s Xrf f s DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY treasure %oom Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://archive.org/details/lychnocausiasiveOOfarl ' ■■■■< ■ p-jtAji ^ClU^- t*-*\»ZU y> %?i>u.a.€*+L £j decent au.— The F rents ftcecel V- - „ T Ooke to the Sunfie thus in his- glory bright, **To Moonc,to ftarresjfrom thence who borrow lightj Tbenthinke on Heayn j for God the fountaine there Of Iight,vnto his Saints his light doth (hare. fl Looke to the candles below jthey upward tend Vntotheli2ht,which never (hall have end ; And fo the Saints,on Earth,can never ceafe But flutter upward, till they fee Gods face. ^ Looke to the Beak'n and Lantera,and thence Ieame Ttofave you,when a true friend doth forewarnc. f Then (hall your Lamp (hint bright, your wax (hall burne^ Till death your afhes (hall to moifture turne. ^f Th'Extinguiftier and Snuffers which are by, Tels thee O man, that fometime thoumuft dye ; ^ And leaft thou (houldft in darkenefle ftill remained The Tinder box will light thee once againe 5 But fnuft from all corruption (halt thou be, And (hine with God and Saints eternally. jfn me lux: a me I umefi MOJIALZA/ FACTMIMBLLM/Cm UGbTTS MORALLLMBLBMS \j{joberto C JtorUeo J%c luaxfi lux. vzjfaa wm fLYCHNOCAVSIAj JMORA LI A FACVM* | EMBLEMATA. | | LIGHTS J I Morall Emblems, f * Authore Ttyberto FarUo Scoto-Bricatino. Sic Inceat Ihk vejira & en. #.P. \6i 8. Mftfc.Lend.CapclldQmejt. fflujlriffimo Domino omnifaria ^ Virtutisr & Pietatis ftudiis Dom* Ityberto Karo Comitiab Ancram, &c* NobiBJJime Herds, Ro tcmerario & inconfulto cenfe- ar, qui Tibi pietatis Hyperioni, No- bilitatis jubari, & omnigenx virtu- tis Lampadi, faculas hafce, qua? lu- tnine & fplendore tuo obiufcabun* tut", offero : Verum Clementia Tua & gratia,ut fpero,veriiam dabitjAquilae cnim more ingenii mei foetum exploro; qui fi Solis radios fu- ftinere pofliti ut meum agnofcam & tollam, fin miniis,ut fpurium & nothum reiiciam c Stella* qux Heliace occidunt, Heliace etiam ori- tintur, ea:demq; Sole longius remoto, nullum nifi a Sole mutunm Lumen oftendunt : tsedula? hx no- ftra>qua»advultumtuurapfopius accedences tene- brarum inftar caligant, (imulac longius expatiatse fjierint, fcintillas, quas a te mutuas habent, morta- libus confpicuas praeferent. Ea eft Solaris fideris benignitas, ut ammalia, plantas & fublunaria quaeque calore mo foveat ; 399165 »««* tanta tua (NobLliflime Maecenas) grga nie ( alios pmereo innumeros benignitatem tuam expertos) commuwcladedeprehenfum, comitas & grawitus favor extitit, ut non folutn ingenium, led (Senium &quicqtridmeurneft tibiin perpetuum raancipa- turn profitear. Z>ii Ttbifiqua plot nfpellant Mummy grates Perfolvent digzas. ■ .1 Ergo neingratitudinisimpiae condemnor, hoc li- cet tenue, (inccrum tamen, grati & devotiajiimi fymbolum NoBilicati tua: confecro ; Spcroq; me,fi non thure & hecatomhis, farre tamen pio & fitilla, ut Deo, fie tibi verse Dei f oboli litare poffe. J^ctre Caledonios inter di£ni(fime Divos* NobiJitatisapex, & Pieraris Honos, Char3 Dei loboles, & Regi fidus Achates, Vnicamufarum cura, meumque decus. Nam fimul a yultu difceflit mufa ferenp Noftra Tuo, faciles tepperic ufque deos. Oppida quam paffim decimarct fomica fcbriS) Funderct & tctas Parca fevera domos. Pieridum quum tuiba gemenSjtriftifque filerec, Eiicerentque facras claufa Lyes a Deas. Ad Tc confwgittriftis roea mufa patroaum, In Terris fen fit Te mea mufa deum. Erso Tibi insentcm dicit rediviva falutem, Vitam, quam dederas, banc vovet efle Tuam* Maclus vive Heros annis & maclus honore, Deliciaeque foli, delicisque poli. Donee Ccelicolum turmalibus additus, ipfum, Quern colis hic^ccrnas, ignis in arcejDeijm. Nobilitati Tux dcvJaffioQUs^ RoUrtm Tardus \ To the moft Noble andllluftri- ous Lady, both for Nobility and Piety, as of Venue a rare and pecrlcflc cxamplc,Lady Anne Kare , Countcffc of Ancram. He Lizards eyes the face of man amaiethi Looking on which the more and more it gageth J When I your heaven infufed graces view, Madam , my fenfe amazed ft a res OR You» Heaven tempers Co its gifts in You alone, As that all graces feeme combin'd in one > When I do homage to Nobility, Straight on it doth reflect Your piety* So earthly glory and that of heav'n begurl. Makes You a glorious object like the Sunne, Which dartcth forth fo mahyrayes of light* As that they dazle this my fcantling fight. In You great lunos (lately majeflie Is fraught with Chriftian love and charity j You have>what vertues leatnM &twrv4 hath^ And for her *g*> you are arm'd with faith t What's Penus beautie to Your facreo" face, Which is the Phyfiognomie of grace ? If for the golden apple there fhould ^>e A ftrife amongft the goddeffes* To thee Let Paris give it,fo he fureiy mall Plcafe all the three, Your felfe being more than all. Tour Honours humble,When he croft the Sea Of BeUeJpont 5 long fince was out,and we Onely enjoy its fame,the light is gone, AndtovJ'r is buried in oblivion. Th' otegypttan ~P hares , which was fam'rl to be The worlds feav* nth wonder,in obicurity Lyes ruin'd.and that multiplicit light, Once to the Marriners a Sunhe by night, Is now extinft ; for tis decreed by fate", What Art doth reare,that Time fhall ruinate i Nay holy Writ aflures,atthelaftday The ftarre* fhall fall from heaven,the funne decay, The Moone be turnd to blood,thofe which God made Firft moft refplenderit lights,at laft fhall fade. C gu C chy Lights moft tranfcendent,can no hand Of Time or Fate(which all things elfe hathfeand,) JPut to thefe Lights an end,for thefe fhall be Bright fhining Tapers to Eternity. Ckrijlopker c Draytbeft©w «n mee, I, then a Poet,would dare fpeake of thee. If I fhonld write thy praife When I have done I hold a Candle to the flaming Sunne I thinke thy towring Mufe a Starre hath reachMj Or elfe a Beame from bright *ApoUo fetchM To light each Taper by 5 for their pure flame Doth well allure us,it from heaven came. rfilliam pwey* To jhe Ingenious Anther, on his Latin and Englijb Morall £mblems % TWo Lights within two fcTerall S pbeares were hurld. In the divided t baos of the World* When like an Embryo this whole Mafic of Clay, Before the Ftit , yet iwpcrfed lay. And being brought to birth >by him whofe power Hath all Eternity- and yet no how'r; The day was fubjec* to the Nobler light, And to the lefler did obey the Night, So in chis Midwifery of wit,by Thee Delivered, two lights, two Subjects be. Thy nobler Roosan ftileto day~bornc men Children of Arts 3 dircfts chy Luin pen. And that the duller ignorant, might fee, They have a MothcrsMoone begot by Theej 1 hme as Gods creatures ferve to leade the way To him that gave anight 3 fuccceding Day. Tho. Beedome. In Imdem doU'tpmi Author is. QVis hie refulgens aurea coma nitor Perftrfngitoculos? Phofphoms redditdicm 'Scotia?. Georgius Camamarum decus Deufque cecidit,Hefpcrus dodi chori : Faflae tu refurgis* & novum jubar Promis renati Pholphori. Scotia tua l3m noc"te nulla mcerer, accendis faces C*Io aimulas & przvias caelo, negas Tenebras polo Ar gul* ftudiofa voluptas Auri non animam pondera multa tenent. 