DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES, CHIEFLY DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES ON THE SABBATH,- AND OTHER OPPORTUNITIES, VAHTIXG EXPRESSIOXS AS OCCASION AND CIRCUMSTANCES JElEaUIRE. SELECTED PARTLY FROM THE EPISCOPAL SERVICE. ALSO AN ADDRESS, BY THE MINISTERS ON PISCATAQUA RIVER, RECOMMENDING FORMS IN WORSHIP. AND FROM SUNDRY PUBLIC PAPERS, THE PROPRIETY OF KEEPING THE ADVENT OF CHRIST. LIKEWISE, A SERIOUS ADDRESS TO THE SPECTATORS ON THE EXECUTION OF THE PIRATES, FEB. 18, 1819. TO WHICH IS ADDED MEDITATIONS SELECTED FROM THE WORKS OF THE REV. JOHN FLAVEL, HUSBANDRY AND NAVIGATION SPIRITUALIZED WITH ABRIDGMENTS AND VARIATIONS. AND LIKEWISE PRAYERS ON THE VARIOUS SEASONS OF THE YEAR, SELECTED FROM THE CHRISTIAN MONITOR. ALSO A SHORT ABRIDGMENT OF THE BOOK OF JOB ; WITH POETRY ON THE SUBJECT, BY THOMAS SCOTT : WITH VARIATIONS AND ABRIDGMENTS. BOSTON, 1820. • EXTRACTS. Prayer (says Marival) may be considered as the root from whence all religious and moral duties derive their nourishment ; and those, who do not pray, can have no religion. It does not invalidate this assertion to say, that then great numbers have no religion. Ho much more the pity. They may have some virtue, be moral and useful members of society ; but what idea can be formed of religion with- out prayer ? " It is impossible,'^ says Mr. Orton, " that a man can be good who neglects prayer ; and next to impossible, that he should ever become so. The neglect of prayer shews, that he has no right notions of God, no sense of his presence, no hearty desires of his mer- cy^ no solid hopes of his favour. It is much to be wished, therefore, that those, who have hitherto neglected daily to remember God in prayer, would firmly resolve no longer to ne- glect so important a duty ; and the only sure way to keep up devotion, both in secret, and in a family, is to fix for that end the most con- venient time of the day, and resolutely to ob- serve it/' " When the times of prayer are i 6 thus settled/' says Bishop Gibson, ^' it will be accounted a part of the business of the day ; and as the neglect of it occasions an habitual forgetfulness of God, and the things of another life, so the daily practice of it (if it is not suf- fered to dwindle into a mere lifeless form) keeps up in families a face and spirit of re- ligion, and is the best means that fathers and mothers, masters and mistresses can use, to preserve in themselves, their children and ser- vants, such a religious and heavenly frame of mind as becomes a society of christians. The daily exercise of devotion keeps the soul in an habitual preparation to move towards heav- en ; and by this exercise the thoughts are more easily withdrawn from our worldly cares and diversions, and more readily framed to attend the work at the proper seasons of de- votion, whether in public, or in private/' EXTRACT. Blessing obtained on reading religious books — exemplified in the first volume of Mr. FlaveVs works^ related by Mr* Boulter^ a Bookseller in London* A HIGH flashy gentleman came to Mr. B's shop, to enquire for some play-books ; Mr. B. told him he had none of the kind, but handed him Mr. FlaveFs little treatise of Keeping the Heart, requested he would read it, and assured him it would perhaps do him more good than play-books. The gentleman read the title, and glancing upon several pages, broke out in these, and other expressions. What a damn'd old fanatic was he who wrote this book ? Mr. B. advised him to buy and read it, and not censure it so bitterly ; at length he bought it ; but observed he would not read it. What will you do with it, replied Mr. B. ? do with it, I will commit it to the flames, and send it to the Devil. Mr. B. then told him he should not have it. He however, ^with an air of indifference,) promised to read it. Mr. B. again observed, if he disliked it upon reading, the money should be returned to him. About a month after, the gentleman came to Mr. B's shop in a very modest habit and deportment, with a serious countenance ; addressed Mr. B. Sir, I most heartily thank you for putting this book into my hands : I bless God who moved you to do it, it has been the means of saving my precious soul ; blessed be God that ever I came into your shop, and other expressions in praising and admiring the goodness of God. — -He then purchased one hundred more of those books, for the benefit of the poor, who eould uot buy them. 8 '** Use of forms in ivovsliiy^ recommended by the^ ministers in iht Tozons and Parishes on Piscutaqua River. Dear Friends, With sensible concern we observe the de- clining state of practical religion, the preva- lence of error, vice and infidelity, and the consequent neglect of the duties of piety, jus- tice, mercy and truth. And it is not the least cause of our concern, that there are many in our respective towns and parishes, who live in the habitual neglect of family prayer, and in- struction, notwithstanding their solemn en- gagements to God in the holy ordinance of baptism to their children, that they would in- struct them in the knowledge of true religion, and inculcate upon them, by their precepts and example, their duty to fear, serve, and glorify their Creator. The common plea that many serious persons make, respecting their neglect of family prayer, is, their want of resolution, and a suflBcient ac- quaintance with language to address the infinite majesty of heaven before their families in ex- pressions suitable to the solemn occasion, and adapted to the use of edification. To remove this objection, and to leave all who shall hereafter continue in the neglect of so reasonable a service inexcusable, we re- commend to you for daily use in your families, forms of prayer, which we have endeavoured should be as short and comprehensive as is consistent with perspicuity, that none may be tired with their length, and because our words should be few, as creatures in our circum- i) stances, whose foundation is in the dust, and who dwell in houses of clay, address our prayers to a Being of incomprehensible ma- jesty and glory, whose throne is in the heav- ens, exalted far above all principalities and powers. In forms of prayer, avoid vain repetitionsi, sensible that our Father in heaven knows all our wants and desires before we ask him, and is ever ready of his abundant goodness, to grant all our requests which are agreeable to his will, for the sake of Jesus Christ. We also recommend the use of scripture expressions and allusions, as best adapted to inform the understanding and warm the heart. We cannot therefore presume you will be prejudiced against using forms of worship, considering, 1st, That not only the primitive apostolic churches used forms in their worship after miraculous gifts had ceased in the church, but that Jesus t)hrist hath left on record a comprehensive form of prayer for the direction of his disciples in all their addresses to the throne of grace. In thus recommending to you the use of forms in prayer, we would not have it under- stood as our meaning, that you should confine yourselves to forms prepared for your use, however excellent ; the use thereof will soon overcome your natural timidity that will ena- ble you to feel a freedom in offering up peti- tions and praises in your own words, dictated by a sense of pressing trials^ and signal mer- eies. 1* 10 And now beloved friends, we entreat yoa by the mercies of God, and the love of a Sa- viour^ and the duty you owe to the immortal souls committed to your care, to take the sub- ject of this address into serious consideration, and begin the practice, and we cannot but hope you will be convinced of the reasonable- ness of family prayer, and be induced to prac- tice it. '5:dly, If you consider that the daily practice of this duty in your families is found- ed in the relation you bear to God as his rea- sonable creatures ; your necessary dependence on him for being, life, and all things you need ; the obligations of gratitude you are under to him as your preserver and benefactor, and the regard you owe to the souls committed to your care. 3dly, Consider that the time is near at hand, when we must all appear before God in the eternal world, to render unto him an account of the improvement of our time, opportunities and talents ; how we have per- formed the duties incumbent on us in our seve- ral stations and relations, and managed the important trusts committed to us in this world ; and we ought seriously to consider that he will require at our hands those whom he hath committed to our charge. Let these considera- tions awaken you to a diligent and faithful discharge of all the duties you owe to those who are under your immediate care, and in particular the duty of exemplifying your in- structions by praying with them, that if, (not- withstanding all your instructions, prayers, counsels and admonitions,) they should be drawn into the Vertex of sinful pleasure; by 11 the temptations of an ensnaring world, and finally lose their souls, their ruin may not be chargeable to your account in the great day. In this address we speak to you, beloved friends, in the fulness of our hearts, and from a sensible concern for your future happiness, and the happiness of your families, that if it shall please God to bless our endeavours, you may be quickened to the diligent use of the means, and the practice of the duties of reli- gion, by which it may be insured to you, and to your^s. In this recommendation of family prayer^ we are fully convinced that it is the duty of all, whatever their character, to awake from their stupidity, and call upon God that they perish not. Yet we speak principally to those heads of families who are regular in their lives and conversations; who have a rational conviction of the truth of religion, the being, perfections and providence of God, their neces- sary dependence on him for every blessing ; their guilt, weakness and misery, and need of his help and mercy, and the reasonableness of their praying to him for needed mercies ; but at the same time wish to have some assistance in this duty, that they may perform it in a mnnner better adapted to edification than ex- tempore prayers. While we inculcate the expediency and reasonableness of family prayer, and offer these helps to the performaace of this duty, we entreat you brethren ever to bear in mind that prayer and other instrumental duties are only means; which God in his divine wisdom 12 hath appointed, for your obtaining the renew- ing influence of his spirit to write upon your hearts those two gieat and comprehensive laws of his moral kingdom : Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and thy neigh- bour as thyself ; and thereby qualify you for the everlasting enjoyment of that kingdom. Beware then of resting in a form of godli- ness without the power thereof; if you do, however constant and exemplary you may be in prayer and other positive duties of religion, your hope of future happiness founded on these things will issue in shame, confusion and de- spair. These things you ought to have done, and not leave the other, justice, mercy and truth, the necessary effects of a principle of divine love in the heart, undone. We only add our fervent prayers to the Father of lights and mercies, that the happy period may be hastened which will supercede these helps of devotion, when the spirit of grace and suppli- cation shall be poured out, when they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know ye the Lord ; for they shall all know him from the least of them to the greatest; and when prayers and praises to Grod, dictated by a spirit of pure and fervent devotion, shall ascend before his throne from every family and dwelling place of Mount Zion....AMEN, 13 Advice relative to the service of the Sanctuary. TO be early at the house of God, in order to obtain the blessing on leaving it, thereby uniting, with devout affections fixed on Grod, joining our hearts with our lips in every part of the worship. — To attend with seriousness during the exhortation, as it points out to us the great duty we are come upon — When we pronounce the general confession of our sins, to recollect our secret ones — When the abso- lution is reading, we ought most humbly to beg our share therein, and when the Psalms and Hymns are repeating, to raise our souls, and rejoice in God for the great blessings commemorated in them — While the lessons are reading, to observe w^hat particular instruc- tions, reproofs, or consolations arise to us from any part of them — In the collects and thelitany, to endeavour to lift up our hearts to God to ob- tain the blessings we ask of him — In the thanks- giving, to unite in an humble acknowledgment of the mercies received from God — When we make confession of our faith with one voice, be sure we unite with it the belief of our hearts — While the commandments are repeating, to en- deavour to recollect our former sins, and the in- firmities of our nature, together with the tempta- tions to which we are exposed. And to stand w hen we are engaged in that sublime part of wor- ship, Singing of praise to God. Whenever we hear sermons (not however with a view to criti- cise, and censure him who officiates^) but as * " Reverence your minister, he is a wise and good man, and one who has a tender care and respect for jou, do not therefore grieve him, either by neglect or disrespect, if there b&.any person 14f those who are desirous to become more wise and better for them. — Thus we ought to behave ia the house of God, and to think it our duty also to attend to the several parts of the afternoon service. — The command obliges us to keep the sabbath day holy, and the honour and service of Grod calls for our attendance on both parts of the day, agreeably to the sentiments of profes- «or Gilbert, of Leipsic, printed in his life^in 4775. ^' We think too lightly on the duties on Sunday. 1 am convinced that a religious em- ployment of this sacred day, is one indispensa- ble mean, and indeed the most salutary of all, to promote our progress in religion and piety. To make a serious examination of our hearts ; to lift them np to heaven ; to strengthen our minds with the truth of faith : this is to fortify for the whole week, and prepare ourselves ia the discharging of our domestic duties and call- ings with fidelity. He who employs the Sab- bath well, can he make a bad use of the week ? He who passes this day ill, can he think him- self obliged to employ well the following days ?* Hear me therefore, whoever you are^ that cast your eyes upon this paper, it is the employment of Sunday, on which that of the whole week depends.^^ who endeavours to set you against him, that person loves not jou^ nor the office he bears, and as Divine Providence has placed hiia near you, I do expect you will pay suitable attention to him, for his own, for yours, and for his office sake. Sir Matthew HaWs .Advice to his family. * It is a common observation, that public criminals, going to the place of execution, and making their dying declarations to the world, frequently charge their sinful courses, in which they have lived, to their neglect and profanation of the Lord's Day as the first and chief occasion of leading them into those enormiti^ that had brought them to their untimely end. EPISCOPAL SERVICE. PART I. Mapted especially for Sabbath Morning. Master. MY beloved friends^ who are now assembled for the benefit of social worship, a duty not only rational, but a privilege highly to be esteemed, as honorary for us and to the hiiman race, to call on the name of the Lord, in offering him a religious sacrifice of gratitude and praise ; may we therefore with seriousness attend in our present devotions, and to the in- structions of the sacred oracles, which directs us in sundry places to acknowledge and con- fess our manifold sins and transgressions ; that we should not dissemble, nor cloak them be- fore the presence of Almighty God our heaven- ly Father ; but confess them with an humble, lowly, penitent and obedient heart; to the end that we may obtain forgiveness of the same, by his infinite goodness and mercy. And although we ought at all times humbly to acknowledge our sins before God ; yet ought we chiefly so to do, when we meet together, to render thanks for the great benefits that we have received at his hands, to set forth his most worthy praise, to hear his moat holy word^ and to ask those 16 things that are necessary, as well for the body as the soul. Wherefore let us accompany each other with the advice of the psalmist. Master. O come, let us worship the Lord our God ; and heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation. Family. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and speak good of his name. M. Let us, with the inward devotion and homage of our hearts, unite to serve him with joy and gladness. F. Jb^or the Lord Jehovah is great, far above the Gods of the heathen which are but idols ; but it is the Lord who made the heav- ens. M. In his hands are all the corners of the earth, and the strength of the hills is His also. F. The great deep is His, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. M. May our praise therefore be of the lov- ing kindness of the Lord, even upon the multi- tude of his mercy, and to acknowledge him in his holy temple. F. To render to the Lord the honour due unto his name, to worship him in the beauty of holiness, and offer in his dwelling an oblation with gratitude. JH. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost ; F. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be ; world without end. Amen. Master. Let us attend to those comfortable words of Clirist our Saviour ; Come unto me 17 all ye who labour and are heavy laden and 1 will give you rest. He that cometh unto mc 1 will in no wise cast off. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Family. Almighty God, give now unto us that ask; let us v\ho seek, find; open the gate unto us who knock, that we may receive thy heavenly benediction. M. St. John saith, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, to the end that all who believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life ; that if any man sin, we have an Advocate with Father, Jesus Christ the Just : who is the Reconciliation for the sins of the World : which if we confess and forsake, he is faithful and just to forgive, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We are assured by God, who saith : Call upon me in the day of trouble ; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me : He will therefore have mercy upon us, and heal our infirmities. Master. Lift up your hearts. jF. We lift them up unto the Lord. M. Let us give thanks unto the Lord Js- bovah. F. It is meet and right so to do. M. It is very meet and right, and our bounden duty at all times, and in all places, to give thanks unto thee,0 Lord, Holy Father, everlasting God. Af. Now unto the King Eternal, Immor- tal, Invisible, the only wise God, be ascrif^fp d all Honour and Glory, world withoeiir^^*^;^^ n 18 Master. O thou omnipotent Governour of the world, the aid of all who need, the helper of all those who with sincerity apply to thee for succour, and the life of them who believe ! We call on our souls and all that is within us, humbly to offer to thee, our tribute of thanks, for the privilege thou dost grant us to adore thy perfections, and celebrate the praises of thy great and holy name. Social Address. Therefore with Angels, and Archangels, and all the company of Heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name ; evermore prais- ing Thee, and saying. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, who is able to declare thy greatness, and to recount the marvellous works thou hast performed in all the genera- tions of the world : Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. — Glory be to thee, O Lord most High. Amen. Litany, or General Supplication. Master. Assist us merciful God in these our supplications and prayers, and dispose the way of thy servants towards the aittainment of everlasting salvation, that through all the vicis- situdes of this mortal life, we may ever be de- fended by thy gracious help ; , ,,We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. M< That it may please thee to direct and ^^la-^ bdth our hearts and lives in the way of tii^^aws^ and in the '""ks of thy command- 19 iiieuts, that through thy most ini§;hty protec- tion^ both now and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul to the end of our days ; We beseech thee to hear us, good lord. M. Prevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works began, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally obtain thy pardoning mercy ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. M. O thou fountain of all wisdom^ who knovvest our necessities before we ask, and our ignorance in asking ; be pleased to have compassion on our infirmities ; that those things which for our nnworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask, may be effectually obtained to the relief of our ne- cessities, and to the setting forth of thy glory ; We beseech thee to beams, good Lord. M. Keep us, Lord, chaste in all our thoughts, temperate in all our enjoyments, peaceable under provocations, sincere and faithful in our professions : That no necessity may force, or opportunity of any kind allure us to defraud, or injure our neighbour ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. J^f. That it may please thee to give us true repentance, to forgive our past offences, to endue us with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, to amend our lives conformable to thy most holy will ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. M, That it may please thee to inspire our hearts with christian benevolence, and to form 20 »ucb dispositions in us, that will enable us to forgive our enemies, persecutors and slan- derers ; Turn their hearts, O Lord, and fill them with thy love. M. That if may please thee to inspire us with true love and chanty, aud dispose us to do all in our power, for defending the friend, less, and assisting prisoners and captives, and others who are helpless and indigent, and need compassionate attention. Incline our hearts, we beseech thee, to this duty. M. That it may please thee to enlightea us with true knowledge and a right under- standing of thy word and commandments, that the same may have their due effect by govern* ing our lives and actions ; Vouchsafe to hear us, Almighty God. M. That it may please thee to defend us by thy mighty power, that we may not fall into sin or temptation, but that all our doings may be ordered by thy government, to per- form what is righteous in thy sight ; We beseech thee to hear us. good Lord. M. That it may please thee to comfort and support all those who are in trouble, sorrow, need, affliction ; to defend us from the temp- tations of prosperity, and in the time of adver- sity, at the hour of death, aud at the day of judgment ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. M That it may please thee to grant us grace, that the word we hear '' this day'^ with our outward ears, may be so grafted inwardly Si in our hearts, that it may bring forth the fruits of good living, to the honour and praise of thy holy name; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. M. That it may please thee to illuminate all bishops, and other ambassadors of the gos- pel of p^-ace, with true knowledge and under- standing of thy word and commandments, that they, both by their preaching and living, may set it forth and shew it accordingly ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. M. That it may please thee to bless and prosper the United States, and to give to all nations, unity, peace and concord, and to spread the gospel of thy Son over the face of the whole earth, from the rising to the setting sun ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. M. That it may please thee to strengthen in rifi;hteousness and true holiness, the Presi- dent of the union, and others in authority ; may they be guided by heavenly wisdom, to rule in thy fear and love, for the preservation of our civil and religious liberties, and in the prosecution of the duties of their re- spective stations, be ministers of God to us fur go d; Vouchsafe them Lord thy assistance. M. We renew our addresses in beseeching thee to keep us from all sedition, privy conspi- racy and rebellion, from false doctrine, heresy and schism, from hardness of heart, and coa* tempt of thy word and commandments; Good Lord, hear us* »^ M. From pride, vain glory and hypocrisy ; from envy, hatred and malice, and all uncbar* itableness ; Good Lord, deliver us. M. From lightning and tempest; from plague, pestilence and famine, and other ca- lamitous events through life, and from an un- prepared dissolution ; Good Lord, deliver us. M. Guide us we bessech thee by thy coun- sel, through all the changing scenes of time, that finally, by our endeavours to improve it, we may be admitted to thine heavenly king- dom. M. Now to the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, to the only wise God, be ascribed honour and majesty forever. Amen. The Gloria in Excelsis^ to he read or chanted occasionally f social. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men, who art a Be- ing of all beings, fountain of all light and glory, gracious father of men and angels, whose uni- versal spirit is every where present, giving life and light to all angels and glorified saints in heaven, and all creatures upon earth. We praise thee, we worship and adore thee, we give thanks unto thee for thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly king, God the Father Al- mighty. O Lord the only begotten Son Christ Jesus, Lamb of God, the brightness of thy Father^s glory, and the express image of his person, who art entered into the holy of holies; and 23 sittest at the right hand of (rod, high above all throDes and principalities, who takest away the sins of the world, and art making interces- sion for all men. Thou who takest away the sins of the world, accept our address — be thou O Lord our light, peace and joy, now and for- evermore* Jimen. GENERAL PRAYERS, Public calamity in time of War. O Thou, who rulest without controul the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and givest no account of thy ways to men; nor may any say unto thee. What doest thou ? let our miuds, we beseech thee, be suitably solemnized by the threatening dis- pensation of thy Providence, and our hearts be deeply affected by this awful chastening of thine band. We have reason to lament the malignity of sin, and the extensive effects of our apostacy, which gives strength and per- verseness to those lusts and passions of the human heart, which occasion wars and fight- ings ; loading our atmosphere with pestilence and death, filling many parts of the earth with sighs and tears. But Lord, all events are sub- ject to thy controul. Thou formest the light and createst darkness, thou makest peace and createst evil, afflictions do not rise from the dust, neither does trouble spring from the ground, nor any evil in the city, but by thy permission. Help us to exercise suitable af- fections of soul in our present circumstances. S4 Enemies have been permitted to rise up against us, and disturb our peaceful land, our hearts are pained within us, at the sound of the trumpet and the alarm of war. We ac- knowledge having forfeited all our blessings and mercies from thine hands. But may it please thee to dispose our enemies to reasona- ble terms to be at peace with us. We renew our address that thou wouldest sanctify this calamity, and prevent the immoral effects in such a state of things. iVlay integrity and up- rightness be the ruling principle of those who are intrusted with the affairs of the natiim, and pray that thou wouldest scatter the nations that delight in war. But Lord, if thou seest it necessary farther to chastise us under this calamity, preserve us from dissentions, ani- mosities, party spirit. Unite the hearts of this people as one man. Inspire them with mag- nanimity and patience in the defence of their invaluable ^privileges. When the hosts go for h to war, may we keep ourselves from the accursed thing, and by thy judgments learn righteousness. And may we be prepared for a region of perfect peace, and a society of per- feet concord in thy immediate presence above, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. tlmen. %A Prayer in time of Drought. O God, heavenly Father, who by thy Son Jesus Christ has promised to all those who seek thy kingdom and the righteousness thereof, ail things necessary to their bodily eustenauce^ 25 send us, we beseech thee, rain from heaven which now thou art withholding and threat- ening us respecting the fruits of the earth, the necessary support of man and beast. There are none of the vanities of the Gentiles that can give rain, neither can the heavens cause showers. Thou Lord art he alone who can relieve us, therefore we wait on thee. Thou wast pleased to promise, that seed time and harvest, summer and winter, day and night, should not cease while the earth remaineth, remove, we beseech thee, the present aspects of thy providence, which seem to invalidate this promise, and let the grass grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man, that ia due time we may have a competent ingather- ing of the fruits of the earth, and have where- with to come before thee, at the close of the year, with meat and drink-offerings. — We re- new our address to thee, that in the midst of this chastening, thou wilt be pleased to send us spiritual blessings. Rain down righteous- ness upon us, and may a work of reformation be carried on, and the more we see of troubles and disappointments here, the more we may be prepared for a better world. Amen. For Fair Weather. O Almighty God, King of all kings and Governour of the universe, whose power no creature can resist, and to whom it belongeth justly to afflict sinners, we acknowledge that for our iniquities we have worthily deserved this scourge of immoderate rain and waters. yet upon our true repentance thou wilt gra- ciously be pleased to pardon our past offences, and send us in this our great necessity, such seasonable and favourable weather, as that we may receive the fruits of the earth for our com- fort and support, and with thy blessing enjoy them, and by this judgment be convinced of the necessity to amend our lives according to the precepts in thy holy word, and io render thee praiseand thanksgiving through our Lord and baviour Jesus Christ. Amen. GENERAL THANKSGIVINGS. ^ Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we, thine unworthy servants, do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving kindness to us, and to all men, par- ticularly to those who desire to offer up their praises and thanksgivings for late mercies vouchsafed unto them. