■iiilliilli D03212466O Head Quarters Department Trans-Mississippi, SHrtEVEPOIlT, LA., JUNE 3, 1S63. Ceiieial Orders, I No. 15. i I. All soldiers escaped fioiu Arkansas Post who have not report- ed for duty, will do so at once, at the following- points, viz : Troops from Arkansas, at Little Rock, and from Texas, at Shreveport. Those Avho do not comply with this order immediately, and whom it may become necessary to arrest for failure to do so, will be treated as de- serters. II. Brig.-CTen. E. Greer, P. A. C. S., is assigned to duty as Commandant of Conscripts for the Dep't. of Trans-Mississippi, and will establish his Head Quarters at Shreveport, La. Oommanilants of Conscripts for the several Districts within the Department will mak<^ their reports and returns to General Greer and be under and subject to his orders. By command of Lieut. -Ge\. E. Kirby S.MiTii. S. S. ANDERSON, Ass't. Adj't. Gen. Ci Head Quarters Department Trans-Mississippi, SHREVEPORT, LA., JUNE 16, 1863. (jleneral Orders, I No. 20. \ 1. In obedieuee to instructions from the Secretary of "War, it is hereby announced, "that in future no substitute for a soldier in service will be received, unles.s the substitution first have the approval of the General Commanding the Army or the Department to which the soldier belongs." By command of Lieut. -XxEN. E. Kirby Smith S. S. ANDERSON, Ass't. Adj't. Gen, Head Quarters Dept. Trans-Mississippi, SHREVEPORT, LA., JULY 25, 1863. Ciesieral Oi-«leyi No. 31. I. Communication with the seat of Govenimf^nt being interrupted, all officers and agents connected with the Army on duty within the Department of Trans-Mississippi acting under orders from Richmond, Avill in future receive their instructions from the Department Com- mander ; all such officers and agents will report by letter to Department Head Quarters Avithout delay, stating the nature of the duty iu whicli they are engaged, the authority under which they are acting and the t'Xtent of their operations. II. The enrolment of Conscripts is solely under the direction of the Conscript Bureau, the officers thereof acting- under orders from Department Head Quarters; all other officers are therefore forbidden to enrol Conscripts or recruit fro;n persons within Conscript ages, unless by special peranission in writing from the Department Commander. By command of Lieut.-Gbn. E. Kirby Smit^ . S. S. ANDERSON, Ass't. Adj't: Gen. Ihiui QiiJirlcrs Dcpt. Ti'aiis-Mis«'\ .SllRRVF.l'OUT. [.A.. A1;GUST 2d, im'X fjreiiei'al Orders / No. 34. f In cotiforiuity with ]*avagi{ii)li II (iciifral Orders No. 24, en; rent series from the Adjutant and Intspix'tor (ienoral's Office, Uicbmond, Va., "Officers of tlie army who are dropped from the rolls, cashiered " by Coiirts-Martia], or whose resignations are accepted, and who may " thns become liahh- to military duty under tlic conscription acts, Avill. " when present with their commands, lie at once enrolled by their re " «poctive Brij;ade commanders. Wlieu not so present, their namet "will be famished by their commanding officers to the proper enrolling " officer of tlie district to which they belong, or in which they reside : "provided, that any officer so liable to enrolment may select in hi^ "former command, any company from his own State in which to h( " enrolled. All coinuianding officers arc hereby direcfi'd to see that tliis ordci is strictly enforced. liy «-,'.'rvioo, liabu. i,. • ipuseription iu the Departmout oi' Trans-Mi.ssissippi, will be imme- iliatoly onrollod ami, \villii)i twenty days tlioreaiU'r, sent to the camp.'i of instruction in tlieir respective Districts. All able bodied men, except Artiiicer.s and Meclianics, who are now serving in the several Staff Departments, will be relieved and r>rdi,'red to join their pro[)er companies and regiments, unless espeeiallv tlet;iiled by the District Commander upon proof of necessity of servie**, — tlieir ;.:laees vvill be supplied by those who are not capable of active service in the iield whether by age, sex, or physical disabilitv. 11. — -^il ofiicers and soldiers belonging to the garrisons of Vicks- burg and T'ort Hudson previous to the surrender of those places, wlu> may be wifliin the Department of T rans-]Missis.