11a quies anim* eft,furfum qua femper anhelar, Donee ad Authorera veherkillafuum. Y light from whence it camc^mounts flil on higli Vnto the fource of light chat's never dry. Like ai the Rivers to the Ocean runne, From whence their fecret fountaines firft begun; L ike as the ftone doth to the cenrcr fway % to the Spheres my light flilf makes his way. No joyesjdelighrs^nd qreateft weights of gold, r pampering plcafure faft our foule can hold. ie panting foule refts not ,iintill it fe e \ maker Gpd, a Triune Deitie. O anion Merall Emblems. a. Q Anima,an noftri te t*det ? qnas petis«ras? Mene fagis ? quae fie die mihi caufa vis? Tu mihi jampridera confors bene" jun&a fuifti, Et comesjet npftri corporis bofpes eras. Quamdiu res ft eterat nobis, tu fida manebas^ Tempora nunc quia funt nubila,fola fagis. taima.Ric eaptiva tuac vcluci cuftodise adhar/i, Etqua duccbas,ire coafta fin. Exal era _ Libera vifo meos,te pereunte, tares. 1 Corporis atqueanim* vinclum divdlitur *gre^ Sed tamen ad rincres hoc redit,illa Polum. & Nd loth'ft thou me,my Soulejoving to goc Elfcwhere, I pray thee whither, let me know, Was thou not all this while my deereft mate, My gueft, my convoy, confort in eftate i While I did florifh, thou didft conllant prove, My times are darkned novv,fo is thy love? wle. Here as a captive to a keeper, Co 1 tyed was with thee, at lift, to goe, Baniftit from home : loe now my bonds are Ioofe # Tbou dy*ft,l glad runne to my fathers houfe. f Soules bond with body hardly rnalseth breach Yet this doth dye,an«l that Heav n* dwelling reach, B | £ura CM or all Emblems. Vrafuf quonAim aurieomi Titanic alamos, Et pura nicui virginicate puta. trior Eos gentisquam char a fupellex, Porior & flammis,clare pyrope,ruis. ;rior & fulvcjflamma explora.ntejtnetallo^ Quod jamfepteno tempore rlamma coquit* : poftquam fmpuro male Turn conjunct a markc, Coeperuntfordes illius efTe me*. Scilicet im pur us temerat pu r i fll ma ta ftus 7 Vicinigue lues inquinat ipfa mali. »rporei$ anima harcfimuleft immerfa tencbris, Incipit a puro degener effe polo. Omctimcs I was the brood of Gold'n-haird funnc, More pure,more chaft,than Veftds watchfull nunnc, irer than Eafterne gemmes,thanSaphirs bright, ii-cr than Ophirs goIcUhan Rubies light* jrer than Padols gravell often try'd i fire,and furnace feven times purify'd • it fince the fates to greafe did me combine, is filthy dregges are judged to be mine : For why conjun&iondothcontagion make> nd from th*impure the pure infection take, he foule once pluag'd into the body darkc, irgets it was a chaft and divine fparfce. B 4 y nfra Diogenit Lucema. MordlEmblms* TLLe fait cui pera penus,cui dolia fedes, * Nare ftgax, mores rufticus,ore latrax. Diogenes medio accenfa Tub fole lucerna, Rimatus fanftum dicitur efle vitum. Explorantaquil* puiloi ad lamina fobs, Explorat meres fax tacuurna hominnm. Namque din perfonati,reftnmque fidemque Mentita prae fe fimplicitate ferunc Scdwcita: na&itranquilla filentianottis. Oftendunt mores tunc,fine fraudc, l»o*- Is felix,quem Soi,& quenvfex virtiteundem, . Coram tefte pr©bus,qui fine telle pia* . WHofe purchafe was his pouch,his houfe a tun, Critickcofaatonswtatroeverdone, That learned dogge,at rioone-tyde tinn d hisltgnt, Searching for one, whofe anions were upright. The Eagles young ones by the Sunne are try d, Mens aaiens by the lamp are beft efpy'd 5 For men in day time maskt with vixard? goe Of truth and faith making an outward (how, But when they can nights feeret hlence find, Before the lamp they 2oe unmaske their mind. Happy is he whom Sunne and Lamp fees pne 5 Who's honeft fUII,though witneffe there be none. Toflxtuf Non/ub Modio. MerM Emblems. £ •f Ollitur iEtherias Lampas Titania in arce*, ' 1 Qgp magi fubje&os lumiae luftrec agros, Gloria confpicai fie eft illuftrior aftri, Qua patet in cunaas JEtherts : aula plagas. Nee condenda mihi modii fub ponderc c*ci I ux eft;nec latcbri s ini jeienda domusl Sufpendenda ahc iit no&cm funalia vincant,' Clariiis & jaciant te&a per aha jubar f Vos quibus JEterni lux eft concredita verbi, Tollire jam veftras gentium ad ora faces. Qtqui Cimmeriis gaudenc habitare teuebris, Agnofcaa t almum gratiar adefle dietn* Th?rtf8i day burning lamp is fee on high, The more to light'n the Earth from faphir sty * His beames more glorious and corifpicuous fhine From Eaft to Weft, from South to midnight line : My light 1 you muft not under buihell put, Not in a chinky corners prifon (hut j That lights may pleare the chambers all throughoutji They rauft aloft be hanged round about. f You holy Pricfts,to whom the word of light Is truft,adTance your torches in the fight' Of mortal so Ihcw them who in darkened dwell, The narrow way that leads to He«ven>from Hell. 1 Utter all Emblem? r V Xmea fi exhilarat tacitutna filentia ao&i$ 5 k obfcuri luftrarw gatkiia cun&a laris. Aurea fi Phcebijfi lux argencca Lun* Ha*c noftcmj Bbarcillumirratjire diem. Quanta erit Empyrcae lux non effabilis arcis, Quota cement ipfnra lumtaa noftra Deum. \ Tu citiuspoterisdextra comprendere mun*lum, Et concha excipias vitrea ftagna maris ; Dicere quam poteris,qu* lucis gloria Ccelo eft, Qu* 8olemobfcuracfydera > & omnc jubar. Hue tantum dicasjnonlux eft aurea Phcebi, Non Phoebe* lux eft, ftelliferaeq;domus. Scdquam lingua nequit 3 quam mens defcribere luceta CernestJEtetnus lux crit ilia Deu$, tF thus my light nights fable filence glads, ■■■Making a cheetefullroome in midnight (hads, If Gold n-likc Pkabii* and his fil ver fifter, He in the day,(hee in the night doth glifter ; What thought-furpaffing light then (hall that be, When we in Heaven Empyrean God (hall Tee ? Sooner thou canft the world hold in thy hand, Or in a (hell containe the glaffie ftrand ; Than tell how glorious is the light of Heaven, Tba: dark'ns the SutinejMoonejStarSjand Planets &?en : Thisonely tell: it is not Pheebm Iightj Nor Pfcato,nor the fpangles of the night. That light which tongue canhot,nor mind defcry, Once (halt thou fec^ a fuprcame Diety . Lux CM or dl Emblems. 