J^N A.CT To dimiBish the number of exemptions and details. Ihe Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That «o much of the "Act to organize forces to serve during the war," approved February 17, 1864, as exempts one person as overseer or agricullurist on each farm or plantation, upon which there were, at specified times, 6fteen able-bodied field hands between the ages of sixteen and fifty, upon certain conditions, is hereby repealed ; and said persons shall be liable to military service upon the expi- ration of the time for which they received exemption, by reason of having executed bonds for one year from the date thereof; Provi- ded, That exemptions of persons over forty-five years of age may be granted under the provisions of tlie Act aforesaid. Sec. 2. No exemption or detail shall be granted by the Presi- dent or Secretary of War, by virtue of said Act, except of persons lawfully reported by a board of surgeons as unable to perform ac- tive service in the field ; persons over the age of forty years, la- borers employed in the Nitre and Mining Burean, in localities where slave labor cannot, with safety, be employed, artizans, me- chanics or persons of scientific skill, employed by or working for the Confederate or State government, and shown, by proper testi- mony, to be such laborers, artizans, mechanics or persons of sci- entific skill, and with the same exceptions, all exemptions and de- tails heretofore granted by the President •r Secretary of War, by virtue of said Act, are hereby revoked. Sec. 3. That all skilled artizans and mechanics who are engaged in the employment of the government of the Confederate States, are hereby eserapt from all military service during the time they are eo employed. l7 5.-i - r