my D0321 24840 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE AGENTS FOR COL- LECTING SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE PRO- DUCE LOAN. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, j Treasury Department, > Richmond, January 3rd, 1862. ) The following Instructions are issued for the gui- dance and direction of the Agents for collecting sub- scriptions to the Produce Loan : 1. The General agents will immediately on re- ceipt of the Lists of Subscriptions from the Register of the Treasury, appoint a subordinate Agent at each place in the State in which he is appointed, where subscriptions are to be paid, (other than the place of his own residence,) and shall report the same for the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall furnish such Agent with Lists of the Subscriptions payable at such place. 2. At the time appointed, for the sale of any pro- duce, or whenever such, sale shall take place, the Agent shall apply, for the proceeds due under the subscription, and may receive the same in coin, Treas- ury Notes, or approved Foreign Bills of Exchange drawn against thesale, and taken at the current mar- 'ket rate ; and for the said proceeds, shall deliver to the subscriber a receipt exchangeable for Bonds or Stock, to be issued Tinder the Act of August, 1861, lor such period beyond five years as the subscriber day select ; and if the particular period shall have been exhausted, the nearest remaining will be fur- .nished instead. 3. Each sub- Agent will report and pay weekly to :the General Agent of his Division, or to such Assis- tant Treasurer or Depositary as he may direct, all moneys collected. 4. The General Agents will report weekly to the Secretary of the Treasury, and at same intervals de- posit all moneys received with the nearest Assistant Treasurer or Depositary. 5. The General Agents will receive from the Treas- airer the Bonds or Certificates of Stock called for by the receipts, and will, with the aid of their sub- Agents be the medium to exchange the same with the hold- ers of the receipts. 6. The compensation of both General and sub- Agents shall be a brokerage at the following rates ; but no brokerage ^hall be charged by the General Agent on moneys paid over by the sub-Agents : RATES OF BROKE It AGE COMMISSIONS TO BE ALLOWED. On all sums of $100,000 and under, one-half of one per cent.; on all sums over $100,000, and less than $500,000, one-fourth of one per cent, additional ; on all sums over $500,000, and less than $1,000,000, , one-eighth of one per cent, additional ; and on all sums «over $1,000,000, one-sixteenth of one per cent, addi- tional, until the whole compensation of any one Agent shall reach $3,000, beyond which, no charge shall be allowed. 7. All Agents shall have authority to receive addi- tional subscriptions, and are earnestly requested to take all measures in their power to procure the same j and they will be furnished with blank Subscription Lists for that purpose. 8. Whenever a proposal is made to subscribe Ar- my supplies in kind, the Agent to whom it is made shall report the same to the nearest Quartemaster or Commissary, and upon a certificate of the value as adjusted by such officer, and that the article has been received, the said Agent shall issue a receipt for the amount so certified, and report the same to his prin- cipal, or to this Department. C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of the Treasury. *tfrf peRnulife« P H8.5