THE WILLIAM R. PERKINS LIBRARY OF DUKE UNIVERSITY RIFLE AND INFANTRY TACTICS, REVISED AND IMPROVED BY BRIO. GEN. W. J, HARDEE, C. S. ARMY Fublhhed by crcW I KM? for the u*c of the North Cnrnlint TrOO^ft. RALEIGH, N .'(•UN siki.may RDI m RIFLE AND INFANTRY TACTICS. TITLK F] RST AUTICLK FIRST. Formation of a Regiment in ord r of Ualllc. 1. A Hi:tv'\; 1 of ten companies, which will habitual! I from to le t, in the following order: first, aixth, fourth, ninth, third, eighth, fifth, teath, ? vn,' '.linn. v. ' ■ niei ill'' same principle will be observed, vis :iptain will command t mpany, the second captain the left eompaojr, li/' tlii; 1 captain the right 9 panv, and so on. S. The compai I from right to left, /?>-<,' company, ttamd companj, ki . This di signation will be obserred in the manoeuvre*. 4. Thi- hr«-t two companies on the right, whatever their denomination, will form the ,./ divine* ; ami so on, to the 1' it. .">. Kach companj will he divide 1 in* i two equal pai '-. which will be designn' the first on, counting right; ami each platoon, in like mtatter, will b subdivided Into t* i manoeuvre part of a regiment, comp < ' two or more com)..', ,n. 7. The color, with a guard i ompany. Tl v. ami all on its right, will 1 nominated the right wing of the battalion ; the remaining companies the left rring. irmation of .. mJcs : and each company will b* foi Into two ranks, iu the following manner: tb rank, and on the i Ighf and left of platoons, sc< ordiag to height : th lest man will form the first file. th< len will fori I . « hicfa will : •'! tnd th< ■ rnan. I, Theoddan< ■ iny,fromrhj ■ |SJU Th« distant *• from one rank to nso t lst r will b from ti,. i - to the b.if k- oi lei the front i II. ivriag, tbe ilion will slwavi I ■ /'" of ■ "owing mann< t : IS. ■ IS. The i inf. 17. 1 ' -eonnd pi stows. I FORMATION OF THE BATTALION. 1ft. The mi i j «rr7.-anf, opposite the second lilo from the left of the company. In the manauvres he will be designated Uft tjuulc of the company. 20. Tlir tkird -"-ryrnii/, opposite the second file from the right of the lecond 1 2). Th'' /•mrtk ttrgeamtf opposite the second file from the left of the first platoon. '.'.'. Tin.- fifth wtrgeant, opposite the seco nd file from the right of the first platoon. 23. In t'.ie left or tenth company of the battalion, the second sergeant will be posted in the front rank, and on the left of the battr.lion. 24. The corporals will be posted in the front rank, as prescribed in No, 8, 85. Absent officers and sergeants will be replaced — officers by sergeant;;, ami ser- geants l.'v corporals. The colonel may detach a first lieutenant Iron one company to command another, of which both the captain and first lieut r» it ar absent : bu 1 th.s authority will give no right to a lieutenant to demand to be so detached. Posts of Field Officers and Regimental Staff. 26. The field officers, colonel, lieutenant colonel and major, are supposed to be mounted, and on active service shall be on horseback. The adjutant, When the bat- talion is manoeuvring, will be ou foot. 27. The colonel will take po.-t thirty paces in the rear of the file closers, and oppo- site the centre of the battalion. This distance will be_reduced whenever there is a reduction in the front of the battalion. 2--. The lieutenant colonel and the major will be opposite the centres of the right and lefknrings respectively, and twelve paces in the rear of the file closers. 29. The adjutant and sergeant major will be op| o-.ite the right and left of the bat- talion, respectively, and eight paces in rear of the file closers. 30. The adjutant and sergeant major will aid the lieutenant colonel and major, re- spectively, in the manoeuvres. 31. The colonel, if absent, will be replaced by the lieutenant colonel, and the latter bv the major. If all the field officers be absent, the senior captain will command the battalion ; but if either be present, he will not call the senior captain to act U field officer, except in case of evident necessity. 32. The quarter-master, surgeon, and other staff officers, in one rank, on the left of the colonel, and three paces in his rear. 33. The quarter-master sergeant, on a line with the front rank of the field music, and two paces on the right. Posts of Field Music and Band, 34. The buglers will be drawn up in four ranks, and posted twelve paeoi in rear of the file closers— the left opposite the centre of the left centre company, The senior principal musician will be two paces in front of the field muiic, and th * other two paces in the rear. 35 The regimental band, if there be one, will be drawn up in two or four ranks, according to its numbers, and posted five paces in rear of the field music, having one of the principal musicians at its head. Color-guard. 3G. In each battalion the color-guard will be composed of eight corporals, and posted on the left of the right centre company, of which company, for the time being, the guard will make a part. 37. The front rank will be composed of a sergeant, to be selected by the colonel, who will be called, for the time, color4tearer, with the two ranking corporals, respec- tively, on his right and left ; the rear rank will be composed of the three corporals next in rank ; and the three remaining corporals will be posted in their rear, and on the line of the file closers. The left guide of the color company, when these three last named corporals are in the rauk of file closers, will be immediately on their left. 38. In battalions with less than five companies present, there will be no color-guard, and no display of colors, except it may be at reviews. 39. The corporals for the color-guard will be selected from those most distinguished for regularitv and precision, as well in their position* under arms as in their marching. The latter advantage, and a just carriage of the person, arc to be more particularly sought for in the selection of the color-bearer. INSTRUCTION OF THE BATTALION. 5 General Gui> iee. 40. There will be two general guides in each battalion, (elected, for th" time, by the colonel, from among the servants (other than first sergeants) the most distinguished for carriage under arms, and accuracy in mareliw-,;. 41. These sergeants will he respectively denominated, in the tnanCBUTO right general guide, and left general guide, and be posted in the line of til. closer* ; ths liist in rear of the right, and the second in rear of the left flank of the battalion. ARTICLE FECOND. / ruction of the Battalion. 42. Everv eosnmauding cilieer is responsible for the instruction of hi- mmand. I! vrill assemble the i ether for theoreUoal and practical instrncl a* be may judge necessary, and when unable to attend to this duty in person, it will be discharged by t r next in rank. 43. Captain? will be held responsible for the theoretical and practicaHnstruction of the non-commissioned officers, and the adjutant for the instruction of the non-com- missiontd staff To this end, they will require these tactics to be studied and recited D by lesson ; and when instruction isgiren on the ground, each non-coi I officer, as he explains a movement, should be required to put it into practical operation. 44. The non-commissioned officers should also be practised in giving commands. Each ooaunaad, in a lesson, at the theoretical instruction, should first be giv< n by the instructor, and thi a repeated, in succession, bv the non-comroissiom • that while they become habituated to the commands, uniformity may be established in the mannal instructors, substituting frequently he captain of the company, and sometime one of the lieutenants; the substitute, I far as practicable, being superintended by one of the principals. 47. In the school of ' ■ battalion, the brigadier general may nstitute himself the principal instructor, frequently substituting the colonel of tn taHon, sometimes the lieutenant colonel id twice or thi ice, in the sanr each of the three senior ca >tains. In this school, also, the i '.tut' 1 will alv if practicable, be SUporint ■• • I by the brigadier general Of t I met, • of a captain being the li by the lieutenant 4f>. Individual Instruction b tag the basis of the instruction ol impanl s, ot which that of the regiment depen' '. and the first principles baring Upon this individual inetruc i n, classes of recruits should b .. , with the gn care. 4f). In-tructors will explain, ;r ) a few dear and ] ' movement I BXMUted; and not to d the memory of the men, will alu ■ ms to explain the satr.e prim 60. Thoy should often job r the men by an animal . as soon as that which they command ha- i oen ex. rated in M. Tl hould onli l'i fixed wl tack or • ■ will be < s< cutcd w i"l out I t.ibr>n will cause tbi signal I • mmand, sm • ;>lacc- th^p . • posifioa thry ware before the signal. / rucl rs. e instruct The colonel will often practice them in matching sr,d i will carefully ei ;•» equal in length, and s« illness. Th"y will mlso be exercised in the '! -'.able quick step . t) INST] M. Tli^ in-tn ■' ill include all the Title* in toll system of drill, and latiet in peace ami war. II make 1 < i - |uainted %v i t ! 1 the bug] a:, 'I should, by practice, be anabli try, to sound them. This knowle of vital importance on actaal service in - Ipline :i n-1 efl and n ith care, and properly in- ■ ! in ai! the duties appertaining to their i 57. Their theon tical in- 1 1 notion should include ill ■ School of •' of the Company, and the Drill for Skirmish) hould likewise know all the . and the regulations prescribing I arrison and in aign. ts from t lie corporals in h'^ company those wlmm hejudg* Imittod to the theoretical instruction oi the sergeants. Instruction of fj< Their theoretical instruction should include the Sohool ofth iS such their duties in garrison and In i The captain selects from 1 is con pany" ■ few privat s, who muj the theoretical instruction of the corporals. 61. I ants and corporals is intended principally to qualify them for the instruction of the privates, they Bbould be taught nol only to execute, but to explain intelligibly everything they may be required I 1 1 Commands. There an r. C'2. The connnand caution, which is attention. urn/, which indicates the movement which u to be l ted. 1 i. The command of • tecution, such as ntareA, or halt, or, in the manual of arms, the part of command which causes an execution. 86. The tone of command should be animated, distinct, and of a loudness propor- tioned to the number of men nnder instruction. The command attention is pronounced at the top of the voice, dwelling on the last syllable. I ,". The command of • ■>■ ittion will he pronounced in a tone firm and brief. The commands of caution and the preparatory commands are herein distin- guished by italic*, those of i aecuUontfby oara lu. 6 ■ Fl ■•■ preparatory onmmands which, from their Length, are difficult to be pro- ■ ■• d at once, must Do divided into two or three part-, with an ascending progres- sion in the tone of command, but always in mch ■ manner thai the tone of execution may be more energetic and elevated : the divisions are indicate d by a hyphen. The ; which are placed in a parenthesis, are nol pronounced. II. OF THE SOLDIER TITLE SECOND. SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER General Rules and division of tl 5 ' of the Soldu r, 70. The object of this school Being the individual and progressive instruction ol recruit-, the instructor never requires B movement to be ex< cut< '1 unl il be b • explanation of it : and be executes, himself, the movement which he< so as to jnin example to precept He ■ lit to take, by b position which is explained— teaches him to rectify it only when required by liis want of intelligence— and sees that all the movements arf performed without precipitation. 71. Each movement should be understood before passing to another. After the' been properly executed in the order laid down in each lesson, t ! confines himself to that order; on the contrary, he should change it, that he may judge the intelligence of the nun. 72. The Instructor allows the men to rest at the < nd of each part of the lesson*, ard oftener, if lie thinks ] ' ially at the commencement } for this purpose he commands Rest. 73. At the command Rest, the soldier is no longer required to preserve immobility" or to remain in his place. ]|' the instructor « Iahes merely to relieve the attention of the recruit, he commands, in place — Rest : the soldier tl tnen not required to preserve his immobility, hut he ;> or his fleet in it- i I 71. When the instructor" immence the instruction, he command? — At- tfnt: ;i, remains motionless, and tix(« Us attention. 7.">. The School of the Soldier will be divided into three part? : the first, compre- hending what onght to be taught to recruits without are uiual of arms, the loadings and firings; the third, the principles of alignment, the march by tbe front, the diffi i the march by the Hank. and those of change of direction; also, long marches in double quick time ai. I run. Kach part will be divided into lessons, as follows : part I 1. Position of the soldier without arms; Evan right, left and front. / ■ ".n 2. Facings. Lr.'inn 3. Principles of the direct step in common and quick time. iples of the direct r\> p in doable quick time and the run. TAl • ■ on i. Principles of shouldered arms, '. in f'nir t, • n ill. I.rtton l. i -ank. / ' ■ c. Bayot r Ti;mn. alignment. / "■ . . . /'<"/n 3. The maroh by the ^ • 8 SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER — PART I. PART FIRST. 77. This will be taught, if practicable, to one recruit, at a time; but three or four „ may be united, when the number he gnat, compared with that of the instructors. In this case, the recruits will be placed in a single rank, at one pace from each other. In this part, the recruits will be without arms. Lbmoi i. Position of the Soldier. 78. Heels on the same line, as near each other as the conformation of the man will permit ; The bet turned out equally, and forming with ea b other something less than a r i _" 1 1 1 angle ; The knees straight without rtiffhi The body erect on the hips, inclining a little forward ; The shoulders square and falling equally ; The arms hanging naturally ; The elbows near the body; The palm of the hand turned a little to the front, the little finger behind the seam of the pantaloons ; The head erect and square to the front, without constrain; ; The chin near the stock, without covering it ; The eyes fixed straight to the front, and striking the ground about the distance of fifteen paces. Remarks on the Position of (he Soldier. Jleeh on the name line ; 79. Because, if one were in rear of the other, the shoulder on that side would be thrown back, or the position of the soldier would be constrained. J/reli m<>re or hi» rbi.,,1 ; Because, men who are knock-kneed, or who hare legs with large calres, cannot without constraint, uiukc their heels touch while standi ug. The feel equally turned out, and not forming too large an angle. Because, if one foot were turned out more than th i other, a shoulder would be deranged, and if both fat he ton much turned out, it would Dot be practicable to incline the upper part of the body forward without rende ing the whole position unsteady. h'uf* e.rt/ndul irithont ntijfntit; Because, if stiffened, constraint and fatigue would be unavoidable. The body erect on the hij>* ; bV MHJO, it gives equilibrium to the petition. The instructor will observe that many recruits have the bad habit of dropping a shoulder, of drawing in a side, or of advan- cing a hip, particularly the right, when under arms. These are defects he will labor to correct. The ii],j:cr purl of the body inclining forward ; Because, commonly, recruits are disposed to do the reverse, tn project the belly, and to throw back the shoulders, when they wish to hold thcmsiives erect, from which re.uh great inconveniences in marching. ' The habit of inclining forward the apper Cart of the bodf is to Important to contract, that the instructor must enforce it at the aginoing, particularly with reoruits who have naturally the opposite habit. Shoulder* "jtiore. Because, if the shoulders be advanced beyond the line of the breast, and the back arched (the defect called round ikoultlerod, not uncommon among recruits), the man cannot align himself, nor use his piece with address. It is Important, then, to correct this defect, and necessary to that end that the coat should set easv about the shoulders and arm pits; but In correcting this defect, the instructor will take care that the shoulders be not thrown too much to the rear, which would cause the belly to project, and the small of the back to bo curved. BOTOOL OF THE SOLDIER — PART I. 9 The armt hanging naturally, e'lioir* near the hotly, the palm of the. hand a little turned to the front, the little jinyer behind the team of the pantaloons ; Because, these position? arc equally important to the »houhlcr-arm*, and to prevent tlio man from occupying more space ' n a rank than is necessary to a free use of the piece ; they haye, moreover, the advantage of keeping in the shoulders. T he fa<-c ttraight to the front, and irithont rutrnint ; Became, if there be itiffnoH in the latter position, it would communicate itself to the whole of the upper part of the body, embarrass its movements, and give pain and fatigue. Eye* dircrt to the front f Because, this is the surest mi nns of maintaining the shoulders in line — an Mf ntial cbject, to be insisted on and attained. 80. The instructor having p-iven the recruit the position of the soldier, without arms, will now teach him the turning of the head and eyes. He will command : 1. Eye*— RionT. 2. Front. II, At the word right, the recruit will turn tlie head gently, so as to bring inn'r corner of tli •■ left eye in a line with the buttons of th- coat, the • yes fixed on the iine of the eye.- of the men In, ot supposed to be in, the same rank. 82. At the second Command, the head will resume the direct or habitual position. 83. The movement of Eye* — Left will be executed by inverse means. 84. The instructor will take particular care that the movement of the head does not dc-ange the squareness of the shoulders, which will happen if the bkitcid' nt of the foimer be ton sudden. Vhen th" instructor shall wish the recruit to pass from the state of attention to thatof ease, ho will command: 86. T«, cause a resumption of the habitual position, the instructor will command : 1. Attcntiun. 2. BQOAO. it. At the firs* word, the reeruit will fix his attention ; at the second, he will resume th» prescrib . the full !• 1. the feet square t" < *<\\ tH 92. t will turn • fid the hams, (.ice t«. the rear, brii j heel by the ■.,■]■ . f \ >,, | • /I tak" car it these i dr. rJL Pr. rnon time, will 1 the recruit confirmed la bis position, will mjiaim to biso 10 Bl HOOL OF THE SOLDIER — PART f. the principle and mechanism of this step— placing himself mv or terra pares from, .iiid racing to, the recruit. Ha will himself execnte slon ly tin' step In the n ay of illus- tration, ami then command : itl./uricard. 2. Common timr. 3. Mahch. At the Ri 1, the recruit will throw the ireight of the body on the right leg, without bending the left Inane. '•'. At the third command, he will smartly, bat without a, jerk, carry straight for- ward the lefl foot twenty-eight Inches from the right, the sofc near the ground, the ham extended, the toe a little depressed, and, as also the knee, slightly turned oul •. II, at theaame time, threw the weight of tin- body forward, and plant the left foot, without shock, precisely at the distance where it finds Itself from the right when the weight of the body is brought forward, the whole of which will now on the advanced foot. The recruit will next, in like manner, advai the right Hiul plant it ai above, the heel twenty-eight inches from the bee! of the lit foot, and thus continue to march without crossing thelegs, or striking the one against the other, without turning the shoulders, and preserving always the face direct to the front 96, Whi d the instructor shall wish to arrest the march, he will command : 1. Sfumi, 2. Halt. At the second command, which will be given at the instant when either foot i; coming to the ground, the foot in the rear will he brought up, and planted bytha side Of the other, w ithout shock. 100. The instructor will indicate, from time to time, to the recruit, the cad ncc of the - 1 « - j > by giving the command mis at the Instant of raising a foot, and its* at the instant it ought to be planted, observing the cadence of ninety steps in a oinute. Thi< method will contribute greatly to impress upon the mind the two motims into which the Step is naturally divided. 101. Common time will be employed only in the firsl and second parts of the School of the Soldier. As soon as the recruit has acquired steadiness, has become established in the principles of shoulder arms, and in the mechanism, length and swifts M of tho step in common time, he will be practised only in quick time, the double qsick time, ana the run. 102. The principles of the step In quick time are the tame ns for oommoa time, but it- swiftness is at the rate of one hundred and ten steps per minute. 103. The instructor wishing the squad to march in quick time, will command: 1. Squad, forward, 2. Mumi. I I V. Principles of the Double Quick Step, in). Tie 1 length of the double quick step la thirty-three inches, and ts swiftness at the rate of one hundred and sixty-five step- per minute. 106. The instructor wishing to teaeh the recruits the principles ani mechanism of the double (juick step, will command: ]. DoStUs Quick Slrp. 2. Mu'.rii. 106. At the lii s- 1 command, the recruit will raise hi> hands to a le'el with his hips, the- hands closed, the naili towards the body, the i Ibowa to the rear 107. At the second command, he will raise to the front his left 1. j bent. In order to give to the knee the grt atect elevation, the part of the leg between the knee and the instep vertical, the t< e depress! d ; he will then replace his foot in its former position ; with the right leg be will execute what hat Jus! been prescribed for the left, and the alternate movement of the legs will be continued until the eommind : 1. Sftmd. 2. Halt. 10ft. At the seeond command, the recruit will bring the foot with different degrees of swiftness. Under argent circuinstenoi liun- md eighty per minute. \t thi rate a distanoe of four thousand yards would about twenty-five minu) 11.'. The recruits will be ezel in running. 116. Tlie principles are Ihe same as for the double quick step, the. only difference consisting in a gi 117. It is recommended in marching at double quick time, or tli" run. tlmt the men should hi' - through the nose, keeping the month closed. Bx- ■ '1 that, !i. i i this principle, a man can passoYer a much longer distance, and with leas Catig PABT 81 i "M). BIX I'.ILES. IK tor will not pas? the men to this second part until they -Sail be wr 11 and in the manner of marching at the di'- 119. IT" will then unite four men, whom he will place in the SUM rink, elbow to elbow, and instruct them in the position of shoulder arm-, as fol i| i. Principle <•/ Should* r Arms. 120. The rrernit b^in^ plaeed .i e explained in the first lesson of the fir't part, the ■ ii )•> bend • m slightly, and place t ,t, in lowing manner : 121. Tl vertical and 122. B th nadir;.! i this wits - II VI ,0L OF THE SOLDIER — PART II. low, the files would b i, the soldier would not hire the necessary space to handle bis pit <<■ with facility, t b< ii;:ht .inn wuld become too much btlgMO, sld drau down the shoulder. e instructor, bef< end lesson, wiD cause to be repeated I SJfOS ri'jht, left, acd/ronf, aud tbc/acimjt. 126. 'II, the moTem \ 11. Manual of Arm*. 127. The manual of arms will be tanght to four nun, placed, at first, in one rank: elbow t.. . ibow, and sib rwarda in two ranks. 128. Bach coma and v. ill be executed in one tim* (<>r pause;, but this time will bo tor to make known the n 12'.t. Therate f or ewil I m] of each notion, in the manual of arms, with the excep- tions herein indi -l at the ninetieth part of a minute; but, in order not to fatigue the attenl tructor will, at first, look more particularly to theexecn- tion ol ros, without requiring a nici i of the cadaaoe, to which | brine lita progressively, and after they shall hare become a little famili ili' handling of tbc pi, 150. A- il otioni relative to the cartridge, t.» tin- summer, and to the fixing and unfixi: g "'■ ■ bayonet, cannot be executed at the rate prescribed, nor eTen with a uniform bi ftneas, they will not be subjected to that cadence. The instructor will, bow, eaute theee motioni to bo executed withpromptness, and, above all, with regularitj . 151. The last syllable of the command will decide the hii.-k execution of the Brat motioa oi each time (or pause.) The commands two, three, and/oar, will decide the In ir-k execution ol the other motions. As soon as the recruits shall well Comprehend tin position! of the several motions of a time, they will be taught tc execute the timo without resting on its diflfi r< nt motioni : the mi cnariism of the time will aevcrtb . ai well to give a perfect use of the ph ee, as to ftVOid the sinking of, slurring over, i ithi r ot the motions. 132. The manual of arms will be taught in the following progression : The instructor will command : Support— A it MS. One time aud three motioni. 13::. . ".,„. , Bring the piece, with the i ight hand, perpendicularly to (he front, and betwi en the eyee, the ban-el t<» the rearj seiie the piece h Itb tb at the 1"^ er band, rai le this hand as high as the < bin, and seize the piece at the same time with the right hand four Inches below the cock. 134, i Second motion, t Turn the piece with the rigbl hard, the barrel to the froi t earn the | left shoulder, and p.i-s the fore arm extended on the br< a~t be- .iii.l ;u.d theoock; rapport tbfl OOOk against the Left fore-arm, the left hand retting ,m the right breast. 186. ( Third motion. I Drop tbfl right hand by thi 13C. 'When the Instructor maj wish to give repose tn this position, he will command Rest. KiT. A.t this Command, the recruits will bring up .smartly the right hand;. handle of the piece small of the stock), when tney wfll not bo required to pr silence, or steadinecs of position. Wht n the instructor may wish the reoruits to pass from this position to that of silence and steadiness, he will conn::. 