D03209816T III! Illlll III Confederate States of America, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Montgomery, Fi5B? G, 1861. The regulations and instructions prepared by this de- partment under this date, are transmitted for the infor- mation and government of the officers of tlie several branches of the public service referred to therein. Careful attention and strict compliance with the same, are enjoin- ed upon ever}' officer. Collectors of customs are specially charged to organize all collateral and subordinate departments at their respec- tive ports, in conformity to the foregoing regulations to secure the interests of the Government and to promote the facilities of commerce. Collectors and revenue officers above the port of Xew Orleans, within the Confederate States, in the adoption and practice enjoined by the regulations, will be under the general supervision, as tar as practicable, of the Col- lector of Xew Orleans, subject to the direction and control of this department. All officers of the Customs in permanent employment are required to give their whole time to their duties and are not permitted to engage in other business ; except in special cases allowed b}^ express order of the Secretarj- of the Treasury. C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary- of the Treasury. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/treasurycircular01conf CIRCULAR INSTRUCTIONS No. 1. Regulations relative to importations from i>laccs above the Con- federate iStates, by vessels navigating the 3Iississippi and other Rivers. All steamboats or other vessels navigating the River Mississippi, destined for ports or places within the Con- federate States, on arrival within the territory of the Confederate States of America, from any port or place beyond the northern limits thereof, shall come to at the port of Norfolk, otherwise known as Nelm's landing, in the State of Mississippi, and the master or person in com- mand of every such vessel shall make due report of the arrival of the said vessel by exhibiting to the Revenue officer at said port, duplicate manifests of the whole cargo, declaring the name of the vessel, name of master, where- from, the port of destination, and a full and particular description of said cargo. And shall obtain from the Revenue officer a certificate endorsed on one of the said manifest, of the fact of its exhibition, and shall leave with the said officer the duplicate of the same. It shall be the duty and is hereby required of the Col- lector or chief Revenue officer at the port of Norfolk, to board at all hours of the day and night, either in per- son or by deput}^, in the person of a Customs officer, .ill vessels entering the Confederate States by the river Mis- sissippi from any place above the limits of the Confeder- acy on said river or its tributaries, tor the purpose of receiving the report of the master or commander as herein before required to be made to him, and to demand ot said master or commander duplicate manifests containing the particulars before mentioned, and on a compliance with this demand to certify on each of sucli manifest as follows : Port of day of 18 I certify this to be the original (or duplicate as the case may be) manifest of the of master, bound for exhibited to me this date. A. B. Revenue otftcer. and to return to the said master or commander the origi- nal manifest, retaining the duplicate which shall be for- warded by him, by the shortest route, to the Collector of the ports of final destination of said vessel, having first registered the same in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, in the following fn-ni : BOARDING AND MANIFEST REGISTER. Date when Boarded. Class and name of Vessel. Name of Master. AVherefrom. Where Bound. General Cargo. Remarka. Sliould the whole or any portion of the cargo of any vessel entering the waters of the Confederate States as aforesaid, being composed of goods wares or merchandise exempted by law from the payment of duty, be intended to be landed at places other than ports of entry or deliv- ery within the limits of the Confederacy, such landing shall be permitted on the commander or master exhibi- ting to the first lievenue officer in addition to the mani- fest before required a schedule in duplicate, of the articles intended to be so landed, which shall describe the goods, the quantity and value, the name of the consignee, and the place where they are to be landed ; and receiving a permit endorsed on the original schedule, (which it is hereby made the duty of the Boarding olficer to furnish on the foregoing requisites being complied with) and this permit shall be in the following form : Porr, of day of 18 Permission is hereby given to land the goods described by entries in this schedule at the places designated therein. A. B. Revenue Officer. The original schedule with the permit endorsed, being returned to the master, the duplicate shall be retained and tiled in the office of the Revenue officer, after having been first recorded, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, detailing all the particulars stated in the origi- nal schedule. And a copy of this record rendered to the Treasury Department monthly shall form an abstract of the free goods imported through the port of Xorfolk. FLATBOATS. All Flatboats with coal in bulk, intended to be landed at places within the limits of the Confederate States other than ports of entry or delivery, may be permitted to land said cargo, on the master or commander complying with tho foUowinsr