t3oo 1)1111100311) ill AUSTIN, February 18, 1861. Q/o trfe/ S&>\ on. Sir : — It is a duty pleading to me, to com- municate to you the fact that the sections of our State Lunatic Asylum which have been for the last two years under contract, are at length completed, and will be ready on the loth of March ensuing, tor the reception of those for whom the benevolence, and philanthropy of our State Legislature have erected and de- signed the Institution. But to obviate the in- convenience of any disappointment on the part of immediate or future applicants for ad- mission, I respectfully beg leave to call your attention, and also that of the community in gen- eral to the Legislative Enactments and Ordi- nance of the Board of Managers, by both of which the Superintendent must be undeviating- ly controled. It is, I trust unnecessary to make any spe- cial reference to the particular sections of the statute relative to legal proceedings necessary to be taken in sending patients to the Asylum, as the Superintendent must in all cases act in accordance with the Statute and By-Laws gov- erning the Institution, a copy of which is here- with transmitted to all the Chief Justices in the State. It is therefore recommended aud confidently hoped, that both the Statute and By-Laws will be strictly complied with by the Courts. To remove the remotest occasion of incon- venience and additional expense, and every pretext of complaint or disappointment, it has been deemed advisable by the Board of Mana- gers to District the State, (that all may avail themselves of equal advantages,) making the Senatorial division of thirty-three, the estab- lished standard ; and as sixty patients is the highest number that can be accommodated under any circumstances, it is therefore evi- dent that not more than two places can at any time be justly claimed by each District, while those of one years standing and under, it will be seen by reference to Seetion 14, Old- ham k While's Digest, page 310, have an 'inva- riable right of preference over chronic cases, and the latter over private patients. Notice will also be given at such times as when va- cancies may occur by the discharge of some of the inmates or otherwise; or if one, or more of the districts already enumerated scoui no applications to make, the vacancies thus occurring may be lulled up from other locali- ties having a greater number than provided lor by the action of the Board of Managers. Trusting then to Divine assistance, and as- suring you that diligent attention and caro shall neither be neglected nor omitted Da our part, I am Respectfully, Your Ob't Sv't., B. GRAHAM, M. D. 'cal Officer and Sup't. N. B. — The Superintendent would call par- ticular attention of all interested to the fol- lowing resolutions passed by the Board of Managers, viz : "Re-solved 1st, That -the Chief Justices of coun- ties shall in all instanced ascertain from the Superintendent of the Texas State Lunatic Asylum, if there is a vacancy in the Asylum, before sending patients. And whereas, misunderstandings as to the interpretation of responsibility on the pa.t of counties on account of patients sent who may not have resided in the counties for the pe- riod of six mouths or more. It is thefore fur- ther Resolved, That the counties sending patients will in all instances be required to pay for big or her board, clothing, and delivery to, ana removal from the Asylum. Said ] be made quarterly in advance as provided for in the By-Laws." peanulife* pH8.5