1. Attention. 2. Squao. 189. At the second word, the recruits will resume the position of the third motion of support arm*. Shoulder— Ann*. One time and thief motions. 140. (First motioa.) ('.rasp the piece with the right hand under and against the left fore-arm; seise it with the left hand atjhe lower band, the thumb extended; detach the piece sligbtlv from the shoulder, the left fore-arm along the stock. SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER — PART 11. 13 141. (Seoond motion.) Carry the piece vertically to the right shoulder with both hands, tin* rammer to the front, change the position of the right hand so a« to em- brace thr guard with the thamb and fore-finger, slip th" lefl hand to the height of the shoulder, the fingers extended tad joined, the right arm nearljr straight. 1 1'.'. | TSir runnier to the front ; at the tame timt - I ;e the pit < •■ n ith the left band half-way between the guide sight and lower band, the thumb extendi-d along th" barrel and against the stock, the fore-arm horizontal and resting ajiain-t tht > ■ • . • i s . the hand ns h i^h as the elbow. 141. IS rend motion.) Grasp the email of th" stock with the light hand 1 against toe gourd, Shoulder — Anus. ihir timt "w" Nee mmtfoni, 1(5. ( Fir* motion.) Rringthe piece to the right shoulder, at the same time "hange the position of the right hand so a« to embrace the guard with the thumb and I finger, slip up the left hand to the height of the shoulder, the fingers extended snd joind, the right arm nearly straight, 146. (.Second motion.) Drop the left hand quickly by the side. Order — Arms. Qytc titnc nnd BSM motion*. 1*7. [Firm) notion. \ 9eii briskly with the left hand near the upper band, and detach it slightly from the shoulder with the right hand : loosen the grasp of the right hand, lower the piece v. ith the left, resize th.- piece with the right hand above the lower band, the little finger in rear of the barrel, the butt about four inches from the ground, the right hand supported against the hip, drop the left hand by the side. 148. ' Sernnd motion.} Let the piecf slip through the right hand to the ground br r H slightly the fingers, and take the position about to be described. /'n'ition of Order Arm*. 149. The hand low, the barrel between the thumb and fore-fingrr extended ■ the other fingers extended and joined; the miu7lc about two issehen from the right shoulder; th'- rammer in front : the I ik el th l ntt, agai ist, and in a line with, the toe of the right foot, the barrel pe rpcu dlculai ' Whefl the instructor may v. ish togir" r'-p"'" in this pr -iti«n,he will cotni; At this command, th" recruits will not be required I «ilenee or 1.S2. lVhen the instrurtwr may wish the recruit* to pass from thi« position to t! ■Hence and steadiness, he will ""mmand : 1. Attention. 1. S«K At the second word, tb' .11 resume th" position Mrn>, Ur— Abvs. <"n#. ./'-,-. f «.imn. ) Ttai' with th" right h. igbt O. tht "■> , and op) with the hit hand b'dow tht . c k, the thumb i , ress the piece .gainst th<- shoulder with th" I" • th" l"ft hand \m • L**ntm t.i be brong St t" •' 14 & WOOL OF THE .SOLDI UK — PAEI II. ■ >nd motion. Carry the pice- 1" the 1 U .-id • with the lefl hand — butt upon the ind — barrel to the front the right and front rotting along the [eft thigh, muz/! \ in hunt ..i ill.' centre of the body — right hand gra ; • bt lou the upp< i band, and left hand extended upon the i ce with the left hand at the mnxzl the band to the cai ti I 2. Handle— CAnTiunot. time and onr motto*. L">7. Seize the cartridge with the thumb and next two lingers, and place it between tli. 3. T!' the rammer with the thumb and fore-linger of the right hand, the Other Bng I, theelbowa near the body. 5. Draw — Raw One time and thin motions. 160. ' /'ir-t motion.) Half draw die rammer by extending the right arm; steady it in this position with the left thumb; seize the rammer hetween the thumb and fore-finger of the right band, the thumb under and the linger over the rammer; extended, palm of the hand to the front. 101. [Second morion.) Clear the rammer from the pipes by extending the arm; r in prolongation of the pipes, pahn of the hand to the front. ir,2. ( Third motion. ) Turn the rammer by closing Jthe fingers, the little end pas* the left shoulder, turning the back of th.' hand to the front; steady it by ling the forefinger of the right hand : place the head of the rammer on the ball, the rammer in prolongation of the barrel. Bam — Cautkidci:. Onr tiiiis and onr motion. ]< ::. [nserl the rammer as far aa the right, and steady it in this position with the thumb of " stock, the left elbow against the body ; bring the ni< the right side, the butt below the right fbre-arm- -the imall of the stock against the body and two inchea below the right breast, the barrel upward*, the muzzle on alerel with tl ye. 168. Second motion.) Half cock with the thumb of the right hood, the ir supported against the guard and the miall a€ the stock- remove the old cap with ono of the fingers of the r ighl hand, and with the thumb and band take a cap| from the pouch, place it to the nipple, and pram it down with tha thumb; seize the small of the stock with the right hand. 9. Should* r — Abu. 0«f time and tiro moti Kn. (Fir it motion,) Bring the piece to the He-lit -boulder and support it there with the left hand, face to the front ; brine the right heel to the side oi and on a line w itfa the left ; grasp the piece with the right hand as indicated in tie position of «A<.«/- v. 0*9 time and three mntioni. 171. ( Firxt motion) Raise the piece slightly r.ith the right hand, making a half face t.i the right on the bit heel : carry the light front to the rear, and place it at right • to the left, the hollow of it opposite to, and against the bit heel; grasp the • itfa the left hand at the lower band and detach it slightly from tin- shoulder. 174. St* o n d motion. ) Bring down the piece with both band-, the barrel upward*. the bit thumb extended along the Stock, the butt below thy right lore-arm. I the stuck against the b..d\ and two inches below the right breast, the muzzle a* high aa the eye, the left tinsl the aide; place at the aame time the right thumb on id of the cock, the other linger- under and against the guard. 173. | Third motion.) Cork, ana seize the piece at the small of the ttock without deran r - ! the butt. Atm. One time and one motion. 174. Raise the piece with both band*, and support the butt against the neb! shoul- der; the left elbow down, thi the shoulder; incline tl butt, n that the right ey< i aickly the notch of the . and the object aimed at : tl loa o d, the right thumb ■ 17 r >. When recruit- aie formed in two rank" to eXCOBte the firing", the f rank men will raise a little 1 | elbow, in ordef to facilitate the aim ot rear rank men. 170. The rear rank men, in atnii the right foot about eight in right, and towards the left fa ' I of the man D be body for • FtRR. ' ttOM 'ind r,nr motir.n. 177. Press the -, fire, without lowerii ■ In ad, an I remaii I 'n. distinct ..I,, low them. eighth command will one time and tw (/'»>i •sitie* of r der ara-i«. a* indica: 16 SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER — PART II Load. Our time and one motion. 17!'. Bring down the piece with both hands .it the MOM time Auw to the front and t:ik'- the ponthm 0# Ioh as indicated No. 156. Each rear rank man will bring his right foot by the side of the left. 180. The men being in this position, the infractor » ill oasae th" loading to ' tinuod bv the commands and means prescribe '■. So. 156, and following. 181. It", after firing, the instructor should not wish the recruits to reload, he will command : Shoulder— Arms. One lime and one motion. 182. Throw up the piece briskly with the left band and remma the position of afoul* der arm*, at the same time fare to the front, turning on the left heel, and bring tho right heel on a line with the left. 188. To accustom the recruits to wait for the command jire, the instructor, when thev are in the position of aim, will command : Recover — Arks. One time and one motion. 184. At the first part of the command, withdraw the finger from the triger ; at the command armi, retake the position of the third motion of ready. 186. The recruits being in the position of the third motion of ready, if the instructor should wish to bring them to a shoulder, he will command : Shoulder — Arms. One time and one motion. 186. At the command ihoulder, place the thumb upon the cock, the fore -finger on the tr igger , half-cock, and seize the small of the stork with the right hand. At tho MWDUM orate, bring up the piece briskly to the right shoulder, and retake the posi- tion of shoulder arms. 187. The recruits being at shoulder arms, when the instructor shall wish to fix bayo nots, he will command : Fix— Batonet. One time and J our motion*. 188. ( I'irtt, *rr,,nd, an command arms, execute what has been prescribed for the thonlder from the position of order armi. Un/ix — IUyohet. One time nnd four motion*. 2*0. t Firtt nnd eerond motion*. ) Same as in fix bayonet. 201. i Third motion, i Same as in fix hayonet, except turn the bayonet clasp with the right thumb, gTEtp th • thank ol the bayonet with the right hand, palm under thumb and finger* . [Simndi • •• with bath bands, tli- barr.l to the front • bring it opposite thi I tli" butt again-t tli • liij., the left band at thr I bami. th. thumb as high a* the chin and extended on the rammer; the piece erect and (I ■ tie- thonlder, the left lore-arm against the piece. 206. ( Third motion ■),■• p l eee, peat '' ■•da* the l-ft arm, the left ban. I line at th lower band, the thumb on the rammer to )>•■ \ n( it from -mdm^r out. the little linger retting against th ■ hip, the right hand (ailing at the same time bv the side. Skotd Onr tintr on I thrrr motion*. 207. ( FiVii m- • - with the left band, end tcize it with the right head at the small ol the stock. Th" pi unst the hip, thi- I ft fire-arm along th" ; ■ o same as the second motion of i , m a fnppurt. 209. (Third m<. tin,,.' Th- -bird motion * **■ •»'*— — — f-xm ■ iwaati (. •o/i-Ansi. • im* and In o tnt. 210. ( Fir,t mot,r. n Detach th- |iec<» perpendicularly from the shoulder • right bead, and eeiae it with the I ' aadaadgaid piece, the left hand at the |,r . ihouldcr end foar inr h«.i Itimo it v \*r t ,: 18 6G&O0& OF 1KB IOLDIBR TART ir. fame time, the right hand on the butt, the beak between the first two fingers, the other two fingers under the butt < 211. (Second motion.) Quit the piece with the left hand, raise and place the | on the right ibonlder with the right hand the h>< k plate upwards; let fall at the same time, the left hand by the side. Shoulder — Anji?. One time and tun 212. (Fint motion.) Raise the pi ee perpendicularly by extending the right arm (all length, the rammer to the Front, at the Ise the piece with the left band between the lower band nnd (roide-aight. 813, - . aoften.) Qait the ha4t with the right hand, which will immed embrace the goard, lower the piece to the position of shoulder arm*, ?- 1 i - !• ■ up the left hand I i the bight of the shoulder, the fingers exton ! >1 and rioted. Drop the left hand by the side. 214, The men being :it support arms, the instructor will sometimes cause pic be brought to the right .shoulder. Tu this effect, lie will command : Right Shoulder ihi/l — A One time ami tiro motion*. 216. ( First motion.) Seize the piece With the right hand. h. low and near the lift fon arm, place the left hand under the butt, the heel of the butt between the first two ' . 216. ( Second motion.) Turn the pieoe with the left hand, the lock plate upwards, carry it to the right shoulder, the left hand still holding the butt, the mnxsle eloTated : hold the piece in this position and plai e the right hand upon the butt as is prescribed No. 219, and Let tail the left hand by the side. Shouldi r- -Aim.-'. One time and tiro motion*. 217. (first motion.) The same as the first motion of tkomlder ara ss No. 212. 21*. 8t*ond motion.) Turn the piece with both hands, the barrel to the front, carrv it opposite the left shoulder, slip the right band to the small of tin stock, place the left fore-arm extended on the breast as Is prescribed No. 134, and let fall the right hand by the *idc. Arm' — At WILL. One time ami one WtOtiott, 21!i. At this command, carry the piece at pleasnre on either .•boulder, with one or both hands, the muzzle elevated. Sui'}>ort— Aims. Out titnt and one Motion, :.(i. At this command, retake ij\ii< kly '.he position of shoulder arms. 22L Th" r. emits being at ordered ai ma, when the instructor .-hull wish to cause tho pieces to be placed on the ground, be w ill Command : Ground — Aims. One time and two motions. 222. (Firtt motion.) Turn the piece with the i i^ht hand, the barrel to the left, at the'raii,. time -• lie the cartridge boa with the left hand, bend the bodj . advance the l c ft foot, the heel opposite the lowet band; lay the piece on the ground with the right band, the toe ol the bntt oa a line with the right toe, the knees slighUj bent, the ri^ht bid raised. 20- motion.) Kise up, bring the left foot by the side of the right, quit the cartridge box with the left hand, ana drop the hands by the fide. liaise— AruS. One time and tiro motions. 224. [Tint motion.) Seize the cartridge box with the left hand, bend the body, advance the left foot opposite the lower band, and seize the piece with the right hand. 225. (JbHlitl motion.) Raise the piece, bringing the left foot by the aide of tho " I100L Or THB BOLDEBR — PAKI II. 19 right ; turn tho piece with tl id, the rammer to the front j at (he same time quil ill box withl d »• H8> ki motion*. id K'otxl motion*. bayonet No. 1 r»2, except that (li the muzzle, air! the rammer head is m Ion I rammer. 2'1~ . ribed in loading; lower (1. muzzle band rijjht b nh motion.) Bring tin ( the rank. Bach, :>•> the instructor reai bes him, will raise with hia right band, e i thi left between the lower ight, the lock to nd at thi height of the cbii the left eye : the instructor will lake it with the i handl g it. will rctnrn il to the recruit who will re< « ith tin right ha i When the instsuctor shall hare passed bim, each recruit will retas tion i command < ■ tan the rammer, and i tune t!ie 231 . th instructor should merely wi.-h to ( bayonets to be iixid. lie will command : • tl position indicated No. 192, fix bayonets as has been explained, and tsttiaediafa i h o( thi instructor, after firings to ascertain whether tin i mg — Hamm I Tut the reamer >n tlLDIBK — PART II. th ■ «idc of each oth^r. an 1 obeerring ih • cadence of tha stop, by raising each foot ■ ' ■ ly ft ilhoiil adi ■ 2i'l. Theinsti uct.>r Wishing the di I, frill command: 1. t'oriravfl. 2. Ki.BfBJ. • iiinan'l. which (fill be glrea a* prescribed above, the recruit! •rill retake the atop of twenty-eight inch To change step. 24 J. The srjuad being in march, tha instructor will command : 1. Ckamgt Hop, 2. March. 246. At the t e c on d command, which frill be given at the Instant either &»ot ii mm- the ground, bi ing the fool which is in rear by the aide of that which is in front, again with the foot which was in front. To march backwards. 210. The instructor wishing the squad to march backward*, will command : 1. Squad backward. 2. March. sond command, the recmita trill step off smartly frith the 1. -ft font fourteen inches to the rear, reckooiojr, from heel to beol, and so on with the fret in ision till the command halt, which will always be preceded by theoantion tquael. , ;. will halt at this coiiunand, and bring back the foot in front bj the side of the other. 248. This step will always be executed in quick time. 240. The Instructor will be watchful that the recruits march straight to the rear, • reft position of the body and the piece be not deranged. Lassos. III. To load in four times. The nbjeel of thh lesson Es to prepare the recruits to load at will, and to !i the times winch require the greatest regularity and attention, harge cartridge, ram cartridge, and prima. It will be divided u followi : 2S1. The Brst time will he executed at the end of the command ; the three others at . three and four, Tic- instructor will command : 1. Load in four time: 2. Load. ie times to inclu.l • to charge cartridge Two. Baccate the times tainorade ram cartridge. Three. 254. ! time to include prime. Foot. 255. Execute the times mtekaulder urmi. To load minaofl : 1. Load at tcill. 2. LOAD.' '.'.',7. The instructor will habituate the recruits, by degrc ". to load with the greatest possible promptitude, each without regulating himself by his neighbor, and shore all without waiting for him. Pbe cadence prescribed No. 12D, is not applicable to loading in tour times, or at will. SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER — PART IT. 21 IV. firings. 2f>9. The firings arc direct or oblique, and will he executed as follow): Th< direct 260. The instructor will give the following commands: 1. Fi If "/unrl. 'i. S body, in ordei that thi 3 reach aa much 1 '• (Vont rank iMe. At the sixth command, Ihej will load their piece? and return Immediately ti the position of read's/. 2G3. The instructor will recommence thefiiinghy the oommanda: 1. Squad, 2. Aim. 9, Fn n. 4. • When tlie instructor wishes lh« liring to cease, he will command : ( '< -ixr firing. ' • ■ men will ceaae firing, hut will load their pieces if un- d, arid afterwards bring them to a shoulder. Oblique Firing. Th<> oblique firing? will he executed to the right nnd lift. and by the same com- mands as the 1 direct lire, with this 1 indaim will alws sat ion, right or U n of ike two rank* in the Oblique Fire to t) ' . \bt tare .ikswill axecute what ha ; tire. ranks wiii rich' lily .-it ih< i Int. mm and aim, ead >. maa will aim to the ri ill adi aace th< l< n f< right ibe upper part ol the body forward a galitth tb< Position the • Fire to the ! 27o. At il % hit. 27 I 27'. - to lea 1 ■ 1 / I MM. 22 br- paw ir. irtli command, the file on the rijjht will aim ami fire : (1, ill lake tli.- position ind 178. J77. The men of tbia file will load th and fire a i re- i 27' ; 1 fill- will aim. at the instant tin 1 f.r«t hrin^ down nform in al. that which ■ . r the first file, . t!i ■ front and rear rill a reqn me. ha loading, will return : | continue . will e immand : ■ i and, the men will cease Bring. Tf they liar' 1 Bred they " h inlder : it' at the j ositi ■h>ii of n by Rank. The Bre by rank will he ezecnted by each entire rank, alternately. 2 I. Tin' instructor will command : 1. Fire by y/il:. 2. Squad. 3. Kfai>t. 4. Hear rank. 5. Aim. f<. Fiaa. 7. Load. .\ the third command, the two ranks, will take the position of ready u ?•■! ibed in the direct Bre. kt the a srenth eommand, the rear rank v. ill execute that which has b?en pre- I in the direct lire, and afterwards take the position <>( ready. \ I to a- the instra reri the rear rank in the position of • \> ill eommand : ■ .'.-. 2. \i". ". I'i ta. i. ' commands, the men in the front . ink will . pre ii tfa rear rank, but they will not ih the righl instructor will recommence th • Bring bv the rear rank, and will thus con- ok, ttntil he shall , wh 'ii be lich will he heretofore prescribed. ■■ v . To j ling. In this ea I and drawn up in one rank. The instruction '.-ill b i sofa man individual!) , without times or motions, and in 'h>- following manner. 291. The instrnctoi will command i ■ <■: 'ii.' squad will more forward I paces and halt ; then carrj th right foot to the rear ami to the right of th • left b •••!, and in a position < the right knee upon the ground in bendin I'-. i i • knee upon the ground : he.- ;■ the piece, the I sup poi : -'1 upon the thigh <>n th i ■ i ..Jit head on th • >:e.all of th • >toek. th.> t,uti resting on tin right thi; b i ind supporting the piece near the loner ^ to the left around th- . i the ind, until tlo- i pencucular to the direction of the left loot, and thus seat i fortably on the righl h< 1 1. 884, Raise the piece with the right hand and rapport it with tin- left, holding it near the lower band, the left elbow resting on th" left thigh near the knee; seize the hammer with th • thumb, the fore-Anger aader the ruardj oock ami seise tin piece at sllol th. -tock; bring the pi ihouldi r, trim andyiV*. 235. Bring the piece down ai is Bred, and support it with the left hand the butt resting against the right thigh : carry the piece to the rear rising on the ' tOL OF THE SOLDIER — PART II. 23 knee, the barrel downwards, thfl halt retting on the ;round ; in this position support the piece with the left hand at 1 1 i ■ - upper band, draw cartridge with the right and load the piece, ramming the ball, if necessary, with both band*. '!:•''<. VThen loaded bring the piece to the front with the left hind, which holdi it at the upper band : seize ii the sam ■■ time with the right band al the small of the itook ; turn tli > trrel uppermost and nearly horizontal, the left elbow resting on the left thigh : half-cock, remoi e theold cap an 1 prime, ru ■ and return to the rank . d man will then be taught what hat Just been prescribed for the lir?t, and so on through the remainder of the squad. To fin and loa 7 lying. 2!'^. In this exorcise the squad will be in one rank and loaded; the instruction will n individually and without times or motions. The instructor will command: I 1 1! K AM' LOAD LYING. 300. At tl ■ 1. t!i i man or, the right eT tli • squad will more forward three and bait; he will then bring his piece to an order, drop on I and place himself on the ground flaton hi- belly. In tl he will snppori tbo. piece nearly horizontal with the left bai it near thi lowei band, the !>u t . nd the left elbow resting on the ground, the barrel uppermost ; cock the pi 'cc with the right hand, and carry this hand to the small of the si ece with both hand-, press tht butt against the shoulder, and resting on buth 79, aim andy/rr. ML As soon as he has fired, bring the piece down and turn upon hi* left side, still • 1 the <■ "k i< opposite his bi • the butt end r est ing on the ground ; takeouts cartridge with the right hand; the small ot the stock with this hand, holding the cartridge -villi the thumb and two I ho will th»n throw himself on hi- I ack still noldii with both tho butt between I be barrel up, tl e muzzl" elevated. In this position, charge carti idge, draw rammer, ram cartridge and return ran, Ml. Whon finished leading, the man will turn again upon his loft side, resaore the ' prime, then raise th piece verti turnabout, aadresami position in the ranks. 303. The second man will be taught what has just be prescribed for the first, and so .<>ut the squad. 1 R VI. Ba 'rrise. 304 • ' itxrd 1 be nn n will be j i ■ ■ 1 • motion*. n b 'ill h< ghtlr, and sciie i! wit left hand ah u tho lower band. ■ rig nsturall- ■ Onr time and onr mntmn. ■■ same time brin^; the r i. 1. ttunr .1 • mofto*». SOS. Both motions the same as for »■« 24 SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER— PART III. band will be supported against 4hc hip. and the bayonet held at the hight of the eye, as in chary* bayonet . Shoulder— Aim*. On* timt and DM notion. 309. Spring up the piece with the left hand and place it against the right shoulder, at the tame tunc bring the right heel by the aide of the left, and face to the front. PART THIRD. 310. When the recruits are well ettabliahed in the prineipU* cud mcrhanitm of the Wry., and the \jtn.itinn of the body, the Manual of arm-. (In- instructor will Unite «. i^llt men. at least, and t\\ eive nun. at most, in order to teach then the principle! of aliirn- meot, the principle* ol tin 1 tench of elbow.- in marching tq the front, the principle* •>f the man h In the- tiatik, wheeling fi om ■ halt, w heeling in marching, and the change of direction to the side of the guide. Be ■»% i 1 1 place the squad iu one rank elbow to elbow, and number the men from right to left. s 1. Alignments. 311. The instructor will at Brat tea. h the i ecruita to alipn themselves man by man, in order the better to make them comprehend the principle.- >>f alignment ; to tl.i. end, he will command the two men on the lipht Hank to march tw<> pacea to the front, and havinp alipned them, he will caution the remainder of the squad to mope up. U they may be successively called each by hia number, and align themselves successively on the line of the first two men. Sll Kaeh recruit, as designated by his number, will turn the head and eyes to the ripht as prescribed in the In si leeSOUOl the first pi it. and will march in quiek timetirn pocei fot ward, shortening the last,soai to find himself about six inches behind the new alignment, nrhicfa heonghl never to [ass; he will next more up steadily by steps of two or tine.- inch's, the hams extended, to the side of the man next to him on the alignment, so that, without deranging the load, the line ol the eyes, or thai of the (•boulders, he mav find himself in the exact line of bis neighbor, whose elbow he will lightly touch without opening hia own. 313. The instructor seeing the rank well alipned, will command : raovr. 314. At this, the recruits will turn eyes to the front, and remain firm. 315. Alignments to the left will be executed on the same principles, 816. When the recruits shall have thai learned to align themselves man by man, ctly, and without groping or jostling, the iaatr uctoi will cause the entire rank to align itself at once by the command : Might i, or left) — 3!7. At this, the rank, except the two BM ■ planed in advances* a basis of alignment, will more up in owse* time, and place themselves ou the new line, according to the principles pi i ioi ■ !' >l v < o, 312. 318. ''h.- instructor, placed five or six pares in front, and facing the rank, will carefully observe thai the principles are followed, and then pass to the flank that has servi J si the basis, to verify the alignment. 3i:». The instructor teeing the greater number of the rank well aligned, will com- mand : I ION r. BM: The instructor may afterwards order l hi* or that file fonrard or back, designat- un ber. The file or files designated, only, will slightly turn the lead towards tbe basis, to judge bow xuch they ought to move up or bach, steadily place It,. ,, ... [y - on the line, and thl D I the front, without a (.articular command to that Meet. :.