8, T V x anima eft facul* Ccelcfti e femiiie du&a, , Pingueq; pro fragiii corpore fumen habet. D*dala qaod gnari pi&oris dextcra fucat, Coeruleum flammjs addit & arte,decus. fill pigtrienta juvant,folus fed lummis ufus, * Laudats ad huhc finem lux fabricata fiiic. ^ Mens eft mortali vitam quae fola beataiu Efficii, & fobolem nos probat efle polifr Qmd bdna Fortunar 3 quid avit« gloria genu's, Corporis & robur,forma decufqj juvant ? Mens nifi fit ration e porens,atq; ^there nata, Corpus & hocnofirum Spixitus i«tus alat. tlg,ht is the Torches life of heavenly kincf, Thus to a fraileand greafie mafTe combind, To which the Painter beauty doth impart, Giving it gloflfe and colour from his Art. The painting's nought >lighc doth the Torch command Which 6rft was framed onely for this end. f It is our mind that doth pur life approve > Shewing our race derived from above. Blind Fortunes goods , kins generofity Youths ftrcngth,and beauties curiofity Make not 5 unlefle the fpirit doe us feafon With thatHeav »-b.rcdfparkU ofdivine reafon. Gratia M or all Emblems* {QRata tihi mea lux 5 quando nox ingriiit atra, J6t repjent tacitas nubila cseca domos. Sivc juvac Joda? vigilem fuligo lucerna*, Seii du&rix penfi.fedula pofcit amis , Pcrvigt'l occiduo Cam firccedane^Phcebo, Donee perno^em deilatione vocac. 5" Parcico janrtioftrae lucis daj;e fcenojra Soli, Sjepiustk lircro ru potiere thte. Si tenuis hierit tibi re^huic p-jr| Y iigh t is ple.i fanr/vhen the night doth glooafl*, 1 And pitchy darkenefle lines the mourning roomej Whither thou lifts Ctcantbu fmoake to blow, Or if the Matron like to twift her tow. When Pbebiu fettcth, I watch centenall Vntill he from my ftation doth me call. 5" Spare me>lend not my light to Titans fay* So (halt t h'enjoy me when there is no day. If thy eftate be meane,husband it well, And it Attaltok wealth lhall parallcll. C 2 Quatuor MorallEwblems. QV ; 10. atuor in noftro regnant primordia rcrura Corpore.,difcordi confociata jugo. Omnia ut ad noftram veniunc Concordia lucem, Non minus acf noftram funt& arnica necem. Terra flruic pyram,flamni3e me prajparat aer, Naturae nammamvis fovctuda meam. Non nifi coafumorVdo lucemj luce liquefco* Lux eadem vita* caufa necifqj mex. lapetonidae culpa hxcyjui lumen Olympi Mortali poterat confociare Into. ^ Corporis & noftri nativus deficit humor, Innate fuccu* quando caloreperit. Vivendo morimur,mpriendo vivimus : ipfa. Q»ua: lucem donat,dat quoque vita necem. &4i — pOurc Elements in this my body are All yockt in one,y et ever ftill at warre 5 As all agree to nourifh this my light So to my ruine they combine their might : Aire maketh way for flame, Earth builds a pyre, My moifture feeds the ftill conf aming fire. Still as I (hine by light^by light I dy s As caufe of life,fo of mortality, It was Prometbetti fault who ftole away Hcav'ns fice,and joyn'd it to his mortali clay. ^ Moifture doth hcat,and hear doth moifture quale* That dryes our body,this makes it dampe and fraile, That which doth give,doth likewife fpend ow breath $ The firft of being,is firft houre of death. C 5 ?*»?!?? I do good to others, 1 hurt my -felt jj| Merdl Emblems. M. pOEnerorhanc aliis Iucem,confumor & ipfa> Augeo quae damn is lucra aliena meis. Pernofti vigilesquot duco lumine no&es ? i Saepius in prima Lnx mea luce perit. Aeriis quoties no ludibriaflabrfs, Prsvia percaecas ire coa&a vias. Siquidfitturba^furva: & graflatio no&is, Ad mc itur j vkas fum male parca me*. Difcere qucd nequeunc hominum pars maxima ,difce Auxiliari aliis>ipfa nocerc mihi. Lex eft., naturae fed lex contraria noftrse, v Omnesqu« memoresadmoneteflefui. J Impiger hoftiles trudens fe Cadrus in enfes, Profuerat patria? 3 prodigus ipfp anima: Pafcit & implumes animal Pelicanus alumnps, Incolumes fervat paftor & aeger oves. , Mortaliqs fuam gaudens profundefre vitam Ipfe D eu s paflhs ., n e pateretur ftpmo , eft, _____ tWliilft 1 give light to others,! decays I Iofe my felfe,whilft I ro others play : I watch all night with an unflecpy eye s And oft, before the day doth dawne,I dye i How oft am I by bluitcring Boreas mockt, And lightning othersjl my felfe am choke j If tumuIt,or a night affailing be, I am employ'd,no reft ,no peace for me : What moft of men neglec~t,that I obferve, To fuccour other^though my fefle (hould ftarve x A Law but not of nature,which directs All of themfelves to have the prime refpefts. ^ Codtus the Kingiis Country to defend, Much like a Prodrgall his life did fpend ; The Pelican to feede her piumelefle brood, Doth lance her breaft, and ftraine her pureft Mood, The wuchfuUfliecpherd feldomefe.ing fleepe, Direfis, and kcepes from wolves hi$ ftraying fheepe y E*en Chnft himfelfe^the Sonne of the moft Hie, DidjuifF er deaths leaft mortall man mould die, C 4 Hinc tM$r all Emblems} it. HInc me Scylla rapit,prernit hinc me dira Chafybd&S Ambiguiq; urgec vis nocitura mali, ^ . Ocia blanda fequens,carie & rubigine caeca Confumor multo debilicaca fitu. Sin radiis nitidas iuftro rutilantibus aedes, Extinguor flammis mox liquefa&a meis. Durumj fed levins reddit pacientia : lucem Expeco>qua fplendens utilis efie queam. «f Plena laborifensfuntvitae tempora cutis, Enervant animos ocia dira leves. Hjcc intemperiem generant,& robora frangunt ? Aft curs mentes anxietate necanc Sed tamen eft melius media quam vivere forde, Vircutis claro lumine pofle mori. "VT Ature propounds a dilemme 3 chufe I muft, E ither to dye by light,or r ot by r uft •• ifl feeke eafe and reft, then lafmeffe Doth me confume with mouldy hoarinefie; But if I love to (hkie with glorious ray, Then by my flames in teares I melt away. Patience doth light'nthis evill : I wifh ro live In glorious light ,and light to others 31 ve, fl This life is worne out with laborious roile, Andflothfuli reft doth minde and body fpoile > Bu: yet it 's better for to dye a fparke, Than like a laizie moule to live in darke. ym i Sicperiremifemweft tAorMBmbkms. C Edula de pingui me dextra liquamjne finxic 5 Arcificis, luci ut txda parata forem. famqj mihi reftac rucilas aflimiere flammas, Quando oppornmiteniporishora vocat. icce ruunt mures cceci c penetralibus antri, Turb q; me multo ftridula dente petit. \nte diem morior,nondiim cm vivereceffitj Fcedaqi dentadforicisefca cado. . Do lacrymasmoriens,nuncindefletarecumbQ 5 Nulla.velhic Fati forsperaeerba mei. J" Sic cadit in coeeis uteri penetrahkus infans. Qui nullum vjdit Solis,in orbe, jubar. Sic immaturis juvenum fpes occidit annis 5 Qux poteratlongas emeruifle dies. TP 4e Crafts, man did me of pure tallow frame, And nude me-fittbnouriihheav'ns flame; One thingremaio d,thatl thouid take with fire, When feaibn due, and fit houre doth require : Lne how the rats catching me aU alone, With envious teeth my body ceafe upon ; I dye before my day, they life prevent - Before I lively livek&c body's fpent: \ I d?ing couidyyieirtf aces my dcat.ft tetfioane, 7 I Bur this untimely death d"Jtn yceld me none. g The hifant (0 ofc dothitfelfeentombe, Before j; fee the day, in mothers