Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/elementsofgeolog01mitc Raleigh ELEMENTS OF GEOLOGY, K WITH AN OUTLINE OF THE GEOLOGY OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR THE USE OF THE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. NORTH CAROL1N1ANA BY ELISHA MITCHELL, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. In the University of North Carolina. 1842. Mitchell, Elisha, 1793-1857. Elements of geology CONTENTS. Preface, ..---.-...3 Objects and Methods of Geology, ------ 9 Of the Earth as a Mass, - - - - - - - -13 Primary Classification of Rocks, ------ 18 Of Mineral Beds or Strata, - - - - - - -19 Composition and Structure of the Rocks — Werner, - - 21 Werner’s Theory, ---------22 Of Granite, --------- 24 Of Gneiss, ---------- 27 Of Mica Slate or Micaceous Schistus, ----- 29 Of the Simple Primitive Rocks — Serpentine, Limestone, Clay Slate, etc., ---..----30 Of the Transition Rocks, - - - - - - -32 Of Argillaceous Schistus or Clay Slate, 33 Of the Sandstones, ---------35 Of the Secondary and Tertiary Rocks and Strata, 37 Of the Overlying and Volcanic Rocks, - - - - - 38 Influence of the Rocks upon the fertility of the Soils produced by them, - -- -- -- --39 Of Metallic Veins and Beds of Valuable Minerals, - - - 43 Distribution of Metallic Veins and Mineral Beds, through the Strata, ----------47 Secondary Strata of England, ------- 50 Of Fossil Salt and Gypsum, ------- 52 Of Mineral Coal, - - ------- 55 Theoretical Geology — Introduction, ----- 60 Hutton’s Theory, --------- 62 Causes of Geological Changes, ------ 64 Volcanoes, ---------- 69 Earthquakes, - -- -- .- -.75 Of the Causes of the Phenomena of Volcanoes, - - . - 77 Changes produced by Volcanoes and Earthquakes - - - 80 CONTENTS. V. I is lory of the Earth, -------- 81 Original Temperature of the Earth, - - - - 83 Temperature of the Interior, ------ 85 Hypothesis of La Place, ------- 87 Position of the Transition and Secondary Strata, 89 The effects of Earthquakes :md Volcanoes, - - - - 91 Origin of the Trap Kooks, - - ----- 93 Causes of the Elevation of the Strata, - - - - - 95 Formation of Vallies, ------- 97 Formation of the Transition and Secondary Strata, - - - 99 Animal and Vegetable Remains, - - - - - - 103 Scripture and Geology, - - - - - - -105 Tertiary Formations, - - - - - - - -107 The Deluge, - - - - - - - - - 111 Kirkdalo Cave — Comparative Anatomy, - - - - 115 Ancient Zoology, - - - - - - - - - 117 Literal Geography, - - - - - - - - 118 leology of North Carolina, ------- 123 Tertiary Strata, -------- 125 Secondary Strata, - - - , - - - - - 129 Sandstones, - - - - - - - - -131 Transition and Slate Rocks, -----.- 135 Primitive Formations, ------- 139 PREFAC E . A Treatise of Astronomy, adapted to tlie wants of the student living upon one part of the earth’s surface, may be used with equal advan- tage in all countries. The same sun and planets, and with some ex- ceptions the same constellations, are seen in all the habitable regions of the globe. Every country of considerable extent, requires its own elementary treatise of Geology. For although the groat doctrines of the science are every where the same, those proofs and illustrations will be most convincing and satisfactory, that are drawn from strata with which we have been long familiar, or which we may have an oppor- tunity of examining for ourselves. A greater extension will also be given to the account of the rocks of a particular age, in one country than in another; to the secondary strata in the Stale of Tennessee ; to the primitive and tertiary, in North Carolina. The substance of the following treatise, has been read for some years to the senior class in the University, but this mode of acquiring a knowledge of the science not being satisfactory, the book has been printed for their use, and is as large and full, as in the time allotted to this subject, can be studied with much effect. As the successive les- sons are illustrated in the lecture room, by the necessary plates and figures, none of these have been introduced ; but as these elements may find a few readers beyond the college walls, a map, exhibiting the position and extent of the different rock formations of North Caro- lina has been attached. It is only when the cultivators of this science shall have been greatly multiplied, and there shall he men in all parts of the country prepared to traverse it in every direction, and verify every fact laid down by them, by repeated examinations, that the geology of the State will be minutely and accurately known. „ J . • OBJECTS AND METHODS OF GEOLOGY. 1. Geology is l he Science which treats of the composition and structure of the exterior crust of the earth ; the changes that are now proceeding in it ; its condition in the most an* cient times ; and the causes by which its existing form and the present distribution and position of the materials of ivhich it is composed , have been produced . The great mass of the earth lying within the exterior crust is not neglected, but the knowledge we have of it is very limited. The objects and methods of this science are more fully explained in the two following sections. 2. The different parts of the earth’s surface are unlike each other. Some countries are spread out into level plains, and oth- ers roughened with hills or studded with mountains, whose tops rise above the clouds. If we descend from its exterior form and moulding to the characters of the soil and the constitution of the rocks, we find them equally various and dissimilar. Widely ex- tended regions are fertile almost throughout, whilst others are covered with sand, and doomed to remain in future what they have been from the earliest ages — waste and trackless deserst. Indostan and Arabia, advancing from the continent of Asia into the southern ocean, do not differ greatly in size, the former being by about one-fifth part the larger of the two: their latitude, and of course their climate, so far as that depends upon nearness to the sun, is about the same. Arabia yields a scanty subsistence to a population of ten millions, whilst the soil of Indostan sustains not less that twelve times that number. The sand hills and mid- dle or back country of North Carolina, furnish an example nearer home. The mineral riches of the earth’s crust are not less un- equally and irregularly distributed, than the causes of productive- ness and sterility. Limestone abounds in the state of Tennessee ; only a few small beds of it have been observed in North Carolina. The mountains of Pennsylvania contain coal enough to supply the United States with fuel for ages. New England is nearly destitute of this valuable mineral. For several years, about the O 10 OBJECTS AND METHODS OF GEOLOGY. close of the last century, the single province of Mexico yielded a larger amount of silver, than was drawn from all the other mines of the world. The surface of the earth is constantly subject to slight modifications and changes. The object of one branch of this science, called Positive Geology by some authors, and Geognosy by others, is, to ascer- tain the different kinds of rock of which the exterior crust of the earth is made up ; their distribution and mutual relations or situa- tions with respect to each other ; the circumstances under which we find the valuable minerals they contain, and the alterations of texture and position which they undergo from age to age. These ends are accomplished by a careful observation of the common undulating surface of the soil and of the rocks it contains ; of the precipitous sides of hills and mountains ; of mines and other artificial excavations ; and of those points where the ele- ments and subterranean forces are exerting their greatest activity. ■3. A question arises whether the more lemarkahlc and impor- tant of the peculiarities just noticed are coeval with the existence of the earth, or the result of changes it has undergone since jts formation. Did the Creator in I he beginning cover the plains of Arabia "with sand, mingle in the soil of Indostan the elements of lasting fertility, and place in the mountains of Pennsylvania and Mexico the mineral treasures for which they are now explored ; or have all these and others, been collected into the situations in whicli we find them by causes that have operated in succeeding times ? Ample evidence will be furnished as we proceed , that the beds of earth and rock forming the outer crust of the globe, and the valuable minerals they embosom, are of different ages, and have been deposited in succession. It will be sufficient for the present to refer to the remains of shell fish and other marine animals that lie imbedded in them, often on the tops of high mountains, and in regions remote from the sea. Limestones composed of shells from the ridges of hills in Palestine. Those, wonderful stones of the temple at Jerusalem, to which the disciples called the attention of Jesus Christ when they drew from him a prediction of the impending ruin-of that magnificence, abound in them ; and it is in rocks of this nature that the ancient Jewish sepulchres arc excavated.* The pyramids of Egypt are both founded upon and built of a kind of oolite, full of small nummulites and other shells, once supposed to be petri- fied lentils and other' seeds left by the workmen employed on those stupendous fabrics. In most of the countries of Europe, shells occur in greater or less abundance over extensive tracts ; the mountains of China, according to the JesuiLs, are covered with them, liamond observed them in the Pyrenees upon the summit ♦Jamieson in the Edinburg Encyclopedia. The shells are probably not as abundant in the rocks about Jerusalem as he represents them. See Sillimans Journal, Vols. 'J and 10. OBJECTS AND METHODS OF GEOLOGY. 11 of Mount Perdu, 10,378 feet above the level of the sea ; on the Andes they are seen at the height of nearly 16,000 feet, and around the sides of the Himmaleh mountains at a still greater elevation. In the United States they are of common occurrence, but generally at lower levels, as in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee, beneath the town of Wilmington and at other places in the low country of North Carolina. Petrified fishes and other marine animals are distributed, though more sparingly, throughout the surface of the globe. , These remains of living beings, of which not only the individual Tias perished, hut the race has been for ages extinct, prove that the existence of the earth has not always been marked by the condition of tranquility and repose in which we now behold it. They render it probable that the globe itself has been agitated by violent convulsions, and certain that it has been subject to revo- lution and change. They did not escape the notice and attention of the ancients,* hut they were regarded with the less interest, because they were held by many not to be real remains, but imi- tative forms, produced by a certain plastic and generative property residing in the earth, somewhat analogous to that which causes vegetables to spring up and grow. In succeeding times they were referred to a single catastrophe, (the, deluge) to which we have the testimony of the sacred Scriptures, that the earth has been subj'ected. But it is now ascertained that this account of their origin is inadmissible. They are not merely scattered through the loose soil, but imbedded in the interior of solid rocks, occupy- ing an extent of hundreds -of square miles along the sides or on the tops of mountains, and hundreds of feet in thickness. Such vast masses could not have been collected and consolidated within the space of less than a year, that the waters of the deluge covered the earth. The genera and species occupying the different beds placed in succession one above another are also different, by which it is further proved that the causes by which the condition of the globe has been changed, and the materials for the creation of ranges of lofty mountains, prepared and elevated into their present positions, have in more than one instance been active. The object of the second great branch of this science, sometimes denominated speculative or theoretical Geology, is — To discover, bs far as possible, from the appearances presented by the rocks, beds of clay and sand, and the animal and vegetable remains that are imbedded in them, the nature of the causes by which they have been formed. It embraces therefore the primeval history of the earth, and an investigation of the number and kinds of the revolutions and changes to which it has been subjected, and the character of the agents by which they have been produced. 4. Positive Geology may he regarded as a branch of Natural * Vidi facias ex atequore terras Et procul a pelage conchse jaeuere marinae. Ovid Met amor ph. Lib. xv. 263 12 OBJECTS AND METHODS 0? GEOLOGY. . History. Theoretical Geology, occupied in the investigation and discovery of causes from their effects, belongs to Natural Philoso- phy. But as many of the doctrines of the latter are derived from the characters presented by organic remains, the connexion between it and one department of Natural History is very inti- mate. It is of importance to the modern geologist that he be well versed in the science of conchology. Positive Geology, which ascertains the facts on which many uC' the conclusions of the other are founded and built, will demand our earliest attention ; but in this science more than in most others, it is necessary to bring forward facts, points of theory, and historical details, by turns and in succession. Facts of first rate importance in the il- lustration of our theories, are without interest when their bearing upon the great doctrines of the science is not apparent, and not only have opinions once generally held, but now abandoned, left their impress upon the language it employs, but some ac- quaintance with them is necessay to a correct understanding of the works on Geology that are published in our own day, and of the views entertained by the philosophers of the present age. — A few general statements on the whole subject are first to be pre- sented and some terms explained. Astronomy, relating to bodies separated from us by an interval (with a single exception) of several millions of miles, is the most ancient, and Geology, having for its object the earth on which we live, one of the more recent of the sciences. Nor is this re- markable. The magnificence of the starry heavens drew to them the attention of the early inhabitants of the earth. A connexion was observed between the aspect of the sky, and the changes of the seasons, the rising and setting of certain constellations, and the return of spring or summer. The same tablet was spread out for observation and study before thousands of curious and watch- ful eyes on successive nights. It was soon ascertained that some of the stars always maintain the same relative position, whilst others wander through the whole circle of the heavens, and thus the first foundations of Astronomy were laid. The earth on the other hand, seemed to present little more than a shapeless chaos as rocks and mountains, without beauty, or order, or value, except to affording a dwelling place for man and other animals, and nourishment for the vegetables used by them for food, and was therefore neglected. It is true that men had hardly begun to reason, before they be- gan to speculate about the manner in which the world was formed ; but they were not careful to establish their theories on a basis of fact and observation. Years rolled on; in other departments of knowledge vast accumulations were made, but Cosmogony — the science of creating worlds, or showing how they might be generat- ed or made, remained stationary, or nearly so, for many years. Bacon appeared teaching the correct method of philosophising, and Newton revealing the secret mechanism of the heavens ; but OF THE EARTH AS A MASS. 13 of .the composition and structure bf the globe, mankind remained as ignorant as before. Wild, intricate, and tiresome romances, Theories of the Earth, were published ; it was not till the middle, * of the last century that the rules of the inductive philosophy be- ^ gan to be applied with any considerable degree of exactness"' to *" ■ the speculations of Geologists, and it is only within a very few - years, that the method of arriving at accurate conclusions in this science has been well understood. Valuable observations arc scattered through writings of an ear- < lier date? but they were neglected. It was between the years 1775 and 17BQ that Werner gave, at Freyburg, in Saxony, the new impulse t6 the study of Geology, which has resulted in all the recent improvements. In 1788, Dr. Hutton, of Edinburg, brought forward a rival theory which immediately found zealous advocates and supporters, and thus furnished the kind of stimu- lus that was wanted to give interest to these investigations. — Since the latter dale, there has been no want of industrious and ardent observers, and if in so vast a'subject much remains doubt- ful and unsettled, it is nevertheless true, that the conclusions at which we have already arrived, are in the highest degree interest- ing and important. As affording a source of rational amusement and subjects for observation and study in after life, if on no higher ground, Geology and the different branches of Natural Hislory, are en- titled to a place in a system of liberal education. They change the whole face of nature. No spot is more welcome to the eye of a botanist than a swamp or sand-hill, for there, are those plants of uncommon form and singular beauty which impartial Nature, scatters with lavish hand over such localities, whilst she denies them to more genial soils. The more rugged and difficult a road is, the more interesting docs it often become to the Geologist, for , the strata are laid bare, and he can seethe composition, structure, and arrangement of the rocks. Hut we shall presently see that the science of Geology at least, claims our attention on far higher grounds than these. OF THE EARTH AS A MASS. 5. Our knowledge of the great mass of the globe is very limit- ed, by reason of our inability to penetrate into its interior. The only particulars in relation to it that have been made the subject of inquiry and investigation, are, its form , density, temperature. and composition. In regard to the two first, we may claim to have made some approaches to accuracy and certainty, but res- pecting the others, only to have formed conjectures of whose truth and cprrectness there is greater or less probability. 6. Form of the Earth .- — It is commonly spoken ofas a sphere, and by those who would be more precise and exact, as a spheroid, having its equatorial about 26 miles greater than its polar diameter. O Sfe 14 OF THE EARTH AS A MASS. But it is not a regular and symmetrical figure of any kind. The ^.elevation of the continents, and especially of the table land* that ^traverse them, produces one kind of inequality, and another is created by the irregular distribution of the denser masses of which it is composed. A large body of rocks of high specific gravity rising nearly to the surface in any part of the ocean, will cause _a bulging out of the water around that spot, and' the same cause probably operates in modifying the figure of the exterior surface, even in the interior of extensive continents. Lea viog ouLAif the account the inequalities produced by the elevation .'of^the ■ land above the ocean, it is not certain that the excess of the equatorial over the polar diameter just stated, is accurate, though it is supposed not to differ widely from the truth, or that the curvature, is regular along any given meridian. Observations witli the.pen- dulum and the actual measurement of arcs in different latitudes indicate, not only a small variation in the law of ellipticity at unequal distances from the equator, but also an inequality of size, and dissimilarity of form in the two hemispheres on the opposite sides of it. 7. Density of the Earth . — The mean density of the earth is about five and a half, that of water being one. But the mean den- sity of the rocks at its surface, is about two and a half. A mass of granite, slate, or limestone, weighs, about two and a half times as much as an equal bulk of water. As the mean density of the earth is therefore, about double that of the common rocks, it fol- lows that it cannot lie composed of those rocks in the state in which they exist at the surface, but if the material of which it is made be nearly the same in every part, that which is near the centre must be condensed by the pressure of the superincumbent mass into somewhat less than half the bulk it would occupy if it . were at the surface. The density of the earth was first investigated by Cavendish, by means of a large torsion balance, and afterwards deduced by Maskelyne from the effect of a mountain in Scotland, in with- drawing the plumb line from the perpendicular. Cavendish states it at five and a half. Playfair, repeating MaskelyDe’s calculations, and applying some corrections that were neglected in the first in- stance, found it to be 4.71. Laplace prefers the determination of Cavendish. When it was ascertained that the globe taken as a mass, so much exceeds in density the rocks upon its surface, equalling in specific gravity many of the metallic ores, men ventured to draw the inference that it is a metallic body, enveloped in a covering of soil and rock. They then busied themselves with conjectur- ing what might be the nature of this supposed metallic nucleus, observing that if it were a metal of mean density, it must consti- tute between a quarter and a third of the whole mass, and if iron, the half. Bakewell suggested that iron nearly' in the me- tallic state may be one of its constituents, and that to this the earth owes its magnetic polarity'. OF THE EAHTH AS A MASS- 15 But in a memoir read to the Paris Academy of Sciences, on the 4th of August, 1818, Laplace communicated some new views upon the subject. From the results of observations on the vibrations of the pendulum, he showed, that not only is the matter of the interior of the earth more dense than whatsis at the surface, but . the density goes on regularly and uniformly increasing fr “least intrepid traveller. 