'^M-tl£y^u.&i, HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATn'ES, December 21, 1863.— Post- poned and ordered to be priuted. [By Mr. Ivkad, in the nature of a substitute for tho bill to '* j)rovide for disabled officers and soldiers."' Continuing in pay all discharged soldiers by reason of wounds and injuries received in the service. 1 Section I. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 enact, That all commissioned and non-commissioned officers, S musicians and private soldiers who have been, or who may here- i after be discharged from service, by reason of wounds and inju- 5 ries received, or diseases contracted in the service, and in the G line of his duty, or that may have been so received in the ser- 7 vice of any of the States comprising this Confederacy, whose S services and troops have been recognized, and received into the f) service of the Confederate States, and who shall have been 1(1 declared wholly, or in part, disabled by wounds or injuries 11 received in the service, so as to disable them from further ser- 12 vice, or so as to render them unfit, for labor in whole or in part, 13 shall be continued in pay from tlie date of their discharge, until 1 4 the present war shall have been concluded, at the rate and manner 15 hereinafter declared : Provided, That the said officers, musicians 16 or privates, shall not have received from the Government any 17 office of pay or profit : And provided further ^ That on the appoint- 18 ment, hereafter, of any such officer, musician or private, to any 19 office of pay and profit, that his pay under this act shall cease. 1 Sec. 2. X\\ persons claiming the benefit of this act, shall be 2 examined by presenting their applications to one of the boards 3 of physicians, known as the examining boards for the several 4 States, as now established by law, and upon a certificate of any 5 of said boards that the applicant is wholly disabled from physical 6 labor, the person so applying shall be entitled to full pay at the 7 rate to which he was or may be entitled at the time of his dis- 8 charge : Provided^ however, That no commutation shall be allowed 9 to commissioned officers : Ajid provided^ further^ That should 10 said examining board find any applicant only partially disabled 11 from labor, that fact and the extent of disability shall be spe- 12 cially certified and payment made in proportion to their disa- 13 bility. 1 Sec. 3. Payment shall be made under this act semi-annually, 2 to wit : on the fourth day of March and fourth day of September 3 of each year, which payments shall be made by any disbursing 4 quartermaster, under such rules and regulations as may be pre- 6 Bcribed by the Secretary of War, whose duty it shall be to pre- 3 6 pare and furnish to the several examining boards now established 7 by law, or that may hereafter be established, such regulations as 8 may be necessary to protect the Government against frauds. 1 Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of said examining board to retire 2 from the service all persons within the purview of this act, so 3 that inferior officers may take their places by promotion ; but, 4 whenever it shjill appear to said examining board that any person 5 claiming the benefit of this act shall have been restored from 6 such disability, such person shall be immediately returned to 7 duty : Provided, That if such person be an officer he shall b© b assigned to post duty. ) Sec. 5. This act to take effect from its passage.