wombe. So by untimely death youths hope 'decayed, Which might have well deferred many daies. _ Qiium Q! McrallEmhUms. ; iVum mihi pingue fofet vifcolo in corpofc fumcn, i~ Alma rcnideifasltjcis alumna fij. Hora fed in teaucs tandem me diffipat auras, Ad fund cmerrt Lux mea tota redit. Ecce meam defefla tibi nunc Lampada trado, pAi v icem vires ex pejierc tuas, Sic eedit perfona alii,vacuamq, rehnquic Seen am, quum partes egerit ille fuas. Rex fceptri virarq§'iinml defim&us honore, Deponit foboli fceptra tuenda fuat. Emeritus, Fato & fraftus poft vulnera miles Cedic&exercetftrenuus arnta tyro. «f Felix trania&ae vita: cjuem veffcera laud*> Et lauri aeterno gloria honoreb«ac. < j ysn Hen that my clammy fubftance was entire, W 1 was ah earthly nurfe of heav'n- bred fire 5 Now envious time doth me in afhes turne i\nd to a tedious fnuffe my light doth burne : lLoel have done,take thou this light of nunc; I yecld,doe what tbou canft , the turne is thine. So the Comedian having plaid his (hare, Gives place to others,who then actors arc : A King his weighty office having done, Dying transfers his Scepter to his fonne : When that the crafie Souldiers ftrength dotnfaile, The younger muft the enemy aflaiU. q Happy is he the evening of whofe daies Doth crowjic his death with ever- living baye*. Pauper , iMorallEmbltmu 15 . N On minor eft surges vitreis circumfluus tmdis, Exoneraris lefeln ftagna fluentajlacus. Nee minor jEtheriilu£ardentiffima Solis ; Innumeroscjuamyis lumine luftrac agros. Magnetis ferro v vi%'imperutafodali . Huic,illjjtamen eft non minor ipfa fibi. 5ic mea multipara varias lux lumine txd'as Accendens,Iucem mutuat>haud minuit. f H«cSophi*nan»ra,fuiqu2Bprodigafemec Comrmmem, falva, aft integritate 3 facit. Sic melius dixere 6onum commimius,omnes Gratia participes fie volet efle fui. TPHe glaflie gulfe joyn'd with Earths globe in one Gives waters to the rivers, loofcth nose; The Suhne that makes fo many glorious dayes, Doth loofc no lightjand flill he waft's his rayes : The Loadftoneto the iron gives vertue rare, And yet no wayes his owne hedothimpaire ; So this my torch can give to others light, , • And ftill,as is his wom 3 (hine perfect bright, fl Thus Divine Wifdomfe doth communicate Herfelfejthat others may participate. The good more common better island grace Wifoeth, all were partakers of her cafe. CJuum I findc things loft. MordlEmhltrns. it. p Auper anus t-cnuem no&is ca-ligine dracftmanl *^ Perdit,iauxparY£(peseratanarei, Sedula mox properac (plendentem accenderc lychx& M , £t ienro nitidam verrere fafeedomum. Eruit hanc latebrisj invcnraq- gratioj illi eft ; Quara ftierat Phrygio gaza fuperba ftni. ^f Ex quo Cimmeriis Divins paxticula aura Corporis in ccecocarcere merfalatetj Vera jacec tenebris amifTa fcientia reruns* Qua> fuperac largas Pygmalionis opes. Urgo Clean th sex lux acccndenda litcern* eft j Sic aafmi amiflas invenier L Tftiecarefull Matrone in her cellbelotf, * let fall a groat,yet where (he did not know : Forthwith (he tinnes aj.ight,then vt-th her broomc She neatly fweepesthe corners of the roome : Thus from the duft and darkened when (he finds it, More than the Phrygian Midas wealth: flie mindes it. y Our fouk a divine fparke^i nee that it fell Into Cimmerian darkeneffe of this cell, The foules jrue knowledg&doth appeare no more , ^ Which £oetfe k&dnd Pygnalkn; richeft ftore. Then muft we light Cleantha Lamp and find By ftudy,ih€ loft treafurcof our mind, Hefpcriaj MerM Emblems, *7' JJEfper ias poftquam Pkabus defcendic in unda% Occidua & merfo litcora fole rtibent. Acccndor clari no&urna vicarila Phcebi* Bt fucceffivas fedula prarfto vices, lux mea jam queritur confumptos corporis artUfe Ec minuic fumen ftiria multa raeum, Cedere fie cogorj reduces j am vercito currus Phcebc,orbi clarum phofphore reddediem. 5" Chriftus fol mundiv poftquam remeavk ad oras Empyreasjfcandens vijrea regtja poli. Tunc fan Aos juffir lucerri prsferreminiflro«, Grati* uc in coeco paregt orbe'rlies. Ac poftquam hi fenio fra&i,vigi Jig; labore Incipiunt feffis artubns efTe gfa!yes. lampada tuncanima; traduot,opjaktq; viciflimy Vfpoffit clara furgere nube »eus. y^Hen Phabus fersin the Hefperian ftreames And Wefterne (horesblufo wkh his drowned beamess Then I a* P hoabns fecond mnfi give Light, And a& my part in darkenefle of the night .* But now my Light complaines that I decay, And into greafie teares doe melt away^ So [ am forft to yeeld. O turne thy teame , VhabutfLnd Phojpber (hew thy morning bearne. H When Chrift the Sonne of righteoufacfle did goe Vnto his Heavenly manfions from below Then he his holy fefvants did command, Conrpicuousto the world,,like lights,to ftan^j But when thcyfaile with watch ingjtoile^and age, And now are ready to goe off the ftage , Then up they yeeld the light of life and cry $ O come thou Sonne of righteoufneiTe, wc die D % S*p« tAordlEmbltms. ! 1.8. g^pemlhi noftis credunt arcana filentij, Qu«q; folent clarum furca latere diem Martis adulterium Sal toti oftendit Olympo, Prodidit & verfis crimiHa Phoebus equis . Eft mihi non temerata fidesi qua: confeia cerio, Hzctaceo Confoturior una Deo. f A me mortales taciturna filentia difcant, Nc lasdanc fanftam garruUtate Ftfem JN fecret filence of the night what's done rt * $ ' ruft / om e )C oncea!e 4 Ulicituni *JMQtnll Emblems. ; 20. ,]Mcitum molire neras j me tefte vereris Aggredi,& indicium fufpicis ufqj mcum. tinfta jam me fperas te potfe latere, Et fine tefte cibi eun&a licere putas. rallerisjin cacis £ux eft fed eernes,quum Lux (Iiprema favillara Aecetidet,qd£ nunc corpore merfa later. 50 cjuidtjuid agis,tu pra»fens fufpice numen, In tenebriserede& cernere cun&a Deum. -r— "•Hou gocft about-mifchiefe and ftill doft feare* Leaft t bis my light 'gainfi tiiee mould witflrtife b&tt $ I having put me oat rh a think' ft £0 worke ly will 3 and yet in (ecret ftiM to hirfce., Thouart deceiv'd, the dirkncIT^oi'tHis cell Dntainesa light,that fees the Iqweft: htlL it thou a Wantjcanft not perceive this light*. either difcerne Sun- mine from cloudy n ight , hen (halt thou feeit, when the thcty iall kindle that fparke which inihy breaft Zvtlilf. 'hat-c'rc thou doillooke tajtha* Light which mad«j . II Lights.atifi'mirie j as day in midnight ihaaL Hint Overall Emblems. 21. lac & hinc me flamma vorax co&fumit.umnq; 1 E Lagrac ad exitium Lux geminata meum. ■vidic ardentes, velutlfthraus,dcxtera flamma?, Cenfulat utq^ mihi, vix cavct lpfa fibi. cino nam ta&a maio,eonforfq^pericli elt , Dum coiens cogitcedere flamma raanum. Dilapidet fi forte gula bonacuniSa mamw, Vxor & in mundum deftruat iHa fuum; inc & hinc difccrpta redit fors omnis ad aiTem, Panitct & fero dilaceraflc pcnum. 