1 ” \ ' The immediate forerunner of an earthquake is a loud, harsh, sub- terranean noise, resembling sometimes that which would be pro- L. '-duced by a large number of waggons driven furiously along a nigged pavement, and at other times the explosion of cannon. -This is succeeded by' that shaking or trembling of the earth, from •which the phenomenon derives its name, and by which buildings are overthrown, burying too often the wretched inhabitants in their ruins. Very frequently, however, the noise and shock are simultaneous; and when this is not ihe case, the interval varies very much, from a few seconds to a few minutes. The agitation does not often last longer than a minute, but is sometimes repealed in very quick succession. The motion is not a gradual uplifting, but vibratory, and so rapid that it is dificult for a person who is standing, to keep his feet. The shock that agitated the city of Cumana, when Humboldt was there, was but a slight one, that did no mischief, yet he tells us that he felt it very strongly, though lying in a hammock, and that his companion, M. Bonp- land, who was bending over a table examining plants, was almost ‘ thrown upon the floor. An Englishman who was in Lisbon when that city was nearly destroyed by an earthquake on the 1st of November, 1755 , relates, that after the first shock he joined a mixed multitude of persons, who had fled to the area in front of one of the churches, and were on their knees imploring the pro- ! tection of heaven; and that when the second shock came on, it ; was with d.fficulty that he could keep upon his knees. A quay which had just been built on the bank of the Tagus, of rough marble, at a great expence, was swallowed up with the I people who had collected upon it as a place of safety, and a great number of boats and small vessels that lay near it, not a vestige of any of which was ever seen afterwards. The water was as- certained to be an hundred fathoms in depth, in the place where it stood. The sea was not less affected than the land. Ships that were sailing on the main ocean off the coast of Portugal, re- ceived a shock as though they had struck upon a sand bank or roc £ The water retired from the shore, leaving it bare to a con- siderable distance, and then returning in a wave from twenty r to I CAUSES OF GEOLOGICAL CHANGES. :.,*jttxty feet io height, flowed over land lying beyond the reach of the highest tides. In the case oj the quay there was an evident subsidence of the land. Other recent examples of the same ef* feet of earthquakes are recorded at Port Royal, in Jamaica, in the Delta of the Indus, and at Puzzuoli, near Naples. The opposite effect of elevation has been witnessed at Puzzuoli, and on the coast of Chili, near Valparaiso. This double agency of earth- quakes in producing a movement botli upwards and downwards, is a fact of great importance in the science of geology. The effects of an earthquake are seldom confined to the spot where the greatest force is exerted. That which destroyed Lis- bon was fell to the extremities of the continent of Europe. The movement of the earth in this instance is said to have been undu- latory, and the undulation to have travelled at the rate of twenty miles in a minute. >Where no shock was experienced the water of springs, lakes, and rivers was strangely affected, becoming tur- bid and overflowing its banks without any apparent cause. Along the nothern const of Africa the effects were hardly less disastrous than in Portugal itself. Having stated some of the more remarkable phenomena of both volcanoes and earthquakes, we are prepared to observe that there is such a connexion between the Uvo that we shall be safe in re- ferring them to the same common cause. It might perhaps be sufficient to state in proof of this that those counties in which there are burning mountains, are beyond all others vexed by earthquakes. Southern Italy and Chili, may be cited as examples. In the pro- vince of Calabria, not less than nine hundred and forty-nine distinct shocks were felt in a single year — 1783. The Atlantic States being far emoved from the seat of any active volcano are seldom visited bv these terrible movements of the stony strata of the globe. But. we have more direct and positive evidence of the connexion between earthquakes and volcanoes. It has beenglrea- dy stated that an eruption of a volcano, that has been for soaae time dormant is commonly attended by convulsionsin thecountryaround it. 1 1 appears farther that there is a subterraneous communication and sympathy not only between different districts of a country con- tigous to the same volcano, but also between craters that are far distant from each other, so that an eruption in one part of the globe will be attended by disturbances in a region many miles, and sometimes many degrees distant. “The volcano of Pasto in South America, uninterruptedly vomited a high column of smoke during three months of the year 1797, and this column disappeared at the very moment when at the distance of nearly three hundred miles the great earthquake of Riobamba, and the mud eruption of the Moya, killed from thirty to forty thousand Indians. The sudden appearance of a new island, thrown up by volcanic fires, amongst the Azores, on the 30th of January 1811, was the fore- runner of those dreadful shocks which further to the west shook almost uninterruptedly from the month of May 1811, to that of Vi?; j 0* THE CAUSES OF THE PHENOMENA OF VOLCANOES &C. 77 * \ Jttne.1813 — first the West India Islands, afterwards the valliesof the Ohio and the Mississippi, and at last the opposite coast of Venezuela. Thirty days after the complete destruction of the town of Caraccas, the eruption of the volcano on the island of St. Vin- cent took place. At the same moment when this explosion hap- pened, on the 30th of April, a subterranean noise was heard * throughout a country of nearly fifty thousand square miles in ex- ‘ tent.” OF TIIE CAUSES OF THE PHENOMENA OF VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES. 41. We come now to the most difficult part of this subject, the task of accounting for the phenomena of volcanoes and earth- quakes. How is that heat which fuses the rocks generated in the bowels of the earth, and how does it operate in shaking the solid globe? Werner held that the seat of volcanic fires is the coal formation ; a secondary stratum. But the volcanoes of South America, have their seat beneath the primitive rocks. Those cf Auvergne, in France, have forced their way through a bed of granite. The showers of red hot stones that are projected from the craters of burning mountains during an erup- tion, and the cloud highly charged with electricity that over- hangs them, render it impossible to approach them when in their ■ highest state of activity, for the purpose of studying attentively and accurately the changes that are going on. Nor does the mat- ter that is thrown outafford us much information. Sulphur either free or in some of its combinations appears to be a constant pro- duct of all volcanoes. In the crater of Vesuvius there is ihe smell of burnt bitumen but not in that of Stromboli. Muriatic acid may also be detected, though not in general in any considerable quan- tity, in the vapours escaping during an eruption. Silica consti- tUte^Bout one half of the substance of lava ; the rest is alumine, magnesia, J lime, and iron. But the first three substances, sulphur, bitumen, and muriatic ; acid are present in too small quantity to admit of our attributing i to them the tremendous convulsions that accompany intense vol- canic action. Carbonic acid is disengaged from the fissures and saturates the water of the springs of a volcanic district, nor does 1 his effect cease for many ages after the fire is extinct. In what quantity it may be given out from the crater during an eruption, has not been ascertained. When Sir Humphrey Davy, ascertain- ed that the bases of the alkalis and earths are metallic, and that they take fire when brought into contact with water, the attention of philosophers was directed to them, as probably the agents by which the phenomena of volcanoes are produced : but their ex- treme levity is one objection to them, nor does the composition of lava accord with this idea. Silicon does not, like potassium and sodium, decompose water by the abstraction of its oxygen 78 THE CAUSES OF THE PHENOMENA OP VOLCAWOE9, &C. when brought into contact with it. Some geologists appear still to believe that volcanic action is produced by the comhuslienof some compound of sulphur and silicon, or of the bases of the alkalis and earths The circumstance that almost all the known active volcanoes are situated near the shores of the sea is supposed to favour the opinion, that water derived from that great reservoir is the agent that determines their activiliy. A part of it is said to be decomposed, its oxygen entering into combination with the metallic base or silicon, whilst the hydrogen uniting with the sul- phur passes off under the form of sulphuretted hydrogen. The rest of the water being introduced upon substances already in a state of intense ignition, is said to be converted into vapour and under that form, and at a very elevated temperature to exert the immense explosive force by which fragments of rocks are throwp to a vast height into the air. Two new theories of volcanic action have been proposed with- in a few years, one by Mr. Poulett Scrope, secretary of the Lon- don Geological Society, and the other by M. Cordier, of the Paris Academy of Sciences. They both start with the assumption that the earth was originally a melted mass, of which the exterior crust has parted with its caloric by radiation, and been thus con- verted into a rock, whilst the great central portion retains its tem- perature and is now in a liquid state. The merits of this hypoth- esis we will presently consider. It is a circumstance somewhat remarkable, that of these two theories, one attributes the phenom- ena of volcanoes to the gradual heating, and the other to th.e grad- ual cooling of that crust of the earth which separates the interior liquid mass from the exterior portion, which has already by part- ing with its heat been converted into a bed of rock. Scrope, supposes that the temperature of the central nucleus is gradually propagated to the strata adjacent to it, which consist of the materials of lava holding a quantity of water in a state of intimate combination, to which their fluidity is owing. *By re- ceiving an accession of heat from below, the elasticity of the wa- ter is so much increased that it separates from the particles of fluid rock or lava, and escapes through the solid strata lying above, overturning them, rending them to pieces and throwing them in- to the air and thus producing the most terrible of the phenomena of volcanoes and earthquakes. At the same time a quantity of the lava urged onward by the elastic vapour that is struggling to es- cape is forced out of the aperture already formed. The separa- tion of the steam and flow of the lava continue, until the tempera- ture of the focus of activity is so far diminished by the absorption of caloric during the conversion of the water into vapour, and the liquidity of the lava by parting with the water, on the presence of which that liquidity depends, that the causes tending to main- tain the activity of the volcanic action, and those by which it is repressed, are in equilibrium, when the eruption ceases. In his view therefore a volcanic eruption is produced simply by the 79 * i , , — - - - : -v -.' / • ' * * “ ’ -^V’. t r i • v .■ CAUSES OF GSOlOGXCL' CHANGES. ^bjnllttftrh of a compound liquid, consisting of water and lava, and I7 BoiriOlvhat analogous in its constitution therefore, to honey, paste, ' tor pjttd and water, in which it is well known that ebullition may b^oxcited. Scrope, supposes it to be evident from the appearan- /. ces presented by the lava of Vesuvius at the instant when it issues ' 7 ^>nf-lfee 1 mountain’s side and afterwards, that it is a substance W;x:orn posed —that it is not actually in a state of fusion but ren- dered liquid by water, which serves as a vehicle for the earthy particles which remain after its escape. The liquidity of lava is Said to be always imperfect, never exceeding that of honey and .generally such as to require the exertion of a considerable force tofhrust a slick or blunt rod into it. At the instant of its emis- sion’dt.has a brilliant white heat, a considerable quantity of va- pqur is emitted from it and it consolidates almost instantly. The superficial crust thus formed, cracks and splits in all directions, and Jfresh'.' vapours escape from the crevices. Scrope states also that ;• tfiere)is no evidence of the occurrence of a real combustion in the crater of a volcano ; and that what are commonly described ns flames are in fact jets of red hot sand and scoriae. A further illu- sion is frequently produced by the brilliant light often given out by reflection, from the cloud, that overhangs the mountain. •'Cfcjjstead of supposing that there is gradual accession of heat to the'strata lying just within the consolidated crust of the globe, M- Cordier, represents them as parting with their caloric by slow communication to the beds of rock lying above them ; and eventu- ally JP^jMuliation, into the regions of space. The consequence w of thii^tefrigeration is, a contraction and diminution of the j capacityi-of the crust or shell, in which the liquid central nucleus . -is enveloped ; by which a part of the matter of which it is com- * posed, is forced out through a few small openings (somewhat in 'the way in which we squeeze the juice out of an orange); pro- ducingthe phenomena of earthquakes and volcanoes, i -*? When -’two theories are proposed to us at the same time, nei- j ther of which has our very hearty approbation, and which are | altogether at variance with each other, in regard to the principles jonTvhich they are founded; it is sometimes a matter of conve- j jnience, that there are two of them, as it will be the less neces- 1 sary to enter upon a minute examination and discussion of the ! merits’ of^either. It may be enough to array them in opposition jto each other- If, however, we be called upon to state which of ’the theories just exhibited, is the least liable to objection, and capable of being supported by the strongest arguments, the pre- ference seems due to that of Cordier. Mr. Scrope supposes — the earth to have been originally a melted mass, of which the temperature of the exterior crust was so far depressed, that it was consolidated into a rock, and that this very same crust is now’ re- ceivlhgheat fromjthe interior nucleus, by which it is again heated to whiteness. There are, perhaps, no experiments by which the changes here supposed, are proved to be impossible, but they ■A?,. / Hi* 60 CHANGES PRODUCED BY VOLCANOES AND _EABTHQUAX"B3. ' & seem hardly necessary. It may be regarded alrpost .aa evident truth, that a hot body abandoned to itself, will part, ^ its heat in such a way, that the temperature shall go on diminish- , ing, according to some regular law, from the exterior surfing A towards the centre, and that every individual particle, wherey^r it may be situated, will grow constantly colder, If this be a cor- rect statement of the changes that would take place, the theory of Scrope is unquestionably erroneous. ’ .. The subject of volcanoes is one, in regard to which future ages a'j;e destined to have more accurate knowledge, and more enlightened views than we possess at present. The circumstances which at- tend an eruption, and the order in which the phenomena succeed each other, are calculated to produce the belief, that volcanic ac- f. .tion is the result of chemical changes of some kind taking plac^. .within the crust of the earth ; different masses of the substance^/ that act upon each other, being from time to time brought -into contact, and the combustion in this way renewed and kept up from age to age, but the matter thrown out is not, as yve. have already seen, of a nature to warrant our adhering very obsti- nately to this opinion. If this view of, the subject shall .be deemed inadmissible, and the hypothesis of a central fire en>-' braced, we shall perhaps find no better refuge from the barrass-'. ing inquietudes of doubt and scepticism, than in the doctrines of Cordier. Some geologists are inclined to combine the two, and to add to the agencies supposed by them, that of water, intro-’ duced upon the interior heated mass. ■ ' ■hr,, OF THE CHANGES PRODUCED BY VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES. ■ • ‘‘S 4 ’ ♦ - V / , -V i;>? '14 42. — 1. The permanent visible effects produced by volcanoes, * consist in an elevation of the surface of the earth around fhevr bases, which is covered with a bed of volcanic ashes and 60crjse, or with a sheet of lava; and a change in the altitude or. form'of the mountain itself, which is their seat. *■-, ' The ashes that were thrown out from the mountain 'Tomboro, on the island of Sumbawa, in the East Indies, in April, 1815, f- were so abundant as to crush the roofs of houses on which they' fell, at the distance of forty miles, and westward of Sumatra, the . floating mass was two feet in thickness and several mUes4n,ex- tent. The stream of lava that issued from Skaptar . Jokffl, in Iceland, in 1783, was ninety miles in length, at ^ome points from twelve to fifteen miles in breadth, and one hundred Aad-io'rn ar- row defiles, six hundred feet in depth. Vesuvius;- was ^re- duced in height about eight hundred feet, by the eruption of 1822. iEtna lias experienced a similar, though not as great a re-' duction of its elevation, and been afterwards built up again ! - The plain of Malpais, in the western part of Mexico, was converted into a volcano (Jorullo) 1600 feet in height, on the night of HISTORY OF TIIE EARTH. 81 September 20th, 1759 . In 1772 the cone of Papandayang, one of the lolliest volcanoes on the island of Java fell in ; a tract six- teen miles long by six miles broad was swallowed up, and the height of the mountain reduced from nine thousand to about five thousand feet. 2. Until very recently, earthquakes were regarded with that feeling of interest which is awakened by dread anil terror, al- most exclusively, and held entitled to notice on account of their devastations ; the cities laid in ruins and the lives destroyed by them. It is only incidentally that mention is made by the older writers of the permanent changes produced by them in the condi- tion of the earth itself. In June 1819 , the country lying about the mouth of the river Indus was visited by a violent earthquake. The usual effects were seen in the demolition of buildings, especially such as were built of stone, and a tract of considerable extent sunk several feet. The fort and village of Sindru, standing on the eastern branch of the river were so much depressed, that only the tops of the house’s and wall were visible above the water that immediately (lowed in from the sea. At the same time another tract of fifty miles in length and sixteen in breadth, running past the village at the distance of five and a half miles, was elevated into a ridge about ten feet in height. In November 1S22, a shock which agitated the whole of Chili, raised the line of coast, nor th and south of Valparaiso, through a distance of more than one hundred miles, three or four feet, and in the interior of the country the average amount of elevation appeal's to have been still greater. The beach of the sea was left bare, and shell fish which adhered to the rocks perished. HISTORY OF TIIE EARTH. 