, Poydras, b. St. Mark's and Freret, d. 1. Columbus, 2d n. of and prl. to Esplanade, from Good Cliildri'n to»woods, Coliseum Place, w. of Camp. b. Terpsi- chore and Melpomene, d. 1. Coliseum (now Camp,) 1st w. of Camp, from .Junction of Camp to Felicity Road, d. 1. I Commerce, 1st rear of New Levee, section b. Delord and Louisa, from Si. Joseph to Poydras, d. 1. Commercial, 2d sw. of and prl. to 1st, from Lower Line to Short, Carrollton. Commercial Place, b. Camp and St. Charles, Poydras and Gravier, d. 1. Common, 1st. s. of and prl. to Canal, from river to Metairie Ridge, d. 1. Conde (now Chartrcs,) 1st w. of and prl. to Old Levee, continuation of Char- tres, from 'Jackson Square to Espla- nade, d. 2. Congress, 14th e. of and nearly prl. to Pontchartrain Railroad, from river to woods, (1. 3. Conrey, b. Washington and Sixth, and b. Nayades and Prytania, d. 4. Constance, 6th from and prl. to river, from Poydras to Felicity Road, d. 1. Constantinople, 9th w. of and prl. to Lou- isiana Avenue, from river to suburlis. Conti, 3d n. of and prl. to Canal, from river to woods, d. 2. Cotton Press, 7th e. of and prl. to Pont- chartrain Railroad, from Casacalvo to woods, d. 3. Cours, 7th nw. of and prl. to Nayades, from Gormley's Canal to Jackson, d.4. . Craps (now Burgundy), 5th n. of and prl. to river, from Esplanade to Poland, d. 4. Crescent Row, Canal, b. Roman and Pri- eur, d. 2. Crossman, 1st n. of Canal, from river to Levee, d. 2. Customhouse, 1st n. of and prl. to Canal, from river to woods, d. 2. Cypress, 1st n. of New Canal, from St. Vi\\\\ to woods, d. 1. Dabardie, 6tli n. of and prl. to Esplanade, from Roman to woods, d. 3. Dau]>hine, .'itli w. of and prl. to river, from Canal to Esplanaae, d. 2. Davidson's Row, se. Carondelct b. Poy- dras and Lafayette. De Armas, 4th sw. of and prl. to First, from Lower Lino to J5urdeti(^, Carlt. Delachais(>, 1st ab. and prl. to Louisiana Avenue, from river to woods. Delaronde, from river to St. Peter. Delord, 1st s. of St. Mary's mkt. from river to the woods, d. 1. Derbigny, 15th w. of and ]) Nayades, crossing New Canal, from junction of Bolivar to Felicity Road, d. 1. Desire, 12th e. of and nearly prl. to Pont- chartrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Diamond's Row, w. Tchoupitoulas, b. St. Joseph and Delord, d. 3. Division, from 1st to 2d, b. Rousseau and Fulton, d. 4. Dorsiere, b. Old Levee and Chartrcs, from Canal to Customhouse, d. 2. Dorgenois, 22d w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal, in d. 1, n. of Canal to Es- planade, in d. 2, and n. of Esplanade in d. 3. 20 STREET GUIDE, Dublin, 1st nw. of and nrl. to Canal Ave- niu', from First to the Canal, Carlt. Duplanticr, (now Calliope,) 2d s. of De- K)rd,from Annunciation to Camp,d.l. Dryades, 3d w. of and nearly prl. to JNay- " ades, from Piiilip to Great Route, d.4. Dryades Quay, head of Dryades Walk, from Felicity Road to St. Andrew, d. 4. Dryades Walk, 3d w. of and prl. to Nay- ades, from Triton Walk to Felicity Road, d. 1. Duffossat, 10th w. of and prl. to Napoleon [ Avenue, from river to suburbs Jeffer- I son City. Eagle, 15th w. of and prl. to Nayades,fm Felicity to Claiborne, d. 4. Edward, (now xMclpomene,) 5th s. of De- lord, from ISt. Thomas to Camp. d. 1. Eighth, 14th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. Eighth, 14th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carroll- ton. Eighteenth, 34th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line,Car- rolltoji. Eleventii, 19th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carrollton. Elysian Fields, b. Marigney and French- men, from river to lake, d. 3. Ellen, 8th nw. of and prl. to Nayades, fm Gormley's Canal to Philip, d. 4. Elmire, 13ih e. of and nearly prl. to Pont- ciiartrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3 Enghien, (now Lafayette Avenue,) 5th e. of Esplanade, from river to Mexican Gulf Railroad, d. 3. Erato, 3d s. of Tivoli Circle, from Annun- ciation to woods, d. 1. Esplanade, dividing 2d and 3d dts, from river w. to woods. Estelie, (now Thalia,) 5th s. of Delord, from Annunciation to Camp, d. 1. Esther, 6th sw. of and prl. to First, from Hillary to Lower Line, Carrollton. Euphrosine, from Hercules to Liberty, d. 1. Euterpe, 2d s. of Coliseum Place, from Coliseum to Felicity Road, d. 1. Exchange Place, b. Royal and Chartres, from Canal to St. Louis, d. 2. Exchange Passage, b. Royal and Jackson Square, from St. Peter to St.Ann, d.2. Factors Row, c. Carondelet and Perdido. Feliciana, 5th e. of and prl. to Lafayette Walk, from Mexican Gulf Railroad to woods, d. 3. Felicity Road, dividing 1st and 4th dts, from river to woods. First, (now Hagan Avenue,) 7th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. First, 7th nw. of and prl. to Broad, from Carondelet Walk to Washington Av- enue, d. 3. First head of depot N. 0. & C.R.R., from Greenville to Madison, Carrollton. Fifth, 8th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carroll'n. Fifth, (now Dupre,) 2d nw of and prl. to Broad, from Carondelet Walk to St. John's Route, d. 3. Fifteenth, 27th ne. of and prl. to First, fm from Lower to Upper Lii.e, Carlt. Florida Landing,' 22d n. of and prl. to river, from Elysian Fields to suburbs, d. 3. Fortin,on the Grand Route St. John, right hand of the brid'ge, d. 3. Foucher, (now Constance,) 1st w. of Tchoupitoula^, from Poydras to Girod and continuing from Julia to Duplan- tier, d. 1. Fourth, 10th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. Fourth, 3d e. of and prl. to Broad, from Carondelet Walk to St. John's Route, d. 3. Fourth, 6th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to Jackson, Carrollton. Fourteenth, 25 ne. of and prl. to First, fm Lower Line to Upper Line, Carlt. Franklin, 2d w. of and prl. to Rampart, s. of Cai al in d. 1, n. of Canal to Feli- city Road. Franklin Walk, 8th e. of and prl. to Pont- chartrain Railroad, from Lafayette Walk to woods, d. 3. Frederick Square, bounded by Fifteenth, Hamilton, Edenburg and Laurel Grove, Carrollton. French, 18th e. of and nearly prl, to Pont- charlrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Frenchmen, 1st e. of and prl. to Pontchar- train Railroad, from Esplanade to woods, d. 3. Freret, 5th w. of and prl. to Rampart, from Gravier to Protestant Cem., d. 1 Front Levee, from Louisa to Lafayette, 1st and 4th dts. Fulton Avenue, nw. of Gormley's Basin, from Felicity Road to the canal, 4th d. Fulton, (now St. Thomas,) 3d w. of and prl. to river, from Felicity Road to junction Levee, d. 4. Front Street, formed of the new batture ground fronting the river, from Cus- tomhouse in d. 2, to Triangle build- ings in d. 1. GAiENNiE,3ds. of St.Mary's Market, from river to Annunciation, d. 1. Gallatin, 1st w'. of and prl. to river, from Urselines to Barracks, d. 2. Galvez, 19th w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal in d. 1, n. of Canal to Espla- nade in d.2, and n. of Esplanade in d. 3 STREET GUIDE 21 Gasquet, 1st s, of and prl. to Canal, from Basin to woods, d. 1. Genius, 17ih n, of and prl, to river, from Bernard to sulmrbs of d. 1. General Taylor, known as Upper Line street, Jcrt'rrson City. GentUiy Road, running; off ne. from Bayou Road, ]st and 3d distrirts, Gl(Mse's tiow, op, I'oj'dras market, d, 1. Girod, 5th s. of and prl, to Common, from river to I'roli'stant Cemetery, d. 1. Girod (now Vilifn,) lOlli n. of and prl, to river, from i^rruard to siihurlis, d. 3, Giroiid (now Howard,) 4ili w. of and jirl to Rampart, from (."omuion lo Protes- tant Cemetery, d. ], Goodchildren Aviinie, 7tli n, of and prl. to river, fm Elysian Firids lo woods, d. 1 Goodchildren (now St. Claude,) 7ih ii. of and prl, to river, from Esplanade to Elysian Fields, d 3. Gravier, 1st s. of and |irl. to Common, river to woods, d. 1. Grcafmcni (now BourlHin,) 4(h n, nfand prl, to river, fin Esplanadr lo Poland d. 3. Great Route, Wiltz suburlts, from river lo woods, d. 3, Green, lltli ne. of and prl. lo First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carroll- Ion Hag AN AvEMrE, 7th w. of and prl. to Hroad, from New Canal to Canal Car- rondtlet, d. 2. Hamilton, 10th nw. of and prl. to Canal Avenue, fm 7th to Ncn-ih Line, Carlt. Hampson, 1st ne. of and prl. to First, fm Lower Lino to Madison, Carrollton. Harmony, IGth se. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river lo woods, d, 4. Henderson, 2d. s. of Orleans cotton press, fm F'ront I.evee toTchoupitoulas, d. 1. Hercules (now Rampart,) 4tli w. of and prl. to Nayadcs, continuation of Mo- bile, from Triton Walk to Felicity Road. d. 1 Hcrculi'S Quay, w. of Drayades Quay, from Felicity Road, d. ]. Herman, w. of and prl. lo Nayade.s, from .Tackson to Philip, d. 4. Highland, 13ih nw. of and prl. to Canal Av.,from 13ih to North Line, Carlt. Hillary, 5ih sc. of and prl. to Canal Ave- nue, from the river to the Canal, Car- rollton. History (now Kerlerec,) Ist n. of Espla- nade, from (irealmen to Love, d. 3. Holly Grove, 9th nw. of and prl. lo Ca- nal Av. fm Plum to the Canal, Carlt. Homer, McDonough from River to woods. Hospital, 2d e. of and prl. to Esplanade, from river lo Rampart, d. 2. Howard, 8ih w. of and prl. to Nayndes, from Felicity to New Canal, d. 4. Hunter, rear of Orleans cotion press, from New Levee to Tchoupitoulas, d. 1. Indefendence, I7th e. of and prl. to Pont- charirain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Jackson, '8th, nw. of and prl. to Canal Av- enue, from New Levee to the Canal. Jackson, 4ih s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from riv(>r lo woods, d. 4. Jacksini Square (formerly known as Place d'Armes,) b. Conde and Old Levee, St. Petir and St. Ann, d. 2. .Tackson, McDonougli, fm River to woods. Jacobs, 9ih w. of and prl. to Nayades, from JViw Canal to Felicity Road, d. 1 Jacob (now Frcnl,) Kith nw. of and prl. to Nayades, from Gormley's Canal to Philip, d. 4. Jeanneite, 9th ne. of and prl. to First, fm Uppir l.iiii' to Lower. Line, Carlt. Jefierson, 4ili nw. of and prl. to Canal Avenue, from the river to the Canal, Carrollton. Jefferson, 6th n, of and prl. to Canal, fm river to Chartres, d. 2. Jeffer*on, McDonough, runs prl. with Itiver. Jena, 2d w. of and prl. to Napoleon Ave- nue, from river to woods, J. C. Jersey (now Annunciation,) 5th w. of and prl. to river from Felicity Road to Great Route, d. 4. Johnson, 17th w. of and prl. to river from Common to O'Reily, d. 1. Joseph, 2d. w. of and prl. to Peters Ave- nue from river lo suburbs, Jefferson city. Josephine, 3d s. of and nearly prl. to Fe- licity, from river to woods, d. 4. Josephine, 15th n. ofandprl. to river from Lafayette Avenuf; to suburbs, d. 3. Julia, 6th, s. of and prl. to Common, from river to woods. Kerlerec, 1st n. of and prl. to Espla- nade, from Love to Dorgenois, d. 3. Lafayette, 4th s. of and prl. to Common, from river to woods, d. 1. Lafayette Square, b. Poydras and Girod, fronting St. Charles and Camp, d. 1. Laharpe, n. of and ]>rl. to Esplanade, fm Goodchildren Avenue lo Jean Pierre Canal, to woods, d. 3. Lalurie's Row, Exchange Place, b. Cus- tomhouse and Bienville, d. 2. Lanes, 18ih nw. of and prl. to Canal Ave- nue, from South Line to North Line, Carrollton. Lapeyrouse, 4th n. of and prl. to Espla- nade, from Derbigny to woods, d. 3. Laurel, 6th w. of and prl. to river from Felicity Road to Great Route, d. 4. Laurel Grove, Hth nw. of and prl. to Ca- nal Avenue, Carrollton. Laurent, 5th nw. of Nayades, from Grom- ley's Basin to Philip, d. 4. 8 22 STREET GUIDE. Leonidas, 5ili nw. of and pri. to Canal Avenue, from the river to the Canal, Carroll Ion. Leontine, Iste. of and prI. to Peters Ave- nue from river to St. Charles, J. C. Lesseps, 19lh e of and neaily prI. to Pont- chartrain R. R., from river to woods, d. 3. Levee, fronting and prl. to river from Es- planade to suburbs, d. 3. Levee, 2d w. of and prl. to river from Fe- licity Road to Pleasant, d. 4. Levee, 2d from a)id prl. to river, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carrollton Liberaux (now Johnson,) 18th n. of and prl. to river, from Bernard, d. 3. Liberty, 6ih w. of and prl. to Nayades, s. fm N-w Canal to Felicity Road, d. L Live Oak, (now Constance,) 7ih w. of and prl. to River, from Felicity Roa'd to Great Route, d. 4. Locust, 3d w. of St. Paul, from New Ca- nal n. to Perilliat, d. L Louisa (now Calliope,) 2d s. of St, Ma- ry's Market, from Annunciation to river, d. L Louisa, 10th e. of and prl. to Pontchar- train Railroad, fm river to woods, d.3. Love, (now Rampart,) 6th n. of and prl. to river, from Esplanade to suburbs, d. 3. Lower Line, dividing line b. Greenville and Carrollton, from the river, Car- rollton. Lyon, 1st e. of and prl. to Upper Line fm river to junction. Upper Line, J . C. Mac ARTY, 3d sw. of and prl. to First, fm Lower Line to Washington, Carlt. Madison, nw. of and prl. to Canal Avenue, from river to Canal, Carrollton. Madison, prl. to andb. St. Ann and Main, d. 2. Madison, McDonough, from Canal prl. with River. Main, or Dumain, 8th n. of and prl. to Canal, from river to woods, d. 2. Magazine, 1st e. of Camp, and prl. to river, from Canal to Jefferson City. Magdalen (now Magnolia,) 8th w. of and prl. to Rampart, from Common to Perilliat, d. 1. Magnolia, 4th w. of and prl. to St. Paul, from New Canal to Perilliat, d. 1. Mandeville, 2d e. of Pontchartrain Rail- road, from river to woods, d. 3. Marias, 10th w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal in d. 1, and n. of Canal to Bayou Road, in d. 2. Marigny 1st e. of Pontchartrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Marengo, 3d e. of and prl. to Louisiana Avenue, from river to woods, J. C. Marketplace, on Levee, b. Richard and St. James, d. 1. Martin, (now Willow,) w. of and prl. to Nayades, s. of Carondelet Canal to Felicity Road, d. 1. Mary, 7th nw. of and prl. to Canal Ave- nue, from river to the Canal, Carlt. iVJaunsel, (now Magnolia,) llih w. of and prl, to Nayades, s. of Carondelet Ca- nal to Felicity Road, d. 1. Mazant, 17th e. of and nearly prl. to Pont- chartrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Melicerte, (now Krato,) 4th s. of Delord, from Annunciation to Camp,d. 1. Melpomene, 1st n. of Coliseum Place, fm Camp to Felicity, d. 1. Milan, 2d e. of and prl. to Louisiana Ave- nue, from riyer to woods, J. C. Millaudon, 7ih se. of and prl. to Canal Avenue, from the river to First, Carlt. Miro, 19th w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal in d. 1, n. of Canal to. Espla- nade in d. 2, and n. of Esplanade in d 3. Monroe, 9th nw. of and prl. to Canal Ave- nue, from river to the Canal, Carlt. Monroe, McDonough 3d from and prl. to river. Montegut, 8th e. of and prl. to Pontchar- train R. R. from river to woods, d. 3. Morales, (now Marais,) 8th n. of and prl. to river, from Bernard to suburbs, d.3. Moreau, (now Chartres,) 2d n. of and prl. to river, fm Esplanade to Poland, d.3. Music; 5th e. of and prl. to Pontchartrain Railroad, fm Enghien to woods, d. 3. Mysterious, (now Columbus,) 1st n. of and prl. to Esjjlanade from Greatmen to Love, d. 3. Napoleon Avenue, 10 w. of and prl. to Louisiana Avenue, from river to woods, Jefferson City. Natchez, 2d s. of and prl. to Common, from river to Camp, d. 1. Nayades, (now St. Charles,) 13Lh w. of and prl. to river, from Tivoli Circle to Felicity Road. New Basin, head of Julia. New Customhouse Row, b. Crossman and Canal, Old Levee, d. 2. New Levee, (now Peters,) prl. to river from St. Louis s. to Canal, d. 2, s. from Canal to Race, in d. 1. New Orleans, 7th w. of and prl. to Pont- chartrain Railroad, from O'Reily to woods, d. 3. Newton, McDonough, fm river to woods. Ney, 15th nw. of and prl. to Canal Ave- nue, from North Line to South Line, Carrollton. Nineteenth, 25th ne. of and prl. to First, fm Lower Line to Upper Line, Carlt. Ninth, 15th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carrollton. Ninth 15th s. of and prl. to Felicity, from river to Nayades, d. 4. Notre Dame, 6th s. of Common, from river . to Magazine, d. 1. North, ns. Lafayette Square, from Camp to St. Charles, d. 1. STREET GUIDE, 23 North, ns. St. Mary's Market, from New Li'vce to Tchoiipitoulaa, d. 1. North Maikrt, ]irl. to St. Mary's Market, from Ti'hotijii(oulas, d. 1. Nuns, from New Levee to Fulton, d. 4. OcTAViA, 1st w. of and prl. to Peters Ave- nue, from river to woods, J. C. Old Basin, b. St. Peter and Toulouse, d. 2. Old l^evee, (now Decatur,) from Canal, front of Jackson Square to Esplanade, . d. 2. Oliver, 8th sw. of and prl. to First, from Levee to Lower Line, Carrollton. Onzaija, .'itii n. of and ]irl. to Ksplanade, from Roman to woods, d. 3. Orange, 9th s. of and prl. to Delord, from New Levee to Camp, d. 1. Orleans, n. of and prl. to Cm al, from Jack- son Square to woods, d. 2. O'Riely, n. of and prl. to Jean Pierre Ca- nal, from Bernard to woods, d. 3. Pacanier (now Chi|ipewa,) 4th w of and prl. to river, from Edward to Felicity Road, d. L Painters, 7tli e. of and prl. to Pontchar- Irain Railroad, from Lafayette Walk to woods, d. 3. Palmyra, 2d s. of and prl. to Canal, from Claiborne to woods, d. 1. Patterson, 3d from and prl. to river. Peace, 1st n. of and prl. to Esplanade, fm Miu-eau, to Bai;atelle, d. 3. Pearl, 1st w. of New Levee, from Delord to Louisa, d, 1. Pearl, 1st w. cf and prl. to First, from Levee to Lower Line, Carrollton. Pcniston, 6lh w. of and i)rl. to Louisiana Avenue, from river to woods, J. C. Penn, 1st w. of Baronne, from Poydras to to I'erdido. Pensacola Landing, head of New Basin. Perdido, 3d s. of and nearly prl. to Canal, from St. Charles to woods, d. 1 Perilliat, 1st n. of Protestant Cemetery, from St. Paul to woods, d. I. Peter, McDonogh, from Delarond to woods Peters Avenue, w. of and prl. to Louisi- ana Avenue, from river to woods, J.C. Philip, 5ih s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. Philip, 17th 11 w. of and prl. to Canal Ave- nue, from North Line to South Line, Carrollton. Piety, 11th e. of and nearly prl. to Pont- chartrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Pine, (now Freret,) 2d w. of St. Paul, n. New Canal to Cypress, d. 1. Plaquemine, (now Coliseum,) 11th w. 6f and prl. to river, from felicity Road to Great Route, d. 4. Plauche (now Marais,) 3d nw. of and nearly prl. to Rampart, from Bayou Road to Es])lanade in d. 2, and Es- planade to Jean Pierre Canal in d. 3. Pleasant, 17th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, fnmi river to woods, d. 4. Plum, 7th nw. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line t(>.U|>i>er Line, Carrollton. Poet, continuation of Washington Avenue, from Moreau to Goodchildren, d. 3. Poland, 29th e. of and ])rl. to I'ontchartrain Railroad, from river to woods, d. 3. Polymnia, 2d s. of Coliseum Place, from Coliseum to Felicity Road, d. 1. Port, 6ih e. of and nearly jn-l. to Espla- nade, from river to suburbs, d. 3. Poydras, 4th s. of Canal, prl. to Common, from river to woods, d. 1. Poyfarre, 1st of and prl. to Delord, from Annunciation lo Camp, d. 1. Prieur, Ifilh w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal ind. 1, n. of Canal to Esplanade in d. 2, and n. of Esplanade m d. 3. Prytania, 1st e. of and prl, to Nayades, junction of Camp and Clio to Great Route, d. 4, Public Road, 1st from the river, foot of Levee, from Lower Line to L'pper Carroltlon. Pulaski, 5th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road from Nayades to Apollo, d. 4. Race, s. of ant* prl. to Delord, from New Levee to Coliseum, d. 1. Rampart, 7th w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal in (\, 1, n. of Canal to Espla- nade in d. 2, and from Mobile Land- ing to Felicity, d. I. Religious, now continuation of Bellchaisc, 2d w. of and prl. to river, from Robin to St. Andrew, d. 4. Richard, lltli s. of and prl. to Delord, frwm Levee to Felicity Road, d. 1. Robert, yih w. of and ]iv\. to Sapoleon Avenue, from river to junction, Upper Line street, JeftVrson City. Robertson, 12th w. of and prl. to river, s, of Canal in d. 1, n. of Canal to Es- planade in J. 2, to Bernard in d. 3. Robin, 6th s. of and prl. to Delord, from Front Levee to Camp d. 1. Rocheblave, 21st w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal in d. 1, and n. of Canal to Esplanadir in d. 2, and n. of Espla- nade in d. 3. Roffignac, now Terpischore, 5th s. of and prl. to Delord, from Front Levee to Tchoupitoulas, in d. 1. Roman, 15th w. of and jirl. to river, s. of Canal in d. 1, n. of Canal to Espla- nade in d. 2, and n. of Esplanade in d. 3. Rousseau, 2d w. of and prL to river, from F"elicity Road to Washington Avenue, d. 4. Royal, 4th w. of and prl. to river, from Canal to Esplanade, d. 2, now taking in Casacalvo from Esplanade to Po- land. 24 STKEET GUIDE. Sauvage, on St. John's Great Route, d. 3. Second, s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. Si'cond, tilli II w. of and prl. to Broad, from Camndelet Walk to St. Jolui's Route, d. 3. Second, 2d nw . of and prl. to First, from Lower Liiii' to Jefferson, Carlt. Sevenieentii, 33d ne. from and prl to Fifst, from Lower Line to UpjHr Line, Carli. of and prl. to First, Line to Upper Line, Seventh, 1:2th ne from Lower Carlt. Seventh, Isl nw of and nearly prl. to Broad, from Beliuchaisc to St. John's Great Route, d. 3. Seventh, 13th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. Sixteenth, 31st ne. of and prl. lo First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carlt. Sixth, 10th ne. of and prl. lo First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carroll- ton. Sixth, 1st e. of and jirl. to Broad, fm Ca- rondelel Walk to Si. John's Route, d. 2. Sixiii, 12ih s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river lo woods, d. 4. Short, Isl se. of and prl. lo Canal Avenue, from the river lo Canal, Carroll- ton. Solis (now Locust,) llth nw. of and prl. Nayades, from GOrmley's Canal lo Phillip, d. 4. Solidelle, 14th n. of and jirl. to river, from Bernard lo suburbs, d. 3. Soniat, 7ih w. of and prl. to Napoleon Avenue, from river to woods, Jeffer- son City. Soraparu, 6ih s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to Jersey, d. 4. South, ss. of Lafayette Square, from Camp to St. Charle.s, d. 1. South, ss. St. Mary's Market, from New Levee lo Tchoujiiloulas, d. 1. Spain, 3d e. of Pontclmrtrain Railroad, from Levee lo woods, d. 3. St. Andrew, 2d s. of and ]>r\. to Felicity Road, from riviT to woods, d. 4. St. Ann, bth, n. of and prl. to Canal, from river to woods, d. 2. St. Anthony, 4lh w. of and prl. to Pont- cliarirain Railroad, from Esplanade to woods, d. 3. St. Avide (known as a continuation of Claiborne,) 12th n. of and prl. to river, from Jean Pierre Canal to suburbs, d.3. St. Bernard Avenue, prl. lo Jean Pierre Canal, fm. Goodchildren to woods, d.3. St. Charles, 5lh w. of and nearly prl. to river, from Canal lo Felicity Road. St. Claude, 1st sw. of Rampart, from Old Basin to Esplanade, d. 2. St. David, nw. of and prl. lo Nayades, fm Hebrew Cemetery lo Delachasse, d. 4. St. Dennis, 4th nw. of and prl. to Na- yades, from Philip to Great Route. St. Ferdinand, 6th e. of and prl. to Pont- chartrain Raih-oad, from river to woods, d. 3. St. Francis Alley, between St. Charles and Camp, from Lafayette Square n. to Poydras, d. 1. St. Georgi-', 8th nw. of and prl. to Nayades, from Jackson to Uelachassc, d. 4. Shell Road, ss. of New Canal, from Pen- sacola Landing to lake, d. 1. St. James, s. o( Market Place, from river lo Felicity Road, d. 1. St. Jane, 7th w. of and prl. to St. Paul from Common s. to Perilliat, d. 1. St. John, intercepts Bayou Road, from RocJieblave to Bayou St. John. St. John Ba])tist, 3d w. of and prl. to river, continuation of St. Tliomas, fm. Robin to Felicity Road, d. 1. St. John Baptist (now Robertson,) llth n. of and prl. to river, from Bernard to suburbs, d. 3. Si. Joseph, 1st n. of and prl. to Delord, d.l. St. Louis, 4th n. of and prl. to Canal from river to woods, d. 2. St. Marc (now Magnolia,) 4lh w. and prl. to St. Paul, fm Common to Perilliat, d.l. _ St. Mary, 1st se. of and prl. to Felicity Roatd, from river to Nayades, d. 4. St. Mary (now Locust,) 3d w. of and prl. to St. Poul, from Common lo Peril- liat, d. 1. St. Mary's Alley, b. St. Charles and Camp, fm Latayette Square to Julia, d. 1. St. Patrick, 5th nw. of and prl. to Nay- ades, from Phillip to IJelachasse, d. 4. St. Paul (now Liberty,) 3d w. of and [irl. lo Ranijiart, from Common s. to Julia street Landing, New Canal, d. 1. St. Peter (now Franklin,) 2d w. of and prl. to Rampart, from Common to Julia street Landing, New Canal, d. 1. St. Peter, 6th n. of and prl. to Canal, frorn river to woods, d. 2. St. Philip, lOth n. of and prl. to Canal, from river to woods, d. 2. Suzelte (now Erato,) 4ih s. of St. Mary's market, from river to Annunciation, d. 1. St. Thomas, 3d n. of and prl. to river, from Suzelte to Robin, d. 1. TcHonpiTOULAs, 2d w. of and prl. to river, from Canal to Felicity Road, d.l. Tenth, 18th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carroll- ton. STREET aUIDE 25 Terpsichore, 6th s. of Tivoli Cirrle, from Camp to Folicity Ko!u],{l. 1. Tlialia, continuation of Benjamin and Es- telle, s. of Tivoli Circle, from river to woods, d. 1. Theresa, 6th s. of and nearly prl. to Dc- lord, from Tciioujiitoulas to St. Tho- mas, d. 1. Third, 9th, s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. Third. 5th nw. of Broad, from Carondelet Walk to St. John's Route, d. 3. Tiiirteenth, 24th ne. of and prl. to First, from Lower Line to llppcr Line, CarlU Tivoli Circle, at the head of St. Charles, Triton Walk, and foot of Nayades. Toledano, 13th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from Nayades to woods, d. 4. Tonti, 21st nw. of river, s. of Canal in d. 1, n. of ('anal to Esplanade, in d. 2, and n. of Esplanade in d. 3. Toul.aise, 5th n. of and )irl. to Canal, from river to woods, d. 2. Treme ^now Liberty,) 3d nw. of and prl. to Rampart, from Common to Bayou Road. Triton Walk (now Delord,)nw. of Tivoli Circle, to head of New Basin, d. 1. Twelfth, 22d ne. of and prl. to First from Lower Line to Upper Line, Carroll- ton. Union, 3d s. of and prl. to Canal, from St. Charles to Dryades, d. I. Union, w. of and prl. to Pontchartrain R., from Esplanade to woods, d. 3. Union Row, Carondelet, between Perdido and Union, d. 1. University Place, Dryades, between Canal and Ctmimon. d. I. Upper Line, 5ih of and prl. to Napoleon Avenue, from river to woods, Jeffer- son City. Upper Line,dividinc; line between Carroll- ton and New Carrollton, from river to Cecil, Carrollton. Urania, s. of Coliseum Square, continua- tion of Racefrom Coliseum to Felicity Road.d. 1. Urqnhart, 9th n. of and prl. to river, from Bernard to suburbs, d. 3. Ursniines, s. of and prl. to Esplanade, from river to woods, d. 2. Valence, 3d w. of and prl. to Napoleon Avenue, from river to woods, Joflor- son City. Valmont, 1st e. of Leontine, from river to St. Charles, Jefferson City. • Variety Passage, fm 147 Common through to Gravier. Victory (now Old Levee,) 1st n. of and prl. to river, from Esplanade to St. Ferdinand, d. 3. Villere, 12th w. of and prl. to river, s. of Canal, d. 1, n. of Canal to Esplanade in d. 2, and n. of Esplanade in d. 3. Villere, from Canal street Ferry to Pat- terson. Vine (now Clara,) w. of St. Paul from New Canal to P(>rilliat, d. 1. Washington, 2d sc. of and prl. to Canal Avenue, from the river to the Canal, Carrollton. Washington (sometimes called Fifth st.,) 11th s. of and prl. to Felicity Road, from river to woods, d. 4. Washington, intercepts Bayou Road, from Dorgenois to Bayou St. John. Washington Avenue 4th e. of and prl. to Pontchartrain Railroad, from Enghein to woods, d. 3. Water, Isl, w. of and prl. to river, from Adeie to suburbs. Willow, 6th w. of St. Paul, from New Canal to Perilliat, d. 1. White (now Basin,) 5th w. of and prl. to Nayades, from Now Basin to Felicity Road, d. 1. White, 1st n. of and prl. to Broad, from Bayon St. John to St. Bernard, d. 3. Wither's Alley, Ijelween Gainnie and Su- zette. New and F>ont Levee, d. 1. 'V' ^ ^ GARDNER'S NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY, F o:r 1 8 e 1- ABBREVIATIONS. ab. Carlt. Carrol Hon. f w. c. free woman color. nc. near the corner. accountiinU c. h. coffee house. fwdg. forward! iij;. ns. north side. atty. Av. elk. clerk. Crnl. Greenville. opp. op)iosite. attonicv. com. commission. Grt. Gretna. I'ont. Pontchartrain. Com'l Commercial. Jeff. Jefferson. p. s. public scliools. b. cot. cotton. lab. laborer. rb. right bank. Bel. Bfllville. c p. citv police. lb. left blink. d. 2. second district. b. h. hoardinji house. d. dwellinp;. manf. manufactory. shpg. shipping. hi. ■below. e.i>. east side. mer. merchant. ss. south side. bids. builiiinps. Ex. Kxuhange. Mcll. McPonogh sug sugar. br. h. beer house. d 1. first district. mkr. maker. d. 3. tliird district. Bouly Boulii?ny f. ra. c. free man of color mkt market. ws. west side. c. corner. d.4. fourth district n. near. AA R . . A iBB A ARON H. book keeper, d 399 Ba- ronne Aaron Isidore, dry gds. 288 St. Claude Aaron Loiii.s, draining machine, d. Bayou St. Joiiii c. Orleans .\aron it Co. ( Sainni'l .iaron, Louis Myer,) clothiiws, 96 Poydras Aaron Sanniel, clothing, 4 Front n. Cross- man, d. 2 Aaron Siniuel, dry gds. 139 Marais, d. 2 Aaron Win. A book keeper, 188 Erato Abadie Augusle, c. p. 298 Burgundy Abadic A. c. h. 2().) Old Levee Abadie A. elk. 26J Old Levee, d. 2 Abadie A. Mrs. d. 46 St. Anthony Abadie Bernard, butcher, Treme market, d. 131) Orleans Abadie Bernard, elk. 100 Old Levee Abadie Bernard, potatoe.s, 21 St. Philip Abadie Birnanl, butcher, Claiborne mkt. Abadie Bertrand, grocer. Main c. Miro Abadie C. tailor, 201 Bourbon .AbMie C. Mrs. Robertson c. Columbus Aliadie Kugene, elk. d. 374 St. P.ier Abadie Francois, butcher, French mkt. d. 124 Main Abadie Jean, butcher, 16 Poydras mkt Abadie John, shoemaker, 358 Old Levee, d.3 Abadie J. F. variety, 251 Bourbon Abadie Joseph, blacksmith, Chartres c. Bartholomew Abadie Jo-seph, Broad n. CarondeletWalk Abadie Louis, bakery. 388 Bayou Road Abadie Philip, butcher, 5 Poydras mkt, d. La. Av. n. Annunciation Abadie Pierre, furniture, Dauphine c. Toulouse Abadie Simon, butcher, 28 Dryades mkt Abadie Theophilus, elk. 74 Canal Abadie Theresse, f. w. c. 223 Bienville Abadie Victor, 254 Conti Abadie V. Kerhrrc e. Roman Abadie W. butcher, 34 Treme mkt. d. 148 St. Peter Abat Antoine, notary public, 81 Common, d. 77 Union, d.3 Abat A. 235 Main Abat A. Mrs. d. 185 Royal Abat, Generis & Co. ( Leonce Mat, Louis F. Generes, Charles Baquie,) note bro- kers, 46 Royal Abat B. P. (.Ibat, Marye Sf Cushman,) 69 Carondelet Abat Leonce, (.Ibal, Generes &c Co.) 46 Royal Abat, Marye & Cushman, (B. P. Mat, L.y. Miirye,ChiirlisW. Cushman,) cot- ton factors and com. mers. 69 Caron- drlet Abat Victor, 56 Exchange Place, d. 185 Roval Abbatt'& \nAT('W9, ( Robert Sf Wm. M. .Ibbalt, .John ?f'. .Iiulrews,) Planter's Press,, Richard c. Annunciation ABB 28 ADA Abbatt Rohen,(MbciU 8f Jlndreivs,) Rich- ard c. Annunciation Abbatt Rolicrt, atty at law, d, 54 Euterpe Abbatt William M. (Mbatt &f Jindrews,) Richard c. Annunciation Abbay S. F. R. (Harding, Jbbay S{- More- head,) 59 Carondelet Abbo Vincent, 425 Ursnline Abbott A. L. elk. Canal c. Royal, d. 636 Carondolet Abbott Peter, lab. d. 254 Custom house Abbott R. G. (B. P. Ethell &f Co.) 101 Magazine, d. 409 St. Charles Abbott William A. carp. Sequin n. Alex, Algiers Abe Matthias, grocer, Jersey c. Austerlitz, Jeff. Citv Abejean L. f. m c. d. 286 St. I,ouis Abel Henry, ( Willimns SfMel,) hay dealer. Pleasant n. Laurel Abelhast Lewis, trader, 10 St, James Abell E. atty. 11 St. Peter, Porrtabla Bids Abellard Joseph, 346 Burgundy, d. 3, d. Ill Mandeville Abels John H. 57 Exchangee Place Aberle Wm. elk. 27 Hospital Aberms Wm. H. pilot, Lyon n. Laurel, Jeff. Citv Abernathy Wm. M. elk. 61 St. Charles, d. 3vS0 Canal Aberton R. shoemaker, 528 Burgundy, d. 3 Abisch Christian, bakery. Laurel n. St. Andrew Able A. F. (Lawson &f Able,'] d. Felicity n Dryades Able Bea:trice, butcher, d. Lafayette n. Second Aboerhart Jacob, d. Laurel n. Josephine Abrahamson John, real estate broker, 95 Common Abrahamson Julius, 33 Congress Abram Richard, grocer, 276Tchoupitoulas Abrams Brothers, {J. J\I. &f .d . Jlbrams ,) produce and merchandise brokers, 39 Natchez Abrams Alexander, (Jibrams Brothers,) d. Magazine c. Orange ABRAMS B. & J. Wholesale and Plantation Druggists, 44 Camp and 74 Gravier streets. New Orleans, Importers of English, French and German Chemicals, and dealers in Pa- tent Medicines. Abrams Charles, drayman, d. 331 Felicity Abrams Henry, pilot, d. Bienville c. Old Levee Abrams I. P. acct. 317 Julia, d. 689 Mag- azine Abrams J. C. broker, 43 Natchez, d. Eu- terpe n. Prylania Abrams Maurice, (S. A. Levy, jr. &f Co.) auctioneer, 34 Magazine Abrams Maurice, cabinet maker, 373 Chartres, d. 3 ALrams M. (J. T. Dosivell &>• Co.) 43 Nat chez, d. 205 Prytania Abrams Peter, professoV, d. 95 Ursuline Abrams Taylor M. d. 182 Baronne Abrams Wm. H daguerrean, 150 Royal Abrams Wm. .H. pilot, d. Canal c. Ba- ronne Abreo George C. fruit, 171 St. Louis, d. , 351 Bienville Abreno John, c. h. 292 Tchoupitdulas Abrio Joseph, d. 439 Chartres, d. 3 Abry J. G. cistern maker, 196 Robertson Aby & Catching, {Samuel H. My, P. S. Catching,) cotton factors and com. "mers. 12 Union, d. 1. d. Race n. Con- stance Acebab Jose, 54 Union, d. 3 Acebef Jose, cigar maker, 157 Rampart,d.3 Acevedo Juan, lab. d. 134 Mandeville Acevedo Joseph, drayman, d Urquhartn. Frenchmen Achal John, blacksmith, d. Melpomene c. Freret Achat, {Venli &r Achat r) 212 Bicrvville Acheet J. 439 . C. cabinet maker, 228 Conti Alexaiid.r M. Mrs. d. 279 Customhouse Alexander Nicholas, fruit, Algiers Alexander Peter, f. m. c, d 115 Frenchmen Alexander R. J. clerk, 11 Terpsichore Alexander Wm. grocer, Rampart c. Cal- liojie Alexander Virginia, Mrs. d. 154 Euterpe Alexandrie Diogene, d. Marais c. Orleans Alexis Anna L. d 235 St. Claude Alexis Antoinette, d. Roman n. Laharpe ALE 32 ALL Alexis A. apothecary and druggist, 255 Dorbigny Alexis A. H. Bayou St. John Alexis C(-lestine, f. m- c. d. 51 Annette Alexis Elizabeth, f. w. c. d. 259 Dauphine Alexis J. f. m. c, cooper, d. 380 Dauphine Alexis Marie, f. w. c. d. 29 St. Bernard Alford Edward, carjj. Fifth n. Lafayette, Gretna Alfred Arthur F. Mrs. d. Camp n. Sixth Alfred Arthur F. d. Camp n. Sixth Alfonso Mathias, cigar maker, 134 French- men Algers Ferry, foot of Common, N. O. and foot of Villere, Algiers Algoe J. W. 148 Canal Alia Carl,d. Mozart c. Dauphine Alibert Lucien, carpenter, 185 Toulouse Alidor Hyacinthe, 189 Ursuline ' Alix J, cigars, 162 Bourbon Alix John, (Chinese cook,) 12 Union, d. 3 Alixon R. ship carpenter, Algiers Allain Armand, clerk, 122 Chartres Allain V. & Co. (J. V. Mlain,) com. mers. 18 Conti, d. 240 Rampart Allain V. bricklayer, d. 234 St. Philip Allan James, 45 Carondelet Allard Celina, f. w. c. d. 285 St. Philip Allard Fred, carpenter, d. 147 St. Philip Allard Latour, d. 175 Burgundy Allava L. Mrs. d. 96 Orleans Allbecker Fred, laborer, d. 715 Fulton Allemagne Francaise, d. 352 Chartres, d.3 Allemand E. Mrs. d. 240 Conti Alleman John, cab. maker, 192 Bienville Allemand Cecilia, f. w. c.d. 152 Burgundy Allen Albert, d Josephine n. New Levee Allen A. C. clerk, New Levee c. Poydras, d. St. Andrew n. Camp Allen Benj. D. d. Rousseau n. Soraparu Allen Charles G. engineer, d. Lafayette Avenue n. Sixth, Gretna Allen Columbus C. clerk, New Levee c Poydras, d. St. Mary c. Laurel Allen C. J. d. Clio n. Franklin , Allen C. W. (Wright,. men 8f Co.) 120 Gravier, d. 140 Carondelet Allen C. W. clerk. 65 Magazine Allen David, ship carpenter, d. Delaronde, Algiers Allen Edward, clerk, 121 Common, d 161 St. Charles Allen Elizabeth, Mrs. dress maker, 188 ('amp Allen Geo. receiving clerk, d. 112 KerlereC Allen Henry, clerk, 36 Old Levee Allen James, pilot, d. 389 Basin, d. 1. Allen James P., S. B. and R. R. agent, 43 Natchez, bds. 13 Burgundy Allen John, "Seventy Six" c. h. 162 Gra- vier, d. 18 Villere Allen John, porter, 283 Custom house Allen John, laborer, d. 15 Enghein Allen John, b. h, 20 Frenchmen Allen John, Franklin c. Perdido Allen Joseph W. 48 Carondelet Allen J. M. (J. H. &f J. J\I. Mien,) com, mer. 155 Common ALLEN J. W. Dr., Dentist, 196 Canal. Allen Louis D. c. p. d. 117 Polyrania Allen Louis, clerk, d. 459 Carondelet, d. 1 Allen Louis, f. m. c. d. carpenter, 492 Burgundy, d. 3 Allen Madison, painter, d. 305 Baronne Allen Morris, cooper, d. 296 Ursuline Allen M. R. (J\IcLdlan&{Mkn,) Front c. Erato, d. 50 Annunciation Allen M. Mrs. d. 308 Reyal Allen Richard, b. h. 403 "Old Levee, d. 3 Allen Richard, f. m. c. lab.d. 353 Bienville Allen Richard, stevedore, d. Magnolia, c. Poydras Allen Robert, carpenter, d. 94 Liberty Allen R. H. 155 Common Allen Robert W. (Peterkin, Mien &c Co.) 29 Carondelet Allen R. J. (McLellan &c Mien,) Front c. Erato, d. Annunciation c. Calliope Allen Sarah, d. Washington Avenue n. Carondelet Allen Sarah H. Mrs. d. St. Andrew c. Camp Allen Stephen, agent for "Niles' Works," Cin., 158 Gravier, d. 371 St. Charles Allen Stephen, engineer, d. 371 St. Charles Allen Thomas, clerk, 14 Marais, d. 1 Allen T. A. Mrs. d. 282 Baronne Allen & Co. (T. H.Mlen,J. J\I. Mli-n, Peiry J^ugenl,) com. mers. 155 Com- mon Allen Valery, bricklayer, d. 234 St. Philip Allen Wm. bricklayer, d. Girod n. Basin Allen Wm. D. ship chandlery, 231 Front, d. 227 Annunciation Allen Wm. M. bricklayer, d. 217 1^ Girod ALLEN & CO., (W. L. Allen, J. G. Allen,) Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in choice Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, No. 35 Common street, dwell- ing St. Mary c. St. Charles. Goods at lowest market price, and guaranteed in every par- ticular. Allenet Paul, clerk, 76 Canal, d. 367 Dryades Allenet Tancrede, clerk, 7 Magazine ' Allera Jacob, vet. surgeon, d. Ninth n. Annunciation Allera Laurente, f. w. c. d. Dryades n. Seventh Allerbush D. soap manufacturer. Liberty n Josephine Allerbush G. soap manufacturer, Liberty c. Jackson Alley Edw'd F. laborer, d. 433 St. Claude AUeyn Charles J. clerk, d.314 Franklin AUeyn James T. clerk, 51 St. Charles ALL 33 AMA Allgier Henry, carpenter, d. St. Anthony II. Cclestnie Allgitr Leopold, laborer, d Fourth c. Lu- t'ayctte A!li:;ic r ytbastian, laborer, d. Josephine n. Rousseau AUhausin H. tailor, 276 Magazine Alllune Ludwig, shoiiuakur, 130 Marigny Alihuni Harmon, d. "Washington c. Laurel Allibert Hector, clerk, 13 Magazine AUingiT A. clothing, iNew Basni c. Julia Allis George, laborer, d. 139 Enghien Allison, Pattison & Co. (.Indrtw jUlison, If. J. Pattison, Nugh ^itlison,) cotton faciiu's and com. niers. 79 drondeht Allison Benjamin, laborer, d. lo2 Bolivar Allison Charles E. carpenter and builder, d. Cadiz n. Carondelet, Jellerson City Allison Hugh, (^iltison, Faltu,on &c Co.) 79 Carondelet Allison John, boiler maker, 333 Magazine Allison John, builder, d. 220 Fulton Allison Jonas, carpenter, 192 8l. Joseph, d. Calliope n. Carondelet Allison J. H. book keeper, 101 Magjizine Allison Oliver, iron moulder, d. 2eiti Lib- erty Allispach Adoljihe, book keeper, 46 Char- tres Allis]iach John, barber. New Levee, Jeif. City AUmand C. H. Mrs. d. 390 Franklin Allmaiid Henry H. carpenter, d. 390 Franklin Alio van Francis, d. Bayou Road Allow John, steward, d. 407 Dauphine Allspach Alexander, blacksmith, d. Ce- leste n. Tchoupitoulas Allston John, 93 Conti Alluard Charles, prof, magnetism, d. 255 Bourbon Allyn J. T. clcfk, 126 Canal Almade Jose, bread, 305 Rampart, d. 14 Marais Almand Elizabeth A. d. 390 Franklin Almantrie Frank, laborer, d. 268 Elysian Fields Almeina Frank, boatman, d. 210 Old Levee, d. 2 Almindinger G(0. M. city contractor, d. ltJ6 Melpomene Almy F. J, b. h. 23 Main Alnold Fred, laborer, d. 92 Clouet Al, Race n. Rrliijions Baker hihn H. cim-k, new canal uffiee, Kupiirosine c. New Shell Roud, d. Locust c. N. S. R. Baker J. M. d. C") Derhi^ny Baker John C. clerk, 51 Common Baker Leonard, shoemaker, d. 242 Mel- pomene Baker Marllia Mrs. c. h. 5(1 Race Baker M. A. Mayor's Office, bds. City Hotel Baker Nehemiah, Fulton c. Harmony Baker Pai^e M. clerk, 55 Camp Baker Sarah, U3 Basin Baker W. H. portrait painter, Caronde- let c. Canal, bds. City Hotel Baker Wni. g;rocerv. Magazine c. First Bilker Wm. carp. F'reret, n. Thalia BAKER WILLIAM, dealer in Ambrotype and Photograph- ic Material, No. 186 Camp street. Bakery Anthony, d. St. Mary n Con- stance Bakewell A. Gordon, (Hn-inan, Power Sf Co.) 90 Common, d. 379 Bienville Bakewell Lea F. 82 Magazine Bakewell VV. G. 90 Common, d. 48 Dau- phine Bald Charles, shoemaker, 133 Perdido Baldenrick Louis, beer saloon, 22 Conti Baidor Peter, oysters, ViUere, Algiers Baldwin A. d. 278 Orleans Baldwin A. J. Exchange Place n. Canal Bahlwm Eliza Mrs. Seventh n. Magazine Balding James, lab. 617 Chartres, d. 3 Baldwin Edward H. teacher violin and guitar, 74 Camp Baldwin George, ( Colt on Sf Baldwin,) 19 Canal Baldwin H. D. Dr. 59 St. Charles, d. Ca- rondelet c. Valence Baldwin H. F. ( C. H. Slocomb &f Co.) 74 Canal Baldwin J. M. clerk, 36 Poydras Baldwin J. T. 21 Magazine, d. Hands- boro', Algiers Baldwin Thaddeus J. accountant, 15 St. Charles Baldwin Thomas, laborer, 39 Elysian Fields Baldwin Washington, c. p. 194 St. Peter Baler Antonio, fishnronger, 1 19 Ursuline Baleslier Lucy Mrs. 335 Si. Andrew Balesiier Wni. A. cl(>rk, 335 St. Andrew Balfe Edward, laborer, 291 St. Louis Balfe Tiiomas, plasterer, 127 Bolivar Balix Paul, Mrs. -244 Ursuline Bilize Telegraph, 3 Carondelet Balk H. c. Ii. Hospital c. Gallatin Ball D. S. Dr. 412 Rampart, d. 1 Ball John, dairy, Baronnc c. Fourth Ball Simon, laborer, Johnson n. Palmyra Ballard A. liuilder, 209 Casacalvo Ballard Benjamin Dr. St. Louis Hotel Ballard .Josi-ph, 164 St. Philip Ballard Robert R. clerk, 120 Gravier Hallas Louis, butcher, Miro n. St. Ann Ballejo Charles, clerk, 539 St. Charles, d. .551 Baronne Ballentine Nathan, St. Andrew n. Camp Bailer Joseph, laborer, 'Piety n. Good- children Ballere Louis, butcher, 221 St. Ann Ballerin Peter, fruit seller, 17 St. Philip BallhiMmer John, clerk, 64 Magazine, d. Carrollton Balliman C. F. tailor, 110 Bienville Ballisl(!r .Toaquin, cigars, 51 Union, d. 3 Ballivet Emili', painter, 152 Royal, d. 368 Clailiorne Ballon Jeremiah, 215 Main Balpaire Eugene, carpenter, 189 St. Peter Ba'[iiola Paul, iiarber, 6 Royal Balrine Pauline, seamstress, 126 Conti Balster John, 241 Chippewa Balster William, grocer, and c. h. N. Levee c. Berlin Raltar Jacinto, ambrotypes, 233 Orleans Baltazana Frank, cook, 217 Common Balthazar Anne, Gentilly road n. R. R. Balthazar Jean, clerk, 219 Main Balthazar P. carpenter, 209 Union Ballon Patrick, drayman, 59 Melpomene Balzer Louis, gocer, Bourb(Hi c. Prosper Bamburg William, laborer, 226 Burgun- dy, d 2 Ban Antonio, fruit, 159 Chartres Backer Evi-rt A. clerk, 11 Mairazme Banckcr Geo. W. (M>rth, Duthil &( Co.) d. 20 Burgundy Banco V. vegetables, Pordras market Bancroft Benjamin, watchman, 196 Liberty Bandel Jacob, mason. Fourth n. Annun- ciation Bandelier James, mattress maker, 294 Royal Banez Frank, c. h. 73 Girod Banger Costiu, Felicity n. Howard Banger Mat. barkeeper, 2.53 Girod Ranhard C. Biirdetto c. MeCarty, Carl'tn Banister Ann Eliza, d. 3 Locust, d. 1 Banister Rinahio & Son, ( R'maldo Banis- ter, Rinahlo Banister, Jr.) coopers, 76 O. Levee, d. Claiborne, n. Com- mon, d. 2 Bankl)ead J. 16 Carondelet Banks E. Mrs. 127 Orleans Banks Grace, f. w. c. 25'i Ciuiti Banks Lewis, laborer, 364 Customhouse Banks Louisa, f. w. c. 277 Conti Banks Mary, Mrs. Gravier c. Clara Banks Madi.son, 295 Customhouse P,anks S. Cooper, 35 N. Levee Bank of America, St. Peter c. 0. Levee Bank of Liiuisiana, Conti c. Royal Bank of New Orleans, St. Charles c Union Banksmith E. com. mer. 87 Gravier BAN 44 Bannan John, porter, Rousseau n. Fourth Bannan Perry, laborer, 290 Liberty Bannan Phineas, 97 Fulton Banner C. gardener, Jefferson City Banner John, laborer, 143 St. Andrew Bannerman Jas. bookkeeper, 80 Poydras Bannewitz Jacob, Jefferson City Bannigan Pat. laborer, Thalia c. [.evee Bannon James, lab. 266 Customhouse Bannon John, cooper, 77 Lafayette Bans George, carpenter, d. Dryades, b.- Lafayette and Girod Bansbach John G. carpenter, St. Andrew n Constance BanseptJ. B. wheelwright. Bayou Road Banwart J. cistern maker, 113 Jackson Banwis Mathilde, f. w. c. Treme n. St. Louis Baptist Church, Camp c. Terpischpre Baptiste Antonio, clerk, 150 O. Levee d. 2 Baptiste Celeste, f. w c. 303 Prieur Baptiste C. butcher, 64 French market Baptiste John, f. m. c. carpenter, 389 Bour- bon, d 3 Baptiste John, musician, 146 Toulouse Baptiste John, bricklayer, 157 Frenchmen Baptiste John, clerk, 204 Villere Baptiste John, f. m. c. 115 Frenchmen Baptiste John, drayman, 462 Rampart, d. 1 Baptiste Joseph, cooper, 200 St. Thomas Baptiste Julia, f. w. c. 389 Bourbon, d. 3 Baptiste Riester, butcher, 37 French mkt Baptistilla A. oysters, 370 0. Levee, d. 3 Baque John, butcher, 10 Poydras market, d. Levee n. Jeff. City Baque S. butcher, Dryades market Baquet Judas, .butcher, Dryades market Baquie Auguste, sugar broker. 15Conti,d. 296 Villeree Baquie Charles, (Mat, Geneves Sf Co.) 54 Royal, d. 161 Gu-od,d. 1 Baquie Hyacinthe,cab. mkr, 213 St. Louis Baquie J. A. hardware. Rampart c. Julia, d. 193 Delord Baquie Leopold, 248 B. Road Baquie Myrtel, 249 St. Peter Baquie P. butcher, 10 Poydras market, d. Levee, n. Nap. av. Jeff. City Bar Charles Mrs. 251 Bourbon Bar, Simon, tailor, 75 Gravier Barabil Adolph, hatter, 123 Burgundy Barabino C. f. w. c. 373 Burgundy Barabino K. clerk, 35 Magazine, d. 171 Robertson, d. 2 Barabino Stephen, clerk, 211 Robertson Barachin F. drayman, Toulouse n. Prieur Baranco Vincent B. cap. d. 427 Baronne Barangue Jose, cigars, 864 Magazine, d. 4 Barata Augustin, barkeeper, 257 Poydras Barba Fernando, grocer, 257 0. Levee Barba Jose, grocerj 255 O. Levee Barba Peter, waiter, 77 Magazine Barbarich Pierre, coffee, French market Barbarin Arthur, clerk. Camp c. Common, d. 195 St. Ann Barbarin Joseph, widow, 168 Bayou Road BAR Barbarin Stephen, clerk. Camp c. Com- mon, d. 168 B. Road Barbarin W. H. book-keeper, Branch Bank, Camp d. 194 Main Barbart Theresa Mrs. Nap.av.c. N. Levee Barbat Herbert, baker, 24 Union, d. 3 Barbe Eugene, carp. 219 Marais, d. 2 Barbe Dr. 102 St. Louis Barbe Emile P. elk, 130 Canal, d. 223 Contr Barbe Etienne, carpenter, 46 St. Peter Barbe Valentine, eggs, 1481-^ Bienville Barbeda Morris, pastry cooft, 137 Conti Barberige Peter, coffee stand, market, d. 26 Ursuline Barberot P. carpenter. Royal n. Poland Barbey A. exchange broker, 26 Caronde- let, d. 7 Pontalba bldg. St. Peter Barbier Francis, 195 Ursuline Barbier Henry, 150 Royal Barbier Joseph, baker, 48 Marais Barbier J P. dairy, Prosper n. Spain * Barbier Marie, furnished rooms, 146 Bien- ville Barbin, A. B. c. p. 348 Ursuline Barbiot C. grocer, Rampart c. St. Ann Barbite Marseille, butcher Barbola Mftrbarl, 50 Union BARBOT & WARNER, (F. X. Barbot, H. F, Warner,) deal- ers in English, Cannel, Pitts- burgh, and Anthracite Coal, 21 Commercial Place. Barbot F. X. 21 Commercial Place Barbot Hypolite, baker, 344 Hospital Barbot J. P. Dr. apothecary, 112 Tchou- pitoulas c. Girod d. 104 Annunciation Barcela Antoine 283 Bourbon Barcello John Mrs., Marias n. Elys. Fields Barcier Heloise, 239 St. Ann Barclay Anthony, 71 Treme, d. 2 I Barclay Catharine, 19 Union d. 3 Barclay H. cabinet maker, 29 Frenchmen Barclay James, shipwright, McDonogh Barclay John, drayman, d. 88 St. Thomas Barclay Williani^ engineer, Jackson st. McDonogh Barcus James, wood, 113 Rampart, d. 1 Bard & Hall, (Henry Clay Bard, Samuel S. Hall,) attorneys at law, 37 Camp Bard James J. cotton-seed hulling mills, 51 and 53 St. Joseph Bard James T. 67 Tchoupitoulas Bardales, A. c. h. Frenchmen c. Greatnien Bardales Gregorio, gro. Gravier c. Liberty Bardean Rene, mason, 188 Main Bardey Claude Ernst, coal dealer, St. John n. Bayou Road Bardesch LodoiskaMrs. d. 434 St. Charles Bardin Andrew, clerk, 167 Foucher Bardin Patk, milk, Theresa, n. St. Thorpas Bardon Cora, 63 Franklin Bardon Frank, steamboat watchman, 294 Conti Bardon Joseph, 13 Bagatelle BAR 45 BAR Biirdons Philip, carpenter, 279 Magazine Bardt H. tailor, Jeff. City Bardusse \V. blacksmith, 159 Levee, d. 1 Bardy E. E. clerk, 116 Canal, 'd 4 Rob- inson Barelli & Co. (John C Barelli, Joseph JMitchel,) commission merchants, 61 Common Barelli John C. (Barelli Sf Co.) 61 Com- mon Bares, Bertrand, butcher, 102 French mar- ket, d. 130 St. Ann Bares Charles, tailor, Jefferson City Bares John Mrs. 135 Main Bares J. carpenter, Tonti n. St. Ann Barfuse Ambroise Mrs. 30 Urquhart Barfuss Adam, shoemaker, 439 Dauphine Bargas M. f. w. c. Ursuline n. Prieur Bargray Mary 224 Conli Bariel Francis, 92 Rampart Birics Alexander, 65 Montegut Baringer J. L. clerk, 317 Baronn« Baris B. butcher, French market, d. 157 St. Ann Barive T. butcher", Constance n. Sixth Barjac Louis, 34 Esplanade Barjon Claude M., Rampart, c. Hospital Barjon Danturinp, cabinet maker, 186 Main Barkengers Philip, 58 France Barker C. R. carpenter, d. 449 Terpsichore Barker C. K. carpenter, Goslin, Algiers Barker Ed. painter. Barracks c. Bourbon Barker Geo. A. acct. 46 Camp, d. 270 Fe- licity Barker Henry F. J. broker, 60 Magazine, d. Carrollton Barker Jacob, Bank of Commerce, 46 Camp, d. 270 Felicity Barker James, clerk, 46 Camp, d. 270 Fe- licity Barker jordon, cai-penter, 494 Rampart Barker Joseph, cutler, 127 Biironne, d. Baronne c. St. Andrew Barker Rankin, carp. Felicity n. Liberty. Barker Samuel, bricklayer, Terpsichore n. St. Charles Barker Thomas H. banker, 46 Camp, d. 270 Felicity Barkin M. Mrs. 572 [>auphine Barklage Henry, cabinet mkr, 42 French- men Barklage H. furniture, 29 Frenchmen Barksdale F. (JMcFailand &r Barksdale,) 75 Carondelet, d. Camp,c. Philip, d. 4 Barla Frank, milkman, Jrti-rson City Barlage G. wood yard, 275 Julia Barlee Carl, tailor, 140 Liberty Barter Fritz, Chippewa n. Sixth Barleten Natel, coffee stand. Magazine n. St. Andrew Barlot Patterson, oysters and fruit, Polym- nia c. St. Charles Barlow Edmond, Line n. N. Levee Barlow Thos. S. c. h. N. Levee c. Adele Barlow William, lab. 292 Tchoupitoulas Barmgarteau John, Congress n Craps Barman Chas, engineer, 113 Melpomene Barnard, Chas. Burdett n. Levee, Carlton Bfirnard Harry, Esplanade n. St. John Barnard Josephine, 80 Toulouse Barner Charles, gardener, Rickerville Barnes Charles, bricklayer, 41 Villcre Barnes Elizabeth Mrs. 266 Robertson, d. 3 Barnes E. W. telegraph, St. Charles c. Gravier, d. 352 Rampart Barnes Geo. Capt. 389 Julia Barnes Geo. lab. 13 Johnson, d. 2 Barnes Henry, painter, Jackson n. Mun- ro, McDonogh Barnes John, warehouseman, Second n. Levee Barnes Joseph, book keeper, 174 Ursu- line Barnes M. bottles wine, Prytania c. St. Mary Barnes Perry, 206 Franklin Barnes P. Mrs. 434 Rampart, d. 3 Barnes Philip, lab. 164 Chippewa Barnes P. K. 6 Old Levee, d. Bartholo- mew n. Urquhart Barnes Pat. drayman, Theresa n. Tchou- pitoulas Barnes Robert, drayman, Julia n. Basin Barnes R. clerk, 25 Chartres Banies R. F. planter, Madison n. Jack- son, McDonogh Barnes Samuel, 64 Poydras, d. 234 Frenchmen Barnes Thomas, mariner, 832 Burgundy, d. 3 Barnes Thomas, foreman of the Delta, 76 Camp,d. 323 St. Mary Barnes Wm. lab. Thferesa n. Tchoupitou- las Barnes Wm. (Thompson Sf Barnes,) 23 Common and 125 Julia, d. 45 Race Barnes Wm. private watchman, 217 Bien- ville Barnes Wm. grocer, 331 Annunciation Barnet Helen, f. w. c. 127 Burgundy Barnete N. bottling, 109 Tchoupitoulas Barnett Alphonse, notary pub. Chartres c. St. Louis, d. Esplanade n Robertson Barnett Edward, notaiy pub. 42 Royal d. 50 Elsplanade Barnett Ellen, 127 Burgundy Barnett Geo. 200 Tchoupitoulas Barnett H. A. Mrs. d. 8 Robertson Barnett Henry, clerk, 118 Common, d. 50 Esplanade Barnett H. watchmak'er, 293 Tchoupitou- las Barnett John P. d. 129 Kerlerec Barnett Joseph, glazier, 237 Dryades Barnett L. Mrs., Orleans n. Derljigny Barnf'tt Louis, Sec'y. Ins. Co. Canal c. Ex. Place, d. 298 Chartres Barnttt Manuel ( Goldsmith Sf Barnett,) 78 Magazine, d. 491 Rampart, d. 1 Barnett M. sr., Chartres c. St. Louis, d. History n. Claiborne Barnett M. jr., auctioneer, Chartres, c. St. Louis, d. Ill Royal BAR 46 BAR Barnett Nathaniel, clerk, d. 48 Chartres Harnett Richard T. teacher, 272 Common Barnett Susan, 117 Cojiti Barney Samuel, artist, Gravier c.Tchoup- itoulas Barnitz Bradford G. clerk, 93 Camp Barnsley Godfrey ( Barnsley Sf Co.) com. mer. 114 Common Barnstill Louis, painter, 134 Conti Barnum Charles, engineer, Jackson R. R. depot Barnum Emeline, f. w, c. Derbigny n. Conti Barnum F. G. d. 89 Rampart, d. 2 Barnum James W. dentist, 154 Canal Baron Adam, Chippewa n. St. Ahdrew Baron Geo. tailor, 96 Union, d. 3 Baron John Smith Mrs. 324 Ursuline Baron John, bakery, Roman c. St. Ann Baron J. Mrs. 309 St. Peter Baron J. H. boatman, EratTo n. Howard Baron J. M. clerk, d. 268 Melpomene Baron Louis, poulterer, 486 Chartres, d. 3 Haron Marius, clerk. Morales n. Spain Baron M. watchmaker, 190 Royal Baron Oscar, c. p. 73 Montegut Baron Stephen, 324 Ursuline Baronne Philip, clerk, d. 625 Royal, d. 3 Barousse L. butcher, 45 Poydras mkt. d. La. Av. c. Laurel Barousse Victor, butcher, 88 French' mar- ket Barr James, cab driver, 265 Dryades Barr Johnson A. clerk, 35 Magazine Barr Peter (Blakesky, Barr 8f Co.) 141 Poydras Barracks U. S. Lower Levee, d. 3 Barracks Street School, b. Dauphine and Burgundy Barras Antoine, 108 Craps Barras B. f. w. c. Claiborne n. Laharpe Barras L. planter, 9 Ponlalba bldg. St. Peter Barrataro Augustin, oysters, 257 Poydras Barre C. Mrs. 123 Ursuline Barre H. Mrs. Spain n. Chartres Barre Joseph," saddler, 208 Bourbon Barre Victor, 360 Frenchmen Barrea Raymond, c. h. 176 Chartres Barrel Jerome, Claiborne n.Mandeville Barremore Jas. clerk, d. 193 Euterpe Barremore Jas. R. clerk, d. 412 DryadeS Barremore Mary Mrs. ]93 Euterpe Barremore Wm. H. clerk, 45 Camp, d. Euterpe n. Franklin Barrera Anthony, c. h 295 Rampart, c. Delord Barrera H. shoemaker, 103 Villere, d. 2 Barrere H. 73 Johnson, d. 2 Barrere R. dry goods, 130 Elys. Fields BARRET A. & CO. (Anthony Barrett, Frederick Barrett,^ Manvifaeturers and Doalers in Marble Work, Nos. Ill and 113 St, Charles St. Barres Bertian, butcher, 3 Claiborne mar- ket Barrett Cclvesta, 167 Dryades Barrett Charles, 250 Robertson, d. 2 Barrett Frederick (Barrett &f Co.) Ill and 113 St. Charles Barrett John, painter, 183 Chippewa Barrett John, lab. Erato c. Locust Barrett John, lab 40 Calliope Barrett John H. lab. Palmyra n; Galvez Barrett John T. d. Philip n. Chippewa Barrett Michael, b. h. 11 Enghion Barrett Michael, drayman, .393 Gravier Barrett Patrick, lab. 63 Elys. Fields Barrett II. blacksmith, Shell road n. Toll Gate Barrett R. dray master. Magazine n. Julia Barrett Richard, lab. 93 Howard Barrett Richard, paiiiler, Second n. Laurel Barrett Robert, engineer, Lafayette n. Fourth Barrett Samuel, com. mer. and cot. fac. 46 Carondelet Barrett S. V. agt. La. distillery, 39 New Levee, d. 1 Barrett Timothy, blacksmith, 137 Mag- nolia Barrett Win b. h. 472 Front Levee Barrett W. shipping office, Gallatin n. Barracks, d. 197 Annunciation Barrier Frederick, finisher, 75 Franklin Barriere Claude, 287 Orleans BARRIERE C. A. & BROTHER, (P. G. Barriere, T. L. Van Fossen,) Importers of Dry- Goods, 130 Canal street, Touro Row, d. 89 Rampart, d. 2. Barriere Gustave, 283 Orleans Barriere Manuel, shoe store, St. Peter c. Dauphine, d. 256 Robertson Barriere M. S. St. Ann n. Villere Barriger Thos. dairy. Liberty n. Jackson Barrigrun I-Jenjamin, lao. 78 Elmira Barrill Wm. mattress maker, Adele n. Fulton B:\rilla Jerusalem, 108 Poet Barrings John, drayman, Prieur n. Canal Barringer .Anna Mrs. 282 Clio Rarringe'r C. poultry, Dryades n. Seventh Barringer D. carp. 212 Melpomene Barringer James, bricklayer. Boxing, Al- giers • Barringer John L. ( Wolverton S( Barrin- ger,) 13 Poydras, d. 317 Baronne Barringer Martin Mrs. Lafayette n. Ro- man * Barringer Jos. fruit. Magazine c. Pleasant Barrio C. Mrs. 57 History Harris Bertrand, Customhouse n. Der- bigny Barroek Joseph, butcher, Poydras market BaiTois Alexander A. 114 Montegut Barrois Andry Mrs. 114 Montegut BAR 47 BAR Barrois Eugenie, vegetables, Treme mar- ket Barrois Nicholas, ship chandler and gro- cer, 125 Old Levee, d. 2, d. Monto- gut n. Chart res Barrois T. 45 Montogut Barron John, c. p. d. 390 Liberty l?arroii J. B. dairy, Boliver n. Gravier Barron Michael, charcoal, 238 Royal Birrossp Austin, 835 Burgundy, il. 3 Rarroussier J. B. Capt., Morales n. Music Barroussier Pierre, f. m. c. carpenter, 784 Rampart Barroult Simon, shoemaker, 278 Burgundy Barrow Peter, laborer, Tchoupitoulas n. Celeste Barrow Wm. J. brakesman, d. Thalia c. Locust Barrows George, blacksmith, 159 Front, d.3 Barrows P. butcher. Eighth n. Constance Barrus Joseph M. laborer, 418 Royal, d 3 Barry Clement, clerk, Old Levee c. gt. Louis Barry C. F. 12 Carondelct, d. 57 Ram- part, d. 1 ■ Barry David, clerk, 299 Annunciation Barry Eliza Mrs. 138 Euterjie Barry Geo. grocer, 270 Melpomene Barry Geo. grocer, 401 Liberty, d. 1 Barry Humjahrey, Thalia n. Tchoupitou- las Barry James, laborer, 350 Tchoupitoulas B irry James, drayman, 439 Franklin Barry James B. f. m. c. barber, 417 St. Ann Barry Jolin, c. h. Annunciation c. Delord Btirry John, accountant, 109 Levee, d. 3 Barry John, 191 Foucher Barry .lohn, laborer, 1G4 Chippewa Barry Mary Mrs. 44 Felicity, d. 4. Barry Margaret Mrs. 28 Delord Barry Pierre, gardener, 221 Frenchmen Barry Pierre, carpenter, 57 Burgundy Barry R. D., Dryades c. Delord Barry Patrick, laborer, 64 Robertson Barry Richard, carpenter, 311 St. Louis Barry Stephen, 233 Calliope Barry William, 40 Derbigny Bart Bernard, coiTee stand, 37 North mar- ket Bart Engel, f; m. c. steward, 140 Enghien Bart Oscar, cigar maker, 589 Rampart, d. 3 Bartchy John, furniture, 866 N. Levee, d.4 Barshum James W. dentist, d. 457 Ba- ron ne Bartel Nicholas, grocery. Levee n. Adele Bartels Charles, grocer, Peter's av. n. Le- vee, Jefferson City Bartels Henry, tailor, 136 Camp Bartelsoi» Thomas .lohn (H. Fasuman Sf Co.) 3 Orleans Yard Bartelt August, 430 Customhouse Barter Thomas, d. M.l|iomiMc n. Frcret Barth B. harness maker, 292 Royal Barth Louis F. 30 Carondelet, d. 13 St. Peter Barth G. c. h, Elys. Fields c. Old Levee, d. 43 Mandeville Barth Geo confectioner, 338 Carondelet Birth John M. butcher, 10 Seventh Barth Josepii, d. Laurel c. St. Andrew Barth Leonard, ladies shoemaker, 257 Burgundy Barth Mary Mrs. 207 Melpomene Barth Nicholas, 42 Laurel Barthe Antoino, 434 Basin, d. 1 Barihe Frangois, 133 Bourl)on Barthe John, clerk, 303 Royal Barthe Jno f. m. c. jilasterer, 470 Bourbon Barthe J. P. laborer, 319 Hospital Barthe Alary Mrs. vegetables, 20 Dryades Barthe Mary, 207 Melpomene Barthe Michel, 70 France Barthe Ursine, 216 Derbiirny, d. 2 Barihel Mrs. midwife, 97 St. Joseph Barthel F. wood yard, Perdido c. Basin, d. 97 St. Joseph Barthel my A. Mrs. Marigny c. Urquhart Bartheleniy Felicite,f. w.c. 466 St. Claude d.3 Barthelmy Jean, f. m. c. carpenter, 168 Barracks Barthelmy J. F. 110 Desire Barthelmy P. 215 Claiborne ; Barthelmy Valmour, barber, 29 Royal Barthelmy V. fruit, 191 Bienville Barthen Matthew, shoemaker, 85 Basin Barthet Alexander, butcher, 46 French market, d. 192 Treme, d. 2 Barthet B. butcher, 41 Poydras market Barthet Silvain, grocer, 407 St. Ann Bartily John, seamaUj 433 St. Claude Barthlett John, laborer, Melpomene n. Howard Barthies John, wagon finisher, d. 462 Kampart Bartles Charles, tailor, Terpsichore n. Constance Bartles F. W., Constance c. Seventh Barlleson Theo. J. clerk, N. 0. Cotton Press, d. Race c*. Tchoupitoulas Bartlett Frank A. reporter, 70 Camp d. 261 Rampart, d. 1 'Bartlett H. T. 156 Gravier, d. Euterpe n. Baronne Bartlett J-2 Hasm F]iarth Charles, sli.i.i))i,| P,)i;t Bfattic A. C. gaiip r, li5 Tclioupiloulus, d. Sixth n. Consiance Boattie John, scrcwnian, d. 147 -Reli^^iou.s Heatty Adan). atty. d. 5:J3 Ciiarlns, d. 3 Biatty A. C//ffcraJ(Z.(S- Co.j d. 255 Dau- phine Beaity Charles, 533 Chartres, d. 3 Bi'alty .las. laborer, Port'n. Dauphine B'Uty Geo. screwman, 99 Spain Biaty Wm. l^afayette sale stables, 748 and 7.')2 New Levee Beau Mrs. faney store, 55 St. Peter Pvauehani]) Henry, eabinei inkr. 425 Mail; jjeaiul Fran(,-(iis,ai-iifii'ial HiiW(rs,324 Camp Beaudeqnin D. jtrof. .Tesuit Collej;;e Beaudet Hyjiolne, 73 St. Bernard Beaudet .loUn, grocer, 72 St. Bernard Beaudiau L. L. cistern mkr. 3(i() Dauphinc Beaudier V. liampart n. Freiichnien Beaut'ai Alfred, 317 Iluspiial Beaut'ort John, clerk, Hospital c. Royal Beaugez S. dry goods, 272 Dauphine Beaulieu L. JVirs. furnished rooms, 144 Toulouse Beaulieu Charles, Bayou bridge Beaulieu Eunne, screwman, 11 Urquliart Beaulieu Louis, carpenter, Prieur a. La- jieyrousc Bi'aulieu Louis, Roman n. Columbus lieaulieu Marcisse, saddler, 329 Prieur lieaulieu Rose, 337 Derbigiiy, d. 3 Beaullieu Theodore, printer, 349 St. Peter Ijeaullieu Thomas, f. m. c. carpenter, 43 Treme, d. 2 Beaumont F. jr. Beaumont John Dr. 68 Enghien Beaumont Josej)!], barber, 18 Madison Beauner Philip, 252 Customhouse Beaur Richard, c. p. d. 352 Howard Beauregard Berniiardt, 21 Josephine Beauregard B. Dr. de'iitisl, 1()2 Royal Beauregard Elie, 256 Cnstcmihouse Beaungard G. T. Maj. U. S. army, super- intendent new customhouse, d. 128 St. Ann Beauregard James, elk. 262 Customhouse Btauregard Jean, Coiili n. Derbigny Beauregard Jules, ]b5 Bayou road Beauregard L. T. 81 Clail)oine Beauregard P. Mrs. 38() St. Claude, d. 3 Beauregard Thomas, 279 Customhouse Beaurepaire Claudine, Mrs. 138 Orleans litausart Geo. W. engineer, 192 Julia Beauvais Raphael, lax collector, Jetf. City Beauvais Rose, f. w. c. 375 Conti Beauvais R. Jersey c. ]\ap. Avenue Bech Alexander, shoemaker, 110 Elysian Fields Becher A. shoemaker, 20 Peace Berhet AI]ihonse, clerk, otj. Chartres Bechet A. grocer, 23 Si, Piiilip Beciiel Jacob, lailtu', Adtde n. Fulton l.ech I'eter, millinery store, 28 Annuncia- tion Bechus Fritz, ice. New Levee n Second Beck A. S. clerk, 31 Canip,d. Hurisville Beck C. AI. laborer, 56 Frauklin Beck Emanuel, sail maker, 703 New Levee, d. 4 Beck F. P. book keeper. La. State Bank, d. St. Charles c. Valence, Jeff. City Beck Henry, lumber. Front Levee, Carltn Beck .lacob, Washington n. Fulton Beck .las. Elysian Fir Charles, clerk, 11 Magazine Beil Frederick, blacksmith, 162 Custom- house Beiier Frederick, carpet, 170 St. Andrew Beim Theodore, soap factory, Jackson c. Liberty Bein Daniel, tailor, 584 Villere Bein Daniel, tailor, 202 Baronne Bein Geo. barber, Eliza, Algiers Bein Hugh H. 23 Com. Place, d. 110 St. Joseph Bein John S. 87 Camp, d. 110 St. Joseph BEIN J. D. & SONS, (J. D. Bein, L. G. Bein, John S. Bein,) Hardware, 89 Camp, d. 110 St. Joseph. Bein L. G. (J, D. Bein Sf Sons,) d. 397 Magazine Bein Patrick, watchman, 8 Gaiennie Bein Richard Dr. 227 Magazine Beize Paul, butcher, 387 Claiborne, d. 3 Bej Frederick, cooper, 81 St. Mary Beker Henry, Leonidas n. Fourth Beker L. Mrs. grocer. Craps c. Enghien Bel E. clerk, 22 Main, d. 310 Prieur, d. 3 Bel E. 257 Derbigny, d. 2 Bel J. E. acct. 60 Old Levee, d. Jefferson City Belaire Francois, carpenter, Orleans n. Derbigny Belaire J. bricklayer, Orleans n. Derbigny Beiang James, clerk, 79 Calliope Belang John, clerk, 79 Calliope Beiang Mary Mrs. d. 79 Calliope Belang Thomas, 79 Calliope Belanger Arthur, clerk. Branch Stale Bank, d. 203 Burgundy Belanger F. discount clerk. Slate Bank of La. d. 203 Burgundy Belanger P. F. grocer, R. R. n. Gentilly Belanger Wm. Mrs. Broad n. Laharpe BelaumeD. Mrs. 194 Main Belaume J. D. d. 194 Main Belaume V. A. book keeper, Branch State Bank, d. 194 Main Belbaze, knife grinder, 151 Dryades Belcher F. agent for Fassman's iron ties. 22 Commercial Place Belcher Jacob, Toulouse n. Claiborne Belcher Susan, Ernto n. Howard Belden & Eames (Frederick Belden, D. W. Eames,) hats, caps and straw goods, 32 Magazine Belden J. G. Dr. homeopath, 189 Camp Bclding H. W. clerk, Magazine c. Girod Belgium D. moulder, Melpomene n. Clara BEL 54 BEL Beling F. cis:ars, 78 Front Levee, d. 3 Beljefk Ntro, caulker, Franklin c. Jack- son Beljonne Desire, moulder, Melpomene n. Clara Belknap James T. produce broker, lUU Gravier, d. 219 Magazme Belknap S. E. d. 77 Prylania Bell Abram, grocer, McDonogh Bell Adelaide, 163 Cusiomliouse Bell Alexander, clerk, d. 200 Basin, d. 1 Bell Amedce L. clerk, 74 Canal Bell & Bouligny fC/mWes J. Bell, Domi- nique Bouligny,) com. mers. 17 Ca- rondelet Bell Colville, book keeper, 151 Common Bell Ernest, 260 Rampart Bell Francjois, Live Oak c. Milan, Jeff. City Bell George, merchant, 238 Ursuhne Bell G.Mrs. 117 Basin, d. 1 Bell H. S. 27 Common, d. 778 Magazine Bell Isaac, clerk, d. 107 Marais, d. 2. Bell James (J. H. Phelps 8f Co.) wood, cliarcoal, etc. 42 Julia n. Franklin, New Basin Bell James, cooper. Calliope n. Tchoupi- toulas Bell James, clerk, d 177 Delord Bell James, accountant, 21 N. Levee Bell J. K. book keeper, 27 Tchoupitoulas Bell J. M. overseer, Claiborne n. Gasquet Bell John, cupper, bleedtr and leacher, 92 Front Levee, d. 3 Bell John, cartman, Enghein n. Burgundy Bell John, f. m. c. bricklayer, 252 Orleans Bell John, c. h. 556 Tchoupitoulas Bell Joseph A. fruit dealer, d. 424 Frank- lin Bell Margaret, dressmaker, 75 Annuncia- tion Bell Mary Mrs. 368 Basin Bell McC. 60 Rampart, d. 1 Bell N. J. Mrs. furnished rooms, 6 Ram- part, d. 2 Bell Octavia, 163 Customhouse BELL EGBERT B. Family Grocei'y and Provision Store, Wine and Liquor Dealer, Ha- vana Segars, &c. &c, 229 Cus- tomhouse street, cor. Treme. All Orders promptly attended to. Goods delivered in any part of the City, free of Charge. Bell Thomas, 361 Maine Bell Thomas C. carpenter and builder, Dryades c. Soniat, Jefferson City. Bell Thos. G. 586 Annunciation Bell Richard, finisher, 56 Constance Bell & Co. (Robert Bell, Geo. F. Strother,) com. mers. and S. B.agts. 51 Foydras Bell Robert, (Bell &f Co.) 51 Foydras Bell Robert, blacksmith, Alt^x, Algiers Bell Samuel, 141 Natchez, d. 12 Dauphine Bell Samuel C. Mrs. 189 Rampart, d. 1 Bell Thomas U. bookkeeper, 379 Dryades BELL T. L. Cotton and Tobacco Factor and General Commis- sion Merchant, 37 Natchez. Bell Thomas M . 96 Magazine Bell Thomas W. grocer, 365 Main Bell Thomas S. cotton and tobacco factor, 57 Natchez Bell Virginia Mrs. 70 Adele Bell Walter 0. 24 Ex. place, d. 202 Julia hell Wm. acct. 41 Union, d. l,d. 212 Canal Bell WiUiam, builder, 407 St. Charles Bell Wm. screw factory, Philip n. Fulton Bell William A. ( Poursine 8( Bell,) 41 Natchez, d. 12 Dauphine BELL W. D. Stair Builder, cor- ner Polymnia and Baronne streets. Box 312 Mechanics and Dealers' Exchange. Bell Wm. H. architect, 513 Dryades, d. 4 Bell William R. Union stables, 124 Ca- rondelet Bell W. Mrs., Claiborne c. St. Phihp Bellain A. painter, 34 Toulouse Bellaire Isidore, barber. Front Levee, d. 2 Bellaise John, f. m. c. bricklayer, 252 Or- leans Bellanger Alfred, 203 Burgundy Bellanger G. Mrs., Broad n. Laharpe Bellanger George, Rampart c. Elmira Bellanger J. A. Mrs., Ursuline c. Broad Bellanger J. A. clerk. La. State Bank Bellau Christiana Mrs. 189 Bourbon Belle Grove Academy, First c. Burdette, Carrollton Bellemar Frances Mrs. 257 Rampart Bellenot Charles, engraver and stencil cut- ter, Bienville c. Exchange place Bellevue Angus, f. m. c. 396 St. Claude, d. 3 Hellevue B. 348 Ursuline Bellevue Carmelite, 233 Conti Bellevue J. f. w. c. 238 Bienville Hellevue Jos. mattress maker, 243 St. Ann Bellevue L. upholsterer, 53 Toulouse Bellevue L. C. 102 Esplanade Bellevue Mary f. w. c. 231 Conti Bellevue T. St. Claude n. Barracks Belley W. builder, 298 St. Philip Belling Fredericka Miss, embroidery, 148 Tchoupitoulas Bellinger F. R. 86 St. Mary's market Bello A. Mrs. 21 Bienville Bellnilda Theo. oyst-rs, 727 New Levee Bellocq Hypolite, dairy, Decatur c. Levee, McD. Bellocq, Noblom & Co. (Mrs. Bellocq, Ji. P. J^oblom, P. Roy,) commission mer- chants, 61 Carondelet,d.81 St. Philip. Bellon Henry, 232 St. Claude BEL 65 BEN Belloquet A', ffrocer, 172 Ursuline Bellot B. 224^Claibornc, d. 2 Bellot J. P. shot'inakcr, 338 Perdido Bellot Jaques, 314 St. Claude Bellow L. 357 Royal, d. 3 Belly Juli's, discount clerk, Citizens' Bank, d. bl Rampart, d. 2 Belly Mortimer, cashier Bank of New Or- leans, d. ll(i St. Louis Belmont K. Mrs. 79 Bourbon Belome Emile, bricklayer. Camp c. Upper Line, Jeff. City. Beloney Chas. lab. St..Tos(^ph n. St. Claude Belot O. cigar maker, 80 Toulouse d. Clai- borne c. St. Ann Belot Pierre C. 151 Claiborne, d. 2 Bellouard J. Mrs. 86 St. Anthony Bellow Jose}ili, clerk, 27 Magazine, d. 222 Claiborne Belot H. 151 Claiborne, d. 2 Belot Octave, cigar maker, 155 Claiborne, d.2 Belot P. C. St. Piiilip c. Villere Belot V. tailor, 42 Conti,d. 64 St. Anthony Bellow L. 460 Dauiihine, d. 3 Belluc Charlotte, 425 Burgundy, d. 3 Belsom A. clerk, 2 Clinton .Belsom A. mason, Dulbssat n. Plaque- mine, Jeff. City Belsom Joseph, Camp n. Lyon, Jeff. City Bt>ton Ed. carpenter, 205 Conti Beltram Joseph, 45 Union, d. 3 Beltram R. 16 and 18 Conii, d. 213 St. Claude Bely William, carpenter, 338 Barracks Beltz George, butcher. Laurel n. Octavia, Jeff. City Beltz M. butcher, Delachaise c. Jersey, Jeff. City Belward Charles, laborer, Algiers Beltzel Fred, shoemaker, 28 Prieur Heltzer Philip, blacksmith, 67 Calliope Bemeiit A. H. C Woodman Sf Bement,) Ma- gazine c. Common Bemer Theo. soap maker. First n. Liberty Bemiss Cyrus T. attorney, Greenville Benbury Richard W. clerk, d. 129 Main Benbury R. clerk. Canal c, Bourbon Benachi N. M. ( Kalli &f Co.) consul of Greece, d. 421 Bayou road Bender Catharine, 17 Marais Bender Charles, carpenter, Thalia n. Dry- ades Bender Constant, carp. Jackson n. Dryades Bender Jacob, locksmith, d. 110 Prytania Bender James A. D. painter, 394 Common Bender Jacob, patliTn maker, d. 339 Ba- ronne Bender John, clerk. Felicity c Baronne Bender J. H. carp. Carrollton Benderoth C. crockery, 380 Chartres, d.3 Bendix Charlis, (Pierre, Lion &c Co.) 71 Chartres, d. Conti n. Marais Bendix Sophia Mrs. 259 Frenchmen Bendle Simon, shoemaker, St. Anthony Bene F. oysters. New Levee, Jeff. City Bene Henry, wood, Gaivez n. St. Louis Bene John, furniture cart, 223 Custom- house n. Derbigny Bene J. boatman, St. Philip n. Prieur Benedick A. Mrs. nurse, 142 St. Peter, d. 2 Benedict August, clerk, d. 665 Burgundy Benedict C Mrs. dressmaker. 111 Bienville Benedict & Co. (E. C. Benedict, E. P. Kolthj, Henry vV. Benedict,) exchange dealers, 1 Carondelet Benedict E. C. (Benedict Sf Co.)l Caron- delet Benedict Isidore, f, m. c. painter, 236 Ur- suline Benedict John W, clerk, d. 489 Dryades Benedict Jean Mrs. nurse, 402 Bourbon d.3 Benedict Joseph, cotton weigher, 42 Mag- azine Benedict Mary Mrs. 489 Dryades Benedict Mills, f. m. c. lab. 214 Derbigny Benedict Nathan, clothing. Magazine, un- der St. James Hotel Benedict N. clothing, 59 Front Levee, d. 1 Benedict N. B. Dr. 459 Camp, d. Race c. Coliseum Benedict Philip, collector, 80 St. Charles, d. Claiborne n. Common Benedict W. T. Mrs., Coliseum, bet. St. Mary and St. Andrew Betlediio'V. 43 Union, d. 3 Beneke E. T. H. ( San-fi &,• Beneke) deco- rative painters, 63 St. Joseph Beneki? William, carpenter, 775 St.. Claude Benelaud J. grocer, 109 Barracks Benetaud Oscar, Dauphine c. Barracks Beneteau John, Bienville c. Royal. Beney Louis, tinsmith, 223 St. Claude, d.2 Beney S. tailor, Seventh c. N. Levee Benezech Jules, clerk, 29 Bienville Bengel H., Magazine c. Josephine Benhen Sarah Mrs. dry goods, 461 Dry- ades Benika Wm. carpen'r,590 Dauphine, d. 3 Beninger John, Perdido n. St. John Benigheusen August, shoemaker, 335 Tchou]>itoulas Benit Henry, clerk, Toulouse c. Franklin Benit Jules, 93 Burgundy Benit Louise Mrs. 254 Orleans Benit N. 102 Orleans Benit Victor, 197 Claiborne, d. 2 Benito Joseph, fruit, St. Philip c. Treme Benjamin Aleck, accountant, 82 Poydras Benjamin A. f. m. c. wagon maker, 57 Spain Benjamin B. Y. clerk, 228 Baronne Benjamin, Bonford & Finney (J. P. Ben- jamin, P. E. Bonford, John finney,) attorneys, 37 Camj) Benjamin D. B. accountant, 62 Camp, d. 349 St. Charles Benjamin F. Mme. Planche n. Bernard Benjamin J. dry goods, 107 Union, d. 3 Benjamin L. dry goods, 188 Josephine Benjamin, f. w. c. 56 Dauphine Benn Auguste, f. m. c. 306 St. Philip Benn John, furniture cart, 11 Johnson BEN 56 Bennan Harman, grocery, Goodchildren c. Enghien Bennecke Wm. carpenter, 98 Conti Bunners T. laborer, 786 Dauphine, d. 3 Benuet Alfred P. printer, 76 Camp Bennet Charles, oysters, 175 Dauphine Bennet Lazarus, 48 Spain Bennet Peter, cabs, 26 Race Bennet Peter, tailor, d. 199 Tchoupitoulas Bennet Thos. Belcastel n. Laurel, JefFer- son City Bennet T. laborer, St. Thomas n. St. Jane Bennett Archibald T. Front n. Notre Dame, d. Bayou road n. bridge Bennett A. jr. clerk, 54 Poydras Bennett B. T. K. (Bennett 8f Lurges,) d. iVlagnolia c. Erato Bennett C. D. baker, 37 Tchoupitoulas Bennett Eliza Mrs. 215 Liberty Bennett George, shoemaker, 69 Annuncia- tion Bennett James, 109 Erato Bennett Job, carpenter. Common n. Prieur Bennett John, painter, 205 Liberty Bennett J. shoemaker, Howard n. Gravier Hennett J. E. IVl rs. 513 Dauphine, d. 3 Bennett J. J. c. h. St. Thomas n. Sora- paru BENNETT & LURGES, (B.T. K. Bennett, Francis Lurges,) New Orleans Foundry and Ornamental Ironworks, cor. Magnolia and Erato sts. , n . the Jackson R. B. Depot. Black- smithing and House Work in general. Vaults, Shutters, Doors, &c., made to order at short notice. Office No. 116 Carondelet-st. near Poydras. BER Bennett Philip, butcher, 629 Annunciation Bennett P. butcher, 37 St. Mary's market Bennett Saml. J. accountant, Philip n. Fulton Bennett Sylvester, Fhenix Iron Works, Copernicus c. Front, Gretna Bennett Thomas, laborer, 10 Mandeville Bennett Walter, agent Singer's sewing ma- chines, 156 Canal, d. 287 Magazine Bennett W. ti. moulder 371 Baronne Bennett Yates J. clerk, 33 Camp Benoist, Shaw & Co, (L. Jl. Benoist, John R. Shaw, M. J. ^eicman, James Mur- phy,) bankers, 19 Camp Benoist L. A. (Benoist, Shaw 8f Co.) 19 Camp Benneville T. D. druggist, 101 Camp Benno Louis, tailor, 220 St. Peter Benoit A. 105 St. Charles Benoit Celeste, 387 Ursuline Benoit Charles, carpenter, 56 Bartholomew Benoit C. butcher, 28 St. Mary's market Benoit John Mrs 116 Independence Benoit Joseph, 121 Rampart, d. 2 Benoit Octave, 3 Front Levee, d. 2 Benoit Thomas E. music store, 70 Chartres Benour Charles, cooper, Carltn. Benot Laurente, warehouseman, 121 Bien- ville Bensadon Leah Mrs. 439 St Charles Bensadon J. Dr.,Touro Infirmary, Gaien- nie, c. N. Levee Bensel Adam, carpenter, Eighth c. Maga- zine Bensel Christian, tailor, 10 Treme Bensel Henry, carpenter, Laurel n. Sev- enth Bensel Henry, barkeeper. Market c. N. Levee Bensel John, tailor, 366 Howard Bensel John, musician, Constance n. Sixth Bensel John, 512 Constance Bensen Diedrick, laborer, 11 Independence Benset Henry, barkeeper, North c. New Levee Bensinger Jacob, carpenter. Magazine n. Austerlitz, Jefferson City Benson B. P. clerk, 131 Canal Benson Edwd. J. 29 Union, d. 3 Benson Geo. branch pilot, 159 Gasquet Benson G. P. accountant, 21 Carondelet d. 128 Mandeville Benson H. musician, 544 Dauphine, d. 3 Benson Jacob, carpenter. Magazine c. Austerlitz, Jefferson City Benson John H. 178 Spain Benson John, d. 165 Erato Benson John, tailor, Robertson n. Conti Benson M. E. Mrs. dress maker, 157 Canal Bent H. St. Charles n. Washington Bentel Fred. 29 Moreau Benlhuyscn, Lewis & Co. (Francis Van Bcnthuysen, C. F. Lewis, Ji. Monhei- mer, G. C. Kendall,) wholesale and retail dry goods, 121 Canal Bentill Charles, Claiborne c. St. Ann Bento Vincent L. Calliope n. Franklin Benton Erasmus W. com. mer. Lafayette c. N. Levee, d. 124 Robin Benton James, clerk, 115 Robin Benton James, Jefferson Hotel, Lake and Carrollton R. R. Bentz Adam, sawyer, 37 Congress Bentz John, 15 France Benussi B. Mrs. 304 Chartres Benz John, porter, ale, &c. 60 Marigny Benzel Christian H. (Schmalholz Sf Benzel,) 69 Magazine Benzen Edw. carpenter, 29 Union Benzig Wm. carpenter, Algiers Beon A. Mrs. 191 Treme, d. 2 Beonbay B. butcher, 5 and 7 Treme mkt Beonsema Dr. vineyard. Fourth n.Mary, Carrollton Bepouey John, butcher, 28 Franch mar- ket, d. 242 Burgundy Ber Henry, grocer, 457 Royal, d. 3 Ber Leon, grocer, 526 Dauphine, d. 3 Ber Samuel, dry goods, 444 Chartres, d. 3 Ber Wilhelm, 273 Marigny Berard F. Mrs. 446 Chartres, d. 3 BER 57 BER Berbcckcr J. 114 Camp Bercket Georf;e, 40 Burgundy, d. 2 Berault St. Maurice, Magazine n. Sixth Bercciot John, school, 60 Frenchmen Borchher Charles, carpenter, Aix, Algiers Bercier Hubert L, bookkeeper, 64 St. Charles, d. 131 Esplanade Bercier Louise, 239 St. Ann Bercier Oscar, C H'. S. Wright &r Co.) 77 Tchoupitoulas, d. 119 Barracks Bercier Fred. 66 France Berdon J. L. grocer, Mandcville, c. Dau- phine Berdon Bernard, grocer, 447 Chartres Berdon B. coal and wood yard, 131 Poy- dras Bere Michel, gardener, Conti n. woods Berenc Carl T. Port n. St. John Baptiste Berens C. F. 239 Orleans Bereta Jaques, drayman, 403 Dauphine,d. 3 Berenger .Tohn, Marigny, c. Urquhart Berenger P. optician, 80 Customhouse, 353 Derbigny Berg Antoine, grocer. Old Levee, c. Spain Berg Gustav, dry goods, 351 Dauphine B<'rg, J. dry goods, 204 Main Bcrgami Anroim^, Mrs. 93 Spain Bcrganii Joseph, 33 Villere Bergamini Alex, clerk, 91 Old Levee, d. 1, d. St. Claude n. Ksplanade Bergan Edward, d. 182 Julia Bergensiock Chas. clerk, 358 0. Levee, d. 3 BiM-gdolt Louis, shoemaker, 220 Union Berge Paul, c. h. 109 Basin, d. 1 Berger Ernst, laborer, 178 Barracks Berge Eugene, grocer, 109 Conti Berger Fred, grocer, 56 St. Andrew Berger Frederick, Mrs. dry goods, 187 Baronne Berger F. clerk, 46 Chartres Berger F. Dr. apothecaiy, 304 Tchou- pitoulas Berger F. chemist, Tchoupitoulas n. Gai- ennie Berger Hans, laborer, 6 Bagatelle Berger Joseph, slioe store, Poydras c. Peim Berger Jules, f. m. c. bricklayer, 69 Main Berger Paul, 344 Ksplanade Berger Peter, musician, 81 Bourbon Berger Peter B. engineer, d. 580 St. Claude Berger Peter P. engineer, 582 St. Claude Berger Pierre, shoemaker, 301 Ursulines Berger Thos. drayman, Liberty n. Jose- phine Berger Wm. 34 St. Anthony Bergeret Jean, grocer, 344 Rampart, d. 3 Bergeron Emile, oysters, Louisiana Av. n Chippewa Bergerot A. cotton broker, Carondelet c. Canal Bergcs Laurent, butcher, Poydras market, d. 72 Orleans Berges P. butcher, French market, d. Union n. Urquhart Bergey E. butcher, 2 Dryades market Bcrgery Eugene, Felicity n. Franklin Berggrcen Benj. 63 Eimire Berghaus G. H. St. Charles, c. Melpo- mene Bergin Daniel, laborer, 48 St. Thomas Bergin Edward, marble works, 182 Julia Bergin Jerry, driver, 515 Burgundy, d. 3 Bergin Martin, laborer, 92 St. Jose])h Bergin Wm. furnished rooms, 174 Cus- tomhouse Berginstock Charles, saddler, d. 137 Dau- phine Bergmann C. W. F. shoemaker, 41 Der- bigny Bergmann G. F. Toulouse n. Roman Bergmann Henrietta Mrs., 307 Common Bergmann Josephine Mrs., 9 St. Anthony Bergmann Valentine, laborer, Urquhart n. Port Bergsen Carl, lab. Lafayette c. Howard Bergstuler Godfrey, laborer, 65 St. Philip Berigen James, laborer, 493 Royal, d. 3 Berk Henry, laborer. Union c. St. John Baptist Berke Eugene, 249 Rampart, d. 2 Berkery Bryan, cooper, Palmyra n. Ro- man Berkry John, cooper, St. Jane n. Gravier Beringer Pierre, optician, 50 Chartres Berlic Joseph, saddler, 349 Orleans Berlin Julius, carp. Magnolia n. Thalia Berlin Pierre, butcher, 9 Dryades Berlucheau E. Robertson n. Main IJerly Frank, Camp n. Cadiz, Jeif. City Bcrly Susan Mrs. 560 Dauphine Bermel J. G. wig manufac. St. Charles Hotel Berkemeyer Henry, cooper, 26 Lesseps Berjean Fran<;ois, drayman, Urquhart n. Maiigny Berminghani N. clerk, 151 Poydras Bermingham Edward, printer, Bermingham John, Constance n. Jackson Bermingham Thos. Mrs. 295 St. Louis Hermond E. tailor, 140 Orleans Bermond Pierre, trader, Villere c. Gasquet Bermond P. F. variety store, 235 Ram- part, d. 1 Bermond y Augustin, 119 Greatmen Bermoudy Augustus D. 119 Greatmen Bermudez Alexander C. 12 Greatmen Bermudez Bernard, d. 202 St. Philip Bermudez Domingo, 320 Burgundy Bermudez Edward, attorney, 146 Royal, d. 72 Frenchmen Bermudez Joachim, attorney, 146 Royal, d. 303 Dauphine Bermudez Jules, book keeper at Bank of America, d. 19 Montegul Bermudez Mary Mrs. f. w. c. 387 Dau- jihine, d. 3 Bermudez Voltaire, f. m. c. drayman, 381 Main Bermus Philip, Soraparu c. St. Thomas Bernadas Lewis, mattress maker, 54 Ur- suline Bcrnadel P. butcher, 29 Frenchmen Bernadner Benedict, tailor, 129 Liberty Bernadolte Victoire, f. w. c. 324 St. Peter BER 58 BER Bernard Adolphe, garden seeds, 122 Char- trns B.-rnard Antoine, 233 Bourbon Bi-rnard Argus, marketman, 276 Constance Bi;niard Augusta, baker, Eiglith n. Laurel Bernard A. accountant, 67 Tchoupitoulas, d. 396 Rampart, d. 3 Bernard A. H. clerk, 26 Magazine, d. 199 Robertson, d. 2 Bernard B. butcher, 67 Magazine Bernard Desire, 247 St. Philip Bernard K. L. Mrs. 101 Elysian Fields Bernard E. T. clerk, 47 Magazine Bernard Charles, carp. 292 Roman, d. 3 Bernard Charles, shoemaker, 5 Annunci- ation Bernard Canova, 124 St. Peter Bernard Felix, milkman, Jena, n. Maga- zine, Jefferson City Bernard F. G. N. book keeper, 98 Union Bernard F. B. customhouse officer, d. 98 Union, d. 3 Bernard F. sugar broker, 15 Conti Bernard George, 10 Klysian Fields Bernard Gilbert, 117 Union, d. 3 Bernard Henry, carpenter. Bayou road, n. Prieur Bernard Jacob, butcher, 3 Drvades mkt. d. Harmony n. Annunciation Bernard Joseph Mrs. 44 Congress Bernard Joseph, laborer, Willow n. Per- dido Bernard Joseph, fishmonger, 6 Bagatelle Bernard Jo. pilot, Jefferson City Bernard Josephine, f. w. c. 249 Marais,d.3 Bernard Josephine Mrs. 80 Toulouse Bernard Lacoste, laborer, 346 Burgundy Bernard Leonidas, 6 Poydras mkt Bernard Leon, near the ferry, Algiers Bernard Louis, general book keeper State Bank of La. d. 396 Rampart, d. 3 Bernard M. Mrs. artiste at French Opera, d. 141 Bourbon Bernard Marc, laborer, 355 St. Ann Bernard Marie, f.w.c. Roman n. Columbus Bernard Mary Ann Mrs. 145 Prieur Bernard Lodoiska, carp. d. 104 Euterpe Bernard Otto, furniture, 81 Basin, d. 1 Bernard John Mrs. Kerlerec n. Galvez Bernard John A. lumberyard, d. 217 Der- bigney, d. 2 Bernard T. B. abstract clerk at Custom- house Bernard Theresa, 362 Derbigny, d, 3 Bernard J. V. 56 Exchange Place Bernard 0. butcher, 12 French mkt Bernaid Peter, 365 Bourbon, d. 3 Bernard Philip, clerk, 46 Poydras BiTuard Paul, clerk, 62 Royal Bernard P. Mrs. 119 Main Bernard P. V. coal dealer, 56 Exchange Place, d. 101 Elysian Fields Bernard S. feed store. New Levee c. Ninth Bernard Samuel, dry goods. Front n. Lou- isiana Bernard Theodore M. oysters, 729 New Levee, d. 4 Bernard William, carpenter, 78 Spain Bernard William, leather and findings, 47 Toulouse Bernard Xavier, feed store. Levee c. Ninth, d. 999 New Levee, d. 4 Bernandi A. D. clerk, 119 Greatmen Bernauer Benedict, tailor, 129 Liberty Berne C. tobacco manufacturer, 91 Laurel Berner B. butcher, 8 St. Mary's mkt Earner M. Live Oak n. Austerlitz, Jeff. City Barnes V. butcher, 4 Dryades mkt. d. Bor- deaux c. Laurel, Jeff. City Bernhardt Albert, laborer, Roman n. St. Louis Bernhardt Charles, 157 Mandoville Bernhardt David, salesman, 98 Camp Bernhardt Henry, d. 271 St. Thomas Bernhardt Mathias, 125 Elysian Fields Bernhardt S. cigars. Levee c. Conti Bernhardt William, lab. Ill St. Anthony Bernheimer Simon, (Germbacher &( Bem- heimer,) dry goods, 227 St. Peter Bernholt John, warahousaman, 135 An- nette Bernholdt Peter, 120 St. Anthony Bernholtz Jonathan, 72 Louisa Berniard John, 172 Greatmen Berniard John Mrs. furnished rooms, 65 Toulouse Berniard Louia, jeweler, 148 Bourbon Berniard Louis C. night police, 65 Tou- louse Bernicha John, butcher, 37 Poydras mkt Bernichan Baptiste,butcher,89 French mkt Bernier Julia, 354 Annunciation Bernier Louisa, f. w. c. 231 Orleans Bernigroth M., Morales n. Cotton Press Berniol F. butcher, 71 French mkt. d. Jeff. City Bernius F. moulder, Philip n. Franklin Bernius P. moulder, Soraparu c. Fulton Bernuchaux Gustave, c. p. 254 Marais Bernos J. H district attorney for Plaque- mines, d. 263 Rampart, d. 2 Bernos Louis, (Kearny, Blois &f Co.) d. 103 Rampart, d. 2 Bernoudy Augustin, 509 Dauphine, d. 3 Bernoudy J. ship carpenter, Algiers Bernoudy J. Noel B. 256 Laurel Bernoville P. Mrs 247 Robertson Bernstein A. blacksniith, 64 St. Joseph Beroit Francis, carpenter, Uauphine c. Elysian Fields Beron Adam, Carrollton n. Station Berquier Ernest, 371 Rampart Bern James E. clerk, 153 Common Berregan Daniel, carpenter, 48 St. Thomas Berrigan James, laborer, 468 Royal, d. 3 Berry F^d. laborer, 427 Charlres, d. 3 Berry E. tinsmith, 241 Canal Berry Frank, stevedore, 42 Bagatelle Berry George, laborer, 461 Royal, d. 3 Berry G. T. 90 Common, d. 232 Erato Berry George W., Dryades n. Felicity Berry Humphrey, screwman, 42 Thalia Berry Isaac, screwman, 130 Rousseau BER 59 BET Berry James, cnrppnter, 17 Marigney Berry James M. 502 Royal, d. 3 i Berry John, steward, 228 Levee, d. 3 I Berry John, clerk, 210 LJasquet ! B rry J. f. m. c. hari)er, St. Ann n.Galvez I Berry J. c. p. 383 Customhouse Berry L. S. elk. d. Joseplune n. St. Charles Berry M. J. 12 Dauphine Berry S. R. Mrs., Josephine n. St. Charles Berry T. A. engint^er Jackson R.R. depot Berry Wasiiington, en<;ineer, 392 Liberty Bersader Frank, lab. Urquhart n. Cotton Press Bersberger P. mechanic, 516 Rampart, d. 3 Berss Henry, First n. Rousseau Berta F. apothecary, 30() Rampart, d. 2 Berta Joseph, painter, 453 St. Ann Bertail J. M. Rev. 12 St. Anthony Bertel A. crockery, 19 Ursuliiie, d. 289 Bure;\u)dy Bertel Auguste, clerk, 82 Camp, d. 536 Carondelet Bertel John B. assistant teller Citizens' Bank, d. Felicity n. Constance Rertele G. Gardner, '25 St. John Baptist Bertelsen Henry, tinsmith, 337 Common Berthe Michael, milk, French n. Urquhart Bertheaud D. carp. d. Laurel c. Dufossat, Jert". City. Bertheaud H. Mrs., Adele n. River Bertheh John, 28 Dryades market Brrthel J. B. Felicity n. Laurel Bertiielot Emile, city police, 248 Burgundy Berthelot J. F. Washington n. Magazine Bertiielot M. Mrs., Washington n. Con- stance Berthelot W. H. Dr. 4 Baronne,d. Wash- ington 11. Magazine Berthencourt R. P. Algiers Berthier F. Dr. 121 St.' Peter Berthet, Alex, butcher, 125 St. Peter Berthoc Antoine, watch mkr. 100 Chartres Birthond William, Algiers B'-rtin Anna Mrs. 76 Congress Mertin Augustin, 793 Rampart, d. 3 Bertin August, clerk at Mullen's Berlin A. city police, Louisa n. Rainpart Bertin Eugene, inspector of revenue, d. 95 Congress Berlin Henry, charcoal, 255 St. Philip Birtin J. 89 Louisa Berlin John B., Claiborne c. St. Philip Bi'rtin Nehemiah, customs inspector Berlin P. M. Mrs. 177 Claiborne Bertin P. butcher, 13 Dryadi-s market Berline Charles, carpenter, 0. R. R. depot, Algiers Birto F. bird cage maker, 155 Frenchinen Berto Thos. carp. Lyon n. Laurel, Jetf. City. Bcrtoli Joseph (Mizzi &c Berloli,) 87 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 100 Hospital Berloli Nicholas, 79 Love B.-rtolo K. cigar maker 354 St. Philip Bertolo Madagascar, 85 Villerc Berlon" G. city ptilice, 362 M lin Uertoiiiere Feiia, Gentilly rcid n. woods Bertonneau Arnold, "Republican" c. h. 340 Burgundy Bertonneau Eugene, 327 St. Philip Bertonneau Louis Mrs. 410 St. Claude d. 3 Bertonniere A. gardener. Seventh n. Adele Bertonniere Edmond, gard. Grand Route c. Savage Bertonniere Telisfor, n Bayou bi'idge Berloulin Felix, grocer and com. mer. 101 Old Le\ ,d 2,d. 313 Esplanade, d. 2 Berloulin Victor, 120 Ursulines Bertoux M. Mrs. 228 Dauphine Bertrand Benjamin, Mandeville n. Prosper Bertrand Celeste, f. w. c. 300 Washington Bertrand Charles, bread shop, 91 Anthony Bertrand Dominique, tailor, 844 Maga- zine, d. 4 Bertrand F. carp. 253 Robertson Bertrand John E. com. mer. 308 St. Ann Bertrand Joseph, f. m. c. cigar maker, 200 Frenchmen Bertrand Lorenzo, Conde c. Main Bertrand Myrthe, Canal c. Basin Bertrand Osivio, cigars, 381 Marais. d. 3. Bertrand Peter, 26 St. Bi-rnard Bertrand Placidi' Mrs. 225 Main Bertrand P. butcher, d. Laurel n. Lafay- ette av. Jeff. City. Bertrand P. A. chemist, 20 Louisa, d. 61 Clouet Bertrand S. butcher, 20 Dryades market Bertrand Victor, elk. d. 242 Customhouse Bertrand Victor, dry goods, Patterson, Al- giers Bertuch John, vegetables, 221 Melpomene Bertus Alfred, clerk, 116 Common Bertus Victor, dork, 322 St. Claude Berwax Jose|ih, bulcli. Tonti n. Ursuline Berwin Manheim, clothing, 4 Front Levee, d. 2 Berwin Simon, 98 Rampart, d. 1 Berygan Martin, laborer, 94 St. Joseph Besch P. D. clerk, 421 Burgundy, d. 3 Besdiek John, shoemaker, 112 St. Mary Beshe J. B. carpenter, St. Philip n. Broad Besing August, ship carpenter, 192 Spain Besler Jacob, coffee house, 78 Franklin Besnard .foseph, pilot, Jeff. C'ity Besnier Mary, milliner, 282 Royal Bessec Jules, painter, 153 Hospital Bessec Marie, shoemakir, 153 Hospital Bessec Paul, Bienville n.Treine Bessin A. Mrs. dressmaker, 212 Esplanade Bessin Francis, mustard mkr. 117 St. Ann Bessler Xavier, shoeniiiker, 42 Union, d. 3 Bessmann F". jtedler, 311 Common Bessoii Frank, carpenter, 142 St. Philip Best William, ]iainter, d. 415 Liberty Beste William, com. mer. 122 Basin, d. 1 Bestle John, coffee house, 15 Lafayette Betan Melendez L'. 40 Fiagai.-lle, Betancourt Prof. J. Tivoli Circle lieianconrt Simon Mrs. 83 Clouet \i,uxt Achille, b()okkeei)er,d. 186 St. Philip Beibezi; Wm. butcher, 33 St. Mary's mkt Bethaiicourt Jean, 53 Columbus B''iliajicourt P. P. ship carpenter, Algiers BET 60 BIE Betrix J. last maker, 139 Hospital Betterton W. G. (Eaton S( Betterton) N. Levee c. Common, d. 272 Baronne Hettinger F. A. (James Puech 8f Co.) d. 350 Bienville Bettman John, milk, 193 Poet Belts E. Mrs., Jackson n. Prytania Betz John, dry goods and groceries, Levee c. Madison, Carrollton Betz John P. 94 New Levee Betz Mary Ann, 39 Frenchmen Betz M. barber, 81 Notre Dame Betz N. Jefferson City Betz R. Levee c. Madison Betzer Martin, blacksmith, 114Marais,d.2 Betzler X. 70 Levee Beugnot Dr., Burgundy c. St. Louis Beuschel George, 180 St. Thomas Beuschel John" G. shoemaker, 153 Chip- pewa Beuhch Victoria Mrs. dairy, Terpsichore c. Locust Beumer William, laborer, 64 Commerce Beulich Bernard, milkman, d. Terpsichore c. Locust Beussing William, lab 12 Lynch 's Row Beutelsbacher Edwd. florist, 353 St. Ann Beuter Frank, printer, 102 Poydras Bevan George, brass founder, 335 New Levee, d. 259 Carondelet Bevan George, shoemaker, 88 Gravier Bevan Patrick, lab. 106 Guiennie Bevan Wm. Mrs. 193 Julia BeverMargaret Mrs 310 Annunciation Bever Nicholas, drayman, 86 Louisa Beverly C. B. atty. 16 Ex. Place, d. 337 Esplanade Bevers Charles, basket maker, 242 Mag- azine Beves Anthony, butcher, 51 St. Mary's market Bevington Wm., Common n. Derbigny Revis John, carpenter, Jttff. City Bewerung L. dairy, Louisiana c. Baronne Bewick Francis, baker, Jeff. City Bewick Wm. barber, Jeff. City Bexar G. c. h. 97 Foucher Beyer Adams, Leonidas c. Fourth, Car- rollton Beyer Ernest, accountant, 93 O. Levee, d. 2 Beyer M. musician, 142 Burgundy Beyelle John E. com. mcr. and consul of New Grenada, 31 Gravier Bey Peter, Sixth n. Fulton Bezou H. clerk, 19 Toulouse, d. 144 Main Bezy P. locksmith, 127 Ursulines Biaaccabe Alexander, elk. 65(). Levee, d. 2 Biagioni Vincent, Lion c. Adams, Carltn Biami Joseph, f. m. c. shoemaker, 212 St. Louis Bianchi John B. 283 Treme Bianchi Joseph Capt. 43 Elmira Bianchi N. crockery, 7 Annunication Bianchini L. A. Dr. 83 Bourbon Biant Madaline, Prieur n. St. Ann Bias Edward, f. m. c. porter, 183 Marigny Biantz Joseph, carpenter, 202 St. LOuis L_ Bibas D.c. h. 172 Julia Bibby David, screwman, 271 Chippewa Bibb Wilson (Bradley, Wilson &f Co.) 62 Carondelet Bibby I. G. stock, note and exchange broker, 37 Carondelet Bibent N. 9 Exchange Place Bibes Jean M. barber, 524 St. Claude, d. 3 BIBLE DEPOSITORY of South Western Bible Society, 163 Camp. Bichard Jules, marble cutter, 168 St. Louis Bicheto M. cigar maker, 427 Bourbon, d. 3 Bichler Charles, elk. (J^orth, Duthil &c Co.) Bichler G. B. barber, Levee n. French Bichler Jacob, lab. 826 Dauphine, d. 3 Bick Henry, carpenter. Vine n. Julia Bickam J. C. assistant resident surgeon, Charity Hospital Bickford Charles, lab. 158 Tchoupitoulas Bicknell A. Mrs. Third n. Laurel Bicknell S. W. clerk, 82 Common Bicket Francis, sailor, Chartres n. French Biclet Fran9ois Capt. d. Chartres n. Les- seps Bicto John, c. h. Dryades c. Melpomene, d. 275 Melpomene Bidault Antoine, 98 Ursuline Bidault Alexander (C. A. Morel ^ Co.) cotton broker, 26 Carondelet Bidas Daniel, c. h. Magazine c. Julia Bideau E. clerk, 155 Canal Bidegary J. cist. mkr. 514 Dauphine, d. 3 Bidele B. tinsmith, 256 Tchoupitoulas Bidesire Eugene, 35 Annette Bidwell David, "Phoenix," c. h. 96 St. Charles Bidwell H. western produce and com. mer. 43 Hoydras, d. 110 Melpomene Bie Charles, b. h. 49 Front Levee, d. 3 Bie George, Solidelle n. Mandeville Bieber C. Mrs., midwife, Thalia n. Tchoupitoulas Bieber George, c. h. 346 Tchoupitoulas Bieber N. Mrs., Mandeville n. Solidelle Biechel Vadaline, Seventh n. Fulton Biedenkafter Eleanora Mrs. grocer, 3 North market Biegnaski Edward, St. John's bridge Biegel M. shoemaker, 2 Poydras Bieber Charles J. carpenter, 75 Felicity Biehler Charles, elk. d. 367 Burgundy, d.3 Bichler D. confectioner, 276 Rampart Biehler Jacob, lab. 826 Dauphine, d. 3 Bienaimee B. 413 Villere, d. 3 Bienaimee Joseph, tailor, 18 Beigatelle Bientz Joseph, carpenter, 130 Conti Bienvenu A. broker, 123 Common, d. 359 Dauphine. d. 3 Bienvenu Albert, 84 Hospital Bienvenu Alexander, New Carrollton Bienvenu Alfred, dye shop, 126 Hospital Bienvenu Aristide, 123 Common, d. 189 Esplanade BIE 61 BIR n Bienvenu A. D. Cadiz, Jeff. City Bienvenu A. E. notary public, 46 Ex- chan^o Placi', d. 161 Esplanade Bienvenu Charles, atty. at law, Exchange alley, c. Customhouse, d. 110 Bur- gundv. Bienvenu Charles, 473 St. Charles Bienvenue Cyrille Mrs. 3.30 Bnrg'dy, d. 3 Bienvenu C. F. d. 88 Burgundy Bienvenu Delphin, clerk. Union Bank, d. Claiborne n. Common Bienvenu F. A. clerk, 169 Cana Bienvenu F. M. d. 138 Royal Bienvenu Guichard, 170 Royal Bienvenu Louis, 20 Poydras market Bienvenu Napoleon Mrs. 11 St. Anthony Bienvenu Ncwville,319 Bourbon Bienvenu Placide A. .leff. City Bienvenue Placide, 50 Camp, d. 88 Bur- gundy Bienvenu'R. D. Mrs. 471 St. Charles Bienvenue T. dep. constable, Carrollton Bienville Street School, Bienville c. Rob- ertson Bier Christian, agent, plumber, &c. La- fayette, under Odd Fellows Hall Bier Christian, 05 Camp, d. 349 Erato Bier C. carpenter, .Tackson R. R. depot. Bier Henry, 151 Julia, Grand Sec'ry. of Odd Fellows, at 0. F. Hall Bier HiMiry, d. 7 Terpsichore Bier Joseph, tailor, N. Levee n. Fourth Bier Samuel, 41 Conti Hiera Franc^ois Mrs. 507 St. Claude, d. 3 Bierber N Mrs., Mandeville n. Solidelle Bierbier Carl, shoemaker, 93 Mandeville Bierhorst Henry, 85 Piety Bierhorst, Hermann H. 6 St. Ferdinand Bierhorst J. F. shoemaker, 698 Dauphine, d. 3 Bierman A. lab. 108 Market Bierchwale Charles, cabinet maker. First c. N. Lev(>e Bierra L. D. bricklayer, 195 Marais, d. 2 Bierwald Mathias, 150 Royal Biessenberger J. musician, 22 Union, d. 3 Bicter H. foundryman, 8'!9 Rampart, d. 3 Bietry John, contractor, 479 Main Bigelow W. H. clerk, 75 St. Charles, d. Freret Cotton Press Biger Joseph, carpi'nter,379 Hospital Bigeurier Mary R. Mrs. Perdido n. Clara Bigger Charles, carpenter, d. 398 Basin Bigger Charles J. carp. 310 Ti^'rnsichore Bigger John R. carp. 310 Terpsicliore Bighiiet Gotleil), bakery, 102 Desire Bigler E. F. printer, d." 286 Clio Biggs F. L. finisher, Fivnt n. Clio Biggs VVm. lab. 412 Old Levee, d. 3 Bignet M. Mrs. 202 Bourbon Bigny M. F. ( irUson &,- Bigney,) 132 Poy- dras, d. 175 Baronne Bignon A. F-. book keeper, Factor's Row, 36 P<-rdido Bignon Emile J. broker, d. 349 Carondelet Bigot S. Mrs. girls' school, 196 Canal Bigot Theo. M. artist, 203 .Murais, d. 2 Bigot Theo. F. jr. 180 Canal Bigourdan Octave, 158 Barracks Bigue John M. butcher, 8 Dryadcs mkt Biguenet John, clerk, 91 Marigny Biher Andreas, baker, 115 Poet Bihler Jedediah, 155 Barracks Bihler Thoinas, barkeeper, 20 Mazant Bijou J. B. f. m. c. St. Ann n. Villere, Bijou Louis, f. m. c. brickl'yr, 158Galvez Bijou Margaret, f. w. c. 219 Galvez Bijouter Wm. drayman, St. Mary n. Camp Bila Mariana, oysters, 202 Bienville Bilac Bernard, dairy, Terpsichore n. Lo- cust Bidding Thomas, 27 Hospital Bilger Charles, c. h. Toulouse c.Burgundy Bilger Joseph, grocer, 823 Rampart, d. 3 Bill Wm. machinist, Freret n. Erato Billard Henry, carpenter, 52 Toulouse Billapes Pedro, lab. 57 North market Billard Kornel, drayman, 31 Josephine Billand W. A. Mrs. 51 St. Anthony Billaud H. printer, 65 Union, d. 3 Billand L. C. A. soap fac. Klys. Fields c. Celestine, d. 304 Frenchmen Billaud Jo.seph, 357 Dauphine, d. 3 Billed Charles, baker, 157 Spain Billings Geo. lab. 454 Tchoupitoulas Billinsin James, coppersmith, 341 Mag- azine Bellman Mike, dairy, Dryades n. Jackson Billro Fiverico, Urquhart n. Frenchmen Bills James, printer, 312 Calliope Bills W. A. (S. S. CaUender Sf Co.) d. 358 Fulton Biloc Victoria, dairy, 201 Terpsichore Bilstein H. G. gent. 39 Front Binasconi P. Mrs. d. 87 St. Peter Binaud Ed. bell hanger, 93 Rampart, d. 1 Bineadello Andreas, lab. 24 Burgundy Binder George (Jivegno, Binder Sf Co.) 24 Carondelet, d. 175 St. Claude Bindernaffle E. clerk, 117 Canal Binderna^He Wm. tailor, 213 St. Louis Bineesi Bt>rnardo, 173 Franklin Binell Levy, clothier, 216 New Levee Binet F. c. h. Levee c. Bartholomew Bingaman A. L. 136 Customhouse Bingaman Amelia, f. w. e. 56 Gasquet Bingaman Henrietta, f. w. c. 62 Gasquet Bingaman John, steward, 129 Orleans Binney Archibald, St. Andrew, c. Camp Binney Archibald, clerk, 109 Levee, d. 3 Binney Henry, laborer, 341 Carondelet Bins Juan, lottery vender, 218 Dauphine Binlon Wm. L. customhouse officer Binvignat James, cook, 14 Franklin, d. 2 Bioren L. Mrs. 418 St. Charles Biossat F. A. clerk, St. Mary n. Laurel Biraben J. M. butcher, 170 St. Pliilip Birch Henry, vegetables, 172 Union, d. 3 Bird Aaron, clerk, 17 Royal, d. Claiborne n. Gasquet Bird Alfred, seaman, 4 Mandeville Bird Henry, acci. Gravier c. Carondelet Bird Louis, 446 Royal, d. 3 Bird Samuel H. plast.rer, 204 Chippewa BIR 62 BLA Biret J. tailor, St. Louis n. Roman BirettP R. F. tailor, 51 Orleans Birill Wm. upholstery, Adele n. Rosseau Birk B. shoemaker, 198 Delord Birkenstock J. tailor, 102 Franklin Birmin2;ham Michael, lab. 75 Chippewa Birnbaum J. Adams' express, 96 Camp Biron James, ship carpenter, Algiers Biron .lean Marie, clerk, 343 Common Biron P. S. atty. at law and notary public, 13 St. Peter, d. 34 History Birula Frank, lab. Urquhart n. Frenchmen Bisa A. c. h. Red Store, Levee, d. 2 Bisa John, dry goods, Red Store, Front Loeve, d. 2 Bisbee Chester, Magazine n. Harmony Bisbee C. W. 54 late 26 New Levee Bisbee D. W. F. (Chas. F. Manter S( Co.) justice of the peace, d. Gretna Bisbee Hilson, coppersmith, d. 374 How- ard Bisbee Wm. engineer, 307 Calliope Bischof Geo. boot and shoemaker, 257 •Royal Bischof John, clerk, 12 Canal, d. Laurel n. Sixth BischoffGeo. barber, 10 Hospital Biscoe&Simms, (B. Biscoe, Thos. Simm^,) wholesale grocers, 15, 17 and 19 New Levee, and 13, 15 and 17 Fulton Biscoe Daniel, laborer, 72 Constance Biscoe D. C. hardware, 14 Magazine, d. 72 Constance Bishop Daniel C. 14 Magazine Bishop Eliza Mrs. 197 Clio Bishop John, laborer, 68 St. Joseph Bishop John, clerk, 13 Poydras Bishop Samuel L. boiler maker, 9 Race, d. 30 Orange Bishop W. J. (Jl. Thomson Sf Co.) 48 Tchoupitoulas n. Natchez Bisland John J. 87 Magazine Bissiere J. tailor, 29 Bourbon Bissingor J. carpenter, 131 Old Levee, d. 8 Bistes H. Bayou St. John Biteau F. 314 St. Philip Biteau Mary Louis, f. w.c. 424Burffundv. d. 3 b J-' Bittal B. carpenter, 91 Louisa Bitter Frederick, cigar maker. New Levee n. Eighth Bitter H. blacksmith, 839 Rampart Bitter Joseph, laborer, 121 Poet Bitter Joseph, grocer, Marengo c. Laurel, JeiTerson City Bitters Joseph, Morales c. "Washington avenue Bitterwolf George, 229 Spain Bitterwolf H. harness mkr. 22 Frenchmen Bitterwolf Xavier, sr. 22 Frenchmen Bittle Robert, 214 Erato Bixler Adeline Mrs. 369 Basin, d. 1 Bize Laurent, grocer, 433 Bourbon, d. 3 Blache Adolphe, 311 Chartres Blache A. clerk, 71 Esplanade Blache Ernest, f. m. c. shoemaker, 11 Annette Blache Gustave, 311 Chartres Blache Henry, clerk, 311 Chartres, d. 18 St. Anthony Blache John E. (G. Leaumonl, Blache Sf Co.) 69 Chartres, d. 71 Esplanade Blache J. N. 95 Marigny Blache Louis Dr. 311 Chartres Blache Martin, attorney, 50 Exchange place, d. 311 Chartres Blache Mary Jane, f. w. c. 1 Claiborne, d.2 Hlache Octave, Bienville n Dorgcnois Blache Paul, 86 Poydras, 311 Chartres Black A. G. clerk, 41 Natchez Black C. B. Mrs.. Magazine n Robin Black Charles, deputy jailor. City Hall Black & Byington, fC/iaries Black, J. S. Byington,) cotton factors and com. mers. 7 Carondelet Black C. E. clerk, 39 Natchez Black Daniel Mrs. 325 Rampart, d. 3 Black Geo. carpenter, d. .328 Thalia Black Geo. P. & Co. (Geo. P. Black, A. H. Chalmera,) com. mers. 81 Gravier, d. 285 St. Mary Black & Holtz, (F. Black, C. C. Holtz,) copper, tin and sheet iron workers, 110 Poydras Black James, mechanic, 61 Gasquet Black James, clerk, 44 Constance Black John, levee elk. d. First c. Rousseau Black John, clerk, 122 Camp Black J. W. clerk, 11 Covington landing, New Basin Black Robert, printer, 48 Magazine Black R. Y. (R. W. Estlin &r' Co.) cotton fact, and com. mer. d. Magazine n First Black Rosanna Mrs. 81 St. J'oseph Black Thos. J. stevedore, d. 339 Melpo- mene Black Thos. f. m c. barber, 127 Liberty Black W. S. (fV. M. Burruss &r Co.) 12. New Levee, d. 119 Prytania Black W. C. (W. A. Violett &r Co.) 49 Gruvier Blackamore C. laborer, 33 Marigny Blackburn N. C. printer, 221 Julia Blackfoot James, 136 Erato Blackman J. W. teacher, 145 Carondelet BLACKMAR & BROTHER, (A. E. Blackmar, H. C. Black- mar,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pianos, Music, and Musical Merchandise, 74 Camp. Blacksmith A., Carondelet walk n. Broad Blackwell A. L. Mrs. 222 Annunciation Hlackwell Robt. acct. d. 98 Rampart, d. 1 Blade Alexander, laborer, 110 Foucher Blade Malachy, weigher, 22 Foucher d. New Levee Blades L. B. western produce, 34 Gravier Blady Paul L. barkeeper, d. 280 Common BLA 63 BLA BLAESE H. & CO., (H. Blaese, Louis Redei',) Fancy and Family Grocery Store, corner Koyal and Toulouse streets; constantly on hand a fine as- sortment of Wines, Liquors, Cognac, Preserves, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Cheese, and every other article in the Grocery Line, Wholesale and Retail. BLAFFER & CO., (John and J. A. Blaffer, P. Reber,) Toys, Fancy Articles, Children's Carriages, Baskets, French, China and Bohemian Glass- ware, Wholesale and Retail, No. 22 Chartres. BlaftVr J. A. (Bluffer &f Co.) d. 17 Marais, d.2 Rlai Charlos, lilacksmith, 303 Hospital Blair l"),iniel, superiuti-iidont wat(>r works, 3fi Dryadi'sd. .Tacksoii n. Carondelet Blair E. S" Mrs. 93 Froiichmon Hiair Geo. tailor, 188 Rampart, d. 1 Blair P., Coiiti bet. Robertson and, Clai- borne Blair Thomas, clerk, d. 231 Annunciation Blaise D. vegetables, 29 Treme market Blaise .Tohn, tailor, 413 Bayon road Blake A. f. m.c. ste'dore, 192 St. Thomas Blake John, laborer, 330 Basin Blake Patrick, clerk, 93 Magazine, d. 182 Magnolia, d. 82 Magnolia Blake Patrick, laborer, 623 Rampart, d. 3 Blake & Tower, (Thos X. Blake, L. F. Tower,) house goods, Customhouse c. Old Levee Blake Thomas, tailor, 221 Tchoupitoulas Hlakeley Hannah Mrs. 19 Franklin Ijlakcley .Trtsrph, shoe store, 198 Baronne Blakely A. R. clerk, 71 Camp Blakely James D. ( Tinnell &c Co.) 99 and 100 Canal, d. 198 Baronne RIakily John, St. John n. Common Blakely Peter, clerk, 298 St. Louis Blakeman C. H. salesman, 57 Common Blakeney Robert, ( Lency &f Blakeney,) coppersmiths, 104 Fulton Blak.ney W. (Brnrsler, Blakeney ^ Co.) 104 Fulton, d. Calliope n. Annun. Blakesley Edw. blacksmith, 42 Poyfarre BLAKESLEY, BARR&CO. .(Pe- ter Barr,) Steam Marble Works, etc., Tombs, Monu- ments, Tomb Slabs, and Mar- ble Work of all descriptions made to order, also Marble Mantles and Grates, 141 Poy- dras. Blakesley H. sr. sexton Protestant Cem- etery, Girod c. Franklin Blakesley H. jr. marble worker, 141 Poy- d ras Blakesley S. marble worker, 141 Poydras Blakley E. carriage maki^-, 40 S'. Joseph Blakeway Wm. s'.eward, 171 Port Blanc Alexander, prof. Jesuit's college Blanc Bernard, elk, l.")2 Chartres Blanc Jas. A. d. 21.^) Esplanade Blanc Jean L. E. Bayou St. John Blanc .lules A. bricks, 247 Julia, d. 136 Julia Blanc J. Mrs., Tonfi n. St. Ann Blanc Louis, loan office, 47 Conti Blanc Lewis, jeweler, 171 Dauphine Blanc L. C. second teller Branch Bank Blanc Macilin, Martin, 41 French market Blanc Marguerite, f. w. c. Bayou bridge Blanc Paul, vegetables, 21 St. Mary's irik't Blanc Paul, teller Louisiana Stale Bank, d. Marais n. Kerlerec Blanc V. carpenter, 272 Esplanade Blancand B. carpenter, 219 Morales Blancand J. P. ( Turcot t 8f Blancand,) St. Ann c. Chartres Blancand & Guitet, (G. P. Blancand, J Guitel,) shoe store, 2.')4 Royal c. Main Blanch T. wood yard, 279 Mam Blanchard Albert G. sec'y N. 0. & C. R. R. Co. 15 ';i Baronne, d. Austerlitz, c. Live Oak, Jeff. City Blanchard A. Mrs. 158 Carondelct Blanchard Bentley S. express wagon, Cy- press n. Claiborne Blanchard B. butcher, 45 French market Blanchard Chas. (Blanchard W. Sf Co.) 60 Gravier Blanchard Celeste , f. w. c. 234 Conti Blanchard Desire, 106 Conti Blanchard J. Mrs. 82 Orleans Blanchard P. Dr. dentist, 88 Royal Blanchard Peter, caulk. 583 Oauphine, d. 3 Blanchard Th. Baily, 8 Royal, d. 122 Conti Blanchard Th. Baily, jr. com. mer. 27 Old Levee, d. 122 Conti Blanchard Valery, 228 Kampart, d. 2 Blancher Ulysse, drayman, Annette c. Pros])er Blanchet Arthur, accountant, l.'>5 Canal Blanchet Mrs. dress maker, 287 Chartres Blanchet Prosper, grocer, Dauphine c. Customhouse Blanchfield P. carpenter, 20 Religious Blanchin & Giraud (C. Blanchin, .Intoine Giraud,) grocers, 71 Old Levee Blanck Charles, Conti c. Roman Blanck Jos. cisterns, 245 Claiborne, d. 2 Blanck Louis, clerk, 99 Magaznie Mlanco Pedro, c. h. St. Charles c. Poydras Bland Benjamin, clerk, 151 Common, d. 90 Constance Bland Henry, Cadiz n. Live Oak, Jeffer- son City Bland Samuel, f. m. c. drayman, Felicity n. Howard BLA 64 BLO Bland Thomas, f. m. c. drayman, 358 Liberty Bland in A. grocer, Marigny c. Royal, d.3 Blan«y Charles, oysters, 63 New Levee Blaney Joseph, 8 Front Levee, d. 88 Inde- pendence Blang B. shoemaker, 289 Tchoupitoulas Blank Hy. tinsmith, N. Levee n. Soraparu Blank Joseph, marble cutter, 90 Exchange place Blank Patrick, carpenter, d. 47 Religious Blanke C, Lassner M. & Diensh A. manuf. 431 St. Charles Blanke Charles, carpenter, 215 Calliope Blanke C. dentist, 433 St. Charles Blankenbach J. L. plumber, Patterson, Algiers Blanque Paulin, 273 Ursulines Blardone B. glass, 19 Jefferson Blartz Jacob, clerk, 419 Dryades Bias Antrew, clerk, 10 Pontalba build- ings, St. Ann Bias A. 15 Basin, d. 2 Bias Jules, barber, Villere n. Orleans Blasco Eugene, 28 Conti, d. 255 Chartres Blasco Manuel, inspector, d. 255 Chartres Blasco W. C. 467 Bourbon, d. 3 Blass G. A. barkeeper, d. First n. Maga- zine Blass Jacob, shoemaker, d. 204 Baronne Blatzaker Ludwig, Josephine n. Chippewa Blaz Christian, drayman, d. Prosper n. Annette Blazi Charles, jeweler, 53 Chartres Blazi Herman, laborer, 191 Poet Blazini Sylvester, c. h. Toulouse c. Ram- part Bleakley E. carriage maker, 40 and 42 St. Joseph Bleakley George, 103 Rampart Bleeker Martha, White n. Josephine Bleind John, laborer, 61 Levee, d. 3 Bleker E- painter, 426 Felicity Blen Joseph, Peter n. Bouny, Algiers Blonahan Tim. mate, 475 Royal, d. 3 Blenderman Christian, Mrs. 278 Baronne Blenderman Hannah Mrs., Melpomene n. Basin Blenke August, cooper, 256 Front Levee Blennan Thomas, laborer, Thalia c. Levee Blessey Emanuel, com. mer. 74 Poydras, d. 281 Carondelet Blessey F. carpenter, Jefferson City Blessing Samuel T. (^inderson Sf Blessing,) 61 Camp Bleton Charles, d. 40 Frenchmen Bjpuler Hy. printer, 70 Camp Bleuler John, warehouseman, d. 268 Conti Bley Charles, upholsterer, 205 Common Bley F. shoemaker, Gasquet c. Galvez Bleyman C. western produce, 40 Tchou- pitoulas, d. 76 St. Anthony Bliesath Rud. grocer, Jackson c. Dryades Blind John, fruits, 61 Levee, d. 3 Blind Michael, tailor, 207 Common BLINEAU BROTHEES,Freneh Confectioners, lee Cream, Sherbets, Fresh Fruits of the Seasons, Chocolate, etc. Everything in their line pre- pared for Parties at the short- est notice. Canal street, cor. Bourbon; and Branch on Royal, cor. St. Louis. BLINEAU JOHN B. cor. Royal and St. Louis. BLINEAU JULES, cor. Canal and Bourbon. Blineau Oliver, planter, 79 St. Ann Blinz J. tailor, St. Anthony n. Josephine Blique Charles, 332 Villere, d. 3 Blober G. drayman, Jersey, Jeff. City Block Aaron, laborer, 294 Thalia Block Aaron, 146 St. Philip Block Auguste, pedler, 230 Bayou road Block & Jonas (Augustus Block, J. J. Jo- nas,) tobacco agency, 97 Gravier, d. 179 Jackson Block Daniel, vegetables, d. 323 Clara Block David, Baronne c. Gravier Block K. grocer, Ursuline c. Bourbon Block Fred. ship. carp. Decatur, McD Block Henry A. book keeper, 35 Caron- delet Block & Co. (Henry Block, James M. McCandlish,) grocers, 28 Common, and 48 Canal Block H. clerk, 75 Carondelet Block John, laborer, 368 St. Philip Block John T. public gauger, 123 Old Levee, d. 2 Block John T. grocer, 260 Gravier, d. 130 Robin Block Joseph, poultry. Laurel n. Sixth Block Julia Mrs. 250 Ratnpart, d. 1 Block L. 186 Dryades Block Mary, 238 Common Block Malhias, 168 St. Philip Block, McAffee & Co. (Joseph Block, Mad- ison McAffee, J. P. Eggleston, Charles H. Jonas,) cot. factors and com. mers. 6 Union Block R. D., Bienville n. Royal Block S. (Schwartz, Kaufman &r Co.) 27 Chartres, d. 105 Rampart, d. 2 Block Thomas, painter, 213 Rampart, d. 1 Block S. grocery, Lafayette c. Dryades Block S. Mrs. 158 Hospital Block Simon, d. 105 Rampart, d. 2 Blocker James Y. attorney, 26 Commer- cial place Bloemer Henry, grocery, 29 St. Thomas Blohm Henry Capt. 432 Main Blohm John, clerk, 223 Tchoupitoulas Bloe Jules, carpenter, Alex, Algiers Blois Charles L. carpenter, Alex, Algiers Blois E. Mrs. 362 Bourbon, d. 3 Blois Joseph, brick mkr. Barrack c. Main BLO 65 BOC Blois Thomas (Kearney, Blois &>' Co.) 62 Magazine, d. 251 Tromc Blome N. J. 81 Old Levee, d. 361 Char- irrs, d. 3 Blomckc Auton, Josephine n. First Bloiideau Abehud, 114 Bourbon H. Miss, 199 Ursulines Bioiidel U. liorist, Columbus c Prieur BIdiidin C. shoemkr, Atmette n. Solidelle Bloiik Nicholas, carpr. 418 Felicity, d. 4 Blood Austin, clerk, 16 Customhouse Blood Geo. S. clerk, 63 Front Blood H. S. (Kcnnett, Blood ^ Co.) 63 Front, d. 397 St. Charles BLOOM & CO. (Isaac Bloom, J. M. Schwartz, ) Wholesale Grocers, and Dealers in Wes- tern Produce, No. 56 late 66 Magazine, 21 and 23 Natchez street, d. 83 Melpomene. Bloom J. 0. Jefferson, CarroUton Bloom Louis, billiards, 97 Common Bloom Mathins, Bolivar n. Perdido Bloomer C. Fourth n. Chestnut Bloomer Charles, Josephine n. Laurel Bloomer Robert, clerk, 22 Poydras Bloomtield Benjamin ( Bloomjield &{ Steel,) d. Carondelet n. St. Andriiw Bloomtield George, foreman gas works, d. 94 Gasquet Bloomtield J. C. clerk, 60 Camp Bloomtield & Steel (Benjamin Bloomficld, Edgar Steel,) books and stationery, 6tl Camp Bloomfield William sr. bookbinder, d. 155 Clio Bloomfield William jr. printer and book- binder, 46 Camp Bloomficld Wm. Mrs. poultry, 30 South market Blossman S. clerk, 139 Elys. Fields Blossman S. J. clerk, 43 Natchez Blot M. furnished rooms, 146 Dauphine Blouin Ed. f. m. c. 746 Dauphine, d. 3 Blouin Jos. bricklayer, 188 Barracks Bloy Jules, cooper, 244 Royal Bloy Louis, wines. Royal n. Ursulines Bloy Louis, cooper. Bayou road Blue Johti, laborer, 180 New Levee, d. 1 Blum August, U. S. Mint, d. 561 Dau- phine, d. 3 Blum Bt.-rnard, pcdler, 154 Orleans Blum Christian, paper hanger, 106 Hos- pital BLUM & FRANK (Danl. Blum, S. Frank,) Dry Goods at auc- tion prices, for cash or accept- ances, 43 Chartres. Blum Edward, clerk, 131 Canal Blum George, 84 Orleans Blum Geo. carpenter, 390 Felicity Blum Jacob, 36 Natchez Blum Martin, carpenter, 32 Prieur Blume Elias, gardener, .300 St. Bernard Blume George, clerk, 63 Carondelet Blume Louis, book keeper, d. Fulton n. First Blumcnkron Isaac, shoes, 204 Orleans Blumcnihal Charles, druggist, 65 Gasquet BlumcnthalC. J.R., Magazine c. Common Blumenthal D. pedler, 223 Dauphine Blumenthal E. variety store, 260 Orleans Blumenthal F. G. cigars, 19 Royal, d. 20 Villerc Blumenthal L. shoemaker, 120 Poydras, d. 272 Poydras Blumer Henry H. lamplighter, 80 St. Thomas Blumer Samuel, carpenter, 233 Gasquet Blumers P. Carondelet walk c. Derbigny Blunck Joseph, cisterns, 200 Customhouse Blunk D. H. (H. 11. Barton Sf Co.) 82 Magazine Blunt Captain, Chestnut c. Peter, Algiers Blunt J. VV. d. 254 Ursulines Blunt Leopold, barkeeper, 337 Magazine Blust Edward, lab. Cardt. walk c. Miro Blust F. J. c. h. New Levee c. Ninth, d. 4 Blut John, tailor, 129 Trcme, d. 2 BIyley Wm. ship carpenter, n. Dryades market Blyman Charles, 156 Goodchildren Blythe Wm. ship carpenter, n. Dryades market Boada Jose, carpenter, 68 Craps Boal Samuel, butcher, St. Andrew n. St. Thomas Boals S. (inison 8f Co.) butchers, d. St. Andrew n. Chippewa Boam Joseph, deputy sheriff, 361 Char- tres, d. 3 Board of Commissioners Draining Dis- trict, 12 Union, d. 1 Board of Currency, 12 Exchange place Board of Health, office 59 St. (diaries Boardman Abraham Capt. 377 Ranijiart Boardman Thos. S. clerk. Canal c. Royal Boardman Wm.T. pilot, 377 Rampart, d. 1 Boardman Wm. T., pilot, 260 Melpomene Boas Saml. 105 St. Andrew Boasso Eugene, clerk, 281 Tchoupitoulas Boasso 0. printer. Morales c. Congress Boazman & Boazman, slave dealers, 166 Gravier Bobb Andrew, f. m. c. Baronnc n. Philip Bobb Chas. brickmakor, ab. Gretna Bi>bb John, butcher, 45 French mkt Bobb Wm brickmak. and sawmills, Grt. Bobet & Brother, (.llphonse Bobet, Edward J. Bobet,) atave yard, 9 St. James Bobillot Francois, bricklayer, 314 Dau- phine, d. 2 Bobst Geo. lab. Frenchmen n. Celestine Bochei J. L. boot& shoemak.130 Chartres Bock Christian, carpentiT, 2 Peace Bock Ern(!8t, cigars. Magazine n. Wash- ington Bock Fred. carp. Chippewa n. First BOG 66 BOI Bock Henry, coach painter, 18 History Bock Henry, sugar maker, 34 Julia Bock H. carpenter, 17 Montegut Bock H. C. c. h. 665 St. Claude Bock Louisa, widow, 7 History Bock Michael, 130 Bienville Bockenniayer Michael, cartman, 10 Spain Bockhols B. J. engineer, 2 Morales Bockius Josh, saddlery, 45 Canal Bockeman Christ, cigar maker. Levee n. JSapoleon av. Jett'. City Bockleman John, Cypress n. Roman Bockmaiin F. rope mak., 317 Annunciation Bockschuh Charles, steward, 133 Spain Bodam Conrad, barber, St. Charles n. Polymnia Bode John, grocer. Levee c. Austerlitz, Jetlerson City Bodechtel Frederick, clerk, 21 St. Charles, d. 127 Euterpe Bodelli Jean Mairie, 778 Dauphine, d. 3 Bodenhamer Wm. Dr. 137 Canal Bodenheimer Leopold, butcher, Poydras mkt. d. Eighth n. Laurel Bodenstab Frederick, 463 St. Ann Bodet John, shoes, 290 Chartres Bodet & Gueydan, ( L. Bodet, Francois Gueydan,) dry goods, Hospital c. Cluirlres, and "Red Stores," Front Levee, d. 41 Hospital Bodin A. Mrs. d. 67 Lrsulines Bodin Albeit, teacher, Madison n. Royal Bodin Alfred, atty. at law, 142 Royal, d. Ursulines n. Burgundy Bodin L. 35 Marais, d. 2 Bodine Albert, laborer, 9 JMontegut Bodolski A. teacher, 659 Magazine Bodom Conrad, cupper, 448 St. Charles Bodreau C. 274 Carondelet walk Bodreau F. 340 Ursulines Boe A. H. L. Rev. 12 St. Anthony Place Boe Paul, 32J Chartres, d. 2, d. 364 Dau- phine, d. 3 Boe Pierre, tailor, Conde n. Madison Boebinger F. W. c. h. Clara c. Clio Boerdecker Fredei-ick, Cypress n> Der- bigney Boef Samuel, Ninth n. Constance Boegel Joseph, blacksmith. Celeste c. Re- ligious Boeglui Henry, carpenter, 410 Orleans Boeliler Jacob, tailor, 41 Franklin Boehler John, lithographer, 117 Exchange place Boehler Peter, Bourbon n. Josephine Boehm Daniel, 285 Old Levee, d. 2 Boehm F. J. I'rauklin b. store, 158 Char- tres, d. 201 Villere Boehm Lisette, dressmaker, 96 Royal Boehme B. hatter, 62 Levee, d. 1 Boek Ernst, cigars, Magazine n. Wash- ington Boeiiiz Edward H. prop. Louisiana State Gazette, 94 Exchange place Boelpar Oswald, confectioner, 171 St. An- thony Boeman Henry, groc. 749 Burgundy,d. 3 Boensel John, tailor, 54 Carondelet Boes Cassius, bricklayer, 117 St. Anthony Boese Charles H. Levee c. Leonidas, Car- roll ton Boese George, general store. Levee c. Le- onidas, Carrollton Boese H. W. c. h. Canal avenue, Hamp- son, Carrollton Boese John, laborer, Felicity n. Chippewa Boesen John, tailor, 344 Conti Boesel John, shoemaker, 110 Villere n.St. Louis, d. 2 Boesse August, screwinan, 93 Union, d. 3 Boettner Wm. "Concert Hall," Poydras n. Carondelet Boey John, carpenter, Jackson R.R. depot Boey William, screwman, 627 Chartres, d.3 Bogain C. perfumery store, 43 St. Ann Bogareau Ann, St. Charles c. Calliope Bogart& Co. (Jane Bogart, G. G. Stevens,) sugar brokers, 5 Bank place Bogart Wilhelmus, South c. St. Charles Bogeatt Mitchell, boatman, 75 Third Bogel A. J. Customhouse c Dauphine Bogel Charles, laborer. Chestnut n. Cadiz, Jefferson City Bogelel J. B. clerk, 261 Old Levee, d. 2 Bogel Joseph, carpenter, 56 Enghien Bogers John, clerk, 75 St. Peter Bogert G. C. agent for Southern Oil Co. 72 Camp, d. 212 Camp Boguille Ludger, teacher, 198 Esplanade Boh Jean B. cooper, St. Ann c. Johnson Bohders Christoph, dry gds. 15 Magnolia Bohlander V. musician, 554 Dau]>hine, d.3 Bohlen H. b. h. 91 Front Levee, d. 3 Bohlen M. grocer, Perdido c. St. Peter Bohler Thomas, rear of foundry Belleville Bohler William, dairy, Seventh n. St. Dennis Bohlig J . C. carpenter, Rousseau n. Third Bohn C. E. lab. Spain n. Goodchildren Bohn Auguste, (J. Le Ceme Sf Co.) 114 Esplanade Bohn Francis, lab. Berlin c. Jersey, Jeff. City Bohn Isich. shoem'r, 4C0 Customhouse Bohn Thomas, lab. 666 Chartres, d. 3 Bohne A. jeweler, 303 Old Levee, d. 2 Bohne Peter, clerk, 116 Chartres Bohne Wm. watches, 67 Chartres Bohnefeld Charles, carpenter, 200 St. Pe- ter n. Marais Bohnen D. boarding, 149 Esplanade Bohner H. shoemaker, 59 Marais, d. 2 Bohner Valentine, grocer, .Josephine c. Liberty BohnetG. bakery, 850 Rampart, d. 3 Bohning Ferdinand, 77 Common, d. 11 Marais, d. 2 Bohnhardt Cornelius, sailor, 357 Conti Bohr Philip, lamplighter, Dauphine c. Po- land Bohrman Henry, dairy, Washington n. Baronne Boihern N, variety store, 336 Main BOI 67 BON Boilet Salvador, fruit, 444 St. Charles Boins H. LapeyrousL' n. Tonti Bois Lmiis, 479 Bmirbon Bois Oscar, clerk, 39 Old Levee Boisblaiic Alfri'd, (Dennis, Parker &(■ Bois- hlanc,) collector Consolidati-d Deht, 2'2 Exchange place, d. Lapeyrouse n. Tonti Boishlanc B. police jury, CarroUton Boishlaiic B.Jefferson City, d.49 llosjiital P,oisl.|;ui<'. Edgar, acct. 2S Carondelet Louis, 3G Annette Boisliois Fred, shoeni'r, 221 Customhouse Boisdore Frai)<;ois, clerk, 4G4 Bourl)on,d.3 Boismare Frank, bookseller, d. 409 Marais, d.3 Boisdore&. Sidney, ('J. .S. Boisdore , ) wt'igh- ers, 21 Commerce, d. 129 Derbigny Boiseif^neure Marie M. 114 Felicity, d.4 Boisfontaine Baron, 625 Royal, d. 3 Boislontaine H. B. 155 Burgundy Jules, hair dresser and fancy gds. CImrtres c. Bienville Bolen Francis B. acrewman,660 Koyal,d.3 Bolen James, 46 Marais, d. 1 Boler L. f. m. c. Josephine n. Howard Bolf Edward, 99 Claiborne Bolg John, lab. 145 Carondelet walk Bolia Martin, tailor, 463 St. Ann Holinger J. butcher, St. Mary n. Chippewa Bolinger Mary, 23 Si. Ferdinand Holio F. G. merehandisc broker, 26 Bank place, d. 316 St. Charles ^ Bolka Frank Mrs. 32 Poet Boll S. tailor, 170 Ursulinc Boiling John, clerk, d. 67 Race Boiling John, screwmaii, 26 Monl(>gut Boiling Robt. Crescent City Press, Tchou- pitoulas c. Race Bollinger L. butcher, 14 Poydras inkt. Bollinger Louis, 30 Poydrus mkt, Bollosa Simon, 163 Treme, d. 2 Bolls William, crockery, d. Jackson n. Baron ne Bollweit Charles Mrs. 329 St. Peter Bollweit Henry, carriage maker, 327 St. Peter Bollwit C. Mrs., St, Peter n. Roman Bolman Joseph, painter, 101 Desire Boljieare Eugene, f. m. c. carpent. 189 St. Peter holte Christian, tailor, d. 496 Rampart Bolsius Wm. book keejier, 4 Front Bolman Jos. painter. Desire c. Rampart Bolte John, JNew Levee c. Notre Dame Bolte John,soa]i makr. Liberty n. Jackson Bolton James, drayman, Henderson n. Front Levee Bolton James, laborer, 116 Spain ; Biilton Patrick, lab. Teresa n. St. Thomas 1 Bolton Patrick, drayman, 87 Thalia IJoman .Aug. laborer, 251 Lafayette B:)niard Caroline, Franklin n. Conti Bomberg H. 239 St. Charles Bomgartner Conrad, Josephine n. Laurel Bomgartner John, 17 Dryades mkt Bommecum Andrew, lab. 450 Chippewa Bomwasser Chas. confec. 439 Dryades Bon Antonio, oysters, 260 Burgundy, d. 2 Bon Franc^dis, umbrella mkr. 315 Bourbon Bon L. Mrs. 36 Frenchmen Bon Pierre, f. m. c. carp. 297 Orleans Bon P. f. m. c. bricklayer, Prieur c. La- harpe Bonaud Antoine, pedler, 395 Main Bond George S. 77 Ram|)art Bond H. F. acct. 77 Rampart Bond James, plasterer, 20 Jackson Bond John, Rousseau n. Jose]>hine Bond.l. V. Mrs. 254 Poydras Bond Mary Mrs. 6.39 Royal Bond Thomas J. 77 Rampart, d. 2 Honde F. vegetables. Magazine mkt Bondies George, cotton broker, 32 Caron- delet Bone Factory, Gentilly road n. Elysian Fields Bone Francis, confectioner, Gravier c. Kanijmrt Bone H. M. c. h. Levee, McD. Bonee M. cistern maker, Laurel n. Napo- leon avenue BON 68 BOO Bonce Philip, f. m. c. carp. 404 St. Ann Boner Patrick, watchman, 145 Fulton Bonereau Emile, clerk, 100 Uld Levee Bones H. H. ship carp. Villere, Algiers Boney Martin, dry goods, 117 Poydras Bonlils E. c. h. Rampart c. Bayou road Boiilils Peter Mrs. 275 Villere Bonlbrd P. E. (Benjmtiin, Bonford &f Fin- ney,) d. Carondelet c. Terpsichore Bongere Fran9ois, Laharpe n Johnson Bongere V. R. Mrs., Laharpe n. Johnson Bonliam R. K. livery stables, 178 Gravier Bonhoft' Henry, dry gds. 276 Customhouse Boniface John, lab. Prieur n. Lapeyrouse Bonige Peter, prof. Jesuit College Bonis F. clerk, Main n. Miro Bonis M. F. 49 Main Bonito A. gents furn. store, 176 Royal Bonito Francis, book keeper, 184 Franklin Bonjean J. shoemaker, 109 Treme Bonjean V. 109 'Preme Bonnabel H. bisulph. lime, d. 36 Bienville Bonnaffe J. J. hardware, 47 Front Levee, d. 3 Bonnafon J. A. d. 128 St. Ann Bonnafous Stanislaus, ( Bagur 8f Bonna- fons,) 23 Old Levee, d. ;i6 Columbus Bonnand F. J. Bacchus n. St. Andrew Bonnarde Martha, furnished rooms, 55 Rampart, d. 1 Bonnasser Charles, confec. 439 Dryades Bonnaveau Emile, tailor, 253 Chartres Bonnaveau J. B. tailor, Harmony n. Coli- seum Bonnavia Alex, clerk, Royal c. Conti Bonne Laurent, carp. 488 St. Ann Bonne M. Mrs., Claiborne n. Hospital Bonne Valsin, f. m. c. Miro c. St. Ann Bonneau H. butcher, 14 French mkt Bonnecarrere B. barber, 132 St. Peter Bonnecaze B. f. m. c. carpent. 293 Villere bonnecaze Edwd, (Desbons &f Bonnecaze,) confectioner, St. Peter c. Royal, d.l37 Ursulines Bonnee Philip, carp. 404 St. Ann Bonnefacio F. 161 Elysian Fields Bonnemaison Francois, f. m. c. Bayou rd Bonner Arthur, upholsterer, 103 Franklin Bonner Eliza, f. w. c. Roman n. Conti Bonner James, lab. Gaiennie n. N. Levee Bonner J. M. atty. 44 Camp Bonner James, 3d floor, 77 Common Bonner Wm., Dryades n. Seventh Bonner Wm, machinist, Gretna Bonnet Adrien, jeweler, 66 St. Peter Bonnet A. lace maker, 141 Burgundy Bonnet Charles, clerk, 9 Conti Bonnet Charles, 220 Frenchmen Bonnet E. L. silk and straw goods, 76 Ca- nal, d. 44 Rampart Bonnet Francis, wines, 208 Bourbon Bonnet John, 220 Frenchmen Bonnet J. A. E. book keep. 23 St.Charles, d. St. Bernard c. Prieur Bonnet J. B. c. h. 129 Marais, Bonnet J. d. 39 Dauphine Bonnet P. A. dry gds. 387 Claiborne, d. 3 Bonneval Alex, broker, 19 Carondelet, d. 85 Esplanade Bonneval Chas. clerk, 126 Canal Bonneval Chas. 235 Bienville Bonneval C. H. clerk, 225 Robertson Bonneval Hypolite R. (J. D. Dameron Sf Co.) d. 257 Bourbon Bonneval J. A. auctioneer, d. 277 St. Ann •Bonneval T. A. Columbus n. Villere Bonneville Alfred, mate, 244'Customhouse Bonneville M. clerk, 26 est. Charles Bonneville J. grocer ,,Greatmeii c. French- men Bonney Henry, stevedore, 106 St. Ferdi- nand Bonnihusen A. boot and shoemaker, 335 Tchoupitoulas Bonnin John, blacksmith, 16 Jefferson Bonnot Andrew, 164 Claiborne, d. 2 Bonnot Anthony, c. h. 16 St. Philip Bonnot G. clerk, 72 Canal Bonnot Jean, undertaker, 51 St. Ann, d. 277 St. Philip Bonnot Pierre, carver, 275 St. Philip Bono Hypolite, butcher, 18 French mkt ^Bonpart Joseph, restaurant, 230 Gravier Bonquois Louis, litter, 25 Marais, d. 2 Bonseigneur C. 171 Customhouse Bonseigneur F. f. m. c. 175 Terpischore Bonseigneur H. cigars, 214 Rampart, d. 1 Bonseigneur John, plasterer, 442 Gravier Bonseigneur John, slices. Camp, c. Erato Bonseigneur J. B. D. f. m. c. grocer, Per- dido c. Dryades Bonseigneur Juliette, f. w. c. 286 St. Louis Bonseigneur N. f. m. c. 89 Franklin, d. 1 Bonseigneur Paulin F. f. m. c. slioemaker, Terpsichore n. Dryades Bonseigneur R, f. w. c. Polymnia n. Ba- ronne Bonseigneur V. cigar maker 247 Rampart, d. 1 Bonspum Antoine, milk, Marigny n. Force BONTEMPS JOSEPH, Dyer and Scourer, 69 Bourbon, b. Conti and Bienville. Teinturier et Degraisseur, Rue Bourbon 69, entre Conti et Bienville. Bonthoux C. Mrs. dressmaker, 66 Chartres Bonz Manuel, cistern maker. Laurel c. Berlin, Jefferson City Bonzano H. 53 New Levee, d. 36 Franklin Bonzano Joseph, plasterer, 447 Gravier Boock August, laborer, 479 Royal Booker Charles, professor, Jesuit College Booklay Michael, lab. Richard n. Maga- zine Boone J. W. clock maker, 217 Gravier Boos Joseph, barber, 370 Camp Boos Joseph, lab. Richard c. Annunciation Boos Philip, lab. Marigny n. Urquhart Booth David, furn. wagon, 99 Magazine \ BOO 69 BOS BOOTH & CO. (Edward Booth, of Newark, N. J., George Booth,) Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, etc. etc. A well as- sorted line at wholesale, 36 late 40 Magazine street Booth Edward, (Booth Sf Co.) d. Maga- zine n. Uningc Booth Geo. (Booth Sf Co.) 36 Magazine Bootli Geoii^c, furniture cart, 181 Ranipari Booth H. d^36() Franklin Booth John Dr. druggist, Carondolet c. Girod, d. St. Charles n. Jackson Boot!) John, Sixth n. Laurel Booth John, engineer, 104 Gaiennie Booth J. blacksmith, Constance n. Seventh Booth Samuel, acct. 37 Camp Booth T. carp. Constance n. Eighth Bopp B. butcher, Magazine market Bopp Henry, l)utcher, 32 St. Mary's mkt Bopp Jacob, baker, 300 Conti Bopp John, butcher, 8t21 Dauphine Bordat Adoiph, shoemaker, 75 Toulouse Boquiet Margaret, 67 Main Borde Felicity, 464 St. Claude, d. 3 Horde Jghn, milkman, Bayou bridge Borde J. Dr. 93 St. Louis Bordeaux Fabian, shoemkr. Ill St. Philip Bordeaux Sophia, f. w. c. 227 Villere Bordelois Ernest, com. mer. 33 Gravier, d. History c. St. Claude Bordelois Patience Mrs. 254 Marais Bordemann H. Mrs. 84 Mazanl Bordenave Franc^ois, lab, Bourbon n. St. John Baptist Bordenave F. De, 4U Exchange place Bordenave S. carp. 254 Mandeville Bordon Thomas H. & Co. (John Cumber- land,) manufac. steam guages, 27 and 29 Front, d. 1. d. 32 Constance Border F. butcher, 31 Poydras market Bordes Baptist, wood yard, 67 Carondclet walk Bordes Bertrand, 301 Mandeville Bordes Guillaume Mrs. 89 St. Peter Bordes Jean, butcher, 28 St. Mary's mkt Bordes Jean, milkman, Metairie Ridge, d.2 Bordes Louis, dray, 190 Marigny Borduzat Eugene, clerk, d. 9 Marigny Borduzat Jas. elk. 122 Toulouse, d. 9 Ma- rigny Borduzat J. A. Boree A. L. f. m. c. 412 Ursulinos Bores John, butcher, 12 Poydras market Borg Gerard, grocer, Jackson c. Laurel Borge Frank ( Wilbur, ^mot 8f Co.) d. 50 Marigny Borge James, coffee house, 91 Elys. Fields Borge Peter, janitor, Univcsily Louisiana, Common c. Baronne Rorgstreem G. 211 Julia Borgstede J. R. liquors, Poydras n. Levee, d. Eighth n. Constance Boric John, 176 Royal Borie Michel, grocer, 321 Bayou Road 6 Borilly J. Mrs dressmaker, 36 Dauphine Borl Joseph, lali. 115 Piety Borlet Martin, lab. 395 St. Peter Borman Henry, milkman, Washington n. Baronne Borman Hermann, steamboat mate, Algiers Born Adam, lab. Second n. Laurel Born Adam, poultry, 61 St. Mary's mkt. d. 32 St.. Joseph Born Jacob, hardware, 243 Tchoupitoulas, d. 363 Annunciation Born J. (Bice Brothers,) 242 Tchoupitou- las, d. 363 Annunciation Borne Adam, tailor, 243 Rampart, d. 1 Borne Benjamin, caulker, 96 Marigny Borne Eugene, laborer, 17 Bagatelle B(U-ne Jean, shipwright, Gretna Borneo D. sr. Urqnhart n. Marigny Bornet Chas. hairworker, 138 Orleans Bornholt John, laborer, 136 Mandeville l^ornholt J. warehouseman, Annette 111 Solidelle Bornhorst C. laborer, Dorgenois n. Canal Borni L. turner, 146 Conti Borniaho H. butcher, 14 Dryades market Bornis Victor, butcher, 24 Dryades market Bornniiller Reynold, upholsterer, d. 8 Trcme, d. 2 Borschein Ed. musician, Varieties Theater Bonis John, grocery, Franklin n. Thalia Bornwasser C. confectioner, 255 Dryades Borre John, 212 Royal Borron A. cotton inspector, 139 Common, d. 36h Esplanade Borron Wm. J. clerk, 125 Common Borronis Charles, carpenter, 151 Charlres Borsenberger P. 199 Poet Borzon A. bread, 19 St. Philip Borzoni Itario, lab. 544 Burgundy, d. 3 Bos Andre, grocer, 89 Urquhart, d. 3 Bosch Christian, drayman, 116 Chartres Bosch J. shoemaker, 360 Royal, d. 3 Bosch M. shoemaker, Jifl". City Bosch P. D. carp. 348 Chartres Boscher Xavier, carp. Ill Marais Bose Antoine, carp. 75 Freret Bosinger Paul, shoe dealer, 314 Terpsi- chore Bosq John, butcher, 42 Poydras market Bosque John, butcher, 35 French market, Bosque A. Mrs. 40 Frenchmen Bosque Theophile, 48 Bagatelle Bosquet & Terrant, C//. Bosqutt,M. Ter- rant,) blacksmiths, Algiers Boss Joseph, Dorgenois c. Columbus Bliss Peter, Spain n. St. John Baptist Boss Philip, laborer, 127 Marigny BOENIO & BROTHER, ( D. Bornio, M. Bornio, Jules Merceret,) Commission Mei'- chants and Importers of Ha- vana Cigars and Cuba Pro- duce, 34 Gravier, d. 165 Royal. a' BOS 70 BOU Boss William, Laharpe n. Villere Hi.sse Chaili'S, c. h. 740 New Levee Bosse H. milkman, 113 Con^jress Bussc H. Dry, lab 9U5 St. Claude, d. 3 Bossee Hfiiry, moulder, Gretna BoBsenl Johar) S. tailor, 110 Hoyal Bnss.t Joseph, furniture, 258 Bourbon Bossetli Maria, 202 Bourbon Bossier Johaii, lab. Erato c. Clara Bossiere Aristide, Bayou bridge Bossien- Jules, St. Peter c. Bourbon Bossiere Xavicr, sign mkr. 124 Ursulines Bossine P'ran(;<)is, f.m.c. 392 Dauphine, d.3 Bosso A. tailor, 237 Chartres Boster Charles J. "Casino House," Union c. Carondelet, d. 390 Old Levee, d. 3 Bostick John E. carp. d. Ill Felicity Bostick & Seymour, (Ellis H. Bostick, F. W. Heymuur,) iron works, 35 Front and 36 Fulton Bostock A. (liostock, TultleSf Co.) d. Race n. JMagazine BOSTOCK, TUTTLE & CO., (A. Bostock, Geo. H. Tuttle, S. R.Montgomery,) Commission and roiwarding Merchants, Magazine n. Girod. Boston Club, 130 Canal Boswell Aglae, 479 Kampart, d. 3 Boswell T. C. engineer, 334 Basin, d. 1 BOSWORTH & CO., (A. W. Bos- worth, C. H Newell,) Whole- sale and Retail Dealers in Ice. Business Ofi&ee 71 and 73 Front street. Depot b. Poydras and Lafayette. Two large Ice Depots, St. Thomas n. Thalia: lee House 196 Gravier, and also Ice Depot 32 Pontchartrain Railroad, (upper side,) opposite the Passenger Saloon, and one at Jackson R. R. depot, d. Washington b. Magazine and Camp. Bota John, Carondelet walk n. Villere Boter David, baker, Prieur n. St. Ann Boiermans John, furniture, 34 St. Philip Botey J. umbrellas, d. 137 Bourbon Bothe Carl, musician, 232 St. Louis Bothick T. W. undertaker, 238 Lafayette Boihman B. shoemaker, 315 Old Levee, d. 2 Botier A. f. w. c. Annette c. Morales Botsay Paul, architect, 262 St. Louis Botte Nicholas, 176 St. Anthony liotteker Ludwig, ship carpenter, Algiers Boitleberger A. grocer, 75 Harmony Bottleberger Conrad, butcher, 25 Sixth Bottleberger Geo. Harmony n. Constance Bottleberger Jacob, Harmony n. Constance Botto F. grocer, 211 Old Levee Dotto Louis, oysters, 58 Dauphine Eoube Antoine, d. 334 Bienville Boube Francois, Poydras n. Rampart Boubede John Mrs. 317 Burgundy, d. 3 Boubede J. 418 Bourbon, d. 3 Boubede Louis, lab. Frenchmen n. Love Boubet Jonte, steward, 60 Urquhart Boubien Pascalis, 227 Bourbon Bouch Francis J. Chippewa n. Sixth Bouchard Adolphc, sculptor, 308 St. Philip Bouche Jaques, furn. car, 59 Royal BoucheJean, bakery, 379 Derbigny, d. 3 Bouche Jno grocery, Ursulines c. Gallatin Bouche L. Mrs. 17 Elmira Boucher Alfred, Franklin n. Toulouse Boucher F. butcher, 36 Port market Boucher F. moulder, Thalia n. Liberty Boucher Henry C. elk. 206 Annunciation Boucher L. coal, etc. 39 Elysian Fields Boucher M. Mrs., Royal n. French Boucher Tuissant, ship carpenter, Algiers Boucher Victor, St. Anthony n. Prosper Boucher Wni. laborer, 72 Port Bouchereau E. inspector of revenue, 45 History Bouchereau Louis, 72 Hospital Bouchoux Jos. locksmith, 117 Toulouse Bouchut Felix, Goodchildren c. Music Bouclage Mrs. 180 Royal Boudard Marie J., Ursulines n. Tonti Boudet Anselni, tinner, 108 Hospital Boudet John, gardener, JVapoleon av. c. Live Oflk, Jetferson City Boudet Julius, painter, 275 Poydras Boudet J. shoe dealer, 134 Conde Boudet Louis, wines and cigars, 145 Old Levee, d. 3, d. 97 Spain Boudet L. L. c. h. 145 Old Levee Boudet Numa, sculptor, 142 Orleans Boudile C, Columbus n. Roman Boudousquie A. planter, 96 Main Boudousquie A. notary pub. 46 Royal, d. 200 Burgundy Boudousquie Charles, proprietor Opera House, 163 Burgundy Boudousquie L. & Co. ( Leonce Boudous- quie, John O'Rourke,) sugar brokers, 75 Old Levee, d. 96 Main Boudousquie Paul, clerk, 121 Common Boudrau VVm. hatter, 32 Magazine Boudreaux Flore, carp. Fourth n. Laurel Boudreaux Jules, 360 Customhouse Boudreaux J. J. 702 Fulton, d. 4 Boudreaux Louis, moss manuf. c. Custom- house and Roman, d. 34 Bienville Boudrou Francois, Hospital n. Roman Boudro Lucien,confec. Canal c. Carondelet Boudro N. variety, c. Franklin and Gravier Boue John, carpenter, 451 Basin Boue J. J. barkeeper, 44 South market Bouferd L. laborer, 135 St. Ferdinand Bouffleur L. locksmith, 217 Julia Bougard Eli, 256 Customhouse Bougard G. shoemaker, 15 Bourbon Bougere Alphonse, d. 229 Burgundy BOU 71 BOU Bougere Rene Mrs., Johnson c. Laharpe Bougere Eli, 273 Pri.ur, d. 3 Bougere Francois, 232 Chartres Bougun August, screwman, 32 Desire Bouhey A. elk, 32 Royal, d. 92 St. Peter Bouhty C. P.Mrs. 92 St. Peter, d. 2 Bouliiii Wm., Fouriii, n. Fulton Bouige Peter, Common c. Buronne Bouillion Joseph, tobacco manufacturer, 634 Royal, d. 3 Boujet Felix, shoemaker, 118 Bienville Boulairi Franrois, 40 St. Bernard Boulange A. Warwick, flour inspector, 56 Front Levee Boulas S. carp. 389 St. Ann Boulet Pierre, 299 St. Louis Boulenger J. & Co. (Jv'icholas Claudel,) dry goods, 75 Chartres, d. Dorgenois n. Hospital Boulenger M. b. h. 77 St. Louis Boulet A, artist, 259 Bourbon Boulet B. G. clerk, 131 Poydras Boulet H. Mrs. 295 iJurgundy Boulet Numa, 5 Magazine Boulet T. A. State Assessor's Office, d. Goodchildren n. Mandevillc Boulger T. laborer, 439 Chartres, d. 3 Boulier Simon, Chippewa n. Sixth Bouligny Alfred, auctioneer, 86 Gravier, d. Jena c. Laurel, Jeff. City Bouligny Dominique, (litll &f Bouligny,) d. Rampart c. Columbus, d. 17 Ca- rondelet Bouligny Edmond, clerk, 59 St. Charles Bouligny Edward, 177 St. Ann Bouligny Ernest, 325 Villere, d3 Bouligny G. d. 204 St. Charles Bouligny &. Ganucheau, (Dominique Bo- ligny, Edmond Ganuchrau,) commis- sion merchants, 19 Customhouse, d. 357 Ramjiart Bouligny Louis, 13 Villere, d. 1 Bouligny Sam. f. m. c. 253 St. Louis Bouhn Emile Dr. (E G. De Lisle Sf Co.) d. 74 Rampart, d. 2 Boullemet Stephen, saddler, d. 369 Ba- ronne Boullement V.Mrs. .Washington, n. Laurel Boullosa Simon, c. p. 163 Treme, d. 2 Boulmay P. V. 360 Main Buulsen H. shoes. Napoleon c, Jersey Boulware A. builder, 473 Camp Br, 474 Royal Braun John, c. ii. 21 Frenchmen Rraun John, laborer, 25 Frenchmen Braun J. B. wine vround Esilda, 265 Esplanade Broussard Anemise,f. w c. 249 St. Philip Hroussard A. D. cooper, 223 Ursulines Broussard Louise, 314 St. Philip Brousse Joim, 284 Laurel Brousseau &. Co. (A. Brounseau, E. Ratelle) carpets, d. 74 Esplanade Broutin N. Mrs. Girod n. St. Bernard Browis William, tailor, Roman n. Adele Browder D. Felicity n. Annunciation Browder John J. pilot, St. Andrew n. Dryades Browa "Thomas E. clerk, 32 Carondelet Brower G. C. barkoejier, 110 Poydras BrowerS. G. 36 Poydras Brown A. leather finisher, 25 Celestine Brown A. A. mate, 218 New Levee Brown Alex. M. book keeper, 81 Caron- delet, d. Girod c. Carondelet BIIO BROWN A. & CO. Lumber Yard, Saw Mill and Sash Factory, 320 Magazine st. dealers in Mahogany, Spanish and Flor- ida Cedar, Cypress, White Pine, Cherry, Walnut, Oak, Ash, Hickory & Poplar Lum- ber, Dressed Flooring & Ceil- ing, Mahogany Railing, New- els & Balusters, Door Sashes and Blinds. Brown Benj. f. m. c. stand 43 Trcme d. 2 Brown Charles, clerk, 128 Canal Bniwn C. barkeeper, 51 Front Brown ."Vdam, f. m. c. 236 Customhouse Brown Alex. 690 St. Claude Brown Ak-x. screwman, 1.53 Toulouse Brown Alfred, f. m. c. Columbus n. Marais Brown Alfred, c. p. d. 378 Franklin Brown Alfred E. clerk, Canal c. Bourbon, d. 126 St. Louis Brown Andrew Mrs 428 Carondelet Brown A. Dr. 125 Carondelet Brown Antoine, Fourth near Fulton Brown A. Mrs. d. 249 Orleans BrownBros. & Co. bankers, 35 Carondelet Brown B. Mrs. grocery, 201 Calliope Brown Charles, cooper, 178 Claiborne Brown Charles, »steamboatman, 34 South market Brown Charles, c. p. d. 164 Chippewa Brown Charles, carpenter, 45 ('onstance Brown Charles H. 49 Carondelet Brown Charles D. tobacco merchant, 21 Lafayette, d. 16 Gaiennie Brown Charles S., St. Andrew n. Laurel Brown Charles, printer, 24 (iasquet Brown Clement, collector, Constantinople c. Magazine, Jeff. City Brown Danl. ship carp. Piety n Burgundy Brown Daniel, carp. d. 205 Terpsichore Brown Daniel, slioemaker, 44 Mandi^ville Brown David, d. Goodchildren n. Poet Brown David Capt. d. Spain c. Dauphine Brown David E. pilot, Erato n. Freret Brown l^lizabeth Mrs. 17 Union, d. 3 Brown Emanuel, Peace n. Royal Brown Emile, stevedore, 468 Tchoupitou. Brown E. Mrs. cakes, 847 Magazine, d. 4 Brown E. F. clerk, 32 Old Levee, d. 2 Brown E. W. d. 481 Dauphine Brown Frank, laborer, 110 Gaiennie Brown Frank, laborer, 136 S|>ain Brown, Frederick, carp. Laurel n. First Brown Frederick, carpenter, 441 Perdido Brown F. L. clerk, 163 Gravier Brown Geo. H. liquor ao;ent, 58 N. Levee Brown Geo. mate, 103 Mandeville Brown Geo. ship carp. 806 Burgundy, d. 3 Brown Geo. warehouseman, 21 Common Brown Geo. barber, 203 Common Hrown Geo. mate, 363 Dauphine, d. 3 Brown Geo. f. m. c. lab. 528 Robertson Brown Geo. E. clerk Sun Mutual Ins. Co Brown Geo. H. 58 New Levee, d. First n. Fulton Brown Henry, porter, 865 Rampart, d. 3 Brown Henry, Annunciation n. Robin Brown Henry, stevedore, 176 Goodchildren Brown Henry A. clerk, d. 120 Ainuinciation Brown Joseph, niglilcart, 175 Dryades Brown James, Mandeville n. St. Claude Brown James Capt. 515 Royal, d. 3 Brown James, d. Magazine n. St. Mary Brown Jas.eonfectioiur,Galvez n. Palmyra Brown Jas. carpi'iiter, Chippewa n. Sixth Hrown James W. 119 Mandeville Brown James, laborer, 6 Enghein Brown John. 274 Frenchmen Brown John, 160 Tch(uipitoulas Hrown John, laljorer, 229 S|)ain Ijrown John, f. m. c. 360 Bienville Brown Joiin B. screwman, Josephine n. Ciiippewa Brown John, 115 Tchoupitoulas Hrown John, lab. Johnson n. St. Philip BRO 80 BRU Brown John, tailor, 127 St. Jane Brown John, b. h. Euphrosine n. Liberty Brown John, dray, Claiborne n. Bienville Brown John, stevedore, Robin n. Tchoup. Brown John, 113 Washington, d. 3 Brown John, painter, Felicity n. Baronne Brown John, n. Public road, Carrollton Brown John, laborer, 73 Desire Brown Jno. f.m.c. driver, 322 Franklin,d,l Brown John, laborer, 135 Spain Brown John A. Ferguson, merchandise and produce broker, 21 Lafayette, d. 116 Gaiennie Brown John C. Sixth c. Lavoisier, Gretna Brown John H. stevedore, 601 St. Claude Brown Joseph, 375 Rampart, d. 1 Brown Joseph, si-aman, 631 Rampart, d. 3 Brown Joseph, 439 Old Levee, d. 3 Brown, Johnston & Co. (Shepherd Broum, Joseph H. Johnston, Raymond A. Bourk,) bankers, 49 Union Brown Joseph A. book keeper, Julia c. New Levee, d. 340 Terpsichore Brown Joseph, slave depot. Esplanade c. Moreau Brov/n Joseph, mate, 126 Burgundy BROWN J. B., Importer of Welsh Roofing, Slates and English Ridge Tile, 6 Union. Brown J. B. inspector of customs Brown J. D. (Passman, Bryant Sf Co.) Or- leans cotton press Brown J. G. 234 Craps Brown J. N. Royal c. Enghien Brown J. G. (R. C. Cummings 8f Go.) commission merchs. 13 St. Charles Brown J. J. Capt. St. Charles n. Cadiz, Jeff. City BrownJ. Mrs., Jackson n. Fulton Brown Lawrence, E. elk. 32 U. Levee,d.2 Brown Lemuel L. d. Fourth n. PrylanJa Brown Louis, painter, 186 Dryades Brown Lucas, 35 Royal Brown Margaret Mrs. d. 378 Franklin Brown Mary Mrs. d. 39 Spain Brown M. drayman, Howard n. Clio Brown Martin, lab. Freret n. Thalia Brown Martha, fur. rooms, 24 Bourbon Brown Matthew, carp. 24 Love Brown xMatthew, insp. customs, 97 Man- deville Brown Matthew engineer, Algiers Brown Michael, lab. Love n. Spain Brown Montg. grocer. Felicity c. Laurel Brown Morgan, mate, 390 Franklin Brown Peter, printer 274 Dyrades Brown Reuben A. & Co. ("C. C Cole) com. and ford. m(?rs. 79 Magazine Brown Hobt. f. m. c. 206 Main ' Brown Robert, 35 Frenchmen Brown Robert, lab. 240 Dauphine Brown Robert H. carpenter, 464 Dryades Brown Roger, lab. 164 Port Brown S. Mrs. 458 Chartres Brown S f. m. c. carpenter, 83 Basin, d. 1 Brown Saml. fireman Jackson R. R. depot Brown Saml. H. brick yard, Carrollton Brown Sarah Mrs. d. 410 Dauphine, d. 3 Brown Sarah, f. w. c. 241 Orleans Brown Sebastian, Carrollton Brown Shepherd, (Brown Johnston 8,' Co. and Rotchford, Brown 8( Co.) 49 Union d. c. Coliseum n. Felicity Brown Solyman, carpenterj Algiers Brown Thomas, Marigny n. Old Levee Brown Thomas, lab. 39 Spain Brown Thomas, carp. 125 Poydras, d. 50 Robertson Brown Thos. lab 92 Gaiennie Brown Timothy, lab. 23Enghein Brown Volney, Marengo n. Magazine Brown V. segar mkr. St. Ann n Johnson Brown Wm. Capt. towboat, James L. Day, d. 537 Dauphine, d. 3 Brown Wm. engineer, 5 Peace Brown Wm. stevedore, 458 Tchoupitoulas Brown Wm. Girod n. St. Charles Brown Vifm. stevedore, 47 Er)ghein Brown Wm. clerk, Chippewa c. Fourth Brown Wm. lab. Derbiirny n. Toulouse Brown Wm. lab. 561 Burgundy, d. 3 Brown Wm. drayman, 51 St. James Brown Wm. carpenter. Royal n. Mazant Brown Wm. lab. Freret n. Clio Brown W. H. Magazine n. Richard Brown W. H. Mrs. 283 Carondelet Brown W. S. chrk, 21 Magazine, d. Fe- licity c. Laurel Brown Wm. S. 112 Felicity, d. 4 Brown W^Tl. T. lab. 139 Piety Browne J. J. cotton broker, 10 Union, d 1, d. Chestnut n. F'irst Browne R. H. atty. at law, 19 Commer- rial Place, d. Campc. Robin Browning A. M. Dr., Poydras c. Rampart, i. 23 Poyfarre Browning F. cooper, 291 Customhouse Browning G.T. Dr., Casacalvo c. Enghein Browning Jas. L. book keeper, 90 Camp, d. 14 Poyfarre Brownlee G. inspector of customs BROWNLEE JOHN & CO. (Wm. Waterman, Robert Roberts,) Steam Sash and Blind Factory, 271 Gravier. Turning, Planing and Saw- ing. Circular Saws Cummed and Straightened. Brownlee J. D. apoth'y. Charity Hospital Brownlee John, constable, Algiers Brownlee John E. Laurel n. Philip Brownrigg William B. 14 Union Bruce G. W. produce broker, 6 Lafayette Bruce John, cattle delr. Laurel c. Seventh Bruce J. engineer. Frenchmen n. Morales Bruce John, drayman, 122 Clouet Bruce N. L. clerk, 34 Perdido Bruce Robert, clerk, 97 Gravier BRU Bruce R.J. lOCamjf, d. Mrrchants' Hotel Bruce Robert, caulker, Jackson, McD Bruce R. L. (Gregor G. A". 8f Co. j jewel- er, 1 Camp, d 116 Camp Bruce Thos. funiiture cart, 46 Marais Bruce Wm. 34 Bienville Bruce Wm. l)ook keeper, Merchants' . Bank, 50 Camp Brudalus S. shoemaker, 364 Bienville Bruder Jacol), Chippewa c. Seventh Bruder Jacob, sugar mkr. 55 Lesseps Bruen Owen, 2'2'i Girod, d. 1 bruenn Zachary, tailor, :25 Poydras Bruester James A. acct. i216 Julia Bruey Just. lab. 112 St. Thomas Bruez Justin, lab. 458 Royal, d. 3 Brugemann Geo. woodyard, 38 Desire Brugemaiin N. 35 Levee, d. 3 Brugera M. musician, 291 Dauphine Brugere Joscjili, cooper, 102 Hospital Brugere M. W. Mrs. 119 Mandeville Brugemann Martin, lamp lighter, 345 Magazine Brugi.r Alfred, clerk, 7 St. Louis, d. St. Claude n. Main Brugier Antoine, cooper, 209 Ursulincs Brugicr Arthur c. p. Broad c. Washington Brugier August, c. p. Broad c. Washing- ton, d. 3 Brugier Forester, clerk, 87 Royal, d. St. Claude n. Main Brugier Piiilip, sr. 229 Prieur, d. 2 Brugier Philip, jr. acct. Royal c. Conti, ^d.229 Prieur Brugier R. com. mer. 7 St. Louis, d. 205 St. Claude Brugniann F. S. shocmkr.Dryadesn. Third Brugniens A. Mrs. d. 117 Franklin Brugnieiis Claude Mrs. 148 Rampart, d. 1 Brugniens Claude, marble worker, 264 Girod, d. 1 Brugniens Mary Ann, lOr Franklin Brugnot P. dealer iron, St. Peter c. Treme Brugueler Therese, 168 Rampart Bruguiere A. C. com. mer. and sugar fac. tor, 21 Bienville, d. Esplanade n- Dorgenois 81 BRU BRULATOUR & CO. (P. E. Brulatour, H, Nores, John P. Cady,) 89 Old Levee-st., Gen- eral Commission Merchant, Importer of Wines, Brandies, Ale, etc. Sole Agent for the South of the following Houses : Pinet, Castillon & Co. \ Cog J.Denis H.Mounie& Co. i nac United Proprietors' Com- pany, La Rouchelle, Bouvet Jeune, Bordeaux, Joseph Perrier, Fils & Co., Chalons, Wm. Younger & Co., Edin- burgh. Bruhn John, lab. 37 Elmira Bruin J. slave dlr. Chartres c. Esplanade Brulard Charles, clerk, 157 Gravier Brule Similien, 401 Bourbon, d. 3 Brulie Florville, carpenter, 215 Burgundy Brum Augusie, laborer, 74 Mandeville Brum Jos. c. h. 52 South mkt Brumberg Geo lab. Felicity n. Chippewa Brummer H. 425 Bourbon Brummustad H. clerk, 31 Carondelet, d. 1 Brun Jean, butcher, St. Mary's mkt Brun Josephine, midwife, 327 Mixgazine Brun L. painter, 327 Magazine Brun N. Mrs. 207 Treme Brunaso John, (Faljo &,• Brunaso, )2SiO. Levee, d. 2 Brunckhorst John, lab. Poland n. Royal Biuner John, cigars, 299 O. Levee, d. 2 Brunachel Jos. lab. 131 Thalia Brune H. hair dresser, 124 Gasquet Bruneau Adelard, clerk. Third c. Baronne Bruneau Antoine, 69 St. Philip Bruneau Joseph, Prieur ii. Kerlerec Brunell Conrad, lab. 229 St. Philip Brunet A. city police, Galvez n. Hospital Brunet Clodemin, carpenter, 350 Main Brunet Charles, carpenter, 491 St. Ann Brunei D. attorney at law, 4 Pontalba bidgs. St. Peter, d. 3 Freret Brunet E. locksmith, 239 Johnson, d. 2 Brunet Edward, c. p. Joliiison n. Hospital Brunet F. butcher, 16 French mkt. and c. h. Chartres c. Toulouse Brunet Isidore, florist, 303 Columbus Brunet J. Mrs. 350 Main Brunet Jemima Mrs. 116 Esplanade Brunet John, d. Patterson, Algiers Brunet Justin, clerk, 209 0. Levee, d. 2 Brunet Numa, car})enter, 350 Main Brunet Pierre, d. 184 Poydras Brunet P. Dr. d. 311 Bayou road Brunet P. shoestore, 135 and 137 Ram- part, d. 1 Bruiiig F. G. clerk, 25 Chartres Bruiiing F. cooper, 221 Customhouse Bruning Henry, collector, 260 Delord Bruning Henry, 27 Roman Bruning H. inspector customs, First n. New Levee Bruning Theo. grocer, Claiborne c. Julia Brunke Wm. shoemaker, 72 Independence Brunner Mrs. midwife, 153 Dryndes Brunner J. M. teacher, 153 Dryades Brunnert Antoine, shoemaker, 477 Villere, d. 3 Brunnert B. shoemaker, Louisa c. Levee Bruno & Oflienback ( Theodor Bruno, Loitis J. Offenbach,) stock, note and exch. brokers, 10 Carondelet Bruno Joseph A. dry goods, Bnronne c. Washington, d. 4 Bruno Theodore ( Bi-uno &c Offenbach,) d. 322 Carondelet Bruns Ernst, tailor, 381 Johnson Bruns Henry, lab. 10 Poet Bruns John H. clothing, 277 Rampart Bruns Mary Anna Mrs. 785 Dauphine BRU 82 BUG Brunson Wm. pilot, Carrollton Brunt N. carpenter, Cypress n. Roman Bruntmeyer, N. nightman, 74 Virtue Brusard Anna Mrs. Fifth n. Lafayette, Gretna Bruser A. f. w. c. Prieur n. St. Philip Bruser G. grocer, 622 Dauphine, d. 3 Brush E. 1«0 St. Joseph Brusle Caroline Mrs. 283 Frenchmen Brussell Michael, lab. 77 Annunciation Brustie Fanny, 223 St. Peter Brustie Gabriel, tinner, 141 Conti, d. 230 Toulouse Brutey Geo. 268 Treme, d. 2 Bruterle Solomon, shoemaker, 36 Prieur Bruzan Francis, butcher, 32 French mkt. d. Jefferson City Bruzan Jean, butcher, 99 French mkt Bruzan P. butcher, 52 Port mkt Bryan Andrew, laborer, 395 Dauphine, d. 3 Bryan Ann Mrs. 115 Montegut Bryan C. Mrs. b. h. Girod Bryan H. H. (Given, Watts &{ Co.) 80 Poydras, d. 162 Felicity Bryan Jesse A. clerk, 80 Poydras Bryan J. H. speculator, 130 Felicity Bryan Pat. lab. 144 N. Levee Bryan MclchizedekO. 119 Constance Bryan Michael, stone cutter, 442 Royal Bryan Wm. eiig. Washington n. Magazine Bryant Charles T. carp, d. 455 Baronne Bryant David S. atty. at law, d. 385 Cus- tomhouse Bryant E. K. & Co. (Fassman, Bryant 8f Co.) Orleans Cotton Press, d. Terp- sichore n. Coliseum Bryant James J. 40 St. Charles Bryant L. Mrs. f. w. c. 229 Gasquet Bryant Minerva, f. w. c. 343 Bourbon, d. 3 Bryard Philip, 147 Burgundy BryerCharles, carpenter, Algiers Bryers Henry, male, 79 Toulouse Bryney Charles, lab. 46 St. Thomas Bryon D. S. atty. 50 Camp, d. 385 Cus- tomhouse Bryson Janus A. ( Hoghton, Rankin &f Co.) 125 Common Bubert John, Philip c. Rousseau Bucbeck G. grocer and lumber, Levee c. Mary, Carrollton Buchanan A. M. Associate Judge Su- preme Court Louisiana, d. 179 Es- planade Buchanan Catharine, porteress of Laurel Public School, Pbilip c. Laurel Buchanan Emily H. 37 Treme, d. 2 Buchanan Jas. clerk, Crescent City Press Buchanan James, carp. Madison, McD Buchanan John A. engineer, 104 St. Mary Buchanan Lewis S. upholsterer, 324 Conti Buchanan M. butcher, Algiers Buchanan Philip, clerk, 13 Customhouse, d. 370 Main Buchanan R. com. mer. 9 St. Louis Buchanan Wm. (Joseph R. Shannon Sf Co.) 37 Poydras, d, 161 Gasquet Buchanan Wm. Mrs. 112 Spain Buchardt John, c. h. 69 Conde Buchart G. shoemaker, 877 N. Levefe, d. 4 Buche M. Laurel n. Washington Buchel John P. Palmyra n. Johnson Bucher Wm. C. 41 Magazine Buchert Adam, Main n. Claiborne Buchert Francis, 244 Mandeville Buchery F. 110 Old Basin, d. 72 Crap.s Buchery John, cigars, 69 Ksplanade Bucheil A. vegetables, 38 Treme mrkt BucheitJ. shoemaker, 107 Bienville Bucholtz Archibald, engineer, Josephine n. Coliseum Buchholtz Louis, prf. music, 87 Prieur,d. 2 Buchler F. shoemaker, 533 St. Claude Buchty Joseph, tin shop, 91 Marais Buck Andrew J. clerk, 32 Carondelet Buck A. J. Mrs. St. Mary n. Carondelet Buck Fred, cai j>. 351 Chippewa ' Buck Fred, dray'n. Felicity n. Constance Buck John C. clerk, 225 Tchoupitoulas Buck Louis A. lab. 454 Chartres, d. 3 Buck Louis, cabman, 502 Burgundy, d. 3 Buck Wm. clerk. 111 Customhouse Buckenmeyer Michael, driver, 192 Spain Buckler M. shoemaker, 168 Marigny Buckett John, drayman, 504 Rampart, d. 3 Buckhurdl Charles, cigar maker, 176 Tchoupitoulas Buckholtz A. clerk, 155 Canal Buckingham George (J. W. Champlin Sf Co.) d. 512 Magazine Buckland, lab. St. James n. St. Thomas Buckley D. Calliope n. Liberty Buckley Daniel, trader, 69 Livee, d. 3 Buckley Daniel, carriag-es, 16h Julia Buckley Daniel, lab. 546 M. Claude Buckley Dennis, paver, 432 Conti Buckley Edward, cooper, 581 Tchoupi- toulas Buckley Hannah, gro. Clara n. Perdido BUCKLEY H. P., Importer of and Dealer in Jewelry, Fine Watches, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods, etc., 8 Camp. Par- ticular attention paid to Re- pairing Watches and Clocks. d. 419 Rampart, d. 1. Buckley James, contractor, 306 St. Peter Buckley Jeremiah, clerk, St. Thomas n. Felicity, d. 124 Market Buckley John, Tchoupitoulas n. Hunter Buckley John, wheelwright, 94 St. Josiph Buckley John, printer, St. Peter n. Roman Buckley John, lab. 12 Poet Buckley John, lab. 16 Poet Buckley Michael, lab. Gaiennie n. Camp Buckley E. Mrs. 507 Dryadts Buckley S. J. foreman IS'. U. Transporta- tion Co. under St. Charles' Hotel Buckley Patrick, clerk, d. 314 Fulton Buckley Thomas, Roman n. Toulouse Buckley Thomas Mrs. 95 Roman Buckley William, lab. 359 Bourbon BUG 83 BUN Buckley William, tinner, Customhouse c. Front Levre,d. 96 Gaiennie Buckinan Henry, Religious n. Felicity Huckmiere Henry, shoemaker, 77 Magaz. liuckner Anna, f. w. c. nurse, 64 Gasquet Buckner Frank P clerk, 73 Carondelet Buckner, Stanton & Newman, (Henry S. Buckner, Thomas H. Slanton, S. B. J^'lwman,) cotton factors and commis- sion merchants, 94 Gravier, d. Jack- son c. Coliseum Buckshaw Charles, steward, 180 Spain Htidd Frank, painter, 30 Prieur liudd Thomas, lahonr, 316 Laurel Budd & Lambert, ( }Vm. C. Budd, Felix Lambert,) attorneys, 48 Toulouse, d. i230 Esplanade Budd William* C. (Budd &f I.ambcrt,) d. 230 Esplanade Budde Joseph, tinner, 93 Marais, d. 3 BUDDECKE C. T. & CO. (C. T. Buddecke, Emile Maier,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants : Agts. for the Haz- ard Powder Company, and for Banker & Carpenter s White Lead, Sin t. Percussion Caps and Safety Fuse, 21 Common, d. 304 St. Andrew^ Buddecke T. W. clerk, 21 Common, d. 304 St. Andrew Biuldeiihrook G. G. Common n. Prieur Buddendortr W. R. 336 Royal Buddy Geo. W. clerk, 337 Chartres liudge William, Second n. Camp Budt Henry, serewman, 109 Fort Bueard George VV. cArp. 217 Girod, d. 1 Buehler J. J. Rev. d. 53 Port Buel E. Mrs., Erato n. Baronne Ihiejue Jran, butcher, French market, d. 253 Burgundy Buengar Carron,(;arp. Felicity n. Howard Buerkle Ernest, tailor, 61 Old Levee Buerkle Fred. b. h. 113 Chartres I'.u.s.sing G. H. carp. 570 St. Claude, d. 3 Buc'tmnn John, carp. 849 Rampart, d. 3. Huiret Theodore Mrs. 242 Villere " Buffington Thomas C. Dr. Magazine n. iNap. av. Jell'. City BufHer Andrew, lab'. Philip n. Baronne BuHum & Co., (R. E. BuJJum, Wm. I). tly^) <'ph W. 28 Bank jilace Burke J.W. western prod. 6 Carondelet Burke Mar<;aret, 5*^8 Bur. Calliit|ie r, Fonohir Callahan John, iilasti'vcr, 59tS Huri;;"ndy Callahan Jertson, d. 2 Camisa A. drayman, 362 St. Peter Camlong John, grocery, 52 Ursulines Cammack Addison, ( Cammack &;■ Con- verse,) 35 Carondelet Cammack & Converse, (.Iddison Cammack, .'Ilbert Cnnverse,) ship, brokers and com. imrs. 35 Carondelet Cammack Albert, ( West, Rensliair &,• Cam- muck,) 34 Perdido, Factor's row, d. 68 St. Louis Cammack A. B. cotton broker, 151 Com- mon, d. 426 St. Charles Cammack C. C. acct. 151 Common, d. 426 St. Charles Cammack Charles W. paying teller Citi- zens' Bank, d. 159 (iirod Cammack Geo. clerk, 149 Common Cammack H. C. Mrs. 7 Pontalba bldge. St. Ann Oammack James, clerk, St. Louis Cammack R. C. book keeper, 122 Gravier Cammack R. C. Mrs. 68 St. Louis Camnii'l C. f. w. c. Bagatelle n. Girod Camnioulis Vincent, fish dealer, 496 Si. Claude, d. 3 CAM Camors Andre, 52 Customhouse, d. 33 Rampart Camors August, grocery, St. Louis c. Bourl)oii Camors B. ( Romanhan &f Co. J 60 Bourbon, d. 118 St. Anthony . Camors F., Commercial Restaurant, 81 (Customhouse Camors G. 59 Girod, d. 3 Camors J. B. 28 Lafayette Camory Richard, lab. 168 Tchoupitoulas Camos Antoine, 82 Annette Camp C. bricklayer, 391 Perdido Camp Geo. carpenter, 164 Chippewa Camp .T. W. 89 Frenchmen Camp R. P. cirp. 281 Howard Camp Theodore, clerk, 76 Canal Camji T. H. clerk, 31 and 33 Gravier, d. 45 Robinson Camp W. E. watchmaker, 115 Canal, d. 43 Robertson, d. 1 Campana Jos. stevedore, 335 St. Claude, d.3. Campanel B. Mrs. 305 St. Peter Campanel E. furniture, 222 Royal, d. 252 Claiborne, d. 2 Campanel S. hay, corn and oats, 300 Bayou road, d. 104 Adeline Campbell Archibald, ( Henning Sf Camp- bell,) 151 Camp, d. 310 Terpsichore Campbell A. clerk, d. 564 Burgundy, d. 3 Campbell A. f.m.c. bricklayer, 248 Thalia Campbell A. f. m. c. cigar maker, 310 Dauphine Campbell Barth. junk shop, 26 Dryades Campbell Chas. printer, 55 Vill(>re Campbell Charles, lab. 90 St. Thomas Campbell Charles, .Josephine n. Dryades CAMPBELL CHAS. Agent for Phelps, Parke & Co. 40 Per- dido, d. 423 Josephine Campbell C. C. atty. 92 Camp, d. 317)^ Fulton, d. 4 Campbell Dajil. cooper, 322 Clio Campbell Duncan G. atty. 5 Commercial place Campbell D. W. C. sergeant-at-arms, 12 City Hall, d. 196 St. John Baptist Campbell Kdwin, (Campbell Sf Strong,) 20 St. Charles, d. 115 Carondelet Campbell & Strong ('Erfitim Campbell, P. jY. Strong, R. B Campbell,) commis- sion merchants, 20 St. Charles Campbell Eliza Mrs., Thalia n. Baronne Campbell E. J. 141 St. Louis Campbell Fred, clerk, 40 Old Levee, d. 2 Campbell Geo. mate, 77 Greatmen Campbell George G. tobacco agency, 95 Camp, d. 39 Constance Campbell G. W. Dr., St. Charles c. Julia Campbell Jas. C. builder, 396 St. Charles Campbell Jas. steward, 77 Annunciation Campbell Jas. Mrs. f. w. c. 371 Robertson, Campbell James, 34 Carondelet 90 CAN Campbell Jas. Pacaniern. Market Campbell, McKee & Co. (John P. Camp- bell, Robert McKee, Jas. U. Campbell,) cot. factors and com. mers. 73 Caron- delet Campbell John, lab. 285 Tchoupitoulas Campbell John, lab. 107 Claiborne, d 2 Campbell .lohn. Annunciation n. First Campbell John, dry gds. Julia n. Willow Campbell Jos. carp. 130 Frenchmen Campbell Parker, (Railey Sf Campbell,) 35 Tchoupitoulas Campbell Jos cabman, 548 Rampart, d. 3 Campbell J. sailmkr. Prytania n. Dryades Campbell J. 118 Gravier, d. 38 Dauphine Campbell J. B. lab. 223 Treme, d, 2 Campbell J. E. builder, 435 Rampart, d. 396 St. Charles Campbell Jno. P. (Campbell, McKee Sf Co.) 73 Carondelet Campbell J. G. c. Hospital and Royal Campbell J. H. sail mkr, 75 Magnolia Campbell Mary, music tchr. 36 Constance Campbell Mary Mrs. 196 St. Thomas Campbell MichI, glass cut'r, 90 St. Thomas Campbell O. H. P., Jackson n. White Campbell Peter, moulder, 207 Calliope Campbell Philip, lab. 548 Annunciation Campbell P. f. w. c Second n.St. Charles Campbell Pierre, 211 Bagatelle Campbell Rebecca A f. w. c. 511 Camp Campbell Robert, barkeeper, 247 Front,d.l Campbell Rol)ert, lab. d. 255 Magazine Campbell & Rickarby, ( W. P. Campbell, W. D. Rickarby,) com. mers. and agts. for pat. stave dressing machine, 29 Carondelet Campbell Robert, 197 Franklin Campbell R. B. (Campbell &c Strong,) 20 St. Charles, d. 154 Felicity Campbell Salem, f. m. c. drayman, 362 St. Ann Campbell Sarah A. f. w. c, 108 Treme Campbihll Theo. cooper, 165 Frenchmen Campbell Thos. C. clerk, d. 36 Constance Campbell T. Dr., Second n. Dublin, Carll Campbell Walter L. slaves, 54 Baronne Campbell Wm. steward, 122 Gasquet Campbell Wm. P. (Campbell &,- Rickarby,) d. 120 Prytania Campbell Wm. clerk, 16 Carondelet Campbell W. S. insp. rev. n. 131 Bienville Campbell Mrs. dressmaker, Algiers Campbell W. S. jr. 157 Carondelet Camphouse P. lab. 628 Rampart, d. 3 Campiglio B. srocer, 278 0. Levee, d. 2 Campman J. H. coppersmith, 239 Caron- delet Campo Antonio, 64 Frenchmen Campo Joseph, pedler. Morales n. Spain Campo Simon, drayman, 128 Frenchmen Camps Franc^ois, dray, 56 Independence Camps H. cigar maker, 271 Bourbon Camps J. M. grocer, Bourbon c. Hospital Camus Theodule E. 43 Customhouse Camutz C. 93 Constance Canal st. Cotton Press, Canal c. Claiborne CAN 91 CAP Canal Bank, Camp c. Gravier Canal James, mato, 50 St. Thomas Canale Mary Mrs. mosq. Ijars, 50 Royal Canali Jus. c. h. and din. sal 11 Ursulines (/anard Lonis, shoemaker, 180 Royal Canavon Bernard, lal). 145 St. Joseph Canbaire Bartelemis, huicher, 19"2 Treme Canl)y Geo. screwmaii, 99 Monlegut Candan P. 116 Old Levee Candelon .\ntoine, cooper, 288 St. Ann Candia Prank, 1.3-2 St. Philip Candide Aui^nste, elk. 83 late 93 Chartres Candide, \." jeweler, 83 late 93 Chartres Candilto Celli, painter, 233 Rol)erlsoa Candler John, lab. 397 Melpomene CandoirBenj.paintr,Galve7, n. Lapeyrouse Canopele Tiieofil.', elk. 307 Laurel Candy G. drayman, Morales c. Annette Cane Aiiiliony, l"''- 2^3 Camp Cane Henry, gro. Josephine c. Rousseau Cane Jane, f. vv. c 19 Derbii:;ny Cane John, lab. Adi'le n. Tchonpitoulas Cane John, gro. Pirdido o. Bertrand Cane Patk. carp. Melpomene n. Rampart Cane Patrick, lab. Perdido c. Bertrand Canelle Pierre, f. m. c. 549 Rampart, d. 3 Cane Ste))hen, lab. 139 Foucher Canely Mary, 169 Robertson, d. 2 Canet'Fri'd. c. h. 193 Rampart Canet Fred. 171 Lafayctt"' Canfield Geo. W. jewi-I.M-, 249 Girod Canfield L. d. 84 Franklin CanfraiUMj Delphine, 282 Canal Canfrey Michael, lab. 131 Thalia Canhape P. gro. llainpart c. St. Anthony Cann .Taa. carp. 260 Magazine Cann Mary, d. 5 Annunciation Cannat Antonio, wheelw't. 171 Union, d. 3 Cannell John, carp. 317 Carondelel Cannell John Ca|it. Baronnec. St. Andrew Canney H. W. clerk, 80 Canal Canning, Henry, acct. 25 Front Levee, d. 422 Burgundy Cannon Bridget Mrs. 414 Basin Cannon Elijah, 248 Canal Cannon Ellen, 642 St. Claude Cannon Francis, 432 Gravier Cannon J. W. 212 Carondelet Cannon James, lali. Riciiard c. Religious Cannon John, fire'n, Jackson R. R. depot Cannon J cooper, c. Claiborne& St. Louis Cannon Maurice, druggist and chemist, 29 Gravier " . Cannon Michael, lab. 187 Prieur, d. 2 Cannon Michael, barkeeper, 292 Tchou- pitoulas . Cannon M. Mrs., Goodchildren n. Eng- hien Cannon \I. widow, 95 Claiborne Cannon Peter, gardener, Prytania c. Bor- deaux, Jefferson City Cannon Pat. laborer, 49 Religious Cannon Robi. M. clerk, 60 Carondelet, d. 170 Carondi'let Cannon Samuel, laborer, 14 Poet Cannon S. N. police jail, Carrollton Camion T. engineer, 211 Claiborne Canon A. A. 18 Orleans, d. 26 Conti Canon Joseph, painter, 279 Ursulines Canon Margaret Mrs. 26 Conti Canone Cecilia Mrs. 339 Bourbon, d. 3 Canonge A. att'y, d. 519 Chartres, d. 3 Canonge D. clerk, d. Rampart c. Main Canonge Edgar, Ram|)art c. Main Canonge Earnest, Trenien. St. Louis Canonge Henry, 519 Chartres, d. 3 Canonge Jaques, 70 Marais, d. 2 Canonge L. P. 519 Chartres, d. 3 Canonge Placide, 519 Chartres, d. 3 Canonge Zephyr Mrs., Rampart c. Main Canova D. artist, Lapeyrouse n. Claiborne Can[)ardon Jean, elk. 197 Robertson, d. 2 Cant Andrew, male, 158 I.evee, d. 3 Canlelli J. M., Phili)) n. Chippewa Cantelope Jamns, Prosper n. St. Bernard Canter D. C. clerk, 70 Camp Canter E. Dr. 9 Bourbon Canterow D. butcher, 24 French market Canterow J. L., St. Louis n. Tonii Canthy Anthony, Eighth n. Annunciation Canlin Louis, 183 Bourbon Cantley John, printer, 70 Camp Canto "M. Mrs., St. Philip n. Derbigny Canton Oliver, c. h. Hospital c. Gallatin Canton Wm. furniture, 64 Marigny (3antoni M. grocer, 275 Rampart, d. 1 Cantrelle H. 40 RImira Cantrelle J. A. Dr. 26 Congress Cantrelle Michael, 161 St. Louis Caniwell Wm. laborer, 57 Girod Cantron Pierre, dairy, Bienville n. woods Cantwork Henry, 403 Customhouse Cantzon C. E. clerk, Tchoujnioulas c. Common Cantwill C. Mrs., Thalia n. Constance Canty Thomas K., Constance c. Philip Cantzon H. F. book keeper, 367 Magazine Canu Benjamin, jeweler, 208 Poydras Cap Jean, 90 Columbus Capdau J. P. clerk, d. 153 St. Philip Capdeconne J. M. 261 Si. Peter Capdebaus David, drygoods, 140 Bienville Capdeville A. appraiser, d. 291 Claiborne Cupdoville J. IJ. 60 Felicity Capeitte P., Rampart n. Bienville Capella Bernard, c. h. and grocery, 271 Julia Capella M. 58 Clio Capella .M. c. h. d. Julia n. Franklin Capelo Antoine,223 Marais, d. 2 Capers John, huckster, 269 Poydras Capers W. C. oils, fish, &c. 28 Tchoupi- toulas, and 11 Gravier Capetie J. butcher, 28 and 80 French nikt Capla L. J. P. shoemaker, 317 St. Claude Capo Ignacio, shoemaker, 226 Basin, d. 1 Capo J, 234 I rsulitu^s CARRIERE A. & CO. (Antoine Carriere, Emile Carriere,) Im- porters of French Wines, Brandies, Fruits, Oil, etc., 37 late 25 Old Levee, d. Conti c. Dauphine b. Customhouse and Bienville. Carriere Anatole, 23 Columbus Carriere Andrew, finisher, 2 Annunciation Carriere Gustave, clerk, 55 Old Levee, d. 2 ('arriere Edward, d. 68 St. Bernard Carriere Leopold, artist, first flute, Opera House, d. 291 St. Ann Carriere Louis, printer, 149 Hospital Carriere L. Jr. elk. 1.55 Canal, d.291 St.Aini Carriere Olivier, (Collins, Carriere Sf Co.) Conti c. Dauphine Carriere U. Mrs. 408 St. Claude, d. 3 Carriere Victor, elk. Meclumics and Tra- ders' Bank, d. .392 Rampart, d. 3 Carriere W. clerk, 37 Old Levee, d. 2 Carrigan Bern. lab. Goodchildren n. Port Carrigan James, tailor, 450 Royal, d. 3 Carrigan J. W. atty. at law, 15 Jackson Carrigan Owen, laborer, 183 I'ort Carrigan Thomas, laborer, 40 Religious Carrigan Thos. stonecutter, d. 393 Liberty Carrigan Thos. lab. Marigny n. Iiuri:undy Carrigee Charles, c. p. 161 St. Ferdinand Carrigee James, c. p. 96 Eughein Carrigee P., Thalia n. Camp Carriger William, c. Rampart and Second Carriggy Charles, drayman, 224 Morales Carrillo'Bernard, 138 Roman, d. 2 Carro Delphin, Bourbon n. Claiborne, d. 3 Carro John, trader, 39 Barracks Carroll Ann Mrs. 120 Gasquet Carroll Andrew, laborer, 83 Adeline Carroll Charles, laborer, 38 Girod, d. 1 Carroll Chas. cart, St. Charles c. Felicity Carroll I). R. & Co. (J.G.JSkUarn,) cot- ton factors and com. merchants, 53 Carondelet d. Josephine c. Brainard Carroll David, carp. d. 408 Liberty Carroll Edas, lab. 66 Rol)erison d. 2 Carroll Edwd. lal)orer, 233 Thalia Carroll Ed. carpenter, 285 Clio Carroll E. carp. Alex, n Goslin, Algiers Carroll, Hoy & Co. (Joseph JV. Carroll, Joseph Jloif, Win. B. Kimhall, J. .Y. ^Viren,) cotton facti«rs and ccun. mer- chants, 38 Perdido, Factors' row Cai-roll James, steward. Locust n. Thalia Carroll Ja.s. lab.d. Howard c. St. Andrew Carroll James Dr. 216 < 'anal Carroll John, laborer, 33 Poet Carroll John, drayman, 395 Perdido Carroll Jr)hn, lab. 44 Foyfarre Carroll Jos. VV. (Carroll, Hoy S{ Co.) 38 Perdido, d. 211 Camp CAR 94 CAR Carroll J.W. carriage mkr.196 New Levee Carroll Michael, laborer, 34 Spain Carrol! Michael, c. p. 91 Marigny Carroll Michael, cab. driver, 91 Foucher Carroll M. drayman, d. 101 Adeline Carroll M. barkeeper, Prieur n. Common Carroll Pat. drayman, 13 Constance Carroll Patrick.'d. 208 Calliope Carroll P. grocer, c. Main and Roman Carroll Timothy, painter, 310 Melpomene Carroll Thos. seaman, 26 Elysian Fields Carroll Thomas, St. Thomas n. Soraparu Carroll T. cabinetmkr.Hampart c. Calliope Carroll Wm. tinsmith, 77 Roman, d. 2 Carrojlo Leo, c.h. Ursulines c. Front Levee Carrollton Council Chamb. Dublin, Carlt. Carrollton Courthouse, Canal av., Carlt. Carrollton Ferry Landing, Public road Carrollton Fire Kngine Co. No. 1, Dublin Carrollton Markef , Dublin c. Second, Carlt Carrollton Presbyterian Church, Carltn. Carrollton Public Sohools,Washington and Jefferson, Dublin, op. market, Carlt. Carrollton Railroad office, 18 Baronne; de- pots, Perdido n. Baronne and Tivoli n. St. Charles; Horse Station, St. Charles n. Felicity Carron A. Mrs. 240 St. Philip Carron Charles, lal). 77 Desire Carron Joseph, painter, 279 Ursulines Carrotorio Demetrius c. h. Patterson c. Levee, Algiers Carson Geo.W. trader, First n. Constance Carson James, stevedore, 56 Annunciation Carson Michael, 93 Adeline Carson R. S. watchman, 268 Carondelet Carson R. S. 249 Girod Carson Wm. dairy wagon, 193 Dryades Carstens Elizabeth, Prospern.St.Anthony Carstens Krnest J. 425 Dryades Carstens A dele Mrs. crockery ware, 425 Dryades Carstens Henry,grocery, Patterson, Algiers Carstens ()tto,acct. 58 Customhouse Carter Alex, f.m.c. coffee stand, 61 Barracks Carter Ann Mrs. 134 Camp Carter Daniel, Jackson Depot Carter El ward. Magazine c. First Carter Edward O. elk. 55 and 57 Common Carter Edwin, jr. clerk, 42 Perdido Carter Francis, carpenter, 404 Lafayette Carter George W. book keeper, 36 Maga- zine, d. 338 Howard Carter H 'nrietta, Johnson n. Gasquet Carter Henry, "Texas boarding house," 21 Jefferson Carter Henry, Madison, McD. Carter H. Kendall, cotton factor and com- mission merchant, 15 St. Charles Carter Isaac, stevedore, 417 Royal, d. 3 Carter James, tarpaulins, 13 Poyfarre Carter James, 338 Howard, d 1 Carter John C. clerk, d. 141 Constance Carter John Dr., Magazine c. First Carter John, sampler, 85 Common Carter John, Eighth c. Chippewa Carter John, clerk, 82 Camp Carter Jos. A. clerk, d. 118 Constance Carter J. H. (Heron'&f Carter,) 40 Fulton Carter J. block and pump maker, 3 Ma- rigny building-^, d. 3, d. 398 Marais Carter L. K. clerk, Gravier c. New Levee, d. 168 Orange , Carter Mary, f. w. c. furnished rooms, 93 St. Louis Carter Martha Mrs. 150 Camp Carter Wm. J. clerk, St. Charles c. Clio, d. 338 Howard Carter Wm. sailmaker, 22 Poyfarre Carter Wm. A. pastor, 349 Chippewa Cartero A. oysters, Casacalvo c. Peace Carthy Wm. iN. plasterer, 349 Chippewa Carthriner A. soap maker, Jefferson, McD Cartie Joseph, Union n. Goodchildren Cartier A. Dr. 168 Customhouse Cartier Krnest, 99 Esplanade Cartier Jules Dr. 168 Customhouse Cartis John, vegetables, 69 Barracks Cartman Louis, barkeeper, 105 Dauphine Cartright John, elk. Felicity n. St. Charles Cartright Samuel, clerk, 20 Poydras Cartwright Ann Mrs. 352 Felicity Cartwright Edwin C. broker, 38 Poydras Cartwright James, clerk, 41 Tchoupitoulas Cartwright John A. 21 Eiiphrosyne Cartwright Samuel Dr. 175 Canal Cartwright William, lab. 94 Music Carty Edward, drayman,Jolinson n. Canal Carty Dennis, laborer, 81 Mandeville Carty Joseph, f. m. c. lab. 86 Union, d. 3 Carty Michael, lab. 316 H iward, d. 1 Carty Thomas, laborer, 2.) Hospital Carty Uriah, engineer, Second n.Levasseur Caruthers A. M. widow, 276 Baronne Caruthers J. F. & F.C. Caruthers, cot. bro- kers, 41 Carondelet, d. 271 Harmony Carven John, soda water nikr. 63 Liberty Carver Albert B. acct. 46 St. Charles, d. 326 Carondelet Carver James, laliorer, 60 Mandeville Carville G. G. (H. D.KenI if Co. J 82 Mag- azine Carvin Michael, contractor, 63 Peace Oarvin Michael, laborer, 135 Chippewa Cary Catharine. 74 Constance Cary Henry C. clerk, 219 Bienville Cary Richard, com. mer. 98 Gravier Cary Robert, slater, 74 Constance Cary W. Dr. d. 184 Canal CASADAVANT J. A. Surgeon Dentist, 124 Canal, b. St. Chai'les and Carondelet, near Clay Statue. Casagrande G. variety store, 240 Chartres Casanave Peter, undertaker, 39 Marais and 88 Bourbon Casanave St. Felix, 216 Bienville Casanave Jaques, bdg. 155 Lafayette Casanoba Jose c. p. 198 St. Philip Casanos Marcellus, barkeeper, 269 Orleans Casaubecills Pierre, tailor, 44 St. Philip CAS 95 CAS Casauvas Pierre, Washington n. Lapage Casber AI)^aham,fishnl(ll1cr(.l•,llOMal•igny Casbol•g^e A. C. d. 65 KiM-loiTc Casbergne Claudius, (Justin Casbrrfrue Sf Co ) 203 Oartns, d. 67 Columbus Casbi'rgup & Co. (Justin Cashcri^uc, Clau- dius Casbers;uc, E. S. Cniron,) house furnishing goods, 203 Chartres, d. 207 Elysian Fichls Casbergue E. H. printer, 379 Claiborne Casbergue John, 45 Hourl)on, d. 379 Clai- borne Casbergne Joseph, tailor, 51 Bourbon, d. 100 Derbignv Casbergue Paul, 66 Poet Cascar Jos. planti-r, 454 St. Charles, d. 1 Case Abraham, ( Barus Sf Case,) N. Levee n. La. av., JcfT. City Case Frank F. clirk, 40 Camp Case Frank, accountant, 305 Hienville Case & Johnson, ( L. Case, F. ,1. Johnson,) eommission and forwarding mrrehants, 3 Front-and 12 Fulton Case Mrs. widow, 305 Bienv^ille Case L. grocery, 3 Front Casey Allen, f. m. c. 320 Melponipne Casey Bartlet, lal)orer, Jackson depot Casey C. Mrs. dressniakrr, 163 Poydras Casey Daniel, laborer, 312 Laurel Casey Dauphine Mrs., Thalia n. Caron- delet Casey James, laborer, 224 N. Levee, d. 1 Casey James, sawyer, Erato n. Uryades Casey James, c. p. 488 Annunciation Casey Jamis, drayman, 67 St. Andrew Casey Joauna, 24l Poydras Casey John, 60 Victory Casi!y John, groci-r, 398 Camp Casey Mary Mrs. 340 Rampart Casey Mary Mrs., St.Tlunnas n.Therese Casey Michael, carp. d. 65 St. TlKnrias Casey Morris, Eighth n. Annunciation Casey Morris, lab. 584 Burgundy, d. 3 Casey M. lab. Palmyra n Roman>y Mich, blacksmith, SH Rampart,d. 1 Casey M. baker, Thalia n. Tchoupiioulas Casey Patrick, blacksmith, d. Calliope n. Marigny Casey Pat. sLiter, d. 65 St. Thomas Casey Pat. lah. 63 Constance Casey Pat. lab. 114 Calliope Casey F'at. lab. 131 Port Casey Pat. drayman, Bolivar n. Poydras Casey Pat. lab. 626 Royal, d. 3 Casiy Thos. levee foreman, d. 274 St. "Thomas Casey Thos. lal>. 4.39 Rampart, d. 1 Casey Thos. clerk. 46 Tclioupitoulas Casey Wm. lab. 165 St. Andrew Cisiy Wm. car|)enter, Perdido c. Basin C isey vVm. lab. St. Mary n. Chippewa Casey Wm. mason, 168 Tchoupitoulas Cash John, lab. 60 Orange Cash Martin, carriages, 390 Rampart, d. 1 Casiii-n H. jiortrail panit. 175 St. Charles Cashen John, lab. Felicity n. Magazine Cashman Daniel, lal). 131 Urquhart Cashman John, carp. Lafayette n. Galvez Cashmari Mich. lab. 106 Gaiennie Casiano F. boarding, 73 Victory Casimir Mary, 329 Villere, d. 3 Casimir P. locksmith, 203 Dauphine Casimirsky & Co. C»J. Chapskij, J\loritz Hirsch,) clothing, 71 Magazine Charamel Chas. c. p. 218 Claiborne, d. 2 ChapuisAlphonse, dray man, 228 Columbus Cliapuis Antoinc, shoemaker, 14 Peace (Jhapuis Jean, 48 St. Anthony Chapuis Widow, ladies shoes, 100 Royal Chapus J. agent for Deljiuget dry goods, 31 Old Levee, d. 2 Cha})us Mattas Mrs. 101 St. Ann Charamel Louise, f. w. c. 375 Villere Charam.l Nona, shmk'r. 439 Villere, d. 3 Charbonnet D. L. 325 I'rsulines Charbonnet Francois, St. John's route Charbonnet Jacques, 555 Royal, d. 3 Charbonnet James A. St. John's route Charbonnet J.N. clerk, 27 Carondelet, d. 218 Bayou road Charbonnet Joseph A. salesman , Lafayette c. Commerce Charboimet L. f. m. c. carp. 325Ursulines Charbonnet P. A. inspector customs, Hos- pital CemeU'ry, Metairie ridge Charbonnet Philip, 40 Barracks Charbonnet P. A. iVlis. 218 Bayou road Charbonnier Jules, shoemaker, 121 Ex- change place Chardin Chas. grocer, 239 Claiborne, d. 2 Charily Hospital, Common c. Howard Charily Hospital, for free colored people, St. Bernard b. Plauche and Villere Charles Augustin, bricklayer, Prosper n. St. Bernard Charl.8 C. Mme. 44 St. Philip Charles Edward, cigar maker, 16 Annctir Charles Elicnne, f. m. c. 34 Treme market Charles Francois, 229 Main CHA 100 CHE Charles F. Mrs. dressmaker, 127 Bourbon Charles F. laborer, Live Oak n. Austerluz, Jeir. Ciiy Charles John, jminter, 473 Fulton Charles John, painter, d. Market c. Front Cliarl. s Jean J. f. m. c. cigars, St. Peter c. Burgundy Charles Josephine, f. w. c. Mandcrville n. Claiborne Charles Louis, c. h. 82 St. Ann Charles Mark, ihoenikr, Rousseau n. First C'haries Maximilian, 58 Orleans Charles Kichard, clerk, 48 Carondelet, d. 158 Julia Charles Richard S. secretary and treasurer JS. O. J. and G. N. Railroad, 118 Camp, d. 158 Julia n. Carondelet CHARLES RICH- AKD, Watchmak- er & Jeweler, No. 18 New Levee, between Com- mon and Gravier streets, d. 422 Camp. Watches, Clocks & Jewelry carefully repaired and wa rranted. Charles Wm. f. m. c. bricklayer, 227 Villere Cimrlessieu P. Mrs. 100 St. Peter Charleville F. clerk, 135 Canal, d. Caron- delet n. Valence Charlton George W. accountant, 80 Canal Charlton John, musician, d.232St. Charles Charmbury Kob.Y. coni.mer.2 Carondelet Charnock Geo. teacher, 20 Exchange place Cliaroin Charles, painter, 162 Trenie Charpantier A. B. ( Lobit, Charpantier Sf Co.) 62Customhouse,d.325 esplanade Charpaux Madame, ladies' school, Bayou road b. Claiborne and Derbigiiy Charpiot Pierre, tailor, 226 Levee, d. 3 Cluirpron Josei)h Mrs. 870 Kampart d. 3 Charpus H. Mrs. 101 St. Ann Charpvey Jean, St. Anthony n. St. Claude Charramia J. M. butcher, 12 St. Mary's market, d. Seventh n. Fulton Charreau Jean , cigar mkr, 85 Goodchildren Chartier C. Mrs. 484 Marais, d. 3 Chartier Mrs. 145 Burgundy Chartres Ferdinand, porter, 99 Orleans, 62 and 64 Gravier Chartres Henry, screwman, 645 Royal, d.3 Charvent Auguste Mrs. 381 Dauphine, d. 3 Charvet Lucien, atty at law, 33 Exchange place, d. 63 Orleans Charvin Charles, painter and glazier, 105 St. Philip Chase Celeste Mrs. 234 Melpomene Chase Daniel, tinsmith, 118 Rampart, d. 1 Chase Ensign, laborer, 654 Royal, d. 3 Chase H. W. Miss, principal Girls' High School, d. 107 Elysian Fields Chase, Lay & Co. C Charles H. Chase, Louis Lay, ./V. H. Lane,) cotton pickery, Constance c. Orange, d. Felicity n. Chestnut, and Dauphine n. Clouet, d. 3 Chase Samuel N. clerk, Merchants' Press Chase Thos. B. Clerk, 88 Gravier Chase Wm. F. clerk, d. 129 Religious. Chassaignac E. ( Saurdes Hf Chassaignac,) 78 Chartres, d. 97 Marigiiy Chassang Pierre, 293 Mnin Chastant Alcee Dr. 140 Canal Chatagnier A. d. 93 Rampart, d. 2 Chatard Jean, shoes, 146 Marais, d. 2 Chateau Mrs. midwife, 23 Josephine Chatrant Victor Mrs. 362 Burgundy Chatry A. 100 Orleans Chatry Ernest, 127 Barracks Chatry Ernest, tailor, 34 Bourbon Chatry P. 220 Ursulines Chatry Louis, 127 Barracks Chaubet Jean, butcher, 17 Port market Chaubet Louis, c. h. Burgundy c. Main Chauchon Louis, 264,Maiii Chaudet & Nee, (L. Chaudet, L. E. JVee, j com. merchants and importers of wines and liquors, 147 and 149 Royal, d. 259 St. Ann Chaudrier, Chas. bricklayer, 236 Ursulines Chaufel Chas. locksmith, 80 Bayou road ChaulTeux Chas. S. blacksmith, 2 Adele Chaulmontet Lucien, carpenter, 393 Ram- part, d. 3 Chaumette Joseph Dr. 129 St. Peter Chauncey John, carpenter, 2 Constance Chautard F. clerk, Prieur n. Hospital Chauveau A. carpenter, 98 Kerlerec Chauvelot M. Mrs. 217 Bayou road Chauvet Fran<;ois, f. m. c. 327 Orleans Chauvet Jean, distiller, 218 St. Philip Chauvet Jonte, 73 Old Levee, d. 2 Chauviere Th. hats, 95 late 101 Chartres Chauvillon Auguste, dairy, 175 Enghien Chauvin Edward, (J. Levois &f- Co.) Canal c. Bourbon Chauvin Elizabeth, Jackson n. Rampart Chauvin Eugene, 57 St. Anthony Chauvin FraiK^ois, bricklayer, Orleans n. Galvez Chavallier J. M. butcher. Magazine mkt Chavanel AiUoine, shoemaker, 170 Ma- rais, d. 2 Chavariere Pierre, baker, 225 Johnson Chavonet Auguste, cigars, 80 St. Anthony Chavry J. V. clerk, 91 Gravier Chazotte A., Rampart c. Cotton Press Chazotte L. Mrs. Cotton Press n. Rampart Cheek Mack, Washington n. Rousseau Cheery James, engineer, d. 352 Melpomene Cheesborough E. R., Philip n. Prytania Cheesborough J. B. acct. 434 St. Charles Cheesborough Joseph B. coal dealer, 434 St. Charles Cheevers John, clerk, 124 Camp Cheevers Thomas, carpenter, 134 Thalia Cheffer Adolph, pattern maker, 5 Euterpe Cheffer Louis, elk. 71 Canal, d. 5 Euterpe Chellet Joseph, clerk, 48 Carondelet Chelley John, shoemaker, 81 St. Anthony Chemedlin Joseph, clerk, "Red Stores, Front Levee, d. 2 Cheneville Anlone, 12 Congress Cheniva S. Dr. 133 Conti Cliennwcih Ciiidcnlla, f. w. c. nurse 3 Carroll Chep Miichior, rags, Congress n.Urquhart Chcrault Ft lix. bird cage mkr. 47 Si. Ann Clu'rcmo Bartliols, poulterer, 75 Main Ciierbonnier Ernest, clerk, 33 Bienville Cheroult Felix, 106 Conti Cherron J. P. Mrs. 224 Treme, d. 2 Cherry Mr. 6 Baronne, d. Locust n. Erato Cherry Dennie, c. h. 429 'I'choupitoulas Cherry Victor, 31)() Burgundy, d. 3 Cherviii A. Mrs. 381 Dauphine, d. 3 Cliesnat John Ca])t. Clio n. Martin Chesnee Jul. Mrs. Burgundy n. Conti Chesse Alexander, History c. Burgundy Chosse Alex. L. ( Hcrrimaii &,- Chesse,) 64 Royal, d. 33 History Chesse Chas. grocer, 3H Dauphine, d. 2 Chesse Guslave, d. 54 History Chesse L. tailor, 124 Royal Che.sse Samuel J. tailor, 124 Royal, d. 52 History Chelty Marie, f. w. c. 584 Rampart, d. 3 Cheval A. f. m. c. shoemaker, 17 Ainiette Cheval AuiTUste, f.m.c. Palmyra c. Galvez Cheval D. Mrs. 266 Claiborne, d. 2 Cheval PVlix, bricklayer, Delhonde n. Canal Cheval Henry, shoemr. 322 Claiborne, d. 3 Ciioval Hermogene, bricklr. 277 Prieur,d.3 Cheval Hypolite, carpenter, 292 IJrsuhnes Cheval M» Iville, grocer, 246 Main Cheval Paul, teaclier, 237 Kerlerec Chevalier Anna, f. w. c. Clara n. Gravier Chevalier B., f. m. c. carp. Union n. Girod Ciievalier Chas. D. clerk, 157 Poydras Chevalier Emanuel, lumber, c. Carondelet walk and Robertson Chevalier George, carpenter, 239 St. Philip Chevalier Gustave, 249 Villere Chevalier G. shoes, 427 Dryadcs Chevalier J. grocer, 247 Ursulines Chevalier J. c. p. 191 Robertson, d. 2 Chevalier Marie, f. w. c. 302 Roman, d. 3 Chevalier Mary, midwife, 85 St Peter Chevalier Pierre, collector, 196 Claiborne (Chevalier J. B. tailor, 345 Bourbon, d. 3 Chevalley E. R. New Levee c. Valence, Jefferson City Chcvallo Dominique, shell merchant, 259 Charlres Che van J. B. carp. Kerlerec, n. St. Charles Chcvarre Ernest, carpenter, 246 St. Ann Chevarrc H. f. m. c. Clail)orne n. Hospital Chevillon A. Mrs. 131 Toulouse Chevillon A. 259 St. Claude Chevillon J. P. grocer, 730 Burgundy, d. 3 Chevollenu L. R. clerk, 79 Common, d. 397 Burgundy Chew John, elk. 60 Gravier, d. 78 Barracks Chiapella Achille, president Union Insu- rance Company, Canal c. St. Charles, d. 83 Esplanadt Chiapella CclesU', f. w. c. 35 Esplanade Chiarlo Francisco, wntchmkr. 202 Baronne Chiarpalti Louis, 27 Bienville Chiche J. B. d. 130 Toulouse 8 Chiering Fritz, lab. Clouet n. Claiborne Chiijoy G. 234 Ursulines Childress Georije P. clerk, d. 208 St. Louis Childress M. B. clerk, 60 Camp, d. 208 St. Louis Childress P. notary public and atty. at law, 16 Commercial place, d. 208 St. Louis Childs & Foster, (J. J. Childs, Ji. //. Foster, J steamboat agents, 49 Poydras Childs G. A. carpenter, 1.39 Pacanicr Childs Henry, bricklr. 250 Rampart, d. 1 Childs J. V. engraver, 10 Cam]) n. Canal Chilton John M. d. Seventh c. Prytania Chilton & Taylor, (John Chilton, Charles Ji. Taylor,) attorneys, 38 Camp Chilton Richard, laliorer, 72 St. Andrew Chincler George Mrs. 87 Claiborne Chiiin's Chemical Works, office 57 Royal Chinn C. H. c. h. Patterson c. Goslin, Algiers Chinn Richard H. 57 Royal Chinsiiig Vincent, sash mkr 370 Howard Chipley Theresa Mrs. 42 Dauphine Chipot J. H. c. h. Patterson c. Goslin, Algiers Chippendale William B. treasurer Varie- ties Tlieatn', d. 383 Rampart Chisholm E. R., Gretna Chisholm G. R. state and parish assessor, Algiers Chisholm Octave, d. 76 Coliseum Chism & Boyd, (C. Chism, S. H. Boyd,) 63 Poydras Chism C. (Chism &,• Boyd,) d. Magazine c. Second Chism George, pilot, 123 Mandeville Gliisolm A. M. 237 Bienville Chisolm Octave, agent "Picayune Mill," Poyfarre, d. Mi'lpomeiie n. St. Charles Chisolm O. Mrs. teacherof piano and sing- ing, Melpomene n St. Charles Chittenden James, blacksmith, 6 Penn, d. 386 Baronne Chittenden Joseph, 386 Baronne Chittenham John, d. Gretna Choal Jno. Cajit., Washington n. Rousseau Clioet John, 155 Kousseau Choisy Charles, col. broker, 8 Carondelet Choi A. paper hanger, Royal c. Toulouse Chopard A. Mrs. 145 Esplanade Chopard Z. Mrs. 145 Esplanade Chopat Phili}>, jr. tailor, Palmyran.Galvez Chopin Emile, 117 St. Ann Chopotin H. clerk, 58 Carondelet Choppin Louis, ch rk. Canal c. Exchan^ place, d. 163 Treme, d. 2 Choppin Samuel Dr. 170 Canal Chord C. shoemaker, 198 St. Philip Chord Donald, sho< maker, 155 Dauphine Choinrd F. clerk, Prieur n. Bayou road Choiin J. B. wine merchant, 95 St. Ann Chouzioux August, blacksmith, 76 Ex- change place Chower Jacob, r^rpf-nter, 133 Gasquel Chretien E. baker, 299 Mam Chretien Gerard F. 358 Esplanade CHR 102 CLA Chretien H. Mrs. 103 St. Louis Chrismai) E. paper hanger, 139 Chartrcs Christ Church, (Epis'l,) Canal c.Dauphine Christ Leopold, (Francis Sf Christ,) com. mer. 10. Caroiidelet,d. 152 Canal Christ Louis, warehoosefnan, 90 Tchou- pitoiilas Christan Theobald, grocer, d. 120 Ram- part, d. 1 Christen Anten, cabinet maker, 949 New Levee, d. 4 Christen Josejih, beer house and brewery, 478 Chart les, d, 3 ChristensenChas. E.Mrs. Secondn. Liberty Christensen Paul, tailor, St. Ferdinand c. Levee Christenson C. E. grocer, d. Liberty c. Josephine Christenson P. tailor, Levee c.St. Ferdinand Christerson L. H, clerk, 60 Bienville, d. ■ 206 Conti Christerson N. painter, 315 Old Levee, d. 2 Christian Advocate, Methodist, 112 Camp Christian Antoine, furniture, 949 New Levee, d. 4 Christian Robt. J. carp. Coliseum n. Sixth Christian Pascal, Port n. Morales Christian Paul J. (H. G. Stetson &f Co.) 54 Camp, d. 158 Constance Christian Rief, laborer, 241t Chippewa Christie D. carp. 179 First, d. 768 Camp Christie Kllen, St. Andrew c. Constance Christie John, iron railing manufac. 323 Rampart, d. 1, d. 359 Franklin Christie J. builder. Felicity n. Magazine Christman Jacob, laborer, 4 Mandeville Christmann Adam, 2U2 Baronne Christmann Martin, c. h. 195 Conti Christmann J. E. Mrs.d. 624 Chartres,d. 3 Cliristoffers Johann, 41 Cbippewa Christophe C. blacksmith, Carondeletwalk ChristopheC.tanner,Dupuy n,Lapey rouse Christophe Eugene, f. w. c. bricklayer, 472 Villere, d. 3 Christophe Gabriel, carpenter, 61 Laharpe Christophe Nicholas, grocer, Newton c. Second, Gretna Christopher J. gardener, Dupuy c. Onzaga Christransero Tobias, oysters, Patterson, Algiers Christy Geo. W. attorney at law, 67 Gra- vier, d. 279 Baronne Christy Wm. notary public and U. S. Commissioner, 67 Gravier Chuckhardt August, cook, 69 Burgundy Chudre Gilbert, shoemaker, 1 St. Anthony Church U. W. clerk. Canal c.New Levee, d. Constance c. First Church Frank, mate, 793 Dauphine Church Frank, laborer, 63 Marigny Church G. W . mason, 375 St. Andrew ' Church H'y. cotton weigher, d. 124 Orange Church L. H. d. 351 Carondelet j Church Mary, f. w. c. furnished rooms, 67 Dauphine Church M. H. (Jymar &f Church,) d. Or- ange n. Camp Church John, elk. 286 St Charles. Church of Our Lady of Good Help, (Catholic) Ja(kson n. Constance Churchill Charles H. (Taylor 8f Church- ill,) 39 Magazine, d. 412 St. Charles Churchill Charles W. elk. 93 Common, d. 485 Baronne Churchill C. B. Dr. 412 St. Charles Churchill S. B. dry goods, d. Dryades, c Erato Cicanti T. Mrs. varieties, 7 Pontalba bldgs Cienfuegos Pierre, shoemaker, 102 Annette Cifron John, drayman, 271 Bayou road Cilina S. dry goods, 202 Orleans Cima Joseph, painter, 353 Bayou road Ciiiys Mars Euscbe, clerk, Canal c. Caron- delet Cinda John, grocery, 54 Burgundy, d 2. Ciofalo P, H. barber, 665 New Levee Cior C. Mrs. millinery, 111 Koyal Cior Charles, musician, 111 Boyal Circus Street Infirmary, 132 and 134 Ram- part, d, 1 Cirela Gines & James Puig, c. h. Robin c. Pacanier Ciril F. d. 1 Annette Ciroti F. Mrs. 275 Bourbon City Hall, Jeff. City, Magazine c. Berlin City Hospital by Dr. Anfoux, for small pox only, Elys. Fields, c. Josej)hine Citizens Bank of Louisiana, Royal c. Customhouse Citizens Mutual Ins. Co. 3 Carondelet Clabby John, lab. Poydras n. Bertrand Clabery Jean, clerk, d. Toledano c. Con- stance Clack Franklin H. atty. Natchezc. Camp, d. 161 Annunciation Clafl'ey C. store keeper, St. Charles hotel Claffey Thos. Mrs. 262 Poydras Clague A. R., Royal c, Bienville ClaboriK; AHVed, Peace n. Royal, d. 3 Claiborne Charles, jr. clerk, red stores, Front Levee, d. 2 Claiborne Chas. city hall, d. 205 St. Philip Claiborne F. 0. Customhouse clerk Claiborne Louisa, f. w. c. 367 Dauphine Claiborne Philip, f. m. c. 171 Canal Claiborne Wm. C. C. d. 433 Dauphine, d.3 Claiborne Wm. C. Cjr. ( Logan, Soniat &[■ Claiborne,) 57 Carondelet Claiborne Street School, Claiborne c. St. Peter Clair Edwd. laborer, 534 Dauphine Clair Michael, 99 Claiborne Clair John, drayman, Tonti n. Ursulines Clairac Hypolite, tailor, 89 Baronne Clairain Louis, builder, 333 Burgundy, d. 3 Clairain L. E. clerk, Tchoup. c. Common, d 12 Uquhart Clairville Alex. Mrs. f.w.c. 144 Union, d.3 Clamann Geo. porter, Bank of N. Orleans Clancy David, carp. 245 Kampart, d. 1 Clancy John, cartman, 337 Howard Clancy John, laborer, 62 Adele Clancy Martin, tailor, d. 83 St. Thomas Clancy M lab, Elmira n. Patterson , A Igiers CLA 103 CLA Clancy Patrick, lab. Market n. Annun. Clancy Patrick, d. 533 Royal, d. 3 Clancy Thomas, drayman. 134 Port Clannon Catharine, 6 Constance Clannon Rob. paints and g;lass, 105 Ca- . nal, d. Annunciation n. Calliope Clannon Thomas, painter, 6 Constance Clapin .1. f. m. c. tailor, Viilereii. Laharpe Clapp Charles, 95 Exchangi; place Clapp Charles B. acct. 41 Front, d.Villere, n. Common Clapp Edwd. machinist, Adelc n. Fulton Clapp Geo. W. ( CrFxrcnt Firewood Co.) 99 Carondelet walk Clapp John, barkeeper, 289 St. Charles Clapp, Mitchell & Jack, (Emory Clapp, Philip G.Mitchell, E. JV. Jark, John J. Gidiere, Geo. ,>}. Seaman,) wholesale dry goods, 35 Magazine Clara Mary, furnished rooms, 99 Treme Clure Michael, St. Andrew n. Annun. Clare Patrick, lab. Coliseum n. F'irst Claren Edward, (.liklen Sf Claren,) 80 Magazine, d. 383 Camp Claret Lurose Mrs. 235 Bourbon Clarey Peter, laborer, 358 Howard Clark Alexander B. carpenter, 322 Liberty (jlark Alice Mrs. Villere n. Common Clark A. M. Mrs. 518 Burgundy, d. 3 Clark A. laborer, Poland n. Annunciation Clark Carl, Fourth n. Annunciation Clark Charles, collector, 46 Villere, d. 1 Clark Charles, mate, 196 St. Ann Clark Cornelius, (Bowman &f Clark,) d. 254 St. Andrew Clark & Brisbin,rC. W. Clark, W. W. Brifthin,) printers, 19 Commercial place, d. 282 Carondelet Clark C. C. clerk, 337 Chippewa ('lark Daniel C. 465 Constance Clark E. A. clerk, White n. Erato Clark Edward, porter, 208 Franklin Clark Ellen, wood and coal, 286 Dryades Clark Francis, plaster, 233 Orleans Clark Francis, drayman. Calliope n. Tclioupitoulas Clark Frank, 251 Camp Clark Geo. adjuster of averages, 9 Com- mercial place Clark G. W. Mrs. 204 Julia Clark Henry, clerk, 9 t^iinmercial place Clark Henry D. clerk, 58 St. Charles Clark H. P. salesman, 98 Canal, d. 162 Delord Clark Jas. C.bookkeep. Chippewa n. First Clark James, laborer. Felicity n. Fulton Clark James L. d. 25 Terfisichore Clark James, clerk, 45 Music Clark Jas. shipping elk. d. Chippewa n. Race Clark James Dr., Third n. St. Charles Clark John, grocery, 227 St. Charles Clark John, watchman, 78 Enghien Clark John H. photographs, 101 Canal Clark John, iron founrdy, 460 and 462 Tchoupitoulas, d. 467 Tchoupitoulas Clark John, laborer, 290 St. Thomas Clark John, laborer, 297 St. Thomas Clark Joseph, Mrs. 274 St. Philip Clark Joseph, Cant. 249 Common, d 20 Elysian Fields Clark J'osiah A. 98 Liberty Clark J. M. blacksmith, 370 Old Levee, d. 30, d. Barracks c. Treme CLARK J. J., Cooper, 77 Lafay- ette street, opposite Odd-Fel- lows' Hall. Cooperage in all its brandies execu- ted promptly and at the low- est cash prices. Clark J. S. merchant, Terpsichore n. St. Charles CLARK J. S. Dr., Dentist, 140 Canal over Ci*escent City Bk. Clark L. B. clerk, 249 Common Clark L. printer, 401 Gravier Clark Mary, 74 Marias, d. 2 Clark Michl. baker, Soraparu n. Rousseau Clark Michael, laborer, 52 St. Thomas Clark Miles, laborer, d. 140 Tchoupitoulas Clark, Masby & Co. (J. S. Clark, S. T. Striblinp;,) in liquidation, grocers and commission merchants, 35 Front Clark Moses, (J. J. Person &f Co.) 47 Carondelet Clark Patrick, laborer, 512 Burgundy, d. 3 Clark Patrick, Cadiz n. Laurel, Jiff. City Clark Patrick, ( Gleason .S' Patrick) cotton pickery. Orange c. Religious, d. An- nunciation n. Richard Clark Peter, sailor, 251 Royal Clark Peter, laborer, 318 Dryades Clark P. grocer, St. Andrew n. Rousseau Clark Robert, screwniaii, 62 Engliien Clark Robert, stevedore, (il) Adele Clark Robert, laborer, 365 St. Peter Clark Samuel, s1h[). clerk, 403 St. Charles Clark Sylvester, drayman, 393 Liberty Clark S. C. teacher, Seguiii c. Delaronde, Algiers Clark S. F. collector, 19 Tchoupitoulas Clark S. S. 162 Delord Clark Thaddeus, flour inspector, d. 383 Rampart Clark & Thieneman, (R.J]. Clark, Theo. F. Thieneman) commission merchants and tobacco factors, H8 Magazine Clark Thomas J. clerk, d. Ill St. Mary Clark Thos. carriage painter, 90 Palmyra Clark Thomas, carriages, 9 Bertrand Clark Thomas Capt. Greenville (JIark Thomas, Josephine n. Constance Clark T. H. Clark, clerk, 131 Canal Clark T. M. blacksmith, 329 St.Claude.d.a Clark Virginia, furn rooms, 115 Toulouse Clark Walter P. clerk, 98 Canal Clark Westphalia Mrs. 24 Spain Clark William, moulder, 145 Foucher CLA 104 CLA Clark William, clerk, 130 Canal Clark Wm. laborer, Thalia n. Magazine Clark Wm. c. h. Hospital c. Gallatin Clark Wm. grocer, 472 Old Levee, d. 3 Clark Wm., Calliope n. Rampart Clark Wm. bookseller, 11 Front Levee, d. 2, d. Marigny n. Chartres Clark Wm. Frank, blacksmith, Wash- ington n. Chestnut Clark Wm. clerk, Esplanade n. Derbigny Clark Wm. B. (Lee, Ivy Sf Co.) 48 Qamp, d. Jackson c. Carondelet Clarke Chas. laborer, 53 North market Clarke Ellen Mrs dressmaker, 110 Perdido Clarke Frank, teacher, 156 Camp Clarke George B. acct. 148 Poydras Clarke George W. Mrs. 204 Julia Clarke Henry L. (Thos. L. Clarke Sf Bro.) 27 Natchez, d. 240 Camp Clarke James Dr. d. 240 Camp Clarke James, clerk, 404 Felicity Clarke J. Calvit Mrs., St. Charles c. Eighth Clarke James, clerk, 89 Gravier Clarke John A. 30 Elys. Fields Clarke J. Mrs. 10 Mandeville Clarke Joshua, (Lyman &f Clarke,) attys. 13 St. Charles Clakke L. A. c.p. Carondelet c. Terpsichore Clarke Mary Mrs. 46 Robertson Clarke Robert C. cot. gins, 118 Common Clarke, R. B. clerk, 159 Gravier Clarke Sarah Mrs. milliner, Carondelet c. Poydras Clarke Thos. L.& Bro. (Henry L. Clarke,) coffee, rice, etc. 27 and 29 Natcliez CLARKE THOMAS, Druggist & Apothecai'y. Importer of Pure Cognac Brandy and V^ ines for Medical purposes, cor. of Magazine and Thalia. Clarke Thomas, laborer, 506 Dauphin, d.3 Clarke Thomas, carriages to hire, Ber- trand n. Common Clarke Thomas, laborer, 316 Fulton Clarke & Bdynti, ( Thomas ^ lien Clarke, T. L. Bayne,) attys. at law, 11 Exchange place Clarke Wm. A. acct. 145 Erato Clarke Wm. H ( Caillonet Sf Clarke,) 769 Tchoupitoulas Clarke W. A. f. m. c. 238 Conti Clarke W. E. book keeper, 41 Tchoupi- toulas Clarkson Ann Mrs. f. w. c. 149 Perdido Clarkson R.V. Mrs., Robertson n. Common Clary Dennis, laborer, 70 Constance Clason & Co. (Herman Clason,jr.) com- mission merchants, 53 Carondelet Clason Herman, jr. (Clason Sf Co.) 53 Carondelet Classen J. 18 Jackson Clatta Valentine, Louisa n. Claiborne Clatte Wolff, laborer, 179 Clouet Claude E. c. h. Levee c. Congress Claude Jos blacksmith, Royal n. Congress Claude Leon, 60 Dauphine Claude Rosa, f. w. c. Villere n. Canal Claude Thomas, 464 St. Claude, d. 3 Claudel Nicholas, (.J. Boulenger &f Co.) 72 Chartres, d. 27 Conti Claudie Edward H. secy. La. Manufg Co. d. 124 Terpsichore Claudie Richard B. steamboat agent, d. 124 Terpsichore Claudie Walter, clerk, d. 124 Terpsichore Claudin Edwd. clerk, 144 Basin, d. 2 Claudin Mrs. laundress, 2G7 Chartres Claudot Joseph, shoemaker. Hospital n. Roman Claus Gustav. cooper, 447 St. Ann Clause A. Mrs. f. w. c. 92 Prytania Clausett John, tailor, 233 Orleans Clauson Edwd. mate, 637 Rampart, d. 3 Clauss Leonhardt (McCombs Sf Clauss,) 14 Tchoupitoulas Claussen A. E. clerk, Patterson, Algiers Claussen Henry, c. h. 97 Baronne Claussen Henry, Marigny n. Prosper Clave F. carpenter, 114 Bienville Clavel F. apothecary, 228 Rampart, d. 2 Clavely Andrew, drayman, 378 St. Peter Claverie Dominique, butcher, b5 Poydras market Claverie August, d. 342 Villere, d. 3 Claverie Andrf, butcher, Jefferson City Claverie Bertrand, baker, 156 Casacalvo Claverie Etienne, Bayou bridge Claverie Jean, 68 French market Claverie John, butcher, 2 Poydras market Claverie J. M. butcher, 87 French market Claverie Martial, wood, coal, etc., 55 Or- leans, d. 51 Orleans Claverte Philip, butcher, French market Claverie Pierre, butcher, 95 French mkt Claverie Perrie, butcher, 95 French mkt Clavie Andrew, c. p. 44 Piety Clavies Oscar, painter, 9 St. Anthony Clawson F. C. lumber, Carrollton Clawson John B. Carrollton Clay Frances, f. w. c. 226 Villere Clay Geo. H. Mrs., Washington n. Chip- pewa Clay John Mrs. 58 Hospital Clay John F. note and stock broker, 52 Royal, d. 147 Claiborne Clay John R. 52 Royal, d. 147 Claiborne Clay Mary Mrs., Vvashington n. Fulton Clay Melinda, f. w. c. 222 Conti Clay Richd. book keeper, 352 Canal Clay School, Palmyra n. Prieur Clay Wm. screwman, 692 Dauphine, d. 3 Clay Wm. H. com. mer. 58 Magazine Clayton C. Mrs. 183 Morales, Clayton Ed. drayman, 657 Rampart, d. 3 Clayton F. L. 34 Prytania Clayton John, painter, 239 Poydras Clayton R. Mrs. furnished rooms, 144 Customhouse Clayton Saml. engineer, 401 Customhouse Clayton Walker,, d. 490 Mag- CLA 106 CLU Clayton W. W. clork, 53 Prytania Cl(>al Georffe C, Bironne n. Jackson Cl.'aland Wm. intclliojV.p offi.-p, 13fi Camp Clear Michael, laborer, 35 St. Andrew Clearman T. D. ( Du.ryce, Jaques Sf Clear- man,) 25 Maj^azine Cleary C. Mrs. 15 Spain Cleary Edward, drayman, 208 Franklin Cleary E. A. clerk, 143 Delord Cleary E. Mrs. dre.ssmaker, 143 Delord Cleary Pat. laborer, 45(5 Old Levee, d. 3 Cleary Thos. drayman, Pricur n. Canal Clebere Angustus, 165 Main Clede Henry, laborer, 21 St. James Cleghorn Elisha B. Rev. agt. Prcsb. book depost. 94 Camp Clemencc Pierre, 104 Union, d. 3 Clemens C. drayman, 48 Cotton Press Clemens H. cooper. Seventh n. N. Levee Clemens John, laborer. Seventh n. Laurel Clemens J. B. 136 Goodchildren Clement .Vtemise, f m. c. 97 Goodchil- dnn Clement Francis, Pleasant n. Constance Clement Geo. E. warehonseman.d. 104 St. Clement Geo. builder, Biironne n. Third Clement Mary, f. w. c. 60 Union, d. 3 Clement Peter, shoemaker, 62 Daujihine Clement Pierre, cigar maker, Prosper n. Elysian Fields Clemeiit P. carp. Derbigny n. St. Philip Clement W. G. clerk, 35 Tchoupitoulas Clements D. grocery, St. Mary c. Chestnut Clements Dennis, slater, d. 125 Polymnia Clements Frederick, ship joiner, Algii'rs Clements Geo. mate, 443 Old Levee, d. 3 Clemmann G. porter Bank New Orleans Clemos Pierre, 120 Union, d. 3 Clenand Michael, drayman, 430 Felicity Clen Patrick, laborer. Coliseum n. First Clencey John, laborer, Adele n. Rousseau Clennon Robt. 54 Annunciation Clerc Chas. French lawyer, 50 Exchange place, d. 164 Main Clerc F. Dryades market, d. 369 Franklin Clerc Jules, confectioner, 180 St. Mary Clere Mary, f. w. c. 313 St. Philip Clery T. grocery, 203 Mandeville Clermont Etienne, tinsmith and impt'r of weights & meas's, office 158 Bourbon Cleslcy George J. machinist, Harmony n. Constance Clessen N. fruit, Jackson n. Chippewa Cleveland A. D. clerk, 55 Carondelet Cleveland Brothers (A. P. Clrreland, Geo. Cleveland,) com. mors. 42 Union, d. PhilijD n. Camp Cleveland Chas. broker, 459 Constance Cleveland Gaorge, ( Clei-eland Brothers,) 42 Union- Cleveland Sylvester, 273 Ursulines Cleveland W. F. clerk cot. press, d. Race c. Tchoupitoulas Clifford John, grocer, 247 Lafayette Clifford James'^A. 21 iiace Clifton Ann Mrs. 305 Melpomene Clifton George, screwman, 22 Spain Clinch H. A. atty. at law, 40 Camp, d. 338 Carondelet Clinchley Geo. sash mkr, d. 342 Perdido Clinchy Gtni. coppi^rsniith, 37 Chippewa Cline Chas. (Chandler &c Cline,) Front Levee n. Nuns, d. Jersey n. Nap. av. Jefferson City Cline Henry, atty. 100 Customhouse Cline H. P. carpenter, Gretna Cline John, cabs to hire, 30 Annunciation Cline Sarah Mrs. b. h. 11 Baronne Cline T. furniture cart, Cypress n. Willow Clink John, bakery, 163 Dauphine Clinton Patrick, lab. Toiiti n. liienville Clinton Thomas, lab. .538 Tchoupitoulas Clipping Geo. c. h. and grocery, Good- children c. Mandeville Clissac Joseph, tailor, 243 Ursulines Clissey P. dancing master, Masonic hall, St. Charles Cload James J. undertaker, 41 Rampart Clodier F. fancy goods, 465 Bourbon, d. 3 Clogher Michael, furniture, Girod c. Ram- part Clohecy Ellen Mrs. 274 Baronne Clone Michael, laborer, 83 Delord Cloney Dennis, warehouseman, 15 Marais Cloney D. 290 Canal Cloney J. di-aynian, 28 Palmyra Cloney M. W. clerk, 35 Common Cloney Richard, boih'r makr, Algiers Clongat Jacob, Frenchmen n. V iilere Cloonan John, laborer, 206 Magazine Clooney Wm. clerk, 205 Constance Clopton John, paintt^r, 554 New Levee Close David, 74 New Levee Close E. Ca]it. Annunciation c. Soraparu Closer Ellen Mrs. 385 Basin Clossman Philip, clerk, d. 217 Dauphine Clostermnnn, Tourne & Co. ( H. Closter- mann, J^lcholas Tourn?, Joseph Bayle,) variety store, 40 late 44 Chartres Cloud Benj. F. com. mer. Jefferson City CLOUD E. G. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruit, No. 78 St. Charles, d. Leoutine c. Camp. Jefferson City. Cloud Theodore A. f. m. c. 203 Franklin Clouett Xavier, printer, 349 St. Peter Clough Eleanor, 78 Derbigny Clough Ellen Mrs. assist, matron of Chil- dren's Home and Sch'ls, 343 Chartres Clough George, carpenter, 400 Perdido Clough Geo. W. bricklayer, 283 Bienville Clough John, carp. Gasquet n. Johnson Clough J. builder. Coliseum c. Josephine Clough Samuel, car|ienier, 60 Basin Clougher Miehl. furnit'e, Girod c. Rampart Cloughs Jas. carp. Josephine c. Coliseum Clous Samuel, Sixth n. Plaquemine Clovis Angelina, 110 Burgundy Clozet D. Mrs. Prieur c. St. Philip Clo/.et Jean, tailor, 191 Orleans Cluff Richd. elk. Waslungton n. Dryades CLU 106 COF Gluts E. baker, 308 St. Louis Clyne James, clerk, 71 Camp Coan Elizab'h Mrs., Bartholomew n. Del- aronde, Algiers Coates Edward, Market n. Chippewa Coates George (James &c Coates,) 75 La- fayette, d. Clio c. Carondelet Coates Geo. blacksmith, 165 Clio Coates Johana, Rocheblave n. Main Coates J. screwman, St. Andrew n. Fulton Coates P. blacksmith, Thalia n. Prytania Coates Richard COBB J. B. & CO. (Joseph B. Cobb, Andrew E. Knox,) Wholesale Grocers and Com- mission Merchants, cor. Com- mon, New Levee & Tchoupi- toulas. Cobb John D. (Martin, Cobb 8; Co.) 157 Gravier, d. 157 St. Joseph Cobb Joseph B. 8 Tchoupitoulas Cobb T. IM. c. p. Bayou bridge Cobb W. B. (Mcllreevy &c Cobb,) 34 Poy- dras COBB WM. D., Telegraph Re- porter at Price Current Office, 51 Camp. Coberger J. carp. Prieur n. Gasquet Cobert John, dairy, Mazant, c. Greatmen Cobert Peter, butcher, 29 French market Cobett Rosina, f. w. c. 330 Burgundy, d. 3 COBURN, R. Dealer in Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, 118 and 120 Tchoupitoulas st. and 152 Poydras street. Sub- scriptions received for news- papers. Coca Mrs. 278 Villere, d. 2 Cochard Charles, charcoal, 45 Main Cochin Augustus, pressman, 70 Camp Cochnerich Anthony, St. Mary n. St. Charles Cochran Ed. C. broker, d. 199 Frenhmen Cochran Frank, warehouseman, 100 Canal Cochran George, 33 St. Thomas Cochran Honora Mrs. 279 Poydras COCHRAN & HALL, (A. F. Cochran, H. S. Hall,) Com- mission Merchants and Im- porters of Mediterr an ean Pi-o- duee, also Agents for Welsh Bros. Old Reserve Madeiras, and C. S. Campbell & Co's Celebrated Sherries. Cochran John R. painter, Lafayette n. Eighth, Gretna Cochran John, drayman, 227 Girod Cochran John, screwman, 4.'> Marigny Cochran John, Felicity n. Chippewa Cochran John, lab. 21 Constance Cochran Michael, lab. 6 Constance Cochran O. H. 365 Lafayette Cochran Patrick, lab. 91 Mandeville Cochran Samuel, broker, 78 Union, d. 3 Cochran Tim. gro. Girod c. Franklin Cochran Timothy, blacksm. 244 Magnolia Cochrane Charlotte Mrs. 32 Race Cochrane C. Mrs. teacher, p. s. d. Wash- ington n. Constance Cochrane Ffank, steward, 4.33 Baronne Cochrane H. D. 65 Gravier, d. 49 Toulouse Cochrane John R. painter, Josephine c. N. Levee Cochrane Thos. lab. St. Ferdinand c. Girod Cockburn P. J. 112 Common Cockerell S. P. clerk, 32 First Cockerill Robert, 152 Poydras Cockner P. laborer, Pacanier n. Market Cockpit American, Kcilerec c. St. Claude Cockran Jas. lab. Foucher n. Poyfarre Cockran M. d. 5 Constance Cockran Pat. lab. Foucher n. Calliope Cockran P. 96 Constance Cocks M. Capt., White c. Thalia Cocossur J. Airs., Claiborne c. Hospital Coddis John, drayman, 128 Casacalvo Coddor Victor, confec. Camp ' c. Poyfarre Coddou Jos. drayman, 348 St. Philip Couddou Victor, confec. 270 Camp,d. Mag- azine n. Josephine Code Gi-o. cooper, d. 52 St. James Code Jamee, Calliope n. Rampart Code Jos. lab. Greatmen n. Marigny Code Loftus, 52 St. James Code Nicholas, Eighth n. Fulton Code Thos. elk. Josephine n. New Levee Codiner Simon Capt. 238 Girod Codron Fr;ui<;ois, carp. 364 St. Peter Cody Patrick, cooper, 10 Toulouse Coeler D. W. clerk, 110 Common COELER F. W. Importer of and Dealer in Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Scotch Ale & London Porter, Fruits, Pic- kles and Sardines, 110 Com- mon, op. St. Charles Hotel. Orders from the Country promptly attended to : d. 238 Baronne. Cofer Jesse B. carp. 58 Rampart Coffee Albert, clerk, 326 Carondelet Coffee Amelia, 230 Ursulines Coffee Eliza Mrs. 384 Customhouse Coffee Elizabeth, Mrs. Sixth c. Fulton Coffee H. T. clerk, 72 Gravier Coffee John, lab. 151 Old Levee, d. 2 Coffee John, drayman, Orleans c. Galvez COF 107 COL CoffVe John, screwman, 239 Morales Coffee Mary. Mrs. 177 Thalia Coffee Mary, midwife, 193 Clio Coffee Pal. lab. 265 Customhouse Coffee Patrick, grocer, 98 Gasquet Coffee Patrick, plasterer, 149 Thalia Coffey B. R. clerk, 12 Jackson, d. 4, d. Sixth n. Fulton Coffey H. .T. clerk, 383 Thalia Coffey J. F. notary, 19 Jackson, d. 4 Coffey J. M. clerk, 188 Franklin Coffi'y P. J. sail maki r, 75 Howard Coffey Thomas, laborer, 42 Ileliijious Coffiild Thos. drayman, Relii^iousn. Race Coffila Roltert, oyster saloon, 249 Camp, d. 253 Magazine Coffin John, screwman, 107 Religious Coffin John D. ship chandhry, 22 Lower Front Levee, d. 12(i Esplanade. Coffman H. tailor, 206 Haronne Coffy Saail. grocery, Lafayette c. Fjjlton Cogaii James C. engineiM', d. 456 Basin ("■■ogan James, 10 Knghien Cogan John, 341 Melpomene Cogan Rii-iiard, shifiwright, Algiers Coggin John, lalxirer, 369 Tchoupitoulas Coghlati David, carp. Leverque, Algiers Cognovich Aiitliony, fruits, 10 St. Charli's Cogueuhem iVl. grocery, 209 Bayori road Coguille A. painter, 103 Toulouse Cogswell C. C. com. mer. 30 New Levee, d. 167 Ursulines Cohen Aaron, ship agent, 127 Common Cohen Albert, 216 Julia Cohen A. A. 348 Carondelct Cohen Benjamin, b. h. 28 Orleans Cohen Bernard, clothing, 33 Front, d. 72 Marais, d. 2 Cohen B. Rev., Hebrew minister, 209 Ramjjart, d. 1 Cohen Charles, clothing, 307 Conti Cohen C. A. acct. 126 Canal Cohen D. Mrs. 57 Prytania Cohen Ed. cab driver, 472 Dauphine, d. 3 Cohen Henry, pedler, 129 Liberty Coiien Henry, glazier, 214 Delord (Allien J. Treme n. St. Louis Cohen J. H. butcher, 59 and 61 Port mkt Cohen M. M. atty. and counsellor at law, 22 Kxchange place, d. 151 Constance CohienbiM-ger Martin, barkeepm-. Basin c. Thalia Cohn & Fink, (IL Cohn, Peter Fink,) dry goods, Patterson, Algiers Cohn Henry, ship carp. 795 Dauphine,d.3 Cohn H. dry goods, New Levee n. Sixth Cohn Herman, 113 St. Peter Cohn & Philips, f./flcoft Cohn, Louis Phelps,) clothing, 88 Poydras Cohn John, fruit, St. Mary n. Chippewa Cohn Jos dry goods, 987 New Levee, d. 4 COHN L. I. Importer of Fancy Goods and Hosiery, and Man- ufacturer of Flannel Shirts, etc. 55 Chartres. Cohn Jos. notary, 44 Exchange place, d. 150 Second Colin Michael, clerk, 13 Chartres Cohn N. watchmaker, d. 1, 190 Rampart Cohn Peter, cigars, 165 Old Levee Cohn Saml. clothier, 18(1 New Levee, d. 1 Cohn Solomon, Carrollton Coiguard C. N. 136 St. Anthony Coignard E. dep. const. 5th Justice Court, d. 4 Frenchmen Coiley Richard, laborer, 68 St. Joseph Coin Philip, laborer. Basin. c. Clio Coiron F. S. ( Cni^bergue Justin &(■ Co.) d. 174 Robertson Coiron L. J. custom house broker, d. 44 Old Levee, d. Rampart n. I'nion Coiron P. Felix, book keeper, 30 Poydras Coiron Stanislaus, clerk, 317 Esplanade Coit Jno. elk. 66 Gravier, d. 22 Ex. place Cokely John, at Stroud & Co. Cokely J. A. hatter, 191 Julia Colan J. drayman, Terpsichore n. Liberty Colar Elizabeth Mrs. 221 Love Colas Widow, dressmaker, n9 Bourbon Colayanni M. Mrs., Terpsichore n.Freret, d. 1 Colbert John, cook, 85 Franklin, d, 2 Colbert R. laborer, 451 Old Levee, d. 3 Colbert Wm. warehouseman, 542 St. Claude, d. 3 Colbertson Heiny, d. 248 Villere, d. 2 Colbus J. F. 166 Johnson, d. 2 Colbus Nicholas, saddler, 421 St. Ann Colby J. M. accountant, 36 Royal Colder Geo. screwman, Chippewa c. Philip Colder John, driviM-, 96 Camp Coldera Joseph, fruit, 10 Annunciation Cold water Louis, lab. Dryades n. Eighth Cole Anthony B. cigars and periodicals, 160 L.vee, d. 3 ^ Cole Bernard, lab. 467 Old Levee, d. 3 Cole Betsy, f. w. c. 362 Caual Cole Charles, pilot, 65 Rampart, d. 1 Cole Josiah,12Cole's Cottage ,.337 Poydras Cole R. D. Mrs. crockery,"392 Dryades Cole Richard D. coppersmith, 392 Dryades Cole Richard, stone cutter, 246 Lafayette Cole Theobold, drayman, 121 LaurJl Colell Felipe Valdez, cigars, 38 Sl».Charles Coleman Bridget, 77 Delord Coleman Cluulotte Mrs. 67 Race Coleman DiMinis, laborer, 466 Dauphine Coleman Dennis, boiler mker 534 Ram- part, d. 3 Coleman E. VV. clerk, 42 Perdido Coleman Frank, varnisher, d. 11 Galvez Coleman George, Elys. Fields c. Celestine Coleman Henry, lab. 92 Piety Coleman Henry, lab. 80 St. Thomas Ctdenian James, drayman, St. John Bap- tist n. Orange C(deman Jalnes, drayman, 193 St. Thomas Coleman Jeremiah, wareliouseman, d. 207 Magazine ' Coleman John, lab 441 Burgundy, d. 3 Coleman J(din, lab. 176 Tilionpiioulas Coleman John, contractor, 73 Constance COL 108 COL Coleman John, gilder, 534 Rampart Coleman John, driver, 464 Masrazine Coleman John, carp. 94 Bolivar Col-man Jno. grocer, Annun. c. Gaiennie Coleman Johnson, warehouseman, Mag- nolia n. Lafayette Coleman Joseph, 186 Delord Coleman J. B. clerk, 329 Canal Coleman J. C. atty. 79 Julia, d. 85 Felicity Coleman J. Mrs. Marigny n. Urquhart Coleman Margaret, 112 Spain Coleman Michael, lab. 359 Tchoupitoulas Coleman, Britton & Withers, (Lloyd R. Coleman, W. T. Britton, W. T. Withers,) cotton factors and com. mers. 57 Carondelet, d. Orange n. Camp Coleman Patrick, lab. Thalia n. N. Levee Coleman P. barkeeper, 61 Front Coleman Richard, draym. 45 St. Thomas Coleman Timothy, lab. ]32Goodchildren Coleman Wm. lab. d. 221 St. Thomas Coleman Wm. barkeeper, 331 Front, d. 1 ri Coleman VV. D. boiler mkr. 319 St. Mar Coleman W. 405 Camp Colen Catharine, grocery, 366 Common Colevaine Maria Mrs. 440 Howard Colgan Mat. drayman, Delord n. Magazine Colgan Mich. lab. Derbigny n. Palmyra Colgan Thomas, carp. 356 Constance Colgan Thomas, warehouseman, Con- stfinee n. Jackson Colgan Wm. lab. St. Andrew n. Laurel Colgin Philip, boiler maker, 126 Market Colin Madame, millinery, Royal c. St. Philip Colin C. Mrs. bread, 42 Toulouse Colin N. millinery and facy store, Royal c. St. Philip Coll Anthony, cigar manf. 386 Camp Coll B. oysters and fruits, 135 Marais Coll Dominique, draym. Clara n. Julia Coll James, clerk, 185 Poet Coll Peter, 21 iVIarigny Colla Raphael, f. m. c carp. 232 Spain Collat Morris & Co. dry goods, 12 An- nunciation College of N. Orleans, Esplanade n. Craps Collens Paul W. atty. at law, 23 St. Charles CoUens T. Wharton, atty. at law, 23 St. Charles, d. 219 Esplanade Collerton Lawrence, drayman, 21 Marigny Colles J. H. clerk, 26 Common Collet J. Dr. 80 Toulouse Collet John, trunk maker, 117 St. Louis Collet Matthew, 311 St. Peter Collie David (Collie Sf Brother,) -25 Gravier, d.205 Clio Collie & Broth.-r, (J. B. Collie, David Col- lie,) seed store, 25 Gravier Collie J. B. (Collie Sf Bro.) d. 205 Clio Collier C. T. Junk shop, 207 Calliope Collier Hudson, builder, 25 Pleasant Collier Leaman, Mrs., Homer, McD. Collier Louis A. grocer, Alex. c. Elmira, Algiers Collier Samuel, Poet n. Rampart Colligan Bernard, lab. 398 Liberty Colligan Henry, seaman. Religious n. Felicity Collighan Wm. R. 285 Conti Colling Martin, carp. 63 Washington Collingnon Dominique, nightman, 134 Exchange place, d. 197 Esplanade Collingnon Edw. pork insp. Girod n. Basin Collingnon G. music teacher, 10 St. Peter Collin Jean, shoemk. 143 Carondelet walk Collin Thomas, lab. 110 Gaiennie Collin Virginia Mrs. 358 Royal, d. 3 Collins Alex. 259 Marais, d. 2 Collins Alex. Madison, Carrollton Collins Alex. f. m. c. Live Oak c. Jena, Jeff. City Collins August B. seaman, 135 Port Collins A. T. lab. 917 Dauphine,d. 3 Collins A. Mrs. 175 Julia Collins Bartholomew, contractor, Melpo- mene n. Franklin, d. 361 Lafayette Collins B. J. eng'r, 149 Piety Collins Catharine, 530 Dauphine Collins Chas. 334 Hospital Collins C. C. (Collins, Camere 8f Co.) grocer, Old Levee c. Bienville Collins Dennis, draym. Clara n. Perdido Collins Dennis, R. R. conductor, d. Mel- pomene n. Clara Collins D. lab. 110 Gaiennie Collins D. d. 339 Chippewa Collins D. M. painter, 108 Baronne, d. 290 Clio Collins Eliza Mrs. 322 Conti Collins Eliza Mrs. grocery, Liberty c. Euphrosyne Collins Elizabeth, 114 Dryades Collins E. painter, 83 Lafayette Collins E. P. lab. N. O. J. and G.N.R.R. Collins Frederick, ( Massey, Huston Sf Co.) 52 N. Levee, d. 1 Collins F. lab. Liberty n. Poydras Collins George, shipcarp. 28 St. Bernard Collins James, grocer, 312 Carondelet Collins James, 133 Rampart, d. 1 Collins James, machinist. Front Gretna Collins James, lab. 647 Royal, d. 3 Collins Jeremiah, 109 Magazine Collins John, lab. 81 Delord Collins John, mate, 6 Prieur, d. 2 Collins John, cabinet makr. c. St. Joseph and Delord Collins John, screwman, 74 Constance Collins John, lab. 145 Prieur Collins John, screwman, 526 Rpyal, d. 3 Collins John, moulder, d. 372 Basin Collins John, drayman, 48 Poet Collins John K. builder, 314 Carondelet Collins, Hepp & Co. (Joseph Collins, Hen- ry Hepp, D. O. D. Sullivan,) Pilican Cotton Press, St. Mary c. Levee Collins Isaac B. builder, d. 209 Euterpe Collins J. H. grocer, 314 Carondelet Collins J. P. laborer, 335 Customhouse Collins J. T. S. inspector customs, 296 Melpomene COL 109 CON Collin .1. variety storo, St. Ann c. Royal Collins .T. srrewman, Jo.sopliino n. Fulton Collins L. E 168 F.'liciiv Collins Martin, 104 St. Cluirlos Collins Mary, 8-3 D.-lord Collins Matthew, lab. 83 St. Thomas Collins Michael, hostler, K)l Rampart Collins Mil-had, lah. Mont('s;ntc. Chartres Collins Matilda. Mrs. dre.ssiiikr.133 Ram- part, d. 1 Collins N. H. 13fiSt. Peter Collins Owen, lah. J88 Conti Collins Patrick, lah. 30-2 Camp Collins Patrick, lah. 16-2 Magazine Collins Patrick, Mrs. 344 St. Philip Collins P. G. & L. E. cotton pickers, Richard c. St. Thomas Collins Rohert, book keeper, 70 Canal, d. 1.V2 Felicity Collins R. cot. weitjher, Felicity n. Camp Collins Thotnas, 28 Union, d. 3 Collins Thomas, lah. 379 Dauphine, d. 3 Collins Thomas, watchman, N. O. Press, d. Plaqnemine c. Lyons, .lelT. City Collins Thos. drayin. 563 Rurs:nndy,'d. 3 Collins Thos. build. St. Mary c. Prytania Collins Wm. lah. 27 St. Ferdinand Collis Henry, grocer, Washington c. Fulton Colljhanni Maria Mrs. 370 Howard Collum J. painter, Algiers CoUon E. ( Laromsine Sf Co.) 137 Canal, (1. 176 Rohert.son, d. 2 Collon Peter, .shoeinkr. 7.5 Toulouse Collot Charles, blacksmith, 10) St. Peter (A)llot Richard, dry goods, ID Annun. Collotte C. vegetbl's. 79 St. Ann. c. Royal Colma Josephine, 79 Annunciation Colonib L. F. d. 85 Dauphine Colomli Jean, gro. Hurgundy c. St. Louis Colombelle Mrs. d. 651 Burgundy, d. 3 Colonn's Bernard, butcher, d. 230 St. Ann Colr)mi's F. cook, 190 Toulousi- Colombet A. (L. J\Ioidor Sf Co.) 109 Chartres Colquhoun John, printer. Magnolia n. Thalia Colson Joseph, 705 Dauphine, d. 3 Colson P. U. clerk, 705 Dauphine, d. 3 Colson W. J. c. p 705 Dauphine, d. 3 Colt Edwd. lab. 102 Market Colt Josepli, laborer, 50 Mandeville ColthuiU Thomas, 279 Poydras COLTON & BALDWIN, (C. H. E. Colton, George Baldwin,) Copper, Tin and Siieet Iron Workers, Brass Work, Black- smithing, Gas Pipe and Fit- tings, 10 Canal and 9 Cross- man. Colton C. H. E. (Colton Sf Baldwin,) d. Caiiiope n. Dryades Calwell Mr.s., Race n. Constance Comas Constant, 111 Marais, d. 2 Comas Jean, laborer, 298 Bourbon Comas Pedro, c. h. Conti c. Ex. place Coiiiaski John, wood yard, Soraparu n. Fulton Combalk J. B. driver, d. 225 Treme, d. 2 Combe Susan Mrs. 318 Baronne Comb(\s Jaques, Cot. Press n.Goodchildren Combs Etienne, 297 Chartres Comeau Jean Louis, Bourbon n. Prosper Comeau M. Mrs., Kerlerec n. Galvez Comen J. J. clerk, 18 New Basin Comenge F. butcher, 26 French market Comer Martin, cabman, 545 St. Claude Comer Martin, laborer, 33 Elysian Fields Comer Wm. 38 Thalia Comer Wm. laborer, 55 Elysian Fields Comtord Michael, drayman, 216 Marigny Comfort Harriet A. Mrs. , Camp n. Seventh Commagere Arnot, 353 Robertson, d. 3 Commag6re Charles, clerk, 84 Hosjiitnl Commagere Ernest, recorder, Greenville Commagere John A., Carrollton (vommagere L. cooper, 174 Claiborne Commagere L. Mrs., Esplaii. n. Robertson Commagere P. clerk, 288 Hospital Commagere T. clerk, Magazine, d. 372 St. Claude, d. 3 Commandeur A. not. pub. 13 St. Charles Commandeur N. atty. at law, Carit Comment Frangois, coal, etc. 67 Marais Comment J. Mrs. restaurant, 175 Orleans Comment P. [J. brksmith,225 Ft.Levee.d.S Commercial Bullc^tin, 37 Gravier Commercial College (Dolbear's,) Story building, Camp c. Common Commercial Cotton Press, Market n. Chip- pewa; Stanley &, Wright, |iroprietors (Commercial Hotel, Girod c. New Levee Commercial Restaurant, 52 Customhouse Commercial Water Works, New Levee, c. Richard, office 35 Dryades n. Canal Commerford .lolin, drayman, 81 Poet Common James, auctioneer, 192 Erato Commons Dominick, laborer, 89 Delord Commons John, lab. Orleans n. Galvez Commons Thomas, laborer, 188 Laurel Commons Thos. lab. St. Thomas n. Race Communv J. R. surveyor, City Hall, d. 129 Burgundy Communy E. Mrs. 244 St. Ann Communv John, engineer, 228 St. Claude Comoford Felix, lab. 226 New Levee ("ompanel S. feed store, Willow n. Gravier Compt(Ui James, Calliope n. Solis Compton W. H. 394 Common Comslock J. L. clerk, 41 Natchez Comstock Samuel P., Johnson n. Palmyra Comstock Wm. laboriT, 169 Magnolia (^inaghion Tlnnnas, Carondelet n. Philip Conahay John, lab. Kace n. St. Tiiomas Conand'Aiitoine, clerk, 42 Royal, d. 220 Bayou road Conand Maria Mrs. 186 Customhouse Conand Noel, 220 Bayou road Conand Victor, 220 Bayou road { Conani End. d. 389 Basin i Conard Jessie, f.m.c. Laharpe c. Derbigny CON 110 CON Cnnbeck Peter, collector, Algiers Concorde Chapter,No.2.0dd "Fellows' Hall Concorde Masonic Lodge, No. 3, Rampart n. Main Conden Patrick, drayman, 261 Dryades Condit Silas, book keeper, 8 Union, d. 1, d. 400 Magazine Condeau Alex, stonecutter, 239 Dauphine Condoff Benj. f. m. c. painter, Galvez n. Lapeyrouse Condoff Joseph, shoemaker, 112 Josephine Condon David, carpenter, 258 Rousseau Condon John, butcher, 60 St. Mary's mar- ket, d. 87 St. Andrew- Condon Michael, butcher, 44 South mrkt Condon Pat. drayman, Thalia n. Liberty Condon P. Mrs. grocer, Magazine c. Gai- ennie Condon Richard, clerk, 3 Carondolet Condon Richard, undertaker, horses and carriages to hire, 24.1 Delord Condon Sarah, teacher, 3 Euterpe Condon Stephen, laborer, 330 Howard Condon T. undertaker, 35 Elysian Fields Condren Michael, contractor, 261 Dryades Condron James, lab. Richard n. Pacanier Condron Michael, machinist, 207 Girod Conery Ed. grocer, 2 Front and 10 Fulton, d. 213 Prytania Coney William, laborer, Foucher n. Julia Conger W. B. (Foley, Avery &f Co.) d. First n. Carondelet Congergood Peter, carp. 198 Liberty Congress John, drays. Felicity n. Dryades Cuii J. F 224 Orleans Conighan James, laborer, 32 St. Joseph Conilan Jas. drayman, 433 St. Claude, d. 3 Conkerton John D. oysters, 21 Royal Conkle James, lab. 135 Carondelet walk Conklin B. 0. C. clerk 42 Tchoupitoulas, d. 459 Camp Conklin David, ship carpenter, Algiers Conklin Fred. drayman, 493 Tchoupitoulas Conklin J. R. Capt. , Carondelet n. Felicity Conklin Martin, laborer, d. 164 Richard Conklin Martin, lab. Clara n. Melpomene Conklin Patrick, lab. 86 St. Thomas Conley A. painter, Poydras n. Magnolia Conley Dora, 92 Franklin Conley E. lab. Elysian Fields, n.Old Levee Conley E. clerk, 180 Chippewa Conley James, drays, Prieur n. Common Conley James, shoes, 477 Dauphine, d. 3 Conley John, carpenter, 86 Delord Conley John, porter, 53 Villere Conley John, laborer, St. Mary n. Julia Conley John, laborer, 75 Spain Conley Mary Mrs. 86 Delord Conley Mary, 348 Annunciation Conley Michael, laborer, 31 Congress Conley Middleton, (Murphy, Sykes Sf Co.) 77 Carondelet Conley Peter, laborer, 22 Laurel Conley Robert, carpenter, 117 Josephine Conley Thomas, laborer, 92 St. Joseph Conlin B. Mrs. 88 Gaiennie Conlin Francis, c. h. 265 Poydras Conlin James, lab. St. James n. St. Thomas Conlin John, lab. St. James n. St. Thomas Conlin Sarah Mrs. Victory n. Port Conlon Michael, 732 Dauphine, d. 3 Conlon Patrick, laljorer, 58 Annunciation Conly James, cab. mkr. 485 Royal, d. 3 Conly W. mattress mkr. 19 Mandeville Conn David, marble manf. 113 Julia Conn H. ship carp. 795 Dauphine, d. 3 Coim John, watchman, Bolivar n. Povdras Connally J. carpenter, Melpomene n.Camp Connally J. Mrs , New Levee n. Gaiennie Connaughton A. carpenter, 3S5 Thalia Connaugliton E. variety store, Philip, d. 4 Connaughton, Michael 151 Tchoupitoulas Connaughton Thos Carondelet c. Philip Connt?ll Andrew, laborer, 4 Poet Connell Chris, paver. White c. Erato Connell C.91 Delord Connell George, moulder, 102 Constance Connell James H. 349 Poydras Connell James, laborer, Jackson depot Connell John, carp. Alexander, Algiers Connell John, laborer, 456 Tchoupitoulas Connell John, laljorer, 76 Tiiaiia Connell Joseph T. printer, 312 Calliope Connidl J. Mrs. b. h. 180 Laftiyette Connell Maurice, lab. 210 Tchoupitoulas Connell Michael, lab. Robin n. New Levee Connell Morris, laborer, 178 Girod Connell Patrick, dray man, d. 56 St.Thomas Connell Patrick, laborer, 266' Dryades Connell Susan Mrs. 312 Calliope Connell Tim. laborer, 4 Poet Connell T. cot. weigher, 503 Royal, d. 3 Connell T. laborer, 484 Old Levee, d 3 Connelley Wm. ship carpenter, 114 Julia Connelley Wm. H. oysters, Baronne c. Girod Connelly Catharine Mrs. b. h. 218 Julia Connelly Eliza Mrs. 399 Poydras Connelly E. J. clerk, 99 Camp Connelly Geo. cotton weigher, 21 Liberty Connelly, George & Co. (John Connelly, G. Henry Cnaplam,) cotton factors and commission merchants, 56 Caron- delet, d. 24 Rampart, d. 1 Connelly H. laborer, 11 St. James Connelly James, shoe store, 476 Dauphine, d. 1 Connelly John, clerk, 148 Canal Connelly John, f George Connelly &( Co.) 56 Carondelet Connelly Margaret, 16 Elysian Fields Connelly Matthew, laborer, 11 St. James Connelly Patrick, laborer, 495 Dauphine Connelly Patrick, St. Charles n. Conrey Connelly Samuel, engine cleaner, N. 0. and Jackson Railroad Connelly Thomas, Philip n. Annunciation Connelly Timothy, lab. 163 Elys. Fields Conner Alex, engineer, 440 Gravier Conner Ann, Magazine n. St. Andrew Conner C. paver, 384 Rampart, d. 1 Conner David, laborer, 364 Franklin Conner Dennis Mrs. 92 Franklin Conner Edward, Fourth n. Annunciation CON 111 CON Conner Ellen, cabs. 94 Franklin, d. 1 Conner H. W.