-~ippi either by furlough or otherwise, Avill report, by the fifteenth day of September next or"ai; the (expiration of their furlough, at one of the following named places, viz: — those from Arkans;is, at the camp of Instruction at Washington, Ark., — from Missouri, at Little Rock, Ark, — from Louisiana, at the camp of instruction, near Shreveport, La., — from Texas, at the places (iirccted by Major Genl. Magruder. The Quarter Master's Depart- ment will furnish necessary transportation to officers and men reporting in compliance with this order. By command of Lieut. Gen'l E. Kirby Smith, S. S. ANDEESON, Ass't. Adff. Gen'L Head Quart(?rs Department Trans-Mississippi, siipvP:vepoht, la., aug. 2g, isgs. General Orders, JVo. 38. In accordance with tho Proclamntion of tim Presidont, a general pardon and amnesty is liereby granted to nil officers and holdiers now- absent without leave in the Di'tiaitiaent of Trans-llississippi who will return to duty by the 30th day of September, proximo. Officers and enlisted men in tho L)epartm« nt of Trans-^ri,~si.ssippi whose commands are east of the Mississippi lliver, will unoer this amnesty report as follows, viz: Those from Arkansas at the Camp of Instruction, at "Washington and District Ueadquarters; from Texas, at Bonham and Houston; from Louisiana, at Shreveporf and District Headnuarlers; and a\ ill be permitted to attach themselves temporarily to any regiment of their own corps now serving in this Department. This amnesty and pardon shall also extend to till Avho have been convicted and are undergoing sentence for absence without leave, ©r desertion, excepting only those who havu been twice convicted thereof. By command" of Lieut. -Ge.v. E. Kirby Smith S. S. ANDERSON, A;iS't. Adj't. Go^. Ilctid Quarters Bq)t Trans-Mississippi, SlIREVEPORT, LA., AUG. 31, 1SG3. treneral Orders, ? No. 40. S General orders No. 36 current series from Dc^partmont Hep J Quar- ters is intended to embrace ail ollleers and enlisted men in this De- partment Avho •were paroled at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and is liereby extended to <'mbrace all officers and enlisted men on parole as prisoners of war within the Department of the Trans-i^fississipi^i. By command of Lieut. -Gen. E. Kirby Smith. S. S. ANDEilSON, Ass't. Adj't. Gen. Head Qiiiirteis Dcpt. Tiaiis4 SnRKVKPOKT, LA., SEPT. 7th, ]!: ti«»Msippi, will proceed at once to rc-firganize i counnands from snch nion belonging thereto, a.s may be within limits of .the Department, reporting to the District Coniraau^ers. II. The privilege granted in General Oiders No. 38 current sei from Department Headquarters, allowing officers and men report', under that order, "to attach themselves temporarily to .luy regimen! their own corps now serving in this Department," is extended to c brace all troops .absent from their colors east of the Mississippi vvl. commands have not been orden d to re-organize within this Dej nient. ^ By command of Lieut. Gen'l E. Kikby tSftUTii, S.-S. AN DEE SON, Ass't. Arii" ',' \-f Head Qnarlcrs \k\)l Trans-MississipiH, SIIKEVliPOia'. LA , hEPT, KJth, 18r>::. ^^vncral Orders* ( No. 44. \ AH pa^>crs nMiuinui l)y iho Uegulatious of tlut Hrmy to be sent to nbiefs of DHpartiiionts at Richmond, will in futui(> bo sent Lo tho tJhitifs of liuie«}Uix of tho rospectivo DHpartiiifHifa at theso U.-ntl- •jjU-artera. By c-'unnuind of Liout. Cr«n. E. Kirby Smith, S. S. ANDERSON. Aas't Adj't Geu. i Head-quarters IDept, Trans-]M^iss. Shreveport, La., Sept. 17th, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS) No. 46, 5 I. At a General Court Martial convened at Shreveport, La , by Par. II, Sf cial Order No. 128, current series from these Head Quarters, whereof Lt.-Cjj Aristide Gerard, 13th Regiment La. Volunteers, is President, was arraigij and tried, Private /. H. Eostham, Furman's Co., 2nd Regt. La. Cavalry,. Charge 1st — Disobedience of Hrders 9th art. of war. Specrfication — In this that private /. H. Eastham, of Furman's Co. Regiment La. Cavalry, on or about the 12th day of August A. D. 1863, havi] been detailed for duty as a tinner in the tinshop attached to the C. S. Labratol and being ordered by Geo Howard King, 1st Lieut. Artillery and Ordnance! A. C. S. the commanding oflicer of said Labratory, through T. A. Woods, Suptl intendent of the same, to repair forthwith to the tin shop (from which he the sal Private J. H. Eastham wasal)sent without leave) and return to his work, r Quartermasters, assistant Quartermasters and their agents serving in the Department of Trans-Mississippi, are prohibited from furnishing transportation by stage, to Officers or enlisted men. "» * Enlisted men entitled to transportation will be forxA^arded with Government trains leaving Depots and Stations. By command of Lieut.-Gcn. E. Kirby Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General. Head Quarters Dept. Trans-Miss. ) Shreveport, La., Nov. 3d, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS) No. 50. ) Paragraph VIII Special Orders No. 175, current series, Irom Department Head Quarters is hereby revoked. Post Commissaries in this Department, will when their supplies admit of it, sell to the families of Officers and Sol- diers residing at their posts a limited amount of Commissa- ry stores. The certificate heretofore furnished will be used in all cases made under this order. The prices charged will be the actual cost of the articles .sold, transportation included. By command of Lieut.