43 . Prop. I. The earth was in the beginning a fluid, or semifluid mu$s. The earth is not a perfect sphere. Its equatorial exceeds its polar diameter hy about twenty-six miles. (Sec. G.) This is true not only of the terraqueous globe as it exists in oceans, islands and continents, but of the great rocky skeleton of the earth. The surface of the ground in every country conforms with slight ine- qualities to the spheroidal figure which would be assumed hy a fluid body having the mean density of the earth and revolving with the safne velocity. As the earth has therefore the form which the joint action of gravity and of the centrifugal force pro- duced by its diurnal revolution would impress upon it ; we infer that its form is the result of the joint action of those forces : and as the energy with which it would assume a spheroidal figure is not very considerable, we infer that there could have been in the begin- ning no rocks of great thickness and solidity to oppose and prevent a 8 82 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. free motion of its different parts, or that it was as stated in the proposition a fluid or semifluid mass. -• With regard to the cause of its fluidity two opinions have been entertained, one that the solid matter of which it is in part com- posed was.originally dissolved in water (Sec. 14) ; the other that it-was fused by an intense heat, with which it parted by radiation, until a crust formed upon its surface; its temperature being gradu- ally reduced until it was fitted to become the abode of organized - and living beings, and that its interior is still a mass of liquid . fire. (Sec. 36.) The first of these hypotheses is now utterly abandoned. The water of the existing oceans is inadequate to effect the solution of a thousandth part of the matter constituting the strata of the globe. Between the two parts of the second there is a very intimate connexion. If the primeval liquidity of what is now a body of earth and solid rock was produced by intense heat, we may conclude that a high temperature still prevails in its in- terior parts ; if we have evidence of the existence of such tem- perature, it is best accounted for by supposing it to be the remains of what was once common to the whole mass. Those facts and arguments therefore which tend to establish the truth of one of the parts of this hypothesis, bear strongly, though in- directly upon that of the other. 44. Of the original temperature of the earth. l.Thewholeof '. •=> the vast expanse, stretching out on every side of us to a distance of . which the human mind can with difficulty, if at all, conceive, is thickly scattered over with bodies which from the light that con- stantly emanates from them, we are warranted in believing are . . • at this moment, intensely heated. The earth being one of this vast collection of bodies that are floating in the regions of space, '■*. the idea is very naturally suggested that it may once have resem- bled them in every respect, in temperature as well as in figure and other characters ; that the first act of Omnipotence when the work of creation began, was, to strew the fields of ether with burning orbs. The reason why the earth should differ from most of the others now, is apparent. Its diminutive size is such as to admit of its having parted with its excess of caloric by radiation, whilst they in consequence of their greater magnitude continue to glow. 2. The figure of the earth being that which would be assumed -M.. by a liquid having the same density and revolving with the same T velocity, it is inferred as we have just seen, that it was originally fluid. For producing this condition of the now solid material of the earth’s crust, it is necessary to suppose the existence of an agent, or of agents, no longer found upon its surface. Wer- • ro- ller supposed the agent to have been water; there is at least an equal probability that it was heat or fire. The excess of water — T required for the solution of the existing continents, over that of the present ocean, must have been annihilated.' Its disappearance ORIGINAL TEMPERATURE OT THE EARTH. 83 can be accounted for in no other way. Heat may escape by radiation. From the figure of the earth therefore, we infer not only that it was originally fluid, but that its fluidity was produced by fusion,. 3. NThe same condition of things is further indicated by the crystalline structure exhibited by tbe primitive rocks and especial- ly by granite. The constitution of the' whole mass of some of these rocks, as (granite and gneiss,) and crystals imbedded in others, (as mica slate,) prove that at some time previous to their consolida- tion, the particles of which they are composed enjoyed freedom . of motion, and liberty to arrange themselves in obedience to the laws by which their mutual affinities are regulated and governed, s At the points where granite comes into contact with gneiss, mica | slate, clay slate, or another mass of granite, it is often seen to send out veins into those rocks, demonstrating that it is itself of more recent origin; that the)', having been first consolidated, were rent and broken by some of the forces that are active in the crust of the globe, and the granitic material of the vein injected in a melt- ed state into the fissure that was thus formed. (Sec. 18.) In the liquidity of the granite which constitutes a vein, is involved that of the mass from which it issues, and of which it is a branch, and in the formation of the granite of a vein by cooling from, a state of igneous fusion, a similar origin of this rock wherever it is found. But as we have at present upon the earth no source of heat of sufficient power to melt the mountain ranges of granite that tra- verse the surface of the globe, we infer that their former fluidity depended upon their original temperature. 4. The organic remains thatare found imbedded in the seconda- ry and tertiary strata, prove that the higher latitudes at least, were once much warmer than at the present day ; that a climate ap- proaching to that of the equatorial regions, or perhaps even hotter than what now obtains in any part of the world, prevailed with- in the polar circles. The coal beds have evidently proceeded from the vegetation of.the most ancient times. Butin the shales j that accompany them, we find sometimes the plants themselves ! imbedded, and sometimes merely the impressions they left be- ] hind them upon the clay that has since been hardened into shale, | whilst it was yet in a soft and yielding state. But these plants ( appear to have been altogether different from those now inhabit- I ing the countries in which the mines lie, and to have approach- i ed in their forms and mode of growth the arborescent ferns and other vegetables of tropical climates. In the Isle of Sheppy at the mouth of the Thames, the fruit or geed vessels of not less than 700 species of vegetables have been discovered, very few of which agree with any that are known to be now produced upon the earth, and the greater part resemble more nearly in their form and mode of growth those that inhabit the torrid, than such as belong to the temperate zone. The remains bf animals of those races which live only in the hottest climates, (the elephant, rhi- 84 BISTOBY OF THE EABTH. noceros, hippopotamus, tapir, &c.,) that are from time to time found enveloped in the soil of northern countries, also point to similar conclusions in regard to the mean temperature in very ancient times of the regions in which they occur. The animal and vegetable fossils brought by Capt. Parry from Melville Is- land, in latitude 75°, bear an intimate resemblance to those ofEng- land and the United States. At the present day, the climate of every part of the earth’s sur- face is determined principally by its latitude. The facts just stated, indicateadiflerentcondition of things at the period whenthe secondary and tertiary strata were deposited ; that there was then a nearer approach to uniformity of temperature in all parts of the world; such as could have been derived only from a common focus or source of heat beneath the surface ; the remains of that by which the solid rocks were once held in a state of fusion. 45. Of the present temperature of the interior parts of the earth. — Observations made in mines in the western part of Eu- rope and in Mexico, indicate an increase of temperature as we de- scend. When this fact was first announced, the greater heat found in the deeper strata was attributed to other causes, and es- pecially to chemical changes proceeding there, such as the con- version of the metallic sulphurets into sulphates, the animal warmth given out by the workmen, the combustion of numer- ous lamps and candles employed in lighting the mine, and of gunpowder'used in blasting the rocks, — also to the compression of the air produced by the lengthening of the atmospheric column — rather than to a permanent elevation of temperature in the cen- tral mass of the globe. M. Cordier collected and compared the results obtained by preceding observers, and added others, the fruit of his own researches. In these last also, such precautions were taken to avoid the causes of error which were supposed to have vitiated the earlier experiments, that it is very difficult to avoid the conclusions to which they seem to lead. The tin and copper mines of Cornwall have been wrought to a considerable depth beneath the level of the sea. They are drain- ed through an adit or tunnel, commencing at that level, upon the coast, and carried into the heart of the mining district Into this all th* water that collects in the mine, whether flowing from the higher parts, or raised by the steam engine from greater depths, is conveyed along the channels cut for the purpose, and finally discharged at the mouth of the adit at the rate of 1680 cubic feet per minute, or 287,000 hogsheads per day. Its temperature at this point is 19 degrees above the mean temperature of the air and earth at the surface. It is calculated that the heat created by the respiration of the workmen, by the combustion of lamps and candles and other caused, would not be sufficient to raise the tem- perature of such a mass of water more than a single degree. Results corresponding to these have been obtained wherever observations have been made in mines of considerable depth ; by TEMPERATURE OF THE INTERIOR. 85 Cordier in the coal mines of the south, the middle, and the north' of France, by De Trebra in Saxony, Humboldt in Mexico, and Daubuisson in Saxony and Britanny. Coal mines hare one ad- vantage over every other for this kind of investigation. The excavations being carried rapidly forward, there is little oppor- tunity for the foreign sources of heat just mentioned, to operate, so that the temperature at the point where the coal is being taken, represents truly, that of the part of the earth’s crust in which it lies. In the deepest coal mine in Great Britain, at a point 1584 feet below the level of the ground, and 1500 beneath the level of the sea, the thermometer on the 15th of Nov. 1834, stood at 68° in the air close to the coal, and at 7 1°2. when left in a hole bored in- to the coal, for a week, the temperature of the day of observation being 49° and the mean temperature of the surface, 47 ° 6 . The rate of increase is different at different places, depending as is supposed upon the greater or less conducting power of the strata and other unknown causes. One degree of Fahrenheit for 45 feet of descent may be assumed as an approximation to an (Tverage. At this rale, the temperature of boiling water (212°) will be found 6795 feet, or somewhat less than a mile and one- third beneath the surface at Chapel Hill, and a heat intense enough to fuse the rocks at a depth of between 50 and CO miles. We have no data for forming even a probable conjecture respect- ing the temperature of the centre. If the interior is an homoge- neous fluid, it is obvious that uniformity of temperature would be produced by the currents that would be established in it. If it is composed of metals, ranged in the order of their specific gravi- ties, no certain inferences can be drawn from observations made in the exterior crust. 2. When the surface of the earth is occupied by tertiary de- posits, a supply of good water, is often not to be had at moderate depths, and it becomes necessary to bore through the upper strata, which either yield no water at all, or such as is unfit for use, by reason of the quantity of salts of different kinds that it holds dis- solved. These deposits are commonly arranged in successive layers around the sides and over the bottom of a basin, which is frequently of no great size or extent. When a stratum of pure sand intervenes between two strata of clay, the former yielding almost a free passage, whilst the latter are nearly impervious to ^ water ; if a hole 3 or 4 inches in diameter be driven by boring, from the surface, through the uppermost bed of clay, to some dis- tance into the sand; and a casing of tin, copper, or lead introduced to prevent the ingress of water from the strata that are penetrated, _ an abundant supply of excellent water is often obtained. This is raised by hydrostatic pressure, exerted around the sides of the basin, to a greater or less height along the tube, sometimes to the surface, and in many cases it is seen to overflow at the surface, forming a copious and perennial spring. Havingbeen first known 8 * 86 HISTOET OP THE EARTH. and used in the province of Artois in France, (the ancient Arte- sium) these have received the name of Artesian wells. The water yielding stratum of sand has sometimes to be sought at great depths, and in the course of the operations employed for reaching it, evidence is obtained of the same general kind with that afforded by mines, that the temperature increases as we de- scend. Artesian wells are sometimes but more rarely obtained among the secondary strata. 3. The hot springs which rise out of the earth in many parts of the globe, but appear to be more numerous near the line ofjunction • of the primitive rocks with the more recent strata, indicate that the internal sources of heat are not confined to the neighborhood of volcanic mountains or the mines of western Europe. Such as are particularly remarkable for the quantity, or the tempera- ture of their waters, have attracted attention, but it is only recent- ly that their bearing upon the science of Geology has been seen, and that they have become particular objects of interest and ob- servation. Their peculiarities were formerly attributed to chemi- cal changes of limited extent and influence, proceeding in the strata from which they rise. But the volume of the water given out by them in many instances, its temperature, and purity, in- dicate rather a temperature elevated considerably above that of the surface, extending through the whole mass of rocky strata in which they have their origin. It is evident that this heat may be derived by slow communication from an internal nucleus. If hot springs shall be regarded as furnishing satisfactory indica- tions of the existence of an interior source of heat, a very great amount of evidence may be drawn from this quarter, since there are few countries in which they have not already been discovered, and it is probable if not certain, that a diligent search over the whole earth would lead to the detection of many that are hither- to unknown. The gas that issues along with the water of ho-t springs is generally nitrogen. The warm springs of Buncomb have a temperature of about 10-4 of Fahrenheit. 4. Some of the phenomena of earthquakes accord with the idea that the crust of the earth is a mass of rock resting upon the surface of a subjacent liquid. Such are, the vibratory motion in- to which it is thrown, and the heaving of the ground resembling the boiling of a fluid or the billows of a swelling sea that have been observed in a number of instances. A person standing upon a float of logs or a large piece of loose ice, will be agitated^ somewhat in the same way as during an earthquake. This argu- ment is not however of any great weight. A heavy carriage driven rapidly over a pavement will shake the edifices in the neigh- borhood. A considerable commotion in its interior, by whatever cause produced, would perhaps be adequate to the production of all the phenomena of earthquakes, even supposing the earth to be solid throughout its whole extent. 5. Volcanoes will not as obstinately defy our attempts to aa- / HYPOTHESIS OP LA PLACE. 87 i i Bign the causes of their activity, and state the modes of their ac- tion, if we suppose the interior of the earth to be an intensely heated and fluid mass. It is probable that if so constituted, a portion of the melted matter will from time to time escape in consequence of some change it undergoes. 46. The facts and arguments of the two preceding sections, directed; those of the 44 th, to the proof of the more elevated tem- perature of the surface of the globe in the most ancient times; those of the 45th to the present condition of its interior mass, furnish a good example of the difference that generally obtains in the character of the evidence that is offered in the two great branches of geological science. In positive geology the proof is direct and simple. The thermometer indicates a constantly in- creasing temperature as we descend into the earth. That We may be qualified to appreciate the force and certainty of the evi- dence on which the conclusions of theoretical geology are found- ed, we must have studied the laws that regulate the organization of living plants arid animals, and also of those races which are ex- tinct and have left their remains behind them, and of the distri- bution of both through the different climates of the globe: we must also by long continued and often repeated examinations, have become acquainted with the appearances they present, whether at remote points or where they come into contact with each other. To the mind thus furnished and prepared for these investigations, the conclusions at which geologists have arrived in the two branches of the science, will appear to be of nearly, if not quite, equal safety and certainty. In the present instance, the two, forming essential parts of the same theory, lend each other a mutual support. Astronomy has within the present century proposed to ascend to a still earlier epoch in the earth’s history ; when the solar sys- tem of which it is a part, was a hot and luminous vapour, re- sembling in appearanee when viewed from a distance, the nebu- lae that are still observed in some parts of the heavens. Under this attenuated form, the matter of our system is conjectured to have extended beyond the orbit of the planet Uranus, and to have revolved upon an axis from west to east. As it parted with its heat by radiation, it would be condensed, and every particle describ- ing a smaller circle, that the amount of motion might remain the same, the velocity must be continually accelerated. The cen- trifugal force is supposed to have been so much increased, that -at distant intervals, the matter of the planets separated from the principal mass, each assuming a globular form, revolving on its axis, and circulating at that distance from the centre of gravity of the system at which the separation took place, and some in the progress of their condensation, affording other or secondary plan- ets in their turn. By means of this hypothesis, some remarka- ble phenomena of the solar system are easily explained. 88 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. 4 7. Prop. II. The primitive rocks were first formed and consolidated, and their consolidation took place before the ex- istence of either plants or animals. The primitive rocks underlie the others, and the rock or stra- tum which rests upon another, must in general be the more recent of the two. To this conclusion we must at length arrive what- ever theory of the earth we adopt If its original liquidity was produced by heat, there must in the first instance have been formed upon the surface of the molten flood, a substratum or floor for the deposits of succeeding times to rest upon. That crust of consolidated matter is a crystalline primitive rock, and though parts of it were afterwards broken and constituted the material for the mechanical aggregates of a later period, yet is it true that the most ancient transition stratum is of more recent origin than that on which it reposes. By some geologists, gneiss and mica slate are regaded as the most ancient of the rocks, as constituting the original crust that was first of all spread over the surface of the liquid mass. Beneath these a bed of granite was gradually pro- duced by the radiation of heat into the surrounding space, and above them in some instances, the transition and secondary strata. Where granite appears as it frequently does, at the surface, and at great elevations, upon the summits of mountains, it is not ne- cessary to suppose that it assumed its form and was consolidated in its present position. It may have existed as a rock beneath- the general surface o( the globe, and been raised, either gradually or during some great convulsion, to the position in which we find it. As no organic remains of any kind are imbedded in the prim- itive rocks, we infer that they never contained any, and that they were consolidated before either plants or animals existed, it being improbable that if their consolidation was either coeval with or posterior to the existence of organized beings, they would embrace no evidences of this fact. It is possible indeed that the favorite theory of some geologists is true, that organic remains once ex- isted in the materials from which these rocks were formed, and were destroyed by the action of fire or water during the fusion or solution they must have undergone before assuming the forms and characters they now exhibit, hut no appearances have been observed which lend any degree of probability to this opinion, and there is a considerable probability against it. Commencing with the higher strata, the remains of every kind are numerous, ^ 'as we descend, their number gradually, though not uniformly, diminishes, till in the transition class, we find only the remains of zoophytes — a race occupying the lowest place in the scale of living creatures. It was to be expected that this descending se- ries would have a limit, where the traces of life whether animal or vegetable should cease altogether. Such a limit we find in the primitive rocks, and though it is possible that the strata in which we find no traces whatever of life, once teemed with liv- TRANSITION AND SECONDARY STRATA. 