& Son, (II. W. Conner, jr.) excliang-e dealers, 39 Carondelet, d.21 Rampart Connor James, cartman, Dryades n. Thalia Conner James R. I'^Tivoli Circle Conner John, pilot, 61 ClouiH Conner John, laborer, 349 Howard, d. 1 Conner Matthew, printer, 37 Gravier Conner Michael, cigar store, New Levee n. Louisiana avenue, Jeff. City Conner Owen, Camp n. Mdpomene Conner R. E. watchman, 2"27 Constance Conner Tlios. drayman, 440Tchoupitoulas Conner Win. draynnui, Erato n.New Levee Couriers Ann, 41 Laurel Conners B. Mrs. Laurel n. St. Andrew Conners Charles, laborer, 10;2 Spain Conners James, cabs, 277 Poydras ^ Conners James, Perdido n, Gravier Conners Jami's, F(>rdido n. Galvez Conners James, cabman, 88 Franklin Conners James, d. 3G4 Gravier Conners John, laborer, 38 Elysian Fields Conners John, Second n. Laurel Conners Mary Mrs. grocer, Howard c.Clio Conners Michaef, plaster, St. Andrew n. Lilierty Conners M. cabman, 605 Burgundy, d. 3 Conners Samuel, labori^r, 304 Cainj) Conners Tiiomas, drayman, Freret n. Clio Conners William, cabman, 1()'2 Marigny Conners William, laborer, 191 St. Thomas Conners Wm. dray. Cypress n. Magnolia Connery Bridget Mr.s. 349 Howard Conn'ery Geo. cotton weigher, 21 Liberty ConniflT Cornelius, laborer, 84 Delord Conniir Elizabeth Mrs. 4'24 Franklin ConniU'Jiplm, drayman, Howard n. Perdido ConnilV Martin, lali. d. 146 Tclinupitoulas Connitry Patrick, Calliope n. B;ironne Connoly James & Co. (John. Fo.r, D. A. IFon-rtJi,^ produce merchants, 64 Poy- dras, d. 153 Julia Coimolly B. A. clerk, 19 Chartres Connolly Catharine, 99 Gaiennie. Connolly E. J. clerk, 71 Camp, d. Chippe- wa n. Felicity Connolly Franklin, lab. St. Mary c.Laurel Connolly James, clerk, 3 Poydras Connolly John, laborer, d. 11 Lynch 's row ConnoiiyJno drays, Mi'lpomene c Dryades Connolly John, clerk, 155 Canal Connolly Michael, clerk, 155 Canal Connolly Nicholas, lab. 852 New Levee Connolly N. Mrs 263 St. Louis Connolly Pat. bricks, 518 Burgundy, d. 3 Connolly Peter, laborer, 206 Magazine Cminolly Thr Julia, 217 Bienville Connor Mary, Girod n. Camp Connor Michael, c. h. 259 Tehoupitoulas Connor Michael, porter St. Louis Hotel, d. 182 Customhouse Connor M. boiler maker, N. 0. and Jack- son R. R. Connor Thos. C. blacksmith, 200 Delord Connor Thomas, St. Andrew n. Rousseau Connor Wm. drays, Market n. Tehoupi- toulas Connors James, lab. 84 Delord Connors John.b. h. 138 Tehoupitoulas Connors J. lab. 275 Franklin CoiUKU-s I'at. Foucher n. Calliope Conod(m Mary A., Orange c. Pacanier Conolly Robert J. car'r. Magazine n. St. Andrew Conovan James, lab. d. 124 Richard Conover E. S. ship carp. 65 N. Levee,d.l Ctniquergood Peter, carp. 198 Franklin Conrad Adolphe, tailor, 324 Tehoupitoulas Conrad Auguste, carp. 93 Music Conrad A. painter, 527 Dauphine, d. 3 Conrad B. cartman. Cypress n. Roman Conrad (Miristian, Chippewa n. Harmony Conrad Christian, clerk, 6 Front Levee Conrad Christienne Mrs. 79 Chippewa Conrad C. M. attorney at law, Washing- ton, D. C. Conrnd Edward, 39 Lafayette Conrad Eugene Mrs. 33 St. Ann Conrad Francis, shoemaker, 28 St. Joseph Conrad F. B. Mrs. 593 St. Charles Conrad J. Mrs. 54 Louisa Conrad Jacob, barber, 481 Tehoupitoulas Coiu-ad Lucinda, f. w. c. 261 St. Mary Conrad Nicholas, lab. 53 Chippewa Conrad Wm. shipwright and sjiar maker, d. 140 Spain Conran Stephen, cook, 303 Robertson, d.2 Conray James, stevedore, 83 Gaiennie Conrc s L. M. clerk, O. Levee c. Bienville Conret Charles, barkeeper, Villere c. Le- vee, Algiers Conrey H. E. S. clerk, 227 Magazine Conrey John, lab. 46 St. Thomas Conrey S. B. broker, 25 Carondelet, d.353 Magazine Conrez Geo. S. jr. clerk, 47 Union Conroy C. Mrs. 9 Franklin , Conroy Frank, blacksmith, 196 N. Levee Conroy Mary, 189 Dryades Conroy Patrick, 393 Gravier Conry Pat. grocer. Felicity c. St. James Cons Adam, keeper Vigilance Fire Co. 3 Hospital c. Galvez Cons( ilmann Jacob, blacksmith, Port n. St. John Baptist Considina M. drayman, 613 Rampart, d.3 Consolidated Association, 66 Toulouse Constjible Wm. cabinet maker, 184 An- nunciation CON 112 COO Constadt Charles, tailor, 126 Market Constance DuminiquOjLaharpe n. Johnson Constance Eugene, bricklayer, 340 Hos- pital Constance Henry, cabt. maker, 43 Royal, d. 170 Claiborne Constance Victor Mrs., Annette n. Morales Constans A. 216 Bayou 1-oad Constans C. Mrs. 409 St. Ann Constans H. 232 Royal Constant A., Milan n. Laurel, Jeff. City Constant A. ambrotypes, 26 Hospital Constant A. Mrs., St. Peter n. Claiborne Constant F. R. laborer, Roman n. Cus- tomhouse Constant Louis, 183 Bourbon Constant Marias, butcher, 22 French mkt Constant Mary Mrs. 202 Bourbon Constant Odahe, 151 Dauphine Constant 0. lab. Cadiz c. Jersey, Jeff.City Constantin D. engineer, 282 Main Constantine Dom'que, Lafayette c. Johnson Constantine F. watchman, 265 Marais Constantine F. 117 Frenchmen Constantine S. barkeeper, St. James c. Religious Constantine Wm. H. Ill Rousseau Contaid Joseph, painter. New Levee c. La. av. Jeff. City Conti Continet, f. w. c. 397 Ursulines Conti Louis, c. h. Bayou bridge, d. St. John's Great Route n. Esplanade Conti Pierre, butcher, 57 & 59 Treme mkt Conti Rosalie, f. w. c. 391 Marais, d 3 Conti Street Verandah Hotel, 28 Conti Contois Claude, horticul. 163 Ursulines Contois Jerome, saddler, 23 Carondelet walk Contreras Jos. clerk, 413 Burgundy, d. 3 Controwinski Geo. carp. d.437Terpsichore Convay P. soda water, 129 Fulton Convent of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, 873 Rampart, d. 3 Converse & Kennett, (E. K.Converse, Win. C.Kennett,) com. and forwarding mers. 33 Natchez Converse A\bert,( Cammack Sf Converse,) 35 Carondelet Converse E. K. (Converse 8f Kennett,) d. 353 St. Charles Converse Henry M. (I. S. Holden 8f Co.) Magazine c. Poydras Converse John, f. m. c. drayman, 326 Fe- licity Converse & Co. (Thomas M. Converse, Wm. P. Converse, jr.) liquors, tobacco and cigars, 70 and 72 Gravier, d. Camp n. Delord Converse Wm. P. jr. ( Converse Sf Co.) d. 187 Magazine Conveyance^Office, 137 Royal Conway Caroline Mrs. 181 Constance Conway C. A. clerk, 23 Front, d. 1 Conway Edward F. agent, d. 190 Baronne Conway John, lab. 193 Dryades Conway Jno. R. 155 Common, d. 380 Ba- ronne Conway John, lab. Theresa n. St. Thomas Conway Martin, grocer. Main c. Roman Conway Matthew, clerk, 77 Canal Conway Patrick, cabman, 207 Calliope Conway Patrick, lab. Race c. St. Thomas Conway P. H. c.h. Notre Dame c. Fulton Conway R. (Frierson, Conumij &f Co.) 59 Carondelet, d. 206 Camp Conway Wm. painter, Cypress n. Claiborne Conway Wm. lab. 122 St. Peter Conway Wm. lab. Theresa n. St. Thomas Conway Wm. painter, 77 Poydras Conwell John, painter, 146 Toulouse Conyers Benj. com. mer. 13 Carondelet Coogan Thos. warehouseman, 198 Delord Coohley John, speculator, 102 Melpomene Cook Adam, tailor, 238 Magazine Cook Ann Madame, 131 Spain iCook Bridget Miss, 447 Franklin Cook Cfitherine, Adele n. Rousseau Cook Edward, shoemaker, 416 Poydras Cook Edwin, clerk, 60 Poydras Cook Edwin, shoemaker, 110 Villere, d. 2 Cook E. E. stables, 56 Hospital Cook E. R. Mrs. 33 Basin, d. 2 Cook Ferdinand, c. h. 272 Levee, d. 3 Cook, Young & Co. (Francis Cook, George B. Young, Samuel S. Littlefield , ) pro- prietors of the Price Current, 51 Cariip Cook & Cook, (Francis L. Cook, Ferdi- nand Cook,) agents, 1 Canal Cook Fred. d. 17 Rampart Cook Fred, carpenter, 332 Jackson Cook Fred, clerk, 46 St. Charles Cook F. plasterer, 62 Congress Cook F.W.C. agt. for the Novelty Works, 1 Canal, d. 593 St. Claude, d. 3 Cook Geo. lab. St. Mary n. Fulton Cook Henry, lab. 119 Port Cook Jacob, lab. 95 St. Mary Cook Jas. Mrs., Goodchildren n. Enghien Cook James, 333 Poydras Cook James, wat^;hman, 192 Delord Cook James, 80 Annunciation Cook John, Roman n. Toulouse Cook John, watchman, 4 Anthony Cook John, drayman, 404 Liberty Cook Julius, clerk, 34 St. Charles Cook J. F. f. m. c. teacher, 175 Claiborne Cook L. D. printer, Constance n.St.Mary Cook Leonard, vegetables, 112 Gaiennie Cook Mary Mrs. d. 447 Franklin Cook Michael, gardener, 34 Euterpe Cook N. B.jV^ashington n. Annunciation Cook& O'Brien, (PaulCook, Jas. O'Brien,) wholesale dealers in provisions, 69 Poydras Cook Paul, (Cook 8,- O'Brien,) 69 Poydras Cook Samuel, d. Locust n. Clio Cook Sarah, f. w. c. 26 Basin Cook Thos. marble cutter, 264Girod,d. 1 Cook T. grocer, 117 Tchoupitoulus Cook Wm. machinist, d. 346 Melpomene Cook Wm. blacksmith, Derbigny n.Prieur Cook Wm. B. clerk, 55 Common Cook Wm. B. grocer, Peter c. Elmire, Alg-iers coo 118 COli Cook Wm. H.jr. 45 Poydras, d.lOO Race Couk W. tl. pioduce nuT. 45 Poytlras.d. lUU Race Cook VV. R. coal mer. 78 Julia Cuoku D. (jf. cluik, Factors' row, 38 Per- dido CooKe Jolin, sliofiiuik. 439 Tchoupiloulas Cookinaii Henry, screwniuii, 31 Music Cookniyer C Airs., Tlurd c. Rousseau Cooiey (jfeo. lab. l-Viiciiy n. St. Thomas Cooley J. VV . cabs to hire, 93 Franklin Cooiey Pat. lab. Oranf:;e c. St. Thomas Cooley Thos. lab. Fulton ii. St. Andrew Coolican Pat. Mrs. 395 St. Ann Coolidge (jeorge E. com. mer, d. 233 Es- ]>lauade Cooligaii Michael, drayman, St. Thomas c. 'I'halia Cooling Wm. acct. 63 Magazine Coon Uavid, marble cutter, 2U(i Franklin Coon Wilhelmuia, b. h. 613 jNew Levee Cooney Auguste, baker, 4UU Melpomene Cooney James, tarpauling, 194 tiialo Cooney James, gardener, Jellerson City Cooney James, lab. 4(i4 Chartres,d. 3 Cooney John, lab. Market n. Levee, d. 1 Cooney Mary, 571 Constance Cooney Mary, Fourth c. Chippewa Cooney JNicholas, lab. Sixth ii. Constance Cuoney Robert iVlrs. clerk, 87 Clouet Coonwad August, carpenter, Liberty n. Josephine Cooper Major, 210 Royal Cooper A. a1. Mrs. lit) Rampart Cooper A. VV. builder, tif* Erato Coopier Abner M., Kentucky Stables, 743 iNew Levee Cooper Baptiste, cooper, Adele n. Rousseau Cooper l'"rancis, sailor, 147 St. i-erdinand Cooper George, printer, 7(J Camp Cooper (j. clerk, 155 Canal Cooper Geo. H. carpenter, Gretna Cooper Geo. VV. c. Ii. Eevee n. Jackson Cooper Geo. W.Mrs. 253 Robertson, d. 3 Cooper Henry, laborer, 94 Louisa Cooper Israel Airs. 194 Alain Cooper J. C. printer, 10 Camp Cooper John B. cooper, St. Andrew n. Fulton Cooper Joseph, stevedore, 33 Montegut Cooper L. Vv . Capt. 2U4 Constance Cooper M. U. iXl Co. ( Frierson D. B., Sweet Geo. O.) cotton factors and com. merchants, 136 Common Cooper Peter, moulder, 281 Howard Cooper R. Mrs., Gravier n. Liberty Coopier S. vv . Constance n. Orange Cooper W, (Cooper Sf Jsreibcrtj d. 180 Jackson Cooper Wm. cook, 65 Marais, d. 2 Cooper & Neibert, ( W. Cooper, J. 0. Aei- bert, Lucas Hugh,) wholesale grocers, 27 and 29 Common Cooper VV. Mrs. 83 Derbigny Cooper William, keeper at Sheriff's office, d. 279 St. Louis Cooper William, laborer, 50 Frenchmen Cooper William, laborer, 423 Baronne Coi.j)er W. VV. bookkeeper, 27 and 29 Commerce, d. Jackson n. Alagazine Cooper Wm. 63 Ely sum l''ields Coopman Henry, stevedore, 1»7 Craps Coorsen H. carp. Poydras n. Alagiiolia Coos Geo. laborer, 73 Spain Coots S. C. Mrs. millinery, 112 Basin, d.l Copes Adam, lab. 376 Annunciation Cope Catharine, Allele near Rousseau Cope Edwd. T. carp. d. 155 Constance Cope Geo. W. City Hall Ct)pe John, clerk, Constance near Race Cope John, trunk maker, 22 Baronne, d. 155 Constance Coj)elaiid Charli.'s, laborer, 273 Chippewa Copeland David, 1'. m. c. baker, 5S6 Ram- part, d. 3 Copeland George, printer, 352 Conti Copeland Robert, bookkeeper. Crescent City Bank, d. 389 St. Charles Copeland W. G. (Banks Hf Copeland,) 61 Front, d. 1 COPES, J. S., Agent of N. York Liie Insurance Company, and Amei'ican Lite Insurance and Trust Company, 74 Camp, d. 180 Wasnington, n. Chestnut. COPES & PHELPS, (J. S. Copes, Harlow J. Plielps,) Cotton Factors and Commission Mer- chants, Agents for Speer's Pa- tent Clasps, and Hoop Iron Bands, 74 Camp. Copier Prosper, 198 Gasquet Copley John, Craps n. Independence Coppel Udel(!, f. w. c. 127 Elysian Fields Copi)ens James, d. 81 St. Philip Copi)ersmiih Theo. Constance c. Seventh Coppiette Prosper, d. 8 Prieur, d. 2 Copping C. d. 236 Esplanade Copping Mrs. 322 Frenchmen Copping T. grocer, St. Anthony c. Ur- quhart Copsy Louis, 336 Calliope Coquely John, screwman, 85 Piety Coquet F. d. 399 Bayou road Coquet keeper, New Orleans Bank, d. 399 Bayou road Coquet Sophia Miss, 237 Bayou road Coquillon Louis J. 43 Natchez Coquiomino J. 16 Main Coral Gabriel, clerk, 417 Bourbon, d. 3 Corala iMich. oysters, 232 Customhouse Corales F. fishmonger, French market, d 90 St. Anthony Coran James, laborer, Locust n. Erato Corback Geo. tailor, d. 454 Tchoupitoulas Corliat John, c. Richard and Pacnnier Corbea S. E. wood, Carondeiel walk, 41 Old P^isin Corberry Patrick, laborer, d. 186 Basin COR 114 COS Corbet Mathilde Mrs. 143 Orleans Corbet Thomas, d. 147 Clio Corbett Bartholomew, clerk, 316 Fulton Corbett James, laborer, 383 Fulton Corbett J. c. h. Front c. Lafayette Corbett J. C. inspector custom, d. Rich- ard n. Chippewa Corbett J. Mrs. 493 Royal, d. 3 Corbett Thomas, laborer, 80 Poet Corbier V. Miss, 44 St. Anthony Corbley John, laborer, 28 Robertson, d.2 Corcoran Bridget Mrs., St. Jane n. Gravier Corcoran C. fireman Jackson R. R. depot Corcoran Francis, clerk, 108 Chartres, d. 370 Common Corcoran George, laborer, 325 Fulton Corcoran John, screwman, 76 Marigny Corcoran John, laborer, 264 Girod, d. 1 Corcoran M. drayman, St. James n. Gra- vier Corcoran Patrick, seaman, 148 Mandeville Corcoran Patrick, laborer, 84 Burgundy Corcoran Tim. C. blacksmith, Magnolia n. Cypress Cordes John, porter, 76 Poydras Cordier Ane, Bienville n Bourbon Cordier & Co. ( L. Cordier, P. Cordier,) vermicelli maiiuiacturers, 123 Old Le- vee, d. 2, d. 240 Marigny Corey S. H. clerk, 99 Common Corkery Win. F. steward, d. 433 Baronne, d. 1 Coriis John, clothing, 75 Front Corkley John, laborer, 812 Burgundy, d.3 Cormier Adeline Mrs. 384 Canal Cormier C. E. elk. 136 Canal, d. 378 Canal Cormier Louis, clerk, 46 Union Cormuck Edward, carpenter, 29 Orange Corneille Chas. gardener, 847 St. Claude Coriieillo L. Mrs. c. Barracks and Galvez Cornelin Martin, laborer, 263 St. Louis Cornelius W. atty. at law, U. S. Court- house, 20 Royal, d. Thalia n. Caron- delet Cornelius Christian, carp. 440 St. Ann Cornell A. carpenter, Josephine n. Conti Cornell & Gourly, (J. V. Cornell, Wm. Gourly,) painters, 4 Perdido Cornell Harvey G. clerk. Royal c. Conti Cornell J. V. painter, d. 289 Dryades Cornell W. H. carpenter, 75 Josephine Cornelssen R. Mrs. dressmkr. 26 French- men Cornet Philip, baker, 338 Bayou road Cornfield Mary Mrs. Leharpe n. Derbigny Cornibe Bernard, d. 45 Bagatelle Cornibe U. Mrs., Royal n. French Cornibe & Leblanc, (G. Coi-nibe, J. Le- blanc,) clothing, 271 Old Levee, d. 2 Cornibe Nicholas, c. h. Levee c. France Cornish Freeman, atty. 92 Exchange place Cornish Mary Ann, 266 Bienville Cornu A. Mrs. 152 Columbus Cornu B. waterworks, 25 Dryades, d. 76 Hospital Cornu Ernest, elk. St. Anthony, c Clai- borne Cornu F. daguerrean, 353 Bayou road Cornu J. collector, 83 Barracks Cornu Oscar, d. 76 Hospital Cornu S. N. elk. 22 Exchange place, d. 514 Bayou road Cornuel Alfred, painter, 217 Derbigny, d.2 Cornway W. H. finisher, 292 Clfo Corn well W. A. foreman Holme's foun- dry, d. 292 Clio Corocopulo Jno. c. h. Jackson c. Rousseau Corprew Joshua, storage, Montgomery warehouse Corr Catherine, dressmkr. 83 Triton walk Corr Geo. bricklayer,. 147 Terpsichore Corr Sophronia Miss, 375 Basin Corrad George, 417 Bourbon Correge Fran<;ois, 268 Treme Corrcge Pierre, 34 Plauche Correjolles E. F. 296 Burgundy Correjolles Gabriel, street contractor, d. 517 Dryades Correjolles, J. R. trader, d. 124 Marigny Correjolles U. clerk, 404, d. 296 Burgundy Corrtjolles, P. d. 9 St. Louis, Correlle Nicholas, 232 Customhouse Corry F. Mrs. 156 Bienville Corse Louisa, f. w c. 112 & 114 Rampart Corso Jules, 146 Ursulines Corson &, Armstrong, f ./as. Corson,. Johnson L. Jirmstrong,) stationers, etc. 59 Camp,d. Carondelet c. Polymnia Corte Leda, gardener, Ksplanade n. Bayou bridge Cortelio Ellen, 150 Toulouse Cortes H. warehou.seman, Freret n. Erato Cortio A. Unner, 41 Poydras Cory & Miller, ( T. M. Cory, C. C. Miller,) tobacco agents, Gravier c. N. Levee Cortz Charles F. 135 Frenchmen Corvella Domingo, cigar maker, 478 St. Claude, d. 3 Coryell George, clerk, 104 Constance Cosby John, clerk, 106 New Levee Cosgrove A. laborer. First n. Dryades Cosgrove Andrew, laborer, d. Hunter n. Tchoupiioulas Cosgrove Barney, grocer, 505 Royal, d. 3 Cosgrove James, saddlery, 5 St. Charles, d. 108 Tchoupitoulas Cosgrove John, lab. Josephine n. Chip- pewa Cosgrove John, laborer, 179 Thalia Cosgrove L. laborer, 73 Notre Dame Cosgrove Martin, drayman, d. 393 Liberty Cosgrove JS'athaniel, 77 Julia Cosgrove Patrick, laborer, Clio n. Howard Co.sgrove P. & Co. plumbers, 241 Camp Cosis Leander, tobacconist, 116 Frenchmen Coskelly Terence, steward Pelican Club, Baronne c. Canal Coslow Michael, lab. 13 Leed's row, Erato Cospain Justine, dress making and milli- nery, 9b Royal Cossais A. Miss, 291 Burgundy Cosse Andres, 125 Congress Cossephoni Christian, laborer, 886 Ram- part, d. 3 COS 115 COU Cosso Jean, 17 JpflTcrson Cossutos Pedro, 328 Burg:undy Costa Anastasia Mrs. ■292 Baronne Costn Angelo Mrs., Orleans n. Bourbon Costa Antonio, pedler, 190 Kerlerec Costa Antonio, (P. Prats Sf Co.) 29 Com- mercial place Costa Antonio, 55 Customhouse, d. 168 Bourbon Costa John, 71 St. Thomas, n. Orange Coslallo Tlios. laborer, 212 Laurel Costanzi Mrs. 36 Sjiain Costnnzi F. E. plioto£;raph gallery, 66 Bii'nville, d. 66 Spain Coste Andre, jr. (Ellison Sf Coste,) d. 331 Dryades Coste Alfred, accountant, 61 Carondelet Coste Edmond, d. 623 Chartres, d. 3 Coste Jules, rot. sampler, d. 286 Tirpsichore Coste Julian, watchman, Perdido n. John- * son Costeley John C. carpenter, 825 Magazine Cosleley John C. jr. lieutenant of fourth district police, d. Coliseum c. Sixth Coatello John, laborer, Howard c. Perdido Costello John, trunks, 54 Thalia Costello Peter, drayman, 455 Rampart Costello Peter, grocery, 120 t alliope Costello William, d. ('amp n. Washington Costola Ovid, 9^ I ripihart Cotmaii Henry, cot. weigher. d. 118Thalia Coto Manuel, 81 Urquhart Cotre C. f. w. c. 65 Bartholomew Coti Antoine, cake baker, 188 Royal Cott John, 1.39 Dryades, d. 356 Rampart Cotl P. Mrs.furn. rooms, 188 Royal Cotter John, baker, d. 398 Uryades Cottle Julia A. Mrs. d. 43 Polymnia Collin M. Mrs., St. Philip n. Claiborne Cottiii R. vegetables, 54 and 56 Treme mkt Cotting Chas C. acct. Constance c. Second Cotting Mary Ann W., Constance c Second Cottle John Mrs.d. New i.eveec. Calliope Cntlom Frank, Villere n. Gasquet Cottom Henry, tinner, 192 Rampart Cotton Henry, trimmer, 192 Rampart, d. 1 Cotton J. B. attorney at law, 12 Excl\ange place, d. (^amp c. Seventh Cotton Samuel W. clerk, 74 Canal Cotton V. F. attorney at law, 12 Exchange place, d. Eighth n. Chestnut Cotlrelle Henry, lab. 517 Burgundy, d. 3 Coucet Jacques, butcher, 26 Foydras mkt Couch Walter B. book keeper, 54 Fulton Coudere Pierre, crockery, 15 St. Pliilip, d. 152 Orleans Cougei Leon,\vinesand liquors,21 Madison Courdrain Pierre, notary public, 50 Ex- change place, d. 78 St. Anthony Coudreau Auguste,95 Royal Coughlan James, grocer, Magazine c De- lord Coughlan J., Washington n. Laurel Coughlin Michael, Richard n. Constance Coughlin Patrick, Uiborer, 86 St. Thomas 1 Coughran Felix, sail maker, 287 Ram- part, d. 1 Cougot F. Mrs. 827 St. Claude, d. 3 | Cougot Oscar Mrs. 443 Royal, d. 3 Cougot P. P. butcher, 40 French market, ! d. Seventh n. Fulton Coulagan John, blacksmith, 110 Gaiennie Couliban John, blacksmith, d. 50 St. Joseph j Coullihan Mary, 13 Rousseau Coulom Felix, butcher, 5 Poydras mkt. Coulon Alexander, 216 Elysian Fields Coulon C. F. watchmaker, 202 Chartres Coulon Desere, 374 Robertson, d. 3 Coulon E. jeweler, 367 Royal, d. 3 Coulon Francois VV. 20 Condc Coulon G D. portrait painter, d. Laharpe c. Claiborne Coulon Geo. Louis, watchmaker, 202 Chartres, d. 277 Baronne Coulon Gustave, bricklayer, 16 Annette Coulon Heloise, 220 Treme, d. 2 Coulon Justin, clerk, 7 Toulouse, d. Ma- rigny c. Prosper Coulon Jean, grocer, 112 St. Claude Coulon Joseph P. plumber, 107 Poydras Coulon L. crockery, 198 Chartres, d. 83 Union', d. 3 Coulon Manuel, clerk, 128 Canal Coulon Pierre Jean, engineer, 325 Royal Coulonge Etienne, c. h. 44 South market Coulter John, carp. St. Andrew n. Fulton Coulter J. B. Bayou St. John n. Bridge Coulter Margaret Mrs. nurse, St. Charles c. Euterpe Coulter S. H. d. 146 Gasquet Coulter William, mate, 224 Gravier Coumes F. grocer, Burgundy c. St Philip Counsel Peter, ship carpenter, Algiers County S. f. m. c. 347 Customhouse Courbe A 27 Esplanade Courbebaiese Mrs. 46 Bourbon Courbin Theophile, 89 Main Courcelle Achille, clerk, 53 Gravier, d. 516 Magazine Courcelle A. B. builder, 241 St. Claude Courcelle Etienne, Treme, near Conti Courcelle A. Mrs. 343 Main Courcelle Edward, Main c. Tonti Courcelle J. builder, 180 Ursulines Courcelle M. 104 St. Ann Courcelle Sylvia, f. w. c. 163 St. Philip Courche Jules & Co. Washington Hotel, Milneburg Courier Esielle, 385 Morales Couret B. C. 217 Carondelet walk Couret J. B. ( Sterensnn Sf Couret,) 87 Common, d. 324 Bienville Couria Edward, barkeeper, 134 St. Philip Courier Newspaper, 10 Exchange place Courmes E. D. d. .308 Chartres Cournet Joseph, 372 Royal, d. 3 Couronneau R. cigars, 295 Chartres Courrege J. butcher, 20 and 21 St. Mary's market, d. Lyon c. Laurel, Jtff. City Courrege P. wood and coal, 348 Marais.d. 3 Courrege S. butcher, 20 French market, d. Constantinople n. Laurel, Jefl't'rsoii City Courrel Fred, clerk, Orleans c, Dauphine cou 116 COY Coursault Louis, 233 St. Philip Course Ann, f. w. c. 100 Rampart Course L. 33 Rampart, d. 1 Coursey J. tailor, 43 Kampart, d. 1 Court Geo. blacksmith, 160 Clio Court Seventh Justice, 5(j« Magazine Courtade Alexander, clerk, 81 Canal, d. 75 St. Ann Courtade F. butcher, 25 St. Mary's mkt Courtade Joseph, clothing, New Levee n. La. av. Jefferson City Courtade Julia, variety, 110 Ursulines Courtade Laporte, 213 Chartres Courtade P. clothing, N. Levee c. Fourth Courtard John, butcner, 6 Poydras mkt Courtarde Jos. butcher, 25 Poydras mkt Courtault J.wood&coal,414Chartres,d.3 Courtell Paulang, c. h. Levee c. Toledano Courtigne Pierre, tailor, 163 Dauphine Courtin Alphonse A. 13 Spain Coutin A. com. mer. 24 Bienville Courtin C. furnished rooms, 144 Toulouse Courtin J. A. 445 Bourbon, d. 3 Courtin Louis, accountant, .38 Marigny Courtin Louis R. acct. d. 405 Marais, d. 3 Courtin Louis R., Southern Bank, d. Ma- rais n. Annette, d. 3 Courtney Ann Mrs. d. 392 Camp Courtney Pat. ship join. Elmire n. Eliza, Algiers Courts John Captain, 86 Burgundy Cousin Dominique, milkman, Clouet c. Claiborne Cousin Francois, brickmaker, 209 Orleans Cousin Emile, f. w. c. 220 Treme, d. 2 Cousins Chas.G. salesman,455 St. Charles Cousinard R. Mrs. c. Main and Tonti Cousley Allen, grocer, 382 Melpomene Cousley James, grocer, Perdido c. How- ard, d. Bohvar n. Common Cousley John, grocer, Girod c. Franklin CoussiratP. candy factory, confectionery & grocery, 258 St. Philip c. Derbigny Coussy L. 243 St. Claude Couteux Chas. (E. Girard 8f Couteux,) Chartres c. Bienville Coutier J . Mrs. , Copernicus n .Fifth ,Gretna Coutin A. com. mer. 24 Bienville, d. 132 Esplanade Couto Manuel, 111 Poet Coutolou Pierre, c. h. and grocery, Me- taire Ridge Coutoula Edwd. butcher, 125 Baronne Coutoula B. D. 113 Camp Couturie Amedee, (Preaux S{ Co.) Consul of Netherlands, 33 Gravier, d. 302 Chartres Couturie Augustus, 40O.Levee,d.239 Main Couturie D. elk. 63 Magazine, d. 239 Main Couvertie Mrs. 211 Chartres Couvertie Emile, jeweler, 229 Royal Couvertie H. Mrs. Barracks n. Dauphine Couvertie J. B. Mrs. 385 Bourbon, d. 3 Couvertie L. E. clerk, 4 Union, d. 1, d. 385 Bourbon, d. 3 Couves Gabriel W. (Peter Maxwell fy Co.) 117 Gravier, d. Polymnia n. Prytania Couvrer S. 24 Annette Couyard Raymond, clerk, Rocheblave n. Barracks Covan Joseph, 399 St. Claude, d. 3 Covas & JNegroponte ( Stamatz Covas, C. Megroponte, Pericles PaulJ^egroponte,) com. mers. 38 Carondelet Covas Stamatz (Covas &{ JVegroponte,) d. 144 Carondelet Cove James, f. m. c. cook, 280 Conti Covert Ellison, engineer, 393 Bagatelle,d. 3 COVERT H. C. Lamps, Coal Oil, etc., 6 Chartres Covert Peter, butcher. Seventh n. Fulton Covin James, pedler, 43 Goodchildren Covin Manuel, 342 St. Philip Covington C. G. Miss, 128 Julia Covington Lionel, 470 Dryades Cowan Mary Jane, furnished rooms, 178 Customhouse Coward A. S. Erato n. Franklin Cowas Fanny Mrs., Felicity n. Fulton Cowen E. A, accountant, 42 Union, d. 1 Cowen Jno. laborer, 91 Camp Cox Brainard & Co. (J. IS. Harris,) agts. 95 Camp Cox Cyrus, f. m. c. dairy. Customhouse c. Genois Cox Daniel, carpenter, 336 Calliope Cox E. builder, 176 Julia, d. 444 Ram- part, d. 1 Cox Geo. W. clerk, 12 Magazine Cox George, carpenter, Julia n. Claiborne Cox G. W. Mrs. b. h. Rousseau c. Third Cox James, builder, d. 385 Howard Cox James, 168 Washington, d. 2 Cox John, Carondelet n. Conrey Cox John, printer, d. 385 Howard Cox Lorenzo Mrs. 112 Spain Cox Matthew Capt. 376 Basin, d. 1 Cox Matthew, Third n. St. David Cox Paul, contractor, d. 385 Howard Cox R. Walley, carpenter, Terpsichore b. Dryades and Baronne Cox Susan Mrs. 385 Howard Cox Thomas J. drayman, 287 Clio Cox & Co. ( Walter Cox, Wm. H. Johnson,) cot. factors, and com. mers. 63 Ca- ronjlelet, d. 1, d. 204 Camp Coxe Edward Jenner Dr. d. 214 Camp Coxe John G. 191 Canal Coxe Jos. carriage mkr. 51 Annunciation Coy Jacques, 174 Ursulines Coy John, blacksmith, Lafayette n. Sec- ond, Gretna Gov Michael, 521 Dauphine d. 3 Coy Patrick, b. h. 212 Delord Coy Pat. drayman, Palmyra n. Claiborne Coycault A. elk. 12 Union, d. 55 Esplanade Coyle Daniel, oysters, 129 Conti Coyle Edward, lab. 143 Tchoupitoulas Coyle Hugh, laborer, 484 Old Levee, d. 3 Coyle James, grocery, 168 Tchoupitoulas Coyle James, c. Jackson and Baronne Coyle Matthew, laborer, 38 Girod, d. 1 COY 117 GRA Coyle Patrick, laborer, 196 Delord Coyle Pat. drayman, 173 Franklin, d. 1 Coyle Pat. soap manf. Baroniie n. Jackson Coyle Peter, dry goods, '24^y Kampart, d. 1 Coyle Peter, variety, 245 Ranijiavt, d. 1 Coyle Peter, laborer, 78 St. Mary ' Coyle P. Mrs., St. FVrdinand n. F. Levee Coyle P. cotton pickery, 441 Jo.sephine Coyle Pliiiiji, laborer, 54 Tlialia Coyle Terence, First n. Chippewa Coyle Terence, drayman, Ri'ligious Coyle Timothy, laborer, 76 Thalia Coyle Wni. G. clerk, 18 Exchange place Coyne James, boiler mkr. d. 168 Tcliou- pitoulas Coyne John, lab. d. 160 Tohoupitoulas CojMie Joiin, grocer, 95 Derhigny, d. 2 Coyne Patrick, bricklayer, 314 Magazine Coyny John, carix-ntcr, 2 Leeds' row Cozeaux Raymond, 136 Girod Crabiles P. clerk, 16 St. Louis Craddie David, lab. 194 Kerlercc Craft Jacob, c. h. Front c. Girod Craft R. carp. Pacific av. Algiers Crafton P. D. (fan Bcniliuyseti &(■ Craf- ton,) 67 Gravier Crafts Charles, 136 Carondelet Crafts R. A. & Co (J. P. Laboutsse,) com. mers. 24 St. Ciiarles Crafts Wm. H. tobacco factors, 76 Poy- dras, d. 386 CarondeUt Cragan James, screwman, 61 Poet Cragin Leonard, c. p. 436 Basin, d. 1 Cragg John, notary public, 50 Gravier, d. 340 Claiborne Crahan James, lab. 40 St. James Craig A. C. clerk, St Andrew n. Fulton t'raig Anna Mrs. dressmk'r, 162 Dryades Craig Eminit U. teacher, d. Tohoupitoulas n. St. James Craig G. W., Julia n. Dryades Craig G. W. clerk. Felicity n. Franklin Craig James, lab. 296 IV'ew Levee Craig John, builder, 393 Baronne Craig Leonard, c. p. 438 Basin Craig M. A.Mrs. Alex. n. Bouny, Algiers Craig M. Mrs. midwife, St. Andrew n. Fulton Craig Otto, carp. 560 Rampart, d. 3 Craig Susan Mrs. Orange n. Annunciation Craiger H. F. laborer, 223 Constance Crailslieim Lawrence, dry goods, d. 48 Enghien Crais l^rancis L. 72 Mandeville Craison John, lab. 87 Thalia Craison Martin, drayman, d. 87 Thalia Craiser Wm. lab. d. 87 Thalia Craiing U. H. lumbc^r. Levee n. Eighth,d.4 Cramer & Co. (E. Cramer, J. Cramer, J com. mers. 58 ('ustomhouse Cramer E. (Cramer ^- Co.) d. 166 Conti C'ramer Daniel, lab. Euter|>e n. Rampart Cramer Girard, lab. 46 Poland Cramer L. grocery, St. Andrew n. An- nunciation Cramer Theodore, lab. Elmire n. Eliza, Algiers , Cramer Thomas, ship carpenter, Jetler- son, McDonogh Cramer Wm. tailor, 1.52 Girod Cramer W. tailor, 192 Delord Cramelli Francisco, lab. 26 St. Philip Crammer Thos. e^ngineer, d. 373 LilnM-ty Cramon Justin, ( Cramoii S,- Baze,j 243 Old Levee, d. 2 Cramon & Baze, (Justin Cramon, George Baze,) clothing, 245 Old Levee, d. 2 Crampon Charles, lumber com. mer, 225 Common, d. 64 Prieur Crampton Charles, mate, Felicity c. Fulton Crampton Charles, lab. Moreau n. Mon- tegut Crane P. B., St. Charles c. Gravier CRANE C. PEESTON DR. Phy- sician for Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Eye and Ear. His Mode of Treatment is by the Inhalation of Electro- Chemical and Medicated Va- pors, in connection with Con- stitutional Remedies. Office and Residence at the Electro- Chemical Institute, 135 St. Joseph, bet. Camp and St. Charles. Crane George P. clerk, 41 Poydras Crane Hy. insnr. customs, 111 Gaiennie Crane John F. I)lacksmith, Seguin, Algiers Crane John, caulker, Peter, Algiers Crane John, drayman, 40 Callioj)e Crane T. B. Mrs. 235 Bienville Crane Wm. agent, 377 Basin Crane Wm. R. atty. at law, 291 Annun- ciation Crane W. W. & Co., La. carriage reposi- tory, 49 Carondeli't Crane W. W. agent for Scovill &Mead, 105 Charlres Craney John, laborer, 146 Rampart, d. 1 Cranny Thos. laliorer. 479 Burgundy, d. 3 Cranston Anna B. Mrs. teacher, Lavergne, Algiers Cranston James, engineer, Lavergne, Alg. Cranert Chas, hatter, d. Delord c. Tohou- pitoulas Crans Francis, grocery, 263 Baronne Crantz John, North market, n. Levee Crantz John, ice depot, Ninth n. Fulton Crary Wm. Dryades c. Euterpe Crcssons J. D. c. p. Solidelh: n.Fronchmcu Cra.sto R. embroidery, 147 Bienville Crauser Pierre, carpenter, 91 Mandeville Crauser Pierre, cabinet maker, 522 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Craven Danl. grocer. Cypress n. Magnolia Craven Patk. drayman, 537 Burgundy ,d. 3 Crawcour 1. L. Dr. 141 Canal Crawford Caroline, f. w. c. 161 Clio Crawford Chas. C. acct. Bienville c. Royal Crawford H. F. 47 Common CRA 118 CRO Crawford John, clerk, 89 Main Craw-ford John, clerk, 110 Tchoupitoulas, d. 73 Josejiiiiiie Crawford John, shoemaker, St. Mary c. Constance Crawford John, Royal c. Bienville Crawford John M. secry. Union Ins. Co. Crawford J. 1.. barber, f. m. c. 196 Conii Crawford K. M. Miss, embroiderer, Con- stance c. Josephine Crawford Miclil. lab. Richard n. Constance Crawford Mrs. f. w. c. 21 St. James Crawford Robert, carp. 433 Poydras Crawford R. H. 386 Rampart, d. 1 Crawfoid T. W. f Warren, Gilmore &f Co.) 43 Carondelet, d. 39 Prytania Crawford Walter, accountant, 39 Natchez Crawford \Vm. 8. merchandise broker, 25 New Levee, d. 1 Crawford Wm. R. engineer, 164 Chippewa Crawford W. G. clerk. Union Ins. Co. Cray Andrew, Terpsichore-c. St. Thomas Cray Charles, f. m. c. Galvez n. Gravier Cray John, carpenter, 296 Dryades Crayon Wm. c. p. 93 Frenchmen Crea Andrew, drayman, d. 72 Terpsichore Creag Wm. E. clerk, 235 St. Ann Creagan James, screwman, 72 Poet Creagh Patrick, 272 Lafayette Creamer Daniel, laborer, 321 Liberty Crebbin John, shipsmith, 28 Front Levee, d. 1, op. post 20, d. 379 Annun. d. 4 Crebbin John sr. 2b Upper Levee Crebbin Wm. shipsmith, 34 Euterpe Crebell Peter, baker, 337 Main Crecelius Geo. shoemaker, 14 Com. place Crecer Mary, 34 'J'remc, d. 2 Crechan Michael, 464 Chartres, d. 3 Crecy Manuel, clerk, 49 St. Anthony Credo Bernard, cistern maker. Third near Constance Creed John R. wharfinger, 239 Girod Creevy Wm. warehouseman, 225 Marigny Creevy & Farwell, ( Wm. Creevy, Chas.Ji. Farwdl,) slup brokers, 29 Carondelet Creger H. F. Terpsichore n. Constance Creighton Alex, engmeer, 380 Bienville Crellin James, undertaker, 132 Camp Cremmer Thomas, ship carpenter, Algiers Crenney Thomas, 48 Spain Crenshaw Henry M. clerk, 22 Common Crenshaw Richard G. laborer, 57 Spain Creole Fire Co. No. 9, Esplanade c. Victory Creppel Wm. 148 Annunciation Crerar W. J. prof, of guitar and violin, 74 Camp Cresap, McMillan & Co. (H. B. Cresap, Thos. J. McMillan, Thos. McMillan,) com. niers. 66 and 68 Magazine Cresaj) H. B. (Cresap, McMillan 8f Co.) d. Third c. Chestnut Crescent City Bank, Canal c. Carondelet Crescent City Cotton Press, New Levee, bet. Robin and Race Crescent Firewood Co. (Eugene Lambert, Geo. W. Clapp, John Hurd,J 99 Caron- delet walk Crescent City Hotel, Customhouse c. Front Crescent Fire Co. No. 24, St. Ferdinand Crescent Mutual Insurance Co. 63 Camp Crescent Newspaper, 70 Camp, James 0. Nixon publisher ajid proprirtor CRESCENT SCALE MAN- UFA C T O R Y, 36 St. Joseph street, bet. Tchoupitoulas and New Levee. Crescent Towboat Co. 3 Carondelet Crescioni Pierre, grocery and coffee house, St. Peter c. Old Basin Cresham Michael, 464 Chartres, d. 3 Cressey Wm. plasterer, d, 542 Carondelet Cresson Joseph, clerk, 92 Frenchmen Cresson Louis, painter, 99 Bourbon Cresson M. liquor manufacty , 37 Barracks Cresson L. Mrs. milliner, 99 Bourbon Cressy L. W. clerk, 28 St. Charles Cressy M. clerk, Canal c. Bourbon Cretin Peter, tailor, 23 Baronne Crevilie Joseph, screwman, 279 Royal Crevon Edward, d. 197 Villere Creyer Joseph, tailor, d. 420 Baronne Crickard John, i-eceiving teller Bank of New Orleans, d. 19 Uerbigny] Crimin M. laborer, 16 Elysian Fields Crinks Charles, engineer, d. 391 Baronne Crinnigan John, laborer, 89 Delord Cripps Fred, engineer, 381 Howard Cripps Thomas E. organist, d. 163 Erato Criscie George, 126 St. Philip Criselius George, shoemaker, 92 Dryades Crissey Edgar, painter, 239 Poydras Cristman M. c. h., c. Treme and Conti Crisiman Sebastian, 136 St. Philip Criswc^U Elijah, watchman, 356 Dryades Criswell Thos, H. teacher, Chippewa c. Josephine Crocheron Sherman B. Dr. 387 St.Charles Crochet F. bakery, 21 North market Crochet F. butcher, 21 Poydras market Crocker Basil, f. m. c. 349 Villere, d. 3 Crocker Dorismon, 218 Ursulines Crocker Henry H. (Thos. J. Spear &f Co.) 177 Canal Crocker P. Mrs. 292 St. Philip Crockett Daniel, painter, 271 Liberty Croey Geo. Mrs. St. Bernard n. Prieur Croft John, carpenter, Roman c. Poydras Croften George, drayman, 554 New Levee« Croften Robt. screwman, d. 77 St. Ferdi- nand Crofton Francis, clerk, 370 Common Crofton James, screwman, 104 Mandeville Crogan Thomas, laborer, 75 Spain Croghan James, 574 Burgundy, d. 3 Crohan James, grocery ,Dufo3satc.Jersey, Jeff. City Croizi L. coal, 121 Exchange place, d.l30 St. Louis Croke Pat. drayman, 433 Old Levee, d. 3 Cromer John, 364 Lafayette Cromwell James, Jena c. Jersey, Jeff.City CRO 119 cue Cromwell Jonathan & Geo. com. mers. 55 Carondelet, d. 72 Prytania Cromwell W. A. clerk, d. 72 Prytania Cron Charles, wheelwrigiH,Eislith c.Canip Cronan Charles, trader, ]],3 Howard Croiian David, 302 Lafayette Cronan David, clerk, 327 Mafca^ine Cronan Dennis, contractor, 1(}3 St. Peter Cronan George, contractor, 83 Claiborne Cronan James, 150 Deiord Cronan John, laborer, 58 Annunciation Cronan John, drayman ,581 Tchoupiloulas Cronan Tim. screwman, 494 Royal, d. 3 Cronan William, laborer, 24 Foucher Crone Christian, shipwright, 21 Eighth Crone John, 30 Poyfarre Crone Wm. C. attorney, 30 Poyfarre Crone Wm. H. elk. 5 Commercial place, d. 21 Poyfarre Cronen James, commissioner, 23 Poet Cronen Thomas, clerk, 75 Rousseau Croiley John, boss paver, d.405 Si. Charles Cronmiller H. G. butcher, 29 French mkt Crooks il. M. d. St. Anthoine n. Annette Crookshanks J. Mrs. 59 Carondelet walk Crosby Levi B. machinist, d. 278 Melpo- mene Crosby Michael, laborer, 495 Royal, d. 3 Crosby William, laborer, 38 Marais, d. 1 Cross C. exchange broker, 3 Carondelet Cross E. H. Mrs. 256 Bienville Cros F. C. clerk, 46 St. Charles Cross Geo. W. Dr. d. 321 Carondelet Cross James, lab. Josephine n. Chippewa Cross Jonathan C, Thalia n. Howard. Cross J. N. watchman, Prosper n. Union Cross Wm. carpenter, 150 Jackson Crossman Charles, 259 Marigiiy Crossman C. lab. Morales n. St. Ferdinand Crossman John, lab. 537 Burgundy, d. 3 Crossman, engineer, 118 Julia Crosso John Baptist, carp. 291 St. Louis Crottes Martial, dry goods, 43 Chartres Crotty William, lab. 514 Royal, d. 3 Crouch Fanny, f. w. c. furnished rooms, 88 Carondelet Crouch W^alter V. 91 Fulton Crouere J. P. wh.gro.320 St. Claude, d. 2 Cnnizeilles L. c. h. Claiborne n. Common Crouzeilles M. butcher, 32 Magazine mkt Crouzer Calisiro, f. w. c. 258 Bienville Crovetle Joseph, fisherman, 411 Ursulines Crow W. C. atty. at law, 9 Commercial place Croward A. wood yard, J( (Terson City Crowder Christiana, 266 Mel])omene Crowd Morris, Conroy n. St. Charles Crowell &. Hallet, ( Higgins Crowcll, Jacob P. Hallet,) ship chandlers, 32 Front Levee, d. 1 CROWELL & SCHWARTZ (J. Crowell, Joseph Schwartz,) Carriage Makers aud Repair- ers, 68 and 70 Rampart, late Circus. Crowell Higgins, (Crowell &f Hallet,) 32 Front Levee Crowford William, 449 Villere, d. 3 Crowley Bryan, laborer, 32 Enghien Crowley Daniel, laborer, 298 Liberty Crowley James, laborer, 257 Annunciation Crowhy Jeremiah, paver, Bayou road n. St. Claude Crowley John, machinist, 32 Religious Crowley Mary Mrs. grocery, 117 Foucher Crowley Margaret Mrs. 444 Carondelet, d. 117 Fouclier Crowley Patrick, lab. Market n. Chippewa Crowley William, laborer, 82 St. Thomas Crown Patrick , laborer, 813 St. Claude , d .3 Croy H. f. w. c. furn. rooms, 167 Tremed.2 Crozat Edward, d. 67 Kerlerec Crozat F. M. measurer in custom house, 201 Bayou road Crozat J. B. inspec. revenue, d. 67 History Crozat P. E. d. Bayou road n. Treme Crozat S. E. d. 219 Bayou road Crozelle James J. 608 Rampart, d 3 Crozier C. carpenter. Calliope n. Franklin, d. 385 Rampart, d. 1 Cruanes Fraii(,-ois, 103 Union, d. 3 Cruden Isabel VI rs. M.D.Jackson n.Camp Crumb Joiin, 152 Mandeville Crumb Michael, laborer, 155 Mandeville Crumhorn Nicholas, bakery , Clio c. Frank- lin, d. 1, d. 141 Third, d. 4 Crumhorn Nicholas H. bakery, 441 Ma- rais, d. 3 Crump A. carpenter, 371 Basin Crump Benjamin, (Green Sf Crump,) 157 Gravier Crump Christian, lumber, 53 Robertson Cruse John H. Mrs. 302 Bienville Crusel Edward, clerk, d. 409 Villere, d. 3 Crusel Mrs. 15 Girod, d. 3 Crusell James, lab. Clouet n. Casacalvo Crusius Henry L. painter, 322 Fulton Crusius John, commission merchant, 34 Toulouse c. Chartres Crussins Peter, laborer, Lafayette n.Frcret Cruys Joseph, laborer, 361 did Levee, d. 3 Cruz Bernard, finisher, 102 Franklin Cruzat A. Mrs. 139 Si. Louis Cruzat Charles, 139 St. Louis Cruzat Eulalie Miss, school, 264 St.Claude CJruzalGustave, cashier of Meclianics' and Traders' Bank, 101 Canal, d. over bank Cruzat Henry, clerk, 77 Carondelet Cruzat Mrs. M. 186 Rampart, d. 2 Cruzat Victoria Miss, school, 264 St.Claude Cruzat & Wilson, ( IVm. Cruzat, Wm. H. Wilson,) importers of Havana cigars, 22 Common, d. 170 Ursulines Cruzel Edward, cltrk, 122 Canal Cruzelle Auguste, c. h. Claiborne n. mkt Crystal Alex, boarding house runner, 424 Burgundy, d. 3 Cubicke Alphonse, gro. 256 Rampart, d. 2 Cubicke M. Mrs. 20 St. Anthony Cucick Antony, cigars, Patterson, Algiers Cucullu Anatoie, (Cucullu &,■ D'Meza,) d. 284 Bourbon cue 120 CUN Cucullu & D'Meza, (Anatole Cucullu, A. H. D'Meza,) dealers in sugar and mo- lasses, and importers of Havana pro- duce, 4 St. Louis CUCULLU & JULIAN, ( Gustave Cucullu, A. G. Julian,) Deal- ers in Northern and Western Produce, Potatoes, Peas, Oni- onSjElom^di-ied Apples, dried Peaches, South Carolina Cow Peas, Beans, Cheese, etc., 30 Poydras, between Tchoupi- toulas and New Levee. Cucullu Gustave, (Cucullu Sf Julian,) 30 Poydras Cucullu Joseph S. 136 Main Cucullu J. M. Mrs. 451 Bayou road Cucullu Louis, clerk, 136 Main Cucullu M. S. Mrs. 125 Bourbon Cucullu Paul, clerk, 30 Poydras Cucullu S. Mrs. 2«4 Bourbon Cude John, carp. d. Coliseum n. Eighth Cude William, carp. d. Coliseum n. Eighth Cue F., Havana cigars and produce, 10 Gravier Cueto A. & Co. bakery, 64 Levee, d. 3 Cuddeger David, charcoal, d. 439 Franklin Cuddy Mary, f. w c. 71 Treme, d. 2 Uueno Francis mirrors, etc. 254 Tchou- pitoulas Cuff M. barkeeper, 127 Fulton Cuff Patrick, lab. St. James n. Chippewa Cuggy J. d. Robertson n. Canal Culi,on Conrad, sausage maker,310 French- men Cuigniet Paul, confectioner, 535 Magazine CuiUe Antoine, 103 Treme, d. 2 Cuillery Clement, carp. 183 St. Philip Cuillet M. Mrs. 92 Burgundy Culane Andrew, laborer, 46 St. Thomas Culbertson Charles Wm. (E.Ji. Patterson Sf Co.) d. 490 Dauphme, d. 3 Culbertson Henry, d. 490 Dauphine, d. 3 Culbertson John, atty. at law, 92 Exchange place, d. 488 Dauphine, d. 3 Cull Thomas, grocer, 274 Customhouse CuUaton Michael, blacksmith,d. 134 Thalia CuUen C. Mrs., Terpsichore n. Liberty Cullen Dennis, drayman, 325 Thaller CuUen James (John WoodSf Co.) 23 Camp Cullen James, drayman, 65 Poydras Cullen James, drayman, 34 New Levee Cullen Nicholas, d. 439 Magazine. Cullen Patrick (Kelly &f Cullen) coopers, 2 Natchez Cullen Thomas, grocer, 366 Common Cullen T. F. 583 St. Claude Cullen William, drayman, Square, n. Dry- ades market Culley & Co. (Peter Culley,JohnCavanagh,) marble works, 232 and 234 Camp Culley Peter, (Culley Sf Co.) d. Benton n. Thalia Culliette John, 102 St. Philip Culligan Elizabeth Mrs. 20 Palmyra CuUigan Ellen, 91 Delord Culligan James Mrs. 66 St. Andrew Culligan Thomas, laborer, Martin n. Erato Culliname Andrew, lab. 46 St. Thomas Cullins P.G. elk. 15 Carondelet Cullison L. drayman, 38 Marignv Cullotte Frank, carpenter, d. 12 Main Cullough William, lab. Claiborne n. Clio Cullum Catharine Mrs. 417 Terpsichore CuUum Charles, 503 Chartres, d. 3. Cullum Charles, Fourth n. Fulton Cullum Michael, printer, d. 417 Terpsi- chore Cullum Wm. printer, d. 417 Terpsichore Cully James, cab. driver, 297 Poydras Cully Peter, ( Cavanaugh Sf Cully) d. 389' Franklin Cumberland, Bordon & Co. (John Cum- berland, T. II. Bordon,) 27 Front, d. 1. Cumberland John, 32 Constance Cumming Thomas, lab. Pleasant n. St. Charles Cummings F. Mrs. mattresses, 135 Craps Cummings John Mrs. 79 Bourbon Cummings Michael, 388 Lafayette Cummings Patrick, laborer, 91 Delord Cummings Patrick, wheelwright, Jackson n. Liberty Cummings Pat. contractor, 464 St. Charles Cummings P. steamboatman, 182 Custom- house Cummings & Co. (R. C. Cummings, J. G. Brown,) com.mers. 13 St. Charles, No. 7 up stairs Cummings R. C. (Cummings Sf Co.) 13 St. Charles Cummings R. T. 443 Basin Cummings, Thomas, laborer, 87 Delord Cummings Thos. lab. Religious n. Felicity Cummings Thomas, lab. St. Charles near Toledano, Jefferson City Cummings Thomas Mrs., Basin n. Clio Cummingworth Richard R. elk. 121 Basin, d. 1. Cummins John, cook, 458 Royal, d. 3. Cummins John & Co. Atlantic Shipping Office, 8 Marigny bldgs. d. 49 Louisa Cummins Thomas, lab. Racn n. Religious Cummins Thomas, lab. 382 Camp Cumpston John, gas fitter, Melpomene n. Dryades Cune Jacob, clerk, d. 335 Old Levee Cune Wm. blacksmith, 196 New Levee Cuneo Francis, 607 Magazine Cunea F. crockery, 254 Tchoupitoulas Cunick. James, drayman, 87 Annunciation Cunning Henry, Baronne n. St. Andrew Cunningham Bernard, lab. 390 Perdido Cunningham D. C. clerk, 155 Canal. Cunningham E. W. 10 Poydras Cunningham James, cabman, 88 Franklin Cunningham J. printer, 221 Tchoupitoulas Cunningham James, lab. Clio n. Liberty Cunningham John, stable, 33 Franklin Cunningham John, carp. 495 Baronne CUN 121 cus Cunnin2;ham John, pilot, 112 Basin, d. 1. Cunnine:liam Justin, cook, 258 Dolord Cunninsliain J. B. 363 iJienville Ciinnini^ham J. C. clerk at City Hotel Cunniiii^iiam J. lalioror, 116 Constance Cunnini:;liani L. A. Miss, 9 Marais, d. 3 Cunninsliam Michael, lahoror, 196 Tchou- p i to u 1 as Cunningltam Michael, grocer, 279 Old Le- vee, d. 2 Cunningham Michael, lab. 5S St. Joseph Cunningliam Michael, lab. 421 Chippewa Cunningham Peter, 97 Triton walk Cunningham Thomas, printer, d. 122 St. Joseph Cunningham Thomas N. clerk, 155 Canal d. 4 Gasqviet Cunningham Walter, oysterman, Bolivar n. Common Cunningham William, Palmyra n. Roman Cunningham William, commission mer- chant, 26 St. Charles, d.39S Constance 'Cunoth George, blacksmith, 222 St. Louis •Cunterminsky George, carpenter, Terpsi- chore n. Howard Cnntz J. P. tailor, •93 Washington Cnny Auguste, Melpomene n. Magnolia Cupsey Louis, lab. 355 Liberty Curby Daniel, c. p. 32 Erato Curby William Mrs. 50 Barracks Curcus Victorine, 262 Burgundy Cure Adolph, carp. 906 St. Claude, d. 3 Curel M. Mrs., leather. Esplanade corner Chartrcs Curiel J. grocer,17Conti,d. 216 Frenchmen Curien Cliarles, clerk, 20 Toulouse Curien J. N. importer wines, 20 Toulouse Curioz Louis, president of Jesuits' Col- lege, Baronne c. Common Curlay James, grocer, 215 Magazine Curlett John, laborer, 156 Chippewa Curley James, grocer, 215 Magazine Curle'y James, 101 St. Joseph " Curley, 640 St. Claude ,d. 3 Curley John, laborer, 315 Old Levee, d. 2 Curley Lucy, 215 Magazine Curley March, Palmyra c. Roman Cnrley Michael, laborer, 183 Howard Curley Margaret, 295 Calliope Curley Patrick, laborer, 81 Julia Curley Patrick, plasterer, 402 Hampart Curley Patrick, laborer, Fulton n. Felicity Curley Patrick, drayman, 307 St. Louis Currim Cynthia, dressmaker. Magazine n. St. Mary Curran Dennis, lab. Melpomene n. Con- stance Curran Edward, mattress maker, 110 Cus- tomhouse Curran Francis, clerk, 6 Union, d. Maga- zine c. Si. Mary Curran James, laborer, 178 Tchoupitoulas Curran James, 38 Poydras market ("lurran John, laliorer, 140 Liljerly Curran John, 187 Customhouse Curran John, mate, 65 Constance Curran John, clerk, 8 New Levee Curran Peter, pilot, 19 Piety Curran Timothy, lab. 654 Royal, d. 3 Currell James R. attorney, 22 Ex. place Currey William T. clerk, d. 375 Thalia Currin James, carpenter, d. 190 Louisa Curry Amelia Mrs. d. 258 Annunciation Curry Ann, f. w. c. 75 Villcre Curry A. T. restaurant, Dryadesn.Perdido Curry Edward, elk. 79 Carondelet, d. 493 Dryades Curry .Tames Mrs. 58 Spain Curry John, d. 90 Franklin Curry John, engineer, 31 Spain Curry J. clerk, 5 Poydras Curry Theodore, engineer, 31 Spain Curry Thomas, atty. at law, 54 Camp Curry Thomas, boiler maker, 81 Constance Curry Thomas, carpenter, 180 Cypress Curslett Jno. screwman, d. 160 Chippewa Curtain M. Miss, fancy store, 238 Canal Curtey Sophie, dressmaker, 307 Burgundy Curtin George, clerk, 35 Carondelet Curtis A. coppersmith, 138Girod Curtis Caroline A. Mrs., Felicity n. Baronne Curtis Chas. b. h. Tchoupitoulas c. Adele Curtis Chas. coffee house. Front c. Cross- man Curtis Edward, 33 Greatmen Curtis H. warehouseman, 82 Poydras, d. Erato c. Jacob Curtis Jas. ship. carp. 1 Delaronde, Algiers Curtis Paul, jeweler, 85 Julia Curtiss Asa, Seventh n. St. Mary Curtius Herman Dr. apothecary, Caronde- let c. Delord Curto Felix, clijrk, 233 St. Ann Curto G. prof, music, 299 St. Philip Cury John B. periodicals, 100 Ex. place Cusachs J. J. Mrs., Royal c. St. Philip Cusachs & Ogden, (P. L. Cusachs, Robert W. Op;den,) druggists, Royal c. St. Philip Cusachs P. 'L.( Cusachs Sf Ogden,) d: Royal c. St. Philip Cusack J. lal). St. Thomas c. Terpsichore Cusack Martin B. clerk, 155 Poydras, d. Lafayette c. Philip Cushing Antoine, watchman, Algiers Cushing John, laborer, 13 Constance Cushing Wm. L. com. mer., agent Eagle cotton gins, steam engines and saw mills, .57 St. Charles Cushman Chas. W. (Mat, Marye Sf Cush- mnn, ) 69 Carondelet Cusick Martin, painter, 82 Spain Cusidio.') Juan, fishmonger, d. 489 Villere Cuasole E. Mrs. 472 Villere, d. 3 Custi B. butcher, Poydras market Custner George, lab. Bagatelle n. Solidelle Customhouse (appraisiment) store No. 1, Customhouse buildings Customhouse store No. 2, 83 Bienville Customhouse store No. 3, 86 Bienville Customhouse store No. 4, 139 Magazine Customhouse store No. 5, Julia c. Foucher Customhouse store No. 6, Ho.spital b. Roy- al and Bourbon Customhouse store No. 7, New Levee, c. Customhouse and Bienville Cutler R. King, attorney at law, office 5 Commercial place, d. Napoleon ave- nue n. Magazine, Jeff. City- Cutler & Dave'nport, ( W. C. Cutler, Isom Davenport,) lumber. Stock Landing, Jeff. City, office 38 Exchange place Cutrer & Harrison, (' Isaac W. Cutrer, Geo. P. Harrison,) cot. fac. and com. mers. 27 Carondelet, d. 360 Camp Cutter W. C. clerk U. S. sub-treasury, at the Mint Cutter Samuel W. d. 242 Canal Cuvellier Eugene, 541 St. Claude, d. 3 Cuvellier P. C. d. Gasquet c. Robertson Cuvillier Joseph, notary pubhc, 79 Ex- change place, d. 153 Morales Cuzette Rosa, 253 Conti Cweran Henry, cigars, 209 Tchoupitoulas Cypress Grove Cemetery, Metaire ridge Czar L. f. m. c. Robertson n. Ann Czarnowski J. H. elk. Royal c. St. Philip Czarnowski O., Poydras n. Penn Czvitkoviez Alexander Rev. 45 Constance D 'ABAT BASILE, butcher, 23 French market D'Abat J.d. 110 St. Peter DabeyisA.blacksmith,d. 120 Burgundy, d.2 Dabney James W. clerk, 71 Canal Dabon Nich. professor, 231 Claiborne, d. 2 Dabos Jules, accountant, 12 Toulouse, d. 380 St. Ann Dabos P. cooper, 380 St. Ann Daboval F. Mrs. midwife, 72 Annette Dacon William, clerk, 356 Camp Da Cohen Emma Mrs. midwife, d. 76 Prytania Dacosta A. purser of steamship Tennessee Dacosta F. J. grocer, 133 Gasquet Dacosta Victor, 33 Dauphine Dacosta William, repairer, 236 St. Louis Daelli Gino, music store, 78 Chartres Daemal Gertrude Mrs. 94 Clouet Daffer Bei-nard, Goodchildren n. Spain Daffos B. Mrs. grocery, 167 Frenchmen Daffy Martin, cotton sampler, 25 Music Dagan Matthew, lab. Roman n. Palmyra Dagan Michael, laborer, 303 Franklin Daggar Conrad, Josephine n. Mandeville Dagner Mary, grocery, 77 Delord Dagoret Auguste, elk. Canal c. Bourbon, d. 285 Conti Dagoret Jean, 213 Toulouse DagorretH. clerk, Conti c. Chartres Dahiel Thomas, 99 Frenchmen Dahlen Edward, laborer, 630 Chartres, d. 3 Dahlstroem A. apothecary, 134 Canal d. 19 Gasquet Dahman John, laborer, 7 Spain Dahmer John, tailor, 797 New Levee Dahner John C. tailor, 339 Magazine, d. 16 Bourbon Dahoney Pat. drayman, 514 Royal, d. 3 Daigle Louis, clerk, 8 Front Levee Daigre Ernest, clerk, 37 Chartres Daiiey P. Mrs. Levee n. Adele Dajan Armand, clerk, 164 Ursulines Dakin Charles J. 25 Commercial place, d. 398 Felicity Dakin J. H. 389 Felicity Dakin Julia G. Mrs. 398 Felicity Daris John, marketman. Eighth n. Laurel Daily Benjamin Mrs., Perdido n. Willow Daily Nicholas, Rousseau c. St. Andrew Daix Mrs. midwife, 31 Dauphine D'Albarado Juste, account. 73 Old Levee Dalberni Jean Marie, 243 St. Claude, d. 2 Dalbron Henry, Second n. New Levee Dalche A. builder, 284 St. Peter Dalche Achille, slater, 284 St. Peter Dalche F. A. clerk, 67 Derbigny, d. 2 Dalcour David, 219 St. Ann Dalcour E. T. widow, 323 Villere, d. 3 Dalcourt Auguste, f. m. c. lab. 161 St .Ann I>alcourt Fred, carpenter, 337 Basin, d. 1 Dale Andrew, laborer, 11 Melpomene Dale Robt. steamboat agent, 418 Dryades Dale Sarah Mrs. 182 Annunciation Daler Jean, butcher, 21 Dryades market Daley James, clerk, 165 Tchoupitoulas Daley James, drayman, Clara n. Lafayette Daley Matt, cooper, d. 138 Tchoupitoulas Daley Matthias Capt., Clio n. Howard Daley Michael, grocer, 273 Carondelet Daley M. barkeeper, Lafiiyette c. Front Daley Pat. drayman, 27 Calliope Dalgo Manuel, 77 St. Anthony Dalian Charles, c. h. 397 Chartres Dalier Auguste, butcher, 21 Dryades mkt Dalier Frederick, 231 Customhouse Dalict Jules, clerk, 43 Chartres Dallas Wm. C. (Jester 4" Dallas,) Jose- phine n. Rousseau, d. Chippewa n. St. Mary Dalles V. Mrs. furnished rooms, 203 Julia Dallimore P. E. 146 St. Anthony Dalmazie G. B. shoemaker. Felicity n. Bacchus Dalmazie J. B., Felicity n. Carondelet Dalon Auguste, hricklyr. 166 Elys. Fields Dalou F. cook, 361 0. Levee, d. 3 Dalton John, upholsterer, 229 Poydras Dalton John, clerk, 66 Liberty n. Common Dalton J. G. pilot, 13 Jackson Dalton Mat. lab. 546 Dauphine, d. 3 Dalton Michael, plast. d. 422 Terpsichore Dalton Michael, (Murphy 8f Dalton,) Front n. Girod Dalton Robt. drayman, Gravier n. Bolivar Dalton Robt. c. h. St. Jane n. Common Dalton Sarah Mrs., Washington n. Chip- pewa Dalton S. W. Dr. 110 St. Charles Dalton Thomas, lab. 28 St. Joseph Dalton Wm. d. Washington n. Annunci- ation Dalton Wm. clerk, 169 Carondelet Daly Christ, lab. 97 Gaiennie Daly Henry, ship carp. Villere n. Bar- tholomew, Algiers DAL 123 DAQ Daly Jamns, Robin n. Tchotipitnulas Daly James, painter, 517 Burgundy, d. 3 DaJy Jolin, 326 Constance Daly John, Conrey n. St. Ciiarles Daly John, 131 Franklin Daly John, lab. 104 Montei>-ut Daly John, lab. 51 iNorlh market Daly J. ins|)ect(ir customs, Customhouse Daly Mary, 5-2 St. Thomas Daly Vlicliael, trrocer, Delord c. Fouclier Daly Mie.hael, 111 Brato Daly Nicholas, St. Andrew n. Rousseau Daly Patrick, clerk, 37 Poydra.s Daly Patrick, draymaster," 297 Calliope Dalv Thomas, lab. 54 Thalia Daly Thomas, lab. 39!) Perdido Daly Timothy, laiv Bartholomew, Ali^iers Daly Wm. lab. 64 St. Thomas Dalv Wm. bia-ksmiih, Di-larmide, Algiers Dalz, Hariolo, Carrollton R. R. depot Daman John, lab. ((7 Spain Damire Felix, elk. Magazine c. Common Damari' Frederick, calnnet maker, Cus- tomhouse n. Johnson Damas Louis, butch. 28 Dryadps mkt Daniarin A. salesman, 100 Canal Dambrun Gould, butcii. 92 French mkt Damlnirn H. buiclKU-, 18 French mkt Damele Louis, acct. St. Louise. Royal Damcron E. L. M. Mrs. 393 St. Cliarles Dameron C. charcoal, 61 Dauphine DAMERON & CO., (J. D. Dam- eron, H. R. Bonneval,) Deal- ers in Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Curtain Goods, etc., 124 Canal street, Touro Buildings, d. Ill bt. Joseph Dameron Wm. H. ( Paijne &c Harrison,) 51 Union, d. St. Charles c. Sixth, d. 4 Dameyer Henry, lab. Marais c. Orleans Damica Salvador, poultry, 22 Poydras mkt Damico Ang-elo, barber, 210 Rampart, d.l Damii^ns llypolite, clerk, 129 Royal Damm Ditin;is, tailor, 76 St. Peter Damour John, lab. IdO New Levee, d 1 Dam roil George, Fourth c. Rousseau Damron Henry, 252 Rousseau Damron Stephen, undertk'r, 21 Rousseau Dana Francis, mkiman, 363 liurgundy, d.3 Dananlaner L. tailor, Carondelel walk c. Derbigny Danatognard B. butcher, 42 Poydras mkt Dancer C. oysters, d. 388 Camp Dancevich Lazzaro, oysters, etc. Custom- house c. Marais Danchauer Mark, Fourth n. Annunciation D.meos Bertrand, shoemkr. 87 Claiborne Danc(iste Pierre, draym. 343 St. Ann Danda P. painter, 255 Burgundy Dandug George, grocer. La. av. c. Laurel, Jeff. City Dane Bernard, lab. 157 Chijipewa Danese Nicholas Capt. 462 Royal Danflous Theodore Dangel Joseph, shoemkr. 224 Poydras Dangerfield Jane C. music teacher, 214 Chippewa Dangerfield S. S P. 214 Chippewa Dangele Gaitano, barlier, 873 Magazine Daniel A. fireworks, 149 Carondelet walk Daniel A. W. clerk, 6 Magazine Daniel CofiVy, lab. 23 History Daniel Joseph, shoemkr. 22 Poydras Daniel Philip, clerk, 489 Robert.wn, d. 3 Daniel P. clerk, 106 Chartres, d. 30 I r- quhart Daniell C. W. c. p. 523 Burgundy, d. 3 Daiiiell George H. agent N. 0. and Texas Express, 96 Camp Daniels A. 363 Royal, d. 3 IJaniels F. boiler maker, Goslin, Algiers Daniels John, carp. 514 [loyal, d. 3 Daniels J.J. iron house, 209 I choupitoulas Daniels J. J. d. .331 Ram:)art, d. 1 Daniels Wm. B. iioiler mkr. Chestnut n. Patterson, Algiers Dankoss John, butcher, Treme market, 220 Orleans Dann George, carpenter, Market n. St. Thomas Danneche Jean, gilder, 55 Villere Danneel H. ( Francke &f Danneel,) com. and forw. niers. 65 Magazine Danneck Jacob, shoemkr. 201 Claiborne Dannel H. tailor, 154 Royal Dannefels D. butcher, Bordeaux c St. Dennis, JefFerson City Danneman Ed. baker, 270 Rampart, d. 1 Daiiniels William Mrs. 489 lloyal, d. 3 Danos Louis, bnieher, 12 Drvades mkt [3anova Josephine Mrs. 147 Orleans Danquos P. drayman, Claiiiorne c. Prosper Dantagman Bastien, butcher, 33 Poydras market Dautannier Jean, 280 Bourbon Dantanyan Dominique, 196 Marais Dantanyan G. lab. Bayou road, n. Broad Dantille Ponponne, f. w. 178 Treme, d. 2 Danlilly Louis, f. m. c. Louisa c. Morales Danto L. P. Mrs. 289 St, Charles Dantonnet A. musician, 258 Main Dantry John, lab, d. 114 St. Thomas Danty Edward, butcher, 41 French mkt Danziger Isidore, elk. Royal c. St. Pierre Danziger Julius, dry gds, 125 Ramiiart,d. 1 Danziger Theodore, dry goods. Royal c. St. Philip, <1. over the store Danzniann John G. lab. 783 Dauphine, d.3 DaPonte Uurant, Dryades c. Thalia Dapremont Alex. sr. Dapremont A. bookstore, Camp op. Square D'Apremont Celeste Mrs, Philip n.Baronne D'Apremont E. Mrs. 115 St. Josejih D'Apremont Lou is, warehouseman, Celeste n. 'I'choupitoulas Daquin Adolphe, 25 Gravier Daquin Albert, clerk, 17 St. Louis, d. 16 Rampart, d. 2 Daquin Charles Mrs. school, 307 Chartres Daquin George, professor, 307 Chartres Daquin H. Dr. 193 Burgundy Daquin Thomas, e;rocer, Burgundy c. Toulousp, d. 66'TouInuse D' \ quill Arthur, clerk, 265 Rampart D'Aquin Ed^ar, jr. (Bragg &f D'^quin, jr.) 26 Gravier D'Aquin Jult-s, clerk, 32 Perdido D'Aquin Louis J. Bayou St. John, n. bridge D'Aquin Thomas, grocer, 166 Toulouse, d. 159 Claiborne, d. 2 Daray John, butcher, 36 Poydras market Dnrby Celestine, St. John's route n. bridge Dareantel F. J. B. f. m. c. carpenter, 419 Rampart, d. 3 Dareantel Henry, clerk, 38 Carondelet Dareantel Mrs. 233 Esplanade Darcantelle A. Royal c. Hospital Dorcebourg Charles Mrs., Jena n. Chest- nut, Jefferson City Darcy H. G. (Wheeler, Geiger Sf Co.) clothing, 7 Magazine Darcy J. baker, 385 Perdido Darcy J. sailor, 89 Erat^i Darcy James, baker, 331 Customhouse D'Arcourt James, beer house, 215 Royal D'Arcy J. hat store, 1 Chartres, d. First n. Pryiania Dard Henry, jeweler, 74 Ursulines Dard Theodore, blacksmith, 115 Burgundy Darden Michael, d. 18 Louisa Dardignac M. artificial flowers, Itil Royal Dareng M. Mrs. Bagatelle n. Solidelle Daret H. Dr. 86 St. Philip Dargony Harriet, 133 Frenchmen Darier L. Mrs. 23 Orleans Darion Arsene, 70 Ksplanade Darion E H. Mrs. 198 St. Ann Darisny Joseph, bricklayer, 246 Thalia Darling Tlios. upholsteitr, 415 St. Charles Darmico Frank Mrs. fruit, 303 Rampart Darnez Morri.s, laborer, 94 St. Joseph Darnley Thos. stcamboatman, 182 Bienville Daron C. J. consul of Rome, 93 Common, d. 13 Villere, d. 1 Daron P. J. accountant, 60 Old Levee Darmody James, laborer, 24 Delord Daroux E. Mrs. c. h. Claiborne n. Common Darouny B. milk, Marigny n. Force Darquinaratez A. Mrs. 215 Bienville Darr John, cartman, Marengo, n. Chestnut Darras Jean, grocery, c. Claiborne and Annette Darras Widow, 275 Royal Darrodes Marcel, c. h. 229 Melpomene Darroeh Daniel, refinery, 180 Rosseau Darrot A. school for boys, 96 St. Ann Darrus Jean, French market, d. Eighth n. Laurel Darrus J. M. butcher, Magazine, c. Ma- rengo, Jeiferson City Darsse G. slater, 139 Hospital D'Artagnan B. butcher. Laurel n. Milan, Jefferson City Dartigues A. Mrs. 147 Goodchildren Dary John, butcher, 36 Poydras market Daschner John, grocer, Sixth c Chippewa Dascier F. oysters, 231 Customhouse Dasher C. Mrs. groc'y, Sixth n. Prytania Da Silva A. .f. com. mer. and importer of wines, 42 Old Levee, d. 182 Bourbon Da Silva Benjamin, Carondelet n. Julia Da Silva D. H. clerk, Carondelet n. Julia Da Silva & Co, ( F. J. Da Silva, Dorcino Landry,) com. mers, 14 Carondelet Da Silva F. J. (Da Silva Sf Co.) d. 281 Bayou road Daspit Louis, dry goods, 537 Magazine Daspit Louisa Mrs. dry goods, St. Mary c. Camp Daspit Phenix, carpenter, Algiers Dassing F. Mrs. 444 Hospital Dastague Ellen, Sixth n. Fulton Dastas John Mrs. poultry, 231 Bourbon Daste Honora, f. w. c. Jackson n. Liberty Dastillon G. butcher, 4 Poydras market Dastillon Placide, butcher, 25 Poydras market, d. Laurel n. Harmony Dastmer John, grocer. Fourth n. Laurel Dastue John, butcher, 258 Lafayette Dastugue B. butcher, 18 Treme market Dastugue Frant^ois, 100 Poydras market Dastugue Julia, f. w. c. 286 St. Louis Datas P. butcher, 25 Poydras market Dater C. laborer, 61 Laurel Daubert Augustus, tinsmith, 110 Poydras Daubert F. dry goods, 825 Rampart, d. 3 Daubert L. f. w. c. Urquhart n. rort Daubert Ovide, cooper, 195 Marigny Dauboin G. jeweler, 873 Magazine, d. 4 Daucoy D. bread, 37 Toulouse Daudart L. Greatmen n. Esplanade Dauduc Wm. Seventh n. Constance Dauer Antoine, St. Ann n. Rocheblave Dauer Henry, lab. 29 Laharpe Dauer J. V. grocer, 335 Bayou road Dauer John Philip, 115 Ursulines Dauenhaner P. tailor, 143 Carondelet walk Daugherty J. M. builder, c Lafayette and Basin, d. 173 Basin Daugherty Owen, marketman, 138 Clai- borne, d. 2 Daunes L. clerk, 36 Bienville Daunes Osmond, 217 Columbus Daunis Safroid, book keeper, St. Charles c. Union Daunis Silvain T. clerk, 18 Chartres Daunois Elizabeth Mrs. 458 Royal, d. 3 Daunois Etienne Mrs. 193 Treme, d. 2 Daunois Geo. Mrs. 356 Royal, d. 3 Daunois Louis R. clerk, 77 Chartres Daunois N. shoemaker, St. Ann c. St. Claude Daunois Patrick, custom house, d. 310 St. Claude, d. 3 Daunoy A. L. Jena n. Magazine, Teff City Daunoy C. F. Mrs. 549 Royal, d. 3 Daunoy F. Mrs. 229 Columbus Daunoy Jules, acct. 4 St. Louis, d. 190 Claiborne Daunoy J. L. book keeper, 112 Johnson Daunoy Louis, caulker, 101 Marigny Daunoy Louis,f.m.c.Marignyn. Burgundy Daunoy M. J. collector, 275 St Ann Daunoy R. F. 137 Hospital DAU Daunoy V. F. ins. customs, 400 Barracks Daiinvy V. F., Ilarracks n. Miro Dauphin August, d. 126 Lafayette Daupliin Armand, mason, d.227 Dauphinc Daupliin B. Mrs. Claiborne n. St. Philip Dauplnn Communion, 81 Clemence Dauphin Ciiarles, f. m.c. painter, 372 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Dauphin F^-ancis, cigar maker, 167 Main Dauphin Henry, 226 Robertson, d. 2 Dauphin J. B. Mrs. 274 Prieur, d. 3 Dauphin John Mrs. 367 Robertson, d. 3 Dauphin Leon, plasterer, 378 Derbigny,d.3 Dauphin Xuma, carpenter, 81 St. Ann Dauphin Ovid, tailor, 42 Conti, d. 253 Robertson Dauphin 0. storekeeper, Clara n. Pcrdido Dauphin T. Mrs. .583 Dauphine, d. 3 Dauphin Victor, 312 Prieur Dauphin W. clerk, Claiborne h. St. Philip Daussat J. L. 114 Burgundy Daussau Dominique, 40 Greatmen Dautel A. Mrs. 270 Camp Dautrive P:ii7.a, f. w. c. 311 St. Philip Dauts .John, barber, Louisa n. Love Dauvoisin M. Mrs.,Dauiihine n. Barracks Davant G. butcher, 8 Dryadts mkt Dave's barber shop, 31 Poydras Davenue C. Mrs. bakery. Bayou road Davenport A f. w. c. rooms, 184 Gravicr Davenport B. F. ship carp. 95 Craps Davenport E. acct. 43 Natchez, d. 4 St. Bernard Davenport Isom, (Cutler Sf Davenport,) office 38 Exchange jilace, d. New Le- vee n. Peniston, Jeff. City Davenport Joseph, f. m. c pastor Third Baptist Church, d. 306 Roman, d. 3 Davenport Wm. 2 Levee, d. 3 Daveret Paul, butcher, 11 Frencli mkt Deverne Charlotte, 401 Bayou road Davern James, 159 Lafayette Davey Michael, Si. Mary n. Rousseau Davezac A. Mrs. 25 Foucher Davezac D. butcher, 30 Treme mkt David Alex, clerk, 56 Royal David Alphonse, Bayou bridge David Ars(>nc Miss,tir(>ssmak. 298 St. Ann David C P. mate, 469, d. 1 David Ernest, clerk, 21 Common, d. 42 St. Peter David John C. atty. at law, 50 St. Ann, d. 462 St. Claude David Josepii, b. h. 28 Ursulincs David J. S. planter, Gretna David L. P. daguerrean, 124 Royal David Madame, variety store, 151 Chartres David Oscar, f. m. c. 99 Treme, d. 2 David Victor, jr. clerk, 42 St. Peter David Victor, hardware, 7 Old Levee, d.2, d. 42 St. Pfter Davidson David, book keeper,8 Magazine, d. ;i79 Iiironne • Davidson Edward, blacksmith, Lafayette av. Gretna Davidson J..M. & M. M. Reynolds, attys. at law, 13 Camp 125 DAV DAVIDSON JOHN & JAMES C. Slate Mei'chauts, 1 David- son Row, 110 Carondelet, d. 218 St. Charles. Davidson John C. clerk, 64 Canal, d. 209 Gasquet Davidson L. M. 334 Barracks Davidson Peter, slioemaker, 139 Barracks Davidson Robert, machinist, St, Mary n. Coliseum Davidson Samuel, brass foundry, d. 88 Poydras Davidson Thomas, clerk, 41 Magazine Davidson Nathan Dr., Old Levee n. Bar- racks Davidston Robert, 288 St. Mary Davies D. slater, Johnson n. Palmyra Davies E. cai-pcnter, 337 Basin, d. 1 Davies John L. clerk, Roman n. Canal Davies R. clerk, 130 Canal, d. Roman n. Canal Davieson Thomas Dr. 422 Chartres Davilla Manuel Jean, lab. 121 Mandeville Daville Alfred, distiller, Prieur n. ('anal Davin Charles F. barkeep. d. 69 Polymnia Davis Aaron, clerk, 149 Common Davis Ann, f. w. c. 83 Villere, d. 2 Davis Augustus, 157 Hospital Davis A. A. Mrs. b. h. 11 Eiysian Fields Davis B. A. 748 Magazine, d. 4 DAVIS BROS. (O. B. Davis, A. P. Davis,) Agents Fairbanks' Scales, Lillie's Safes, Willcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machines, 93 Camp. Davis Charles, c. h. Adele c. Rousseau Davis Cicero Mrs. 23 St. Ferdinand Davis C. Mrs.,Jetferson n. Newton, McD. Davis David, mate, 64 Liberty Davis David, slater, Johnson n. Palmyra Davis Dinah, f. w. c. 453 Kol)ertson, di. 3 Davis D.screwman, Kerlerec n. Claiborne Davis D. E. 308 Melpomene Davis E. furnished rooms, 11 Treme, d. 2 Davis Edward, com. mer. 38 Carondelet, d Prytania c. Second Davis Edw. f. m. c. Bienville n. Dauphine Davis Ellen Mrs. seamstress, 50 Calliope Davis Ellen, 187 Foucher Davis Eliza Jane, 65 Johnson, d. 2 Davis Emma, furn. rooms, 131 Bienville Davis Emily A. 25 Rampart, d. 2 Davis E. A. feed store, 5 Poydras, d. 430 Franklin Davis E. cooper, d. 188 Toulouse Davis Fanny Mrs., matron Widows' and Orphans' Home, Prytania n. St. Mary Davis Floresca, 220 Main Davis Frances Mrs. d. 3 Euterpe Davis Geo. pa])er hanging, 295 St. Peter, d. 1.38 Bourbon Davis Gustavc, Third n. Rousseau Davis Gustave, teacher, 25 Music Davis Horatio Mrs. 121 Barracks DAV 126 DAY Davis G.L.C. manager National Telegraph Office, St. Charles c. Gravier, d. 380 Rampart, d. 1 Davis Henry P. 449 Rampart, d. 3 Davis H. screwman, 147 Josephine DAVIS & JACKSON, (W. Davis, Jacob Jackson,) Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Men and Boys' Clothing, 167 Poy- dras. Manufactory, 54 Vesey street. New York. Davis James, d. 38 Erato Davis James, f. m. c lab. 425 Rampart, d. 3 Davis James Capt. 713 Burgundy, d. 3 Davis James, c. Chestnut and Second Davis James, wh'f builder, 138 Casacalvo Davis, Jenkins & Co. (J. P. Davis, T. M. Jenkins, M. Jenkins,) cotton factors, Factors" row, 67 Carondelet Davis J. P. (Davis, Jenkins &c Co.) d. 138 Carondelet Davis Johni, drays, 531 Rampart, d. 3 Davis John, tailor, d. 408 Dryades Davis John D. carpenter, Levee n. Bor- deaux, Jeff. City Davis John, St. Anthony n. Morales Davis John, lab. 639 Royal, d. 3 Davis John, drayman, Rocheblave n. Cus- tomhouse Davis John L. coll'r. First n. St. Dennis Davis John L. clerk, 148 Canal, d. Second n. St. Patrick Davis John R. 143 Howard Davis Joseph, c. h. 18 Front Levee, d. 2 Davis Joseph W. acct. 17 Chartres Davis James, 24 Poydras market, d. 220 Dryades Davis J". W. acct. 38 Union, d. Magazine c. Maren'go, Jeff. City Davis Joseph, screwman, 178 St.Anthony Davis J. L. clerk, 146 Canal Davis J. warehouseman, Gasquet n.Galvez Davis Lucille, 199 Union, d. 3 Davis Lucille, f. w. c. Prosper c. Union Davis L. A. sugar broker, St. Andrew n. Chestnut Davis L. C. Mrs. 26 St. Ferdinand Davis Malachi, bricklayer. Cypress n. Johnson Davis Martin, pilot, d. 142 Spain Davis Michael, tinsmith, d. 161 Thalia Davis M. G. publisher. Second c. Dublin, Carrollton Davis M. H. 8 Front Levee, d. 2 Davis Mrs. widow, 35 Claiborne, d. 2 Davis Paul, carpenter, 38 Dauphine Davis P. E. jeweler, 99 Common, d. Nap. av. n. Camp, Jeff. City Davis Roes, Roman n. Canal Davis Rebecca, 113 Villere, d. 2 Davis R. M. president Bank La. d. Gen- tilly road Davis Richard, builder, 431 Baronne, d. 356 St. Philip Davis Roswell M. jeweler, 103 Gravier Davis Samuel, 50 Girod, d. 1 Davis Samuel B., Polymnia n. St. Charles Davis Samuel, lab. 139 Old Levee, d. 2 Davis Sarah, dressmaker, 71 Burgundy Davis Ste. Colombe, clerk, 70 Frenchmen Davis Stephen, jewelry, 103 Gravier Davis S.H. jr. box 250 Mec. Ex. 19 St. Charles, d. Derbigny n. Gasquet Davis Thomas, 68 Mara is, d. 2 Davis Thomas, steward, 429 Chartres, d. 3 Davis Thos. G., St. Mary n. Annunciation Davis Thos. N.clk.Ins Co.ll7 Frenchmen Davis Warren, 235 Girod Davis William, (Davis 8f Jackson,) 175 Poydras Davis William, jr. sugar broker, Camp c. Josephine Davis Wm. E. clerk.Claiborne n.Canal,d.l Davis Wm. G. 416 Bank place Davis Wolfe, dry gds. 342 Rampart, d. 3 Davis W. L. Dr. 127 Carondelet DAVIS W. T. Dealer in Cabinet Furniture, Looking Glasses, Spring, Hair and Moss Mat- tresses, Matting, etc., 169 Canal, opp. the Church. DAVOREN & WEST, (John Da- voren, P. P. West,) House, Sign, Steamboat and Orna- mental Painters. Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Bi-ushes, Window Glass, &c., 77 Poydras. Davy John C. saddler, 201 Magazine Davy Patrick, laborer, 52 Adele Dawe Henry, laborer, 565 St. Claude, d. 3 Dawes Henry C. engineer, 311 Claiborne Dawley George, cooper, 68 St. Joseph Dawson Bridget, 62 Robertson, d. 2 Dawson & Co. (John Dawson, Eugene Boisseau,) wholesale hatters, 48 Char- tres, d. 28 Liberty Dawson John H. engineer, 333 Liberty Dawson Mary Ann, f. w. c. 283 St. Peter Dawson Richard, laborer, Josephine n. Rousseau Day Elizabeth, f. w. c. furnished rooms, 13 Trcme, d. 2 Day Henry D. coachman, 230 Conti Day Henry, laborer, 125 Morales Davison Chas. W. milk, 318 Orleans. Davison John, warehouseman, 211 Gasquet Davison Wm. attorney at law, d. 721 Burgundy, d. 3 Davizac Jean Marie, tailor, 105 St. Philip Davoine C. milliner, 317 Chartres Davoine J. M. locksmith, 96 Conti Davoran Thomas, ditcher, Jersey c. Cadiz, Jefferson City DAY 127 DEB Day James, shipping clerk, 70 St. Thomas Day James M. clerk, d. 144 Prytania Day Jolni H. Mrs. .347 Ba.sin, d. 1 Day J. M:unsriii,att'vat law, 57 St.Charles Day & Klein, (Siilraniis B. Dny, John .4. KIrhi,) lumher yard, 494 Mae:aziiic Day TJKimas, jnlilirr, 18 Poyfarre Day Thomas, aecouiitant. d. Marengo, n. Maijnzine, Jiflersnn City Day & Co. (JV. C. Daij, Edward AWIc, John R. Watei-ihan,) cotton factors, 13-2 Gravicr Day Wm. Crawford, (Day &f Co.) liase- ni'Mt St Charles Hotel Day William K. hnilder, Felicity n. St. Cliarles, d. 144 Prytania Dayo Bridijet, b. ii. 76 Gaiennie Dayton Samuel, H. ship mate, d. 3^8 Melpomene Dazet Baptist, butcher, St. Mary's mar- kef, Levee n. Harmony Dazet Philip, butcher, 18 Dryades market Dazet Piacide, butcher, French market, d. 78 Main , Dazzet F^eon, butcher, 20 Poydras market, d. 549 Chijipewa Dazzett P. ijutcher, 26 French market Dea Antonio, 431, St. Claude, d. 3 Dea John, clerk, 16 Carondelet, d. 431 St. Claude Deacon Stephen, laborer, 157. Franklin Deacon Wm. clerk, Customhouse, d. 554 Camp Deady Joseph, potter. Cadi>z n. Camp,J.C. Deahl Louis, blacksmith. Market n. Levee Dean Alex. W.and Chas. J. 425 Dryades Dean Elizaljcth Mrs. millinery, 114 Ram- part Dean Wene, Mrs. Howard c. Felicity Dean Jflnies, screwman, d. 109 Religious Dean John, laborer, 229 Poydras Dean Mrs., Josephine n. St. Thomas Dean Robert, paver, Perdido c. Galvez D(»an Roi)iTt W. ship agent, 117 Gravier De»n William T. c. ]^. d'. 449 Ter]>sichore Dean Wm. H. blaok.«mith, 68 St Piiilip l\' Andrii's Mrs. midwife, 117 Orleans Dear Thomas, finisher, Urquhart, n. St. Ferdinand Dearc'uisso Jean, butcher, 220 Orleans. Dearie Alexander, 76 Carondi-let Deari<> .lames W. d. 430 Carondelet Dearie Riehard, lork manuf. 76 Carondelet Dearien E. H. 209 St. Louis Ue Arman John & Co. ( W. F. Lnufr,) cominission mers. 67 Tchoupitoulas De Armas Albert, d. 290 Claiborne De Armas Arthur, 7 St. Peter, d. 2 De Armas Arthur C. deputy surveyor- general, 109 Exchange place, d. 565 St. Claud.', d.^ De Armas C. A. 327 Main De Armas C. Mrs., Main, c. Pricur De Armas Charles, 362 Dauphine, d. 3 De Armas Cliristoval, Claiborne n. Canal De Armas Felix Mrs. 288 Claiborne, d. 2 De Armas Felix, 288 Claiborne, d. 2 De Armas Michael, deputy sheriff, d. 488 Royal, d. 3 De Armas Octave, notary public, 144 Royal, d. 279 Royal De Armas Rosemond, paving teller Mer- chants' and Traders' Bank, d. 178 Burcnndy Deatoii John, Chippewa n. Washington Deayala Y. d. 165 Claiborne DcBar Ben. lessee St. Charles Theatre, 196 Raronne DeBar Mrs. dancing academy, 196 Baronne DebardicM-res Michael, blacksmith, 225 Chartres Debat Andrew, coffee house, New Levee c. Louisiana avenue, Jefferson City Debat Antoine, butcher, d. 94 Main Debat Jules, wheelwright, 183 Bayou road Debat Phili]!, butcher, d. 139 Daiiphine Debat Pierre, grocer, Hurgunily c. Conti Debats B. butcher, 93 French market Debaud Charles, coal and wood yard, Der- bigny n. Bienville Debaun j. locality not reported. Debelf M., Esplanade n. Royal Debergue Joseph, shoe store, Bayou road c.^St. Claude, d. 100 Mandeville Debergue Michael, 47 Laharpe Debergue Michael, 72 Union, d. 3 Debergue Michel, 469 St. Claude, d. 3 Debergue Oscar Mrs. 144 Union Debis Jacques, Bayou road c. Derbignv DeBlanc AlexandeV, 25 Front Devee, d. 2 DeRlanc Arniand, d. 373 Orleans DeBlanc A. E. feed store,25 Front Levee ,d. 2 DeBlanc Charles jr. attorney at law, 51 Exchange place DeBlanc Charles W. 315 Main DeBlanc Charles, accountant, 63 Old Le- vee, d. 2, d. 225 Main DeBlanc Charles, d. 339 Main DeBlanc J. A. 83 Louisa DeBlane Lewis, jr. clerk, 38 Old Levee DeBlanc L. D. Mrs. d. 277 Bayou road DeBlanc O. N. clerk, 36 Perdido Deblieux A. Mrs. 191 f^ustomlnnise UeBlois & Johnson (John Deliloin, Geo. A. Johnson,) western produce, 8 Front Levee, d. 1 DeElois John, fWfB/ois.^'To/iHsoM,; 8 Front Levee, d. 1 DeBoisblanc Alfred, 34 Love Debolt Joseph H. apothecary, d. 420 St. Charles D(>bon A. S. carpenter, Camp n. Thalia Deborde Eugene F. f. m. c. 148 St. Peter Deborde Joseph, f. m. c. bricklayer, 311 Orleans Debordinave F. grocer, 321 Chartres Dei)ou Valentin, First n. Chippewa Debouchel V. inspector of customs, Cus- tom house DeBdur Chas. drayman, Franklin n. Canal Deboiirtcommeux T., Barracks n. Prieur DiBkw's Commercial Review, 68 Camp Debolles S. B. Mrs. "St. John House,*' 174 Camp DEB 128 DEG Debreton G. collector, 179 GasquPt Debretton Edmund F. salesman, 86 Canal Debrinay C. 132 Bourbon Debrueys H. 347 St. Charles DeBruille Alex, furniture, 88 Bienville Debuc Jean, butcher, 75 French market Debussieres , b. h. 29 Johnson, d. 2, d. Conti c. Roman DeBuys Emile, secretary Star Ins. Co. 22 St. Charles, d. 213 Bayou road DeBuys H. M. (H. F. Lonsdale, Son 8f Co.) 89 Gravier, d. 179 St. Ann DeBuys & Ogden (Lucien DeBuys, Wal- lace Ogden,) stock, note and exchange brokers, 22 1^ Carondelet, d. Bayou road, c. Treme DeBuys Ovide, 89 Conde DeBuys P. A. 140 Ursulines, d.l77 St.Ann DeCan C. F. grocery, 70 Mandeville DeCarlos Louis, barber, 95 Music DeCastang B. 54 Main DeCastelnau Dominique, druggist, 105 Royal DeCastro G. western produce, Natchez c. Tchoupitoulas, d. 170 Bayou road DeCastro Jacob, book keeper, 25 Char- tres, d. 230 Erato Decaux Victor, clerk, St. Louis n. Villere DECHAMPS E. No. 20 St. Louis street. French Wines, Bran- dies, Cordials, Swiss AlDsinth, Kirehenwasser, Fruits in Brandy, Fruits in their Juice, Domestic Liquors, etc., etc. DeChaux A. 12 St Bernard Dechateau John, crockery, 102 Main DeChazel Peter, 23 History DeChoiseul Chas.atty. at law, 16 Ex. place Deck Francis P. 231 Bienville Deck Fran(;ois, cabinet maker, 59 Royal, d. Bienville n. Marais Deckban Henry, drayman, St. Mary n. Constance Decker Archibald, New Levee c. Ninth Decker A. C. accountant, 26 Magazine Decker G. tailor, 14 Crossman Decker L. cabinet maker, 104 Montcgut Decker M M. Capt. d. 26 Josephine Deckerson C. carpenter, 241 Liberty Decking F. watchmkr, 172 Rampart, d. 1 Declouet A., Craps c. Mandeville Declouet E. bricklayer, 205 Mandeville Declouet Simon, 639 Rampart, d. 3 Decloux Jenny, f. w. c. 67 Villere, d. 3 Decorle Abraham K. elk. 408 Villere, d. 3 Decoud Antoine, Urquhart n. Spain Decoud Charles, 44 St. Anthony Decoudreau J. C. carp. 30 St. Anthony Decoudreau Louis, shoemkr. 415 St. Ann Decoudreau Louis,bricklyr,331 Prieur, d.3 Decoux C. clerk, 117 Gravier Decoursey Richard, laborer Decourt Joseph, Burgundy n. St. Ann Decoux V. sergeant d. 2, d. 239 Orleans DeCuenco F. oysters, 235 Barorine Decuir A. Mrs. 87 Bourbon Dedden J., Canal n. New Levee Dede Bazil, f. m. c. St. Claude c. Barracks Dede Bazil jr. f. m. c. bricklayer, 178 Man- deville DE DOPFF W. & CO., Importers and Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead, Zinc White, Window Glass, &c., 91 Magazine. De Dopff W. (W. De Dopff &( Co.) d. Louisiana avenue n. Prytania Dee Martin, oysters, 44 Girod Dec Patrick, laborer, 77 Spain Dee Thomas, laborer. Liberty n. Erato Deegan Mary Ann, teacher, 275 Franklin Deekbas Henry, carpenter, St. Mary c. Constance Deel Louis, blacksmith, d. Market near Front Levee D'Eprement Celeste du L., Brainard n. Philip Deering John, Erato n. Thaiia Deering J. B. ice. Calliope n. Magnolia Deering P. painter. Magnolia n. Seveiith Deering Willis, Galvez n. Poydras Deeringer Jno. drayman. Laurel n. Eighth Dees Sarah Mrs. 94 Franklin Deeters H. First n. St. Dennis Deetjen N. accountant, 125 Chartres Defaux J. clerk, 155 Canal Deferetty Charles, cigars and barber shop, Common c. Claiborne Deferiet Gabriel, auctioneer. Exchange place c Conti, d. 74 Louisa Deffarge, Gustave, ( Lafitte Sf Dcffarge,) wines and liquors, 163 Royal, d. 107 St. Philip Deffarge Marie Mrs., 145 Conti Deffenback M., St. Dennis n. Sixth Deffes Jean, butcher, 99 French market Deffes Louis, butcher, 95 French market, d. 580 Orleans Deffes Pierre, 18 Po/dras market Deffez E. (Tamboury, Olivarri Sf Co.) d. 242 Claiborne Defilbow Louis, Jefferson City Defour i5ertrand, wheelwright, 125 Caron- delet walk Defranchis S. A. b. h. 109 St. Charles Del'rasse A. sculptor, 366 Gravier, d. 77 Gasquet Defrates J. lab. Annunciation n. Richard Defreche J. butcher, 26 Poydras^market DeFuentis J. clerk, 31 Carondelet Degan Charles, grocer, 454 Royal, d. 3 Degan Samuel, laborerfThird n. .Vlagazine Degasse Chas. cakes, 386 St. Claude, d. 3 Degau Edward, laborer, 209 Rampart, d.l Degau Geo. cabinet maker, 449 Bienville Degaujac S. Mrs. 8 St. Philip Degean Adelaide Mrs. dress maker, 871 Magazine, d. 4 DEG 129 DEL Dcgoar Hiram H. ship carp. Peter, Algiers L. clerk, 335 Marais, d. 3 Dc'i;iii Mathias, ragman, 340 Ursuliiies DegiMirgo A. grocer, '2'20 Esplanade Dcgcorge G. grocer. Royal c. Hospital Deglatigny E. Mrs. 21G Uaiiphine Dcgnaii Tlios. warehouseman, d. 112 Erato DeGoicouria D. com. mcr, and fire arms, T.") Camp DeGouniey P. F. d. 233 Main Degoule Louis, cook, 107 Conti Degrais Joseph T. (JO Desire Degrange James, 241 Tlialia Legrange Joseph H. clerk, 48 Carondelet, ^ d. '241 Thalia Degrey Lucien F. elk. d. 266 Melpomene Degrey Lonis F. apolheeary, 140 Chartres Degro'H. turner, 214 iJienville Degruy Alphonsc, cotton sampler, Union over New Orleans Bank Degruy Anthime, clerk, 129 Common Degruy Camille V. clerk, 129 Common Degruy Chas. J. clerk, llnitin over Bank Degruy Eugene, clerk, 64 Canal, d. 248 Bayou road Degruy E. A. Rampart c. Frenchmen Degruy E. B. d. Frenchmen c. IJampart Degruy Kug(me J. c. ]i. 222 St. Philip Degruy Felix, clerk, St. Pliilip c. Treme Degruy HiMiry, d. 465 Rampart Degruy Jean, 313 Orleans Degruy J. B. clerk, St. Ann Degruy Joseph C. cotton weigher, d. 466 Dryades Degruy J. V. 246 Bourbon Degruy L. F. clerk, Factiu-'s row, 38 Pcr- dido, d. 266 Melpomene Degruy P. F. accountant, 22 Common, d. St. Philip c. Treme Degruy P. H. constable, d. 419 Franklin Degruy St. Preux, 176 St. Philip Degruy V'alois, acct. d. 95Ursulines Degiiiys KranCj-i'is, lab. 377 Orleans Degue Oscar, ally, at law, JellVrson City DegU(M-ey, Chas. Columbus n. Claiborne Deguery v incent, musician, 65 St. Philip Deguillx'm P. tailor, 119 Old Levee Degunamand Wm. M. clerk, 77 Canal, d. 338 Main Degurley James, Sixth n. Magazine D'ilaniecouri J. A. clerk, red stores, d. 61 Barracks D'Hard B. Mrs. Roman n. Kerlerec De Hart J. A. dentist, 17 Baronne D'Hebecourl Francis N. discount clerk Louisiana Stale Bank,d. Bayou bridge DTIemecourt E. Mrs., Mandeville n. Mo- rales D'Hemecourt J. A. surveyor, d. 2, d. 297 Royal D'HEMECOURT J. A., Southern Homeopathic Pliai-macy, 297 RoyaL D'Hemecourt LeDossu, Bayou bridge D'Hemecourt V. A. clk.Tremcc. Barracks D'Hiver Joseph, painter, 174 Main Dehmer Henry, tailor, 496 Rampart, d. 3 Dehn Henry, pattern ipkr. Liberty n. First Dehon Jules, 89 Conde Dehurst Henry, Felicity n. Bacchus Deiblin Christopher, lab._Lyon c. Jersey, Jetlerson City <_ Deiblin Louis, gardnr. Laurel c. Tolcdano Deibos Lucien, sinith, 327 Derbigny, d. 2 Deichman Chas. grocer, St. Andrew c. Liberty Deifeiibach Fred. carp. d. 191 Melpomene Deign Barney, laborer, 157 Chipjiewa Deigrabes C. wheelwright, Madison c. Fourth, Carrollton Deimel K. Mrs. 769 Rampart, d. 3 Deitemeier IL H. coppersmith, 186 St. Anthony Dcisler & Iverns, books, 114 Baronne Deltas Herman, carp. First n. St. D-^nnis Deiters Edward, clerk, d. 78 Poyfarrc Diexlieimer Jacob, butcher, 144 Galvez, d.2 Dej John, baker, Josejiliine c. Laurel Dejan August, d. 210 Bourbon Dejan Bernard, Castillion, 425 Bourbon, d. 3 Dejan Charles, 153 Chartres Dejan Dr., Toulouse n. Bourbon Dejan F. D. clerk, 38 Old Levee Dejan Jean, carpenter, 171 Orleans Dejan John, clerk, 379 St. Ann Dejan Jules, comptroller, Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, d. 122 Rampart Dejan Jules, jr. acct. 57 and 59 Bienville, d. 122 Ursulines Dejan J. B. 174 Girod Dejan J. B. jr. cigars, 155 Girod Dejan L. Mrs. 431 Bouri)on, d. 3 Dejan Mc.\rlhur, 51 Royal, d. 19 Galvez, d. 2 Dejan Octave, clerk, 45 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 133 Ursulines Dejan Peter, clerk, d. 85 Royal Dejan Valsin, clerk, d.389 Daui)hine, d. 3 Dijan Victor, paying teller Louisiana State Bank,d. 175 Bourbon Dejarlais L. A. book keeper, 82 Canal, d. 101 Esjilanade Dejean Armand, clerk, 214 Ursulines Dejean Edward, clerk, 98 Canal, d. 221 Bayou road Dejoux Fran<;ois, f. m. c. carp. 247 Main Dejoux Victor, 120 Prieur, d. 2 De La Bretonne B. teacher. 251 Ursulines Delabroye Pierre, professor, 19 Union, d. 3 Delache Philemon, laborer, H'A Barrack Delachaise Philip Louis, ( Lenes &f Vela- chaise,) d. Laurel c. Delachaise De Lacour Louis B. 142 Orleans De Lacourt A. shoemkr. 174 St. Anthony Delacroix C. C. book keeper, 69 Canal Delacroix F. F. Mrs. b h. 19 Toulouse Delacroix L. B. clerk, Common n. Clara De la Croix C. Rev. superior of Christian Firothers' establishment. Camp near Girod, adjoin 'g3l. Patrick's Cathedral De la Croix M. Mrs., dress making and millinery. Magazine n. St. Mary DEL 130' DEL De La Cruz Raymond, cigars, 9 St.Charles d. 410 Franklin Delacroix Widow, 320 Bayou road De Lacy Mary Mrs. 13 Ruligious De Lacy Waller, accountant Bank Louisi- ana, d. Harmony near Constance Delacy Patrick, St. Mary c. Religious "Delugrave A. 92 Camp, d.345 Rampart, d.l Delaliay Emile, clerk, b9 Camp Delahanty Edmund, clerk, 131 Constance Delahanty Richard, laborer, 129 Bolivar Delahanty Thomas, lab. Clara n. Cypress Delahoussaye B. S. 253 St. Ann DelahoussayeH. fur. rooms, 89 Main Delahunty Edward, elk. d. 131 Constance Delau- John, painter, Dryades, c. Philip Delalondre Jean, 151 St. Louis Delainare Henry, Moreau near Louisa Delamore John, sr. cooper, 43 Spain Delamore J. Mrs. dress maker, Spain c Chartres Delamore Petit, artist, 138 St. Peter Delamotte A. c. h. Chartres c. St. Philip Delaney Archy, cooper, 168 Tchuupitoulas Delaney Arthur, Love n. Bordeaux, Jef- ferson City Delaney Daniel, laborer, 626 Royal, d. 3 Delaney Dennis, laborer, 160 Aimuncia'n. Delaney James, carpenter, 201 Vine Delaney John, tailor, 263 Carondelet Delaney Jolm, warehouseman, 136 New Levee Delaney John, carpenter, 189 Foucher Delaney John Mrs. 551 Burgundy, d. 1. Delaney Michael, blacksmith, 16 Elysian Fields Delaney Nicholas, laborer, 52 Poet Delaney Patrick, machinist, JN. O. and Jackson R. R. Delaney Robert, blacksmith, Bolivar n. Poydras Delaney Thomas, lab. 553 Burgundy, d. 2. Delaney William, c. p. 316 Dryades Delange C. A. shoemaker, 80 Ex. place Delany Catharine, grocery, St. Mary c. Laurel Delany Peter, laborer, 508 Chartres De la Pefia Jose A. cigar maker, 29 Union, d. 3. Delaplaine Alfred, clerk. Camp c. Canal Delapray M. Mrs., cook, 307 Burgundy De la Roche E. 30 Chartres De la Roche Henry Mrs., grocer, 61 Der- bigny, d. 2. De la Rosa Jose, 18 St. Bernard. De la Kosa L. Mrs. 462 St. Claude, d. 3. De la Rue 0. 164 Derbigny, d. 2. d. 302 Hospital De la Rue & Sloan, (IVilHam De la Rue, Joseph S. Sloan,) produce brokers, 90 Common De la Rue William, (De la Rue 8f Sloan,) d. 184 Esplanade De la Rue T. book-keeper, 341 Bienville Delass Jean, clerk, 351 Bienville Delassize L. T. brick, lime, etc. Old Basin Delai John, d. 70 Laurel De Laterriere L. Mrs. dry goods, Bartholo- mew n. Royal Delatorri Aug'n, cigars, Miro n. Bienville De Latour F. 107 Independence Delaunay, Rice & Co. ( E. F. Delaunay, Jolm G. Rice,) com. mers. 16 Caron- delet Delauny Jean, 22 Morales Delaup A. clerk, d. 259 St. Ann Delaup E. printer, d. 259 St. Ann Delaup Fran<;ois, printer, 259 St. Ann, d. Canal n. Prieur Delavalle J. B. clerk, 129 Royal Delaville A. shoemaker, 147 Bourbon Delaville C. Mrs. 419 Burgundy, d. 3. Delawoevre Franc^uis Mrs. bakery, 211 Bienville Delay J. B. Mrs., Claiborne n. Esplanade Delay R. grocer, 228 St. Ann Delazzeri Eug.Goodchildren c. Mysterious Delbanco S. iii. clothing, 49 Levee, d. 3. Delbondio Charles, clerk, 32 Lafayette Delbondio E. F. clerk, 32 Lafayette Delbondio Frederick, western produce, 7 Lafayette, d. 348 Magazine Delbos Lucien, bl'ksm. 159 Derbigny, d. 2. Delchrislo Louis E. clerk, 132 Barracks Delcroix D. butcher, 109 Chartres Delcroix D. pianist, 109 Chartres Delcroix Peter, 109 Chartres Delcros J. M. Rev., Jefferson City De Lea Louis, acct. d". 119 Royal Delehunty Edm'd,clk. 190 Chippewa, d. 4. Delente P. E. Dr., Customhouse n. Ram- part Del Lerno Napoleon, d. 50 Gasquet Delery Anatole, clerk, 67 Canal Delery Armand, clerk, 71 Canal, d. 372 Customhouse Delery Aug. C. clerk, 67 Canal, d. 66 Vil- lere, d. 2. Delery B. Mrs. 170 Main Delery Charles, finisher. Fourth, Gretna Delery Charles Dr. d. 91 Burgundy Delery Charles Mrs. 146 Hospital Delery C. f. w. c. Dryades n. Washington Delery Edward, carp. Liberty n. Erato Delery Eugene, c. elk. 67 Canal, d. Clai- borne opposite market Delery E. M. Treasurer's office, d. 83 Or- leans Delery F., Solidelle n. St. Anthony Delery F. Mrs. d. 123 Barracks Delery Henry, elk. 63 Magazine, d. 83 Orleans Delery Jacques Mrs. 34 Mazant Delery J. A. 282 Ursulines Delery J. Leopold, clerk Citizens Bank, Royal c. Customhouse Delery Louis, d. Gretna Delery Miss, Third n. Levoiseur, Gretna De Lamarre Petit, shoe store, Toulouse, basement Opera House Delery Mrs. 210 Marais, d. 2. Delery Oscar I. clerk, d. 123 Barracks Delery Paul, note clerk. Citizens Bank, d. 167 Bayou road DEL 131 DEM Delerdernier F. W. elk. 33 St. Joseph, d. 227 Terpsichore Delerdernier John G. screwman, Philip n. Fulton Delesdernier L. F. clerk, d. 356 Franklin Deleto Marie, 41 North market Delfs F'red'k, laborer, d. 356 Basin Delgado S. book kee]ier, 32 Poydras De 1 'Homme L. barkeeper, 19b Toulouse Delhost A. Camp n. St. Mary Delille Jacques, shoes, 225 Customhouse Delima John Manuel, screwman, Good- children n. Spain Delinat Jules, 71 St. Bernard Delish John, Josephine n. Laurel De L'Jsle C. G. 185 Customhouse De L'lsle E. G. & Co. ( Linile Gaschet De I/Isle, M. B. Brady, I). E. Boutin, Jos. Kaincy,) Southern Cotton Press, Clara d. Lafayette, d. 163 Esplanade De L'Jsle E. G. ( E. G. De L'lsle &c Co.) d. 163 Esjilanade De L'lsle E. cotton broker, 46 Carondelet, d. 457 Carondelet De L'lsle G. G. Mrs. 185 Customhouse De L'lsle Jules G. accountant, .62 Caron- delet, d. 185 Customhouse De L'lsle L. E. cotton broker, 46 Caron- delet, d. 457 Carondelet De L'Jsle V. G. cotton pickery, Clouet, c. Moreau,- d. 185 Customhouse Dell John, c. h. 554 J<\-ont Levee Dellande VV. ciijar factory, 465 St. Claude, d. 434 St. Claude Dellatre Adoljihe, c. p. Third n. Laurel Dellaville Jos. &, J. B. St. Jane n. Gravier Deilemore Richard, lab. d. 30U St. Louis Dellenbaeh Peter, cistern maker, Rampart c. Independence Di'llis Antonio, fruit, 158 Bienville Dcllum VVm. painter, Delaronde, Algiers Dclmodo Hosea, sailor, 112 Melj)omene Dtlmodo Joseph, Dryades market Dtlmos J. T. Ijroker, 178 Clio Di'lmont Mrs. C, Common n. Franklin Di'Imore Kichard, laborer, 281 St. Louis Diloche Louis, druggist, 195 liourbon Delon Auguste P. bricklayer, Marigny n. Rampart Delon Edward, laborer, d. 8 Enghien Drloney Ann Mrs , Deiord n. Foucher D( lomy Louise, f. w. c. 149 Hospital Delonge Charles, shoemaker, 83 Ex. place Deiord Bernard, butcher, 84 French market Deiord Baptist, dairy, Liberal n. Elysian Flrlds Di'lord P. grocer, 23 Annette Di'lord R. butcher, 94 French market, d. Louisiana av. cor. Annunciation Deiord Simm, milk, Ur.sulines c. Broad Delormel Amelia Mrs. 48 Gasquet Delounel Alex. Mrs. 140 Customhouse Deloy A. Mrs. 319 Ursulines Deljieauh A. warehouse bookeeper of cus- toms, 422 Rampart, d. 3. IDelpeuch A. Mrs. 300 liurgundy Delphiu M. stevedore, 109 Greatmen Delphin Mary, 342 Bourbon, d. 3 Delpit Adrien, manufacturer of Perique and Natchitoches snurt", chewing and smoking tobacco, 13 St. Louis Deljiit Auguste, clerk, 23 St. Charles Delpit C. A. acct. d. 407 Customhouse Delpit John, 13 St. Louis, d. 203 Orleans Delpit J. J. clerk, 30 Bank place Delpit J. P. 316 ViUere, d. 3 Delpit L. Capt. 25 Liberty Delpit Louis, f. m. c. cigars, 490 Villere,d.3 Delrieu H. bk. keeper, 222 Derbigny,d. 2 Delrieu Jules Pierri, gun and locksmith, 243 Burgundy Delrieu L. R. Dr., riding school and liorse- shoeing, 138 Rampart, d. 2 Delseries Adolphe, clerk, 53 I'oet Delseries A. Mrs. 568 Burgundy, d. 3 Delseries Emile, 568 Burgundy, d. 3 Delserieux A. clerk, Old Levee, d. 2 Delta Newspaper, stock co., 76 Camp Delta Warehouse, Front and Fulton Deltrigo J. A. cigars, 49 Bienville Deltz A. L. tobacco, 993 Leon, d. 4 Deluzain L. E. importer wines and liquors, 119 Royal, d. 171 St. Claude Deluzain Louis H. 70 Clouet Delvaille Aristide Mrs. 419 Burgundy Delwry Jeremiah, Third n. Liberty Del wry John, marble wks. 184 St. Charles Demag Eugene Mrs. 325 Marais, d. 3 Demahy C. clerk, d. 429 Dauplune, d. 3 Demahy H. engineer, 27 Natchez, d. 731 Burgundy, d. 3 Demahy J. Mrs. 731 Burgundy, d. 3 Demahy Jos. R. (H. DktMahy &f Co.) 37 JNatchez DeMahy H &■ Co. (Jos. R. DeMihy, F. "Jhinand,) corn and feed, 37 Natchez DeMailly K. painter, 303 St. Claude Deniailly B. f. m. c. 67 Piety Demailly Jean Francis, 303 St. Claude, d. 2 Denianger Louis, 190 Burgundy Demor Charles, laborer, 156 Spain Demorcan John, 16 Mam Demare A. cabt. mkr, 778 Burgundy, d. 3 Demare F. bill'd table makr, 150 Toulouse Demarest Adolphe, clerk, 29 Magazine, d. 168 Elysian Fields Demarest A. engineer, 168 Elysian Fields Demarest Elizabeth Mrs. 27 Spain Demarest Jos. W. sugar brok.d. 130 Robin Demarest Jos. W. 73 Old Levee Demarest John, clerk, 185 Deiord Demarine R. N. mer. 460 Dauphine DeMasiliere John, 388 Uamnart, d. 3 Dechasiliere B. widow, 262 Bayou road Dematos Jos. G. fruit, 43(( Royal, d. 3. Deniant Louis Dr., M. D., Madison Demaye Zeno, f. m. c. drayman, 155 St. Ann Demaza S. clerk. Main n. Prieur Demazien Rose, 42 Burgundy Deinazillier E. dry goods, 527 Rampart Dtmena Susan, f. w. c. 318 Erato Demurest John M. assistant treasurer, d. 379 Magazine DEM 132 DEP DeMerritt John W. book keeper,23 Front, d. 185 Delord DeMesgrigny A. clerk, Royal c. Toulouse Demestre John, dry goods, c. Magazine and Toledano Demcza Emile Mrs. 371 Canal DeMeza A. H. ( CucuUu &f DeMeza,) 4 St. Louis, d. 118 St. Louis DfMuza Jos. d. 1 Crescent row. Canal DuMeza S. clerk, 88 Royal Deman Charles, clerk, i!38 Royal, d. 158 Kerlerec Demcza D. H. sugar broker, d. 274 Mel- pomene Demeza L. sugar broker, d. 1 Crescent row. Canal Dernier Louis A. brick yard, Front near Soniat, Jeiierson City Demilt A. P. dealer in twines and- cordage, 60 Magazine Deming Ralph, clerk, 77 Calliope Demogo J. 0. Front Levee n. Ursulines DemoiUe M. Mrs. 227 Villiere, d 2 DeMonasberie , grocery, opp. depot, Algiers Demonasterio A. & E. grocers, 135 Old Levee Demonastereo A. grocer, 259 Old Levee Demonsabert C. 25 Plauche Demontrond & Co. (Claude F.Demontrond, Galliot Pierre) dry goods, 169 Canal, d. 59 Esplanade, & 349 Old Levee, d. 3 Demortica A. 138 St. Peter Demoruelle Edward, Catholic cemetery Demoruelle Ernest, 358 Orleans DemoreuUe F. clerk, Toulouse c. Basin Demoreulle H. clerk, 245 CarondeJet walk DemoreuUe Jacques, 358 Orleans ^__^^ Demoreulle Jos. clerk, 358 Orleans Demoreulle V. wood, bricks and sand, Toulouse c. Basin Demott Samuel, public weigher, 65 Poy- dras, d. 397 Perdido Demoulin S. grocer, 71 St. Phihp Demouy Henry, (Lazare, Levasseur Sf Co.) 8 and 10 Chartres Dempsey Ann Mrs. 60 Enghien Dempsey James, lab. Perdido n. Willow Dempsey Jas. screwman, d. 172 Tchou- pitoulas Dempsey Jno. lab. d. 59 Annunciation Dempsey Jno. lab. d. Perdido n. Willow Dempsey Jno. W. clerk, 55 St. Charles Dempsey J. drayman, d. 556 St. Claude Dempsey Louis, lab. d. 352 Chartres, d.3 Dempsey Michael, drayman, 493 Tchou- pitoulas Dempsey Pat. lab. d. 188 St. Thomas Demron Stephen, barber, 47 Rosseau Demuth Jacob, painter, 254 Rousseau Den W. carp. N. 0. J. and G. W. R. R. Denarvi Joseph Mrs. 230 Bourbon Dench Bozar, 86 Frenchmen Dendinger Michael Mrs. c. h. 51 Laurel Dendinger George, driver, 422 Basin Dendorf James, shoe store, c. St. Mary and Magazine Deneauf Charles E. cooper, Tchoupitoulas n Celeste Denechaud A. clerk, 130 Canal Denechaud Edward, Edward's restaurant, 15 Union, d. 1 Dencgre J. D. com. m. Old Levee, c. Bien- ville; president Citizens Bank, 20 Dryades Denegre W 0. attorney at law, 54 Camp, d. 157 St. Philip Denegre Joseph, 63 Carondelet, d. 20 Dryades Deneufbourg J. Dr., Harmony c. Magazine Denegri Antoine, musician, 103 Perdido Deniel Nicholas, 240 Dauphine Denif Richard, lab. d. 134 Erato Deniger Adeline, Sixth n Annunciation Denim M. 261 St. Ann Deninger John, feed, 948 New Levee, d. 4 Deninger John, lab. d. 166 New Levee DenningcofFer Frank, c. h. and grocery, 187 Josephine Dennis Adolphe, clerk, 45 Chartres Denny M. lab. d. 318 Erato Denis Arthur, attorney at law, 104 Canal, d. 89 Bourbon Denis Henry, attorney at law, d. 6 Pon- talba buildings Denis H. R. attorney at law, 18 Exchange place, d. Esplanade c. Conde Denis John, gardener, 390 Bayou road Denis John, clerk, d. 178 Galvez Denis J. C. 118 Common Denis Jules, carp. 186 Johnson, d. 2 Denise Constant, baker, b. h. 74 Toulouse Denison D. A. shoemaker, 115 Gravier Denison Henry Capt. d. 484 Camp Denman Ralf (J\larsh &f Co.) carriages, 85 Common, and Carondelet c. Gravier Denneny Michael, lab. 361 Franklin Dennett Jacob K. dealer in hides, 99 Maga- zine, d, 47 Race Dennett J. W. salesman, 28 Common, d. 505 St. Charles Dennies J. C. proprietor Catholic Stand- ard, Canal c. Exchange place Denning A. Mrs. Carondelet n. St. Andrew Dennig Jacob, shoemaker, 21 Claiborne Dennis C. W. engineer, N. O.J. and G.N. Railroad Dennis Jarvis, clerk, 163 Camp Dennis Jean, clerk. Bayou bridge Dennistoun A. & J. & Co. (^i. Dennis- toun, J. Dennistoun, John C. B, Yuille,) i bankers, 34 Carondelet Dennot J. Mrs. 185 St. Louis ' Denny James, carpenter, 273 Clara j Denslow Julia Mrs. 241 Poydras j Dentzel F. A. deputy postmaster, d. Con- ' stance n. Terpsichore I Dentzel Virginius C. 70 Camp. | Denver Robert, clerk, l3l Poydras ' Deneritty John, dray 'n, 554 St. Claude, d.3 De Palos S. S. Mrs. 377 Canal Depan Dominique, 95 Conti Depass Estelle, 160 St. Peter Depass Samuel, stevedore, 217 Rampart DEP 133 DES Depass C. A. Mrs. dry goods, 62 St. Philip Depass John, clerk, 285 Dryades Depass J. H. engineer, St. Charles c. First Depass Mrs. 442 Royal, d. 3 Depass Pauline, 146 St Peter Depass Phcenix, clerk, 116 Cliartres Depassau Dan'l, f.m.c. Laurel c. St. Mary Depel Jacob, sailor, 1015 New Levee, d. 4 De Fena J. Mrs. 424 Burgundy, d. 3 Depetasse A. cabinet maker, 192 Bourbon Depi Henry, Valance n. St. Dennis Depierris James, bulclur, 11 French mkt Depold Adam, tailor, Philip n. Mew Levee Depository of the Ladies' Henevolent So- ciety, 195 Camp Depouilly A. M. 376 St. Ann Depouilly J. J. Carondelct walk c. Prieur Depouilly J. J\. architect, 195 Tieme, d.2 Deppe Louis Mrs. 554 St. Claude, d. 3 Deppouy Jean, butcher, 28 French market Depratte Auguste, Prieur n. Common Deprys JV. Mrs. 381 Daujihuie, d. 3 Deprez J. shoemaker, 48 Frenchmen Deranco Charles, atty. at law, 182 Tou- louse, d. 284 Roman Derangheau Victor, caulker, 129 Main Derauche E. clerk, 155 Canal Derbes Adeline, f. w. c. Metairic ridge Derbes Alexander, consul at Marseilles Derbes Joseph, jr. dry goods, 49 Cliartres Derbes J. B. Mrs. wholesale millinery, 123 St. Ann Derbes St. Cyr, clerk, 61 Carondelct, d.l23 St. Ann Derbigny Charles, 57 Hospital Derbigny Juiien, cooper, 'I'onti n. St. Ann Debordenavet D'Abere Fulgence, general agency, 86 Old Levee Derby John, blacksmith, 301 Poydras Deregny Julian, cooper, Tonti n. Main Derepau Etienne, carpenter, 47 Enghien Derenbacher Jacob, shoes, 6 Fourth Deres John, 16 Music Derete Jean, dairy, St. Philip n. Broad Derey Louis, tailor, 78 St. Peter Derham Ellen Mrs. Euterpe n. Prytania Derheimer Jacob, butcher, Treme market Dering Peter Mrs., Bourbon n. Solidelle Derigney Julian, cooper, Tonti n. St. Ann Derivaux Charles, tailor, 156 Royal DeRivero Jose, tailor, 57 St. Ann Dermody James, grocer, 248 Camp, d. 283 Dryades Dermody Thomas drayman, 114 Port Derner Richard, cartman, 443 Franklin DeRoche Louis, 387 Ursulinea Deron Mrs. school for young ladies, 273 Dauphine Deron John B. f. m. c. laborer, 59 Barracks Derosa Francisco S. screwman, 34 Spain Derose J. M. butcher, d. 124 Main De Rosenorn Edward, coal, 131 Exchange place, d. 124 St. Louis Derosh Louis, musician and professor, 387 Ursulinea Derr John, d. Josephine n. Fulton Derrey J. B. broker, 129 Customhouse, d. . 241 Bienville Dersam Leonhardt, laborer, d. 809 St. Claude, d. 3 De Russy C. 143 Clio De Russy G. B. permit clerk of customs, d. 143 Clio De Russy G. B. 136 Common Deruise H. Mrs. 168 Claiborne, d. 2 Dervignan t'ran(,'ois, 283 Frenchmen Derwem James, cab driver, d. 177 Tchoup- itoulas Desabaye William, painter, 105 Poydras, d. 297 St. Louis De Sabler Eugene J. clerk, 61 Common De Saint Armand Ovide, 321 St. Andrew De Saint Germain M. carpenter, Love c. Bagatelle De Saint Romes Dr. 171 St. Ann De Saint Romes L. E. auctioneer, 97 Ex- change place, d. 169 St. .Ann De Saint Romes Victor, 97 Exchange place De Sallas, Alphonse, carp. 267 Ursulines De Sallas Philo, 267 Ursulines Desalles Mrs. widow, 414 St. Claude, d. 3 Desalles Louis, carp. d. 414 St. Claude,d.3 Desallize Julia, 340 Bourbon, d. 3 De Santos Bernard, broker, 182 Ursulines Desaizanl Armand, printer, 119 Poet Desbaii Jaims, clerk, 66 and 68 Magazine Desban A. Mrs. St. Mary's Institute, 199 Camp Desbles J. B. painter, 334 Burgundy Desbaras J. ice cream mkr. Main n. Levee Desbaras J. Mrs. 65 St. Philip Desbons & Bonnecaze, (Paul Desbons, Ed- ward Bonnecaze,) confectionery, St. Peter c. Royal Desbons Baptiste, butcher, 43 St. Peter Desbordes Henry, professor high school, d. 3, d. 113 Frenchmen Desbordes G., Roman n. Kerlerec Desbrinierer E. painter, 244 Burgundy Desbrosses A. cigars, 185 Marais Desbrosses J. P. barkeeper, 140 Basin, d.2 Desca J. clerk, 71 Cliartres Descas Josejih, screwman ,599 Rampart,d.3 Deschamps Bernard, shoemaker, 52 France Deschamps V. Dr. 250 Tchoupitoulas Deschant Lucien, steward, d. 197 Esplanade Deschapelles E. LeBrelon, 213 Julia Deschar Carson, dairy, Eighth c. Rampart Deschner John, grocer, 478 Chippewa Deschenner Jacob, laborer, 100 Johnson Descher Jacob, Liberty n. Jackson Desconnetto Thomas, Esplanade n. Broad Descrinierer Eugene, painter, 244 Burgundy Descrons Baptiste, butcher, 24 French mkt Desdunes Aniedc, Mandeville c. Morales Desdunes Armand, carpenter, 134 Enghien Desdunes Daniel, carpenter, 16 History Desdunes Germain, br'klayer,134 Enghien Desdunes, J. wheelwright, 74 St. Anthony Desdunes J. B. Mrs. 438 Old Levee, d. 3 Desdunes Leon, carpenter, d. 134 Enghien Desdunes P. E. 438 Old Levee, d. 3 Deae C. Mrs. milliner, 192 Poydras 10 DES 134 DEU Dese Christian, ( Weber Sf Dese,) clothing, 151 Puydras Deseamus Joseph F. painter, Patterson, Algiers Desforges Mrs. 136 Hospital Destbrges A. 215 Kerierec Desforges Edgar, clerk, 123 Common, d. 215 Kerlerec Desforges Jules H., Dauphine n. Hospital Desforges Lemci, clerk, 3^^ Carondelet Desforges L.H.Mrs.,Hospitaln. Dauphine Desforges L ( >. clerk, 40 Perdido Desforges P. A. clerk, 126 Canal, d. 371 Claiborne Desgatieres A. clerk, d. Main n. Chartres Desgouttes Louis H. clerk, 93 Old Levee, d. 6 Lalmrpe Desgrais J .T. barrel manufac'ry,79 Desire Desha Martha Ann Mrs. dressmaker, 116 St. Mary Desha W. J. Mrs., St. Mary n. Annun- ciation Deshauteraux Martin, Jefferson City Deshayes Louis, 230 Bourbon Desingly H. painter, 231 St. Peter Desire Baptiste, butch. Toledano n. Laurel Deskerwich Vincent, laborer, d. 389 Julia Desmond A. L. laborer, d. 574 Burgundy Desormaux Jerazim Mrs., Washington n. Annunciation DeSoto School, Mandeville c. Rampart DeSoto Francisco, onions, 295 Old Levee Desotro M. butcher, V alence and Live Uak, Jefferson City Desousu A. L. d. 574 Burgundy, d. 3 Desmarch Carmelite, f. w. c. 251 Ursulines Desmare Aljihonse, ( Laforest &f Desmare,) St. Charles c. Union, d. 6St. Peter Desmarets F. Mrs., Carondelet c. Girod Desmarets R.. W. 157 Baronne ^ Desmond J. ship carp. 439 (Jld Levee, d. 3 Desmonsseaux L. P. shoe store, 859 Bur- gundy, d. 3 De.^moulins S. grocer, 79 St. Philip DeSola Aaron,clk.46 Chartres,d.227 Erato Despaix Augustin, mason; St. Anthony c. Claiborne Despaix Jean, St. John's Great route Despaux B. butcher, 48 Treme market Despaux Franc^ois, butcher, 29 Poydras market, d. 123 St. Peter Despaux John, butcher, 37 French market Despaux J. c. h. Levee c. Madison, St. Aim n. Broad Despax Jean M. Butcher, 70 French mkt Despeau J. butcher, 47 and 51 Treme mkt Desplagues Jules, 148 Toulouse DesphUs John, butcher, 22 Magazine mkt Despommier A. florist, Jackson c. Chestnut Despot Baptiste, butcher, 41 North mkt Despouey Jean, grocer, 239 Old Levee Despouey Joseph, 42 French mkt Despouey J. butcher, French mkt. d. 163 Marais Desportes N. (Michon S( Despwtes,) 200 Royal Desposito A. c. h. and rest. 217 Common D'Esquerre Simon Dr., Laurel n. Harmony Desrayaux A. 39 Buigundy Desrayaux Mad. ladies' school, 39 Bur- gundy Dessargert J. L. pressman. Morales n. Music Dessalles Louis, f.m.c. 412 St. Claude, d.3 Dessau Emile, shoemkr. 205 Ursulines Dessazges Louis Mrs. 236 Johnson, d. 2 Dessem Fi-ank. lab. Clouet n. Royal Dessert Philip, butcher, Dryadcs market Dessommes Auguste ( 0. Talamon &f Des- sommes,) 4 Magazine, d. 282 Bourbon Dessommes E. (Johns &c Dessummes Bros.) 89 and 91 Canal, d. 131 St. Peter Dessommes H. (Johns Sf Dessommes Bros.) Dessommes Louis, (0. Talamon, Dessom- mes &f Co.) Dessommes Mrs. 282 Bourbon Dessource D. tailor, 21 Bourbon, d. 314 St. Ann Destelong Ger'n, butcher, 20 Poydras mkt Desteveu Widow, 176 St. Peter Deston Francis, caulker, 4 Union, d. 3 D'Kstorville Dr. L. R. 221 St. Ann Desvignes John, 123 Frenchmen Deswarte Chas. shoemkr. 340 Carondelet Detel J no. tailor, N. Levee n. Pleasant DETER TH., (Eiemann & Co.) Worsted Store, Wholesale and Retail, 163 Canal n. Dauphine, direct importa- tion of Berlin, Zephyr and Split Worsted, Shetland Wool, English Knitting and French Embroidery, Cotton Canvas, Patterns, etc. Deter Thos. (Riemann &(■ Co.) 163 Canal Deters Homer, carp. First n. Rampart DETOT'S E. Family Equestrian School, 130 Basin street, be- tween Perdido and Poydras. E. D. trains Horses for Sad- dle service for ladies and gentlemen. Detiviller Daniel, lab. d. 48 Poland Detroit Josephine Mrs. 116 St. Peter Detroix Xavier, painter, 138 Toulouse Detry Louis, draym. Hospital n. Roman Detry Simon, shoemk. Hospital n. Roman Deuceur Bernard, Piety n. Rampart Deuf Geo. Mrs., White n. Onzaga, d. 3 Deuraugh F. locksmith, Chippewa n. Lou- isiana avenue Deuro Francis, c. h. and grocery, Tchou- pitoulas c. St. James Deusch L. dray, Annunciation n. Eighth Deutchman A. Mrs. midwife, Thalia c. Howard Deutschman C. J. builder, 354 Howard DEU 135 DIA Dtnitdiman Jules, carp. d. 354 Howard Devnil Chas. A. clerk, 80 Canal Devali David, clerk, 27 Magazine Devall Hormine Miss, d. 219 Camp Devance Matilde, f. w. c. 253 Marais, d. 2 Devfaux Aiigustin, 444 Burgundy, d. 3 Dcveaux Wm. Lafayette n. Galvez Develiii John, mate, Levee n. French De\eU' (iranjean, 75 St. Ann Develle Louis, cot. fac. d. 36 St. Bernard Devenot U. f. w. c. Dorbigny n. St. Philip Dever Daniel, clerk, 82 Delord Uiver J. B., N. Levee c. La. av. Jeff. C. DEVEREUX JOHN, Copper, Tin and Sheet Ii-on Manufac- turer, 110 Camp street, New Orleans. Stoves, Grates and Ship Cabooses, of all Sizes and Patterns, put up to Or- der. Goods for the Country Carefully Packed. Devereux John G. clerk, 49 Union, d. 1 Devereux James, lab. 121 Piety Devereux Nicholas, lab. d. 384" Fulton DeTerg;<-r Stephen, clerk, 299 Main ^ Deveri^es E. clerk, d. 188 Rampart Deveri^es Elizabeth, f. w. c. 47 St. Fer- dinand Dcvergcs Henry, clerk, 63 0. Levee, d. 2, d! 188 Rampart, d. 2 Devergi's Peter, auctioneer, 95 Exchange piace, d. 411 St. Peter Doverman Henry, shocnik. 75 Prosper Devese G. Mrs. 253 Marais, d. 2 Devet Austin, lab. llOGaiennie Deverges Paul, clerk, 73 Camp, 188 Ram- part, d. 2 DevergcR Paul,jr.clk. d. 188 Rampart, d.2 Di-vtzi- Pierre, Ninth n. Fulton Devigne Armand, bricklayer, 153 St. An- thony Deville Alfred, c. h. and grocery, St. James c. Tchoupitoulas Deville Charles C. Mrs. teacher. 300 St. Philip Di'ville Felix, painter, Conti n. Tremc Drvilie Luke, caulker, 121 Frenchmen Deville Raymond, negro broker, d. 137 Rampart, d. 2 Deville V. 0. clerk, d. 360 Basin Devine Bridget, Mrs. 120 Euterpe Devine James, lab. 296 N. Levee Devine Eliza Mrs. Cypress n. Willow Devine Francis, tailor, St. Andrew n. Liberty Devine Frank, Josephine n. Rampart Devine Jas. cabs, 145 Clio Devme John, lab. 131 Pacanier Devine Louisa Mrs. 79 Moreau Devine Michael, lab. Edward n. Constance Devine Michael, lab. d. 114 Erato Devine M. lab. Robertson n. Conti Devine Stephen, lab. d. Theresa n. Tchoupitoulas Devine Timothy, lab. Richard n. Pacanier Deviney Luke, caulker Bouny, Algiers Deviney Martin, 395 Tchoupitoulas Devise John, 58 Greatmen Deviser S. »& Co. (J. Villarrubia, jr. ) com. mers. 64 Magazine Devitt John, lab. 110 Adeline Devitte Oscar, 225 Conti Devize Raymond, grocer, 260 Gravier Devizen Auguste Dr. 90 Burgundy, d. 2 Devizen V. O. Carrollton Devlin Frank, lab. 19 Josephine Devlin Henry, 102 Spain Devlin John, mate, 288 Levee, d. 3 Devoe R. 351 Robert.son, d. 3 DevoeT. P. clerk, 140 Common Devoncliaise Madam, 15] Frenchmen Devonshire J. drayman, 484 St. Claude,d.3 Devoti Louis, cook, 285 Bourbon Devresse Gillet, shoemaker, 159 Royal Devron Augustin, gardi^ner, c. Broad and Abadie Devron Gustavus Dr. d. 70 Baronne Devron .Toseph, 56 Union, d. 3 Devron Jos. P. clerk, 21 d Devron Oscar, clerk, 13 Chartrei Devuyst J. Mrs. 398 Orleans Dewar Jas. cigars, c. Adele and Rousseau Dewar .John, grocer, 583 Burgundy, d. 3 Dewees D. S. coal mer. 124 Magazine, d. Washington c. Fulton Dewey Michael, lab. 24 Foucher Dewey Wm. J. & Co. (Joseph Kellcy,) com. mers. and shipping agts. 86 and 88 Gravier, d. 182 Felicity Dewhurst Elizabeth, Sixth n. Prytania Dewhurst Geo. c. p. Sixth c. Prytania Dewing Wm. T. gasfitter, 542 Mag. Dewint F. teacher, 351 Main Dewire Patrick, stockdealer, Jersey n. Na- pavoiseur n. Third, Gretna Domec Cora Miss, 312 Ramjiart, d. 2 Domec R. musician Domee F. butcher, Dryades market Domerc F. clothing, 351 Old L' vee, d. 3 Domere Saiiite, f. w. c. 184 Spain Dominge J. S. Mrs., St. Philip n. Roman Dominge Louis, teacher, 298 Bourbon Dominge Louis, 203 Ursulines Dominge Louis, mattress, 102 Robertson Domingo Andre, coal and wood,276Thalia Domingo James M. dk d. 100 Paytania Domingo Jos. ciijars, 55 Customhouse, & St.^ Charles luitel Domingo Jos. segar nikr. 80 Mandevillc Domingo Jos. Santo Mrs., 400 Marais, d.3 Domingo Salvador, poultry dealer, 133 l.,iberly Domingon A. 437 Burgundy, d. 3 DOM 140 DON Domingon Guzman, collector, 103 Kerlerec Domingon H. J. 231 Orleans Domingon Jul-s, 80 Mandeville Domingnon Victor, grocer, 344 Ursulines, d. 413 Villere, d. 3 Domingue M. 28 Music Dominguez B. de Jesuz, 420 Rampart Dominguez Florence, elk. 35Carondelet Dominguez Joseph Mrs., Royal n. Mazant Dominguez Joseph M. elk. 35 Carondeiet Dominguez M. f.w.c. Mazantc. Greatmen Dominique Burgess, Chippewa Ti. Ninth Dominique B. butcher, 22 and 24 Treme market Dominique Cazalas, poultry ,250 Dauphine Dominique Franijoiso, shoemaker, 423 Rampart, d. 3 Dominique H. f. m. c. cook, Conti n. Vil- lere Dominique Jerome, oysters, 243 Delord Dominique John, trader, 49 Love Dominique John, baker, 159 Ursulines Dominique Joubde, 70 French market Dominique J. butcher, 1 Poydras market Dominique Maille, butcher, 81 French mkt Dominique M. butcher, 11 Poydras mkt Dominique Rotge, shoemaker, d. 193 St. Anthony Dominique R. butcher, 2 Poydras market Domino M. 288 St. Ann Donafort G. furniture, 123 Crsulines I Donahan Jno. drayman, d. 104 Erato I Donaghue John, c. h. 250 Tchoupitoulas Donaghue W. H. 89 Gravier Donahue C. Mrs. 275 Carondeiet I Donahue Henry, gunny bags, 175 Maga- zine Donahue Isabella Mrs. 446 Carondeiet Donaliue John, laborer, 649 Royal, d. 3 I Donahue Mary Mrs. 346 Melpomene [ Donahue Michael, laborer. Annunciation Donahue M. Mrs. 314 Conti Donahue .Nicholas, reporter, 498 Dryades Donahue Patrick, lab. 454 ' •. Levee, d. 3 Donahue P. furniture car. 441 Gravier Donald Samuel, Jersey n. St. Andrew Donaldson Dr. 250 Rampart, d. 1 Donaldson J. D., Urquhartn. Washington Donaldson Margaret Mrs., nurse 212 Julia Donalty Edwin, Rosseau n. St. Mary Donalty Richard, laborer, 59 Erato Donaly B. Mis.'j, Theresa n. Tchoupitoulas Donaly D. B. Mrs., St. Peter n. Poydras Donally (Jwen, Theresa n. St. Thomas Donan John, Frenchmen n. Ramjiart DonatFran(;ois,cook,f.m.c. 46 St. Anthony Donat Jean, Chippewa n. Toledano Donauer J. carpenter, 111 Customhouse, d. 402 Cusiomhouse Donavan Cath. grocery, 29 St. Thomas Donavan James, 276 Dryades Donavan Jas. laborer, 351 Annunciation Donavan P. lab. St. Thomas n. Felicity Donbovan H. confectiimer, 203 Rampart Doncq Louise Mrs. 299 Bourbon Doneaues J. cab. mkr. 402 Customhouse Donegan B. grocer, Felicity c. St. Thomas Donegan Catherine, 84 Roman Donegan Daniel, driver, 659 Rampart, d. 3 Donegan Dennis, laborer, 67 Rousseau Donegan E. laborer, Adele n. Rousseau Donegan James D. caps, 84 Rosseau Donegan James H. (Scruggs, Donegan Sf Co.) 155 Gravier Donegan John, laborer, 292 Liberty Donegan John, blacksmith, 225 Front, d. New Levee n. Erato Donegan Michael, b. h. 329 St. Joseph Donegan Pat. blacksmith, 155 St. Mary Donegan Peter Mrs., 506 Dauphine, d. 3 Donegan S. W., clerk, 155 Gravier Donegan Thomas, ship joiner, Algiers Donegaorer, 11 Delord Donnelly Joseph, Magnolia n. Lafayette Donnelly Mrs. b. h. iSl Girod Donnelly M. laborer, 100 St. Andrew Donnelly Margt. c. h. 113 Tchoupitoulas Donnelly Morton, book keeper,113 Tchou- pitoulas Donnelly Michael, machinist, 80 Main Donnelly Owen, screwman, St. Thomas c. Theresa Donnelly Patrick, 54 Robertson Donnelly Patrick, lab. 487 Royal, d. 3 Donnelly Patrick, 325 Customhouse Donnelly Samuel, stevedore, d. 272 St. Thomas Donnelly Thomas, barkeeper, 86 Enghien Donnelly T. Carondelet, near Conrey Donnelly Wm. laborer, Jefferson City Donnelly VVm. laborer, d. 117 Spain Donnenberger R. book binder, d. St. Mary bet. Chippewa and Fulton Donner Michael, carp. Ninth n. Chippewa Donnet A. Mrs. 297 Bourbon Donnet 0. L. elk. Bee office, d. 297 Bour- bon Doney Jos. E. laborer, d. 11 Constance Donningberg R. book binder, 74 Freret Donoghue M. Mrs. 314 Conti Donoho Mary Mrs. 346 Melpomene Donoho Pat. lab. d. 346 Melpomene Donoho Peter, tailor, d. Euterpe n. Ca- rondelet Donoho Tim'th'y, drayman, 114 Constance Donohoe E. coal, Perdido c. Howard Donohoe John, mechanic, 94 Delord Donohoe John J. upholsterer, d. 253 Lib- erty Donohoe Patrick, lab. 99 Claiborne, d. 2 Donohue Dennis, laborer, 996 Dryades Donohue H., St. Mary c. Religious Donohue Jas. iron founder, d. 131 Felicity Donohue John, lal). Pacanier n. Richard Donohue Nicholas, steamboat iigeni, 19 P,:ink place, d. 498 Dryades, d. 4 Donohue Peter, laborer, 94 Franklin Donohue Thos. lab. Cypress n. Magnolia Diniohue Timothy, drayman, 114 Orange Donovan & Neutz, (Jas. Donovan, G. W. Js\utz,) grocers, 95 Camp * Donovan A. D. com. mer. and cotton fac- tor, 51 Carondelet, d.308 Terpsichore Donovan Catharine, 21 St. John Baptist Donovan Cornelius, drayman, 35 Felicity Donovan Dennis, draymaster, 68 Thalia Donovan Dennis P. draymaster, 100 St. Andrew Donovan Daniel, laborer, d.ll Melpomene Donovan Daniel, clerk, d. 16 Melpomene Donovan Edw. drayman, 76 Povdras Donovan Eliza Mrs. 335 St. Charles, d. 1 Donovan James, waiter, 273 Dryades Donovan James, 117 Bolivar Donovan Mary Mrs. grocer, 61 St. James Donovan James, laborer, d. 73 Josephine Donovan John, drayman, 595 Tchoupi- toulas Donovan John V. druggist, 473 Baronne Donovan John, cooper. Religious n. Nuns Donovan John, laborer, 64 St. Thomas Donovan Lvdia Mrs. 195 Delord Donovan Michael, stevedore, 369 Tchou- pitoulas Donovan Michael, laborer, 62 Marigny Donovan M., Terpsichore n. Theresa Donovan Pal. laborer, 297 St. Thomas Donovan Peter, lab. St. James n. Chippewa Donovan Thos. plasterer, 13 Bertrand Donovan Timothy, 211 St. Andrew Doody E. carpenter, Poydras n. Rampart Dooel Jos. shoemaker, 76 Prytania Doolan Henry, laborer, 207 Magazine Doolan Jas. boiler maker, Ohio Exchange Doolan John, St. James, n. St. John Bap- tist Doolan John, lab. Josephine n. Rousseau Doolan Martin Mrs. 149 Conti Doolan Thomas, shipwright, Algiers Dooley Honora Mrs. 392 Camp Dooley Jas. drayman, Rousseau, n. St. Mary Dooley .John, drayman, 76 St. Andrew Dooley Patrick, laliorer, 134 Poet Dooley Patrick, tinsmith, 43 Felicity Dooley William, stables, 202 Magazine Doonan John, lal)orer, 597 Craps Da|-)f Phili|i, trader, 127 Rousseau Dopson Thos. lab. Port n. Goodchildrcn Doran Dennis, Constance n. Josephine Doran James, sugar W(>igher, 36 Piety Doran John, gas house, d. Roman n. Com- mon Doran Jos. H. carpenter, d. 127 Polymnia Doran Martin, laborer, d. 110 Franklin Doran Michael Mrs., Si-cond n. Laurel Doran R. fisherman, 461 St. Claude, d. 3 Doran R. D. laborer, .Adele n. Rousseau Doran Thomas, laborer, 50 St. Thomas Dorance George, 101 St. Mary Dorand Joseph H. carpenter, Josephine n. Rampart Dorant Mateo, fishmonger, 78 Union, d. 3 Doranthy Wni. H. locksmith. Magazine n. St. Andrew Dorbrossr- Henry, cigars, 160 Marais, d.2 Dorcan Michael, laborer, 227 St. Louis Dorchester W. clerk, 121 Canal Dorcy Pierre, shoemaker, 172 Bourbon Dore David, laborer, 278 Tchoupitoulas DOR 142 DOU Dore Edward S. coachman, Jeff. City Dore Fred. 178 Customhouse Dore Michael, Seventh n. St. Charles Dore Patrick, stables, Rampart n. Common Doremus P. Mrs. 319 Ursulines Dorethy S. J. ship carpenter, Goslin, Alg Dorethy William H. smith, c. Magazine and St. Andrew Dorgan E. Mrs. variety store, 194 Delord Dorganne A. f.m.c. barber, 112 Claiborne DorhauerAugust, warehouseman, 312 Erato Dorhauer C. watchmaker, 753 New Le- vee, d. 4 Doriden Henry, lab. Josephine c. Liberty Dorin H. Mrs., Ursulines n. Prieur Doring Peter, Bagatelle n. Solidelle Doriocourt Antoine, not'y public, 65 Tou- louse, d. 318 Bayou road Doriocourt Anthony, clerk, 3 St. Louis, d. Ursulines n. Roman Doriocourt A. D. 391 Barracks Doriocourt J. clerk, 3 St. Louis, d. Miro c. Barracks Doriocourt Pierre, f. m. c. laborer, 331 St. Philip Doridant J. gas fitter, 91 St. Louis Dorion A. 71 Esplanade, d.3 Doris Hugh, Pacific avenue, Algiers Doris Roderick, boiler maker, Algiers Dorian John, laborer, Prieur n. Orleans Dorman Fred, clerk, Jackson n. Rousseau Dorman "Wm. clerk, d. 317 Dryades Dorman D. cotton sampler, 113 Edward Dormer J. tailor, Tchoupitoulas n. Fourth Dormody Thomas, drayman, 57 Port Dorn Louis, vegetables, French mkt Dornan D. cott. weigher, 93 Gravier, d.l6 Melpomene Dornan H. cooper, 184 St. Anthony Dornce G. screwman, St. Mary n. Chip- pewa D'Ornellas & Garcia, c. h. Perdido c. Lib- erty Dorner Bernard, drayman, 311 Benton Dorney Edmund, book keeper. Common c. St. Charles Dorny Maurice, 429 St. Charles 1)oroty William, 2 Annette Dorr A. grocer, Derbigny c. Conti Dorr E. W. (Simpson 8f Dorr,) 12 Coving- ton landing, New Basin, d. Rampart n. Calliope Dorr Fred, grocer, 18 New Levee Dorr John, laborer, Jena n. Live Oak,Jeff. Ci^y Dorr J. W. assistant editor N.O. Crescent, 70 Camp Dorr Peter, lab. Ninth n. Constance Dorr Thos. lab. St. Mary n. Religious Dorrote O. vegetables, Treme mkt Dorsam Leonhart, lab. 321 Goodchildren Dorsam Adam Mrs. 407 St. Claude, d. 3 Dorsay Jos. laborer, 13 Leeds row, Erato Dorsey G., Jackson n. Fulton Dorsey James, baker, 19 St. Ferdinand Dorsey James, lab. Philip n. Rousseau Dorsey Joseph, lab. 248 Tchoupitoulas Dorsey Julia Mrs. 71 Annunciation Dorsey Malvina, 202 St. Louis Dorsey Margaret, seamstress, 406 Liberty Dorsey Polly, f. w. c. 284 St. Ann Dorsey Patrick, laborer, 270 St. Thomas Dorsin Patsey, f. w. c. vegetables, 129 St. Mary's market Dorsignac Felice, 276 Roman, d. 3 Dorson Christian, lab. 311 Robertson Dorson Mary Ann, f. w. c. 300 St. Peter Dorson Richard, St. Andrew n. Rousseau Dorson Thomas, Race n. Magazine Dortman Cha^^., Melpomene n. Howard Dortrond Pauline, 233 ('onti D'Orville A., Kerlerec n. Villere D'Orville Frangois, 362 Main Dorville Jean B. A. 244 Esplanade Dorville Numa, carpenter, 329 Villere, d.3 Dorvin Madame, 106 Frenchmen Dosch John M. laborer, 438 Hospital Doscher Cath., Washington n. St. Dennis Ddscher J. H. dairy, St. Patrick n. First Doson Eliza, 147 Rampart, d. 2 Dossaf Joseph, butcher, 18 St. Mary's mkt Dossal James, butcher, 18 St. Mary's mkt Dossat Jos butcher, 44 South market Dossat J. jr. clerk O. R. R., St. Peter c. Old Levee Dossat Jules, day inspector of customs, d. . Treme c. Barracks Dossat R. clerk, 57 Camp, d. 114 St. Ann Dostie A. P. Dr. dentist, 12 Baronne Doswell J. T. & Co. (M. Mrams,) steam- ship agents, 43 Natchez . Douaes Michael, 142 St. Philip Douat Arno, milkman, Metairie ridge Douat Cateren, butcher, 87 French mkt Douat C, Pleasant n. Annunciation Douat John, blacksmith, 565 Chippewa Douat Marcel, butcher, French market Douberg Mary Mrs. 105 Union, d. 3 Douberg M. jr. 106 Girod, d. 3 Douberg Michael, Urquhart n. Union Douberg M. cab. mak. Union n. Morales Doublett J. B. Mrs. 34 St. Anthony Doubrere A. Mrs. rooms, 131 Bourbon Douce A. Mrs. 406 St. Claude, d. 3 Doucet Edmond, clerk, 65 Canal Doucet John, sail maker, 8 Toulouse, d. 314 St. jPhilip Doucy A. M. clerk, 95 Chartres Dougall George, finisher, 259 Calliope Dougall John, moulder, 259 Calliope Dougall Philip S. mate, 518 Burgundy Dougart Baptiste, contractor, 234 Galvez Dougherty Dominique, Clara n. Lafayette DOUGHERTY & CO. (Daniel Dougherty, John C. Miller,) Sailmakers and Manufactu- rers of Awnings, Tents and Tarpaulins, 73 Poydras. Dsugherty Daniel, (Dougherty Sf Co.) d. 246 Customhouse Dougherty Ellen, Franklin n. Erato DOU 143 DOW Dougherty Frank, Clara n. Lafayette DoiigliPrty James, shoemaker, 242 Girod Dougherty James, c. h. 786 Rousseau Dnuglieriy Jolm, boiler maker, 192 Delord Dougherty John, lab. Julia n. Claiborne Douglierty John, lab. fi8 St. James Dougherty J. paiiitrr, Girod n. Magazine Dougherty J. W. 17l> Magazine, d. Bouly Dougherty L. Mrs. washing, Levee n Piety Dougherty Michael, Canipn. Seventh Dougherty M. Mrs. millinery, 174 Ram- part, d. 1 Dougherty Owen, Claiborne n. Orleans Dougherty Patrick, 101 Orleans Dougherty H. gardener, Common n.Galvez Dougherty Thos., St. Thomas n. Soraparu Dougherty Thos. 113 Gaienni<- Dougherty Thos. cooper, 41)5 Fulton Dougherty Thos. L. 195 Levee, d. 3 Dougherty W. bricklayer, 81 Melpomene Doughty (i Co. (Richard Doughty,) lum- ber, Tchoupitoulas c. First DOUGLAS J., Visiting and Wed- ding Card Engraver, Lithog- rapher and Copperplate Prin- ter; Notarial and Lodge Seals and all kinds of Mercantile Work executed in the very best style. Office, 17 St, Charles, d. 344 Rampart, d. 1 Douglas James, stevedore, 31 Chippewa Douglass James, 110 Franklin Douglass John Mrs. 171 Old Levee Douglass Pat., Girod n. Rampart Pat. vegetables, 65 St. Joseph Douglass Thos. blacksmith, 282 Libi-rty Douglass Wni. boatman of customs, d. Marigny n. I'rquhart Dougle John, mould. Calliope n. Rampart Doul Carl, vegetables, 220 Mel|)omene Doulcy Anthony, laborer, 69 Gaiennie Douley P., St. Janii'S n. Pacanier Doulton James, coachman, 51 Annunciation Doumeing E. Dr. 503 Old Levee, d. 3 Dour R. garden seeds,12 Conti, d.l2 Villcro Douris James, drayman, Algier.s Dourlent F. Mrs., Rampart c. Ursulines Dourrieu Eugene, painter and cistern ma- ker, 285 Ursulines Dours B. watchmaker and importer of watches, 20 Exchange plact,' Dours D. Fran(^ois,l)utchpr,96 French mkt Dours Guillaume, Frenchmen c. Clailiorne Dours Henry, butcher, d. 246 Dauphine Dours Jean M. butcher, 140 St. Ann Dours Marie, Ely.^sian FiehLs c. Love Douscher Carslen,dairy, St. Dennis n. Sixth Douse Elizabeth, f. w c. 206 Ursulines Douse George, steward, Coiiti c. Robertson J. f. w.c. steward, 350 Customhouse Doussan & Jaquier, (.iugusle Pmissan, Joseph Jaquier,) perfumers, 122 Char- tres and 23 St. Louis Doussan Henry, shipping elk. 478 Tchou pitoulas ^ Doussutours Pierre,var. store, 187 Orleans Doustalet T. 37 Goodchildren Douvillier E. Hospital c. Rocheblave Dove Frank, laborer, 359 Basin Dovelin Edward, Fourth n.St. Thomas Dover R. slater, 127 Delord Dow Charles, clerk, 14 Marais n. Canal Dow Henry, ship carp. Peter, Algiers Dowd A. (). shoemkr. Prytania n. Erato Dowd Charles, carp. St Mary n. Camp Dowd Charles M. grocer, St. Mary n. Magazine Dowd Daniel, book keeper, d. 392 Liberty Dowd Mary Mrs grocery, 168 Tchou- ]iitoulas Dowd Frederick A., Carrolhon Dowd James, wheelwright, Jefferson City Dowd James, Mrs. 12 Mandeville Dowd John, laborer, 374 Claiborne, d. 3 Dowd John, 294 Canal n. Claiborne Dowd John, St. Louis n. Derbigny Dowd John, laborer, d. 33 Villere, d. 2 Dowd Laurence, lab.d. 359 Tchoupitoulas Dowd L. laborer, warehouseman, d. rear 359 Tchoupitoulas Dowd Michael Mrs. 75 Spain Dowd Orem, laborer, d. 110 Gajennie Dowd Stephen, milkman, Cilentilly road Dowe F. A. CarroUton n. Levee Dowers Henry, Laharpe n. Robertson Dowler Bennet Dr. editor N. O. Med. and Surg. Journal, c. 89 Constance Dowler M. M. Dr. 182 Rousseau Dowlin Hugh, painter, 15 St. Ferdinand, d. Broad n. Columbus Dowlin M. Dowlin Brothers, (Dennis S{ Thomas,) shoe dealers, 92 Camp, d. 349 Ram- part, d. 1 Dowling Francis J. grocer, d. 227 Rampart Dowling J. plasterer Dowling John, ostler, d. 267 Felicity Dowling Laurence, clerk, 310 Cominon Dowling Michael, Calliope c. Dryades Dowling Michael, c. h. 45 Tchoupitoulas, d. Rickerville Dowling M. fCa-fs S," Dovlittg,) Toy dras c. Fulton Dowling Patrick, clerk, 92 Camp. d. 349 Rampart, d. 1 Dowling P. Perdido c. Rampart Dowling R. cabman, 354 Felicity Dowling Thomas, ( Doirliug Brothfrs,) 92 Camp, d. 349 Rampart, d 1 Dowling Thos. lab. Gravier n. Magazine Dowling William, laborer, 347 St. Peter Dowlon Anthony, laborer, d. 96 Gaiennie Downer J. C. agent, Baronne n. Girod Downes Frank, engineer, Spain c. Rampart Downey A. carpenter, Thalia c. Kamnart Downey A. carlman, Thalia c. Franklin Downey John, professor Jesuits' College Downey Mary Downey Michael, watchman Crescent City Press DOW 144 DRE Downey Mich, ice depot, 9 Commerce, d. 279 Poydras Downey Michael, drayman, 182 Dolord Downey Morris, CillHope n. Liberty Downey Robert, bricklayer, 271 Common Downey Thos. drayman,d.621 New Levee Downey Timothy, laborer, d. 84 Delord Downey Tliomas, drayman. Celeste n. Tchoupitoulas Downey Thos. E., Common n. Robertson Downhauer B. gardener, Copernicus n. Front, Gretna Downhauer P. tailor, Euterpe n. Baronne Downhauer R. Mrs. Copernicus n. Fourth, Gretna Downheim Wm. carpenter, 365 Erato, d. 1 Downing T. drayman, Celeste n. Levee, d. 1 Downing William, Carrollton Downs & Co. (Erasmus D. and Ahijah £)oM'ns,^ cotton factors and commission mers. 119 Gravier, d. 227 Carondelet Downs Ed. D. com. mer. 369 Dryades Downs James, Magnolia n. Lafayette Downs M. J. city weigher, 65 Poydras, d. 407 Rampart, d. 1 Downs William, 275 Clara Dowse William Dr. 363 Baronne Dowsing William, clerk, 10 Union, d. 284 Carondelet ^ Dowty Clias. f. m. c. Columbus c. Roman Dowty Samuel, Soraparu n. Rousseau Dowty W. A. pilot, Soraparu n. Rousseau Dowty Zachariah, 437 Fulton Doyar M. marble cutter, 131 Lafayette Doyen Nicholas, grocer, 192 Columbus Doyle A. c. h. 57 Front Doyle A. J. 721 Burgundy, d. 3 Doyle A. J. Mrs. 249 Craps Doyle Charles, lab. Enghien n. Chartres Doyle Christopher, grocer, Magazine c. Notre Dame Doyle Christ. Magazine c. Robin Doyle Elizabeth, widow, 10 Enghien Doyle Ellen, seamstress, 178 Ursulines Doyle George, lab. Chippewa n. Felicity Doyle Henry, firewood, Dryades n. Fe- licity Doyle Hugh, laborer, d. 54 Thalia Doyle Hugh, carpenter, 85 Thalia Doyle H. f. m. c. porter, 245 St. Ann Doyle James H. blacksmith, Peter n. Chestnut, Algiers Doyle James, screwman, Philip n. St. Jane Doyle James, laborer, d. 386 Camp Doyle James K. machinist, d. 203 St. John Baptist Doyle John, carpenter, 74 Montegut Doyle John, blacksmith, 2,>6 Basin Doyle John, St. Peter n. Burgundy Doyle John, Mrs. 144 Conti Doyle Joseph, Mrs. 42 Montegut Doyle Joseph, engineer, Rampart c. Enghien Doyle L. painter, 297 Dryades Doyle Mary, Josephine n. Chippewa Doyle Michael, stone cutter, 286 xMelpo- mene Doyle M. 185 Carondelet Doyle Michael, printer, Delord c. Tchou- pitoulas Doyle Owen, Marigny c. Old Levee Doyle Patrick, spar maker, 301 Bourbon Doyle Patrick, laborer, 103 Piety Doyle Patrick, ship carp. d. 10 Constance Doyle Pierce, laborer Doyle Richard, clerk, 104 Tchoupitoulas Doyle S., Tchoupitoulas n. St. Joseph Doyle Thomas, Mrs. 35 Franklin Doyle Thomas, 189 Girod Doyle Thomas, laborer, 361 Old Levee, d.3 Doyle T. drayman, Second n. Laurel Doyle T. M. carpenter, 75 Liberty Doyle William, 147 Urquhart Doyle William, St. Louis, c. Robertson Doyle William, laborer, 76 Roman Doyle William, furniture car, Jeff. City Doyle William, painter, 75 Liberty Drach Fred. c. h. 133 St. Louis Drading Nicholas, Laharpe n. Robertson Drady Robert Mrs. Clara n. Perdido Draghievich P. fruit, 228 Camp Dragon Manuel, carpenter, Peter, Algiers Draining Co. 4th district, Melpomene c. Claiborne Drake Hester Mrs. 181 Lafayette Drake H. H. accountant, 18 Camp Draube Elizabeth, Jefferson City Draves Gustave, clerk, 47 Spain Drawis Francis, furniture, 384 Royal Drazhuez Peter, fruit, 228 Camp Drebing F. clothing. New Shell Road c. Magnolia Drees Henry, Seventh n. Fulton Drefsler C. shoemaker, Jefferson City Dregon Auguste, turner, 35 Jackson Dreifus B. groci'r, 117 Rampart, d. 1 Dreifuss J bread, Dryades market Dreknii'ier F., Terpsichore n. Howard Drell Charles, barber, 392 Dryades Dreineyer Rodolph, Carrollton Drenen Joseph, driver, d. 618 Burgundy Drenen Thomas, cooper, 123 Tchoupitoulas Drennen James, drayman, d. St. John Baptist n. Orange Drennen John, drayman, 378 Gravier Drescher John, seaman. Union n. Solidelle Dresel Charles, ship carpenter, 31 Thalia Dresel John, laborer, 102 Franklin Dresel William, tailor, 103 Franklin Dressen Joseph, 248 Royal . Dressier E. shoemaker, Jefferson City Dreux Adeline, 80 Enghein Dreux Adolphe, 121 Moreau Dreux Amie Mrs. 84 Gasquet Dreux Charles D. attorney at law, 44 Exchange place Dreux Daniel, Euterpe c. Rampart Dreux Edgar, clerk, d. Lavoiseur n. Fourth, Gretna Dreux George, 126 Washington, d. 3 Dreux H. Mrs., Music c. St. Claude Dreux Jonlc, 145 Poet Dreux Jules G. civil engineer, 44 Exchange place, d. 226 Baronne Dreux L. Mrs. 86 Goodchildren DRE 145 DRU Dreux L. B. Mrs. b. h. 16 Bourbon Dreux Louis M. pedler, 117 Morales Drew C. B. clerk, Magazine c. Gravier Drew Eliza, furnished rooms, 80 Baronue Drew E. L. Dr. 4 Baronue Drew E. S. 1(38 Canal Drew George, Aninincialion c. Fourth Drew & Seymour, (James C. Drew, Snelby Seijinour,) eott. and commission mer- cliants, 94 Gravier Drew N. M. (L. Elkins & Co.) 58 Camp, d. Houligny Drew T. II. jr. accountant, 151 Common Drewes Gustave, grocer, 664 Rampurtjd. 3 Drews Armus, cooper, d. Tchoupitoulas n. Celeste Drews F. cabinet wareroom, 398 Royal, d. 3 Drews & (.'o. ( WiUiam Drews, Lewis llill- ger,) builders, 230 Josephine, d. G20 Magazine Drexel Frank, laborer, 200 Annunciation Dreyer August, turner, 42 Jackson Dreyfous A. notary, 79 Exchange place, d. 176 Main, d. Esplanade c. Tonti Dreyfous Bernard, grocer, 177 Ram- part, d. 1 Dreyfous Jacob, dry goods, 446 Char- tres, d. 3 Dreyfus Aaron Sf Co. (.iaron and George Dreyfus, importers wines and liquors, 29 Tchoupitoulas, d. 375 St. Charles Dreyfus Jacob, clothing, Lt'vee c. Toulouse Dreyfus losi'jih, 61 Customhouse Dreyfus L. 210 Bayou road Dreyfuss Henry J. printer, 208 Lafayette Drez Alphonse, hatter, 61 late 67 Chartres Drez Arthemise, hatter, 61 Chartres Driary John, c. h. Rampart c. St. Ann Drie Anthony, Bagatelle c. Solidelle Driet Christian, carpenter, Jelferson City Drigny A. Mrs. 161 Union, d. 3 Drinan John, Washington n. Magazine Drinkhaus Adan), boardmaker, JSewton n. P'ourlh, Gretna Drinnan John, drayman, Gravier c. Clara Drii'.nan John, drayman, d. 17 Foucher Driscoll A. Mrs. 29o Carondelet Driscoll Ann, 547 Dauphine, d. 3 Driscoll Catharine, 77 Annunciation Driscoll Cornelius, drayman, Johnson n. Common Driscoll Cornelius, drayman, Morales n. Enghien Driscoll C. clerk Fassman's Press Driscoll Daniel, lab. Common n. Johnson Driscoll Daniel, laborer, 82 St. Thomas Driscoll Dennis, 202 Casacalvo Driscoll Dennis, Robin c. Religious Driscoll I), laborer, d. 691 Dauphine, d. 3 Driscoll' Eugene, laborer, d. 85 Delord Driscoll James, tailor, Morales n. Enghien Driscoll John, sailor, Jackson n. Rousseau Driscoll Julia, 121 Foucher Driscoll J.J. junk store, 22 Julia Driscoll Michael, 444 Burgundy, d. 4 Driscoll Thomas, 105 Casacalvo Driscoll Timothy, Sixth near Jersey Driscoll Timothy, laborer, 75 St. Thomas Driscoll Timothy, lab. Common n. Johnson Driver William C, Canal c. Royal Driver & Pierce ( IVm. L. Driver, Geo. S. Pierce,) wines and liquors, 41 Front and 42 Fulton, d. 1, d. 310 Terpsi- chore Droge IVicholas, 318 St. Louis Drogre B. accountant, 61 Carondelet DroescherWm. Capt.d. 395 Customhouse Droit Aug. 301 Rampart, d. 3 Droitcoiirt Frani^ois, 310 Craps DnikiM- Maurice Mrs. 272 Royal Doll F. Xavier, cabinet maker, 759 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Droll Leopold, bakfr, 351 Bayou road Drolla Fran(;ois, cooper. St. Peter n. Prieur Dromel Theodore, 23 Customhouse, d. 34 Esplanade Droste S. shoemaker, 303 Bienville Drutt Andrew, gardener, Jefferson City Drott Christine, midwife, Berlin c. Live Oak, Jefferson City Droub Matthias, tailor, 310 Washington Droudleau N. Mrs. 201 Galvez, d. 2 Drouet Alexis, shij) carjienter, Gretna Drouet C, atty. at law, 113 Ex. Place Drouet Edward, 27 Conti Drouet E. painter, 200 Royal Drouet E. Mrs. dressmaker, 145 Royal Drouet Edward, western produce, 63 Poy- dras, d. 233 Rampart, d. 2 Drouet J. L. Mrs. Robertson c. St. Philip Drouet L. F. feed, 278 Tchoupitoulas Drouet 0. notary public, 113 Exchange Place, d. 260 Main Drouett Theodule, atty. at law, d. 24 St. Anthony Drout James, lab. 208 Baronne Drown Jerome, clerk, 45 Front Droz Augustus, 115 Esplanade Drucker W. tailor, St. Andrew n. Laurent DRUHAN JAMES, Commission and Importing Merchant, 57 and 59 Commerce, d. Chest- nut near Josephine. Durban Eliza Mrs. teacher of music, d.223 St. Philip Druilhet Paul, elk, 113 Old Levee, d. 2 Drum Peter, musician, 131 Prosper Drumm Philip, blacksmith, Tchoupitoulas n. St. James Drumm Tobias, 226 Conti Drummond James, 340 St. Charles DRUMMOND & DOIG, Boiler Makers; all kinds of Boilers made and repaired at short notice: Notre Dame c. Front (Jas. Drummond, John Doig.) Drufnmond James R. boiler maker, d. 80 Constance DRU 146 DUG Drummoiid R. S. (Arnold Sf Druminmd,) 13:i Luvee, d. 3 Drury Jiimt-s, painter, 359 Tchoupitoulas Drury Thos.niacliiiiist, 4a2 Tchoupitoulas Drury Wni. laborer, Clara n. Clio Dry George, painter, 39 Prieur Drydeii Tlioinas H. d. 373 Common Dryer Aug. lal). Market n. St. Thomas Dryer Bernard A. & Co. ( ISigmund Katz) variety store, 48 Chartres, d. 121 St. Louis Dryer Christian, carpenter, Berlin c. Live Oak, Jefferson City Dryfus bernard, liquor store, 51 Custom- house, d. 349 Baronne Dryfus Joseph, 373 Dryades Dryfus S. dry goods, Levee n. Clouet Dryfus W. baker, Dryades market Dryner Jerome, b. h. 45 Victory Drysdale Andrew, stevedore, 60 Spain D'Souza Jacob, painter, 245 Calliope Duane Charles, lab. Pacanier n. Richard Duane Joseph E. cooper, 567 Tchoupitou- las, d. 54 St. James Dubalen Lorenzo E. 122 Burgundy Dubulen A. Mrs. d. 349 Robertson, d. 3 Dubarry John, tailor, 130 Ursulines Dubarry Jean, butcher, 33 Sf. Mary's mkt Dubarry J. M. tanner, Seventh n. Laurel Dubas Louis, 90 Magazine market, d. St. Mary n. Constance Dubel F. W. carp. 172 Frenchmen Dubelier M. printer, Robertson n. St.Louis Duberalle T. carpenter, 192 Main Dubavue Jean, butcher. North market Dubernoy A. Mrs. d. 349 Robertson Dubiau Louis, 32 Conti Dubie F. butcher, 45 St. Mary's market, d. Levee c. Lyon, Jefferson City Dubie Philip, butcher, 33 Poydras market Dubierris Henry, 242 Marais Dubin Andrew, Jackson n. Dryades Dubler M. Mrs. Dryades n. St. Andrew Dublet Morris, shoes, St. Philip n. Roman Duboc Caroline Mrs. 413 Carondelet Duboi Antoine, tailor, 81 Bourbon Dubois Armand, St. Ann n. Johnson Dubois Cassemeri, 130 St. Peter Dubois Charles, Ursulines n. Villerc Dubois C. G. grocery, 208 Frenchmen Dubois Ktienne (Dubois, Lamaniere 8^ Co.) d. 223 St. Philip Dubois Eugene, barber, 173 Burgundy Dubois E. (Joseph Maillot Sf Co.) 112 Chartres d. 231 Bourbon Dubois E. shoemaker, Roman n. Esplanade Dubois Franc^ois, 241 Bourbon Dubois F. 177 Bourbon Dubois F. Mrs. 208 Toulouse Dubois George, New Levee n. Soraparu Dubois Gustave, bricklayer, 208 Toulouse Dubois Henrietta Mrs. 135 Hospital Dubois Henry, laborer, 281 St. Louis Dubois Jean, grocer, 405 Old Levee, d. 3 Dubois Jean, tailor, 112 Burgundy Dubois Lewis, fruit, Magazine n. St. Andrew Dubois, Lamaniere & Co. (Etienne Dubois, Lucian Lamaniere, Francois Victor,) merchant tailors, 112 Chartres Dubois Louis, laborer, d. 218 Delord Dubois Lucien Mrs. 250 Dauphine Dubois M. C. Mrs. teacher, 397 Baronne Dubois Oliver, pilpt, d. 208 Toulouse Dubois P. Mrs. 110 Customhouse Dubois Tlieophile, clerk, 126 Canal, d. 171 St. Philip Dubois Thos. clerk, d. 171 St. Philip Dubois Victor, 173 Customhouse Dubois Z. Felicity n. Dryades Dubon Charles, 115 Old Levee, d. 2 Dubon V. cartman. First n. Chippewa Dubos Gabriel, butcher, 30 French mkt Dubos John, clerk, 129 Kampart, d. 2 Dubos John, clerk, 131 Rampart, d 2 Dubos John, d. 17 Gasquet Dubos Louis, Market n. Magazine Dubose Louis, 34 Mandeville Dubourg C. 182 Elysian Fields Duboy J. tailor, 69 St. Louis Dubret F. Water c. Soledano Dubreuil Charles E. D. (Manuel D. de Lizardo Sf Co.) d. 254 Bourbon Dubreuil Gustave, collector, 296 St. Louis Dubreuil M. 38 History Dubreuil M. 184 St. Philip DuBu6 Antoine, secretary St. Louis Ca- thedral, 20 Orleans Dubuc C. Mrs., Carondelet c. Euterpe DuBuc Jos. tinsmith, 147 Old Levee, d. 2 Dubuc J. f. m. c. St. Philip n. Derbigny Dubuc Lucian Mrs. 57 St. Ann Dubuc Pierre, coffee-house, 8 Levee, d. 3 DUBUCH ANDREW, Importer and Dealer in Wines and lii- quors of every deseription,118 Gravier street, between St. Charles and Carondelet, d. 13 Marais. Dubuclet A. E. note broker, 570 Burgun- dy, d. 3 Dubuclet B. 475 Burgundy, d. 3 Dubuclet liortense Mrs. d. Villere n. Co- lumbus Dubuclet H. U. 203 Orleans Dubuclet W. A. Mrs. 203 Orleans Dubuclet U. Mrs. d. 354 Villiere,d. 3 Dubuisson A. A. clerk, 52 Camp, 213 Ursulines Dubuisson Mrs. 234 St. Philip Dubuisson M. B. 258 Main Dubuisson S. E. 254 St. Philip Dubus L. saddler Due Dominique, butcher, French market Due E. carpenter, St. Jane n. Perdido Ducasse Bernard, butcher, 88 French mkt Ducasse Louis, butcher, French market, d. 58 Orleans Ducasset J. L. Bienville c. Old Levee Ducastaing B. laborer, 49 Main DUG 147 DUF Ducatel Amedie, notary, 49 Toulouse, d. 120 Esplanade c. Burgundy Ducatel Amedie, jr. clerk, 49 louIouse,d. 120 Esplanade c. Burgundy Ducatel C. widow, Esjilanadec. Burgundy Ducatel Caniille G. Mrs. 154 St. Louis Ducatel E. 49 Toulouse, d. 150 Conti Ducatel Eugene Mrs. 268 Roval Ducatel H. variety store, 97 Royal, d. 314 Chartres Ducayet Filix, 106 Orleans Ducayet L. Mrs. 313 St. Philip Ducaynet l^. 309 Ursulines Ducean Mrs. d. 87 Btirgundy Ducey Christopher, drayman, 194 Locust Ducey P. Captain, ship master, 585 Rani- ■ part, d. 3 Ducey Thomas, lab. Freret n. Lafayette Duchamp B. Mrs. 41 Toulouse Duchamp L. Bayou road ni'ar St. Claude Duchanois Mary M. midwife, 109 Caron- delet Duchaufour Fanny, 183 Carondelet Duchauflaisir.F. grocer, St. Charles c. Clio Duplaii H. school, St. Philip n. Tonti Du])lan .Tohn, variety store, 144 Basin, d. 1 Duplan Oscar, millinery, 198 Poydras Dujilantier Aug. elk. Old Levee c. Bienville Duplantier E. (Roman &c Kernioti,) 264 Front Levee, d. 49 Bourbon Duplantier Guy, atty. at law, 22 Exchange place, d. 55 Ursulines Duplantiir Guy Mrs. 55 Ursulines Dujilantier G. f. fn. c. 558 Burgundy, d. 3 Duplantier 0. clerk, 16 Bienville, d. 55 Ur- sulines Duplantier V. Mrs. Camp n. Seventh Duplech J. shoes, 17 Ursulines Duplessis Catharine, Mrs. gro. 425 Main Duplessis Charles, 137 Rampart, d. 2 Duple.ssi.s D. f. m. c. carpenter, Soraparu n. Rousseau Duplessis E. 438 Burgundy, d. 3 Duplessis E. Mrs. 13 Villero, d. 1 Duplessis Felix L. register of customs, d. 137 Rampart, d. 2 Duplessis p-rancis V. clerk, 294 Burgundy Duplessis Harriet, f. w. c. 45 Rampart Duplessis Henry, St. Mary n. Constance Duplessis James, Johnson n. Ursulines Duplessis James W. de]uUy U.S. marshal, d. Treme n. Canal Duplessis James W. 6 Rampart, d. 2 Du])lessis .1. f. m. c. slater, 67 Urquhart Duple.ssin M. larpi^nter, 256 Mandeville Duplessis Mary, f. w. c. 326 St. Peter, d. 2 Duplessis P. Mrs. 244 Johnson Duplessis Rose, f. w. c. 45 Basin, d. 2 Duplessis Valery, comptroller, d. 294 Bur- gundy, d. 2 Dupon John L. merchant, 433 Royal, d. 3 Dupont Bernard, baker, 428 St. Claude,d.3 Dupont Bernard, grocery, 170 Columbus Du})oiit Mrs. d. 95 Barracks Dupont D. baker, 150 Prieur, d. 2 Dupont D. Delia, d. 116 St. Joseph Dupont G. cooper, 238 Spain Dupont Julian, 39 Goodchildren Dupont Louis, dairy, Claiborne n. Spain Dupont M. Mrs. 43 Gasquet Dupont P. butcher, 34 Port market Dnpiuite G. 116 St. Joseph Duprat D. milk, 35 Treme market Duprat Elizabeth Mrs. Third n. Laurel Duprat Eugene, 333 St. Philip Duprat John, 2 Levee, d. 3 Duprat Joseph, groc(M-y, Baronno c. Union Duprat J. R. shoemk'r, Conti c. Burgundy Duprat Pierre, butcher, 376 Chartres, d. 3 Duprat v., St. Ann n. Galvez Duprat Wm. distiller, 190 Burgundy, d. 2 Dujire Mr. teacher piano forte, 74 Anthony Dupre A. dep. clirk Third District Court Dujire Ad. jr. attorney and counsellor at law, 84 Bienville Dupre Antoine Mrs. 396 St. Ann Dupre Adolphe, book-keeper La. State Bank, d. 122 Esplanade Dupre Armaiid, reeeiving teller Canal B'k, d. 299 Burgundy Dupre Clement, boot and shoemaker, 105 and 107 St. Charles Dupre Charles, carpenter,f.m.c. 253 Bayou road Dupre Emile, clerk, 37 Carondelet, d. 83 Orleans Dupre Eugene, clerk, 128 Canal Dupre Felix, cigar maker, d. 376 Burgun- dy, d. 3 Dupre Fraii<,-ois, manufact'y artificial flow- ers, 43 Si. I'eter Dupre Frank, Ninth n. New Levee Dupre John, butcher, Poydras market Dupre J. B. jeweler, 396 St. Ann Dupre L. f. w. c. 217 Main Dupre L. Mrs. 40 Bagat<'lle Dupre L. plasterer, d. 376 St. Ann Dupre Oscar, clerk, 1.55 Canal Dupre T. clerk, 62 Carondelet Dupre Urania, 209 St. Louis Du|)ret Clement, shoe store Dui)uis F. 0. f. m. c. carp. 119 Marigny Dupuis F. grocery, 285 Daujihine Dujiuis Jules, d. 285 Dauphine Du])uis Victor, vermicelli, 14 Conti Dupuis Victor E. 361 Bourbon, d. 3 Dupuy B. Mrs. 239 Bayou road Dupuy Charles L. C. (C. Tate «r Dxipuy,) commission merchants, 85 Gravier Dupuy Iviuioiid, 229 Dauphine Dupuy Fran<;ois, carpenter, Ninth n. Laurel Dujmy Fran<,-ois, butch. 17 Magazine mkt Dupuy Fran<;oi8, grocery and liquors, 285 Dauphine Dupuy Guillaume, gilder, 153 Royal Dupuy H. clerk, 40 Greatmen Dupuy Josephine, 196 Marais, d. 2 DUP 162 DUR Dupuy Jean, butcher, 8 Poydias market, d. Louisiana avenue n. Annunciation Dupuy J. B. f. ni. c. Josephine n. Laurel Dupuy Lucille, f. w. c. 113 St. Ann Dupuy L. 365 Robertson, d. 3 Dupuy Pierie, butclier, iVIagazine market Duque Dominique, butcher, 1^611 Burgundy Duquercron Aug.justice of peace, 4 Frencli- men, d. Levee n. Frenchmen Duquesnay C. L. 75 Bourbon, d. 112 St. Anthony Duquesnay C. L. jr. 130 Canal, d. 112 St. Anthony Duquesnay L. f. m. c. bricklayer, Clai- borne n. Hospital Duquesnay P. L. exchange elk. Canal B'k Duracher B. Mrs. 441 St. Ann Duracher P. Mrs. 79 Union, d. 3 Durain Jos. c. p. 507 Robertson, d. 3 Duralde John, shoemaker, 73 Orleans Duralde M. Mrs. 144 Dauphine Duraldo Lubin,f. m. c. Metairien ridge, bayou St. John Durall Charles, 27 Magazine Duran Jean Marie, butcher, 24 Magazine market' Duran J. feed store, 4 Front Levee', d. 3 Duran Manuel, engineer,d.214 Melpomene Duran Raymond, cook, d. 251 Bourbon Duran Simeon, 56 Exchange place Durand Adele, d. 558 Burgundy, d. 3 Durand A. 56 Exchange place, d. 22 Bar- tholomew Durand B. crockery ,etc. 151 and 153 Royal, glass and tinware ,etc. Royal c.St. Peter Durand Charles, 158 St. Ann Durand D., St. Andrew n. Rampart Durand Edward, acct. 42 Old Levee, d. 2 Durand Eugene, 121 Dauphine Durand F. Mrs. d. Lyne c. Laurel, Jeffer- son City Durand James, clerk, 221 Customhouse Durand James, carpenter, Customhouse c. Derbigny Durand Jane Mrs. d. St. Andrew n. Ram- part Durand Joseph, carpenter, Melpomene n. Carondelet Durand Jos. (JMacon, Freres &c Co.) d. 207 Carondelet Durand J, 441 Dauphine Durand J. wood, etc. Dauphine n. Cus- tomhouse Durand J. Mrs., Basin c. Josephine Durand J. B. accountant, 93 Magazine, d. 368 Hercules Durand J . M. atty. at law, Durand Lawrence, grocer, 30 Toulouse Durand Lewis, 234 Conti Durand Louis, 215 Treme Durand M. Mrs. millinery, 187 Royal Durand Margaret Mrs. grocery, 'Jeffer- son, McD Durand Mateo, fishmong. 61 Union, d. 3 Durand Ne\aon,( Durand, Rocquet Sf Co. )d. Terpsichore bet'n Camp and Prytania Durand Pierre A. acct. 75 Chartres Durand Peter A. grocer, 194 Bienville Durand, P>,ocquet & Co. (J\''elson Durand, JIdolphus Rocquet, Leopold Rocquet,) cot. fac. and com. mers. 12 Carondelet Durand Raphael, oysters, 345 Royal, d. 3 Durand Robert, plasterer, d. St Andrew n. Liberty Durand Leoman, shoemaker, Jefferson, McDonogh Durand Warren, Jackson R. R. Office Durand Washington, painter, d. 183 Chip- pewa Durand Wm. engineer, d, St. Andrew n. Rampart Durand Wm. Mrs. d. 173 Frenchmen Duraiit & Horner (Tkos. J. Durant, Chas. W. Horner,) attys. 18 Carondelet Durant Thos. J. (Durant Sf Horner,) d. Canal c. Dryades Durapeau C. Mrs. 476 Bourbon, d. 3 Durapeau Theophile, clerk, 56 Chartres, d. 301 Roman, d. 3 Durard M. 176 Frenchmen Durard P. butcher, 27 Magazine market Duratin J. butcher, Magazme market Duraud Joseph, grocer, Rampart c. Union Durbridge Jos. salesman, 36 Magazine, d. 175 St. Andrew Durbridge Wm. & Co. hatt's, 155 Poydras Dureau Frangois, grocer, c. Jackson and Rousseau Durel Amie, 278 Bourbon Durel Alfred, 85 Bourbon Durel Armand, paying teller Union Bank, d. c. Toulouse c. Royal Durel Arthur, 208 Burgundy Durel A. Mrs. 290 Chartres Durel C. G. 94 Ursulines Durel Edmond J. (F. Gainnie &f Co.) 29 Old Levee, d. 301 Royal Durel Eugene, exchg, clerk. Union Bank, d. c. Royal and Toulouse Durel Eugene, teacher, 163 St. Philip Durel Gustave, 301 Royal Durel Henry, clerk of Comptroller, d. 44 St. Ann Durel Jules, paying teller Bank of Amer- ica, d. c. Royal and Toulouse Durel Justin, d. 123 Hospital- Durel Justin, jr., clerk, 25 Carondelet, d. 123 Hospital Durel M. V. Mrs. 309 St. Ann Durel Mrs. c. Royal and Toulouse Durel Numa, f. m.c. cigar mkr. Urquhart n. Spain Durel N. dentist, 162 Treme, d. 2 Durel Paulin, stationer, etc. 37 Chartres, d. 197 Rampart, d. 2 Durel P. f. w. c wheelwright, 162 Main Durell Sophy, f. w, c. d. 234 Orleans Durel T. 201 Burgundy Durel U. Mrs. 84 Hospital Durell E. H. atty. at law, 50 Camp Durell P. W. 389 Canal Duren John, coal, 31 Mandeville Durmenstien Leonard, pedler, d. 63 Ma- rigny & f, DUR 153 DUV Durian E. Dr., Fiftli n. Chippewa Duri.T A. Rev. d. 185Mandeville, Annun- ciutioii Church Durkiii Jolin, stables, Majjnolia n. Julia Durkin John, staliles, 244 Magazine Durkin Marijaret Mrs. d. 18 Poyfarre Durmiriny; J. H. rlerk, Durnett Andrew A. 165 Magazine Durnin Birnard, Inl). Gravicr n. .Johnson Durnin Charles, grocer, 333 Perdido Durno Bernard, clray"iftn» d. 433 Franklin Durno J. K. acct. 71 Tchoupitoulas, d. 317 Bienville Durno W. C. d. 147 Customhouse Durno Wyatt, architect, d. 36 Melpomene Durossian Delia, tailor, 48 History Durphv Pat. carp. d. 3.')] Annunciation Durr F'rancis, shoemaker, 74 St. James Durrell E. H. atty. at law, 59 St. Charles Durrell Valsin, 286 Burgundy Durrher Catherine, grociry, 240 Sixth Durrive Edward & Co. (Edward Durrire, Edward Durrive, jr., Fredenck Dur- rii'e,) com. mers. St. Louis c. Old Levee, d. 177 Marais Durrive Ed. jr. (Ed. Durrive 8{ Co.) d. Pontalba bldffs. St. Ann Durrive Fred. (Ed. Durrive Sf Co.) d. 193 Royal Durrive Johnson, d. 46 Poet Durrive Jules, d. 322 Claiborne, d. 3 Durrous H., St. John Ba|itist n. St. James Durroux Brrnard, butcher, 33 French mkt Durroux Dominique, butcher, 6 Dryades market, d. 419 Franklin Durroux Jean M. butcher, 101 French mkt Durroux J. M. butcher, 27 Povdras mkt Durrsie John, cigars, 99 Front Levee, d. 3 Durrutv J. H., Citize^ns' Bank Durst Cath. dress mkr. Poydras n. Basin Durtin John, livery stable, 202 Magazine Duru N. car]ienter, 354 Char^res Durwnrd J. 275 Tchoupitoulas Dury F. wood, Carondelet walk n. Marais Duryee, Jaques & Clearman, (P. S. &,• H. W. Durycc, H. H.Jaqurs, T. D. Cliar- man,) hats, caps, etc. 25 Magazine Dusautoer E. Orleans c. Dauphine Dureh Jacnui-s, tailor, 139 Conti Dusch L. drayman, 632 Annunciation Dusan J. B. Kerlerec n. Roman Duschcr H. drayman, Baronnen. Seventh Dtissatour P. fancy goods, 187 Orleans Dussau D.,St. Ann c. Derbigny Dussau Mrs., Bayou road n. Claiborne Dusse August, barber, 142 V^illere, d. 2 Dusse Mrs. L. millinery, 194 Orhans Diisseau E. shoemkr, 338 Robertson, d. 3 Dusscau John B. 235 Ki'rierec Dushy C. W. insp. customs. Customhouse Dus.scl Julius ( IVatIrr &c Uussf/,^ painters, Prytania c. Thalia Dussol W. Mrs. Girod n. Bagatelle Du.^som E. 963 St. Claude Dus.sor Bernard, 101 Piety Dussor H. J. clerk, 120 Tchoupitoulas, d. 101 Piety Dussor John, tailor, 331 Old Levee, d. 2 Dus.sor Ili-nry, carpenter, 19 St. Charles Dussumier E. d. Esplanade n. Claiborne Dust Caspar Mrs., Union n. Prosper Dustor John F. printer, 70 Camp Dustin Cat/iarine Mis., Clio c. Baronne Pusuau C, Kerlerec n. Roman Dussuau E. f'.ni.c. shoemkr,240 Marais, d. 2 Dutaut A. 426 Bouri)on Dutch Jos. f. m. c. drayman. Customhouse n. Roman Dutcher William, clerk. Main n. Tonti Dutcher William M. clerk. Customhouse c. Old Levee, d. 263 Bourbon Duteil A. F. 14 Carondelet Dutel Louis, ice, 66 Chartres Dutem Samuel, 15 Esplanade Dutenhoer S. 17 Rampart, d. 3 Dutfark Aug. dairyman, Sixth n. Dryades Dulhiel Maria, variety store, 270 Camp Duthil Alexander (J^mih, Duthil Sf Co.) Magazine c. Common Duthil Pierce, 74 Barracks Duthoo J. C. coffee and fruit, Algiers Duthuit Eugene, d. 99 Marigny Dutillet Charles, ins]iector customs Dutillet Eugene, clerk, 62 Old Levee Dutillet John E., Hospital c. Derbigny Dutinger Hy. carji Eighth n. Carondelet Duteur Louis, 54 Royal Dutour Louis, clerk, 46 Royal d. Gasquet n. Claiborne Dutreuil B. butcher, Treme market Dutreuil C. bricklayer, 73 Mandeville Dutreuil F. butcher, 80 Orleans Dutreuil Louis, f. m. c. 32 Bagatelle Dutrey Francois, butcher, 22 French mkt. d. 178 Ihiyou road Dutrey J. butcher, 46 and 48 Treme mkt. d. 128 Orleans Duttorhoiier Jos furniture cart, d. Clai- borne n. Marigny Dutton Wm. stock (hniler. Eighth n. Fulton Dutuit L. printer, 100 Bourbon Dutuit L. Mrs dressmaker, 100 Bourbon Dutzch II. screwman, Villere n. Marais Duval A. Mrs. 272 Carondelet Duval A. 306 Bienville Duval B. 197 Dauphine Duval E. cotton broker, 38 Carondelet Duval Mrs. F'. acct. 36 Chartres Duval Frank, clerk, 43 Natchez Duval Fanny Duval G. W. carp. First c Rou.sseau Duval James P. clerk, 40 Poydras Duval James P. clerk, 1,59 Gravier Duval Geo. W. & Theod. cot.fac. and com. mers. 86 Poydras d. 346 St. Andrew Duval Theodore, (Duval 8( Co.)d. 346 St. Andrew Duval J. Carondelet walk n. Sixth Duval Louis, conk, 256 Burgundy Duval Louis, shoemkr. Prieur n. St. Philip Duval Lubin, Mctairie ridge, bayou St. John Duval L. IL b. h. Canal c. Bourbon Duval Louis, shoemaker, 183 Prieur DUV 154 EAG Duval Peter 0. periodicals, 239 Canal, d. 252 Burs^undy Duval W.J. elk. atGuion's,20St.Charles, d. Canal c. Bourbon Duvelirg Louis, painter, 126 Barracks Duvene Pierre, butcher, Jeff. City Du verger C. Mrs. 69 Goodchildren Duverger Etienne (G. F. Weisse &f Co.) 73 late 83 Chartrcs Duverger S. St. Ann c. Claiborne Duvernay B. cooper. Upper Linen. Laurel, Jersey City Duvernay Francis, carp. 251 Bayou road Duvernay Francois, Jeff. City Duvernay Louis, f. m. c. siioemaker, 157 Columlnis Duvernay Marie, 406 Orleans Duvernay M. cigars, 423 Gravier Duvernay P. carp. Jeff. City Duvernay P. R. Mrs., Jeff. City Duverney Rose, f.w.c. Roman n. Columbus Duver T. H. Dr. 320 Robertson, d. 3 Duvey Paul, baker, 152 Hospital Duviau Hanson, c. h. 172 Orleans Duvic Conrad, blacksmith, 294 Royal Duvic Fran<;ois, Orleans c. Broad Duvic Francois, blacksmith, Villerc, Algiers Duvic Jean, shoemaker. Main n. Galvez Duvielh P. tailor, 318 Old Levee, d. 2 Duvigneaud A., Bayou road n. Dorgenois Duvigneaud Adelard jr. d. St. Louis corner Villere Duvigneaud Jos. Bayou road, St. John's Great Route Duvigneaud J. G., Conti c. Villere Duvigneaud Louis, judge Third District Court Bayou road, St. John's Great Route Duvilh Pierre, clothing, 4 Front Levee, d.2 Duvillier Edward, 321 Elvsian Fields Duvosin D. Mrs. dry good.s, 310 Dauphine Duzac Antoine, butcher, 8 History Duzac David, 172 St. Philip Duzer Baptisie, butcher, 80 French market Duzer F. butcher,d. Harmony n. Constance Dvils Terry, b. h. 168 New Levee Dwight C. W. salesman, 80 Canal, d. St. Andrew n. Carondelet Dwire David, lab. d. 80 Delord Dwire Michael, lab. d. 54 Thalia Dwyer Antonio B. barkeeper, 146 Liberty Dwyer Bridget, 112 Howard Dwyer Cor's, lab. Alexandern.Goslin,Alg. Dwyer Edward , drayman , Julia n . Derbign y Dwyer E. carpenter. Felicity n. Liberty Dwyer F. W., Baronne n. St. Andrew Dwyer James, grocer, 360 St. Charles Dwyer James, laborer, 131 Foucher Dwyer John, clerk, 26 St. Charles . Dwyer John, book keeper, d. 394 Basin Dwyer John, clerk, 28 St. Charles Dwyer John, lab. d. 97 Josephine Dwyer & Howard (Patrick Dwyer, M. J. Howard,) grocers and western pro- duce, 28 Poydras, d. 56 Mew Levee Dwyer Patrick, (Dwyer &f Howard,) 28 Poydras Dwyer Martin, 108 Foucher Dwyer Mary, grocery, St. Andrew c. Con- stance Dwyer Mary Mrs. dressmaker, 427 Basin Dwyer Mary Mrs.,Polymnia n. Carondelet Dwyer Michael, stonecutter, 232 Lafayette Dwyer Michael, St. Mary n. Rousseau Dwyer Patrick, tailor, 54 Julia Dwyer Patrick, Jersey c. Berlin, Jeff. City Dwyer Patrick, drayman, 260 Dryades Dwyer Patrick, 266 Dryades Dwyer Patrick, grocer, d. 414 Baronne Dwyer Thos. coal dealer, 186 St. Joseph Dyas A. J. 12 New Levee, d. 223 Magazine Dyas & Co. office 12 Tchoupitoulas and 12 New Levee Dyas Ellen, fancy goods, 75 Thalia Dyas John, Annunciation n Race Dyas J. A. f. m. c. cigars, 29 Craps Dyas Lucien, painter, 307 Roman, d. 2. Dyas Mary Mrs., Columbus n. Goodchil- dren Dyckhoff Frank, tobac. broker, 242 Bien- ville Dyer Auguste, lab. d. Market n. St. Thomas Dyer James, painter, d. Liberty Dyer James B. painter, 319 St. Louis Dyer Joseph, Chartres c. Frenchmen Dyer R. Mrs. grocer, 371 Chartres Dyer & Toby ( Stephen R . Dyer , Jos. Toby,) ship joiners, Peter, Algiers Dyer Stephen R. (Dyer 8f Toby,) Algiers Dyer S. R. 199 Hercules Dyer Thomas W., Baronne Dyer T. O. clerk, 25 Magazine Dyer T. W. (Gallagher &( Dyer,) 33 Ca- rondelet, d. 512 Baronne Dyer William< carp. Rousseau n. Fourth Dyke Daniel, Cypress c. Vine Dykeriver C. blacksmith » Carrollton Dykers R. H. book keeper, d. 359 Maga- zine c. Thalia Dykers Thomas M. booft keeper, 56 Ca- rondelet, d. 359 Magazine Dyson George, laborer, Clara n. Cypress E. [AGAN BENTICK, attorney at law, 57 St. Charles Eagan & King, (Anthony Eagan, Thomas King,) western produce, 64 Tchoupit. Eagan H. J. atty. at law, 57 St. Charles Eagan John, clerk, Rousseau c. St. Mary Eagan J. Tchoupitoulas c. Orange Eagan Michael, c. h. St. Joseph c. Fulton Eagan Michael, Cypress n. Claiborne Eagan Michael, c. h. H Julia Eagan Patrick, laborer, ,d. 84 Delord Eagan Pat. drayman, Melpomene n. Locust Eagan Thomas, drayman, Tchoupitoulas c. Celeste Eagan Thomas, drayman, Clara n. Cypress Eagan & King, 62 Tchoupitoulas Eagan Thomas, laborer, Clara n. Julia Eager Charles A. (Stanley Sf Eager,) ship chandlers, Thalia c. Front Levee, d. 173 Annunciation %.> EAG 155 EDM Eagan Margaret, d. 232 Magazine Eager Jose|)li, carpunti-r, Monroe, McD. Eagle Animond, finislier, 422 Felicity Eagle Warehouse, Commerce b. Notre Dami? and Julia Eagle Fire Co. 7 Daupliine n. Customhouse Eagle Frederiek G. hutcluM-, 173 Fulton Kagle Cotton Gin Co., depot No. 57 St. Charles, Bates, Hyde & Co. ]iroprie- tors, William L. Gushing, agent. Eahart .lacob. First n. Dryades Fakers i-!erd. lal). Poet n. St. John Uaptist Kakin Jani> Mrs., Eighth n. Chestnut Ealer Henry A.Capt. president Pilot's As- sociation, 26 St. Charles, 302 Dryades Ealer Joseph E. watchmaker, c. Canal and Cam]i, d. St. Charles n. Erato I F.aller George, 39 Poydras market ! Ealy George, labnn'r. Common c. Galvez | Eames D. VV. ( Beldcn &r Eanes,) hats and caps, 32 Magazine, d. 390 IVIagazine Eanes Alexander, 52 St. Anthony Eardt George, vegetaiilts, 131 Thalia Earhart Frederick, 331 Chippewa Earhart^Tliomas J. atiy. at law, Recorder's Court, d. 1; office, 5 Commercial place Earl John, drayman, Philip n. St. Dennis Earles Josejih, stables, 227 Earls John J. house agent and collector, 277 Canip Early John F. 112 Camp Early Hugh, laborer, 525Rampart, d. 3 Earman H. blacksmith, Kighth n. Magazine Earnhard Cliarles, shoemaker, 255 Poydras Earnlann Frederick, wheelwright. Eighth n. Magazine Eastford Henry, carpenter, 117 Spain Fasten R. E. 61 Carondelet, d. St. Philip c. Ram]>art Eastman Aaron, Carrollton Eastman Charles H. clerk, 117 Gravier, d. 122 Julia Eastman Mary A. 117 Treme Eastman Moses, d. 197 St. Joseph Eastmaji Wni. clerk, 44 Carondelet Easton Annie Mrs. dressm'r, 446 Dryades Easton Esther Mrs. d. 392 Daui>hine, d. 3 Easton James, clerk. Magazine c. Poyfarre Easton T. B. clerk Adams Express Office, 96 Camp Eaten B. B. 143 Enghien Eatoii Ainia Mrs. dressmaker, c. Soraparu and St. Charles Eaton Beni. screwman, 445 Dauphine,d.3 Eaton B. Capt. 301 Greatmen Eaton, Betterden & Co. (John Eaton, W. G. BeUfrden,) wholesale grocers, c. Fulton, Common and New Levee Eaton John, ( Eaton, Bellerton Laurel Fallon Bridget, b. h. 50 Julia Fallon E. Mrs. 305 First Fallon Herbert, grocer, 242 Magazine Fallon Hugh, 242 Magazine Fallon James, ccmtractor, 324 St. Peter Fallon James, Main c. Treme Fallon John, clerk, d. 127 Chippewa Fallon John, laborer, 184 Tchoupitouias Fallon J. G.insiiecior customs, 22ti Callioi)e Falhni J. K. laborer, 35 Marigny Fallon Lawrence, C. book keeper, 21 Commercial place, d. 305 First Fallon Martin, tailor, 274 Dryades Fallon Martin, stone cutter, 264 Girod Fallon Martin, butcher, Eighth n. Con- stance Fallon Mary, 327 Conti Fallon Michael, boiler maker, 50 Julia Fiillon Michael, paver, 138 Claiborne Fallon M. tailor, Liberty n. Clio Fallon Patrick, shoemaker, 392 Camp Fallon Thomas, grocery, 68 St. Thomas Falls E. B. (B. P. Elhell &f Co.) 101 Ma- gazine Falon N., St. Mary n. Chippewa Falon William, blacksmith, 92 St. Joseph Falorsi Sebastian, c. h. 153 Perdido F'al.s Adam, drayman, Cotton Press c. Gdodchildren Falvey Dennis, 60 Melpomene Falvey John, inarbler, Erato n. Howard Falvey John, lal)orer, 117 Foucher Faliz (yonrad, lab. St. Andrew n. Howard Falzun Joseph, 155 Eutirpe Fannaghan John, grocer, Algiers Fanchon E. Mrs., Frenchmen n. Rampart Fancoz Franklin, clerk, 46 Chartres ^"'rtnerty Martin, screwman, 224 Chij)pcwa Fanes T. A. clerk, 71 Canal F'anes Mrs. variety store, 128 Burgundy Fanholt John, porter, 185 Josephine Faniury Sarah, dn ssinaker, 191 Magazine Fanney William, Royal n. Congress Fannin C. drayman,St. Andrew n.Baronne Fannin John, c. h. l.,(;vehine I Feit Francis, lab. Chippewa n. Market Feitel Aaron, clothier, 175 N. Levee I Feitel Samuel, clerk, Jackson c. N. Levee I Feiting Jacob, Laurel n. Ninth j Felder John, porter, d. 61 Gasquet ! Felder John, tailor, 52 Marigny i PVlder Louis, plasterer, 79 Laurel Feldkirchner Christopher Mrs. 80 Desire Feldner John P. saddler, 689 N. Levee,d.4 Felger Julia Mrs., Baronne n. St. Andrew Felia Justine, f. w. c. Roman n. Kerlerec Felicity (Methodist) Church, Felicity c. Chestnut Feliquier Lucian, clerk. Royal c. Conti Feliquier Robert, painter, 237 Baronne Fell J. R. clerk, Factors row, 34 Perdido Fell &. Marsh (P. R.Fell, Manson Marsh,) com. and forward, mtrs. 36 Natchez Fell P. R. (Fell &f Marsh,) d. 651 St. Charles Fell Wm. blacksmith, 311 Claiborne Fellenzes G. lab. St. John n. Bayou bridge Fellon James, clerk, 286 St. Peter Fellon Julien, (Pinaud &c Fellon,) 117 0. Ltvee.d. 2, d. 10 Toulouse Fellon M. butcher, d. Eighth n. Constance Fellon Octave, clerk, 56 Chartres Fellowes C. & Co. (Cornelius Fellowes, D. P. Logan, Thompson Greenfield,) cot. factors & com. mers. 149 Common Fellowes Cornelius, CC. Fellowes fy Co.) d. 162 Julia Fellowes Joseph, 3 Crescent row, Canal Fellows Ernest T. atty. at law, 12 Ex- change place Fellows E. H. clerk, 74 Camp Fellows J. Q, A. ( Whitaker Sf Fellows,) d. Philip e. Chestnut Fellows T. broker, 7 Camp, d. Delord c. Tivoli Circle Fellralh H. porter and ale, 78 Hospital Fellrath L. grocer, 341 Howard Felmeden J. H. shoemaker, 5 Gravier Feitel Peter, drayman, Delaronde, Algiers Feltman Wm. lab. Fulton n. Harmony l-'eltner J. P. saddli:r, 401 Tchoupitoulas Feltner Wm. blacksmith, Sevenln n. An- nunciatian Feltz F. Bourbon c. Main Feltz Jacob, City Hotel, 218 N. Levee Feltz L. music teacher, 228 Calliope f'enasci B. 122 Burgundy • Fenberg J. tailor, 126 Dryades P'ence Wm. tailor, Gasquet n.Galvez Fenelon Galtriel, painter. Barracks n. Dergenois Fenely Jas. lab. Tonti n. Bienville Feney H. Mrs. dressmaker, 55 Erato Fenley John, Second c. Thalia Fennell Thomas J. 90 Common Fennelly Morris Mrs. 85 Derbigny Fenneman George, 105 Mandeville Fenner Chas. E. ( ISimonds &f Fenner,) . atty. at law, 2 Union Fenner E. D. Dr. 5 Carondelet Fenner Robert, 376 Customhouse Fenner R. Thalia n. St. Charles Fennimore Joshua, drug. 420 St. Charles Fenning Charles, Burgundy c. St. Fer- dinand Fenny W. combmaker, 264 Chestnut Ferand Henry, 9 St. Aiin,d. Dauphine n. Elysian Fields Ferari Mrs. midwife, 145 Rampart, d. 2 Ferari B. painter, 184 Ranijiart, d. 2 Ferber Geo. carpenter, 102 Franklin Ferbos Jean, shoemkr. 255 Villere Ferbos J. Mrs. 185 Bayou road Ferbos Lamv, cigar mkr. 513 Robertson, d.3 Ferbos L. Mrs. 493 Robertson, d. 3 Feret Madame, embroidery, 64 Bourbon Fergenschuh Geo., Laurel n. Sixth Ferguson A. ipoulder, 292 Calliope Ferguson Chas., Washington n. Magazine Ferguson Chas., Liberty n. Josephine Ferguson Edwin, importer earthenware, 7 Camp, d. 185 Third Ferguson Henry, warehouseman, 105 Robertson Ferguson James, 114 Desire Ferguson Jas. screwman, 291 St. Thomas Ferguson James W., Carroll n. Perdido Ferguson John, clerk, Factors 'row, d. St. Mary n. Annunciation Ferguson J.Q,., Washington c. Magazine Ferguson J. W. fur. cart, 114 Robertson, d. 2 Ferguson Kenneth, stationer, 115 Rampart, d.2 Ferguson Mary Ann Mrs. 408 Baronne Ferguson Nicholas, trader. 41 Roman Ferguson S. G. (Gillis Sf Ferguson,) 152 Conti Ferguson Thos. lab. €4 Mandeville Feriera Francis J. screwm. 438 Burgundy FER 167 FER Ferilve J. M. oyst. Maris^ny c. Casucalvo Ferino Susan, 5(S2 St. Charles Fcrmor Mrs. Si. Claude n. Ursulines Fern John, painter, 214 Dryades Fernand John,f. m. c. cabman, 19STremc, d. 2 Fernand Rosamond, tailor; 406 Marais Fernandez Anthony, auctioneer, 49 Ex- change place, d. 275 Ursulines Fernandez Antonio, c. h. 94 Baronne Fernandez A. (.Ilvarez, Fernandez 8f Co. ) Bienville c. 0. Levee Fernandez li. c. h. 22 Poyfarre FernandcK Celestinc, f. vr. c. 105 Orleans Fernandez Clara Mrs. 254 Ursulines Fernandez Denis, receiving teller and note cleric Bank of America, d. 198 Fernandez Edward, bricklayer, 568 Vil- lere, d. 3 Fernandez Francis, auc'r. Chartres c. St. Louis, d. 132 Constance Fernandez Joaquin, 88 St. Anthony Fernandez John, barkeep. d. 2 St. Joseph Fernandez Joseph, mason, 128 Marigny Fernandez Joseph, c. h. 72 Basin, d. 1 Fernandez Josejih, 63 Villere, d. 2 Fernandez Joseph J. ( S. Fernande: S( Co.) d. 290 Royal Fernandez J. Aug. (Alvarez, Fernandez S,- Co.) Hienviile c. Old Levee Fernandez J. A. c. h. Royal c. Barracks Fernandez Manuel ( f'iila Sf Fernandez,) 405 Rampart, d. 3 Fernandez Manuel, cigar maker, 136 Union, d. 3 Fernandez Maria L., Josephine n. Dryades Fernandez Nicholas, seaman, 32 Spain Fernandez Nicholas, 143 St. Philip Fernandez 0. cigars, Jackson n. Dryades Fernandez P. tailor, 201 Ursulines Fernandez P. P. barkeeper, 352 Dauphine Fernandgan M. laborer, 61 Girod Finnegan Nich. saddler, 269Tchoupitoulas Finnegan Patrick, Third n. Lafayette Finnegan Palrick,laborer at Jackson' depot Finnerjan Pat. coppersmith, 115 Prytania Finnerly James, laborer, 57 St. Thomas Finnerly James, lab. 93 St. Thomas Finnerly Jas. drayman, Miro n. Bienville Finnerly Martin, Derbigny n. Bienville Finneman Bern, grocer, Dryades c. Felicity Finnerly Franklin, 126 Main Finnerty James, laborer, 272 Front Levee Finnerty Martin, clerk, 304 Bienville John, lab. Celeste n. St. Thomas Finnessey Pat. lab. Theresa n. St. Thomas Finney Augustus, Harmony n Constance Finney BiTnard, lab. 300 Annunciation Finney Dennis, laborer, 79 Aniutnciation Kinney E. W. book keeper, Gravicr c. Magazine Finney H. M., Basin c. Terpsichore Finney James, cooper, 147 F'oucher Finney John, laborer, 265 Dryades Finni;y John, grocer, Poydrasc. Basin Fninoy John, (Benjamin, Bonford &c Fin- ney,) d. 467 Carondelet Finney Marc. 90 Melpomene Finney Michael, drayman, 15 Religiou.s Finney Michael, lab. 494 Rampart, d. 3 Finney Pat. clerk. Levee n. Robin Finnie G. H., Harmony n. Magazine Finnigan Bernard, grocer, 294 Tchoupitou. Finnigan Patrick, Rousseau n. Si. Andrew Finnin Christ, drayman, Josephine n. Dryades Finnin James, drayman, 365 Basin Fiogere Chas. watchmaker, 92 Charlres Fippen»er Philip, drayman, Washington n. Rampart FIQUET & BOUVET, (J. Fiquet, J. Bouvet,) 12 Camp street, French Hat manufactory, wholesale and retaiL Hats made to order. Fiquet J. (Fiquet 8f Bouvet,) 12 Camp P'iremen's Cemetery, Melairie ridge Firemen's Chariiable .'\ssociation, Odd Fellows' Flail, 7 l.afavelte Firnhabrr Henry, wareluuiseman, 106 Tchoupitoulas Fire Proof Cotton Press, Levee c. Race, and F'ront c. Robin First Church (Presbyterian) Fulton n. St. Andrew First Congregational Church ("Unitarian) St. Charles c. Julia First Presbyterian Church, Lafayette sq. Firth E. clerk, St. Ferdinand n. Burgnndy Fischer Bernard, shoemaker. Congress c. Urquliart Fischer Charles F. 59 Claiborne Fischer Dorothy, St. Mary c. Prytania Fischer Frederick, tailor, 2(i7 Cypress Fischer Frederick, tobacco broker, 16 Ca- rondelet d. 75 Conti Fischer F. wood, Leonidas n. Levee Fischer Jacob sr. woodsawyer, 101 Clai- borne, d. 2 Fischer Jacob, slioemakcr, 431 Chartres Fischer Jacob, laborer, .\inth n. Laurel Fischer Jacob, carpenter, 42 Piety Fischer John, drayman, 137 Pacanier Fischer John, laborer, 425 Ursulines | Fischer John, dair}^ Erato n. Clara ' Fischer John E. & Co. (J.Rose,) German cigars, 23 New Levee Fischer Jos. baker, 197 Carondelet walk Fischer Jos. clerk, 103 Main Fischi^r Joseph, mattress maker. Euphro- sine c. Rampart Fischer Jose))h, variety, 410 New Levee Fischer J. L. tailor, 24 Exchange place Fischer Leopold, printer, 234 Bienville Fischer Louis, 109 St. Louis Fischer Louis, gunsmith, 145 Main Fischer Marlin, shoemaker, 164 Gravier Fischer Malhias iilaeksmilh, 325 Howard Fischer Michael, vegetaliles, Soraparu mkt Fischer Petvee Flarer Raphael, drayman, Clio n. Howard Flarius Lebi-sque, clerk, 128 Canal Flarkat John Vl. A. mattressmaker, 247 Orleans Flash Alexander, jr. western produce and com. mer. 48 Tchoupitoulas, d. 45 Ramfiarl, d. 2 Flash John, barkeeper, 222 Chippev/a Flaschmann Charles, cigar maker, 569 Tchoupitoulas Flrtspiller Hy.H. porter, 118 Independence Flasse FraiK^ois, blacksmith, 107 St. Ann Flatband F., Royal c. Frenchmen Flathers John, sugar broker, 90 Main Flattery M. Mrs. 322 St. Louis Flavin John, Rampart c. Enghien Flayer John, Bourbon n. Prosper Flcche Eug.n.', 30 Elysian Fields, d. 132 Annette Flechert J. M. A. mattressmkr.180 Villere Flechier C. O. 385 Old Levee, d. St. Ber- nard c. Tonti Flechsig Louis, cabinet maker, 85 Marais Fleckner Henry, bricklayer, Gretna Flecksy L. car|i(>nter, Anni'tte n. Solidelle Fleetwood W. H. clerk, 248 Terpsichore Flegenger Mary Mrs., Sixth n. Annunci- ation Fleisch George, carpenter, 427 Main Fhisch H. carpenter, 94 Dryades Fleisch Michel, Lafayette c. .Seventh, Grt Fleischart Jacob, bricklay. Sixth n. Chip- pewa Fleischbein F. 470 Rampart, d. 3 Fh'ischbiin Charles, apoih. 375 Bourbon Fhischman Meyer, wood, 211 Magazine F'leischman M(yer,dry gds. 366 Old Levee Fleisclnnan Mosis Mrs. 79 Spain Kleitas Bartholomew, 173 Marais, d. 2 Fliiias F. \). chrk, 45 Carondelet Kleitiis J. M. 2;i3 Bayou road Fhiias William, clirk, 215 Marais Fleiler Jas Flemming John, f.m.c. 116 Elysian Fields Flemming J. H. d. 256 Bourbon Flemming Lawrence, laborer, 41 St. Mary Flemming Louis, Adele n. Rousseau Flemming M.J. Mrs. Felicity n Carondelet Flemming Rd. cooper, 66 Robertson, d. 2 Flemming Wm. bookseller, 582 Magazine Flemming Wm. A. rigger, 337 Front, d. 1 Flenck Joseph, tailor, 39 Barracks Flentke Charles, porter Union Bank, d. 27 Palmyra Flesch George, carpenter, 427 Main Flesch Miguel, shipwright, Gretna Flesch Theodore, ship carpenter, Gretna Fleschcr John, cartman, 122 Clouet Flesse John, Piety n. Morales Flesy Andre, grocery, 145 Frenchmen Fletcher Joseph, 199 Dauphine Fletcher Thomas, laborer, 37 Port Fletcher Wm. laborer, 37 North market Fletschinger D. grocer, 320 Baronne Flrtschinger M. 329 Baronne Fleuri Antonio, confectioner, d 65 Main Fleury A., St. Claude n. Barracks Fleury Ernst, tailor, St. Claude n. Barracks Fleury F. cooper, St. Peter n. Claiborne Fleury H. N., Lyon c. .lersey, Jeff. City Fleury Joseph, saddler, 295 St. Philip . Fleury J. & Co. ( L. Moulor,) tobacco- nists, Chartres c. Toulouse, d, 550 Royal, d. 3 Fleury Jos. commissary, d. Jeff. City Fleury L. saddler, 18 N. Levee, Jeff. City Fleury M. Mrs. f.w.c. Johnson h. Poydras Fleury & Rapp, (Jl. Fleury, jr. Engene Rapp,) tailors, 82 Royal, d. 228 Tremc Fleutg^ Charles, d. Palmyra n. Derbigny Flick Christian, lab. Rousseau n. Fourth Flick Jean, shoes, 318 Camp Flick John, warehou.seman, d. 7 St. James Flick Joseph, cartman, 975 Marigny Flick Margaret, 262 Orleans Flick N. carpenter, 384 Claiborne, d. 3 Flicke Frederick, drayman, 56 Enghien Flicke Jacob F. shoemaker, 6 Palmyra Flicke Joseph, laborer, 163 Marigny Flicker M. carpenter, 403 Chartres, d. 3 Flickingcr Conrad, 94 Palmyra Flicke Martin, sausages. Prosper near Frenchmen Fliege Charles, 220 Bienville Fliegel Adolphe, wheelwright, Goodchil-- dren n Cotton Press Fliescn C. agent German Society, 69 St. Louis, d. 13 Derljigiiy Flincher Charles, Union Bank, d. Palmyra n. Derbigny Flink Gottlieb, 108 St. Andrew Flinn Barthol. drayman, 61 St. James Flinn Bernard, drayman, 303 Melpomene Flinn George, fruit. Liberty c. Perdido Flinn Henry, drayman, 303 Melpomene Flinn Jolin, laborer, 53 Camp Flinn John, laborer, Jackson depot Flinn Wm. screwman, 126 Morales Flint Austin Dr. prof, school of medipine, 173 Common, d. St. Charles Hotel Flint Austin jr. prof, school of medicine, 173 Common, d. St. Charles Hotel Flint & Jones, ( C. Flint, James H. Jones,) furnitute dealers, 36 and 38 Royal Flint C. (Flint &c Jones,) 36 and 38 Royal Flint James, secretary La, Tehuantepec Company, 29 Carondelet, d. History n. Rampart Flinton George Capt. 90 Piety P'lippen Madison, operator, 51 St. Charles Floegel A. wheelwright, 689 St. Claude Floehr George, tailor, 190 Rampart Flohr Henry, tailor, Morales n. Clouet Flood Christian, Bertrand n. Poydras Flood Dan. drayman, Prieur n. Perdido Flood Edw. carpenter, Rousseau n. Philip Flood Edw. cooper, 19 Religious Flood Martin, blacksm. Willow n. Thalia Flood Thos. driver, 144 Calliope Flood Wm. (McWhannSf Flood,) 92 Gra- vier Flood William, laborer, 550 Rampart, d.3 Flor Joseph, auctioneer, Cadiz n. Laurel, Jefferson City Florance Benj. 114 Camp, d. 213 Camp Florance Charles, machinist, 104 Tchou- pitoulas Florance Henry, merchant, 21 Commercia place, d. 171 Common Florance James, commission merchant. Royal, d. 258 St. Ann Florance Lewis, auctioneer and com. mer. 21 Commercial place, d. 171 Common Florance Lewis, jr. 213 Camp Florance Wm. E. Religious n. Richard Florance Wm. E. jr. elk. 76 Canal, d. 76 Religions Florance Michael, milkman, 511 Levee Florat J. A. druggist, 12 New Basin, d. 293 Rampart, d. 1 Florenz J. drayman, Tonti n. Orleans Flores F. tailor, 429 Baronne, d. 1 Flores John Capt. 155 Claiborne, d. 2 Flores Joseph, oysters, 146 Burgundy Flores Richmond, 66 Goodchildren Florick Wm. fruit, 65 St. Philip Floris John, laborer, Lafayette n. Freret Flory Marius, shoemaker, 95 Burgundy Flotte Alfred, sugar broker, 49 Custom- house, d. 57 Kerlerec FLO 173 FOL FLOTO & MAEMET, (William Floto, Florence Marmet, Chas. Marmet,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Western Pro- duce, 32 Poydras Street. All Consignments will receive prompt personal attention. N. B. Dealers in Eggs and Butter will find it to their ad- vantage to call, as we are daily receiving shipments from the West. Flotte D. lOfi Korlorec Flotlc Honore, r.lcrk, 116 Royal Flotte J. B. hiirdwarc, 115 Old Levee, d. 336 Dan|>hiiie,d.3 FIous Louis, kiiifo grinder, 195 Poydras Flower James, laboier, 216 Canal Flower Richard, ( Pntchard Sf Flower,) d. second c. Carondelel Flower Samuel, atty. at law. Camp c. Nat- chez Flowers M. tailor, 168 Ramnart, d. 1 Flowers Wm. engineer, Foymas n. Bolivar Floyd Henry, f. m. c. 73 Franklin, d. "2 Floyd James L. carpenter, 279 Magazine Flutchman P. Mrs. 498 Constance Fluckeneyer Andrew, shoemaker, 310 Old Levee, d. 2 Fkiegel A. wheelwright, 275 Goodchildren Finer Wm. undertaker, 181 Tchoupitoulas Fluke Henry, d. Mnrigny n. Greatmeri Flury D. J. c. h. Nrw Levee c. Napoleon avenue, JefVi-rson City Flury Francis, laborer, 304 Camp Flury Joseph, cigars Jena n. Laurel, Jeff. City Fly Wm. D. ( BuJTum Sf Co.) 60 Caron- delet Flyhnise Philip, corn meal, 13 Constance Flynn Anth'y, mattress nikr, 106 Bienville Fly nil Bryan, grocer, 108 Foucher Flynn Eliza, 88 St. Joseph Flynn F. Mrs. 334 St. Peter Flynn Hannah, dressmak. 1 Ranipart,d. 2 Flynn Hugh, mate, 131 Rampart, d. 2 Flynn Humphrey, drayman, 281 St. Louis Flynn James, lahon'r, 47 St. Andrew Flynn James, laliorer, 185 Johnson, d. 2 Flynn James, laborer, 492 Old Levee, d.3 Flynn James, grocer; 286 Magazine, d. 31 Poylarre Flynn .lames D. bookkeeper, 83 Gravier Flynn John, drayman, 495 Rampart Flynn John, warehouseman, 55 Camji Flynn John, drayman, 196 Liberty Flynn Mary Mrs, 114 St. Th-nias Flynn Matthew, Foucher n. St. Josepli Flynn Mall, drayman. Second n. Laurel Flynn Michael, laborer, 10] St. Ann Flynn Michael, laborer, 105 Claiborne Flynn*Morris, Euterpe n. Carondelel Flynn MorHs, laborer, 15 Rou.sseau Flynn Patrick, Magazine n. St. Mary Flynn Patrick, lumber, Jefferson City Flynn Patrick, mattress mkr. 101 and 103 Bienville Flynn Patrick, mate, 408 Robertson Flynn P. H. painter, Saraparu n. Annun- ciation Flynn Robert, 80 St. Mary Flynn Thomas, painter, 374 Basin Flynn Thomas, c. h. Lafayette n. Fulton Flynn Thns. mattress mkr. 103 Bienville Flynn Timothy, bird cage maker, 100 Union, d. 3 Fobes R. laborer, 113 Royal Foch J. B. knife grinder, 122 St. Phillip Fochri Bernhardt, carpenter, 340 Conti Fockler A. tailor. Union n. Solidelle Fockner James Mrs. 105 Claiborne Foegel Geo. porter, St. Mary c. Laurel Foelker Peter, gardener, Bartholomew c. Urquhart Focner Lancaster, Gretna Foerenbach A. shoemaker, 39 Greatmen Foerster George, printer, 102 Poydras Fogarty John, laborer, Carrollton Fogel Geo. engineer. Calliope n. Tchou- pitoulas Fnger John, 64 Robertson, d. 2 Fogerty John, contractor, 3 Enghien Fogerty Lawrence, 182 Clio Fogerty William, laborer, 298 Liberty Fogle E. Mrs. b. h. 34 Tchoupitoulas Fogo & Taylor ( iniliamFogo, CM. Tay- lor,) com. mers. 89 Gravier Fogo William (Fogo S,- Taylor,) d. 73 Daujihine Fogus H. Carondelet n. Philip Fohr Jacob, laborer, 8 Montegut Fohri Ignatz, shoemaker, 170 St. Philip Foin Eugene, printer, d. 139 Conti Foiret Dominique, butcher, 41 North mkt Folan Joseph, Urquhart n. St. Birnard Foley Andrew, clerk, 301 Carondelet Foley Andrew, grocer, Constance c. Mel- pomene Foley, Avery & Co. (P. H. Foley, Wm. JI. ,.'lvery, Wm. B. Conger, Ilonson Kelly,) com. mers. 34 Perdido, Fac- tor's row Foley Barney, laborer, 77 Delord Foley Bridget Mrs., Alex n. Chestnut, Alg. Foley Charles, laborer, 45 Race Foley Cornelius, Ursulines n. Dauphine Foley Delia Mrs., Melpomene n. Pacanier Foley F. Carondelet n. Jackson Foley Geo. veterinary surgeon, 76 Thalia Foley James, Dryades n. Julia Foley James, c. h. Front n. Girod Foley James, lali. Alex n. Chester, Alg. Foley James, 595 Burgundy, d. 3 Foley John, clerk, Perdido n. Johnson Foley John, drayman, 299 Dryades Foley John, laborer, 180 St. John Baptist Foley J. S. teacher, 294 Liberty Foley J. S. 26 Bank place, d. Union c. Baronne Foley Louis, book keeper, 36 Prieur FOL 174 FOR Foley Michael, laborer, 216 Girod Foley Pat. drayman, Foucher n. Calliope Foley Mary Mrs. 11 Basin, d. 2 Foley P. H. (Foley, ^very Sf Co.) d. 44 Prytania Foley Thomas, c. p. Port n. Royal Foley Timothy, drayman, Foucher n.Julia Foley Victorine Mrs. 387 Baronne Foley "Wm. carpenter, 321 Baronne Foley W. D. 26 Bank place Foley Z. (Porter, Thomas Sf Foley,) 25 Carondelet Folger Chas. W. (J^T. C. Folger &f Son,) 27 and 29 Magazine, d. Carondelet n. Delord Folger Frederick, laborer, Milan n. Mag- azine, Jefferson City Folger F. G. clerk, 27 and 29 Magazine Folger Josiah, secretary Firemen's Char- itable Associa. d. Josephine c. Fulton FOLGER & CO. (Lafayette Fol- ger, Wm. H. Thomas,) Hard- ware, Iron, Ship Chandlery, etc., New Levee cor. Tchou- pitoulas street, between Gra- vier and Poydras. Agents for Cumberland, Tennessee, Iron Works and Isaac Straub's Queen of the South Corn and Wheat Mills. FOLGER N. C. & SON (C. W. Folger,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fashionable Cloth- ing and Plantation Goods, of every description, Nos. 27 & 29 Magazine street, corner of Gravier, d. 257 Carondelet. Folger Lafoyette (Folger Sf Co.) d. 391 Rampart, d. 1 Folger N. C. jr., acct. 27 and 29 Magazine Folger P. P. gardener, 75 Bartholomew Folger Wm. H. Capt., port warden, 31 Commercial place, d. 347 Rampart, d.l Folk Jos. blacksmith, 771 Dauphine, d. 3 Folk Joseph, boatman, Spain n. Morales Folk Mathias Carl, laborer, 53 Louisa Folks iVJara, drayman, 278 Ursulines FoUbrecht August, cabinet mkr. 27 John- son, d. 2 Follendorf George, laborer, 321 Erato Follenfant August, carpenter, 61 Bourbon Follett, Vallette & Girard (John F. Follet, Octave Vallette, J. W. Girard,) Gulf Dry Dock, Algiers Folliet Louis, carpenter, 55 Franklin, d. 2 F'ollin John, laborer, 264 St. Louis Follin Joseph, carp. Basin n. St. Louis Follin Thomas, drayman, 68 St. Thomas Folsom G. (Kittredge Sf Folsom,) 55 St. Charles, d. Fourth n. Constance Foltmer Jacob, lumber dresser, 375 Basin Poltner Jacob, planer at Jackson depot Foltz Adam, lab. Cotton Press n. Morales Foltz Anton, 434 St. Philip Foltz Bernard, laborer, 134 Mandeville Foltz Conrad, lab. St. Andrew n. Franklin Foltz Leonard, tailor, 232 Rocheblave Foltz Mich. lab. Hospital c. Rocheblave Foltz Michael, Josephine n. St. Thomas Foltz Paul, Josephine n. Chippewa Folwell J. N. Dr. inspector of drugs, Cus- tomhouse, d. 221 Carondelet Folz M. butcher, 17 and 18 Magazine mkt Fon Berrer Ferdinand, cartman. Congress n. Burgundy Fonbene E. staves, New Levee c. First, d. 142 St. Philip Fonblanche Emile, variety store, 69 St. Ann Fondal Joseph Mrs. 425 Rampart, d. 3 Fondal Louis, f. ni. c. St. John's route Fondal Seymour, bricklayer, 293 Roman Fondard J. F. M. tailor, d. 251 Royal Fondard M. E. Mrs. laundress, 251 Royal Fondenberger .Jacob, cupper, 31 Chippewa Fonnis A. 23 St. Anthony Fonoret Pierre, f. m c. 491 Baronne Fonrouge Paul, Constance n. Sixth Fonseggan Anna Mrs., Alex, Algiers Fonsica Lucian, c. p. 173 Enghien Font Josephine, Mrs. 435 St. Charles Font S. J. grocer, Basin c. Julia Fontaine Francois, 69 Toulouse Fontaine J. E. compiler, 121 St. Peter Fontan James, clerk, 104 Old Levee Fontan John, laltorer, 25 Bartholomew Fonteneaux L. Mrs. 331 Burgundy Fontennette L. C. inspector customs, d. 197 Marais, d. 2 Fontin Francis, laborer, 144 Toulouse Fontin J. gardener, Bartholomew n. Royal Fontinette J. A. Mrs. 16 St. Bernard Fonvergne Arnold, 38 Marais, d. 2 Foote David Capt., Peter, Algiers Forbes David B. book keeper Bank of New Orleans, d. 488 Magazine Forbes D. R., Religious c. Orange Forbes Gifford, acct. 77 Tchoupitoulas, d. 198 Annunciation Forbes Henry, clerk. Orange c. Magazine Forbes James, 137 Elysian Fields Forbes John, cott. weigher, 49 Union, d. 97 Constance Forbes L. L. carver, Gravier n. Clara Forbes Richard, laborer, 325 Marais, d. 3 Forbes Richard, laborer. Port n. Morales Forbes Thos. capt. steamship Tennessee Forcade Jean, singing birds, 159 Chartres Forcelle D. atty. at law, 36 Exchange place, d. 442 Chartres, d. 3 Forcheimer E. 338 Magazine Forcheimer F. 476 St. Charles Forcheimer Isaac (J. L. Bach, Forcheimer Sf Co.) 11 Chartres Forcheimer & Meyer fS. Forcheimer, Lovis Meyer,) manf. tobacco and cigars, 55 Gravier Forcheimer S. (Forcheimer Sf Meyer,) d. 668 Magazine POR 175 FOR Ford riiarlps, pilot, 483 Raronne Ford Ed. shoiMiikr. >235i.j Rainparl, d. 1 Ford .loliii, Inl). Pacific c Anemic, Algiers Ford John, lab. 377 Old Levee, d. 3 Ford .Tolm, drayi>»an, 3o7 Latayelte Ford Nicholas, First c. Liberty Ford Pairick, blacksmith, 331 Poydras Ford Pctrr, mattress mkr. 33 Honrlion Ford diehard, drayman, Clio n. Willow Ford Richard, laborer, Jackson depot Ford Thomas, drayman, 121 Lafayette Ford Tlios. engineer, 367 Bourbon, d. 3 Ford Tliomas, carpenter, Algiers Ford Thomas, iron founder, 122 Annun- ciation Ford Timothy, laborer, 182 Customhouse P''ord William, grocer, 6 Girod Ford William. 5fi Annunciation Ford William, grocer, 13G New Levee Foreacri' G. J. master of repairs, N. 0. J. R. R. Forein Ann, Alex, Algiers Forest Ernst, clerk, 235 St. Claude, d. 2 Forest E. Mrs. dressmaker,2.35 Si. Claude Forest John, brakemaii O.R.R. Algiers Foresiii>r Fdward, carp. 24 St. Joseph Forestier Joseph T., Girod n. Liberty Forestier J. F. 178 Dryades Foresti(>r J. T. painter, 174 Carondelet Forestier L. clerk, Dauphine c. Main Forestier P. W. Mrs., Dauphine c. Main Forestier Robert, plumber, 289 Clio Forestier U. 159 Gravier, d. Dauphine c. Main Foret T. boarding, 22 Toulouse Forey G. C. builder. Chestnut n. Alex, Algi.'rs ForgarTy Lawrence, laborer, 182 Clio Forgay J. M. paving contractor, 151 Julia Forget Philip, d. 254 Chartres Forget P. restaurant, 27 St. Philip Forkroller John, music, 111 Elysian Fields Forman Leonard, drayman, 361 Thalia Forman Marks, Toledano n. Chippewa Forniel Lunis, tailor, 241 Bourbon Formel P. D. Dr. 17 Rourbon Formento Dr., Bienville n. Burgundy Formento Eliza, 167 Main Fornait B. butcher, 414 Rampart Fornarelti' Joseph, f. m. c. 311 Raronne Fornarette P. Mrs. f. w. c. Euterpe n. Baro))ne Fornans Antonio, Bienville c. Exchange place Fornaris Jose, "The Duty"c. h. Bienville Fornaris Henry, Bienville c. Exchange place Fornau John, hats and clothing, Algiers Fornazai Pierre, l^innine n. St. Andrew Forneret Lena, f. w. c. 87 Josephine Fornier Mertel, f. m. c. 185 Morales Fornis Antonio, 263 Burgundy Forno Chah s, Franklin n. St. Andrew Forno Henry, ab. Amite ('iiy near J. R. R. Fornorel Lewis, f. m. c. gardener, 79 Broad Forrer E. 61 Basin, d. 2 F\)rrer F. blacksmilii. Calliope n. Camp Forrer J. painter, 367 Basin Forrest Andri'w, macliinist, 275 Gravier Forrest David, laborer, 361 Old Levee Forrest Edmund, clerk, 279 Dauphine Forrest Ernest, painter, 223 Robertson P^orrest Josi ph, machinist, 260 Magazine Forrest Lon^tte Mrs. 113 Calliope Forrest S. Clerk, d. 1(1 Annette Forrester R. laborer, 54 Thalia Forrester Edward, b. h. 26 Si. Joseph Forrester Robert, plumber 291 Clio Forrester Wm. ( R. J. fVade &c Co.) ship- ping office, Marigny building, Levee, d. 3, d. 449 Chartres Forescheer G. A. 185 Levee, d. 3 FORSHAG & HARPER. (P. Forshag, J. Harper,) Carriage M akers and Repairers, 80 and 86 Marais street, between Conti and St. Louis streets. Jobbing in the above line done in the neatest and best man- ner. Manufacture et Reparation de Voitures. Tous les ouvrages seront executes dans le meil- leur gout et d'apres les modes les plus nouvelles. Forshee John, l)utcher, 121 Poydras mkt. d. 333 Terpsichore Forshee John, clerk, 73 Canal Forshee Peter, butcher, 3 St. Mary's mkt. d. Washington c. Fulton Forshee William, clerk, 45 Camp Forshey C. G. civil engineer, Carrollton Forshey William, Algiers Forstali Anatole, 308 Rampart Forstall Arthur ( W. 11. Jlaynes &f Co.) 143 St. Louis Forstall Charles E. auctioneer, 90 Ex. l)lace, d. 299 Marais, d. 2 Forslall Edward, carj^enter, 9 St. Joseph Forstall Edmund J. commission merchant, St. Charles n. Canal Forstall Ernest L. ( Wheeler Sc Forstall,) 185Tchoupitoulas, d. 268 Royal Forstall Eugene, com. mer.22 St. Charles, d.268 Royal Forstall Gustave, f. m. c. 313 Dauphine Forstall H. J. com. mer. 22 St. Charles Forstall Josejih, 34 Union, d. 3 Forstall J. Felix, 49 Ursulines Forstall Louise, f. w. c. 376 Burgundy, d.3 Forstall L. f. m. c. Clouet c. Grealmen Forstall L. E. ( Pearhier S,- Forstall) Com- nion.c. Carondelet, d. St. Peter n. Royal Forstall Octave, 308 Rampart Forslall Oscar J. accountant,22 St.Charles, d. 122 St. Louis Forstall Paul, clerk, 40 Union, d. 1, d. 572 Royal, d.3 Forstall Placide, president Star Insurance | Co. 22 St. Charles; d . 264 Rani])art ,d .2 FOE 176 FOS Forstall P. cntton factor, Carondelet, d. 283 Chartres Forstall P. E. clerk, Basin c. Canal Forstall Thomas J. acct. 131 Moreau Forstall Vincent, f. m. c. Piety n. Morales Forstall William, 572 Royal, d. 3 Forster C. T. (Mtrburg &r Foster,) 20 Chartres Forster J. T. painter, 166 Erato Fostner H. fishmonsjer, 69 St. Mary's mkt. Forsyth Capt. 707 Dauphine Forsyth James, Baronne c. Felicity Fort Pierre, shoes and hats, Old Levee n. St. Ann Fortado Antoine, laborer, d. 100 Poet Forte Francis, carpenter, 68 F.irst Forte Frederick, clerk, 482 Magazine Forteene Elias, stevedore, 291 Rampart Forteisch G. F. tailor, 57 Claiborne, d. 2 Fortendal .Toseph, shoemaker, 368 St. Ann Fortestier Louisa, f.w.c. Annette n. Prosper Fortier Ade, clerk, 319 Bayou road Fortier Amilcar, cashier Bank of America, St. Peter c. Old Levee ,d. 304 Dauphine Fortier Alfred, carp. Spain n. Rampart Fortier Anslem, printer, 344 Customhouse Fortier Antoine, Villere n. Spain Fortier Arthur, sixth justice of the peace, Algiers, op. city of New Orleans Fortier Aug. bone factory, Gentilly road Fortier A. Mrs. 250 Johnson, d. 2 P'ortier Charles, 109 Elysian Fields Fortier Charles E. city notary, 40 Camp, d. 109 Elysian Fields Fortier C. Mrs., Bayou road n. Claiborne Fortier C. Mrs. 254'Dauphine Fortier C. E., St. Ann n. Dorgenois Fortier Drausin, Mrs. 215 Main Fortier E. f. m. c. 47 Prytania Fortier E. Mrs. 198 Marais, d. 2 Fortier Florent, planter. Rampart c. Main Fortier Francis, (Fortier Sf Guillotte,) 51 • Exchange place Fortier Fred. L. book keeper, 106 Euterpe Fortier F. N. Dr. 322 Johnson Fortier & Guillotte, ( Francis Fortier, L.Ji. Guillotte,) collectors, 51 Ex. place Fortier G. slices, Dauphine c. Bienville, d. 223 xMain Fortier Henry, carp. St. John's Gt. route Fortier Henry, clerk, 106 Euterpe Fortier Honorat F. M. elk. 106 Euterpe Fortier Hubert, 319 St. Peter Fortier Hypolite, cattle driver. Live Oak n. Lyon, Jefferson City Fortier Hypolite, f. m. c. 49 Prytania Fortier Hypolite, state and parish tax col- lector, Algiers Fortier Jean, f. m. c. St. John's route Fortier Joseph, St. Ann n. Prieur Fortier Louis Dr. 331 Royal Fortier Napoleon, 16 Plauche Fortier Omer, 256 Bourbon Fortier Oscar, carpenter, 112 Annunciation Fortier Pat. Willow Grove, ab. Jeff. City Fortier P. Mrs. variety store, 40 Main Fortier Rosella, 197 Burgundy Fortier Valcour, 138 Main Fortin C. Mrs. 349 Marais, d. 3 Fortin Edwin Mrs. Coliseum n. Third Fortin Emile, 349 Marais, d. 3 Fortin Jean, f. m. c. St. John's route Fortin Louis, 269 Royal Fortman A. grocer, Chartres c. Mandeville Fortner John, Cypress n. Willow Forton J. Capt. 216 Dauphine Fortounati P. 143 St. Ann Fortune D. 224 Bienville Fortune' Rodolph, tinsmith, 145 Ursuliiies Fortvendel Jos. shoemaker, 370 St. Ann Forwood & Gribble, ( H. S. Forwood, Wm. Gribble,) grocers, 108 Camp Forwood H. S, ( Forwood &c Gribble,) d. 60 Marigny Fos John, butcher, 216 Melpomene Fos Louis, milk, Bartholomew n. Morales Fosdic Mortimer, steward, 145 St. Philip Fosdic Philip, Bourbon n. Prosi)er Fosdick Geo. A. <^ Co. (E. J. Springbett,) shipping agents, 43 Natchez, d. 202 St. Louis Foss John Mrs. 116 Toulouse Foss Louis, cabinet maker, 90 Dauphine Foss Wm. upholsterer, 124 Canal, d. 323 Liberty Fosselman Frank, Seventh n. Annuncia'n Fosset H. c. p. 453 Basin Fosshak P. blksniith, Marais n. St Louis Fossier Emile, feed, 24 and 25 Front Levee, d. 2 Fossier Theodule, acct. 60 Customhouse Fosteo A. carpenter. Shell road, C. Martin Foster A. H. 79 Magazine Foster Domingo, lab. 428 Old Levee, d. 3 Foster D. carpenter, 79 Dauphine Foster F. cooper, 557 Dauphine, d. 3 Foster George ( Hob art 4" Foster,) 102 Gravier, d. Canal c. Burgundy Foster George, oyster saloon, 24 Poydras Foster George, laborer, 171 Royal Foster Gideon, jr. (Garden &c Foster,) 10 Poydras, d. Poydras c. Franklin Foster Jacob, furniture car, Euphrosine n. Clara Foster James, laborer, 51 Villere, d. 1 Foster John Dr., Charity Hospital Foster John D., Johnson n. Villere Foster Joseph R. tailor, 10 Urquhart Foster J. M. acct. Melpomene n. Magazine Foster L. M. trader, 157 Common, d. Seventh c. St. John Foster Mary Mrs. nurse, 171 Thalia Foster Mary, fur. rooms, 69 Union, d. 1 Foster Peter H. 43 Felicity Foster Philip, seaman, 347 Burgundy, d. 3 FOSTER THOMAS, Slave De- pot, 'Nos. 76 and 78 Baronne. Slaves bought and sold on commission. Orders from Commission Merchants re- spectfully solicited; d. Lon- don avenue, d. 3. FOS Foster Reynolds, shoemaker, 10 Urquhart Foster Thelesphore, 10 Urquliart Foster Vincent, f.!ii.c.lal). Piety u. Morales Foster W. H. (Race Sr Foster,) Crescent Insurance buildings, 5 Commercial . place, d.Wasliingloii c Carondelet,d.4 Foster W. T. d. Clion. Liberty Foster William, engineer, 272 (Jravier Fosterman August, St. Dennis n. Bor- deaux, .lelFerson City Foiiart Dominique, butcher, 20 St. Mary's market Fouche Edmund, broker, d. 84 Orleans Fouclie Joseph, 284 Frenchmen • Fouche Louis N. bricklayer, 139 Spain Fouche L. d. Annunciation n. Thalia Fouche Nathaniel, d. 100 Spain Fouche Pascal, d. Port n. M(uale» Foucher Azele, d. 109 Annuiicialion Foucher B. shoemaker, 302 Dauphine Foucher D. f. m. c. builder, d. 92 Annette Foucher Fillisse, f. w. c. d. 129 Spain Foucher F. furnished- rooms, 7G Toulouse Foucher Joseph, builder, 109 Annunciation Foucher Joseph, d. (>5 Mandeville Foucher L. widow, Aiuumciation ti. Erato Foucher L. A. clerk, Franklin c. Canal Foucher Josephine Mrs. 387 Burgundy,d.3 Foucher S. J. Madam, d. 4.32 Main F4)uchy Peter, d. Johnson n. Ursulines,d.2 Foudrez A. variety store, 163 Rous.seau Fougut Francis, blacksmith, JelVerson City Fougi'rat Augiiste, d. 43 Annette Fouiii F. nightman, 327 Hos])ital Foulhouzc James, Judge Parish of Pla- quemine, d. 75 Conti • Foulhouze Joseph, atty. at law, 92 Conti Foulin Eugene, accountant, 45 Chartres Foulon Charles V. notary public, 168 St. Louis, d. 70 Rampart, d. 2 Foulon Claude, shoemaker, 428 Bur- gundy, d. 3 FouliHi Fugene, clerk, 45 Chartres, d. 168 Rampart, d. 2 Fountain B. cooper, d. 220 St. Charles Fouquet Alexander, d. 13 Annette Fouquei Alexander, butcher, d. 90 St. Ann Fouquet E. gunsmitli, etc. 124 Bienville l-'ouquet J. B. baker, Gretna Foiircade Josejih, clerk. Royal c. Bien- ville, d. 89 Toulouse Fourcal Antoine, baker, 293 Bienville Fourchy A. Mrs. d. 233 Galvez Fourchy Paul, d. 242 Johnson, d. 2 Fourchy Paul, d. 104 Canal Fourcis V. Mrs. d 346 St. Claude, d. 3 Fourman N. drayman, JeffiTson City Fourmier St. Cyr.walchmaker,92 St. Peter Fourmier Charles, accountant, 21 Chartres Fourmigue Jean, butcher, 43 French mkt. Fourmoux Emile, tailor, 190 Burgundy Fournet Baptiste, butch. 15 Dryades mkt. Fournerel Pierre, d. Baronne n. St. Andrew Fourneite Sherry, cook, 49 Kerlerec Fournier A. Mrs. d. 59 Rampart, d. 2 Fournier A. Mrs. d. 409 Kam(>art, d. 3 Fournier A. artificial flowers, 56 Bourbon 177 FOW Fournier, C. F. tailor, 68 Franklin, d. 2 Fournier E. accountant, 23 Chartres Fournier John, watchnudver, 169 Rampart Fournier J. carpenter, 251 St. Philip Fournier J. B. batcher, d. 83 Rampart Fournier Leonard, d. 53 Rampart Fournier Leopold, clerk, 319 Marais, d. 3 Fournier Mertel, f. m. c. cigars, St. An- thony n. St. John Baptist Fournier Stani.slaus,watchmaker,50 Royal Fourot Eliza Mrs. dressmaker,99 Bienville Fourot F. Mrs. d. 176 Barracks Fourst Elizabeth Mrs. d". 291 Elys. Fields Fourth Presbyterian Church, Franklin n. Canal Foute M. A. attorney at law, 40 Camp, d. 113 Chippewa Foutcau John B. shoemaker, 371 St. Peter Fowler Charles, laborer, d. 586 Burj^undy FOWLER DAVID H. Steam Boiler Manufacturei', Low Pressure Locomotives, Plued and Cylinder Boilers, Clari-, fiers, Filter and Juice Boxes, made at the shortest notice. Will make contracts for Boil- ers, and all necessary con- nections, such as Fn'C Fronts, Grate Bars, Steam and Stand Pipes, Valves, etc.. Chimneys and Breechen— all of which will be furnished at the low- est foundry prices. All work done at this establishment will be guaranteed equal, in point of workmanship and material, to any in the city or elsewhere. Planters and Mer- chants are respectfully invit- ed to call and examine the work and prices, at 142, 144, 146 and 148 Baronne, and 143 and 145 Lafayette, d. 631 St. Charles c. Third, d. 4 Fowler Francis, d. 39 Piety Fowler Fred. II. salesman, 98 Canal, d. 16 Dauphine Fowler G. W., McDonogh Fowler James, Algiers Fowler Jesse, f. m. c. steward, 258 Conti Fowler John, wheelwright, 138 Religious Fowler John, f. m. c. lab. d 106 Barracks Fowler John P. (C. Yale jr. &( Co:) 27 Magazine, d. Race c. Magazine Fowler John R. Mrs. d. 114 Desire Fowler Matthew W. d, 631 St. Charles Fowler Richard Capt. d. 199 Euterpe Fowler Stephen K.(McStea, Value S{ Co.) 78 Canal, d, 16 Dauphine Fowler S, L. accountant, 46 St. Charles Fowler S. S. Mrs. d. 267 Canal Fox Adam, laborer, 322 Fulton, d, 4 Fox Andrew Dr. apothecary, Algiers Fox B. F. d. 156 Bienville Fox Bernard, laborer, d. 86 Delord Fox Charles,wareliouseman,d. 248 Laurel Fox Christopher, laborer, d. Euterpe n. Prytania Fox Christopher, laborer, 173 Terpsichore Fox H. Mrs. grocery, Clio c. Clara Fox Jacob,d.Goodchiidrenc. Bartholomew Fox John, bricklayer, d. 315 Roman, d. 3 Fox John, grocer, Julia c. Baronne Fox John, (James Connoly &c Co.) 44 Poydras, d. 255 Common Fox John H. clerk, 130 Canal, d. 218 Julia Fox J. M. tailor. Cypress n. Roman Fox J. N. clerk, 128 Canal Fox Pat. paver, d. Edward n. Constance Fox Peter C. attorney at law, 19 Com- mercial place Fox Peter, laborer, Josephine n. Levee Fox S. M. engineer. Felicity n. Franklin Fox William, d. 185 Goodchildren Fox William, paver, d. Ill Spain Foxwell Catharine, d. 362 Royal, d. 3 FOY FLORVILLE, Sculptor & Marble Cutter, 83, late 81, Rampart, d. 1. Foy James, lab. d. Cypress c. Willow Foy Margaret Mrs. d. 334 Rampart, d. 3 Foy Octave, f. m. c. carpt. 158 Galvez Foygnet F. A.dep. clerk. Supreme Court, d. 311 St. Ann Fraas Conrad, baker, Josephine c. Chip- pewa Fraas Valentine, d. Sixth n. Annunciation Fraders John, screwman. d. 25 Religious Frain Wm. drayman, d. Julia c. Magazine Fraiche J. butcher, 14 Magazine mkl Fraise Joseph, plasterer, d. Solidelle n. Union Fraise Joseph, bricklayer, d. Solidelle n. Union Fraissinet Eugenia, d. 99 Elysian Fields Fraley Daniel, stonemason, d. 481 Tchou- piloulas Fraley John, clerk, Camp c. Julia Frame Charles, d. 176 Tchoupitoulas Frampton Chas. screwman, d. 621 Char- tres, d. 3 Franc Eusebius, d. Water n. Jackson Franc Jerry, drayman, d. 137 Religious France Firman, 15 Old Levee Francheau J. carpenter, d.l70 St. Ferdinand Francingues Franco, dyer and scourer, 254 Chartres Francis Auguste, d. 31 Basin, d. 3 Francis Mrs. midwife, d. 81 Port Francis Edward, clerk, 78 Julia Francis George, f. m. c. warehouseman, d. 218 Derbigny, d. 2 Francis Henry, barber, 17 St. Charles Francis Henry, cane maker, 117 Royal Francis John, baker, d. 424 Basin Francis John, f. m. c, d. Roman n. St. Louis Francis John, laborer, d. 372 Bourbon,d.3 Francis John, vegetables, St. Anthony n. Girod Francis Joseph, f. m. c, d. 218 Derbigny Francis Manuel, clerk. Canal c. Bourbon Francis Manuel, c. h. Calliope c. Front Fraricis Manuel, d. 128 St. Anthony . Francis Mary, f. w. c. d. 251 Conti Francis Meladie, f. m. c. d. 159 Hospital Francis Nicholas, laborer, d. 125 Poet Francis Pancho, cigaretto manufacturer, d. 115 Goodchildren Francis Peter, lab. d. Soraparu n. Fulton Francis Pierre, carpt. d. 112 Goodchildren Francis Sarah, d. 17 Trcme, d. 2 Francis & Christ, ( Wm. Francis, Leopold Christ,) cotton brokers, 10 Carondelet Francis William, (Francis ^ Christ,) d. Barracks betw. Rocheblave and Dor- genois Francisque Francois Mrs. d. 242 Main Francisque Nich. d. 102 Washington av Franck Andrew, lab. d. 532 Tchoupitoulas Franck Herman, shoemaker, 339 Orleans Franck John, tailor. 111 Marais, d. 2 Francke & Danueel, (J. Francke, H. Dan- neel,) com. mers. and bagging rope, and western produce, 75 Magazine, d. 249 St. Louis Franco Domingo, d. 403 Bourbon Franco Franqois, clerk, 1«7 Customhouse Francois Artemise, d. 61 Si. Louis Francois Auguste, d. 110 Toulouse Francois A. M. Mrs.d. Esplanade c. Broad Francois Aspasia,f.w.c. d. 281 Marais,d.2 Francois Clement, d. Pleasant n. Constance Francois tmma, f. w. c. d. 53 Villiie, d.2 Francois Irnia, f. w. c. d. 53 Villere, d. 2 Francois Jean Louis, bricklayer, d. 251 Marais, d. 2 Francois John, f.m.c. d. Seventh n. Chip- pewa Francois John, d. 31 Mandeville Francois Joseph, f. m. c. caulker, Algiers Francois Josephine, f.w.c. d. 150 French- men Francois J. f. w. c. d. 102 St. Philip Francois J.L.Mrs.f.w.c. d.251 Marais, d.2 Francois Louise, f. w. c. d. 215 Ursulmes Francois Louis, d. 154 Burgundy Francois M. d. Euterpe n. Carondelet Francois R. dry goods, Carrollton Francois Philippe, printer, d. St. Peter n. ViUere Francoz K. 46 Chartres Frangliiadi G. E. ( Rodocanachi Sf Franghi- adi,) d. 19 Bourbon Frank Aaron, clothing, 156 NewLevee,d.l Frank Abraham, d. 61 Villere, d. 2 Frank Adum, cooper. Laurel c. First Frank Adam,c.h. Grossman c. Front Levee Frank Auguste, lab. d. 165 St. Anthony Frank Auguste, tailor, 246 Magazine Frank Franqois, d. 139 St. Philip FRA 179 FRE Frank F. shoemaker, 519 Dauphine Frank Getto,St.Mary c. Religious Frankbn Geo.seaman,d.536 Dau})hine,d.3 I'^ranklin G. W. lab. Jackson R. R. depot Franklin Hiram, rope maker, New Levee •c. Ninth Franklin .1. A. laborer, d. 16 St. Ferdinand Franklin Marks, d. Burgundy n. Ursulines Franklin School, 168 and 179 St. Charles FEANKO H., Watchmaker and Jeweler. Money advanced on Goods, Interest charged moderate, c. Carondelet and Poydras. Franks George, broker, 17 Gravier Frankworlh G. 41 Poydras market Franoy P. D. carp. Conde n. St. Philip Frantz C blacksmith, 103 Elysian Fields Frantz Lambert, d. Housseau n. Fourth Kraniz N. cabt. maker, H69 Magazine, d. 4 Frantz VVni. blacksmith, 119 Morales Franz Eusebius, baker, 76 Dauphine, d. 3 Franz Leonard, d. Philip c. Annunciation Franzc^l Adam, drayman, d. 3H() Howard Franzri'b .lohn, cartman, d. 380 Howard Frasaa VVni. 48 St. Thomas Phaser Ann Mrs. d. 40 Marigny Eraser A. A. atty. and counsellor at law, 39 Carondelet, d. 243 Baron ne Fraser Cliarlts H. clerk, d. 482 Camp Eraser Daniel, watchman, d. 26 Pord h'raser Daniel, carpenter. First n. Dryades Fraser Emanuel, lab. d. 439 Chartres, d.3 Krascr Emanuel, lab. d. 511 Dauphine,d.3 Fraser James, tailor, 4 Carondelet Fras('r & Co. ( R. H. Fraser, ^T.E. Fraser,) com. mers. and cott. facs, 87 Gravier Frnzor Manuel, lab. d. 102 Frenchmen Frazer Fritz, laborer, Peter, Algiers Frazer K. W . clerk, 67 Frazer Thos. omnibus driver, 31 Consiance Frazier D. carp. d. Baron ne n. Dryades Freas J. corn meal, Constance n. Edward Freeh John, vegetables, St. Mary's mkt Freeh John, d. Sixth n. Laurel Freeh Louis A. teacher of languages, d. 267 Melpomene Freeh Michael, carp. d. Fourth n. Laurel Freeh Etieniie, carpenter, and coal, 288 Dauphine Freche J. E. cooper, 11 Conti Freche Louis F. taik>r, Poydras n. Ram- part Freche Phineas, Carrollton Frechide P. c. h. Bourbon c. Conti Frechon N. butcher, 32 Poydras mkt Frechon Phili|i, chairmaker, 80 Barracks Frechore Etienne, carpt. 118 Union, d. 3 Fred Jacob, baker, 84 Adeic Frederic Charles & Co. (.liigust Papcs,) dyers and scourers, 147 Chartres Frederic Engstfield, clerk, d. 109 Claiborne Frederic U. Mrs. d. 469 Bourbon, d. 3 Frederick Anioine, d. 33 Independence Frederick Anioine jr. deputy shcnrt',d. 867 Rampart, d. 3 Frederick Auguste, collector on cars, d. 458 St. Cfaude, d. 3 Frederick A. R. clerk to commissioners of consolidated d(^bt, 22 Exchange place, d. 174 Marigny Frederick Carl, tailor, 384 Camp Fnderick Daniel, d. 141 St. Ann Frederick E.W. clerk, 351 Burgundy, d. 3 Frederick G. shoe store, 30 Frenchmen Frederick Henry, drayman, d. 827 New Levee Frederick Frank, lab. d. 566 Dauphine, d. 3 Frederick Jacob, vegetables, 88 Magazine market Frederick John, wagon driver, 298 Howard Frederick Jacob, laborer, d. 38 Constance Frederick H. A. 37 Carondelet Fredi-rick John, grocer, Fulton c. Adele Frederick John, drayman, d. 174 Marigny Frederick Jno d.Goodchildren n. Congress Fr( derick L. A. Mrs. d. 516 Chartres, d. 3 Frederick L. J. clerk, d. 516 Chartres, d. 3 Frederick S. J. Mrs. d. 504 Dauphine Frederick Frsin, Mrs. 125 St. Louis Frederick W. cabinet mkr. Levee c. Second Fndrricks Charles, carp. 465 Camp Fredericks C. Mrs. d. 62 Louisa Fredericks J. shoemaker. Levee n. Cadiz, Jetr. City Frederick M. tailor, Poydras n. Bolivar Frederickson F. druggist, Poydras c. Ba- ron ne Free Anthony, teacher, Baronne c. Common Free Trade Warehouse, Levee b. Jackson Philiji^ Freeland Thos plasterer, d. 675 Carondelet Freeland Walter Mrs. d. 195 St. Louis Frees William, dairy, d. 77 St. Thomas Frelinghaus M. Live Oak n. Berlin, JefT. City Frelisch Andrew, carp. St. Louis n. Tonti FRE 180 FEI Freeman Ann E. d. 11 Baronne Freeman A. S. d. Marais c. Conti Freeman Cecilia A. Mrs. d. 329 Constance Freeman Henry, laborer, d. 224 Morales Freeman James, scrcwman, 97 Montegiit Freeman John, lab. d. Chippewa n. Third Freeman John, clothing, 83 Old Levee, d.2 Freeman J. C. carpenter, d. 187 St. Peter Freeman Peter, laborer, 158 Hospital Freeman Robt. screwman, 97 Montegut Freeman Thos. E. blacksmith, Algiers Freeman Wm. J. acct. d. 329 Constance Frege Josephine, d. 385 Frenchmen Freheil Thos. c h., ISt. Charles c. Perdido Frei Bernard, lab. d. Desire c. Rampart Frei F. J. tailor, Independence n. Burgundy Frei Joseph, laborer, d. 91 Felicity Freibert P. shoemaker, 77 Roman, d. 3 Freiche John, gardener, d. 200 Laurel Freideustein John, wagon maker, 21 Philip Fruiderburg A. grocer. Levee n. Jackson Freilas Louis, barkeeper, 217 Girod Freira Juan, oysters. Burgundy c. Hospital Freitag Fred, barber, 64 Chartres Freitas A. b. h. 83 and 84 Front Levee, d. 3 Frejumel John, ]89 St Louis Frels John H. lab. St. Ferdinand c. Ur- quhart Freligh J. H. steamboat agent, basement St. Charles Hotel Frellsen & Stevenson, (H. Frellsen, John Ji. Stevenson,) com. mers., cot. factors, and consul of Denmark, 51 Caronde- let, d. 425 Carondelt, d. 1 Freemaux Justin, captain Parish Prison, d. 402 Ursulines Fremont J. A. stevedore, d. 71 St. Philip Fremont Jules, c. p. d. 313 Terpsichore Frenay John, hatter, 12 St. Philip French A. J. variety store, 126 and 128 Poydras, d. 345 St. Charles French Geo. P. clerk, 126 Poydras French Joseph, carp. d. 433 Franklin French Consulate, office 75 Bourbon French Jacob, carp. Poydras n. Locust French John, clerk, d. 300 Melpomene French J. M. stables, 98 Dryades French M. shoemaker, 372 Chartres, d. 3 Fi-enz Martin, driver, d. 331 Melpomene Frenzel Frank, tailor. Religious n. Rampart Frenzel John, bread seller, d. 424 Basin Freret Brothers, Cotton Press, Locust b. Perdido &. Poydras, office 42 St. Ann Freret Cotton Press, Freret c. Locust Freret Eugene, clerk, 91 Old Levee, d. 9 Perdido Freret George A. cashier Union Bank of La. 121 Canal, d. bayou St. John n. the bridge Freret James, d. 75 St. Thomas Freret Gustave, clerk, 2 Front Levee, d.2 Freret James P. (Freret Brothers,) Locust n. Poydras, d. La. av. n. St. Charles Freret John Mrs. d. 315 Common Freret Joysaint, d. 138 Marigny Freret Jules, clerk, 60 Canal Freret Margaret Mrs. d. Basin c. Common Freret Mary Mrs. dressmaker, 17 Royal Freret Wm (Freret Brothers,) Locust n. Poydras, d. Second n. Carondelet Freret Wm. Alfred, architect, 33 Caron- delet, d. Second n. Carondelet Frerichs Adolplius ( Salkenstadt Sf Co.) 39 Carondelet Freschede P. c. h. Bourbon c. Conti Fress Otho, shoemaker, 21 Main Fresch Chas. barkeep. 552 Tchoupitoulas Fretz George, 4 Carondelet Freudenstem J. blacksmith, Chippewa c. Philip Freudenthal F. W. (J. H. Eimer Sf Co.) consul of Nassau and Brunswick, d. 199 Villere Frevill V. Dr. d. 267 Esplanade Frew Edward, lab. d. 356 Melpomene Frey Barbara Mrs. d. 395 St Peter Frey Christian, blacksmith, 338 Hospital Frey C. Mrs. d. 229 Columbus 'Frey C. S. jeweler, 141 Marais, d. 2 Frey Edward, clerk, 185 Tchoupitoulas Frey Franklin, tailor, 11 Treme Frey John, carp. d. 94 Laurel Frey John, shoemaker, 119 Marais, d. 2 Frey Peter, merchant, 423 Chartres, d. 3 Frey Valentine, d. 148 Toulouse Frey Wm. 203 Old Levee, d. 2 Frey Wm. shoemaker, 307 Magazine Frey Wm. drayman, St. Andrew c. Re- ligious Frey Joseph, d. St. Philip c. Villere Freyer Geo. d. Rousseau n. Adele Freymont Edmund, weigher, Toledano n. St. Charles, Jefferson City Friay Jas. T. Canal c. Tchoupitoulas Frich David, d. 214 Bayou road Frichet Adonois, carp. 293 Poydras Frick A. wheelwright, 349 Bayou road Frick Joseph, bricklayer, 297 St. Ann Fricke J. L. C. uphols'r, 63 Derbigny,d.2 Friederich D. bookkeeper Citizens' Bank Fridolin Fred, soda, Dryades c. First Erie Barney, lab. d. 103 Desire Frieburg Mary Mrs. d. 212 Bourbon Frieche Joseph, butcher, 89 French mkt Fried Jacob, baker, Fulton n. Eighth Fried Wm. foreman, 0. R. R. d. Gretna Friedenbach Adam, c. h. New Levee c. Philip Friederichs H. clerk, 21 Common Friedenska Mrs. midwife, d. 51 Annunci- ation Friedli^nder & Gerson (S. Friedlander, Benjamin Gerson,) com. mers. and cotton factors, 43 Carondelet, d. 176 £rirod Friedman Frank, d. Sixth n. Laurel Friedman Joseph, cab't mkr.7 Frenchmen Friedman Stephen, d. Seventh n. Fulton Friedrich J. merchant tailor, 51 Bienville, d. 16 Marais FRIEDRICHS GEO. J., tist, 140 Canal street, Crescent City Bank. Den- I over I FRI 181 FUC Fricdrich N. furniture, 421 Tchoupitoulas Friedriclis J. sliooniaker, 13 Philip- Friend Isaac, wholesale watches and jew- elry, 26 Chartres Friends of Harmony Lodge, No. 58, St. Charles c. Pi-rdido Frierson D. B. (J\I. D. Cooper Sf Co.) 136 Common Frierson, Conway & Co. (G. Frierson, R. Conicay, J. T. Hnys,) com. niers. & cotton factors, 59 Carondelet Frierson Wm. J. (Lloyd S{ Frierson,) 88 Gravier Friery John, shoemaker, 43 Baronne Frit'ss Jno. dry fruit, 104 St. Mary's mkt Friotch .Iosi>ph, tailor, St. Ann n. Galvoz Frietch F. shoemaker, Rocheblavc n. Bar- racks Frigerio Louis, nautical and optical instru- ments, 80 Customhouse, a. 274 Elys. Fields Frigiere L. d. 333 St. Ann Frigola .Tames, butcher, d. 258 Chartres Frilot F. pork inspector, d. Dryades n. St. Andrew Frink Ferdinand, clerk, d. 64 Religious Frinden Ferdinand, 80 St. Philip Friou G.W.Dr., Magazine n. Felicity, d.l Frishy Ann Mrs. d. 203 Frenchmen Frisch Bernhard, clerk, 54 Chartres Frisch Gustavus, drayman, d. 732 Ram- part, d. 3 Frisch Michael, woodyard, 39 Congress c. Royal, and Levee n. Jean Frischholtz J. merchant tailor, N. Levee n. Josephine Fritch Andrew, lab. d. 82 St. Philip Fritche Adolnh, hatter, 55 Marais, d. 2 Frith James L. (J\Ie7isman &f Frith,) 697 N. Levee, d. 4 Fritsch Andre, cooper, Urquhart c. Port Fritsch George, carp. 233 Dryades Fritz Anthony, wareh'man. 534 Tchoupi. Fritz Christine, barber, d. 463 Rampart Fritz Louisa Mrs. d.Rampartc. Terpsichore Fzrit HenrX ,lab. 62 St. Philip Fritz Jacob, d. Laurel n. Washington Fritz Joseph, carp d. 130 Religious Fritz Joseph, lab. Peter n. Chestnut, Alg. Fritz Matthias, lab. d. 370 St. Peter FrobaThos. shoemaker, 147 Port Frobus J.H. ambrotypist,66 Customhouse Frochtalu A. M. d. Chippewa n. Fourth Frodscher Richard, gardener, d. 227 An- nunciation Froebel August, c. & b. h. 2 Front Froehlichor J. collector, d. 296 Thalia Froechling Henry, shoemaker, Chippewa n. Pleasant Froh Theodore, Cotton Press n. Urquhart Froh F. acct. d. 38 Carondelet Frohm J. mattress maker, 249 Dauphine Frohock John, printer, 368 Howard Froidevaux Edmund, milli'y, 52 Chartres FroiaTheophUf, (Theodore Frois &r Co.) d. C'ustomhouse bet. Exchange alley and Chartres Frois Theod. & Co. dry goods, 86 Canal Frolenger Peter, Copernicus, Gretna Froman John, ('otton Press n. Urquhart Frombling E. Mrs. grocery, 112 St. An- thony Fromcnt E. watchmaker. 111 Ex. place Froment F. carpenter, 150 St. Peter, d. 2 Fromer J. baker. Bagatelle c. Morales Fromherty Fred. lab. Seventh n. Annun- ciation Frommes Geo. J. baker, 459 Bourbon Fromhertz J. grocer, Polymnia c.Prytania Froritaloni Vincent, 399 Villere Frontere J. carjienter, 236 Rampart, d. 2 Fronty P. A. d. 237 0. Levee, d. 2 Frooth Theodore, blksmith, Cotton Press n. Urquhart FROST J. H. A. , Wholesale Deal- er in Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Hats, Caps, &e. Plantations Supplied. No. 10 Magazine, bet. Canal and Common. Frost James, lab. d. 91 Girod Frost S. B. portwarden, 31 Commercial Place, 404 Magazine Frost St. John Baptist, engineer. Willow n Constance Frowner James, barkeeper, 129 Gasquet Fruchtel .John, carp. Jackson n. Laurel Frudenwust E. Mrs., Eighth n.St. Thomas Frueh T. blksmith, Montegut c. Burgundy Fruthaler A. H. Chippewa n. Annunciation Fruthaler Catharine, 407 Chippewa Fruthaler Chil, 16 Customhouse Fruthaler Philip, elk. 55 Customhouse Fry Ann Miss, principal of De Soto girls' Public School, 149 Mandeville Fry George, lamplighter, d. 94 Levee d. 3 Fry G. W. d. c. Columbus and Claiborne Fr)i James, laborer, d. 132 Marigny Fry Jos. Lieut. U. S. N. inspector ninth lighthouse district, office Customhouse d. 106 Columbus Fry Pat. laborer, d. 91 Delord Fry Samuel, d. 123 Columbus Fry Walton, d. 123 Columbus Fry Wm. shoemaker, 54 Annunciation Fry Wm. 14 Franklin, d. 12 Liberty Frye H. A. sailor, d. Cypress n. Claiborne Frye H. H. drayman, d. 9 Constance Frye Wm. drayman, d. St. Andrew n. Tchoupitoulas Fryer J. A. d. 26 Poland Fryer Wm. K. F. Indian doctor, d. 20 Elysian Fields Fuchs C. vegetables, 252 John.son Fuchs Francis, clerk, 122 Canal FUCHS C. FREDERICK, Boot and Shoe Maker, No. 95 Com- mon-st. Fuchs Geo. grocer, Washington n. Camp Fuchs Jacob W. baker, 75 Louisa 13 FUC }§2 GAE. Fuchs Marx, lab. d. Market n. St. Thomas Fuchs Mat. lab. d. Dauphin n. Poland Fuchs Valentine, clerk, 79 Derbigny d. 2 Fuentcs F'do. de & Co. ( F^do de Fuentes, John E. Chalard) com. mors, and im- porters, 30 late 20 Old Levee d 98 Barracks Fuentes J. elk. 157 Common d. 328 Main Fiuntes Louis, cijcars, 36b Rampart d. 3 FucMites M.cii;armkr.Urquhart ii.Marigny Fuerslenberg L. dry goods, 217 Baronne Fuertes W. V. Fuesnel 0. d. Ill Rampart, d. 2, Fugera Thomas H. elk. Canal c. Bourbon Fiigiere Claud, d. 226 Burgundy FLihr .1. cabinet maker, 65l Royal, d. 3 Fiiliri Herman, clerk, 29 Carondelet Fuhri Marie Mrs. d. 341 Rampart Fuhrman J. .shoes, 132 Toulouse Fuhtliiig Henry, shoemaker, 3 Front, d. 1 Fuhrman L. drayman, d. Thalia b. Liberty and Howard Fulda Aug. K. 3 Carondelet Fulda J. night inspector customs, d. 128 Port Fulham .John, drayman, d. 393 Rampart Fulham William d. 13 Prieur, d. 1 Fulham Wm. C. carpt. d. 431 Baronne Fulkerson H. S. ( Laughman Sf Fulkeison) 84 Common Fulkerson Fd. d. 313 Magazine Fulkerson James P. clerk, 63 Front Fu lien wilder John,d. Chippewa c. Fourth Fullenwilder O. d. Chippewa c. Fourth Fuller A. carpt. d, Third n. Constance Fuller Elizal.ieth Mrs. d. 336 Camp Fuller Ellen d. Pleasant n. St. Charles Fuller Eugenia Mrs. d. St Charles n. La. av. Jeff. City Fuller, Douglass & Co. (Isaiah D. Fuller J. J^. Douglass, W. R.Douglass) com. mers. 19 St. Charles, d. City Hotel Fuller James, atty. atlaw, 9 Comml. place Fuller L. car)it. Ninth n. Constance Fuller Peter, carpt. Jackson, McDonogh Fuller W. d. c. Louisa and Goodchildren Fuller W. P. engineer, Delaronde, Algiers Fullerton Jefferson, d. 35 Montegut Fullmer F. W. butcher, 2 Soraparu mkt. Fullrath C. mattress maker, 315 Dauphine Fulmir Charles, d. 444 Chartres Fulow Chas. V. d. 168 Rampart, d. 2 Fulton Ann Mrs. d. 96 Enghien Fultun Chas. J. engineer, d. 440 Basin Fulton Edward, d. 119 Royal Fulton Francis, clerk, d. 115 Robin Fulton Geo. carverand gilder, 128 Chartres Fulton James, elk. Factor's Cotton Press Fulton Jas. S. c. p. d. Claiborne n. Julia Fulton Joel C. carpt. d. 440 Basin Fulton John, Roman n. St. Philip Fulton John R. lab. d. 655 St. Claude,d. 3 Fulton S.H.S. butcher, 5 and 7 French mkt Fultz Conrad, lab. d. St. Andrew n. Howard Fultz L. drayman, d. 202 Claiborne, d. 1 Funck G. H. tailor, 256 Gravier Funel John B. clerk, d. 55 Louisa Funk Andrew, lab. d. Morales n. Clouet Funk Caspar, porter Branch State Banked. Erato c, Freret Funk J. soap manfr. Jackson c. Liberty, d. 4 Funk Matt. lab. Elysian Fields n.Solidelle Funk Peter, gardener, d. Johnson c.Onzaga Funk Peter, cartman,d, Laharpe,c, Miro Fuqua Thomas, clerk. Canal c. Bourbon Furay Martin, b. h. 40 Girod Furbringer William, d. 57 Tchoupitoulas Furcher George, lab. d. Erato n. Felicity Furguson James W. d. St. Charles Hotel Furley Wm. car inspector N. 0. J. and G. N. R.R. Furling Ellen Mrs. d. 119 Richard. Furlong James, drayman, d. 388 Liberty Furlong John T. carpt. d. 160 Laurel Furlong Martin, tinsmith, d. 388 Liberty Furlong M. d. Richard n. Aiiiuinciation Furlong Patrick, grocer, 113 Julia Furneaux Jumes d. Ill Baronne Furness G. machinist, 103 Tchoupitoulas Furst Fred, engineer, d. 226 Orleans Furstev A, carpt. d. Laurel n. First Furt Fred. Mrs. d. 233 Orleans Fury Frank, lab. d. 292 St. Thomas Fury Frank, watchman, d. 330 Camp Fury Patrick, lab. d. 63 Constance Furtuvn Fred, tailor, 474 Front Fust Jacob, d. Sixth n. Laurel Fust Joseph, d. Third n. Constance Fux D. accountant, 298 Gravier Fuxans J. charcoal and wood ,41 Dauphine Fye Pat. lab. d. 79 Delord Fyetta John, carpt. d. 87 Music G ,JAB A. Magazine c. Berlin, Jeff. City Gab Frederic, barber, 164 Gravier Gab Louis, butcher, IVinth street market Gab Nicholas, lab. 252 Mangny Gabaroche Eugene, f. m. c. bricklayer, 267 Burgundy Gabaroche John, clerk, 21 Chartres, d. 281 Rampart, d. 2 Gabbet John, carpenter, 56 Orleans Gabel Henry, dairy. Second c. St. Patrick Gabert J. cot. pickery, I>aurel n. Josephine Gabiso John, oysters, 261 Derbigny, d. 2 Gabisso Jaques, oysters, 293 Bayou road Gabici L. prof, of music, 338 Ursuline Gablowsky C.shoemkr.l7Front Levee, d. 2 Gabnez John, mattress maker, 178 Tchou- pitoulas Gabriel C. tailor, 606 Royal, d. 3 Gabriel D. f. m. c. Roman n. Kerlerec Gabriel Kdward, f. m. c. carp. 82 Barracks Gabriel Elizabeth, f. w. c. 185 Morales Gabriel Jean, Union n. Morales Gabriel M. f. w. c. Derbigny n. Lapey- rouse Gachassin Jacques, shoemaker, 429 St. Claude, d. 3 Gacheau Mrs. 159 Marigny Gacond Henry, jeweler, 144 Orleans Gadel L. Mrs. mattress mkr. 144 Hospital Gaertner Augustine, 109 Spain Gaery Jas. carp. St. Andrew n. Rousseau GAE 183 GAL Gaeta Joseph, 102 Mazant Gaotan F. A. book-keeper Branch La. State Bank, d. 328 St. Charles, d. 1 Gaft' David, New Levee n. Robert, Jeff. City Gaffner Alex, grocer, 12 Constance Guffney Chfis. Gaiennie n. Aniuuiciation Gaffney Henry, laborer, 131 Hospital Gaffney Henry, lal). Magnolia n. Cypress Giiffney Philip, lab. 92 Gaiennie Gaffney Thomas, laborer, 13 Religious Gafney Alexander, grocer, 1 1 Constance Gafney John, screwman, St. Mary c. Fulton Gaffy Thos. lab. 64 Orange Gager L. D. carp. Polyninia n. PrjPtania Gngnepain U. M. Rev.' 282 Common Gagnet J. Mrs. 301 Rampart, d. 2 Gagnet Louis, engineer, (^arondelet Canal, d. Es|ilanade n. Broad Gagnan Mrs. E. midwife, 76 Main Gngnon E. 38 Dauphine Gahngan Mrs. M. 45 Marigny Gahagan T. c. h. Jersey n. Napoleon av. Jefferson t 'ity Gahan Ciiristopher, 394 Baronne Gahan Joseph, clerk, 156 Common Gaherty Thos. drayman, 47 Polymnia Gahan Joseph, clerk, d. 370 Common Gahrs Fred, ship carpenter, Algiers Gahuzes E. Mrs. 396 Bourbon,''d. 3 Gahuzcs James, 396 Bourbon, d. 3. Gaiennie E. F. commissary, St. Mary's market, d. 34 Poyfarre Gaiennie F. & Co. ( E. J. Durel,) western produce, 41 Old Levee, d. 2. d. 232 esplanade Gaiennie L. S. c. p. 34 Poyfarre Gaiennie L. U. law,d. 34 Poyfarre Gaiennie L. U. jr. 34 Poyfarre Gargenhauer Philip, 412 Annunciation, d.4 Gaiget John, Seventh c. Diyades Gaignard L. cigars, 236 Charlies Gailhird Albert, clerk, 274 Burgundy Gaillard Armand, clerk, 20 Carondelet, d. 274 Burgundy Gaillard A. f. m. c. tailor, 274 Royal GiulJard Dominique, shoemaker Morales n. Music Gaillard A. f. m. c. tailor, 274 Royal Gaillard Ernest, acct. d. 274 Burgundy Gaillard H. laborer. Bayou bridge Gaillard H. f. m. c. tailor, 279 Royal Gaillard .Jules U. fire clerk Citizens' Mu- tual Insurance Co. 3 Carondelet, d. 196 Villere, d. 2 Gaillard Omer, Pies. Citizens' Mutual Ins. Co. 3 Carondelet, d. 274 Burgundy Gaillard Ray'd,f. m. c. 495 St. Claude,d.3 Gaillard R. Mrs. 107 Si. Ann Gaillarjl Widow, 274 Burgundy Gaillardet A. f in. c. segaVs, 124 Dauphin (iaillardanne B. grocer, 207 Dauphin Gaillat Jean, carpenter, 366 Bourlion, d. 3 Gaille Francois, gardener, Miro n. St. Peter Gaillentine Jacques, 826 St. Claude, d. 3 Gainer John, warehouse, Clara ii. Gravier Gainer M. Mrs Basin n. Melpomene Gaines Abner Le Grand, 94 Common Gaines Alonzo, clerk, 44 L nion Gaines Chas. "C. & Co. ( IViUiam Heyl, Freret Jordy, Sf L. A. Stone,) import- ers of hardware, 26 Magazine and 40 Gravier Gaines James "W. elk. 100 Canal d. 399 Magazine Gaines John G. (Henderson Sf Gaines,) 99 late 100 Canal, d. 399 Magazine Gaines Sarah D. furn'd rooms, 64 Royal Gainsburg Isidore B. variety store, 215 Gravier Gais Nicholas, baker, d. 443 Dryades Gaiser J. M. butcher, 7 Poydras market Gaisselier Charles, 67 Chartres Gaisser Adam, hides and tallow. Camp c. Harmony Gaisser Adam, jr. (Robeson, Witherell S,- Co.) Chestnut c. Delachaise Gaither George G. atty. at law, 128 Camp Gaitley James H. clerk 15 Ter))Sichore Gaitly James, clerk, 5 Poydras, d. 430 li'ranklin Gaitoii F. Mrs. 328 St. Charles Gaivelle Jos. shoe store, 533 Magazine, d.4 Gajac Achille, clerk, St. Ami near Chartres Gajolier Dominique, laborer, 416 Oi'leans Galbois Mathilde, f. w. c. 92 Roman, d. 2 Galbit Antoine, butciier. Eight n. Laurel Galbraith John M. clerk, 56 Carondelet Galceran Dennis, clerk, Front c. Robin (ialceran Santiago, c. h. Robin c. Front Gale John, stevedore, 46 Desire, d. 3 Gale Pierre, slater, Hosf)ital n. Derbigny Galeppi Alex, gildings, etc. 161 Chartres Galermat C. L. c. h. 208 Chartres Galey Jacob, dairy, 299 Elysian Fields Galiano D, 180 Royal Galibardi Joseph, c. p. 141 Royal Galindo P. confecr. Ham]iart c. St. Ann Galinier Adam, clerk, 23 Chartres Gallagan James, lab. St. Mary near Fulton Gallagan Patrick, lab. 258 Lafayette (iallagan Patrick, lab St. Ann n. Broad Gallagher Barney, lab. Jena n. Levee, Jeff. City Gallagher James & Son (C. K. Gallagher,) gro's,267 (\inip, d. Poyfarre c.Foucher Gallagher C. K. (James Gallagher Sf Son) 267 Camp Gallager Jos. grocer, 41 Poyfarre Gallaghan Chas. blacksmith, 513 Chartres, d. 3 Gallaghan F. laborer, 139 Foucher Gallaghan John Mrs. 513 Chartres, d. 3 Gallaghan Michael Mrs. 46 Old Levee,d.2 Gallaghan N. Mrs. 29 Spain Gallaghan Peter, baker, 59 Erato Gallagher Ann, Freret n. Clio Gallagher Bernard, drayman, 84 Calliope Gallagher Dennis,cooper,485 Chartres,d.3 Gallagher & Dyer.fC/ios. Gallagher, T.W. Dyer,) cotton factors and com. mers. 33 Carondelet, d. 4th c. Chestnut Gallagher Edward, 57 Orange Gallagher Ella Miss, teacher of girls House of Refuge Gallagher Farrell, laborer, 228 Magazine Gallagher G. clerk, 16 Treme, d. 2 Gallagher Henry, mate, 86 Orange Gallagher Henry, junk shop, 170 Tchoupi- toulas Gallagher Hugh, drayman, Melpomene n. Magazine (jallagher James Mrs 227 St. Louis Gallagher James c. h. 162 Rampart Gallagher James D. 213 Poydras Gallagher John, acct. Magazine n. Felicity Gallagher John, lab. Piety n. Front Levee Gallagher Jno. A. grocery ,27Claiborne,d. 2 Gallagher John, clerk, 47 Carondelet Gallagher John, laborer, 130 Orange j Gallagher John, undertaker, 177 Tchoupi- toulas Gallagher Mary Mrs. 59 Melpomene Gallagher Michael, laborer, 104 Liberty Gallagher Michael J. grocer, Gravier cor. Liberty Gallagher Owen, laborer, 109 Marigny Gallagher Pat. warehouseman, 183 Tcnou- pitoulas Gallagher Peter, lab. Richard n. Pacanier Gallagher Peter, lab. Gravier n. Bolivar Gallagher Peter, baker, 59 Erato Gallagher Thos. fish, 69 St. Mary's mkt. Gallagher Wm. Mrs. 543 Marigny Gallagher Wm. laborer, 574 St. Charles Gallan John, porter U. S. District Court Gallan Michael, foreman, 98 Marigny Galland Francois Mrs., Union n. Morales Galland J. L. pictures, paper boxes, etc. 91 Royal Gallardo Joseph, c. p. Urquhart n. St. Fer- dinand Gallas Henry, 900 Rampart, d. 3 Gallat Jos. f. m. c. drayman, 377 St. Philip Gallatt Manuel, cigars, 340 Derbigny Gallattas Amedee Mrs. 23 Columbus Galle De Armand, slater, 371 St. Peter Galle Francois Mrs. clerk, 506 Royal, d. 3 Galle Jean, carpenter, 261 Ursulines Galle Manuel, printer, Tonti n. St. Ann Galle Michel, warehouseman, 29 Hospital Galles Louis, butcher, Treme market Gallespie P., Burgundy n. Louisa Galley Fortuni, eggs, 59 Carondelet Walk Galley John B. barber, 52 Perdido Galley Pierre, milk, Marigny n. Force Galley Pierre, grocer, 9 Madison Gallick Bernard, lab. 166 Annunciation Gallier & Esterbrook, (James Gallier, jr. Richard Esterbrook,) architects and builders, 11 Carondelet Gallier James jr. ( Gallier 8f Esterbrook,) d. 278 Royal Galligan Jas. lab. St.Mary n. St.Thomas Galligan Thomas, tailor, 393 Felicity Gallimard J. chemist, 73 Bourbon Gallimard T. clerk, 71 Chartres Gallois E. clerk, 71 Canal Gallois F. bootmaker, 312 St. Philip Gallois Jean N. shoemaker, 98 Chartres Gallois Wm. tailor, 102 Front Levee, d. 3 Gallot J. B. f. m. c. 391 Burgundy Gallot Etienoel, bricklayer, 289 Ursulines Gallot Louis, steward, P^renchmen n. Craps Gallot Noel, 356 Main Gallot Pierre, ( Demontrond Sf Co.) Canal c. Dauphine, d. 32 Marais, d. 2 Gallot Theodore, vegetables, 98 Urquhart Gallot Theodule, carpenter, 364 Main Galloway Alex. N. tailor, 16 Marais Galloway Henry, 340 St. Louis Gallu Pierre, slater, 297 Hospital Gallus Wm. tailor, 161 Levee, d. '3 Gallwey Charles, clerk, 323 Melpomene Gaily Hypolite, 148 St. Peter Galmkh E., "Orleans" c. h. d. 23 Orleans Galphis Pierre, slater, 150 Prieur Galpin John, restaurant, 9 Exchange place Galvani C. portrait painter, 103 Canal Galvin Thomas, lab. Baronne n. Felicity Galway Henry, clerk, 323 Melpomene Gamahl George, Fourth n. St. Ann Gamard Alfred, clerk, 369 Canal Gamard Alphonse, 369 Canal Gamas H. 138 St. Anthony Gamassa Peter, grocer, 160 Dryades Gamaze H. A., St. Andrew n. Magazine Gamble George A. 304 Burgundy Gamble G. R. 155 Common Gamble H. Mrs. cigars, Levee n. Philip Gamble R. 363 Main Garnet E. ( Bauduc Sc Garnet,) com. mers. St. Louise. Old Levee, d. Tonti n.Main Gamon James, laborer, 24 Foucher Gamotis Louis, apothecary, Rampart c. Hospital Gamper Geo. warehouseman, 160 Third Gamsby Robert, drayman, 62 Poydras Gamus T. E. atty. at law, 78 Customhouse Gandert F. J. shoemaker, 10 Hospital Gandolfo Joseph, elk. History n. Rampart Gandolfo Joseph, 451 Rampart, d. 3 Gandolfo Miguel, clerk, d. 45 St. 