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life ; but, above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world b^': our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And. we beseech thee, give us that due sense of all thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we may show forth thy praise, not only with our li()s, but in our lives ; by devot- ing ourselves to thy service, and by walking hefore thee in holiness and righteousness all our days, through Jesus Christ our Lord. •imen. S7 For Rain. P God our heavenly Father, who by thy gracious providence dotli c^use the former and latter rain to descend upon the earth, that it may bring forth fruit for the use of man ; we give thee humble thanks, that it hath pleased thee in our great necessity to send us at the last a joyful rain upon thine inheritance and to re- fresh it when it was dry, to the great comfort of us thy unworthy servants, and to the glory of thy holy name, through thy mercies in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For Fair Weather. O Almighty God, who hath justly humbled us by thy late scourge of immoderate rain and waters, and in thy mercy hath relieved and comforted our souls, by this seasonable and blessed change of weather ; we praise and glorify thy holy name for this thy mercy ; and will always declare thy loving kindness from generation to generation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jimen. For restoring Public Peace. O Eternal God, our heavenly Father, who art a strong tower of defence to thy servants against their enemies, we yield thee praise and thanksgiving, for our deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherewith we were encompassed ; we do ackowledge it thy good- ness that we were not delivered over as a prey unto them, beseeching tbee still to continue thy 28 mercies towards u > and grant us grace that we may hence forth live peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty, and that all the world may know that thou art our Saviour and mighty Deliverer, through Jesus Christ our Lord. •Amen. Conclusion. Master. Almighty God, who hast given us grace at this time, with one accord to make our common supplications uuto thee ; who hast been graciously pleased to promise thy spe- cial presence, that wherever two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt grant their requests ; fulfil now, Lord, the desires and petitions of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them ; granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PART II. Suitable, also for the Sabbath, Master. Infinitely great, In case of the ah- eternal Jehovah, who an cloth- ter, the eldest of ^cl wlth majesty and honour, the family to offi- who coveiest thvself with lisrht ciate m his stead. •.• ^ ,. as with a garment, we worsliip thee as a Being in the eternal and complete possession of every possible perfection. We revere that power by which the world was made, and that beneficent providence which embraces all the works of thine hands. We admire that wisdom whieh is manifested in the course and order of nature, and we adore that goodness which extends to all thy creatures, diffusing blessings throughout the universal system. Under a full persuasion that thy government is founded in infinite wisdom and benevolence, may we be excited to rejoice ia the consideration that thou, the Lord God om- nipotent, reignest. iVIay we always entertaia such high and exalted conceptions of thy maj- esty and dominion, and have such views of thy glorious perfections, as may fill our souls with reverence and veneration, and excite internal 3 30 worship and obedience. Praised be God for Sabbaths, and the privileges which attend them ; for the institutions of public worship, and for opportunities of engaging in it. May thy Holy Spirit accompany us to the house of worship, making us serious and attentive, rais- ing our minds from the thoughts of this world to the consideration of the next. May we fer- vently unite in the prayers and praises of the congregation, and attend to religious exercises with sincerity, and practise our duty in our future conduct. Bless the ministers of the gospel ; may ihey and thy people be animated in their devotions, and may the ministration of thy word be the power of God unto. salvation to those who hear it. O thou Father of mer- cies, bless us who are now in thy presence. We impiOre thy grace to form in us right dis- positions to wait on thee in the service of the sanctuary, that our assembling together may, by thy blessing, prepare us for thy mercy and pardon. May we resign our concerns into thy hands, and commit ourselves to thy holy keeping. May mercies draw us to thee, and may afflictions produce their designed eflPect on our principles and practice. Prepare us all for whatever may be before us in life, that finally through the merits of thy beloved Son, we may be admitted into thy heavenly kingdom. M. Glory be to the father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost — F. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 31 Te Deunif or general Hymn of Praise. Master. We praise thee, O God ; we ac knowledge thee to be the Lord. Family. All the earth doth worship thee, the Father everlasting. M. To thee all angels cry aloud ; the heavens, and all the powers therein. F. To thee cherubim and seraphim, who continually are uniting, l^oly, holy, holy. Lord God of Sabaoth. M. Heaven and earth are full of the ma- jesty of thy glory. F. The glorious company of the apostles praise thee. The goodly fellowship of the prophets praise thee. The noble army of martyrs praise thee. The holy church, throughout the world; doth acknowledge thee. The Father of an infinite majesty ; Thine adorable, true, and only Son ; Also the Holy Ghost, the comforter. Thou art the King of glory, O Christ, and the everlasting Son of the Father. When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man, thou didst humble thyself to be born of a virgin. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to all believers. Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father. We believe that thou shalt come to be our Judge. 33 We therefore pray thee, help thy servants, whom thou hast redeemed. Aiake them to be numbered with thy saints, in glory everlasting. O Lord, save thy people, and bless thine heritage. Govern and lift them up forever, and may we daily magnify thee. And worship thy name ever, world without end. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin. O Lord, have mercy upon us, have mercy on us. O Lord, let thy mercy be upon us, as our trust is in thee. And may we ever confide in thee, now and forevermore. Amen. Prayer. Master. O Almighty Sovereign, Lord of heaven and earth. Parent of angels and men, who dwellest in light and glory unapproach- able, with reverence and humility, we thine unworthy servants desire to prostrate our- selves at thy sacred footstool this day, to offer to Thee our tribute of homage and worship, on account of thy perfections and providence. May our performances in religious exercises be with such sincerity, purity of intention, and devout affection, as may meet thine approba- tion, and obtain thy gracious acceptance, through Jesus Christ. Amen. M. O Lord, open thou our lips* 38 F. As may excite our hearts to celebrate thy praise. iVlay it please thee of thy mercy to save us., AVe earnestly beseech thee to help us. Manifest thy grace and favour to us. And thereby grant us thy salvation. Endue thy ministers w ith righteousness* And may their respective congregations ob- tain thy grace and favour. Give peace, unity and concord in thy time, O Lord. For in thy government, we put our whole trust. Almighty Ood make clean our hearts with- in us And may thy Holy Spirit now accompa** ny us. M. Merciful God, grant that we be not ashamed, to confess the faith of Christ cruci- fied, but cheerfully enlist under his banner, against sin and temptation, and to continue Christ's faithful soldiers and servants to our lives end. F. Grant that the offences committed through the course of our lives may be forgiv- en, that all inordinate affections may be so buried, that the new man may be raised up in us. M. Grant that we may have ?;trength and power to obtain the victory over pride, cov- etousness and hypocrisy. F. Grant that we may be endued with heavenly virtues, and finally rewarded through thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who governs all things, world without end. 3* 34 Now to t1ie King eternal, immortal, invisible^ tbe only wise God, be all honour and glory. Occasional Prayer. Master. Infinitely great, transcendently glorious f iord our God : with adoring admira^ tion and religious joy, we would contemplate the wonderful displays of thy power, wisdom and goodness, in the works of creation, pja^vi- dence and grace. We would render praise and thanksgiving, particularly for thy gra- cious providence exercised towards this lower world, and for thy loving kindness to the hu- man race, and we desire to return thee our sin- cjere thanks, that thou hast been pleased to make mankind the objects of thy merciful re- gards ; in showering down upon them a rich profusion of blessings, adapted to promote their well being, and to render their lives pleasant and agreeable; and may the discove- ries which thou hast been pleased to make of thy being and providence ; of thy glorious attributes and amiable perfections through all thy works, be a constant prevailing motive of adoration, praise and gratitude, and cheerful compliance with all thine holy requirements, for our Kedeemer^s sake. Amen. Jin Act of Adoration. Famili/ social. Into thy presence, O most high and holy Lord God Almighty, we would BOW approach Thee, with devout reverence and godly fear, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory; the heavens and the 31 earth are tlie work of thy hands, and thy pro- vidence ruleth over all : xVlay we unile with all the blessed spirits and souls of the righteous, and worship Thee who livest for ever and ever : Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, honour and power; for thou hast crea- ted all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created, (xreat and marvellous are thy works. Lord God Almighty ; just and true are thy ways, thou Kingof saints ; thy wisdom is infinite, thy mercies are boundless : To thy name be the praise for creating goodness, for preserving mercy, and for redeeming love. Now unto Him whose glory covereth the heav- ens, whose praise filleth the earth, whose ways are everlasting, who only doth wondrous things, do we lift up onr hearts. Blessed be his name for ever and ever. .Imen. Taylor. Canticle. — Ml creatures throughout the whole system of nature called upon to praise God. Adapted to occasions of Joy and Thanks- giving. Master. O ye firmament, ye heaven of heavens, bless ye the Lord ; praise and mag- nify his name for ever. Family. For his word gave nature birth ; his will is nature's law ; his providence sus- tains the world, and the whole creation is his care. M. Ye sun, moon, and all the starry train in your heights, bless ye the Lord; praise and magnify his name forever. 36 F. All power resides in him, aa its native seat ; all wisdom flows from him, as from it* original source, and goodness belongs to him as an essential and immortal principle. M. Ye angels of light, cherubim, sera- phim and ye celestial inhabitants, bless ye the Lord ; praise and magnify his name for ever K For great is the Lord, and of great power ; his understanding is infinite, and his mercy endureth for ever. M. Ye ambassadors of the gospel, that bringeth good tidings of peace, and all the in- habitants of this lower world, bless ye the Lord ; praise and magnify his name for ever, F. Let the whole earth unite in praises to the universal Parent and Friend of being, from the inexhaustible stores of whose bounty and goodness, our wants are all supplied. M. Ye kings, presidents, princes, poten- tates, magistrates, judges, and all descriptions of people, whether high or low, bless ye the Lord; praise and magnify his name for ever. F. Let all fathers and matrons, venerable with age; young men and maidens, and those who are in the meridian of life, togetiier with children, bear a part in this harmonious and devout concert, in praising his name for ever. M. Ye various seasons, summer and win- ter, frost and snows, winds and tempests, va- pour, showers, hail and dew, bless ye (he Lord ; praise and magnify his name for ever. F. Ye mountains and hills, verdant plains and vallies, tall cedars, towering oaks, fruit- ful treeS; winding yiues, flowery meads; and 37 humble shrubs, bless ye the Lord ; praise and magnify his name for ever. JVf. Ye beasts and all cattle, ye fish that replenish the ocean, with creeping things and flying fowl, bless ye the Lord ; praise and magnify his name for ever. F. Ye waters that are above the firmament, together with all rivers, seas, lakes and foun- tains that are upon the earth, bless ye the Lord ; praise and magnify his name for ever. M. Praise the Lord, O ye saints ; praise thy God, O Zion, jF. For the Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works ; with peculiar complaisance he beholds his devout worshippers ; he hears their prayers, and will fulfil the desires of their hearts. M. While we live let us praise the Lord ; let us celebrate his perfections and providence while we have a being ; and let all flesh bless and praise his holy name for ever and ever, •Simen Confessional Address^ adapted for family^ or public Calamities. Master. O Thou Father of mercies, who gave us being at first, and who hast nourished and brought us up as children: when we re- fleet upon thy goodness, whereby thou hast laid us under tlie strongest obligations of love arid gratitude, submission and obedience ; we desire with the dee()est humiliation, contritioa ani ijpiiiteutial sorr-u, to reflect on the unsnit- abie rtlurus we have made. Behold ! O i^ord^p 38 we are vilie ; we have been ungrateful to thee, our Creator and Preserver, and have trans- gressed thy holy laws, and violated our obli- gations in numerous instances of infi;ratitude; we have erred and strayed from thy ways, and have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts; we have done those things we ought not to have done, and left nn- done those things we ought to have done, and there is no health in us, and we are before thee in our trespasses and sins. We do earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for these our mis- doings ; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us, whereby we have exposed ourselves to thy righteous displeasure, and rendered our- selves obnoxious to thy resentments ! But thou, O God, have mercy on us miserable offenders ; restore to us, who are penitent, thy grace, ac- cording to thy promise declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord ; and may afflictive dispensations have their due effect ; may thy rod of correction serve to reform us, that in fu- ture we may endeavour to walk before thee in newness of life, and new obedience. Family. Remember not, Lord, our offen- ces ; spare thy people, and be not angry with us. M. Almighty God, deal not with us after our sins. F, ]Sor reward us according to our iniqui- ties. Correct us not. Lord, in anger, lest thou bring us to nothing. We beseech thee help and deliver us for thy name's sake. 39 Enter not into judgment with thy unworthy servants, For in thy sight, none living can be justified. Favourably be pleaded to accept our peti- tions. Graciously behold the afflictions and sor- rows of our hearts. Lord, may thy goodness and mercy be ex- tended to us. And may we finally obtain thy grace and favour. Master. Almighty God, may we rejoice in the assurance which thou hast given us, that there is forgiveness with thee for penitents ; and we beseech thee to regard the contrition and sincerity of our souls, and for thy name^s sake pardon our iniquities, and grant us thy salvation, according to the riches of thy grace, that being animated by the noblest motives, and actuated by the best principles in the pro- secution of our various stations in life, we may in the future course of our pilgrimage, main- tain our integrity, preserve our consciences clear, and approve ourselves to Thee, as duti- ful subjects of thy moral kingdom, by a cheer- ful resignation to thy sacred will in all in- stances, wherein thou art pleased to make us acquainted, either by the light of nature or revelation, ascribing to thy great name, honour and power everlasting. Amen. Master. O Lord save us thy servants, Familij. Who put our trust in thee. 40 Be thou to us a strong tower, From the assaults of our enemy* Our help standeth in the name of the Lord^ Who hath made heaven and earth. Lord, hear our prayers, And may our petitions be accepted. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Henceforth world without end. Occasional Prayer for the Evening Service. Master. Almighty God, lighten our dark- ness we beseech thee, and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night, granting us moderate and refreshing rest, free from sinful imaginations, which too often are the effects of our corrupt natures ; when we awake, let our souls be filled with heavenly thoughts and pious meditations, al- ways remembering we are in the presence of God, who knows our downsitting and our up- rising, and who art acquainted with all our ways. If we should be so vain and thought- less as to believe that the darkness would cov- er us from thee : yet the darkness and light to thee are both alike. And forasmuch as the closing our eyes to rest, so nearly resembles death, and our beds are but models of our graves, out of which we must one day be called by the sound of the last trump, to arise and come to judgment, let this, and every evening, and every morning, remind us of our dying hour. Make us, therefore, sensible how high- ly it concerns us while we have health of body aud soundness of mind, to be armed, like good 41 soldiers^ with Christian courage aod resolntiou for our death-bed conflicts with diseases and spiritual euemies, that, as death to many is a terror, it may be to us a friend, that we may with cheerftilness quit these houses of clay and fleshly tabernacles^ and exchange the troubles of a painful pilgrimage in a vale of anxiety for heaven, with the blessed com- pany of saints and angels, and enter into the joy of our Lord and {Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen. Occasional Prayer. Master. Almighty God^ be pleased to ac- cept of our praises and thanksgivings, offered unto thee for thy beneficent providence, which has hitherto attended us in every stage, and through all the vicissitudes of past life, making constant provision for our support and com- fort, by innumerable blessings which have giv- en us a relish for existence, and laid a foun- dation for the most animating hopes of deriv- ing from thine inexhaustible munificence all further needed supplies of good, and affords us constant and most reviving evidence of thine unmerited paternal care and bounty, whereof we have had hapjiy experience, and to which we are indebted for our present agree- able circumstances : May we live under an habitual impressive sense of our dependence on Thee, and obligations to tldne ever active providence, in acknowledging Thee in all thy ways ; may we put our trust in Thee ; through all ihe changing scenes of life, and with the 43 warmest emotions of gratitude and most fixed resolution of holy obedience, make it our co i- slant and devout inquiry what we shall render to Thee for all thy benefits. Master. Thou that hearest prayer, who hast not (tnly invited and encouraged, but com- manded us to maintain a sacred intercourse with heaven by prayer and supplication to- gether with thanksgiving ; pardon v^e beseech thee whatever has been amiss in our present address, and graciously accept us, as we de- sire with the profoundest humility and rever- ence to close our devotions. Social. Our Father w ho art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come, thy will be d( ne on earth as it is done in heaven ; grant us thy daily blessing, and forgive us our tres- passes, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever. •.imen. CONTENTS. Devotional Exercises. I. General Adoration and Prayer, shewing the benefit of Piety and Virtue. II. Calculated to inspire the soul with exalted concep- tions of God. III. God's eternity and man's mortality, proper on the death of a friend or near relation. IV. God's omnipresence ; motive to caution and circum- spection. V. Thanksgiving and Prayer, with expressions of Hope and Joy in God. VI. Breathings of a devout soul, on the views of divine favour. VII. Ascriptions of praise to God, adapted to beget awe and holy caution. VIII. Confession of sins, accompanied with prayer and resolution of repentance. IX. Expressions of resolution to praise God on account of his perfection and providence. X. Good men esteem it their felicity to approach God iri acts of worship, suitable for Sabbath morning. XI. The majesty and power of God displayed in the ope- rations of nature. XII. The mind relieved in the view of Providences by the prospect of future reward. XIII. Confession of sins with Prayers, in hopes of the mercy of God. XIV. Rejoicing in the Lord, for good, who fills our hearts with delight and gladness. XV. The goodness of, God towards the righteous in his Protection and Support. CONTENTS. XVI. Shewing the Majesty and Glory of God, with joy and confidence in him. XVII. Faith in God, and Jesus Christ, the way to increase and strengthen it. XVIII. The shortness of life, and certainty of death adapted to occasions of mortality. XIX. The condescension of God for his goodness in the blessings of the new covenant. XX. The displays of the perfections and providence of God conspicuous in the Heavens and Earth. XXI. Sincerity in religion the subject of prayer and ex- hortation. XXII. Calculated to promote christian temper and charity. XXIII. Confession, supplication and confidence in God, adapted also for Sabbath morning. XXIV. Diligence and contentment. XXV. On Divine Goodness. XXVI. Peculiarly adapted for the young. XXVII. The righteous and wicked compared. XXVIII. The importance and excellent advantage of Divine Revelation. XXIX. Suitable for Christmas morning. On the incar- nation of Christ, and merciful design of his advent into the world. XXX. Concludes on the day of judgment. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. PREFACE. THE book of Psalms "being calculated to excite those religious affections, which we owe to God, as our Creator, Preserver, right- ful Sovereign, and gracious Benefactor ; to inspire the soul with pure and elevated de- votion, with humility, resignation, confi- dence towards God, and holy resolutions ; to strengthen and establish the principles of faith and piety, and enforce the obligations of virtue and a good life, the compiler of the following exercises, has paid particular attention to it, and made large selections from it. He hath not however, confined himself to that devo- tional book, but hath collected a variety of expressions and sentiments from other parts of the inspired scriptures, adapted to inspire a spirit of piety and rectitude, and to preserve the mind in a serious and devout frame. Nor hath he aimed at any methodical or systematical arrangement, but in conformity to the general mode of composition, adopted by the inspired writers, wh^n treating on the 1 6 duties of faith, pi^ty and religious homage, hath promiscuously introduced adoration and prayer, instruction, exhortation, and devotion, presuming that families who are disposed to avail themselves of the assistance of these exercises, will have sufficient discretion to use one, or more, as may be best suited to circumstances and occasions, whether special or common; the master at his option, reading the first verse, the family the second, and so on alternately to the end of the exercise, as may be deemed most subservient to the pur- pose of religious edification. — The compiler only adds his earnest prayer, that, by the concurring blessing of Heaven, this sincere attempt to promote a spirit of piety and devo- tion, and a^ conscientious walk with God, in righteousness and true holiness, may be crowned with success. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. SELECTED CHIEFLY FROM THE SACRED SCRIPTUKE3, AXD ESPECIALLY FROM THE PSALMS. EXER. I. General adoration and prayer^ interspersed with some expressions^ shewing the advan- tages of piety and virtue. 1. Master. It is a good thing to call on the name of the Lord ; to confess our sins be- fore hioi with penitence ; to recount his mer- cies with thanksgiving, and to acknowledge, with adoration, that universal providence which sustains and governs the world, and diffuses happiness throughout the whole sys- tem of nature. 2. Family. O Eternal Source of good ; by thy almighty power thou didst create man and inspire him with the breath of life ; grant us we humbly pray, thy gracious guidance and aid amidst all the trials, changes, and vicissitudes, incident to the present state of imperfection and mortality ; and afterwards receive us to glory. 8 3. M. Blessed is the man who choosetli the fear of the Lord, and delighteth to perforin his will ; who doth justly, loveth mercy, and walketh humbly, and avoiding the ways of the wicked, doth sincerely exercise himself; day and night in the service of his God. 4. F. His leaf shall not wither; but he ^hall flourish as a tree planted by the water side, which seasonably and plentifully yield- eth its fruit, and whatsoever he undertaketh shall prosper. His days shall be prolonged on the earth, and he shall rejoice in them all. 5. Jil. O our Heavenly Father, who art from everlasting to everlasting, thy name is great in the earthj and thy mercies, unbound- ed by time, are endless as eternity. Hear our requests, we beseech thee^ and may our prayers for pardoning mercy, and for grace to fulfil thy will, ever meet thy favourable audience. 6. Jt\ Let all those, O Lord, who confide in thee, rejoice, and may our praises ever be acceptable in thy sight ; for every day of our lives is crowned with thy loving kindness, and thou art continually showering down upon us innumerable, unmerited blessings, relieving us in distresses, supporting us in troubles, protecting us in dangers, and provid- ing for our comfort, through all the changing scenes of life. 7. M. What is man, O Lord, that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou visitest him ? for though thou hast given us pre-eminence above the fowls of the air and beasts of the field, and made us capable 9 of offerias thee a rational and religious ser- vice, yet every man, at his best estate, is al- together vanity. 8. F. We will give thanks unto the Lord and praise him with our whole hearts, we will rejoice in him, for he maintaineth our right. His throne is established in equity, and he will finally judge the world in right- eousness. 9. M, O praise the Lord, who dwelleth in Zion, whose power, wisdom, and goodness are underived and infinite, and without whose permission and superintendence not even a sparrow falleth to the ground. 10. F. Trust in the Lord and thou shalt be satisfied ; delight in him and he will give thee thy hearths desire; commit thy ways un- to him and he will be thy present guardian and friend, and thy final and eternal portion. ll.M. Praise, O our souls, the glorious Jehovah, who is clothed with honour and majesty, and dwelleth in light inaccessible. 12. F. The Lord spreadeth out the heav- ens as a curtain ; the clouds are his chariots and he moveth on the wings of the wind ; He maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flaming fire. 13. F. Give unto the Lord the glory due to his name ; worship him in the beauty of holiness, and with the inward devotion and homage of the heart, for all things are naked and open to his view, and he requireth truth in the inward part. 14. F\ Lord, who shall be admitted to the habitations of the heavenly paradise ? He^ 1^ 10 who^ under the sacred influence of religion and virtue^ worships thee in spirit and in truth, and with unfeigned integrity, discharg- eth the duties of justice^ fidelity^ and charity towards his neighbour. 15. M. He, who promiseth and perform- eth, w ho is faithful in his covenants and true to his engagements, who loves God supreme- ly^ and his neighbour as himself. 1(5. I\ The Lord will reward him accord- ing to the purity of his intentions, and the regularit^^ of his actions ; for verily there is a reward for the righteous, and their expecta- tion shall not be disappointed. EXKR. II. Calculated to inspire the soul taith honorary and exalted conceptions of the Deity ; to strengthen our faith in him; and encourage the virtues of a pious and good life. i. Master. The Lord reigneth, let the earth stand in awe before him, and with glad- ness of heart rejoice in his sovereign do- minion, ^. J^amily. The Lord rideth upon the heavens in his mighty and in his excellency on the skies ; the clouds are the dust of his feet ; fire and hail, snow and vapour, thunder^ storm^ and tempest fulfil his word. 3. M. If God be for us, who can be against us ? He sitteth in the circuit of heav- en and the inhabitants of the earth are before 11 him as nothing. He frowneth at the plots of the wicked, and bringeth tlie counsels of the froward to nought. 4. t\ Happy then are those whom he receives under the wings of his holy protec- tion. Encircled in the arms of his aloiighty guardianship, tliey rejoice in security, amidst those alarming convulsions and tumults, which threaten to involve the world in misery and ruin. 5. M. O Thou Most High, guard us, we beseech thee, as the apple of the eye ; secure us under the shadow of thy wings ; may we be satisfied with thy goodness, and behold thy face in righteousness. 6. F. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and rejoice in the God of our salvation. Let us choose him for the portion of our inheritance, and order our conversation aright before him. Then he will maintain our lot, and secure for us a goodly heritage under the smiles of his gracious providence* 7. M. In all the important affairs of life, let us take God into our consideration and counsels ; and in a way of well doing, repose our confidence in him, as the rock of ages. Then shall we not fall ; but be supported through life, rejoicing in the views of futurity; moreover also our flesh shall finally rest in hope. 8. F. O Thou fountain of light and wis- dom, guide our feet, we beseech thee, into the path which leadeth to life eternal ; that we may finally be admitted to thine heavenly presence; where there is fulness of joy, and 12 be placed at thy right haad^ where are pleas- ures evermore. 9 M. We adore thee, O Lord, who art our shield and strength, our refuge and for- tress. In thee we will put our trust. We will call upon thee in the day of trouble, and thou wilt hear our voice, and preserve us in safety, as not to fear the wrath of man, nor the malice of any of the powers of darkness. 10. F. Considering, that if we do well, we shall be accepted ; but if we do ^not well, remorse will be the issue, God will be dis^ pleased and his providence frown upon us. It. M. God's ways are prefect; the word of tlie Lord is tried ; he is a buckler to those who put their trust and confidence in him. 13. F. With the merciful, he will shew himself merciful ; with the upright, he will shew himself upright ; with the pure he will shew himself pure ; and with the froward, he will shew himself froward. 