89 ing beings which have been destroyed, it is much more proba- ble that they assumed their present form before there was either a plant or an animal to be imbedded in them. 48. Prop. III. The transition and secondary rocks which are now found with their strata highly inclined, were deposit- ed and consolidated in horizontal beds. They bear an intimate resemblance to those accumulations of fine clay, sand, and gravel, that are now found in the bottoms of lakes and the estuaries of rivers. There are the same alternations of coarse and fine materials, indefinitely repeated, and with- out any approach to regularity. They are evidently made up of wfhat was once a loose mass, destitute of cohesion, and which by the .infiltration of siliceous, calcareous, or ferruginous matter and by other causes has been converted into rocks. Such a mass if placed upon a plane that is considerably inclined, will not ar- range itself in beJs or layers parallel to the surface of the plane, but will roll, sink, or slide down to its lowest point. In so doing it will only obey the most general of all the laws that regulate the material world, the law of gravity. The case is particularly clear when very thin layers of shells or pebbles are interposed between two adjacent strata. It would in many instances, have been quite impossible for them to gain the positions in which they are found, in any other way, than by being strewed uniformly over an horizontal surface, and then covered with a stratum of a different kind. These arguments will not apply to all the transition and secondary strata : they are applicable to the most of them ; and the rest will be found so alternating with, or imbedded in those to which it does apply, that whatever decision we pass upon the one class, we shall find our- selves under the necessity of extending to the other. 49. Prop. IV. The secondary , transition , and in many cases the primitive strata , have been shij'led from their origi- nal positions into those ivhich they now occupy , by forces which have operated since their consolidation. This proposition follows as a necessary corollary from the two preceding, and is introduced less with a view to a formal proof of its truth, than to an enquiry respecting the nature and mode of action of the forces by which the changes referred to in it have been produced. If these strata were deposited and consolidated in horizontal beds, and are now found sometimes almost in a ver- tical position, it is plain that a force of some kind has been ap- plied to them by which their situation has been changed. It may have been the force of gravity, the substance which support- ed one of their edges having been removed, and that edge left to subside by its own weight ; or the other edge may have been lifted up by a force acting from beneath. A mill-pond which has been covered with a thick sheet of ice during a cold night, and from which a part of the water has been drained off, the next day, furnishes a good representation of the 90 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. appearance of the secondary strata especially, over the surface of the earth. In places where the pond is deep and free from drift- wood, the ice will subside regularly and uniformly along with the wat^r, hut if there is an island any where in the pond; or a large rock, or any thing of the kind, presents an obstacle to the regular subsidence of the ice, it will be seen broken and reposing upon the side of the rock or island, at a great variety of angles of inclination. This is theactual appearance of the secondary and transition strata. Ata distance from any primitive mountain, as in the south-eastern part of England, they are parallel to each other and nearly paral- lel to the horizon. In the neighborhood and on the sides of the Alps on the other hand, strata of the same kind ofrock occur in the utmost confusion and disorder, deranged and contorted in every direction and declining towards every quarter of the compass at every angle. The party which went out in the year 1819-20, under the Qpmmand of Major Long, to explore the country west of the Mis- sissippi, found a vast desert with a substratum of sandstone stretching eastward from the Rocky Mountains through a dis- tance of more than 400 miles. The strata which constitute this formation of sandstone are sometimes nearly horizontal and sometimes considerably inclined. Near the mountains they are generally horizontal until we come to the very foot, where they are suddenly elevated in vast tables, into a position approaching the perpendicular. These appearances may be accounted for, either on the supposition that the Rock}' Mountains retain their primitive position, and that the whole body of the sandstone has sunk down from the higher level which it once occupied, and left the upright tables resting upon the sides of the mountains — or we may suppose that the sandstone now occupies the position in which it was originally consolidated, and that the Rocky Moun- tains have been forced up through it from below, deranging and dis- placing in their passage such of the superincumbent strata as were near enough to be effected by them. One or the other of these conclusions appears to be unavoidable. There is evidence that in some localities the elevation, 'in some the depression, and in others successive elevations and depres- sions of limited portions of the earth’s crust, have brought the rocks into the positions they now occupy. Thus on the south- ern coast of England, a Stratum of marine origin is oovered by a. bed of black mould containing the petrified trunks of large trees and their stumps still standing erect in their native soil. Over these, fresh water, and higher still , other marine formations are ac- cumulated to a thickness of more than 2CQ0 feet. It is evident that the lower marine stratum must have been raised out of the sea, and a soil formed upon its surface, in which a forest took root and grew, and that the whole was afterwards for many ages the bot- tom of a deep ocean. It is now a second time dry land- Similar EFFECTS OF EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES. 91 oscillations and changes of level are known to have occurred else- where on the surface of the globe, and it may be conjectured that they have not been uncommon. But of the two movements, upward and downward, if we may judge from characters of the strata to which we have access, the former have been more frequent than the latter. Organic remains of marine origin are found imbedded in greatabundancealong the sides or on the summits of mountains, but this is not quite decisive. We do not know what submerged continents may now be covered by the waters of the ocean. The conclusion may however be regarded as warranted by the facts, which living geologists have generally regarded themselves as under the necessity of adopting — that the mountains which are called primitive, though existing probably in the form of rocks within the bowels of the earth, have been forced up through the transition and secondary strata, producing that confusion and dis- order which are so strikingly exhibited in the neighborhood of the great mountain chains. 50. Prop. V. It is probable that the causes which are now active in the production of the phenomena of earthquakes and volcanoes, have effected important changes in the features of the globe, in particular that they raised the primitive mountains out of the bed of the sea. They also brought into existence under t/ieir present form , a class of rocks (the trap rocks ) that were the subject of fierce contention between the rival schools of Hutton and fVerner. We have now come to one of the most difficult problems in the science of geology; that of accounting for the changes that have just been stated and described. The unstratified rocks, and especially granite, have been heaved out of the bowels of the earth, carrying with them , and before them, strata thathad been accumulated at the bottom of the ocean ,and have thus formed the existing continents. How? What is the nature of the force hy which effects so vast and magnificent have been produced? There will be given by way of introduction to the discussion of this question, a brief ac- count of the controversy that was maintained with the utmost degree of vehemence and bitterness, about half a century ago, re- t specting the origin of the Trap Hocks. v } At a distance of about fifty miles from Freyburg where Wer- \ ner taught mineralogy, the Erzgeberg mountains, rich in the me- | tal ores, separate Saxony from Bohemia ; the chain being about 1 one hundred and twenty miles in length. Some of the highest peaks of the chain, or of the spurs that make out from it, have a cap of basalt upon their summits. The basalt is in the form of huge blocks, two or three hundred feet in thickness. It occurs on fourteen different mountains, scattered over an area of 600 square miles, but the surface of all the basalt taken together does not much exceed a single square mile. The mountains themselves, are primitive, being constituted of granite, gneiss, and mica and clay slate. The basalt sometimes reposes directly on these rocks 92 HISTORY OF THE EARTH and is sometimes separated from them by a thin layer of sandstone. Galleries have been driven under the basalt for the purpose of pro- curing ore from the subjacent formations, affording the means of ascertaining beyond all doubt, that it cannot have been thrown up from below. Werner finding it lying in some cases upon a rock evidently secondary, and seeing upon the spot no evidence of its igneous origin, classed it with his secondary rocks that have been deposited from water. The correctness of this classification was questioned by other geologists, and the disciples of Werner hold- ing themselves bound to maintain the positions of their master, there arose a long and angry dispute respecting the origin of ba- salt, and in genera! of the fioetz or secondary trap rocks. Secondary trap formations are seldom extensive. The rocksof this class do not constitute great mountain chains. They general- ly occupy an unconformable and overlying position on the top of other strata. Sometimes they are irregular shapeless masses, but they occur also in tables and of a globular form. A large block of basalt is often divided by fissures into prisms, the numberof the sides of which is variable, from three to nine. Four or five sides are the most common. The sides of a trap formation frequently present high perpendicular precipices, or a succession of these, of less elevation, creating in the latter case natural terraces, whence the name of Trap Hocks from the Swedish, trappa, signifying a stair. The neighborhood of Edinburgh, the Western Islands of Scot- land, the North of Ireland, and the Northern States furnish ex- amples. The igneous origin of the trap rocks has been inferred from a variety of facts and observations, some of which are here stated. 1. Basalt and some varieties of compact lava very much, re- semble each other. They have the same texture, color, and ap- pearance of having been subjected to the action of fire. That variety of basalt on the other hand, which bears the riame of Amygdaloid, imitates very exactly porous lava. After having been exposed to an intense heat, basalt and lava if suddenly cool- ed, assume the characters of glass, if slowly cooled, of stone. The general range of their characters, both physical and chemi- cal, is much the same. Basalt passes by insensible gradations into the other trap rocks, so that whatever be the opinion that is entertained respecting the one, it must be held in regard to the others. 2. The position of the trap rocks, with respect to other rocks and strata, is generally that which a mass of matter would assume if poured in a fluid or semi-fluid state from a volcano. The su- perincumbent and overlying position is peculiarly appropriate to rocks that have been formed in this way. 3. Basaltic rocks are most frequently met with in those coun- tries which exhibit other proofs of having been the seats of vol- canic action. Daubisson when he had seen only the basalts of ORIGIN OF THE TRAP ROCKS. 93 Saxony, wrote a book in defence of the doctrines of Werner, but after visiting the mountains of Auvergne, lie was satisfied that the basaltic formations of that country are the products of volca- noes, and disposed to generalize the proposition, and refer all rocks of the same kind to the same origin. 4. When beds of limestone, or coal, are traversed by dykes of basalt, or lie adjacent to a body of that substance, they are often much altered at, and near, the point of contact ; the limestone having been made to assume a crystalline structure, and the coal deprived of its bitumen, and charred, and we know of no way in which contiguous strata could produce this effect, except by the intense heat of that which has changed the condition of the | other. The reasonings of the Wernerians were generally presented ‘ under the form of objections to the doctrines of their opponents, rather than as positive arguments in favor of their own opinions. Thus in the case of the basalts of Saxony: mines have been run quite under them, and it has been thus ascertained that they can- not have been thrown out of the bowels of the mountains on which they stand. The inference was drawn that they can- not have been produced by the action of fire : but whether we call in one or the other element, fire or water, to aid us in the formation of these rocks, their position is equally embarrassing. The great extent of some formations of basalt, was proposed as an objection to the opinion that this rock is of igneous origin. But when it is considered that the bed of lava which flowed from Mount Heckla in 1784, is ninety-four miles in length, fifteen in breadth, and in some places from eighty to an hundred feet in thickness, the magnitude of the largest trap formation cannot be regarded as presenting any very considerable difficulty. The last century furnished another example of the energy with which volcanic action may be exerted without convulsing the earth to any great extent. On the night between the 28th and 29th of September, 17A9, a tract of country four miles square, in the in- j tendancy ’of Valladolid in Mexico, which had formerly been cul- 1 tivated ground, was thrown up to an elevation, at the highest 5 point, of about 1500 feet, ( the height of the Pilot Mountain above | the surrounding country very nearly^). and converted into a vol- 1 cano, and yet this event was unknown to men of science until ! H umboldt visited Mexico at the commencement of the present I century. It w'as further urged by the Wernerians that basalt sometimes traverses or touches, strata of coal and limestone, without producing any change in those substances at the point of contact, and that it also embraces animal and vegetable remains. These are con- j siderations of real weight, but the inference drawn from them was rejected on the ground that the examples cited were few in j number, and that the facts had in these cases been either misappre- hended or misinterpreted. The beliefis universal amongst geologists 1 9 94 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. of the present day, that basalt is of igneous origin, and in arriving at this conclusion, they have been led to include with it, granite and the other unstratified rocks. Si. But how have these last been produced? In what particu- lar way have they after their formation been heaved out of their beds, and placed at great elevations above the level of the sea ? Is there any analogy either intimate or remote, between the causes and circumstances that have formed beds of lava upon the surface, and those which created and raised into its present posi- tion, the block of granite on which the University stands? On these points the opinions of geologists are widely discordant. 1. It has been supposed by some, that there is a close resem-. blance in the formation of beds of lava and masses of granite, the causes to which they owe their origin, and the mode of their ac- tion, being nearly the same for both : That they are the result of chemical changes which are constantly proceeding within the crust of the earth , and which either operate unseen and in silence, until a force is accumulated that is superior to the resistance to be overcome ; or acquire from time to time new activity, because fresh masses of matter are brought into contact with each other. In either case, there is a sudden and irresistible action, by which long ranges of mountains are thrown up in the course of a few weeks, or months, when the disturbing force appears to be ex- hausted and sleeps for ages. The history of the earth , according to this hypothesis, is made up of brief paroxysms of violence and convulsion, and long intervals of repose. 2. Other geologists have represented that the amount of geo- logical change has been in all ages pretty nearly the same ; that the existing continents have been raised from the deep by a suc- cession of movements, each so small as to have escaped notice at the time of its occurrence, and which are still continued. Thus some parts of the coast of Sweden are said to be rising at the present day, but so slowly, that the fact is ascertained only by a comparison of observations made at intervals of from fifty to one hundred years. That there has been no change of the relative m level of land .and water around the shores of the Mediterranean, during many centuries, is proved by the fact that the stairs for de- scending to the water’s edge, and the landing-places there, which were constructed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, are in use at the present day. 3. But neither the paroxysmal nor the secular hypothesis as-' signs with precision and certainty the mode by which the effects supposed by it are accomplished. Granting that the causes of chemical change are active in the interior of the earth ; it is not apparent in what way they can operate to produce the protrusion of the rocks and the elevation of the strata. We cannot see why they should even have any tendency to produce such effects. And even if they are supposed only to modify the level of the existing continents, by causing the depression of one point, CAUSES OF THE ELEVATION OF THE STRATA. 95 whilst they elevate another, the modus operandi by which they ac- complish this is equally obscure. 4. Abandoning the idea that the dislocated and tilted condi- tion of the strata is the result of chemical agencies, some philoso- phers have turned their attention to the gradual refrigeration of the globe, as the great cause of geological changes ; but still with discordant views respecting the manner in which it would ope- rate. A ball consisting of an exterior solid crust, and an interior liquid mass, is floating in a medium whose temperature is less el- evated than its own : What law will the cooling observe as it proceeds ? Will it be most rapid, and the contraction most con- siderable, in the crust, or in the fluid it contains ? 5. M. Elie de Beaumont supposes, that it will be greatest in the latter, and that the crust becoming too large for the body it is required to cover, will collapse, and accommodate itself to the diminished magnitude uf the internal nucleus, rising into ridges along certain lines that are not very remote from each other; and that it is in this way that the strata have been shifted from theiroriginal positions, and mountain ranges formed. M. Cordier, on the other hand, represents that the cooling and contraction will be the greatest in the crust. Fissures must therefore be created in some places, to which it may be expected that the superabun- dant matter will be directed by the pressure of that part of the crust in which the cohesive force is not yet overcome. This must produce a bulging out of the surface along the line of the fissures; a ridge of granite, with the transition and secondary strata adhering to it, and reposing upon it in an inclined position, on each side. This hypothesis agrees better with the facts there- fore than the other. Whether we shall ever arrive at accurate knowledge, and con- clusions in which we may repose undoubting confidence, respect- ing the primary causes of geological phenomena, is perhaps doubt- ful. The minds of the philosophers who are engaged in the cul- tivation of this science, are now directed with intense interest to this particular subject, and it may be hoped that correct results will be obtained. But even if they should not, the value of the knowledge we already possess, will not be much the less on that account. Until within a very few years, it was the commonly received and accredited doctrine, that light consists of minute particles, thrown off with immense velocity, from the luminous body. At present, the opinion that the phenomena of light are the effect of undulations produced in an elastic medium dispersed /- through the universe, threatens to supplant the other. But whether we embrace one or the other hypothesis, all the great principles and doctrines of the science of optics will remain un- affected, and with no diminution of their truth and certainty. And so will it be with regard to the cardinal facts and doctrines of geology, whatever the uncertainty under which we labor in re- gard to the primary causes of geological changes. 