#Zof> Duke University Libraries Duties of inspe Conf Pam 12mo #204 ■S \ V DUTIES OF INSPECTORS. I. The duties of the Inspector General on the march will embrace all duties not particularly appertaining to any other department, besides having a general super- vision over all details of the service. When practicable the Inspector of Brigade will report daily to the Inspector of Division, and the latter to the Inspector of the Wing, who will receive from the Army Inspector and transmit all orders for the day. When the troops be ready for movement, the Inspector will ride along the line of the command to which he may be attached, and see that the wagons and troops aie in their proper position agreeably to the ordor of march. He will see that the Quar- termasters, Commissaries and Ordnance officers accompany their trains; that proper attention has been paid by the Medical department for the comfort and transpor- tation of the sick, and thai conveniences for water, &c, have been furnished the am- bulances. During the march he will adopt all needful measures to prevent straggling, and to return stragglers to their commands. He will endeavor to prevent depredations and order all who ma}' be molesting the inhabitants punished. On arriving at the place of encampment, the Commanding General having in- dicated the position to be occupied, the troops will be directed to their places un- der the guidance of the Inspector, who will transmit to the Commanding officer any orders he may have received in relation to the order of encampment. The Inspector should iamiliarize himself with all roads and communications be- tween the different encampments of his command. He will examine all prisoners and deserters and report the result of the examina- tion to the Inspector General of the Army, through the usual channel. He will also see that all the prisoners are properly secured. Accompanying the report will be a muster roll of the prisoners. He will investigate all complaints made by ciiti- zens, and in cases of depredations by soldiers he will assess the damages and for- ward a report to the proper officer of his department. In time of battle he will see that all the troops of the command to which he be- longs are arranged agreeably to the order of battle, that the ammunition wagons, attended by the Ordnance officers, are placed in their proper position, and see to a proper enforcement of all orders. He will see that arrangements for supplying the sick and wounded with water have been provided. He will use all means in his power to prevent soldiers straggling from their com- mand, and will hold the proper file-closers responsible for any men leaving the ranks without permission. He will receive the prisoners and have them properly secured and disposed of. II When provisions or other stores have become damaged from exposure, or ordi- nary wear and tear, it shall be the duty of the Brigade or other Inspector, on appli- cation being made to him by the person responsible for such stores, to make a thor- ough examination of the stores, and report the result, according to Form 1, to the Inspector Goneral of the Army. When provisions become damaged or rendered unfit for issue, from accident, or from any extraordinary cause, the Inspector General of the Army will, on application being made to him, appoint a Board of three inspectors to examine into the circumstances, and to determine who is to blame. The report, in writing, will be forwarded to the Inspector General of the Army. Thorough inspections of each Brigade will take place twice in each month, and reports according to Form will be be forwarded by the Brigade Inspectors to the Inspectors of Wings, through the Division Inspectors, on the 15th and 30th of each month. These reports will be consolidated and forwarded to the Inspector General of the Army. Special inspections will be made during the march, at least twice in each week, to ascertain the condition of the arms and the amount of ammunition in the boxes. Division Inspectors will be held responsible that the duties of the Brigade In- spectors are faithfully performed, and will report to the next highest Inspector all who may be negligent or inefficient. peanulife* pH8.5