13. M. For the time approaches, when he will pronounce. Those who are unjust, let them be unjust still; and those who are filthy, let them be filthy still ; and those who are righteous, let them be righteous still ; and those who are holy, let them be holy still. 14. F. Thy law Almighty God is perfect, converting the soul ; thy testimony is pure, making wise the simple ; thy statues are right, rejoicing the heart ; thy commandment is pure, enlightening the eyes. 16. AL Moreover, by them are thy ser- vants warned ; and in keeping them there is a great reward* 13 16. F. Blessed are those that do his com- inandments; they will have a right to the tree of life^ and will enter in through the gates of the city. EXER. 111. God^s eternity and man-s mortality^ with suit- abh petitions ; peculiarly proper on occa- sion of the death of a near friend or rela- tion. !• Master. O Lord our God, who inhabit- est eternity, and fillest immensity ; how ex- cellent is thy name in all the earth, and thy glory above the heavens. S. Family. Before the day was ; before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world were formed ; even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God ; the same yesterday, to day, and forever. 3. M. The earth and the heavens shall perish, but the Lord shall endure forever. They shall wax old as doth a garment, and as a vesture shall he fold them up, and they shall be changed, but his years have no end. 4. F. His goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting ; and the number of his years cannot be searched out. 5. M. One day is with the Lord, as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day, and our age is as nothing before him. 6. F. Man fleeth as a shadow, his days are swifter than a post. — We do all fade away as a leaf, and there is none abiding. li 7. M. All flesh is grass, and the glory of man as the flower of the field. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away. The wind passeth over it^ and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more. 8. F. Man that is born of woman, is of few days and fall of trouble. He cometh forth as a flower, and is cut dqwn ; he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not. 9. M. The Lord knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are but dust. May he impress our minds with the consideration of our end, and the measure of our days, that we may know how frail we are. 10. F. The common period of our life is threescore years and ten, and if by reason of strength it be prolonged to fourscore years, yet will labour and sorrow unavoidably at- tend that protracted duration. 11. M. May the Sovereign Arbiter of life and death, teach us so to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom ; that in the advancing eve of life (should we attain to old age) as well as in earlier periods, we may rejoice in the light of his countenance, and be supported by reviving hopes of a bless- ed immortality beyond the grave. 12. F. Satisfy us, O Lord, with life ; sat- isfy us with thy mercies ; purify our affec- tions ; elevate our minds above terrestrial ob- jects ; and direct our steps through all the in- tricate passages of our present pilgrimage, till we arrive safely at the heavenly Canaan. 13. M. O our Heavenly Father, who hast aceessto all minds, strengthen our holy re- 15 solutions, and fortify us by the aids of thy gracious presence, that we may persevere in the ways of duty, and at last be crowned with the rewards of the just. 14. F. Prepare us, O Lord, for all the events of life ; for w^hatever scenes may open upon us, and for whatever changes await us, during the remainder of our journey through the wilderness of this world ; and enable us to acquit ourselves with dignity and honour, as good and faithful servants. 15. M. May faith and piety, benevolence and goodness, be the governing principles of our lives, and may we ever be glad and re- joice in the salvation of God. 16. F. Supported by that hope, which the gospel inspires, may we be wafted by propitious gales, over the tempestuous sea of this mortal life, and finally be landed safely in the calm regions of immortality. Where everlasting peace, and joy, and rest, Shall all conspire to make us ever blest. EXER. IV. God^s omniscience and omnipresence^ motives to caution and circumspection. i. Master. O Lord thou hast searched and known us. Thou knowest our down sit- ting and our uprising, and art acquainted with all our ways. S. Family. Thou compassest our path and our laying down ; and there is not a word in 16 our tongue, nor a thought in our heart, but, O Lord, Thou knowest it altogether. 3. M. The Lord discerneth the spirits of all men ; he searcheth all hearts, and know- eth the things that come into our minds, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts. 4. JP. He observeth all our works ; he pondereth all our goings ; by him actions are weighed ; and a book of remembrance is written before him. d. M. Whither shall we go from his spirit? or whither shall we flee from his pres- ence? Behold, the heavens, and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, for his pres- ence pervades the universe. 6. F. Should we, upon the wings of the morning, fly to the uttermost limits of the creation, even there would his hand lead us, and his right hand sustain us. 7. M. If we say, the darkness shall cover and hide us from his presence, even the night shall be light about us. 8. F. The all discerning eye of God penetrates the thickest veil of darkness ; the night shineth before him as the day ; the darkness and the light are both alike to him. 9. M. Such knowledge is infinitely too w^onderful for us, it is high, we cannot attain to it. 10. F. May a consideration of the pres- ence, inspection, and infinite knowledge of God, inspire our souls with awe and rever- ence, and dispose us to keep our consciences clean and clear. 17 11. M. May such solemn thoughts be a constant restraint upon us, and effectually deter us from all wickedness and criminal in- dulgence. 13. F. Under the habitual impression of such awful sentiments, let us walk before God with holy caution and circumspection all the days of our lives. 13. M. Exercising ourselves to have al. ways consciences void of offence ; for if our hearts reproach us not, then shall we have confidence towards God. 14. F. Remember that God is of purer eyes than to behold evil, let us cleanse our- selves from all filthiness of flesh, and spirit, and perfect holiness in his fear. 15. M. Under a realizing belief that his all- seeing eye is always upon us, let us study to approve ourselves to him, by a persevering and close compliance to his will and holy laws. 16. F. Then shall we not be ashamed, when we have respect to all his commands, but may possess our souls in peace, rejoicing in hope of being finally admitted to supreme felicity in the kingdom of glory. EXER. V. Thanksgiving and prayer^ interspersed with expressions ofhope^ confidence^ and joy in God. Mas. O THOU gracious Parent of the Avorld; who art the only suitable object of S 18 supreme homage and worship ; who crownesfc us with innumerable blessings, unmerited and freely bestowed ; daily would we bow before thee to offer our tribute of praise^ and to implore thy future benediction. Fam. O thou who hearest prayers, we es- teem it infinitely reasonable to approach thy presence every day, with humility and devo- tion, and by prayer and supplication, togeth- er with thanksgiving, to make known our re- quests unto thee. Confiding in thine immutable goodness and providential care, O Thou Fountain of be- nevolence and wisdom, we would humbly refer ourselves and all our concerns to thine unerring guidance, conduct and disposal. Considering that the present scene of mor- tal things will shortly close, and supported by lively hopes of future glory, may we pre- serve a calm and composed mind amidst the anxieties, disappointments, sorrows and trials of this vale of tears. May the great Creator and Preserver of life, in whom we live and move and have our being, teach us to be wise in time^ that we may be happy through eternity. May the Father of Lights, from whom Cometh down every good and perfect gift, give us clear perceptions of things, and arm us against the temptations to unworthy con- duct, with which we are surrounded, that we inay never deviate from truth and rectitude, but maintain our integrity, and preserve our consciences cleaA and clear to the end of life. 19 For the Lord regarcleth with complaisance, those who fear him ; he will support them in times of trouble, and never suffer them to be tempted above what they are able to bear ; ' and will cause all things to work together for good. Verily the righteous shall be joyful in tho Lord, and be glad in his salvation : the Al- mighty will be their staff and defence, and with the light of his countenance will illume the shadow of death, when they are called to pass through that gloomy vale, I. Beholding the gates of heaven wide un- folded to give them entrance, they shall re- joice in God their salvation, and with trans- port exult in the views of glory, honour and immortality. The upright man lias a treasure in him- self, out of the reach of the changes and chances of this world. Conscious integrity opens in his breast an unfailing source of con- solation and delight, in every condition of life. He is satisfied from himself. The gratulations of his own heart in reflect- ing upon virtuous intentions and actions, pre- serve a constant serenity within, and inspire him with fortitude to bear all the adversities and afflictions, which may fall to his lot, in his present state of trial and discipline. The memory of a well spent life, affords the most ravishing and permanent pleasures to the soul, and does especially yield conso- lation and excite lively joy in the gloomy hour of its separation from the body. But sinful gratifications, itnd the pleasures 20 of a vicious life are transitory, pregnant with sorrow, and cast a dismal shade over the face of futurity. May such thoughts ever possess our souls, and under the influence of such sentiments, may we be engaged to cultivate such purity of heart and life as sliall secure for us the favour and friendship of tiie Almighty Dis- poser of events and Governor of futurity. Duly considering the uncertainty of all sub- lunary enjoyments, and not forgetting that death is the unavoidable lot of mankind, may we carry our views forward into future scenes, beyond death and the grave, and take care ieasonably to lay up treasures in heaven. May we ever preserve upon our minds, such a sense of the presence and inspection of the great and glorious God, as shall raise us superior to temptations, and dispose us to keep our consciences void of oflfence ; that we may have the ineffable satisfaction of an- ticipating while here, that supreme and eternal felicity, which God, that cannot lie, hatii promised to bestow upon all his faithful ser- vants, hereafter. EXER. VI. General breathings of a devout souJ, in the vietvs of Divine favour, and confident hope of Divine guidance and direction. Mas. Let us triumph in the name of the Lord Jehovah, and rejoice in the God of our SI salvation, who graciously regardeth our de- votions, sustaineth us by his providence, and 8upplieth our daily returning wants from the inexhaustible fullness of his bounty and good- ness* Fam. Who, O Lord shall ascend thy holy mount, and inhabit the seats of the blessed : He whose hands are pure, who hath not deceived nor defrauded his neighbour, and whose mind is ennobled with moral excel- lence, and enriched with the sublime maxims of religion, and principles of virtue and recti- tude. Mercy and truth, light and grace are al- ways scattered in the paths of those, who sincerely endeavour to keep the command- ments of God. The Lord will guide them in judgment, and shew them the way to sal- vation. May a serious recognition of the innumer- able instances of divine mercy and loving kindness, of which we have had happy expe- rience, fill us with unfeigned sorrow for our past ingratitude and frequent departures from the line of duty, and excite the most earnest endeavours to fulfil the will of our heavenly Benefactor for the future. May the Author of all intelligence and wisdom, who gave us our rational faculties, teach us the knowledge of ourselves, make us acquainted with the important destination and grand interest of our being, and dispose to a correspondent practice. O Thou, who gave us life at first, and by whose visitatiau our spirits have been hitherto S3 upheld, cause us to know our end and the measure of our days, and duly to consider and prepare for our latter end, before death shall dissolve the vital tie^ w^hich unites soul and body, and deliver us into the embraces of a boundless eternity. The righteous Lord loveth righteousness. Justice and judgment, in concert with grace and mercy, are the habitation of his throne. He regardeth the moral differences, in men's characters, and will finally render to every one according to the nature and quality of his actions. Happy is the man, whom the Lord chus- eth^ and causeth to approach unto himself; he shall dwell in the courts of the Lord, be satisfied in his goodness^ and be glad in his Salvation. The righteous shall inherit the earth. Wisdom marks their steps, and gives them internal peace and external tranquility^ and they derive unspeakable solace from con- scious integrity. But the way of transgressors is hard. It is full of thorns and briars. Sorrow and re- morse, misery and wretchedness are the in- separable companions of those who walk therein, and its end is remediless perdition. O thou Parent of knowledge, teach us the knowledge of thyself; shew us the way of the godly^ and guide us into the paths of the upright ; inspire us with that wisdom which is from above, and at all times profitable to direct, and make us wise unto salvation. Most m^rqiful father in heave n^ impress 23 our minds^ we beseech thee, with a lively sense of our duty and obligations, as reason- able beings and as christians ; incline our hearts to fear thy name, and may our breasts ever glow with sentiments of love and grati- tude to thee. The Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints ; they are preserved forever ; but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. What man is he that desireth life and lov- eth many days that he may see good ? Let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips irom speaking guile. Depart from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it ; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be satisfied. O Lord, Thou art our hope and confidence. Thy name is great; it is excellent in all the earth, whoso offereth praise glorifieth thee, and he that ordereth his conversation aright shall see thy salvation. EXER. VIL •Iscriptions of praise to God, with expres^ sions of reverence, adapted to beget awe and excite holy caution. Mas. Ascribe unto the Lord, ye nations of the earth, ascribe unto the Lord, glory and power, majesty and dominion ; reverence his great and holy name, and worship at his footstool. Fam. The Lord our God is the Creator 24 of the heavens and the earthy and of all things thereto belonging, whether visible or invisi- ble^ and to answer the purposes of his wis- dom and benevolence they are and were cre- ated. His all-animating presence pervades, sup- ports, sustains and connects the whole frame of nature, and the whole creation is the care and charge of bis beneficent providence. God is our refuge and strength, our joy and hope. If he be for us, we will not fear, though the earth tremble under our feet, and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth, to w^hose infallible direction and sovereign disposal, all the convulsions, commotions and changes, that happen in the natural or moral world, are subject. . He causeth the wrath of man to praise him, and restraineth the remainder thereof. Pros- perity and success depend upon his blessing, and his frown disconcerteth the deepest poli- cies of men, and turneth their counsels into foolishness. Who would not fear thee, O Thou King of nations ? For to thee doth it appertain to or- der the circumstances of all mankind, and to dispense blessings or calamities among the inhabitants of the earth. Thou, even Thou, O Lord God Omnipo- tent, art to be feared, and who can stand ia thy sight when once thou art angry? When we suffer thy terrors, we arc dis- tracted; but the light of thy countenance 25 beams the most lively joy and gladness into our souls* Amidst the alternate course of good and evil, with which this sublunary scene is chequered, teach us cheerfully to acquiesce in thy government, and whether our circum- stances be more or less prosperous or calam- itous, may the praises of our God always em- ploy our hearts and tongues. O Thou Sovereign Power, who regulatest the wide expanse of heaven, and superintend- est all the affairs of this lower world, may Ip thine excellency make us afraid to sin, and excite us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Let all the earth stand in awe of thee, and all the inhabitants of the world bow before thee with reverence and adoration. Let all people walk before thee with holy caution and circumspection, keeping in view that approaching day of reckoning, when every one must give an account of himself to thee. Happy is the man who feareth always ; but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mis- chief and finally inherit sorrow and trouble. Fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be dismayed at their insolence and revilings. Who art thou, that shouldst be afraid of man, that shall die, " and of the son of man, that shall be made as grass,'' and forgettest the Lord thy Maker, in whom alone thou canst find unfailing security and everlasting conso- lation. Whoso casteth off the fear of the Lord^ and 26 despiseth his commandments shall be destroy, cd ; but he that standeth in awe of his word, and obeyeth his holy laws, shall rejoice in his salvation^ and receive a glorious reward. EXER. VIII Confession of sin ^ wih deep contrition^ ac- comvanied with earnest prayer for pardon^ ing mercy p and with resoliUions of repent- ance Mas. Hear our prayer, O God, and heark- en to the voice of our supplication ; for we are exceedingly troubled, and our hearts are disquieted within us, because of our trans- gressions. Fam. What shall we say unto thee, O Thou preserver of men ! We have sinned, and done evil in the view of thine omniscience, and are no more worthy to be called thy chil- dren. Behold. O Lord, we are vile; we have done perversely, and been disobedient to thy holy commandments ; in many things have we of- fended, and in all, come short of thy glory. If we say we have no sin, we deceive our- selves, and the truth is not in us ; but if we confess and forsake our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all iniquity. Considering that those who cover their sins shall not prosper ; but those who confess and forsake them shall find mercy. Wherefore let us humble ourselves greatly before Almighty Grod, giving glory to him with confessions, supplications, and resolu- tions of new obedience. Realizing our sins, we are afraid ; trem- bling taketh hold of our flesh ; our souls are oppressed with heaviness, and our hearts are rent within us. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart ; such sacrifices, O God, thou wilt not despise. To us, O Lord, belongeth confusion of face, because we have sinned; but to thee belong forgiveness. Be gracious to us, O our God ; cleanse us from our wickedness, and blot out our trans- gressions, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies. Surely it is meet to be said unto God, we have borne chastisement ; if we have done iniquity, we will do no more. Inspire us, O God, with that godly sorrow, which worketh repentance unto salvation, and which shall express itself in fruits meet for repentance. Cleanse us and we shall be free, wash us and we shall be whiter than snow ; make us to hear the transporting voice of pardoning mercy, that the bones, which thou hast brok- en, may rejoice. Give us a right mind, O most merciful Fa- ther in heaven, and renew a right spirit within us ; inspire us with holy resolutions, and uphold us by thy free spirit. Then shall our tongues be continually eni- 28 ployed in celebrating thy praises, and we shall pass the time of our sojourning on earth, in joyful hope of thy mercy unto eternal life. May our souls be sprinkled with the blood of atonement, and clothed with the garments of salvation, that we may finally come to the heavenly Zion with songs of everlasting joy on our heads. EXEIl, IX. Expressions of fixed resolutions to 'praise God on accoiivt of his perfections and pro- vidence, and of hope and confidence in him. Mas. My heart is fixed, O God ! my* heart is fixed, I will sing and give praise, for thy mercy transcends the highest orb of heaven, and thy truth reacheth above the skies. Fam. Awake, up my glory ; awake all the powers of my soul ; awake and give thanks unto the Lord, and celebrate the praises of his goodness, to which I am indebted for life and all its blessings. O Lord our God, we will extol and magni- fy thy loving kindness among the people, and will triumph in thy mercy ; for thou hast been our defence and refuge in trouble ; thy pater- nal arm hath hitherto protected and supported u«, and thy beneficent hand supplies our daily returning wants. We f^^ill ascribe unto thee dominion and power, for thy providence extends to the ends of the earthy and the whole family of mankind, ^0 dispersed over the face of the giobe^ arc the objects of thy paternal care. We thank th^e, O Grod, for all distinguish, ing instances of thy goodness and mercy ; may we manifest the gratitude of our hearts by the lives of conscientious conformity to thy holy will. We beseech thee to hearken to our requests, and give ear unto our prayer for grace to help in time of need. For thou art our hope and our trust, and we would secure ourselves un- der the wings of thine Almighty patronage, amidst the dangers and enemies, with which we may be called to encounter, in the prose- cution of our christian warfare. We will always praise the name of the Lord, and daily perform our vows, and en- couraged by past experience, will still wait upon him, and seek his face and favour, im- ploring the continuation of his merciful re- gards. The Lord is our strength and our glory, our tower of refuge and the rock of our salvation. We shall not fall while sustained and sup- ported by his Almighty arm. If God be for us, who can be against us? For his power is irresistible, and none eau stay the operations of his hands. Let us always put our trust in him ; pour out our hearts before him; fear him and keep his commandments, that he may be our friend in time, and portion through eternity. Blessed are those whom God is pleased to bless, they shall inherit the earth ; though they should fall, they shall rise again ; they 3 80 shall enjoy life and see prosperity, and entail blessings upon their children and children's children to the latest generation. Let us then put our trust in God, and study to please and to approve ourselves to him, that we may dwell in the land, and be pros- perous and happy, under the smiles of his propitious providence, and transmit an in- heritance of blessing to posterity. God hath spoken to us, in his works and word, and we have heard his voice, pro- claiming aloud that power, wisdom and good- ness, are essential and immutable perfections of his nature. His omnipotence and sovereignty are never displayed, but in perfect conformity to eternal reason and rectitude. He is no respecter of persons, but in every nation, he that feareth him and worketh right- eousness shall be accepted, and he will finally render to every man according to his works. We will therefore always adore his gov- ernment, and make it the principal care of our lives to know, obey and submit to his will ; then shall we pass the remainder of our days in joy and serenity, and, at last, come to the heavenly Zion, with everlasting songs of joy and triumph in our mouths. 31 EXER. X. Good men esteem it their highest felicity to approach God in acts qficorship^ especiallif in the services of the sanctuary. ISuitahle for ISahbath morning. Mas. O Lord, thou art our God, early will we seek thee ; our souls thirsteth, yea even longeth for thee ; and thy favour commands the most ardent desires of our hearts. Fam. While many say, who will shew us any good? we would make this our most earnest prayer, Lord, lift thou up the light gf thy countenance upon us. Blessed is the man, O Lord, whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee. His soul shall be enriched with heavenly graces and satisfied with thy goodness. Give us, we beseech thee, the joy and con- solation to behold thy power and thy glory in the sanctuary. There would we adore and bless tliee while we live, and lift up our hearts in praise of thy great and holy name. O Lord, we have loved the habitation of thine house and the place where thine honour dwelleth. And we were glad when they said unto us, let us go into the house of the Lord. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts ! A day in thy courts is better than a thousand. Let us bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord, and there rehearse his righteous and mighty acts. In his temple, let every man speak of his glory. ss We will give thee thanks, O Lord, in the great congregation, and will praise thee among the people ; for thou only art worthy to be celebrated by the supreme and united adoration of angels and men. We will pay our homages and our vows unto the Lord in his sacred courts, in the presence of all his people. Let US rejoice in our religious privileges, and with reverence and sacred awe wait upon Grcd in the services of the sanctuary, cheer- fully joining the assembly of saints in public celebrations of his praises. And when we devoutly approach to God, in the institutions and ordinances of his worship, may our hearts be disposed towards heaven. May our religious exercises on earth, serve to advance our preparation for the sublimer exercises of contemplation and devotion, in unison with angels and arch-angels, in the world of glory above. O thou eternal source of being, intelligence and moral excellence; we would give thee hearty thanks for that dignity and pre-emi- nence of nature whereby we are rendered capable of contemplation and devotion, and of oflfering to thee a reasonable and religious service. We will rejoice in the Lord, who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and niaketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven. Let us celebrate his glorious perfections, displayed in the volume of creation and prov- idence, but more clearly in the sacred pages of revelation. 33 Let us take diligent heed to the instruc- tions of his word, and treasure them up in good and honest hearts, that we may become wise unto salvation and finally be made partakers of the inheritance of the saints ia light. We will wait upon God in the ordinances of his house, and there publish with the voice of thanksgiving and praise his mighty acts ; and make known his wondrous works of love and goodness. Blessed are they who dwell in the house of the Lord; that behold his beauty in the sanc- tuary ; that are permitted to inquire in his temple, and to celebrate his praises in the as- sembly of the saints. V They shall go on from strength to strength, and make progressive improvements in faith, piety and holiness, until they are prepared for the sublime pleasures and supreme felici- ties of the heavenly Zion. Let us watch daily at wisdom^s gates, and wait at the posts of her doors, that we may grow in the knowledge of Grod and Jesus Christ his son, whom to know is life eternal. We will bring the sacrifices of praise into the house of the Lord ; we will rehearse his righteous acts, and glorify him in his temple ou earth, that we may at last be admitted to the beatific vision of himself in his temple above. We will pay our vows and homages to him, in the presence of all his people. We will confess our sins, and make supplication before him in the sacred courts of his house. 3* 3^ Thus saith the Lord, ye shall reverence my sanctuary ; I will be sanctified by those who enter my sacred courts, and before all the people 1 will be glorified. Blessed is the man, O Lord, whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee ; he shall be satisfied with thy goodness, and pass the time of his sojourning on earth in joy and tranquility. The light of thy countenance shall beam perpetual day upon his soul, and aflTord him joys and pleasures superior to the highest worldly fruitions. Thou wilt guide his feet into the path of the just, which, like the dawning light, in- creaseth gradually in lustre to the perfect day. Kefreshing foretastes of the pleasures of a celestial paradise will be his consolation and solace during his present pilgrimage, and when he enters the eternal world, his soul will be enraptured with tlie joys of his Lord. EXER. XL The majesty, power and beneficent provi- dence of God^ displayed in the phenomena and operations of nature Mas. Praise the Lord, O our souls ; O Lord our God, thou art exceeding glorious ; thou coverest thyself with light, as with a garment, and art clothed with majesty and honour. 35 Fam. The heavens and the earth exhibit astonishiug displays of thy power, wisdom and goodness, and conspire to excite adoring admiration, and to fill our souls with devo- tion. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who doth whatsoever he pleaseth, in heaven and on earth, in the seas, and in all deep places? The sun, the moon and the stars hath he divided unto all the nations, that dwell upon the face of the whole earth. All the elements are turned about by his counsels, that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them, in the execution of his purposes of correction or mercy. He commandeth the^un, and it riseth not, and he sealeth up the stars. He turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and mak- eth the day dark with night. He looketh on the earth and it trembleth ; he toucheth the hills and they smoke. He ruleth the raging of the sea ; when the waves thereof arise, he stilleth them, and setteth a bound that they may not pass over. God thundereth marvellously with his voice; he directeth the sound of it under the whole heaven, and his lightnings unto the ends of the earth. The God of glory thundereth upon many waters ; his voice is powerful and full of ma- jesty ; it breaketh the cedars, even the cedars of Lebanon. He causeth the vapours to ascend ; he mak- eth lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. 