96 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. 52. Prop. VI. Sifter the strata constituting the present crust of the globe hud been deposited , and before the consolida- tion of the most recent secondary rocks, vast currents swept over its surface, and in some instances scooped out deep ral- lies, and in others transported rocks to a distance from their original beds. Of the propelling power which put these currents in motion nothing is known with certainty ; whether for example they were rivers, conveying the waters drained from a continent to the ocean, or like the Gulf Stream , established in the ocean itself. The evidences of their existence are still extant in the marks of their ravages that remain. Nor is it meant to be asserted that all vallies have been formed by the action of currents. The attention of geologists was first called to the circumstances under which boulder stones are found dispersed over the north- ern parts of Switzerland, by Saussure. The Alps range along the southeastern border of that country. Mont Blanc, the highest peak, attaining an elevation of more than fifteen thousand feet, is a block of granite, in which talc and chlorite are substituted for mica. On the northwest, Switzerland is partly bounded, and partly traversed, by Mount Jura, presenting strata of secondary- limestone. The two ranges are separated by deep vallies, in which flow, the Rhone, expanding in one part of its course so as to form the lake of Geneva, and the Aar. On the top and along the sides of Jura are found huge blocks, which have apparently been torn from the opposite ridges of the Alps, and in some way or other transported across the valley. They have no connex- ion with, or resemblance to, the strata on which they lie, and are identical in composition, and structure, with the rocky masses that abound in the Alps. Respecting the man- ner in- which their removal has been effected different opinions have been entertained : — that they had become enveloped in a body of ice, when the compound mass being lighter than an equal bulk of water, floated away, and eventually subsided into the situations in which the granitic blocks are now lying ; that they were blown into the air by the force which elevated the Alps and descended upon Jura ; that they were torn from the Alps, and carried down the sides of those mountains, with a ve- locity that caused them to roll up the side of Jura ; that there was once a continuous inclined plane reaching from the upper re- gions of the Alps, to the summit of Jura, along which they were rolled into their present beds, and that the intervening -vallies were scooped out afterward by a current ; that the elevation of Jura was subsequent to that of the Alps, and that whilst it was yet on a level with the base of those mountains, the boulders were rolled down upon it, and afterwards elevated along with it. The alluvial shores of the Baltic present examples of erratic blocks, brought apparently from the mountains of Sweden and Norway. They occur also in the valley of the Ohio. FORMATION OF TALLIES. 97 If these should be thought ambiguous examples of the action of currents, there are others where the fragments can be traced back, along the track of the current, to the rock from which they were torn. Instances of this kind occur in England, which prove that in that country, the movement of the waters was from the northwest towards the southeast. In many parts of the northern States, vast heaps of sand, gravel, and rounded pebbles, are piled up in the heart of primitive districts which must have been brought thither by currents. They are sometimes many feet in height, i and cover extensive tracts. When cut through b^ torrents, they * exhibit layers of rounded stones and sand, of different degrees of j fineness, resting on each other, and different from the subjacent 1 rock on which they repose. If we except the low country ; parts I of which I have sometimes suspected to have an intimate con- nexion so far as relates to the time and mode of their formation with these deposits ; we have no similar appearances in North Carolina. Many valleys have been formed by the action of currents. i( When a valley takes its beginning, and continues its whole ex- “tent, within the area of strata that are horizontal, or nearly so, “ and which bear no marks of having been moved from their ori- ** ginal place, by elevation, depression, or disturbance of any ' “ kind ; and when it is also inclosed by hills that afford an ex- “ act correspondence of opposite parts ; its origin must be refer- red to the removal of the subtances that once filled it. And as “ it is quite impossible that this removal could have been pro- “duced in any conceivable duration of years, by the rivers “ that now flow through them, we must attribute it to some cause (t more powerful than any at present in action, and the only ad- ‘ i missible explanation that suggests itself is, that they were exca- “ vated oy the force of water in motion.” — Buckland, Reliquiae Diluvianae. Hutton and Playfair maintained that all vallies have been form- j ed by the long continued erosion of the streams which actually | run through them ; but there are innumerable instances where | . streams do not exist, or where they are wholly inadequate to the j production of the condition of things thatis observed. Fromthe 1 effects of the water that falls under the form of snow, or rain, upon the soil of our fields, in forming gullies, and sweeping away the finer particles and depositing them in the beds of the rivers ; | the idea that the vallies in which those rivers flowhave been scoop- ed out in a long succession of ages, strikes the mind in the first in- stance, as in a high dogree probable. But when we attend to the actual progress of the water in wearing away their beds, and ob- serve also the sharp angles of the rocks to a great height on each side, and the absence of those marks of attrition which must have been found, had the valley been created in this way, we see the necessity of a more efficient cause. If we trace the streams to the ocean also, we find the deposits at their mouths by no means 9 * 99 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. commensurate to the quantity of soil which would he necessary to fill up the valiies in the interior. Other objections might be proposed. Cases occur where there is such a combination of longitudinal and transverse valiies, as proves incontestibly, that the bed of the river was first formed, and the water afterwards flowed in it, in obedience to the law of gravity, but wilhout exert- ing any considerable agency in producing its excavation. The Shenandoah and Potomac rivers in Virginia, will furnish an il- lustration, though they they may not afford an example. Mr. Jefferson supposes that the Blue Ridge was first thrown up, that the two rivers afterwards began to flow, and to form a lake be- hind the mountain, which continued to rise, until it reached the crust of the ridge, when it broke over, and gradually tore away the strata down to the present level of the bed of the stream. This may be a correct account of what took place at the point where the Potomac passes the ridge, hut cases occur on the surface of the globe, where the appearances are the same, so far as relates to the rupture of the mountain barrier, but it is found on exami- nation, that the crest of the mountain is higher than the head of the river, or than some other point on the edge of the basin, within which the waters are supposed to have been confined, before they broke through : and if the elevated land which separates the head waters of the Shenandoah from the waters of James River, shall be found to be lower than what was the original gap in the Blue Ridge at Harper’s Ferry, or if any other point in the ridge, shall turn out to be lower than the same gap, it is evident that the pro- posed explanation of the appearances will be inadmissible. We must then resort to some of those primeval currents that have changed the face of other countries. The existing valiies may be referred to three principal causes. 1. The irregular elevation and subsidence of the rocky stra- ta of the globe, which have produced the greater inequalities of ^irface. 2. Currents established in the ocean whilst large parts at least of the present continents were covered with water. By these the secondary strata have been torn away in places, and over large areas, to a depth of some hundreds of feet, and the materials car- ried off, creating what are called denudations ; the inferior beds having been uncovered and brought up to the surface. Of this, the district between London and Brighton on the southern coast of England furnishes a remarkable example. When the effect is such as to create a depression below the general surface of the country there is formed a valley of denudation. S. Rivers. These are constantly, though sometimes very slowly acting upon their beds, and changing the form and aspect of the valiies through which they flow. It is evident that those depressions in their channels in which lakes are furmed, must gradually disappear, being partly filled by the alluvion brought in at their upper, and partly drained by the wearing away of the - ^ 1 : •*/"> -v ‘V V-./V TRANSITION AND SECONDART STRATA. 99 barrier at their lower extremity. A great number of lakes, is there- fore an indication that the region in which they lie , has hut recently emerged from the ocean, and it is remarkable that the country around the Baltic, which is supposed to he rising gradually at this time, abounds in them, especially that part of Russia which borders on the Qulf of Bothnia, and bears the name of Finland. The south- ern States being without lakes, it may be inferred that the era of their emergence is exceedingly remote, at least when compared with that of Maine, and the other New England States, the ter- tiary deposits of the seaboard, of course excepted. 53. Prop. VII. Since the consolidation of the crystalline or ‘primitive rocks, the earth has undergone a great number of catastrophes and revolutions , by which its free has been chang- ed It is probable that in most cases, if not in alt, the causes of these mutations in its condition and aspect, were local, and their effects confined to an urea of no very great extent. The transition and secondary strata are made up chiefly of the rounded fragments and ruins of more ancient formations, (Sections 19 and 21.) The conglomerates, sandstones, clay-slates, lime- stones, and beds of clay and sand of which they are constituted, ^ort%.^br«s- Christiana^as^tbe^' become better as- 7 also Ihat thft^HeayenJy bodies were placed -, which in the 7th yetsc is represented as having ? ^^^tbtsVhder i£ rind waters above^it^and to be therefore within Ihe ;; %apth , s' r atmpspK^Tf .• ? i*ir'P' .• ~ ^^^S^DOthih^i'p^he discoveries and speculations of sound T ^ jjjat w []] be found to militate against the _ TO j£feerigl^j^ t I ^ an^^aeh trtheiy arsing from- their'-relations to Him as their ™ r - — - perhaps . interpo- ^ *.. majesty ^to^l^^.ose- elements of" the sciences, which we shall discover £;';^nfd dearie by the exertion of our own intellectual power§,^ t ;. of ^//•{i^tb^j^e.sacred' penitiao^does' hoit'enitftrHntb any minute philo- - '• sophWa) .details," .. ' In giving an account of what took place on the :;;^e^th r before the creation of man, he does not write a system of 1 '.geology, ' and. tell in) what succession,’ and at’ \vhat intervals, the' or' America, assumed their present I'- fc^m and were consolidated. ^.The introduction of such matter tvi'ldlo i Sf; ; l)6pk'-in tended; in the first instahc^dr'tlte simple anti jrtdlshdd’ Hebrews) arid afterwards,* ’ for Ihd instruction of the poor) ^ ;andr ignorant of every covintry and every age, would evidently ^;.t*iiy#^eii'_ihexpedientj,'and a proof lh$kthe writer was not under t^dgufd a n ce o fjia influence 'procee^jg^^ i : I n speaiy; mbst-tise^fie''Iadguage of.inin, ' or' he will not be feuiraetsfood/ ' As in giving an account of the creation, of the Jid^yehly bodies, the expressions of Moses are ^evidently accom-.. f: midtlated to the first, ancLfamiUar nbti.on^ofms^indrderiv.ed. frond. .%.^^t^vrejlftfs"l>y''what-particular process the various bodies around : tis came i nto ;exi stence ■ from, nothing, but to. let us know ihda.dri ^^ag^l^.^eif.fttte'd fofjthe puj^ose that could be employed, that l- it^a^b^isuccessive exertiohsiarAVmiglttyrpower, that the earth :' 4 3^^brpb|hnntd -its present forro -and 'condition— a truth which ' _the diicoyerTes of geology abundantly establish. ^ ^^[tjis^eop^osed ?.te beuthe' opinion of;dvery respectable living r^^thatHlm earth had existed , andiieqn inhabited byliving - d^eatq^Sj-ancrsubjected to various catastrophes and changes, many' thousand Of ages before the creation of man. But all thosemore ? ; 'V.' ... 7 ' .. io ■*>;■. 106 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. ancient transactions and events are omitted in the history. In the first verse of Genesis the general proposition is enunciated,- that the heavens and the earth are the workmanship of the Divinity. The sacred writer, passing over myriads of centuries, then comes down at once to the era, when at the close of some mighty revo- lution that had just occurred, when “ the earth was without form and void,” God was about to descend once more in creative em- ergy upon our planet, to reform its disorders, rebuild its desola- tions, and especially to give being to that nobler race of living creatures, for whose instructions this record was drawn up. The narrative is here resumed, and in giving an account of the trans- actions of six successive days, he appears to mingle with that par- ticular history, some notices of events of a far more ancient date; just as in the prophecies, reference is had in the first instance to occurences soon to take place, and afterwards to olhersof greater importance, in which, the prediction is to receive its full and per- fect accomplishment. If any one then shall raise an outcry against geology, as hostile to the truths of Revelation, he will only make it evident that he shares the ignorance and folly of the inquisitors who dictated to Galileo the celebrated confession, in which he renounces the doc- triue that the sun is immoveably fixed in the heavens and the earth in motion, as a pestilent heresy. - “ I, Galileo Galilei , son of Vincent Galilei, by birth a Floren- tine, aged seventy years, — declare ; that inasmuch as the Holy ‘‘office had in a regular and lawful manner enjoined upon me -to “ abandon the false opinion that the sun is the centre of the system “ and immoveable, and that the earth is nol the centre of the uni- “ verse, and that it is in motion, and inasmuch as I ought not “ afterwards to have either held, defended, or taught, this doctrine, “in any manner whatever, in conversation or by writing, and not- “ withstanding, after it. had been declared tome that the aforesaid “doctrine is contrary to the Holy Scriptures, I have written and “caused to be printed, a book, wherein I treat of that condemn- “ ed doctrine, and bring arguments of great weight in favour of it, “ without giving any refutation of them, I have therefore been “ adjudged to be strongly suspected of heresy, and as havingbe- “ lieved that the sun is in the centre of the universe and motion- “ less, and that the earth is not the centre, and that it moves — “ therefore, wishing to remove fiom the minds of jour Eminen- ces, and of every orthodox Christain, this violent suspicion, “with such good reason entertained against me, with a sincere “heart, and faith unfeigned, I abjure, condemn, and detest, the “above mentioned errors and heresies, and I swear, that in fu- “ ture I will not say or alarm anything, either in conversation -or “ by writing, which shall afford ground for such suspicions “ against me.” Such was the humiliating abjuration exacted of Galileo, of an opinion now regarded bj f the whole civilized world, not only as TERTIARY FORMATIONS. 107 harmless, and consistent with a sincere attachment to the Christian faith, butas the only one that can beentertained by person ofa sound and enlightened mind ; and the objection raised against it was, that it seemed to be at variance will* the literal meaning of the sacred writings. Such are the consequences of supposing that what we may regard as a literal interpretation of the language of the scriptures should interfere with the freedom of philosophical inquiry.* OF TERTIARY FORMATIONS. 56. A principal source of the errors into which men have fall- en, and of the unsound doctrines they have embraced in the science of Geology, is to be found in their assumptions respecting the age of the earth, which has very generally been held not to have existed more than a few thousands of years. The creation of man, was supposed to have been immediately consequent upon that of the soil on which he was to tread, and as the descendants of Adam are given in regular succession, down to the date to which profane history ascends, a reverence Cor what was sup- posed to be recorded as true in the sacred volume, shackled the spirit of free enquiry. And even after it was observed that without abandoning our belief in the divine origin of the scrip- tures, or rejecting any of the statements contained in them, we may assign a greater antiquity to the earth, men were slow in appropriating the eternity which we know must be already past, .to the production of the changes that the crust of the globe has . evidently undergone. As in the first attempts at navigation, it was a small arm of a bay, or a river, that was passed, next there was a tedious and winding voyage along the shore, and always within sight of land, and it was not till ages had elapsed, that the mariner learned to commit himself fearlessly to the broad ocean — so, when it began to be generally admitted that the earth had existed, and been the dwelling place of living beings, prior to the creation of man, geologists seemed filled with a strange apprehen sion and dread of the past eternity, and contented themselves with the opinion that the earth might be some few centuries or thou- | sands of years older, than had been previously supposed. They i were fearful of embracing the idea that the earth though not eter j nal, might be of an age, in comparison with which, the existence j of man upon its surface sinks into insignificance. The tendency ; of modern discoveries in geology has been, to enlarge immeasura bly the supposed term of its past duration. We have heretofore given the names, and the order of succes- sion, of a long series of secondary strata, occupying the south- ] eastern part of England, (Sec. 29,) and stated that the races | which are entombed in the oldest of these strata must have differ | ed widely from such as now inhabit the earth ; but that there is | a gradual approach in the more recent strata, to the type of such as are found living in the existing oceans. .The most recent of 109 DISTORT OF THE EARTH. the secondary formations is the chalk that presents itself so conspicuously in the cliffs of Dover to a person who is approach- ing the island from the southeast. It abounds in organic remains, but until recently was supposed not to contain a single species that is known to inhabit the earth at the present time. Since the deposition of the chalk therefore, it appeared that the population of the earth had undergone a total change, not only in regard to the individuals occupying it but in regard to species. Above the chalk, in Messrs. Conybeare and Philips’ Outlines of the Geology of the country, there are noticed and described three or four formations in the neighbourhood of London,. and upon, and near the Isle of Wight, ol limited extent, where the species now inhabiting the ocean begin to make their appearance ; at first or in the lower beds ; rarely, and mixed with a large num- ber of extinct species, but afterwards in greater variety. Here then the line of demarcation was drawn between the seconda- ry and tertiary strata, the former, being such as contain extinct species only , the latter, an intermixture in larger or smaller num- bers, of species that arc recent or still living. Very recently, Ehrenberg, employing the microscope in these investigations, has ascertained that a great number of shells, most- ly too small to be accurately distinguished by the naked eye, are common to the chalk and the more recent strata. But the line of separation here indicated, will probably not be changed on that account. It was formerly held that the deposition of the chalk, the new- est of the secondary strata, was an event of comparatively recent occurrence, and if not actually within it, approaching the borders of our own time. This opinion is now abandoned, and the chalk referred to an era exceedingly remote ; separated in fact from the present day, by ages, compared with which the period embraced by human records whether sacred or profane, is but a brief and evanescent term of duration. We have now to state the facts and observations on which these new views and doctrines are founded. The tertiary district that first attracted particular notice is that which surrounds the city of Paris, embracing an area of about 7100 square miles, equal to the oneseventh part of the state of North Carolina. It is commonly called the Paris basin, that city being nearly in its centre. It is surrounded by chalk on every side except the south, and southwest, in which directions that form- ation is wanting, and the tertiary beds rest upon^te strata under- lying the chalk. v ' When a new impulse was given to the sftulyrof Geology at Freyburg, the attention of Werner and his disciples was directed principally, and with the most interest, to the more ancient rocks. To these succeeded as objects of study and investigation, the se- condary strata, especially those of England. It was not till the publication of the “ Mineralogical Geography of the Environs of the city of Paris,” by Cuvier and Brongniart, in 1811, that the TERTIARY FORMATIONS. 