rcijulations, to-wit : A schedule setting forth the name of the boat, name of the owners, master, wherefrom, quality, quantity and value of the coal, and the fact of its being intended to be landed at places other than ports of entry or deliv- ery, shall be prepared by the master or commander in duplicate and presented to and verified by oath before the Collector or chief Revenue officer at the port of Norfolk, whose duty it shall be to estimate on both the original and duplicate, the duties due on the quantity de- clared and further ascertained by the cubic measurement, to be made by a competent officer appointed for thnt pur- pose residing at said port, and on the duty thus assessed and ascertained being paid to the said Revenue officer, this officer shall endorse on the original schedule a cer- tificate of such payment and a permit to land the cargo at any place other than ports of entry or delivery. It shall be the duty of the Revenue officer at the port of Norfolk, to retain in hts office the duplicate schedule received, to record the same, detailing all the particulars, "and to render monthly a copy of the record asan al)stract to the Treasory department, and also to account for and dcDosit all moneys received by him for duties from this source in accordance with the [)rovisions of existing laws and the instructions of the Secretary of the Treasury. OTHER VESSELS WITH CARGOES TOR INTERMEDIATE rORTS. Should any portion of the cargo of vessels arriving as aforesaid, composed of dutable or free articles be destined to ports of entry or delivery within the Confedarate States, other than the port of iinal destination of said vessel, permission may be obtained to land the same under the following regulations, viz : The master or commander shall pi-esent to the lievenue officer at the port of Norfolk, a schedule in trijilicate ot said goods, describing them by marks and numbers, numbers of packages, and contents, corresponding with the description in the general manifest of the vessel also stating the consignee and r.ame of the port of destination of the merchandise. Should the merchandise as aforesaid, be intended to be landed at more than one intermediate port, then separate schedules of the goods destined for each port to be made out in triplicate, with all the particulars herein before required, shall be presented as aforesaid. And it shall be the duty of the Kevenue officer to certify on each of said schedules the fact of presentation and also on the original to endorse his permission for the vessel to pro- ceed to and land at the port or ports designated, the goods described in said scliedule. The original shall be then returned to the master or commander, the triplicates for- warded as promptly as possible by the shortest route to the principal Revenue officer of each port at which the goods are inten-ded to be landed, and the duplicate re- tained in his office and recorded in a book, prepared for that purpose in thefllowing form : Date. Class and name of Vessel. Master. JWherefrom. Port of Landing. Marks and Numbers. Description of Merchandise and a transcript of this record shall be rendered monthly to the Treasury Department. . ON ARRIVEL AT INTERMEDIATE PORTS. On the arrival of the vessel at each port designated in the schedule as aforesaid, the master or commander shall present to the chief Revenue officer the original schedule and receive a general permit to land the goods, upon their being duly entered and special landing permits issued as now provided by law for the landing of imported mer- chandise. Should however the vessel arrive at said ports after or before the business hours of the Custom House, or should other circumstances render it necessary, the master or commander shall be permitted to deposit the goods intended to be landed either in^a bonded warehouse or in the custody ot a customs officer, on receiving a re- ceipt from either the Gevernment officer in charge of the warehouse in which they are deposited, or of the Customs officer into whose custody they are delivered, which re- ceipt shall contain all the particulars detailed in the schedule, and the said original schedule shall be surren- dered to the person with whom the merchandise is deposi- ted, and by him be delivered to the chief Revenue officer as soon as the opening of the Custom House will admit. It shall be the duty of the chief Revenue officer at such intermediate ports at which goods may be landed on the schedule endorsed by the Revenue officer at the poi\t of ]^orfolk, as hereinbefore provided, to keep a correct and particular record of the same, shewing the date of im- portation, class and name of the vessel, name of the master, wherefrom, marks, numbers and description of merchandise, the value and duty assessed thereon and whether the same ha8 been entered for consinnption or warelionsing, and to render monthly to the Treasury De- partment a transcript of this record as an al)stract of such importations, and in case any of tlie goodrf deposited iu warehouse under the provisions of these regulations shall remain unclaimed, a return of the same with the forego- ing particulars shall be rendered as a supplement to such monthly return. And all moneys received for duties shall be accouiited for and deposited as now provided by law, or as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct. ON ARRIVAL AT PORT OF FINAL DESTINATION. On the arrival of the Vessel at the port of linal destina- tion, the master or commander'shall make due entry at tlie Custom House bj' delivering