1 uod fi fortunas dextra fulcircrucntej r He cupiat fluxas fifterc amicus opei. avifam perdens operam yix tutus abibit, Namqi in eum virus vcrtic uterqs funra* sepe malas dirimens lices male pleditur in.ons, Vertit & iratas in fra dam*a«unus. urini f r Am confamedwuh devouring fire, 1 Whilft Vulcane gainft me doubles thus his ire : rhe hand,much like an lfthme ? doth feparatc rhe flames,and doth it felfe prxapkate [nto open danger,(hewing To its love , rhe fcorching flames compels it to remove. q A thrifthfle husband if he fpend his ft ate, And fo the wife loving to goe too neat j Their (tocke and meanes quickely goes to decay, And late repentance comes 5 when all's away. But if a friend their ruine would prevent, And ft ay their falls be fare he (hall be (he nt : He lofing labour fcarce mall harmelefTe, goe, • - , They both againft him tar ne their malice fo. Oft times who par teth quarrels and debate, A^auift himfelfe doth turne the parties hate, J - Lux i LMorttt Emblems* *2. v*X meapertfltasruriUnsqu*fpargitnrades> ' fcxhilaran* honiineSiignicolafq; Lares, il nfi Cmmeriaspraefere tibi,ccece, tenebras 5 Culpa tua elHcafiusluroine nulla vides. erncre talpa nequic Solcm,dum luce corufcat ; Et nullum caflus lumine>Iumen liabet." ) Chnftus vera Dei Lux, Sol jforiffimusorbi eft, Deccgic & radiis nubila cun&a fuis. ernimus haud tamen hoc lumen 3 iMii,nr»mine pandat HosocuIos,quos jam n©x tei**&rcfa premit. .. cad nos Chnfti Lux derivata,f*|fledit In prcprium, radio multiplicfiite,jubar. fC£ fplendor with his bright and Sun-like ray, D oth cheers the hcufejancfdarkenefTe chafe away 3 "b thee wh'ait blind, I'm datke as fable night, t*s thy defaulc,not minejthou lak'ft thy fight. r he Moule cannot Hyperions glory fee $ Vho want their eyes, no comfort have by me. 7 Chrift is the gbry of that light from hie, Vhicb can the darkeft Chacs fUl defcry j Lnd yet we fee him notuntillour eyes I e open , whicli thkkeit darkeneiTe doth tiwprife $ Hen doth hUlieh^uittdhimfelfetefoA ^,f,~ teal us as initios With arievv alpect Gloria CUer all Emblems? M Loxia nulla foretfaeul*,nifi furva reoebris Involvat mundiim nox racituma fuis. Ua polo quura nulla micat,quum cornua Phce&C Condit, & obfcura fidere cunfta latent, gora condenfanc temicm vicina calorem, Splendidiufq, nitet, node filentejubar. 6 magis eft no&is caligo obfe/Ta tenebris, H6c lumen tarda; clarm^eflefolet. Obvia fi adverfis ponas contfaria rebiw, Obfeffis pugnant viribiis ilia nragis. tuti confer vitiumjfplendcbit tttruniq;, Clarius hinc parct dedecus 5 inde fdecus. TO glory could I (hew,wer't not the night In fable clouds did mantle up heavens fight* hen ftarres are vail'd,and Phce? her homes doth hide» ying her creflet and attire aiide. \\e more nights fogge doth maske the fpangied fpheare, le more in darkeneffe doth my Light appearej ights foggy cold doth make my flame more ftrong, rid light's more glorious pitchy clouds among. If you together contraries paralcll, I contrary opposition they excel!. jrtue compare with vice»and you&all (ee 9 ■ CM I bis {hew his glory,thax his infamie. Nunc sMorMimbldif. 347 '-.• KjVnc importunis Boreas me flaribut urge* 5 ; Flat, ceu fornacis flamma ciendaforet. Fallitur,m t'enues lucem mihi diffipat auras; : Sic confumpta magis,luceo clara minus. Ipfe opcram perdit Boreas,oieumqj ego percto, Impar congreflus vinous eftq; meis. T Non fi tardigradus ftimuk) fodiendu* aCeflus* Nobilibusftiifulosfubdere oportec equis. Aonidum proles non eft laceranda flagelloi Plumbea gens ifto eft erudien-da medo* SMHt certas viresrerum & trancjiulla.facukas, Quas urgens nimia feduliea te oecas. MOw Boreas puffing in his boiftrous ire Blows as he were to kindle Vulcans fire : He doth undoe me by hischurliftineffe, I am confumed more >and (hine the If fTe * He fpends ]us labour,(b I iofc mine oyle, As no wayes fit to undergoe fuch toyle. ^j You beat the AiTe lingring under his load, The generous Horfe defervetn not a goad : - The Mufes fonnes cannot away with lathes* Which are more fitting for Arcadian afles. Eachftrength within his limits,Nature bounds, "Which who fo paflcth ^Nature he confounds. fi Aureus MordllEmhlm$. «5 A Vrcus banc lucis fplcridor trahit amulus aftr % *> Nefcit at infeftas efle calore faces. In fraudes incauta rait; fplendoris amore * Dum capitur,flamm* carpitur igne gravi- f # Splendida purpureoturget qua; gloria amietW, Fulget m excelfo confpfcienda loco. Invidiofa fimul, cuh&ifqtte optabilis ardet 5. Aft mifera ftuhosimprobitate nccat. Tollit, ut a fummo dcturbet culminejtetas Cum miferis mutat glojia vana vices. Icarke vicreo natarunt aequore penn«» Phcebovicinasfollicitandov4*s. J Dum Phaeton capiturcumts fplendore paterm, Eridani in medtas decktjt uftus aquas. ., Tuta fatis aon funt^hcpbsis proxima flammis, Audeat aaricojaum fi temerare juhar, f Ights ftarre-like fplendor doth allure thisflye, ^Nqt knowing that (he may be burnt thereby s Thus whilft (he kindled with a great defire Of Light, toe how toee dies in flaming fire. ^ Glory in purple robes is fet on hie, Envious to many, lovely to the eye : But many times slory doth fooks undoe, Whilfr, without wit and reafon, they it wooe 1 It raifeth them that with the greater fall , It may them overthrow and crufti withall. ^ Whilft fttfrosfoares to Hyperions beames, 9 Hfi headlong fals intoth' icarianftream&i AndPb^OBdaringfortoruletheday, r Was thunder-beate, and burnt with PfrojttKffay. We nearer to the Sunne more glorious are, Xfofiticfco^ingrayeswebeaware. _ £ It - * r? UI4 'wall Emblems? 16. fAx ego dum opcatar multum peto lumina flamm*, _ A flamma Iucem fervidiore peto. iinc cita n£ acceudor,jam jam confumar,& omni* Summisin lacrymas vis liquefa&a cadet. I Res quibus eft anguftadomi>& fortuna novercans, , c 9g«nfnrDominos folljcitare fuos. /emia quibus cerant,& adorant fiipplice voto, Munificam duris mittere rebus opem. *unc miferosmora Ionga necat,nam fpes caditomms, ) R ecu la & exilis,quae fuit ante, peril, empeftiva beam doaantis mimera dextrse, Dcnaqj cemporibus non njj? grata fuis. jj^Hen I this wifht-for light to tinnc defire, I proitrate crave it from this flaming fire j ' pom whence iflight come not in fitting time, am confumM before the light be mine. Whofemeanesare fmalI,whom Fortune favours not. hey take their patrons mere v for t heir lot 5 9 them their applications they doul4e prove. E I Fax Helpeorelfeldyc. MtrM Emblems, 27. TjAx ego fplendebam fixa dum fede- manerem 3 Salvaq; fublato vertice flamma foret. Nunc poftquam cafus Jucem temcravic iniquus> Prona vacillanticorpore tsedajacet. Adfer opem quicunqj vides,fuccurre Jabanti, Tutaq; ficnoftrsc gloria iucjs em. ^ Humanum eft labi,vari*q^ qbeoxia forti Vita,nequit cerco firma