36 By the breath of God frost is giveu^ and the breadth of the waters is straitened; he saith to the snow, be thou on the earth, and casteth forth his ice like morsels. He also blesseth the springing of the earth, and reneweth the face of nature in the season thereof; so that the pastures are clothed with flocks, and the valleys covered with corn. He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man, and crown- eth the year with his goodness, O Almighty Sovereign, may we stand in awe of thy glorious majesty, and may these instances of thy power and beneficence in the order and operations of nature, inspire us with a religious veneration of thy universal all- disposing providence, and teach us always to put our trust in thee, and refer ourselves to thy care and blessing, O thou cause of all causes, throughout the whole system of nature, and Supreme His- poser of events, we would acknowledge thee in all our ways, beseeching thee for thy mercy's sake, through our Lord Jesus Christ, to be our present guardian and friend, and our final and eternal portion. •Amen. EXER. XII. The mind relieved^ in the view of present promiscuous providences^ by the prospect of future retributions. Mas. O Thou Judge of all the earth, persuaded that thy will is perfect rectitude, 37 we would bow with reverent submission af Ihy sacred footstool, and adore the dispensa- tions of thy righteous providence. Fam. Righteous is the Lord, and upright are his judgments ; for the work of a man shall he render unto him, and cause every man to find according to his ways. The Lord is of purer eyes than to behold evil^ and cannot look on iniquity ; wherefore then doth the wicked prosper, and oppress the man that is more righteous than himself? When we consider this, doubts arise, and we are almost ready to say, verily we have cleansed our hearts in vain^ and washed our hands in innocency. But when we go into the sanctuary of the Lord, this difficulty is removed ; for there we learn the future state of the wicked ; that the displeasure of the Almighty will finally overtake them. Though a sinner do often transgress, and his days be prolonged ; yet surely we know that it shall be well with them who fear God^ but not with those who disregard him. Though there be often one event to the righteous and to the wicked ; yet behold the day Cometh, when we shall discern between him who serveth God, and him who serveth him not ; for verily there is a reward for the righteous ; verily there is a God who judgeth in the earth. God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness, and render to every one according to his works. May we rest in the Lord; and wait pa- 38 tiently for bim ; be not discouraged because of hinij who prospereth in his way, or the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. For evil doers will finally be cut dow^n like the grass, and wither as the green herb ; but those who wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth, and be glad in his salvation. Though clouds and darkness sometimes surround his throne, yet persuaded of the justice and rectitude of his government, we will cheerfully acquiesce in his dispensations, and adore the wisdom and benevolence of his administrations, amidst all the intricacies of providence. Shall mortal man be more just than God ? Is not my way equal, saith the Lord ? Are not your ways unequal ? Maa was not made to question, but adore. If smiling mercy crown our lives, we will gratefully celebrate the divine goodness ; and should adversity be our lot, we will repress every murmuring thought, and adore the di- vine justice. Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and causeth all things to work together for good to those who love him. May the Most High impart his grace to enable us to comply with the methods of his discipline tow.vds us, in this world, that mercies and afflictions may conspire to pro- mote our preparation for glory, honour and immortality, in the world to come. And when the present chequered scene of mortal things shall close upon us, may the great governor of futurity admit us into bis 39 heavenly paradise, where there are pleasures to be enjoyed, pure and perfect, unmixed and uninterrupted, adequate to the capacities and commensurate with the existence of our im- mortal spirits. EXER. XIII. Penetential confession of sins with hiimhle 2)rayery prompted by encouraging hopes of the mercy of God unto eternal life. Mas. Behold, O Lord, we are vile ; what shall we say unto thee, who art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on in- iquity. Fam. If thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniqui- ty, O Lord, who shall stand ? But there is for- giveness with thee. We will acknowledge our sins unto the Lord, and our iniquity we deprecate ; con- fessing our transgressions, and imploring his pardoning mercy, in the name of Jesus. Reflecting on our past offences and ingrati- tude, confusion taketh hold on our spirits, that causeth us to be ashamed of ourselves. Let us with profound humility bow before God and give glory to him, and make confes- sion, with deep contrition and hearty sorrow. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. It behoves us, with penitence, to lay our hands on our mouths, and our mouths in the dust, crying unclean ; and to resolve, for the 40 future, to cleanse our ways, by taking heed thereto, according to God's holy word. We will arise and go to our heavenly Fa- ther, and will say unto him, Father, we have sinned and done evil in thy sight, and have forfeited the character of dutiful children ; we beseech thee to pardon our iniquities, for they are great. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou us, O Lord, from secret faults ; keep us also from presumptuous sins ; let them not have dominion over us. Search us. O God, and know our hearts ; try us, and know our thoughts ; and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting, O thou Universal Parent and Friend of mankind, have mercy on us, we beseech thee, and grant us redemption through the blood of Jesus, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of thy grace. Blessed is the man, whose transgression is forgiven ; whose sin is covered, and unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity. Happy, in the assurance which the gospel gives of pardon, on repentance, let us labour to subdue each irregular inclination and appe- tite, to pluck up every vicious habit, and to acquire that holy character, which is a neces- sary preparation for the inheritance of the saints in light. Rejoicing in the glorious prospect opened before us into futurity, ty the revelation of Jesus Christ, let us cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armour of light. 41 Anticipating the final Euge of our Lord, may our path be that of the just, which, as the dawning light, increaseth gradually in lustre to the perfect day. We will be steadfast and immoveable, al- ways abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as we know that our labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. EXER. XIV. Rejoicing in the Lord as a being of trans- cendent excellence^ whose kind 'providence watches over us continually for goodj and fills our hearts with delight and gladness. Mas. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye right- eous, for he is good, and his mercy endureth forever. Fam. Blessed be the Lord our God, who is continually loading us with his benefits, whose providence sustains us from day to day, and whose unwearied munificence sup* plies our daily returning wants. Let us esteem it the noblest employment of our rational powers and faculties, to cele» brate the praises of the universal Parent of good, the Former of our bodies, the Father of our spirits, and Preserver of our lives. The transcendent excellencies of his na- ture demand our sublimest praise, and render him, at once, the object of the devout admi- ration and delightful contemplation of all holy intelligences throughout the whole system of the creation. 4 43 Let the people praise thee, O God, let all the people praise thee ; for thou art infinite in every perfection, and all nations, before thee, are as a drop of the bucket. The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad ; by his providence the lines are fallen to us^in a land of light and val- ley of vision, and we have a goodly heritage. Amidst a profusion of distinguishing bless- ings, both civil and religious, he presideth over the vicissitudes of the seasons, and crowneth each revolving year with his benediction, filling our hearts with food and gladness. He chargeth his guardian providence with the care of us, both in the busy scenes of the day, and silent watches of the night, and causeth the voice of health and prosperity to resound in our habitations. The blessings of his goodness alleviate the cares and assuage the sorrows unavoidably incident to this state of mortality* The promises of his grace do also animate our souls with the liveliest hopes of brighter scenes, beyond these sublunary climes. May the incense of praise, therefore, ever ascend from the altar of our grateful hearts, in devout ascriptions to the benevolent Author of our being and enjoyments. We will still put our trust in the Lord, who is the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them who are afar off upon the sea. The Lord is our portion, therefore will we hope in him. He is our strong habitation, whereunto we may continually resort. 43 Our souls wait thou upon God ; cast our cares upon him, and be of good courage, and he will strengthen our hearts^ and visit us with salvation. In all our ways acknowledge God, and he will direct our paths. Commit our works unto him, and our thoughts will be established. Be not anxious for our lives, saying, what shall we eat ? or, what shall we drink ? or, wherewithal shall we be clothed ? For our heavenly Father knoweth that we have need of these things, and bath promised to bestow them on those who seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. EXER. XV. The goodness of God, especially towards the righteous, affording them protection and support, and showering down upon them blessings innumerable. Mas. Truly God is good to Israel ; his mercy is everlasting ; and his truth endureth to all generations. Fam. Know ye, that the Lord he is God ; it is he who made us, and not we our- selves : We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. He ordereth our circumstances in life ; he maketh poor and maketh rich ; and dispense eth blessings or calamities among the children of men, as his infinite wisdom sees fit. His ears are always open to the cries of the needy and distressed ; he redeemeth their 44 souls from affliction and death^ and is a very present help in trouble. From the inexhaustible stores of his good- ness he supplies his heritage with the richest blessings, and causeth them to rejoiee in his munificence. He looketh, especially, with a propitious eye, upon those who fear him, and walk in the ways of faith and piety, and embraceth them in the arms of peculiar friendship. They shall live in honour and reputation ; their memories shall be blessed ; and their virtues and worthy actions command the ap- plause of many generations. They shall dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and abide under the shadow of the Almighty, secure from harm, amidst the pestilence that walketh in darkness, and the arrows of destruction that fly at noon day. The Lord will be their refuge and fortress, in all times of danger, and make them safe under the wings of his protection amidst those wars and fightings, that spread desolation and death among the nations. For the Lord taketh pleasure in those who fear him, and such as are upright in their way ai'e his delight ; and no good thing will he withhold from them. He will satisfy them with life, crown them with prosperity, and shower down salvation upon them, in a constant flow of blessings, pertaining to time and eternity. When they call upon him, he will answer them, will set them on high, and be their 45 portion and refuge, because they know his name and obey his commands. All his paths are mercy and truth unto those who keep his covenant. He will open to them his good treasure, and compass them with favour as with a shield. KXER. XVI. Celebrating the unrivalled majesty and glory of God, with expressions of joy and conji- dence in him. Mas. O Thou Supreme, Eternal, Self- existent God, we would bow with humble adoration at the footstool of thy throne, esteem- ing it the noblest employment of our rational faculties to celebrate thy praise. Fam. Who is like unto the Lord, our God, who is like unto him, glorious in holi- ness, venerable in praises, doing wonders. He is seated on a throne of glory in the heavens, far exalted above all comprehensions and comparisons : The whole creation is as nothing before him. Who in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord ? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto our God. The Lord our God is great ; there is none like unto him, neither are there any works like unto his works. Though there be that are called gods> whether in heaven or on earth, yet to us there is but one God, of whom are all things^ and 4* 46 by whose almighty providence the world is sustained and governed. The idols of the heathen, though worship- ped as gods, are vanity and a lie ; they can- not do evil, neither is it in them to do good. But to the Lord our God belongs everlast- ing strength ; his dominion is universal, and all the powers of nature, as they were deriv- ed from him, so they owe their efficacy to his all-sustaining arm. The heavens and the earth exhibit bright evidences of his being, perfections, and active all-disposing providence. We will therefore acknowledge him in all our ways, and in all our affairs and concerns, wall raise our souls above means and instru- ments, in devout adorations to the great First Cause, who alone is uncaused. We will rejoice in the Lord, who, though he liveth upon the inexhaustible stock of his own perfections, and standeth in no need of the homage and service of angels or men, yet condescendeth to visit our abodes with his loving kindness and tender mercies. We will worship the Lord, who, though he can receive no benefit from our devotions, hath, for the promotion of our own best inter- est, invited and encouraged, yea, command- ed us, by prayer and supplication together with thanksgiving, to make our requests td him. Our souls, therefore, wait upon God, for our expectation is from him. Commit our way unto him, and trust in him, and he shall bring it to pass. 47 The Lord is our portion, therefore we will hope ia him. He is our strong habitation, whereunto we may continually resort. He whose heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, shall be as Mount Zion. In quietness and confidence shall be his strength ; and be* cause the Lord is at his right hand, he shall not be moved. By patient continuance in well doing, let us endeavour to approve ourselves unto God, our Creator and Preserver ; then will he be our friendly guide and support through life, and finally crown us with the rewards of good and faithful servants. EXER. xvn. Faith in God^ and Ids Son Jesus Christy and the ivay to increase and strengthen it. Mas. Let us draw near unto God with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, casting all our cares upon him, that we may obtain grace to help in time of need. Fam. For he, who cometh unto God, must believe that he is ; and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. And this is his commandment, that we be- lieve on the name of his tSon Jesus Christ, who himself hath also said unto us, ye believe in God, believe also in me. Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established ; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and ye shall be saved. 48 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, and always be upon our guard against the snares of infidelity and the insidious arts of the advocates of impiety and wickedness. We will take heed, lest there be in any of us an evil heart of unbelief, inclining us to depart from the living God, and to cast off his laws. We will wait upon him in the ordinances of his house, watching daily at wisdom's gates, and waiting at the posts of her doors. We will attend to the glorious light of the gospel, as to a light shining in a dark place, giving us clear information respecting the way to eternal life and salvation. This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men have loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Let us walk as children of the light and of the day, that we may not fall under this con- demnation. Faith Cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God ; but the word preached doth not profit, if it be not mixed with faith in those who hear it. A man is justified by faith ; but the faith that justifies, works by love, and is made perfect by works. Let us remember, that as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Let us, therefore, add to our faith the graceis and virtues of a christian life ; for if, 49 while we seek to be justified by faith, we are found unreformed sinners^ our faith cannot save us. Let us always bear in mind the following declaration of our blessed Lord, ^^ Whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I con- fess also before my Father who is in heaven ; but whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father, who is in heaven/^ Lord, we believe ; help thou our unbelief, and increase our faith ; that we may be of the mumber of those, that believe unto right- eousness and salvation. EXER. XVIIL The brevity of human life^ the certainty of deaths and assurance of a resurrection ^ adapted to occasions of mortality. Mas. Behold, O Lord, thou hast made our days an hand-breadth, and our age is as nothing before thee ; and every man at his best estate is altogether vanity. Fam. Here we have no continuing city, but are strangers and sojourners before the Lord. For what is our life? It is evtn a vapour that appeareth for a moment, and then van- isheth away. Upon the wings of each revolving day, tlie important hour is approaching with swiftest speed, when our own experience will teach us the full import of that judicial sentence, Dust thou art^ and unto dust thou shalt return. 50 What man is he that liveth aad shall not see death? And who shall deliver his soul from the hand of the grave ? There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit in the day of death ; and there is no discharge in that war. The days of man are determined; the num- ber of his months is with the Lord ; he hath appointed his bounds, that he cannot pass. Let us rejoice in the revelation of Jesus Christ, which gives us assurance, of a resur- rection from the dead, and opens to view glo- rious prospects into futurity. Blessed be God, that as by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead ; that as in Adam all die^ even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Under the apprehensions of mortality and the approaching period of all sublunary joys, let us solace our spirits by contemplations on that life and immortality, which the gospel bath brought to light. We will rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life ; for he hath abolished death, and will ransom us from the power of the grave ; and because he lives, we shall ?ive also. When he shall descend from heaven, with power and great glory, to judge the world in righteousness, then all that are in their graves shall come forth, and he will gather the right- eous of all nations from the four winds^ from the uttermost part of the earth to the utter- most part of heaven. At that day the Lord Jesus Christ shall 51 change our vile body, that it may be fashion* ed like unto his glorious body. It is sown in corruption, dishonour and weakness, but it shall be raised in ineorruption, glory and power. It is sown a natural body, but it shall be raised a spiritual body ; and as we have borne the image of the first man, who was of the earth earthy, we shall also bear the image of the second man, who is the Lord from heaven. Neither shall we die any more, for we shall be like the angels of God in heaven, and with them be wrapt in the embraces of a glorious immortality. Supported by this blessed hope, animated by these reviving prospects, let us be stead- fast and immoveable, always abounding in the works of the Lord. Then shall we have joy in believing, and in the near view of death, be able to triumph, and say, O death, where is thy sting ! O grave, where is thy victory ! Thanks be to trod, who hath given us the victory, through Jesus Christ. EXER. XIX. The amazing condescension of God display- ed in his goodness to men, especially in the blessings of the new covenant. Mas, O Thou incomprehensible Jehovah, whose infinite perfections are inscribed in signatures indelible, upon every part of the stupendous fabric of the world ; when we 52 reflect upon our own meanness and unworthi- ness, we blush and are ashamed to lift up our faces towards heaven. jpam. Thou humblest thyself to take notice of the exalted services of the heavenly hosts ; thy glory dazzles the light of the sun ; thou lookest to the moon^ and it shineth not^ and the stars are not pure in thy sight. What is man that thou art mindful of him ? or the sons of men, who have their foundation in the dust, and dwell in houses of clay, that thou visitest them? Cloathed with light as with a garment, thou appearest in the heavens in the brightest efful- geuce of infinite excellence and perfection, amidst angels and arch-angels, and thousands of holy and happy intelligences, who are con- tinually celebrating Jhy praises, in the most exalted strains of sacred devotion. We rejoice, that though we cannot attain to the exalted strains of the heavenly hosts in their devotions, yet we are permitted to join our sincere though fainter voices, and bear a part in the celestial harmony. With devout admiration we would adore the condescension of the great Sovereign of the universe, in stooping from his throne of glory in the heavens, to bestow his compas- sionate regards upon us, vile dust and ashes, who reside on his footstool here below. We will rejoice in the Lord, who. notwith- standing our own insignificance, graciously vouchsafes to visit our abodes with his loving kindnesses and tender mercies. Blessed be Grod, who hath not only given 53 us being, but also provided for our well being, both in this world, and that which is to come. Let us therefore praise his holy name forever. May w« always feel our obligations to the source of all being and happiness ; the Former of our bodies, and the Father of our spirits, and the Preserver of our lives, who is daily showering down upon us a rich variety of blessings calculated to promote the joys of life- Let us especially render him our most hearty thanks, that be hath been pleased, in the riches of his grace, through the mediation of his only begotten Son, our blessed Lord and Saviour, to make provision for our de- liverance from guilt and condemnation, and advancement to the supreme and everlasting felicity in the world of glory. Let us give glory to God in the highest for the blessings of the new covenant, revealed and offered to us in the gospel. Blessed are they who hear the joyful sound of the gospel, and are made acquainted with the glad tidings of salvation through a lledeemer. The glorious prospects opened before them into futurity, are calculated to alleviate the cares, and assuage the sorrows inseparable from this state of mortality. Rejoicing in the rock of our salvation, let us alvva^ . endeavour to make suitable returns of gra^'t fl^^ nd obedience, for all the wonders of love uiid goodness, displayed in the glori- ous work of man^s redemption. 5 5* Actuated by that faith which is the sub stance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen, let us live up to our glori- ous privileges and sublime hopes. Thus shall we best promote the designs of divine grace and mercy towards us, until, being fitted and prepared therefor, we shall be admitted into the blissful mansions of the skies, where we shall be infinitely more happy, than it is possible to be, in the best condition on earth. EXER. XX. The wonderful displays of the perfections and providence of God^ conspicuous in the heavens and earthy and the necessity of sin- cerity to make our prayers acceptable. Mas. Praise ye the Lord, for he is great ; his power is irresistible ; his wisdom is in- finite ; and his mercy, boundless as immen- sity, endureth forever. Fam. His throne is exalted above the heavens, and the earth is his footstool, and he has an unalienable right to the supreme wor- ship and adoration of all intelligent creatures. Universal nature, through all her works, exhibits irresistible evidence of the suprema- cy, glorious majesty, and transcendent wis- dom and goodness of the everlasting Jehovah. He rideth in his excellency on the skies, presideth over the vicissitudes of the seasons, and regulateth the wheels of each revolving year. 5S' The ordinances of heaven are subject to his control, and the stars in their courses are the ministers of his providence. He sendeth forth his commandment, his word runneth swiftly ; he giveth snow like wool, scattereth the hoar frost like ashes, and casteth forth his ice like morsels. Again he sendeth out his word and melteth them ; he dissoiveth the frost with warm gales of the south, and the waters flow and swell the rivers. He unbindeth the sweet influences of Pleia- des, and looseth the bonds of Orion. The tempest is his breath ; the thunder hurled tremendous, shakes the wilderness ; the mountains tremble, and atheists stand aghast. God thundereth marvellously with his voice ; he directeth the sound of it under the whole heaven, and his lightnings unto the ends of the earth. He causeth the vapours to ascend ; cover- etli the heavens with clouds ; prepareth rain for the earth; and maketh grass to grow upon the mountains. By his providence the pastures are clothed with flocks, and the vallies covered with corn ; they shout for joy, they also sing. He crowneth the year with his goodness, and his paths drop marrow and fatness. We will celebrate the praises of his power and goodness, displayed in the heavens and earth, through each revolving year, and will gratefully recognize his marvellous loving kindness to the children of men. Blessed be the universal parent and friend of mankind, for those innumerable blessings unmerited, freely bestowed, which he is con- tinually showering down upon us. Let us make it our constant devout inquiry, %vhat we shall render to the Lord for all his benefits ; and endeavour in all our ways to please him, that we may still be happy in his favour, and always rejoice in his salvation. Therefore we esteem it reasonable in some solemn manner, daily to prostrate ourselves before the supreme Lord of heaven and earth, to implore his pardoning mercy and grace to fulfil his will. Though by sin we have forfeited the char- acter of his children, yet he is graciously pleased to allow us to call him our father, and to treat us with paternal kindness and mercy. Notwithstanding our unworthiness, he hath invited and encouraged us to maintain a sa- cred intercourse with heaven, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Relying on his gracious indulgence, con- fiding in his promises, we will daily seek his face and favour, and implore all needed bless- ings, pertaining to time and eternity. O thou Father of lights, who givest to all Inen liberally, conscious of our lack of wis- dom, we refer ourselves to thy guidance, be- seeching thee to shew us the path of life, and make us wise unto salvation. Let us remember that in order to render our external devotions an acceptable service unto God, they must be accompanied with pu- rity of heart, and holy obedience unto life. 57 For, unto men of unhallowed hearts and lives, God saith, What have ye to declare my statutes, or that ye should take my covenant in your mouths ? Your sacrifices are an abom- ination. God is a spirit ; and those who worship him, must worship him in spirit and truth. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? And who shall stand in his holy place ? He who hath clean handstand a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto those who Tceep his testimonies ; he will guide and shew them the way of life and|happiness. They shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of their salvation. Lead us in thy truth, and teach us, O Lord,^ for thou art the God of our salvation. Keep our souls and deliver us ; let integrity and uprightness preserve us ; for we wait on thee. EXER. XXL Sincerity in religion made the subject of ear- nest jprayer and exhortation^ calculated to . promote the christian temper of candor and charity. Mas. O THOU Father of lights, we beseech thee to irradiate our understandings with the beams of heavenly wisdom, and may our souls be inspired with dispositions of rever- 5* ence, gratitude^ and devotion 5 of purity, lia^ mility, and charity. Fam. May the great Father of spirits, and source of all gracious influence, impress our souls with a reverential fear of himself, and shed abroad his love in our hearts. Animated by the noblest motives, and ac- tuated by the best principles, may we with sincerity and persevering constancy, apply ourselves to every branch of duty. Whatsoever we do, let us do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men ; for mau looketh to the outward appearance, but God looketh to the heart. Cleave unto the Lord your God, and serve him in sincerity and truth, with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind, and with a pure conscience. Let us walk before him in uprightness and integrity of heart ; for his eye searches us throughout, and our most secret designs and ' intentions are naked and open to the view of his omniscience. Who is a wise man, and endued with knowledge among you ? Let him show out of. a good conscience his works, with meekness of wisdom, without partiality and without hypocrisy. The ways of those, who forg^ God, are misery and destruction, and the hypocrite^s hope shall perish. Let every man prove his own work ; then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and his soul shall be cheered with serene reflec- fionnu Behold^ O God, thou desireth truth iu the inward parts ; therefore I will not remove my integrity ; my heart shall nor reproach me so long as I live. He that walketh uprightly, walketh surely; for if there be a willing mind, to do j ustice, love mercy^ and walk humbly, it will be accepted. May we not imitate those, who make use of religion as a cloak to cover their evil designs* For behold, their joy is but for a moment, and their expectation shall be cut off. Who can understand his errors ? Cleanse us, O Lord from secret faults. Keep back thy servants also from presumptuous sins ; then shall we be upright before thee, and re- joice in conscious integrity. Search us, O God^ and know our thoughts ; reclaim us from every evil way, and lead us in the way everlasting. O thou Father of mercies, and eternal source of joy and consolation, we beseech thee to inspire our souls with that spirit of charity and candour, which is the brightest resemblance of thy benevolent nature, and the most glorious ornament of a christian. We ourselves are taught of God to love one another ; for this commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God, lovcth his brother also. Love worketh no ill to his neighbcmr, but is kind and beneficent to all, ready to distri- bute, willing to communicate ; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Above all things, let us have fervent chari- ty among ourselves ; for charity maketh can- 60 did allowance for human frailties and inflrmi ties, and covereth a multitude of sins. Judge not that ye be not judged ; for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again. l^^harity thinketh no evil ; it harboureth no private grudges or unreasonable suspi- cions ; it believeth and hopeth all things as candour dictates, putting the most favourable construction on men's words and actions. Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle ? He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor laketh up a reproach against his neighbour. Whoso watcheth for iniquity shall be cut off ; and what confidence can any one have in the day of the Lord, who maketh his brother an offender for a word ? Such shall not inherit his kingdom. Thou art inexcusable, O man that judgest, when thou that judgest dost the same things ; for wherein thou judgest another thou con- demnest thyself. Every man must answer for himself, before the Judge of all the earth, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of all hearts ; then shall every man, who hath done well, have praise and honour, but infamy shall fall upon the workers of iniquity. May our souls be inspired with christian candour and charity, and our lives be regulat- ed by the sublime" maxims of the gospel; then we shall see the salvation of God, and be able to lilt up our faces with joy and confi- 61 deuce, nt the day of the revelation of his righteous judgment. EXER. XXII. Calculated^ like the immediately jireceding, ta promote love and friendshijJ and universal benevolence^ and the importance and ad- vantage of iDivine Revelation. Mas, O Thou God of love and peace, inspire us, we beseech thee, with the heavenly dispositions of benevolence and friendship, and, according to the measure of our capaci- ties, may we be imitators of thy goodness, as we^lmve opportunity. Fam. O our Father in heaven, may it please thee to divest us of a spirit of pride, envy and malevolence, and to endue us with that christian temper of charity, which shall flow in the perpetual streams of beneficence toward one another and toward all around us. Teach us, O Lord, to preserve the honours, and perform the duties belonging to every one, in their several stations and relations, as superiors, inferiors, or equals. Then shall our lot in life be sweetened with domestic harmony, joy and comfort, and we shall be happy in the reciprocal embraces of mutual affection, Kejoicing with those who rejoice, and weeping with those who weep, we shall know then by happy experience, how good and pleasant it is for brethren iq dwell together in unity. 63 May the God of patience and consolation grant us to be like minded one toward another, that we may with one heart glorify him through Jesus Christ our Lord. The wisdom that is from above, averse to envying, strife, and vain glory, is peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated ; full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. With sympathetic feelings, it participates in the joys and sorrows that alternately mark the lot of humanity, and is always ready, as far as possible, to mitigate the woes of the afflicted and distressed. What man is he who loveth life, and wish- eth to see good days, let him avoid the paths of guile and hypocrisy, and follow after the things that make for peace, shewing meek- ness and good will to all men. Let every man study to be quiet, and attend to his own business, endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. For there is one Lord, one faith, one bap- tism, one God and Father of all ; and all men are brethren and partakers of the same common nature, though widely dispersed over the face of the earth. And ^' God to all whose friendly hearts ^^ With mutual love abound, ^^ Hath firmly promised length of days, ^^ With constant blessings crownM.*^ O thou universal Parent and Preserver of men, in order to expand and improve our be- nevolence, we humbly implore thy blessing 63 upon the great family of human kind in all their dispersions through the four quarters of the globe* God hath made of one blood all nations of the earth ; and though he hath dispensed his blessings among them in various and dif- ferent proportions, yet he hath not left auy of them without a witness of his goodness. Blessed be his name that he hath been pleased, according to the counsels of his un- searchable wisdom, to raise us above the gen- erality of our fellow creatures, in regard to the privileges, advantages and enjoyments, both civil and religious. While we adore his goodness for all distin- guishing blessings, let us devoutly pray that, in his own due time all the nations of the earth, from the rising to the setting sun, may share with us in the blessings of outward peace and prosperity, of rational liberty and good civil government, in connection with the blessings of evangelical light and grace, which are our greatest glory and felicity. O thou eternal source of wisdom and know- ledge, we rejoice in all the discoveries which thou hast made to us of thyself, in thy works, and in thy word ; and we humbly implore thy guidance and direction in all important con- cernments. We return thee our most hearty thanks, that thou hast not confined us to the book of nature, but hast opened before us the sacred volume of thy word, wherein we are clearly taught how we may escape the wrath to come^, and inherit eternal life. 64 Though we can in many cases judge, even of ourselves, what is right, our consciences bearing witness to what is good or evil, yet we are not a sufficient law to ourselves, but stand in need of divine illumination. For, without the aid of revelation, the law written on our hearts is not able to give us a full knowledge of that good, acceptable and perfect will of God, which is necessary to shew us the path of life, and lead us in the way everlasting. Blessed be God for the glorious light of revelation, shining in the sacred pages of the Old and New Testament, which amply sup- plies the deficiencies of the light of nature, and is able to instruct us in the way of holy and happy living. Let us search the scriptures daily, since they are profitable for doctrine, reproof, cor- rection, instruction, and sufficient to make us wise to salvation. While we rejoice in the doctrine of salva- tion, which was spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed by them who heard him, let us take heed that we do not fall under the condemna- tion of those, who love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. EXER. XXIIL Confession^ supplication and confidence in God^ adapted also for Sabbath murning. Mas. Unto thee, Almigiity Uou, do we lift up our hearts j trusting in thee we shall 65 not be ashamed or confounded, neither shall any sin or temptation triumph over us. Fam. For all those, who hope in thee, will not be ashamed, but those who transgress without a cause, shall be put to confusion. Shew us thy ways, O Lord, and teach us thy paths ; lead us in thy truth and righte- ousness, for thou art the Grod of our salva- tion ; on thee do we wait all the day. Remember not the sins and transgressions of our youth, but according to thy mercy, which has ever been of old, remember thou us for thy goodness' sake, O Lord. (xood and perfect are thy laws ; therefore thou wilt teach sinners in the way ; the meek thou wilt guide in judgment, and those, who are humble, will obey thy commands. All thy paths. Lord, are mercy and truth ; and those, who endeavour to keep thy cove- nant and testimonies, will receive thy bless- ing. Those who adhere to thy precepts, thou wilt strengthen in their ways ; their souls will receive comfort, and their offspring will inherit the earth. Though by frailty they may fall, they will not be forsaken, for thou wilt be their support, and the wholesome defence of thine anointed. Turn thou us, O Lord, and have mercy upon us for we are desolate and afflicted ; the sorrows of our hearts are enlarged. O rescue us from dangers that surround us. Look on our adversity and misery, and par- don our sins. Keep our souls, and deliver us from trouble ; then we shall not be confound- 6 66 ed, but our trust and confidence shall be iu thy word. Examine and prove us, O Lord ; try our reins and our hearts. Experiencing thy loving kindness^ we will endeavour to walk in thy truth. We will not sit with vain persons neither have fellowship with dissemblers^ in whose hands are mischief and deceit. We will wash our hands in innocency, and compass thine altar, to acknowledge thy mercy with thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works. Lord may we love the habitation of thine house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. Our feet shall stand in an even place. In the congregation we will bless the Lord. Thou being our light and salvation^ whom then need we fear? The Lord is the strength of our life ; of whom then shall we be afraid ? Though an host of enemies should encamp against us^ our hearts will not be dismayed : Though war should rise against us^ in this we will be confident. One thing do we desire of the Lord ; that we may dwell in his house^ to behold its order, and to celebrate his great and holy name. When thou saidst, seek ye my face, our hearts would devoutly reply, thy face, Lord, we will seek. For thou, O Lord, hast been our shield and defence when our friends and kindred forsook us, and when false witnesses, and 67 those who breathed out cruelty, appeared against us, thou didst support and strengthen our hearts. Therefore we will wait on the Lord in his sanctuary, and be of good courage. He will guide our feet in the paths of righteousness, for his name sake. EXER. XXIV. Diligence and Contentment. Our Father, who art in heaven, teach us, we beseech thee, in our several stations and relations, to prosecute the service required of us with diligence and contentment. Let every man labour, working with his hand the thing, which is good ; that he may have to give to him that needeth. Be not slothful in business ; for the waj^ of the slothful man is an hedge of thorns, and the end thereof is poverty and disgrace. The thoughts of the diligent tend to plente- ousness ; but he that is slothful in his work, is brother to him that is a great waster. A good man with assiduous labour provid- eth for the welfare of his family, and a virtu- ous woman looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idle- ness. The hand of the diligent maketh rich, but the soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing. Seeth thou a man diligent in business ? He shall stand before kings ; he shall not stand before mean men. 68 Let every man abide iu the calling where- in he is called ; and having food and raiment convenient for us, let us take heed, lest at any time our hearts be overcharged with vex- atious cares and unavailing anxieties. Let us not too much solicit ourselves about what we shall eat, or what we shall driuk, or wherewithal we shall be clothed ; but let us make it our first care to lay up treasures in heaven, in confidence that our heavenly Fa- ther, who knoweth that we have need of such temporal good things, will bestow them in competent supplies. Let us learn, in whatsoever state we are, therewith to be content, and endeavour to use this world as not abusing it, since the fashion of it passeth away. Let your conversation be without anxiety, and be content with such things as ye have, for God hath said, I will never leave nor forsake thee. Let us take heed and beware of covetous- ness ; for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things he possesseth. God- liness with contentment is great gain ; for we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. Better is a little with the fear of the Lord^ than great treasure and trouble therewith ; for what is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul. Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth aud rust doth corrupt, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ; for where your treasure is there will your heart be also. 69 O Lord, order our outward circumstances in such a manner, as thou seest to be best for us, and teach us to demean ourselves as we ought in every condition, and may all provi- dences, whether favourable or calamitous, work together for our good. Then may we hope that the remaining days of our pilgrimage on earth, may be crowned with joy and serenity, and that we shall final- ly realize those glorious scenes, and solacing anticipations, in the climes above, of which the gospel now gives the most animating prospects. EXER. XXV. On Divine Goodness. i. Mas^ Almighty God, the heavens de- clare thy glory, and the firmament she weth thine handy work, day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night, thy knowledge. 2. Fam. There is neither speech nor lan- guage but thy voice is heard, and the opera- tions of nature are universally before us. 3. Thou ordaineth a tabernacle for the sun^ which Cometh forth as a bridegroom from his chamber, and rejoiceth as a giant to run his course. 4. His going forth is from the end of heav- en, and his circuit unto the ends of the earth, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 5. O Lord, our Governor, how excellent is thy name in all the earth, and thy glory above the heavens ; considering the works of 6^ ?0 thy finger^ the moon and stars, (hou hast ot- dainetl. 6. It behoves us devoutly to enquire, Lord what is man that thou art mindful of him^ or the son of man that thou visiteth him ? 7. Thou hast permitted him to have domin- ion over the works of thine hands and put all things in subjection to him. 8. All sheep and oxen : The fowls of the air, the fish of the sea, and whatsoever walk- eth through the paths of the sea, all acknowl- edge thy support and protection, 9. The children of men unite in celebrat- ing thy wondrous works, they abundantly ut- ter the memory of thy goodness, and sing of thy righteousness. 10. Thou Lord art gracious and merciful, long suffering and of great goodness, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. 1 1. Almighty Creator, thy power, thy glory and the mightiness of thy kingdom are known unto men, thy kingdom is everlasting, and tiiy dominion endureth throughout all ages. i2. Thou openest thine baud, and satisfieth the desire of every living thing, and art nigh unto all those who faithfully call upon thee. 13. Thou wilt fulfil their desire, will at- tend to their prayer, and grant their request. Our mouths therefore shall speak the praises of the Lord, and let all flesh render thanks to his great and holy name. 14. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, that the king of glory may come in. 15. Who is the king of glory? It is the 1 71 Lord, strong and mighty, even the Lord, mighty in battle. 16. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, that the king of glory may come in. 17. His name will endure for ever, and continue as long as the sun. All nations do call him blessed, and the whole earth be fill- ed with his glory. EXER. XXVL Peculiarly adapted for the young. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, that your mind may be stored with treasures of comfort, before the evil days of old age come on, wherein your relish for earthly pleasures, and worldly delights, will cease, and be no more. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; and hearken diligently to the voice of wisdom, which ad- dresses you in that language : ^^ I love them who love me, and they who seek me early shall find me.'^ What is your life? A vapour which ap- peareth for a moment, and then vanisheth away. Teach us, O Lord, so to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Behold, O Lord, thou hast made our days an hand-breadth, and our age as nothing be- fore thee ; every man, at his best estafe, is altogether vanity. May the God of the spirits 72 of all flesh, cause us to know our end, and the measure of our days, what it is, that we may know how frail we are. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the imagination of thy heart and the sight of thine eyes, but know thou, that for all these things, God will bring thee into judgment. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the ways whereof are ways of pleas- antness, and all her paths peace. Say not, ^^ We are young; religion is too grave a business for our sprightly age ; we will wait for a more convenient season,^^ for the bloom of youth is no security against the invasion of mortal sickness, or the stroke of death ; and you know not what a day may bring forth. May young people consider, that now^ in a peculiar sense, is the accepted time, and the day of salvation ; and that, should their lives be protracted to advanced age, they will never have a more convenient season to engage in the business of religion than the present. May the grace of God temper and moder- ate the gaieties of their volatile age, and in- duce them to be sober minded, and to conse- crate their blooming spring to religion and virtue ; then shall they receive a rich harvest of joys and comforts in the autumn of life, should they attain to it. May a consideration of God^s omniscience be a constant restraint upon inexperienced youth; and dispose them to repel temptatiuns, in the language of Joseph — " How can 1 do this wickedness, and sin against God.^^ ^^ Reduce, O Lord their wandering minds, Amus'd with airy dreams, That heavenly wisdom may dispel, Their visionary schemes.'^ Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way ? By taking heed thereto, according to God's word, and keeping his ordinances and precepts- Early habits of piety and virtue, like new clothes on a young and comely body, set very gracefully on a young mind, and add peculiar beauties to it. Such habits are robes of glory to blooming youth ; like ornaments of grace about their heads, and chains of gold about their necks. Flee youthful follies and vanities, and serve the Lord with a perfect heart and wil- ling mind, hearkening to the doctrines of his word, and teachings of his ministers ; lest you mourn at last, when your flesh and your heart are consumed, and say, " How have we hated instruction, and our hearts despised re- proof/^ O that there were such an heart in them, that they might fear the Lord, and keep his commandments always ; then would it be well with them in time and eternity. ^*With holy caution may they walk, 4nd be thy word their guide, 'Till each, the desart safely passed, On Zion's hill abide.^^ n Believing the doctrines contained in the sa- cred pages of the oracles of Irod, receive with meekness and all readiness of mind the in- grafted word, which is able to save your souls. For the law^ of the Lord is perfect, convert- ing the soul ; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making w ise the simple ; his command- ment is perfect, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever ; the judgment of the Lord is true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold ; sweeter also than honey, or the honeycomb, for by them are thy servants warned, and iu keeping them there is great reward. EXER. XXV IL The righteous and wicked compared. 1. O THOU Supreme Lord of Heaven and earth, we adore Thee, as the righteous Judge of the world, who, without respect to persons, will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. S. In every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of him ; but the wicked are objects of his displeasure, and are exposed to the awful effects of his angry resentments. 75 3. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat of the fruit of their cloiugs. Woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill wilh him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him. 4i. The righteous are delivered out of trou- ble, and the wicked are snared in the work of their hands ; for God will not cast away the upright man, neither will he embrace evil doers in the arms of favour. 3. The fear of the Lord is wisdom and understanding; but wiekedness is madnes$ and folly. 6. Many sorrows shall attend the wicked in all their ways, but mercy shall compass him about, who feareth God and keepeth his commandments. 7. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart ; but the way of the wicked is darkness, and their path leadeth to misery and destruction. 8. He that walketh uprightly, walketh surely; the Lord will bless his habitation; but he that perverteth his way shall stumble and fall, and the displeasure of the Almighty shall be upon his house. 9. He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul, and his memory is blessed ; but he that despiseth the command- ment shall die, and the memory of the wick- ed perisheth. 10. They who fear and serve the Lord, are precious in his sight, and honourable ; but the workers of iniquity are vile, and are an abominatioQ la his sight. i 76 i 1. The fear of the Lord prolongeth days, and the desire of the righteous shall be satis- fied ; but the wicked is driven away in his wickedness, and his years shall be short ened. 12. When it goeth well with the righteou the city rejoiceth ; and when the wicke perish they are soon forgotten. 13. When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall be gathered before him all nations, and he shall separate them one from another^ as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. 14. Then shall he say to the righteous, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founda- tion of the world ; and to the wicked, Depart ' from me, I know you not, ye workers of iniquity. 15. Teach us, O liOrd, as becometh wise men to look diligently into the consequences of actions, and may a consideration of the very diflFerent issues of a virtuous and a vicious course, deter us from the latter, and engage us in the former. 16. Let us keep in view that great day of reckoning, when we must give an account unto Grod, and order our conversation with a proper regard thereto, that we may meet his final approbation, and obtain his gracious ac- ceptance, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 77 EXER. XXVIII. Suitable for Christmas morning. On the incarnation of Christy and merciful design of his advent into the world. Mas. O Thou God of love, with thank- ful hearts we would rejoice in all the displays and exercises of thy marvellous grace and mercy towards fallen man. Fam. Blessed be thy name, that when the first parents of the human race were cast out of paradise for violating thy holy cov- enant, thou wast pleased in order to encour- age their hopes in thy mercy, to make that reviving promise, '^ The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head/^ Let us give glory to God in the highest, that when the fulness of time was come, the promised seed of the w^oman made his apear- ance in this world; through whom ihere is peace on earth and good will towards men. The word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, in his heavenly doctrines and miraculous works ; the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. In this was manifested the love of God to- wards us, because that God sent his only be- gotten son into the world, to be a propitiation for our sins that we might live through him. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; who hath visited and redeemed 7 78 his people, and raised up for them an horn of salvation in the house of his servant David, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace. And thus hath performed the mercy prom- ised to our fathers of old, and remembered his gracious covenant, which he had declar- ed by the mouth of his holy prophets, since the world began. Our souls will magnify the Lord and re- joice in God our Saviour, who came into the world to deliver us from guilt and condemna- tion, and work out eternal salvation for us. May our bosoms glow with ardent emotions of gratitude, when we recollect, that unto us a child was born, unto us a son was given, whose name was Wonderful, Counsellor, Im- manuel, the Prince of Peace, who came to save his people from their sins. O most merciful Father in heaven, imprint we beseech thee upon our hearts, the greaf' doctrines, important instructions and momen tons truths of thy word by thy Son. With adoring admiration, therefore, we would celebrate his condescending goodness, in becoming incarnate, on purpose that he might live among us as a divine teacher and instructor, and finally make his soul an oflfer- ing for sin. Divesting himself for a season of the glory which he had with the Father, before the world was, he came dow^n from heaven to earth, that he might raise us from earth to hea- ven, and took upon him our mortal nature, that he might finally clothe us with immortality. I 3 i 79 Though he was in the form of God^ yet he condescended to take upon him the form of a servant, and to be made in all things like unto us, sin only excepted. And being found in fashion as a man, he became obedient unto death, that he might redeem us from death, and procure eternal life for us. He took not on him the nature of angels, but the seed of Abraham, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest, in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of men. ^^ Hosanna to the incarnate Word, Who from the Father came ; Ascribe salvation to the Lord, And blessings on his name. My Saviour, Jesus, teach this heart To feel thy bleeding love : And teach, O teach my v^^and'ring steps^ To seek thy throne above. My lips shall glow with flame divine, To celebrate thy praise, And all my noblest prayers unite, A grateful hymn to raise. Wide be EmanuePs honours spread. Wide let his sceptre sway ; He stoopM a fallen world to save. And bore its sins away.^^ 80 Let us cultivate and endeavour to preserve hi our grateful hearts, those devout regards towards God's incarnate Son, which his per- sonal excellencies, condescending goodness^ and sacred relations to us, demand. EXER. XXIX Concludes on the day of Judgment. ^* O save me, power of powers supreme, In that tremendous hour." Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter : fear God and keep his command- ments, for this is the whole duty of man. JFor God will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. God hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness, by Jesus Christ, whereof he hath given assurance to all men, in that he raised him from the dead. Then we must all appear before the judg- ment seat of Christ, to give account of our- selves to God, that every one may receive, according to his deeds done in the body. At tliat day, the Lord himself, attended with a glorious retinue of angels, shall des- cend from heaven, with a shout, and the trump of God, and all nations shall be gath- ered before him, to receive their final destiny. Then all that are in their graves shall hear his voice, and come forth ; and the dead, both small and great, shall stand before God, 81 and the books shall be opened, and the dead shall be judged out of those things which are written in the books, according to their works. Behold the Lord cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also who pierced him, shall mourn because of him ; fur to them his second appearing will be a fearful event of terror and consternation. As Christ once appeared to take away sin, by the sacrifice of himself, so, to those, who, in a way of well doing, look for him, will he appear the second time, without sin unto sal- vation. But, in that day, those who obey not the gospel, shall be punished with ever- lasting destruction, from the presence of the Lord, and the glory of his power. That great day of the Lord will assuredly come, in which the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved, and pass away with a great noise ; and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burnt up. Then shall every mountain, and every island, be moved out of its place ; and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and tne rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man, and every free man, who have rejected the great salva- tion shall hide themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains. And shall say to the rocks and the moun- tains fall on us and hide us from the face of him, who sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb ; for the great day of his 7^ 8^ wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand. Let the saints of the Most High look for- ward with reviving joy, to that great day of the revelation of the righteous judgment of God, when the amazing scene above describ- ed will become a present reality, and intro- duce them into the full and perfect possession of the blessings of redemption. Let them rejoice, while contemplating that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and finally present us, before the presence of God, with exceeding joy. Seeing that the dissolution of the world will most certainly take place, at an appoint- ed period, when the Lord himself will des- cend from heaven, in awful pomp and mag- nificence, to judge both the quick and the dead, what manner of persons'ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness, look- ing for, and hastening unto, the coming of that great day of the Lord ? Let us by patient continuance in well do- ing, seek for glory, honour and immortality, that we may be able to lift up our faces with confidence, at the final tribunal of our supreme Lord and Judge, and have an open entrance administered to us into his everlasting king- dom. Keeping an attentive eye fixed on that final judgment, which is every moment approach- ing, let us order our present conduct and conversation with a proper view, and refer- 83 ence thereto, that wheri the grand event shall take place, we may hear those blessed words pronounced by the Sovereign Judge^ ^^ Well done good and faithful servants.*^ Alarmed by the terrors of the Lord, and encouraged by the promise of the gospel, let us flee for refuge and lay hold on the hope set before us, that we may be safe and secure, when the heavens and the earth shall be dis- solved. And when we shall hear gasping nature's last tremendous groan, may we as- cend the skies, with triumphant exultation, and come to the heavenly Zion, with songs of everlasting joy on our heads. EXER. XXX. Additional Odes for Christmas ; selected from the subsequent Papers on the Birth of Christy for the Anniversary of 1818. FROM THE BOSTON PAPERS. ^^And the angel said, behold, 1 bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.'^ In our aversion to ceremonies and holi- days, we have heretofore prescribed the com- memoration even of the nativity of the >iES- 81 AH. We rejoice now to perceive a general purpose, among dissenters, to celebrate this great event. And what can be more becom- ing all those of every sect, who believe and Si hope in Jesus, the great Spiritual Deliverer^ thaa to notice, in a religious and devout man- ner, the day of his advent to this w^orld ; to be our Light, our Life, and our Redeemer js from sin and the grave ! We trust, we all ^ shall unite, in future, in this holy and grate- ful service ; in adoring and praising God for the gift of the Messiah, to dispense truth and pardon, and immortality to man. ^^ Around the patriot's bust ye throng, Him ye exalt in swelling song ; For him the wreath of glory bind, Who freed from vassalage his kind. Shall He who fellow men to save. Became a tenant of the grave, Unthank'd uncelebrated rise. Pass unremember'd to the skies ?'' CHRISTMAS MORNING. Swiftly fly the shades of night, And each sparkling star is gone ; While the streaks of rosy light Usher in the holy morn. 