his origina-l manifest together with all schedules endorsed with the permits to land at intermediate ports, and the receipts of officers to whom any goods may have been delivered, or any other docu- ments shewing the disposition of any portion of the cargo. And the residue of the cargo sliall be landed on permits similar to tliose provided by law for the landing of impor- ted merchandise. And the total cargo, as shown by the original manifest, shall be delivered at this port with the exception of such as is shown by the documents presen- ted at time of entry to have been landed elsewhere, under the penalties now provided by law for discrepancies exis- ting in the cargoes of vessels arriving from foreign ports. In order to relieve vessels iu this branch of importing trade from embarrassments, all goods imported therein remaining unclaimed, or for which no entry shall be made or permit granted within twenty-four hours after arrival, may be taken possession of by the Collector and deposited in a bonded warehouse on a general permit to be issued by him for that purpose. To afford further facilities in the event of vessels in this trade arriving at the port of final destination before the opening, or after the closing of the Custom House for the day, and a necessity exist for discharging the cargo, it shall be lawfuU to deposit the same or any part thereof, at the risk and expense of said vessel, on the levee in the charge of the inspection service of the customs, or in any bonded warehouse at the port, such portion of said cargo as may be practicable, the master or commander of the vessel obtaining for the goods so deposited a receipt from the Inspection officer on the levee, or the Customs officer in charge of the warehouse, which receipt shall be' delivered to the Collector of Customs as soon thereafter as the business hours of the Custom House at said port will permit. Any goods, wares, or merchandise imported as afore- siad, may be entered at the port of destination on the presentation to the Collector of the bill or bills of lading together with the other documents now required by law on the entry of imported merchandise, before and in an- ticipation of the arrival of the importing vessel, and the necessary permits for the landing shall issue on the com- pletion of these entries. And on the presentation of these permits to the sur- ve3'0rit shall be his duty and is hereby required of him, (if the vessel by which the goods are imported shall have arrived at the port,) to detail an Inspector of the customs to superintend the landing of the merchandise described therein, and such landing is authorized before entry has been made by the importing vessel at the Custom House, when the interest of commerce or circumstances attending such arrival shall shall render it necessary. It must how- ever, be distinctly understood, that it is unlawfull to dis- charge any portion of the cargoes of these vessels, except under the supervision and inspection of a Customs officer. appraiser's samples, examinations, &c. In discharging the cargoesof these vessels, it shall be the duty of the discharging officer to either send all the samples asdesignated on permit to theapprais'^r's store or retain the same on the levee for examination, in accor- 10 dance with the directions to this efiect declared in the permit. And for the convenience of commerce, it islicreby re- qnired that all distilled spirits and wines in casks, impor- ted from any foreign port or place shall be examined by samples tUken from the number of packages designated on the invoice, entrj- and permit, for examination, which , samples shall not exceed in quantity four ounces each. And the examination of all other goods as may be deemed practicable by the Collector shall be made by the appraisers on the levee or place of landing, and such examinations shall have the same validity as if made at the appraisers store. The quantities of dutiable merchandise shall be ascer- tained as provided by law by either gauge, weight or measure, but the quantities of all goods exempt by law from the payment of duty shall be taken as that declared in the Qutry of the same at the Custom House. RECORDS AND RETURNS. It shall be the duty and is hereby required of the Col- lectors of Customs at the final port of destination of all vessels importing merchandise by way of the river Mis- sissippi as aforesaid, to keep separate and distinct records and accounts of all imports from this source, and to ren- der abstracts of such to the Treasury Department as a part of the commercial abstracts now required to be ren- dered quarterly to said department. NIGHT INSPECTION. It shall bo the duty of the Surveyor of the port of New Orleans, under the supervision of the Collector, to organ- ize a night inspection service, to be composed of such a number of inspectors as the duties to be performed may in the judgment of the Collector require, to be placed under the charge of a Deputy Surveyor, who shall give his personal attention to, and be in attendance upon said 11 service at all hours between the setting and rising of the sun. And on this service shall devolve all the duties re- quired bj these regulations for the protection of the reve- nue, or to promote and facilitate the interest of commerce within said hours. It shall also be the duty of the Surveyor to provide a suitable force, to be detailed from the regular Inspectors not actually engaged in the duty of discharging vessels, to protect the revenue and aftbrd to vessels and commerce all the facilities