-'l, Alignments to the rear will be executed on the same principles, the recruits step) ins back ■ little beyond the line, end then dressing up according to the principles prescribed No. 812, the instructor commanding: Right (or left) bnctteard— Dbess. \'ter each alignment, the tnstl u< tor will examine the position of the men, and cam . to ordered arms, to prevent too much fatigue, and also the danger and negligence at ikvuldcraii arm*. SCHOOL OF Till: SOLDIER — TART III. 2 ; Lesson IT. 323. The men having learned, in thc6rit and second parts, to march with steadiness. in common timi\ and to take j tfj'-- th< march to the front, the faeinp about in marching, the man h by the flank, the H he< la at a halt, and in uiarcb- inp, and the changes oi direction to the side obi informing to « hat ha.-. lje<'n ; I, and follow il.LT- se it to march in double quick seeding the command march, by double jutck. avor to regulate well the cadence of tab To face about in marching. . id be marching in ([ni'-k. or double qnlek time, an I tbe i n veh to march it in retreat, he »ill command : 1. Squad right nh,,ut. '1. Much. mmand starca, which will be in-.' I rtcruil will brinj and, and turning on it. .Li- ; be «i!l then place the right foot In toe new direction, and ■ T<> march backward*. 845. The squad being at a halt, If the Instructor should wish to march U in Lb • ■ I., he n ill command : 1. Squad backward, i. Ovid* left (or rijht.\ 3. Habok. . The bank stop will be an cuted by the means proscribed No. 247. i i, inatraotor, In thh stop, will be watchful that the men do not lean on each other. . A- tbe march to the front in quick time should only be bi boul instructor, in order not to fatigue the men too nun!'.. .0, will halt the squad from time to tin* I , and to conduct lii'n ; and it will 1 ,;'''. emit < always ;lbow to elbow with I I. The Instructor \\ ill cans • to be oh* rved in th march, by tin- (lank, th i follow- ing rules : That the ttep be executed according to the principle* pr Hep: principle^, rithout which men, pi rank, ear.not preserve nnitv and harmony of movement, an> of a race in m archil g in Mr. That the head of tht man u ■ lea U of all wko are. in ft ,ni : Because it i? tfa I tin rule by - b man may maintain hlmscl f in the : the file. instructor will place himself habitually five or .«ix paces on the ill Ble, to \\ atch oi ation of 1 1 II ■ ■ . halt, and puil igsje] *^' e whether th.' ■ rately. • the rank, marching bj :". he fl ont, be a II command ; 2. Halt. 3. F At the secon I command, the rank will halt, and ifterwardi no man will although h stance. This prohibition i» d v itlon <■! their dial i iroand, each man will front by fa< left, if wan I l>_v tfa a face unk mr-n "ill ;if th*' same time move fjut ckl y tor will cai 1. / • tile will chai in del ■. and will k in - If. in fa< ■ into • -ik. If, ahtn I mf tractor should caasr i 8CTI00L OF THE SOLDIER- TART III. 8f-c by the left flank, it if th<* ev»n number? who will double by moving to th(> ripht of tlic odd numbers. ; but il by the ritrhl Bank, it is 1 1 1 • - odd number* who will double t<> tin- ambers. Observe tin" two following ralei in the facings, vi/. : 1. ' . ' : ' ill lul Ul tin- frOIlt ill doabHl • I -r of the . andoabling. The front referred t". i, the original or real front. The nomben would be rr- •i thf right of the company, number two thould tall t' , lea nppfj '" ail lacings, irhethcr the companj be marching, or at a halt. a, like the preceding one, will be practised with pieces at a should) r; but the instructor mar, to give relief Oj chancre, occasionally order tupport arm*, and he will require of the recruits marching in tin- much regufaritj ai in thi. former. The mnrrh hy thr tlnnl; in double quick l!mr. 3CP. The prineii lea of the march by the flank in double quick time, are the same as in quick time. The inatractor will give the command! prescribed No. 351, taking care always, to gire the command double quick before ih-u of narei. il • will pay the great) st ett >ntion to the cadence of the - S70. The instructor will c ■ • direction, and the march by the Hank, tted in double ciui'-k time, bj the same eommanda, and according to the same i U in quick time. 171. The instructor will on 's to be carried either on the right tkoulder or a i a trail. SfX 1 he instructor will sometimes march the squad by the flank, w itfaout doubling the 61 373. The principles of this march are the same as in two ranks, and it will always be ex uted in quick time. 374. The instructor will give the commands prescribed hTo. S61, but he will be care- ful to caution the squad not to double fllea, DCtor w ill be W at< hful that the men do not bend their knees uni quallj , n hioh would cause them to tfead on the heeli of the men in front, and also to lot cadence of the step and iheir dislanc-«. 37C Tl,^ \ arions mor< menti in this lesson "ill be executed in single rank. In the changes of direction, the lS6. The Instructor will make the rank wheel round the circle once or tw ic ■ b halting, tn order to cause the principles to be the 1> • 1 1 • r understood, and he will b; watchful that the centre do m not break. 3s7. He will cause the whaei to the left to be executed according to the same prin- ciples. When the instructor "hall with to arrest tht wheel, he will command : 1. S'/uail. 2. Halt. ' :!ft!>. At the second command, the rank will halt, and no man stir. The instructor, going to the flank opposite the pivot, will place the two outer man of that flank to the direction he may wish to give the rank, without bowi ver displacing the pivot, who will conform the line of bisshoulders to this direction. Th'- instructor will tak< t<> have n I i 'wo men, and the pivot, only the space accessary to contain the Otb r men. lie will then couiinand : Left (or liijhi)— Dana. WO. At thi<. the rank will place itself on the alignment of the two men established basts, in conformity With tbo principle* prescribed. .;:■ ■ .. ■ i which, each man will advan • the shoulder opposite to the guide, take the doubl< quick step, to carry himself in thi I >n, turn th bead and of the guide, and retake the touch "i the elbow mi that Bide, in pla the alignment of the guide, from whom he will ial>. .1 then i d ol the head. Each man will thus arrive su< cesslvely on the .'I and changing direction to the aid* of the guide, in double quit k time. 443, When the reci nits comprehend and execute well, in qui«i; tii le, il e wheek ■ it a ball and in inarching, and the change <>!' diri cl on to the ride of the guide, t J ■ ... the same movements to be repeated in double quick time. 404. i b< se \ arlous movements will be executed by tli same commands ind accord- ing f principles aain quick time, except that, the command dcmbU quick will precede that of march. In wheelii I man will take ren inobes, and in tho change! ol direction to the side ol the guide, the menon the side o] the guide must inct it in order to bring them- .inc. t The instructor, in order not to fatigue the recruit lotbclrat- .:, to execute tb 'Veral movami nts of whicb tl conv- hi'ut without arms, and next, after the mechanism I •■ a - cll compi eh( nded, w itli i. -. \'. irehet IW doubU quick time and the run. 406. The inatri i be resumed the exercises in double quick tunt the run, u itfa *> mi and ltaa| tflT. He will cause long marches t<> be executed in double quids time, Loth by the front and bj the flank, aud by constant practice will lead the men to pass ovei a dis- tance ol five milei in Blxty minutes. In pieces will be carried on either shoulder, a ,,ii tonu times :i1 :l traU. 408. H< will also exercise them in long marches, at ■ run, the pieces carried at will ; the men will be instructed to keep at unite-: le, without however exacting much regularity, which Is impracticable. The run, in actual service, will only be resorted to when it may be highly im- portant to reach a given point with great prompitode. Stack arms. The men being at order arms, the instructor will command : Stack - Arms. 410 At this command, manlier (ase of the front ran!;, will pass his piece before him, icize it with the left hand about the middle band, slop* it aoffOM the body, barrel te SCHOOL OF Tin-: COMPANY. 31 the rear, the butt three inches above th^> right, too of the man on hii left, mnxzl inches to the rifjht of bia right shoulder, (11, Number two <>f the rear rank will turn his pieoc, lock square in the fi pass it to bis front rank man, who will seisa it with hisrighl liand about hand and incline it forward, resting the neck of the baronet on tl and close to the blade. Nut I the front rank will tarn the barrel o square to the front, slope it across the body, place tl . a! n\ >• the necks, and between the blades of the other two bayonets, bold right hand at the middle band, the butt three ln< hi ground in front ol bis right toe, (IS. Number two of the front rank "ill throw the butt of the rear i ; abont thirty inches to the front, at the Mine time resting th ■ I the ground on the left, and alitUe in roar of his left toe. At tho Bame instant, numbi r one of the front rank will r< -t the but) of his piece on tha ground, .1 little in fron) right toe. Slumber one of the rear rank « ill mcline his pii ceon the stack thus forim l. (1$. The men of both ranks having takou the position of the Bcldier without 1 t!ic instructor will command : 1, Ureal- rankt. '1. March. To resume arms. 414. Both rank.« being re-formed in r< at of their stark?, the insti uctor will com- TnJ.r — Abhs. 415. At this command, number one of the rear rank will retake his piece. Km two of the front rank will sei with his left hai band, and bis rear rank man's piece in tl inner with his righl haitd : and an • the front rank will seize 1 1 ith hi* righl hand in Lb sau two men will ra bayonets. Number tu bj rant, will receive bi an, and nil will reiume the position of erdi TITLE TIIIK!). SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY. ' rules an change direction by file. 3. To halt the company marching by the flank, and to face it to th" front. 4. Th" a i-X 'f march by th • to form it on th" right or loft by fib- into Imi' fif battle. f>. The company marching bv the to form it by company or platoon into line, and cause it to lace to the right and left in marching. LESSON V. 1. To break into column by platoon either at a halt, or while marching. 2. To march in column. 3. To change direction. 4. To halt th ■< column. 6. Being in column by platoon, to form to the right or left into line of battle, either at a halt or marchii.g. LESSON' VI. 1. To break into platoons, and to re-form the company. 2. To break files to the rear, and to eaose th MB to re-enter into line. 3. To march in column in route, and to execute the movements incident thereto. 4. Countermarch. f>. Being in column by platoon, to form on the right or left into line of battle. 4. The company will always be formed in two ranks. The instructor will then cause the flics to be Dumb. ml, ami for this purpose W 'H command : In each rank— Count Twos. 5. At this command, the men count in each rank, from light to left, pronouncing in a loud and distinct voir-, in the sam • tone, without hurry and without turning the head, «•«/ two, according to the place which each one occupies. II' will alto can • th • company to bfl dirid -I into platoon* and sections, taking care that the first platoon is always composed of an even number of lil ■ . C. The instructor will be as clear and eoneise a-; possible in his explanations; he will cau^e faults of detail to b I rectified by the captain, to whom he will indicate them, if the captain should Hot have himself observed them; and the instructor will not otherwise interfere, unless the captain should not well comprehend, or should badly execute his Intentions! 7. Composure, or presence of mind, in him who command", and in those who obey, b, ,._., the Hrsl menus ol order in a body of troo >s, the instruct or trill labor to habituate the Company to this essential quality, and will himself give the example. LESSON FIRST. AitTICI.K FlHST. To open ranks . R. The company being at ordered arms, the ranks and file closer* well aligned, when the iintrii' tor shall wish to cause the ranks to b I opened, be will direct the left jjuide to place himself on the left of the front rank, which being executed, f> • will command : 1. Attention. 1. Company. 3. SAeuWsr— Anus. 4. To the rear open order. 9. At the fourth command, the covering sergent. and the left guide, will step off smartly to the rear, four paces from the front rank, in order to mark the alignment of the rear rank. They will judge this distance by the eye, without counting the step*. FCnoOL OF THE COMPANY — LESSON" I. 33 10. The inrtruetor will place himself at the same time on the right (Link, in order to observe if those two non-commissioned a >n ;i line parallel to the trout rank, and if a ccess ary, to correct their positions, which being executed, he «ill command; 5. Marcit. 11. At tliis commani, tlie front rank will stand fa^t. 12. The rear rank will step to the rear, without counting the steps, and will place themselves on the alignment marked for this rank, conforming to what is prescribed in the school of the soldier, No. 321. 13. The covering sergeant will align the rear rank on the left guide placed to mark the hit nf tlii- rank. 14. The tile closers will march to the rear at the same time with the rear rank, and will place themselves two paces from this rank when it is aligned. ].">. The instructor seeing the rear rank aligned, will command : 6. Fi If. At this command, the sergeant on tlie hit of the rear rank will return to his place ai :i Hie closer. IT. The rear rank being aligned, the instructor will direct the captain and the covering sergeant to observe the men in their respective ranks, and to correct, if necessary, the positions of persons and^pieces. Article Secosd. Alignments in open ranks. 18. The ranks being open, the instructor will, in the first exercises, align the ranks, man by man, the better to inculcate the prin< I 19. To effect this, he will cause two or four men on the right or left of ^ach rank to march two or throe paces forward, and, after having aligned them, command : fly .file right (or /e/()-Ili 20. At this, th° m^n of each rank will biotc up successive!* - on the alignment, each man bring preceded by his neighbor in the same rank, towards th" basis, liv two paces correctly aliened himself, will cast his eyps to the front. 21. Successive alignments having habituated the soldien to dress correctly, the ."-tor will cause the ranks to aliirn themselves at once, forward and backward, - itnetimet in a direction parallel, and sometimes in one oblique, to th<» original direc- tion, giving, in each ease, two or four men to serve as a basis of alignm i ank. To ctl. i t which. h» will command : 1. lUjht for !'/<)— Dress. 2. Y or 1 . /. the mm of the rear rank will not teak f the « . in the did ions, 23. In the several »'. . tain will superintend the front rank,sr. ing sergeant I they will j the i the rank« i 24 In obliqii" alignr n will conform th" lin^ of their shoul Ic ' ;. the captain ai ■ the rank* I - Mi i - rtnki b*in- . t. n4 »i.d will command Uie manual «f arms in the following oi 34 .-• BOOL 09 IHI CDMPAH1 H. Pre* -nt arm.«. .lder arms. (Ji ound iru Rail • arms. Shoulder arms. I ort arms. Shoulder arms. Kix bayonet. 8b tuldor arms. Shoulder arms. Trail arms. Shoulder arms. i baronet. Shoulder arms. B u Shoulder arm*. I. ■ 1 1 in nin I tin 27. The luetruutor will take care that the position of the , be alwaj ■ n t. .iml that the timet be briskly exeout d an J olos • to the poraoa. Ar.nn.i: FoUBTH. To close ranks. 28. The manual of arms being ended, the instructor will command : I. ' tot* oroW. '.'. M.uuii. 21'. At the command wtarok, the rear rank will close uj> in quick time, each man directing himself on his tile leader. AltTK'I.K Fll III. Alignments, and manual of arms in closed rani:*. 30. The ranks being closed, the instructor will cause to be executed parallel and oblique alignments l>v the right ami left, forward ami backward, observing to place always two or four liles to serve as a basis of alignment He will give (lie commands bed, So. 21. SL In alignments in closed ranks, the captain will superintend the front rank, and the covering sergeant the rear rank. They will habituate themselves to judge the alignment By the lines of the eyes and shoulders, in casting a glance of the eye along the front and roar of the ranks. S3, The moment the captaia perceives the greater number of the front rank aligned, he will command Paoar, and rectify, afterwarda, it neoaesary, the alignment "i the other men by the means prescribed in the school of the soldier, No, 520 The rear rank will conform to the alignment of the front rank, superintended by the covering berg. ant. :;:!. The ranks being steady, the instructor will place himself oa the Hank to verify their alignment. He will also see that each rear rank man covers accurately his Die leader. M, In c)ili(|ue alignments, the instructor will observe what is prescribed, No. 21. '■'<■>. In all alignments, tho file closers will preserve the distance of two paces from the rear rank. '■'•>'<■ The alignments being ended, the instructor will cause to be executed the manual of arms. ::". The instructor, wishing to rest the men, without dernnging the alignment, will first causciarms to be supported, or ordered, aud then command : In place But. .1*. At this command, the men will no longer b>- constrrined to preserve silonce or steadiness of position ; bat they will always. Keep one or other heel on the alignment. 39. If, on the contrary, the instructor should wish to rest the men without con- straining them to preserve the alignment, he will command: Rest. 40. At which command, the men will not be required to preserve immobility, or to remain in their [daces. 4f. The instructor may, also, when he shall judge proper, cause arms to bo stacked, which will bo executed as prescribed, school of the soldier. LESSON' SKCONI). 42. The instructor, wishing to pass to the second Iwson, will cause tho company to take arms, if stacks have been formed, and command : SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY — LESSON II". 35 1. Attention. 2. Company. 3. Shoulder — Arms. 43. The instructor will then cause loadings and firings to be executed in the follow- ing order ■ Article First. To load in four times and at villi. 4 1. I, nailing in four time* will be commended and executed as prescribed in the sc.iool of the soldier, No. 241, and following. The instructor will cause this exercise 'Hen repeated, in saccession, before peering to loading at will. 46. I,oading at will will ho commanded and executed as prescribed in the school of the soldier, No. 166. In priming when loading in four time*, and also at will, the captain and covering sergeant will half 'ace to the ri<;ht with the men, and face to the front when the man next to them, respectively, bring* his piece to the shoulder. 4fi. The instructor will labor to the utmost to cause the men, in the different load- ing?. . what has bon prescribed in the school of the soldier, Koe. 2.">7 and 258. 47. Loailing at will, being that of battle, and consequently the one with which it is most inuni taut to render the men familiar, it will claim preference in the exert i-- moment the men be well established in the principles. To these they will be brought by degrees, to I hat < vei y man mar be able to load with cartridges, and to fire at lcas>t three rounds in a minute with ease and regularity. Article Second. To fir c by company. 4 s . The instructor, wishing to cause the fire by company to be executed, will com- mand : 1. Fire by company. 1. Commence firing. 49. At the first command, the captain will promptly placL- himself opposite the centre of hi? company, and (bar pact I in rear of the line of file closers : the covering sergeant w ill retire to that line, and place hims- If opposite to his interval. Thit rule it general, for both (he captain anil cocerittf tergeant, in all the different firingi. 50. At the second command, the captain will add : 1. Company; 2. Readt ; 3. Aim; 4. Firb; 5. Load. M . At the command loml. the men w ill load their pieces, and then take the position nf ready, as prescribed in the school of the soldier. The captain will immediately recommence the firing, by the commands : L I'ompnny. 2. Aim. 3. Fire. 4. Load. S3. The firing will be thus continued until the signal to cease firing is sounded. ;.4. The captain will sometimes cause aim to be taken to the right and left, simply observing to pronounce right or left] ob i iqu * , before the command aim. Article Third. Tlo fire In/ filr. 65. The instructor wishing to cause the fire by file to lie executed, will command : 1. fire by file. 1. Company. S. RkaI'T. 4. Commence firing. M. The third and fourth commands will be executed as prescribed in the rrh- the soldier, No. 275 and following. .'•7. • 1 be oomn.' ■ right file of the company : the next file will take aim at the in*tant the 1 1 r « t bring* down piem to M I left; but thi« pr< '■' st discharge, aft»i man will re-load and fire witboal himself by otbcri, conforming himself to what is prescribed in ti • ' the soldier. N Poi-RTTI. Thr fin- I'll rtnth. !>*, The instructor wishing the fire by rank to be executed, will romirisnd | 1. />r« hy rmnk. 2. '^mj.tiny. 3. llfi | | f 5t. The fifth and sixth commands will be sxecated as is j rescribs* in the school of lb* sr "ing. oC SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY — LESSON II. CO. When the instructor sees one or two pieces in the rear rank at a ready, he will command : L front rank. 2. Aim. 3. Fmr. 4. I 01. The firing will be centinued thus by alternate ranks, until the signal is given to • ring. The instructor will sometimes c:\use aim to be taken to the right and left, con- forming to what is prescribed No. C3. The instructor will cause the firing to ce:i"«, whether by company, by file, or by rank, by sounding the signal to c*a*tjlrimg, and at the instant this sound commences, the men will cease to lire, conforming to w hat is proscribed in the school of the soldier, No. 381 The signal to cease firing will be always followed by a bugle note ; at which sound, the captain and covering sergeant will promptly resume their places in line, and will rectify, it necessary, the alignment of the ranks. 65. In this school, except when powder is used, the signal to cease firing will be in- dicated by the command, c en — fin\U, which will be pronounced by the instructor when he wishes the semblance of tiring to « ( r . The conminnd posts "ill be likewise substituted, under similar circumstances, for the bugle note employed as the signal for the return <>f tin" captain and covering ut to their places in line, which command will be given when the instruct"' the men haTe brought their pieces to a shoulder. 07. The fire hv file being that which is most frequently m 1 against an enemy, it is highly important that it be rendered per e-tly familiar to the troops. The instructor will, therefore, give it almost exclusive preference, and labor to cause the men to aim with care, and always, if possible, at some particular object. As it is of the utmost importance that the men should aim with precision in battle, this [principle will bo rigidly enforced in the exercises for purposes of instruction. Article Fifth. To fire by the rear rank. The instructor will cause the several fires to be executed to the rear, that is, by the rear rank. To effect this, he will command : 1. Face by the rear rank. 2. Company. S. About — Fack. 00. At the first command, the captain will step out and place himself near to, and facing the right file of his company ; the covering sergeant, and lib- dosers, "ill pass quicklv through the captain's interval, and place themselves faced to the rear, the •sovereign sergeant a pace behind the captain, and the file closers two paces from the from rank opposite to their places in line, each passing behind the covering SS Tg e a t. 70. At the third command, which will be given at the instant the last file closer s'»all have passed through the interval, the Company will faOS about ; the captain will place himself in his interval in the rear rank, now become the front, aud the cover- ing sergeant will cover him in the front rank, and become the rear. 71. The company baring faced by the rear rank, the Instructor will cause it to exe- cute the fire bj the company, both direct and oblique, the fire by file, and the lire by rank, by the commands and means prescribed in the throe preceding articles ; thecap- t i ; ,„ , • rgeant, and tie- men will conform themselves, in like manner, to what if therein prescribed. 72. The fin by tile will sommence on the left «>l the company, now become the right. In the tire by rank, the firing will commoner with the front rank, now be- come the rear. 7'.S. To resume the proper front, the instructor will command : 1. tare by the front rank. i. CompaHy. 3. About— FacB. 74. At the first command, the captain, coveriug sergeant aud file closer will con- form to what is prescribed Hoa. C'j and 70. 7i. At the third command, the company having faced about, the captain and covor- ingsergeaut will resume their places in line. 7g. In this lesson, the instructor will impress on the men the importance of aiming always at some particular object, and of holding the piece as prescribed in the school of the soldier, BO. 17b. SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY— LESSON III. 3f 77. The instructor will recommend to the captain to make a short pause between the command* mm ndyirt, men time to aim with accuracy. DUween ♦n 7 ^, T l' P r il Y, ,ruf ' 1 t " r Jf, 111 ^ 1 * 08 ^">»elfiii po-ition to see the two ranks, in order todetect faults ; hewi I charge the captain and file closer, to be equally watehful and to report to bio when the rank, are at reet. He will remand, for i, dividu' ' itructioo, the men who may be observed to load badly. maiTiauai in- I The instructs will recommend to the BoMien, ill (he firing, the h.Vfect decree of i Com,K, SU re,,r pre.- ence of mind ; he will ,,,1,, nothing thS' majTnTrib so. lie will jrive to the men a, a gmutrtd frineipU, to maintain, in the direct fire h left heel in its pla, thai .he alignment of the ranks and files may ■ Jan'ce^ulrtSll.^ 7 ' * ~ lti ""' ^ «* exercise in firing £ foUow? ins ' rUctor wi " nhscT ™> in «*««on to then remarks, all those which When the firing is executed with cartridges, it i* particularly recommended that a nT.'r r rV, ,'i ".' 