[Sknati:, Xn. \i].] SENATE. January 2:i, l.sG3. — Read first an«l «c^onr ment of the Treasury, for its own use and for distribution i I amongst the revenue olncers of the government ; one liundred 12 copies to the Department cf Justice, for its own use and for dis- 13 tribution amongst the judges, clerks, marshals, and attorneys of 1 i the Confederate States ; fifty copies each to the Departments of I.") War and Navy, and to the Postmaster General ; and live copies K) each to the Governors of the several State?, for the use of tlie I 7 States. The remainder shall be carefully preserved in the De- IS partment of Justice ; to be bound in calf, in a substantial man- 11» iier, as often as the number of pages shall be sufficient to form a 2U volume of not less than eight hundred nor more than one thous- 21 and pages. Whenever said volumes are thus to be bound, a new '22 index shall be prepared by the Attorney General, comprising the 23 contents of the whole volume. The remaining copies shall be 2 4 kept in the Department of Justice, subject to the general order 25 of Congress. 1 Slc. o. That all acts and resolutions, signed by the i'resident, 2 or^iyhich may otherwise become laws, shall be depo~ited in the Department of Justice, and the originals there carefully pre- 4 served. The Attorney General shall affix marginal notes to the o acts and resoultions, fully index the same, and cause fair and / 6 exact copies of the said acts, resolutions, notes and index to be ? made for delivery to the contractor hy -,v];oni the same ar(^ to be S printed. 1 Sk.c. 4. That the join nals shall be distributed as folIo^YP : I'uo 2 copies of each to every person ^vho was a member of Congress at 3 any time during said session ; ten copies each to the Secretary oi' i the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives, to be kept 5 in their respective offices; five copies to each State for every five 6 Representatives from such State in the Congress of the Confede- 7 rate States ; five hundred copies of each shall be carefully prc- 5 served in the Department of Justice, and shall be bound together, 9 in sheep, when hereafter directed by Congress ; and the remain- 10 ing copies shall be kept in said Department, subject to the general 1 1 order of Congress. 1 Sec. 5. That all printing in pamphlet form, ordered by Con- 2 gress, shall be in pages four and a half inches wide by eight inches 3 long, including folio, without separate title page, Avithout tiecdless 4 indentings, breaks, blank? and separations ; the general body o thereof shall not be printed on type smaller than long primer, 6 nor larger than small pica; and for such Avork the public printer 7 shall receive the following compensation : Vor composition one 8 dollar and twenty-five cents per 1 ,00(1 ems ; for press-work, folding n and stitching, oiie dollar and twenty-five cents per t©ken. Bills 10 and resolutions, upon which final action is yet to be taken, shall 1 I be piinted in small pica type, in pages eight inches long by four 12 and a half inches ^viJc, the lines of each section nmmbered in ]S the margin, and with space between th(» lines not wider than a 14 bourgeois line: for the composition on such work, the public 1 .J printer shall receive one dollar per 1 ,000 ems ; for the press-work. 10 folding and stitching, one dollar per token. The pay for yeas 1 7 and nays shall be fifty cents per one hundred copies for either 18 House. The compensation for all miscellaneous printing, 19 ordered by Congress, shall be one dollar and twenty-five cents 20 per 1,000 ems, and press-work of the same, one dollar and 21 twenty-five cents per token. For all strickly rule and figure 22 work, the compensation for composition shall be one hundred per 2'S cent, higher than for plain work. Composition shall charged but 2 4 once for documents ordered bj each House of Congress, unless 25 the type has been distributed. 1 Sf.c. 6. All work in pamphlet form and all miscellaneous 2 printing for the Executive Departments shall be done by the 3 public printer, who shall receive the same compensation allowed 4 for similar Avork when ordered by Congress. 1 Sec. T. The chief officers of the Executive Departments shal 2 advertise for sealed proposals for the printing of all blanks 3 required in their several J)epartmcnts, and also for all ruling and 4 binding, as far as practicable, under such specifications as they 5 may deem necessary— in the same manner, in all respects, as is (! liorcin provided in rearard to cnntraots for tho printing of the 7 la'ivs and journals. 1 Skc, vS. That the usual rates paid by other advertisers shall bo 2 allowed for all advertisements inserted in public gazettes, by 3 authority of the Government, unless otherwise ordered or agreed ; ■I but no a to be done by special contract or otherwise. " 1 Sue. 14. That all accounts of the public printer shall be ac- - corapanied with a copy of every job or document specified in the J accounts ; and no account shall l)e audited and allowed by the •1 superintendent unless accompanied by such vouchers, and the 5 the affidavit of its correctness. Said account and vouchers, when 6 allowed, shall be filed, each year separately, in the office cf the 7 superintendent. A duplicate of said account and affidavit pre- 8 sented by the public printer, w-hen audited and allowed, shall 9 authorize its payment. On a refusal by the superintendent to 10 accept work done or to allow any account rendered, an appeal 1 1 may he taken to the head of the Department of Justice, whose 12 decision shall be final. 1 Sec. 15. That the prices to be paid to the public printer, 2 herein specified, shall at all times be subject to the alteration and 3 control of Congress as to work subsequently ordered. 1 Sec. 16. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the 2 provisions of this act are hereby repealed. AMENDMENT PROrOSED BY MR. PERKINS. 1 Proinded, That nothing contained in this act shall be so con- 2 strued as to take from the Speaker of the House the vi^ht to 3 revise and correct the said journal before it is filed Avith the 4 Attorney General : And provided further. That he is authorized 5 to employ such additional clerks for making the transcripts as 6 he may deem necessary, to be paid out of the contingent fund of 7 the House.