'Tis the morn, when from afar Humble offerings shepherds bring ; And the burning eastern star Leads them to a Saviour King. Superstition's course was run. All her footsteps stainM with blood $ Desolation's work was done, Mark'd by an avenging God. 83 But the true religion^s foes Were like misty vapours hurVcl ; When the sun of Glory rose Shining o'er a darkeuM world. ^Tis the morn to Christians dear, 'Tis the morn that Christians love : When their troubled spirits here, Seek a resting place above. Virtue spreads a bolder wing, Faith looks up with surer eye ; Death has lost its dreaded sting, Grave has lost its victory. Where a. few assembled are, In the midst the Lord will be ; He will hear the suppliant's prayer, He will mark the bended knee. At the cross, then let us crave Pardon of that God above, Who, in heavenly mercy, gave Proof of his redeeming love. Guilt and sin in dread array, Haunt the troubled world no more ; Every fault is washM away, By the blessed Saviour's gore. Erring Man, be not afraid ; Trust to God's unchanging will ; For He, who in his mercy made. Will in his mercy guard thee still. 86 FROM THE VERMONT REPORTER. — By J, PhtlpS^ Esq, On this blest morn to Bethlehem, The star-directed Shepherds came ; And here beheld what love displayed ! Emanuel in a manger laid. Life and immortal hopes this day- Were tun'd on ev'ry Seraph's lay ; Angels repeat the notes again, With *^ PEACE ON EAliTH GOOD WILL TO MEN.^^ Hosanna, sing the heavenly birth — Uosanua, worship him ye earth ; This day, from death and bonds set free. Triumphant shout the victory. FROM A SOUTHERN PAPER. All hail, to the season, when festive and gay, Round the bright social fires of winter we sit. Delighted to pass the long evening away, ^AJidst the pleasures of song^ and the sparkles of trit : When kind hosjntaHty seeks to beguile. What heart can refuse, at the summons of mirthy The brow of dull care to relax for a while, In the gaity to which merry Christmas gives birth ! 87 Festivity reigns with unlimited sway, And closes the year both in Country and Town, With feasting and social^ and music all day. The cares of existence in pleasure to drown. How bright is the prospect wherever the eye, Or the mind is induced to direct its regard, What favours of Heaven descend from on high. Every effort of Industry's sons to reward ! The labours, the pleasures, the blessings of Peace^ All mark the proud triumph of Liberty's reign. In wealth and in numbers our people in- crease, And plenty reposes on mountain and plain^ Enlightened Societies study with care, The means of adorning our land to com- bine, Soil^ Rivers and Roads^ Education ^ all claim. Their zeal to preserve, to improve and re- fine ; From the frontier of Maine, to the wilds of the West, Shines a picture unequall'd of national bliss, No earthly community ever possessed, Such cause to be grateful and happy as this. FAMILY PRAYERS, SELECTED FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS. First Prayer adapted at the beginning of the year. Almighty God of the spirits of all flesh, and author of all created existence, who hast vouchsafed unto us to see the commencement of another year ! Hear our prayers unto thee respectins; time to come. We acknowledge that in time past we have been too earnest atiout the things of time and sense ; too re- J2;ardless of the objects of faith and futurity. We acknowledge that we have too often walk- ed in a vain shew, and disquieted ourselves in vain. It is our desire in time to come to cast off all the unfruitful works of darkness, and to walk as children of the light and of the day. May this year witness our greater re- formation from every thing that is amiss in us ; and if thou shall see fit to spare our lives, may it be in mercy to us. If it be consistent with thy holy will, may we be let alone another year, that we may cease to be cumberers of thy ground, and may bring forth fruit. We ask not length of days, 8 yo merely to enjoy an animal life, but as it may furnish us with an opportunity of doing good, and becoming ourselves better. We commit all our concerns to thee, and would submit to those circumstances which thou, who knowest what is best for us, shalt ordain. If the Lord will, we desire the continuance of health, and the comforts of life. May we be prepared for sickness, and every change into which thou mayestlead us. If thine infinite wisdom shall appoint that we take leave of the world the present year, may we be ready for our de« parture. We dare not say we will do this or that ; but we would cherish one purpose, to live better than we have done. Preserve us from all injurious delays, espe- cially from delaying to repent and reform. Hasten us to keep thy commandments, and practically to know every season of our visit- ation. JVlay not the night of darkness, in which no man can work, overtake us una- wares, and the things belonging to our peace be forever hidden from our eyes. Exempt us from their folly, who presume on life, and speak of goods laid up for many years. May we do with diligence all of duty that our hands find to do, and go from strength to strength, till we shall appear before thee in thy heavenly Zion. If death shall approach by slow advances, may it find us w ell employed ; and if we are called on a sudden to exchange worlds, may it not be our dreadful lot to have treasured up fear and remorse. When we finish this mor- tal life, may the rod and staff of thy word be 91 our support, and an entrance be ministered to us into thine everlasting kingdom. Unto the king eternal, immortal, and invisi- ble, the only wise God, be honour^ and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Second Prayer^ adapted on the Spring. Incomprehknsibly blessed and glorious Lord our God ! By thee the heavens were made, and all the glorious host of them by the breath of thy mouth. Thou hast appointed the moon for seasons, and made the sun to know his going down. Summer and winter, seed time and harvest, heat and cold, are di- rected by thee. At one time thou givest snow like wool, and scatterest the hoar frost like ashes ; at another time thou bringest forth food out of the earth, and causest the grass to grow for cattle, and herb for the service of man. Because thine eye is upon the year, from the beginning even unto the end, we are now called to rejoice that the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear upon the earth ; the singing of birds is come, the tree puts forth her leaves, and the field yields its perfume ; the mountains and hills break forth into singing, and the trees of the forest clap their hands. O Lord ! how mani» fold are thy works. We bless thee for the beneficial influences of the heavenly bodies ; for the light of the 9un, and th^ constant revolution of the sea^ sons, and all the rich provisions thou hast made for our present support and delight. We bless thee for all our comforts during the inclemencies of the winter^ which is now past, for all the pleasant intercourse of domestic life^ and the kind offices of mutual friendship and good neighbourhood, and above all we re- joice in our capacities for contemplating thy glorious works with emotions of religious praise and pleasure. Thou art now sending forth thy spirit, and renewing the face of the earth. All nature feels thy reanimating power. May devotion invigorate and sanctify the labours of the ap- proaching season. May he who plougheth, plough with religious hope. May he who soweth, rejoice in the expectation of reaping. Give us rain from heaven, and a fruitful sea- son, and fill our hearts with food and pious gladness. Above all we beseech thee to multiply the spiritual seed of divine truth, and may not the wicked one catch away that which is sown in the hearts of any. Crown with success both our secular and spiritual labours, and may we reap both the harvest of bread and the fruits of righteousness. Give us neither poverty nor riches ; feed us with food convenient for us. By our spiritual improvements may we be like unto that earth, which, drinking in the rain that cometh oft upon it, bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, andreceiveth blessing from God ; and not like unto that which beareth thorns and briars, is rejected, and nigh unto cursing, whose end is 93 io be burnedi Establish us in every good word and work^ and unite us more closely to him who is the true vine. As branches iri him wilt thou mercifully spare and purge us, and may we glorify thee, 'our heavenly father, by bearing much fruit. To thee, O Father ! the husbandman, by Jesus Christ, the true vine, be all honour and praise. Amen, Third Prayer^ adapted for Summer. Almighty God, the creator of the world, whose eternal power and supreme dominion are seen by the things which are made ! We beseech thee to seal instruction to our souls, by the prospects of the present season. We Would raise our thoughts to thee by whom the sun rises in pleasing majesty, and in his daily course diffuses light and heat over the world ; by whom the earth is overspread with trees, and herbs, and flowers ; who art the father of the former and latter rain, and nightly be- gettest the drops of the dew. We adore thee in all the various productions of the earth which thou art now causing to advance to ma- turity for the support, comfort, and delight of thy creatures. We desire never to forget thine hand in the glorious scene in which we are placed, or cease to derive all the moral in- struction thy works convey. Whilst we gratefully adore thy goodness in the pleasant circumstances of this present life, teach us to trust in thy mercy and deliverance when ad- 8* 94 versity shall overtake us. May we carry about with us an affecting impression of this truth, that all flesh is as grass, and the glory of man as the flower of grass. Having been planted in thy vineyard, may we bring forth much good fruit, so that finally we may be numbered with the trees of righteousness, and plants of renown. May our faith grow ex- ceedingly. O grant that by the milk of thy word and speaking the truth in love, we may grow up unto him in all things who is the head, even Christ. Make our souls as a wa- tered garden. There may charity display her graces ; hope expand her wings ; and the soil, by divine cultivation, yield all the peaceable fruits of righteousness. We bless thee, whose works as well as words speak thy will, for the confirmation which the season affords to our religious faith. The corn of wheat, that was cast into the ground, has resumed the body which pleased thee. We will inquire no more. How are the dead raised up, or with what bodies they come ? We rejoice in the prospect of the peaceful bow in the clouds, the early pledge of thine inviolable fidelity, and repose our- selves under the shadow of the Almighty. O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and wonderful works to the chil- dren of men ! Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting, and let all people say, Amen, 95 Fourth Prayer^ adapted for dutumn. O THOU who cansest the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of mau, making the earth to bring forth all her fruits in their season ! We bless thee for the rich provision thou hast made of those things ne- cessary to bodily sustenance. Although we have not walked in all thy statutes and kept thy commandments^ yet^ by thy mercy, the land has yielded her increase^ and the trees their fruit We praise thee for the blessings of harvest, which have been so abundantly plenteous, and beseech thee to direct us in the temperate and frugal use of thy various bounties. May we not expose ourselves to the accusation of wasting thy goods, nor abuse them in riotous and intem- perate living. With humble thanks we would receive and enjoy thy gifts, acknowledging at the same time, that we are not worthy the crumbs which fall from the table of thy provi- dence. May our souls be impressed with divine les- sons from the prospects of the season. We have been planted in thy vineyard. We have been united to a choice vine ; but alas ! we confess with shame we have not brought grapes that are good, but wild grapes ; and thou mightest in just judgment have taken away the hedge, broken down the wall, trod- den under foot thy vineyard, and commanded the clouds no more to rain upon it. But we are witnesses of the divine forbearance and patience. Spare us of thy grace, and grant 06 us another season to bring forth fruit. When thy love does not constrain obedience, may thy terrors persuade ; and by the expectation of the harvest in the end of the world, may we be awakened to sobriety, diligence, and watchfulness. Amen. Fifth Prayer^ adapted for the Winter^ Inconceivably great and glorious Lord our God ! Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. The things which our eyes behold shall perish ; but thou shalt endure : they shall be changed ; but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Thou art call- ing us at this time to witness the periodical decay of nature ; yet not without a hope, from the immutability of thy character and laws, that there will be a renovation. In the order of thy works thou art now giving snow like wool, scattering the hoar- frost like ashes, and sending thy cold, before whom none can stand. With devout grati- tude we retire to our warm habitations, and solace ourselves with the unity and love of our domestic retreats. We would be practic- ally mindful of our brethren who may inhabit the cheerless house of want. Mty not our hearts be cold when we see the naked, nor our hands be shut against the hungry. May the loins of the poor every where bless the rich, and may prayer, thanksgiving, and alms or unitedly ascend to thee. Appear for the pro<^ tection of those, who are coming on our sea coast at this dangerous time : when they arc tossed and afflicted, do thou deliver them, and bring them to their desired haven. O thou, who rulest the year ! May our re- flections on the season carry religious lessons to our hearts. We would adore thy incom- prehensible power, which ordains in their proper order, the effects we now behold. Thou sendest forth thy commandment upon earth, and the windy storm and tempest fulfil tliy pleasure. By thee the waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen. The hoary frost of heaven, who hath gender- ed it? Have we entered into the treasures of snow ? All is the work of thy unsearchable wisdom, and almighty strength. We desire to be filled with a sense of thy care and love, w hen we consider thy multiplied provisions for the support and comfort of man and beast, during this barren, inclement season. We rejoice before thee in the assurance that the elements are under thy control, subject to thy invariable laws ; and that in the appointed time, thou who bindest the sweet influences of the Pleiades, wilt loose the bands of Orion, renew the face of the earth, and spread life and beauty through all nature. O thou who hast given senses, reason, and speech to man ! Preserve us from misemploy- ing the leisure now offfered in excessive or hurtful diversions ; but may we use it for cul- tivating our minds, examining our hearts, and laying up stores of knowledge and goodness. 98 May the changes of the year lead us to con- sider how the fashion of this world passeth away, and to place our affections on thee^ the unchangeable and eternal good. By the death of the powers of nature, thou warnest us to remember that we are mortal ; and that if by reason of strength we live many years, we may expect old age to be- numb our faculties, and destroy our activity. By our diligence and fidelity in youth and manhood, may we provide comfortable reflec- tions and pleasing hopes, to cheer us in the days of infirmity and the winter of life. Blessed be thy name, that as we know thou wilt revive the decayed plants and torpid ani- mals^ and make the fields, now desolate, to rejoice, so thou wilt raise from the dead those who sleep in Jesus ; that this mortal may put on immortality, and this coiTuptible incorrupt tion. Make us thy upright and faithful ser- vants while we live, that we may die in peace^ and rest in hope, and rise in glory, through Jesus Christy the prince of life. Amen. Sixfh Prayer^ adapted to the Annual Fast. Almighty Saviour of men ; the righteous Lord, who lovest righteousness; who art a consuming fire to the disobedient and impeni- tent, but a compassionate father to such as re- pent and turn unto thee I We would come be- fore thee this day with humble confession of sin and the deepest self abasement, beseech- ing thee to impress on our minds every argu- 99 ttient to repentance and amendment, and to pour out on our land the spirit of prayer and bumble supplication. O thou supreme director in the affairs of human society ! We thank thee for the ad- vantages of our condition ; that we enjoy lib- erty, safety, and plenty; that we do not groan under the miseries of tyranny, bloodshed, and ruin ; that thou hast given us fruitful seasons, and preserved us from famine, pestilence, and war. Surely the lines are fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly herit- age. Yet we have made unworthy returns for thy loving kindness, and shewn ourselves undeserving of thy mercies. We lament that plenty has been abused by luxury, and liber- ty by licentiousness ; our ease and safety by strife, envyings, and divisions. We lament that so little of the power of godliness is manifested ; that so many restrain prayer be- fore thee; and after all the expressions of thy will, do trample on the sacred authority of thy laws. Surely it is of thy mercy that we are not consumed ; and hadst thou rewarded us according to our iniquities, we had before this time been made like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. Awaken us to a sense of our manifold and repeated provocations ; pardon the crying sins of our nation ; forgive all who humble themselves before thee this day, and spare thy people. Shew us the things which belong to our peace before the day of reconciliation be past. Fill us with that godly sorrow for sin which works true repentance* May we 100 no longer abuse thy merries, but keep this clay the fast thou hast chosen, and loosing every band of wickedness, become a peculiar people, zealous of good works, so that thy displeasure may be turned away^ and thou mayest delight to build us up and not destroy us. Grant, we beseech thee, this day healing mercy unto us who have corrupted our man- ners ; who have been indifferent to thy wor- ship; neglected the interests of early educa- tion; indulged aspiritofwicked animosity, and made no suitable resistance to the inundation of profaneness and immorality; and animate us to rise and join with one heart and soul in promoting the honour of thy name, the inter- ests of religion, and the prosperity and hap- piness of these United htates. May it not any longer be a source of lamentation to the righteous that no man repents of his wicked- ness, saying, What have 1 done ? May every one rent his heart and not his garment, and keep such a fast as thou hast chosen. Accept the humiliations of thy people this day, send answers of peace to their humble supplications : but, let none of us ever think, that by such days service, we make compen- sation for past transgressions, or obtain dis- pensation to continue in sin. May we all re- alize that by such days privileges we are laid under higher obligations to keep ourselves from our iniquity, and bring forth the fruits of righteousness to the praise and glory of God. O thou, who rulest in the kingdoms of men 1 We intercede for all in authority, whether in 101 church or state. The hearts of rulers are in thy hands. Restrain their evil passions, and bless those who rule over men, with wisdom from above, which is first pure and then peaceable. May all their consultations and measures contribute to the stability of our times, to the prosperity of all conditions of men, to the welfare of our children, and to the spreading of thy name and glory in the earth. We would not presume ou the ardency of our prayers, on the sorrow of our minds, or the humiliation of our bodies ; but upon thy mer- cy to repenting and returning sinners through Jesus Christ. Universal parent and governor ! Be mer- ciful to the whole race of man ! enlighten all who sit in darkness and error ; send forth a spirit of peace and good will ; restrain the violence of unreasonable men ; exalt the meek ; put an end to all deception ; may no weapon formed against the rights of men prosper; multiply the patterns of christian virtue, and the instruments of benefaction to men ; extirpate idolatry ; direct all flesh to the knowledge of thy son ; and may thy king- dom come, and will be done on earth, as in heaven. Amen. 103 Seventh Prayer^ adapted to the .Annual Thanksgiving. O THOU who art good unto all, who exer- cisest loviqg kindness in all the earth, and who hast come nigh to us by Jesus Christ, thy son ! It is thou who huldest our souls in life; who givest our daily bread, health in our ha- bitations and peace in our borders, and who crownest the year with thy goodness ! We desire this day, with affectionate gratitude, to recount thy mercies, and piously to ascribe honour and blessing, glory and praise to Thee our rock and fortress, our strength and re- deemer. We would rest this day before Thee, and make it a season of temperate feasting and religious gladness. How precious have been thy thoughts unto us, O God ! how great is the sum of them ! We bless thee for preserving our houses from the ravages of fire ; for all the health and pleasure we have enjoyed in them ; for every portion of bread vi^hich has given strength to our bodies ; for the medicine which has ar- rested the progress of disease ; for the tear of sympathy which has comforted under trou- ble ; for divine preservation in our journies by land ; for prosperous gales on the ocean ; for exhilarating showers when in the field ; for every cheerful sensation when alone ; for the pleasures of friendly intercourse; lor the benefits of good neighborhood ; for the privi- leges of public worship ; for the mainte- nance of civil order ; the continuance of 103 peace ; the administration of justice ; for eve- ry encouragement to well doiug; every mani- festation of useful trutli ; and for all the ad- vantages of our condition. Wilt thou graciously direct us to a right improvement of all thy mercies. Preserve us from the wicked indulgence of fleshly lusts ; from wasting our substance in riotous living. May we enjoy our temporal posses- sions with temperance, cheerfulness, and con- tentment. Protect us against the snares of prosperity. May we honour thee with our substance, be rich in good works, and duly es- teem and praise thee, the rock of our salvation. Perpetuate our privileges both private and common; continue to us the enjoyment of our civil rights ; disappoint the devices of the crafty : prolong the days and usefulness of those public men under whose administration the righteous flourish, who cause every man to sit without fear under his vine and figtree, and who make our land a quiet habitation* (^rant peace, order, and plenty in our fami- lies, our villages and towns, and throughout our country. Be thou a sun to direct all in authority, and may they bear rule under the influence of that religious fear which is the beginning of wisdom. Wilt thou bless all fountains of useful science ; heal and cleanse their waters ; dispel the mists of ignorance j arrest the progress of profanity and vice ; make the people of our land humble before thee ; peaceable in their civil and social relations ; and zealous for the establishment of liberty, order, and truth. May we not by 104 our ingratitude ever incur that censure, 1 have nourished and brought up children, but they have rebelled against me. And now unto the Governor among the nations, on whom their safety and prosperity ultimately depend ; unto the King of kings, and Lord of lords, be glory and majesty-, dominion and power. Amen. AN ADDRESS SPECTATOR OF THE AWFUL EXECUTION OF THE PIRATES- IN BOSTON, February 18, 1819. My Friends, SO exceedingly rare in New Englancf, through the great mercy of God, is such a scene as you behold, that you will not think it strange, if many, who wish well to man- kind, are desirous of rendering it infinitely beneficial to multitudes. Suffer me, then, to ask your serious attention to a few thoughts, which 1 wish to be impressed on my own mind, and which I cannot but think may be usefully impressed on yours. 1. Consider the unhappy criminals. On them the attention of this numerous as- sembly is fixed, their awful situation now ; their past life, which has led to this result; the circumstances of their atrocious crimes f their behaviour since the period of their ap- prehension and during their trial, and what- ever we may have been able to learn of th6ir conduct since they were condemned, are the principal theme of reflection and conversation. They are men, as ourselves. They are hast- igning to an awful eternity — to the bar of that Ciod^ who is ^^ angry with the wicked every 9^ 106 day/^ and whose dreadful denunciations against the impenitently guilty are spread on the pages of his holy and unerring Word. My friend, pray for them : l^ift up your heart to God. on whose mercy you too are de- pendent, that He, for Christ's sake — for the sake of Him, who groaned, and bled, and died, that sinners might be saved — would have mercy upon them ; and that, though they have been condemned, and justly, at a human tribunal, they may, through hearty re- pentance and a lively faith, be acquitted of their crimes at the bar of Christ, on the ground of trust in his all-suflBcient atonement. Pray too for their relatives and friends. At the birth of each one of them, their affec- tionate parents were probably filled with joy and thankfulness. Ah, who could then have foretold this hour? Who could have lacerated their fond hearts by painting to them this scene of indescribable anguish ! They have had, probably they now have, friends. Wherever such may be at the pres- ent time, yet all the circumstances of their acquaintance and connexion will be investi- gated at the bar of God. Investigated, do I say ? Rather let me say, displayed to an as- sembled world by that Being, who knoweth at all times the state of every heart. Have these men been enticed to sin by their com- jrades ? Awful now is the result of such per- nicious friendships. Have they themselves left the poisonous sting of seductive inter^ eoursein the bosoms and hearts of their form- Bf intimates? What woes u»numbered may 107 ensue ! ^^One sinner/^ says the sacred word of Grod, ^Mestroyeth much good.*^ AVho caa tell, beside Him, who seeth the end from the beginniug, and discerneth effects in their causes through an endless eternitj, the influ- ence on mankind even of those sins, which, with respect to these unhappy men, are now producing the bitter fruits of death ! S. Consider the operation of the laws. Without them no security could attend the enjoyment of any of the blessings of life. They are absolutely necessary to the very existence of society. Their sanction is de- rived from the Great Lawgiver of the Uni- verse. In this case, it is his authoritative word which says, '' Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed/^ Keverence then, in silence, the n^ajesty of the laws — and consider that the existence of your comforts, privileges and advantages depends on the execution of them even to the exaction of the dread forfeit you are now witnessing. Inculcate also a strict obedience to them on all, over whom you have influence. 3, Consider, then, more particularly, the interests of the community. Every citizen, every man, has his duties to perform, and an influence to exert. His in- fluence ought to be salutary in its effects on others. Example does much, even more than precept. On the rising generation especially it operates with peculiar power. The young, indeed, are chiefly formed by the conduct and example of those, to whom they loot up with rever^uce^ as parents^, ^uardians^ mast€i% 108 teachers, and friends. From their conver- sation, their advice, their precepts, admoni- tions and instructions flows the character, in a great measure, of the generation which suc- ceeds thera. Oh, then, let the influence you exert be on the side of wholesome laws, pure morality, and (Jhristian piety. Let the young behold in you the example of deep, serious,, practical attention to whatever things are lovely, pure, just, virtuous, true, and of good report. Let it be the precious consolation of your dying hour, that your example and in- fluence have tended, through the blessing of God, to strengthen the hands of the good, and to weaken the pernicious influence of sin ; that your friendship has been a treasure of inestimable worth to those, who enjoyed it, and that none shall ever lament the period when first they knew you ; but multitudes have reasDU to bless your memory, when yon have sunk to the grave — none to blush w hen addressed as your acquaintance, friend, or relative. 4. If you are a parent, consider, 1 beseech you, your children. They are a precious part of your very self. For their welfare you have already thought and perhaps laboured much. Are you not anxious to save them from the stings of self- reproach, from the displeasure of the good, from the animadversion of the laws, from the punishments of the wicked in this world and the next? 1 cannot for a moment doubt it. It would be unnatural — it would be mon. strous — that you should uot be anxious to 109 save them from these evils. You cannot bear the idea, that they, whom you so much love, at whose birth you were so thankful, over whom you have so often breathed, as I would charitably hope, the fervent prayer to God — for their lives, their health, th.eir happiness and usefulness in the world — that these should be justly sentenced to die by a hangman ! Grod forbid ! you exclaim. iio home, then, and bring them up for (xod. It is possible this most important work has been awfully neglected. Oh let it be neg- lected no longer ! Your children have a world of sin to pass through — and scenes of trial. If they be not well grounded in good prin- ciplesj think of their awful hazard and dan- ger. Temptations will assail them. How shall temptation be repelled, if the mind be not early established and well principled? Delay not, then, to enter heartily on the task, feeek wisdom and grace from the Giver of every good gift — and see that you employ his gift to advance his glory, and the holy pur- poses of his infinite wisdom. He has con- stituted you the guardian, as well as the parent of your children, and it is his will, that you should ^Urain them up in the way in which they should go/^ Let them have occupation. Idleness is the inlet of all vice. Industry, in any useful business whatever, assists the government of the thoughts and passions. Industry is the parent of virtue, usefulness and respectability. If you would have your children become bless- ings to themselves and others; and to your- MO self especially,*teach them by precept and ex- ample to be industrious. Therefore, Put them early to school, and keep them habitually there. Are they at the period of life, above all, most proper to form the char- acter? Let it be formed by the instructions which are so liberally bestowed at the pres- ent day on tlie rising generation. Place God^s word before them. Initiate them early into its sacred truths, and let its pages direct them continually. Especially, Teach them to reverence the Lord's day. It is instituted to subserve the best interests of man. Its observation is ever attended with benefit, for even '^ in the keeping of Grod's commandments there is a great re- ward.