'Ann Gandy John, (P. Ji. Giraud &c Co.) 52 Customhouse Ganel Prosper, builder, 241 Main Gangloff Andreas, lab. 110 Bartholomew Gangloff A. barber and cupper, 35 St. Ann Ganhape P. grocer, Rampart c. St. Anthony Ganier E. (Ganier&f Thomas,) d. 118 Cus- tomhouse Ganier & Thomas, (E. Ganier, J. W. Thomas,) importers and dealers in wines and liquors, 82 Customhouse Ganiger Martin, lab. Lafayette c. Rampart Gankel Adrian, lab. First n. New Levee Gann Christopher, 304 Baronne Gannon Anthony, lab. 484 Rampart, d. 3 Gannon John, mason, 197 Calliope Gannon Michael, seaman, 66 Orange Gannon Pat. grocer, Lafayette c. Franklin Gannon Patrick, 368 Lafayette Gannon R. carpenter, 243 Clara Gannon Thomas, lab. 68 St. Joseph Gannon Thomas, draymau, 183 Religious Gansby Robert, drayman, 303 Melpomene Gansler J. carpenter, 121 St. Anthony GAN 185 GAR Gants, Anthony, porter, 25 Magazine Ganucheau Edmund, Pros. La. Ins. Co. 38 Camp, d. 42 Dauphine Ganucheau E. N. clerk La. Ins. Co. 38 Camp Ganuchuau Ed. N. (DrouetSf Ganncheaxiy) 86 Poydras Ganucheau Theopliile, f. m. c. carpenter, Urquhart n. Maiigny Gany .lohn, marble worker, 210 Perdido Gaiiz .Jacob, cartman, 287 Levee, d. 3 Gap Nicliolas, lab. Marisjny n. Clailjorne Garam John, butcher, Seventli n.Cliestnut Garaty Maria, 33 Exchan^-e place Garbani N. fruit, etc. 143 Old Levee Garber Charles, drayman, 128 Euterpe Garbrecht F. C. Mrs. 576 Burgundy Garbrott Robert J. machinist, 103 Tchou- pitoulas, d. Gretna Garc John A. tailor, Eighth c. Laurel (iarcia Alphonse, clerk, 287 Royal Garcia Alphonse Mrs. :287 Royal Garcia Antoine, bricklayer, 169 Clio j Garcia Antonio, 431 Rampart Garcia A. D. painter, 138 Bourbon Garcia A. D. E. engineer, 266 St. Ann Garcia A. E. runner Bank of America, d. 222 Robertaon Garcia A.M. 256 St. Philip Garcia Benjamin, Ursulines c. Roman Garcia Carlos, cigars, 63 St. Anthony Garcia Carlos M. 222 Robertson Garcia Charles, draynian, 75 Congress Garcia E. F. acct. Union Bank, d. 202 St. Claude Garcia Francois, keeper State Arsenal, Orleans, d. 167 St. Philip Garcia Francois, f. m. c. carp. 113 Mon- tegut Garcia Gabrie, cigarmaker, 152 Elysian Fields Garcia Jacinto, cigars, 80 Exchange place Garcia Jose A. packer, 455 Robertson Garcia Joseph, cigars, 82 Union, d. 3 Garcia Joseph, c. h. 291 Julia Garcia Joseph, cigarmaker, 156 Frenchmen Garcia Jo.seph, 390 Ranmart, d. 3 Garcia Joseph Mrs. 159 Treme Garcia Josejih M. grocer, 119 Frenchmen Garcia Joseph, laborer, 128 St. .Inthony Garcia Joseph, cigarmaker, 390 St. Claude Garcia Josephine Benit, f. w.c. 361 St. Ann Garcia Juste, c. h. 158 Perdido Garcia J. cigars, 47 St. Peter Garcia J. fruits, etc. 51 Goodchildren Garcia J. B. baker, 123 Dauphine Garcia J. F. bricks, sand and lime, Trcme c. Old Basin Garcia Louis, f.m.c. Derhignyn. Ursulines Garcia Manuel, c. h. Baronne c. Perdido Garcia Manuel Mrs. 159 Treme, d. 2 Garcia Michael, 172 Viilere Garcia M. f. m. c. Derbigny n. Ursulines (iarcia M. seaman, 21 Mnn'deville Garcia Narcitas, 118 St. Philip Garcia N. Mrs., St. Anthony c. Morales Garcia Pierre, Prosper n. St. Bernard Garcia Pierre Mrs. 225 Derbigny Garcia R. printer, 111 Union, d. 3 Garcia Salvador, c. h. Burgundy c. Ursu- lines Garcia V., "Morning Call" c. h. Old Levee c. St. Ann Garcich Andrew, trader, 151 Chartres Garcin Pierre, baker, 107 Dauphine Garcon Jos. upholsterer, 279 rrieur, d. 3 Gardann C. Bourbon, d. 270 Bayou road Gardeblet Hypolite, variety store, 242 Royal Gordel Louis Mrs. mattress maker, 144 Hospital Gardenghi Luca, musician, 417 Cypress Gardere Anndel, 135 Main Gardere Edward, brickyard, Gretna, d. 145 Conti Gardere Fergus & Francis, sawmill and brickyard, aliove Gretna, office 39 Ex. J-ilace, d. 107 Esplanade ere Pierre, butcher, Melpomene near Magnolia Gardere Riviere, secretary Phcenix Iron Works, president Carondelet Canal Co. office 39 Ex. place, d. 107 Espla- nade Garderes James, butcher, 22 Dryades mkt Gardette Eugene, 106 Orleans Gardette James, dentist, and Consul of Equador, 118 Burgundy Gardette Leonce Madame, f. w. c. 240 Customhouse Gardien Francjois L. hatter, 141 Custom- house Gardiner Catharine, 201 Camp Gardiner Peter, sr. florist. Burgundy near Mazant Gardiner Peter, jr. florist, 55 Mazant Gardiner Robt. Josephine n. Annunciation Gardiner Saml. grocer, Magazina c. Bor- deaux Garding J. H. builder, Josephine n. Lib- erty GARDNER CHAS., Publisher and Proprietor of the City Di- rectory, 5 Commercial place c. Camp, d. 183 Delord n. Ba- ronne. Gardner Christopher, laborer, 394 Baronm- Gardner Clay, student, school of medicine Gardner Edward, 432 Gravier Gardner Fred, barber, 206 Piaronne Gardner James, tailor, 33 Viilere Gardner Livingston H. (Stuart ^ James,) d. 247 Baronne Gardner Patrick, painter, 216 Bienville Gardner Samuel, lab. Celeste n. Levee Gardner Wm. H., St. Louis n. Derbigny Gardy Michael, brickyard, Front, Gretna Gardy M. c. h. New Levee c. St Andrew Garecht Michel, laborer, 16 Peace Garegan Ann Mrs. Jersey n. Valence, Jufl'erson City GAR 186 GAR Garelly Thomas, clerk, 35 Chartres Garety Bernard Mrs. 1 Duncan's build- ings, Exchange place Garey'Alfred, carpenter, 110 Marigny Garey Daniel, laborer, 157 Chippewa Garey Edward, drayman, Liberty n.Terp- sichore Garey George, engineer, Algiers Garey James, Rousseau n. St. Andrew Garey James Mrs., Howard n. Thalia Garey Wm. Carondelet c. Delord Gargani G. painter, 244 Elysian Fields Gargurevich L. fruit, 143 Old Levee Gariazo E. Mrs. ladies shoemaker, 248 Royal Garic Arthur, clerk, 60 Poydras Garic Francois, 104 Elysian Fields Garidel Henry, acct. Rank of Louisiana, d. Bourbon c. Main Garidel H. V. 29 Main Garidel L. A. sr. 217 Bayou road Garidel L. A. jr. & Co. bakery, 22 Main, d. 279 Chartres Garidel Matilde, 97 Toulouse Garidel Susette, f. w. c. 363 Burgundy,d.3 Garidel Marguerite, f.w.c. 55 Union, d. 3 Garie Louis F. bookkeeper, 53 Elysian Fields Garie Oscar, acct. 53 Tchoupitoulas, d 53 Elysian Fields Garig Wm. clerk, 4 Union, d. 195 Main Garighan Thos. laborer, 16 Religious Oarin M. Mrs. millinery, 217 Magazine Garin Pierre, painter, 171 Main Garitche Michael, shoemkr. 335 St. Louis Garity E. cooper, 273 Marais Garity James, laborer, 12 Laurel Garity M'l, shoemkr, Toulouse n. Roman (Jarity Michael, laborer, 14 Laurel Garity Peter, 222 Magazine Garjolet D., Orleans n. Dorgenois Garland A. Mrs. 35 Lesseps Garland Edmund, rigger, 57 Marigny Garland Fred, drays, Freret n. Clio Garland Hugh, laborer^ 119 Foucher Garland John, laborer, 427 Chartres Garland Wm blacksmith, 419 Basin Garlepied John, upholsterer, 75 Camp, d 311 Dryades Garlick Joseph Mrs. 293 Conti Garlick Mary Mrs., Magazine c. Maren- go, Jefferson City Garhck Simon, tailor, 117 Carondelet Garneau John, clerk, d. 455 Baronne Garner Charles, blacksmith, 103 Tchoupi- toulas Garner Edward, Gravier n. Bolivar Garner Henry, New Levee n. Sixth Garner Henry, contractor, d. Algiers Garner James, tailor, 33»Villere, d. 1 Garner James, c. h. Claiborne c. Common Garnell Prosper, carpenter, 21 Robertson Garnett Anthony, stables, Common c. Rampart Garnett Jane, f. w. c. 81 Marais Garnhart August, shoemk. 90 Exchange place Gamier Anatole, shoemkr. 155 St. Peter Garnier Claire, 143 Liberty Gamier Joseph, b. h. 66 St. Philip Garnier Clodomir, tailor, 95 St. Ann Garnier Joseph, b. h. 66 St. Philip Garnier Joseph F. 149 Royal Garnier J. W. 371 St. Andrew Gamier Louis, Toulouse n. Marais Garnier Louis, grocer, 399 Dauphine Garnier L. A. weigher, 408 St. Claude, d.3 Garnier Rosalie, 561 St. Claude Gamier W. L. lumber, 137 Franklin Garolt F. 300 Rampart Garr J. discount clerk. Southern Bank Garrad John P., Baronne n. St. Andrew Garraty M. groeer, Rousseau. c. St. Mary Garreau Arman, clerk, 62 Chartres Garrett Ellen, 106 Erato Garrett Joseph L., St. Charles Hotel Garrett J. A., Adeline n. Gravier Garrett Lafayette, f. m. c. cook, 85 Villere, d. 2 Garrett S. R. clerk, 98 Canal, d. 162 Bi- enville Garrett T. L. shipsmith, 387 Julia Garrett Wm. Mrs. 297 Bienville Garrick Mary Mrs. grocer, 297 Melpo- mene Garrick Matthew, plasterer, Foui-th n. Annunciation Garrick Pat. grocer, Melpomene c. Franklin Garriga Mariano, 21 Poydras Garriga Simeon, c. h. N. Levee c. Poydras and Front Levee c. Customhouse Garring August, paver, First n. N. Levee Garris Carl, barber, Jefferson City Garrison Chas. dep. gauger, 74 Poydras Garrison Wm. plasterer, Josephine, c. Camp Garrissere John, bakery, 204 Ursulines Garritson H. cab. maker, 243 Carondelet Garrity Ann Mrs. grocery, c. Jackson Fulton Garrity Edward , carpenter, 387 Erato Garrity John, drayman, 346 Dryades Garrity Michael, grocer, 620 Tchoupi- toulas Garrity Pat. contractor, 33 Constance Garrity Patrick, laborer, 252 Delord Garrot P. shoe store and dry goods, 197 Poydras Garrow J. f. m. c. Johnson n. Poydras Garry Matthew, laborer, 534 Rampart Garry Patrick, Delord c. Levee Garson Lelenda Mrs. 356 Felicity Garssay Jos. screwman, 596 St. Claude Garth waite J. G. (^ Wheeler, Geiger 8f Co.) 7 Magazine Garthwaite, Lewis & Stuart ( Wm. Garfh- icaile, Wm. Leivis, Wm. Stuart,) whole- sale clothing, 70 Canal Garthwaite Wm. (Garthwaite, Lewis fy Stuart,) 70 Canal Gartier Alexon, jr. cigars, 444 Bourbon,d.3 Gartner George, Seventh n. Annunciation Gartner Lorenzo, furniture, 757 Burgun- dy, d. 3 GAR 187 GAU Gartnel Bienvcnu C. 2 Rampart Garuty Patrick, 33 Constance Garve's J no. lab. Washington n. Urquhart Garvey Danl. lab. Third n. Annnnciation Garvey Ed. ( E. Reilltj &c Co.) 131 Canal Gnrvfiy Frank, laii. G Lynch 's row, Erato Garvey John, 434 Clio Garvey John, laborer, 75 Orange Garvey John, laborer, 2:24 Orleans Garvey Jno.W. coppcrsnihSlS Constance Garvey Joseph, cooper, 456 Annunciation Garvey Michael, laborer, 100 Villere, d. 2 Garvey .Michael, laborer, G21 Charlres Garvey Morris Mm. 218 Morales Garvey M. Mrs. 333 St. Louis Oarvey M. d. Ill Villere Garvey Thomas, 223 St. Thomas Garvi.s John, laborer, Clio n. Willow (iarvish Jas. drays, Gasquet n. Johnson Garvish M. H. clerk, 126 Canal Garwood John, St. Mary's market Gary Matthew, grocer, 400 Bourbon, d. 3 Garzia M. 289 Orl.ans Garzo Antoine, tailor, 29 St. Philin Gas Domingner, cider mkr. 217 St. Andrew Gas Works, Gravier c. Locust Gasbarax John, 104 Daupliine Gasber Jacob, tinsmith, 437 Dryades Gaschen F. 40 St. Ferdinaiul Gasket C. Mrs. cigars, 165 Gravier Cias)>ar John P. cigars, 3 Gravie Gaspard August, f. m. ( Bernard n. Prieur Gaspard Berthelmy, f. ; 376 Burgundy, d. 3 Gaspard H. 238 Daupliine Gaspard Jas. dep. elk. Sixth Dist. Court Gaspard Jos. f. m. c. 146 Poet Gaspard L. f. m. c. carpenter, 84 Music Gaspard P. f. m. c. screwman, 72 Music Gaspard Salvadore, 126 Bagatelle Gaspard Thos. collector, 432 St.Claude,d.3 Gasparine Andrew, 150 Burgundy Gasquet Kmilia Mrs. 305 St. Charles Gasquet F. J. 53 Camp Gasquet William A. 65 Bourbon Gasquey C. Mrs. cigars, 165 Gravier Gasrrl Auguste, shoemaker, 58 Julia Gass John, barber, 110 Erato (iasselin Aug. furniture, 73 St. Ann Gassclin Francis, painter, 69 Orleans Gas.«(it J. P grocer, Casacalvon. Esplanade Gassier D'l, tailor. Levee n. St. Ferdinand Gassiun J. clerk. Royal c. Conti Gasson J. B., Carrollton Gast i). watches, jewelry, etc. 64 Chartres Gasl Joseph, Claiborne n. Julia Gastanino John, laborer, 48 Main Gasianlno Joseph, laborer, 48 Main Gastauer R. tailor, 13 Marais Gastel Michael, Jell'erson, MrDonogh (Jastenberg N. carpenter, 351 Baronne Gaster Joseph, rags, 361 Carondelet walk G.astin Isaac, dry goods, 279 Gravier Gasiinel Arlliur, 71 Ursulines Gastinel |{. confectioner, Camp c. Rampart GastincI Louis, sr. 71 Ursulines bricklayer, St. bricklayer, Gastinel Louis, jr. dep. warden of work" house, d. 199 Conti Gastinel Louis, shoe store, 11 St. Ann, d. 71 Ursulines Gastman J. Mrs. wood, 49 Calliope Gastman M. Mrs., St. Andrew n. Laurel Gastner H., Bagatelle n. Prosper Gastner Louis, variety store, 76 Third Gastram L. f. m. c. cigars. Main c. Marais Gatchell Wm. print. 121 Exchange place, d. Gravier c. Galvez Gatechair William, screwman, 127 Port Gateau A. tinsmith, 84 St. Louis Gately Jami>s, Camp n. Melpomene Gately J. H. clerk, d. Jefferson City Gates Bartlett, 119 Marais, d. 2 . Gates James, laiiorer, 172 Eiato Gates S. L. ship i-arpenti'r, 24 South mkt Gats Heiu-y, Si. Mary n. Religious Gaucli Adam, firewood, 501 Magazine Gauche Charles, clerk, 121 Tchoupitoulas Gauche Eniile, clerk, 106 Chartres Gauche John, jr. clerk, 106 Chartres Gauche George, painter, 101 Freret Gauche John, crocki'ry, etc. 102, 103, 104, 106 & 108 Chartres, d. 170 Esjilanade Gauche J. B. clerk, 106 Chartres Gauche X. Mrs. crockery and glass, 121 Tchoupitoulas Gauchey Annette, laundress, 36 Orleans Gauchey Etii-nne, locksmith, 89 St. Louis, d. 117 St. Louis Gaudel M. Mrs. dry goods, 23 Louisa Gaudet Felix B. Dr. 40 Bourbon Gaudet Valsin, Music n. Goodi-hildren Gaudin Chas. accountant, 215 Old Levee Gaudin Joasin, grocer, Berlin c. Magazine, Jefferson City Gaudin John, pianos, 86 Royal Gaudin Pierre A. d. 189 Prieur Gaudin Pierre J. drugs, Patterson, Algiers Gaudin Vasseur, c. p. 125 Marigny Gaudion A. Mrs. 83 Daupliine Gaudez Manuelite, 51 St. Peter Gaudoz E. ajiothecary, Conti c. Burgundy Gaudy D. deputy, sheriff office Gaudy F. C, Claiborne n. Main Gaudy Timothy, draymi.'n, 484 St. Ann Gaugeiiheimer Philip, baker, Freret n. TerpsiclKU'e Gauldin James, tailor, 234 Carondelet Gauldin J. S. Dr. inspector customhouse, d. Bolivar n. I'erdido Gauleyer Liijrarian, d. 413 Carondelet (iaune Jos. gardener, 276 Roman, d. 3 Gaune P. & Eichelberj^er, ('f ic?Te Gaune, Egidius Eichelberger,) importc-rs of French & English goods, 125 Chartn-s Gaune Pierre ( Gauiie &f Eichelberger,) d. 206 St. Claude Gaunt William, teacher, 80 Common (iaujiji Fred, baths, 106 Conti Gaurley Geo. Natche-z c. Tchoupitoulns GauseSaml.machin't. N.O.J.&G.N.R.R. Gausepohl Charles, 100 Congress Gnusepohl J. H. porter, 744 Rampart, d.3 Gaiisete George, barber, Jefferson City GAU 188 GEL Gausz Stephen, lab. Solidelle n. Elysian Fields Gautherin Ed. & Co. (Jules Sr-^- LeMore,) com. mers. 28 Carondelet Gautjer Attenor, f. m. c. screwman, 28 Urquhart Gautier Alexis, St. Peter c. Treme Gautier A. cotton broker, 31 Carondelet, d. 29 Thalia Gautier A. weigher, 30 Perdido Gautier Edward, elk. 73 Old Levee, d. 2 Gautier .John, carpenter, 114 Ursulines Gautier Jules, carpenter, 106 Ursulines Gautierez J. Mrs. 64 Union, d. 3 Gautrau C. S. carpenter, Jefferson City Gautrau, variety store, 313 Derbigny Gautri Eugene, clerk, 202 Burgundy Gauzenne George, 211 St. Peter Gaville Jos. shoes. Magazine n. Felicity Gavin Bryan, laborer, 465 Chartres Gavin George, 381 Bourlion Gavin Martin Mrs. 20 Poet Gavin Michael, laborer, 67 Palmyra Gavin Patrick, lab. 436 Old Levee, d. 3 Gavish James, Gasquet n. Johnson Gavish M. H. clerk, 128 Canal Gavo F. C, Goodchildren c. Congress Gawper George, Third n. Laurel Gay R. Mrs. diy goods, 110 Bourbon Gay Stephen, asst. editor Com'l Bulletin, d. Prytania n. Sixth Gay Wm. 126 Poydras. d. 149 Basin, d. 1 Gayarre Charles, 121 Main (layer H. cigars, 109 Marais Gayer J. painter, Derbigny n. Conti Gayeti N . cabinet maker, 313 Conti Gayle John W. (Horrell, Gayle Sf Co.) 93 Magazine, d. First c. Chestnut Gaynar J. laborer. Poet n. Urquhart Gayner William, laborer, 207 Liberty Gayrand Isidore, professor, 125 St. Peter Gayoso E. A Co. cigars, 57 Gravier Gayoso L.G. Mrs., St. Andrew c. Chestnut Gayoso Mary Mrs. furnished rooms, 189 St. Claude Gayr Richard, Bienville n. Prieur Gazalo 0. Mrs. wines, 27 Main Gazano Louis, 116 St. Peter Gazare Jean, drayman, 301 Roman Gazare Jean, butcher, 62 French market Gazel F. Mrs. millinery, 37 St. Ann Gazin John, carpenter, 329 Marais Geagiuager Jas. S. screwman, 322 Fulton Geal Marx, laborer, Celestine c. Union Geantin Mary Mrs. 121 St. Peter Gear Richard, clerk, 60 Magazine Gearing Jos. lab. Fourth n. Newton, Gretna Gebare Adam, cartman, Conti c. Tonti Gebeliu J. cabinet mkr. 261 St. Louis Gebhart Theodore, lab, 59 Annunciation Geek Charles, musician, 783 Burgundy Geek Henry, musician, 44 Poland Geeks Frank, musician. Main c. Derbigny Geeks John, mu.sieian, 124 Annette Geeks Simon, musician, 764 Daunhine,d.3 Geddos Bennet, drayman, 4 Spain Geddes P. H. 90 Gravier Geddes John, (Wheeler, Geddes &r Co. ;186 Girod GEDDES R., Agent New Or- leans and Mobile Daily U. S. Mail Line, and Ocean Springs. Biloxi and Coast Landing Packet Steamer Creole, 90 Gravier. Geddes Wm. M. (J. W.BurMdge 8f Co.) 159 Gravier Gee James, lab. 435 St. Ann Geenin Chas. tin and copper smith, 188 Tchoupitoulas Geers Henry, grocer, 55 St. Thomas Geers Theo. warehouseman, 28 Common Gegan Peter, seaman, 269 St. Thomas Gehard S. tailor, 257 Tchoupitoulas Gehegan Timothy, barkeeper, 134 Tchou- pitoulas, d. Jefferson City. Geheeb C. collector, 83 Gaiennie Gehl Adam, Fulton, n. Ninth Gehl Fred, woodyard, Jefferson City Gehlbach C. blacksmith, 341 Bayou road Gehlbach P. 347 Bayou road Gehlbach P. jr. clerk, 277 Tchoupitoulas Gehring Charles, St. Peter, n. St. Charles Gehrmann John, tailor, 210 Perdido Gehrke Ferd.ambrotypist,33Annunciation Geier Joseph, vegetables, 19 Poydras mkt Geiger A. clerk, 8 Chartres Geiger Chas. musician, Roman c. Gravier Geiger Chas. hats. New Levee n. Philip Geiger Geo. bricklayer. First c. Rousseau Geiger Geo. M. 753 New Levee Geiger G. M.shoemkr. Philip n. Rousseau Geig«r H. laborer, Claiborne n. Cypress Geiger H. G. (Wheeler, Geiger &( Co.) 7 Magazine, d. 383 St. Charles Geiger Philip, hats, 419 Dryades Geinger John, laborer, 110 Independence Geippart Barth. gardener, 99 Bartholomew Geis Conrad, grocer. Felicity c. Baronnc Geis Daniel, bottler, St. Andrew Geis Martin, carpenter, CarroUton Geiser Auguste, shoemaker, Algiers Geiser Christian, tailor, 17 Toulouse Geiser J. N. stair bldr. Carondelet n. Felicity Guisler Carl, laborer, 307 Bayou Road Geisler H. W. laborer, Claiborne n. Julia Geisler John, cook, 886 Kampart d. 3 Geisioin Martin, 23 St. Ferdinand Geistlieh J. C. cistern maker, 374 Hospital Geisz Michael, 133 Ursulines Geitel C. lab. Independence n. Dauphine Gelabert A. Mrs. syrup mkr. 481 Marais d.3 Gelabert William, baker, 76 Frenchmen Gele Jean, butcher, 66 French market Gelis H. shoemkr. Baronne c. Common GellaChas. carpt. Marais n. Bienville Gelpi Antonia, 497 Rampart d. 3 Gelpi Francis Dr. 152 Baronne Gelpi Garcia, c. h. Bienville c. Treme Gelpi Jerome, bdg.. house, 206 Bienville Gelpi Jerome, clerk, 253 Old Levee d. 2 GEL 189 GER Gelpi Pablo, groceries, 253 Old Levee d. 2 Gelpi Thomas, 47 St. Anthony Gemeinhardt John, tailor, 113 Marais, d. 2 Gemar Philip, laborer, 64 France Gomniino; George, trader, 24 Hospital Genart Jas, oyster sal., 351 Tchoupitoulaa Gendre Elizabeth, Urquhart n. Port Gendre P. butcher, 43 Poydras market Gene Barthol. rice store, 20 St. Philip Genella L. & Son, (Daniel Genella) crock- ery and glass, 134 Poydras Genella Charles, clerk, 134 Poydras Genella Daniel, (L. Genella Sf Son) 134 Poydras Genepra Martin, watchman, 147 Main Gener Francis, c. p. 222 St. Peter Generelly T. elk. 67 Canal,d. 117 Hospital Generes Francis, Drleans, n. Robertson Generes Henry, 54 Royal, 504 St. Charles Generes Louis N. f. m. c. 312 Josephine Generes L. F. (Mat, Generes Sf Co.) 54 Royal, d. 173 Carond.let Genet A. baker, 152 Levee, d. 3 Genet J. B. tailor, 144 Burgundy Genet Pauline, 42 Villere, d. 2 Genevin John C. c. h. and grocery 577 Tchoupitoulas Genkins Eliza, millinery, 524 Magazine Genkins George, agent, 524 Magazine Genin Charles A. (Rousset &f Genin) 83 Canal, d. 51 Esplanade Genin C. F. Mrs., Rampart n. Main Genin Gustav, clerk. Magazine, c. Canal Genois Charles, 176 Annunciation Genois John, Laharpe, n. Villere Genois Joseph, naval officer of customs, d. 234 Ksplanade Genois Jos. jr. book-keeper, 246 St. Ann Genois J. B. Mrs. 79 Orleans Genoni Vincent, wood, etc. 124 St Peter Gennison J. H. carpenter, 62 Villere, d.2 Gensbacher Loeb, dry goods, 172 Ram- part, d. 1 Gensler John, laborer, 197 St. Anthony Gensler & Rosenfield, (Samuel Gensler, Jo- seph Rnsenfield) clothing, 93 Chartres Gensler Samuel, (Gensler &f Rosenfield) 93 Chartres Gent Andreas, Oirod near Ramjiart Gentes Cyrot J. 543 Burgundy, d. 3 Gentessee Fr's. book-keeper, 161 Poydras Gentilucci Peter Capt. 315 Terpsichore Gcntilly D. Mrs. 129 Spain Genty Alex. Mrs. 494 Robertson Genty L. A. clerk, d. 41 Orleans Gentry Pascal, laborer, 408 Liberty Genzer Louis, painter, 392 Franklin Genzheimer S. carpenter, 49 Main Geoffrey J. B. carpenter, 65 Main Gooffry J. Mrs. toys, 328 St. Ann George Charles, laborer, 46 St Thomas George Edward, carpenter, 11 Urq\iharl George Edmond, carpt. 326 Customhouse George F. mattress maker, 276 Dnuphine George George, carpt. 568 Annun — Gilmore John, cabman, 277 Poydras Gilmore John, engineer, 677 Royal, d. 3 Gilmore John B. clerk, d. 368 Common Gilmore Martha, f. w. c. 139 St. Charles Gilmore M. B. book keeper, 240 Girod Gilmore Michael, lab. 288 St. Thomas Gilmore Thomas, atty. at law, 112 Canal d. 190 Erato Gilmour Henry S. 114 Common GilmourT.C. cotton broker, 114 Common, d. Prytania c. Third Gilronan James, blacksmith, 112 Foucher Gilroy Barney, grocer, 209 Magazine Gilthorpe Jas. boiler maker, 396 Fulton Giltrap James, boiler maker, 123 Front Gimbel Louis, variety store, 781 n. Levee Ginan James, lab. Congress n. Front Levee Ginart James, Congress n. Chartres Ginart Michael, camphene manufacturer, 15 Elmire Ginart M. Mrs. 10 Elmire Ginder A. locksmith, 263 Chartres Ginder Frances Mrs., St. Andrew c. Laurel Ginder Geo. barber, 187 Josephine Ginder Henry, clerk. Canal c. Royal, d. Philip c. Coliseum Ginder Jos. grocer, St. Andrew c Laurel Ging Barbara, dressmaker, 71 Main Ging James, laborer, 140 Tchoupitoulas Ginsburg Isidor B. furniture, 215 Gravier Ginther Henry, Palmyra c. Galvez Giovanni Joseph, 114 Treme, d. 2 Giquel A. Mrs. midwife, 71 Dauphine Giquel E. (Giquel Sf Jamison,) d. 164 Bi- enville GIQUEL & JAMISON, Import- ers and Dealers in Di'y Goods, 126 Canal street, between St. Chax'les and Carondelet-sts. Giquel J. Miss, 805 Rampart, d. 3 Girard Alonson, stables, Gretna Girard Alonzo, shipsmith, 86 Front Levee Girard Andrew, barber, Jefferson City Girard Antinor, butcher, 30 French mkt Girard Antonio, butcher, 12 French mkt Girard Aug. carpenter, 171 Columbus Girard A. Mrs. dry goods, 77 Robertson, d. 2 Girard E. & Couteux, (Etienne Girard, Charles Couteux,,) Chartres c. Bienville Girard Francois, furniture, 270 Bourbon Girard Joseph, cooper, Chartres n. Poland Girard Joseph Mrs. baker, 244 Dauphine Girard Jules, clerk, 117 Ursulines Girard Jules O. 40 Bourbon Girard Louis, cabinet maker, Toledano c. Bacchus Girard Louis, painter, 134 Bienville Girard L. Mrs. 221 St. Philip Girard M. D. Mrs. 7 History Girard M. Rer. Constance n. Josephine Girard Peter, carpenter, 207 St. Louis Girard Xavier, tailor, 315 Tchoupitoulas Girardey John Mrs. 136 Orleans Girardey J. B. Mrs. 197 Roman, d. 2 GrlR 193 GLA GIRAEDEY C. E. & CO. (Ca- mille E. Girardey, Nicholas J.Hoey,)formerly J. A. Beard & Co., Auctioneers and Ap- praisers of Real Estate, Slaves, Stocks, etc.. No. 37 Magazine street, opposite Arcade Hotel, d. 37 Rampart, d. 2. Grirardey V. J, B. elk. 37 Magazine, d. 458 Biironne Girardey Victor, auctioneer, 458 Baronne Girjirdin C. S. Ca{)t. 366 Bourbon Girardin F. Mrs. 391 Dorbifrny, d. 3 Girardin R. Mrs. Ehnire n. Front Levee Girardo V. laborer, 239 Kerlerec Giraud Ant. (Blanchin Sf Giraud,) 71 Old Lrvoe, d. 106 Union Giraud Edward, painter, 222 St. Louis Giraud Felix, laborer, 90 St. Peter Giraud Michel, bread, 57 St. Ann Giraud Michel, (P. J. Giraud &f Co.) d. 71 Conti Giraud Pierre, Orleans n. Prieur Girard Pauline, furnished rooms, 140 St. Peter Giraud P. A. & Co. (Michel Giraud, John Gandy, D. .4. Chaffraix,) com. mers., 52 late 13 Customhouse, d. 71 Conti Giraud Vincent, clerk, Chartres c. Conti Girault August, musician, 257 Marais,d. 2 Girault August, jr. painter, 356 Robertson Girault Charles, 173 Robertson, d. 2 Girault E. clerk, Tchoupitoulas c. Gravier Girault John F. 120 Gravier, d. 517 St. Charles Giraux Clemence, 120 Bienville Giraudeau A., Claiborne n. Ursulines Giraudeau B. Mrs. 126 Toulouse Gireaudeau D. Mrs. midwife, 351 Ram- })art, d. 1 Gireaudeau Eugenie, 98 St. Philip Gireaudeau Louise, f. w. c. 75 Union, d. 3 Gireaudon I.M.Mrs 148 St. Ann Girent Jules, professor, 213 Bourbon Girent Louis, architect, Bourbon c. Main Girod Aug., Laharpe n. Plauche Girod Edw. lab. Terpsichore n. Dryades Girod Emile, ambrotyper, 126 Poydras Girod Joseph, shoemkr. 5 Annunciation Girod Joseph, 72 Main Girod J. D. clerk, 14 Carondelel Giroux Alphonse, 267 Daupiiine Giroux E. A. umbrella mkr. 45 Baronne Giroux L., Rocheblave n. Main Giroux M. paper colors, 233 Dauphine Giroux & Ried, brokers, 12 Carondelet Giroux Paul, painter, 226 Bourbon Giroux P. J. 452 Baronne Giroux Victore ,grocer, Johnson, c. Hospital Gisrion Paul, chocolate manf. 30 Bienville Gissinger J. drayman, 609 Annunciation Gisslir J. gardener, 510 Bayou road Giasler Xavia, artist, 59 Claiborne Gissot F. cat)inet maker, 90 Dauphine Giitrichalk A. 246 Bienville Gitzinger George, Desire n. Rampart Giurnnovich M. variety store, 292 Chartres Giurick James, fruit, 70 Front Levee, d. 3 Givan Ambrose, exp. driver, 360 Common Givan J. M. lightning rods, 103 Poydras, d. Gasquet c. Miro Given D. A. jr. clerk, 80 Poydras Given, Watts & Co. ( H. F. Given, W. C. Ji'iilts, H. H Bryan,) tobacco factors and com. mers., 80 Poydras Given H. F. (Given, Watts &c Co.)d. Jack- son c. St. Charles Givens George W. 265 Magazine Givins A. Dr. 265 Magazine Givins August, lab. S(>guin n. Peter, Alg Givney James, drayman, 133 Pacanier Givney Lawrence, laborer, 48 St. Thomas Glaasen G. variety, 104 Tchoupitoulas Glaason Henry, c. h. 97 Baronne Glacia William, laborer, 49 Marigny Gladden & Seixas, (.1. H. Gladden, J. M. Seixas,) cotton factors and com. mers. 159 Gravier Gladden A. H. (Gladden Sf Seixas,) d. 137 Girod Gladden E. W. painter, 109 Camp, d. 26 Soraparu Gladden Henry, Carondelet near Erato Gladden Meek E. clerk, 159 Gravier Gladke Charles A. CJo/mson.^ Gladke,) 105 St. Charles Glady Edward, dry goods, 435 Royal, d. 3 (ilaeser L. painter, Rousseau n. Jackson Glahl Fanny, Jetlerson City Glairac Hypolite, tailor, 89 Baronne Glaise John, cabman, 177 Tchoupitoulas Glancy John, cartman, 493 Tchoupitoulas Glancy Owen, lab. Webster avenue, Alg. Giandier Fran(jois, 465 Bourbon Glanle Rosa, f. w. c. 40 Villere Glannin James, laborer, 514 Royal, d. 3 Glannon Thomas, laborer, 88 Gaiennic Glansbecher Chris tian,potat's, 215 St. Peter Glanz Ciiarles, carpenter, 136 Johnson Glapion C. P. carpenter, 30 St. Bernard Glapion John C. tailor, 375 Villere, d. 3 Glapj! Henry, laborer, 72 Port Glas Frank, lamplighter, 730 Rampart Glasar Paolo, fruil, 62Treme market Glaser Henry, milk, 150 Clouet Glaser Martin, gro. Liberty c. Melpomene Glaser Thomas, crockery, 445 Dryades Glass David, laborer, 133 Bienville Glass James, h. h. 751 New Levee Glass John, mate, 415 Chartres Glasser Henry, blacksmith, Algiers Glasser John, shoemaker, 147 Conti Glasser Louis, laborer, 45 St. Ann Glasser Peter, drayman, 667 Koyal, d. 3 Glassman Henry, c. h. 21 Girod Glassock John J. trader, Terpsichore n. St. Charles Glaubrecht J. G. lab. 867 St. Claude Glaude Rosa, 295 Villere Giaudiere Aug. 36 Annette Glaudin C. H. C. f. m. c. Clio n. Caron- delet GLA 194 GOD Glaudin Henry, cigars, 160 Camp Glaudin John, cigars, 174 Gravier Glaudin J. B. f. m.c. cigars, 119 Poydras Glaudin J. G. f. m. c. cigars, 98 Poydras Glaver Geo. gardener, Ciouetn.Urquhart, d. 163 Clio Glavich Peter, oysters, 169 Rampart Glavy Bernard, mate, 26 Elmira Glazier Nicholas, Algiers Gleason Edmund, 35 St. Thomas Gleason H. grocer, St. Mary n. Religious vjileason Joel, 4 Roman, d. 1 Gleason John, lab. 484 0. Levee, d. 3 Gleason Matthew, oysters, 116 N. Levee Gleason Matthew, b. h. 194 N. Levee Gleason Michael, Tchoupitoulas n. Nuns Gleason Michael, soap factory, Broad n. Bayou road Gleason Owen, drayman, 302 Constance Gleason & Clark, (Patrick Gleason, Pat- rick Clark f) cot. pickery, 119 Chip- pewa Gleason Patrick, (Gleason &f Clark,) 119 Chippewa ^ Gleason Patrick, drayman, 202 Constance Gleber Peter, gardener, 134 Louisa Gleeson James, lab. Market n. Front Gleeson Patrick, lab. Pacanier n. Richard Gleeson Thos. grocer, Howard c. Perdido Gleich Valentine, St. Charles n.Polymnia Gleily John, hide mi'r. l-ulton n. Ninth Gleise Mrs. widow, 228 Royal Gleise Paul J. 120 Common, d. Bourbon c. St. Philip Glen Fred, butcher, Roman n. Laharpe Glenan Peter, carpenter, Prieur n. Main Glender Henry, 242 Laurel GLENN A. & CO. (J. W. Glenn,) General Commission Merch- ants and Agents for the Sale of Manufactured Tobacco, 93 Gravier. Glenn A. (Jl. Glenn Sf Co.) d. 109 Pry- tania Glenn & Chalmers, (D. C. Glenn, H. H. Chalmers,) altys. at law, 15 Camp Glenn D. T. build. Washington c.Baronne Glenn Jas. drayman, Conti n. Tonti Glenn J. W. (Jl. Glenn &f Co.) 93 Gra- vier, d. 204 Terpsichore Glenn Marty, grocer, 151 Jackson Glenn Michael, stock dealer, Cadiz n. Laurel, Jeff. City Glenn Thos. lab. 93 St. Thomas Glenn T. D. build. Baronne n. Washington Glennon Robt. S. roofing, 57 St. Charles Gleiuion Thos. lab. Celeste n. N. Levee Glennon Thos. drayman, 341 Melpomene Glenz Charles, carpenter, 367 St. Peter Glezer Martin, grocer, 327 Melpomene Glick John, bakery, 165 Dauphine Glidden George, ( Glidden, Marshall Sf Co.) d. 39 Piety Glidden John, warehouse, 43 N. Levee Glidden, Marshall & Co. (George Glidden, Robert Marshall, Robert Marshall, jr.) ship chandlers and grocers, 10 and 11 Marigny buildings, d. 3 Glinnon James, drayman, 430 Conti Glinnon Michael, lab. Race n.St. Thomas Glinnon Thos. lab. 93 Tchoupitoulas Glinnon Wm. warehouseman, 407 Gravier Glogan Julius, clerk, 33 Chartres Gloie Hy. carp. Lyon c. Jersey, Jeff. C. Gloie John, locksmith, 220 St. Mary Glossen Ann Mrs. Palmyra c. Derbigny Glotz Christian, foundryman, Cypress n. Claiborne Gloudat Anton, Annette c. Marais Glover John G. St. Mary n. Coliseum Glover Jones, 242 Bienville Glover Mary, dressmkr. 83 Frenchmen Glover R. F. 124 Canal Glover Wm. 22 Poet Gluck Peter, baker. Piety n. Rampart .. Gluentz Chas. carp. Hospital c. Galvez Glyne Adam, watchmaker, 152 Race Glynn John, 120 Basin, d. 2 Glynn John, lab. 18 Foucher Glynn John, jr. clerk, 76 Franklin Glynn Martin, shoes, 9 Annunciation Glynn Michael, trader, 19 St. James Glynn Pat. clerk, 92 Canal G;iagi John, ( Gotte &f Gnagl,) d. 178 'J'choupitoulas Gnam Chas. G. Mrs. 110 Piety Gnoargar Cath. Mrs. 320 Felicity Gnosspelius Gus.,Mandeville n, Dauphine Goban C.L.jeweler, Bourbon n. St. Philip Gobell Henry, Jackson n. Carroll Gobin Auguste, cigars, 326 Villere, d. 3 Gobing P. grocer, Roman c. Conti Gobler Henry, tailor, Philip n. Rousseau Godard F. Mrs., St. Ann n. Rocheblave Godais Auguste, wheelw'ht, 40 Rousseau Godat Henry A. carp. 434 Basin Godcheaux Leon, (M.Godcaeaux, Frere &f Co.) 81 Canal Godcheaux M. Frere & Co. (Meijer God- cheaux, Leon Godcheaux , Jos. Simon,) clothing, 81 Canal Godcheaux Meijer, (M, Godcheaux, Frere ^ Co.) 225 Burgundy Godcheaux M. Mrs. 200 Robertson, d. 2 Goddard Adeline M. b. h. 139 St Charles Goddou Victor, soda & candies, 270 Camp Godefroy E. Mrs. 258 Robertson, d. 2 Godefroy Jas. printer, 127 Burgundy Godefroy Jean B. tailor, 354 Robertson, d. 3 Godefroy J. B. shoemkr. and grocer, 291 Ursulines Godefroy Louis, elk. 61 Carondelet,d.368 Burgundy, d. 3 Godefroy 0, Ursulines n. Roman Godefroy R. f. m. c. carp. 361 Orleans " Godefroy R. Mrs. 90 Ursulines Godfrey John, lab. 93 St. Thomas Godfrey Martha W. Mrs. 104 Orange Godfrey Martone, 172 Customhouse Godfrey M. P. Terpsichore n. Coliseum GOD 196 GOL Godfrey N. P. Dr. (Parmley &c Godfrey,) dentist. North c. St. Francis Godfrey Wni. trader, 142 Melpomene Godfrey Wm. bltr. Annunciation n. Basin Godin Chas. jr. bookbinder, 37 Toulouse Godin V. cooper, 138 ('liiiluirne, d. 2 Godoegg John, rojie mkr. Fulton n. Ninth Godwin David R. 13 N. Levee, d. St. Charles n. Soniat, Jefl". City Godwin John P. sub. whariiufjer, 113 Poet (Jodwin Maria, dressniakir, '2'2^y St. Peter Goeb Henry, wheelwright, Washington n. Rousseau Goeb Nicholas, Bagatelle n. Prosper Gotbel Jacob, carp. 8 Roman Goedharl Frank, c. h. 68 St. Philip Goehring Nich. dairy, Clouet c. Morales Goehring Philip, grocer, '250 Mandeville Goeken John, Jackson n. Laurent Goeley M. Mrs. Annunciation c. Seventh Goerg Jno. Adam, tailor, 464 Annunciation Goerger Albinus, poultry, 38 S]iain Goerger Cath.Mrs. Harmony n. Prytania Goertz Edward, clerk, 36 Old Levee, d. 2 Goeswein Martin, 294 Goodcliildren Goethe John, Eighth c. Chipjiewa Goette August, shoemkr. New Levee n. Milan,' Jefl\ City Goetz Chas. 152 O. Levee Gociz George, shotmkr. 448 St. Ann Goetz Henry, clerk, 50 Tchoupitoulas Goetz Jacob, Clointant, 33 Natchez Goodridge E. P. clerk, 5 Gravier Goodspeed G. W. Capt. 468 Bourbon, d.3 Goodwin Catharine Mrs. 472 Dryades Goodwin Henry, manufacturer jewelry, d. 133 Delord Goodwin H. lab. Annunciation n. Edward "jroodwin Hugh, 89 Gaiennie Goodwin James, plumber, water works, d. 318 Erato Goodwin John, c. p. 89 Gaiennie Goodwin John, 124 Robin Goodwin John H. clerk, 124 Robin Goodwin Milo M. (White &,• Goodwin,) d. 188 Poydras I Goodwin Patrick, lab. 261 Customhouse Goodwyn G. W. W. (^lustin, Goodicyn &,■ Co.) Prytania n. Seventh Goodwyn H. H. (^Vutall Sf Goodtcyn,) d. 338' Dryades Goodwyn John G. laborer, 94 St. Mary Goodwyn S.T. clerk, 2 Front.d. 237 Erato Goold Jacob, engineer, Girod n. Bayin Goose John, First n. Kousseau (iorbach M. shoemaker, 112 St. Charles Gordon Alexander Mrs. 44 Dauplune GORDON A. H. Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Do- mestic Hardware, No. 59 Magazine street. Gordon G. H. teacher, 165 Elysian Fields Gord(m Jane, f. w. c. 279 Ursulines Gordon J. Mrs. 2,31 CustomhouKe Gordon .lames, earn. Second n. Dryades Gordon James H. clerk, 66 Msigazine 14 Gordon John, book keeper, 12 Fulton, d. 1, and 31 and 32 Front, d. 1 Gordon Martin, commission merchant, 137 Common, d. Baronne c. Terpsichore Gordon Morris, laborer, 85 Marigny Gordon Patrick, bookbinder, 2.')5 Custom- house Gordon Sam. f. m. c. steward, 253 St. Louis Gordon Sarah, 191 Conti Gordon & 1> oster, ( IVm. Gordoti, Gideon Foster, jr.) flour dealers, 18 Poydras c. New Levee Gordon Wm. (Gordon ^ Foster,) d. Philip n. Magazine Gordon & Castillo ( W. Mexander Gordon, Charles .1. Castillo,) commission mer- chants, 118 Common Gordon W. Alexander, (Gordon &f Cas- tillo,) d. 175 Canal Gordon Wm. E. 23 Front, d. 61 Constance Gordy F. lab. St. Ann c. Rocheblave Goree J. C. & M. M. carp. 85 Dryades Gorgan Geo. plasterer, 568 Annunciation Gorgas John, plasterer, Felicity n. Howard Gorgette Henriette, 274 St. Claude Gorham Anne Mrs, 207 Lafayette Gorham Richard, laborer, 254 Calliope Gorharn W. G. F, Mrs. 510 St. Claude Gorhart Xavier, tailor, 257 Tclioupitoulas Gori Joseph, St. Charles n. Polymnia Gori Pascal, groc. St, Charles n. Polymnia Gorlee F. brass found. 333 Tchoupitoulas Gorley Alex, drayman, 348 Dryades Gorman Ann Mrs. 100 Howard Gorman Bernard, 398 Marais, d. 3 Gorman Dennis, blacksmith, 51 Second Gorman E. laborer, 311 St. Louis Gorman Honora Mrs. b. h. .53 Girod, d. 1 Gorman James, Baronne n. St. Andrew Gorman John, weigher, Josephine c. Chip[)ewa Gorman John Mrs. groc. Laurel c. Second Gorman John, clerk, 108 Felicity Gorman Martin, 205 Rousseau Gorman .Michael, laborer, St. Andrew n. Howard Gorman Patrick, laborer, 343 St. Peter Gorman Peter, barkee|ier,215 Tchoupitou. Gorman Pger, clerk, d. 64 Tlialia Goutier Jean Jaques, 114 Ursulines Goutier Stanislaus, 343 Villere, d. 3 Gouver A. J. 536 Carondelet, d. 1 Gouzey J. P. tailor, 81 St. Peter Govan James, 341 Poydras Goverman Henry, fruit, 113 Rampart Gow Chas.E.clk.35Camp,d.l01Gasquet Gowans Thomas, confectioner, 195Tchou- pitoulas, d. 280 Calliope Gower E. H. engineer, 223 Camp Gowin Thomas, Liberty n. Jackson Gowland C. W. 341 St. Andrew Gowland John, clerk, 122 Canal Goyal Theodore, clerk, 304 Dryades Goyert John,H. clerk, 277 Love Grabriel Anton, 248 Marigny GKA 199 GRA Grabiel Michael, c. h. Villere c. Orleans, d. 305 Si. Ann Grace F. 2:22 St. Andrew Grace John, com. n\crchant, 17 Tchoupi- toulas, d. 30fi Masjazine Grace .lohn, steward, 641 Rampart, d. 3 tirai'e John Mrs. 31 Congress Grace Joseph, laborer, Freret n. Erato Grace Margai-et Mrs. grocer. New Levee n. St. Mary Grace Patrick, cooper, 375 Franklin Grace Steplien, l)arkeeper,597 New Levee Grace Tlnnnas, 10 Mobile landing, New Basin, d. 440 Rampart Gracey (iiciid. B. stevidore, 31 Esplanade Gracia Edward, 101 Klysian Fields Grailney A lphonse,carp.410 Customhouse Cirailney A. Mrs. 410 Customhouse Grady H. cashier, 128 Canal Grady James, laborer, 31t5 Gravier Cirady Jolin, seaman, 3!)1 Burgundy, d. 3 tirady John, porter, 105 Howard Grady John, laborer, 529 St. Claude Grady John Mrs. 109 Erato Grady Martni, labcnvr, W) iMain Grady Michael, laborer, 182 St. Thomas Grady M. J. clerk, 65 Front (.irady Pat. painti-r, 306 Melpomene Graef William, tailor, 310 Orleans GraitT Adam, varnisher. 111 Marais, d. 2 Giai trc. blacksmith, 96 Ranijiart GrarlFMark, tailor, 349 Bayou road Graf Alfred, caliinet maker, 52 Bienville Graf Antony, shoemaker, 121 Ex. place tirat" Charles, 91 Customhouse Ciraf David, c. and b. ^i. 41 St. Peter (irallG. W. 428 Constance Giall'Jacob, Algiers GralfJacob, laborer, Rousseau n. Jackson Giall'J. Cooper, Bienville n. Tonti Gialf J. H. machinist, 189 Royal Gratf Martin, laborer, Dorgenois n. Ca- rondelet walk (irairWm. c. h. 263 Magazine Grciffigna J. slioemkr. 146 St. Claude, d. 2 Gratner Frank, laborer, F'irst n. Constance IJraft David, Levee c. Robert, Jeff. City Graft E. H. irunkmaker, 51 Annunciation Graft (J. F. shoemaker, 51 Annunciation Graliam B. drayman, Ccle.sie n. Levee Graliam C'liarles, 394 Baronne (jraham David, sliocniakir, 134 Carondelet Graham David, clerk, 48 Old Levee, d. 2 (iraham David, laborer, Eruto n. Liberty tiraliam D. 49 Magazine (rialmm D. S., First n. Tchoupitoulas Graham Geper, d. 18G Thalia (ireen Barney, laborer, 77 Delord (ireen Benjamin H. 410 Maoazine Green & Crump, ( Charles Ji Grcni, Benj. Crump, Richard B. Randolph, J. J. Green,) com. mcrs. 163 Gravier Green Charles A. ( Green Sf Crump,) 1G3 Gravier Green Conrad, machinist, 99 Constance (ireen C. screwnian, 78 Port Green K. clerk, 155 Canal (ireen Ed. machinist, 185 Chippewa Green Fanny, f. w. c. 338 Bourljon, d. 3 Green Frank B. cl(>rk, 91 Gravier Green George, fruit, 25 Marais Green Henry, furniture, 133 Poydras, d. 130 St. Charles Green Hfiiry, barber, 18 Front Levee, d. 3. d. 194 Marigny Green Henry, acct. Delta Office, 76 Camp, d. 277 (Constance Green Isaiah, acct. 43 Carondelet Green Jacob, f. m. c. 239 Old Levee, d. 3 Green Jacob, ham vender, 334 Bourbon,d.3 Gn en James Mrs. 412 Daupliine Green J. 272 Prytaiiia Green James Mrs. 412 Dauphine Green John, laborer, 496 Royal, d. 3 Green John, f. m. c. 341 Poydras (ireen J. J. ( Green Sf Crump,) d. 173 Camp Green J. M. acct. d. 2.33 St. Charles Green John U. c. h. St. Mary c.Tchoupi- toulas Green Jos. f. m. c. drayman, 121 Franklin Green Mrs., Catharine n. Fourth Green Owen, laborer. Gravier n. Johnson Green I'atrick, tin, copper and sheet iron work'T, I'choupilouJaa c. Adele Green Pi'ter, c. and b. h. Girod c. Front Green Robert, engineer, 13 St. Thomas Green Samuel S. real estate and note bro- ker, 10 Perdido Green Sinum, note rierk. Branch Bank,d. 292 Baronnc Green S. clerk, 376 Dryades Green S. F. clerk, 92 Gravier Green Thomas, tinner, 385 Dryades Green Thomas, laborer, 40 Robin Green T. B. private boarding, 13 Burgundy Green William, confectionery, Poyfarre c. Mairazine Green William V. engineer water works, Tchoujiitoulas n. Richard Green Wm. engineer, 238 Tchoupitoulas Green Wm. laborer, 55!) Burgundy, d. 3 Green Wm. engineer, Foucher n. Calliope Greenbaugh Margaret Mrs. 415 Liberty Greenfield Thompson, ( Fellnices Sf Co.) d. St. Charles c. St. .Joseph Greenhalgh Elias, madiinist, 103 Tchou- pitoulas Greenhow J. M. accf. IS Tchoupitoulas (ireenland Ed. lab. 278 Tchoujiitoulas Greenleaf Jas. & Co. (John A. Burnham,) com. mers. 138 Ciuumon Greenleaf James E. ( Greenleaf &{ Co.) A, 201 Canal Greenleaf L. M. Dr., Jackson n. Annun- ciation Greenleaf Wm. tailor, Cypress n.Dcrbigny Greenwald Jacob Mrs. 142 Piety Greenwrtll Hein-y i!t Bro. (.Morris Green- wall,) clothing, 220 Tchoupitoulas, d. 388 Magazine Greenwood A. G. Dr. 23 Jackson Greenwood Cemetery, Metairie ridge Greenwood C. G. Mrs. 45 Marais Greenwood Jas. S. apothecary ,288 Liberty (ireenwood J. carp. Jack.son K. R. drpdt Greenwood Matthew, blacksmith, N. 0. G. R. and J. R. R. Greenwood Moses, forwarding and com. mer. 23 Carondelet, d. 220 Camp Greer Geo. Wm. 274 St. Philip Grtffoz B. Mrs. millinery, 212 Chartres Greffoz Francis, lampist, 94 (Miarires Greffus T. Mrs. millinery, 214 Chartres Gregan Mary Mrs. 427 Basin, d. 1 Greggor Henry F. seaman, 225 Constance Gregoire Augustin, clerk, 29 Magazine, d. 166 Elysian Fields Gregoire A. carp. Laharpe n. Derbigny Gregoire Charles, clerk, d. 119 St. Louis Gregoire Disire,charcoal,etc.328 Bienville Gregoire Edmond, constable, d. Lyon c. Laurel, J.fferson City Gregoire G. Mrs. teacher, 513 Rampart, d. 3, d. 135 Marignv Gregoire Josejih, barkeeper, 156 Conti Grcjgor George \V. & Co. (R. L. Bruce,) jewellers. Camp c. Canal Gregnr Geo. W. (Geo. }V. Gregor Sf Co.) d. 161 Clio Gregor Simon, c. h. 99 Clara Qngorio, Howiand & Co. (.Michel de Gre- gorio, J. //. Hovland, J. J. Kvpf,) im- poriirs of fruiu, etc. 38 Fulton and 37 Front Gregory Charles, 3Ifi St. Clniule Gregory Elizabeth, Willow n. Erato Gregory E. J. clerk, 90 Baronne GRE 202 GRI Gregory G. C. clerk, 130 Canal Gregory Isaac, f. m. c. warehouseman, 179 Franklin, d. 1 Gregory Jame^, laborer, St. Thomas n. St. James Gregory John, Eighth c. Magazine Gregory Joseph, drayman, 13 St. James Gregory Oser, b. h. 183 Tchoupitoulas Gregory Stephen W. watchman. Eighth c. Constance Gregson James, carpenter and builder, 155 Gasquet Greibeck C, Calliope n. Baronne Greig A. Dr. 11 Bburbon Greig Andrew, f. m. c. Clara n. Gravier Greig Robert, cabinet maker, Palmyra n. Derbigny Greim John, laborer, 220 Chippewa Greiner Jacob, wood, 421 Si. Ann Greiner John, c. h. 57 Louisa Greiner Madeline, Miro n. Main Greis Carl, musician, 155 Dryades Greison Thos. sailor, Louisa n. Dauphine Grellet Bernard, carpenter, 216 Kerlerec Grelier J. carpenter, Eighth c. Dryades Grelle Henry, tinsmith ,300 Conti Gremont Felice, 342 Bourbon, d. 3 Grenbag Jno. lab. Dorgenois n. St. Philip Grenier D. F. clerk, 33 Chartres, d. 171 Frenchmen Grenier Louis Mrs. 40 Morales Grennon Jas. feed. New Levee n. Robin Grennon P., Josephine n. Chestnut Grenot Charles, bricklayer, 340 St. Philip Gressel Christian, 401 Orleans Gressel Louis, laborer, 246 Tchoupitoulas Grethel Aiitoine, baker, 76 Dauphine Grethel Fritz, baker, 23 St. Ferdinand Grethel Leopold, baker, 9 St. Ferdinand Gretna Academy, Third n. Lafayette av. Gretna Gretna Depot station, Fourth, Gretna Gretna Fire Co. No. 1, Front, Gretna Gretna Hook and Ladder Co. No. l.Third n. I^afayette, Gretna Gretwold Henry, pedler, 25 Hospital Gretzner & Bro. (Max 8f Morris Gretzner,) clothing, 165 Rampart, d. 1 Greulich Henry, cabinet mkr. 540 Tchoup. Greumwalt Qustave, carp. 128 Euterpe Greve Nich. book keeper, 41 Union, d. 1 Greve O. drugs, Casacalvo c. Clouet Greve Thos. painter, Jackson n. White Greve Joseph G*. western produce, 20 New Levee, d. 1, d. 75 St. Ferdinand Grevenig Jacob, ice house, 9 Main Grevil George, watchman, J. R. R. d. 315 Melpomene Grew Michael, laborer, 377 Melpomene Gribaldi J. B. Capt. 95 St. Peter Gribble Conrad, clerk. Camp c. Gravier Gribble J. B. com. mer. 35 Carondelet, d. Jackson n. Magazine Gribble Robert, clothing, 45 Camp Gribble R. D. clerk, 48 Carondelet Gribble Wm.( Forwood Sf Gribble.) d. Clio c. St. Charles Gribbins Daniel, baker, 248 Chippewa Grider Frederick, laborer, 6 Mandeville Grider Robert M. ( Sidnexj Boisdore &c Co.) hay weiffhers, Lafayette c. Commerce, d. 169 Basin, d. 1 Grief Frederick, laborer, 536 Constance Grieff Archibald, d. Apollo n. Melpomene GRIEFP, BYRNES & CO. (A. D. Grieff, Jas. Byrnes,) Pro- duce and Commission Mer- chants, and dealers in Goshen and Western Butter and Cheese, 42 and 44 Tchoupi- toulas St., cor. Natchez alley. Grieff A. D. (Grieff, Byrnes &c Co.)d. 193 Thalia GRIEFP A. D. & CO. (George H. Grieff and Daniel Sheean,) Wholesale Grocers, Dealers in Goshen and Western But- ter and Cheese, and Provis- ions generally, 46, 50 and 52, late 38, 40 and 42 Old Le- vee, d. 2 Grieff George H. (A. D. GiieffSf Co.) d. 397 Baronne Grieff Peter, grocer, 453 St. Charles Griener Bernard, 361 St. Peter Grier Clem, c. p. 645 St. Claude Grier Pierre, 645 St. Claude Grierson Thos. laborer, 60 Louisa Gries Caspar, cartinan, 168 St. Philip Griffin Alexander, 481 St. Claude, d. 3 Griffin A. B. Mrs., Clio n. Baronne Griffin Etienne, 49 Love Griffin Felista, f. w. c. 77 St. Mary Griffin F. b. h. Girod n. Magazine Griffin James, grocer, 122 Thalia Griffin James, laborer, 74 Montegut Griffin John, grocer, 510 Burgundy, d. 3 Griffin Mary, 19 Franklin, d. 2 Griffin Mary, grocer, 189 Common Griffin M. C. acct. Poydras c. Fulton Griffin M. J. 189 Tchoupitoulas Griffin Noah, f. m c. St. Mary n. Fulton Griffin Peter, cartman, Felicity n. Con- stance Griffin Thomas, cooper. Napoleon av. n. Levee, Jefferson City Griffin Thomas, b. h. 110 New Levee Griffin Timothy, laborer, 290 Melpomene Griffin Wm. distributor, 227 Customhouse Griffin Wm. grocer, 403 St. Charles Griffith J. drayman, 67 Congress Griffon Mrs. Bayou road n. Treme Griffon H. atty. at law, 55 Conti, d. 371 Bienville Griffon J. Madam, 213 Rampart, d. 2 Grigg J. tailor, Baronne c. Common Griggs S. R. (Voo7-hies, Griggs Sf Co.) 15 Tchoupitoulas, d. St. Louis Hotel .A .'9 GRI 203 GRO Gri^non Amadeo, teacher, St. Philip Gria;sby M. Miss, dnss makir, 39 Port Grijilva C. G. dc, 170 Customhouse Grih'y Jos. laborer, 146 Pricur (JriUe Rosario, fruit, 138 Camp Grillier C. Goodchildreii n. Engliien Griliier Felix, Goodchildren n. Enjrhien GriHot F. gardener, Gentilly road GriHot Joseph, dairy, Spain c. Claiborne Griina Alfred, atty. at law, 44 Kxcharig^e ]ilace, d. 9() Si. Louis Grima Felix, ally, at law, 54 Royal, d. 96 St. Louis Grima Fi-licitp, 342 Bourbon Grima F. jr. 9(i Si. i^ouis Grimes C." Mrs. 3.W Hiomene Groeneveli Kwd. 79 Gravier d. Gnenville Groeisch B. clothg. Niw L^vee c. Triangle Grogan Mary, vegetaiiles, St. Mary's mkt. Groignard August, 325 St. Claude Grola PetiT, Jefferson City Groll Henry, trader, 105 St. Mary Gronberg Geo. liquors, Jersey n. Napo- av. Jeffirson City Growback G. Mrs., CasacalvocMLotitegut Grone C. Eighth n. Coliseum Groner John G. lab. 277 Mandeville Gronge Evariste, f. m. c. bricklr. Lapey- rouse c. Roman. Gronge Sophia E., Ronian n. Lapeyrouse Gropp Conrad, shoemaker, Gentilly road Grorii- Pierre, waiter, 55 St. Philip Gros C. Mrs. 80 St. Philip Gros Felix Mrs. 171 Bayou road Gi:os Josei)h, deputy sheriff Gros Joseph, 175 Trenie, d. 2 Grosart Jacoi), apothecai-y, Gasquct c. Marais Gi'osay James, car|i. 337 Tchoupitoulas Grosch Alexander, 10 Girod (irosch D. carpenter, St. Charles n. Delord (Jrosch George, 186 St. Thomas Grosch Hmiry, acct. 22 Magazine, d. 10 Girod Grosch Philipina Mrs. dressmaker, Tha- lia n. Rampart Grose F. W. barher, St. Philip, n. Royal Grosjean H. Mrs. 265 Ursulines Gro.sjean Jules M. clerk, 265 Ursulines Grosjean & Raymond (Louis C. Grosjean, Charles Raymond) (urniture, 59 Royal Grosjean Louis C. (Grosjean &f Raymond) (1. 128 Bienville Grosjean Victor, 322 Claiborne Gross Charles, exchange broker, 3 Byrne's Row, Carondelet Gross Conrad, baker, 393 Hospital Gross E. F. St. Charles, n. Piiilip Gross F. VV. barber, 117 Greatmen Gross Geo. cistern maker, 108 Villere, d. 2 Gross Henry, grocer, Jefferson City Gross Ignatius, tailor 147 Main Gross Jacob, grocer, Si'venth n.Chijipewa Gross Jacob, laborer, Celestine n. Union Gross Jacoi), dairy and cheese, Gretna Gross .lose]ih, gas fitter 112 Johnson Gross John, Rousseau n. St. Andrew Gross John, Mrs. 175 L;iurel (Jross John, Jefferson City Gross J. E. engineer, Tiiird, n. Constance Gross Margaret, Laurel n. First Gros.s Martin, 125 Inde|>endence Gross Peicr, vegetaliles, 17 Poydras mkt Gross Philip, Poydras, c. Joiiiiaon Gross T. W. butcher, 7 Claiborne Gross Theod. W. tailor, 194 Rampart,d.l Gross Wm. Milan, n. Levee, Jeff. City Gross Wm. Mrs. 117 Treme, d. 2 Grossard L. A. cooper, St. Peter n.Tremc Grossart Si'ron, clerk, 49 Carondelet walk Grossen J. B. laborer, 223 \ ilhre, d. 2 Grossinger Clias. (^Mahew &( Grossinger) 550 Magazine Grosslfrop Christopher, c. h. Washington, n. Baronne Grossman iN. lab. Wnshinjion n. Dryades Gr<)8z Conrad, baker, 136 Bienville Grosz 6. M. provisions, 9 Poydras market Grote Henry, laborer, 545 Burgundy Groter LudwiiT, shoemaki-r, 77 Poydras Qrotte John VV. ship carpt. .\lex, AL'i'rs I GRO 204 GUE Grotz Fred.Wm. laborer, Miro c. St.Ann Grounx J. B. carpenter, 333 Derbig:iiy,d.3 Grouse John, pattern maker, 343 Howard Grouse Margaret Mrs., Cadiz n. Live Oak, ■Jefferson City Groussol John, 56 Mandeville Groux Mrs. costumes and masks,93Conti (iroux Raymond, shoemkr. 211 St. Pliilip Grouyere 3os. painter, 240 Dauphine Grove Henry, grocer, Austerlitz c. Laurel, c. Jefferson City Grover & Baker, Sewing Machine Co. southern depot and salesroom, llCamp Grover Henry, drayman, 529 St. Claude Groves J. R. & Co (J. S. Groves, J. T. Simms,) cot. factors and com. mars. 44 Union, d. 1 Groves J. R. (John R. Groves S{ Co.) d.641 Camp Groves J. S. (J. R. Groves Sf Co.) 44 Union, d. 1 Groves S. H. Mrs. 631 Camp Grubbs Overton, f. m. c. dairy. Broad c. Onzaga Gruber Henry W. carpt. 380 St. Charles Gruber J. F. insp. of customs, Polymnia n. Baronne Gruber Louis, tailor, 73 Toulouse Gruber Louis, painter, 225 Rampart (iruberman 11. gas fitter, 141 Liberty Grnder Carl, carpenter, 415 Customhouse Gruel Louis, watchman, Algiers. Gruenigor, Joseph, Burgundy c. Ursulines Gruenwaid L. carpt. Euterpe n. Dryatit.s Gruesz Benjamin, tailor. Royal n. Poland Gruet Jacques, furniture, 143 Toulouse Gruet Mary Mrs. b. h. 194 Baronne Gruffel Louis, carpenter, 295 St. Thomas Grugcr M. liquors, etc. 23 Levee, d. 4 Grumer Phibp, laborer, Water n. Seventh Grun Christian, laborer, 1S9 Port Grunder F. foreman omnibus depot. Feli- city n. Pryiania Grundman Krnest, clerk, 9 Magazine, d. 63 Roman Grundu Frantz, laborer, 875 Magazine Grundy E. Mrs. dry goods, 566 Dau- phine, d. 3 Gruner A. grocery, Chartres, c. Ursulines Grunewald Geo. painter, 259 Customhouse Grunewald (.'hristian. Piety, n. Morales Grunewald Louis, music, 26 Chartres Gruntz M moss picker, McDonoghville Grusch B. carpi-nler, 186 Bienville Grush Henry L. shoes, 50 Magazine, d. 150 Laurel Grusz H. H. grocer, 626 Royal Gryrr George, Fourth c. Fulton Gscliwindt R. portrait painter, 82 Camp G'Sell A. warehouseman, 395 St. Peter Guadiz Feliciie, 313 Main GUAY WILLIAM, Photograph- ic Temple of Art, 108 Poy- dvas, between St. Charles and Camp, d. 126 Poydras. Guadiz Manuelite, 51 St. Peter Guahape Pierre, grocer, 21 St. Anthony Gual Joseph, 384 Dauphine Guay Edward, ambrotypist, 112 Canal. Guasquetti J. wood, Marais n. Custom- house Gubernator J. L. 354 Rampart, d. 1 Gubert Antoine, 213 Ursulines Gucadet L. P. painter, 17 Casacalvo Guchereau Bertd. boots, 117 Rampart, d. 1 Guckcr Frederick, baker, Madison, McD Gueble Francis, worsted store, 157 Canal Guedi t Louis, paper box mkr.371 Barracks Guel A. 511 Rampart, d. 3 Gael John jr. watchn>aker, 201 Rampart Guenard Anatole, grocer 378 Royal Guenard Hortaire, 40 Frenchmen Guenard Joseph Mrs. 382 Royal Guenard M. furn'd rooms, 6 Frankiin,d.l Guenard Sophie, midwife, 98 Elysian Fields Guenin B. Barracks, c. Bourbon Guennever Soule, book binder, 185 St. Louis GueTio Hypolite, mason, 56 St. Bernard Gueno Z. 55 Annette Guenot Joseph, 137 St. Peter Guerand L. Franklin n. Conti Guei-and L. Basin, n. Gravier Guerand Paul Rev. Algiers Guerang Bernard, 117 Hospital Guerchaux Jean, dairy. Prosper n. Ma- rigny Guerin Alfred, carpenter, 438 St. Claude Guerin Adele, Mrs. 158 St. Ann Guerin Artemise, 270 St. Philip Guerin Arthur, 53 Vlandeville Guerin Arthur, clerk, 308 St. Philip Guerin Aug. 96 Mazant Guerin A. S. tinsmith, 7 St. Bernard (luerin Charles, butcher, 106 Poet Guerin Dennis, fireman, J. R. R. depot Guerin D. 472 Burgundy, d. 3 Guerin D. widow, 767 Dau|)hine, d. 3 Guerin Emile, jeweler, 119 Canal, d. 86 Royai Guerin Jules, Old Levee n. St. Ferdinand Guerin James, laborer, 29 North market Guerin Louis J. clerk, 6 St. Louis Guerin Louis Mrs. 738 Rampart, d. 3 Guerin L. <). Miss, 368 Bourbon Guerin L. P. 310 Bourbon d. 3 Guerin Michael, Melpomene, n. Magnolia Guerin M. J. acct. 14 Poydras, d. 506 Old Levee, d. 3 Guerin O. Mrs. 264 Roman, d. 3 Guerin Paul, clerk, Mazant, n. Rampart Guerin Pat. Thalia c. Willow Guerin P. butcher, 29 Port market, d. 456 St. Claude, d. 3 Guerin S. A. tinsmith, 506 Camp Guering Victor, clerk, 14 Poydras Guerinau Charles, variety store, 167 Roy- al, d. 401 Burgundy, d. 3 Gueringer Armand, clerk, 4 Magazine, d. 328 St. Philip Gueringer Ernst, clerk, 72 Canal GUE 205 GUI Gueringer Estelle, 223 Derbigny Guei-ing:pr Ferdinand N. clothing, 33 late 35 Chariivs, d. 328 St. Philip , Gucringcr Ferdinand N. jr. clerk, 126 Ca- nal, d. 328 St. Pliilip Gueringer Oscar, clerk, 33ChartrPS Gueringer T. St. Philip n. Marais Gueringer U. clerk, St. Philip n. Marais Guerre J. P. Mrs. St. John's Groat Route, n. Bayou bridge Guerre R.T. Mrs. 326 St. Charles Guerrers Antonio, clerk, 201 Royal Giiery .T. B. sho(>niaker, 268 Bourbon Guosnard A. book keeper, 104 Canal, d. 181 Ratnpart Guesnard .losephine, 173 Frenchmen Guesnon A. 1). Esplanade n. Marais Guesnard Delphine Mrs. 32 Esplande Guesnon Kdward, 356 Esplanade Guesnon Ernest, ch'rk, 261 St. Claude Guesnon E. clerk, 43 Natchez Guesnon Hypolite, 31 St. Bernard (lUesnon .Toseph, bricklayer, 499 St. Ann Guesnon Mrs. 390 Ursulines Guesnon Philip, 261 St. Claude Guesnon V. 481 St. <'laude. d. 3 Guesnon U. 354 Bourbon, d. 3 Guesnon U. Mrs., Ibsulines n. Robertson Guet L. Mrs. midwife, 69 Orleans Gueth Eliza 'h. Mrs., Hospital n. Johnson Guette Victorin, pictures, 41 late 49 Royal Gucx John, Laurel n. Josephine Guex D. F. Mrs. 371 St. Claude, d. 3 Gupydam Frant^ois ( liodet Sc ducijclam,) Hospital c. Chartres, d. 59 Esplanade Gueydan A. P. grocer, Carondelet n. Cal- liope Gugenheim F. dry goods, 204 Orleans Gugcnheim Joseph, dry goods, 131 Ram- part, d. 1 Gugenheim J. confectioner, 113 Marais Guibert Aug. carp. 345 St. Philip Guibert Charles, tailor, 87 Urquhart (iuiliert E. A. cleik, 94 Camp Guibert L. Mrs., Main n. Tremo (iuiliet Aiphonse, elk. Canal c. Dauphine Guibet Etienne A. clerk, 104 Canal Guibet J. B. Mrs. dressmkr. 91 Bourbon Guibre J. A. Mrs. 418 St. Ann Guichard Eugene, c. p. 155 Galvez, d. 2 Guichard MT B. painter, 150 St. Peter, d. 225 Robertson <• Guichard Victor Mrs. 49 Louisa Guichard Widow, Bayou road n. Johnson Guichonnet Claude, errocer, 75 Race Guidi Jno.barber,36 St. Peter, d.91 Spain Guiddo Joseph, 106 Poydras Guidraud M. Mrs., Clail)orne c. St. Ann Guidry Antoine, La. av. n. Carondi'let, Jeff. City Guidry Pierre, f. ni. c. carpenter, Union n. Prosper Guie Pierre, engineer, Jackson, McD. (■iuiender N. saddler. Front Levee n. Mon- tagu t Guieu M. Mrs. 56 St. Anthony Guigan J. B. 91 Elv'sinn Fields Guignard Josephine, 173 Frenchmen Guigon J. B. 156 Elysian Fields Guila A. painter, 66 Esplanade GUILBAUX &GIEFEES, Suc- cessors to T. Danflous, Hunt- ing, Racing, Military and Side Saddle Makers, No. 121 and 123 Royal street. Guilbert Chas. tailor, 89 Urquhart Guild Harvey, gas fitter, 182 St. Charles Guild Lucy Jane, 59 Basin Guilfolie Wm. lab. Constance c. Thalia Guilhaume L. butcher, Dryades mkt Guilhaume S. butcher, 72 French market (iuillaunie F. knife grind. North Market Guillaume George, butcher, 58 French market Guillaume Jacques, f. m. c. shocmkr. 176 Union, d. 3 Guillaume Jerome, harness maker, 23 Carondelet walk Guillaume Sanite, f. m. c. 324 Dauphine Guillaume S. butcher, 33 St. Mary's mkt Guillebeau Louis & Co. butch. 35 French market Guillemin Louis A. cig. 207 Rampart, d.l Guillet Charles, clerk, 27 Bienville, d. 402 Magazine Guillet C. dep. clerk, Third District Court Guillet E. P. acct. 23 and 25 Magazine Guillet Edward C. atty. at law, 50 Ex. place, d. 223 Elysian Fields Guillet Stanilas I. clerk, 22 Common Guillet Victor, clerk, 22 Common Guillier Alphonse, grocer, Marais c. St. Peter Guillope Eudoxia, millin'y,278 Dauphine Guillope Paul, tinsmith, 280 Dauphine Guillor Toussaint, smith, 112 Barracks Guillot Charles, engineer, 16 Columbus Guillot Edward, druggist, 120 Royal Guillot F. policeman, Algiers Guillot J. Baptist, wheelwright, 112 Bar- racks Guillot Pierre, cook, 74 Ursulines Guillotte Edward, La. av. n. St. Charles, JvfC. City Guillotte F. book keeper, 259 Canal Guillotte L.A. (Fortier &f Guillotte,) Ram- part c. Ursulines Guilloutet Francis, wines and liquors, 15 Toulouse Guimnnt F. R., Havana n. Liberaux Guinard C. F. Dr. 110 Bourbon Guinard H. 40 Frenchmen Guinanit S. auctioneer, 90 Ex. place, d. Elysian Fields n. Solidelle Guion Alfred, 140 Toulouse Guion A., Chartres c. Esplanade Guion Elijah Rev. 567 Carondelet Guion S. f w. c. 417 Dauphine Guion Wm. R. 164 Gravier Guinot George, shoemkr. Urquhart c. Basratelle GUI 206 GUS GUION THOMAS P., Importer and Dealer in Combs, Brush- es, Jewelry, Stationery, Fine Perfumery, Fishing and Sporting Tackle, Gentle- men's Furnishing Goods, In- laid Ebony and Rosewood Goods. French, Dresden and Italian Bronze. Artistique and Berlin Iron, Umbrellas, Canes, and Bridal Presents, 20 St. Charles Guiramand C..V1.72 Canal, (1.233 Bienville Guiramand VV., Main n. Prieur Guirand Fred. lab. 86 Enghien GUIRAUD J. B., Agent for the sale of the celebrated Erai'd Pianos, has also constantly on hand a selection of Pley- el's and the best makers' Pi- ano Fortes, 58 Royal, d. 175 Burgundy Guiraud M. Mrs. 230 Burgundy Guirot A. J. treasurer at the mint Guise Henry, clerk, 137 Montegut Guislmrd Mrs. N., Louise c. Casacalvo Guiss Adam, Harmony c. Camp Guissionnet M. G. grocer, 50 Race Guitar T. fruits, etc. 46 Union, d. 3 Guitet J. (Blancand 8f Guitet,) 208 Royal Guittard E.dry goods, Royal c. St. Ann, d. 145 Royal Gullett B. D. (Gunnison, Chapman &^ Co.) 59 St. Charles, d. 30 Constance GULLETT N. C, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant, and Dealer in Wines and Liquors, No. 30 Gravier street, d. 30 Gravier. GUMA & MASICH, (J. Guma, F. Masich,) Commission Mer- chants and Importers of Hav- ana Segars and Produce, No. 39 Tchoupitoulas-st. Guma Joseph, (Guma Sf Masich,) d. 348 Rourbon Guma Mary, f. w. c. 285 Bourbon Guma P. &, Co. (Jose Casals, James T. Triaij,) cigars and produce, Canal c. Tchoupiioulas Guma P. Mrs., Bourbon c. Ursulines Gumbert Henry, jeweler, Canal c. Royal, d. 448 Rampart, d. 1 Gumbert Romarum, saddler, 71 Baronne, d. 348 Hercules Gumpert R. car trimmer, 348 Rampart,d.l Gunare N. cotton broker, 46 Carondelet, d. 410 St. Charles Gunnegle N. G. clerk, N.O. Bulletin office, d. McDonoghville Gunkel Adam, shoemaker,. 54 Mandevillc Gunn Anthony, laborer, 461 Bourbon, d. 3 Gunn Francis, clerk, 99 Customiiouse Gunn Hannah A., Palmyra n\ Derbigny GUNNISON, CHAPMAN & CO. (A. N. Gunnison, Nathan Chapman, B. D. Gullett,) Manufacturers and Dealers in Cotton Gins, Steam and Caloric Engines, and Plan- tation Machinery generally, 117 and 119 Tchoupitoulas street. Office 59 St. Charles street, d. cor. Carondelet and Girod. Chapman N, d. 60 Constance Gunnison J. H. builder, 62 Vilim-e Gunst Joseph, dep. sheriff,3Gl Chartes,d.3 Gunther A. umbrella maker, 238 Chartns Gunther F. cist'n mkr, 469 Burgundy, d. 3 Gunther Louis, ( Gunther, Rodewald&f Co.) 42 Poydras Gunther, Rodiwald & Co. (Ludolph W. Gunther, Henry A. Rodeicald, Louis Gunther,) tobacco factors and com. mers. 62 Poydras Gunther Raymond, laborer, Goodchildren n. Bartholomew Gunthert Henry, bricklayer, Harmony c. Constance Guntry Philip, shoemaker, 244 Carondelet Gunzburg Isidore, variety, 215 Gravier Gunzelman A. shoemaker, 277 Julia Guodolphe Henry, carpenter, 364 Howard Guore John, cabman, 508 Rampart ■Gurdner George, fruit, 277 Laurel Gurley J. W. clerk U. S. Circuit Court, d. Josephine n. Coliseum Gurney John C. clerk, 90 Gravier Gurney Thos. bookbinder, 295 Poydras Gurtner Christian, Annunciation c.Sev'th Gurtner George, Laurel n. Seventh Gury Auguste, clerk 2d District Court, 111 Elysian FieWs Gury A. J. clerk, 95 Old Levee, d. Ill Elysian Fields Gusman B. 325 Orleans Gusman Pierre, turnkey Parish Prison Gustin Charles E. 231 St. Ann Guste George, barber. New Levee n. Na- poleon av. JefF. City GUSTINE P. W. DR., Oculist, 110 St. Charles n. Lafayette square, d. Jackson bet. Pul- ton and Chippewa. Gusto William H. clerk, 125 Old Levee ,d .3 GUS 207 HAC Gustus Andrew, f. m. c. engineer,Willow n. Gravier Gutr.liow Fred, tailor, 519 Annonciation GiUli Andreas, tailor. 314 Dauphine Gutli Ano;ust, hakcry, 574 'I'choupitoulas Giitli Francis, flour, St. Thomas n. Ninth Gutli Francis, grocer, 673 Fulton Gutli George, Louisiana brewery, 72 Conti Guth Geo. cooper, Fronclimen n. Prosper Guth Jacol), ,St. James c Religious Guthar Fritz, laborer, 76 Congress Gutlieil Edward, builder, 179 Constance Gutlieil Hot ' Gutney Julius, cooper, 259 Tchoujiitoulas Guttscholm F. tailor, 719 New Levee Gutzler Jacob, musician, Bourbon n. So- lidelle Gutzler V. shoemaker, Delord n. Ann Giivez Henry, laborer, Levee n. Patterson, Algiers Guy James, engineer, Jefferson, McD. Guyard Victor, carpenter, 248 Burgundy Guybre Jules Mrs. 418 St. Ann Guyet Francisco, 84 Annette Guyol Armandjjr. acct. 104 Canal Guyol Henry, Tonti n. Hospital Guyol Lafayette, bookkeeper Canal Bank, d. 186 Claiborne Guyol Marcus, carpenter, 393 RampaH Guyol Theodore, notary, 118Customhouse, d. 218 Royal Guyol T. A. 289 Marais, d. 2 Guyot A. butcher, 23 and 25 Trfme mkt. d. 165 Orleans Guyot Brothers, (J. Sf .4. Chiyot,) dry goods, Conti c. Bourbon Guyot Charles, 65 Old Levee, d. 2 Guyot E. mineral water, 351 Royal, d.3 Guyot Kmile, tinsmith, 248 Bourbon Guyot G., Orleans n. Johnson Guyot Jose)ih, carpenter, 357 Villerc, d. 3 Guyot L. E. clerk, 67 Canal, d. 382 Bienville Guyot M. butcher, 56 Treme mkt Guyry Jann s, Pacanier n. Market Guzling Fred, drayman. Fourth n. Laurel Gwaney Jane, grocer, 322 Tchouj)itoulas Gwartney Hannah H. AJrs., St. Andrew n. Baronnc Gwartney H. Mrs., Terpsichore n. Ram- jiart Gwartney M. Capt. 330 St. Charles Gwartney William Capt. 516 Magazine, d. 341 St. Ciiarl.-.s Gwin Nellie, 19 Basin, d. 2 Gyles William, clerk, 184 Foucher Gys Florent, locksmith, 66 St. Louis JIAAB ADAM, drayman. 70 Music Haab Fred, shot nikr. Ninth n. Chippewa Haab Fred, porter, d. 48 Prieur, d. 2 Haac Jacob, shoemaker, 68 Rousseau Haag Frank, carp. Magazine n. Eighth Haag Lorenz, oysters, 199 Tchoujiitoulas Haag N. liricklayer. Eighth n. Ni'w Levee Haan Julius, apothecary, 13 Royal Haar Christian, gardener, St. Dennis c. Robert, Jeff. City Haar E. V., Washington c. Magazine Haarer Fritz, bakery, 278 Li^vee, d. 3 Haas Kd. fruit, Tchoupiloulas n. Felicity Haas John, hr. h. 37 St. Philip Haas John, tinner, Levee c.Berlin,Jeff.City Haas John, butcher, Magazine market Haas J. G. (Haas Sf Iftser,) 78 Custom- house Haas Matthias, 375 Customhouse Haas I'eter, plasti-rer, 29 Hospital Haas W(ndeliii, shoemaker, 17 Dauphine Haas & Wiser, (J. (1. Haas, B. Wiser,) lealher store, 78 Customhouse Haase Charles, tailor, 91 Common Habemann Edward, n. Poydras market Habeney Carl, Fourth c. Annunciation Haber A. (Goldsmith, Hahcr S( Co.) 47 Camji, d.227 Baronne Haber F. A..clk. 47 Camp, d. 227 Baronne Haber R'osina, St. Charles c. Jackson Haber Simon, (J. L. Bach, Foi-clieimcr ^ Co.) d. Nayades n. Melpomene Haberdir Andrew, tailor, 849 Magazine Haberle Henry, butcher, French market, d. La. av. c. Jersey, Jeff. City Habersreitinger Godefroy, butcher, Sora- paru market, d. Pleasant c. Fulton Haberslretinger G. shoemaker,New Levee c. 'I'oledano, Jeff. City Habcrsteick D. carp. Jackson c. White Haberstock John, bricklayer, 406 St. Ann Hubert H. paper hangings, 100 Charlres Habighorst G. sugar factor, 3 New Levee Hack Adam, locksmith, 83 Marais Hack J., Sjiain n. Goodchildren Hackelburn Michael, lab. 210 (^hippewa Hackenberg Frank, lock and gunsmith,801 New Levee, d. 4 Hackenberg P. ( Bcckhcrt Sf Hatkenberg,) Patterson, Algiers i Hacjienauer Joseph, bone black factory, i Washington n. St. .Andrew | Hacker Alexander, blacksmith, 239 New Levee, d. I . HACKER E., Hardware and Ship Chandlery; Builders' Materi- als and House Furnishing. Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.; Orleans fronting Treme mar- ket, d. 349 St. Claude, d. 3. Hacker Fred. c. h. Religious c. Orange Hacker John, shoemaker, Jersey c. Sixth Hackermuller Bernard, grocery, 178 St. Thomas Hackett Barney, drayman, 79 Bertrand Hackett Bernard, drayman, Bertrand near Poydras Hackett B. Mrs. 114 Howard Hackett Daniel, laborer, 493 Royal, d. 3 Hackett John, carpenter, 376 Terpsichore Hackett Patrick, laborer, 45 Marigny Hackett Susan Mrs., St. Charles n. First Hackett Thomas, 561 Rampart, d. 3 Hackette Johanna Mrs. 150 Toulouse Hackinger Ch. engineer, 200 Melpomene Hackmann Louisn, proprietress of Conti Street Veranda, 25 and 27 Conti Hackney N. J. clerk, Opelousas R. R. Depot, d. Prytania n. St. Andrew Hadden David, (Saml. E.Moore &( Co.) 48 Camp . Hadden James H. 338 Customhouse Hader Jacob, wareliouseman . 35 Magazine Hadersold W. upholsterer, 190 Royal Hadol E. Mrs. 243 Bayou road Hadsall G. A. b. h. 195 Basin, d. 1 Haem F. carpenter. Harmony n. Magazine Haefner John, wine bottler, 46 Adcle Haenchen Geo. lab. Bourbon c. Prosper Haering A. C. crockery, 295 Old Levee, d. 2 Hafele A. shoemaker, 248 Burgundy Hafelin G. M. 225 Daupliine Hafermeier H. c. h. 3 Front Hafler Frank, carpenter, 224 Bienville Hafner G. 17 Treme, d. 360 St. Ann Hafner H. seeds, 105 St. Charles Hafner Henry, c. h. Laurel c. Seventh Hafner Jno. b. h. St. Andrew n. Rousseau Hafkenmyer Charles A., St. Andrew near New Levee Hafkensbrink William H. confectioner, Nayades n. Polymuia Haff John, laborer, 65 Burgundy Haffin Patrick, laborer, Leed's row, Erato Haffner Ferdinand, cabinet maker, 540 Tchoupitoulas Hafft Christian, tailor, 519 Annunciation Hagan Adam Capt. 381 Dauphine, d. 3 Hagan Ann Mrs. 45 North market Hagan Dennis, laborer, St. Joseph near Tchoupitoulas Hagan Ellen, 84 Poet Hagan Francis d. 59 Prytania Hagan Francis, tailor, 348 Perdido Hagan Frank, painter, Thalia n. Prytania Hagan George, laborer, 187 Spain Hagan Geo wood, Rousseau n. Soraparu Hagan James, tinsmith, 292 Melpomene Hagan Jas. carpenter, Philip n. Dryades, d. 211 Roman, d. 2 Hagan Jas. stonecutter, Philip n. Dryades Hagan John, screwman, 6 St. Ferdinand Hagan Jno. stonecutter. First n. Dryades Hagan Lucy, furnished rooms, 159 Cus- tomhouse Flagan Luke, laborer, 265 Dryades Hagan Mary Mrs. 292 Melpomene Hagan Michael, laborer, 100 St. Thomas Hagan Michael, 178 Cypress Hagan Patrick, laborer, 513 Chartres,d.3 Hagan Pat. stonecutter. Fourth n. Laurel Hagan Pat. engineer, d. 292 Melpomene Hagan Peter, Peace n. Royal Hagan P. stonecutter, Philip n. Dryades Hagan Susan, dressmaker, 29 Dauphine Hagan Mrs. Susan, 462 Carondelet, d. 4 Hagan 'I'homas Mrs. 513 Chartres, d. 3 Hagans John, Conti n. Claiborne Hagedorn J. H. 35 Carondelet, d. 75 Conti Hageman James, cartman, 327 St. Philip Hagemann G. cigars, 223 Tchoupitoulas Hagenberger Martin, Felicity n. St. James Hageteit P. wood, coal, etc., 51 Rampart Hager Geo. baker, Rousseau c. Fourth Hagerty George, pilot, 100 Toulouse Haggerty Bartholomew, laborer, 292 St. Thomas Haggerty Brothers, (J. J. and M. R. Hag- gerty,) wholesale and retail dry goods, Touro buildings, 128 Canal Haggerty Dennis, drayman, 135 Religious Haggerty John A. & Co. (M.J.-Tark- ton,) bagging and rope, 31 Poydras, d. 603 St. Charles Haggerty J. J. (Haggerty Brothers,) 128 Canal Haggi>rty Pat. J. laborer, 508 Chartres Hagoney John A., Napoleon av. n Pry- tania, Jeff. City Hagstrom C. screwman. Laurel n. Second Haguen S. Miss, 33 Dauphine Hahn Bernard, poultry, Dryades market, d. 126 Euterpe Hahn Charles, cooper, 562 Dauphine, d. 3 Hahn Ferdinand, butcher, 486 Chipfii^wa Hahn Frederick, baker. 111 St. Anthony Hahn Henry, laborer, 160 Chippewa Hahn Jacob, clothing, 273 Rampart Hahn John, drayman, 267 Marigny Hahn John A. cabinet maker, 152 Delord Hahn Michael, attorney at law and notary . public, 92 Camp, d. 199 Julia Hahnbohm H. screwman, 747 Rampart, d. 3 Haight Eugene, time keeper, N. 0. &, 0. R. R. Algiers Haight Harmon, boat builder, Algiers Haight Rufus, depot keeper, Algiers Haiie Anthony, blacksmith, Tchoupitou- las n. St. James Haile Wm. R. clerk, 67 Canal Hailes Thomas, coffee saloon, 456 Tchou- pitoulas Hailes Thomas D. agent, 16 Exchange place, opposite Post Office Hailes & Sassinot, (James Hailes, L. G. Sassinot,) distillery agents and gene- ral brokers, 35 Barracks Haim Frank, Coliseum n. Sixth Haindel Charles, dairy , Claiborne n.Clouet Haindel John, baker, 105 Gravier Haindel John, grocer. First c. Fulton Haindel John, 464 Old Levee, d. 3 Haindel Martin, shoemak. 109 St. Anthony Haindel Mathias, d. 117 Washington HAI 209 HAL Haindel Thomas, Prosper n. Union Hiiinger C. engineer, 368 Basin, d. 1 Haines Manuel, slioenikr. Broad n. Orange Haines R. M. elk. d. Annunciation n.Krato Haingle G. laborer, 516 Burgundy, d. 3 Haisiet Joseph, painter, 310 Melpomene Hakenjos Christian Moritz, shoe fitter, 66 St. Louis Hakey William, drayman, McDonogh Hakigan Uridgi>t Mrs. 302 Terpsichore Halagan John, drayman, 105 Euterpe Halaraii H(Uiora, 97 St. Andrew Halhert Michael, ostler, d. 128 Orange Hrilbritter M. florist, Columbus n. Miro Hale Adolph, laborer, 88 Gaiennie Hale Gravenier, boatman, 256 Canal Hale Martha, Mrs. Constance n. Second Hale M. C, Constance n. Second Hale Patrick, laborer, Delord n. Magazine Hale Wm. mattressmaker, 301 Magazine Halei)ach Philip, wheelwright. Market n. Levee Haley Andrew, drayman, 364 Gravier Haley C. dressmaker, 174 Rampart, d. 1 Haley Daniel, laborer, 62 St. Louis Haley Dennis, laborer, 265 Dryades Haley James, laborer, Clara n. Gravier Haley James, tailor, 197 Tchoupitoulas tialey James P. c. h. 60 Girod, d. 1 Haley Jeremiah, stone cut. 140 Girod, d. 1 Haley Johanna Mrs., Erato n. Magnolia Hale'y John, 284 Clio, d. 1 Haley John, laborer, 81 Mandeville Haley .lohn, laborer, 315 Old Levee, d. 2 Haley John, drayman, 307 Tchoupitoulas Haley Matthew,c,iulker.584 Burgundy,d.3 Haley Mary Mrs., Thalia n. Dryadus Hali;y Michael, laborer, 364 Gravier Haley M. laborer, 456 Chartres, d. 3 Haley Pat. lab. Second n. Annunciation Haley Pat. cartman, 50C Chartres, d. 3 Haley Patrick, laborer, 85 Julia Haley Thomas, lab. 495 Dauphine, d. 3 Haley Thomas, bricklayer, 75 St. Louis Haley Thomas, laborer, 284 Dauphine Haley Thomas, laborer, 296 Orleans Haley I'homas, laborer, Poet n. Chartres Haley Win. stevedore, Rousseau n. Tiiird Hall Anthony, laborer, Algiers Hall Chas. E. Ibreman job office, 66 Camp Hall & Co. (0. E. Hall, J). M. HUdreth,) proprietors, St. Louis Hotel, Royal c. St. Louis Hall Edward, c. p. 250 Lafayette Hall Klizabeth Mrs., 401 Felicity Hall E. A. salesman, 84 Canal, d. 280 Philip, d. 4 Hall Edward L. clerk, 2 Magazine, d. 280 Philip, d. 4 Hall Francis, accountant, 33 New Levee Hall Francis M. book keeper, 11 Com- mercial place, d. 488 Rampart, d. 1 Hall George <). 349 Basin Hall G. W. dentist, 100 Camp Hall Henry F. (B. L. Mann &( Co.) 38 Fravier Hall Henry O. book keeper, 448 Rampart Hall Hugh, screwman, Race n. Tchoupi- toulas Hall H. H. painter, 239 Thalia Hall H. S. (Asa F. Cochrane &c Hall,) 11 Fulton Hall James A. clerk, 2 Magazine Hall James. W. pilot, Third n. Laurel Hall .Tohn, drayman, 98 Animnciation Hall John,d. 232 St. Charles Hall John M. grocer. Canal c. Tchoupitou- las, d. 172 Baronne Hall Lewis, screwman, 44 Elmire Hall Martin, screwman, d. 46 Race Hall N. C. 63 Dauphine Hall N. S. finisher, Lafayette c. Fourth Hall & Rodd, {John Hall, E W. Rodd,) sugar factors, com. and forwd. mers., 49 Customhouse Hall Robert, printer, 208 Lafayette Hall R. H. clerk, 20 St. Charles, d. 202 Hall S. S. (Bard Sf Hall,) 37 Camp, d. Citv Hotel Hall Tliomas, 82 St. Andrew Hall Thomas H. c. p. 281 Marais Hall Thomas Jefferson, ( Warren &f Hall,) 84 Common, d. 182 Third Hall Thomas W. clerk, d. 63 Dauphine Hall Wm. moulder, Euterpe n. Franklin Hall Wm. laborer, Claiborne n. Marigny Hall Wm. Mrs. 192 Main Hall Wm. B. c. h. Orange c. St. Thomas Hall W. E. (Montgomery S^ Hall,) 73 Ca- roiidelet, d. Second n. Carondelet Hall Wm. J. lal>orer, 267 Frenchmen Hall Wm. R. Dr. dentist. 175 Baronne Hallagan Michael, jr. clerk, 2 Chartres, d. Terpsichore n. Baronne Hallaran Philip, clerk, 41 Union, d. 1 HALLER & BROTHER, (John H. and Paul H. Haller,) Cop- per and Sheet Iron Workers, 188 Tchoupitoulas. Haller B. hardware, 51 Annunciation Haller Geo. painter, 19 Commercial place Haller Henry, accountant, 188 Tchoupi- toulas, d. 36 Annunciation Haller J. (Bret &,- Haller,) Merchant's hotel, St. Charles c Canal Haller Lud. tailor, 6 Jackson, d. 4 Haller Paul, (Haller S,- Brother,) 188 Tchoupitoulas Haller William, watchman, 90 Franklin Hallet Ramsey & Co. com. merchants, 87 Gravier Hallett Jacob P. ( Crowell &r Hallett,) 271 Front Leve' , d. 1 Halley Robert R. engineer, d. 443 Basin Holliday, Graham & Co. (J^\ TV. Graham, Graham, Halliday i),- Co., Cairo, Illinois,) genl. com. mers. 12 Poydras Halligutur Salvador, lab. 15 St. Anthony Halloway Peter, ship carp. Monroe, M'D. Hall(|uerty n. Common Hansell Charles, cott. broker. 316 Callioi)e Hansell H. H. saddlmy, 24 Magazine, d. Prytania c. Seventh Hansen Edward, barber, 251 Rampart, d.l Hansen J. fashionable boots and shoes, 14 Crossman, d. 165 St. Anthony Hansen William Capt. 266 Dryades Hansey Chas. tinsmith, 4.")!) Tchoupitoulas Hansey John, laborer, 450 Gravier Hanson Andrew, warehouseman, 88 Man- deville Hanson Andrew, warehouseman, 16 Ba- ronne Hanson A. Mrs., Cypress n. Derbigny Hanson Christopher,lab.H6 Independence Hanson C. butcher, Jackson n. Ruusseau Hanson H. blacksmith, 218 New Levee Hanson John II. laborer, 19 Enghien Hanson J, Mrs. oysters, 365 O. Levee ,d. 3 Hansen) J. lumber, New Levee c. Maren- go, Jefl'. City Hanson M. carpenter, 416 Felicity Hanson Peter, jjrinter, 102 St. Jane Hanson Peter, carp. Bourbon n. Solidelle Hanson P. drayitian. Rampart c. Second Hainan Frederick, Baronne n. Harmony Hanton Ambrose, Ituilder, d. 286 Thalia Hanway J. Mrs., Si. Thomas n. St. James Hanzo Anioine, tailor, 235 St. Louis Happisch Henry, barber, 101 N. Levee,d.4 Haran N. locksmith, 401 Chartres, d. 3 Harang A. J03 Rampart, d. 2 Harang L. P. 8 Royal Harbaugh J. W. laborer, 280 Common Harbeke C. cabt. maker, Johnson n. Canal Harberger Conrad, cabinet maker, 14 .Johnson, d. 2 Harberger Lorenzo, white leather dresser. Third n. Dryades Harbez Alphonse, grocer, 135 Conti Harbor Tow Boat Of]ice,8 Fnnit Levee,d.2 Harby G.W. principal Paulding p. s.,d. 1, d. 23 Religious Hari)y Isaac R. cl.:rk, 28 St. Charles Harby S. Dr. editor Bee newspaper, (G. F. Weisse &. Co.) d.3G9 Magazine Harde Mat. painter, Ursniines n. Galvez I-iardiU Louis, clerk, 128 Canal Harden Thos. steward, 101 Derbigny, d.2 Hardenberg Charles, clerk, 38 Perdido Hardenbrook J., St. Andrew n. Baronne Hardenbrook Wm. sailmaker, 69 Front Levee, d. 1 Hardendock Frank, Thalia n. Second Haider Jacob, porter, 152 Union, d. 3 Harder (). 107 Columlms Hardie Augusle Mrs., Morales n. Music Hardie C. L., 282 Roman HAR 212 HAR Hardie Etienne, 160 Ursulines Hardie John T. & Co. (Martin S. Cassedy, C. J. Mcholson, James C. Rupert,) com. mers. 44 Carondelet, d. 209 Prytania Hardie J.W. atty. atla:w,Natchez c.Camp Hardie William H. clerk, 12 Poydras Hardiman John, warehouseman, 274 St. Thomas Hardiman P. clerk, 273 Liberty Hardin F. A. 240 Bienville Harding, Abbay & Morehead, (J.J^. Har- ding, S. F. R. Abbay, S.J. Morehead,) cotton factors and com. mers. 59 Ca- rondelet Harding F. B. feed store, Girod c. Com- merce Harding Harvey A. dog trainer, Second n St. Dennis Harding Jesse S. engineer, 391 Baronne Harding John, laborer, St. Mary n Fulton Harding Thos. laborer, 87 Derbigny, d. 3 Harding Thos. grocer, Girod c. Commerce Harding William, 23 Carondelet Hardingburg M. clerk, 17 Chartres Mardman George, poultry, 17 Euterpe Hardman Robert, laborer, 106 Annunc'n Hardmey J. C. princl. of the IM . 0. Acad- emic Institute, Ursulines c Hospital HARDON F, R., Millinery and Fancy Goods, 27 late 29 Chartres. Hardonir L. Mrs. 276 St. Philip Hardt Henry, laborer, Newton, McD. Hardy A. cigars, St. Mary n. Magazine Hardy C. W. carpenter, lo6 Delord Hardy Etienne, shoemaker, 144 Poet Hardy George H. coffee house and gro- cery, 163 Carondelet Hardy John, f. m. c. cigars, 260 Bayou rd Hardy Mertil Mrs., St. Andrew n Howard Hardy P. A. tobacco sampler, Hunter n. New Levee, d 294 St. Charles Hardy P. A. tailor, 328 St. Peter Hardy Robert, St. Andrew n. Howard Hardy Sarah, St. Peter n. Roman Hare Christopher, saddler, 147 Conti Hare P. soap factory, Second c. Liberty Hare Peter, clerk, 201 Tchoupitoulas Hare Robert, cotton factor and com. mer. 55 Carondelet, d. 119 Constance Hare Samuel F. cooper, Magnolia n. La- fayette Hare Thomas, variety store, 201 Tchou- pitoulas Hare Walter J. clerk, 119 Constance Harent Charles, carpenter, Peter, Algiers Hargen Michael, laborer, 349 Camp Hargimer August, drayman, 158 Religious Hargot Henry, laborer, 336 Howard Harhn Joshua, laborer, Gretna Harighausen John, laborer, 34 Constance Haring Constantine A. daguerreian ,2 Hos- pital Harispe Charles, (Castillo &c Harispe,) 25 Carondelet Harkenburg Frantz, gun and locksmith, 765 New Levee, d. 4 Harkey David M. clerk, 128 Canal Harlihy Timothy, ship carpenter, Algiers Harlow John E. salesman, 296 Liberty Harlow Margaret, 61 Port Harman F. H. barkeeper, Tchoupitoulas c. St. Joseph Harman L. Constance n. Second Harman L. S. printer, d. Here-and-There Harman William, lab. 566 Burgundy, d.3 Harmann Lionel, marketman, Pleasant c. Chestnut Harmon Carolina Mrs. Magazine n. Up- per Line, Jefferson City Harmon Henry, cabinetmaker, Roman c. St. Ann Harmon T. Mrs. furnished rooms, 134 St. Peter Harmon Wm. B. salesman, 69 Tchoupi- toulas Harmstead E. A. Mrs. b. h. 120 Poydras Harnan Pat. B. western produce, 179 Tchoupitoulas Harnett John, 68 Robertson Harney Edwin, f. m. c. barber, 6 Baronne Harney H. B. Prytania n. St. Andrew Harney John, laborer, 290 St. Thomas Harney John, laborer, 79 Delord Harney Thos. laborer, 94 St. Thomas Harney Thos. laborer, 87 Delord Harp Rob. T. Rev. Chartres c. Enghien Harper B. S. (Jinderson &{ Harper,) d. 308 Terpsichore Harper Edward, screwman, 329 Chippewa Harper Geo. carpenter, Seguin n. Peter, Algiers Harper Geo. private watchman, 101 Clai- Dorne, d. 2 Harper Jacob, Capt. Elmire, Algiers Harper James M. stables, 40 St. Louis Harper John, painter, St. Jane n. Gravier Harper John, lab. 557 Dauphine, d. 3 Harper John H. engineer, 60 Viilere, d. 2 j Harper John T. ( Forshag 8f Harper) 86 Marais, d. 2., d. St. James c. Gravier Harper John, laborer, 83 St. Thomas Harper J. H. trader. Seventh n. Magazine Harper Maria Mrs. 494 Basin Harper Parmela, 195 Bienville Harper Sarah Mrs. 31 Basin, d. 2. Harper Sarah Mrs. Elmire, Algiers Harper Thomas, drayman, St. Ferdinand n. Goodchildren Harper Thomas E. carp. 181 Franklin, d. 1 Harper T. D. 57 Ex. place, d. 133 Barracks Harper W. P. clerk, 40 Perdido, d. 133 Barracks Harpett John, cab driver, 116 Constance Harr William, carpenter. Levee n. St. Jo- seph, Jeff. City Harral Ann, 223 Customhouse Harrell A. J. (McCan &c Han-ell,) Fulton b. Julia and Notre Dame, d. 330 Camp Harrell E. F. 38 Magazine Harrell M. laborer, 718 Dauphine, d. 3 Harrick R., St. Mary n. Laurel HAR 213 EAR Harrigan John, grocer, Girod c. Rampart Harrington Diinl.engin'r, 95 Indi'pt'nikMice Harrington John, draj'man, 75 Richard Harrington Thos.H.l)uildcr,l29:J Magazine Harrington Timothy, drayni. 191 Uryades Harrington William, laborer, 287 Howard Harrington W. H ambroty.pist, 6 Camp Harris Aaron, (.llcrandcr Harris Hf Co.) 32 Carondelct, d. 35 Bourbon Harris Abraham, fancy dry goods, 267 Rampart, d. 1 Harris Abraham, glazier, 257 Gravior Harris Alexander & Co ( L. J. Jiarris and .iarnn Harris,) brokers, 32 Caronde- let, d. 225 Prytania Harris Alexandrrjr. clerk, 31 Natchez, d. 210 St, Louis' Harris Andrew J. jiainter. Sixth n. Laitrel Harris Benj. f. m. c. Perdido n. Johnson Harris & Carreras,(' C/inr/cs Harris, A.Car- reras,) ship joiners, Algiers Harris C. clerk, 234 Tchoupiioulas Harris D. A. broker, 23 Carondelct, d. Prytania n. Jackson Harris D. A. d. 122 St. Philip Harris Edwin, clerk, 31 Natchez, d. 210 St. Louis H. E. iVI rs. 12 Pontalba buildings, St. Ann HARRIS, BERCIER & CO. (IE. H. Harris, Oscar B e r c i e r , Wm. S. Wright, Thomas Ong; Commission and Forwarding • Merchants, also Dealers in Western Produce, 77 Tchou- pitculas. Harris Geo. A. hackman,114 Derbigny,d.2 Harris James, 116 Spain Harris Jos. L. agt. for Cox, Brainard & Go's steamers, 95 Camp, d. St. Charles c. Toledano, JeHerson City Harris J. C. president of the southern steam ship company, 57 Camp, d. Gasquet c. Robertson Harris J. O. collector. New Levee c. Gra- • vier, d. 189 Camp Harris J. S. Mrs. dress maker, 285 Ca- rondelct Harris Lucy, f. w. c. 199 Dauphine Harris L. .1. (.Ilexander Harris 8,- Co.) 32 Carondelct, d. 157 (.-'usiomhousc Harris Micajah & Son.f Thomas B.Harris,) com. mers. 73 Carondelet,d. Bordeaux c. Plaquemine Harris Morgan E. bk. keeper, 65 Gravier, d. 222 Canal Harris Morris B. 517 Royal, d. 3 Harris Mos'es, clerk, 26 Poydras, d. 210 St. Louis Harris M. A. Mrs. 44 Robertson, d. 1 Harris M. f. w. c. furn. rooms, 44 Marais Harris Otis, acct. Common c. Kront Harris Reuben, cooper, 190 Locust Harris Ruth, f. w. c. Ferdido n. Johnson ' Harris R. Mrs. 72 Soraparu Harris Sarah Mrs. 190 Locust Harris Thos. B. (Micajah Harris Sf Son,) 73 Carondelct, d. 258 St. Andrew Harris T. D. accountant, 157 Gravier, d. 295 St. Charles Harris T. D. pressman, 285 Carondelct HARIRIS & CO. (Thomas J. Har- ris, Joseph Simons,) Auc- tioneers and Commission Merchants, No. 132 Poydras street, between St. Charles and Carondelct. Strict atten- tion paid to the sales of Mer- chandise, Furniture, Real Estate, Negroes, &c., in and out doors. Cash advances made on Consignments. Harris T. S. pilot, Fourth c. Carondelet Harris T. foreman, Polymnia n. Caron- delet Harris W. H. Mrs. 49 Johnson, d. 2 Harris William, lab. Morales n. Marigny Harris William, tarpaulins, 15 Poyfarrc Harris Wm. iMrs. Robertson n. Common Harris W. J. clerk, 8 New Levee Harrison A. R. Chesnut c. Philip llarri.son B. laborer, 81 Gasquet Harrison Charles, painter, 209 Mandeville Harrison Danl. ( Picrson, Harrison Sf Co.) 1 Magazine c. Canal Harrison Fanny, fur. rooms, 64 Union, d.l Harrison Gabriel, watchmkr. 121 Ex.placc Harrison Geo. pound keeper, 365 Bienville Harrison Geo. P. (Cutrer, HanisonSf Co.) 27 Carondelet Harrison H. M. Mrs. 251 Girod Harrison H. A. clerk, 76 Canal Harrison H. carpenter, Goodchildren c. Louisa Harrison James 0. attorney at law, 13 CoiTimercial place Harrison Janus Capt. 350 Dryades Harrison James & Co. (George Jflgp:,) com. mers. 78 Customhouse, d. Si. Charles hotel Harrison John, 303 Carondelet Harrison John, clerk, d. 399 Magazine Harrison John, screwman, 46 Poet Hnrri.son J. P. (Payne &,- Ha)-rison,) 51 Union, d. 1, d. Coliseum c. Urania Harrison J. stock mur. 352 St. Charles Harrison Peter, laborer, 563 Royal, d. 3 Harrison P. 97 Coliseum Harrison Richard A. Mrs. female semi- nary, Brooklyn, Algiers Harrison R. F. machinery depot, 40 St. Charles, d. 118 Delord Harrison Richard M. 24 Magazine, d. 204 Seventh Harrison R. M. clerk, d. 107 Delord Harrison William, .326 St. Charles Harrison William C. Capt. d. 38 Gasquet Harrison William C. nilot, d. 38 Gasquet Harrison Wm. b. h. Alex, Algiers 16 HAR 214 HAR Harrison Wm. L. joiner, Algiers Harriss Gio. P. clerk, 73 < 'aiondeiet Harrissoii Benjamin S. 100 Gravier, d. 467 St. Cliarli's Harrisson CInistian, fishmonger, Eighth n. IV ew Levee Hai-risson J. P. Mrs., St. Charles n. Clio I tarri.ssdii Robert, sraman, 300 Dryades Harrmai) Rosiiia, 8'J Laurel Harrod t>. M. architect, 48 St. Charles Harind Charlis, agent, E. Carver & Co., 46 St. Charles, d. 61 Dauphine Harror John, Bernard n. Gentilly road Harsey Peter, labonir, 40 Constance Harstein Louis, Marigny Canal c. Union Hart Alexandei- & Co. (JiLexander Sf J. Hart,) gents furii'g store, 13 Chartres Hart A. clerk, 430 Main Hart A . Dr. city nhysician, 129 Carondelet Hart B. Mrs. 430 Main Hart B. laborer. Locust c. Thalia Hart B. B. (E. J. Hart &c Co.) 73 and 75 Tchoupitoulas, d. St. Charles hotel Hart Charles, tailor, 1412 Claiborne Hart Charle.s, hack driver, 294 St. Thomas Hart Edward, laborer, 330 Felicity . Hart Elizabeth Mrs. 310 Annunciation Hart E. J. Co. (Ezekiel Salomon, B. B. Hurt,) wholesale grocers, 73 and 75 Tchoupitoulas, d. 125 Constance Hart Eugene, clerk, Prytania c. Euterpe Hart Frederick, accountant, 12 Royal Hart F. laborer, Clio n. Claiborne Hart Hiram H. printer, 27 Commercial place, d. Magncdia, c. Poydras Hart A Wintz, (Henry Hart, Fred.Jfintz,) omnibus line, extends above -Stock Landing station. Magazine c. Pleas- ant, d. Felicity, c. Annunciation Hart Isaac, jr. clothing, 72 Old Levee Hart Isaac, salesman, 13 Chartres, d. 9 Terpsichore Hart Isaac T. d. 318 St. Charles Hart James, gas fitter, 102 Howard Hart John, dray master, 133 Frenchmen Hart John, lab. rear 369 Tchouj)itoulas Hart John, laborer, 300 Hov/ard Hart John, mate, Melpomene c. Clara Hart John, slater, 402 Liberty Hart JoJni, laborer, 87 Cypress Hart Joseph, laborer, d. 399 Magazine Hart Joseph, tinsmith, 110 Poydras Hart Judah, loan office, 95 St. Charles Hart Julia, 9 Terpsichore Hart J. K. clothing, 81 Old Levee Hart J. W. Mrs. 330 Robertson, d. 3 Hart Lawrence, lab. Roman n. St. Louis Hart Lawrence, tab. 262 Franklin Hart L. clerk, 13 Chartres Hart & Martin, ( T. B. Hart, Dicight Mar- tin,) attorneys at law, 13 Commercisd place Hart Robert, carp. St. Ann, c. Broad Hart Samuel, 215 Canal Hart Sidney A. clerk, 13 Chartres Hart T. Jefferson, 182 Third Hart Thomas, laborer, d. 9 Port I Hart Thomas, sand, 113 Enghien Hart Toby, sign painter, 30 Comm'l place Hart Walter, laborer, Bolivar n. Gravier Halt Wni. M. clerk, 90 Magazine Hart Wm. grocer, Gravier c. Rampart Hart W. A. painter, 305 Poydras Hartbach G. Mrs. 473 Chartres Hartel F. & Co. (G. Frank,) music deal- ers, 56 Camp, d. 162 Rampart Harter Edward, lab. Jersey n. La. av. Jeffeison City Harter Ewd. J. c.p. Pleasant n. Chippewa Hartig C. laborer, Dorgenois n. St. Peter Hartiviiig John, First n. St. Thomas Hartleb F. watch and clock maker, 307 Carondelet Hartley James, laborer, 74 Independence Hartley William, laborer, 85 Delord Hartley Joseph, Orleans n. London av. Hartley Thomas, lab. 166 Chippewa Hartman A. M. Mrs. 870 New Levee Hartman C. F. apothecary, 280 New Levee, d. 1 Hartman Fred, bricklayer, St. Louis c. Villere Hartman Fred, laborer, 49 Main Hartman Geo. St. Anthony n. Josephine Hartman Ignatz, saddler, 85 Baronne Hartman J. Mrs. 410 Ursulines Hartman Louis, grocer, 481 Royal, d. 3 Hartman Louis H. 192 Tchoupitoulas Hartman William, grocer, 89 Mandeville Hartman W. upholsterer, 100 Conti Hartmann Antoine, barber, 176 Bourbon Hartmann Fred, bricklayer, 239 St. Louis Hartmann Henry Mrs. 312 Orleans Hartmann Jos. musician, 406 Customhouse Harrain S. W. c. h. and b. h. CarroUton Hartnett John, Third n. Fulton Hartrick Uavid, shoemkr, 870 Magazine Hartnett Daniel, Alex, Algiers Hartnett Cavalier J. clerk, 59 Gravier Hartnett H. Mrs. Alex, Algiers Hartnett John, blacksmith, Alex, Algiers Hartrath Joseph, engraver, 205 Conti Hartt M. 128 Customhouse Hartwell A. C. L., St. Louis, warehouse, Jefferson City Hartwell Charles C. plumber, 130 Ram- part, d. 1 Hartwell Eliza Mrs. b. h. 130 Rampart,d.l Hartwell Wm. f. m. c. Tlnrd n. Rampart Hartwick H., First n. Rous.seau Harlwig John, tailor, 14 Toulouse Hariwig Theodore, c. h. 279 Rampart, d. 2 Hartworth Chas. rigger, Jefferson, McD. Harty Peter, carpenter, 88 Clouet Harty Philip, sexton, Lafayette Cemetery Hauler Ferd, confect'r, Dryades c. Erato Hausmann A. B. Mrs. 69 Goodchildren Harvey Ann, f. w. c. nurse, 2 Carroll Harvey B., Washington n. St. Thomas Harvey C. M. & l^o. (R. B. Harvey,) com. and ford. mers. 61 St. Charles Harvey Edward, 681 St. Claude, d. 3 Harvey G. S. G. (G. JV. Moi-rison Sf Co.) 12 Magazine HAR 216 HAU Harvey Harry, weigher, 313 St. James Harvy Hy. B. d. Prytania n. St. Andrew Harvey James, com. mer. d. Washington c. Coliseum Harvey James, bagging rolling machine, 184 New Levee", d. 1 Harvey J(^sse, f. m. c, furnished rooms, 14 B.u'onne Harvey J. C. B. Dr. 66 Jackson, d. 4 Harvey J. H. hrickmaki'r, Jefferson City Harvey R. B. (C. JVi. Harvey Sf Co.) 61 St. Charles Harvey William, screwman, St. Thomas c. Orange Harvey William, laljorer, 490 Chartrcs Harvey Wm. eap]iersmitli, 234 Girod, d. 50 St. Thomas Harv-rf,^ Louisiana and Factors 'Cot- ton Presses, Robin c. St. Thomas and Pacanier c. Tchoupitoulas, d. Terpsi- chore c. Chippewa Hasin George, 147 Rampart, d. 2 Hasler Mitchell, dyer, 182 Kampart, d. 1 Hasler W. F. butcher, Soraparu market, d. Jersey n. Marengo, Jefferson City Hasling L. grocery, Algiers Hasling J. 11. c. h. and grocery, Algiers Hasling J. H. & Ccf.( Henry Carstens,) gro- cers, Patterson, Algiers Haslingir Jacob, jiriiittM-, d. 30 First Haslm Win. cigars, 781 New Levee, d. 4 Hasman Frank, laborer, 132 Piety Haspil Davis, shoemaker, 238 Rampart Hassard J. W. clerk. Third c. Fulton Hasse C. lab, 215 Union, d. 3 Hassc F. lab. 215 Union, d. 3 Masse Geo. trader, 702 Annunciation Hassett John, drayman, 64 St. Thomas Hassinger Chas. d. St. Thomas c. Thalia Hassinger C, Annuiicia. c. Harmony, d. 4 Hassenger Jacob ( Pfeiffer if Co.) 49 Poy- dras, d. 30 First Hassinger Henry, jirinter, 211 Baronne Hassinger S. M. Mrs. grocery, Annuncia- tion c. Harniimy Hassman Mrs. midwife, 139 Daiiphine Hassman T. gas fitter, 258 Chartres Hassy Edward, boatman, 16 Poet Hastale Henry, cartman, 208 Delord Hastings .lohn, lab. 29 North Market Hastings M. Miss,groc<'ry, Campc. Erato Hastings Samuel, apothecary. Felicity c. Magazine Hastings Thomas, mate, 219 St. Philip Hastings William, mate, 82 Maiigny Hastner Michael, Josephine ii. Union Hatch F. H. collector, N. 0. Customhouse Hatrh S. S. inspect, cust's. Customhouse Hatchel Magdelene Mrs. 399 Baronne HATCHER CHAS. P. Slave Depot, (J. M. Curet(On, supeiinteu- dent,) 195 Gravier, for receiving, for- vearding and selling for Merchants, Planters and Traders. Also, keeps con- stantly on hand a good assort- ment of Field Hands, Mechan- ics and House Servants, low for cash or good acceptances. Hatcher Joseph, shoemaker, 206 Bourbon Hathaway Wm. H. d. Chestnut n. Sec-ond Hatherway Peter, ship carpenter, Algiers Hathmaker, H. tailor, G Treme Halhorn William A. 349 Basin Hatrel Eugene, (Hughes, Hijlested Sf Co.) 45 Union, d. 1, (I. 227 Bayou road Hatry Leopold, d. 312 Old Levee, d. 2 Hairy T. br. h. 76 St. Louis Hati John, laborer, 707 Fulton, d. 4 Hatten (ieorge, carpenter, St. Andrew n. Tchoupitoulas Hatterer A. clerk, 7 St. Charles Hattier A. F. 140 Comm.>n,d. 3.56 St.Philip Hattier Henry, cot. wiigher, 516 Royal,d.3 Hattier Victor H. acct. 140 Common Hatton George, carpenter, 39 Soraparu Hau Jean, dairy, 142 Louisiana Hau Pi. rre, 143 Main Haub H. trader, 133 Independence Haul) Jno. cabinet mkr. 483 Dauphinc, d.3 Haubold G., Common n. Villere Haucli Arthur, shoemaker, 134 Carondelet Hauch Arthur, sailmak.r, 203 Toulouse Hauchard Francis, cigars. 69 Burgundy Hauck Arthur, saddler, 210 Chartres Hauck C. carpenter. Water n. Seventh Hauck M. butcher, Patterson, .\lgiers Hauck Valintine, locksmith, 401 Magazine Hauck Wendeilin, laborer, 423 Robert- son, d 3 Hauck W. Mrs. 145 St. Anthony Haiier Anton, iiaker, 152 Mandeville Haiier Jno. carp. Jersey n.Berlin.Jeff.City Hauersiein Jno. cabinet maker, 73 Elmira Hang Fred, fn sco painter, d. 409 Liberty Haugheriy Charles, moulder, d. 100 Con- stanci; Haughten J. R. constable First Justice's Court, 77 Julia, d. 353 Carondelet Hauffle H. W. d. Gleisse's row, Foydras Hauik Eugene, (C. E. Legras Sf Co.) 81 Gravier HAU 216 HAY HAUGHERY MARGARET (Successor to F. D'Aquin & Co.) Bread and Crackers Baker, 36 New Levee. Refer to W. A. Violett & Co., Hall, Kemp & Co., E. J. Hart & Co., H. Block & Co., Goodrich & Co., J. H. Dudley & Co., Dud- ley, Nelson & Co., Biscoe & Simms, Holmes & Clauss, Payne, Steel & Co., J. T. Moore, W. L. Allen & Co., Thompson & Barnes, G. M. Bayly & Co., Oglesby & Ma- caulay, Dyas & Co., and the Grocers generally. Hauler Ferdinand, confectioner, Dryades c. Erato Haun Enoch, mate, 83 Franklin, d. 2 Hauptman Cath'e, Piospern. St. Anthony Haurut Alfred, 73 Exchange place Haurut Therese Mrs. milliner, 107 Chartres Haupp C. Mrs. 51 Annunciation Haus Vanderlin, shoemr. 162 Rampart, d.l Hauschell Christian, 270 Morales Hauschild John H. carpenter, 162 St Fer- dinand Hauschild George H. barkeeper, Poydras c. Magazine Hauschild Henry ,carpenter, Cotton Press c. Morales Hause George, Annunciation n.Toledano Hauser Abraham, furniture, 181 Ram- part, d. 1 Hauser Edward, carpenter, 331 Fulton Hauser Ed. carp. 39 Treme Hauser Ludwig, Jackson n. Rousseau Hauser Wm. drayman, Levee n. Cadiz, Jefferson City Hausinger Charles, wood yard, Dryades n. Felicity Hausknecht Christian, c. h. Gretna Hausknecht Christ, jr. Gretna Hausknecht Peter, warehouseman, d. Terpsichore n. Locust Hausnian Gustav,gunsmith,423St. Charles Hausman Jno. shoemkr.d. 272 Melpomene Hausner J. V. undertaker, 78 Rousseau Hausner J. barber, 47 Rousseau Haussler W. F. butcher, Jersey n. Ma- rengo, Jeff. City Hauswelt S. liquor vender, 21 St. Philip Haul Philip, lab. 406 St. Ann Hautteau F. rope mkr. Eighth n. Apollo Haverland John, moulder, 343 Howard Haverson Hans, carpenter, 11 Greatmen Haverty Michael, porter, Erato n. Locust Havichorst ]. J. lab. Desire n. Levee Hawes John, bookbinder, 76 Triton walk Hawes Peter, stationery, 68 Camp, d. Fe- licity n. Magazine Hawes Samuel, clerk, 28 Gravier Hawkins Ann M., Josephine n. Howard Hawkins A. W., City Hotel Hawkins George, lab. 81 Julia Hawkins George, f. m. c. 270 St. Louis Hawkins James, screwm. 84 Mandeville Hawkins James, Josephine n. Howard Hawkins John, engineer, Jackson R. R. Hawkins J. lab. Morales n. St. Ferdmand Hawkins Maria, f.w.c. Josephine n.Girod Hawkins M.boat build. Jersey n. Valence Hawkins & Norwood, (G. S. Hawkins, A. J. J^orwood,) com. mers. 48 Ca- rondelet Hawkins G. S. (Hawkins &c J^orwood,) d. Canal c. Rampart Hawley C. M. com. and forwd. mer. 61 St. Charles c. Union Hawley Fletcher T. Rev. 271 First Hawn John, (Rusha 8f Hawn,) 79 Caron- delet Haworth J. F. H. grocer, Marais c. Bien- ville Hawthorn Alex. T. (McCollum Sf Hav- 'thorn,) forwd. and com. mers. 128 Common Hawthorn Geo. clerk, 219 Poydras Hawthorn Thos. W., Carrollton Hawthorn T. J. c. h. 12 Front Levee, d 2 Hay George D. 14 Poydras Hay l^ouis, cotton pickery, d. 171 Robin Hay W. A. clerk, 36 Ferdido Haydel A. ( Trosclair Sf Haydel,) 19 Con- ti, d. 112 Frenchmen Haydel Adele M. 241 Rampart, d. 2 Haydel Edward C. atty. at law, 18 Ex- change place Haydel Jacques, 137 Barracks Haydel M. B. 25 History Haydel M. B. 230 Rampart, d. 2 Hayden Edward, groc'y, 11 Annunciation Hayden Edward, carp. Clara n. Clio Hayden F. H., Carrollton Hayden John Rev. 282 Common Hayden Samuel C. lab. 620 Burgundy,d.3 Haydon James H. Mrs. 388 Customhouse Hayen Samuel, butcher, 35 French mkt Hays Charles F. clerk, 57 Common Hayes Charles, lab. 7 Spain Hayea C. S. 271 Gravier, d. Clio n. Basin Hayes E. Mrs. 845 Dauphine, d. 3 Hayes E. drayman, 290 Dryades, d. 4 Hayes George B. clerk, d. 87 Race Hayes H. M. inspector, 233 Chippewa Hayes James, baker, 266 Dryades Hayes Jacob F. 266 Poydras Hayes James B. clerk, 87 Race Hayes James, laborer, 135 Howard Hayes James B.clk. Orange n. Religious Hayes John, lab. 550 Rampart, d. 3 Hayes John, painter, 134 Liberty Hayes Julius Mrs., Josephine n. Laurel Hayes John J. Dr., Luzenberg Hospital, 513 Magazine Hayes Mary Mrs. 134 Liberty Hayes Michael, plasterer, 42 St. Mary Hayes Nancy, 94 St. Andrew Hayes Patrick, blacksmith, 229 Poydras Hayes Patrick, porter, 246 Rampart HAY Hnyes Philip, 25 Girod 217 HRB HAYES SAMUEL, Sign of the Red Anvil, No. 31 Front and 32 Fulton streets, Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Rope, Oils, Iron, Steel, Nails, Pack- ing Yarn, Gum Packing Paints, Glass, Putty, Oakum, at the Lowest Market Prices. Hfiyos & Sanders (.iiHen L. Hayes, Robert W. Sandei's,) cotton factors and com. nu'rs. 61 Caroiuldot Hayes Timothy, plaslorer, 345 Annunci- ation, d. 4 Hayman John Mrs. 066 Customhouse Hayman R. L. Dr. 1 14 Carondejet Haynes A. F. ( Broadtrell Sf Haynes,) 40 Union, d. Camp c. First Haynes D. R. Dr. 399 M.ipomene Haynes F'rank. atty. at law, 48 Camp Haynes 8. B. student Charity Hospital Haynes Thomas, clerk, 65 Tchoupitoulas Haynes Wm. H. & Co. (J. G. IJngham, Arthur ForstaU,) com. merchants, 22 St. Charles Haynie J. D. ( Purvif: S; Haynie,) cotton broker.s, 46 Carondel.-t Hays Adeline Mrs. 335 Dryadea Hays Ann Mrs. Chijipewa n. St. Andrew Mays Catherine, 8 Calliope Hays George B. Jackson n. St. Thomas Hays H. M. inspector Suzette Tobacco Warehouse c. Tchoupitoulas, c. Erato, d. 2.32 Chippewa Hays & Adams, ( Hai-ry T. Hays, /). W. Adams,) attys. at law, 13 St. Charles Hays Harry T. (Hays Sf Mams,) d. 116 Chestnut Hays James, baker, 314 Magazine Hays Jeremiah, drayman, 69 St. Thomas Hays Jeremiah, Erato n. Annunciation Hays Jolui, pedler, 43 Viliere, d. 2 Hays John, 300 Lafayette Hays Miciiael, plasterer, 82 Camp Hays M. laborer, 79 Annunciation Hays Michael, carpt. Carondelet c. Sixth Hays Peter, drayman, 313 Bienville Hays Philip, screwman, St. James, n. St. Thomas Hays Solomon, hardware, 31 Front Hays W. R. C. c. p. 282 Poydras Hayward C. W. book keeper, 28 Common Hayward Fred, mason, 251 St. Louis Hayward Jno. f. m. c. painter, 247 Conti Hayward S. cotton press, Robin c. St. Thomas, d. 177 Annunciation Hayward Wm. H., Tchoupitoulas c. New Levee, d. 177 Annunciation Hazard J. B. book keeper, 3n Common Hazard J. W. laborer. Third c. Fulton Hazard Thos. E. carpt. Cliariresc. Clouct Hazlehursl Mary Mrs. 132 Lafayette Hazard C. J. (Winston, J^Iorrison Sf Co) 47 Union, d. 1 Hazeur E. F tailor, 396 St. Ann Hazel Stephen, cooper, 218 New Levee, d.l Hazlett Joseph, painter, d. 301 Mrlpomene Healierlr Henry, butcher, 85 and 87 French market Hcaden William, clerk, 60 Gravier d. 163 St. Mary Heal Michael, lab. 1.33 Thalia Heald James, barkeeper, 96 St. Charles Heald J. H. d. 119 Chestnut Healey Ann Mrs. 384 Customhouse Healey George, Claiborne near St. Louis Healey James, tailor, 197 Tehouiutoulns Healey J. hatter, Elysian Fields n. Old Levee Healey Michael, groccr,Julia c.Carondelet Healey Thos. dry goods, 335 Carondelet Healy Matthew, printer, d. 109 Viliere Healy Josephine, millinery, Old Levee c. Barracks Healy Mary, 275 Thalia Heancy Charles, lab. Jackson R.R. depot Heaney Thomas, lab. 438 Clio Heaphey Catharine, Sixth near Laurel Heaphey M. grocer, 314 Bienville Heard Richard, laborer, St. Ferdinand near Old Levee Hearsey Addison, Baronne near Seventh Hearsey C. G. accountant, 29 Camp Hearsey Eveline, 182 Annunciation Hearsey T. G. clerk, 31 Front Heartt H. G. agent of the Commissioner of Claims at Washington City, d. Orleans Hotel Heath Edward H. house furnishing goods 75 Camp Heath Henry, f. m c, bricklayer, 95 Gas- quet Heath Jno. bookkeeper, 2.58 Magazine Heath John T. 288 Carondelet Heath Wm. lab. 800 St. Claude, d. 3 Heatherton Thomas M. clerk. 12Magazine HEATION GEORGE, Star Plan- ing Mill, 334 Rampart, d. 1. d. Levee n. Poland. Healion John, 41 Piety Heaton L. A. surveyor, Madison n. Fifth, Carrollton Heaton Samuel C. 620 Burgundy, d. 3 Hebard Merlin, 2.50 Ramjiart, d. 2 Heaveman Edward, grocer, 101 Perdido Heavy Bridget, 270 Customhouse Hebberman Jack, vegetables, 11 Dryades market Hebbler Henry, •'526 Chartres Hebel .Tacob, barber, 506 Royal, d. 3 Hebeler G. tailor, 15 Canal Hebcrlin Jacob, cooper, 368 St. Peter Hebert A. superintendent fire department, City Hall, d. 56 Franklin Hebert Victor, clerk, 37 Magazine Hei)rftis D. butcher 43 French Market Hebrnrd A. 182 Rampart, d. 2 Hebrard B. W. dry goods, 236 Dauphine, d. 231 Rampart, d. 2 HEBERT & ESCOUSSE (Victor Hebert, Hypolite Escousse) Booksellers and Stationers. Books and French Paper Hangings. Religious, Scien- tific, Artistic, Literary, and French and English School Books. A complete assort- ment of Ledgers, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Christmas and New Years' Gifts; Bookbind- ing ; Subsci'iptions received for all the French Publica- tions at 131 late 149 Chartres. HEBRARD & CO., (P. A. He- brard, A. Laforest, A. Beatty) Louisiana Steam Clothing Manufactory. All orders exe- cuted with dispatch, of the best materials and workman- ship, 165 and 167 Canal, be- tween Baronne and Di-yades, d. Burgundy, c. St. Peter. Hebrard Fran<;ois, tailor, 261 St. Peter Hebrard Henry, tailor, 126 Bienville Hebrard Madam, dyer and scourer, 142 Bourbon Hebrard P. A. jr , acct. 75 Old Levee Hebrard Richard, commission mercht, 11 Toulouse, d. 231 Main Hebrew Cemetery, Jackson b. Laurent and Benton, d. 4 Hebrew Church, Kuterpe n. Baronne Heby Christian, baker, 594 Baronne, d. 4 Hecaud Benj. shoemak 378 Rampart, d. 3 Hecaud H. shoemaker, 183 Robertson d. 2 Hecheler Fred, tailor, 178 Franklin, d. 1 Hechinger A. Rev. Rousseau n. First Hechinger Isaac Rev., Washington c. Chippewa Hecht Ferdinand, lab. 45 Elysian Fields Hecht Rudolph, collector, 107 Port Heck Andrew, tailor. Front Levee n.Conti Heck George, clerk, 57 Tchoupitoulas Heck George, shoemaker, Poydras n. Johnson Heck John, switchman, 337 0. Levee, d. 2 Heck N. laborer, 206 Elysian Fields Hecker Fred. c. h. Orange c. Religious HeckerGeo dairy, St. Anthony n. Genius Hecker Joseph, 283 Mandeville Hecker J. P. builder, Jefferson n. Burthe, Carrollton Heckert Peter, Mrs. 35 Urquhart Heckman Wm. drayman, 58 St. Mary Hecoud Paul, 378 Rampart, d. 3 Hecton J. P. carpenter, Jefferson c. Bur- dette, Carrollton Hector James, laborer, 96 Conti Hector John, pedestrian mail carrier, 120 Dauphine Hectors B. grocery and bakery, Lafayette c. Front, Gretna HEDDEN H. H. Grocer, north- east corner of Common and Carondelet. Butter wholesale and retail. Hedderman Henry, 9 France Heden Aug. clerk, 126 Canal Hege E. Mrs. 209 Burgundy Hedges Chaplain S. Rev. 444 Baronne Hedges J. H. H. 83 Canal Hedges Thomas F. printer, 66 Camp, d. 432Rampart, d. 1 Hedley John, painter, Clara n. Gravier Hedrick George, Josephine n. White Hedrick M. S. agent for sewing machines, 90 Canal Hedrick W. F. agent steam engines and machinery. 3 Triangle buildings, d. 86 Annunciation Hee Frederika, groceries, 33 Poydras mkt. Heebe Christian, barber, Dryades n. Philip Heenan Patrick, laborer, 47 Felicity Heenay John, laborer, Jefferson City Heenay Michael, laborer, d. 131 Felicity Heener John, barber, 228 New Levee, d. ] Heer Alexander, book keeper, d. 20 Baronne Heer Felix, counting house furniture, 85 Bienville, d. 237 Customhouse Heer Mary iVIrs. sewing by machinery, 20 Baronne Heermann, Power & Co. (Valentine Heer- mann, W. H. Power, Jl. Gordon Bake- well,) com. mers. 90 Common Heesch Caspar, laborer, 208 Laurel Hi.'evy John, laborer, 156 Laurel Heffelfinger John, c. h. Louisiana avenue, Jefferson City Hefferin T., Toulouse n. Claiborne Hefferle Frank, carpenter, Conti n. Tonti Hefferman B. clerk, 49 New Levee Hefferman C. Mrs. Adele n. Rousseau Heffern John, clerk, 126 Canal Heffernon D. contractor, 4.i4 Annunciation Heffker G. H. 36 Roman, d. 2 Heffker John, grocery, 318 St. Philip Hefflin Inshofe, 563 Dauphine, d. 3 Heffna Henry, c. h. Laurel n. Seventh Heffner Valentine, laborer, 147 Main Heffran J . cab driver, Palmyra n. Johnson Heffron John, laborer, 338 Perdido Hcffron Walter, driver, Roman n. Common Hefner H. barber, 193 Orleans Hefner J. bottler, St. Andrew n. Tchoup. Heft P. barber, 17 Toulouse Heft P. jr. barber, 375 Old Levee, d. 3 Hi'fty L. carpenter, Gasquet n. Miro Hefty Otto, accountant, d. St. Charles c. Terpsichore Hegarty John, shoemaker, 97 St. Joseph Hegen George, warehouseman, Frenchmen n, Urquhart Hegewisch Adolphe Dr. 226 Chartres Hegney John A. clerk Adams' Express, 96 Camp, d. Plaquemine c. Nap. av. HEG 219 HEL Hogwood A.,Carrollton Heichellifim Louis, accountant, 53 Gravier Heid Geo. slio.>mHker,368St. Claude, d. 3 Heid Hrrnian, driver, 4!I5 Ram|mrt, d. 3 Heidegger H. clerk, 14 Conti Heider John, halcer, 157 Spain [leiderlieini M. clothing, 733 IV.Lcvcr,d.4 Heider C. H. barl)er, 35 Orleans Heideric F. mattress maker, 6"-24 Maga- zine, d. 4 Heiderick Francis, mattress maker, 624 Magazine Heidermann Henry, grocer, 359 Custom- house Heidingsfeldor E. Orleans c. Rampart Heidrick F. upholsterer, 21 St. Andrew Heigel Ferdinand, ijourboii n. Prosjier Heil Christiini, fruiterer, 20 St. Market Heil Michael, Seventh n. Laurel lleil Peter, shoemaker, Front, Gretna Heilborn Einile, clerk, 69 Chartn-s Heilbroniier D. shoemaker, New Basin Heim Heiu-y, 11^* Royal Reim H. MVs. millinery, 118 Royal Heim John, carpenter, Marengo n. Chest- nut, Jelf. City Heims Lrinter, 102 Piiydras Heindei Christian, Camp c. Washington Heinck H(>nry, carpenter, 437 St. Philip Heindei M. 117 Port Heine A. & M. commission merchants, 140 Common, d. 15 Rampart, d. 2 Heine F. J. shoemaker, Baronne c. Se- cond, d. 2 Heine Joseph, shoemaker, 323 Conti Heinemann Henry, 522 Dauphine, d. 3 Heinemaini M.cloth'g,13 Front Levee,d.2 Heinen Henry, dray'n, St. Peter c. Johnson Heines Charles, 6 Hoey's row, Poydras Heines George, cooper, Milan n. Laurel, Jeff. City Heinke Fred, carfman, 166 Morales Heinn J, Mrs., C^incinnati Hotel, Chartres c. St. Louis Heinrich Martin, shoem'r, 163 St. Anthony Heinritz Albert, tailor, 4 Hospital Heins Jacob, 540 V illere Heinsel David, laborer, 399 Elysian Fields Heinsohn D. sialiiing, IHO Gi^avier Heintinlong Theobald, turner, 30 Hospital Heintz John, laliorer, 2H5 Mandeville Heinz Fredk. shoemr. 266 Customhouse Heinze E. B. druggist. Sixth c. New Le- vee, d. 4 Heinzmann Jacob, tailor, 231 Clouet Hi-irsch Charles, Seventh c. Annunciation Heis Fred, blacksmith, Bourbon n. Prosper Heise Albert, clerk, 130 Bourbon i Heise Joseph, bread, Franklin n. Jackson , Heiseman Moses, variety store, 181 Ram- part, d. 1 Heiser Jacob, 48 Frenchmen Heiser Martin, tailor, 31 Barracka Heisler Conrad, 255 Carondelet walk Heiss Gustavus, clerk, 33 Front Heissner Jacob, shoemkr, 108 Rami>art,d .1 Heist John, drayman, 31 Annunciation Heit Elizabeth M., Phili]i n. Annunciation Heit Tobias, furniture, 318 Chartns Heit Wendel, poulterer, 251 Dauphine, d. 3 Heitman Henry, Soraj>ani n. Rousseau .lacoh, painter, First n. Laurel Heitman Wm. laborer, 131 Levee, d. 3 lleitmann Bernard, 67 ("ongress Heitinann Fred. lab. 822 Dauphine, d. 3 Heitinann J. painter, Jackson n. Rousseau Heitier Jos. cartman, 441 Chartres, d. 3 fleitz Antonio, carpenter, 170 Orleans Heiiz John A. 175 Chartres Heitz .lulius, lab. Columbus c. Dorgenois Heitz Remy, blacksm. Louisa n. Chartres Heitzmann C. blacksmith, 313 Kampart Heitzmann Xavier, vegetables, 790 Kam- part,d. 3 Heitzmann Xavier Mrs. 790 Rampart, d.3 Helabet Jose, 218 Claiborne, d. 2 Helbig Henry, coal merchant, Algiers Helchc! Christian, lab. Elmire n. Rampart Helderle Fred, cabinet mkr,528 Uurgundy Heldman L. clerk, 43 Union Hele George, car))enter, Villere, Algiers Heley Clara Mrs. dressmkr. 397 Baronne Heifer F. C. Mrs. 497 Old Levee, d. 3 Helferstein Fred, tailor, 677 Rampart, d. 3 H.lfrich M. d. 62 Laurel Helfrig Mich, warehouseman, 62 Laurel Helffrich John, drayman, 321 St. Philip c. .lohnson Helke Christoph, laborer, 108 Elmire Hellbach Carl, slater, 156 St. Andrew Helle George, lamplighter, 376 Hos|iital Helleml)eg Philip, wheelwright. Market n. Front Levee Hellcn .Mrs. midwife, 17 Religious Hellen Wm. S. watchman, 17 Religions Heller Chs. clerk, d. St. Ann c. St. Charles Heller & Nicholas, (Louis Heller, Frederick Mcholas,) coopers. Water c. Fourth Heller N. B. printer, 59 Villere Hellman Aug. tailor, Galvez n. Gravier Hellmann George, carp. Ill Customhouse Hellwig L. clerk, Galvez n. Common Helm George H. 107 Gravier Helm Joseph, stevedore, 61 Race Helm Joseph, Washington c. Laurel Helm Philip, book kei-per, State Bank La. d. 190 Royal Helmbick P. wheelwright. Market n. Front Helnie G. W. atty. at law, 6 Exchange place Helmes Henry, laborer, 66 Congress Helmke C. c. h. 180 Old Levee Helmsietter Chris, shoemaker, 384 Camp Helmwing John, tailor, 103 Basin, d. 1 Heloige Caroline, f. w. c. 80 Annette Hels Omer, ladies' shoemaker, Bienville c. Dauphine Heisler D'rich, ragman, 108 St. Ferdinand Hilsmer John, woodyard, 231 St. CharleS Helvering Sophia, 371 Baronne HEM 220 HEN Heman Mary Mrs.,Baronnec. St. Andrew Hcman Rudolph, shoemaker, 86 Fourth Hcmann Henry, drayman, 364 St. Peter Hemard Charles, cotton sampler, 405 Ba- you road Hemard .1. B. Mrs. , TTrsulines n. Bayou brd^ Hemard Marg. Mrs., Rocheblave n. Main Hemard N. 387 Rampart, d. 3 Hemard N. clerk, Louisa c. Goodchildren Hemard Wm. Mrs. 264 Bayou road Hemary Joseph, Verret n. Alex, Algiers Hemberg: Michael, Josephine n. Fulton Hemel C. 49 Lesseps Hemeliche Henry, sailmaker, Josephine n. New Levee Hi minis D. P. printer, 37 Gravier, d. Magazine n. Felicity, d. 4 Hemmer Frank, Howard n, Jackson Hemmi'S Peter, grocer, 1.56 St. Ferdinand Hemmond Ardeuiii, boatman, ]05 Fourth Hempel Christian, turner, 103 Howard Hemson Peter, laborer, 491 Royal, d. 3 Hcniy Inker, bookbinder, 11 Terpsii-hore Henahan Pat. laborer, 443 Terpsichore Henaran M. P. carp. 307 Tchoupitoulas Henary John, cabman. 111 Elysian Fields Henberry Michael, elk. d. 269 St.Thomas Henchan Pat. lab. Locust n. Melpomene Hency Chas. finisiier, 120 Dauphiiie Hendermar Jacob, blacksmith. New Le- vee n. Hunter Henderhen John, lab. 106 Derbigny, d. 2 Henderson Archibald, elk. d. 286 Baronne Henderson Charles, 107 Desire Henderson Elizabeth Mrs., First n. Dry- ades Henderson, Gaines & Co. (Wm. Hender- son, John G. Guines, S. Z.Relf,) crock- ery and glass, 100 Canal Heniier.son George, 121 New Levee Henderson John, inspector of revenue, 112 Spain HENDERSON JOHN, Importer and Wxiolesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Li- quors and Cordials, 88 Tchou- pitoulas, d. Camp c. Sixth. Henderson John, porter, U. S. Mint, d. 329 First Henderson John H. Claiborne op. market Henderson J. ally at law, 79 St. Charles Hendeison Joseph, engineer, 295 Calliope Henderson John D. 153 Common Henderson John B. Dr. 505 Magazine Henderson J. L. clerk. Planter's Press Henderson I. J. Rev. 213 Race Henderson Widow Mrs. Royal n. Main Henderson M. Mrs. 312 Baronne Henderson M. Mrs., Melpomene n. Dry- ades Henderson Pat. com.mer. d.315 Josephine Henderson R. T. acct. 3 Front Levee, d. 2, d. 51 Euterpe Henderson S. ( W. A. Violett &r Co.) d. 12 Polymnia Henderson Stephen, coffee stand, 102 Rampart, d. 1 Henderson Sarah, Derbigny n. Canal Henderson, Terry & Co. (Thomas Hen- derson, J. C. Terry, J. L. Lancaster,) com. mers. 93 Gravier Henderson Thos. ( Henderscin, Terry 8f Co.) d. 12Polymnia Henderson Thomas, inspector of customs, d. 15 Annette Henderson, Thomas & Peale, (Elijah Pcale,) com. mer. 153 Common Henderson W m.( Henderson, Gaines Sf Co.) d. 393 Magazine Henderson Wm. (Patton, Henderson Sf Co.) cotton factors, 93 Gravier Henderson Wm. D. clerk, d. Philip near Annunciation Hendi'rson Wm. clerk, 84Poydras, d. 126 Philip Henderson Wm. saddler, 162 Ursulines Henderson W. H. 195 Dauphine Henderson Wm. clerk, d. 81 Melpomene Hendlein Frank, laborer, 78 Mandeville Hendrick C. Capt., Claiborne n, Julia Hendrick Josephine, 410 RUmpart Hendrihan Thos. laborer, 81 Mandeville Hendricks John, lab. Cypress n. Clara Hendricks J. T. clerk, 71 Canal Hendrickson A. Mrs., Desire n. Burgundy Hendry John, steward, 365 Burgundy, d.3 Hene A. beer bottler, Jackson n. Fifth, Carrollton Heneus Rudolph, tailor,296Tchoupitoulas Henebery M., St. John Baptist n. Race Heneby Michl. woodpasser,Jack.son R.R. Henerett M. cistern mkr. 368 Franklin.d.l Heneult Louis, elk. Chartres c. Hospital Hengel Henry, painter, 18 St. Philip Hengel Wm. tinsmith, d. 115 Marais, d.2 Hengning Michael, ( Laporte 8f Co.) Chip- pewa n. Toledano, Jefferson City Henging N. 214 Bayou road Henke Henry, laborer, 85 Independence Henke John H. laborer, Royal n. Lesseps Henkel A. D. & Co. (J. JV. Henkel, W. W. Henkel, C Kelley,) com. mers. 81 Carondtdet Henkel C. F. tailor, 164 St. Ferdinand Henkenjohn Anton,cab.mkr 757 Burgundy Henlein Frank, laborer, 105 Mandeville Henn A. Mrs., Washington n. Chippewa Henne F. W,, New York dye house, 121 Dryades Hennegan Daniel, warehouseman, d. 115 Robin Hennen Alfred, alty. at law. Customhouse c. Royal, entrance on Customhouse Hennen Duncan N.atty. at law, 11 St. Ann Hennen Wm. D. atty. at law, 100 Cus- tomhouse Henner Chester Capt. 513 Camp Hennessy Daniel, laborer, 275 Rampart Hennessy David, clerk, 130 Canal Hennessy David, baker, d. 569 Tchoupi- toulas Hennessy David, laborer, 392 Franklin HEN 221 HEO Hennessy Dennis, laborer, Theresa n. Tclioupitonlas Hennessy D. Mrs. 584 Burgundy, d. 3 Hennessy Jain(>s, gardener, :2:25 Cunstance Hennessy James, laborer. Burgundy, d. 3 Hennessy John, moulder, 392 Franklin Hennessy John, laborer, 764 St. Claude Hennessy John, laborer, Franklin c. Eu- phrosine Hennessy John, saddler, 142 Tchoupi- touias John, 89 Villiere, d. 2 Hennessy Mary Mrs. 302 ^>ankIin, d. 1 Hennessy Matthew, lab. 49 N'orth nikt Hennessy Michael, dairy. Love c. Mon- legut Hennessy Patrick, laborer, 237 St. Louis Hennessy Philip, pili>t, 584 Burgvindy, d.3 Hennessy P. C. tailor, 276 Tchoupitoulas Hennessy Thomas, insurance office run- ner, 10(1 Spain Hennessy Wm. laborer, 325 Thalia Hennick Geo. shoemaker, 101 Gravier Hennigan Ed. drayman, Johnson n. Canal Henniker Catharine Mrs. grocery, 324 Howard Henniman Wm. driver, 133 Religious Hennmg Albert, acct. 100 Gravier, d. 179 Callio|ie Henning Henry, lab. 540 Rampart, d. 3 Henning J. F. Mrs. midwife, 1()3 Dryades Henning & Campbell, ( W. H. Henning, Jirchihald Campbell,) grocers, 151 Camp Henning W. H. (Henning &f Campbell,) d. 310 Terpsichore, d. 1 Hennings Francis, musician, d. Poydras n. Basin Hennings Fred, lamplighter, 255 Custom- house Hennings J. B. lab. 118 Independence HenniniTS Morris, upholsterer, 69 Berlrand llenningsen J. C. ship office, 521 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Hennon Peter, c. h. St. Charles c. Po- lymnia Heno Aimida, d. 119 Main Heno C, Willow n. Gravier Heno Edgar, bricklayer, 263 Ursulines Heno Ernest, cabman, 263 Ursulines Heno John B. sec'ry La. Steamship Co. 57 Camp,d. Thild n. Charles Heno Joseph, f. m. c. sail maker, 519 Viil.Te, d. 3 Heno Louis, cabman, 263 l^rsulines Heno Uciave J. clerk, d. 28 Liberty Heno Sosthene Capt. 467 .Main llenon Pat. Frerei, n. Krato Henriek Martin, shoemkr 219 St. Anthony Henrick Matthew, cistern maker 368 Franklin Henricks ILnry, mate, 543 St;Claude, d.3 Henrieks Tim. finisher, 543 Si. Claude, d.3 Henrie .\dele, f.w.c. St.Andnw n.Lilterty Henrion Fran<;ois, crockery, 59 Si. Piiilip Henrion J. shoemkr. Burgundy c. St. Ann Henrionnct Leoi)old, clerk, 19 St. Louis Henriques Antonio, 122 Gaiennie, d. 437 Burgundy Henriques A. D. attorney at law, 12 Ex- change place Henriques Jacob, book keeper, 172 Clio Hi'nriques J. L. grocery, Dryades c.Delord Henriquez John, Carondelet n. Julia Henriquez J. 1). book keefier, 47 Camp Henry Andrew, lab. 16 Marigny Henry A. Mrs., Annuneiatnui n. St. Mary Henry Christian, painter, d. 133 Felieiiy Henry Christoph. saddler, 143 Bienville " Henry C. W. & Co. (J. J\l. Trimble,) sail makers, 9 Front Levee, d. Carondelet n. Felicity Henry Daniel, Howard, n. Jackson Henry David, paper hanger, 192 Camp Hein-y Edward, laborer, 87 Clouet Henry Eui,'ene, 131 Dauphine Henry E. M. Mrs. 131 Orleans Henry Fran(;ois, cane manufactory, 100 Exchange place Henry F. d.'74 Clara Henry Hiram T.printer,d.280Terpsichore Henry H. Mrs. 247 Ranijiart, d. 2 Henry Jacob, drayman. Celeste n. Tchou- pitoulas Henry Jacob, lab. 92 Louisa Henry James G. editor and proprietor of Jefferson Journal, d. New Levee, n. Berlin, Jetrersoii City Henry Jeremiah, d. 667 St. Claude, d. 3 Henry John, fisherman, 362 Constance Henry John, salesman, 98 Canal, d. 266 Burgundy Flenry John, laborer, Villere n. Music Henry Joseph, 122 Frenchmen Henry Josejih, screwinan, 88 Union He.nry Joseph, express wagon. Napoleon avenue, n. Magazine, .TefTerson City Henry J. B. shoemaker, 65 Burgundy Hinry Lawrence, 201 Elysian Fields Henry Leon, locksmith, 76 Exchange Place d. 214 Bourbon Henry Louis, dairy. Poet n. Claiborne Henry Matthew,cistern mkr. 368 Franklin Henry Patrick, willow n. Clio Henry P. D 54 Frenchmen Henry Sosthene, l)arkeeper,253 Villere,d. 2 Henry William, laborer. Port n. Burgundy Henry William, contractor, 469 Fulton,(l.4 Henry William, clerk, 63 Old Levee, d. 2 d. 54 Frenchmen Henry William, carpt. Delord, Algiers Henry Wm. L. carpenter, 203 Euterpe Henry Wm. M. elk. d. 397 Old Levee, d.3 Henry Wm. laborer, 137 Foucher Hensel Christian, 17(1 St. F''irdinand Hensler Charles A. ( liujac &( Hensler) stork and note broker, 34 Carondelet, d. 274 Canal Hensler Frank, lumber, 15 Bartholomew Hensler John, laborer, 132 Thalia Hensler Waijner, perfumery, 251 Royal Hensler A. C. Dr., 101 Canal Hensmanii Wiu. Mrs. 41 Independence Heohn Jacob, dairy, Copernicus, Algiers HEP 222 HER Hepburn C. M. Mrs. 219 Rampart, d. 1 j Hepburn J. clerk, 93 Old Levee Hepp Henry (Collins, Hepp &f Co.) Hepp Wm. T. (E. Rochereau Sf Co.) 16 St. Louis, d. 145 Annunciation Heppe Herman, night police, 99 Piety Hepler George, tailor, 147 Lafayette Hepting Adam, laborer, Algiers Herard A. Mrs. 134 Bienville Herb Wm K. cotton sampler, d. Race, n. Annunciation Herber Frank, b. h. 12 Royal Herber Joseph, druggist, 83 Gaiennie Herber J, apothecary, 275 Bourbon, d. 3 Herber Louis, tailor, 251 Customhouse Herberger Lorenz, Third n. Dryades Herbert D. Mrs., dress maker, 23 Calliope Herbert Edward, b. h. 173 Dryades Herbert Mary Ann, dry goods, Algiers Herbert Victor, 37 Magazine, d. 107 St. Joseph Herbert Wm. d. 545 Burgundy, d. 3 Herbez Louise, somnambulist, 98 St. Peter Herbez M. Mrs. 187 St. Peter Herbst Henry, clerk, 32 Lafayette, d. Jo- sephine, n. Bacchus Herbst J. laborer, 22 Gravier Herby Patrick, lab. Felicity n. Carondelet Hercy M. Mrs. Poet n. Royal Herd Richard, laborer, 66 Poet Herde Mathias, painter, 350 Ursulines Herdia Aneto, 103 Dryades Herdt C. shoe maker. New Levee n. Adele Herfurth Wm. seaman, Delaronde, Algiers Heric Louis, carpenter, 31 Dauphine Heric Marie, variety, 31 Dauphine Herist John, laborer, 188 Delord Herle Kenderlin, laborer, 130 Roman, d. 2 Herlet John, dyer, 45 Main Herletz August, tailor, 218 Delord Hermaize A. shoes, Bourbon c. St. Peter Herman Anthony Mrs., Third n. Constance Herman Felix, tailor, 629 New Levee, d. 4 Herman Geo. wheelwright, 366 Howard Herman John, foundry, 302 Howard Herman Theresa, veget. 87 Magazine mkt Hermann Anthony, barkeeper. Fourth n. Annunciation Hermann E. S. acct. 178 Ursulines Hermann Emile, (Hermann &^ McQ,ueen,) d. 13 Rampart, d. 1 Hermann Fred, cabman, 268 Main Hermann Frederick, gardener, Second c. St. Patrick Hermann Henry, Miro n. Main Hermann Jacob, Jackson R. R. depot Hermann Julius, barber, 375 Rampart,d.l Hermann & McQueen, (Emile Hermann, Gustave McQ^ueen,) cotton brokers, 2 Carondelet Hermann N. Mrs., Morales n. Montegut Hermann P. assistant appraiser customs, 33 Exchange place Hermann Peter, warehouseman, 9 Gravier Hermann Peter, blacksmith, 87 Piety Hermann Therese, Third n. Constance Hermann Valentine, carpenter, 52 Elmire Hermina Lasalles E.,Treme n. Esplanade Hermitage Masonic Lodge, No. 98, Mag- azine c. Philip Hermle Simon, carpenter, 239 St. Louis Hern Ed. sailmaker, 126 Calliope Hernandez Antonio Mrs. 200 Chartres Hernandez Celeste Mary, furn'd rooms, and nurse, 145 Dauphine Hernandez D. carpenter, 169 Spain Hernandez Edward, acct. 11 St. Louis Hernandez Francisco, trader, 70 Barracks Hernandez F. B. 420 Burgundy, d. 3 Hernandez Jose, oysters, 177 Treme, d. 2 Hernandez Joseph, 9 St. Peter, d. 159 St. Louis Hernandez J. & Co. (Joseph Hernandez, William J. Bebee,) sugar brokers, 13 Conti Hernandez J. dep. constable, 4 Frenchmen Hernandez Manuel, cigars, 383 Marais,d.3 Hernandez Miguel, sr. ship carp. 85 Port Hernandez M."l47 Enghien Hernandez Philip, shoemaker, 319 Conti Hernandez Rosalie, fish, 26 Treme mkt H(;rnandezR.34 St. Charle.s.d. 352 Chartres Hernandez c. p. 117 Marigny Herndon Thomas, (^9. H. May &c Co.) Factors row, 42 Perdido Herndon Thos. N. atty. at law, Greenville He'rner Adam, Second n. St Dennis Hernsheim Simon, tobacconist, 42 Gravier Hero Andrew, sr. collector for Bulletin, 37 Gravier, d. 320 Annunciation, d. 4 Hero Andrew, jr. clerk, 7 Commercial place, d. 320 Annunciation Heron August, Munro, McD. HERON & CARTER, (A. F. Heron, J. H. Carter,) Gen- eral Dealers in Western Pro- duce, Apple Butter, Stearine Lard, Mince Meat, Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Apples, etc., 40 Fulton, bet. Poydras and Gravier. Heron David 0. laborer, St. Andrew n. Annunciation Heron H. H. grocery, 537 Magazine Heron Octave, paiiner, 203 Marais, d. 3 Herque Paul, tailor, 227 St. Peter, d. 2 Herr Andres, laborer, 25 Montegut Herr Felix, furniture, 85 Bienville, d. Conti n. Prieur Herr John Jacob, (S. D. Gratiaa Sc Co.) 59 Customhouse Herr John, machinist, Roman n. Common Herrenger Bernard, tailor, 30 Marais, d. 2 Herrera Domingo, grocery, 375 Julia Herrera Florianne, f. w. c. 37 Ursulines Herrera J. f. m. c. painter, 206 St. Philip Herrick Richard, clerk, shippers Cotton Press, New Levee, d. 30 Race Herries Mrs., Bayou St. John n. the bridge Herriman F. Mrs. 402 Rampart, d. 3 HER 223 HAY Herriman & Chesse, (George Herriman, Alexander L. Chesse,) tailors, 64 Roytil, d. 397 Villcre, d. 3 ! Herriman Henry Capt., Royal n. Enghien Herriman H. carp. 211 Customhouse Herrin C. watchniakor, 276 Girod Hi^rrin John, laborer, 196 Dehird Herrin;^ & Co. safes, 52 Gravier Herring Edward, sailmaker, 233 Conti Herringlon Charles, laborer, 125 Port Herrle George A. laborer, 376 Hospital Herrle George A. laborer, 381 St. Piiilip Herrle M. barber. New Levee c. Julia Herrle W. store and grocery. Second c. Jefferson, Carrollton Herrlitz H. A. barber, 218 Delord Herrman J. cab driver, 256 St. Philip Hi^rrman E. Mrs., Josephine n. Cliippewa Herron Augustus, steward, McDonogh Herron Luke, painter, 75 Annunciation Herron Michael, laborer, St. James n. Chippewa Hersch Charles, Harmony c. Chippewa Hersch George, Josephine n. Constance Hensoh J. junk shop, Prytania n. Felicity Hersch Jacob, c. Rampart and Josepliine Hersch John, Levei^ n. Sixth HiM-sch M. clerk, 71 Magazine Herschaft L. shoemaker, 318 Frenchmen Hersey James, laborer. Third n. Haronnc Herte Peter, carpenter, Clonet n.Ikirgundy Hertman John Mrs. 65 St. Philip Hertt Joseph, Seventh n. Fulton Hertz Caroline Mrs. dry goods, Clio c. Liberty Hertz John, tinsmith, 446 Chartrcs Hertz Rachel Mrs. 265 Poydras Heitz Theresa, 232 Baronne Hertzman Chaa. bl'ksm. 313 Rampart,d.l Herveau John F. screwman, 142 Annette Hervey William, clerk Post Office, d. Jo- sephine n. Dryades Hervey William, grocer, 331 Carondelct Hervey Wm. grocer. Magazine c. Ninth Herwig E. F.'^136 Poydras Herwiji P. F. corn, Adele Hery Louis, Initcher, 56 Treme market, d. 149 St. Philip HerzbergerJ. c. St. Peter and Derbigny Herzger Wm. clerk, 90 Frenchmen Heseiikemp John,lal)orer, Poland n. Royal Hesicker William, 176 Spain Heslend James, laborer, 212 Delord He^er Jos. drayman, Conti n. Claiborne He.slin Mrs. dressm'r, c Fulton & Felicity Hesjie John, shoemaker, 92 Marais Hess Alex, laliorer, 136 Tchnupitoulas Hess Barbara Mrs., Clio n. Willow Hiss John A. clerk, 37 PVont, d. 70 Orleans H'ss Valentine, tailor, Mourbon n.Solidelle Hessican S. Mrs. 155 Burgundy Hissinger Henry, grocer, 91 Constance Hessler William, I'hilip n. Annunciation Hester Charles, planter, Lafayette n. Sec- ond, Gretna Hester Charles, collector Price Current, d. Camp c. Josephine Hester Charles H. clerk, 34 St. Joseph Hester Eugenia Mrs. 177 Canal Hester H. H. 140 Cypress Hestein .Toseph, laborer, 239 Columbus Hesz G. L. 198 Dauphine Hcsz Valent. tailor, Bourlion n. Solidelle Hetchler L., tailor, c. Treme and Orleans Hetf.lder H., Poland n. Greatmen Heth Havey C. steamboat elk, .55 Marais Hetherman Patrick, laborer, 11 Port Helling J. F. tailor, 328 Tchoupiloulas Hettinger Louis, corn nn-r. 382 Chartrea Hetsberger Philip, c. p. 69 Hrquhart Heizel J. C, Rousseau c. Philip Heucherf Conrad, clerk, 179 Poydras Heunisch Charles, 283 Marais Heupel Geo. A. carpenter, 68 Washington Heuston Eslertine, furnished rooms, 169 Basin, d. 1 Heverin Timothy, laborer, 132 St. Philip Hevert James, Ninth n. St. Thomas Hevey John, c. h. 290 Camp Hevia S. G. grocer. Rampart c. Toulouse Hevia John, laborer, .Algiers Hevia J. G. cigars, St. James Hotel Hevia Steph. barkeeper, St. James Hotel Hewitt Chas. wareb'eman, 218 Lafayette Hewitt E. c. p. 218 Lafayette Hewitt, Norton & Co. (James Hewitt, M.O. H. ^Vortoji,) com. mers. 151 Common Hewitt James (Hewitt, Xorton Sf Co.) 151 Common Hewitt James C. 11 Royal Hewitt John, porter, 60 Gravier, Liberty n. Girod Hewitt J. J. engineer, 158 Piety Hewitt Matthew, elk. St. Jane n. Gravier Hewitt W. H. 214 Bayou road Hewlett Emma, 45 Basin, d. 2 Hewlett E. 28 History Hewlett John, Hospital n. Dauphine Hewltitt Jno. jr. dry goods, Main c. Treme Hewlett Leopold, cigars, 354 Royal Hewrenther Conrad, shoemaker, 10 Girod Hews George W. ( Sliumway Sf Hews,) 47 Royal, d. 139 Girod Hews Wm. G. com. mer. 8 Pontalba bldgs. St. Peter, and president Bank America, d. 8 St. Ann Hewsdson E. L. clerk, 15 Camp Hey den Joseph, cotton broker, 229 Ram- part, d 2 Heyer Nicholas, lab. .3.33 Old I,e%ee, d. 2 Heykamp Herman, shoi'mkr, 256 Lafayette Heyl Florant, br. h. 40 Main Heyl G. W., Elysian Fields n. Crnjis H'yl Herman, shocmkr, 18 Elysian Fields Heyl W. (C. C. Gaines &c Co.) 26 Maga- zine, d. Elysiiin Fields n. Rampart Heyliger Louis ( \flbraij &,- Heyliger,) 120 Gravier, d. 67 St. Peter Heymann A. dry goods, St. Ann c.Villerc Heymann Henry, drayman, 364 St. Peter Heymann Samuel, mer. 533 Rampart, d. 3 Heymes Jos. f. m. c. 3.52 Derbigny, d. 3 Heyn Auguste, barkeeper, Front c. Girod Hayol) Charhs, furniture, 2^6 Royal Heyvaert Charles M. apothecary, 228 Customhouse Hezeau L. F. d. 495 St. Ann Hiach R. tailor, 136 Ursulines Hibard Merlin, 250 Kampart, d. 2 Hibert Thomas, elk. Chartres c. Conti Hibbs James Capt. 43 Gasquet Hick Geo. shoemaker, 464 Poydras Hick Jos. laborer, Bourbon n. Prosper Hickery Wm. grocer, 229 Franklin Hickey Charles, clothing, 85 Levee, d. 3 Hickey Cornelius, Locust n. Melpomene Hickey C. inspector of customs, d. Mel- pomene c. Locust Hickey Dennis Mrs., Chippewa n. Wash- ington Hickey Daniel, carpenter, 489 Dryades Hickey Edward, 40 Port Hickey James, lab. 404 Customhouse Hickey Jerem'h, lab. Rousseau n.Soraparu Hickey John, driver, 308 Magazine Hickey John, laborer, 21 Hospital Hickey J. F. (Wheelwright &f Hickey,) 6 Marigny buildings. Levee, d. 3 Hickey Martin, laborer, 112 Erato Hickey Michael, laborer, 364 Thalia Hickey Michael T. laborer, 38 Robin Hickey M. Mrs. 290 Dryades Hickey Richard, laborer, 616 Burgundy Hickey Thos. carpenter, 311 Dryades Hickey Thos. grainer, Philip n. Annuncia. Hickey Wm. warehousem. 166 Constance Hickey Wm. shoemaker, 16 Girod Hickey Wm. Mrs 199 Bienville Hickley Mitchell, 121 St. Peter Hickman, Dugas & Maignaii (,i. F. Hick- man, Ignace Dugas, J. J\Ia}gnan, )who\e- sale grocers, 5 and 6 Front Levee, d.2 Hickman A. F. (Hickman, Dugas Sf Maig- nan,) d. 18.3 Julia Hickman H. Mrs. 82 St. Philip Hickman J. L., Carrollton Hickmott Lelia Mrs. 146 Lafayette Hickok Danl. S., Lake House, Shell road Hicks Geo. laborer, 89 Frenchmen Hicks Henry, elk. Old Levee c. Bienville Hicks John, laborer, 178 Goodchildren Hicks John, wood. Willow n. Erato Hicks Jno. R. broker, d. Magnolia n. Clio Hicks Thos. ink mkr,256 Rampart, d. 1 Hidalgo M. c. h. 213 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 100 St. Anthony Hiddleston John, cot . broker, 30 Caronde- let, d. 229 St. Charles Hidou August, clerk, 126 Canal Hidou H., Roman n. St. Peter Hiem Frank, carpenter, 45 Constance Hieman Isaac, junk shop, 26 Jackson Hier Philip, Liberty n. Josephine Hier Philip, Liberty n. Josephine Hiesler Joseph, laborer, 336 St. Peter Hiesler Martin, tailor, 336 St. Peter Hiestand Ezra, atty. at law, 18 Jackson, d. Chippewa n. Jackson Hiet George, shoemaker, 100 St. Philip Higgin Joseph, com. mer. 2 Byrne's row, Carondelet, d. 45 Bourbon Higginbotham Henry, sr. d. 356 Howard Higginbotham H. jr. book keeper, 59 Camp, d. 356 Howard Higginbotham Thos. H. (Jl. J. Tulhj 8f Co.) 71 Carondelet j Higgins Andrew, 50 St. Joseph ] Higgins C. Mrs. 377 Franklin, d. 1 Higgins Dennis, b. h. 50 St. Joseph Higgins Edward, lab. Thalia c. N. Levee Higgins James, lab. 145 Prieur Higgins James, lab. 289 Conti Higgins John, cotton weigher. Fourth n. Laurel Higgins John, lab. 464 Chartres Higgins Joseph, lab. Poydras n. Roman Higgins Lawrence, lab. 74 Spain Higgins Martin, lab. 77 Spain Higgins Martin, 208 Delord" Higgins Mary Mrs. 158 St. Joseph Higgins Michael, dray«n. 442 Terpsichore Higgins Michael, lab. 87 Delord Higgins Michael, b. h. 120 N. Levee,d.] Higgins M'l. drayman, 323 Customhouse Higgins M. insp'r of revenue, 79 Toulouse Higgins Pat. newspaper advertising agent, 66 Camp, d. Orange n. Tchoupitoulas Higgins Patrick, St. Peter n. Galvez Higgins R. G. (Knox Sf Higgins,) 46 Union, d. 1, d. 668 Magazine Higgins Stan wood, clerk, 41 Magazine Higgins S. W. gold pen maker, 34 Com- mercial place Higgins Wm. lab. 13 North Market Higgins Wm. drayman, 321 St. Andrew Higgins Wm. printer, St. Peter n.Derbigny Higgins Wm. H. clerk, 63 Common, d. 157 Prytania Higgison Jas. carpenter. Vine n. Cypress High Catherine Mrs. 322 St. Loiiis High School, Camp c. Melpomene High School, (boys) Hospital n. Rampart High School, (boys) Bourbon c. Si.<"laude High School, (girls) Rampart n. Main High School, (girls) Elysian Fields c. Burgundy Hightower A. f. m. c. 235 Conti Highwesber Anton, furniture and repair- ing, 265 Camp Higonnet Pierre, variety store, 161Bourbon Hilain Louis, f. m. c. Havana c. Force Hilbeck Fred, slater, 584 Constance Hilberath Ant. tinsmith, 347 Bayou road Hilbert Jacob, carpenter, 78 Polymnia Hilbert Thomas H. c. h. Front c.Gaiennie Hilbolt John, tailor, 210 Bourbon HildebrandtH. Mrs. 499 Royal, d. 3 Hildebrandt Carl, 106 Lafayette Hildebrandt J. H.c.h 13 Front Levee,d.2 Hildebrandt M. lab. 876 Burgundy, d. 3 Hildenbrand C. 751 Rampart Hildenbrand G. machinist, Gretna Hildermann Henry, fruit, 131 Perdido Hildreth Charles A. clerk, 26 Magazine Hildreth D. M. & Co. (0. E. Hall,) pro- prietors of the St. Charles Hotel Hildreth J. A. clerk, 26 Magazine, St. Charles Hotel HIL 225 HIR Hilfinstein Fred, tailor, 240 Rampart Hill Allen, hardware, ]67 Baronne Hill Alexander, cashier, V22 Canal Hill Alex. 56 Camp, d. 276 Poydrns Hill Alfred keeper, Merchants' Bk. Hill Arlemon, 527 Chartres Hill A. Mrs. grorer, 265 Tchoupitoulas Hill A. saddler, fin-men's caps and belt maker, 24 Tivoli Circle Hill A. lamps and fluid, 6 Chartres Hill A. S. acci. 167 Baronne,d.74 Prytania Hill C. Mrs. bdff. h. Old Levee c. Conti Hill D. C. Capt^, Second n. Carondelet Hill Edward, accf. 3 Carondelet fiill Ellen Mrs. 252 Melpomene Hill G. H. barkeeper, Dryades n. Felicity HillG. W. salesman, 63 Gravier, d. 50 Palmyra Hill H. T. soda water maker, 226 Girod Hill James D., Customhouse c. Daujihine Hill & Co. C James cV Robert Hill,) molas- ses refinery, 198 and 200 N. Levee Hill John, fisherman, 61 Elmira Hill John, acct. 72 Camp Hill J. Dr., St. Ferdinand c. Girod Hill J.D. 13 Com'l. place, d. 23 Dauphine Hill J. T. homeopathist, 107 Carondelet Hill Mary S. music teacher, 196 Prytania Hill Michael, barber, Julia c. Fulton Hill Michael, cook, 133 Thalia Hill Michael, lab. 86 St. Thomas Hill M. S. Mrs. b. h. 192 St. Jo.seph Hill Robert, (Hill&c Co.) 198 & 200 New Levee Hill Samuel L. broker, 25 Com'l. place, d. Peters av. n. Prytania, Jeff. City Hill Sanvuel VV. civil engin. 196 Prytania Hill Sarah Mrs., Union, Algiers Hill Sarah A., Second n. St. Charles Hill Wm. lab. 602 Rampart, d. 3 Hill Wm. blacksmith, Julia c. N. Levee Hillard Chester, late 41 Natchez, d. Camp c. St. Mary Hille Catharine, 277 Thalia Hille John, dry goods, 701 Chartres,d.3 Hille Jose|)hine Mrs. 473 Rampart, d. 1 Hille J. H. barkeeper, 57 Front, d. 1 Hille Wm. grocer, 189 Tchoupitoulas Hillcbrand Henry, c. h. and grocery, Re- ligious c. St. James Hiller George, milkman, 98 Desire HiUerman Frank, wood passer, Jackson R. R. HiUerman L. hoop poles, 15 Front Levee, d. 2 Hillert Thomas, dyer, 42 Dauphine Hillger Lguis, ( Drcirs Sf Co.) architect,d. Magazine c Josephine Hillhouse Alison, book keeper, Veranda hotel Hilliard, Summers & Co. (J. H. Hilliard, E. H. Summrm, ./. S. S( 0. .1 Bran- nin,) com. nurs. 64 Carondelet Hilliard J. H. (Hilliard, Hummers S,- Co.) 64 Carondelet Hillman (Jeorge, dealer in Western pro- duct-, 20 Poydras, d. 254 Melpomene Hillman John, wood dealer, 331 Melpo- mene Hillman Thomas, lab. 81 Franklin Hillmers Fred, eggs, 148 Basin, d. 1 Hillmers Henry, pilot, Elmire n. Craps Hillsinger John' Mrs. 790 Burgundy, d. 3 Hillright Ellen, Mrs., Alex, Algiers Hills Samuel, rigger, 490 Front Hillsman, wood and coal, 272 St. Charles Himbert Jules, clerk, St. Peter c. Royal Himi'ledge Minnie Miss, seamstress, 109 Religious Himenez Francisco, lab. 241 Chartres Hinienez Justin, clerk, 44 Chartres Himmel Adolph,. silversmith, 311 Bienville HincheyGeo. carp. Clara n. t'ypress Hinckley B. L. (Tirull S,- Bates,) 9 Mag- azine, d. 464 Baroiine Hinckley O. S. clerk, 12 Front Levee Hinckley Mrs. Gasquet n. Claiborne Hincks Xnatole, clerk, 98 Canal Hincks David, 66 Orleans Hincks John VV. 124 Conti Hiiidel Martin, shoemaker, 84 St. Anthony Hinds John, carriages, 425 Perdido Hines Cornelius, lab. 377 0. Levee, d. 3 Hines C. F. dairy, Annunciation n. Sixth Hines Eliza Mrs. nurse, 405 Magazine Hines John, lab. 88 Julia Hines John, tailor. Prosper n. Union Hines M. Mrs. 139 Foucher Hinkel Jacob, .lab. 231 Constance Hinkel Philip, Sixth c. Camp Hinken Albert, dairy. Sixth n. Baronne Hinkle H. engineer, Franklin n. Terpsi- chore Hinkle Mary Mrs. 362 Melpomene Hinsberger Wm. 34 Constance Hinson John, f. m. c. Sixth n. Dryades HINTON ISAAC T., Printer, 27 Com'l Place, d. 95 Liberty Hinzjieter A. clerk, 39 Front Levee Hiot C. machinist, St. Ann n. Miro Hiper Jean, grocer, 77 St. Bernard Hipper Wm. c. h. New Shell Road n. Martin Hippler J. tailor, 324 Magazine Hipps J. Capt. c. Marais and Gasquet Hipwell J. laborer, 32 St. Thomas Hiram Masonic Lodge, No. 70, St. Charles c. Perdido Hirdes J. G. 394 Old Levee, d. 3 Hire F. blacksmith. Bagatelle n. Prosper Hire G. F. Dr., Magazine n. Poyfarre Hire Henry, 124 Greatmen Hire W. H. Dr., Magazine c. Poyfarre Hiriac John, butcher. Port market, d. Orleans n. Bourbon Hiriart Emile, editor Courier, 10 Exchange place, d. 125 Main Hirley A. V. Dr. 99 Gravier Him James Mrs. 250 Bourbon Hirn Thomas, blacksmith, 200 Basin, d.l llirch .Alois, jewelry. Magazine n. Felicity Hirse Philip, cooper, Roman n. Orleans HIK 226 HOF Hiisch Abraham, (Meyers Sf Hirsch,) 80 Chartres Hiisch David, dry goods, 233 Rampart,d.l Hirsch Frederick, shoemkr. 236 Magazine Hirsch George, shoemaker, 16 Girod Hirsch Gotleib, 143 Main Hirsch Jolin Mrs. 382 Chartres Hirsch Moritz, clerk, 71 Magazine Hirsch FhUip, cooper, 377 Si. Peter Hirsch Phihp, lab. iSi. Charles n. La- vergiie, Jeft'ersoii City Hirsche M. grocer, 234 Royal Hirschman K.& Co.(M. Kirschner,) silks, laces, etc., 129 Chartres Hirt Andreas, laborer, 285 Mandeville Hirth Philip, Sixth n. Baroiine Hirtiier D. shoeinkr. Magazine n. Pleasant Hisger John, gardener, 610 Annunciation Hissicker William, seaman, 69 Urquhart Hissinger Sarah Mrs. grocery, iNinth n. Annunciation Hissler Antoine, cabinet maker, 94 Main Hitchcock John J. H. book keeper St. Charles hotel Hitchcock D. G. com. mer. 99 Camp, d. Julia n. Camp Hite G. D. com. mer. and steamboat agent, 5 Front Levee, d. 1 Hite John, 141 St. Louis Hite S. N. Marais c. Esplanade Hue William, pouhry, French market, d. 396 Royal, d. 3 Hitschler Louis, tailor, 138 Orleans Hittinger Louis, laborer, 382 Chartres,d.3 Hittman H. drayman, Customhouse, n. Prieur Hitz Julius, Mrs. 359 Columbus Hoa P. 309 Chartres Huag Philip, baker, 91 Felicity Hoan Frank, bakery. New Levee, n. Bor- deaux, Jefferson City Hpadley P. carpt. Constance, c. Seventh Hoatson James, woodpasser.Jackson R.R. Hobaii Catharine Mrs., St. Andrew n. Rousseau Hoban J. laborer, 412 Old Levee, d. 3 Hoban James, Red Stores, Front Levee,d.2 Hobart Albert, engineer, Jackson R. R. Hobart & Foster, (Edward Hobart, George Foster,) com. mers. 46 St. Charles Hobart tldward, ( Hobart &f Foster,) 46 St. Charles Hobart Jos. C. lightning rods, d. 254 Magnolia Hobarth Henry, St.John Baptist n. Annette Hobbs A. M. messenger, 96 Camp Hobbs R. G. f. w. c. 277 Conti Hobbs Thomas, lab. 510 Dauphine, d. 3 Hobby Jesse, furnd. rooms, 14 Baronne Hobday Charles M. s.b.agt. 415 Magazine Hobday Miss E. Columbus n. Johnson Hober Andreas, laborer, 191 Union, d. 3 Hober Anna, St. Andrew n. Howard Hobern James, Peace n. Chartres Hobing B. 137 Franklin Hobson Albert, salesman, 35 Magazine Hobson John, clerk, 338 Basin, d. 1 Hobson J. R. painter, Bolivar, n. Gravier Hobush G.willowware mkr.29 Frenchmen Hochenedel M. c. h.and b. h. 62 Bourbon Hochiiig Christian, tailor, 140 Bourbon Hockersmith D. J. &- Co. Union Steam Mills, 181 Poydras Hodge Alexander W. (C. L.Seixas& Co.) d. 137 Race Hodge J. H. cabinet maker, Levee c. Upper Line, Jefferson City Hodge Mary Mrs. 104 Felicity Hodges Henry, clerk, 54 Poydras, d. 281 Magazine Hodges Louisa A. 69 Union, d. 1 Hodgiiis Pat. cartmn. Johnson n. Gasquet Hodgins Patrick, cabs, 244 Girod Hodgins Thomas, baker, 188 Girod d. 1 Hodgkins William F. "Continental" c. h. Lxchange place, c. Customhouse Hodgkinson G. carpt. Jackson R.R. depot Hodgson Henry G. clerk, 4 Front, d. l,d. Constance n. Richard Hodgson John, 40 Union Hodgson W. Irving, clerk, 40 Camp, d. 497 Rampart, d. 1 Hoduff John, laborer, Laurel n. Ninth Hoe Amos, f. m. c. carpenter, Ursulines, n. Robertson Hoefel George, blacksmith, 274 Royal Hoefer Theodore, tailor, 67 Derbigny Hoefner John, b. h. Levee n. Adele Hoeffner Jacob, butcher, Constantinople n. Laurel, Jefferson City Hoeffner Michl. prof, of music, 203 Camp Hoeffner M. Mrs. 203 Camp Hoehn George, grocer, 347 Old Levee, d. 2 Hoehn Jacob, milk. Sixth n. Basin Hoelzel Philip, corn mill,296Tchoupitoulas Hoelzell Louis blacksmith, 281 Howard Hoelzell Poltz, grocery, Erato c. Liberty Hoener Philip, tinsmith, 744 Dauphine, d. 3 Hoening Jules Robert, artist painter, 61 Common Hoepke Edward G. painter, 405 Chartres Hoepstein Bernhardt, 697 Puimpart, d. 3 Hoerath Michael, shoemaker, 306 Hospital Hoen George, bread, 101 St. Mary's mkt Hoerrer Jules, 9 Hobertson Hoey Kdward, elk, 47 Conti, d. 636 Ely- sian Fields Hoey John, a "citizen," Carrollton Hoey Martin, blacksmith, 84 Port Hoey M. Mrs. 118 Elysian Fields Hoey Nicholas, 118 Elysian Fields Hoey Nicholas J. ( C. E. Girardey &f Co.) 37 Magazine Hoey Robert, painter, 346 Howard, d. 1 Hofar Isaac, baths, 119 Rampart, d. 2 Hofer J. M. Rev., Josephine n. Liberty Hof Daniel, driver, 24 Montegut Hoffarth Frank, c. h. Girod c. Front d. 1 Hoffer Isaac, Laharpe n. Broad Hnff Charles, furniture, 207 Bienville Hoffman Alex. T., elk, 45 Royal d. 40 | Robertson Hoffman Aug. CD. H. Holmes,) 148 Canal | d. 215 Common HOF 227 HOG Hoffman August, clerk, First c. Montegut Hoffman A., tailor, 98 Exchange place, d. 226 Conti Hoffman Cliarlcs, shipwright, 350 Fulton llDffinuM Charles, newscarrier. Felicity n. Howard Hoffman Charles, porter, HG Chartres fiotl'man Charles F., clerk, 35 Carondelet, d. Carondelet n. Felicity Hoffman Christian H. grocer, 4]0Gravier Hiilfman Daniel, laborer, 786 Burgundy, d.3 HOFFMAN E. 170 Canal street, French and German Looking Glass Depot. Manufacturer of Looking Glass, Portrait and Picture Frames. Importer of English, French and Cierman Engravings and Lithographs, Oil Paintings. Hoffman Frederick, 316 Baronne lloll'man Kred., cartman, 315 Melpomene Holi'irian Geo. tinsmith, 4(13 Customhouse Hotl'man George, liarber, 222 Royal lloirman G., shoemakr. 39 Annunciation Jf.iirnian George, c. Sixtli and Haronne lloirman Hammond, lah. 100 I'rquhart Ho)}'iiuui Hy. barber, Derbigiiy n. Conti Jloil'man Henry, butcher, 691 Fulton Holl'man H. painter, New Lrvee n. Third Holl'inan .Tacob, dry goods, 250 St. Ann lloH'inan James dry goods, horse station, St. Charles (lolVman & Marks, (Janus Hoffman, Jllex- aiuler J\larks,) dry goods, Magazine, i c. St. Mary Hoffman .Tno. blacksmith, 232 St Louis HoiVman Jno. grocer, 262 Bayou road Holfman John, tailor, 73 Gravier HolVman Jose[)h, Austerlitz n. Magazine, .lelRrson City Hoffman J. watchmn. Harmony c. Fulton liojnnan J. carp. Bolivar n. Poydras tjoliman J. tailor, Adele n. Rousseau Hotl'man J. carp. Johnson n. Perdido Hiifinian L. carp. Jackson n. Magnolia H'lil'inan Martin, iVuii, 361 Old Levee,d.3 Holt'inan Margaret, 31 Jackson Hiiirman Michl., painter, 27 Josephine HolFman M. Mrs., Robertson n. Custom- house H oilman M., laborer, 1.55 Piety Hoilmdn rs'icholas, shoemaker, Urquhart n. Marais Hotl'man Philip, drayman, 147 Religious Hodman Philip, cab driver, 302 St. Louis Hoirman F'hiliii, furniture cart,yeventh n. Annunciation Hoffman Wm. laborer, 186 Orange HoUinan Wm. ship carp. Jacks m, McD. Hodman W. Mrs., Morales n. Mandeville Hoffmann Adam, c. Ii. and b. ii. til and 02 New Livec Hoffmann Andrew, 17 St. Charles Hoffman Joseph, c. h. New Levee c. La- fayette Hoffmann J. butcher, 46 St. Mary's mkt. HotVmann Philip L. barber, Notre Dame c. New Levee Hoffmark Ed. br. h. 266 Rampart d. 1 HofViier G.carp. Constance n. Second Hofkersbring H. confectr. 412 Magazine Hoflin George, clerk, 66 St, Peter Hogan A. V. clerk, 2 Front Levee, d. 2 Hogan Cath. Mrs. 408 Liberty Hogan Daniel, plastr'r, Erato n. Franklin Hogan David, laborer, 52 Spain Hogan Edward, blacksmith, 97 Gaiennie Hogan Edward l].( ,>lustin ,(looihvyn &f Co.) Customhouse c. Front Levee Hogan E. Mrs., 351 Baronne Hogan F. P. commission and forwarding merchant, 63 Poydras Hogan F. tailor, 34b Perdido Hogan Geo., laborer, 45b 'I'choupitoulas Hogan James, 42 Felicity Hogan James, laborer, 35 Constance Hogan Jeremiah S. clerk, b Front Levee d. 242 Derbigny Hogan John, moulder, 79 Gaiennie Hogan John, blacksmith, 79 Perdido Hogan John, grocer, 423 Baronne Hogan John, laborer, 557 Dauphine Hogan J. clirk, Louisiana Cotton Press, d. 115 Robin Hogan Kate, 32 Adele Hogan Martin, lab. Josephine n. Rousseau Hogan Mary B. .580 Magazine Hogan Mary Mrs. 97 Gaiennie Hogan Matthew, drays, Clio n. Clara Hogan Michael, 413 Gravier Hogan Michael, lab. 196 Tchoupitoulas Hogan M. Mrs. 408 Liberty Hogan Pal'k. lab. Felicity c. Annunciation Hogan Pal, 181 Chippewa Hogan Peter, lab. 7 Leeds' row, Erato Hogan Thomas, lab. 345 Tchoupitoulas Hogan Thomas, drayman, 10 Enghien Hof^an T. P. com. mer. 63 Poydras Hogan William, 141 St. Joseph Hogan William, Rampart n. Louisa Hogan William, (Turnell &f Co.) 99 and 101 Canal Hogan William B. Mrs. 66 Erato Hoge Edward E. commission merchant, d. Third n. Laurel Hogey Charles, 139 Magazine Hogg Henry, laltorer, 263 Laurel, d. 4 Hogg James, lab. 581 Tchoupitoulas, d. 1 Hogg T. Egenion,( Mm. Alaury &( Hogg,) d. Cam|) c. Race Hogg William, Lafayette c. Locust Hotjgarth Thomas, b. h. 12 Marigny Hojjgarth J. barbcT, 354 ( ustomhouse High Jacob, l>ftrkeej)er, 421 Ursulines Hoghton, Rankin & Co. ((.Vo. W. Hoghton, Rankin, Janus ^1. Bryson,) commission mt^rchants, 125 Cr)mmon Hoghton Geo. W.C/y«g/i/on,/fanAin^ Co.) 125 Common Hoglin John, c.irp. Religious c. Felicity HOG 228 HOL Hogue William, 257 Common Hohl John, shoestore, 429 Dryades Hohn John, baker, G93 New Levee Hohn John, steward, 73 Burgundy Hohn J. clothing, 273 Rampart, d. 1 Hoii J. Dr. 544 Burgundy Hok Ambrose, tailor, 110 Basin Hoke Wm. drayman, Jackson, McD. Hoksmann Henry, turner, 66 Liberty Holalian James, laborer, 164 Chippewa Holahan John, tailor, Ann n. Orange Holbeck Thomas, cage maker, 189 Julia Holbrook A. M.( Kendall, Holbrook &{ Co.) d. 184 Lafayette Holbrook C. J. painter, 97 Baronne, d. 441 Royal, d. 3 Holcer Virginia Mrs. 53 Rampart, d. 1 Holcher Bernhard, c. h. Louisa c.Chartres Holcomb Henry A. book keeper, 74 Ca- rondelct Holcomb William Reid, 93 Gravier Holcotte F. C. c. p. 168 Johnson Holden James, cabman, 537 Burgundy Holden I. S. & Co. (Henry M. Converse,) lime, cement, etc, Magazine c.Poydras Holderman August, 98 Conti Holdes P. H. gro. Morales c. Mandeville Holdrith Daniel, grocer. Felicity c. Ba- ronne, d. Melpomene c. Rampart Holdsberry M. Melpomene n. Howard Holdship C. Mrs. dry goods, Magazine n. Race Holdsworth Luther, carp. 43 Baronne, d. 326 Lafayette Holey Fred. warehouseman, 79 St. Thomas Holgrave Martin, lab. Clouet n. Morales Holland Charles, com. mer. 138 Common, d. 63 Esplanade Holland Christian, blksmith, 489 Tchou- pitoulas Holland Council, No. 1, (Masonic,) No. 1 Odd Fellows' Hall Holland George, Second n. Laurel Holland 'Jackson, clerk, 375 Dryades HOLLAND JOHN H. and JOHN E. Attorneys at Law, Notaries Public and Commis- - sioners for Texas, 99 Gravier, d. 172 Treme, d. 2. Holland Lafayette, attorney at law ,99 Gra- vier, d. 373 Ursulines Holland L. A. 438 Ursulines Holland Maria, 80 Perdid'o Holland Martin, junk store, 2 Chippewa Holland Pat. lab. 517 Burgundy d. 3 Holland Warren, 307 St. Ann Holland William, 123 Morales Hollander Edward, 193 Canal Hollander Frederick, f iVeber &r Hollander, ) 213 Canal Hollander Gustavus, tobacconist, 63 Ely- sian Fields Hollander J. H. laborer, 605 Bourbon Hollander Pierre, 180 Royal Hollborn H. shoemkr. 402 Annunciation Holle Charles, c. h. Levee n. St. Andrew Holle Charles F. 67 Tchoupitoulas Holle & Co. (C. G. Holle, J. H. Hicmmel,) newspapers and periodicals, 61 Ex. place Holle C. G. (Holle Sf Co.) 61 Ex. place Hollenbach Godfrey, drayman, 91 Felicity Hollenbach J. G. 798 New Levee Hollenbach T. Geo. 799 New Levee, d. 4 Holleran Thomas, 87 Customhouse Holler Henry, ship carpenter, Algiers Holley Eliza, 89 Basin Holley Mary Mrs. seamst'ss. 36 Religious Holley Nathaniel, carp. 408 Franklin Holley Robert, engineer, 443 Basin, d. 1 Holliland Frederick, engra'r. 195 Euterpe HoUinger E. shoemaker, 69 Urquhart Hollinger John, grocer, Rousseau c. Adele Hollman Clause, sugar maker, 46 Mazant HoUman Dietrich, furniture cart, 84 Inde- pendence Holtohan John, tailor, 2.55 Annunciation Holloway Eliza, 71 Annunciation Hoiloway Henry, gas fitter, 278 Camp Holloway John, c. h. 345 Tchoupitoulas Holloway John, gro, Thalia c. St. Thomas Holloway & Lonsdale, ( Um. P. Holloway, Henry H. Lonsdale,) cotton factors and com. mers. 75 Carondelet Holloway Martin, lab. 170 Goodchildren Holloway Richard, lab. 50 Annunciation Holloway Wm P. (Holloioay &f Lonsdale,) d. 235 Magazine Hollum Michael, laborer, 375 St. Andrew Holm Christian, baker, 131 Enghien Holm F. J. laborer. Liberty n. Jackson Holluedel August, laborer, 120 Frenchmen Holman Henry, fruit, etc. 84 Perdido Holmes Alexander, carpenter, 248 Tchou- pitoulas Holmes Anna, variety store, 26 Marigny Holmes Bazil, 34 St. Charles, d. 33 Po- lymnia Holmes Benjamin, 91 Port Holmes Columbus, dcp. shff. 151 Poydras Holmes C. clerk, 49 New Levee, d. 1 Holmes D. H. dry goods, 155 Canal Holmes H.letterer on glass, 74 Rampart,d.l Holmes John, laborer, 46 St. Philip Holmes John, recorder of mortgages, 103 Royal, d. St. Charles n. Harmony Holmes John H. sail loft, 1 Marigny bid'gs Holmes Joseph T. c. and b. h. Patterson c. Seguin, Algiers Holmes Lucy, 34Gasquet Holmes Peter, sailmaker, 4 Marigny build- ings, d. Urquhart n. Music Holmes Richard, carpenter, 178 Jackson Holmes Samuel, fisherman, 180 Villere, d.2 Holmes Truman Capt. 676 Magazine Holmes T. C. 676 Magazine Holmes & Spencer, ( Wm. Holmes, D. B. Spencer,) grocers, 7 Gravier Holmes Wm. (Holmes 8f Spencer,) d. 672 Magazine Holmes Willis, cotton broker, 20 Union, d. l,d. 423 Carondelet • . ♦ HOL 229 HOP Holmns Wm. H. attorney at law, Canal c. Exchange place Holsclicr H. c. h. '22 Louisa Hi.lsi'al Prtrr, fv,-d, 312 Howard Holstn (31ias. carpeiiUT, 534 Rampart, d.3 Holskanipcr John, tailor, 105 Poydras, d. 3(j8 Magazine Holsli'in Joseph, clothier, 38 South mrkt Holt G. Ainold, com. mer. 26 Carondelet Holt Li. W. 107 Gravier, d. Claiborne n. Gasquet Holt Samuel E. d.-rk, 40 Perdido Holt Thomas, cook, 251 St. Loui.s Holt W. bricklayer, Haronne n. St. An- drew Holter Edward, tailor. 53 Villerc, d. 1 Holtgrave John, 266 Morales Holtgrave Wm. grocer, 820 Dauphine,d.3 Hohhaus B. tailor, 279 Carondelet Holthaus Herman, painter, 848 Dauphine Holthaus John, dairy? Philip c. St. Patrick H..ltka C. laborer, 81 Rlmire Hojtin Honora, 532 Rampart, d. 3 Holion Patrick, calinian, 5.32 Rampart, d.3 Holton Peter, clerk, 532 Rampart, d. 2 Holtslon T. mate, 45 Marigny lloltz C. C. (Blacks,- Co.) d. 128 Philip Holtz M. 341 Common HoltKiMi Philip, c. h. 274 Tchoupifoulas Hollzrr Bernard, drayman, 412 Orleans Holtzer Joseiih, 19 Bagatelle Holtzerland F. lab. Laurel n. Berlin, Jef- ferson City Holtzingcr Ant. trunks, Terpsichore near Constance Holtznian G. A., Eighth n. St. Charles llolyland Fred, engraver, 115 Canal, d. 195 Euterpe Holz Jo.seph, dry goods, 343 Common Holzbach Charles, clerk, 142 Chartres Horn Jacob, carpenter, McDonogh Homan G. W. (UatldnsS^-Homan,) 30 Camjs d. 360 Carondelet Homan Isaac W. (,hlhur &c Co.) Canal c. New Levee Homberger J. barber, 146 Tchoupitoulas Homburg H. druggist, 182 Orleans Home Hook and Ladder Co. Jersey near Najioleon avenue, Jetl'er-ion City Home Nlutual Insurance Co. 78 Camp Home Warehouse, Fulton c. New Levee Homer Henry B. engineer, Peter, Algiers Homes Luther, iron wks. 106 St. Charles Honimell P. druggist, 23 Elysian Fields Hommess Fred, game, 48 I'rsulines Honemann H. lal)orer. Valence c. Plaque- mine, Jefferson City Honerkanip F. tailor. Cypress n. Lafayette Honey James, clerk, 80 Canal Honeycomb W. carp. Seventh n. Camp Honojd & Co. ( Chrislian Honold, .lug^ist Mfinndicr,) com. mers. 6 Carondelet Honold Chrislian, (Honold S, Co.) Consul of Wurtemburg, d. 64 Rampart, d. 2 Honor T. B. vegeial)les, 17 Poydras mkt Honore Geo. A. f.m c. barber, 128 Royal Honore Isadore, Mrs. 162 Gasqui't Honore M. butclier, 10 and 12 French mkt Housen John H. machinist, 283 Gravier Hook E.W.Dr., Alex. n. Chestnut, Algiers HookiT H'lirietta, Dryades n. Seventh Hooker Henry, (J., A. Lum &f Co.) 74 St. Charles Hooper George, Piety near Burgundy Hooper George, steward, 96 Enghien Hooper George, 120 Marigny Hoopt'r llenrv, |>ainter. Cypress n. Roman Hooper Isaac Capt. 11 RobcM'tson, d. 1 Hooper Jacob, laborer, 108 Gaiennie Hooper John, drayman, St. James near Chippewa Hoo|)er L. c. h. Water near Sixth Hooth Philip, coo]i(^r, 351 Orleans Hooth Philip, jr. confect'r, 351 Orleans lloov.r A. Mrs. b. h. 108 St Charles Hoover Christian, planter, 439 Royal Hoover Daniel, warehouseman, Melpo- mene n. Clara Hoover G. cat), maker, 184 Rampart, d. 1 Hoover John, lab. Rousseau n. Jackson Hope Hook and LaddiT Co. 2 Levee, d.3 Hope Insurance Co Canal c. Ex. place Hope Warehouse, Fulton and New Levee Hojx'well & AVhiling, (Henry Hopnccll, Horace Whiting, juaw mkis. 218Canal Hopf C musician, 406 Customhouse HoptVnsaGk A 282 Customhouse H.>pfensack E. A. c. and b.h. 1.50 N. Levee Hopkins Alfred H. 157 St. Louis Hopkins Anthon, laborer, 109 Villere Ho]>kins Arisiiiie, clerk, 28 Carondelet, d. 81 Barracks Hopkins A. M., com. mer. and cot. factor, 41 Union, d. 1, d. 503 Magazine Ho()kins Charles, slater, 194 Franklin Hopkins Charles W. receiving teller, Union Bank, d. 277 Royal Hopkins E. Mrs. 144 St. Piter Hopkins G. B. carpenter, 171 St. Joseph Hopkins Helen, 181 St. Peter Hopkins Henry Mrs., 39 Rampart Hopkins Hugli D. acct. 62 Carondelet, d. 129 St. Ann n. Burgundy Hopkins James, sr. jilanter, 81 Barracks Hopkins James, screwinan, Josephine n. Fulton Hopkins James A. secretary Board Assis- tant Alderman, 12 City Hall Hopkins Joseph, real estate broker, 243 Ursulines Hopkins Joseph, drayman, 322 St. Louis Hopkins J. W. 26 Bank place Ho|ikins Margaret, 30 Mazant Hojikins Octave, 107 St. Louis Hoi>kins Patrick, drayman, 121 Richard Hopkins Peter, clockmaker. Religious n. St. Mary HofikinsS. cott.weigher,603Magazine,d.4 Hojikins S. jr. 25 Magazine, d. Caronde- let n. Cadiz, Jefferson City Hopkiii.H Thos. drayman, 85 Rampart, d.2 Hopkins William, grocer, 365 Common Hojimaster Mary, 280 Calliope Hopp August Mrs. 598 Chartres, d. 3 16 HOP 230 HOU H<»pij Charles, musician, 406 (Customhouse Hcipp C. tinsmith, 41 »t. Peter, d. 294 ' frleoiis Hoppe August, clerk, 50 Tchoupitoulas H3 Baronne Home Simeon, clerk, 405 St. Charles Home William, variety store, 533 Maga- zine, d. 4 Horner Jose]ih P. attorney at law, 13 Camp, d. 349 Basin, d. 1 Horner Pauline Mrs. 61 Liberty Horner Wm. C. laborer, Second c. Fulton Hornet John, warehouseman, 100 Canal Hornor C. W. ( Durant S( Hornor,) d. 479 Magazine Hornot Eugene, carp. 175 St. Philip Hinnot Jean C. 230 St. Philip Hornot L. shoes, Customhousec. Bourbon Homowski B. carpenter, 302 Coijti Hornung Francis, cooper, 218 Rousseau " B. .VI. ( Hm-rell, Gayle Sf Co.) d. Hon Fourth c. Coliseum Horrell, Gayle & Co. (B. M. Horrelle, J. W. Gayle, J. E. Isenhour,) commission merchants, 93 Mai-azine HorrJ. B. 98 Annunciation Horrell John, 327 Royal, d.3 Horsch G. A., Josephine n. Constance Hoischer H. ha^rworker, Prytania n. Po- Ivmnia .Hor.sefield Mary Ann, 363 Franklin, d. 1 Horsin E. military erjuipmenls, keeper opera house-, Bourbon c. Toulouse Horslow Carl, lal)orer, 30 South market Horsthemke John, tailor, Marigny c. St. John Bajitist Horstnian Catharine, Prosper n. St. An- thony Horstman C. H. bakery, 600 New Levee Horstman Ferdinand, 303 Old Levee Horta A. 39 Tchoupitoulas Horton Charles, artist, 134 Canal Horton C. H. clerk, 74 Canal Horton G. (Magee &c Kneass,) 6 Magazine Horton George, clerk, 151 Common Horton I. H. carpenter, 161 New Levee Horton Louis, 325 Customhouse Horton Sanford, primer, 346 Thalia Horton Thomas, laborer, 494 Chartivs,d.3 Horty Patrick, laborer, 38 Girod Hosan David, St. Ann n. Roman Hosch John, beer agent, 76 St, Louis Hose William, laborer, 16 Poet Hoselle Joseph, bread, Clouet n. Claiiiorne Hosey Anna E. Jackson n. Rousseau Hosey Charles F. cotton weighcn-, 139 Constance Hosey John,c. h. Washington c. Baronne Hosfelt John G. driver, 782 Dauphine,d.3 lloslowir M., Josephine n.Dryades Hospital Charity, Common n. Girond Hospital Ciiy, Dr. O. Anfoux, Elysian Fields c. Josephine Hospital "Luzenberg," Elysian Hospital Society of the Holy Family, 40 St. Bernard HOSPITAL, Surgical and Wom- en's, in charge of Dr. N. Boze- man, 90 Baronne street. Hossler Michael, lab. Josejihine n.Dryades Hossly J. M. tailor, 182 Rampart, d. 1 Hotclikiss Bennett B. agent for Dikeman 6^ Co. 74 Carondelet, d. First n. Pry- tania Hole M. J. wine broker, 5 History Hotel Dieu, in charge of the Sisters of Charity, Common n. Johnson Hottendorfl" G. clerk, 27 Front Levee Hothfilier Henry , shingle maker, 48 Poland Hotteiidorf G. clerk, 27 Front Levee Hotiinger Frederick, milkman, Carondelet c. INapoleon avenue, Jefferson City Hotmail Louis, c. h. 31 Julia Hotzelstiel John,drayman,9 St. Ferdinand Hotzkaemper F. tailor, 288 Magazine Hotze W. Mrs. millinery, 34 St. Peter Hotzman George, machinist. Palmyra n. Johnson Houber Caleb, laborer, 178 Tchoupitoulas HOU 231 HUA Houck Win. H. printer, 70 Camp Houcye John, Caroiidelet n. Third Houijli Jacob, lamplighter, Rociicblave n. iirsulint's Hougham \iin, dressmaker, 653 Ram- pr.rt, d. 3 Hoiij^htaliM^ J. C. clerk, 2 Maajnzine H'>u^hiiin E. M. tailur, 7H Coininon Iloiiiilitoii Gardner P., Erato c. Liberty Hoiij^hton J. H. paiiiiemak. 232 Josepliine Houseman L. Mis. 439 St. Claude Housen John, machinist, 283 Gravier Houser A. furniture, 172 Rampart, d. l,d. 248 Bienville Houser George, laborer, 999 New Levee Housnecht Peter, drayman, Terpsichore n. Fri'ret Houston Charles, book keeper, 98 Gravier Houston John, lab. 'Vdele n. Rousseau Hinistoii Kobert C, St. Andrew n. Camp Hiuisitui Wm.clk.d.Felicit\^ n. Carondilet Hou.'^tun Win. P. waiclima'n,288 Howard Houy J. Mrs. 132 Port Houy Robert, painter, Erato n. Freret HOW P., Wood and Machine Works, Nos. 115 and 117 New Levee. Howard Association, office 30 Camp. H"Ward Benj. builder, 176 Magazine, box 182 Mech. Exchange, 17 St. Charles Howard C'harles, ch ik. 41 Maijazine Howard Charles T. agi nt, 7 Cam]), d. 457 liaronne Howard Godfrey, 90 Montegut Howard Henry, screwman, 65 St. Tames Howard & 'f hibi rge. (Henry Howard, Henry R. Thib(r<^e,) architects, 13 Commercial plae,> Howard Henrv, ( Ihncard &f Thibertre,) d. :)89 St. Charles I Howard James, clerk, 164 St. Joseph Howard James .n . 3 St. Mary's market, d. Fulton c. St. Andrew Howard Jas. clerk, quartermaster's office Howard John. dilclier, Newton n. Front, Grt Howard John, f. ni. c. painter, 247 Conti Howard John H. clerk, 1 Tchoupitoiilas Howard J. niacliinisl, Mel|ionieiie ii. Clara Howard L. Mrs. dressmaker, 87 St. Mary Howard Mary Ann, 460 Royal Howard Mieliai 1, painter, 275 Franklin Howard M. J. ( Dwyer S( Howard,) d. 220 Julia Howard M. Mrs., Gasquet n. Joimson Howard Patrick, variety store, 47b Front Levei^ d. 1 Howard R. A. confectioner, 153 Camp Howard R. S.(R. H. Short Sf Co.) 74 Camp Howard T. H. atty. at law, 82 Camp, d. 742 Magazine, d. 4 How-ard William, laborer, 22 Spain Howard William, 234 Tchoupiioulas Howe Andreas, cabinet maker, 425 Cus- tomhouse Howe A.T. Dr., Lafayette C.Gretna, Gretna Howe Jeremiah, laborer, 504 Rampart, d. 3 Howe Koberi, clerk, 30 ('oinmon Howe Thos. J. machinist, 352 Magazine How.ll A. builder, 293 Baronne Howell Benjamin, f.m.c 377 Customhouse Howell John, lab. 361 Old Levee, d. 3 Howell J. B. Maj. U. S. 297 Rampart Howell J. P., Customhouse Howell Mary E. 33 Kainpart, d. 1 Howell Rufus K. judge Sixth Dist. Court, d. Miro c. Lapey rouse Howell Stiuldart, hardware, 55 Cam]) Howell Ihnmas, lab. 455 Chartres, d. 3 Howell Wm. ■rrocer, 325 Conti Howell Wm.F. com. mer.d. 437 Carondelet Howell Wm. B. porter. Rampart c. Mam Howell Wm. B., Carondelet I,. Jackson Howi'S George, c. p. 166 Port Howes Margaret, 596 Royal, d. 3 Howes Kolierl Capt. 6.53 lUnipart, d. 3 How land .1. H. ( GrrgoHv, Hoipland if Co.) d. 70 Burgundy Howler F. 362 Dryades Howley John, seaman, 483 Dauphin<\d.3 Howley Michael, lab. Jose[(liine n. Fulton llowtli Bridget Mrs. seamstress, 416 Basin Hoy Joseph, (Cai-roll, Hoy &(■ Co.) d. 116 Terpsichore Hoy Robert, Cypress n. Claiborne Hoylan Michael, carpenter, 115 Market Hoyle John M. paper hanger, 160 Catjal, d. Koman Hoyle J. M. upholsterer, 119 Camp Hoynes D.iii'l, milkman, Philip n.Dryade.s Hoyt Charles J chrk, St. Charles Flotel Hoyt Fred. E. acrt. (Hyde Sf Goodrich,) Hoyte Mary, Cliti n. Carondelet Hozhall Leon, clerk, 76 St. Louis Hiiant J. dry goods, 208 Royal, d. 171 Mara is Huard .Augustus, receiving teller Mechan- ics and Traders'Bank,d.l54 Esplanade HUA 232 HUG Huard P. H., P. 0. clerk, d. 58 Union l^ubac Madaii.e, Nuwion c. Monroe, McD. Hul)bard B. Mrs. 5Q9 Chartres, d. 3 Hublmrd C. D. (Brander &f Hubbard,) d. Prytania c. Ninth Hubbard Dan'w\, ( Greenleaf Sf Hubbard,) 12G Canal, d. Carondtlet op. St. Mary Hubbard George, salesman, 78 Canal Hubbard H., Louisiana avenue, Jeff. City Hubbard Isabella, 130 Conti Hubbard John, clerk, 120 Canal Hubbard John P. grocer, 32 New Levee, d. 4 Hubbard J. B. furniture, 122 Rampart, d.l Hubbard Lewis, f.m.c. steward, 350 Conti Hubbard Philip, cook, 222 St. Louis Hubbard R. D. 529 Chartres Hubbard William, 155 Greatmen Hubbard Wm. grocer, 432 Old Levee Hubbell Edwin B. 144 St. Ferdinand Hubbell Julius, clerk, 55 Camp Hubbell Levi, 112 Customhouse Hubbell M. Mrs. 553 Burgundy Hubbell W. E. d. 224 St. Charles Hubeau Ernest, feed store ,343 Bayou road Hubee Wm. cabinet manfr. Ill Poydras Hubener George, barber, 184 Liberty Huber Chris, carpenter, 222 Annunciation Huber Frederick, shoemaker, 13G Orleans Huber Gustav,cabinet maker, 184 Rampart Huber Jacob, laborer, 197 Liberty Huber Jacob carpenter and cistern maker, 57 Poet Huber John, rope maker, c. Elysian Fields and Solidelle Huber J. A., Josephine c. Annunciation Huber J. M. clerk, 39 New Levee Huber Louis, baker, 429 Main Huber Louis, carpenter, 88 Liberty Huber Mathias, grocer, Washington near Rampart Huber Nicholas, Sixth n. Constance Huber William, 153 Franklin Hubert Andrew, baker, 176 St. Peter Hubert Augustine Mrs. 417 St. Charles Hubert Chas. wood sawyer, Erato n. Clara Hubert Henry, cabinet maker, 98 Conti Hubert Louis, cartman. First n. St. Patrick Hubert Louis, c. h. 217 Water, d. 4 Hubert Michael, tinsmith, 8 Old Levee Hubert N. attorney, 417 St. Charles Hubert S. gardener, Florida Landing HuberwaldH.Dr, Washington n. Rousseau lluberwald J. apothecary. Race c. Tchou- pitoulas, d. 529 Chartres Huberwald Rudolph, apothecary, 75 Ram- part, d. 1 Hubner Louis, cabinet maker, 540 Tchou- pitoulas Huchell Joseph Mrs. 174 Main Huchez Cffisar, accountant, 124 Canal Huchez L. lumber, 94 Delord, d. Tivoli n. Delord Huchez R. Mme. watchmaker, Tivoli c. Delord HuchingsJohn A. 15 Union, d 1 Huck A. G. clerk, 25 Magazine Huck C. shoemaker, 35 Poet Huck Johanna, 828 Dauphine Huck John, shoemkr. 224 Tchoupitoulas Huck P. T. clerk, 135 Constance Huckfeldt Chas. lab. 451 Robertson, d. 3 Huckins J. Capt. 60 First Huckmeyer John H., Third n. Rousseau Huckrcda Wm. woodyard, 275 Julia, d. 229 Franklin Hudson Ann Mrs. 150 Camp Hudson Henry 112 St. Cliarles Hudson Henry Mrs. 426 Camp Hudson John E. clerk, 320 Magazine Hudson Philips, 7 Marais, d. 1 Hudson Thomas, laborer, 509 Chartres Hudson Victor, clerk, 221 St. Peter Hudson Wm. c. p. 391 Franklin Hues Fred. K.,St. Andrew n. Howard Huessler Martin, tailor. St. Peter n. Prieur Hueston Elizabeth Mv&. 19 Marais Huet Wm. J. c. p. 10 Prieur Huey John, cot.weighr. 204 Annunciation Huey John C. com. mer. d. 132 Euterpe Huey J. C. sr. agent, 333 Basin Huey J. C. clerk, 48 Race Huey Mary Ann Mrs. 12 St. James, d. 1 Hufner Joseph, tailor, 205 Conti Huff Chas. blacksiTiith, 111 Desire Huffman A. Capt. agent, Alg. warehouses Huffer George, carpenter, 193 Laurel Hufft Bernard, clerk, 51 Common Hufft C. F. tailor, 2 Perdido, d. 3 Hufft G. grocer, 556 Burgundy Hufft J. gi-ocer, 470 Chartres, d. 129 Poet Hufty Joseph, jewelry and fancy goods, 80 Canal Hug Ferdinand, hats, 185 Rampart, d. 1 Hug John, wa'chmaker, Poydras n. Prieur Hug Joseph, baker, 291 Old Levee, d. 2 Huger John M. com. mer. 43 Carondelet, d. 11 Pontalba bldgs. St. Peter Pluger William E. clerk, 33 Carondelet Hugh J. N. tinware, 30 Magazine Hugh Lucas, ( Cooper Sf JsYibert,) 27 Com- mon Hughes Michael, 110 Rampart, d. 2 Hughes Chas. engineer, 207 Annunciation Hughes C. Mrs. b. h. 63 Julia Hughes David, draym. 631 Rampart, d. 3 Hughes David, clerk, 10 Customhouse Hughes D. M. C. atty. at law, 7 Rampart Hughes Edwin Dr., Prytania n. Bordeaux, Jefferson City Hughes E. A. Mrs. 331 Rampart, d. 1 Hughes Francis, lab. 538 Tchoupitoulas Hughes Frederick, 844 Magazine Hughes Fred'k, bricklayer, 383 Poydras Hughes George, clerk, 23 Magazine Hughes George, 449 Dauphine Hughes George, furniture, 139 Girod Hughes George, laborer, 137 Howard Hughes George, coppersm'h, 241 Common Hughes Henry, bricklayer, 272 Eighth Hughes H. Mrs., Poet n. Royal Hughes John, cooper, 238 Tchoupitoulas Hughes John & Co. ( Morgan R. Hughes,) shipwrights, Algiers Hughes John, 55 St. Andrew 1 f HUG 233 HUN Hughes John, laborer, 183 St. Thomas Hiighps John A. d. Erato n. Dryadt-s Huglii's John P. woodoasser, N. O. J. and G. N. R. R. Hiiirlu's Joseph, seaman, 12 Mandoville Huglus, Hyll'Sted & Co. (J. ,/. Hughes, C. R. Hyllcstcd,) com. mcrs. 45 I'nion Hue;li-'s J. J. (lluo-hes, Ilylli'ste.d Sf Co.) d. 19 Rampart.'d. 2 Hughes Martin, lab. 581 Tchonpitoulas Huglies Matthew, ralKs, 217 Thalia Htight's Michael, !al)ori'r, 78 St. Thomas Hught's Mary Airs., seamstress, 405 Alaga- zine Hughes Morgan R. (John Hughes Sf Co.) Algiers Hughes Patnck, drayman, 493 Tchoupi- touias Hughes Patrick, grocer, 390 Gravier Hughes Patrick, lal). .'')38 Tchonpitoulas Hughes Hat. laborer, 59 Constance Hughes Peter, boiler maker, 47 Mandeville Hughes Pres'n, f. m. c. drayni. 216 Galvez Hughes Philip, coppersmith, 174 Tchonpi- toulas Hughes Richard, lab. 484 Chartres, d. 3^ Fluglies Richard, laborer, 515 Burguncly Hughes Robt. cotton screwer, 3(5 Religious Hughes Steph., St. Charles n. Washington Hughes Stisan Mrs., Melpomene n. Camp Hughes T. laborer, 244 Ursulines Hugiies T Mrs. 308 St. Claude Hughes William, coppersmith, 174Tchou- pitoulas Hughes William, clerk, 202Tchoupitoulas Hughes William, lab. 113 Tchoupitoulas Huglies William, lali. 3G Enghien Hughes William, 121 St. Charles Hughes Wm. boilermaker, Elmirc, Algiers Hughes Z. eiig'r. Third n. Lafayette, Grtn. Hughey George, Jackson n. Laurent Hugo William, c. h. and bdg. Magnolia c. Shell road Hugon Caroline, f. w c. 316 St. Philip Hugon Peter E. elk. Cypress n. Magnolia Hugonin P. Mrs. 69 St. Peter Huguenell L. tinsmith, 89 Ursulines Huguenot Jacques, carji. 193 iVlarigny Huhn Catherine, 172 flampart, d. 2 Huhn C. cigar mkr. 271 Tchonpitoulas lluhn Fred, baker, St. Anthony c. Girod Huhner G. barber, 269'.,' Tchfuipitoulas Huhner Jacob, barber, 125 Religious Huhner Michl. barber, 556 Tchonpitoulas Hukill John E. steward, 3.33 St. Ann Hukreda Wm. wood & coal, 275 Julia Hula John, dry goods, Chartres n. Louisa Hulain E. 248 Robertson Hulberi Louisa Mrs., Peters av. n. Dry- ades, Jefferson City Hnldir Jose|>h, 259 Frenchmen Hull Justine Mrs. 119 Spain Hull.n Patrick, 116 Elysian Fields Hullinghorst William, machinist, 392 Cus- tomhouse Hulls Sarah, school, 123 Carondolet Hulra Catherine Mrs. 701 Dauphine Hulseman Jno. wood and coal, St. Charles n. Depot, d. 331 Melpomene Hulseniann E. VV. tailor, 163Clouet Hullzmann Geo. engin'r, Tmiti n. St. Ann Humanii Geo. earjienter, bi') Prieur, d. 2 Humann Hem-y, carp. Orleans n. Miro Huniard George, Laurent n. Josephine Humason W heeler, engin 'r, 349 Lafayette Humbecker John, drayman, 6 Chippewa Humltert A. watchmaker, 8 Camp, d. 11 Marais Humbert A. Mrs. dressmaker, 11 Marais Humbrecht D. crockery, glass and hard- ware, 173 Poydras, d. I Humher George, bricklayer, Market n. Front Levee Hummel A. tailor, 317 Magazine Hummel Frederick, blacksmith. 119 Front Hummel James H. ( Holle Sf Co.) 61 Ex- change place Hummel Airs, midwife, 247 Tchoupitoulas Hummel Stepheii,tailor,247 Tchoupitoulas Hummerich Mrs. 106 Union, d. 3 Humphrey Jas. marble cutter, 422 Terp- sichore Humphreys Charles, lab. 4 Mandeville Hun Frank, baker. Levee n. Bordeaux, Jeff. City Hundell Archibald, Royal n. Congress Hunduma Jacob, blacksmith, 171 Fulton Hune Henry, lal)orer, 565 Tchou]>itoulas Huner John, barber, 146 Tchoupitoulas Hunger Wm. sho(>maker, 75 St. Ferdinand Hunley H. L., Customhouse Hunold F.J. shipsmith. Pacific av. Algiers Hunolt Chas.candlemk'r,117 Bartholomew Huiisinger Chris. wood dealer, 4{^5 Dryades Hunt Carleton, atiy. at law, 54 Camp, d. Common n. Dryades Hunt C. S. 46 St. Charles Hunt Edward, atty. at law, 1 St. Peter, d. 411 Robertson Hunt Kliza Mrs. b. h. 104 Rampart Hunt Frank, Josephine n. Chippewa Hunt Mary, f. w. c. 113 Carondelet Hunt Randall, altoriii-y at law, 10 Royal, d. 16 Dryades, University place Hunt R. P. ( Ward, Hunt &f Co.) 100 Gra- vier, d. Philip n. Pryt^mia Hunt R. P. O. 16 Gasqu.'t Hunt Theod(u-e G. judge First District Court, d. 6 Dryades Hunt Thomas F. Mrs. 173 St. Charles Hunt T. Dr. dean medical department Uni- versity of La. d. 179 Common Hunt William H. atty. at law, 54 Camp, d. 15 Rampart, d. 1 Hunter Arthur', lab. Royal n. Congress Hunter A. Wallace, clerk Home insurance, office, d. Seventh n. Prytania Hunter A. W. 511 Carondelei Hunter Charlotte, 249 Baronne Hunter Chas. western produce, 99 Maga- zine, d. 68 Jackson Hunter D. watchmaker, 12 New Levee Hunter George W. clerk, 15 Tchoupitou- las, d. 45 Poydras HUN 234 HUW Hunter H. book keeper, 57 Carondelet Hunter Isaac, clerk, 75 Carondelet Hunter Robert A-., U. S. Marshal, Royal over P. Office Hunter Samuel, c. p. 183 Chippewa Hunter Tobacco Warehouse, Hunter near Tchoupitoulas Hunter W. H. <.Jrange n. Tliomas Huntington A. S. (B. W. Hanlington &c Bro.) d. 384 St. Charles Hunting-ton B. W. & Bro. (A. S. Hunt- ington,) commission merchants, 79 Magazine, d. 408 St. Charles Huntington E. W. atty. at law, (Emerson 8f Huntington,) 12 Exchange place Huntington G. W. (Payne Sf Harnsson,) 51 Union, d. Polymnia n. Coliseum Huntington Walter, 51 Union,d.2 19 Thalia Hunton & Miller, (Thomas Hunton, H. C. Miller,) attys. at law, 38 Camp Hunton Thomas, (Hunton &( Miller,) d. 151 St. Charles - Huntzen Peter, lab. Melpomene c. Freret Huntziiiger F. Mrs. 382 Chartres Huot Constant, carpenter, 430 St. Ann Hupin Leon, machinist, 156 Royal Huppenbauer Fritz, U. S. restaurant, 89 Common Hupper George, laborer, 132 Piety llupper Louis, baker, 314 Ursulines Hurber Gottlieb, lab. 178 Tchoupitoulas Hard Henry, laborer, 705 New Levee Hurd John, (Crescent Firewood Company,) 99 Carondelet walk Hurd W. A. collector, baseme't St. Charles Hotel, d. 163 Bienville Hurlbutt Levi, clerk, 62 Ciravier Hurley Chaihs, clerk, 49 Union, d. 1 Hurley Daniel, hatter, h'oydras, d. Thalia n. Locust Hurley James, laborer, 110 Greatmen Hurley John, builder, 19 St. Charles Hurley John, laborer, 296 Liberty Hurley John, hatter, 137 Poydras, d. 240 Tchoupitoulas Hurley Maurice, accountant, 87 Gravier Hurley Michael, lab. Music n. Burgundy Hurley M. L. laborer, 119 Urquhart Hurley Patrick, laborer, 232 Magazine Hurhy I'hilip, tailor, 297 Carondelet Hurmaster Jolm, grocer, 354 Melpomene Hunt Alfred, 79 Exchange place Hurst Jacob, laborer, 142 Terpsichore Hurst John H. collector, 14G Lafayette Hurst H. Mrs., Marais n. Toulouse Hursted C. c. h. Front Levee c. Port Hurtig M. A. F. dairy. Seventh n. Basin Hurtubuise Alfred Mrs. 77 History Husber E. M. Mrs. dressmaker, 415 Ca- rondelet Husch John, laborer, 930 New Levee Huss F. tailor, 319 Rampart Husse Antoine, shoemaker, Bourbon n. Prosper Husse J. cigars. Third n. Rousseau Husselman Henry, lab. 831 Burgundy, d. 3 Hussehriann F. laborer, 31 Religious Hussey Ann Mrs. 528 Dauphine, d. 3 Hussey James, tailor, Poydras n. Bolivar Hussey John, laborer, Gravier n. Willow Hussey John, carpenter, 407 St. Charles Hussey Thomas, lab. Gravier n. Willow Hussion John, b. h. New Levee n. Julia Hussman Henry, grocer, Constance c. Calliope Hussman Henry H. wood yard. Calliope n. Poucher Hussum W. Mrs. 351 Villere, d. 3 Hussy Benjamin, moulder, 50 Jackson Hussy John, carp, .(ackson n. Rousseau Hussy Sebastian, Jackson n. Rousseau Hustedt Henry, laborer, Miro n. Canal Huster Jacob, waxman, 307 Ursulines Huston John, laborer, 80 Adele Huston Robert C. ( W. T. Vaudry Sc Co.) d. 178 Felicity Huston Samuel, (Massey, Huston &f Co.) 52 New Levee Huston T. boots and shoes. Levee n. Madi- son, Carrolltoii Huston T. boot and shoemaker, Levee n. Madison Huston Wm. drayman, 115 St. Thomas Hutchings William H. sr. 35 Claiborne Hutchins D. K. mechanic. Third n. Fulton Hutchinson Ed. b. h. 399 Old Levee, d. 3 Hutchinson Henrietta, f. w. c. 280 Gravier Hutchinson James, plasterer, Thalia c. Franklin Hutchinson John, f. m. c. bricklayer, 280 Gravier Hutchinson John, Bagatelle n. Girod Hutchinson J. R. 59Carondelet,d.Jeff.City Hutchinson J. Rev. 256 St. Andrew . Hutchinson P. grocer, Gravier c. Magnolia Hutchinson Robert C. 94 Gravier, 'd. Co- liseum c. Eighth Hutchinson Robert, plasterer, 10 Palmyra Hutchinson Samuel, 216 Julia Hutchinson Silas, engineer, 207 Basin, d.l Hutchinson S. W. 94 Canal HUTCHINSON T. W., Fash- ionable Hat Store, No. 94 Canal street, next door to Camp. Huter H. lab. Berlin c.Live Oak,Jefr.City Huth John, cooper, 190 Chiiipewa Huth John, barber, 107 St. Charles Huther Joseph, 169 St. Anthony Huthmacher H. blacksmith, 40 Enghien Hutmacher F , Turners' Hall, Franklin Hutmacher J. shoem'r, 328 Customhouse Huttic Frederick, 86 St. Mary Huttmann Herman, drayman, 342 Conti Hutton Joseph, clerk, 9 Villere, d. 1 Hutton Thomas H.,U.S.A. Sixth n. Camp Hutty Jacob Mrs. 95 Music Huweiler Jos. carpenter, 99 Claiborne, d. 2 HUY 285 INF HITYE GEORGE, Manufacturer of Plain and Fancy Wood and Paper Boxes, 28 Camp street, up Staii-s. Huyglio Robert, builder, First c. Division Hyiuiiitlic F. grocer, 276 Hiiyou road Myiim .Toll 11, carpenter, iVlarens!;o c.. Camp Hyains C. H. clerk, New Levee c. Canal Hyanis, Labatt & Jonas, ( H. M. Hyamn, J). V. Ldbult, B. F. Jonas,) attoriu'ys at law, l'2'.i Common Hyams H. M. ( llyaina, Labatt Sr Co.) d. JtiJ Canal Hyanis Judith Mrs. 477 Rampart, d. 1 Hyanis \. K. clerK, 76 Canal, d. 5 Magazine Hyatt A. VV. (Thomas H. Shields ^ Co.) d. 398 Fcliciiy Hyatt A. Julius, collector, 366 Philip (-[yalt Fred. .1. c. p. Cypress ii. Willow Hyatt H. Mrs. .3,36 Howard Hyatt R. C. clerk, 55 Carondelet, d. 164 Delord Hyatt W. 0. city police, Alsficrs Hyde E. C. Dr. 219 I'choupltoulas, d. 87 Constance Hyde E. D., d. 408 Mas:azii!e HyrfJc E. H. clerK, 77 Canal, d. 408 Mag- azine I Hyde & Goodrich, (Jfm. .M. Goodrich, Urnnj Tlioiiuifi, ,1. B. Gristrold,) im- pin'lers and dealers in jewelry, Canal c. Royal Hyde James J. western prod. 50 Poydras Hyde John E. & Co. C.4. D. Macaulvy,) agents, basement St. Charles Hotel, d. 99 Burgundy Hyde O'Kerrins, Constance n. Richard Hyde & Mackie, ( miliam A. Hyde, T. G. .Maekie.) shipwrights and projirielors of Ni'W Orleans Dry Docks, Algiers Hj'de VVm. bookkeeper, 1(17 Gravii^r Hyde T. R. Mrs. 85 Burgundy Hyde Wm. M. carpenter, 186 Basin, d, 1 Hyden Jose, 182 St. Ann Hyer Frank, cortee house, 303 Gravier Hyer Frederick, cartman, 217 Bau Hortere, stock mer. 340 Laurel Imbau & M.hle, (E. Iinbau, Chas.MhIr,) com. miTs. Stock Landing, Jell". City Imbau Edward, Milan n. Live Oak, Jeff. City Imberl Charles, St. Louis c. Charlres Imliert Gnsiave, printer, d. 272 St. Ann Inilieuscr John, Ri-ligmus n. Market Imhof Kri'deri'-k, Rampart c. Philip Imliof Fred'k. shoemaker, 65 Enghien Imliof T. carpenter, Philip op. Baronne Iinhoft'T., First n. Dryades Imke (} IL Mrs. c. h. 2 Front Levee, d. 2 Immaculate Church, (Catholic,) Baronne n. Common InUgrafT Ernst, acct. 16 St. Charles Imwold D. shoemaker, 89 C^onsress Infant .Manu'l, cigars, 53 St. AiiiIi'miv ING 236 JAC Ingate Frederick, exchange broker, 117 Gravier, d. 337 Esplaiiiide Ingerman P. carpenter, Baronne n. Third IngersoU Ed w'd, engineer, 217 Melpomene Ingeisoll M. A. Mrs. 121 Polymnia Ingham Hmry G. foreman, 298 Gravier, d. 81 Franklin Ingle Philip, drayman, Sixth n. L!\u»-el Indies Adam, milkman, 260 Laurel Ingles H. furnished rooms, 89 Union, d. 1 Ingliss S. J. furnished rooms, 11 Bourbon Ingold Jacob, wheelwright, 217 Chippewa Ingraham Frank, gas works, 120 Common Ingraham Henry, engineer, 27 Market Ingraham J.J. accountant, 13 Poydras, d. 481 Rampart Ingraham Thomas, screwman, 17 Adele Ingram George, importer of wines, etc. IHCarond.iet Ingram Saiah Mrs., Eighth c. Constance Ingram William T. clerk, 43 Poydras, d. 504 Dryndes Innis Thomas, oysters and fruit, 23 Poet Ingvirssen Lorenz, Laurel n. Washington Inkster John, engineer, 581 Rampart, d. 3 Inlinger John, shoemakrr, 579 Rampart Inman Heinrich, blacks'ih, 312 Magazine Inrad George, Bourbon n. Claiborne Insberry William, clerk, 34 Constance Inslee William, steamboat agent, 213 Thalta Institution for the Relief of Indigent Or- phans, 37 Greatmen, d. 3 Institution f(u- the Education of»CoIored Or- phan Children, 393 Daujihine, d. 3 lorgensen C. F. watchmaker, 1048 New- Levee, d. 4 Ipler A. carpenter, Chippewa n. Fourth Irad Ferry Fire Engine Co., Tchoupilou- las, b. Race and Orange Iranizerich Antonio, barkp. 238 Dauphine Ireland Richard, acct. 155 Common Irive J. clothing, Water ii. Pleasant Irl Joseph, carpenter, 57 Prieur, d. 2 Irvine John, clerk Louisiana Bank, d. Magazine n. Third Irvine Walter F. clerk, 155 Common Irving James B. carpenter, 106 Baronne Irwin John Dr. d. Terpsichore n. Constance Irwin John, wood (las'r.N .O.J.&G.N.R.R Irwin John H. De Blanc, 309 Common Irwin J. Q. sheriff's office Irwin J. R. acct. N.O.J. & G.N.R.R. Irwin Patrick, omniljus proprietor, d. St. Charl.-s c. Eighth Irwin Wm. carp'tr. Basin n. Terpsichore Isaacs Julien M. acct. Clio n. St. Charles Isaacs Moses, clerk, 227 Rampart, d. 1 Isaacs M. (Polasky &c Co.) 200 Chartres Isaacs William, painter, 302 Melpomene Isaacson Alfred H. clerk. Crescent Dock, Algiers, d. Peter c. Seguin, Algiers Isaacson Harry M.acct. and cashier sher- iflf's office ,'374 St. Charles Isaacson Jose])h, paiuter, 256 Dryades Isabella J. B. Mrs. 39 Gasquet 1 Iselman Lawrence, shoemaker, 209 Mel- pomene Isemann Theodore, clerk, 117 Franklin Isenhour Josiah E. ( Horrell, Gayle &( Co.) 93 Magazine Isenmann Wendelin, shoem'r, 330 St. Peter IseringhersenWm., Frenchmen c. Solidelle Iserman W. furniture carts, 576 Dryades Isermann W. cabinet maker, 64 St. Philip Isern Peter, c. h. Dauphine c. Bienville Iset Michael, pilot, ferry boat, Algiers, d. 187 Derbigny, d. 2 Ishnos Adolphe, sailor, St. Jane n.Perdido Isidore Francois, drayman, 444 St. Ann Isler S. c. h. Magazine c. St. Mary isler & Walker, ( W. B. Isler, R. K. Wal- ker,) com. mers. 76 Poydras Isler W. B. (Isler &f Walker,) 76 Poydras Isnard J. J. Mrs. 91 Dauphine Isnard Oscar, clerk U. S. Branch Mint, 91 Dauphine Isnardon J. B. Mrs., St.PhiJip c. Claiborne Isperan Danos. butcher, 24 French mkt Israel A. scourer, 37 Hospital Israel F. Mrs. dry goods, 139 Rampart,d.l Israel E. M. Mrs., St. Charles n. Felicity Israel Isaac, 141 Rampart, d. 1 Israel Joseph, 158 Hospital Israel Marx, dry goods, 389 Dryades Isringhausen Mrs. J95 Greatmen Isted John, clothing, 2 Front Levee, d, 3 Istoup Jacob, clerk, 322 Customhouse Ittman George, barkeeper, 105 Gravier Ittmann Henry, clerk, 183 Royal Iva Angils, bdg. h. 371 Old Levee Ivens Edmund M. general agent, 53 St. Charles Ivens Edward Masent, 2 Union, d. 1 Iver H. warehouseman, 67 Marais Ivers Wilson P. engineer, 60 Greatmen Iversabal Miguel, trader, 46 St. Philip Ivey Aug. clerk, 126 Canal, d. 11 Annette Ivins Edwin W. builder, 73 Liberty, d. 1 Ivy Edward, (Lee, Ivy &c Co.) 48 Camp, d. 166 Philip Ivy Thomas J. Capt. 166 Philip Izard Smith, c. p. 141 Bienville Jack EDWARD W. ( Clajyp, MUchell (^Joc/c J 35 Magazine Jackson Alex., Carondelet n. Louisiana Jackell Andrew, carpenter, 576 New Levee Jackson Andrew, lal)orer, 389 Ursulines Jackson Augustus,^ H'. Sf S. D. Kennedy) druggists, Dryades c. Clio Jackomet John, baker, Kirst n. Laurel Jackson A. C. colk-ctor, 70 Can»p Jackson A. O. 669 ("harlres d. 3 Jackson Catharine Mrs. 199 Julia Jackson Elizabeth, 35 Treme d. 2 Jackson Eliz'h. Mrs.,Soniat n. Plaquemine Jackson Fire Conijiany, No. 18, Calliope Jackson Geoige, c. p. 559 Dauphine, d. 3 Jackson and Gretna Ferry, Levee c. Jack- son Jackson Henry, Camp n. St. Mary Jackson H.W.R. in town, but not report'd Jackson James, clerk, 55 Camp JAC 237 JAC Jackson James, (Davis &f Jackson) 173 Poydras Jackson James, (Jackson &f J\Ianson) 34 Meipomene Jackson James Capt., Elmire n. Royal Jackson James Mrs., Royal n. Mangny Jackson John H. bookkeejier,] 1 Lafayette Jackson Jos. ]iedler rat poison, 17 Spain Jackson Josluia, 13 St. Charles, room 7 Jackson J. B., Bagatelle n. Burgundy Jackson Louis, engine cleaner, Jackson Raih'oad depot .Jackson Lucy,f.w e. nurse, 270 St. Tliomas Jackson Jas. (Jackson Sf jyianson) d. 15 Melpomene JACKSON & MANSON, (J«s. Jackson, Chas. Manson, John Jackson,) Dealers in Liver- pool, Turks Island and Rock Salt. Also, Extra Fine Salt in 5 and 10 lb. Bags for Family Use, c. Gi'Evier and Tchoupi- toulas. Jackson Martin, 15 Annette .Tackson I\L f. m. c. 314 Conti Jackson Molass(vs Refinery, 253 Magazine Jackson Public School, Pacanierc. Richard Jackson Robt. feed, 66 Julia d. Ill Laurel Jackson Thomas, clerk, 455 St. Charles Jackson T. H. clothing, 82 Common d. 134 Washington Jackson Washington & Co. commission merchants, Carondelet n Perdido Jackson Wilhelmina Mrs. millinery, 554 Maga/.ine Jackson William, carpenter, 12 St. Joseph Jacob A. trader, 200 Rampart, d. 1 Jacob Chas. pedler, 115 St. Peiiy- Jacob Eugene, elk. Hospital c. Chartrea .Jacob E. Mrs. boarding house, 44 Conti Jacob Francois, clerk. Main c. Chartres Jabob F. baker. Seventh n. Constance Jacob Hubert, bottler, 351 (Jhartres, d. 3 Jacob John, professor, 331 St. Louis Jacob John B. c. h. 3.55 Bayou road Jacob .loseph, loan office, 155 Bourbon Jacob J., baker, St. Anthony c. Morales Jacob Louis L. elk. 9 K'ront Levee, d. 2 I Jacol) Martin, barkeeper, 215 Royal Jacob Nicholas, c. h. 517 Camp d. 4 Jacob S. 243 Baronne Jacob Wni. 142 Columbus Jacobi Michael, clockmaker, 04 Laurel Jacobe Josepli, shoemaker, Madison c. Decatur, MclJ. Jacobs Aliraham, butcher, 44 Poydras mkt Jacobs Abram, clothing, 108 St. Charles Jacobs Abraham, 200 Rampart, d. 1 Jacobs A. laborer 499 Chippewa JACOBS E. (L. S. Lipman, Suc- cessor,) Daguerreotype and Photograph Saloon, 93 Camp. Jacobs Christian, cook, 230 New Levee, d.l Jacobs E. M. auctioneer, 49 Mandeville Jacobs Felix M. & Co, ice house, 19 Ely- sian Fields, d. 464 Main Jacobs Hirsch, cap maker, 247 Ram- part, d. 1 Jacobs Jacob, 64 Johnson, d. 2 Jacobs Jacob, 438 Chartres Jacobs Jacob, 446 Koyal Jacobs Jacob, lab. Prosper n. Union Jacobs James M. pilot, 81 Union, d. 3 Jacobs John A., musician, d. 4UJ Franklin .Jacobs John, mate, 237 Lafayette Jacobs John R., carpenter 209 Julia Jacobs .lohn M. Mrs. 461 St. Ann Jacobs Joseph, bakery, 139 Enghien Jacobs Joseph, auctioneer, 435 Chartres, d. 446 Royal Jacobs Joseph, 90 Royal JACOBS J. L., Watches and Jewelry, California and Real Diamonds. Banjos, Acordi- ons, Violins, Guitars and all kinds of Musical Instruments 42 St. Charles. Jacobs Mary, 18 St. Anthony Jacobs M. clothing, 108 St. Charles Jacobs Mrs. M. 436 Chartns, d. 3 Jacobs S. i>awnbroker, St. Charles c. Poy- dras, d. 243 Baronne Jacobs William, musician, 217 Polymnia Jacobshager (ieorge, 178 Royal Jacobson James, carpenter, 375 Camp Jacobson J. F. carp. 677 Rampart, d. 3 , Jacomet Jacolj Mrs., Constance n. Second Jacomine J. Mrs. 349 Or'eans Jacot Alexander, elk. 20 Exchange place .Jacotet J. carpenter, 144 Roman Jacour D. barber, Roman n. Bienville Jacques Charles, 987 New Levee, d. 4 Jac(|ues Foriina, butcher, 43 Poydras mkt .lacques .lacob, laborer, French n. Krato Jacques Jacob, cigars, 189 Burgundy Jacques Joiin A. atty. 12 Marais, d. 1 Jacques Joseph, furn.cart, 172 Marais, d. 2 Jacques .Jules, tii^smith, 41 Conti Jacques Malhias, lal). 126 Conti Jacquer Nicholas, Urquiiart n. St.Ferdn 'd. Jacquet Alfred, 154 Si>ain Jacquet Alfred, clothing, 49 and 50 Old Levee, d. 593 St. Claude Jacquet Frank, lal). 830 Dauphine, d. 3 Jacfiuet Joseph, drayman, 352 Claiborne Jacquet S. Mrs., Derbigny n. Conti Jacquibert P. f. m. c. Derbigny c. Conti Jacquier Joseph, ( Doussa7i &c Jacqui r,) 110 Ciiartres Jacquillanl Christopher, soda. Water n. Jackson Jacquillard Peter, St. Mary n. Religious Jacquillard Samuel, grocery, 117 St. Mary Jaccpiuiet D. barber, 105 Marais, d. 2 Jacquot D. furniture, 1,39 Toulouse Jacquot J. wai(-hmaker, 158 Main JAC 238 JAQ Jacquol J. J. B. milk, St. Pliilip n. Broad Jacquot Paul, 48 .Vluiii Jadoin Maroraret, 34 Annette JacgiT Charles, musician, 195 Roman, d.2 Jaeg( r Christian, laborer, 20 Hospital Jaeg-er C. carpenter, 75 Congress Jaeger Paul, confectioner, 61 Barracks Jaeger S. Mrs. millinery, 92 Victory Jaekel Geo. shoemaker, IMarket n. Levee Jager Christo[)he, tailor, 390 Thalia Jager Gustdve, shoemaker, 53 St. Peter Jager Joseph, sausage maker. Live Uak n. Austerlitz, Jefferson City .lager Peter, butcher, 855 St. Claude, d. 3 Jaguet D. gardener, Morales n. Desire Jahan Chas. A. grocer Laurel n. Val- ence, .Jefferson City Jahan L. 377 Rampart, d. 3 Jahan L. N. collector, 330 Derhigny, d. 3 Jahnson 0. A., Rousseau n. Jackson Jahraus B. tailor, 71 Main Jalbert Louis N. billiards, St. Louis c. Koyal,d. 198 Girod Jalliot Laurenline, 61 Poet Janiarie V. butcher, Magazine market Jambert Antoine, shoemkr. 121 St. Peter James Aug. f.m.c. painter, 252 St. Claude James A. B. & Co. (Robert McRee) dry goods, 37 Magazine, d. St. Charles op. Tivoli Circle James Charles, caulker, Goslin, Algiers James D. A. (Stewart &f James) 42 Union James D. B. Dr. 105 Customhouse James Gaspard, deputy clerk Sixth Dis- trict Court, d. 105 Desire James Geo. F. steward, 12 Prieur .James H. Mrs. 414 Rampart, d. 1 James H. J. 140 Goodchildren James John, clerk, 61 Gravier James Margaret, Rampart n. Thalia James Mary Ann, Goslin, Algiers James Michael, 214 Girod James Mrs. fortune-teller, 29 Frenchmen James Samuel L. superintendent City Rail Road, Canal c. Royal Janii'S Theodore A. ^. Prytania c. Seventh James & ("Joates, ( Thomas James &(■ George Coatea,) locksmiths and bell hangers, 75 Lafayette James Thomas, (James &f Coates) 75 La- fayette James Thomas Y. 221 Lafayette James Wm. A. Capt., Toulouse n. Roman Jamet Alfred, carpenter, 390 Hospital Jamet Eugene, f. m. c. shoemaker, 395 Villere, d. 3 Jamit John, 564 Burgundy, d. 3 Jamet John B. shoemaker, 194 Columbus Jamit Louis, Roman n. Esplanade Jamison A. cooper, 114 Thalia Jamison David, (Giquel Sf Jamison) 248 Baroiuie Jamison Geo. H. clerk at Record Courl,3d district, d. 413 Chartres, d. 3 Jamison Hugh, (Voorlnes, Griggs &c Co.) 17 Tchoupitoulas, d. 438 Dryades,d.l Jamison James, carpenter, d. 279 Thalia Jamison John, lab. 424 Burgundy, d. 3 Jamison John F. elk. Common c. Magazine Jamnia John, 310 St. Peter JAMISON & MelNTOSH (Sam- uel Jamison, James Mcin- tosh) Builders, 250 Baronne, d. 248 Baronne. Jamot & Lelena, carpts. 114 Toulouse Janaway Nicholas, furniture car, 315 Melpomene Jane John, confectionery, 78 Rampart, d.l d. 261 Tchoupitoulas Janin Charles, atty. at lavi^, 79 Exchange ^ place n. Conti, d. 143 Clio Janin Eugene, atty. at law, 55 Conti next Louisiana Bank, d. 39 Rampart, d. 2 Janin Frank, barkeeper, 218 Main Janin H. O. acct. 53 Carondelet Janin John, hatter, 271 Orleans Janin Louis, hatter, 132 Exchange place, d. 271 Orleans Janin Louis, atty. at law, 55 Conti, next Louisiana Bank Jankendorff N. tailor, Cypress n. Magnolia Janner Charlotte, f. w. c. 465 Marais, d. 3 Jannet Ambrose, baker, 220 Levee, d. 3 Janning Henry, St. Anthony, n. Urquhart Janotzek S. locksmith, 112 St. Andrew Jansen Joseph, coffee stand, 36 Poydras market Jansen Peter,c.h.and bdg. Locust c.Delord Jansen Stephen A. tinsmith, 227 St. Louis Janvier Chas. A. (R. Mills Sf Co.) 98 Gravier, d. 187 Burgundy Janvier H. P. secretary La. Mutual Insu- rance Co., Camp c. Natchez, d. Mag- azine c. Soniat, Jefferson City Janvier Mercelite, f.w.c. 580 Rampart, d.3 Janvry P, P. G. 397 Old Levee, d, 3 Jaque Peter, cooper, 325 Laurel Jaques C. Pierre, Laurel n. Ninth Jaques Eugene, c. h. Freret c. LafayeJ^te , Jaques H. H. ( Duryee, Jaques Sf Clearman) i 25 late 29 Magazine \ Jaques John, f. m. c. cigars, 165 St. Peter I Jaquess John A.,Soule Com. College, St. j Charles, c. Gravier Jaquess JohnA.lieut. police, d. 1,74 Gasquet Jaquet Alfred, 402 Magazine Jaquet Alfred, dairy, 124 Clouet JAQUET GUSTAVUS, Succes- sor to Maria Hognon, Snuff and Smoking Tobacco Manu- factory, Importer of Havana Cigars, etc.. Wholesale and Retail, new No. 44, late 53 St. Peter, between Chartres and Royal, d. 53 St. Peter. Jaquillard Nicholas, 144 St. Mary. Jaquillard Peter, wood yard, 86 St. Mary Jaquin John B. insp. of customs,d. Gretna JAR 239 JEN .lara Francisro, cis:ars, Girod c. Camp Jarbelle J()S(]ih, 146 Cliarins Jarher Clias. uphdlsteror, 45 St. Peter Jaidi't P. E. t:;rocf'r, 122 Niw Levee, d. 1 Jaidii) A. n8 Orleans JencviiMi Jno.c. h.Tchoupitoulas n.<.\leste Jeneson Alexander, carpenti'r, .36 Deiord Jeneveii John, "Holbrook House," 97 St. Charles Jenger John, c. h. Julia n. Claiborne Jcgou Edward, boarduig school, Claiborne c. St. Louis Jegou v. Dr., New Levee c. Harmony Jehle Louis, cabinet maker, 295 Conti Jehleu Adrian Jendose Peter, clerk, 122 Chartres Jenis John, cleric, 133 P.rdido Jenkins A. S. Mrs. Bolivar n. Perdido Jenkins D. W. book keeper, 41 Magazine Jenkins Elizabeth, 52 Perdido Jenkins D. C. editor, 76 Camp Jenkins E.J. measurer in Customhouse, d. 461 Carondelet, d. 1 Jenkins Geo. f. m. c. 416 Villere, d. 3 Jenkins Horatio N. drafter in Leed's foun- dry, d. 89 Spain Jenkins Jane, f. w. c. 253 Ursulines Jenkins J. mate. Annunciation n. .Fackson Jenkins .1. M. (Davis, Jenkins &,• Co.) 67 Carondelet, d. 501 Ramjiart, d. 1 Jenkins J. P. 90 Gravier, d. Louisiana av. Jenkins J. W. (Thomas FAder &,- Co.) 67 Telioupitoulas, d. Jefferson City Jenkins Mat. drayman, 215 Magazine Jenkins M. Mrs. Sixth n. Fulton Jenkins M. Mrs. Spain n. Greatmen JiMikins Nathaniel, drayman, 51 Common Jenkins P. M. clerk, 41 Magaztne Jenkins Thos. drayman, 121 Burgundy Jenkins Thos. C. & Co. (Chas. F. Sise,) ship agent and com. mer. 122 Gravier, d. Louisiana avenue n. Pryiaiiia Jenks Sarah Mrs. 116 Camp Jenne Balirmore, mer. 358 ibn'al, d. 3 Jenne Geo. shoemaker, Conii n. Claiborne Jenntdin Adolphe, clerk, 144 Canal Jenness Simon B. salesman, 105 Camp Jenne vin J. c. h 93 St. Charles, d. Celeste c. Telioupitoulas Jennig Henry, laborer, 94 St. Anthony Jennings Jno. hatter, d. Robertson n. Canal Jennings Louton, 557 Carondelet, d. 1 Jennings Lycurjrus, laborer, 115 Polymnia Jeiuiings .Mary Mrs. fur. rooms, 76 Rarnmie JEN 240 JOH Jennings Michael Mrs. 12 Maiideville Jennings Michl. warehousem. 84 Calliope Jennings N. R. atty. at law, U. S. commis- sioner and clerk U. S. District Court, d. 193 Camp Jennings O. S. jewelry, 20 Camp Jennings Paul, barkeeper, 237 Common Jennings Robt. T. (Robt. S. Mams 8f Co.) 10 Union Jennings Thos. grocer, 346 Tchoupitoulas Jennings Thomas, 55 Carondelet Jennings Thornas, lab. Common n.Galvez Jennings Thomas, screwman, 346 Tchou- pitoulas Jensen A. carp. 77 Elysian Fields Jensen Christian, c.h. Powder n.Peter,Alg. Jensen J. 529 Burguudy, d. 3 Jensen J. H. accountant, 142 Canal Jensen Thomas, laborer, 80 Desire Jenseng Henry, tailor, 45 Port Jerauld Edmund, watchman, Terpsichore n. Dryadi;s Jerby Charles, jeweler, 257 "St. Ann Jerentrump H. trunkmkr. 136 Rampart, d.l Jerger A. poulterer, Spain n. Chartrcs Jerger Jos. butcher, 97 French market Jerger Philip, shoemaker, 170 Roman, d. 2 Jerman Fred, shoe store, 538 Magazine, d. 4 Jermyn William, clerk, 321 Howard JeroUeman Alfred S.d.Meljjomene n. White Jerolieman S. L. N. barber. Arcade pas- sage, adjoining Bulletin office Jerome Clara, 63 Burgundy Jerome Jean, locksmith, Elysian Fields n. Royal Jerome Joseph, f. m. c. 282 Main Jerome H. K. feed store, Magazine n. St. Andrew, d. First c. Constance Jerome Tehante ,c.h. Patterson c.01ive,Alg. Jerrison John, 238 Bayou road Jerry Mathias,cigar maker,224 Frenchmen Jervey W. E. agent for the Warren fire and water proof roofing, 50 Camp, over Merchants Bank Jervis Alfred, Josephine near Fulton Jester August, carp. First n. St. Dennis Jester & Dallas, (James Jester, Wm. C Dallas,) carpenters and builders, 44 Josephine JESUITS' COLLEGE, e. of Com- mon and Baronne streets. L. Curioz, President. James Dafo, Chaplain. J.Cambiaso,Vice-President. Charles Booker, Treasurer. T. W. Butler, Secretary. Jesam E'ran^ois, 248 St. Louis Jesum Louis, Johnson n. Canal Carondelet Jeter John T. 114 St. Charles Jett Catharine, f. w. c. 229 Conti Jett Henry T. clerk, 90 Gravier Jewell Edmond J. acct. 34 Magazine Jewell Henry H. clerk, 35 Carondelet, d. 93 Gravier Jewell J. W. carpenter, 382 Magazine Jewell Virginia, Lafayette n. Johnson Jewell Walter L. acct. 13 Customhouse Jewett Charles, clerk, 134 Canal Jewett Ivers, 321 Liberty Jewett John, moulder, 343 Howard Jewett Wm. carpenter, 267 Thalia Jewish Widows' and Orphans' Home, Jackson c. Chippewa, d. 4 Jex Daniel, 47 Bienville, d. 1, d. Union, d. 3 Jignac F. carpenter, Main c. Robertson Jignac J. cigars, 21 Toulouse, d. 368 Old Levee, d. 3 Jignac Joseph, barber, 238 Ursulines Jignac Peter, shoemkr. Claiborne n. Union Jiiiy Joseph, shoemaker, 95 Baronne Jilson Frank Capt. 301 St. Louis Jinart James, oysters, 35 Tchoupitoulas JINNINGS, THOMAS, jr. New Orleans Dental Depot, dealer in Mineral Teeth, Gold Foil, Plate and Dental Materials, 53 St. Charles. Jirauld Edmond, c p. 334 Terpsichore JisclardJ. L. c. p. 212 Villere Joachim Adam, stables, 40 Esplanade Joachim Henry, Washington n. Magazine Joachim Jacob, pilot, Jena near Jersey Joachim Peter, cook. Fourth n. Annunc. Joanan Peter, tinsmith, 170 Rampart, d. 1 Joandeu Victor, coal and wood, 207 Bayou road Joaquin M. 123 Poet, d. 3 Joarn P. carpenter. Piety n. Rampart Job C. barber, 82 St.Charles,d.54Rampart Job Herman, laborer. Third n. Rousseau Jobard A. laborer, 135 Chartres Jobert Anna, dry goods, 284 Dauphine Jobert Arthur, clerk, 221 Dauphine Jobes John, Urquhart n. St. Ferdinand Jobson Samuel, 236 Marigny Jobson Samuel, watchman, U. S. Mint Jochem Wm. shoemaker, 166 Camp Jochim Anton, clerk, 441 Chartres, d. 3 Jochin Antoine, 9 Esplanade Jochin A. 81 Cotton Press Jochum Peter, gardener, Galvez n. Onzaga Joe Nicholas, oysters. Levee n. Enghien Joern Peter, carpenter, 98 Piety Joffrion P. inspector of customs, d. 147 Dauphine Joham Peter J. carpenter, d. 396 Thalia John Louis, laborer, 122 Euterpe John Martin, laborer, Milan n. Laurel, Jeff. City Johns Andrew, planter, Jeff. City Johns & Dessommes, (J. J.Johns, H. Des- sommes, E. .3. Dessommes,) foreign and domestic dry gds. 91 Canal c. Chartres Johns Joshua Mrs. 155 Basin, d. 1 Johns Jos. carpenter, i-aharpe n. Roman Johns J. J. (Johns &c Dessommes,) Canal c. Chartres Johns Sarah, Customhouse c. Roman JOH 241 JOH Johnsen J. 0. painter, Philiii n. Rousseau Jiiliiisen Tlinnias G. clurk, 89 Camp JdlinsiMi Albci-tina, 88 F'lanklin, d. 2 Joliiisiin Allen, Hiinler St. Ti)l)acr,o Ware- hniisQ, d. Chippewa n. Andrew Johnson Andrew, inspector of revenues, 131 Rousseau .Tolmson Aviijusta Mrs., Columbus r.Vilierc Johnson Austin, b. h. 34 Levtc, d. 3 Johnson Ahxander H. elerk, 127 Common Johnson A. laborer, ()()() St. Claude, d. 3 Johnson A. clerk, 120 Canal Johnson H. R., Julia c. New Levee Johnson Caroline, f. w. c. goda, &c. 131 Conti Johnson Cath.D., Pleasant c. Constance Johnson Chas. ship carpenter, Algiers Johnson Chas. A. ( Jolinson Sf Denis,) d. 39 Rampart, d. 2 Johnson Chas. dairy, St. Patrick c. Octa- via, Jeff. City Joimson Charles C. surperintcndent slave dejiot, 177 Gravier Johnson Chas G. cotton factor and com. mer. 119 Gi'avier Johnson & Denis, ('C/iis. .j?. Johnson, Henry Denis,) attys. at law, 6 Exeh. place Johnson ('hristian, lal)..\ .Levee n. Robert .lohnson Christopher, 16 Marigny Johnson Christopher, Algiers Johnson Clari'nce, broker, 77 Gravier Johnson C. W. lab. 112 Independence Johnson C. bricklayer, 212 St. Andrew Johnson D. laborer, Algiers Johnson D.S. Dr. 79 Thalia Johnson Ebert A. c. p. (day) 550 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Johnson Ed. f. m. c', waiter, 98 Urquhart Johnson Edw. barkee]ier, 53 North markt Johnson Edward, painter, 96 Adele Johnson Kdward, (Jirod n. Magazine Johnson ElU'n, 474 Dauphine, d. 3 Johnson Ellen Mrs. b. h. .")3 North market Johnson E. A. painter, 441 Charires, d; 3 Johnson E. book keeper, 13 Camp Johnson Francis, 116 Felicity JOHNSON FREDERICK A. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 90 Magazine. Particular attention paid to the sale of Produce and the purchase of Southern Com- modities. Johnson F. cabs for hire, 325 Rampart, d. 1 Johnson F. baker. Orange n. St. Thomas Johnson F. Mrs., St. Philip n. Galvez Johnson (ieorge A. ( Drblnis &: Johnson,) western produie, 8 Front Levee, d. 2 Johnson Henrietta, 29 Roman, d. 2 Johnson Hannah, f.w.c. 64 Rampart, d. 1 Johnson Henry, f.m c. 100 Liberty Johnson Henry, St. Andrew n. Coliseum Johnson Henry, carpi nter, 11 Roman Johnsin Henry, elk. d. lOO'IVlioupiiouias Johnson Henry P. (Smith &; Johnson,) 8 Carondelet Johnson H. D. Mrs. 204 Common Johnson H. P. Mis., Greatmen c. Mande- villc Johnson Jaines ( W. A. Johnson &,• Co.) 30 Perdido Johnson & Gladke (James Johnson, Chas. .1. G7rt(/Af,; jewel, IS, in.>St. Charles Johnson James, machinist, lll9 Basin, d. 1 Johnson James, Comiuon n. Howard Johnson James, grocer, Clara n. Common Johnson James, carpenter, Algiers Johnson James (Johnson if Gladke,) 105 St. Charles Johnson Jane, 134 Erato Johnson John", Polymnia n. Carondelet Johnson John, lab. 811 Burgundy, d. 3 Johnson Jiio. sail bender, d. 58 St. James Johnson John, cigars. 111 Levee, d. 3, d. 7 Miuitegut Johns(Mi Jolin, warehouse elk. Front bet. Notre Dame and Julia Johnson John, shoemaker, 73 Gravier Johnson John, 149 Common Johnson John M. grocer, 250 Thalia Johns Pdct Jomavon Louis Mrs. 246 Villere Jonas /;. F. nitornry, ( Hyanu, Lahatl &r Jonas,) 123 Common Jonas Cliarlos H. (Block, McJffee &c Co.) 6 I'liion Jonas Gfor^f, 100 Gravior c. St. Charles, d St. Charli'S n. St. Mary .lonas George B. clirk, 6 Union, "d. 4.37 St. Charles Jonas Henry, cook, 34 South market .lonau F. luinber, 108 Toulouse Jonau Jean, feed, Claiborne c. Ursulines, d. 290 Ursulines Jonau J. VV. wood, Claiborne c.Old Basin, d. 1 Laharpe Jonau P. A. f. ni. c. tearlier, 203 Franklin Jonckheere J. Mrs. 213 Customhouse Joiickerry Piirre, tinner, 197 St. Claude Jones Alliert, acct. 23 Camp, d. 432 Ba- ronne Jones Andrew, coal, 21 Commercial place, d. 371 Ma2;azine Jones Anne, 343 Conti Jones Annie, f. w. c. rooms, 10 Gasquet Jones A. A. Dr. drujjgist, 138 Poydras.d. 347 Caroiidelet Jones .\. F. cotton broker, 157 Common, d. Prytania n. Urania Joins Archibald J. clerk, 35 Magazine Jones A. Mrs. d. Richard n. Chi|)[)ewa Jones Calvin J. clrrk. Canal c. Bourbon, d. 304 St. Charles Jones C. P.d. 329 Rampart, d. 1 Jones Charles, d. Sixth n. Fulton Joi).\s Charles, lab. d. Thalia n. St. Thomas Jones David H. Mrs d. 179 Elys. Fields Jones Dennis, d. 62 Ram|)art, d. 1 Jones D. jeweler, 123 Bourbon Jones Fdward, d. 157 Poet .loiies Enes George, eiigiiKjef, d. 122 Mandevillc Jones Georgi', cart driver, 65 Johnson, d. 2 Jones Geo. ijardener. Coliseum n. Jackson Jont'S George, contractor, d. 309 Common Jones George, Dr., St. Mary ii. St. Charles Jon<\s H. I', inspector of revenue, d, 12 St. Anthony Jont:8 Harry W. lab. d. Jackson n. Rous- seau Jones H. Mrs. f. w. c. Mag. n. Upper Line, Jeff. City Jones Jackson Mrs. d. 106Treme, d. 2 Jones Jas. flacirer.d. rear 427 St. Charles Jones James Dr., professor of the theory and |iniciice of medicine. University of Louisiana, d. Campc. Si. Joicph Jones Jacob, screwman, d. 530 Dauphine .Tones John, lumb(>r, 108 Baromie Jones John, laborer, d. 579 Constance Jones John, Mrs. d. 101 S|)ain Jones John D. attorney at law, d. 203 Ca- romiilet Jones John E. lab. d. 601 Rampart, d. 3 Jones John F. painter and grainer, d 140 St. Joseph JONES JOHN H., Iron House, 209 Tchoupitoulas, opposite St. Mary's Market. Licjuors of the best brands supplied. Lunch from 10 to 1 o'clock every day. Jones John J. laborer, d. 17 Enjrliicn Jones John M. engifieer, 109 Poyilras Jones .John R. engineer, d. 270 St. Louis Jones .Tohn R. d. 90 Franklin Jones John, grocery, Rousseau c. Third Jones John W. engineer, 101 S|iain Jones Jos(>ph, screwman, d. 428 Chartres Jones Joseph, d. Girod n. Marais, d. 1 Jones Josiah B. clerk, d. 101 Spain Jones Joseph, f. m. c, cook, I'oulouse n. Marais Jones J. f. w. c, d. 24 Liberty Jones.!. D. W.coal yard on Levee, Gretna Jo^iis J. H. (C. Flinl &r Jones,) 46 and 48 Royal, d. Carondelet n. Terpsichore Jones J. H. c. h. 207 Tchoupitoulas Jones J. M. d. 109 Poydias Jones J. R. law, d. 201 Carondelet Jones Leonora B.d. St. Andrew n. Dryades Jones Madeline Mrs. d. 114 Richard Jones Mary Mrs. d .303 Terpsichore Jones M. B. d. 254 Si. Charles Jones McKlvano«fc Co. iron fonn lers, 114 (^amp Jones Patrick, laborer, 141 Chippewa Jones Patrick, gardener, d. 77 La'irel Jones Peier, junk store, 165 Richard Jones Philip, d. Jackson ii. Howard Jman Jones Richard, milkman, d. Howard n. Lafayette Jones Richard, clerk, 54 Camp Jon<-8 Robert, d. 199 Conti Jones Robert sieamboatman, d. 364 Char- ires, d. 3 Jones .Samuel, jr. sec'y^ N. 0. Savings In- siituiion, 142 Canal, d. 4.32 Baronne Jones S. & Co. (Waller *'. Jonfn, John L. Cavana,) com. mers. and ship agents, ■ 31 (^arondeletjd. Constance n.Gaieiiiiie Jones S. T. clerk, d. 682 St. Cha.l, s, d. 4 Jones Sarah, f. w. c.,d. h'i, d. 2 Jones .Stephen, b. h. 171 Baronne Jones T. R. b. h. 169 Baronne Jones Thomas, cigars, l.')6 Rampart, d. 1 Jones Thomas, clerk, 439 Dau]ihiiie, d. 3 Joni's Thomas W. screwman, d. 14 St. Ferdiiiiind J,,ni H V.'ileiiliiie, carp. d. 218 Constance JON Jones Walter S. (S. Jones £f Co.) 91 Gra- vier, d. 375 Magazine Jones Watkins, carp. d. Third n. St. David Jones William, clerk, 135 Poydras Jones William H. clerk, 71 Canal Jones William, d. 320 Lafayette Jones William, cooper, Magnolia n.Thalia Jones W. M. shoemaker, 28 St. Joseph Jones William, lab. d. 128 St. Ferdinand Jones W.P.clk. 5] Common, d. 286 Third Jones Wm. f. m. c. steward, d. 208 Conti Jonte Eugene Mrs. d. Race c. St. John Baptist Jonte Eugene, jr. machinist, d. Race c. St. John Baptist Jonte Henrietta M. Mrs. d. 25 Roman Jonte John, fruit deal. d. 81 Annunciation Jonte L. F. butcher, 18 Claiborne market, d. Gravier n. Prieur Jonte Pierre, cook, d. 258 Chartres Jonts William, d. Fourth n. Fulton. Joosz Michel, painter, 364 Royal, d. 3 Joosz Victor, clerk, Baronne c. Poydras Joram Valentine, d. Josephine c. Chippewa Jorda Arthur, clerk. Front c. Common Jorda Eugene, d. Esplanade n. Royal Jorda James, clerk, d. 127 Hospital Jorda L. D. d. 89 Esplanade Jorda Pierre, book keeper. Bank of New Orleans, d. 58 Esplanade Jorda Thomas, d. 71 Dryades Jordan Charles, Rampart c. Barracks Jordan Charles D. broker, 121 Common Jordan Edward, d. Pkasant n. Magazine Jordan Elizabeth, d. 40 Calliope Jordan James, lab. d. 262 Franklin, d. 1 Jordan James, f. m. c, bricklayer, d. 36 Villere. d. 2 Jordan John, lab. d. Richard n. Magazine Jordan John, paper hanger, d. 307 Caron- delet Jordan John M. d. 514 Burgundy, d. 3 Jordan Louisa, f. w. c, nurse, d. 222 La- fayette Jordan Lucinda, dress mkr.d. 117 Magazine Jordan Michael, watchman ,d. 360 Poydras Jordan S. Mrs. d. 63 Elysian Fields Jordan V. d. 67 Villere, d. 2 Jordan William, lab. d. 18 Elysian Fields Jordek Nicholas, fruit, oysters, &c., 97 Front Levee, d. 3 Jordon E. G. d. 32 St. Charles Jordon Harrison, ( Gillaspie,Brewer Sf Co.) 39 Union Jordy E. E. clerk, 26 Magazine, d. 14 Liberty Jordy Fred. (C. C. Gaines Sf Co.) 26 Magazine, d. 14 Liberty Jordy Frances Mrs. 50 Palmyra Jordy James A. 25 Tchoupitoulas Jordy Oscar, salesman, 100 Canal, d. 14 Liberty Jordy Theodore, acct. 100 canal, d. 14 Libi'rty Jore P. L. Mrs. d. Philip n. Carondelet Jorgensen Charles F. jeweler, 127 New Levee, d. 1 244 JOU Jorger Joseph B. d. 101 Frenchmen Jorley Joseph, butcher, 493 Chippewa Jose Manuel, laborer, d. 38 Spain Josenia Jos. laborer, d. 290 St. Thomas Joseph Antoine, lab. d. 314 0. Levee, d. 2 Joseph Armand, bricklayer, d. 406 Marais Joseph E. f. m. c, carp. d. 172 Villere, d. 2 Joseph Henry, brickl r. d. 183 Frenchmen Joseph Henry, f. m. c, bricklayer, d. 117 Frenchmen Joseph Ignatz, milkman, Carondelet walk c. Galvez Joseph Jacob J. merchant, d. 474 Camp Joseph Jacob, tinsmith, 509 Chartres d. 78 Marigny Joseph Joseph, clerk, 43 New Levee Joseph J. mason, Marigny n. Urquhart Joseph & Kaiser, (Edirani Joseph, Samuel Kaiser,) clothing, 34 Magazine, d. 188 Robin Joseph Louis, d. 223 St. Ann Joseph Louis, f. m. c, lab. d. Urquhart n. Marigny Joseph L. H. book keeper, 34 Perdido Joseph Manuel, d. 252 St. Claude Joseph Pierre, f. m. c, d. 150 Mandeville Joseph Ursin, carp. d. 317 Marais, d. 3 Joseph V. shoemkr. Bourbon c. St. Louis Josephs A. K. attorney at law, 149 Canal Josephson M. clothing, 285 0. Levee, d. 2 Joslin Fred. d. Fourth n. Laurel Jost Pierre, furniture cart, 223 Claiborne Jostes John, cane maker, 189 Orleans jotz Heinrich,d. Clouet n. Morales Joualles Francisco, cigar maker, 557 Ram- part, d. 3 Jouamme Antoinette, d. 144 St. Ann Joubert B. gro. d. Robin n. Annunciation Joubert B. clerk, 12 Front Levee, d. 2, d. 158 Villere Joubert Eugene, clerk, 120 Canal Joubert James, grocer, Harmony n. An- nunciation Joubert Joseph, d. 248 St. Ann Joubert Mary Mrs. d. Harmony n. An- nunciation Joubert Victor, clerk, 221 St. Peter Joubert V. Mrs. d. Prieur n. Gravier Joubin Joseph, d. 333 Hospital Joubin J. P. d. 304 Ursulines Joublanc Henry, cigar mkr.97 St. Anthony Joublanc William, cigars, 98 Dauphine JOUET JOSEPH, Builder and Contractor, No. 70 Toulouse. Jouffet Florentine, d. 60 Spain Jounay J. d. 101 Elysian Fields JOURDAN B. successor to H. Bonnabel, Importer and Wholesale Druggist and Che- mist, c. Natchez and Tchou- pitoulas sts. d. 160 Chartres. Jourdain J. B. cigar maker, 73 St. Louis JOU 246 JUS Jourdain J. B. V. d. 57 Basin Jourdain V. 73 ViUere Jourdan Frank, ( Brenan Sf JourdMi) 76 Poydias, d. 38G Mag;aziiie Jourdan G. P. boarding, 134 Julia Jourdan James, d. 259 Burgundy Jourdan Janics, d. 26 Villtre Jourdan Joseph J. nrchiteot, d. 168 Union Jourdan P. f. in. c. cigar maker, Bourbon IT. St. Joiin Bapiisle Journe Ernst, shoemkr. 347 Daupbine, d.3 Journo G slioemakir, 283 Old Levee, d. 2 Journe G. Mrs. d. Galvez c. Orleans Journe Joan, drayman, d Annun, n. Eighth Journe John, butcher, 96 French market Journe .1, M. Carondelet walk n. Johnson Joust M., d. St. Claude n, Indejiendenee Joy P. M. clerk Orleans Cotton Press Joyal Theodore, (Boucher Sf Co.) d. 24 Marais Joyce F. screwmnn, d. 46 Robin Joyce Henry Dr. 254 Rousseau Joyce James, barkeeper, Camp c. Girod Joyce John, laborer, d. 38 Religious Joyce Michael, warelious'n, d. 91 Roman .loyce S. M. accountant, 7 Lafayette Joynce John Capl. d. Erato n. Liberty Joyner R. A. overseer, d. 334 Howard Joynt C. grocer, 108 Basin, d. 1 Jubin Jacques Capt. d. 262 Delord Jubin J. P, carpenter, 195 St. Anthony Judd Edward, painter, d. 184 Clio Judd Geo. M. salesman, 18 Camp Judd H. A.Mrs, d. 621 Dauphine Judd William P. painter, d. 184 Clio Juden .lohn R. clerk, 29 Carondelet Judge Charles, lab. d. 46 St. Thomas Judge John, watchman, 88 Si, Thomas Judge Wm. laborer, Alex n. Goslin, Alg. Judice E. clerk, 53 Camp JudiceG. D. d. 371 Orleans Judice J. B. d. 301 Dauphine Judice John N. clerk, 53 Camp Judice J. C. dyer, d. 278 Bienville Judlin Geo. shoemkr. Levee n. Frenchmen Judlin Joseph, shoemaker. Front Levee n. Barracks Judson M. &. Co. (miliam R. Macbeth,) exchange dealers, c. Camp and Canal, d, Prytania c. Clio Judson N. C.(Boirtes &,- Judson,) 17 Camp d. 208 St. Charles Juengels John, c. and b. h. 231 Royal Juenger William, gas fitter, 172 Baronne Juelt William, machinist, d. 388 Basin Jufornue Armand, tailor, 93 Spain Juge Edward, lai)orer, 190 Burgundy Jugc Paul & Fa.ssy ( C. Fnssy,) importers of wines, and com. mcTs. 26 St. Louis Juillial Wm. bakery, d. Orleans n. Prieur JiiUin \i. waichmak7 Dryades KiM^^edy John, trader, 373 Baronne Kennedy John,c. p. Perdido n. Bertrand Kennedy John Mrs. b. h. Lafayette near Dryades Kennedy John, screwman, 95 Josephine Kennedy John M. clerk, 92 Gravier, d. 33(5 Tchoiipitoulas Kennedy John, painter, 267 St. Philip Kennedy John, book binder, 54 Camp Kennedy John, watchman, 103 Liberty Kennedy Joiin S. clerk, 163 Gravier, d. Bacchus n. Clio Kennedy John, ship carpenter, Lavergne, Alg-iers Kennedy John, lab. Elmire n. Alex, Alg's Kennedy John, laborer, 103 Julia Kennedy Joseph M. d 107 Royal Kennedy J. B. G. jewelry. 6 Chartres, d. 489 Canal Kennedy J. H. atty. at law, 26St.Charles, d. 531 Chartres, d. 3 Kennedy Louisa Miss, teacher, d. 221 Fe- licity Kennedy Luke, laborer, 85 Julia Kennedy Margt. Mrs. Felicity c. Annunc. Kennedy Mary Mrs.g-rocer,Liberty c.Clio Kennedy Mary Mrs. Greatmen c. Inde- pendence Kennedy Matthew, 333 Basin Kennedy & Miles,f T. H. Kennedy, W. R. Miles,) attys. at law,26St. Charles Kennedy iVI. 9.3 Customhouse Kennedy M. G. cltuk, U.S. Branch Mint, 667' Rampart, d. 3 Kennedy Michael, tailor, 239 Front Levee Kennedy Michael, laborer, d. 57 Orange Kennedy Nicholas, lab. Felicity n. Ca- rondelet Kennedy Patrick, drayman, Fulton near St. Andrew Kennedy Patrick, laborer, 265 Dryades Kennedy Patrick, lal). Ltds' row, Erato Kennedy Patrick .VI rs. 494 Royal, d. 4 Kennedy Philip, laborer, 77 Annunciation Kennedy Robt.G. waiter,321 Customhouse Kennedy R. clerk, 155 Canal Kennedy Stringer, clerk, 46 St. Charles, d. 239 Baronne Kennedy S. D. Dr. 327 Carondelet Kenmdy S. D. physician and druggist,- 338 Dryades, d. 250 Melpomene Kennedy S. H. & Co. (Jules Vairin,) 36 Poydras, d. Camp c. First Kennedy Thomas, cab. mkr. 392 Perdido Kennedy Thomas, drayman, St. John Baptist n. Port Kennedy T H. (Kennedy 8f Miles,) d. 531 Chartres Kennedy Thomas, 327 Dryades Kennedy Thomas Mrs. 108 St. Thomas Kennedy William, drayman, 206 Kennedy William, 299 St. Peter Kennedy William, clerk, 67 Canal Kennedy William E. Dr. d. 138 Julia Kennehan Joseph, Richard n. Pacanier Kenneliy C. Mrs. Casacalvo n. Clouet Kenner Academy, Kennerville Kenner A., Customhouse, d.l61 PKtsin.d.l Kenner B., Marigny n. St. John Baptist Kenner Caroline Mrs. 341 Chippewa Kenner H. B. 89 Dryades Kenner Johr:, c.h. New Levee cJena^I.C. Kenner, Patrick, lab. Fourth n. Fulton Kenner P. M., CarrolUon Kenner P. lab. Marigny n.St.John Baptist Kennett, Blood & ('o. (J. Q. Kennett, H. S. Blood, M. Miller,) grocers, 63 Front and 66 Fulton, d. 1 Kennett A. Q. ( Kennett, Blood Sf Co.) d. 23 Bourbon Kennett J. K., Race n. Religious Kennett Louis, 100 Liberty Kennett L. M. 33 Natchez Kennett VVm C. ( Converse Sc Kennett,) 33 Natchez Kenney Daniel, drayman, Poydras n.Miro Kenney Jane, 162 Roman c. iMain Kenney John, drayman, 340 Customhouse Kenney Jno. lab. Montegut n. Front Levee Kenney Patrick, watchman ,292 St. Thomas Kenney Patrick, cartroan, Erato n. Basin Kenney Patrick, caulker, Delaronde, Alg. Kenney Patrick, lab. Poydras n.l'"ranklin Kenney .Thomas, c. h. 123 Tchoupitoulas Kenney VV. laborer. Magnolia c. Felicity Kenning Caroline^ 257 Customhouse Kenning James, painter, d. 364 Poydras Kenny Peter, laborer, 13 Constance Kenny Timothy, gunny bags,148Magazine Kensel John, tailor, 26 Music Kensley Thomas, Tonti n. Customhouse Kent A. Mrs. b. li. 79 Poydras Kent F. A. Mrs. Carondelet n. St. Mary Kent George, c. h. 49 Gallatin Kent Geo. W. carpenter, 244 Magnolia Kent H. D. & Co. (G. G. Carville,) com. mers. 96 Magazine Kent James, laborer, 344 Melpomene Kent James, stevedore, 57 Orange Kent Louis, caulker, Alex n. Seguin, Alg. Kent Mary, 163 Kerlerec Kent Wm. A. (Slark, Stauffei- &r Co.) d. 237 Camp Kenton J. D. steamboat elk. d. 284 St. Ann Kentwerk H. upholsterer, 83 Ex. place Keogh James, grocer. Felicity c. Fulton Keogh James, lab. Foucher c. Calliope Kepfar M. grocer, 221 Toulouse Ke[iferle Joseph, Union n. Prosper Keplinger Elizabeth M. Mrs., Third n. Chippewa Kepp Geo. blacksmith, Delord n.Rampart Keppeler M. furniture, 259 Royal Kepper John, cabinet maker, 40 Johnson Kepper Ludwig, shoemaker, Bourbon c. Solidelle Kepper Mary Ann Mrs., Villere n. Bar- tholomew Keppler Hans, carp. Prosper n. Union Kepfder Henry, carpenter, 88 Congress Keppler Matthew, c. h. 23 Lower Front Levee, d. 2 KER 263 KES K«r.T. J. Dr. 340 Royal, d. 3 Ker Roh(>rt J. notiiry public and atty. at law, 23 St. Charles, d. 240 Esplanade Kerbor Mathias, oyster. Levee ii. Eiglith Kerbcr P. blacksmith. New Levee, n. Mar- engo, Jefferson City Kerby Thomas H. pilot, Terpsichore c. Dryades Kero;an Thos. driymnn, Galvez n.Perdido Keriit Henry, shoemaker, 23 Poydra.s Kerlliach Frederick, Fulton n. Pleasant Kerley Michael, lab. 464 Chartres, d. 3 Kerlin John, drayman, 421 Basin Kerliiz Andrew, c. h. St. Andrew c. New Levee Kern B. shoemaker, 216 Trcme, d. 2 Kern Christian, cooper, 159 Prieur Kern C. (Vernon Sf Co.) 21 Poydras Kern Frank, clerk, 8 Front Levee, d. 2 • Kern F. V. B. jewilry, 195 Tclioupitoulas Kern George M., Howard n. St. Andrew Kern Henry, dry goods, 89 Rani]iari, d. 1 Kern Jacob, egg merchant, 28 St. Philip Kern James M. ( Pairisk &(■ Kern,) d. 318 St. Charles Kern John Mrs. vegetables, 39 Port mar- ket, d. 162 St. Ferdinand Kern Lawrence, Cypress n. Willow Kern Margaret, lOi St. Philip Kern Mary, bread stand, 14 Dryades mkt. Kern Victor, barber, 256 Lafayette Kern Wendelin, carp. Toulouse n. Galvez Kernaglmii Alexander, 35 Robert-son Kcrnaghan Daniel & Co. jewelry, 21 Camp and 78 (.