7 lf " ,ckl "v " ether .„■., ' • am the tube wbicl i tarn indication that the piec bat ir , „„ ,,,„ f ,,„ ltl .. ir , -eaj Idier, in such caao in.tead ofre-loading/ wil pick and ■ ,'i Z , t. l-ehevn,;, the load to be discharge,!, the eoldier should pur a Vcon.l'eari^; ' hu Piece, he ought at least to perceire it in ramming, bv the beiirnt tf theToad- and '':;,; ^;:,:;!s: ; «""■■»■•■«-" 5T«:SS .■flli' ''","'.',"1""'" .'"Pi"'";- " '"'" a °*P ''•" »"■""' »•», »•< Mm tab. b Ibmd .top™) at'idVSir^; Tjrsar m - - •■*■■ -* "• *»33 LESSON THIRD. Art;ci.k Fihst. To advance in line of battle. .1 K" JJif r° m '' an - T bein P.i» ««W of battle, and corn, tlv aligned, when the bjatn '; ', """* U in »»»1 it, he will assure himaelf ih« in and covering W geanl are perfectly in KofttdJ tiw ranks and thai th accurately cover.- the captain: tfa. an Jl i ...front of tl em. and, rear, *"■ 7 ' • bcin ? aligned on the directing file, wiil command : 1. Company, forward. At this, asfcrgeaat, proTfoualy deeignated, will move t \ x Baf .„, ; n ai K-,nee„r •n preacribed w II r CM .' '-"•*"'• who 'ion will tt,. mr , ra „„ ( >waaad th< ~ '" " "°* w ■ 11 step , si ,]c, and com,, ' ■nr B . 1, the company will step of with life. The direct!,, rvp r^t r^ •« ''I at the d>«tnrK I 33 - IIOOL OF TIIF. O'MI'ANY LMSBOS JO. Bl. Tlic file closers will march at the habitual distance of two paces behind the rear rank. 92. If the men I the precision of his step, his hni>it of main- • shoulders in a square with a given line af directioa, ami of prolonging that line without variation. should fail ta observe these principles, undulations in the front of the companj n : the men will be unabie to oontract the 1 of taking steps equal ia length and swiftness, and of maintaing tbeir shoulders in a square with the line of direction — the only means of obtaining perfection in the march in line. !'7. The instructor, with a view the bettor, to establish the men in the length and '■.id' •nee of the step, and in the principles of the march in line, will cause the c panv to ad or four hundred paces, at once, without halting, it' the ground will permit. In the B will march the company with open ranks, tbe better to observe the two ranks. OR. Th« instructor will see, with care, that all the principles of the march in line are strictly obeerv .1 : he will generally be on the directing Hank, in a position t<> ob- aks, and the faults they may commit ; he will sometimes halt behind the directing file during some thirty successive steps, in order to judge whether the directing sergeant, or toe directing tile, deviate from the perpendicular. Auticle Second. To halt the Company, marching in line of battle, and to align it. . The instructor, wishing to halt the company, will command : 1. Company. 2. Halt. 1QS. At the s ec on d command, the aorapany will halt; the directing sergeant will ii in adv.n,ee. onJ i to return ti> the line of tile closers. Th • com . halt, the Instructor may advance the first three or tour tiles on the side of Mei:. and align the company on that basis, or he may confine himself to cau ctifled. In thislastcue, he will command: Captain, rectify the alignment. The captain will direct th. 'eant to attend to the rear wh n each, glancing bis eyes along his rank, will promptly rectify it, oonformi what ; hool v.i' the soldier, No, 325. AuTict.r. Tbibd. Olli'i'i* march in lint of battle. 101. The eon. panv being in the direct march, when the instructor shall wish to It to march obliqulj . be « ili comic ami \ 1. Right (or le/t) oblique. 2. March. 108, At the command march, the company will take the obll iuc Btep. The mer. will accurately i principles prescribed in the school of the Boldier, No SSI. their distances, and mat'eh in rear < next t,p th • righl | or left of their habitual Bl lie. When the instructor wishes the direat march to be resumed, he will command : 1. Forward, 2. Ifancs. At the command marcA, the company will resume the direct march. Tin* in« tor will move briskly twenty paces in front of the captain, and facing the coat* (•any, will ; ■ . th in thi prolongation of the captain and covering ser- ; and then, by a sign, will move the dii ■■■ant on tbe same line, if he already on ft; the latter will immediately take two points on tbe ground be- tween) himself and the instructor, i points of direc- tion. ■■■■ i V . 89. 103. In the oblique inarch, the men not having the tOUl h of elbows, the guide will SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY — LE8SSON II I. alwavs bo on the ride towards which the oblique Is made, without any indication to thai • pivrti ; and when the direct march ia named, the guide will be, equally without indication, on the tide where it was previous to the oblique. 106. Th" inatractor will, nt Brit, cause t!i n oblique to b • mail • toward! the ride of the guide. II" « ill also dli ed the captain to have an eye on the directing sorofcant, In nc perpendicular line to the front with him, whim following a i direction. K'V. During I In* continuance of the march, the Inftmctor will be Watchful that the men follow parallel directions, in conforming to th • principle* prescribed in t he icbool of the soldier) for preserving the general alignment : « henever the men lose the align- tin ii by lengthening or shortening the without altering tl or changing the direction, 108. The instructor will place himself in front of the company and face to it, in order t'> regulate the march of the directing sergeant, or the man who is on the flank rdn which the oblique is made, and to see that the principles of the march are !y observed, and thai the files do not crowd. I ric:.E Fourth. To mark time, to march i quick time, andtlie back Hep. The company hejni- in the direct march and in quick time, tl >r, to it to mark time will command: 1. Mark time. 2. M 110. To rc?ume th • march, he will command : 1. forward, 2 March. 111. the march in double quick time, the instructor will command : 1. Dovble quick. 2. tf&acH. 112. The command march will be pronounced at the instant cither foot is coming to 113. To resume quick time, the instructor will command: L Quick timt*. 2. March. 114. Th" command mnrch will be pronounced at the Instant either foot is coming to the ground. 1 Ine; at a halt, the instructor may cause it to march in the back "ill command : 1. Company backward. 2. M\ 118. The Hack 'mcr to the prin f > bed in the tor will not U> be taken in t 11" panj in marching in double quick nek in thi if marchii>_ mo. I - ■ 40 SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY — LEfcrOX IV. 1. I'omjiany. 2. Aln>ut — FaCK. 120. The company having faced to the rear, the Instructor will place hiuiselfin front of the directing lil". conforming to what i- prescribed, No. 84. 121. The instructor, being correctly established, on the prolongation of the <'• ing file, will command : iy.n?ii/ forward. 122. At this, the din ant will conform himself to what [■ prescribed, with this difference— ho will place himself six paces in front of the I iding. LIS. The covering sergeant will step into the line of file closers, opposite to lag interval, and the captain will place himself in the r« ar rank, now become the front. 124. This disposition being promptly made, tin- instructor will command : 4. MaacH. 12.'». At this, the directing sergeant, the captain, and the men, will conform them- selves to what is prescribed No. 89, and following. 120. The instructor will cause to be executed, marching in retreat, all thai i scribed for marching in advance; the commands and the means of elocution will be the same. 127. The instructor having halted the company, will, when he mar vish, cause it to race to the front by the command prescribed No. 119. The captain, tl ant, and the directing sergeant) will resume their habitual places in Line, the moment they shall have laced about. 128. The company being in march by the front rank, if the instructor should wish it tn march in retreat, he will cause the right about to be executed while marching, and to this, effect will command: 1. Company. 2. Right about. 3. Maiicji. t 129. At the third command, the company will promptly face about, and recommence the march by the rear rank. 130. The directing sergeant will face about with the company, and will more rapid- ly lis paees in front of toe Gle closers, and upon the prolongation of the guide. The instructor will place him in the proper direction by the means prescribed No. 1 " i . The captain the corering sergeant, and the nun, will conform to the principh so ib -il for the inarch in retreat. 131. When the Instructor Wishes the company to march by the front rank, li" will give the same commands, and will regulate the direction of the march bj th means. 132. The instructor will cause to be executed in double quick time, all the move- ments ] rescribed in the S 1. 4th, 6th and 6th lessons of this b< hool, ■ ith the exception of the march backwards, which w ill be executed only in quick time. He will give the same commands, observing to add doublt quick before the command march. 133. When the pieces are carried on the right shoulder, in quick time, the distance between the ranks will be sixteen inches. Win never, therefore, the instructor bi inn the company li a shoulder to thfl position, the rear rank must shorten a lit 1 1 first steps in order to gain the prescribed distance, and will lengthen the iti ps, on the contrary, in order to close np when the pieces are again brought to a shoulder. In marching in double quick tin w. the distance between the rank- will be twenl inchsji, and the piece n ill be carri< d habitually on the right shoulder. 134. Whenever a company is halted, the men will, bring their pieces al on< ■boulder at the cum ma ml halt. The rear rank will close to its proper d rules are ijcncnil LESSON FOURTH. Auin I To march by the flank. 185. The company being in tine of battle and at a halt, when the instructor shall wish to cause it to march by the right flank, be will command: 1. Company, right— F Mi. 2. Forward, S. Makcii. 130. At the first command, the company w ill face to the right, the covering sergeant SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY— LESSOR IV. 41 will place himself at the head of the front rank, the captain having ■- t'j-j>oH out for tin- purpose, in far m to find himself by the ride of the sergeant, and on li i h lefl : the front rank will double aa is prescribed in the school of the aoldier, No. 362; tl rank will, at the sane time, side step to the right one pace, and doable in the man nor -. so that when the movement is completed, the (Ilea will be formed of four men aligned, and elboa to elbow . The intervals « ill be preferred, 1ST. The file closers will also mow by aide step to the ri^lit. so that when tlio rank3 are Formed, they will be two paces from th< rearmost rank. L38. At tli" command morels, the company will move off briskly in quick time: the covering sei head of the front rank, and the captain on Ids left, will march straight forward. The men of each 61 e will march abreast of theil front rank direct to the front; the file closers will march opposite their m line of battle. 130. The instructor will eaui • the principles of the march by the flank to be observ- ed, in placing himself pending on the. inarch, as pr< act Ibi d in the school of the soldier >'o. 367. 140. The instructor will cause the march by the lefl Sank to be executed by the same commands, substituting Iqft for right; the ranks will d< been pre- scribed in tl ir the soldier, No. •:.''! : the ri ar rank will side-step to the left one pace before doubling. 141. At the instant the company faces to the left, the left guide will place himecl* at the head of the front rank : the captain will pass rapidly to the left, and | If by the right ride of this guide the covering sergt ant n ill rt | . ; tain in the front rank, the moment the latter quits it to go to the left. Ah i hi k < T" ckange direction l>y jilc. W2. The company being faced by the flank, and cither in march, or at a halt, when the instructor thall wish to whet 1 by lile, he will command : 1. / or right. | 2. Ma nar. 143. At the command march, the Brst Die will wheel; if to the side of the front rank man. th<' latter will take care not to turn at once, but t" horl arc of a circle, shoi tening a little the brst five or sis sU pa in order to give time to the fourth man of this tile to conform himsell to the movement. If the wheel be to the si the rear rank, the front rank man will wheel in the step of twenty-eight inches, and the fourth man will conform himself to the movement bj a short arc of a explained. Each die will come to wheel on the same ground u that which preceded it wheeled. 144. The instructor w ill sec that the wheel be ezet in order that the di-ta< !. and that tl be no check or hindrance at the n i, t. AnrtCLi fores. To kali fL> company marching by the fiank i and to ih< f\ 1 15. 1 r will command : 1. Company. 2. Hai.t. 3. Faosrr. 14' ■ guide, if tl - l«-ft (lank, will r the instant lh< i nt. 147. The instruct * may then align the company the ir.cani pi 100. Aai ■file. I company be marching by the right flank, the infractor will command : 42 I ",1, OP Til:: COMPACT — LESSON IV. 1. i>i th. right, by fit* into line, 2. Mart:!. II mark time: the Cap- in t will turn to tli- right, march straight forward, at I hi the hutructoi when ther ihall hare least six] i i tii» tain will place bin tlv on the fine of battle, an. I n i!! iirect the alignment M th.- men of the front ra l\ arrive : the > • at will place him- It" behind, the captain at the distance of the rear i auk ten >.:i tli ■ riL'li! of the front rank doubli • .■ cb, and pai tptain, will turn to the right; after tut will continue to march elbou I and direct th li ill arrive at tn will fhorten tli tthe odd numb ■•• may prect tie him on the line, t!i ■ o I an Ion th ■ 1 I tain : the i i will after- tb ■ left, and plane himself on the left <>f the odd namb -r ; th • next •li ni the fnmt rank doubled, will - ime manner b hi: i th ■ tw > !ir establish the base of the alignment wards, h will \\ Uow up the are himi If that each file conforms No. 1 :■'. . i'l in march Lj the Ji b, i ion, into Hue, and to canst it to face to the . in m irching-. 163. Tl being in march by the right flank, the instructor will order the .; into line j the captain will immediately command : 1. .Byoomj into line ; 'J. M Altai. ■• the command march, the covering sergeant will continue to march it forward; the men will advance the right shoulder, take the doubli i, and move into lin i, I it the shortest routo, talcing oaire to undouble the files, and to conio . : tl after the other. 155. A.s the front rank men successively arrive In line with the covei they will take from trim tl I then turn their front. n of the rear rank will i th<* movements of their respective lilc lead t.-, but without endeavoring t i arrive in Hui c time with the latter. 157. At the instant the moi captain «iil fa o to' his company in to follow up the execution ; a as the company is formed, he will coin- , place himself twi e the centre, face to the front, and take • ihi- company. \ I the c immand quid* left, th cant will promptly i I the front rank, on the left, ti int who is on the opposite flank will remain there. 153. When the coini any marcti ■- by the left flank, this innrement will be executed by tb rding t-i the suae principles; the companj being BOOL OF TUS COMPANY — LESSON V. 13 formed, the captain will command guide right, and place himself in front of his company ill- covering w i : *nl who i^ on 'lie nghl of th • front rank will mi i guide, and I crgoanl plaoi d on tip' left Rank will remain tli 180. Tim-', in a column by company, right or left in front, the covering sergeant and ml of each company will always be placed on tin right and jeft, re- . of the font rank; they will be denominated right yn d on its I Ight be in front, and on the right Bank, if tli" lift l><- in front. ii nts, the file closers will follow tli" platoons to which tie v arc attai i I( T. The Instructor mav cau=c the companv. marching by the flank, triform by . Lbed r 161. ijr, without a halt, from the march by the front, to tlm march by the !! ink, and reciprocally. In < i 1 1 * will employ the i chool ef the soldi r, No. 'ting iquad. The company will face to th" right or left, in u i lin, the guides, and file closers «ill conform th ' ' ink, or iu the march by the front ".'' ■■•- c • . .inn. It '. If, after facing to the right or loft, in marc! aaptain will place bin ank, now leading, and the file closers will march in front of this rank. 170. Tie- i • them from _ f *nt in the . the flank, ill. 171. Th-- company b ing .it .i ha I rrak 17' SCHOOL OF TUB COMPANY — LESSON V. dicular to that oeeopied by the company in lino of battle: each platoon will v. to the principles pi r tbe wheel on a fixed ptvot,and irben the man ti the marching Hank shall approach to mar the perpendicular, its chief will command : 1. Platoon. '-'. Halt. 1T4. At the command halt, which will be given at the Instant tbe man wh the marching (lank shall hare arriTed nt three paces From the perpendicular, platoon will halt ; tin • gi .mi v\ ili move t" tbe point wb ere the left of the first platoon La in rest, passing by the front rank ; tl I will place blm- si K. |n liki' manner, in respect to the second platoon. Each will uk.' care to leave en himself and the man on the right of li i> platoon, |ual to its i antain and first lieutenant will look to t h take care to align the aer- ■ beta een himat If and the man of tbe platoon u ho had meed to 1. 1 1 - - right 175. The guide of each platoon, being thus established <>n the perpendicular, each will place himself two paces outside of his gni i Lug towards him, will and: :;. L*ft- D 17C. The alignment being ended, each chief of platoon will command, i'loisr, and place himself two paces beiore its centre. 177. Tbe file closers will conform themselves to die movement of their respective platoons, preserving always the distance ol two | toes from the rear rank. 178. The company will break by platoon to th 1 it. according I The Instructor will command : 1. Bg platoon, left ivhccl. 1. Haboh. 179. The first command will be executed in thesame manner a.< if breaking by platoon to the right. 180. At the command march, the left front rank man of each platoon will face to the left, and t!u> platoons will wheel to the left, according to tbe pi indoles prescribed for the wheel on a fixed pivot ; the chiefs of platoon will conform to the principles indi- cated Ifos. 173 and 174. 181. At the command halt, given by the chief of each platoon, the eorei ing sergeant on the right of the front rank of the Brat platoon, and the si ir the left of the second platoon, w ill each move to the point i w here the right of his platoon is to rest. The chief of each platoon should be careful to aligi tween him elf and the of the platoon who had faced to the left, and w ill then command : RigKt- l> 188. The platoons being aligned, eat h chief of platoon will command, Fuost, and ] lace Inn:- li opposite ii - oci 188. The instructor wishing to break l '"" company by platoon to the right, and to move tbe column forward after the wheel is complet) a, will caution the company to that .in 1 command : 1. By platoon, right whotL '-■ M.vueii. 184. At tbe first command, tho chiefs of platoon will move rapidly in front of their respectii •• platoons, conforming to what has been prescribed No. 172, and w ill remain in this position during the continuance of tbe « heel. The covei ing sergeant will re- place the chief of the first platoon in the front rank. 186. At the command march, the platoons will wheel to tbe right, conforming to the print ipU I herein pi c.-ei ibod : the man 00 the pivot will let face to the right, but. will mark tune, conforming himself to the moi ement of the Diarchies Hank ; ami when th" man w ho i- On the left ol' this Hank shall an ive mar the p/rper.dicular, the instructor will command : .",. Forward. 4. Msucu. 6. Quid* loft. ISC. At the fourth command, which will be given at the instant the wheel ll Completed, the platoon- will move straight to tbe front, all tbe men taking the step of twenty- eight inches. The covering sergeant at ant n ill mo\ h rapidly to the left efth ir respective platoons, the former pa i the front i auk, The leading <_'uid./ will Immediately take point! on the ground in the direction which may be indi- cated to him by the Instructor. 1-7. At tho fifth command, tbe men will take the touch of elbows lightly to theleft. ii the guide of the second platoon should lose his distance, or the line of direc- tion, lie wiil conform to the principl is heroin prescribed Mos. 103 and 808. 189. If the company be marching in line to the front, the instructor will cause it to SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY — LESSON V. ',."> break by platoon to the right bjr the ume on id mauds. At 1 1 1 o command march, the platooni will wheel in the manner already explained, tho man on the pivot will care to mark time in hia place, without advancing or receding; 1 1 > • - Instruct) of platoon, and the guides, will conform to what 'has ben - l-l and follow in • - of battle jast occupied ; and whether the guide, wh the marching (link of hit platoon liad t" rest, has left, between himself and the front rank man on the right, nr kit. , thu -■.in the front of the platoon. . After the platoon? have broken, if the rcarmnct cuide «hould not aeeur rover tho leading one, he will not i lion till ilu column be pal in march, unless the in»trur-tor. wishing to wheel immediately into line, should thii k it f\ the direction of the guides, which would be executed as will be cplained in Article Fifth of this l< 194 an on the right or left of each pis toon, at the command vmrch. faces to tli" right oi lefl rot of the I, the front rank man next to him ought to rain a little giou; int in wheeling, so as to clear the pivot-man. Arti' T<> march in oobtmn. Tli'- company having bi ■ ';en by platoon, ri;- 1 Trhhlng t" rau^e the column to marrh. will throw himself twentv Bre orthirti in front, iace to the guides, place himself con ectly, on I tioo, and caution take points on ( eund. « i placed, the guide of tholoadincr platoc n will tak>> two 'ind in the straipht I in- tween his own and the beets of his K'T. Tl being made, the instructor will Mep a'id". and com: 1. Column, forward. 2. Quid* It fl or r if k t ), ' t th" command march, promptly re the chiefs ol i latooa, thev. .-■ W'U i that the a 199. 1 - - ■ - U,e march of I 40 ;iool OF THE COMPACT — LESSON v. ■ a lo«* of distance. In nil cases, each chief of platoon will cause it to conform to the movements of it- 1 golem. - Remark* on the march in ooWmn, . 1 [f the chiefs and guides of subdivisions neglect to lead off and t DUirdi from the firal ^.<-y. the march will be began in uncertainty which will . and :i lost of distance. ling gaide take unequal steps, tin- march of his subdivision, and that h follows, will be uncertain ; there will be undulatione, qodekenings, and alai logs in the Dsarch. 306. If the same guide he not babltaated to prolong a given direction, without deviation, he will describe a crooked line, and the column must wind to conform itself to each line. guide be not habituated to march in the trace ol the preceding- one, be will loae bin distance at every in endeavors to regain the tram ration of which i? the moat important principle in the march in column. ; . The guide of each subdivision in column will be responsible for the direction, distance, and step : tin' chief of the subdivision, lor the order and conformity of his subdivision with the movements of tin' guide. Accordingly, the i bief will frequently tin ii, in the march, to observe his subdivision. 109. The instructor placed on tin" (lank of the guides, will watch over the execu- tion of all the principles prescribed; he will, also, sometimes place himself in the 1 1 .i , align himself on the guides, and halt, pending aome thirty paces together, to verify the accuracy of the ^ ui«lo«. 110. In column, chiefs of subdivision will always repeat, with the greatest prompti- tude, the commends, march and halt, no chief waiting for another, but each repeating the command the moment be catches it from the instructor. They will repeat no other command given by him : but will explain, if necessary, to their subdivisions, i;i an under tone of voice, what they will have to execute, as indicated by the commands of caution. Ar.Tiei.E Tiiir.n. To change direction. 211. The changes of direction of a column while marching, will be executed ac- cording to the principles prescribed for wheeling on the march. Whenever^ there- fore, a column is to change direction, the instructor will change the guide, If not v there, to the Hank opposite the side to which the change IS to Da made. IIS. The column being in march right in front, if it be the wish of th" instructor to change the direction to the right, he will give the order to the chief of the first platoon, and immediately go himaelf, or send a marker to the point at which the change of direction is to he made : the Instructor, or marker, will place himself on the direction of the guides, so as to present the breast to that flank of the column. 213. The leading guide will direct bis march on that person, so that, In paaalng, his left arm may just graze his b:ra«* i-oniuiand mctreh. which will bo pronounced at the instant the guide shall bare arrived opposite the marker, the platoon will wheel to the right, conforming to what is prescribes] in the school of the soldier, No. S9& 210. The wheel being finished) the child' of each platoon will command: 3. f'vrtrard. 4. M.\uru. 217. These commands will be pronounced and executed as is prescribed in the school of the soldier. pTos. MjH and 399. The guide of the first platoon will take points on the ground in the new diroction, in order the better to regulate the march. S18. The second platoon will continue to march straight forward till up with tho marker, whan it Will wheel to the right, and retake the direct march by the name commands and the »am<- m^ans which governed the first platoon. 