-Gen. E. Kirbv Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General- Head Quarters Dept. Trans-Miss. ) Shreveport, La., Nov. 12th, 1863. S GENERAL ORDERS) No. 53. \ In accordance with instructions i'rom the Secretary of War, an auxilary branch of the "Army Intellij^ence Oflice"' subsidiary to that in the city of Richmond is hereby established for the Department Trans-Mississippi, at Shreveport, Louisiana, under the superintendance of Mr. I{. S. Thomas. Its object be- ing to inform the friends and relatives of sick and wounded soldiers, of their whereabouts and condition: to facilitate com- munication with the army: and to secure a correct list of the deaths which have occurred, or may hereafter occur among- our troops whether within our lines or those of the enemy. To the accomplishment of these ends, all Surgeons will furnish to the Intelligence Office through the proper channels, and with the least possible delay, a list of the sick and wounded now in Hospital, and a list of the deaths among those who may have been under their charge — giving the name, rank, Com- pany and Regiment, — whether the death was caused by sick- ness or wounds. In the case of a death in hospital, the date of the admission of the deceased should be given. Hereafter, weekly reports, embracing the above specified particulars must be forwarded promptly to the Intelligence Office, through the proper channels. Immediately after an engagement. Commanding Officers are required to forward direct to the Intelligence Office, with- out waiting until their Official Reports can be made, a list of the casualties in their Command; giving in addition to the name, the rank, Company and Regiment, and the nature of the wound. Upon application by Mr. Thomas, accompanied by Sur- geon's certificate of disability for field service, the requisite number of men will be detailed for clerks in the Army Intelli- gence office. The Quartermaster's and Subsistence Departmenfs will furnish to Mr. Thomas, upon his requisition, such supplies as may be necessary. By command of Lieut.-Gcn. E. Kirhy Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant.General. Head Quarters Dept. Trans-Miss. ) Shreveport, La., Nov. 13th, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS ) No. 54. I I. All officers in the Department of Trans-Mississippi whose commands are east of the Mississippi river, unless on duty un- der orders from Department or District Head-Quarters, will join their respective commands forthwith. II. District Commanders will in their respective districts relieve all Officers belonging to commands east of the Missis- sippi, whose services can possibly be dispensed with, and order them to join their proper commands without delay, reporting their names to these Head-Quarters, and also the names of those retained, together with the nature of the services in which they are engaged. By command of Lieut.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General. Head Quarters Dept. Trans-Miss. ) Shreveport, La., Nov. 14th, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS) No. 55. ) General Orders No. 12, current scries, from Department Head Quarters, is modified to read as follows, — Applicants for appointment in the Medical Staff of the Army, »who have passed their examination and been assigned to duty, will be paid upon the certificates of the Medical Directors to the facts, and that the services have been rendered. By command of Lieut.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General. Head Quarters Trans-Miss. IDept. ) Shreveport, La., Nov. 18th, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS) No. 57. \ I. The great abuse of authority by Officers, in impress- ing wagons, teams, &c., belonging to persons changing their homes, and the annoyance arising therefrom, demands the most stringent orders on the subject ai^d their rigid enforcement. Hereafter refugees with their property must not be inter- fered with or molested, in any manner whatever, until they have acquired a home. Any violation of this order by an Officer or Agent of the Government, will subject the offender to arraignment before, and trial by, a General Court Martial. II. Captain P. H. Thomson, Assistant Adjutant General, is hereby assigned to duty at Department Head Quarters. By command of Lieut.