-ommon Kernaghan M. J. d. 35 Robertson Kernaghan Wm. jeweler, 208 Julia Kernahan A. 58 Gravier Kernahan Wm. storekeeper, 80 Triton wlk. Kernan Bernard A. d 368 Melpomene Kernan Edward, laborer, 127 Foucher Kernan James, warehouseman, d.l47 Clio Kernan John A. cattle trader, d. 368 Mel- pomene Kernan John, drayman, 421 Basin Kernan John, clerk, 126 Canal Kernan Michael, drayman, 95 Liberty Kernan ')wen, roofer, Dryades n. Julia Kerner Andrew, lab. 559 Rampart, d. 3 I Kerner Balfzer, 242 Marigny Kerner George, drayman, 9 St. Ferdinand Kerner Louis, butcher, 8 St. Mary's mkt. j Kerner G. b. h. Levee c. Jefferson, Carll. Kerner S. auctioneer, Canal av. n. Hamp- I son, CarroUton Kernes Mrs. grocery, Sliort n. Levee, Carlt. I Kcrney Thomas, painter, 463 Dryades ! Kernion Anatole L. H. 10 Royal, d. 241 Bayou road Kernion A. H. cashier Canal Bank, d. 69 Ursulines Kernion Chas. L. notary public, Genlilly road Kernion Chas. H. (Ronuin Sf Krminn,) 2 Front Levee, d. 2, d. 301 Bayou road Kernion D. L. (Perkins 4,- Co.) 48 Caron- delet, d. Bayou road c. Villere Kernion Jaques Mrs. 330 Claiborne Kernion 0. L. book keeper Citizens Bank, d. 225 Esplanade Kernochan Henry P. ( Babcock Sf Kerno- ehan,) 53 Camp Kcrnon Jno. drayman, Terpsichore n. Basin Kernon Michael, laborer, 135 Chippewa Kcrnon Mike, heljier, Jackson R. H. depot Kernon Peter, laborer, 44 Prytania Kerns David, Gasquet n. Johnson Kerns Dennis, lab, Polymnia n. Bnronne Kerns Joseph, lab. Goslin c. Alex, Alg. Kerns Michael, hack driver, St. Thomas n. Felicity Kerns Nicholas, laborer, 84 S]iain Kerns Pat. grocery, 143 Tclioupitoulas Kerns Pat. laborer, Soraparu n. Fulton Kerpping Fred. carp. d. 404 DrysVdcs Kerr A. H. 11 Customhouse, d. Market n. Annunciation Kerr Dclphine, lab. Bagatelle n. Claiborne Kerr E. U. clerk, 57 Camp, d. 80 Melpo- mene Kerr Henry, 107 Liberty Kerr John, drayman, 211 Constance Kerr Louis L. Mrs. ,325 St. Mary Kerr Richard, barkeeper, d. 376 Bienville Kerr Robert Mrs. 74 Barracks Kerr R. C. librarian Lyceum Library, room No. 10 City Hall, d. CarroUton Kerrigan Jas. lab. Claiborne n. Toulouse Kerrigan John, laborer, 84 Orange Kerrigan Wm. laborer, 5] Orleans Kerrins John 0. clerk, 539 St. Charles Kersch Jacol), Laurent n. Josephine Kersch Wm. drayman, Thalia n. Liberty K(M-schleger L. Mrs. 324 St. Claude Kersling Rudolph, soapmkr. Levee, McD. Kersten Wm., Roman n. Canal Kerstner Antoine, tailor, 311 Liberty Kerstner Hi'iiry, tailor, Bourbon n.Solidellc Kertz Chas. warehouseman, 247 Levee Kertz Henry, cabinet maker, 30 St. Mary Kerwin G. drayman. Common c. Galvez Kerwin .las. lab. Conisa n. Morales Kennelly John, laborer, d. 384 Thalia Kinney 'David Capt. 362 Canal Kitniey David, b. h. 36 Hospital Kinney Dennis, coal wheeler, 48 Gaiennic Kinney James, lab. Bertrand n. Common Kinney James, laborer, 258 Lafayette Kinney John, engine cleaner, Jackson R. R. depot Kinney Jno. lab. N. 0. & Jackson R. R. Kinney John, laborer, 48 St. Thomas Kinney John, painter, 77 Poydras Kinney Luke, warehouseman, 24 and 26 Common Kinney L. grocer, Galvez c. St. Peter Kinney L. R. Mrs. 126 St. Mary Kinney Margaret, Dryadi s n. Third Kinney M. engin'r,N. O. & Jackson R.R. Kinney Patrick, c. p. 292 St. Thomas Kinney Thomas, laborer, 137 Gasquet Kinney Wm. builder, 179 Frenchmen Kinninger Z^'ph. Liberty n. Jackson Kinny David, pilot, 362 Canal Kinsella John, clerk, 158 Thalia Kinsella John, tailor, 534 Burgundy, d. 3 Kinsella R. grocer. Market n. Levee, d. 1 Kinsella Thomas, laborer, 84 Calliope Kinsla Thos. drayman, Miro n. Bienville Kinsley Abe], drayman, 162 Magazine Kinsley Andrew, lab. Perdido n. Villere Kinsley Charles, lab. 73 Annunciation Kintzingcr Frederick, warehouseman, 142 St. Ann Kinz Jacob, laborer, 20 Peace Kinzler J. F. pedler, 329 Bo\irbon Kion Josephine, f. w. c. 133 Frenchmen Kip Adeline Mrs. 426 Franklin Kip Anthony, d 479 Rampart Kip A. P. elk. 61 Poydras, d. 426 Franklin Kip William L. laborer, 286 Levee, d. 3 Kipp Franklin, c. p. Freret c. Clio Kipp Mary, d. 127 Erato Kipper John, vegetables, 29 Poydras mkt Kipjierle Louis, carpenter, St. Thomas n. St. James Kiri)el Steph. baker, Josephine n. Laurel Kirby Henry, grocer, 446 Baronne Kirchberg C. soap fact. Third n. Howard KirchleyerL. Mrs. 326 St. Claude, d. 2 Kirchoir F.W.f' rr H. accountant, 6 Carondelt, d.204 Lafayette Klumi)p Herman, book kpr. 202 Lafayette Klumpp Herman, barber, 463 0. Levee, d. 3 Klumpp Simon, carp. 463 Old Levee, d. 3 Klung H. tailor, Lapeyrouse n. Johnson Klute \V. shoemaker, 124 Common Knabe Charles L. clothing, 139 Old Levee Knaeble Anlon,locksmith and bell-hanger, 319 Carondelet Knaly Ellen Mrs. grocer, 75 St. Thomas Knapp & McLain, ( F. H. Knapp, .i. F. J\IcLain,) surgeon dentists, 154 Canal Knapp J. S. dentist, 15 Baronne Knapp J. W. (Taylor, Knapp Sf Co,) 73 Canal, d. 420 Camp Knapper henry, baker, 133 Thalia Knauper John M. lal). Lafayette n. Howard Knaup August, blacksmith, Gaiennie n. New Levee Kneass N. B.C^W(jn-fe &,' Kneass,)6 Magazine Knecht Frank Mrs., Dauphine c. Poland Knecht Vincent, 294 Constance Knecht Vinzena, Bank of Louisiana Knecht X. 292 Laurel Knee Thomas, clerk, 138 Poydras Kneeland Patrick, drayman, 270 Bienville Kneeland Thomas, furniture car, c. Bien- ville and llobertson Km ffer Michael, laborer, 131 Thalia Kneisel Jacob, Laurel n. First Knerr Nicholas, lab. Ill Independence Knersborough P. Josephine n. Chippewa Kuerzer Leonhardt, 38 Elysian Fields Knettles Mary, f. w. c. 28 Basin, d. 1 Kniemeyer F. shoeinkr. 277 Carondelet Knicper Henry, colporter, d. rear Ger- man Meth. Church, Dryades Knight Alfred G. (PotlioJ)' Sf Knight,) 98 Camp Knight Geo. F. (Pothoff&f Knight,) d. 131 Rampart Knight Geo. N. clerk, 64 Carondelet Knight John, clerk, 55 Common Knight Vincent, porter, Bank Louisiana Knight Wm. R. mspector of Customs at Customhouse Knipjier Anton, driver, 68 Congress Kiioch John, shoemkr. 784 Dauphine, d. 3 Knoch John, labr. 265 Poydras Knoche Henry Wm. teacher, Prieur b. Customhouse and Bienville Knockard Eugene, carp. 381 Claiborne,d.3 Knoest'l G. Mrs., Royal n. Congress Knohulty Thomas, 189 Laurel Knoll J. B. Mrs. 373 Orleans Knoll V. tailor, Poydras n. Basin KnoUman Hy. carp. d. Magnolia n. Jackson Knoo Frederick, barber, Celeste n. Tchou- pitoulas Knop Christian, 433 Old Levee, d. 3 Knop Joseph, labr. Thalia n. Liberty Knojif Alex, warehouseman, 99 Conti Knopf Peter, ice, 16 Main Knopp John H. locksmith, 160 Basin, d.l Knopj) J. bookbinder, Philij) n. Baronne Knorpp Godfrey, shoemkr. 189 Royal Knotzsch H., tinner, Rousseau n. Adele Knotzsch W. watchmkr. 132 Cam]i Knox Andrew E. (J. B. Cobb &,- Co.) 8 New Levee Knox George C. clerk, 45 Union, d. 1 Knox & Higgins, (Hugh B. Kox, Randall G. Higgins, )coi. (ticts. andcom. mers. 46 Union Knox Hugh B. (Knox Sf Higgins,) d. Pla- quemine c. Berlin, Jefl". City Knox John, printer, 101 Galvez Knox J. D. 15 City Hall, d. 231 Ram- part, d. 1 KnoxSaml. A. grocer, Prytaniac. Euterpe Knox Virginia, f. w. c. 66 Rampart Knox W m.( Mcrk':r,Knox &,• Co)ii' Gravier Knox W. jewelry, St. Mary n. Camp Knox W. B., 381 Customhouse KNO 258 KOK Knox W. M. engineer.Euterpe n.Dryades Knudson S. shoemaker, 82 Marigny Kober Ignatz, tailor, 89 Excliange place Koch Adolph, carpenter, d. 382 Basin Koch Antoine Mrs. 369 St. Peter Koch August, tailor 242 Magazine Kock Eiigelhardt, 86 Hospital Koch E. barber, 5 Elysian Fields Koch E. Main n. Chartres Koch Fred, knife grinder, 306 St. Peter Koch F. labr. 9 Elmire Koch F. carpenter. 102 Montegut Koch F. M. Mrs. 165 St. Philip Koch Gotleib, tinsmth. 242 Customhouse Koch H. N. b. h. 387 Old Levee, d. 3 Koch H. saddler. Front Levee n. Port Koch Jacob, labr. 284 Conti ■ Koch John, grocery, 160 Mandeville Koch J. H. 250 Magazine Koch Leonhard,vegetables,127 St. Mary's market KOCH GEO. LOUIS, Manufac- turer of Trusses, Shoulder Bi'aces, Female Supporters, Lace Stockings, Artificial Legs, Club-foot Instruments, etc. The above articles al- ways on hand and made to measure, 48 South Market. Koch N., importer of watchmakers tools and jewelry, 44 Conti Koch Wm. blacksmth. Prieurc. Cypress Kochler Henry, dairy, Dryades n. Eighth Kochler .l.shoemkr. Melpomene c. Howard Koclit Hy baker, Marigny n. Claiborne Kock Charles, laborer, 66 Congress Kock Charles & Co.(W. T. Williams and H. Mex. Ruperti) commission mer- chants. Consul of Hamburg, 20 Ca- rondelet, d. 26 Rampart Kock Louis, jr. cutler, South market Kocks Casper, carpenter, 189 Poet Kodlin Ferdinand, pianos, 122 Royal, d. 250 Bayou road Koebel George, laborer, 187 Poet Koebel Jacob, tailor, 378 Chartres, d. 3 Koebel Michl. labr. Claiborne n. Spain Koef Nicholas, laborer, 256 Orleans Koegelmann A. C. tailor, 32 Villere KOEHLE A. Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Cornices, &c.. No. 19 Bourbon Street. Paintings, and Engravings cleansed. — Stores, Steamboats,&c., orna- mented in every style. Re- gilding done on the most reasonable terms. I Koehler Fred. A. barkeeper^ 108 Market I Koehler John shoemkr. d. Magazine n. Washington Koehl Chas. coppersmth. 885 New Levee Koeler S. shoemaker, 23 Hospital Koelle Henry, laborer, Clouet n. Urquhart Koelmel f'obias, tailor, Bourbon n. Prosper Koenig August, variety store, 16 Chartres & 27 Customhouse, d.lO Kranklin, d.l Koenig Christoph, mus'n. 82 St. Bernard. Koenig H. Mrs. 790 Rampart, d. 3 Koenig Joseph, tinner, 183 Tchoupitoulas Koenig Theodore, elk. J 6 Chartres Koeniger Joseph, book binder, 55 St. Ann Koehnke John, surveyor's office. Custom- house, d. 366 Conti Koeninar Thos. coal yard, Watern. Fourth Koennig John, laborer, Poet n. Chiiborne Koenoenger Thos. turner, 872 New Levee Koepf Geo. laborer, 38 Independence Koepke J. G. paints, 405 Chartres, d. 3 Koepler J. E., Prosper n. Union Koepp George, grocer, 25 Montegut Koepp William, laborer, 41 Treme Koeppel C. grocer, Prieurc. Customhouse Koerber .lohn, laborer, 806 Burgundy Koerkel Michael, laborer, 854 Rampart Koerckel Jacob, shoemaker, 49 Conti KoernbeckP asst. porter, Bank Louisiana Koerner Christian, black smith, 55 Bur- gundy Koerpe Wm. onions, 180 Robertson, d, 2 Koerrenzig Chas. shoemaker, 68 Bourbon Koess N. laborer, 345 Orleans Koeat Henry, coppersmith, Claiborne, c. Carondelet walk Koester C. W. clerk, 243 Tchoupitoulas Koester John, carpenter, 74 Roman, d. 2 Koeuter P. tailor, 78 Main Koffler Joseph, lamplighter Koffskey J. P. carptr. 543 Dauphine, d. 3 Kohl Chas. copper and tin. Levee n. Wash- ington Kohl <3hris. butcher, Hospital n. Bourbon Kohl Fred, barber, Washington c. Laurel Kohl Theodore, Constance n. Washington Kohler D. Henry, grocer, 862 New Levee Kohler F. c. h. Mandeville c. Front Levee Rohlman A. cabinetmaker, 45 Royal Kohlman Bernd., Derbigny c. Lafayette Kohlman Fredk. saddler, 547 Chartres, d. 3 Kohlman H. Cypress n. Prieur Kohlman Jacob, grocer, 451 Bienville Kohlman J. grocer, 89 Front Levee, d. 3 Kohlmeyer Herman, prof, languages, 541 Magazine Kohn A. Dr. 15 Rampart, d. 2 Kohn Carl, sugar broker and com. merch. 20 Bienville, d. 137 St. Charles Kohn Gustav, 15 Rampart, d. 2 Kohn Henry C. agency, New Levee c. Constantinople, Jeft'erson City Kohn H. dry goods. Levee n. Seventh Kohn Lamon, Eighth c. Fulton Kohn S. dry goods, 105 Spain Kohncke F. E. musician, Prieur n. Main Kokemor Frederick, porter, 221 St. Louis Kokemor H. elk. Customhouse n. Johnson Kokernot Alex. B. elk. 59 Gravier, d. 358 Baronne KOK 259 KRA Kokornot Jas. M. collector, 358 Baronne Kokcinot Nancy Mrs. 358 Baronne Kolh Adolph, tinsmith, 297 O. Levee, d. 2 KolLi Edward, j^rocer,c. Customliouse and Dcrliigny Kolb Eustis, tailor, 172 Marigny Koll) M. carpenter, 87 Port Koll) Louis, carpenter, 84 Marie;ny Kolher Henry, cabinet maker, 614 Bur- gniidy d. 3 Koll)lH)lni Theodore, lab. 32 iVlaris:ny Koiine Martin, driver, 340 Rampart Kollir Martin, barkeeper, 85 Frenchmen Kollman II. builder, Levee n. Cambrone, Carrollton Kblmel D. shoemnk. Marigny c. Prosper Kolmej Tobias, tailor, 75 Josephine Komm .1. L. Capt. 332 Calliope Koiidert John, lab. Fourth n. Lafayette, Gretna Koneck John, Claiborne n.Washins^ton av Konrad Adolphe, painter, 32 Marigny Konrad Henry, milk, 331 l^oman, d. 3 Konrad Henry, eartmaii, 105 St. Anthony Konz Michael, shoemaker, 293 Conti Konzehiiann A. C. tailor, 15 Pricur, d. 2 Koontz Rudolph, 214 Main Koontz W. B. (Michael Sc Koontz,) 28 Camp, d. 248 Canal Koops A. dry goods, 638 St. Claude, d. 3 Koox Julius, 89 Howard « Ko|ie Valentine, 272 St. Bernard Kopf J. J. ( Grcgorio, HoxrUtnd &f Co.) 38 Fulton and 37 Front, d. 1 Kopt Valentine, rags, 271 St. Bernard Kopfer John, grocer, Johnson c. Palmyra Kopfer M., c. Marais Kopman Henry, clerk, 81 Josephine Kopp Jacob, c. h. 40 Girod Kopp Louis, grocer, Rousst-au c. First Koppel C. grocer, 386 Customhouse Kopper James, ship carp. Villere, Algiers Koppman Ann Mrs. 81 Josepiiine Koppman Henry, 298 Craps Kordcs Fri'derick, cartman, 117 Enghien Kordes J. porter, 494 Royal, d. 3 Korfhagen Bernard ,Toledano n. Chippewa Kork Louis, musician, d. 139 Liberty Korn Charles, clerk, 355 Bienville Korndoffer Rudoljih, clerk, d. 93 Polymnia Kornfeld W. Mrs. 53 Laharpe Kornman F. H. 474 iJourtion, d. 3 Kornrumpf W. tailor, 16 Commercial place Korscliell H. Mrs. midwife, 304 Bienville Korth Herman, warehouseman Koss Herman, clerk, 75 Carondeiet Kosselius C. clerk,9Gravier,d. 54 Roman Kostenl)erger Gottlieb, carp. 840 Ursulines Kostenbuder Manuel, barber, 477 Tchou- ])itoulas Kosler Gerard H. soap manufacturer, Lilierty n. Jackson Koster Jacob, laixirer, Prieur n. Spain Kostle Philip, Pleasant n. Magazine Kostner Michael, laborer, 81 Cotton Press Kothman Arnold, grocer, 504 Royal, d. 3 Kotteiiberg Xavier.barb. 495 Rampart ,d. 3 Kottman Henry, carp. Desire n. Burgundy Kottmann John, lab. Clouet n. Claiborne Koufer Christian, butcher. Sixth n. Laurel Kouns Benjamin, ( Kouns &,• Bro.) d. 133 St. Mary Kouns G. L. & Brothers, (John Kouns, Benj. Kouns,) com. and fowdg. mers. 2 F'ront, d. l,d. 133 St. Mary Kouns John, ( Koum &,- Bros.)d. 133 St. Mary Kouniz Jos. whei-lwright, d. 366 Liberty Kountz Michael, blacksmith, d.:i66 Liberty Kouniz Philip, blacksmith, d. 366 Liberty Kourman William, Bagatelle n. Josephine Kourthes John, screwman, 72 St. Andrew Kousin W. musician, Bourbon n. Prosper K. Dr. 341 Old Levee, d. 2 Kowalski B. tailor, 191 and 193 Poydras Kraatz H. tailor, 206 Barronne Krabbc J. F. 104 Gaiennie Krabbe M. A. Mrs. Howard n. Jackson Krabbe Samuel, clerk, d. 321 Kraeber Frank, 751 Rampart, d. 3 Kraemer Ber. Bartholomew n. Solidelle Kraemer Christian, lab. 13 Elys. Fields Kraemer Conrad, laborer, 52 indepenthnice Kraemer George, drayman, 105 Louisa Kraemer Hartman, laborer, 484 Dauphine Kraemer Henry, cook, 26 Elinira Kraemer Herman H. lab. 745 Rampart Kraem(>r Jacob, butcher, Sora]>arti mkt. Kraemer John, 735 St. Claude, d. 3 Kraemer Joseph, pedler, 176 Royal Kraemer J. P. drayman ,648 St.Claude.d.S Kraemer Mary Mrs. 26 Elmirc Kraemer P. J. barber, 80 Toulouse Kraemer T. tailor, 459 St. Ann Kraemer William, cigars, 153 R<'ligious Krafe George, cigars, 42 Erato Kraft Adam, blksmith. Hospital c. Galvez Kraft F. A. tinsmith, 4 Front, 5 Annuncia. Kraft Jacob, c. h. Front c. Girod Kraft Joiin Mrs. midwife, 93 Union, d. 3 Kraft John, c. h. Sixth c. Water Kraft John, 137 Goodchildreii Kraft Louis, rabbit breeder, 401 Orleans Kraft Touro, shoemak. Madison n. Homer Kraft Wm. cabinet maker, 590 Daupiiine Krail A. 216 Baroime Krail Emanuel, grocer, d. 475 Dryades Krail Mary Ann, gro. 34 Annunciation Kraitzer Louis, tailor, 56 Julia Krail Otiomar, clerk, 29 Camp Kralemann C. tailor, 435 Tchoupitoulad Kramer Anthony 864 Burgundy, d. 3 Kramer Charles, clerk, grocer, 467 Old Levee, d. 3 Kramer G., Fourth n. St. Thomas . Kramer Joseph, 30 Old Basin Kramer Philip, Laurent n. Jo.sephine Kramer Wm. tailor, 152 Girod Kraiilz J. H. ice dc aler, 37 ^orth market Kraiitz Philip, upholsterer, 51 Royal Krantz John F. (S. B. Smith &,■ Co.) 34 New Levee and 1.59 Old Levee Kraniz Martin, shoemkr. 77 Bartholomew Knuiz J. H. ice dealer, 23 North market KRA 260 KRA Krapp J. J. clerk,d. 61 Laurel I Krass Fred'k, lab. 193 I'oet Krauz Stephen, c. h. c. Annunciation and Washington Kratzberg John, lab. Belcastel n. Levee, Jeflf. City Kratzmeyer Laurent, shoemkr. 49 Conti Kraudie Pierre, waiter, 65 St. Philip Kraus Charles, 225 Orleans Kraus John W. Mrs.,Pacanier n. Richard Kraus Paul, drayman, Louisa n. Rampart Krauskoff Conrad, 33 Marigny Krauss Henry, lab. Congress n. Burgundy Krauss Jean, carp. St. Ann n. Galvez Krauss Jean J. 259 Bourbon Krauss John, laborer, 2U9 St. Anthony Krauss John, carpenter, 89 Congress Kraut Rosalie Mrs. 64 Frenchmen Krauter F. tailor. Felicity c. Howard Krautler Adolph, barkeeper, 77 Magazine Krauz John, carpenter, 791 Dauphine,d. 3 Krebel Peter, baker, 337 Main Krebs John G. shoemaker, 101 Gravier Krebs J. carp. Melpomene n. Freret Krebs William, bookbinder, 37 Gasquet Kreeger Emily Mrs. 112 Rampart Kreger John, tailor, 227 Camp Kreig Dominique, butcher, 11 St. Mary's market Kreiger Louis, Kreiger Mary, 856 St. Claude, d. 3 Kieikel Nicholas, lal)orer, 62 Lesscps Kreimber Ludwig, 237 St. Louis Krein Abel, c. p. 316 Baronne Kreinbrock H. laborer, 794 Rampart Kreisig Herman, lab. 37 North market Kreistner, William, wheelwright, 694 Dau- phine, d. 3 Krelle Frederick, shoemak. 162 Union,d.3 Kremer Catharine, school, 155 Bourbon Krentz John, ice house, 13 North market Kreps William, bookbinder, 36 Gasquet Kreriler Wm. dairy, 410 Annunciation Kressick S. wheelwright, 115 Chippewa Kreutler Adolph, barkeeper, d. 115 Bien- ville Krewson Jesse, engineer, Alex n. Chest- nut, Algiers Krichbrum Peter, tradr. 275 Goodchildren Krider Frederick, watchman, St. Andrew n. Eranklin Krie John, bread, 466 Chartres, d. 3 Kriechbaum Peter, lab. 96 Congress Kriecot A. Mrs.. Dauphine n. Orleans Kriede Peter, shoemkr. 571 Tchoupitoulas Krieder Fred. St. Andrew n. Franklin Krieger Fred, barkeeper, 15 Mandeville Krieger Jacob,bootmkr.284 Tchoupitoulas Krieger James, wharfmaster, Milan c. Laurel, Jefferson City Krieger William, barkeepr. 14 Mandeville Krieser Peter Mrs., Conti n. Claiborne Kriger Henry, laborer, 376 Fulton Kriser A. baker, 193 Union, d. 3 Kris Christina, grocery, 288 Levee Kristner Charles Mrs. 79 Spain Kroennerick Geo. eng'r, 441 Chartres, d.3 Kroeper Frank, lab. 147 Clouet Krohn D. clerk, 17 Commercial place Kroll C. Mrs., Hospital n. Derbigny Kroll Henry, St. Mary n. Chippewa Kroll John, carriagemkr, d. 428 Dryades Kromer Lewis, Sixth n. Prytania Kron Barbara, bath house, Washington n. Laurel Kron Frederick, Laurel c. Marengo Kron F. Bienville n. Villere -Kron George, shoemaker, 298 Thalia Kron Jacob F. baker, 89 Victory Kron John, drayman. Sixth n. Fulton Kron Michael, laborer, 552 Tchoupitoulas KRON THOMAS, St. Mary's and Phoenix Bakery, No. 4 South Market and 25 Orange St. d. Orange n. Religious. Kronberg George, Napoleon av. n. Jersey, Jefferson City Krone Thos. baker. Levee n. St. Andrew Krop Ernest, warehousemn.d.201 Euterpe Kroper John, tailor, 197 Magazine Kropp Charles, Jackson n. St. Thomas Kropp Fred., painter, 132 St. Ferdinand KROST CARL, Beerhouse, 49 and 51 Conti. Beer from the best Northern and Western Breweries always on hand. Krote Frank, grocer, Lafayette c. Howard Krouscopf Conrad, 33 Marigny Krouse T. G. L. Howard c. Perdido Krow Thos. bakery, 56 South rharket Krowser A. carpenter, Howard n. Erato Krtz Meyer, laborer, 635 Annunciation Krubbe Gustav, cigars, 445 St. Charles Krug Adolphe, carrier, 83 Baronne Krug F. Mrs., variety store, 83 Baronne Kruger Carl, laborer, Royal n. Congress Kruger F. furnished rooms, 39 Basin, d. 2 Kruger Lewis F. cabinetmaker, 289 Ram- part, d. 2 Kriill C. F. 3 Commercial place KruU John E. salesman, 106 Canal Krummell Philip, drayman, 15 Josephine Krunniger Joseph, shoemaker, 27 Spain Kruntz Louis, blacksmith, d. 300 Thalia Kruse Henry, engineer. Crescent Dock, Lavergne, Algiers Kruse Henry, laborer, 113 Congress Kruse Jerry, gardener, 84 Mazant Kruse William, Jackson R. R. depot KruserGeo. gardener, Frenchmen n. Royal Krutly Fritz, c. h. 215 Magnolia Kruttschnitt John, (Retchard &f Co.) 12 Carondelet, d. Prytania c. Philip Keuchenthal Edward, clerk, 8 New Levee, d. 246 Foucher Kuchler C. (Terfloth Sf Kuchler,) d. 115 Customhouse Kuchler Franz, laborer. Hunter n. Tchou- pitoulas KUC 261 LAB Kiicliler Martin, shoemaker, 193 Orleans Kuchler N. slioemakiT, 104 Main Kuck Rudol|)li, clirk, b7 Gravu-r Knertfii Will. ji'Wi'k-r, "275 Customhouse Kues F. shoinikr. St Aiiclnw n. Howard Kui'lik' Hciiiricli, Si)ra|iaiu n. Rousseau Kufiier John, tailor, 148 Bourbon Kugan Thomas, laborer. Hi Triton walk Kugler Francis, drayman, 147 Religious Kuhlman Henry, warehouseman, 80 St. Thomas Kuhbnan John, Ma£:a?.ine n. Race Kulihiiann Henry, clerk, 63 Laurel Kuhhiiiuin John, slioes, 9()7 New Levee Kulin Ambrose, grocer. Bayou road c. Broad Kuhii Bernard, ragman, 33G St. Peter Ivuhn C. butciier, 3"J0 Frenchmen K-uhn C. clothini;, 43 Levee, d. 3 Kuhn Frank, porter, 23 Magazine Kuhn Henry, lab. Frenchmen n. Prosper Kuhn J()liM,"lab. 103 St, Mary Kuhn Jidiii, taihir, 39 Marais Kuhn Karl, grocer, 29 Montegut Kuhn Feler, segars, Charlres c. St. Peter Kuhn P. J. gr. Elysian Fields c. Prosper Kuhn Solomon, clothing, '28 Frenchmen Kuhn Stephen, coffee, 13 Poydras mkt. Kuhne Henry, fancy goods, 544 Magazine Kuhne Margaret, 179 Casacalvo Kuhnel V. painter, 101 Tieme, d. 2 Kuhner .lacob, furniture, 206 Rampart, d.l Kuhnholtz F. J. 92 Camp, d. 1G7 Basin Kuhiiholz H. tailor, 4 Flistory Kuhnholz Theo. cabt. maker, 20 History Kulp Eustis, tailor, Marigny n. Morales Kulp John, laborer, d. 271 St. Thomas Kulp Lawrence, lab. Third n. Chippewa Kuli George 0. grocer, 101 Erato Kulski Louis, 17 Franklin Kuiz Henry, grocer Kundert U. Mrs., St. Andrew n. Constance Kuner Charles, clothing, 74 Front Levee Kunkel v. 27« Marigny Kunler Henry, silversmith, Bienville c. Derbigny, d. 214 Gasquet Kunter Ferdinand, 86 Palmyra Kuntz Adam, Galvez c. Bayou road Kuntz Auguste, Spain n. St. John Baptist Kuntz A. Mrs., Laurel n. Josephine Kuntz C. Mrs., Washington n. Constance Kuntz Emile, clerk at E. Reilly & Co's.d. 71 St. Louis Kuntz E. Mrs. diessm'r, 75 Annunciation Kuntz Fred., St. Dennis n. First Kuntz Fred, clerk, d. 71 St. Louis Kuntz Henry, 540 Villere Kuntz Henry, grocer, IVew Levee c. Bcl- casiel, Jeff. City Kuntz Henry, cabinet maker, St. Mary n. Religious Kuntz J. B. tailor, Washington n. Laurel Kuntz J. P. cabinet maker, 76 St. Louis Kuntz J. P. Mrs. 71 St. Louis Kuntz J. drayman, 340 Conti Kuntz Louis, blacksmith, 300 Thalia Kuntz Mathias, shoemaker, 13Galvez,d.2 18 Kuntz Mathias, shoes, 368 Customhouse Kuntz Michael, blacksmith, 360 Liberty Kuntz Rudolph, c. Main and Marais Kuutz v. Mrs., Solidelle n. Freiu-hmen Kunizelman John G. laiiorer, l."^3 Perdido Kuntzmunn John, barkeeper, 105 Gravier Kuntzman Jules, barber, 49 Washington Kunz Henry, c. h. 41 St. Ann Kuper Henry, laborer, 77 Piety Kujiferle C. A. clerk, 84 Chartres Ku|)rerle L., Tohoupitoulas n. i\un Kupj)ers Fred, tailor, 43 Customhouse Kur William, jewelry, 2 Hastings' row Magazine Kurczyn W. H. book keeper, 23 Caron- delet, d.3U8 Baronne Kurfest R. cigarmaker, 12 Mandeville Kurfurst R. E. cigars, 47 St. Aim Kurhoff Fred, tailor, d. 258 St. John Bapt. Kurinzig Chas. shoemaker, 130 Ex. place KUESHEEDT M. & E. I. (Lune- schloss Bros. & Co.) Impor- ters and Dealers in Builders Hardware, Carpenters' Tools, Mantels and Gi-ates, No. 114 Camp. Kursteiner Jacob, 245 Conti Kurtenacher Margaret, 66 Rousseau Kurth H. warehouseman, Claiborne c. St. Anthony Kurth Louis, u])holsterer, 49 Bourbon Kurly M. grocer. Fourth u. St. Thomas Kurtz Jacob, 353 Melponnnie Kurtz Mary, grocery, Fourth c. Chippewa Kurtze J. jeweler, 413 Chartres, d. 3 Kusten W. watchmaker, 540 Ahigazine Kustenmacher Ewald, carpenter, 202 Bur- gundy, d. 2 Kuster George, c. h. Bourbon c. St. Peter Kuster Jacob, laborer, 307 Bayou n)ad Kustes Henry, finisher, 34 South mkt Kux Wm. M. watchmaker, 521 Magazine Kuzler George, Elysiau Fields n Marigny Canal Kyle TertMice, drays. Market c. Religious Kysant Richard, laborer, 40 Mandeville Kyser Charles, mattress maker, Chartres c. Peace JLiABAlDE PIERRE, cooper, 99 St. Peter Labansat P. butcher, Magazine mkt Labaroissicrc Jos. carp'ter, 310 Main Labarre Ernst, clerk, d. 165 Ursulines Laliarre Ernst, turner, 117 Toulouse Labarre F. V. brickyard, ab. Gretna, d. 234 Canal Labarre Henry, clerk, 11 Magazine Labarre Jolin,d. 190 Rampart, d. 2 Labarre L. clerk, 155 Qravier, d. 158 St. Louis Labarre M. 48 Carondelet, d.l58St. Louis Labarre P. d. 165 Ursuhius LAB 262 LAC I>abfirre P. Mrs. 226 Canal Laliarre Fascalis, ('arroUton Labarre P. G. d. 359 Old Levee, d. 3 Lal-an-f S. P , Bank J\ew Orleans, d, 20 Marie:iiv Labarthr A." Mrs. d. 221 Trcme l.aharthf J. A. d. 291 Main Labartiip J. J. Ca|)t. d. 291 Main LMbartlie Jules, pilot, d. 291 Main l.abartlie L. I', clerk, 86 Poydras, d. 221 Tivme, d. 2 Labartlie N. clerk. 60 Customhouse i.abartlie P. clerk, 291 Main Lnbas.sp H. clothing, 279 Old Levee, d. 2 Labat Glodina, 37 North market LabatJeaii, acct. 12 Toulouse l.abal Jean, butcher, 75 French mkt Labat Jean, laborer, d. 280 Burgundy Labat Jean M. d. 404 Rampart, d. 3 Laliatt Casimer, builder, 193 Prieur Labalt D. C .(Hyams, Labatt ^' Jonas,) 123 Common Laliatt Isaac C. inspector of customs, d. 402 Baronne Labatut Augusta, d. 98 St. Ann Labatut Clara, d 228 Esplanade Labatut Frlix, 6 Poiitalba bldgs. St. Peter Labatut I. Dr. 146 Royal Labatut Jules, com.mer. 60 Customhouse, d. 220 Royal Labatut 0. insp. customs, d. 333 Claiborne Labatut V. runner Canal Bank, d. 216 Bayou road Labau Louis, butcher, 9 French mkt Laband Jules, fisherm. d. 211 Roman, d.2 Labausuck Peter, butcher, French mkt Labauve F. clerk, 18 Conti Lal)l)e John, Mi-iairie ridge n. Bienville Labeaud C. f. m. c. carpenter, Roman n. Ursulines Labennelie P. wheelwright, 261 St. Peter Laber Charles, painter, 154 Girod, d. 1 Labertie Thes. grocer, Laliarpe c.Derbigny Labiche C. grocer, Dauphine c. St. Peter Labiche Honore G. apothecary, Royal c. Hospital Labigne Joseph, butcher, 94 French mkt Lablanc M. L., Lafayette n. Basin Lablonse Jacob, Urquhart n. Poet Labordf Bros, stables, Bourbon c. St. Louis Laborde B. undertakir, 24 Frenchmen Laborde Caroline, d. 96 Union, d. 3 Laborde F. acct. 17 Marais ' Laborde John, grocery, 17 Marais Laborde Joseph M. cigars, 11 Gravier, d. 332 Carondelet j Laborde J. P. shoemaker, 295 Chartres j Laborde Piarciss<.'s, d. Soniat n. Levee, Jefferson City Lacoste Philip, notary pulilic, 43 Exchange place, d. 70 Frenchmen Lacoste Paul, d. Rocheblave n. Carondeiet walk Lacoste Pierre, reg'tr of births and deaths, 22 Orleans Lacoste Pierre, d. 284 Main Lacose Zoe, f. w. c. d. 264 Ursulines Lacouml)e Jean, d. 206 I'oydras Lacounie Chas. c.h. St. Charles c. Perdido Lacour Ktienne, d. Esplanade c. Plauche Lacour John B. cooper, 406 Baronne Lacour J. G. clerk, 83 Canal LACOUR & PATTERSON, (W. S. Lacour, Peter Pattei-son, House and Sign Painters, Fresco & Ornamental Paint- ing. Also Flags, Banners and Transparencies, 98 Tchoupi- toulas, betw'n Lafayette and Girod Lacourt Mary Bourny, Algiers. Lacourieure Napoleon, clerk, 2 Chartres Lacoulure M. d. 128 Bourbon Lacroix Charles, f. m. c. carpenter, 429 Robertson, d. 3 Lacroix Edward, 65 Orleans Lacroix Euy^enia, f. w. c. d. 284 St. Ann Lacroix E. shoemaker, 334 St. Peter Lacroix Francois jr. shoemkr. St. (ilaude n. Enghien Lacroix I'ran^ois, tailor, 23 St. Charles, d. 93 Franklin Lacroix John, grocery, Camp c. St. Mary Lacroix John, grocm-, Dauphine c. Conli, d. 5 I rsulines Lacroix J. A. grocer, 0. Levee c.Frenchmen Lacroix Juliet, d. 185 St. Peter Lacroix .Nicholas, barber, 65 St. Philip Lacroix Mary F. f. w. c. 34 Orleans Lacroix Paul, wines &c., 12 Toulouse, d. 498 Bourbon, d. 3 Lacroix Paul N. clerk, 30 Poydras Lacroix P. 84 Orleans Lacroix P. c. h. Magazine c. St. Andrew Lacroix Pierre, cook, d. 122 St. Plulip I^acroix Valcour, d. 191 St. Philip Lacroix Victor J. 23 St. Charles Lacross Vincent, tailor, 278 Customhouse Laere Michael, d. 94 Rampart, d. 2 LaCruz'Mrs., d. 309 Si. Peter Lacy Frances Mrs., f. w. c. d.l64 Gasqnet Ladage H. tailor, 243 Camp Laddy John, laborer, Jena ri. Laurel Laddy Michel, lab. d. 519 Danphine, d.3 LaddiM! Jeremiah, cal)s, &c. 203 Thalia Ladey C, Annunciation n. Sivenih Ladieu W. H. c. p. d. 245 Marai.s d. 2 Ladoiix P. d. St. Andnw n. Magazine L;uheyere ('. C, Ursulines n. Prieur Lafargue Auguste, acct. d. 99 Burgundy Lafargue Fraiifois, d. 53 Barracks Lafaicue Henrv, 'lerk, 245 Treiue, d. 2 Lafargue Josepli, bulelur, 67 and (18 Mag- azine mkt. d. HaniKuiy n. Constance Lii/jtrgue l.,eo, wine mer. 82 Customhouse Lafargue Louis, l)ird cages, 59 Exchange l>lace, d. 242 St. Ann Lafargue Louis, tailor, 249 Robertson, d 2 Lafargue L. Mrs.,d. Derbigny c. St. Philip Lafargue Madann' P. lace store, 97 Bourbon Lafargue Mrs. S. d. 245 Treme, d. 2 Lafaurie Al fred, grocery, c.Prieur& St. Ann Lafaut Charles, bar keejier, St. Charles c. Poydrns Lafaye Flenry, clerk telegraph office, under St. Charles hotel Lafaye Victorine Mrs., d. 479 Burgundy Lafayette Ci metery No. 1, Washington n. Prytairia Lafayette' Cemetery No. 2, Washington c St. David Lafayette F. shoemaker, 108 Hospital Lafayette Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, Jackson n. Rousseau Lafayette John, lab.d. Louisa n. St. Claude LalVr'randerie A. clerk, d. 167 Claiborne LaU'eraiideric Alfred, c. p. d. Derbigny n. Main Laiferand(>rie G. Mrs., d. 167 Claiborne Lafferanderie Gustave,c.h.d.'.)4 Roman,d.9 Lalferanderie Jean M. d. Bayou bridsre LafVeranderie Jean M. baker, 275 Treme Lalferty Henry Capt.,d. 597 Burgundy Lalerry G. W. H. printer, d. Jena n. Jer sev, Jeffer.son City Laffi't.' BeinanI, barber, 11 St. Philip Laffiite & D<-f[dr^c,( E.Laffitle^G.DrJfarfrr) importers of wiius and liquors, 133 Royal, d. Royal c. Toulouse LatTui Ciiarles, stav.'s, Celeste c. Front, d. Ill Espial). ule Laffcui Charles, d. 73 St. Anthony Lafforgue Leon -Mrs., d. 1.59 Main Lafitte Adele, d. 233 El.vsian Fields Lafitte Alex, carpenter, 47 St. Andrew Lafitte Charles, (Jeannet, (^uertier Sf Co.) 19 St. Louis, d. 317 Rampart Lafitte G. E. broker, 172 Claiborne, d. 2 Lafitte Jean, buleher, 84 French market Lafitte Jean, tinner, 409 Rampart, d. 3 Lafitte Jean, carpenter, 244 Royal Lafitte John, bricklayer, 136 Union, d. 3 Lafitte Jos. A. d. 67 I^urtholomew Lafitte Pierre, drayman d. Mandeville n. Old I.evee Lafiteau Jean, shoes, 107 Rampart, d. 1 Latbur John, harness maker, 619 N.Leve LAF 264 LAM Laflin Cutter, d. Laurel n. Pleasant Lafon E. Mrs. midwife, 57 Dryades Lafun J. clerk, 99 Old Levee, d. 2 Lalbn Jos. clerk, d. Camp c. St. Mary Latbii Peter, blacksmith, 689 St. Claude Lafon Raymond, sugar weigher, d. 100 Urquhiirt Lafon T. 97 Exchange place Lafon Torni, 3!:2 Marais, d. 2 Lafond Achille, c. h. Bourbon c. Orleans Lafond E. d. 378 Canal Lafond D. c. h. Bourbon under new Opera LAFONT'S ACADEMIC AND COLLEGIATE INSTITU- TION. Instruction thorough and complete. 53 Eampart c. Bienville. H. Lafont, Prin- cipal. Lafont J. M. H. school, 53 Rampart Lafont Josephine, dressmkr. d. Orleans n. Daupiiine Laforcade E. clerk, 130 Canal Laforert A. (P. Ji. Hebrard Sf Co.) 165 Canal, d. 285 Dauphine Laforest & Desmare, (Jl. Ji. Laforest, M- pkonse .i. Desmare,) com. mers. St. Charles c. Union, d. 255 Uauphine Laforest James, elk. St. Charles c. Union Lafosse J. B. shoemaker, 132 Conti Lafourcade Eugene, clerk, d. 243 St. Louis Lafrance Claus Capt. d. 320 Franklin Lafrance James O. carpenter, 93 Congress Lafrance Nerberl, carp. 4G9 St. Claude, d.3 Lafrance Prosper, d. 100 St. Anthony Lafrenz M. H. d. Julia n. Claiborne Lafrique Jean, poultry, 52 St. Mary'smkt Lagan Ellen Mrs. d. 669 New Levee Lagan Matthew D.- sheet iron worker, 225 New Levee Lagan W. d Josephine n. Levee Lagard John Mrs. d. 89 Main Lagarde Ernst, editor, 220 Erato Lagarde Josejih, bread, 31 Poydras mkt Lagarde Joseph, barkeeper, 412 Orleans Lagaroche Etlwd. barber, d. 151 Dauphine Lagarote Jos. vegetables, d. 220 Poydras Lagay A. L. Mrs. d. 539 Dauphine Lagay Chas. (Lagay Sf Lecanu,) d. 68 Rampart, d. ] Lagay F. Mrs. d. 77 Basin, d. 2 Lagaj' & Lecanu, (Chas. Lagay, J^oel L. Lecanu,) clothing. Canal c. Exchange place, d. 68 Rampart, d. 1 Lager John, cigars, 382 Thalia Lagere Paul, trad- r, d. 245 Royal Lagneau J. Mrs. d. 164 Main Lagneil Edwd. school teacher, Berlin near Laurel, Jefferson City Lagonia Jean, laborer, d. 68 Ursulines Lagos Alexander, oysters, 17 Front, d. 2 Lagoudrille & Co. (John Lagoudrille, B. Matheran,) c. h. 419 Dryades Lagrange Claude, painter, 134 Toulouse Lagrange Mrs. d. 130 Burgundy LagroneChas.F.,Plaquemine n. Berlin, J. C. Lagrosse Edmund, carpenter, 559 Baronne Lagrue Coralie Mrs. d. Napoleon avenue n. Chesnut, Jeft". City Lagrue Felix, trea.surer, Jefferson City, Plaquemine c. Berlin Lagrue T. d. Napoleon avenue c. Plaque- mine, Jeff. City Laguaiste J. B. dry goods, Chartres c. St. Philip Lagua Mary Ann, d. 242.Thalia Laguilhane Ambrose, clerk, 223 Treme Laguilhaune Martin, bakery, 121 Roman Lahache T. d. 627 Camp Lahay John, drayman, d. 72 St. Thomas Lahay Jos. iron founder, d. 122 Annunc. Lahay Wm. laborer. Felicity n. Fulton Lahon Hypolite, hairdresser, 82 Cnartres Lahoussaye St. Cyr. d. 289 St. Ann Laidlaw John, com. mer. 85 Gravier Laid law Peter Mrs. d. 517 Chartres, d. 3 Laine J. B. blacksmitii, 60 Mandeville Laine Joseph d. 140 Toulouse Lainez J. 0. f. m. c. shoemkr. 417 Dau- phine, d. 3 Laiser F Mrs. d. 140 Orleans Laiser Joseph, contractor, 336 Fulton Laitheon Samuel, d. 98 Grealmen Laizar F.J.clk. 2dis. court, d. Cadiz, J. C. Laizer Louis, d. Second near Dryades Lajac L. refinery, Caroudelet walk n.Miro Lakeman Wm. d. Gasquetn. Claiborne Laky M. L. d. Jersey near Philip Lalande Arsene, manuf. jewelry, 151 Royal Lalande P. 283 Customhouse Lallande Charles, clerk, 41 Tchoupitoulas Lailande John, egg vender, 48 Ursulines Lallande J. B. clerk, 40 Perdido Lellande Jos. cotton factor, 98 Gravier, d. St. Charles op. Lafayette square Lellande J. G. 49 Caroudelet Lally James, laborer, d. 292 St. Thomas Lally Michael, laborer, d. 93 St. Thomas Lally Patrick, lab. d. Gasquet n. Broad Lally Thomas, laborer, d. 8 Port Lally Thomas, d. Franklin n. Bienville Lalmang Michl. c. h. Rampart c. St. Peter Lalt)nier Louis, f.m.c. carp. 520 Villere,d.2 Lam Peter, d. Rousseau n. Washington Lamado Ciiarles, d. 15 St. Peter Lamaniere Lucien, (Dubois, Lamaniere 8f Co.) 1 12 Chartres, d. 399 Bourbon, d.3 Lamanco Francois, coal and wood, 110 St. Philip Lamar Auguste, lab. Delaronde, Algiers Lamar Henry, d. 33 Music Lamar P. Mrs. d. 6 Bagatelle Lamare H. V. d. 443 St. Ann Lamare J. M. printer, d. 443 St. Ann Lamarier Emile, clerk, d. 329 St. Philip Lamarque B. butcher, 47 Treme Lamarque Charles, d. 137 St. Louis Lamarque C. Mrs. d. 137 St. Louis Lamarque Francis, coal, 230 Burgundy Lamarque F. f. m. c. d. Harmony near Chippewa Lamarque John, grocer, 354 Baf ou road LAM 265 LAN marque John, butchrr, 9 Poydras mkt _^. marque S. butcluT, 2 Drv.Hd<'s market Lamarre Jos. job printer, llG Excli. place La Mars A. Airs. d. Id'-:] Baronne Lamasierc John, d. 'i48 Huri;undy. d. 2 Lamb Jolin, laborer, d. 176 Dryades Lamb Michael, d. St. Mary n Chippewa Lamb Patrick, d. Clara c. Julia Lamb Filer, laborer, d. 17 France L:>mi) Thomas, laborer, d. 366 Lafayette Lambege L. wood, &c. 57 Main Lambert .VUard, sliooimiker, St. Peter c. Daujihine Laml)ert Anthony F. clerk, 52 Miig«'»ziiie Lamliert Charles, clerk, 52 Magazine, d. 202 St. Claude, d.2 Lambert E. Capt. 92 Spain Laiuliert Kdffar, elerk, 7.') Chartres Laml)ert Felix, d. 318 Villere, d. 3 Lambert George, barber. Bayou bridge Lambert George, draynian, d. 150 I'lialia Lambert H. laborer, .Tersey, JelT. City Lambert Jas. drayman, d. 257 Lafayette Lambert Jas. L. machinist, d. 376 Baronne Lamb(rt L. gardener, Gentilly road Lambert L. grocer, St. Mary c. Rousseau Lambert Louis, c. p. d. Bourborn n. Soli- delle Lambert M. A. Mrs. Sixth n. Magazine Lambert Mary L. f. w. c. 236 Ursulmes Lambert M. f. w. c. 256 Coiiti Lambert Numa Dr., 115 Royal Lambert N., Lafayette near St. Jane Lambert N. clerk, Orleans c. Bourborn, d. 236 Si'. Ann Lambert Phili[), St. John's Great route, Gentilly road Lambert Richards, 34 St. Bernard Lambert Richard, 295 Dauphine Lam lert Robert, carpenter, d. 313 Terp- sichore Lambert Samuel, 131 Annunciation Lambert Simon, blacksmith, 42 Rousseau Lambert Sydney, musician, 31 St. Bernard Lambert Valentine, lab. 738 Dauphine, d.3 LAMBERT X., Importer and Dealer in French Brandies and Wines, Foreign and Do- mestic Liquors, etc., 52 late 62 Magazine. . Lambert Xavier, blacksmith, 20 Ursulines Lamberton Wm., Washington n.Chipjiewa Lamboiir Michael, scn-wman, d. 133 Re- ligious Lambour Nicholas, screwman, d. 133 Re- ligious Lambourni Mrs. music teacher, 437 An- nunciation Lambrecht John, junk shop, 64 Esplanade Lambrun F. medicines, St. Ann c. Bourbon Lameyer E. II. 168 Erato Lamillionaire Evig. carpenter, 127 Orleans Lamkeiler C. Mrs. 82 St. Philip Lamm Charles, clothing, l.')9 Poydias Lamon Archie H. clerk, 89 ("amp Lamon John, laborer, d. 214 Esjilanade Lamon J. M. d. 43 St. Ann Lamon S. P. clerk, 45 St. Ann Lamont Wm. wood, coal, &c. 262 Delord Lamory Charles, 198 Rampart, d. 2 Lamothfe Alfn-d, cl<>rk, 116 Royal Lamothe August, d. 22 St. Claude Lamothe James, d. 103 Esplanade, d. 3 Lamothe Janus, d.97 Main Lamoihe J. B. jewelry, Esplanade near Chartres, d."394 Burgundy, d. 3 Lamothe J. H. d. 97 Main Lamothe J. L. d. 299 St. Peter Lamothe Leon, ( Vararroc &c Co.) 166 Royal, d. 394 Burgundy Lamothe Louis, cutler, 209 Chartres Lamothe Martin, d. 96 Elysian Fields Lamothe N. Mrs. d. Laurel n. Marengo, Jeff. City Lamothe P. L. grocer, 66 Tchou]iitoulas. d. Feli<'itv near Chippewa Lampard H. Mrs. d. 32 Frenchmen Lami>ing W. Mrs. d. 406 St. Ann Lamprez Charlotte, d. 401 Bayou road Lampton William, d. 231 Columbus Lamy George Rev. d. Villere, Algiers Lamy Gi^rmain, marble cutter, 386 St. Ann Lamy V. d. 20 Burgundy Lanabere Bernard, grocer, Treme market, d. 1.^7 Claiborne, d.2 Liinaghan Thomas, 33 St. Mary Lanahan John, laborer, d. 313 Dauphine Lanassa Salvador, fruit, d. 15 St. Philip Lunata Angelo, grocer, 2 Pontalba bldsjs. 163 Old Levee Lanata D. & J. com. mers. 9, 10 and 11 Jefferson, d. .306 Chartres Lanata Frank, grocer, 11 Carondelet walk Lanata Joseph ( D. &c J. Lanata,) Consul of Sardinia, 11 Jefferson, d. 142 Ram- part, d. 2 Lanaux D. Mrs. 275 Royal Laliaiix E. 275 Royal Lanaux Louis, tinsmith, 106 Basin, d. 2, d. 197 St. Peter Lanaux O. cooperage, 13 Conli Lanaux P. 265 Rampart, d. 2 Lanaux Thecidori', com. mer. 13 Conti, d. 96 Elysian Fields Lanaiize A. hardware, stoves and build- ers' Vnaterials, 9 Pontalba buildings, St. Ann Lanauze Fred, clerk, 129 Main Lanauze Paul Mrs. 285 Carondelet walk Lanauze P. A. hardware, 51 Carondelet walk, Old Basin Lancaster John L. (Henderson, Terry 8{ Co.) 93 Gravier, d. St. Andrew n. St. Charles Lancaster W. B. attorney, 26 St. Charles, d. 373 St. Andrew Lance Nicholas, lab. d. Clara n. Johnson Land A. D., Laurel c. Bordeaux, Jeff.City Land C. Mrs. 579 Rampart, d. 3 Land .Tohn, clerk, 62 Camp Land Thomas T., Associate Justice Su- preme Court, d. Laurel c. Bordeaux, Jefferson City LandThos.jr. Laurel c. Bordeaux, Jef- ferson City Landano Job, 272 Rampart, d. 1 Landau Jos. lab. f. m. c, d. 70 Annette Landijraf Anthony, carp. 63 Liberty Landi;;raf F. cabinet maker, 148 Poydras Landg:raf Henry, butcher, iVlao;azine mkt Landon J. F., Constance c. Philip Landman F. dairy. Napoleon av. Jeff. City Landreaux Llizabeth, 96 Dauphine Landreaux George, clerk Fourth District Court, d. 204 St. Louis Landreaux Honore, widow, 143 St. Ann Land.reaux N. H elk. 2 Front Levee, d. 2 Landreaux R. d. 204 St. Louis Landreaux U. Mrs. d. 204 St. Louis Landreux Frederick, clerk, 143 St. Ann Landreux H. clerk, d. 143 St. Ann Landrigan John, laborer, 459 Royal, d. 3 Landrigen Michl. lab. 551 Burgundy, d. 3 Landrigen Pat. laborer, 587 Rampart, d. 3 Landrodie Charles, clerk, 61 Carondelet, d. 169 St. Philip Landry Amadeo (J. A. Braud 8c Landry,) 14 Bienville, d. St. Charles n. Calliope Landry Andrew, confectionery, 103 Julia Landry Dorcino ( F. J. Da Silva 8f Co.) 14 Carondelet, d. 206 Prieur, d. 2 Landry Eugene, acct. 32 Uld Levee, d. 45 St. Peter Landry J. A. clerk, 12 Bienville Landry J. G. (McCerren &c Landry,) St. Charles c. Perdido, d. 312 St. Charles Landry Joseph, carpenter Landry M. H. clerk, 130 Canal Landry Noma, clerk, La. State Bank, d. 285 Chartres r>andry Octave, sugar brok. d. 154 Calliope Landry N. runner. La. State Bank Landry T. Mis. d. 301 Rampart Landsberg Charles, lab. d. 107 Hospital Landy Peter, d. St. Charles n. Washington Lane A. G. 79 St. Charles Lane & Bodley (Henry M. Lane, Thos. B Bodley,) 85 St. Charles Lane Henry M. (Lane Sf Bodley,) 85 St Charles Lane John, drayman, d. 189 Front Land John, Icvborpr, d. Thalia c. Freret Lane Martin, d. Carondelet walk n. Clai- borne Lane, Salter & Co. (JohnJl. Lane, RichaiA P. Salter, John J. Lane,) cotton aij|P sugarfact.and com.mers. 128Common Lane John A. ( Lane , Salter Sf Co.)d. Clio between Baronne and Dryades Lane John J. (Lane, Salter Sf Co.) d. Clio between Baronne and Dryades Lane N. Ll (Chase, Lay S{ Co.) d. Race n. Camp Lane Patrick, paver, d. 308 St. Peter Lane R. cooper, Foucher n. Calliope Laneuville H. collector, d. Union c. Celeste Laneuville J. A. apolhec'y,Circu.«, Hospital Lanfi-ar Ambrose, com. mer. 93 Common, d. 130 Julia Lang A. A. painter. Magnolia n. Common Lang A. W. acct. 93 Magazine, d. 344 Dryades Lang C. B. com. mer. d. 276 Melpomene Lang Kmanuel, clothing, 887 Levee n. Washington Lang Fred. c. h. 7 Frenchmen Lang James, d. Baronne n. Delord Lang James, cigars, 176 Julia Lang Jacob, d. 145 Main Lang Jacob, laborer, Orleans n. Broad Lang Jacob, laborer, d. 96 Piety Lang Julius, ship carp. Delaronde, Algiers Lang J. B., Port n. Chartres Lang Louis, cartn\an, d 219 Marigny Lang Theresa, d. 238 Orl(.-ans Lang Thomas, grocer, 147 Tchoupitoulas Langa Fred, furniture, 335 Tchoupitoulas Langdon John W. vegetables, 57 Ursulines Lange Arthur, clerk, d. 272 Main Lange A. Mrs. d. 272 Main Lange Cherry, d. 193 Claiborne Lange Ferdin. florist, Elysian c. Claiborne Lange Frederick, clothing, 213 Poydras Lange F. clerk, 19 Toulouse, d. 193 Clai- borne Lange Herman, furn. 335 Tchoupitoulas Lange Jacques, d. 132 Barracks Lange John, ragman, d. 210 Urpuhart Lange Joseph, d. St. Louis n. Ram))art Lange Jules, dep. st. C(mim'r. d. 367 Main Lange Julia Mrs. millinery, 65 St. Ann Lange Leonce, clerk. Main n. Galvez Lange L. A. clerk, 17 Carondelet Lange L. acct. 59 Customhouse, d. 193 Claiborne Lange Mary Mrs. d. 152 Frenchmen Lange Victorin, carp. 461 Bourbon, d. 3 Lange William, wadding mkr. 17 St. Fer- dinand Langecrais Jos. Mrs. d. 383 Elysian Fields Langemann J. H.' tailor, 7 Enghien Langenbecker C. Dr. d. 135 Esplanade, d. 3 Langhaus E. d. 100 Annette Langhauser .lohn A. d. 467 Claiborne, d. 3 Langhetee Joseph Capt. bridge keeper, Bayou bridge Langhoff ChristianW. grocer,257Rampart Langhop Jno. blksm. 649 Dauphine, d. 3 Langliorne Maurice, clerk, d. 509 Caron- delet, d. I Langles J. bakery, 287 Bourbon LAN 2G7 LAR Langlois Andrew, laborrr, 127 Annette Liinglois Andrew, d. 166 Treme, d. 2 Liinglois A. druggist, d. 95 Orleans Langlois Elizalietli, f, w. c, d. 372 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Langlume Ainedee, clerk, Marrdeville n. Daiipliiiie Langois Alex. Mrs. d. 97 St. Anthony Langiidi^e Thomas, ]2 Commercial plac^ hds. St. Charles hotel LangsdortF A. ( (iueyrouze &( iMnsrsdnrff',) 8, 10 and 12 St.'Louis, d. 77 Orleans Langshaw William, d. 491 Royal, d. 3 Languille Pierre, aeot. 22 St. Charl.'s Languor iMary-^li's.d.CohimHus n.Piauehe Langwith Jos. upholsterer, 124 Canal, d. t'alliope n. Raiu mUT, d. 1 Lanier W. L. grocer, Gra\ ii-r c. Fulton and iVew Levee, d. 195 Baronne Lanna Annette, d. 81 Hospital Lanna J. Mrs. d. 99 Conde Lanna J P. dry goods, 14 Union, d. 3 Lanna Lorettt>,f.w.c.,d..Mt)7 Roberison,d. 3 Lanna Viial Mrs. d. 3 Annette Lannan Owi-n, screwm. d. 39 F'renchmen Lannan Thos. lah. Thalia c. New Levee Lannes A. Mrs. f. w. c, d. 64 Dryades Lannes Guilhaima, butcher, 13 Dryades market Lannes M. butcher, d. Bouligny Lannes \Vm. buiehcr, d. 213 Vlelpomene Lanninghan Thomas, carpenter, d. 265 Dryadt^s Lannon Bridget Mrs. carts, 73 Palmyra Lanoix J. B. tislnnonger, Dryades mkt Laiiottc Alexis, carpenter, 142 Roman, d. 2 Linoue E. mail ageiil, Levee c. St. Louis Lanox Andrew, (Taylor Sf Lanox,) 140 Camp Lanphier James S. 92 Gravier Lansalade Philip, barkeeper, 89 Poet Lanty John, 10 Hoey's row, Poydras Lantz Nicholas, lab. Clara n. Erato l>anz Jacob, tailor, 139 Barracks Lanusse A. teacher, 53 St. Anthony l^anusse Clement, d. Galvez n. Hospital Lanusse Edward, c. h. 10 Front Lanusse J. B. Mrs. d. 246 Rampart, d. 2 Laniin Paul, seedsman, 184 Chartres Laparnte N. B. clerk, d. 342 Rampart Laparle Paul, barkeeper City hotel Lapatrie Charles, d. 143 Liberty Lapene & Fi-rre, (Jule.s Lapene, ^^ugust Ferre,) grocers, 65 Old Levee, d. 2 Laper Alex'r, shoemaker, Cotton Pressn. Morales Laper Joseph, wood sawyer. Cotton Press n. Morales Laperet Frederick, b.h. 223 Tchoupitoulas Lapiret Fred. jr. el.rk, 223 rchoupitoulas LaperliiT P. paiiitrr, 193 t rsulint's Lapiyre J. B. acct. 61 Cannidelet Lapeyre J. M. pres'l Stale Bank of La. d. 190 St. Claude Lapeyre J. M. Mrs. d. 35f Rampart, d. 3 Lapice Bros. (.i. G. Lajiirr, E. D. Lavire,) com. mirs. and sugar facts, n. iMVirc,) ,3 0. L vee Lapice E. D. (Lapice Bros.) 3 Old Levee Lapice P. planter, d. 81 Esplanade Lapier Edmond, laborer, d. 24 Mazant Lapiere J. Mrs. variety store. Levee n. Barthohnnew Lapierre Fransweir, d. 220 Felicity Lapiaci' B. druggist, Elysian Fields c. 0. Li • vee Laplace Capt. d. 54 Frenchmen Laplace Charles C. d. 99 Baronne' Laplace P. &. Co. ( R. Tadurij,) confec- tionery, 345 Old Levee, d! 3 Lapointe N. B. clerk, 130 Canal l.aporti- Baptisle, cook, d. 103 Orleans Laporte Bajitiste, Annunciation c. Pleasant Laporie Baptiste, d.79 butcher, 42 French market I.,aporl.' Bertrand, butcber,98 French mkt. Main Laporte B. L. butcher, 66 Fretich market Laporte & Co. blacksmiths, Chippewa n. Toledano Laporte J. (Laporte S( Co.) Chippewa n. Toledano Laporte Louis, butcher, 91 French market Laporte M. butcher, d. 64 Frenchmen Laprairie & Sauvage, ( L. Laprnirie, ,/. Saurage,) com. mers. 34 Ex. plaee Laprairie Li.( Laprairie Sf Sauvage,) 34 Ex- change place Laprime Pierre, cooper, 169 Ursulines Laprinu Charles, clerk, Conti c. Chartres Laprunu .Adolph, d. 365 Rampart, d. 3 Lafuiyette Jean, clerk, d. 115 St. Ann Lara Geronimo, cook, 98 Orleans Larance Wm. clerk, 67 Freret Larcade Baptist, butcher, 21 Port market, d. 450 Old Levee Larcarre B. organ grinder, 248 Burgundy Larche Valsin, d. Prieur n. Bayou road Lardetto Jacques, 344 St. Philip Lardner M ichael, clerk, 153Tchoupitoula.s Lardner Richard, harness maker, 105 Derbignv, d. 2 , Lardon Jacob, shoemaker, 162 St. Philip Laresche John, d. 93* Rampart, d. 1 Lare-sche Paul E.atty. at law and notary, 129 Exchange place, d. Hospital n. Dau|ihine Laroz Francis, inilkman, d. 275 Josephine Laribeau L. milk, 160 Barracks Larigne Ursin, carp. Camp n. Valence, Jeff. City L^rimore John, builder, 456 Rampart, d.l Larkin James, pliusterer, d. 110 Gaiennie Larkin John, moulder, d. 301 Howard Larkin Mary Mrs. d. 107 Julia Larkin Peter, lab. d. 77 Aimunciation Larkin Peter, lab. d 398 Thalia Larkin Thomas, lab. d. 490 Front Levee Larkin Thomas, drayman, d. 34 Richard Larkin Wm. blacksmth, Orange n. lie ligious Larkin Wm. lab. d. 104 Marigny Lannan Jean, butcher, 34 St. Mary's mkt Larman Mike, carp. d. Josephine n. Chip- pewa Larmnn Pliilip, lab.d. Josephine n. Chip- pc'wa Larmmiu M. cooper, 68 Robertson Lnrmtr J. butcher, 34 St. Mary's market Lamer Catharine, il. La.av. n. Annuncia- tion Larner Thos. d. La. av. n. Annunciation Larodre Constant, screwman,d. 64 Barthoi- ontiew Laroche H. clerk, 149 Conti Laroche Hypolite,cabinet maker, 99 Mag- azine, d. 257 Bienville Larochelle L. A. watchmkr. 150 Bourbon Larochelle Norbert, .salesman, 79 Canal LaroquH Dominique, c. h. 219 Charlres Laroque L. clerk, 26 Magazine Laros Peter, d. Villere n. Bienville Larosa .1. Madame, d. 5 Annette Larosa S. Mrs. d. Columlnusn. St. Claude Larose Anthony, carp. d. 290 Dryades Larose A. clerk recorder's court, d. 3, d. 430 St. Claude Larose Daniel, carp. 296 Dryades Larose Desire, f. m. c. bricklayer, 476 Rampart Larose Ktienne, d. 346 St. Claude Larose Jacques Mrs. d. 248 Claiborne Larose James 0. clerk, 31 Gravier, d. 24B Claiborne Larose Joseph A. 64 Mag. d. 248 Claiborne Larose R. clerk,82 Camp, d. 248 Claiborne Larose Joseph, f. m. c d. 148 Poet Larose Jules, salesman, 82 Canal, d. 33 St. Anthony Charles, barkeeper, St. Charles c. Poydras Larouse Theophile, d. 155 St. Peter LarouRsini M. & Co. (E. Collon,) dry goods, c. Baronne and Pt)ydras, and 137 Canal Lnrqu"Z Fjan<;ois, clerk, 249 < >ld Levee ijarquier Henri, butcher, 10 Treme market, d. 288 St. Ann Larras Wm. d. 115 Conti Larrea Emilie Mrs. d. 114 Perdido LaiTey L. blacksmith. Barracks n. Prieur Larribeau Louis, d. 166 Barracks Larribau J. butcher, 39 Treme market Lairieu Dominique, d. 275 St. Claude Larrieu Etienne A. clerk, 134 Canal, d. 175 Julia Larriljote Francis, cigars, 349 St. Ann Larrieu L. D. d. 61 Treme Larrieu Jean, wood, 278 St. Ann Larrieu Jean, d. Patterson, Algiers^ Larricni Joseph, d. 248 Burgundy, d. 2 Larrimore John, carp. d. 456 Rampart Larronde .lean & Co. bakers, Johnson n. Barracks Larroque L. elk. 25 Magazine, d. 37 Gas- quet Larr6quette Francis, butcher, 12 Poydras market Larroulte Auguste, elk. St. Louis c. Royal Larroulte Charles, St. ( harles c Poydras Larry Jean, d. 56 St. Philip Laisen H.S. engineer, d.869 Rampart, d.3 Larsen Martin, shipping office, 16 Bar- racks, d. 46 Enghien Lassen Wm. stoker, Prosper n. Anthony Lartet M. d. 64 Burgundy, d. 2 Lartigalot & Co. coffee, Treme market Lartigue Alplionse, inspector of customs, d. Louisa, c. Rampart Lartigue Delphine, d. 162 Rampart, d. 2 Lartigue Eliza, d. 277 St. Louis Lartigue Etienne, c. p. d. 300 St. Peter Lartigue F. A. d. 7.39 Rampart, d. 3 Lartigue J. B. clerk, 89 Camp, d. 120 St. Anthony Lartigue J. Mrs. f. w. c. d. 189 Spain Lartigue L. butcher, 9 Claiborne market Lartigue M. carpenter. Laurel n. Jena,Jef- ferson City Lartigue Stephen Mrs. d. 105 Orleans Lartigue Paul. d. Claiborne n. Kerlerec Lartigue T. d.' 120 St. Anth(,ny Lartigue Wm. cooper. 111 St. Peter Larue B. tailor, Marais n. Ursulines Larue Edgar, ( Lm-ue 8f Provost,) d. 291 Royal Larue Felix, 30 Carondelet, d. 5 Pontalba bids. St. Ann Larue L. embroidery, d. St. Peter c.Bour- bon Larue Mad. dressmkr. Perdido n. Willow Larue Mary,f. w. c. d. 333 Bourbon, d. 3 Larue & Prevost ( Edgar Larue, G. Ji. Pre- vost,) com. mers. 30 Carondelet Larues T. lab. Pleasant n. Chippewa Lary Dennis, lab. d. ]5 Religious Lary Patrick, lab. d. 9 Poyfarre Larvy John, lab. d. 251 St. Louis Larvy Patrick, lab. d. 106 Gaiennie Lasatle Andrew E. book keeper, d. Dau- phine n. Dumaine Lasalle B. c. h. St. Philip n. St. Claude Lasalle Capt. d. 97 St. Peter Lasalle Jean, butch, d. 391 Claiborne, d.3 Lasalle J. lumber yard, 65 Claiborne, d. 2, d. 294 Conti Lasalle Pierre & Co. (^. Bourgtiet,) blacksmiths, etc. 39 St Philip Lasbenes A. grocer, d. 240 Dauphine Lasbenes B. grocer, d.349 Burgundy, d. 3 Lasbenes M. grocer, Dauphine c. Main l^asbennes B. butcher, 98 French market Lasch John J. d. 220 Morales Lasch John J. apothecary ,346 Carondelet Lasch Mrs. midwife, 120 Morales Lasch John Mrs. c. h. 46 Levee, d. 3 Lascoums John, d. 89 St. Philip l>a Sere Emile, president La. Tehuantepec Co. 45 Carondelet La Sere Eugene, clerk Sup. Court, d. Orleans c. Arsenal alhy Lasere Jules, butcher, 42 Poydras mkt Lasere Mary, d. 128 Dryades Lasere Peter, waiter, 229 Burgundy Laskey H. shipcarpenter, Lavergne, Alg. Lasalle A. saljisman, 177 Poydras, d. 200 Toulouse Lassaux C. d. Laharpe n. Derbigny Lassaux Develin, d. 379 Villere, d. 3 LAS 269 LAU I^assaux J.B.shoomkr.d.374 Bourbon, d.3 Lfissing M. H. inti'lli^onrt", d. 35 St. Ann Lassieri^ Fraiiris, d. 20 Ursuliiii's LassncrM.f C. Blaucke ^ .i. Dimsl,) 431 St. Charles Lassniirrpllo .loan, shoemaker, 121 Ex- change place Lassiis Baptiste, carp. 89 St. Piiilip La.ssus .Tohn, clerk, 71 Old Levee, d. 2 Laster Thomas U. d 126 Oraiiire Lastor Thomas U. jr. clerk, 31 Tchoupi- toulas Lasterrade.s B. dry floods, 31 Marais, d. 2 Lastrade Bertrand, lab. d. White c. On- zaga Lastrnde Jean M. dairy, Broad c. Laharpe Lastrapes Theodore, clerk, 60 Caroiidelet Latamer A. d. 56 Mandeville Latapie B grocer, 394 Burgundy, d. 3 Latapie Leonard, dairy, Frenchmen c. Solidelle F^atapie Lydia Mrs., Common n. Franklin Latarde B coffee, fr. mki. d. 25 Madi.son Latarade Pierre, butcher, 30 Poydras mkt Laterriere Charles L. clerk, d. 35 Barthol- omew Laterriere L. Mrs. d. 35 Bartholomew Latham J. R. d. 683 Magazine, d. 4 Latham Mary Mrs. d. 265 Baronne Latham Wm. G. notary public, 118 Cus- tomhouse, d. 120 Julia Latham Wm. H. clerk, 48 Tchoupitoulas, d. 135 Gasquet Lathrop A. printer, d. St. Jane n. Perdido Lathrop Henry, Mrs. d. 287 Camp Lathrop & Co] ( H. P. Lalhrop,G. W. Ver- lan(lei\) primers, 74 Magazine Lathroi> H. P. (Lathrop Sc Co.) d. St.Jane n. Gravier Lathrop J. Mrs. d. 2.59 Camp Lalil Edward, clerk, 93 Columbus, d. 3 Latil E. I), printer, 99 Barracks Latil Frederick, bonk keeper, 125 Common Latil J. Mrs. d. 343 naiborne, d. 3 Latimer Wm. d. 87 Treme Lative Esielle, d. 99 Barracks Latorre A. school. Esplanade c. Tremc Latour \. C. grocery, 50 South market Latour Mary, d. 268 I'rsulines Latour Victor, clerk, d. 437 Main Latour Z. Mrs. d. 437 Main Laita James, drayman, d. 129 Thalia Latiell John, steward, d. 373 liasin Lattell John P. d. 299 Thalia Laiting J. A. d. 62 Bagatelle Laliing R. G. & Co. (Richard G. Latting, Gabriel Alonlegul, W. Chambrrs,) bag- ging and rope, 14 and 16 Union, d. 147 St. .Vndrew Lauck .^nioii, cooper, d. Urquhart n. Cot- Ion Press Lauck Bnj. foreman sash factory, 271 Gravier, d. 423 Hospital Lauco Kramjois, cook, d. 241 Dauphinn Laudumiey , acci. 17 Toulouae, d. 375 Bonrl)on Lauduii Edward, d. Dryades c. Laudun H. 19 Conti Laiuiun J. F. 19 Conti, d. Constance n. Jackson Lauel llein-y, pattern maker, d. 348 Mel- pomene Lauer Chas. clothing, 252 Tchoupitoulas l.auer El)ienne, atty. at law, 67 Elmire Lauer Frank, grocery, Piiilip c. Chippewa Lauer George, lab. d. 27 St. Ferdinand i.auff Frank, d. Fulton n. Pleasant Laugaron Thomas, drayman. Frenchmen n. F\irce Laughland G. !.. d. Orange c. Chippewa Eaughlin L. laborer, d. 134 Girod l.aughlin Mary Mrs. d. 156 Annunciation Laughlin Michael, b. h. 68 Girod Laughlin Mrs. d 13 Ramjiart, d. 2 Laughlin Peter, laborer, d. 34 Religious Laughlin Peter, laborer, d. 87 Delord Laughlin R. K. agent, 33 Front Levee Laughlin T. 0. lumber. Old Basin c. Ca- roiidelet walk and Robertson Ijaughlin Wm. cabs, Common n. Bertrand Laughran Felix, sailmaker, 5 New Basin, d. 398 Liberty Laughran Patrick, sai!mak(>r,d. 398 Liberty Laughmaii Samuel, 84 Common Laugonia John, d. 245 Dnuphine Laugne I]runo, c. h. 273 Julia Laulom Eniile, bakery, 30 History Laura Wm. laborer, d. 232 Magazine Lauraine A. d. Jackson c. Annunciation Lauraine Jose|)h, f. m. c. cigarmaker, 79 St. Anthony Lauran Adam, laborer, d. 314 Erato Laurans J. atty. at law, 11 Exch. place Ijaurans P. E. com. and forwarding, mer. 61 Magazine c. Rick.cust.d.452 Bourl)on,d.3 Layton Roht. agt. Mer. Ins. Co., d. Chest- nut c. Fourth Laylon Saml. Capt.,d. 158 St. Clauile Layton Tlmmas, cashier Southern Bank, d. (57 Chartres Layton T. notary public, 144 Royal Laytons Warehouse, op. post 60, d. 4, office 13 .Tackson, d. 4. Layton Wni. lal)orer, 32 Ene;hien Lazacono Zulijencio, oysters, Goodchil- dren n. Marigny Lazard C. clerk, 21.5 Old Levee, d. 2 Ijazard M. grocer, Rampart c. Mandeville Lazardeaux Charles, grocer, c. Burgundy and Bienville Lazare Augusie, teachpr, Bienville c. Basin Lazare F. (Lazare, LevasseurS^ Co.) d. 233 I Galvez Lazare John, carp. Lafayette c. Seventh, Gretna # Lazare, Levasseur & Co. ( F. Lazare, P. Lerasseitr, IL Demouy, J. L. Auhert,) j dry goods, 8 and 10 Chartres, d. and Red stores. Meat market I Lazare Louis, cigr. mkr. 254 Mandeville Lazare P. grocer, c. Rampart and C^illiope [ L.izaretii L. Mrs. 255 Rampart d. 2 I Lazenby H. (Waller G. Robinson &(■ Co.) j 41 Natchez Lazet H. W. c. h. Louisa n. Front Levee Lazier Louis, butcher, 27 St. Mary's mkt Lazies Jno. butcher, 31 St. Mary's mkt., I d. 15 North market Lea Alex. d. 750 St. Claude L. a & Marr, (J. w\: Lea, R. IL Marr, G. I W. H. .Marr,) attys. at law, 13 Com- mercial place, d. 81 Prytania I Lea Loiiis, en^ini'er, 147 St. Philip Leach J. VV. T. collect r. d. Camp n.Girod Lejich William, d. 24G Melpomene Leai-ock W.T. Rev. rector Christ Church d. 427 Carnndel.t Leader P. P. clerk, 77 Canal L'-aguer Hy. labr. Erato n. Cnn.itance Lc ahy Edward, c. p. 309 Howard Leahy Geo. carpenter, d. 376 B.isin Ijeahy John, carp. Camp n. Kdward L' ahy John, c. p., Urquhart n. F> rdinand Leahy John, ni Marigny Lejcan Chas. A. saddler, 43 Marais Lejeune Charles, saddler, 43 Marais Lejcune Pierre, f. m. c. cigars, ir)9 Conti Leland F. laborer, 156 Thalia Lelaiid Horace, 77 Poydras Lelar Henry, Jackson c. Laurel Lelievre J. F. book and fancy store, 174 Royal Le Lorrain F. clerk, Chartres c. Madison Leloux Adolpli, carpenter, 97 Conti Lemaire Francois, cigars, 416 Villere d. 3 Lemaire Pierre, painter, 117 'I'oulouse Leuiailre Agla;, dressinaker, 201 Royal Leniaitre Charles, clerk, d. 329 Carondelet Leniaitre L. 190 Daupliine Leinanii Clement, 319 Old Levee, d. 2 Lemaire L. E. d. 329 St. Philip Le Mat A. Dr. 203 Ran, part d. 2 Lembert Henry, laborer, Jersey n. Val- mont, Jeffers(m City Lemere Fraii<,-ois, f. m. c. Girod n. Annette Lemey Jeremiah, laborer, Terpsichore n. Constance Lemle Dan '1, clothing, 985 New Levee,d.4 Lemle L. shoemaker, Prieur c. Main Lemler H. baker. First n. Annunciation Li niler Henry, baker, r)3 Marigny Lemleo G. tinsmith, 168 Baronne Lemley Jos. Dr. 121 Jackson Lemly Tobias L. atty. at law, 16 Jackson, Lemmerman Henry, sugar boiler, 87 Commerce Lemoine D. Mrs. 252 Treme, d. 2 Lemoine H. Mrs. 45 Orleans Lemoine Pierre, clerk, 245'., Rampart, d.I Lemon Robert, stucco maker, d. 123 Po- lymnia Lemoney William, draynian. Custom- house, n. Marais Lemuhot Francois, carpenter, 391 Ram- part, d. 3 Le Monnier Y. R. Dr. 28 Conti Le More Alfred (Ed. Gnutlienn Sf Co.) 28 Carondelet, d. 266 Hamj)art Le More Geo. bottler, Rousseau n.Soraparu Le More Jules, (Ed. Cautlitrin &{■ Co.) 28 Carondelet, d. 58 Rampart Lena Henry, siioemaker, 25 Girod Lencks Henry, c. h. Levc'e, n. Congress Leiiiks Jno. porter, 317 St. Peter Leiidelaub Adolph, upholsterer, 288 Conti Li'iidrigaii Dennis, carpenti-r, 134 Erato Leneker Jacob, c. h. Ni'W Levee, c. Bor- deaux, Jeffirson City Lenery Anilrew, 103 Julia Leiies A. A. Claiborne c. Main Li'iies Andreas, oysters, Camji n. Calliope Lenes Charles, clerk, 113 Exchange alley, d. 181 Clailiorne Lenes Charles, Mrs. 181 Claiborne Lenes & Delachaise, ( .hmeph Lenes jr., Philip /)f/rtf/iaise,^ hardware, 773 A. Levee, d. 4 Lenes Jo.seph, 124 Marigny L'Enfaiit Philip, c. p. 309 St. Claude L<^ng Henry, laborer, 65 St. Philip Lengsfield J. H. 56 Magazine, d. 343 Magazine Lenhart Michael, engineer, Magnolia, n. Common LEN 276 LES Lenks Henry ,c.h. Front Levee c.Congress Lenks Jno. milk, Bourbon c. Josephine Ltnni^ R. collector, 205 Conti Lennihan M. acct. 57 Camp, d. Fourth n. Carondelet Lennox And. carpenter, Basin n. Felicity- Lennox Patrick, 53 New Levee Lenoire E. Mrs. 213 Bourbon Lenoir Hypolite, grocer, Villere, Algiers Lenormand A. 213 Royal Lenussi Edw. confectioner, 151 Carondelet Lenthe Mary Mrs., c. h. 100 Toulouse Lenz Geo. di-aym. Washington n. Rousseau Lenz George, tailor, 305 Conti l.enz Isidore, clerk, 48 Chartres Leo Alexander, b. h. 234 Julia Leo Andrew, carpenter, Perdido n. Clara Leo M. dressmaker, Calliope near Camp Leo Patrick, laborer, 3 Mandeville Leof Philip, Mrs. 76 Independence Leon Franfois, cook, Solidelle n. Union Leon Fran, setter sug. kettles,283 Orleans Leon Jacques, books and dry goods, d. 91 St. Philip Leon Mrs., laundress, 69 St. Philip Leon Savary, cigars, 13 Hospital Leon Theodore, foreign goods, 13 Chartres Leon Y. Garcia Justo,St Peter c. Common Leonard Andrew, warehousem.37 Gasquet Leonard Bernard, screwman, d. 301 St. Thomas Leonard Charles, cooper, 172 Barracks, d. Villere n. Esplanade Leonard Eugene, moulder, 280 Foydras Leonard Jeremiah, carpenter, 279 Gravier Leonard John, drayman, 364 Gra^vier Leonard Joseph, cotton screwer, 61 Port Leonard Joseph, carpenter, 40 Poland Leonard Michael, laborer, d. 32 Religious Leonard Michael, lab. 114 Marais, d. 2 Leonard Mrs. widow, 490 Burgundy, d. 3 Leonard P., Marigny n. Claiborne Leonard Patrick, elk. d. 190 Terpsichore Leonard Rose Mrs. 57 Constance Leonard S. Mrs. midwife, 221 Julia Leonard Wm. carpenter- Leonard Wm. drayman, 79 Adeline Leonard William, bar keeper', 186 Conti Leonard Wm. H. H. pilot, 332 Magazine Leonard Wm. M. grocer, 120 Mandeville Leonhard Daniel, barber, Montegut Leonhard George, shoemaker, Algiers Leonhard Louis, printer, 35 Montegut Leonhardt Chris, tinsmith, 4 Mandeville Leonhardt Louis, newspaper carrier, 35 Montegut Leopold Abraham, tailor, 553 Tchoupi- toulas c. St. James Leopold Fred, clothing, 685 N. Levee, d. 4 Leopold Geo. painter, 289 Conti Leopold Henry, bill poster, 123 Rampart Leopold Lcpp, 78 French market Leopold Leo, clothing, 701 Tchoupitoulas Leopold S. ragman, Washington n. Chip- pewa Leovy & Duncan (Henry J. Leovy, L. C. Duncan,) att's at law,Gravierc.Camp Leovy Henry J. d. Carondelet c. Calliope Leovy Geo. W. soap factory, 79 Tchou- pitoulas, d. 610 Camp Lepaulmier Louis, butclier, 68 St. Mary's market, d. Annunciation n. La. av Leper Philip, tailor, 192 Canal Lepere Durand, butcher, 541 Chippewa Lepine Fred.P.f.m.c.shoemkr. 85 Laharpe Lepine 0. J. shoemaker, 48 Annette Lepgen Wm. cabinet mkr. Front n. Thalia Lepper Laura Mrs. 348 Annunciation Lepraitre C. prof. 176 Marais, d. 2 Lopretre J. B. planter, 168 Dauphine Leps Jacob, pattern maker, Newton c. Front, Gretna Lequeux E. variety store, 69 St. Philip Lequin T. A. 151 Common, d. 20 Liberty LeralleN. Mrs. 201 Conti Lerasle Adolph, elk. Marigny n. Rampart Leray M. Mrs. 380 Dauphine, d. 3 Leray Peter, drayman, 211 Melpomene Lerch Charles, tailor, 105 Treme Leret Sosthene,99 Bienville Lerethe Jean, 111 St. Peter Lerey John, steward. Felicity n. Rampart Lerey John, Plauche n. St. Bernard Lerond Peter F. hatter, 40 Chartres Lerouge Benj. blacksmith, 284 Levee Lerouge Isidore Mrs. c. h. 295 Levee, d. 3 Lerous Henry, clerk, Chartres c. Custom- house Le;-oux Clement, cook, 274 St. Claude Leroux J. teacher, 246 Villere Leroy Gaspard, drugs, Levee c. Josephine Leroy G. acct. Red Stores, Old Levee Leroy G. c. h. c. Levee and Montegut Leroy Gustave, Gretna, c. p. d. 4 Leroy Louis C. drayman, 225 Carondelet walk Leroy James, 183 Carondelet LeRoy Max, Claiborne c. Toulouse Leroy Nicholas, c. h. Levee n. Poland Lerue Clement, clerk, 217 Bayou road Leruoy John, carpenter, 333 St. Louis Lesage Elodie, f. w. c. Ursulines n. Miro Lesage Justin, cabman, Ursulines n. Miro Lesassier Chas. secretary Merchants' Ins. Co. 103 Canal, d. Philip n. Chestnut Lesassier H. A. (Jlvegno, Binder &c Co.) stock, note and exchange broker, 24 Carondelet, d. 160 Julia Lessassier Geo. clerk, 268 Carondelet Lescombe John, driver, 87 St. Philip Lescouzere A. 272 Orleans Lescomflair Widow L. 120 Ursulines Lescure James, butcher, 39 French mkt Lescures J. M. 19 French market, d. c. Frenchmen and Josephine Lesesne Jos. W. clerk, 33 Carondeler, Lesion Juliet, 113 St. Ann Leslie Geo. W. engineer, Erato n. Levee Leslie James, engineer, d. 168 Constance' Leslie John, book keeper, d. 225 Thalia Leslie Paul J. clerk, 128 Common Leslie Peter, 303 Dryades Lesne A. painter, d. 83 St. Ann Leson Pierre, watchman, 359 Bourbon, d. 3 I LES 277 LEV Lesparre A. ( Goldcnbow &<■ Lesparrc,) 75 Camp, d. 119 Barracks Lespes T. d. 412 Dau])luiit', d. 3 Lesprit Addlplie, 343 Burgundy, d. 3 Lesst'ps Alt'xandi'r, jr. ck'rk, 52 Biinville, d. 250 Burgundy Lesseps Cliark's, jr. (P. Deguilhcm &f Co.) d. 140 Dauphine Lcsst'ps Cliarlcs, sr. acct. 34 Carondelet,d. 140 Dauphine Lessop.s n. Mrs. dry goods, 307 Royal Lcssi'ps II. c. Royal and Barracks Lpssing Dlto F. baker. Prosper n. Union ListelU- John, lab. .332 FrenchnKMi Lester Charles, engineer, 139 Delord Lester D. laborer, St. Mary n. Fulton Lester Edward, clerk, 298 Liberty Lester Wm. H. Dr. d. 12G Orange Lcstevan Prosper Mrs. 137 St. Peter Leston Chas. driver, Dryades n. Calliope Lestrade Jean, dairy, Laharpe c. Broad Lestrade Jean Mrs., Ninth n. Levee Lestrade J. Mrs. 157 Canal Lestrade J. butcher, Constance c. Pleasant Lestrlm Joiin, blacksmith, 217 St. Peter Letchlord W. H. &. Co. (James J. Otto, J. S. TatjJor,) dry good.s, 77 and 79 Canal, d. 16 Rampart, d. 2 LeTellier L. C. clerk, 131 Canal d. 218 Gasquet LeTellier Pierre, gardener, Metairic road Letermellier A. Mrs. music teacher, 154 St. Ann Letombe C. Miss, millinery, 137 Royal,d. 73 Toulouse Letorey J. B. d. Esplanade c. Tonti Leiourneur Pierre A. copper smith, 108 Customhouse Lett Fred, grave digger, Washington n. Coliseum Lette S. carp. Harmony c. Constance Letter James, laborer, Girod n. Basin Leudcr Frederick, com. mer. d. 361 Con- stance Leurs Joseph, f. m. c. 199 Conti Leurson Jean, barkeeper, 17 History Levachez L. P. clerk, 10 Magazine, d.355 Marais, d. 3 Levasseur Claude A. widow, 251 Rampart Lavasseur Firmin, bricks and luml)er, 83 Carondelel walk, d. 319 Carondelet walk Levasseur Gabriel, 251 Rampart, d. 2 Levasseur Marie Mrs. 166 Customhouse Levasseur Placide, ( Lazare, Levasseur Sf Co.) d. 72 Marais Levcan M. Mrs. wood and coal, 68 St. Ann Levccquc Charles, d 61 Hospital Levecque Cyprien, shoemaker, 370 Ram- part, d. 3 Levee Steam Cotton Press, Levee c. Mon- tegut Levellc C. grocery. Calliope c. Franklin Leveillc Joseph, f. m. c. bricklayer, 390 Ramjiart, d. 3 Leveille L. Mrs. 98 St. Anthony Leveque Charles H. clerk, 46 Old Levee 19 Leveque John B. sugar dealer, Union n. Claiborne, d. 3 Leveque Justinian, Union n.Claibornc,d.3 Leveque Marie, f. w. c. 584 Rampart, d. 3 Leveque Vincent, laljorer. Bayou St. John Leverich A. L. 34 Old Levee, d. 148 Ca- rondelet Lnverich Charles E. 34 Old Levee, d. 148 Carondelet Leverich William K. cotton and sugar fac- tor, 34 O. Levee, d.l48 Car.)iidelet,d.2 Leverick Louis, d.3.Sl Magazine Levurrier V. vjiriety ston^ 76 Chartres Leverrier R. Mrs. 108 Dauphine Lev(-t Rosalie, dress making, 99 St. Ann Levey D. B. cook, 34 South nikt Levi Abraham, 665 Magazine, d. 4 Levi A. pedl(M-, Magazine n. Philip Levi A.& Co. (Ed. ^'ewman,) com. mers. 55 Carondelet, d. Magazine c. Philip Levi B. Mrs. 263 Bayou road Levi Emanuel, dry goods. New Levee c. Third Levi Harris L. periodicals,727 '^ N. Levee Li'vi Isaac, watchmaker, 152 Chartres Levi Lawrence, baker, 80 St. Phi'ip Levi Mary, furnished rooms, 42 Franklin Levi M. dry goods, 267 Marais, d. 2 Levi S. clothing, 114 Bienville Levicomte Felix, 49 Mandeville Levielle A. midwife, 89 St. Peter Leviere Mrs. 92 Laurel Levin Jeremiah, cab driver,! 16 Constance Li'vius F'riuik, clerk, d. 36 Melpomene Levins George, moss picker, Carondelet walk c. Derbigny Levins Michael, drayman, 40 Religious Levins Nicholas, laborer, 252 Magnolia Levis A. M. b. h. 48 St. Louis Levis C. Mrs. millinery, 32 Dauphine Levis F. J. clerk, 72 Carond.'let Leviste Emile, wood yard, New Basin, d. 252 St. Ann Levistones Charles, note broker, 88 Com- mon, d. 8 Rampart, d. 2 Levo Saveris, sugar store,305 0.Levee,d.2 Levois Jerry, laborer. Common c. Galvcz LuvoisJ.& Co. (Paul Vidal, F. Mathon, Edicard Chnuvin,) retail dry goods. Canal c. Bourbon Levois J. wholesale dry goods, Canal c. Bourbon, up stairs Levrunger L. soapmaker, Magazine n. Eighth Levy Aaron, clothing, 511 New Levee Levy Abraham, Eighth c. Fulton Levy Alexander, 229 Canal Levy A. c. p. 237 Haronne Levy Benjamm, 229 Canal Levy Bernard, clerk, 9 Chartres Levy Bernard, clerk, 4 Magazine, d. 27 Carondelet Levy B. Mrs. millinery, 296 Old Levee,d.2 Levy Charles, clerk, 47 Daaudais Paul,37G Rampart, d. 3 Liveaudais I'aul Mrs. 2()i Hospital Livermore Betsy Mrs. f. w. c. furnished rooms, 74 Rampart, d. 1 Livermore Margaret, d. 84 St. Thomas Livermore H. P. clerk, 87 Canal, d. 195 Basin, d. 1 Livermore James, laborer, Josephine n. Annunciation Liverpool and London Insurance Com- pany, Carondelet c. Common Livie Mary Mrs. 390 Rampart, d. 3 Livingston E. inspector of revenue, d 541 Burgundy, d. 3 Livingston Jolin, attorney at law, 30 Camp, d. 785 Magazine LivDigston J. L. f. w. c. jiorter, 157 La- fayette Livrau Jean, sr. c. h. Esplanade c. Front Levee, d. 3 Livran Raymre Paul, clerk, 66 Gravier Lobs B. oysters, 213 Chartres Loch Hvpolite, coal, etc. Mandcville near Old Levee Loch Nicholas, clothing, 871 New Levee Lochert John, b. h. 8 Main Lochlin .lohn, stevedore, 193 St. Thomas Locka Michael, laborer, Newton, n. Se- cond, Gretna Locka Nicholas, lab. Newton c. Fourth, Gretna Lockbleau Nicholas, trader, 26 Ursulines Locke George, laborer, d. 65 St. James Locke John F. builder, 39 Elysian Fields, d. 564 St. Claude Locke John O. clerk, 8 Front Levee, d. 252 Canal Locke Samuel, hardware, paints, etc 7,8, 9 and 10 Front Levee,d.2, d.252 Canal Locke Samuel jr. elk. 8 Front Levee, d. 2 Lockenberg Henry, 101 Independence Locker Jacob, carpenter, Jackson n Basin Lockerty Aib(>rt, screwman, 4 Spain Locket W m. negro trader, 57 Rampart, d. 1 Lockett A. L. Mrs. 310 Bienville Lockett H. Mrs. 493 Baronne Lockhard D. d. 48 Erato Lockhart David, c. h. 331 Front, d. 1 Lock hart Isaac, sugar broker, 75 Old Levee Lockhart John, earji. 130 Rampart, d. 1 Lockhart William, lal)orer, X]\ Kront, d. 1 Lockinan F. V. clerk, 12 Chartres Lockman John, painter, 134 Greatmen Lockwood J. E. Dr. daguerrean, 139 Poy- dras Lockwood Ramsey, 268 Canal Lockwood William, 511 Burgundy, d. 3 Locquet Ed. Mad., Young Ladies' Insti- tute, 202 Camp Locquet Prain,-ois, butcher, 12 Poydras mkt l^ocquet Fran<;ois, clerk, 211 Ramjiart Locquet F., Lyon n. Live Oak, Jeff. City Loda Fred. d. 361 Constance Lodas John, baker, 693 New Levee, d. 4 Lodestein Hy. painter, d. 301 Mel|iomi'ne Lodistein Jno. ])ainter, d. 301 Melpomene Lodge Rufus Caj.t. 361 Royal, d. 3 Lodom Edwd. customs officer. La. av. c. liaronne, Jeff. City Ledowick Joseph Cap. 317 Bienville Lodnmier Antome,iinii)rellas,128 Ex. place Loeb Charles, pedler, .330 Burgundy, d. 3 Loeb E. j.edl-r, d. 115 St. Peter Loeb Fred. Mrs. 330 Orleans Loeb Henry, carpenter, 385 Orleans Loeb Leopold, (Simon &f Co.) Algiers LOE 282 LON Loebs John, musician, 237 St. Louis Loeffler Charles, gas fitter, 126 Chartres Loening George, 311 Magazine Loepcr C. cabinet nikr. Bienville n. Prieur LoeperT., Common n. Marais Loescher George, tailor, 251 St. Louis Loescher M. teacher, d. Dauphine n. Port Loeser Ernest, elk. d. Bienville n. Dorgenois Loew Guillaume, elk. d. 298 Bayou road Loewenberg Charles, bung manufactory, 805 Burgundy, d. 3. Loewenstein H. undertaker and marble worker, 4G6 St. Charles Loewenstein J. M. dry goods, 12 Pontalba buildings, St. Ann Loewenthal J. commission merchant, d. Dryades n. Euterpe Loez A. coach builder, 13G Rampart, d. 2 Lofrentz Nicholas Capt. 320 Frenchmen Loftin E. slave trader, 163 Gravier Loftis E., Baronne, c. Gravier Loftus Bernard, grocer, d. 154 Erato Loftus Patrick, laborer, 97 Gaiennie Loftus T. driver, d. 62 Robertson, d. 2 Logan Chas. f.m.c. plasterer. 111 Howard Logan Delancy Mrs. 56 Julia LOGAN & POSTELL, (D. D. • Logan, P. S. Postell,) Whole- sale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 10 New Levee and 12 Tchoupitoulas, d. Car ronton. Logan D. P. (Fellowes 8f Co.) 149 Com- mon, d. Prytania b.Jacksoii and Philip Logan E. JMrs., Josephine n. Levee Logan G. D. elk, Bienviile c. Old Levee, d. Bourbon c. St. Philip Logan Jas. clerk, 126 Canal, d. 27 Ram- part, d. 2 Logan John, cabman, 80 Commerce Logan J. Edward, clerk, 90 Gravier Logan Joseph G. (Green Sf Logan,) 119 Common Logan L. N. clerk, 57 Carondelet Logan Martin, laborer, 82 Spain Logan M. f. w. c. seamstress, 171 Perdido Logan R. H. lab. Rousseau n. St. Andrew Logan Saml. B. (Giquel &f Jamison) 126 Canal, d. 306 Canal Logan Saml. W. 51 Poydras Loganj Soniat & Claiborne, (G. W. Lo- gan, jr., Eugene Soniat, W. C. Clai- borne, jr.) cotton factors and com. mers. 57 Carondelet Logan G. W. d. 66 Frenchmen Logan Wm. c. h. Jackson c. Terpsichore Logan Wm. 482 Annunciation Logan Wm. Y. clerk, 54 Poydras Loge Andrew, Constantinople n. Live Oak, Jefferson City Logel Andrew, tailor, 379 Hospital Logel Stephen, lab. Chartres n. Montegut Loges Fred, tailor, 10 Constance Logod Francois, cook, 241 Dauphine Logue Jas. lab. Terpsichore n. Constance Lohec L. E. bricklayer, Marengo n. Chest- nut, Jefferson City Lohkomy Arnold, tailor, 107 Lafayette Lohman Herman, confectioner, d. 443 St. Charles Lohman John, grocer,. 308 Old Levee, d. 2 Lohman Joseph, warehousemen, 77 Spain Lohman Pliilip, Josephine n. Annunciation Lohmuller S. goldsmith and working jew- eler, 87 Baronne Lohr George, tailor, 65 St. Joseph Lohr L. clerk, 245 Old Levee, d. 2 Lohr Michael, shoes, 25 Piety Loiselle Philip, clerk, 38 Tchoupitoulas Loison Frederick, 34 Exchange place Lolenzen Henry, baker, 200 Craps Lollebour Morris, carpenter, 368 Basin Lombard F. iVIrs. 156 Barracks Lombard George, Tonti n. St. Peter Lombard Isadore, 12 Conti, up stairs, d. 10 Bartholomew Lombard Joseph, com. me.r. 7 Toulouse, d. 188 Marigny Lombard John, blacksmith, Josephine n. Carondelet Lombard Lewis, cooper, 81 St. Mary Lombard L. 457 St. Claude, d. 3 Lombardi John, 473 Bourbon, d. 3 Lombardie Jos. c. h. 195 Poydras Lomber M. lab. St. Mary n. Chippewa Lomine Charles A. 340 Burgundy Loncq Celestin, 171 Royal Loncq H. hat store, Gravier c. Baronne Londas Henry, hatter, Gravier c Baronne Loneil Franqois» 38 French market Lonergan J. engraver. Exchange place c. Canal Long Abraham, 462 Dryades Long Adam, vegetables, 57 St. Mary's market Long Catherine, Fulton c. Eighth Long Celest, furnished rooms, 141 Royal Long D. (Mitchell Sf Co.) Patterson, Alg. Long Dennis, dairy, Willow n. Erato Long Frederick Mrs. 738 Dauphine, d. 3 Long George, carpenter. First n. Laurel Long George, engmeer, Bernard n. Virtue Long Henry W. oystr. Fulton c. Poydras Long Jacob, 145 Main Long Jacob, drays, 307 Liberty Long James, laborer, 282 Liberty, d. 1 Long John, steward, 50 Piety Long John Mrs., St. Thomas n. Eighth Long John, engineer, 97 St. Joseph Long & Luhman ( Webster Long, W- Luh- man,) coopers, 259 Up. F. Levee, d. 1 Long Margeret Mrs., Eighth n. Fulton Long Michael, plumber, 116 Spain Long N. drayman, Gravier n. Johnson Long Pat. drayman, Gravier n. Bolivar Long Robert, brakesman, 231 Constance Long Rufus, 65 Claiborne Long R. P. pilot, 65 Claiborne, d. 1 Long R. W. auctioneer, d. Common c. Franklin Long: Theresa Mrs. 234 Orleans LON 283 LOT Lone: Thns. lab. 147 Tchoupitoulas Lon^ Webster, recorder district 3, d. 433 Charlres, d. 3 Long Wm. brickbiycr, 8G8 Rursjundy, d. 3 Long- William, jeweler, 36 Poi't Long Willis F. (John De ^rman &f Co.) 67 T<-houpitoulas LONGACRE GEO. M., Mechan- ical Engineei', office, 38 Nat- chez street, cor. Bank Place. Longe Jas. lab. Annunciation n. Richard LongfieldT. R. Mrs. b. h. 246 Gravier Longfore A. & E. manf. ladies' shoes, St. Philip c. Claiborne liOnghouse Adam, Clailiorne n. Annette Longman .T. H. tailor, 12 Enghien Longman Greo. l.'iS Perdido I.ongnor G. B. f. m.c. 95 Mi'lpomene Longpre V. Mrs. 257 St. Claude, d. 2 LongrafF Frank, carp. 289 Tciioupitoulas Longson Fran. Rev., St. Patrick's Ciuirch, 162 Camp Longworili Jiio. d. Magnolia n. Lafayf'tle Longwortii Wm. painter, 261 Poydras Lonhauser George A. laborer, Josephine n. Chippewa Lonsdale F. W. (H. T. Lonsdale, Son If Co.) d. 293 Prytania Lonsdale Henry II .( HoUotrny Sf Lnnndnk, ) 75 Carondelet, d. Prytania c. Third Lonsdale H. T. Son & Co. ( F. W. Lons- dale, H. .11. De Buys,) cofC>;^ brokers, 89 Gravier, d. Prytania c. Third Loo Joiin, laborer, St. Andrew n. Laurel Loobey Ed. laborer, 66 Robertson, d. 2 Looijy Edward, dry goods, St. Mary c. Rousseau Loof Fred, porter, Philip n. St. Dennis Loof borrow Susan A. matron of Poydras Asylum Loonan Ellen Mrs. Thalia c. Constance Loos Adam, firewood, 132 Erato Looveschen Gustave, c. h. Villere c. Bar- tholomew, Algiers Lopeco Vincent, Solidellc n. Frenchmen Lopes Hypolite, paper boxes, 37 St. Ann Lo|iez A. f. m.c. barlier, 24 Ursulines Lopez Daniel, chocolate, 65 Chartres and 65 Customhouse Lopez David, book keeper, 200 Camp Lopez .loseph, c. p. 43 Union, d. 3 Lopez Liciente, Anni;ttc n. Claiborne LOPEZ MANUEL, Importer & Dealer in Yucatan Produce, Havana Cigars, Campeachy Hats, Hammocks, Rope, Twine, etc.. No. 97 O. Levee, d. 72 Orleans. Lopez Manuel, teacher, Dorgenois c. Ba- you road Lopez Mary, f. w. c. 190 .Tohnson, d. 2 Lopez Miguel, c. p. 113 St. Peter Lopez Rosa, f. w. c. 57 Mandeville Lopez Salvador M. cigar-s, 9 St. Charles Lopez S. M. com. mer. 23 Gravier, d. 319 Baronne Lopoulele .John, c. h. Water c. Sixth Loquet .1. S. millinery, 254 Royal Loran .\dam, variety store, 314 Erato Lorber .T. 10 Carondelet, d. Ursulines c. St. Claude Lorch Charles, shoemaker, 381 Orleans Loreh Charles, 179 Rousseau Lorch Philip, Rousseau n. First Lord& Cooney, (Robt. J.Lord,R.Cooncy,) com. and forwil. mers. 5 Front Levee Lord George Fl. clerk, 15 Magazine Lord G. .T. .Tefferson Academy, 43 Bourbon Lord .T. K. St. Mary n. Aniumciation Lord .John, printer, 106 Gaiennie Lord R. .T. d. St. Charles n. Euterpe Lorenz Albert, Lyon n. Live Oak, J C. Lorenz August Mrs. sausages, St. Mary's market Lorenz Aug. butcher, 48 St. Mary's mkt. Lorentz .Tos. carpenter, d. 142 Roman Lorentz Philip, lab. .lulia n. Claiborne Lorenz .Tosejin, lab. 345 Bourbon, d. 3 Lorenz .Tohn, lab. Indejiendence c Girod Lorenz Meinard, c. p. 356 Dryades, d. .371 Liberty Lorenzen Henry, baker, Craps c. Mande- ville Lorenzen William (Clasen &,- Co.)d. 191 Customhouse Lorenzo .lohn, fruit, 161 Old Levee, d. 2 Lorenzo .John, jr. d. 224 Columi)us Lorett Fred, Washington c. Baronne Lorette .loseph, furniture, 127 Marais Lorick Henry, 93 Spain Lorick Henry, news carrier, 551 Burgundy Lorie F. locksmith, 122 St. Peter Loring B. Mrs. 750 Magazine Lorio Madeline, f. w. c. 108 Elysian Fields Lorio R. stables, Algiers Lorio S. Mrs., Alex c. Verrct, Algiers Lorrain .Joseph Mrs. 358Derbigny, d. 3 Lorriens Alonzo, clerk, 62 Poydras, d. 205 Orleans Lorriens Joseph, d. Bayou St. John n. toll gate Lorriens J. T. d. 205 Orleans Lorriens 0. Mrs. 205 Orleans Lorrivo Jos. tailor. Water n. Pleasant Lorte Lorrain, laborer, 101 Toulouse Lorton James, ship carp. Delaronde, Alg. Lortz Martin, lab. Montegut c. Chartres Lory John, lab. d, 73 Annunciation Los Amigos del Orden, Masonic lodge. Rampart n. Main Losberg Fred, grocery, 801 Dauphine Losch Jacob, baker, 428 Old Levee, d. 3 Losee D. A. aali'sman, 106 Chartres Lossee August, laborer, 632 Rampart Loss Mary Jane, Gentilly road n. Onzaga Lossen John, laborer, 783 Rampart Losson Geo. vegetables, 21 Poydras mkt Loth F. shoemaker, 261 Cliartres Loihrop A. atty. at law, 19 Com'l place LOT 284 LOV Lothrop J. G. atty. at law, 19 Com'l. place Lotifr Louis, 52 Franklin Lotspeioh B. F. Co. ( D. Lotspeich,) com. mcrs. 71 Camp, d. Peters' avenue n. St. Dennis, Jefferson City Lotspeich D. (B. F. Lotspeich Sc Co.) 71 Camp Lott HiMiry, Magazine c. Eio^hth Lott .'oseph, laborer, 168 Tchoupitoulas Lott Peter, insp'r cust's, 256 Melpomene LottRobt. E. clerk, d. 256 Melpomene Lotten J. A., Morales c. Bagatelle Lottes J. bakery. New Levee n. Adele Lottifial diaries, 76 St. Louis Lottimar A\e>. . c. c. 58 Spain Lotz Casper, c. h. Tchoupitoulas c. Hunter Lotz Christoph, carpenter, 297 Orleans Lotz John, Freret c. Erato Lotz Mary Mrs. 366 Basin Lotz Nicholas, gardener, 497 St. Ann Loiz V. 130 Canal Louapre Joseph, baker, 137 St. Peter Loubat B. leeches, 61 Royal Loubere Justin V. Ursuline n. Broad Loubet E. D. dry goods. Frenchmen c. Ciiartres, d. 3 Loubet Frangois, pedler, 251 Royal Louck Antoine, Urquhart n. St. Perdin'd Loueil FraiKjois, 6 Madison Louge A. 122 Main Lougherby Charles, laborer, 9 Spain Loughlin John, 22 Music Loughlin Wm. M. builder. Annunciation c. Thalia Loughni John, lab. d. 24 Delord Loughran John,screwman, Jenan. Jersey, Jefferson City Louis Adelaide, f. w. c. 362 Royal, d. 3 Louis Angiistin J. f. m. c, bricklayer, 245 Marais, d. 2 Louis August, clerk, 122 Canal Louis Ausser, laborer, d. 323 Liberty Louis A. c. h. 94 Front Levee Louis Cath. f. w. c. Bourbon n. Claiborne Louis Eugene, f. m. c. Poydras c. Bolivar Louis Francis, engineer, 751 Burgundy Louis Jean P. f. m. c, carp. 62 Annette Louis Jacobi, c. h. St. Louis, c.Exch. place Louis Joseph, butcher, 12 Magazine mkt Louis Madame, blanchisseuse,92 Hospital Louis Madame, dressmaker, 289 Rampart Louis Marie, f. w. c. 202 I'nion, d. 3 Louis Mary Jane, f. w. c. 24 Orleans Louis Oscar, grocer, 95 Urquhart Louis Pierre, f. m. c. 17 St. Bernard Louis Theodore, carpenter, 40 Poet Louise Mary, vegetables, 12 Poydras mkt Louise Mrs. c. Rampart and St. Louis Louisiana Club, Canal c. Exchange place Louisiana Cot. Press, Robin c. St. Thomas Louisiana Council, No. 2, St. Charles c. Perdido Louisiana Courier newspaper office, 10 Exchange place Louisiana Dry Dock Company, ( Cmnmack S{ Converse,) 35 Carondelet, docks at Belville op. New Orleans Louisiana Engine Fire Company, No. 10, 214 Main Louisiana Hose Company, Perdido c. Ca- rondelet LOUISIANA HOTEL, 213 Tchou- j^S im ! ^ pitoulas St., Charles Diamond, Proprietor. Hot, Cold and Shower Baths at all hours. Louisiana Manufac. Co. 43 Carondelet Louisiana Masonic Lodge, No. 102, St. Charles c. Perdido LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSU- EANCE COMPANY, Iron Buildings, corner Camp and Natchez, Charles Briggs, Pre- sident, H. P. Janvier, Secre- tary. Louisiana Relief Lodge (Masonic,) No. I, St. Charles c. Perdido Louisiana Rope Manufactory Company, office 95 Camp Louisiana State Bank, Royal c. Conti Louisiana State Gazette, (German newspa- per,) 94 Exchange place Louisiana State Insurance Co. 38 Camp Louisiana Tehuantepec Co 29 Carondelet Louisiana Warehouse, Algiers Loumede Philip,barke'r,d.268 Melpomene Loumes Joseph, charcoal, 107 St. Philip Lounsbury Chas.F.barke'r, lOSTchoupit. Lourbet G. B. tailor, d. 38 St. Charles Louret Jaques, butcher, 44 St. Mary's mrkt Lourette Lewis, barkeeper, St. Charles c. Felicity Loustan John, keeper French Asylum, 267 Bayou road Loustaunau M. barkeeper, 13 St. Philip Loutrel Felix, 25Magazine,d. 65 Columbus Lovaly John, laborer 208 Elysian Fields Love A. H. confectioner, 295 Magazine Love C. f. m. c. 97 Gasquet Love Joseph, shoemaker, 125 Morales Love Omer, 141 Esplanade, d. 3 Love Samuel A. 43 Carondelet Love S. C, Poydras c. Liberty Love Thomas, screwman, 34 Poet Love T. watchman, 188 Cypress Love W. J., Canal n. Marais Lovell G. F. clerk, 21 Carondelet LOUISIANA LOAN AND DE- POSIT OFFICE, 95 St. L Charles street. Money loan- ed on Real Estate, Notes and Personal Property of all kinds. Loans effected on com- mission. All business trans- actions will be strictly confi- dential. J. Hart. L LOV 285 LUM Lovell Joseph F. (Baxter, Lorell Sf Co.) Ciirondeletc. Common, (1.59 Basin, d. 1 Lovell Patriok, Claiennie n. Constance Lovelong Manuel, fruit, 8^ Mai,'azine mrkt Loveright Jacques, fruit, 293 St. Philip Lovering Louis, liutchiT, Third n. Laurel Lovering Louis A., Josephine c. Prytania Lovet Eniile, elk. Sheriff's office ,d. 20 Peace Lovie James Dr. 87 Camp, d. Carondelet n. Philip Lovinski Charles, f. m. c. 87 Girod, d. 3 Low Andrew, painter, 260 Magazine Low J. laborer, Terpsieiiore n. Constance Low James H. ( Wood &{ Lnto,) 29 Caron- delet, d. Camp c. Rol)in Low John, carpenter, 354 Magazine Low Nicholas, furniture cart, keligious c. Felicity Low Samuel, dry goods, 36 Annunciation Low William, builder, 9 Marigny build- ings, d 542 Dauphine, d. 3 Lowber D. C. machinery depot, 172 Camp, d. 210 Camp Lowd & Rigney, (W. W. Lmrd, E. Rig- Mci/,^ coopers, 5 St. Louis, d. 82 l>ocust Lowe B. M, & Co. (B. M. Lowe jr.) com- mission merchants, 97 Gravier Lowe James B. clerk Fassman's Press, Roffignac c. Front Levee, Jeff. City Lowe Joiin F., bell hanger, 2651-2 Camp Lowe Michael, furniture car, Felicity c. Religious Lowell M. Mrs. b. h. Magazine n. Felicity Lowe Peter, fireman, Jackson R. R. depot Lowell Lafayette, seaman, 46 Race Lowenstein Charles Dr. 203 St. Mary Lower John, laborer, Clara n. Gravier Lowes Louis, clerk, 331 Bayou road Lowndes Thos. engineer, 147 Goodchildrcn Lowry Clias. printer, d. Conti n. Moreau Lowry Edwd. drayman, d. Sixth n. Laurel Lowry James, carpenter, Conti n. Moreau Lowry John, laborer, 313 Conti Lowry Thomas, Religious n. St. Mary Lowry William, serewman, 239 Chippewa Loy A. J. painter, 279 Poydras Loyacana Augustina, oyst(!rs, etc., Ram- . J . pai ma Au[^ part c. Frenchmen Loyd Robt.screwman, Poland n. Chartrcs Lozagi Ross, clerk Lozanski F. 151 Chartrea Loze August, bread 102 St. Peter Loze A. ^rs. dressmaker, 102 St Peter Loze Felix H. 194 Claiborne, d. 2 Loze John (). d. 237 St. Philip Lozes Daniel, butcher, 48 Treme market Lozes Hy])oliie, B6 P^rench market Lozes H., Claii)orne n. Main Lozi s Martial, butcher, 34 French market Lozes J. P. Laurel n. Pleasant Lozes Pierre, butcher, Treme market, d. 233 Orleans Liibben John, stevedore, 526 Royal, d. 3 Lubin G. f. m. c. painter, 271 St. Philip Lublin Edwd. blacksmith, 134 Camp Lucas Do Bruno, c.h. Lafayette c. Baronne Lucas Gcaton, coffee stand, Magazine mkt Lucas Henry, carpenter, 225 Conti Lucas Herman, 137 Carondelet walk Lucas Hugh, ( Cooper S( ^"eiberl,) 27 and 29 Common, d. 771 Magazine, d. 4 Lucas John, laborer, 82 Marigny Lucas Leon,d. 358 Dauphine, d. 3 Lucas & Masson, (Leon Lucas, E. F.Mas- son,) dry goods. Royal c. Conti Lucas Pliilip', j.-weler, 285 Old Levee, d. 2 Lucas Theopbile, clerk, 20 Conti Luce John, laborer, 495 Royal Lucia Francis, 239 Bourbon Lucian Abadie, butcher, 13 Poydras mkt Lucian Dominique, 203 Ursulines Luciani A. rice, 22 St. Philip Luciani Paul, pianos, 136 Royal, d. 18 St. Anthony Lucich Antonio, c. h. 2 Elysian Fields Lucihe J. ice house, 108 St. Charles Lucille A. c. h. P'ront Levee c. Gravier Lucme Charle.i, tinner, 117 Burgundy Luckmann Jno. painter, 530 Dauphine, d.3 Luckner Lo\ns, box maker, 122 Churtres Lucre John, laborer, 24 Delord Lucy Ambrose, carp. 466 St. Claude, d. 3 Lucy James, 180 Girod Lucy Theodore, carp. 490 Burgundy, d. 3 Lucy Thomas, mate, 242 Girod Luddy Ann, Gravier n. Liberty Ludeman H. shoemaker, 24 Union, d. 3 Ludemann I'eter, carpenter. La. avenue c. Jersey, Jeff. City Ludewig C. H. clothing, 246 Tchoupitou. Ludington Joseph L. engineer, Patterson n. Elmire, Algiers Ludlowe John, d. 401 Josephine Ludlum (>. S. painter, Clara c. Perdido Ludowig John, tailor, 112 Ludre Gilbert, shoemaker, St. Anthony c. Burtfundy Ludwig Henry, marble worker, 304 Wash- ington Ludwig Jean Mrs. 197 Carondelet walk Ludwig J. C. "Baunscheidist," 222 St. Philip Ludwig Philip, laborer, 808 Burgundy Ludwigsen J. H. ( Wood &c Low,) 29 Ca- rondelet, d. First n. Camp Lugenbuhl George, notary public, 1 11 Ex- change jilace, d. Prosper c. Ainiette Lugenbuhl .Tacob sr. lab. Morales n. Clouet Lugenbuhl Jacob J. attorney at law, 21 Royal, d. 592 Dauphine Lugenbuhl John, 111 Port Luhman William, coojier, 78 Constance Luhman William W. (Long if Luhman,) Upper Front Levee, post 20, d. 1, d. 78 Constance Luka William, carpenter, c. Laurel Lukacsy G. plioto:jrai)her, 294 Chartres Luke George, 119 Rampart, d. 2 Luke J. Mrs. 161 Customhouse Lukey J. J. 460 Chartres, d. 3 Luling F. A. (Mummy, Lul'ing &{ Co.) 15 Carondelet Lum George. 27 St. Philip Lum Nicholas, 351 Bayou road LUM 286 LYN Lum Joseph A. & Co. (Benry Hooker, Frank Olroyd,) Car- riage Warehouse: Carriages and Harness of every descrip- tion always on hand, 74 St. Charles. Luma Marie, f. w. c. Bienville n. Villere Luminais Anacharsis, elk. 128 Tchoupito. Luminais F. A., U. S. bakery, 241 Julia Luminais G. A., Fifth District Court Lumine Jules, c. h. 101 St. Ann, d. 2 LUMSDEN & MATiflSr, (John Lumsden, B. L. Mann,) Im- porters and Dealers in Leath- er, Shoemakers' Findings, Curriers' Tools, etc., 55 Mag- azine, c. Natchez. Land Henry, pilot, 31 Bartholomew, d. 3 Lund Peter, laborer, d. 124 St. Peter Lundergin J., Magnolia n. Clio Lundgren Hans, furniture, 93 Marais, d.2 Lundy Wm. potter, Milan c.Live Oak,J.C!. Luneau F. & Co. Paris restaurant, 32 Bienville Lunn Thomas, books,Orange c. Tchoupi- toulas, d, 96 Felicity Lunnay Patrick, laborer, New Shell road n. Locust Luque C. 89 Derbigny, d. 2 Lurges Francis, (Bennett <^ Lurges,) 116 Carondelet Luria Abraham, correspondent Merchants Bank, 50 Camp Lurton T. R. Dr. 2 Perdido Luscher Edward, clerk, 241 Julia Luscy A. engineer, 466 St. Claude, d, 3 Luscy Edmire, builder, 575 St.Claude,d.3 Luscy F. 179 Goodchildren Luscy Joseph, caulker, 520 Burgundy Luscy Jules, printer, 520 Burgundy, d. 3 Luscy Paul, cooper, 520 Burgundy, d. 3 Lusher Robert M., U. S. (commissioner, Royal over P. 0. d. 597 St. Charles Lusinia Charles, hair dresser, 141 Burgundy Lusitanian Portugese Benevolent Associa- tion of New Orleans, 203 Bayou road Lusk Andrew, machinist, d. 536 Tchou- pitoulas Lusk James A. contractor, 24 Exch, place Lusk L. Y. sugar broker, 31 Bienville, d. 80 Calliope Lusk Margaret, 608 Rampart, d. 3 Lussan Ernest, clerk, 40 Chartres Lussan Mrs, costumes, 100 Conti Lustig Alex, customs insp. 213 Derbigny Lusto A. d. 428 Robertson, d. 3 Lusto Marquette, milk, 939 St. Claude Lusto Pierre, milk, 104 Mazant Luthauser Geo. draym, 382 Customhouse Lutheran Evangelical Church, Felicity n. Laurel Lutibus John, St. Andrew n. New Levee Lutman Geo. cabinet maker, 241 Bourbon Luthnan Thos. J. grocer, 223 Melpomene Lutz Geo, furnished rooms, 126 Basm,d.2 Lutz George, d. Felicity n. Rousseau Lutz John, baker. Levee n. Josephine Lutz L. gardener, Laharpe n. Rocheblave Lutz Nick, carpenter, 381 Dauphine, d. 3 Lutzenberg C, H. atty. at law, 16 Ex. place Lutzenberger Frantz, L., Camp n. First Lutzenberger L. Mrs. dressmkr, 632 Camp Lux Antoine, brewery, Magazine c.Delord Lux Jaques, cist'n mkr, 453 St. Claude, d. 3 Lux Peter, syrups, 20 Elysian Fields, d. 147 Frenchmen Lux Peter, C-^- Tudury ^ Co.) d, 149 Elysian Fields Lux Rudolph, porcelain painter, 10 Ba- ronne, d. Bienville c. Marais Luxembourg J., Victory n. Port Luys Jeremias, 284 Clo Luyster William, 34 Old Levee, d. 121 St, Louis Luzenberg Charles, Josephine c. Chestnut LuzenbergC.H.Mrs.,Chestnutc. Josephine Luzenberg J. engineer, Dryades n. Philip Lye Ludwig, drayman, d. 9 Constance Lydon Ann Mrs. 486 Old Levee Lyle John, shipsmith, 64 Elysian Fields, d. 116 Elysian Fields Lyman & Clarke, (J. B. Lyman, J G. Clarke,) attys. at law, 13 St. Charles Lyman D. laborer, 39 Spain Lyman G. clerk, 284 Customhouse Lyman J. B. (Lyman Sf Clarke,) atty. at law, 13 St. Charles, d. 419 Rampart Lynch Andrew, laborer, 83 St. Mary Lynch Andrew F. drayman, 141 Enghien Lynch Andrew, laborer, 356 Esplanade Lynch Barney, d. 77 Gasquet Lynch Dennis, 77 Perdido Lynch Edward, painter, 84 Carondelet, d, Bolivar n. Cypress Lynch Edward, drayman, 93 St. Thomas Lynch James, liquors, 34 Julia, d, Felicity n. Coliseum Lynch James H. c, h, 87 Water Lynch Jeremiah, lab. Theresa n.Tchoupi- toulas Lynch John, laborer, 458 Royal, d, 3 Lynch John B. 35 New Levee Lynch John, 217 Gravier Lynch John, clk.Montgomery warehouse Lynch John, lab. Erato n. Annunciation Lynch John, laborer, Girod n. Enghien Lynch John, restaurant, 88 Poydras Lynch John, engineer, 181 Franklin Lynch John, ice, 164 Rampart, d. 1 Lynch J. Mrs., Bienville n. Rocheblave Lynch Martin, carriage maker, 211 St. Peter Lynch Mary Mrs. dressm'r, 288 Common Lynch Mary Mrs. 109 Erato Lynch Matthew, lab. Fourth n. Constance Lynch Michael, clerk, 147 Tchoupitoulas Lynch Michael, inspector of customs, d. 147 Tchoupitoulas Lynch Michael, drayman, 657 Rampart Lynch Mich'l, drayman, Clara n. Common LYN 287 MAC Lynch Patrick, laborer, 368 Howard Lynrh Patrirk, laboriT, Pacific av. Algiers Lynch Patrick Mrs. 586 Rampart Lynch Prtcr, lal)orcr, Orani)ersmith, 309 Magazine McCauley James, iron founder, Melpo- melie n. Clara McCauley John, drayman, 99 Gaiennie McCauley John, drayman, 55 Market McCauley M. Erato n. St. Thomas McCauley M. eoppersmith, 381 Thalia McCauley Wm. lal)orcr, 639 Royal, d. 3 McCauliff C. Mrs. gro. 266 St. Charles McCauliff M. laborer. Miro n. Orleans McCausland David, screwman, 442 Royal McCauslandT.scriwmau,485Chartres,d.3 McCay F., Cypnssn. Derbigny McCay John, saddler, 364 Old Levee, d. 3 McCay Thomas S. atty. at law, 15 Camp, d. Orange n. Constance McCerren & Landry, CG. W. McCcrren, J. G. Landrij,) auctioneers and ap- praisers, salesrooms St. Charles c. Perdido McCerren G. VV. (McCerren ^- Landry,) d. 326 M0 Terpsichore McGoftin Patrick, lab. 127 Gasquet McGouarty John, warehmn.,51 Common McGovern UugJi, lab. Cele.ste n. Levee McCJovern Jas. saddler, Desi re, n.Daujihine McGovein John, seaman, Celeste n. Levee McGovern Michael, lab. Broad n. Gasqu(H McGovern Rose Mrs., Jackson n.N. Levee McGovern Thos. milkman. Sixth n. Chiji- Jppwa overn Thomas, 122 Derbigny McGowan Edward, trader, 297 Poydras MeGOWAN FARRELL, Gold Pen Manufacturer and Re- pairer. Repairing promptly attended to. All work guar- anteed. Prices moderate. No. 34 Commercial Place. McGowan John R. clerk, 1 Chartres McGowan Mary Mrs. 202 St. Charles McGowan Put. laborer, Melpomene n. Constance McGowen John H,, Third n. Constance McGrain John, machinist, 375 Erato McGrain Owen,hackm.Gravier n. Johnson McGrain P. Rev., Constance n. Josephine McGrain Patrick, lab. VVillow n. Poydras McGrane John, mach'l.N.O.J.&G.N.R.R McGrane Lawrence, Bolivar n. CfUiinion McGrath James, lab. 458 Tchoujiitoulas McGrath James, lab. 116 Louisa McGrath James, elk. Common c.Robertscm McGrath John, drayman, 75 St. Jane McGrath John, carpenter, 398 Terpsichore McGrath Jnlin, warehouseman, 26 Com- mon, d. 175 Franklin, d. 1 McGrath John, lab. St.James n. St. Thos. McGrath John, cartm. Second n. Dryades McGrath John, lab. Id] .Maiideville McGrath Justine, 309 Mai;aziiie McGratli Mathias, draym. 613 Ram)iart,d.3 McGrath Mary Mrs. groc. 3(l3 Magazine McGrath Patrick, 68 Annunciation McGrath Price, 4 Carondelet McGrath Richard, ])lasterer, 311 Second McGrath Thos. draym. Gravier n. Johnson McGraw John, lab 65 St. James McGraw Morris, (McDonnell Sf J\IcGraw,) 147 Common McGraw Patrick, Inb. 225 Orange McGree Thomas, drayman, 61 Thalia McGreevy Peter, plasterer, Felicity n'T Carondelet I'O McG 294 McK McGreevy Thomas, cab, 979 St. Louis MfGregor Jas. jr. clerk, 56 Customhouse McGregor John, tinner, Fourth n. Laurel McGregor John, paver, 79 Terpsichore McGregor Robert & Co. (T. T. Stewart,) com. mers. 65 Tchoupitoulas McGregor R. Mrs. 404 Constance McGregor VV screwm. Chippewa c. Market McGreggor Wm. principal High School, 24 St. Charles McGruder Wm. f. m. c. cook, 62 Liberty McGuigin Patrick, sail maker, 247 Julia, New Basin, d. Basin n. Julia McGuin Jose Jill, sailor, 9 Leeds Row, Erato McGuin Thomas, Calliope n. Carondelet McGUINN HENRY, Shell road Contractor, ofiQce 379 Julia, opposite the Bridge. All or- ders left at the Mechanics' and Dealers' Exchange, Box No. 16, will be promptly at- tended to. McGuinn Ihomas, lab. 127 Chippewa McGuire A. stevedore, 50 Robin McGuire A. Mrs. b. h. 123 Julia McGuire Frank, moulder, 343 Howard McGuire James, shoemaker, 263 Poydras McGuire Jane Mrs. 322 Melpomene McGuire John, laborer, 132 Johnson McGuire John, cartman, Clara n. McGuire John C. cabinet maker, N. Levee n. Gaiennie McGuire Michael, lab. 131 Lafayette McGuire M. engineer, 171 Julia McGuire M. b. h. 26 St. Joseph McGuire Pat. hardware, 168 Magazine McGuire Pat. laborer, 151 Old Levee McGuire Patrick, clerk, 118 Prytania McGuire Patrick, lab. Webster av. Alg. McGuire Patrick, Bolivar n. Perdido McGuire Patrick J. tanner, 85 St. Andrew McGuire Peter Rev. , St. Alphonsus church McGuire T. elk. Annunciation n.Soraparu McGuire Thomas, drayman, 189 Morales McGuire 'J'homas, coach mkr.344 Perdido McGuire Thomas, grocer, 188 Claiborne McGuire Thomas, foundry man, 76 Thalia McGuire Thomas, plumber, 41 Baronne, d. Rampart n Julia McGuirk Arthur, clerk, 73 Carondelet McGuoy Thos. warehouseman, 47 Maga- zine n. Julia McHale John, boilermaker, 392 Basin McHenry J. D. R., Felicity n. Magazine McHorty M. barkeeper, 57 Front McHue Timothy, lab. Jackson R.R. depot McHugh John, tinsmith, 299 Magazine ' McHugh Michael, 358 Tchoupitoulas McHughes Peter, grocer, 339 Liberty Mcllhenny Alfred, Camp c. Ter[)sichore McUhenny E. bank agent, 12 Ex. place Mcllhenny Patrick, customs,313 Dryades Mcllhenny R. (MandevUle Sf Mcllhenny,) 155 Gravier, d. 100 St. Louis Mcllmarro Pat. blacksmith, 12 Religious Mcllrain Henry, clerk, 27 Rampart, d. 2 McILREEVY & COBB, (Wm. McIlreevy,W. B. Cobb,) Com- mission and Forwarding Mer- chants, 34 Poydras street. Mcllreevy Wm. (Mcllreevy &f Cobb,) 34 Poydras Mcllroy F., Annunciation n. Race Mcllroy W., Camp n. Erato Mcllvain H. 37 Chartres Mcllveny John, cab driver, 10 Constance Mclnarny Patrick, Clara n Lafayette Mclnneny Michl. cooper, 288 Melpomene Mclnnis Richmond Rev. editor and propr. True Witness and Sentinel, 94 Camp Mclntire F. Mrs. furnished rooms, 1.30 Customhouse Mclntire John S. clerk, 67 Canal Mcintosh James, (Jamison ^ Mcintosh,) 250 Baronne, d. 219 Magazine Mcintosh W. K. Mrs. d. 33 Bienville Mclnty Michael, poultry, S18 Dryades Mclntyre A. builder, Second n. Liberty Mclntyre Alex. carp. Second n. Franklin Mclntyre Ellen, 175 Calliope Mclntyre & Mayer, (John Mclntrjre, Henry Mayer,) plumbers, 109^'Paydras Mclntyre John, (Mclntyre 8f Mayer,) d. 195 Basin Mclntyre John, sailor, 42 South market Mclntyre Nicholas, 210 Annunciation Mclntyre Patrick, flnt^ger, 75 Laurel Mclntyre Philip, 25 Villere, d. 2 Mclntyre Patrick, paver, 129 Thalia Mclntyre Wm. warehouseman, 49 St. John Baptist Mclntyre Wm. laborer, 188 Conti Mclntyre Wm. warehouseman 221 St. Thomas Mclnurney Daniel, lab. 586 Rampart, d. 3 Mclnurney Pat. shoemaker, 10 Enghien Mclnurney Patrick, Gravier n. Johnson Mclvers iVlichl. St. Louis n. Rocheblave McKangue Sarah Mrs. 317 Terpsichore McKay Andrew, drayman, 34 Melpomene McKay A. 16 Poyfarre McKay Catherine, 275 Franklin. McKay Donald, carp. Jackson R.R. depot McKay Edward, nurse, 126 Lafayette McKay John, boiler maker, 392 Basin McKay John, lab. 692 Dauphine McKay John Mrs. 239 Orleans McKean Peter, private watchman, 538 Dauphine McKee Alexander, 109 Julia McKee John, atty. at law, 6 Exch. place McKee John B. grocery. Chestnut near Alex, Algiers McKee Mary 'Mrs. 293 Poydras McKee Robert, ( Campbell, McKee Sf Co.) 73 Carondelet McKeene Ed w. housekeeper Fire Co. No 6 d. Delord c. Tchoupitoulas McK 295 McL McKceva John, blacksmith, 242 Franklin McKoever J. J. agent, Adams' Express Co. 96 Camp McKoever J. L. (Elliott &,- McKeever,) 51 St. Charles McKelory P. B. Dr. 66 St. Charles McKeneah J. J. drayman, Madison, McD. McKeiidrick Danl. plumber, 107 Poydras McKenna Bernard, 83 St. Charles McKcnna Catharine Mrs. b. h. 112 New Levee, d. 1 McKenna James, mattress makr. 175 Julia McKenna Jas. mattress mkr. 466 Bourbon McKenna Jas. lab. 565 Dauphine, d. 3 McKenna Mary, fruits, &c. 290 Camp McKenna Philip, grocery, 91 Baronne McKenna Tiiomas, storage, Magazine c. Lafayette McKenna Wni. 118 Frenchmen McKenner C. Mrs., Richard n. Chippewa McKennor Thomas, 35 Thalia McKenney Harrison Mrs., Josephine near Prytania McKenney James, 175 Thalia McKennilV Thomas, laborer, 32 Enghicn McKennon B. D. f. m. c. 168 Lafayette Mclvennon Wm. stone cutter, 154 Delord McKenzie Alex, watchman. Market near Front McKenzie George, painter, 300 St. Peter Mcfvenzie Jolin, acct. 15 St. Charles McKenzie Patrick, lab. 62 Mandeville McKenzie Robert, boiler maker, Jackson near Baronne McKenzie Roderick, Carrollton McKern Ann, 139 Foucher McKernan B. cabman, 534 Rampart, 3d. McKcrnan Isaac, St. Louis c. Derbigny .McKerry Caroline, f. w. c. 47 Prieur, d. 2 McKever Michael, carpenter, St. Louis c. Rocheblave McKey Jane, f. w. c. 357 Liberty McKey Jolin, grocer, 352 Perdido McKi<'rnan Isaac, laborer, 311 Derbigny McKinli.'y Duncan, clerk, 8 Union McKinley James, lab. 701 Burgundy, d. 3 McKinney Ambrose, screwman, 536 Tchoupitoulas McKinni^y Catharine Mrs. Ill Market .McKinney Martha Mrs. 237 Poydras McKinney M. J. Mrs., Josephine near Prytania McKinney Wm. screwman, 12 St. Mary McKinneyet Edw. laborer, 560 Burgundy McKleroy & Bradford, C»'"i. H. J\IcKlc- roy^ Joseph H. Bradford,) cotton factors and com. mers. 29 Natchez McKlcroy W m.H. (McKleroy Sf Bradford,) 29 Natchez McKneely Wm. H. clerk, Carondelet c. Perdido McKnigiu Henry, laborer, 53 Orange McKnight James, screwman, 25 Music McKnigiu John, laborer, 12 Enghien McKnight Logan Mrs. d. Coliseum corner Fovirth McKnight Thomas, drays, 17 St. Thomas McKone P. laborer, 434Chartres McKroy William, 353 Camp McKuin James, laborer, 75 Howard. McLain A. ( Knapp Sf McLain,) d. 457 Baronne McLain Robert, baggage master N. O. J. R. R. d. 321 Liberty McLanathan Jackson, Philip n. Fulton McLanathan Thomas, Third c. Laurel McLane Alex, tailor, 109 Magnolia McLarey John,clk.d.Sl.Mary n. St. Chas. McLarnev Edward, 251 Tchoupitoulas McLaughlin Aldin, 85 Calliope McLaughlin E. Mrs. 431 Chartres McLaughlin Francis, watchman, Benton c. Terpsichore McLaughlin Francis, watchn.425 Franklin McLaughlin G. screwman, 602 Rampart McLaughlin James, lab. 90 Villiere, d. 2 McLaughlin Jas. warehousemn. 390 Camp McLaughlin James, St. Jane n. Gravier McLaughlin James, laborer, 92 Dryades McLaughlin James, drayman, St. Mary near Annunciation McLaughlin John, laborer, 4 Desire McLaughlin John, 21 St. James McLaughlin John, acct. 422 Baronne McLaughlin N. P. gardener, La. avenue, Jeff. City McLaughlin Mary, 84 Poet McLaughlin Patrick, gunny bags, d. 345 Magazine McLaughlin Peter, Sixth n. St. Charles McLaughlin Thos. carp. 204 Toulouse McLaughlin Wm. carpenter, 381 Camp McLaughlin Wm. clerk, 264 Girod McLaughlin Wm. 165 Basin McLaughlin Wm. lab. Howard n. Gravier McLaurin Archibald A. com.mer. 24 Bank place, d. St. Charles n. Peters' av. J.C. McLean A. carpenter, 360 Common McLean Charles, blacksmith, 101 Sixth McLean Douglas, elk. Clouet n. Urquhart McLean Hector H. bookkeeper, 12Tchou- pitoulas, d. 556 Carondelette McLean Jacob, engineer, 21 Montegut McLean James, lab. 431 Chartres, d. 3 McLean James L. 3}.< Carondelet, d. 57 Dauphine McLean John, 191 St. Philip ' McLean John Capt. foundry, 489 Old Le- vee, d. 110 Clouet McLean John, dravman, 400 Thalia McLean John, 26rMain McLtan John, hostler, 267 Felicity McLean John A. acct. 92 Gravier McLean John C, Erato n. St. Charles McLean John H. clerk, 62 Carondelet McLean John Mrs. 144 Third McLean John 0. (Marsh Sf McLean,) d. Algiers McLean &. Oliveir,( Washington H. McLean, .Irthur Olheir,) com, merchants, 49 Common McLean Washington H. (McLean &(■ Oli- reir,) d. 174 Esplanade McLean W. J. 131 Canal McL 296 McN McLean Wni. F. proprietor "Southern Path Finder," Bank place c. Natchez McLearn John G. (R. D. Carroll Sf Co.) 53 Carondelet McLearn Wm. Mrs. 630 Burgundy, d. 3 McLeary John, elk. 292 St. Charles McLeary Robt. watchman, 46 St. Thomas McLeary Thos. elk. Calliope c. Liberty McLeay Fras, grocer. Calliope c. Liberty McLeay Robt. grocer, Liberty c. Calliope McLellan & Allen, (Mden McLellan,M.R. MUn,) siiip chandlers. Front c. Erato McLellan Alden, (McLelhm ^- Mien,) d. Orange c. Magazine McLellan Edward C. elk. Front c. Erato McLellan Frank, laborer, 31 Foucher McLellan Geo. towboat office, 2 Marigny bldgs. d. 442 Royal McLellan John, chief of police, 213 Clai- borne, d. 2 McLallan John, 138 Roman, d. 2 McLellan John C. coachmaker, 173 Julia, d. 253 Girod McLellan Thos.managerof Crescent Tow- boat Co. 3 Carondelet McLellan W. H. ( J^riclwlson &f Co.) Mag- azine c. Robin, d. 78 Chippewa McLemore, Rayburn & Co. (John D. McLemore, H. J^. Raybur 7i, J. V. Rich- ards,) cotton factors and com. mers. 13 Carondelet McLeod E. Mrs. Calliope n. Camp McLeod James, clerk, 192 Tehoupitoulas McLeod John, laborer, 344 Annunciation McLeod John, cooper. Magazine c. Girod McLeod R. clerk, 71 Canal McLevy John, grocer, 322 New Levee McLin J. B. 215 Rousseau McLoughlin James, clerk, 390 Camp McLoughlin James, Dryades n. Calliope McLoughlin Wm. carpenter, 385 Camp McMachen Mitchell, barber, 128 Royal McMahan Elizabeth Mrs. dressmaker, Urania n. Prytania McMahon , clerk, Jackson R. R. McMahon Augustus, c. p. 81 Carondelet McMahon Bridget V. Mrs. 425 Baronne McMahon C. laborer, 81 Carondelet walk McMahon Ed. laborer, 70 St. James McMahon E. M.barkeep. 6 Annunciation McMahon J as. boiler maker, 198 Delord McMahon John, lab. Roman n. Cypress McMahon John Mrs. 100 St. Thomas McMahon John, c. h. 6 Annunciation McMahon Jno. laborer, 588 St. Claude McMahon John, laborer, 132 Thalia McMahon John, laborer, 30 Peace McMahon Mary Ann, 80 St. Philip McMahon Mary Ann, 90 Dauphine McMahon Michael, 246 Poydras McMahon Michael, 246 Poydras McMahon M. block and pump mkr. Peter, Algiers McMahon M. Mrs., Baronne n. Terpsichore McMahon Peter, assistant priest, St. Jo- seph's Church, d. Common n. Villere McMahon Peter, lab. 527 Burgundy, d. 3 McMahon Robt. M. clerk, 121 Polymnia McMahon Thomas, clerk, 81 St. Joseph McMahon Thomas, driver, 380 Magazine McMahon Thomas, tailor, 31 Constance McMahon Wer. laborer, 85 Delord McManigle M. western produce, 10 Low- er Front Levee, d. 2 McMann Thomas, 386 Gravier McManus Aleck, lab. 42 St. Mary's mkt McManus A. Mrs. b. h. 6 Annunciation McManus C. Mrs. 426 Chartres McManus Ellen Mrs. d. 105 St. Mary McManus F. E. editor, 175 Baronne McManus Hugh, printer, 7 Annunciation McManus John, laborer, 81 Delord McManus John, cooper, 133 Constance McManus John, c. h. 6 Annunciation McManus John, laborer, 353 Liberty McManus Peter, furniture car, 18 Felicity McManus Thomas, cooper. Celeste c. Re- ligious McManus Thomas, carp. 713 Burgundy McManus Thos. cooper, Celeste c. Falicity McMaster R. P. stock, note and exchange broker, 65 Gravier McMasters Wm. M. jr. clerk, 75 Canal McMaxant C. vegetables, 14 Poydras mkt McMeha T. J. caljs, 380 Magazine McMillan Henry, laborer, 323 Fulton McMillan John, Harmony n. Magazine McMillan Thos.f Cresap, McMillan ^ Co.) 68 Magazine McMillan Thos. J .( Cresap, McMillan Sf Co.) 68 Magazine McMorrine Catha. dressmak'g, 109 Conti MciVIullen Alex. 90 St. Mary's market McMullen Henry, 323 Fulton McMuUen John, cabs, 431 St. Charles McMullen Mary Mrs. 10 Mandeville McMurray Francis, ( W. Sf C. Blanchard &{ Co.) d. 60 Constance McMurray R. E. acet. 49 Customhouse McMurray Saml. baker, 286 Melpomene McMurdo R. L. clerk, 26 Common McNabb James, porter, 70 Camp McNaghten R. clerk, 51 Carondelet, d. Terpsichore n. Coliseum McNair Henry, clerk, 67 Canal McNair John, teacher p. s. 106 Julia McNair R. H. academy. Summit, Miss. McNally Catharine, grocery, 31 Delord McNally James, 180 Rampart, d. 1 McNally Jas. deal, in bottles, 383 Howard McNally James S. drayman, 27 Howard McNally John, 134 Melpomene McNally Michl.blksmh. 399 Burgundy,d. 3 McNamara Dennis, cooper, 221 Magazine McNamara George, 258 Dryades McNamara Henry, laborer, 197 Dryades McNamara John, 162 Annunciation McNamara Margaret Mrs. 353 Perdido McNamara Michael, Algiers McNamara Michael, laborer, 75 Gasquet McNamara Michael, clerk, 62 Magazine McNamara Pat. wheelwright and black- smith. Religious n. Celeste McNamara Pat. laborer, 117 Montegut McN 297 MAD McNamara Robt. foreman gas works, d. 314 Melpomene MeNiimara Thomas, 197 Dryades McNamara W. painter, 453 Constance McNamee Catharine Mrs. d. 80 Prytania MeNamee John, stable, 6'2 Rampart, d. 1 McN(-al John, tailor, 398 Baronne MeNeal J. C. nvir. d. 146 Elysian Fields McNeil Alexander, steviulore, (5fi Erato McNeil Elizabeth Mrs. 116 Customhouse McNeil Frank, clerk, 1G3 St. Charles McNeil George, carpenirr, 80 St. Andrew McNeil Hugh, stev(>d'e, Ninth n. Constance McNeil Louisa, f. w. c. Laurel n. Diifos- sat, Ji^fferson City McNeil Mary, b.h. Tchou]iitoulas c. Race .McNeil Robert, painter. 109 Howard McNeil Wm. f. m. c. Orleans n. Roman McNeill Alexander, tailor, 332 Common McNeill Hector, gro. Common c. Marais McNeill James, Second n. Liberty McNeill James, carp. Second n. Franklin McNeill James, bill poster, Thalia n. New Levee McNeill James F. Washington n. Camp McNi'ill Jas. Capt., Pleasant n. Magazine McNeill John, tailor, 80 Poydras McNeill J. C. trader, d. Libenvc Felicity McNeill Laughlin, clerk, 366 Conti McNeill Mary Mrs. 351 St. Peter iMcNrill Miclvael, sailor, 90 Barracks McNeill Thomas F. clerk, 484 Clio McNeill Wm. carpenter, 245 Orleans iMcNolty Mary E. grocery, 310 Poydras McNorton Pat. blacksmith, 34 Euterpe McNulty John, laborer, 40 Liberty McPadden Miirgaret Miss. 355 Magazine McPeak Samuel, shoemiakr, 337 Poydras McPheeter.s G. P. ally, at law, 78 Camp McPherson James, mate, 169 Franklin McPherson John, pilot, 132 Mandevillc McPherson J. clerk, 8 Carond.let McPherson S. Mrs. 165 St. Joseph McPherson S. J. acct. 7 Magazine McPhilips Jas. lab. Cypress n. Derbigny McPride P. grocer, 421 Chartrea, d. 3 McQuade Ann Mrs. b.h. 236 Rampart,d. 1 McQuade Bridget Mrs. 282 Erato McQuade James, grocer, 90 Si. Thomas .\lctiuade Jamis, cabinet maker, 89 Der- bigny, d. 2 McQuade James, clerk, 35 St. Thomas McQuade Michael, drayman, 312 Howard McQuade Michaid, grocer, 87 St. Thomas Me(^ua(le Ternnce, laborer, Ifi Ri'ligious Mc(^uade T. gro. Thcrcse n. St. Thomas McQuairl Mary Mrs. underlakir, 177 Tchoupiloulas McQueean Ro!»anna, 191 Erato M'-Queen Jas. scrcwman, 301 St. Thomas McQueen L. G. cotton broker, St. Ann c. Derbigny McQueslon Joseph, f. m. c. 193 Bienville McQuinn J. lab. St Thomas n. Felicity M. Quod Thomas, Third n. St. Charles McQwoiM James, stock dealer. La. av. n. Laurel, Jefferson City McQuoid James Capt. 27 Spain McRae Alexander (McRac &: fo.JCaron- delet n. Valence, .letlerson City McRae & Co. ( IV. D. L. ,McRae, '.Ihxan-
t n. Valence, Jeff. City McRale John, lab. 73 Orange McRedmond Dennis, porter, 98 Canal McRedniond Timothy, lab. 40 Derbignv McRee Robert, (J.B. Janus Sf Co."; 37 Magazine McRfiberts John, soap mkr. 311 Jackson McShnuii Andnnv, 179 liaronne McShane Edward, contractor, 351 St. Ann McStea, Value &. Co. (M'honMcStea, Jesse K. Value, Stephen K. Fovler, 0orer, 11 Leeds' row, Erato Mackee P. W. clerk, 344 Rampart, d. 3 Mackiave William, laboref, St. Mary c. Rousseau Macvoy John Mrs. 3.52 Conti Macy Jklanuel, cook, 106 St. Philip Madaud D. 0. insp. customs, St. Peter c. Bourbon Maddnger Jacob, fruit, etc. 451 St. Charles Madden Chris, clerk, Camp c Com. Madden Dominic, drayman, 16 Constance Madden Ellen, 119 Foucher Madden E., Rousseau n. Adele Madden Ferd. grocer, 536 Chartres, d.3 MAD 298 MAG Madden F. carpenter, 373 Basin Madden H. clerk, Felicity c. Benton Madden Henry, bricklayer, 357 St. Peter Madden JohM,draynian,493 Tclioupitoulas Madden John, laborer, 73 Notre Dame Madden John W. collector, 82 Common Madden Mary Mrs., Peter, Algiers Madden M. Mrs. b. h. 181 Julia Madden Thomas, Poet n. Casacalvo Madden Tim. screwman, 451 Chartres Madden Wm. warehouseman, Common c. Magazine Maddere J. B. f.m.c. colTr, 27 Union, d. 3 Maddon Charles, 3()9 Marais, d. 3 Maddox H.S. clerk, 15 and 17 N. Levee, d.l Maddox Richard, drayman, 563 Tchoupi. Made Ann, 207 Palmyra Made Thomas, cab driver, 207 Palmyra Madecine Phil. lab. Josephine n. Rampart Madeline G. M. clerk, 118 Carondelet Madeline J. M. Dr. 142 Carondelet Madenne Francisco, grocers, 180 Delord Mader Edmond, port warden, Terpsichore n. Prytania Mader Edward, shoemaker, 999 N. Levee Mader F. A. professor, 68 Chartres Mader J. W. clerk, 71 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 271 St. Mary Mader P. E. port ward. Commercial place c. St. Charles Madere August, Eelcastle c. Camp, JefF.C. Madere George McD. coal and wood, Bor- deaux n. Magazine Madison John, Madison, Algiers Madison Mark, f.m.c. barber,381 Bourbon Madison School, Prieur c. Palmyra Madron J. 306 Johnson, d. 3 Madule L. artist. Opera house Maecliling J. saddler, 223 Julia Maeckel Carl, grocer, 121 Independence Maeir Emile, 65 Claiborne Maenhaut C. Rev., St. Louis Cathedral, d. Orleans opp. the church Maer Philip, carp. Eighth n. New Levee Maerose Henry, cigars, Water n. Seventh Maes Charles, 395 St. Charles Maes Joseph, lab. Josephine c. Rousseau Maes Leon, tailor, 33 Franklin Maester George, 6 Mandeville Maestri P. wines, 19 St. Philip Mafe Maximim, cigar manuf. 367 Ram- part, d. 3 Magagnos Rosalie, rooms, 25 Bourbon Magee George W. clerk, 6 Magazine Magee James & Co. com. mers. 2 Caron- delet, Byrne's row Magee John, variety store, 555 N. Levee Magee J. M. Dr. dentist, 104 Camp Magee J. P. cooper, 42 Foucher, d. 242 Thalia Magee & Kneass, (Michael Magee, JV. B. Kneass, John R. George,) saddlery ,etc. 6 Magazine and 54 Canal Magee Patrick, contractor, 134 Tchoupit. Magee Thomas, Bertrand n. Perdido Magehan J. A. ship joiner, Delaronde n. Seguin, Algiers Magende I. grocer, Galvez c. Ursulines Magende Isaac, butcher, 69 French mkt Mngere Frances, f.w.c. 179 Rampart Maglian James, boiler mkr, 318 Dryades Maghee Church, (Methodist,) Carondelet n. Lafayette Magi Jayme, (P. Prats &r Co.) d. 134 Kerlerec Magill Patrick, clerk, 2 Front Maginnis Arthur A. cotton seed oil man- ufactory, 115 and 117 Magazine, d. 31 Prytania Maginnis Edward, laborer, 108 Annunc. Maginnis John, True Delta, 18 St. Charles d. Claiborne n. Common Maginnis John, 115 Gravier Maginnis John H. clerk, 117 Magazine Maginos Eli, sailmaker, 66 Ursulines Magioli L. Mrs. 106 Conti Magioli Pierre, tinsmith, 106 Conti, d. 103 Barracks .Magioli L. Mrs. 160 St. Ann Magioni Joseph, attorney, City Hall, d. 132 Levee, d. 3 Magioni J. 193 Levee, d. 3 Magloire Louis, bricklayer, 223 Marigny Magloire Geo. painter, 108 Elysian Fields Maglone Ann Mrs., St. Andrew n. Laurel Maglune John, lab. Laurel n. St. Mary Magnan Martin, lab. 442 Old Levee, d. 3 Magnard H. hatter, 33 Ursulines Magne G. clerk, 23 St. Louis Magne John, att'y at law, 99 Chartres MagneJohn,grocer,Toledano c. Carondelet Magner Bernard, bookkeeper, 1^0 Bourbon Magner John, drayman, Annunciation c. Robin Magner John, Clara n. Julia Magner Joseph, clerk, 29 Carondelet Magner Selim, notary public, 71 Royal, d. 475 Carondelet MAGNIEE, A., Practical Hatter. Personal At- tention paid to all Orders, No. 94 St. Charles, un- der Academy of Music. Magnin August, 355 Villere, d. 3 Magnon Adam, laborer, 134 Erato Magnon Antoine Mrs. 26 Music Magnon Hester, 287 St. Peter Magnon JamesMrs.,Montegut n.Rarnpart Magnon James, laborer, 225 St. Louis Magnon John, Montegut n. Rampart Magnon Martin,laborer,Adele n. Rousseau Magnon Martin, laborer, 134 Erato Magnon N. A., Goodchildren n. Cot. Press Magnon Timothy, Montegut n. Rampart Magnon V. A., Royal c. Orleans Magnum Henry, laborer, 265 Bourbon Maguin James, contractor, Jefterson City MAG 299 Maguin A. J. cashier, 131 Canal Maguire E. G. com. mtr. d. 201 Clio Maguire Frank, laborer, 21 Constance Maguire Jas.C. furniture, 254 Rampart, d.l Maguire Jamrs P. steamb'l agent, 10 Poy- dras,d. 332 Magazine Maguire Jolm, 365 Kaniparl, d. 3 Maguire J. C. cabfnct maker,298 N. Levee Maguire J. G. grocer, 164 Carondelet Maguire J. P. clothing, 69 New Levee Maguire J. W. 143 Gasquet Maguire Margaret, b. h. 36 Gaiennie Maguire Michael, laborer, 28 St. Joseph Maguire P. J. cashier, 126 Canal Maguire Thomas, laborer, 48 St. Thomas Maguire Thomas, trader, Clio n. Freret Mail Pierre, 167 Cidumbua Mahaffry Alex. 389 Ferdido Mahffy H. A. warehouse, Water n. Philip Mahalin C. Mrs. grocer, Columbus c. Robertson Mahan Martin, laborer, Laurel n. Felicity Mahan Patrick, laborer, 448 Gravier Mahan Pat. grocer, Magazine c. Sixth Mahan Timothy, shoemkr. 91 St. Thomas Malianny James, drays, Euphrosine n. Rampart Mahanny John, drays, 427 Basin Mahaney Wm. laborer, 106 Gaiennie Mahany Arthur, cab driver, 202 Magazine Mahaiiy David, dray'n.CeIrst(> n. Religious Mahany Dennis, laborer, 96 Gaiennie Mahany James, drayman, 50 Adele Mahany Luke, laliorer, 17 Enghieii Mahany Wm. laborer, 106 Gaiennie Mahe G. J. 355 Claiborne, d. 3 Mahe George Mrs. 355 Clail)orne, d. 3 Mahe Joseph A. clerk, d. 355 Claiborne Mahen P. R. dry goods, 550 Magazine Maher Cath. Mrs. grocery, 223 Dryades Maher Daniel, laborer, 62^ Burgundy, d. 3 Maher Dennis, b. h. 114 Calliope Maher Dennis, laborer, 351 Magazine Maher D.,Poydras c. Bertrand Maher D. laborer, Robin n. New Levee Maher Edward, painter, 410 Lil)erty Maher Edward, dravman. 346 Aniiunci'n iMaher Frank, "laborJr, 197 Clio Maher James, l)lacksmith, 114 Calliope Maher James, junk store, 27 Julia Maher J. Miss, dry goods, Patterson, Alg. Maher John, cot. sampler, 31 St. Mary Maher John, laborer, 475 Royal, d. 3 Maher John, lal)orer, 527 Burgundy Maher John, b. h. 8 Triangle buildmgs Maher Mary, grocery. Rampart c. Spain Maher Mathias Mrs. 318 Dryades Mailer Matthew, cooper, 227 Calliope .Maher Matthew, boirrmkr..305Melpom'e Maher Michael, laborer, 116 Richard Maher P. dairy. Fourth n. Fulton Maher Peter, laiiorer, 450 Gravier Maher Thomas, lab. St. John Baptist n. Orange Vlaher Thomas, labfirer, 563 Dauphinn Maher Thomas, laiiorer, 127 Levee, d. 3 Mailer Wm. cart driver, 344 jMelpomenc MAI Maher Win. barkeeper, 339 Poydras Maheues F. clerk, 63 Old Levee, d. 2 Mahew& Grossinger, (P. R. J\Iahe%c,C!ins. Gi-ossingfr,) dry goods, 550 Magazine Mahle Ann M. Mrs. "Sixth n. Chippewa Mahi Joseph A. clerk, 40 Perdido Malme Wm. gro. Washington, c. Laurel Mahon Alex.'M. lab. 287 Tchouiiitoulas Mahon Christian, laborer, 112 Erato Mahon Martin, groeer, Felicity c. Market Mahon M. clerk", 128 Canal Mahon Michael, tinner, 442 St. Charles Mahon Thomas, laborer, 139 Gasquet Mahoney Cornelius, clerk, 35 Carondelet Mahoney Cornelius, cotton marker, 285 Bayou road Mijhoney Daniel, laborer, 18 Foucher Mahoni'y David, tailor, 85 Julia Mahoney Dennis, laiiorer, 96 Gaiennie Mahoney F. laborer, 328 Magazine Mahoney John, dravman, 427 Basin Mahoney Michael, 63 Julia Mahoney Ow(Mi Mrs. Phillip ,c. Chippewa Mahoney Timothy, shoemkr. St. Thomas n. MelpotiicMic Maliony David, laborer. Celeste c. Felicity Mahony Edward, slater, 616 Magazine Mahony Horanu, drayman, Constance n. Calliope Mahony James, drayman, 6 Euphrosine Mahony John, boat builder, Algiers Mahony J. poultry, 18 Dryades market Mahony M. Dr., Gaiennie, Algiers Mahony Timothy, clerk, 34 Orange Mai John, butcher. New Levee, Jeff. City ALaier C. H. carpenter, 138 Customhouse Maier Emile, (C. T. Buddecke Sf Co.) d. 65 Claiborne Maignan J. (Hickman, Dugas 8f Maigtian,) d. 226 Royal Maignan J. Mrs. 226 Royal Maignan Victor, importer of French wines, 17 St. Louis, d. 77 Koyal Mailhe A. grocer, 381 Burgundy Maiihe D. butcher, 45 Oileans Mailhe Eliene, butcher, 85 French market Mailhe Franc^ois, butcher, 16 French mkt Mailhe John, cook, 195 Bienville Mailhe John, l)utcher,2.3 Poydras market Mailhe Louis, butcher, French market, d. 30 Orleans Mailhes P. butcher, 93 St. Peter Maillio Jean, cook, 280 Burgundy Maille Dominique, butcher 91 French mkt. d. 45 Orleans Maille J. M. milk, Rocheblave c. St. Philip Maille William, drayman, Rocheblave n. Carondelet walk j Mailles J. butcher, 40 Poydras market I Mailles Louis, butcher, 101 French market Maillet Ph.T. 280 St. Louis | Maillon AlphoMse, teacher, 282 Main Maillot Alfred, (Maillot Sf Son,) 16 Ram- part, d. 1 Maillot C. Mrs. (Maillot &f Son,) 16 Ram- part, d. 1 Maillot Charles, 137 St. Philip MAI 300 MAL Maillot Julius, (Maillot &r Son,) 16 Ram- part, d. 1 MAILLOT & SOW, Importers of Wines, Brandies, etc., and Wholesale Dealers in Domes- tic Liquors, 112 Magazine. Mallot Joseph & Co. (E. Dubois,) import- ers of wines, liquors, etc., 12 Cross- man, and 1'2 Customhouse Maillot L. Mrs. 7& Mandeville Mailloux P. L. c. p. 12& Mandeville Main Nicholas, carpenter, iO^^.y Orleans Maine M. D. bk. keeper, St. Charles hotel Mainegra J. drug clerk, 1&5 Bourbon Mainsohn Joseph, 51 Conde Mairan Rudolph, 103 Perdido Maire F. 33 Barracks Maire F. carpenter, 104 Orleans Maire M. A. f. m. c, painter, 151 Piety Mairecola J. B. hatter, 132 St^ Philip Maison de Sante, Canal c. Claiborne Maistre C. P. Rev., Bayou road n. Broad Maitland A. K. C. 220 Customhouse Maitre J. Louis, carpenter, 368 Magazine Maitrejean Drosan, clerk, 132 St. Philip Maitrejean Emile, 324 Magazine .Maitrejean M. Mrs. 256 Magazine Maivielle J. grocer, Esplanade c. Bourbon Majeste J. C. S. clerk, 57 Villere Majjioli L. V. Mrs., Esplanade c. Royal Majjoli Lange, 430 Burgundy Major Fanny, f. w. c, 302 Rampart Mnjor John, clerk, 306 St. Louis Make Henry, drayman, 179 Port Malaco John B. book keeper, 30 Poyfarre Malady Michael, pipelayer, 390 Perdido Malady William, Race n. St. Thomas Malady William, drays, 105 Euterpe Malain J. C. clerk, 148 Canal Malaly Jarnes, 252 Customhouse Malard Albert, jeweler, 243 St. Louis Malard & To.iker, ( F. Malard, E. H. Tooker,) clothing, 65 and 67 Canal, c. Old Levee Malard F. (Malard -Sj- Tooker,) d. 267 Ran\parl Malard Jos. vegetbs. 131 St. Mary's mkt. Malard P. Ferdinand, 267 Rampart Malarel 0. F. watchmaker 10 Toulouse Malcomb J. Josephine, New Levee Malcomson J. cotton buyer, 2 Union Malcomson R. Dr. 385 Perdido Male Orphan Asylum, Jackson c. Fulton Male Orphan Asylum, Mazant Casacalvo Maley J. vegetable, 133 St. Mary's n>kt. Maley Jas. watchnaan, St. James n. Perdido Maley Th-os. laborer, 370 Poydras Maley William, butcher, 456 Poydras Mallaus Louis, vegetables, Lapeyrouse n. Derblgny Malherbe Jules, 243 Burgundy Mallain L. M. Harmony c. Camp Mnllaham Huijh, lab. 158 Tchoupitoulas Mallahy Jos. H. laborer, d. 265 Dryades Mallahy Owen, lab. d. 265 Dryades Mallam H. clerk, d. 11 Orange Mallard P. upholsterer, 55 Royal Mallerich Frank, carpenter, Bourbon n. Solidelle Mallet Celeste, midwife, 32 Union, d. 3 Mallet J. B. Hospital c. Johnson Mallet L. Mrs. 391 Canal Mallet M. wood surveyor, 181 Julia Mallet Maxmen, Turner n. Carond, Mallet Philip, butcher, Bayou road n.Tonti Mallet Pierre, caqienter, 39 Johnson Malley T. P. house painter, 403 Camp Malleville A. J. B. Mrs. 193 Bayou road Malley C. Derbigny n. Toulouse Malley James, dry goods, 379 Dryades Mallory James, laborer, 67 Julia Mallory Mary Mrs. 301 Goodchildren Mallory Michael, Soraparu n. New Levee Mallory Mich. Mrs. bakery, 230 Dryades Mallory Richard, lab. d. St. 97 Joseph Malloy Mrs. c. h. d. 232 Carondelet Malloy Elizabeth Mrs. grocery, 58 Julia Mallynn John, laborer, 77 Annunciation Mallynn Patrick, laborer, 24 Delord Malmros F. accountant, 20 Chartrea Malnowry August, butcher, 34French mkt. MalnowryAugust,butcher,412 Elys. Fields Malnowry Joseph, butcher, 47French mkt. Malochee P. (E. F. Mioton ^ Co.) d. 55 Esplanade, d. 3 Malohe Hiram, public weigher,65 Poydras Malone B. Mrs. 228 Toulouse M alone Daniel j Surprise c.h. 576 Magazine Malone Ellen Mrs. 226 New Levee Malone George, lab. Calliope n. Front Malone James, coal mer. Fourth n. Fulton Malone Jno. gardener. Laurel n. St. Mary Malone J. H.' 65 Poydras Malone Leonard, c. p. 102 Barracks MALONE M. Gun and Lock Smith, Bell Hanging, Iron Safes, Copying Presses Re- paired, etc., 26 Commercial place, d. Libei'ty n. Jackson. Malone Mary Mrs. ]17 Julia Malone Patrick, laborer, Clara n. Julia Malone Patrick, soda water. Calliope n. Rampart Malone Philip, grocery,. 265 Rampart Maloney B. Mrs. St. Louis c. Claiborne Maloney Charles, laborer, 22 St. Anthony Maloney H. W. ship joiner, Algiers Maloney Matthew, lab. Poucher n. Cal- liope Maloney Michael, stiiker, blacksmith shop N. 0. J.& G. N. R. R. Maloney Timothy, bdg. 75 New Levee Maloney Thomas L. machinist, 260 May Malony Charles, 22 St. Anthony Malousa Gregoire, 75 Greatmen Maloy Wm. watchman, 232 Carondelet Maloch C. Mrs. 290 Conti Maltry Simon, grocer, Eighth c. Laurel Malty Frederick, painter, 135 Frenchmen MAL 301 MAN Mains Edmond, 69 Old Levee Mains Francois, 199 Ursulines, d. 3 Mains Lucenn, com. mer. and wholesale grocer, 69 Old Levee, d. 2 d. 60 Ram- part Marnier C. grocer. Royal c. Union, d. 3 Manabuch Martin, laborer, 390 Thalia Managan L. Jackson, n. New Levee Managhan Timothy, lab. 475 Royal, d. 3 Manceau John L. carp. 360 Esplanade Manchon Louise, f. w. c. 226 Burgundy Mandal Peter, elk. Felicity n. Constance Mandel Daniel W. teacher, Jackson n. Poydras Mandelo E. potatoes, 133 Old Levee Mande] P. C, Planter Press, Annunciation c. Felicity Mandel Thomas A. Baronne n. Clio ' Mandoll D. E. lumber, 374 Franklin Mandeon Mrs. P. 172 Robertson Mander Peter, elk. Annunciation c. Felicity Manders Joseph, d. 194 Basin Manderviilc A. accountant, d. 155 Gravier Manderville Judith, 157 Conti Manderviile MUry, f.w.c. furnished rooms, 127 Mail) Mandeville Emerite, 233 Bienville Mandeville & Mcllhenny (G. S. Mande- ville, R. JMcIlhcnny,) cotton factors and com. mers. 155 Gravier, d. 75 Rampart Mandeville G. S d. 75 Rampart Mandeville Joseph, f. m. c. bricklayer, 179 Magazine Maney Catharine Mrs. 265 Dryades Maney Michael, lab. 78 St. Tliomas Maney Patrick, laborer, 53 Adele Maney Sarah Edgehouse, 135 Calliope Mangels Nicholas, variety store. Second c. Constance Manger Thos. porter, 78 Canal Mandclleon Joseph, 1 Baronne Mandflleicony Mrs. 21 Music Mandin John Mandin John, wines. Felicity n. Market Mandis Joseph, Melpomene n. Rampart Mandrey N. 352 Robertson, d. 3 Mandron Jean, 198 Ursulines Mandry Constance, 65 Chartres Manent Antonio, barkeeper, Poydras c. Tchoupitoulas d. 131 Liberty Manent B. shoemaker, d. 49 Laharpe Manent Juan, ship carpenter, 411 Rampart Mang M. Seventh n. Laurel Mangin Charlts, halter, 198 Orleans Mangin Charles, adjuster, 238 Treme Mangin Charles, finisher, 335 Uampart Mangin Eugene, blacksmith, 332 Burgundy Mangin John, blarksinilh, 174 Bourbon Mangin Thos. blacksmith, 455 N. Levee Mangina Frank, carpenter, 39 Piety .\1anglis Nicholas, 200 Washington .Mangold Charl.s, lab. 102 Levee, d. 3 ManicoJohn P. 242 Thalia Manion Martin, laborer, 107 Liberty Manion Patrick, lab. Adele n. Rousseau Manly Frank, laborer, 163 Fouchtr Mann Marcus M. clerk, 38 Gravier MANN B. L. & CO. (Henry F. Hall) Commission Merchants and Dealers in all kinds of Leather, 38 Gravier. Hide- house Toledano c. Chippewa, Jefferson City. Mann John, engineer, 40 Louisa Mann Thos. lab. d. 24 Delord Mann F. c. li. 221 Old Levee Mann George E. messenger, 96 Camp Mannessier Auguste, confectn. 179 Canal Mann Pat. longshoreman, 101 St. Mary Mannevitz Louis, cigars, 26 St. Philip Manning J. A. atty. atlaw, 16 Elys. Fields Manning John, laborer, 54 Tiialia Manning Patrick, graver, 82 Poet, d. 3 Manning Martha, f. w. c. 137 Liberty Manning John, cooper. Market n. Front Manning Michael, 54 St. Thoinas Manning Walter J. tinsmith, 425 Main Manning Peter, Adele n. St. Thomas Manning W. H.longshoremn.45Rousseau Manning S. C. stevedore, Josephine n. Chestnut Manning Thomas, laborer, 120 Richard Manning John P. clerk, 131 Canal Manning Thomas, blacksm. 97 Delord Mannocce Ferd. eating saloon, 455Calliopc Mannocce Frederick, laborer, Lafayette n. Freret Manouvrier Albert W C. clerk, 85 Royal Manouvrier & Co. (J. Manouvrier, Johji Bochlcr,) lithographers, 30 Camp and 175 Philip Manouvoy Jos. butcher, 47 French mkt. Manquinotli Francis, laborer, 62 Piety Manry P. confectr. Bourbon c. Toulouse Mansall E., U. S. Mint, 12 Peace Mansall John, 4 Peace Manscoe B. pilot, d. Baronne bet. Second and Third Mansfii'ld Alexander, 554 New Levee Mansfield Robert, plasterer, 69 Laurel Mansion A. tailor. New Levee n. Toledano Mansion L. 44 Orleans, d. 382 Bourbon,d. 3 Manson Charles, (Jackson &f Manson,) d. Annunciation c. Thalia MANSON GEO. W., Wholesale Grocer, Common c. Tchoupi- toulas, d. 312, late 458, Maga- zine. Mantara Philip, 49 Marigny Mantez Chas. S.& Co. (Dr. W. F. Bisbee,) Mantliey Wm. shoemaker, 1S9 Levee, d. 3 Manty Clias. finisher, Louisa n. Dauphine druggists, 584 Magazine Mantz Charles, finisher, 61 Louisa ManutI Antoini', barkpr. Front c. Calliope Manuel .Anioine, clerk. Old Levee, d. 2 Manuel B. E. 97 Annunciation Manuel Joseph, tradrr, 71 Villere, d. 2 Maiiufl Mi<-hail, blacksmith, 144 Calliope MAN 302 MAR Manuel Wm. cigar maker, 134 St. Philip Manuel Hyacinthe, dry goods, St. Ann n. Johnson, d. 86 Barracks Manuel John, blacksmith, 21 Euphrosine Manuel Joseph, c. p. 153 St. Philip Manuel J. laborer, 468 Villere, d. 3 Manuel Panegar,c.h.St.James c.Levee,d.l Manuel Patrick, gardener. Camp n. Basin Manuel Thomas, 853 Dauphine, d. 3 Manyan Thomas, blacksmith, 55 Freret Manyan Patrick, laborer, 84 Orange Manqria Jos. laborer, 81 Carondelet walk Manzone Charles, tailor, 25 Hospital Mara Edm. laborer, 613 New Levee Maragot Thos. grocer, Erato c. Magnolia Marange L. cook, 228 Dauphine Marbach Wm. grocer, Poydras c. Howard Marble Hall, billiard room, 107 Gravier Marburg & Foster, (H. E. Marburg, C. T. Forster,) importers of foreign dry goods, 20 Chartres Marburg H. E. (Marburg Sf Forster,) 20 Chartres Marc A. Mrs. dry goods, Orleans c. Rob- ertson Marc Ed. 34 Peace Marc Jacques, furniture cart, 86 St. Peter Marc Joseph, fisherman, 206 St. Philip Marcelin Jean, butcher, 965 St. Claude Marcelin Joseph, Pnydras c. Liberty Marcelin Paul, chemical works, Clara n. Calliope, office 23 Conti Marcelin Wm. jr. 23 Conti Marcellin Annette, Roman n. Canal Marcellin Jean, f. m. c. 49 Annette Marcellus D. upholsterer, Erato n. Camp March Henry, clerk, d. 44 Union March Nic. shoemaker, 45 Carondelet walk Marchadie Cheri. clerk. Canal c. Dauphine Marchadie Mrs. midwife, 93 Main Marchadie P. furniture, 181 St. Philip MARCHAL & CO. (Jos. Trolot, successors to Lefebvre & Co.) Bakers, 129 Poydras late Phil- lippa. Marchand A. asst. note elk. Citizens Bank, d. St. Ferdinand n. Royal Marchand B. Mrs., Claiborne n.UrsuliVies Marchand Charles, clerk, d. 21 Annette Marchand Charles Mrs. 143 Dauphine Marchand Fillette, 208 St. Philip Marchand J. P., Columbus n. Villere Marchand J. S. bricklayer, 251 Villere,d.2 Marchand Louis, 93 Columbus Marchand Louis, job printing, 35 Jefferson, d. 148 Bourbon Marchand L. E printer, 35 Jefferson Marchand P. cook, 287 Customhouse Marche Jean Mrs. furnished rooms Marcheasseau C. 120 UrSulines Marcher & Sonneman, tailors, 10 Crossman Marciacq J. L., Orleans c. Royal Marcloff F. grocery, 23 St. Philip Marcket Peter, tailor, 10 Crossman Marcotte Adolph, printer, 323 St. Louis Marcotte A. Mrs. 446 Main Marcotte F. 51 History Marcou Adeline Mrs. 123 Greatmen Marcou J. clerk, 100 Canal, d. 515 Dau- phine, d. 3. Marcou Lucien, crockery, 81 St. Ann Marcou Oscar, 212 Mandeville Marcus Louis, 6 St. Ann Marcus Paul, d. Jackson n. Annunciation Marcy Peter, manager of Towboat Co. 25 Carondelet, d. Algiers Marcy Ed. laborer, 27 Poet Marcy Samuel Mrs. 438 Royal, d. 3 Mard James, brickmaker, 174 Tchoupit. Mardean Valentine, tailor, 87 Marais, d. 2 Mardet Philippe, 235 Esplanade, d. 3 Mardis J. 497 Dryades n. Erato Mare Charles E. 75 Esplanade Mare F. Mrs. millinery, 13 St. Ann Marechal Franjois J. tailor, 358 Old Levee Marechal J. P., Laurel n. Seventh Marengo Joseph, shoemaker, 43 Main Marero Jos. barkeeper, 110 St. Anthony Marero Joseph, 450 Marfits Marero Manuel, c. p. 40 Union, d. 3 Mares G. painter, 228 Burgundy Mares Jean, 302 Burgundy Mares Jean, 125 St. Louis Mares Paul, clerk, 105 St. Ann Mares Wm. 228 Burgundy Maret Bruno, c. h. Orleans n. Villere Marette Joseph, cigars, 286 Dauphine Marette Louis, agent, 244 Rampart Marfa M. cigars, 16 Bagatelle Marfar Joseph, laborer, 64 St. Louis Marguciles Geo. grocery, 123 Chippewa Margues Jose, 379 Bourbon, d. 3 Margui Jacques, grocer, 211 Claiborne Mariche Maria, Felicity n. Prytartia Marie Antoine Capt. 224 Toulouse Marie Francjois, lab. Chartres n. Poland Marie Jean, butcher, 44 South market Marie Jean, wheelwright, 311 Barracks Marie Jean, coal, 78 St. Philip Marie Jean, 255 Main Marie Jean Darvar, grocery and coffee house, Annette c. Claiborne Marie Jean P. milkman, Laharpe c. Broad Marie J. steward, 506 St. Claude Marie Laurant, laborer, 17 Elmire Marien Marti W. painter, 306 Melpomene Marigny Armand, 574 Rampart, d. 3 Marigny Bernard, Levee c. Marigny Marigny Greg, f.m.c. 469 Claiborne Marigny G. P. 477 Claiborne Marigny L. f. m. c. Ursulines n. Villere Marigny Mandeville, St. Charles c. Third Marigny Wm. screwman, 660 Royal Marina Antonio, 226 Toulouse Marin Charles, clerk, Common c. Front, 286 Claiborne Marin E. insp. of cust's, d. 407 Burgundy Marina Santa, 369 Villere Marine Adolphe, c. h. Third, Algiers Marine Francois, locksmith, Euterpe n. Carondelet MAR 303 MAR Maring Manuel, cigars, 328 Villere Mai-igny Orville, 322 Elys. Fields MARINO MANUEL ANT6- NIO, Ti-anslator and Pi-ofes- sox' of the Spanish, Latin, English and French Litera- ture, 33 Exchange Place. Marion Masonic Lodge, 68 St. Charles, Perdido Marinoni W. (Stciner &,• J\Iarinoni,) 45 Toulouse Marion A. clerk, 55 Royal Marion J.J. clerk, 265 Canal Marion Richard, porter, 53 Camp Marionneaux A.G. com. mer. 28 Conti, d. 394 Main Marionneaux Charles E. clerk, 28 Conti, d. 394 Main Marionneaux Henrietta, Villere, Algiers Marionneaux I. Mrs., Villere, Algiers Marioux M. F. Mrs. 218 Burgundy Marioux P. C. 216 Burgundy Mariposa Mills, 29 & 31 St. Joseph Maritanos I. barkeeper, 110 Franklin Maristany Jos. jr. grocery ,302 0.Levec,d.2 Maritche Nelson, grocer. Burgundy c.Ur- sulines, d. 253 Bourbon Maritche Nelson, jr. clerk, 253 Bourbon Mark Charles, shoemkr. n. Fourth, Grtn. Mark Edwin, 73 Carondelet Mark Ferdinand, clerk, 13 Chartrcs Markadal Fran(;ois, f. m. c. drayman, Pricur c. St. Ann Markansky Edw. tailor, 155 Dryades Markcs Felix, grocer, 237 Gravier Markey Christopher, lab. St. James n.St. Thomas Markey Daniel, IIG Richard Markey James, c. h. Robin c. New Levee Markey Michael, lab. 753 Burgundy Markey Nicholas, cabinet mkr.21 St. Jane Markey P. grocer, 202 Tchoupitoulas, 39 Poyfarre Markey Pat. Mrs. 753 Burgundy Markey Thomas, grocer, 138 Poydras, d. 190 Carondelet .Markey Thomas, cabs, 43 Marais Markham Thomas R. Rev., Laurel n. Se- cond Marks Alex., Magazine, First Marks Alex. (Hoffman &; Marks,) ^ry goods, 60 Customhouse, d. Magazine n. Jackson Marks Anthony, cooper, 17 Moreau M.irks .Adolphe, dry goods, 397 Dryades M.irks B. dry goods, H56 Magazine Marks D. H. clerk, 45 N. Levee, d. 1, d. Magazine c. Fifth and Sixth Marks Edward, 51 Trhnupitoulna Marks Edwin, arrt. Filjcity n. Magazine Marks F. clerk, 43 N. Levee, d. 75 Conti Marks Frances C. P. 361 Chartrcs Marks Geo. bakery, Rousseau n. Felicity Marks Henry, pcdler, 321 Customhouse M AEKS I. N. (Joseph H. & I. N. Marks,) d. 163 Annunciation. Marks John, tailor, 420 Poydras Marks John, 361 Ghartres Marks Joseph, d. 172 Camp Marks J. B. Mrs., Jackson n. White Marks Jonas & Co. (Joseph Marks Sf L. B. Cain,) 62 Camp MARKS JOSEPH H. & I. N., Wholesale Grocers and Com- mission Merchants, Nos. 43, 45 and 47 New Levee, and 33, 35 and 37 Fulton-st., b. Poy- dras and Gravier, d. Magazine c. Philip. Marks Margaret Mrs., Poydras, Bertrand Marks Marion H. clerk, 43 New Levee, d. 163 Annunciation Marks P. E. dry goods, 856 Magazine Marks S. F. d. Carondelet c. Fourth Marks Samuel, trader, 465 Old Levee Marks Washington, 43 New Levee, 163 Aimunciation • Markstein F. shoemaker, 15 Spain Marlat J. 45 St. Bernard Marley Albertus, 262 St. Peter Marley Emile, 391 Customhouse Marine John, carpenter, 474 Dryades Mariue Albert B. carpenter, 474 Dryades Marmellion E. D. Dr., Josephine, St. Charles and Prytania, apothecary. Royal c. St. Ann Marmeon Arthur, agent, 236 Magazine Marmion Louis A. lab. St. Charles, Second Marmion R. porter, 53 Camp Marmousset B. Mrs., Broad n. Main Marmouzct Andre, butch. 86 Frencii mkt Marmu C. photographs, Royal c. Conti Maroney John, contractor, d. 44 Girod Marony' Thomas, carpenter, 260 Calliope MarotE. V. d. 454 Carondelet Marow Edmund, lab. Adele n. Rousseau Marow James, Foucher n. Calliope Marqua Felix, grocer, 73 Basin Marques Antonio, fish agent, 281 O. Levee Marques A. St. Joseph c. Levee Marques Edward, accountaat, 34 Chartres Marques PVancisco, jr. 251 St. Ann Marques Francisco,c. h. Trcme c.O. Basin Marques F. E. 299 Bourbon Marques Jean, Treme market Marques Julia Mrs. dressmakg, 214 Canal Marquet Virginia Mrs. 60 St. Philip Marquette E. E. 136 St. Philip Marquette John, soda. Camp c. Calliope Marquette Mrs. Gnatmen c. Bagatelle Marqucz Antonio, 132 Treme Marquiz Arthur, c. p. (night,) 261 Villere Marqucz A. clothinir, 241 Old Levee, d. 2 Marquez F. Old Basin n. Marais Marquez Joseph, 32 St. Anthony Marquez Matthew, disliller,238 Frenchm. Marquez R. 172 Hospital MAR 304 MAR MarquezSanches, f. m. c. 183 Villere Marqueze Adolphus, clerk, 68 Canal, d. 130 Claiborne Marqueze August, 130 Claiborne Marqueze Anloine Captain, 191 St. Peter Marqueze Emile, clerk, 130 Claiborne Marqueze E. jr. St. Peter c. Claiborne Marqueze E. & Co.f./J. S. Withers,) boots and shoes, 75 Canal, d. Chestnut c. Washington Marr Dennis, lab. 34 Religious Marr G. W. H. (Lea &<■ Marr,) attys. at law, 13 Com'l. place, d. 782 Camp Marr Hinton, clerk, 68 Magazine Marr R. H. (Lea Sf .Marr,) attys. at law, 13 Com'l. place, d. Euterpe n.Prytania Marr Thomas, lab. 189 Levee Marrell John, 528 Bui-gundy Marrec John, 404 Dauphine Marrec L. Mrs. 404 Dauphine Marrec Pierre, 404 Dauphine Marrec P. A., Craps c. Elysian Fields Marrero Jos. elk. Melpomene c. Dryades Marrero Jos. cooper, 443 Rampart, d. 3. Marrero M. Goodchildren n. Mezant Marrero Peter, sr. d. 443 Rampart, d. 3 Murrero Peter, jr. d. 443 Rampart, d. 3 Marreke G. Mrs. 446 Bourbon Marrec John, 404 Dauphine Marrel Wm. 92 Conde Marrot Bertrand, grocer, 175 St. Philip Marsa Matis, cigars, St. Anthony c. Mo- rales Marschal Jos. tailor. Prosper n. Spain Marsecano J. 34 Main Marseille F. tinsmith ,205 Bayou road Marseille Henry, printer, 77 Main Marseille John, tinsmith, 405 Bayou road Marseille John,c. p. 168 Basin MarshAlanson,CFe» &c Marsh,)36 Natchez Marsh A. coffins, 124Carondelet Marsh John C. (Marsh &f McLean,) U. S. steamboat inspectors. Custom House buildings, d. Chippewa c. St. Andrew Marsh J. D. Magazine n. Thalia Marsh J. W. D. clerk, 405 Basin Marsh W. screwman, 731 Rampart Marshall Aaron. bricklayer, 156 St. Joseph Marshall Ann F. rooms, 86 Rampart, d.l Marshall Charles, clerk, d. 146 Erato Marshall Charles L., Soraparu n. Fulton Marshall Ellen, b. h. 338 Tchoupitoulas Marshall F. A. tinworker, 8 Front Levee Marshall F. music teacher, 350 Rampart Marshall H. L. dep. constable, 61 Der- bigiiy, d. 2 Marshall James, pattern maker, Foucher c. Delord, d. Jackson n. Dryades Marshall James, carpenter, Gal vez n. Com- mon Marshall John, shoemaker, 21 Freret Marshall John, pattern maker,211 Jackson Marshall John B. shipcarpenter, Barthol- omew, Algiers Marshall Jos. c. p. Euterpe n. Franklin Marshall Justus, clerk, Gravier, 267Thalia Marshall M. A. Mrs. 21 St. John Baptist Marshall Mary Ann, 424 Bobertson Marshall Robert, (Giiddon, Marshall &f Co.) d. 467 Old Levee, d. 3 Marshall Robert jr. ( GUddon, Marshall Sf Co.) d. 451 Old Levee, d. 3 Marshall Thomas W. weigher, 396 Basin Marshall William,grocer. Baronne c. Julia Marshall William H. 182 Cypress MABSHALL WIILLIAM H. Grocer, c. Julia and Baronne. Butter, wholesale and retail. Marsner John R., Copernicus n. Third, Gretna Marsoudet Mrs. 235 Esplanade Marsoudet P. atty. at law, 235 Esplanade Marsoulin P. 92 St. Philip Marstersen John, warehouseman, 3 Front Marston C. W. clerk, 121 Canal Marston J. S. book keeper, 84 Canal, d. 192 Erato Marte Jean, laborer, 55 St. Philip Marte P. c. h. 204 Tchoupitoulas Marteau Jean, cartman, 843 Dauphine Mortel A. stables, St. Claude n. Main Martel B. R. sugar broker, 11 St. Louis, d. 159 St. Ann Martel Elizabeth, 155 Carondelet walk Martel Joseph Mrs. 208 St. Philip Marteny H. carpenter, 183 Derbigny Marth Peter, Columbus, Roman Marthesen Peter Mrs. 35 Union Marthurn Sylvestre, stables, 75 St. Claude Martial Olive, dry goods, 242 Ursulines Martin Alexis, 248'St. Peter Martin Angel, Burgundy n. Bourbon Martin Angel, c. h. 164 Ursulines Martin Anton, 426 Conti Martin Antonio, tailor and renovator, 182 Customhouse Martin A. laborer, Leed's row, Erato Martin August, plater, 41 Rampart, d. 1 Martin A. .t. c. p. 352 Rampart Martin A. Mrs. dry goods, 356 Bayou road Martin B. c. h. New Levee c. Erato Martin Brazile,fine sign mak. d. 14 Treme Martin B. F. 305 Dryades Martin Charles, barber, 372 Tchoupitoulas Martin Charles J. wharf builder, Jose- phine c. Chippewa Martin C. S. clerk, 90 Gravier, d. Fe- licity c. Laurel Martin Charles T. 795 Rampart Martin, Cobb & Co. (J. D. Cobh, John Dolhonde,) com mers. 157 Gravier Martin Dominique, carp. 188 St. Philip Martin Dwight, ( Hart &f Martin,) 13 Com- mercial place, d. 126 Julia Martin Edmund H. (Dumesnil 8f Martin,) 71 Carondelet Martin Edward, laborer, 46 St. Thomas Martin Dr. Edward, 75 Royal Martin Emile, laborer, 225 Treme Martin Emeline Mrs. 295 Baronne Martin Emily, head of Felicity n. Baronne Martin Eugene, ship carp. 408 Robertson MAR 305 MAR Martin Eugene, academy, 299 Bayou road Martin E. 28 Conti Martin E. Mrs., Erato n. Freret Martin E. B. 332 Majrazine Martin Felix, slater, 265 Main Martin Felix Mrs. 265 Main Martin Firmin, com. nier. 123 Old Levee Martin Francis, cook, 186 Roman Martin Francis, Jackson n. Annunciation Martin Francis, painter, 173 Terpsichore Martin Franijois,, fruit, &c., 265 Levee Martin F. Baronne c. Thalia Martin F. de, 474 St.Charles Martin H. carp. Cadiz n. Magazine, J.C. Martin Howard, clerk, 122 Gravier Martin J. A. B. 625 Rampart Martin James, laborer, 485 Chartres Martin .lames, Atlantic Dry Dock, Algiers Martin James D. (.yorton,J\Iosvhij &f Co.) 12 New Levee and 12 Tchoupitoulas Martin James, carpenter, 151 Main Martin J. barkeeper, 147 Hospital Martin James, mattress mak. 146 Rampart Martin Jane Mrs. dressmak. 184 Rampart Martin J. book keeper, 90 Gravier Martin James, boot and shoemaker, 4 Chartres Martin James, crockery, 152 Rampart Martin Jean Louis, gardener, French n. Urquhart Martin John, laborer, 3 Music Maitin John, Josepliine n. Chippewa Martin John, drayman, 62 Orange Martin John, bakery, 92 Basin Martin John, seaman, 469 Burgundy Martin John Mrs. 516 Burgundy Martin John M. clerk, 71 Carondelct Martm John W.Capt.,Alex n.Bouny,Alg. Martin|Jos. caulker, Bartholomew, Algiers Martin Joseph, baker, 315 Bienville Martin Joseph, laljorer, 447 Franklin Martin Joseph, slater, 203 Main Martin Joseph, paintir, 137 Marigny Martin Joseph, 349 Chartres Martin Jules, restaurant, 22 Toulouse, d. 240 Burgundy Martin Jules B. 25 Old Levee, d. 89 Main Martin J. Mrs. ]26 Julia Martin J. B. 17 Palmyra Martin J. I), clerk, Gaiennie c. New Levee Martin J. E. tailor, 35 Union Martin Leon, 250 Dauphine Martin l^ouis, carpenter, 216 Melpomene Martin Louis, laborer, 112 Howard Martin Louis, carp. Elmire n. Front Levee Martin Louis, cigar maker, 4 MARTIN L. B., Lafayette Hotel, cor. of Magazine and Julia streets. Martin Louis E. clerk, 68 Carondelet Martin Marcus, jeweler, 110 Canal Martin Maria, f. w c. 79 Bienville Martin Matthew, wood yard, 178 Julia Martin Maximillian, SH Di Hire Martin Michael, lab. Euterpe n. Baronne Martin M. druggist, 149 Chartres Martin M. barkeeper, 107 Front Martui N. Mrs. 365 Orleans Martin Nicholas, laborer, 160 Chippewa Martin N. carp. Laurel n. Lyon Jeff.City Martin Onezime, cli-rk, 82 Canal Martin P. & Co. ( Pauliu .Martin, C. Blan- cliin, .9. Girauil, B. Tiblier, .i. Pepin,) Bienville, cotton seed oil manufactory, 71 Old Levee, d. 185 Conti Martin Patrick, laborer, 104 Howard Martin Peter, laborer, 129 Levee Martin Peter Capt. 48 Enghien Martin Peter, paver, 135 Basin, d. 1 Martin Philip, tailor, 9 Hospital Martin Philip, drayman, 40 Calliope Martin Robert, warehouseman. Magazine c Common Martin Robert, laborer, d. 165 Dryades Martin Rose, f. w. c. 175 Frenchmen Martin Sabin, Dr. 121 Conti Martin Simon, 436 Basin Martin S. G. clerk, 126 Canal Martin Thomas, laborer, 194 Delord Martin Thomas, (J\Iartin &,' Kuhn,) music store, instrument maker, 62 Chartres Martin Thomas, importer of musical in- struments, 162 Chartres Martin T. A. musician, 55 Baronne Martin Valentine, 254 Orleans Martin V. J. 216 Burgundy Martin Wiley, 100 Howard Martin William, lab. Poet c. Urquhart Martin William, earn. Jackson R.R. depot Martin William, b. n. 17 Spain Martin William, f. m. c. cotton weigher, d. Galvez n. Gravier Martin William, fur. cart, Cy press n. Roman Martin W. B. slave dealer, 171 Basin Martin W. J. (J\Iartin &c Boazman,) 66 Gravier Martinez Alex, fishmonger, 505 Rampart Martinez Antonio, oys. 11 Annunciation Martinez Carmelite Mme. 102 Kamjiart Martinez Ciiarles, laborer, 546 Burgundy Martinez Charles, f. m. c. 217 KerkTec Martinez Delcampo Jos. 116 Common Martinez Domingo Mrs.c.h.Race c. Front Martinez E. Mrs. 484 Rampart, d. 3 Martinez Francisco P. acct. 9 Magazine Martinez F. P. acct. 46 Old Levee, d. 2 Martinez Jacques, 180 Columbus Martinez John, 171 St. Peter Martinez John A. laborer, 110 Frenchmen Martinez Joseph, cigars, 52 Union Martinez J. A. c. h. Carondelet c. Julia Martinez J. B. cigars, 103 St. Charles Martinez Mrs. 99 Union Martinez Manuel, f. m. c. mason, Laurel Upper Line, JefTerson City Martinez M. .50 Kerlerec Martinez M. laborer, 70 Main Martinez R. grocery, Lafayette Martinez S. P. clerk, 42 Old Levee ^larlino James Mrs. 83 Clouet Martino Nicholas, painter, 83 Clouet Martino Nicholas, sailor, 42 Mazaiit Martinoni Henry, carpenter, Dorgenoia n. Lapeyrouse Martins William, 328 Lafayette Martins William, tailor, U Hospital Martinsteen Henry 155 Canal, d. 216 Bourbon Martinsteen J. H, dry goods, 93 Royal d. 216 Bourbon Martling William, 80 St. Charles Marty J. Mrs. 148 Dauphine Marty Miguel, clerk, 396 Basin Marty Rosalie Mrs. 396 Basin Marty S. French market, d. 12 Madison Marty Frederick, c. H. 285 Julia Martz F. grocer, Customhouse & Roman Marvel N. D. dairy, Carondelet n. Third Marx A. 76 Customhouse Marx Fredk. cooper. Second c. Rousseau Marx F. tailor, 153 Hospital Marx Israel, dry goods, 389 Dryades Marx Philip, Social c. h. 72 Chartres Marx Solomon, dealer in gold chains, jewelry, and silverware, 97 Canal, up stairs Marx Semphorion, c. p. 378 Bayou road Marx S. pedler, 465 Old Levee, d. 3 Mary Emile, insptr. of weights and mea- sures, 2d dist., 147 Old Levee, d. 2 Mary Miss, variety store, Magazine n. St. Mary Marye Fritz, lab. New Levee n.'Third Marye, Abat & Cushman, 69 Carondelet Maryman Thomas, lab; Bolivar n.Gravier Marz Felix, laborer, 615 Annunciation Marz Gustav, pedler, 126 Barracks Marzloff" John, tailor, 302 Tchoupitoulas Marzoni Godenzo, butcher, 11 Dryades market Marzoni P. butcher, 41 Treme market Marzoni Theresa, variety,.? Pontalba bids Marzweiler Ant. c. h. Sixth n. Chippewa Mascari Salvador, fruit, 45 Poydras mkt Mascaro Antonio, syrup maker, 477 St. Claude Mascaro Peter, c.h.St. Louis c.Old Levee Mascas J. 258 Bourbon Mascaro Roques, driver, 230 Frenchmen Masiari Augustine, 43 and 45 Poydras mkt Masich Frank, ( Guma Sf Masich) 39 Tchoupitoulas, d. 58 Rampart Masich Peter, "Louisiana State" c.h. 187 Chartres Masicot Jules, clerk, 34 Louisa Masicot J. B. Mrs. 53 Louisa Masky John track driv.177 Tchoupitoulas Masion L., Bagatelle n. Rampart Mason Aaron, drayman. 111 Liberty Mason A. W. J. machinist, 384 Basin Mason B. c. h. Levee c. Madison Mason Charlotte, Bienville n. Claiborne Mason C. (Watts, Pleasaat Sf Co,,) 72 Magazine Mason D. B. laborer, Coliseum n. Sixth Mason Emile, f. m. c. steward 334 Cus- tomhouse Mason George W. 341 Erato Mason Harrison, Fourth n. Laurel Masonry Henry, shoemker, Magazine c. Race Mason Henry W. cotton press, d. 437 Baronne Mason Henry Dr. 118 Carondelet Mason James, fruit, 154 Camp Mason Jean, jeweler, 31 Craps Mason John, cabs, 239 Lafayette Mason John, steward, Bienville n, Villere Mason J. B. cooper, Rocheblave n. St. Philip Mason Jos. cook, 117 St. Louis Mason Joseph, shoemkr. Washington n. Laurel Mason Lola Mrs. 443 Constance Mason Mary, 123 Dryades Mason Peter, painter, 66 Bagatelle Mason W. J. clerk. Magazine Masonic Hall, St. Charles, Perdido Maspereau C. St. Claude c. History Maspereau S. 359 St. Claude Maspero P. com. mer. 35 Bienville, d. 107 Esplanade Maspuere B. butcher, 33 Poydras market Masquere E. c. h. Poydras c. Rampart Mass Philip, baker, Tonti St. Ann Massabo Vincent, shoemkr. 115 St. Philip Massana J. B. bricklayer, Melpomene n. Clara Massana Raymond, mason, 54 Franklin Massarini Leopold, painter, 328 Dauphine Masse L. c. h. St. Philip c. Dauphine Masse Louis,vegetab. 132 St. Mary's mkt Masseau Adolphe, clerk, 30 O. Levee, d. 2 Massel Louis, teacher, 323 Orleans Masset Edwd. lab. Mandeville n. Rampart Massey James, pattern makr.d.389 Liberty Massey Joseph, New Levee c. Toledano, Jefferson City Massey J. H. clerk, 2 Magazine, d. Julia c. St. Charles Massey William, brewer, 52 late 24 New Levee and 26 Bienville Massicot J.J. E. (J. L. Warner Sf Co.) d. 223 Esplanade, d. 3 Massie Charles M. ( Wilson, Massie Sf Co.) com. and tobacco mer. 32 Gravier, d. 287 St. Philip Massieu Charles, 142 Main Masson Etienne, ( E. Fay Sf Masson) up- holstery, 99 and 101 Chartres Masson Eugene, paper box inaker, 57 Bourbon Masson E. Mrs. 14 Columbus Masson E. F. (Lucas &c Masson) Royal c. Conti, d. 70 Toulouse Masson E. Mrs. 809 Levee, d. 4. Masson F. X. Rev., St. Mary's Church, Josephine, c. Constance Masson G. B. clerk, Conti c. Chartres Masson J. bricklayer, 96 Barracks Masson Michael, baker, 20 Peace Masson William, runner, Southern Bank Masson Nich. cooper, 240 UrsuUnes Massot Antoine, 28 Robertson Massot Jos. St. Andrew b. Liberty and Franklin MAS 307 MAU Massu Joseph, musician, 30 Hospital Massy M. L. Miss, portrait painter, 202 St. Ann Master J. elk. Annunciation c. Poyfarre Masterson John, Derbigny n. Gasquet Masterson John, laborer, 551 Burgundy Masterson M. marble worker, 264 Girod Masterson M., Laurel n. St. Mary Masterson R. Mrs. 129 Gasquet Mateire Widow, 211 Dauphine Mater John, 10 Rampart, d. 4 Matcro Rosa Mrs. 214 Mel]iomcne Matlield, D. tailor, 447 Kampart, d. 3 Matharan Bte. (John Lagoudrille Sf Co.) Dryadcs c, Terpsiciiore Matlic Louis, Ursuhnes n. Derbigny Mnthe S. Mrs., Roman n. Bayou road iVlathe Wm. lab. c. St. Louis and Roman Mather Francis, W. Dr. 436 St. Charles Mather Sarah Mrs. Camp n. St. Andrew Matheran J. butcher. Magazine market Matherne Paul, carpenter, 215 Union Matlies J. C. Eighth n. Laurel Mathes John, 443 St. Charles Mathet J. bread dealer, 70 St. Philip Mathew Christian, painter, d. 178 Euterpe Malhew G. printer, Josephine n. Baronne Mathews Alex. lab. Market n. Levee, d. 1 Mathews Anne Mrs. 129 Franklin Mathews D. W. Baronne n. St. Andrew Mathews James, 158 Craps Mathews John, printer, Thalia n. Camp Mathews John Dr., Gravier n. Johnson Mathews John M. D. 150 Camp Mathews Joseph, salesman, 78 Canal Mathews Mrs., millinery, 72 St. Peter Mathews Henry Mrs. 201 Bourbon Mathews J. W. 8 Tchoupitoulas Mathews Mary Mrs. Fifth n. Levoiaeure, Gretna Mathews M. drayman, Brainard n. Philip Mathews Patrick, Clara n. Clio Mathews Peter, James Mathews Phebe J., Carondeletn. Jackson Mathews Thomas, painter, 77 Foydras, d. Cypress n. Willow Mathews Thomas, 204 Vine Mathews Wm. Roy, printer, Waahington n. Rousseau Mathias F. blacksmith, 97 Rampart Mathias Jean, wood, 39 St. Philip Mathie Thos, painter. Cypress n. Willow Mathiensen Peter, 34 Marigny Mathieu C. painter, St. Andrew n. Liberty Mathieu H. f.m.c.,c. Toulouse and Roman Mathieu Jules Dr. Ill Bienville .Mathieu J. P. bakery, History c. Ratnpart Mathieu L. carp. 91 Mazant c. Rampart Mathieu M. f. w. c, 442 Burgundy, d. 3 Mathieu Pierre, lab. Whiten. Lapcyrousc Mathieu Pierre, artist, 223 Main •Vlathis Christian, Eighth n. Laurel Mathis George F. painter, 97 Trenie Mathis J. rags, c. Barrack and Theme .Mathis Jean, wood, St. Philip n. Royal Mathis Joseph, clerk, 266 St. Thomas Mathis J. F. painter, Tronic n. St. Louis Mathis Louis, warehouseman, 181 Royal Mathis Louis, d. 270 Ursulincs Mathis Louis 266 St, Thomas Mathis Martin, clerk, d. 266 St. Thomas Mathon Ferdinand, (J. Levois &f Co.) dry goods. Canal c. bourbon, d. 101 Ram- part, d. 2 Maiicola Gregoire, sailor, 113 Marais Mativon Michael, 326 Claiborne, d. 3 Matt Fridolin, shoemaker, 110 Burgundy Mattam Philip, laborer, 166 Chippewa Matte Eugene, barber, 141 Royal Matteo Antonio, 63 Klysian Fields Matthews G., Felicity n. Carondelet Matthews James, laborer, 53 Poet Matthews James S. furniture cart, 48 Rob- ertson Matthews J. screwman, 34 Poet Matthews Peter, barkeeper,356 Royal, d. 3 Matthews S. Mrs. 669 Royal, d. 3 Matthews Thos. E. slaves, 377 Chartres c. Esplanade Matthewson Evans, finisher, Algiers Matthewson Joseph, St. Philip c. Chartres Matthey Mrs. 349 St. Claude, d. 3 Matlhieu Catharine, 31 Mandeville Mattierra J. B. oysters, 146 Burgundy Mattingly Geo. assistant apothecary, 108 Canal, d. Brainard n. Jackson Mattison John, mate, iVladison McD. Mattock Richard, Levee, n, St. Ferdinand Matton Charles, teacher, 369 Marais, d. 3 Maty Peter, cartman, Villere n. Marigny Matz Jacob, grocery, 476 Dauphine Matz John J. Congress c. Moreau Matzan Henry, furniture cart, 333 Howard Matzevalde Geo. grocer, Richard c. Chip- pewa Maube John, laborer, 241 Johnson Mauberret Amede, 254 St. Louis Mauberret F. steam and sulphurous baths and perfumery, 254 St, Louis Mauberret Johaima, 246 St. Philip Mauberret John, c. P. 230 Johnson Maudin Jno. liquors. Camp n. St, Andrew Maudoux J. C. perfumery manufacturer, Bartholomew c. Burgundy Maufre M. Mrs., dry goods. 111 St. Philip Mauler Wm. painter, 47 Eiighien Maulic Charles, painter, Elysian Fields n. Claiborne Maulick David, cabinet maker, 530 Rob- ertson Maulic William, saddler, 35 Marais Maulig Fred, painter, 494 Chartres, d. 3 Maull C. C. {^Vorris J\laun Sf Co.) 22 Camp Maunius J. butcher, 40 French market Maumus Jaque8,c. h. Contic. Burgundy Maund Marianne Mrs. St. Mary^c, Rous- seau Maund Marion A. lab, St, Mary n, Rousseau Maunier Lazare, carriage manufacturer, Bouny, Algiers Maunsell Edward B. 8 St, Charles Maunsell Jno. tow boat agent,8 St. Charles, d. 370 Bourbon Maunshauser H., Barracks n. Johnson MAU 308 MAY Maupassant Mrs. 70 Frenchmen Maiipay Daniel, seedman, 61 Gravier, d. 298 Bienville Maupay Eugene, 298 Customhouse Maura Eugene, car maker, Jackson R. R. depot, d. 369 Melpomene Maureau E. tinsmith, 24 Rochebiave Maureau Joseph M. attorney at law, 50 Exchange place, d.250 St. Philip Maureau 0. L. 497 Marais Maureau Paul Mrs., Claiborne n. St. Philip Maurel A. P. Frenchmen c. St. John Baptist Maurel G. A. clerk, 21 Com'l place Maurel H. 109 Chartres Maurel Pierre Mrs. 227 Frenchmen Maurel Pierre, bread vender, 68 Ursulines Maurel R. A. clerk, 202 Port Maurer P. shoemaker, 53 Franklin Maurer John, printer, Thalia n. Camp Maurer John A. warehouse'n, 117 Clouet Maurer J. P. shoemaker, 128 Levee Maurer Peter, baker, 176 Clio Maurer Philip, gardener, 180 Clouet Maurer R., Texas cotton press, Tchoupi- toulas c. Orange Maurer Xavier, c. h. 40 St. Peter Mauret Laurent, lab.Elmire n. Front Levee Maurice C. J. intelligence office and house broker, 35 St. Ann Maurice Joseph, c. p. 365 St. Peter Maurice Joseph, 94 WashiHgton Maurice J. Dr., Rousseau c. Second Maurice Lewis, clerk, 330 Magazine Maurin Achille, clerk, 155 Canal Maurm B. 209 St. Philip Maurin Eugene, clerk. Canal c. Bourbon Maurin Jules, painter, 200 Toulouse Mauroner David, 326 St. Louis Maurras A. Mrs. 123 Main Maurras Aug. 123 Main Marras Henry, clerk, 123 Main } Maury James & Co. ('.4. B. Thorhurn,) com, mer. 99 Gravier, d. 613 St. Charles Maury B. cook, St. Louis c. Ex. place Maury John, confectionery, c. Camp and Lafayette MAURY JULIEN, Porgeron. Eneoignure Hopital et Bour- gogne,Grillespoui'Tombeaux, Verandah, etc., etc. Iron Rails, Veranda, etc., etc. c. Hospital and Burgundy. Maury Louis, vegetables, 214 Bourbon Maury L. Mrs. midwife, 214 Bourbon Maury Matthew F. clerk, 2 Union Maury S., Ursulines n. Rampart Maury William, (Maury &c Hogg,) com. niers. 84 Magazine, d. 613 St. Charles Maus Peter, drayman. Race n. Magazine Mausbach Joseph, c. h. 109 and 111 Ram- part, d. 1 Mauscau Burrell, Baronne n. Second Mauthe T.M.shoemkr.Bertrand n.Perdido Max Andw.daguerreotypist,213 Toulouse Max Felix, deputy clerk Supreme Court, d. 165 Roman Max Henry Capt. 80 Elmire Max Philip, laborer, 131 Thalia Maxemilion Frieder, lab. 455 Chippewa Maxent Adolphe, 102 Esplanade Maxent A. collector, 31 History Maxent Adolph Mrs. 380 St. Ann Maxent George, clerk, 62 Poydras Maxent Jno. book keeper ,d. 128 Tchoupit. MAXENT LOUIS F., General Commission Merchant, Im- porter of Wines, Brandies, Cordials, Fruits, etc. Sole Agt. for the celebrated brand of C. C. Haut Brion La Mis- sion, 39 late 50 Toulouse, d. 234 Bourbon. Maxent M. C. 181 Poydras market Maxent Zenon, 157 Gravier, d. 179 St. Claude, d. 2 Maxfield Charles, 298 Elysian Fields Maxwell Andrew, pilot, 371 Canal Maxwell John stevedore, 75 St.. James Maxwell John, tailor, d. 52 St. Thomas Maxwell M. laborer, d. 86 Dclord Maxwell M. Mrs., Prytaniac. St. Andrew Maxwell Peter & Co. (Gabriel W.Couves,) com. mers. 117 Gravier Maxwell Robert, clerk, 126 Canal Maxwell S. D. stevedore, 79 Mandeville Maxwell Thomas, Prytania n. Sixth Maxwell Thos. L. salesman, 57 Common Maze Louis, f. m. c. 122 Union May A. H. & Co. fC. T. Picton, Thos. C. Herndon,) cot. factors and com. mers. Factors' row, 42 Perdido, d. 137 Pry- tania MAY A. J. &CO. (Henry Gottig,) Grocers, c. Jackson and Ros- seau, d. 4. Always on hand an extensive and well assort- ed stock of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, etc. May Elias, elk. Canal c. Exchange place May Eugene, book keeper, 23 Lafayette, d. Jeff. City May George, 142 Canal May Jane, f. w. c. 448 Bourbon May John C. carver, 192 Toulouse May Joseph, cab, 111 Poet May Joseph, segars, 60 Rampart May Matthew, weigher, 125 Canal May Richard, sampler, 125 Canal MAY 309 MED May Samuel H. 7 New Levee May Temperance Mrs. 371 Franklin May Thomas J. builder, Cadiz n. Maga- zine, Jeff. City May William, lah'orer, 259 Calliope May W. R. Mrs. 371 Franklin Mayance J. c. p, d. Tonti n. Ursulines Mayans Diego, 85 Goodeliildren Mayherry J.'engineer, 100 t^t. Ferdinand Mayberry Thos. ship carp. d. 678 Fulton Maybin E. W. C. broker, 36 Carondelct, d. 229 Carondelet Maybin J. A. atty. at lavv,d.229 Carondelct iVlayd John, laborer, 262 Frenchmen Mayer Adolphus, 20 Union Mayer Aug. vegetables, 92 St. Mary 's mkt Mayer Artnur, laborer, Jersey n. Leon- tine, Jeff. City MAYER BROTHERS, (L. May- er, Ph. D. Mayer,) Importers of Cigars and Dealers in Chew- ing, Smoking and Leaf Tobac- co, Pipes, etc., 51 Tchoupitou- las, b. Natchez and Poydras. Mayer Cliristophcr, shoemaker, Jersey n. Jeff. City- Mayer Charles, 41 Perdido Mayer Catliarine, 267 Ursulinos Mayer Conrad W., Prosper n. Annette Mflyer Felix, carpenter, 84 Orleans Mayer Francois, undertaker, 2,'10 Ursulines Mayer Geo. L. L. (.Mmjcr &,• Brothers,) 51 Tchoupitoulas, d. 292 Chartres jNIayer H. builder, St. Andrew n. Howard Mayer Henry, (.Mclntyre &,- J\Iaycr,) 109 Poydras, d. 201 Basin Mayer Jacob, barber, 257 Julia Mayer Jaeol), butcher, 45 French market, d. 548 Chippewa Mayer Jacob, machinist, 20 St. Ferdinand Mayer John, 195 Baronne Mayer John, jewrifr, 105 St. Philip Mayer J. R. Mrs. 107 Spain Mayer J. F. river insjiector of customs, d. 297 St. Charles Mayer J. G. attorney at law, 386 Fulton Mayer Leon, jeweler, 5 St. Philip Mayer Louis, musician, 145 Ciiartres Mayer Mathias, 213 Si. Louis Mayer Micliaej, shoemr. Solidelle n. Union Mayer Michael, laborer, Mazant n. Royal Mayerhofer C. shoes, 530 Rampart, d. 3 Mayerosky Aug. c. )). Felicity n. Dryadcs Mayes Henry, c. p. 211 Mandeville Mayes Joseph D. atty. at law, 48 Camp Mayer Raphael, clerk, 44 Union Mayes Sarah, St. Anthony n. Prosper Mayes William H. d. 251 Mandeville Mayeur C. Mrs. 107 Spain Mayfield Frank, Cypress n. Claiborne Mayle Williarn, butcher, Claiborne mkt. Maynard C.W. steward of Pickwick Glub, 85 St. Charles Maynard Jessie, engineer, 466 F. Levoc 21 Maynard J.B. grocer, Burgundy c.St. Peter Maynard L. D. lab. 146 New Levee iVlaynard Lorenzo D. d. N. Levee b. Julia and St. Joseph Maynard W. J. broker, 100 Gravier,d.357 Bienville Mayne H. confect'ry, Felicity c. Magazine Mayo Ann Mrs., Eiiterpe n. St.Charli;s Mayo Francis, painter, 350 Royal, d. 3 Mayo Wm. T. 92 Chippewa Mayre F. builder, Orleans n. Dau))liine Mayronne J. confect'r, 886 St. Claude, d. 3 Maza Jos.cigrs.Elysian Fields c.St. Claude Maza Mateo, cigar maker, 88 St. Antluuiy Mazorat Antoine, 152 Union, d. 3 Mazerat C. E. Ill Union Mazerat Fran<^ois Mrs. 1.52 Union, d. 3 Mazerat John, 49 Urquiiart IMazerean S. Miss, 247 Treme .Mazet Louis, carpenter, 77 Union, d. 3 Mazin A. Mrs. 161 Burgundy Mazin J. R. f. m. c. screwman, 11 Music Mazin J. B. shoemaker, 248 Thalia Maziliere E. Mrs. 446 Bourbon Mazinsky J. grocer, Adele c. St. Thotiias Mazioni Jos. attorney at law> City Hall, d. 132 Levee, d. 3 Mazouri Fidelio, painter, 221 St. Ann Meal em Ueorge, lai). .>paMi n. Pro.s MAZUREAU & JARREAU, (A. Mazurea, J. Emile Jarreau,) Notarial Office, No. 30 Camp. MAZUREAU A., Attorney at Law, same ofiice, 355 Ram- part, d. 1. Mead Ashbel A. painter, Fulton n. Second Mead John, (Scoril &,- J\Jead,) 105 and 107 Chartres Mead John M. shipwright, Algiers Mead S. F. 379 Rampart, d. T Mead W. F. teacher p. s. d. 60 Clio Meader H. L. F. clerk, 22 Carondelet Meage J. 30 Poydras Meaghan Patrick, grocer, 305 Poydras Meagher J. T. carpenter, J. R. R. dejiot Meagher Wm.O. barkeeper,d.l23 St.Jane Meaker Henry, carpenter, 244 Poydras Meal Jacob, Grcatmen n. Independence Mealey Ji>hn, vegetab's,93 St. Mary s mkt Mealy John Mrs., Dehud n. New Levee Mealy W. E. aml)rotypist, 128 Poydras Means R. boilermaker and blacksmith, Levee, Algiers Meara Martin, painter, 306 Melpomene Mi'ath Andrews Mrs. 545 Rnmpart Meath John, h\b. Elysian Fields c.Girod Mechanics' and Dealers' Exc. 19Sl.Chas. Mechanics' Fire Comp'y N«. 6, Commerce Mechanics' aiui Traders' Bank, 102 Canal M'-culiff Johanna, 343 Frenchmen Meda Juan, barber, 352 Royal Medd James, western produce, 49 Tchou- pitoulas, d. 219 Rousseau Medd James, grocer, 402 Perdido MED 310 MEL Mtdder Edwd. shoemkr. Fulton a. Ninth Aiedcric L. shoemaKer, 199 Dauphiiie Mides Julie, millinery, 61 Royal Meaina G. E. slaves, Jersey n.Austerlitz, Jefferson City iVIedina John, fishmonger, 70 St. Mary's market, d. 208 Marigny Medina J. R. (J\hdina S{ Clohecy,) lumber yard, Stock Landing, Jeff. City Medinger C lUv. 53 Port Medler Jacob, butclier, 7 Eighth Medore Chas. laborer, Jefferson Medous Wm. boots, &,c. Villere, Algiers i\jedr Joseph, shoemkr. 38 South market Meeham James, salesman ,61 Customhouse iVJeehan Edwd. inspector customs, d. 214 Constance Meehan Hugh, plasterer, 88 Annunciation AJeehan Hugli, lab. 264 Customhouse Meehan John, lab. 9 Port Meehan Pat. lab. c. Pacanier and Richard Meek George H. elk. St. Charles c.Common Meek William R. tailor, 257 Calliope Meek William R. tailor, 328 St. Peter .Vlecker, Knox & Gravier Meeker Moses, Clio c. Baronne Meekins I. S. & Bro. western produce, 8 Marigny buildings Meekins Mary Ann, f. w. c. 37 Basin Meekins I. S. (I. S. Meekins Sj- Bro.) 8 Marigny buildings, d. 636 Rampart, d. 3 Meekins Rosaline, f. w. c. 599 Rampart Meekins R. L. (1. S. Meekins &{■ Bro.) 8 Marigny buildings, d. 636 Rampart Meekland Catliarine, 174 Conti Meeks Theodore, 225 Terpsichore Meelay Wm. drayman, Bolivar n. Gravier Mees lid ward, 99 Gravier Mees John, warehouseman, Montegut n. Dauphine Megget John, cotton broker, 24 St. Chas. d. 266 Carond'det Megleh John P. milk, Bernard c. Gentilly Me^uel Valery, 114 Craps Mebata Helena, 515 Robertson Mehl Wm. shoemaker. Cypress n. Roman Mehldau C. W. acct. 16 St. Louis, d. 41 St. Philip Mehle Charles, (Imban &f Mehle,) cattle men, Stock Landing Mehle Charles A. shoemak. 307 Rampart Mehler A. acct. 45 Poydras Mehler A. J. acct. 148 Customhouse Mehlmann E. cigars, 180 Tchoupitoulas Mehrer Jacob, shoemaker, Cadiz n. Camp, Jefferson City Mehrlens Hermann, 123 Rampart Mehrtens Wm. J. plasterer, St. Andrews, n. Howard Meid Peter, shoemaker, 142 Constance Meiding Edwin, warehousem. 25 Magazine Meier B. butcher, Eigiith n. Laurel Meier Charles, Jeilersoii City Meier John, drayman, Carondelet walk n. Dorgenois Meierer George, drayman, 234 Magazine Meighan John J. Dr. 4 Annunciation Meilhn J. B. tailor, 45 St. Peter Meilleur Adolphe, clerk, 189 Pimurd Meilleur Albert, shoemaker, 121 Ursulines Meilleur Alfred, clerk, 20 Union iVleilleur li. carpenter, 105 St. Ann Meilleur E. Mrs. Conti n. Roman Meilleur Frari(,xiis, 336 Claiborne Meilleur Gabriel E., Esplanade n. Broad Meilleur Gustave J. B., Esplanade c.Broad Meilleur J. A. 356 Esplanade Meilleur J. S. (Meilleur Sf Painpare,) cot- ton brokers, 123 Common, d. Espla- nade n. Broad Meilleur J., Claiborne n. Union Meilleur Louis, carpenter, 273 Thalia Meilleur Michael, shoe maiiufr. 196 Royal Meilleur Michael, 85 Columbus Meilleur M. sr. 85 Columbus Meilleur Octave jr. 209 Roman Meilleur Simon, sr. and jr. Esplanade n. Broad MeilleurTheo. Mrs. .Marigny n. Claiborne Meilleur Thomas, 100 Claiborne Meillet Simon, butcher, 71 French market Minn Nicholas, carpenter, 276 Marigny Meiandier Auguste, (C. Honold Sf Co.) 6 Carondelet, d. 120 Orleans Meiser N. tailor, 187 Baronne Meister Christopher, collector, 808 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Meister C. clerk, 306 Old Levee, d. 2 Meister George, cUrk, 306 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 7 Mandeville Meister Louis, gardener, Congress corner Goodchildre.n Meiscner Christian, carpenter, 287 Conti M(;itzler C. grocery, Orleans c. Miro Mejan E., French Consul, 75 Bourbon, d 213 Main Mekele Joseph, 65 Orleans Mel Charles, (Post S{ Mel,) 78 Poydras Mel Jacob, laborer, 103 Louisa ■ Melaiue Ellen, f. w. c. 109 St. Philip Melber Christian, shoemaker, 218 Pryta- nia near Josephine Melche Charles, c. h. 134 Levee, d. 3 Melcher F. 113 St. Philip Melchert F. F. painter, 30 Music Melchert William, clerk Soule's Commer- cial College, St. Charles c. Common Melchier Fred. cab. maker, 91 St. Peter Melchoir Fred, wood, 135 Bourbon Melder William, 56 Poet Meldrum T. lab. 38 Spain n. Chartres Melendez Jos. c. h. Burgundy c. St. Louis Miileur Auguste, ^96 Esplanade Melgrew E'. Mrs. 185 St. Peter Melhado Nathaniel, bookkeeper, d. 467 Baronne Melheran Patrick, screwman, Jackson n. Rousseau Melis Edward, waiter, 147 Bourbon Melklid H. E. cartman. Second n. Fulton Mellaerts A. A. atty. at law, 46 Ex. place Mellen Francis, laborer, 500 Royel,d. 3 Mellen W. F. principal High School, 4th district, 180 Third MEL 811 MER MELLENGER SAMUEL H. Engineer and Agent for Mer- rick & Sons' Southwark Foun- dry, Philadelphia. Office 36 Camp. Mcllenic Charles, ice, 166 Orleans M.llenr John B. 152 Spain Mcllird Johanna, I'vJ St. Mary Mrlln AiKirow,St. Pliilip n. F^ayou bridge Alilld S. watolinian, 209 Roman Mellon Thomas, caulker, Gosiin, Algiers Melon Felecite, 249 Burgundy Melon L., Barracks n. Uau]ihine Melone J. H. (Peyton .^- ..Milone,) public weighers, 65 Poydras, d. Constance c. First Melony Theresa R. grocery, 75 Philip n. St. Thomas Melville D. d. Magazine n. Robert, J, 0. Melville Geo. ropeinaker, 224 Spain Melville M. labori'r, d. 266 Dryadcs Melville Pierre, wood vender,] 1 Frenchmen Melville Wm. lab. 115 St. .\ndrew Melwin Wm. jiainter, 322 New Levee Miiiadez A., Poydras c. Baronne, d. 93 Franklin Menandez Joseph, c. h. Bourbon c. Toul. Menaiit L. bricklayer, 219 Bourbon Menard H. carpenter, d. 104 Euterpe Menard James, St. Charles c. Union Menard John, f.m.c, tailor, 79 St. Anthony Menard Joseph, agent Southern M. Ins. Co. Baton Rouge, La. 104 Canal Menard Joseph, (JilenardS,- Vignaud,) 198 Burgundy Menard J. garden seeds, 312 0. Levee, d.2 Menard L^\l•Aal^, ( J\Ien(trd &,• Vigtiaud,) 103 Canal, d. 198 Burgundy Menard & Vignaud, (Jos. ..Venarrf, Lucian ^Menard, B. 0. Vignaud,) com. niers. 104 Canal Menard Oscar, d. 198 Burgundy Menard S. d. Euterpe, Baronne MiMiard V irgil, tailor, 104 St. Anthony Menardicr J. 120 Orhaiis Mi-'iiascon J^bn, fruit dealer, 131 Chippewa Menck J., I'nion n. St. John Baptist Meiwb' R. shoemaker, 580 Burgundv, d.3 Menilell Antonio, shoemkr. 7 Mandeville Mendelsohn D. clothing, 173 Rampart, d.l Mender Frederick, lab. d. 17 Religious Meiides Joseph, acct. 15 Chartres, d. 240 Rampiirt, d. 1 T'uilouse Mendes T. clerk, 161 St, Philip Mendiola J. c, h. and grocery, Levee n. the Barracks, d. 3 Mendiverri A. ally. at law, Orleans c. Ar- siu)al alley, d. 239 lir-sulines Mendnla R, Mrs. 237 Churtres Mendold Aiitmiio, barbir, 38 .Main Mendouces Jean, butcher, 32 French mkt Miiidouzas John, butcher, 132 St, Anif Mene A. wheelwright, 382 Chartres, d. 3 Menendes John, oysters. Si. Louis c. Basin Menendes Jno.M. c,h. Villerr c. Levee, Alg. Mengelle M. (Romanchau ^' Co.) d. 122 St. Ann Mengelle Hy polite, salesman, 16 St. Charles Menger Chas. finisher, 335 Rampart, d. 1 Mengers J. d. 431 Basin Menges T. C. d. 271 Bienville Mengin Eugene, blacksmith, 270 Burgundy Meiigin Mich. lab. Royal n. Poland Mi'nhardt John, laborer, 84 Piety Menier Laurent, c. h. Villiere, Algiers Menier J. 72 Si. Louis Menies Jean, Prieur c. A'lain Menk John, laborer, 124 Rousseau Menlove Ed. com. mer. 13 St. Charles Menora Nicholas, Carondelet n. Pleasant Menn C. confec'r. Victory c. Frenchmen Meiine Peter, Annette n. Urquhart Mennegay C, Elmire n. Urcpihart Menner Henry, vegetables, Bartholomew n. Claiborne Menning F. laborer, Berlin c. Laurel, J. C. MennocTiet F. tinner, 191 Royal Menor Charles, laborer, 131 Chippi'wa MensinanChs. constable, Adelen. Tchoup. Mensman George, 697 Levee, d. Fulton n. Philip Ment Wm. grocery, Laurel c. Wash 'ton. Menu Lnwr' nee, tailor, Villere, Algiers Menuet Adoljihe, 129 Customhouse RTenvi-lle Jean, grocer, 105 Esplanade Menz Frank, blacksmith, 76 Elmire Mi'iizer Charles, tailor 80 Rampart Menzer Martin, laborer, 166 Chippewa Menzies J. jr. chief operator telegraph. Annunciation Menzies R. blacksmith, 547 St. Claude Mephrosiii Jacques, 219 Bayou road Mera L. grocer, Ramjiart c .Main Meral William, 145 Royal Meran Casimer, butcher, French market, 250 Main Meraseiau J. barkeeper, 19 Royal Merc Thomas, shoemaker, 257 Frenchmen Merc Remy, laborer, 25 Iiuh'pendence Mercadal F. jr, acct. d. 379 St. Ann MiTcadal F. c. h. Old Levee c. Madison MERCANTILE AGENCY, No. 76 Canal street, R. G. Dun & Co., late Douglass & Co., Proprietors. Mercel P. G. Mrs., Congress near Royal Mercenier Victor, a])olh'ry, 262 Dauphine Mercer Wm. N. Dr. 146 Canal Menuils John D. cooper, 168 Basin Alerix'ret Jules, ,34 Gravier Merchants Bank, 50 Camp Merchants' Cotton Press, Gaiennie c.New Levee MERCHANTS HOTEL, corner of Canal and St. Charles sts., Bret & Haller, Proprietors. Merchants' Warehouse, (C. W. Lytic,) Fulton ana New Levee MER 312 MET MERCHANTS' MUTUAL IN- SURANCE CO., Capital $500,000, John Pemberton, President, Charles LeSassier, Secretary, 103 Canal, Branch Oflaces, Elysian Fields e. Roy- al and 13 Jackson, d. 4. Mercier Justine, f. w. c, 340 Bourbon 1 Mercier M'Ue. dressmaker, 115 Bienville , Mercier A. Dr. & Chaille (Stanford E.) Circus Street Hospital, d. 198 Canal Mercier August, (BorloiUin Sf Mercier,) d. 381 Bienville Mercier Ddminique, shoes. Bayou road c. St. Claude, d. 214 Orleans I Mercier G. F. grocery, Burgundy c. Spain Mercier P. A., Dryades c. Fourth Merck Christian, carpenter, 46 France n. Daupiiine Merckle Jeannette, 478 Bourbon Merdian V. tailor, 86 Marais Mergel Mary, 78 Adele Mergy Joseph, drayman, 334 Hospital Merha Daniel, book keeper, 202 Claiborne Meric P. butcher, 2 Claiborne market MericP. salesman, 131 Canal, d. 172 Main Meriday James, pilot, Goodchildren n. Spain Merider H. Mrs., Claiborne n. Bagatelle Merilh E. clerk, 16 St. Louis Merillion Monrose, tailor, 63 Toulouse, d. 264 St. Ann Meriot J. c. p. Morales n. Spain Merito Joseph, c. h. Front c. Crossman Meriton Louis, 1 Claiborne MERKEL AUGUSTUS C. Butcher, Stall No. 46 Poydras market. Ships, Steamboats and Families supplied with Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, Sausages, Tripe, and every- thing in the butchering line, barrels and half barrels of choice Corned Beef put up to order, for cabin or family use, d. Soraparu c. Rousseau. Merkel H. singing birds, 100 Baronne Merkel Jacob, barkeeper, 252 Burgundy Merkling Jacques, 481 Dauphine Merkling John, shoemkr. 205 Frenchmen Merle J. A. feed store, 9 Conti Merles V. A. tailor, 26 Orleans Merley E. Customhouse n. Roman Merli Mrs. 83 St. Philip Merlin Jeronie, hair dresser, 112 Royal Mernfield H. C. sign painter, 163 Gravier Merrer Philip, carp. Eighth n. New Levee Merriam A. W. billiards, basement St. Charh's hotel, n. c. Gravier Merrick Edward Thomas, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, d. Napoleon avenue n. Pitt, Jefferson City Merrick J. furnisher, 2 Constance Merrill Henry ,engin'r. Dryades c. Calliope Merrill John, 225 Orleans Merrill J. A. Dr. 7 Carondelet Merrill Lucien, Felicity n. Coliseum Merrill Lucy, c. h. 260 Magazine Merrill William, printer, 334 Camp Merritt Charles, warehouse'n, 42 History Merritt D. sexton of Cypress Grove Ceme- tery, d. Bayou St. John Merritt John, 135 Craps Merritt John B. Montegut n. Moreau Merritt N. B. clerk, 278 Howard Merriweather August, lab. 181 Howard Merryman Thomas, Bolivar n. Common i Mersenski , gro. Felicity n. Pacanier Mertand Salvatory, fruit, 219 Rampart, d.l Mertens Clara, Independence n. Dauphine ; Mertens W. mer. 25 Com'l place j Mervaux D. clerk, 116 St. Peter ' Mertz Chas. Rev., Prieurn. Customhouse Mertz George, c. h. Toulouse c. Villere Mertz Peter, drays, 110 Spain Mertz Urhela, variety store, 177 Dryades Mertzweiler A. c. h. Sixth c. Chippewa Mertzweiler G. gro. Richard n. Pacanier Mi;rx George, Rousseau n. Felicity Merz B. shoemaker, 127 Levee, d. 3 Merz John, butcher, 23 Dryades market Merz John, lab. Soraparu n. Chippewa Merz Michael, laborer, 188 Levee Meschler Mary, fruit, d. 434 Carondelet Meschino Gabriel, Rousseau c. Bourbon Meser Andrew, coolc, 117 Treme Mcshenoki Julia Mrs. 378 Melpomene Meslier E. G. clerk, 15 Carondelet Mesmer George, shoemkr. 164 Robertson Mesnel Edward, clerk, 23 Magazine Mesner Fred, fruit, 77 Front Levee Mesquita P.&Co. oyster deal's., 42 Fulton Mesritz B. O. clothing, 13 Front Levee, d. 2, d. 117 Maraia Mesritz J. furn'g store. Front c. Crossman Mess John, 46 Montegut Messar Paul, carpenter, 18 Union, d. 3 Messerschmidt Jacob Mrs. 165 Clouet Messina Guyetano, fruit, 46 St. Philip Messner Casper, tailor, 573 Tchoupitoulas Messner Frederick, fruit, 27 Levee, d. 3 Messonier A. Mrs. 225 Kobertson Messonier Ellen Mrs. 290 Roman Mestermaker Henry, engn'r. 231 Franklin Mestermayer Henry, Magazine n. Orange Mestier Louis, c. h. 327 Old Levee Metcalf Charles, elk. Customhouse c. Old Levee, d. 456 Carondelet Metcalf G. D. com. mer. 54 late 34 Poy- dras, d. Magazine n. Lyon, Jeff. City Meteye Alphon. pap^r hanger, 115 Treme Meteye Clodimer, carpenter, 364 Main Meteye Jules, clerk, 115 Canal Methodist Church, St. Anthony n. Baga- telle M&thodist Church, Louisia c. Morales Metter Jacob, butcher, c. Constantinople and Laurel, Jefferson City Metozer E. 249 Villere,d.2, 121 Ex. place MET 813 MEY Metrail Louis, broker and agent, d. 146 Main Metropolitan Seminary, Napoleon av. n. Chestnut, JelRrson City Mettuxa A. Mrs. 157 Barracks Mettetat Frederick, lal.orer, 24!) Claiborne Mettetat Frederick, hil)orer, 2'M Robertson Melting B. Mrs. US Bienville Metz C. C. Rev. 30 Prieur Mitz Eliza, 87 St. Philip Metz Fritz, Bourbon n. Claiborne, d. 3 iMetz .lohn, Soraparu n. Chipjiewa Metz Louis, blksmith, 356 Customhouse, d. 17 Roman Metz Michael, Mazant n. Royal M( tz Peter, vegetables. 68 Port market Metz Philip, founder, Polymiiia n. Camp Meiz Ursula Mrs. dry goods, 475 Dryadcs Mitzer Joseph, Eighth n. Laurel Metzer Ri'gina,s!ioes, Magazine n. Pleasant Mi'tzger Bernard, .Jackson n. Rousseau Metzger John A. 64 Music Metzger M., Tchou}utoulas n. Seventh Metzler C. A. 44 Union iVletzler Michl. carpi-nter, Freret n. Erato Mi-tzler Paul, shoemaker, 201 St. Anthony iMi'uer Andrew, 241 Love Meugens H. Mrs. d. 404 Camp Meunicer B Mrs., St. Philip n. Dauphine M'Hinier A. clerk. Hospital c. Chartres Meunier Edmond, atty. 118 Exchange place, d. 78 Spain Meunier Etienne, 99 Ursulines Meunier Eugene F. cltrk, 99 Ursulines Meunier Franfoi.'', wohd, 315 St. Philip M'unier F. drygoods, Dauphine C.Orleans Meunier Henry, 83 Conde Meunier Jerome, atty. at law, 43 Exchange l)lacc, d. Burgundy n. Barracks Meunii-r Jos. Mrs. cloth 'g, 325 0. Levee Meunier Jules, clerk, d. 99 Ursulines Meunier Pierre, carp. 419 Robertson Meuier Lawrence, clerk, Algiers Mi'ura J. 65 Orleans Meurice Mrs. 446 Chartres, d. 3 Mensman George, Slate tax collector, St. TlnuTias n. St. Philip MeuxT. 0. Dr. 181 Canal, d. Canal n. Dryades M. vers B. 253 Orleans Ml vi-rs C. L. Mrs., Marais c. Toulouse M'ves P., Rampart n. Montegut Mi'ws Peter, lab. 727 Rampart, d. 3 Mexican Consulate, 116 Customhouse Mexican Gulf Railroad, oflice 90 Common; station, St. Claude c. Elysian Fields, W. G. Bakewell, compirnller Meyer Abraham Mrs 45 Marigny Mi'yer Ant. Mrs., Orh^niis n. Johnson M'yer A. clothing, .36 Girod, d. 1 Mi-yer A. barlji-r, 11] Tclioupi. n. Girod Meyer A. E. Col. quartermaster U. S. army, oifice 118 Camp Meyer B. bulcherj 1 Dryades market Mi'yer Bernard, laborer, 58 L"ssi-j)s Ml yer Charles, barkee|)er, 77 Magazine M. yer Benj. grocer, Gra\iiiers Michel Tardy, Valcn.-e n.New Levee,J.C. Michell Anna W. d. 75 St. Aiidriw Michell F. baker, d. !258 Conti Miehfll F. baker, V2S Marais, d. 2 MiclicU Lazare, baker, 3(t2 Dauphine Miehrll M. baker, St. Claude c. St. Peter Miehrll Melehoir, baker, 'JH Carondelet Michrll Slephrn C. 4^1 Bu-onne Michels Charles, tailoi', W2 Treme MichfeltiT .Tohn M. porter Citizen.s' Bank, d. 35 Franklin, d. 1 Michie J. J. d. 151 Canal Miehelot .T. liquor and ystc-rs, 151 Maruird Mieou A. D. Mrs., Carondelet n. Delord Micou Isaac M. atty. at law,2(; ConLjilace Micoud L. M. clerk, 209 Bayou road Midden B.M.Mrs. milliner. Levee n. Third Middendorf John, G7 Mandeville .Middlemiss Pi-ter, builder and carpenter, 4(12 Baronne Middleion H. Mrs. 81 Cypress Middleion Walter, laliorer, 17 Fourth Middleion W. G., Thalia n. Magazine .Mieg Louis, clerk, .58 Old Levee .Miejile Francois, butchi-r, JefTerson City Mielheiser A. musician, 355 Charires, d 3 Mielly F. tailor, 55 St. Ann MierholT Henry, furniture carl driver, 6G3 Charires Miers A. ganlener, Pryndes n. Philip .Miesgar Fi-mando, 134 St. Philip Mi ster Henry, 5f)4 Si. Claude M ■ sler N. tailor, 287 Baroinie Miei .\nloine, shoemaker, 235 Orlenna Mafflin Charles, superintendent reading rocuns, St, Charles c. Common Misraud A. Mrs. 581 Annunciation Migaud A. A. pilot, 581 .'\nnunciation Miirel John, blacksmith, 77 Pietv Migliore Nicholas, 727 C irondelet, d. 4 Mi:jot Prancois, tailor, 3.52 Dauphine Mi^uelJ. F. lab. Morales c. St. B.-rnard Mifil I'.dw. lab. lndependeiic(> n. Daupiiine Mihr Margaret, midwife, 358 Mairazinc Milir \Vm shoi'inaker, 358 Magazine Mike George, St. Mary n. Chippewa Mike! Carl, sausages, '.)] Inrb'peiidence Milbank N. sign paint. 552 Tchoupitoulas Milbrough E-Varpenicr, 207 Liberty Milch A. manufacturer musical instru- ments, 115 Exchange place Miles Agnes, f. w.c. oysters, 126 Dryades Miles Dr., Prvtania c. Euterpe Miles Ellen, 54 Felicity Miles Henderson, wood passer, N. 0. J. and G. N. R- Miles John, blacksmith, c. h. 221 Tchoup, Miles Laurence, laborei , 83 Delord Miles Sarah Mrs. d. 16 Natchez Miles W R. ( Kennedy &c Miles,) 26 St. Charles, d. Prytania c. First Millms Doniinique, 5 St. Mary's market Milhas Etienne, butcher, 85 French mkt Milhas FraiK^ois, milk, Marigny n. Force Millan T. Jean, 166 Gravier Millans Rebecca, 178 Liberty Millard Georgia 33 Exchange place Millard Loui.s-a Mrs. .537 Carondelet, d. 1 Millaud A. carpenter, 79 Laharpe Millaudon B. Z. 114 B()url)on Millaudon Henry, poulterer, 740 Burgundy Millaudon Laurent, mere. 114 Bourbon Miller Abraham, cabinet niak. 73 Laurel Miller Adam, c. h. Magazine c. Ninth Miller Alexander, c. h.'35 Hospital Miller Andrew, grocery, 694 Royal, d. 3 Miller Anna Mrs". 277 Camp Miller Antonio, Freret n. Gravier Miller AuiTust, butcher, Milan n. Lire Oak, JefTerson C.\\y Miller A. dentist, 133 St. Jnsi'ph Miller A. clerk, 361 Bienville Miller A. shoemaker, 107 Marais Miller Ben. cartman, Fi'licity n. Carondelet Miller Benedict, 160 Old Levee Miller Benjamin, Ihl). Second n. Laurel Miller Bernard, laborer. Seventh n. An- nunciation Miller Bernard H. confect'er, 21 Jackson Miller B. Mrs., Carondelet n. Jackson Miller B. A. Mrs. grocery, 132 Julia Miller B. C, Bisin n. Clio Miller* Gerhart, (B. Millrr, M. Grrbart,) butchers, 33 and 35 French market, d. 85 Calliope Miller Casper, clerk, 83 St. Charles, d. 51 Villere Miller Charles, laborer, 96 Conpress Miller Charles, blacksmith, 11 .Spain Miller C. P. Mrs. 109 Marais Miller Charles, clerk, 48 Charires MIL 316 MIL Miller Cliarli's,baikeep>-r,36] O. Levee ,d.3 iVIillir Christian, carp. 43 Spain Miller Christian, blacksmith, 111 Morales Miller Christian H. confectionery, Mew Levee c. Jackson Miller C. barkeeper, Market n. Pacanier Miller C. 196 Rampart, d. 2 Miller Connade, tailor, Union n. Frenchmen Miller C, Prosper n. Frenchmen Miller C. C. (Cory &c Miller,) Gravier c. New Levee Miller C. piano teacher, 11 Marais Miller & Co. paints, 132 Camp, opp. La- fayette square Miller Conrad, tailor, Union n. Frenchmen Miller C. Prosper n. Frenchmen Miller C. 61 Louisa Miller C. D. clerk, 100 Gravier, d. 120 Constance Miller C M. shoemaker, 182 Girod Miller D. laborer, Second n. Rousseau Miller David C. clerk, 61 Magazine Miller Eliza, fine washing, 99 Conti Miller Elizabeth, 241 Canal Miller E. A. carpenter, 343 Poydras Miller E. laborer, Villere n. Enghien Miller Francis, clerk, d. 151 Dauphine Miller Francis, Sixth n. Laurel Miller Frank, Johnson n. Lapeyrouse Miller Fred., Harmony n. Baronne Miller Gaspard, Laura n. Milan, Jeff. C. Miller George, baker, 27 Chestnut Miller George, barkeeper, 49 Front Miller George, baker, 131 Thalia Miller George, printer. Union c. Solidelle Miller George, shoemaker, 159 Prieur Miller George W. general commission merchant, 34 Bienville, d. 278 Baronne Miller Gustave, jeweler, 397 Customhouse Miller G. F. A., Felicity n. Baronne Miller Henry, c. h. 246 Levee Miller Henry, finisher, 321 B;isin Miller Henry, clerk, 35 Carondelet Miller Henry, clerk, billiard room, under St. Charles Hotel Miller Henry shoemaker, 755 Dauphine Miller Henry, tailor, 313 Old Levee, d. 2 VI i Her Henry c.h.Tchoupitoulas c. Gravier Miller Herman, 397 Customhouse Miller Herman, 358 Philip Miller H. C. ( H union Sf Miller,) U. S. dist. atty. 38 Camp, d. 94 Constance Miller H. W. painter, Cypress n. Magnolia Miller Jacob, 280 Magazine Miller Jacob, shoemaker, 7 Poydras Miller Jacob, laborer, 305 Mandeville Miller Jacob, laborer, 240 Goodchildren Miller Jacob F. turner, 528 Bargundy,d. 3 Miller Jacob, drayman, 390 Orleans Miller Jacob, shoemaker, 123 Foucher Miller Jacob, cabinet maker, 366 Custom- house Miller James, machinist, 40 Julia Miller James C. d. New Levee, btw. Julia and St. Joseph Miller James, engineer, 50 Spain Miller James, f. m. c. 55 Baronne Miller Johanna Mrs. d. 595 Magazine Miller John, laborer, Clara n. Common Miller John, f. m. c. barber, 391 Julia Miller John, laborer, 387 Ursulines Miller John, 423 Bourbon, d. 3 Miller John, porter, 84 Canal, d. 436 Constance Miller John, stevedore, 368 0. Levee, d. 3 Miller John, Locust n. Cyjiress Miller John, mate, 65 Enghien Miller John, eggs, 328 Magazine Miller John, 142 Ursulines Miller John, 218 Marigny Miller John, laborer, 379 Hospital Miller John, 261 Melpomene Miller c. p. 83 Frenchmen Miller James, laborer, 171 Main Miller James, clerk, 550 Magazine Miller John, cart driver, 429 St. Charles Miller John, sail bender, 55 Religious Miller John B. cook, 93 Bienville Miller John H. builder, 38 Rousseau Miller John H. clerk, 305 Conti Miller John H., Seventh n. Chestnut Miller John L. 128 Royal Miller John L. printer, 320 Erato Miller John T. laborer, 256 Orleans Miller Joseph, drayman, 218 Marigny Miller Joseph, shoemkr. 400 Customhouse Miller Joseph J. c. h. 53 Orleans Miller Joseph J. Polymnia n. Prytania Miller Julius, tailor, 105 Treme Miller J. F. turner, Moreau n. Mandeville Miller J. L. printer, Erato n. Liberty Miller J. M. pedler, 374 Magazine Miller J. W. engineer, 317 Chippewa Miller Lena Mrs. 37 Spain Miller Leonard, laborer, 70 Union Miller Louis, cooper, 109 Marais Miller Louis, combmaker, 260 Lafayette Miller Martin, grocer, Liberty n. Josephine Miller Mary Mrs., Harmony n. Constance Miller Matilda, 361 Old Levee Miller Mathias, laborer, 115 Bienville Miller Merritt B. 22 Bienville Miller Michael, laborer, 13 Rlysian Fields Miller Michel, nightman, 223 Villere Miller Michel, fruits, 202 Tchoupitoulas Miller Mitchell, grocer, Geiuilly road Miller M. c. h. Gleise's row, Poydras Miller M. (Kennett, Blood &f Co.) 66 Ful- ton and 63 Front, d. 1, d. 4 Gasquet Miller M . M. billiards, 105 Gravier, d. 297 ■ St. Charles Miller Nicholas, shoemaker, 21 Gravier Miller Nicholas, 79 Canal, d. Felicity n. Howard Miller Nicholas, pedler, 173 Richard Miller Nicholas, coffee, 59 North market Miller Peter, shoemaker, 26 Orleans Miller Peter, wheelwright, 69 St. Andrew Miller Peter, lab. St. Andrew n. Rosseau Miller Peter, seaman, 56 Enghien Miller Peter, J. 441 St. Charles Miller Peter, grocery, 289 Tchoupitoulas Miller Peter, fruits, 196 Tchoupitoulas Miller P. oyster house, Philip c. Rousseau Miller Robert, pilot, 94 Piety- Miller Robert, Empire c. h. New Levee c. Jackson, d. Jackson n. Fulton Miller Robert Mrs., St. Tliomas n. Philip Miller Robert Mrs., shoes, 2'2-2 Tchoupit. Miller Saml. tailor, Pleasant n. Constance Miller S. B. (Beds &>■ Miller,) 7 Triangle buildins^s Miller S. J. pewter, d. Theresa n. Tchoup. Miller S. J. Mrs. dressmaker, 57 Marais Miller S. M. clothing, 309 Old Levee, d. 2 Miller Thos. Mrs. grocer, 15G Claiborne Miller Thomas, tailor. Union n. Solidelle Miller Thomas, Religions n. St. Marv,d.l Mill<-r Thomas D. (J. JV. liurbrulge &f Co.) 150 Gravicr, d. 2'2i Jackson Miller V. grocer, 46 St. Anthony Miller William, tailor, 19 Magazine Mill(>r William, ship carp. 214 Mandeville Miller William, lab. Annunciation n. First Miller William, lab. Clara n. Common Miller William, cook, 189 Bienville Miller William, watchman, Peter, Algiers Miller William, screwman, 6 Poet Miller William, carp. 230 New Levee Miller William, carpenter, 356 Constance Miller William C. clerk, 32 Poydras Miller William L. Capt. 126 Gasquet Miller W. H. baker, 362 Magazine Miller W. R. carp. Harmony n. Constance Millet G. clerk, 208 Royal Milliere Louis, teacher, 131 Annette Milliet A. knife grinder, 15 North market Milliet F. broker, 72 St. Peter Milliet Mrs. school, 72 St. Peter, d. 2 Milliet S. butcher, St. Thomas c. Pleasant Milli'tte Antonio, shoemaker, 103 Villere Miliiken Mrs., Craps c. Elysian Fields Milliken R. A., First n. St. Charles Million John, tailor. Third n. Constance Million J. dray, Polymnia n. St. Charles Million Marx, carp. First n. Magazine Million P. A. wines, 189 Customhouse Millions Rebecca, 178 Liberty Millon Maurice, f. m. c. 417 St. Ann Millord Louise, J, 148 Ursulines Miiise Solomon, clerk, U. S. warehouse Moise T. S. artist, Cam|i n. Julia Moisenet Felix, ambrotypist, 6 Camp Moiset A. barber, 88 St". Charles Mnk.frldi J. F. shoemaker, 59 Girod Mok>']y Thomas, cooper, d. 112 Gravier Moladon A. butcher, 39 Poydras market Molaison Dorville, clerk, 739 Rampart M'llaison Jaques, Goodchildren n. Clouet Molaison Jacques Mrs. 739 Ramjiart Ml liaison J. Mrs., Bagatelle n.Goodchildrcn Molaison Jules, clerk, c. Main and Broad Mnldanur D. tailor, 121 Marais Mold,. John, 223 Morales M'.iilen Daniel, 25 Marisrnv Molina Manuel, 46 Si. Philip Molinany A. grocery. Frenchmen c. Sol- idelle .Molinary A.paintcr,25St.John Baptist, d.3 Mi>lidor Jacob, V(>getabh's, 12 Dryades mkl M-.lina B. clerk, d. 241 Royal Molitor John, tailor, 111 Perdido Molney H. W. joiner, Alg. Molony Chas.steamboatman,376 Chartres Molony Mary, charcoal, Thalia n. An- nunciation Molony Matthew, blacksmith, 79 Deiord Molony & Brother, f.V. S. Molony, If. P. Molony,) com. mers. 38 Poydras Molony P! lab. d. 59 Constanc'o Molony P. clerk, leleffraph office, Gravier C.St. Charles, d.'392 Terpsichore Molony Timothy, boatman, 144 N. Levee Molony W. portrait painter, 8 St. Charles Molony W.P. (Molony «,- 7J)-o.;38Poydras Molton John, 333 St. Claude Moll M. Dr., Ursulines c. O. Levee Moll J. apothecary, 72 Roman Moll Ludwig, carpenter, 77 Spain Mollay P. teacher, 142 Urquhart Molle Chas. painter, 66 St. Peter, d. 191 Rampart Moller H(Miry, Chartres n. Frances Moller M. H". tailor, 154 Rampart, d. 3 Mollere Theodiel, carp. 385 St. Ann MoliierAntoine,organgrinder,202 Bourbon Mollier Caliste, bricklayer, 55 Union Molliere C. & L. painters, 110 Poydras, d. Felicity n. Magazine Mollix Peter, cartmair,Eutcrpc n. Franklin Mollman B. J. 639 Royal Mollo Lucicn, grocer, llrsulincs c. Marais Molloy Elizabeth Mrs. grocery, 58 Julia MoUoy James, laborer, 65 Julia Molloy John, Kranklin n. Lii)erty Molloy John, atty. at law, 40 Franklin Molloy John, porter, 125 Common Molloy Morris, laborer, St. Ann c. Miro Molloy Morris, jiedier, 435 St. Ann Molnick Peter, furniture cftrt, Euterpe n. Pry tan ia Moltce Fri'd. 135 Frenchmen Mompclly Louis, ]ilast(M-er, 71 Marais Momus Jean, butcher, 2 and 4 Tremo mkt. Momiis John, butcher, French market, d. 46 Orleans Momus P. St. Clair, at A. D. Grieff & Co. 54 Louisa Monaghan Burncy, deputy street commis- sioner, 210 St. Mary Monaghan James, laborer, 65 Foucher Monaghan John, laborer, Felicity c. Bac- chus and Ajiollo Monaghan Lawrence, carp. 136 St. Andrew Monaghan Margrct,machn)isi,21 Chestnut Monaghan Thomas, 59 Annunciation Monaghan Wm. book kpr. Armstrong's foundry, d. Felicity b. Cliipp.& Fulton Monaghan Wm. 570 Tchoupitoulas Monahan Bart, laborer, 377 Perdido Monahan B. 125 Gasfpiet Monahan John, lai>orer, 140 Liberty Monaiian J. Rev. 355 Rampart Monahan Michai I, grocer, 195 Franklin Monahan M. barkeeper, 30 Prytania Monahan Michael, machinist, 21 Chestnut Monahan Michael, lab. 360 New Levee Monahan Patrick, lab. d. 67 Polymnia MON 320 MON Monahan 0. S. laborer, 248 Poydras Monahan Pat. lab. Rertrand n. Gravier Monahan Rich'd. scre\vman,271Chippewa Monahan WnT. lab. 280 Tchonpitoulas Monahan Wni. blacksm. d. 120 Euterpe Monarch Fire Ins. Co. 136 Common Monasterio A. provisions and groceries, 259 Old Levee, d. 2 Peter, Algiers Monasterio C. c. h. 263 Old Levee, d. 2 Monasterio Jos. G. cigars, 560 Magazine Monat John B. wheelwright, 481 St. Claude Monbeig Aug. 44 St. Phtlip Moncrif G. manager sug. plantation, Alg. Monday Geo. blacksmith, 90 Wash. ave. Monday Geo. blacksmith, 122 Poet Monde Louis, bricklayer, 379 Villere, d. 3 Monde Michael, Roffignacn.Tchoupitoulas Monde Simeon, inspector of customs, 309 St. Claude, d; 2 Monde Simon, watchmkr. 217 St. Claude Monde Steplien, 84 Hospital Mondelli E. painter, 77 Exchange place, d. 230 Claiborne Mondelli H. Mrs., Marais n. St. Philip Mondelli J. A. jr. painter, 119 Ex. place Mondorere John, potatoes, 425 Dauphine Mondier Jos. cartman. Arts c. Girod Mondinger John, Sixth n. Fulton Mondon John, c. h. Basin c. Gravier Moneai Henry, c. h. Dryades n. Thalia Monegan Bernard, screwnian, Claiborne n. Canal Monehan Lawrence, carp. d. St. Andrew n. Annunciation Monestes John, " Little Exchange," c. h. Chartres c. St. Louis Monette Peter, carpenter, 8 Poet Money J. tailor, 134 Basin, d. 2 Money John, fruits, Villere, Algiers Monfort Antoine, shoemaker, 263 Roman Monfort Pierre, shoemkr. 338 Rampart, d. 3 Monge M., Robertson c. Kerlerec Mongeon Louis, printer, 210 Rampart, d. I Mongole N. 167 Eiysian Fields Mongolt Charles, laborer, 174 Levee Monheimer Asher, (Benthuysen, Lewis &{ Co.) 121 Canal Moniac Jules, d. 2 Claiborne Mnnie Daniel Mrs., Royal n. Mazant Monier J. B. brass founder, 134 Chartres Monier J. B. d. 142 Eiysian Fields Monier Jacques, carpenter, Rocheblave n. Hospital Mouier Louis, carpenter, McD. Monier Louis, variety store, 126 Conti Monis Boniface, cigars, 458 St. Claude, d. 3 Monis J. carp. Rocheblave n. Hospital Monju A. & Co. (JW. Purs,) syrup manu- factory, 474 St. Claude Monlezun Jean, butcher, 64 French mkt. Monlezun Jos. c. h. Old Levee c. Madison Monneau Honore, 287 Roman Monneau Honore, 145 Johnson Monnory A. Mrs. 144 Rampart Monnerjohn John, b. h. Tchoupitoulas Monnet Henry, tailor, 118 Bienville Monnet J. wheelwright, 67 St. Philip Monnier A. c. h. Old Levee c. Madison Monnier Aug. H. (Duclos 8f Co.) 57 and 59 Bienville Monnier Eugene, wheelwright, Barracks n. Prieur Monnier Marc, carpenter, 419 Villere Monnier S. Mrs. midwife, 123 St. Ann Monnoir Mary, f. w. c. 150 Bienville Monplaiser Jos. shoemkr. 214 Esplanade Monrghan Jno. lab. d. Felicity n. Baronne Monroe Charles, jeweler, 129 St. Andrew Monroe Chas Mrs. 193 Bienville MONROE DANIEL, Under- taker. Coffins and Hearses always in readiness. Metallic Coffins and Coffins lined with lead at short notice, 164, late 200, Camp. Monroe John, marble worker, 170 Julia Monroe John T. mayor of New Orleans, office City Hall, 323 Magazine Monroe John, clerk, 131 Canal Monroe Mercelen, carp. 150 Toulouse Monroe Richard, laborer, 70 Race Monroe S. laborer, 403 St. Ann Monrosc John, cigar maker, 132 Bienville Monrose Joseph, carp. 330 St. Claude Monrose J. G. clerk, 73 Carondelet Monrose L. clerk, 71 Carondelet Monsen John, c. h. 236 Gravier M onsen Peter, carp. 143 Lafayette Monsobert Charles, 343 Marais Monsseaux Joseph, 163 Eiysian Fields Monsseaux P. H. marble yard, St.Louis c. Robertson, d. 443 Hospital Montagnan M. professor Jesuits' College Montag'net Jean P. undertaker, Bayou road n. White Montal Francjois, f.m.c. grocery, 71 Love Montal Valery, f.m.c. milk, 745 St. Claude Montamat A. clerk, 165 Marais Montamat C. E. 165 Marais Montamat F. E. Dr., Jena n. Jersey, J. C. Montamat Gabriel, 165 Marais Montamat Jules, clerk, 165 Marais Montamat J. D. clerk. 62 Magazine, d. Marais n. St. Ann Montamat J. G. inspector of customs, d. 258 Main Montamat J. P. 196 Treme Montamat Louis, inspector of customs,362 Bourbon MoatamatL. F. 8 St.Louis, d.202St.Philip Montane Jean, 325 Bayou road Montane J. B. blacksmith, 332 Royal, d.3 Montant F. 29(5 Ursulines Montanye Abraham, 28 Gravier Montar Salvado,c.h. Levee c. Valence ,J.C. Montardier Charles, hatter, 61 Chartres Montardier E. N. clerk, 28 Carondelet, d. 105 Chartres Monlardon M. grocer, Villere c. Orleans Monte Pierre, 110 St. Philip MON 321 MOO Montoagado Joachim, cigar maker, 463 Villure Monti-aup Louis, 87 Elmire Moiitraiix J., Canal, Marigny Miiiii(.'ru F. R. cigars, 148'Ui')arhon MoiUi'gut Etigar, sccry. of the 3 draining districts, 45 Ex. place, 159 L<'voe,d.3 Montegut Felix, bricklayer, 394 Rampart, Montegiu F. 60 St. Philip Montegut F. c. Main and Rampart Montegut G. M. Mrs. 19G Burgundy iVIoniegut Gabriel, (K. G. Latling &,• Co.) 196 Burgundy Mont(>gut Jos. cigar maker, 237 St. Peter Montegut P. butcher, 19 French market, d."85 St. Peter Monteri Frank, lab. Marigny n. Chartres Montesquieu Rose, 314 Claii)orne Montet P. coal and wood, 71 St. Claude Montfalcon Francis, shoemaker, 65 Main Montfort Hy. clerk, Dauphinec. Toulouse Montfort J.J. grocer, Duuphine c. Toulouse M(U)tg(imery Agnes Mrs. 3'23 Liberty Montgnm.'ry Alexander, Prytania c. 7th Montgomery Alexander, seaman, 32 Poet Montgomery Archibald, mer. 141 Canal, d. 295 Bourbon Montgiuiiiry (.1. R. .Mnnts;omery, James ^8. IfVii/f ,^ com. mers. 119 Common, d. Esjilanade c. Bourdon Montgomery Catharine Mrs. 455 Rampart Montgomery D. clerk, 312 Baronne Montgomery Edward 155 Common Montgomery Geo. 227 Esi>lanade, d. 3 Montgomery G. d. 325 Villere,d. 3 Montgomery Jas. Mrs. 551 Burgundy, d. 3 Montgomery Jas. carp. d. 64 St. Tluimas Montgomery John, cooper, 64 New Levee Montgomery J. acct. d. 339 Bienville Montgomery & Hall, (J. S . .^^onlgomery , W. E. Hall,) com. mers. 73 Caron- delet, d. 323 Second Montgomery Margaret, 181 Franklin MontgouT^ry R. M. d. 80 Locust MONTGOMERY & SMITH, Auctioneers and Dealers in Furniture, Auction Sales of New and Second-HandFurni- ture on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 11 o'clock, A.M. Real Estate, Slaves, Car- go and Out-door Sales attend- ed to. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments. Auc- tion Mart, known as Armory Hall, 87 Camp. Montgomery Sam'l, screwmnn, 3 Market McMitgomery Samuel Rev. Jeffirson City Montgomery Samuel McC. (R.W. ^Iildms if Co.) Front c. Common and Fulton, d. 21«c. Philip Montgomery Thomas VV. liardware, 782 New Levee, d. 4 Montgomery W. W. d. Bourbon c. Es- planade Montidonico Louis, music composer, 236 Rampart Montieu F. teacher, 75 Elysian Fields Montieu Jean, carp. Montegut n. Good- children Montieu Jos. brickl'r, 136 Elysian Fields Montieu Jos. L. clerk, 331 St. Ann Montifiquc Justine, 63 Basin Montignac Juliet, furnished rooms, 104 St. Louis Montilly D. Mrs., Bayou road n.St.Claude Montman M. Mrs. 203 Villere Monton Jean, tailor, 498 Villere, d.3 Montplaisir Joseph, f. m. c. shoemaker, Kerlerec n. Derbigny Montreiul D. P. 126 Royal, d. 109 History Montreuil Auguste, cashier Bank of Louis- iana, d. 337 Burgundy Montreuil Chas. clerk, d. 19 St. Louis Montreuil Henry, acct. 122 Canal Montreuil Jules, 141 St. Louis Montreuil J. B. bookkeeper. Union Bank Montreuil P. A. bookkeeper, Canal Bank, 129 Kerlerec Montross A. U. Canal c. Camp Montross N. clothing. Magazine c. Com- mon, d. Prytania n. Second Monvie F., Franklin n. Lafayette Monvoisin Marie, St. Bernard n. Tonti Monyham Michael, grocer, Franklin c. Calliope , Mook Peter, baker, 206 Elysian Fields Moody James, mason, 314 Baronne Moody Jos. S. accountant, 79 Gravicr Moody Samuel, trader, Jefterson City Moody Susan, f.w.c. Claiborne n. St. Louis MOODY S. N.. Shii-ts and Gen- tlemen's Furnishing Goods. Importer of English and Ger- man Hosiery, Jouvin's Kid Gloves, etc. Agency of the Troy Shirt-Collar Manufacto- i-y, corner Canal and Royal streets, d. 251 Canal street. Manufactory 262 Broadway, New York. Moon Jas. clerk, d. 343 Magazine Moon J. Mrs. dry goods, 363 Mary Moon (I. W. Jilodi, .J. X. Jloun,) cotton factors and commission merchants, 38 Union, d. 1 Moon W. H. clerk, 120 Common Moon Peter, laborer, 24b Liberty Moonan G. W., Rampart n.Givod Mooney Bridget Mrs. grocery, 19 Sl.Jo.seph Mooney Chas. vegitables, Dryades -mkt. Mooney Dennis, lab. 142 Magazine Mooney G. painter, Elmire c. Eliza, Algiers Mooney llinry C. .salesman, lb Camj) Mooney John, laborer, 42 Marais, d. 1 Mooney John, Clio n. Willow MOO 322 MOO Mooney John, drayman, Bartholomew c. Alex, Algiers Mooney John, clerk, 89 Camp Mooney Math.warehouseman, 105 Euterpe Mooney Mary Mrs. ]09 Religious Mooney Mary Ann Mrs. 495 Rampart Mooney Michael, Elmire, Algiers Mooney M. A. Mrs, 495 Rampart, d. 1 Mooney Patrick, laborer, 175 Gasquet Mooney Patrick, St. Mary n. Religious Mooney Richard, lab. Religious n. Orange Mooney Richard, laborer, 199 Levee Mooney Richard, lab. 292 Tchoupitoulas Mooney Thos. cooper, 541 Dauphine Mooney T. Mrs., Delord n. Foucher Moore & Browder, (D. B. Moore Thos. E. Browder,) com. mers. 44 Carondelet Moore Bernard, grocer, Poydras c Liberty Moore Charles, accountant, 55 New Levee Moore Charles, brakesman, 66 Prieur Moore Charles, carp. 196 New Levee Moore & Cohn,('Z). Monre, W. K. Cohn,) clothing, 161 and 163 Poydras Moore Chas. screwman,77 St. Ferdinand Moore Charles, 219 Canal Moore Chas. f. m. c. smith, 211 Ursulines Moore Charles, carpenter, 231 Gravier Moore Charles jr. clerk, 27 Magazine, d. 289 Canal Moore C. N. elk. 258 Delord, d.200 Delord Moore C. millinery, 447 St. Charles Moore Daniel, lab. Foucher n. St. Joseph Moore David, clothing, 161 & 163 Poydras Moore D. B. com. mer. 44 Carondelet, d. Upper Line c. Laurel, Jeff. City Moore Edward Capt. 58 Spain Moore Ellen Mrs. 181 St. Peter Moore Frank, clerk, d. 306 Common Moore F. steamboat clerk, d. 42 Burgundy Moore F. W. clerk, 37 Magazine Moore George, baker, Erato n. St. Thomas Moore George Mrs. 157 St. Ferdinand Moore George, engineer, d. 141 St. Louis Moore George, basket maker, 157 St. Fer* dinand Moore George, confectionery. Camp n. St. Andrew Moore H'y, dairy, Independence n. Craps Moore Henry, lab. 367 Perdido Moore Hugh, mate, 204 Toulouse Moore James B. cotton weigher, Magazine c. Robertson Moore James, cooper, 179 Toulouse Moore James H. clerk, 73 Carondelet Moore Jane, f. w. c. Sixth n. Dryadea Moore John, cooper, St. Joseph c. Foucher Moore John, brass moulder, 264 Felicity Moore John, laborer, d. 61 St. Joseph Moore John, f. w. c. cooper, 185 Ursulines Moore John, lumber, 40 Independence c. Royal Moore John, laborer, 173 Thalia Moore John A. engineer. Basin n. Thalia Moore John P. fisherman, Seventh corner Fulton Moore J. J. cooper, 146 Toulouse Moore J. P. d. Magazine c. Third MOORE JOHN T. & CO., (G. W. Byrne,) Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and Dealers in Western Produce, Nos. 15, 17 and 19 Poydras st. corner New Levee, d. 456 St. Charles. Moore Joseph pilot, Lapeyrouse near Rocheblave Moore Marguerite, f. w. c. 185 Ursulines Moore Mark L., Chippewa c. Terpsichore Moore Michael, laborer, d. 56 Constance Moore Morris, carpenter, Theresa n. St. ■^{'homas Moore Mr. 296 Erato Moore M. clerk, 153 Common Moore Munroe, bag maker, d. 390 Mel- pomene Moore M. W. 9 Red buildings, d. 3 Moore Nicholas, lab. Fulton n. Toledano Moore Nicholaus, Fulton n. Eighth Moore P. salesman, 177 Poydras Moore P. saddler, 26 (Constance Moore P. stonecutter, 408 Rampart, d. 1 Moore P. W: clerk, 140 Lafayette Moore Rev. — — , Gasquet-st, Church, d. 15 Marais Moore Robert, acct. Lafayette n. Magazine Moore R. L. 64 Carondelet Moore Samuel,20 Exch. place ,d. 255 Royal MOORE SAM'L E. & CO., Im- porters of and Dealers m Ci'ockery, China and Glass Ware, 48 Camp, d. Coliseum c. Seventh. Moore S. P. surgeon med.dep.U. S.Army, office 118 Camp Moore Samuel W. carp. Poydras n. Bolivar Moore & Simmons, (J. P. Moore, R. W. SimmonSf) Crescent City Cotton Press and Alabama New Levee b. Robin and Race, d. Third c. Magazine Moore Susan D. Moore Thomas B. engineer, 390 Perdido Moore Thomas S. printer, 75 St. Jane Moore W. Mrs. 152 St. Philip Moore Wm. printer, 389 Franklin Moore Wm. c. p. 169 St. Ferdinand Moore Wm. speculator, d. New Levee, Poydras Moore Wm. laborer, 53 Elysian Fields Moore Wm. brass founder, 175 Tchoupi- toulas, d, 89 Annunciation Moores David, builder, 19 St. Charles, d. Crescent row, 387 Canal n Moores Robert, d. 450 Rampart, d. 1 Moorhouse Joseph, 73 and 75 Liberty, d. Franklin n. Common Moors Louis, tailor, 79 Gasquet, d. 7 Ca- rondelet Moors Philip, 10 St.Charles, d. 97 Gasquet Moosmann Matthew, clothing, 96 F. Levee Moo 323 MOR Moosmeier C. shoemaker, 84 Main Moosmoraprucki-r Joseph, slioemaker, 299 Old Levee, ci.2 Mootv Mary, 83 Perdido Mootz Geortje, 624 R.iyal Moppet J. Reus, cab. maker, 393 Custom- house Movahan .las. lab. .Tarkson R. R. depot Miiraira .loseph, Tluilia n. Jacob Morales Antonio, 89 Conijress Moralt James, boiler maker, 41 Lafayette Moran Ann Mrs. 226 N(?w Levee Moran Ann Mrs. 212 Rampart Moran Ann Mrs. 327 Constance Moran Auf;nst, lab. 372 Daiiphine, d. 3 Mw n. New Levee Morris J'lhn, f.m.c. d. 411 Robertson, d. 3 Morris Jciseph, lalmrer, 15 Spain .Morris J. C.(Bccbc 1^- Co.) 14 Old Levee Morris Lawrence, Perdido n. Basin Morris Lawrence, laborer, 32 St. Mary Morris Lewis, stevedore, 93 I'asacalvo Morris Margaret, 132 Toulouse Morris Michael, bricklayer, 132 Enghien Morris Patrick, painter, 342 St. Ann Morris P., Locust c. Thalia Morris Robert, steamboat agent, d. Carlt. Morris Sigismund, 251 Tchoupitoulas Morris Tiiomas, carpenter, 156 Prrdido Morris William H. machinist, !l(l Franklin Morrisey M. Mrs. G61 Chartres, d. 3 Morrisey Hatric^f, grocer, 43it Poydras Morrison Charles, Philip n. Laurel Morrison Charles M. printer, 70 Camp,d. Howard c. Liberty Morrison keeper, Lavergno,Alg. Morrison George, taurpauling maker, 445 Chartres, d. 3 Morrison Hiram, clerk, 47 Union, d. 1 Morrison James, lab. 361 Old Livee, d. 3 Morrison James, c. p. b4 Enghien Morrison James, c. p. Fulton n. Ninth Morrison John Dr., Canal c. Claiborne Morrison John, clerk, 117 Canal Morrison J W. c. h. D. Chartres c. Toulouse Moulor L. & Co. (.1. Colembet, R. Dames- tre,) importers and dealers in leather, 109 Chartres Moult William, com- mer. 88 Gravier Moult Wm.H.acct. St. Charles c. Felicity Moulton Alfred (John 0. Woodniff&f Co ) 31 Natchez Moulton J. cooper, 333 St. Charles Moulton Saml. shoemaker, 77 Poydras Moulty Fred, carriage mk. 108 St. Anthony Mounes Henry, c. h. 397 Dryades Mouney Francis, acct. treas. office, d. 127 St. Ann Mouney Josephine, d. 132 Derbigny, d. 2 Mounicon Pierre, 84 IMain Mount Chas. E. atty. at law, d. 450 Ba- ronne Mount Moriah, Masonic Lodge, Odd Fel- lows Hall Mount (Jlive Church, (Episcopal,) Algiers Mount Thomas L. note clerk Mer. Bank Mount Thomas, f. m. c. cook, d. 416 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Mount W. S. cashier Merchants' Bank, d.263 St. Mary Mouny Bertrand, wood, Marais n.Ursulines Mouras Gustave, slater, 286 Bayou road Moureaux Laurent, tailor, 245 Carondelet Moureaux L. f. m. c. cigars, 29 Delord Mourer Christian, lumber mer. 85 Elysian Fields Mourgues F. grocer, Pleasant'c. Chippewa Mourne David, d. 80 Roman, d. 2 Mourrier Pierre, baker, 176 Clio Moury Catharine, Mandeville n. Royal Mouse Jacob, wood yard, Thalia c.Annun. Moussier Gustave, agent, 106 St. Peter .Moussou Jean, butcher, 25 Poydras mkt. Moustier R. dressmaker, 105 Ursulines Mouthe C. lab. d. 151 Old Levee, d. 2 Mouton E. insp. of customs. Customhouse Moylan John, d. St. James n. St. Thomas Moylan William, lab. d. 64 Mandeville Moynan A. F. d. Jackson n Rousseau Moynahan C. Rev. d. 493 Burgundy Moynihan Bernard, d. St. Andrew n. Rous- seau Moynihan Jeremiah Rev., St. John Bap- tist Church, Dryades n. Clio Moynihan John, seaman, d. 18 Spain Moynihan T. blacksm. d. Willow n. Clio Mozeijeo Frances, junk shop, 179 Orleans Muchler Jno. shoemaker, d. 226 St. Peter Muckensturn Jos. dry goods, 26 Montegut Muckle Richard, engineer, d. 227 Franklin Mudford James, carp. d. 403 Chartres Mudge Daniel L. (Jllhertson Sf Mudge,) 8 Union, d. 1 Mudge William, laborer d. 508 Chartres Mudget Henry, lab. d. Spain n. Chartres Mudy John, carpenter, d. 331 Constance MUE 327 MUL Mueller Ann Mrs., artificial flower maker, 307 Camp Mueller Beiiiard,d. 153 Tchoupitoulas Mueller James, tailcr, til Main Mui Her John L. (jYaesle ^ Mueller,) d. 148 Toulouse Mueller Piter, grocer, CarroUton Mueller William, d. 70 Congnss Mueller William C. laborer Montcgut n. Front Levee Muggett Henry,screwman,d.9 Mandcville Mull Louis, watchmaker, 41 Chartres Muhleisen Andreas, musician, d. 34 Mon- tegut Muhs'D. Mrs. d. 343 Rampart, d. 1 MuIks Philip U. d. 343 Rampart, d. 1 Muhutter Saml. c. p., d. oXiG P.urgundy Muir Alex, .stau" builder, d. 350 L^iberty Muir Joseph, laborer, d. 37:2 Lafayette Muir J. M. c. p., d. Calliope c. Clara Muir J. N. barkeeper, d. Magnolia n. Melpomene Muir W. H. furniture cart, 173 Port Mulardy Michael, laborer d. 31)0 Perdido Muleahy Hugh Mrs., d. 80 Poet Mulcahy James, clerk, 40 Chartres Muleahy James, hatter, 80 Poet Mulcahy Jeremiah, carp. d. 382 Lafayette Mulcahy Jno. warehousem. 63 Magazine Mulcreeny Jno. clerk, Magazine c. Uclord Mulcreeny Mary, teaclir. Rampart c. Man; Muldoon Bridget Mrs., d. 333 t>t. Louis Muldor Jelf. d. St. Andrew n. Chestnut Muldor J. d. 144 Toulouse Mulhehan John, lab. d. 103 Villere, d. 2 Mulherring Patru-k, lab. d. 1:23 Tclioupi. Mulholland John, d. 164 Basin Mulholland Patrick, lab. d. :260 Dryades Mulholland Patrick, drayman, d. 550 St. Claude, d. 3 Muligan Daniel, carp. d. 486 Carondelet Mulinare Antoine, a. St. John Baptist n. . Mandeville Mulker Thomas, d. 72 Mandeville iMullady Patrick, drayman, d. 336 Man- deville Mullahy Patrick, barkeeper, 192 Lafayette Mullahy M. Mrs., d. 261 Customhouse Mullen B. F. Dr., Exchange place Mullen Catherine, d. 19 Julia Mullen Caroline, Mrs., d. 131 Basin, d. 1 Mullen Hugh, c. h. 4 Triangle buildings Mullen James, porter, d. 98 Laurel Mullen James, lab.d. 141 Marais, d. 2 Mullen James, mattressmkr. d.68 Bourbon Mullen John, drayman, d. Chippewa c. Philip Mullc:n John, laborer, d. 42 South mkt. Mullen Joseph, d. 161 I'rii'aus Mullen J. cartman, d. 497 Royal, d. 3 Mullen Mary, 90 St. Mary's market Mullen Mich. lab. d. Celiste n. Levee, d.l Mullen Mi<-hael, lab. d. 43 Rousseau Mullen Patrick, blacksmith, 301 Magazine Mullen Patrick, sailor, d. 49 North mkt. Mullen Robert, d. 77 Josejiliine Mullen R. B. d. 169 Common Mullen Thomas D. lab. d. 232 Magnolia Mullen Timothy 0. grocery, Delaronde, Algiers MulleirT. d. 86 Moreau Mullen William G. d. 133 Constance Muller Adam, poultry, d. 18 Poyfarre iMuller Agnes, d. 769 Dauphme Muller Allis, lab. d. Lafayette n. Fourth, Gretna Muller And. painter, d. Pleasant n. Con- stance Muller Antoine, d. Urquhart n. St. Ferdi- nand Muller Auguste Mrs. d. 139 Prieur Muller Auguste, tailor, 37 Perdido Muller Aug. butcher, 47 Si. Mary's mkt. Muller Bernard Mrs. d. 222 Tchoupitoulas Muller B. tailor, 153 Tchoui>itoulas Muller Clias. b. h. Fnghien n. Casacalvo Muller Charles, lab. 6.24 Montegut Muller Charles, painter, 49 Llysian Fields, d. 39 Marigny Muller Charles C. acct. d. 110 Bourbon Muller Christian, clerk, 7 Magazine Muller Claude, d. 308 Dauphine Muller C. C. clerk, 173 Tchoupitoulas Muller C. J. clerk, 20 Chartres Muller C. M. shoemaker, 187 Baronne Muller Edward, jeweler, d. 22 Calliope Muller Francis, furniture, 321 Conti Muller Frantz, d. Sixth n. Laurel Muller Ferd. cabt. mkr. d. 487 Tchoup. Muller GaspardjC. h. Water n. Fourth Muller Ga.spcr, butcher, 3 Dryades mkt. Muller G. slioemkr. Urquhartn. Bagatelle Muller Henry, barber, Fulton n. Poydras Muller Henry, laborer, d. 87 Louisa Muller H. grocery, Clio c. Basin Muller Jacob, shoestore, d. Thalia c. Pry- tan ia Muller Jacob, shoemaker, 17 Canal Muller Jac. lab. d. Cot. Press c. Urquhart Muller Jacob, tailor, HI Main Muller Johanna, d. Magazine n. St. Andw. Aluller Jno, soapmkr,d. Liberty n. Jackson Muller John, grocer, d. 446 Rampart Muller John, rigger, d. 55 Religious Muller John, painter, d. Franklin c. Jack- son, Algiers Muller John C. bread bender, d. 207 Ur- suliiies Muller John H. groc. Lafayette n. Third Muller Joseph, d. 50 Main Muller Josejih, d. St. Anthony n. Liberty Muller Jos. d. Elysian Fields n. Celestine Muller Joseph, draym. d. 343 Orleans Muller J. H. warehousem. 45 Magazine Muller Laurent, tailor, d. 145 Main Muller Laurent, tailor, 145 Main Muller Mary, d. 22 Port market Muller M. nightman, 261 Villere Muller M. vegetables, 26 Dryades market Muller M. H. tailor, 570 Rampart, d. 3 Muller Nicholas, blacksmith. New Levee n. Gaiennie Muller Nicholas, poultry, 211 Richard Muller N. draym. St. Andr( w n. Howard MUL 328 MUR Muller Paul, whitewasher, 25 Euterpe Muller Peter, tailor, 335 Main Muller Peter, shoemakrjVillerec. St. Peter Muller P. general store, Dublin c. Second Muller Samuel, tailor, Constance n. Sixth Muller Simon, shoemaker, 150 Girod Muller Theodore, carpenter, 296 Craps Muller Wm. barkeeper, 221 Mandeville Mullet A. carpenter, 227 Kerlerec Mullet Thos. engineer, d. 184 Union, d. 3 Mulligan D. builder, 486 Carondelet Mulligan Mena Mrs. 360 Franklin Mulligan Peter, driver, St. Charles n. Na- poleon av. Jefferson City Mullin J. F. clerk, 67 Canal Mulling John Mrs., Freret c. Poydras Mulling Robert, Josephine n. Fulton Mullon J. J. Rt-v., pastor St. Patrick's church, d. 141 St. Joseph Mullroy Richard, clerk, 10 Magazine Mulredy Wm. draym. Felicity n. Prytania MuUry Avy, d. 85 Delord MuUry John, laborer, d. 48 St. Thomas Mulvey John, 194 Craps Mulvey Michl. cot. classer, 115 Franklin Mulvey Peter, Perdido c. Johnson Mulvey Thomas, porter, 154 St. Mary Mulveyhill James, 349 St. Peter Mulvihill M. Mrs. grocery, 309 Magazine Mumford B. restaurant, d. 205 Baronne Mumford Peter, pastrycook, d. 269 Poydras Mumford Wm. d. 69 Rampart Mummy, Luling & Co. (A. J. Mummy, F. A. Luling, J. J. Wickes,) com. mers. 15 Carondelet Mummy A. J. (Mummy, Luling Sf Co.) 15 Carondelet Munback V., Annunciation c. Sixth Muncaster Chas. W. elk. 40 Union, d. 1 Munch Emily, d. 36 Fulton Munch Mitchell, butcher, d. 103 Piety Munday Bernard, shoemaker, 12 Annun- ciation. Munday Michael, drays, 223 St. Thomas Mundell Henriettta Mrs. b.h.45lTchoup. Mundas Fritz, baker,Josephine c.Dryades Vlundt C. H. grocer, 306 Hospital Mundy Michl. laborer, d. 221 St. Thomas Munee J. S. dep. constable, 77 Julia Mungol Adolpho, cigars, 15 Love Munice J. c. h. Magazine op.Magaz'e mkt Municipal Hall, St. Charles c Lafayette Munich Chas. hame mkr, 268 Rampart, d. 1 Munier Dominique, blksmh. 340 Barracks Munier E. Mrs. dressmkr. 51 Dryades Munier L. tailor, 27 Levee, d. 3 Munion Thomas, blacksmith, Freret n. Lafayette Munis Boniface, cigar mkr. 36 St. Anthony Munk Fred, oil manuf. Milan c. Dryades Munnigill Michl. d. St. Mary n. Constance Munns E. T. d. 830 Burgundy, d. 3 Munon Louis, bricklayer, d. 183 St. Philip Munoz A. Mrs. d. 462 Bourbon, d. 3 Munro Charles, watchmkr. 191 Tchoup. Munro Em. d. IJrquhart n. St. Ferdinand Munro S. F. clerk, d. St. Jane n. Bolivar Munroe Alfred & Co. (James Mushaway,) clothing, "Story buildings," Camp c. Common Munroe Charles, d. St.Andrew n. Annun- ciation Munroe James, d. St. Andrew n. Laurel Munroe John, clerk, 67 Canal Munsch M. Mrs. d. Villere n. Spain Munchausen Henry, gardener, d. 372 Barracks Munson Peter, carpenter, 143 Lafayette Munster Peter, warehouseman, d. Sixth n. Chestnut Munster Wm. screwm. d. 418 Royal, d. 3 Muntich John, barkeeper, Toledano c. New Levee Muntz Mathias, d. Philip n. Laurel Muntz Peter, sr. d. Lafayette n. Third, Gretna Munzanberg Fred. shoemkr.d. 202 Bourbon Munz Bonifacio, d. 63 Love Murat John, laborer, d. 109 Religious Murdock Daniel, lab. d. 454 Chartres-, d. 3 Murdock John, c. h. Martin c. Clio Murdock L. T. (Muse &r Murdoch,) 1 Front, d. 1 Murdock Matt, moulder, d. 259 Calliope Murdock Robert (Murdock, Williams Sf Co.) 45 Carondelet Murdock S. city missionary, d. 153 Thalia MURDOCK, WILLIAMS & CO., (Robert Murdock, G.W. Wil- liams, James Stewart,) Cotton Factors, 45 Carondelet. Mure John, 6 Carondelet, d. 68 Clouet Alure Joseph, steamboat male, d. 252 Magnolia Mure Pierre, shoemaker, 202 Bourbon Mure Wm. com. mer. and British Consu- late, 35 Carondelet, d. Thalia n. Ram- part, d. 1 Murison J. B. & Co. (B. F. Tisdale,) com. mers. 56 Customhouse, d. 62 Constance Murgay Chas. warehousem. d. 27 North market Murphy Andrew, 413 Gravier Murphy Ann, Erato n. Liberty Murphy Anthony, laborer, Rosseau c. St. Andrew Murphy Archibald, c. h. 29 Gallatin Murphy Arthur, d. Monroe, McD. Murphy A. lab. Robertson n. Common Murphy A. Mrs. 7 Marais Murphy Bridget, 675 Rampart, d- 3 Murphy A. 0. inspec. customs, d. Galvez n. Columbus Murphy B. Mrs. Casacalvo n. Union Murphy B. W. western produce. Felicity op. Laurel, d. St.Andrew n. Chippewa Murphy C. Mrs., Lafayette n. Eighth, Gretna Murphy, Sykes & Co. ( C.T. Murphy, Wil- liam Sykes, Middleton Conly, ) cotton factors and com. mers. 77 Carondelet MUR 329 MUR Murphy Daniel, ship carp. Alex, Als^inrs Murphy D;uiiel, laborer, 6"2 St. Thomas Murphy Daniel, scrowm. d. 239 Morales Murjihy Daniel, dravman, 197 Dryades Murphy David, 270 St. Louis Murphy Dennis, lab. 63 Erato Murphy Dennis, warehousem. 197 Tchou- piiinilas, d. 192 Delord Murphy Edward, St. Mary n. Chippewa Murphy Edward, Third e. Rampart Murpiiy Edward, Union n. Goodehildron Murphy Edward, (John I. .Idams vS" Co.) 32 late 22 Old Levee, d. 80 Bourbon Murphy Ed. tjrocer, St. Charles c. Clio MurjiJiy Elizabeth Mrs. 392 Raronne Murphy Ellen Mrs. bakery, 200 St. Louis Murphy E. A. d. 211 Galvez n. Columbus Mur]diy Felix, grocer, 412 Camp Murphy Francis T. shipping clerk N. O. Cotton Press, d. Race c. Tchnu|)it's Murphy Francis, blacksmith, New Levoc n. riialia Murphy Francis cooper, 31 Constance Murphy Geo. W. 15 Royal,d. 324 Carondt Murpliy Hui^h, tarpaulins, 10 Poyfarrc Murphy James, 124 Philip Murphy .Janus, (BenoisI, Shaw Sf Co.) 19 Camp, d.238 Felicity Murjihy James, machinist, d. 508 Camp Murphy James, drayman, 202 Constance Mur]>liy James, Felicity n. Prytania Murphy James, drayman, d. 69 St. Thomas Murphy Jimes, laii. d. 296 New Levee Murphy James, engineer, 44 Louisa Murphy James, confectionery, 168 Magaz'e Murphy James, grocer, Baronne c. Clio Murpliy James C. clerk, 49 TchoupitouUis Murpliy James, drayman, d. 265 Dryades Murphy Jas. drayman, Bolivar n. Gravier Murphy John H. clerk, 93 Common, d. 454 Victory Murphy John, porter, 413 Gravier Murphy John lab. d. 689 St. Claude Murphy John, drayman , 676 Royal, d. 3 Murphy John, dray, 136 Washington, d. 3 Murphy John, 165 and 167 Canal Murjihy John, d. 192 Lafayette Murj»hy John, carjU. d Thalia c. Baronne .Murjihy John, laborer, 171 Clio Murphy John, laborer, 324 Vill.u-e, d. 3 Murphy Jolm, C. grocery, 106 Eughien Murj.hy John, lab. d. 622 Dauj.hiue, d. 3 Murjiliy John, carlman, d. 83 St. Thomas Mirjiliy John, lab. Leed's row, Erato Murphy, John, finisher, d. 379 Thalia Murphy, J. W. &, Co. gas fitters, St. An- dri:w, c. Magazine Murjdiy Joseph, (J. ^- ./. Murphy) 78 Poydras, d. 310 St. Charhs Murjihy Joscjih, lab. Murigny n. Victory Murjihy J. &. J. com. mers. 78 Poydras, d. 310 «t. Charles Murphy J. M. intelligVe office, 168 Camp Murjihy J. W. Mrs. 228 Toulouse Murjdiy J.W. grocer, Gravier n. Franklin Murjihy J. Mrs. 20 Fourher Murphy Margaret, grocery, 272 Poydras Murphy Mary Mrs. d. 494 Ramjiart Murphy Mary A. grocery, 220 Delord Murphy Mary Miss d. 59 St. Thomas Murjihy Mary Mrs d; 197 Daujihine Murphy Maurice, lali. d. 202 Constance Murjihy Michael, draym. d. 179 Dryades Murphy Michael, laborer, 36 Delord' Murjihy Michael, d. 461 Gravier Murjihy Mich'l, lab. Market n. Chippewa Murjihy Michael, d. 159 Franklin Murjihy Michael, lab. d. 197 Dryades Murjihv M. AV. "Texas Home,'" Fulton c. Julia Murjihy M. jilastorcr, d. 211 Jackson Murphy M. Mrs. d. 225 Dauphinc Murphy Mary Mrs d. 454 Victory Murphy Owimi, carriages, 272 Camp Murphy Patrick, laborer, 431 Gravier Murjihy Patrick, porter, 8 Union, d. 428 Gravii'r Murjihy Patrick, laborer, d. 84 Enghien Muphy Patrick laborer, Jackson n. Laurel Murphy Patrick grocer, Rousseau c. St. Andrew Murphy Patrick, draym. 496 Royal, d. 3 Murjihy Patrick, co]ijiersm'li,294 Calliojie Murjihy Patrick, draym. Erato n. Magnolia Murjihy Patrick, draym. 18 Meljiomene Murjihy Patrick, cooper, 35 Constance Murjihy Patrick, groc. Delord c. Fouchcr Murjihy Patrick, lab. d. 308 Magazine Murjihy Patrick, laii. d. 294 Cailiojie Murphy Patrick, lab. d. 113 Tchoupit's Murphy P. wan-houseman, 179 Magazine Murjihy R. laborer, 29 Sjiain Murjihy Richard, hot(d and restaurant, 98 and 100 St. Charles Murphy Robert, cojijiersmith. 111 Calliope Murphy Susan, Mrs. 21 Gasquet Murjihy Thomas, lab. Poet n. Daunhine Murphy Thomas, groc. N. Levee c. Thalia Murphy Thomas, cojiju.'rsmith. Calliope n. Franklin Murjihy Tliomas, elk. 85 Carondelet walk Murjihy Thomas Mrs. 183 Rousseau Murjihy Thomas, laborer, 402 St. Ann Murjihy Thomas H., roller, 59 N. Levee Murjihy Thomas, draym. d. Bienville n. Dorsrenois Murphy Thomas, draym. d. 83 St. Thomas Murjihy Thomas, laborer, d. HO Ddord Murjihy Thomas, jilast'r, d. 110 Gair'nuie Murjihy Thomas, laborer, d. 322 Magaz'e Murphy Timothy, laliorer, 29 (^alliope Murjihy Timothy, lab. Orange n. Religious Murjihy T. Mrs. , Gaiiumie n. Annunciation Murjihy William, clerk, 27 Camp Murphy William, draym. 322 Mag-azine Murjihy Wm. carjienter. 111 Basin, d. 1 Murjihy. NN'illiam, furniture, 154 Caniji Murphy William, laborer, 191 Foucher Murphy William A. 458 Carondelet Murphy Wm. II. laborer, 460 Royal, d. 3 Murjihy W. cooper. Calliope n. Baronne Murray AI<'X.,f~'onslaiire n. Melpomene Murray Ann Mrs. 14 Poydras Murray C. Mrs. 251 Burgundy MUR 330 MYE Murray C. Mrs. 61 Mandeville Murray C. laborer, 421 Poydras Murray Edward, carpenter, 11 St.Andrew Murray Eliza, 355 Customhouse Murray E. laborer, 495 Daupliine Murray E. L. painter, 2.<8 Calliope Murray Francis M. fiO Consiaiice ' Murray Georire, carpenter, 110 Liberty Murray George, laborer, 214 Delord Murray H. A. liquors, 344 Basin Murray James Mrs., grocery, 110 Foucher Murray James, laborer, 265 Customhouse Murray .Toi'l clerk, d. Greenville Murray John, laborer. Market n. Front Murray John, carpenter, 110 Liberty Murray John, cabs, Elys'ii Fields n.Love Murray John, cartm. Perdido n. Bertrand Murray John, blacksmith, 254 Calliope Murray John, cook, 70 Main Murray John, screwm. Adole c. Rousseau Murray John H. clerk, 155 Canal Murray Joseph, driver, 468 Royal Murray Lawrence, lab. d. 80 St. Mary Murray Margaret, 282 Povdrtis Murray Mary Mrs. 109 Howard Murray Mary Mrs., grocer, 22 Foucher Murray Maurice, warehousem. 