^' And this institution is as merciful, as it is wise. On that day encourage reli- gious employment at home, as well as an at- tendance abroad on the public worship. Give your dear children the wholesome in- struction, which is appropriate to the Chris- tian Sabbath, and has the sanction of the authority of God. Or, if you be hindered in doing this yourself, or feel an inability — be thankful for the wise and salutary establish- ment of Sabbath Schools, and at least send your children punctually thither. And be assured, that what is taught them there will strengthen your authority at home, and favor- ably affect the peace and welfare of your family, as well as advance the knowledge and promote the happiness of your children. Watch over them, then, and pray for them and with them — that God, to secure you from Ill sorrow on their account, would keep them from sin, and give you ^^ grace to be faithful.*' Instead then of being hung out as beacons to give warning to men, and terrify them from vicious courses, they will be, thrciugh the divine blessing, your joy and crown. Lastly, consider yourself. You have an immortal soul, and are now and ever will be under the government and control of a holy, almighty God. You are a probationer for eternity — and its dread awards even now await you. To you the Vlost High has given His law, commanded his covenant, and oflFered His precious salvation, through the atoning blood of His Hon. His mercy you need for the pardon of your sins, for you have broken His law, and stand before VLixr^ most justly condemned ! Have you, my friend, already fled for re- fuge to Christ? then you have already known ^^ the plague of your heart,'' and obtained its remedy. Think, then, with renewe I grat- itude, 1 conjure you, on the mercy you have experienced. Think who and what have made you to diflFer from the unhappy crimin- als you now behold launching into an un- tried eternity. Considering your great ad- vantages, your sin may have been, perhaps, as odious in the sight of God, as theirs. He alone has been conscious to all the secret guilt of your vile heart. Over its vileness you have indeed often mourned, and oftea have deprecated, in the name of your liedeem- er, that wrath, which is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. Let your life, then^ lis friend and brother, prove that you are ^* bought with a priee/^ and are no longer ^^your own/' but Christ's. Heek His glory while yet you live, and let your light so shine, as to honor the cause you have espous- ed, to advance the salvation of your fellow- sinners, who are yet '' in the gall of bitter- ness and bond of iniquity/^ and to promote the praise of Him, who called you from dark- ness to light for the very purpose, plucking, you as ^'a brand from tlie burning.^' But, perhaps, yoii^ who read these lines of exhortation, dictated l)y an affi ctionate wish to do you good — forever ! — are even yet lying under the condemnation of God's broken law, and are still unreconciled to Him. My friend your state is hazardous beyond your conception. There may be but a step between you and dea h. You witness fellow- sinners hurried by a judicial sentence of man to eternity — Oh, consider ! already the man- date of your Judge may have gone forth; ^'this ni^ht thyroid maybe required ofTiiKh:.^^ Should it be the case, and you have no fur- ther reprieve, how will you appear before God ! Time, talents, privileges, warnings, advice, exhortations and instructions have been all wasted upon you. God has called, and you have refused Him a hearing. His ministers have called, and you have disregard- ed their entreaties. Your own conscience has called, but you have stifled her voice. May God in mercy grant, that you be not found impenitent, when He summons you away ! 1 have done. MEDITATIONS SELECTED FROM THE WORKS OF THE REV. JOHN FLAVEL. HUSBANDRY SPIRITUALIZED. Upon the early singing of birds. HOW am I reproved of sluggishness by these watchful birds ! which cheerfully entertain the very dawning of the morning with their cheerful and delightful warblings ! They set their little spirits all at work betimes, whilst my nobler spirits are bound with the bonds of soft and downy slumbers. For shame, my soul ! suffer not that publican sleep to seize so much of thy time, yea, thy best and freshest time ; reprove and chide thy sluggish body, as a good bishop once did, when, upon the same occasion, he said, The early chirping sparrows may reprove, Such lazy bishops as their beds do love. Of many sluggards it may be said, as Tully said of Verres, the deputy of Sicily, that he never saw the sun rising, being in bed after, nor setting, being in bed before. It is pity that Christians, of all men, should suffer sleep to cut such large thongs out of so narrow a hide, as their time on earth is. But, alas ! it is not so much early rising, as a wise improving those fresh and free hours with God, that will enrich the soul ; else, as cur 10 114 proverb saith, *Zf man may be early iip^ and never the nearer ; yea, far better it is to be found in bed sleeping, than to be up doing nothing, or that which is worse than nothing. O my soul! learn to prepossess thyself every morning with the thoughts of God, and suffer not those fresh and sweet operations of thy mind to be prostituted to earthly things ; for that is experimentally true, which one, in this case, hath pertinently observed, that if the world get the start of religion in the morning, it will be hard for religion to over- take it all the day after. Upon the haltering of birds^ with a grain of hair. OBSERVINGr, in a snowy season, how the poor hungry birds were haltered and drawn in by a grain of hair cunningly cast over their heads, whilst, poor creatures, they were busily feeding, and suspected no danger; and even whilst their companions were drawn away from them, one after another, all the in- terruption it gave the rest, was only for a minute or two, w hilst they stood peeping into that hole through which their companions w ere drawn, and then fell to their meat again as busily as before ; I could not chuse but say, ^^Kven thus surprisingly doth death ^^steal upon the children of men, whilst they ^^are wholly intent upon the cares and plea- ^^sures of this life, not at all suspecting its so *^near approach/^ These birds saw not the hand that ensnared them, nor do they see the 113 hand of death plucking them one after anoth- er into the grave. *' Death's steps as swift, and yet no noise it makes ; "Its hand unseen, but yet most surely takes." And even as the surviving birds for a little time seemed to stand affrighted, peeping after their companions, and then as busy as ever to their meat again : just so it fares with the careless, inconsiderate world, who see others daily dropping into eternity round about them, and for the present are a little startled, and will look into the grave after their neighbors, and then fall as busily to their earthly employ- ments and pleasures again, as ever, till their own turn comes. 1 know, my God, that I must die as well as others ; but O let me not die as others do, let me see death before I feel it, and conquer it before it kill me ; let it not come as an enemy upon my back, but rather let me meet it as a friend, half way. l)ie 1 must, but let me lay up that good treasure before 1 go, carry with me a good conscience, and leave behind me a good example when I am gone, and then let death come, and welcome. Upon the strange means of preserving the life of vegetables. I OBSERV^E that plants and herbs are sometimes killed by frost, and yet without frost they would neither live nor thrive : they are sometimes drowned with water, and yet without water they cannot subsist j They are 116 refreshed and cheered by the heat of the sun^ and yet that sun sometimes kills and scorches them up. Thus lives my soul : Troubles and afflictions seem to kill all its comforts; and yet without these, its comforts could not live. The sun-blasts of prosperity sometimes re- fresh me, and yet those sun-blasts are the likeliest way to wither me: By what seem- iiig contradictions is the life of ray spirit pre- served ! what a mystery, what a paradox is the life of a Christian. Welcome, my health, this sickness makes me well. Med'cines adieu. When with diseases I have list to dwell, FU wish for you. Welcome, my strength, this weakness makes nie able. Pov/ers adieu. When I am weary grown of standing stable, I'll wish for you. Welcome, my wealth, this loss hath gained me more. Riches adieu. When 1 again grow greedy to be poor, Fll wish for you. Welcome, my credit, this disgrace is glory. Honors adieu. When for renown and fame I shall be sorry, Fll wish for you. Welcome content, this sorrow is my joy. Pleasures adieu. When I desire such griefs as may annoy, Fll wish for you. 117 BTealth, strength^ and riches, credit and con- tent, Arc spared best sometimes when Ihey are spent. Sickness and weakness, loss, disgrace and sorrow, Lend most sometimes, when most they seem to borrow. And if by these contrary a^ad improbable ways the Lord preserves our souls in life, no marvel then we find such strange and seem- ingly contradictory motions of our hearts, un- der the various dealings of God with us, and are still restless, in what condition soever he puts us ; whicli restless frame was excellently expressed in that pious epigram of the rever- end Gataker, made a little before his death, I thirst for thirstiness, I weep for tears, Well pleasM I am to be displeased thus : The only thing 1 fear, is want of fears, Suspecting 1 am not suspicious, I cannot chuse but live, because I die ; And when I am not dead, how glad am I ? Yet when 1 am thus glad for sense of pain. And careful am, lest I should careless be ; Then do I grieve for being glad again. And fear, lest carefulness take care for me. Amidst these restless thoughts this rest I find, Jfor those that rest not here, there'sr resfc behind. 1£8 Upo7i the love of a dog to his master. HOW many a weary step, through mire and dirt, hath this poor dog followed my horse's heels to day, and all this for a poor reward ? for all he gets by it at night (is of- tentimes by thoughtless servants) being drove away with kicks, blows and bones, yet he will not leave my company, but is content upon such hard terms, to travel with me from day to day. O my soul ! what conviction and shame may this leave upon thee, who art oftentimes^ even weary of following thy master, Christ, whose rew ards and encouragements of obedi- ence are so incomparably sweet and sure ! I cannot beat back this dog from following me, but every inconsiderable trouble is enough to discourage me in the way of my duty, iiea- dy I am to resolve as that scribe did. Matt, viii. 19. ^^ Master, I will follow^ thee whither- <^^soever thou goest;'' but how doth my heart faulter, w hen I must encounter with the diffi- culties of the way? Oh! let me make a whole heart- choice of Christ for my portion and hap- piness ! and then I shall never leave him, nor turn back from following him, though the present difSculties w ere much more, and the present encouragements much less. Upon the catching of a horse in a fat pas- ture. WHEN this horar^was kept in poor short lees^ where he had much scope, but little grass, how gentle and tractable was he then? He 119 would not only stand quiet to be taken, but come to band of his own accord, and follow ine up and down the field for a crust of breads or handful of oats ; but since I turned him into this fat pasture, he comes no more to me, nor will suffer me to come near him, but throws up his heels wantonly against me, and fliea from me, as if I was rather his enemy than benefactor. In this I behold the carriage of my own heart towards God, who the more he hath done for me, the seldomer doth he hear from me ; in a low and afflicted state, how tractable is my heart to duty? Then it comes to the foot of God voluntarily. But in an exalted condition, how wildly doth my heart turn from God and duty ? With this ungrate-^ ful requital God faulted his own people, Jer. iii. 1. teachable and tractable in the wilder^ ness, but when fatted in that rich pasture of Canaan, "Then we are lords, we will come "no more to thee.^^ How soon are all God^s former benefits forgotten ? And how often is that ancient observation verified, even in his own people ? " No sooner do we gifts on some bestow, " But presently our gifts grej-headed grow." But that is a bad tenant, that will maintain a suit at law against his landlord with his own rent ; and a bad heart, that will fight against God with his own mercies^. 1 wish it may be with my heart, as it is reported to be with the waters in the kingdom of Congo, that are never so sweet to the taste, as when the tide is at the highest. 120 Upon the hard Labor and cruel Usage of Beasts. When under loads, your beasts do groan, think then How great a mercy 'tis that you are men. OBSERVATION. THOUGH some men are very careful and tender over their beasts ; yet others are cruel and merciless towards them, not regard- ing how they ride or burden them. How oftea have I &tt\\ them fainting under their loads,, wrought off their legs, and turned out with galled backs, into the fields or high-ways to shift for a little grass; many times I have heard and pitied them, groaning under unrea- sonable burdens, and beaten on by merciless drivers, till at last, by such cruel usage, they have been destroyed. APPLICATION. Such sights as these should make us thankful for the mercy of our creation, and bless our bountiful Creator, that we were not made such creatures. Man was made for nobler ends, created lord of the lower world ; not to serve, but to be served by other creatures ; a mercy that should melt the hardest heart into thankful- ness. I remember, Luther pressing men to be thankful, that they are not brought into the lowest condition of creatures, and to bless God that they can see any creature below themselves, gives us a famous instance iu the .following story: Two Cardinals p saith he^ 121 riding in a great deal of pomp to the council of Constance, by the way they heard a man in the fields, weeping and wailing bitterly ; they rode to him, and ask'd him what he ailed ? Perceiving his eye intently fixed upon an ugly toad, he told them that his heart melt- ed with the consideration of this mercy, that God had not made him sue!) a deformed and loathsome creature, being formed out of the same clay : this is that w hich makes me w eep bitterly. Whereupon one of the Cardinals observed, the unlearned will rise and take heaven, when we with all our learning shall be thrust into ^^ outer darkness. ^^ That w hich melted the heart of this poor man, should melt every heart when we behold the misery to which these poor creatures are sub- jected. And this w^ill appear a mercy of no slight consideration, if we but draw a com- parison betwixt ourselves and these irrational creatures, in these three particulars. i. Though they and we were made of the same mould and clay, j'et how much better hath God dealt with us, even as to the outward man ? The structure of our bodies is much more excellent ; God made other good crea- tures by a word of command, but man by counsel ; it was not, Be thou, but, Let lis make man. We might have been made stones without sense, or beasts without reason, but we were made men. The noble structure and symmetry of our bodies invites our souls not only to thankfulness but admiration. Galen gave Epicurus one year's time to im- agine a more commodious situation^ configura- 1^2 tion, or composition of any one part of a hu- man body ; and (as one saith) if all the angels in heaven had studied to this day, they could not have cast the body of man into a more curious mould, 3. In reference to beasts, oftentimes they have little rest or ease, and live but a few years, and those they do, are in bondage and misery, groaning under the effects of others sin ; but God liath provided better for us, even as to our outward condition in the world ; we have the more rest, because they have so little. How many refreshments and comforts hath God provided for us, of which they are uncapable ? If we be weary with labor, we can take our rest ; but fresh or weary, they must stand to it, or sink under it from day to day, 3. What a narrow capacity hath God given to beasts ! What a large capacity to man ! they only are capable of a little sensitive pleasure, by a little frisking in a green pas- ture, which is all they are capable of : but how comprehensive are our souls in their capacities ? being made in the image of God, and thereby can look beyond present things, capable of the highest happiness, and that to all eternity. The soul of a beast is but a material form, and dies with the body ; but our souls are a divine spark, and subsists even in its separate state. 4. To reflect, how great a sin is ingratitude to God, for such a common, but choice mercy of creation and provision for us in this world? 123 There is no creature made worse by kindness, but man. Kven the beasts acknowledge in their way their benefactors ; ^' The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib/' &c. O that we might consider seriously what the higher and more excellent end of our creation is, and endeavor to live up to it. If other- wise it will be worse with us than the beasts, though they are under bondage and misery, it is but for a short time, death will ease them of tlieir burdens, but we shall suJQTer (unless we repent) a heavier burden than ever they felt, having no account to give. 5. But those who devote their lives in grat- itude and thankfulness, their ascriptions will ascend in the presence of God, for the many mercies they receive ; for the light and knowl- edge of the great things of the gospel, which gives them a hope of inconceivable glory and felicity in the world to come. THE POEM. WHEN I behold a tired horse put on With whip and spur, till all his strength be gone: See streams of sweat run down his bleeding sides. How little mercy's shewn by him who rides. If I more thankful to my God would prove Than such a rider merciless, 'twill move My soul to praise : For who sees this, and can But bless the Lord that he was made a man. And such a sight the rider ought to move This meditation duly to improve. W^hat hath this creature done, that he should be Thus beaten, wounded, and tir'd out by me ? He is my fellow-ereatnre ; 'tig mere grace I had not been in his, he in my case. Ungratefu^l, stupid man ! God might have made Me bear the saddle, as I see this jade. He never sinn'd, but for my sin doth lie Subjected unto all this misery. Xiord, make my heart relent, that I should be To thee more useless, than my horse to me : He did his utmost, went as long as ever His legs could bear him ; but for me, I never Thus spent my strength for God, but oft have been Too prodigal thereoHn ways of sin. Though he's tlie horse, and I the man, 'twill be Far better with my horse one day than me : Unless thy grace prevent and superadd A new creation unto that I had. Could every rider fix a serious thought On such a subject, and be hereby taught To spiritualize it, and improve it thus ; How sweet would tedious journeys be to us I But such a task, a graceless heart tires out, More than the tired horse 1 write about. NAVIGATION SPIRITUALIZED, VARIED. CHAP. I. In the vast ocean spiritual eyes descry God's boundless mercy and eternity. OBSERVATION. THE ocean is of a vast extent and depth, though supposedly measurable, yet not to be sounded by man. It compasseth about the whole earth, which, in the account of geog- raphers, is twenty-one thousand and six hun- dred miles in compass ; yet the ocean envi- rons it on every side. Tlie poet observes, He spread the sea, which when he did command, To swell with winds, and compass round the land. And for its depth, who can discover it ? Th^ sea in scripture is called the deep. The gathering together of the waters in one place. Gen. i. 9. If the vastest mountain were cast into it, it would appear no more than the head of a pin in a ton of water. APPLICATION. This, in a lively manner, shows forth the infinite and incomprehensible mercy of our God, which is said to be over all his works. High as the heavens above the earth, which are so high and vast, that the whole earth is but a small point to them. His mercies (like the depth of the sea) can swallow up moun- 11 126 tains as well as mole hills ; refer to the scrip- tures respecting Manasseh^ Paul^ and many others. It has invited fornicators, idolaters, covetous, drunkards, those to whom the spirit of God aims at, if they will submit to the terms, on which his mercy is tendered. In the vastness of the ocean, we have also a lively emblem of eternity. Who can com- prehend or measure the ocean but God ? And who can comprehend eternity, but He that is said to inhabit it ? Though shallow rivers may be drained and dried up, yet the ocean cannot. And though these transitory days, months, and years will at last expire, and determine ; yet eternity shall not. O ! it is a long word ! and amazing matter ! what is eternity, but a constant permanency of persons and things, in one and the same state and condition for ever ; putting them beyond all possibility of change ? The heathens used to compare it by a circle, or a snake twisted round. It will be therefore to us all, either a perpetual day or night, which cannot be measured, so neithef can it be diminished. When thousands of years are gone, there is not a minute lesa to come. Drexelius illus- trates it by this similitude : Suppose^ a bird was to come once in a thousand years to some vast mountain of sand, and carry away in her bill one sand in a thousand years ; O what a vast time would it be e'er that immortal bird, after that rate, should carry off the mountain ! and yet in time it may be done, for there would be some diminution ; but in eternity there can be none. Also, in time there is a 127 succession^ one generation, year and day passeth, and another comes. In time there is an alteration of condition and states, but not so in eternity. In this world, a man may be poor to-day, and rich to-morrow ; sickly and diseased this week, and well the next ; now in honour, but soon in contempt. But no change passes upon us in eternity. As the tree falls at death, so it lies for ever. If in heaven, there thou art a pillar ; if other- wise, misery will be the consequence. REFLECTION. And is the mercy of God like the great deep, an ocean that none can fathom ? What unspeakable comfort is this to me? may the pardoned soul say. Did Israel rejoice when the Lord destroyed their corporeal enemies in the seas ? And shall I not break forth into his praises, who hath drowned all my sins in the depth of mercy ? O my soul, bless the Lord, and let his l.igh praises ever be in thy mouth, O my God, who is like unto thee ! that pardoneth iniquity, transgression, and sin. What mercy, but the mercy of a God could cover such abominations as mine ? But O ! what serious reflections will con- science make from hence, upon all despisers of mercy, when the sinner's eyes comes to be opened too late for mercy, to do them good ! We have (say they) heard, that the king of heaven was a merciful king, but wc would make no address to him, whilst that sceptre was stretched out. We heard of balm in Gilead, and a physician there; that was able 128 and willing to cure all our wounds, but we would not commit ourselves to him. We read, that the arms of Christ were open to embrace and receive us, hut we would not* O unparalleled folly ! O soul- destroying mad- ness ! now the womb of mercy is shut up, and shall bring forth no more mercies for me for even Now the gates of grace are shut^ and no cries can open them. Mercy acted its part, and has quitted the stage ; and now justice enters the scene, and will be for ever glorified upon me. How often did I hear the bowels of compassion sounding in the gospel. for me ! But my im- penitent heart would not relent ; but it is now too late, I am now past out of the ocean of mercy, into the ocean of eternity, and shall never hear the voice of mercy more. O dreadful eternity ! O soul-confounding word ! An ocean indeed, to which this ocean is but a drop ; for in thee no soul shall see either bank or bottom. If I lie but one night under strong pain of body, how tedious doth that night seem ! And how do 1 countthe dock and v/ish for day ! In the world 1 might have had life but would not. And now, how fain would I have death but cannot ? How quick were my sins in execution ? And how long is their punishment in duration. Oh that God would but vouchsafe one treaty more ! But alas ! all treaties are now at an end with me. Therefore my soul now con- slider these things, and let us debate this iiiatter seriously; before we launch out into this ocean. 1SQ THE POEM. Who from some liigh-rais'd tower views tlie ground, His heart doth tremble, and his head goes round ; Even so my soul, whilst it doth view and think On this eternity, upon whose brink It borders, stands amaz'd, and doth cry, O boundless ! bottomless eternity ! The scourge of hell, whose very lash doth rend Unhappy souls in twain : What ! never end ? The more thereon they ponder, think, and pore, The more, poor wretches, still they cry and roar. Ah ! though more years in torments we should lie. Than sands are on the shores, or in the sky Are twinkling stars ; yet this gives some relief I The hope of ending. Ah ! but here's the grief ! A thousand years in torments past and gone^ Ten thousand more afresh are coming on ; And when these thousands all their course have run, The end's no more than when it first begun. Come then, my soul, let us discourse together This weighty point, and tell me plainly whether You for these short-liv'd joys, that come and go^ Will plunge yourself and me in endless woe. Resolve the question quickly, do not dream More time away. Lo, in an hasty stream We swiftly pass, and shortly we shall be Ingulphed both in this eternity. CHAP. II. The geamen's greatest danger's near the coast, When we are nearest heav'n, the danger's most* OBSERVATION. THOUGH seamen meet with violent atorms; yet if tbey have sea-room enougV they are not fearful : but if they find them- selves near the shore^ they look upon their situation very hazardous : the sight of the shore is to them, like the shadow of death; if not able to weather it. APPLICATfOiV. The greatest difficulties that many saints meet with in all their lives, is when they eome nearest to heaven, and have almost fin- ished their course. Heaven indeed is a glo- rious place, the spacious, and royal mansions of the great King — having a straight and narrow entrance — O the difficulty of arriving there ! how many hard tugs in duty^ what earnest contention and striving, evea to an agony ! Multitudes, however, put forth, and by profession are bound for this^air haven : but of the multitudes that put out, hov*^ few do arrive there ? A man may set out by a glorious profession, with much resolution, he may offer very fair for it, and npt be far from the kingdom of God, and yet not be able to enter at last, Matthew vii. S3. Yea many of those who are sincere, and do arrive at last^ yet come to heaven with much difficulty, and put in, as a poor weather-beat- en vessel comes into the harbour, more like a wreck, than a ship, neither mast nor sail left. But then there are others who go in with full sail before the wind, and have an abundant entrance : going triumphing out of the world. Ah ! when we arrive at the narrow channel, the soul then is in the most serious frame, all ihings look with a new face ; conscience 131 scans over our evidence most critically, re- flections arise as to our pa^st conduct through life. REFLECTION. If this be so, how inevitable is my perdi- tion, may the careless soul say ! If they who strive so much, and go so far, yet perish at last ; and if the righteous are scarcely saved, then where shall such an ungodly creature as I appear. If they who have made religion their business, and pursuing a work of morti- fication, and walking humbly with God : yet if some of these have such a hard tug at last, then what will become of such a vain, careless, flesh-pleasing wretch as I have been? Again, if saints find it so straight an entrance. Then, though I have a well grounded hope of a safe arrival at last, yet let me look to it, that I do not increase the difficulty. Ah ! they are the things, that are now done or omitted, that put conscience into such an agony then, O my soul now beware of sin, as it may occasion my death bed full of thorns, when £ come to lie down in it, or rather let me say with Hezekiah, *^ Remember now, O Lord, how 1 have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart/^ THE POEM. After a tedieus passage, saints descry The glorious shore, salvation being nigh • _ Death's long-boat's lauriehM, jeady to set ashore Their panting souls ; O how they lug at oar. Longing to be at rest : but then they find The hardest tug of all is yet behind. Just at the liarbour^s mouth they see the wreck Of souls there east away, and driven back. A world of dang'rous rocks before them lie ; The harbour's barr'd, and now the wind blows high : Thoughts now arise^ fears multiply apace ; All things now about them have another face. Life blazes, just like an expiring light, The soul's upon the lip preparM for flight. Death, till the resurrection, tears and rends, Out of each other's arms, two parting friends, The soul and body. Ah ! but more thaji so Satan falls upon them e're they go, With new temptations, back'd with althis power ! And scruples kept on purpose for that hour. This is the last encounter, now, or never ; If he succeedeth now, they're gone for ever. Thus in they put, with hardships at the last, As ships out of a storm, nor sails, nor mast : Yet some go in before a wind, and have Their streamer of assurance flying brave. Lord give me easier entrance, if thou please; Or if I may not there arrive with ease, Yet I beseech thee, set me safe ashore, Tho' stormy winds at harbour's mouth should roar. CHAP. in. How glad are seamen when they make the shore ? And saints, no less, when all their danger's o'er. OBSERVATION. WHAT joy is there among seamen^ vvheia at last, after a tedious and dangerous voyage, they descry land, and see the desired haven before them ? Then they turn out of their loathed cabinS; and come on deck, address 133 their sliipmaLtes in their usual phrase^ What cheer ho P rejoicing that their perilous fears are at an end. They can now reflect with comfort on the many dangers they have escaped*' APPLICATION. But O what a transcendent joy, yea, rav- ishing, will over-run the hearts of saints, when, after so many conflicts, temptations, and afliictions, they arrive in glory, and are harboured in heaven, where they shall rest for ever ! The scripture saith, ^^They shall sing the song of Moses, and of the Lamb.