U" 90 tftS Duke University Libraries Circular, no. 9 Conf Pam 12mo #785 HEAD- QUARTERS RESERVE FORCES OP VIRGINIA, Richmond, September 22d, 1864. CIRCULAR/ Xo. 9. \ I. Detailed men in the employment of the Nitre and .Mining Bureau, who belong to existing military companies authorized by the "War Department, will not be enrolled in the Local Forces organizing under Genera] Xo. 21, issued from these head-quarter? August 13th, 1861. All other de- tailed men employed i,> the Nitre and Mining Bureau, who are lit for field service, will be enrolled in the companies; but men employed at furnaces a3 founders and keepers will under no circumstances be called from their furnaces, while in blast, either for drill or any other duty. II. Men detailed as provost and conscript guard3 will be enrolled; but, whenever practicable, the men detailed for such duly, in a couuty or cor- poration, will be organized into a company by the addition of site number of other detailed men thereto for the purpose. III. Men detailed for duty in hospitals, in the Ordnance, Quartern) and Commissary departments, for the benefit of railroad and other compa- nies and corporations, as members of ambulance committees, as assessors and agents of tax in kind, and all other detailed men not specially excepted in orders from the War Department or from these head- quarters, will be enrolled in the Local Forces; but county commandants will, in the exer- cise of a sound discretion, sec that the business of the Government, ot corporations and contractors, is not unnecessarily suspended or interfered with by the drills and other duties required of the Local Forces. IV. Men otherwise liable to service, who are allowed temporary exemp- tions by virtue of pending applications for detail, will be required to per- form service in the companies. V. No person liable to regular field service in the Reserve Forces will be either enrolled or commissioned in the Local Forces. Xone but detailed men and those who are exempt from regular service in the Active and Be- serve Forces will be enrolled in the Local Forces. VI. All exempts : ges of 17 and ■> ble of Geld service and refuse to enroll themselves in the companies, will iaratcly listed, with the grounds of refusal in each case distinctly 1, and reported to these head-quarters. By command of Brigadier-General Kf.mpek. R. II. CATLETT, I. I. I, m Hollinger Corp. pH8.5