2 ID. The column being in march right in front, if the instructor should wish to HOOL OF THE COMPANY — LESSON V. 17 change direction to the left, he will command, gtiidt right. At this command, the two guides will moTo rapidly to the right of th< tivs platoon-, i ng in front of hu subdivision; the men will take the touch, of elbows to the right ; thein- itmctor will aft« rwarda conform to what ii prescribed, No. 212, '220. The change of direction to the left will then be executed according to same principles aa the change of direction to the right, lint by ini erae means. 221. When the oba&ga of direction '1, t)ic Instructor will command, guide li/t. The change! of direction in a column, left in front, will be executed according to the same principles. 223. In changes of direction in doable quick time, the platoons will whet ' to the principh » preacriLed in the school of the soldier, No. 404. 221. In order I nt men for those formations in line, which enn be executed only by turning to the right or the 1 ft, the instructor will sometimes cause the column tii efa : "" to tli' side ol the guide. In this caso, the chid «il the leading platoon will command: Le/l (or right turn, instead ol - ->n wheel, Th ■ subdivisions will each turn, in succession, conforming to what is prescribed in the 1 of tli" soldier, No. 402. The leading guide, as soon a? h» has turned, w i.i I La on the ground, the bet cr to regulate the direction of the march. . It ia highly important, in order to preserve distancea and the direction, that all the subdivisions of the column should change direction preci the leading subdivision changed; ii ii for this reason that that point" mat ked in advaace, and thai i ibed that the guides direct tneir nm ch on the leer, also that each chid ot subdivision shall not cause the change to com mi till the guide of hi- subdivision has grazed the breast ol this marker. ■ are that his subdivision arrives at the point of ch a in a square with the line of direction: with this view, he will face t" bis sudivhriou wheat tbe one which pi • a or to wheel, and be will be wstfch- ues t<" march squardy until it arrives at the point a ot direction is to commence. . If. in the changes of direction, the pivot of the subdivision which wheels should sjxr the wheeling point, the next subdivision would be arrested and distances lor the guide who conducts the marching Hank having to describe an a;c, in 1 ngth ali"ut a half greater than the front of the subdivision, tbe second subdii would be already np with the wheeling point, whilst tbe flrst which whet the half of its front to execute, ai aid be obliged to mark time until that half ! It is therefore prescribed, that the pivot of each subdivision should -"1 I ol nine or eleven inches in length, according to the swiftness of th : ga:t, in orilci ii"t tn arrest the march of the next subdivision. The chiefs of subdivision will loi.k well to the step of the nil as mat r. Ity the nature ol thi ■ each subdivision will bend a little to the i The guides will never alter the length or the cadence of the step, whether tho ; e. tion be to the side '•! tbi g iced at the wheeling point, wfll always present his breast t flank of the column. The instructor will tak be will Hat thai e» at tlir fjnic instant, distances trill be i '2?.',. If * guide, having lust bis distance, ver it after that COOUBUld, he will only throw hi- fault on the following guide, who, if he hare marched well, will no lancer be al h i it the latter regain what he has ihu the movement will be propagated t<> the rear ol the column. Ar.Tirir. Firm. Being in column by ]>!"'• kt or left into line of battle, either at o hall or on the march. 235. The instructor baring halted the column, righl in front, anil wishing to form U into line of battle, will plaee himself at platoon distance i:i front of the leading guide, face to him, and rectify, If necessary, the position of the guide beyond; which • secut< d, he will command : Left— Dress. 130. At this command, which will not be repi ;t t « d by the chi >fs of platoons, each of them will place himself briskly two paces outside of his guide, and direct the of the platoon perpendicularly to the direction of the column. 'J"7. Each chief having aligned his platoon, will 01 i: n quickly to his place in column. 23S. This disposition being made, the instructor will command: 1. Lr/t into line uhcrl. 1. MahCH. 2r,f). At the command march, briskly repeated by the chi lis of platoon, the front rank man on the lit of each platoon will race to the left, and place his breast lightly ag-iiii-t the arm of the guide by his side, who stands fast : the platoons will wheel to the left on the principle of wheels from a hall, and i comfon.iity to what is prescribed, No. !&<• Each chief will turn to his platoon to observe its moremei t. and when the marching flank has approached near the line ol battle, he will command : 1. J'latonu. 1. Halt. 240. The command halt will be given when the inarching flank of the platoon is three paces from the line of battle. '.'41. The chief of the second platoon, haying baited it, will return to his plaee as a file cloi around the left of his subdivision. 142. The captain having halted the first platoon, will move rapidly to the point at which the right of the company will rest in line of battle, and command : Right — Dams. .')!. At this command, the two platoons will dress up on the alignment : the front rank man on the right of the leading platoon, who finds himself opposite the instructor [shed on the direction of the guides, will place hU in < est lightly Rgainst the left officer. The captain will direct the alignment from OH the opposite Hank of the com] any. 241. T1k I ■ the captain will command: Fbokt. 2415. The initractor seeing the company in line of battle, will command : Quid** — Posts. 246. At this command, the covering sergeant will cover the captain, and the left guide will return to bis place n« a fill 247. If the column be left in front, and the instructor should wish to form it to the right in! • line of battle, he w ill place himsi If at plate in front of the leading guide, iV'e to him, and rectify, ifnei eatary, the position of, the . ad ; which • scouted, he will command: 1. flight into line, tchrtl. 2. March. At the command march, the front rank man on the right of each platoon will face to the right and place hi* breast lightly against the left arm of the guide by his who standi fast : each platoon will wheel to the right, and will be halted by its chief, when the marching Hank ha I near the line of buttle; lor this pur- pose, the chief of each platoon will command: 1. J'latoon. 2. Halt. BOOL OF THE COMPANY — LESSON V. 49 249. The command halt will be given when th" marching flank of the platoon in three paces from the line of battle. The chief of the second platoon having halted his platoon, will resaiM nil place in the rank of file closers. 250. The captain having halted the fir't platoon, will move briskly to the point at which the left df the company will mt, anil command : D 261. At this command, the two platoons will dreN up on the alignment; the man on the left of the second platoon, opposite the htstractor, will place his l>rea«t lightly against the right arm of this officer, and the captain will direct the alignment from the left on the man on the opposite Hank of the company. ISS. The company being aligned, the captain will command: Front. 253. The instructor will afterwards command : Gui'lri — V 294. At this command, the captain will move to the right of his companv, the rove ring sergeant will (.over him, ami the left gokU will return to his jla:e as a file ■ 1"-' i . tSS. The instructor may omit the command Irft or right rfrr»», previous to com- manding left or right into line, wheel, or, less, after rectifying the position of tb° g aid e s , it should become necessary to dress tin platoons, or one of them, laterally to the right or left. 2;>d. The instruetor, before the command Irft Cor right] info lint, trhrrl, will assnre him- If that the rearmost platoon i« at it« exact wheeling distance from the one in front. This attention is important, in order to detect negligence on the part of guides in this essential point. 2 r <7. If the column be marching rigv.t in front, and the instrnctor should wish to form it into line without halting the column, h« will pive the commands prescribed, No. 23s. and move rapidly to platoon distance in front of the leading guide. 2.'.*. At the command **nrrh, briskly repeated by the chiefi of platoon, the left guides will halt short, the instructor, the chiefs of platoon, and the platoons, will conform to what is prescribed, No. 2.1ft and following. imn be in march left in front, this formation will be made according to th" same principles, and by inverse bm Tf the column be marching right in front, and the instructor should wi«h to form it into line without baiting the column, and Ut march the company in line to the front, be vvili command: 1. By plntonn* Irft vhrrl. 2. M*RCn. M. At the commar.d mnrrh, briskly repeated by th" chiefs of platoon, the left gui'l s will halt : th' man n"tt to th" li ft guide in each platoon will mark time : the ;lie left, conforming to toe principles of the wheel on a fixed Wli n the right of the pla t oo ns , fhall arrive near the line of battle, the in- : will 'command : 3. /•rtrorn'. i. March. 5. Guidt right (or itft.) At the fourth command, given at the instant the wheel is completed, all the ■sen of the compear will m< titer with the step «f twenty eight inch"- captain, the chiel of the second p| -tant, and the left guide will take th( ir ) '.'ito.ns ai in line of battll . I mand. which will be riven immediately after the fourth, the n and enrerinn sergeant, if not already there, will more briaklr so tha i - Whicl I. The noncoromis«ioned ofheer charged with th«> : spidly in front of the guid< . and will t>' bis line of march I X ■ ike point* Thr tn'- tak<- • | thcmeelre* I etples of the match in line. 1 The same prinrij lc» are s; plicable to a colamn left in front. 4 50 SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY— LESSON* VI. - -ov SIXTH. Article To break the company into platoons, and tore-form the company. To break the company into platoons. 205. The company marching in the eadenoi '1 step, ami lapp—ed to make part of a column, right in front, when the instructor (hall with to cause it to break by | Lateon. lie will ^jive the order to the captain, who will oomroand : 1. />v< ak into platoons, and immediately plaee hlnstelf befo:c thi the first platoon. 2CC. At th^ command break into platoons, the first lieutenant will pas* quickly around the left to the centre of hi ad give the caution : Mark time. Dm captain will then command : 2. March. 268. The first platoon will continue to march straight forward; the covering ser- geant will move rapidly to the left flank of this platoon (passing by the front rank) as soon as the flank shall be disengaged. M9. At the command march, rlTea by th^ captain, the second platoon will begin to mark time; Hi chief will Immediately add : 1. Bight oblique. 2. The last and will be given so that this platoon tnav commence obliquing the instant the rear rank of the first plntoOB shall have passed. The men will shorten the step in obliquing, so that when the command forward march is given, the platoon may hare its exact distance. 270. The guide of the second platoon beiDp near the direction of the guide of the first, the chief of the second will command Forward, and add Mahcii, the instant that the guide of his platoon shall cover the guide of the first. 271. In a column, left in front, the company will break into platoons by inverse means, applying to the first platoon all that ha* been prescribed for the second, and reciprocally. In this rase, the left guide of the compa iv will shift to the ri.'ht flank of the second platoon, and the OOTaring sergeant will remain on the right ot the first. To r&form the company. 273. The column, by platoon, being in march, right in front, when the instructor shall wish to cause it to form company, he will give the order to the captain, who will command: Form company. 274. Having given this command, the captain will immediately add : 1. First pla- toon ; 2. Rigfl* ohli.juc. '.!7:>. The chief of the second platoon will caution it to continue to march straight forward. 27t',. The captain will then command: S. Mauch. 277. At this command, repeated by the chief of the second, the first platoon will oblique to the right, itt order to unmask the second; the covering sergeant, on the left of the first platoon, will return to the right of the company, patting b] the front rank. 278. When the Brit platoon .'ball have nearly unmasked the second, the captain will command: 1. Mark lime, and at the instant the Bnmaskiog shall be complete, he will adil : ft. M Alien. The |»l platoon will then cease t.. oblique, and mark time. 279. In the mean time the second platOOH will have continued to march straight forward, and whin it shall be nearly np with the first, the captain will command J urd, and at the Instant thetwo platoons shall unite, add Mitcu ; the first platoon will then cease to mark time. 280. In a column, left in front, the same movement will be executed by inverse means, the chief of the .second platoon giving the command forward, and the captain adding the command March, when the platoons are united. 281. The guide of the second platoon, on its right, will pass to it' left Hank the mo- ment the platoon begins to oblique ; the guide of the first, on its right, remaining on that dank of the platooa. I! school of the company — lesson vi. :>\ 2S2. The instructor will also sometime! cause the company to break and re form, by platoon, by his own direct commands. In this cue, he will fire tbe general com- mands prescribed for the captain above : 1. Break into j,latoon«; '1. IIabck; and 1. Form Company ; 2. Mahch. 283. If, in breaking the companv into platoons, the subdivision that breakl "(F should mark time too might, in a column of many subdivisions, arresl tho march of the following "ne, which would cause a lengthening of the column, and a loss of distances. 284. In breaking into platoons, it is necessary that the platoons which oblique should nol shorten the step too much, in order not to lose distance in column, and not to arrest the march of the following subdivision. 285. If a platoon obliqaei too far to a flank, it would be obliged to oblique again to the opposite flank, to regain the direction, and by the double movement arrest, prob- ably, the march of the following subdivision. The 'hi. Pi of those platoon* which oblique will face to their plafoons, in order ing principle*, 287. When, in a column of several companic s, they break in succession, it is of the greatest importance that each company should continue to march il without shortening or slackening, whilst that which precede! breaks, although the following company should close up on the preceding one. T h i .■- a 1 1 < niiwj ii i tsential I _-iinst an elongation of the column. but little moment, in a column of a few companies, would be serioUa inconveniences in a general column of many battalions. B< nee the instructor will rive the pi - in causing all the prescribed principles to be strictlj observed. To thi- i nd, he h ill hold himsilf on the directing flank, the better to observe all the movements. vn. Being in cotumti, to break JUe$ to lh<- rear, and to < n to n ■-< n/ir into line. I, The company being in march, and supposed to constitute a subdivision of a column, right "t left i io front, when the Instructor >hall wish I ■ *k off he will _• let to the captain, who will immediately tuir. I and command i 1. file* /mm le/l (or right) to rear. 2» >J - \ At the command star e i, the two files on the lefl | anv will i the others will ooatinur to anarch straight forward ; the two real i*nk i. as tbe i ear rank of the cotn]. any shall char them | iter shoulder ; the odd number will j hind the thin] lib from that flank, the < ven number behind the fourth. ad the odd nun.! . Iroot rank i t>< n will, in like manner, to tie right w le n the real rank of the company shall eh ar them, the odd nusa- first file, the even number behind th< umber. If the ( I the right, the i third tie, the ...Li QUI rank behind the foart] . - •< - * t t.l < . t b*» (Kid: • behind th>~ second, the odd nui n numb* is. Th-- m< n will be careful nut • Hi.res and t. ■ 7U] . If tl >ld stiQ wish to break two Mrs fi on the same . !.< « 1 » rder to the captain, who mill 2^2. At tm - idi an- a little the out. f '1: "lildi r. » .11 c., ■ fllri to th< ■ (Tth of the « t <• j in ord 29w up* of two dies, but the- new files nut always be i side. r,2 SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY — LEVOX fl, I ■ tor. wishing to 6*0** "1°* broken nlf to return into line, he will ?ivc tK • 01 il, r t.i the captain, who will immediately command : 1. Tiro filet into line. 2. Milieu. T.iU. At the command marrh. the lirst two til. - of thOM marching bj the flank will return briskly into line, nnd the "th -rs "ill gain th" space of two liles by udvauciug the IniHT shoulder towards the llxnk to which they belong Tbecaptail will turn tohtfC impany, to watch the observance of the principle* which h rejost been preeoribed. 297. The instructor having caused groups of two file* to break one after another, and to r turn again into line, will afterward- oaOM two or three jH)BSH BO break to- gether, and for tlii* purpose, will coininand : /'our or tix filet from left (or rig! rear; .Maui ii. The file* designated will mark time; each rank will advance a little the outer shoulder as MOB a< the rear rank of the company lhall char it. will oblique at once, ami each group will place itself behind the four neighboring files, and in the f:i.H( manner, as it the movement had been executed group by group, taking care that the distance! at e pr ece nred. M8. Th" instructor will next order the captain to cau-e two or three groups to bo brought into line at once, who turning to the company, will command : four or nix filet into line — MabCW, 299. At the command marr!,, the files designated will adranee the inner shoulder, move up and form on the Hank of the company by the shortest lines. 300. As often as liles shall break off to the rear, the guide on that flank will gradually slose on the nearest front rank man remaining in line, and he will also open out to make room for liles ordered into line. 301. The files which march in the rear are disposed in the following order : the left files as if the company was marching by the right Hank, and tin' right files as if the company was marching bv the left flank. Consequently, whenever there is on the right or left of a subdivision, a lile which docs not belong to a group, it will be broken singly. 302. It is necessary to the preservation of distances in column that the men should be habituated in the schools of detail to execute the movements of this article with precision. 303. If new files broken off do not step well to the left or right in obliquing ; if, when files are ordered into line, they do not move up with promptitude and precision, in either case the following fdes will be arrested in their march, and thereby cause the column to be lengthened out. 304. The instrsetor will place himself on the flank from which the files arc broken, to assure himself of the exact observance of the principles. 3U.V Files will only be broken off from the side of direction, in order that tho whole company may easily pass from the front to the flank march. Aktici.e Third. To march (he column in route, ami to execute the movemmtn incident titer eto. 30C. The s w iftn ess of th" route step will be one hundred and ten stops in a minute ; this swiftness will be habitually maintained in columns in route, when the roads and ground may permit. 307. The company being at a halt, nnd supposed to constitute a subdivision of a column, when the instructor shall wish to came it to maich in the route step, ho will command : 1. Culumn, forward. 1. (niidt, left tor right.) 3. Route tttp. i. March. 308. At the command murrh, repeated by the captain, the two ranks will step off together ; the rear rank will take, in marching, by shortening a few steps, a distance of one pace ^ twenty-eight inches) from the rank preceding, which distance will be computed from the breasts of the men iu the rear rank, to the kuapsacks of the men in the front rank. The nun, without further command, will immidiatcly carry their arias or icill, aj indicated in tho school of the soldier. No. 21U. They will no longer be required to march in the cadenced pace, or with the same foot, 01 to remain silent. The liles will march at ease ; but care will be taken to preYSat the ranks from intermixing, the front rank from getting in advance of the guide, and the rear rank fi cm oponing to too great a distance. SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY— -LE8KON VI. 53 9 30!). The company marching in the route ptrp, th" instructor will MUM il to change. direction, which will be executed without formal commands, oa a simple caution [torn tii ■ captain : tli rear r auk will omaeaf to change direction in the same man nor a* tho front rank. Each rank will conform itself, although in the i oute step, to 1 1 1 » - pi indoles which ban ribed for the change in closed rank*, with this difference only i that the |iivot man. instead iif taking steps, of nin •, will t .ik .- itepl "I fou teofl inches, in o; il. r to dear the » heeling point. 310. The company marching in the rente step, to cause it to pass to the oad< need step, the instructor will in st order pieces to be brought to the right shoulder, an'! then command : 1. Clr,,r Onirr. 1. MarCII. 311. At the command mnrrh, the men will resume the cadenced step, and will close so M to have a di&lanc • of tixtoea B i ach rank. 111. The company marching in the cadeaci d pace, the instructor, to cause it to take the roate itep, will command : 1. Boats Step. 1. M uirn. 313. At tlie command mnrrh, the front rank will continue the step of twenty-eight inches, the rear rank will take, by gradually shortening the step, the distance of ta eight inches frtm tho front tank ; the men will Barry their arms at will. 314. If the compani he marching in the roate st «p, and the Instructor sboald =uppose t] ot marching by the II ink in the Mat dnection, he will cominand i 1. Cimpnny ha thr Tight {or lif I) flank. '1. Ily fxlr left (or right. '■• 3. Maiu'ii. At the command mnrrh. the company will face t" the right (or left) in march* lag, the captain will pis fbj the side of the guide who conducts tb< hading (lank ; this gaide will wheel immediately to the left 01 ighl : all the Hies wi ' 1 •-.wheel on .t as the guidi*: If there be flies broken off to the they will, by wheeling, regain th .r respective places, aad folloa the ■oreuMBt ol ile ( smpaay. s't. r having caaoed the company to be again formed into line, will g ami diminishing front, by platoon, which will be executed by il the company were 1 n the -. the chief of each a ill move to the flank of his platoon, and will taki : guide, who will step back into tie !• ai tank. 317. The company being in column, by platoon, and supposed to march in the route be diminished and inci tion.ifthe : « have a ft movement* of diminishing and increasing fi out. by °>-otion. will be pj led for the a bj platoon. Hie right inmanded by the captain and In st lieuti nant. rcspe( tirely; tubal terns in rank, ur, in their J 119. The instructor wishing to diminish by section, will give the order t" th 1 aptain, H ill command : 1. J!r M IM j shall !>' b fin it ''.ink in the back Into the rear rank: th rithin one | .ink. i luinti in rout wiQ I ; 1 tbe V 1. /"o»TT> f'lnlr...,,,. 2. MUTH. diminishing aad increasing front by fib • . a» 1 • 54 SCHOOL OF TUT COMPANY — LESSON VI. H5. The rn-nptiiT bcinjj broken by platoon, ' >n. the instructor will canso it, marching in the roul ■ march bv the Hank in the same direction, by the com ma nds and the means indicated, Pfoe, 314 and 315. Then ibdiriaiona shall'- wrill wheel to the left (or right,) ha marobing, n, and to unit* with the rear file of the aubdi' Immcdiatelv preceding. The die closers will take their habitual places in the march by the Bank, b fore the anion of the subdivisions. lit. If the company be marching by the right Sank, and the instructor ihonld wish ti uniloubh- the files, irhich might sometimes be found necessary, he will inform thr> captain, who. after earning the cadencedttep to be n nimed, ami arnu to be shoahieit d or inpportedj will oommand : 1. /« two rnnki, undouhle jiUi. 2. March. 327. At the ■eodnd oommand, the odd numbers will continue to march straipht for- ward, tin- •• v iti numbers will shorten the step, and obliquing to the Left, will place th'tiif'lvi- promptly behind the i dd nambera ; the rear rank a ill pain a step to 1 1 i" ;i- i" retake t i • • toacfa of elbowi on the > i< i >* <>t" the fronl rank. . lithe company be marching bv the left Hank, it will be the eTcn nambera who will continue to march forward, and the odd numbers who will andool S39. If the instructor should wish to doable the til'-s. he will give the order to th<5 captain, who will command : 1. In/our rank*, double file*. 2. M.Wu it. 330. At the command atarea, the tile< will doable in the manner as explained, when the company faces by the right or th il< it flank. The inatructor will aft irwardi the route el p to be ret nmed. S31, The various movements preaorlbed in this leaaon may be exeoated in doable quick time. The men will be brought, bj pass over at thii gait about aleraa hundred yards in seven minal 332. When the company marching in the roate step shall halt, the rear rank wiH close up at the command malt, and the whom will shoolder i 333. Marobing in the route step, the men will !>• permitted to carry their piee the manner they shall Bnd moat convenient, pa] bag attention only to holding the mui- zles up, so as to avoid accident?. Auticle Fourth. Countermarch. ■ . The com]. .my being at a halt, and aappi Mtate part of a column, ripht t, (i heM the inatructor shall w tab to cause it to coantermat cb, he will i inasrauwaa. 2. Cosipany, rtoAt— Faci. '.'•. ByfiUltft. \. Mumi. Dond command, tb will face to the right, the two guides to the ri'_ r ht about; the captain « ill po to the right of hlacompanj and cms.' two fll break to the rear, and th n place bimi ll by the aide of the front rank man. to conduct him. the oommand more*, both gnldea will stand fast : the o imp toy « ill -i smartly; the Ant file, conduoted by the captain, will wheel around the right guide, arid direct ita march along the fronl rank so as to arrive !