manfej-e loco. Vel qua/Tat fortuna, movet vej lubricus error 3 Inq, horas hominnm labitur omne genus. Felix labenti cui vis fuccurf it arnica, Qniqj hominis,tanquara nu^Jnis, ufus ope eft. Namq; docenc,quaecunq5 nocejij; prudenfq, cavebiS I&us 3 cum laffo fortius ibitequo. T Shined brightly whilft I flood Hprighr> And firmely feated gave a perfed light j But after that mifchance did me furpnfe, I am caft downe and know not how to rife. Helpe,helpe>who fees my cafe,now fuccour me* S®,asbefore 3 my Light (hall glorious be. ^ A man may fall, this brittle \ik of ours Is fubjed to more chances than to houres : Or fortune falfe,or errours ftippery fall Suffers us notjconftant to proove at all ; Happy is he who falling findes a man, |4uch like a Godjfupporting what he can. By hurt he learning gaines^he wifer growes, And with the weary Oxc more warily goes. E 4 Cunfo MmllEmhkms. £Vn&a fuam nitoiuntanimamvivenria d*mao> A Iterim, vitam nutrio fola meant. Planta rapit terras vircs,8f pafcirar illis j Brutaqj florenti germine planta fovec Innocuas nee non animas anitnalia perdtmtf, Humanx ut fiancaltili* efca gul«. ^ Alterius damn js hominum pars maxima vivit, Aageac utq; fuas res, aliena rapit. Sic homini lupus eft homo,rapto vivitur,& qui Fraudepoteft alios falkre,lncra ferecj pelix qui propria dueit fe forte beatum, Qupfupremo non nifi rupta die. f Ipfa hominem juffit vitam naturatuen, Qua nil mortali charius cflc folct. Ille fedinviris refecac fuaftamina Parcis, Exofuiq; animam,res fibi habere jubet. Scilicet inserts metuensdifcrimina mortis, Ante tubas mortem s ne moriatuffjoblt. _ Ah ! mifer ^theria non dignns munere lucis, . Vivere qui non vult, neicit & ipfe mori. vy/Hat e're my ftat'sjmy love proves conftantftill W To this my Soule, we part agamft our will ; 6r when fierce Boreas with his bluftringgaie, Or fome mifchance my lovely- light doth quale : Elfe I and Light my life,would never part, is efore to a(hes fates did me convert. f Nature commands us to maintaine our breath And being,(hunainglife-deftroying death. Yet man from Atropus ofc takes the knife, And cuts his fatall thred,devouring life: For why,he fearing death before his day, Before th'allarunijmakes himfelfe away. Ah wretch .' unworthy to behold the skye, Who will not live,and knowes not how to dye. ' Omnia MonllMmhUmsl 30. fV Xextinfta peritenon fpes tamen excieflt onfcfo ■ Dcnuoq§ accendet lux sediviva facem; DiHtiHs at vivam,morior 5 fie mors mihi lucrum eft. ■ Alrernafq; dabit flamma iterata vices. J Nos moriraur, fatoq; omtits coBcedimus atro, Et mors eft tanquam merfa foporequies. «?amqi anima /Etherias fimujac volicavit ad arces" Corpus in h«c mundi prima elementa redit . ' Jonec ad ilia redux anima,hos aflumpferic arms.' Quos pofuit,vita dans mcliorc frui. ^Y Light is gone,yec hopedoth ftiU remaine, I hat Light revived feall me quick n again* . game by death,fbr fo I longer laft, ,iit (h all returne, after fome houres are pair. All of us dye,whcn thtsow threed is fpunne s >nd cut,deaths droufie fleepe is then begunnel iftertheghueft is gone,the Innes decay, Jir body's turn d to rubbifc and to day A mill the foulc returning doe poffeflc to: bodies in Etematfhappiqdfe; Tiberias MtrAllEmhUms. V ^gTh£n«isea flamma polaris anhelac ad arccs. f lux in natalem fubvolat ufq 5 locum, ^orpprco fed preffa jugo defcendere flamma b Cogitur, u t qua»rat txdae alimcnta in*,. Decre/cens fequitur fi c fu m en,donec ad ipfum i vf ne?lt ' u * rr * 9 U ° non da* 1 "" irc,rogum. J Mens mea riefcio qua Cali dulcedine-capta Cogitat alatam tendere ad aftra viam. KOgrave mergit onus.dum compes duracaJuci t Corporis,hanc meatem ferpere cogit humi. uiveris in medio quaerens vidumqj & ami&wn, Lotum cdic,& patri* vix. memor ipfa fuse eft. typ Light up to Heavens Manfions fiilldoth move, Seeking his native place of reft ab ove ; Jut being ty'd in bondage to this frame, I ftoopes t o feeke his food 3 and feed his flame : [ oftiIl it finkesdownewardjuntill itturne into a fnuffe, and aflies ceafe to burne. I My mind s Iknownothow,Ioneethtoflyc, fnto the Heavenly Courts and Saphiresky, Jutftill its plungMjfoto the body bound, rhat its compel'd to igrovell on the ground* rhus trailing for it* food my foulecan fret, vid tailing t ote,b« Country d©tb forger. Taatut tAorallEptbltatsl 3* ■#■ Aiitus amor patrii Cceli eft, fie tendit in ateuiri ■*■ Lumen, uc adverfas nefciac ire Was. Lux deprefla tamen fcandit 3 penetratq; ruina* I IllameaSjmorte&fternitadaftraviam. eprimit ad filices tumulamq; xfifta fene&u», ; Cum parat iatgaamfigere Patxfc caput. Tunc anima. inverfi per corporis ifriruinas Geftit,&ad fuperas fcrre trophifca domo»* * « I I ■ g Vch is lights love to Heaven>that ftill above It mounts>and cannot to the center move > Hold you it undcr,it will upward reach, And through its ruinous body make a breach. ^ Our foule doth bend ourbodies ftraight and even, As with it felfe, it would them raife to Heavens But all in vaine it uodergdes fuch toyle, The body will not leave its native foyle : Age puis it downe 3 and makes it ftoope full loW^ Till death doth eive his fatall overthrow Then through the bodies breach the Souledoth rife* And like a cdn^uerour,mount to the skyes. OmaSii Mohll Emblems! U Q Mnia qu 2 mea funt.ihecum bene provida ported r . fit mitfompm fobria flaranu fuo. ' *° * b i tenuis nuhl fit res,mecum convcmrifli, * r Et quaecunqj venit fors.mihi grata ven it. ^Hlquam mendieo^ nee qui<* fit triftis egeftas c y iva %fW* fit mortua, euro m?nus. ^ iiMt qmbus unum opns e£[ aliena viverc quadraV £tlautamaheriusdilacerarepenum. * ' Vulturn humani generis,fuci he need, noffeare the fire • *>A blowh»fire, aB dmake. r h im g^ collfcht . Mnlta (JW0/ -all Emblems. 3eath dragges us to the dolefull biere. Fortune taJres what (he in the morninq give; Gr enemies robbe and fpoile what e're we have ; Strengt^beauty penih honours flye awood to fornejwhom Greece cendemnd, be Pertfan for his valiour could commend c not caft dowhedifpaire not at mifchance/ It may direft us to.our heav'nly joy. No ftorme asainft this Light can fapreyaile But Saints unto their wiiht-for Haven may faile. Where for their Wedding torch this Light they have, Which never (hall Convoy them to their grave* Met -all Emblems. 