109 j I i ? p highly interesting character of the tertiary strata began to be ap- preciated and understood. Those occupying the Paris basin were represented by these philosophers as admitting of four great di- visions, and these of certain smaller subdivisions. 1. Immediately upon the chalk reposes a stratum of marine origin, with some intermixture of freshwater beds. The most important member of this division is a coarse limestone, abound- ing in shells, in excellent preservation. It is about ninety feet in thickness, and as some parts of it afford a building stone of good quality, numerous quarries have been opened in it beneath and around the city of Paris. 2. Next in order, is a freshwater formation, consisting of beds of gypsum and gypseous marl. It is remarkable chiefly as con- taining near its upper surface, the remains of several genera and species of Mammalia that no longer exist upon the surface of the globe, the successful study and determination of which have im- mortalized the name of Cuvier. 3. There succeeds a stratum of sandstone, the lower beds of which are without organized remains of any kind, but those high- er up, abound in shells belonging to races that inhabit the sea. 4. Covering all these is a second freshwater formation of very variable mineralogical character, presenting in some parts a soft friable limestone, and in others the hardest siliceous minerals, as jasper and buhr millstone. The order of superposition of these deposits was represented to be such as has just been stated, but they all rise to the surface in places, as along their edges, or where they have been laid bare by the removal of the mass of material lying above. The shells had been previously studied and illustrated with wonderful zeal and ability by Lamarck ; the bones of the Mammalia attracted the at- tention of Cuvier about tbe year 1800, and gave origin to the in- vestigation by Cuvier and Brongniart, the results of which have just been exhibited. Succeeding observers have proposed some modifications of the scheme of classification, especially in the first and second of these assemblages of strata, which are now sup- posed to have been nearly contemporaneous. As the investigations just noticed, were conducted with great skill and ability, and the published report of them was very full, filling nearly 300 quarto pages, the strata of tbe Paris basin be- came a sort of standard to which other strata bearing any resem- blance to them, discovered in other countries, were referred. Such strata exist in England, on both sides of the Thames, above and below London, %nd upon the Isle of Wight and in its neighbor- hood, but of much greater extent and importance in Italy, on both sides of the Appenines. It would appear that what now bears the name of Italy, was at the time of its first emergence from the deep, but a long narrow ridge, consisting indeed merely of what is now the Appenines, with a sea of moderate depth on each side. On the flanks of 10 * 110 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. these mountains, races of shell-fish came into existence, lived and died, accumulating the materials for tertiary strata of great ex- tent and thickness. The power which had elevated the Appenines now became active a second time, and Italy rose from the waters eo-extensive with its present limits. Corresponding remarks may be made respecting the island of Sicily, in the southern part of which, the tertiary strata have been lifted to the height, of 3000 feet above the level of the sea. But when the shells from the Paris basin, from the sub-Ap- penine deposits, and from the south of Sicily, were compared with each other, and with recent or living species, a wide differ- ence is observed amongst them. In the Paris Basin, nearly all the species collected and determined, amounting to more than a thou- sand, (1238,) are now extinct, only 42 of the whole number being still living. The proportion of living species, is thatof three and a half in an hundred, nearly. On the Loire, in the south of France near Bourdeaux, in Piedmont, and in the basin of Vienna, in which places there are tertiary deposits, the proportion is about eighteen in a hundred. In the sub- A ppenine beds, from a third to a half of the species are still alive in the waters of the Mediterranean, though they are generally more numerous in seas nearer the equator, and attain a larger size there, indicating that a tropical climate, where its increase and development is greatest, is the appropriate hab- itat of the species ; and as the shells dug up in Italy are also larger than those that now cover the living animal in the Mediterranean, it is inferred that the climate of that country was formerly hotter than it is at present. Finally, the shells obtained in the southern part of Sicily, and sometimes on the tops of mountains of con- siderable elevation, agree, with few exceptions, with such as are found in the neighbouring seas at the present day. The general inference drawn from these facts, is, that the strata of the Paris basin, of the basin of Vienna, of the sub-Appenlne, and of the south of Sicily, are not only not contemporaneous, but separated from each other by immense intervals of time. Between the era of the Paris basin and of that of Vienna, a period intervened during which not merely individuals, but whole spe- cies perished and became extinct, and others were created to sup- ply their places. A corresponding lapse of ages separates other tertiary deposits that differ in the same manner from each other, in the number of the living species they furnish. Nor does it appear that the genera or species which perished were swepl away by any sudden and violent catastrophe. Either some unknown casualty brought the existence of tire different races one by one to its close, or perhaps every species receives into its constitution at its creation, the seeds of decay and dissolution, along with the principle of life, so that the period during which it is to inhabit the earth, is circumscribed by certain definite limits. That geologists may be furnished with convenient names by which to mark and designate in their publications and communi- TERTIARY FORMATIONS : TIIE DELUGE 111 cations with each other the periods during which the strata we are now considering were deposited, the following terms, which have come into pretty general use, and are of frequent occurrence in the recent works on geology, have been proposed byLyell. 1. For the earliest of the periods we have noticed, that during which the strata of the Paris basin were deposited, he has pro- posed the title of Eocene, from «'«; aurora, and **<«{, recent, or new, because the extremely small proportion of living species contained in these strata, indicates what may be considered as the first commencement, or dawn of the existing state of the animate creation. 2. The next following epoch he names Miocene ; from minor, less, and ****«?; a minority only of fossil shells em- bedded in the formations of this period being of recent species ; a little less than eighteen in one hundred. The south of France near Bourdeaux, Piedmont, and the basin of Vienna, are exam- ples of Miocene formations. 3. 4. To the strata of Italy and Sicily are appropriated the designations of older and newer Pliocene ; from Thaui, major, greater, and indicating a nearer approach and more inti- mate resemblance to the existing population of the ocean. A part at least of the Low Country of North Carolina ; perhaps the whole, (a few isolated rocks excepted,) belongs to the Pliocene period. From the statements just made, it will appear, that since the era when the deposition of the tertiary strata commenced, geo- logical formations have been of limited extent. The materials of which they aie composed are accumulated during an indefinite period in the bottom of the sea ; the causes of geological phenom- ena that had apparently been slumbering for ages then awaken to new activity, and a tract of greater or less extent is raised above the waves, and added to the previously existing continents. It is in this way, and not by the gradual accretion and extension of its shores, that the Low Country of the United States has been gained from the ocean- 57. Prop. VI II. Since l he tertiary strata were deposited, and since the creation of the existing races of brute animals, and of man, one great catastrophe has changed the face of the earth. ' A food of waters has covered those parts of the earth's surface which had previously been and are now dry land. The appropriate demonstration of the truth of this proposition is furnished by the Holy Scriptures. Of the truth and credibility of the statements contained in the scriptures, the well authenticat- ed, miracles recorded in them furnish ample proof, shewing as they do, that this one book is a revelation from the mosthigh God. The belief has been fondly entertained by some persons, that evident marks and traces of the deluge are still visible upon the surface of the globe, and they would bring in physical, to aid in the establishment and support of theological truth. But even if 112 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. vve discover the effects of an ancient inundation, and the ravages produced apparently hy a flood of waters in motion, it will be difficult to prove tl\at they are to be referred to that particular catastrophe of which Moses has furnished us with a brief history, and not to some other one of those great revolutions that have changed the face of the earth. It is probable that natural science will be compelled at length to confess her utter ignorance on all points connected with the subject of revealed religion, and to acknowledge that her testi- mony is altogether of a negative character, that she can offer 'nothing decisive either for or against it. The facts that have been supposed to have a bearing upon this question, and an ab- stract of the conclusions drawn from them, are now to be ex- hibited. Jill the shells, of whatever age or kind, that are found far in- land, on the summits, or imbedded in the strata of mountains, were once adduced as proofs of Noah’s deluge. Not one person held entitled to the name and character of a philosopher takes this view of them now. They existed, and nearly in the places where we find them, millions of ages before Adam was created. But the recent beds of sand, loam, and gravel, sometimes’envelop- ing the remains of various animals, that present themselves in many different parts of the world, are still referred by some ge- ologists to the deluge, and considered as furnishing satisfactory evidence of the occurrence of such an event. They are not known to exist in North Carolina, but are of frequent occurrence, though generally without organic remains, in the Northern and Western States, and with remains imbeded, on the Island of Great Britain, and the Continent of Europe, and in the northern part at least, of the Continent of Asia. The appear- ance of these accumulations of loam and gravel, the nature of the pebbles fonnd in them, and the circumstances under which the bones exist in them, (at considerable depths, and not upon the surface, where the bones of such animals are left, as perish by disease, or are killed by other species, ) prove that the whole mass has been produced by a flood of moving waters. Nor is it a valid objection to this inference, that we may be unable to assign the cause, either proximate or remote, by which such an inundation may have been produced, and the waters set in motion, those cases being of frequent occurrence in Geology, where we are certain that events have taken place, whilst we are unable to specify the agent and method by which they have been accomplished. Some of the theories however that have been proposed for accounting for the deluge by the operation of natural causes, are entitled to a passing notice. Amongst the bones which are found imbeded in diluvium , (for by this name the sediment or mud of the deluge is distinguished from the alluvion of rivers) are those of the elephant, which have been dug up in all parts of the world. It is in Asiatic Russia that noah’s deluge. 113 they occur in the greatest abundance. Pallas says that from the Don to Kamschatka there is scarcely a river whose bank does not afford remains of the mammoth or elephant. The hones are generally dispersed, seldom occurring in complete skeletons. It was long denied that they are the remains of the elephant, and asserted that they are lusus naturae, bones of giants, skeletons of fallen angels, &c. When there could no longer be any doubt on this point, a new difficulty arose. But two living species of ele- phant are known ; the Asiatic and the African, both of which are inhabitants of a warm climate. But the bones in question are found in the greatest abundance along the northern border of the empire of Russia, a region locked up in eternal frost. The quan- tity of the ivory furnished annually to the arts by that quarter of the world is by no means inconsiderable. These facts suggested one of the celebrated theories of the de- luge; that namely, which attributes it to a change in the position of the earth’s axis, and represents that the antediluvian world spun around an axis terminating in the main Atlantic and Pacific oceans, so that northern Asia, and the eastern part of Africa, be- longed to the equatorial regions. This theory is refuted by a number of independent arguments. An experiment furnished by the whirling-table is alone decisive. It proves that a yielding body revolving rapidly, assumes the figure of an oblate spheroid. The earth has this figure, the shorter diameter being along its present axis. We formerly inferred, (sec 4 3), that the earth assumed its present form at the cieation, or when it was in a fluid or semifluid state, in consequence of its motion on its axis. ' If the axis of revolution had been changed subsequently ; after the consolidation of the rocks ; though the water would flow towards the new equator, the solid crust would have become too rigid and unyielding to accommodate itself accu- rately to the new condition of the forces acting upon it. The earth must therefore have revolved before the deluge, in the same manner as at present, and the position of its axis can have under- gone no change at that time. But further ; the fossil elephants whose remains are so exten- sively distributed over the globe were of species different from any that now exist, and one species at least was fitted to inhabit a cold climate. The bones themselves show that they belonged to species that are now extinct About the beginning of the present cen- tury, an individual that must have been frozen up soon after its death, was disengaged by the melting of the ice in which it had been enveloped, from a high bank near the mouth of a river in the Dorth of Siberia. The Indian and African elephants are naked. This was furnished with three kinds of hair : one was stiff black bristles a foot or more in length, a second, thinner bristles or coarse flexible hair of a reddish brown color, and the third, course reddish brown wool, which grew among the roots of the long hair. More than thirty pounds weight of the hair 114 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. and bristles was gathered from the wet sand bank into which they had been trampled by the white bears whilst devouring the car- cass. This warm and abundant covering indicates, that Siberia was the same cold and frozen region before the deluge as at the present day : in other words that the position of the earth’s axis has not been changed. , Burnet represented that the earth consisted originally ofa thin crust covering an abyss of water ; which crust was broken up for the production of the deluge, and formed the mountains by its fragments. Woodward held that this catastrophe was occasioned by a temporary suspension of the attraction of cohesion ; the whole mass of the globe was reduced to a soft paste which became pen- etrated by shells. Deluc’s opinion was, that the sea now occupies the situation of the ancient continents, and that what is now dry land, was, antecedently to the deluge, the bed of thesea. That event was therefore produced by the subsidence of what had been the most elevated parts of the crust of the earth, and the elevation of those which hail been the lowest. 58. Dr. Buckland, Professor of Geology in the University of Oxford, refuted all these different hypotheses and others with them, at once, and proved that what is dry, inhabited land now, was dry, inhabited land before the deluge : also that at an era that is com- paratively recent in the history of the earth, England was the abode of those races of animals which are seldom found at the pre- sent day, if ever, beyond the limits of the torrid zone. In the summer of 1821, some workmen who were engaged in carrying on the operations of a large limestone quarry in the side of a hill near the village of Kirkdale in Yorkshire, Eng., acciden- tally intersected the mouth of a long hole or cavern, closed exter- nally with rubbish, and overgrown with grass and bushes. The bottom of the cavern was covered to the average depth of about a foot, with a bed of soft mud or loom. None of this sediment was found attached to the sides or roof. It was itself covered over with a plating of stalagmite, or that calcareous matter which often forms an incrustation on the sides and bottom of limestone caverns. There was no alternation of layers of stalagmite and loam, but beneath the loam, there was another coating of stalag- mite, reposing upon and covering the bottom of the cavern. On breaking through the upper covering of the sediment, and digging into it, it wag found that all the lower part of it, and also the sta- lagmite beneath, held enveloped an immense quantity of small fragments of bone. The workmen at first supposed them to have belonged to cattle that died of a murrain in this district a few years before, and they were neglected , and thrown upon the roads with the common limestone. At length however they attracted attention, and were found to include the remains of no fewer than twenty three different species of animals — the Hyena, Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Fox, Weasel, Elephant, Rhinoceros, H ippopotamus, Horse, Ox, three species of Deer, Hare, Rabbit, Water-Rat, Mouse, Raven, kirkdale cave : COMPARATIVE anatomy. 115 Pigeon, Lark, Snipe, and a small species of Duck. The bottom of the cavern, when the mud was first removed, was found strewed all over like a dog*kennel, from one end to the other, with hun- dreds of teeth and bones of the animals just enumerated. They were found in the greatest quantity near its mouth, because it was widest there. Those of the larger animals, the Elephant, Rhinoceros, etc., were found co-extensively with the rest, in the inmost and small- est recesses. Here a difficulty may arise in the mind of the student to whom the subject is new. How is it possible amongst such a mass of fragments of bone, to distinguish those of a particular animal, or to determine that the remains of 23 different species, are asso- ciated in the same cave ? It is no part of our purpose to deliver instructions in comparative anatomy, but some general ideas may be given of the manner in which the investigation, (prosecuted with more zeal and success by Cuvier than by any other indi- vidual), is carried on. It is evident on the slightest consideration of the subject, that animalsdifTer in their osteology, not much less than in their exter- nal appearance. The skull of an ox will be distinguished from that of a horse, by a person of the most ordinary capacity, and with nearly as much ease, as the living animals themselves to which they severally belonged. On a more careful examination, a marked difference would be apparent, between the bones of the limbs, as well as those of the head. It is also evident that the dissimilarity in the bones of the limbs must be far greater, when herbivorous and carnivorous animals are compared ; the horse for example with the lion. T he legs of the horse are fitted for motion in one plane, from which there is never any very great deviation. In those of the lion there is required a freer motion, that he may leap and bound in any direction, and bend his paws for the seizure of his prey. Any intelligent person, with some experience in this kind of investigation, would determine from the articulations of the joints, to which of the two races an ani- mal whose bone he held in his hand had belonged. 