> hind, an 1 two par.'- from the left guide; each Ble ^^ i 1 1 i ie in succession t . • wheel na tb I around the righl guide ; the leading Ble having arrived at ■ point opposite to the 1 sft e,ui Ie, the captain will command : I. Company. 2. II ki/r, ; . 1 kt. 4. Ill ''•"~. The first command will be given *.t/oiu the point where the leading Ble i- to r< t. ■ ond command, the company will halt. ). At the third, it will face to the front MO. At the fourth, the company will drflM by the right ; the captain will step two I he I'M gnide, now on the right, ami direct the alignment, so that the Iron I rank may be enclosed between the two guides; thecontpanj being aligned, he will com tn a ml Fuo.n r, and place himself before the centre "I the co npnnv as if in eol- uinn : the guides passing along the front rank, will shift to thei lacoa, on the ripht and 1 ft of that I s school of the company — lesson vi. 55 3-41. In ft column, by platoon, the countermarch will be executed by the munds, and according to the same principle* : the guide of each platoon will I and it- chief* ill . at, to conduct it. 342. In a column, left in front, the countermarch will be executed by ii manda and meant, hut according to the nme principles. Thai, tin- n '11 he made by the right flank of subdivisions, if the right he in front, and by the It ft Hank. if th'' left be iii front; in both cases the subdivisions will wheel by file to the side of the front rank. Artici.b Fifth. Being in column by platoon, to /arm on the right, (or left) into line of hat tie. 343. The column by platoon, ri^-ht in front, being in march, the instructor, wifhing to form it on the right into line of battle, will e immand : 1. On the ritfht into tine, 2. Quid* right. 344. At the second command, the guide of each platoon will shift quicklv t right flank, and the men will touch elbows to the right; I ic t - ) march straight forward. tractor baring given the second command, will more bri point at v. impany ought to real in line, and place himself face- point of direction to the left, which he will rl The line of bat' n that th" guide of each platoon, after having turned to the right, may have, al ke before arriving upon that 1 347. The head of the column beiac nearly opposite to the instructor, the ah th" ti;-'t platoon will command ; 1. Id . At the rornmand hnlt, which will be pivn at the in«tant th^ I ( pls- • inci> ot tht- -n the Hoe will ' hi- will (. ■ ign him on the point of dii the ' rivine. "t the 'am" til (tb( of th( i • jn line, command : man. liim- ■ . will command : 56 980001 OF Tim OOKPAHT — UaVOH vr. Right— IV 3.'>4. IlsTing ^iTon this command, he will return to his place as a filo closer, pass- ing around the l.'fi ; the MGond plat mi will dreM up on the alignment of the first, and, when established, the Captain will ouniinnd : • Pi 3. r >6. At this command, the two guides w ill r. tin n to their j l:»c bj in line of hat tie. 7. A column, bar platoon, left in frost, will form on the left into line of battle, according to the aane principles, and, by InTerac means, appl.i if L r to the socoad pla- toonwhat I a for the first, and reciprocally. The . At the second command, the company will face t" the ii^ht : the right guide and the man on the right will remain faoed to the front, 366. At the command marc*, the men w ho hare faoed to the right, w ill step off. and form file* in the :,iiiow ing manner i the -■• cond men In the rank u ill place hima hind the first to form the first file ! the third w ill. place himscll bjf the side of the first in the front rank ; the fourth behind the third in tin- rear rank". All others will. In like max aer, plane themselves, alternately, in the front end rear rank, and will thus form ides of two men, on the hit of thus,- already formed. Mf, The formattoni above described will be habitually executed by the right of companies-, but when the instructor shall wish to have them executed bj the left, he will face tin- company a h omt, and post thegaldea in the rear rank. ■.. The formation w ill then be executed bj the -a commands, ai d accord!. the same principles as by the front rank ; the mo\ emenl commencing with the left file, now become the right, and in each file by the rear rank man. now become the front; the left j,'"'' 1 ' 1 « '" oonform to what has been pn ici Hx d for the i igbt 360. The formation ended, the instructor will face the company to its proper front. SCHOOL OF TIIE COMPANY — LS3S03 \T. .'7 370. Wh'-n a batt.ilinn in lin« has to execute either of the formations aim- Bcrilv-d. the cokiaej will mm it to bn ak t i the rear by the right i«r left ol companies, ami will then live the commands jaet peracribed ! ten company will ( xi'cut ■ th ■ iini\ ciih hi M if acting singly. Formation, of a company from two ranks into four, and n rocauy, at a holt, and in march, 371. The company being- formed in two rank?, at ■ bait, and roppoae d to form part of a rolumn right in front, win n the instructor shall friah to form it iato lour ranks, he will'coinniand : 1. lit four rank*, form company, 1. Company I 'ft — Face. 3. M quirk — Maecb. > 372. At the second command, the left jruidc will r"main faced to the front, the com- pany will race to the It: the n ar rank will pain the dl n th" front rnnk by a side step to the 1 It and rear, and the men will foltn into lour rank- a* ibed in the school ol the soldier. At the command march, the Bret fde of four men will reface to the front with- out undouhlinp. AH I tour will step off, and about I'm, inches of the preceding file, will bait, and immediately nee to th..- : the men remaining doubh d. '• The file closers will take their new placet in line of battle, at two paces in rear of the fourth rank. 175. The oaptain will superintend the moremeat. lb -company i'inpin tour tank--, wln-nthe instructor "ball wish to form it tnd : 1. In tiro rank', form eompCMf. 2. Company riyht — Faci.. 3. M Uteri or I ■wiefc— M t . 177. At the second command the left guide will stand fast, the company will face to th. ■ - At the command march, the right guide will step off and march in th 'ion of th-- front rank. The leading Die of four men will step the other I . . d file will step off wh n there -lull !>• nn into two ran will ■ rely what baa l«rn prescribed foi I but file -hall Lave its d - u ill command : 1. Qtmpanf. 2. II w t. S. From. rnmand front, the company will face to the front, and t able. ks, and marching to the front, when the hMtmctor shall - tad : I. In f.nir raiik'.f':mrnmj„n,ti. 1. I ■ " 181. At the command nmrrh, th • b-ft jjni-! will coatii inp ti ■ hie, will ta' -r« I., > two rani remand : I. In ■ the C ''irmar^l mi- 58 ripht ami u . . the step ■ little, in order to k^ep, as near as mud tile from the left ritatl have ..( the ini Tval neceasarv for th • left Ml • to form into hra ranks, tin? to the left and mutch si .ird; andt' II immediately form inl , and tekethetouehoferbowatotbe 1 ■: ■. Bach file will e> lat baa just I ribed for the file ml each file will f(irm into tw i ranks whan tl. sa it* right quin -I distance and fac -'I to the front. pan.i be iu| | >- <1 to make pari of ■ column, left in front, these dif- '' I •• | 'ding to the same piiaciples and by inverse luting the indication Ufi fur i:nd of the schoOu ok tiif. OOKPaJIT. DESTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISHERS. ■ r the instrucli 1. Th.- movements of skirmishers should be '■ rules a ; irill give to the commander the m< an« of moi log them in any direction with p n Hi- -li mid be executed with th • same pre- cision as in closed tanks, nor i- it desirable, ai inch - would materially intcr- fercwith their prompt execution. :,. When - are throw* Ottt to char tin 1 way for, ami to protect the ad- : n corps, their movements Bhould be so regulated by this corps, as to kc"| lj covered. .;. | of skirmishers should have a reserve, the strength and composition ■ l which will ding i" eiro ■,. [f the body threw se of the main corps, a very . reserve \% i i : b i tuluci nt for each coi ipauy, n bi se dull it thai] be U> fill vacant placi be line with . relieve the fatigued, and as h l,i S i. corps be at a considerable distance, beaides the aompai anoth • ill be required, compose ol entire c a bicfa will be emj to su iafurce saeh parts of the lint ai maybe war ted; this ra- iat naif the, companies deployed as skirmisl 7. The r< I behind the a atre of the >ine ef skirmishers, the i indred ami fifty, and the principal reserve al t'-nr hundred i- rule, however, is not invariable. The res?rves, while holding them- .. itliin Bustaini ig distance of the line, should be, n< much as posstbl i, In a poel- .in I iiiiu-i earefnlly profit by any aec - ind to conceal th itn the view ef the enemy, and to ah inarch. The tirst lieutenant, placing bimsell before the ceqtre ol the second platoon, will caromond: idtward—iA u.< n. 24. At tlii« command, the set d platoon will atop three pacea to the rear, no avnask tlr- Bank of the Brat platoon. It will then be baited by its chief, an "ii the left, and the third sergeant on the right flank of til 26. At the command march, the left group of four men, eendaoted by the fourth ant, will 'li ■ < ■ i ita< li i n the point indicated : all the other groups ol fours throw- ing for* aid briskly tin' left shoulder, « ill move diagonaUj to the fi ont in donble quick to gain to the right the space of tn II be the di betweefa each group and that immediately on its left. When t it <• second ojroup the left shall arrive an a lino with, and twentj pacea front the Brat] it will mareh straight to the front, conforming to the gall and direction of the Srat, keeping con- stantly "ii the same alignment and at t i from it. The third group, and all the others, will conform to what has just been prescribed for the second; thej will arrive sucoeasivelj mi the line. The right guide will arrive with the last group. having reached the point where the left of i lu- line should rest. the captain will command the skirmishers to halt ; the men composing i ach group of four.* will then immediately deploy at Bvc paces From each other, and to the right and 1 tt of the front rank man of the even hie in each group, the roar rank nun placing Ives on the left of their Ble 1 sadera. If any groups be not In line at th halt, they will move up rapidly, conforming to what baa just beet preserved. If. during the deploy mi nt, the line should b i fir< d upon l>y the enemy, the cap- lain 1 1 . n ■. can je the groups of fours to di | Iby, as they gain their proper distances. The line being formed, the non-commissioned officers on the i ight, leffl and centre of the platoon n ill place thci - in rear of the line, and opposite the '. i lv occupied. The chl na will promptly rectify any ulai [ties, ami ih. ii place themselves tw i 1 1 ;. five or thirty paces in the rear of the tbeti sections, each having with him four men taken from the reserve, and also a bugler who will repeat, if necessary, the signals sounded by the captain. 29. Skin uld bo particularly instructed to take advantage of any covor which th" ground may offer, and should lie I'.ii on the ground whom re? such a iuoto- ment i- necessary to protect them from the Bre of the enemy. Regularity in the alignment shonld yield to thi Important advantage. 50. When the movement begins, the flrsl lieutenant will face the second platoon about, and mai eh it promptly, and 1 \ the shortest line, to about one hundred and fifty in rear ot the centre ot the line. He will hold it always at this distance, unlaas itrary. 51. The reserve will conform itself to all the movemeata af the liat. rWi rule it gem raL 52. Light troop- will carry their bayoncti habitually In the scabbard, and thi< rule applies equally to the akirmlshers and the reserve; .whenever bayonets are required tone fixed, a particular signal will be given. The captain will give a general super intendencc to the whole deployment, and then promptly place himself about eighty paces In real of the centre of the line. He n ill h.n e with bim a bugler ami four men taken ft did I he i serve. 53. The deployment may be made on the right or the centre of th* '; the same commands, substituting the Indication right or centre, for that ol u-jt ble, 34. The deployment on the right or tin- qpntr will be mads according to the prio- : above : in this latter cn-e. the centre of the p latoon w ill li ■ marked by the right group of fours in the tion: the fifth sergeant will place him- self on the rbjht ui thi* group, and serve as the guide of the platoon daring the de- ployment. INSTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISIIKI:.-. G! ' 3. r >. In whatever manner tlio deployment ho made, on tlio ri^ht, left, or n.-nlro, th • men in each group of (ours will si at five paces from < at li otb r, dad ii| on the front rank man of the even Bo m bored file. The deployments will habitually be made at twenty paces interval; but if ■ great r interval be required, it will be indi- cated in the command. M. If a company be thrown out a.s skirmishers, SO near the main body I ! a reserve unnecessary, the entire company will be extended in the iuh manrer. and according to the same principles, as for ths deployment of a platoon. In lh(i the third lieutenant will command the fourth s"rti m, and a non-coratnlssioDed ol designated for that purpose, the second lection; the fifth sergeant will act as centre guide; the tile closers will place themselves t"ti pacei in rear of the line, and opposite their places in line of battle. The first and second lieutenant will each have a bugler near him. To deploy by the flank. 37. The company being at a ha't, when the captain c'lall wish to deploy it b flank, holding the first platoon in reserve, he will command! 1. Strand platoon — a$ tkirmithcr'. 2. lly the right flank — take i ntervnl*. 8. >I ■ -March.) 38. At the first command, the first and third lieutenants will place th behind the i n; the fifth sergeant will place himself one pace in front of the centre of the .«: oosd platoon j the third sergeant, as soon as he can ] ass, will place himself on th.- oi the fiont rank nl the same platoon. The captain will indicat • on which he wishes him to direct his march. The chief of the first platoon will ••■ what hai i Ibed for the chief of the second platoon, Kos. 23 at The fourth sergeant will place himself on the left flank of the reserve, the first Mr- ' will remain on the right flank. 19. At the second command, th" first and thiid Hen tenants will place C h a m two paces behind the left group tA th 40. At the command march, the sernnd platoon will face to the ripht. and romm^nco the movement : the b'ft proup of fours will stand fast, but will deploy a- soon at there ■i on iU right, conforming to whal ha» been prescribed No. ~f< : the third ser- geant will place himself on the b'ft of the right grown, to conduct it ; the ' projp will halt at twenty paces from the one on its left, the third grown at t paces from the second, and to on to the right. A the groups halt, the y will ft ■ enemy, and deploy a* ha- lined for the b'ft group. 41. The ohnefli rfaecuieto will pay particular attention to the successive deployments oftf ■piag near the group about to halt hich may t>p committed. When the deployment i- completed, the) will eoi the irse< tions, a» hi tiicerc will s iously indicated. 4?. A» noon a* the movement covaaeae< i, th' chief of the t, .-,»» it • will move it a« indicated No .In. 4?.. The deplr vment may be made by the left flank according to the fame principles, •lank for right flank. 4'. If tie captain thoald •• - company I «, he will command : 1. ' M — OS fkirmi'hrrt. ] ' l,ft flnnkt- tnlr | rates XI* I '• 'and. th- oflio^r* and ne>n cr.mmi«»i-ned officer! will conform te what has been prescribed Vc < V ■ r,d command, the ' behind t' group of the right i - of the fame pUtoeuw mand mat • will wilt face to the left, th" rmap on t ntfr portion w two section! will moTe off in ' the r:-M ' IB* SeOUfjd Sergeant or. left Blr. The two pri un# •>• • , »t«tid» far p»r»» frrm Ihii | and each of the oth»r f rout* wdl halt at t • C2 INSTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISHERS. the gioup which is in rear of it. Each proup will deploy as heretofore prescribed No. 40. 4». The fir-' end third lieutenants will direct the movement, holding themselves alwa; group which li ubomi la halt. 49. '.lie dcplojmi lit to be Dade in any named group what- er; in this case, the Ifth scrgi ant n ill | lave himself before the group ino ai.d the deployment will be made according to the principles heretofore prescribed. 60. The entire company may be also deployed, according to the same principles. To extend intt rvdU. 51. This movement, which i employed to oxt. nd a line of skirmishers, will be ex- ecu-, d a< cording to the pi ini • ibed for deploj meats. b'l. If it b BUpposi d that the line of skirmishers is at a halt, and that the captain wish- -s to i xteod it to tlu- left, he will command: 1. By the \qf t flank (so many paeee) extend interval. 2. Ma ecu (or double quid: — Ma lien.) it. At the command march, the group on the right will stand fast, all the other groups will face to the left, and eacp group will extend its Interval to the prescribed distance by the means indicated Xo. 40, 54. The men of the same group will continue to preserve between each other the distance of live paoes, unless the nature of the ground should render it necessary that they should close nearer, in order to keep in sight of each other. The intervals refer to the spaces between the groups, and not to the distances between the men in each group. The intervals will bo taken fl im the right or left man of the neighboring group. 55. If the line of skirmishers be marching to the front, and the captain should wish to extend it to the light, he will mand : 1. Ch| the left group (SO many }>a .-nrd. 2. M u i B ;or doubt* q uick — Mauch. ) 72. This command will be repeated with tb rapidity by the chiefs i I tions, and in ca-e oi need, hi the se r g eants. This rule is gen ral, whether the skirm- ishers march by the frost M by the Hank. 73. At the ill move briskly i the r i, nd oa the left, and the thinl in the centre. 74. At the command «ore4, tbi lino will move to the front, tl - : with the direction will Bare on the point indicated to him, tie - will hold them- ■ igai d on this guide, and pi BBM \ S tie il n,t i l all ton ai da him. will march Immediately behind their sections, so as to I end. 1 he captain will give a general r.i. 77. '•'• ball the skirmishers, he will command : Halt. At this command, briskly repeated, the line will halt. 'ions will promptly rectifj my in ignment and intervals, and after takiag tveri possil l< they, with the tin lr prop< r placet in the r> ar. i, wishing! -a ill command : 1. in retrtat, 2. M*k «-<7«i.i M- SO. At the first con • prgeantt will move on the line as presc- H 73. '' ■ will face sbiut individually, and carch to ti scribed No. 7*. t# Will U*e S3. To bait the skim ■ I '.•', n ill command : f.4 INSTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISHSaS. M. At this command, the skirmishers will halt, and Immediately face to the front. tions and Lbe lb i . o guldi a n ill each conform himself to what it p reacrl bed S To change direction. BC Tf the eommaader of a lino of skirmishers shall wish to cause it to chang? di- . to the right, he will command : 1. Right :-.'i".'. '.'. Mutm (or douiUqwiek— Manca.) ST. At the oomtswnd ssordb, the right gnide will mark time in Us place; th guide will move in a circle to the right, and thai he may properly regulate hW move- menta, wUl occasional!} cast hit eyes t" the right, eo as to observe the di tion of tin lino, and the nature of the ground to be pined ore?. The a mtre gnlde will .iis.> march in a circle to the right, and in order to conform hii movements to the general direction, will take care that his steps are only half the length of the Steps of the guide on the left. The skirmishers will regulate the length of their ttepi by their distance from the marching flank, beii they approach the pivot, and greater as they arc rc- I from it ; they "ill often look to the marching Bank, m a^ to preserve the di- rection and their intervals. Wneu the commander of the line shall wish to resume the direct march, he will command : 1. Forward. 2. Makch. 00. At th'* command march, the line will eease to wheel, and the skirmishers will more direct to the front ; the centre guide will march on the point which will be in- dicated to him. 91. if the captain should wish to halt the line, in place of moving it to the front, he will command : Haiti 92. At this command the lino will halt. 93. A change of direction to the left will he made according tothesaiue principles, and by inverse means. 94. A line of skirmishers marching in retreat, will change direction by the same means, and bv the same commands, si a line marching in advance; for example, if the captain should wish to reverse his left, now become the right, he will command: 1. /.• >'l xrhrtl ; I, Maucji. At the command halt, the skirmishers will lace to the enemy. !'.">. lint if, instead of halting the line, the captain should wish to continue to march it in retreat, he will, when he judges the line has wheeled sufficiently, command : 1. In retreat. 2. March. To march by the flan I:. 9C. The captain, wishing th ■ skirmishers to march by the right (lank, will command : 1. Jiy tht right fiamh. 2. March (Or double jvt'oap— MaMB. i 97. At the flnt command, the tin. will place themselves OB the line. 98. At the command moreo. the skirmishers will face to the right and move oil'; the ri»ht guide will plaOC him* If by tbi side ..| the leading man ks, will place himself front rank man ; the latter, in his turn, will act in tbe same manm same. At the command, r,a§ t firing, tbe snen of the rear rank will retake their t already t> I 5 66 CNSTEUCTIOS FOR SKTB 1 15. If the company bn marching by the le r t flank, the Src "ill e principles, but in this case, it will rank men who will fire 116. The Following rnlea will hicb they apply. 117. If the line be firing* at a halt, or whilst marching by the flank, at the command, i, it will be the men « I nlar rank to \\ bich thej bel ! have been discharged, will remain in I 1 them l> I : il. and thf firing v, ill be continued agn eablj to the prim \ .Wl. [f thelin incing, or whilst marching by the Hank, at the command, fn retreat — March, the men wh *re loaded, will remain r, and will Bre in tins position ; the men w bo will retreat loading them, and the fire will be continued agreeably to the prim I \o. 1 la. 119. If the line of skirmishes beflring either at a halt, advancing, or in retreat, at the command, It y the ,-i : /!i> \ or left \ flank— M n ch, the men wl will step <>iie pace out of the general alignment, face to the enemy, and fire in this tion: tin men wl are unloaded will face to thi ad march in the direction indicated. The men who si ipped out of the ranks will place tbenu immediately after firing, upon the genera] direction, and in rear of their front or rear men, as the case maj b i. The fire w il! be continn d according to the principles - ■. 111. I. Skirmishers will behs i Loa 1 their nieces whilst marching ; bnl will be enjoined to ball always an instant, when in the act of charging cat I priming. 131. They should be practised to fire ami load kneeling, lying down, and sitting, ami much liberty should be allowed in th ■-<■ i i ord ir thai they may b ■ I in the manner found to be most convenient. Skirmishers Bhould be cautiom d forget that, in whatever position they may load, it is important that the • I upright before ramming, i.i order that the entire charge of powder may reach the bottom of the bore. 122. in commencing the fire, the men of the same rank Bhould not all fit and the men of the same file should be particular that one or the other of thei always load) d. 123. In retreating, the officer commanding the skirmishers should seize on every advantage which the ground mny pre." i ting the enemy as long as passible. 124. At the signal to cean/lring, the captain will see that the order is promptly obeyed; but the men who may not be loaded, will load. If the line be marching, ft will' continue the movement : but the man uf each file who happens to 1 a in front, \\ iil wait until the man in rear shall be abreast with him. 125. If a line of skirmishers be firing advancing, at the command halt, the lino will :u upon the skirmishers who are in front : when the line Is retreating, upon the skirmishers who are in rear. 128. Officers should watcb with the gi ible vigilance over a lino of skirm . they sbonld neither earn a rifle or fowling piece. In all the In . .is well as the sergeants, s )j> >u l<) see that order and silence are pies >rved, ami that, the skirmishei - do not wander imprudently ; they sbonld especially caution them t.. be calm and collected : not to fire until they distinctly perceive th, and are sure that 1 E shouldtake advantage promptly, and with intcllig nee, of all shelter, and ef all of the bi fire. It may often happen, that intervals are momentarily 1 reral ach other find a com i i shelter; but ivhen they quit this position, they should imroedial Ij resume their intervals and tbelr places in line, so that thej not, by crowding, needlessly expose thi mat Ives to the tire of the enemy. Aimeu. I'o i:th. THE I To form column. 127. A com]. any deploj ed as skirmishers, is rallied in order to oppose the enemy with - : the rallies are made at a inn, and with bayonsti fix 3 ; wb to rally, the skirmiehi rs fix bajoneti without comma [ON FOR SKIBMISHERS. 07 ie will adopt accord- in cumstances. ■. If the line, marching or at a halt, be merely disturb* >1 by scattered horsemen, it will not I II back on th tain will cause bayonet fixed. lit should, however, advance to charge the skirmiahei captain will command, • •'»•<-. The line -v^ j 1 1 halt if marching, and the four croup will execute this rally in the following manner : the front rank man of the even numbered file will t ;i k < ■ the position ' ; , .