provided for by these regulations, from the rising of the sun until the opening of the Custom House for the day, and after the closing of the Custom House until the setting of the sun, as well as on such days as the law authorizes the closing of the Custom House, by discharging all the duties required to be performed by Customs officers, (except those in charge of the ware- house) by the provisions of these regulations. And in order that the facilities here aftbrded may be availed of, it shall be the duty of the Surveyor to have a part of his office opened, and to be accessible either in person or by Deputy, at all hours of the day and night. The material of the service here provided for, shall be changed from time to time, as may be recommended by the collector. APPRAISEMENTS ON LEVEE. In view of the necessity for examinations being made by the appraisers of the greater portion of the merchan- dise imported under the provisions of these regulations oh the Levee or place of landing, it shall be the duty of the Collector of New Orleans, to designate one assistant appraiser of the customs, with such a number of exami- ners as the said Collector may deem necessary, for the performance of this service, and this class of examinations being placed specially under the charge of the assistant appraiser assigned to this duty ; that officer shall be held responsible for its expeditious and correct discharge. . 12 And to insure greater expedition in the discharge of the increased duties devolving upon tlie appraisers at the port of Xew Orleans, the clerical force now employed in the office of the principal appraisers at that port, shall be reduced to one clerk, and the others heretofore emitloyed as such, shall be assigned to the duty of examining and appraising merchandise imported otherwise than by sea, as provided for in the foregoing regulations. $ IMPORTATIONS BY RIVERS AND WATER COURSES OTHER THAN THE MISSISSIPPI. The master or comniander of all vessels entering the territorial limits of the Confederate Statesof America, by rivers other than the Mississippi, shall be obliged to come to at the first port on the river by which the said vessel enters the territorial limits and to report to the chief Revenue officer residing thereat — and there to comply with all the regulations heretofore provided for vessels entering by way of the river Mississippi and arriving at the port of Xorfolk, and the duties required by these regulations to be performed by the Collector or Kevenue officer at the said port of Norfolk, shall be performed in all particulars by the Revenue officers at the said frontier ports on such other rivers. DETECTIVE OFFICERS. The Collectors or other chief officers of the Revenue at the several ports herein-before referred to are hereby authorized to detail inspectors or other Customs officers, for the purpose of detecting and preventing frauds upon the revenue, at such times and in sueli manner as they may deem proper, to whom in addition to their regular compensation shall be allowed all the actual and necessarj'' expenses incured by them while discharging such duties. When such officers however are thus detailed, the fact shall be reported monthly by the Collector or chief Revenue officer to the Treasury Department. 13 CLEARANCES. Before the departure of an_y vessel navigating the Mis- sissippi or other rivers, destined to a foreign port or place beyond the ISTorthcrn limits of the Confederate States of Amorica, the master or person having charge thereof shall deliver to the Collector or chief officer of the Customs, at the port from which such vessel is about to depart, a manifest of the cargo on board, the same, in the form and vcrritied in the manner now provided by law for vessels to a foreign port, and obtain from the said Collector a clearance in the following form: Confederate States of America. District of Port of 18 These are to certify to all whom it doth concern that master, or commander of the , of bound for , hath entered and cleared his said vessel according to law. Given under m}' hand and seal at the Custom House of this day of 18 Collector. It shall be permitted to vessels engaged in the naviga- tion and commerce provided for by these regulations, after clearance to take on board at the port of original departure or any other port, or place within the limits of the Confederacy, any goods, wares or merchandise and to proceed therewith ^o a destination beyond the Confeder- ate limits, on delivering to tne Collector or chief Revenue officer at the port of Norfolk, on the river Mississip[»i, or at the port nearest the frontier of the Confederacy on any other river, a schedule describing all the goods on board, the quantit}', value and destination, not declared in the manifest delivere*! at the time of clearance at the Custom House of the original port of departure. And 14 the schedule thus received, shall be transmitted by the Revenue officer, receiving the same, by the shortest route to the Collector of Customs at the port from which the vessel may have originally cleared. In order that the service herein provided for may be properly rendered, it shall be the duty, and is hereby re- quired of the Collector, or chief Revenue officer, at the port of Norfolk, or at the other frontier ports at wliich masters of outward bound vessels are required to deliver schedules, to board all vessels bound for places beyond the Confederate limits, in the same manner and at the hours as is herein-bcfore provided for inward bound vessels. Rf Hollinger Corp. pH8.5