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General, Head Quarters Trans-Miss. Dept. ) Shreveport, La., Nov. 27th, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS) No. 58. > I. Frequent instances having been brought to the knowl- edge of the Commanding General, of Leaves of Absence and Furloughs being granted" by Subordinate Commanders, — Here- after no orders will be recognized separating an Officer or Soldier from his Command, except in cases of sick soldiers in General Hospitals, unless issued from Department or District Head Quarters, or with the sanction of District Commanders. Officers and Soldiers absent from their commands, whose orders do not b.-ar the approval required by this order, will be arrested and sent to their commands^ and the papers relating to their cases forwarded to these Head Quarters. A rigid scrutiny will be made in all cases, and the Officer who may issue such irregular orders will subject himself to arrest and trial. 11, Hereafter no transportation or commutation thereof will be allowed to sick soldiers going on furlough, unless on the approval of the Chief Medical Officers of the Field or Hospital Service, attached to the Staff of District Commanders. Ill Captain C. S. West, Assistant Adjutant General, is re- lieved from duty as Assistant Inspector General, and announced as Acting Judge Advocate General for the Trans-Mississippi Department. By command of Lieut.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General. Head Quarters Trans-Mississippi Department, • SHREVEPORT, LA., NOV.- 28th, 1863. (lieoei'al (Orders, JVo. 59. The foUowing notice relating;; to Paroled Prisoners is published for the. information and guidance of all concerned : CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, » War Dep't, Richmond, Va., Oct. loth, 1S63. j " LT. COL. N. G. WATTS,. Mobile, Ala. " Sir: — All the prisoners taken at Port Hudson, and those paroled. " by Gen. Banks, are free to go to duty. Neither our Government nor " the Federals recognize the Parole. ***** Resp'y. your ob't. serv't., (Signed) ROBERT OULD, Agent of Exchange. In accordance with the above, all oflScers and enlisted men in the Trans-Mississippi Department embraced in the foregoing notice, will report immediately for duty. By Command of Lieut. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, S. S. ANDERSON, Ass't. Adj't. Gen. Head Quarters Trans-Miss. Dept. ) Shreveport, La., Dec. 3d, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS) No. 60. 5 I. On the first day of each month, Officers of the Subsistence Department will make a list of prices of the stores on hand, which will be the ruling prices for the month for sales and for invoices. The basis for these prices must be the average first cost of the articles respectively. If the articles received are of the tax in kind, their value will be in accordance with the schedule of prices as arranged by the Board of Commissioners for the State, appointed pursuant to the Impressment Act, pifblished in General Orders No. 37, Adjutant & Inspector General's Office, Richmond, Va., April 6, 1863. II. For service with troops in the field, herders for beef cat- tle, when required, will be obtained by details from the cavalry force serving with the troops. At depots, herders (non-conscripts) will be hired, and suitable horses or mules and equipments for them obtained by transfer from the Quartermaster's Department, when practicable. — For this purpose, the Officer of the Subsistence Department in charge of the depot shall make requisition on the local Officer of the Quartermaster's Department having charge of the kinds of property required, and, upon certificate of the latter that it is not practicable to furnish them, the Officfer of the Subsistence Department is authorized to purchase. The requi- sition so certified shall be attached to the account for the ex- penditures, as part of the voucher therefor. ' III. The ration of fresh beef is one pound and a quarter for the Trans-Mississippi Department. The redtiction of the ration of sugar to six pounds per hun- dred rations will go into effect on the first day of January, 1864. By command of Lieut.-Gen. E. Kirby Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General. Head Quarters Trans-Miss. IDept. ) Shreveport, La., Dec. 10th, 1863. ) GENERAL ORDERS > No. 6L 5 * I. Major George Wi|iLrAMS0N, A. A. G-, is relieved as Assist- ant Inspector General, and assigned to duty in the Office of the Adjutant General, Department Headquarters. II. Major Jko. A. Buckner, A. A. G., is assigned to duty in the Inspector General's Department, and will report to CoK Ben Allston, Inspector General By command of Lieut.-Gen. E. Kirbt Smith. S. S. ANDERSON, Assistant Adjutant General. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5