216 Man- deville Murray Michael, c. p. 125 Johnson Murray Michael, lab. 7;J6 Dauphine, d. 3 Murray Michael, barkeeper, 327 0. Levee Murray Nicholas, blacksmith, 15b Delord Murray Owen, 265 Customhouse Murray Patrick, grocer. 235 Magazine Murray Pat. lab. 85 Dehird Murray Pat. lab. 358 Magazine Murray P. warehouseman, 410 Magazine Murray P. grocery, 154 Tchoupitoulas Murray P. Mrs. grocery, 222 Julia Murray P. F. d. Josephine n. Dryades Murray Richard, Josephine n. N. Levee Murray Samuel, printer, 364 Poydras Murray Simeon, f. m. c. butch. 349 Lib'y Murray Thos. warehouseman, 47 Villere Murray Thomas, lab. Market n. Front Murray Tiiomas, carp. Annunciation c. Gaiennie MURRAY THOMAS & CO., (Thomas Murray, Joseph C. Pooley,Wm. L. Criglar, G. F. C. Batchelder,) Pensacola Lumber, corner Cedar and Julia streets. Having every faeilit;f at our Mills iii Flori- da,known as the Hunt's Mills, for the raanufacture of rough and dressed Lumber, we are prepared to receive orders for sliiprhent in any quantity. The reputation of our Mills is well known. Our terms, in- variably New Orleans City acceptance. Murray Thomas, shoemaker, 220 Poydras Murray Thos. draym. 337 Tchoupitoulas Murray Wm. carp. Second n. Franklin Murray Wni. drayman, 350 Derbigny, d. 3 Murrell J. D. ( Palton, Smith &c Putnam,) Gravier c. Magazine Murrell & Bowles, (Robert Murrell, C. C. Bowles,) com. mers. 72 Camp Murret P. bricklayer, 140 St Peter Murry Thomas, carpenter, 146 P.ousseau Murtagh Arthur N. insp. of customs, Mel- pomene c. Liberty Murtagh J. B. atty. at law, 15 Camp, d. Melpomene c. Liberty Murtagh Jas. G. atty. at law, 39 Carondelet Murtagh S. G. atty. at law, 332 Howard Murtaugh James, grocer, 257 Conti Murther James, 11 Congress Murther Thomas Mrs. 623 Burgundy, d.3 Murthough John, lab. 383 Perdido Musbach George, barber, 264 Delord Muscon E. B. clerk, 75 St. Peter Muse & Murdock (James F. Muse, L. T. Murdoch, Geo. W. Muse,) com. and forwd. mers. 1 Front Muse Geo. W. (Muse Sf Murdoch,) d. St. Charles c. North Muse James F. (Muse Sf Murdoch,) d. Seventh n. Camp Musgrove Emanuel B. clerk, 157 Gravier Musgrove R. G. com. mer. 157 Gravier, d. Bayou bridge Mushaway Jas. (Jl. Munroe Sf Co.) d.ll6 Orange Mushet David, cotton pickery, Pacanier c. Terpsichore, d. 83 Prytania Musseau John, shoemaker, 204 Villere Musselman James M. attorney at law, 26 Commercial place Musselman .lohn, 379 Canal Mussina J. produce broker, 22 Bank place, d. Magazine n. Philip Mussman Henry, 283 Roman, d. 3 Musson Michel, fJo/m Watt &f Co.) 3 Ca- rondelet, d. Thn-d c. Coliseum Muszman Wm carp. 813 Burgundy, d. 3 Mut Frederick, cooper, 143 Religious Mut Jas. c. h. Tchoupitoulas c. Poydras Mut &- Barrera, (James Mut, JintJwny Bar- rera,) Branch U. S. c. h. 79 Front Mutchler John, Second n. Lafayette, Gnn. Muth Louis, Greatmen n. Congress Mutin Angusiin, cigar maker, 327 Ro- man, d. 3 Mutin Joseph Mrs. 466 Girod, d. 3 Mutter James W. engineer, 400 Clio Mutz Felix, blacksmith, 381 Hospital Mutz Frederick, lab. 544 Villere Muzeau Henry, tailor, 132 Gasquet Muzniaiin Wm. carpenter, Crajis n. Desire Myatt Henry, boiler mkr. 211 Richard Myer Charles, carp. 489 Annunciation Myer George, shoemaker, 402 Lafayette Myer Gustave, shoemaker, Jeff. City Myer Jacob, variety store, Annunciation c. Eighth Myer Jacob, poultry, 18 Poydras mkt Myer John, drayman, First c. Constance Myer J. B. wood yard, 720 Carondolet Myi-r Louis, furniture car, Lapeyrouse n. Dcrbiffiiy Myer Louis, (Samuel ^iaron Sf Co.) 96 P<>ydras Myfirhor2:i'r A., Villerfi c. St. Louis Myers Alexander, builder, 503 Constance Myers Abralmm Col., Quartermaster U.S. A. d. 2 Prylania Myers August, St. Andrew n. Rousseau Myers Ann Mrs. 99 Gaiennio Myers E. & J. (Benjamin &c Jacob Myers,) wholesale grocers, 34 Gravier Myers F. wheelwright, 91 Palmyra Myers Geo. drayman, 45 Constance MYEES JAMES, Clothing store, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags and General Furnishing Goods, 114 and 116 Tchoupi- toulas street,corner of Girod. Mj'ors .Tohn, drayman, 76 Poydras Myers .Tohn, b. h. 221 Tchou[iitoulas Myers Josi^ph, carpenter, Bartholomew n, Alex, Algi(>rs Myers Pat. drayman, 99 Gaiennie Myers Samui-I, atiy. at law, 99 Gravier, d. 286 Camp Myhan VVm. painter. Palmyra n. Galvez Mylod C. P. 325 Raronne Mylor John J. teacher, 82 Frenchmen Mylotte Thorne n. Ursulines Myore M. Mrs. 173 Villere, d. 2 Myratta Manuel, 27 Hospital Myrick A. C. stevedore, 354 N. Levee Myrtle Augustus, butcher, Chippewa n. Pleasant Mysing Fred. acct. 39 Carondelet, d. 77 Palmyra N.. ABA F. f. m. c. grocer. Old Levee c. Maudevillc Naba L. laborer, 82 Mandeville Nabar Pierre, butcher, 32 Port mkt \abb Joseph, laborer, 360 Thalia N.ib.Mi W. night watch, N.O.J.&G.N.R.R. Naber John, bricklayer, 282 Tremc Naber William H. Clara n. Clio Xabis J. 430 .Marais, d. 3 Xabring H. Rev., Terpsichore n. Howard Nachen F. prof. Jesuits' College, Baronnc c. Common Nachtrib Andrew, carpt. J. R. R. depot, d. Lafayette n. Franklin Nai'ken Mrs., Coiui n. Claiborne Nadale M. 33 Union, d. 3 Nadau Firmin,shi»emkr,15FronlLevee,d.2 Nadaub B. coojurage, 229 Royal .Vadaub D. 0. 105 St. Peter \:i(l,iud Jac(pies Mrs. 116 Elvsian Fields >.'atlaud James, 116 Ely.sian Fields Nadeau Bertrand, tinner, 200 Royal Nafe Henry, stock dealer, La. avenue n. Laurel, Jefferson City Nafew S. W. c. p. 168 St. Ferdinand Nagel George, 247 Rousseau Nagel Martin, 21 St. Philip Nageli Philip, wood, Lil)erty n. Josephine Nao^htan Dennis, Poet c. Moreau Naigeon F' florist, Rampart n. Mazant Nagle John, 143 Religious Nagle Jacob, cooper, St. JanH's c. Religious NaJirstedt Ernst, sugar maker, 37 'Julia Nalle Edward & Co. (If. C. Day, John R. fValcrman,) com. mers. 122 Gravier, d. 53 Coliseum Nalle J. F.acct. 153 Common, d. 211 Camp Nalle Michael, laborer, 190 Cypress Nalte James, clerk, New Levee c. Poydras Nalte L. Mrs. bread, 200 Bourbon Xamen John, 442 Fulton Nameyah Manuel, 134 St. Philip Namm J. tailor, 201 Poydras Nannis John, 284 St. Peicr Nanty F. shoemaker, 99 Hospital Naple Martin, laborer. Palmyra n. Galvez Napoleon Club, 108 Common Napoleon Francisco, 26 Main Na|toleoii Joseph, Johnson n. Clara Na|ip William, shoemaker, 477 Dryadcs Nappel Henry, tailor, McDonogh Narbonne Augiiste, 468 Treine Narcisse Celestine, pedler, 154 Ursulines Narcisse Edward, f.m.c. 16 Annette Honore, f.m.c. slat. 227 Marais,d.3 Narcisse John Baptiste, f. m. c. bricklayer, 221 Main Narcisse Joseph, shoemaker, 221 Main' Narcisse Louis, f.m.c. bricklay. Josephine n. Howard Narcisse William, f.m.c. 266 St. Peter Nargaud Edmund, drayman, Johnson c. Columbus Narvaez C. cigar mkr, 173 Elysian Fields NARNE G. L., Importer and Dealer in Carpetings, Floor Oil Cloths, Mattings, Win- dow Shades, Lace Curtains, Damasks, &c., «&c. Nash Ann, f.w.c. steward, 151 Conti Nash Chas.'l\25 Carondilet,d.52 Prylania Nash George, cook, 177 Frenchmen ' Nash G. W., Louisiana c. Tchoupitouias Nash Jas. grocer, Rousseau c. St. Andrew Nash John, 42 Greatmen NhsIi RicliHrd Mrs. 125 Dauphine Nash Z. T. carpenter, 94 Bolivar Nason P. painter, Terpsichore n. Howard Nasser Christian, c. h. 273 Tchoupitouias Nata Josi'ph, 7 Main Nata Jo.'iiiph, 208 St. Peter Naia J. Mrs. 90 Frenchmen Nata Simon, 95 Conti Natchez Exchange, C. L. DeBreJon, pro- prietor, Tchoupitouias c. Natchez NAT 332 NEI Nathan A. M. 157 Customhouse Nathan George, com. nier. 97 Gravier, (1. Baron lie n. Jackson Natlian Isaac, clerk, 402 Baronne Nathan Levy, clerk, ]2 Ma^jazine Natliaii Samuel, suli'smai>, d. 314 Baronne Nathiins John, fish dealer, 321 Clara Nathardt F. gardener, Fourth n. Annun- ciation • Nathpar Henry, Music n. Girod Natili Augusts Dr. 11] St. Peter Natili Randolpli, clerk, 35 Magazine Nntili Scipion, 40 St. Peter National Telegrafih, St. Charles c. Gra- vier, Geo. L. C. Davis, manager NATTES EDWARD J., Com- mission Merchant and Im- porter of Havana Segars, Cu- ban and Mexican Produce, 6 Tehoupitoulas c. Common. Natuckar Peter, 99 Levee, d. 3 i\au Nicholas, Clouetn. Urquhart \auan Herman, tailor, 232 Magazine Natidain W. N. Dr., Algiers Naulty Thomas, clerk, 24 Magazine Naumann Christian, carp. 170 Marigny Naunheim E. millinery, 3 Annunciation, d. Dryades c. Melpomene Nautre B. d. 272 Bayou road Nautre J. Mrs. 261 St. Ann Nautz James, 181 Royal Nava Laville, laborer, 51 Mandeville NSvo Jose, cigars, 136 Ursulines Navarre B. I)r , Louisiana ave. c. Annun- ciation, Jeff. City Navarre Francisco, 19 Main Navarre John C. Morales c. St. Ferdinand Navarre Joseph, 341 Baronne Navarro P. Mrs. 59 Lahnrpe Navot Michael, lab. Camp c. Seventh Naway S. mkiman. Johnson n. Palmyra Nay H. acct. 45 Chartres, d. 77 Bolirbon Ncader John M. laborer, 505 Chartres Nfrifus Ansel, St. Andrew n. Chestnut Neagle Mernard, machinist. Independence c. Burgundy Neagle David, laborer, 584 Burgundy Neagle Godfrey B. d. Bienville n. I'rieur Neagle H. lab. Washington n. Fulton Neagle John Mrs. 35 Barracks NEAGLE & CARPENTER, (Wm. Neagle, J. C. Carpen- ter,) Chair, Furniture and Feather Warerooms, 99 and 101 Magazine, late 33, 35 and 37 Royal. Neal John, b. h. 12 Delord Neal J. B. clerk. Magazine c. Common Neal W. (.'. Capt. 332 Conti Nealis George, lab. Perdido c. Bcrtrand Nealis John, Derbigny c. Bienville Nealis Martin, laborer, 8 Port Neaman John, clerk, Conti c. Tonti Neamawa Fred. carp. 217 Goodchildren Neanus Chas. engineer, 149 St. John Baptist Nrauze Wm. cooper, 75 St. Ann Neble Jno. blaeksm. Orleans Cotton Press Ni^d Joseph, 67 St. Jose}ih Nee Ann Mrs. 159 Old Levee, d. 2 Nee L. E. ( Chaudet Sf Me,) 147 and 149 Royal Nee P. L. Dr. 163 Royal Neeb Wm. cartman. Front, Gretna Needham George, lab. 160 Gasqu(n Neel Louis, lamplighter, French Opera, d. 270 St. Ann Neelis John E. teacher, 315 Coostance Neeson Peter, jiainter, 420 Terpsichore Neff George, c. h. New Levee c. Julia Neil" Jacob, engineer, Poydras n. Bertrand Nelf John, teacher, Claiborne c. St. Ann Neff Philip, ship carpenter, 72 Port Negrier Jane, 124 Franklin Negroponte C. (Coras Sf Mgroponte , ) 38 Carondelet, d. 17 St. Louis Negroponte & Agelasto, (John P. Mgro- ponte, Ji. M. Jlgelasto,) com. mers. 119 Gravier Negroponte Zno.V.(J^egroi)onte S^Jigelasto,) 119 Gravier Negropo'nte Pericles Paul, ( Covas &{ Mgro- ponte,) d. St. Louis n. Levee Negrotto Domingo, feed, Julia c. Liberty Negueloua J. H. butcher, 23 French mkt iNe Honore, bricklayer, 294 St. Peter Nehlig Christian, blaeksm. 19 Montegut Nelilig Peter, blacksmith, Louisa n. Front Lit John P. lab. Prieurn. Gasquet Ncsbitt C. (.Mn Duffii Sf Co.) 48 Com- merce and 53 New Levee, d. Julia c. Tchoupitoulas Nesliitt James, western produce, 184 and 220 Tchoupitoulas Nesen Wm. stevedore, Fouclier c. St. Jos. Nessen Peter C. painter, 66 Lafayette Nessmann Daniel, lal). Royal n. Congress Nestel August, barber, 89 Bienville Nester Edward, grocer, 149 Religious Nester J. br. h. lf)9 New Levee Ni'ster Michael, lal)orer, 55 Religious Nestor Thomas, laborer, 38 Religious Netter Augusie, 165 St. Philip Netter Simon, 95 Conii Nettleton T. W. ( West Sf .Yettlelon.) 76 Tchoupitoulas Netto Joseph, Villere c. Carondelet walk Netto Michael, oyst's,Jackson n. Rousseau Neubauer Chas. cooper, Royal n.Frenchm. Neuber Adam, lab. Frenchmen n. Royal Neuber Adam,collector P.R.R.d.84 Clouet Neuber Henry D. pilot, 86 Montegut Neuberger S. inspector of customs Neubrek Frank, shoemkr. 222 Rampart, d.l Neucv Frank, lab. 97 Ursulines Ncuditcher Robert, boiler maker, N.O.J.& G. N. R. R. Neugel Bernhard, lab. 76 Elmire Neugler Joseph, Laurel c. Pleasant Ncuhaus David, dry goods, 122 Marais, d. 2 NeuliHus Jacob, dry goods, 186 Orleans Neunian Chas. A. tinner, 321 Old Levee Neuman Chas. c. h. 124 Rampart, d. 1 Neunian Chris, cabinet mkr.lOO Urquhart Neuman John, clerk, 68 INlagazine Neunian G. P. grocer, 260 Dauphinc Neuman Wm. tinsmith, 8 Front Levee Neuroth F. Mrs., Chippewa n.Fourth,d.2 Neusbau(^r Theo. carp. 389 Liberty Neuser L. W . painter, 342 St. Charles Neutz Geo. W.( Donovan Sy .\cvtz,) d.432 Rampart Neuzerliiig Frank, lab. Burgundy n. Poland Neville D. elk. 37 Cani|>, d. 471 Canip Neville Henry J. printer, Crescent office, d. 21(( Lafayette Neville John, grocer,Carondelet c. Fidelity Neville Julian, auct'r, 11 Commer. place, d 471 Camp Neville Peter, butcher, 12 Port market Nevin Edward, 89 Franklin, d. 2 Nevin Robert, 128 Camp Nevins A. A. & Co. ( Theodore J^crin.s,) com. mers. 47 Carondelet, d. Con- stance n. First Nevins Theodore, (.1. Jl. Xevins &,• Co.) 47 Carondelet Nevit Benjamin, 61 Montegut .Nevins Jolt n S. 38 Constance New Fred, lumber. Water n. Seventh New Nicholas, gardrrty . Nick B. shoemaker, 112 Uienvillc Nick Charlrs, siioi-makcr, 159 Common Nickens William C. 17 Basin, d. 2 Nickerson D. clerk, 90 Tchoupiloulas Nicks Charles, piano teacher, 201 Frank 'n Nicks E. pianos. Magazine c. Richard Nicol C, Mrs. 281 Baronne Nicol John', printer, 400 Marais, d. 3 Nicol Walter, 19 St. Charles Nicol William Mrs. Baronne c. Erato Nicola F. G. cigars, 143 Burgundy Nicolas Ch'mentine, f. w. c, 378 St. Ann Nicolas Faustin,chMk,199 01d Levee, d. 2 Nicolas H. cigars, 271 Ursulines Nicolas John, furn. car, 212 Frenchmen Nicolas Josephin(\ 385 Bourbon Nicolas Jean, 165 St. Philip Nicolas N. oysters. Victory n. Esplanade Nicolau F. f. m. c. brickl'r. 17 Columlnis Nicolau Lawrence, tailor, ] 12 Lapeyi'<''"se Nicolau William, barkce})er, 229 Hienville Nicoll Thomas A. book keeper, 27 Front Nicoloey Eloise, 231 Dauphine Nicomede F. L. clerk, 387 Claiborne, d.3 Nicori C. Mrs. 281 Baronne Nicorra Anthony, painter, 182 St. Anthony Nicot Alcee, bricklayer, 28 History Niebert C. 179 Old Levee Niedberger Louis D. c. h. Chartres Niedagan C. Mrs. 336 Camp Niedereyer Jos. shoemaker, 37 Union, d. 3 Niedermeyer P. shoemaker. Front c. Bor- deaux, Jefferson City Niedhart Frederick, Laurel n. Fourth Nicf Simon, Derbi<,^ny n. Lajieyrouse Nieman Carl, 319 Rampart, d. 1 Nieman Charles, tailor, 301 Rampart, d. 1 Nieman Frank, sailor. Cypress n. Clara Nieman Henry, barkeeper, 213 Toulouse Nieman 1. H. Independence n. Rampart Nieman John, tailor, 348 Tchoupitoulas Nieman John, tailor, 431 Ramjiart, d. 1 Niemann John H. barkeeper, 40 St. Peter Niemeyer Frederick, 824 St. Claude Niemeyer Louis, tailor, Customhouse n. Galvez Niemeyer Wm. tailor, 69 Magazine Niemoller M. porter, U. S. mint Niemuller John, milk, Clara n. Erato NiemuUer Martin, laborer, 94j<^nghien Nierman P. shoemk. Poydras n. Johnson Nies F. shoemk. Frenchmen c. Burgundy Nies Jacob, St. Anthony n. Prosper Nightingale Thomas, 160 Franklin Niguy Sebastian, drayman, 350 Si. Philip Niklaus H. c. h. Algiers n. depot NikoU Adolph, 360 Main Nikoll F. W. tinsmith, 362 Main Niland John, ice, 361 Common Niks C. J. Mrs. dressmaker, Rousseau n. Jackson Niles Nichola.-?, carpenter, 360 St. Ann ISiU Charles H. 139 Chartres Nillick Peter, blacksmith, 139 Louisa Nimick & Co. (Jamrs .Yimiric, J. M. Rcif,) coal merchants, 108 Gravier Nimick James, f A'tmtcA- Sf Co.) d. 79 St. Joseph Nimick .Tohn, deputy sheriff, Chippewa n. Soraparu Nimmo E. L., Weed's sewing machine depot, 3 Camp Nimmo James, jiruiter, 70 Camp Nippert Francjois, carpenter, 56 Orleans NIS 336 NOO IVissin R. F. N. clerk, 223 Tchoiipitoulas Nissoman Daniel, lal). Royal n. Congress Nitscli Joseph, 74 Roman, d 2 Niven James N. (Carroll, Hoy Sf Co.) 49 Union, d. 1 Nivette Valery, clerk, 125 Old Levee, d. 103 Montegrut Nivetti Berceil,'103 Montegut Nixen James JN. (Carroll, Hoy &f Co.) 49 Union, d. 1 Nixon H. K. c. p. 333 Liberty Nixon James 0. proprietor and editor of Crescent newspaper, 70 Camp Nixon James, carp. 283 Tchoupitoulas Nixon J. jr. (^Tixon Sf Co.) 45 Union,d.l Nixon & Co. (Richard &f J. J^ixon,jr.) commission mers. 45 Union, d. 1 Nixon Rd. (J^ixon Sf Co.) 45 Union, d. 1 Nixon Robert, screwman, 76 St. Andrew Noack Oswald, shoemaker, 61 Bourlion Noake William, engineer, 522 Villere Noar George, book koeoi^r, 12 Poydras Noasser Christian, 311 Tchoupitoulas Nobili P. Dr. 141 Dryades Noble E. P. (Watt&f J^oble,) 8 Union, d. I Noble E. Mrs. dry soods, 402 Dryades Noble John J. ( Battle, J^oble &;■ Co.) d. 157 Constance Noble Jordan B. "The Veteran Drum- mer," Clio n. Dryades Noble J. A. inspector, 402 Dryades Noble & Kaiser, butchers, 10 and 12 French market Noble R. H. 334 Canal Noble Samuel B. attorney at law 22 Ex- change place Noble Valery, f. m. c. plasterer, Jose- phine n. Howard Noble Wm. sailmaker, Celeste n. N. Levee Nobles Chs. H. & Co. ship chandlers, 9 Mobile, New Basin, d. 393 Rampart Nobles James, 357 Basin Noblet F. bread, 125 St. Peter Noblet F. Mrs. dressmaker, 125 St. Peter iVoblet Jos. wigmaker, Robertson n. Conti Noblet T. shoemaker, 125 St. Peter Noblom August P. ( Bellocq, JsToblom Sf Co.) 61 Carondelet, d. 19 St. Louis Noblom Jules, accountant, 61 Carondelet Nocenti J. stevedore, 546 Burgundy Nodal Pierre, cigars, 111 Royal, d. 199 Burgundy Noel A. looking glasses, etc. 47 Royal, d. 71 St. Louis Noel A. butcher, 527 Rampart, d. 3 Noel A. 49 Poet n. Chartres Noel Joseph, c. h. 693 St. Claude Noel Richard, 96 Port Noel S. gardiMier, Palmyra n. Derbigny Noel T. G. & Co. (./. J. 'McGinnis,) Slock Landing, Jefferson City Noel Y., Bienville c. Old Levee Noelles James, barkeeper, 483 Royal Noerdinger N. shoemaker, 324 Orleans Noesser Christian, c.h. 275 Tchoupitoulas Noggerath Jos. c. h. 13 Old Levee, d. 2 Nogues Etienne, butcher, 88 French mkt. Nogues Francois, butcher, 98 French mkt. Nogues L. feed store. New Levee n. Milan Nogues Mrs. 154 Barracks Noha C. tailor, 44 Frenchmen Nohlet Jacob, blacksmith, 738 Dauphine Noirez V. Mrs. 191 Mandeville Noirjean Francis, 34 Marais, d. 2 Noirjean P. wood and coal, 238 Bienville Noise Moses, f. m. c. 87 Union, d. 1 Nolan Edward, 121 Klysian Fields Nolan Ellen Mrs., Constance c. Thalia Nolan James, barkeeper, 483 Royal Nolan James, clerk, 128 Canal Nolan John, laborer, 63 Constance Nolan John, grocer. First c. Dryades Nolan Martin, laborer, 54 Thalia Nolan Matthew, laborer, Elysian Fields, n. Rampart Nolan Michael, c. h. 154 Chartres Nolan Micha~el,groc. Common c. Robertson Nolan Michael, laborer, 524 Burgundy Nolan M. D. carpenter, 419 Dryades Nolan Patrick, St. Mary c. Rousseau Nolan Richard, laborer, 265 Poydras Nolan Richard, clerk, 46 Chartres Nolan R. T. 211 Dauphine Nolan Samuel, cabman, 217 Elys. Fields Nolan Sarah, millinery, 521 Magazine Nolan Simon, cabs, 41 Mandr;ville Nolan Thomas, carpenter, 361 Lafayette Nolan Thomas, elk. Common c. Robertson Nolan Thomas, cartman,Bolivarn. Poydras Nolan Thomas, lab. Second c. Constance Nolan William, grocer, 50 Old Levee Nolaiid John, carpenter, 177 Tchoupitoulas Nolde Henry, shoemaker, Poydras n. Johnson Noldy Nicholas, Elys. Fields n. Morales Nolen Matthew, ice, 83 St. Anthony Noles Edward, laborer, 114 Calliope Noll Peter, sexton German Hebrew Cem- etery, Jackson n. Franklin Nolte Auguste, Sixth n. Magazine Nolter Anthony, carpenter, 34 South mkt Nolter Francis, cartman, Jersiiy n.Leontine Noliing F. baker, 63 Elysian Fields Nolting H.Miry, bread, 63 Elysian Fields Nolting William, cisternmkr. 361 Franklin Nolton William, laborer, 604 Fulton Noni'e Peter, 308 Old Levee Nonnemacher Victor, 165 St. Philip Noogan Catharine Mrs. 80 Delord Noon Joseph, 290 Burgundy Noon Michael, laborer, Conti n. Robertson Noon Patrickj wood, etc. Julia c. Locust Noonan Catliarine, b. h. Thalia c. N. Levee Noonan Cornelius, 154 Julia Noonan David, blacksmith, 511 Chartres Noonan Jaim-s, laborer, Thalia c. Levee Noonan John, fireman at omnibus stables, 9 Elysian Fields Noonan Margaret Mrs., Laurel n. First Noonan Michael, carpenter, 116 Thalia Noonan Michael, lab. 319 Customhouse Noonan Morris, drayman, 351 Camp Noonan Thomas, laborer, 173 St. Thomas Noote Henry, carpenter, 447 Terpsichore NOR 337 NOU Nora L. Mrs., Kerlcrec n. Claiborne Norcom Euo;r:'ne, olcrk, 10 Union, d. 1 Norcom James, ( W. R. J^orcom Sj Son,) 44 Carondck't Norcom Jnsoph, 235 Carondolet Norcom William, clork, 235 Carondolet Norcom W. R. & Son, (James .Yorrom,) broktjr, 44 Carondelut, d. 271 Caron- delet Norcross John, 39 St. Ferdinand Nm-d William, liarbi-r, 203 I'oydras Nordingrr Jos. lamplii^htcr, 257 St. Loni.s Nordinsjor M. lampli<:ht('r, 257 St. Louis Noros E. clerk, 126 Canal Non s H. 227 Bienville Nore.s H. (P. E. Brulalnur S,- Co.) d. 217 Tiemo Nore.s H. L. clerk, 38 Chartres Normal School, Clio n. St. Charles Norman G. H. ( Faures &( J^orman,) d. 150 Bienville Norman H. mattress maker, 23 Villere Norman John, 32 Marii::ny Norman John M. accountant, 51 St. Charles Norman R. G. 36 Perdido Normand Hy. salesman, 468 Rampart,d.3 Normend C. V. 5 Melpomi'ue Norment J. & J. J. d. ISti Robin Norment J. R. clerk, 186 Robin Norment Wm. T.clerk,27 and 29 Common Norra J. 101 Ursulines Norrager Jacob, f. m. c. 61 Franklin Norega Manuel, oysters, 566 Magazine Norris Chas. specxilator, 139 St. Joseph Norris G. T. clerk, 35 Carondelct Norris James, clerk, 6 Union Norris James, 182 St. Thomas Norris Ja|nes F. boiler maker, 214 Julia iN'orris John, carpenter, 511 Dryades Norris John D. superintendent, Poydras n. Roman Norris J. L. engineer, 148 St. Joseph Norris Louis, butcher, 11 Poydras mkt. Norri.s Maria S., Goslin n. Alex, Algiers Norris Patrick Mrs. 506 Dauphine, d. 3 Norris Pepc, 13 Elysian Fields Norris Rol)ert, cooper, 77 Lafayette Norris, Maull & Co. (Thaddeus J^orris, C. C. .Vaidl, E. L. Hancock,) clothing, 22 Camp Norris Thomas, lab. 456 Tchoupitoulas North David B. bricklayer, 41 Desire North, Dutliil & Co. (Mrxander Dulhil, Victor Faisans, Geo. W. Bitncker,) dry goods, 11 and 13 Magazine c.Common North Peter, car)Mnter, 205 Baronnc North Richard, 100 Gasquet Northern Wm , Haronnt^ n. Fourth Northrop Geo. M. carpi-ntar, 221 Julia Northrop Jolin E. engineer, 221 Julia Norton Caroline, f. w. c. 288 Ctimmon Norton Dennis, laborer, 568 Villere Norton Edward, lal)orer, 547 Dauphine Norton George, clerk, 151 Common Norton John, 230 Bienville Norton John, barkeeper, Tchoupitoulas c. Gravier Norton John H. clerk, 10 Magazine Norton Jos. tinsmith, N.O.J. & G.N.R.R. Norton J. C. jVIrs. millinery, 150 Poydras NOIlTO]Sr&MACAULAY,( Alex- ander Norton, Jas. A. Macau- ley,) Grocers and Commission Merchants, Nos. 45 and 47 Front street, and 46 and 48 Fulton. Norton, Mo.sby & Co. (.James J^mton, S. L. Mosbij, James I). Mortin,) wholesale grocers, 12 N. Levee and 12 Tchoup. Norton Mary Ann Mrs. Morales n. Spain Norton Mary P. 655 St. Charles Norton Martin, laborer, Conti n. Roman Norton Michael, Levee n. Adele Norton M. O. H. (Heu-ilt,.Vorton 6f Co.) 151 Common, d. 14 Dauphine Norton Peter, carpenter, 202 Baronne Norton Peter, lab. Foucher n. St. Joseph Norton Peter, laborer, 150 Toulouse Norton Thomas Mrs. 232 Magazine Norval Seymour, Johnson n. Prieur Norway George, c. p. 88 Hospital Norwood A.J. (Hawkins Sf J^^oricood) 48 Carondelet NORWOOD JOHN, Manufactu- rer of, and Dealer in. Boots & Shoes, c. Customhouse and Treme. Ladies, Gentlemen and Childreii's Measures ta- ken at home if required. Re- tailers' orders for the City or Country Trade, promptly at- tended to. Nos George shoemaker, 204 Howard Nothacker P. shoemaker, 46 Piety Notheis Kosimier, Lafayette n. Roman Notlee Edward, shipwriirht, Algiers Nott Charles, receiving teller Bank La. d. 549 Royal NottGustavus A. Dr. professor materia medica and therapeutics, Medical Col- lege, d. 267 Carondelet Nott G. W. 74 St. Ferdinand Nott Henry, carpenter. 31 1 •Terpsichore Nott Rosette, f. w. c. 43 Poet Nott W. A. d. 56 Desire Notter Auguste, grocer, 225 Rampart, d.l Noughlcy 'I'hos. lab. Market c. Pacanier Nouguc Jean, tailor, 175 Bayou road Nougue P., Bayou St. John Nouilei F. tailor. Front Levee c. Enghien Noullet Lawrence, barkeeper, 92 Common NouUet Michael, Soraparu n. Chippewa Nourse Hiram L. clerk, 375 Rampart, d. 4.58 St Charles Nousti John, milk, 540 Frenchmen Nouvet P. F. 318 Johnson, d. 3 Nouvo Jesse, 133 Burgundy NOW S38 OBR Nowak Albert, shoemaker, 64 St. Louis i Nowell John, laborer, 102 Frenchman Nowian L. J. 7 Gleise's row, Poydras Noyer Manuel, blinds, 380 Burgundy Noyes Albert G. ice, Third n. Constance Noyes David, 287 Camp Noyes Henry, teacher, 42 Polymnia Noyes J. W. clerk, 33 Natchez Noyes Oliver J. mercantile agency, 76 Canal NOYES & WELLS, (S. W.Noyes, H. T. Wells,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Kerosene and Coal Oils. Coal Oil and other Lamps, Paraflfine and Wax Candles, Burning Fluid, Camphene, Alcohol, &e. Nuber Adam, 31 French Nugent G. 630 Chartres, d. 3 Nugent James, clerk, d. 58 Constance Nugent Martin J. grocer, Erato c. Locust Nugent P. S. grocer, Lafayette c. Johnson Nugent Perry,!' T. H. &f J. M. Mien &f Co.) 155 Common Nugent, Richard & Co. (Willimn Dix,) com. mers. 155 Common, d. 165 Camp Nugent Richard J. ( L. Sturtevant &f Co.) 9 Old Levee, d. 2 •Nugent Robt F. collector, 295 Melpomene Nugent Thomas, blacksmith, 40 Thalia Nugon J. B. laborer, 446 Old Levee Nuilef Jacob, laborer, Clara n. Perdido Nulty Richard, laborer, 90 St. Thonias Nulty William, laborer, 17 Euphrosine Numan , tinsmith, 106 Old Levee NunenmacherD. shoemaker, 116 Bienville Nunenmachcr Joseph, cage maker, Royal n. Mazant Nunes Joseph, c. h. Ursulines c. Conde Nunez F. clerk, 83 Canal Nunez Pierre, laborer, 83 Cotton Press Nunez P. V. post office clerk, 64 Annette Nungesser Jacob, Eighth n. Annunciation Nungesser Jacob jr. 102 Eighth Nup Mary Mrs. 80 Derbigny, d. 2 Nus John, laborer, Josephine n. Rousseau Nuschler Andreas, lab. Burgundy c. Bar- tholomew Nusloch Jacob, grocer, Race c. Constance Nus George, Greenville Nus Peter, carpenter, 340 Liberty Nusz Charles, carpenter, 118 Mandeville Nusz N. Mrs., Clouet n. Rampart Nuitall & Goodwyn, (James jfuttall, H. H. Goodwyn,) iron railings, 146 Camp Nuttall James, (Sfutall 8f Goodwyn,) d.ll3 Melpomene Nutter John, painter, 157 St. Mary Nutter Joseph, 550 Burgundy Nye Jesse, rigger, 6 Mandeville Nye Seth W. 347 St. Charles Nylan Michael, laborer, 12 Mandeville Nyland James, laborer, 343 Orleans o. AKES GEO. lab. Felicity n. Pacanier Oakes, James, Fulton n. St. Mary Oakes Joseph, Fulton n. St. Mary Oakes Martin, painter, 151 St. Mary Oakford & Ferriday, (^C/i«r/fs Oak ford, J. C. Ferriday,) cot. broks. 92 Gravier Oakford Chas. (Oakford &f Ferriday,) d. 46 Rampart, d. 2 Oakley John, barkeeper, 52 St. Charles Oakley Jos. finisher, Fulton n. First Oakley Wm. screwman,2 Front Levee ,d. 2 Oats Joseph, painter, Patterson,Algiers OBER ANNA EVA, at Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine Co. No. 11 Camp. Ober Franz, 29 Elmire Oberbeck P. shoemaker, 64 St. Peter Uberfrank Jacob, lab. 553 Fulton Oberg N. laborer, 122 Union, d. 3 Obergerfelt J. carp. St. Louis n. Galvez Oberheuser Francis, tailor, 11 Exch. place, d. .149 Gasquet Oberkamp Chas. barber, 947 New Levee Oberkercb Frederick, 86 St. Philip Oberle Frances Mrs., Gasquet n. Galvez Obert M., Marais c. St. Peter Oberling Conrad, lab. Union c. Josephine Oberschmidt Chas. grocer. Live Oak c. Berlin, Jefferson City Obits Frederick, blacksmhh,229 Franklin O'Brien Andrew, laborer, 395 Duuphine O'Brien Barney, 105 Levee, d. 3 O'Brien Deimis, laborer, 14 St. Ferdinand O'Hrien Dennis, lab. 153 Marigny O'Brien, Dennis D. agent Catholic Stand- ard, 6 Exchange place, d. 29 Music O'Brien Edmund, lab. 88 St. Joseph O'Brien Ellen Mrs. b. h. 211 Julia O'Brien E.Mrs., Independence n.Dauphine O'Brien E. C. Mrs. boarding, 232 Julia O'Brien George, clerk, 82 Camp O'Brien Isaac, lab. Orange n. Constance O'Brien James, vegetables 333 Basin O'Brien James, 139 Gasquet O'Brien James, confectioner, 48 Annun. O'Brien James Mrs. 67 Barracks O'Brien Jere. drayman, 113 Terpsichore O'BRIEN JOHN, Commission and Foi'warding Merchant, and Dealer in Northern and Western Produce, Flour, Po- tatoes, Onions, Beans, Peas, Butter, Lard, Green and Dried Fruit, &c.,No. 46 Poydras. O'Brien John, laborer, 224 New Levee O'Brien John, laborer, 843 Rampart O'Brien John, painter, Bolivar n. Perdido O'Brien John, grocer, 292 Camp O'Brien John, laborer, 73 Nortre Dame O'Brien John, cotton pickery, Pacanier c. Terpsichore, d. 359 St. Charles OBR 339 ODO O'Brien John, western produce broker, 23i.< Poydras O'Brien Jolin, produce, 46 Poydras, d.585 St. diaries O'Brien .Iciseph, St. Charles n. First O'Brien Josopii, (Cook &f O'Brien) 60 Poydras, d. Baroiini' c. Polynmia O'Rrien J. screwman, 548 Uauphine, d. 3 O'Hrien J. L. 15 Poyfarre O'Brien J, M. insp. customs, 211 Julia O'Brien KiOTchoupitoulas O'Brien Matliew, c. h. 2:2 8t. .Joseph O'Brien Michael, laborer 4.3 Rosseau O'Brien Michael, grocer, 59 Annunciation O'Brien Mich '1, cot. weigher, 136 Constance O'Brien Micli'l, laborer, 102 Melpomene O'Brien Mich'l, ironworker, d. 352 Basin O'Brien M. J. clerk, 96 Camp O'Brien Morris, laborer, 19 Constance O'Brien M. II. cot. pickery, 110 Freret O'Brien Patrick, laborer, 118 Richard O'Brien Pat. wheelwright, 162 Magazine O'Pji-ien Patrick, laborer, 32 Adele O'Brien Patrick, 621 K.iyal O'Brien Patrick, lab. 52 St. Thomas O'Brien Patrick, laborer, 104 Erato O'Brien Peter, laborer, 26 Elysian Fields O'Brien Philip, drayman, 47 Girod O'Brien P. B. cot. pickery, 276 Royal O'Brien, R. H. acct. 27 Terpsichore O'Brien Thomas, cabs, 116 Constance O'Brien Thomas, lab. 465 Chartres, d. 3 O'Brien Thos. lab, 183 St. John Bajilist O'Brien Thos. lab. 315 Old Levee, d. 2 O'Brien Thos.B. insp. customs, 490 Camp O'Brien Thos. J. grocer, 143 Coiiti O'Brien Wm. laliorer, 43 Rnusst.'au O'Brien Win. drayman, Rocheblave, n. Bienville O'Brien Wm. marble cutter, 264 Girod O'Brien Wm., Annunciation c. Erato O'Brien William, 196 Main O'Brien William, Seventh n. Camp O'Brien Wm. ship, carpt. Peter, Algiers O'Brien Wm. marble wkr. 284 Calliope O'Bririi Wm. Mrs. 90 Annunciation O'Cain Cornt-lius, St. Charles, op. Philip O'Callaghan B. c. p. 286 Roman, d. 3 O'Callaghau 0. clerk, 128 Canal O 'Callahan Jeremiah, laborer, 27 Adcle Ocean Saw Mill, L. Carbo, Front c. Bor- deaux, Jeff. City OCHIGLEVICH JOHN, Sail Maker, Tarpaulins to hire. Flag manufactory, 20 Front Levee, d. 2, near U. S. Mint. Ochiglevich Peter, oysters. Levee n. St. Ferdinand OchintaC. mattress maker, 35 Mandeville Ochre Jacob, carpenter, 364 Howard Ochs John, ironworker, 93 St. Thomaa Oclis John, milk, Piety c. Ur(|uhart Ochs P. watchman, 136 Religious Ockert E. gardener, Clou«t n. Morales 'Council Ann, Constance n. First O 'Council BeiiJ. sugar bro'ker, 7 Front Le- vee, d. 95 Main O'Connell John, elk. Pacanier c. Richard O'Connell Martin, paver, 216 Galvez O'Connell Stephen, 136 Laurel O'Conner James, turner, 294 Calliope O 'Conner James, laborer, 136 Melpomene O'Conner J. laborer, 55 Elysian ^'ields O'Conner Michael, c. h. 476 Front O'Conner Michael, c. h. 241 Front Levee O'Conner Patrick, 274 Poydras O'Connor Patrick R., Philip n. Laurel O'Connor Thos, salesman, 28 Common O 'Connor Jas. builder, Jackson n. Rousseau O'Connor Jas. coppersmith, 175 'I'choup. O'Connor John, coachman, 317 St_. Claude O'Connor, John, clerk, Passmad 's Press O'Connor Joseph, clerk, 76 Fi licity O'Connor J. H. accountant, 138 Common O'Connor J. H. carpenter, 435 Franklin O'Connor Jordan, laborer, 125 Richard O'Connor Michael, lamp store, 120 Canm- delet, d. 37 Laurel O'Connor Mich'l, plasterer, 66 Robertson O'Connor Micli'l, c. h. 259 Tchoujiitoulas O'Connor Pat. b. h. 85 Delord O'Connor Thos. blacksmith, 200 Delord Odam T. W. B. painter, 282 Conti O'Day John, laborer, 316 Howard O'Day Pat, grocer, 26 South market O'Day Thos. feed, Julia n. New Levee Odd Fellows' Hall, Camp c. Lafayette Odell S. W. clerk, 20 Camp O'Dell Thos. B. engineer, 271 Melpomene Odenthal Henry ,erocer. Main c. Claiborne Odenwald A. H.'C. clerk, 63 Gravier O'Dey Michael, laborer, 586 Rampart,d.3 Odier Adolphe & Co. commission mers. 6 Carondi'let Odinol C. Mrs., Esplanade c. Chartres Odium Thomas, laborer, 346 Melj)oniene O'Donnell Alexander Mrs. 15 Marigny O'Donnell Bridget, 300 Dryades O'Donnell Charles, 143 St. Philip O'Donnell Hugh, clerk. Market c. Front O'Donnell Hugh, carp. Lafayette, Gretna O'Donnell Hugh, New Levee c. Poydras O'Dfuinell James, drayman, 136 Bolivar O'Donnell Joiin, screwman, 326 Annun'n O'Donnell John, laborer, 362 Franklin O'Donnell John, laborer, 86 Magazine O'Donnell John, clerk, 155 Canal O'Donnell Mary, 178 Spain O'Donnell Patrick, carpenter, 372 Clio O'Doiim 11 Peter, stationer, 16 Camp, d. 510 Baronne O'Donntll Richard, grocer, 245 Main O'Donnell Thomas, Johnson n. Common O'Donnell Thomas, bofikstore, 124 Camp O'Donnell William C. cabs, 245>2 part, d. 1 OdouleTh., Valmont n. St. Patrick, J. C. O'Dowd & Sullivan, (Jl. O'Dowd, Thomas SuUifan,) com. mers. and dealirs in westirn produce, Tchoupitoulas c. I Poydras I O'Dowd A. (O'Dowd 8f Sullivan,) d. 1 Prytania O'Dowd Hoiiora, dressmaker, 2 Euterpe O 'Dowd James, printer, 334 Canal O'Duhig Auguste, 212 Galvez Oeclisiier Daniel, carpenter, 255 St. Louis Oechsner Valentine, carp. 17 St. Philip Oeder Peter, soda, 378 Chartres, d. 3 Ceding Cliarles, cigars, 359 Mandeville Oehmichen Charles, clerk, sheriffs office Oehmichen G. clerk, 63 Old Levee, d. 2 Oehmichen Valsin, book keeper, 99 Old Levee, d. 173 St. Claude Oehpecker J. F. tailor, 90 Conti (Jelmann E. Mrs. 805 St. Claude Oelrich Peter, grocer. Magazine c. First Oertling F., New Levee c. Natchez Oertling Henry, cloths, 141 Canal, d. 8 Johnson, d. 2 Oeschger Jos. tailor, 302 St. Louis Oesling Bernard, painter, 846 Dauphine Oettly J. carpenter, Rousseau n. Second O'Faherty John, lab. 408 Old Levee, d. 3 Offenbach. Louis J. (Bruno &f Offenbach,) d. 323 Carondelet Offensandt Wm. H. clerk, 10 Carondelet Olfergeld Anton, c. h. Main c. Chartres Offrey John B. carp. 299 Roman, d. 3 Offrey Philip, gunsmith, 135 Royal Office of the La. Association of Steamboat and Steamship Engineers, 80 Custom- house Office of Receiver of N. 0. Draining Co. 44 St. Ann Offutt R. Mrs. 279 Poydras Offutt Theodore, horsetrainer,256 Dryades 'Flaherty John, laborer, 406 St. Ann Oftmann Uedrich, carpenter, 136 Euterpe Ogden A. N. atty. at law, 26 St. Charles Ogden F- N. clerk, 151 Common Ogden Henry D. attorney at law, 13 St. Charles, d. 236 Calliope Ogden H. M. attorney at law, 32 Camp Ogden H. V. resident sec'y Liverpool and London Fire and Life Ins. Co., Com- mon c. Carondelet, d. St. Charles c. Conrey Ogden James, clerk. Camp c. Com'l place Ogden Robert W. ( Cusachs Sf Ogden,) d. 217 Royal Ogden Wallace, (De Buys Sf Ogden,) 22% Carondelet, d. 673 St. Charles Oge Eugene, ship carpenter, Algiers Oge John, iron worker, 93 St. Thomas Oger Charles, weigher, 6 St. Louis, d. 97 St. Ann Oger M. 0. 299 Carondelet Ogier Mary Mrs., Second n. Chestnut Ogilvie C. grocer, Bourbon c. Bienville Ogilvie James, Chippewa n. St. Andrew (Jglesbee James, 237 Chippewa Oglesby & Macauley, (Joseph H. Oglesby, John L. Macauley,) com. mers. 61 Tchoupitoulas Oglesby R. C. (Lewis &( Oglesby,) d. St. Charles n. Soniat, Jefferson City O'Gorman Mary, 57 Constance O'Grady Andw. Mrs. , Religious n. Orange O'Grady John, laborer, 89 Main O'Grady J. H. gro. Common c. Bertrand 'Grant Paul, cotton broker, d. Laurel n. Jackson O'Guillie Louis, bricklayer, Jefferson City O'Guish M., McDonogh O'Hagan Francis, tailor, 348 Perdido O'Hanlan Francis, lab. 86 St. Ferdinand O'Hanlon J. grocer. Rampart c. Music O'Hanlon Michael, cabman, 97 Marigny O'Hara Chas. K. intelligence office, 144 Camp O'Hara George, lab. 179 Annunciation O'Hara Henry, lab. Jackson R. R. depot O'Hara James, b. h. 55 Girod O'Hara James, clerk, 122 Canal O'Hara John, 191 Foucher O'Hara John, laborer, 248 Tchoupitoulas O'Hara J. laborer, 468 Old Levee O'Hara Joseph, 35 Carondelet O'Hara Michael, ('Crocfer &( O'Hara,) 209 Magazine O'Hara Michael, 156 Girod O'Hara Michael, St. Mary n. Magazine O'Hara Michael, gro. 309 Tchoupitoulas O'Hara Pat. lab. Hunter c. Tchoupitoulas O'Hara James, bookbinder, 96 Franklin O'Hare Margaret Mrs. 96 Franklin O'Harr James, painter, 119 Carondelet O'Harra John, 267 Frenchmen O'Harra Patrick, Frenchmen n. Prosper O'Harra Patrick, laborer, 65 Villere, d. 2 O'Harra Thomas, drayman, 100 Mel- pomene O'Harra Thomas, Girod n. Basin O'Hearn William, grocer, 396 Camp OhI Chas. barber, iVI agazine c. St. Andrew Ohl Jacob, mason, 99 St. Mary Ohl Thomas, druggist, Carondelet c. Clio Ohler Felix, collector Mexicaa Gulf R. R. d. 139 Poet Ohler Martin, cooper, 45 Pleasant Ohlking George, laborer, 76 Port Ohlman James, blacksmith, 285 Howard Ohlmann E. 78 Congress Ohlmaim J. M. mattress mkr. 11 Willow Ohisen C. E. seaman, 253 Frenchmen Ohlsen Charles, laborer, 15 Enghien Ohisen Lawrence, pilot, 792 Dauphine, d.3 Ohlsen Philip D., Peter, Algiers Olmstede John, (Bredow, Wusihoff&f Co.) 63 Tchoupitoulas Ohnesorge J. H. shoemkr. Ill Marais,d.2 Ohr Adam, 104 Levee, d. 3 Ohrt H. W. C. barber, 698 Dauphine Ohse August, ropes, etc., 677 Dauphine Ojida Arthur, clerk, Front c. Robin O'Keefe Arthur, grocer, Baronne c. Clio O'Keefe Dennis, brass worker, 173 Tchou- pitoulas O'Keefe Edward, carp. 103 Tchoupitoulas O'Keefe George, clerk, 58 Constance O'Keefe John, gardener, 212 Laurel O'Keefe Pat. cooper, 230 Carondelet O'Keefe William, foreman, 32 Religious O'Keeffe Jer'h, harness mkr. 11 Religious OKE 841 ONE O'KEEFFE & SHEARER, (M. O'Keefie, J. W. Shearer,) Bro- kers and Practical Public Weighers. Produce entrust- ed to our care, and orders for weighing will be promptly and personally attended to. Office 7 Poydras. ' O'Kelly H. clerk, Caroiidelet ii. Thalia O'Kcr Joseph, drayman . 318 Fulton, d. 4 O'lves Martin, paintoM", 111! St. Mary Oland Conrad, laborer, 76 Josephine Olard Stejiheii, s;ardener, 307 Melpomene Ulberding: Henry, laborer, Cotton Press n. Urquhart Oldendorf John, barkeeper, 54 Ninth Olde:raves Henry, lab. 639 Rampart, d. 3 Oldham John S. clerk, U3 Canal Oldi.s Elizabeth Mrs.gro.447 Annunciation Oldis G. H. c. h. 378 Common Uldis P. H. grocery, 177 Mandeville Oldmeier Clara Mrs. 4:29 Basin Oldrich Matthias, Melpomene n. Clara Oldrich Michael, elk. Melpomene n. Clara O'Leary Arthur, lab. St.James n.Cliippewa O'Lcary Cornelius, lab. 184 Poet O'Leary Danl. fruit, Annunciation n. Thalia O'Leary David, laborer, 114 Thalia O'Leary J. 6 Front Levee, d. 2 O'Leary Michael Capt. 315 Howard, d. 1 O'Leary Stephen, 18"2 Chipewa Oley David, laborer, Marigny n. Chartres Olin Augustus, cigars, 163 Richard Oliphant^A. Capt. 1 Music Oil phan tS. Dr. homocpathist,3 16 Josephine Oliva Miguel, grocer, Frenchmen c. St. Claude Olivar Charles, 32 Robertson, d. 3 Olivar Mary, midwife, 5i36 Marigny Olvare Erasmo CajH. Bordeaux n. Live Oak, Jerterson City Olive Augustus, cigars, 535 Magazine Oliver A., Carondelet c. Common, d. 209 Burgundy Oliver A. A., Josephine n. Camp Oliver Daniel, merchant, 152 Gascjuet Oliver E. S. atty, at law, 28 Gravier Oliver G. W. & Co. (P. .LOtivkr,) com. mers. 26 Carondelet Oliver Henry, 215 Carondelet Oliver James, Girod c. Common Oliver John B. Mrs. Josejihine n. Camp Oliver London, f. m. c. 366 Customhouse Oliver P. A. (G. W. Oliver Sf Co.) 26 Ca- rondelet Oliver Richard, 112 Camp Olivier Aime, carpfnter, Spain n. Girod Olivier Arthur (AIcLcan &(■ Olivier,) d. ts- planade c. Treme Olivier A. B. clerk, d. 181 Esplanade Olivier B. f. m. c. carpenter, 386 Daujihine Olivier Catherine, f. w. c. 398 Barracks Olivier Cesaire, com. mer. 35 Bienville, d. 110 Esplanade Olivier C. Mrs. 103 St. Louis 23 Olivier Chas. clerk, 35 Bienville, d. 108 Esplanade Olivier C. G. Mrs., Ksplanade c. Treme Oliver Erhart, Bordeaux n. Laun'l, J. C. Olivier G. clerk, d. Esplanade c. Treme Olivier John Mrs. f. w. c. 299 Roman, d. 3 Olivier J. B. 378 St. Philip Olivier Leonide, 99 St. Ann Olivier Pietro, musician, 307 Ursulines Olivier P T. builder, 262 St. Philip Olivier Victor, 28 Carondelet, d. 281 Es- planade Olivier R. laborer, 138 Treme, d. 2 Olivier Theophile, 197 Derbigny, d. 2 Olivier Victor, jr. atty. at law, JH Carondelet Oil Louis, barlier, N. Levee n. Bordeaux, Jefferson City Ollenberg A. br. h. Magazine c.Bordeaux, J(>fferson City Oiler F. barber, Magazine n. Milan, Jeff. City Ollendorfer Francois, paintr. 722 N. Levee Ollgeer S., Josephine n. Rousseau Ollie John, 491 Bourbon, d. 3 Olman Char'te, f.w.c. grocer,27 Burgundy Olney Benjamin, inspcc. customs, d. Wa- verly House Olroyd Francis (J. Jl. Lum &,■ Co.) 74 St. Charles Olsen N. photographer, 121 Chartres Olsen Peter, lab. Jefferson, McUonogh Olson F. stevedore, 539 Burgundy, d. 3 Oltman Fred., Fourth c. Constance Oilman Henry, Liberty n. St. Andrew Oltmann D. buildir, Euterpe n. Dryades Olwall M. laborer, Villere n. Poetf* Olyme Boisse, millinery and fancy dry goods, 34 Chartres Olvmpe Miss, Customhouse c. Burgundy O'Malley John R. 103 St. Charles O'Mally Thos. painter, 117 St. Andrew O'Mara James, laborer, 180 Foucher O'Mara John, laborer, 51 North market O'Mara Thomas, Edward op. Pacanier O'Maro Ricard, 4a7 Bourbon, d. 3 O'Meallie Henry M. clerk, 128 Tchoupi- toulas, d. 410 Liberty O'Mrara John, barkeeper, 101 St. Charles Onii'das Joseph, c. p. 232 Hourbon O'Mellay Thos., St. Andrew n. Annun. Onato Angeliiie, 268 Bourbon O'Neal Arthur, Magnolia n. Cypress O'Neal Charles Mrs. 10 Mandeville (*'i\eal John, laborer, 81 Delord O'lV'eal John, laborer, 77 Annunciation O'Neal John, lab. (Jrange c. Pacanier O'.Neal John, 321 Customhouse O'Neal John, weigher, 98 Delord O'Neal John, tailor, 183 Rampart O'Neal Margaret, grocer, 30 Annunciation O'Neal Owen, gartlnr. Philip n. St. Dennis O'Neal Patrick, lab. 158 Tchoupitoulas O'Neal P. H. atty. at law, 82 St. Charles O'Neil Bernard, dravman, 157 Franklin O'Neil B. C. 103 Julia O'Neil Calh. Mrs., Felicity c. Basin O'Neil Cornelius, laborer, 11 Port J ONE 342 ORO O'Neil Hugh, laborer, 77 Annunciation 0-Neil James, lab. Calliope n. Dryades O'Neil James, laborer, 35 Prieur O'Neil Jnmes, grocery, 514 Chartres O'Neil Jeremiah, Leed's Foundry O'Neil John, 399 Perdido ^ ^ _ . O'Neil John, draym. Second n. bt. Uenius O'Nril John, Erato c. Baronne O'Neil John, laborer, 312 Fulton O'Neil John, laborer, 262 Frenchmen O'Neil John, laborer, 190 Franklin O'Neil John, laborer, 23 Enghien O'Neil M. B. book keeper, 208 Girod I t)'Neil Patrick, laborer, 50 Julia I O'Neil Patrick, lab. Chestnut n. Alex O'Neil Patrick, drayman, 345 Howard O'Neil Theresa Mrs. 62 St. Thomas O'Neil Thos. builder, Bolivar n. Perdido O'Neill Francis, contractor, 183 St. Louis O'Neill F. J. clerk, 128 Canal O'NEILL HUGH & CO., (Ed- ward Lockett,) Slave Depot, 72 Baronne-st. For Receiv- ing, Forwarding and Selling for Merchants, Planters and Traders. Also— keep con- stantly on hand a good as- sortment of Field HandSjMe- chanics and House Servants. O'Neill James, clerk, 202 Constance O'Neill Jeremiah, lab. 102 Melpomene O'Neill J-ohn, laborer, 84 Orange O'Neill John, steward. Third n. Magazine O'Neill John, tailor, 591 Rampart, d. 3 O'Neill John, clothing, 88 Levee, d. 3 O'Neill Mary, 183 St Louis O'Neill Michael, drayman, 86 St. Thomas O'Neill Morris, laborer, 137 Howard O'Neill Peter, variety store, 35 F. Leave O'Neill Peter, 101 Julia O'Neill Sam. gas wks. 562 Burgundy, d.3 O'Neill Thomas, Claiborne n. Gasquet O'Neill Thos. "Age" c. h. 52 St. Charles O'Neill Wm. lab. Annunciation n. Orange Ong J. G. clerk, 348 St. Mary Oiig Thomas, (Harris, Bercier &f Co.) 81 Tchoupitoulas Onidus Victor, Mandeville n. Royal Onisorf Michael, drayman, 367 Orleans Onley Thomas, 1.39 Barracks Oiiley William, lab. 304 Burgundy Onslow Henry, Bayou road, n.Dorgenois Onus Juan, 116 St. Peter Opdcnweyer C. Mrs., Bagatelle n. Prosper Opdenwoyer 0th. M. clerk, 51 Bagatelle Opel Francis, musician, 403 Customhouse Opelousas and N. O. R. R. depot, Thayer c. Patterson, Algiers, office St. Peter c. Old Levee, New Orleans Opera House, Chas Bondonsquie manager, Bourbon c. Toulouse Opferkuch A. painter, 96 St. Andrew Opp C. Mrs. 100 Piety Opp George, grocery, Erato c. Howard Oppel Edward F. barber, 123 New Levee Oppenheim Benjamin, 10 Toulouse Oppcnheim F. 95 Chartres Opperman F. apothecary, 422 Chartres.d.S Oppersmith Fred. elk. Levee n. St. Andrew Orange Luke, First n. Rousseau Oransarg Michael, drayman, 367 Orleans Ordings Luke,sug. boiler, French n. Royal Orcutt David, inspector customs, d. Felicity b Chippewa and Annunciation O'Reana Chris, dairy, Spain n. Prosper 'Regan James, engraver and die sinker, Exch. place c. Customhouse O'Regan Timothy, laborer, 176 Rarapart O'Regan Timothy, laborer, 84 St. Thomas O'Regan Wm. G. clerk, 40 Perdido O'Reilly Isaac J. gilder, 143 Camp O'Reilly John, baker, 46 Race O'Reilly John A. cooper, 160 Magazine O'Reilly Michael, drayman, 70 Desire O'Reilly Miles, laborer, 443 Terpsichore O'Reilly M. assistant priest St. Joseph's Church, Common n. Marais O'Reilly Pat. cabman, 113 Elys'n Fields O'Reilly Pat. 0. gas fitttT, 100 Canal, d. 193 Dryades Oretand Conrad, sawyer, Josephine n.Solis Orfila Frank, wheelwright, 96 Elysian Fids. Orfila J. c. h. Ursulines c. Old Levee Orfila Miguel, barkeeper, 186 Frenchmen Orfilla Catharine, 186 Frenchmen Organ James, lab. Marigny c. Chartres Origo Francis, 294 St. Ann Oriol John M. 24 Gravier Oriol Raymond, clerk, 75 Carondelet Oriorna F., Spain n. Claiborne Oriwel Cressano, 240 Dauphine Orleans Chapter, No. 1, (Masonic) St. Charles c. Perdido Orleans Commercial, No. 2, (Masonic) St. Charles c. Perdido Orleans Cotton Press, New Levee Orleans Fire Co. No. 21, St. Peter c. Claib. Orleans Hotel, 131 and 133 late 149 and 151 Chartres Orleans House, Common c. St. Charles Orleans Warehouse, Magazine c. Julia Orleman John A. clerk, 105 Canal Orlich Lucas, d. 4 Perdido Ormelas & Garcia, c. h. Perdido c. Liberty Ormond John, stevedore, Camp c. Race Ormond J. painter, Patterson, Algiers Orms John, lab. 80 Elmira Ormshaw Jas. screwman, 312 Josephine Orna Oliver, Peace n. Royal Oropesa Ignacio, Mexican Vice Consul, d. 73 Elvsian Fields O'Rorke Mark, clerk, 92 Canal O'Rorke P. R. clerk, 9 Bienville O'Rorke Rosanna, 173 Franklin O'Rourke Daniel, laborer, 77 Delord O'Rourke John, (L. Bowdonsquie S( Co.)d. 146 St. Peter O'Rourke Jos. conductor, 609 St. Claude O'Rourke Mary, nurse, 280 New Levee O'Rourke Michael, lab. 284 Marigny ORO 343 OVE O'Rourke Patrick, laborer, 284 Marigny O'Rourke Thomas, lab. Villcre n. Arts Orozco Louis, 105 Liberty Orpluiiis' Home, St'venth n. Constance Orr Benjamin H. commissary JVinth street market, Carondelet c. St. Andrew Orr Christopher, carpt. 248 Lafayette Orr Robert, Delord near Mai^azine (^rrell Thomas, 401 Annunciation Orriny Pascal, clerk, First n. New Levee Orrney Pascal, Third near Rousseau Orso Jos. Mrs. 13 History Ort Piiineas, siioemaker, 175 Levee, d. 3 Ortagus G. cigars, 839 New Levee Orteli lienjamni, 70 Bourl)on Ortembach A. clerk, 57 Cusiomiiouse Orther John, shoemaker, 854 Magazine Ortig Raphael, 151 St. Ann Oriiz B. c. p. 256 Mandeviile Ortlan Herman, carpt. 320 St. Anthony Orton Allen Mrs., Lafayette c. Baronne Orwl J. M. clerk, 15 Tchoupitoulas Oryac John, c. p. 59 Elmire Osborn D. C. plasterer, 47 St. Thomas Osborn Frederick, lab. Adele n. Fulton Osborn George, lab. 330 Rampart, d. 3 Oshorn Horatio B. clerk, 156 Gravier Osborn James, 52 Poyfarre Osborn J. C. Philip n. Soraparu Osborne B. C. 47 St. Jamc^s Osi)orne Henry lab. 86 Orange Osborne John, boatman, Lafayette n.Vine Osborne J.J. Terpsichore n. Dryades Osborne Saml. L. acct. 47 Union, d. 1 Osborne Thomas, lab. Mandeviile n. Royal Oscar Victoria Mrs. 56 Rampart Oselet Raphael, 150 St. Peter Oselet R. Mrs., dressmaker, 150 St. Peter Oser Bendich, gardener, 7 Poydras market Oser Frank, butcher, 217 Pleasant Oser Gregory, b. h. 183 Tchoupitoulas User Laurent Mrs. 125 Clouet Oser Peter, tailor, 536 Tchoupitoulas Oser S. & Co. (George A. Eider,) com. mers. 157 Common O.ser Wm. f. m. c. driver, Conti n. Villere O'.Shagnessy E. Fiienville, c. Trenie O'Shagnessy Jas. laborer, 117 St. Anthony U'Shagnessy Michael, butcher,32 Dryades market O'Shaugnessy Pat. cooper, 151 Old Levee Oss.' Charles Capt. 316 Conti Oslenberg C. J. 94 Poet Ostenberg John, laborer, 73 Poet U.siendorf Henry, carpt. 76 Josephine Oster Antonio, Ijaker, 59 Laurel Oster J. grocer, 23 Moreau Osier Peter, tailor, 536 Tchoupitoulas Usterniann H. druggist, 478 Bourbon, d. 3 Ostermann William, laborer 71 Desire Ostern A. 143 St. Peter, d. 2 Ostern Matthew, laljorer, 49 Gaiennie O'Strander Frc derick, pilot, 222 Felicity O'Sullivan C. draym. 144 Elysinn Fields O'SulIivan E. inspector of customs, 279 Maga/.ine O'Sullivan Mortimer, b. h. &,c. d. 46Girod I O'Sullivan Patrick, laborer, 291 St. Peter O'Sullivan P. grocery and bdg. h. 72 Girod O'Sullivan Timothy, lab. 22(1 Toulouse Oswald Andrew, Laurel n. Eightii Oswald Fred, carpenter, 376 St. Peter Oswald H. notter, Napoleon av. n. Jer- sey, Jefl. City Oswald Nicholas, grocer, 117 Fourth Oswald T. H. planter, Brainard n. Philip Oswald T., Baronne n. Jackson Osztman Ludwig, lai). Arts n. Villere Otero Joseph, oysters, 190 Burgundy Otery Francois, fruit, 45 Main Uterson Henry, uphols'r, 51 & 53 Baronne Otis Charles F. clerk, 371 Dryades Otis Ellen R. Mrs. .371 Dryades Otis F. J. clerk, 475 Rampart, d. 1 Otis George W. M. carpenter, 371 Dryades Otis Jas. F. 66 Camp, d. St. Louis hotel Otis John, clerk, 104 Poydras Otis Manuel Z. c. p. d. 371 Dryades Ott G. H. 114 Marais, d. 2 Ott Jacob, jr., architect, 26 Tivoli Circle Ottendorfer F. Josephine n. New Lf4ee Ottero B. drayman, St. Mary n. Constance Otterson James Capt. 452 Old Levee Otiinger F. milkman, Carondelet c. Napo- leon av., Jefl". City Ottman Adam, butcher. Magazine market Ottman Francois A. 257 Main Otto Francis, clothing, 299 Old Levee Otto Fritz, c. h. 100 Customhouse Otto G. oysters, Girod c. Baronne Otto J. A. C W. H. LilchfordSfCo.) 72 Canal Otto J. N. boots and shoes, 603 Magazine Oiway John A., Baronne n. Clio Oubran Catharine, grocery, 2 Euterpe Ouder John, Melpomene c. Howard Oudet Joseph, Levee, McDonogh Oudin i\l. P. furnished rooms, 105 Bienville Ougatte B. c. h. 118 Old Levee Ougatte Celeste Mrs. 116 Frenchmen Oniif M. builder, 249 St. Louis Oulif Simon, clerk, 31 Gravier, d. 249 St. Louis Ouillet Jo.s. carpenter, 362 Thalia Ouille J. tailor, 66 Ursuiines Oulman Nathan, clerk, 325 Marais, d. 3 Oupy Leon, shoemaker, 42 Union, d. 3 Ourie Pierre, bricklayt;r, 27 St. Ferdinand Onsfeldt Chas.varnisher,206 Johnson, d. 2 Ousset Louis, dairy, Bayou St. John Outendirck Joseph Rev., Algiers Outlaw F. B. Exclmnge place n. post office Outlaw Richard L. clerk, 120 Gravier Ouvierc C. G. 127 Burgundy Ouzner Jacob, oysters, 871 New Lovee Ouvrier Baptiste, St. Peter c. Burgundy Overall John W. editor, 18 St. Charles Overbeck Corsten, cooper, 358 Old Levee Overbeck P. shoemaker, 53 St. Peter Overbeck T. 875 Burgundy ; OverdierS. H. 318 Franklin Overmeypr J. carnentcr, 231 Magazine Overton Nathaniel & Cn.fJolin C. Rogers,) com. mer. and western produce, Poy- dras c. Tchoupiloulafl. OVI 344 PAL OVIATT HOUSE, 11 Dauphin c. Canal, S. Oviatt, Proprietor. Oviatt Mrs. 11 Dauphin j Owen Edward, 77 Carondelet I Owen George, lithographer, 87 Palmyra I Owen Michael Mis. 82 Laharpe I Owen K. lab. 64 Basin, d. 2 I OwenT. F. 312 Franklin I Owen W. M. bookkeeper, 57 Carondelet ; Owens Catharine, Cypress n. Clara j Owens Dennis, sacks, 81 Mandeville ! Owens Edward, lab. 375 Perdido I Owens Edward, bookkeeper, 175 Calliope i Owens .lohn, laborer, 14 Port I Owens John E. lessee Varieties Theatre, I Gravier j Owens P. Mrs. 113 Bienville I Owens Thomas, Prytania c. Terpsichore [ Owens Timothy, paver, 373 Perdido Oxiey Charles Mrs. 211 Carondelet Oxnard John, laborer, 127 Bartholomew Ozanne P. M. Bible house, 163 Cainp, d. 94 Pacanier Ozier Anthony, Third n. Chippewa X AAP JOHN, carp. Thalia c. Freret Pablo Joseph, clerk, 12 Magazine Pablo Martin, 286 Bourbon PABLO & CO., (S. Pablo, H. Stewart, T. S. Waterman, P. Pons,) Mineral Water Man- ufacturers, 270 and 272 late 334 and 336 Royal street, respectfully inform the pub- lic that they have refitted their Establishment, and in- troduced the latest improve- ments, so that their friends and customers may be confi- dent that all Soda and Miner- al Water supplied by them, will be of the purest and very best quality, and will be fur- nished in any quantity, free of drayage, to any part of the city. Orders for shipments carefully attended to, and delivered on shipboard, free of drayage. Soda Water Apparatus for Sale, d. 180 Elysian Fields. PABLO S., Importer and Deal- er in Domestic and Foreign Liquors, No. 26 Front Levee and 74 Old Levee, between Conti and Bienville. Pabst George, gardener, 127 Frenchmen Pabst George H. shoestore, 117 Rampart Pac Joseph Mrs. 180 Mandeville Pace Augustus, screwman, 43 St. Mary Pace F. fruit, French mkt. d. 12 Main Pace Joseph, 15 Main Pache Cavetano Mrs. 137 Marais Pache Martin, 288 Chartres Pache P. Mrs. 372 Rampart, d. 3 Pack Jack, c. h. Poydras c. Rampart Pack George, confectioner, 379 Dauphine Packerson Martin, Thalia c. New Levee Packett Louis, Louisa c. Burgundy Pacoul Ferdinand, butcher, 49 French mkt Pader Peter, 90 Exchange place ! Paderas Theodore, tinware and stoves, 294 Old Levee Pagar Manuel, c. h. 564 Front Levee Pagaud A. L. Mrs. principal "Normal School,"d. Jeff. City Pagaud James H., Philip c. Chestnut Pagaud James S. atty at law, 13 Com- mercial place, d. Jeff. City Pagaud Jos. S. atty. at law, 13 Commer- cial place, d. Baronne n. Soniat, J.C. Page Auguste, b. h. 22 Jefferson Page A. G. Mrs. 132 Burgundy Page L. Mrs. 64 Franklin, d. 2 Page S. H., Customhouse, d. 328 Caron- delet Page Wm. H. engineer, 172 Rampart Pages Jean Mrs. 67 Union, d. 3 Pagnerre M. gardener. Main n. Broad Pagnerro Frank, drayman. Celeste n. Tchoupitoulas Pagot Justin, 89 St. Philip Pahnwitz H. A. engineer, 346 St. Louis Paillait Jean B. carpenter, 133 Ursulines Paille L. merchant tailor, 84 St. Charles Paillet Mrs. 328 St. Claude Pain A. bricklayer, 232 Main Pain John H. (J^\ R. Pepin Sf Co.) 33 Common, d. Elysian Fields n. Morales Paine B. H. 29 Fulton Paine G. W. foreman, 190 St. Thomas Paine John, stock dealer, La. av.Jeff.City Painpare G. 147 Hospital Painpare R. (JMeilleur S{ Painpare,) 123 Common, d. Lafayette n. Locust Painter Charles, lab. 141 St. Philip Painter John, lab. St. Andrew c. Felicity Paisent G. E. clerk. 111 Chartres Pajaud Pierre, jr. 335 Rampart, d. 3 Pajaud P. A. Mrs. 335 Rampart, d. 3 Pajewiki Henry, 200 Lafayette Palana Hermann, upholsterer, 212 St. An- drew Palangue John, butcher, 36 Poydras mkt Palao A. fruit, etc. 178 St. Philip Palao Hypolite, Sixth n. Laurel Palao Lucia, Laurel n. Washington Palao Martin, f. m. c. carp. 147 (Jrsalines Palatin F. Mrs. 308 Dauphine Palcke H. Mrs. 147 Conti Palette P.. hackman, 263 Main Palfrey Edward A. book keeper. Bank of Louisiana, d. 172 Carondelet PAL 345 PAR Palfrey Charles, clerk, 146 Carondelet Palfrey George (Palfrey &f Co.) d. 373 Magazine Palfrey G. W. clerk, 57 Carondelet Palfrey & Co. (H. IV. Palfrey, George Pal- frey,) brokers, 100 Gravier* Palfrey' H.W.rP«//rf!/ ^- Co. ) d.l32 Julia Palfrey's Warehouse, Dclord c. Foucher Palfrey R. J. cashier Branch Bank, d. 142 Carondelet Palfrey & Lincoln, (Win. Palfrey, R. J\I. Lincoln,) com.nn'rs. 13 Tclioiipitoulas Palfrey Wni. (Palfrey S^- Lincoln,) 13 Trhoupiloulas Palloek Jean P. stiward, St. Ann n. Broad Paliu Charles, blacksmith, 75 Piety Palniean Henry, La. av. c. Water, J. C. Palmer Alexander, lab. 76 Clouet Palmer A., Dryades n. St. Andrew Palmer B'uj. M. Rev. Dr. 63 Prytania Palmer Henry, drayman .Clara n. Common Palmer John, laborer, 558 Rampart, d. 3 Palmer M. G. Capt. 52 MandeviUe Palmer Robt. lab. Port h. St. John Baptist Palmer V. Mrs. 352 Ursvilines Palmer W. H. {Thnnias R. Brady Sc Co.) Julia c. New Levee, d. 254 Girod Palmer W. L. (J. W. Stanton Sf Co.) 93 Cani]i Palmes Oliver, tow boats, 10 Marigny bids. d. 341 Magazine Palmistry Miss, 247 Royal PALMS, A. ST., Union Flour and Saw Mills. On hand Fi'esh Ground Flour, Rye, Buck- wheat and Graham Flour, Shorts, Bran, Meal, Hominy, Ground Flaxseed, Mustard and Oilcake Meal, Lumber of all kinds. Boxes made to order, 106 and 107 Levee, d. 3, b. Port and Enghien, d. Port c. Chartres. Palms Louis, register V. S. Lund Office, 30 Camp, tlnrd story Paloc Adelc Mrs. 267 Customhouse Paloc H. Mrs. 161) Main Paloc Pierre, steward, 343 Conti Palnmina Raphael, cigars, 428 St. Claude Palos J. S. de, St. Ann c. Robertson Palos Mathias, shoemaker, 360 Royal, d.3 Pallron Edniund, widow, 211 Johnson Paltroii Frederick, c. p. 229 Villere Paltron J. B. c. p. Orleans c. Derbigny Paltron L. G. c. p. Johnson n. Ursulines Pana Jos. cigar maker, 54 Union, d. 3 Pandelly Giorge, superinleiidenl Pont. R. R. d. 106 Marigny Pange Andrew, jiainter, 66 Ursulines Pan(iuero J. L. laborer, Bordeaux n. Mi- tan, Jeff. City Panquerre Url)ain, St. John's Great Route Panloiiay Patrick, laborer, 36 Religious Paoso Fred, laborer, 206 Union, d. 3 Papard FraiK^ois, cooper, 161 Ursulines Papes Aug. (Chas. Frederick &c Co.) 147 Chartres Papin Michael, florist, Bartholomew c. Burgundy Papini Charles, 335 Erato Papalardo Vincent, book keeper, 4 Front Paquet Fanny, f. w. c. 307 Rampart, d. 2 Paquet George, Dauphin n. Union Paquet George, painter, 303 St. Peter Paquet Louis, carpenter, 77 Louisa Paquet L. grocer, 151 Urquhart Paquot Chas.clk. 126 Canal,d. 247 Bourbon Paquot Charles, carpenter, 131 Toulouse Paratey S. c. h. 67 Buri:;undy, d. 2 Paraza John, cigar maker, 22 Union, d. 3 Pardo Ambrosia, 308 Royal Pareniu Eugene, bread, Claiborne c. Ma- rigny Parent A. c. h. and bdg. h. 14 St. Philip Parent Eugene, f.w.c. Capt. lake schooner, d. 153 Carondel.'t walk Parent Fraiu^ois, 145 Marigny Parent H. f. w. c. Comuion c. Rampart Parent Peter, watchmaker. Canal c. Royal, d. 101 Treme, d. 2 Parent Guis(])])e, shoemaker, 65 Main Parga Manuel, c. h. Front c. St. James Parham E. F. clerk, Tchoupit. c. Gravier Parham J. G. superinten't public schools, d. 4, d. Sixth n. St. Charles Parham John M. apothecary, 50 Natchez Parham William, First n. Dryades Parham William E. clerk, 13 a'lul 15 Camp Paris A. butcher, 16 Poydras market Paris Amedee, carpenter, 36 Bourbon Paris Burdett Capt. 15 Gasquet Paris C. grocer, 218 Union, d. 3 Paris Greenberry,book keeper, 69 Tchoup. Paris Lavau Mrs. 152 St. Ann Paris M. Mrs. grocer, Rampart c. St. Philip Paris Narcisse, barkeejier, 201 Daujjhine Paris William, c. p. 185 Marigny Parish Charles. clerk, Euterpe n. Prytania Parish Prison,Orleansb.Treiueand Marais Parish Wm. II. carp. 291 Anmuiciation Parisy J. verterin'y surgeon, 176 St. Peter Park Edward S. clerk, 80 Canal Park Geo. N. engineer, 732 Dauphine, d.3 Park Henry laborer, 463 Royal, d. 3 Park John, printer, 449 Basin Park Jno. F.chronom.maker,38 Magazine Parke Henry D. clerk, 84 Canal, d. 291 AiHiuncialinn Parker Abraham, butcher, St. Mary's mkt Parker Ad.line, f. w. c. 297 Bienville Parker .\. H. mate, 109 Dauphine Parker Charles, 128 Pr)ydra8 Parker Cunningham, painter, Melpomene n. Magnolia Parker C. A. builder, 282 Calliope Parker Eliz. Mts. 73 Polyiunia Parkir Elizabeth f. w. c. 297 Bienville Park'r E. T. sherilT parish Orleans, slier- I iff's office, d. Camp c. Thalia | Parker George, 240 MandeviUe I PAR 346 PAS Parker George, f. m. c. 265 Marais Parker Geo. W. (John Haskins &f Co.) La. and Factors' Cotton Presses, Robin c. St. Tliomas, (]. Terpsichore c.Pacanier Parker Geo. S. Urquiiart n. Mandeville Parker Henry, constable, Gri'tna Parker Hy. C. dep. slieriff, Camp c. Thalia Parker H.Mrs, b. h. 55 Tchoupitoulas Parker .Tames, barkeeper, 117 Rampart Parker James, carpenter, 73 Polymnia Parker John,f.m.c. cartman, 172 Barracks Parker Joseph, laborer, 234 Basin Parker J. D. clerk, 155 Canal Parker Lewis, clerk, 79 Tchoupitoulas Parker Linus Rev. ( Keener Sf Parker ,) 112 Camp, d. 82 Felicity Parker L. A. student Charity Hospital Parker M. Mrs., Calliope n. Baronne Parker Patrick, laborer, 85 Delord Parker Samuel J. C. acct. 8 Front Levee Parker Sophia, f. w. c. 333 Bourbon Parker Virgil W. clerk, 126 Canal, d. 247 Baronne Parker William, mate, Delaronde, Algiers Parkinson D. 227 Philip Parkinson F. B. clerk, 34 Perdido Parkinson M. Mrs., Coliseum c. Second Parkinson R. laborer, 27 Hospital Parks Edward S. clerk, 80 Canal Parks E. A. Mrs. 277 Melpomene Parks George A. laborer, 227 St. Louis Parks Henry, clerk, 416 Rampart Parks James, oysters, 177 St. Philip Parks Joseph, Baronne n. St. Andrew Parlange Charles, 219 Burgundy Parlange H. agent N. 0. clothing factory, St. Bernard promenade n. Force Parle A., Julia c. Locust Parle John, clerk, 46 Tchoupitoulas Parley William, carpenter, 284 Calliope Parmele G.W. dentist,Northn.St.Charles Parmelee Edward & Bro. com. mers. 82 Poydras, d. 67 Coliseum Parmele Howard L.salesirian ,35 Magazine Parmelee S. F. saddlery, 5 St. .Charles, d. 128 Tchoupitoulas Parmen telAuguste, milk, Louisa n, Morales Parmentel E. 214 Bayou road Parmenteur Josephine, ft. Bayou St. John Parmer Julia Mrs., Copernicus n. Third, Gretna PARMLY G. W. & N. G. GOD- FREY, Dentists, North c. St. Francis, op. Lafayette square. Parodi Antonio, 370 Marais, d. 3 Parodi Dominique, oysters, 106 Poydras Parody Fras. grocer, 142 Frenchmen Parody Lazaro, 427 Burgundy Parohley John C. stevedore, 75 Race Parr Henry, cotton weigher, 136 Spain Parr James M. carpenter, 353 Basin Parr Thomas M. carpenter, 75 Carondelet Parra Antoine, cigars, 159 Old Levee, d.2 Parra Augustin, c.h. Magazine c. St. Mary Parra A. laborer, 201 Ursulines Parra D. 462 St. Claude Parra F. de P. planter, Constance n. Fourth Parra Joaquin, accountant, 153 Barracks Parra Joseph, Columbus n. St. Claude Parra J. J. c. h. Ex. place c. St. Louis Parrenin E., Claiborne c. Marigny Parrent C. builder, 101 Common Parrent Hannah, f. w. c. 51 Rampart Parrier Celeston, carp. 220 Treme Parrish & Kern, ( Edward Parrish, Jan. M. Kern,) cotton & com. mers. 124 Gravr. Parrish Edward, (Parrish Sf Kern,) d. 318 St. Charles Parrocell E. 63 Derbigny Parrone Peter, 185 Main Parrot Etienne,grocer,Chartres c. Barracks Parrow Mary, f. w. c. 79 Toulouse Parsler Chas. carp. Peter, Algiers Parson Andre, tailor, 47 Villere, d. 1 Parson R., Religious n. Orange Parsons Harris, cabinetmkr. 186 Prytania Parsons Henry, piano fortes, 42 Camp,d. 186 Camp Parsons John, barber, f.m.c. 118 Poydras Parsons John W. clerk, 124 Canal Partee W. B. 49 Union, d. 240 Jackson Partegas A. c.h. Carondelet walk c. Treme Partenbach M., Independence c. Greatmen Partenschky Moritz, tailor. 111 Girod Parterre Lucian, carp. 226 St. Anthony Partlin Lawrence, lao. 117 Bolivar Partner A. clerk, 484 Magazine Partner Daniel, lab. 349 Howard Partner Lawrence, lab. 349 Howard Pascal Augustin, builder, 179 Roman, d. 2 Pascal Christian, 165 Port Pascal Francis, tinsmith, 199 Marais, d. 199 Robertson, d. 3 Pascal Francis, 370 Burgundy Pascal P. baker, 484 Main Pascal Gabriel, western produce, 97 Old Levee, d. Royal c. Toulouse Pascal John, Eighth n. Annunciation Pascal J. E.acct.27 St. Louis, d.368 Burg'y Pascal L. builder, 279 St. Philip Pascal L. broker, 223 Ursulines Pascal Peter, 137 Annette Pascal S., Frenchmen c. Burgundy Pascal S. Mrs. jewelry and watchmaking, 24 Commercial place Pascelagua Nicholas, 92 St. Ann Pasco John, trader, French mkt.d. 24 Ursu. Pascual John, baker, 460 St. Claude, d. 3 Pasley John, 67 Elysian Fields Pasquier Aspes, hairworker, 132 Royal Pasquier Laurent, ( Duforessier Sf Pas- quier,) d. Clailjorne n. St. Bernard Pasquier Lucian, 58 Orleans Passe J. bricklayer, c. Philip and Baronne Passebon Peter, 231 Treme Passaquin Jean, dry goods, Villere, Alg. Passe J. bricklayer, Philip c. Baronne Passebon Peter, 231 Treme Pasteur C. N. & Bro. (R. M. Pasteur,) Tyler Cotton Press, Richard c.Tchou- pitoulas PAS 347 PAX Pasteur R. M. (C. JV. Pasteur Sf Bro.) d. Felicity c. Annunciation Pastor Emile, insp. cigars, 15 St. Bernard l-'astureau AlUert, (-Ik.'gS 0. Levee, d. 2 Pastian E. Mrs., Royal n. Ursulines Pastorize .Tns. fruit and groceries, Algiers Pastourel Lucian, tailor, 79 St. Piter Pate George, foundry, 305 Howard Pate John r 239 Lafayette Patemann H.H.shoemlvr.91 Customhouse Palimann H. shoemkr. 91 Customhouse Patimento Antoine, 246 Frenchmen Patin G., Colnmlius n. Claiborne Patin Louise Mrs., St. Andrew n. Const'e Patorno P. grocery, 21 Main Patrick George, Clara n. Julia Patrick John B., L >f;iyette n. Willow Patriet Frances Mrs. 59 Terpsichore Patron Jean Pierre, f. m. c. shoemkr. 246 Johnson, d. 2 Patronne l^ouis, porter, 150 Royal Patrovieh J. 118 Duuphine Patterson Carl. P. looking glasses and pic- ture frames, 225 Rampart, d. 1 Patterson Charles, 375 Erato Patterson Charles, salesman 15 Camp Patterson Elizabeth, 333 Front Patterson Elizabeth F. 11 Gasquet Patterson E. A., Bulletin job office, d. Josephine n. Dryades Patterson E. A. & Co. {Samurl G. Fisk, Thomas Murray, Charles W. Culbert- son, Isaac G. Seymour,) wharf contrac- tors, 33 Front Patterson George, c. p. 441 Poydras Patterson George, carp 117 Constance Patterson George Mrs. 52 Aniuuiciation Patterson Geo. W., Carondelet c. Sixth Patterson Geo. W. plasterer, 58 Franklin Patterson Hiram, lab. 315 Old Levee, d. 2 Patterson Jas shipcart, 197 Delarondc Patterson Jerome, aep.sherilT,194 Toulouse Patterson John, lab. 208 Delord Patterson John, c. and b.h.8 Triangle bids. Patterson John J. grocer, 420 Perdido Patterson J.J. teacher, Raronne c. Perdido Patter.son &, Jowett, ornanii'ntal wood works, Baronne b. Poydras and Hevia Patterson .Joseph, 174 Mandeville Patterson Mark, drayman, 188 Locust Patterson Min(>rva, Marais n. Conti Patterson Peter, ( Laconr Sf Patterson,) painter, Poydras n. Bolivar Patterson Richard J. book keeper, 12 Union Patterson R. T. engineer, 44 Louisa I'.itterson Samuel, Third n. Rousseau i'uterson William B. engineer, 719 Burg'y P;itterson Wm. blacksmith, 40 Rousseau Patterson Wm. jiainter, 349 IJampart,d. 1 Patihey Lucien, carpenter, 21 St. Anthony Pattio Steph<>n, moulder, Fnmt, Gretna Pattison Jno. B.Mrs., Felicity n. Carondelet Pattison .T B. Mr.s., Fc^licily n. Baronne Pattison K. T. clerk, 38 Union, d. 1 Pattison Wm. J. (.Illison, PallisonSf Co.) d. Race n. Camp Patton Andrew, St. Peter c. Robinson Patton Chas. builder, 131 St. Andrew Patton E. D. clerk. Royal c. Canal Patton Finlay, 56 St. Bernard Patton Francis, plasterer, 132 Orange Patton Frederika Mrs. 18 Constance Patton James, lab. 15 Marigny Patton John, book keeper, 75 Carondelet Patton J. Mrs., Constance c. Gaiennie Patton Marois, India Warehouse, 145 Tchoupitoulas, d. 482 Magazine Patton Philip, Carondelet walk c. Villere Patton, Smith & Putnam, (Thomas F. Patton, Isaac .4. Smith, John M. Put- nam, John D. Murrell,) tobacco and com. mers. Magazine c. Gravier Patton Thomas F. (Patton, Smith Sf Put- nam,) d. 31 Prytania Patton W. A. wood yard. Old Basin, Ca- rondelet walk c. Robertson Patton, Henderson & Co. ( Wm. Patton, IVm. Henderson, H. C. Terry,) com. mers. 93 Gravier Patton Wm. (Patton, HendersonSf Co.) 93 Gravier Patty Jami's, lab. 36 Poet Paturzo Jose, 407 Burgundy Paty L. Mrs. furnished rms. 15 Bourbon Patzer C. shoemkr. Orleans c. Burgundy Patzer Martin, blacksmith, 61 Marais Paublin Matthew, oysters, 259 Bourbon Pauche Theodule, carp. 176 Hosjiital Pauer William, laborer, 66 Conde Paugue Etienne, butch. 24 St.Marv's nikt. Paul Adam, b. h. 423 Chartres, d". 3 Paul Chas. shoemkr. 216 Gasquet Paul Chas., Customhouse n. Johnson Paul Dorothy, f. w. c. 146 Dauphine Paul D. cooper, 319 Dryades Paul Eliza Mrs. 78 Perdido Paul Frederick, shoemkr. 36 Roman Paul Henry, shoemkr. Seventh c.Chancey Paul Jacob, c. h. Levee n. Seventh Paul John, 240 Bourbon Paul John, Celestine n. Bagatelle Paul John, builder, sho]i 172 Julia Paul John, fruit, 392 Old Levee Paul John B. cooper, 199 Pri.'ur, d. 2 Paul J. F. bookkecper,320 Magazine,d.8l Calliope Paul Pierre, 382 Dauphine, d. 3 Paulding School, Constance c. Gaiennie Paulich Baptiste, ragman, 117 Music Paulin Jane, 96 Gaiennie Pauline Catherine, b. h. 105 N. Levee, d.l Paull Ferdinand, tailor, Algiers Paulman Frederick, finisher, 34 South mkt. Panhsakel A. Mrs., Polymnia n. St. Chas. Paulsakel W. Miss, music teacher, Polym- nia n. St. Charles Paulsen John H. shoes, Napoleon av. J. C. Pauley J. Rev. 649 Rampart, d. 3 Paut Louis, distiller, 223 Robertson, d. 2 Pavageau N. 295 Robertson, d. 2 Pavageau R. shoe store, 268 Bayou road Pavie C. f. w. c. 97 St. Philip Paw Louis, lab. 136 Conti Pax'ton W. H. atly. at law, 50 Camp PAY 348 PEE PA YAN & CAEHART, (Thos. C. Pay an, Thos. F. Carhart,) Manufacturers of Clothing. Wholesale and Retail Deal- ers in Fashionable Clothing, 72 Canal, and 55, 57, 59 and 61 Hudson street, New York; d. 318 Magazine Payette N. T., Lafayette n. Howard Payne Buckner H. 26 Fulton Payne Charles, builder, 251 Howard Payne C. B. stenmsiiip a;^ent, 57 camp, d. Fourth c. St. Charles Payne & Kemp, {Edward C. Payne, John Kemp, jr.) grocers, 33 and 35 Tchou- pitoulas. Payne Kdward C. ( Payne Sf Kemp,) d. 405 Constance P>iyne Kdward C. jr. clerk, 405 Constance Payne Henry, stevedori', 45 Kulton Payne Ilcnry M. clerk, 33 Tchoupitoulas, d. 405 Constance Payne John, cattle drover, Louisiana av. n. Mag^azine, Jeff. City Payne John N. clerk, 33 Trhonpitoulas Payne & Harrison, (Jacob U. Payne, J. P. Harrison, G. W. Huntington, W. H. Dameron,) com. niers. 51 Union, d. 1 Payne Jacob U. (Payne Sf Harrison,) d. First c Camp Payne Julia, 236 Ilienville Payne M.uia, f. w. c. Camp c. Lyon, Jeff. City. Payne M. U. Brainard n. Josephine Payne Thomas, lab. St. Claude c. Louisa Payne Wm. (Duncan, Payne &c Co.) d. Constance c. First Payro B. f. m. c. barber, 50 Ursulines Fayro Leaiidro,(' JV/anue/ SfLeandro Payro,) d. 1U5 Main Payro .Vlanuel & Loandro, com. mers. 20 Bienville Payro Manuel, fJtfanue^" Leandro Payro,) d. 14S St. Louis Payrout N. coiifectiojier, 172 Bourbon Pays J. P. butcher, 4 Treme market Payson Asa, pilot, 339 Thalia Payton Catharine Mrs. 350 Howard Paysant Eugene, c. h. 217 Oonti Peabody A. G. Mrs. 170 Marigny Peabody Krastus Mrs. 130 Mandeville Peachy William Capt. 515 Bienville Peake Mac'k, shoemaker, 339 Poydras Peale Allen, drayman, 314 Calliope Peale Elijah, ( Tliomus Henderson 8f Peale,) d. Colist'um n. Euter|ie Pearce John, machinist, 377 Magazine Pearce John, gr, Girod c. Elysian Fields Pearce Joseph, Third c. Annunciation Pearce Jos.|,h W. 233 F-lysian Fields Pearce J. T. foreman blacksm.91 Polymnia Pearce Thi>s. scre\vman,570 Tchoupitoulas Pearson C. F. com. mer. 13 Tchoupitoulas Pearson Eliza A. Mrs. 449 Rampart Pearson Harris G. St. Mary c. Prytania Pearson T. K. clerk, 27 Carondelet Peatross William T. clerk, 12 Gravier Pecher P. f. m. c. cigars, 34 Antoinette Pechin Pierre, cooper, 457 St. Ann PECK ANSON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Combs, Brushes and Toilet Articles, 7 Bour- bon n. Canal Peck Ann Mrs. 251 Common Peck A. glazier, 235 Dryades Peck Albert, clerk, 54 Franklin Peck Charles C. 64 Gravier Peck De Witt C. clerk, 120 Canal, d. 243 Dauphin Peck Elias, clerk, 70 Canal Peck Fred, clerk, 69 Canal Peck Henry, teacher 167 Magazine Peck Joseph, butcher, 18 Poydras mkt. Peck Nicholas, Hospital c. Miro Peck Ossian, sewin? machines, 120 Canal, Touro buildings, d. 286 St. Charles Pock 0. F. clerk, 120 Canal Peck Racheljf.w.c. fur.roon.s, 18 Franklin Peck Sam'l H. sewing machines, 120 Canal Touro buildings PECK WALTER A. 69 Canal, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet- Bags and Valises Peck, W.H. teacher, Magazine c.Josephine Peckert Peter, tailor, 90 St. Ann Pecon Manuel, caulker, 58 Desire Pecora E. M. 63 Marais Pecot E. b. h. 95 St. Louis Pecot S. J. clerk, 95 St. Louis Pecoul Ferdinand, butcher, 49 French mkt. d. Sixth n. New Levee Pedarre H. accountant, 65 Old Levee, d. St. Peter c. Chartres Peddie Charles, Religious n. Market Prddie James, 339 Claiborne, d. 3 Peddie William, 32 Marigny Pi'demont Ant, 249 Frenchmen Ped.M-son Peter B. clerk, 100 Canal Pedesclaux A. cigars, 227 Main PedesclauxH. notary pub. 49 Exchange place, d. 278 Esplanade Pedesclaux Rodolphe, bricklayer. 111 Co- in mljus Pedraza P. Mrs. 321 St. Peter, d. 2 Pidre Henry, laborer, Miro n. Barracks Pedro Blanch, c.h. St. Charles c. Poydras PEEBLES JOSHUA, Builder, 186 and 188 Carondelet, d. 198 Baronne. Peek Henry T. clerk, 25 Marigny, d. Prytania c. St. Mary Peel Allen C. drays, 98 Gaiennie Peel J. A. 10 Magazine, d. St. Mary near Constance PEE 349 PEN Feet, Simms & Co. (E. Peet, P. Simms,J. Bou'ling, .Y. Williamson,) dry goods, 23 and 25 Magiizine Feet E. (Peet, Simms Sf Co.) 23 Magazine Pect G. A. accountant, 25 Magazine Pffania Antoine, grocer, 142 Basin, d. 1 Fefferle Ciiarles, St. Peter c. Frieur Pefferie R. carpenter, Orleans n. More Pegram H.B. clerk, 15 and 17 N. Levee, d.l Pcgram N. J. b'3 Gravier, d. 320 St.Chaa. Feguillar Gustav, butcher, 29 St Mary's market Fell Marcus, shoemaker, Clara n. Clio Pehe Jean, gardener, Metairie ridge Peiger Henry, jeweii'r, 122 Marais Feinne L. vegetables, 89 Magazine mkt Feiper Chas. baskets, St. Mary n. Camp PEIRCE OLIVER, Manufactu rer of Boneblack and Fer tilizers, Super Phosphate of Lime, Phosphated Guano, Crushed Bones, Fine Bones andPoudrette. Also, for sale. Hides, Tallow, Grease and Oil, Washington ave. b. Lib- erty and St. George, d. Wash- ington avenue c. Chestnut. Pi'irce T. N. 141 Clio Pcire E. L. deputy keeper Parish prison Peire H. Mrs. 74 "Orleans Peire H. L. cashier Consolidated Associ- ation, d. 74 Orli-ans Peirre Frank, oysters, 167 Rampart, d. 1 Peire Wm. carp. St. Jane c. Gravier Pciser B. glazier, 144 Conti Peiser Charles, tinsmith, 377 Canal Peitz Frank, shoes, 282 Levee, d. 3 Peitz Joseph, laborer, 204 Toulouse Pelagic Mary L. grocery, 276 Ursulines I'elanne R. Mrs. 129 Main Pelayo M. fishmonger, Fo»;t n. Urquhart P.lbon Adelle, IsTOrleans Pelecrf Peter, laljorer, .338 Hospital Pcle Louis, leeche.s, 128 Bourbon Pelegrine John L. bakery, Foydras corner Clara, and 23 Poydras market PELICAN CHEMICAL WORKS, and Steam Soap Factory, 123 & 124 Front-st. below the Steamship Land ing, Richard Wells, Propri etor. Pelican Club House, Baronne c. Canal Pelican Cotton Press, New Levee n. St. Andn'W Pi lican Dry Docks, Algiers, 87 Gravier IMican Fir.' Eiiffine Co. No. 1 Peter, Alg. P.lican H. & L. Co. No. 4 Basin c. Conli Pelican Warehouse, Gir<>d c. Commerce Pelle Theodore, clerk, 444 Dryades Pellegrin J. S. soap fact. Elysian Fields c. Marigny Canal Pellens W. sheet iron worker, 126 Poydras Pellerin Amidee, 148 Ursulines Pelierin A. custom house officer, 25 Man- deville Pellerin H. 108 Levee, d. 3, d. 6 Union.d 3 Pellerin J. B., Elmire near Moreau Pellerin Restaurant, 15 Madison Pellessier Francaise,f. w. c. 435 St. Claude Felletior Louis, c. p. 68 Main Felletier J. B. clerk, St. Ann c. Royal Pelletier William Mrs. 270 Main Prlligrina Guisepe, 16 Main Pellissier Fraiifois, 203 Conti Pellissier Jean Piere, 117 Claiborne Pellissier Joseph, printer, Lapeyrouse n. Roman Pellissier R. printer, 127 Union, d. 3 Pelot Charles, clerk, 45 Chartres Peltier John, lumber, shingles, laths, &c. Levee c Independence, d. 27 Desire Peltier John C. barkeeper, 280 Ursulines Pelzer Jos. H. shoemaker, 842 Magazine Pemberton C. Mrs. 45 St. Philip Femberton F. Mrs. 154 Royal Pemiierton John, president Merchant's Mutual Insurance Co. 104 Canal, d. 265 Dauphine Pena Charles, painter, 370 St. Ann Pena Francis, 263 Bayou road Fenas C. painter, 250 St. Ann Pencillcr Wm. lab. Thalia n. Constance Pender James, engineer, 39 Elmire Pendergast Horace, clerk, 84 Orange Fendergast James F'. 12 Constance Pendergast J. J. 12 Constance Pendergast Pat. drayman, 221 St. Thomas Pendergast Margaret, Second n. St. Dennis Fendergast Richard, La. Cotton Press Pendervis Irwin, carpenter, 117 Rousseau Pendleton Edmund, atty. at law. 12 Com- mercial place, d. 470 Camp Peniston Fergus, 39 Exchange alley Penn & Shortridge, (,Hfred Prnn, J. P. Shortriilge , ) Union Cotton Press, New Levee c. Terpsichore Penn Alfred, (Prnn &,• Shortridge,) and pres. Union Bank, d. South n. Camp Penn D. B., Star Cotton Press,* 478 Tchoupitoulas d. 76 Chippewa Penn Ru^i'iiia, 370 Rampart, d. 3 Penn William, grocer, 238 St. Louis Pennington J. C. (J. Villman,) stereotyp- ers, 80 Poydras Pennington S. F. salesman, 23 Common, d. Jefferson City Penny B. F. resident student Charity Hos. Peno, cigars, 117 Chartres Penot Henry, arrt. 229 Orhans P.nrose R. "S. rhrk. 155 Canal Penrose Frank, clerk, 155 Canal P. nsil.r Wm. labor, r. 1.33 Thalia P'-nsonnat L. M.-s. 312 Old Levee Peniland Alex. N. feed, 41 Levee, d. 4 p. niz J. clerk, 192 Derbigny p. iiuel Caleb, c. p. 413 Praiiklin Penz Adam, laborer, 126 Congress Penzill Joseph, tailor, Prosper n. Bagatelle Peoples M. T. H. cl(-rk, 161 Gravier Peoson Joseph, c. p. Congress n. Rampart Pepe Antonio, 102 Basin, d. 2 Pepe A. grocer, St. Louis c. Burgundy Pepe Garcia, Morales c. St. Anthony Pepe Hypolite, 110 Mandeville Pepe Joseph, marketman, 44 Frenchmen Pepin A. 53 Ursulines Pepin A. (P. Martin &c Co.) 44 Old Levee Pepin Michael, florist, 70 Bartholomew Pepin N. R. & Co. (John H. Pain) com. mers. agency for wines and liquors, 33 Common, d. 17 Marais, d. 2 Peppard J. G. 330 Magazine Pepper A. M. clerk, Tchoup. c. Gravier Pequignot Etienne, 118 Bienville Pequignot Joseph, 207 Treme, d. 2 Pequignot Joseph, tailor, 177 Dauphine Peralli Achille, sculptor, St. Louis corner Franklin, d 227 St. Peter Peraldo Chas. cistern makr. 176 Villere,d.2 Peralt Anthony, shoemaker, 252 iMain Peralta Albino, steward, 405 Dauphine Peralta John, 152 Derbigny, d. 2. Peralta J. Mrs. 152 Derbigny Perara Louis, lab. Seguin n. Peter, Algiers Perat J. painter, c. Burgundy and St. Ann Perat Mrs. variety store, 137 Main Peratta Albino, 405 Dauphine, d. 3 Peraux G. St. Peter c. Bourbon Perceval Louis, Villere n. Ursulines Percey Charles, plasterer, Washington n. Dryades Perch Philip, Prosper n. Elysian Fields Perche Jos. Rev. pastor St. Mary's Church Perche N. F. Abbe editor and proprietor Propagateur Catholique, 136 Chartres Percy Clovis, 124 Esplanade Percy Felix, atty. at law and notary pub- lic, 120 Ex. place, d. 124 Esplanade Percy Felix, jr. 60 Old Levee, d. 124 Es- planade Percy Ferdinand, jr. 120 Ex. place, d. 124 Esplanade Percy Joseph, f. m. c. mason, 75 Johnson Percy S. Eniile, Sec. of Water Works, 36 Dryades n. Canal, d. 123 Esplanade Perdreauville L. ( Perdreauville Brothers,) d. 198 Elysian Fields Perdreauville Bros. (R. Ji. Perdreauville, L. Perdreauville,) com. mers. 69 Tchoupitoulas Perdreauville R. A. (Perdreauville Bros.) d. 196 Elysian Fields Perdreaux S. Mrs. 73 Orleans Pere H. Mrs. 170 Customhouse Pereauxnet Cainille, coopr. 285 Carondelet Pereira Alexander, c. h. Canal c. Baronne, d. 48 Dauphine Peren E. gro. N. Levee c. Lion, Jeff". City Peres Antoine, carpenter, 244 Conti Peres Bernard, 11 St. Philip Peres Bernard, 22 Poydras market Peres D. apothecary, Conti c. Bourbon Peres John, butcher, 22 Poydras market Peres J. P. St. Philip n. White Peres Louis, 211 Esplanade Peres Pierre, cigar maker, 129 St. Philip Pereyras F. 374 Villere, d. 3 Perez Augustine, 309 Royal Perez A. Mrs. 275 Prieur, d. 2 Perez R. cupper, 135 Dauphine Perez Baptiste, grocer, 290 Bayou road Perez Bernard, butcher, 14 French mkt. Perez Etienne, grocer, 212 St. Ann Perez Jno. French baky. Camp n. St. Mary Perez J. B. Dr. 43 Magazine Perez Jean P. butcher, 33 Treme market Perez John, c. h. Julia c. Franklin Perez Jose, oysters, 166 Poydras Perez Juan, tailor, 282 Dauphine Perez J. Mrs. grocery, 212 Frenchmen Perez Louis, c. h. Ursulines c Royal Perez Pierre, cigars, 133 Dauphine Perez Ramon J. oyst. Carroll c. Poydras Perez Sidran, 520 Villere, d. 3 Perez Valentine, cigars, 147 St. Anthony Perez William, 261 St. Ann Perfect John S. shipp'g ofl[ice, 517 Royal, d. 3, d. 16 Barracks Perfect Union Lodge No. 1, (Masonic,) Rampart n. Main Periac Felix, carpenter, 49 Urquhart Perier A. pianos, 252 Royal Perrillos J. shoemaker, 126 Claiborne, d.2 Perin Eugene, 161 Burgundy Perin F. atty. at law, 44 Camp, d. Jeff". City Peris Francis, Annunciation n. Fourth Peris Miguel, 500 Burgundy Perkins A. S. 221 Carondelet, d. 126 Gas- quet Perkms Joseph, engineer, 196 Lafayette Perkins J. A. clerk, 13 Camp Perkins John F. carpenter, 614 Annun. Perkins Lewis, clerk, 438 Royal Perkins Louis W. clerk, 25 Carondelet Perkins T. engineer, N. 0. J. &G. N. R.R. Perkins Wm. engineer, 378 Franklin Perkins Willis, 262 Common Perkins W. H. d. Josephine n. Nayades Perkins & Co. ( IVm. M. Perkins, D. L. Kernion, B. Ji. Shepherd,) com. mers. 48 Carondelet c. Union Perkins Wm. M. (Perkins Sf Co.) d. Jack- son c. Coliseum Perks Munford, clothing, 65 Front Perodas Manuel, milk, Gentilly n. railroad Perolt Auguste, 224 Main Peronnin A. Mrs. 507 Chartres, d. 3 Perpere J. B. drayman, 248 St. Philip Perrat Francois, f. m. c. 426 Chartres, d.3 Perralta Antoine, 137 St. Peter Perrault Apolinera, mason, 350 St. Claude Perrault A. f. m. c. tailor, 440 St. Claude Perrault C. G. elk. Royal c. Customhouse d. Independence c. Rampart Perrault Dauphin, bricklay. Ill Kerlerec Perrault J. B. acct. 59 Customhouse Perrault Octave, elk. Old Levee c. Bienville Perrault R. O. elk. Bienville c. Old Levee Perrault Simon, bricklay. 366 Burgundy, d.3 Perrault T. 212 Kerlerec PER 351 PET Perresin J. clerk, 128 Canal Perrat A. & Co. c. h. Carondelet Walk c. Marais Pcrret Adcie, f. w. c. 275 Bourbon Perret Caroline, midwife, 116 Toulouse Ferret D. R. 229 Rampart, d. 2 Perret Kvarisie, 250 Marais Perret Frank, com. mer. :<6 Bienville, d. 47 Toulouse Perret Schultz &. Bertsche (Leron Perret, G. C. Schullz, C. Bertsche,) com.mers. 48 Carondelet Perret Leon, (Pcrret, Schultz Sf Bertsche,) d. 56 Rampart, d. 2 Perret Pierre C. com. mer. Carrollton Perret Wm. rigger, Mandeville n. Levee Perret Z. Magazme n. Jena, Jefl' City Perrie William, laborer, 5 Mandeville Perrilliat Felix, carpenter, 473 Marais, d.3 Perrilliat Francjois, Claiborne n. Elysian Fields Perrilliat .Tules, 95 Main Perrilliat Mary, f. w. c. 79 Claiborne, d. 2 Perrilliat N. & Co. com. mors. 14 Tou- louse, d. 95 Main Perrin Casimir, locksmith, 124 Burgundy Perrin, grocer, Levee, .leff. City Perrin Manuel, trader, 32 Marigny Perrin Victor, carpiMiter, St. Philip Perrinct A. T. 242 St. Peter, d. 2 Perrissin Jules, barkeeper, 19 Royal Perrissin T. clerk, 128 Canal Perrot Balthazar, 128 Bourbon Perrot Charles, clerk. Barracks c. Johnson Perrot Gaspard Mrs., Barracks c. Johnson Perroteau Theo. bricklayer, 220 Galvez Perroux N. Ernest, 38 Orleans Perry Antonio, Poydras n. Franklin Perry Chas. F. carpenter, 380 Carondelet Perry E. W. house furnishing, Poydras n. St. Charles, d. 370 Gravier Perry E. W. jr. portrait painter, 108 St. Charles Perry George W. carpenter, Carondelet n. La. Avenue Perry Henry, house furnishing goods, 112 Poydras, d. 159 Franklin Perry John, laborer, 455 Chartres, d. 3 ''irry John M. 76 Prytaiiia 'erry Mary Mrs. 76 Prytania '.rry M. H. Mrs. 138 Roman, d. 2 ^irry Theodore, f m. c. 154 Thalia 'irry William, laborer, 132 Enghien 'i-rry Wm. laborer, 8 Mandeville \ rry Wm. F. clerk, 123 Canal 'erry William, carpenter, 795 Dauphine P-Tsehall F. tailor, 33 Mandeville Perseverance Chapter, No. 3, St. Claude Perseverance Fire Co. .No. 13, 6 Perdido Perseverance Lodge L 0.0. F., St. Claude Perseverance Sash Factory, Clio Persier Clias. plaslerlaee Pessou L. (Pcssou Sf Simon,) d. 369 St. Claude Pcssou Victor, clerk, 23 Old Levee Pest John, butcher, St. Mary's market" Peter Anthony, grocer, Eighth n. Annun- ciation Peter Charles, tinsmith, 118 Rampart, d.l Peter Fred, tinsmith, 377 Canal Peter Henry, iron worker, 303 Bienville Peter Jacob, drayman, 113 Old Levee Peter John, lab. 152 Levee, d. 3 Peter John, cook, 28 South nikt Peter John, shoestore, 263 Rampart, d.l Peter John, fruit stand, Poydras nikt Peter Joseph, 860 New Levee Peter Martin, tailor, 202 Conti Peter Mary, f. w. c. 282 Villere Peter Thos. hunter, Bagatelle c. Prosper Peterkin, Allen & Co. ( W. S. Peterkin, Robert W. .ilUn, Thos. Wilson,) com. mers. 20 Carondelet Peterkin W. ^.(Peterkin, Allen Sf Co.) 29 Carondelet Peterman A. sand & lime, 59 Derbigny,d.2 PETERS & ADAMS, (B. Frank Peters, W.A. Adams,) Whole- sale and Family Grocei's, No. 37 Tehoupitoulas-st. Peters B. Frank, (Peters Sf Mams,) 178 St. Joseph Peters Charles Mrs. 505 Dauphine Peters Christopher, porter, 98 Camp Peters Danicl,c.h.lake end Jefferson R. R. Peters Eugene, coojier, 103 St. Anthony Peters F. H. gunsmith, 117 Greatmen Peters John C. bakery, Julia landing Peters Martin, drayman, 392 Melpomene Peters Michael, porter. Canal c. Royal Peters Philiji L. painter, 63 Laurel Peters Samuel J. jr. 117 Gravier, d. St. Charles n. Jena, Jeff. City Peters Walter H. notary public, 50 Camp Peters Wm. H. clerk, 5,')0 Magazine Peterson Andrew, lab. 129 Levee, d. 3 Peterson August, carp. Algiers Peterson Augustus, lab. 100 Enghien Peterson A. carpenter, 519 Annunciation PET 352 PFE i Peterson Charles, lab. 75 Spain Peterson Charles A. jewf'ler,372 Chartres Peterson C. J. warehm. 60 Bienville Peterson Cornelius, boatman, Cypress n. Claiborne Peterson Donald, carpenter, 868 Burgundy Peterson Henry, lab. 130 Levee, d. 3 Peterson Henry, seaman, 20 Marigny Peterson H. F. slaves, 8 late 15 Perdido Peterson H. L., Common c. Dryades Peterson James M. ( Willard, Peterson Sf Co.) 47 Exchange place Peterson Jane Mrs. b. h. 269 Liberty Peterson John, lab. 503 Royal Peterson John, 61 Elysian Fields Peterson John Mrs. b. h. 368 Chartres Peterson John H. ( IFillard, Peterson 8f Co.) 47 Exchange place Peterson Louisa, f. w. c. 245 Common Peterson Marks, shipcarpenter, 812 Bur- gundy Peterson Peter, Mrs. 468 Royal, d. 3 Peterson Peter M. 450 Rampart, d. 3 Peterson P. B. salesman, 100 Canal Peterson P. S. Mrs. 22 St. Anthony Peterson Theodore, 117 Greatmen Peterson Thomas F. engineer, Custom- house, d. 199 Delord Peterson Wm. lab. 9 Spain Peterson Wm. Mrs. 568 St. Claude Peterwood George, lab. 112 Spain Petit A. Widow, Prieur n. Kerlerec Petit P. Mrs. 143 St. Ann Petit Jean, clerk,- 40 Old Levee .Petit Joachim, acct. Royal c. St. Philip Petit John, lumber, Franklin c. Toulouse Petit Joseph Mrs. 201 Royal Petit Louis, f. m. c. carpenter, 188 St. Philip, d. 271 Burgundy Petit Louis, jr. f. m. c. screwman, 5 St. Anthony Petit Pierre, painter, Broad c. Laharpe • Petit Thomas Dr. 250 Royal Petitd idler Joseph, carpenter, 112 Johnson Petitfils Emile, 613 St. Claude Petitjean J. Bapt. painter, 229 Burgundy Petitjean Pierre, grocer, 38 St. Peter Petitkier Bernard, Elysian Fields n.Girod Petitla Albert, f.m.c. tinner, 117 Ursulines Petitpain A. deputy street commission- er, d. 245 Treme, d. 2 Petitpain Ernst, clerk, 29 Camp, d. 97 St, Peter Petitpain Eugene, clerk, 319 Claiborne Petitpain F. H. Claiborne c. St. Peter Petitpain H. broker, 330 Main Petipain L. N.,,Villere c. Ursulines Petipain Victor, clerk, 330 Main Petraneck Aug. shoemkr. 90 Marais, d. 2 Petrement Armand, sand, 286 Rampart PETRIECHAS.A. Watchmaker & Jeweler, 156; Rampart, d. 1. Petrie John, tailor, 105 St. Anthony Petrovich Andrew, fruit stand, 185 Canal Petrovich George, fruit. 111 Charires Petrovich J. fruit, 53 St. Louis Petrowski Jean,gilder,119 Exchange place Petterson Hans, lab. 90 Independence Pettes P. W. clerk, 7] Camp Petten John Baptist, f. m. c. 228 Toulouse Pettingill Wm. S. 118 Annunciation Pettit Geo. S. clerk, 40 Poydras Petty Charles, lab. Ill Religious Petty H. C. feed store, 8 Julia landing. New Basin,d.Wash'ton n. Constance Petty J. W. furniture, 132 Poydras Petz Charles, clerk, 224 St. Peter Petz E. Mrs. dressmaker, 224 St. Peter Petz J. Mrs. 141 Royal Peuch Ernest, cotton brokers, 323 Royal Peuch H. barkeeper, 86 Marigny Peujac Desire, laborer, .308 St. Ann Peuschel G. oysters, St. Thomas n. Race Peuschel J. G. shoemkr. 117 St. Thomas Peychaud Anatole, tailor, 23 Gravier Peychaud Antoine A. druggist, 90 Royal Peychaud Antoine A. druggist, 108 Royal Peychaud Charles, accountant, Louisiana State Insurance Co. 30 Camp Peychaud Charles, accountant,280. Levee Peychaud Edwin, 316 Chartres Peychaud Henry, jr. clerk, 2 Clinton, d. 309 Burgundy Peychaud Henry, (Peychaud &(■ Legar- deur,) and President Hope Insurance Co. d. 309 Burgundy Peychaud & Legardeur, (Henry Peychaud, S. Legardeur,) U. S. bonded wareh. 7 Fulton c. South mkt. office 2 Fulton Peyran H. Mrs. 71 Dauphine Peyrat H. watchmaker, 129 Barracks Peyronnet Camille, cooper, Bayou bridge Peyroux Auguste, 98 Orleans Peyroux Chas. elk. d. 789 Dauphine, d. 3 Peyroux Eugene, 123 Orleans Peyroux Pierre, jr. clerk, 243 Bienville Peytel Joseph, watchmaker, 85 Prytania Peyton Alexander, laborer, 49 Marigny Peyton A. f. m. c. barber, 46 St. Charles Peyton Catharine Mrs. 350 Howard Peyton J. H. & Co. d. 306 Rampart Peyton & Malone, ( W. W. Peyton, J. H. Malone,) public weighers, 65 Poydras Peyton Thomas W. clerk. La. Cotton Press Peyton W. W. (Peyton S^ Malone,) d. Annunciation n. Orange Pezant Jean, fishmonger, Treme market Pfadenhauser A. 180 Customhouse Pfaefflin A. Annunciation c. Josephine Pfaefflin Paul, b.h. Josephine c.Carondelet Ptau Michael, b. h. 62 Toulouse Pf.'flin Geo. F. R. accountant, 172 Camp Pfeffer C. musician, 112 St. John Baptist Pfeffer F. carp. Jackson R. R. depot Pfeffer John, shoes, 531 Camp Pfeffer W. carpenter, 69 Conti Pfefft-rle B. cabinet mak.262 Robertson, d. 2 Pfefferle Charles, carpenter, 321 Conti Pfeifer E. painter, 235 St. Louis, d. 232 Toulouse PFE' 363 PHI Pfeiffer Adam, Derbigny n. Conti Pfeiffer Cliarks, teacher, 127 Polymnia PfeiffiT Charles, clerk, 53 Carondulct, d. 840 Rampart, d. 3 PfeifTt r & Co, (Peter Pfeiffer, Jacob Has- singer^J Gerniaii Gazette, W2 I'oydras Pfeifler F. carjieiiter, 814 Constance PfeitlVr G, tailor, 218 Villere Pfeiffer Henry, clothing, 131 Old Levee Pfeiffer Henry, drayman, Urquhart n. Cotton Press Pft>iffer J. B. shoes, 205 St. Mary Pfeiffer Josipli, dairy, 56 Lcsseps Pfeiffvr Mary Mrs. 128 Delord Pfeitfer Peter, (Pfeiffer &,■ Co.) d. 278 Tchoiipitoulas Pfeiffer, Philo, dry goods, 113 Harmony Pfriinig p. shoemak. Le\ee n. Josephine Pfetzer Charles, tailor, 262 Dryadt s Pflioll Theodore M. clerk, 22 Common Pfiffer Jos. shoes. Camp n. St. Andrew Pfingster Louis, grocer. Levee c. INijith Pfinreitzer Frank, carp. 477 Royal, d. 3 Pfister Florence, feed store, 524 Camp Pfister George, shoemaker, 20 Royal Pfleger John, warehouseman, 28 Common, Bourbon n. Claiborne Pflug F. William, laborer, 133 Erato PFE AN G J. Grocer and Provi- sion Dealer, No, 153 Tchoup- itoulas corner of Julia. Ship, Steamboat and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice. Pfrimer G. bakr. Lewis n. Jeff. Carrollton Pfuderer Adam, eggs, 79 Derbigny, d. 2 Phalan James, laborer, 171 Erato Phalan P. R, Mrs. groc. 429 Tchoupitou. Phalan Richard, Benjamin c. New Levee Phalan William? d, 402 Calliope Phale John, car driver, 116 Constance Phalon Wm. foreman of laborers, J. R. R. depot, d. Meljiomene c. Clara Phelan Richard, drayman, 314 New Levee Phelan Wm. blacksinith, 77 St. Josejih Phelon N. laborer, St. Mary n. Laurel Phelps Albert G. clerk, 28 Common Piielps Augustus S. civil engineer, 22 City Hall, d. Rampart c. Melpomene Phelps George B. clerk, 98 Canal Phelps Henry J. clerk, 27 Common, d. Jackson c. Magazine Phelps H, J. (Copes Sf Phelps, d. 180 Washington Phelps & Jone.s (John Phelps,R. J\I. Jones,) cotton factors and com. merchs. Phelns John, (Phelps &f Jones,) d. 456 Baron nc Phelps Joseph D. Jackson c. Magazine PHELPS J. H. & CO. (J. H. Phelps, H. S. Bell,) Commis- sion Merchants, 27 Common street, d. Magazine c. Jackson. Phelps Louis, f Co/in Sc Phelps,) 88 Poydras Phelps P. B. monetary editor Crescent, d. Chestnut c. St. Andrew Phelps Rinaldo A. clerk, 84 Canal, d. 11] Chipiipwa Phelps W. V. clerk. Crescent City Bank, d Chestnut n. St. Andrew Wheelwright Depository, for the sale of Pittsburgh Manufac- tured Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Cotton and Produce Wagons, Wheelbarrows of every description. Hand Carts and Trucks. Orders received from Planters, and work delivered on the Coast, at Manufacturers' Prices. Phfeifer Peter, paperB, 244 Tchoupitoulas Phingem 1^. f. w. c. Bolivar n. Gravier Philadelnliin Fire Co. No. 14, 269 Common Philbin Patrick, carpenter, 285 Tchoup. PHI 854 PIC Philibert G. confectioner, 455 St. Charles Philip Asher, widow, 293 Rampart Philip Boerger, shoemaker 113 Roman Philip Juliet, f. w. c. 250 Ursulines Phillips Alfred, attorney at law, 78 Cus- tomhouse, d. St. Charles n. Jackson Phillips A. clerk, 126 Carial Phillips A. B. 250 St. Claude Philips A. J. painter, Melpomene n. Clara Philips Bernard, Mrs. 250 St. Claude, d. 2 Philips Charles, Mrs. 194 Robertson Philips Daniel blacksmith. 92 Rampart Philips Dan. engineer, 131 St. Andrew Philips D. M. St. Mary near St. Charles Philips, Felix, Washington n. Laurel Philips Geo. painter. Sixth n. New Levee Philips Hugh, lab. 651 Rampart, d. 3 Philips Isaac N. clerk. Sixth Dis. Court, d. Washington c. St. Charles Philips Isaac T. painter, 13 Josephine Philips James, laborer, 53 Villere, d. 1 Philips James, stevedore, 117 Mandeville Philips John, Pleasant n. Constance Philips Jno. stevedore,202 St. John Baptist Philips John, overseer, Kelicity c. Howard Philips John, carp. St. Charles n. Thalia Philips Jno A. cotton weigher, 45 Caron- delet, d. Washington n. St. Charles Philips Josh, printer, 110 Rampart d. 1 Philips Liber, 7 Carondelet,d,6 Robertson Philips Louis, d. 121 Morales Philips P. special officer c. p. City Hall Philips P. J. St. Charles n. Jackson Philips Rufus, c. p. 67 Claiborne Philips P. B. finance reporter, 70 Camp Philips P. T. grocer,Jackson c. St. Charles Philips Robert carpenter, 54 Port Philips, 389 Dauphine, d. 3 Philips Susan Mrs. b. h. 275 Delord Philips Wm. foreman stables, 235 Girod Philipson Wm. laborer, 312 New Levee Phillippi A. butcher, Poydras market Phillippi Cffisar, 53 Carondelet, d. 273 Es- planade Phillippi Jas. com. mer. 39 Lafayette Phillippi John, 273 Esplanade Phillippi Ursine, Derbigny, n. Columbus Phillippi Peter, furniture 519 Camp Phillips Emma, f. w. c. 42 Marais Phillips Eugene, 117 Mandeville Phillips E. clerk, 126 Canal PhiUips E. E. Mrs millinery, 159 Canal, d. Jackson n. Carondelet Phillips George, 25 Bourbon Phillips G. T. Pago's Court Phillips 1. P. printer, 70 Camp Phillips James, mate, Bolivar, n. Poydras Phillips Jno. grocer. Orange, c.St.Thomas Phillips Joseph, clerk, 126 Canal Phillips J. M. rooms, 104 Bienville Phillips & Co. (Randall McDonnell,) ship brokers, 67 Gravier Phillips N. G. com. mer. 60 Poydras Phillips R. W. clerk, 131 Canal Phillips William, 235 Girod Phillips Wm. clerk, 148 Carondelet Phillips Wm. B. clerk, 80 Poydras Phillips, 560 Rampart d. 3 Phillips Wm. R. engineer, 626 Royal, d. 3 Phillpot Edw. builder, Dryades c. Philip Phillpott Wm. builder, Dryades c. Philip Philpet Stephen, clerk, 42 Tchoupitoulas Phippin Israel, laborer, 125 Louisa Phipps J. L. & Co. (C. T. Gostenhofer) com. mers. 21 Commercial Place Phist Wiikins, 84 Esplanade Phoenix Fire Co. No. 8, 418 Old Levee,d.3 Phoenix House, 96 St. Charles Phoenix Iron Works Co. office .39 Exchange place, R. Gardere, secretary Philrilper Louis, warehm. 437 Lafayette Phole lago, clerk, 22 Common Phole Theodore, clerk, 22 Common Pia Joseph Mrs. 192 Ursuline Piaget Alexander, ( Eternod &(■ Piaget,) Consul of Switzerland, 46Chartres,d. 315 Chartres Piaggio & Viosca, jr. (C. B. Piaggio, J. Viosca, jr.) com. mers. and importers of wines and brandies, 60 and 62 Old Levee, d. 2 Piaggio Henrico, 60 Old Levee, d.2 Piagjo Peter, c. h. 16 Main Piattoly D. carpenter, 126 St. Ann Pibes Antoine, clerk, 463^ Old Levee Pic Jno. butch. Soiiiat n. Camp, Jeft". City Pic Jos. butcher, 18 Poydras market Pic Mary Ann Mrs. 427 Basin Picard Annatole S. acct. 296 St. Peter Picard Auguste, painter, 188 Main Picard F. dry goods, 227 Rampart, d. 1 Picard Charles, laborer. 159 Dryades Picard Felix, clerk, 120 Marais Picard F. grocer, 276 Bienville Picard Geo. cabt. maker, 293 Girod Picard J. J. soap factory, Elysian Fields Picard Peter, grocer, Galvez c. St. Philip Picayune Newspaper, 66 Camp Picayune Warehouse, Fulton c. Nor. Dame Picchi Fred, sculptor, 138 Bourbon Pichelmire John, 65 Laurel Picheloup Louis, wood, 222 St. Philip Pichon Armaiid, clerk 136 Chartres Pichet Bertrand, gardener, Elysian Fields Pichon Auguste, Basin c. Treme Pichot Joseph, c. h. Patterson c. Algiers Pichot Mrs. 138 Hospital Pickard A. collector, 296 St. Peter Pickerell A. T.Mrs. , St. Charles c. Wash 'n. Pickett David, laborer, 31 Constance Pickett G. A. 57 St. Charles Pickett John, 214 Constance Pickett Thos. warehman,d. 102 Constance Pickett William, laborer, 139 Foucher Pickett W. J. d. 272 Poydras Pickford Chas. laborer, 158 Tchoupitoulas Pickles Jonas, liquors, etc. 58 d. 1 New Levee, d. 455 Gravier Pickles Thomas, apothecary, 219 Tchou- pitoulas, d. 10 Terpsichore Pickorella Philip, oysters, 149 Baronne Pickrell A. T. Mrs. d. 253 Washington Pickla L. furn, Elysian Fields c.Urquhart Pico Josh. jr. accountant, 45 Union, d. 1 PIC 365 PIF Picolet Arthur, Sec. La. State Ins. Co. 38 Camp, d. 25 Picon Manuel, caulker, 15 Enghien Picona Mattlu-vv, laborer, 62 St. Philip Picora A. 65 Marais Picot Felix, grocer, 118 Prytania Picot Geo. M. carpenter, 241 Lafayette Picou Alfred, Roman n. Columbus Picou A. Mrs. 291 d. 3 Roman Picou Eugene Mrs. 287 St. Philip Picou Jos. bricklayer, 293 Roman, d. 3 Picou Norljert, carpintiM', 117 Laharpe Picou T. jewelry, 80 Orleans Picoul Bernard, butcher. Sixth n. Levee Picton Charles J. (J. H. J\Iay &c Co.) 94 Gravier, d. 366 St. Charles. Picton James, cotton factor. Union c. St. Charles, d. 414 St. Charles Picton John R. clerk, 87 Gravier, 414 St. Charles Picton J. M. W. Mrs. d. 414 St. Charles Pictou F. Adolphe, clerk, 31 Poydras, d. 454 Baronne Piderit Louis, ( Engstfeld Sf Co.) 20 Union, d. 159 Claiborne, d. 2 Piedlt-n Charles, shoemaker, 117 St. Ann Piedra Martin, laborer, 52 Bienville Piele Charles, 237 St. Peter Piele Philip, c. h. Galvez c. Bayou road Piepenbring Carl, barlier, 17 Mandeville Pierce Anatole, b. h. 16 Victory Pierce Anatole, f. m. c. carpt. 76 Ursulines Pierce Augustus, 390 Liberty Pierce Charles, pilot, 105 Washington Pierce Emile, f. m. c. St. John's bridge Pierce George S. ( Driver 8c Pierce,) 41 Front, d. 1 Pierce G. laborer, 308 Magazine Pierce H. N. Laurel n. St. Andrew Pierce John, machinist. Canal n. Basin Pierce Levi, atty. at law, 141 Canal, d. 177 St. Charles Pierce Richard, 454 Chartres, d. 3 Pierce Richard, finisher, Lavergne, Algiers Pierce Simon, lai). 484 Old Levee, d. 3 Pierce Thomas, lai). Felicity n. Annunc'n Pierce W. J. trader, Franklin n. Erato Piere Nicholas, taihn-, 136 Camp Picre Paul, tailor, 136 Camp Pieri Giovani, clerk, 16 St. Louis, d. 487 Dauphine, d. 3 Pierin Franfois, oysters, 169 Rampart, d.l Piernas Albert, commissary Washington market Piernas A. C. carpenter, 274 Ursulines Pitro Vincent, Harmony n. Magazine Picrnot Hubert C. gardener, 326 Prieur,d.3 Pierponi A. C. elk. 15, 17 and 19 N. Levee Pierre Alexander, f. m. c. bricklayer, 152 Frenchmen Pierre Ann, vegetables, St. Mary's mkl Piirre B. Rampart n. Clouet * Pierre Ellen, f. w. c. Chartres n. Mazant Pierre G. grocer, 389 St. Philip Pierre .lean Mrs. 258 Claiborne Pierre Jean, grocer. Bayou bridge Pierre Jean, butcher, 43 St. Mary's mkt Pierre John, butcher. Seventh n. Constance Pierre John, laborer, 62 Ramjiart Pierre Jose|ih Mrs. 5 St. Anthony PIERRE LEON & CO. (Charles Bendix) Importers of French and German Leather, Calf- skins, Morocco, Kids, Linings and Fancy Boot Legs, Last- ings and Satin Francois: Boot Webs and Galloons:Boot Lacings, Twist Silk, Shoe- thread, Lasts & Shoemakers' Tools, 71 late 81 Chartres. House of Leon Pierre, 17 Rue de D'Ancry, Paris. Pierre Louis, vegetables, 18 Prtydras mkt Pierre Louis, grocer, 89 St. Ferdinand Pierre Matlhew,gunsmith,28 Ely.sian Fids. Pierre Nicholas, 533 St. Claude, d. 3 Pierre O'Lear, accountant, 24 Bienville Pierre Pascal, Ainiette n. Solidelle Pii'rre S. shoemaker, Main n. Galvez Pierri P. shoemaker. Bayou bridge Piersel Jer'mh Mrs., Josephine n. Liberty Pierson Anthony, blacksmitli, Dryades c. Triton walk Pierson E. attorney at law, 222 Camp Pierson Henry, 288 Clio Pierson H. G. secretary streets and land- ings, City Hall,d. St. Mary c. Prytania Pierson J. G. clerk, 27 Magazine Pierson L. A. 71 Gasquet Pierson L., Poydras n. Johnson Pierson S. O. Mrs. 140 Melpomene Pierson Richard, lab. 454 Chartres, d. 3 Pierson, Harrison & Co. ( Wm. II. Pierson, Daniel Hanison,) clothing. Magazine c. Canal, d. 210 Constance Pieruos Paulina, f. w. c. Eighth n. Camp Piet Elias, f. m. c. 475 Burgundy, d. 3 Pietri B. St. Louis n. Marais Pietri Jean, barkeeper, 419 Uryades Piety Street Church, (Methodist) Piety c. Greatmen Piffanio Antoine, piano mkr. 135 Franklin Piffaut J. piano manufacturer, 98 Sj)ain Piffet A. clerk, 133 Canal PIFFLT B. 122 Canal street, Touro Buildings, Importers of French, English and Ger- man Fancy Goods. Ladies Dress Trimmings, and every description of useful & Fancy articles. PIFFET P. & L. (Prank Pififet & Louis Piffet,) Importers of Rich Fancy Foreign Goods and Ladies Dress Trimmings, &c., &c.,133 Canal PIF 356 PIB Piffet John B. 133 Canal Piliut Louis, (Piffet F. &{ L.) 133 Canal, d. Gasquf t c. Treme Pigan Joseph, 399 St. Ann Pigtird A. St. Ann n. Roman Pigaud Jos. carpenter, 415 Ursulines Pigaud Joseph sr. 314 Orleans Pigeaud P. Mrs., St. Philip n. Tonti Piger Joseph, carpt. Tonti n. St. Philip Pigeon Eugene, 226 Robertson Pignard A. Mrs., Bourbon c. Customhouse Pigiiatel A, feed, 269 Claiborne, d. 2 Pigne Louis Mrs. 359 Bourbon, d. 3 Pigneguy T. clerk, 124 Canal Pigneguy Thomas, d. 310 Carondelet Pjgniolia J. B. & Co. (P. J. Poehlnian,) fruits, 10 and 11 Front, d. 2 Pigot J. grocer. Bayou bridge Pigot Joseph, f, m. c. shoemaker, Miro n. Hospital Pigrau James & Co. lumber,etc, Jeff. City Pigue Louis Mrs, 391 Bourbon Pigury Felix, asst. tax collec.d. 408 Liberty Piippo Franfois Capt. 268 St. Ann Pijol Joseph, coal, 217 Dorgenois Pike J. R. lumber, 94 Delord, d. 206 Julia Piiard Felix, carpenter, 139 Prieur Pilard William, clerk, 235 Orleans Pilas Bernard, grocer, Poet c. Morales Pilcher L. collect6r,St. Andrew n. Liberty Pilcher & Goodrich, (Mason FUcher, Fer- dinand M. Goodrich,) cotton factors and com. mers. 38 Perdido, Factors row, d. Third c. Chestnut Pilcienne Franfois D. carpt. 383 Johnson Piient H., Fourth n. Annunciation Pilgee Peter, barkeeper, 28 South mkt Pilhofer J. Gr. gardener, Ursulines c. Broad Pilie Louis H. city surveyor, 216 Royal Pilkerton Frank, engineer, 122 Toulouse Pillar Felix, carpenter, Prieur n. Orleans Pille Fanchiette, f. w. c. 95 Barracks Pille P. clerk, 27 St, Charles Piliot Louis, butcher, Bourbon n. Ursulines Pillman Charles, grocer, Madison McD. Pilon Seymour, cigars, 32 Union, d.3 PILOTS ASSOCIATION, 26 St. Charles. H. A. Ealer, Pres't. John A. Stevenson Sec'y. Pilsbury Edward, com. mer. 14 Caronde- let, d. 227 Canal Pinac Edward, clerk, 137 Hospital Pinac Mrs. 137 Hospital PINARD HENRY, Dealer in New and Second-hand Furni- ture, Nos. 152 and 154 Tou- louse street, between Bur- gundy and Rampart Pinard Mrs. 300 Bayou road Piiiaud Anthony, 101 Marigny Pinaud & Felloii C Pierre Pinaud,J.Fellon,) grocers, 117 late 70 Old Levee, d. 2 Pinchling Elizabeth, teacher of English branches, d. 190 Robin Pinckard Lucy A. Mrs. midwife, 248 Terpsichore Pinckard Ferdinand, (Pinckard, Steele Sf Co.) Tchoupitoulas c. Gravier Pinckard G. M. 35 Tchoupitoulas, d. 95 Coliseum PINCKARD, STEELE & CO. (Wm. M. Pinckard, Claiborne Steele, Ferdinand Pinckard,) cor. Gravier and Tchoupitou- las-sts., Importers of Cognac Brandies, Wines, Cigars, &c. Wholesale Dealers inVirginia Tobacco, Fine Groceries, and Plantation Supplies. Pinckney Ann Mrs., Third c. Constance Pincus Jos. 167 Poytlras d. 169 Franklin Pineau Alexis, millinery, 141 Dryades Pinella Frank, furn. cart driver, 126 Clai- borne, d. 2 Pinero Jos. cigar mkr, 424 Robertson, d. 3 Pingel Christian, Basin n. St. Andrew Pingel Paul, tailor, Prytania c.Melpomene Pingen J. Mrs. 144 Hospital Pingeon Antoine, locksmith, 202 Bayou rd. Pinnegar Jas. M., Pelican Dry Dock, Alg. Pinncgar Thos.Capt.lO Marigny bldgs.d. 3 Pinsard Isidore, 56 Royal, d. 191 St. Claude Pinsell Joseph, tailor, Prosper n. Bourbon Pinson Theophile, 82 Mazant Pinsonnat J. Mrs. 196 St. Ann Pinta Joseph, 171 Gasquet Pinta S. E. printer, 275 Customhouse Pintard Jean, milk. Esplanade n. Broad Pinto Antoine, 235 Rampart Pinto A. cigars, 447 Rampart, d. 3 Pinto John, 136 Enghien Pinto John, 135 Burgundy Pinto M. Mrs. 388 St. Claude, d. 3 Pinture Ferdinand, Seventh n. Constance Pioneer Fire Co. No.l, Magazine n. Milan Plot Antoine, potatoes, 15 St. Philip Plot Hvpolite,drygoods,423St. Charles, d.l Piper Alex, c. h. Levee n. St. James Piper Chas. basket mkr. 223 Melpomene Piper Harry, Urquhart n. St. Ferdinand Piper William, nightcart, 215 Dryades Piper William, c. h. Levee, Jeff. City Pipkin Thomas, 114 Delord Pique Jean, butcher, 43 St, Mary's mkt Pique Victor, 189 Dauphine Piquery Felix, collector, 408 Liberty Piquerac Mary, 347 Robertson, d. 3 Piquet Hypolite, acct. 93 Gravier Piq^uimino Joseph, laborer, 70 French Pifi M. gardener, 277 Roman Piris Martin, 233 Main Pirolle J, B. S. feed, 133 Levee, d. 3 Piron Marty 1, shoemaker, 19 Kerlerec Piron Mrs. 384 Customhouse Piron S., St Peter c. Bourbon Pirson Joseph, c. p., night, 94 Congress PIR 357 PLA Piruln Francisco, lab. Urquhart n. Union Pisazowski Aifons, insp. of customs, 212 St. Philip Pisi'lli J. c. ii. 277 Rampart, d. 1 • Pising Aug^usle, shipcarp. 212 Sjiain Piska Aiigii.sic, siiofmkr. 298 Frenchmen Pistola J. fruit, French market Pistorius J. ■coffee, 107 St. Mary's market Pitaloo BHp(iste,352 Villere, d. 3 Piiard Arthur, liardware, 323 Common Pilard A, Mr.-;., St. .lo.>eph"s Great Kontc I'itard Gustave, clerk, 5 Magazine, 312 Common Pitard M. clerk, St. John's GreatRoute Piiard Mrs. 11 Mag:nolia Piiard «). Mrs. 16 St. Bernard Pitcher C. L. (Vernon i;- Co.) d. 21 Poy- d ras Pitcher C. R. collector, 61 Tchoupitoulas Pitcher Georp' E. clerk ,61 Tchoupitouta.s Pitcher Lemuel, Third n. Annunciation Pitcher L, C. police jury, Gretna Pitfield G. J. 11 Commercial place, d. 317 Common Pitfield O. A. Capt. d. 317 Common PITKIN ROBERT, Fashionable Clothing Emporium, Nos. 13 and 15 Camp street, opposite City Hotel, keeps always on hand a large and complete as- sortment of superior ready- made Clothing and Gentle- men's Furnishing Goods, al- so, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Va- lises, Umbrellas, etc., d. 88 Prytania Pitman H. A. Mrs. teacher 7th ward school p. s., Frenclimen c. Murales Pilot A. jr.atty. at law, 144 Royal, d.209 Rampart, d. 2 Pitot Armand, ntty. at law, 144 Royal n. St. Louis, d. 2n9 Kampart, d. 2 Pilot Edgar, 157 Gravicr, d.209 Rampart, d.2 PitotG.clk.62 Poydraa, d.209 Rampart,d.2 Pitou D. grocer, Poydras c Rampart Pitscher J. slater, 47 Frenchmen Pittei B. carp. Louisiana n. Rampart Piitman M. R. 179 St. Charles Pitts Morton, 228 Howard Pitts S. W. Mrs. 228 Howard Pilz F. Greatmen n. Desire Pitzenrifler Franc, carp. 477 Royal, d. 3 Piussan H. iiook keeper, 90 Common Piussan P.Dr.,Elyaian f'ie'lds c. Burgundy Pizarro Elisha, carprnier, 168 St. Philip Place Adel.' Mrs. 282 Erato Phce G. W. stevedore, d. 372 Thalia Place Henry, Cnpt. 467 Rampart, d. 1 Place .lean Marie, milk. Broad c. Laharpe Place L. H. com. mer. 40 Poydras, d. 30 Maenzine Place Seth, sailor, 271 Liberty '2i Placiancio Louis, lali. 126 Frenchfiien Placy German, lab, Girod c Marigny Plagnat Xavier, t('acher, S.'Jl Burgundy Plalsance A. Mrs. 143 Main Phusance Chas. grocer, Viliere c. Orleans Plaisont J. sugar broker. Old Levee c. St. Louis, d. 172 Robertson, d. 2 Plaisent J. C. Mrs., St. Ann c. Dauphine Planie Geo. saddler, 219 St. Charles Plancliard Edward, keeper police jail, d. 139 St. Philip Planchard Emilien, 276 Claiborne, d. 2 Plancljard John F. clerk parish jail, d.Ur- suliiies n. Robertson Planchard J J. Edgar, law,50 Ex- change place, d. 118 Frenchmen PLANCHARD L., Star Packer, 82 New Levee. Repairing and Repacking Crates, in Crockery, China and Glass- ware. Repacking New Crates g.3 50, Repacking in same Crate $2, Repanmg each 76 cents. Ale and Porter, Over- hauling and Repacking 35 cents each. Orders promptly attended to. Planchard Mary,f. w.c. 176 Derbigny,d.2 Planchard S. E. jr. school, .333 St. Philip Planche August, Goslin n. Peter, Algiers Planeilas John, c. h. Bourbon c. Toulouse Pianellas V. c. h. Dauphine c. St. Louis Planey Charles, b. h. 110 New Levee Plank Paul, St. Mary n. Laurel Plaque Catharine, 34 Columbus Planters' i'ress, Annunciation c. Richard Plantevigiies & Sonial, (J.J. Plantevignes, C- Soniat,) weighers, 11 St. Louis, d. d. 187 St. Ann Planty August, 278 Rurcundy Plass Jacob, shoemkr. Toulouse n. Roman Plassan S. com. mer. 38 and 40 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 136 Barracks Plassere Cecilia, f. w. c. 190 Johnson, d. 2 Plassis Mrs. A. 134 St. Ann Plaswirth Peter, lime, sand and bricks, 75 Marigny Plater Joseph, driver, 242 Conti Plath George, laborer, 186 St. Thomas Platoz Oscar, clerk, 126 Canal Plait Wm. clerk, d. 449 Basin Plallsmier Ambrose A carpenter, White n. Thalia Plallsmier A. L. clerk, 45 Poydras, d. 449 (iasin Platlsmiir Eloise, clerk, d. 449 Basin Plaiismii'r Gio. .*<. architect, 449 Basin Platismi-T John T. carp. 344 Thalia Plaiz Charl.'s. clerk, 60 Royal Platz George, gardener. Bayou bridge Plauche A. <). chrk, 60 Customhouse Plauche B. O. (J. B. Plauche Sf Co.) 60 laU> 21 Customhouse, d. 165 Bourbon PLA 358- POL Plauche J. B. & Co. (J. B. Plauclie, B. 0. Plauche,) com. mers. 6U late :2i Cus- tomhouse Pie J. B. grocer, Dauphine c. St. Ann Pie Paulina, gmccry, 115 St. Louis Pleasants C. ( M'atts, Pleasants &c Ch.) 72 iVlagazine Pleis Vaicntine, carpenter, 126 Conti Plessis Eugene, printer, 148 Villere, d. 2 Plessy Adoliihe, 211 Marigny Piessv (jermain 211 Marigny Piessy Gustave, carpt. 501 Rampart, d. 3 Pliesath Rud'h. grocer, Dryad(;s n. Jack'n Plique A., Felicity c. Carondelet Piique F. N. 406 Dauphine, d. 3 Plique P. P. L., Bordeaux n.Camp, J.C. Plischke Josepli, tailor, 106 Marais, d. 2 Plilt G. P. elk. Jackson c. Tchoupitoulas Plitt Louis, slioi maker, 57 Prieur, d. 2 Plotz A. M. 230 Robertson, d. 2 Piotz Jacob, elk. Customhouse c. Johnson Plough A. L. dentist, 19 Bourbon Plowner Geo. shoemaker, 16Girod Plubeau iVliss, teacher. Bayou road Plubeau L., Johnson c. Columbus Pluche Adolphe, 15 Royal Pluche Charles, accountant, 13 Conti Pluciie Louisa, bdg. h. 15 Royal Pluniann C. shoe fitter, Kerlerec c. Galvez Plumard Felix, collector, 161 St. Ann Plumb George, saddlery, 139 Poydras, d. 219 St. Charles Plumer Auguste, furn. carts, 94 St. Joseph Plumer Fnd. shoemkr. 32 ExcJiange place Plumer F. W. bookseller, Patterson, Alg. Plumer Janus, drayman, d. 158 7"halia Plummers Carpenter, 108 Basin, d. 1 Plunket James D. salesman, 72 Magazine Plunket John, carpenter, Delaronde, Alg. Plunket John, Calliope n. Carondelet Plunket John, St. Charles n. Felicity Plunket Thos. barkeeper, 58 Annunciation Pocha T. c. p. Dorgenois c. St. Philip Poche E. J., Live CJak c. Lyon, Jeff. City Poche Mrs. J., Bordeaux n.Magazine,J.C. Pochelu Raymond, attorney at law, d. 74 Felicity Pocorny Michel, shoemkr. 170 Ramp. d. 1 Pocovich Nicholas, baker, 40 Si-uth mkt Tocte John, f. m. c. Philip n. Baronne Poder Jacoi), cartman. Port n. Morales Podolski Adolph, music teacher, Magazine c. Philip Podolski Mrs. millinery, etc. Magazine c. Josephine Poehm Frederick, 150 Old Levee Poelman M. Dr. 847 Magazine, d. 4 Poerreer Leon, carpenter, Jefferson City Poerringer Jacob, baker, 122 St. Peter Poertner Henry, clerk, 57 Common, d. 484 Magazine Poff Jolm, steamboat mate, 212 Jackson Pogray Claude, f. m. c. carp. 92 Music n. Girod Pohlaus John H. acct. Tchoupitoulas c. Piiydras, d. 208 Constance Pohlisch Fred, tailor, 3 St. Ferdinand Pohliz J. Caspar, cnrpenter, 117 Rousseau Pholman E., Bienville c. Prieur Pohlman Pritz, dairy, Dryades ii. Wash'n Poli'man John, Seventh n. Constance Pohlman J. H. dairy, Sixtli n. Baronne Pohlman H. carp. 76 St. John Baptist Pohlniann Gerhard, carpenter, 410 Rob- ertson, d. 3 Pfihmer Hermann, shoemkr. 12 Rampart Poikim William, engineer, 348 Howard Poillion Charles A. carp. 313 Terpsichore Poilly Charles, upholsterer, 75 Bourbon Poimboeuff C. fancy goods, 53 St. Ann Poimboeuff J. watchmaker, 50 St. Ann Poincella Emile, 429 Rampart, d. 3 Poincellin Peter, tailor, 137 Conti Poincy Arthur, flour dealer, Lafayette c. Commerce, d. 357 St. Claude, d. 3 Poincy Eugene, f. m.c.,lab.87 Villere, d.2 Poincy Paul, clerk, 27 Lafayette, d. 357 St. Claude, d. 3 Poindexter«& Co. ( Willaim R. Poindexter, Daniel Gold, E. C. Roach,) com. mers. 39 Natchez Poindexter J. G. jr., clerk, 74 Canal Poindexter & Little, (John J. Poindexter, Montgomery Little,) slaves, 48 Baron 'e Poindexter T. B. planter, St. Charles c. St Atidrew Poindexter Wm. R. (Poindexter &f Co.) 39 Aatchez Poinsett J. B. 229 Ursuline Poinsett Louis, laborer, 95 Felicity Poinso J. B. charcoal, 196 Bienville Points G. W. 154 Mandeville Poirer J. C. Mrs. 131 Carondelet walk Poirier A. clerk, 155 Canal Poirier A. barber, 42 St. Louis Poirier L. cai'penter, Jersey n. Jena, J. C. Poirson Emil, ship carp. Villere, Algiers Poirson Julius 0. caulker, Seguin, Algiers Poirson J. P. ship carpenter, Goslin, Alg. Poiser Joseph, tinsmith, 119 Marais, d. 2 Poisson Chas. 1^8 St. Ann Poisson Jules, distiller, 97 Conti Poitvent Wm. lumber, Euphrosine c. Fre- ret, d. Greenville Pokely Jno. laborer, 127 Foticher Pokorny M. shoemaker, 170 Rampart,d. 1 Pol Mary, 66 Ely.sian Fields Poland Fred. M. atty. at law, d. 3 Philip Poland John, Magazine n. Felicity Polanne Aristide, dry goods, 229 Bayou rd. P<4annus Sophia Mrs. 439 Baronne Polar Star Masonic Lodge, Rampart n. Main Polar Star Chapter, No. 1, St. Chades c. Perdido Polasky Asher, (Polasky ^ Co.) 200 Charlres Polasky & Co. (Jlsher Polaskey, Marx Isaacs,) hosiery and clothing, 200 Chartres Polchow John, tailor, 406 Rampart, d. 1 Polet Adam, Jersey c. Sixth Poleite Louis, 101 St. Charles Poley T. carpenter, St Andrew POL 369 FOR Polhalter Louis, warehouseman, Lafay- ette c, Johnson Poliac Theophilo, lab., Live Oak n. Upper Line, .Icrt'..City Poliii Cutharint-, I), h. 196 New Levee, d. 1 Polits Louis, 53 Annette Polk A. L. 120 Common, d. 535 Chartres Polk County Copper Co., office 102 Qravier Polk Feli.x, insp. of rovonne, 535 Chartres Polk .lules .T. deputy warden Insane Asy- lum, Orleans n. 8t. Claude Polk Bishop L. R-.'V., Mai^azine n. Fourth Polk S. W. Mrs. 535 Chartres, d. 3 Pollard Geo. clerk Sun Mutual Insurance Co., d. 158 Annunciation Pollard Geo. boatman, 148 Poydras Pollard, (R. P. Pollard, ./. R. Putnam,) western produce, 2!) Tchoupitoulas Pollard Roht. clerk, d. 158 Annunciation Polii Pierre, sailmaker, 95 Ursulines Pollock George, ins|)'tor Citizens' Mutual ■ Insurance Co., d. '291 Royal Pollock George, jr., f.'i. AliUenbergerSfCo.) 30 Carondelet, d. 291 Royal Pollock James, (.llphonse J\Jiltenbers;fr Sf Co.) 30 Carondelet, d. 291 Royal Pollock J. F. clerk, 28 Carondelet, d. 291 Royal PoUman Garrett, carpenter, St. John Bap- tiste n. St. Bernard Pollman Peter J., (J. B. Pigniolo Sc Co.) 10 Front, d. Felicity n. Chippewa Polock Sol. butcher, 81 St. Mary's mkt. Poloite E. f. m. c. carpenter, 356 Bourbon Pols William, Greatmen c. Desire Polverine L. 244 Dauj^hine Polz Louis, shoemaker, 23 Liberty Pomarede E. portrait painter, 146 Basin, d. 2 Pomarede L. Mrs. 203 Marais, d. 2 Pomme John, grocer, 52 Ursulines Ponies Oren.s, tailor, 89 Customhouse, d. 69 St. Peter Pomei G. G. clothing, 39 Front, d. 1 Pomez Juan, oysters, Algiers Pomroy E. H., ( Wilnon Sf Pomroy,) 46 Carondelet Poncairse Urban, Bayou bridge Ponce P. Mrs. cigars, 368 Old Levee, d. 3 Poncelet Charles, 140 Orleans Poncet C. variety store, St. Ann n. Tonti Pnncet S. carpenter, 393 Rampart, d. 3 Pond B. M., (Goodrich &,■ Co.) Common c.Tchoupitoulas.d. Fourth n. Chestnut Ponjuen Joscjih, tailor, 95 St. Ann Ponjuen Martin, d. 256 Marais, d. 2 Ponnau Jean, clirk, d. 278 Treme, d. 2 Ponpian M. c. h. Claiborne c. Urieans Pons Antonio, oysters, 117 Ursulines Pons Antonis, grocer, Patterson, Algiers Pon.s A. cU.ihing, 281 Old Levee, d. 2 Pons B. l>arkeeprr, 76 Front, d. 1 Pons Henry, chrk, 248 Burgundy Pons John,' 124 Union, d. 3 ns Joseph, 102 Elysian Fields IIS Julius, caulker, Bartholomew, Aig ns J. fishmonger, 177 Frenchmen P(Uis J. B. jeweler, etc. 2Q0 Bourbon Pons Miguel, (.I.MonjuSf Co.) d. 479 St. Claude, d. 3 Pons Michael, cartman, 370 Royal, d. 3 Pons M. wheelwright, .386 Dauphine, d. 3 Pons Peter, syrups, Ely 'n Fields c. Prosper Pons P. ( Pablo Sf Co.) 346 Koyal Pons Raphael, La. avenue n. Carondelet Ponsetti Gabriel, distiller, 238 Frenchmen Ponstein John, bakery, 130 Union, d. 3 Ponchartrain Railroad Office, Old Levee c Marigny Ponton M., f. m. c. 498 Villere, d. 3 Pool John Mrs. 271 Burgundy POOLE E. R., Shipping, For- wai'diug and General Com- mission Merchant. Agt. Char- leston & Savannah Line of Packets, 74 Magazine c. Poy- dras, d. St. Maryn. St. Charles Poole James, Music c. Urquhart Poole James B. 17 Commercial place Poole M. furnished rooms, 19 Marais, d. 1 Poole Thomas J. acct. 17 Com 'I place POOLE W. L., Notary Public, Commissioner of manyStates, 17 Commercial place, d. 396 Magazine Pooley John C, (Thomas .Murray Sf Co.) Julia c. Cedar, d. .393 Kamj)art, d. 1 Pope Geo W. grocer, 169 Annunciation Pope J. H. apothecary, Jackson c Prytania Pope J. W. carpenter. Felicity c. Franklin Poperich Christophe, fruits, 204 Tchou- pitoulas Popp Clauss, laborer, 45 Lcsseps Popp Henry, butcher, Dryades market Popp John, laborer, 61 Klmire Popp Mathias, sausage mkr. 816 Ram- part, d. 3 Poppe Christopher, variety store, 243 Levee, d. 3 Poppe C. H. b. h. 5 Marigny Poptec John, carpenter, 221 Philip Populus Angel, f.w.c. Plauclie n. Columbus Populus Armand, bricklayer, 91 Laharpe Populus B. 4.32 Chartres, d. 3 Populu.s Cecilia, f. w. c. 117 Columbus Populus Chas. bricklayer, 206 Si. Pliilij) Populus Celestin, carpenter, 240 St. Ann Populus Barthelmy Mrs. 215 Clailiorne,d.2 Populus John B. f. m. c. shoemaker, 29 Annette Populus, Josephine, 189 Hospital Populus M. W. barber, 77 St. Peter Populus Peters, carpenter, 121 Burgundy Populus Ulysses, barber, 298 St. Pliilip Porce Antoine, stork trader, 89 Felicity Force P., Derbigny n. Laharpe Force Jean, cigar maker, 107 Frenchmen Porche Amcdoe, 290 St. Philip Porche A. carpenter. Chestnut n. Jackson ^ POR 360 POU Porche E. clerk, Canal c. Bourbon Porche M., Treme ii. Esplanade Porcher George, butcher, 50 French mkt Poree Alice M. Mrs. 176 Annunciation Porec Anthony, f. m. c. bricklayer, 317 Oileans Poree Charles, f. m. c. butcher, 76 Felicity Poree Francois, barber, 105 Derbigny, d. 2 Poree Gustave, dep. state ta'x collector 2d district, d. 123 Main Poree Hermogene, tailor, 169 Royal Poree Jules, 9 Cole's Row, 335 Poydras Poree Jules, clerk, 276 Canal Poree Louis, barber, 183 Roman, d. 2 Poree Louis, f. m. c. butcher, Gasquet c. Roman Poree Paul, f. m.c. carpt. 409 Dauphine,d.3 Poree Simeon, bricklayer, 362 Marais, d. 3 Poree Solomon, 54 Viliere, d. 3 Poree Thomas M., Josephine c. Rousseau Pori Franqois, 372 Derbigny, d. 3 Porret J. M. lab., Orleans n Prieur Porriere F. Mrs. 131 Carondelet walk Port Wardens' central office, Commercial place c. St. Charles Port George, grocery, Bouny, Algiers Port M. butcher, 37 French market Portal R. P. Mrs. 250 Johnson, d. 2 Portar Wm. laborer, 62 St. Mary Porte Mrs. midwife, 393 St. Claude, d. 3 Portella Joquin, c. h. 271 Rampart, d. 1 Porter A. G. Capt. 346 Chippewa Porter Charles, clerk, d. 8 Robertson Porter Charles H. Dr. 321 Liberty Porter C. C. notary public. Council Hall, Carrollton Porter George, 509 Chartres, d. 3 Porter G. FrCapt. 482 Chartres, d. 3 Porter Geo.W. ship carpenter, 126 Fourth Porter Hannah, f. w. c. 65 Laharpe Porter Henry, f. m. c. cook, 154 Orleans Porter Henry, blacksm. 257 Customhouse Porter James, lumber, Clara n. Cypress j Porter James, c. h., Gallatin n. Ursulines Porter John, pilot. Cypress n. Roman Porter John, laborer, 54 Thalia Porter John R. atty. at law, 44 Camp Porter Spencer, 14 Robinson, d. 1 Porter S., St. John Baptist c. Race Porter Thomas K. Capt., O. R. R. Algiers Porter, Thomas & Foley, (G. F. Porter, J. E. Thomas, Z. Foley,) Brooklyn and Louisiana warehouse, office 25 Caron- delet Porter T. C, Carondelet ab. Delord Porter T. R., Rousseau n. Second Porter T. S. clerk. Old Levee c. Custom- house, d. 8 Robertson Porter William, laborer, 175 St. Mary Porter William C. 157 Gravier Porter William H. sailmaker, 113 Marais Porter Willium H., Gravier n. St. Jane Porter William L., jr., elk. 4 «&. 5 Front.d.l Porter William M. 148 Constance Porteret Pierre, boiler maker, 128 Bourbon Porteus Alexander, drays, 292 Felicity Portigazo Jos. P. 405 Dauphine, d. 3 Portner Augustus, 234 Tchoupitoulas Portner H. A. acct. 55 and 57 Common Portuna Frank, musician, 191 St. Anthony Portuna Geo. rnusician, 187 St. Anthony Portzer Francois, oysters ,&c. 134 Bienville Posey Ann Mrs. 294 Melpomene Posey James, c. p. 294 Melpomene Posey Scotty, 91 Union, d. 1 Poska G. Mrs. midwife, 127 Terpsichore Post B. Franklin, 340 Franklin Post B. F. clerk, 8 Front Levee, d. 2 Post H. screwman, 528 Royal, d. 3 Post & Mel, ( R.B.Post,Charhs Mel,) com. mers. 78 Poydras, d. 473 Carondelet Post R. E., Rousseau n. Jackson Postell P. S.,M.D. office Logan & Postell, ]0 New Levee, d. 1 Posthil Jenny, Terpsichore n. Magazine Postlethwaite George & Co. (Richard Car- lisle,) commission merchants, 87 Gra- vier, d. St. Charles Hotel Postlethwaite I. Mrs., Palmyra c. Derbigny Poi^tlethwaite J. J. clerk, 65 Magazine Fostlethwaite S. H. Mrs. 317 Magazine Postlethwaite S. D. cotton weigher, 63 Carondelet Post Office Algiers, S. Simon & Co., Pat- terson, Algiers Post Office New Orleans, Royal, new Cus- tomhouse POTHIER & FAUCHEUX, (L. B. Pothier, Eugene Fau- cheux,)Hardware Merchants, 63 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 128 St. Louis. Potince Aimee, Customhouse c. Bourbon Potin Charles, 419 Viliere, d. 3 Potin Charles jr. shoemaker, 33 Annette Potin Leon, 15 St. Bernard Potter C. E. ( Kelsey &( Potter,) Gretna Potter Geo.W. screwmn. 626 St. Claude,d. 3 Potter J., Francis n. Poydras Potterman H. shoemaker, 221 St. Louis POTTHOFF & KNIGHT, (Chas. Potthoff, G. F. Knight,) 98 Camp, House, Sign and De- corative Painters, and Deal- ers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, etc. N. B.— Artists' Tools and Colors. Pettier Alfred, Customhouse n. Derbigny Pettier H. cotton broker, 35 Carondelet, d. 538 Royal, d. 3 Pettier Louis, 151 Carondelet walk Pettier Michael, 41 Main Pettier Rodelph, painter,217 Customhouse Pottnay Frank, musician. Main c. Prieur Potts Joseph, laborer, 23 Rousseau Potts Robert, carpenter, 331 Poydras Potz Joseph, warehouseman, 13Constance Pouchere Joseph Mrs. 50 Main POU 361 PRA Pnujol A. cooper, 214 Kerlcrec Poujnl John, ship carpcmer, Villere, Alg. Poujol Mrs. midvvif , 243 Royal Poujol Pierre, impm-iir of wines, etc. 11 Toulouse, d. 24.'> Royal Poulard .Jules Mrs. 183 Roman d. 2 Pouliot Paul, apothei-ary, 449 St. Charles Poullalier Sarah Mrs. , Franklin c. Common Poulsen J. H. shoe store, Napoleon ave. c. Jersey, Jeff. City Pouley C. biaeksmitii, 18 Ursulines Poumaroux A. clerk, 172 Elysian Fields Pound First Disirin, 230 Dryades Pound Second l)istri<'i,Derhia;ny n.St.-^nn Pound Third District, Elysian Fields Pound Fourth District, Jackson n. Latircl Poupard J. Mrs. variety, 128 Bourbon Poupart E. P. book keeper, 52 Bienville, d. 61 Spain PoupincI E. hatter, 204 Bayou road Pourcet Lucien, 5 Claiborne Pourcin J. hatter, 118 Toulouse Poursine A. Mrs. 4H7 Rampart, d. 3 Poursine & Bell, (P. Poursine, W. .1. Bell,) coffee dlrs. 41 i\atchi;z,d.l68 Ursulines Pousson Placide, jeweler, 145 Royal Poutrutre Julian, sausaj^es, 75 Tndepen'ce Pony Etier\j)ie, clerk, 231 Old Levee, d. 2 Pow Peter, oyst<les, 176 Erato Powi'rs John, Riligious n. Race Powers John, laborer, 573 Dauphine, d. 3 Powers Michael, 125 Josephine Powers Michael, ,526 Chartres, d. 3 Powers M. C. 105 Hospital Powers Mrs. 149 Conti Powers Nicholas-, 76 Franklin, d. 2 Powers Patrick, drayman. Morales n. Poet Powers Patrick, lab. 270 Terpsichore Powers P. stevedore, 34 Mnrigny Powers Robert, Race n. Religious Powers R. drayman, Orange n. St. Thomas Powers R. blacksmith, Aljriers Powers Samuel, 156 Bienville Powers Thos. finisher, 350 Magazine Powers Thos. machinist, 182 Callio]ie Powers Wm. H. lab. 565 Daui)hine, d. 3 Powers Wm. carpenter, 284 Calliojic Powers Wm. laborer, 3 .Mandi'ville Powers W. C, Philip n. Chestnut Powler , laborer, Peace n. Bourbon Powlis Jamestown, 165 Magazine Poydras Asylum for Females, Magazine c. Leontine, Jefferson City Poyt B. M. Rev., St. Joseph's Church, Common n. Villere, d. 210 Esplanade Poyldon Hmiietta, fancy goods, 192 An- nunciation * Poynot A., Morales n Washington Poynot Uscar, d. 169 Mandeville Praag L. V. silversmith, 99 Marais Pracht Pemberton,23 Hospital Pracki-nsky T. professor, .Tesnits' College Pradat Adolphe, clerk, 175 Tremc, d. 2 Prndat Francis, Poydras n. Girod Pradeaux Louis, 153 Hospital Pradi'l Blaise, instrument maker, 44 St. Charles Pradel B. jr. surgical instrument maker, 121 Chartres Pradere P. butcher, 45 Poydras market, d. 103 Liberty Pradere Rose, 11.3 Customhouse Praderes Josephine, 130 Bourbon Pradick Henry, milk. Morales n. Piety Prados Alexander, 274 St. Claude, d. 2 Prados Anthony, 227 St. Philip PRA 362 PRE Prados A. jr. clerk, 25 Commercial place Prados C. grocor, Derbifjny c. Kerlerec Prados David, 362 St. Charles Prados Jos. commission merchant, Treme market, d. 2r)4 Maiais Prados J. B. 324 St. Philip Prados Louis, c. p. IDfi St. Philip Prados Louis, clerk, 253 St. Philip Prados Manuel, c. }). 334. Robertson, d. 3 Prados Victor, accountant, 25 Bienville, d. 253 St. Philip Pradus iMatthias,syrup manuf. 217 Fulton Praegnr W. shoes, 139 Marais Prag:er Ciiarlcs, barkeeper, 196 Felicity Pragst Ernst, dry goods, 206 Orleans Prague John B. 33 St. Joseph PRAGUE J. Mariposa Mills and Lumber Yard, Office 33 St Joseph, dealer in Mahog- any, Satin ■Wood,Clear White Pine, Ash, Hickory, Lignum- vitse, and all other kinds of Lumber. Sawing, Turning, &c., done to order. Prague R. Mrs. 33 St. Joseph Prulon John 381 Bourbon Prampin J. cigars, 151 Villere, d. 2 Prat Celeste, f. w. c. 406 Villere, d. 3 Prat Francis, seaman, 221 St. Philip Prat Henry milk, 867 St. Claude, d. 3 Prat John, milk, Bartholomew n..Girod Prat M. d. 167 Roman, d. 2 Prater Rebecca Mrs. 331 Basin Piats B. 15 Victory Prats Gabriel, c. h. St. Ann c. Chartres Prats Henry, cigars, 16 Royal Prats Jacques, cartman, Bourbon n. Villere Prats, Pujol & Co. (Jose S{ Scdvador Prats, Joachim Pujol,) commission merchs. 11 St. Louis, d. 189 Bourbon Prats Leon, clerk, 11 St. Louis PRATS P. & CO.,(Antonio Costa, James Magi,) Importers of Havana Cigars, 29 Commer- cial place and 88 St. Charles. Prats P. c. h. Grossman, c Front, d. 171 Claiborne Prats Salvador, (Prats, Pujol &(■ Co.) 11 St. Louis Prats Vincent Capt. 114 Union, d. 3 Prats Vincent, 224 Toulose Prats Vincent, 222 Toulouse Prats Wm. F. private bdg., 123 Royal Pratt Andrew, accountant, 463 Carondelet Pratt Ann Mrs. 25 Constance Pratt Daniel, gin stands, 15 St. Charles, No. 6 up stairs Pratt M. F. clerk. Common c. Fulton Pratt Thos. screwman, Spain c. Morales Pratt Wm. screwman, 466 Old Levee, d. 3 Pratt W. Mrs. 462 Old Levee, d. 3 Prattini P. wheelwright, 374 St Ann, Pratus Mathias, syrup, 382 Fulton Prauvey Mary, f.w.c. 184 Terpsichore Prawiz W. cabinetmak. 77 St. Peter, d. 2 Pray Albert A., Gem c.h.l7and 19 Royal Pray Sarah Mrs. 118 Prytania Preau & Couturie, (J. B. Preau, ^medee Couturie,) importers of foreign wines, etc. 33 Gravier, d. Rampart c. Cus- tomhouse Preau Jean B 26 Rampart, d. 2 Preau Jos. engineer, 286 Customhouse Preauteau Pierre, grocer, 115 St. Louis Preaux R. J. Mrs. 129 St. Philip Preaux R. attorney at law, 34 Exchange place, d. 129 St. Philip Prechac G. Mrs. dressmaker, 98 Bourbon Precht William, ( Warnsgang Sf Precht,) c. h. Toledano c. Chippewa, J. City Predeck Henry, laborer, Morales n. Piety Preffry H. W. com. merch. 2 Union Preg Joseph, tailor, 231 Bourbon Preger Chas. barkeeper, d. 317 Felicity Prehn W iWiam & Co .( If illaim (luintell) com. mers; 31 Carondelet, Consul for the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg Preigge AdoIph,d. First c. Chippewa Preis Jas. J. painter, 175 St. Charles Preisig Peter, shoemkr, 562 Dauphine,d.3 PrekkggeJnO. bricklayer, 31 Market Prend John F. lab. 70 Independence Prendergast Dennis, lal). 514 Royal, d. 3 Prendergast Jno. lab. 271 Burgundy Prendergast John, 422 Old Levee, d. 3 Prendergast John, laborer, 271 Burgundy Prendergast J. C. 37 St. Ferdinand Prendergast Patrick, 153 Frenchmen Prendergast R. 26 Delord Prendergast R. H. d. 49 Race Prenderle Sol. shoemaker, 117 St. Louis Prenge F. W. bluemkr. Rainpart c. Philip Prentiss Elizabeth Mrs. d. 40 Thalia Prentiss S. S. Mrs. 139 Rampart Prentiss V. W. Magazine n. Melpomene Presas Jean, 38 St. Bernard Presas Joseph, clerk, 48 Camp, d. 38 St. Bernard Presbyterian Church, Third, Royal n. Enghien Presbyterian Depository, 94 Camp Presley Henry., Annunciation n. Felicity F'ress Obediah, Fulton n. Harmony Press Susan, Laurel n. St. Mary Pressler Henry, carp. 310 Annunciation Pressler H. postmaster Lafayette City, d. 4 Pressler H. musician, Rousseau n.Soraparu Pressler H. F. E. Rev. 300 Chippewa Pressler John, laborer, 176 Rampart Pressman S. fruit, 2 Poydras market Presspricli Otto, (Schroder 8f Co.) d. St. Charles c. Melpomene Preston Barbara Mrs. 547 Camp Preston Edward, clerk, 105 Marigny . Preston Francis, attorney at law, 44 Ex- change place, d. Euterpe n. Dryades Preston John H. painter, 96 Laurel Preston I. T. Mrs., Fourth c. Chestnut PRE 363 PRO Preston Luther E., Dorgenois n. Laharpo Prestdii R. L. attorney at law, Hampson n. Dublin, Carlt. Preston Win. finisher, 379 Dryades Preston VVm. D. 57 C.imp, d. 191Gravier Preston T. T. clerk, 8 St. Peter PRETAT VICTOR, 'Specialty of Corsets, Manufacture and Importation, No. 75 Chartres street, b. Bienville and Conti. Constantly on hand a large assortment of every kind of Corsets at very low prices. Prcti Madam, teacher piano, 184 Ram- part, d. 2 Preto Joan, slioemtker, 169 Royal, d. 405 St. Ann Pretto David, (Goldsmith, Habcr &,■ Co.) 27 Camp, d. St. Charl-'s c. Thalia Pretto Rchecco Mrs.,'^onimerce n.Poydras Prctus Matii., Jackson c. New Levee ,d. 4 Pretus Malhias, syrup manufacturer, .S82 Fulton, d. 4 Prctus Peter, 13.S Frenchmen Prevat Victor, di.stiiler, 93 Conti Prevost A., Bourbon c. Barracks Prevost K. musician, 43 Orleans Prevost Fauchion, f. w. c. 219 Roj^al Prevost F. Esplanade b.Bourljon and Royal Prevost. F. Mrs 207 Orleans Prevost G. A. (Lanu &,■ Prevost,) 30 Ca- rondelet Prevost L. music teacher. Opera House Prevot F. clerk, 47 Bienville Prevot Geo. ^ro.Delaronde c.Seguin,Alg. Price Allen, 221 Vine Price Charles., St. Thomas n. Basin Price James,c. p., d. 170 Polymnia Price Wm. plumber, 107 Poydras, d. 304 St. Charles Price Current Office, 51 Camp Price G. W. Washinij'n Av n. Rousseau Price James, laborer, 206 Magazine Pric(- James, Willow n Clio Prici' John, laborer, 206 Magazine Price John, steward, 45 M.indeville Price John, jr. hrok. d. 119 Annunciation Price Joseph, Goodchildren n. Enghien Price Joseph, variety, 17 Levee, d. 3 Price J. M. 183 Columbus Pric^ J. W. judge Fourth District Court Price Leon D. clerk, 18 Tchoupitoulas Price L.sug. coffee and tobacco merchant, 38 Can.ndelei, d. l.">6 Hospital Price Louis, 245 Villere Prire L. R. 12H Esplanade Price Michael, draym in, 117 Si. Mary Price Phtlip, rurpenter, 97 Basin Price Pierre, Baroune n. Thalia Price Stephen, d. 44 Basin, d. 1. Price Th'is. K. tobacco mer. 59 Camp, d 150 Carondeh'i Price vVm. wheelwright, d. lOG Calliope Price W.J. 65 "Raronnc PridaM. de la, 47 RienviUe Pride Chas. architect and builder, 273 Mag- azine, d. Camp c. Gaiennie Prientz Adolph, tailor, .388 Dryades Pries Joseph, sere wman, 634 St.Claude,d.3 Prieto F. Mrs. 109 Bienville Prieur Sanite, f. w. c. 269 Mnrais, d. 2 Prieur T. Mrs. 81 Ursulines PrieuR M., Si. Andrew n. St. Thomas Priez H. grocer, 355 Htu-gundy Prile John, laborer, 26 Foucher Primrose M., Tchoupitoulas c. Ninth Pri?) Martin, 3.33 Burgundy Prince Chas. H. 430 Custumhouse Prince S. Mrs. clothing, 180 < irieans Prince Melanie, f. w. c. 304 Burgundy Prince William H. tinsmith, 19 Dryades Princeval Louis, 251 Bourbon Prindeville .Fames., Laurel c. Ninth Priiigle Robert, grocer, 117 Claiborne c. Gasquet Prins S. Sirs, clothing, 180 Orleans Printz Charles, turner, 219 Poydras Printz C. H. machinist, 162 Rampart Prinz Michael, carpenter, Soliuelle near Frenehmen Priolet M. M. 44 South market Priollaiid Edward, jeweler, 1 Carondelet, d. 36 Prieur Prior E. Mrs. 550 Annunciation Prion Joseph, engineer, 379 Canal Priou M. Miss, 81 Ursulines Priser Philip, trader, 262 Lafayette Pritchard G. W., Terpsichore ii. I'rytania Pritchard & Flower, (Richard Pritchard, Richard Flower,) com. niers. 62 Ca- rondelet, (I 229 First Pritchard R. O. Mrs. 160 Julia Pritton Joseph, Prosper near Annette Prolist Anton, saddler, 81 Bourbon Probst Catharine, 186 Poet Probst Ciiarles, tailor, 190 Galvez Prolist Christ, tailor, Johnson n. Onzaga Probst Frank, shoemkr. 159 St. Philip Prolist Fredk. Annunciation c. Harmony Probsl Frederick, Ninth ii. Magazine Probst Gustave, tailm-, 256 Cliartres Probst Jacob, Chippewa ii. Sevenlh Proctor E. R. Mrs. Magazine n. Philip Proctor Francis P. c. h. Tcht)upiloulas c. Gravier Proctfir James M. carpenter, 127 Philip Proctor J. H. .521 Chartres, d. 3 Proctor S. R. Mrs. 521 Charlies, d. 3 Proeper Fritz, tailor, Royal n. Independ. Proeser G., Lesseps n. lyvee Prohm H. laborer, 86 Union, d. 3 Proot Henry, milk, 64 Congress Propagateur Cailmlirpie, Ifg Chartres Prdphet B. .M. dry goods, 114 Prviania Prophet Edward, "Ed's,"c. h. Fnuil op. Ferry, d. 114 Prytania Prophet Leo, elk. Kl'Canal Prosper Desire, Samuel (Reuben A. Brown &f Co.) 98 Magazine Putney Stephen, Rousseau c. Soraparu Putnuth Wm., Tchoupitoulas c. Sixth Putz f^-ed. W.Stone cutter, 152 Mandeville Puys E. grocer, Ursulines c. St. Claude Pybus Wm. stables, 164 Gravier Pye Martin, cook, 230 New Li.vee, d. 1 Pyles Wm. attorney at law, 50 Exchange place, d. 201 Elysian Fields Pyne J T. tailor, 211 Rampart, d. 1 Pynes James, lab. 327 Bourbon, d. 3 C^UADDET HENRY, carpenter, 366 H'lward Quade M.S. grocer, 324 White Quadra.s G. c! h. 246 Tchoupitoulas Quaid Chas. elk. billiard room, St.Charles hotel ' QUA 365 RAB Quaiel Mary Mrs. undertakr. 177 Tchou- pitoulas Quail Wm. laboror, 368 Danpliine QiKindt John, rarpt'iitcr, 337 Si. Louis Quartermaster's Departmetit 1^8 Camp irtiii Rapl) " - - part, d. 1 Uep 1, h Quartiii Raphael, hairworker, 90 Ram- Q.uasonor S. tailor,Terpsichoro c. Baronne Quayle Jolin, carp. 237 Elysian Fields Quayl'; J. K. lab. Prosper n. St. Anthony Quayle P. laborer, 453 Chartres Queant Desire Mrs. 284 St. Claude Quebbemann Wm. groeer, ()52 Royal Quede Fred, shoemkr. Prosper n. French- men Qucean Michael, clerk, 337 Liberty Queen Robert, Helcastel c. .Tersoy, J. C. Querny Peter, laborer, 59 Enghien Quegnard F. carpenter, 36 Bourbon Quelain Euj^ene, carp. 182 St. Anthony Quemper Louis, collector, 163 Conde Quemper Miss, school, 69 Barracks Quenseler Mrs. 145 Royal Quentell William ( iVm. Prehn &>■ Co.) 31 Carondelet Quonthal A. f. m. c. bricklayer, 330 Conti Quenu Charles, dry goods, 132 Chartres QuenyTu.sin, Poland c. Moreau Quere Armand, national teleD:raph office, 51 St. Charles, d. 501 Burgundy Quere B. 0. pilot, 259 St. Peter, d. 2 Quere J. E. (James Puech Sr Co.) d. 501 Burgundy, d. 3 Querda Fred, shoemaker, 205 Union, d. 3 (iuerens Frederi<-k, tailor, 420 Baronne Querlier E. (Jeannct, Q,uerlicr &; Co.) 22 St. Louis, d. Esplanade n. Bourbon Quertier .lules, accountant, 61 Carondelet Query August, 76 Elysian Fields Queserqufs August, 210 Claiborne Queserques Francjois, f. m. c. grocery, 241 Ursu lines Quesnal Oscar P. clerk, 10 Royal Questy J. f. m. c. 415 Robertson, d. 3 Queyron Vincent Mrs. 335 Si. Ann Queyron .Toseph, cigars, 26 Poydras, d. 441 Rampart, d. 3 Queyron Joseph, clerk, 335 St. Ann Queyroused: LangsdorlT f Leon Qi/fj/j-ouse, Paul Q,ucy7'oitse, .1. Langsdorf, ) whole- sale grocers, 8, 10, 12 and 14 Si. Louis Queyrouse L,cni}( Queyrousc &,- LangsJorff,) d. 175 Royal duey rouse Paul ( (Queyrouse &,• Langsdorff, ) 8 and 14 Si. Lnuis Queyrouse Simon Mrs. 157 St. Ann (iuez.ergue Aljihonse, 471 V'illere, d. 3 liiiifk F. FL commissary, Dryades mkt. d. 129 Erato Quick H. B. engineer, Franklin n. Erato Quick J. R. c. h. 427 Rampart Quig Hugh, laborer, Qu'gh'y A. M. carp. Gravier n. Johnson (Juigley James, 358 Dryades •^uighy John, laborer, Aliriers Quigley Pat. laborer, 142 Toulouse Quigley T. lab; St. James n. St. Thomas Quignard Francois, carpenter, 36 Bourbon Quillard T., Magazine n. Josephine Quillegan Edward, 302 Lafayi'tte Quillegan James, 450 Burgundy Quilling E. Mrs. dressmaker, 128 Dryades (iuillinan Wm. laborer, 142 Toulouse Qiiillou Elie, furniture, 212 Bienville Quilter John, drayman, 79 Roman Quilter John, 143 Marigny Quilter Thomas, drays, 120 Marigny Quilion Thomas, laborer, 1.33 Marigny Huin Jas. live stock. Pleasant n. Laurel Quill John, bricklayer, Willow n. Thalia Quni Philip, tinner, 294 Thalia Quill Tlios. machinist, 217 Annunciation Quinan Frank, car driver, 116 Conslance Quinaii Michael, clerk, 72 Liberty Quinan Michael James, lab. 167 Magazine Quinby J. B., Constantinople c. Maga- zine, Jeff. City Quinio John B. laliorer, 16 Peace Quiiilan Andrew, Erato n. Annunciation Quinlan John, laborer, 90 Dclord Quinlan John, jeweler, 126 Poydras Quinlan John, laborer, Jena c. Live Oak, Jefl'. City Quinlan Thos. grocer, Poydras n. Locust Quinly James, lab. 396 Thalia Quinn Aleck, laborer, 114 Calliope Quinii Andrew, carpenter, Plaquemine n. Josephine, JetTerson City Qiiinn Edward, lab. Gravier n. Magnolia Quinn James, cabman, 439 Gravier Quinn James, laborer, 30 Baronne Quinn James, laborer, 184 St. Thomas Quinn Owen, carpenter, Poydras n. Clara Quinn Peter, laborer, 479 Canal Quinn P. drayman, 125 Mandeville Quinn Robert, drayman, 153 Spain Quinn Thomas, carpenter, 365 Conti Quinn Thomas, 147 Tchoupitoulas Quinn W. R. clerk, 31 F'r.uit Quiquerez M. saddler, 18 Peace Quinlaiia Joseph, cigars, 29 Main Quintel Antoine, dairy, C(uili n. Roman Quirk Catherine Mrs! 333 Basin Quirk Edward, warehousein. Lafayette c. Rampart Quirk E. M. 170 Clio Quirk F. G., Richard c Pacanier Quirk Mary C.Mrs., Magazine n. St. Mary Quirk Patrick, laborer, 193 Liberty Quirk William, blacksmith, 161 'I'halia Quirk Wm. C, Ma-razine n. Si. Mary Quirk William II. 50 Frenchmen Quirken James, lab. 643 St. Claude Quioremant Fred, shoemaker, 52 Main Quish John, clerk, 96 Camp Quitman M. Mrs. shoes, 160 Poydras R; AACKE HENRY, shoemaker. New L'vec c. Guild, d. 26 Girod Raap Michel, gardener. Union c. Celestine Haas Charles, pedlir,240 1'rsuline.s Rabassa Drravigne, 243 Claiborne, d. 2 RAB 366 RAM Rabassa Joseph, clerk, 74 Canal Rabassa J. L. Mrs. 243 Claiborne, d. 2 Rabassa S. N. clerk, 118 Canal, d. 123 Claiborne Kabaud Arthur, clerk, Chartres c. Conti Rabbit Peter, laborer, 265 Customhouse Rabe Baptiste, stevedore, 143 Rampart,d.l Rabel Alois, Mrs. 251 Conti Rabel A., Marigny n. Claiborne Rabell Joseph, c.h. Front Levee c.Barracks Rabell M. d. 126 Bienville Rabenac B. fishmonger, St. Marv's mkt. Rabenhorst C. cabin'et maker, 390 Old Le- vee, d. 3, d. 490 Royal, d. 3 Rabetey Victor, opera orchestra, d. 131 Derbigny Rabi Jean, f. m. c. Roman c. Laharpe Rabi Rosina, f. w. c. 115 Ursulines Ral)it Patrick, laborer, 31 Delord Rabmack Paul, Baronne c. St. Andrew Rabouin A., clerk, P. 0. d. 347 Main Raboin J. P. F. c.p. 238 St. Philip Rabuse Eugene, d. 139 Orleans Raby Candide, painter, 202 Bourbon Racarie Mrs. dressmaker, 4 Union, d. 3 Race Charles, teacher, Johnson n. Bienville Race Frederick, laborer, 112 Poet Race & Foster, (G. W. Race, W. H. Foster,) attys. at law, 5 Commercial place Race Geo. W. d. 309 St. Charles Race Peter, laborer, 69 Treme Racevich Manuel, 33 Union, d. 3 Racich Nicholas, jeweler, 150 Royal Racine C. F., Baronne c. Lafayette Racine Joseph, porter, 122 Chartres Rack John, butcher, 604 Fulton Racke Jacob, furniture, 190 Tchoupitoulas Racke J. poultry, 62 St. Marv's market Rcidcliff T. L., St. Charles c. St. Andrew Radcliffe Wm.H. carp. 2.37 Elysian Fields Radcliffe S. W. com. mer. 153 Common Radden Patrick, furniture, 170 Magazine Rader Captain, 361 Franklin Radey John, Second c. Carondelet Radford John, drayman, 48 Spain Radigan Peter, drayman, 216 Rampart RadilofT Chas. tailor, Water n. Josephine Radovich Marco, 161 Old Levee, d. 2 Radovich Vicenzo, fruits, 23 Front Levee Radowich Jean, fruits, Treme market Rady Dennis, laborer, 91 Foucher Rady Patrick, lab. Marais n. St. Louis Rae Wm. painter, d. 159 Polymnia Raeh John, furniture. Levee n. Philip Kaen Francis, clerk, d. 467 Rampart Raen Louis, blacksm. Liberty c. Felicity Raenfret Jos. oabinetmkr. 4 St. Ferdinand Raenke J. woodyard, 217 Rampart, d. 1, d. Bienville c. Villere Rafcl Bernard Mrs. 139 Orleans Rafel Joseph, jeweler, watchmaker, etc. 56 Camp, d.555 St. Charles, d. 4 Rafaelli Giovanni, musician, 204 Baronne RafFar Joseph, cigar maker, 172 St.Philip Raffer George, millwright, Jeff. City Rafferty Pat. drayman, 127 Foucher Rafferty Thomas, lab. d. 86 St. Thomas Raffo Vincent, 91 St. Louis Rafter Stephen, lab. d. 123 Tchoupitoulas Ragan C. drayman, 57 Erato Ragan James, 34 St. Joseph Ragan Jas. ship carp. Homer n. Jefferson Ragan John C. 369 Dryades Ragan John, laborer, 124 Enghien Ragan Michael, laborer, 64 Mandeville Ragan Thomas, laborer, 43 Rousseau Ragan Thos. gardener, Laurel n. Josephine, Jeff. City Ragan Timothy, laborer, 608 Rampart,d.3 Ragan Wm. lab. Orange n. St. Thomas Raggio Auguste, clerk, 294 Common Ragin James, lab. St. Mary c. Rousseau Ragot V. Mrs. 272 Burgundy Rah E. c. h. 176 Orleans Rahders C, Magnolia n. Julia Rahders J. H. 431 Bienville Rahders Martin, Locust c. Cypress Rahelich Joseph, oysters, 99 Marais Rahkelick Guiseppe, oysters, etc. St. Louis c. Marais Rahm J. M., Marigny c. Morales Rahm Louis, c. h. Washington n. Camp Rahm Philip, " Eagle Machine Works," 61 St. Charles Raidy Pennington, 84 Orleans Railey & Campbell, (Chas. R. Railey, Par- ker Campbell,) grocers, 3 Railey Charles R. d. 154 Robin Railey L. C. clerk, 41 Tchoupitoulas Railli N. P. ( Rodocanachi 8f Franghiadi,) 25 Carondelet Raimondy A. Widow, 124 Frenchmen Raimondy Rodolphe, acct. 124 Frenchmen Rain J. D. 229 Magazine Rain L. W. 229 Magazine Rainbow Warehouse, (P. M. Tourne,) Notre Dame c. Tchoupitoulas Rainey Hugh H. 63 Carondelet, d. 200 Annunciation Rainey James, (E. G. De L'Isle &f Co) 117 Gravier, d. Prytania c. Thalia Rainey Samuel, book keeper, 49 Union, d. 1, d. 385 St. Charles Rainey Wm. clerk, 51 Union, d. 1 Rainey Wm. c. p. 156 Toulouse Rainsford J., Girod n. Franklin Rainhath Valentine, drayman, 68 Rousseau Rajas Antonio, fruit, etc. 25 Union, d. 3 Ralan Michael, laborer, 94 Gaiennie Ralli & Co. (^1. M. Benaclii,) com. mers. and Greek Consulate, Gravier c. St. Charles Ralph Theo carpenter, 362 Lafayette Ramando James, b. h. 113 Dryades Ramare A. 308 Ursulines Ramare Josephine, 325 Marais, d. 3 Rambaud F. fancy store ,174 KlysianFields Rambaut Urban, c. h. Philip c. Royal .Ramboux J. 86 Royal Ramel Charles, dep. street commissioner, St. Peter c. Chartres Ramf;l Charles, c. p. 138 Roman, d. 2 Ramel Felix, clerk, 132 Canal Ramel F. Mrs. 231 St. Philip RAM 367 RAT Ramolla D. c. h. 92 North market Raimlla Joseph, 248 Royal Rnmcnez J. M. 229 Royal Riiniirez Aiitoiiio, tailor, 20 Hospital Riimirez Juan, lali. 227 Royal Ramirez Migiu'l, 119 Ursulines Ramirez Pedro, trader, 28 Hospital Kamelli David, c. h. 39 North market ■Rammagaud Louis, clerk, 210 Marais Ramon Jean, clerk, 329 Main Ramon R. Treme c. Barracks Ramondi R. clerk, 5 Fulton Ramonheau J. & Co. bakery, 60 Bourbon Ramor Jacob, Third n. Annunciation Ramos Clement, Customhouse, d. 200 St. Ann Ramos Pierre, deputy keeper P. prison 399 St. Ann Rampa Antiiony, drayman, 182 Rclipous Rampart Street School, St. Louis c. Tou- louse Ramsay C. G. ( Halht, Ramsay S( Co.) 87 Gravier Ramsay Geo. A. levee elk. d. 444 Dryades Ramsay J. eng-ineer, 362 Royal, d. 3 Ramsay Tiiomas, laii. Chestnut, Algiers Ramsley J. gard'n. Fourth c. Washington Ramstein J. tobacconist, 252 Chartres Ramusat Antoine, cook, 224 Dauphine Kance H. Dr. 238 Bourbon Ranchard Theodore, 5 Elysian Fields, d. 159 Dryades Ranco P. vegetables, 3 Poydras market Rand James M. builder, 319 Magazine, d. 373 Carondelet Rand Peter, vegetables, 13 Dryades mkt Randall E. W. Mrs. Terpsichore n. Ca- rondelet Randall James, clerk, 87 Gravier Randall John, Locust n. Melpomene Randall Milton C. note clerk. Southern Bank, d. Taylor c. Magazine, Jeff. C. Randall Wm. L. book keeper Southern Bank, d. Jeff. City Randall Wm. W. City Hall Randoll R. lab. Josephine n. Fulton Randolph Edwin R. collector, 70 Camp,d. Rubin n. Magazine Ran(il|ih Mrs. fur. rooms, 201 Chartres Randoatman, 332 Bienville Rango P. vegetables, 6 Poydras mkt Ranguis Pierre, randymaker, 317 I'rsulines Ranisoster Joseph, lab. 17 Annunciation Rankii) J.C., St. Andnw n. Dryades Rankin Robert, lab. 303 St. Thcmias Rankin Thomas Mrs. d. 2.52 Bayou road Ranlett D. L. ( Dix Sc Raiuhlt,) 67 Tcliou- pitonlas, d. 492 Carondelet Ranney H. J. canal office, H Delord Redmond Thos. book k|)r. d.l69 Howard Redmond Timothy, c. h. d. 169 Howard Redmond Wm. c. h. N.Levee c.Adele,d.4 Redon A. bakery, Clara n. Perdido Redon G. bakery. Felicity n. Magazine Redon James A. 94 Spain Redon John, baker. Felicity n. Constance Redon Louis, Franklin Bakery ,53 Aunun. Redoute Jos. 294 Levee, d. 3 Rcdoute J., Chartres n. French Redowrich Chris, lab. 321 Rampart, d. 1 Redwood R. E., Crescent Scale Manufac. 36 St. Jose|>h, d. 24 Poyfarre Redwood K. H. jr. 5 Union Reeb J. grocer, 471 Chartres Reeb Michael, grocery ,Marigny c.Morales Reecke Henry, Roman n. St. Louis Reed Ann Mrs. 158 Old Basin, d. 2 Reed Chas. pilot, 622 St. Claude, d. 3 Reed C. Mrs. 401 Rampart, d. 3 Reed George F. ally, at law, 37 Camp, d. 113 St Joseph Reed G. A., St. Charles c. Euterpe Reed H. W. & Co. {Frank H. TruxHlo,) grocers, 27 New Basin, d. 274 Delord Reed Jared L. operator Amer. telegraph, office under St. Charles hotel Reed James, boiler maker, 52 Poyfarre Reed John, hides, 24 Customhouse Reed John, f.m.c. stevi'dore, 202 Toulouse Reed John, f. m. c porter, 1(13 l^'ranklin Reed J. W. Mrs. 242 Esplanade Reed Lansing,mach 'st, N.O.J .&G.N.R.R. Reed Matthew, lab. 8(1 Delord Reed J*I. Mrs. dressmkr. 172 Dryades Reed Pat. lab. 27 Marigny Reed Peter, seaman, 501 Chartrcs Reed Richard, jiainter. Camp n. Edward Reed Thos. B. clerk, 163 Gravier Reed Wm. 93 Ursulines Reed Wm. Coliseum n. Jackson Keed Wm. furniture, 244 Rampart, d. 1 Reed Wm. H. stmbt man, 1058 N. Levee Reedy James Dr. homeopath, St. Charles c. North Reedy Michael, clerk, 148 Canal Reedy Wm. lai). Felicity c. Rousseau Reef Chas., Bolivar n. Perdido Reefe Christian, Chippewa n. Josephine Reefe John, lab. 239 Bourbon Reeg C. shoemkr. 47(» Old Levee, d. 3 Reeh Geo. A. carp. 238 Johnson, d. 2 Reed J. D. groceries and liquors.Soraparu c. New Levee Rees Charles, grocer, 315 Orleans REE 370 REI Rees George, lab. 232 Tchoupitoulas Rees & Sarazin, ship joiners, Algiers Rees Walter keeper, 15 Camp Rees Wm. D., St. Mary n. Constance Rees W. W. jeweler. Canal c. Royal, d. Clara n. Common Reesby Edward, mechanic, 400 Perdido Reese Abraham, clerk, 151 Poydras Reese Caroline Mrs., Magazine c. Robert Reese Chas. b. h. 57 St. Peter Reese Chas. S. atty. at law, 381 Canal Reese Henry, dairy, 312 Independence Reese James E. printer, 70 Camp Reese Wm. H. d. 304 Jackson REEVE BROS,, (Jos. M. Reeve, James W. Reeve, Successors to G. A. Pynohon & Co.,) Dealers in Liverpool, Turks Island, and Rock Salt, No. 4 New Levee and 4 Tchoupi- toulas street. Reave J osM.( Reeve Bros.) d. 611 St.Chas. Reeves Geo. ship carp. Lavergne, Algiers Reeves I. S. engineer, 115 Religious Reeves John, 96 Gaiennie Reevey Martha A. Mrs. 352 St. Charles Regan Ann Mrs. 86 Thalia Regan Barney, c. h. New Levee n. Second Regan Barney, blacksmith, 12 New Levee Regan David, lab. Third n. Annunciation Regan Elenor, c. h. 136 Tchoupitoulas Regan Jas. ship carp. Homer n. Madison, McDonogh Regan Jas. car greaser,Jackson R. R. depot Regan John, carp. 136 Tchoupitoulas Regan John, c. h. 93 Front Levee, d. 3 Regan John, engineer, N.O.J .&G.N.R.R. Regan Wm. screwman, 73 Orange Regan Michael, laborer, 70 Race Regan Paul, screwman, 567 Tchoupitoulas Regan Thomas, lab. 350 Magazine Regan T. D. clerk, 120 Canal Regaud Louis, collector, 78 Love Regel John, chairmaker, 216 Josephine Regensburger L. Mrs. clothing, 189 Poyds. Reggio Albiri, clerk, 325 Claiborne Reggio Amedee, 325 Bourbon,d.325Claib. Reggio A.N. clerk, 325 Claiborne Reggio A. R. clerk, 2 F. Levee, d.2, d.287 Ursu lines Reggio Eusebe, 294 Hospital Ri-ggio,( RiUieux &f Reggio,) 180 Bourbon, d. b6 Kerlerec Reggio Hortaire, clerk, Carondelet c.Gra- vier, d. 194 Hospital Reggio Louis O.clk.85 Royal,d.282 Bourb. Regis Barret, sister super'r Female Orphan Asylum, Clio Register of Conveyances, 167 Royal Regnier Prosper, carp. 101 Barracks Regulland Chas. finisher, 224 Bayou road Regiis John, tailor, 728 St Claude, d. 3 Reliage M. tailor, 291 Customhouse Pcehanau Thos.warehousem.290 Customh. Rehart Charles, 375 Royal Rehbein Frank, shoemkr. 35 Marais, d. 2 Rehling H. Bourbon n. Claiborne Rehm Joseph, tailor, 91 Laharpe Rehm Louis, c. h. and grocer, 434 Clio Rehm Martin, barber, 90 Lafayette Rehm Michael, musician, 130 Toulouse Rehm S. barber, 230 Bienville Reibaud Francisco, Mexican Consul Gen- eral, 51 Exchange place, d. Rampart c. Customhouse Reiber F. barber. Calliope c. Liberty Reich John, cabinetmkr. 236 New Levee Reich Peter Mrs., St. Ferdinand c.Chartres Reichard & Co. (.Augustus Ji. Reichard, John Kruttschnitt,) com. mers. 12 Ca- rondelet Reichard A. Aug. consul for Hanover, Prussia, and Hesse Darmstadt, d. 39 Bourbon ■Reichert Chas, grocer, 795 New Levee Reichert G, baker, Carrollton Reichert John, ale, cider,etc. 236 Bienville Reichert Simon, book-binder, 140 Royal, d. 119 Barracks Reichmann Louis, pedler, 227 St. Peter Reicke Geo. barber, 705 New Levee, d. 4 Reid Alfred, book keeper, 63 Gravier, d. 286 Carondelet Reid Andrew J. acct. 53 Old Levee Reid Bridget, grocery, 339 Liberty Reid C. cabinet maker, 186 Royal Reid David, laborer, 358 Tchoupitoulas Reid Elizabeth, f. w. c. 22 Baronne Reid Geo. painter, 368 Fulton, d. 4 Reid John, grocer, Tivoli c. Delord Reid J. H. c. p., d. 4 City Hall Reid John K. com. mer. 114 Common Reid J. M. superintendent Marine Hospi- tal, d. 370 St. Charles Reid John, grocery, 131 Delord Reid Margaret, Mrs. 48 Port Reid Mary L. 200 Girod, d. 1 Reid Mary, 468 Dauphine Reid Thos. grocer, Rampart c. Erato Reid Wm. tinsmith, N. I.cvee, Jeff. City Reider Paul, cigars, 251 Chippewa Reidey Michael, clerk, 155 Canal Reidmayer Frank C. piano mkr. 195 Clio Reifel H. c. h. 12 Fulton Reiff i,. fruit, Constantinople, c. Jersey, Jeff. City Reiffwith F. A. barber, Villere, Algiers Reigar John, carpenter, Johnson n. Main Reigart M.J. 11 Magazine, d. 199 Baronne Reiger Louis, laborer, 36)^ St. Mary Reigh John, shoemaker, 95 Baronne Reigll John, Josephine n. Annunciation Reik John, shoemaker, 95 Baronne Reiley Catharine, 107 Rousseau Reilly Ann Mrs. c. h. Julia c. Magnolia Reilly B cabman, 37 Prieur Reilly Charles, 848 Dauphine Reilly Christopher, warehouseman, Jose- phine n. Dryades Reilly Christopher, draym. 9 Melpomene Reilly George, drayman, 55 Melpomene REI 371 REM REILLY E & CO., (T. O. Kear- ney, J. G. Vienne, J. P. Wal- ter, and Ed. Garvey) Import- ers of French and British Dry Goods and Dealers in Southern Plantation Goods, No. 126 Canal street, betw. Royal and Bourbon streets. Reilly G. Sfuiiny bags; 142 Tclioupiloulas Ri'illy James, laborer, Conti opp. vinegar factory Reilly John, cnrtman, Mftreng;o ii. Chest- nut, Jefferson City Reilly Mary Mrs. grocery, 27 Chippewa Reilly M. c. h. Annunciation c. Gaiennie Riilly Owen, Laurel n. Ninth Ri'illy Pat. laborer, 47 Eni^hien Reilly Patl dravman, 663 Rampart Reilly Philip, Mrs. grocery, Constance c. Richard Reilly Thomas, porter, 134 Canal RiMlly W. cabman, 11.3 Elysian Fields Reilly W. (R. G. Dunn &c'Co.) mercantile agency, 76 Canal Reilman J. G., Freret n. Clio Reinionenq Felix, (S. D. Gratiaa &f Co.) 59 Customhouse, d. 284 Elysian Fids Ri'in Geo. saddler, d. 70 Thalia f^-in G. clerk, 390 Tchoupiloulas Ri'in Jacol), grocer, 275 Washington Ri'in John, c. \t. Peter n. Powder, Algiers Rrin Jacob, harness maker, 334 Tchoupit's Rein Peter, harnessmaker, 234 Religious Ri'ine A. Mrs., Greamii'n n. History Heine Mary, f. w. c. 363 Bourbon, d. 3 Rcinaner Mark, clerk, 151 Poyiiras Reinegen Henry , tailor, 105 Mandeville Reineke Ernest, tailor, 282 Royal Keinek G. 0. inspector customs Reineke , Bayou bridge Ri inecker Fred, piano maker, 262 Orleans Reineckei- J. book keeper, 46 St. Charles, d. 202 Lafayelt.' Reinerih Jose|ih, 7 Bienville Rriiiertli William, clerk, 33 Cbnrtres Rcingk Henry, drayman, d. 380 Howard Rriney Joseph, Rampart c. Sixth Re infried Joseph, cabinet maker, 23 St. Ferdinand Reinhard Jacob, coffee house and grocery, 445 Tchoupitoulas Reinhard John, 108 CJasquet Riinhard John, 137 Pacanier Reinhard John, tailor, 244 Girod Reinhard Louis, carpenliT, 217 Jackson Riinhard L. Jackson n. Annunciation Reinhardt Charli-s, acct. Orlians Hotel Rcinhardt Christian, 126 Chippewa Rcinhardl Ijouis Capt. 571 Burgundy, d. 3 Reinhardi M. blacksmith. Levee n. Jack- son, Carrolllon Rrinhardi Wm. Mrs. d. 20 Orleans Reinhart B. F. portrait and hiatorical painter, 170 Canal Reinnari M. wheelw 'i. Levee n.May, Crlt. Reip John, laborer, 447 Dauphine, d. 3 Reis Henry, laborer, 326 St. Peter Reis Jacob, baker,Nt\v Levee c. Eighth ,d. 4 Reis Peter, baker, 293 Orleans Reisenstein L. architect, d. 348 Rampart Reiser John, carpenter, I'rquhart n. Porl Reisert Gustave, barber, 282 Conti Reisinger, J. A. laborer, Rampart c. Spain Reisland Charles, Poydras n. Roman Riisland Frank, dairy, Cypress c, Roman Reisner G. G. clerk, 41 Carondelet Reisner Wm. steward, 516 Burgundy, d.3 Reiss Fred, coffee stand, 57 North market Riiss Joseph, lab. Live Oak, c. BerlinJ.C. Reiss M. 141 St. Philip Mrs., midwife, 195 Hospital Reisser Charles, tailor, Hospital c. Galvez Heitcr August, finisher, 221 St. Charles Reiter Chas A. apothecary. New Levee, n. Toledano, Jefferson City Reiter Daniel, segars, 90 Barracks Reitling Hervey, shoemaker, 77 Poydras Reiimeier U. piano maker, 139 P'ranklin Reitmeyer F. 117 Canal, d. 139 Franklin Reitz Jacob, carpenter, Dryades n. Third Reize Fidel, tailor, 167 Prieur REIZENSTEIN VON L., Sur-, veyor and Architect, Office 3i\ Magazine, opposite St. James Hotel, d. 350 Rampart. Relf F M.f. m.c. carpenter, 196 St. Philip Relf J. M. (A'imkk ^ Co.) street commis- sioner. City Hall, d. 449 Baronne Relf J. S. d. Second n. Caronilelet Relf Samuel, d. St. Claude n. Esplanade R.lf Samuel S. 467 Royal, d. 3 Relf S. Z. ( Ih-ndcrson &f Gaines,) 100 Canal, d. 60 Dauphine Relf W. M. d. 363 Main Relin J. B. nightman, 74 Exchange place, d.371 Main Reling Henry, d. St. Anthony n. Morales Rella J. B.. oysters, 3 Front Levee, d. 3 Remade Joseph, shn. mkr. 393 St. Philip Remendo Jas. c. h Perdido c. Dryades Remendo Peter, c. h. 169 Poydras Hemer George R. 216 Orleans Hemer Jacob, drayman, 373 Lafayette Remcs Alex. c. h. La av. c. Chi|i)ii'wa Remez Rev. Superior Ciiristian Academy, Foucher c. Delord Remondet E. grocer. Union n. Claiborne Rempe Antoiiie, drayman, 16 Rousseau Remus Carl Mrs., Bourbon n. Josejihinc R' my Antonio, cigars, 6 Baronne Remy A. f. m. c. shoemaker, St. Jane n. Gravier Remy C. D, 98 Franklin Remy F. f. m. c. Urquhart n. Bagatelle Remy F. varnisher, 316 Main Remy John, pattern maker, 355 Lafayette Remy J. B. 179 Burgundy Remy Maria Louisa, 151 Barracks Remy Oscar, f. m. c. bricklayer, 206 Toul. REN 372 EEY Renaud Bernard, fancy groceries, St.Louis c. Royal Renaud C. c. p., d. 244 Orleans iJenaud E. dazier, 192 St. Peter Renaud Felix, Orleans c. Derbigny Renaud Fran<;ois, 329 Marias, d. 3 Renaud Fran<;uis, 245 Orleans Renaud Gustave, Orleans c. Derbigny Renaud H. carpenter, 105 Franklin, d. 2 Renaud J. butcher, Laurel n. Milan, J. C. Renaud L. Mrs. 232 Bourbon Renaud P. Mrs. 220 Elysian Fields Renaud W. H. acct. 32 Old Levee, d. 2 Renaudin Peter, porter, 25 Magazine Rendarle Timothy, shoemkr. 290 Laurel Rene Laffon, accountant, 88 Gravier Renecke F. 47 Carondelet, d. 236 Esplan. Renedy Peter, lab. Euterpe n. Prytania Renedy Peter, laborer, Euterpe n. Prytania Renes Liespes, fishmonger, 42 Union, d. 3 Rengstorff John, cartman, 217 Felicity Renken G. cigars, 27 Camp and 21 Royal Renlemavor Nicholas, 236 Coliseum Renefahrt M. dry goods, 55 Montegut Renner A. cigar maker, 158 Roussean Rennison Henry, 78 Constance Renouf Francis, 307 Fulton, d. 4 Rennyson H., Constance c. Thalia Rennyson W. R. engineer, 7 Cole's row Renoy Mrs. 146 Hospital Renscoff Louis, clerk, 187 Tchoupitoulas Rensiiaw Henry (West, Renshaw &f Cam- mack,) 34 Perdido, d. 416 Camp Renshaw J. R. bell hanger, 144 Camp Renteria J. B. grocer, 226 Tchoupitoulas Renton Mrs., Prytania n. St. Charles Renz A. shoemkr. 281 Tchoupitoulas Renz Edward, barber. New Levee n. To- ledano, Jeff. City Reon Odile, Main n. Robertson Reou Jean, gardener, London avenue c. Celestine, d. 3 Repath C. Mrs. 200 Port Rephuhn C. tailor, 21 Treme Reptune Geo. driver, 415 Liberty Reppin C. watchmkr, 372 Old Levee, d. 3 Kequier H. F. elk. Common c. St.Charles Rerdon John, cab driver, 93 Palmyra Rese Serafino, drayman, 75 Palmyra Ressillion Hypolite, 436 Bourbon, d. 3 Restrop Rosalina, f. w. c. 334 Main Resweber A. vegetables, 28 Treme makt Retaud William, 437 Dauphine, d. 3 Rethor Ernest, c. h. Algiers Rethor Henry, barkeeper, 218 New Levee Retif Oscar, clerk, Chartres c. Conti Retler Louis, pedler,34 Marigny Retter Henry, gardener, Independence n. Urquhart Retter Wm. H. Mrs. Independence near Urquhart Rettish Charles, Merchants' hotel Rettle Wm. cabinet maker, 255 Magazine Rettwitz Samuel, pedler, 317 Frenchmen ReuA.&Co, French books,&c.50 Chartres Reuchmann Joseph Mrs. 107 Marais, d.2 Reudelhuber J. G. b. h. 89 Marais, d. 2 Reusch J. farrier. Felicity opposite Basin Reutanauer F. tailor, 422 St. Ann Reuter Chas. barkeeper. Camp c. Thalia Reuter Christian Mrs. dairy, 138 Piety Reuter J. tailor, 276 Carondelet Reuter J. E. accountant, 306 Old Levee, d. 497 St. Ann Reuth Chas. carp. New Levee n. Eighth Reuther Theodore, gardener, Dauphine n. Bartholomew Reval George, carpenter, Laurel n. Berlin, Jefferson City Reverter Anthanasio, music teacher, 288 St. Peter ' Revilie Ed. western produce, 57 Commerce Revoille A. inside keeper. Parish prison Revol Claude, grocer, 282 Burgundy Revol E. confectioner, Rampart c. St.Peter Revol J. B. gunsmith, 280 Koyal Revolein Rosa, 162 Conti Rey A. widow, 271 Royal Rey Fred, shoemkr. Gasquet n. Galvez Rey Hypolite printer, 237 Elys. Fields Rey H. L. 287 St. Philip Rey H. L. jr. 95 Colum^bus Rey Jean, butcher, 17 and 19 Treme mkt, d. 325 Orleans Rey Jean, stock dealer, La. av. n. Jersey, Jeff. City Rey John, bricklayer, 366 Claiborne, d. 3 Rey Joseph, f. ni. c, bricklayer, 122 Spain Rey Joseph, butcher, Algiers Rey Louis, laborer, 100 Enghien Rey Octave, 247 St. Philip Rey Pierre, butcher, 32 French market Reyburn Wm. c. h. 249 Carondelet Reyes Francis, 149 Frenchmen Reyes Joseph, cigar mkr. 170 Mandeville Reyes Martin, cupper, 149 Frenchmen Reys Miguel, c. p. 171 Spain Reys Zeuobia, laborer, 109 Marais, d.2 Reymond Francis, grocer, 735 Carondelet Reymur Fred, carpenter, 25 Congress Reynal R. Mrs. 155 Lafayette Reynaldos Jos. barkeeper. Camp c. Girod Reynard Alphonse, watchmkr. 153 Chartres Reynard James, Richard c. Magazine Reynaud A. Mrs. millinery, 200 Chartres Reynaud Lucien, bread, 277 St. Peter Reynaud M. L. Mrs. 197 Ursulines Reynes Constant, teacher, Claiborne n. Annette Reynes E. H. exch. clerk. Citizens' Bank Reynes Joseph, 207 Burgundy Reynes Louisa Mrs. 237 St. Philip Reynoir Arthur, clerk, 11 Old Levee Reynolds Charles, fireman Jackson R. R. depot Reynolds Dora Mrs. 469 Rampart Reynolds H. W. W. clerk, 3 Magazine, d. 130 St. Philip Reynolds H. W. & Co. dealers in trunks and India rubber goods, 3 Magazine, d. First c. Prytania Reynolds James L. Old Levee c. Bienville Reynolds Jas. marb. cutter, 35 Roman, d.2 Reynolds Jas. marble yard, 186 Rampart KEY 373 EIC Reynolds Jamrs,blacksmith, Peter, Alg. Reynolds Jamis, drayman, 251 Anuunc. Reynolds Jcunts, laborer, 308 Calliope Reynolds John, 153 Mandeville Reynolds Jose|ih, painter, V28 Howard Reynolds J. D. clerk, 3 Magazine REYNOLDS L. E., Architect and Builder, Office 37 Camp street, Shop c. Magazine and Poyfarre, d. 100 Gaiennie. Reynolds Margt. Mrs. 162 Claiborne, d. 2 Reynolds Mary, Calliope n. Annunciation Reynolds Mary Mrs., Josephine c. Rous- seau Reynolds M. M. & J. M. Davidson, at- torneys at law, 13 Camp, d. 265 Ca- rondelet Reynolds Owen, laborer, 182 St. Thomas Reynolds P. groceries, 39] St. Charles Reynolds P. W. clerk, 40 Union, d.Camp c. Orange Reynolds R. B. Maj., paymaster U. S. Army, office 118 Camp Reynold.^! Sam). Dr. cancer, 20 Baronne Reynolds Shepards, architect, 9 Commer- cial place, d. 312 Calliope Reynolds Thos. lab. 484 Old Levee, d. 3 Reynolds Thomas, draymaslcr, d. Rous- seau c. St. Andrew Rcynor William, grocer, 282 Conti Rezean Rynar, St. Charles n. Conrey Rezeau D. F. captain towboal Panther, d. 639 Rampart Rham Henry, Sixth n. Laurel Rhe.asa C. Dr. 80 Tchoupiloulas Rhein George, saddler, d. 70 Thalia Rhein Thos. engine tender, d. 149 Josep'e Rhcinelanda John, tinsmith. Cypress n. Julia Rhodes Charles, inspector customs, Jack- son n. Liberty Rhodes Charles E. locksmith, Camp opp. Lafayette square Rhodes Brancjois, Milan n. Laurel, J. C. Rhodes George R. M. c. p. 75 Basin, d. 1 Rhodes & Moulin, (Charles Rhodes, Fran- cois Moulin,) Moroau restaurant, 127 Canal, d. 38 Robertson Rhodes J. M. 42 Rampart, d. 2 RHODES & CROWELL, (Rich- ard Rhodes, John Crowell,) successors to J. E. Matthews & Co., dealers in Carriage Trimmings; keep for sale everything necessary for building and repairing Car- riages, 156 Gravier street. Rhodes Richard, (Rhodes Sf Crowell,) d. 233 St. Charles Rhodes V. H. d. 287 Philip Rhodes Zachariah, opp. Marine Hospital Rhody Alfred, clerk, 73 Canal Rhody James 8. acct. 116 Carondelet Rhorer & Zunts, (S. .4. Rhorcr, M. J. Zunts,) cotton factors and com. mers. 32 Perdido Rhorer S. A. ( Rhorer &c Zunts,) d. Seventh c. Chesnut Rias Manuel, fisherman, Bourbon c. St. John Baptist Ribas Joseph, shoemaker, 199 Royal Ribas M. widow, 200 Chartres Ribe M., Poydras mkt. d. 218 Dryadcs Ribeau John, 343 St. Ann Ribert Charles, wood, 231 Marais Ribert Jean, wood, Marais n. Ursulines Hibet Charles, lab. Marais n. Ursulines Ribet J. S. 272 St. Peter Ribet Z. provisions, Royal n. Main Ribot F. Dr. 163 Bourbon Ribriau J. locksmith, 160 Basin, d. 2 RICARDO D. I. Notary Public, United States Commissioner, and Commissioner of Deeds, 30 Camp, d. 157 Calliope. Ricardo J. oysters, c. Melpomene Ricau F. grocer, 127 Old Levee, d. 2 Ricau Jean, milk, 116 French Ricau Victor, clerk, 127 Old Levee, d. 2 Ricaud Joseph, 26 Urquhart Ricca Francjois, carjienter, 87 Ursulines Ricci L. grocer, 73 Old Levee Rice Augustus, (Rice Brothers 8f Co.) Magazine n. St. Andrew, d. Josephine n. Constance Rice Bernard, machinist, 414 Basin RICE BROS. & CO., Importers of Hardware, Cutlery and Stoves, and Manufacturers of Tin Ware. Sole Agents for the sale of the C e 1 ebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stove, 24 2 Tchoupi- toulas near St. Mary's mar- ket. Also, on Magazine street, between St. Andrew and Jose- phine street, above Magazine market. Rice Charles, Union Ball room, Jackson n. Annunciation Rice C. lab. Lafayette n. Second, Gretna Rice E. M. sugar broker, 196 Camp Rice George, grocer, 100 Calliope ' Rice George C. porter, 274 Thalia 25 RIC 374 RIC Rice Henry, (Rice Brothers &c Co.) Maga- ziiif n. St. Andrew, d. Annunciation n. First Rice Hermann, (Rice Brothers &c Co.) 242 Tchoupitoulas, d. 212 Josephine Rice Jacob, l)aker, 983 New Levee Rice James, laborer, 275 Franklin Rice James, foundryman, 299 Magazine Rice John, laborer, 99 Claiborne, d.2 Rice John, carlwiaii, Spain n. L'rquhart Rice John, laborer. Port n. Dauphine Rice John G. (Delatmay, Rice 4" Co.) 16 Carondelet Rice Marks, express cart, 90 Liberty Rice M. T. & Co. (Wm. Rice,) commis- sion merchants, 35 Natchez Rice Lydia, M rs. 274 Thalia Rice Nathan F. baker, 20 i.enjamin Rice Oliver, (Rice Bros. ^ Co.) Magazine n. St. Andrew Rice Peter, barber, 269 Thalia Rice Philip, jr., hardware, d. Camp n. Jackson Rice Richard P. architect, 368 Baronne Rice Rosa Mrs. 244 IJrsulines Rice Samuel F. Baronne n. St. Joseph Rice Thomas, drayman. Fourth n. Laurel Rice Wm. (M. T. Rice &( Co.) 35 Natchez Rice W. laborer, 121 Piety Kice W. H. acct. Camp c. Comm'l place Rice William P. acct 39 Natchez, d. 459 Baronne Rich Daniel, Gallatin n. Ursulines Rich Edward, shoemaker, 81 Levee, d. 3 Rich Edwin, joiner, Madison n. Peter Rich Ernest, b. h. 176 Orleans Rich Ezekiel, stevedore, 329 Bourbon, d. 3 Rich John, furniture, 65 Levee Rich John, tailor, 152 Hospital Rich John, c. h. Carondelet walk c. Clai- borne Rich Louis, Marigny c. Rampart Hich Samuel Mrs. 59 Union, d. 3 Rich Thomas, clerk, 48 Poydras Richac Caniille, lab. 276 Independence Richard Albert & Co. feed store, 127 Ram- part, d. 1 Richard, Aldige & Co. (L. H. Richard, Paul Mdige, Jules Aldige,) dry goods, 35 Charires, up stairs Richard A. d. 119 St. Louis Richard Charles G. elk. Louisiana Hotel Richard Charles, clerk. Third n. Liberty Richard Clemence, furn. rooms, 104 St. Louis Richard C. Mrs., nurse, 44 St. Philip Richard C.xMrs. 263 St. Peter Richard E. (Antognini &( Ricluird,) billiard table manufacturer, 15 Conti Richard Fillette, Orleans n. Galvez Richard Francois, painter, 263 St. Peter Richard Francois Mrs., f. w. c. 447 Bour- bon, d. 3 Richard Frang. lab. Lapeytouse c. Roman RICHARDS NEWTON, 147 Customhouse street, Marble and Granite Yard, Richards' Cape Lime, etc. The numerous tes- timonials of the purity and su- perior quality of the "Cape Lime," for the purposes of Ma- sonry, and particularly for Planters' use in Sugar making, has induced the undersigned, proprietor of the Cape Girar- deau Marble Quarries, to ex- tend and adopt such improve- ments in its production as will enable him promptly to supply f^ the increasing demand, and all orders for this Lime, All barrels of this Lime will be stamped "Richards' Cape Lime," and of a size equal to the flour barrel or three Win- chester struck bushels. Merchants, Planters and Ma- sons, by addressing the under- signed through their Agents, or the Post Office in this city, with satisfactory references, may have the Lime, fresh from the kilns, delivered at any designated landing on the river, above or in the city of New Orleans, d. 18 Burgundy. RIG 376 RID Richard F. prof. French, 99 Gravier Richard Hi'iiry, poultry, 100 Calliope Richard Jolin, mariner, 223 Robertson Richard Jordan, clurk, 19 Conti Ricliard Louis Mrs., 299 Bourbon Richard J. tailor, 66 Ursulines Ricliard Lucie, f. w. c. Miro n. Hospital Richard Nicholas, lab. 217 Felicity Richard N. watchman, Delaware, Algiers Richard S. caliinet maker, 90 Montcgut Richards Augustus, 237 Girod Richards A. M Mrs., Algiers Riciiards Frank', sign painter, 218 Canal Richards Henry, b. h. 45 Bienville Richards John K. moulder, 430 Dryades Richards John, bookkpr. d. 347 St. Mary Richards John, tailor, Orleans n. Galvez Richards John, lilacksmith, Levee, Algs. Richards J. J. 102 Mandeville ■ Richards J. V. (JMcLeinore, Reyburn &f Co.) 13 Carondelet Richards J. McK. insp. cast. d. 211 Julia Richards Kate Mrs. niillin'y, 430 Dryades Richards Luther, Baronne, n. St. Andrew Richards L. C. clerk, 50 Old Levee, d. 490 Baronne, d. 4 Richards P. D. salesman, 100 Canal Richards Mrs. 30 Basin, d. 2 Richards Richard, lab. Gravier n. Willow Richards Thomas, Josephine n. Fulton Riciiards Wm. cooper, 319 Melpcuuene Richards Wm. clerk, Bolivar n. Common Richards W. IL clerk, 52 Canal Richards W. T. 438 Baronne Richardson Abraham, lab. 298 N. Levee Richardson A. L. 94 Baronne Richardson A. W . mason, 321 Baronne Richardson Edmond, (ThornhUI. &,■ Co.) d. 163 Gravier Richardsj;;io, ( Edirard Rillieux, E. Riggio,) dry goods, 180 F^ourbon Rimaillio F. & Neyrey, ( F. .Veyrey,) im- porters of French, English and German goods, 45 Charin-s Riniassa Louis, 336 Franklin Rimassa Paul, 108 Hospital Rimbol John P. 456 Koyal, d. 3 Rimbol M. Mrs. midwife, 456 Royal, d.3 Rimbol Pierre, bnad, 67 Mandeville Rimbult Joseph, shoemaker, 303 St. Philip Rnujip Jacob, lab. Bourbon n. Josephine Rinaldi Antlion, block tin worker, 278 Frenchmen Rinaldi James, Capt., Cypress n. Magnolia Rinchard Christian, lab. 277 Chippewa Hinder Timothy, shotmk. Sixth n. Fulton Rinderle Bernard, shoc-mk. 322 Magazine Rindskopf Fred, musician, 48 Frenchmen 377 RIS RIME P., Worker in Zinc, Tin, Lead, Copper, etc., No. 43 (late 48) Conti street, between Chartres street and Exchange alley. House Work and Household Utensils, Gas and Water Pipes laid. Shower Baths set, Zinc Roofing guar- anteed. Chandeliers supplied for Soirees and Balls. Rindt F. clerk, 332 Conti Rindt Philip Mrs. 237 Bienville Rine Ellen, Josephine n. Chippewa Rine Jacob, groc. Washington c. Coliseum Rinehart JanK^s H. agent for Pearl River Mills, 13 St. Charles, d. 108 Gasquet Ring Christian, 204 Baronne Ring Daniel, laborer, 570 Tchoupitoulas Ring Geo. P. cot. weigh. 186 Annunciation Ring James, Howard n. Jackson RING J. H. & CO., Crescent Shipping Ofllce, No. 14 Bar- racks street, opposite U. S. Mint. Branch— corner New Levee and Erato sts. op. Post 19, first district. Ringe Jean, carpenter, Galvez n. Main Ringgold A. B. 79 Conti Ringgold A. M. cl<>rk, 38 Perdido Ringgold Charli's W. ciijars, 55 Catiip Ringgold H. acct. Comnum c. Carondclet Ringgold Thos. acct. Common c.Carondelet Ringhotr H. ship carnenter, 382 Chartres Ringold L. Mrs. 80 B mrbon Ringwood Jas. lab. Pitt n. upper line, J.C. Ringwood James S. apothecary. Calliope c. Liberty Rinicker Jacob, Terpsichore n. Baronne Rinke Frank. Urquhart c. Bagatelle Rinkenbach Edwd. lab. 27 Su Ferdinand Rio J. Mrs., Bienville n. Claiborne Rio Warehouse, (P. M Tounie,) Tchoup- itoulas c. Notre Dame Riolet A. river and marine clerk. Citizens' Multual ins. Co. 3 Carondelet Riondel M. Mrs.d. 99 Conti Riordan Danirl, clerk, Orli'ans Press Riordan Mi'ury R'-v., Si. Patrick's Church Kiordan Matthew, painter, 53 North mki. Riordan Miles, hatter, 247 0. Levee, d. 2 Riordan M. Mrs. 77 D<'lord Kiotne Louis, wood, 199 Gravier fliou Lavinia Mrs. dry goods, 139 Marais Rioux H. G. c. p. 96 Poet Ripoll Francisco, fishmonger, French mar- ket, d. 633 Royal Riquer Adolph, professor, 164 Royal Riquer A. Mrs. music teacher, 164 Royal Risbourg A. hatter, 88 Conti liisch Ignace, c. h. 122 Claiborne Risch Isaac, shoes, 28 Levee, d. 3 EIS 378 ROB Risington L. B. clerk, 40 Chartres, d. 184 Johnson Risk James, printer, Courier office Risk Samuel G. (£. .4. Patterson &<■ Co.) d. 305 Dryades, Grand Sec. Masonic Grand Lodge, Masonic Hall, St. Charles c. Perdido Risland Charles, milkman, 317 Poydras Risle L. shoemaker, 97 Marais, d. 2 Riso L. oysterman. Palmyra n. Prieur Risse Adele, Mrs., Chestnut n. Valence, Jefferson City Risso F. Mrs. dry goods and millinery, 196 Orleans Rister Baptisle, Sixth, c. Annunciation Ritchie Chas. saw mills. Chestnut ab. 8th Ritchie D. B., Chestnut n. Eighth Ritchie John, acct. St. Mary n. Carondelet Ritchie John, gardener, Carrollton Kitchie J. B. Dr. 166 St. Charles Ritchie J. H. book keeper, 37 Thalia Ritchie Samuel Mrs. 85 Marigny Ritshar Charles, cooper, 58 Annunciation Rittenberg Rebecca, 255 Calliope Rittenere Joseph, 230 Marais d. 2 Ritter Anna Mrs. 364 Magazine Ritter Antoine, groc. Third c. Constance Ritter Frank, painter, 316 St. Peter Ritter Joseph, jeweler, 195 Tchoupitoulas Rittler L. mason, 123 Morales Ritz Joseph, trader, 78 Desire Rivara Charles, Prosper n. Union Rivarde & Emily, (Aimee Rivarde,) 174 St. Philip Rivarde Achille, tailor, 297 Hospital Rivarde Aristide, carpenter, 169 Villere Rivarde A. carpenter, 169 Villere Rivarde Eloise, f. w. c. 153 Hospital RIVARDE G. Mrs., Widow, Louisiana Bag Manufactory, No. 68 Chartres. Bags of all kinds always on hand or made to order at the shortest notice. Rivarde Jules, tailor, 175 Chartres Rivarde M. Mrs. 158 St. Louis Rivarde P. A. 243 Ursulines Rivarde R. Mrs. 232 Johnson Rivas F. cigar importer, 238 Old Levee Rivas Joseph, shoemaker, 212 Bourbon Rivas Joseph, c. h. Julia c. Basin Rivas Joseph, oysters, 62 Frenchmen Rivas Joseph, clerk, 151 Chartres Rivas Jose, grocer, 72 Dryades Rivas M. Mrs. 82 Orleans RIVERA P. N., Royal-st. cor- _ of St. Peter, Im-^ porter of and Dealer in Fine Jewelry, Watches, etc. Watches and Jewelry care- fully repaired and wari'anted, d. 96 Orleans. Rivella Mary Miss, d 160 Conti Rivera John J. printer, 66 Camp Rivero John, 92 Frenchmen Rivet Charles, St. Ann c Treme Rivet Emile, clerk, 126 Canal Rivet Henry J. druggist, 64 Customhouse, d. 240 St. Ann Rivet J. N. Dr., Treme c. St. Ann Rivet S. 0.9 St. Louis,d.291 Rampart,d. 1 Riviere E. clerk, 31 Common Riviere John Mrs. 202 Port Riviere & Jolly, (J. Riviere, J. S. Jolly,) grocers, 31 Common, d. 404 Camp Riviere Peter, draymaster, d. 36 Derbigny Riviere P. & Co. grocers, 76 Old Levee, d. Felicity n. Annunciation Riviere Simon Mrs. 388 Bourbon, d. 3 Rivolta F. glazier, 241 Royal Rixner Marie, f.w.c. 173 Orleans Rizzio Armand, cli;rk, 89 Main Rizzo Camille, dentist, 123 St. Philip RizzotiJohn,c.h.204O.Levee,d. 473 Royal Roach Benjamin, planter, d. 255 Canal Roach David, laborer, 52 Poet Roach E.C.( Poindexter ^ Co.; 39 Natchez Roach Frank, driver, 83 Elmira Roach Frank Mrs. d. 29 Elmira Roach Jas. mattress mak. 188 Rampart, d.l Roach John, carp. Cypress n. Clara Roach John, lab. 461 Old Levee, d. 3 Roach John, watchman, 210 Chippewa Roach John, laborer, 500 Royal Roach John, blacksmith, 51 Constance Roach Richard, 180 Julia Road John, fruits, 443 Dauphine, d. 3 Roaldes A. Dr. 242 Royal Roaldes C. Mrs., female school, 242 Royal Roark John, lab. 74 Constance Roarar John, 122 Piety Roasner Wm. lab. 124 Burgundy Roat Henry, carpenter, 34 Herdido Robardet Miss, somnambulist, 74 Toulouse Robards S. S., St. Andrew n. Laurel Robb George, carpenter, d. 463 Rampart Robb J. W. Capt., Delaronde, Algiers Robbert F. carpenter, Conti c. Prieur Roberjot A. Miss, 235 St. Philip Robert A. atty . at law, 46 Exchange place, d. 339 Marais, d. 3 Robert Edward, screwman, 33 Music Robert Emile, f. m. c. lab. 216 St.Anthony Robert E. clerk, 71 Chartres Robert E. Mrs., milliner, etc. 15 Chartres Robert E. clerk, Orleans c. Robertson Robert Felix, f. m. c. grocer, 75 St. Peter, d. 145 Bourbon Robert Francis, hardware, 215 Chartres Robert Fred, carpenter, 354 Conti Robert F. car))cnter, 317 Frenchmen Robert F. J. 126 Ursulines Robert G, Solidelle n. St. Anthony Robert Henry Mrs., 427 Robertson, d. 3 Robert Hyacinth, f. m. c. 243 Marais, d.2 i Robert H. f. w. c. 227 St. Philip Robert Jacob, c. h. 334 Magazine Robert Joseph B. 320 Orleans Robert J. F. Mrs. 393 Ursulines ROB 379 ROB Robert John Mrs. 415 Daiiphine, d. 3 Robert J. N. Mrs. 190 Biirs^undy Robert Joseph N. & ("o. (Jos. 6. Robert,) wholesale dry ^oods, 85 Canal, d. Rampart c. Uienville Robert .Toscph O. (Jon. vV. Robert &c Co.) Ramjiart c. Bienville Roliert Ij. d. Bourbon n. P«ace Rcilurt Marie, d. St. Andrew n. Howard Robert M. A. Mrs. furnished rooms, 45 Bourl)on Robert Nil ma, d. 308 St. Claude Robert P. W. store keeper customs, d. 248 Elvsian Fields llobert'R. ei2:ars, 9 St. Philip Robert S. Mrs., d. .171 Robertson, d. 3 Robert V. Mrs. d. (j4 Daiiphine Roberts B. labon'r, 9'2 Poet Roiieris Charlotte, f. w. c. 157 Baronne Roberts Edwin, Morales n. Cotton Press Roberts Evan, c. p. 185 Marigny Rob.'rts Eliza, 87 Basin Roberts h'rancis. Union bakery, Alijiers Roberts Ely. J. S. bookstore, 177 Rampart Roberts James, clerk, d. 38 Religious Rolierts John, laborer, 794 Rampart Roberts John, bakery. 498 Royal, d. 3 Roberts J. A. com. mer. 26 Fulton, d. 1, d. 229 Calliope Roberts .1 . F. 393 Ursnlines Roberts J. M. (Rhlgell, DennU if Co.) 13 Caroiidelet Roberts J. Mrs. midwife and ladies' phy- sician, St. Andrew n. Dryades Roberts J. W. soap factory. Liberty n. Jackson Roberts J. W. sailor, 368 Old Levee Roberts M. Mrs. 347 Annunciation Roberts Percy, atty. at law, 13 Com. place RobiMts Robert, (John Brownlce &f Co.) 271 Gravier Roberts Robert (John Brotvnke fy Co.) d. Goslin n. Patterson, Alg;iers Roberts T. J. c h. Lafayette c. Front Roberts Wm. builder, Goslin n. Peter, Alff. Roberts W. B. dry goods and boots and shoes, 429 St. Charles Robertson Alexander R. acct.49 Magazine, d. 258 Melpomene Robertson Cathariin', 230 Customhouse Robcrt.son Charles, f. m. c. 318 Conti Robertson Felicite, f. w. c. 379 Rampart Robertson Frederick, laborer, 204 Liberty Robertson H. Mrs. 28b Main Ri>bertson John, Howard c. Cypress Robertson John, painter, 50 Franklin Robertson John, com. mer. 14 Poydras, d. 106 Mi'lpomene Robertson John, 212 Chippewa Robertson Jno. f. m. c. Perdido c. Howard Robertson J. B. atty. at law, d. First n. Magazine Robertson Lafayette, harbor master, Ma- rengo n. Magazine, Jefferson City Robertson Lydia, f. w. c. 123 Franklin lloberison R. A. Mrs. 71 Constance R;)b(rtson R. lab. Jena n. Jersey, Jeff. City Robertson R. L. marine surveyer and in- spector of ships and steamboats, 68 Camp, d. 425 Royal Robertson R. L. jr. 68 Camp, d.425 Royal Robertson Street School, c. Bienville Robertson Thos. lai>orer 164 Chippewa Robertson T. Miss, 201 Conti | Robertson Wm. N. bookkpr. 72 Magazine Robes G. M. 260 Baron ne Robeson, Witherell & Co. (Roekhill Robe- son, Wm. H. H. miherell,.1dam Gais- ser, jr.) dealers in hides, etc. 91 Maga- zine, d. 246 Camp Robie Jos. moulder, Foucher c. Poyfarre Robiere Fran<;ois, 212 Baronne Robillard A/.enor, Danphine c. Main Robilot H. \. clerk, Bienville c. Old Levee Robin A. 324 St. Charles Robin Benedict, f. m. c 184 Bienville Robin R. furnished rooms, 99 Toulouse Robin Cati-sse, 463 Danphine Robin F. Claiborne n. St. Anthony Robin John, lab. St. .lames n. Pacanier Robin O. druggist, 159 Villere Robinson Andrew, laliorer, 66 Union Roliinson Arthur, 94 Camp Robinson A. cooper, 7 Spain Robinson Boyd, clerk, d. 340 Basin Robinson & Rro., Eagle Mills, 136 Poydras Robinson C. fireman, Jai'kson R. R. depot Robinson C. H. bricklayer, 318 Conti Robinson C. W. (^infoiix &{ Robiixson,) 8 Baronne Robinson D. W. painter, d. 203 Villerg Robinson Edwd. steward, 322 Magazine Robinson Emily, f. w. c. furnished rooma, 57 Villere Robinson Feliciti, f.w.c. 377 Rampart, d.3 Robinson George, laborer, d. 61 Erato Uobinson Henry, drayman, 168 Lilierty Robinson Hugh, dairv, Gentilly road Robinson H. E. (Robiiv>on &c Bro.) 136 Poydras, d. 5 Elysian Fields Robinson H. AL stock, note and exchange brokir, 22 Commercial place, d. 160 Delord Robinson James, c. p. 50 Frenchmen Robinson James, clerk, d. 440 Camp Robinson James, printer, d. 135 Calliope Robinson James M. agent, d. 509 Dryades Robinson James Capt. 138 Gasquet Robinson Jane, 131 St. Louis Robinson John, Dufosat c. Live Oak, J. C. Robinson John Capt., Cypress c. Howard Robinson John, First n. Camp Robinson John, laborer, 276 St. Thomas Robinson John, shipwright, 8 Toulouse Robinson John, mate, 381 Dauphine, d. 3 Robinson John G. cotton factor, Caronde- let c. Gravier, d. 63 Basin d. 2 Robinson Jno. W. book keetier,12 Poydras Robinson Joseph, 136 Conue Robinson Josi'j)h J., John Toole's Remit- tanee Offire, 28 Bank Pla. d. 440 Camp Robinson J. W. shoemaker, 66 St. Josepn Robinson Mary, Cypress c. Roman Robinson Marj', f. w. c. 17 Treme ROB 380 ROD Robinson N. T. N. assistant cashier Citi- zens' Bankjd. 160 Delord Robinson Sarah Mrs. b. h. Harmony n. Amunciation Robinson S. G. clerk, 27 Common Robinson Samuel W. (Robinson &c Bro.) coffre and spice mills, 136 Poydras Robinson Tiios. sere \vm. 505 Dauphine,d.3 Robinson Thomas, f. m. c. 241 Dryades Robinson Thomas, 164 Gasquet Robinson Thos. G. clerk, d. 88 Annunc'n. Robinson & Bro. (Thos. G. Robinson, Wm. M. Robinson,) dry goods, Magazine c. Felicity Robinson tValter G. & Co. (H. Lazenby,) com. m(M-s. 41 Natchez, d.2fl7 Prytania Robinson William, screwman, 134 Spain Robinson William, caulker, 2 Constance Robinson Wm. painter, 205 Claiborne Robinson VVinslowjr. clerk, 77 Tchoupit. Robinson W. L. sugar broker, 19 Conti, d. 87 Royal Robinson W. M. d. Prytania n. Polymnia Robira A. clerk, 64 Customhouse Robira Joaquin, clerk, 85 Toulouse Robit H. Mrs. 251 Dauphine Robit Peter, c. h. Bienville c. Dauphine Robla John, barkeepr. 217 Tchoupitoulas Roblet H. N., Bienville c. Old Levee, d. 333 Royal Roblot Henry, 271 Royal Robson Wm. J. com. mer. 55 Carondelet Roca Auguste, Poydras c. Camp Roca Fred, restaurant, 91 Poydras Roca Lazare, clothing, 201 Old Levee, d.2, d. 203 Esplanade Roccasallas A. oysters, 178 Levee Rocchi Joiin, cotton factor, 9 Carondelet, d. 252 Elysian Fields Roch Andrew, cigars, 354 Royal Roch A. planter, Jefferson City Roch Dominique, tailor, 361 Old Levee,d.3 ROCH, J. Hat Manufacturer, 105 St. Charles street, op. the St. Charles Theatre. Hats of every d e- sci'iption made to order in the best style. Roch Joseph, bricklayer, 314 Ursulines Roch Michel, woodyard, Levee c. Bartho- lomew Roch Pierre, lumber, Levee C.Bartholomew Roch Thomas, c. h. 404 Ursulines Rochard Nap. gardnr. Galvez n. Laharpe Rochat Jean L. gardener, 217 St. Anthony Roche & Esclapon, (Isidore Roche, I. Es- clapon,) sugar brokers, 9 St. Louis, d. St. Philip n. Rampart Roche F. grocer, 56 Old Levee, d. 150 St. Philip Roche James, carp. 140 Tchoupitoulas Roche John, warehouseman, d. White c. Melpomene Roche J. Mrs. St. Peter c. Prieur Roche J. J. clerk, 20 St. Louis, d. 496 Burgundy Roche Louisiana Mrs. 380 Common Roche N. L. d. 198 Spain Rochebrun J. B. Mrs. 116 St. Anthony Rochefort Chery, 129 Orleans Rochelle Louis, clerk, 331 Orleans Rocher Romeo, 421 Chippewa Rochereau Albin, (Eug. Rochcreau 8{ Co.) 16 and 18 St. Louis, d. 92 Annunc'n. Rochereau Eugene & Co. ( Jllbin Rochereau, Wm. T. Hepp,) importers and com. mers. 16 and 18 St. Louis Rochester S. clerk, 80 Poydras Rochon Baptiste, f.m.c. carpenter, 82 Bar- racks Rochon Rosetta, 49 Union, d. 3 Rochor Arthur, 74 Toulouse Rochou Adolphe, f. m. c. cook, d. 47 St. Bernard Rock Charles, engineer, 208 Magnolia Rock Coralie, f.w.c. 97 Claiborne, d. 2 Rock Frank, c. p. 505 Dauphine, d. 3 Rock P. B. Mrs. 97 Claiborne Rock Sosthene, tailor, 169 Royal, d. Ro- man n. St. Philip Rockenbach Jacob, baker, 645 Rampart Rockford Bridget Mrs. 70 Race Rockinbrod Mrs., Claiborne n. St. Louis Rockwell Geo. western produce ,35Poydras Rocquet A. (Durand, Racquet &c Co.) 12 Carondelet, d. 155 St. Philip Rocquet L. 12 Carondelet, d. 155 St. Philip Roda Peter, grocer, St. Thomas n. Thalia Rodanez Marie M. f. w. c. 231 Marais Rodd E. W. (Hall &; Redd,) 49 late 8 Customhouse, d. Prytania c. Philip Rodd John E. clerk, 49 Customhouse Rodd Louis, cook, 74 Ursulines Rodd S. M. clerk, 58 Tchoupitoulas Roddy Catharine, 201 Erato Rodei Chas. shoemkr. 256 Tchoupitoulas Rodenberg John H. feed, 149 and 150 New Levee, d. Philip c. Chestnut Roder Elizabeth Mrs., Napoleon ave. n. Laurel, Jeff. City Roder Fred. c. h. Lake end Jeff. R. R. Roder Fred, carpenter, 54 Bartholomew Roder Henry, cook, St. Andrew c. Liberty Roder John, shoemaker, 141 Conti Roder Louis, tailor, 366 Poydras Roderick Amelia, f. w. c. 200 Dauphine Roderick Frank, laborer, 566 Burgundy Hodes M. Mrs. 171 Treme, d. 2 Rodes V. H., Philip n. St. Claude Rodewald Ferdinand, (Fred. Rodeicald &f Co.) 11 St. Charles, over Southern Bk. Rodewald Fred. &Co., (Ferd. Rodeicald,) com. mer. consul of Bremen, and prest Southern bank, 11 St. Charles. Rodewald Henry A., (Gunther, Rodewald 8f Co.) 62 Poydras Rodewald Henry, tobacco broker, 79 Ca- rondelet, d. Prytania c. First ROD 381 ROG Rodewald John, (Henry Rodeicald Sf Co.) 79 Carondclet Rodgors Edward, laborer, 16 Poydras Rodgers Emma, f. w. c. 183 Carondelet Rodgcrs Frederick, Josephine n. New Levee Rodgers F. store, New Levee n. Jackson, d. 390 Fulton Rodgers H.b.h. SUpper Front Levee, d. 1 Rodgers John G. Mrs. 117 Religious Rodgers Mary, Baronne n. St. Andrew Rodgers Matthew, barkpr.d.105 Dauphine Rodgers Robert, 138 Tehoupitoulas Rodgers Thomas, laborer, 3 Poet Rodi Antoine, 228 Claiborne, d. 2 Rodi Jean, 395 Burgundy Rodick Christian D. carptr. 215 Gasquet Rodirk E. D. Mrs., b. h. 104 St. Joseph Rodick J. S. carpenter, 104 St. Joseph Rodimacher Peter, grocer, 55 St. Thomas Rodney Caroline, f. w. c. 255 Conli Rodney John, laborer, 438 <"^hartres Rodoranacchi & Franghiadi, com. mers. 25 Carondelet Rodolhuber George, c. h. 89 Marais Rodrigiies Anthony, fruits, Craps c. Union Rodiigues Joseph, tailor, 207 .lulia Rodriguez Antonio, cigars, 152 Hospital Rodriguez A. Mrs. 126 'Main Rodriguez A. c. h. 12 St. Philip RODRIGUEZ BERNARDO, Importer of Havana Cigars ; keeps constantly on hand the best Brands from Havana, wholesale and retail, Gravier c. St. Charles, d. Bagatelle n. Craps Rodriguez Henry, bak'y,2Tchoupitoulas, d. Washington n. Lepage Rodriguez Isaac, broker, 47 Ex. place, d. 343 Esplanade Rodriguez Ismael, Royal n. Mazant Rodriguez Jose, vegetables, French mkt. d. 364 Bourbon, d. 3 Rodriguez Joseph, tailor, 207 Julia Rodriguez Lazaro, shoemkr. 153 Hospital Rodriguez Macasia, 102 Louisa Rodriguez Moise, wood, Jena n. Jersey, JefTerson City Rodriguez M. Mrs. 69 Main Riidriguez M. grocer, 447 Chartres Rodriguez Octavio, boarding house llodrigui'Z Prudentia, cigar maker, 477 St. Claude, d. 3 Rodriguez Shedoua, 987 New Levee, d. 4 Rodriguez Thomas, 18 Basjatclle Rody Wm. laborer, 312 Magazme Roe Charles, Jackson n. Dryades Roe Mary, 298 Lafayette Roe Peier, laborer, Elmire, Algiers Roc Tiios. Turner, acct. 137 dimmon Roeder J. L. tailor. Palmyra n. Roman Roeher John, ragman, 153 Piety Roehcrs Peter, drayman, 312 St. Andrew Roehm Catharine Mrs., Sixth n. Laurel Roehm Jacob, slater. Sixth n. Laurel Roelberg Henry E. warehouseman, 359 Thalia Roemer Chas. saddler, 993 Levee, d. 4 Roemer John, cook, Derbigny n. Toulouse Roesch Thomas, beer house, Tonti c. Ursulincs Roessle G. carpenter. First n. Dryades Roetting John, 306 Elysian Fields Rogeon L. (L. Lunenn S{ Co. ) .32 Bienville Roger E. & Co., ( Edicard Knger, Henry Samory,) auctioneers, and com. mer. 45 and 47 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 252 Esplanade Roger L. d. 683 St. Claude, d. 3 Rogers Ann Mrs. d. 296 Liberty Rogers Antonio, fruit, 523 Dauphine Rogers Caroline Mrs. 115 Religious Rogers Catharine Mrs. 110 Erato Rogers Charles A. 140 Mandeville Rogers Christina, 85 Josephine Rogers Daniel, lab. 46'.j Hmisseau Rogers David, jr. Dr. d" 103 Prytania Rogers D. D. "45 Camp, d. 10 Pontalba buildings, St. Ann Rogers Emma, f. w. c. 14 Gasquet Rogers E. J. f. m. c. carpenter, 297 Canal Rogers Francis, fruit, 729 New Levee ,d. 4 Rogers Frank, accountant, 29 Magazine Rogers Geo. K. sheriff's office Rogers Hugh, lab. 138 Tchoupitoulas Rogers James C. d. .lulia n. Baronne Rogers James, lab. 42 South Market Rogers Jane Mrs. 287 Coiiti Rogers John, but(^her,36 Poydras market, d. 106 Adaline Rogers John, d. 222 Camp Rogers John C, (JV. Overton Sf Co.) 57 Tchoupitoulas, d. 234 Howard Rogers John, seaman, Soraparu n. Fulton Rogers I. Dr. 86 Prytania Rogers J. E. Mrs. 71 Marais Rogers J.W. Rev. 187 Camp Rogers J. C. clerk, 44 Poydras Rogers I>. dancing, 64 St. .Joseph Rogers Mary Mrs., Soniat n. Prytania, Jefferson City Rogers Mary, 488 Baronne, d. 4 Rogers Matthew, 29 Burgundy Rogers Miehael, lab., Tivoli Circle Rogers Michael A. drayman, 69 Tchou- pitoulas Rogers & Miller, painters, Jackson n.New Levee Rogers Patrick,fireman,JacksonR.R.dept. Rogers Robert, f. m. c. 55 Common Rogers S. W. f. m. c. cupp. r, 8 St. Charles Rogers Thos. laborer, 16 Port Rogers Thomas, jr. cum. mer. 2 Caron- delet, bds. St. Charles hotel & Woodall, (L. F. Rogers, Samuel JVnodcill,) com. mers. 86 Poydras Rogers Wm. pilot, 153 Conti Rogers W. C. painter. Ninth n. Laurel Rogers Wm. N. stabling, 194 Gravier, d. 304 Common ROG 382 ROP Rogers W. H. elk., Magazine c.St.And'w Rogers Wm. O. siipt. p. s. d. 1, 24 City Hall, d. 131Julia Rogerson Ann Mrs. 459 Dryades Roges Bertram, blacksmith, 123 Caron- delot walk Roha David, baker, 494 Chartres Rohe Fredeiick, c. p. 255 St. Louis Roller J. grocer. New Levee c.Milan,J.C. Roher Julius, watchmaker, 90 Camp Rohleter Geo. tailor, St. Mary n. Magazine Rohlfing H. c. h. Madison n. Levee, Carlt. Rohmann F. shoemaker, 307 Rampart,d.l Rohmann V. tailor. Calliope n. Magazine R,ohr Peter, lab., Celeste n. Religious Rohrbacher J.F. boots& shoes, 188 Camp Rohrbacher Michael, 468 Franklin Rohrbacher Jacob, tinner,Laurel n. Fourth Roig F. Mrs. 24 Elmire Roignac C. grocer, 159 Burgundy Roys Joseph, cigars, 99 Mandeville Rojas Dr. 45 Bourbon Rolden Francis, acct. 275 St. Ann Roldon Martin, cigars, 97 St. Charles Rolfes Henry, wareh'semn. 26 Magazine, d. 644 Rampart Rolfes Henry, porter, 644 Rampart, d.627 Rampart Rolfes John, laborer, d. 19 French Rolfs Henry, carpenter, d. 136 Euterpe Roll L. Wiilard, 105 Carondelet • Roll John, lab. Berlin c. Jersey, Jeff. City RoUand Charles, cigars, 132 Frenchmen Rolland C. H. tailor, 143 Customhouse Rolland Edward, wig maker, 96 Chartres Rolle Emile, confectionery, Gasquet c. Claiborne Roller J. C. Capt., Howard n. Melpomene RolJet Sebastian Mrs. grocer, 54 French Rollin L. baker, 285 Orleans Rolling Charles, 252 St. Peter Rolling Edward S. cooperage, 185 Caron- delet walk, d. 322 St. Peter Rolling Frank, laborer, 230 Basin, d. ] Rolling Hubert, musician, 269 Bourbon Rolling H. porter State Bank, d. Orleans n. Villere Rolling J osHph,( Rollins; &c Brothers, Jdairy, Customhouse n. Rocheljlave Rollins J., Diamond bathing saloon, 90 Common Rolls H. Mrs., 194 St. Ann Rolufs N. warehouse'n, Orleans n. Miro Romage Joseph, trader, 344 St. Peter Romagnoli Antonio, c. h. 31 Main ROMAGOSA F., Importer of Havana Segars, has constant- ly on hand a large assortment of the most favorite brands, which he offers for sale at moderate prices, 48 Poydras, d. Love c. Kei'lerec. Romaguera S. shoemaker, 262 Chartres, d. Rampart c. History Romaguera J. d. 36 St. Philip Romain A.G.clk.26 Conti,d.20n Ursulines Remain C. H. F. clerk, 83 Canal, d. 200 Ursulines Romain R. L. f.m.c. bricklayer, 246 Thalia Roman A. B. director Union Bank Roman A. T. shoemaker, 336 Hospital Roman Charles, (Roman Sf Kernion,) d. Ill Burgundy Roman Frank, shoemaker, 319 Rampart Roman J. J. Mrs. 336 Hospital Roman J. M. printer, 336 Hospital Roman J. T. Mrs. 205 Royal Roman & Kernion, ( Charles Roman, C. H. Kernion, E. Duplantier,) com. mers. and agents for St. James sugar refine- ry, 2 Front Levee, d. 2 Roman Paul, clerk, 33 Carondelet Roman Paul, f. m. c. painter, 238 Conti Roman Sosthene, d. 139 Royal Romari Charles Mrs. 267 Raronne Rombach Anna, 304 Howard Romeo J. fruits and oysters, 229 St. Philip Romer C. harness mkr. 995 New Levee, d. 4 Romer John, turner, 85 Villere, d. 2 Romer J. Adams sr. broker, Laharpe Romer J. Adams jr. 306 Prieur, d. 3 Romero Bartolo, vegetables, Claiborne mkt Romm Florantine, attorney at law, 438 Customhouse Romon Victorin, Jefferson City Ronan Bernard, laborer, 24 Foucher Ronan Martin, laborer, 80 Delord Roncalli C. Mrs. 511 Royal, d. 3 Rondeau C. A. F. cashier La. State Bank, d. St. Charles n. Soniat, Jeff. City Rondeau William H. & Co., U. S. Bonded Warehouse, No. 4, Magazine c. Julia, d. 126 Constance Rondeau Wm. A. S. elk. d. 126 Constance Ronegan Fred. carp. Rocheblaven. Bienville Ronitz A. H. cigars, 334 Tchoupitoulas Roon Hugh, laborer, 92 Thalia Rooney K. L. clerk, 76 Canal Rooney Henry, upholsterer, 58 Camp Rooney John, Perdido n. Johnson Rooney Michael, cooper, 429 Franklin Rooney Michael, laborer, 429 Franklin Rooney Path, 555 Burgundy, d. 3 Rooney Peter, 493 Royal, d. 3 Rooney Richard, cooper, 89 Cypress Rooney Thomas, drayman, 78 St. Thomas Roos Charles R. runner Merchants' Bank, 50 Camp Roos J L. locksmith, Prytania n. Euterpe Roose Edward, baker, 274 Tchoupitoulas Root Joseph, livery stable, 84 Marais,d.2 Root J . W. acct. Orleans hotel, 133 Chartres ROPER G. W., Jobber in Silks, Millinery and Fancy Goods, Poydras c. Carondelet. ROPER G. W. Mrs., Fashiona- ble Millinery and Dress Mak- ing: Bonnets cleaned and al- tered: Poydras c. Carondelet. ROP 383 ROT Ropor Charles, laborer, 86 Burs;undy Roper E. H. clerk, 42 Union, d. 1 Roper James, gymnasium, 5 Pirdido Roper John, variety store, Theresa n. Tchoupitoulas Roper J. W. Mrs. b h. 189 Camp Roper Owen, jewelry, Poydras c. Front Roppols Stephen, c. p. 244 Ursniines Roqui'fort Cherry, barkeeper, 129 Orleans Roques Matthew, c. h. Levee c. Piety Roquest & Gilkinson, (E. H. Roquest, JVm. Gilkinson,) e^rocers, 10 Custom- house and 10 Grossman Rorle Samuel, tailor, Prieur n. Hospital Rosa Frank, caulker, Bouny n. Alex, Alg. Rosa Mrs., Rampart c. Conti Rosamond Ferdinand, 24 Morales Rosario Julien, brickla'r, Prieur n Hospital Rosario Leopold, shoemaker, 9'j Marigny Rosario P. f. m. c. 286 Dauphine Rosario Paul, shoemaker, 99 Derbigny Rose A. 105 Treme Rose Clinton, lab. Madison c.Jackson,McD Rose Donald, com. mer. 137 Common Rose E. Mrs., Lafayette n. Seventh, Gretna Rose Frank, carjienter, Jackson n. Howard Rose John, 78 Prytania Rose Jos. C. clk.34 Perdido,d.420 Dryades Rose Julius, dairy, 195 Poet Rose Julius, cigars, 870 New Levee, d. 4 Rose Julius, warehouseman, 50 Trhoupit. Rose Julius, (John E. Fischer Sf Co.) 53 Gravier Rose Leonard, locksmith, 110 Prytania Rose Louis, d. 153 Clio Rose L. (Rose, McCarthy Sf Co.) d. 417 St. Charles Rose, McCarthy & Co. San Antonio Texas office, 55 Chartres Rose Margaret, fvv.c. 11 Treme, d. 2 Rose Oliver, steward, 337 Bienville Rose W. f. m.c. vegetaliles, French mrkt. Rose W. P. engineer, 337 St. Ann Roselius Christian, attorney at law, 78 Ci st)mhouse,d. Greenville Resello Andre, 126 Ursulines .Rosello Diego, harkee)i<'r, 256 Royal Rosello Peter, cigars, Bienville c. Kx. alley Rosemeyer August, Baronnc n. Pleasant Roseni)aum Jolin,303 Rampart Rosenbaum Louis, shoes, 713 New Levee Rosenlnirg Getz, clothing, 255 Rampart .d.l Roscniiurg Louis, glazier, 113 Howard Rosenberg Nathan, dry goods 423 Dryades Rosenberg Samuel, jewelry, 175 Rampart Rosenbomb Ge^orge, fruit, 227 Calliope Rosendali^ Peter, engineer, 118 Howard Rosenfirld Joseph, ( GcnsUr Sf Rusenjield,) 93 Charlns Rosenfic'ld L. 55 Chartres Rosrnfield Julius, acciuintant, 48 Chartres Rosoiifielt Ferdinand, tinsmith, Calliope c. Liberty RosengueHt Danl., Annunciation c. Seventh Rosenmeyer A. shoemaker, 304 Tchoupit. Rosenthal Joseph, clothing, 268 Delord Rosenthal Lewis, laborer, 349 Erato Rosenthal Philip, salesman, 88 Poydras Rosenthal P. dry goods, 292 Orleans Rosenthal S. fancy store, 128 Poydras Rosenthal William, acct. 24 Chartres Rosentreter Wm. carp. Jackson n. Liberty Rosenzweig Sarah, grocer, 136 Orleans Roserath J. shoemkr. Louisa c. Claiborne Roser Adam, barkfir. Hunter n. Tchoup. Rosette Joseph, car]ient("r, 86 Main Rosi Louis, natter, 34 St. Peter Rosier Adolphe, Canal n. Basin Hosier Armand, carpenter, 100 Urquhart Rosii'rc Eugene, 164 Treme Rosiere G. clerk, d. 164 Treme Rosin Oil Factory, New Shell road Ross Andrew J. c. p. 258 Conti Ross Charles f. m. c. Bolivar n. Poydras Ross Emmett L. clerk, d. 91 Race Rosa E. M. com. mer. and dealer in sugar and molasses, 13 Conti, d. Claiborne n. Gasquet Ross George, foreman, 46 Montegut Ross Henrietta Mrs. 377 St. Charles Ross H. carpenter. Cypress c. Claiborne Ross James, flour inspector, 16 Poydras, d. 91 Race Ross James machinist, 184 Chippewa Ross John, laborer, 3 Enghien Ross Joseph, Magazine c. St. Mary Ross Joseph, c. h. New Levee c. Octavia, Jeflerson City Ross J. W. 100 Constance Ross Michael, oysters, 150 Poydras Ross Margaret, 107- Religious Ross Peter, builder and carpenter, Wash- ington c. Prytania, d. Sixth n. St. Charles Ross Philip, 116 Burgundy Ross Robert, clerk, 9 Magazine, d. 325 Rampart Ross Thomas, tailor, 206 Baronne Ross William, screwman, 89 Clouet Ross William, laborer, 513 Dauphine, d. 3 Rossell Frank, 138 Bourbon Rosser, Prothro & Co. (John Rosser,Jsr. B. Prothro, James B. Rosser,) cot. factors and com. mers. 38 Union Rosser James B. {Rnsstr, Prothro 8f Co.) d. Rampart c. Clio Rousseau J. A. collector, 104 Canal Rosseter Charles, clerk, 53 Camp Rosseti C. Mrs. c. h. 34 Hospital Rosette Joseph, carpenter, 73 Main Rossie Jean, artist, 187 St. Peter Rossis William, Chippewa c. Pleasant Rossvally M. L. Dr. 143 Spain Rost Frank, laborer, 335 Orleans R'lst Henry, carpenter, 211 Josephine Rost P. A., Victory c. Mandevilie Rostrup Andrew, machinist, 421 Baronne Rotchford, Brown & Co. (Philip Rotrh- /«(•(/, Shepherd Broirn, Joseph f{. John- ston,) cotton factors and com. mers. 49 Union, d. 1 Rotchford J. W. 49 Union, d. 1 Rotchford Philip, {Rotchford, Broirn &f Co.) d. 100 Annunciation Rotchkamne F. tanner, 100 Laharpe Rotenberg John, Philip c. Chestnut Rotge Jean, butcher, 38 Poydras market Roth Adam, tailor, 109 Market Roth Alexander, c. p. 145 Union Roth Anthony, clerk, 547 Chartres Roth Conrad, shoemaker, 209 Common Roth Eugene, Bayou St. John Roth Frederick, shoemaker, 147 Main Roth F. M. laborer, 181 Clouet Roth F. J. gardener, Cadiz, Jefferson City Roth Joseph, nightman, Tonti n. St. Philip Roth Joseph, upholsterer, 188 Rampart Roth K. shoemaker, 209 Common Rothaas Fred, clerk, 175 Old Levee, d. 487 Dryades, d. 4 Rothaas F. G. architect, 487 Dryades Rothbrook C. T. clerk, 77 Gravier Rothchild Wolf, painter, 77 Spain Rothmann Caroline, Fourth n. Jersey Roto James, cooper, 442 Old Levee, d. 3 Rott Charles, shoemaker, 217 Girod Rottmann Henry, gardener, Bayou bridge Rouanet Dr. 124 St. Louis Roubaud A. 131 St. Peter c. Burgundy Rouber John, lab. Freret n. Terpsichore Robieu Oscar, cotton factor, 80 Carondelet, d. Jackson c. Camp Roubieu Pascal E. 227 Bourbon Roubion A. clerk, d. 294 Robertson Roubion L V. clerk, 294 Robertson Roubion P. d. 294 Robertson Roubion P. baker, 294 Robertson Roubion P. accountant, 74 Canal Rouchard Eugene, butcher, 424 Royal, d.3 Rouchard T. feed, d. 17 Elysian Fields Roudanes Celestine, d. 193 Marais Roudanes M. M. 41 Marais, d. 285 Main Roudanes J. B. kettle setter, 244 Main Roudanez L. C. Dr. 167 Customhouse Roudez Michel, cigar maker, 353 Lafay'e Roudez S. cooper, Lafayette n. Bolivar Roueay P. varnisher, 535 Rampart, d. 3 Roueay Johnte, Spain n. Rampart Roueche Charles, carpenter, 211 Morales Roueche F. Mrs. 218 St. Peter Roueche H. shoemaker, 124 Spain Roueche P. blacksmith, 353 St. Ann Rouede J. P. butcher, 14 Poydras market, d. Jefferson City Rouen S. teacher, 195 Treme Rouette Edraond, c. p. 433 Franklin Rouga Jean, butcher, 47 Port market Rougeau Thomas, 398 Orleans Rougeau T. Mrs. 295 Ursulines Rogieux A. confectionery, 90 Frenchmen Rougons Michel, cigar mkr. 353 Lafay'e Rougus Dominick, butcher, 668 Annunc'n Rougus Pierre, carpt. 668 Annunciation Rouhet Raymond, c. p. 417 Franklin Rouke Patrick, lab. Felicity c. Annunc'n Rouig Anioine, tailor, 61 Orleans Roulhon Hypolite, cook, 72 Orleans Roulston Rebecca, dress maker, Canal c. Carondelet Roumage Joseph, 20 St. Louis Roumage Victor, d. 77 Royal Roumier B. Mrs. 150 Hospital Round William, Seventh n. Laurel Roundtree Joseph, saddler, 310 Rampart Rouner A. cartman, Louisa n. Morales Rountree G. R. 70 Royal Rounlree J. cabs to hire, 145 Clio Roup Solomon, 72 Louisa Rouqiiette Adrien Rev.,Condec. Ursulines Rourke Francis, lab. 416 Basin Rourke Hugh, lab. Felicity n. Carondelet Rourke John, laborer, 87 Adele Rourke Michael, c. h. Levee n. St. Andrew Rourt Michael, c. h. 561 Tchoupitoulas Rous Joseph, ship carpenter, Algiers Rouscolt George, 196 Calliope Rouslon E. Rev. Ursulines c. Chartres Roussaire Antoine, 279 Julia Rousse Dominique, tailor, 39 Gasquet Rousseau Alfred, 345 Royal, d. Bayou rd. n. Claiborne Rousseau A. collector, 188 Elysian Fields Rousseau Amadee, 441 St. Philip Rousseau Antoine, Terpsichore n. Freret Rousseau A. customs, d. 256 Greatmen Rousseau A. steward, 226 Dauphine Rousseau A. 556 Dauphine, d. 3 Rousseau Celine, f. w. c. 259 Marais, d. 2 Rousseau D. Q,.,St. Andrew n. Laurel Rousseau Eugene, cashier Citizens' Bank, d. 192 Rampart Rousseau Jean, f. w. c. barber, 140 C'onti Rousseau John F. pedler, 213 St. Ann Rousseau Joseph A. builder, St. Anthony n. Goodchildren Rousseau Joseph, f. m. c, cart driver, 303 Main Rousseau J. C. clerk, 558 Dauphine, d. 3 Rousseau Louis, c. p. Bayou bridge Rousseau L., Com. U. S. N. d. 128 Conti Rousseau Paul, c. p. Broad n. Columbus Rousseau P. A. Widow, 234 Ursulines Rousseau Pierre, cab. maker, 47 Villere Rousseau Pierre, f. m. c. carp. 224 Marais Rousseau Rodolphe, atty. at law, 146 Royal, d. 322 St. Claude, d. 2 Rousseau S. Mrs. 283 Derbigny Rousseau W. C. R. Mrs. 79 St. Andrew Roussel Amadee, barber, 43 St. Louis Roussel Francisco Mrs. d. 58 Frenchmen Roussel George S. dentist, 22 Royal Roussel Jos. A. clerk, 40 Chartres Roussel P. N. b. h. Carrollton Roussel Brasil, f. m. c. cabman, 267 Frenchmen Rousselin C. Mrs. 244 Villere, n. 2 Rousselin Chas. A. clk.Canalc. Ijourbon, d. 259 Main Rousselin H. furniture, Dauphine c. St. Peter Rousselot M. carpenter Rousselot Raymond, carpenter, 110 Royal, d. 105 Franklin, d. 2 Roussi't Alfred, (Roussetif Genin,) d. 208 Main » Rousset Bernard, (Jean Lacoste 8{ Co.) d. 146 Kerlerec Rousset Edward, d. 155 Treme ROU 385 RUH Rousset Edgar, carpenter, 200 Trcme, d. 163 Mam Roussctt Aniodce, barber, 161 Orleans Roustant Adele, 478 Rampiirt, d. 3 Roiissuve J. B. Mrs. '295 Dauphine Roiuh John, boikr maker, 1123 Foucher Ronvant E. Mrs. 117 Casacalvo Ron vile Sostliene, carpenter, 346 Ursulines Roux Aniilcar, clerk, 19 St. Louis, d. 76 Orleans ^ Roux ArtJiur, sailor, 158 Basin, a. 2 Roux A. P., Bayou St. John Roux C, French teacher, Tivoli Circle Roux Eugene, clerk, d. 263 Bourbon Roux Gustave, 495 St. Ann Roux John, cooper, 188 Rampart, d. 1 Roux Joseph, cigar maker, 99 Mandeville Koux J. P. accountant. Camp c. Natchez, d. 2t'3 Bourbon Roux iVIarc, teacher,Tivoli Circle c.Delord Roux MM warehouseman, d. 17 Toulouse Roux Paul Mrs. 252 St. Claude, d. 2 Roux Theo. bookkeeper, d. 199 Bayou rd. Rouyer Casimer, j('weler, 135 Chartres Koyrr John T. d. 115 Spain Rouzan F. planter, 108 Bourbon Uouzan J . Al. 106 Esplanade Rouzan J. M. Mrs. 103 Bourbon Rouzan Martni, br'klayer, lb6 Mandeville Rovez Clement, cigar marker, 244 Treme Kovira Antonio, d. 322 Bayou road Rovira A. c. h. Canal c. Front Rovira John, vegetables, d. 269 Chartres Rowaid Jolm, lab. Malpom. n. Claiborne Rowan Bridget, 63 Constance Kowan Esther, f. w. c. 39 Basin Rowan Hamilton b. h. 404 Old Levee, d. 3 Kowan John, clerk, 122 Gravier Rowan M. C. f. m. c. steward, 13 Cus- tomhouse Rowan Kobt. drayman, Perdido n. Johnson Rowan Patrick, fancy goods, 95 Constance Rowan Patrick, laborer, 171 Clio Howan Thomas, drayman, 248 Girod Rowe Ann, f. w. c. 39 Basin, d. 2 Rowc Fraufois, St. Andrew n. Camp Rowe F. M. 408 Liberty Rowe George, mate, 144 St. Ann Rowe Jane, f. w. c. 228 Toulouse Rowe Patrick, grocer, Josephine c. Fulton Rowland John G. clerk, 71 Canal Rowland R. V. clerk, 116 Canal Rowlett Lavinia Mrs. 80 Union, d. 3 Rowley James B. 267 Liberty, d. 1. Rowley Waller L. bookkeeper, d. 518 Magazine Roxbury Geo. lab. Constance c. Orange Roy Andrew, Customhouse near Prieur Roy Augusie, builder, 292 HospiUil Roy Arniaiidr, wartjliouseman,39 Tchoup. Roy Bonaparte, d. 237 Ursulines Roy Euphrasie, shoe store, 125 Royal Koy Felicie, f. w. c. rooms, 45 Burgundy iioy John, architect, d. Adeline n. Perdido Roy John, Carondelel n. Eighth Roy Joseph, brick yard, Battle ground Roy Josiphine, Mrs. 164 f^renchmen Roy Joseph, 314 St. Claude Roy Justin, dry goods, 402 Main Roy N. 43 Bienville Roy Pierre, florist, 231 Columbus Roy Pierre, ladies shoe store, 125 Royal Roy Pierre, (BeUncq,J^ublom &; Co.) 61 Ca- rondelel, d. 221 Bayou road Royal Anderson, f.m.c. charcoal ,206 Main Royal Charles, sailmaker, 17 Grossman Royal Edward, carpenter, 132 Dryades Royal Mariana, fruit, 10 St. Philip Royes Joseph, shoes, etc. til Rampart Rozer Francis, carp. Jackson n. Howard Rozes M. butcher, 34 and 36 Treme mkt Rozet Geo. H. (J\Ioss &,■ Rozct,) 30 Caron- delel, d. 200 Rampart Rozier J. D. atty. at law, 5 Commercial place, d. 5 Calliope Rozier J. W. sec'y police Jury, Algiers Rozy Joseph, laborer, 16 Mandeville Rua Manuel, d. 10 St. Philip Rub Ferandow, 275 Baronne Rub F. John, bookkeeper, 259 Julia Rul) John, butcher. Fourth n. Chippewa Rub Jacob F. wood, brick and sand, 259 Julia, d. 275 Baronne Rub J. L. Mrs., Rocheblave c. Esplanade Rubel H. lab. Levee n. Lyon, Jeil'. City Rubell Alexander, laborer, 54 Orleans Rubcil Polly, f. w. c. 346 St. Louis Ruber John, laborer, F'reret n.l erp.sichore Rubert George, cabinet makr. Ill Poydras Rubin Geo. woodyard, 281 Levee Ruch Albert, clerk, 19 Chartres Ruch Louis, butcher, 7 Poydras market Ruckenbrod M. Mrs. 295 Old Levee, d. 2 Ruckert Joseph, mason, 367 Conti Rudeau Joseph, laborer, 44 Poland Rudder S. B. W. d. 520 St. Charles Ruddy Hugh,salesn|,'n. Foucher n. Calliope Ruder IJenry, lab. St. Andrew n. Liberty Ruding Charles, Coliseum n. Washington Rudolphus Peter, cooper,285 Customhouse Rucl Jean Pierre, tail()r, 63 Royal Rufort Geo. carp. L^iurel n. B'tHu, J. C. Rufl'John, painter, Cnippewa ii. Fourth Huffier Chas. stone cutter, 34 South mkt Huffier Eugene, acct. 81 Magazine Ruffier H. comptroller, opera house, d. 129 Hospital Ruffier Louis, dairy, Dorgenois c. Dabadie Ruffier Regino, warehouse, 133 Toulouse Ruffin Clotilde, 158 Robertson Rufinac Michael, cabinet mkr. 85 Hospital Rufino M. 178 Bayou road Rugeley A. J. & Co. (James t). Blair, John J. Blair,) com. mers. 95 Gravier, d. 231 Annunciation Rudgeley John D. clerk, d. 231 Annunc. Ruggles F. Dunbar, clerk, 5 Magazine, d. 55 Rampart Rughey Richard, shoemkr. 298 Tchoup. Ruh Christian, tailor, 130 Baronne Ruhan Patrick, lab. Clio n. Baronne Ruhl Frederick, lab. Ninth c. Chippewa Ruhl Geo. paper hanger, d. 38 Polymnia Ruhl J. ambrotypes, Marais c. St. Peter RHU 386 RYA Rhulant David, lab. 552 Tchoupitoulas Ruble Jacob, clerk, 85 Old Levee Ruhlmann Joseph, br. h. 43 Main Ruhmeunt John, Eighth n. Laurel Ruish John, clerk, 96 Camp Ruiz Enule, c. p. 65 Mandeville Rule W.clerk,55 Old Levee,d.283Poydras Rulaeu F. elk. 35 Chartres,d.271 Common RULEFF GEORGE, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Mer- chant, Dealer in Wines, Li- quors, etc. Agent for the sale of Goshen Butter, 67 Front, 68 and 70 Fulton-sts. Rulh C. E. d. Common n. Prieur Rumage Adam Mrs. 126 Prieur Runiage Joseph, lab. 126 Prieur, d. 2 ' Rumbarde J.J. 280 Bourbon Rumbeck George, Clara n. Erato Rummel E. c. h. New Levee n. Philip Rumpler W. painter, 138 Carondelet Rumpsfeldt J. H. baker. Bayou bridge Rumsey Louisa, b. h. 197 Gravier Rumsey Wm. plasterer, 439 Perdido Runck John, lab. 16 French Rund Wm. furniture, 431 Rampart, d. 1 Runde Theo.acct. 64 Magazine, d. in Car- riillton Rundle D. B. clerk, 10 Union Runkel Philip, fancy store, 24 Chartres Runkel S. fancy and variety, 62 Royal Runge L. A. painter. Laurel n. Philip Rune John, shoemaker, 228 St. Louis Runnuel Ernest, c. h. Toledano c. Chip- pewa, Jeff". City Ruof ApoUinia Mrs. 244 St. Philip Rupp Elizabeth Mrs., Chartres n.Lesseps Rupp Solomon, lab. Clouetn. Claiborne Ruppert Jacob, beer h. 273 Customhouse Ruprechl Fred. d. 215 Dryades Rurke Joseph, conductor Mexican Gulf R. R. d. 141 Mandeville Rusch F. shoemaker, 85 Prytania Rusch Jos. milk, Terpsichore c. Locust Rusch O. lab. Newton n. Fourth, Gretna Rush Michael, lab. Thalia c. Levee RUSHA E. M., Liquor Merchant, 54 and 56 Girod, d. 213 St. Charles RUSHA & HAWN, (E. M. Ru- sha, John P. Hawn,) Cotton and Sugar Factors, and Gen- eral Commission Merchants, 79 Carondelet-st., (up stairs.) Rusha J. F. 54 Girod, d. 1, d. 201 Delord llushburn Victor, Chippewa c. Pleasant Rushton Wm. Dr. Canal c. Burgundy Rusk John, clerk, 304 Hospital Rusk John, butcher, 1 French market Russ Henry Capt. Cypress c. Claiborne Russ Samuel P. d. 141 Clio Russell Christopher, lab. 610 Rampart Russell C. H. clerk, 121 Canal Russell C. d. 11 Franklin Russell David, painter. Third n. Laurel Russell Edward, lab. 20 Music Russell Eliza, f. w. c.275 St. Louis Russell G. C. printer. Second n. Fulton Russell John, shipcarpenter, Front Levee n. Erato Russell M. lab. Palmyra n. Galvez Russell S. C. Dr., Tchoupitoulas c. Delord Russell Wm. B. clerk, 41 Magazine Russell Christopher, d. 14 Enghien Russell Isabella, d. 191 Dryades Russell James, cartman, 97 Howard Russell John, drayman, Morales n.Knghien Russell Merrick, machinist, N.0.& Jack- son R. R. d. 212 Calliope Russell John, barber, 140 Conti Russell Michael, lab. 19 Religious Russell Michael, stevedore, 21 St. Mary Russell Pierre, Madison, McDonogh Russell Thomas, mate, 449 Dauphine,d.3 Russell T. druggist. Felicity c. Baronne Rust E. Hyde, clerk, 46 St. Charles Rust Fred. Wm. c. h. New Levee c.Tol- edano, Jelferson City Rust John F. 256 St. Louis Rustenholz A. shoemaker, 89 Royal, d.89 St. Peter Ruter Henry, barkeeper, 118 New Levee Ruter J. tailor, 234 Carondelet Ruter J. dairy. Piety c. Morales Ruth Adam, watchman, 437 St. Charles, d.l Ruth Adam, blacksmith, 279 Thalia Ruth Catharine, 107 Erato Ruth Geo. wheelwright, Sixth n. Annun. Ruth John, tailor, 268 Poydras Ruth John, boiler maker, d. Constance, n. Julia Ruth J.Mrs., Rousseau n. First. Ruth Peter, watchman, d. 252 Calliope Ruther Peter, lab. 126 Claiborne Riither Theodore, gardener, Dauphine c. Poland Rutherford CM. slaves, 68 Baronne Rutherford Robert Mrs., St. Andrew n. Franklin RuthemeyerC. F.c. h. 240 Levee, d. 3 Ruthledge James, mason, 441 Poydras Ruti Jules, elk. 47 Chartres, d. 26 Marais Rutledge David, lab. 465 Chartres, d. 3 Rutter Christian, draym. 395 Melpomene Rutter Hiram, cooper, 245 Camp Ruty Jean, collector, 338 Barracks Ryan Ann, grocery, 29H Tchoupitoulas Ryan B. d. 49 Religious Ryan Catharine, grocery, 296 Ursulines Ryan Catharine, d. 46 Gaiennie Ryan C. W. d. 68 Rampart, d. 2 Ryan Daniel, lab. Gravier n. Johnson Ryan Daniel, drayman, 344 St. Louis Ryan Daniel, Seventh n. Laurel Ryan Daniel, laborer, 293 Poydras Ryan D. draym. St. Andrew n. Rousseau RYA 387 SAI Ryan Ed. laborer, 52 St. Thomas Ryan Edward, Girod n. St. Charles Ryan Edw. mattress mkr. 114 Marai8,d. 2 Ryan E. Mrs. d. 224 Morales Ryan E. laborer, Marais n. St. Louis Ryan Geo. saddler, 70 Thalia Ryan Hannah Mrs. 290 Camp Ryan Henry, soda fount, 27 Liberty Ryan H. H., Felicily n. Magazine Uyan James, laborer, 484 Old Levee, d. 3 Ryan James, laborer, 117 Mandeville Ryan James, laborer, 158 Kraiiklin Ryan James, carpenter, 4,'}5 Basin Ryan James, laborer, 422 Poydras Ryan Jeremiah, furniture car, 388Gravier Kyan John, laborer, 427 Cliartres, d. 3 Ryan John, distiller, 323 Baronne Ryaji John, clerk, d. 57 Annunciation Ryan John, clerk, 128 Canal Ryan John, shoemaker, 256 Common Ryan .lohn, laborer, 232 Magazine Ryan .lohn, cooper. Poet n. Urquhart Ryan John, 134 Exchange place Ryan John, c. p. 265 Bourbon Ryan John, moulder, Freret n. Clio Ryan Josiph, watchman, 215 Girod Ryan Julia Mrs. 208 Rampart Ryan Lawrence, c. h. 169 Levee, d.3 Ryan Lewis, c. }). 177 St. Charles Ryan Margaret Mrs. bdg. h. 92 Girod Ryan Martin, laborer, 10 Mandeville Ryan Matthew, drayman, St. Jane n. Perdido Ryan Matthew Mrs. 208 Rampart, d. 1 Ryan Michael, laborer, 44 Mandiville Ryan Michael, Common c. Robertson Ryan Michael, 103 Religious Ryan Michael, barkeeper, Mandeville n. Urquhart Ryan Michael, butcher, 60 French market Ryan Michael, drayman, 529 St. Claude Ryan Michael, labori'r, 142 Magazine Ryan Mrs. b. h. 122 Julia Ryan M. Mrs. 299 Franklin Ryan M. H. tobacco, 3 Triangle hldgs. Ryan I'at. moulder, 56 Constance Ryan Pat. baker, 118 Rampart, d. 1 Ryan Patrick, clerk, d. 21 Bienville Ryan Patrick, grocery, Delord c. Dryades Ryan I'atrick, laborer, 68 Poet Ryan Patrick, lab. Foucher n. Calliope Kyan Patrick, laborer, 182 Customhouse Ryan Philip, finisher, 298 Tchoupitoulas Ryan P. V. clerk, 76 Canal Ryan Sarah Mrs. t(achr.299 Franklin,d.2 Ryan Simpson S. carp. 405 Magazine Ryan Thomas, clerk, 208 Rampart, d. 1 Ryan Thcnnas, laborer, 307 Howard, d. 1 Ryan Thomas, laborer, <4 Sjiain Ryan Thos. harness maker, 214 Lafayette Kyan Thomas, laborer, 33 Poet Ryan Thomas P. iJ. clerk, 51 Carondelet Ryan Thos. laborer, 75 Constance Ryan Thos. porter, d. 299 Bourbon Kyan W. S. cl.rk, 2 Front, d. 1 Ryan W.illiam, laborer, 60 Enghien Ryan Wm. laborer, 221 Calliope Ryan Wm. liquors, 57 Annunciation, d. St. Charles n. Julia Ryan Wm. Mrs, 257 Dauphine, d. 3 Kyan Wm. laborer, 240 Dryades Ryckman Thos.-c. p., d. 172 Carondelelet Ryder Ellen Mrs. grocery, 250 Poydras Kyder John, laborer, 63 St. James Ryder Patrick, laborer, 63 St. James Ryder Thomas, lab. d. 508 Chartres, d. 3 s ABADINI ANTOINE, 374 Main Salinlos A. butcher, 26 French market Sabaro Jidm, 56 Annunciation Sabate Jean, butcher, 695 Fulton, d. 4 Sabate Jean, milkman, Bienville n. woods Sabater John, clerk, 19 Old Levee Sabathe U. butcher, 12 TrC'me market Sabathe Jean, butcher, 71 Trcme market Sabathier J. butcher, 5 Magazine market Sabatie Dawson, 218 Felicity Sabatier G. butcher, 36 French market Sabatier Gustave, com. mer. 19 Conti, d. 198 Koyal Sabatier Jean M. butcher, Laurel c. Dela- chaise, Jell' City Sabatier Jean S. butcher, 36 French mkt Sabatier John, 366 Rampart, d. 3 Sabatis Joseph, tallow factory. Broad, d. Rocheblave n. St. Philip Sabbadina A. c. p. 307 St. Ann Sabel Nicholas, Chijipewa n. Soraparu Sablon P. E. harness maker, 164 Toulouse Sabrier A. Mrs. 129 Esplanade Sabner Pierre, cook, 292 St. Ann Sabrier Wm. confectioner, 228 Bayou rd. Saccere John B. carpenter, 101 St. Philiji Sacerdote Celesline Mrs. dry goods, 368 Esplanade n. Tonti Sachs John Mrs. 707 Burgundy Sackett B. F. accountant, 49 Union, d. 1 Sacrisle Jean, shoemaker, 142 Barracks Saddler John, carpenter, 438 Gravier Saddler P. teacher, 124 Exchange place Saddler U. commissary, 478 Dryades Sadler Charles, trader, 8 Perdido Sadler Chas. elk. Hoey's row, Poydras Sadler Geo. W. dep. constable, 77 Julia, d. 121 Polymnia Sadler John, carpenter, 444 Gravier Sadler Thos. A. collector, 478 Dryades Sadler Wni. A. carpenter, 478 Dryades Sadralz Louis, caulker, Bouny, Algiers Sael P. grocer. Camp c. Cadiz, Jell. City Saeter Frank, laborer, 422 Chippewa Safut Frederick, Josephine n. New Levee Saganoski Paul, coppersmith,! 13 Bienville Sagara Joseph, Prieur n. Bayou road Sagarra Jose|)h, b. h. St. Philip n. Levee Sagg S. Mrs. variety store, 190 Orleans Sagitz E. shoemaker, N. Levee n. Hunter Sagory Charles, com. nier. 8 Royal, d. Jacksim n. St. Charles Sagoi J. shoemaker, 302 Ursulines Sahl Robt. carp. 126 Elmire Saillard R. Mrs. store, 47 Main SAI Sainpolis Stephen, c. h. La. av. Jeff. City Saint Geo. W. clerk, 361 Main Saint Geo. W . insp. customs, Saintiion Jacques, elk. 112 Magazine, d. c. St. Anthony and St. Claude Saintler John, butcher, Magazine n. La. av. Jeff. City St. Alexander Jules, clerk, 43 Magazine St. Alexandre A. 47 Magazine, d. 625 Dauphine, d. 3 St. Alexandre Jos. Mrs. 625 Dauphine ,d. 3 St. Alexandre Octave, elk. 52 Poydras St. Alphonsus Church, Constance n. Jo- sephine St. AmandAnatole,Columbusn. Claiborne St. Amand Antoine, 55 Annette St. Amand A. cott. classer, 30 Common, d. Dryades n. Sixth St. Amand A. Mrs., Dryades n. Sixth St. Amand Camille, cot. mer.d.412 Liberty St. Amand C. A. 145 Columbus St. Amand C. Mrs. 109 Elysian Fields St. Amand Fran9ois, runner Union Bank, d. 250 Treme St. Amand Fran. A. cot. samp. 465 Dryades ST. AMAND & ST. CYR, (H. St. Amand, J. J. St. Cyr,) Im- porters and Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 57 Bourbon. Amand H. (St. Amand &[ St. Cyr,) d Main c. Roman Amand J. B. com.mer.119 Carondelet Amand J. B. Mrs. 90 Elmira Amand J. B. f.m.c. cooper, 18 History Amand Louis, lumber, Nevir Basin, a. 508 St. Claude Amand Louis, elk. 322 Rampart, d. 1 Amand Mrs. 107 Orleans Amand M. Miss, 73 Louisa Amand Ovid, carpenter, Gretna Amand 0. 272 St. Ann Amand Victor, 426 Burgundy, d. 3 Amant Emile, Terpsichore n. Baronne Andrew Masonic Lodge, Conti n.Villere Anthony Chapel, Rampart, c. Conti Anne's Church, St. Philip n. Prieur Ann's School for Young Ladies, con- ducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph, 339 St. Philip Armant Jacques, d. 216 St. PhiUp Arromant B. charcoal, 214 Poydras Augustin Church, Si. Claude c. Bayou road Augustine Convent, Bayou road Avide Mary Mrs. 107 Frenchmen Avide Richard, butcher, Villere n. Mundeville . Blancat Martin, dairy, Met2iirie ridge Ceran Valsin, 136 Johnson . Ceran Valentine, 3d d.Dis. State Tax Collector,9Esplanade,d.37MandeviIle . Ceran V. Mrs. 310 St. Claude . Charles Institute, Greenville n Carlt. 