• t ho rear rank i ■:■• ill- posit turning bisback tohim, the former, and parallel to it; th of the odd file, and th man of the to back, taking ad between the t Bf to the right and left ; tli four ill be brou £ a i] support. The fourmen in crvl, ion may ofler, and load with- - will each can?" the four nvn who constitute bim ami th Tin- tin ts will each promptly place himself in the group nearest bim in the line of skirmisl 131. Wh captain shall squares too weak, but should wi his lino, he will command : TtaUy by sat ions. 132. mmand, the Dtre group i on any oth gi oup whose position n i idly at ■ run on roup, ami ■ » ambers. 1 group on formation is made, will imm< d and elevate theii indicate the point on which the rally i The other skirmishei irrive, will occupy and fill th' open angular s] men, and rally aroun •rin rapidly . cle. The ll ■mn of chart"' bayonets, the point will fire as occasion may offer, and ving their guard, wherever he may jr. particulai the rally i« I i ■ I ■ - I ■ ■ -vbo is *< » ' I : 68 INSTRUCTION FOR SKTRMI8HER5. groups will direct themselves diagonally toward* each other, and in such manner as to form into section* with the greatest possible rapJditi while moving to the rear; tbe officer* ar;«l MTgOUtl "ill see that this formation is made in proper order, and the eliitfs will direct their M-ctions upon the reserve, taking care to umiu-k it to the right and left. A- t hi^ skirmishers arrive, they nil. continue and complete the formation of the square begun bj the rcservs, closing in rapidly upon the latter, without regard to their places in line: they will come to a ready without command, and fire upon the enemy ; which will also be done by the reserve as soon as it is unmasked by the skirm- ishers. 141. If a section should be closely pressed by cavalry while retreating, it? chief will command holt : at tl>i« command, the men will form rapidly into a compact circle around the officer, who will re-form his section and resume the march, the moment he can do so with safety. 142. The formation of the square in a prompt and efficient manner, requires coolness and activity on the part of both ofliccrs and sergeants. 143. The captain will also profit by every moment of respite which the enemy's cavalry may leave him ; as soon as he can, he will endeavor to place himself beyond the reach of their charges, either by gaining a position where he may defend himself with advantage, or by returning to the c*rps to which he belongs, tor this purpose, being in square, he will cause the company to break into column by platoons at half distance ; to this effect, he will command : 1. Form column. 2. March. 144. At the command march, each platoon will dress on its centre, and the platoon which was facing to the rear will face about without command. The guiaes will placo themselves on the right and left of their respective platoons, those of the second platoon will place themselves at half distance from those of the first, counting from the rear rank. These dispositions being made, the captain can move the column in whatever direction he may judge proper. 145. If he wishes to march it in retreat, he will command : 1. In retreat. 2. M.vucn (or double quick— March.) 146. At the command marrh, the column will immediately face by the rear raak, and move off in the opposite directioa. As soon as the column is in motion, the captain will command : 3. Guide right (or left.) 147. lie will indicate the direction to the leading guide; the guides will march at their proper distances, and the men will keep aligned. 148. If again threatened by cavalry, the captain will command : 1. Form square. 2. Mauch. 149. At the command march, the column will halt; the first platoon will face about briskly, and the outer half sections of each platoon will be thrown perpendicularly to the rear, so as to form the second and third fronts of the square. The officers and sergeants will promptly rectify any irregularities which may be committed. 159. If he should wish to march the column in advance, the captain will command : 1. Form column. 2. March. 151. Which w ill be executed as prescribed No. 144. 152. The column being formed, the captain will command: 1. Forward. 1. March (or double quick— March. ) 3. Guide left (or right. ) 153. At the secend command, the column will move forward, and at the third com- mand, the men will take the touch of elbows to the side of the guide. 154. If the captain should wish the column to gain ground to the right or left he will do so by rapid wheels to the sidetjpposite the guide, and for this purpose, will change the guide whenever it may be necessary. 155. If a company be in column by platoon, at half distance, right in front, the cap- tain can deploy the first platoon as skirmishers by the means already explained; but if it should be his wish to deploy the second platoon forward on the centre file, leaving the first platoon in reserve, no will command : INSTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISHERS. 69 1. Second platoon— a» ikirmithcrt. 1. On the centre file — take intervals. 3 March. (or double quick — March. ) 156. At the first command, the chief ol the first platoon will caution hi? platoon to stand fast; the chiefs of sections of the second platoon will place themselves before the centre of their sections ; the fifth sergeant will place himself one pace in front of the centre of the second p latoon. 157. At the second command, the chief of the right section, second platoon, will command: Section right face ; the chief of the left section : Section hft face. 158. At the command march, these sections will moTc off briskly in opposite direc- tions, and baring unmasked the first platoon, the chiefs of sections will respectively command : By the left flank — March, and By the right /tank — March : as soon as these sections arrive on the alignment of tbe first platoon, they will command. At 'kirmi*h- ert — March. The groups will then deploy according to prescribed principles, on the right group of the left section, which will be directed by the fifth sergeant on tbe point indicated. 1 59. If the captain should wish the deployment made by the flank, the second platoon will be moved to the front by the means above stated, and haltec after passing some steps beyond the alignment of the first platoon ; the deployment will then be made by the flank according to the principles prescribed. 160. When one or more platoons are deployed as skirmishers, and the captain should wish to rally them on the battalion, he will command: Rally on the battalion. 161. At this command, the skirmishers and the reserve, no matter what position the company to which thev belong may occupy in the order of battle, will rapidly unmask the front of the battalion, directing themselves in a run towards its nearest nank, and then form in its rear. MS. As soon as the skirmishers have passed beyond the line of file eloten, the men will take tbe qitick step, and the chief of each platoon or section will reform his sub- division, and place it in column behind the wing on which it is rallied, and at. ten paces from the rank of the file closers. These subdivisions will not be moved except by order of the commander of the battalion, who may, if he thinks proper, throw them into line of battle at the extremities of the line, or in the intervals between the battalions 163. If many platoons should be united behind the sanre wing of a battalion, or be- hind any shelter whatsoever, they should be formed always into close column, or into column at half distance. 164. When the battalion, covered by a company of skirmishers, shall be formed into square, the platoons and sections of the covering company will be directed by their to the rear of the square, which will be opened at the angles to receive the skirmishers, who will be then formed into close column by platoons in rear of the first front of the square. 195. If eircumst.inee: ghoulrl prevnt the angles of the square from being opened, the skirmishers will throw them«el ves at the feet of the front rank men. the ripht knee on the ground, the butt of (be piece resting on th» tlnph. the bayonet in a threatening on. A part mai t themselves about the angle;., where they can render good service by defending the sectors without fire. If the battalion on which the skirmishers are rallied be in roliimn ready to square, the skirmi-her? will be formed into close column by platoon, in rear of the centre of the third division, and at tbe command. Form 'quart — March, they will move forward and dose on th< 2f. 7 misbers have been raJlii I by platoon or section behind the wiag a battalion, an'! it be « -'lem ajrain I will be ma- flank toward" the interval* on tbe wings, and ' « ■ as to cover the front of the battalion. When platoons or section*, placed in the interior of square* or columns, are to be deployed, they will be TOA- •«■» forward, as is as soon as thev shall have anma*ked the eolumn oi square, they will be deployed, the or, i ft file. 77/' awnilly. A company deployed as skirmisher- will be ass^m' no longer danger of its being disturbed . the assembly will be made habitually in quick time. 7 ' DflRB&cn 170. The e^ptata wishing to aaaemble the skrro b reserve, will MBunaod: 171. A: this command, the skinni-!, i of fours; I rank men «ill place th bind theii year rank men ; ana ttch group ot will i e, m here each w ill lake II • will rejoin the battalion bo which it belt 17:. Ifmajbealso pro] ble the skirmishers on th rontherlght or I'll of the lino, eithei . at ;i halt. 17::. If the captaii ntre while marching, he will command i Assi mble on the a ntre. 171. At this command, the centre guide will continue to march directlj front on the point indicated \ the front rank man of th • ile « ill follow the guid . rank man; theothei I group, and likewise thot on their left, will march diagonally, advancing the left shoulder and accelerating the fj reform the groups wbil the directing file ; the men of the right Bection will unit in the Bame manner into groups, andthen upon the directing file, throwing forward the right shoulder. A.s thej ly unite on toe centre, the men will bring their pi i Ight shoulder. 17.".. To assemble on the right or left file will be executed according to tl 170. The ass mblv of a line marching in retreat will also be executed according to the same principles, the front rank men marching behind their rear rank d 177. ] the line of skirmishers at a halt, and on tl npy, the Lin Will giro the same commands; the skirmishera will face to the right or left, . Bhould march bv the right or left Hank, re form the groups whll - hing, and tuns arrive on the file which serred as the point of formation. As ill" . kiinii.-liris will support arms. ' Autii'i.k Firm. To dt\ \ttal\pn a& skirmishers, and to rally thi battalion. Ti> deploy 178. A. battalion oeing in line of battle, if the commander should wish to doplov it on the right of the sixth company, holding the three right compani re, he will intention to th • lieutenant colonel and adj i the major, who will be directed to take charge of the reserve. He will point out to the lien tenant oolonel thi direction he wl the line, as well as the point where he right of the sixth oompany to rest, and to tl"' commander of the i • a he inaj wish it establ 179. The lieu) man) colon I will move rapidly In Front of the right of the sixth com- pany, and the adjutant in front of ths left of the same company . The commander of rve will dispose of it In the manner to be hereinafter in'di 180. The colonel will command ■ I. 1- d) platoon* — a$ skirmi*hor*. '.'. ' I (or doubU quick — afaai L81. At th si •■ md command, the captains of the fifth and sixth oompanies will pre- pare i" deploy th • first platoons of their respective compa the fifth on it- left file l M. Th ■ captain of the* fourth company will race it ho the right, and the captain th and eighth companies' will face the respective companies to the left. L88. At the commai I will commence The platoons of the fifth and sixth companies will deploj forward; the right guide of the sixth will march on the point which will be indicated to him bj the Lieutenant colonel. 184. The oompany which has faced to the right, and also the companies which have TN.-TttUeilOX FOR SKIRMISH] 71 Taccd to the left, will m : ward. Tho fourth company will take an in- ig from the left of the fifth, ana its chief « ill di its first platoon on it- nth and eight i .11 eacjb t ikr an interval of one hundred paces, counting from the first file ol the company, which i- iramcdiatelv on I | l,,y their i en tli.' right lil". The guide act the files on which the deployment is made, shoul careful to direct vl wards the outer n unpany, already deployed as skirmahers ; or it tbeoompani 1 t, they will carefully the distance which may still be n qu ail thi ■■• fill In line, will thin match on bus marked out. The. arrive on the lin<', will align tie msclvc on tho e already depli The lieutenant colonel and adjutant will follow the deployment, the one oi tight, the other on the left ; the concluded, they will place I iie colonel. 1-7. The reteri in echelkra in th- foil •> man'. the sixth < in the ri'.ar of th \ right of this company : th fourth and tilth i p, united, o] of their lin ishen, and thirty paces in ice of the reserve of the sixth c< rmpaay ■. I nth and eighth also united, oppi itre of their line of skirmishers, and t i farther to the rear than the reserve of the sixth company. 188. The major commanding the companies composing tl on receiving an order from to thai effect, will march these companies thirty paces to the rear, and will then | loj them into column by company, at hah tfter which, he will conduct the column to thi point which shall barebeun indicate d to him. .-el n ill L. and when I, will mn\ In rear of the lin his view ma I to deploy by the flank, th" sixth • . halt, d, and di ploi t d thcr on the lit file, by the d ly in- f tl by the flank direction, shall hare taken its interral, it will npon the line oatablishcd by the fifth and sixth balt< d, and deple 191. Tn tl .u' in the of battle ; but if in column, it would be deployed as skirmisl ,-ame \'.<7. 1 i8 to be di nan, and « ' ■ • ill be and will th 1 I 72 MANUAL OF TIIE SWORD, ETC. 198. The companies deployed as skirmisher? will be rnllied in squares on their re- »pectivc iowiim : each reserve of two contiguous companies will form the first front of the square, throwing to the. rear the sections on tlie flanks ; the skirmishers who arrive first will complete the lateral fronts, and the last the fourth front. The officers and sergeants will superintend the rally, and as fast as the men arrive, they will form them into two ranks, without regard to height, and cause them to face outwards. 199. The rally being effected, the commanders of squares will profit by any interval of time the cavalry may alow for putting them in safety, either by marching upon the battalion reserve, or bv seizing an advantageous position; to this end, each of the squares will be formed into column, and march in this order; and if threatened anew, it will halt, and again form itself into square. 200. As the companies successively arrive near the battalion-reserve, each will re- form as proinply as possible, and without regard to designation or number, take place in the column next in rear of the companies already in it. 201. The battalion reserve will also form square, if itself threatened by cavalry. In this case, the companies in marching towards it will place themselves promptly in the sectors without tire, and thus march on the squares. MANUAL OF THE SWORD OR SABRE, FOR OFFI- CERS. POSITION OF THE SWORD OR SABRE, UNDER ARMS. The carry. The gripe is in the right hand, which will be suppoited against the right hip, the back of the blade against the shoulder. TO SALUTE WITH TIIE SWORD OR SABRE. Thrtt timet (or pau$e$.) One. At the distance of six paces from the person to be saluted, raise the sword or sabre perpendicularly, the point up, the flat of the blade opposite to the right eye, the guard at the height of the shoulder, the elbow supported on the body. Tico. Drop the point of the sword or sabre bv extending the arm, so that the right band may be brought to the side of the right thigh, and remain in that position until the person to whom the salute is rendered shall be passed, or shall have passed, six pao -. Three. Raise the sword or sabre smartly, and place the back of the blade against the right shoulder. COLOR SALUTE. In the ranks, the color-bearer, whether at a halt or in march, will always carry the heel of the color-lanoe supported at the right hip, the right hand generally placed on the lance at the height of the sh..tililer, to hold it steady. When the color' has to ren- der honors, the color-bearer will salute as fbllOWl : At the distant- of si* paces slip the i jght hand along the lance to the height of the eye; lower the lance by straightening the ami to its (nil extent, the heel of the lance remaining at the hip, and bring back the lance to the habitual position when the per- son saluted shall be passed, or shall have pawed, six paces. MANUAL FOR RELIEVING SENTINELS. Armt — Port. One time and one motion. Throw the piece diagonally across the bodv, the lock to the front, seize it smartly at the same instant with both hands, the right at the handle, the left at the lower RELIEVING SENTINELS, ETC. 73 band, the two thums pointing toward? the mule, the barrels sloping upwards and crossing opposite the point of the left shoulder, the butt proportionally lowered. The palm of the right hand will be above, and that of the left under the piece, the nails of Doth hands next tha bod?, to which the elbows will be closed. Should*) — Anus. One time and tico motioni. {Fint motion.) Bring the piece smartly to the right shoulder, placing the right hand as in the position of shoulder arms, slip the left hand to the height ofthe shoul- der, the fingers extended. (Second motion. ) Drop the left hand smartly by the side. Being on parade and at order arms, if it be wished to give the men rest, the com- mand will be : Parade — Rest. At the command re»t. turn the piece on the heel of the butt, the barrel to the left* the muzzle in front of the centre of the body : poize it at the same time with the left hand just abore, and with the right at the upper band; carry the right foot six inches to the rear, the left knee slightly bent. INSTRUCTION FOR THE CHIEF BUGLER AND DRUM MAJOR, The posts of the field music and band hare been given, Title I, for the order in battle. In column, in manoeuvre, the field mufic and band will march abreast with the left centre company, and on the side opposite the guide. In clumn in route, as well as in the passage of defiles to the front or in retreat, they will march at the head of their respective battalions. RIFLE AND INFANTRY TACT] TITLE FOU K T II SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION. Formation of the Battati , 1. Every colonel will labor to habituate his battalion to form line of ba.Uk', by niijbt .1- well u by day, with the greatest possible promptitude. 2. The color-company will generally b d as the direct my. Tint, on the colonel mar have determined for tin line (>;' 1 attle. 'I in' other companies will form on it. t" th ■ right and left, on the principles i I foi (nations n bich will be herein presci ; : 3. Th ■ color-bearer may have recen ed the color from the hand- of th" colonel ; but if there be daylight, ami time, the color will be produced with due solemnity. I position <>it front, and when the ■ .hiinn w il! ■ tion to the right guide will direct himself mi the centre of the battalion. / f>>K<>rs paid (o lite color. 1!. Arrived at tic: distance of twenty paces from the battalion, the escort will halt, ami tiie mi cease : ih • colonel will [.lac bimsell m x pocee before the centre of the battalion, the color-bearer will appioach the colonel, by the front, iu quick time; * H IIOOL OF THE DATTAI.IoN — PARI I. 15 wlirn at th" distance of ton paces, he will lialt : the colonel will cause arms to be 8 nt d anil i» tlu sounded, wbicb b sing i recnti d. the color-bearer will take his i a • in th front rank of the color guard, and tbj battalion, bj command, shoulder a 1 In ;-. 12. The escort, field music, and band, will return in quick time to their several battle, marching l J lion. 13. The color will be escorted back to the colonel's tent or quarters in the above order. General Rules and Di hoolof the Battalion. li. This school has for it? ol jtruction of battalions singly, md I ire them for manoeuvres in line. The harmony of man t battalions, can onl d b) the use of th principles), and I ill colonels and actual oom- tlionswill conform themselves, without addition or curtailui what «ill herein be prescril 15. When a battalion instructed in tlii- drill ?bnll manaeUtTe in line, the colonel will regulate its movements, ibed in the tlii; d ; | v . 10. The school of the battalion will be divided into five part?. IT. The fir*t will Bompi ng and closing ranks, and the execution of the The secon'' at mod"? of passing from the order in battle, to the order imn. Is), Th" third, the march in column, and the other moron The fourth, th >. different mod In column to the order n b*l 21. The fifth r. eh in line of battle, in advance and in reti the passage of di dank : the forn into line of battle ; ti front; the column doubled »ti t; -t cavalry ; the rally, and rules for manceuri i ink. PART FIRST. ■i ion of i AiiTir; b First. ■. ill command : 1 . / ■ iajnr will place th n th« 1 lour - 7G SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART I. 27. The file closers will fall back and preserve the distance of two paces from the r'-;ir rank, glancing SJM to the right; the lieutenant colonel will, from the right, align them on the file closer of the left, who, having placed himself accurately two from the rear rank, will invert his piece, and hold it up erect between his eves, the better to be seen by the lieutenant colonel. 2H. The colonel, seeing the ranks aligned, will command : 4 Fbont. At this command, the lieutenant colonel, major, and the left sergeant, will retake their places in line of battle. 19. The colonel will cause the ranks to be closed by the commands prescribed for the instructor in the school of the company, No. 28. Article Second. Manual of Anns. 30. The ranks being closed, the colonel will cause the following times and pauses to be executed : Present arms. Shoulder arm*. Order arm: Shoulder arm'. Support arm*. Shoulder arm*, fix bayonet. Shoulder arm*. Charge bayonet. Shoulder arm*. Unfix bayonet. Shoulder arm*. Article Thiud. Loading at will, and the Firings. 31. The colonel will next cause to be executed loading at will, by the commands prescribed in the school of the company No. 45 ; the oflicers and sergeants in the ranks will half face to the right with the men at the eighth time of loading, and will face to the front when the men next to them come to a shoulder. 32. The colonel will cause to be executed the tire by company, the fire by wing, the fire by battalion, the fire by file, and the tire by rank, by the commands to be herein indicated. 33. The fire hy company and the fire by file will always be direct ; the fire by bat- talion, the fire by wing, and the fire by rank, may be either direct or oblique. 34. When the fire oujrht to be oblique, the colonel will give, at every round, the caution right (or left) oblique, between the comuads ready and aim. So. The fire by company will be executed alternately by the right and left compa- nies of each division, as if the division were alone. The right company will lire first ; the captain of the left will not give his first command till he shall see one or two pieces at a ready in the right company; the captain of the latter, after the ftnt ditCnaM, will obaerre the same rule in respect to the left company ; and the fire will thus be continued alternately. 36. The colonel will observe the same rule in the firing by wing. 37. The fire by file will eoinmence in all the companies at one, and will be executed ax lias been p rescri bed in the school of tin: company No. .',.'. and following. The lire by rank will be executed bv each rank alternately, as has been prescribed in the school Oi the company No. 58 and following. 38. The color-guard will not tire, but reserve itself for the defence of the color. The fire by company. 39. The colonel, wishing the fire by company to be executed, will command : 1. Fire by company. 2. Commence firing. 40. At the first command, the captains and covering sergeants will take the posi- tions indicated in the school of the coirpany 49. 41. The color and its guard will step back at the same time, so as to bring the front rank of the guard in a line with the rear rank of the battalion. Thi* rule i* general for all the d\fferent filing*. 42. At the Becond command, the odd numbered companies will commence to fire; their captains will each give the commands prescribed in the school of the company SCHOOL OP THE BATTALION — PART I. 77 No. 50, observing to precede the command company by that of first, third, fifth, or leveuth, according to the nambcr of each. 43. The captains of the even numbered companies will give, in their turn, the same commands, observing to precede them by the number of their respective companies. 44. In order that the odd numbered companies may not all fire at once, their cap- tains will observe, but only for the first discharge, to give the coruroandyire one alter another ; thus, the captain of the third company will not give the commandyirc until he has heard the fire of the first company ; the captain of the fifth will observe the same rule with respect to the third, and tlie captain of the seventh the same rule with respect to the fifth. 45. The colonel will cause the fire to cease by the sound to cease firing ; at this sound, the men will execute what is prescribed in the school of the comparer No. G3 ; at the sound, for officers to take their places after firing, the captains, covering ser- geants, and color-guard, will promptly resume their places in line of battle ; th\$ rule »« general for all the firing*. The fire by wing. 46. When the colonel shall wish this fire to be executed, he will command : 1. Fire by icing. 2. Right tcing. 3. Ready. 4. AlM. 5. FlRB. 6. LOAD. 47. The colonel will cause the wings to fire alternately, and he will recommence the fire by the commands: 1. Right wing ; 2. Am; 3. Fire; 4. Load. 1. Left icing ; 2. Aim ; 3. Fias ; 4. Load ; in conforming to what is prescribed No. 35. The fire by battalion. 48. The colonel will cause this fire to be executed by the commands last prescribed, substituting for the first two, 1. Fire by battalion. 