X-: [House of Representatives.] UOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, May 26, 1864.— Ordered to be printed, J By Mr. Bafjivvin. — Moved as substitute for bill reported by Commit- tee of Way8 and Means.] . JOINT RIi:SOLUTIO]SrS Requiring the settlement of the accounts of the Post-Office Depart- ment prior to the first day of July. 1863. I It appearing from the report of the Postmaster General, dated !i May 2, 1864, that $276,355 23, of the revenues of the Post- S Office Department derived from postages for the year ending 4 June 30, 18t)2, have been received and paid out by the Depart- 5 ment without auy appropriation thereof made by law, and that 6 $2,737,302 30, of the revenues of said Department derived from 7 postages for the year 1863, have also been received and paid out 8 by the said Department without any appropriation thereof made 9 by law, and that for the want of such appropriations the accounts 10 of the Department cannot be closed, and the Congress being of 1 1 opinion that the said expenditures were in violation of article I, 12 section 9, paragraph 8, of the Constitution of the Confederate IS States, which provides that " no money shall be drawn from the 14 Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law;" 15 but having reason to believe that the money has, in fact,, been 16 fairly applied to the public service, and that the violation of biw 17 has been committed without any improper purpose on the part of 18 the officers of the Post-Office and Treasury Departments; ther«- 19 fore— I \. Be it resohrd by ///< Congrtss of the Confedtrate States fl/" S America, That the Prepident cause the accounts of the Post- 3 Office Department, prior to the iirst day of July, 1863^ to be 4 audited and settled, so as to ascertain whether, in fact, there has 5 been any misapplication of the funds of the Department, and if "lie 6 shall ascertain that the transactions of the Department have been 7 regular and correct, except in having proceeded without aa 8 appropriation previously made, that he shall cause the accounts 9 to be settled and closed to all intents and purpose as if tbi« 10 appropriations had been regularly made in adrance of the expen- 11 ditures. 1 2. That the President report to Congress, at its next session, . 2 the results of the investigation hereinbefore directed. >