Ouke University Libraries To Henry C. Way Conf Pam #722 COMMISSARY GENERAL'S OFFICE, ^ Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 2Sth, 1S63. 5 , To Henry C. Wayne, A Adjutant & Inspector General. General: — Having been charged by His Excellency, the Governor, with the duty of receiving and issuing to Soldiers Families in the State, the salt received under the State contract with Messrs. M. S. Temple & Co., from the Virginia Salt Works, in addition to the duties of my office proper, I have the honor to transmit heiowith, Jirst, my Fi nancial Report marked "A" showing tlu! receipts and d^ bursements of money on account of the same, from the-. :31st day of July, 1S62, to the 1st day ol November, 1S63, both days inclusive; Second, Abstract "No. 1", showing the quantity of salt received and paid for by Capt. J. R.. Wikle, Agent of the State at the "Virginia Salt Works";; and third, Abstracts Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, Ihowing the issues, of salt by this department and to whoii made, embracing the same periods. ', From my Financial Report, marked ^A" it will be seen that, in the aggregate, I have received \6n account of salt issued S24r,2,2GG 00; from the State Treasury, on Executive Warrants, $200,000 00; from Ben May, Treasurer State Road, 820,000 00 and from State Agents on settlement, $431 50, my receipts in the aggregate amounting to S4G2,- (397 50, which amount has been disbursed as follows : Turned over to J. R. Wiklc, State Agent at Saltville, $200,090 92 ; to Salt Agents in the State. $54,247 94 ; paid on account of freights, $47,634 54; paid to Ben May, Treasurer State Road, $30,000 00 ; paid salaries to Agents, S7,SS7 30; paid incidental expenses, $1,193 24 ; leaving a balance in my hands on the 1st instant of S121,- 037 50, and showing that the actual amount expended out of the funds received from the State, by this department up to the 1st instant, on account of the salt contract with Messrs. Temple & Co., has' been only S9S,962 50. The payment to l>en May, Treasurer of the State Road of $30,- 000 00, was made to re-imburse to him an advance made to this office of $20,000 00 ; to Capt. J. R. Wikle, Agent SS,000 00 ; on freight account $1,000 00; and to Dr. J. W. Levfis, $1,000 00, while acting for the State, as its agent, and which was properly disbursed, having been ex- pended for the benefit oi' the State. Abstract "No. 1" shows the monthly receipts of salt by 1 Capt. J. R. Wikle, the State Agent at Saltville, and the several anionnts paid for the same. It will be seen that in the months of January, February and September of the present year, no salt was received from the contractors by the Agent at Saltville. Tiiis was owing, as reported to this office, in the two former months, to the want of wood and other unavoidable causes, and in the latter month to tlft'eateneiljaids of the enemy in the vicinity of the Salt Works, ^kti total number of bushels of salt received by the Agent at Saltville, up to the 1st instant, it appears, was 84,394 1-2 bushels, for which he paid SIS2,o45 75 ; his payments embracing an extra compensation to the con- tractors of SJ 00 per busliel, by order of the Governor un- der a resolution of the le<;islature, on 50,043 1-2 busiiels. Abstract "No. 2'' embraces a statement of the quantity of salt issued to Soldiers Families, under an "order of His Excellency the Governor, dated July 31st, 1SG2. This abstract shows that the soldiers families who applied for it, in every county in the State, were supplied witii salt ; 3,670 widows of deceased soldiers receiving, each, one-half bushel of salt, fr^e of charge, and 37,324 wives of soldiers, and widows having a. son or sons in the service receiving, each, one-half bushel for one dollar, making a total of 40,994 persons, who were the recipients of 20,407 bushels of salt under this order. Having co^iipleted the distribution of salt throughout the State under tlie provisions of the first order of the Governor, and, having notified him of the same, I was di- rected by him, on tiie IGtli of December, 1SG2, to proceed to issue to each family in the North-Eastern, including Dade county of the Korth-Western, Section of the State, with one bushel each, at So, 00 per bushel. This order was executed, as you will perceive, by reference to Abstract "No. 3", from