General Orders, No. 3 Headquarters 19th Brigade Texas £ Militia, CorsicaDa, Nov. 13, 1861. ) The commissioned officers of this Brig- ade, including Captains and Lieutenant* ©f companies, will proceed, on Saturday, the 7th day of December next, to elect a Brigadier General. Company officers will- eonvene at sucb places as may be designa- ted by the captain", and proceed to vote. The captains, if present, if not the next in rank present, shall conduct the election, and certify to and forward the result to headquarters at Corsicana, properly sealed, written plainly on the envelope, "Election returns for Brigadier General-," within i days of said election. All commissioned officers of compauies, whether they ha rived their commissions or not, are . HENRY JONES, Brigadier Gene: Cjieuersil Orders, tfo. A. The organized companies of Militia of tall be known and classed Regiment, that of Limestone county as the 2d Regiment, that cf Na- varro counly as the 3d Regiment, thai Kills county as the 4th Regiment of the 19th Brigade, Texas Militia. HENRY JON1 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5