^^ The song of Moses was a triumphant song, composed for the celebration of that glorious deliverance at the Red Sea. The saints are now fluctuating upon a troublesome and tem- pestuous sea ; their hearts sometimes ready to sink, and die within them, at the appre- hension of so many and great dangers and difficulties. Many a hard storm they ride out, and many straits and troubles they here encounter with, but at last they arrive at their desired and long expected haven, and then heaven rings and resounds m ith their joyful acclamations. And how can it be otherwise, when as soon as ever they set foot upon that glorious shore, Christ himself meets and re- ceives them, with a ^^ Come ye blessed of my FsLther.*^ O joyful voice ! O much desired word ! saith Paraeus, what tribulation would not a man undergo for this word's sake ! Besides, then they are perfectly freed from all evils; whether of sia or suffering, a,nd 131^ perfectly filled with all desired good. Now they shall join with the great assembly^ in the high praises of God. O what a day will this be ! if, said a worthy divine, Diagoras died away with an excess of joy, whilst he em- braced his three sons that were crowned as victors in the Olympic games in one day : and good old Simeon, when he saw Christ but in a body subject to the infirmities of our nature, cried out, '^ Now let thy servant de- part in peace ; what unspeakable joy will it be to the saints, to behold Christ in his glory, and see their godly relations also (to whose conversion, perhaps, they have been instru- mental) all crowned, in one day, with ever- lasting diadems of bliss ! and if the stars did, " as Ignatius saith, make a^ choir, as it were, about that star that appeared at Christ's in- carnation, and there is such joy in heaven at the conversion of a sinner; no wonder, then, the morning stars sing together, and the sons of God shout for joy, when the general as- sembly meet in heaven : O how will the arches of heaven ring, and echo, when the high praises of God shall be in the mouths of such a congregation ! then shall the saints be joyful in glory, and sin'g aloud upon their beds of everlasting rest. REFLECTION. And is there such a day approaching for the sons of God, indeed ! and have 1 author- ity to call myself one of the number! O then let me not droop at present difficulties^ nor hang down my hands when 1 meet with 135 hardships in the way. O my soul, what a joyful day will this be ! for at present we are tossed upon an ocean of troubles, fears and temptations ; but these will make heaven the sweeter. Cheer up, then, O my soul, thy salvation is now nearer than when thou first believedst, and it will not now be long e're I receive the end of my faith, and then it will be sweet to reflect even upon these hardships in the way. Yet a few days more, and then comes that blessed day thou hast so long waited and panted for. Oppose the glory of that day, O my soul, to thy present abuses and suffer- ings, as blessed Paul did, and thou shalt see how it will shrink them all up to nothing ; oppose the inheritance thou shalt receive in that day, to thy losses for Christ now; and see how joyfully it will make thee bear them, oppose the honour that will be put upon thee in that day, to thy present reproaches, and see how easy it will make them to thee. What condition can 1 be in, wherein the be- lieving thoughts of this blessed day cannot relieve me ? Am I poor, here is that which answers poverty. '^ Hearken, my beloved brethren, hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom?'' Am 1 tempted ? here is relief against that, ^^ Now is come salvation and strength; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down.'^ Am I deserted ? Here is a remedy for that too, ^^And there shall be no night there/' 136 Come then, my soul^ let us enter upon our inheritance by degrees^ and begin the life of heaven upon earth. THE POEM. WHEN Solomon in Israel first was king, Heav'n*s arches, earth's foundations, seem'd to ring AVith joyful acclamations ? How much more Will heav'n resound, when saints are come a-shore i How will the ravish'd souls transported be At the first glimpse of Christ ! whom they shall see In all his glory ; and shall live, and move, Like salamanders, in the fire of love. A flood of tears convey'd them to the gate Where endless joys receiv'd them. Now the date Of all their sorrow's out ; henceforth they walk In robes of glory. Now there's no more talk Of fears, temptations, of that snare, or this: No serpent in this paradise doth hiss. No more desertions, troubled thoughts, or tears ; Christ's full enjoyment supersedes those fears. Delights of princes' courts are all but toys To these delights, these are traseendent joys, The joys of Christ himself; of what they are. An angel's tongue would stammer to declare. Were our conceptions clear, did their tongues go Unto their Ela, yet the note's too low. What I paint the sun too bright ! it cannot be; Sure heaven suffers no hyperbole. My thoughts are swailow'd up, my muse doth tire, And hang her wings, conception soars no higher* , Give me a place among thy children there. Although I lie with them in dungeons here. 137 CHAP. IV. Look at the sea by turns, doth ebb and flow j So their estates, that use it, come and go. What dangers seamen run for Uttle gains, Who, for their souls, would ne'er take half the pains I OBSERVATION. THE sea hath its alternate course and mo- tioa, its ebbings and flowings ; no sooner is it high water, but it begins to ebb again, and leave the shore naked and dry, which but a little be- fore, it covered and overflovired. And as its tides, so also its waves are the emblems of in- constancy, still rolling and tumblings this way and that^ never fixed and quiet. APPLICATION. Thus unstable and inconstant are all out- ward things, there is no depending on them, nothing of any substance, or any solid con- sistence in them. Riches often make to themselves wings and fly aw^ay as an eagle to^ wards heaven. In flying to us, saith saint Augustine, they have scarce a sparrow's wings, but in flying from us, wings as an eagle. We are all subject to vanity by sin, the scrip, tures saith. As the flowers of the grass, so shall the rich man fade away. Many a man out- lives his estate and honour, and stands in the world as a bare dry stalk in the field, whose IS 138 flower, beauty and brandies are gone^, one pnJBF of wind l>i«)v\s it away^ one churlish easterly blast shrivels it up. How mad a thing is it, then, for any man to be lifted up in j.ride, upon such a vanity as this is^ — to build so lofty an overjetting a roof, upon such a feeble, tottering foundation? None have more frequent experience of this, than you that are merchants, and seamen, whose estates are floating ; and yet such as have had the highest security in the eye of reason, have, notv^ ithstaudingj experienced the vanity of these things. History likewise informs us, Henry the 4th, a potent prince, was so reduced that he petitioned for a prebend^s place in the church of Spire. Gallimer, king of the Van- dals, was brought so low that he sent to his friend for a sponge to dry up his tears, a loaf of bread to maintain his life, and an harp to sidace himself in his misery. The story of Bellisaritis is very affecting, a man famous in his time, general of an army, yet having his eyes put out, and stripped of all earthly com- forts, was led through the streets crying, ^' Give one penny to poor Bellisarius.^' Men therefore of the greatest estates and honour, have nevertheless become the very scorn of fortune. Oh then ! what a folly is it, to set the lieart^ and let out the afi'ections^n them. REFLECTION. If the creature therefore is so vain and tan- stable — then why are our affecti(Uis so hot and eager after it, and doat upon its beauty ? 139 Inay our spirits therefore be raised above them, and uur conversation more in Heaven — As the angel from thence, having one foot oa the sea, and another on the earth, having a crown upon his head — May we therefore set one foot u[)on all the cares, fears, and terrors of the world, and another upon all the tempt- ing s[)lendor and glory of it, treading both under foot in the dust, and crowning ourselves with nothing but spiritual excellencies and glory. THE POEM. Judge in thyself O Christian ! is it meet To set thy heart on what beasts set their feet ? ^Tis no hyperbole, if you be told, You dig for dross, with mattocks made of gold. Affections are too costly to bestow Upon such fair fac'd nothings here below. The eagle scorns to fall down from on high, (The proverb saith) to catch the silly fly : And can a Christian leave the face of God, T' embrace the earth, or doat upon a clod ? Can earthly things thy heart so strangely move, To tempt it down from the delights above ; Like thoughtless seamen who their cabins sweep And trim, when all is sinking in the deep : Or like the silly bird, that to her nest Doth carry straws, and never is at rest, Till it be feather'd well, but doth not see The axe beneath, that's hewing down the tree.. If on a thorn thy heart itself repose With such delight, what if it were a rose ? Admire O saint, the wisdom of thy God, Who of the self same tree doth make a rod, Lest thou should surfeit on forbidden fruit. And live not like a saint, but like a brute. 140 CHAP. V. Tho' many fears and dangers seamen run, Yet all's forgotten when they do return. A little leak neglected, dangerous proves : One sin connived at, the soul undoes. OBSERVATION. THE smallest leak, if not timely discovered and stopt, is enough to sink a ship of the great- est burden : therefore seamen frequently try what water is in the hold ; and if they find it fresh, and increasing upon them, they ply the pump, and set the carpenters to search for it and stop it, and till it be discovered they can- not be quiet. APPLICATION. What such a leak is to a ship, is similar to the smallest sin neglected to the soul ; it is enough to ruin it eternally. No sin, though ever so small is tolerated by the pure and per- feet law of (rod, which extends to all our words, thoughts, actions and affections : lay- ing a restraint upon them all, conniving at no evil in any man. And as the word gives no allowance for the least sin, so it is the very nature of sincerity and uprightness, to set the heart against every way of wickedness, and especially that sin which so easily besets us ; (as the philosopher observes) Sin is of the whole kind j those who hate sin, as sin, and 141 so (loth every upright soul, hate all sins as well as some. Again, the soul that hath experienced a sight of Christ and a discovery of the evil of sin, in the glass both of tbe law and gospel, can account no sin small. He knows the de- merits of tbe smallest sin is God's displeasure, and that not the least sin can be remitted, without the application of the blood of Christ. To conclude, God's people know, that little, as well as great sins, are dangerous, deadly and destructive in their own nature ; a little poisoa will destroy a man. Adrian was choaked with a gnat. Caesar was stabbed with bodkins, Adam's sin, (many suppose) was not great — but the scripture informs us what dreadful work it made ! not as a single bullet to kill himself only, but as a chain-shot, which cut off all his poor posterity. Indeed, no sin can be little, because its object, against whom it may be committed, is so great, whence it re- ceives a kind of infiniteness in itself, and be- cause the price paid to redeem us from it, is so invaluable. REFLECTION. And is the smallest sin not only destructive in its own nature, but will certainly prove the ruin of that soul that hides and covers it* Look to it then, O my soul, that no sin be in- dulged by thee — let me never say of any sin as Lot did to Zoar, <^ It is a little one spare it.'' if our hearts are right, and our con- versation sound, that lust, whatever it be, that IS* 14S is so favoured by me, would be abhorred, and hated. Whatever my convictions and refor- mation have been, yet if there be but one sin retained, and delighted in, this keeps Satan's interest still in my soul, and though for a time he seems to depart, yet at last he will return with seven worse spirits ; and this is the sin that will open the door to him, and deliver up my soul ; therefore let me make thorough work of it ; let me cut it off, and pluck it out, though it be as a right hand, or e^Ct To come so near the kingdom of God, and yet to stick at so small a matter, and lose all for the indulge ing of one sin ; let me rather shed the blood of the dearest lust* for his sake who shed his dearest blood for me. THE POEM. There's many a soul eternally undone For sparing sin because a little one. But we are much deceived ; no sin is small, That wounds so great a God, so dear a soul. Yet say it were, the smallest penknife may, As well as sword, or lance, despatch and slay. And shall so small a matter part and sever Christ and thy soul ? What ! make you part for ever ? Or wilt thou stand on toys with him, when he Deny'd himself in greatest things for thee ? Or will it be an ease in hell to think How easily thy soul therein did sink ? Are Christ and hell for trifles sold and bought ? Strike souls with trembling, Lord, at such a thought ; By little sins belov'd, the soul is lost, Unless such sins do great repentance cost* 143 Of all the dreadful works of God, we find No metaphors to paint a troubled mind. 'Tis like the raging sea that casts up mire, Or like to ^tna breathing smoke and fire ; O conscience ! who can stand before thy power. Endure thy gripes, and twinges but an hour ? Stone, gout, strappado, racks, whatever is Dreadful to sense, is but a toy to this. No pleasures, riches, honours, friends, can tell How to give ease : In this 'tis like to hell. Call for the pleasant timbrel, lute and harp ; Alas ! the music howls, the pains too sharp For these to charm, divert, or lull asleep : These cannot reach it, no, the wound's too deep. Let all the promises before it stand, And set a Barnabas at its right hand, These in themselves no comfort can afford, 'Tis Christ, and none but Christ, can speak the word. And he no sooner speaks, but all is still. The storm is over, and the mind tranquil. CHAP. VI. Concluding SpeecJi. I have now done and am looking to heaven for a blessing upon these labours ; what use you will make of them 1 know not ; you, however, are accountable for this, and all other helps and means afforded you ; and if they are not thus improved, they will be produced as a wit- ness against you. Therefore I request you all, both officers and common men, and all others, into whose hands this shall come, that you will lay to heart what you read. Alas ! 144 if yon apply it not to yourselves, 1 have la- bouied to no purpose ; the pen of the scribe is in vain, but God may make such an applica- tion of them in a storm, as may make your heiirts to tremble. O sirs ! when death and eternity look you in the face, conscience may reflect upon these things to your horror and amazement, and then cause you to reflect, " Hov^ have 1 hated knowledge, and have not " obeyed the voice of my teacher.'* But if the Lord shall bless these things to your conver- sion^ then 1 may say to you, as Moses said to the mariner's tribe — Hejoice Zebulun in thy going out : The Lord be with you, which way soever you go ; and being thus in the bosom of the covenant, you are safe in the midst of all dangers : O thou who art the Father of spirits, who formedst and canst easily reform the heart, open thou the blind eye, unstop the deaf ear, let the word take hold upon the hearty if thou wilt but say the word, these weak la- hours shall prosper, to bring home many lost souls unto ihee. Amen. MEDITATIONS. SELECTED FROM THE CHRISTIAN MONITOR. FIRST. Our Father. Matt. vi. 9. HERE is the whole gospel in one word. Our father in heaven loves us his children, and provides for our happiness, and directs by his providence the course of our education. The gospel contains the messages and warnings of his parental grace ; and they were sent by his well beloved son. But there are some who abuse the goodness of God, and, from the abounding of his grace, are encouraged to con- tinue in sin. Others live without God, and others disregard him ! Distressful impiety ! Children of disobedience, take warning ; con- sider that God is a lawgiver and judge as well as a father ; and if ye turn not at his reproof, and set at nought all bis counsel, he will mock when your fear cometh ; you shall call, but he will not answer ; you will seek, but not find. The same tribunal which pronoun- ces, Come ye blessed, will utter, Depart ye cursed. Full of prayers we beseech sinners to be reconciled to God, who waiteth to be gracious, but his spirit will not always strive with you. His goodness should lead us to re- pentance. Approach boldly the throne of his grace, that you may obtain both grace and help. 146 SECOND. How shall T do this ^reat icicJcedness avd sin against God P Gen. xxxix, lO. What tenderness of conscience, what roli- gions sefisihility. is exprei^setl in these words ! Powerful enticenient : but deprived of its whole influence b;y three words, God seeth me. With this thought the tremulous heart, like the needle to the pole, is turned speedily to thn point of reotitude. The religious man is a sure law to himself, No infiiuiity of nature, strength of temptation, nor sophistry of reason- ing, can seduce him to wilful disobedience. Joseph w as born of God ; he could not com- mit sin, for it was contrary to his spiritual na- ture. With constant jealousy let us watch ourselves, lest at any time God should not be in our thoughts, and so we displease and offend him by our deeds. When the inter- course of man with his maker is suspended, there is little security against the defilements of sin. Religion confers a fortitude and per- severance of mind which no adversary can prevailingly resist ; the good man, from the good treasuie of his heart, bringeth forth good things. ^' Walk before me : be thou perfect.^^ Here is an epitome of practical religion. If w^e obey this one precept, we shall obey every other; no temptation can wound us. Walk- ing in the presence of God we are in the sure road to perfection ; we shall go from weak- ness to strength; and from strength to glory. 147 THIRD. Gather up the fragments that nothing he lost. John vi, 12. Blessed Jesus ! how well do thy miracles comport with thy character^ and illustrate thy mercy. The eyes of the hungry wait on thee^ and thou givest them meat in due season ; thou stretchest forth the hand of thy power^ the bread multiplies^ the five loaves and two fishes become plenteousness. The multitude sit down at thy command^ and there is sufficient for every one. A miracle : it excites our as?, tonishment, and even extends the belief of many. But a like miracle is wrought every year. The grain we sow is multiplied; the bread is multiplied in the hands of the disci- ples who distributed it. The same omnipo- tence does both. Hut we read, Gathei* up the fragments, that nothing be lost. What need of this, when it is so easy to make loaves? I do not know. But this page in the gospel well agrees with the book of nature : for, amidst all the '' pro- fusions of divine bounty, (xod hatli so consti- tuted the world that there should be no waste, and there is none. He iveighed the dust and measured the water, when the worlil Wfis made ; so much of each. The same quaoHty still remains. The decayed leaves nourish tiie tree, from which they fell. Something ;;ath- ers up all fragments, and it is the voice nf hlai who made the world; ^ Let nothing be lost.^^^ 148 Husbands and housewives, be frugal. Let not the accusation, that you have wasted his goods, be preferred to the great husbandman in heaven* Nothing will contribute more to ease in living, than frugality. A second only may be required to pick up a corn, but a minute perhaps to raise one. With economy we may keep out of debt, live in plenty, enter- tain strangers, have our children clean and warm, and something left to assist a friend in troubles, and also to give a poor, sick neigh- bour. Though we labor six days with ever so much diligence, yet wastefulness will leave us nothing to eat on the seventh. Wasteful- ness is like the horseleech, crying, Give, give j but is never satisfied, nor says, It is enough. Reason, religion, self-interest, all say, Gather up the fragments. Be frugal of bread ; of money ; of time ; of strength ; of every thing ; and particularly economize with reason^ nor waste the powers of the mind in trifling contests, but reserve their best exertions to de- fend the truth, and especially that all compre- hensive truth; He that is wise, is wise for hira- self» FOURTH. Speak not evil one of another , irethren. James iv. H. No vice receives more countenance in socie- ty than evil speaking ; and yet no vice is more frequently checked by the genuine prin* 149 ciples of christian goodness. If I am humble^ I shall open my eyes to my own, and not my neighbour's defect. If I am charitable^ I shall hardly believe, much less utter, what I wish not true. If I am just^ I shall do to others what i would they should do to me, i. e. Be silent when they cannot commend. If we cannot save a man from infamy, O let us not assist in overwhelming him with disgrace. Perhaps he has repented of his sin. fehall 1 proclaim the disgrace of one, whom (rod has forgiven ? Let us remember a backsliding neighbour in our secret prayers to God, but forget him in the presence of men. That tongue w^hich blesses the Father, and confcHses Christ, ought never to utter an evil report. A brother, a sister, has fallen. A holy exam- ple will sooner reclaim, than bitter censure. Besides, if we shew no mercy, how shall we approach with the least confidence the throne of grace, and pray God to cover our trangres- sions ? Wherefore, lay aside all evil speak- ings. Judge not, that ye be not judged. FIFTH. Entreat the younger [^women^ as sisters, with all purity. 1 Tim. v. S. Have we any unchaste desires towards sis- ters ? No. We ought not to have any to- wards our female acquaintances and compan- ions, but treat them with respect and affection. 13 1 30 This behaviour indicates a cultivated mind, real liunianily, a christian spirit, moral dis- cernment, and delicacy, As sisters. We are friendly towards sis- tersj aflectionate, and attentive. The femp.le sex are entitled to a similar regard, and may justly demand a similar conversation. 1 am a young man. I will be the generous friend of every young woman with whom 1 have inter- course : take an interest in her pleasures and pains ; and adapt my behaviour to her condi- tion in life and mode of education. 1 will love her, and be desirous of her improvement and welfare. I will exercise the benevolent affections, and perform every needed act of kindness ; but heaven grant, that it may be with all purity ; that every sister may witness and applaud my chaste conversation, coupled with respect ; that no evil thoughts may pro- ceed out of my heart ; that I may never defile the temple of God. Let me ever esteem it the highest honor of character to protect female virtue ; to suggest no temptation which may endanger female innocence ; to extinguish every incentive to vice. Let no corrupt com- munication proceed from my mouth. May God preserve me, soul and body, undefiled, and cleanse me from all filthiness of flesh and spirit ! 151 SIXTH. liepant and be Forgiven. Repentance being a change of mind ac- companied by a change of conduct, and being most perfect when it proceeds from the fear of God, from our love to Him, and humble confi- dence in his mercy. It being most certain when it is followed by a change of conduct ; from viciousness to sobriety of manners ; from habitual sinfulness, to habitual righteousness of life. A man may be actuated through fear of punishment, and change his conduct from vice to virtue — this, however, does not imply such a change of mind as is essential to true repentance. When a man abstains from gross enormities, merely to preserve his character ; when he conceals his intemperance, pride, envy, malignity, and other evil propensities, merely to preserve his character from censure, and for the purpose of exhibiting a fair outside to the world : When a man fails in his busi- ness, and is of course in a state of insolvency, but in process of time (whether by the assistance of friends, or his own industry, or whatever time may have elapsed,) retrieves his losses, prospers in his affairs, so that he is enabled to pay in part^ his arrearages, with some interest, but withholds, or declines doing it, his heart is not right — the old man is not put off — his re- pentance is nothing. But when a man may commit sin with secrecy, and to all human tribu- nals with impunity ; when he may indulge his sensuality ; gratify his revenge ; feed his ma- lignity, &c. without endangering his health, 152 fame or fortune, and yet abstains from doing them, being fully persuaded that God loves him, and forbids nothing, but with a gracious design to preserve him from misery here and hereafter ; then his repentance is sincere ; his obedience a reasonable service, his heart is in a proper state of resignation, love and grati- fude towards the author of all good. SEVENTH. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed — and like unto leaven. Matt. xiii. 31, 33. How expansively has the christian faith been propagated ! That which was spoken first in the little province of Judea, was soon spread among the isles of the Grentiles. The gospel sound speedily extended into the families of Shem, Ham, and Japheth ; yes, it spread joy in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and disciples from the east and west sat down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. Since the primitive age, how many living thousands have reported the gospel narrative of grace, and how many more still, with their dying breath, have testified their belief of its truth ! Yet in the beginning it had no support from wealth or arms ; they were employed against the cause of Christianity. Both learn- ing and ignorance were enemies to the faith. Its interests have been often betrayed through the weakness of its real^ and the treachery of 103 Its pretended, friends. Notwithstanding all these things, the grain of mustard sprouted, vegetated, and has become a tree. Its leaves have been the healing of the nations. Many a wanderer has been sheltered under its branches. JVlillions have been indebted for nourishment and comfort to its fruit and its shade. The leaven too of the gospel has expanded with joy many an aching heart, l^y a mysterious influence, and hidden operation, it has touched with peace and pleasnre the chords distended with fear, sorrow, and despair. Come, de- clare your number, ye ignorant who have been enlightened by that wisdom, which came from above ; and your number, ye obstinate whose hearts have been softened and opened to re- ceive the words of salvation ; and your num- ber, ye sorrow ful who have been comforted by the compassion of Jesus ; and your number, ye ill-fated Africans who have been restored to freedom ! But stop, your stripes and your blood this moment call for ve^ngeance on un- christian oppressors. When shall the old leaven of this cruelty and oppression be purged away ? I'hough slavery be not abol- ished, yet the condition of slaves is doubtless much ameliorated in many instances by the in- flueuce of christian principles. Holy faith, once delivered to the saints ! let us dwell on thy power. Thine influence im- pregnates with mercy the warrior^s heart, and he binds up the limbs he has mangled. States- men, who know little of thy history and less of thy principles, have been silent with venera- tion of thy power. Thy lessons to those ou 154 the throne have been justice and judgment. In the cottage thou inspires! frugality and con- tentment. The travailing mother muses on thy promise of being saved in child-bearing, and they who draw near the gates of death have rejoiced in the support of thy rod and staff. Is not something of thee to be seen among all sects of Christians ? At St. Peter's, at St. PauPs, at the conventicles, are there not sin- cere believers ? Holy spirit of Christianity ! let me not despise the smallest token of thy power, or lose one moment in gaining and dis- persing thy blessed fruits. I am not ashamed of thee. Thou didst command the veneration of Locke, the ripest of human intelligences ; by thee Watts knew the joys of heaven while he staid on earth. Thou didst waft on the wings of hope, our fathers over the Atlantic, and invigorate their watchful labours by sea and land. The Huron pants for the streams of thy grace, apd the world is thirsty for thy living waters. EIGHTH. But I say unto yoii^ Love your enemies. Matt. V. 44. Let us examine ourselves on this head. An enemy has stained our reputation ; has hin- dered our acquisition of honour ; has defraud- ed us of our right ; he insults us under depres- sioD; and the world ignorantly countenance all 155 these injuries. But we say we are above re- venge^ aud despise so wicked an adversary, This is not to love him. He has confessed his error ; we have forgiven him^ and are fully reconciled ; but we wish not to see him, or to have any intercourse with him. Then we do not love him. But we have so far conquered our aversion, that we are willing to live on good terms and be civil to him, though he can- not reasonably expect many acts of friendship. This is not love to him. Our hearts are still estranged. The enemy is forgiven, but not loved and treated as a brother. Rough ap- pearances are smoothed away, but the inward rancour is not removed. Let us enter the closet and pray. ^"^ Almighty God ! 1 beseech thee to heal the wounds which a proud sensi- bility has made in my heart. Enable me to forget the momentary injuries done me by a brother. Pardon the crimes of my whole life ; forgive the numerous trespasses which I have trespassed against thee. Mine enemy is sick, wilt thou heal him ; his children are profligate, wilt thou reclaim them ; he threatens me with new injuries, take from him his hostile pur- poses, and forgive him, for he knows not what he is doing. My pride has magnified his in- juries, accept the sacrifice 1 now make of all my resentments. Perfect me in obedience to the precepts and in conformity to the example of Jesus Christ. 1 aai reviled, keep me from reviling again ; I sufler, preserve me from threatening; unto thee who judgest righteously 1 commit myself. ^•dimenJ'^ 156 NINTH. If ye love them icho love you^ what reward have ye ? do not even the publicans the same ? Matt, V. 46. Natural virtues are not to be confounded with chris ian graces. The latter embrace more objects, proceed from more exalted mo- ti^esj and are more certain and durable in the exercise. Politeness in manners, justice in dealings, compassion to the distressed, grati- tude to benefactors, and parental and filial af- fectiun, may exist, without any religion. These indt'ed are virtues deservedly praised in the north and south, the east and west, and no one can be a christian w ithout them. But they are not of themselves the sure t