which it will be seen, that in the eleven counties therein embraced, SSI 2 families were supplied with the same number of bushels of salt, for which I re- ceived the sum of S44,060 00. Abstract "No. 4," shows the quantity of salt issued un- der special orders received from the Governor at various times, from August 2Gth, 1'>G2, to November 1st, 1SG3. Abstract "No. 5" shows the quantity of salt issued to soldiers families under the Governor's order dated July 24th, 1SG3, up to the 1st instant. This Abstract embraces the number of widows of deceased soldiers, the number of wives of soldiers, the numl)er of widows having a son or sons in military service, the number of other lamilies de- pendent on soldiers in service for support, and disabled dis- charged soldiers, in 1 14 counties in the State, who have applied for, and who have received one-half bushel of salt, each, at S4 00 per half bushel, to-wit; 5,949 widows of deceased soldiers, 27,594 wives of soldiers, 4,882 widows having a son or sons in service, 1,00d families dependent on soldiers, and 550 disabled discharged soldiers, making in the aggregate, 39,9S0 persons who have received salt un- der this last distribution, and for which $160,264 00 have been paid into this, office as per abstract. Since the 1st in- stant eight other counties have applied and shipments or- dered to them, which are not included in this Report. — The remaining ten counties will be supplied as soon as the list of names and money are received. You will perceive in Abstract "No. 1" that Capt. Wikle, the State Agent, reports having received and paid for 84,- ^94^ bushels of salt, at the Salt Works in Virginia. From shipments which he has made, this department has receiv- ed 72,620 bushels as per his invoices, less the wastage. The several Abstracts herewith presented show that 49,- 037^ bushels have been issued under the several Executive orders up to the 1st of November, 1S63. The remainder, not issued, is in the hands of the several Agents at differ- ent points in the State. The balance of the salt purchas- ed by Capt. Wikle is, I am informed by him, in transit to this place. The receipts and issues of salt under the contract with Messrs. Temple & Co., have been attended with re- sponsibility and great labor. The agents employed in the State, and the one at Saltville, Capt. Wikle, I cannot too highly commend for the faithful manoer in which they have respectively discharged their sevfl'al duties to the State. Embarrassments of various kindsliave attended its manufacture and transportation, and not so large a quanti- • ty has been received under the contract as was calculated upon at the time it was made. Nevertheless, I am grati- fied at being able to state, which I do confidently, that the issues of salt made through this department, to the wid- ows, wives, and families of soldiers, were most opportune ; were received gratefully by them, and reflects credit upon the wisdom and patriotism ot the State. • For future reference, not only the reports of the Agents connected with the receipts and issues of salt througli this department are on file in this office, but a complete hook record has been kept of the same. Records Imve also been made of the applications transmitted by the Inferior Courts of the several counties in the State, which embraces the names of the parties to whom salt has been issued, as well 41S of all receipts, disbursements and expenditures conuect- ed therewith. With the request that this Report, forwarded in dupli- cate, be transmitted to His Excellency the Governor, it is respectfully submitted. JARED I. WHITAKER, Commissary General. 4 A. ABSTRACT ff ■ 'd and disbursed by the Com- missary Genera! 'tire Orders, in the distribution of Salt from the }'ir^r,,i,u. Sah Wo rh, from the 31st day of July, 1S(J2, to the \ St day (f }s$vanher, 1SC3, ?wt7««tf. Receiits. ; Received on account 'of Salt, S242,2GG 00 Received from State Treas- ury per warrants, ^ 200,000 00 Received from Benj. May, Treasurer State Road, 20,000 00 Returned by State Agents on settlement, • 431 -50 $402,697 50 DiSBURSEMEKTS. Turned over to J. R. Wikle, Agent at Saltville, S200,G96 92 ♦Turned over to Sak agents in the State, I 54,247 94 Amount paid for iVeiglits by Commissary Goil'jjral, 47,6G4 54 Amount v')aid Bonja|riin May, Treasurer State Boad, 30,000 00 Amount paid 'Salaries to Agents, ■ 7,SS7 36 Amount paid incidental ex- penses, 1,103 24 S341,6G0 00 Balance on handN^v. 1, 1SG3, S121,037 50 To amount received from State Treasury, ' S20U,U0U ou To amount received from Benj. May, 20,000 00 §220,000 00 Balance on lia-iw« of •oldiert WVM of Midicni.Biid widowt hsT iDs »oii» in r »ervice. TotBl. 