15ut by those who have made comparative anatomy their particular study, it is found on a minute examination ; that the skeleton not only of each great class, but of every genus and species, has peculiarities of its own, and that these peculiarities extend through the whole frame, so that it is asserted that with a single bone before him, a skilful anatomist, will be able to reconstruct the animal. If it belong to a species still living on the earth, he will be able to designate that species. If it belongs to a species that is extinct, the anatomist will be able to determine its genus, and he will then proceed to erect it into a new species. If it belong to an extinct genus, he will determine its order, and erect it into a new genus. Some exaggeration it may be either suspected or fully believed 116 HISTORY OF THE EARTH. - there is, is these representations, such as it is difficult for a mind warmed with the enthusiasm created by new and important di#r •coverics to avoid altogether, but the consent of the Naturalists of all. countries, proves the great principle asserted in them to be correct and true — that the figure, and manner of life, of a race of animals long since extinct, may be ascertained from the form and structure of their bones. v * The science of comparative anatomy has been brought to bear upon the animal remains found in the Kirkdale cave^and it ap- pears that the bones of the 23 species mentioned, are mingled to- gether there. . ' v'.' That the drift and bearing of what is immediately to follow.,, may be the better understood, it may be well to state before pro- ceeding farther, the conclusions at which Dr. Buckland arrived respecting this cave — that it was the den of a species of antedilu- vian hyena, and that the bones it contains, are the remains of the animals which the hyenas dragged into it for the purpose of eat- ing them there. - ■ The three living species of hyena now known, differ somewhat in their habits, but that which is most common, inhabiting Abys- sina, and other hot countries, preys upon dead carcases, which he devours even to the bones. He sleeps during the day, and prowls about the cities and villages at night, carrying off to his den, any dead animals he may happen to find. He descends into the graves and feeds upon human bodies. .His jaws are more pow- erful than those of any known animal of nearly equal size. Dr. Buckland saw the keeper feed one that was carried for exhibition through England. He gave him bones. The shin bone of an ox he first gnawed at its upper part, and then broke into splint- ers which he swallowed whole, leaving the hard and solid part below the marrow untouched, the shin bone of a sheep, he broke into two pieces, and then swallowed without any mastication. From this account of the habits of the hyena, we revert to the contents of the cave. It has been stated that immense quantities of bojiy fragments were found enveloped in the loam, or in the stalagmite. These consist of the harder parts of the skeleton to which they belonged. On many, there are marks which corres- pond exactly to the hyena teeth that lay strewed over the floor of the cavern. The teeth of the various animals were also found in great. quantities, 60 that the number of the teeth, and of the solid bones, of the tarsus, and carpus, was more than twenty times os great as could have been supplied by the individuals whose other bones were found mixed with them. One gentle- man collected more than three hundred canine teeth of the hyena, which must have belonged to at least, seventy-five individuals, and adding to these the canine teeth derived from the same spot, that are in other collections, the whole number of hyenas of whose existence here there is evidence, cannot be estimated at less than two or three hundred. When this fact is viewed "in ANCIENT ZOOLOGY. 117 connexion with the marks of teeth upon the hones, still remain- ing, and we consider further that the cave is so small that it is impossible that an elephant, a hippopotamus, or a rhinoceros, can have entered it ; it is difficult for a candid man to refuse an acquiescence in the conclusions of Buckland — that this cave is a den of antedcluvian hyenas, who brought the bones into it for the purpose of feeding upon them. If so ; it follows that the northern part of England was dry land before the flood, and it becomes very probable that the same is true of the greater part of the existing continents. Caverns containing hones associated a good deal in the same way, though not in equal quantities, are found in France and German) 7 . We may suppose therefore that the deluge destroyed the inhabitants, without altering great- ly the external features of the earth. ANCIENT ZOOLOGY. 59 . The ancient, appears to have been more favourable than the present condition of the earth, to the development of certain forms of animal life. The largest living lizard is the crocodile of the Nile, which when full grown, is from twenty-five to thirty, and individuals have been seen that were perhaps forty feet in length. The Megalosaurus, or Great Lizard, whose hones are imbedded in the strata of Stonesficld, twelve miles from Oxford, England, exceeded by one-third, the largest crocodile. The bones of the Iguanodon, (so called from the structure of his teeth, resembling those of the Iguana, a lizard inhabiting the West Indies, and indicating that he was herbivorous,) have been found in such numbers, in the south-eastern part of England, in Kent, and Sussex, as to furnish data for calculating the average size of this reptile. His length must have been upwards of sixty, and it is supposed that some individuals may have reached an hundred feet. Both these are from secondary formations : but it is the ter- tiary strata that afford the most ample materials for instituting a comparison between the zoology of tho ancient, and that of the present earth. In the Eocene strata of the Paris Basin, the remains of Mam- malia are found in great quantities — first, or lowest, the marine races, dolphins, lamantins, and morses, and higher up, in the gypsum, terrestrial quadrupeds of the same family, but of extinct genera and species. The extinct genera detected and brought to light by Cuvier, received from him with reference to certain characters they were found to present, the names, of Palneotheriun, Lophiodon, Anoplotheriun, Anthracotheriun, Chre- ropotamus, and Adapis. The remains of extinct species of ex isting genera, indicate a great variety and abundance of animals of the order Pachydermata, including the elephant, rhinoceros, tapir, and camel. 11 118 MINERAL GEOOBAPET. MINERAL GEOGRAPHY. 60. By reason of its connexion with other interesting gubjects of enquiry, the distribution of the rock formations, and of valuable mines, over the surface and through the crust-— the Mineral Ge- ography of the earth, merits a place in a course of liberal study. But to the acquisition of this kind of knowledge, some acquaint- ance with the principles of Geology is indispensable. It is of little use that we be informed that the rocks of a country, are granite, or sandstone, so long as we are ignorant what those sub- stances are ; and what the characters are, which they impart to the scenery and the soil of the region where they prevail. The progress of nations in population, the arts, and wealth, have in all ages been greatly influenced ; and in many cases, the genius, character, and pursuits, of a people determined by the nature of the rocky strata beneath and around them. Civilization and refinement appear to have commenced on the tertiary formations. The fer- tile and easily cultivated alluvial plains of the Euphrates, and the Nile, were selected for permanent settlements by the early in- habitants of the earth, whilst the rugged and barren primitive and transition mountains, were visited only by hunters in pursuit of game. The Greeks would have made little progress in the arts of architecture, statuary, and painting, had the rocks of their country been granite, instead of marble. The relative position of Great Britain amongst the nations of Europe, in regard to wealth, and power, depends very much upon the geological cha- racter of the strata of that island, and especially the number, ex- tent, and riches, of her coal fields. Africa. The northern shore of Africa appears to be covered by secondary and tertiary deposits. The ridge of Atlas consists in part of primitive rocks, but their range and extent are not known. The substratum of the great desert of Sahara, is prin- cipally a red sandstone of unknown age: The succession of the geological formations that is met with as we descend the valley of Egypt, (granite, sandstone, and limestone,) has been already given JSbc. 35 ) In Abyssinia, the predominant rocks appear to be ^SlSeriss, clay-slate, and the products of volcanos. A range of primitive mountains stretches across the continent near its broad- est part. Southern Africa is not characterized by the prevalence • of rocks of any age, to the exclusion of others, but granite, slate, and sandstone, appear at the surface in succession, at moderate distances. A considerable quantity of gold is collected on both the eastern and western coasts, but with this exception, the val- uable minerals known to exist in Africa, are few, and unimport- ant Mineral coal has not yet been observed in any part of the continent J3sia. The great central nucleus of southern Asia, the Him- maleh mountains, is granite, and sends off spurs of the same cha- racter in different directions ; as into Indostan, in the direction MINERAL GEOGRAPHY. 119 of Cape Comovin, three-fourths of that peninsula, and the whole of Ceylon, being occupied by primitive rocks ; through Birmah, down into the peninsula of Malacca, which abounds in stannif- erous granite ; and finally into China. The tract along the shore of the Arctic ocean is tertiary. About the Caspian is a volcanic region. East of this are the sterile, secondary, plains of Tar- tary, abounding in salt, and farther still ; between the longitudes of 70°, and 90°, another seat of volcanic action. The rocks of Palestine are mostly secondary limestone, but around the sea of Tiberias, and the Dead Sea, (whose surface is 134 3 feet below that of the ocean) are some of volcanic origin. Mount Sinai is a mass of granite. Of the central regions of Asia, we know hardly more than of those of Africa. There are several rich mining districts within the limits of this continent; three within the limits of the Russian Empire, indicating the existence of primi- tive and transition rocks, along the'southern confines of Siberia, and others near the south-eastern coast. The Ural mountains are rich in iron, copper, gold, silver, and platinum, especially on their eastern or Asiatic side. That part of the Altaian mountains from which flow the head waters of the Irtish, contains an abundance of the same metals, (platinum excepted,) but especially of silver. The third district is that of Nertschink, southeast of the lake Baikal. Some of the finest specimens, as well of the earthy minerals, as of the ores of these metals, that give beauty to the cabinet of the mineralogist, are from Siberia. South-eastern Asia yields the precious gems ; India beyond the Ganges, the ruby, and sapphire ; Indostan and Borneo, the diamond. The penin- sula of Malacca, and the island of Banea, contain inexhaustible stores of tin ; nearly all the antimony of commerce comes from Borneo. Europe. A large .part of Europe is covered by tertiary de- posits. This is true of Holland, the kingdom of Hanover, Prus- sia, Poland, and much of Russia, but near the southern border of all 'these, except Holland, rocks of an earlier period make their appearance. Sweden and Norway are mostly primitive, and from their southern extremity, we may suppose the elevated edge of a basin, of the same character, and including the central states, to be continued under the sea, through the western part of Scot- land, England, and Ireland, the provinces of Brittanny and Au- vergne in France, the Alps, and ancient Mcesia, and Thrace. Much of Bohemia is also primitive. The same secondary and tertiary strata which occur at low levels, and in a horizontal po- sition, in England, are elevated and inclined at high angles, along the sides of the Alps, proving that these mountains have risen to their present height, since" the secondary strata of England be- gan to be deposited. But of the mineral geography of the dif- ferent kingdoms of Europe, a more particular account must be- given. Ireland. Groups and ranges of primitive and transition moun 120 MINERAL GEOGRAPHY. tains extending nearly round the island, inclose a central district of secondary formations. More than one-seventh of its surface is covered by bogs of turf, or peat, from 5, to 30 feet in thick- ness. As the coal of Ireland is neither abundant nor good, peat is generally employed by the inhabitants for fuel. Most of the bogs are in the midland counties. In the northern part of the island, is a body of basalt, covering an area of 800 square miles, one of the beds of which having formed in cooling an assemblage of regular fissures, constitutes what is called the Giant’s Causeway. The pieces of silicified wood that are found in, and about, Lough Neah, have given origin to the fable that the hones in common use, are manufactured, by cutting pieces of hickory, so as to be composed partly of sap, and partly of heart wood, and immersing them in its waters. Gold has been found in Ireland, also small quantities of lead, and zinc, and a larger amount of copper the latter especially at Allahies in the county of Cork, but the mine- ral wealth of this island is not very considerable. Scotland. Nearly the whole of the northern part of this kingdom, comprehending the Highlands, and the isles, is occu- pied by the most ancient primitive rocks ; granite, gneiss, and mica slate, which at some points are covered by formations of sandstone, and at others give place to more recent rocks, of ig- neous origin. In its southern part, are transition strata, and be- tween the two, are extensive coal formations, extending across the island, on both sides of the Clyde and Forth, and the princi- pal seat of the manufacturing industry of Scotland. The coal is accompanied as in England, by clay iron stone, giving rise to im- portant establishments for the manufacture of iron. The lead mines of Lanarkshire, are inconsiderable in comparison with those of England, Spain, and the United States. England. The more recent strata in the middle and south- eastern counties, from the old red sandstone upwards, have been sufficiently noticed and described. The older rocks are in the west, and the oldest primitive are rare. In the granite and schist of Devonshire, and Cornwall, but especially in the latter county, are very productive mines of tin, and copper. The lead mines are mostly in the northern counties, Northumberland, Cumber- land, and Durham ; also in Derbyshire and Flintshire, in the oldest secondary limestone and the associated beds, which also yield considerable quantities ofzinc, and manganese. Iron, copper, tin, lead, zinc, and manganese, are the metals furnished to com- merce by the mines of England. France. There is a large body of primitive rocks in the North-western corner of France, in ancient Brittanny, and on the lower waters of the Loire ; a second in the Pyrenees ; a third in the centre of the kingdom, amongst the head waters of the Loire and the Garonne — the seat in ancient times of volcanic action ; a fourth along the western declivities of the Alps — and a fifth, which is of small extent, in the Vosges, near Strasburg and the MINERAL GEOGRAPHY. 121 Rhine. Winding amongst these, embracing them, and interlock- ed with them, and with each other, in various ways, are the form- ations of more recent date. The tertiary deposits of the Paris basin, and of the Garonne, have been mentioned. Another is remarkable for occupying a depression in the central primitive plateau, upon which it reposes directly, without the intervention of any other rock. Mines of iron, lead, copper, and antimony, are wrought in several different places, in or near the primitive formations, but with the exception of antimony, the metal obtain- ed is not sufficient to supply the wants of the kingdom. Spain and Portugal. Less is known of their geology, than of that of any other part of Europe, Turkey excepted. Ranges of primitive mountains extend through the central parts of the Peninsula; the province of Galicia is also primitive. But the Cantabrian chain, on the north, and the Sierras Morena and Ni- vada in the south, are formed of more recent rocks. There is an abundance of excellent iron ore in the province of Biscay, and coal in Asturias ; but the part of Spain most favoured by nature, is that lying within the limits of the ancient kingdom of Grana- da. Here are the quicksilver mines of Almaden, in clay slate, yielding a greater amount of that metal than all the other mines of the world, and the mines of Adra, which fix the price of lead throughout the continent of Europe. Switzerland. Its granite, and secondary limestone mountains (Jura) have been mentioned. A tertiary formation called by the Swiss geologists (the molasse) extends from the lake of Geneva, to a north-easterly direction, to that of Constance. There are salt mines at Bex. Italy. Except near its northern extremity, and in the neigh- borhood of the Alps, there are no primitive rocks in Italy, nor has it any valuable mines. The Appenines are a ridge of second- ary limestone, with tertiary deposits on each side; Corsica, Sardinia and Elba, are mostly primitive, and the latter has been celebrated from a remote antiquity for its mines of iron. The greater part of Sicily is of recent origin. It is from the Solfatara near Naples, and the tertiary blue clay of this island, that Europe is supplied with sulphur. Germany — Central Europe The shores of the North Sea, and the Baltic, to a considerable distance inland, are low and level tertiary deposits. Throughout the greater part of Belgium, the whole of Holland, Hanover. Denmark, the northern part of Prus- sia, including more than half of the kingdom, Poland as it was before its dismemberment, and much of European Russia, we find tertiary clays and sands, of very different composition, and un- equal fertility, in different places, but bearing everywhere a con- siderable resemblance to the low country of North Carolina. There is probably a greater extent of sterile soil in Prussia, than |n any other part of this area. South of the tertiary, the older rocks come in. forming one of 11 * 122 MINERAL GEOGRAPHY. the rich mining districts of the world. The most of Bohemia and Saxony is primitive. Southern Belgium has mines of zinc, lead, and copper : the Hartz yield iron, lead, silver, copper, zinc, and manganese : Saxony and Bohemia, silver, lead, cobalt, tin, copper, iron, arsenic, and bismuth : Silesia, iron, zinc, arsenic, ailver, lead, and copper. Of the Austrian possessions ; Hungary affords the precious metals, lead, copper, and tellurium : the south- ern provinces, (Styria Carinthia and Illyria) iron, zinc, quick- silver, lead, and copper. The amber of commerce is brought from Prussia, and is either thrown up by the Baltic, or dug from the earth, at no great distance from its shores, Sweden and Norway are mostly primitive. They furnish copper ; and iron, of the very best quality that is made. The Swedish iron is imported into England, and employed to the ex- clusion of every other in the manufacture of steel. * America . Our knowledge of the geology of the western conti- nent, is of course limited and imperfect. The primitive rocks have attracted attention by the peculiarities of their composition and structure. The relative extent of surface occupied by them, appears to be rather greater here than in the other quarters of the globe. Interspersed amongst the primitive, and covering them, formations of more recent orgin, slates, and fragmented strata, are widely distributed, but little is known of their position, or ■ their age, as compared with the transition, secondary, and ter- tiary, beds of England, France, or Germany. A range of moun- tains extends through the whole length of the continent, the de- pressions being greater where the land is narrowest, ( in Central America) than elsewhere. At a number of points, it is, or has been, the seat of volcanic action. The fundamental rock of both the Andes and the Rocky Mountains, appears to be some one of those that sre called primitive, and especially granite, but these are covered by others of more recent date — porphyry, obsidian, trachyte, whose igneous origin is undoubted. It is on the flanks, or near the summit of this great mountain range, or where it spreads out into a body of table land, that the mines of the precious metals for which America is so much celebrated occur. Chili yields sil- ver, and a great abundance of copper ; Bolivia and Peru, silver, gold, and mercury ; Central America, gold and silver, and Mexi- co the same, but especially silver. Brazil which is wdaely but not exclusively primitive, is famous for the value of the precious stones rather than of the precious metals, that it sends ioto the market of the world. United States. Five principal formations require notice with- in the settled parts of our country. 