8 STM ST. CHARLES LOAN OFFICE, 106 Common, o p p o s ite the ^"^^"j^S. St. Charles Hotel. Money Loaned on every description of Goods. Always on hand a large stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jew- elry, Guns, Pistols, ets.. at re- duced Prices. • Clair Dune, builder, Canal n. Claiborne . Clair Louis, f. m. c. Peace n. Chartres . Clair M. Mrs. 118 Dauphine . Clair T. M. teacher, 164 Dryades . Cyr Anthony, 106 Ursulines . Cyr Armand, c. p. 310 Dauphine .Cyr Catharine D.f.w.c.488 Villere,d. 3 . Cyr C.L. 211 Bourbon . Cyr E. tailor, 93 St. Peter . Cyr Joseph, 201 Burgundy . Cyr J. J. {St. Jrmand Sf St. Cyr,) 57 Bourbon . Cyr S. 211 Bourbon . Cyr. T., Bayou road n. Dorgenois . Cyr Virginia Mrs. 188 Toulouse . Domingo Jos. fisher'n, 228 Levee,d. 3 . Domingo J. pedler, 20 Morales . Dupery Raymond, 288 Bourbon . Elizabeth Asylum, Magazine, d. 4 . Fort M. Mrs. 267 Villere, d. 2 . Germain Emanuel, 402 Bourbon . Germain M. clerk, Tchoupitoulas c. Gravier . Germes P. tinsmith, 359 Chartres, d. 3 .Germes Simon, tinsmith, 345 Royal, d. 3 . Gez J. E. Mrs. 395 Ursulines . Herman J. D. builder, 231 Marais . Hilaire Louisjc. h.387 Claiborne, d. 3 . Hubert Joseph, 185 Robertson, d.2 . James Hotel, Magazine n. Gravier . Jaques J. tinsmith, 48 Conti . John Baptist Church, Dryades, n.Clio . John Baptist School, Dryades, n. Clio . John Mortimer, f.m.c. carp. 128 Prieur . John Thomas, laborer, 149 Burgundy John's Church, Prieur c. Customhouse . John's Lodge (Masonic) No. 53 Alg. .Joseph Cemetery, Washing'n n. Benton .Joseph's Church, Common n. Robertson . Joseph Orphan Asylum Cemetery, Washington c. St. Patrick . Jouan Paul, Bayou road c. Johnson . Laurant J. grocer. Palmyra c. Roman Levy James, accountant, 78 Camp Louis Cathedral, Chartres opposite Jackson square Louis Hypolite,carp.476 Robertson,d.3 Louis Warehouse, {Geo. R. Beard,) Fulton n. Girod Luke's Church, Hercules n. Euterpe Marc Alfred, dry goods, 38 late 40 Chartres Marc U. French teacher, Treme Marie J. B. tailor, 213 Poydras STM 389 SAM St. Marie Jean Paul, cnrp. 55 St, Philip St Marie's Indxistrinus School for poor cliildmi, ilirrclcd l)y the sisters of the Hnly Cross, Rampart c. Elmire St. Martin Edward, Urquliart ii. Marig^ny St. Martin Jacques Mr.s, 237 St. Peter St. Martin. Jajni'S, cupjier, 305 Burgundy St. Martin L. 2(17 St. Claude St. Martin P. M. butcher, J5 French mkt. Si. Mary's Church, Josepliine c. Constance St. Mary's Church, Chartres n, lirsuline) St. Maurice's Church, 11. II. S, Barracks St. Patrick's Cemeiery, Metairie ridfje St. Patrick Church, (Oatholic,) Camp n. Girod St. Paul's Church, (Episcopal,) Camp c Gaiennie St. Paul Henry, (flandlin Sf St. Paui,,) 44 Exch. place, d. 215 Bayou road St. Perry Bernard, butch. Music c. Girod St. Pcter^^s Church,(Catholic,)4«Marigny St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Children s Home and Scliools, 345 Chartres St. Peter Edw., First n. Bourdette, CarlU St. Pierre E. c.h, I.evee c. Madison, Carlt, St. Pierre L. clerk, 27 Condc St. Romcs de Dr. 171 St, Ann St. Romes de E. 97 Exch, place, d, 169 St. Ann St. Komes de Mrs. 169 St, Ann St Romes de Victor, 169 St Ann St. Rosa de Lima Church, Bayou road n. Broad St. Theresa Church, Camp c. Erato St. Theresa Madame, superior St, Augus- tine Convent, 227 Bayou road St. Trinity Church, St. F'crdinand St. (Ibery Bernard, butcher, 96 Music St, Ubery Raymond, coal. 111 Bourbon St. Vignes P. accountant, 24 Bienville St. Ville Louis, bricklayer, 91 Columbus St. Vilme C, xVlrs, 327 "Bourbon St.Vincent's AcadiMny,Napoleen n.Camp. Jefferson City St. Vincent Infant Orphan Asylum, Maga- zine c. Race St, Vincent de Paul Cemetery, Louisa St, Vincent Catholic Theological Institute, Jefferson City Sakes John, coffee, St, Charles Theatre, d. 218 Su Charles Salath Lconlmrth, clerk, 79 Spain Salatin Auguste, accountant, 71 Canal,.d. 289 St. Peter, d, 2 Salaiin O. 287 St, Peter, Salaiin R. Mrs. 287 Su Peter Salaun R. 292 Main Sale Miles C. collector, 24 Bank place Saliba, J. c. h. Conti c. Front Levee Saliba Joseph, 197 Chartres Salin Jules, billiards, 10 Madison Salisbury VVm. jdasterer, 349 Liberty Salix James, oysters, 101 Conti Salkeld George B. bookkeeocr, M. & T. Bank, Canal n. St. Charles, d. Se- cond n. Baronne Sallan Jules, cook, 237 Bourbon Sallaz Mrs. 109 Roman Sallaz A. shipwright, Algi( rs Sallaz Francois, St, Peter n. Villerc Sallaz Louis, oyster saloon, 62 Dryades Sallaz R, carpenter, 149 Burgundy Sallaz K. carpenter, Algiers Sailean F. •& Brother, ( L. S(i7fc(Wi,j west- ern produce, 100 Tchoupitoulas, d. Fourth n. Annunciation Sallean L, (J", Saltean^- Bro.) d. 566 An- nunciation. ^ SalleiigerA., Annunciation n. Sixth Sallenave Edward, teacher, 244 St, Philip Salles Felix A, clerk, €OCarlaee Sauvage Jean, 113 Ex. place, d. Elysian Fields c. Old Levee Sauvage Noel, gardener, 19 Palmyra Sauve Henry Dr. 153 Customhouse Sauvinet Mis. 144 St. Peter Sauvinet S. dressmaker, 185 Bourbon Sauvinet Theodule, cigar mk. 387 lJau|ihine Saux Dominique, milk, Ton ti n La piy rouse Saux Jean Marie, blacksmith, 340 Barracks Saux J. M, butcher, 25 French market Savado Joseph, I'rquhart n. Frenchmen Savage Alfred, clerk. Felicity n. Fulton Savage H. 48 Bienville, d. 356 \ ilhre, d. 2 Savage Jane, grocery, Adele n. Tchoupi. Savage Jose])h M. com. and produce mer. 63 Tchonpitoulas, d. 124 Prytania Savage John W. (Hyde S( !Savag€,J d. 124 Prytania Savage R. D. stevedore, Thalia c. Liberty Savage Thos. D. clerk, 49 Customhouse Savary C. f. m. c. carp. 497 Villere, d. 3 Savary.P. Mrs. 282 Treme, d. 2 Saverda Francisco, 97 Ursulines Saveres Julius, fruit. Common c. Villere Saveris.JNicola, 344 Robertson Savei-s Robert, lab. .317 Erato Savery Baptisle, 389 Bourbon, d. 3 Savery H. P., Magazine n. Orange Savie Henry, 359 Bourbon, d. 3 Savier KHz. fruits and beer, 136 Frenchmen Saville Edwin, operator National telegraph office, 51 St. Charles Savini Charles, c. h. 179 Poydras Savini Paul, jeweler, Canal c. RoyaI,d.313 Claiborne Savnier Guilliaume, Laharnc c. Villere Savoy Mary, f. w. c. 521 V'illere, d. 3 Savric William, 384 Villere, d. 3 Sawtell Luther, Gasquet n. Tiuiti Sawyer Frank, clerk, 6 Magazine, d. 750 Magazine Sawyer J. B., Prof, medical electrician, 25 Poyfarre Sawyer Loring,woodenware,ctc.60 Maga- zine, d. 750 Magazine Sax J. Levee c. Cambrone,CairolUon Saxton John, cotton weigher, 3L Theresa Say Henry, grocer. New Levee c. Fourth Sayre Victor, elk. in La. Bank,d.209 Main Sbisa Antonio, 370 Royal Sbi,«a Juan Mr.s. 304 Chnrtre.i Scallan Jam<."<, lali. 191 Foueher Scallan James, trad<'r, 277 Bourbon Scailay Miehael, Market c. St. Thomas Scaley Terrence, Inb. Jackson R. R. depot Scaloiia E. fruit, 546 St. Claude Scambs Joseph, baker, d. 311 Josephine Scandling Terrence, carpenter, 61 N. Levee Scanlan Bernard, lab.Perdido c. Prieur Scanlan B. drayman, 377 Thalia Scanlan Catherine, 134 Erato Scanlan Edward, lab. 53 Elysian Fields Scanlan Edward, Laurel n. St. Andrew Scanlan George, laborer, Clara n. Clio Scanlan James, gas fitter, 112 Freret Scanlan James, laborer, 53 Elysian Fields Scanlan John, carpenter, 11 Annunciation Scanlan John, lab. Magnolia c. Cypress Scanlan John, laborer, 438 Chartres Scanlan John F. laborer, 283 Dryades Scanlan Michael, laborer, 72 Port Scanlan Patrick, furniture, 342 Camp Scanlan Thomas, laborer, 438 Chartres Scanlan Wm. clerk, 248 St. Andrew Scannall James, 118 Franklin Scannall John, 118 Franklin Scarborough W.E.D., Canal c.New Levee Scarpia James, tinsmith, 239 Bourbon Scarpio Joseph, tinsmith, 239 Bourbon Scarre Pascal, Annette n. Prosper Scarrilt James, laborer, 390 Lafayette Scenevich G. coffee stand, d. 38 Mandeville Schaage Henry, c. h. 58 St. Philip Sella be George, 127 Laurel Schabel Louis, clerk, 22 Magazine Schabel Peter, laborer, Urquhart n. Poet Schabsinkering Jacob, Urquharl n. Poet Schackai C. Mrs. midwife, 75 Prosper Schadeli A. vermicelli, 14 Conti Schadeli Joseph, shoemkr. 265 Baronne Schadwell Lewis, screwman, 40 Port Schaefer Avas, 4l5 Carondelet Schaefer Bernard, 376 St. Peter Schaefer Carl, clerk, 45 Carondelet Schaefer Conrad, 753 Burgundy Scliaefer F. laborer, 235 Spain Schaefer George, shoemaker, 105 Lafayette Schaefer George, Josephine n. Chippewa Scliaefer G. cabinet maker, 51 Royal Schaefer Jacob, cabinet mkr.487 Tchoupi. Schaefer John, grocer, Ninth c. Constance Schaefer John, blacksmith, 50 Port Schaefer John, shoes, 105 Lafayette Schaefer John H. shoemkr. 296 Conti Schaefer J OS. blacksmith ,533 Dauphine,d.3 Schaefer Jos. tailor, Urquhart n. St. Anth'y. Schaefer J., Citizen's bakery, 199 Poydras Schaefer Lena, 206 Bayou road Schaefer Martin, lab. 32 Hospital Schaefer Michael, wheelwright,200 Louisa Schaefer Peter, grocery, 310 Josephine Schaefer Victor,painter,248 Tchoupitoulas Schaefer William, c.h. Orange c. F. Levee Schaefer Wm. F. tinsmith, d. 25 Erato Schaefer W. L. shoemaker, 168 Poydras Schaefer W. S shoemaker, 155 Poydras Schaeffer Geo. blacksmith, 309 Laurel,d.4 Schaeffer Jacob, tailor, Rousseau n. First Schaeffer Joseph, Goodchildren c. Spain Schaefter W.Mrs.dressmaker,231 Felicity Schafer E. clothing, 60 Levee, d. 3 Schafer Geo. cabinet maker, 64 Bienville Schafer P. boot & shoemk. Patterson,. Alg. Schaff Frank, lab. Royal n. Poland SchaffGeo. wood, Jackson n. Rampart Schaff Geo. ice dealer, 340 Howard, d. 1 Schaff Henry, jr. baker, 76 St. •Mary Schafflgnatz, shoes, 376 Bayou road Schaff J. baker, 320 Derbigny Schaff Michael, Jackson n. Rampart Schaff Peter, dairy, Josephine n. Dryades Schaffenstein Geo. cabinet mkr. 302 Conti Schaffer Franci.s, painter, 98 Camp Schaffur J. lumber yard, New Levee n. Na- poleon avenue, Jefferson City Schaffer Louise, 239 Conti Schaffla Geo. butcher, 6 St. Mary's mkt. Schaffman John, tailor, 112 St. Ann Schaffner Chris, carp. Philip n. Baronne Schaffner G. grocer, 'I'choupitoulas c.Nuns Schaffiiet E. watchmaker, 87 Conde Schafft Jacob, clerk, Jackson c. Rousseau Schaffter Florian, clerk, 150 St. Philip Schaffter F. book keeper, 137 Common Schafter Louis, umbrella repairer, 288 Burgundy, d. 453 St. Ann Schaleiiberg Rudolph, drayman, 9 Const'e Schaick Jacob A. shoemaker, 148 Chartres Schallang J acob, c. h. Levee c. Toledano Schallenberger F. drayman, 337 Orleans Schalleng John, c. h. Ninth n. Magazine Schaller P. H. tailor, Spain n. Claiborne Schallert Louis, wadding man. 36 Montegut Schally F. H. shoemaker, 420 Felicity Schamljer Anthony, shoemaker, 105 Villere Schaiitz Geo. cooper, 51 Rousseau Schantz M. c. h. Magazine c. Milan Scliaizlein Jacob, shoemaker, 222 Delord Scluiu Henry Capt. 322 Conti Schauchardt M. grocer, Union c.Greatmen Schauff George, Laurel n. Sixth Schaufferstein George, cabinet maker, 276 Customhouse Schaumberg W. drayman, 93 Montegut Schavinneay Geo. 85 Montegut Schay Stephen, lab. Marigny n. Claiborne Schearing Auguste, 149 Liberty Schebel M. b. h. New Levee n. Union, J. C. Sched Frederick, butcher, 19 DryaJles mkt Scheelin Gregory, tailor, 953 New Levee Scheelke J. Antonius, cigar maker, 188 St. Joseph Scheer Jacob, carpenter, 136 Rampart Scheffel John, bricklayer, 75 Terpsichore Scheffer Wm. barkeeper, 176 Franklin Scheffler George, butcher,5 St. Mary 's mkt Schehr Dan. barber, Marigny c. Morales Schehr Frederick, eggs, 117 Morales Schehr Valentine, eggs, 125 Morales Scheib Philip, tailor, 872 New Levee Scheidel L. tailor. Fourth n. New Levee Scheider John, Piety n. Urquhart Scheiderer J. J., Philip n. Annunciation Scheidler C. tailor, 211 Robertson Scheifert John, variety store, Constance c. Ninth Schelein J. C. baker, Annunciation n.Third Sclielhl John, shoemaker, 258 Craps Sheike George, b. h. 18 Union, d. 1 Scheliha Victor, teacher, Kennerville SCH 393 SCH Schell Martin, laborer, 122 Richard Schelia M., Galvoz c. Lafayette Schellaiig John, c. h. Magazine c. Ninth Schellenberger Froii. drays, 142 Galvoz Schellenberger F. tailor, Villire n. St.Louis Schellhaas Conrad, cabi't mnk.2580rl('ans Sc'hellhaus Chas. cabinet mk. 29b St. Peter Schelling Herman, Clio n. Howard Scliemel Joseph, baker 132 St. Ferdinand Schempp Joseph, Jackson n. White Schenck Conrad, chid'onier, 99 Eimire Schneck C. Mrs. 70 Main Schenck Dr. 618 Magazine Sclienck Henry, niarketman, Solidelle n. Mandeville Schenck Lozel, carpenter, 176 Bayou road Schendeldccker G. A. cooper. Felicity n. Fulton Scheneberger Nicholas, 356 Conti Schep Melchior, rag buyi'r, 724 Dauphine Scheper Ferdinand, Piety n. Rampart Scheper John, Piety c. Craps Scher Peter, mattress mak. 125 Morales Scherer Adam, drayman, 90 Clouet Scherer Caroline Mrs. midwife, 478 Bour- bon Scherer Christopher, laborer, 59 Clouet Scherer F. Mrs. 70 Orleans Scherer Jacob, tailor, 128 Rampart, d. 1 Scherer Jos. cloth, silk, etc. 84 Chartres Scherer William, 131 Bienville Scherer Wm. Mrs. 47 Marais, d. 2 Scherhorn H. barkeeper, 2 Front Levee, d. 2 Schering Fred. lab. Congress n. Urquhart Schermann Louis, Urquiiartc. Frenchmen Schernier J. Cant., Josephine c. White Scherr Joseph, laborer, 317 St. Peter Scherrer G.shoemkr.Miigazine n. Pleasant Schcrting L. drayman, Roman n. St. Louis ScIk'U G. mer. tailor, Fulton c. Gravier Scheu Jacob, tailor, 211 Si. Louis Scheu John, blacksmith, 5 Munter Scheu Martin, blacksmith, 87 Congress Scheuberg Wm. cabinetmkr, 59 Royal Scheur Adam, shoemaker, 449 Bienville Schewer Leopold, (Levi, ISimon &)• Co.) 9 Chartres Scheuermann Wm. shoemaker, Mande- ville n. Solidelle Schiber Catharine, 43 Adcle Schielle George, Runian n. Poydras SchitTraann Wm. shoemak. 75 Sdidelle SchiU'er Frederick, laborer, 330 Orleans SchiflVrer M. Rev. school in connection with Trinity Ch. 622 Dauphine, d. 3 Schilferli John, tailor, 355 Elysian Fields Schilferstein A. B. western produce ,Tchi)U- pitoulas c. Lafayette, d. Sopararu n. Fulton Schiffner Frenchmen n. Burgundy S'-hik C. shoemaker, 226 St. Louis Schiken Jos. baker, Orleans c. Roman Schild S. grocer, 35 Frenchmen Schile Wm. laborer, 26 Les.seps Schiller Edward, d. 65 Claiborne, d.2 Schiller John B., Sazerac ch. 13 Exchange place, d. St. Charles n. St. Andrew Schilli Geo. laborer, lab. Common c.Galvez Schilling .Adam, laborer, 268 St. Thomas Schilling Auguste, barkeeper, 250 Thalia Schilling Adam, laborer, 268 Si. Thomas Schilling Daniel, laborer, 188 St. Thomas Schilling Elizabeth Mrs. 369 Old Levee Schilling G. A. .laborer, 271 St. Thomas Schilling Mrs. midwife. Calliope n. Camp Schilling John, c. h. Magazine c. Ninth Schilling John, drayman, 175 St. Thomas Schilling Joseph, shoes, 288 Camp Schilling Lavinia Mrs., Third ii. Chippew Schilling M. laborer, Fulton n. Third Schilling Sophia Mrs. 320 Clio Schilly P. comb manufact. 119 Dryades Schiltz Jian, 118 Clouet Schimf Frank, barkee])er, 37 Esplanade Schimwey Conrad, 264 Levee, d. 3 Schindeldecker G. A. coojier. 25 Felicity Schindler Chas. confectioner, 207 Chartres Schindler Elizabeth Mrs. 311 Claiborne Schindler Geo. tailor, 87 Claiborne, d. 2 Schindler H. musician, 489 Dauphine Schindler John, (Schindler Sf Son,) Maga- zine n. Josephine Schindler & Son, (Andrew 8f John Sc/iin.- rf/ec, J night men, Magazine n. Josephine Schingel Conrad, shoemaker, 851 Dau- jiiiine, d. 3 Schinking Vincent, carpenter, 175 Conti Schinotte L. Mrs. b. li. 124 Julia Schipe Ernest, painter, Annunciation corner Sixth Schiphost John, shoemaker, 403 Ursulincs Schipman H. grocer, 716 Rampart, d. 3 Schiiiper Henry, painter, 2J9 Mandt^ville Schireman John, shoemaker, Mandeville n. Solidelle Schirmer Edward, carjienter, 148 Villere Schirres G. shoes. Magazine n. Pleasant Schirrmeister W.vegetab.24 Dryades mkt. Schirteng Louis, dravman, 319 Conti S-hitz M. Mrs. 305 Conti Schivengard John H. 320 Felicity Schivenick Adam, Constance n. Eighth Schlarbaum E. architect, 26 Com'l place Schlasser George, 399 Dryades Schleicher Chrysostours, 234 Bienville Schleiirel P. grocer, Valence c. Carondelet, Jeff. City Schleiniger A. dry goods, 275 Carondelet Schleiniger John, tailor, 305 St. Peter Schley Aloa, stiward, 46 History Schlierman Andrew, grocer, 229 Custom- house and 27 Treme, d. 2 Schliismann J. lal). Montegut n. Chartres Schlindwein J., Tolrdano n. Annunciation Schloegel J. A. 100 St. Peter, d. 2 Schlogel Andrew, cigars, 131 Levee, d. 3 Schlosser C. tinsmith, 242 Customhouse Schlosser Charles, milk, 803 St. Claude Sihlosser David, 347 St. Ann Schlosser Geo. drayman, 670 Carondelet S'.hloUman Arnold, lab. 92 Piety Schlou B. vegetables, 130 Erato Sihluter F., Annunciation n. Toledano Schlut.r G. VV. clerk, 53 Camp sen 394 SCH Schluter H. importer of Havana cigars, 206 Lafayette Schluter Henry L.clk.Gravier c.Tchoupit. Schlutius Rudolph E. 23 Exchange place Schlutz S. cooper, 80 St. Thomas Schluys August, lab. 630 Rampart, d. 3 Schmalholz^cfe Benzel, ( F. X. Schmalholz, C. H. Benzel,) tailors, 69 Magazine Schmalholz F. H. (Schmalholz Sf Benzel,) d. 368 Dryades Schmall L. 91 Poet Schmaltz Jos. warehouseman, 5 Gravier Si-hman Y. furniture, 535 Dauphine Schniegel Jos. shoemaker, 367 Howard Schmeiir M. shoemaker, 381 St. Peter Schmidt Adam, lab. Union n. Solidelle Schmidt Adam c.h. New Levee c. Harmony Schmidt Andreas, Toulouse c. Roman Schmidt Andrew, bakery, Erato n. Freret Schmidt Andrew W. 345 Melpomene Schmidt August, shoemkr. 552 Chartres Schmidt A. watchmaker, 119 Ex. alley Schmidt B. W. 175 Old Levee Schmidt Ca;sar, jewelry, 44 St. Ann Schmidt Cartarina. Laurel n. Sixth Schmidt Ciiarles, arayman, 166 Urquhart Schmidt Charles, tailor, 50 Perdido SCHMIDT CHARLES E., At- torney at Law, office No. 22 Exchange place, d. 13 Ram- part, d. 2 Schmidt Charles, carp. 253 Customhouse Schmidt Charles, barber, 168 Rampart, d.l Schmidt Charles, elk. St. Aim c. Chartres Schmidt Christopher, butcher. La. avenue n. Annunciation, Jefferson City Schmidt Conrad, finisher, 110 Louisa Schmidt C. tailor, Levee n. Madison, Carroll ton Schmidt C. cal)inet mkr. 6 Franklin, d. 2 Schmidt Daniel, laborer, 74 Elmire Schmidt Davis, mattress maker, 146 Conti Schmidt Edward, Melpomene c. Liberty Schmidt Ernest, br. h. Magazine c. Erato Schmidt E. F. book keeper, 21 Carondelet Schmidt E. F. drug store, Dublin c. Second Schmidt E. Mrs. undertaking, 282 Tchoup Schmidt F'erdinand, Fifth n. Constance Schmidt Ferdinand, c. p. 372 St. Ann Sclimidt Frank J. grocer, 304 Elysian Fields Schmidt Fred, grocer, Dauphine c. History Schmidt Fred, grocer, 355 Dauphine Schmidt F. Mrs. 347 St. Peter Schmidt Fred, cartman, 523 Dauphine Sclimidt F. shoemaker. Washington n. Annunciation Schmidt F. lithographer, 95 Union, d. 3 Schmidt Gabriel, lab. Urquhart n. Port Schmidt George, elk. St. Charles c. Common Schmidt George, blacksmith, 12 Fourth Schmidt Geo. cabinet mkr. 20 Fi-anklin,d.2 Schmidt Geo. drayman, 246 Mandeville Schmidt G. E. upholsterer, 180 Baronne Schmidt Henry, carpenter, 69 St. Anthony SCHMIDT GUSTAVUS, Attor- ney at Law, office 5 Pontalba buildings, St. Peter, d. 117 Main Schmidt Henry, laborer, 651 St. Claude Schmidt Henry, screwman, 567 Tchoup's Schmidt Hermann, foreman Price Current, d. 285 St. Peter Schmidt Jacob, cabinet mkr. 210 Gravier Sclimidt Jacob, shoemaker, 17 Toulouse Schmidt Jacob Mrs. 759 Burgundy, d. 3 Schmidt Jacob, lab. 429 Roliertson, d. 3 Sclimidt Jaques, drays, 311 Mandeville Schmidt John, carpenter, 345 Melpomene Schmidt John, sugar maker, 51 Seventh Schmidt Jno. D. carts, Eighth n. Chestnut Schmidt John, dairy, 175 St. Anthony Schmidt John, laborer, 84 Piety Schmidt John, shoemaker, 78 Laurel Schmidt John C. watchmaker, 178 Royal Schmidt John, moss, Newton n. Second, Gretna Schmidt John Adam lab. 279 Mandeville Schmidt John B. clerk, 155 Canal Schmidt John, laborer, 548 St Claude Schmidt John, laborer, 7 Montegut Schmidt John, shoes, Villere, Algiers Schmidt John, laborer, 442 Rampart, d. 3 Schmidt John carp. New Levee c. Upper Line, Jefferson City Schmidt John G. clerk, 243 Bienville Schmidt Joseph, baker, 13 Peace Schmidt Joseph, shoemaker, 126 Morales Schmidt Joseph, c. h. 69 Levee, d. 3 Schmidt J. D. clothing, 483 Tchoupituolas Schmidt J. H. laborer, 68 Congress Schmidt J. L. mate, 603 Burgundy, d. 3 Schmidt J. Merritt, clerk, 163 Gravier Schmidt J. M. clerk, 43 Union, d. 1 Schmidt J. B. shoemaker, 31 St. Peter Schmidt Lorenz, tailor, 447 Dauphine, d. 3 Schmidt L. laborer, 947 St. Claude Schmidt Louis, clerk, 211 St. i^oiiis Schmidt Louis, cooper, 339 St. Louis Schmidt L. shoemaker, 402 Clio Schmidt & Michel, (Louis Schmidt, Henry Michel,) cotton brokers, 23 Carondelet Schmidt Martin, Clouet near Rampart Schmidt Mary, midwife, 75 Josephine Schmidt Michael, cabman, 34 Villere, d. 2 Schmidt Michael, teacher, .330 St. Louis Schmidt Morris, druggist, 246 Carondelet Schmidt Nichs. brewer, Philip n. Annun'n Schmidt Nicholas, shoes,249 Customhouse Schmidt Peter, 110 St. Thomas Schmidt Peter, shoemaker, 110 St. Thomas Schmidt Peter, clerk, 13 Chartres Schmidt Peter, potatoes, 283 0. Levec,d.2 Schmidt Peter, laborer, 40 Mazant Schmidt Peter, sailor, 38 Elmire Schmidt P. portrait painter, 133 Royal Schmidt R. H. printer, Main n. Derbigny ' Schmidt Samuel, cigars, 148 Tchoupit's Schmidt S. Mrs. 349 St. Peter | Schmidt S. C. clerk, 43 Bienville SCH 395 SCH Schmidt S. A. manas;pr Amorican Bank Note Co. 12 Royal, d. 285 Main Schmidt Valentino, brass finisher, Algiers Schmidt VVni. suij.mkr. Fifth n.Constaiit-e Schmidt Win. slioemkr. Poydras n. Basin Sciimidt Wni. 18'2 Rampart, d. 1 Scliniidt Wm. coffee broker, 16 Natchez Schmidt Wm. V?oppersmiih, 470 Royal i Schmidt W. Jiardware, 3!) Front Schmidt it Zcigler, (Win. B. Schmidt, F. M. Z(is;lcr,) wliolesale grocers, 304 and 306 Old Levee Schmidt Am. B. (Schmidt Sf Zeigler,) d. 1 13 Esplanade Schmidt X., Mazant c. Chartres Schmidtt F. 135 Carondelet Schmieg P''rank, blacksmith, Barracks c. Broad Schmirnfer Fred, butclier, (537 Annunc'n Schmit G. shoemaker, 14G Spain Schmitt Adam, shoemkr. 257 Burgundy Scbmitt Frank, slioemkr. Miro n. St Ann Schmitt J. A. bookseller, 82 Exch. place Schmitt Mich'l,groc.Sorapara c. Rousseau Si'hmitt v. Mrs. sewing, 55 Conti Schmittle J. S. barber, 23 Marais, d. 2 Schmozart Joseph, tinsmith, 379 Baronne Schmucker \. grocer, Magazine c. Tole- dano, Jefferson City Schmul Fred, drayman, 400 .Melpomene Schmul Mary Mrs. 400 Melpomene Schmurr Beiij. soap nianf. 3J0 Liberty Schmurr J. bottler, 94 Louisa Schmuttermaycr, Pet. bak. 123 Bienville Schmutz Felix, blacksmith. Annunciation n. Josephine Schmutz John, printer, 222 St. Louis Schmutz Louis, tailor, 43 Main Schmutz Rudolph,\\^oodyard,25 St. Philip Schnabel John, lab. Tonti near St. Ann Schnaidl William, St. \ndrew n. Rousseau Schnar Andrew, 313 Thalia ScUnaufer, Fritz, butcher, 57 Pleasant Schnaufer John, intcl. office, 99 St. Peter Schnauter Mary Miss, millinery, etc. 99 St. Peter Schnautmann Henry, carpenter, Louisa n. Morales Schnebelen Romain, jeweler, 251 Royal S'-.hneid Wm. butcher, 55 St. Andrew Schneider Adam, rags, 370 St. Peter Scjiiieider Alemibs B. cooper, Stock landing, J. C. Schoeneberg Wm. 418 Custon'vhouse Schoeneck Cath'ne Mrs.b.h. 145 Chartres Sc.hoeneck Jacoij, baker, 53 Marigny Schoenfeld S. shoes, 280 Old Levee Schoenhaardt John, tailor, 375 St. Peter Schoenmehl G. c.h. &, board. 25 Toulouse Schoenstein F'erd. laborer, 109* Port Schoepf Hubert, lab. 373 Main Si'hoe]iflen Jno. oysters, 215 Customhouse Sclioeppel John, trader, 260 Lafayette Schoettgr^n H. shocmkr. 272 iVIelpomene Schoetz Carl, tinsmith, ] 19 Marais, d. 2 Scholl Frank, tailor, VVater n. Jackson Scholl Jos. iVlrs. 12 Enghien Sc^holl Louis, barkeeper, 18 Natchez Schoily Michael, vegetables, 450 St. Ann Schomljerg P. clerk, 445 Burgundy, d. 3 S'"Jioml)'^in Frank, wagnr. 145 St. Andrew Schominer Joltii, 3&0 Lafayitte Si'.hommer Margaret, Claiborne c. Cypress Schomtner N. dairy. Cypress n. Jolinson Schone F. watclimakcr, 65 St. Philip Schonekas F. shoes, 87 Prytania Schonfeld F. W. (Br(mer &c SchonfeldJ 17 Commercial place Schonhardt John, tailor, 375 St. Peter Schonmell Cbarkeeper, Conti n.Derbigny School of Medicine, Common c. Viilere Schoolcraft Jas. painter, 383 Rampart Schoolcraft Matilda,383 Ram,part Schoolty F. shoemkr.. Felicity n. Liberty Schooley Jas. lab. 570 Rampart, d. 3 Schopp B. butcher, 10 St. Mary's market Schopp Christian, butcher, Milan c. Laurel, Jeff. City Schoppers Htrman, carp. 64 Desire Schorling John, lab. Thalia c. Freret Schorman Louis, carpenter, 382 Basin Schorp K. violin maker, 328 Camp Schorr Thomas, currier, 910 Levee, d. 4 Schott Adam, grocer. New Levee n. Sixth Schott A. vegetables, French market, d.l23 Desire Schott Kd. draym. Bartholomew n. Royal Schott F. lab. St. Peter n. Roman Schott John, draym. Eighth n. Chippewa Schott H. shoemkrXaurei n. Upper Line, Jeff. City Schotiwell Louis, lab. Port n. Moreau Schrader Fnderick, 154 Levee, d.3 Schrader J. B. agent German Society, d. Prytania n. St. Andrew Schrader Wm. cabinet mkr. 160 Clouet Schraffenberger J. A. 546 Viilere, d. 3 Schrage Henry, c. h. 58 St. Philip Schrapf P. F. shoemaker, 450 St. Philip Schrapfer Anna, 1^ Kerlerec Schraud Adam, lab. 170 Roman, d. 2 Schreder Henry, clerk, Terpsichore n. Ba- ron ne Schreder John, carpenter, 13 Lesseps Schreiber A. cooper, Orleans n. Miro Schreiber Adolphe Mrs. 186 Ksplanade Schreiber Adolphe, sec'y Citizens' Mu- tual Ins. Co. 3 Carondelet, d. 186 Es- planade Schreiber Ch ristian ,(' Seftroder &f Schreiber) 129 Common Schreiber G.J. constable Seventh Justice ^s Court Schreiber Harry ,trunkrakr. 114 Constance Schreiber Herman,lab. Morales c.St.Fer- dinand Schreiber H. tailor, 3 Annunciation Schreiber John, St. Andrew n. Rousseau Schreiber Philip, Philip c. Rousseau Schreiber Wm.c. h. N. Levee c.Soraparu Schreider Henry, porter, Terpsichore n. Dryades Schreider Jno.dairyjWashton n. Dryades Schreiner A. druggist, Ho.^ipital c. 0. Levee Schreiner Geo. 493 Robertson, d. 3 Schreiner J. dray, St. Mary n. Constance Schreiner Michael, lab. Cypress n. Mag- nolia Schrempp J. blacksmith and carriage mkr. 385 Chartres, d. 3 Schrenk J. tailor, d. 305 St Peter Schrepfer John H. carp. d. 88 St. Thomas Schrewer F. warehouseman, 66 Magazine Schrieber Frank, bagg. wagn. 190 Orange Schiieber J. grocer, St. Mary c. Chippewa Schrieber Jos. carpenter, .'i64 Jackson Schriefer Chas. cooper, 86 Adele Schrieffir Frederick, carpenter, 289 Conti Schriever John, carpenter, St. Andrew c. Howard ■ Schrimpf Henry, clerk, 288 Camp Schrinipf Jesse, carp. Felicity n. Dryades Schroder & Schreiber (Anthony Schroder, Christian Sckieiber,) com. mers. 129 Common Schroder Alexander, screwman, 505 Old Levee, d. 3 Schroder Augustus, tailor, 178 Franklin Schroder Dr., Levee n. Fourth Schroder & Co. (Edward Schroder, Otto Pressprich, Mraham Troost &c Son,) com. mers. 21 St. Charles Schroder Edw. (Schroder 8c Co.;d.l39 Clio SCH 397 SCH Scliroder J. drays, Washins:ton n. Dennis Schroeder Auo^ust, ship carp. 508 Royal Scliroodi^r A. slioemalciT, 6 Gravinr Schroeder Cliarles, cabinet maker, Levee c. Cadiz, JcfFersnn City Schroeder Conrad, laborer, 44 French Schroeder Frank, baggage-wagon, 190 St. Thomas Schroeder F. general store, Levee c. Short, Carrollton Schroeder Henry, 499 Chartres, d. 3 SchroediM- H. customs, 159 Mandeville Schroeder Henry, porter, 309 Ter|>sicliore Schroeder Jlicity c. Nuns Schulz Peter, glazier, 61 Lesseps S<'lnilz P., b. h. Conti c. Derbigny Schulze Amandus, hairworker, 177 Camp Schulze Fred, acct. 30 Customhouse Schulze J. tailor, Dauiiliine n. Poland, d.3 Schulze William, bookkeeper, 295 Erato Schulze William, tailor, 57 Claiborne, d.2 Schulze Wm. com. mer. d. 466 Dryades Schumacher C. & Co. (J. R. JValler,) straw goods, Chartres c. Bienville Schumacher Frank J. Gravier n. Dryades Sclumiacher F., St. Ferdinand n. Morales Schumacher F. druggist. Bourbon c.Clouel Schumacher F. clerk, 92 Spain Schumacher Henry, lab. Jefferson, McD. Schumacher John, coffee stand, d. 371 Baronne Schumacher Martin . 602 Royal, d. 3 Schumacher Peter, shoemkr, 32 Hospital Schumaker Jacob Mrs. 458 Royal, (T. 3 Schumakei- John, dairy. Valence c. Camp, Jefferson Cily. Schumann Christopher, laborer, 68 French Schuinrr Jacob, carji. Cypn-ss n. Roman Schumeri F. tailor, 75 Toulouse Schumeri M. Uiilor, 455 St. Louis Schumeri fVter, 36 Prieur, d. 2 Schuppert M. Dr. 177 and 179 Carondelet Schiirmann Fred, siioemaker, 44 Eiato SCH 398 SCH Schurmann Henry A. beer agent, d. 63 Toulouse Schuster J;icob, accountant, 304 Dryades Schuster J. N. ci2:ar mkr. 300 Ursulines Schute John, wheelwright, 788 St. Claude Schuster Nicholas, acct. 283 Dryades Schutlaiider Leopold, pedler, 82 Frenchmen Schutta! Auguste, carp. Seventh n.Annun. Schutte, George, clerk, 73 Canal Schutte J. clothing, 9 Poydras Schutten George, drayman, Rousseau n. St. Mary Schutz Chas. tinsmith, d. 119 Marais, d.2 Schvi'lt Abraham, shoemaker 26 Jackson Schvend N. tailor, 52 Franklin Schwaab Auguste, cutter, 3 St. Charles Schwab A. apothecary, 216 Chartres Schwab Frank, carp. Laurel c. Josephine Schwab Jacob, lab. 665 Chartres, d. 3 Schwab Joseph, St. Claude n. Montegut Schwab Nich. butcher, Cadiz n. Magazine Schwable G. carp. 415 Customhouse Schwaegler J. tailor, Bourbon n. St. Ann Schwaegler L. E. clerk, 27 Front Sch wander Jacol), drays, 265 Marigny Schwander P. br. h. Royal c. Marigny Schwaner Otto restaurant. Lake Pontchar- train, Jefferson terminus Schwandt H. shoemaker, 332 Bienville Schwaner.O. d. 325 Bienville Schwans Frank, drayman, 169 Roman Schwarm George, Robertson n. Common Schwarm Martin, lab. 56 Robertson Schwartz Chas. clerk, 368 Rampart Schwartz Christian, tinsmith, 32 Jackson Schwartz C. H. ( H. W. Schwartz Sf Son,) 51 St. Charles, d. 170 Camp Schwartz D. carp. Ninth n. Constance Schwartz Henry, Magnolia n. Cypress Schwartz Henry, tailor, 290 Tchoup. Schwartz H. W.&Son, (C.H. Schwartz,) com. mers. 51 St. Charles, d.l70 Camp Schwartz Jacob, ship carp. Alex, Algiers Schwartz John, cigars, 158 Urleans Schwartz Joseph, blacksmith, 430 Caron- delet Schwartz Joseph, (Crowell, Schwartz 8c Co.) 68 Rampart Schwartz J. M. (Isaac Bloom &f Co.) d. 226 St. Charles Schwartz Michael, blksmith, 147 Liberty Schwartze Rudolph, com. mer. 37 Natchez Schwarz Adolph, 474 Tchoupitoulas Schwarz Henry, baker, 521 Camp SCHWARZ LOUIS, Bookseller and Station er , Dealer in Works of Fine Arts. Gallery of Paintings 28 Chartres n. Customhouse, d. Conti Hotel. Schwarz M. Dr. herb medc's. 29 Hospital Schwarz Samuel, dry goods, 869 N. Levee Schwarze J. D. grocer, 76 St. Ferdinand Schwebel George, cabinet maker, Bouny n. Alex, Algiers Schwebel H., Prytania c. Eighth Schwecke F. shoemaker, 509 Royal, d. 3 Scliweikardt J. c. h. Bourbon c. Main Schweitzer D. Paul, veg. d. 333 Orleans Schweitzer Franz, laborer, 161 Treme Schweitzer Frederick, shoemaker, Jackson n. New Levee Schweitzer Geo. c. h. 228 Delord Schweitzer G., Washington n. Constance Schweitzer John, private watchman, 419 St. Ann Schweitzer J. c. p. St. Ann n, Galvez Schweitzer S. locksmith, 234 Magazine Schweitzer A. shoemaker, 271 St. Louis Schwenck Jacob, Philip n. Laurel Sch'wend John, lab. Howard n. Lafayette Schwenk Adam, 573 Constance Schwenke F. tailor, 156 St. Louis Schwenke John, 38 Morales Schwenker Carl H. 61 Exchange alley Schwer Bernard, milk, Desire n. Dauphine Schwerin Simon, clothing, 162 Poydras Schwerin Simon, grocer, 164 Poydras Schwietering F. acct. 23 Schwind Jacob, cooper, 57 M.irais Schwind Nicholas, tailor, 66 Franklin, d.2 Schwind N. c. h. 37 St. Philip Schwindel George, shoemkr. 376 Hospital Schwindt Francis, cabinet maker, 244 St. Louis Schwindt Mary Mrs., Jackson n. Dryades Schwingard John H., Felicity n. Baronne Schwinten Frank, carpenter, 116 Bienville Schwitzer D. vegetables, 49 Treme market Schwizzer M. laborer, 240 Love Sciple Henry, butcher, 30 Poydras market Sciple Mary Ann, 74 Basin, d. 1 Scog2:ins J. H. ambrotypist, 538 Magaz'e Scoggins Thos. R. clerk, 126 Poydras Scolare A. lumber, Jefferson City Scolory Anthony, Annunciation n. Fourth Scooler G. 289 Old Levee, d. 217 Bourbon Scooler M. jeweler, 289 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 217 Bourbon Scott Alexander, shoemaker, 28 Delord Scott Alexander, steambt^n. 38 Religious Scott Arthur, engineer, 13 Annette Scott Chas. Edw'd. steward, 35 Union, fl. 3 Scott Edgar, 38 Villere, d. 1 Scott Ernestine Mrs. 133 Spain Scott Eugene, screwman, 105 Ursulines Scott E. M. clerk, 7 Front Levee, d. 2 Scott Frances, f. w. c. 242 Poydras Scott F. W. (Meekeri Knox Sf Co.) 87 Gravier Scott George, collector, 249 Dauphine Scott James, 548 St. Claude Scott James B., Masonic Hall, St. Charles c, Perdido Scott James, sailmaker, 372 Claiborne, d, 3 Scott Jas. wharfinger, Fulton n. Soraparu Scott John, f. m. c. carpenter, 104 Liberty Scott John M. Capt. harbor master, office 37 Exchange place, d. 131 Bienville Scott John R. f. m. c. 355 Basin Scott Joseph, laborer, 95 Piety Scott Joseph, steward, 107 Mandeville SCO 399 SEG Scott J. W. 20 Toulouse Scott L. Mrs. furnishod rooms, 171 Royal Soott M. printer. 56 Poydras Scott Mary, drtssmaker, Prytania n. Mel- pomtMie Scott Mary, jrrocery, 79 Philip Scott Nancy, f. w. c. 75 St. Mary Scott PpMulopc, f. w. c 2"27 Marais Scott Ilichard, laborer, 601 Buro;>indy Scott R. com. auction house, 53 Gravior Scott S. P. com. mer. 118 Common, d. 168 Carondclct Scott Samuel R. com. mcr. 3 Carondelet, d. Chestnut c. Philip Scott Thomas, laborer, 39 Montesrut Scott Thomas, lab. New Levee c. Thalia Scott Wallace, printer, 58 Magazine Scott Wm. E. B. dep. clerk, Fourth Dist. Court Scott Wijliain, cooper, 6 Poet Scott William, b. h. 8 Annunciation Scott William, clerk, 31 Tchoupitnulas Scott Wm. T. District Attorney, Carlt Scovil & Mead, (Hartley Scofiile, John Mead,) patent medicines, 105 and 107 Chart res Scratchley George Dr. 8 Baronne, d. 211 Carondelet Screven Richard D. acct. Union Press Screwe Jos. shoemaker, 255 Julia Screwmen's Benevo't Association, Cross- man c. Front Levee Scruggs D. E. acct. 43 Magazine Scruggs, Donegan & Co. (J. W. Scruggs, Janus H. Donegan,) cotton factors and com. mers. 155 Gravier ScruiTCTS J. W. (Scruggs, Donegan &(■ Co.) 155 Gravier ScuddiT & Stamps, (^Nathaniel Sr.uddcr, Ifllliani Stamps,) commission mers. 35 Carondelet Sculiug Kamp A. lab. Magazine n. Prosper Scullin James, cooper, 380 Magazine Scullin John J. harkpr. Adele, New Levee Sculliu Thomas Mrs. grocer, 127 Foucher Scully Ann Mrs. 84 Poet Scully Catherine, grocer, 288 Poydras Scully Edw. cabman, Johnson n.Gasquet Scully John, Gravier n. Bertrand Scully M. boots ami shoes, 324 Common Si'abald Jacob, 62 Canal, d. 75 Constance SiNiber Peter, Urquhart c. Bagatelle SeagriflT P. boilermkr. Sjiam n. Chartres Seaman Charles, 371 Haronne Seaman Henry, tinner, 194 Lafayette SEAMAN H, D., Commission Mei'chant, and Dealer in Western Produce, Bice, Oils, Turpentine, Alcohol, &c., 81 Magazine street. Seaman H. D. jr., clerk, 81 Magazine Seaman Pliny, c. p. 262 Orleans Seaman W. tinsmith, H Front Levee, d. 2 Seaman W. H. clerk, 35 Magazine Seamen's Home, Erato c. New Levee Searing Theo. F. & Co. (John D. Scott,) clothing, 35 Magazine, d. 34 Baronne Searles J. P. broker, 244 Baronne Sears C. W. professor of mathematics. University of Louisiana, d. 229 Eruto Sears George, clerk, 79 Magazine Sears G. K. 51 and 53 St. Joseph Sears L. C. & Co. painlers, 296 Carondelet Sears T. A. (Redding &f Co.) St. Charles n. Common Seaton R. architect, 216 Carondelet S(-afon Thomas, clerk, 123 Canal Seavy William, elk. Orleans Cotton Press Seawarce Jno. T., Elys. Fields n. 0. Li'vec Seawell B. W. clerk,' 97 and 99 Magazine Sebalte Amelia, stamping, 82 Peter Sebalte John, restaiirant, 82 St. Peter Sebastean D. 21 Madison Sebastian Charles, l)ark'r 166Clailiornp,d.2 Sebastian F. Mrs. f. w. c. 107 Union, d. 3 Sebastian John, f. m. c. porter, Claiborne n. Annette Sebastian John D. clerk, l.'iO Gasquet Sebastian Nicholas, lab. 26 .Mazant Seben John, Urquhart n. St. Ferdinand Sebering Fred, gardener, Elysian Fields, c. Claiborne Sebold John Rev. 746 Camp Seburger Richard, carpenter, 365 St. Ann Secanti Angelo, variety store, 7 St. Ann Secho Richard, f.m.c. painter, 38 Franklin Second Presbyterian Church, Prytania c. Calliope. Secour Wm. S. painter, 381 Camp Sedgley Wm.carjienter, Rousseau n. Third Sedgwick E. drayman, Cadiz n.Plaquemine Sedgwick Joseph, 397 Rampart, d. 3 See Baptiste, drayman, 20 Mazant Scelemann M. dry gds.. Rampart c.Girod Seeley E. J. Mrs., Common c. Dryades Seeiey John, lab.. New Levee n.Gaiennie Seeliger Charles E. c. h. 113 Royal Sceliger Chas. F. variety, 160 Chartres Seelin P. shoemaker, 26 Levee, d. 3 Scely Emma, 187 Dryades Seely John, c. h., St. Ann c. Prieur SEESKIND S. A., Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Clothing, and a gen'l assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods, No. 228 Tchoupitoulas Seeuws & Dumoni, (Sophia Sceutes, Mary DrimonI,) millinery. Royal c. Bienville Segasaie Jean, dairy, Broad c.0nzaga,d.3 Segel Ambrose, 2;rocer, Eighth c.Constancc Segel Andrew, 123 Daupnine Segejken T. G. lab., St. Mary n. Magazine Segcr A. B. Capi., vice president N. O. O. & G. W. R. R. Co., Old Levee c. St. Peter, d. Algiers Seger Betij shoemaker, 269 Mandevillc Seger Chs. warehouseman, 256 St. Philip Seger E. sausage maki-r. Ninth Segeur Eloise, 327 Liberty SEG 400 SEL Seghers Julian, atty. at law, 149 Bourbon Segond P. D. com. mer. 35 Carondelet S^goiid P. Mrs. 84 St. Poter Segot Edward, 69 Laharpe Segot Edward, Roman n. Laharjje Segou Urania, f. w. c. 498 Old Levee Segras C. E. & Co. 81 GravJer Segrue James, lab., Melpomene n.Mag^nolia Seguela A. shoemaker, 87 St. Peter Segui Bernard, 366 Rampart, d. 3 Segui Gabriel, c. h. 237 Old Levee, d. 2 Segai Joseph Mrs. 109 Spain Segui Joseph, 147 Frenchmen Seguin Henry, painter, 476 Bourbon Seguin Henry,overseerof whf.2fl5 Euterpe Seguin James, builder, 365 Marigny Seguin John, cooper, Main c. Claiborne Seguin J. F. Dr. 92 Poydras, d. 235 Carondelet Seguina Henry, Euterpe n. Liberty Segur James, brakesman, Melpomene n. Magnolia Segour John, moulder, Melpomene n. Magnolia Segura Antoine, f. m. c. plasterer, Felicity n. Howard Segura Emile, f. m. c Felicity n. Howard Segura E. D. flour dealer, 34 Gravier, d. Jackson c. Laurel Segura Louis S. 34 Gravier, d. 21 Race Seher C. beer h. 66 St. Philip Seher Geo. carpenter, 288 Conti Sehner Charles, iaiior, 358 Old Levee, d.3 Sehorn H. M. painter, 72 Liberty Sehrt H. P. W. cigars, 132 Poydras Seibel L. butcher, 4 Poydras market Seibel Nicholas, butcher, 77 French mkt. Seibert Adam, c. h. Seventh c. Water Soibert D. c.h. Tchoupitoulas c. Soraparu Seibert Jacob, cooper, Cele.ste n. St. Thomas Seibert John, lab. 216 Union Seibert Louis, c. h. New Levee c. Soraparu Seibert Michael, cooper, 27 Seventh Seibert Peter, blacksmith, 284 Liberty Seibert Philip, Spain n. Prosper Seichsnaydre Andrew Mrs. 131 Orleans Seichsnaydre E. H. Mrs. 37 Montegut Seichsnaydre M. c. p. 849 Rampart, d. 3 Seichsnaydre <). dep. sheriff, 157 Prieur Seichsnaydre R. commissary, vegetable market, d. 2 Seichsnaydre U. F. dep. sheriff, 1st dist. court, d. 427 Marais Seidel F. J. turner, 233 Chartres Seidel Geo. H. chairmaker, 34 Marigny Seidel Herman, carpenter, 104 Marigny Seidenspinner John, shoemkr. 241 Dauph'e Seidenspinner Joseph, shoemaker, 172 Front Levee, d. 3 Seidensticker J. painter, 18 Spain Seidenzahl G. tailor, 89 C.onti Seidenzahl J. A. Mrs. c. h. 48 St. Peter Seidler Lawrence, " California " c. h. 9 Gallatin Seidmark Ernest, confect. 549 Carondelet Seidmark Regina, embroid 549 Carondelet Seidrick Sebastian Mrs. 27 St. Ferdinand Seigel S. Mrs., Sixth n. Coliseum Seiger Geo. bakery, Josephine c. Liberty Seigfrieds Jacques, com. mer. 85 Common Seiglan Simon, restaurant, 11 Madison Seigle Andre, lab., Josephine n. Coliseum Seigle Ambrose, gro., Constance c. Seventh Seigle John, dairy, Clara n. Thalia Seigle Philip, laborer, 287 Howard Seignouret A. 47 Conti Seignouret Celeste, f. w. c. 90 Claiborne Seignouret E., ( Cavaroc S{ Co.) 144 Royal Seignouret J. Mrs., Bayou bridge Seignouret James, f.m.c. 363 Burgundy, d.3 Seil Peter, grocer, Third c. Dryades Seiland Daniel, Constance n. Laurel Seller Anthony, 291 Carondelet Seiler Conrad, ( Tliiele &f Seller,) 20 Union, d. 224 Dauphine Seiler Francis,clk., Melpomene n.Const'ce Seiler Frederick, acct. 77 Common Seiler James, Laurel n. Napoleon av. J.C. Seiler John, porter. Citizens' bank, d. 294 Carondelet Seiler John, wareh'man, 318 Terpsichore Seiler Joseph H. furniture, 326 Josephine Seller N. grocer. New Levee c. Cadiz, J.C. Seiler Peter, grocer, New Levee c. Bel Cas- tle, Jeflerson City Seiler Sebastian, editor German weekly, 871^ Customhouse, d. 74 Calliope Seiltz Sebastian, tailor, 447 Claiborne Seim Frederick, lab. 96 Clouet Seim Michael, laborer, 66 Music Seiner Frank A. clerk, 1 Customhouse Seirin Peter, gardner, Valmont c. Jersey, Jefferson City Seither Joseph, poulterer, 384 Chartres, d.3 Seither M. cistern maker, 115 Jackson Seifz Caroline Mrs., Ninth c. Fulton Seitz F. carrier, d. 355 Elysian Fields Seitz Jacob, laljorer, 379 Dauphine, d. 3 Seitz Jacob, baker, 138 Orleans Seitz Jacob, barkeeper, 194 Tchoupitoulas Seitz John P. Mrs. c. h. 143 Frenchmen Seitz Louis A. 55 Annette Seitz Louis, cook, 62 Annette Seitz S., Claiborne c. St. Bernard Seixas C. L. & Co., (Charles L. Seixas, Mexander W. Hodge,) grocers, 183 Canal, d. 79 Melpomene Seixas Henry, clerk, 79 Canal Seixas J. M., (Gladden &{ Seixas,) 159 Gravier Seixchnayder C. 0. clerk, 20 St. Charles, d. 425 Robertson, d. 3 Seixchnaydre B. dep. sheriff, 220 Elysian Fields Seixchnaydre Edmund Mrs., Montegut n. Chartres Sejour H. Mrs. dry goods. Burgundy c. St. Philip Sejour H. f. m. c. Claiborne n. Columbus Sejour John P. f. m. c. 367 Rampart, d. 3 S-^jour Louis, dry goods, 115 St. Philip Sejourson M. teacher, Peter, Algiers Sel Frank, clerk, 82 Poydras Sel J. elk. 103 Canal, d. 342 Dauphine, d.3 SEL 401 SEV Sd Philip, drayman, 137 Chippewa Si'lienslier Charles, carpt, St. Peter n.Pricur Seligmaii, Meyer, 67 Basin, d. 2 Seligny M. 124 Ramjtart, d. 2 Selius John, laborer, 39 Marigny Si'llassier Gaspard, turner, J32 Carondelet Selleck S. S. Capl. 3fl Orange Sellen Jaooh, wheelwright, Magazine n. Milan, Jeff. City Sellen P. wheelwright, Julia n. Claiborne Seller Elizabeth Mrs. 157 St. Mary Si'lles Anthony, 67 St Anthony Selles Francjois, 67 St. Anthony S.'lles Michael, 67 St. Anthony Sellier Mrs. midwife, 366 Bourbon Sellier N. bottles, 366 Bourbon Sellinger Charles, carp. 422 St. Ann Sellinger Joseph, cabman, 257 St. Philip SelHs Alexander, lab. Moreau n. Poet Sellman C. stables, 164 Gravier Sellman Christian, carriages to hire, 308 Rampart Selm Loon, tailor, Tchoupitoulasn. Felicity Selph C. Mcllae, atty. at law, 37 Camp Selph Sarah H. Mrs., St. Andrew n. Laurel Selph Walter, clerk, 74 Magazine ."-elizer Jacob, Mandeville n. Girod Seltzer John, cartman, 498 Chartres, d. 3 Sehzer Philip, 128 Washington, d 3 Seltzner John, driver, Johnson n. Main Semel A. c. h. Chartres c. St. Philip Simler Frank, lab. 112 Indepcnd(Mice Semmes A. G. atty. at law, 81 St. Charles, d. 262 Camp Semmes A. J. Dr., Charity Hospital, d. Annunciation c. Melpomene Semmes Jacob, drayman, 58 St. Mary Srmmes Samuel S. atty. d. 142 Annunc'n. Semmes Spencer, attorney at law, 81 St. Charles, d. City hotel Semmes T. J. atty. at law, 81 St. Charles, d. Annunciation c. Melpomene Sempe Pascal, gardener, 921 St. Claude Senijile Matt, jeweler, Poydras n. Prieur Semple Wm. M. editor N. 0. Crescent, d. St. Charles hotel Senac Antonio, shoemaker, 499 St. Ann Senac Jean, clerk, d. 110 St. Philip Senac J. butcher, 33 French market Senac Pierre, butcher, d. 49 Main Si^nat Bernard, butcher, 21 French market Senat L. butcher, 82 French market Sendos A. Mrs. 277 St. Ann Senecal Mrs. 160 Bienville Senentz G. L. b. h. 26 Orleans Sengis Mrs. 395 Ursulines Senhan Adam, sailor, 19 Gallatin Senn J. stationery, 204 Baronne Sentell & Praiher, (Geo. W. Sentell, John J\J. Praiher,) cotton factors and com. mers. 13 Carondelet Sentell George W. (Sentell Sf Praiher,) 13 Carondelet Sentis Francis, oysters, 17 Ursulines Sentoris Nicholas, 143 Marigny Seppelt Jos. cabinet maker, 93 Louisa Si-rambelaa M. oysters, Dryades op. n»kt. Seras Frank, Newton, McD. Seras George, clerk, 100 Gravier Serau John, butcher, 13 St. Mary's mkt. Serau L. butcher, 82 French market Serbin Dorothea, 304 Johnson, d. 3 Sere Antoine, 140 Spain Sere Jules, 152 Hospital Sere Leon, acct. 33 Bienville, d. 275 Espla- nade, d. 3 Sere Louis Widow, 152 Hospital Sere Peter, ship carp. Jefferson, McD. Sere Theodule, f.m.c. cigars, 249 St. Philip SereT. P. 6 Royal n. Canal Sere Victor, acct. Branch Bank, d. Main n. Marais Sereau Jean, butcher, Jersey n.Delachaise, Jeff. City Sereni V. carpenter, 239 Royal Serimana Balthazar ^. c. h. 249 Carondelet Serintin J. c. p. Bayou bridge Seroa John, butcher, 13 St. Mary's mkt. Seron Alfred, clerk, 241 Dauphine Serpas Antoine Mrs. 863 Burgundy, d. 3 SerjVas Jean, shoemkr Chartres n.Manzant Serpas Joseph, 10 Lesseps Serra J. painter, 87 St. Peter Serrail Baptist, c. h. Basin n. St. Peter Serraiiio S. fruit, 179 Camp Serraneule Paul, grocer, McDonogh Serres John, druggist, 251 Main Serricr Philip, shoemaker, 113 Bienville Serrigny Benjamin, 40 Poydras market Scrrigny John li. baker, 187 Rampart, d.l Serrill Thomas S. clerk, 35 Carondelet Serrir.iana B. B. c. h. Delord c. Carondelet Serrola John Capt., Melpomene n. Clara Servary L. F. 341 Frenchmen Servat Pascal, cattle dealer, Harmony n. Chippewa Servat P. c. h. Jefferson City Servera Jno. barkpr, St. Charles c. Poydras Servi Nicholas, Common c. Galvez Servians R. Mrs. 357 Derbigny Servis R. carpenter, 109 Erato Servito Antonio, fruits, 350 Dauphine, d. 3 Sesnen Patrick, clerk, 47 Prytania Scton Bethune, clerk, 56 Magazine Settlcmeyer Jacob, gardener, 119 Desire Setllemeyer J. lab. 552 Rampart, d. 3 Settoon VVm. B. clerk, 25 Common, d. 82 Royal Scuffert Geo. chiffonier, 226 Goodchildren Seurlc Antoine, 140 Spain Seuzeneau Charles, inspector of revenue, 116 Piety Seuzeneau Fran^ 'I'ciioupitoulas Sharp Gcd. W. soda, ]59 Common Sharp G, F. cli'rk, Ali-x it. Bouny, Alir. Sharp Jorcm'li, .loscphiiu' c. Annunciation Sharp Maria, f. w. c. 99 Pcrdido Sharp Matliias, Roussiau n. Jackson Sharp Mrs. iSindi n. Laurel Sharp Randall, scrtwnian, 43 'o St. Mary Sharji R., Annuncialion n. Richard Siuirp R. W. engineer, (irelna Sharpies John, painter, 418 Dryades Sharvin A. Mis. grocery, 114 St. .Joseph Sluiltuck Daniel, I'oyilras c. Magnolia Shaudel C, Seventh c. Annunciation Shaughnessy Ed. grocer, 211 Howard Shaughnessy .lames. Laurel n. Ninth Sluuignessy Louis, Uirod n. Elys. Fields Shaugnessy Peter, Common n. St. I'eter Shaw Alfred, teacher, 119 Franklin Shaw And. clerk, Melpomeiu.' n. Basin Shaw C. Mrs. 318 Annunciation Sluiw E. L., Poyl'arre n. I'\iucher Sliaw Franklin, jr. (John 1. Mams &f Co.) d. 80 Bourbon Shaw Henry, coffee and spice mill, 69 Foy- farre Shaw Hugh, elk. Gravier n. New Levee Shaw H. laborer, St, Peter n. Johnson Sliaw James S. Mrs., Orange n. Camp Shaw & Washburn (J. F. Shaw, C. W. Washburn,) com. mers, 56 Poydras Shaw J. F. (Shaw &f IVashburn,) d. 311 Magazine Shaw John R. (Benoisl, Shaw Sf Co.) d, 167 Camp Shaw L. C, lilacksmith, 232 Girod Shaw .Mat. ship carpenter, l^avergne,Alg. Shaw Philip A, wholes'le grocer and com. mer. 24 Fultun and 23 Front, d. 1, d. 219 Carondert Mrs. 63 Constance Shinevan Nichol, furniture cart, 315 Mel- pomene Shinick Richard, lab. 593 Bnrgundy, d. 3 Siiiphorst Jno. shoemkr. 397 Customhouse Shipley Benjamin, cook, 311 Main Shiiipers' Cotton Press, Henderson b. Front and New Levee Shirman F. Chippewa near Washington Shlauch F. provisions, 103 St. Mary's mkt Shneider Geo. c. h. Roliin c. Tchoup. ShoeftVer Geo. C, Brainard n. Philip Shoell F. l)utrher, 19 Dryades market Siioemakcr Chas. hat dealer, 190 Terpsi- chore Shoemaker C. dairy, Jefferson City Shoemaker Henry Mrs. 318 Baronne Shoemaker Mrs. 221 Erato Shoemaker Wm. pilot, Terpsichore near Dryades Shoembacher Charles, lab. 135 Chippewa Shollenburg Henry, carp. 335 Melpomene Shondl Jerome, c. h. Patterson, Algiers Shonekas Fredk, shoemaker, 112 Prytania Shooter Thomas, 259 Common Siiopp Christ, butcher, 10 St. Mary's mkt Shorey J. F. clerk express office, under St. Charles hotel Short Adam, Sixth near Fulton Short John, drayman, 379 Perdido Short 0. laborer, 663 St. Claude Sliort R. H. & Co. (R. S. Howard,) com. mers. 74 Camp,d. Fourth, c. Prytania Short Samuel, Customs, d. 132 Dryades Short Wm., Seventh near St. Thomas Shortil Wm. lab. Felicity n. Constance Shortridge J. P. (Pcnn Sc Shortridge,) Union cotton press. New Levee c. Terpsichore, d. 171 Annunciation Shotweli Wm. carpenter, 306 Calliope Siioiz Adam, Sixth near Fulton Shouklice J. B. c. h. and b. h. 85 Liberty Shrave L. J. shoemaker, 255 Julia Shrevtzer Simon, locksmith, 24 S. Market Shrimpf Henry, shoemk. 339 Melpomene Shroenar Rodolph, (lioes ^- Sliroeder,) Carrollton Shropshire John E. elk. Gravier c. Tchou- pitoulas, d. 232 Carondelet Shroth Henry, news carrier, 76Moreau Shrout Michael, Moreau n. Spain Shulielsky Harting, clerk, 69 Common Shuhcr Francis, commis'y. Magazine mkt. Shubert Isaac H. architect, 219 Girod Shuk Christian, lab. 105 Erato Shiiler Charles, barber, 93 Levee, d. 3 Shiiler Jacob, mate, Annunciation n. Kighth Shiiler John P. barber, 129 F^ranklin Shuling George, shoemkr. 119 Carondelet 27 Shulte Joseph, tailor, Johnson n. Canal Shuitz Ferd. crockery, 100 Rampart, d. 1 Shultz Henry, lab. Toledano n. Fulton Shuitz Mary A. Mrs., Prieur n. Bienville Shumacher Henry, beer h. Villeri?, Algiers Shumate Jacob, lab. 363 Thalia Shumer Margaret, grocery. Cypress cor. Claiborne Shumer N. dairy. Cypress n. Johnson Shumway Alpheus, clerk, 72 Canal, d. St. Charles c. Julia Shumway Chas. collector, 347 Thalia Shumway Geo.S. (Shumway &; Hncs.jd. 139 Girod SHUMWAY & HEWS, (Geo. S. Shumway, G. W. Hews,) Fur- niture Warehouse, 47 Royal. Hair, Spring and Moss Mat- tresses, made to order. Var- nish, Hair Cloth, and Feath- ers for sale. Shumway Samuel A., Old Levee c. Bien- ville, d. 485 Carondelet Shurtleff Daniel W. jeweler, 249 Girod Shute Edward, draym. Fulton op. Adele Shute Geo. B. com. mer. 3^^ Carondelet Shute J. D. 187 Canal Shute Theodore, steamboat agent, 75 Ca- rondelet, d. 187 Canal Shuter Thomas, shoemaker. Common n. Liberty Shutler Chas. feed, Jefferson City Shutley Jos. oysters and fruit, Prytania c. Polymnia Shwartz Isaac A. tailor, Tchoupitoulas c. Orange Shwartz, Kaufman & Co. (Jl. Shwartz, S. Kaufman, S. Block,) wholesale dry goods, 25 Chartres Shwartz A. ( Shwartz, Kaufman &r Co.) d. 130 Rampart Shwartz Louis, (Lehman, Shwartz Sf Co.) d. 69 Basin, d. 2 SIBBALD & SANBORN, (J. G. Sibbald, G. B. Sanborn,) Bl}^ Magazine street, (up stairs,) Importers of Linens, Dam- asks, Cambrics, Swiss Mus- lins, Linen Lawns, Nainsooks, Cambrics,Handkerchiefs, &c. Sibel Nicholas, 77 French market Siben John, milk, Urquhart n. St. Ferdinand Sibeidt John, oils, 64 and 66 Commerce Sibilil Jacob, 62 Canal, d. Constance n. Wasiiington Sibley Abigail, 232 Howard Sibley John T. clerk, 27 Carondelet, d. 379 Baronne Sibley Wm. L. 502 Chartres Sicard D. Capt., St. Anthony n. Prosper SIC 406 SIM Sicard J. B. barber, 197 Cliartres Siranl Marceli'n, Jena n. Chfstnut, J. C. Sick Geoig-ejab. Frenchmen c. Libereaux Sickfort Mary L. Mrs., Jospehine n. Lo- cust Sickman Henry, lab. Prieur n. Bienville Sicinger Geo. lab. St. Mary n. C;hippewa Siddoiis .las. c. h. Delord c. Franklin SiddoMs Hannah Mrs. c. h. Liberty c.Eu- phmsine Sidell W. H. chief engineer La. Tchuan- terec Co. 67 Gravier Sidle Samuel, grocer, Camp c. Julia Sidmacii Ernst, Carondelet c. Third Sidney Mary Mrs. 332 Franklin Siebrandt A. gilder, M3 Carondelet Siebrandt Mrs. midwifi, 139 Carondelet Siebrecht H. J. clerk, 33 Royal, d. Com- mon c. Marais SIEBRECHT H. N., Importer and Manufacturer of Uphols- tery and fine Furniture, 35 & 37 Royal, d. 276 Common. Seidentopf Chas. book keeper, (j7 Canal Sieder Frank, lab. Chippewa n. Fourth Siefer A. tailor, 234 Rampart, d. 2 Siefert S. Mrs. 97 Piety Siefert Wm. J. confectioner, 338 Caron- delet, d. 307 Franklin Siefwess Frederick, crockery, Villere,Alg. Sieg Chas. A. clerk, 58 Customhouse Sieg Chas. A. 99 Gravier Siegel Ambrose, grocer, 375 Constance Siegel Geo. baker, 443 Dryades Siegel Jacob, grocer, Jackson n. Howard Sieger Roman, shoemkr. 213 Gravier Siegert G. cabinetmkr. 335 St. Louis Siegler Geo. baker, Liberty n. Josephine Siekfort John, lab Joseplune n. St. Chas. Siekinger A., Jena c. Levee, Jeff. City Siekinger Geo. cooper, Fulton n.St.Mary Siekmann A. clothing, 15 Front Levee.d. 2 Sieman C. F. 133 Port v Sieman Geo. Capt. 47 Frenchmen Sienar Clemence, drayman, 80 St. Philip Siener F. A clerk, Tonti n. St. Ann ^i.■ner Mrs. midwife, 62 St. Philip Sier Bernard, grocer, 806 Rampart, d. 3 Sieran Augiiste, 42 Burgundy, Siesfeld Max, clerk, 40 Conde Sietz P. E.Mrs., Frenchmen c.Goodchild'n Siftz S. 140 St. Ann Sieviking Henry, lamplighter, 131 Annette Sievers F. br. h. 22 Levee, d. 3 Sievers F. W., Josephine n. Chippewa Sievers Mary Mrs. 208 St. Thomas Siewerssen F. d. 377 Elysian Fields Siezler Henry, lab. 112 Piety Sigalovich E. cigar mkr. 839 New Levee Sigg E. grocer, Robertson c. Main Sigman Henry, 38 Prieur, d. 2 Signer John, engineer, 266 Melpomene Signey Mary Mrs. 332 Franklin Signouret Jos. Mrs. 81 Claiborne Sigrist Joseph, gardener, London av, c. Virtue Sigur L. J. Mrs. 5 St. Peter Silars .Alex, screwman, 56 Spain Siles Jx)S. lab. 497 Old Levee Silberer Christian, tailor, 88 Felicity Silcox Reuben, brickl'r,John.son n. Gravier Silk Fanny Mrs., Constance n. First Silkenstadt & Co. (J. G. Silkenstaclt, A. Frcvishs,) com. mers. 39 Carondelet Sill Jno. cooper, Aiiiumcia'n n. St. Andw Siller John B., Terpsichore n. Dryades Sillinger Carl, carp. 420 Orleans Sillingery Frank, lab. 42 Enghien Silsa P. 128 Wa.shington avenue, d. 3 Silva Antonio, laborer, 27 Marigny Silva Antonio, 492 Villere d. 3 Silva Auguste, j)ainter, 117 Frenchmen Silva Emile, barber, Crossman c. Levee Silva Francisco, cigars, 446 Rampart, d. 3 Silva Frank, lab. 38 Spain Silva Frank, fruit, 507 Royal, d. 3 Silva George, 379 Rampart, d. 3 Silva James, Capt., Calliope n. Liberty Silva John, 349 Burgundy Silva John, screwman, 56 Mandeville Silva John, clerk, 102 Ursulines Silva John, 46 St. Philip Silva John, laborer, 103 Marigny Silva Johi F. stevedore, 439 Chartres,d.3 Silva Juan de, oysters, Customhs. c. Basin Silva Lopez H. cigars, 88 Royal, d. 210 St. Philip Silva Manuel, screwman, 148 Mandeville Silva Manuel, laborer, 219 Bourbon Silva Mary Mrs., Arinuiiciatiot) n. Richard Silva U. H. 210 St. Philip Silvain A. painter, 82 Hospital Silvain J. Mrs. 428 St. Claude Silvard Pascal, Harmony n. Chippewa Silveigne Antoine, milk, Lapeyrouse n. Roman Silver A., Claiborne n. Annette Silver Frank,caulker,Stguin n. Peter, Alg's Silver John, printer, 312 Barunne Silver J. C, Customhouse c. Roman Silver M. D. laborer, 506 Dauphine, d. 3 Silverside Robt. carpt. Dufosset n. Plaque- mine, Jefferson City Silverstein L. 203 Tchoupitoulas Silverstein S. watchmaker, 154 Poydras Silverthorn Nathan, Gravier c. JN. Levee Silves E. 30 Urquhart Silvera Inez, laborer, 34 Urquhart Silvy Xavier, cook. 111 Bienville Silzle Mat. stereotype foundry ,90 Poydras Sim Wm. 463 Royal Simaunet F. book keeper, 30 Old Levee Simcox M. Mrs. 78 Mandeville . Simcox Thomas, laborer, 78 Mandeville Simeon Auguste, f. m. c. 456 Canal Simeon Margaret, Mrs. grocery, Perdido c. Bertrand Simeon R. 46 Poydras market Simeon X., Bertrand c. Perdido Simi^re T. E. f. m. c. Broad n. Esplanade Similien N. c. p. Union n. Girod SIM 407 SIN Simmons A., St. Andrew n. Dryadcs Simmons A. J. engineer, Euterpe n. St. Charles Simmons & Co. (Joseph W. Simmons, W. H. Kneves,) com. mers. and western produce, 32 New Levee Simniiins James, painter, Decatur, McD Simmons John, drayman, 86 Orange Simmons J, H. clerk, Alabama Press Simmons Josejih, clerk, 152 Anininciation Simmons Kohcrt, lab. 4H9 Daupliine, d. 3 Simmons R. W (Moore &[ Simmons,) d. 152 Annunciation Simmons Theresa Mrs. grocery, St. Mary c. Laurel Simmons Thomas M. (Moore Sf Simmons,) d. 152 Annunciation Simmons Wm. b. h. 17 St. Joseph Simms Ann, f. w. c. Q6 Rampart Simms B. F. & Smith, ( R. Lawlcr Smith,) brokers, 38 Natchez, d. 240 Common Simms Hannah Mrs. dry goods, 219 Mel- pomene Simms Jacob, marble worker, 264 Girod Siinms John, 113 Religious Sims Philip, (Feet, S'unms S{ Co.) 23 and 25 M;tgazine Simms R. H. L., Magazine n. Orange Simms Thomas, ( Biscoe &,• Simins,) 15, 17 and 19 New Levee, d. 284 Camp Simms William, cabinet maker, 45 Royal Simms Wm. gardener, 103 Melpomene Simon Alexander, St. Peter c. Rampart Simon Antoine, f. m. c. warehouseman, 365 Burgundy Simon Antonio, fi.sherman, 208 St. Peter Simon August, bread cart, 121 Dryades Simon A. crockery and tin, 135 St. Peter Simon Benedict, (Pessou Sf Simon,) 116 Exchange place Simon & Brother, dry goods, 61 Chartres Simon Charles Mrs. 189 St. Philip Simon David, butcher, 20 Dryades market, d. 473 Chippewa Simon Dionis, lithographer, 115 Ex. place Simon F. instrument maker, 141 Bourbon Simon Geo,, St. Dennis n. Valence, J. C. Simon H. T. commissary, d. 445 Bour- bon, d. 3 Simon John, c. h, Conti c. Exch. place Simon John, clerk, 83 Columbus Simon Joseph, pedler, 70 Race Simon Josejih, 435 St. Ann Simon Joseph, f.V- Godcheaux, Frere Sf Co.) akery, 11 Casacalvo Simons Samuel, bt. Andrew n. Carondeiet Simons S. engineer, Jackson n. Chipju^wa Simons George, bakery. Levee n. Seventh Sinipkins James Capt. 192 Old Lc^vee Simpson A. J. engineer, 140 Laurel Simpson A. P. Mrs. 172 Delord Simpson A. P. jr, attorney at law, d. 172 Delord Simpson B. F., Philip n. Franklin Simpson David E. dry goods. Magazine n. St. Mary SIMPSON & DORR, (E. E. Simp- son, E. W. Dorr,) Agents for the Bagdad Saw and Planing Mills, Sash Factory, etc., near Pensacola, Florida. Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Laths, Shingles, etc. No. 11 Coving- ton Landing, New Basin Simjison Ellen A. Mrs. d. 329 Liberty Simpson E. Mrs. 240 Poydras Simpson George, d. 119 Josephine Simpson G. W. d. 100 Gasquet Simpson Uy. sliipwright, Delaronde, Alg. Simpson Hiiiry Mrs. 361 Old Levee Simpson James, 367 Daujihine Simpson James, lab. 446 Claiborne, d. 3 Simpson John, cle'rk, 11 Chartres Simpson Jno.Ccarriage trmr, 232 Rampart Simpson John M. 64 Camndelet Simpson M. M. (J. L. Levy Sf Simpson,) 79 Common, and president, etc. Jew- ish Widows and Orphans,' Home, d. Prytania c. Erato Simjison S. E. carp. 352 Ramnnrt, d. 1 Simpson Theodore, lab. 578 New Levee Simpson William, 60 I'nion, d. 3 Sims liennet, clerk, 34 Perdido Sims David, steward, 216 St. Philip Sims J. C. cli'rk, 155 Common Suns John, laborer, 113 Religious Sims T. C. clerk, 9 Magazine Sims Wm. H. machinist, 236 Howard, d.l Simson J. H. carpenter, Delaronde, Alg. Sinclair Andrew, baker, 103 Marigny SIN 408 SLA Sinclair Duncan, builder, 350 Canal Sinclair Ernest, accountant, 98 Gasquet Sinclair James Dr., 213 Rampart, d. 1 Sinclair John, tailor, 84 Customhouse, d. 362 Customhouse Sinclair William, clerk, 554 Royal, d. 3 Sindes Herman, tailor. Desire n.jRampart Sindos A. 42 Columbus Sindos Emile, elk. 122 Canal Singer David J. baker, Fourth n. Chippewa Singer Fred, vegetables, 22 Dryades mkt. Singer Henry, carpenter, 74 Prieur, d. 2 Singer Henry, cooper. Second n.Annun. Singer H. gro'y, St. Charles n. Melpomene Singer John, drayman, 223 St. Thomas Singer John B. tailor, 105 Marais Singer John H. clothing, 90 Levee, d. 3 Singer J. B. grocer, St. Mary c. St.Chas. Singer J. D. baker, Fourth n. Chippewa Singer P. A. c. h. New Levee c. Wash'n SINGER'S SEWING MA- CHINES, Walter Bennett, Agent, No. 156 Canal street Singes Jean B. 246 Bayou road Singleton Charles B., ( Singleton &f Clack,) Natchez c. Camp, d. 265 Mag. Singleton Geo. f. m. c. barber, 153 Perdido Singleton James, plasterer, 230 Calliope Singleton Robt. lab., Bolivar n. Poydras Singran Thomas, Sixth n. Laurel Sinham Adam, tailor, 42 Girod Sinner Nicholas, trader, 302 St. Louis Sinnott David, engineer. Felicity n. Benton Sinnott J as. B. elk. Lafayette c.Commerce Sinnott John, 192 Locust Sinnott John C. harbormaster, 108 Gravier, d. 252 Melpomene Sinnott John P. 347 Magazine Sinnott N. jr. 164 Elysian Fields Sinnott Richard Capt. 252 Melpomene Sinnott Thos. 280 Poydras Sinnott William P. 401 Magazine Sintos Christophe, 57 Union Sintos Francis,oysters,239 Old Levee,d.3, d. 186 Ursulines Sintis Miguel, c. h. Calliope c. Levee Sion Mardus, lab. 103 Mandeville Sipher Wm. H. salesman, 329 Liberty Sippel C. B. grocer, Baronne n. Third Sippel L. T. carpenter, Louisa n. Rampart Sipple John, eggs, Lafayette n. Freret Siri Bftptiste, Main n. Galvez Sirille W. harness maker, Goodchildren c. St. Anthony Sirjacques Charles, elk. 51 Tchoupitoulas Sirugue Henry, carp. 136 Orleans Sisa Lawrence, c. h. Parent c. Julia Sise Chas. F.( Jenkins &/■ Co.) 122 Gravier Sisson H. C. engineer, I'iety n. Burgundy Sisson P. F. Mrs., Soraparu n. Fulton Sisters' Convent Notre Dame, Constance SisunP. drayman, d. 374 Annunciation Sitges Francisco, c. h. 127 Rampart Sitges Gabriel, c. h. 237 Old Levee Sitges Marcus, c. h. Levee c. Madison, d. 85 St. Philip Sivecking H. br.h. Bayou road c. Johnson Sivera Benj. lab. 293 Old Levee Siversan John, clerk, 126 Canal Sivertson John D. clockmaker, 333 Front Sivord C. Mrs. 52 Montegut Sivola Francois, lab. 16 Peace Sivon Joseph Mrs. 69 St. Anjiony Sizan A. cigar mkr. Lafayette n. Galvez SIZER GEO.W., Dealer in Agri- cultural and Horticultural Implements and Machinery, French Burr and Cologne Mill Stones, Bolting Cloths, Mill Irons, Gin Gearing, Corn and Flouring Mills, Horse Powers, Threshers, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Chains, Iron Axles, etc., etc., d. 250 Canal Skahan Alexander, lab. 34 Religious Skahan Bridget, dressmaker, 212 Thalia Skahan Mary IVIrs. grocery, 194 Delord. Skane Bridget Mrs. dress maker, 177 Thalia Skardon Ambrose W. clerk, 45 Front Skeahan Thos. J. clerk, 82 Carondelet Skeels Harvey B., Eighth n. Magazine Skeiene Margaret Mrs.groc.269 Magazine Skein Alexander, St. James n. Chippewa Skein Sarah Mrs. 358 Rampart, d. 3 Skellet James, 197 Dryades Skelley James, grocer. Cypress c. Clara Skelly Michael, lab. St. James n. Chippewa Skelton John, 205 Calliope Skelton Wm. R., St. Charles c. La. av. Skerl H. T. clerk, 41 Carondelet Skerrett Geo. W. painter, 463 Carondelet Skidmore B. F. pruiter, 76 Camp,d. Philip c. Franklin Skidmore Geo. W. clerk, 47 Carondelet Skinger Eugene, cabinet maker, 55 Royal Skinnavie Gaspard,59 Mandeville Skinner C. P. Mrs. 80 Lafayette Skinner George, painter, Harmony n. Ca- rondelet Skinner Henry, engineer, 677 Royal, d. 3 Skinner J. M., Union n. Goodchildren Skinner Thos. grocer, Perdido c. Bolivar Skinner William, ornamental painter, J. R. R. depot Skipper Henry, painter, 70 Marigny Skipwith P. H. com. mer. 59 Carondelet, d. 542 Carondelet Slack James W. trader, 99 Adeline Slade Harriet Mrs. 126 Bolivar Slark Robt. A. (Slark, Slauffer Sf Co.) d. 132 Annunciation Slark Robert, (Slark, Stauffer Sf Co.) 81 Annunciation Slater Abraham, f. m. c. 42 Derbigny Slater Herman, 206 Lafayette SLA 409 SMI CLARK, STAUFFER & Ca, (Robei't Slark, Isaac H. Stauf- fer, Wm. A. Kent, J. K. Hoyt, Charles Macready, Robt. A. Slark,) Importers and Deal- ers in Hardware, Iron, Tin Plate, etc. Agents for Page's Patent Portable Saw Mills, La Vieille Montague Zinc Co., also Manufacturers of Sheet Zinc and Pure French Zinc Paint, No. 71 late 64 Ca- nal, II to 23 Dorsiere, and 52 to 56 Customhouse. Slater James E. com. mer. 92 Gravier, d. 46.') Constance Slatrr Samuei W. book binder, 2.3 Com- mercial place, d. 423 Hospital Slator M..T.clk.44 O.LevL'e,d..322 Bienville Slatter S. E.d. City Hotel Slattcry .Tohn, lab.' 4.38 Chartres Slattery John, lab. 117 Treme, d. 2 Slattcry M. J. 11 I.alayptte Slaughter Joseph, 362 Bury:undy Slaughter Walker, engineer, 110 Montegnt Slaughter W. S. (Mex. Smilli S,- Co.; 60 Carondi let Slautey Mathew, lab. 99 St. Thomas Slawson Anisey L. elk. Canal c.Robertson Slawson H. 693 Royal Slawson John, 636 Roval Slawson J. B. (Wond,'Van mckle Sf Co.) 309 Canal, d. 268 Canal Slawson J. B. jr. Bayou road n.Dorgenois Sleade John Capt. 245 St. Louis Sleatu Wm. P. porter, 92 St. Joseph Slenimer .Tohn, wharfinger, 410 Bienville Slommer John, barkeeper, 369 0. Levee, d. 3 Slemmory MatildaMrs.,St.Mary n. Laurel Slemons T. W. produce broker, 848 A'ew Levee, d. St. Andrew n. Chippewa Slenser Anth'y, baker, Melpomene n. Clara Sievin Edward, c. h. 176 Poydras Slevin Patrick, speculator, 29 Calliope Slidell John, 128 Esplanade Slidell Thomas, atly. at law, 5 Carondelet Sliger Samuel, c h. 107 Front Slingerland E. Mrs., Palmyra c. Johnson Slinktish C, Fourth n. Annunciation Sloan Christopher, 26 Montegut Sloan Henry, Inb. Erato n. Annunciation Sloan Joseph S. ( De la Rue S{ SloanJ 90 Common, d. 24.'> Baronne Sloan R. Miss, 224 Ursulines Slocomb C. Mrs. 145 St. Charles Slocomb C. H. & Co. (//. F. naldwin, J. W. Satniders,) hardware, 74 (3anal, .50 and .W Common, d. 14.") St. Charles Slohan C. laborer, ;<2 Port Slommery D. J. lab. Ill Clouet Sloo Thomas, president Sun Mutual Ins. Co. Camp c. Common, d. 238 Camp Slolz F. collector, 77 Julia Slouty F. keeper First Justice's Court, 77 Julia, d.271 Melpomene Small C. ship carpenter, Delaronde, Alg. Small Matthew, lab. 162 Chippewa Smart J. C.-c. p. 234 Customhouse Smedes Ch^es E. (Giffcn, Smedes Sc Co.) 153 Common Smedes E. B., First c. Prytania Smedes George, 153 Commnn Smidih Nicholas, plasterer, 579 Constance Smith Abraham Capt. 324 Conti Smith Allen, engineer, 165 Main Smith Allen C. clerk, 366 Rampart Smith Alex, shoemaker, 92 Canal Smith Alex. lab. 54 Annunciation Smith Ali'X. book keeper. Southern Bank Smith Alex. & Co.f' IV. !S. Slaughter, Lucius B. Johnson,) cotton factors and com. mers. 60 Carondelet Smith Andrew, carpenter, 400 Perdido Smith Andrew, laborer, Prieur n.Gasquet Smith Andrew W. (S. Smith &( Co.) 37 Camp d. Magazine, c. Robin Smith Ann, 291 Poydras Smith Augustus, lab. 491 Burgundy, d. 3 Smith August, cook, 313 St. Louis Smith A. Mrs. 110 Girod Smith A. C. clerk, Magazine c. Gravier, d. 252 Erato Smith A. Capt. 270 St. Philip Smith A. T., Melpomene n. Baronne Smith A. W. 291 St. Thomas Smith Barbara, 97 St. Mary's market Smith B. F. dentist, 160 Canal Smith & Brother, ( Chas. li. and J\Ioms If. Smith,) saddlery, 84 Canal Smith Catherine Mrs., Josephine n. Laurel Smith Chas. shipwright, McDonogh Smith Charles, porter, 53 Camp Smith Charles, mate, b5 Louisa Smith Charles, painter, 77 Poydras Smith Charles, seaman, 38 (Jongress Smith Charles, furniture car, foydras c. Bolivar Smith Charles A., Liberty n. Philip Smith Chas. steward, 34ti Howard Smith Chas. A. primer, d. 3!*4 Felicity Smith Chas. E. clerk, 71 Tchoupitoulas Smith Clement, bricklayer, Baronne n. Third Smith C H. factor and com. merchant, 138 Common Smith C. Mrs. d.83 Elysian Fields Smith David, lab. Goodchildren n. Spain Smith David, carp. O. R. R. depot. Algiers Smith David M., Cypress n. Roman Smith D. W. chrk, Fulton c. Common Smith Edward, jiaiiiter, 291 Poydras Smith Kdward Cajit. 280 Customhouse Smith Elizabeth, 152 Bienville Smith Elizabeth, Claiborne n. Esplanade Smith Elizabeth, f. w. c. 35 Gasquet Smith Eliza Miss, furnished rooms, 82 Ramjiarl Smith Ellen, 363 Old Levee Smith Mrs. 264 Annunciation Sntith Ejiaph C. printer, 70 Camp SMI 410 SMI Smith Eneas, (Smith &{■ Johnson,) 8 Ca- rondelet Smith Erastus Mrs., Prytania n. Jackson Smith Eugenia, f. w. c. '275 tlrsulines Smith E. A. carpenter, Madison c. New- ton, McUonogh '.ji Smith E. C. printer, 91 Gaiennie Smith E. L clerk, 126 Canal Smith K. R. clerk, Pacanier c. Terpsichore Smith Francis, shoemaker, Washington n. Annunciation Smith Francis C clerk J. R. R. Smitn Francis, 44 Gasquet Smith Frank,clerk,d.Freretn. Melpomene Smith Frank P. steward, 175 Richard Smith F. cupper and bleeder, 251 Caron- deiet Smith F. A. clerk. Planters Press Smith F. C. clerk, 74 Gravier, d. 124 Terpsichore Smith F. C. express wagons, d. 248 Me- pomene Smith F. F. Oapt. 44 Congress SMITH GARDNER & CO., (Gardner Smith, Isaac T. Hai't, J. B. Hendrick. Benj. P. Leefe,) continued Succes- sors to J. A. Beard & Co. Auctioneers and Appraisers, for -the sale of Real Estate, Slaves, Plantations, etc. Also, Stock Brokers and General Agents, No. 81 Common. Smith Gardner, (Gardner Smith 8f Co.) d. 418 St. Charles Smith Georgi', laborer, 90 Villere Smith George, laborer, 78 Spain Smith Geo. wood, Valence n. Live Oak, Jeff. City Smith Geo. gardener. Eighth n. St. Charles Smith Geo. pilot, Peter n. Bouny, Algiers Smith George, blacksmith. Fourth n. Chippewa Smith George W. mate, d. 56 Prieur SMITH GEO. W. Dr., Dental Surgeon, Office and residence No. 203 Canal street, one door from Rampart. Smith Geo. W. carp. 586 Annunciation Smith Gilbert H. 274Caneil Smith Gowan, f. m. c. porter Union Bank, d. St. John's route n Gentilly road Smith Henry, laborer. 41 Main Smith Henry, grocer, Josephine, c. Pry- tania Smith Henry, carpenter, 311 Morales Smith Henry, porter, 5 Old Levee Smith Henry, laborer, 190 Toulouse Smith Henry W. ( Montgomery Sf Smith,) d. 452 Baron ne Smith Home, moulder, 377 Thalia Smith Horace, 172 Rampart Smith Howard Dr. 347 late 401 Magazine Smith Howard D. bookkeeper, 21 Notre Dame, d. 359 Camp Smith Hyman, printer, 27 Commercial place, d. St. Charles c. Prytania Smith Hugh, stone cutter, 392 Felicity Smith H. F. Ursulines n. Broad Smith H. W. accountant, 87 Camp Smith H. M. Rev. 518 Chartres Smith Isaac A. (Patton, Smith 8f Putnam,) Magazine c. Gravier, d. 311 Constance Smith Ithamer, 497 Canal Smith Jacob Capt. 509 Old Levee, d. 3 Smith Jas. car inspector, Jackson R. R. depot, d. St. Andrew n. Howard Smith James, carpenter. Magnolia n. Clio Smith James, laborer, 421 Basin Smith James, screwman, 38 Marigny Smith James, 113 Elysian Fields Smith James, screwman, 139 Port Smith James, lab. St. Andrew n.New Levee Smith James, 94 Gaiennie Smith James C. 134 Gravier Smith Jane Preston, widow, 36 Roman,d.2 Smith Jane Jackson Mrs., Josephine n. Magazine Smith & Johnson, (Eneas Smith, Henry P. Johnson,) com.mers.and cotton fac- tors, 8 Carondelet Smith Job, ship carpenter, 74 Julia Smith John, mate, 153 Burgundy Smith John, 593 Burgundy Smith John, elk. Robertson n. Canal Smith John, 93 Freret Smith John, sausage maker, Seventh n. Annunciation Smith John, 78 Laurel Smith John, carpenter, Seguin n. Dela- ronde, Algiers Smith Jolin, carpenter. Felicity n.AnnuHi. Smith John, engmeer, 111 Religious Smith John, 328 Liberty Smith John, c. p. 581 Rampart, d. 3 Smith John, stevedore, 5 Mandeville Smith John, lab. 53 North Market Smith John, carpenter, 91 Gaiennie Smith John, drayman, 459 Tchoupitoulas Smith John, lab., Girod n. Robertson Smith John, cot. screwer and stevedore, 526 Dauphine, d. 3 Smith John C., (George Sf Smith,) 5 Hos- pital, d. U. S. hotel Smith John E. elk. 305 Magazine Smith John E. c. p. 223 St Louis Smith Joim H. elk. 27 Carondelet, d. 669 Royal Smith John H. clerk, 90 Gravier Smith .Tohn H. clerk, 32 Old Levee, d. 2 Smith John H. grocer, 399 Liberty Smith John M. gro.,Soraparu n Rousseau Smith John W. d. 21 Terpsichore Smith John X., Levee c. Clouet Smith Joseph, finisher, 479 Chartres, d. 3 Smith Joseph, stone cutter, 32 Baronne Smith Joseph S., (Burke &c Smith,) 5 Front Smith J. clerk, 124 Morales SMI 411 SMI Smith J., Widow, e. Claiborne & St. Louis Smith J. H. 32 Old Levoe, d. 2 Smith J. L. mate, 603 Bursjundy Smith J. P. deputy clerk of Sixth District Court, d. Josephine ii. Ma<;i;aziiie Smith J. R. pilot, St. Andrew n. Rampart Smith Li'titia Mrs. 2t!9 Melpomene SMITH, COOPER & STEB- BINS, (LothropL. Smith, W. B. Cooper, Jr., Charles Steb- bins,) No. 71 Tchoiipitoulas, Manufacturers Manilla. Tar- red Cordage, Tin Plates, Cop- per, Banca Tin, Zinc, Oakum, Cotton Duck, Chain Cables & Anchors, Paints, Linseed Oil, etc; also, India Bagging and Gunny Bags Smith Lothrop, (Smith, Cooper SfSlcbbins,) d. Washington ii. St. Charles Smith Lucie A. Mis.s, 219 Camp Smith Louis, tin smith, 377 Front Smith Louis, f, m. c. shoemaker, c. Ursu- lines and Prieur Smith Louis, shoemkr., Howard n. Calliope Smith Louis, St. Charles n. Polymnia Smith Louisa, f. w. c. 2.53 St. Louis Smith Lyman, washing fluid, 203 Rampart Smith L. blackmilh, New Levee n. iJerhn, Jetfersoii City Smith L. trader, 53 St. Mary's market, d. c. Seventh and Magazine Smith Marshall .T. & Co., ( T. .?. .ircher,) receiving and forwarding merchants, y5 Camp, d. G44 Camp Smith Martlia Mrs. 8 Union, d. 3 Smith iMartha Mrs. 252 Erato Smith Martin, drayman, Clouet n. Rampart Smith Mary, Music c. Rampart Smith Mary Mrs. dressmkg. 10 Polymnia Smith Mary, wulow, 61 Dryades Siiiith Matilda, f. w. c. 55 Barrack Smiiii Michael, lab. ]iri6 St. Thomas Smith Michael, laborer, 351 New Levee Smith Michael, lab. 161 Orleans Smith Michael, music teacher,24J Common Smith Michael, lab. 167 Foucher Smith Mina, 25 Basin, d. 2 Smith M(UTis N. elk. 12 Constance Smith Morris W., (Smilli &; Bro.JSi Canal Smith Mrs., St. Andrew n. Chestnut .-iinitli M. A. 165 Uryades Smith M. J. grocer, c. Soraparu and Kf>usseau Smith M. R. Mrs. 509 Fulton Smith Nancy, 251 Giiod Smith Nelson P. |>iiot, Philip n. Chippewa Smith Nicholas, lab., Uniuhari n.Eiighien Smith Nicholas II. elk. 12 Frcnit Levee,d.2 Smith Nora, f. w c. 383 Customhouse Smith N. S. Mrs., Josephine n. Magazine Smith Owen, cooper, Du|)r'Z c. Conli Sniiih Patrick, plasliTer, b3 Adeline Smilli Patrick, gardener, Camp n.Valmont, •lefferson CiUy Smith Patrick, b. h. 172 Tchoupitoulas Smith Patrick, painter, 168 Tchoupitoulas Smith Patrick, drayman, 45 N'illere Smith Peter, laborer, 473 Chartres, d. 3 Smith Peter, Richard n. Pacanier Smith Peter K. moulder, St. Andrew n. Liberty Smith Philip, laborer, 379 Dauphiiie, d. 3 Smith P. H. 52 St. .h)seph Smith Rob, s|iar maker, 602 Rampart Smith Robert, .350 Conti Smith Robert, d. 152 St. Louis Smith Roliert P. accountant, 37 Camp Smith Robert P. milliner, 299 Dryades .Smith Rose Ann, 239 Bourbon Smith R. screwmaii, 479 Chartres, d. 3 Smith R., Seventh n. Chestnut Smith R. H, com. mer. 82 Magazine Smith R. Lawler, ( B. F. Hhnnis &,■ Umith,) d. 152 St. Louis Smith R. T. cabinet maker, 234 Bienville Smith Samuel & Co. (.hidrew jr. Smith,) bankers, 37 Camp, d. 206 St. Charles Smith Samuel, laborer, 181 St. Thomas Smith Samuel, cigars, 148 Tchoupitoulas Smith Samuel C. blacksmith, 77 Aiinun. Smith Susan, Conrey n. St. Charles Smith S. S., c. h., c. Latayette and Front SMITH S. B. & CO. (S. B..Smith, JohnF. Kranz,)dealei-sinlce. Principal houses, Nos. 33 & 34 New Levee-st. and No. 159 OldLevee-st. also new Depots at the Soraparu Market, 4th District, and one Ice House at N. O. J. and G. N. R. R. De- pot, opposite the Exp. Office, d. Washington c. Annunc'n. Smith Theodore, painter, 390 Baronnc! Smith TJieodore C, Seventh c. Constance Smith ^Phonias, cari)enti;r, 115 and 116 New Levee Smith Thomas, laborer, 221 Franklin Smith Thomas, blacksmith, Newton n. Fourth, liretna Smith Thomas, lab. 429 Chartres, d. 3 Smith Thomas, watchman O, R. R., Alg. Smith Thomas, cab maker, 55 Royal Smith Thomas R., New Basin Smith Thomas S, mouldcT, 300 Calliope .Smith Thomas, laborer, 9 Melj)omene Smith Thomas, moulder, 167 Fourher .Smith T. B. shoemaker, 174 Dryades Smith T. A. 11 Chartres Sinitii T. B. steamboat agent, 6 Tchoupi- toulas, d. 1.55 Thalia Smith T. J. 63 Franklin Smith T. Mrs., Conti n. Tonti Smith Virginia Mrs. f. w. c. 509 Camp. Smith Waiter, porter, 84 Canal Smith William, laborer, 164 Marigny SMI 412 SON Smith William, undertaker, New Levee c. Jackson Smith William, undertaker, Chippewa n. Tolcdano, Jefferson City Smith William, laborer, 26 Port Smith William, (■ngi'r,N.O.J.&G.N.R.R. Smith William, barber, 24 Poydras Smith William, painter, 106 Baronne Smith William, laborer, 110 Rousseau Smith William, carpenter, 427 Constance Smith William, laborer, 53 Mandeville Smith William, rigging loft, 4 Marigny bids. Levee, d. 3., d. 115 Enghien Smith William, engineer, 278 Bienville Smith William, laborer, 225 St. Louis Smith William, seaman, 29 Spain Smith William, clerk, 131 Canal Smith William, 363 Old Levee Smith William bakery, 116 Felicity . Smith William, Esplanade n. Royal Smith William B. porter, 224 Lafayette Smith William C. pilot, 327 Villere, d. 3 Smith William H. engineer, 205 St. Louis Smith William H. clerk, 58 Gravier Smith William H. tobacco and com. mer. 58 Gravier Smith William M., Levee elk. 75 Calliope Smith Wm. R. elk. Canal c. New Levee Smith William T. pilot, 321 Bourbon Smith William W. mate, 411 Hospital Smith Williamson, coal, 277 Magazine Smith W. P. lumber yard. Annunciation c. Calliope, d. 28 Gaiennic Smith W. S. shoemaker, 367 Howard Smith W. T., c. p. Second c. Division Smith W. W. painter, Miro n. Poydras, d 345 St. Andrew Smithers Fanny iVlrs., Felicity n. Baronne Smithwicke W. lab. St. Andrew n.Roussi^au Smitzel Catharine Mrs. 27 Laurel, d. 4 Smoot Wm. G. drayman, 187 Delord Smyth Andrew W. Dr. 203 Camp Smyth Wm. T. printer, 87 St. James Smythe Fred. W. com. mer. 8 Carondelet, d. 440 Baronne Snacht Andw. fruit, Liberty n. Josephine Snaer Francis, variety, 229 St. (^ude Snuer Samui;l, musician, 228 Treme, d. 2 Snar Francois, cigar maker, 94 St. Claude Snakenberg John Mrs., Josephine n.Camp Siiakenberg William P. lab. 11 Lafayette Snauffer John, 42 Greatmen Snedeker Caleb, 355 St. Mary Sneleii William J. c. p. Laurel n. Third Snell Ciiarles, grocer. 115 Mandeville Snell C. shoemaker, 261 Rampart Snell Henry, carpenter, 313 Terpsichore Snell John C. shoemaker, 261 Rampart Shell John, cabinet maker, 162 Giiod Snider Frak, laborer, Roman n. St. Philip Snider Lewis, 376 Felicity Snider N. C. ( Walker Sf Snider,) 43 Union Snodgrass S<\muel, com. mer. 29 Natchez Snow C. N. laborer, 87 Piety Snow Henry, carpenter, 313 Terpsichore Showden Samuel H. clerk, 51 Mew Levee Socola A. grocer, 141 Old Levee, d. 2 Soellner John, bookkeeper, 91 Girod Soeng Wm. H. bookkeeper, 138 Common, d. 118 Julia Soery R. B. L. (Soery &{■ Co.) d. St. Joseph c. St. Charles Soery Wm. H. clerk, 27 Natchez, d. 230 St. Charles Soery William & Co. (R. B. L. Soery) com. mers. 92 Camp, d.230 St. Charles Sogl Charles, barber, 566 Magazine Sohm Carl, shoemaker, 96 Levee, d. 3 Soiry John, laborer, 84 Marigny Sokolowski Marks, glazier, 137 St. Peter Sola Stephen, clerk, 182 Chippewa Sola Thalia, f. w. c. 91 Villere Solache B. restaurant, 17 St. Philip Solam Rudolph, 13 North market Soland Fred lab. Baronne c. St. Andrew Solanger Antoine, mate, 603 Annunciation Solari Joseph, lab. 258 Old Levee, d. 3 Soldini Joseph, wines, etc. 18 Main Solbruck & Steibel, painters, Melpomene 11. Basin Solet Felicitie, f. w. c. 147 St. Philip Solet S. Mrs. 79 Conti Solis A., Goodchildren c. Bagatelle Sollinger J. soap maker, Second n. Liberty Soiling Louis, clerk, 13 Chartres Soloman B. jeweler, 170 Orleans Soloman E., St. Charles n. Thalia Soloman Joseph, Broad n. Laharpe Soloman Rafael, -shoemaker, 3 Poydras Soloman S. P. liquors, 353 Rampart, d. 3 Somboss Jos. baker, 358 Philip Somers Cornelius, cabiiiRt mkr. 98 Conti Somers John, laborer, 658 Royal, d. 3 Somers J. laborer, 625 Rampart, d. 3 Somers J. A. apothecary, Tivoli c. Delord Sommer Charles, clerk, 89 Common Sommer Charles, laborer, 161 Clouet Sommer Christian Mrs. 331 Orleans Sommer Christopher, grocery, Fourth c. • Rousseau Sommer Hermann, 60 Chartres, d. 314 St. Peter Sommer Hermann, carp. 379 Johnson Sommer Jacob, warehouseman, 149 Poet Sommer Julius R., furniture 387 Dryades .'^ommer Rein hoi, turner, 103 Tchoupit. SOMMER WILLIAM, Gas Fit- ter, 82 and 84 Baronne, Box 365 Mechanics and Dealers' Exchange, d, 141 Liberty. Sommereau E. 629 Royal Sommereau T. clerk, 629 Royal Sommers James, mate, 65 Music Sommevs John, blacksmith, 104 Calliope Sommerville William, 310 Calliope Sommei-viUe W. B. 310 Calliope Sondag Ale^c. cabinet maker, 290 Conti Sonderberg C. stevedore, 151 Mandeville Sonenmeier H. tailor, 299 Tchoupitoulas Soniac Therese, 162 Kerlerec Soniat C. ( Plontevignes Sf Sonial,) d. 135 Burgundy SON 413 SPA Soniat Charles, 135 Ursiilines Soniat \']u^eno,( Logan, Soniat S{ Claiborne,) d. 523 Chartres Soniat Jules J. acct. 57 Carondelet Soniat J. Mrs. 121 Hospital Soniat Melaney Mrs. 119 Hospital Soniat P. 40 Dauphine Soniat P. ins|iector customs, 196 Kerlerec Sonnckalb Edward, 350 Camp Sonnekalb E. g;r«cer, 288 Carondelet SonnekaU) L. & Co. 22 Natcliez Sonnen Hermann, slioemkr. 90 Dauphine Sonrammaer Henry, tailor, 615 Tchoup. Sonntasrg; M. vegetables, 23 Tremf market Sontag; Gustave, clerk, 118 Canal SoperGco. K. clerk, 12 Union, d. 1 Soraparu John Baptiste, dep. coroner, 179 Bayou road Soraparu Jules, dep. sheriff, d.ll9 Barracks Sorbet Bernard, butch. 41 St. Mary 's mkt Sorbet Clara, nurse, 149 Main Sorbet Francis, butcher, 20 Magazine mkt Sorbet H. barber, 38 St. Louis Sordelet S. painter, 279 Levee Sorcnsen Fred, carpenter, 22 Montegut Soria Aaron J. clerk. Camp c. Natchez, d. 374 Burgundy Soria Cohen M. ship agent and com. mer. 121 Common, d. 239 Jackson Soria Isaac, ticket agent, J. R. R. 118 Camp, d. 116 Camp Soria Jacob, 376 Burgundy Sotin C. 192 Toulouse Soto Frank, laborer, Delord c. Foucher Sotres Santos, cigars, 218 Elysian Fields Souard P. Mrs. 326 Prieur, d. 3 Souberville P. wood and coal, 9 Esplanade Soubde John, butcher, 17 Dryades mkt Soubie A. importer of guns, etc. 160 Char- tres, d. 274 Daii'ihine Soubie A. Mrs. 274 D'uphinc Soubira J. clerk, 279 O 1 Levee, d. 2 Soubiran J. P. c. h. 67 Ijspianade Souchon E. dentist, ]~'A Bourbon Soudain Jules, car|ieiiti r, 453 St. Ann Soudier B. corset mak<'r, 100 Bourbon Soue Madam B. 104 Annunciation Souer Charles, bookkeeper, Magazine c. Poydras Sougeron Jules, discount elk. Canal Bank, d. 584 Carondrlet Sourgeron P. P. bookkeeper. Mechanics' and Traders' Bank.d. 577 Carondelet Souillard J. B. carpeiit. r, 119 St. Anthony Soukup Wm. tailor, 276 Customhouse Soulagnct J. tinsmith, 7 St. Philip Souiagnet Louis, but'her, 38 Trcme mkt Soule Eliza Mrs., Richard n. Constance Soule George, commercial collige, St. Charles c. Common, d. 351 Baronne Soule Henry, painter, 513 Dauphine, d. 3 Soule Lucien, Rampart n. Canal Soule Mrs. dressmaker, 38 Hospital Soule Nevil, atty. at law, 34 Exchange place, d. 396 Esplanade Soule Pierre, atty. at law, 34 Exchange place, (1. 396 Esplanaue Soule Pierre, butcher, 96 French market Soulet J. hardware, CImrtres c. St. Philip Souliar P. daguerreotypist, Baronne c. Poydras, d. Erato n. Freret Souliar P. car inspector,Jackson R.R.'dcpot Soulier P. 275 and 277 Liberty Soulie B. & A. com. mers. 43 Bienville, d. 301 Rampart, d. 1 Soulies J. L. cooper, 79 Levee, d. 3 Soumas D. carpt. Barracks n. Rocheblave Sourdeleis Germain, shoemaker, 296 St. Philip SOURDES & CHASSAIGNAC, (Francis E. Sourdes, E. Chas- saignac,) successors to T. E. Benoit, 70 late 78 Chartres street, sole Wholesale Agents of the celebrated Piano Forte of Henri Herz. Sourdes Francis E. (Sourdes &f Chaissaig- nac,) d. 312 Chartres Sourdes P. D. clerk, 63 Common, d. 312 Chartres SourthesJulien, grocer, Tremec. St. Louis Souterre A. clerk, 150 St. Ann Souterre Joseph, moss dealer, McDonogh Souterre V. clerk, Ursulines n. Claiborne Southerland John, fireman, Jackson R. R'f depot Southern Advertising Agency, 22 Com- mercial place Southern Bank, 11 St. Charles Southern Billiard Rooms, 105 Gravier Southern Fire-proof Roofing Co. office 57 St. Ciiarles Southern Mutual Ins. Agency, 104 Julia Southern Oil Manufactory, Shell road c. Claiborne Southern Steamship Co. 38 Julia Southgate Fred, bookkeeper, Delta, d. 336 Carondelet Southmayd C. G. clerk, 52 Bienville, d. Philip c. Camp Southmayd Edward C, Philip c. Camp Southmayd E. C. Mr.s., Philip c. Camp Southmayed F. R. clerk, 1 Carondelet Soutra Jiis. teacher, Solidelle n. St.Antli'y Sowerby George, Delord c. Annunciation Sowers Sylvester, laborer, 447 Franklin Soye Jacques, 30 Montegut Soye Martin, 30 Montegut Soyez A. Mrs. 106 Ursulines Soyez Henry, tailor, 174 Villerc Spaan B. tailor, 37 Gaieiinie Sjiada A. watchmaker, 56 Customhouse. Spahn (Jeorge, tailor, 997 New Levee Spaith G. painter, 139 Annette Spangenberg L. cot. Ijroker, 140 Common, d. Customhouse c. Dauphine Spannheke H. dry goods, 121 Marais Spanish Con.sulate, 101 Rampart Spansel John, foreman, 6 Chifipewa Sparhawk Geo. pilot, 313 Ciiipjiewa Sparicio John B. cook, 119 Main SPA 414 SPR Sparicio Mariano, restaurant, 15 Main Sparks Alex. B. elk. New Levee c.Gravier Sparrow J. Mrs. grocery, 309 Orleans Sparwasser Elizab'h Mrs., Murket n. Levee Spath Charles, barkeeper, 192 Royal Spauiding: J. f. m. c. St. Ann n. Broad Snauliiing Larkiii, painter, Cypress n. Clara Sijaulding Wm. f. m. c. St. Ann n. Broad Spear James, laborer, 277 Common Spear Placide J. auctioneer, 92 Chartres, d. 346 Main Spear Thomas J. auctioneer, 42 Gravier, d. 68 St. Peter SPEAR THOMAS J. & CO. (H. H. Crocker,) Patent Machine- ry Agency, 42 Gravier Spearing E. F. clerk, 61 Carondelet Spearing & Co. ( H. E. Spearing, John F. Spearing,) sailmkrs. 125 F. Levee, d. 2 Spearing H. E. (Spearing 8f Co.) 125 Old Levee Spearing John F. (Spearing &f Co.) d. 144 Jackson Spearing Robert McK atty. at law, 78 Camp, d. 350 St. Charles Specht Henry, tailor, Uauphine n. France Specht Julius, upholsterer, 8 Treme, d. 2 Specht Peter, driver, 157 Religious Speck Anton, hatter, 264 Dryades Speck John, tailor, 81 Claiborne, d. 2 Spodden Robert, inspector of customs, 73 Rampart, d. 2 Speed Gotlieb, Annette n. Solidelle Speeriiig Hmiry, upholsterer, 211 Felicity Speer fdannah Mrs. b. h. 220 Baronne Spees D. B. clerk, 55 St. Charles Speirer Fred, butcher, 35 St. Mary's mkt Spelbrink Henry J. 288 Old Levee Spellicy J. A. c. p. 122 MandeviUe Speljman John, laborer, 412 0. Levee, d. 3 Spellman S. c. p. St. Anthony c. Claiborne S'pence John, I'.aulker, Elmire, Algiers Spence William, grocer, Basin c. Thalia Spencer Charles, Bourbon n. Prosper Spencer D. B. (Holmes 8f Spencer,) 7 Gra- vier Spencer John F. dentist, 173 Common .Spencer James, birds, 347 Royal Spencer John, lab. Tchoupitoulas n. Celeste Spencer J. J. birds, 213 Bourbon Spencer John W. Mrs. 68 Villere, d. 2 Spencer P. H. c. h. Levee n. Ninth Spencer Wm. painter, 426 Royal Spendler C. baskets, 292 Old Levee, d. 2 Spengler John M. tailor, c. Morales and Louise Spengler J. W. barber, Roman n. St. Ann Spengler Michael, St. Peter n. Galvez Sperior Louis Mrs. 468 Robertson, d. 3 Sperry John R. clerk, 29 Carondelet Speth Thomas, laborer, 155 Spain Spey(-rer F. cistern mkr. 227 Levee, d. 3 Spoyerer Francis, l^utcher, 33 St, Mary's market Sphor Geo. fruit dealer, 12 Main Spicer Leander, mate, 43 Frenchmen Spickman Henry, c. h. 34 South market Spier Jacob, carp. Chippewa n. Seventh Spiering H. barber, 149 Poydras Spies Adam, cooper, c. Conti and Tonti Spies Frank, barkeeper, 40 Girod Spies John, laborer, Louisa c. Claiborne Spies Michael, Melpomene n. Liberty Spicth John, shoemkr. St. Ann n. Galvez Spikerkotter Wm. b. k. Basin c. Thalia Spillman Geo. tailor, St. Peter n. Roman Spillman Henry, laborer, 91 Spain Spillane John, laborer, 412 Old Levee Spinbach Christian, Copernicus n. Front, Algiers Spindel Martin, poulterer, 492 Chartres, d. 3 Sjjindler Conrad Mrs. basket maker, 288 Chartres Spindler David, milkman, d. Josephine b. White and Laurent Spindler Jacob, painter, 647 St. Claude Spindler John, laborer, Clouet n. St. John Baptist Spindler Peter, St. Andrew n. Franklin Spindler Philip, min'l water, 119 Morales Spindler P. shoemkr. Derbigny n. St. Louis Spinell P. 109 St. Mary Spinnell P. M. clerk, 128 Tchoupitoulas Spingler David, tailor, 454 Tchoupitoulas Spiro Albert, jeweler, 103 Marais, d. 2 Spiro Joseph, grocer, 323 Old Levee, d. 2 Spisa Joseph Capt. 451 Rampart, d. 3 Spitz William, c. h. 69 Front Levee, d. 1 Spitzfaden Geo. blacksm. 25 St. Ferdinand Spitzfaden George, butcher, 7 St. Mary's market, d. 640 Annunciation Spitzfaden H. grocer. Main c. Villere Spitziniller Barbara, widow, 400 Perdido SpitzmuUer B. jeweler, 777 New Levee Splane J. 12 Enghien Splendaman Hannah Mrs. 290 Melpomene Spoerl John, dry goods, 710 Dauphine Spofford Henry M. atty. at law, 5 Com- mercial place, c. Camp, d. 177 Canal Sjjohn Henry, locksmith, 37 Rampart, d. 1 Spooner G. W. Mrs., Terpsichore n. Dry- ades Spoorer Joseph, musician, 221 Poydras Spotts Louis, f. m. c. 81 Marais Sprague Eliza, f. w. c. 283 Bienville Sprague E. watchm. Cypress n. Claiborne Sprague Frances E. 428 Baronne Sprague S. 428 Baronne Sfirague W. H. assist, surgeon, Charity Hospital Spratley Jas. H. dentist, 110 St, Charles Spratt G. VV. 122 Julia Spreen F. shoemaker, 687 New Levee Spreen 1^. baker, Terpsichore n. Magazine Spren Henry, lamplighter, 22 Jackson Spriggs E. L. carpenter, 241 Lafayette Spriggs Eliza, 258 Bienville Spring J. laborer, MandeviUe c. Rampart Spring John, clockmaker, 170 Rampart S]iring Louis, baker, 151 Terpsichore Springbett E. J. (G. .i. Fosdick Sf Co.) 43 Natchez, d. 418 St. Charles SPR 415 STA Sprin2:er C. butcher, 38 French market Springer Geo. cabinet m:ik(>r, Now Levee, c. Belcastie, Jefferson City Springer J. tailor, 204 Baronne Springer J. C. lab. Basin n. Melpomene Springer Louis, steward, Ciisiomliouse Springer Paul, carpenter, G20 Daujihine Springer Valentine, Spain c. Pr(is]>er S])ringlemeii'r John, lamplighter, Magno- liA c. Jackson Springlemeyer Heinrich J. carp. Magnolia c. Jackson Spronk John, tailor, Third n. Liberty Sproule R. & Co. clothing, 24 St. Charles Sprunk George, Third n. Liberty Spruor Jno. liii)ogra]>h grinder, Constance c. Washington Spuhler John, shoemaker, 308 Burgundy Spurle Joiin, foreman, Freret n. Perdido Squires Geo. W. sugar brokr. St. Charles n. Jackson Squires Tayldr, clerk, 14 Tchoupitoulas Squires Thomas, engineer, 35 Rousseau Stabler William, carjienter, 25 Congress Stacey Stephen, 484 Chartres Stacklin J. C. woodcutter, Third n. La- voisseur, Gretna Stack Dennis, laborer. Royal n. Congress Stack Frederick, Rampart c. Julia' Stack John, grocer, 136 Carondelet Stack John, wheelwrig. Hospital c. Roche- biave Stack Michael E. grocer, 578 Magazine Stack P. E. gro. Dryades c. Terpsichore Stack Thomas, c. p. Feficity n. Fulton Stackenger John, Chippewa n. Philip Stacker Peter, Louisa n. Front Levee Slackhouse H. pork dealer, 47 Tchoupi- toulas, d. 230 Canal Stackhouse William, 281 Poydras Staekpole Thos. lab. Barracks c. Treme Stadaiman Fred, cook, 97 Marais, d. 2 Stadeki'r Isaac, dry gds. 227 Kanijiart, d. 1 Stadelcr Peter, siioemaker, 244 Tchoup. Stadeii John, lab. 180 St. Thomas Stadlrr F. laborer, 186 St. Thomas Stadler Wendell, Sixth c. Annunciation Staechlin B. tailor, 163 Gravier Staedler Joseph, grocer, 419 Magazine Staedmann Chas. engineer. New Levee, n. Upper line, Jeff. City Staes E. 30 St. Bernard Siaes Joseph, Jackson n. Dryadea Stafford ("^nristopher R. com. mer. 23'^ Carondelet, d. 225 Magazine Stafford Eliza V. dre.ssmaker, 165 Clio Stafford Etheldreau Capt. 328 Thalia Stafford \. sec. port warden, 31 Commer- cial place S;affnrd John, ship carpenter, F,lmire,Alg. Si.iff'ird Pii-rre, ship carp. 32 Religious Stafford Saml. St. Charles c. Birfin, Jeff. Ciiv Stafforif Samuel, book keeper, 71 Camp Suifford S. tobacco, 73 St. Joseph, d. Ber- lin c, St. Charles Siiiffnrd S. D. carpenter, 351 Melpomene Stafford William, drayman, 324 Liberty Stafford William, Locust c. Melpomene Stag Captain, 273 Burgundy Stage William, 215 Ti'hidney, 55 Common Storz John, cigars, 90 Montegut Stott John, c. h. Magazine n. St. Mary Stott Charles, moulder, Lafayette n.Tliird, Gretna Stott William, fireman, Algiers Stouder Henry, opeiator Balize Telegraph, 3 Carondelet, d- 500 Old Levee, d. 3 Stouder J. lab.. Cotton Press n. Urquhart Stouder Wm. Mrs. 500 Old Levee Stoulig Peter, florist. First n. Canal av., Carrollton Stoune Wm. elk. 16 Poydras, d. Hevia c. Franklin Stouse Joseph Albert, 101 Canal Stouse T. A. com. mer. 6 Carondelet Stout Adele, Marais n, St. Philip Stout Philip Mrs., Josephine n. Baronne Stowell Luther, Broad n. Canal Stotztylsjohn.cigarmkr., Union n. Solid 'le Strack And, grocer, Jose|ihine c. Rampart Strack C. Mrs. dry gds.293 Old Levee ,d.2 Strack Jacob, clothier, 387 Rampart, d. 1 Sirackmiiller M. carpenter, 362 Howard Straeder John, porter, 141 Montegut Strahlin Peter, 125 Barracks Strakley Christian, shoemaker, 14 Com- mercial place Stramby Peter, elk., Canal-st. press Strange Adeline, f. w. c. 67 Rampart, d, 1 Strange Albert, f. m. c. tinsmith, 272 Cus- |. torn house Strf^ge W, E. cot. pickery (Tchoupitoulas c. Orange, d. 96 Chippewa Strangers' Hotel, 145 Chartres Sirasel John, con. and tinsmith, Algiers Strassenburg Jolin G. tailor, 569 Tchou]). Sirassenburg J. V. variety, Jackson n.Lau 'I Strata Giovani, 442 Raniiiart, d. 3 Stratman Henry, carpt. Thalia n. Franklin Stratman M. midwife, Felicity c. Rampart Stralmeyer A. grocer, 486 Rampart Stratmeyer Wm. c. h.. Water c.Josephine Stratton N. R. elk. 17 Camp, d.l67 Orange Straub Joseph, Prosjier n. Bourbon Slmudbach Chas. c. p. 219 Erato Strauglian J. barkpr., Fourth n. Chippewa Straup Martin, tailor, Wash'nc. Buronne Straus Adolph, j>rinter, 94 Exchange place Strauss G. tol)acconist, 122 Carondelet Strauss Jacob S. variety store, 14 St. Charles, d. 413 Gravier Strauss Jules, clerk, 235 Rampart Strauss M. tailor, 159 Franklin Strawbridge Jann s, newspaper agent, 22 Com'l |)lace, d. 166 Clio Strawbridge George Mrs. 166 Clio Strawbridge H. H, law,13 St.Chas. Strawbridge James, Snerifi's office Strawbridge J. bonded warehouse, New Levee c. Grossman Stream Henry, engineer,628Dauphine,d.3 Streck F. elk. 155 Canal Streck H. clerk, 19 Conti Streeder Conrad, oil manufactory, 28 Julia Streeder C. agent German Gazette, 120 Poydras Street George, tailor, 126 Common Strehle C. tailor, Lafayette n. Second, Grt. Strehlc L. blacksmith. Market n. Levei STR 420 SUE Streiger Peter, sausage maker, 145 Louisa SlreitmullerS.cabinetmkr. 618Daup'e,d.3 Streniia John, restaurant, 9 Carondelet Strevey Geo. printer, 410 Liberty Stribling S. T., (Clark, JMoshy &r Co.) 39 Front Levee, d. 1 Strieker G. cartman, 113 Louisa Strieker John, bricklayer, 129 Levee, d. 3 Striethorst F. tailor, 316 Old Levee, d. 2 Stringer Charles, notary public, 119 Gra- vier, d. Conti c. Johnson, d. 2 Stringer E. N. 83 Derbigny, d. 2 Stringer F. 373 Magazine Stringer F. furnishing goods, 35 Camp,d. 169 Annunciation Stringer Philip, elk. .'I'erpsichore n. Freret Strirher Cornelius, Second n. New Levee Stritzinger John, cupper, 145 Rainpart,d.l Strobel ^neas, sausage rakr. 30 Hospital Strobel Jno. shoemkr. Bourbon n. Prosper Stroband John, screwman, 112 Port Strocker Henry, carpenter, Prosper n. Ely.sian Fields Stroebel Gabriel, gard. Roman n. Hospital Stroefield Wm. carpenter, 107 Erato Siroh L. wheelwright, 30 Hospital ^ Sirolnmeyer W. c. h. Josephine c.N. Levee Stromeyer Caroline Mrs. grocery, 485 Tchoupitoulas Stromeyer George, book keeper, 25 Basin Stromeyer Philip, lab. 530 Tchoupitoulas Strong Adeline, 67 Rampart, d. 1 Strong Henry, lab. 810 St. Claude Strong Henry, c. h 104 St. Charles Strong John, barkeeper, 60 Fourth Strong P. N., ( Campbell 8f Strong,) d. 365 Carondelet Stroop John, lab. 229 Bourbon Stroiher Geo. F., (Robert Bell Sf Co.) 51 Poydras Strothman Henry, coffee stand, Port mkt. Stroube William H. elk. 32 Magazine Stroud John & Co., (George Stroud,) mar- ble warehouse, 146 Common and St. Charles c. Girod Stroudback John, moulder, 352 Basin Strouth Henry, cabinet mkr. 87 Rousseau Strube F. Dr. 210 Tchoupitoulas Strubecker F. lab. 4 St. James Struve Geo. Charles, printer, 102 Poydras Struve H. W. firewood. Sixth near Laurel Struver Henry ,trunk niaker,137Constance Stuard Emma Mrs. 118 Basin Stuart A. cabinet maker, 171 Magazine,d. 551 Dauphine Stuart A. L. clerk, 151 Common Stuart Chas. 432 Carondelet Stuart Geo., Mandville n. Rampart Stuart & James, ( William R. Stuart, DanH Jl. James, Livingston H. Gardner,) com. mers. 42 Union, d. 1 Stuart Richard, upholsterer, St. Charles n. Calliope Stuart Samuel, tailor, 3 St. Charles Stuart Wm.,( Garthwaite, Lewis Sf Stuart,) d. 483 Magazine Stuart William R. clerk, 38 Perdido Stuart Wm. R. (Stuart &c James,) d. 197 Baronne Stuernagel Fritz, drayman, 188 Villere Stubbelfield Peter, c. p, 352 Erato Stubbs James, painter, Bertrand n. Poydras Stubenrauch F. hairworker, 27 Chartres Stucke Henry, cistern maker, 231 Toulouse Stucken Charles, broker, 32 Carondelet Stuckert Henry, carpenter, 238 Orleans Studley F. W. 287 Rampart, d. 1 Stuecker G. Mrs. 204 Conti STUECKEATH GEO. H., Clas- sical and Practical Institute for Boys, and Young Men, in the lecture room of the Unitarian Church, corner of Julia and St. Mary streets, entrance on St. Mary street. Admission at all times. Stuercken H. F. contractor, 211 Conti Sluesy Jacob, cistern mkr. 161 Josephine Stuft John, laborer, 276 Laurel Stuht P. Mrs. 219 Bourbon Stuive Anton, blacksmith, 273 Dryades Stulb Antoine, c. h. Magazine c. Pleasant Stulting August, Franklin n. Felicity Stultz Charles, tailor, 395 St. Philip Stultz John, St. Mary n. Laurel Stumborg Harmon, drayman, 100 Laurel btunip John, 428 Basin Stumpf C. Mrs. 500 Old Levee, d. 3 Stumpf Christian, 99 Old Levee Stumpf C. blacksmith, 64 Louisa Stumpf Frederick, carpt. Liberty c. Frank 'n Stumjif F. drayman, Liberty n. Josephine Stumpf F. dairy, Howard c. Josephine Stumpf Gustav R.shoenik. 316 Terpsichore Stumpf L. blacksmith, 627 Royal Stumpf Michael, shoes, 390 Dryades Stumpf S., Constance n. Washington Sturdivant John H. salesman, 22 Common Sturgeon John, 56 New Levee. Sturges Theodore, book keeper, 62 Gravier Sturges Wm. clerk, 35 Tchoupitoulas Sturgess Martha, 36 Gasquet Sturla Angelo, 189 St. Philip Sturm Albert, clerk, 115 Polymnia Sturm Geo. carpt. 258 St. John Baptist Sturm G. F. groc. St. Ferdinand c. Levee Sturm Matthew, clerk, 51 Tchoupitoulas Sturmer Christian, upholsterer, 45 Royal Sturtevant L. & Co. (B. J. X'ugent, H. Ji. Wheelo'ck,) oils, etc., 9 0. Levee, d. 2 Sturzenegger A. & Co. (C. G. Teichert,) importers of dry goods, 18 Chartres Stye William, 73 Burgundy Styles Hylas, eng'r, Newton n.Third,Grt. Styron W. W. shipping office, 9 Hospital d. 2, d. 520 Chartres, d. 3 Suares Francis, cigars, 396 Bourbon Suares T. c. h. Morales c. Union Suckau Edward, shoemkr. 140 Toulouse Sudett Frederick, Eighth n. Laurel Suevy Joseph, 160 Levee, d. 3 SUF 421 SUR Suffprt R, warelioiisornan, d. 285 Howard Suffon B. H. Ill Esplanade, d. 3 Sugden J. F. carpt. 493 Dauphino, d. 3 Sugg S. Mrs. variety store, 190 Orleans Sut^riie Timothy, Howard, ii. Erato Suhieng G. shoemaker, 145 Carondclet Suhren A. C. saddler, 345 Rayou road Siihren John D. grocer. Morales n. Spain Suille Francis, 22'.) Rampart, d. 2 Sulboldt Simon, c. h. Water n. Second Sullivan And. laborer, 484 Old Levee Sullivan Anna Mrs. grocery, Delord c Fouchcr Sullivan Andy, laborer, 84 Dolord Sullivan Catharine Mrs. ,Prieurn. Common Sullivan Catharine Mrs. 398 Orleans Sullivan Charles, carpt. Lt.'vec, McD Sullivan Cornelius, 274 Constance Sullivan Daniel, laborer, 618 Burgundy Sullivan Daniel, laborer, 84 Delord Sullivan Daniel, groc. Elmire n. Alex,Alg. Sullivan Daniel, lab, 370 Old Levee, d. 3 Sullivan Daniel, laborer, 8 Port Sullivan David, drayman, 311 Tchoupit's Sullivan David, 49 Galvez Sullivan Dennis, laborer, 640 Rampart Sullivan D.O. D. (Collins, Hcpp^- Co.; St. Mary c. Levee, d. 181 Annunciation Sullivan Edward, groc. Palmyra c. Priour Sullivan Eliza, 167 Terpsichore Sullivan Eliza Jane, groc.Gasquet cClaib. Sullivan Eugene, drayman, 206 Magazine Sullivan Eugene, 640 Kampart, d. 3 Sullivan E. Mrs. 441 Lafayette Sullivan Frederick, Harmony n. Baronne Sullivan Honora, 76 Delord Sullivan James, lab. Leeds Row, Erato Sullivan James, carnt. Cypress n. Roman Sullivan Jeremiah, lab. 33 Rousseau Sullivan Jeremiah, grocer, 91 Delord Sullivan Jeremiah, tailor, 127 Perdido Sullivan Jerry, laborer, 84 Delord Sullivan John, laborer, 484 Chartres Sullivan John, laborer, 39 Delord Sullivan John, laborer, 495 Royal, d. 3 Sullivan John, mason, 373 Baronne Sullivan John, drayman, 105 Felicity Sullivan John, Fulton n. Annunciation Sullivan John, groc. 300 Annunciation Sullivan John, b. h. 48 Levre, d. 3 Sullivan John, insp.cust.Gasquet c.Villere Sullivan John, drayman, 61 IVIandeville Sullivan John, laborer, 290 Magazine Sullivan Julia, grocer, Magnolia c.Calliope Sullivan L. laborer, 84 Delord Sullivan L. drayman, Philip n. Rousseau Sullivan Mary Mrs. b. h. 138 Tchoupit's vSullivan Michael, c. h. 46 Girod Sullivan Mich'l,groc.Gas(iuet c.Claiborne Sullivan Michael, c. h. 134 Magazine Sullivan Michael, trader, 280 Melpomene Sullivan Michael, laliorer, 209 Girod Sullivan O. laborer, 50 Marigny Sullivan Patrick, laborer, 50 Marigny Sullivan Patrick, lab. Poydras n. Prieur Sullivan Patrick, laborer, 19 Constance Sullivan Patrick, laborer, 54 Thalia 28 Sullivan Patrick, laborer, 456 Annunciation Sullivan Robert, sugar brokcr,St. Mary c. Prytania Sullivan Samuel, engineer, 102 Piety Sullivan Shuriver, sug.l)rok.297 St, Mary Sullivan Thomas, (O^Doud £f Sullh-an,) Tchoup. c. Poydras, d. 1 Prytania Sullivan Timothy, Touloiise n. Main Sullivan Timothy, lab. Foucher n. Julia Sullivan Timothy, laborer, 31 Spain Sullivan Timothy, Laurel n. Pliiliji Sullivan Tim. lab. Felicity n. Chippewa Sullivan William, b. h. 26 Barraclta Sullivan William, 235 St. Ann Sullivan Wm.engin'r,Carondelet n. Delord SuUwold Simon, c. h. Water c. Fourth Sully T. O. com. mer. 90 Gravier SultJ^ Willis F., Third n. Laurel Summer Samuel, elk. Fourth n. Prytania Summer Samuel, Camp c. Natchez Summers A. M. it H. M. tobacco inspt's, Bull's Head warehouse Summers Alex. M. (.'?. M. Sf H. M. Sum- mers,) d. Terpsichore c. Coliseum Summers C. lab.Seguin c.Delaronde,Algs. Summers E. H. (HUliard, Summers &,- Co.) 64 Carondelet Summers Geo. J. jeweler, 119 Canal Summers Henry M. (.1. J\I. Sf H. J\I. Sum- mers,) d. 46 Euterpe Summers James, 68 Music Summers John, fireman machine shop, N. O. J. and G. N. R. R Summers John, c. h. 16 and 18 Grossman Summers John, lab. Erato n. Magnolia Summers Joseph, carpenter, 477 Burgundy Summi'rs Louis, carjienter, 294 Conti Summers Wm. H., Pleasant n. Constance Summers W. O., Canal n. Roman Summerville William, trader, 310 Franklin Sumiu-r F. W. jewelry, 162 Poydras Sumner R.B. 4 lt,'arondelet,d.l76St. Charles Sumner Samuel, clerk Home Ins. Co. d. Fourth n. Prytania Simion Jos. elk. St. Andrew n. Constance Sumrall George, lumber, 234 Delord Sun Mutual Ins. Co. 61 ^ ainii Sunday Jacob, laborer, 146 Treme SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSI- TORY, 163 Camp. Sunder Fritz, Seventh n. Fulton Sunderburg Christian, 92 Mandeville Sunderland J. C. Dr. 450 Dryades Sunderland W.P. Dr.jms. La.Manu.Co. 43 Carondelet, d. Second c. Magazine Sundermeyer Henry, 615 New Levee Sundle Mary Mrs. 214 Laurel Sundmaker J. P., Jo.scphine n. Magazine Sunier E. Mrs. 84 Villere Sunier Henry, bakery, 84 Villere Supke H< rman, fancy store, Annunciation n. Fourth Supper John, shoemaker, 39 Union, d. 3 Suppernent John, laborer, 151 Old Levee Sur Louis F. shoemaker, 95 St. Ann Surecart Lawrence, 387 Liberty , Surgett Frank, planter, 71 Rampart, d. 2' Singi Eugene, 128 Kx. place, d. 39 Villere Surgi Louis, civil engineer,255 Bayou road Surle Antoniojcigarmkr.Urquhartn. Spain Surle Louis, 380 Daiiphine, d, 3 Siirls W, M. clerk, 6 Magazine .Surmely Francis, slioemr. Abadiec. White yurmely F. clerk, Main c. Royal Suier Tiioma.s H. clerk, 71 Canal iSuter Thomas, carpt. Johnson n. Common Sutherland Edward, laborer, 52 Poyfarre Sutherland Edwd. caulker, Uelaronde.Alg. Sutherland Julius, boat build 'r,Delaronde, Algiers Sutheiland Margaret, Delaronde, Algiers Sutherland Mathias, carpt. Delaronde,Alg. Sutherland Robt. carpenter, Clara n. Clio Sutherland T. D,, Bertrand c. Perdido Suttel G. Mrs., Poet n. Uauphine Sutter Philip, drays. Locust n. Cypress Sutler S. clerk, 49 St. Peter Sutter W. T., Third n. Liberty Sutierley Jas.K. stationer, St. Charles Hotel Sutterlin G. widow, dry goods, liayou road c. Roman Sutton C. Mrs. 243 Orleans Sutton Dr. school, 108 Race Sutton Ellen Mrs. 1G6 Constance Sutton G. Mrs., Coliseum c. St. Andrew Sutton Jno. corn meal and feed store, Gret. Sutton Joseph, com. mer. 52 Poydras, d. 477 Magazine Sutton William, 103 Marigny Suydam James H. 28 Caroiidelet, d. 251 St. Claude Suzette Warehouse (Tchoupitoulas c. Erato Suzetter Dominique, caulker, Bouny, Alg. Swabel Harmon, wood yard, Eighth c. Prytania Swabel Xavier, 94 Toulouse Swain Albert, 303 Bienville Swain E- charcoal, 250 Carondelet walk Swain E. b. h. Bienville n, Derbigny Swain F. M. clerk, Jackson n. Chestnut Swain Henry, c. p. 391 Canal Swain H. C. dep. sheriff Swain Jolin, anatomical last maker, 115 Gravier, d. 132 Lafayette Swain Richard, marine surveyor, Jackson n. Chestnut Swain Robert, 187 Melpomene Swain Robert, sheriff's office Swain William, pilot. Rampart n -Common Swalp Antonio, silversmith, Bienville c. Derbigny, d. 214 Gasquet Swan E. barkeeper, 43 Front Swan Jas. L. tinsmith, 129 Rampart, d. 1 Swan J. S. clerk, 25 Magazine Swan Paul, segars, 186 Dauphine Swane James, Felicity n. Franklin Swann Hy. M. elk. Gravier c. Magazine Swann James, salesman, 98 Canal Swanson A. H. carpenter, 585 St. Claude Swanton James, laborer, Thalia c. Freret Swanton & Wier, (Richard S. Swanton, Thomas Wier,) carpts, 185 Magazine Swanton Richard, (Swanton %[ Weir,) d. Claiborne c. Clio Swarbrick George, clerk, 71 Camp,d. 331 Bienville Swasey Francis, laborer, 82 St. Thomas Swasey Henry R. bookbinder, 92 Camp, d. 347 Rampart, d. 1 Swatts J.J. cigars, 255 Orleans Sweeney C. grocer, Terpsich'e c. St. Charles Sweeney Capt. 424 Baronne Sweeney Edward, c. h, and b. h. Levee n. Adele Sweeney Ellen Mrs., Tonti c. Canal Sweeney E. tailor, Tchoupit. n. St. Mary Sweeney E. 479 Canal Sweeney E. laborer, 580 Dauphine, d, 3 Sweeney Frank, laborer, «2 St. Thomas Sweeney James, cai'penler, 305 Tchoupit. Sweeney Jas. screwman, (jOl Rampart,d.3 Sweeney John, laborer, Third n. Fulton Sweeney Michael, lab. 506 Dauphine, d. 3 Sweeney Michael, drayman, Constance c. Thalia Sweeney Pat. dray'n, Constance c, Thalia Sweeney Pat., Chippewa n. Washington Sweeney Pat, laborer, 74 Gaiennie Sweeney Thomas, laborer, 274 St. Thomas Sweet G, 0. (M. D. Cooper &c Co.) 136 Common, d. Jackson c. Chesnut Swensen Charles C. jeweler, 80 Common, d. Constance c. Thalia Swer Bernard, 71 Desire Swer George, grocer, Levee c. Elmire Sweit Andrew W. foreman N.O, Transfer Co. St. Charles hotel Swett Ethiel, laborer, 156 Union, d. 3 Swett Otis, mate. Burgundy n. Piety Swettcnham 11. 510 Dauphine, d. 3 Swickey Jno. gardener, 352 Rampart, d. 3 Swiebel H. wood yard, Eighth c. Prytania Swiffer Peter, Josephine n. Jersey Swift G. C. Mrs. 426 Camp Swift John A., Fisk warehouse, 769 New Levee Swift Joseph, engineer, 730 Dauphine Swift Sam. engineer, Lafayette n. Bolivar Swift Thomas, laborer, 67 Foucher Swift Thomas, cooper, 149 P^oucher Swiler Henry L. clerk, 31 Natchez, d. 110 Gasquet Swiler J. Capt. coast pilot, d. Crescent row, Canal street Swiler J. P. Mrs. 110 Gasquet Swiiidd Catharine, 807 Burgundy, d. 3 Swink George, Ninth n. Annunciation Switzer Abraiiam, shoes, 216 Bayou road Switzer Michael Mrs. 515 Burgundy Switzer W. Capt. 20 Baronne Swoboda Mathias, tailor, 114 Marais, d.2 Swoop Piulip A. silversmith, 37 Galvt-z Swoop S. ( Wheeler, Geddes &f Co.) d. La- fayette n. Dryades Swope James, laborer, 162 Clouet Swords John, carp. St. Andrew c. Liberty Sybrandt & Co. (J. D. Sybrandt, Edward Morphy,) com. mt-rs. Ill Customhouse Sybrandt J. D.CSi/6ranrf<.^Co.;d. 183 Conti SYD 423 TAR Sydney, Boiscdore & Co. weighers, 21 Commorce Sycr William, (ValiSolingen&rCo.) d, 107 Melpomene Syfiren Danos, c. h. La. avenue c. Chip- pewa, Jeff. City Sykcs R. B. auctioneer, 43 Magazine, d. 227 Carondelet Sykt!s R. B. jr. clerk, 43 Magazine Sykes William, (jMurphij, Sykcs Sf Co.) d. 414 Magazine Sylvain M. Mrs. 241 Royal Sylvent Mercetite, hardware, Polymnia n. Dryades Sylvester Ann Mrs. 327 Liberty Sylvester Jules, butcher, Dryades market Sylvester Lewis, shoes, 100 Poydras Sylvester K. Mrs. 431 Baronne Sylvester Tim. carp. 56 South market Sylvester W. F. book keeper, 167 Poydras Sylvestre Frank, 140 Liberty Sylvy Xavier, cook, 45 North market Syme David H.CJ.Sj/me c^ Co. ;d. 140 Canal SYME JAMES, Wholesale and Retail Druggist , No . 134 Canal street, (Touro Buildings,) op- posite Carondelet street. Im- porter and Dealer in Fine Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery: Surgical Instru- ments of the finest finish- French, English and Ameri- can. Also, Medicine Chests and Medical Saddle Bags. Syme J. & Co. (David Sc John Syme,) dry goods 123 Canal Syme John, (J. Syme 8f Co.) d. 140 Canal Syniers L. 54 Casacalvo Svniis Wm. H. gardener, Prytania c. First Synims John, labin-er, 60 Religious Syphcr W. N. cot. gin depot,57 St. Charles Syren Peter, gardener, Jersey c.Valmont, Jeff. City Szymanski Ignace, 109 New Levee, d. 3, d. 50 Clouet Szabari L. matches, 836 St. Claude 1 ABARRY HENRY, clerk, 140 Com- mon, d. 205 Kerli-rec Tabarry L. K. cotton weigher, 69 Louisa Talioni'josephine Mis. 243 Marigny Taciilath B. silversmith, 373 Canal 'I'acou Hypolite, d. 406 Main Taforet Mrs. 62 Daojihine Tagiasco Mrs. 148 Dauphine Tahlweller Frederick, tailor, 239 Bourbon Tail F. A. engineer, Lafayette n. Roman Tait Peter, engineer, d. 271 St. Andrew Tajon Mathew, butcher, 124 Main Tnjaque Gabriel, butcher, 81 French mkt. Tajaque Gme. butcher, 25 French market Talamon B. office 147 Royal Talamon O. Dessommes & CO., (L.Dessommes, T. Goldstein,) Importers of Foreign Dry Goods, No. 4 Magazine-st. Talazac Louis, butcher, 28 French mkt. Talhert Hannah, f. w. c. 70 Robertson Taliiert William, 221 St. Philip Talbert W. H., Camp roofing under Ma- sonic Hall, St. Charles Talbert W. H. clerk, 69 Basin Talbot Allen, elk. 18 Camp,d.l29 Franklin Tiilbot Ann, t'. w. c. Robertson n. Coiiti Talbot A. 129 Franklin Talbot E. H. Mrs. .■i(i2 Carondelet Talbot Frederick, lainplighter,81 St.Thos. Talbot Peter, lab. Orange n. Pacanier Talbot Richd.acct.71 Canal,d.344 Howard Talbot W. F., Camp n. Fourth Talen W. A. carver. Magazine c. Calliope Tanguay Henry, clerk, 5 Gravier Talliand G. grocer, 267 St. Claude Tallarie C. A. Mrs. 145 Esplanade Tallean V. carpenter, 265 Tchoupitoulas Tnllon John, fishmonger, 85 Union, d. 3 Talmon John, 17 Prieur Talluy Michael, lab. 41 Poet Tamborine D. trader, Claiborne n.Gasquet Tamborine & Steven, ( Doininiqxie Tambo- rine, IVm. Steven,) cotton factors and com. mers. 121 Common Tamboury, Olivari & Co. (.1. Tambnury, T. Olivari, E. Dcjf'ez,) com. tiuts. and importers of wines and liqrs.87 Royal Tambriui Thomas, butcher, 31 Main Tandy James, lab. 70 St. Thomas Tanet A. 215 Carondelet walk Taney C. H. broker and agent for North Carolina apple and peach brandy, and Maryland rye whi.skey, 343o Royal Taney Daniel, lab. 92Gaiennie Taney F. L. Dr. 141 Customhouse Taney L.M. clerk, Carondeletc. Common Taney Peter, drayman, 182 Locust Tanquay Henry, clerk, 5 Gravier Tansey Bernard, lab. Second n. N. Levee Tansey Connor, Rcmian n. Gasquet Tansey Patrick, lab. Roman n. Gasquet Tansley Joseph, stevedore, 27 Dujilantier Tantev'ille Hubert, baker, 94 St. Peter Tapken George, variety store, 379 Dryades Tapley K. b.h. Triangle bldgs.n.Front,d.l Tapp John, tailor, 213 Girod Tajipan Amos, 142 Canal, d. 88 Robin Tappan & Avegno, law, 112 Canal Tuiqian B. S. (Tappan Sf Avtgno,) d. 163 Robin Taquino Thomas, acct. 285 Marais Tararete John, grocer, Metairie ridge Tarbell B. Capt. 202 Toulouse Tardos i .&.5 .( Jules &( Joseph, )^om. mers. A^ Old Levee, d. 2, d. 94 Esplanade Tardy Augustus J. cotton broker, 6 Union, d. 213 Felicity TAR 424 TAY Tardy M. bricklayer, 135 St. Mary Tardy S. E. printer, 169 Claiborne Tardy S. S. Mrs. 196 Claiborne Targarona P. c. p. Rampart c. St. Ann Tarleton, Whiting & Tullis, (George W. Tarkton, John Wliiting, W. B. Tullis,) cotton fact's, Factors' Row, 40 Perdido Tarleton Marcus, com.mer.d.381 St.Chas. Tarleton M. A. (J.A.Haggerty Sf Co.) 51 Poydras, d. Melpomene c. St. Charles Tartif Xavier, 369 Old Levee, d. 3 Tarpy L. clerk, 157 Gravier Tarpy Thomas, lab. 27 Palmyra 'I'arrett Peter, Annette n. Solidelle Tarridas Franc^ois, coffee stand, French market, d. 225 Old Levee, d. 2 Tarrier Joshua, bricklayer, 63 Josephine Tarut J. Mrs. 208 St. Philip Tarut Charles, clerk, 126 Canal Tasset Joseph, tailor, 133 Bourbon Tassin J. clerk, 217 Dauphine Tassman Francis, shoemkr. 584 Magazine Tastet Eugene, acct. 51 Customhouse, d. Ursulines c. Bourbon Tate C. &Dupuy,CCa/i-ni Tate, Charles L. Dupuy,) com. mers. and cotton and sugar factors, 85 Gravier, d. Religious c. St. James Tate George, lab. 33 Union, d. 3 Tate George, 95 Adeline Tate John, carpenter, 158 Tchoupitoulas Tate Joseph, watchman, 60 Villere Tate J. M. clerk. Locust n. Julia Tate Samuel, 364 St. Charles Tatout A. 206 St. Ann Tatum James, clerk, 33 Magazine Taubert Just, drayman, 12 Lynch row Taurux J. 87 Mandeville Tavares Daniel N. drays, 74 Poydras, d. 182 Franklin Tavares & Co. (M. E. Tavares, I. J\L Ta- vares,) dry goods, 176 Royal, d. 182 Franklin Tavaile Joseph, carpenter, 21 Jackson Taxil Dr. 60 Dauphine Taygre Harriet, f. w. c. 44 Dauphine Taylor Amelia, furn. rooms, 106 Orleans Taylor Ann Miss, 442 Baronne Taylor A. Mrs. 39 Port Taylor A. Mrs. 96 Ramnart Taylor A. A. druggist. Common c. Maga- zine, d. 36 Poyfarre Taylor B. F. coiner U. S. mint Taylor Catharine, f. w. c. 45 Marais Taylor Charles A. ( Clinlon if Taylor,) atty. at law, 38 Camp Taylor Charles, cigar mkr. 161 Union,d.3 Taylor Clara, f. w. c. Robertson n. Canal Taylor Cortland M. (Fogo Sf Taylor,) 89 Gravier Taylor Daniel, pilot, 788 Rampart, d. 3 Taylor Eliza Mrs. 91 Rampart Tavlor Eliza, f. w. c. 182 St. Philip Taylor Elizabeth Mrs. 109 Dryades Taylor E. Capt. harbor tow boat, 11 Low- er P^ront Levee ,d. 2 Taylor Frederick, baggage master Jack- son R. R. d. 393 Julia TAYLOR D. H. (Successor to Taylor & Raddin,) Boots, Shoes and Hats, 17 late 21 Magazine, and 47 Common. TAYLOR F. G. H., Wholesale Dealer in Boots and Shoes, No. 66 Gravier street, oppo- site Bank place, d. 192 Erato. Taylor F. W. grocer, Union c. Burgundy Taylor Geo. clerk, 76 Poydras, d. 66 Rampart, d. 2 Taylor George, c. p. Urquhart n. Port Taylor Geo. B. f. m. c. carp. Johnson n. Johnson n. Palmyra Taylor Hamilton, cooper, 63 Villere Taylor Henry, clerk, 76 Poydras, d. 66 Rampart, d. 2 Taylor H. H. atty. at law, 6 Exchange place, d. 93 Coliseum Taylor James, lab. Ill Spain Taylor James, 20 Natchez, d. 571 Caron- delet Taylor James, lab. 126 Bienville Taylor James Mrs. 82 Bourbon Taylor James, ship carpenter, Villere, Alg. Taylor James, produce broker, and agent N. 0. and Mobile line schooners, 20 Natchez Taylor John T. screwman, Mandeville n. Dauphine Taylor Jno. Dr., Lafayette n. Second ,Grtn. Taylor John, f.m.c. stevedore, 163 St. Philip Taylor John, elk. 394 Fulton Taylor John A. shipcarpenter, 108 Treme Taylor John C. book keeper, Mississippi Cotton Press Taylor John McDonald, CB. Toledano Sf Taylor,) 12 Union, d. 1, d. Josephine n. St. Charles Taylor Joseph, clerk, 162 Customhouse Taylor Joseph L. shipcarpenter, d. Mel- pomene n. Magazine Taylor Joseph W.shoemkr. 226 St.Philip Taylor J .L. Capt., Melpomene n. Magnolia Taylor J. F. pres. College of N. Orleans Taylor J. M. grocer, Perdido c. Bertrand Taylor J. W. shoes. Royal c. Hospital Taylor & Lennox, (Samuel Taylor, tin- drew Lennox,) carp. 140 Camp Taylor Louis, stevedore, 389 Chartres Taylor L.B.36Natchez,d.253 Terpsichore Taylor M. Mrs. 236 Magazine Taylor Maria Mrs. 632 Rampart, d.3 Taylor Miles, atty. at law, 8 Exch. place Taylor M. Mrs. 149 St. Charles Taylor Patrick H. 61 St. Charles Taylor Patrick, carp 375 Franklin, d. 1 Taylor & Churchill, (Peter G. Taylor, Charles Churchill,) hard ware, 39 Mag- azine TAY 425 TEW Taylor P. B. Mrs., Carondelet c. Erato Taylor Robert Dr. 99 Gravier Taylor Richard, 94 Frlicity Taylor R. G. ship chandler, &c. 556 Front Levee, op. 40 Taylor Samuel, carpenter, 142 Camp, d. 176 Euterpe Taylor Sarah Mrs. 36 Euterpe Taylor S. Mrs. 128 Customhouse Taylor Sewell T. wines and liquors, 13 & 15 Royal, d. St. Ciiarles c. Jackson Taylor Thos. moulder, 302 Liberty Taylor Wm. hib. 88 St. Thomas Taylor Wm. 333 Poydras Taylor Wm. 119 Jackson Taylor Wm. Mrs. 87 Spain Taylor Wm. carp. d. 176 Kutcrpe Taylor Wm. carp. 36 luiterpe Taylor Wm. siiip carp. Patterson, Alg. Taylor Wm. niacliiiiist, 341 Erato Taylor W. J. puijlic weigher and produce broker, 82 Magazine, d. 192 Erato Taylor Zimmerman, lab. 48 Poet Taylor, Knapp & Co. (Z. Taylor, J. W. Knapp, H. Hubbell,) wholesale cloth- ing, 73 Canal Teague Francis, carriages, 115 Elysian Fields n. Rampart Toare Thomas, apothecary, 64 Chartres Tchu Morris, 8] St. Peter Tebault E. J. ca.shier Bank La. 341 Erato Teens J. H. Capt. 29 Marigny Teepell W. H. painter, 29d Lafayette Tedaco John, 161 Franklin Tedger B. H. grocer. Magazine c. Thalia Teggert Jas machinist, 66 St. Thomas Teglas Bartholcmiew, 97 Ursulines Teichert Chas. G.(^^. Sturzenfyger Sf Co.) d. Prytania n. Camp Teitenburg F. carp. 131 Galvez Tclbaush Pierre, 362 Rampart Telegraph Office Associated Press, 99 Gra- vier Telheard Louis, profes. 168 Marais, d. 2 Tell bachPeter, cist 'rn mkr.99Independence Teller A., Golden Age, c. h. 1 F. Levee Teller Richard, 61 Front Tellier John, 70 St. P.ter Tellier Stanislam, 171 Bayou road Tillman Jacob-, shoemkr. 361 Roman Telmans G. bricklayer, 244 Customhouse Telou Francis, Piety n. Rjimpart Telou Henry, tinsmith, 847 Dauphine Temperance Hall, Camp n. Natchez Temjile John, 2.'i0 St. Peter Tcniiile M. A. Mrs. 280 Terpsichore Templeton Jno.barber;Touloulse n.Villere Templeton W. C. ship agent, St. Charles hotel Ten Jno. gardener, Laharpe n. Dorgenois Tena J. barber, 16 Barracks Tenison James, lab. 86 Rousseau Tenison John, lab. 583 Tchoupiioulas Tennent Wm. c. p. 76 Mandevillc Tennent Samuel, lab. 144 Magazine Tenny Adolph, 215 Carondelet walk Terbert August, 255 Girod Terejl Thomas, 101 St. Charles Tcrceira Joseph, lab. 130 St. Anthony Teresa Salvator, cook, 217 Common Terfloth Bernard, silversmith, d.373 Canal Terfloth & Kiichler, (B Terfloth, C. Kiich- /fr, J jewelry and silversmith,] 15 Cus- tomhouse Teride Bernard Mrs., Prieur n. Orleans Terle G., macaroni & vermicelli factory, ■ 123 Old Levee Ternoir John, coal & wood, 104 Dryades Ternoir Leon, f. m. c. Felicity n. Liberty Ternoir P. P. B. carp. 16 Villere, d. 2 Ternot J. B. dry goods, Dauphine c. Tou- louse Terrade Auguste, 245 Villere Terrade Paul, c. h. Dryades n. Thalia Terrail B. c. h. 154 Basin, d. 2 Terrand Simon, grocer, 357 Bourbon, d. 3 Terrebonne W.D. Capt. collector on horse car, d. 469 St. Charles, d. 4 TERREBONNE U. D., Inspec- tor of Weights and Measures, No. 36 St. Joseph street, d. 1. Terrell Richard, cot. pickery, St. Thomas n. Orange, d. Robin c. Magazine Terrel Smith L. 107 Gravier Terrett Edward, cooper, 127 Foucher n. St. Joseph Terrett Wm. A. 127 Foucher Terrey C. M. dentist, 119 Customhouse Terry J. C. (Henderson, Terry Sf Co.) 93 Crravicr Terriou Lousine f. w. c. Prieur Terris Ann Mrs. 202 St. Charles Tcrrshau Benjamin, clerk, 301 Terpsichore Terry J. 0., Delord c. Rampart Terry J. R. decorator, 13 Carondelet Terry Wm. cigars, Frent n. Melpomene Terry Wm., Put, Jeft'. City Terry Wm. drayman, 136 Poet c. Robert Ters Louis, mate, Marigiiy n. Love Tertrou Alphonso, 93 Burgundy Tervalon Fran<,-ois, broker, 23 Frenchmen Tervalon FraiK^ois, liricklayer, 88 Annette Tesrus Jaques, car]i. 317 Conti Tessier A. 75 Columbus Tessier J. L. butcher, 30 French market Tessint J. Miss, 217 Dauphine Tesson A. {.'1.!>arral &c Co.) Ill Chartres, d. Royal n. Conti Tesson Albert, clerk. 111 Chartres Tisson Eugenia Mrs. 138 Columbus Testard Chas. book keeper, Royal c.Tou- louse, d. 236 St. Philip Tetaz H.l^.dyer and scourer, 111 Chartres Tete H. com. merch. 26 Conti, d. 173 St. Ann Tete Peter, lab. Richard n. Pacanier Tete Susan, 44 Mont<^gut Teugas Colette, furnished rooms, 159Treme Teuttenberg Christian, carp. c. Galvez and Orleans Tew C. L. cotton broker, 37 Carondelet TEW 426 THO Tew C. H. clerk, 64 Carondelet Tewell James E., periodical depot, 112 St. Charles Texas Cot. Press,Tchoupitoulas c. Orange Texier Alfred, clerk, 67 Toulouse Texif-r Alfred, com. mer. 5 Carondelet Thalamas Leon, tailor, 3.31 Bourbon Thaiiard Louis, 168 Marais Thaller F. cistern mkr. 197 Bienville Thames FJ. musician, 256 Villere Tharan A. butcher, 29 St. Mary's market Tharp .lames, d. at Carrollton Tharp James D. carp. 134 Basin, d. 1 Thart Ann Mrs. 112 Erato Thayer Frederick N. clerk, 61 Common, d. 141 Robin Thayer Isaac, builder,Jackson n. Baronne Thayer Theophilus, station agt. Algiers Thayer T. H. 45 Magazine Thayer Wm. cooper, d. 122 St. Joseph "THE PLANET," 77 Magazine street, between Natchez and Poydi^as. Oysters always on hand. Michel Estela Theard C. asst. runner Citizens' Bank Theard F. Mrs. 371 Claiborne, d. 3 Tlieai-d James C, Citizens' Bank, d. 340 Main n. Prieur Theard John, c. p. Washington n.Broad,d.3 Theard Jos. 0.acct.l9 Conti,d.ll3 Orhans Theard Paul E.,Campc.Commercial place, d. 54 Esplanade, d. 2 Theard Rudolph, dep. clerk First District Court, d. 371 Claiborne Theard R. L., SiienlV's office Theard R. P. printer, 300 St. Peter Theard R. V. Mrs., Bayou road n. Roman Theard Thomas, Roman n. Main Theard Wm. c. p. 40 St. Anthony Theben Edwd. marble cutter, 119 St. Mary Thcdy Leopold, Prytania n. Second Theibert G., French dyer, 192 Camp Theider Philip, drays, 561 Annunciation Theiler H. c. h. Levee c. Short, Carrollton Thenard Chas. bread dealer, 31 Ursulines Thensted Fred, clerk, 612 Rampart, d. 3 Theobald Ludwig, 22 Orleans Theodore Augusle, f.w.c. cigar maker, 396 St. Claude Theodore A. Mrs. 124 St. Anthony Theodore H. f.m.c. Claiborne n. Ho.spital Theodore Louis, carpenter, 53 Port Theodore Nich. screwman, 78 Spain Theodore Peter, 55 Treme Theriot August, Third n. Rousseau Theriot Sosthene, clerk, 61 Carondelet Theismann O. F. grocery, 364 Magazine Theitz Paul, cabinet maker, 335 St. Louis Theurer G. grocer, 16 Lower Front Le- vee, d. 2 Theurer John, 27 Greatmen Theurer Rudolph, clerk, 16 Lower Front Levee, d. 2, d. 106 Louisa Thevenet B. hatter, 140 Bourbon Thevenote Ursule, 132 Treme They Louis, brush maker, Pauline c.Char- tres, d. 3 Thezan K. A. Mrs. 221 Derbigny Thezan Sidney, c. Barracks and Treme Thezan Theodore, carp. 65 Spain Theze August, butcher, 35 Poydras mkt. Theze A. seine maker, 65 Exchange place Theze Dominique, butcher, 8 Poydras Theze Victorine, butcher, 29 Poydras mkt. Thiac J. U. grocer, Burgundy c. Frenchmen Thiad D. Mrs., Dorgenois n. Lapeyrouse Thiaville Chas. lab. Claiborne n. Ursulines Thibault Fred, barber, 282 Dauphine Thibault F. J. clerk. Canal c. Royal, d. Fourth n. St. Charles Thibaut Arthur, (Jlugustin &c Thihaut,) 7 Front Levee, d. 2, d. 267 Esplanade. Thibaut C. Mrs. 276 Royal Thibaut S. 276 Royal Thiberge Henry R. (Howard S( Thiberge,) 13 Commercial place Thibbetts Clark J., Sixth n. Baronn* Thiedemann D. lab. 51 Independence Thiedemann Thos. U.S. Mint,d. 79 Louisa Thiel Alex, book keeper, 96 Gravier Thiel P. W. painter, 199 St. Anthony Thiel William, architect, Customhouse, d. 248 Erato Thielan J. L. atty. at law, d. 29 Marigny Thiele Albert, (0. B. Graham Sf Co.) 96 Gravier Thiele & Seller, (Richard Thiele, Conrad Seiler,) com. mers. 20 Union, d. 1, and Consul of Oldenburg and Hesse Cassel Thieler H. c. h., c. Levee and Short, Car- rollton Thielraann John, shoemaker, 202 Bourbon Thieman Christian, lab. 788 Rampart, d. 3 Thieneman Anthony, clerk, d. Race cor. Tchoupitoulas Thieneman Sarah Ann, 415 Dauphine, d. 3 Thieneman Theodore F. (Clark &c Thiene- man,) 88 Magazine, d. 415 Dauphine Thierry Auijust, 294 Bayou road Thierry J. B. 91 Conti Thiery A. 174 Main Thiery Charles, butcher, French market, d. 226 Burgundy Thiery Dr. 64 St. Peter Thiery J. B. blacksm. Chartres n. Lesseps Thiesmann O. F. grocer, 364 May Tliiesmann Wm. clerk, 364 May Thiol L. Mrs. 137 Dauphine Third Presbyterian Church, 208 Casacalvo Thiroux Emile, elk. Johnson n. Ursulines Thiroux John, lab. 381 Dauphine, d. 3 Thiroux Victor, 212 Johnson Thiroux V. jr. Roman n. Main Thode Henry, c. h. Felicity c. Rampart Thoele Henry, grocer, 155 Baronne Tholomier Rev., St. Louis Cathedral, Orleans Thom Edwin C. clerk, 163 Camp Thorn James, carp. d. 346 Melpomene Thom John, baker, d. 414 Dryades Thom Thomas, engineer, 317 Liberty THO 42i THO Thoman Fred, barber, 865 Magazine Thoman Henry, milk, 77 EIniire Thoman Jnscpli, dairy, 104 Indepondpnce Thomas Abraham, elk. 40 Tchoupitoulas Thomas A. Mrs. d. 319 Annunciation, d. 4 Thomas A. ckrk, 21 Chartres Thomas Annio Miss, 76 Spain Thomiia Clias. tailor, 90 Exchange place Thomas Charles, 289 Bayou road Thomas Chris, d. Josephine n. Chippewa Thomas Claude, 464 St. Claude Thomas C. H. Dr. 116 Baronne Thomas Dennis, drayman, independence n. Royal Thomas Edgar, (S. W. Rawlins Sf Co.) 16 Tchoupitoulas Thomas Edv^ard, elirk, 440 Carondelet Thomas K. carp. Cypress ii. Roman Thomas E. c. p. 192 Claiborne Thomas Francis jr. grocer, Milan n. Lau- rel, .lefT. City Thomas Francis, dra)', 31 Bartholomew Thomas Frank, liatie'r, .'j22 Dauphiin', d. 3 Tliomas Frank, c. h. Old Levee c. Jefferson Thomas Fred, student at law, Felicity c. Annunciation Thomas F. auctioneer, 227 Esplanade j Thomas Florine, f. w, c. 137 Galvez Thomas F. M. Dr. 290 Carondelet Thomas Geo. grocer, 12 Triangle n. Front Thomas Geo. J. salesman, 155 Common Thom;u5 Harrison, 180 Clio Thomas Harmond, variety store, 199 Ram- part, d. 1 Thomas Henry jr. (Hyde &f Goodrich,) Canal c. Royal Thomas Hypolite, 274 St. Peter Thomas .Tacoli, shoemaker, 56 Orleans Thomas James, blacksmith, Lavoisseur c. Second, Gretna Thomas John, 46 St. Charles Thomas John, commissary Treme mar- ket, d. 335 Customhouse n. Roman Thomas ,Tohn, cartman, 497 Royal, d. 3 Thomas John, stock, note and exchange broker, 102 Gravicr, front office Thomas .lohn E. Capt. (Porter, Tlinnias Sf Foley, ) 25 Carondelet,d.434 Royal,d.3 Thomas John F. clerk, 28 St. Charles, d. 3,32 Bienville Thomas John T. clerk, 86 Robertson Thomas John T. clerk, 26 St. Charles Thomas J. W. (Ganier &{■ Tliomas,) St. Charles n. Calliojio Thomas Jos. drayman. Sixth n. Chijipewa Thomas J. Payne, stoves, grates, etc. 253 Rampart n. New Basin Thomas .1. G. Mrs., D.rbigny n. Canal Thomas J. W, atty. at law, 5 Commercial . place Thomas L. c. h. Levee c. Jefferson Thomas Leon, cigar maker, 88 Annette Thomas M. Mrs. 104 Kerlerec Thomas Mrs. 119 St. Philip Thomas Namette, f.w.c. 632 St. Claude Thomas P. bricklayer, 353 Rampart Thomas Pierre, sailor, 465 Villere Thomas Pierre, barber, 301 Burgundy Thomas P. Fred. (ToumeSc Thomas,) 119 Common, d. c. Esplanade & Robertson Thomas P. clerk. Main n. Tonti Thomas Roliert, mate, Casacalvo n.Clouet Thomas Samuel, d. 172 St. Andrew Thomas William, cartman, Laurel n, St. Andrew Thomas William H. (Folger &r Co.) 38 Tcho\ipitoulas and 40 Fulton Thomas Wm. scri'wman, 452 Annunc'n. Thomason A. 17 Niw Levee, d. 1 Thomassin Franc^oise, f.w.c. 11 Marais Thomassin Louisa Mrs. embroidery, 47 Bourbon Thomasson Christopher, 437 Franklin Thomasson T. drayman, 518 Dauphine Thomasson T. printer, Dryades c. Clio Thomatisse L. cigars, 164 Rampart Thomes Thomas, c. p. 304 Lafayette Thomes Thomas, f. m. c. bricklayer, 614 Rampart, d. 3 Thomiiing Geo. Prytania n. Josephine Thompson A. blacksmith, 56 Constance Thompson Ann, f. w. c. 236 Common Thompson Ann, 67 Treme Thompson Arthur, Orlehns foundry, 11 and 13 St. Ferdinand Thompson A. H. Mrs., Canal c. Rampart Thompson B. Mrs. 238 Rampart, d. 1 Thompson Catharine Mrs. dairy. Ram- part c. First Thompson Charles, screwman, 531 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Thompson Charles, laborer, 324 Erato Thompson Chas, bookkee)ier, 97 Gravier, d. St. Charles c. Calliope Thompson John C. clerk, 20 Magazine, d. CarroUton Thompson C. C. laborer, 572 St. Claude Thompson David V. carp. 399 Rampart Thompson & Barnes, {Edward Thompson, jrm. Barnes,) wholesale grocers, 23 and 25 Common Thompson Edward, Prytania n. Melpom. Thompson Edward T. steamboatman, 74 Soraparu Thompson Krastus, grocer, 90 Freret Thompson E. laborer, 583 Dau|ihine, d. 3 Thompson E. Mrs. midwife, 82 Enghien Thompson E. laborer, 77 St. Ferdinand Thompson E. H. 48 St. Ann Thompson E. S. P. salesman, 98 Canal, d. 162 Bienville Thompson Frank, clerk, 25 Magazine Thompson F., Gaiennie n. Tchoupitoulas Thompson Geo. W. carpenter, 56 Enghien Thompson H W. Magazine, c. Richard Thomjison Hugh, laborer, 90 Villere Thompson H. A. clerk, 71 Canal Thompson Henry A. elk. d. 458 Dryades Thompson H. M. 77 Carondelet Thompson Isaac, painter, 128 St. Joseph Thompson J. painter. New Levee n. Pe- niston, Jen. City Thompson J as oysters, 142 N. Levee, d.l Thompson John, 280 Bourbon THO 428 TIE Thompson John,ial).St.Mary n. Chippewa Thompson John, carriages, 271 Ursulines Thompson John W. coppersmith, Gas- quet c. Claiborne Thompson J. lab. MandeviHe n. Rampart Thompson J. D. d. 170 Clio Thompson J. P. slaves, 83 Prytania Thompson L. C. Dr. 118 Carondelet Thompson Lewis, painter, 215 Common Thompson Margaret, 11 Basin, d. 2 Thompson Mary, Rampart c. St. Louis Thompson Mary Mrs. dressmaker, Chip- pewa n. Josephine Thompson Nat. 11 Front Levee Thompson & Redwood, (Cyrus Thompson, R. H. Redicood, jr.) cotton factors and com. mei-s. 69 Carondelet Thompson Samuel Mrs. dairy, First n. St. Dennis Thompson Samuel H., Craps n. Spain Thompson S. W., Bordeaux c. Pitts, J. C. Thomjison Theodore, engineer, 236 Conti Thompson Thomas, Roman n. Gasquet Thom]ison Walter, brksmith,374 Howard Thompson Wm. laborer, 669 Royal, d. 3 Thomjison W. X. engineer, 352 Royal, d. 3 Thompson W. screwman, 342 Rampart Thompson & Clark, ( W. B. Tkompson, S. H. Clark,) cotton brokers and com. mers. 81 Carondelet Thompson W. E. com. mer, 36 Camp, d. St. Mary c. Chestnut Thompson W.P.clk. Enphrosine c. Freret Thompson Thornton W. deputy city sur- veyor, d. Carondelet n. Felicity Thompson W. W. clerk, 120 Canal Thompson W. J. (A. Thompson &f Co.) 48 Tchoupitoulas THOMSON A. & CO., (W. J. Thomson, W. J. Bishop,) Cora- mission and Forwarding Mer- chants, 48 Tchoupitoulas. THOMSON J., Successor to G. Bleakley, 103 Rampart street, late Circus-st., Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, &c. Fire Engines rebuilt. Repairing in all the branches done at short notice. Thomson John, 120 Common Thomton Jas.schl. teacher, 417 Constance Thorborne John, clerk, 21 Common Thorengren J. L. 37 Poydras market Thormahlen C. grocer. Port c. Morales Thorniahlen P. salesman, 81 Chartres, d. 551 St. Claude Thorn A. G. engineer Carrollton R. R. 15)^ Baronne, d. Carrollton Thorn Charles, Jackson n. Fulton Thorn James F. collector, St. Charles, d. c. Euterpe Thorn John, collector, St. Charles Thorn Philip, laborer, 401 Lafayette Thorn Robert H. exchange dealer, 117 Gravieri d. St. Charb^s c. Philip Thorn Thomas jr. elk. 67 Tchoupitoulas Thoriihill Henry, (R. W. Estlin 8^- Co.) 47 Union, d. Prytania c. Erato Thornhill & Co. (John Thornhill, Edmund Richardson,) com. mers. and cotton factors, 163Gravier Thornhill John, (Thornhill 8f Co.) d. Eu- terpe n. Prytania Thornhill T.H. 244 Camp, d. 288 St.Chas. Thornton A. S. S. salesman, 98 Canal Thornton Charles T. salesman, 55 Market Thornton M. M. school. Chestnut b. Fer licity and St. Mary, d. 176 Laurel Thornton Philip, lab. Lafayette n. Roman Thorp Geo. levee foreman, 567 Tchoupit. Thorp George, laborer, 15 Spain Thorp J. F. Dr., Jackson n. Rousseau Thorp J. S. tin worker, 8 Front Levee, d. 2 THRESHIE C, Hardware and Cutlery, Builders Materials and Carpenters' Tools, 104 Poydras, d. 374 St. Charles. Thrisville Wm. conductor, Algiers Thro A. barber, 24 Ursulines Thron Daniel, charcoal, 253 Main Thron John, cab. mkr. 540 Tciioupitoulas Thrump Hypolite, carpenter, 245 Royal ThuelJean, butcher, 71 Magazine Thuman H. D. drayman, 77 Piety Thurber A. dentist,' 99 Royal Thurne J. E. 309 Rampart, d. 1 Thurston G.N. ice dealer, Jackson near Rampart Tiblier B. (P. Martin 8c Co.) 44 O. Levee, d. 103 Main Tiblier Blais, dry goods, Main c. Chartres, d. Levee n. Poland Tiblier C, Levee n. Poland Tickell Joseph, Magazine c. Common Ticken John, laborer, 127 Clouet Ticket Office N. 0. J.and G. N. R. R. 118 Camp Tiedemann C. bakery, 472 Chartres, d. 3 Tii'demann Diedrick, lab. 52 Independence Tiedematm T. melter and refiner U. S. Mint, d. 42 Port Tieman Henry, carpenter, 447 Franklin Tiemanii August, Desire n. Dauphine Tiemann Christian, painter, 121 Clouet Tiemann G. tnilor, 35 Gravier, d. 140 MandeviHe Tiemann H. tailor, 255 Girod Tiemann John, cab. Water n. Philip Tiemann Peter, lab. Elmire n. Eliza, Alg. Tiemy Barney, laborer, 85 Delord Tierney Ellen Mrs. 104 Constance Tierney James, Clara n. Gravier Tierney James, ornamental plasterer, Johnson n. Gravier Tierney Nicholas, blacksmith, Rousseau n. St. Mary Tierney Philip, laborer, 66 St. Thomas •« TIE 429 TOD Tierney Patrick, plasterer, d. Josephine c. Howard Tierney Stephen, 56 Adele Tierney Tkos., GaitMinie n. Annunciation Tierney Wm. lali. 103 Tc.houpitonlas Tierney Wm. hxb. 64 Tclioupitoulas Ti^et Chas. A. com. mer. d. 11 Prytania Tighe Frank, lab. 168 Tchoupitoulas Tignieres Auguste, shooting gallery and gunsmith, 48 St. Louis, d. 108 French- men Tignieres Robert, carpenter, 141 Dauphine Tisrue Peter, c. h. 88 New Levee Tille Michael, 223 Lafayette Tiller A. Mrs. 85 Clouet Tiilotson D. (C. E. Cate Sf Co.) 18 Camp Tillotte Joseph, 283 Derbigny, d. 3 Tillnu Henry, tinner, 847 Dauphine, d. 3 Tilnian John, slioemakcr, 2(12 iinurbon Tilton David, steward, 200 Perdidp Tilton Frederick W. hardware, 17 Levee, d. Canal c. Dryades Tilton Geo. lab. Josephinen. Annunciation Tilmer John, lab. 139 Montegut Tinia Madame, 64 Dauphine Tynken C. speculator, 316 Laurel Tunken Henry, laborer, 55 L'^sseps Tiniken Louis, sugar mkr. 294 Levee Timlin James, laborer, 63 Julia Tinini, Henry, bricklayer, 21 Freret Timm Henry jr. bricklr. 731 Rampart, d. 3 Timm H.F.D. grbc. Enghim r. Rampart Timm Jasper, groc. etc. 45 Frenchmen Tinimins W. C., Chestnut n. Third Timmons H. painter, 174 Carondelet Timmons, Patrick, moulder, 371 Erato Tims P. F. wcs^i produce, 190 late 222 Tchoupitoulas TINCHANT BROTHERS, (J. Tinchant, P. Tinchant,) Im- porters of Cigars and Com- mission Merchants, No. 4- Front St. between Common and Gravier,d. 243 Derbigny. Tinchant Jules, clerk, 4 Front Tinchant P.( P.Tincliant Brothers,) 4 Front Tiner Richard, steamboat clerk, 131 St. Mary Tinglinger Nicholas, trader, d. 118 Thalia TiiiKer John, clerk, 77 Calliope Tinor Anthony, c. h. Annunciation c. Market Tiner Mike ,blksmh. 314 Annunciation,d.4 Tinsen Ann Mrs. 665 Chartres Tio Clement J. slater, 354 Derbigny Tio Francis, 71 Toulouse, d. 296 Royal Tio Gustave, painter and glazier, 399 Bur- gundy, d. 3 Tio H. 296 Royal, d. 191 Bayou road Tio Louis, Laharjie n. St. Befnard Tioche J. painter, 308 Burgundy Tious Louis, seaman, 133 Marigny Tipper August, onions, &c. 39 Villcrc Tirade Pierre, butch. 8 Bourbon n. Prosper Tirado Joseph, 108 St. Anthony Tirado Joseph Mrs. 21 History Tirado J. H. lamp maker, 211 Common Tirado L. coach and maker, 137 Burgundy, d. 30 Columbus Tiragallo Joseph Mrs. 411 Bourbon, d. 3 Tiram J. B. professor, 194^ Dauphine Tirrell & Bates, (Alfred Tirrell, Lorenzo Batcs,B.L.Hbickley,) boots and shoes, 9 Magazine Tisches J. alligator trader, 65 Levee, d. 3 Tisdale B. F. (John B. Murison Sf Co.) d. Calliope n. Dryades Tisdale E. K. clerk, 120 Common, d. 419 Constance Tisdale N. 0. J. treasurer Gas Co. 120 Common, d. Jackson n. Prytania Tisley John, 100 Greatmen Titmar Mary Mrs. 319 Conti Tisque Mike, cooper, Adele n. Fulton Tisserand Eiienne, 252 Bienville Tissot A. L. atty. at law, 56 Exch. place , d. Bayou bridge Tissot Etienue, carp. 183 St. Philip Tissot Jean, cook, 147 Hospital Tissot Joseph, pedler, 183 St. Philip Tissot J. L. attJ^ at law, 56 Exch. place, d. Bayou bridge Tissot Louis, clerk, St. Ann c. Royal, d. 147 Hospital Tissot Joseph, pedler, 183 St. Louis Tissot J. L. atty. at law, 56 Exch. place, d. Bayou bridge Tissot Louis, clerk, St. Ann c. Royal, d. 147 Hospital Titterton Wm., Boston Warekouse, 73 and 75 Lafiyeite, d. Race n. St. Thos. Titterton Wm. dray master, d. 40 Race Titus James, sailmaker, 8 Lower Front Levee, d. 2 Titus John L. 2 Customhouse Titus William H. c. h. Howard c. Eu- phrosine Tivoli Gardens, Carondelet walk n. Galvez Toal John, furniture, Girod c. Dryades Tobala Joseph, 456 Marais, d. 3 Toberer G. G. 30 New Basin, d. 2 Tobin Dennis, Constance; n. Duplantier Tobin Eugene, carpt. Piety n.Goodchild'n Tobin John, lab. 110 Gasquet Tobin John, lab. 506 Dauphine, d. 3 Tobin .loseph, drayman, 42 Robin Tobin Martin, lab."l4r< Greatmen Tobin .M. Mrs. 151 Poet Tobin Owen, carp. Piety n. Goodchildren Tobin Patrick, 63 Constance Tobin Mrs. 63 Constance Tobin. Rich, blacksmith, 232 Calliope Tobin Rich. J. blacksmith, 118 Spain Toby C. Mrs. 126 Prytania Toby Edward, ( Pcler Hawes Sf Co.) 68 Camp d. 93 Prytania Toca A. Mrs. 275 Prieur Toca J. A. 175 Claiborne, d. 2 Toca Septime, clerk, 45 Front Tocard J. G. Mrs., Spain n. Claiborne Todd David H. clerk, 49 Carondelet TOD 430 TOR Todd E. Mrs. dressmaker, 22 Foucher Todd J. R. grocer, Prytaniac. Melpomene TODD J. (successor to D.P. Scan- Ian & Co.) Nos. 12 and 14 Chartres-st. Importer and Dealer in Silks, Fancy Goods and Millinery, d. 266 Com- mon. Todd J. P. 120 Canal, d. 123 Constance Todd Mary K. Mrs., St. Mary n.Carond't Todd Royal B. salesman, 63 Gravier Todd S. B. 120 Canal TODD SAMUEL M. Dealer in Artists'Fine Colors and Tools, and Painters' Materials of every description, Harris's Paint Mills, 76 late 90 Maga- zine, d. 116 Camp. Todd Willielm, Palmyra n. Pricur Todd W. S. 346 St. Mary Todesco John, 161 Franklin Todt F. tailor, 171 Common Todt W. br. h. 165 Gravi.r Todt William, tailor, 171 Common Toon is Ali)ert Mrs. 17 French Toenkcr Caspar, 93 Clouet Toesen A. 215 Rampart Togni A. ice, 13 Madison Togni S. c. li. Bayou road c. St, Claude Tohr A., Prosper n. Frenchmen Toland Daiil. grocery, 265 Tchoupitoulas Tolbert Frank, laborer, 48 Gaiennie Tolbert William, Howard c. Thalia Tolbert P , St. James n. St. John Baptist Tolbert W. H. accountant, 47 Union Tolbort Charles, 479 Rampart, d. 3 Tolbort M. Mrs. 479 Rampart, d. 3 Tolcke Herman, clerk, 31 (^arondelet Toledano B. & Taylor, (B. Tuledano, J. McDonald Taylor,) com. merchants, 12 Union, d. 1 Toledano Christoval, 117 Gaiennie Toledano C. 164 Ursulines Toledano Emanuel, Toledano n. Chestnut, Jeff. City Toledano E. 12 Union, d. 117 Gaiennie Toledano E. clerk Third District Court Toledano E. A. cot. weigher, 58 Carondelet Toledano Jerome, La. avenue n. Chestnut, Toledano Jules, Third District Court Toles William N. tinsmith, 319 Rampart Toliver Lark P. f.w.c. Josephine n. White Toll Henry, Urquhart n. St. Ferdinand Toll Elizabeth Mrs., Phihp n. Chippewa Tom Ludwing,Veget'e mrkt.d.35St.Philip Tomar J. dairy, Independence c. Rampart Tomar William, wheelwright, Jeff. City Tomatis Edwd.watchmaker,330 Magazine Tomatis Leonce, cigar mkr. 392 St. Claude Tomes Anthony.dray'n, d.llO St. Thomas Tomlinson ArcTiie M. cotton broker, 121 Common Tomlinson E. laborer, Lafayette n.Freret Tomlinson George J. messenger Adams' I Express office, d. VV'hite n. Clio Tomlinson W. C, Perdido c. Franklin Tompkins F. O. 67 Robin Tompkins Wm. C. & Co. (W. C. Tomp- kins, Henry R. Msobrook.) dry goods, Magazine c. Canal, d. Magazine c. Orange Tonchi Henry, Laharpe n. Villere Tondre Fran Bagatelle Torres Gustave, carpenter, 154 Prieur Torres R. grocery, Bienville c. Franklin Torres Roman, c. h. Perdido c. Basin Torrey Hiram, 12 Gravier, d. Lafayette av. Gretna I Torrey L. iM. com. mer. 12 Gravier, d. I Lafayette avenue n. Sixth, Gretna Torrey M. S. liquors, 412 Rampart Torrey Nicholas S. office 12 Gravier, d. Gretna Torrey Samuel H. atty. at law, 13 Com- mon place, d. 387 "B:>sin Torrey William, 3b7 Basin, d. 2 Torrington Philip, laborer, 401 Lafayette Torso John, cigar maker, 43 Columljus Tortarec Frances, 400 Rampart, d. 3 Tortoru'io Francis, inspector of revenue, 367 Rampart, d. 3 Tortorui F., St. Bernard Tortiham James, clerk, cotton pickery, d. 368 Carondelet Tortuyn Frederick, tailor, 369 Tchoup, Tosspot Jacob, Carrollton Railroad Tottiiam Daniel, 33 Gravier Tottham J. W. 100 Gravier Touchard F. gardener. Bayou St. John Touchard J. clerk, 60 Union, d. 3 Touchard L. Mrs. fine washing, 39 St. Ann Touche Chas. agent, Lil>erty n. Poydras Touche Charles, bookseller, d. 431 Basin i Tenay Alexander, 215 Daujihine Toupher Wm. dairy, Clouet n. Claiborne Tournaben J. F. dyer and scourer, 109 St. St. Philip Tournade G. lumber, 322 Rampart, d. 1 Tournade J. clerk, 420 Burgundy, d. 3 Tourne A. c. h. South c. Tchoupitoulas Tourne F. N. architect, 112 Exch. place Tourne Jerome Mrs. 241 Baronne Tourne Eugene J. & Thomas, (Fred. P. Thomas,) auctioneers, 119 Common, d. 241 Baronn(! Tourne Nicholas, {Clostermann, Tourne &■ Co.) 40 Chartres Tourne P. M. speculator, 155 Baronne Tourne P. M. storage, 128 Tchoupitoulas, d. Baronne c. Delord Tournemire August, agent, 125 St. Philip Tournery P.Mrs, dre-ss making. Custom- house c. Dauphine Tourney B. drugs, Levee n. First Tournery Thomas, grocery, 107 Magazine Tourne James B. & Co. (John P. Manico, P. E. JVcUz, jr.) Montgomery ware- house, Fulton n. Julia Tournier Claude, 245 St. Peter Tonrnier C, St. Andrew n. Felicity Tournier Nicholas, 214 Bienville Tournoir Leon, f. ni. c. Felicity n. Benton Tonrnois Jules, Royal c. St. Louis Tournon Joseph, butcher, 74 French mkt Tduro Infirmary, New Levee c. Gaiennie Touro John & Co. ( Chmien B. Clapp,) ship agents and com. mers. 20 Union, d 1, d. 110 Port Touro Paul, c. h. Bienville c. Burgundy Tourue A. barkeeper, 45 North market Tovirrinassa S. vegetables, 15 St. Philip Touset Bernard, furn. cart, 220 Toulouse Toussamt Augusiin, carpenter, Bourbon c. St. John Baptist Toutant Gustave, f. w. c. 231 Spain Toutanl J. B. 10 Rampart, d. ] Toussaint Auguste, 421 Bourbon Toussaint Auguste,f.n).c. 3!) Goodchildren Toussaint Ellen, 142 Customhouse Toussaint E. Mrs. 249 Rampart, d. 1 Touss.-t B. carpenter, Dorgenois n. Caron- delet walk Toutant C. clerk, Conti c. Royal Touzan D. butcher, 49 French market Towboat Association, central office, 3 Ca- rondelet Towboat Crescent Line, 3 Carondelet Towboat Good Intent Line, 2 Marigny bids Towboat Ocean Line, 10 Red Stores, d. 3 Towboat Star Co's Line, 91 Camp Towell H.A.blacksmith,N.O.& G.N.R R. Towell John, furniture, Dryades c. Girod Towell Lawrence, laborer, 46 St. Thomas Towell Wm. painter, 121 Julia, box 173 Mechanics' Exchange 19 St. Charles Tower Luther F. (Blake S,- Toivet,) Old Levee c. Customhouse, d. Ill Delord Town Laurence, 177 Frenchmen Townny John, drayman, 100 Gravier Towns A. R. Mrs. b. h. 55 Tchoupitoulas j Townsend Catharine M. ^D Prytania Townsend Jeff, ice dealer,^72 R;impart Townsend W. H. carpenter, 111 Girod Toy James, (Dyer Sf Toy,) ship joiners, Patterson, Algiers Toy James, drayman, Henderson, Front Levee Toy Wm. H. printer, 123 Exch. place, d. Monroe, McDonogh Trabuc C. A. clerk, French Consulate, 75 Bourbon, d. 105 St. Ann Tracy Bernard, painter, 360 Common Tracy Dennis, cooper, 157 Franklin Tracy Edward, cooper, 66 St. Joseph Tracy E. L. public weigher and broker, 5 and 13 Poydras, d. Girod c. St. Charles Tracy George, produce dealer, 44 Poyfarre Tracy George, Jackson n. Rousseau Tracy Geo. \V. accf. 319 Bi.tiville Tracy John, laborer, 179 Chippewa, d. 4 Tracy Joseph Mrs. b. h. 177 Julia TRA 432 TRI Tracy Joseph, plasterer, 177 Julia Tracy Jeremiah, lab. Rousseau n. St. Mary Tracy Michael, slater. Morales n. French 'n Tracy Thomas, lab. 32 Spain Tracy Thomas, printer, 151 Camp Tracy Timothy, plasterer, 750 Camp Tracyer Wm. Rev. n. German Methodist Church, Dryades Trahan Jean, carpenter,Third n. Rousseau Trahant Pran(;ois, carpenter, 319 St. Peter Trahant Lucien, Pleasant n. Constance Train Geo. W. stevedore, New Levee c. Joseph, Jefferson City Train Henry, atty. at law, Pontalba bids. 13 St. Peter, d. Viilere n. Main Train Jules, clerk, 118 Common Traine Christopher, 789 St. Claude, d. 3 Trainer John, laborer, 97 Gaiennie Trainer J. bdg. h. 102 Front Levee Traler A. Renaud, 44 Conti Tramontana Rosolino, fruit store, 4 Front, d. 14 Fulton Tranut Francois, Fourth n. Annunciation Trapani F. c. p. 146 Burgundy Trapani S. oysters, 28 Orleans and 79 Rampart, d. 1 Traphagen George, wood, 25 Rousseau Traphagen Henry, clerk, 181 Rousseau Trapp Benhard, tailor, 366 Camp Trappe Peter, dairy, Lafayette av. Gretna Trappe Philip, tailor, 222 Prytania, d. 4 TRAQUAIR P. J., Importer of White Goods, Laces, Embroi- deries, Linens, &c., 34 Maga- zine street, between Gravier and Natchez Trascher Chas. carpt. Bernard n. Virtue Trasher Earnest, 2 St. Mary's market Trasher John, 4 St. Mary's market Trasher Jvohlman, 6 St. Mary's market Traub H. cigars, 106 St. Charles Traub Joseph, bar keeper, 12 Girod Traiibe Lazarus, St. Andrew n. Camp Trautman DaVW, shoe store, 209^ Pcjy- dras, d. ITT Lafayette Travers Michael, drayman, 75 Enghien Traverso Antonio, Capt. 157 Carondt.walk Travis Michael, drayman, 181 Enghien Travis N. W. printer, 124 Perdido Trawick Sarah Mrs.,North-st. opp. L. Sq. Trayfour Jonathan, lab. Celeste n.Tchoup. Traynor Owen, warehousem. 147 Liberty Treat A. E. Mrs. 189 Camp Trebschuh Wm. tailor, 200 Toulouse Trecourt Etienne, shoemaker, 255 Caron- delet walk Treder F. c. h. 16 St. Philip Treding Nicholas, milk, 74 St. Bernard . Treding Wic, Laharpe n. Robertson Treffry H. W., 2 Union, d. 252 Aununc'n Trehalias M. 11] Frenchmen Trehay Dennis, lab. 39 Rousseau Treib R. box maker, 382 Charires, d. 3 Trelford Alexander, Viilere n. Jackson Trelford Wm. collector, 576 Dauphine,d.3 Trelford W. J. cooper, 13 Conti, d. 353 Burgundy Tremble J. M. carpenter, 410 Rampart Treme A. 90 Congress Ti'ement Eugene, moulder, 81 Julia Tremoulet A. C. (Darby Sf Tremoulet,) 33 Bienville, d. Esplanade c. Royal Tremoulet B. clerk, Esplanade c. Royal Tremoulet H. clerk. Esplanade c. Royal Trenaman J. watchmkr. 155 Tchoupit's Trenchant Benj., Terpsichore c. Baronne Trenchard Felix, clerk, d. 346 Franklin Trenchard L. A. cooper, d. 344 Franklin Trenchard Franc^ois, 21! Melpomene Trepagnier Amedee, 198 Ursulines Trepagnier Drausin, 307 St. Ann Trepagnier Francois, c. p. 231 Dauphine Trepagnier F. U. (Putnam &f Co.). 35 Natchez, d. 198 Ursulines Trepagnier H. N., Carrollton Trepagnier Jean, 101 Old Levee, d. 2 Trepagnier Norbert, clerk First District Court, d. Tunisburg Trepagnier Oliver, cigars, 115 Marais, d. 2 Trepagnier Oscar, cigars, 196 Rampart Trepagnier P. Mrs. 198 Ursulines Trepagnier Theophilus, 198 Ursulines Trejjo Henry, boatman, 391 .Julia Trerel Valentine, tailor, 102 Franklin Trescazes John Bertrand, 307 St. Peter Trescazes P. Treme c. Bayou road Tresch Philip, butcher, 199 Prieur Trt'seher John, gardener, 307 Bayou road Tresclier John, butcher, Jefferson City Trescher K. 6 St. Mary's market Tres.sle Al(;ck, c. h. Si;venth c. Laurel Trestler Sarah A. Mrs. 116 Peace Trevigne Paul, Columbus n. Roman Trevigne Raymond, cigars, 238 St. Philip Triager August, carpenter, 107 Viilere Triay James T (P. Gwna Sf Co.) Canal c. Tchoupitoulas Triay James, 178 St. Peter Triay John, c. h. Rampart c. St Ann Triay Jose fishmonger, 429 Rampart, d. 3 Triay Raphael, 360 Dauphine Trichard Jules, carpenter, 105 Conti Tricou Auguste, Mrs. 213 St. Aim Tricou Emile, accountant, 10 St. Louis Tricou H. (P. Tricou &,' Son,) d. 53 St. Ferdinand Tricou M. F. Mrs. 75 Conti Tricou Octave, 91 St. Philip Tricou Pierre Dr., Bourbon n. St. Ann Tricou P. & Son, (Henry Tricou,) import- ers and com. mers. 14 Conti, d. 80 St Ferdinand Tricou P. E. clerk, 8 and 10 St. Louis, d. 237 Ursulines Tricou P. F. clerk, 74 Poydras Tricou P. J. d. 205 Clio Tricou Paul P. clerk, 21 St. Charles Trieb J. 83 Frenchmen Trier Jacob, 128 Louisa Trier Peter, rag buyer. Morales n. Louisa Trierweiler B. shoemaker, 93 Baronne TRI 433 TUL Trifley Joseph, 550 Daviphine Trigant Louis, 542 Rampart, d. 3 Trisant S. Miss, school, 133 Mandeville Triniaille Peter A. nightman, 127 Ex. place, d. 133 Bayou road Trimble James, clerk, 57 Rampart Trimble J. C. clerk, 32 Old Lcvce Trimble Jose|ih C. carpet, d. 435 Felicity Trimble J. M./C. W. Henry Sf Co.) 32 St. Charles, d. Poydras n. Bolivar Trimble Marg. Mrs. d. St. Mary c. Rousseau Triiichard F. B. cooper, 365 Franklin Trinchard F. F. assessor. City Hall Trinchard L. A. 344 Franklin Trinity Church, (Episcopal,) Jackson c. Coliseum Tripland George, clerk, 46 Old Levee, d.2 Triplong St. George, elk. 46 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 116 Toulouse Triquet Victor, fancy store, 16 St. Charles Trisi iirousc, Baronne c. Terpsichore Trisl Brunjaw, Baronne c. Terpsichore Trist Carl, books, Magazine n. St. Mary Tritt Edward W. engineer, 495 Dryados Troegel Wm. baker, St. Peter 'i'rog Henry, ragman, 204 Union Trois Celeston,f.m.c.cooper,275 St Philip Truisgros K. com. mer. 57 Customhouse, d. 100 Main Trom Peter, musician. Prosper n. New St. Bernard Tromson Ferd.carp. Dorgcnois n.St. Peter Tronchet Henry, 170 SL^Philip Trone Pierre, widow, 189 Orleans Tronett Bertrand Mrs. St. David n. Second Tropp John, tailor, 182 Girod Troquet L. S. vegetables, Treme market Trosdair A. 16Conti Trosclair & Haydel, (D. Trosclair,.i. Hay- del,) com. mers. 19 Conti,d. 439 Maui Trosclair J. J. job printing, 195 Chartres Trosclair Lucien, 100 Kerlerec Trotot J. (C. J\Jarchal &,- Co.) 129 Dryades Troft George G. Dr. 490 Camp Trotter A.'S. 163 Gravicr Trotter Samuel, f. m. c. drayman, 373 Customhouse Trouard Alfred, 398 St. Ann Trouard C. dep. sheriff, d. 338 Hospital Troube Jos. bar k|ir.d. Euterpe n.Carond't Trouble Alfred Mrs. millinery and fancy goods, 77 Royal Trounski Henry, clerk District Court, d. 50 St. Bernard Trcmp Jos. bar kpr.d. Theresa n.Tchoup's Trout Patrick, cabman, 244 Girod Trouette Antoinc, Magazine c. St Andrew Troulmann Franfois, lab. 39 Bartholomew Trovisgros E., Main n. Bourbon Trowell Pat. hackm. Johnson n. Gasquet Trower Patrick, hacks, etc. 244 Girod Tro.xler A. Mrs. 15 Ursulincs Troy William, St. Joseph n. Tchoupit's Troyer Andrew, carjienler, 55 Pi;rdido Trual S. furniture cart, 480 Morales, d. 3 Trub Peter, 55 Mandeville Truck Charles, trader, 125 Barracks Trucks Thomas, laborer, 318 Laurel Trudeau J. elk. B;ink of Louisiana, d. Fe- licity n. Coliseum Trudeau Jos. physician, 194 Canal Trudeau J. E. atty. at law, 44 Ex. place, d. Jefferson City Trudeau Similien, atty. at law, 44 Exchange place, d. Jefferson City Trudeau Zeno Mrs. d. 365 St. Charles True Delta Newspaper, 18 St. Charles True Witness and Sentinel Newspaper ,94 Camp Truet Antoine, butcher, 57 Magazine mkt. Trufant Geo. sugar refinery, below Convent Trufort Charles, Hospital n. Roman Trumpf Hypolite, 245 Royal Trumpf Nicholas, 50 French Trumpf Omele, milk, 76 French TEUMPY JAMES, Dealer in Paper Manufacturers' Stock, Rags, Ropes, &c., 115 Fulton. Trumpy James, clothing, 150 Levee,d.517 Royal Trupau Charles, pedler, 322 Claiborne, d. 3 Trusky C. screwman, 475 Royal, d. 3 Trust Frederick A. clerk, 41 Cavound Trusiwell William, conductor O.R.R.AIg. Trute Edward, drayman, 374 Fulton Truxillo A. trader. Ninth n. Magazine Truxillo F.(Keedir Co.) 184 Annunciation Try George, painter, Prieur n. Palmyra Tshudi Jacob, baker. Camp n. Thalia Tuchmann George, carp. 268 Greatmcn Tuchot Eulalie, f. w. c. 99 Barracks Tucker Geo. steamboat man, 209 Bienville Tucker George W. ( WUliams &/■ Tucker,) 161 Gravier Tucker .Tames G. book binder, 49 Union, d. 162 Chestnut Tucker James, engineer, 53 Louisa Tucker Josephine, 24 Franklin Tucker Lucille, 215 Louis Tucker Thomas, acct. Thalia n. Howard Tucker Thomas, constable, d. 321 Clara Tucker Thomas, jr. engineer, d. 321 Clara Tudor Ernest, cabinet mkr. 364 Bienville Tudor F. ice, 110 St. Charles TuduryA.& Co. (Peter Sux,) syrup manfs. 149 Elysian Fields Tudury R. (R. Saplace, R. Tudury,) Old Levee c. Esplanade Tugar Joseph, 156 Old Levee Tujague Alex, butcher, 26 Dryades mkt. Tujague Francois, clerk, Chartres Tujague Gabriel, 49 French market, d. 45 Orleans Tujague J. butcher, 25 French mkt. d.l78 Bayou road Tujague Louis, butch. Chippewa n. Ninth Tulane Paul, 74 Gravier Tull Thos. laborer, 541 Chartres TuUis Wm. B. (Tarleton, mnting &f Tul- lis,) Factors' row, 40 Perdido Tully A. J. & Co. (T. H. Hijrginbotham,) 71 Carondelet, d. 118 St. Jo.seph TUM 434 TUS Tummelty James, lab. 496 Royal Tumoine Alexander, elk. 65 O Levee,cl.2 Tumoiiie Hyacinthe Rev. 291 St. Philip Tun Laurence,fishmonger,'222 Frenchmen Tanker Caspar,axe handle mkr.148 Clouet TunstallG. W.Mrs., Washington n. Laurel Tuomy Jerry, Clailtorne n. Carondt.walk Tuoys P. J., New Eagle U. S. warehouse Tupery J. M. wines, lb6 Royal,d.95 Man- deville Turagano Jcs., Broad n. St. Philip, d. 2 Turberg P. dyer, 264 Chartres Turbert Adolph, Prosper c. St. Anthony Turbody Daniel, 172 Royal Turck Ernest, engineer, d. 350 Melpomene Turck J. R. carp. 781 Julia Turcot Isidore, typographer, 232 St. Ann Turcott JVI. carp. 196 Mew Levee TUECOTTE & BLANCAND, (Joseph Turcotte, J. P. Blan- cand,) No. 82 Canal street, between Camp and Magazine sts., formerly of Eed Store, between the two markets. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Do- mestic Dry Goods and Plan- tation Clothing. Turdeau Dr. 37 Rampart, d. 2 Tureau T Mrs. 229 Ursulines 'I'ureaus T. Mrs. 273 St. Ann Tureaud A. M. Mrs., Philip n. Chestnut Tureaud Mai-guret Mrs., Philip n. Camp Turegano J., Broad n. St. Philip Turegano Jean, Ursulines n. Tonti Turegano John, 391 Ursulines Turegano Louis, cigar mkr. 391 Ursulines Turegano Louis, Ursulines n. Tonti 'I'uregano Manuel, c. h. Mandeville c. St. John Baptist Turegano Manuel, c. p. 251 Mandeville Turegano Paul, 251 Mandeville Turgeau Edward Laroque, note elk. Union Hank, d. 270 Burgundy Turgeau Gustave Laroque, 7 Union, d. 3 Turgeau Louis L. elk. d. 278 Burgundy Tuigeaud Laroque, 268 Burgundy Turing Henry, tailor, 219 Rampart, d. 1 luring H. tailor. Old Levee n. Barracks Turk S. i\lrs. fancy goods, 547 Magazine Turia Leopold, cigars, 3b St. Charles, d.85 Union, d. 3 Turlay Hugh, cooper, d. 549 St. Claude, d. 3 Turlay R. Miss, dressmkr. 360 Magazine Turley P. lab. 122 Toulouse Turnage Olivia, b. h. Calliope n. Liberty Turnbull A. M. &, Co. (B. M. Turnbull,) cotton factors and com. mers. 13 Ca- rondelet Turnbull B. M. (^. M. Turnbull Sf Co.) 13 Carondelet, d. 285 Camp Turnbull Robert, clerk, 123 Canal Turnell John A. & Co. (J.D.Blakely,Wm. Hogan,) shoes, etc. 99 and 101 Canal and 5 Chartres, d. 166 Baronne Turner Augustus, f. m. c. steward, 199 Dauphine Turner David, lab. 134 Tchoupitoulas Turner Edward D. clerk, 334 Carondelet Turner E. M. Mrs. western verandah, Julia c. Tchoupitoulas Turner E. W. Mrs. millinery, 110 Canal Turner Francis, Lafayette n. Howard Turners' Hall, 14 Franklin, d. 1 Turner Hughes, clerk, 334 Carondelet Tiirner H. Mrs., Dehironde, Algiers Turner James,dep. constable and collector, 122 St. Andrew Turner James, fJo/m E.King,) forwarding and com. mers. 65 Magazine, d. Sixth n. Magazine Turner John, brushmkr. Rampart n.Delord Turner Joseph P. com. mer. 37 Front,d.l,. d. Magazine n. First Turner Lawrence, engineer, 533 Royal Turner M. H. xVlrs., St. Andrew n.Annun, Turner M. M. hacks, Magazine n. Philij) Turner I\ancy Mrs., Toledano c, Annun. Turner Nicholas, printer, 96 Bolivar Turner N. E. acct. 95 Gravier Turner Owen, carp. Soraparu n. Fulton Turner Richard, c. p. 472 Marais, d. 3 Turner Robert, blacksmith, 104 Tchoupi. Turner Sumpter, tobacco mer. 96 Camp Turner S. H. d. 50 Constance Turner Samuel H. Summer Bank, New Orleans, d.Carond't b. Erato &. Thalia Turner Thomas, Common n. Derbigny Turner Thomas S. 14 Camp Turner William, 425 Franklin '1 urner William, ship carpenter, Peter c. Bartholomew, Algiers Turner William C. clerk, 334 Carondelet Turner WiUijim C. salesman, 82 Canal Turner Wm. H. pilot, 617 Constance Turney R. druggist, 771 New Levee Turpi Adolphe, 120 Annette Turpia James, jewelry, lb3 Canal Turpin Bernard, auctioneer, 93 late 55 Old Levee, d. 2, d. 296 Royal Turpin C, Charles Dr. 240 Royal Turpin Emily Mrs. 4b Esplanade, d. 2 Turpin Ernest, confect'r, 93 0. Levee, d.2 TUKPIN JOHN, Importer of Wines and Liquors, London Porter, Ale, etc., and Agent for John Jeflieys & Co., Edin- burgh Ale, 129 Common, d. 669 Magazine. Turpin J. Mrs., Esplanade n. Chartres Turpin J. cigars, 209 Common Turpin White, clerk, 49 Camp, d. Jo- sephine n. St. Charles Turpin Michael, 198 Calliope Turrull Alphonse, barber, 60 St. Anthony Tussiii J. B. clerk, d. 208 Esplanade TUS 435 UNI Tusson John B. clerk, 30 Carondelet Tustine V. M. 71 Basin, d. 1 Tuthill J. VV. d. 42 Bourbon Tutt J. W. (Stone Sf Tutt,) 43 Canal, d. Magazine, b. 3 and 4 Tutzf Adam, laborer, 142 Piety Tuyes J. president N.O. Insurance Co. 106 Canal, d. 2U3 Burgundy Tuyes P, J. public storekeeper. Levee n. Engliien Twambly Geo. cot. sampler, d.l24 Orange Twelbeck Herman ,grocr. Water c. Jackson 'rwicliellT.C.84Poydras,d.]83.St. Charles Twiebel William Jacob, soap manufactu- rer. Liberty n. St. Andrew Twiggs D.E. Maj. General U.S. A. (Texas) Twitisch Emile, lai)orer, 29 Calliope Twist Fredk. acct. 95 Gra\ ier,d.380 Camp Twist Geo. N. trunknikr. 216 liam)iart,d.l 'J'witchell J. Mrs., Harmony c. Chestnut Twi>hig B. drayman, 204 Franklin I'worney Thomas, grocer, 407 Camp Tworney Thomas, grocer, 407 Magazine Tyberendt Harmon R. milkman, d.Roche- blave n. Cunal Tye Anthony, Cypress n. Roman Tye John, laborer, 54 Poet Tye Mr, printer, Madison n. Homer, McD. Tyee Henry, d. 70 Si. 'I'homas Tyler Charles, laborer, 484 Chartres, d. 3 Tyler Cot. Press, Tchoupiloulasc. Richard TYLER EDWARD A., Watches and Jewelry, 115 Canal d. 327 St. Charles. Tynan Andrew, 114 Marais Tynon Eugenia, 172 Main Tyrell William, laborer, 626 Royal, d. 3 Tyrrolf Adam, lamplighter, 121 Poet U EBER JACOB, teacher, 660 Rampart, d.3 Ueher ,lohn, teacher, 658 Rampart, d. 3 U( dard Madam, 135 Poydras Ugando J. collector, 49 St. Anthony ligarte P. cigars, 51 St. Louis Ulide L. tailor, 336 Royal, d. 3 Uhl Christian, baker. Prosper n. Union Uiile Fred, cigars, 362 Old Lcvce, d. 3 Uhle John, 94 Music Uhlhorn Harmon, carpt. 536 Chippewa Ulilhorn Julia B. Mrs. 35 Rampart Uhlhorn J. E.3ti Carondelet, d. 69 Uauphine Ulilhorn T. H. clerk, 48 Carondelet Uhrinacher Geo. ropemaker, Port n. Craps Uhrmacher George, rope maker, 107 Port Ukerst Joseph, moss, McDonogliville Ulgando J. 72 Si. Anthony Ullingcr Jacob M., Elmire n. Front Levee Ullman C. H. tailor, 876 Magazine, d. 4 Ullmayer Geo. carrier. Lessens n. Chartres Ullmer Jacob, slock driver, 1 oleduno near Fulton Ullmer Philip P., Toledano n. Chippewa Ulrich F. silver plater, 176 Bourbon Ulm A. barber. Levee n. Jefterson, Carlt. Ulm Lawrence, barber, 32 Orleans Ulm Michael, barber, 31 Frenchmen Ulm Philip, 171 St. Ferdinand Ulmer George, clerk, 36 Bienville Ulmer George, laborer, 141 Montegut Ulmer Hy. warehouse 'n, d. 80St. Thomas Ulmer Jacob, wood yard, 840 Dauphine Ulmer John, baker, Austerlitz n. Live Oak, Jeff. City Ulmer Jiio. F, carpenter, Fourth n. Fulton Ulnier J. cartman, Port n. Morales Ulmer J. trader, Bourbon c. Congress Ulino Mr. prof, of music, 135 Poydras Ulrich George A. warehouseman, Johnson n. Common Ulrich Michael, trunkmnker, Clio c. Freret Ulrieh Jacob, clerk, 121 Tehoupitoulas Ulrich Josejili, barkeeper, 52 South mrkt. Ulrich Michael, trunk maker, Clio c. Freret Ulrick John, laborer, St. Charles n. Philip Umaran J. c. p. 266 Morales Umbaeh Jacob J. tinner, 161 Marais, d. 2 Umpfelbach F. J. com. mer. 27 Carondelet Uncle Sam Warehouse, (P. J\l. Tuurn^,) Fulton c. Notre Dame Undernar John B., Josephine n. Chesnut Underwood James, engineer, 325 Rampart Underwood Napo 'n, pain ter,d. 438 Rampart Underwood Wm. engineer, 192 Lafayette Unger & Eselier, (C. Unger, G. Esclur,) bakers, 69 Elysiaii Fields Ungerer J. J. Rev. 512 Dauphine, d. 3 Uniacke William E. painter, 16 Exchange place, d. 198 Lafayette Union Bank of Louisiana, ]21 Canal Union Coilon Press, Hc'iiderson n. Tchou. Union Hall, Jackson ii. Annunciation Union Insurance Co., St. Charles c. Canal Union Mills, 52 Levee, d. 3 Union Race Course, Great Route, d. 3 Union Towboat Ocean Telegr. 3 Carondelet Union Warehouse, (P. ^M. TournetJJSulre Dame c. Tehoupitoulas United States Bonded Warehouse, No. 3, Levee n. Enghien United Stales Bonded Warehouses, Nos. 6 to ]9, Toulouse, kept by A. Le Blanc United States Branch Alint, Esjilanade United Slates Circuit Court, Hon. Joiin A. Campbell, presiding judge; Hon. T. H. McCaleb, associate judg<'; S. W. Gurley, clerk. Royal over Post Office United Stall s District Court, Hon. T. H. McL'aleb, judge; F. H. Clack, attor- torney; N. li. Jennings, clerk, Royal over Post ( )ffice United Stales Land Office for the South- eastern District, Louis Palms, regis- ter, 30 Camp, third floor United Stales Marine Hospital. Common United States iVlarshal, Joseph M. Kenne- dy, office Royal over the Post Office United Stales Pension Office,] 10 Si. Ciiarles United Stales Sub-Treasurer, James Brew- er, office ut the Muit UNI 436 VAL United States Quartermaster's Departme't, 128 Camp Unity Insurance Co. of London, E. W. Briggs, agent, 131 Common, d. 113 Constance University of Louisiana, Common, b. Ba- ronne and Dryades Unterreiner J. B. fish. Magazine market Upjohn Richd. cabinetmk. 96 Rampart,d.l Upper Station of City Police, Pacanier c. Terpsichore Upshur R. S. Custom House, d. 189 Treme, d. 2 Upson F. A. (Harris &( Upson,) Tchoupi- toulas n. Second Upton R. A. Mrs. d. Jackson c. Chestnut Uqiia B., Washington c. Rousseau Ura Joseph, 80 Esplanade, d. 2 Urban John, laborer. Third n. Fulton Urban John, packer, 85 Commerce Urbezo Jos. cigar mkr. 503 St. Claude, d. 3 Urdapilletta A. Mrs., St. Ann c. Derbigny Ure James H. Capt. 310 Chartres Urel Patrick, wheelwright, 265 St. Ann Uri Joseph, butcher, Clouet n. Chartres Uri Moses, Ninth n. Fulton Urlaub Conrad, cigar maker, 489 Chartres Urquhart F. f.m.c. cigars, 393 Marais,d.3 Urquhart G. com. mer. 117 late 96 Cus- tomhouse, d. 118 Main Urquhart W. & D. com. mers. 37 Caron- delet, d. 19 Dauphins, d. 2 Ursenberg Fred, shoemker, 17 Toulouse Ursonbach F., Arsenal alley, n. St. Peter Ursu Frederick, 469 Bourbon, d. 3 Ursulines Convent, Lower Levee a. Bar- racks Ury Joseph, butcher, 12 French market, d. 663 Royal, d. 3 Ury P. trader, St. Ferdinand c. Old Levee Usannaz A. Rev., Buronne c. Common Usannaz V. 252 Royal, d. 83 St. Ann Usher Stephen, 123 Foucher Usher William, stone cutter, 216 Delord Usiner M. carpenter, Ninth c. Chippewa Usler Charles, baker, 778 New Levee, d. 4 Usner Jacob, oysters. Levee n. Seventh UsnerValent'e,oysters,37lNewLevee,d.4 Uter L. looking glass importer,77 Chartres Uthoff Henry, 155 Camp, d. 150 Erato Uzee Charles, clerk, Celeste n. Tchoupi- toulas, d. 20 Adele Uzee Jos. painter, Celeste n.Tchoupitoulas V ACANT T, upholsterer, 97 Conti Vachet Napoleon, carp. 287 Burgundy Vadonis Fran9ois,carp.426 Robertson,d. 3 Vag Guiseppe, shoemaker, 15 Ursulines Vagts John, laborer, 95 Louisa Vahl Jacob, paint. Soraparu n. Rousseau Vahl Joseph, lamplighter, 374 Hospital Vahl M. painter, Soraparu n. Rousseau Vahle Francis, First n. St. Thomas Vahlmann J. jeweler, 153)^ Poydras Vail Anthony, tailor, 77 Josephine Vail Edward, clerk. Canal c. Bourbon Vail I. Dr. homeoiDathist, 267 Magazine Vail Nicholas, laborer, 541 Dauphine, d. 3 Vail Patrick, screwm. 557 Burgundy, d. 3 Vaile Mary Mrs., Coliseum n. St. Andrew Vaillairs Elizabeth, furnished rooms, 176 Customhouse Vailman J. laborer, 96 Enghien Vairin John P. clerk, 149 Common, d. Gasquet c. Prieur Vairin Julius (S. H. Kennedy 8f Co.) 36 Poydras, d. 170 Carondelet Vairin Justus, ( F. A. Boyle &c Co.) Poy- dras c. Tchoupi. d. 113 Constance Val Louis Capt. 140 Burgundy Valadie Jean, baker, 273 Treme Valarino A. collector, 135 Carondelet wk, Valcour L. mattrcssmaker, 196 Esplanade Valcour Mucelite, f. w. c. 323 Orleans Valcour William, Orleans n. Johnson Valdestrade Alexander, tailor, 69 St. Peter Valdor Peter, oyster saloon, Viilere c. Se- guin, Algiers Valdt D. driver, 108 Gaiennie Valencia A. P. grocery, Elysian Fields c. Old Levee, d. 61 St. Anthony Valentin E. mattrcssmaker, 155 Barracks Valentin Felix, grocer, Dauphine c. St. Peter, d. 290 St. Ann Valentin J. F. Mrs., 224 Derbigny, d. 2 Valentin M. P. shoemaker, 185 St. Philip Valentine Alexander, carpenter, Jackson n. Dryades Valentine Chas. engineer, 118 Villere, d. 2 Valentine Jas. lab. Gasquet c. Claiborne Valentine James W. hatter, 736 New Levee, d. 4 Valentine John, 505 Camp Valentine John, Eighth n. Constance Valentine James, oysters, 199 Girod Valentine J. B. & Co. (Jl. F. Dunbar,) com. mer. 51 Common Valentine J. B. jr., acct. 51 Common Valentine M. furni. cart, 248 Rampart,'d. 1 Valentine Peter, seam. 501 Dauphine, d. 3 Valentine Philip, f. m. c. bricklayer, 276 Claiborne, d. 2 Valentine Valentine, gardener, Sixth c. Prylania, d. 4 Valenzano Joseph, barber, 13 Main Valeton Alcide, 719 Dauphine Vaieton C. A. clerk, 31 Tchoupitoulas Valeton Henry & Co. (Jules Benezeck,) importers wines and liquors, 27 Bien- ville Valeton 0. wines and liquors, 31 Tchou- pitoulas, d. 719 Dauphine Valing Joseph, musician, 47 Galvez Valis Joseph, 233 St. Peter Vail George, clerk, 8 Old Levee Valla Emeline Mrs., Clio n. Carondelet Vallaro Antonio, oysters, 156 Bourbon Vallas A. Rev. 377 Canal Vallat J. broker, 225 St. Philip Valle A. clerk, 45 Carondelet Valle J. E. cotton broker, 116 Common, d. 85 St. Ferdinand VAL 437 VAN Vallejo C. Mrs. 143 Union, d. 3 Vallere John, cigar maker, Bourbon near Claiborne Vallet Antonio, bricklayer, 279 Bourbon Vallet J., Hajmu road n. St. Claude Valli.'t Nicholas, Dorbigny n. Kerlerec Vallotte A. P., Prosper n, Annette Vallette Fran<,-iiis, shipwright, Algiers Vallette H. N. ship carpenter, Algiers Vallette Louis, Goslin n. Alex, Algiers Vallette L. V. ship carpenter, Algiers Vallette OclRvc ( Follett,Vn{lette Sf Gerard,) Peter n. Chestnut, Algiers Vallient Peter, furniture, Villere, Algiers Vallier Louis, shocnikr. 144 St. Ann Valliers E. Mrs. 180 Customhouse VallindcUo Andrew, organ grinder, 248 Burgundy Vallis Elizabeth Mrs. 87 Urquhart Vallion T. 113 St. Philip Valloft William A. clerk, 67 St. Philip Vallois Victor, clerk, 29 Old Levee, d. 453 Rampart, d. 3 Vallois Victor Mrs. 453 Rampart, d. 3 Vallory Miguel, paint. 5()3 Burgundy, d. 3 Vallory Nicholas, c. h. 153 Elysian Fields Vallmer Joseph, Vall.s Andrew F. vice-consul of Brazil and Uraguay, and importer of cigars, 13 Exchange place Vnlls B. F, clerk, 97 Old Levee, d 2 Vails W. A, cigars, 14 Exchange place Vally E. clerk,""45 Chartres Valmour J. B. blacksmith, Toulouse n. Claiborne Valmeau Wm. driver, 331 Melpomene Valmont Marie, 378 Villere, d. 3 Valpe Aniello, 16 Royal Valstrof Henry, shoes, 560 New Levee Valt Moritz, lab, Dauphine n. Poland Valtz Nicholas, groc. 854 Dauphine, d. 3 Value J. R. (McSlea, Value Sf Co.) 98 Canal Valiche G. pedler, 280 Robertson Valz John, carrier, 828 Dauphine Van Benthuysen F. dry goods. Camp c. Felicity Van Bi'nthuysen Jeff, D. book keeper, 67 Gravier Van Benthuysen Thos. book keeper, 67 Gravier Van Benthuysen Joseph D. clerk, Gravier c. Magazine Van Benthuysen & Crafton (W. Van Ben- thuysen, P. D. Craflon,) tobacco mer- chants and cotton factors, 67 Gravier Van Benthuysen W. (Van Benthuysen Sf Crafton,) d. 188 Thalia Van Bibber F. J. & Co, cotton factors and commission merchants, 67 Carondelet, d. 95 First Vance Hamilton McNeil (Byrne, Vance Sf Co.) 3 Carondelet, d. 172 Canal Vance J. M. coffee inspector, d. 324 Cus- tomhouse Vancourt Catharine Mrs. 348 Howard Vancourt Daniel, collector, 348 Howard Van Culin A. carriage maker, 55 Clara Van Culin J. H. d. 146 Annunciation Van Dalson R. V. Mrs. 314 Baronne Vandanz M. J. clerk, 13 Tchoupitoulas Vnnde Sande J. M. C. jewelry,29 Natchez Vandegriff A. J., St, Charles c. Julia Vandegriff Jos. painter, 52 St. Joseph Vandegriff J. M. inspector customs, St. Charles c. Julia Vander Edward, 11 Annette Vanderdoes P. A. printer, 211 Poydras Vanderflyde Theodore, billiards. La, av. c. Water, Jeff. City Vanderlinden H. chief clerk at Charity Hospital Vanderstracten A. tailor, 90 St. Ann Vandervelde Honore, acct. 43 Chartres Vanderwist Christian, baker, 132 Clara Vandine Abraham, coal mer. d. Louisiana Hotel Vanderstractor J. B. barber, 66 St. Charles Vandrell Charles, 215 Cypress Vandrell George, lessee Claiborne market, d. 327 Common Van Dyke C. Capt. 364 Dauphine, d. 3 Van Eys Alphonse, shoemkr.55 St. Philiji Van Fossen T. L. (C. A. Barricre ^- Bro.) d. 16 Dauphine Vanhouten John, toll gate keeper. New Shell road c. Claiborne Van Horn T. D. book keeper, N. 0. Cres- cent, d. 248 Felicity Van Horn Jerome B. 12 late 4 Poydras Van Horn T. D. accountant, 70 Camp, d. d. 248 Felicity Van Ketel John, clothing, 224 New Levee Van Kuren Andrew, 7 Clara Van Loon A. E. foreman of machinery of N. 0. J. and G. N. R. R., d. 319 Calliope Van Loon Samuel T. master machinist of N.O.J, and G.N.R.R. d. 318 Liberty Van Praag Leon, jeweler, d. 42 Villere, d. 2 Van Proag S. S. perfumery and fancy ar tides, 191 Royal Vaniur F, laborer, 40 Mazant Van Ostern D. L. Mrs. d. 338 St. Andrew Vanneyen John. lab. 314 Old Levee, d. 2 Vanni G. upholsterer, 290 Conti Vannor.strand Henry, clerk, 35 Camp Vannuchi's Museum, 107 St. Charles Wm. 210 St. Claude, d. 2 Van Rooten Peter jr., clerk, 37 Chartres, d. 147 St. Peter Van Rooten P. stables, 122 Toulouse, d. 147 St. Peter Van Solingen & Co. (H.M. Van Solingen, Wm. Syer,) Vansyckel Albert, produce broker, 13^^ Tchoujiitoulas Vanthun H. c. h. Delord c Rampart Van Varankin J. carpenter, 153 Rousseau Van Vredcnburgh &, Little, carpenters, 208 Gravier, Van Vredenburg Rich, grocer, 312 Dry- ades, d. 4 Vanwickle C. R. clerk, Canal-st. Col. Press 29 VAN 438 VER Van Wickle J. C. (Wood, Fan mckle Sf Co.) cot. press, Canal c. Robertson, d. 3U8 Canal Vanwiiikle A. J., Rousseau c. First Van Wiillen R. shoemakr. 9 Annunciation Vanzant R., Liberty n. Clio Vaiizanilt B. Dr. not reported Vanzandt Tlios. blacksmith, d. Thalia c. Franklin Varallino Antoinc, 135 Carondelet walk Varda Louis, grocer, 202 Rampart, d. 2 Vardeau Jolm, cake baker, 162 St. Philip Varenholl F. shoes, 775 New Levee, d. 4 Variana Antoine, 369 Burgundy, d. 3 Varieties Theatre, Gravier n. Carondelet Varilla H. accountant, 60 Customhouse, d. Jackson n. Con.staiice Varin Charles, Cypress c. Johnson Varion F., Girod n. Marigny Varion T. 113 St. Philip Varnier H.J. laborer, Music n. Girod Varnier P. Mrs. 145 Main Vasconcellos Felix, painter, 235 Orleans Vases A. Mrs. dressmaker, 232 Carondelet Vasnier C, I'rquhart n. Mandevillo Vansnier Louis, Bourbon n. Urquhart Vass Alex, discharging clerk, Levee, d. 1 Vass Roslyn C. 63 Carondelet Vaier p-red, Ursulines n. Burgundy Vaih Geo. tailor, Goodchildren n. Clouet Vattiers Louis, lab. 429 Chartres, d. 3 Vattinel E. G. Mrs. 48 Esplanade, d. 2 Vattinel Juk.s, com. mer. 38 Carondelet ■ Vaucamelin F. painter, 311 Derbigny Vaucresson L. bricklayer, 198 Marais, d.2 Vaudelet Sebastian, tailor, 69 Main Vaudran A. umbrella maker, 160 Royal Vaudricourt Augusle, 252 Burgundy Vaudry Jules, broker, 38 Carondelet Vaudry W.T.iS: Co. (Robert C. Huston,) com. and forwarding mers. 54 Maga- zine, d. Fulton c. Sixth Vaughau & Co. (J. B. Vaughan, James Furneaux,) coffee and sj)ice mills, 156 Poydras Vaughan Ellen Mrs. 36 St, Mary Vaughan J. stevedore, Seventh n. Camp I VauglianJ.c. h. Front c.Lavoisseur, Qrtn. Vaughan J. B. (Vaughan Sf Co.) d. 389 Baronne Vaughan Miss, dressmkr. 148 Erato Vaughan W. H. messenger, 96 Camp. Vaugh' Bayless, clerk, d. 386 Magazine Vaught B. D. clerk, 95 Camp Vaught Daniel Mrs. 308 St. Andrew Vaught J. C. d. 48 Carondelet Vaught Simon, d. 386 Magazine Vaught W. C. D. accountant, 64 Caron- delet, d. 308 St. Andrew Vauquelin Jean, paper hanger, 86 Burgun- dy, d. 2 Vaure Francis, prof., Baronne c. Common Vauthier Pierre, furniture cart, 330 Ram- part, d. 3 Vautlat Sebastian, tailor, 71 Main . , ..„....., ,^ ^,^, Vautier D. clerk. Bayou bridge Vautier Joseph, Laharpe n. Brc Iroad Vauxhail Gardens, Carondelet walk Veach Josiah, 94 St. John Baptist Veau Alfred, clerk, 40 Elmire Veau Felix, clerk, 43 Natchez Veau T. ( Boisdore &f Veau) 21 Commerce, d. 371 Rampart, d. 3 Veazie Elijah, elk. 18 Camp, d. 143 Robin Vei^al Henry, 256 Magazine Vedol Jacques, painter, 55 St. Peter Vedot J, Mrs,, variety, 72 St. Ann Vedouch Stephen, coffee stand, 28 South Market Vedrenne Louis Mrs. 120 Frenchmen Veeter F. R. Magazine c. Poyfarre Vegas J. 0. F. Hall, d. 162 Baronne Vegel A. G. c, h. 43 Front Vehe Hy. draym. Bourbon n. Josephine Veigel John, carpi nter, Tonlo'use n, Prieur Veigth G. tailor, 763 St. Claude, d. 3 Veiland John, shoemkr. 17 Toulouse Veillion Augustin, Morahs c. Wash, av. Veillon Valery, d. 100 Congress Veis Geo. lab 14 Franklin, d, 2 Veiznor Charles, 353 Customhouse Velasco Francisco, cook, 18 St. Peter Vi.lasco F. clerk, 46 Old Levee Velasco M. A engineer. Union c. Morales Velkel) J. grocer, Goslin c. Alex, Algiers Velm Herman, wheelwright, 364 Thalia Veln»yre Bertrand, cabinet maker, Li'vee Velten Chas. F. shoes, 198 Tchoupitoulaa Venables R. S. bookkeeper, 98 Canal, d. 301 Bienville Vendage Sam 'I f. m. c. shoe maker, 150 Delord Venes Henry, barkeeper, 77 Front Vinil John, news carrier, 830 Dauphine Vennard Henry T. com, mer. 71 Poydras, d. 132 Jackson Vennier Mary A.^d, rear, 431 St. Charles Venot A. gilder, d, 97 St. Peter Venol S. N. ship carp. McDonogh Veque Charlis, 90'.( Exchange place, d. 549 Burgundy, d". 3 Verandah Hotel, Camp c. South, J, Stin- son, proprietor VEBBEECK J., Tailor, makes to oi'der Coats, Pants, Vests, &c. all in the newest style, also Shirts, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Umbrellas and Under Cloth- ing, No. 301 Old Levee street, c. Hospital Verbeek A. & N. (Jinthony Verb eek,^Yic ko- las Verbeek,) wood and coal, 217 Ram- part, d. Union c. Solidelle Verbene W. clerk, d. 324 Thalia Vercello Antoine, oysters, 72 St. Philip Verda Vincent, grocery, 384 Villcre, d. 3 Verde Louis, grocer. Main c. Rampart Verdella J. B. V., Dauphine c. St. Ann Verden Hilario, cigars, St. Anthony n. Prosper Verdine J., b. h. 23 Front Levee, d. 3 VER 439 VIG Verdun Auguste, tinsmith, 445 Dauphine Verel J. L. planter, 54 St. Anthony Verct Stanislaus, butcher, 32 Poydrasmkt, Verger Peter, butcher, 17 Poydras mkt. Verger Virgil, watch cases, 99 Ex. place Verges Dominic, butcher, 1 Poydras mkt. Verges Jean, wheelwright. Cotton Press c. St. Claude Verges Lorand, butcher, 76 French mkt. Verges Louis, tailor, JeflVrson City Verges Peter, butcher, Philip n. Constance Verges William, blacksmith, Pleasant n. Laurel Vcrgez Francis, butcher, 15 Poydras mkt. Vergez Hector, clerk, Hosjiital c.Chartres Vergez L. butcher, 76 French market Vergez R. butcher, 7 Poydras market Vergnes E. clerk, .30 Perdido Verhoeff W. F. oysters. Canal c. Treme X'erhoff Alexander, Clail)oriie n. Julia W>rillet H. acct. Jackson n. Constance Verion H. laborer, 120 Richard Verlander C. F. steamboat agent, 18 Poy dras, d. 219 Julia Verlander G. W. printer, d. Poydras c.St. Jane Verlander W. R. ( Laihrop Sf Co.) 74 Ma- gazine Verne Antoine, 40 Mandeville Vernet C. beer, Mandeville c.Goodchild'n Vernet J. carpt. Pacanier n. Richard Verneiil & Arcenaiix, (Adery, Vemeuil, Etithemone Jhreitnux,) wines and li- quors, 65 Si. Loui.-^ d. 21 Conti Verneville A. J. collector, 263 Main Vernick X. gardener, Girod n. Washing'n Vernier Anna, midwife, 253 Liberty Vernier Pierre Mrs. 145 Main Vernier Xavier, barkeeper, Watcrc. Ninth Vernon Robert, caulker, Delaronde, Alg. Vernon & Co. (R. Ver»o7i, C. L.Pilcher,'C. Kcr7i,) western produce, 21 Poydras, d. Erato n. Prytania Vernuilie C. 206 Villere Vernuille F. blacksm. 140 Goodchildren Veron J. Mrs. 61 Burgundy Veron P., St. John Route Verret Auguste, Customhouse, d. 183 St. Claude Verran C, St. John Route Verret C, Customhouse, d.77 St. Anthony Verret F. planter, Algiers Verrier Theo. grocery, St. Ann c. Bourbon Vertz George, Seventh c. Chestnut Vcssente Jose]il), Eighth n. Cliestnut Vcsseron Jos. H clothing, 149 Old Levee Verselon Antonio, oyst(M-s, 221 Bourbon Vessier Eugene, Spain n. Claiborne Vest John, lab. 12^3 Elysian Field.s Vest Gerard, lab. Frenchmen n. Chnrtres Vetter George, engineer, 317 Howard Vetsrh Michael, lab. 548 Villere, d. 3 Veullesrinet C. Mrs. 346 Claiborne, d. 3 Veyon Marie, 226 Marais Viadc John, cigars, 6 Commercial place Vial Madeline Mrs., Camp c. Harmony Viala Baptiste, draym. 349 Burgundy, a.3 Viala James, (Gouau^ &f Co.) 148 Royal, d. 157 Poydras Viath Henry, laborer, 519 Dauphine, d. 3 Viavant Aug. atty. at law, 97 Ex. place, d. 360 St. Claude, d. 3 Viavant Auguste, jr. 2 Carondeiet Vicellia Paul, grocery, 357 Melpomene Viccellio A. watchkr. Greatmen c. History Viccellio P., Clara n. Clio Viceilio Arnold, mattress maker, 367 Cus- tomhouse Vichner J., Rampart n. Piety Vick C, shoemkr. 370 Rampart, d. 3 Vickery Eli, bricklayer, 79 Elys. Fields Vickner Justin, lab. 826 Rampart, d. 3 Vickncr N., Bayou bridge Victor Flora Mrs. 169 Customhouse Victor Francois, f 7)ttftois, Lamaniree &f Co.; d. 158 Frenchmen Victor Jean Marie, 253 Dauphine Victor Joseph, pilot, 219 Morales Victor Martin, trader, 10 Les.'ieps Victor Wm. cabman, 10 Johnson Victori Louis, clerk, 119 Ursulines Victorine Madam, dressmkg. 93 Bourbon Vidal Ernest, clerk, 50 Bienville Vidal Francis, 155 Prieur, d. 2 Vidal John, oyisters, 10 St. Philip, d. 147 Old Levee Vidal Paul, (Levois Sf Co.) Canal c. Bour- bon Vidal Manuel, trader, 36 Spain Vidalc F., Urquhart n. Frenchmen Videau Antoine, d. 98 Ursulines Videau Peter, jr. cooper, 239 Marais, d. 2 Videau Peter, cooper, 252 Ursulines Videlange VVm. tinsmith, 316 St. Peter Vidou Pierre, 22 Poydras market Vidow Simon, butcher, 24 Poydras mkt Vidrenne Louis Mrs. 157 Frenchmen Vieira Antonio, c. h. St. Ann c. Bourbon Vieira Francis, c. h. Conti c. Rampart Viel L. J. 322 St. Claude, d. 2 Viena Francisco, fishmonger, 29 Mande- ville Vienne F. A. cotton broker, 6 Carondeiet Vienne James, clerk, 6 Carondeiet, d. 385 Rampart Vienne Jules, clerk, 235 Ursulines Vienne Jules G. (E. Jicilly Sf Co.) 126 Canal, d. 162 Elysian Fields Vienne J. Mrs. Elysian Fields n. Good- children Vienne P. A. clerk, 13 Conti, d. Elysian Fields n. Goodchildren Vienus Louis, c. p. 513 Dauphine, d. 3 Vierling F. A. d. 93 St. Charles Viesi" Adolphe, shoemkr. McDonogh Vieu P. Mrs. 330 Claiborne Vieshorn Fred, carpenter, 90 Elys. Fields Vigers Caroline, teacher, 206 Conti Vigey Chas. 312 Ursulines Vigey Fr. wheelwright, 312 Ursulines Vigellio Paul, grocer, Clio n. Clara Vigil A. G. c. h. 43 Front, d. 1 Vigilant Fire Co. No. 3, Galvez c. Bayou road Vigis P. Mrs. d. 25 Esplanade Vignan Pierre, cartman, Washington n. Fulton Vignaud A. 5 Old Levee, d. 93 Orleans Vignaud B. 0. (Menard (^ Vignaud,) 16 Bienville, d. 193 Burgundy Vignaud Etienne, cigar mkr.lll Columbus Vignaud J. 299 Roman Vignaud Jos. cigar mkr. Ill Columbus Vignaud L. Mrs., Bayou road n. Johnson Vignaud Valsin, 145 St. Ann Vignaud V. Mrs. 145 St. Ann Vignaux B. c. h. Burgundy c. St. Philip Vignaux John Mrs. 146 St. Philip Vigne Joseph, 164 Royal Vigne Jules Dr. 374 Rampart, d. 3 Vignes J. coal and wood, 81 Dauphine Vignea L. butcher, 31 Magazine Vignie Edward, 293 Royal Vignie J. B. 293 Royal Vignie Numa, 47 Conti, d. 293 Royal Vignie N. auctioneer, Conti c. Ex. place, d. 363 Royal Vigo Joseph, d. 146 Gasquet Vigo P. J. clerk, 76 Canal Vila Mariano, 202 Bienville Vilenarbo M. c. h. Levee c. Madison Villa & Fernandez, ( E. Villa, J\I. Fernan- dez,), Royal c. Customhouse Villa Giovani, oysters, 136 Dauphine Villa Joseph, clerk, Customhouse c. Royal Villa Joseph, tailor, 91 Toulouse Villa John, carpenter, 43 Annette Villa Joseph, cigar maker, 431 Rampart, d.3 Villa Josephina, f. w. c. 146 Union, d. 3 Villa T. butcher, 9 French market Villain Victor, birds, 19 Ursulines Villan Charles, barber, 7 Madison, d. 168 St. Phillip Villan Jose, barkeeper, 21 Poydras Villanoba Joseph, steward, 4 Union, d. 3 Villapalma Mrs., Ursulines n. Johnson Villar Ann, f. w. c. Dorgenois n. St. Ann Villar Bridget, d. 28 History Villar Frank, 178 Barracks Villar Fred. 149 Frenchmen Villar Joseph, 431 Rampart, d. 3 Villarey Leon, drayman, 92 Dauphine Villard Joseph, cook, 239 Dauphine Villarrubia E. clerk, 201 Robertson Villarrubia J. jr. (S. De Visser Sf Co.) d. 307 Royal Villars C. T. acct. 47 Magazine Villars D. bank clerk, d. 140 St. Mary Villars Jos. C. clerk, 47 Magazine Villars L. D. J. Mrs. 140 St. Mary Villars Paul, 204 Marais Villarz Cecele Mrs., St. Mary n. Laurel Villasana Francis, clerk, d. 65 St. Philip Villaseca Manuel, porter, Bank of America Villavaso Etienne, d. 207 Esplanade Villavaso G. E. clerk, 63 Old Levee, d. 2 Ville Virginia, grocery, 123 Rampart, d. 1 Villegar Jose, fruit, 316 Camp Villegas J. barkeeper, Lafayette c. Front Villegas Joseph, oysters, 316 Camp Villeman J. (J. C. Pennington 8f Co.) 80 Poydras Villere Aglaise, f. w. c. 317Chartres Villere Alfred, St. Charles n. Union Villere A. J. 351 Ursulines Villere A.L.69 Old Levee,d.329 Ursulines Villere A. Mrs., Burgundy n. Hospital Villere Bertrand, saddler, 92 Dauphine Villere Edward, (West &f Villere,) d. 44 Main Villere E. 216 Rampart, d. 2 Villere Placide L. clerk, 40 Union Villere Zoe Mrs. 221 Dauphine Villermin A. baker, Chartresn. Mazant Villien Jos. grocer, Rampart c. St. Ann Villion August, 119 Poet Villiot J. J. diamond setter, 113Customhouse Villis Jos. d. 55 St. Ann Villomet J. B. baker, 320 Burgundy Villoret Mary, f.w. c. Felicity n.St.Thos. Vilmure Charles, tailor, 81 Bourbon Villuette Clara, f. w. c. 336 Rampart, d. 3 Villumbets Jean, butcher, Treme market, d. 232 St. Ann Vincent Amedee G. 117 Dauphine Vincent C. H. Capt. 308 Chartres Vincent Edward, clerk, 117 Dauphine Vincent Eugene, d. 253 Ursulines Vincent Engene, f. m. c. 113 St. Ann Vincent F. carp. 318 Elysian Fields Vincent George, clerk, 117 Dauphine Vincent Germain, (Vincent &^ Co.) 63 Customhouse, d. 100 St. Louis Vincent J. confectioner, 134 Canal Vincent J. L. acct. Magazine c. Common Vincent John, lab. 225 St Louis Vincent Jos. Capt. 308 Chartres Vincent M. millinery, St. Ann c. Bourbon Vincent Wm. G. (Vincent &f Co.) 63 Cus- tomhouse, d. 117 Dauphine Vincent & Co. (W. P.,Wm. G. &f G. Vin- cent,) auctioneers, 63 late 28 Custom- house, d. 117 Dauphine Vinchel Adam, carp. 359 Conti Vinent Antoine, b. h. 181 Orleans Vinent Juan, cabman, 509 St. Claude,d.3 Vinent Louis, oysters, 466 Royal, d. 3 Vinette Adolphe, 701 Chartres, d. 3 Vinkler Frances Mrs. milli'r,339 Magazine Vinet Jason, ship carp., Peter, Algiers Vinet John B. clerk, Chartres c. Conti, d. 253 Burgundy Vinet J. elk. 43 Chartres,d. 221 Burgundy Vinet Theodule, 181 Bayou road Vinette Urban, 571 Dauphine, d. 3 Vining K. clerk, 126 Canal Vining 0. K. clerk, 40 Tchoupitoulas Vining R. W. watch and clock maker, St. Charles c. Felicity Vinot Francis B. d'y register, 167 Royal, d. 351 Claiborne, d. 3 Vinot Louis, 346 Esplanade Vinssent Blanc, clerk, 272 Esplanade Vinten Geo. H. typefoundry,105 Poydras, d. Napoleon av. c.Chestnut, Jen. City Viola Baptiste, wood, 110 St. Philip Viola Geo. d. Carrollton VIO 441 VOL VIOLETT W. A. & CO. (W. C. Black,) Receiving and For- warding Merchants, Dealers in Staple Groceries and Pro- visions, Nos. 49, 51, 53 and 55 New Levee, immediately op- posite to their old store, and Nos. 39, 41,43 and 45 Fulton, d. 1; d. 146 Carondelet Vionnct A. jr. clrrk, 61 CarondclcH Vionnct R.Dr., Rdurlion c. Orli^ans Vinsca .Toaquin, 24H Old Lcvce, d. 2 Viosoa J. jr., (Pian;s;io S,' Viosca, jr.) 60 Old Lcvcc, d. l'J4 Esplanade Viosca Raymond, elk. 253 Old Lovoc, d.2 Virgets Dominique, butcher, d. 221 Mel- pomene Virgets Felix.fruit dealer, d. 221 Molpnm'c Virges.Tean, shoemaker, .543 Chippewa Virgil Marv Mrs. d. 107 Marais, d. 2 Virgin E. P. elk. 61 Gravier, d. .Teff. Cily Virgin Mary A. Mrs., Cadiz c. Laurel, J. C. Virgin William, pottery, Cadiz c. Laurel, .TelTerson City Virginia Warehouse, Race n. New Levee Viriing Francis A. coffee, 106 St. Charles Virtue Edward .1. jr. book keeper. Great- men e. Enghien Visador Mitchell, laborer, Valence c. Jer- sey, Jefferson City Visage Louis, laborer, 246 Tchoupitulas Visard Bridget Mrs. grocery, 576 Levee Vischer D. Mrs. 295 St. Mary Vischendorf John, screwman, 240 Good- children Visinier V. Mrs. 201 Main Vita Salvatory, 346 Robertson, d. 3 Vital Arcenaux Mrs., Magazine c. Bor- deaux, Jefferson City Vital Aristel,f. w. c. 19 St. Bernard Vital A. clerk, 209 Old Levee, d. 2 Vital Vincent,c.h., Levee c. Elysian Fields Vitrac B. painter, 290 Burgundy Vitry Charles, carpenter, 101 Toulouse Vivant A., Widow, 193 Main Vivant C. Mrs. 360 Dauphine, d. 3 Vivant Felicity, furn. rooms, 195 St. Louis Vivant Louis," carpiMiter, 251 St. Philip Vivant Louis, bricklayer, 358 Dauphine Vivant Lucille, f. w. c. Philip n. Prytania Viven John L., Orange n. Camp Vivian Joseph, eggs, 12 St. Philip Vix Theodore, gardener, 449 Ursulines Vizard Anthony, drayman, 84 Calliopn Vliet Edgar, conductor, Jackson R. R., St. Charles Hotel Voebel C. locksmith, 30 Jackson Voegler Jacob, baker, 534 Dau)ihine, d. 3 Voehrez H. grocer, New Levee c. Eighth Voclkel John, hardware, 957 Levee, d. 4 Voelkel Jacob, grocer, Soraparu c. Rousseau Voelkel Philip," butcher, 62 Port market, d. Jersey n. Berlin, Jeff. City Volkenslein Rodolph,pain'r,47 Marai8,d.2 Volker C. shoemaker, Felicity c. Nuns Volmufh Carl, lab. 728 St. Claude, d. 3 Voerg D. confectionery, Prytania c. Terp- sichore Vogal Jacob, Prieur n. Main Vogein J. B. Rev., Constance c.Josenhine Vogel Arthur, baker, 457 Bouriion, a. 3 Vogel Auguste, tailor, 97 Exchange place Vogel Bernard, tailor, 63 Liberty Vugel E. Mrs. midwife, 181 Camn Vogel F.wheelwrgt. Soraparu n.Cliippewa Vogel Geo. S. lab. 494 Dauphine, d. 3 Voc^el Jacob, blacksmith, 434 Main Vogel P. glove cleaner, 151 Calliope Vogel Win, tailor, 106 Basin, d. 1 Vogel W., Erato n. Liberty Vogelgesang A. clerk, 51 Front Vogelsaenger George, laborer, St. Thomas n. Felicity Voges Henry, carpenter, 244 Baronne Vogler Frederick, shoes, 79 Old Levee Voglo Martin, cabinet mkr. 75 Chippewa Vogt Carl, tailor, 562 Dauphine, d. 3 Vogt Peter, laborer, 30 Piety Vogt Samuel, butcher, 15 St. Mary's mkt Voght Ludwig, tailor, d. 12 Lynch 's row Vo'ght Mathias Mrs. 244 Ursulines Vohir Henry, grocer, Magazine c. Auster- litz, Jeiterson City Vohl .Tacob, printer, Soraparu n. Rousseau Vohl M. printer, Soraparu n. Rousseau Vohlander Peter, lab., Marigny n.Solidelle Vohrer Henry, grocery. Levee n. Eighth Vohrer Henry, Ijaker, 414 Dryades Voilmrgh Flavel, d. 851 Magazine Voight^Tohn A. clerk, 126 Poydras Voights & Jeanrenaud,('C. von Voightu, E. L.Jea7ij-cnrtU(/,^cm.mers.41 Carondelet Voigt Charles, acct. d. 11 Galvez Voilaud Fran(^ois, tobacco nianufact.d.420 Hospital Voisin Anatolo, 38 Charfres Voisin A. D. acct. 98 Gravier,d. St. Charles, Upper Line, near .Tetr. City Voisin J. B. D. note clerk. Bank of Loui- siana, d. 93 St. Jose))h Voisin J. F. clerk, 25 Carondelet, d. 96 St. Joseph Voisin Maria, millinery and fancy goods, 36 Chartres Voitiir B. L. shoemaker, 26 Main Voiiier Leon, cutler, 33 Dauphine Volaire Charles Mrs., Main near Johnson Volaire E. Manuel, clerk, 20 Union, d. 1, d. 350 Main Volcknmnn Andrew F. clerk, Tchoupi- toulas n. Celeste, d. 28 Felicity ^ Volckmann David, 210 Conti Volkmann Ernest, tailor, 157 Prieur Volkmann H. Mr.-^. 336 Conti Volkmann Wm. jr. lab. 334 Conti Volkmann Wm. sr. 334 Conti Volger Louis, lab. 331 Carondelet walk Volgriner Joseph, Adele near Rousseau Volk J. shoemkr.,Solidelle near Bagatelle Volkel Jacob, grocer,Soraparuc.Rousscau Voiker Clemence, shoes, Nuns n. Felicity VOL 442 WAG Volker John W. dairy, Cotton Press near Urquhart Volker John , shoemkr. 472 Tchoupitoulas Vollenwc'der Jacob, fruits, 78 St. Charles Vollers Ludwig, 511 Fulton VoUnier John, grocer. Sixth c. Baronne Vollmer P. shoemaker, Lafayette near Second, Gretna Volpajola Paul C. barber and wig maker, 6 Royal Vollrath H. tailor, 375 Old Levee, d. 3 Volney P. tailor, 40 Bartholomew, Algiers Voltaire Benedic iVIrs. 129 Elysian Fields Voltaire Jacques,f.m.c. Morales n.Enghien Votz Louis, 381 Lafayette Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1, Hunter-st. Volz Moritz, laborer, 705 Charlres, d. 3 Volz Martin, grocer, 371 Lafayette Von Behren F. furniture car, 70 Congress VomlioffGustavus,musician,546 Magazine Von Arnim A. ( W. de Dopff 8f Co.) 91 Magazine Von Ehren Fritz, printer, 316 Conti Von Kye Edward, d. 214 Constance Von Eyka Edward, Conti c. Marais Yonder Haar Frank, grocer, Washington c. Magazine Voneye G. Mrs. 8 Charlres, d. 210 Conti Von Handrub Henry , lab. Clouetn. Morales Von Harten F. B. grocer and postmaster Lafayette, Rousseau c. Jackson Von Hofe Gustave, piano manufacturer,d. 542 Magazine Von Hoven Jacob, c. h. Felicity c.Prytania Von La Hache Theodore, organist, d. 627 Camp Vonrousewiltz Wm. tinner, 268 Chartres Von Thun Harry, c. h. Delord c. Rampart Voorhics Albert, supreme judge, d. 211 Main Voorhies B. P. (Voorhies 8f Griggs,) d. 46 Ursulines Voorhies, Griggs & Co. (B. P. Voorhies, S. R. Griggs, Hugh Jamicson,) com. and forwarding mers. 17 Tchoupitoulas Voorhies M. atty. at law, 51 Ex. place Voorhies G. clerk, 37 Magazine Voorhios Octave, (G. W. Dunbar Sf Co.) 5 Magazine, d. 46 Ursulines Vorgrlmler Jno. musician, 369 Elys. Fields Vortisch Geo. F. tailor, 59 Claiborne, d. 2 Vos Wm. 318 Villere, d. 3 Vosburg Flavel, d. 351 Magazine, d. 4 Vosburgh Samuel, sash mkr. 371 Dryades Voschera F. Mrs. 241 Goodchildren Vose Brothers, ( F. E. Vose, H. J. Vose,) com. and forwarding mers. 63 Maga- zine, d. 740 Magazine Vose H. J. (Vose Brothers,) 63 Magazine, d. 740 Magazine Vose J. Holbrook, machinist, 8 Union Vose & West, (J. E. Vose, B. T. West,) wool and agricultural implements, 119 Magazine Vose J. E./Tose Sf West,) d. St. Charles n. Soniat, Jeff. City Voss Louis, carp. Jackson R. R. depot Voss Lewis, milkman, Bartholomew c. Morales Voss Wm. d. 89 St. Anthony Vostoh Chas. carp. Fourth n. Fulton Votha Pierre, d. 6 Love Votter Chas. lab. 49 North market Voggnier Theophile, paint vender, 516 Dauphine Vrehde Caroline Mrs. 131 Basin, d. 1 VREDENBURGH WM. H. General Commission Merchant, 36 Old Levee street, d. Esplanade n. Eoche- blave. Vreland Walter, ('onstance n. Second Vucher Madeline Miss, millinery, 117Royal Vucovich Matale, fruit, Claiborne market Vuillot Bapliste, lab. 249 Claiborne, d. 2 Vuirath H. tailor, 375 Old Levee, d. 3 Vulrath Jacob Mrs. d. 59 Lcsseps W/ A AGE AUGUSTE, horticulturist, 711 Rampart, d. 3 Wabinger J. W. clerk, d. 131 Lafayette Waca A. tailor, 225 Conti Waca A. jr. tailor, 225 Conti Waca Ferdinand, tailor, 225 Conti Wachenfeldt Carl, shoe fitter, 107 Bienville Wachter Gottfried, barkeeper, 552 Tchoup. Wachterhausen August, tailor, 35 Gravier Wacker Antoine, driver, 81 Rocheblave Wackter Benjamin, musician, 189 Girod Waddell James D. clerk, 74 Canal Waddell John, lab. Claiborne n. Erato Waddell J. P. clerk, 93 Camp Wade Capt. 121 Constance Wade C. L. Mrs., Washington n. Laurel Wade Geo. shoemkr. Urquhart c. Music Wade H. F. Dr. 614 Magazine, d. 4 Wade Richard J. & Co. shipping office, 2 Marigny buildings, d. 130 E.splanade Wadello Jos. oysters, 566 Magazine, d. 4 Wadsworth Benjamin, grocer, c. Roman and St. Louis Waedner C. gardener, Mazant c. Urquhart Wafer Pat. laborer, Fulton n. Felicity Waffender Charlotte, grocery, 112 Ninth Waffenter D. c.h. Ninth c. Annunciation Wafler August, ( Caigniet &{ Co.) 535 Mag- azine Wagatha Adam, porter Merchants' Bank, 50 Camp, d. 58 Roman Wagener A. C. confectioner, 414 Dryades Wagener Bernard, baker, 35 Poydras mkt. and 168 Girod Wagener E. R. & Co. bookbinders, 59 Poydras Wagerman Adele Mrs 367 Baronne Waggoner E. Mrs. millinery, 473 Chartres Wagner Adam, butcher, 51 French mkt. Wagner A. Mrs. dressmkr. 32 St, Philip WAG 443 WAL WagiRM A. J. deputy surveyor customs, Sixth c. Constance Wagner B. bookbinder, d. 450 Dryades Wagner Caroline, dressmaker, 19 Treme Wagner Charli-s, Craps n. Desire Wagner Cluirles, shoemaker, ()7 Royal Wagner C. F. c. h. and grocery, 2]5 Julia Wagner Daniel, foreman omnibus stables, Stock Landing, Jeff. City I Wagner & Beh-e, ( E. JVagner, Geo. Belee,) I butchers, 72 Magazine Wagner Eugene C. |)rint<'r, 48 Magazine Wagner Francis clerk, 348 Conti Wagner Frank, picture frames, 291 Camp Wagner Frederick, InUcher, 49 French mkt. d. 688 Annunciation Wagner F.,'t walk, near Roman Wagner H. J. labon'r, Frerei near Clio Wagner Isier, bookbinder, d. 282 Basin Wagner John, Annunciation near Sixth Wagner John C. clerk, 9 Julia landing, New Basin, d. 325 Liberty Wagner John P. baker, 87 llrquhart ^Vagner Joiin, dravman 75 Bertrand Wagner J. M. (h',ulo;en S,- Co.) 16 Ca- rondeletjd. 241 Burgundy Wagner J. tailor, 147 Lafayette Wagner J. barber, Julia n. Magnolia Wagner Martin, 217 Vilierc Wagner Michael, lab. Claiborne n. Spain Wagner Michael, carpenter, 315 Conti Wagner Notz, ragman, 255 St. Philip Wagner Peter, shoes, 244 Carondelet .Wagner Peter, lab. Orange n. I'acanier Wagner Philip, cab. maker, 219 Bienville Wagner Peter K. 15 Marais, d. 2 Wagner Peter, cigar mkr.9!)3 N. Levee, d. 4 Wagner Theo., Orange n. St. Thomas Wagner T. G. shoemaker, 15 Hospital Wagner W. clerk, 22 Magazine Wagner Wm. F. 15 Marat's Wagre E. clerk, 40 Chartres Wahl Ambroise, tailor, 0. Levee c. Toulouse Wahl Michael, Sixth near Laurel Wahl Peter, 57 Constai;ce Wahl P. coffee, 11 Poydras market Wahlen Adolphe C. Capt. 257 Lafayette Waliltahrt Henry, grocer, 125 Seventh Waigan Geo. shoemaker, 41)6 Constance Waigers Theodore, Bourbon n. Solidelle WaiFes B. H. clerk, 33 Carondelet, d. 126 Terpsichore Wailes E. H. (Gallagher &; Co.) 33 Caron- delet, d. Terjisicliore n. Constance Wainright C. jr, baths, St. James hotel, Magazine Wait W. T. clerk, 25 Carondelet Waitkarn Louis, trunk maker, 105 Erato Waheinan M uleiine. 105 Cilismm, d. 4 Wakefield & Wilbur, ( W. Wakefield, Louis Wilbur,) corn. mers. 86 Magazine Walbrecht Fritz, St. Mary n, ('oustancc Walch Charles, milk. Hospital n. Tonti Walch M. shoemaker, 578 N. Levee, d. 4 Walden Geo. W. deputy sheriff •Walden J. P. chief deputy sheriff, d. 181 Si. Ann Walden James, laborer, 125 Josephine WaId- bari)er, 6 St. Philip Weriing M. bakery, 113 Liberty Wernies Chns. tailor, 173 St. Charles Werner Adolph, pa|)i r hanger, 7 Treine Werner Anthony, packer. Third n. Laurel AVerner A. shoenikr. Josepiiinc n. Laurel Werner A. machinist, Second n. St. Dennis Werner Chaa. cariman, 21 Goodchildren Wi'rner Conrad, lab. 511 Dauphine Werner Henry, bookbinder, 192 Canal Werner Jno.L. saddler, 108 'Ichoupiloulas Werner .Tohn lab. Prosjier n. Frenchmen Werner Joseph, lab. Louisa n. Claiborne Werner Julius, porter, Music c. Girod Werner L. shoemkr. Josephine n. Laurel Werner Piiilip, shoemkr. Thalia c. Freret Werner S., (>oiiti n. Tonti Werner Michael, cooper, 128 Roman, d.2 V\'^erner Wm., St. Andrew n. Franklin Weriiet Jacob, carpenter, Josephine n. Chippewa Werse Auguste, tailor, Hospital c.Galvez Werili Chas, tinsmith, .563 Tchoupitoulas W.Mth Ed. carp. 308 Dryades, d. 4 Wertlier Jacob, luitcher,'9St. Mary's mkt Werlner Khrhardt, drayman, 352 Orleans Westcott W. D. salesman, 98 Canal, d. 76 Dauphine Weser Adolph, confectionery, Gretna Weser William, c. h. New Levee c. Philip We.spisser A. shoemaker, 256 Chartres Wessel Chas. com. mer. d. 391 S. Charles Wessel D. P. d. 11 Lower Front Levee,d.2 Wessel Henry, laiiorer, 540 Dauphine,d.3 Wessell Charles, 330 Bienville West R. J., (Tose^- H'est,) 121 Magazine, d. Magazine n. Lyon, Jeff. City West Douglas, ( fVesl Sf Vilkre,) d. Philip c. Constance West E. Mrs. midwife, 482 St,CharIe8,d.4 West Frank V.,( Deraron ^- MVs/, ^painters, 77 Toydras, d. 350 Thalia West Geo. clerk, 26 Carondelet, d, St, Charles n. Jackson West, Rensliaw & Cammack, (Geo. W. M'est, Henry lieiishaw, filbert Cavnnark,) cot. fac. and com. niers. 34 Perdido West & Villere, (Douglas West, Edward Vilkre,) sugar and cotton factors, 40 Union WEST JAS. DR., pentist, Estab- lished 18 Years, No. 112 St. Charles street West James H. pilot, Laurel c. Belcastle, Jefferson City West John, lab. 506 Chartres West John, cooper, 81 St. Andrew West John, St. Joseph n. Chippewa West John, steward, 368 Conti West J. M., Levee c. Comnton West J. M. printer, 137 Customhouse West Mary S. Mrs. 164 Kerlerl August, Magazine c. St. Mary Wetzel Auguste, Josephine c. Carondelet Wetzel B. tailor, Trenie c. Canal Wetzel Charles, carpenter, 122 Canal Wetzel Hinry, clerk, 26 Maguzine Wetzel William Dr. 152 Canal Wctzlan Gustave, 217 'IVhoupitoulas Wever Jacob, 7 Frenchmen Wever Jas. variety, Monlegulc.Casacalvo Wever Nicholas, chiffonier, 306 Royal WEV 452 WHE Wever Philip, 220 Main Wewer H. carpenter, 127 Urquhart Wexel Aaron S. grocer, 303 Gravier Weydis Martin, saddler, 317 Rampart Weyel David, pedler, 128 Mandeville Weyel Jacob, syndic, Carrollton Weyl & Co., (S. Weyl, E Brugere,) dry goods, Moreau c. Frenchmen Weyman F. H. clerk, d. 267 Liberty Weymann Stephen, baker, 201 Josephine Weymann Wendelin, tailor, Levee c.Port Weymouth D. F. Mrs. not reported Weymouth James E. clerk, 134 Canal Weymouth J. M. acct. d. 301 Carondelet Weysham John R. dep. coroner, d. 236 Frenchmen Whalan Andrew, drayman, 79 Adeline Whalan Augustine, lab. 500 Royal, d. 3 Whalan Bernard, warehous'n,164 Annun. Whalan Dennis, lab. 363 Tchoupitoulas Whalan James, boiler maker, Algiers Whalan John, blacksmith, 132 Thalia Whalan John,drayman,Willovir n. Gravier Whalan John, laborer, 132 Casacalvo Whalan Michael, Freret n. Erato Whalan Michael, lab. Hunter n. Tchoup. Whalan Patrick, blacksmith, Algiers Whalan Peter,drayman, Willow n. Gravier Whalan P. carpenter, d. 114 Calliope Whalan Richard, boatman, 160 Tchoup. Whalan Thomas, laborer, 362 Magazine Whalan Thos. grocer, 195 Magazine Whalan Wm. blacksmith, d. 183 Foucher Wimnn James Mrs. 22 Marigny Whann R. Capt. d. 453 Old Levee, d. 3 Whann William, manager Good Intent Tow Boat Co. 3 Carondelet and 2 Marigny buildings, d. 91 Esplanade Whann William jr. manager Balize Tele- graph, 3 Carondelet, d. 22 Marigny Wharton A. C. clerk, 109 Esplanade Wharton Clarie Mrs. 109 Esplanade Wharton Thomas K. architect, 424 Camp Wheat J. T. atty. at law, 15 Camp Wheaton Ammon, ship carpenter, Bouny, Algiers Wheaton W. H. d. 72 Polymnia Wheelahan Helena, 44 Annunciation Wheelahan Michael, accountant, lOSCanal, d. 346 Rampart, d. 1 Wheelan Michael,lab.,Jenan.Jersey, J.C. Wheelehan Bernard Mrs. d. 44 Annun. Wheelehan C. dray'n, Lafayette n. Locust Wheelehan Thomas, lab. 427 Chartres,d.3 Wheeler Archer B. clerk, 87 Camp, d. Gaiennie n. Constance Wheeler August, lab.. Third n. Laurel Wheeler B. L., St. Charles n. Louisiana av. Wheeler Christian ,gro. 75 Carondelet walk Wheeler Christopher, stevedore,d. 10 Peace Wheeler Charles, St. Charles n. La. av. Wheeier Daniel, ( Wheeler Sf Shepherd,) 46 Carondelet Wheeler E. H. C Wheeler if ForstaU,) d. 24 Gaiennie Wheeler Francis sr. Carrollton Wheeler Francis D. jr. Gretna WHEELER & EORSTALL, (E. H. Wheeler. E. L. Forstall,) successors to Long & Maglone, Manufacturers of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Work, Mag- azine c. Girod, are prepared to execute all orders for Plan- tation and Steamboat Work, with neatness and dispatch. Manufacturers of Vertical Tubu- lar Pans, for making sugar, which have been pronounced by competent judges the best application of heat ever intro- duced. They keep constantly on hand a supply of Steam Whistles, Brass Cocks, Oil Globes, Globe Valves, Couplings : Copper, Brass and Iron Pumps of the latest and most approved con- struction. Also, a large assortment of OfBce, Parlor and Cooking Stoves, Cookmg Ranges, Ships Ca- booses, Sheet Iron Cooking Stoves for Steamboats and Hotels. They are the only Manufacturers of the cele- brated "Cerole" Cooking Stove for families, which is far more durable than any other Stove now in use, being made entirely of wrought iron, and a general assort- ment of Household, Tin, Cop- per and Hollow Ware, at the lowest prices. WHEELER, GEDDES & CO. (J. P. Wheeler, J. Geddes, S. Swoop,) Shakespeare Iron Foundry : Brass Castings, Grate Bars, Ventilators, Col- umns and Pipes, Store Fronts, Blacksmith Work of all kinds: Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Draining Wheels, Mill Gear- ings and Machinery in gene- ral, 208 Girod, d. 125 Caron- delet. Wheeler, Geiger & Co. ( W. G. Wheeler, H. G. Geiger, J. G. Garthwaite, H. G. Darcy,) clothing, 7 Magazine Wheeler Jas. H. secretary Home Mutual Insurance Co., Camp c. Natchez, d. Jackson c. Constance WHE 453 WHI Wheeler John B. clerk, 26 Con^mon Wheeler J. tailor, 438 St.. Chark&, d. 1 Wheeler J. R. Mrs. 73 Pk'iy Wheeler Mary Mrs,, Erato n. Baronne Wheeler Myron P. cashier N. O, Transfer Co., under St. Charles hotel Wheeler & Shepherd, C/)fl)ii(7. ffTife^fr, C. J- She^oherd, ) com, mers. 46 Carondelet Wheeler I'homas, 63 New Levee Wheeler William G. ( JVIiethr, Geiger if Co.) d. First n. Magazine Wheelock E. B. &. Co. (R. S. Morse,) wholesale druggists, 43 Ma£;azine Wheelock H. A. ( L. SturUrant &,- Co.)Si Old Levee, d. 2 Wheelwright & Hickey, ( JV. E. IVIied- wriglit, /. F. Hx^keu,) sliip chandlers, 6 Marigny buildings, d. 147 Marigny Whelage H. B. barkeeper, 320 Tchoujiito, Whelly Jas- lab. Constance n. Melpomene Whelly Michl. lab. Constance luMelpom'e Whelton W^n:». shoemaker, 574 Tchoupit. Whip Emanuel, shoemaker, 50 Magazine Whipple Jas. lab. Moiales n.St.Ferdinand Whipple Daniel, tailor, 211 Cvpress Whipple J. C. feed store, 10 Elys. Fields Whipple M. dressmaker, 474 Dauphine Whistler David, clerk, 9 Magazine Whitaker Charles Capt. 347 Erato WhitakerF, A, c. p. City Hall Whitaker G. W. d. 151 Conti Whitaker Hy. dry goods, 455 St. Charles Whitaker J. B. gardener, Washington n. Broad WhitaJter J, S. d. Brainard n. Su Philip WHITAKER & FELLOWS, (J. S. Whitaker, J. Q. A. Fel- lows,) Attorneys at Law, 6 Exchange place, d. 545 Ca- rondelet. Whitaker R. Mrs. 825 Rampart, d. 3 Whitaker William Capt. 347 Erato Whitby Samuel, laborer, 10 Music Whitby Thomas, collector, 375 Su Ann White Apple, com. mcr. d. Urania n. Co- liseum White A. P. clerk, d. 26 St. Charles White Charles, coffee, Mngazine market White Charles, 35 Barracks White Clinton, 247 Common White Chas. B, Dr., Magar.ine c, Richard White C. F. clerk Fifth District Court, d. 362 Royal, d. 3 White Daniel, mate, Orleans White David, engineer, 295 St. Mary White David, engineer, 173 Carondelet White Edward, conductor 0. Railroad, Alg White Edwin, stock dealer. La. avenue n. Laurel, Jeff. City White E. niVssenger, 96 Camp White Ernest, shoemaker, 143 Chartros White E. D. contractor, 201 Marigny White E. J. wood, etc. 253 Delord, d. 295 Baronne White George A. broker, 170 Barracks White G. W. Mrs. 129 St. Ann White George W, clerk. Customhouse, d. 129 St. Ann White Henry, laborer. Port n. Rampart White Henry, drayman, 181 Lafayette White Hiland, painter, 423 Franklin While 11. book keeper, I'rsulines c.Villere White H. screwman, 130 Spain White James, laborer, 93 St. Thomas White James A. (Montgomery Sf White,) 119 Common, d. 71 Prytania White James L. builder, 431 Baronne White James, d. 8 New Levee White James, porter, 8 Tchoupitoulas White James, com. mer, d. 71 Prytania White James .\. mate, 207 Conti White James G. ally, at law, 7 Commer- cial place White Jane Mrs. dress niakr. 57 Constance White Jane G. Mrs. milliner, 173 Cttron- dolet White Jane Mrs.,Girod c. Carondelet White John, laborer, 133 Thalia White John, Maine n. Dauphine White John, clerk, 30 Mazant White John, coaeli builder, 202 Dryades White John, 73 Prytania Wiiite Jno. lab. Laurel n. Washington White Jno. lab. Melpomene n. Claiborne White John 161 Washington, d, 3 White John Mrs. 68 Villerc, d. 2 White John, warehouseman, 108 Bolivar White John, laborer, 188 Delord White John M. vocalist, 492Camp White Jos. blacksm. 351 Bayou road White Joseph M. & Miles M. Godwin, 28 Poydras While J.C.Camp, b. Eighth and Ninth d.4 While J. C. editor, Washing'n n. Camp White Marcus B. printer. New Levee, c. Napoleon avenue, Jefferson City White Leon, d. 255 Marais White M. H. laborer, 599 Burgundy White Mary Ann Mrs 412 Magazine White Manusel, 9 Bienville White Michael, laborer, 409 Magazine White Michael, lab. Felicity n. Annun. White Nicholas, ship carp. 193 Thalia White Oliver M. 63 Front, d. 102 Felicity White Patiick, waiter, d. 416 Common White Paulin, 160 St. Peter, d> 2 White Peter, stevedore, d. 110 Gaiennie White Polymnia, 234 St. Philip White P. 204 Marais, d. 2 While Robert Mrs. 132 Marigny White Robert, laborer, 121 Mandeville White Samuel, Estelle n. New Levee While Samuel, drayman, 112 Rousseau White Sarah, 159 Customhouse White Thomas, screwman, 84 Marigny While Thomas, drayman, 449 Gravier White Thos. engineer, 107 Basin, d. 1 WHTTE THOMAS L. Booksel- ler and Stationer, 106 Canal. SO WHI 454 WIE White Thomas Mrs. dress maker, 166 Dryades White Timothy, laborer, 417 Basin White Timothy, Basin n. Melpomene White T. P. atty. at law, 6 Exch. place, d. 309 St. Andrew White Wilfred A. weigher, 36 Old Levee White William H. 57 Mandeville White Wm. stevedore, Union n. Rampart Vvlute Wm. mate, 385 Baronne Whiteside G., Josephine n. New Levee Whiteway Samuel J. laborer, St. Mary n. Annunciation Whitfield Geo. carp. 261 Carondelet Whitfield Oliver Capt. customhouse officer, d. Terpsichore n. Carondelet Whitfield Wm. blacksm. 95 St. Joseph Whiting: A. & Co. (Mijah Whiting, Henry S. WhiUemore,) com. mers. 34 Fulton Whiting Charles, d. 35 Claiborne Whiting Henry, laborer, 154 Spain Whiting Horace, (Hopewell S( Whiting,) 218 Canal Whiting Jacob, sportsman, 357 Basin Whiting John, ('Taj-Ze^oji, Whiting Sf Tul- lis,) Factors' row, 40 Perdido Whiting R. W. 103 History Whiting Wm. stevedore, 28 Villere Whitla Wm. lumber, 334 Howard Whitley H. C. d. 175 St. Peter Whitlock Wm. com. mer. 114 Common Whitman F. Chippewa n. Soraparu Whitman Joseph, Orleans c. Treme Whitmar Geo. carp. 351 Terpsichore Whitmeyer Chas. barber, ISafg Rampart Whitmore A. H. engineer, N. O. J. and G. N. Railroad Whitmore Charles E. engineer, 856 Dau- phine, d. 3 Whitmore J. 302 St. Louis Whitmore J. S. 856 Dauphine, d. 3 Whitmore Wm. A. Capt. engineer, 26 St. Ferdinand Whitney & Lincon, (^. H. Whitney, J. Lincon,) 69 Constance Whitney Beiij.D com. mer. 28 Bank place Whitney B. Mrs., Prytania c. St. Mary Whitney Edwd. lab. Poet n. Dauphine Whitney H.J. Capt. 629 Chartres, d. 3 Whitney J. P. pilot, 704 Dauphine d. 3 Whitney L. C. pilot 658 Royal, d. 3 Whitney Margaret, 711 Burgundy, d. 3 Whitney Mary C. St. Mary c. Prytania Whitney Norman, furniture, 48 Royal, d. 89 Burgundy Whittaker Henry ,drygoods,527 Magazine Whittaker John, engineer, Elmire, Alg. Whittemore E. watchmaker. Sixth n. St. Charles Whittemore Edwd. book keeper, 2 Front Whittemore E. N. book keeper, d. Sixth n St. Charles Whittemore Henry, secretary Pontchar- train Railroad, 24 Marigny Whittemore Henry S. (Ji. Waiting &{■ Co.) 34 FuUon, d. 274 Sixth Whittemore J., Constance n. Orange Whittemore Thos. H. clerk, 76 Camp Whitten V. accountant, 75 Tchoupitoulas d. 310 Carondelet Wliittey L. W, B. Jackson n. Rousseau Whittingham George, machinist, 1 Canal Whittington Jos. B, atty. at law, 5 Com'l place, d. Jackson c. Annunciation Whiiworth J. H., St. Charles n. Erato Whittey Jas. lab. St. Andrew n. Laurel Whitty W, clerk, 74 Canal Wholien Theodore, music teacher, d. 430 Baronne Wibel Fred, dry goods, 150 Dryades Wibell H. coflee, 106 St. Charles Wiberg John, lab. 100 Enghien Wibray & Heyliger, (James L. Wibray, Louis Heyliger, )exch&nge brokers, 120 Gravier Wibray Thomas L, 31 Natchez Wiby John, screwman, Elysian Fields n. Royal Wichard August, cigars, 77 Magazine Wichdiecht Edwd. piano mkr. 367 Erato Wichdrecht Fred.c. Casacalvo and Clouet Wichmau Hy. cooper, d. 441 Franklin Wichmann F. A. grocer, 736 Burgundy Wichter Benjamin, d. 197 Roman, d, 2 Wichterich Conrad, wood yard, Levee n. French Wichterich Fred, laborer, 64 Lesseps Wichterich John, wood yard, Levee c. Lesseps Wicke Otto, cigars, 26 Poydras Wickert Simon, clerk, 190 Customhouse Wickes Albert B. clerk, 62 Poydras Wickes Eliza, 226 Chippewa Wickes Joseph J. (JIummey, Luting &(■ Co.) 15 Carondelet, d. 6 Rampart Wicks Charles, Urquhart n. Enghien Wicks Eliza, 228 Chippewa Wicks R. H. d. 159 Thalia Wickhillar Martin, vegetables, 7 Montegut Wickleman W. W. clerk, 66 Gravier Wickley Pierre, barkeeper, 300 Craps Wickware S. H., Pelican Press, N. Levee n. St. Andrew, d. Adele n. Rousseau Wickware W., Magazine n. Berlin, J. C. Widdebald Leon, tailor, 66 St. Peter Widmaier Charles G. barber, 162 Ram- part, d. 1 Widows' Home, Prytania n. c. Felicity Wiebel Sebastian, trader, 172 Baronne Wieckershamer Michael, laborer, Louisa c. Claiborne Wiedemann Jacob, barber, 100 St. Joseph Wiedemann Philip, clothing, 296Tchoup. Wiedenmeyer Andrew, tailor, 21 Roman Wiederecht P. cabinet maker, 51 Bienville, d. 308 Conti Wiedmeyer Frederick, shoemaker, 22 Sixth n. Laurel Wiegand Henry, saddler, Common c. Rampart Wiegand Wm. ship carpenter, McDonogh Wiegel Henry, carpenter, 66 Robin Wiegel Nicholas, tailor, 792 Rampart, d.3 Wiel Peter, coffee, Dryades market WIE 455 WIL Wieman E., St. Ann n. Broad Wit'inan Henry, VL'o;t. Eij^lith c. Coliseum WicmanT, b. h. 359 Common Wiemann Albert, tinsmith, 72 Levee, d. 3 Wien Henry, shoemaker, 136 Camp Wien John, rope mkr. Union c. Josephine Wiener S. clothing, 55 Gravicr Wieners Joseph, laborer, 250 Rampart Wier Roberts, accountant, 45 Carondelet, d. Nashville station Carll. R. R. Wier Thos. (Stranton &/■ mer,) 185 Mag- azine Wierges Geo. finisher, d. 346 Howard Wierth Frank, shoemaker, 206 Baronne Wie.senberg Fred, laborer 104 Calliope Wiesenbach X. 79 Common I Wiesiier Chas. cabinet maker, 45 Royal ' Wiest A. J. Mrs. b. h. 19(1 Poydras Wiexee Martin, laborer, Spain n. Prosper Wiffcr L. 20 St. Ferdinand Wigg George (James Harrison Sf Co.) 49 Customhouse, d. Baronne n, Jackson Wiggins Ben. F. watchmkr. 8 St. Charles Wiggins Joel, trader, 2bl Gravier Wiggins Jos. C. 157 Common Wiggins Wm. T. 281 Gravier Wigman MadalineMrs,Felicity n.Dryades Wigmann Henry, engineer, Peter, Alg. Wikel Jos. shoemaker, 472 Rampart, d. 3 Wikoff G. Mrs. 282 St. Ann Wikstrom Joiin, jeweler, 8 Camp Wilbanks John, clerk, Bienville n, Villere Wilbert John, Laurel n. Washington WILBUR, ARNOT & CO., (P. S, Wilbur, Anderson Arnot, F. Borge,) New Orleans Trans- fer Company, Omnibusses, Coaches, Carriages and Bag- gage Wagons, can be obtain- ed at a moment's notice, at the Office under the St. Charles HoteL Wilbur A. C. lime etc 99 Gravier, d. Ma- rengo n. Magazine W^ilbur A. C.jr.^99 Gravier Wilbur isaac L., Jeff. City, d. 252Girod Wilbur Louis, ( Wakefield Sf mibur,) 86 Magazine Wilcox A. H. engineer, 409 Rampart, d. 1 Wilcox Columbus, 187 GoodcJiildren Wilcox John B. elk. d- 743 Dauphine,d.3 Wilcox O. E., First n. St. Charles Wilcox Stephen, engineer, 276 Bienville W^ilcox T. tinsmith, Levee c Enghien Wilcox W, H, laborer, 121 Josephiix^ Wild Adam, barber, 20 Julia Wild Carl, shoe store, 1010 N. Levee, d 4 Wild Caroline, variety store. Levee near Eighth, d, 4 Wild Caspar, sawmill, d. New Levee c. Bekaslle, Jeff. City Wild Christian, clerk, 172 Dryades Wild Daniel, pedler, 79 Mandeville Wild Frederick, cart, 481 Tchoupit^ulas Wild Henry, trader, 89 Cypress Wild Jacob, carpenter, 1^61 Perdido Wild Jacob, barber, 46 South market Wild John, b. h. 184 Poydras Wild Joseph, engineer, 21 Congress W^ild Louis, 55 Bertrand Wild Leopold, clothing, 995 N. Levee,d.4 Wild Nicholas, St. Tiiomas near Fourth Wild Wm. engineer, 76 Desire Wilde J. P. atty. at law, 82 Camp, d.Carlt. Wilde Wm. C, St. Charles n. Josephine Wilder F. F. clerk, d. 629 Ramnart, d. 3 Wilder W. feed, 8 New Basin and 285 Rampart, d. 1, d. 254 Erato Wilder Melas Capt. 629 Rampart, d. 3 Wilder M. T, Mrs., Port c. Chartrcs Wildt L. tailor, Jefferson City Wiley John, laborer, 343 Howard Wiley John C. carp. Melpomene n. Liberty Wiley Lewis, carriage driver, 11 Der- bigny, d. 2 Wilham Z. engineer, 134 Girod Wilhelm Joseph, furniture, 459 Chartres Wilkin Clement, stock dealer. La. av. c. Laurel, Jefferson City Wilkin D. grocery, Felicity c. Chippewa Wilkins Alfred A. (L. JV. Lyons if Co.; 28 St. Charles Wilkins Henry, blacksmith, N. O. J. & G. N. Railroad Wilkins John, lab. 68 Congress Wilkins Leonora, 389 Ursulines Wilkins S. C. C, St. Mary n. Rousseau Wilkins S. W. clerk, 56 Carondelet Wilkins W. H. clerk, 53 Camp Wilkins W. N., St. AnUrew n. Fulton Wilkinson Jas. cook. Willow n. Poydras Wilkinson R. d. baronne n. Thalia Wilkinson Thos. P. salesman, 85 Gravier Wilkon Robert, carriage mkr. 316 SuPeter Will Adain, cartman, ^ixth n. Laurel Will Courad, Erato near Locust Will Stephen, painter, 149 Girod Will Valentine, Sixth n. New Leve-e Will Wm. P., Ex. place c. Customhouse Willard Edward 0. clerk, 9 Commercial place, d. 262 Rcunan Willard Maurice, 139 Freix-hmen Willard Peter H. city coal yard, 47 Ex- change place, d. Magazine c. Dela- chaise, Jeff. City Willard Robert, shoemkr. 117 Greatmen Willbanks Geo. H., Franklin n. Melpo- mene Willbanks John, 389 Canal Wilcox O. E., First n. St. Charles Wille Johann, Seventh n. Su Patrick Wilk^rding E. clerk, 250 Carondelet Wilk;t Edw. D. elk, 155Canal, d. 82 Conti Willct William, 158 Melpomene Willett H., Towboat Association, Algiers Willey Geo. carpenter, Erato n. Howard Willey J. carpenter. Second n. St. Dennis Willb'eit A. clothing, 197 Rampart, d. I Willheil Joseph Capt. 362 Thalia WiUiam Ado/ph, cook, 313 Conti Willmm Charles, cigar maker, 88 Music WIL 456 WIL William Jacob, b. h. Laurel n. Austerlitz, Jefferson City William Joseph, butcher, Patterson, Alg. Williams Alex'r, c. p. 144 Rampart, d. 1 Williams Andrew, laborer, 154 Spain Williams Anthony, 261 Toulouse Williams Anthony, laborer, 18 St. Philip Williams August, f. m. c. steward, 431 Marais, d. 3 Williams A. c. p. 572 Dauphine, d. 3 Williams B. upholsterer, 410 Camp Williams Catharine Mrs. 416 Basin Williams C. B. clerk, 35 Common Williams Cecile, Laharpe n. Robertson Williams Chas. screwman, 805 Chartres Williams C. f. w. c. Gravier c. Johnson Williams C screwman, 505 Chartres, d. 3 Williams C.B. mate, 113 Independence Williams D. d. 49 Union Williams David M. marble cutter, 398 Bienville Williams Daniel, lab. 150 Elysian Fields Williams Ed. c. h. 108 Front Levee, d. 3 Williams Ed. mate, 45 Spain Williams Elizabeth, f. w. c. 243 St. Louis Williams Eliza, grocery. Felicity n. Chip- pewa Williams Emily T. 227 Claiborne, d. 2 Williams E. grocery, Chippewa c. Felicity Williams & Fassman ( Joseph Williams, E. V. Fassman,) Fassman cotton press. Calliope c. Locust Williams Frank, president Bank New Or- leans, d. 16 Rampart Williams Francis W. ship agent, d. 124 Terpsichore Williams Frank, carpenter, 9 Toulouse Williams Frank W. 538 Dauphine Williams Fred, furniture car, 1015 New Levee, d. 4 Williams F. W. clerk, 29 Carondelet Williams Geo. clerk, 78 Canal, d. 143 Ca- rondelet Williams George, clerk, 78 Canal Williams George A. 422 Old Levee, d. 3 Williams George, clerk, 22 Magazine, d. 435 Basin Williams Geo. Capt. 42 Marigny Williams Geo. acct. 155 Canal Williams Geo. sailor, 45 North market Williams Geo. mate, 103 Treme, d. 2 Williams Harriet, f. w. c. 238 Ursulinea Williams Henry, screwman, 31 Spain Williams Henry, engineer, 302 Howard Williams Henry, watchmkr. etc. 90 Camp Williams H. H. ( Williams Sf Mel,) feed, New Levee n. La. av. Jeff. City, d. Pleasant n. Laurel, d. 4 Williams Henry, com. mer. 127 Common Williams Henry, f. m.c. barber, 261 Bur- gundy Williams Henry jr. watch mkr. 233 Girod Williams Isaac, f. m. c. 278 Canal Williams Jacob S. Mrs. 61 Claiborne, d. 2 ' Williams James, lab. Clio n. Martin Williams Jaa. engineer of machine shop N.O.J, and G.N. R. R. Williams Jas. B.,Balize pilot, d. 78 Locust Williams Jane A. b. h. 244 Camp Williams John, laborer, 44 Union, d. 3 Williams John Capt. 162 Union, d. 3 Williams John, pilot, 795 Burgundy, d. 3 Williams John, grocer, Levee c. Louis- iana av. Jeff. City Williams John, drayman, 32 Poydras Williams John, screwman, 31 Montegut Williams John, warehousem. 90 Tchoup. Williams John, screwman, 405 Chartres Williams John, watchm. Jackson, McD. Williams John, rigger, 10 Enghien Williams John, screwman, 268 Filicity Williams John, painter, 160 Baronne Williams John, 122 Market Williams John, carpenter, Levee, McD. Williams John, pilot, 64 Elmire Williarns John, laborer, 4 Spain Williams John, screwman, 130 Port Williams Jno. lab. Felicity n. Carondelet Williams John & Co.f William Barthurst,) com. mers. Factors' row, 36 Perdido Williams J. B. jr., grocer, 316 Julia Williams John H. cotton pickery, d. 231 Constance Williams Jno. B. marble cut. 398 Bienville Williams Joseph, cooper, 546 Royal, d. 3 Williams Joseph, elk. Prieur n. Palmyra Williams Jos. C. engineer, 535 Chippewa Williams & Tucker (Joseph S. Williams, Geo. W. Tucfcer,jcom. mers. 161 Gravier Williams J. C. Mrs. 130 Rampart Williams Julius, 98 Franklin Williams J. B. clerk, 309 Calliope Williams J. D. clerk, 13 Customhouse Williams J. M. d. 279 Camp Williams J. Shelby, d. 279 Camp Williams Lindsay, ship carp. 104 Prytania Williams Manuel, carp. 101 St. Philip Williams Margt. Mrs. 278 Constance, d. 4 Williams Martha, f. w. c. rooms, 65 Dau- phine Williams Mary Miss, 380 St. Philip Williams Martin, book keeper, 71 Camp Williams Martin, draym.215 Ramparl,d.l Williams M. L. Mrs. 189 Royal Williams Mary Mrs. 134 Customhouse Williams Mary, f. w. c. 55 Villere, d. 2 Williams M. E. Mrs. school, 233 Girod Williams Nicholas, painter, 83 Lafayette Williams Peter, Claiborne n. Palmyra Williams Peter, screwman, 142 Poet Williams Rebecca Mrs. 97 Montegut Williams Rich, steward, 288 Claiborne,d.2 Williams Rose, coffee, French market, d. 256 Dauphine Williams R. L. Dr., Prytania n. St. Andrew Williams Samuel, steamboatm. 8 Poet Williams Samuel, engineer, Algiers Williams Samuel, carp. 218 New Levee Williams Suzette, f. m. c. 227 Main Williams Thos. com. mer. 10 Carondelet Williams Thos. painter, 102 Melpomene Williams Thos. carp. Third n. Camp Williams Thomas jr., watchmaker, 157 Dryades WIL 457 WIL Williams Theo. S. general superintendent N. 0. & Jackson R. R. a. Magnolia c. Calliope Williams Thos. c. p. 157 Dryadcs Williams Thos. laborer, 25 Josephine Williams Wm. clerk, d. 227 Claiborne Williams Wm. grocer, Levee n. Adele Williams Wm. carpenter, Washington n. Chippewa Williams William H., Carrollton Williams Wm. T. (Charles Kock &f Co.) 20 Carondelet, d. 70 Rampart Williams W. L. engineer, 57 St. Charles, and variety store, 385 Magazine Williams W. P. Dr., Magazine c. Louis- iana av. Jeff. City Williams Wm. clerk, d. 41G Basin Williams Warehouse, Levee n. Soraparu Williamson A. 163 Mandeville Williamson David, blacksmith, 75 Levee Williamson James, d. 440 Rampart, d. 1 Williamson J. Mrs. 311 Melpomene Williamson John, builder. Magazine c. Melpomene, d. 188 Terpsichore Williamson John, paver, 304 St. Ann Williamson John, 344 Customhouse Williamson N. (Pfet, Simms Sf Co.) 25 Magazine, d. 175 Jackson Williamson Oliver, acct. 30 Orange Williamson P. G. mate, 321 Third Williamson M. Mrs. 344 Customhouse Willicks Alexander, boiler maker, Madi- son, McDonogh Williamson Rose Mrs. 338 Melpomene Williamson Thos. carrier, d. 84 Orange Williamson T. Harris, 78 Camp Williamson Wm. H. pilot, d. 187 Erato Williamson Wm. 268 Felicity Willie Auguste, Third n. Laurel Willis Alfred, carpenter. First c. Laurel Willis Charles W. clerk, 12 Poydras Willis David, plasterer. Sixth n. Fulton Willis Kd. clerk, d. 334 Terpsichore Willis H. Alex., St. Andrew n. Laurel Willis John,d. 541 St. Claude Willis John D. clerk, 21 Magazine Willis Julius, clerk. Canal c. Camp Willis Samuel Q., Sixth c. Fulton Willis Thomas F., Sixth c. Fulton Willis Wm. lab. Celeste n.Tchoupitoulas Willis William Mrs. 216 Orleans Willmann Philip, contractor, 277 Roman Willmann Theodore, clerk, 56 Cauip, d. Rampart n. Poydras Willmes Frederick, slioemkr.273i. furni&'hed rooms, 8 Rampart, d. 2 Wise Willis, ice cream, 247 Carondelet Wisikoff Louis, syrups, 132 Elys. Fields Wisely Charles, lab. 98 St.. Ferdinand Wisely Mary Mrs. 55 Marigny Wiser Bern. (Haas &r^^iser,)18 Customh. Wiser Philip-, barber, 263 Poydras Wiss V. pianos, 94 Royal, d. 63 Toulouse Wisisinger F. blacksmith, 98 Rampart, d.2 Witgen E. d. 281 Customhouse Witham Gideon Capt. 294 Roman, d. 3 Withemer Bernard, tinsmith, 6 Poet Withers Gi'o. engineer, 317 Howard Witherell Wm. H. (Robeson &c WUheretly) 91 Magazine Withers A. S. (MirquezeSc Co.) 7S Canal, d. 368 St. Charles Withers D. D. d. Jackson c. Coliseum Witnian Fred, woodyard. Front, Gretna Witmeyer Ignaz Mrs. 528 Burgundy Witsman Joseph, b. h. Orleans c. Treme Witstadt Edward, d. 258 Dryades Wilt A. grocer. Port c. Gofidciiildren Witte Ernest,, shoeniiaker, 76 St. Louis Witte Geo. F. & Co. (Benj. G. MamsJ wholesale grocers, 11 and 12 F. Levee Wittchen John,warehm. d. 77 St. Thoma.s Witlemiin J. saddler. Magazine n.St.Miiry Wittemans P, J . clerk, 18 Poydras, d. 382 Barracka- Wittenberg John, lab. 763 Burgundy, d. 3 Witter John H. laborer, 372 Howard Witter O. carpenter. Camp n. Washington Wittmann Henry, shoemkr. 