1 KambiT of butbelt. 1 Morgan, 10 120 130 65 SI 20 OOi Murray, 3S 394 432 216 394 00; Muscogee, 22 514 536 26S 514 00 Newton, 57 526 583 291* 526 00 Oglethorpe, 24 1S3 207 103* 183 00 Paulding, (30 439 499 249* 439 00 Pickens, 41 309 410 205 369 00 Pierce, 4 145 149 74i 145 00 Pike, 62 373 435 217* 373 00 Polk, 22 269 291 145^ 269 00 Pulaski, 37 299 336 168 299 00 Putnam, 20 lis 138 69 118 00 Quitman, lo 123 138 69 123 00 Rabun, 13 167 ISO 90 167 00 Randolph, 42 420 462 231 420 00 Richmond, 30 616 646 323 016 00 Schley, 11 150 161 80J 150 00 Scriven, ]3 164 177 88 i 164 00 * Spalding, 32 342 374 187 342 00 Stewart, 3S 345 8S3 19ia 345 00 Sumter, 43 4S0 529 264* 486 00 Talbot, 22 254 276 138 254 00 Taliaferro, 11 66 77 38-3 66 00 Tattnall, IS 234 252 J26 £34 CO Taylor, 32 244 276 138 244 00 Telfair, 7 103 110 55 103 00 Terrell, 19 197 216 108 197 00 Thomas, 26 341 367 183.4 341 00 Towns, 10 150 160 SO 150 00 Troup, 4G 350 396 198 350 00 Twiggs, 22 161 1S3 • 91* 161 00 Union, 21 27S 299 1494 278 00 Upson, 26 40t' 432 216 406 00 AValker, 30 520 555 277* 520 00 Walton, 02 ' 430 492 246 430 00 Ware, 12S 137 6SJ 128 00 Warren, 20 263 2S3 141* 263 00 Washington, Gl 411 472 236 411 00 Wayne, 13 156 169 84.} 156 00 Webster, 19 140 159 79} 140 00 White, 2o 192 217 108* 192 00 Whitfield, 41 665 706 353 665 00 Wilcox, 19 83 102 51 83 00 Wilkes, 1-5 1691 184^ 92 169 00 Abstract of Salt issued to Soldiers'' Families — Contimied. COUNTIES. Wi,l. 1 ■^^'■▼es of Total. Number of busheU. AmoBnt money 5^^^^, Wilkinson, Worth, 34 330 12 150 364 162 182 SI 330 00 150 00 Total, 3670 37,324 40,994 20,497 37,324.00 No. ^. — Abstract of Salt issued to Heads of Families, under the Order of His Excellency, Gov. Brown, dated December 16i/i, 1862. COUNTIES. No. naraci returued. No. Inishclii enpplied. Amount money received. Remarks. Dade, Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Habersham, Lumpkin, Pickens, llabun, Towns, Union, White, 603 772 966 1236 sni 1015 901 540 460 842 586 603 772 966 1236 891 1015 901 540 460 842 586 $3,015 00 3,860 00 •4,830 00 6,180 00 • 4,455 00 5,075 00 4,505 00 2,700 00 2,300 00 4,210 00 "2,930 pO Total, 8,812 8,812 44,060 too No. 4. — Abstract of Salt issued binder Special Orders received from the Governor at various times, from August 26th, 1862, to November 1st, 1863. Parties Supplied. No. of bashelt. Am't money receiTvd. Remarks. Hon. I. L. Harri.s, Sav'h Fern. Orp. Asylum, " Episc'l " Home, *' Convent of Mercy, " Widows' Society, Sisters of Mercy, Aug'a, John Kiley, Central R. R. Company, Western & A. R. R., 3 15 6 6 10 4 1^ 100 150 S 6 00 60 00 12 00 12 00 20 00 8 00 500 00 For putting lip Pickles for the Ar- my. 10 bus. at $2 00 per bushel, and 5 bus. at $3 »Operbuahel. Free of charge — Blind poor. Money not collected. Total, 29dJ 618 00 10 p ^ ^ ^ ^1 -^ ^ ^n J^ c§ '^ CO 6 1 a List not received. List not received. r 3 a < OOC:C-COCO OCO OOOOO OCOOCOOOO coo OOOOO Ci 'C -^ O •>* T^ -;*< O O O O O) CJ C) O C) CD t^ — '.ti C) a •>? ^} -o c/3 ry? o o o o lO t^ -^ <^ „" :f _r jf „'■ r^ of 5^" ^ iS o ti ■^ (?) C OJ W 00 O i.'r C^ O CI 00 —i ^ C) O CO wo — 0(r)'T oowo ocoo-^o 1 oo-+ cO(Mc:?T'r* CD c irr.© "^ r. CC' C5 Tt* i^ -o — i -o -o or Ci « '-H C) -^ qo Ti o — 1 th CO 'T) r-^ ic ci CO CO 1-7 1-1 t> C. — . ?^ C^ O £> C' CO ill CO ^j>_i _^ "^OO »0 t> a e - t^i-i'TJOiOC/SOOO 00<>- C:<^TrOC5 ^t^7)C0-HOi-i-H i^COO) O-^COr^O — — ^ rH ^1 C^ CO T; 71 O TJ O Ci OJ <.0 — C^ CO O «0 t^ rH i.O t^ C> — ( — 1 — ' -t< (?) (0) J^ .Xt O O -O 00 t^ O 1-i TO O 0) •* 1-1 1-1 (?) —I CO C^ (7) 1-1 1—1 ■t «.Si e Kt3 gx. CO o oj -o (/) ':» X' (M lO — 'r-i >.o o c; — o 1—1 COUNTIES. 11 > "a> o -a > 'S o 0) p o ■^3 "^3 a ?} O O O CJ tJ* O C} r? C) ■ Ct) >-'^ Ci« C> l>- CO j>i.'ri-'j>oocjrH^o -^ci^c^ -«ri -"M -*i -^1 - -^ T^ CT) w Tt* tHC0 5^JiHtHi-'73 iTStH O O O © O O O C C O O O Ht) --CI -ci! r-tn CO o -yjtei o cj o O i-'JIo 00 T-i o O '^50 rf* CO ■^ Ci (NO O 00 (^^ '^ C? 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