39. sj VHa %re faci & cerat diicrinuna odqth ax fimul exnnfta cft^patile fax tetnw&Ci * Hyblaeos redolet m^lela cera favos. » | Sic prscexta t« dmn fidget honoris i n «ft ro Improbu$ ja ffimili s credkur effc probo. cquttm nil miferans perfonam dctrahit Or&sV Cxcutic aue nudos fors malefida finus. ic,cacninnancisVulgi tuncfordec in ore, ftanafc fentin* ut fceda mephitis olet. HMtin advcrfii contra prpbus-inq; fecundis, NHllaqj Forruna tela n6ccr/qncuut. tun ubi mors animam temics cMavicin aura*, viva chuncremis *mu?a faroa regis. ^Hen as the waxen light and candle did (bine, i As wa^the taper, fo the candle was fine : hen i light ,s g one,this gives an odious fnuffe, lac fiifcb-of Hybl'as fweetc neGanan ftufTe. So when the wicked fits in honours chaire % ico the good man all doe him compare; it when death fparing none, his maske bids of,' *d changing Fortune fets him for a fcoffe r hen to the frir.de people hedoth ftinke, J s namefmeis like a comrribn-uSore or finke : ie good againe, even in adverfity , ires not for Fortunes faffe fnconftancy ; id wheri i againft him death hath done h Cr heft, r s name fraells like the Aicrtix ipicy ne& Cum %Mwall£mhkmi$ 40. QVmmarefermcncat tor^sjquum fluai D us fcmiof v t Inramet,& ventis afpera glifcjt hycnw. 4 Sol ociUi$ quando eripirar j caligise coeluro , ^ Ectumiduminvolvitnox tenebrofa /alum. , Dax velurijux. noftra monet vicarc Chary Win* m *t ScylUarum jurgia dira canijm. 1 Erraihiw vie* ja&ari mille procellisj * Prarpedit & noftrwn nubilus error iter, ScdChriftusclaflisnoftra* prsetoria aavis i lucentem pr*fcrc,pcr vadadrtca faccnt. Hanc fe f olIow ib? Saviour wbo»s truth ,ttght,and Way; .urn tMmlltimblm?. gVm.mea.per waekas radiarct Inmine LampaW •ffimula qimm ftellis flamma comfca foret. Ill prccio fiierac mea Iux,dignabarhonore, Inq* oculis cun&is fax mea laeta fuit. Nunc rnqribunda gemo, fordens fufpiria duco» Sumq; invifg aliis,ipfa odiofa mini. Quod fi flamma redux fuerit,decus omne redibit, ^ Qujqj prius frixit,fn recjdivus amor. , 7 Jcs quum falva raanet,quim> pleno copla cornrt eft Inta ftas populus fufpick onrois opes . At fimul fnconftans reflat Fortuna, faccftunc , Omues,& miferisriHlIus amicus adeft. Quin ubi fors vultum mut*T,quum denuoridec, Aflcntatorum reflttaturbaredit. Oceani velut unda fluitjfluit imda clientum, Ver% dac pelles fors male ftda vices. , . . ' "~^ "" *" "•: : -H- ' -— — - ^Hen as my Light with beames did brightly (hiW And (hrre- light was but equall.unt© mine; 1 I was in great requeft andifet above, Was deare to all, who faw me,did me love / Now breathing fighes ,and langui(hing I grohe: Fm hateful! co my felfe>beloy'd of none. If o»ce againe my light bcginne to burne, With it my light and honour (hall murne. f When fortune {landing on her flippery ball, D oth favauCithen are weadmir'd of all ; But if (hefrowncthen flatterers flyaway, ."*. No frierids~*bide, if once your meanes decay ; O But if Foj^ine change 3 and fmile aaaine, Then fawnt th efe flatterers , and beare up your traine. Much like the Sea thefe Clients note and flow; And FortttM lurnes her coat,at every {how. • Q' J ft ultra Morall Emblems* 4*. jTruftra me zrAtntem eclat praetenta facerna, »r ii Luminc Aagrabic tafta laccrna meo. * ottra mcam nofti produnc incendia lucem, € J n J c ^* vcftis datg ; ruinaviam. da " m S u, 'c«nq;fovet penctralibus imi rif -c ns * & f P crat P oirc iatcre nefo$ « V?? A la • Fll " ar M m raentc ' cduda, j Scd fruftra in vultus impia flamma micat. S»cqu lcunq . nefas di|> . 0Qncepic 0rc ft is> Non minus & Farias impij Oreftis taabet.^ vniimula tuquantumvis, vis infica menti Qfi* peniuis Tcntis, cogic apcrta loqui. |N vainc thou mantles up this light of mine, ^Thinking that no man (hall perceive it (hine. Put all in vaine, flame will it fclfc bewray ^Vnd through thy coat, by burning,make his way. If Who in his lower heart doth hurt concealed Hoping that nothing (hall the fame revealc. He hides the torches of the hellifli roue, Which will at length with violence burft out : >Vho doth conceive Oreft t impious thought, ft will ere long to furious fad be brpughr. OuTemble what thou can'ft, that inward fparlce iVil* buxft forth into Light,tbough now its d»kc# O 3 Arte Morall Emblems. 43 A lite faber chalybem fingens fictemperat igni, Ut fi 1 icis. tterjever bcra f err c quea t. Hcc quando faxi ca^cis incendia ab antris ' Excutit,in cremium malta fa villa cadit. Scintillas fovcthoc rutilas, a fulphure donee Accenib flammam teda parata rapit. Teda faci tandenf trsdit,fax ardet ad ufus Humanosjaliis commoda>nulla fibi. ^ Sic juffit Natura Deo parere potenti Omnia, & Inproprias efleminiftra vices, B/Te quibus Natur* 'gainft others while they ftrive> Give fparkles, which the tinder keeps alive 5 Vntili the fulphure to the match gives flame, Which keeps, and to the candle doth give the fame ; The candle thus lighted proper ufe hath none : Thus all ordained is for man alone, 41 Dame Nature focommandeth ev'ry thing In his owne kind to ferve his lord and King > Things of meere being,and which doe not live, As Elements,food to the living give > The living herbs doe beafts with fenfe mainctaine, And thefe, to feede u^ev'ry houre are flaine : > ) So every thing is for the uic of ma n, To God (hould he not doc then, what he cat) ? © 4 Vidrix Morall Emblems. 4*. V J? 5-1 nati res male-parta,|perit. JlAY Lightjnto a fnuffe is almoft turn'd, And now the candle to fmaaking afhes burnM, Behold another Light ft ands ready by, Which to enjoy my place will make me dye. Yet not unpunifliM itputs oat my breath, My very afties doe revenge my death. pgrtt utrum$ fno. ^fftofo beholds tbisfmoalcy fnufte of mine, He muft needsthinke thatfometime I dih graffe abound i Riot in cheere the body kils and minde, The meaneft fare, the bell for both we finde ; Rather in Mica than Apollo dine, It thou wouldft wit and health dill to be thine. jTurfc* An eviH-doer hatecli Light. UMmllEMbUms: 4& •j Vrba latrocimis gnuTans dum perfbrat xdis Noxiaqj in tcnebris furra Latere putat " lux mea per vitreasfimul eft confpefta feneiW Tcrrec, 8c hos trepidam cogit inire fuearo. Lux jnvifa trialis, quia ca-cas ^rodere frawies, - Fadare & latebrasin/Idialque poteft. T Tempifs erat,ca maritiw Sub gelido gaudens mania obire dio. Perque maris currit fcopulos 3 ccelique proeellajs Augeat ut tefmem fedulitate penum. Vxor cafta domimanet, & teftndims inftar Eft domiporta,fui & fplendiHa cura larjs/ Vc fubiterrorum^ifcriminafortis Vlyfles; Penelope curamgjeftic habere domus. '"PHis waxen torch is nblc to endure The winds,when JEolvs puts them in ure, It leads the way in darkneflc of the night, And, though theferene fal.',it fhewes his Light : ' Thecandle ftillltirks at home, and there doth mow Its light, not caring how the winds doe Mow, This as the houfes joy at home doth flay, The other ft ill abroad doth make his way. y The hardy husband from hivhoufe goes forth Seeking to comp^ffebufineffe of worth > He failes by rockes and fands, earcly and late He toiles,and feekes to purchafe an efhtc : The wife at home rjauch like a fnaije fbc fas [j£ Onfeouf-wifry eMpipying all her wits : VlylTei in his