#30 Duke University Libraries Regulations for Conl Pam q#30 • I -I - I - IK I - I The attention , of claimants is called tq the following forms in preparing their affidavits, an obser- vance of which will saye time, trouble ami expense: -. STATE OF | On this day of • j ^p/ ,i^fu County, to-wit: ) 180 , personally appeared before me the subscri- ber, a justice of the peace in and tor the county aforesaid, who, after beiug sworn according to law. deposes and says, thai is the gi/' of deceased, who was a of Captain Regiment of *l. volunteers, commanded by Colonel ,-'iu the service of the Confederate States in the present war with the United States: that the .-aid entered the service at in county and State on or about the day of 186 and died at on or about the day of lSb' leaving That makes this deposition for the purpose of obtaining from the Government of the Confederate States whatever may have been due the said at the time of his death for pay, bounty or other allowances for his services, as aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed before me, ) (Signed) .1. P. j And on the same day and year aforesaid, also appeared before me a justice of the peace, as aforesaid wll ° is wel1 known to me, and whom I hereby certify to be a person of veracity and credibility, who having been by me dul\ sworn says, on oath, that ■' -C-^ is well acquainted with the claimant, and also well knew, for , >"' \ears, the deceased soldier herein mentioned, and that the statement made under oath by said ~,ta^ the claimant, as to relationship to tlji- said deceased soldier, is true and eorrect in every particular, to the best of knowledge and belief, and that the said is wholly disinterested. Sworn to and subscribed before me. i (Signed) .1. P, ) STATE OF | County, to-wit : ) I hereby certify that gentleman, before whom the foregoing affidavits of and appear to have been made, and whose genuine signature is subscribed thereto, was at the time of making and signing the same, a justice of the peace in and tor the County and State aforesaid, duly commissioned and sworn, and to all whose official acts as such, full faith and credit is and ought to be given, as well in Courts of Justice ;i- thereout In testimony whereol I have hereunto set my hand, and afR.xed the seal IlL.] County Court, this da . Anno Domini, eighteen hundn - \ty- . ( lerk of inty Court. II within their knowledge, claimants should stati the officer or soldier was born, and when andyrowi what cava he died, distinguishing those who were killed in battle, or died m „■„„„., I in /"title, from those Wio died oj dit When there is an administrator, a certificate of the tact by the proper officer of the Court -rant- ing the same, under his seal of office, will be all that is necessary. The law. aud th:se regulations applying as well to conscripts as bo volunteers, with respect to the former claimants and wi: vill be required to swear to the conscription and the regiment and commander, to which the conscript belonged. They will name the captains and companies whan thev can do so, as this information will greatly facilitate the settlements. Claimants should always endorse on their papers their address, naming postoffke, county and Stale. The aforegoing forms, etc., have also been approved by the Secretary of War. W. 11. S. TAYLOR, .Second Auditor, C. S, pewmlife* P H8.5