1. The Primitive, covering nearly the whole of New England, and extending from thence through New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, near Philadel- phia, and Maryland (in which state it is narrow) central Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, into Alabama. It is also continued northward beyond the limits of the United MINERAL GEOGRAPHY 123 States, across the lower waters of the St. Lawrence, into Labra- dor, and is covered by No. 5 through a distance of about thirty miles, north ofTrenton, in New Jersey, so as to form at the sur- face two separate bodies of rock. 2. West of this is a transition formation, commencing in Canada, occupying the western part of Vermont, embracing as it advances towards the south-west, the larger part of the Alleghany mountains, but not extending much beyond them, and containing in Pennsylvania immense beds of anthracite coal. 3. Farther west still, are the secondary strata of the valley of the Mississippi, through which the primitive Ozark mountains protrude, in the states of Arkansas and Missouri. 4. The tertiary distinct on the sea board. 5. The body of sandstone and trap, commencing in New Hampshire, and extending with in- terruptions into South Carolina. The richest metalliferous dis- trict within the territory of the United States, is in the Territory of Wisconsin, and the states of Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri, in all of which are immense quantities of lead ore, imbedded in an an- cient secondary limestone. The iron Mountain in Missouri, 300 feet high, and two miles in circumference, is a mass of the secu- lar oxide of iron. GEOLOGY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Gl. Tertiary Strata. An obvious and striking feature in the geology of North Carolina, is, the division of the state by a line running in a north-easterly and south-westerly direction, into two parts, of nearly equal extent, but. differing widely from each other, in composition, structure, soil, and vegetation. One is a region of fixed rocks, without organic remains, and covered its natural state, with forests of oak, hickory, and other trees, having deciduous leaves ; the other made up of beds of clay and sand, with immense quantities of shells imbedded in them, and the favorite habitat of the long leaved pine. From the first settlement of the country, till within a few years, the received opinion has been, that the low-country as well of North Carolina as of the other Atlantic states, has been gradually thrown up by the waves, and gained from the sea. This view of its origin is proved to be untenable by dif- ferent facts and agreements. 1. By its elevation above the bed of the ocean. The surveys that were instituted with reference to the construction of the Wil- mington rail road, show an elevation of the general surface of Duplin County, of between one hundred, and two hundred feet, above the height of mean tide at Wilmington. But Duplin is one of the lower counties. The court house is not more than 35 miles in a direct line from the sea, whilst it is upwards of 60 miles from the upper limit of the sand ; and throughout the latter distance, the ground constantly rises, as is proved by the fall of the streams, which is also more rapid and considerable, as vv.e ap- proach their sources. The general elevation of the upper border 124 GEOLOGY OF NORTH CAROLINA. of the sand, cannot be estimated at less then from three, to four, hundred feet above the level of the sea. From Carthage in Moore County, there is sand uninterruptedly to the coast, and although there has been no accurate measurement of its altitude, data for an approximate estimate are furnished, by what is known of the fall of our rivers in the lower parts of their courses, the estimates by Fulton of the fall in the Cape Fear, between Fayetteville and Haywood, at the mouth of Deep River, the amount of fall in Deep River for 20 miles above Haywood, and the elevation of Car- thage above the bed of that stream. Carthage cannot be less than 400, and is prohaly 500 feet, above the level of the ocean. It can hardly be necessary to remark, that no amount of clay or sand, and much less a quantity sufficient to form the soil of whole coun- ties, can have been carried by the waves to these heights. 2. By the constitution and structure of the strata in question. They are composed of layers of clay and sand, superimposed one upon another, in a position approaching the horizontal. The clay is foliated, often in leaves of extreme thinness, and fineness, and sometimes with a thin layer of sand interposed, indicating that they were deposited from turbid water, that was tranquil, if not at the surface, at least at the depths where the deposition took place. Their appearance is such as could not have been produ- ced by that tumultuous action of the waves, by which it is sup- posed that banks of clay and sand may have been thrown up. 3. By the condition of the shells, and other organic remains. They are in a state of perfect preservation, so far at least as their forms are concerned. The original cohesion of the particles com- posing them , has been partially lost, so that they are easily broken, but they exhibit the markings peculiar to each, the furrows, and processes, by which the different species are distinguished, as per- fectly, as when the animal wasstill living. Shells that are tossed by the waves upon the beach are 60 on worn smooth, and if not ground down to a fine powder, lose most of their distinctive cha- racters. They also become mixed, irregularly, and in every variety of position, with one another, and with the clay and sand, in which they are imbedded. But the shells of the low countr^ evidently occupy the original places in which the animals lived and died. The different kinds, if not confined to a particular bed or part of a bed, are more numerous at particular points, and with such mixture only of the species, as obtains amongst the living races of the present ocean. The low country was therefore once the bed of the sea, how has it become dry land? The appearances can be accounted for only upon the supposition, that it has like other parts of the ex- isting continents, been raised above the level of the ocean, by a force exerted, and probably more than once exerted,' from be- neath. It is evident on examination, that the sand, and clay, once co- vered the country more extensively than they do now : that the TERTIARY STRATA. 125 fixed rocks were originally hidden by them quite up to the high- est limit of the sand, that it was all sand and clay as far as a line extending from the western part of Warren, through Franklin, the south-eastern part of Wake, the northern part of Cumberland, a corner of Chatham, the centre of Moore, the south-eastern part of Montgomery, northern part of Richmond, and eastern of Anson. This was, at least for some time, the line of the sea beach, but after the low country had emerged from the waves, by the combined agency of rain water, rushing into the streams, and of the streams themselves, acting upon their banks and beds, the original coating of clay and sand was swept off, and transported to some point lower down. The result was, the for- mation of a broad belt of unequal width, but generally from 30 to 40 miles across, having sand especially, and some clay — the strata of the low country, and long leaved pine, on the high grounds, and stiff land of greater fertility, fixed rocks, and woods of oak and short leaved pine, in the neighbourhood of the creeks and ri- vers. We find therefore, granite, slate, and other rocks, spa- ringly distributed, and near the water courses in the interior of the sand. The small streams rise in the sand hills, and disclose the subjacent rocks only in the lower part of their courses. This is true for example of Upper and Lower Little Rivers in Cum- berland, Drowning Creek in Moore, and Hitchcock’s, Solomon’s, and Marks’ Cre ^kc , i n R i« hm -on4_ In <1 acnflnilin> the COlintFy from Raleigh towards Newbern, we strike the sand at the distance of 5 or 6 miles from the city, and have entered fully upon it at the distance of ten miles, but the subjacent rock rises to the surface many miles below : at three points at least around Waynesboro’, viz: at Micajah Coxe’s on the Raleigh road, on the opposite side of the Neuse a mile or two east of Falling Creek, and at the distance of seven miles on the road to Stantonsburg; so that Waynesboro’, though there are no fixed rocks immediately at that place, may be taken as a centre for the lowest limit, of fixed rocks on the j Neuse. From the Virginia line to Waynesboro’, this limit as very 1 ne#r to the route of the rail road ; at Halifax, on the Roanoke, the j Falls, on Tar River ; and 6 miles above Stantonsburgh on the 1 Cotentney. It is a little below Averysboro’ on the Cape Fear, ; near the southern limit of Moore on Drowning Creek, and a little | below the South Carolina line on the Pedee. Loose slate rocks are so abundant near the Cape Fear, opposite to Fayetteville, that the existence of a body of them very near to, if not at, the sur- face, may be strongly suspected, and a discovery of them may hereafter carry the line farther down. This wide belt is to the geologist the least interesting part of | the state. The clay and sand contains, with a very few unimpor- i tant exceptions, no organic remains, or imbedded minerals, whilst j they cover the older rocks, and render it impossible to observe 1 and study them. What those rocks are, will be stated hereafter. It affords an excellent material for the manufacture of bricks, and 126 GEOLOOT OF NORTH CAROLINA. coarse pottery, and sand for mortar. There is also on the edge of Tossnot swamp, in Nash, a bed of bog iron ore in this forma- tion. It is generally about five feet beneath the surface, IS inches thick, and with lumps, or nodular masses, of the same, above. Iron of an indifferent quality was manufactured from it at a forge on the Big Swamp, in 1814-15, and a part of 181 G, when the forge was burnt. The quantity of the ore is not such as to war- rant the expectation that the enterprize will be renewed. Below the limits of the fixed rocks, the same associations and al- ternations of clay and sand are continued, with the addition, either there, or at no great distance below, of marine organic remians. The upper limit of these, is at Murfreesboro’ on the Meherrin, Scotland Neck on Roanoke, near Enfield on Fishing Creek, a little below the Falls on Tar River, at Bass’s Ferry (a small quantity) on the Neuse and 12 miles above Elizabeth on the Cape Fear. None have been observed within the limits of the state, on Lum- ber River. They occur at intervals from the points just na- med to the ocean. Maclure, in a sketch or outline of tne geology of the United States, prepared thirty years ago, represents as one alluvial for- mation, a tract commencing at the eastern extremity of Long Is- land, and extending through the Middle and Southern Atlantic States, embracing the whole of the south-eastern half of North Carolina that is now the subject of remark. But it has been as- certained that different and distant parts of this district, are unlike each other, in age and character. So much of it as lies within the limits of the state of New Jersey, isproved by the imbedded fos- sils, to be contemporaneous with the cretaceous system of Europe. There are only a few small patches of tertiary in that state. In Maryland the tertiary formations come in in great force, occu- pying both sides of the Chesapeake bay, and passing through Vir- ginia, are represented as attaining their greatest width in North Carolinia, and to be succeeded by secondary formations in the low- country of South Carolina. But the tertiary of North Carolina, is different from that of the stales lying north-east of it, exhibiting a much larger proportion of recent shells — species of which the ani- mal is still living on the coast. The proportion of living species in the deposits of Maryland and Virginia, is about 20, whilst in those of North Carolina, it rises as high as 50 or 60 per cent.* * For these facts, and of course for the conclusions drawn from them, the geologist is compelled to acknowledge himself indebted to the Conchologists, and to Mr. T. A. Conrad of Philadelphia, more largely than to any other indi- vidual. Two boxes of shelL have been forwarded by the writer for exami- nation by him, from the valley of the Cape Fear; one from Walker’s Bluff, in Bladen, and the other from the natural well in Duplin, from which, in part, the in- ferences just stated were drawn. If it be enquired why greater activity has not been displayed in collecting and forwarding the materials for determining the geological era of a large portion of the 6tate, it may be replied, that the University is at a distance of between 70 and 80 miles in a straight line, from the nearest fossil shell. TERTIARY STRATA. 127 The applications and uses of shell marl as a fertilizer of the soil are well known ; but some caution is necessary in drawing inferences from the facts stated in the various agricultural papers that have been published in regard to its effects. It is essential to its usefulness, that the shells be in a state of decay, so as readily to fall to pieces, and mingle in the condition of a fine powder with the soil, and so far as their value as a fertilizing agent is con- cerned, it is unfortunate, that most of the shells of North Caro- lina belong to the Pliocene, rather than the Eocene, or Miocene eras. In many cases the original cohesion of their particles is scarcely impaired, and they are comparatively worthless. Cen- turies may elapse, before they shall be brought to resemble the older marls of the present day.* The comparative newness of the tertiary strata of North Caro- lina, the much greater proportion of recent or living species found in them, indicates, that an elevating force has been exerted beneath the eastern part of this state, at a later date than on any other part of the coast. Such Pliocene beds as are still reposing beneath the waters of the ocean, off the shores of the states north and south of us, have here, been raised above the surface, and are cultivated soil. The centre of the disturbance appears to have been somewhere amongst the lower waters of the Neuse and Tar. On looking at a map of the United States, it will be seen that North Carolina projects pretty far beyond the general range of the coast. The capes and shoals that render a voyage from New York to Charleston, so long and dangerous, may be regarded as one of the results of these later geological changes. When however the upheaving of the south-eastern counties, and their elevation above the waters of the ocean, are spoken of as recent events, it is to be understood that they are such, only in reference to other changes in the crust and surface of the earth. Since their occurrence, whole races of animals have perished and disappeared, and new ones been created to supply their places, some new species of vegetables have been called into being, and time enough has elapsed, to allow of the dissemination of others from their original seats, so uniformly, over the new contiguous j surface, that no difference is discoverable between the old and new : habitats, in regard to either the number, or the variety, of the in- [ dividuals that occupy the soil. The pines are as widely and as V | ♦To the Conchologist, the very circumstance which deprives them of value j in the estimation of the farmer, gives them additional interest and beauty. 1 The finest collection I ever saw, was one made by my friend and former pu- pil, Richard Evans, Esq., of Greenville, in Pitt County, whilst raising marl from the bank of the Tar, to be applied to the soil, and of which I have not heard that any essential benefits were derived from it. Upon the students of the University who shall hereafter be settled in the region of these interesting remains, the duty may be earnestly enjoined of lending their aid to these in- vestigations. A box of shells carefully selected, well packed, and forwarded, will be a valuable contribution to the science of Geology. GEOLOGY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 125 densely distributed over the Pliocene formations of North Caro- lina, as over the secondary, or Eocene of South Carolina or Vir- ginia. The Elephant and Mammoth, and apparently no incon- siderable menageries of other animals, which either were pastured in the upper counties, and floated down the rivers after death, or more probably, lived and died, near where their bones were found, have disappeared, the one from the western continent, the other from the earth. Several teeth and other bones of the Mastodon or Mammoth were found 25 years since, during the excavation of the Clubfoot and Harlow canal, some of which are now in the cabinet of the University. \Ve have also the grinder of an Elephant, found in the marl pits of the late Lucas Ucnncrs, Esq., 1G miles below Newbern, and other teeth not yet determined. The same pits afforded also, what were supposed by Mr. Croom to be fragments of the horns, hoof, and grinders, of a fossil elk. The only metallic substances that have been found within the limits of these deposits, are some of the ores of iron ; the bisul- phuret, hydrated oxide, and sulphate, or copperas. The first, occurs imbedded in a tenacious blue clay, and though well characterized when taken from the earth, is changed by exposure to the air, and converted by the absorption of oxygen, into the sulphate. In the bank of the Ncusc at Waynesboro’, is a mass of small branch- es of trees, that have been metallized by the substitution of this ore of iron, for the original woody fibre. Lignite, — wood that has been changed into coal, is common. G‘2. The soil of the tertiary region is of very unequal fertility, un- known causes having produced an accumulation of sand on some points, and of clay, or of that mixture of sand, clay and lime- stone that forms good land, on others. The best body of land belonging properly to this formation, is undoubtedly on the north- ern side of the Albemarle Sound, — the incunabula gentis, or spot on which the first permanent settlements in North Carolina were made. What the relative ages arc, of the belt of mixed charac- ter, having fixed rocks in the beds of the streams, and sand and clay or the high grounds, and of these strata, that are certainly ter- tiary ; whether they were produced by the same causes, or by different causes, we have no means of determining. Secondary Strata. A formation of a different character, and as is proved by the shells imbedded in it, of much greater age, contemporaneous with the marls of New-Jersey, and the creta- ceous system of Europe, underlies the tertiary, in the southern part of the state, and crops out at intervals, from the easternpart of Jones County, to the Cape Fear. It is well exhibited at Wil- mington, with the shells of the tertiary reposing directly upon it. Where it presents itself at the surface, the soil is generally characterized by a much higher degree of fertility. The greater proportion of good land in Jones, depends upon the fact that this formation is largely developed there. The rich lands of Onslow, &ECOSTDA&T STBATA. C^.129 i00lsP- Ro*&yPoiot0n New-Hanover, owe their exeelleS^tS^tbe by affordingiime to the soil, though .V- i; nf-'tftfipmu*t' be considerable, but also' by presenting at *'•• --»- ■ * a I il - '-vv'WL X i-ir J . .1 C ’not im probably^ie^asce rtained ? he rta fter, that 'thif.Jprmatl oh has; a •mbweatcnsive' rah^ar tbrou gh Greeny,' 3>u- Sampson, thin 'has hitherto been supposed.' -Tri the two feter^counties eit»eially, s: as on the- Five Runs, and Goshen sS^4iWpi^he ’Whoie''a8pect of the country; and the characters pf ^^«oU,^are^differertt from ^yrhat'is'obfleryed^ '^'j^ose''|»|tiF^at ^^here'the sheifs^^thi^o^atlori 'were imbedded in siliceous been' dissolved in the course of ages, by the y^tptycharged with -a- small quantity'of carbonic acid'Tleriyed ®®aFi^^trnbsjjhefe/tKat : has' fl(3^ved' over them, and the' calcar ■ '-'^a^|^j^11»fr''ha*^€Scended untilit met with the silica, when' it la*'t^» i aTTe"sted, r 'and ' has entered into that imperfect combina- Gon-Witlv that substance', whtch conStitutes'mortar. The.result tSi e-pretty firm-rock, hard enough' to give fire with steel; and full p^cavltie^-idAi^ ; ehelle have been , an aggregate, not of shells, but^of^castsorkhells. * This is quarried and cut into mill-stoh’es, Tnbst^bf -xvhieh are small, and tutli^bf^ahd,'bht : some’ of the dize cihplbyed-WH^iSe there Hs~a command of water power.' They Answer- tolerably -weHy butnrre -deficient-in- hafd ifess. '* iKtWhen there ialfttle or no sand,' WA have r at' isdxhe pointaaisim- pie accumulation -ofshetl s ; for m in g^a'godd'l im esto n e," sufficiently The 'common purposes of building, and of which it ftright^be'expected that it would supple s large extent of eountry with ^Uichlime. ^lSarelHs that nine -miles bblow Wayhesbord^p fhATibrth^west -cdrfietr of Jones, in the northern part of Onslow, ,A#Witmihgtonpand on the N. W. branch of the Cape Fear, to ^feb’^^nce of Tortymiles above.'^But'Ihir enterprizeijhaS'bAen It'^csldSi^paftntly answer no good purpose -to“poi nt it out again, aa'A'^SeTd' of industry,- that promises to Teward amply whoever ehal^havb the spirit to enter in and cultivate it. / ^ \'.Z 7 - ^O/^he^ Middle 1 and r Western 1 CdiinliesZ The ; north-western v altbgether^oTrocks - that at an early , ppf'i^^fi^He^cairth^s' history were brought into the positions they nbw>Pebupy ; and of the soil that has been formed upon them, ' by#^e^ ; decayf and disintegrati