trayelshard did (hift , Penelope a t home di& ufc her thrift. , H i ■ Vndique So I am landon by doing good] Morall Emblems. Si ^Ndiqaelaternam circa graftal" bus Euris, Debucrat tutum delituiflc juhar. Importutia nocet; pietas,male provick lucem Perdicdum luccm fccnerat ilia {"nam. ^ Si hoftis habetnaurostunc ne pandamr amico Porta,feret damnum fie male cautus amor. Hoftibus accedat fi concomicatus amicus. Neglige, vicini eft vis memenda mafi. Effepiusfi vis.omnes circumfpiee cafhs s Damnofa ne (is impietate pius« TWHilft ftormy winds about the Lanterne rage, The light ought to haye lurked in his cage j Vmimely love undoes him while he lends "His Light, loe how his harmelefie life hefp'nds. 1T When troops of enemieshefiege the wall, For feare of hurt,(but gates,though friends doe call. If that a friend accompanied with a foe Doth come,feare neighbour danger, let him goc. If thou lov ft to be charitable, doe So good to others, that it hurt not you. H 4 Prjrihut QlorrtlErnbkms. pRabuit una via m morti jam rima dehifcens _ -Pum male per parvum flabra foramen eunt, Irruitinfanus Boreas, perimitcg latentem, Ad Hiram rima eft area lata necem. 1 Vna .faburratam mergit fiffiira carinam* T*daqj magnificasHeftn.it una dbmos. .Viuus & morbi contagia dira falutem j Perdunt,atqj wno vulhere vitacadit. Vnica peccati labes fie pcrdere corpos Atq; ammam astern* mergere node potefh Ergo quod eft vnum & parvum : r»e temne periclnm 5 S*piuscft rasgri caufa pufilla mali, r F Whilft thorow ir fierce Bon en doth blow : jk crevifc is a Oty gate to death, Who ftiH in atnbuih feekes to flop our breath : J A 1 tdechinke doth Browne the loaded barkc, & ftately houfc is burned with a fparke • fcnd one difeafe doth this our health annoy* '•Me wound our life is able ro deftroy -• 3ne Sinnecan Souleand BodyovcnlVow ntothc hell.and darkened thats below. Joe not a danger which j$ meane defpife 5 ?rom meaneft caufes greateit ev»Is arife. Vnica (JUirallEmblems. 53 IfNica rima fuit ; lorcalis flamina vend " Qa» poterant folo mi nocnere modo. $ Pe&ore vwlneribus patuit qua feutiger Hero*, He&oreus lethi hoc repperit enfis iter. £lanta pedis ftiit JEacida penetrabilis,inq- fe an c Fcemineam Paridis rexit Apollo maiium. Hoftis afein/idiis veluti, mors obGdet &mnes 3 Agmina, qua" murus parte laborat, tabet. i ftiria five gelu fuerit,feu mufca,vel urid* Gutiula, Londmj lictera fivcneceV. Mille artes callet mo^ infidiofa necahdi, Vel facit,aut fa4*m repperit ilia viam. QNe chinke there was arid not another way For Bore as 7 his Fury to effay$ So Heffou fatal* gift Aiax confounded, And ftor/d him Where he onely could be woonded 5 Af olio fo direded Varu dart To wound AcbtUes foote, and kill his heart* m Death lies in ambufh like anencmy. And brafheth where our fconce* wcakeft be. Whether an icecle or drop of water, " Or gnat,orLo»to.Sch6lIer-killing letter. A thoufand trtftit we fee of cunning death j He makes or finds a way to (fop our breath. * Ecce - . *MordllEmblmsl SS. JJCce Vtnit Jtyonfas,qua «on fperatar in IioraV f r - Advemufquepoteftdifcere nemo diem J Scilicec tic fur vis no&urnus lacrotenebris; Sic venie c, judex & paranymphus erit. Seraphica ex omni refona6it cardine mundi Buccina,tuncnubesclara tribunal erit. Corpora fan&orum, pravorum corpora fur gent > ; «Atque animae reduces in fua membra fluent* Tunc cui : alladiofaturaca eft munere Lampas > Salvificamq; dedit Gratia vera fidem j Cum Chrifto fcaudet Ccelos, ductftque triumphant Inter Ccclicolos aligeroftjue choros ; Sed cui non ulla pinguefcit Lampas Oliva, Cujus & in duro pe&ore nulla jfides j Tarcareos ilium Chriftus relegabit ad igaes, In quibus eft ftridens & fine fine dolor. |J Ehold the Bridegroome cGmes,he tafccs his way. .Nor Mais,nor Angeil fcpowes thehoure or day % He faies^he'le conoe } much like a tbeefe in night, To judge the world with equity and right ; Angels {bail charge with trumpets founding cleare, And Chrift as lodge (hall in the clouds appeare $ The righteous & the wicfcedthall arife, Bodies and $Qules,to pafleupon thatijze $ He who the oyle of preparation hath, Whom Chrift (hall find furni(h»d with favingfaith, Shall with the ;bklTed Bridegtoome mount onhie> Mongft Seraph jmes triumphing glorioufly i ffiut he yviio hath -nooyle>nor£mhatall, heavens dreatrfull Iudge fhall that raahcurfed'cali, jAnd banith h im into the pit of hell, c with thr fiends for cvtrbc-muft dwell. 5 Qjalia 21 trail Emblems, QValia fammigeii* qnum fervida muncra Baccki ; J)o Jii in angufto carccrc claufa latent j Qutmdiu fumma cado promuntur vina,palato fit melius fapiunt, uberhifqjftuunt; # Aft tibi perventum eft tetrar ad confinia faecij. It minima in fundo,& peffima vina latent : Talia & accenfa? fplendent incendia tarda: ; jEquali haua Temper famine flamma uitet : Teda recensaccenfa,magifq», &darius ardet, Et faculaeft plcno famine pulchra magiv j Aft «bi decrevic ntoribundi ad tat dia fungi, Hie olet,eft caccae faxqj maligna facts . Vinum,&fax vita eft,primisqtt« floret in anais* Bt viget,& genio nobiliore calet 5 Scd fimul effatas fentifcir damma feneftat, Pant nobis paucit*dia muka flies. mytVch like at vf inc the nurfe of Poets vcjne, . ^When prifon Jike the ca$ke doth it conteine % Farre from the bottome while you draw the wine, You will it find more plenteous and more fine 5 But when you come to dreg,no wine abounds , Both leaft and worft remaineth in the ground* : Such like theftiningofa candle we fee, Which kindled once burnei not (till equally 5 At 61ft it giv's greater and clearer light, And is more plcafanr both *o4mell and fight \ But when it comes to fnuflfe and even fpent, Itfliineth leffcand gives a filthy fent. The candle & wine's our life,which ,in its prime, Doth flourifti more, and hath more hope of times But when with muftie age our life decayes, Than many forrowesbave we,and few dayes. -■*-■- I When Teluxmeafallit. My light efcapes thee. Morail Emblems. |7. ^Hen firft my Iioht did (hine,ycu lik'd me well. A Wow that isgone j you bate my loathfome fmeU . *ou witfi prolongers made me Iive>and art ' Freierv df doe ^oe * To Coffin ; as I doe,alimuft doefo. Ttme breaths a £hrewd and lift-bercaving blafh Xet upward flyes my ligfowhereit (bail laft. I me glad to part frombody iV vhichIIov'd &o deerejthat many vvayes and arts I prcvM * ne mudWall to maintaine ,md body fave. *utyec i n fjfijgfit of me r'wili go to grave. This is my comforr^^tbat thy tombe Which is thygrave,(hail be thy mothers wgmbe i o bring thee once ngaincunto the lighr, And Iife.which death (ball never know,or night? penbe concent,tbdugh you and I depart * TO Souli and Body Ml (hall have one heart. ^Ethejel jbtmttEmblms* *« Et fluicqwd Terr* cft^Iamma valcrc )W