138 Dauphine Wittstadt Edward, piano tuner, 104 Royal Witzel Geo. dairy, Urquhart n. St. Ferd.^ Wobfkule P. c. h. Girod c. Front Woelfert Thomas, furniture, 65 St. Philip Woelper George, c. h. Laurel n. Jackson Woelpor Oswald, confectioner, St. Anthony n. Prosper Woerner Ansel, laborer, 157 Clouet Woerner Augustin'shoemk. 342 Barracks Woerzler Leo, shoemkr. 228 Union, d. 3 Woesner C. F. shoemkr. 7 St. Charles, d. 353 Customhouse Woeste Rod. ( Woeste &(■ Miller,) d. Ram- part n. Toulouse WOESTE & MILLER^ (Rod. Woeste, John L. Miller,) Im- porters of Wines and Liquors. Sole Agents far the sale of Heidseckfe Go's. Cham- pagnes, Cruse & Fils, Freres, Bordeaux Wines, Widow X. de Harmony & Go's. Sherries, Royal Agricultural Wine Go's Port Wines, Thos. Hine & Go's. Cognacs, etc., etc., No. 9 Gravier street. Wogan Alcide W. acct. 38 Front Levee Wogan D. A. (James Conrwly 8( Co.) 64 I'oydras Wohlenn T. organist, 430 Baronne Wohlfahr Henry, grocer, 94 Seventh Wohlbrecht Fritz.,tinsmith,221 Constance Wolckreiann David, clerk, 35 Bienville Wold Jos. c. h. Washington. n. St. Dennis Wolf Aaron, dry goods, 66 Chartrea, d. 155 St. Andrew Wolf & Barlow, Carondelet c. Canal Wolf Barn'd J. var. store,231 Rampart,d.l Wolf C. tailor, 179 Royal Wolf Chas. J. shoes, Washington n. Laurel Wolf Benj. & Son, (Charles B, Wolf,) confectioners, 840 Magazine, d. 4 Wolf Carl, dry goods, 249 P.ampart WolfDavis, clothing, 149 Poydras Wolf Elias,(' WolfSf Brother r) 228 Baronne Wolf D-d. Washington n. Chippewa Wo]f& Brother, C/slter,J. Dusscll,) painters, Thalia c. Prylania Wolters Cornelius, stevedore, Market n. Chippewa Wolventon Jacob, ship carpt. 462 Poydras Wolvertomt Barringer, (Jficholas IVolver- ton, John L. Barringer,) copper and tinsmiths, 13 Poydras Wolz Adolph, cooper, Cot. Press n. Morales Wolz John, tailor. Hospital c. Rocheblave Wood Arthur, painter, 102 Customhouse Wood D. ship chandler, 21 Front AVood David, oil mer. Gravier c. Front Wood Elizabeth, Mrs. 277 Customhouse Wood Francis, com. mer. 28 Carondelet Wood George, clerk, 159 (^alliope Wood Geo. W. (John Wood &>■ Co.) d. 429 Carondelet Wood Gideon Dr., Homer n.Jeffer'n,McD Wood Henry, oil mer. Jersey c. Valmont, Jeff. City Wood Henry, lab. Poydras n. Bertrand WOOD JAMES, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Dealer in Wines and Liquors, corner Main and Treme streets. Wood James, 302 Canal Wood John F. inspector of licenses. City Hall,d. 410 Baronne Wood John &. Co. (George W. Wood, James Cullen,) bankers and exchange dealers, 33 Camp, d. Baronne n. Thalia Wood John C. elk. Magazine c. Common Wood John, clerk, 50 Old Levee Wood, Van Wickle & Co. (J. D. Wood, J. Van Wickle, J. B. Slaicson,) cotton press, 305, 307 and 309 Canal Wood J. D. carpenter, 335 Howard Wood & Low, (L. D. C. Wood, James H. Low, J. Ludicigson,) com. mers. 29 Carondelet, d. Bourbon n. Canal Wood MarionIN .Capt. .Rousseau c.Second WOOD, MILTENBERGER & CO. (Robert Wood, C. A. Mil- tenberger, Ellison Perot,) Or- namental Iron Works, No. 57 Camp. Wood Newton M. Cant. 420 St. Charles Wood Peter W.booksV,f)03 Magazine,d.4 Wood P. N. president Merchants' Bank, d. 429 Carondelet Wood Richard, steward, 447 Julia Wood R. Dr., Marine Hospital Wood R. J. clerk, 117 Gravier Wood S. H. Mrs. 302 Canal Wood Sydney S. Dr. 517 Magazine Wood Thomas, shoemaker, 203 Dryades Wood Vincent J. clerk. Main c. Tremg Wood William, clerk, 2 Front, d. 1 Wood William, ship carpenter, Algiers Wood William A. salesman, 21 Poydras, d. Algiers Wood W. B. Dr., Magazine c. Josephine Woodall F. clerk, 95 Camp Woodall S. (Rogers &c Woodall,) 86 Poy- dras, d. 187 Magazine Woodall Wm.cngin'r, Hospital n.Johnson Woodbridge Benj. S. 157 Carondelet Woodbridge S. Rev. 157 Carondelet Woodbury Geo. L. acct. 474 Fulton Woodbury Geo. W. (Geo. W. Hiinson Sf Sf Co.) 82 Camp, d. 168 Treme Woodham Fred. lab. Alex c. Chestnut, Alg. Woodin Thos. carpenter, d. 390 Liberty Woodley George C. lab. 110 Mandeville Woodlief P. W. note broker, under St. Charles hotel, d. 239 Baronne WOODMAlSr & BEMENT, (L. F. Woodman, A. H. Bement,) successors to O. O. Woodman & Co., Wholesale Druggists and Importers of Drugs, Chemicals, etc.. Magazine c. Common. Woodruff C. A. Mrs.,Soraparu n. Fulton Woodruff D.C. hotel and sale slables.New Levee n. La. avenue, Jeff. City Woodruff E. B. grocer, 200 Marigny Woodruff John O. & Co. (Alfred JSIoul- ton,) com. mers. 31 Natchez Woodrow Jas. rigger, d. 472 Front Levee Woodruff's Stables, Jefferson City Woods Arthur, 104 Customhouse, d. 322 St. Ann Woods D. laborer, 640 St. Claude, d. 3 Woods Edmond, acci. d. 252 Burgundy Woods Eliz'h Miss, milliner, Vill> re, Alg. Woods Francis, lab. St. Andrew n. Howard woo 462 WUL Woods John Mrs. 163 Foucher Woods John, cook, 93 Villere, d. 2 Woods John, lab. 182 Customhouse Woods John C. clerk, 156 Carondelet Woods Stephen Dr. 150 Tchoupitoulas Woods Wm. steward, Euterpe n. Dryades Woods Wm. H. boatman, d. 134 Euterpe Woods Wm. P. barkeeper, 13 Spain Woods Wm. T. lab. Laurel n. Fourth Woods W. A. d. St. Mary c. Constance Woodside Mary, furn. rooms 155 Conti Woodson Warren, teacher, Jeff. City Woodville Louis C. clerk, 34 Perdido Woodward A. b. h. 15 Burgundy Woodward A. Mrs. 300 Liberty Woodward AureniaMrs. 219 Camp Woodward Aurelia, b. h. 15 Burgundy Woodward John S., Camp c. St. Joseph Woodward Joseph, engineer, 295 Euterpe Woodworth Eleanor B., Felicity c.Liberty Woodward R. B. mer. d. 490 Rampart, d.l Wooldridge E. atty. at law, 23 St. Charles Wooldridge J. W.Mrs., Fourth n.Prytania Wooldridge Samuel L.atty. at law, 23 St. Charles, d. Felicity n. Lii)erty Wooledge Adam, dairy, 355 Rousseau WooledgeWm.carpt.Richardn. Constance Woolfley Augustus, collector, 121 Victory Woolfley Frederick, 121 Victory Woolfley Martin, engineer, 121 Victory Woolley G. K. inspector customs, Sora- paru n. Rousseau Woolley Oliver, Peters av. n. Laurel Woolley Thomas, lab. Water n. Toledano Woolongham A. cabinet maker, 68 Main Woolongham E. Capt. 129 Barracks Woolverton W. W. tin store, 11 Poydras, d. 359 Basin Woolan James, carpenter, 117 Barracks Wootan M.M. printer, d. Philip c. Magazine Wooten John, grocer, 228 Bienville Word C. C. job broker, d. 246 Camp Wordman John, shoemaker, 56 Dauphine Work G. P. (Bv,rtonSf Work,) 95 Gravier Workum & Moses, (D. J. IVorkum, Jllex- ander Moses,) liquor mers. 85 Magazine Workling William, tailor, Napoleon ave. c. Jersey, Jeff. City Worman Bernard, c.h. New Levee c. Jose- phine, d. Josephine n. New Levee Worman Henry, shoemaker, 17 Levee, d.3 Worrell David, grocer, 225 St. Ferdinand Worrell William, clerk, 78 Julia Worsley C. Mrs., St.Andrew n. Constance Worsoe Cecilius Mrs. 415 Dauphine, d. 3 Worsoe W. Z. Mrs. 53 Greatmen Worth C. d. 575 Tchoupitoulas Worth I. harness mkr. 258 Rampart, d. 1 Worth J. harness mkr. 258 Rampart, d. 1 Worth T. harness mkr. 258 Rampart, d.l Wortmann Ernest, shoemaker. Prosper n. Elysian Fields Wost Wm. barber, 441 Dryades Woulfe John M., U. S. mint, 191 Spain Wrede George, grocer, 358 Frankhn, d.l Wrede Joseph Henry Mrs. 288 Constance Wrede T. H. corn meal, Julia n. Prieur Wren B. C. Dr. homeopathist, 71 Julia Wren William, cot. weigher, 94 Gravier Wrentmore Ed. Mrs., Dryades n. Felicity Wrentmore F., Baronne n. Euterpe Wriedt Geo. grocer, 358 Franklin Wriegel Henry, carpenter, d. 123 Robin Wright, Allen & Co. (H. M. Wright, C. W. Allen,) cotton factors and com. mers. 120 Gravier Wright C. G. (Stanley &c Wright,) 145 Richard, d. 124 Prytania Wright Ed. book keeper, 74 New Levee Wright Geo. d. 896 Rampart, d. 3 Wright Geo. carpenter, 171 Julia Wright G. R. passngr. agt. 342 Carondelet Wright G. W. com. mer. 40 Union, d. Melpomene n. Prytania Wright H. M. (Wright, Mien Sf Co.) d. Esplanade, c. St. Claude Wright Henry Capt. d. 81 Piety Wright Howard C. editor, d. 381 Canal Wright H. draym. Barracks n. Dorgenois Wright Jas, cotton screwer, 92 Congress Wright James, Lafayette c. Locust WEIGHT JOHN & CO. (Theo- dore Yenni,) Wholesale and Retail Agents for all the Gen- uine Popular Medicines. Druggists supplied at Propri- etors' prices, Nos. 21 and 151 Chartres. Wright John, blacksmith, 26 Port Wright Lydia Mrs., St. Mary c. Annun. Wright Marcus D. mate, 62 Claiborne Wright Rufus, clerk, Magazine c. Common Wright Thomas', mate, 8'3 Franklin, d. 2 Wright Thos. Mrs. d. 313 Terpsichore Wright Thos. laborer, 50 Piety Wright Valentine, 573 Constance Wright William, acct. 8 Tchoupitoulas Wright W. H. grocer. Common n. Galvez Wright W. S. (Harris, Bercier &f Co.) com, mer. 81 Tchoupitoulas Wright W. W (Joshua Dixon &f Co.) 23 Commercial place Wrightman Thos. c. p. 172 Carondelet Wrigley Joseph, engineer, 566 St. Claude, d.3 Wrigley Thos. agt. 305 Terpsichore Wrocklage John, blacksmith, 262 and 264 Customhouse Wrodd E. sug. broker, Prytania c. Philip Wudwyn Francis, 401 Customhouse Wuengerfeld Fred, laborer, 85 Johnson Wuerdeman D. screwman, Louisa c. St. Claude Wuerdeman F. screwman, 814 Burgundy Wuerzer Leo, shoemaker, 311 Prosper Wuescher C. A. clerk, 20 Chartres Wuest Fred, cabinet maker, 287 Conti Wuest Jacob, cabinet maker, 277 Conti Wuest Michael, carpenter, 409 Chippewa Wuinstek J carp. Josephine n. Laurel Wulff H. H. clerk, 16 Chartres WUL 463 YOU Wullschlager Henry, shoemaker, 76 Front Levee, d. 2 Wullschlaeger T. gas fitter, 33 Hospital Wulz John, tailor, Hospital c. Rocheblave Wuiidcr Paulus, tailor, 75 Poydras WLindcrlich E. G. apothecary, 175 Delord Wuiiderly J. printer, 295 Julia Wunsch R. HI Piety VVunsch Wiiiielmina Mrs., midwife, Tha- lia n. Clara Wuostcrne Nicholas, lab. 616 Annun. Wiische C. Derbigny n. Conti VVurtiMTiberg Alfred, Franklin Institute, 260 Rampart, d. 2 Wnseke Conrad, shoemaker, 1 14 Ursnlincs Wust H(M)ry, drayman, W'asii'n n. Laurel Wiist Michael, Cliip|iewa n. Fourtli Wusthoft' Julius (Brcdow &f Waslhoff,) 63 Tchoupitoulas Wyche James E. (Jnhn F. Wyche &c Co.) Wyche John F. & Co. (John B. Richard- son, James E. IVijche,) commission merchants, 124 Gravier Wvley S. B. salesman, 22 Common Wyma Simon, clerk, 89 Gravier, d. 785 Burgundy, d. 3 Wyman H'y, dairy, Rampart n.Josephine VVymann Edward, Marais n. Esplanade Wymann Henry F. cartman, 175 Eighth Wymann Theoljold, 361 Common Wynd James, screwman, 104 Mandeville Wynne R. agent Branch Mutual Insurance Co. d. 31 Louisa Wynseymer W. d. Terpsichore n. Franklin Wysha'm J. A. clerk, d. 287 Villcre X .AVIER BENJ. tailor, 266 Ursulines Xavier F. Mrs. Ursulines n. Claiborne Xavier Francis, f. m. c. carpenter, St. Ber- nard n. Johnson Ximene-s A. clerk, 40 Chartrcs Ximenes Christopher, barkeeper, Tchoupi- toulas c. Poydras Ximenes Francis, lab. d. 30 Hospital Ximenes John Mrs. d. 168 St. Louis Ximenes Justin, clerk, 40 Chartrcs Ximenes Sabin, d. 32 Annette Xiques A. Mrs. d. 727 Dauphine 1 AGER JOHN, c. h. Julia c. Claiborne Yager Jno. carlm'n, Cadiz c. Plaquemine Yager Louis, acct. d. 139 Conti Yager Louis, lai). 180 Ainiunciation Yale C. jr. & Co.(R. II. Yale, .lohn P. Fotrlcr,) dry goods, 27 Magazine and 56 Gravier Yale R. H. (C. Yale, jr. S^- Co.) d. Maga- zine c. Race Yaley Frank, finisher, 85 Julia Yaloo Oscar, elk. d. 312 Annunciation,d.4 Yancey C. D. (Yancey Sf J\Iason,) d. 93 Race Yancey & Mason, CC. D. Yancey, T. L. Ma- son,) fire proof cotton press, Levee c. Race, and Front c. Robin Yarger Fred, clerk, 221 Rampart, d. 1 Yatcman Warren, bookkeeper, 77Tchoup. Yates Charles, pilot, 42 Adele Yates F. W.aid of U.S. Revenue, 110 Main Yates George, grocery, 354 Gravier Ybanas Francisco, cook, 242 Bienville Ybanas Valentine, 151 St. Anthony Ybanez Thos. fruit, Magazine n. Ninth Ybos P. tailor, 179 Derbigny Yeadon Barbara, d. 359 Customhouse Yearly A. Mrs. 72 Ursulines Yearly Peter Mrs. 117 Ursulines Yeatman R. cotton and tobacco factor, 71 Carondelet Yeiser Philip Dr. d. Harmony n. Coliseum Yellow Oscar, fruit, 314 Annunciation Yenne George, shoemaker, 304 Conti Yenni A. T. (J. Unghl &,• Co.) 21 and 151 Chartres, d. 362 Baronne Yenni H. R. accountant, 41 Constance YirgerJohn, cartmnn, Pla(]uemine, J. C. Yerger T. butcher, 97 French market, d. Chippewa near Seventh Yetter John.Turniture, 67 St. Philip Yocum Peter, lab. Newton c. Third, Grt. Yoepchen Auguste, painter, 157 St. Peter Yondorf S. clerk, 9 Chartres Yost Henry, carp. Chippewa c. Seventh Yost Joseph, clerk, 84 Poydras, d 39 Po- lymnia Yost Virginia Mrs., Polymnia n. Prytania YouenesJohn Capt. 46 St. Ann Young Adam, 366 Bourbon Young America Steam Engine, Carondelet n. Julia Young A. C. Dr. 112 Tchoupitoulas Young Balser, shoemaker, Fourth near Rousseau Young Barbara, vcgets. 65 St. Mary's mkt. Y^oung B. d. Annunciation n Sixth Young Celestine, f. w. c. hairdresser, 187 St. Philip Young Christian, carpenter, 448 St. Ann Y'^oung Christian, shoemaker, 115 Barracks Young Clarissa, rooms, 28Tivoli Circle Y''oung Conrad, shoemaker, 294 Thalia Young Cornelius, clerk, 22 St. Charles Young C. J. c. p. 224 Magazine Young Duval W. Capt. d^ 44 Euterpe Young Edward, mason, 73 Liberty Young Edwd. screwman, 134 Religious Young Edwd. screwman, 220 Chippewa Young E.B. D. cigar manufr. 394 Dryades Young E. H boatman, 456 Rampart, d. 3 Young Frederick, laborer, Algiers Young Fred, clerk, 84 Canal Young Frederick, c. h. 230 New Levee Young Fred, grocer, Chippewa c.Soraparu Young Francis, butcher, d. 4S2 Rampart Young F. butcher, 21 Poydras market Young Geo. C. elk. 112 Magazine, d. J. C. Young G. stone cutter, 211 Claiborne Young G. B. (Cook, Young Sf Co.) 31 Camp, d. 294 St. Charles YOU 464 ZIE Young H. L. engineer, Opelousas R. R. Algiers Young Jacob, 230 New Levee Young John, sexton, Sixili n. Chestnut Young John, dry goods, 397 Perdido Young John, shoemkr. 562 Dauphine d. 3 Young John, Sixth near Chippewa Young Jno. variety store, 113 Rampart, d.l Young John jr. clerk, 84 Canal Young John, moulder, 495 Dryades Young John, laborer, 550 Robertson, d. 3 Young John, furniture, 112 N. Levee, d 4 Young J. wood, St. James n. Tchoupit. Young J. marketman, Bertrand n. Poydras Young J. R. 45 Villere Young Louis, f. m. c. painter, 316 St. Ann Young Mathias, carpenter, Lafayette near Fourth, Gretna Young Martin, rags, 235 St. Peter Young Men's Christian Association and Free Reading Room, 82 Camp Young Michael, tailor, 254 Liberty Young Morris, speculator, 329 Rampart Young Moses D. furniture, 33 Frenchmen Young Nicholas, gardener, Dryades c. Bordeaux, Jefferson City Young O.F.C Wilson &c Young, )31 Natchez Young Peter, Urquhart n. St. Ferdinand Young Peter, pedler, St. Ann n. Prieur Young Peter, cott. sampler, 143 Religious Young Peter, laborer, 310 Old Levee, d. 2 Young Peter, baker. Felicity c. Rousseau Young Pierre, organist, 450 St. Ann Young R. C. Capt. 44 Euterpe Young R. G., St. Andrew n. Laurel Young Sebastian, br. h. 114 Exch. place Young Stephen, lab. 472 Royal, d. 3 Young S carpenter, 24 Port Young S. C. jr. clerk, 60 Poydras YoungTheodore, butcher, Laurel n. Eighth Young Thos. b. h. 373 Old Levee, d. 3 Young Wm. cabinet maker, 45 Royal Young Wm. laborer, 647 Royal, d. 3 Young Wm. drayman, 61 Thalia Youngblood Wilson, engineer, Bienville n. Derbigny Youngblood Wm. C. pilot, 571 Carondelet Youngel B., Conti near Derbigny Younger John, c. h. Julia n. Claiborne Yrle Andrew, c. h. Esplanade c. Levee Yrle Jean, cutlery, 221 Chartres, d. 346 St. Ann Yrvoix Charles, collector, 247 St. Philip Yssenbourg J. B. distiller, 370 Royal, d.3 Yung Conrad, laborer, 36 Mazant Yung Fran<;ois, syrup manf. 169 St. Ant'y Yung John, furniture, 1007 N. Levee, d. 4 Yung Nicholas, lab. 423 Robertson, d. 3 Yung P. vegetables, 51 Treme market Yunger Charles, 334 Frenchmen Yunger J. Mrs. 369 Elysian Fields Yunger William, gas fitter, 201 Baronne Yvanez Frank, grocer, 71 and 73 Girod rABRISKIE WASHINGTON, f.m.c. carpenter, 87 Poet Zacharia Saufier, drayman, St. James n. Religious Zachairie Howard, d. J09 Customhouse Zachairie Customhouse Zachrisson E. com. mer. 5 Carondelet,d.3 Zadek & Broughton, (A^dolph Zadek, Richard Broughton,) saddlers, St. Charles, under the hotel Zago J. B. sail maker, 333 St. Ann Zahder Fred, baker, 457 Bourbon, d. 3 Zahnies Jacob P. tailor, Cotton Press n. Morales Zam Jacob, tailor, d. 522 Chippewa Zambelli F. 281 St. Ann Zamit A. clerk, St. Philip near Treme Zamora Josephine Mrs. 464 Royal, d. 3 Zamora J. 120 Conti Zamora Manuel, 91 St. Peter Zander J. E. tinner, Marais n. Orleans Zatarein Jules, 963 St. Claude, d. 3 Zaratin D. G., Laurel c. Cadiz, J. City Zay B. barkeeper, 85 Marigny Zealers Louis, fruit store, 607 N. Levee, d. 4 Zeasler John, carpenter. Front, Algiers Zebrisky Wm. 288 Magazine Zehender Charles, shoemkr. Jeff. City Zehender E. collector, Fulton n. Pleasant Zehender Jno. R.S. D r., Si xth,c. Constance Zehler C. Mrs. Harmony c. Constance Zeidler Lawrence, c. h. 9 Gallatin Zeigler Christian, Prieur n. Cypress Ztngler Lewis, saddler, 858 Magazine Zelepp Zealar, drayman, 617 Annun. Zeller Chas. butcher, Carrollton market Zelier E. Mrs., St. Mary n. Constance Zeller L. F., New Carrollton Zeller Theophilite, tailor, 107 Bienville Zeller T. G., Carrollton Zelles Louis, fruit, 607 Tchoupitoulas Zellman A. Mrs. dry goods, 112 Moreau Zemmer Nicholas, c. p., d. 116 Thalia Zengel Joseph, grocery, 612 Burgundy Zerges Henry, lab. Urquhart n. Enghien Zenk Ferdinand, grocer, Josephine c. An- nunciation Zenker Richard, (Keutgen Sf Co.) 16 Ca- rondelet Zeno James N. carpenter, 199 Union, d. 3 Zenser J., St. Charles c. Polmynia Zenteno Edwin, 167 Main Zephirin John, carpenter, 213 St. Ann Zephirin S. dry goods, 517 Camp Zerbry Josephine Mrs. b. h. 234 Rampart Zerin T. Mrs.90Elmire Zernecke H. ( Koenig &f Zernecke,) 26 Chartres, and 27 Customhouse Zerner Adolph, f. m. c. 263 Poydras Zevengu T. Mrs. 69 Elmire Zever Michael, carpenter, Gretna Zickendrath G. imp. of Havana cigars, 91 Customhouse,d. Bourbon n. Prosper Zieble Herman, wood, Prytaniac. Eighth Zieble Nicholas, Seventh c. Chippewa Ziegan A. carriage trimmer, 35 Palmyra Ziegan Edwd. shoemkr. Prieur n. Com'n. Zieger Chris, lab. Terpsichore n. Prytania Zieger Chris, lab. Chippewa n. Sixth ZIE 465 ZWI cgert Fred'k, cabinet mkr. 335 St Louis eglcr Cath. Mrs. variety, 63 Ilamparl.d.l eglerCii. watch man, Lafayette ii.Galvez egler C. grocer. Levee c. Mandeville egler Elizabeth, 395 St. Claude egler F. M.(Schiindl Sf Zi«'g-/fr,; 306 late 175 Old Levee, d. 335Chartres egler Henry, shoeuikr. 195 Dryades egler Henry, lab. 323 Annunciation egler Henry, daii-y Jeflerson City egler Hy. dairy, Toledano c. Baronne egler John, shoemaker, 207 Rampart egler John, laborer, Bourbon n. Soidelle egler John, laborer, Chartres n. Ursulinrs egler John, laborer Milam c. Laurel, Jefterson City egler Jos. c. and b. h. 31 Hospital egler Joseph, lab. Jackson n. Rousseau egler Louis Mrs. Chartres n. Barthol- omew egler L. L. shoemakr. 47 Marais, d. 2 egler Pierre Mrs. musician, 449 St. Ann egler Stephen, tailor, 3 Carondelet egler V. wood, St. Ann n. Tonti lliard John, laborer, 126 Conti ttlosen Martin, 77 St. Ferdinand Itninnn John,drayman,175 Rampart itner William, cooper, 90 Dauphinc mmer Frederick, laborer, 30 Music mmer George, gardener, 953 St. Claude mmer George, barber, 174 Laurel mmer Jacob, drayman, 34 Roman mmer Jacob, c.h. Dauphine c.Montegut mnn'r John, tailor, 78 Poydras mmer Philip Mrs. 162 Clouet mmer Philip, laborer, 162 Clouet mmer X. Mrs. 489 St. Ann inmerman B. c. h. Felicity c. Dryades mmernian Caroline, Hospital n. Roman mmerman Charles, 91 Annunciation mmernian Charles, 388 Fulton mmerman C. H. book kpr.26 Magazine mmerman Felix, cabinet maker, 40 Congress mmerman Fn d. d. 532 Carondelet mmerman Frederick, wood, 269 Julia, d. Carondelet c. thirst mmerman G. A. W. soap maker, Mo- rales n. Feliciana mmernian G. F. Johnson n. Common mmerman Jacob, shoemkr. 128 St. Peter mmerman J. carp. Gnsquet n. Johnson mmerman J. bricklayer, 334 St. Peter mmerman M. 96 Canal, d. 140 Bourbon mmernian Peter, d. 74 Roman mmerman P. tailor, St. Peter n.Derbigny mmerman S. carp. Gasquet n. Johnson mmerman Wm. trunk maker and grocer, 244 Tchoupitoulas Zimmerman Wm. soap boiler, Morales c. Feliciana Zimmerman Wilmer H., Live Oak c. Na- poleon avenue, Jeflerson City Zimmermann Anton, blacksm 30 Hospital Zimmermann A. c. h. Patterson, Algiers Zimmermann Henry, carp. Mandeville n. St. John Baptist Zimmermann J. F. watchmaker, 96 Canal d. 140 Bourbon Zimmermann Wm grocer, 244 Tchoupt. Zinck J. E. c. h. Calliope c. Locust Zindcr Louis, painter, 153 Lafayette Zinglar Frederick, porter, 598 Annun. Zink Frances, Constance n. Felicity Zink Fred. Josephine n. Chippewa Zink Jos. E. c. h. Calliope c. Clara Zink Louis, Annunciation n. Seventh Zinker Ernest, 10 Franklin, d. 1 Zino John, carpenter, 271 Villere ZinserG. M. music teaelier, 430 Basin Zinser Henry, grocer, 443 St. Charles Zinser S., Prosper n. Elysian Fields Zintgrafl' E. J. sewing machines, 16 St. Charles Zirfast Peter, tailor, 161 Dryades Zirkenbach Louis, tailor, 123 Chartres Zitcorich Tri.-^so, fruit, 227 Old Levee Zittlosen I. stevedore, 19 Spain Zitzmann Conrad, lab. 40 Piety Zitzmann Geo. laborer, 806 Burgundy Zoebel John, laborer, 429 Main Zoebul John, poster, 16 Customhouse Zoehnick William, baker, Marigny n. Chartres Zoelly Jacob, brewery, Delord c. Magazine Zoller M. grocer, c. Constantinople and Laurel, Jeft'. City. Zohn John, tailor, 259 Rampart, d. 1 Zolezzi J. B. 320 Si. Claude, d. 2 Zollers Andrew J. collector. True Delta office, d. Baronne c. Second Zorn A. U. music teacher, 15 Rousseau Zorn Florant, porter, Mechanics'and Tra- ders' Bank, d. 448 Dryades Zorll G. c. h. New Levee c. Valmont,J.C. Zulauf John H. lab. Eighth n.New Levee Zungclut Charles, furniture, 10 Monroe Zuniga J. 209 Bayou road Zuim Chas. elk. St. Ann c. Chartres Zurm Rich. Mrs. grocer, 148 Spain Zuntz M. J. (Rhoner &f Zuntz,) 221 Co- liseum, d. 4 Zurchmedden F., Rampart c.St. Ferdinand Zurn Paul, clerk, 21 St. Charles Zwaley Jacob, gardener, 360 Elys. Fields Zwecke Sam'l, trunkmr. Erato c. Freret Zwickey John, sawyer, 487 Robertson BUSINESS DIRECTORY Adjusters of Averages. Brenan Richard, 9 Commercial place Clark George, 9 Commercial place Waugh Arthur C. 68 Camp Agents. Agency Southern Pacific Railroad, 84 Common Allen James F.(S.B.and R.R.) 43 Natchez Allen Stephen, (JV'iZes' PTorfcs,) 169 Gravier Barrett S. V. (La. Distillery,) 39 New Levee, d. 1 Bauduc F. J. (S. B.) New Levee c. Canal Belcher F. (Fassman's Iron Ties,) 22 Com- mercial place Bennett W. {Seiving Machines,) 33 Camp Block & Jonas, (Tobacco,) 97 Gravier Bogert G. C. {Soutkern Oil Co.) 72 Camp Briggs E. W. {London Insurance Co.) 26 Carondelet Brooks & Purseglove,(J\fac/iin'i/,)5Perdido Burruss William M. & Co. {Tobacco,) 12 Gravier Chapus J. {Dry Goods,) 31 Old Levee Chisolm Octave, (Picaiyane J>/i//s, )Poyfarre Cook & Cook, (j^faslma lion Company,) Canal c. Front Cook F. W. C. {Mvelty Works,) Canal c. Front Copes J. S. (JV. F. Ins. Co.) 7 A Camp Cox, Brainard & Co. 95 Camp Crane W .W .{Scovil Sf J\Iead,)]U Chartres Crevy & Farwell, {Ship,) 20 Carondelet Dalton S. W. Dr. ((/. S. Pension,) 110 St. Charles Derbordenave D'Abere F. (General,) 86 Old Levee Doane Harmon, (Insurance,) 48 Camp Doswell J. T. & Co. (Steam Ships,) 43 Natchez Downer J. C. 136 Poydras Earls John, (House,) 277 Camp Fabian Bentham, 67 Tchoupitoulas Faures J. E. sr. (Com.) 34 Royal Fliesen C. (German Society,) 69 St. Louis Freligh J. H. (S. B.) under St. Charles hotel Geddes R. (Mobile Mail Line,) 90 Gravier Hailes Thomas D. 16 Exchange place Harris Joseph L. (Cox, Brainard &{■ Co.) 27 Natchez Harris J. C. (Southern Steamship Co.) 57 Camp Harrison R. F. (Machinery,) 40 St. Charles Heartt H. G. (Com'r Claims Washington City,) 9 Commercial place Hedrick M. S.{Seioing Machines,)^! Canal Higgings Pat. (Mverlising,) 66 Camp Howard Charles T, 7 Camp Huey J. C. .sr. 333 Basin Hyde John E. & Co. basement,St.Charles hotel Keeffe Thomas, (S. B.) 25 Gravier Keener & Parker, (Book,) 112 Camp Kelrey Thomas, (Manufacturing,) Lafay- ette avenue c. Levee, Gretna Klopman L. 36 Natchez Lanoue E. (S. J5.) 1 Tchoupitoulas Lapraire & Sauvage, 34 Exchange place Laughlin R. R. (S. B.) 33 Front Levee Lowber D. C. (Machinery,) 172 Camp McCall H. V. (Land,) 67 Gravier Mcllhenny E. (Bank,) 12 Ex. place Maguire J. P. & Co. (S. B.) 10 Poydras Marette Louis, (General,) d2l4 Ex. place Parlange H. (JV". 0. Clothing Factory,) St. Bernard n. Force Payne C. B. (Steam Ship,) 57 Camp Purcell John, (Real Estate,) 12 Ex. place Redding & Co (Illinois R. R.) under St. Charles hotel Richard Julius, (J^. Y. German Papers,) 251 Chartres Smith T. B. (S. B.) 6 Tchoupitoulas Southern Advertising Agency, 22 Com- mercial place Taney C. H. (Liquor,) 34^ Royal Waldo J. E. (Moss,) 62 Bienville Walton M. (Real Estate,) 40 Camp Wayne Cliflord G. (S. B.) 79 iMagazine Agricultural Implements. Sizer George W., Camp c. Poydras Spear Thomas J. 42 Gravier Vose & West, 119 and 121 Magazine Apothecaries. Abrams Benj. & John, Camp c. Gravier Achille A., Union c. Goodchildren Albrecht J., Claiborne c. Bayou road Aleix Edward, 57 Royal BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 467 Alexis A, 255 Derbigny Ammon t)tto, 513 Royal Angell S. M. {liomevpalhic.,)2 South Lafay- ette square Angell R. I>r, (homeopathic,) 2 South La- fayette square Avequin J. B. 68 St. Peter Bairtisfather Geure;e Dr. 355 Common Harbol J. P. Dr. n2 Tehoupi. c. Girod Belden J, B. Dr. {homeopalhic,) 189 Camp Berger F. Dr. 304 Tclioufiitoulas Bernard P. L., Rampart c. St. Louia Berta F. 306 Rampart, d. 2 Hertrand P. A. 20 Bhimentlial Charles, 65 Gasquet Booth John Dr., Caroiidelet c. Girod Brownlee J. D., Charity Hospital C.innon Maurice, 29 Gravier Castel Louis, St. Ann c. Royal C'astclimn D'que,c, Royal and St. Louis Clark Thomas, Magazine c, Thalia Ciavel F. 228 Rampart Curtis Herman Dr., Carondelet c. Dclord Cueachs P. & Bro., Royal c. St, Philip Dahlstroem A. 134 (,'anal Degrey Louis F. 140 Ciiartres Deloche Louis, 195 Bourbon Dormell J. H. 189 Dauphine Duconge F. P. 39 Cliarires Engelmann David, 396 Dryades Ennemoser .Julius, New Levee c. Berlin Esmond William, Terpsichore n. Baronne Espinola C. 199 Charlres Esquerre S. Dr., Pleasant c. Magazine Falconer Thos. M,, Claiborne n. Gasquet Finlay T. K., Julia c. Camp Fleming George, Carondelet Flemmu;h Charles, 412 Dryadea Florat J. A. 12 New Basin Fox Andrew Dr., Algiers Fredericltson F., Poydras c. Baronne Friend J. Dr., 175 Rampart Galliniard J. 73 Bouri)on Gamotis Louis, Rampart c. Hospital Gaudin Pierre J., Patterscui, Algiers Gaudoz E., Conti c. Burgundy Goldman A. 161 Elysian Fields Goldman E., Louisa c. Dauphine Goldman Henry, 166 Poydras and Canal c. Levee Goltschalk Charles, 437 Bayou road Gouguet Jules Dr., 90 Union, d. 3 Grambois Eugene, Burgundy c. Esplanade Greve l>.. Royal c. Clouet Grisham A. H. 294 Franklin, d. 1 Grosart Jacob, Gasquet c, Maraia Guillot Ed. 120 Royal Haan Julius, 13 Royal Hastings Samuel, Felicity c. Magazine Heinze E. B., Sixth c. New Levee, d. 4 Herber J. 275 Bourbon Heyvaerl Charles, 228 Customhouse Homburg H. 182 Orleans lluberwald J., Race c. Tchoupiloulas Huberwald R. R. 75 Rampart Hyams M. S. Dr., Gravier c. Liberty Jones A. A. Dr. 139 Poydras Jourdan B., Tchoupitoulas c. Natchez Katman J. 225 Bienville Kennedy Hugh, 64 Chartres Labiche H. G., Royal c. Hospital Lanonville L. C., Circus-st. Hospital Laplace B., Elysian Fields c. Old Levee Lr Grix N. 214 Marais LiToy , Levee c. Josephine Liei)ig Oscar, 891 New Levee Linck Charles, c. Lafayette and Rampart Llado J. 205 Chartres Macpherson Edward, 29 Camp Martin M. 149 Chartres Mathews P. & Co , Camp c. Girod Mercenier Victor, 262 Dauphine Meyer Gottlieb, 455 Old Levee Mu-mer M. A. 880 Magazine Moll J., IJrsulines c. Old Levee Morison G. N. & Co. (u-/io/«sa Joim, Segnin n. Ak'X, Algiers Washburn Norman, Poydras c. Frit ur Whalan James, Bartholomew, Algiers Book Stores. Becker Charles, 87i.< Customhouse Boismare Frank, 409 Marais, d. 3 Choi. A. (Fivjtr/i,) Toulouse c. Royal Dapremont A,, Camp op. Lafayette square Durel Paulin, 37 Chartres Edwards Ansel, 108 Poydras Ezekiel E, 7 Exchange place Goldthwaitc William F. 14 Royal Heliert &. Kscousse, 131 Chartres Holle & Co. 61 Exchange place McGinn is H. D. 36 Camp Michon & Desportes, 166 Royal Morgan J. C. & Co. Exchange place, ad- joining post office Schmidt J. A. 80 Exchange place Schwarz Louis, 28 Chartres Tacon J. (French,) 107 Chartrea White Thomas L. 106 Canal Boot and Shoe Dealers— "Whole- sale. Aucoin R. B. 51 and 53 Customhouse Blanchard W. & C. 60 Gravier Dunbar G. W. & Co. 5 Msigazine Frost John, 10 Magazine Gould John M. & Co. 8 Magazine Rayne R. W. 38 Magazine Stern Louis & Brother, 61 Customhouse Taylor D. H. 21 Magazine Taylor F. G. H. 66 Gravier Tirrell & Bates, 9 Magazine Brass Foundries. Bcddinghaus Henry, Patterson, Algiers Bevan George, 144 New Levee Davidson & Wheeler, 63 New Levee Monie J. B. 134 Chartres Brewers. Fasnacht Bros., Annunciation c. Poyfarre Guth Geo. 72 Conti Kroat Carl, 49 and 51 Conti Massey Hutson & Co. 52 New Levee Mertz Geo., Toulouse c. Villere Schmidt Nicholas, Philip n. Annunciation Zoelly Jacob, Delord c. Magazine Bricks, Sand, etc. Blanc Jules A. 247 Julia Bobb William, {and sate mill,) Gretna Delassizp L. T., Old Basin Demourelle V., Toulouse c. Franklin DuJfy James, 122 Baronne Giirdere Edward, (j/arrf,) Gretna Hrtworth J. F. H.,"01d Basin Holden J. S. {lime, etc.) Magazine c. Poydras Levasseur E. 83 Carondelet walk Riib J. F. 259 Julia Webber & liaxter, 239 Julia Wilbur A. C. 99 Gravier Brokers. Abat, Generes& Co. (exchange,) 46 Royal Abrahamson John {real estate ,) 3SSt.Ch&s. Abrams Brothers {produce and com. mers.) 30 Bank place Adier S. J. {slock and ex.) 42 Carondelet AuzeT. {cotton,) 23 Carondelet Avegro, Binder & Co. {slock, note and ex- change,) 24 Carondelet Baquie Auguste, (sugar,) 15 Conti Barb(-y A. {exchange,) 26 Carondelet Barker Henry F. J. 60 Magazine Bartlett W. A. 81 Gravier Beebe Ed. (sugar,) Bienville n. Broad Belknap James T. (produce,) 100 Gravier Benedict E. C. & Co. (exchange,) 1 Ca- rondelet Bergerot A. (cotton,) 3 Byrne's row Bernard F. E. (sugar,) 15 Conti Bibby I. G. (stock, note and exchange,) 37 Carondelet Bienvenu A. 123 Common Bogart J. S,' Co. (sugar,) 5 Bank place Bonneval Alexander, 19 Carondelet Bordenave & Carctta, 40 Exchange place Boutin Antoine (cotton) 8 Royal Bowman John, (produce,) 30 Carondelet Boyle H. (note,) d. 127 Lafayette Braselman Wm. R. (cotton,) 155 Common Brown John A. F. (merchandise and pro- duce,) 21 Lafayette Bruno & Offenbach, (note,) 10 Carondelet Bruce G. W. (produce) 6 Lafayette Bujac & Hensler, (note and ex.) 34 and 36 Carondelet Burke John M. 28 Bank place Burley A. G. (note and ex.) 9 Com'l place Calogne C. (sugar,) 394 St. Philip Cammack A. B. (cotton,) 139 Common Caruthers J. F. & C. F. (cotton,) 41 Ca- rondelet Catonnet A. (cotton,) 36 Carondelet Choisy Charles (cotton,) 8 Carondelet Clay John F. (note and slock,) 52 Royal Coiron L. J. (Customhouse,) 440 0. Levee Conrey S. B. 25 Carondelet Crawford Wm. (mer.) 25 New Levee, d. 1 31 470 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cross C. 3 Carondelet Davis Wii>. jr. (sxigar,) d. Camp c. Jose- pJiine DeBnys & Ou;den {stock, note and ex.) 22}^ Carondtlt't De la Riif & Sloan, (produce,) 90 Common Lif Meza D. H. (sugar,) 274 Melpomene De Mrza L. (sugar,) Crescent row, Canal Duoross F. A. (note and seaie»-s,) St. Louis c. Old Levee Begouen E. & Co. 14 Carondelet Bell & Bouligny, 17 Carondelet Bell Robert & Co. (awd Steamboat Agents) 51 Poydras Bellocq, Noblom & Co. 61 Carondelet Benton E. W., Lafayette c. New Levee Beylle John E. 31 Gravier Bid well H. (and Western Produce,) 63 Poy- dras Black & Byington, 7 Carondelet Black George P. & Co. 91 Gravier Blanchard Th. Bailey jr. 27 Old Levee Blessey Emanuel, 74 Poydras Block, McAffee & Co. 6 Union Bouligny & Ganucheau, 19 Customhouse Boyd J. & Co. 4 Union Boyle F.A . & Co. Poydras c. Tchoup. Bradley, Wilson & Co. 62 Carondelet Bradshaw Chas. H., Common c. Fulton Brady & Co. 91 Gravier Bragg & D'Aquin, 26 Gravier Blander & Hubbard, 56 Carondelet Braud J. A. & Landry, 23 Bienville Eredow, Wusthoff & Co. 63 Tchoupitou. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 473 Bros J. B. 32 Carondelet Bridge & Son, 83 Gravier Bridges D. 6 Carondelet BriiUon P. H., Grossman c. Front Levee Broadwuii C. B. & Co. Magazine c. La- fayette Broadwell & Hayncs, 40 Union Brown Charles D. I21 Lafayette Browne J. J. 10 Union, d. 1 Broiigicr R. 7 late 10 St. Louis Hruguire A. C. 21 Bienville Biiekner, Stanton & Newman, 94 Gravier Buddccke C. T. & Co. 21 Common Bntl'um & Co. 60 Carondelet P)iilliil Cuthbcrt, 30 and 32 New Levee.d.l Bunnell & Bailieff, 10 Gravier Burbridge & Co. 159 Gravier Burke J. W. 6 Carondelet Burruss Wni. & Co. 12 Gravier Burtlie A. Higgins, 63 Common Burton & Work, 95 Gravier Byrne, Vance & Co. 3 Carondelet Caballero & Basualdo, 46 late 36 Old Le- vee, d. 2 Caldwell J. E. 5 Bank place Canierden Frederick, 66 Gravier Cammack A. B. 151 Common ("ammack & Converse, 35 Carondelet Campbell &, Strong, 20 Si. Charles Campbell, JVIcKee & Co. 73 Carondelet Cam|)bell & Rickarby, 29 Carondelet t -arloss & Steuart, 46 Carondelet Carriere A. & Co. 37 late 25 Old Levee,d.2 Carroll D. R. & Co. 53 Carondelet Carroll, iloy & Co. 3y Perdido Carter J. H. 24 Tchoupiloulas Caruthers J. F. & C. F. 41 Carondelet Cary Richard, [)fi Gravier Case & Johnson, 3 Front & 12 Fulton Castillo &. Harispe, 25 Carondelet Cavaroc C. & Co. 116 late 144 Royal Ca/.emave P. A. D. 26 Conti Chambers Wm. 14 and 16 Union, d. 1 Chaniplin Jos. W. & Co. 77 Carondelet Chapman & Co. 65 Gravier Chaudet & i\ee, 147 and 149 Royal Chism A Boyd, 61 and 63 Poydras Clark & Co. 45 Front Clark & Thieneman, 88 Magazine Cleveland Brothers, 42 Union, d. I Cobb J. B. & Co. « New Levee, d. 1 Cochran & Hall, 13 New Levee and 11 Fulton Coleman, Britten & Withers, 57 Carondelet Coinielly George & Co. 56 Carondelet Connoly James & Co. 64 Poydras Converse & Kennett, 33 Natchez Cooper M. D. & Co. 136 Common Costa & Co. 55 late 16 Customhouse ("ouiin A. 24 Bienville Covas & Negroponie, 88 Carondelet Crafts R. A. & Co. 24 St. Charles Crafts Wm. H. 76 Poydras ("ramer & Co. 58 late 17 Customhouse Cresap, McMillan & Co. 66 and 68 Mag- azine Cummings & Co. 13 St. Charles Cutres & Harrison, 27 Carondelet Darby & Tremoulet, 33 Bienville Da Silva A. J. 42 Old Levee, d. 2 Da Silva & Co. 14 Carondelet Davis Edward, 38 Carondelet Davis, Jenkins & Co. 67 Carondelet Day & Co. 43 Union, d. 1 De Arman John & Co. 67 Tchoupitoulas De Blois it Johnson, 8 Front Levee, d. 2 Delaunay, Rice & Co. 16 Carondelet Dcngrc J. D. Old Levee c. Bienville Deviser S. & Co. 64 Magazine Dewey Wm. J. & Co. 86 and 88 Gravier Dix & Ranlett, 67 Tchoupitoulas Dodd & Bateman, 61 St. Charles Dolsen ife Son, 71, 73 and 77 Poydras Donavan A. D. 51 Carondelet Downs & Co. 119 Gravier Drew & Seymiuir, 4 Union Duffy John & Co. 53 New Levee and 48 Commerce Dulilho Louis, 53 Union, d. 1 Dumee & Co. 4 Union, d. 1 Dumesnil & Martin, 71 Carondelet Duncan, Payme & Co. 18 Union, d. 1 Dupasseur, Edouard & Co. 8 Royal Durand, Rocquet & Co. 12 Carondelet Durrive Edward & Co.St.Louisc.O. Levee Duval & Co. 86 Poydras Eimer it (3o. 17 Carondelet Elliot & McKeever, 51 St. Charles Ernest Frederick B. 5 Carondelet Estlin Robert W. & Co. 47 Union Ethell B. P. & Co. 101 Magazine Ewing Samuel, Crossman c. Front Fachiri P. & Co. 99 Gravier Fail-child E. H. »&, Co. 84 Poydras Farley, Jurey & Co. 40 Perdido Fell & Marsh, 36 Natchez Fellowes & Co. 149 Common Fernandez S.& Co. 125 late 74 O.Levee,d.2 Flash A. 45 'rdioupitoulas Fogo & Taylor, 89 Gravier Foley, Avery & Co. 34 Perdido Forward & Gribble, 107 Camp Forstall E. J. 22 St. Charles Eraser & Co., 87 Gravier Frellsen & Stevenson, 51 Carondelet Friedlander & Gerson, 43 Carondelet Frierson, Conway &, Co. 59 Carondelet Fuentes & Co. 30 late 20 Old Levee, d. 2 Fuller, Douglass &, Co. 19 St. Charles Gallagher & Dyer, 33 Carondelet Gilleii, Smedes & Co. 153 Common Gillasjije, Brewer & Co. 38 Union Gillis &, Ferguson, 44 Union, d. I Gilly Hynoliie, 114 Common Given, Watts &, Co. 80 Poydras GladdeinS: Seixas, 159 Gravier Glenn A. & Co 93 Gravier Gonzales Francis A. & Co. 75 and 77 Old Levee, d. 2 Gordon & Castillo, 118 Common Gorris.sen Brothers, 15 Union, d. 1 Gourdain J. V. 131 Common Grace John, 17 Tchoupiloulas Graham Bro. & Co. 12 Poydras 474 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Green & Crump, 163 Gravier Green & Logan, 119 Common Grieff, Byrnes & Co. Tchoupi. c. Natchez Grietf A. D. & Co. 50 and 52 0.Levee,d.2 Groves J. R. & Co. 44 Union, d. 1 Guma & Massich, 39 Tchoui-itoulas Giinther, Rodewald & Co. 62 Poydras Haggerty Jolin A. & Co. 31 Poydras Hamilton R. W. 114 Common Hardie John T. & Co. 44 Carondelet Harding, Abbay & Morehead,59 Carond't Harris, Bercier & Co. 77 Tchoupitnulas Harris Micajah & Son, 73 Carondelet Harrison James & Co. 82 Customhouse Harvey C. M. & Co. 61 St. Charles Hawkins & Norwood, 48 Carondelet Hawley CM. 61 St. Charles Hayes & Sanders, 61 Carondelet Hayes Samuel, 31 Front Haynes Wm. H. 22 St. Charles Hebrard Richard, 11 and 13 Toulouse Heermann, Power & Co. 90 Common Heine A. M. & Co. 140 Common Henderson, Terry & Co. 93 Gravier Henkel A D. & Co. 81 Carondelet Hewitt, Norton & Co. 151 Common Hews Wm. G. 8 St. Peter Hickman, Dugas & iVlaignan, 6 F. Levee, d. 2 Higgin Joseph, 2 Byrne's row, Carond't Hilliard, Summers & Co. 64 Carondelet Hite George D. 5 Front Levee, d. 1 Hobart & Foster, 46 St. Charles Hogan E. P. 63 Poydras Hoghton, Rankin & Co. 125 Common Holland Charles, 138 Common Holloway & Lonsdale, 75 Carondelet Honold & Co. 6 Carondelet Hopkins A. M. 41 Union, d. I Horrell, Gayle & Co. 93 Magazine Huger John M. 43 Carondelet Hughes, Hyllested & Co. 45 Union, d. 1 Hynson Geo. W. & Co. 82 Camp JeannetjQuertier & Co. 19 late 22 St.Louis Johnson Charles G. 119 Gravier Johnson Fredk. A. 90 Magazine Johnson W. A. & Co. 36 Perdido Johnston & Moke, 89 Gravier Jones S. & Co. 31 Carondelet Keep & Caulfield, 56 and 58 Poydras Kelly A. D. »fe Co. 90 Gravier Kennedy S. H. & Co. 36 Povdras Kent H. D. & Co. 96 Magazine Keutgen & Co. 16 Carondelet Kirkpatrick & Co. 27 Natchez Knox & Higgins, 46 Union, d. 1 Kock Charles & Co. 20 Carondelet Kouns G. L. & Brothers, 2 Front, d. 1 Labatut Jules, 60 Customhouse Laforest & Desmare, St. Charles c. Union Lallande Joseph, 98 Gravier Lanata D. & J. 10 Jefferson Lanaux Theodore, 13 Conti Lanfear Ambrose, 93 Common Lane, Sailer &, Co. 128 Common Lapice Brothers, 3 Old Levee, d. 2 Larue & Prevost, 30 Carondelet Latting R. G. & Co. 14 and 16 Union Lauve & Le Blanc, 17 and 19 Toulouse Le Cesne, Jules &. Co. 137 Common Lecourt Alexander & Co. 151 Common Lee John L. 58 Carondelet Leisy J. 10 Carondelet Leverich Wm. E. 34 Old Levee, d. 2 Levi A. & Co. 55 Carondelet Levy S. L. & E. L. 97 and 99 Magazine Levy & Dieter, 27 Carondelet Lewis & Oglesby, 64 Carondelet Lipscomb W. C. 85 Gravier Lloyd Richard, 88 Gravier Lobit, Charpanlier & Co. 62 late 23 Cus- tomhouse Logan & Postell, 12 Tchoupitoulas Logan, Soniat & Claiborne, 57 Carondelet Lombard Isidore, 12 Conti Lombard Joseph, 7 Toulouse Lopez Manuel, 97 Old Levee, d. 2 Lopez S. M. 23 Gravier Lord & Cooney, 5 Front Levee, d. 1 Loftspeich B. F. & Co. 71 Camp Lowe B. M. & Co. 97 Gravier McColl Hugh, 60 Carondelet McCollom & Hawthorn, 128 Common McFarland& Barksdale, 75 Carondelet McGill Theo. 58 Magazine McGinnis T.& Co., Lafayette c. Commerce McGregor Robt. & Co. 65 Tchoupitoulas Mcllreevy & Cobb, 34 Poydras McKleroy & Bradford, 29 Natchez McLaurin Archibald A. 24 Bank place McLean & Olivier, 49 Common McLemore, Rayburn & Co. 13 Carondelet McRae & Co., Carondelet c. Perdido Malers L. & Co. 69 Old Levee, d. 2 Mandeville & Mcllhennv, 155 Gravier Mann B. L. & Co. 38 Gravier Martin, Cobb & Co., 157 Gravier Maspero P. 35 Bienville Maury James & Co. 99 Gravier Maury Wm. & Hogg, 84 Magazine Maxent Louis, 39 late 50 Toulouse May A. H.&Co., Factors' row 42Perdido Meeker, Knox & Co. 87 Gravier Menard & Vignaud, 103 Canal Mertens W. W. 25 Commercial place Millaudon Laurent, 114 Bourbon Mills & Co. 98 Gravier Mills T. & J. S. 26 Carondelet Miltenberger, Alphonse & Co. 30 Caron- delet Miltenberger Aristede, 28 Carondelet .Vlitchel John A. 54 Poydras Mogridge Joseph, 18 New Levee, d. 1 Molony & Brother, 38 Poydras Montgomery Archibald, 141 Canal Montgomery & White, 119 Common Montgomery & Hall, 73 Carondelet Moon & Brother, 38 Union, d. 1 Moore & Browder, 44 Carondelet Moore John T. 17 and 19 Poydras Mummy, Luling & Co. 15 Carondelet Murdoch, Williams & Co. 45 Carondelet Mure William, 35 Carondelet Murison J.B.&Co.,561ate 15 Customhouse BUSINESS DIRECTOEY 475 Murphy, Sykes &, Co. 77 Carondelet Murphy J. & J. 78 Poydras Miirrull & Bowles, 72 Camp Muse & Murtl.ick, 1 Front, d. 1 Nalle Edward & Co. Ui Gravier Nathan Geoijji', 97 Gravier Nattes E. J. (i Ti-,houpitoulas Ncgroponte & Agi-lasto, 119 Gravier Nelson S. 0. & Co. 9a Gravier Neviiis A. A. 47 Caroiulelet Norton Alexander & Macaulay, 45 and 47 Front Norton, Mosby & Co. 12 Tchoupitoulas Odier Adoiphe & Co. 6 Carondelet O'Dowd & Sullivan, Poydras c. Trhoupit. Oijlesby & Maeaulev-,6i late 64 Tchoupit. Oliver G. W. 26 C;.Vondelet Olivier Cresaire, 3.5 Bienville Oser S. & Co. 157 Common Overlon Nathaniel & Co. Poydras corner Tchoupitoulas Palfrey & Lincoln, 13 Tchoupitoulas Pandorf & Co. 45 Carondelet Parniele Edward & Bro. 82 Poydras Pascal G. 97 Old Levc, d. 2 Patlon, Henderson & Co. 93 Gravier Payne &• Harrison, 51 Union, d 1 Payso M. & L. 2f) Bienville Pepin N. R. 6c Co. 33 Common i'erdreauville Broihers, 69 Tchoupitoulas Perkins & Co. 48 Carondelet Perret Frank, 36 Bienville Perret, Schultz & Bertsche, 48 Carondelet Person J. J, & Co. 47 Carondelet Perterkin, Allen & Co, 29 Carondelet Phelps &. Jones, 43 Carondelet Philijipi .Tames, 39 Lafayette Phillips N. G. 61J Poydras Phit)ps J. L. & Co. 21 Commercial place PilcUer & Goodrich, 38 Perdido Pilsbury Edward, 14 Carondelet Pinckard, Steele ii (vo, 35 Tchoupitoulas Plassan S. 38 and 40 Old Levee, d. 2 Plauclie J. B. & Co.fii) late 21 Customhouse Poindextcr& Co. 39 Natchez Post & Mel, 78 Poydras Prats, Pujol &, Co. 11 St. Louis Prehn Wm. & Co. 3i Carondelet Price Thomas K. 5.1 Camp Priichard & Flowir, 62 (Jarondelet Puig Brothers, 57 Customhou.' Thomas, jr. 53 St. Charles Kells Charles E. 152 Canal Knapp J. S. 15 Baronne Kiiapp & McLain, 154 Canal Mager J.M. 104 Camp Miller A. 133 St. Joseph Nelson Dr. 165 Canal Parmley George W. & N. G. Godfrey, North, corner St. Francis Plough A. L. 19 Bourbon Roussel George, 122 Royal Smith B. F. 160 Canal Smith George W. 203 Canal Souchon K. 173 Bourbon Spencer J. F. 173 Common Spratley James H. 110 St. Charles Walker J. R. 1,56 Canal West James, 112 St. Charles Doors, Sashes and Blinds. Baucher A. & Co., St. Ann corner Roman Brown A.& Co. 320 Magazine Brownlee John & Co. 271 Gravier Waterman & Co. 298 Gravier Dressmaking and Millinery Es- tablishments. Bonthoux C. 66 late 72 Chartres Cady R. 89 Canal Caspain .lustine, 98 Royal Fabio S. G., Chartres c. Hospital Farrell Ellen, 151 Canal Ferret & Co. 59 late 71 Royal I^'vy Charlotte, Canal c. Carondelet McEnaiiy Ann, Camp c. Julia McCluskey S. J., Canal c. Daujihine Medes Julia, 61 Royal Phillips E. E. 159 Canal Robert E. 15 Chartres Roper G. W., Poydras c. Carondelet Seeuwys & Dumoiit, Royal c. Bienville Trouble A. 65 Royal Turner E. W. 108"and 110 Canal Stillman J. 154 Canal Voisin M. 36 lute 38 Chartres Drugs & Medicines, Wholesale. Jourdan B., Natchez c. Tchoupitoulas Micklejohn M. A. 112 St. Charles Morison G. N. & Co. 12 Magazine Schwab A. 216 Chartres Scovil & Mead 105 and 107 Chartres Syme James, 134 Canal Wheelock E. B. & Co. 43 Magazine Woodman&Bement, .Magazine c. Common Wright John & Co. 21 and 151 Chartres Dry Goods, Wholesale and Retail Barriere C. A. & Bro. 130 Canal Hentluiyser Lewis «& Co. 121 Canal Bisa John, Red Store, Front Levee, d. 2 BlumtS: Frank, 43 Chartres Boiiey Martin, 117 Poydras Boulenger & Co. {icholesale) 75 late 85 Charti-f's Braselman J. A., Magazine c. St. Andrew Churchill S. B., Dryades c. Erato Clapp, Mitchell & Jack {icholesale) 35 Magazine 478 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Crotty Martel {importer and wholesale) 43 Chartres Danzeger J. 125 Rampart Danzeger Theodore, Royal c. St. Philip Demontrond & Co. 169 Canal Derbes Joseph jr. 49 late 55 Chartres Ferrandow & Ces.sac, 65 Cliartres Frois Theod. & Co. (irholesale) 132 Canal Giquel & Jamison, 126 Canal Goldsmith, Haber&Co.(M)/io/eso/e)47Camp Goldsmith Hannah, 68 Royal Haggerty Brothers, 128 Canal Hebrand D.W. 236 Dauphine c. St. Mary Holmes D. H. 155 Canal James A.R. & Co. (ipholesale) 37 Magazine Kaiser S. & Co. 63 Chartres? Keegan & McCanii, 144 Canal Laroussini W. & Co. {wholesale and retail) 137 Canal Lazave, Levasseur & Co,, Red Store, 8 and 10 Chartres Lehman A. & Co. 76 Chartres Letchford W. H. & Co. {wholesale) 77 and 79 Canal Levois J. & Co. Canal c. Bourbon Levy Simon & Co. 9 Chartres Liberman H. & E. 62 Chartres Macou, Freres & Co. 177 Poydras McStea, Value & Co. {icholesale) 98 Canal Marburg & Foster {importers and loholesale) 20 Chartres Marks & Co. {wholesale) 62 Camp Mastinstein J. & Co. 93 Royal Newhouse D. N. 90 Orleans North Duthil, 13 Magazine c. Common Peet, Simms &, Co. 23 and 25 Magazine Pessou A. 68 Chartres Powell Thos. S. & Co. 80 Canal Quenu Charles, 132 Chartres Ravelet C. 21 Chartres Reilly E. & Co. 131 late 126 Canal Richard Aldige& Co. 35 Chartres, up stairs Robert & Co. 85 Canal St. Armand & St. Cyr, 57 Bourbon St. Mare Alfred. 38 late 40 Chartres Sarrat A. & Co. HI Chartres Schever Joseph, 84 Chartres Schwartz, Kaufman & Co. 25 Chartres Slurzeneger & Co. 48 Chartres Talamon & Dessommes, 4 Magazine Tompkins W. C. & Co., Magazine c.Canal Wolf Aaron, 72 Chartres Yale C. jr. & Co. 27 Magazine and 56 Gravier Engravers. Bellenot Charles, Bienville c. Ex. place Childs J. V. 10 Camp Douglas J. 17 St. Charles Gery L., Camp c. Canal Hammond J. T. 28 Camp McAllister J. C. 5 Camp O'Regan Jas. Ex. place c. Customhouse Peterson A. H. M., Exchange place c. Bienville Schmidt S. 12 Royal Exchange Dealers. Abat, Generes & Co. 46 Royal Adier S J. 42 Carondelet Avegno, Binder & Co. 24 Carondelet Barker Jacob, Camp c. Gravier Benedict E. C. & Co. 1 Carondelet Benoist, Shaw & Co. 19 Camp Bi'uno & Offenbach, 10 Carondelet Bujac & Henslcr, 34 and 36 Carondelet Conner H. W. & Son, 33 Carondelet Cross C. 3 Carondelet Oe Buys & Ogden, 22 1^ Carondelet Engsifeld & Co. 20 Union Finlay L. A. 88 Gravier Green Samuel S. 10 Perdido Harris Alexander & Co. 32 Carondelet Judson M. & Co. 14 Camp Lee John M. 118 Common McMasters R. P. 65 Gravier Moss & Rozet, 30 Carondelet Peschier & Forstall, Carondelet c. Com- mon Thorn Robert H. 117 Gravier Wibray & Heyliger, 120 Gravier Fruits. Astredo Anthony, 16 Royal Cassa Savario {icholesale) 14 Main Cloud E. G. 73 St. Charles Gregorio, Howland & Co. {wholesale) 38 Fulton Pignioli J. B. & Co. 10 and 11 Front Levee, d. 2 Radovich V. {ii'holesale) 23 Front Levee Sever J(jhn {icholesale) 5 Front Levee, d. 2 Tramontana R. {icholesale) 4 Front Furniture. BoyeC. 64 Bienville Davis W. T. 169 Canal De Bruille Alexander, 88 Bienville Dticlos P. & Co. 57 and 59 Bienville Flint C. & Jones, 36 and 38 Royal Green H. 133 Poydras Grosjean & Raymond, 59 Royal Heer Felix {office) 85 Bienville Kelham Daniel, 45 Royal McCranken William, 45 Royal Neagle & Carpenter, 31 and 33 Royal Sampson & Keen, 62 Bienville Shumway & Hews, 47 Royal Stewart Wm. H., Bienville c. Ex. place Tourne P. M. 7 Baronne Whitney Norman, 48 Royal Gas Fitters. Guild Harvey, 182 St. Charles HoUoway Henry, 272 Camp , Juenger William, 172 Baronne Loeffler Charles, 126 Chartres Monie J. B. 134 Chartres Sommer William, 82 and 84 Baronne BUSINESS DIRECTORY 479 Gents' Furnishing Goods. Guion Thomas F. 20 St. Charles Hart" Alex. & Co. 11 Chartres Lavie G. 21 St. Charles Leig:liton Charles, St. Charles c. Canal Moody S. N., Canal c. Royal Wolf & Brother, 7 Charlrcs Gilders and Galvanizers. Dupuy Guillaume, 49 Royal Galeppi Alexander, 161 Chartres Koehl Anton, 19 Hourl)oa Leith Henry, 142 Camp Venot A. 97 St. Peter Granite Dealers. Nicholson & Co., Magazine c. Rohin Richards Newton, 147 Customhouse Grist and Flour Mill Manuf. Coleman W. P. 85 St. Charles GrocerSjWholesale, and Western Produce. Adams John J. & Co. 22, 32 and 35 Old Levee, d. 2 Adams R W. & Co., Common c. Front and Fulton .■Mien W. L. & Co. 35 Common Arthur & Co., Canal c. New Levee Avet Brothers, Old Levee c. Bienville Avet Fredk. 59 Old Levee, d. 2 Bardales Gregorio, Gravier c. Liberty Basset L. 20 and 22 Tehoupitoulas Bayly G. M. 42 Canal and 22 Common Bertoulin Felix, 101 Old Levee, d. 2 Biscoe & Simnis, 15 and 19 New Levee, and 13, 15 and 17 Fulton H. & Co., Royal c. Toulouse Blanchin & Giraud, 71 Old Levee, d. 2 Block H. & Co. 28 Common and 48 Canal Bloom & Co. 56 late 66 Magazine, and 21 and 23 Natchez Bradshaw Chas. H., Common c. Fulton IJuUitt Cuthi)ert,30 and 32NewLcvee, d. 1 B.irckett Jacob, 93 Camp Cahnige M. A., Royal c. Main Castaing Chas., Marais c. Carondelet Clark & Co. 45 Front Cobb J. B. & Co. 8 New Levee, d. 1 Collins, Carriere & Co. Old Levee c. Bien- ville Cooper & Neibert, 27 and 29 Common De Blois & Johnson {xccstcrn produce) 6 Front Levee, 2d. Donovan & Neutz, 95 Camp Dudley & Nelson, 24 and 26 Common Eaton & Bettenden ifc Co. c. Fulton, Com- mon, and New Levee Fatjo & Brunaso, 284 and 286 0.Levee,d.2 Faures & Norman, Customhouse c. Royal Finch Wm. E. 18 late 29 Canal Forward & GribbJe, 107 Camp Gclpi Pablo, 2'i3 Old Levee, d. 2 Goodrich & Co., Common c. Tchoupitou. Grieff, Byrnes & Co. {irestern produce) T(;houpitoulas c. Natchez GrietT A. D. & Co. 46, 50 and 52 Old Levee, d. 2 Hall John M., Canal c. Tchoupitoulas Hart E. J. & Co. 73and 75 Tchoupitoulas Hedden H. H., Carondelet c. Common Hendt'rson John, 88 Tchou])itoulas Hickman, Dngas & Maignan, 6 Front Levee, d. 2 Holmes &, Spencer, 7 Gravier Johnston J. M. 3 Front Levee, d. 2 Kennett, Blood & Co. 63 Front and 66 Fulton, d. 1 Lamothe P. L. 66 Tchoupitoulas Lanier W. L., Gravier c. Fulton Lapene & Ferre, 65 Old Levee, d. 2 Logan & Posteil, 10 New Levee, and 12 Tchoupitoulas McComlis & Elaus, 14 Tchoupitoulas Mains L. & Co. 69 Old L.'vee, d. 2 Manson George W., Common c. Tchoup. Marks Joseph & J. N. 43, 45 and 47 New Levee, and 33, 35 and 37 Fulton May A. J. & Co., Jackson c. Rousseau Morgan Danl. 54 New Levee, d. 1 Monasterio A. 259 Old Levee, d. 2 Meyers B. & J. 34 Gravier Norton Alexander & Macaulay, 45 and 47 Front, and 46 and 48 Fulton Norton, Mosby & Co. 12 New Levee and 12 Tciioupitoulas Peter.s & Adams, 37 Tchoupitoulas Pinaud & Fellon, 117 late 70 Old Levoe,d.2 Pinckard, Steele & Co. 35 Tchoupitoulas c. Gravier Queyrouze & Langsdorff, 8, 10, 12 and 14 St. Louis Rawlins J. W. & Co. 16 Tchoupitoulas and New Levee n. Gravier Raymond W. C. 71 Camp Reed H. W. & Co. 27 New Basin Renaud B., St. Louis c. Royal Riviere & .Tollv,31 Common Riviere P. & Co. 76 Old Levee Roquirt & Gilkinson, 10 Customhouse Ruleff Georg.-,57 Front, d. 1 Schmidt & Ziegier, 304 and 306, late 175 Old Levee, d. 2 Schneider & Wise, Lafayette c. Fulton and New Levee Shannon Joseph R. & Co. 7 and 9 Poy- dras,and 29 and 31 Pulton Shaw P. A. 24 Fulion, and 23 Front Socoia A. 141 Old Levee, d. 2 Steward L. W. 21 New Levee,d.l Sturgeon John, 56 New Levee, d. 1 Thomson & Barnes, 23 and 25 Common Violett W. A. & Co. 49, 51 and .'■)3 New Levee, and 39, 41, 43 and 45 Fulton Watis, Pleasanis & Co. 72 Magazine Weilman E. 97 Camp Witte Geo. F. & Co. 12 Front Levee, d. 2 480 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gunsmiths. Allen Joseph, 89 Magazine Auer X. 119 TrhoapitouJas Bailey Thomas, 98 Chartres Bouri-on P. 120 Chartres Fouquet E. 124 Bienville Malone M. 26 Commercial place Soubie A. 160 Chartres Guns, Rifles and Sporting Appa- ratus. Guion Thos. F. 20 St. Charles Kittridge& Folsom, 55 St. Charles Soubie A. 160 Chartres Hardware, Wholesale and Retail. Aitkens J. S. 236 late 274 Tchoupitoulas Anthoine S., Victory c. Frenchmen Armstrong Wm. 99 Old Levee, d. 2 Backus V. 437 Dryades BaguieJ. A., Rampart c. Julia Becker Conrad, 867 Magazine Bein J. D. & Son, 89 Camp Bonnaffe J. J. 47 Front Levee, d. 3 Born Jacob, 242 Tchoupitoulas Carrere C. 2.33 Old Levee Casbergue Justin & Co. 203 Chartres David V. 7 Old Levee Flotte J. B. 115 Old Lcvce Folger & Co. New Levee and Tchoupit. streets, between Gravier and Poydras Gallagher Henry, n. 170 Tchoupitoulas Gordon A. H. 59 Magazine Hacker E., Orleans, fronting Treme mkt. Hays Solomon, 31 Front Levee Hill Allen, 167 Baronne Julhe & Co. 4 Pontalba bldgs. St. Ann Labance & Grosjean, 58 Magazine Lanauze A. 9 Pontalba bids. St. Ann Lanauze P. A. 51 Carondelet walk, Old Basin Locke Samuel, 789 and 10 Front Levee McCutcheon & Howell, 55 Camp Montgomery Thos.& Co. 782 N. Levee. d. 4 Morrel L. 29 Natchez Pothier & Faucheux, 63 Old Levee, d. 2 Rice & Brothers, 242 Tchoupitoulas Ries F. & Co. 106 Baronne Rousset & Genin, 83 Canal Schmidt William 39 Front Levee, and 40 Fulton Slark, Stau.Ter & Co. 71 late 64 Canal Slocomb C. H. & Co. 74 late 67 Canal, 50 and 58 Common Soulet J., Chartres c. St. Philip Taylor & Churchill, 39 Magazine Threshere Charles, 104 Povdras Tilton Frederick \V.17 late II 0.Levee,d.2 Waterman }.&, Bro., Magazine n. Common Hatters. Albert J. J. 23 Chartres Aubert Kugene L., St. Charles c.Common Belden & Eames, 36 Magazine Booth & Co. 36 late 40 Magazine Bourrier J. 122 Exchange place Boutroue Victor, 109 Royal, 238 St. Ann ChauviereTh. 95 late lOl' Chartres D'Arcy J. 1 Chartres Dawson & Co. 48 Chartres Drez Alphonse, 61 late 67 Chartres Drez Anthemise, 61 Chartres Durbridge & Co. 155 Poydras Duryee Jaques & Clerman, (ivholesale,) 70 Gravier Fiquet & Bouvet, 12 Camp Hanney W. A.&Co. {icholesale,) 82 Canal Hurley John, 137 Poydras Hutchinson T. W. 94 Canal Janin Louis, 132 Exchange place Jennings John, St. Louis c. Exch. place Johnston D. C. under St. Charles hotel, next to corner Common Magnier A. 94 St. Charles Pennington J. C. 50 Magazine Hair "Workers. Bornet Charles, 138 Orleans Edmonds John, 1 Carondelet Graef Jacob, 153 Bourbon Pasquier Aspes, 132 Royal Stubenrauch F. 27 Chartres Hides and Leather. Bernard William, 47 Toulouse DENNETT gazine. JACOB K. 99 Ma- Dufaut Joseph, 75 Royal Gonaux & Co. 148 Royal Haas& Weiser, 78 Customhouse Mann B. L. & Co. 38 Gravier Pierre Leon & Co. 7] Chartres Robeson & Witherell, 89 Magazine Weishaar Charles, 93 Toulouse Homeopathists. Angell R. 2 South ANGELL S. M. Dr. 219 Camp c. St. Joseph. Belden J. G. 114 Carondelet Burritt & Hill Drs. 107 Carondelet Taxil Dr. 60 Dauphine Vail I. 297 Magazine House Furnishing. Beebe & Co., Old Levee c. Customhouse Blake & Tower (wholesale) Customhouse c. Old Levee Bostick & Seymour, 35 Front Casbergue Justin & Co. 203 Chartres Hacker E. Orleans opposite Treme mkt. Heath Edward, 75 Camp BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 481 Perry E. W. Poydras n. St. Charles Saulay B. & Co. 156 Poydras Soulel John, Chartres c. St. Philip Ice Dealers. Bosworlh A. W. &. Co. 71 and 73 Front Downey Mirlmel, 9 Commerce DiUel Louis, 66 Cliartres Jacobs Felix M. & Co. Elysian Fields n. Victory Lucihe .1. 108 St. Charles Smith S. B. & Co. 33 New Levee Warner J. L. & Co. 16 Customhouse Importers. Alvarez, Fernandez & Co. {Havana pro- dure,) 52 Old Levee Bornio& i3ro. (//arrt)iflf7)rorfH^f ,)34 Gravier Bredenburi^h W. H. 36 Old Levee Brulatour P. E. & Co. (triHes,) 89 late 53 Old Levee, d. 2 Boudet L. (iciues,) 145 Old Levee Caballero & Basualdo {Havana prodtice,) 46 Old Levee, d. 2 Carricre A. & Co. (tcines,) 25 late 37 Old Levee, d. 2 Cavaroc C. & Co. {wines,) 116 Royal Cazaux John, {winat,) 73 Old Levee Chassagnoil P. M. {icines,) 23 St. Louis Cliaudet »& Mee, {liquors, etc.) 147 & 149 Royal Clermont E. {weights and measures,) 158 Bourbon Clostermann, Tournc & Co. {fancy goods,) 40 Chartres Cochran & Hall, {Italian prodxice,) 13 New Levee Coeler F. W. {liquors,) 110 Common Costa & Co. {Havana produce) 55 late 16 Customhouse Cruzat & Wilson, {cigars,) 22 Common Cucullu & U'Meza, {Havana produce,) 4 St. Louis Curien J. N. {ivines,) 20 Toulouse Da Silva A. J. {icines,) 42 Old Levee Dechamps E. {tcines,) 20 St. i^ouis Deluzain L. E. {wines,) 119 Royal Domingo .lose, {Havana cigars,) 55 late 16 Customhouse Dubuch Andrew, {wines,) 118 Gravier Dumas Bros, {cloths,) 136 Chartres Eiernod & Piaget, {dry goods,) 46 Chartres Ferguson Edwui, (carllicn ware,) 7 Camp Fischer John E. &Co. {German cigars,) 23 New Levt'e Ganier &. Thomas, {wines,) 82 Customhse. Gaunc P. &. Eichelburger, {cloths,) 125 Chartres Girard & Couteux, {clotlis,) Chartres c. Bienville Graham 0. B. & Co. {dry goods,) 96Gravr. Gratiaa S. D. & Co. (trines &,• liquors,) 59 Customhouse Guma & Masich, {Havana cigars,) 39 Tchoupitoulas Guma P. k Co. {cigars,) Canal c. Tchoup. Juge Paul & Fassy, {wines,) 26 St. Louis Karstendiek & Co. {liquors,) Gravier c. New Levee Lacroix Paul, {v'ines,) 12 Toulouse Laffitte & Deffarge, {ivines,) 133 Royal Lalance & Grosjean, {hardware,) 58 Mag. Lambert X. {liquors,) 52 Magazine Lanata D. & J. {Italian pj-oduce,) 9 Jeff. Lazare, Levasseur& Co. {cloths,) 8 and 10 Chartres Lopez Manuel, {Havana Sf Mexican pro- duce,) 97 Old Levee Maignan Victor, {irines,) 17 St. Louis Maillot Jos. & Co. {liquors,) 12 Grossman Maillott & Son, {wines,) 112 Magazine Marburg & Forster, {dry goods,) 20 Charts. Maxent Louis F. {wines,) 39 Toulouse Mayer Brothers, (cigars, )51 Tchoupitoulas Morel Lucien, {watches,) 29 Natchez Moreno Bros. {Havana produce,) 44 Old Levee Nattes E. J. f cigars,) 35 Tchoupitoulas Pal)lo S. {liquors,) 26 Front Levee Pepin N. R. & Co. {wines,) 33 Common Piaggio & Viosca, jr. {trines,) 60 and 62 Old Levee Poujol Pierre, {tcities,) 11 Toulouse Prats P. & Co. {cigars,) Commercial place c. St. Charles Prcau & Couturie, {liquors,) 33 Gravier Rimailho F. & Neyrey, {fancy goods,) 45 Chartres Rochereaie Eugene & Co. (wines,) 16 and 18 St. Louis Romagosa F. (cigars,) 48 Poydras Sancho F'rancisco, {tcines,) 229 Old Levee Schwarz Louis, {paintings,) 28 Chartres Seymour J. W. {watches Sf jctvelry,) 36 Camp Soubie A. (gjms,) 160 Chartres Stein L. {cigars 8f tcines,) 49 St. Peter Syme James, {drugs,) 134 Canal Talamon 0., Dessomes & Co. {di-y goods,) 4 Magazine Taylor Scwell T. (tcines,) 15 Royal Tinehant Brothers, {cigars,) 4 Front, d. 1 Turpin John, {tcines,) 129 Common Valeton H'y&Co. {tcines,) 27 Bienville Vails Andrew F. {cigars,) 13 Ex. place Instrument Makers— Mathemati- cal, Nautical, Optical and Sur- gical. Frigerio Louis J. {nautical and optical,) 80 Customhouse Milch A. (?/insic«/,) 115 Exchange place Pradel B. jr. {stirgical,) 121 Chartres Pradel B. 44 St. Charles Riley & Stevens, {nautical,) Customhouse c. Exchange place Schneider Joe, {musical,) 73 Royal Iron Bedsteads. Bastian M., Girod c. Carondulet 482 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iron Fence Builders. Baumiller Jacob, 7 Carroll Christe John, 323 Rampart, d. 1 Maury Julien, Hospital c. Burgundy Pelanne Pierre, 39 St. Philip Iron Foundries. Armstrong John, Erato c. New Levee Beiincit ii Lurges, Magnolia c. Erato Bennett Sylvester, Copernicus c. Front, Gretna Brooks & Purseglove, Carrollton Clark John, Tchoupitoulas n. Orange Homes Luther, 106 St. Charles Leeds it Co., Foucher c. Delord McCan & Harrell, Fulton n. Notre Dame McLean John Capt. 489 Old Levee, d. 3 Phoenix Iron Works Co., 39 Ex. place Thomjisor. Arthur, 8 St. Ferdinand Wheeler, Geddes &. Co. 208 Girod, d. 1 Wood & Milteiiberger, {ornamental,} 57 Camp Iron Safes. Bridge Isaac, 83 and 85 Magazine Davis Brothers, Camp Newcomb J. G. {Herring's Safes,) 52 and 54 Gravier Stearns & Marvin, 57 Gravier Jewelers and Watchmakers. Blazi Charles, 53 Chartres Bohne A. 303 Old Levee Bohne Wm. G7 Chartrea Bonnet Adrien, 66 St. Peter Bourquin E., Conti c. Bourbon Buckley H. P. 8 Camp Candide A. 83 Chartres Charles Richard, 18 IN'ew Levee Coulon E. 367 Royal Couvertie tmile, 229 Royal Fiogore Chas. 92 Chartres Fournier Stanislaus, 60 Royal Franks H., Carondelet c. Poydras Gast D. 64 Chartres Gregor Geo. W. & Co., Camp c. Canal Gomperts G. S., St. Charles c. Commer- cial placo Guerin Emile, 119 Canal Hyde & Goodrich, Canal c. Royal Hufty Joseph, bO Canal .lacobs J. L. 42 St. Charles Jacobs S., tit. Charles c. Poydras Jennings U. S. 20 Camp Kernaghan Daniel & Co. 78 Common Keller & Hoemer, {wkotesale,) 6 Royal Lavizzo Joseph, 120 Chartres Levi Isaac, 152 Chartres Lillienthal Julius, 128 Camp Lion Herman, 7 Chartres Marx Salomon, 97 Canal Meyer M. H. 100 Camp Meyer T. 317 Old Levee Muh Louis, 41 Chartres Petrie Chas. A. 156 Rampart, d. 1 Puusson Placidc, 145 Royal Quinian John, 126 Poydras Racich Nicholas, 150 Royal Rafel Joseph, 56 Camp Rivera P. N., Royal c. St. Peter Rouyer Casimer, 135 Chartres Scooler M. 289 Old Levee Seymour J. W., {roholesale,) 36 Camp Silberstein L. 203 Tchoupitoulas Silverstein S. 154 Poydras Starks W.J. 16 Front Levee, d. 2 Slifft M. 163 Baronne Slubenrauch F. 27 Chartres Terfloth & Kuehler, 115 Customhouse Turpia James, 183 Canal Tyler Edward A. 115 Canal Vahlman J. 153 Poydras Williams Henry, 90 Camp Wilson Wm. A. 95 Canal Zimmerman J. F. 96 Canal Lamp Manufacturers & Dealers. Coberl H. C. 6 Chartres Greffoz Francis, 94 Chartres Noyes & Wells, 28 Commercial place Tirado J. H. 211 Common Winslow J. M. 120 Carondelet Last Makers. Betrix J. 139 Hospital Duchein Fran(;ois, 267 St. Ann Twain John, {anatomical,) 73 Gravier Laundries. Carter Amy, 44 Liberty Casserly & Finn, Perdido n. Johnson Lithographers. Bochler John, 115 Exchange place Manouvrier J. 33 (amp Pessou & Simon, 116 Exchange alley Loan Offices. Batmale R. 116 Bourbon Blanc Louis, 47 Conti Bourqin E., Conti c. Bourbon Docteur Christian, 135 Royal Hart Judah, 95 St. Charles Jacobs S., St. Charles c. Poydran St. Charles, 106 Common Locksmiths. Davoine J. M. 96 Conti Dearie Richard, 76 Carondelet Gauchey Etienne, 89 St. Louis Gys Florence, 66 St. Louis James & Coates, 75 Lafayette Nuttall & Goodwin, 146 Camp Looking-glass & Picture Frames. Gauche A. 102 Chartrcs Gauche X. 121 Tchoupitoulas Hoffman E. 170 Canal j Noel A. 47 Royal ■ Uter L. 77 Chartrcs I Lumber. Averill W., St. Joseph c. Levee Baxter E. C, New Basin Brady Thos. R. & Co., Julia c. N. Levee Brown A. & Co. 320 Ma^^'azine Day & Klein, 494 Masr„zine Dubos John, 225 Common Jay Wm. & Son, Euphronsine n. Liberty Laughlin T. 0., Carondelei walk c. Rob- ertson McConnell Samuel & Co. 278 Howard McGuinn Henry, 379 Julia Murray Thomas & Co. 317 Julia Simps.)n & Dorr, 11 Covington landin?. New Hasin '' Siocker W. T. (cotnmission,) 276 Delord Ward & Co. 236 & 238 Delord, N. Ba.sin Manufactories. Antognini & Richard {billiard tables,) 15 Conti Bailey N. E. & Son, {vinegar,} 246 Canal Brown A. & Co. { and door,) 320 iVIagazine Brownlee John & Co. {sash and blind,)21l Gravier Coleman Willis P. {corn mills,) 85 St.Chas Cordier & Co. {vermicelli,) 125 Old Levee Crescent Scale, 36 St. Joseph Crowe!!, Scliwartz & Co. {can-iages,) 68 Rampart D.mare K. {billiard tables,) 150 Toulouse Dulforrissier &. Pasquier, {clothing,) St. Louis c. Chartres Fisk F. M. {cotton seed oil,) 72 Fulton Forshag& Harper, (carriages,) 80 Marais Predion P. {chair,) 366 Bourbon Giselon Paul, {chocolate,) 28 Bienville Hebrard &, Co. {clothing,) 167 Canal Kloppcnburg H. {oakum,) 485 Old Levee Llosada Joseph, (c/ioco/a/e,) 160 Bourbon Lopez Daniel, {chocolate,) 95 Charlrea Louisiana Co. 43 ''amndelet Louisiana Rope, 95 Camp McCrack.M) William, {cabinet,) 99 St.Chas Maginnis A. A. [cotton seed oil,) 117 Mao-'e Martin, Paulin & Co. {cotton seed oil,) New Basin Nelder Alex. 255 St. Louis Rhodes & Crowell, {wagons,) 156 Gravier Rosin Oi! Factory, New Basin Sambola F. {chocolate,) 269 Old Levee Waterman & Co. {sash and blinds,) 298 Gravier Marble Yards. Barret Anthony, 110 St. Charles Bi-rpi Edward, Julia c. St. Charles Blakesley H. & Co. 141 Poydras Callico J. F., Robertson c. St. Louia Cn ley & Cavanagh, 234 Camp Deleory John, 184 St. Charles Foy Florville, 82 Kampart, d. 2 Kavanagh P. 218 St. Charles Monsseaux P. H., St. Louis c. Robertson Niehols..n ^ Co., Magazine c. Robin Richards Newton, 147 Customhouse Stroud John & Co. 146 Common Merchant Tailors. Anglado Joseph, 64 Conti Bart. Is Henry, 136 Camp Bartzen Henry, 22 Crossman Beebe L. 14 Commercial place Beelte Jacob, 35 Gravier Belot V. 42 Conti liissiere J. 29 Bourbon Blair Georg(^, 1^8 Rampart, d. 1 Boensel John, 54 Carondelet Boissonneau Paul, 97 Chartres Braiidn.T John, 137 Chartres Brick.rdt Peter, 51 Baronne Brinkiiinno F 26 Frenchmen Bru. nil Zachary, 25 Poydras Buerkle Ernest, 61 Old Levee Cain E. 12 Commercial place Casbergue Joseph, 51 Bourbon Chatry Krnest, 34 Bourbon Chesse Samuel J. 124 Royal Cretin Peter, 23 Baronne Dannel H. 154 Royal Dauphin Ovid, 42 Conti Dequilhem P. & Co. 199 Old Levee Des.s.ource D. 21 Bourbon Dezulter Seraphim, 76 St. Charles Dubois, LamaniereMt Co. 112 Chartres Ducmirneau & Gonthier, St. Charles c, Common Edmund & Brillault, 19 Royal Eichhorn G. 164 Gravier Enuc J., Carondelet c. Girod Falk L. 59 B'.urlxm Fischer J. F. 24 Exchange place Heury «&, Rapp, 82 Royal Frazer James, 4 Carondelet Freidrich J. 51 Bi.nville Grandpre Henry, 23 Gravier Hamburger H. 9 St. Charles Herriman & Chesse, 64 Royal Hoffman John, 73 Gravier Holskamp John, 105 Poydras Hossly J. M. & Co. 182 Rampart, d. 1 Jauquet J. 23 Royiij Kauter Pierre, 34 Burgundy Kober Ignatz, 89 Exchange place Kornrumpf W. ]6 Commercial place Kuppers Fred. 43 Customhouse Lacoste John, IJO Royal Lacroix Francois, 23 St. Charles Levi Jacob, 41 Frenchmen 484 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Ludowig John, 112 Common Motzenbecker P., Royal n. Bienville Obei-heuser Francis, 11 Exchange place Faille L. 84 St. Charles Pesquier Louis, 7 Carondelet RiedelJ. G. 92 Royal Schmalholz & Brengel, 69 Magazine Schumert M. 65 St. Louis Simon Martin, 90 Exchange place Sinclair John, 84 Customhouse Staechlin B. 163 Gravier Street George, 126 Common Stuart Samuel, 3 St. Charles Tieman G. 35 Gravier Toot William, 171 Common Verbeeck J., Hospital c. Old Levee Weber Arnold, 75 Foydras Weissborn W., 123 Bienville Wermes Charles, 143 St. Charles Zeller Theopholite, 107 Bienville Ziegler Stephen, 3 Carondelet Zirkenbach Louis, 123 Chartres Music Stores, Daelli Gino, 78 Chartres Elie A. 66 Royal Grunewald Louis, 67 Chartres Hartel F. & Co., 56 Camp Sourdes & Chassaignac,70 late 78 Chartres Werlein Philip P. 3 and 5 Camp Oils, Candles and Soap Manu- factory. Baudoin C, Montegut c. Goodchildren Fisk F. M. 94 New Levee Streeder Conrad, 26 Julia Opticians. Beringer Pierre, 50 Chartres Buckley H. P. 8 Camp Duhamel Clement, 46 Chartrea Frigerio L. 82 Customhouse Gallois Francois, 50 Chartres Painters. Arnold G. (^narine,) Royal c. Bienville Baker W. H. (portrait,) Canal c. Carond't Benson Joseph, 132 Camp Davoran & West, 77 Poydras Galvani C. (portrait,) 104 Canal Gschwindt R. (portrait,) 82 Camp Hart Toby, 30 Commercial place Lefevre P. 156 Chartres Lux Rudolph, (porcelain,) 10 Baronne Molliere C.& L., Felicity n. Magazine Potthoff & Knight, 98 Camp Powers A, G. (portrait,) 142 Canal Reinhart B. F. (portrait,) 170 Canal Schmidt P. (portrait,) 133 Royal Todd Samuel M. 76 Magazine Torr P. 23 Gravier Towell William, 121 Julia Walker Samuel, (portrait,) 175 Canal Woods Arthur, 104 Customhouse Paints and Oils. Clannon Robt. 105 Canal Hacker E., Orleans front Treme market Lefevre P. 156 Chartres Paper Box Makers. Broock & Co. 60 Canal Huye George, Camp c. Canal Lopis Hypolite, 33 St. Ann Paper Hangers. Choi A., Royal c. Toulouse Christman E. 139 Chartres Dolcroix P. 108 Chartres Evers J. J. 62 Chartres Henry D. 192 Camp Newhall Frank, Canal c. Old Levee Paper Warehouse. Shields Thomas H. 66 Gravier Stevens E. R. & Co. 55 and 57 Common Vinten George H. 105 Poydras Physicians. Adler E. 13 St. Charles Alpuente F. 231 Canal Ames Edward, 362 Camp. ANGELL R., Homeopathist ,219 Camp. Angell S. M. homoeop. pharm'y,219 Camp Austin W. G. 34 St. Charles Avila M. P. 102 Conde Axson A. F. 25 Prytania Bailey Walter, 259 Camp Bavinsfather Geo. 355 Common Baldwin H. D., Carondelet Ball D. S. 412 Rampart, d. 1 Barbe Dr. 102 St. Louis Barbot J. P. 112 Tchoupitoulas Batchelor J. C. 83 Carondelet Bayles A. H. 264 Magazine Bayon Henry, 265 Rampart, d. 2 Beach E. D. (coroner,) 8 Baronne Beaumont John, 104 Casacalvo Beard C. A. 273 Camp Becker Jos. 112 Casacalvo Bein Richard, 227 Magazine Belden J. G. (homeopathic) 189 Camp Benedict N. B. 459 Camp Bensadon J., Gainnie c. New Levee Berger F. 304 Tchoupitoulas Berthelot W. H. 4 Baronne Berthier F. 121 St. Peter Bertran W. 34 Clouet • Beugnot Dr. 103 Burgundy Bianchini L. A. 10 Bourbon Blache Adolphe, 311 Chartres Blache Louis, 311 Chartres Bodenhamer W. 137 Canal BUSINESS DIKECTORY 485 Borde J. 93 St. Louis Boulin Emile, 74 Rampart, d. 1 Boussac Dr. 99 Orleans Bozeman Wm. 90 Bironiie Brackman B. 82 Bourbon Brandis A., Royal c. ICnghien Brickcl D. W. 1:29 Carondelet Brown A. 169 Camp Brown W. E., Laurel c. Dolachaise Browning A. M., Poydras c. Rampart Hrowuing G. T., Royal c. Engliien BruniH P, 311 Bayou road Burritt A. H. 107 Carondelet Burritt Frances Mrs. 107 Carondelet Campbell G. W. 221 Camn Campbell T. .Second n. DuDlin, Carrollton Canter E. 9 Bourbon Cantrellc J. A. 19 Congress Carey 0. 187 Magazine Carre Alplionse, Orleans c. Claiborne Carredfne .Tas. S. 438 Rampart Carroll James, 216 Canal Carter .lolin. Magazine c. First Cartier A. 168 Customhouse Cartier .Tules, 168 Cu.stomhouse Cartwrighl Samuel, 175 Canal Castellanos John, 196 Chartres Castro (;iias. de, 199 Chartres Castro V. A. de, 199 Chartres Cenas A. H. 114 Customhouse Chaille Sanford E. 217 Canal Chandler John, 161 Carondelet Chastant A. 140 Canal Chaumette Jos. 129 St. Peter Cheniva S. 133 Conti Clioppin Samuel, 190 Canal Clarke James, Tliird n. St. Charles Cour<;an Louis, 304 St. Philip Coxe Edward J. 214 Camp Crane C. Preston, 135 St. Joseph Crawcour J. L. 141 Canal Cross G. W. 321 Carondelet Curtius Herman, Carondelet c. Delord ! Dalton S. S. 110 St. Charles D'Alton, 38 St. Charles D'Aquin H. 195 Burgundy Daret H. 86 St. Philip Davieson Thos. 422 Marigny Davis W. S. 127 Carondelet Dijean Dr., Toulouse n. Bourbon Del(Mite P. E., Customhouse n. Rampart Delery Chas. 91 Burgundy Dc Maut Louis, Madison, McD. Deneufbourg J., Harmony c. Magazine Deschamps V. 250 Tchoupitoulaa D'Esquerre Simon, Laurel n. Harmony Dirmeyer G. W. 59 St. Charles Dodson W. B. 189 Canal Donaldson Dr. 250 Rampart, d. 1 Donnaud Alf. 118 Carondelet Doumeing E., Spain c. Old Levee Dowler Bennet, 9H Constance Dowler M. M. 182 Rousseau Dowse Wm. 38 St. Charles Drew E. L. 4 Baronne Dugre Donston, 168 Common Dupas J. 124 Chartres 32 Durian E., Fifth n Chippewa Duvcrt T. H. 6 Robertson, d. 3 Edwards H. 68 and 70 Prytania Egan Fred. 50 Rampart, d. 2 Eijan Jami's, 50 Rampart, d. 2 Escoubas M. 68 Orleans Eylandt E. 35 Enghicn Faget C. 133 Bourbon Fallon A., New Levee n. Jackson Feinour Charles, 424 Dryades Feiiner E. D. 5 Carondelet Fern-r John, 234 Rampart, d. 1 Kerrier S 142 Royal Flint Austin, 173 Common Flint Austin, jr., 173 Common Folwell J.N. 257 Carondelet Formel P. D. 17 Bourbon Fortier Louis, 331 Royal Frevill V. 267 Esplanade Friou G. W. 513 Magazine Gab H. 171 Canal Gaudet Felix B. 40 Bourbon Gauldin J. S , Bolivar near Perdido Gelpi F. 234 Rampart, d. 1 Givins A. 265 Magazine Goodall J. G., Gaiennie n. Annunciation Gouget Jules, 90 Union, d. 3 Grail J. F. 126 Lafay.-tte Greenleaf L. M., Jackson n. Annunciation Greenwood A. G. 13 Jackson, d. 4 Greig A. 11 Bourbon Guinaud C. F". 110 Bourbon Gustine F. VV. (oculisU) 139 St. Charles Hall Charles, 54 Union, d. 3 Hall J. T. 107 Carondelet Hart A. (city,) Carondelet c. Lafayette Hawey J. C. B. 9 Jackson, d. 1 Hay George, 14 Poydras Hayes J. J. Dr. 513 Magazine Hayman R. S. 144 Carondelet Haynes D. R. 399 Baronne Hegewisch A. 226 Chartres Henderson J. B. 505 Magazine Hensley A. C. 99 Canal Hill J. {spirihialist,) 211 Rampart, d. 1 Hire G. F., Magazine nearPoyfarre Hire W. H., Magazine corner Poyfarre Hoit J. 544 Burgundy, d. 3 Howe A. T., Lafayette c. Gretna, Gretna Huberwald H. Washington n. Rousseau Hughes E., Prytania n. Bordeaux, J. C. Hunt T. 185 Common Hyams M.S., Gravier corner Liberty Hyde E. C. 219 Tchoupitoulas Irwin John, Terpsichore n. Constance Jam'al''t'-eet, over the Post Office. John A Campbell, J-idge. 1 heo. H. McCaleb, Associate Judge. J. W. Gurley, Clerk. A. Lavisson Deputy Clerk. ' a/^ ?•. DISTRICT COURT.-Royal street, over the Post Office. Theodore H. McCaleb, Judi^e Henry C Miller, U. S. Attorney. R. M. Lusher, Commissioner. ^ • ^•,-^'?"'"P' 9'^-';*<- Bullitt, Deputy Clerk. R. M. Hunter, Jas. Duples- sis, Charles Catoir, James Gillan, Deputy Marshals. John Gillan, Porter SUPREME COURT.-E. T.Merrick. Chief Justice. A.M. Buchanan, Albert Duf- fel, I homas 1 . Land, Albert Voorhies, Associate Justices. Eugene LaSere, Clerk Francis A. Foynget, F. McCulIoch, and James A. Charbonnet, Deputy Clerks . FIRST DISTRICT COURT.-Theodore G. Hunt, Judge. Norbert Tirpagnier, Clerk. P. Gravois, Deputy Clerk. SECOND DISTRICT COURT.-P. H. Morgan, Judge. P. S. Wiltz, Clerk. Octave Morel F. .T. Laizer Geo. W. Lewis, E. Michot, A. D. Bernoudy, Gustave Morel and W. E. B. Scott, Deputy Clerks. THIRD DISTRICT COURT.-Lou.s Duvignaud, Judge. E. Toledano, Clerk. C. Toledano, C. Guillet, Oscar Le Blanc, A. Dreux, Deputy Clerks. A. Duvigneaud, Crier. & » FOURTH DISTRICT COURT .-John W. Price, Judge. J. O. Chnlon, Clerk. » . M^ Vienne. Gusiave Luminals, Geo. Landreaux, Victor Bouligny, Dodolphe J Miller, Deputy Clerks. ^ FIFTH DISTRICT COURT.-H. B. Eggle.ston, Judge. C. F. White, Clerk. A. J. Villere, P. M. Mortee, Deputy Clerks. SIXTH DISTRICT COURT.-R. K. Howell, Judge. L N. Phillips, Clerk. J. P. Smith, James Gaspard, Deputy Clerks. SHERIFF.-E T. Parker. Chief Deputy, John P. Walden. Bookkeeper and Cashier, Harry M. Isaacson. '^ Deputies: M. De Armas, Joseph Gros, U. F. Seischnaydre, G. W. Walden, Chas Agaisse, J. Bermoudy, C. L. Holmes, R. L. Theard, B. Seischnaydre, George K Rogers, J. B. Gunst, V. Gerodias, L. Tainturier, Robert Swain, H. C. Swain J Q riwin,D Gaudy, J. F. W. Leech, C. Trouard, F. B. Hernandez, J. J. Westerfidd! L. L. Lehman, J. Soraparu, Hy. D. Monier, H. Bunvenu, F. L. Newland. PARISH PRISON.— Justin Fremaux, Captain, C. H. Oehmichen, Clerk. Dcjmhes: L. Wolfero, St. F. Wello, G. A. Durilliere, Cha«. Wilier, J. B. Carrico, r Ramos, E. L. Peire. MORTGAGE OFFICE.-85 Royal street. John Holmes, Recorder. Charles Darcantel, Deputy. Octave Higgio, Arthur Brocard, (;lerk8. J)FFICKH0lJRS.-9o'clock A.M. to 3 o'clock P.M. 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock P M QARDNES'S NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. COTTON PRESSES. Alabama Press, Moore & Simmons, Tchoupitoulas, c. Robin. Canal Street Press, J. VanWinkle & Co., Canal, c. Claiborne. Commercial Press, Stanley & Wright, Market, c. Chippewa. Crescent City Press, Moore & Simmons, New Levee, b. Robin and Race. Factor's Press, John Haskins & Co., Tchoupitoulas corner Henderson. Fassmann Press, Fassmann & Williams, Calliope c. Clara. Fire Proof Press, Yancy & Macon, Robin corner Front. Frerets' Press, Preret Bros., St. Mary b. Perdido and Poydras. Independent Press, Pei'n & Shortridge, New Levee c. Hen- derson. Levee Steam Press, Stock Company, Levee n. St. Ferdinand. Louisiana Press, John Haskins & Co. c. St. Thomas and Terpsichore. Merchant's Press, Aymar & Church, New Levee c. Calliope, OfR* e 23 Commercial place. Mississippi Press, Stanley & Wright, Tchoupitoulas c. Richard. Orleans Press, Fassmann, Bryant & Co., c. Levee and Terpsichore. Pellican Press, Collins, Hepp & Co., New Levee c. St. Mary. Picayune Press, L Szymanski, Levee n. Montegut. Planter's Press, Abbatt & Andrews c. Annunciation and Richard. Reading Press, A. B. Read- ing, Front Levee b. Thalia and Erato. Shipper's Press, S. Boyd, Henderson b. Front and New Levee. Southern Press, E. G. De L'lsle & Co., Clara c. Lafayette and Poydras. Star Press, D. B., Penn c. Tchoupitoulas and Orange. Tyler Press, C. N. Pasteur & Bro., Tchoupitoulas c. Market. Union Press, Penn & Shortridge, Henderson b. Tchoupitoulas and New Levee. Vicksburg Press, A. B. Reading, Front Levee Water and Clio. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Bee, G. F. Weisse & Co. 83 Chartres, daily, $12 per year. Bulletin, L G. & W. J. Seymour, 37 Gravier, daily, $12 per year. Crescent, Nixon & Adams, 70 Camp, daily, $10 per year. Catholic Standard, John C. Dennis, Ex. place c. Canal, weekly, $3 per year. Ch7istian Jidvocate, Rev. C. C. Gillespie, weekly, $2 per year. Delta, 76 Camp, daily, $10 per year German Gazette, Pfiefi'er & Co. (German) 35 Poydras, daily, $10 per year. Cowier, French and English, 10 Exchange place, $10 per year. Louisiana State Gazette, E. H. Boelilz, (German) daily, $10 per year. J^'ew Ch leans Medical and Surgical Journal, Drs. S. E. Chaiile, and W. C. Nichols, Editors and Proprietors; Dr. bennet Dowler, Managing Editor. Js'ew Orleans Medical Jfews and Hospital Gazette, Drs. D. Warren Brickell & E. D. Fenner. Picayune, Lumsden, Kendall & Co., 66 Camp, daily, $12 per year. Propagateur Catholique, (French) Abbe N. J. Perche, 166 Chartres, $4 50 per year. True Delta, John iViaginnis, 18 St. Charles, daily, $10 per year. True Witness and Sentinel, (Religious Weekly.) Weekly J\lirror, Joseph H. Wilson & Co., 136 Poydras, weekly, $3 per year. WAREHOUSES. Brooklin Warehouses, Algiers, Porter, Thomas & Foley, office 25 Carondelet. Del- ta, C. W. Lytle, Front and Fulton. Fisk's, Levee, b. Firstand Second. Free Trade, Levee b. Jackson and Philip. Home, C. W. Lytle, Fulton and New Levee. Hope, C. W. Lytle, Fulton and New Levee. Hunter Street Tobacco, Hunter n. Tchoupi- toulas. Merchants', C. W. Lytle, Fulton and New Levee. Palfrey's, Delord c. Foucher. Suzette, H. M. Hays, Tchoupitoulas c. Erato. Tobacco Press, Poland c. Old Levee. Tourne's, Commerce b. Julia and Notre Dame. Tourne's Coffee, Tchoupitoulas c. Notre Dame. Virginia, Race c. New Levee. William's, Levee, Soraparu and Philip. Montgomery Warehouse, Fulton b. Julia and St. Joseph. Iron Warehouse, Fulton n. St. Joseph. St. Louis Warehouse, Fulton c. Front. Boston Warehouse, Lafayette n. Magazine, Titterton & McGee, proprietors. U. S. Bonded Warehouse, Magazine n. Julia, Wm. H. Rondeaux, proprietor, Gretna Warehouse, Gretna, (right bank river,) Cochran & Son, proprietors. NEW ORLEANS GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Office 120 Common. Organized in 1835. P. N. Wood, President, N. O. J. Tisdale, Treasurer. Officers :— A. L. Polk, Book-keeper. Paul J. Glaies, E. K. Tisdale, Collectors. W, GAKDNEKS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. H. Duff, A. Rechter, Inspcclnrs. A. Layct, M. Mount, H. C. Wood, Clerks. Wni. McCulloch, Cltrk. George Bloomfield, J. Vwn Slouten, Engineers. W ATEK WORKS. Office 36 Dryados nrar Common — Organized April 1st, 1833. Adam Giffen, Prrsi- di-nt. D. Blair, Superintendent. S. E. Ferry, Secretary. L. Trosclair, Inspector Coliecter. R. Cornu, Inspector Collector. Paul Bergcr, Collector. Wm Green, En- gineer. Directors — C. H. Slocomb, A. Carriere, A. W. Smith, E, A. Bradford, 1. Lan- ata. Directors in behalf of the Cay — J. B. I^ecfc, J. Magioni. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. Board of Administrators. — His Excellency, T. 0, Moore, Governor of Louisiana; Hon. E. T. Merrick, Chief .lustice of Louisiana; Hon. J. T. Monroe, Mayor of the Ciiy of New Orleans, ex-orficio. Hon. T. G. Hunt, Daniel Edwards, .lohn Pemtier- ton, J. Ad. Rozier, Wm. R. Miles, Robert J. Ward, Isaac J. Seymour, Newton Richards. Medical Faci'ltt, — James Jones, M. D., Profi-ssor of the Theory and Practice of M.dicine. Warr.n Stone, M. D.,Prof.s.sur of Surgery. J.L. Riddell, M. D., Professor of Clieniislry. A. H. Ceiias, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics, and of tiie Diseases of Women and Children. Gustavus A. Noti, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thei-apeutics. T G. Richardson, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. L M. Lawson,M.D., I'rofessor of Clinical Medicine. Thomas Hunt, IVL D^Professor of Physiology and Pathology. ig Demonstrators of Anatomy.— S. E. Chaiile, M. D. W. C. Nichols, M. D. STATE DEPARTMENT. State Officers. — T. O. Moore, Governor. H. M. Hyams, Lieutenant Governor. P. D. Hardy, Secretary of State. B. L. Defreese, Treasurer. E. W. Robertson, Auditor. T. J. Semmes, Attorney General. Henry Avery, Superintendent of In- struction. Maurice Grivot, Adjutant General. D. W. Morse, Engineer. G. W. R. Railey, Assistant Engineer. B. Haralson, Register of Land Office. Henry Droz, Librarian. State Assessment for the year 1860. o Value No. Value Horses, Stocks Capital and M of of of Cows, and in Money at K Real Kstate Slaves Slaves. Carriages. Vessels. Interest. 1 $6,805,650 1,296 $771,200 $111,625 $8,000 $193,000 $10,235 669 8,482,150 1,803 1,082,9.')0 179,975 10,000 542,800 26,775 2,064 3 25,467,700 1,502 911,2.50 240,425 692,675 21,445,2.55 116,565 5,237 4 11,204,050 962 590,250 116,700 4,000 4, .599, 800 29,230 969 .5 8,202,100 1,381 816,650 138,020 5,000 1,726,6.50 27 ,.345 1,123 6\ 5,11,^,300 1,222 724, H90 55,250 339,0.50 14,085 697 7! 4, 'J-J 1,-300 743 476,400 122,050 226,050 8,600 381 8| 2,3(iG,050 256 164,400 55,850 313,000 297,1.50 8, .595 .384 9 3,044,400 600 356,350 1.50,625 121,425 6,595 530 10 8,879,525 1,551 840,900 133,250 4,000 221, .5.50 12,690 1,205 $84,488,125 11,316 $6,735,240 $1,298,770 $1,0.36,675 $29,712,730 $260,715 13,259 Total $123,771,540 Licenses 260,715 Polls 13,259 Ji\0. A. W ATKINS, Stale Assessor. New Orleans, Nov. 23d, 1860. 33 GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. CITY POST OFFICE. J. L. RiDDELL, Postmaster; Office in the West Corner of the ^ew Custom House, corner of Old Levee and Canal streets. Public Entrance on Old Levee street. Ordinarily open for the delivery of Letters, etc., from 8 Jl. M. to 5 P. M. Sundays and Holidays, from d to n Ji. M. MAILS. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN MAIL via THE JACKSON R. R. closL's at 5 o'clock, P. M., week days ; at 1] A. M., oif Sundays. Is due at 9 A. M. daily, usually ready for complete delivery by midday. OSYKA MAIL via J. R. R. closes at 5 o'clock, P. M. JACKSON MISS. MAIL closes at 5 o'clock, P. M. VICKSBURG MISS. MAIL closes at 5 o'clock, P M. LAKE MAIL, daily supplying Mobile and Montgomery ,Ala. closes at2o'clk,P.M. LAKE SHORE MAIL, supplying Sliieldsboro, Pass Christian, Mississippi City, Pearlington, Miss., Handsboro, Biloxi, Ocean Springs ; closes every Tuesday and Thursday, at 8 o'clock, A. M., and Saturday at 2 o'clock, P. M. Su|iplying Pasca- gula. Miss., Fort Pike and O'Kourke every Tuesday at 8 o'clock, A. M.. and Satur- day at 2 o'clock, P. M. Supplying Covington, La., Mandeville, Madisonville and Gainesville, Miss., every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ; closes at 8io o'clock, A.M. CALIFORNIA MAIL via NEW YORK closes on the 6th, 16th and 26tb of each month, at 5 o'clock, P. M. HAVANA MAIL closes Wegular — 2, 3, or 4 times in the month. KEY WEST MAIL, supplying Apalachicola, Manatee, Tampa Bay, St. Marks', Cedar Keys, closes on the 14th and 30th of each month, at 7 o'clock, A. M. DELHI MAIL, supplying Boeuff Prairie, Butter, Hurricane, Oakley, Wennsbo- rough, Warsaw, Redmouth, Yellow Bluff, closes every day at 3 o'clock, P. M., Sun- days excepted. THIBEDAUX MAIL, supplying Raceland, La., Alligator, Brashear City, Berwick Bay, Honma, Thibedeaux, Tigerville and Lawrence, every day at 6^ o'clock, A. M. BALIZE MAIL, supplying Balize, Buros Settlement, Grand Plain, Jesuit's Bend, Pt. a la Hache, S. W. Pass and Bienvenu, closes every Saturday, at 8^-^ o'clock, A. M. GALVESTON MAIL, supplying Jndianola, Saluria, Gonzales, Victoria, Aus- tin, Houston, New Braunsfel, Texana, Port Lavacca, San Antonio, closes every Sun- day a))d Thursday, at 8 o'clock, A. M., and every Wednesday and Saturday, at 6^ o'clock, A. M. SABINE MAIL, supplying Galveston, Austin, Houston, every Monday at 6j^ o'clock, A. M. BROWNSVILLE MAIL, supplying Brazos, St. Ago, Pt. Isabelle, San Antonio, Indianola, closes every Fifteen days, (_irregular.^ VERA CRUZ MAIL closes every First and Fifteenth of each month, at 8 o'clock, A. M. RIVER MAIL, supplying Natchez, Miss., Rodney, Miss., St. Joseph's, La., Waterproof, Warrenton, Morgarza, Jackson Point, Miss., Marksville, Mansura, Cheney ville. Enterprise, Le Compte, Atchafalaya, Big Bend, Burrs' Ferry, Red River Landing, Williamsport, Big Cane, Mareauville, Sanmes Port, Evergreen, Ashwood, New Carthage, Alexandria, Natchitoches, Shreveport, and all intermediate landings, closes every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. PACKET MAIL, supplying Natchez, Point Coupee, La., Saint Francisville, Port Hudson, Baton Rouge, Donaldsonville, Plaquemine, Tunica, La., and Fort Adams, Miss., closes every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. COAST MAIL, supplying all intermediate landings, from McCutcheon's Landing to St. Francisville, La., ploses every Monday at 3 o'clock, P. M., Wednesday and Fri- day at 8 o'clock, A. M., and Sundays at 7 o'clock, A. M OPELOUSAS MAIL via GREAT WESTERN AND OPELOUSAS RAIL- ROAD, supplying New Iberia, La., Opelousas, Franklin, Alligator, Brashear, Bai'rack, Honma, Patterson ville, Thibedaux ville, Tigerville, Lawrence, and the Attackapas Parishes, closes every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6}4 o'clock, A. M. GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. NEW ORLEANS CUSTOM HOUSE, No Report. United States Branch Mint, New Orleans. Wm. A. Klnioro, Superintondont. A. J. Guirnt, Tronsuror. B. F. Taylor, Coinor. M. F. Bonzano, Mrlti-r and Rcfinor. H. Millspau^h, Assayer. M. G. Kennedy, Clerk. Oscar Isnard, Clerk. Mareelin Esnard, Clerk. M. Niemollcr, Porter. Samuel Weeks, Door Keeper. .Tohn Byrne, Messen£;er. U. S. SUB-TREASURY.— A J. Guirot, Assistant Treasurer, U. S. W. C. Cutter, Clerk. John Henderson, Porter. BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. Dr. Chas. Delery, ProUknt. Dr. Geo. Wm. Dirmeter, Secretnni. S. P. De Lal.arre, Dr. G. A. Natt, Dr. J. N. Fiowell, Dr. W. B. Lindsay, John Fox, W. H. Paxti>n, A. Laforest, Dr. I. Lahatnt, memliers. Officers at (Quarantine, Miasissippl River. — Dr. J. D. Foster, Resident Physician. Dr. Henly, Assistant Physician. CHARITY HOSPITAL. Gov. J. A. Mooro, President ex officio. J. N. Lea, A. W. Smith, C. Tiimonville, W. R. Stuart, H. N Rayhurn, W. C. Bil)b, James McCloskey, A. Cammaek, Vice Presidents. W. G. Austin, Secretary and Treasurer. W. C. Nichols, House Sur- g;eon. W. H. Sprague, Assistant House Surj^eon. .Tules Lambert, Hospital Commis- sioner. J. D. Brownlee, Chemist and Apothecary. B. S. Sandys, Assistant Chemist and Apothecary. Henry Vonderlinden, Ciiief Clerk. Eugene May, Assistant Clerk. Resident Slii('lents.—B.'F. Penny, J. P. Campbell, K. S. Lewis, S. B. Haynea, L. A. Parkin-, 6. Burke, G. W. McDadc, T. Chachere, J. C. Stickney, L. E. Profilet, J. R Dinkins, Robert Davis. COMMISSIONERS OF MARKETS. R. Cheixnaydve, Veo;etal)le and Fruit Market. F. Schulier, Poydras Market. A. Piernas, Washington Market. F. H. duick, Dryadea Market. J. B. Uionis, Meat Market, Second District. W. Saddler, Claiborne Market. J oseph Prados, Treme Mar- ket. P. A. Adde, Soranaru Market. H. T. Simon, St. Bernard Mark-t. V. Bache- min, Port Market. E. F. Gaiennie, St. Mary's Market, James Steel, Magazine Mar- ket. B. H. Orr, Ninth Street Market. CONSULS AND CONSULAR AGENTS. Argentine Republic — None appointed. Austria, Baden and Bavaria — J. H. Eimer, 17 Carondelet. Brazil and Uragfay — A. F. Vails, ,31 Tchoupilnulas. Bremen — Fred. Rodewald, 17 Commercial Place. British — William Mure, 35 Ca- rondelet. Belgitm — Joseph Deynoodt, 2 Carondelet. Bri^nswick — F. W. Freud- enthal, 17 Carondelet. Danish — H. Frellsen, ,51 Carondelet. Ecitapor — James Gardeite,96 Burgundy. French — E. Mejan, 75 Bi)urbon. Greek — M. M. Bi-naciii, c. Gravier and St. Charles. Hambirg — Charles Koch, 20 Carondelet. Hanover — A. Reichard, 12 Carondelet. Hesse Cassel — Roch Thieie, 20 Union. Mecklen- Bi'RG — Wm. Prehn, 31 Carondelet. Mexico — Francis Reiband, 51 Exchange Place. Montevideo — A. F. Vails, 14 Exchange Place. Nassau — F. W. Freudenlhal, 17 Carondelet. Netherlands — Amedee Couturie, 33 Gravier. New Granada — .T. E. Bi'yelle,3] Gravier. Nicaragi'a — None appointed. Norwegian — Ambrose Lanfenr, 93 Cr>mmon. OLDENnuRc — Richard Thieie, 20 Union. Perivian — None appointed. Portugise — A. J. DaSilva, 42 Old Levee. Prussian — A. Richard, 18 Carondelet. Pontifical States — C. J. Daron, 93 Common. Russian — ff Johns, 10 Carondelet. Spanish — Juan Callejon, Rampart c. St. Louis. Swedish — Amiirose Lanfear, 93 Com- mon. Swiss — A. Piagei, 4fi Charlres. Sardinian — Joseph Lanata, 11 .TefTerson. Venezuelian — A. D. Dieter, 27 Carondelet. Wertemberg — Christian Honold, 6 Carondelet, GARDNER S NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. Board of Commissioners of the First Draining District. Office, J^ew Custom House. N. E. Bailey, President. I. G. SVymour, E. J. Forstall, J. B. Slawson, Nuwton Richards, Comtnis.sioi)ers. Newton Richards, Treasurer, C. Rosel/us, Attorney. G. J. Beauregard, Kng;ineer and Secretary. District — FVotu Mississippi river, St. .loseph street. New Canal, Lake Pontchartrain, Bayou, St. .lohn, Canal, Carondelet and St. Peter street. Board of Commissioners of the Second Draining District. Office, Room .Vo. 22 City Hall. L. H. Place, President. William Frent, D. R. Godwin, J. Lf. Lavillebeuvres, C. W. Muncaster, Commissioners. A. S. Phelps, Secretary and Engineer. District — Bounded below Ijy Julia street and the New Caoaf; above by the Jefferson railroad; in front by the river, and in the rear by the lake. Board of Commissioners of the Thii-d Draining District. Office on Exchange Mley, J^o. 45. L. H. Pilie, President. Jules Lavergne, J. U. Wade, G. De Feriet, E. Forstall, Commissioners. Jules Lavei^ne, Attorney. John Communy, Engineer and Builder. E. Moiitegut, Si'cretary. District — From the river Mississippi at St. Peter street, along the lover side of said street to Canal, Carondelet, following said Canal to Bayou, St. John; along said Bayou to L;ike Pontchartrain; along the sthorcs of said lake to Lafayette avenue, fol- lowing said avenue to the river Mississippi; along the banks of said river to the starting point. Location of the Draining Engine, at the intersection of London avenue with Gentilly road. FIREMEN'S CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION. Office, Odd Felluics' Hall, Lafayette Street. Officers and Committees. — Elected at a regular meeting of the Directors of thi.s Asso- ciation, held on Mondav, January 2, 18SI1, to serve for the year ending on the first Monday in January, 1861 : President, Isaac N. Marks, of No. 13. Vice-President, Jo- seph P. Homer, of La. Hose. Secretary, Josiah f'olger, of No. I. Treasurer, James Beggs, of No. 20. Cominilti't on Finance: — F. J. Biiuduc, of No. 3, Chairman, Samuel Barnes, of No. 9. A. F. Picton, of Am. H. & L. Co. No. 2 Fire Department: — Chief Engineer, Alfred Belanger, of No. 9. First Assistant En- gineer, David Bradbury, of H. H. & L. Co. No. 3. Second Assistant Engineer, P. 0'Keefe,of No. 5. I Board of Commissioners. — Isaac N. Marks, of No. 13, Chairman. F. Berger, of No, ; 7. James Delamore,of H. H. «fc L. Co, No. 3. R. L. Bruce, of No, 14. Henry i liensel, of No. 22. | Committee: — Appointed and elected at a regular quarterly meeting, held on Monday, January 9. 1860, to serve for the year ending the second Monday in Janury, 1861 : i Committee on Cemeteries: — Louis Power, of No. 8, Chairman. Wm. J. Ahern, of No. 12. T. Tracy, of No. 23. i Committee for the Relief of mdows and Orphans: — First District — J. P. Ni.9bit, Chair- man, A. H. V L. Co. No. 2. Prieur street, between Gasquet and Palmyra streets. Second District — F. Piffet, of P. H. and L. Co. No. 4, No. 133 Canal street, between St. Cliarles and Carondtlet streets. Ttiird District — Alfred Scanlan, of No. 8, at En- gine House of No. 8, Victory street, between .Marigny and Mandeville streets. Fourth District— T. Tracy of No. 23. General Relief Committee: — First District — Aug, Riechard, of No. 18, No. 99 St. Charles street. Geo. H. Braughn, of No. 2, No. 3 Magazine street. P. McCabe, of No. 14, 66 Camp street^ Second District — X. Maurer, of No. 3, St. Peter street, op- posite Arsenal. F. Sarnljola, jr.. No. 138 Old Levee, opposite Fish Market. Third District — .lacob Cune, of So. 9, Old Levee, between Barracks and Hospital streets. C. Gallegan, of Crescent, No. 24. Fourth District — F. Thomann, of No. 23, Mag- azine near .Ninth street. George L(;ininger, of L. H. & L. Co, No. 1, on St. Andrew street, between Laurel and Constance. \ GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. Physisians and Apothecanes: — First District — Dr. J. N. Folwcll, No. 221 Carondelot street. John Booth, Apolhecarv, corner of Carondelet and Girod streets. .1. Hub- erwald, Apothecary, corner of Tchoupitouhis and Race streets. Second District — Dr. F. L. Taney, corner Rampart and Customhouse streets. E. E. Mougin, Apothecary, corner Dauphine and Customhouse streets. Tliird District — Dr. K Kovaleski, No. 341 Old Levee street, opposite the Mint. Aug. Shelley, Apothecary, corner of Moreau aud Enghien streets. Fourth District— J. Lemly. R. Turney, Apothecary, New Levee, between Soraparu and First streets. STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANIES. Under the JV>)0 "Fire Contract," commencing \3th December, I860, for Five Years. Knoinb. Location. V01,UNTEER No. 1 1 Dist. Hunter-st. MISSISSIPPI No. 2 1 Dist. Tchoupitoulas-st. E XOLE No. 7 2 Dist. Dauphine-st. PH(EN1\ No. 8 3 Dist. Victory-st. J EFFERSON No. 22 4 Dist. Tchoupitoulas-st. HAND ENGINES. Enoinb. Location. VIGILANT No. 3 2 Dist. Bayou Road COLUMBIA No. 5 1 Dist. Girod-st. MECHANICS' No. 6 1 Dist. St. Joseph-st. CREOLE No. 9 3 Dist. Esplannde-st. LOUISIANA No. 10 3 Dist. Main-st. IRAD FERRY No. 12 1 Dist. Tchoupitoulas-st. PERSEVERANCE No. 13 1 Dist. Perdido-st. PHILADELPHIA No. 14 1 Dist. Common-st. JACFvSON No. 18 1 Dist. Calliope-st. WASHINGTON No. 20. 1 Dist. Thalia-st. ORLKANS No. 21 2 Dist. Ciaiborne-st. CH ALMETTE No. 23 4 Dist. Washington-st. CRESCKNT No. 24 3 Dist. Greatmen-st. MILNEBURG No. 1 3 Milneburg-st. HOSE COMPANY. Company. Location. LOUISIANA HOSE Perdido and Carondelet-sts. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANIES. Companies. Location. LAFAYETTE No. 1 4 Dist. .Tackson-st. AMERICAN No. 2 1 Dist. Girod-st. HOPE No. 3 3 Dist. Marisrny & Levee PELICAN No. 4 2 Dist. Basin-st, SOUTH WESTERN BIBLE SOCIETY. Incorporated, liS;)0. Bible House, 163 Camp sli-eet. J. A. Marjbin, of N. O., President. Hon. E. McGehee, of Miss.; His Excellency W. McWillie, of Miss.; Hon. A. K. Hopkins, of Ala.; Wni. M. Perkins, of N. O.; S. Duncan, of Miss.; Thomas Slos, of N. O., Vice Presidents. Wm. S. Mount, Chairman. .1. S. McConnell, Secretary. N. J. Pegram, Treasurer. P. M. Ozaniie, General Agents. SOUTH WESTERN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Incorporated, 1857. Depository, 163 Camp-st. Wm. M. Perkins, of N. 0., President. S Duncan, of Miss.; Hon. G. C. Wat- kins, of Ark.; Hon. R. E. B. Baylor, of Texas; Richard .Tones, of Ala., Vice Presi- dents. W. C. Raymond, Treasurer. P. M. Ozanne, Secretary. GARDNEKS KEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. NEW LUSITANOS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Regular meetings first Thursday of each month. Quarterly meetings third Monday of January, Ajinl, July and October. Bourbon, corner Elysian Fields. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Grand Division State of Louisiana. Officers: L. P. Blades, G. W. P. S. W. Dugel, G. W. A. Thomas H. Jones, Grand Scribe, 271 Gravier, Box 1, 26 Post office, New Orleans, S. E. Reeves, G. R. C. G. W. Hodges, G. Sent. T. A. Teal, G. Chaplain. LOUISIANA TEHUANTEPEC COMPANY. Office 67 Gravier. President: W. Emile La Sere. Secretary: James Flint. Directors: Alfred Penn, P. Wood, H. T. Lonsdale, Lewis Heyliger, Wm. E. Starke. STEAMBOAT CAPTAINS' UNION BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION. 45 and 47 Front Levee. Open daily from 9 to 12 — Smidays excepted. Board of Directors: W. J. Kountz, Theo. Shute, J. H. Freligh, T. C. Holmes, J. J. Brown, G. L. Kouns, E. T. Sturgeon, Dan. Collier, B. Dufield, E. Lanoue, C. E. Marshall, Samuel Brickell, Frank Keeling. President: Theo. Shute. Treasurer: Georg-e L. Kouns. Secretary: H. G. McComas. NEW OELEANS MECHANIC SOCIETY. R. H. Swasey, President, d. Rampart n. Clio. D. Blair, Vice President, 36 Dryades. S. G. Risk, Corresponding Secretary. A. W. Cooper, Treasurer. S. F. Knight, Re- cording Secretary, 98 Camp. MECHANICS' AND AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OP LOUISIANA. G. W. Race, President. C. H. Slocomb, First Vice President. P. A. Rost, Second Vice President. R. H. Swasey, Third Vice President. T. D. Harper, Secretary and Treasurer, d. 133 Barracks. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Rooms 82 Camp Street. L. A. Duncan, President. A. G. Bakewell, O. G. Jones, H. S. Forwood, William Payne, Vice Presidents. R. D. Gribble, Corresponding Secretary, Thos. Morrison, Recording Secretary. L. G. Vein, Treasurer. C. W. Hilton, Librarian. W. T. Caldwell, Registrar. ST. ANNA ASYLUM. Mrs. A. M. Cnruthers, President ; Mrs. James Clark, Vice President; Mrs. W. L. Poole, Treasurer; Mrs. W. J. Dewey, Secretary. Directresses:— Mrs. C. Foley, Mrs E. D. Hyde, Mrs. Charles Brigtrs, Mrs. Ed. Parmelc, Mrs. W. H. Cook, Mrs. J. H. Lowe, Mrs. H. T. Lonsdale, Mr.s. E. B. Smedes, Mrs. G. C. Duncan, Mrs. N. J Pegram, Mrs. P. N. Wood, Mrs. S. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Henry Rodewald, Mrs. John iiall, Miss Picrpont. Committee on Sewing: — Mrs. E. B. Smedes, Mrs. Hyde. House Comn.ittic :— Mrs. Parmele. Kegiste'r:— Mrs. Briggs. Committee on Wash- ing: — Mrs. Pegram. Committee on Sumilies of Groceries:— Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Peale. Committee on Dry Goods: — Mrs. Hyde. Committee on Real Estate: — Dr.W. N. Mercer, Richard Charles, Esq., E. A. Bradford, Esq., Charles Briggs, Esq., D. D. Withers, Esq. MASONIC. MOST WORSPHPFUL GR.^ND LODGE OF LOUISIANA. Instituted June. 1812. Incorporat.d March 19, ItiJG. Officers.—.]. Q. A. Fellows, Grand Master; Samuel G. Risk, Grand Secretary. Offi.-r in Grand L^odge Hall, corner of St. Charles and Perdido streets. LOUISIAINA RELIEF LODGE, No. 1— For the relief of indigent sojourning Bro- thers, their widows and orphans. This organization is composed of the Masters and Wardens in office (or their proxies,) of Lodges associated therein, and was established by the Lodges of New Orleans, chiefly to provide for distressed brothers from abroad. James B. Scot, W. M.; A. Dc Sola, Secretary. Meets on the first Sunday of each month, at 10 A. M., in Grand Lodge Hall. PERFECT UNION LODGE, No. 1— Meets on Rampart, between Main and St. Philip. Works in French. POLAR SI'AR LODGE, No. 1— Meets on Rampart, between Main and St. Philip. Works in French. CONCORDE l.ODGE, No. 3— M DEL OIIDEN LuDGE, No. 5— Meets on Rampart, between Main and St. Philip. Works in Spanish. ST. ANDREW LODGE, No. 5— Meets on Conti, between Villere and Robertson. Works in French. GERiMANlA LODGE, No. 46— Meets on St. Louis, near Claiborne. Works in German. FRlb:NDS OF HARMONY, No. 58— Meets in Grand Lodge Hall, south side, every Tuesday eu/nuig. MOUNT MORIAH LODGE, No. 59— Meets in Odd Fellows' Hall, Lafayette street, every Tuesday evening. GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 65— Meets in Grand Lodge Hall, north side, every Wednesday evening. DUDLEY LODGE, No, 66— Meets in Grand Lodge Hall, s. s. every Saturday evening, Marion lodge. No. 68— Meets in G. Lodge Hall, s. s. every Thursday evening. HIRAM LODGE, No. 7U — Meets in G. Lodge Hall,s. s. every Wednesday evening. ALPHA HOME LODGE, No. 72— Meets in G. Lodge Hall, n. s. every Tuesday evening. Ql ITMAN LODGE, No. 76— Meets in G. Lodge Hall, n. s. every Friday evening. ORLEANS LuDGE, No. 7b — Meets in G. Lodge Hail, s s. every Friday evening. HERMITAGE LOUGE, No. 98— Corner of Magazine and Philip streets, 4th Dis't. LOUISIANA LODGE, No. 102 — Meets in Grand Lodge Hail, s. s. every Monday evening. OCEAN LODGE, No. 144— Meets at No. 9 Marigny Buildings, Third District, every Friday evening. SAINT JOHN'S LODGE, 153— Meets in Algiers, every Tuesday evening. EXCELSIOR U. D.— Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, evr HOLLAND COUNCIL, No. 1— Meets at Odd Fellow's Hall, in room of Mt. Mo- riah Lodge. Worked formerly in French, now in English. R. H. Lawn-nee, Recorder. LOUISIANA COUNCIL, No. 2.— Meets in Grand Lodge Hall. Wm. C. Driver, Thrice Illustrious Grand Master. F. A. Dentzel, Recorder ORLEANS COMMERCIAL, No. 4.— Meets in Grand Lodge Hall. Emmet D. Craig, Thrice Illustrious Grand Master. KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE.— Under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council, Southern jurisdiction sitting at Charleston, S. C. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES —Office in Grand Lodge Hall, corner St. Charles and Perdidn streets. Samuel G. Risk, Grand Recorder. INDIVISIBLE FRIENDS COMMANDERY, No. 1.— .Meets in Hall of Persever- ance Lodge. JACQUES DE MOLAY COMMANDKRY, No. 2.— Meets on the first and third Friday of each month in Grand Lodge Hall. H. R. Swasey, Eminent Command. Samuel M. Todd, Recorder ORLEANS COMMANDERY, No. 3.— Meets in Grand Lodge Hall, J. a. A. Fel- lows, Eminent Commander. GRAND CONSISTORY OF LOUISIANA.— Thirty Second Degree, L. H. Place, 33d Illustrious Commander in Chief. Thomas F. Bragg, 33d Grand Chancellor. POLAR STAR CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, No. 3— Hall of Perfect Union Lodge, Rampart street. Charles Laffon de Ladebat, 33d Most Wise. LOS AMIGOS DEL ORDLN, CHAPThR No. 4.— Hall of Perfect Union Lodge. Antonio Costa, 3.'W Most Wise ST. ANDREW CHAPTER, No. 5.— Conti street, between Villere and Robertson. J. Lamarre, 33d Most Wise. FOYER MACONNIQUE CHAPTER, No. 6— De Molay Asylum, adjoining Grand Lodge Hall. Joseph Santini, 33d Most Wise. PELICAN CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, No. 11.— Grand Lodge Hall. Emmet D. Craig, 33d Most Wise. POLAR STAR COUNCIL OF KADOSH, No. 3.— Hall of Perfect Union Lodge, Rampart street. ST. ANDREW COUNCIL OF KADOSH, No. 4.— Conti street, between Villere and Robertson. PERFECT UNION COUNCIL OF KADOSH, No. 5.— Hall of Perfect Union Lodge, Rampart street. EAGLE COUNCIL OF KADOSH, No. 6.— Grand Lodge Hall. Emmet D. Craig, 3.3d Thrice Puissant Grand Master. LOS AMIGOS DEL ORDEN COUNCIL OF KADOSH, No. 7.— Hall of Perfect Union Lodge, Rampart street. FOYER MACONIQUE COUNCIL, No. 8.— De Molay Asylum, adjoining Grand Lodge Hall. / / . J s GARDNER 8 NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. DRUIDS. GRAND GROVE OF LOUISUNA, U. A. 0. D.— Holds its annual mp.nins; on the 8th of D<-,-. ml"!-, and mci'ts also quarterly on the second Thursday of February, May, ^ujust and November. MAGNOLIA. (illOVE, No. 1. — Meets every Thursday night on Toulouse street ; noar Marais, Second District. Works in German. OAK GROVE, No. 2.— Meets every Monday night in Room No. 3, Odd Fellows' tfall. Works in German PIONEER GROVE, No. 3.— Meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month, at the corner of IJaronne and Perdido street. Works in English. GOETHE GROVE, No. 4.— Meets every Tuesday night at 32 Camp street. Works in German MISFEI. GROVE, No. 6. — Meets every Wednesday night onTchoupitonlas street, belweeh Philip and .Tackson, Fourth District. Works in German. NEW ORLEANS DEGREE GROVE, No. 1.— M.;ets at 82 Camp street, on the last Saturday of each month. Works in Grrman. MAGNOLI.\ GROVE. No. 1— U. A. 0. D— Instituted May 11, ISiJG.— Meets everv second and f >urth Monday of each month, at Claus^-n's Hall, corner Baronne and perdido. Works in German. Officers : Henry Colfree, N. A. and P. A.; John Vasnacht, V. A.; Cliarles Petrie, Secretary and P. A.; Louis Muasse, Treasurer and P. A.; Adolph S.-hubert, 1. S.; M. L»v,"0. S. Sick, Widows', and Finance Com- mittees : Franiz Farhenholtz, P. A.; Otto Waldkirch, P. A.; Nicolaus Ranch, P. A. T. Alzweig, N. Altniont, Jacob Denning, Friedr. Querens, Stephen Kuhn, F. Barthel. I. O. O. F. The R. W. GRAND LODGE OF LOUISIANA, I. O. 0. F., meets s.-mi-annually on the fourth Tuesdays in January and July, in Grand L>dge Room, Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Camp and Lafayette streets. New Orleans, electing its officers annually I in January. LOUISIANA LODGE, No. 1, meeets every Friday evening in room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 3, meets every Thursday evening in Marigny Buildings, Third District. UNION LODGE, No. 6, meets every Monday evening in room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. CRESCHNT LODGE, No. 8, meets every Thursday evening in roam No. 1, Odd Fellows' Hall. JEFFERSON LODGE, No. 9, meets every Thursday evening in Jefferson Hall, Fourth District. TUTONIA LODGE, No. 10, meets every Tuesday evening in room No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. URLE.\NS LODGE, No. 11, meets every Tuesday evening in room No. 1, Odd Fellows' Hall. COMMERCIAL LODGE, No. 12, meets every Wednesday evening in room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. HOWARD LODGE, No. 13, meets every Thursday evening in room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. HOPE LODGE, No. 14, meets every Wednesday evening in room No. 1, Odd Fellows' Hall. DELTA LODGE, No. 15, meets every Monday evening in room No. 1, Odd Fel- lows' Hall. TEMI'LAR LODGE, No. IG, m.cts every Friday evening in room No. 1, Odd Fellows' Hall. COVENANT LODGE, No. 17, meetseveryTuesdayeveningin Marigny Buildings. POLAR STAR LODGE, No. 19, meets every Wednesday evening in Polar Star Room, St. Louis street. Second District. 34 Gardner's new Orleans directory. MAGNOLIA LODGE, No. 22, meets every Tuesday evening in room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. INDEPENDEiVCE LODGE, No. 23, meets every Wednesday evening in room No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. COLUMBUS LODGE, No. 24, meets every "Wednesday evening in Algiers. GERMANIA LODGE, No. 29, meets every Tuesday evening in Jefferson Hall, Fourth District. PACIFIC LODGE, No 33, meets every Wednesday evening in Pacific Hall, Jef- ferson City. HARMONY LODGE, No. 38, meets every Friday evening in Polar Star room, Second District. HKRMANN LODGE, No. 39, meets every Wednesday evening in Marigny Buildings, Third District. SOUTHWESTERN LODGE, No. 40, meets every Friday evening in room No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. MERCHANTS' LODGE, No. 42, meets every Monday evening in room No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. HELVETIA LODGE, No. 44, meets every Thursday evening in Pacific Hall, Jefferson City. EAGLE DEGREE LODGE, No. 1, meets on the first and third Saturdays in every month in room No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. Interior Lodges. DE SOTA LODGE, No. 7, meets at Baton Rouge on Thursday evenings. NEITH LODGE, No. 21, meets at Shreveport on Wednesday evenings. ST. LANDRY LODGE, No. 25, meets at Opelousas on Saturday afternoons. CLINTON LODGE, No. 27, meets at Clinton on Wednesday evenings. EXCELSIOR LODGE, No. 34, meets at Thibodaux on Saturday evenings. NEW IBERIA LODGE, No. 36, meets at Newton on Thursday evenings. PRAIRIE LODGE, No. 37, meets at Washington on Saturday evenings. ASSUMPTIOxV LODGE, No. 43, meets at Napoleonville on Saturday evenings. THE R. W. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF LOUISIANA, holds its regular ses- sions on the fourth Wednesdays in Jiinuary and July of each year, in the Odd Fel- lows' Hall, corner of Camp and Lafayette streets, electing its officers annually in February. WILDEY, No. 1, meets the first and third Saturday in each month, in Odd Fel- lows' Hall, corner of Camp and Lafayette. HOBAH, No. 3, meets the second and fourth Saturday of each month, in Odd Fel- lows' Hall, corner of Camp and Lafayette. LASALLE, No. ."S, meets the first and third Monday in each month, in Odd Fel- lows' Hall, corner Camp and Lafayette. WASH[?VGTON, No. fi, meets the second and fourth Monday in each month, in Marigny Buildings, Third District. LAFAYETTE, No. 7, meets the first and third Monday in each month, in Jefferson Lodge Room, Fourth District. PELICAN, No. 8, meets the first and third Saturday in each month, in Polar Star Lodge Room, St. Louis street. Interior Encampments. G. W. SHAW, No. 10, meets the first and third Saturday in each month, in Clin- ton, Parish of East Feliciana. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ODD FELLOWS' HALL ASSOCIATION meets at their office in Odd Fellows' Hall, on the first Monday of every month. GARDNER S NF.W ORLEANS DIRECTORY. . JEFFERSON PARISH OFFICERS. Virtor Burthe.Judge of the Tlli^■d Judir.ial District Cnnrt, City of Carrolltoii. Robt. F,. Preston, District Attorney. Jury Ti^rms, first Monday in January and June. Probate Terms, first Monday in Mari-li, April and IVovemher; and on tho third Monday ill Fel)ruary and October. Rdward Bnisson, Clerk. E. Ri2:aud, Deputy Clerk. Guy Dreux, Shuriff. J. Lecort;;ne, Jules G. Dreux, S. N. Canon, Di>puty Sheriffs. E. ConimaijC're, Parish Recorder. C. C Porter, Notary Public. E. Arceneaux, Deputy Recorder. Jules Michael, Assessor. Daniel Young;, Coroner. F. N. Den- inger, Inspector of Weights and Measures. Joint Committee. — Carrollton, George Herrle. Right Bank, B. St.Mesme Lebre- ton. Left Bank, R. L. Preston. Jefferson City, Walden. Police Jury (right bank) — President, Fergus Gardere. Secretary, W. G. Treasurer, 1^. Delery. First Ward, Gusiave Leroy. Second Ward, J. B. Jnquin. Third Ward, Fergus Gardere. Fourth Ward, C. MiUaudon. Fifth Ward, B. St. M. Le Breton. Sixth Ward, Thomas A. Gaul. Seventh District, W. B. Berthoud, Cheniene, . Police Jury (left bank) — President, Wm. Mithoff. First District, L. L. Levy. Second District, Jacob Miller. Third District, L. C. Perret. Fourth District, R. L. Preston. Fifth District, William Mithotr. Sixth District, William Seventh District, N. Betz. Standing Committees. — Finance: Messrs. L L. Levy, .Jacob Miller and L. C. Perret. Judiciary: Messrs. R. L. Preston, Levy and Fish. Police Committee: Messrs. L. C. Perret, N. Betz and Fish. Parish Committee: Robert L. Preston. School Committee — For the First School District: Jacob Miller. For the Second School Dis- trict: Robert L. Preston. For the Third School District: William Fish. For the Fourth School District: Nicholas Betz. Secretary and Treasurer: C. E. Royer. Parish Tax Collector; J. J. Gutierriez. Attorney: N. Coinmandeur. Printer: M. G. Davis. Syndic: Jacob Weiyel. Sergcant-at-Arnis: J. F. Zeller. Justices of the Peace. — First District, R. M. Bradford; Second District, Y. C. Lacorgne; Third District, J. D. Kam|ier, Carrollton: Fiftii District, D. W. F. Bisbee; Sixth District, Julien Lefort. Constables. — First District, P. P. Poche; Second Dis- trict, Edmond Gregoire; Third District, S. Kerner; Fifth District, Henry Parker; Sixth District, Carl Kerner; Seventh District, Joseph Kief. CARROLLTON OFFICERS.— Council Hall, Dublin b. Hampson and Second-sts. Mayor, A. S. Ferth. Councilmen: Charles Engleman, F. Fiseher, George Herrle, William Mayo, F. Schuler, Charles F. Zeller, John Davenport, P. Stoulig!^ Finance Committee: George Herrle, F. Schuler, Charles Engleman, C. F. Zeller. Streets and Landings, William Mayo, F. Fischer, John Davenport. Secretary and Comptroller, C. C. Porter. Tri'asurer and Collector: Frederick Kern. Surveyor: W. H. Williams. Attorney: Robert L. Preston. Commissary and Sexton: Henry Deibel. Printer: M. G.Davis. Principal Assessor: C. C. Porter. Assistant Assessors: P. Trahant, Fran- TV E I^ ^ S PLANTERS DIRECTORS T OF Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas. ABBREVIATIONS, La. Louisioiia ; KxV . Arkansas ; Miss. J>/is/oua/. AbADIE Jenn, (estate,) sugar, "thibo- dcauxvilIeP.O.,Lafinirche Int(r'r,La. Abbott \Vm. B. cotton, Fayette, Jefferstni, Miss. Abby Richard, Yazoo City, Hinds, Miss. Able Jas., (iruonvillo, Wasl.ingcon, Miss. Abney A. T. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Abney N. A., Bcllovue, Rosier, La. A bred Jas., Li no lion, Copiah, Miss. Abrey A. T., Coclk, Livingston, La. Abrey C, Kedmoiith, Ouachita, La. Acliard .las. cotton, Coclk, Livingston, La. Adaine F. M., Hays Creek, Carroll, Ml^s. Adaine Isaac, '* " " Adaiue J. C, " " " Adaine P. W., " " " Adair Istiac, cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Adams Amos, (estate,) sugar, Amite river, E. Baton Rouge, La. Adams & Austin, sugar, PlaqucmineP.O., Iberville, La. Adams Mrs. C. sugar. Bayou Goula P.O., Iberville, La. Adams C, La Grange, Phillips, Ark. Adams David, Menden, Adams Uavid & Co. sugar, r. b. St. John liaptist. La. Adams D. J., Marshall, Texas. Adams Fj., Lewi.sburg, Conway, Ark. Adams Frederick, sugar, N. Urleuns P.O., Plaquemines, La. Adams Geo. W., Meadville, Franklin, xVliiss. Adams Henry F., Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Adams J., Sentell's Store, Bossier, La. Adams J., Warrenton, Hinds, Miss. Adams Mrs. M. M.,cott. Rocky Springs, t'laiUorne, Miss. Adams 8., Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Adams S. H ., Sliaron, Madison Co., Miss. Adams S. W., •• " •' Adams Rev. Thos. cotton, Clinton, East Feliciana, La. 35 Adams Thos., Church Hill, Jeffer'n,Miss. Adams W. A., Hillslxirough, Union, Ark. Adan)s Wm., Spiuig Cottage, Marion, Miss. Adams W. Clark, sug. r. b. Iberville, La. Adams Wm. T. sugar, Bonnet Carre P.O. St. John Ba}»tist, La. Adam> W. W. cotton, Cold Water, Mar- sliall. Miss. Addains G B. cotton, Monterej', Ran- kin, Miss. Adcrhold John, cotton, Bolands, Itawam- ba, Miss. Aderhold R. E. cotton, Bolands, Itawam- ba, Miss. Adkins John, Lookchoma, De Soto,]VIis3. Adkins Thos., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Adle F. cotton, Natchitoches, La. Aeds A. D., Carthage, Leak, Miss. Alflick Thos., Wasliiiigton, Adams, Miss. Agi;r J. Sentell's Store, Bossier, La. Aichen Jas., Church Hill, Jeffer'n, Miss. Aillet Augustine, cotton, Brule L'g. W. B. Rouge, La. Aillet Pierre, cotton. Bruit, L'g., W. B. Rouge, La. Aime V. sugar, St. James refinery, Vach- •erie P. U., St. James, La. Ainsworth J. cott.Georget'n, Copiah, Miss. Ainsworth Richard, cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. .Aken Jas., Hillsborough, Union, Ark. Aken John, " " Aken W.. B. Col., Dangerfieid, Titus Co. Texas. Albreton Thos. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Albreton H., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Albreton P., " " Alcour J L., Friers Point, CoahomR,Miss. Alder Elijah, Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. Aldridge Dr. Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Alegre Alfred, cotton, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Alegre St. J. Texas Berry T. V. cott. Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Berry Thos. Grand Gulf, Adams, Miss. Berryhill G. W., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Berryhill J. W. ibid. Berryhill Samuel, cotton, ibid. Berryhill, W. H., ibid. Bertaud Bros., sug. Donaldsonville, P.O., St. James, La. Bertraud, T. & Co., sug. Albemarle place, Albemarle P. O., Assumption, La. Bertheud James, sug. Woodlawn place. New Orleans P. O., Plaquemine, La Berwick David, sug. Holme place, Cen- treville P. O. St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Berwick D. & Co., sug. Bayou Sale, Cen- treville P. O. ibid. Berwick D., sug., Johnson place, ibid. Berwick Jos., sugar, Berwick Bay, ibid. Berwick N., sug.. Bayou Sale, Centreville P. O. ibid. PLANTEES DIRECTORY 621 Bossonette E., cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Best R. H., cotton, Huntsville, Ghoctaw, Miss. Bellu'll P. r. su»., Live Oak, Grand wood, Saw Mill place. Bayou Teclie, Patter- sonvijle P. 0., Attakapas, La. Bctliel W. D. sug. Franklin P. 0., St. Mary, AttaK'apas, La. Betts C. L., Wharton, Wharton, Texas. Bitty F. T., Burtons, Tishduiingo, Mis.s. Bi'Vt>r Rev. W., Providence, Searcy, Ark. Bherns .T. P., Plain Store, C Baton Rouge, La. Bherns G. F., ihid. Bihh M. W., Brandon, Rankin, Miss. Bil)h Col., W. D., Bickham .1. R., cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Birkham R., ibid. Bienvenu E., cotton, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, f>a. Bienvenu F. M. & Son, sug. New Orleans P. O., St. Bernard, La. Bill)raa C. B., Densnntown, Rankin, Miss. Biles R. D., cotton, Kiimichael, Choctaw, Miss. Billot C. & A., sug.. Point aux Chiens, Terrebonne, La. Billingslea C, Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Billing.slea Geo.,Fearn Springs, Winston, Miss. * Billing.slea Mrs. S., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Biilingslea O. F., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Biilingslea S., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Biilingslea S. C, ibid. Biilingslea S. W., Amity, Clark, Ark. Biilingslea W. R., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Bills John A., cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Bills R. D., Kiimichael, Choct»v, Miss. Bmgay Dr. J. P., sug., Turcaud P. 0., St. James, La. Bingaman A. L., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Bingham Elijah, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Bnigham J. W. cotton, ibid. Bingham P. W., ibid. Binion J. H., Cooksville, A. Noxubee, Miss. Binioi) M., ihid. Biot W., Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Bird Abraham, sug., Hollywood place, E. Baton Koiige, La. Bird .las., cotton, Aivadia, Bienville, La. Bird J. A., sug.. Belle Monte place, Lob- dell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Bird T. G., sug., Comite, E. Baton Rouge, La. Bird Thompson J., sugar., ihid. Bird Thompson W., sug , Brule L'g, P. O., W. Baton Rouge, La. Bird V. J., Farmersville, Union, La. BirdlongL., Bayou Boeuf, St. Lundry, La. Birds(uig J. J., Brownsville,.Hinds, Miss. Bin W., cotton. Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Bin W. W., cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Bishop G. L., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Bishop H. N.. ibid. Bishop John H., Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Biskers Wm. MeNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Bisland Dr. D. O., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Bisland John R., sug.. Bayou Terrebonne, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Bisland Thos. Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Bisland Wm A., Hope Farm, ibid. Bisland Thos. S., sugar., Fairfax place, Centreville P. 0.,St. Mary, Attakapas, La Bissel& Schlatre,sug., Bayou Plaqiu-mine Plaquemine P. O., Ii>erville, La. Black A. B., Galveston, Texas Black D. S., cotton, Bowlands, ibid. Black Kzekiel, Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Black J. & C. D. Stewart, sug. Latanache Point Coujiee, La. Black J. E., Columbia, Brazonia, Texas Black John, Bolands, Itawami)a, Black & Means, Hampton, Calhoun, Co., Ark. Black (). H., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Black P. S., Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Black Robt. J., New London, Unitiu Co., Ark. Black S. Tyler, Smith, Texas Blacklmrn Dr., Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Blackliurn F., ibid. Blackburn John, Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Blackburn Dr. L. P.,Canewood, Natchez, Miss. Blackman Alfred, Lisbon, Claiborne, Miss. Blackman Dr. H. G., Vernon, Madison, Miss. Blake A., cott., Maysville,Itawamba,Miss. Blake Bennet, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, Texas Blake Benson, Vicksburg, Yazoo, Miss. Blake R., cotton, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Blake S. B., ibid. Blanc V. L. & Co. Lobd.ll's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Blanchard Mrs. Alexis, s, sugar, iliid. Boudesquie Anatoie, sugar, St. John Bap- tist, La. Boudousquie Antoine, sugar. Reserve PI., Bonnit Carre P. O., ibid. Boudreau C. & Bros, sugar, Thibodeaux- ville P. 0., Lafourche Interior, La. Boudreau E., Waterloo, Point Couju'e, f^a. Boudreau Jerasinie, sugar. Star P. 0., Assumption, La. Boudreau J. 1:5. sugar, Houma, Terre- bonne, La. Boudreau Oiie/.inie A. sugar. Grand Cotcau, St. Landry, La. Bouduaiil & Bro., Cudday Hunk, Cal- houn, Miss. Bougere A. cotion, Concordia, La. Bougere F. sugar, St. Charles, r. b., La. Bougere Reime, sugar, Bayou Goula, Iberville, La. Bouillet Mrs. G. & Martel, sugar, Bayou Teche, Charenton P. 0., St. Mary, Assumption, La. Bouis F. V. sugar, Point Coupee, La. Bouligiiy & GiUiuch(>au, sugar, McCutch- eon P. 0., St. Charles, La. Bouligny Gustave, sugar, Orleans pi., N. (Jrleans P. O., Or'leanc, La. Bouls Seburn, Grenada, Miss. Bourg Anieda, sugar, St. James, I. b.. La. Bourg Edniond, sugar, Bayou I'Ours, As- sumption, La. Bo.urg J P. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. 0., Lafinirche Interior, La. Bourg Mrs. Marcelin, sugar, Napoleon- vilie P. 0., Assumption, La. Bourg Maihurin, sugar, Thibodeauxville P. O., Lafourche Interior, La. Bourgeois A. (estate,) sugar. Convent P. 0., St. Janiis, La. Bourgeois C. sug. Convent, St. James, La. Bourgeois D. sugar, St. John Baptist, 1. b.. La. Bourgeois Ed. sugar, Grande Pointe P. U., St. James, La. Bourgeois F. N. sug. Tureaud P. 0., ibid. Bourgeois L. & T. sug. Grande Pointe P. O., ibid. Bourgeois M. sugar, Vacherie P. 0., St. James, La. Bourgeois Seraphin, sugar. Crane's Forge P. 0., Assum)ition, La. Bourgeois Thos. sugar, Bonnet Carre P. O., St. John Baptist, La. Bourgeois V. sug. Lafourche Interior, La. Bougere Ad. & Co. sugar, Taylor P. 0., St. Charles, La. Bougere F. sugar, ibid. Boutldu J. V. sugar, Bayou Black, Tigcr- villc P. O., Terrebonne, La. Bowden Alex. cot. Arcadia, BiiMiville, La. Bowden A., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Bowden J. W. cot. BcUefonlaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Bowen F. \V. Ouachita City, Ark. Bowen Hon. G. A., Greenville, Washing- ton, Miss. Bowers Jesse, Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Bowers L. G. ibid. Bowie A. T., Ashwood, Tensas, La. Bowie G. J., Cany, Matagorda, Texas Bowles T. H. J., Cotile Rapides, JMachi- toches. La. Bowling G. W., North Mf. Pleasant, Marshall, Miss. Bowling J. .\L, Basthoteman, Ark. Bowman C, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Bowman C. D. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Bowman Charles Ira, Kirk's Ferry, La. Bowman Dr. I. sugar, Patterson ville P. 0., Atchafiilaya,St. Mary,Attakapas,La. Bowman J. j'. Eubank's Mills, Johnson, Ark. Bowman J. P. sugar, Bayou Grosse Tete, Rosedale P. 0.,La. Bowman Rev. James, Kirk'fe Ferry, La. Bowman M. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Bowman M. R. ibid. Bowtnan R. J. ibid. Bowman S. H. D. cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Bowman Wm. M., Kirk's Ferry, La. Bowen Wm., Aitalaville, Attala, Miss. Boyakin Wm. cot. Pineville, Smith, Miss. Boyce Idge H., Cotiles, Rapides, JNatchi- toches. La. Boyce James K. cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Lj. Boyd A., Kingston, Adams, Miss. Boyd Charl.s'L., Village P. O., Point Coupee, La. Boyd E. .VL cotton, Coldwater, Chandler, Miss. Boyd S. S. cotton. Fort Adams, Wilkin- son, Miss. Boyd W. G., Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. Boyer Allen, cotton, Concordia, l^a. Boyer Eugene, sugar, St. John Baptist, r. b.,La. Boykin E. M. sugar, Bayou Black Houma P. O., Terrebonne, La. Boykin Jas., Darlington, St. Helena, La. Brabston J C., Bovina, Wan-en, Miss. Brabston Thomas, ibid. Brackett C. Marshalville, Noxubee, Miss. 524 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Braccwell J. M., Village P. O., Point Coupee, La. Bradford A. M., Oakland, Yaiabousha, Miss. Bradford xVI. ibid. Bradford Thos. H. cotton, Rodney, Jef- ferson, Miss. Bradley D. cot. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Bradley Henry, sugiir, Atchafalaya, Pat- tersonville P. 0., St. Mary, Attaka- pas, La. Bradley James A., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Bradley John, Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Bradley Pat. Wall Hill, Marshall, Miss. Bradley W. Jones, Ferry Morehouse, La. Bradley Wm., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Bradley W. A., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Bradley Wm. T., New London, Union Co., Ark. Bradshaw David C. cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Bradshaw Henry, Providence, Searcy, Ark. Bradshaw John T. cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Brady A. E. cotton. Locust Mound pi., Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Brage; Col. B. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. Office, Lafourche Int., La. Braggett Jas.,Sommervillc,Neshabe,Miss. Braggs A. A. E., Livingston, Madison, Miss. Brain Jas. D., Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Bramblet H., Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. Eramblet J. W. cotton, Pontotoc, Ponto- toc, Miss. Brame A. J. sugar. Port Hudson, E. Fe- liciana, La. Brame Jas. D. cotton, Coonewar, Ponto- toc, Miss. Bramlet H. cotton, Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. Branch H. cotton, Kilmichael, ibid. Branch W. cotton, Kilmichael, ii)id. Branch N. B., Lime Flats, Nacogdoches, Texas. Brandegee Mrs. J. C. sugar. Assumption, La. Brandon G. C, Natchez, Adams Co. Miss. Brandon Geo., Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Brandon Gen. W. L. cotton. Fort Adams, Wilkinson, La. Branham Dr. A. H. cott. Concordia, La. Brannin James, cotton, " " Brannin N. cotton, " " Bran no n J. Ij., Gray ston, Yaiabousha, Miss Branson R. cotton, Concordia, La. Brantle Harris,Laurel Hill,Nisbobe,Miss. Brashear J. N. cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Brashear R. B. & Co. sugar. Tiger Island, Brashear P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Brashear Dr. Walter, sugar, Berwick City P. O., Berwick Bay, St. Mary, Atta- kapas, La. Braud Achille & Son, sugar, Thibodeaux- ville P. 0., Lafourche Interior, La. Braud, Mrs. Augustin, sugar, Paincourt- ville P. O., Assumption, La. Braud Edward, sugar, Donaldson ville P. 0., St. James, La. Braud J. B. sugar. Bayou Goula P. 0., Iberville, La. Braud Joseph, sugar. Assumption, La. Braud Joseph, sugar. Bayou Vermillion, Lafayette, La. Braud M. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. O., Lafourche Interior, La. Braughton Maj., Camden, Ark. Bray John, Highway, Clark, Ark. Brazeal W. W. &. J. U. Payne, sugar, Campti, Natchitoches, La. Brazzel F.,Sjiear's Store, Union, La. Bread A. G., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Breaux D., Vermillionville, Lafayette, La. Braux F., ibid. Braux P. R., ibid. Breeding B. W., Fayetteville, Fayette, Texas. Breeding John, ibid. Breeding R. L., ibid. Brent Thomas Y. sugar, Contreras place, New Orleans P. O., St. Bernard, La. Brent W. B. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Bres Charles, Sinope, Caldwell, La. Bres John, ibid. Brian A.W. cott. Clinton, E.Feliciana, La. Brian J. M., ibid. Brian N. M., ibid. Brian J. A. & P. P. sugar, Atchafslaga, Pattersonville P. 0., St. Mary, Atta- kapas, La. Brian P. E. sugar. Bayou Black, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Briant Alfred, Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. Briant P. P. sugar, St. M'artinsville, St. Martin, La. Brice C. C. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Brice J., ibid. Brice W. M., ibid. Brice John, Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Bridges Mrs. A. F. cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. Bridges Franklin, cotton. Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Bridges Green, il)id. Bridges J. cott. Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Bridges Martin, ibid. Bridges Martin, cotton. Pearl River, Co- piah, Miss. Bridges Plummer, ibid. Bridges Rankin, ibid. Bridgeforth J. B. cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Bridgeforth Thomas R., ibid. Brien A. W., Bovina, Miss. Brien Chas. sug. St Mary, Attakapas, La. Briggs, Gresham & Co., Bay Springs, Tis- homingo, Miss. Briggs A. A. E., Vernon, Madison Co., Miss. Briggs Joseph L. cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 525 BriiTjrs Mrs. M., ibid. Brii^-htCol. W.H.,Cliickawa Bend, Madi- son, La. Briley Goor^e, cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Brinffi.r Mrs. M. D. sugar, Houmas and HcrniitMo:.' plac.s, Tinvaud, Ascen- sion, I. 1,. and White Hall place, St. James, 1. b. La. Bring-ier L. A. sngur. Hermitage place, Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, La. j Bnngier M. S. sugar. White Hall place, I Tnreand P. ()., St. James, La. Bnscoil C. C. & T. \V., Richmond, Madi- son, Miss. Briscoe A. J., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Briscoe John, ibid. Briscoe P. J., ibid. Briscom .John, Canton, ibid. Brister F. M., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Bristol! David, Point Mecrs,Johnson,Ark. Britewell VV. E., Buckhorn, Independence, Ark. Britt G. cott. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Brut Joseph, JonesviJie, Harrison, Texas. Bntt Wm. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, ! Miss. I Britton vV.A., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. | Britton Wm. J., Livingston, Madison Co Miss. Brock 1. F. cotton. Rocky Springs, Clai- liorne. Miss. Brock Moses, Canton, Madison, Miss. Brock W. G. cotton, Cedar Bluff, Oktib- beha, Miss. Brocus J., Burtendon, Copiah, Miss. Bronden Christoplier, cotton, Coonuwar, Pontotoc, Miss. I Bronlurd A.J.,C;nuon, Madii?onCo.,Miss. Bronte John, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Bronver Hon. M., Glenville, Barber Co., Ala. Brooks A. C, Bovina, Warren, Miss. Brooks A., Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Brooks Dr. B. E., cotton, Arcadia, Bien- ville, La. Brooks (;. cott. Maysville, Itawamba,Miss Brooks C. M., Booksvilie, Noxubee, Miss. Brooks D. A. cotton, Maysville, Itawam- ba, Miss. Brooks E. D. cott. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Brooks & Hanson, Columbia, Brazonia, Texas. Brooks I. cott. Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Brooks J. C, ibid. Brooks J., il)id. Brooks J. D., Brooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Brooks James A., Yazo<» City, Miss. Brooks J. M., Greenville, Washington, Miss. Brooks J. M. & Co., Camden, Ark. Brooks J. R., Suipliur Springs, Madison C/'o., Miss. Brooks Josliua, Kosciusko, Attala, Misa. Brooks W. L., Simron, Madison Co., Miss Brooks M. M., Brooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Brooks Thomas, ibid. Brotton AV. J., Livingston, Madison, Miss. Broue Mrs. A. sng. St. Charles, r. b. La. Broue Valsin, sug.St.John Baptist, r.b. La. Broussard Antoiiie, sugar, St. Martins- ville, St. Martin, La. Broussard Armand, ibid. Broussard B. & D,, ibid. Brous.sard Doulouis, ibid. Broussard Desire, sugar. New Iberia P 0., St. Martin, La. Broussard Draiisin, cotton, St. Martins- ville,. St. Martin, La. Broussard E.H. sug. New Iberia P.O ,ibid. Broussard H & A. sugar, Fausse Pointe, New Il)eria P. O., St. Martin, La. Broussard Eloy J., ibid. Broussard H. sugar, Vermillion ville P.O., Lafayette, La. Broussard J., Vermillion ville, Lafayette, La Broussard M. sugar, Jeannerette P. U., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Broussard J. K. sugar, St. Martinsville P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Broussard Leon, ibid. Broussard tilivier, ibid. Broussard P. A. sugar, Cote Gelee, Lafay- ette, La. Broussard Rosemond, sug. Cypress Mort, Jeannerette P. U., St. Mary, Atta- kapas, La. Broussard S. & A. & Co. sugar. Bayou Teche, Beaux Bridge P. 0., St. Mar- tin, Attakapas, La. Broussard Theo., Aberville, Lafayette ,La. Broussard Theogene, sugar, Vermillion- ville. La. Broussard Zephirin, sugar, New Iberia P.O., St. Martin, La. Brousseau A. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. O., Lafourche Interior, La. Browdeii C, Conway, Pontotoc, Miss. Brower W. F., Black Hawk, Carroll, Miss. Browing Maj. R. M., Scottsville, Clai- borne, La. Brown A., Cold Water, Marshall, Miss. Brown A., Three Creeks, Union, Ark. Brown & Co., Homer, La. Brown D., ibid. Brown A. H. sugar. Bayou Teche, Jean- nerette P. 0.,St. Mary, Attakapas, La, Brown A. J. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Brown A. L., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Brown Alford, Attalaville, Attala, Miss. Brown B. C, Madison, Crittenden, Ark. Brown B. M. G. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Brown ('., Friars Point, Coahoma, Miss. Brown Christopher, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Brown D.,Coushatta Chute.Nutchitoches, La. Brown D. D. cott. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Brown i). E. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. 526 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Brown Daniel,coU.Cashutto,De Soto,Miss Brown Edwin R. cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss Brown E. A. D., Sparta, La. Brown Elijah, W. Meadville, Franklin, Miss. Brown F. cott. Maysville,Itawaniba,Miss. Brown F. C, Concord, Rankin, Miss. Brown Beverly, Sulphur Springs, Madi- son Co., Miss. Brown Fred, cotton. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Brown G. W. cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Brown H. A. cotton, Concordia, La. Brown IL G. D. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Brown H. W., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Brown Irwine, cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Brown L cott. Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Brown L F. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Brown J. coll. Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. Brown J. cotton, Sookaluna, Lauderdale, Miss. Brown J. cotton, Concordia, La. Brown J., Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Brown J. A. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Brown J. B. cotton, Cluilon, E. Feliciana, La. Brown J. C, Burtenton, Copiah, Miss. Brown J. U., Friars Point, Coahoma, Miss. Brown J. F., Arcadia, Bienville, La. Brown J. F., Maritm, Crittenden, Ark. Brown J. M. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Brown John M. sugar, Linwood place, New Kiver, P. 0. Ascension, La. Brown .)as. N. sug. (estate,) Oakland f)\. New Orleans P. O. Plaqueinine, La. Brown J. P. colt., Clinton, e. Feliciana, La. Brown J. W., Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. Brown J. W., Vernon, Madison Co. Miss. Brown Jas. A. Ham}Uon, Calhoun, Ark. Brown Jas. A., Point Meers,Jolinson,Ark. Brown Jas., Livingston, Madison, Miss. Brown Jas. sugar, St. James, La. Brown Jas., Siiaron, Madison Co. Miss. Brown Jesse, Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Brown Latham, cott. Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Brown Leon, cotton,Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Brown Mary A., Sulphur Springs, Madi- son Co., Miss. Brown N., Highway, Clark, Ark. Brown R. colt. Sookalena, Lauderdale, La. Brown S. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. tJrown Sluppard, Ainswfll,Calalioma,La. Brown T. cott. Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Brown T. W. cott. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. Brown 'lalley D., Coushatta, De Soto, La, Brown Tamlin, Attalaville, Attala, Miss. Brown Theo. cott. Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. Brown Thos.cott. Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Brown Thos. D. cott. Hopewell, Wilkin- son, Miss. Brown Thos. M. cott. Cashutta, De Soto, La. Brown W. C, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Brown W. D., Pine Kidge, Copiah, Miss. Brown W. N., Hopewell, Dc Soto,' Miss. Brown W. R., Cheneyville, Rapides, La. Brown Wm. T.. Cato Springs, Rankin Co., Miss. Brown Win., Highway, Clark, Ark. Brown W. W., Ouachita City, Union Parish, La. Brownson John, sug. Blackwater place, Tigerville, P. 0. Terrebonne, La. Bruse, Seddan & Watkins, sug. Convent, St James, La. Bruce W. B., Flowery Mound, Concor- dia, La. Bruce W. G. cott. Concordia, La. Brumley John, Grand Gulf, Adams, Miss. Bruiier G. G., Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Bruner Rev. 1. J. colt. ibid. Bruntley Genl. John, Burnsville, Dallas Co., Ala. Brusle Chas. A. sugar, Monticello place. Iberville P. O. Iberville, La. Brutoii J. P., Nacogdoches, i exas. Bruton Wm. C. cott. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Bry H. coll. Monroe, Ouachita, La. Bry H. M. cott. " " " Bryan Dr. E. H., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Bryan E. H. D., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Bryan Jas. Ringgold, Bienville, La. Bryan Jas. B. ibid. Hiydn R. ibid. Bryan R., Farmersville, Union, La. Bryant Benj., Densontoii, Rankin, Miss. Bryant C. W. ibid. Bryant E. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Bryant E. Farkville, Ni>xul)ee, Miss. Bryant J. A. cott. Bt)lands, liawamba, Miss. Bryant J. M. sug. Port Hudson Landing, E. Feliciana, La. Bryson James, Macon, Miss. Buchanon A. C. cott. Ryans Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Buchanon Dr. B. B., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Buchanan Chas., Concordia, La. Buchanon W. cotton, ibid. , Buclierau T. sug. Ascension, La. Buck John, Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Buck T. Buck W. H. " Buckell H. W., Yazoo City, Miss Buckles A. H. cott. Malcolm, Jefferson, Miss. Buckley H. L., Alabama Landing, Ark. Buckiier Aylett, Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Buckner David, Natchez, Adams Co. Miss, Buckner T. H., Greenville, Adams, Miss. Buckner W., Densontowii, Rankin, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 527 Budgeforth J. B., Pleusant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Budgeforth R. M., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Budgers A. T., Rayinond, Hinds, Miss. Biifkiii A. cott. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miis. Biifkin B. " Biifkin D, '« " '« " " Bufkin H. " •' " " Bufkin S. " " " '« " Biiford, Cross & Barrow, sug. Lawn-nce P. O., Terrebonne, La. Buford Jas., Oakland, Yallaliousha, Miss. Biiford .1 . & T. sug. Little Caillow, Terre- lionne, La. Huford Lemuel, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Buford 8. cott. Concordia, La. P.ugg Benj., Point Meers, Johnson, Ark. Buggett Lewis, Wiiliamsport, Point Cou- ple, La. Buliler John, sug. Lobdell's Store, W. Ba- ton Rouge, La. Buie C. B., Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Buie U. & Son, ibid. Buie Danl. Caseyville, Co]iiah, Miss. Buie Danl. G. cut. Union Churcii, Jeffer- son, Miss. Buie Gilbert M. cott. ibid. Buie Isaac N. cott, Scotland, ibid. Buie Neill, Union Church Jefferson, Miss. Buie P. N., Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Buie Robert, '« " " " Bujole & Co. sug. Donaldsonville, P. 0., Ascension, La. Bujole Edniond, sugar, Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, La. Bull Jacob A., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Bullard C. A., Natchitoches, La. Bullard R. C, Wai renton, Warren, Miss. Bullen Cant. B., Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Bullen B. A. cott, Fayetie, Jefferson, Miss. Bullen David, " «' " " Bullen Sam. " . " " " Bullen W. M. '« Bullock Berry, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Bullock Chas. cott. Kilniichael, Choctaw, Miss. Bullock Hy.. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Bullock W. O,, Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Burnley Harden, Pine Ridg(>, Copiah, Miss. Bunas J. R., Yazoo City, Miss. Bungale J. R., Sommerville, Neshohe, Miss. Bungale John, ibid. Bunker W. B., Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Bunt \V. B , Georgetown, Copiah, Bunting ('. T., Oakland, Yallaboiishe, Miss. I^unting J ., Oakland, Yallaboushe, Miss. Bunting \V . cott. Concordia, La. Burbank T. & F.. sug. Avon place, Crane- forge P. I)., Assumption, La. Burbank T. & S. N. sug. Bonnet Carre P. 0., Si. John Baptist, La. Burc John D.cott. Fayette, Jellerson, Miss, liurcardti Belhancourt.sug. St. John Bap- tist, La. Burcard J. F. sug. Edgar P. 0., St. John Baptist, La. Burdell Marshall, cott. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Burford Lemuel, cott. Plea.sant Hill, Dc Soto, Miss. Burg Z., Benton, Y'azoo, Miss. Burgess A. \V.& Roundall, sug. Bayou Robert, Rapidis, La. Burgess J. colt. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Burguieres E. D. Mrs., sug. B;iyou Black, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne,' La. Burk W. B. cott Malcolm, Jeff. Miss. Burke Fdward, cott. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Burke R. G., Marion, Crittenden, Miss. Burke W. B. cott. Fayette, Jeff. Miss. Burland David, colt. Concordia, La. Burleigh Jas. sug. Grand C'oteau, Opelou- sas P. O., St. Landry, La. Burnet Calvin, cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Burnet C. B. Natchez, Adams, Miss. Burnet J. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Burnet Dr. J. W., Yazoo City, Miss. Burnet L. E. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Burnet O., Highway, Clark, Ark. Burnett T. VV., Raymond, Miss. Burnett M. L., Livingston, Madison Co., Miss. Burnett Wm., Canton, Madison Co., Burnham Thos. R., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Burnley Harding, sug. Belle Riviere, Na- poleonville P. O., Assumption, La. Burnley Harding, cott. Assumption, La. Burns A. N. colt. Belle Fontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Burns A. S. Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. Burns J. A. ibid Burns Rev. D. E. Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Burns J. H., Burnsville, Dallas, Miss. Burris John, sug. Bayou Boeuf, Brashcar P. O., St. Mary," Attakapas, La. Burrus J. C. cott. Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss. Burson G. D. cott. Belicfontaine, Clioc- taw, Miss. Bursutlfr J. W., Natchitoches, La. Butler .Tns. cott. Coldwater, Marshall,Miss. Butler John, ibid. Butler John T., Natchez.Adams Co., Miss. Bulter P. sug. Bayou Black, Lawrence P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Butler R. E. sug. Hounna P. 0., Terre- boiuie, La. Butler Thos. sug. Grand Caillou, ibid. Butl(>r& Keith, Selma, Ala. Hutterworth J., Keachie, De Soto, La. Butis Rev. 1. C.jCott. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Butts J. C. ibid. Buyas Jas. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Byars A., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Byars J. F. cott. Evergreen, Newton, Miss. Byars J. J. Looxahoma, De Soto, Mis.s. Byaum Jos., Tripoli, Tishomingo, Miss. Byerly Geo.. Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. Bynani J., Dry Run, Tishomingo, Miss. Bynum C. H., Courtland, Ala. Byne Judge, Houston, Harris, Texas Byont J. T., Alto, Cherokee Co., Texas Byrce Cornelius,Meadville, Franklin, Miss Hyrcc S. ibid. Byrd Lafayette, Goodman, Miss. Byrd W. G. cott. Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. Byrell Asa., Eubank's Mills,Johnson,Ark. Byrell W. ibid. Bycne R. H. sug. Bayou Teche, Franklin P. O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Byrne R. H. sug. Cypres Mort, Jeanner- ette P. O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Byrne R. H. sug. Bayou Sale, Centreville P. 0. ibid. C, ' ABAMP E., Hillsborough,Union,Ark. Cabanip H. K. ibid. Cabaniss E., Brandon, Rankin, Miss. CabanissH. R. Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Caddeau Mrs. T. cott. Cloutierville, Nat- chitoches, La. Cade & Lyons, sug. Vermillionville, La- fayette, La. Cade R. (estate,) sug-. Bayou Vermillion, Perry's Bridge, Vermillion, La. Cade S. M. cott. Malcom, Jefferson, Miss. Caddel A., Nacogdoches, Texas Caddel A. B. ibid. Cage Albert G. sug. Little Caillou, Houma P. 0. Terrebonne, La. Cage C. C. cott. Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Cage D. S. sug. Ashland place. Grand Caillow,Houma P.O.,Terrabonne,La. Cage H. sug. Woodlawn place, Grand Caillow, Houma P.O., Terrebonne, La. Cage W. L. Perry's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Cage J. H. W., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Cagle Paul, Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Cagnolaty Antoine, sug. N. Orleans P. 0., Jefferson, r. b., La. Cagnolaty P. C, ibid. Caillonet J. B. sug. Convent, St. James, La. Caillonet Jas. sug. Thibodeauxville, La- fourche, La. Caine D. P. sug. New River P. 0., Ascen- sion, La. Calbert Chas., Yazoo City, Miss. Calcot & Barrow, sug. Bayou Dularge, Terrebonne, La. Calderwood Dr.cott.Monroe,Ouac}iita,La. Caldwell E. cott. Concordia, La. Caldwell J. G., Jones Ferry, Morehouse, La. Caldwell J. L. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Caldwell Jas. Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. Caldwell Lafayette, Lobdell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Caldwell Mrs. M. W., Sidon P. 0., Car- roll Co., Miss, Caldwell T. S. Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Calendar R. cott. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Calhoun Dr. G., Natchez, Adams, Miss Calhoun Meredith, sug. Smithfield, Mere- dith & Mirabeau's places, Coiile, Rapides, La. Calhoun Mrs. N. G., Donaldsonville, La. Calhoun W. B. cott. Concordia, La. Calhoun W. H. cott. Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Calhutson G., Flat Lick, La. Callahan F., cott. Bethlehem, Marshall, Miss. Callahan N. L. ibid. Callaway Rev. J. R. cott. Pontotoc, Pon- totoc, Miss. Callaway J. B. ibid. Callaway J. H., Marshall, Nacogdoches, Texas Callaway Noah, ibid, Callaway Wm. Summerville, Noxubee, Miss. Calliham Jas. sug. Bayou Deglaise, Avo- yelles, La. Callonet Jas. & Sons, sug. Thibodeaux- ville P. 0., Lafourche Interigr, La. Callouet J. B. sug. Grande Pointe P. 0., St. James, La. Calloway Lemuel, Wharton, Wharton, Texas PLANTERS DIRECTORY, 529 Calloway & Lee, ihid. Calloway Milton, il. id. Calvert C. B , Kins;j*'on, Adams, Miss. Calvert Mrs. J., Clinton, Warren, Miss. Calvii T. G. sug. Bayou Rapides, Rapides, La. Calvit Wm., Meadville, Franklin, Miss. Camberlin W. C, Graysport, Miss. Camljre J. sug. St. .Toliii Baptist, 1. b. La. Cambre J. T. sug. New River P. 0., Iber- ville, I ,a. Cnnilire Mathias, sng. Bonnet Carrie P. O. ibid. Cambre Victor, sug. St. John BajUist, i. b. La. Cameron D. A. Bovina, Warren, Miss. Cameron A. .T., Three Creeks, Union, Ark. Cameron D. H. cott. Scotland, Jefferson, Miss. Cameron J. C. Midway, Madison, Miss. Cameron .1. D., Henton, Saline, Ark. Cameron J. N. cott. Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Cameron M., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Cameron R. M., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Camfield Wm. A. cott. Coonewar, Ponto- toc, Miss. Cammack Mrs. D., P^riars Point, Coaho- ma, Miss. Camniaek V., Ashwood, Tensas, La. Camoile Wm , Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Camp R. C. sugar, New River P. 0., Iberville, La. Campbell Re v. A., Providence, Searcy, Ark. ("ainpbcll Allen, Abbeville, Vermillion, La. Campbell .\. & L. sugar, Bayou, Vermil- lion, Perry's Bridge, P. 0., La. Campbell B. cotton, Concordia, La. < 'anipbell C. cott. Black Jack, De Soto, La. Campbell C, W., Gaines, Ark. Campbell Dr., Cotton Plant, Ark. Campbell Ephraim, cotton, Concordia, La. Campbell F. B. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Campbell Dr.G.W. B.sugar,Rosedale, P. 0. Bayou Grosse Tete, Iberville, La. Campbell Hugh, Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Campbell J. cott. Black Jack, De Soto, La. Canijtbell J. B. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Campbell James, Eubanks Mills, John- son, Ark. Cam])bellJolin,Parkerville,Noxubco,Miss. Campbell Parker, sugar, Taylor P.O., St. Charles, La. Campbell & Penair, Flowery Mound, Concordia, La. Camj)bell R. W. cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. Campbell R. M., Gaines, Ark. Campb
id. Cliapniai) .1. E, , Coila, Carroll, Miss. Chapman Thos. sr., cott. Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Chapman W. W. ibid. C ha pmaiiWm.,Densoii town, Rank in, Miss Chappcll R., Fayetteville, Fayette, Texas Cha[)j>ell R. W., Bovina, Warren, Miss. ChapiHll W B. cott. Wolf Creek, Choc- taw, Miss. Charboiinct F.L.siig.St.John Baptist, La. Charles Samuel, Clinton, Warren, Miss. Charlet Fierre, sug. Church, Assumption, La. Charpantier Jos. M. sugar. Bayou Teche, Paitersonville P. O., St. Mary, Ala- kapas. La. Chase Rev. B., Natchez, Miss. Chase W.H. sug. Chascland place. Bayou Bi>euf, Red River, Rapides, La. Chase S., Burton.s, Tishomingo, Miss. Chastant Clement, sug. Revenue place, New River, Iberville I*. 0., La. Chatton P., Clinton, Warren, Cliaudet Louis & Co., sug. Cautbleau, St. I^andry, La. Chaurte Bros. & Co., sug. Bonnet Carr5 P. O., St. .lohn Baptist, La. Chauvin, Levois &. Co., sug. Taylor P.O., St. Charles, La. Cheek L. B. cott, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Cheek T. E., FayclteviHe,Fayette,Texas. Cheek VVm. A., Sulphur Springs, Madi- son Co., Miss. Cheetham J, H., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Cheney & Cook, Lake Providence, Car- roll, La. Cheney H. J. sug. Bayou Boeuf,Red Riv- er, Rapides, La. Cheney Jesse H., Lake Providence, Car- roll, La. Chenoeri Mrs. H. cott. Sivonia, Point Coupee, La. Cherry Andiew,cott.Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Cherry Thomas, cotton, ibid. Chestnut Uriah, sug. Terrebonne, Terre- bonne, La. Chew Augustus, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Chew B. G. ibid. Chew W^m. ibid. ChildersG. W. cott. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Chikieis J., Powhatan, Lawrence, Ark. Childcis M., Lafomba, Lafayette, Miss. Childers Wm., Scottsville, Claiborne, La. CJiiles J.E. cott. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Chiles M. B., Line, Morehouse, La. Chiles R.S.cotl.Pme Ridge. Copiah, Miss. Chiiin B. R., Lobdcll's store, West Baton Rouge, La. Chinn E.B., Hermitage, Point Coupee, La. Chisium A., Canton, Madison, Miss. Chisholm F. N. & Son, West Point. Ga. Chisolin R. P., Rocky Mount, Bossier, La. Choat J. W., Ri'dmouths, Ouachita, La. CholTe John & Co., Minden, Ln. Choppin Dr. J. B. cott. Cloutierville, Nat- chitoches, La. Choppin & Roman, sug. Vacherie, St. James, La. Choppin V. sug. Bay Tree place, Vache- rie P. 0.,St. James, La. Choppin Valerien, sug. Vacherie P.O. ibid. Chotard Henry,Natehez,AdamsCo,,Miss. Chotard Richard, ibid, Chotard Henry, jr. cott. Concordia, La. Chotard K. D. cott. Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss. Chretien F. D. sug. St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Chretien H, & Mother, sng. Bayou Roeuf, Washington P.O., St. Landry, La. Chrisholm John, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Chrisholm Norman, ibid. Christian John, Ringgold, Bienville, La. Churchhill M. cott. Concordia, La, Chust Alex. sr. cott, Sivonia, Point Cou- pee, La. Cluisi Gustave, ibid. Chust John, ibid. Chust Juh'S, cott. Bsoii, Mis.s. Coleman John P. cott. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Coleman Mrs. Mary, Livingston, Madi- son, Miss. Coleman R. C, Tuscahoma, Tallahatchec Co., Miss. Coleman R. H. cotton, Kilmichacl, Choc- taw, Miss. Coleman S. H. cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Coleman T. M. cotton, Kilmichacl, Choc- taw, Miss Coh-man Wm. cotton, Port Gibson, ibid. C(.>leman Wm., Rodney, JelFerson, Miss. Coleman W.,Sookalena, Lauderdale, Miss Coleman W. G., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Coleman W. P. I. cotton, Concordia, La. Collier A., 13ay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Collier Dr., Hamilton, Ouachita, La. Collier li. B., Percy's Creek, Wilkinson. Miss. Collier George, cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. ^ Collier Henry, Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Collins Mrs. A. sugar, Thibodeauxvillc P. 0., Lafourche, La. Collins A. J. cotton. Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Collins Gen'l B., Cut Off P. 0., Ashley, Ark. Collins C. sugar, Elmwood pi. Atchafa- laya River, Point Coupee, La. Collins G. W., Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Collins Henry F. sugar. Little Caillou, Hounia ['. 0., Terrebonne, La. Collins J. B. cotton, Sookaleiia, Lauder- dale, Miss. Collins J. C. cotton, Concordia, La. Collins J. H., Spring Ridge, Hinds, Miss. Collins Jtrry, Jones Ferry, Mooreliouse, La. Collins John, cotton, Clinton, E. Baton Rouge, La. Collins .\Irs. & Sons, sugar, St. Mary, At- takapas. La. Collins Mrs., Cuddy Hunk,Calhoun,Miss. Collins Dr. M. M., Darlington, St. Hele- na, La. Collins R. M., Columbia, Brazoria, Tex. Collins S., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Collins Stark, Camden, Madison Co ,IVlis9. Collum A., Livingston, Madison Co. Miss Collum M. V. ibid. Collum Wilkin, cotton, Sookaiena, Lau- derdale, xMiss. Colmstock C. G. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Colomb Mrs. Louis, sugar, Donaldsonville P. O., Ascension, IjI\. Colomb Octave, sugar. Convent P. C, St. James, La. Colomb Ponse, sugar. Point Coupee P.O., Point Coupee, La. Colthrop A. J. cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Colton G. T. cotton, Concordia, La. Combe Marcellin, cotton, Coelk, Livings- ton, La. Combs Ths.,Summcrville, Noxubce,Miss Combs Wm. A. iliid. Comcaux E. sugar, Plaqueniiiie P.O., Iber- ville, r. b. La. Comeaux Mrs. Ely, sugar, Crane forge P. O., Assumption, La. Comeaux Eugene, sugar, Napoleonville P. 0., Assumption, La. Comeaux iMrs. Julien, sugar, Iberville, La Comer Isaac, cotton, Concordia, La. Comer John, ibid. Como Ant. sugar, Atchafalaya, Patterson- ville P. O;, St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Compton John, (estate,) sugar. Home pi. Bayou Boeuf, Rapides, La. Compton P. B. sugar, Red River, Rapides, Compton Richard, cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. Compton & Thoshcr, Galveston, Texas Comstock Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Conand Mrs. J. sugar. Assumption, La. Conan Geo., Brownsville, Hinds, La. Cona way Duson, Park ville, Noxubee, Miss. Concha James, cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Confer George, cotton, Newtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Conley George, Graysport, Yallabousha, Miss. Council Dan'l, cotton, Boiands, Itawamba, Miss. Connell Jos. ibid. Conner Herny L., Natchez, Miss. Connelly G. F. sugar. Mulberry Farm, Bayou Dularge, Hounia P. 0., Terre- bonne, I, a. Connor B. J., Rocky Point, Attala, Miss. Connor & Chisbreluin, Oakland Grove, Paine, Ark. Connor H. L. cotton, Concordia, La. Connor Isaac, iiiid. Connor .John, BayS|irings,Tishomingo, La. Connor L. P. collon, Concordia, La. Connor L. P., Natchez, Adams, Miss. Connor Wm., Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Connon W. G. cotton, Concordia, La. Conrad & Cliinn, sugar, Cypress Hall |>1. Lobd.ll'sSlon', W. Baton Uoui:.',Lm. ,534 PLANTERS DIRECT OEY, Conrad F. B. & Towles, sugar, Iberville P.O., Iberville, La. Conrad F. D. sugar, Cottage pi. E. Baton Rouge, La. Conrey A., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss?. Conway Mrs. James, sugar. Convent, St. James, La. Conway Miss Louisa A. sugar, Tureaud P. O., St. James, La. Coob Gustus, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Cook Augustus, ibid. Cook D. A. cotton, Kilmicliael, Choctaw, Miss. Cook Henry, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Cook J., Canton, Madison, Miss, Cook J. N., Summerville, Noxubee, Miss Cook J. R , Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Cook J. W. cotton, Bellefoniaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Cook James A. cotton, Kilmichael, ibid. Cot)k James, Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Cook McKenny L., Edward's Depot, Hinds, Miss. Cook Nathan, Sabine, Sabine Co. Texas Cook R. C, Fayetteville, Fayette, La. Cook Thomas R., Victoria, Bolivar, Miss. Cooke Dr. Thos. A. sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Washington P. 0.,St. Landry, La. Cooke W. E., Pigeon Hill, Ark. Cooke W. S. cotton, Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss Cooke Wm.T. cotton, Maysville, Itawam- ba, Miss. Cooke W. W. cotton, Pine Ridge, Co- piah, Miss. Cooke Wm., Lafomba, Lafayette, Miss. Cooke Wm.,Fearn Springs, Winston, Miss Cooley Ebenezer, sugar, Morganzia P. 0., Point Coupee, r. b. La. Cooley J.R.,Graysport,YalIabousha,Miss Cooley Thomas J. sugar. Point Coupee, r. b. La. Coon E., Nacogdoches, Texas. Coon Dr. J. B., Courtland, Ala. Coons T. S., Richmond, Madison, La. Cooper E. cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Ci)0|ier E. W., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Cooper G. W., ibid. (Jooper H., colt. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Cooper H., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Cooper J. J., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Cooper Jas., Concordia, La. Cooper Jas.,cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Cooper John, colt. Concordia, La Cooper T., Thula, Miss. Cooper Richland, Richland, Miss. Cooper W. B., cott. Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Cooper W. B., Farinersville, Union, La. Cooper Wm., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Copeland C, colt. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Copeland G. J.,Caney, Miitagorda, Texas. Cordis Eibe, Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Cormelus W., Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. Cormier Nicholas, sug. Coleau, New Ibe- ria P. 0.,St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Cormier N. jr., sugar, ibid. Cornet Pierre, sug. New River, Ascen- sion, La. Cornet Theophile, ibid. Cornelius P. O., Brownsville, Hinds Co., Miss. Corney 0. & N. sug. Bayou Teche Patter- sonville P.O., Si. Mary,Atlakapc)s,Iia. Corson Samui'l, Clinton, Warren, Miss. Cork Hon. Merret, Falcon, Lafayette La. CorsyMrs. C, Kingston, Adams, Miss. Cosgrove Charles, Concordia, La. Cosgrove S., ibid. Cotham Stephen, Cuddy Hunk, Calhoun, Miss. Coto H., cott. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Colhran Judge, Carrollton, iVIiss. Cottman Dr. Thos., cotton, Donaldson- ville. Ascension, La. Cotton Judge, Thomastown, Lowndes, La. Cotton J. A., sug. I']. Baton Rouge, La. Cotton Jos. R., Meadville, Franklin, Miss. Cotton O., Dido, (-hoctaw. Miss. Cotton W. A., Graysport, Yallabousha, Miss. Cottrell C, Hndsonville, Marshall, Miss. Cottrell Wm. M., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Couch Irwin, Magnolia, Ark. Couch John H., Ri<;hmond, Madison, La. Couch Quincy, ibid. Courmes E. D. & ("o., sug. Barataria Ca- nal, Raceland P. O. .Lafourche Int. La. Courtney A., cott. Dennis Mills, St. Hele- na, Ark. Courtney E., ibid. Courtney J. B., cott. Concordia, La. Courtney M. Col., sugar, Woodlawn pi. Lobdell's Store ,W. Baton Rouge, La. Courtney M.& Woods, sugar, Woodlawn place, W. Baton Rouge, La. Courtney N., Dennis Mills, St. Helena, Ark. Courtney 0. H., cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Courtney R. E.,Lobdell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Courtney & Randolph, sugar. North Bend pi. Hermitage P. O. Point Coupee, La. Couvillion E., Big Bend, Avoyelles, La, Covington J. W., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Cowan W. H., Wall Hill, Marshall, Miss. Cowser W. R., Eldorado, Union Co. Ark. Cox B., Arcadia, Bienville, La. Cox C, Little Black, Choctaw, Miss. Cox C. F. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Cox C.H. Pelahatchie Depot,Rankin Co. Miss. Cox C. P., Redmouth, Ouachita, La. Cox Charles, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Cox E. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Cox F., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Cox Hampton, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Cox J. J., Lexington, Holmes, iVliss. Cox J. W. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 535 Cox John, Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. Cox Mi-s. M.W., cotton, Church Hill, .TpftVrson, Miss. Cox P. L., su<,'iir, Oak Wood pi. Star P. O., Assumption, La. Cox Robert, cotton, Church Hill, .Toffor- s.>n, Miss Cox Kcuben, Pine Valley, Yallahousha, Miss. Cox T. .]., R.dlick, J.>ffer.son, Miss. Cox W. B..Bethhl)om, Marshall. Miss. Cox W. C, I'oint VluLTs, Johnson, Ark. Coyle B. K., Williamsport, Pt. Coupee, La. Coyle Eli, Di^isontown, Rankin, Miss. Cozart &c Son, Atlanta, Ga. Cra^^e K. D. cotton, Clmton, E. Felici- ana, La. Craig Jas. D., Cahawlia, Dallas Co. Ala. CraiijT. L., (\-»h.'\vvha, Ala. Craighead J. B. & Son, sugar, Iberville, r. b. La. Craighead & Johnston, sug. Plaquemine P. 0., Iberville, La. Crain A. H., Nacogdoches, Texas. Grain Jesse, cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Crain John W., Nacogdoches, Texas. Cram .T., Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Cranip George, Yazoo City, Miss. CramiM- James H., Beech Hill, Washita Co. Ark. Crandell J. L., Richmond, Madison, I>a. Crane A. E., sugar. Convent P. O., St. James, La. Crane J., Port Gibson, Miss. Crane R.,Sili()n, Carroll, Miss, Crane Dr. R. E., Sidon P.O., Carroll Co. Miss. Cranfield D., cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Cranfield H., ibid. Cranfield J., ibid. Crawford Mrs. A. & Son, sug. Bayou Teche, Franklin P.O., St. Mary, At- takapas, La. Crawford C. R., Vernon, Madison, Miss. Crawford J. A. .)., cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Crawford R., ibid. Crawford Jacob, sr., Milam, Texas. Crawford Jacob, jr., ibid. Crawf iril S. B., Nacogdoches, Texas. Crawford Thomas, colt. Ryan's Wells, Itawamba, Miss. Creder A., coll. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss, Creder E., ibid. Creder T., ibid. Creigliton John R., Vermillion, Lafayette, La. Crein John W., Nacogdoches, Texas. Crenshaw Jolin, cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Crenshaw T. N. cott. Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Crenshaw T. W.,ibid. Crenshaw Thomas, ibid. Crenshaw W.E.,Big Bend, \ voyel!es,La. Crenshaw VVm. cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Crenshaw Wm. cott. Cold water, .Marshall, Miss. Creswell Miles, cott. Newtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Creswell Sarah, ibid. Cretian Mrs., Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Creytin J. T., Sulphur Springs, Madison Co., Miss. Croach Isaac, cotton, Concordia, La. Croach John, ibid. Crocheron W. A., Wetumpka, Ala. Cromeans James, cotton, Ryan's Wells, Itawamba, Miss. Croom Jess.' H., Wharton, Wharton.Tex. Crooni .lohii L., ii)id. Cropper Mrs. Julia, sugar, Bayou Goula, P. 0, Iberville, La. Cropper E T. sugar, Arcadia pi. Plaque- mine P. 0., Iberville, La. Cropper Nathaniel, sug. bayou Goula, P. O., Ii)erville, La. Cross Mrs P>. & Sons, sugar, Thibodeaux- ville, Lafourche, La. Cross Dr. C. W., Oakland Grove, Prairie, Ark. Cross Fred, cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Cross H. jr., Lewisburg, Conway, Ark. Cross Henry, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Cross J. B, cotton, Concordia, La. Cross Jas. F., Lisixm, Claibitrnc, La. Cross Richard, Hampton, Conway, .Ark. Crossgrove Charles, colt. Concordia, La. Crossgrove S. ibid. Crouch W., Cheneyville, Rapides, La. Croutch Winder, sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Ra)iid( s. La, Crow Basil C, sugar, Bavoii Vermillion, Vermillion P.O., Lafayette, La. Crow Mrs. E, cotton, Fayette, JelTerson, Miss. Crow .lohn A., Rankston, Choctaw, Miss. Crow P., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. Crowder .Tohn, cotton, Huntsville, Choc- taw, Miss. Crowder G., Keachie, De Soto, Miss. Crowder R. U., Grenada, Yallabousha, Miss. Crowell Major R. P., Lewisville, Lafa- yette, Ark. Crowson Thomas H., Saline, Ark. Crum J., cott. Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Crump J., Tuscahoma, Tallahatchie Co., Miss. Crump N. R., cott. Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Crum pier A., .Tones Ferry, Morehouse, [^a. Crute S.S.,l"riar's Point, Coahoma, .Miss. Cryer Gen. Morgan, Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Cryer Wiley P., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. 636 PLANTEES DIRECTORY Cryer John, Fayettevillc, Fayette, Texas. Cucullu J. f5., sugar, St. Bernard, l.h.La. Cudd J. D., cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Cuddy John, Big Springs, Izard, Ark. Cude j.. Mur.shall, Noxubee, Miss. Cuff J. S. N., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Culbertson Jerry, cotton, Clouticrville, Natchitoches, La. Cully D. v., Midway, Madison, Miss. Cull)ert John, Macon, Miss. Cummings James, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Cummins Danl., cott. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Cunningham A. P., cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Cunio A., sugar, Thibodeauxville P. O., Lafourche Int. La. Cunningham John, sugar, Bi\you Terre- bonne, Terrebonne, La. Cunningham L., Ml. Pleasant, Marshall, Miss. Cunningham R B., Burtenton, Copiah, Miss. Cunningham Wm. L., Wetumpka, Ala. Canning hamWm., cotton, Rocky Mount, Kem|>er, M iss. Currie Arciiibald, cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. Currie Miss Flora, ibid. Currie James, Cottcjn Plant, Ark. Currie John F., cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Currie Wm. C, ibid. Currie Wm., Cotton Plant, Ark. Currier Mrs. F. M., cotton, Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Curry Eli, cotton, Concordia, La. Curry John, ibid. Curry Peter, ibid. Curtis Beiij. E., cotton, Kilmichael Choc- taw, Miss. Curtis E., lUid. Curtis G. D., Bellefontaine, ibid. Curtis Henrv E. , cotton, Newtonia, Wil- kinson, Miss. Curtis Dr.Jas. H., Carrollton, Carroll Co. Miss. Curtis Isaac H., cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Curtis Job H., ibid. Curtis T. G., Lindsay Creek, Choctaw, Miss. Curtis W. H., Shellmound, Sunflower, Mlss. Cvu-tisVVm., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Cusack S. W., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Cusliing E. H., Houston, Texas. Cusland A. J. M., Mt. Lebanon, La. Cusler W., Spring liidge, Hinds, Miss. Custles G. D., cott. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss, Custles Wm. sr., ibid. Custles Wm. .lr.,ibid. Cypert Haker, Providence, Searcy, Ark. ("ypert J., ibid. D ABBS DR., cotton, Monroe, .Ouachi- ta, La. Dabney Col.T.S., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Daedy JohnW., Ryan's Well, Itawamba, Miss. Daggett, Stephen, cotton, Pontotoc, Miss. Daigle G. Mrs., sugar, Manchac, E. Ba- ton Rouge, La. Dait,^le V.Z.,ibid. Daigle Isidore, sugar, Brulo L'g. W. Baton Bouge, La. Daigle J. B., sugar, W. Eaton Rougre, La. Daigle Joachim, sugar, Brule L'g. ibid Daigle Louis, sugar, Atchafalaya, Patter- aonville P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, Lji. Daigle Maxil, sugar, Paincourtville P. O., Assumption, La. Daigle Rnmin, sugar, Brusli St. Martin, Assumption, La. Daigt.' Thr., sugar, Brule L'g P. 0.,West Baton Rouge, La. Daigle Ursin, sugar, Bayou Grosse Tete, Iberville, La. Dale George, cotton, Concordia, La. Dale R. M'., ibid. Dale Wm., ibid. Daley J as. W., Ryan's Well, Itawamba, Miss. Dalev Wm. & Edward, cotton. Pleasant tiiW, De Soto, Miss. Dalfen.s Capt. C, sugar, Raceland P. 0., Lafourche Int. La, Ddlferes Capt. Celesiin, sugar, Donald- son ville P. 0. Assumption, La. Dalferes J., sugar, Brule Vivez, ibid. Dalrimple Wilson, Rock Mount, Bossier, La. Dalgreen J., Natchez, Adams Co. Miss. Dameron Dr., Bc)lton's Depot, Rankin, Miss. Damon Saml.,Columbia,Brazoria, Texas. Dan>pfield J., cotton, Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Dmcy & Brown, Canton, Madison, Miss. Dancy Dr. D. M., Kichmond, ibid. Dancy F., sugar. Bayou Teche, St.Mary, Attakapas, La. Daniel J.R., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Daniel N. W., ibid. Daniel Robt., Fordsville, Marion, Miss. Daniel W. H., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Daniels W. A. Cut Off P. O., Ashley, Ark. Danigerfield Mrs. A. cotton, Fayette, Jef- ferson, Miss. Danigerfield L. W. ibid. Danks Dr. J. W. sugar. Bayou Terre- bonne, Terreijonne, La. Dann li., Wondville, E. Feliciana, La. Dann Mrs. ibid. Dann E. ibid. Dansereau Dr. P. sugar, Brule Labadie Star P. O., Assumption, La. Danson Rev. M., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Daon A. P. Sookalena, Lauderdale, Miss. PLANTEKS DIRECTORY 637 Darby F. O. sugar, Bayou Teche, Frank- lin P. 0., St. Mary, Allakapas, La. Darby F. & V. suj^ar, New Ibnria P. 0., St. Martin, Atlakapas, La. Darby S. sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Mar- tin, La. Darden A., Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Dardcn A. J. cot. Fayette, ,lcfferson,Miss. Darden A. S. cotton. Rocky Snrings.iliid. Darden B.M.cot. Fayette, JelFcrson, Miss. Darden .Tesse P.. ibid. Darden Jnlm P. ibid. Darden R. sugar, Tliibodeauxville, La- fourche, La. Darden S.W. cot. Malcolm, Jt n'trson,Miss. Dardenne .LA. suj^ar. Bayou Piaquemine, Rosedale P. O., Iberville, La. Darensburg Hubert & Co. sugar, Edgar P. 0, St. John Baptist, La. Darensbourg P. sugar, Chenal, Point Coupee, La. Darnall .Joim H. sugar, Bayou Teche, Franklin P. 0., St. Mary, Attaka- pas, La. j Darsey Henry, cott. Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. Dart J\. W., Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. Dartigues J. V. sucrar, Bayou Teche, St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Das pit Marcel & Son. sugar. Little Cail- lou, Terrebonne, La. Dnspit Robert, ibid. Daunis M. H. sugar. Bayou Black, Law- rence P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Daunois Etieiine, sugar. Bonnet Carre, St. John Baptist, La. Daurat E. cotton, Clouiierville, Natchito- ches, La. Dautorive A. B. sugar, Fnusso Pointe, New Iberia P. O", St. Martin, La. Davenport B. G.& Ford, sugar. Laurel pi. Crane Forge P. ()., Assumption, La. Davenport B. G. & Ford, sugar. Magno- lia 1)1., Paintcourtville P. O., Assump- tion, La. Davenport Charles, sugar, Taylor P. 0., St. Charles, La. Davenport John, Benton, Saline, Ark. David J. B. sugar, Point Piaquemine, St. Landry, La. Davidson B. L., Nacogdoches, Texas Davidson Jackson, St. Charles, Arkansas, Ark. Djividson John, sugar, Poydras pi.. New Orleans P. 0., La., St. Bernard, La. Davidson Nap. cotton. Pleasant Hill, Do Soto, Miss. Davidson Q.uincy, Victoria, Texas Davidson T. J. sug. E. Baton Rouge, La. Davidson W. P., Sommerville, Noxubee, Miss. Davis Absalom, colt. Bellefontaine, Choc- law, Miss. Davis Ah xaiidcr M., Rocky Point, At- tala, Miss. Davis Alfred, Natchez, Adams, Miss. Davis A. S., Oakland, Yallabousha, Miss. Davis A. V. cotton, Concordia, La. Davis B. P. cot. Kibnichael, Choctaw, Miss. Davis Bc-nj cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Davis &, Collins, sugar, Tliibodeauxville, Lafourche, La. Davis C. H. sugar, Ernestine pi., N. Or- leans P. ()., St. Bernard. La. Davis C, Summerville, Noxuliee, Miss. Davis Caleb L., Benton, Salina, Ark. Davis D.,Lisiion, Claiborne, La. Davis D. C, Darlington, St. Helena, Ark. Davis tS: Durell, cotton, Grosse Tete, Iber- ville, La. Davis D. N., Woodville, La. Davis Ezra, sugar. Court House, P. O., St. Charles, r. b., La. Davis Col. Fielding, Warren, Miss. Davis Dr. F. A. VV . cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Davis G. M. cotton, Concordia, La. Davis Geo., Denaontown, Rankin, Miss. Davis G.W., Summerville, Noxubee, Miss. Davis J. jr. sugar, Oakland pi., N. Orleans P. O., .letferson, r. b., La. Davis J. cot. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Davis J. L. Grenada, Miss. Davis J. 0. Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Davis Jas. J., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Davis James M., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Davis J. T., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Davis Dr. J. J., Black Hawk,Carroll,Miss. Davis Jno., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Davis Jonathan, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Davis Joseph E.,Warrenton, Hinds, Miss. Davis J. R. Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Davis Luke, Farnnrville, Union, La. Davis Moses H., Louis, Catahoula, La. Davis N., Chesterfield, Pontotoc, Miss. Davis Pugh, Macon, Miss. Davis R. C., Summerville, Noxubee, Miss. Davis H. M., Canton, Madison Co. Miss. Davis Rev. S. J. & Co. sugar, Brashear P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Davis Saml., Sidon P.O. Carroll Co. Miss. Davis S. M. cotton, Concordia, La. Davis S. AL, Natchi'z, Adams, Miss. Davis S., (Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Davis S., Darlington, St. Helena, La. Davis T. N. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Davis T. T., Kingston, Adams, Miss. Davis Mrs. Tennessee, sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Davis Tliomas, cotton, E. Feliciana, La. Davis V. cot. Pine Hidire, Copiah, Miss. Davis W., Ash Creek , Oktiblulia, Miss. Davis W. B., Perago Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Davis W. F. cot.Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Davis W. H. ibid. Davis W W. ibid. Davis \V G., Summerville, Noxubee, Miss. l>avis VV. H., Darlington, St. Helena, La. Davis W. K. ibid. Davis Wiley S. cotton, Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. 538 PLANTERS DIRECTORY. Davis Wm. cot. Monterey, Rankin, Miss, Davis Wm. cot. Bolands, Itawan\ba, Miss. Davis Wm.,Bucklioni,IiuIppendence,Ark. Davis Wm. ^'arm^'rvillo, Union, La. Dawcreau Dr. P. Brule Labadie, Assump- tion, La. Dawson R. T., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Day Alex. cott. Pearl River, Copiali,Miss. Day David, cotton. Pine Ridge, ibid. Day David, cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Day Jonathan, cotton, ibid. Day Nathan, cotton, Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Day Robert, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Day S. P., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Day T., Cedar, Bayou Liberty, Texas Day W. C, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Deal A., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Deal B., ibid. Deal J. H., ibid. Deale W. G. cotton, Concordia, La. Di^an & Crami'r, Galveston, Trxas Dean ICIisha, Edgefield, Attala, Miss. Dean Jas. Dr., Line, Morehouse, La, Dean Jesse, Farmerville, Union, La. Dean John B , Bankston, Choctaw, Miss, Dean J. M., Edgefield, .\ttala. Miss. Dean N. P. cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Dean Roijt., Jones' Ferry, Morehouse, La. Dearny L., Hillsborough, Union, Ark. De Armand IraG. cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. De Armand L. H., Concordia, La. Deaton VI. C. cotton, Maysville, Itawam- ba, Miss. De Blanc Despanel, sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. DeBlanc L. D. & D. sugar, Coteau, New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. De Blanc St. Denis D. sugar. Bayou Teche, New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, Attakapus, La. De Blieux &■ Orillion, sugar, Biyou Jac- quot, Iberville, La. Decell F J. cott. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Decell G. L. S., ibid. Decell J J., ibid. Decell Widow R., ibid, Decell T. G.,ibid. Decloui't Alex. Gen '1., sugar, St. Martins- ville P. 0., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Declouet Mrs. Neuville, ibid. Decuir A. & iVl. sugar, Fausse Pointe, Charenton P. 0., St. Martin, La. Decuir Antoine, sugar. False River, Her- mitage P. 0., Point Coupee, La. Decuir Emile, sugar, Fausse Pointe, St, Martin, La. Decuir Evariste, sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Decuir Gerard & Paulin, sugar. Perry's Bridge P. 0., Vermillion, La. Decuir Lefroy, sugar. False River, Point Coupee, La. Deeson Andrew, cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Deeson H'y S., N, Carthage Carroll, La. Deeson John S. cotton, Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Deeson Wm. M., Lake Providence, ibid. Deeson Wm. D., Holy Grove, Lake Prov- idence, La. Defreese B- L., Vernon, La. Degre Dennis & Mother, sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Degre Honore, sugar, Iberville, La, Degre Silbert, sugar, E. Baton Ro\i2:e,La. Dejean J. B. Mrs. sugar. Bayou Teche, Leonville P. 0., St. Landry, La. Dekwry L.G., Grand Cove, Red River, La. Delacroix Dusseau, New Orleans P. O., Orleans, r. b. La, Delahoussaye Chi', cotton, St. Martins- ville, St. Martin, La. Delahoussaye Octave, sugar, Hillside pl'ce, Jeannette P.O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La, Delate Jean L. sugar, St. James, 1, b. La. Delavignes Edwd. sugar, Marais, As- sumption, La. Delavignes J. C. sugar, Plaquemine, 1. b. La. Delery Jules, sugar, N. 0. P. O., ibid. Delhomere Mrs. sugar, St, Charles, 1. b. La. Deloach I. M. cotton, Port Adams, Wil- kinson, Miss. Deloach W. F., Cotile, Rapides, La. Deloach Willis, Perago Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Deloach Wnx., ibid. Deloe A. W. cotton, Clinton, E, Felici- ana, La. Delogny R. & Sons, sugar, Vacherie P, 0., St. James, La. Delony M. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Demanger Clair & C. Pellerin, sugar, Prai- rie, St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Demaret Adelard & Cafferey, sugar, St. Mary, Attakapas, La, Demaret M. F. sugar. Bayou Petit, Teche, St. Landry, La. Demmis Arthur, Hermitage, Point Cou- pee, La. Demmy D. A., Ashwood, Tensas, La. Demont L. cotton, Concordia, La. Denara John, Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Deneufbourg Sosthene, sugar, Taylor P.O., St. Charles, La. Denham Keuben, cotton, Coelk, Living- ston, La. Denham Wm., ibid, Denman Daniel, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Denman J. H., ibid. Uenmon W. S., Marion, Angelina Co., Texas.. Denis A. sugar, Hermitage P. •,, Point Coupee, La. Dennis Rev. Jas. Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Dennis Wm. sugar, St. Helena, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 589 Di'iison John, cotton, Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Denson Louisiana, Vernon, Madison Co., .\ Den.sler Dr. H. L.,BiinisvilIe, Dallas Co., Ala. Dent A. W. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Dent F. H. C.,Cato Springs, Rankin Co., Miss. Dont Geo. cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Dent Geo. R., iljid. Dent Warrrn R., ihid. D'-nl Wm., Coop<'r.sville, Noxubee, Miss. Dt-nton tx. B. Summrrville, ii)id. Denton M.C.,'ille,Ilawaml)a,Miss. Denty Win. H. cotton. Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Derliiffiiy Clias. siig;ar, Thibodeauxville, Lafourche, La. Derbonne Mrs. cotton, Cloutierville, Nat- chitoches, La. Dergi'sJ. M., Vermillionville, Lafayette, La. Deris Gi^o. W. Cherino, Nacogdoches, Tt>xas Derosim- Chas., Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Derouan & Co. sug;ar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Derouan A. & Heliert, sugar. Perry's Bridge P. O., Vermillion; La. Deroussel Antoine, sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Dertoches S., Cloutierville, Natchitoches, La. Deshiikls Dr. L. sugar, Thibodeauxville, Lafourche, I^a. Deslair .lean S. sugar. Grand Poj,pte P.O., St. James, La. Desloiidi'S Andre, sug. BonnetCarre P. O., St. John Baptist, La. Desliindes Geo. sug. Bayou Goula P. 0., Iberville, La. Desloiielirs Mrs. S. cott. Clouterville, Natchitoches, La. Desobry Louis, sug. Plaquamine P. 0., Ilierville, La. Desobry Bros. & Lynch, sug. Plaquemine P. ()., Ib.M-ville, La. Devall Dr. David, Lobdell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Devall Jas. R. su^;. Ashland place, Lob- dell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Devall Thos. sug. (Profit Island Landing,) E. Baton Roug<-, La. Develiiig Mrs. Wm. sug. Atchafalaya, Patiersonville P. 0., St. Mary, Atta- ka|ias. La. Dewe &. Cabiit, Wetiimpka, Ala. Dial J. H., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Dichary & Co., sugar, New River P. O., Ascension, La. Dick Hardy, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw Miss. Dick Thos. L ibid. Dickerson Jas., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Dickerson G. V. L., Friar's Point, Coa- homa, Miss. Dickerson Nathan, Eubank's Mills, John- son, Ark. Dickorson P. C, Friar's Point, Coahoma, Miss. Dickinson Mrs. A. M. sugar. Live Oak place, Rosrdale P. O.," Iberville, La. Dickson D. E., Sentell's Store, Bossier, La. Dickson D. F. ibid. Dickson Col. J., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Dicks(ni J. A., Mcadsville. Franklin, Miss. Dickson W. A., Plain Store, E. Baton Rouge, La. Digs Will, cotton. Rocky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Diiahuniz J. .T., Benton. Yazoo, Miss. Dillard VV. H., Lewisville, Lafayott,., Ark. Dillinijham John P. cotton. Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Dillon W. F., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Dinkgrave J. H. cott. Monroe, Ouachita, La. Dinkgrave W. H. ibid. Dinkins A. H., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Dinkins Louis, ibid. Diselle S., Bii; Bend, Avoyelles, La. Divine R., Sharon, Madison, Miss. Dix Wm. cotton, Concordia, La. Dixon A. sugar & cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. Dixon B. F. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Dixon J. M. ibid. Dixon M. ibid. Dixon L. G., Vernon, La. Dixon R. Mrs. cotton. Church Hill, Jef- ferson, Miss. Dixon Hon. R. M Greenville, Washing- ton, Miss. Dixon S. F. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Dixon Thos., Brookville, Noxubee, Miss. Dixon W. sii^ar & cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. Dizier St. & Hebert, sug. Isle False River, Waterloo P. 0., Point Coupee, La. Dobbins Robt. cott. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Dobbs Rev. Silas, Bankstown, Choctaw, Miss. Dobbs W. A. ibid. Dobyns Mrs. C. E. cotton, Rodney, Jef- ferson, Miss. Dockey Dr. B., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Dockey Henry, ibid. Dockev Prof. J. C. iliid. Dockey T. C. & J.M. ibid. Dodd Allen, Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Dodd David, Benton, Saline, Ark. Dodd J. 11. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Dodd T. H. ibid. Dodd Thos., Loxahoma, Do Soto, Miss. 540 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Dodd Wm., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Hoggette R. E., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Dogoty Wm., Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Dolian J. S., Rodney, .Tf^fferson, Miss. Doherty A. & R. H. sug, Kvergreen place, W. Feliciana, La. Doherty J., Victoria, Texas Doherty P. B. cotton, Lafayette, Jefferson, Miss. Dovion Mrs. J. sug. W. Baton Rouge, La Domince J. L. sug. Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Donaldson W. P. cotton, Concordia, La. Donat Louis, sugar. Convent, St. James, La. Donelson Mrs. E. B. sugar, ibid. Donelson Wm., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Donley & Anderson, Rusk, Cherokee Co., Texas. Donoho Robt, cotton, Church Hill, Jeffer- son, Miss. Donoho W. C. cotton, ibid. Donough Wm., Mushlaville, Noxubee, Miss. Doplian D. J., Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Dorman J. M., Sugar Creek, ( 'laibornc,La. Dorris C. D. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Dorris J. H. cott. ibid. Dorns J. M. cott. ibid. Dorsev Dr. J. H. cott. Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Dorsey S. W., Ashwood, Tensas, La. Dorsey Z. H., Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Doss Leroy, Cookville, Noxubee, Miss. DothanT., Dry Run, Tishomingo, Miss. Dotson G. M., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Dotson Wm. cott. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. DotteryN. A. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Doucet Z. sugar, Bayou Vermillion, La- fayette, La. Dougherty David, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Dougherty John A. sugar, Carolina place, W. Baton Rouge, La. Dougherty John A. sugar. Highland place, E. Baton Rouge, La. Doughty B.cott., Clinton, E.Feliciana, La. Doughty B. L cott. ibid. Douglas J. P., Sarissa, Cherokee, Co., Texas. Douglass E. cott, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Douglass G. A., Hernando, DeSoto, Miss. Douglass R. cotton. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss, Douglass R., Casey ville, ibid. Douming E. sugar, St. John Baptist, La. Dove Godfrey, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Dowcet P. Z., Vermillionville, Lafayette, La. Downes R. C. sugar. True Hope place, Flaquemine P. 0., Iberville, La. Downing J. D., Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Downing W. V. D. sugar, Thibodeaux- ville, I. a. P. O., Terrebonne, La. Downing W. V. D. sugar, Morganzia P. 0., Point Coupee, La. Downest & Hamilton, sug. Bayou Goula P. O.. Iberville La. Downs Mrs. A., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Downs A. C, Bovina, Warren, Miss. Downs F. J., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Downs John L. cotton. Fort Adams, Wil- kinson, Miss. Dowty Wm. M. cotton, ibid. Doyal Henry & C. Moncure, sug. Belair place, N. Orleans P. O., Plaquemine, La. Doyal Henry, sug. Hardtiraes place. As- cension, La. Doyal Henry, sugar, Fairview place, N. Orleans P. O., Plaquemine, La. Doyal H. (estate,) sugar, Mt. Houmas Ref. New Kiver P. O., Ascension La. Doyle D.R. cot t.Kilmichai'I, Choctaw, Miss Doyle Dr. H. G. sugar. Eureka pi. Bayou Goula P. O., Iberville, La. Doyle J., Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. Doyle J. H. cotton Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Doyle Jas. Den.sontown, Rankin, Miss. Dozier Dr. J. M. cotton, Pontotoc, Ponto- toc, Miss. Dozier Dr. John, cotton, Coonewar, Pon- totoc, Miss. Drain Maj. Canton, Miss. Drake Rev. B. M. cotton. Church Hill, Jefferson, Miss. Draki' Jas. W. cotton, Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Drane B., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss, Drane J. G. ibid. Drane Col. Jas. ibid. Drane W., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Draudy Joseph cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Draughn Rufus, cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Draughn R. H & Co. ibid. Drew Jas. C, Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Drolipg Thos J., Lagrange, Philips, Ark. Drouet Bros, sugar, N. Orleans P. 0., Jefferson, La. Druilhet & Co. sugar, Convent P. 0., St. James, l^a. Dubessane Jos. F., Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Dubose H. N., Sparta, Bienville, La. Dubose S. A. cott. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Dubrocard V sugar, W. Baton Rouge, La. Dubuclet & Durand, sugar. Bayou Goula P. 0., Iberville, La. Dubuclet Mrs. Jos., St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Dubuisson Hon. C. L., Natchez, Ducker John B. cotton, Malcolm, Jeffer- son, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 541 Duclnzel Clias 0. sug;ar, Bayou Teche, Heaiix Bridge P. O., St. Martin Atta- kapas, La. Duclnzel 0. 0. sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. DucTft J. Mrs. sugar, St. Martinsville P. 0., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Ducros M. & A. sugar, N. Orleans P. O., St. Bernard, La. Ducros A. & ,M. sugar, N. Orleans P. 0., St. Hernard, La. Diiflye Alfred, Highway, Clark, Ark. DulVee .lonatlian, ibid. DiitFel Kdward, sugar. Ascension, La. Duffel Dr. Edwd. sugar, Mulberry Grove |)l.i)()naldsonville P.O. ,Aseension,La. Duffel IL L. sugar, Donaldsonville P. O., Aseension, La. Dugan M. . Suminerville, Noxubee, Miss. Dugan P. B. ibid. Dugan W. H., Parkville, ibid. Dugas A. & Co., sugar, St. ^lartinsville, St. Martin, La. Dugas Achille, sugar, Brule St. Martin, Crane Forge P. O., Assumption, La. Dugas Drauzin, sugar, ibid. Dugas (ylovis, sugar, Crane Forge P. 0., Assumption, La. Dugas i, Daigle, sugar, Paintcourtville P. 0., Assumjition, La. Dugas Eloy E. sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Dugas Felix, sugar, Bi'lle Riviere, Brashear P. I)., Assumption, La. Dugas H. & Co., Assumption, La. Dugas J. i\. sugar, Donaldsonville, P. 0., Assumption, La. Dugas Jos. sugar, Brule St. Martin, Crane Forge P. O., Assumption, La. Dugas i\lrs. P. & Son, sugar, Donaldson- ville P. 0., Ascension La. Dugas R. & S. R. sugar, Paintcourtville P. O., Assumption La. Dugas & Rol)icli:uid, sugar, ibid. Duguy & Haskerville, sugar, Patterson- ville P. 0., St. Mary, .^ttakapas. La. Duggan Leander, Tuscalioma, Miss. Duhon Bros, sugar. Convent P. 0., St. James, La. Duke G. M., Hillsborough, Union, Ark. DukeHeiiry,cott.Fontotoe,Pontotoe,Miss. Duke J. J., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Duke John G. cotton, Kilmicliael, Choc- taw, Miss. Duke T. W., Oakland, Yallabousha, Miss. Duke W. M. ibid. Dulany Dan. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Dulany D. C, Graysport, Yallabousha, Miss. Dulany Til OS. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Dumas J. B. cotton, Bellefontaine, Clioc- taw, Miss. Dumate .lohn, cotl. Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Dumesnil Theo. sugar, Charenton P. 0., Prairie, St. Mary Attakapas, La. Dunbar A. W. cottim, Coneordia, La. Dunbar Mrs. E. M. cotton, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Dunl)ar Field, ibid. Dunbar Mrs. F., Natchez, AdamsCo., Miss. Dunbar H.S. iJayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Dunbar Jackson, cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Dunbar John, cott. Clinton, E.Feliciana, La. Dunbar Jos. cott. Fayette, Jeirerson,Miss. Dunbar Mrs. 0. cott'. Church Hill, Jeffer- son, Alit-s. Dunbar R. J. sugar, Canebreak pi. Livo- nia, Point Coupee, La. Dunbar Win. sugar, Battle Ground Ref.N. Orleans P. O., St. Bernard, La. Duncan Capl. G. C. & A. W., Selma.Ala. Duncan H. P., Natchez, Adams, Miss. Duncan Capt. J., Maiagin-da, Texas Duncan Dr. John H. sr., cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Duncan Dr. S. & McWilliams, sugar, Camperdown and Oxford i>ls. Franklin P. U., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Duncan Dr. S., Natchez, Adams, Miss. Duncan S. P. ibid. Duncan Win. cotton, Pontotoc, Pontotoc. Miss. Dunford A. & Co. sugar, N. Orleans P.O., Plaquemine, La. Dungan Jacob, cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Dungan Wm. jr. cotton, ibid. Dunham F. M., New London, Union Co., Ark. Dunham R., Coelk, Livingston, La. Duiilany W. J., Battle Spruigs, Madison Co. Miss. Dunlap G. A. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Dunlavy Dr. H., Canton, Mad isonCo. Miss. Dunn A. D., Little Buy, Calhoun, Ark. Dunn B. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Dunn B. F., hayetteville, Fayette, Texas Dunn C. T. cott. Clinton, E.Feliciana. La. Dunn E. cotton, ibid. Dunn E. P., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Dunn Capt. J. M., San Antonio, Bexar, Texas Dunn James S., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Dunn James, Houston, Texas Dunn John, Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Dunn Jos. B., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Dunn M. F., cott. Monterey, Rankin, La. Dunn R. B., cott. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Dunn S., Greeiieville, Washington, La. Dunn S, K., Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. Dunn Solon, Jonesville, Harrison, Ti'Xi S Dunn V. H. colt. Clinton, E.Fciiciaim, La. Dunn W. H. cotton, ibid. Dupare & Locoul, sugar, Vaiherie P. O., St. James, La. Duperiere Dr. A. sugar. Bayou Teche, N. Iberia P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Duplaniier A., Munuhuc, East Baton Rouge, La. Du plan tier A. sugar, Vacherie, St. James, La. Duplaniier .Vrm. iiid, sugar, Sjiort Place pi. Grand Pointe I'. O., St. Jaim s, L:i. 542 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Duplantier Mrs. F. cotton, E. Baton Rouge, La. Duplessis V. sugar, W. Baton Rouge, La. DupreC. sugar,Golddustpl. Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Dupre Isidore & Guedy, sugar, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Dupuy A. & Orillon, sugar, Rosedale P. U., Iberville, La. Dupuy B. sugar, Plaquemine, P. 0., Iber- ville, La. Dupuy Dr. sugar, IbervilleP.O., Iberville, La Dupuy F. sugar, New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Dupuy Mrs. Gedeoii, sugar, Iberville P. 0., Iberville, La. Dupuy G. 0. sugar, ibid. Dupuy Leon, sugar, St. Martinsville P.O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Dupuy & Mille,sugar, Bayou Plaquemine, Iberville La. Dupuy Mrs. I'aulin, sugar, Milly pi. Bayou Plaquenune, ilosedale P. 0., Iber- ville, La, Dupuy & Shelatre, sugar, Bayou Jacquet, Iberville, La. Dupuy V. B. sugar, Plaquemine P. 0., Iberville, La. Durald tt Allaiii,sug.W. Baton Rouge, La. Duralde & Bogan, sugar. Bayou Maran- gouin, Rosedale P. U., Iberville, La. Durand Clias. sugar, St. Martinsville P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Durand Cbas.jr. sugar, ibid. Durden N. A., Belle vue. Bossier, La. D urh amC. A., Sunimerville, Noxubee, Miss Durham D.L.cotl. Flunk lin,Holmes,Aliss. Duiham David, cotton, lijid. Durham VV. VV., Multuna Springs, Attala, Miss. Dusseau Chas. sugar. New Orleans P. 0., Jetierson, r. b. La Dusseau Mrs. St. Fort, sugar, St. John Baptist, La. Duty Francis, cotton, tiopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. DuvallJos. cot ton, liolands, Itawamba, Miss Dwight Henry C sugar, Bayou Clienes, St. Martnisvillr, at. Martin, La. Dyche John T., McMutt, Sunflower Co., Miss. Dyer J M., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Dyer Jacob, Benton, Saline, Ark. Dyer May Jas., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Dyez Atnoine & Co., sugar Bayou La- fourche, DonuldsonviUe P. 0., Ascen- sion La. E. lARLES W. J., Redmouth, Ouachita, La. Early 0. R. cotton, Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. Easley D. S., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. East E.L., Greenwood P.O.,Carroll,Miss. East Isaac, Caseyville, Copiah, Miss. East .Toel, ibid. East S.) Barlington, St. Helena, La. Easterling Wm. K., Cato Springs, Ran- kin Co., Miss. Easterwdod W.D. colt.Brllefontaine, ibid. Eastom W.T., Wall Hill, Marsliall,Miss. Easton Col. C. W., Jones Ferry, Moore- house, La. Easton T.S. sugar, Bayou Black, Houma P. O., Terrebonne, La. Echols Moses, Wall Hill, Marshall,Miss. Eddiiis A. cotton, Rocky Spring, Claiborne, Miss. Eddins Harrison, cotton, ibid. Eddins John, Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. Eddins Mrs. cotton, ibid. Eddins W. D. B.,Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Eddy E. D., Powhatan, Lawrence, Ark. Ldington Philip, cotton, Cedar Bluff, Oktibbeha, Miss. Edingtcni T.^ Pine Valley, Yallabouslia, Miss. EdmoiidsonR., Powliataii, Lawrence, Ark Edwards B.F., Vicksbuig, Miss. Edwards Clarkston,. cotton, Coelk, Liv- ingston, La, Edwards C. A. cotton. Black Jack, De Soto, La. Edwards E. A. cotton, ibid. Edwards H., Darlington, St. Helena, La, Edwards James, cotton, Coeik, Livings- ton, La. Edwards James, cotton. Pine Ridge, Co- piah, Mis.s. Edwards Jesse, cotton, ibid. Edwards Jolin, cotton, ibid. Edwards J. S., Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Edwards Leroy, cotton, Sookalena, Lau- derdale, La. Edwards O. G., Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Edwards R. 0., Edwards' Depot, Miss. Edwards S., Cooiiewar, Pontotoc, Miss. Edwards 'I'iiomas, cotton, Concordia, La. Edwards W. E. (estate,) sugar, Plaque- mine P. U., Iberville, La. Edwards W. ^., Bellevue, Bossier, La. Egaiia Juan Yde, sugar. Grand isle place, Jetlerson, La, Egana Juan Yde, (estate, )St. Anne place, New Orleans P. O., Plaquemine, La. Egglesion Mrs. A. L. cotton, Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Eiclielbeiger Dr. M., Marshallville, Nox- ubee, Miss. Eicbelberger W. ibid. Eiland B. cotton, Wolf Creek, Choctaw, Miss. Eisley Joseph, cotton, Concordia, La. Eiam Jas. f'lowery Mount, Concordia, La. Elam Mrs. M. L. cotton. Church Hill, Jeflerson, Miss. Elder John M., Canton, MadisonCo., Miss. Elder Wm., Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Lifer Octave, sugar. Bonnet Carre, St. John Baptist, La. PLANTEKS DIRECTORY, 643 Ellendcr Thomas, sugar, Hoiima P. O., Terrebonne, La, Elicit Jas.R., Jnnesville, Harrison, Texas Ellice Wm. cotton, Cedar Bluft', Oktibbeha, Miss, Ellington J, B,, Attaiaville, Attala, Miss. Ellington W. ibid. Ellington J.J., Douglasville,Cass County, 'J'( xas. Elliott i\lrs,A., Natchez, AdamsCrt.,Mi.'iS. Ellioll Brice, sugar, Bayou Teche, St. Mary, Attakapas, La, Elliott Caleb, La Grange, Phillips, Ark. Elliott H. D. cotton, Concordia, La. Elliott J. B, cott. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Elliott R. J. cott. Clinton, E.Feliciana.La. Elliott S., Energy, Clark, JVlis.s. Elliott Wni. cott. St. John, Concordia, La. Ellis E. P, colt. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Kilis Geo.M., Tripoli,Tishomingo, Miss. Ellis Gray,Steen's Creek, Rankin, Miss. Ellis J.J., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Ellis R. G. sugar, Grand Caillou, Houma P. 0., Tt'rrebonne, La, Ellis R. G. Mrs. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. 0., Ti'rreboniie, La. Ellis T. & Th. sugar, Bayou Black, Hou- ma P. 0., ibid. Ellis Wni, cott. Co< Ik, Livingston, La, Elison Jas., Sentell's Store, Bossier, La. Ellsberry McNutt, Suiiibiwer, Miss. Elrod Aliraham, Benton, Saline, Aik, Eirod Geo. ibid. Elsey Bennett, coll. Pineville, Jones,Mias Elsey Even, ibid. Elsey Geo. ibid. Elsiy Irvin, ibid. Einberson John, Bolands, Itawamba,Miss Enibcrson Wn». ibid. Einbry A lex., Belletbiitaine, Choctaw, Miss Embry B. E. cotton, Bellefontaiiie, Choc- law, Miss. Embry B. T,, Galley Creek, Pope, Ark. Einbry J.H., Ash Creek, Oktibbeha, Mi-ss Enurick Alex, cotton, Rocky Spring, Claiborne, Miss, Emerick Alese, ibid. Emerson James, Oakland Grove, Prairie, Ark, Emery J. D. M., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Eiiiison J., Victoria, Texas. Enochs J, B., Steen's Creek, Rankin Co, Miss. Endy Alex., Bcllefontaine, Choctaw, Miss Eneault Mrs. cotton, Livonia, Point Cou- pee, La. Engledone O., Nacogdoches, Texas Engrain Jas., Rocky Mount, Bossier, La, Eiilow Hiram, cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss, Enyard G. V. cotton, Bay Springs, Tish- omingo, Miss. Ep|)erson Ur. sugar, Perry's Bridge P. 0. Vermillion, La. Ep|)s P. J., Dry Kun, Tishomingo, Miss. Errantown E., cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Erskins Wm. & Co, sugar, N. Orleans P. O,, Plaquemine, La. Erwin G. cotton, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Erwin Henry, Caseyville, Copiah, Miss. Erwin Isaac, sugar, Bayou Grosse Tete, Roscdale P^O., Iberville, La. Erwin i. cotton, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Erwin Jiired, Prairievill.-, Kaufman, Tex. Erwin J.W., Ash Creek, Oktibb( ha.Miss. Erwin L. overseer, Canton, Madison Co. Miss. Escorel J. C, Eubanks Mills, Johnson, Ark. Escorel Wm. ibid, Estell R. R. cotton, Bolivar, Miss. Esterwood Robert, Bellelbntaine, Choc- law, Miss. Esterwood \V . L. ibid, Estill S. M. & Co., Canton, Madison Co. Miss. EstridKe B. B., Grand Gulf, Claiborne, Miss. Estus G. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss Esuis Jos. ibid, Etheridge Eli, McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Etheridse J, J., Tigeon Hill, Ark. Etheridge T. A., Bankstown, Choctaw, Miss. Eubanks Isaac, cotton, Sookalena, Lau- derdale, Miss, " Eudy Alex, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss, Evans A, D,, Energy, Clarke, Miss. Evans B. B. cotton, Bellefontame, Choc- taw, Miss. Evans E., Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. Evans Dr. H. C, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Evans Dr. H. G. cotton, ibid. Evans Jabez, cotton, Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Evans Janx s, Houston, Texas Evans John, cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Evans R. P. cotton, Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Evans Samuel W,, McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Evans & Stearns, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Evans Thomas, cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La, Evans Thomas M, cotton, iijid, Evans Wm. cotton. Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss, Evans Wm, cotton, Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Everett Geo., Pigeon Hill, Ark. Everett L, cotton, Coelk, Livingston. La. Ewell Alex., McNutt P. 0., Sunflower Co., Miss. Ewell John, cotton, Bayou Hufi'power, Avoyelles, La. Ewing J. L., Marion, Angelina Co., Tex. Exum R., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. 544 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Fagot mrs, samuel, sugar, u.s. pi. Convent P. 0., St, James, La. Fairanan Z- C, Casoyville, Copiah, Miss. Fail-child .1. A., Raymond, Hinds, Miss, Faircliild J. B, ibid. Fan-child John, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Fail-ley A. L, cotton, Scotland, Jefferson, Miss. Fairman C. B. cotton, Malcolm, ibid. Fairner Dr. J.M., Hampton, Calhoun,Ark. Falcher C, Houston, Harris, Texas Falghorn Mrs. E.,Burtenton, Copiah, Mi-ss. Kalgout Augustin, sugar, Vacherie P, 0., St. James, La. Fall J. C.,Bay Springs,Tishoniingo,Miss. Fall G. R., Greenville, Washington, Miss Falls A. N., Galley Creek, Pope, Ark. Falls John, ibid. Falls J. D. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Falls J. N., Cherino, Nacogdoches,Texas Fancher J. F., Sparta, Bienville, La. Fancey A., Nacogdoches, Texas Faiiekner J. W., Eiurgy, Clark, Miss. Farally Dr. James, Newport, Atlnla,Miss. Faras John G., Union Church, Jefferson, Miss, F'arley G. P. cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Farmer Isaac, cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Farmer T,, Eubank's Mills, Johnson, Ark Farmer W. B., Coila, Carroll, Miss. Farmer W. S., Mariamia, Phillips, Ark. Faries Elias, Cheny Ridge, Union, La. Farnandes A., Shell Mound, Sunflower, Miss. Farrand Alfred, Sinope, Caldwell, La. Farrand Hypolite, ibid. Farrar Alex., Kingston,AdamsCo. Miss. Farrar Dr. ibid. Farrar C. C. S., West Feliciana, La. Farris George P., Union Church, Jeffer- son, Miss. Farvis John P. cotton, ibid. Fasackerly W. P., Hays Creek, Carroll, Miss, Faulk David, cotton, Monroe,Ouachita,La. Faulk J.T. cotton, ibid, Faulk VVm., FordviUe, Marion, Miss. Fauman C B., Malcolm, Jefferson, Miss. Fauer A. K., Kingston, Adams, Miss. Faush J. W., Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Faush J. W., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Faust Peter, cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Faust Wtn. ibid. Fauver N. B., Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Favre C. sugar. Point Coupee P. 0., La. Fay Theo. sugar, Bayon Teche, Jeanne- rette P. O., Atiakapas, La. Fazende, Moriere & Son, sugar, Orleans, r. b. La. Felder B. cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Felder J. F. cotton, ibid. Felder J. cotton, ibid. Felder 0. H. cotton, ibid. Feld.r R. H, cotton, ibid. Fellers H. H., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Fellows D. W., Connden, Ark. Fellows, Huff & Co. sugar, Bayou Teche, Franklin P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Feltus A. M. cotton, Fort Adams.Wilkin- son. Miss. Fenner J. F. cotton, Livonia, Point Cou- pee, La, Fenner J. B. cotton, Monroe, Ouachita, La Fenner Sam'l J. cotton. Holly Grove pi. Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Fen wick .)os. cotton, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Ferchaud J. B. sugar, Cantrelle P. 0., St. James, La. Ferguson A. W , Tyler, Smith Co., Tex. Ferguson A. cotton, Pearl River, Copiah, 'Miss, Ferguson J. W. cotton, ibid. Ferguson Preston, cotton, ibid. Ferguson W. S., Gaines, Ark. Ferguson Wm. cotton, Concordia, La. Fernandez Hrnry,Carrollioii, Carroll, Miss Fernandez Manuel, (estate,) sugar, Church P.O., Assumption, La. Ferrand Mrs. Pierre, sugar. Bonnet Carre P. ()., St. John Baptist, La. Ferray E. sugar. Crane Forge P. C, As- sumption, La. Ferriday Wm., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss Ferriday Wm. cotton, Concordia, La. Ferrier Dr. A. sugar, Point Coupee P. 0., Point Coupee, La. Ferry A. sugar. Home Place pi. Vacherie P. O., St. James, La. Ferry A, sugar, Bourbon pi. Grand Pointe P. 0., St. James, La, Fetts Lewis,Jones Ferry, Moorehouse, La. Fickling G. cott. Coelk, Livingston, La. Fickling .1 R. cotton, ibid. Field C. L, Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss. Field A. S., Elysian Fields, Texas. Fields Capt. A. S., sugar, Bayou Teche, Franklin P. 0.,St. Mary, Attakapas, La, Fields N,W., Plain Store, E, Baton Rouge, La. Filbert H., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Filbert J. B. ibid. Filhiol G.cott, Monroe, Ouachita, La. Filhiol H. cotton, ibid. Filhiol T. B. cotton, ibid. Filhiol M. cotton, ibid. Finch F. cott.Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Finch F. M., Wetumpka, Ala. Finch Henry, cott, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Finch J. W. cotton, ibid. Finch L. F. cotton, ibid. Finegan Pat. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Finley Isaac, Big Springs, Izard, Ark. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 54{ Finlay James, Harrisonliiir"-, Ark. Finley T., Posvlialaii, Lawiviicc, Ark. Fiiilev L. & W., Canton, Madison Co. Miss. Finli-y Jas. Hillshoroug:li, Union, Ark, Finli'v J. T., Columliia, Brazoria, Texas. Fisarkcrly A. C, Hays Creek, Carroll, Miss. Fisackerlv J. G. ibid. Fish N. H., Pine Blnif, .T.-flTerson, Ark. Fisher Ci>l., Nacngdoelies, Texas Fisher Mrs. E., c.otion. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Fisher E., B<'nlon, Yazoo, Miss. Fisher G. A., Elysian Fields, Angelina Co., Texas Fisher Hiram, cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss, Fisher R. L. Fayetteville, Fayette, Texas. Fisher Robert, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Fisher Dr. Sidon, Carroll, Miss. Fiieh M.S., Lexington, Hoinn's, Miss. Filler Theod. Spring Ridge, Hinds, Miss. P^ilzpatrick dil. R. sr., Marshall, Texas. Fiizpatrirk Kene, jr., Marshall, Nacogdo- ches, Texas Fitz E. M., -Nacogdoches, Texas Fitzhugh Dr. F."M., Livingston, Madi- son, JVljas. Flanagan I. J., Koscuisko, Attala, Miss. Flanagan S. I. ibid. FletchiM- Asa, Good Hope, Miss. Fletcher E., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. F'letcher Henry L., Benton, Saline, A^rk. F'letcher .Tames, Koscuisko, Attala, Miss. Hetcher .Tohn, Concordia, La. Fletcher P., cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Flint H. H. sngar, Rapides, La. Flint .T. T. sugar, ibid. Floore E., Sunimerville, Miss. Floore W. H. ibid. Flower C. H. & Sister, sugar. Bayou Boouf, Rapides, La. Flower Chas. H., Bayou Robert, ibid. Flower John, cotton, Belielbntaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Flowers A. E. cotton, Rodney, Claiborne, Miss. Flowers A. G., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Flowers Felix, cott.Pineville, Smith, Flowers J. G., cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Flowers Ignatius, Bovina, Warren, Miss. Flowers J. cott. Malcolm, Jefferson, Miss. Flowers Jami's, cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Flowers John, Belkfontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Flowers J. G., Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Flowers John, cotton, Kilnaichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Flowers Wni. cotton, ibid. Floyart Martin. Wall Hill, Marshall, Floyd F. M. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Flovd Francis, cotton, Pineville, Smith, "Miss. Floyd Thos. cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Floyd W. H. cotttm. ibid. Fluellen S. cotton, Pleasant Hill, Dc Soto, Miss. Fluker D. J., Alps pi. W. Feliciana, La. FlukerCol. R., Darlington, St. Helena, Ark. Flur M., Bayou Boeuf, St Landry, La. Flynn H. S., Hermitage, Point Coupee, La. FlynnJ. C, cott. Clinton, E.Feliciana,La. Flynn J. T. cotton, ibid, ••'oard Thomas B., cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Fogleman Elijah, Bayou Boeuf, St. Lan- dry, La." Fogleman G. S., Marion, Crittenden, Ark. Fogleman John, ibid. Foley A. M., sugar, Napoleonville P. O., .Assumption, La. Foley H. B .?ugar, Mazeppa pi. Napo- le(mvilleP. 0., Assntnpiion, La. Foley &, Wilson, sugar, Belle Terre, pi. bonaldsimville P.O., ibid. Folks John M. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Folse Benj. sugar, ThibodeauxvilJe P.O., Lafourche Int., La. Folsi' Bros., sugar, Napoleonville P. O., Assumption, La. F'onden Harod, Dido, Choctaw, Miss. Fontenelte J., sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Foo-t Henry, siigar. Bayou Teche, Char- enlon P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas,La. Foot J. M. sugar, ibid. Foot W., Macon, Marion Co., Miss. Forbes A., Jackson, ITinds Co., Miss. Forbs Wm., Tripoli, Tishomingo, Miss. Ford A., Spear's Stori\ Union, La. Ford A.J,, Buckhorn, Independence, Ark. Ford A. R., cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Ford Allen, cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Ford Augustus, Canton, Madison, Miss Ford Calvin, Columliia, Marion, Miss. Ford Dr. & Dugas, sugar, Brule St. Mar- tin, Assumption, La. Ford 1'^ jr., Aiswall, Catahoula, La. Ford I'^/.ekiel, Buckhorn, Independence, Ark. Ford Ebenezer, Spring Cottage, Marion Co., Miss. Ford James, ibid. Ford John, ibid. Ford Watson, ibid. Ford G. M. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Ford J., Spear's Store, Union, La. Ford Col. J. G., Oakland Grove, Prairie, Ark. Ford Jno. W., Columbia, Marion, Miss. ^^1rd J. C, Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Ford Mary B., sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Ra- pides, La. 87 546 PLANTERS DIRECTORY. Ford & Robichaud, sugar, Brule, St. Vin- cent, Assumption, La. Ford Rev. T. Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Ford T. B., Belletbntaine, Choctaw, Miss. Ford W. P., Cheneyville, Rapides, La. Fore B. B., cotton. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Fore Rebecca, cotton, ibid. Fore Col. W., Brandon, Rankin, Miss. Foreman J. C, sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Foreman J.& R., Mariana, Plulips, Ark. Forest D. F., cotton. Wolf Creek, Choc- taw, Miss. Foret Darville, sugar, Brule L'g. W. Ba- ton Rouge, La. Forman & Piker, sugar, E, Baton Rouge, La. Forrest Evariste, sugar, Assumption, La. Forstail E. J., sugar. Cantrelle P. 0.,St. James, La. Forstail F. J. «&. L. E., St. John Baptist & Jefferson, r. b. La. Fort Louis A., Louisville, Lafayette, Ark. Fort Hon. L. B., ibid. Fort Wm.J.,sugar,Catalpa, Magnoliaand Oak Grove pis., Bayou Sarae L'g., W. Feliciana, La. Fortier Bros., sug.Vacherie,St.James,La. Fortier Drauzin & Co., sugar, Taylor, St. Charles, La. Fortier E. jr., sugar, Orleans, r. b. La. Fortier S. & F., sugar. Rich Bend place, Vacherie P. O., St. James, La. Fortier S. & F., sugar, Vacherie P. 0., ibid. Fortner Benj., Spring Ridge, Hinds, Miss. Former J. W., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Fortner Wm. ibid. Foster A. J., cotton, Concordia, La. ! Foster B. W., cotton, Coldwater, Mar- shall, Miss. Foster Dr., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Foster F., Keachie, De Soto, La. Foster Felix T., cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Foster Geo., Ijcwisville, Lafayette, Ark. Foster Milton H., cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Foster Moses, cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Foster R. G., Burtenton, ibid. Foster P. H., Ijewisvilie, Lafayette, Ark. Foster & Pntchard, Sharon, MadisonCo., Miss. Foster Samuel, cotton, Concordia, La. Foster Shadrack,cot. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Foster Thos. J. sugar, Bayou Teche, St. Mary, Franklin P.O., Attakapas. La. Foster W. C, Keachie, De Soto, La Foster Wm. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Fournet G. & S. sugar, St. Martinville P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Fournet V. A. sugar, Bayou Teche, Beaux Bridge P.O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Fowler D., Highway, Clark, Ark. Fowler Dr., Kingston, Adams, Miss. Fowler L. Y., Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Fowler R., Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. Fowler S. ibid. Fowler W. B., Kingston, Adams, Miss. Fowles Mr., Kingston, Adams, Co. Miss. Fox D.D.c.ot.Bpllefontaine,Choctaw,Miss. Fox E., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Fox J. A. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Fox J. C. ibid. Fox J. C, Liiidsey's Creek, ibid. Fox J. I)., cot. Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss fox J. F. ibid. Fox J. J. ibid. Fox Dr. Joseph, Frairieville, Kaufman, Texas Fox Mrs, S. A., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Fox M. P. ibid. Fox Thos. cot. Bellefontaine, Choctaw,Miss Fox Thos. J. sr. ibid. Fox Thos. J. jr, ibid. Fox Wm. sr. ibid. Fox Wm. jr. ibid. Fox Wm. ibid. Foxworth John, Columbia, Marion, Miss. Foxwortli Samuel E. ibid. Foxworth Samuel G. ibid. Foxworth Samuel, Spring Cottage, Marion Co., Miss, Foxworth Stephen, ibid. Francis James, Grand Gulf, Adams, Miss. Francis John, cot. Bolands,li a warn ba. Miss. Franks Bennet, cott. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Franks Charles, cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Frasier R. P., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Frasser John, Graysport, Yallabousha, Miss, Fraywi(;k James, Pelahatchie depot, Ran- kin Co., Miss. Frazier B. W. sugar. Bayou Robert, Rapides, La. Frazier David, cot, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss, Frazier Daniel, ibid. Frazier Henry, Newport, Attala, Miss. Frazier Dr. J. W. C, Hesterville, Ponto- toc, Miss. Frazier J as. col. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Frazier Robt., Hillsborough, Union, Ark. Frazier Thos. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Frederick A. sugar, Plaquemine, 1. b., La. Freedland F. A. jr., Rodney, Miss. Freeland F., Warrenton, Hinds, Miss. Freeman Jas. cot. Holmesville, Choctaw, Miss. Freeman J. A. cotton, Bellefontaine, ibid. Freeman J. H. ibid. Freeman J. W. cotton, Pontotoc, Ponto- toc, Miss. Freeman John W. cotton, Coonewar, ibid. Freeman L. T. Brooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Freeman Thos. H. cotton, Pontotoc, Pon- totoc, Miss. Freeman Thos. H., Coonewar, ibid- PLANTERS DIRECTORY 547 Freeman W. 0. cotton, Concordia, La. Freeman Wm. cot. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Frellson Henry, sugar, Fairview pi., iVlcCutciieoii P. 0., St. Ciiark'S, La. Frere F. A., sugar, Bayou Terlic, Ciiar- enton P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Frere J. A. ibid. Frickiing Jos. R., Coelk, Livingston, La. Friday E., AttalaviUe, Attala, Nliss. Friday L. U., Uido, Choctaw, Miss. Friend Edwin, Forksville, Ouchua, La. Frierson Diinu I, cotton, Coonewar, Pon- totoc, Miss. Frierson Baxter, ibid. Fnerson Rev. W. V. ibid. Frdey A. J., Nacogdoches. Texas Friiey Martin, BeiUon, Yazoo, Miss. b'rineli W., FrankHn, Hohiies, Aliss. Frink A. H. cot. Georgetown, Copiaii,Miss. Frisby N., Ashwodd, Tensas, La. Frissell Wm.cot. Franklin, Holmes,Miss. Frith Tliomus P. sugar, Bayou Hiittpow- er, Avoyelles, La. Frost 1. R.cot. Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. Frost J. W., Hampton, Calhoun Co., Ark. Frost W. W., Oakland, Yallabousha, Miss. Fudge Geo. cot. Coelk, Livingston, La. Fuller Jackson, cot. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Fuller Thomas VV., Bellow, Bossier, La. FuUilove H. F., Keachie, De Soto, La. Fullilove J G. ibid. FuUilove J. T. ibid, Fullilove W. L. ibid. Fulton D. M., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Fulton John, cotton, Churcli Hill, Jeller- son, Miss. Funderbeck H., Farmers ville, Union, La. Fuiiderbeck R. ibid. Fuqua Harriet, cotton, Neutonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Fuqua Wm.cot. Coonewar, Pontotoc, Miss. Fur J. J. cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Aliss. Furguson E. cotton, ibid. Furguson H. B. Cheneyville, Rapides, La. Furguson M. cotton, Pine Kidge, Cojuah, Miss. Furguson W. cotton, ibid. Furlow S. cot. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Furlow T. cotton, ibid. Furlow T. W. cotton, ibid. Furlow W. F. cotton, ibid. Furr E., Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Fuselur Akide, sugar, St. Martinsville, Si. Martin, La. Fuselier Allied A. sugar, Bayou Teche, Pattersonville t. O., St. Mary, Atta- kapas, La. Fuselier A. L. sugar. Bayou Teche, Frank- lin P. O., St. Miiry, Atuikapas, La. Fuselier Gahriri, sugar, liayou Teche, Beaux Bridge P.O., St. Martin, At- takapas, La. Fuselier G. L., sugar. Bayou Teche, Chareiiton P. 0., St Mary, Attaka- pas, La. Fuselier & Co. sugar. Bayou Teche, Atta- kapas, La. Fuselier Louisa, sugar, Ravoii Teche, Chrirenton P. 0., St. Mary, Attaka- pas, La. Fuselier & Mossy, sugar, ibid. G AADNEY D. K., Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Gadbarg W. T. Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Gaddy T. K. cotton, Kilmichai I, Choc- taw, Miss. Gahagan Lawrence, Sparta, BienvilIe,Ln. Gaiennie Mrs. G. & Co., sugar. Grand Pointe P. O., St. James, La. Gaiennie Valery. cotton, Cloutierville, Natchitoches, La. Gaiensie V., Cloutierville, Natchitoches, La. Gaillard R. P., sugar, Florae place. Race- land P. 0., L ifourche Int., La. Gainer A. W.,Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. (Jainer J. W., ibid. Gaines B. P., Gaines L'g, Chicot, Ark. Gaines G. C, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Gaines Henry, ibid. Gaines Jas., ibid. Gaines John S., cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawamba, Miss. Gaines John W., cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Gaines N. G., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Gaines R. W., Gaines L'g, Chicot, Ark. Gaines W.B.F.,Columbia,Bazoria, Texas. Gaines W. H., Gaines L'g, Chicot, Ark. Gairy W.G., cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Gaithcr Horace, Vidalia, Concordia Parish, La. Galbraith M. A., cotton. Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Galbraith Wm..\., cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Galivant R. B., cotton, Pineville, Smiths, Miss. Gallagher F. Valery, sugar. Bayou Goula P. O., liierville, La. Galloway t'ranklin D., cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Galloway James, cotton, ibid. Galloway James M., cotton, ibid. Galloway Jam'S, cotton, ibid. Galloway L. B. C, cotton, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Gamliei Jas., .otton. Cedar Bluff, Oktib- beha, Miss. Galtney O.K., Sharon, Madison Co., Miss. (inmble R. C, M<>('resville, North Ala. Gammagc B.,er>tt. Pineville, Smiths, Miss. GandyJohn J., Cooks ville, Noxubee, Miss. Ganet W. H., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Gannier Francois, sugar, Cantrelle P. O. St. Jninis, r. b. La. Ganott Jas., Looxahoma,De Soto, Miss. Ganott R. C, ibid. Ganott R. R., ibid. Gant Elbert, sugar, Bayou Waxee, Wash- iiiiCton P. *.'., St. Landry, La. Gaiitt Wash., Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. Garald G. B., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Garald Georgr, ibid. Gardner G.W., sugar, Prairie Bellevue, Opi'lousas P. O., St. Landry, La. Gardnc^r Isaac, Yazoo city, Miss. Gardner Lewis, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Gardner Col. V. H., Burnsville, Dallas Co., Ala, Gardenter B., Powhatan, Lawrence, Ark. Garey P., cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Garland Capt. B., Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Garland Josiah R., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Garland Pembroke,Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Garland W. P., ibid. Garlick Mrs. J. .sugar, Bayou Goula, Iber- ville, La. Garmon R., Barterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Garner A. W., cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Garner J. W., cotton, ibid. Garner S.N.,Woodville, E. Feliciana, La. Garner T., cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Garnet Jacob, Trinity, Catahoula, La. Garr Geo., sugar, St. Clair pi., N. Orleans P. 0., Plaquemine, La. Garrett A., BaySprings,Tishomingo,Miss. Garrett C, Powhatan, Lawrence, Ark. Garrett Mrs. F., cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Garrett Isaac, cotton, Scotland, Jefferson, Miss. GarrettJas.,Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Garrett Jas. M., Iverson, Bienville, La. Garrett Josiah, cotton, Monroe, Ouachita, La Garrett R.C.,Looxahoma,De Soto, Miss. Garrett R. R., ibid. Garrett Dr. Thos., cotton, Bayou Grosse Tete, Iberville, La. Garrett Thos. A., Nacogdoches, Texas. Garrett Thos. B., ibid. Garrett Wm., cotton. Church Hill, Jef- ferson, Miss. Garrett Wm., Union Church, ibid. Garrison L. H., cotton. Evergreen, New- ton, Miss. Garter H., Redmouth, Ouachita, La. Garthright T. S., Summerviile, Noxubee, Miss. Gartley Col. Wm., Dover, Yazoo, Miss. Gary Allen, cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Gary Dr. A. W., cotton, ibid. Gary M. M., cotton, ibid. Gary West, cotton, ibid. GassenandF., Hermitage, PointCoupee. La. Gaston Mrs., Houston, Harris, Texas Gates W. A., Linwood, Cherokee Co., Texas Gates Wm., cotton, Georgetown^ Copiah, Miss. Gates Wm. J., cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Gatewood T. G., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Gathwright F. J., Pigeon Hill, Ark. Gattis Allen, Oakland, Yallabousha, Miss. Gattway J. J., Y'azoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Gaudet Bros., sugar, St. James, La. Gaudet Bros., & Co., sugar, Thibodeaux- ville P. 0., Lafourche, La. Gaudet C. F. & Co., sugar, Morning Star pi., Thibodeauxville P. 0., Lafourche Int., La. Gaudet Drausin, sugar, Cantrelle P. 0., St. James, La. Gaudet J. A. & A., sugar, Donaldsonville P. 0., St. James, La. Gaudet J. K. & Bros., sugar, ibid. Gaudet M. D. & Co., sugar, Donaldson- ville P. 0., St. James, La. Caudet Mrs. U. & Son, sugar, ibid. Gaudin Edwd. D., sugar. Perseverance pi. Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, La. Gaudin Mrs. J. B., sugar, ibid. Gaudin E. D. & Sons, Gold Dust place, Washington P. O., St. Landry, La. Gaudin S., Agent, sugar, Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, La. Gaultney A.E., Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Gautier Chas., cotton, St. jVlartinsville, St. Martin, La. Gautreaux Bros., sugar. Star P. 0., As- sumption, La. Gautreaux F., sugar, St. Mary, Attaka- pas, La. Gautreaux Mrs. J. & Co., sugar, Donald- sonville P. 0., St. James, La. Gautreaux Joseph, sug. Napoleonville P. 0., Assumption, La. Gautreaux Richard, ibid. Gay B. S. Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Gay H. C. cott. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Gay Isaac, Pelahatchie, Rankin Co., Miss. Gay Jas. A., Fayetteville, Fayette, Texas Gay Ed. J. sug. St. Louis place. Plaque- mine P. 0., Iberville, La. Gay John D., Hamilton, Monroe, Miss. Gay R. R., Fayetteville, Fayette, Texas Gayden G. L. cotton, Clinton, E. Felicia- na, La. Gayden I. G. cotton, ibid. Gayle W. D. cotton, ibid. Gayle J. R., Williamsport,Pointe Coupee, La. Gayne J. R., Spear's Store, Union, La. Gaynes Harrison, Farmersville, Union,La Gaynes Henry, ibid. Gaynes W. J. ibid. Geatry N. J. cotton. Bay Springs, Tisho- mingo, Miss. Gee J. L., Hays Creek, Carroll, Miss. Gee J. M., Camden, Ark. Gee J. P., Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Gee John S., Benton, Hinds, Miss. Gee P., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY, 549 Gee S. P., Sugar Greek, Claiborne, La. Gee W. J., Hays Creek, Carroll, Miss. Geiitil J. su£^. Bayou Pierre, Crane Forge P. O., Assumption, La. George A. B. cotton, iVlonroe, Ouachita, La. George C. S., Friars Point, Coahounia,l.,a. George J. W., Indian Village, Ouachita, La. George Rev. E., Marion, La. George Jas. H. cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. George Joseph P., Camden, Madison Co., Miss. George Thos. H. cotton, Deerfield, Car- roll, La. Gerald Mrs., Deimis Mills,St. Helena, La. Gerard J. B, cotton, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Gerard V. cotton, Cloutierville, Natchi- toches, La. Gerden W. IL cotton, Pine Ridge, Co- piah, Miss. Gerson H. jr. & Co.. Monroe, La. GibhonsHtnry, sug. Pattersonville P. 0., St. Mary, Attaknpas, La. Gibbs D. J., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Gibson B., Warroiiion, Warnn, Miss. Gibson D., Senteli's Store, Bossier, La. Gibson David, Vicksiinrg, Warren, Miss. Gibson David, cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Gibson F. F., Caney, Matagorda, Texas Gibson G., V'icksburg, Warren, Miss. Gibson J. cotton, Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss Gibson J. A. Col., Cayuga, Hinds, Miss. Gibson J.> D. cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Gibson J. D., Little Black, Choctaw,Miss. Gibson J. H., Caney, Matagorda, Ti^xas Gibson Jas. M., Warnnton, Hinds, Miss, Gibson N., Clinton, ibid. Gibson 1'. J., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Gibson R. M. cotton, Concordia, La. Gibson Randall L. sus;. Thibodeauxville P. ().. Latourrhe Int. La. Gibson Randall H., Tripoli, Tishomingo, Miss. Gibson Randall, Warrenton, Warren, Miss Gibson Tobias, sug. Oak Forest place, Hounia P. 0., Terrel)onne, La. Gibson W., Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Gibson \V. J. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Gilisoii W. S., Ashwood, Tensas, La. Gibson W. W. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Giddings F^,. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Gideon Wood, Barlerville, Pontotoc, Miss. Gigger Wni. Cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss Gilbert Bros. siig. Cuba jilace, Ascension, r. b. La. Gilbert H. La Granffe, Phillips, Ark. Gilbert Dr. J., North Mt. Pleasant, Mar- shall, Miss. Gilbert R. M., Chiney Ridge, Union, La. Gilbert S. B. cotton, Evergreen, Newton, Miss. Gilbert W., Caseville, Copiah, Miss. Gilberts. P. cotton, Malcolm, Jefferson, Miss. Gilbert W., Pineville, Smith, Miss. Gilbert W. T., Farmersvillo, rni..n. La. Gilchrist Mrs. A., cotton, Malcolm, Jef- ferson, Miss. Gilchrist John, Union Church, ibid. Giltler J., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. Gill John M., Chesterville,Pontotoc,Miss. Gillard T. B., cotton, Concordia, La. Gillaspie C. C, Sidoii P. O., Carroll, Miss. Gillespie D. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Gillespie Jas. Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Gillespie Jas. A. cotton, Concordia, La. Gillespie John F. cotton, ibid. Gillespie Thos. H., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Gillet Felix, siig. Crane Forge P. 0., As- sumption, La. Gilliam Wni. H. cotton, Pleasant Hill, DeSoto, Miss. Gilliland Hon. S. N., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Gilliland Saml. ibid. Gillis C. M. & Co. sug, Bayou Sec, Thi- bodeauxville P. 0., Lafourche Interi- or, La. Gillis D. W. cotton. Union Church, Jef- ferson, Miss. Gillis David, cotton, ibid. Gilmer D. H., Sharon, Madison Co., Miss. GilmerT. H. cott. Black Jack,De Soto, La. Gilmer W. B. S., Lafayette, Chambers Co., Ala. Gilniore D., Gaily Cret>k, Pope, Ark. Gilmore J. A. sug. E. Baton Rouge, La. Gilniore M. C, Lewisville, Fayetti', Ark. Gilstrop J. C, cotton, Maysville, Itawam- ba, Miss. Gilstrop S. cotton, ibid. Ginn J. S., Perry's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss Ginn W. S. ibid. *Gipman H., Powhatan, Laurence, Ark. Gipson H., Powhatan, il)id. Girhani J;is. M.,Coonewar, Pontotoc, Miss Girham W. P.|»Pontotoi-, Pontotoc, Miss. Giroir A. sug. Bayou I'Ours, Alligator P. O., .Assumiition, La. Girr James N., Pigeon Hill, Ark. Givens J. A. H. cotton, Arcadia, Bien- ville, La. Givham Jas. M. cotton, Coonewar, Pon- totoc, Miss. Givham W. P. cott. Pontotoc, ibid. Glaps Jas. Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Glaps Joshua, Port Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. (Jlaps Dr. L. A., Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. Glass Joshua, cotton. Fort Adams, Wilk- inson, Miss. Glass T. A., Flat Lick, Clail)orne, La. Glasscock B. F., cotton, Concordia, La. Glasscock Jas., cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Glasscock J. W., cotton, Concordia, La. Glasscock W. T. cotton, ibid. 550 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Glaze Brothers, sug., Bayou Boeua, Avoy- elles, La. Glover B.R., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Glover John, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Gobeau Andrew, cotton, Concordia, La. Gober Wm., sugar; Little Bayou Rouge, Avoyelles, La. Goddolt Jas. R. cott,Knoxville, Franklin, La. Godberry Jas. W., sugar. Bonnet Carre P. O., St. John Baptist, La. Goddard T.H., cotton. Bay Springs, Tish- omingo, Miss. Goddard T. M., cotton, ibid. Godiey J. L., Scotsville, Claiborne, La. Godwin David, Iverson, Bienville. Godwin Wm., cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Goff Holly, cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Goff M. F., cotton, Union Church, Jeffer- son, Miss. Goff Moses, cotton, ibid. Goff Dr. T. J. cotton, Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Goings Dr. A. J., Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Golden T. R., Good Hope, Miss. Golding A. F. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Golding Franklin, cotton, ibid. Golding Rev. J. R. cotton, ibid. Golding James, cotton, ibid. Golding, J. R, cotton, ibid. Golding S. F. cotton, ibid. Gondran A. sugar, Fausse Pointe, New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, La. Gondone Julian, Lobdell's Store, W. Ba- ton Rogue, La. Consoulin Luzincourt & Bienvenu, sug.. New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, La. Gouzales Jean, sugar. Crane Forge P. 0., Assumption, La. Gooch A. R. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Gooch H. J. cotton, ibid. Gooch Thomas, Oakland, Callabousha, Miss. Goodall Saml. cott., Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Goodloe Rev. D. S. Livingston, Madison, Miss. Goodloe R. J. ibid. Goodley Jesse C, Flat Lick, Claiborne, La. Goodman W. J., Richmond, Madison, Miss. Goodrich Henry, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Goodrich W. F., Monroe, Cuachita, La. Goodson John, Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Goodson D. IM ., Mulberry P. O., Autauga Co., Ala. Goodwin A. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Goodwin W. W., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Goodwyn T. H., Black Jack, De Soto, Miss. Gopp T. Q. cott., Arcadia, Bienville, La. Goram C, Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Gordon Andrew, Lewisburg, Conway, Ark. Gordon Col., Springhill, Tippah, Miss. Gordon Daniel, Egypt, Colorado, Texas. Gordon D. C, Clinton, Hinds Co., Miss. Gordon E. H. F., Oakland, Yallabousha, Miss. Gordon G. H., Woodville, Wilkinson, Miss. Gordon J. cott., Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Gordon J. W., Wharton, Texas. Gordon Hon. Jas., Lewisburg, Conway, Ark. Gordon Jas., Pine Valley, Yallabousha, Miss. Gordon John, cotton, Caseyville, Copiah, Miss. Gordon Robt. cotton, Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Gordram H., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Gore Davis, cotton, Neutonia, Wilkinson, Miss. Gorham Mrs. W. sug.. New River, Iber- ville, La. Gorman J. K. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Gosserand & Graugnard, sug., Waterloo P. O., Point Coupee, La. Gosset & Co., sugar. New Orleans P. 0., Jefferson, La. Gotcher W. cotton, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Gouge J. M. cotton, Concordia, La. Gough N.G., Lake Providence,Carroll, La Gould & Audebert, sug.. Bayou Boeuff, Rapides, La. Goulat & Garry, sug., Jeannerette P. 0.. St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Gould Dan 'I, Point Meers, Johnson, Ark. Gourier Dr. & Anger, sug., Iberville P. 0., Iberville, La. Govan E. P. & C. D. Mariana, Philips, Ark. Go^a G. W. cott.. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Goza J. I), cotton, ibid. Goza J. W. cotton, ibid. Grady W.VV., Barterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Grafton John , Natchez. Adams Co. , Miss. Grafton Thos. ibid. Grafton Ur. Thos. I. cotton, Rodney, Jef- ferson, Miss. Graham G. cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. , Graham J. M., Little Bay, Calhoun, Ark. Graham T. S., Rocky Mount, Bossier, La. Graham W. C, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Grammar W. C. cotton, ibid. Grandberry B. F. cotton. Pine Ridge, Co- piah, Miss. Grandberry, G. R. cotton, ibid. Grandberry Wm., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 551 Granberry A. W., Glade Springs, Harri- son, Texas Granberry S. F., Raymond Hinds, Miss. Grant A. sr. sugar, Navine place, N. Orleans P. O., Plaquemine, La. Grant Alex. sr. sugar, Catharine place, ibid. Grant Dr. G. W. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Grantiiam A. J. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Mi.-^s. Grantham John, Black Hawk, Carroll, Miss. Grapp.T. P. Grapps BluflF, Campti, Natch- itoches, La. Graves E. cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Graves G. A.,Smitli'3 iVlills, Carroll Co., Miss. Graves H. S., Darlington P. O., St. Hele- na Parish, La. Graves J. A. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Graves James J. cotton, McNutt, Sun- flower, Miss. Graves Joseph, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Graves Robt. cotton, ibid. Graves Genl. S. A. D., Livingston, Madi- son, Miss. Graves W. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Graves Wm. H. cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Gravois Mrs. A. sugar St. John Baptist, La. Gravois Pierre, sugar, ibid. Gray A. cot Ion, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Gray Mrs. E. B., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Gray F. M., ibid. Gray G. D. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Gray J. H., Providence, Searcy, Ark. Gray Dr. J. W., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Gray James, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Gray James R. cotton, Coonewar, Ponto- toc, Miss. Gray John, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Gray Jones, oott. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Gray Pulaski, cotton. Rocky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Gray Roderick, Carolina, Nashoba, Miss. Gray Tlios. cott. Bnlands, Itawamba, Miss Gray Tlios., Union S|)riiig.'!, Ark. Gray Thus, cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Grayson W. S., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Grayson W. B., Harrisonburg, La. (Jreaud A.& Keep,sugar,lbervill. ,r.b.La. Greaudi't Deb, ieux, sugar. Bayou Jac-ipiol, Plaquemine P. O., Ibi rville. La. Green A., Lexington, HoIiiks Co., Miss. Green A. E. cotton, Church Hill, Jefl'er- son. Miss. Green A. VI , Lexington Holmes, Miss. (Jreen A.W.,L'\kr Provid(nrr,C,nrrnll,La. Green D. H., Mariana, Pliillips, Ark. Green Geo. W., Concordia, La. Green Dr. J. C, Mariana, f'hillips. Ark. Green Jas. cott. Bolanils, Itawamba, Miss. Green John, cotton, ibid. Green John J. Amity, Clark, Ark. Green M.C.eott.Rde'ky Ml. Kemper, Miss. Green Wash., Vieksiiing, Warren, Miss. Green Wm. & Biummeil, sugar. Bayou Blaek,Tigerville P.O., Terrebonne, La. Green Wm. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Green Wm. cot»on, ibid. Greenlee J. S., Ridmouth, Ouehita, La. Greenlee W., Hurlenton, Copiah, Miss. Greenway J. B., Buck Horn, Independ- ence, Ark. Greenwell S. W.,Redmouth,Ouachita,La. Greer F. M., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Greer Q., Bethlehem, Marshall, Miss. Greer W. G., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Gregg C. M., Friendship, Harrison, Texas Gregger W., Pineville, Smith, Miss. Gregory Marshall, Kosciusko, Attala, Miss Greig Duncan, sugar. Bayou Vermillion, , Lafayette, La. Greig John, (estate,) sugar, Vermillion- ville P. O., Lafayette, La. Griere R. F. M., Monroe, Ouachita, La. Gresham B. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Gresham Wm., Eldorado, Ark. Gressett Alvin, cotton, Evergreen, New- ton, Miss. Grevenberg (^has. sugar. Bayou Teche, Jeannerette P. O., St. Mary, Attaka- pas. La. Grevenberg L. sugar, Jeannerette P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Grevenberg Mrs. Chas. sugar, ibid, (irey G. D., Kilmiciiael, Choctaw, Miss. Grihbs Dr., Mount Lebanon. La. Grice E. H. cotton, Malcolm, Jefferson, Miss. Grice Jacob, cotton, iliid. Grice John G. cotton, ibid. Grice Jonathan, cotton. Evergreen, New- ton, Miss. Grice Peter, cotton, Deerfield, Carroll, La. Grier Dr. Samuel L., Natchez, Miss, (iriffin A. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Griflin Aflen, cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Griffin B., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Griffin Beiij. cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawam- ba, Miss. Griffin E. Z. cotton, Holmesville, Avoy- elles, La. Griffin F., Greenville, Washington, Miss. Griffin Geo. cotton, Concordia, La. tniffin H., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. (iriffin J. B., Big Bend, Avoyelles, La. Griffin Jas. colt. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Gnffin Jas. A. cutlon, ii)id. (Jriffin John, cotton, ibid. Gnffin Pink, cottfin, ibid. Griffin Tiios. cotton, ibid. Gnffin L. L., Montrn-y, Rankin rn.,AtisR 552 PLANTERS DIRECTORY. Griffin R. M., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Gnffii) V\ m. F. sugar. Bayou l>glaise, Avnytlli'S, La. Griffin W. F., Big Bend, Avoyelles, La. Griffing D. C, Rrxiney, Jefferson, Miss.. (iriffing Frank, il^id. Griffing .1. iliid. Griffing J. L cotton, ibid. Griffinir S. A. cotton. Union Clmroh, ibid. Griffing Wm. cotton, Rodney, ibid. Griffiths Wm. cotton, Monterey, Rankin, i Miss. Gri"-slt'y Dr. S. M., Flat Lick, Claiborne, ^La. Grimes Theod., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. a. Harrison W.S., Bluff Springs, Attala, Miss Harrison Wade, sugar. Church Hill, Jef- ferson, Miss. Harrod R. A., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Harrold B., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Harrold Elijah, Graysport, Yallabousha, Miss. Harrold J. S., Cotton Plant, Ark. Hart J. B.&Son, Wetumpka, .Ala. Hart J. D., Sulphur Springs, Madison Co., Miss. Hart J. D. sugar. Bayou Teche, Attaka- pas. La. Hart Capt. Jesse, sugar, Sunny Side pi. Bayou Grosse Tete, Rosedale P. 0., Iberville, La. Hart J. sugar, Lobdell's Store, ibid. Harthcjck T. B., Jones Ferry, Moore- house, Ark. Hartley John, cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss Hartley W. cotton, ibid. Hartley W. jr. cotton, ibid. Hartman Anthony, sugar, Atchafalaya, Attakapas, La. Hartman Jacob, sugar, ibid. Hartman Michael, sugar, ibid. Harty W. H. cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Harvard Cade, cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Harvard Thos. cotton, ibid. Harvey Dr. F. R. cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Harvey George W. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Harvey H., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Harvey James, cotton, Coelk, Livings- ton, La. Harvey Jas., Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Harvey John T. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Harvey Jones, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 555 Harvey M. cotton, Pineville, Smith, ^1iss. Harvey Ralph, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss Harvey Thos. cotton, ibid. Harwell ,M. W. sugar, Opelousas P. 0., St. Landry, La. I Harwi'll Rolit. su^ar, Bayou Teche, Leon- J ville P. O., ibid. Harwin S. N., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Hasley B. W., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Hast Dr. W. N., Kilmichael, Choctaw, Mi-'as. Hasting.s S., Hopewell Church, Wilkin- son, Miss. Ha.stings Levy, ibid. Haswell C. F.', Payetteville, Fayette, Ark. Haleh & Griniaafe, sugar, Bayou Black, Terrel)onnc, La. Hatch F. H., Darlington, St. Helena, La. Hatch G. W. ibid. Hatch Winslow, sugar, Waterproof pi. Bayou Black, Houma P. O., Terre- bonne, La. Hatclx'r Col. R., Cahawba, Dallas Co., Ala. Hatcher S. cott. Clinton, E. Fi'liciana,La. Hatfii'ld John, Buck Horn, Independence, Ark. Hatfield J. H., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Hatfield John R. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Hati L. W., Summerville, Noxubee .Miss. Haughton, Allen & Co., Wetumpku, Ala. Haurut Mrs. cotton, Cloutierville, Natch- itoches, I. a. Havard H. M., Big Bend, Avoyelles, La. Havard J. A. ibid. Havard Monroe, sugar, Bayou Deglaise, ibid. Hawkins B. K. cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Hawkins David, Burton, Tishomingo, Miss Hawkins Geo., I'lovina, Warren, Miss. Hawkins Dr. .T. T. sugar, Bayou Teche, Franklin P. 0., St^ Mary, Attakapas, La. Hawkins Q.M., Malcolm, .Tefferson,Miss Haws A. A. cotton, Bellcfontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Haws J. V. cotton, iliid. Haws S. V. cotton, iUid. Hawser E. H., Buck Horn, Independence, Ark. Haw.sey J. H. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Haydcl Antoine, sugar, Edgard P.O., St. , Jolin Baptist, r. b. l-a. Haydel D.;miin, sugar, ibid. Haydel F.D. sugar, Atchafalaya, Attaka- pas, La. Haydel J.J, sugar, St. John Baptist, r. b. La. Haydel Mrs. M. sugar, Edgar P. 0., St. John Baptist, r. b. La. Haydel M. B. sugar, Edgar P. O., ibid. Haydel N. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. 0., Lafourche Int. La. Haydel Ursin & Co. sugar, Edgar P. O., St. John Baptist, r. b. La. Hayden Arnold, Nacogdochrs, Texas Hayden J. F., Keachie, Dc S >to. La. Haydoii J. J., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Hayes David, sugar. New ll)eria P.O., St. Martin, La. Haj'cs John D. sugar. New Iberia P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Hayes & Rose, sugar, Petit Anse, Atta- kapas, La. Hayes W. & A. L. sug. Centreville P.O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Haygood B. T. cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Haygrtod E. L. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Haygood F. M.,Big Bend, Avoyelles, La. Haygood J. M. ibid. Haycood James, cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Haygood John, jr. cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawamba, Miss. Hayner G. L., Summerville, Noxubee, Miss. Hayner T. C, Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Haynes H. cott. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Haynes J. B., Jackson, La. Haynes John, Hays Creek, Carroll, Miss. Haynes & Lampkin, Yazoo City, Miss. Haynes R. R.,Jonesville, Harrison.Texas Hayni'S Thos. jr. cott. Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Haynes Wm. cotton, ibid. Hays Clayton, Oakland Grove, Prairie, Ark. Hays D. C, Richmond, Madison, La. Hays L. J., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Hays H. W., Sulphur Springs, Madison Co., Miss. Hays V. M., cotton, BcUefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Hayti r .Tohn J., Nacogdoches, Texas Hay wall Thos., Hopewell Church, Wil- kinson, Miss. Hayward Z., Rocky Point, Attala, Miss. Haywood John, Jones Ferry, Moore- house, La. Hazelton W. A., cotton, Monroe, Oua- chita, La. Head Dr. T. S., sugar, Raccland P. O., Lafourche Int., La. Headrick John A., cotton, Linden, Co- piah, Miss. Heard E. J., sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Heard J. A., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Heard J. B .Green's Creek, Catahoula, La. Heard J. W. E., Wharton, Texas Heard P. F., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Heard W., Egypt, Fayette, Texas Hearin John, Hillsboro, Union Co., Ark. ' Hi am David, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. I Hearn Geo., Bellevuc, Bossier, La. Hearn Wm., cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, -Miss. 556 PLANTERS DIRECTORY. HearneJohn, Hillsborough, Union, Ark. Hearne J. A., Valiry Crt'fk, Pope, Ark. Heart David M., Amity, Clark, Aik. Heart J. D., Canton, iVIadison, Miss. Heath Abrams, cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Heatliman Abner, Garvin's Ferry, Sun- flower Co., Heljai-d Jas., Bayou Bneuf,St. Landry, La. Hebart Alex, sugar, Petit Anse Prairie, New Iberia P. 0., St. Mary, Attaka- pas, La. Hebert Bros., sugar, Bayou Goula P. 0., Iberville, La. Hebert Eloy & Co., sugar, Donaldson- ville P. 0., St. James, La. Hebert Fred, sugar, Bayou Vermillion, Lafayette, La. Hebert Louis & Co., sugar, Plaisance pi., Plaquernine P. O., Il>erville, La. Hebert Caniille, sugar, New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, La. Hebert Michael & Co., sugar, Plaque- mine P. 0., Iberville, r. b., La. Hebert Omer, sugar. Ascension, r. b.,La. Hebert Gov. Paul O., sugar, Bayou Goula P. O., Iberville, La. Hebert Pliilibert, sugar. Bayou Teche, Attakapas, La. Hebert R.& A.&S. J. Aillet, sugar, Brule Landing, W. Baton Rouge, La. Hebert R. ^ E. & D. Labauve, sugar, W. Baton Rouge, La. Hebert Mrs. V. & Sons, sugar, Plaisance & Palo Alto places, Iberville, r. b. La. Hebert Valmont & N. Landry, sugar, W. Baton Rouge, La. Hebert V. & J. sugar, Brule St. Vincent, JV'apoleonville P. 0., .Assumption, La. Hebert Voiler, sugar, Iberville, r. b. La. Hebler Jame.s, Warsaw, Ala. Hebron Dr., Boviua, Warren, Miss. Hebron Col. John, ibid. Hebron John, ibid. Heckman A. U. sug. Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Heckman Marion, sugar, il)id. Helm John N., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Helm T. B. sugar. Bayou Boeuf, Rapides, Red River, La. Hemphill H. W., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Hemphill T., Woodville, Bossier, La. HendersJohn, BhiffSprings, Attala, Miss. Henderson A. C. cotton, Concordia, La. Henderson Alex., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Henderson C. C. cott. Monroe, Ouachita; La. Henderson Danl., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Henderson Geo. cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Henderson Geo. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Henderson H. C, Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Henderson H., Cotile, Rapides, La. Henderson J. ibid. Henderson Joe, cott., Arcadia, Bienville, La. Henderson John, cotton, Newtonia, Wil- kinson, Miss. Henderson John W., Natchez, Adams Co. Miss. Henderson L. T., Battle Springs, Madi- son Co., Miss. Henderson P., Arcadia, La. v Henderson R. M., Cotile, Rapides, La. Henderson Thos. cott. Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Henderson W., Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Henderson W.H. C, Brooksville, Noxu- bee, Miss. Henderson William, cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Hendricks Chas., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Hendricks Danl., ibid. Hendricks John M. ibid. Hendricks M., Farmersville, Union, La. Hendricks Thos., Benton, Saline, Ark. Hendricks W. cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Hendricks W. B., CoUingsburg, La. Hendricks W. W., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Heney J. M. cot. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Henning B. T., Malcolm, JetTerson, Miss. Hening H. M., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Henington D. & A. cotton, Deerfield, Car- roll, La. Henington H. A. cotton, ibid. Henley H. H. cot. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Henley John W. cotton. Cedar Bluff, Ok- tibbeha, Miss. Henry Dixon, Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Henry E. T., Battle Springs, Madison Co., Miss. Henry Dr. E., Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Henry Francois, cotton, Brule L'g., W. Baton Rouge, La. Henry G., Brownsville, Huids, Miss. Henry J. T., Arcadia, Bienville, La. Henry Jos. & L. Bourgeois, sugar. Bayou Goula P. O., Iberville, La. Henry J. F. cot. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Henry M. S. cotton, ibid. Henry Milo, cotton, Newtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss Henry Genl. Patrick, Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Henry Patrick, Battle Springs, Madison Co., Miss. Henry W. F., Quitman, Clarke Co., Miss. Henry W., Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. Henry W. D., Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Henson A., Bellefontaine, ibid. ^ Henson Thus., Parkville, Noxubee, Mils. Henston Wm. J , Vernon, Madison Co., Miss. Herbert C. C, Columbus, Texas Herbert Fred., Vermillionville, Lafayette, La. r Herbert Theogene, ibid. ~ i Herbert Walter, Caney, Matagorda,Texad Herbot Rev. R. H.,cot. Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 557 Hen) John A.,BrooksvilIe,Noxubee,Miss. Htrds))csli Green, Bayou Boeuf, St. Lan- dry, La. HerefoVd C. M., Lobdell's Store, VV. liaton Rouire, La. H.rctord Mrs. J. B. sugar, ibid. iJereford Dr. F. M.," sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Hering B. F.|cot. Malcolm, Jefferson, Miss. Heriiig Icliabald, cot. Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Hering.!. W. sr. cotton, ibid. H.M-n.g J. VV., Hay's Creek,Carroll,Miss. Hering .John, Pine Grove, Franklin, La. Hering Lewis, cot. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Herring Mrs. Mary, Pine Grove, Frank- lin, l^a. Hering W. D. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Herksery L.I., Brooks ville, Noxubee, Miss. Herman Jacob, Newport, Attala, Miss. Hern M. colton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Hernandez, M.J. sugar, Assumplih, su^ar, Blytliewood place, Bayou Goula P.O.,Iberville,La. Hudson R. B. cotton, Bellevue, St. Lan- dry, La. Hudson Robert, Multona Springs, Attala, Miss. Hudson W. M., Galveston, Texas Hudson Wm. cotton, Bellevue, St. Lan- dry, La. Hudspeth Green, sugar. Bayou Boeuf, Washington P. 0., St. Landry, La. Huey Jas., Indian Village, Ouachita, La. HuflT. S. sugar, Flaquemine, 1. b. La. Hutf Zeno, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Huliinan U. A., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. Huti'man Wm. cotton, Bellefontaine, ibid. Huffman Wm., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Huger3ohn, sugar, Cote Blanche, Atta- kapas. La. Huggins Daniel, Iverson, Bienville, La. Hu^gins G. W. ibid. Hughes A.B., Rocky Mount, Bossier, La. Hughes B. A., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Hughes C. cotton, Tangapaho,St.Helena, La. Hughes D.W., Rocky Mount, Bossier, La. Hughes J. H., ibid. Hughes F. Y., ibid. Hughes Green B., Benton, Saline, Ark. Hughes L J. cotton, Tangapaho, St. Hel- ena, La. Hughes .las. Highway, Clark, Ark. Hugiies Jesse, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Hughes Joel, cotton, ibid. Hughes Peter, cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Hughes Saml. cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Hughes W., Highway, Clark, Ark. Hughes W. G., Washington, Hempstead Co., Ark. Hughes W. P. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Hughes Wm. cotton, ibid. Hughes Wm. cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Hughes Wm., Hamilton, Ouachita, La. Huling W. F. sugar, Plaquemine, r. b.La. Hull J., Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Hullum B. S., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. HuUum Wm., ibid, Hulin G. G., Vernon, Madison, Miss. Hulze Dr. coiion. Bayou Sara, W. Felici- ana, La. Hulze Dr. G. W. sugar, Lakeland place, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Humble H., Woodland, E. Feliciana, La. Humphreys Mrs. A. sugar, Graitd Pointe P. 0.,St. James, La. Humphreys Benj. sr. cotton, Port Gibson, OlaiboYne, Miss. Humphreys Bi-nj. jr., cotton, ibid. Humpiireys C. J., Mt. Lebanon, Bien- ville, La. Humphreys D. J., Grand Gulf, Claiborne, Miss. Humphreys G. W. ibid. Humjihreys Geo. cotton, Port Gibson, ibid. Humphreys Isaac C. sugar. Cedar Bluff, Oktibbeha, Miss. Humphreys J. C, ibid. Humphreys Jacob, Elysian, Angelina, Texas Humphreys John, cotton. Fort Gibson, Claiborne, Miss. Humphreys Thos., Carolina, Miss. Humphries Jas. B.& W. K. sugar. Corn- land place. Bonnet Carre P. O., St. John Ba)itist, 1. b. La. HumphriesW., Cold water, Marshall, Miss. Humphreys Wm., Port Gibson, Miss. Hunley H. sugar. Bayou I'Ours, Brashcar P. 0., Assumption, La. Hunt David, cott. Rodney, Jefferson, Miss Hunt Geo. F. cotton, ibid. Hunt Henry, cotton, Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. Hunt Jacob, W.Warren ton, Warren, Miss. Hunt John, cotton, Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. Hunt Jos., Dry Run, Tishomingo, Miss. Hunt N. M., Ham])ton, Calhoun, Ark. Hunt T., Natchez, Adams, Miss. Hunt W. CO lion, Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss Hum W. E., Hillsborough, Union, Ark. Hunt W.H., Greenville, Washington, Miss Hunter B. F. B., cotton, Concordia, La. Hunter B. K., Coiile, Rapides, La. Hunter C. G., Hermitage, Point Coupee, La. Hunter Col. C.H., Portland, Dallas Co., Ala. Flunter James, Macon, Noxubee Co. Miss. Hunter John A. cotton. Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Hunter J. B., Percy's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Hunter J. N.,ibid. Hunter Col. J. N. cotton, Fort Adams, ibid. Hunter J. T. Percy's Creek, ibid. Hunter M., Grand Gulf, Claiborne, Miss. Hunter M., Chickama Bend, Madison, La. Hunter Milford, Claiborne Ciiy, Miss. Hunter Mrs. R., Percy's Creek, Wilkin- son, Miss. Hunter Rebecca, cotton. Fort Adams, ibid. Hust Dr. W. N. colt. Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Hursi R. H., Darlington, St. Helena, La. H urst Thos., Summeiville,JNoxu bee, Miss. Hutches James,cott. Livonia, Iberville, La. Hutchins A. C. cott. Rocky Springs, Clai borne. Miss. Hutchins iVancy, cotton, ibid. Hutchins Samuel, cotton, ibid. Hutchins T. J. cotton, ibid. Hutchins 0., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss Hutchinson Jas. A. cotton, ibid. l Hutchinson M., MarshalvilUe, Noxubee, ' Miss. ■ i Hutchinson T. P.,Hamilton,Mojiroe,Ark, I • i PLANTERS DIRECTORY, 561 Hutchinson S. cotton, Greenburg, St. He- lena, La. Hutchinson W. S. cotton, Greenburg, St. Helena, La. Hutt A. P., Little Rork, Ark. Hyams E. L. & H. M., Lac dos Mures ])!., Crtni)Ui, Natcliitoclies, La. Hyains H. M. & E. L., Raven Camp pi,. Phiisance Settlement, Cotile, Rapides, La. Hyams S. M. & E. L., Cloreau Point pi., Cam|>ti, Natchitoches, i^a. Hyde Mrs. Mary, cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. Hyde R. T., Marshall, Texas Hymel, Aul)erts & Co. sug. Vacherie P. 0., St. James, La. Hymel Dranzin, sug. Star P. O., Assump- tion, La. il3mie! D. & North, sug. Assumption, La. Hymel Octave, sug. Edgar P. 0., St. John Baptist, r. b. La. Hynes Andrew, sug. Iberville, r. b. l,a. Hynes J., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Hyter A. S., Nacogdoches, Texas Hyter J. J. ibid. Hvter Saml. ibid. Hyter W. D. ibid. iBER J. M., Percy's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Idalga Jos , sug. Donaldsonville, Ascen- sion, La. Im]ison Thos., Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. liigerscil! A. J., Galveston, Texas Inge Richard, Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. liigersoll C. cotton, Bolivar, Miss. Ingersoll John, Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Ingram G. F., Graysporl, Yallabousha, Miss. Ingram Jas. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, M iss. Ingram M. cotton, ibid. Ingram Miles, cotton, ibid. Ingram Nash, cotton, ibid. Ingram N. D. cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Ingram W. S. sr., Marshall, Noxubee, Miss Ingram Wash, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. inman B. R., Percy's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Innis J. & A. & Mother, sug. Bayou Rapides, Red River, La. Iresun t>. 0., Kingston, Adams, Miss. Irion R. R. sug. Holmes ville P. 0., Avoy- elles, La. Irving I. P., Planters, Attala, Miss. Irving John, Multona Springs, ibid. Irvine Dr., Victoria, Victoria, Texas Irwin Jiimes T., Carrollton, Carroll, Miss. Jiwin J., Sentell's Store, Bossier, La. Irwin John, Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Ish D. E. cotton, Arcadia, Bit-nville, La. 38 Isham Jesse, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Isounrd Dr. A. sug. Assumption, La. Ivi Wm. sug. ibid. Ivey W. H. (P. M.) Cypress Mills, Per- ry, Ark. Ivy W. N. & V. H. sug. Virginia place, Brasliear P. ()., Assumption, La. Ivy Wm. N. sug. Home Place Plant, Bra- shear P. 0., ibid. , Jacks martin, cotton, Kllmichael, Choctaw , Miss. Jacks W. M. cotton. Wolf Creek, ibid. Jacks Col. \V.C,Dorcheate, Columbia, Ark Jackson A. E. cotton, Clinton, E. Felicia- na, La. Jackson Andrew, sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Rapides, La. Jackson C. cott. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Jackson C. cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawam- ba, Miss. Jackson Dr., Miiliken's Bend. Madison, La Jackson E. cott. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Jackson F. M., Columbia, Brazoria, Texas Jackson Henry, Cheneyville, Rapides, La. Jack.son H., Flowery Mound, Concordia, La. Jackson Isaac, cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Jackson J. K. sug. Jacksonville. Iberville, La Jackson J. R. cotton, Clinton, E. Felicia- na, La. Jackson J. W., Cookaville,Noxubee,Miss Jackson S. D., Friar's Point, Coahouma, Miss. Jackson Dr. T. J. cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Jacobs Wm. sug. Patterson ville P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. James D." L. cotton, Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. James David, Graysport, Yallabousha, Miss. Jami s J. C. ibid. James James, cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss James Jas. M., Livingston, Madison, Miss. James John, cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. James John A. colt. Linden, Copiah,Mi8s. James Mrs. M. L., Graysport, Yallabou- sha, Miss. James Rev. Wm. cotton, Newlonia, Wil- kinson, Miss. Jameson H., Woodville, ibid. Jameson R. W., Indian Village, Ouachi- ta, La. Jameson Thos., Caiipy, Matagorda, Texas Jamison Dr. D. M., Speerville, La. Janin L. A. su^. Battle Grounds Refinery, St. Bernard, La. January H. T. B. cotton, Church Hill, Jefferson, Miss. January P. B. cotton, Fayette, ibid. i oH'2 PLANTERS DIKECTORY J.irman R. B., Fayetteville.Fayette.Texas Jarmaii T. S. ibid. Jarnigaii D. B. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. JarniKan D. M. cotton, iljid. Jarnigan J. W. cotton, iMd. Jarniffan T. H., Foarn S[)rings, Winton, Miss. Jarnigaii Thus. S., Marshall,, Noxubee, MJRS. Jarrt-au Mrs. .T. U. sug. Pecan Grove pi. Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Jarrett P. P.cott. Clinton, K.Feliciana, La. Javne J. M., Brandon, Ranlcin Co., Miss. Jefferson J. D., Nutt, Sunflower, Miss. Jefferson Mrs. P., Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Jefferson W, D., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Jeffris J. G., Looxahoma, DeSoto, Miss, Jeffris W. B. Jeffris W. A., Wall Hill, Mnrshall, Miss. Jeffries J. cott. Rodney, Jeff.rson, Miss. Jeniiins F. cott. Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss Jenkins Dr. J. C. cotton. Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Jenkins J. H., Ktachie, DeSoto, La. Jenkins Jas. cotton, Pleasant Hill,De Soto, I Miss, Jenkins John, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Jenkins N . A., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Jenkins Dr. W., Chickaina Bend, Madi- son, La. Jenkins Mrs. W. W. sug. Bayou "Waxee, Washington P. 0., St, Mary, Attaka- pas, La. Jernegan G. cotton. Wolf Creek, Choc- taw, Miss. Jewell Jas. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss, Jetter J. T. sug. Morganza P. 0., Point Coupee, La. Jiggitts D. L. M., Livingston, Madison, Miss. Jinkins John, cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss, Johy John T., Energy, Clark, Ark. .loby John W. ibid. Jobj Z. W. ibid. Jofirion St. Jas. cotton, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Johns .'\driunce, Columbia, Brazoria, Texas Johns Daniel, cott. ISewtonia, "Wilkiihson, Miss. Johns David, cotton, ibid. Johns D. N. S., Clarendon, Monroe, .\rk. Johns Jas. eott. Hopewell Church, Wilk- inson, .Miss. Johns Joshua, cotton, Concordia La., Johns Thos. cott. Newtonia, Wilkinson, Miss, Johnson A. cott. Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. John^on Albert, Marshall C(i., Texas Johnson A. R., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Johnson Allen, colt. Pineville, Smith, Miss. Johnson B. F., Graysport, Yullabousha, Johnson Benj. colt. Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Johnson Benj. Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Johnson Benj. J., Cotton Plant, St. Fran- cis, Ark. Johnson JBradish, sugar. Woodland pi. N. Orleans P. 0., Plaquemine, La. Johnson C. M., Ashwood, Tensas, La, Johnson D, cott. Maysville, Itawamba, Miss, Johnson Ely, cott, Sookalena, Lauderdnle, Miss. Johnson Francis, Garvin's Ferry P. O., Sunflower, Miss. Johnson Frank, McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Johnson F. E., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Johnson G. H. i-otton. Magnolia pi. Livo- nia, Point Coupee, La. Johnson G. W. cotton, Sookalena, Lau- derdale, Miss, Johnson G. P,, Battle Springs, Madison Co,, Miss, Johnson Geo. sugar, Woodland pi. Pla- quemine, La. Johnson H. cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawam- ba, Miss. Johnson Mrs, H. cotton, Malcolm, Jeffer- son, Miss. JohnsoiiJ.B.,Chi'iino,Nacogdoches,Texas Johnson J. C, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss, Johnson J. D. cotton, Tangapaho, St. He- lena, La. Johnson John D. sugar, N. Orleans P. O,, Plaquemine, l^a, Johnson J. F,, Camden, Ark. Johnson J.G. colt. Fayette ,Jefferson, Miss. Johnson J. G., (Jood Hope, Miss. Johnson J. L, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Johnson J. S., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Johnson Col. J. W., Glade Springs, Har- rison, Texas Johnson James, Belle vue. Bossier, La. Johnson Jas. B. cotton, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Johnson Jas. J. cotton, Sookalena, Lau- derdale, .Vliss. Johnson Jas. O. cott. Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Johnson James S., Churcii Hill, Jeffer- son, Miss. Join son .lesse, Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Johnson John, cott. Concoidia, La. Johnson John, cotton, Evergreen, New- ton, Miss. Johnson John, Indian Village, Ouachita, La. Johnson Leo, sugar, Webster pi, Thibo- deauxville P. O , Lafourche Int., La. Johnson Lewis, cotton, Bolands, Itawam- ba, Miss. Johnson L., Sookalena, Lauderdale, Miss. Johnson L. D., Hernando, De Soto, Miss, Johnson L. F. tV Co., Cahawba, Ala. Johnson Ludwick, cott. Sookalena, Lau- derdale, Miss. Johnson M. ibid. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 563 Johnson M. J. N., Mt. Pleasant, Mar- shall, Miss. Johnstin Mrs. M. L., Livingston, Madi- .son, Aliss. Johnson Molly, cotton, Sookalena, Lau- (loidalr. Miss, Johnson Musis, cotton. Evergreen, New- ton, Mi«s. Johnson Mos.s, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Johnson IS .A.,Loiixahonia,De Solo, Miss. Johnsi.n N. L, cotton, Maysville, Itawam- ba, Miss. Johnson K.B., Camden, Madison Co., Ark. JolinsonS.cotl.Maysville,llawanil)a,Miss. Johnson S., Black Hawk, Carroll, Miss. •lohnson Sanil.,Hi'rnando, Do Soto, Miss. Johnson Samuel, Good Hojie, Miss. Johnson St. J., Plum Creek, Cald- well Co., Texas Joh n.son VV . B.coti . Fayette, Jefferson , M iss. Johnson W. D., Mi-Nutt,Sunflower,Miss. Johnson Dr. W. (ji., Felahatchie Depot, Rankin Co., Miss. Johnson Col. W. H., Vicksburg,Warren, Miss. Johnson \V.H.,Looxahoma,De Soto, Miss. Johnson W. V. colton» Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Johnson Wiley, Good Hope, Miss. Johnson Wm. cott(jn. Fort Adams, Wilk- inson, Miss. Johnson Wm. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Johnston T.& Co. sugar. Bayou Grosse Tele, Iberville, La. Johusey J., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Joice C. G., Canton, Madison Co. Miss. Jolet M. sugar, St. Jani' s, r. b. La. Jolly Mrs. C. cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Jolly 10. K. cotton, ibid. Jolly Jas. A. cotton, ibid. JiMs Cnl. C, Fr.n.klin, H..lm,s. Miss. Jones Col., Hamilton, Carroll, Miss. Jones CI in ton, colt. Franklin,FIolines,Miss. Jones D. A. '>V., Lima, M.ueliouse. La. Jones Hon E. P. ,Carrollton, Carroll, Miss. Jones E. J., Farmersville, Union, La. Jones K. L., cotton, Cold Water, Mar- shall, Miss. Jones E. T., Flatlirk, Claiborne, La. Jones Dr. E. T., Riiiirgold, Bienville, La. .lones Capt.F., Livinir.ston, Madison, M iss. Jones F'., Friar's Point, Coahonnia, Miss. Jones F., \ icksl)urg, Warnn, Miss. Jones Frily, Roeky Point, Attala, Miss. Jones G. W., Napoleonville P. O., As- suni|)iion. La. Jones H., Calo Springs, Rankin, Mitss. Jones Hampton, coll. Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Jones Henry, Caney, Matagorda, Texas. Jones J. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, l.a. Jones Rev. J., Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. Jones J. jr.,F"riar's Point, Coahouma,M iss. Jones J. B. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Jones J. M. col ton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Jones J . W., Hillsborough, Union, Ark. Jones James, Farmersville, Union, La. Jones James. Bmoksville, Noxul)ee,Miss. Jones James M.,Mea(lville, Franklin, Vliss. Jones John L., Canton, Madison Co. Miss. Jones Joiin G. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Jones Judge, Colnml)ia, Brazoria, Texas Jones L , Good Hope, Miss. Jones Lafayette, Richmund, Madison, La. Jones M. F. & Co., Himier, La. Jones M. J., Ciitile, Rapides, La. Jones Moses, Jones' Ferry, Moore house, La Jones N., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Jones Richard, Monignmery, Ala. Jones R. B.,Lake Providence, Carroll, La Jones R. B., Keachie, De Soto, La. Jones R. Y., cotton, Concordia, La. Jones Ralph, Farmersville, Union, La. Jones Robert, Calo Springs, Rankin, Miss. Jonc^s Robert, Clintun, Hinds, Miss. Jones R. S. Col,, Garvin's Ferry P. O., Sunflower, Miss. J onesR.T., Green wood P.O., Carroll, Miss. Jones 8. S., Hernando, De Solo, Miss. Jones S. W , Mtadville, Franklin-, Miss. Jones T. B., Hernando, De Solo, Miss. Jones T. J. sugar, Charenton P.O., St. James, La. Jones Thomas, RockySprings, Claiborne, Miss. Jones Thomas H. cotton, ibid. Jones Thomas M. cotton, Arcadia, Bien- ville, La. JonesThoman M,, Limn,Moorehon8e,La. Jones W.B. cotton, Church Hill, Jefferson, Miss. Jones W. D.S., Fri«r'« Point, Coahouma, Miss. Jones W. M C, Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Jones Dr. W. S., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. j.-iMH w. w.,r,,i(i\.iiier,\i,u8iu.:;..Mi>s. Jornas J. J., Dry Ran, Tishomingo.Miss. Jorda Pierre, sugar, St. Bernard, 1. b. La. .Torda Rtggii), sugar, ibid. Jordan Charles R., Ash Creek,Oktibbeha, Miss. Jordan Dr., Carthage Leak, Miss, fordan Dr., Pine Bluff, Jefferson, Ark. Jordan D. H., Canton, Marshall, Miss. Jordan G., Amity, Clark, Ark. Jordan J. M. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Jordan J. E. N., Mt. Pleasant, Marshall, Miss. Jordan James A., Columbia, Marion, Miss. Jordan Robert, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Jordan S., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Jorres J. W., Pigeon Hill, Ark. Jourdan Dr., Canton, Miss. Jourdan Mrs., Elodie, sugar, Star, As- sumption, La. Jourdan G. H. cott. Bay Springs, Tish- omingo, Miss. Jourdan J. B. & Bro. & Co., sugar, Con- vent P. 0., St. James, La. Jourdan Wm. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Joy J. B., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Joy Jas., Buck Horn, Independence, Ark. Joyner Rev. L, North, Mt. Pleasant, Marshall, Miss. Jumbert Dr. J. .Marshall, Noxubee, Miss. Jumper J. A., Dry Run.Tishomingo, Miss. Jungher Theo., Edward's Depot, Hinds, Miss. K ANE R. M., Wetumpka, Ala. Keak J. F., Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. Kearney G., Vernon, Madison Co., Miss. Kearney J. K. ibid. Kearney L. L. ibid. Kearney 0. D. ibid. Kearney Wm. G. ibid. Kearney 0. D., Brownsville, Hinds Co., Miss. Keary H. M.,P. F. & W. V. sugar, Ca- talpa Grove place. Bayou Boeuf, Avoyelle, La. Keary P. F. & Bro. sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Rapides, La. Kenne Jas. 0. sugar, Belle Riviere, Na- poleonville P. 0., Assumption, La. Keasler Joseph, Friendship, Harrison, Texas Keene Alex. E. cotton, Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Keene I. W cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Keene J. B., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Keene T.jr. & Co.,Hillsboro,Union,Co., Ark. Keene Dr. Wm., Tchula, Miss. Keene Wm. B. cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Keep & Schlatre, sugar, Rosedale P. 0., Iberville, La. Keener L.F. ,HarmonyHill,Rusk County, Texas Keeth B. F. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Keeth W. J. cotton, ibid. Keever T. B., Forksville, Ouachita, La. Keith A. J. cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Keith W. B., cotton, ibid. Keith M. J. A., Selma, Ala. Kell Thomas P. cotton, Knoxville, Frank- lin, Miss. Keller Mrs. C. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. F., Lafourche Int., La. Keller James, sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Avoy- elles, La. Kellum Oliver H. cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Kelly Col., Baton's Depot, Hinds, Miss. Kelly E, L. cott. Clinton, E.Feliciana, La. Kelly Col. Frost, Utica, Hinds, Miss. Kelly J. A., E. Feliciana, La. Kelly J. W. cott. Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Kelly John E., Suburn, Hinds, Miss. Kelly Lewis, cott. Dennis Mills, St. He- lena, La. Kelly Robi.,UnionChurch. Jefferson, Miss. Kelly W. A., Bellevue, Bossier, La. Kelly Wm. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Kelsoe Capt. M. G.,Leak Store, Washita, Ark. Kemp G.W. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville,La. Kemp J. D. cotton, Greensburg, St. He- lena, La. Kemp P. cotton, ibid. Kemp P. H. cotton, ibid. Kemp T. D., Waterproof, La. Kemper W. P. sugar, Jeannerette P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Kemper W. P. sugar. Shaver Island, Bra- shear P. 0., ibid. Kenrick F.C. cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Kennedy Jas. cotton, Georgetown, ibid. Kennedy S. G. cotton, Knoxville, Frank- lin, Miss. Kenner Duncan F. sugar, Ashland place, New River P. O., Ascension, La. Kennor Minor, sugar, Pasture pi., Jeffer- son, 1. b.. La. Kenner Mrs. W. B. sugar, Oakland place, N. Orleans P. O., Jefferson, La. Kenney J. M. cotton, Concordia, La. Kent A. cotton, Greensburg, St. Helena, La. Kent C. D. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Kent E. B., Hay's Creek, Carroll, Miss. Kent John S. ibid. Kent S.H, ibid. Ker David, sugar, Jeannerette P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Ker Louis B. cotton, Concordia, La. Kerley John, Cotile, Rapides, La. Kerne Mrs. J. B. & Boudreau, sugar, Thibodeauxville P. 0., Lafourche, Interior La. Kernon W. F. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 565 Kerney Col., Vernon, Madison, Miss. Kerney Oscar, ibid. Kersey James, Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Kerr C. A., Fayettevilie, Fayette, Texas Ki'stlcr Abraham, Carolina, .Nasholia, Miss Key Abel, cotl. Rocky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Kry.loim W., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Key P. B. Mrs. sugar, Rosedale P. 0., Iberville, La. Key W. 0., Garvin's Ferry P. O., Sun- flower Co., Miss. Key \Vm., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Kezer 15., cot. Bethlehem, Marshall, Miss. Kezer Dnvid, cotton, ibid. Kibb William, suj^ar, Bayou Vermillion, Perry's Bridge P. 0., Vermillion, La. Kidd .Tames, Vernon, La. Kidd M. B. & Bro. ibid. Kidd W. M. ibid. Kiger Col. B. J., Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Kilbourne J, G. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Kilgore Allen, Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Kilgore Capt. B., Chickama Bend, Madi- son, La. Kilgore C. H., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Kdgore G. A., (^heney Ridge, Union, La. Kilgore Geo., Farmersville, ibid. Kilgore L.. Chicama Bi'nd, Madison, La. Kigore T. B., Farmersville, I'nion, La. Kilgore Thos. B., Cheney Ridge, ibid. Kilgore Dr. Wm. sugar. Bayou Teche, A ttakapas. La. Killan .Tames, Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Killiiigsworth A.. W., cotton, Rodney, .Tefferson, Miss. Killingsworth Mrs. Jane, cotton, ibid. Killough K. cotton, Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. Kiipatrick A. W., Cheneyville, Rapides, La. Kilpalrirk Capt. E. B., Huntsville, Madi- son, Miss. Kiipatrick E. B., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Kiipatrick J. S.,Barterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Kiljiairirk W. H. cotton, Pontotoc, Miss. Kil|)atrick W. H.,cottoii, Pontotoc, Pon- totoc, Miss. Kimball B. W., Big Bend, Avoyelles, La. Kimball J. ibid. Kimlile S. B. cot. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. KimliroiiHi Jesse, Multona Springs, At- tala, Miss. Kimbrough John, ibid. Kimbrongh Jo.s. ibid. Kimbrixigi) Josiah, iitid. KimdulT fc. S., Densnntown, Rankin, Miss. Kiiiard G., Spear's Store, Union, La. Kiiicade Andrew, Carolina, Neshoba, Miss. Kindnd Davis, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. King A., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. King D. R. P., Battlefield, Laud' rdale.Misa. King D. S., Benton, Yazoo, King G. & H., Shrevcpori, La. King G. W. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. King G. W. jr. cotton, ibid. King Geo. R., Bayou Boeuf, Bossier, La. King Geo. sugar, fiellevue, St. Landry , La. King & Gorson, cot. Monroe, Ouachita, La. King J. B., Pecan Grove, Carroll, La.' King Jani's, cot. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. King L. P., Benton, Yazito, Miss. King Dr. M. cot. Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. King Peyton G cot. Monroe,Ouachiia,La. King R., Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. King Richard, Columbia, Caldwell, La. King Robt., Rodney, JefTerson, Miss. King S. cot. Wolf Creek, Choctaw, Miss. King T. J. cotton, Kilmichael, ibid. King Dr. V.O., Black [Iawk,Carr.,ll ,Miss. King W. D., Cooksville, No.xubee, Miss. King W. L., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. King W. P., I'lanters, Ailala, Miss. King W. R., King's Landing, Ala. King W. W. & E. T. coit. Bavou L'Em- barras, Charenton P.O., St. Martin, La. Kinnison D. W. cotton, Natchez, Jefler- son. Miss. Kinnison Natil, cotton, ibid. Kiiisey A. B., Ashwood, Tensa.s, F^a. Kinsley Jos. cotton, Sookaleiia, Lauder- dale, Miss. Kirby N., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Kirk John C, Victoria, Bolivar, Miss. Kirk Will., cotton, Bolivar, Bolivar, Vliss. Kirkland A., cott. Kilmicliael, Choctaw, Miss. Kirkland Jesse, Brandon, Rankin, Miss. Kirkland & Williams, sugar, Brulc L'g., W. Baton Rouge, La.' Kirkpatrick Robt. cotton, Coonewar, Pon- totoc, Miss. Kisey H. & W. F., Cheneyville, Rapides, Kisey P. F. ibid. Kitchen B.S.,Diy Run, Tishomingo, Miss. Kite Saml. cot. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Kiltrcdge & Dwiglit, sugar. Little Texas, JNapoleonville P, 0., Assumption, I>a. Kittredge & Ewing, sugar, Raceland P.O., Lafourche Interior, La. Kittredge Dr. E. E., sugar. Elm Hall pl., Napoleoiiville, P. 0., Assumption. La. Kizor M., Bay Springs, Tishimiingo, Miss. Klaii N. E., Warrentfin, Warren, Miss. Kl<;inpeier Chas. sugar, Rosedale, Iber- ville, La. Kleinpeter F. & G. sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Kleinp'ier J. B. sug. E. Baton Rouge, La. Kkiiipi-ter Jidin, sugar, Manchac Ferry, E. Baton Kouge, La. Kleinpeter Joseph, sugar, Rosedale P. 0., ibervillf, r. b.. La. Kl<'in|M'ter Paul, Baton Rouge, La. Knapp F. H. sugar, N.Orleans P. O , St. Bernard, La. Knight Davis, col. Pinrville, Smith, Miss. Kiiitrht Jas. colt. Pinevilli', Smith. Miss I see PLANTERS DIRECTORY Knight Henry, sugar, Atchafalnya, Pat- lersonville P. O., St. Mary, Altaka- pas, La. Knight Janus MrL. sugar. Bayou Black, Tigervillr v. 0., Tcrrul'onne, La. Kniglit John, Buck Horn, Independence, Ark. Knight John D., Victoria, Texas Knighi Joseph, sugar, Atchafalaya, Pat- tersonville P. O., St. Mary, Attaka- pas. La. Knight Mirliiiel, sugar, Tigerviile P. 0., Tirrebonne, La. KiiiglU I haddcus, sugar. Belle Riviere, Brashear P. 0., Assumption, La. Knight Thos., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Knight Will, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Knight Wm. cotl. Pineville, Smith, Miss. Knight VVm.jr. cotton, ibid. Knijrhton Josiah, cotton, Clinton, E. Fcii- ciana, La. Knippers 'l\ cotton, Tangapaho, St. He- lena, La. Knox A. sugar, New Hope pi.. Plaque- mine, La. Knox Allison, cotton, Knoxville, Frank- lin, Mis.s. Knox B. J., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Knox H. H. cot. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Knox J. cot. Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. Knox James, C, Plains Store, E. Baton Houge, La. Knox John H. cot. Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Knox 0., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Knox Thos. sugar. Bayou Petit Teche, St. Landry, La. Knox W. L.,Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Knox Wm. Edgefield, Attala, Miss. Kock Charles sugar. Belle Alliance pi., Donaldsonville P.O., Assumption, La. Kock C. sugar, St. Emma place, Donald- sonville P. 0., Ascension, La. Koen B. F.cot. Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. Koonce G. B. (;ot. Arcadia, Bienville, La. KramnerA., Dry Run, Tishomingo, Miss. Krutts J. J., Sparta, Bienville, La. Kuhn Jacob, Good Hope, Miss. Kulin J. C, Galveston, Texas Kune A. C, Goodrich's Landing, La. Kur James, Clarendon, Ark. KuseeG., Hillsborough, Union, Ark. Kusee Thomas, ibid. Kusee Tluimas, jr., ibid. Kuy Kendall J., Oakland, Yallabousha, Miss. Kyle Jacob, cotton, Cloutierville, Natchi- toches, La. Kyle Col. John, Canton, Hinds, Miss. XJABADIE J. L. sugar. Assumption, La. i F. 0. sugar, N. Orleans, P. 0., ] Jeffrrson, La. Labarre P. L. sugar, ibid. Labarre Leon, Hermitage, Point Coupee, La. Labauve J. B. Lejeune & Co. sug. Brule Landing, W. Baton Rouge, La. Labbe C. sugar, Coteau, New Iberia, P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Labiche Mrs. P. sug. Bayou Courtbleau, St. Landry, La. Laborde A., Big Bend, Avoyelles, La. Labranche Alchee, & Co. sue:ar, Glendale P. 0. , Edgar P.O., St. Jolfn Baptist,La. Labranche B. & V. & . Co. sug. Labranche pl.,N. Orleans P. 0.,Jetrerson, La. Labranche Mrs. D. & Son, sugar, St. Charles, La. Labranche Edgar, F. & Co., Prospect pi., iMcCutcheon P. 0., St. Charles, La. Labranche J. B. tist,La Lebourgfois Louis & Sons, sugar, Bel- mont pi., Convent P. 0., St James and Monterey pi., St. James, La. Lebret Pett r, sugar, W. Feliciana, La. Leclerc A, & Co., sugar, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Lecomte A., cotton, Cloutierville, Natchi- toches, La. Lecoy Aug., cotton, Bayou Muse pi., Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Lecroy John, Benton, Saline, Ark, Ledbetter R., cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Ledei&Co., sugar, Thibodeauxviile P. 0., Lafourche Int., La. Ledet H. E. & Bros., sugar, ibid. Ledoux A . Miltenberger & Co., sugar, La- tanarlie, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Ledoux v., sugar, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Lee B., Marshall, Franklin, Miss. Lee L (»., Narogdochf s, Texas Lee L. L-. Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Lee L. v.. Rocky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Lee Leonard, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Lee Levy, cotton, Sookalena, Lauderdale, Miss. Lee Luke,cotton,PineRidge, Copiah, Miss. Lee M. E. S., Marshall, Franklin, Miss. Lee M. W., Pine Grove, Franklin Miss, Lee Mathew, cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Lee R., Darlington, St. Helena, La. Lee Reuben, cotton. Union Church, Jef- ferson, Miss, Lee S. v., cotton, Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Lefebre Pierre, sugar, Thibodeauxviile, Lafourche, La. Leflar Jos., Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Leftwich Mrs. E,, sugar, Star P. 0., As- sumption, La. Legg E., Cherino, Nacogdoches, Texas Legg P. C. .Friar's Point, Coahovima, Miss. Legg S. S., Cherino, Nacogdoches, Ti'Xas Leggett Daniel, cott, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Leggett Elisha, cotton, ibid. Leggett J. W., (estate,) Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Leggett H. S., ibid. LeggettN,E,,Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Leigh J. F., Hayou Roeuf, Holmesville P. O,, Avoy.'lles, La, Leigh Randolph, Garvin's Ferry P. 0., Sunflower Co., Miss, Leighton Sarah, cotton, Rodney, Jeflfer- son, Miss. Lejeune Baptiste & Co,, sugar, FalseRiver, Point Coupee, La, Lejeune Ovid, sugar, Old Hickory place, Raccouci, Point Coupee, La. Leland J., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Lemay H.M., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Lenimon W. W., Lobdell's Store, W, Ba- ton Rouge, La. Lemon A. R., Graysj)ort, Yallabousha, Miss. Lemon Geo., cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Lemon I.saac M., cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- ■ liciana, La. Lemon J. J. E., Graysport, Yallabousha, Miss. Lemon T. P., Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Mi.-'s. Lenoir Thos.E., col. Linden, Copiah, Miss, Lenormand M,, cotton, St. Martinsville, St, Martin, La. Lenormand M. jr., rotton, ibid. Lenormand P,, cotton, ibid. Lenormand Ursin, sugar, St. Martinsville P. O., Si, Marlin, Aitakapas, La, Leonard J., Darlinpton, St, Helena, La. Leonard Jos,, sugar, Thibodeauxviile P, ()., Lafmirehe Int., La, Lephiew W. J, .Warrin. Bradley Co,, Ark, Lepheu nge, La. Loque N. & Co., sugar, St. John Baptist, l.b. La. Loreau .To.siph, sugar, Fausse Pointc,New Ibervill.' I'. 0., St. Martin, La. Lorio F. sugar, St. .John Baptist, r. b.La. L"tt Elisha, Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Lott Wm. B., Sharon, ibid. Lott S.S.C(itton,Kilmichacl, Choctaw, Miss Loudon Mrs. C, Plain Store, E. Baton Rouge, La. Loudon. Lhivid, Port Hudson, E. Feli- ciana, La. Loudon Jami'S, ibid. Loudon Janirs M., Plain Store, E. Baton Roiigi', La. Loughborough Dr. J. H. sugar, Bonnet Carre P. 0., St. John, La. Loury J. S. ^L cotton, Deerfield, Car- roll, La. Louque N. & Co., sugar, Bonnett Carre P. 6., St. John Baptist, La. Love H . 0. N., Chesterfield, Pontotoc, Miss. Love J. H., Canton, Madison, Miss. Love Robert, ibid^ j Love Jos. F., Concord, Rankin Co. Miss. ■' Love S., Ash Creek, Oktibbeha, Miss. Love T. G., Canton, Madison, Miss. Love W. r. ibid. Love Dr. W.K., Hernando, De Solo, Miss. Lovelace Dr. P. K.H. cotton. Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Lovelers S., Cuoksvillc, Noxubee, Miss. Lover Jos., Bankslon, Choctaw, Miss. Lovelt D. S. cotton, Bellefontainc, Choc- tiiw. Miss. Lovett Dan. cotton, ibid. Lovf'lt J., Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Lovelt John, cotton, Bellefontainc, Choc- taw, Miss. Lovett Moses, cotton, ibid. Lovett Sarah, cotton. Evergreen, Newton, Miss. Lowe Mrs. A. M., Livingston, Madison, Miss. Lowe Lc'-tton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Lowe J. cotton, ibid. Lowermoar Samuel, cotton, Bellefontainc, Choctaw, Mis.s. Lowrance A. S. cotton, Bolands, Itawam- ba, Miss. Loyd E., Easlon, Talbot Co., Md. Loyd Mrs. E.,Burta. Lyons B. coiion, Clinton, E.Filiciana, La. Lyons H. A. sugar. Bayou Grosse Tete, Point Coupee, La. Lvons Willif. Canton. Madison Co. .Miss. 572 PLANTERS DIRECTORY M. cADAMSJ.T.,Lisbon,Claiborne,La. McAdams P. ibid. McAdamsW.W.cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La McAdvoy Jas., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. McAdvoy Williamson, Rocky Point, Miss. McAfee Hon. J., Brandon, Hankin, Miss. McAfee J. cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. McAfee Morgan, cott. Tciiula, Holmes, Miss. McAfee Robert, Rocky Point, Attala,Miss. Mc Mlister J., Fayetteville, Fayrtte,Texas McAllister Win. cotton, Concordia, La. McAlpin Dr. W., Bolton's Depot, Hinds, Miss. McAlpin W.R., Grand Gulf, Claiborne, Miss. McArn D. cotton, Union Church, Jeffer- son, Miss. McArthur W. cotton, Livonia, Point Cou- pee, La. McBeemen L., Highway, Clark, Ark. McHolt G., Brandon, Rankin, Miss. McBride R,obert, cotton, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. McBride Wm., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. McBritt J. P. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- . taw. Miss. McBritt Robt. cotton, ibid. McCad David, cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. McCad S. B., Richmond, Madison, La. McCain B. F. cotton, Bellufontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. McCain Henry, cotton, ibid. McCain L A. cotton, ibid. McCain Dr. J. cotton, ibid. McCain John, cotton, ibid. McCain Wm. cotton, ibid. McCain Wm., Multona Springs, Attala, Miss. McCaieb Jas. Natchez, Adams Co. Miss. McCalet E. H., Burtenton, Copiah, Miss. McCall Henry, sugar, Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, r. b. La. McCall Rich'd, sugar, ibid. McCalla Mrs., Sentell's Store, Bossier,La. McCallam A., Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. McCallum James, sugar, Morganzia P.O., Point Cou]iee, La. McCarney P. F., Monterey, Rankin, Miss. McCarty D. cott. Bolands,itawamba, Miss. McCarty J. C, Coila, Carroll, Miss. McCarty James, Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. McCarty John, ibid. McCarty John, sugar, Brule, St. Vincent, Paincourtville, P. 0., Assumption, La. McCartyLeroy, Dorcheat, Claiborne, Miss. McCarty Robt. sugar. Bayou Teche, N. Iberia P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas.La. McCarty Wm. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. McCasland A. J., Mt. Lebanon, Bien- ville, La. McCasland J. W., Ringgold, Rienville,La. McCasland J. W., Iverson, ibid. McCauley Lemuel, sugar, West Baton Rouge, La. McCauley W. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. McCavney P. P., cotton, Monterey, Ran- kin, Miss. McClain E., Dido, Thoctaw, Miss. McClain Saml., Good Hope, Miss. McClellan S. cotton. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. McClelland Robt, cott. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. McClendon A. D.,Forksvi]le,Ouachita,La. McClendon B. S.,Good Hope, Miss. McClendon, Baker & Co.,West Point,Ga. McClendon Francis, Forksville, Oua- chita, La. McClendon James, F^isbon, Claiborne, La. McClendon Robt. W., Forksville, Oua- chita, La. McClendon S. W., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. McClcod N. A. cott. Bethlehem, Marshall, Miss. McCleroy R. S. cotton, ibid. McCiintock Jane, Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. McClutchie E. C. cotton, Bethlehem, Mar- shall, Miss. McCollom A. cotton. Union Church, Jef- ferson, Miss. McCollom Bros, sugar, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. McCollom W. A , Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. McCollom Wm. W. cotton, Fayette, Jef- ferson, Miss. McCollum & Godard, Camden, Ark. McColum P., Camden, Ark. McComb S. cotton. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. McCombs John, cott. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. McCombs John, jr cotton, ibid. McCombs Wm. cotton, ibid. McCone Tlios. cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. McCool Wm., Newport, Attala, Miss. McCoppin G. C. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. McCordle E.H., Burtenton, Copiah, Miss. McCorkle Isaac, cotton, Rodney, Jeffer- son, Miss. McCormack Aaron, Carolina, Neshoba, Miss. McCormack Fforid, Densontown, Ran- kin, Miss. McCormack J. C, Union Church, Jeffer- son, Miss. McCormick Francis, Forksville, Ouachi- ta, La. McCormick I. M., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. McCormick I. W., Columbia, Brazoria, Texas McCormick John, Densontown, Rankin, Miss. McCormick John C. cotton, Scotland, Jef- ferson, Miss. McCormick N. S. cotton. Union Church, ibid. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 673 McCorqiiodiilp Jno.C, Prairievillo, Kauf- man, TiXiis McCoy Elisilia, cotton, Rocky Mount, Kemper, Miss. McCoy John N. cotton, ibid. McCoy Wm. cotton, ibid. McCmcken A., Looxalioma, Dc Soto, Miss. McCracken J., Keachie, De Soto, Miss. MeCrnine Neai, cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. M. Crane M., Darlmgton, St. Helena, La. M 'Crary Robert, Bayou Boeuf, St. Lan- dry, La. M.Cray H. N., Benton, Saline, Ark. Mi'Crea .Tiilin, cotton, Newionia, Wilkin- son, \1 iss. McCrea John J. cotton, ibid. McCready Robt. cotton, ibid. McCr ary A. cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- waml)a. Miss. M Cullah John, Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. M ■('ulloch M. D., Camden, Madison Co. Miss. M ("iiJhim J. C. cotton, Pearl River, Co- piah, Miss. McCustor Thos., Nacogdoches Co., Tex. McCutcheon J. W. & S. sugar, Orniond pi. McCutcheon P.O., St. Charles, La. MrCuirheon S. D. & Co. sugar, Oakland pi. Plaquemine, La. McCutcheon J. W. & S. sugar, Ormond pi. St. ('harles, La. McCutcheon Wm.W., Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. McDade N. J., Bellevue, Bossier, La. McDaniel J. L., cotton, Coldwater, Mar- shall, Miss. McDaniel John, Pine Grove, Franklin, Miss. McDaniel K. P. ,Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La Mi'Daniel Margaret, Hillsborough, Union, Ark. McDaniel S., Livingston, Madison, Miss. McDiniels J. H., Pine Grove, Franklin, Miss. McDermott C. C, Bartholomew, Jeffer- son, Ark. McDermott Chas. ibid. McDermott Mrs. E. A. ibid. McDonald A., Highway, Clark, Ark. McDonald D. C. cotton, Monterey, Ran- kin, Miss. McDonald D. N. C, Laurel Hill, Nesho- ba, Miss. McDonald D. S., Good Hope, Miss. McDonald D. W., Furn Springs, Wins- ton, Miss. McDonald Henry, cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. M'-Don.ild .1., Iverson, Bienville, La. McDonald Neil, Highway, Clark, Ark. McDonald T. E., Percy's Creek, Wilkin- son, Miss McDonald W.D.,Dorrheat, Claiborne, La. M.Donald W. S. cotton, Rodney, Jeffer- son, Miss. McDonough S. W., Jones Ferry, Moore- house, La. McDiuvell J. N., Dcnsontown, Rankin, Miss. McDowell James, cott. Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. McDowell John, Ringgold, Bienville, La. McDowell Samuel W . cotton, Newtonia, Wilkinson, Miss. McDuff R. F., Good Hope, Miss. McElner Wm., Galley's Creek,Pope,Ark. Mcl!lroy Martin, Vernon, La. McEnery H.O. cott.Monroe,Ouachita,La. McEnery I. D. cotton, ibid. MeEnery J. cotton, ibid. VlcFarland J. P ,Sparia, Bienville, La. McFarland J. E. sugar, Beaux Bridge P. 0., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. McFarland Thos., New Carthage, Madi- son, La. McFayden J. A., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. McGauhi'y J. H., Bovina, Warren, Miss. McGavock R. sugar, Iberville P. 0., Iber- ville, I. b. La. McGee C. cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss McGee J. cotton, ibid. McGee Mrs. M. A. sugar, Aurora pi., N. 0. P.O., Orleans,!, b. La. McGehee A. cott. Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss. McGehee Dr. E., Benton, Vazoo, Miss. McGehee Edward, cotton. Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. McGehee E. J cotton, ibid. Mi-.Gehee E., Concordia, Bolivar, Miss. McGhee Col. M. H., Victoria, Bolivar, Miss. McGehee M.T., Mt. E^a, Bradley, Ark. McGehee Thos., Green Creek, Catahoula, Li. McGill A. J , Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. McGill J. M., Si. Joseph, La. McGough A. W., Hillsborough, Ark. McGough R., Farmersville, Union, La. McGovan Hugh, Spring Ridge, Hinds, Miss. McGrane C, Lafomba, Lafayette, Miss. McGraw Solomon, Kinggold, Bienville, La McGiew C, Alabama Lg. Ark. McGuire James, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Ml Guire M.L., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. McHatton J. A. sugar, Little Misery pi. E. Baton Rouge, La. McHatton J. A. sugar, Arlington pi. E. Baton Rouge, La. McHatton oks villi-, Noxubee, Miss Mclntvre Wm. M., Monterey, Rankin Co., Miss. 574 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Mcintosh W.S., R('dmouth,Ouachita,La. iVlcJoin Hon. J.. Brandon, Rankin, Miss. McKac Mrs. Eliza, Sjn-ing Ridge, Hinds, Miss. McKay A.N., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. McKay Duncan, Densontown, Rankin, Miss. McKay H. J., Burtenton, Copiah, McKay John, Densontown, Rankin, Miss. McKay .lohn, Clinton, Hinds, Miss. McKea R., Bay Spriiighi,Tishoniin£o,Miss McKeady Robl., Newtonia, Wilkinson, Miss. McKeil .T. S., La Grange, Phillips, Ark. McKerell W. & CaflVry's heirs, sugar. Bayou Teche, Franklin P. O., St. Mary, Altakapas, La. McKie M. J., Canton, Madison, Miss. McKii-.ney A., Looxahoma,De Soto,Miss. McKinney David, Friendship, Harrison, Texas McKinney Wm. ibid. McKinney Kinchen, Prairieville, Kauf- man Co., Texas McKleroy, Reill & Davis, Plattoville, La. McKneely J. F., sug. Wakefield pi., Port Hudson, E. Feliciana, La. McKneely J. F. & Son, sug. False River, Waterloo P. O., Point Coupee, La. McKnight J. K., Elysian, Angelina Co., Texas McKnight & Bennett, sug. Red Plains pi. Campli, Natchitoches, La. McLaily A., Little Black, Choctaw, Miss. McLane R. W., Nacogdoches Co., Texas McLatham Wm. cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. McLaurin Genl. C, Densontown, Rankin, Miss. McLaurin D., Brandon, ibid. McLaurin D. N. cotton, Union Church, Jefl'erson, Miss. McLaurin W. W., Caseyville, Copiah, Miss. McLean C. F. cotton. Union Church, Jef- ferson, Miss. McLean Dr. E. R., Greenwood, Carroll, Miss. McLean. Daniel, cotton, Newtonia, Wil- kinson, Miss. McLean Hugh, cotton. Pearl River, Co- piah, Miss. McLean J. B., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. McLean J. M. ibid. McLean John, Vicnna,Jackson, Parish, La McLean P. B., Vernon, Jackson, La. McLean R., Newport, Attala, Miss. McLclland Peter, Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. McLemore Amos., Energy, Clark, Miss. McLeod C M. cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. McLeod David, sug. Raceland P. O., La- fourche, interior. La. McLeod Mrs. D. C, Sidon P. 0., Miss. McLeod Normon, Garvin's Ferry, Miss. McLeod 0., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. McLeod R. ibid. McLeroy Jesse H., Nacogdoches, Texas McMahan J. cotton. Bay S]n-iiigs, Tisho- mingo, Miss, McMahan J. P. cotton, ibid. McMahon Nancy, Canton, Miss. MiMahon R. G., Gainesville, Ala. MrMahon T. L., Courtland, Ala. M.Mahon W. P., Courtland, Ala. McManus & Griffin, sug. Pointe Celeste pi. & Ref., N. 0. P. 0., Plaque- mine, La. McMaiius J. L. cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. McManus T. H. sug. E. Feliciana,l.b.La. McMartin W. McD, Black Hawk, Car- roll, Miss. McMrllon D. O. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. MrMilion John, Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. McMillon Robt., Newport, ibid. McMillon Wm., Kosciusko, ibid. McMillan A. B., Keachie, DeS.ito, La. McMillan D., Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. . McMillan D., Caseyville, Copiah, Miss. McMillan N., Laurel Hill, Neshoba, MciVlillen C.N. cotton, Knoxville, Frank- lin, Miss. McMillen J. F. cotton, ibid. McMilien John C. cotton, ibid. M, Friaf's Point, Coahoma, Miss. Mailoi'k, Buchanan & Allen, Camden, Ark, Mauge & Lebebre,sugar,Thibodcauxvilie, l^afourche. La. Maureau J. & Co., sugar, ibid, Maury James, Murfree.sboro, Tenn. Maury William, Franklin, Tenn, Maxcy J. G. W., Chesterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Maxwell Dr. David, cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Maxwell John, cotton, ibid. Maxwell Mrs. M. cotton, ibid. Maxwell T. S. cotton, ibid. Maxwell Wm. cotton, ibid. May J. L., Marie, Saline, Ark. May, Marshallville, Noxubee, Miss. May J. jr., ibid. May Thos, sugar, Edgar P. 0., St. John Ba|)tist, La. May Thos. sugar. Crane Forge P. 0., Assumption, La, Mayi>erry H. J. cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Maybin J. W., Hardiff, Warren, Miss, .Mayelt iN. Graysport, Yaloi)usha, Miss, .Vlayfield J. R., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Maytield &i Lane, sugar, Grand Caillou, Terrebonne, La. 39 Maynard G. W., Anuty Church, Ark. Maynard J. B., sugar, B.iyou Teehe, Charenton P. 0.", St. Mary, Attaka- pas. La. Mays Wni. C, Sparta, Bienville, La. Mayre & Sins, Garvin's Ferry P. 0,, Sun- flower, Miss, Mead<' Mrs. D. E. sugar. Bayou Teche, Attakapas, La. Meade Mrs. D. E. sugar. Bayou Teche, Centreville P. 0., St. Mary, Attaka- pas, La. Meade Mrs. D. E., sugar. Bayou Teche, Pattersonville P. 0., ibid. Meader J. J., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. M.aderT. J., ibid. Meadows T. D., ibid. Meager & Thurber, Mobile, Ala. Means A. N., Graysi)ort, Miss ms C. Miss. ayspc Jii, B Means C. B. cotton. Black Jack, De Soto, Means H H.,Hudsonville,Marshall,Miss. Means J. H.. Hampton, Calhoun, Aik. Meeker Moses L., Coniite, E. Baton Rouge, La. Meek Jas. L.,(Janton, Madison Co., Miss. Meek Jas. T.,ibid. MetFord Dr. E. R., St. Charles, Arkansas, Ark. Melan^on Mrs. A. & Sons, sugar, Tu- reaud P. 0., St. James, La. MeIan<;on Jos. sugar, Leonville P.O., St. Landry, La. Melan<;on & Michel, sugar. Church P. 0., Assumption, La. MelaiKjon N. sugar, Donaldsonville P. O., Ascension, r. b. La. Melan<;on P. M. sugar. Church P. 0., Assumption, La. Milan<^on Ursiii & Kloy, sugar, ibid. Mellen W. P., Natchez, Adams Co., Meligan J., Jom.'s Ferry, Morehouse, La. Mellon T. A., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Mellona J., Highway, Clark, Ark. Melton M. cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Memath J., Providence, Carroll, Miss. Memath M. ibid. Menton Anth. Burnsville, Dallas Co., Ala. Mercer J., Egypt, Texas Merchant J. A. cotton, E, Feliciana, La, Merile A. M., Plain Store, East Baton Rouge, La, Merinether C. S., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Merinether J, ibid, Merinether V, H. ibid, Merrick E.T.,rott. Clinton, E.Feliciana, La. Ml rrill A. P. jr., Natchez, Miss. .Merrill J. U. cotton. Church Hill, Jeffer- son, Miss. Mcrritt Dr. A. T. B. sugar, N. Orleans, P, ()., St. Bernard, La. Merritt J. T.\V.,Vick8burg, Warren, Miss. Merslion Thos. cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Merwiii D.t '.iWoodville, Wilkinson, Miss. Messey W.,Liine Flat,Naroi;dorhes,Tex. 578 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Messinger Geo., Bnvina, Warren, Miss. Mestiiyer Franyiis, sugar, Faiiss(.' Pninte, NfW Iberia P. 0., .-m. Martin, La. Metcalf Henry, Natcliez.Adums Co., Miss. Metcalf Dr. Jus. ibid, iVIetcalf .lames, iliid, Metcalf Mrs. M. A. ibid, Metcalf Dr, Orin, ibid, Mewel K. D., \shwl F. &, Bros, sugar, Bayou Dularge, Houma 1'. O., Terrebonne, La, MichelJ. sugar, RosedaieP.' ' , Iberville. La, Micheltre G. & Co, sugar, Rosedale P. O., Iberville, r, b. l^a, Michie D, C, Bovina, Warren, Miss. Michon A, sugar, N, (.Orleans P. O., St, Bernard, 1, b. La. Micou W, C, &, Co., Jefferson, r. b. La. Middleton A. W, cott, Kilinichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Middleton B. P. cott. Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Middleton M., Cloutierville, Natchito- ches, La. Middli'ton P, cotton, Bi-llefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Middleton R. W. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Middleton "Wm, cott. Cloutierville, Natch- itoches, La. Middleton W. B, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Middleton Z. cott. Kilmichael, ibid. Middleton Z. L., Bellefontaine, ibid. Mids Col, C. C, Marshall, T.'xas Miham J. H., LooXahoma, Do Soto, Miss. Malain Col. .i..T., Wall Hill,Marshall,Miss, Miles W., Bentuii, Copiah, Miss. Miliner L., Benton, Seiin, Ark, Millaudoii H. 0, sugar, Estelie pl.,N. Or- leans P. 0., Jefferson, La, Mille & Hebert Bros, sugar, Austerlitz pi., False River, Waterloo P, 0., Point Coupfci', La. Mille & Trinidad, sugar, Marengo pi., Brule L'g. W, Baton Rouge, La. Milieu J. E.., Flowery Mound, Concor- dia, La. Milieu M.T.,Cold Water, Marshall,Miss. Miller A. P., Brandon, Rankin Co., Miss, Miller B., Trinity Chuich, Catahoula, La. Miller B.H. cott. Knoxville,l''ranklin, Miss. Miller C, cott. Newtonia, Wilkinson, Miss. Miller C. F. cott. Coelk, Livingston, La. Miller Daniel, cotton, Newtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Miller D. F. cotton, Concordia, La. Miller E. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Miller E E.cott. Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Miller Ed wd. coll. Fayette,Jeffersoii,Miss. Miller F. M. colt. Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss. Miller G. M., Flowery Mound, La. Miller G. W, cotton, Concordia, La. Miller Henry, cotton, Newtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Miller H. R.cott.Pontotoc,Pontotoc,Miss. Miller I. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La, Miller James, cott. Cedar Bluff, Oktibbe- lia, Miss, Miller Jas. K., Flowery Mound, La. Miller .las. T. cott. FayettejJefTersoii, Miss. Miller Jesse, cott. Monterey. Rankin, Miss. Miller John, cotton, Concordia, La. Miller John F. sugar, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Miller John H. cotton, Pontotoc, Ponto- toc, iVJiss. Miller Joseph, cott. Coelk, Livingston, La Miller Joseph, Bartersville, Pontotoc, Miss. Miller Jos. E. cotton, Concordia, La. Miller J. cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Miller Kev. J. H, cotton, Pontotoc, Poii- toc, Miss. Miller J. P, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss, Miller J. W.cott. Knox villi', Franklin, Miss Miller J. W., McNult, Sunflower, Miss. Miller Robt, A. cott, Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Miller Robt, P, cotton, Concordia, La, MillerThaddeus, McNult, Sunflower, Miss. Millett Geo. colt. Coelk, Liviiigstoti,.Vi is.s, Millett John, sugar. Grand Lake, F'ranklin P. O., St. Mary, Atlakapas, La, Milieu Mrs. P, sugar, St. John Baptist, La. Millican J. C, Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Millican Wm. ibid. Million J. C. cott. Monroe, Ouachita, La, Mills C. W. cotton, C(mcoidia, La. Mills Josiah, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Mills J. Y. sugar, Port Hudson, E. Feli- ciana, La. Mills M. G. cott.Clinton, E. Feliciana,La, Mills W. J. (P, M.,) Cedar Bayou, Lib- erty, Texas. Millsapes G, coll. PineRidge, Copiah, Miss, Millsapes R. cotton, ibid. Millsapes T. cotton, ibid. Millsapes W. W. coiton, ibid, MiUsaps Green, Port Gibson, Claiborne, Miss. MiUsaps G., Caseyville, Copiah, Miss. Millsaps 1"., Forksville, Ouachita, La. Milson J. W. B. cotton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, La. Miltenberger A, & Co. (G. O. Hall,) sug. Normandy pl.,Latanache, Point Cou- pee, La. Miltenberger A. & Co. sugar, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La Milton J. T., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Milton M., Coelk, Livingston, La. Mimms G. W., btica, hinds, Miss. Minns Wm., Marion, La, Minns G. W., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Minor John, Natchez, Adams, Miss. Minor John S. sugar, Southwood pi., New River P. O., Ascension, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 679 Minor Wm. J. siig;ar, Watfirloo pi., New River P. O., Asconsion, 1. b. La. Minor W. J. sugar, Hnllywood & South- down pis., Houma P. O., Terre- bonne, La. Minter .Ins., McN'utt, Sunflower, Miss. Mintcr W. T.. S:irdis, Dallas Co., Ala. Minion J. eott. Pino Ridge, Copiah, Miss Mire Caniille& Co. sugar, Donaldsoiiville P. U., Si. .lani.s, La. Miri' Droz, sugar.TuriMud, St. James,La. INIirc K. & E. sug:ar, ibid. Miri' E. & Son, sugar, ibid. Mitchel Ira, cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Miteh.'ll C. J., Richmond, Madis.-n, La. Miichell Dr. G. C. cotton, Pontotoc, Miss. Mitchell .Taniis, cotton, Concordia, La. Mitchell John, cotton. Union Church, Jef- ferson, Miss. Mitchell .John, Grenada, Miss. Mitchell .1. A. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Mitcliell .1. W., Flowery Mound, Concor- dia, La. Mitchell Martha, Cypress Mills, Perry, Ark. Mitchell Mr., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Milehell P. L. cotton, Trinitv, Catahoula, La. Mitchell R. F., Alto, Cherokee Co., Tex. Mitchells., Burkilsville, Attala. Miss. Miiclx'IIT. A. ,Chesterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Mitchell Win., Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Mix(Mi .loel, Yorksville, Ouachita, La. Mixon Mrs. Rhoda, cotton, Tanga]taho, St. Helena, La. Mizzel .Toel, cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Mock Elbert, cotton, Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. .Mock John, cotton, ibid. M.ilVait Jas. cotton, Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. Moflatt T. cotton, ibid. Motiatl W. cotton, ibid. M'llFut ,VL VV , Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. MuHiit W., Clinton, ibid. Molhtt VV. R., McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Moiiona Capt., Grenada, Miss. Molaison Jacques, sug W. Baton Rouge, La. Molaison Michel, cott. Clouterville, Nat- chitoches, La. Molere G. sugar. Crane Forge P. 0., As- sumption, La. Molere Mrs. Louis, sugar, Ascension, La. Miuiahaii D., ( 'arulina. Miss. Moncun Dr. .1. E., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Monday G. W. coltcm, Clinton, K. Felici- ana, Miss. Mone Allen, Heliefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Mone B. W. ibid. Mone F. C. ibid. Mone J. VV. ibid. Monefie T. f. m. c. cotton, Cloutierville, Nairhiloclus, La. Monoi Mrs. C. & P. Bourg, sugar, Napo- leonville P. 0., As.sumjition, Ln. Montague R. V., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Monic .los. sugar, Albemarle P.O., As- sumption, La. Montegut L. sugar, St. John Baptist, La. Montgomery A., V'icksburg, Warren, Miss. Montgomery A., Mid way, Madison, Mi.^.s. Montgomery A. B., Hudson ville, Marshal I, Miss. Montgomery A. J., Canton, Madison Co. Mi~s. Monigoinery D., Slarkville, Oktibbeha, Aliss. Morignmery D. F., Ash Creek, ibid. Montgomery Eli, Vernon, Madison, Mis.-j. Montgomery E. L. cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. Montgomery F., Midway, Madison, Miss. Montgomery Gin'l, Egypt, Fayette,Tex Montgomery Hugh, cotton, Fayette, Jef- ferson, Miss. Montgomery H. J., Canton, Madison, Miss Montgomery John, ibid. Montgomery JamesA., New London, Ark Montgomery J., Asliwood, Tensas, La. Montgomery J., Bayou Boeuf, St. Lan- dry, La. Montgomery J. B. cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. Montgomery J. G., Egypt, Fayette, Ti^x. Montgomery J. H. cotton, Fayette, Jelfer- son. Miss. Montgomery J. M.,Lewisville, Lafayette, A^rk. Montgomery J. S., Egypt, Fayette, Tex. Montgomery J. T., Ash Creek, Oktibbe- ha, Miss. Montgomery Lafayette, Canton, Madison, iVJiss. Montgomery Levi, ibid. Montgomery Major, New Carthage, La. Montgomery P. K. cottoi^ Fayette, Jef- ferson, Miss. Montgomscoml), Jasper, Texas Norcott F., Bay SpringSjTishomingo, Miss. Norcfoss J., Atlanta, Ga. i\ore Jas. B. cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Norman A. P. cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Norman ('. D. coiton, ibid. Norman E. S. coiton, il)id. Norman J. L. cotton, ibid. i Norman J. M. cotton, ibid. Norman G. W., Hamburg, Ashley Co., Ark. Normar; 0. P. ibid. Norman T. C, Tripoli, Tishomingo, Miss. Norman W. S., New London, bniou Co., Ark. Norris Christian, Marie, Saline Co., Aik. Norris LO. W., Dido, Choctaw, Miss Norris &. Johnson, Beech Hill, Wachita, Co., Ark, Norris J. A. ii)id. Norris Richd. H., Sicily Island, La. Norsworthy D. J., New London, Union Co., Ark. Norsworthy Dr. G. ibid. .Norsworthy H . ibid. .Norsworthy H. ibid. ' .Norsworthy N.ibi/1. .Norsworthy W. ibid. North H. & Co. sugar. Assumption, La. iNortlnrn H. N. cotton, Kilmichaei, Choc- taw, Viiss. Norton Maj. John, Clinton, Hinds, Miss .Norton R. M. cotton. Pine Ridge, Copiah Miss. Norwood A. I. coiton, Clinton, E. Feli- ciana, l..a. Norwood A. S. cotton, ibid, Norwood D. C, cotton, ibid. Norwood G.G., Darlington, St, Helena,La. Norwood J. A. ciiJtoii, ibid. Norwood J, S. \\'oodlaiid, I']. Feliciana, La. N(H-wood .F. W. cotton, Clinton, ibid. Norwood Mrs. J. C. & Son, sugar. Glen- wood pi.. Bayou Deglaise, Avoyelles, La. Norwood N. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana, [.a. Norwood S. 1. cotton, ibid, Norwood Tlicophile, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Nott Dr. coiton, Black Jack, De Soto, La. Nowlin David, Franklin, Hobms, Miss. Nowman A. AL, Caseyville, Hinds, Miss. Nugent John,sugar,I'raiiie,St.Laiulry,La. Nugent W. cotton, Kilmichawl, Choctaw, Miss. Nnlly J. G., Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. NulJy W. VV.,Oak Ridge, Warrm, Miss. Nunn E. F., Siiininerville, Neshoba, Miss. Nunn F. W. ibid. Nunn John, ibid. Nunn J. C. ibid. Nurdin F"., Hermitage, Point Coupee, La. Nuson .Tas., Friar'sPoint,Coahoina, Miss. Nnson M. ibid. ^utt Dr. C. E., Milliken's Bend, La. O AKMAN R. cotton, Concordia, La. Oakman R. cotton, Church Hill, Jefferson, Miss. Oats Capt., Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Oats .Tohii, Galli'y Creek, Pope, Ark. Oats 0. H., Clarendon, Monroe, Aik. Oats Wm., Galley (^reek. Pope, Ark. O'Bryan J. C. cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. O'Bryai; Valentine, Natchez, Miss. O 'Bryant A. T., Bay Sjiriiigs, Tishomin- go, Miss. Oden A. G. cotton. Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Oden Geo. cotton, ibid. Oilen J., Franklin, HoJmes, Miss. Oden N. ibid. Odom Isaac, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. He- lena, La. Odom J, W. cotton, ibid. Odom R., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Olfutt Bros, sugar, Home & Labiche pis.. Bayou Cs E. M., Lislioii, Claiborno, La. O'Killy Jami-s, Kingston, Adams, Miss. 0'K>l!y J. B., Bi-nton, Yazoo, Miss. Oldham A., cott. Franklin, [lohms, Vliss. Oldiiam 15. E., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Oldham .T., Friar's Point, Coahoma. Miss. Oliiide Michel, sugar, Waterloo P. O., Point Coupei', La. Oliphant Alford, Sabine, Sabine Co., Tex. Oliphanl Martha, ibid. Olive Z. B., Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Oliver Asa, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Oliver C, Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. Oliver Ira, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Oliver John, Brooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Oliver Joseph, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Oliver J., Flat Lick, Claiborne, L. Oliver J. N., Dorcheat, ibid. Oliver Dr. J. S., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Oliver Shelton, ibid. Oliver Simon, jr. ibid. Oliver Hon. S. ibid. Oliver Tims., Hamnton, Calhoun, Ark. Oliver T. J., Piitsborough, Miss. Oliver Wm. H. cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Oliver Wm. T. cotton, Deerfield, Carroll, La. Olivier Bros, sugar, Charenton P. 0., St. Martin, La. Olivier Chas. Maj. sugar. New Iberia P. 0., St. Mary,'Attakapas, La. Olivier Joseph, sugar. New Iberia P. 0., ibid. Olivier Louise, sug. Plaquemine, l.b.. La. Olivier Victor & Widow Wogan, sugar, N.O. P.O., St. Bernard,! b.. La. O'Neal E. B., Sparta, Bienville, La. O'Neal H(;in-y, cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss. O'Neal Mitchell, Korksville, Wachita, La. O'Neal Reuben, cotton, Rocky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Opp Dr. cotton, Coonewar, Pontotoc, Miss. Ojilierman & Co., Galveston, Texas O'Quin John, cotton, Fayette, JelTerson, Miss. O'Quin T. J. cotton, ibid. O'Qiiin R. B. cotton, ibid. O'Kiley W. H. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Orr A., Scottsville, Claiborne, La. Orr Mrs. J. B.&, Suns, sugar, Convent, St. James, La. Orr J. K., Oakland, Yalobusha, Miss. Osborn Bros, sugar, Jefferson, r. b. La. Osborn Edward, cotton, Sookalena, Lau- derdale, ''iiss. Osborn & Hubbard, sugar, Barataria, N. 0. P. 0., Jefterson,La. f)sborn J. & R. sugar, Alexandria, Ra- pides, La. Osborn N. cotton, Sookalena, Lauderdale, Miss. Osgood J. G., sugar, Willswood pl.,N. 0. P. 0., Jefferson, r. b. La. Osgood & Lnurance, sugar. Magnolia pi., Flaqui'inine, La. n.sgood, White & Trufant, sugar, ibid. Ostern T. S. cotton, Lafayette, Jefferson, Miss. Oscoon J. J., Jones' Perry ,Moorehouse, La Oswalt Dan'l. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Oswalt Ezekiel, cotton, ibid. Oswalt E. cotton, ibid. Oswalt Geo. cotton, ibid. Oswalt John, cotton, ibid. Oswalt L. cotton, ibid. Oswalt Simon, cotton, ibid. Oswalt Wm. S. cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Otts & Wilden,Vienna,Jackson Parish, La Overstreet 0. H., Camden, Ark. Overton Mrs. H. F. (estate,) sugar, l^ody pi., Bayou Robert, Rapides, La. Overton J. H. sug. Cumberland pi., Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Overton S. E. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Owen Beiij., Lexington, Miss. Owens Dr. Andrew, Warsaw, Franklin, Miss. Owens & Co., Monticello, Ark. Owens J. W. cotton, Coldwater, Mar- shall, Miss. Owens Luke, sugar, Charenton P. O., St. Martin, La. Owens P. F., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Owens S B., Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Owens Rev.Thos. cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Owens T., Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. Owens Washington, cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Owens Wm. cotton. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. Owens Wm., Dover, Yazoo, Miss. Oxley Mrs. Chas. sugar, Roseland pi. Mc Cutcheon P. 0., St. Charles, I. b. La. X ABTS CHRISTIAN, cotton, Deerfield, (Carroll, La. Pabts Henry, cotton, ibid. Pabts John C. cotton, ibid. Pace E., Summerville, Noxubee, Miss. Pace E., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Pace E. H. ibid. Pace S. D., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Packers & Griffing, Church Hill, Jeffer- son, Miss. Packers Capt. John, Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Packer R. I. cott. Cli'n ton, E.Feliciana, La. Paekett R. R., Baton Rouge, La. Packett W. H.,Parksville,Noxubee,Miss. Packwood Saml. (estate,) sugar, Belle- chasse pi., N. Orleans P. 0., St. Ber- nard, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY, 685 Packwnod T. J. sugar, N. Orleans P. 0., Pl.iqiirniines, La. Page E., Friendslup, Harrison, Texas Page JohnW.nolt.lio(lney,Ji'irerson,I\1iRS. Page J. (i.. Ash Creek, bklibbeha. Miss. Page Mnj. W. A., Cuddy Hunk, Cal- houn, Miss. Palfrey Cluis. C, .sngar, New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, La. Palfrey & Weelcs, sugar, Bayou Teche, Altakapas, La. Palfrey Judge W. T. sug. Bayou Terhe, Centreville P. 0., St. Mary, Atta- kapas, La. Palmer Adam ,cott. Clinton, E.Feliciana, La. Pahner A. I), cotton, ihid. Palmer E. A., Houston, Harris, Texas Palmer M. Sentell's Store, Bossier, La. Palmer N. cott. Clinton, K. Felieiana, La. Palmer R. cott. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Pamplin Robt., Shell Mound, Sunflower, Miss. Pamplin W. A. cott. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Panis Marie L., (estate,) sugar. Bonnet Carre P. O., St. John Baptist, La. Papineau F. J. sugar, Iberville P. O., It)erville, La. Para Mrs. E. sugar, Raceland P. 0., La- fourche Interior, La. Parcemore John, cotton, Cedar Bluft', Ok- tibbeha, La. Pardew C. G. cotton. Bay Springs, Tish- omingo, Miss. Pardew 1). G. cotton, ibid. Parent Aristide & Co., sugar, Convent, St. James, La. Parham W. S., Richmond, Madison, La. Parish E. A., Oakland, Yalobusha, Miss. Parish Rev., Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Park Wm., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Parkenson J. G., sugar, Franklin P. O., St. Mary, Ailakapas, La. Parker Ben., cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Parker E., Milton, Carthage Co., Ala. Parker Hickman, cotton, Pinevillc, Smith, Miss. Parker H., cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Parker Jas., Carolina, Tishomingo, Miss. Parker .lohn, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Parker J. M., Laurel Hill, Neshoba,Mis8. I'arker Dr. J. P., Pr)rt Gibson, Miss. Parker J. T., cotton, Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Parker Saml., cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Parker S. D., Keachie, De Soto, Miss. Parker Tully, Carolina, Tishomingo, Miss. Parker T.T., Hermitasje, Pi. Coupee, La. i'arker Wm., cotton, Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Parker Wm., cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Parker Wm., Friar's Pt.,Coahouma,MiRS. Parker W. H., cot. Arcadia, Bi<'nville, La. Parker W.J.,Balllefield,Lauderdnle,Mi88. Parker W. T., cotton, Bolands, Itawam- ba, Miss. Parlange Virginia, sugar, Waterloo P. 0., Point Coupee, La. (^os. 1 & 2.) Parmele Jas., cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Parmer Hastings, Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Parmer H. D., Rocky Point, ibid. Parrott Wm.,Good Hojie, Leake, Miss. Parsons Benj. S., Galveston, Texas. Part Louis, sugar, Dularge Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Partin T., Nacogdoches, Texas Paskenon Mrs. M. A., Graysport, Yalo- busha, Miss. Pass Maj. J. B., ibid. Pate Allen. Greenwood P. O., Miss. Pates T., Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. Patin J. D., Vermillion, Lafayette, La. Patin Ursin, sugar, Bayou Vermillion, ibid. Patout Mrs. A., sugar, Jeannerette P. O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Patout Bros., sugar, iliid. Patrick Dr. J. C, sugar, W. Baton Rouge, La., & cotton, Fort Adams, Wilkm- son, Miss. Patrick J. C, sngar, Soniat's pi.. Baton Rouge P. 0., W. B. Rouge, La. Patrick .tohn, Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Patrick R. W., cotton, ibid. Patterson D. G., cotton, Union Church, Jefi'erson, Miss. Patterson Jas., cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Patterson J. H., cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Patterson S. S., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Patterson Thos. cotton, ibid. Patterson W"m., cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Pattison D. S., Port Gibson, Claiborne, Miss. Pattison N., cotton, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Patton A. M., Huntsville, Marshall, Miss. Patton C. F., Columbia, Brazoria, Ti xas Patton D., cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawam- ba, Miss. Patton Harmon, Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Patton H. C, Dorcheat, Claiborne, l,a. Patton Jas., cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawam- ba, Miss. Patton R., Burlenton, Copiah, Miss. Patton Wm., Lisbon, Claib(uiie, La. Patton W .D., cot. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Paul John 8., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Mis.s. Payne A. M. & J. I'., sugar, Bearluake pi., Washington P.O., St. Landry, La. Payne .L B., Raymond, Hnids, Miss. Payne G<'o. £., sugar. Court House P. 0., St. Charles, La. Payne o. M. sugar. Good Hope pi., McCuicheon P. O., St. Charles, La. Pinckard F. O.. E,.-le Cn-k. Ark. iiss. ., Courllantl, Ala. . B.. Iversoft, Bienville, La. Pinkston James, Concord, Rankin Co., Miss. Pinnell R. cotton, Pineville. Smith, Miss. Pinson David, cotton, Newtonia, Wilkin- son. Miss. Pinson D. R. cotton, ibid. Pinson NMUcy, cotton, ibid. Pinson Saml. D. cotton, Pontotoc, Ponto- toc, Miss. Pinyear P, Pior A. L PiorN. S. B., Ringgold, Bienville, La Pior Robert, ibid. Pior R., Iverson, Bie'nville, La. Pipes A, S. cotton, ^liiUon, E. Feliciana, La. Pipes C. & S. sugaf, Lobdell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Pipes David, siigitr. Baton Rouge P. O., W. Baton Rouge, La. Pipes Rev. D., cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Pipes D. sr., cotton, ibid. Pipes J. H. cotton. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. Pipes J, N. cotton, ibid. Pipes J. M., Lobdell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Pipkin B. (P. M.,) Darlington, St.Helena, La. Pitman CD., Hay's Creek, Carroll,Miss. Pitman Enos, cotton, Wolf Creek, Choc- taw, Miss. Pitman H. N.. Bellefontaine, ibid. Pitman J. R., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Pitman J. cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss Pitman J. W., Hay 's Creek. Carroll, Miss. Pitman W. N. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Pittman D, R., Graysport, Yalobusha, Miss. Pittman J. H., Lindsey's Creek, Choc- taw, Miss. Pittman W. U. ibid. Pitts C. P., Linden, Copiah, Miss. Pitts John, cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Pitts M. T. cotton, ibid. Placencia D. sugar. Assumption, La. Plumer H., McNiitt. Sunflower, Miss. Poats J. L., Brownsvilli', Hinds, Miss. Poche Alexis, sugar. New River P. 0., Iberville, La. Poche Bros. sug. Grand Pointe P. 0., St; James, La. Poc Wm. ii. cotton, Bethlehem, Marshall, Miss. Poeymirau & Co., sugar, Fausse Pointe, St. Martin, La. Poindexler Capt. James, Sidon P.O., Miss Pointer D. sugar. Alligator P. 0.,AHSumj)- tion. La. Poirier Bros. <% Co., sugar, Cantrelle P. 0., St. James, r. b. La. Polean A. B., Graysport, Yalobusha, Miss. Polean G. W. ibid. Polean M. W. ibid. i Polk r. B., Wuodvill-', Jarksnn, La. 588 PLANTERS DIRECTORY H. M. ibid. P,.lk J. J. ibid. Polk L. sugar, Leigbton pi. Thibodeaux- vilh', Lafourche, La. Polk Wm. sugar. Bayou Boeuf, Red Riv- er, Rapidi'S, La. Polk Wm. & Lanfcar, sugar, Ashton & Louisa pis. Si. Charles, La. Pollard John, Sidon P. O., Miss. Pollard L. sugar, Pointe Coupee, La. Polhird W. R., Fayetteville, Fayette, Texas Poison John D. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Pond Danl., McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Pond Col. P., Woodland, E.Feliciana,La. Poole A. P. cotton, Linden, Copia^i, Miss. Poole Rev. A. W., Woodland, E. Felicia- na, La. Poole Hinton, Pigeon Hill, Ark. Poole Jiis. P. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss Poole John, cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Poole Q. B. P. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Poole Wm. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Poole W. W. cotton, Rocky iMount, Kem- per, Miss. Pope K. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Pope H. P., Bellevue, Bos.sier, La. Pope J. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Pope P. B., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Pope W. S., Lagrange, Texas Popes Mrs. & Co. sug. W. Raton Rouge, La. Porche Evariste, sugar, Bayou Black, Houma P. O., Terrebonne, La. Porchez sugar, Point Coupee P. U., r. b. La. Porter Albert, Meadville, Franklin, Miss. Porter Mrs. C. M. cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Porter C. R., Victoria, Bolivar, Miss. Porter D. R. coll. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. Porter Rev. E. R., Victoria, Bolivar,Miss. Porter G. C, Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. Porter Mrs. James, sugar, Bayou Teche, Franklin P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Porter J. B., Couchatta Chute, Natchito- ches, La. Porter J. M. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Porter Wm. cotton, Concordia, La. P.isey C, Woodville, Wilkinson, Miss. Poteet Levi R. (P. M.,) Point Meers, Johnson, Ark. Potter Rev. A. S. cotton. Pine Ridge, Co- piah, Miss. Potts J. C. sugar, Hedgeford pi., Thibo- deauxville P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Potts J. J., Woodville, Wilkinson, Miss. Portcvant M. E., Tuscahoma, iVliss. Potts K. (P. M.,) Galley Creek,Pope,Ark. Pounds John, cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Pounds L. cotton, Bay Springs, Tisnornin- go. Miss. Pounds Saml. cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Pourciau F. sugar, Waterloo P. 0., Point Coupee, La. Pourciau P. P. sugar, ibid. Poutz Pierre, sugar, Si. Tammany, Baton, Rouge, La. Powell D. A. cotton. Fort Adams, Wil- kinson, Miss. Powell Evan, Columbia, Marion, Miss. Powell E. R. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Powell E. W. cotton. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Powell Johnson, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Powell J. R., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Powell Lucy, ibid. Powell Lewis, cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Powell R. cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Powell & Rushlon, Galveston, Texas Powell V. T. cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Powell Maj. W. T., Livingston, Madison, Miss. Power H. L., Nacogdoches, Texas Power J. W. ibid. Power Thos. B., Galveston, Texas Powers H. G. I. cotton. Rocky Spring, Claiborne, Miss. Powers Isaac, cotton, ibid. Powers John R. cotton ibid. Powers N. H. collon, ibid. Powers W. B. cotton, ibid. Powhan Wesley, Ringgold, Bienville, La. Poydras B. sugar, St. Bernard, 1. b. La. Poydras Chas. sugar, Waterloo P. 0., Point Coupee, r. b. La. Pratt D., Prattsville, Ala. Prats J. G. sugar, Opelousas P. O., St. Landry, La. Prats Mrs. J., Cooksville, Noxubee,Miss. Pravan Ur. N. cotton, Concordia, La. Prendergrast M. & Mansur, sugar, E. Ba- ton Rouge, La. Prescott J. D., Cuddy Hunk, Yalobusha, Miss. Prescott & Moore, sugar, Washington P. 0., St. Landry, La. Prescott Mrs. E. S. sugar, Holmesville, P. l>., Avoyelles, La. Prescott Wm. sugar. Bayou Courtbleau, St. Landry, La. Presat W., Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Pressley I^., Keachie, De Soto, Miss. Preston E.O.,Waterloo,Point Coupee, La. Preston J. J. cotton, Concordia, La. Preston J. S. sugar, Donaldson, Clarke & Conway pis., Tureaud, Ascension, 1. b. La., Prevost & Carlin, sugar, Centreville P.O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Prevost Ursin, cotton, Houma, Terrebonne, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY, 589 Prewitt H. P>., Bolivar, Miss. Prewitt Mrs. H. N., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. • Prewiit Jospiih, cotton, Rodney, JeffiM-son, Miss. Pivwiit J. B., Cooksvilk", Noxubee, Miss. I'ri'witt J. J. il)id. Prewitt .T., Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. PnwittWni.B.cotf. Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss. Price Geo. K. sii^ar, Almedia pi., Mc- Cutcheon P. O., St. Charlilrs. C. sugar, Raceland P. 0., La- fourche Int., La. Pugh Edward, sugar, Portier pl.,Abcmarle P. 0., Assumption, La. Pugh & Fol' y, sugar, Marais, ibid. Pugh .lamt-s, sugar, ibid. PugliG.,,. W., Orion, Ashl.y, Ark. Pugh Dr. J.H. & Co., sugar,Thibodeaux- ville P. O., Lafourche Int., La. Pugh J. B. cotton, Black Jack, De Soto, Miss. Pugh (). T., Thibodcauxville, Lafourche, La. Pugli Thos. Mrs. sugar, Napoleonville P. 0., Assumption, La. Pugh W. H. (estate,) sugar, Whitmel pi. Napoleonville P. 0., Assumption, La. Pugh W. H. & Co. (estate,) sugar, Pain- courtville P. O., Assumption, La. Pugh W. H. & Co., sugar, ibid. Pugh W. J. C. sugar, Napoleonville P.O., Assumption, La. Pugh W. VV., sugar, ibid. Pugh & Seymour, sugar, ibid. Pugh W. S. sugar. Church P. 0., As- sumption, La. Pugh & Tucker, sugar, Thibodcauxville, Lafourche, La. Pulliiim Lewis, cotton, Livonia, Pointe Coupee, La. Pumphrey Wm. (estate,) sugar, Centre- villc I'. 0., St Mary,Altakaiias,La. Punnrll & Slardivant, McNutt,Suiillower, Miss. Purvis H. A., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Purvis J. .T., ibid. Purvis J. M. ibid. Purdy J. L., Macon, Miss. Purvis Wm. R., Flowery Mound, La. PurgerT., North, Mt. Pleasant, Marshall, Miss. Puteram Walter, Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. C^UINAN GEO., Wharton, Texas Quinn C. J. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Quinn I). N. cotton, ibid. Quinn J. M , Canton, Madison, Miss. Quinn Dr. J. M., Brandon, Miss. Q.uinn P.G., Darlington, St. Helena, La. Quirk Thos. & Son, 8ugar,St. Landry , La. Quitman F. H. sugar, Tlouma P.O., Ter- rebone, La. R ABALAIS E. sugar. Bayou Dcglaiae, Avoyelles, La. Rabb Wm., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Raborn Henry, Sjiaria, Bienville, La. Rachel L. J. cotton, Cloutiervillc, Natchi- toches, La. Rachel L. R. cotton, ibid. Rachel Pauline, cotton, ibid. Rachel Vii'lor, collmi, ibid. Rngnn A. V. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Rngan E. H., Line, Morehouse, La. Raijan J"hn, Friar'« Point, Coahoma, Miss. Ragan J. B.. Vick.<rane|i, cot ton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Rials H., Fordsville, Marion, Miss. RiliasM. sugar, Plaquemiin', I. b. La. Kicard Mrs. C. & Sons, sugar. Bayou Goula P. O., loerville, r. I.. La. Ricard Jacques, sugar. Beaux lindgc. Si. xVlartin, La. Ricard P. C.«Sc Mother, sugar, Bayou GouJB P. 0., li.ervill. , La. Rice Saml. svigar, Vermillion, !>n, Rice Thos. J. sugar, Centreville P.O., St. Mary, Aliakapas, La. Richard G. sugar, Grand Coteau,Sl. Lan- dry, La. Richards A. K. cotton. Pecan Grove. Car- roll, La. Richards F. & Son, sug. St. Landry, La. Richards Geo. (estate,) cott, Pecan Grove, Carroll, l^a. Richards King, cotton, ibid. Hichards Jas., Sharon, Madison Co., Miss. Richardson Mrs A. cotton. Port Gibson, Claiborne, Miss. Richardson C. B., Monlicello, Carroll, La. Ricliardson D. D. & Bro, (e^tate,) sugar, Pallersoiivllle P. 0.,Sl. Mary, At- chafalaya, La. Richardson E., Brandon, Rankin, Miss. Richardson E., Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Richardson F. D. sugar. Bayou Teche, Jeanncrelle P.O.,St.Mary,Attakapas, i.a. Richardson Jos. A. cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Richardson J. L., Eagle Creek, Ark. Richardson J. L., Giaysport, \alobusha. Miss. Richardson J. M., Canton, Miss. ICichai'dson J. JN'. T, cott. Monroe, Wa- chita, La. Richardson Mat. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La, Richardson P. C, Lexington, Holmes Co., Miss. Richardson R. R. cotton, Newtonia, Wil- kinson, Miss. Richardson R, W. cotton, Monroe, Wa- chiia. La. Richardson Saml. cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Richardson Steven, cotton, Dennis Mills, St Helena, La, Richardson 1'. H. J., Cotile, Rapides, La. Richardson T. P., Indian Village ,Wachita, La. Richlund T. S., Natchez, Adams, Mies, liichley T. J. H,,Summerville, Noxubee, Miss. Richmond G. 0., Dover, Ynzoo, Miss. Richmond Jasper, cotton. Linden, Co])iah, Miss. Rickards A. cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Kicks B., Canton, Madison, Miss, Ricks B. S,, Livingston, ibid. Ricks Geo. ibid Ricks Jami s, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Ri.ks J. D. ibid. Kiddle J. N., Summrrville, Noxubee, Miss. Ridli y S. T., Baltic Springs, Madison Co., Miss. Riebaud F. sugar, St, Bernard, La Kigby Russell, cotton, Ro<-ky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Ri-liv W. B. cotton, ibid. 592 PLANTERS DIRECTORY. Riggjins J. H. sugar, Magnolia pl.Vacherie P. 0., Si. Jami^s, La. Rigofs E. S. cot. Black Jack, De Soto, La. Riggs R. R. cotton, ibid. Riley A. McD. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Riley Eliza, cotton, Fort Adams, Wilkin- son, Miss. Riley John, cot. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Riley J. C. cot. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Riley Martin, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Riley Morris, cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Riley M. cot. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss, Rimmer J., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Rimmer Wm. ibid. Rirg Turner, Lime Flats, Texas Ringer S. F. cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Rings R. M., Graysport, Yalobusha,Miss. Ripley Wm., Victoria, Texas Rish Geo. cot. Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Riva J. E., Coonewar, Pontotoc, Miss. Rivers D. L. cotton, Concordia, La. Rixiier Geo. sugar, St. Charles, r. b.. La. Roach A. H., cotton, Bethlehem, Mar- shall, Miss. Roach B., Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Roane Dr. cotton, Monroe, Wachita, La. Roane & Hart, sugar, Rosedale P. O., Iberville, La. Rpane J. S., Pine Bluff, Jefferson, Ark. Roarke B. V., cot. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Mis.s. Robb Mrs. N. M., Sharon, Madison Co., Miss. Robb S. N. cot. Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Robbins A. A., Good Hope, Miss. Robbins D. sugar, (estate,) Atchafalaya, Pattersonville P. 0., St. Mary, Atta- kapas. La. Robbins E.H.,Bartersville, Pontotoc, Miss. Robbins Jordan, Cooks ville,rs'oxubee, Miss Robbins J. B. ibid. Robbins S. L. ibid. Roberson Jonathan, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Roberson M.,CooksvilIe, Noxubee, Miss. Robert Mrs. E., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Robert F. M. ibid. Robert Dr. H. A. G. sugar. Bayou Boeuf, Alligator P. 0., Assumption, La. Robert Maj. S. sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Roberts Asiiley , Lewisburg, Conway, Ark. Roberts A. cot. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Roberts B., Falcon, Lafayette, Ark. Roberts B. D. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Roberts C. I)., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Roberts C. F. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Roberts C. M. cotton, ibid. Roberts Danl., Cotile, Rapides, La. Roberts G. Q., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Roberts H. cot. Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Roberts John, Nacogdoches, Texas Roberts J. L., Cotile, Rapides, La. Roberts J. M. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Roberts J. W., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Roberts L. A., Cheneyville, Rapides, La. Roberts L. S. Nacogdoclies, Texas Roberts R. M. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Roberts Thomas, cotton, Pearl River, Co- piah, Miss. Roberts Wm. cotton, ibid. Roberts W. C. cot. Little Bayou Rouge, Avoyelles, La. Robertson David, cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Robertson Mrs. E. sugar. Hunter's Lodge pi., Plaquemine P. O., Iberville, La. Robertson F. E. sugar, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Robertson J. B. &. Co. sugar. North Bend pL, Centreville P. 0., St. Mary, Atta- kapas, La. Robertson John I. cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. Robertson John W., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Robertson John, Hernando, De Soto, Miss Robertson Col. J. C. M. ibid. Robertson J. E., sugar. Bayou Jacquet, Iberville, La. Robertson J. E. & Bro. sugar, ibid. Robertson J. J., Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Robertson J. G., Percy's Creek, Wilkin- son, Miss. Robertson Leslie & Co., Troup Factory ,Ga Robertson P. M. & A. B. cotton. Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. • Robertson S. M., Chesterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Robertson Willis, cotton, Arcadia, Bien- ville, La. Robertson Wyndham,sugar, Bayou Black, Terrebonne, La. Robertson Bros, sugar, Lobdell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Robichaud Bros, sugar, Paincourtville P. 0., Assumption, La. Robichaud N. & H. sugar, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Robilliard M. cotton. Point Lookout pi., Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Robilliard S. cotton, Oak Grove pi., ibid. Robin F. sugar. Bayou Teche, Leonville P. O., St. Landry, La. Robin N. sugar, ibid. Robins J., Deusontown, Rankin, Miss. Robinson Aaron, Jackson, La. Robinson Abner, sugar, Thibodeauxville, Lafourche, La. Robinson A. B. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Robinson A. H., Hay's Creek, Carroll,Miss. Robinson Alfred, (estate,) Sidon P. O., Miss. Robinson Alf. jr. ibid. Robinson A. & R. sugar, Fanny pi., N. O. P. O., Plaquemines, La. PLANTERS DIKECTOliY 693 Rohinson A. S., Rankston, Choctaw, Miss. Rol)iiis(iii B., St. Laiidiy, La. Roliinson D., Pnwliatan, Lawrence, Ark. Robinson H. G., Bolton's Depot, Hinds, Miss. Robinson Jerry, Sidon P.O., Carroll Co., Miss. Robinson .lohn, Livineria, St. Martin, La. Rose Mis. D. C. sugar, Vermillion, La. Rose E, sugar, Franklin P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Rose J. W., Victoria, Texas Rose & Tucker, sugar, Thibodeauxville, Lafourche, La. Rose T. H., Midway, Madison, Texas Rose V. R., Victoria, Texas Wm. sugar. New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, La. Ross Uros. Marion, La. Ross B. S.cotton, Rocky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Ross C, Farmersville, Union, La. Ross George A,, Canton, Madison County, Miss. Ross I. LW. cott. Port Gibson, Jefferson, Miss. Ross James, Marion, Crittenden, Ark. Ross Jesse, cott. Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Koss J. C, Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Ross R., Shelbeyville Co., Ti'Xas Ross J. W. sugar, JcftVrson, La. Ross W. S., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Rossau N. G,, Sharon, Madison Co. Miss. Rossnian Dr., Bolton's Dejtot, Hinds, Miss. Rossman W.T.B., Edward's Depot, ibid. Rost E. cotton, Cloutierville, Natcliitoches, La. Rost P. A. sugar. Hermitage, Destrehan pis., McCutcheon P. 0., St. Charles, La. Roth Alex, sugar, Roscdale P. 0., Iber- ville, La. Roili Lucien, ibid. Roth Aniadeo, sugar, Bayou Goula P. 0., Iberville, La. * Rotherford Jasper, cotton, Maysvilh-, Ita- wamba, Miss. Rotherford L. cotton, ibid. Rouland D.C., Canton, Mfcdison Co., Miss. Rountree Junius, Burnsville, Ala. Rourk Wm. Lin wood ,Cheroktinn, ibid. Silven Smith, Hichway, Clark, Ark. Silvy Je.s.-5e, De(rfield, 'Carroll, La. Simmers N. cott. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Simmers W. H. cotton, ibid. Simmons B. G., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Simmons (^api. John, ibid. Simmons J. L., Minden, La. Simmons T. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. 598 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Simmons W. A. Indian Village, Wachita, La. Simmons W. H., Nrwport, Altala, Miss. Siinms B. B. Sinispoit, i'oint Coupee, La. Sinims .T., Vernon, La. Simms Isaac, Wdodville, Miss. Simms Jas. M. ibid. Simms Wm. sr. ibid. Simms Mrs. H., F-ayutfe, Jefferson, Miss Simms L. H. ibid. Simms & Piiillips, sugar, Marais, As- sumption, La. Simms W. Mel)., Grand Gulf, Claiborne, Miss. Simons James, Grenada, Miss. Simon Judge E. sug. Palo Alto pi. Bavou Teche, Franklin P. 0., St. Mary,"At- takapas. La. Simon L. sugar, Vacherie P. O., St. James, La. Simoneaud A., Bayou Pierre, Assump- tion La. Simoneaud Mrs. J. S. (estate,) sugar. Crane Forge P. 0., Assumption, La. Simoneaud H. sugar, Paincourtville P. 0., Assumption, La. Simoneaud Mrs. L. sugar, Paincourtville P. 0., Assumption, La. Simoneaud E. sugar, Napoleonville P. 0., Assumption, La. Simoneaud R. sugar, Paincourtville P. O., Assumption, La. Simpson A. J. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Simpson James, Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Simpson Thos. ibid. Simpson John, Nacogdoches, Texas Simpson J. C. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Simpson Robt. Lewisburg, Conway, Ark. Simpson Robt., Cypress Mills, Perry ,Ark Simpson Sam!., Cotton Plant, St. Francis, Ark. Simpson V. J., Nacogdoches, Texas Simpson Z. H. cotton, Hantsville, Choc- taw, Miss. Simral H. F. sugar, Bayou Maringouin, Rosedale P. O., Point Coupee, La. Simral W. A. sugar, ibid. Sims B. L., Richmond, Madison, La. Suns Mrs. H. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Sims James, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Sims L. H. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Sims Wm., Dorcheat Claiborne, La, Sims W. C, Burtonton, C^iah, Miss. Sinclair Gregory, Galley Cpftk, Pope, Ark. Sinclair John, cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Sinclair O. H. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Sinclair P. .A. cotton, ibid. Sinequere C. sugar. Bayou Black, Terre- bonne, La. Sinequere H. & Co. sugar. Bayou Teche, Attakapas, La. I Singletary B. cott. Coelk, Livingston, La. Singletary J. cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Singli'ton J. R. sug. Tureaud,St. Landry, La. Singleton Sid. sugar, P^nselier.Arnaudville, P. 0., St. Martin Singleton W. sugar, Arnaudville P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Sisson E. cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Sisson Thos. cotton, il)id. Sistrunk Geo. cotton, Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Sistrunk Geo. jr. cotton ibid. Sistrunk Harry, cotton, ibid. Sistrunk Jacob, cotton, ibid. Sistrunk John, cotton, ibid. Sistrunk .Tohn jr. cotton, ibid. Sistrunk Joseph, cotton, ibid. Sistrunk Saml. cotton, iljid. Sistrunk Simon, cotton, ibid. Skidmore C. S., Clinton, Hinds Co., Miss. Skaggs E. H. sugar, Viejo and Victoria pis., Patterson ville P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas La. Skilmun J.C.,Dry Run,Tishomingo,Miss. Skinner Jas., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Slack C. A., sugar, Grosse Tete, Rose- dale P. O., Iberville, l.a. Slack John, Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. Slack Randolph, ibid. Slater H. cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Slaughter C, Victoria, Texas Slaughter & Crosley, Trenton, La. Slaughter W. H., Laurel Hill, Neshoba, Miss. Slaughter W. T., Port Hudson, E. Feli- ciana, La. Slay A., Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. Slay D., ibid. Sleeker G., Galley Creek, Pope, Ark. Sloan J. A. cotton. Cold Water, Marshall, Miss. Slocumb Chas. cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Sloutemire John, Autauga Co., Ala. Sloval J. S., Deerfield, Carroll, La. Small .Tohn, Eutaw, Ala. Small T., Keachie, De Soto, La. Smart David G. cotton, Deerfield, Car- roll, La. Smart J. R., Caledonia, Carroll, La. Smedes Col. W. C, Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Smeedes Dr., Eldorado, Union Co., Ark. Smiley James, Caledonia, Carroll, La. Siniley John, cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Smiley J. J. cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. SiYiiley N. cotton, ibid. Smith Mrs. Ann, Garvin's Ferry, Miss. Smith Dr. Arch, cotton. Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Smith & Barrow, sugar, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Smith & Carnal, sugar, Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 599 Smith riias. cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Siniil) Clias.M. sugar, E. Baton Roug:o,Ln, Smith C, Hri-miiai^c, Point Cou[)eo, Ln. .Smith C. R. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Smith Drrw, cotton. Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Smith D. cott()n,Geor£re(own, Copiah, Miss Smith .ludge D. B., McNiiit, Sunflower, Miss.^ Smitji Elias, cotton, I'ellef'ontaino, Choc- taw, Smith Mrs. E. .T., Canton, Miss. Smith F. cott. Bay Sprini:;s, Tishomingo, Miss. Smith F., Brandon, Rankin, Miss. Smith G. cntt. Maysville,Iiawaml)a,Miss. Smith & Havffood, sugar, Grosse Tete, Ihervilie", La. Smith Dr. H. (-'., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Smith H. F. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Smith H. R. cotton, Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Smith Isaac B. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Smith .lacoh, sugar, E. Baton Rouge, i^a. Smith Jacob, Friendsliip, Harrison, Texas Smiih .Tackson, Jones' Ferry, Moo rehouse, La. Smith .lames, cotton, Deerfield, Carroll, La. Smith Col. James, y\rkansas Post, Ark. Smith James, Friendship, Harrison,Texas Smith James, Redmouth, Wachita, La. Smith Jas. M., Meadville, Franklin, Miss. Smith James. Caledonia, Carroll, La. Smiiii Jesse, Mi. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Smith Maj. John, Canton, Madis(m,Miss. bmitii Joiin, cotton, Coldwater, Marshall, Mis.s. Smith John, Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Smith John, Sparta, Bienville, La. Smith John M. cotton. Bay Springs, Tish- omingo, Miss. Smith John \'1., Clarendon, Mimroe, Ark. Smiili John W. , Point Meeis,Johnson,,\rk Smith Jordon, cotton, Bullefonlaine, Choc- taw, Miss, Smith J. cott. Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Smith J. R. Rev. sugar, Clinton, E. F\li- ciaiia, La. Smith J. JI., Percy's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Smith J. & J., f^rxington. Miss. Smith J. J., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Smith J. P. coiion, Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. Siwiih J. P. Bi'lton's Depot, Hinds, Miss. Smith J. S., cotion, Bellet'oiitaine, Choc- law, Mis.'^. Smith J. S., Percy's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Smith J. S M., Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Smith J. S. cotion", sugar, Island pi. Ba- you Sara Landing, W. Feliciana, La. Smith Louis, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Smith Marshall, Dorchral, Claiiiorne, La. Smith Maria, cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Smith Mary A. cotton, Newtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Smith Matilda, Caledonia, Carroll, La. Smith Morgan S., Columbia, Brazoria, Texas Smith M. S. cotton. Church Hill, Jeffer- son, Miss. Smith I*, n., Hamilton, Wachita, La. Smith Peter.Grav'sport, Yalobusha, Miss. Smith [{. VV., Mobile, Ala. Smiih Robert E. & R. sugar. Grand Cft- teau, St. dry. La. Smith R. S. sugar, VVaverly pi.. Bayou Boeuf, Rapides. Red Rivir, La. Smith Sanuiel, Scoiisville. Claiborne, La. Smith Samuel B. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Smith S. D., Woodvill.', Wilkinson,Miss. Smith & Hiindlev, Vernon, La. Smith & Shii'lds,'ibid. Smith Col.Thos., Sarissa, Cherokee Co., Texas Smith T. J., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Smith Col. r. K., Dorcheat, Columbia, Ark. Smith T. H.. Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Smith T. M. ScotiKville, Clailxn-ne, La. Smith T. S., Friendship, Harrison, Texas Smith Mrs. U. cotton, Grosse Tete, ibi r- ville. La. Smith Washington M., sugar, Alchafalaya, St. Landry, La. Smith Walter P. cotton, Concordia, La. Smith Win., Woodland, E. Filieiana.l.a. Smith & Williams, CutOff P. 0.. Ashley, Ark. Smith Wm. F. sugar, Sarah pi., N. O. P. 0., Plaquemines, I, a. Smith VV. M. & J. K. snann A., Pclahalchie, Rankin Co., Miss. Sparkman D.G.,(iood Hope, Li-ake, Miss. Spaikmaii E. Cooksville, i>loxubee. Miss. Spai-kman Lewis, ibid. Sparks A. J., Nacogdoches, Texas Sparks D. P. sugar, N. O. P. O., Jeffer- son, La. Sparks E., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. S|iarks John, Nacogdoches, Texas Sparks R. L. sugar, Napoleonville, P. O., Assumption, La. Spa rrowGenl. Ed wd. cotton, Concordia, La. Sparrow Genl. Edwd., Lake Providence, Carroll Parish, La. Spear P. H. cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. Spears P., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Spears T. J., Monticello, Carroll, La. Spears Willis, Graysport, Yalobusha, Miss. Spears W.L.& Bro. .Spear's Store, Union, La. Spi'ed N. B. cotton,Linden, Copiah, Miss. Speed W. VV. cotton, ibid. Spell E. cotton, ibid. Spell Wm., Keachie, DeSoto, La. Spence C. W. B., Bayou Boeuf, St. Lan- dry, La. Spencer A. E. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. S]iencer Elias, cotton, ibid. Spencer Israel, Port Gibson, Miss. Spencer E. H. cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss Spencer John M. cotton, ibid. Spencer VVm. cott. Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Sperling K. W., Vista Ridge, Carroll, La. Sperwell L. I. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Spikes John, Prairie ville, Texas Siiires John, Yaz'.o City, Yazoo, Miss. SJiooner H. N., Macon, Miss. Snrowl W., Couchatta Chute, Natchito- ches, La. Spurlock D. P., Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Spurlock S. K. cott. .\rcadia, Bienville, La. Spurlock T. J. Dr. sugar, Bayou Deglaise, Avoyelles, La. Squires H., Green Creek, Catahoula, La. Squires Jamis, Funny Louis, ibid. Stackhouse H. sugar. Live ik Grove, pi., N. 0. P. O., Plaquemines, La. Stackhouse W. sugar, ibid. Stacy A., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. Stacy D. S. cotton, Concordia, La. Stacy J., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. Stafford L. .\. sugar, Edgefield pL, Bayou Boeuf, Kapides, Red River, La. Stampley Jacob, cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Stampley .(. H. cotton, ibil. Stam;dey J. Z. cotton, ibid. Stampley Stephen C. cotton, ibid. Stampley W . C. cotton, ibid. Stanall C, McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Stanboroiigh Jesse, Richmond, Madison, La. Stanley Mrs. A. M. sugar. Bayou Teche, Pattersonville P. 0., St. Mary, Atta- kapas, La. Stanley Beiij. C, Tripoli, Tishomingo, Miss. Stanley Stephen, Keachie, De Soto, La. Stanley S. cotton. Black Jack,De Soto, La. Siansbury Mrs. E. sugar, Brashear P. 0., St. IVlary, Attakapas, La. Stansbury Horatio, sugar, New Iberia P. O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Stanton F., Natchez, Adams, Miss. Stanton M. J., Little Bay, Calhoun, Ark. Stanton Wm. cotton, Concordia, La. Stanton W. J., Hamjiton, Calhoun, Ark. Stanton W. S., Good Hope, Leake. Miss. Staples G. E. cotton, Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. Staples W. C. cotton, ibid. Starke P. B. cotton, Bolivar, Miss. Starke W. E. cotton, ibid. Starnes John, cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Starnes S. S. cotton, ibid. Steadman B., Woodland, E. Feliciana, La. Steadman G. A. W. ibid. Steed M. H., Warreiiton, Warren, Miss. Steed Rev. S cotton, Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Steele A. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Steele A. P. cotton, ibid. Steele Col. A., LaurelHill,Neshoba,Miss. Stele J. H., Dido, Choctaw, Miss. Steele John Maj., Mulberry P. 0.,Ala. Steele S. E., Laurel Hill, Neshoba, Miss. Steen Klias, sugar. Bayou Fuselier, Atta- kapas, La. Steen Estes E. , Steen 's Creek, Rankin, Co., Miss. Steer John, cotton, Kilm'chael, Choctaw, Miss. Stenant W. B., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Ste|ihens John F., Sjiarta, Bienville, La. Stephens Robt., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Stej)hens Tobias, cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Steph'Mis W. C, Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Sterling Judge J. L. sugar, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Sterling Lewis, sugar, Wakefield pi. Bayou Sara L'g., W. Feliciana, La. Stevens A. cot. MDiiierey, Rankin, Miss. Stevens D. H. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Stevens J. H. cot. Monroe, Wachita, La. Stevens Levi, Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Stevens Max, sugar, Jeannerette P. O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Stevens P. cot. Kilmiclmel, Choctaw, Miss. Stevens Robt., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Stevenson J T., Ala. Landing, Ark. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 601 Stewart B. C. cotton, Fort Adams, Wilk- inson, Miss. Stewart Charles, cotton, Bellefontaine, Clioctaw, Miss. Sti'warl Cliarles, Pine Rid2:p,Copia1),Miss. Stewart C. cot. Malcolm, JeftVrson, Miss. Stewart C. D. siiijar. Lake Side pi., La- tanaelie, Point Coupee, La. Stewart G. W., Midway, Madison, Texas Stewart James A. sMg;ar, Morganza P. 0., Point Coupee^, La. Stewart James, Buy Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Stewart James D., Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Stewart J. D., Arkadelpliia, Ark. Stewart John, Victoria, Ti'xas Stewart J. J. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Stewart Maj. L. R., Graysport, Yalobu- sha, Miss. Stewart M. B., Flamilton, Prairie, Ark. Stewart N. Mrs., sugar, Poplar Grove pi. W. Baton Rouice, La. Stewart Richard, Bolton's Depot, Hinds, Miss. Stewart R. A. sugar, St. Bernard, 1. b.. La. Stewart R. cot. Maysville, Itawamba, Miss. Stewart Rev. T. C. cotton, Pontotoc, Miss. Stewart Win. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Stewart Wm Woodland, E. Feliciana, La. Stewart W. B., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Stewart W. W. cot. Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Stith I\L, Wharton, Texa.s Siillet A. & Co. sugar, Bayou Teche, At- takapas. La. Stillman 0. D. cotton, Monroe, Wachita, La. Stinger D. cot. Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. Stinson .Tosi"]ih, sugar, Point t-oupee. La. Stirling Mrs. M. C. sugar, Ingleside pi.. Hermitage P.O., Point Coupee, La. Stirling J. L. sugar, Maringouin pi. Point Coupee, La. Stirling R. G. sugar, Livonia, ibid. Stirling Wm. sug. (estate,) Bayou Teche, Franklin P. 0.,St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Stirling Wm. H. & Lewis, sugar, Deserta and Wakefield pis., Bayou Sara L'g., W. Feliciana, La. Stockctt Isaac J. cotton. Holly Green pi., Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Siorkwell Dr. N., Sontell's Store, Bossier Parisli, La. Stogman W., Powhatan, Lawrence, Ark. Stoke-s D. ife A. & Co. sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Stokes Dr. G'o., Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Stokes Jamis, sugar, Amilc, E. Baton Rouge, La. Stokes S. S., Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Stone A. B., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Stone Rev. J. A., Canton, Miss. Stone Dr. J. P. R., sugar. Evergreen pi., Plaquemine P. O., Iberville, La. Stone Dr. J. P. R. sugar. Bayou Goula P 0., Iberville, La. Stone Saml. cotton. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. Stone Thomas O., Lake Providence, Car- roll, La. Stone W. B., Nacogdoches, Texas Story D., Coelk, Livingston, La. Storey H. C. sugar, N. 0. P. 0.,St. Ber- nard, La. Storey Saml., cotton, Dennis Mills, St. He- lena, La. Stott John, cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Stout Jesse, cotton, Deerfield, Carroll, La. Stout John, cotton, ibid. Stoval! A. C. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Siovall C. G. cotton, ibid. Stovall David, cotton, ibid. Stovall Drury, cotton, ibid. Stovall E. F. cotton, ibid. Stovall G. W. cot. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Stovall John, colt. Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Stovall Josiah L. cotton, Deerfield, Car- roll, La. Stow & Rhodes, Cahawba, Ala. Stowers B., Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Stowers G. ibid. Stowers James, cotton, Fayette, Jeffer- son, Miss. Stowers Mr., Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Stowns Saml., Vieksburg, Warren, Miss. Stratioii A. M. cott Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Strain Jas. M., Cuddy Hunk, Claiborne, Miss. Strange E. J., Dorcheat, Claiborne, La. Stratlin R. E., Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. Strickland C. D. cotton, Greeiibburg, St. Helena, La. Strickland C. D. jr., cotton, ibid. Strickland C. E. cotton, ibid. Strickland J. cotton, ibid. Strickland J. B. cotton, ibid. Strickland .foshua, Henih-rson Co., Texas Strickland M. K. cot. Woodville, Simji- son Co., Miss. Strickland \V. H. cotton, Tangapaho, St. H.'lena, La. Strickland VV. R. cotton, ibid. Stricken D., Burtonton, Copiah, Miss Slricklin Col. W. N., Lewisville, Lafay- ette, Ark. Stricklin W.N. ibid. Stringer A. sr. Vernon, La. Stringer A. jr. ibid. Stringer Binj. cot. Rocky Mount, Kemp- er, Miss. Siringf'dlow Wm., Wetumpkn, Ala. Sirodi' J., Nacci;;dochfs, Trxas Strong Amiis R., Caledonia, Carroll, La. Strong Col. Wm., Greenwood P. 0., Car- roll Co., Miss. Sironir John A. cot. Deerfield, Carroll, La. Sirother B. D., Brownsvilli', Minds, Miss. Siruler F. R., Black Hawk. Carroll, Miss. 602 PLA^JTERS DIRECTORY, Stuart B. C, Percy's Creek, Wilkinson, M iss. Stuart Capt. J, M., Hickory Grove, La. Stuart P. W. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Siuart Robert, cotton, ibid. Stuart Robt., Natchez, Adams Co., Mips. Siuart W. B. cot. Fayette, Jeff rson. Miss. Stubble field S. cotton. Pecan Grove, Car- roil, La. StubLikficId Wm., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Sfublis F. P. cot, Monroe, Wachita, La. Siul)i)s Peter, Utica, Hind.s, Miss. Sturdevant Benjamin, McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Sturdivant J. eott. Betiilehem, Marshall, Miss. Sturdevant Thomas, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Sturdevant W. I. cotton, ibid. Sturdevant W. L., cotton, ibid. Sturges L, Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Sturges.1. M. L., Marion, Crittenden, Ark, Sturgi^s .T. R. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Sturges L. cott, Clinton, E. Feliciana La Sutfiii J. S., Nacogdoches, Texas Sugg Wni., Ash Creek, Oktibbeha, Miss. Sugg & Warden, sugar, Rosedale, P. O., liierville. La. Sugg Wm., Ash Creek, Oktibbeha, Miss. Sugg Wm. R, cott. Rocky Springs, Clai- borne, Miss. Sullivan Jas. B., Cotile, Rapides, La. Sullivan .Tohn, cotton, IJnion Church, Jef- ferson, Miss. Sullivan Dr. .T., Hays' Creek, Carroll, .Miss. Sullivan J. A., Plain's Store, E. Baton Rouge, La. SumiTiers David, Spring Cottage, Marion Cc, Miss. Summers G. W., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Summers H. cott. Coelk, Livingston, La. Summers N., Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Summers Wm., Nacogdoches, Texas. Surget Frank, Natchez, Adams Co., Miss. Surget Col. James, ibid. Surgit Li'iiox, cott. Concordia, La, Sutherland P. R., Camden, Madison Co., Miss. Sutphere A. W, cott. Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Sutton B. F.cott. Monterey, Rankin, Miss, Sutton Jas. T., Clarendon, Monroe, Ark. Sutton Joseph, Lagrange, Phillips, Ark. Sutton 0. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Sutton S. P., cotton, ibid. Sutton V. M., Vista Ridge, Carroll, La. Sutton Wm., Lake Providence, ibid. Swain Wm. R. cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Swansea W.C.,Jonesville, Harrison.Tex. Swaze B. F., Kingston, Adams, Miss. Swaze B. F. cotton, Hopewell Church, Wilkinson, Miss. Swaze Caleb, cotton, ibid. Swaze David, cotton, ibid. Swaze C. L, sugar, Opelousas, P. 0., St, i>andry, La. Swaze H. C, Kingston, Adams, Miss, Swaze Galjriel, Benton, Yazoo, Miss, Swaze H. 0. ibid. Swaze Mrs. M. A. ibid. Swaze Richard, ibid. Swaze R. cott. Hojiewell Church, Wilk- inson, Miss. Sweavingen G., Oakland, Yalobusha, Miss, Sweavingen T. W. ibid. Sweavingen Wm. W. ibid. Swift P. ("ooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Swilley B. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Swilley S. cotton, ibid. Swilley W. S. cotton, ibid. Swindle Geo. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss Swindle John, cotton, ibid. Swindle Thos. cotton, ibid, Swiney Joel P,cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss, Swoope E. M., Courtland, Ala, Swoope J, M. ibid, Sydnor John S., Galveston, Texas Sykes Dr. G. A,, Aberdeen, Miss, Synot Pat., Bi'Ilefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Szymanski Jgnace, sugar, St. Bernard, 1. b.. La. 1 ABER JOHN H. cott. Livonia, Point Coupte, La. Tabor Rev. E. M. cotton, Newtonia,Wilk- inson. Miss. Tabor J. cott. Dennis Mills,St,FIelena,La. Tabor Parmelia, cotton, Newtoiiia, Wilk- inson, Miss. Tacket Enos P. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Tait C. H., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Tait James, ibid. Tait James M., Hernando, De Soto, Miss, TMit R. E., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Talbert H., Grenada, Miss. Talbot L. P., Woodland, E. Feliciana, La, Talbot M., Casey, Matagorda, Texas Tally E. N. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Taney Archibald, cotton, Union Church, Jefferson Miss. Taney George, cotton, Fayette, ibid. Taney Geo. C, cotton, Malcolm, ibid. Taney John, cotton. Union Church, Jef- ferson, Miss. Taney Robt, D, cotton, ibid, Tankesley H, cott. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Tanner Mrs. A. M. sugar. Bayou Boeuf, Avoyelles, La. Tanner Mrs. Desire, sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Rapides, Red River, La. Tanner Jabez, sugar, ibid. Tanner Peter, sugar, ibid. Tanner Mrs. L. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. 0., Terrebonne, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 603 Tanner Randnll, su£:ar, Lucky Hill pi., Holnirsvilie-, Avoyt'lIi'S, I^a. TanniT R. L. suo;ar, Bayou Boeuf, Rap- ides, Kcd River, La. Tanneri't Kmilf, sugar, False River, Point Coupee, La. Tapsc.nit Rolit. cotton, Korky Mount, Kemper, Miss. Tard\- Dr. J. B. cott. Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Tarkin. Taylor B. F., Hay 's Creek, Carroll, Miss. Taylor, coiion, Hopewell Church, ' Wilkinson, Miss. Taylor Gil en, <'ot. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Taylor H. D. P., Scntell's Store, Bossier Par.. La. Taylor Hiram, Highway, Clark, Ark. Taylor & Hudgins, Wetumpka, Ala. Taylor Lsaac, cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Taylor Key. Jas., Farmersville, Union, La. Taylor Jidin, cotton. Bay Sj>rings, Tish- omingo, Miss. Taylor John, cotton, Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Taylor John, Farmersville, Union, La. Taylor Jonathan, cotton, Monterey, Ran- kin, Miss. Taylor Josiali, cot. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Taylor Dr. J. A., sug. Opelousas P.O.,St. Landry, La. Taylor J. B., cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Taylor J. C. F., cotton, ibid. Taylor J. M., Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Taylor Lydia, cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Taylor Miles, sugar, Donaldsonville P.O., Assumption, La. Taylor Uichd., sucar, Fashion pi., Court Hous.- P. ()., St. Charhs. La. Taylor Robt., sugar, Bayou Waxee, St. Landry, La. Taylor Dr! R., sugar, St. Charles, r. h.La. Taylor R., Lewisburg, Conway, Ark. Taylor R. J., cotton, Clinton, K. Felici- ana, La. Tayh.r R. P., (P.M.) Friendship, Harri- , son, Texas Taylor S.. cot. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Taylor S.H.,Chesterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Taylor S., Woodland, F,. Feliciana, La. Taylors. W., Monticello, Carndl. Lm. Taylor T., cot. Pine Ridgi', Copiah, Miss. Taylor ('. L., Burkittsville, Attala, Miss. Taylor Wm. B., Concord, Rankin, Miss. Taylor Wm., Sugar Creek, Claii>orne,La. Taylor Wm., Dorcheat. ibid. Taylor Wm. Cypress Mill, Perrv, Ark. Taylor W. J., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Teague M. F., RiulT Sprinirs, Attala, Miss. Teague M. S., Franklin, Holmes, Miss. TeekleR., Percy 'sCreek, Wilkinson, Temple A. F., cotton, Evergreen, New- ton, Miss. Temple Dr. T. G., Mnnroe, La. Templet F., sugar, Napoleonville P. 0., Assumption, La. Templet d Savoy, sugar. Alligator P. O., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Trmpleton Saml., Monticello, Carroll, La. Ternant V., sugar, False River, Point Coupee, La. Ternoir Constance, sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Terrell G., Vernon, La. Terry Abraham, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Terry A. G., cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Terry H. T., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Terry Jerry, cot. Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Terry Jesse, cottoti, ibid. Terry J. M., Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Terry J. W., Alabama Landini:, Ark. Terry Jft Maddox, Trenton, La. Terry R. & S., cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Terry W. D., Spring Ridge, Hinds, Miss. Tertroud & Bir'iivenue, sugar. Beaux Bridge P.O., St. Martin. Attakapas, La. Tessandier Paulin, sugar, Houma Terre- bonne, La. Tete Bros., sug. St. Rose pi., Star P.O., As- sumption, La. Tele Am^d^'e, sugar. Star P. 0., ibid. Tew E J., cotton, Pineville, Smith, .Miss. T.xada L. C, Cotile, Rapides, La. Thrap John, Belh foiilaine, Choctaw, Miss. Thatcher Thos., Wharton, Texas 604 PLANTERS DIRECTORY. Theriaut Jean, cotton, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Theriot Auguste, sugar, Convent, St. James, La. Theriot Chas., sugar, Houma, Terrebon- ne, La. Theriot Eloy, sugar, ibid. Theriot Emilien, sugar, ibid. Theriot Ju.stin, sugar, Thibodeauxville P. 0., Lafourche Int., La. Therint Pierre, sug. Convent, St. James, La. TherilJos. E., cotton, Newrtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Therril W., cotton. Cold Water, Mar- shall, Miss. Thetford Joseph, cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Thetford Preston, cotton, ibid. Thiac (feCourtade, sugar, Brashear P. O., Assumption, La. Thibault John, sugar, Tureaud, Ascen- sion, La. Thibodeaux Bros., sugar, Thibodeaux- ville P. O., Terrebonne, La. Thibodeaux H. M., sugar, Houma P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Thibodeaux Pierre, sugar, Thibodeaux- ville, Lafourche, La. Thibodeaux T., sugar, St. Martinsville P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Thirlkild S., cotton, Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. Thomas Allen, sugar, Washington P. 0., St. Landry, La. Thomas Andrew, Bolton's Depot, Hinds, Miss. Thomas David C. Garvin's Ferry, Miss. Thomas Davis, cotton, Knoxville, Frank- lin, Miss. Thomas D. 11., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Thomas E., ibid. Thomas F., cotton, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Thomas H. J., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Thomas Jefferson & Tegre, sugar, Man- chac, E. Baton Rouge, La. Thomas John C, Wiiarton, Texas Tliomas John, Vernon, Madison, Miss. TiiomusJ. B. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Thomas J. D. Redmouth, Wachita, La. Thomas J. D. jr. ibid. Thomas Dr. j". H. sugar, St. Martinsville P. O., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Thomas J. M., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Thomas J. P., Vernon, Madison, Miss. Thomas M., Wharton, Texas Tliomas R. S. ibid. Thomas M. B., Village P. O., Point Cou- pee, La. Tliomas Timothy, cotton, Knoxville, P'ranklin, Miss. Thomas Hon. Wm., Battlefield, Lauder- dale, Miss. Thomas Wm. cotton, Knoxville, Franklin, Miss. Thomas Wm. sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. Tliomas W., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Thomas W. R., Wharton, Texas Thompson Ainos B. cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Thompson A. F.cotton,Arcadia, Bienville, La. Thompson A. H.sugar, Creek, Claiborne, La. Thompson Mrs. Ann, Caney, Matagorda, Texas Thompson B., Burkittsville,Attala, Miss. Thompson C, Darlington, St. Helena, La. Thompson C. B. cotton, Knoxville, Frank- lin, Miss.. Thompson C.J.,Scottsville, Claiborne, La. Thompson C. P.,Bellevue, Bossier, La. Thompson Daniel, cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Thompson D. W. cotton, Greensburgh, St. Helena, La. Thom]ison Mrs. Eleodile, sugar, Wash- ington, St. Landry, La. Thompson F. H. sugar, Courtblanc, St. Landry, La. Thompson G. W., Thomastown, Leake, Miss. Thompson H., Darlington, St. Helena, La. Thompson James, cotton. Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Thompson Jamss, cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, l.a. Thompson James N. , Glade Sjirings, Har- rison, Texas Thompson Jesse, Spring Ridge, Hinds, Miss. Th om I isonJno. Hays 'Creek, Carroll, Miss. Thoni)ison John C., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Thompson J. cot ton, Bolivar, Bolivar, Miss. Thompson J., Wharton, Texas Thompson J. F. cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Thom]ison J. H. cotton, ibid. Thompson J. J., Hays' Creek, Carroll, Miss Thompson J. R. & Son, sugar, Claiborne pi., Bayou Goula P. O., Iberville, La. Thompson J. R. sugar, Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, La. Thompson K. cotton, Tangapaho,St. He- lena, La. Thompson Lewis, sugar, Bayou Boeuf,St. Landry, La. Thompson L. W., Canton, Miss. Thompson Lafayette, Vernon, La. Thompson Mrs., Margaret, Scottsville, Claiborne, La. Thompson & Parish, Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Thompson Kobert E. (P. M.) Scottsville, Claiborne, La. Thompson Dr. Runkin, Vernon, La. Thompson Thomas, cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Thompson Thomas, Hays' Creek, Carroll, Miss. Thompson T.L., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 605 Thompson T. B. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Thompson T. H. sugar, Bayou Tech(?, Nrw IlMM-ia, St. i\iary,Ait!ikap!\s, La. Thompson T. H., Brooksvillc, Noxubeo, Miss. Tliompson T.S., Farmorsvillr, Union, La. Tliompson VVm. cotton, liellofontaino, Ciioriaw, Miss. Th(unpson Wm., Little Black, ibid. I Thompson W. B., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Thompson W. D. cotton, Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Thompson W. M.sugtxr, Bayou Goula P. 0., ll)rrvill.', La. Tliompson Zacli, cotton. Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Thorne Frost, sugar. Racoon Hollow pi., ("ampii, Natchiiocluvs, La. ThorncH. cotton, Bolands, I tawamba.Miss. Thorni' .Tolin, cotton, Bollefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Thome S. T. sugar, St. Martinsville P. 0., St. Martin, Attakapas, La. Thorington A., Highway, Clark, Ark. Thorins^lon B. iliid. Thorington T. il^id. Thornton Wi 11 y,Scottsviilp, Claiborne, La. Thorpe C. P., Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Tiiorpe J. L., Caiiey, Matagorda, Texas Thorpe W. A., Keachie, De Soto, La. Tiirasher .T. B. atty. at law, cotton. Port Gibson, Claiijornc. Miss. Thrifle, ()lds&, Co., Mobile, Ala. Thrift W., Vernon, La. Thurmond C. G. & Co., Mt.Lebanon,La. Thurmond C. A.,Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Thurmond P. B., Lexington, Holmes, Miss. Tibbetts H. B., Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Tibbetts H. C, Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Tibbetts Dr., Goodrich's Landing, La. Tickell Roiiert, cotton, Fort Adams, Wil- kinson, Miss. Tickell Stephen, cotton, ibid. Tilghman i\., Coldwaler, Marshall, Miss. Tilby John, cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Tilby J. M. cotton, ibid. Tilby Wm. cotton, ibid. Tillery Wm. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Tilley U. VV., Wharton, Texas Tille'y .lohn, Providence, Leary, Ark. Tillman N. cotton, Coldwaler, Marshall, Miss. TilliK»nn Martin, Monroe, La. Tillman P., Graysporl, Yalobusha, Miss. Tillotson S & R. sugar, New RiverP.O., Ascension, La. Timon H. P., Concord, Rankin Co. Miss. Tincker Harris, Wharton, Texas Tineker II., Kriendslii|i, Harrison, Texas Tmnen Uniwn, Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Tinnen J. A., Oakland, Yalobusha, Miss. Tippit .T. L., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Tircuit M. sugar, Donaldsonville P. O., St. James, La. TisdaleRobt., Highway, Clark, Ark. Todd .Tames, Brandon, Rankin Co., Miss. Todd .Tames, sugar, Pattersonvillu P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Toflone Henj., Carthage, Li'ake, Miss. Toland R.M. cotton.Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. ToHmt Silas, Cheney ville, Rapides, La. Tolton Maj. J. L., St. Charles, Arkansas, Ark. Tolvert Capt. B., Brooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Tompkins B. S. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Tompkins John, Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss. Tompkins T.B.,Warrenton, Warren, Miss Toney .James, cott. Dennis Mills, St. He- lena, La. Toney & Stone, Camden, Ark. Tonnoit H., Hermitage, Point Coupec,La. Tooke Jas. J., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Tooke John, ibid. Took(^ Jas. J. il)id. Tooke John E., Mt. Lebanon, ibid. Tooker C. cott. Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Toole G. E., Spring Ridge, Hinds, Miss. ToppCol.J.S., Bartersville, Pontotoc, Miss Torian Thos. sugar. Bayou Teche, Atta- kapas, La. TorrasJ.,Red River L'g, Point Coupee, La. Torras M . ibid. Torrey John, Union Church, Jetlerson, Miss. Torrey Robt. ibid. Torrey J A. cotton, Malcolm, ibid. Toups T. & Co. sugar, Tliibodeauxville P. 0., Lafourche Interior, La. Toujis Victorin, sugar, ibid. Tournillon Julien, sugar, Crane Forge P. O., Assumjition, La. Tournoir H. sugar, Raccourci, Point Cou- pee, La. Tournoir & Bouligny, sugar. Hermitage P. ()., Point Coupee, La. Towns Dr., Grenada, Miss. Townsend Alex. F. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Townsend Allen, cotton, ibid. Townsend A.I. cotton, ibid. Townsend A. J., Hays 'Creek, Carroll, Miss Townsend A. M. ibid. Townsend Dr. G. A. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Townsend John, cotton, ibid. Townsend John, Bovina, Warren Miss. Townsend Matthew, cotton, Sookalena, Lauderdale, Miss. Townsend Robt. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Townsend T. S. cotton, ibid. Townsend Wright, cotton, ibid. Townsend Willis P. cotton, ibid. 606 PLANTERS DIRECTORY Townsend T. cotton, WolfCrei-k, ibid. Towiiseiid W. S. cotlon, Cliiilon, E. Fe- liciana, La. Trailiill B. F. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, iVJiss. Tramnicill Gi-o. M., Henderson, Texas. Trantliam D. C, cotton, Kilmichael, Ciioc- law, Miss. Ti-anthani Jabin, cotton, ibid. Trantluun Wm. J. cotton, ibid. Dr. C. G., Woodland, E. Felici- ana, La. Travi.s LrLiin E. cotton, Deerfield, Car- roll, La. Traweek,.Peter, cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Traweek Philip, cotton, ibid. Traylor D. H. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Traylor H. cott. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. 'I'ray lor Joshua, Mt. Lebanon, Bienville,La. Traylor P., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Traylor V. VV., cotl. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Tregre Louis, sugar, Bonnet Carre P. 0., iSt. John BaptLst, La. Trepagnier Edniond, sugar, Vacherie P. 0., St. Janus, r. b. La. Trepagtiier Mrs. F. & Sun, sugar, Mc- Cutcheon P. 0., St. Charles, 1. b. La. Trevjilini M. W. cott. Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Trezevant G. W., Deerfield, Carroll, La. Trezevanl Jas. P. cotlon, ibid. Triche Andre, sugar, Bonnet Carre P. 0., St. John Baptist, La. Triche Drauzin, sugar, Thibodeauxville, P. 0., Lafourche Interior, La. Triche Lvariste, sugar. Bonnet Carre, P. U., St. John Baptist, La. Treir A. sugar, Iberville, r. b.. La. Trigg Thos., Brandon, Rankin Co., Miss. Trim Wm. H. cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Trimble Dr. G.W.,Tuscahoma Co., Miss. Trimble M. W. cott. Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Trimble R. C. cotton, ibid. Trimble Wm., Rocky Point, Attala, Miss. Trimble Dr. W. cott. Pecan Grove, Car- roll, La. Triplitt Nimrod, Fearn Springs, Winston, Miss. Trist H. B. sugar, Bowdin pi.. New Riv- er, Ascension La. Trosclair L. (estate,) sugar, Thibodeaux- ville P. O., Lafourche Interior, La. Troth, Slaughter & Co., Port Hudson, La. Trotman Tlios., Parkeville, Noxubee, Miss Troxler R. & E. sugar, Taylor P. O., St. Charles, La. Troxwell John, cott. Concordia, La. Trutttucker Will, Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Trudeau Mrs. R. & Son, sugar, N. Orleans P. O., Jefferson, I. b.. La. Truly D. B., cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Truly Martha, cotton, ibid. Trunk 8., Gonzales, Nacogdoches, Texas Trussell D., Graysport, Yalobusha, Miss. Trussell H , ibid. 'J russell Elizabeth, cotton, Sookalena, Lauderdale, Miss. Trussell Jas. M. cotton, ibid. Trussell John, cotton, ibid. Trn.ssell Matthew, cotton, ibid. Trussell \V m. C. cotton, ibid. 'I'ruxillo Mrs. A. D. sugar, Crane Forge, P. 0., Assumption, La. Truxillo Antoine, sugar, iliid. Truxillo Mrs. A. & Son, sugar, Donald- sonville P. O., Assumption, La. Truxillo Dominique, sugar, ibid. Tubb Wm. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Tubbs iVlatihew, Atlalaville, Attala, Miss. Tucker Bros, sugar, Thibodeauxville, P. 0., Lafourche Interior, Lu. Tucker J. VV. (estate,) sugar, ibid. Tucker K. & J. sugar, ibid. Tucker H. L. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, MLss. Tucker Thos. M. sugar, Bayou Boeuf, Brashear P. U., St. Landry, La. Tulyham J., Nacogdoches, Texas. Tulyham R. ibid. Tulkes J. H., Bovina, Warren, Miss. Tullier J. & Co. sugar, Brule L'g. W. Baton Rouge, La. Tully J. S., Floyd, Carroll, La. Tully Martin, Shreveport, La. Tuncayo M. S., Bluff Springs, Attala, Miss. Tupper H., Canton, Madison, Miss. Tup)ier J. C. ibid. Tureaud Mrs. sugar, Tureaud P. 0., St. James, La. Turnbull F. G., Carolina L'g. Washing- ton, Miss. Turnbull Daniel, sugar, De Soto pi., W. Feliciana, La. Turner Mrs. C, Village P. 0., Point Coujiee, La. Turner Hon. E., Natchez, Adams, Miss. Turner Geo., Warrenton, Warren, Miss. Turner H. C, Kedinouth, Wachita, La Turner Dr. H. P. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Turner J., Lagrange, Ga. Turner John, cott. Pineville, Smith, Miss. Turner J. C. & R. H., Tuscahoma, Miss. Turner M.D., Bartcr6ville,I'oiitotoc,Miss. Turner Mrs. R. E., cotton, Rodnej', Jef- ferson, M:ss. Turner Robt., Tuscahoma, Tallahatchie Co., Miss. Turner Dr. S. S. cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Turner Thos. cotton, Maysville, Itawam- ba, Miss. Turner Wren, cotton, ibid. Tweedy J. M., Courtland, Ala. Tyler Wm. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. He- lena, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 607 UNDERWOOD B., Columbia, Brazo- ria, I'fXas. Underwood Win. A. cotton, Dennis Mills, 8l. Helena, La. Underwood VV., Chiriey Ridffe, Union, La. U|)elnireli A. cotton, Uolands, Itawamba, Miss, Upton Mrs, R. A.& Co, syis;. New River P. O., Iberville, La. Urquliart J. & D. siii;ar, Bohemia pi., N. 0. P. 0., Plaqiiemine, La, Urquliart K. D. sug. Concession pi., ibid. V ALANSAR U. & CO. sugar, St. Lan- dry, La. Valentine Mark, cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Valentine M., Milliken's Bend, Madison, La. Valentine R., Rodney, Jeffer.son, Miss. Valient D. T., liariersville, l'ontotoc,Miss Van Allen Dr.S. cotloii, hnoxville, Frank- lin, Miss. Van Bil)l>er Henry, sugar, N. 0. P.O., St. Heinard, La. Van Eaton H S., Woodside, "Wilkinson, Miss. Vance A. B. cotton, Bellefoiitainc, Choc- taw, Miss. Vance B. H. cotton, ibid. Vance J. A. cotton, ibid. Vance .1. W., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Vance M. M. cotton, Bellefonlaine, Clioc- law, .Miss. Vance R. M. cotton, ibid. Vance Dr. S. W., SeiUell's Store, Bossier, La. Vance W. H., Bellefontainc, Choctaw,, Vanditurd A. C. cotton, Bethlehem, Mar- shall, Miss. Vandergrist L., Benton, Saline, Ark. Van Winkle J. C. sugar, Ledoux p!., M organza P. 0., Point Coupei', La. Vardeinan Elijal), cotton, Linden, Co- |>iali, Mis.s. Vardeman G. S. cotton, ibid. Vardeman Jenmiali, cotton, ibid. Vardeinan Wm. E. cotton, ibid. Vassar Col., Berry, ("ahawba, .\la. Vaughali A. F., Barterville, Polltotoc,Mis8 \'aughan iS: Aningion, Camden, Ark. \'aughan Mrs. H. L. sugar, Bayuu Goula P. O., Iberville, La. Vaugliaii James, cotton, Livonia, Point Coupee, La. Vaughan .Maj., Benton, Miss. Vaughn (i. N., Kingsidii, Adams, Miss. Vaughn M.M.,Barlerville,Poiiloloc,Mi8S. Vaughn P. coiion, Suokalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Vaiise A. K. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Vaiise Wm. G. cotton, Rodney, ibid. Veassy James, Galley Creek, Pope, Ark. Veazie Hon., Natchez, Miss. Vela Antonio, (estate,) sugar. Church P. ()., Assuni|)tiiin, La. Venable W. G., V icioria, Ti xas Ventress J. A. sugar, Doiialdsonville P. O., Ascension, La. Venlre.sis P. R. sugar, Rosedale P. O., Iberville, La, Ventress W. C. S. sugar, Biiyou Goula P. 0.,ibid. Ventress W. C. S. sugar, Donaldsonville P. O., .Ascension. La. Verbois Nicholas, sugar, N. O. P. 0., Pla- queinine, 1. b. La. Verdun R. sugar, Bayou Teche, Cenlre- villi- P. O., Si. Mary, Attakapas, La. Vereen Wm. cotton, Kilniicliael, Choc- taw, Miss. Vernon J. M., Amite City, Si. Helena, La. Vernon W. R. C. cotton, Concordia, La. Verret Adolphe, sugar. Bayou Black, 'I'l- gerville P. (J., i'ernl)onne. La. Verret Mrs. V. sugar. Crane Forge P. 0., Assumption, La. Verret L. sugar, Jeannerctfe P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Viala Mis. J. P. sugar, Donaldson ville P. O., Ascension, La. Vick Col. H., Vias, La. Walker W. H. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Walker Y. P., Wharton, Texas Wall Alex. E. cotton, Newtonia, Wilkin- son, Miss. Wall D. K., Couchatta Chute, Natchito- ches, La. Wall H. H. cotton. Fort Adams, Wilkin- son, Miss. Wall Rev. J. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Wall J. W. cott. Rolands, Itawaraba,Mis.s. Wall M., Richmond, Madison, La. Wall R., Lobdell's Store, West Baton Rouge, La. Wallace Geo., Rocky Springs, Attala, Miss Wallace G. VV., Kosciusko, ibid. Wallace James, cott. Rocky Springs, ibid. Wallace R. M., New London, Union Co., Ark. Waller & Bowman, cotton, Pecan Grove, Carroll, La. Waller Harris, cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. Waller Jefferson, cotton, ibid. Wallis Hugh H. sugar. Bayou Black, Terrebonne, La. Wallis J. W., Vista Ridge, Carroll, La. Wallis & Barrow, sugar. Bayou Black, Tigerville P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Walmsley G. S. cotton, Cloutierville, Natchitoches, La. Walsh Joe, sugar. New River P. 0., Iber- ville, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY, 609 Walters Calvin J. cotton, Monterey, Ran- kin, Miss. Walton A. Y., Natcliez, Adams Co. Miss. Walton Col. , Greenwood P.O., Car- roll, Miss. Walton Floyd, Nntolirz, Adams Co., Miss. Walton B., Lexington, Ilcilnu'S, Walton C. A., Bolton's Depot, Hinds, Miss. Walton G. M., Buck Horn, Independence, Ark. Walton J. R., St. Charles, Arkansas, Ark. Walton J. S., Mariana, Phillips, Ark. Walton 0. F.,Cooksville, N()xnbee,Miss. Walworth J. P., Lake Providence, Car- roll, La. Walworth , Natchez, Miss. Wannsley T. M., Steen's Creek, Rankin Co., Miss. Ward D., Farmersville, Union, La. \\'ard E., Coonewar, Pontotoc, Miss. Ward E. B. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Ward H., FarniiMville, I'nion, La. Ward .7. F., Caledonia, Carroll, La. Ward J. J., Oakland, Yalobusha, Miss. Ward Dr. M. G. cotton, Pleasant Hill, Dc Soto, Miss. Ward R. C, Chesterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Ward 8., Hillshoroujrh, Union, Ark. Ward Wm. cotton, Coonewar, Pontotoc, Miss. Ward W., Chesterville, ibid. Wardlaw Saml. cotton, Bolands, Itawam- ba, Miss. Ware James, jr. susjar, Longwood iil., Lobdell's Store, W. Baton Rouii:e, La. Ware Michael, cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Ware W. E. cotton, Bethlehem, Marshall, Miss. Warnen W. W., Little Bay, Calhoun, Ark. Warner W. D. J. cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Warren C. C. cotton. Union Church, Jef- ferson, Miss. Warren Daniel, cotton, ibid. Warren D., Eubank 's Mills, Johnson, Ark. Warren Jusiah, cotton. Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Warren J., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Warren J. K., Dido, (,'hortaw, .Miss. Warren L., Fordsville, Marion, Miss. Warren & Prestler, cotton, Livonia, Point Couitee, La. Warren R. cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. \\ arren Thomas, cotton, Monterey, Ran- kin, Miss. Warren Wm. cot. Pineville, Smith, Miss. Warren Wm. sr. Fordsville, Marion, Miss. Warren Wm. jr. ibid. Warrin W. W.. Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Warson J. M.,'Muliona Springs, Attala, Miss. Warti lie Pierre, sugar, Washington, P.O., St. Landry, La. Washburn J. A., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Washington G. H. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. 41 Wate Samuel, cotton, Holmesville, Avoy- elles, La. Wale W. W., R.)dney, Jcff.M-.son, Waterman G. W. sugar, Livingston, E. Baton Rouge, I, a. Waters D., Indian Village, Wachita, La. Waters J., Balll.field, Lauderdale, Miss. Waters Col. J. D., Houston, Harris, Tex. Waters Wm. & Son, sugar. Red River, Rapides, La. Waterson G. W. sugar, l-ivingston. La. Walkins Asa, cotton, Jefferson, Miss. Watkins B. F. cotton, Rodney, ibid. Walkins C. C. cotton, Fayette, ibid. Watkins Henry, cotton. Pearl River, Co- piah, Miss. Watkins Jrssf, Laurel Hill,Neshoba,Miss Watkins Rev. J., Midway pi., cotton, Livonia. Point Coupee, La. Watkins L., Laurel Hill, Neshoba, Miss. Watkins P. J., Courtland, Ala. Watson A. J., St. Josejih, Tensas Parish, La. Watson Bryant, cotton, Bellefontaim-, Choctaw, Miss. Watson B. M. cotton, Greensburgh, St. Helena, La. Watson Daniil, cotton. Union Church, Jefferson, Miss. Watson Kli, cotton. Wolf Creek, Choc- law, Mis.s. Watson E. M. cott. Pine Ridge, Copi«h, Miss. Watson E. S., Tuscahoma, Tallahatchie Co., Miss. Watson Gideon, cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Watson Gidi'on, jr. cotton, ibid. Watson Jesse, Vista Ridge, Carroll, La. Watson Joseph, cotton, Bellefoiitaine, Choctaw, Miss. Watson J. cotton, iliid. Watson J. cot. Pine Ridgi', Copiah, Miss. Watson J., Union Chunii, JellVrson.Miss. Watson J., Cooksville, Noxubi'c, Miss. Watson J. M., Rodney, Jeffi-rson, Miss. Watson L. col. Coflk, Livingston, La. Watson L. C, cotton, Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Watson M. (fe B. Lapice, sugar, Donald- sonville P. 0., Ascension, La. Watson R. M. cotton, Greeiisburg, St. Hi'Iena, La. Watson T. C. cotton. Pine Ridge, Copiali, Miss. Watson W. cotton, Greoneburg, St. He- lena, La. Watson W. H. cotton. Pine Ridge, Co- ]iiah. Miss. Watson W. N., cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Watson W. W. cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. Watts A., Line, Morehouse, La. Watts D., Milldnle, Warren, Miss. Watts Col. E. F.,Selma, Dallas Co., Ala. Watts G. cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. GIO PLANTERS DIRECTORY Watts Marion, cotton, ibid. Watts H. L., New London, Union Co., Ark. Watts T. Monticelln, Carroll, La. Waul .7., Panola, Miss. Wcalch Mrs. C. cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Weathrrall Capt. John, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Weatherhy E. M., Nacogdoches, Texas Wcatlufrby J. ibid. Weatherby J. P. ibid. Weatherby S., Bluff Springs, Attala, Miss. Weathnrsby J., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Weatherspoon A. J., cotton, Coonewar, Pontotoc, Miss. Weatherspoon Dr. cotton, ibid. Weatherspoon F. cotton, ibid. Weatherspoon W. cotton, ibid. Weaver J. P., Srlma, Ala. Weaver Wm. M., ibid. Webb & Broaddus, sugar, Taylor P. O., St. Charles, La. Webb Charles H. cotton, Deerfield Car- roll, La. Webb t;. J., Vista Ridge, ibid. Webb D., Fiiar's Point, Coahoma, Miss. Webb D. D. cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Webb Frank, sugar, Taylor P. 0., St. Charles, La. Webb G., Hay's Creek, Carroll, Miss. Webb J. ibid. Webb Henry, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Webb J., Highway, Clark, Ark. Webb L. A. sugar, Washington P. 0., St. Landry, La. Webb W. Barterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Webb W. f\ sugar, Thibodeauxville, La- fourche, La Webber M. J., Carolina, Tishomingo, Miss. Webre E. & Co. sugar, Edgar P. 0., St. John Ba])tist, La. Webre F. & M. 6i Co. sugar, ibid. Webre Jean, sugar, Thibodeauxville P.O., Lafourche Interior, La. Webre M. &. A. sugar, Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, La. Webre &. Ory, sugar, Cantrelle P. O., St., La. Webre P. J. & B. sugar, ibid. Webre V. F. sugar, (vonvent P. 0., ibid. Webster J. B., Marshall, Harrison Co., Texas Wedderl)urn Dr. A. D. sugar. New Iberia P. 0., St. Martin, La. Wederstrand P. C. sugar, Harlem pl.,'N. 0. P. 0. Plaquemine, La. Wedgeworth I. cot. Pineville, Smith,Miss. Weed S. R., Percy's Creek, Wilkinson, Miss. Weedin B., Nacogdoches, Texas Weedin R. ibid. Weeks Charles, Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. Weeks Alfred , sugar, Tayou Teche, Jean- nerette P. 0., St.Mary,Attakapas,La. Weeks C. C. sugar, Jeannerette P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, l^a. Weeks Mrs. C. cotton. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Weeks John, cotton, Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Weeks J.J. cotton, ibid. Weeks J. S. cotton, ibid. Weeks R., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Weeks T. cotton, Pine Ridge ,Copiah, Miss. Weeks W. F. & Co. sugar. New Iberia, P. 0., St. Mary, Attakapas, La. Weeins J. J. sugar, Livonia, Point Cou- pee, La.' Weems J. J. cotton. Pine Ridge, Copiah, Miss. Weems S. R. cotton, ibid. Weil & Bio, cotton, Monroe .Wachita, La. Weire S. H. cotton. Rocky Mount, Kem- per, Miss. Welborn Genl. W., Houston, Harris, Tex. Welch A. T. cotton, Concordia, La. Welch Peter, sugar. Little Caillou, Ter- rebonne, La. Welch W. P. cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Weldon Thos. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Welliam & Godberry, sugar. Bonnet Carre P. O., St. John Baptist, La. Welham & GodbiTry, sugar, Taylor P. O., St. Charles, La. Welham W. P. sugar. Convent P. O. and Grand Pointe P. 0., St. James, La. Well W. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Wrllbnrne A. C, Marion, Crittenden, Ark. Wills A., Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Wells B., ibid. Wells E. M. Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Wells J. M. cotton. Wolf Creek, Choctaw, Miss. Wells J. R., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Wells Mary, Battle Springs, Madison Co., Miss. Wells M. & T. J. sugar, Wellswood pi.. Bayou Boeuf, St. Landry, La. Wells "M. .1. sugar, Flint pi., Cotile, Ra- pides, La. Wells Thomas, cotton, Sookalena, Lau- derdale, Miss. Wells Wni. G. cotton, ibid. Wesson J. IN., Bankston, Choctaw, Miss. West Dr. B. B., Palestine, Texas West Chas. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. West D. R cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. West G. cotton, Coelk, Livingston, La. West & Hill, Garvin's Ferry P. 0., Sun- flower Co., Miss. West lsaac,cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. West I. P. cotton, ibid. West J., Farmersville, Union, La. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 611 West P. R., Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. West Tlins. J. cott. Bellefuntaine, Choc- taw, Miss. West Wm. cott. Rotiney, Jefferson, Miss. West W. S. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. WesthrooicsW. cotton, Bohm (Is, Itawamba, Mi.-^s. Westmonland Joiin, cotton, Tangapaho, St. Helena, La. Wetliersby Geo., Densontown, Rankin, Miss. Whaley A. cotton, Betlilehem, Marshall, Miss. Whaley & Hall, suijar, Palo Alio pi., Pla- qneiiiine P. 0., Pm rviiji', La. Wheat A. J. cotton. Pine Hitlge, Copiah, Miss. Wheat .T. cotton, ibid. Wiieat T. .1. cotton, ibid. Wlieuton R. J., Arcadia, La. Wlieeler Erastus, cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Whitaker B. F., Nacogdoches, Texas Wiiitaker K. B. cotton, Concordia, La. Whitaker Isaac, Vicksburg,Warren,Misa. Wiiitaker Isaac, cotton, Monterey, Rankin, Miss. Whitaker John, cotton, Newtonia, Wil- kinson, Miss. Whitaker J. L., Vista Ridge, Carroll, La. Whitaker M. J., Nacogdoches, Texas White Andrew, cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. White A. J., Woodland, E. Feliciana, La. White B H. Rartcrsville, Pontotoc, Miss. Wliite D., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. White Eli, cotton, Clinton, E. Felieiana,La. Wiiite Evander, cotton, ibid. White Evans, cotton, ibid. Wiiitc Mrs.E.,Cooksville,Noxubee,Miss. White E. cotton. Cold water, Marshall, Miss. White F. B., Hernando, Dc Soto Miss. White H. M., Brownsville, Hinds, Miss. White Rev. Isaac, cotton, Sookalena,Lau- d(/rdale. Miss. White John E. cotton, ibid. White J. C. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. White J. E., Cayuga, Hinds, Miss. White J. H. sugar, E. Baton Rouge, La. White J. .1. B., Yazoo City, Yazoo", Miss. White J. S. cotton, Belleforiiaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Wliite J. v., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. White L. P. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. White Col. M. sugar. Deer Range- pi., N. 0. P. ()., Plaqu( mines. La. AVhite M. jr. sugar, Velasco j.l., N. O. P. 0., Plaquemines, La. White M. T. cotton, Bellefontaine, Choc- taw, Miss. Whiii Shelton, cotton, Pontotoc, Pontotoc, Miss. White, Smith & Baldwin, Shreveport, La. White S. S. cotton, Clinton, E. Feliciana La. White & Trufant, sugar, Myrtle Grove pi., N. 0. 1'. O., Plaquemines, La. White T. W., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. White Wm., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. White W. W., Benton, Saline, Ark. White Y., Vicksburg, Warren, Miss. Whitehead Beiij. cotton, Knoxville, Frank- lin, Miss. Whitehead H. C. cotton, ibid. Whitehead .las. H. cotton, ibid. Whitrhead John T. cotton, ibid. Whitehead & Hurd, Sidon P. O., Carroll Co., Miss. Whit.'head J. H., Middleton, Miss. Whitehead N. B., Sharon, Madison, Co., Miss. Whitehead W. B. sugar, Taylor P.O., St. Charles, La. "Whitehead Col. W. B., sugar, Edgar P. 0., St. John Baptist, La. WhitesidesJas. cotton, Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Whitesides Thos. cotton, ibid. Whiting F. J. cotton, Fayette, Jefferson, Miss. Whiting John M. cotton, ibid. Whitley N. G., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Whitley R. ibid. Whitley T., Milldale, Warren, Miss. Whitney C. W. cotton, Fayette,Jefferson, Miss. Whitney Wm. cotton, MalcoIm,Jcfferson, Miss. Whits worth A. cotton, Georgetown, Co- piah, Miss. Whitten Wm. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Wliittle Wm. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Whittle W. Couchafta Chute, Natchito- ches, La. Whorton B. F. cotton, Clinton, E. Felici- ana, La. Wiburn J. A. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Wiendahle Dr. A. G. sugar, St. John Baptist, La. Wier James, Graysport, Yalobusha, Miss. Wiggle A. cott. Bolands, Itawamba, Miss. Wiggle E. cotton, ibid. WikotTS. W. sugar, Opclousas, St. Lan- dry, La. Wilborn J. Clinton, Hinds, Miss. Wilburn J. W. C, Dorcheat, Columbia, Ark. Wilcox D. K., Redmouih, Wachita, La. Wilcox Dr. W. sugar. Bayou Sara L'g, W. Feliciana, La. Wilcnxson T. & Co. sugar, Pattersonville P. 0., St. Mary, Atuikapas, La. Wilden W., Cooksville, Noxubee, Miss, Wilder Dr., Keachie, De Soto, La. Wiles A. B., Vernon, Madison Co., Miss. Wiley Joseph, Pontotoc, Pontptoc, Miss. Wiley J. C, Joncsville, Harrison, Texas 612 PLANTERS DIRECTORY. Wilhams W. B., Hernando.De Soto.Miss Wilkins Dr. B., Bayou Teche, Aniaud- ville P. 0., Attakapas, La. Wilkins Richard A. sugar, Centreville P. O., St. Mary, ibid. Wilkins R. F. cotton, Pineville, Smith, Miss. Wilkins R. P. cotton, ibid. Wilkinson D. R. cotton, Scotland, Jeffer- son, Miss. Wilkinson H., Chichama Bend, Madi- son, La. Wilkinson L M., Richmond, Madison, La. Wilkinson J. B. sugar. Point Celeste pi. Plaquemine, La. Wilkinson J. J., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Wilkinson & Nickels, Montgomery, Ala. Wilkinson N. cotton. Union Church, Jef- ffcTson, Miss. Wilkinson N. R. cotton, ibid. Wilkinson R. A. sugar, Velasco, pi. Pla- quemine. La. Wilbomar, W. W., Benton, Yazoo, Miss. Willcoxson Lloyd, sugar. Perry's Bridge P. 0., Vermillion, La. Williams A. A. sugar, Lawrence P. O., Terrebonne, La. Williams A. B., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Williams Benj. C. cotton, Deerfield, Car- roll, La. Williams B. cotton, Huntsville, Choctaw, Miss. Williams B. F., Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Williams & Britton, sugar, Raceland P. 0., Lafourche Interior, La. Williams Chas., Highway, Clark, Ark. Williams Daniel, cotton, Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Williams David, Natchez, Miss. Williams D. G., Sulphur Springs, Madi- son Co., Miss. Williams D. J., Hampton, Calhoun Co., Ark. Williams D. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Williams D., Victoria, Texas Williams &. Edmondson, sugar, Thibo- deauxville, Lafourche, La. Williams Elias, cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Williams Mrs. E. cotton, Fort Adams, Wilkinson, Miss. Williams E., Attalaville, Attala, Miss. Williams Mrs. E. R. sugar. Willow Grove pi. Bayou Robert, Rapides, La. Williams Mrs., Natchez, Miss. Williams E. S. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Williams Dr. G. G., Wharton, Texas Williams James, Grenada, Miss. Williams John, sugar, Leighton pi. Thi- bodeauxville P. 0., Lafourche Interi- or, La. Williams James, Brooklyn, Jackson Par., La. Williams Joseph, cott. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Williams J. ibid. Williams J. A., Iverson, Bienville, La. Williams J. A., Darlington, St. Helena, La Williams J. C, Raymond, Hinds, Miss. Williams J. M. cotton, Thibodeauxville, Lafourche, La. Williams J. N., Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Williams J. 0. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La Williams J. R., cotton, Concordia, La. Williams J. R. sugar, Willow Glen pi. Bayou Robert, Rajiides, La. Williams J. S., Raceland Station, Lafour- che, La. Williams J. W., Chickama Bend, Madi- son, La. Williams J. W., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Williams Mrs. L., Graysport, Yalobusha, Miss. Williams Nat, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Williams Paul, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Williams P. A. B., Darlington, St. Hele- na, La. Williams Robert, Carolina, Tishomingo, Miss. Williams Rolin, cott. Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Williams R.I. cot. Monroe, Wachita, La. Williams R.S.cot. Natchez, Adams,Miss. Williams R. W., Lake Providence, Car- roll, La. Williams & Savage, sugar, Gayoso pi., Thibodeauxville, Lafourche, La. Williams Silas, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- tow, Miss. Williams Steven, cot. Monroe, Wachita, La. Williams S., Attalaville, Attala, Miss. Williams Dr. W., cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Williams W. cotton, ibid. Williams W. B., Brandon, Rankin Co., Miss. Williams W. A., Indian Village, Wachita, La. Williams W. J., Caledonia, Carroll, La. Williams W. T. H. & Co., Camden,Ark. Williamson A., Sparta, Bienville, La. Williamson F. M. sugar. Napoleon ville P. 0., Assumption, La. Williamson E.,C;uiton, Madison Co., Miss Williamson G. W., Grenada, Yalobusha, Miss. Williamson Col. J., Washington, Hemp- stead Co., Ark. Williamson James, Sparta, Bienville, La. Williamson J. H., ibid. Williamson Col. Lewis, La Grange, Phil- lips, Ark. Williamson Wm., Galley Creek, Pope, Ark. Willingham E., Nacogdoches, Texas Willis A., Hamilton, Monroe, Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY 618 Willis Daniel, ibid. Willis D. G. cotton, Bethlehem, Marshall, Miss. Willis E. B., Richmond, Madison, La. Willis F. E., Graysport, Yalobusha, Miss. Willis John, Vickshurg, Warren, Miss. Willis .John, Warrenton, il)id. Willis J. P., Cyjiross Mills, Perry, Ark. Willis L., Hamilton, Monroe, Miss. Willson H., ibid. VVillson .Joseph, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Willson M. cotton, Hunts ville, Choctaw, Miss. Willson R. J., Hamilton, Monroe, Miss. Willson Wni. cotton, HuiUsvillc, Choctaw, Miss. Willson W. H. cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Willson W. W. cotton, Huntsville, Choc- taw, Miss. Wilson iS: Andrews, Galveston, Texas Wilson D. L., Wall Hill, Marshall, Miss. Wilson D. M. sugar, Bayou Goula, Iber- ville, La. Wilson Col. E. J., Marion, Crittenden, Ark. Wilson Mrs. E., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Wilson F. E.& Co., sug. Court House P. 0., St. Charles, La. Wilson G. G., Lake Providence, Carroll, La. Wilson H.G. P. ,Hillsborough,Union, Ark. Wilson James, Wall Hill, Marshall, Miss. Wilson John H. cotton, Deerfioid, Carroll, La. Wilson John,cotton,Coldwater, Marshall, Miss. Wilson Joseph, Spring Ridge, Caddo Parish, La. Wilson J. G. cotton, Revelry pi., Holmes- ville P. O., Avoyelles, La. Wilson J. G., Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Wilson J. L. ibid. Wilson J. P., Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Miss. Wilson J. S. sugar. Assumption, La. Wilson J. S. Lewisburg, Conway, Ark. Wilson Capl. Levy, sugar. Red River, Rapides, La. Wilson L. W., Wall Hill,Marshall,Miss. Wilson Newton, cotton, Pleasant Hill, De Soto, Miss. Wilson Peter, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Wilson Robert, Galley Creek, Pope, Ark. Wilson R. J., Monroe, Wacliifa, La. Wilson S. M. cotton. Bay Springs, Tish- omingo, Miss. Wilson S! N. cotton, ibid. Wilson Thos.,Coldwatcr,MarshaIl, Miss. Wilson T. cotlon, Georgetown, Copiaii, Miss. Wilson Wiliis.Waterford, Marshall, Wilson W. J. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Wilson W.H., Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Wilson W. M.. Grand Gulf, Claiborne, Miss. Wilson W. W.cott.Pineville, Smith, Miss. Wiltz Alex, cotton, St. Martinsville, St. Martin, La. Wiltz Jos. cotton, ibid. Wimlierly E. A., Minden, La. Wimlierley A bner, Ringgold, Bienville, La. Wimberley D. cott. Arcadia, Bienville, La. Wimlierley H. cotton, ibid. Wimlierley Perry, Ringgold, Bienville, La. Winchester A.cotton, Livonia, Pointe Cou- pee, La. Winchester Mrs. C. sugar, Buena Vista nl., Donaldsonville P. 0., Ascension, Winder F. G. sugar, Thibodeauxville P. 0., Terrebonne, La. Winder Mrs., V. P. sugar, ibid. Wiiidiiam T. J. cotton, Sookalena, Lauder- dale, Miss. Winds E. B., Farmersville, Union, La. Winds R. B. ibid. Winfree Philip, sugar, Iberville, 1. b. La. Wings Willis P., Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Winiiingham T. R., Hays' Creek,Carroll, Miss. Winslow Stephen, cott. Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Winston Alex., Natchez, Adams County, Miss. Winston Joseph, ibid. Winston Samuel, ibid. Winston R. cotlon, ^McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Winston R. P., Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Winston S. W., Jonesvillc, Harrison, Texas Winston T. G., cott. McNutt, Sunflower, Miss. Winston Thomas, sugar. Ferry's Bridge, Vermillion, La. Winters Adam, cott. Linden, Copiah, Miss. Winters Frank, Kosciusko, Attala, Miss. Winters Henry W., Oakland Yalobusha, Miss. Winters James, cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Winters John, Multona Springs, Attala, Miss. Winters Samuel, Kosciusko, AttaIa,Miss. Winter W. D. su^ar, Arbroath pi.. Lob- dell's Store, W. Baton Rouge, La. Wise David, Dorchcat, Claiborne, La. Wise Iven, ibid. Wise Joseph, Attnlaville, Attala, Miss. Wise Thomas, Caledonia, Carroll, La. Wise W. N., Hernando, De Soto, Miss. Wisener Wm., Nacogdoches, Texas Withers i^' CrrtW8,Jackson,Jackson,Miss. Withers D. D. cotton. Fort Adams, Wil- kinson, Miss. Witheringion A. L., Pigeon Hill, Ark. Withers E. A., Galley Creek, Pope, Ark. Witherspoon A. J. cotton, Pontotoc, Pon- totoc, Miss. 614 PLANTEES DIKECTORY Witherspoon P. V. cotton, ibid. Wofer J. I., Lisbon, Claiborne, La. Wolfe J H.,Chickama Bend, Madison, La. Wolfork J. H., Yazoo City, Yazoo,Miss. Wolmsly G. S., Cloutierville, Natchito- ches, La. Womack Col. A. cotton, Greensburg, St. Helena, La. Womack J. B. cotton, ibid. Womack W. F. cotton, ibid. Wood B. Sugar Creek, Claiborne, La. Wood B. W., Hampton, Calhoun, Ark. Wood Dr., Mulberry P. 0., Autauga Co., Ala. Wood E.G. cotton. Church Hill, Jefferson, Miss. Wood E. G., cotton, Rodney, ibid. Wood G. L, Galveston, Texas Wood James, cott. Church Hill,.Tefferson, Miss. Wood Robert G. cotton, Natchez, Adams, Miss. Wood Thos. P. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Wood T., Fiat Lick, Claiborne, La. Wood W. & G., Mariana, Philips, Ark. Wood W. W. cotton, Church Hill.Jeffer- son. Miss. Woodall J. J., Cuddy Hunk,Yalobusha, Miss. Woodard J., Mt. Lebanon, Bienville, La. Woodard Thos. ibid. Woodberry G. W., Yazoo City, Yazoo, Miss. Woodhouse J., Rodney, Jefferson, Miss. Woodhouse T. C. R., Ash Creek, Oktib- beha, Miss. ■Woodruff Allen D. cotton, Newtonia, Wilkinson, Miss. Woodruff B. sugar, Terre aux Boeufs, St. Bernard, La. Woodruff C. J., Wetumpka, Ala. Woodruff C. P., cotton, Bellefontaine, Choctaw, Miss. Woodruff Gideon, cotton, ibid. Woods A. C, sugar. Camp pi., Lobdell's Store, W. B. Rouge, La. Woods E, D., sugar, Plaquemine P. O., Iberville, La. Woods E., cotton, Union Church, Jeffer- son, Miss. Woods F. A., sugar, Brusle L'g. P.O., Baton Rouge, La. Woods Mrs. John, sugar, Bayou Rouge, St. Landry, La. Woods J. C, sugar, Brusle L'g. P.O.,W. Baton Rouge, La. Woodson R. C, Hudsonville, Marshall, Miss. Woodward A. D., cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Woodward »&; Crain, Cotile, Rapides, La. Woodward J. C, Burton's, Tishomingo, Miss. Woodward Wm., cotton, Clinton, E. Fe- liciana, La. Woody E., Burtonton, Copiah, Miss. Woody D., ibid. Wooley C. A., cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Wooley David, cotton, ibid. Wooley R. B. cotton, ibid. Woolfolk Mrs. Emily, sugar, Grossc Tete, Rosedale P.O., Iberville, La. Woolfolk & Patrick, sugar, Rosedale P. O., Iberville, La. Wooton A. cot. Pine Ridge , Copiah,Miss. Wooton Wm., Victoria, Texas Works E. cotton, Ryan's Well, Itawam- ba, Miss. Wortham Dr. W. H. sugar, Amite, E. Baton Rouge, La. Wray James, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Wray W. L. cotton, ibid. Wren G. E. cotton, Ryan's Well, Ita- wamba, Miss. Wren G. W. cotton, ibid. Wren L. W.,Fayetteville, Fayette, Texas Wren W. & Co., New Salem, Rusk Co., Texas Wright Allen & Co. sugar, Nina pi., Waterloo P. 0., Point Coupee, La. Wright A.B., Jonesville, Harrison, Texas Wright Dowell, Joe's Bayou, Carroll, La. Wright Holden, sugar. Bayou Black, Houma P. O., Terrebonne, La. Wright J. C, Bovina, Warren, Miss. Wright J. C, Lisbon, Union Co., Ark. Wright J. W. cotton, Bay Springs, Tish- omingo, Miss. Wright Maj. M., Lewisville, Lafayette, Ark. Wright Mrs. M. M. cot. Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Wright Mrs.S.,Cheneyville, Rapides, La. WyattW.H., Gray sport, Yalobusha, Miss. Wyche Wm., Keachie, De Soto, La. Wylie Jas., Chesterville, Pontotoc, Miss. Wylie M. L.,ibid. Wynn S. L., Looxahoma, De Soto, Miss. Wynn Wm., sugar. Star P. O., Assump- ■ tion. La. Wyse Capt. J., Attalaville, Attala, Miss. 1 ARBOROUGH BENJ. cott., Clinton, E. Feliciana, La. Yarborough L. S. ibid. Yarborough Geo., Tyler, Smith Co., Tex. Yarborough Wm., Spring Cottage, Marion Co., Miss. Yates T.D. cotton, Georgetown, Copiah, Miss. Yeager J. B., Ringgold, Bienville, La. Yehrerton E. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Yehrington D. cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Yerby Wm. S. cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Yerger E. M., Jackson, Carroll Co., Miss. PLANTERS DIRECTORY. 615 Yi-rger G. S. , Jackson, Hinds, Miss. Ycrger Hon. J. H.,Grt'envillu, Wasliing- ton, Miss. Ycrger Hon. J. S. ibid. YirgtT Hon. Wni., Bolivar, Miss. York Zi'buloii, cotion, Conconlia, La. Young Ali-x cotton, Cliurcli Hill, Jeffer- son, Miss. Young A. G. cotton, Bcllifontainc, Choc- taw, Miss. Young Dr. H. F. cotton, Pearl River, Co- piah, Miss. Young Dr. C. G., Monroe, La. Young D., Plain's Store, E. Baton Rouge, La. Young D. cott. Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. YiMing E., Canton, Madison Co., Miss. Y'oung E. cotion, Concordia, La. Young E.,Flower\'^ Mound, Concordia, La. Y'oung H. cotton, Pearl River, Copiah, Miss. Youne James, cotton, Franklin, Holmes, Miss. Young J., Providence, Searcy, Ark. Young J., Woodland, E. Feliciana, La. Young J. M. roiton, Clinton, ibid. Y'liung J. S., Providence, Searcy, Ark. Young & Lyons, sugar, Perry's Bridge P. 0., Vermillion, La. Young Dr. N. P., Natchez, Miss. Young Olj'inpus, sugar, Pattersonville P. 0., St". Mary, Attakapas, La. Young K. S., Plain's Store, E. Baton Rouge, La. Youns R. T., Youiigville, Tallapoosa Co., Ala. Young Thomas, cotton, Kilmichael, Choc- taw, Miss. Young Dr. Thos. cotton, Linden, Copiah, Miss. Young T.V., Elysian, Angelina Co., Tex. j Young Wm., Rocky Mount, Bossier, La. Youngblood Daniel, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Younijlilood H. M. cotton, Scotland, Jef- ferson, Miss. Youngblood Uriah, cotton, Dennis Mills, St. Helena, La. Youngblood Wm., Arcadia, Bienville, La. Y'oungblood W. M. cotton, Kilmichael, Choctaw, Miss. Youngblut W. cotton, Arcadia, Bienville, La. Younger A. (P. M.) Buck Horn, Indepen- denci'. Ark. Younger William, ibid. iLiANEK WM. cotton, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Miss. Zeiglrr & Marcy, Richmond, Madison, La. Zeriiigue & Cham|iagne, sugar, Tliibo- dcauxville, Lafourche, La. Zeringue C. sugar, N. 0. P. O., Jefferson, La. Zeringue C.& Bro. sugar, Raceland P.O., Lafourche Interior, La. Zeringue Dr. sugar. Beaux Bridge, St. Martin, La. Zeringue D., sugar, St. Martinsville, ibid. ADVERTISING DEPAllTMENT. THOMAS L. WHITE, oalricllfii attS SfafiotttP. No. 106 CANAL-ST. Keeps constantly on hand everj' variety of Books and Stationery to be found in Book establishments in the United States, consisting of 9 Of all kinds, in every department of Medical Literature ; Tu^W BOOKS, Comprising xall the most standard Text Books and Reports ; 9 Embracing the works of the most celebrated Controversial Writers and Bib- lical Critics ; SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. it^DEALERS, MERCHANTS AND TEACHERS would do well to Call and examine the Stock offered. Bi@*A liberal discount made to those buying to sell to Universities, Teachers and Students. 35 Gardner's new Orleans directory. LEEDS &: CO. CORNER OF DELORD AND FOUCHER STREETS, MANUFACTURERS OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL ]orJ)elord ^-PoucheMStsi BOILERS, SUGAE MILLS, APPARATUS AND FURNACES FOR STEAM AND HORSE-POWER SAW MILLS, GIN GEARING, FURNACE MOUTHS, GRATE BARS, ETC. AND ALL MACHINERY REQUIRED FOR THE SOUTH. They respectfully call the particular attention of the Planters of Louisiana and the adjoining States to their styles of STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, VACUUM PANS Which for strength and durability have not been excelled. ADVERTISING DEPAKTMENT. \t mmadiU ^pu^, No. 76 CANAL-ST., NEW ORLEANS. R. G. DUN & CO. QateJ^Jim]^ & Co.) Prop'rs. Established N. Y. km 1811. tilonded by branrh to N. 0., Snr , l,S.i1. FOR THE ACCO]lM0Di[IO\ OF THE BAAKIM? A^D llERrA.\TILE l.^TERESTS OF THE C. 8. Tliis Establishment supplies (to subscribers only) all necessary information as to the standing, responsibility, etc. of Merchants, Trailers, Manufacturers, Public Com- panies, etc., throughout the United States — their Territories, & British North America. Claims and Legal Business promdtly attended to throughout the United States and Canadas. The Associated O/fJces are : Dun, Boyd & Co., N Y. R. G. Dun & Co., Phil- adeli)]na. E. Russell & Co., Boston. R. G. Dun & Co., Cincinnati. R. G. Dun & Co., Pitts'h. R. G. Dun & Qx, Cleveland. R. G. Dun & Co., Detroit. R. G. Dun & -Co., Chicago. R. G. Dun & Co., Milwaukee. J. D. Pratt & Co., Baltimore. R. G. Dun & Co., N. 0. R. G. Dun < (» o •i-H The numfrous trsfimonial-s of tho |inrity and snpprior qunlit)' of thr CAPE LIME for the purpose of Masonry and particularly for Planter s use in sugar making, has induri d ihc undersigned, nro|)rietor of the "Cap^; GinARnEAi; Marble Quarhif.s," to extend and adopt such improvements in its production as will enable him promptly to supplv tlie increasing demand, and all orders for this lime. AH barrels of this Lmie will be stamped "RICHARDS' CAPE LIME," and will be of a size ecpial to the flour barrel, or three bushels. Merchants, Planters and Masons, by addressing the undersigned through their Agents, or the Post Office in this city, with satisfactory references, may have the Lini'' fresh from the Kilns, iklivercd at any designated landing on the river above, or in the City of New Orleans. 147 CUSTOMHOUSE-ST., NEW ORLEANS. GARDNER 8 NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. :r/.i*rf OHN BROW LEE & Cq? SASHR BLIND FACTORY] ^ '^ ^^ 'til TURNING, PLANING AND SAWING. COMMON SIZED SASH READ Y GLAZED. CIRCULAR SAWS GUMMED AND STRAIGHTENED. DOOR & WINDOW FRAMES Made to order, with dispatch. ALL KINDS OF CORNICE MOULDINGS UNDER 7 INCHES WIDE, Constantly on hand. ^11 luiiils 4 Slants, §racliels smced to orkt, A full Assortment of Mahogany and Walnut Newels, Caps and Balusters, Constantly on hand. Also, TEM mm^ ^mu t. mm s&iii^i AWNING POSTS, TABLE AND DESK LEGS, And all kinds of Turning promptly attended to. Also keep constantly on hand a full assortment of ROUGH and DRESSED CYPRESS and PINE LUMBER. Particular attention paid to country orders. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 7 SAMUEL M. TODD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN VARNISHES, lalindoiu €h^% §rttJiI^;), tit HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WHITE LEAD, Winter's Metallic & Grafton Mineral Paint, AND PAINTING MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GOLD, SILVER, AND COPPER LEAF AND BRONZES, GlLDSaS* SEMJISRS* AND SLiXlKRS' TOOLS, HARRIS' PATENT PAINT MILLS, ]>Xatliematical Iiisti*iiiiieiits, etc. Which arc ofTcrod for sale at lowest cash prices, at the old stand, 76 MAGAZINE-ST. (Old Number 90,) ONE DOOB ABOVE POTDRAB STREET, GARDNER S NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. ^ d AND ItiL No. 81 (Late 83) RAMPART-ST. ®0mk, Manumi}ntB, Slumb ^lak, m\l STillfS UND MARBLE IRK. Of all descriptions executed and made to order. GRAVE YARD WORK OP ALL KINDS DONE. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. JOHN B. BEIN & SONS, (Late PRIESTLY & BEIN,) IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL, BOLT & SHEET COPPER, MB, MMM, I Nos. 89 & 91 Camp-st., New Orleans. Keep oonstantly on hand and for sale at the lowest market rates, a large and well assorted stock of Heavy and Shelf HARDWARE, to which they invite the attention of Merchants, Planters, and the public generally. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine the Stock before pur- chasing elsewhere. They are constantly receiving direct from English and American Factories IRON, STEEL, PLOUGHS AXES, HOES, IRON AXLES, MILS, FILRS, SMITHS', CARPENTERS', "^^ ' COOPERS' TOOLS, BEl_-riMQ, BUILDING MATERIALS. BUGGY AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. AGENTS FOR MANUFACTURERS OF SHEET A.Ni:> BOLT COl^PER, TENNESSEE IRON, CAST IRON PIPES, BRANCH, CROOKES & GO'S SAWS, AND PLANTATION BELLS, Nos. 89 & 91 Camp-sf., New Orleans! 10 GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY, C. BOYE, DBALER IN ^^^ r LATE OF 44 AND 50 ROYAL STREET, HAS REMOVED TO THE NEW STORE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF ROYAL STREET, No. 51, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TO SUIT EVERY FANCY, CONSISTING OF MAHOGANY, WALNUT AND CHERRY BEDSTEADS, SOFAS TABLES, CHAIRS, ARMOIRS, ETC., ETO WHICH ARE OFFERED TO PURCHASERS ON AS iMB' AS AT ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 11 -9 > ^\v a. mi^^ '4^ I^IXIL^VOPOLi^MI,^ urn BEPOSITORY 68, 70 and 72 Carondelet Street, KEEPS THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSOUTED STOCK In the city, and at Lower Prices than any other estabhshiiient. WAGONS, in extensive varieties. CARTS, for city and country use. DRAYS, for General Purposes. CANE CARTS and WAGONS, of aU sizes. TIMBER WHEELS, etc. AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN THE LINE, MADE OP THB BKST And fully warranted. Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. p. G. WILSON, J. CHILDS & CO., 497 North Third-st. and 494 St. John-st., Philadelphia, Pa. JEJ^ORDERS EXECUTED WITH DISPATCH.-^ 12 GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. HALLER & BRO. No. 205 [late 247] TCHOUPITOULAS STREET, IlSr -A.IL.I-. ITS "^u^I^IETIES- HAS ALSO ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT CF COOKING, PARLOR and BAR* ROOM STOVES. And are prepared to fill all orders in the above line in the City or Country. Particular attention paid to all descriptions of building work, viz. Copper, Gal- vanized Iron, Tin and Zinc Valley Gutters and Roofing, Down Pipes, Fancy AND Plain Heads, etc. Have the exclusive right for the State of Louisiana to make and vend the recently patented invention of Jabes Lewis, from the use of which the roof of buildings is washed from all filth, prior to the water being conducted to the cisterns. Being self- acting in itself, it removes the necessity of any hand labor in its action ; a feature not introduced here before. JAS. C. KATHMAN'S TROPICAL ROOFING IS CHEAPER AND EQUAL IN DURABILITY TO SLATE ROOFS. ■■< « »« THE PROPRIETOR HAS ALSO INVENTED A NEW STYLE SUPEEIOR TO ANY NOW IN USE. No. 224 BIENVILLE-ST., corner of Marais, Orders left in Bos K, No. 2, Post Office promptly executed. CAPT. E. LANOUE, President Bayou Sara Mail 0. LANDRY, etc. Company, PHILIP SULLEY, etc. CAPT. V B. BABANCO, Steamer Capitol, etc. N. E. BAILEY & SON, 246 Canal Street. CAPT. HEXRY CARTER, etc. COL. FRANK HATCH, M. H. LANDRY, etc. MICHAEL NOLAN. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 13 ■N oo G PC < >^ u »5« Oco| y^S •^^s ^wg Wog »^B 0^; H ■<" tm ..« tu) h^ ^i^ Z -a: OC o 14 GARDNEKS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY, GET YOUR SHIRTS AT COE. CANAL AND EOTAL-STS., NEW ORLEANS. TRY SIX EXCELLENT SHIRTS FOR $6. Buttons warranted never to come off, and a Good Fit Guaranteed. (g wrg tiarictn of (iciitl^mtn Bc^urniBliing (ioods strangers, copy Moody's Address. Shirts made to Order in every Style. Manufactory No. 262 Broadway, New York. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 16 THE ADAMS EXPRESS 96 CAMP STREET, Forward Daily by PasseDger Trains over And by Mail Line Steamers, via Mobile, SMALL AND VALUABLE PACKAGES, MERCHANDISE, And all Articles requiring Dispatch for all parts of the United States. ARTICLES TO BE FORWARDED BY EXPRESS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED IN NEW ORLEANS WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. For Particulars, Rates, etc., inquire of J. J. McKEEVER. Agent. 16 Gardner's new Orleans directory. HOTEL DIEU, COMMON-ST,, Between Bertrand and Johnson-sts. THE SISTERS OF CHARITY Lately in charge of Dr. Stone's Infirmary, have opened the above Institution for the Eeception of Patients. The building is entirely new and built expressly for the com- fort and accommodation of invalids. The Private Eooms are spacious, well ventilated, and have every convenience for the sick. Competent male and female Nurses are constantly in attendance, and under the care of the SISTERS OF CHARITY, patients will receive every attention. The Slave department possesses superior advantages for this class of patients, and will receive particular care. CONSULTING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, DR. J. C. P. WEDERSTRANDT. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, DR. P. C. B O Y E R. THE TERMS OF ADMISSION AEE AS FOLLOWS: Private Rooms, per day, . . . $ 3 to $ 5 Wards, per day, . . . . $1 Slaves, . . . . . . $1 JI^^All persons, upon admission, are required to deposit for Private Rooms, $50. — Wards, $30. — Slaves, $20. The deposit to be renewed if patients remain over the time first paid for. For further information inquire of the Sister Superior of the Institution. ADVEfiTISINQ DEPABTMEMT. 17 J. W. ALLEN, J, R. WALKER. NO. 156 CANAL STREET. m. J. W. ALLEN, D. S. For twelve years a successful Dental Operator in New Orleans, has removed to the large and commodious rooms at 15G Canal street, where may be found the most complete dental establishment in the city, supplied with l^ll th ^atc0t IfmiH'Dvrmttttjsi. Every operation performed as usual in the most careful and perfect manner. Also, at the same place is DR. J. R. WALKER, An experienced operator in all branches of the profession, and who has the best facilities in the city for making PERFECT OPERATIONS with the j Several improvements here not to be found elsewhere. In order to prevent impo- sition the following prices are given Filling, best manner and extra finish; I Gold, ordinary size $3 00 to $5 00 I " larger and man. completed 6 00 " 10 00 . Extracting $1 00, without pain $2 00. Separating 1 00 " 2 00 I Cleaningset 3 00 " 6 00 I Setting single teeth, pivot 6 00 " 10 00 I " " gold plate 10 00" 25 00 j " " vulcanite 10 00 " 15 00 Full upper or lower set, gold or platina 75 00 " 100 00 I " " " vulcanite 60 00 " 80 00 " " " rebasing for permanent .set 20 00 " 26 00 18 GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. G. L. L. MAYER. PH. D. MAYER. ¥ia ®m# No. 51 TCHOUPITOULAS STREET, NEW^ ORLEANS, IMPOBTERS OF A\ i il^i /i CIG^A^HS AND MANUFACTURERS OP DOMESTIC CIGARS. Always on hand a stock of 3 to 5 millions Cigars of the most desirable brands and sizes. ALSO KEEP A FULL ASSORTMENT OF piiri. „ O WW JLl.^ R 1 Which they are enabled to sell as low as any other house engaged in this branch of the Trade. Jl^-A large and varied lot of PIPES, in boxes, FINE CUT CHEW- ! ING TOBACCO, of Northern and Eastern Manufacture, SMOKING TO BACCO of all kinds, suitable for Southern Trade, etc., etc. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 19 D. H. TAYLOR, SUCCESSOR TO TAYLOR & RADDIN, Nos. 17 (Late 21) MAGAZINE and 47 COMMON-STS. MIioIt.^Hk and ^pW HATS AND CAPS. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he has consolidated his stores, recently kept at 25 Customhouse, 70 Gravier, and 59 Common streets, and has taken that No. 21 ]VCagazine Street, RUNNING THROUGH TO COMMON, WHERE HE HAS OPENED WITH A LAUGE AND SPLENDID PALL STOCK OF EVERY VARIETY OF GOODS IN HIS LINE. This Stock has been selected with the greatest care from the different manufactories of New York, Philadelphia and Boston, and is COMPOSED EtariRELV OF FRESH GOODS. From his long experience in business, and perfect knowledge of the wants of the Southern trade, he is enabled to supply Country Merchants and Planters with every description of goods suitable to their market and use. Particular attention will be paid to any order which his friends may favor him with, and they may rest assured that the goods will be selected with as much care and judgment as if they were present themselves. Having made extensive arrangements with the different manufacturers of the North, his stock will be constantly replenished with fresh seasonable goods, by every arrival, thus keojting his assortment complete. Country Merchants would do well to a call and examine his stock before purchas- ing elsewhere, as he confidently believes that the inducements he offers (OuDD^lt lb© i(!i)j»[pDss©(d m Itihas ©oH^, 20 Gardner's new Orleans director y. NEILL & WASHBURN, Between Customhouse & Bienville, PIANO FORTES AND Mm 11 9 ULOA ll Til HI ©11 ALWAYS ON HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GRiND. WM AND OPRIGHT PIO romS. Of the best makers of this country and Europe, which we will sell as low as can be bought of the manufacturers. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED oIS mM wiattD wonfes Of WM. KNABE & CO., Baltimore. |iano3 iuitfd and |[epti[d. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 21 SPALDING & ROGERS' ACADEMY OF MUSIC Academy of Music Performances every Night and Saturday noon, with OPERAS, BALLET TROUPES, CIRCUSES, NEGRO MINSTRELSY, NOVEL DRAMATIC TROUPES, etc. Museum open from 10 o'clock, A. M., to 10 P. M., every day, vnth the Great Living Hippopotamus or River Horse The only living one ever brought to America. To be replaced with other novelties for which the management is constantly on the qui vive. Also, the 100,000 Curios- ities of past years, and the following absorbing and costly Novelties, entirely new and never before exhibited South. THE GRAND AQUARIA, OR OCEAN AND RIVER GARDENS, Portraying in the most vividlj-^ interesting manner, "Life Beneath the Waters." The Fishes will be led at 11 o'clock, A. M., every day. fcrfcttlg tfilorliinji Podfl of a piniaturc J>teamsliip, Cleaving the billows in the mammoth Reservoir devoted to Amphibious Anim*'^- »®°And the CELEBUATKI) MECHANICAL ORCHESTRA, of the capacity and precision of a regular Orthestra. A Beautifully Preserved Skeleton, and Stuffed Specimen of a Boa Constrictor, which, when exhibited alive last winter, weighed 250 pounds. ADMISSIOIT ONLY 50 CENTS. Children and Servants 25 cents to the Mid-Day Exhibition. 22 GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. MOSIUM. No. 107 ST. CHARLES STREET, The First Door from the corner of Poydras-st. ^^mm wm^m m &.. m. 11&1& 1^ t. m. SPLENDID AND UNRIVALLED COLLECTION OP The size of Life, the greater part moving by Mechanism. OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. '» The Conference bet. Louis Napoleon,Victor Emanuel and Garibaldi. BIRTH of CHRIST in the MANGER of BETHLEHEM, A BEAUTIFUL TABLEAU. THE LAST SUPPER, Representing Christ and his Twelve Apostles. Moved by machinery, being a rare manifestation of Artistic Skill, with the hkenesses of the Apostles from the best authorities. Comprising 35 LIFE SIZE FIGURES, worked by machinery, so as to perform ar the actions appropriate to such an occasion, and got up at an immense expense of artistic, mental and physical labor. Consisting of 16 Figures as large as life, and thousands of other curiosities and magnificent works of Art. The Battle of Magenta. The Battle of Solferino. The Great Eastern. The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Napoleon departing from Paris, 11th May, 1859. Battle of New Orleans^ 8th of January. Joshua command- ing the Sun. The capture of Malakoff. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. By President BUCHANAN, at the White House, May 17th. Admission 50 Cents, Children Half Price. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 23 J. BUISSART. P. CASSE. BUISSART & CASSE, iieil WOili MOIiyMENTS, TOMBS, BiUM STORES. CORNER ST. LOUIS AND FRANKLIN-STS. m ORifiiis AND mmM mw dipol No. 13 BARONNE-ST., near Canal. ANFOUX & ROBINSON, Proprietors. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP DENTAL MATERIALS, Icntiil ^tttttittttf, $ix. Also, Exclusive Southern Agents for the sale of J. D. CHEV- ALIER'S CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS, &c. 24 GARDNERS NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. THEATRE, JOHN E. OWENS, Lessee & Manager. WITH A I^IRST CLA.SS lATIC C FOR THE CORRECT REPRESENTATION 0P 01 i AND Ia %M.%J>» ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 26 THOS. R. REA. EDW. S. REA. REA'S W. p. REA. ^^B>MS BOOK AND JOB offioe:. 48 (Late 58) MAGAZINE STREET, We are in constant receipt of every New Sj'le of Type, as issued by the different Foundries throughout the country, and having in daily operation, several Machine Presses of most approved patents, we are enabled with tlie aid of Steam, to execute all Orders however large at shortest notice, in a workmanlike manner and at lowest paying rates BOOKS, ACCOUNT SALES, CATALOGUES, MANIFESTS, PAMPHLETS, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, LAWYER'S BRIEFS, BILLS FARE, BILL HEADS, PARCEL LABELS, DRAY RECEIPTS, FANCY LARGE CARDS, in col's CIRCULARS, FORWARDING CARDS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, BUSINESS CARDS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WORK BELONGING TO THE TRADE. We employ no runners, and our friends are not annoyed by au)' importunities for work from us. Orders have been obtained from our customers by persons, under the supposition that they were connect<:'d with us. We would caution our friends against delivering their Orders Uy such. All Orders left in Box R, 7, N. O. Post Office, will be promptly attended to. 26 GARDNER S NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. WHEELER & FORSTALL, MANUFACTURERS OF MAGAZINE, CORNER GIROD, ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR Plantation and Steamboat Work, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. Manufacturers of "VESPANIDUS" STEAM PANS, for making Sugar, which has been pronounced, by competent judges, the best applica- tion of heat ever introduced. THEY KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPPLY OF STEAM WHISTLES, BRASS COCKS, OIL GLOBES, ®lok talui|s,^aiii}Iinp. fl[opcr, ^rnm and Jron |ump, OF THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED CONSTRUCTION. ALSO, A LAUaE ASSORTMENT OF OFFICE, PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES, COOKING RANGES, SHIP CABOOSES, SHEET-IRON COOKING STOVES, FOR STEAMBOATS AND HOTELS. They are the only manufacturers of the celebrated "CREOLE" COOKING STOVES, for Families, which are far more durable than , than any other Stove now in use, being MADE ENTIRELY OF WROUGHT IRON. And a General Assortment of Household, Tin, Copper and Hollow Ware, ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 27 CITIZENS' OFFICE, No. 3 CARONDELET STREET. Capital, $250,000. OMER GAILLARD, . GEO. W. WEST, A. SCHREIBER, President. Vice Pi'esident. Secretary. (D a (^ 1© IT © la ^ 2 GEO. W- WEST, MARTIN GORDON, Jr. CESATRE OLIVIERE, R. r. HUNT, D. JAMISON, OMER GAILLARD, JAS. A. WHITE. N. AUGUSTIN, J. LEISY, MICHEL MUSSON, ARISTIDE MILTENBERGER, AUGUSTUS BOHN. DOUGLAS WEST, 28 GARDNER S NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. mM f MANUFACTURERS OP A^TV^N^INOS, imaji JGil \UJ llJiiJixi I BETWEEN MAGAZINE AND CAMP STREETS. Of every description, neatly done to order. Done in all its branches. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 29 PAYAN & CARHART, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in ill aiwisii, No. 72 CANAL-ST., NEW ORLEANS, AND 55, 57, 59 and 61 Hudson street, American Express Building, near Duane, New York. In tins Establishment, and its brandies at New York, New Orleans, and Newark, N. J., in which upwards of three thousand Mechanics are employed, orders are executed in a workmanlike manner, unsurpassed by any other. PAYAN & CARHART, Manufacturiers et Marchands en Gros VfabiKcnicnts Confcctionncs a k Plok, NO. 72 RUE DU CANAL, NOUVELLE ORLEANS, ET 55, 57, 59 et 61 rue Hudson, American Express Building, pres Duane, New York. MANUFACTURE Dans cet Establissement ct ses succursales, si avantap^eusement connu et patronise du Puldic a New York et a la Nouvelle Or- leans, dans lesquels plus de trois mille ouvriers sont employes annullement, on re9oit des ordres qui sont executes avec prompti- tude et soin, et d'une maniere pour le genre et la raise couf)ee qui surpasse pour la comparaison, I'ouvrage de tout autre Establisse- ment de ce genre. 30 Gardner's new Orleans directory. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WELSH ROOFING SLATES SLATE SLABS FOR PAVEMENTS, Have always on hand an extensive assortment of TVELSH ©LA.TES And are always receiving fresh supplies EIREGT EROM 1'HE QUARRIES. They are thus enabled to offer stock of the best quality, in lots to suit purchasers and at the lowest Market Prices. SLATES FOR ROOFING: NO. TO 8QCARE. 120 133 180 205 228 SIZE. 16 X 8 NO. TO SQUARE. 300 14 X 12 240 14 X 10 288 14 X 8 360 13 X 10 320 SIZE. 24 X 12 22 X 12 20 X 10 18 X 10 18 X 9 16 X 10 240 13 X 7 450 SJate Slabs, For Hearths, Pavements, Garden Edgings, etc. ALSO, AN ASSORTMENT OF Equal to the best Marble Mantles in durability and appearance, at a cost of about one-third that of Marble. Proprietors and Builders are respectfully invited to call and examine the same. )8^° Any information required on the subject of slate roofs, walks or edgings will be cheerfully given, on application, by letter or otherwise. TERMS CASH, OR APPROVED CITY ACCEPTANCE. N. B. — Particular attention paid to Shipping, J. & J. C. Di^VIDSOlSr, No. 1 DAVIDSON ROW, Carondelet-st., near Poydras. ADVERTISING DEPAKTMENT. 31 READING ROOMS, COR. OF ST. CHARLES AND COMMON-STS. OTv file:. ALSO, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC REVIEWS, LITERARY, SPORTING AND PICTORIAL WEEKLIES. LARGE, COMMODIOUS & WELL SUPPLIED, IS ATTACHED TO THESE ROOMS. Captains of Steamships, Pursers, Masters of Sea-going Vessels and Captains of Steamboats, are particularly invited to visit the Rooms. From 1st November, from 8 o'clock, A. M., to 10 o'clock, P. M. From 1st June to 1st October, 7 o'clock, A. M., to 9 o'clock, P. M. Sundays close at 2 o'clock, P. M. ; re-open at dark and cloae at 9, P. M. F. W. COELER, Proprietor. 32 gahdneb's new obleans dieectobt. JOHN ARMSTRONG'S AND BOILER MANUFACTORY. CORNER ERATO AND NEW LEVEE STREETS, NEW ORLEANS. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL STEAM ENGINES, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills, Draining Machines, GIN GEARING AND MACHINEBY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IRON COLUMNS AND FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, gmmu pontile, ^x^U §m^, f ^^h l^rigMi^, AND IRON CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS. LOW PRESSURE LOCOMOTIVE (^Iui|tl and dlgliinUr §01!^^, VACUUM PANS, PILTERERS, RECEIVERS, ETC. ^<«»* RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT & BLACKSMITH WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. S3 ELLIS H. BOSTICK. FRANK "W. SEYMOUR. BOSTIGK & SEYMOUR, SUCCESSORS TO BREWSTER & ZACHARIS, GOITEliTIN&SIIEETlRON AVOIl^li:E2I^S. WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF STOVES m§ im wmE, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN (llhina, (ila.'jfj inul ^tonnuarc, CUTLERY, PLATED GOODS, LAMPS, LANTERNS, AND EVKUV DKSCKIPTION OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR PTEVAIROAT, HOTEL AND HOUSE FURNISHING. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Adapted for Planters, Hotels and Steamboats. Sizes to Cook for from 20 to 500 Persons. All kinds of House Work and Repairing done on the shortest notice. AGENTS FOR S. J. MITCHELL'S PREMIUM LIGHTNING ROOS. 36 FULTON and 35 FRONT-STS. 34 GAEDNEK's new ORLEANS DIRECTORY. ST. CHARLES THEATRE. Mr. B. DE BAR, Mr. H. GORRI, Lessee. - Acting Manager. ENGAGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH ALL THE WHO WILL APPEAE IN RAPID SUCCESSION. THE FOLLOWING TALENTED ARTISTS COMPOSE THE MRS. PERRIN, formerly Miss Woodbury, of Chicago Thea. MR. CHAS. POPE, Mr. R. F. McCLANNIN, Miss LAURA HONEY, Of the Boston Theatre. Mrs. A. HIND, Mr. A. A. READ, Miss LIZZIE MADDERN, Of the Cincinnati Theatre. Miss MARY MADDERN, Mr. W. P. SMITH, Miss LLEWELLYN, Of the N. Y. Theatres. Miss EMILY MADDERN, Mr. T. HIND, Mrs. McMANUS, Mr. W. H. RILEY, Miss EMILY STELLA, Mr. GOLDEN, Miss RAYMOND, Mr. THOS. E. WOLFE, Miss McCLUSKY, Mr. MURPHY, Miss ANNIE STELLA, Mr. McMANUS, Mrs. McINTOSH, Mr. LEONARD, Mr. DAILEY, Mr. HOWARD, Mr. MELMER. MR. P. GLEASON, Treasurer. I MR. CHARLES, Assist. Prompter. MR. STEVENSON, Assist. Treasurer. MR. McINTOSH, Maciiinist. MR. DAVEY, Prompter. I MR. JOB JAMISON, Costumer. The Orchestra is Large and Efficient. CONDUCTOR AND COMPOSER, . . . MR. WALDAUER. JPrices of .A^dmission : Dress Circle and Parquette, . . . . $ 75 Second Circle, ...... 50 Gallery, . . . . . . . . 25 Quadroon Box Tickets, .... 75 Private Boxes, each, . . . . . . 6 00 THIS POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. GABUNKRS NKW ORLEANS DIRECTORY. PH. P. WERLEIN, IvTos. 8 Sd 5 CA.MP STRKlRnn, POBLim^^^H D[U[R AND W J. ^^^^ ^ ll V _ OF TKllM.S TlIK SAMK AS AT OlHKK RESPECTABLE PUHLrSIIIXtJ HOUSES. PIANO FORTES of the Ix'st mannfarHirp, and warranted fur tivi yi'ars. Sole agent for G. A. Pi-ince's iincqiialli'd iMclodcons. with late Improvements. "'I'lie best Melodinns in tin' wnrlil. " — Homt Journal, .Ipril .'J, 1858. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENCY. Superior Guitars, such as Martin's, Hall & Son.s,& Co., and others. Tin' best Violin.'5, Fluii's, Clarionets, Brass Instruments, and everything else in the Music line. The licst String for Violins and Guitars ever offered in this market. Mnsie sent U) any p.irt of the country hy mail, upon the receipt of the uiarlced ]>riee. Musical Instriuuenis Tunrd and Repaired. CALL AT No. 5 CAMP STREET. A\A. THE ABOVE WILL BE SOLI) AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRirES, PAPER HAI^GINGS, PAIfJS, ARTISTS' DEPOT, OIL AND GLASS, ROBERT OLANNON, IMPORTER AND DEALEll IN NKHFQ PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, sawsicis et i¥fiair ais€ai:3^fE®3St, ARTISTS' COLORS AND TOOLS, AND AI,I, OTIIKK AKTICLI.S CONNKCTKI) WITH HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING. IMfOltTEIl OF ADVERTIZING BEPAKTMENT. FINISHING !2; o Pi BLACKSMITHING A^isriD Eh 02 O ssvua 00 (M O 15 fii'' Date Due Form 335— 15M— 7-36— S •» PLEASE DO NOT RL MOVE THIS SLIP PROM POCKET PEHKlNS LIBRARY DUE DATE BELOW - / 'fgf THfS VOLUMf -or:.; ^v;>7 "RCUtATE OUTSIDE THt LIBRARr bUILDTNS