2. Battalion. The fire by file. 49. To cause this to be executed, the colonel will command : 1. Fir* by file. 2. Battalion. 3. Ready. 4. Commence firing. 50. At the fourth command, th<_> fire will commence on the right of each company, as prescribed in the school of the company No. 57. The colonel may, if he thinks proper, cause the fire to commence on the right of each platoon. The fire by rank. 61. To cause this fire to be executed, the coloDel will command : 1 . Fire by rank. 2. Battalion. 3. Keadv. 4. Rear rank. 5. AlM. 6. Fins. 7. Load. 52. This fire will be executed as has been explained in the school of the company No. if, in following the progression prescribed for the two ranks which should fire alternately. T<> firr hy the rear rank. 53. When the coloocl shall wish the battalion to fire to the rear, he will command : 1. Face by the. rear rank. 2. Battalion. 3. About — Fac«. ' * At the first command, the tB| tain*, mvsriag ^f-rpoants, and file rlo» site hi* place in the line of battle, the i**l lw ' passing aro;. , ,t, and the others around the loft of the halts. At the third command, the battalion will faceaboi;' i ni and corering sergeants observing what is prescribed in the school of the company No. 70. The battalion faring thus bv th> rear rank, the colonel will cause it to txecnu- the different fires by the same commands as H -d by the front rank. 57. The right and left wings wi.i retain the same designation!, although faced about ; the companies also will preserve their former designations, as firtt, »»*ond, th*rd, dct. 7S ::00L of Tin: BATTALION— PART t. •" each company, now bcoon : ank will commence by the front rank, now become the rear rank. nomination. Cfi. "lnrd will, at th" first com:. Vont ■ I, aftor firii . w ill command : 1. !'■•■■. '"' the front rank. 2 Battalion, ■ \<. tlir battalion will return t'> it- m by the ■ . war. the colonel will give it tli» prefar- lit to :t with t!i ible r When the colonel mar wish I taxation to .without breal ks, be will execute whai \-.z- been prescribed in tl F the 9 and 40. ill bring thi and tfa ;i command: l. .- '• )•« ii /.•«. :■. CC. The colonel wishing the men to return lo the ranks, will cauie attention to be at which the battalion will re-forrt behind the stacks ol arms. The Bound finished, the colonel al ■ n ill command : Batta 67. At this command, tlie tnen will fix their attention, ami remain immovable. TAUT SECOND. 1 modes of pa sing from the order in battle to the ord r in column. To break to (k or the left into column. ttle will habitually break into column b; : they niaj also break by division or 1 y platoon. it i- here Ruppoa id that the colonel wishes to break by company to the rl he « ill command : 1. By company, right*trhed. 1. Mail n (or double quid; — Maucii.) 70, each captain « il! place himself rapidly before the centre of hu ution it that it has to wheel tothe right; each covering 'aiii in the front rntik. 71, At the command man':, each conrpanj will break to the right, princl ribed in the school of the company No. 17:S; each captain will i form himself to what hiefs of platoon ; the left guide, s ..ill place himself on the lefl of the fronl rank to coi arch- ing flank, and w hen he slmll have ap| roached n< ar to the perpendicular, the captain v. ill command : I. S* 72, At the si cond command, which will l>c given al the instant the left guide shall tance of three paces from the perpendicular, the company will hall A place hia Icfl arm lightly the captain, i will establish him on the alignment ol the man who has faced to the right : the •reeant will place himself correctly on tho al ' that man; whii 'uted, the eaptainwill align bis company by the left, command . and place hims It' two paces before it? ci i having commanded Prokt, tlio guides, although pome of them •iot be in the direction of the preceding guides, will stand hist, in order that the tny that has wheeled too much or too Little way not be propagated; SCnoOL OF THE BATTALION — PART I. ?9 :i will readily conic into it when tlic oolamn i pat ,'n march. 7). A btittallon In line of battle «'i!l break column by company to tbi according • and by invi it of each company will conduct the marching flank, and t!," left guide will plai ; hii on the left of th.> fronl rank a t th • company !■ 7'.. When the battali Uion will be substitu- ted in the commands l"t t'i any; tip' ebief of each division (thesenior in will cohl i f to w hat pan v. and Trill place himself two . the junior captain, if ri"t already there, will place himself in (lie interval • he left con rank. .-lit company Will be the right guide, and th guide of the left company, tl of the dn When the battalion shall break by platoon to thr right or to th" left, each first lieutenant will pass around the lefl of bis oompat ; the one ol I impany, will step, for th in rear ol the right til 77. When the battal v division tu tli" right, and there is an pany, the captain of this company . lumn, will the left, lnlt it at company distance from the preceding division, place his left guide on thr direction of the columto, am) th< n align h left. When the line breaks bv division to the left, the odd company will i ito captain, having win > column, will caus< i the right, halt it at (li-. division next in the . and align I will I'lar^ I both six paces from the flat Ion 1. and I rbsjooloacl will the inntrtu battalion; hut in d ol many battalions, he will bituallv on 1 log Sank fifteen or twenty paoos from ti nrith the cei battalion. BO i shall wi-l - ward with it, he w ill caution the battal 1. By company right irhcd. 2. v rrn.) 61. ' •ptairi'' of • ill execute what is pre- balt, all arrive D 1 > ofelb ■ 80 SCHOOL OF THK BATTALION — PART I. cither flank, the colonel will cause it to break bv company to the right or left, aa haj just be* n prescribed; but when the lino breaks to the right, in order to march towards the left, Of the rcTWSJSk Um colonel will command: Break to the right to march to thr left, or break tn the left to march to the right, before giving the command, by company, right (or left) tcheel. Ai goon as. the battalion is broken, the lieutenant colonel will place a marker abreast with the right guide of the leading company The instant the column is put in motion, this company will wheel to the left (or right) march ton pace* to the front without changing tho guide, and wheel again to tho left (or right. ) The second wheel being completed, the captain will immediately com- mand guide Uft (or right.) The guide of this company will march in a direction parallel to the guides of the column. The lieutenant colonel will be careful to place a second marker at the point where the first company is to change direction the second time. Article Second. To break to the rear, by the right or left, into column, and to advance or retire by the right or left of companies. £7. When the colonel shall wish to cause the battalion to break to the rear, by the right, into column by company, he will command : 1. By the right of companiti to the rear into column. 2. Battalion right — Fach. 3. March (or double quick — March.) 88. At the first command, each captain will place himself before the centre of his company, and caution it to face to the right ; the covering sergeants will step into the front rank. v r>. At the second command, tho battalion will face to the right ; each captain will hasten to the right of his company, and break two files to the rear ; the first tile will break the whole depth of the two ranks ; the second file less ; which being executed, the captain will place himself so that his breast may touch lightly the left arm of the front rank man of the last file in the company next on the right of his own. The captain of the right company will place himself as if there were a company on his right, and will align himself on the other captains. The covering sergeant of each company will breuK to the rear with the right tiles, and place himself before the front rank of the first file, to conduct him. 90. At the command march, the first file of each company will wheel to ihc right ; the covering sergeant, placed before this file, will conduct it perpendicularly to the roar. The other'riles will come successively to wheel on the same spot. The captains will stand fast, lee their companies tile past, and at the instant the last file shall have wheeled, each captain will command : 1. Such company. 2. Halt. 3. Front. I. Left— Dress. 91. At the instant the company faces to the front, its left guide will place himself so that his left arm may touch lightly the breast of his captain. it. At the fourth command, the company will align itself on its left guide, the cap- tain so directing it, that the new alignment may be perpendicular to that which the company had occupied in line of battle, and, the better to judge this, he will step back two paces from the flank. 9S. The company being aligned, the captain will command : Froht, and take hit place before its centre. 94. The battalion marching in lino of battle, when the colonel shall wish to break into column by company, to the rear, by the right, he will command : 1. By the right of companie* to the rear into column. 2. Battalion, by th* right flank. 3. March (or double quick — March.) 95. At the first command, each captain will step briskly in front of the centre of his company, and caution it to face by the right jlank. 96. At the command march, tho battalion will face to the right ; each captain will move rapidly to the right of his company and cause it to break to the right ; the first file of each company will wheel to the right, and the covering sergeant placed in front of this file will conduct it perpendicularly to the rear ; the other files will wheel successively at the same place as the first. The captains will see their companies file past them; when the last files have wheeled, the colonel will command : SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART II. 81 .1. Battalion, ly the left flank— March. 4. (,'nirie left. f»T. At the command mareh, the companies will face to the left, and march in coin inn in the new direction. The captain* will place themselves in front of the centre- of their respective companies. At the fourth Command, the guides will conform to the principle* of the march in column ; the leading one "ill move in the direction indica- ted to him bv the lieutenant colonel. The men will take the touch of elbows to the left. B& To break to the rear by th" left, the colon 1 will give the name commands as in the Ml of breaking to the rear bv the right, substituting the indication left for that of ri;/ht. • 99. The movement will be executed according to the same principle*. Each captain will hasten to the left of his company, cause the first two files to break t« the rear, and then place his breast against the right file of the company next on the left of his own. in the manner prescribed above. M0l As soon as the two files break to the rear, the left guide of each companj will place liimself before the front rank man of the headmost file, to conduct him. 101. The instant the companies fac» to the front, the right guide of each will place himself 80 that his right arm may lightly touch the breast or his captain. 102. The battalion may be broken by division to the rear, by the right or left, in like manner ; in this case, the indication divition* will be substituted, in the first command, for that of comjkmJM J the chiefs of division will conform themsrlveg to what is prescribed for the chiefs of company. The jurnior captain in each division will place himself, v;hcn the division faces to a flank, bv the side of the covering ser- geant of the left company, who steps into the front rank. 103. If there be an odd number of companies, and the battalion breaks by division to the rear, whether bv the right or left, the captain of the left company wifl confusyn to what is prescribed N'o. 77. 104. This manner of breaking info column being at once the most prompt and reg- ular, will be preferred on actual service, unless there be some particular reason for breaking to the front. 105. If the battalion be in line and at a halt, and the colonel should wish to advance ■ire by the right of companies, he will command : 1. 2?Jf thr right of companies to the front (or rear. I 2. Jlnt'rilion, right — Face. 3. ILtBCfl or double quirk Mil cm.) 4. Guide right (left) or (otntrt M41 At the firft command, each captain will move rapidly two paces in front of the centre oi his company, and caution it to face to the light; the covering sergeants will replace the captains in the front rank. 1r left of companies, and the colonel should wish to form line facing the enemy, be "ill Bret canae the companies ta about while marching, and immediately form in line by the commands and means pre- scribed Nos. 113 and following. Aktice Tuibd. To ploy the battalion into close column. 117. This movement may be executed by company or bv division, on the right or left subdivision, or on any other subdivision, right or left in front. 118. The examples in this school will suppose the presence of four divisions, with directions for an odd company ; but what will be prescribed for four, will serve equally for two, three or live divisions. [19, To ploy the battalion into close column by division in rear of tho Grst, the colonel will commaud: 1. Cloie column, by dirinion. 2. On the firtt division, right in front. 3. Battalion, rxght — Fack. 4. Mahcii (or double uuick— M akch). 120. At the second command, all the chiefl of division will place themselves beforo the centre!" of their divisions; the chief of the Brat will caution it to stand fast; the chiefs of the three others will remind them that they will have to face to the right, and the covering sergeant of the right company of each division will replace bis captain in the front rank, as soon as the latter steps out. 121. At the third command, the last three divisions will face to the right; the chief of each division will hasten to it > right, and cause filet to be broken to the rear, as indicated No.89; the right guide will break at the same time, and place himself he- fore the front rank man of the Orel file, to conduct him, and each chief of division will place himself by the side of this guide. 123, The moment these divisions face to the right, thejunior captain in each will Elaee himself on the left of the covering sergeant 01 the hit company, who will place imselfin the front rank. T hi* rule it general for mU tle pf o gam i H aji d ie i i i o m . 123. At the command Uarek, the chief of the first division will add, guide lift; at this, its left guide will place himself OD its left, as BOOB M the movement uf the second division may permit, and the tile closers will advance one). ace upon the rear rank. 124. All the other divisions, each conducted by its chief, will step off together, to take their placet in the column : the second will gain, in wheeling l>y file to the rear, the space of six paces, which ought to separate its glide from the guide of the first division, and so direct its march a* to enter the column on a line parallel to this divi- sion; the third and fourth divisions will direct themselves diagonally towards, but a little in rear of. the points at w liich they ought, respectively, to enter the column ; at six paces from the hit Hank of the column, the head of each of there divisions will in- cline a little to the left, in order to enter the column ns has just been prescribed for the second, taking care also to leave thedistajicc of six paces between its guide ami the guide of the prooeding dii urion. At the moment the divisions put themselves in march to enter the column, the file closers ol each will incline to the left, so as to bring thenv- m Ives to the diatau fa pace from the rear rank. 125. Bach chief of these three divisions will conduct his division till he shall be up with the guide (>r the directing one; the chief will then himself halt, see his division file put, and halt it the instant the last file shall have passed, commanding: 1. Apai diriimn; '_'. Hai.t; 3. Fkont; 4. Left — Dukss. 136. At the second command, the division will halt : the left guide will place himself promptly on the direction, six paces from the guide which precedes him, in order that ( the column being formed, the divisions may be separated the distance of four paces. 127. At the third command, the division will face to the front ; at the fourth, it wij be aligned by its chief, who will place himself two paces outside of his guide, and di rect the alignment so that his division may be parallel to that which precedes— which being done, he will command, Fkont and place himself before the centre of his divi- sion. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART II. 83 128. If any division, a tor the command /ronf. he not at its proper distance, and tliis can only happen through the negligence of its chief, inch division will remain in its place, in order that the fault may not be propagated. 12f>. The colonel will superintend the execution of the movement, and cause the pre- scribed principles to be observed. 1 30. The lieutenant colonel, placing himself in succession in rear of the left guides, will a-.-ure thein on the direction as they arrive, and then more to his place outside of the leR Hank of the column six paces from, and abreast with, the lirst division. In as- suring the guides on the direction, he will be a mere observer, unless one or more should fail to cover exactly the guide or guides already established. Thit rule ii gen e r a l, 131. The major will follow the movement abreast with the left of the fourth divi- sion, and aftcrwanls take his position nut.-ide of the left Hank of the column, six paces from, and abreast with, this division. 132. To ploy the battalion in front of the first division, the colonel will give the same commands, substituting the indication Uft for that of right in front. 133. At the second and third commands, the chiefs of division and the junior cap- tains will conform themselves to what is prescribed, No?. 120, 121, 122 ; but the chiefs of the last three divisions, instead of causing the first two files to break to the rear, will cause them to break to the front. 13*. At the fourth command, the chief of the first division will add : Qwidt right : 136. The three other divisions will step off together to take their places in the column in front of the directing division ; each will direct it-elf .-is prescribed. No. 124. and will enter in such manner that, wlu ii halted, its guide may (ind himself six from the guide of the division next previously established in the column. 130. Each chief of these divi-ions will conduct his division, till his right guide shall be nearly up with the guide of the directing one; he will then halt his division, and it to face to the front ; at the in-tant it ri^'ht guide Will face to the rear, place himself six paces from the preceding guide, and col tlv— whieh being done, the diief will alien his division by the right. 137. The lieutenant colonel, placed in front of the right guide of the first division, will assure the guides on the direction as they successively arrive, and then move outside of the right flank of the column, to a point six paces "from, and abre»«t with, the fourth division, now in front. L3& The major will conform himself to what is prescribed. No. 131, and then move outside of the right flank of the column, six paces from, and abreast with, the firtt division, now in the rear. 1 J:-. The movement being ended, the colonel will command: Quid**, nfiout — Face. 140. At this, the guide., who are faced to the rear, will face to the front. HI. To ploy the battalion in rear, or in front of the fourth division, the colonel will command : 1. Clo't ■column bw riiritinn. 2. On th' fnurlh iliniiin, Uit for riqht ■ M frnnt. S, lint:" ' | 4. Si u:< )l or Honl.i. 142. These rnovi ments w ill be executed according to the principli which on which tha battalion ploys will last; the Instant the inurement Commence*, its chief will OOamaad, guide right (or h 143. The foregr.ine ' ..brace all the pi thus, when I shall wi«h to ploi the battalion on an interior division, lo w ill ''. 3. lini -■ ' • 144. The in'tani tl eommenco will command, gu\d' ■ ' i.) 14V The divisionr which, in the ordsr in bat 1 1 ling D, will fac< • 14'. If tSe right ing (livi«ion, and the left in ,t» • i ,<\ IB eJlthe foregoing sepposilion- , 84 BCB001 OF THE BATTALION — PART IH. in wheeling by file to the front or rear, will pain the space of six paces, which ought ;it«- their guides from the guide of the directing division. 147. In .-ill the ploymenta on an interior division, the lieutenant colonel will assure the positions of the guide." in front, and the major those in the rear of the directing division. 14--. If the battalion be in march, instead of at a halt, the movement will be exe- cuted by combining the two gaits of quick and double quick time, and always in rear of one of the flank divisions. 149. The battalion being in march, to ploj it in rear of the tir.-t division, the colonel will command : 1. Close column by dixiiion. 2. On the fir 't division. 3. Battalion — by the right flank. 41. Double guide — Maiicii. 150. At the second command, each chief of division will move rapidly before the oentrc of his division and caution it to face to the right. 151. The chief of the first division will caution it to coetinuc to march to the front, and he will command : Quick march. 152. At the command march, the chief of the first division will command ; Guide left. At this, the left guide will move to the left flank of the division and direct himself on the point indicated. 153. The three other divisions will face to the right and move off in double quick time, breaking to the rij^lit to take their places in column ; each chief of division \\ ill move rapidly to the right of his division in order to conduct it. The Glee will be careful te preserve their distances, and to march with a uniform and decided step. The color-bearer and general guides will retake their places in the ranks. 154. The second division will immediately enter the column, marching parallel to the Brat division ; its chief will allow it to lile past him, ind when the last tile u abreast of him, will command : 1. Second dirition. by the left flank — March. 2. Guide left, and place himself in front of the centre of his division. 156. At the command march, the division will face to the left : at the second com- mand, the left guide will march in the trace of the left guide of the Brat division ; the men will take the touch of elbows to the left. When the second division has closed to its proper distance, its chief will command: Quick time — March. This division will then change its step to quick time. 150. The chiefs of the third and fourth divisions will execute their movements ac- cording to the same principles, taking care to gain as much ground as possible towards the head of the column. 157. If the battalion had been previously inarching in line at double quick time, when the fourth division shall have gained its distance, the colonel will command: Jloulile quick — Maiuii. 158. In this movement, the lieutenant colonel will move rapidly to the side of the leading guide, give him a point of direction, and then follow the movements of tin- first division. The major will follow the movement abreast with the Left of the lourth division. Remarks on ploying the battalion into column. 159. The battalion may be ployed into column at full, or half distance, on the same principles, and by the same commands, substituting for the lirst command : Column at full (or half) dixtance by dirieion. 100. In the ployments and movements in column, when the subdivisions execute the movements successively, such as — to tako or olose distances, to change direction by the flank of subdivisions, each chief of subdivision will cause his men to support arm* after having aligned it and commanded, Front. PART THIRD. AuTici.i First. To inarch in column at full distance. 161. When the colonel shall wish to put the column in march, he will indicate to the leading guide two distinct object* in front, on the line which the guide ought to SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART III. 85 follow. This guide will immediately put his shoulders in a square with that line, take the more distant object as the point of direction, and the nearer one as the intermediate point. 162. If only a single prominent object present itself in the direction the guide has to follow, he will face to it as before, and immediately endeavor to catch on the ground some interniediate point, by which to give steadiness to his march on the point of direction. 188. There being no prominent object to serve as the point of direction, the colonel will dispatch the lieutenant colonel or adjutant to place himself forty paces in advance, facing the column, and by a sign of the sword establish him on the direction he may will to giv. to the li adins gaidi ; that officer being thus placed, this guide will take him as the point of dir ■•< Bon, conforming himself to what is prescribed in the school of the company, > 164. 1 ■-Minns being made, the colonel will command : 1. I ■lumn/orttnrd. 2. Quid* left (or right.) 3. March (or doubU quick — sfaBCH. ) 166. At the command march, briskly repeated by the chiefs of subdivision, the column will pat itself in inarch, conforming to what u prescribed in the school of the company No. 200 and following. . The hading guide may always maintain himself correctly on the direction by k' i ping steadily in view the {wo points indicated to him, or chosen by himself; if these points have a certain elevation, he may be assured he is on the true directum, when the nearer masks the more distant point. lf.7. The following guides will preserve with exactness both step and distance ; each will march in the trace of the guide who immediately precedes him, without occupy- ing himself with the general direction. 1(8. The lietrnant colonel will hold himself, habitually, abreast with the leading guide, to see thai be docs not de\iate from the direction, and will observe, also, that the next guide inarches exactly in the trace of the first. 189. The major will generally be abreast w uh the last subdivision ; he wifl see that eaeh guide marches exactly in the trace of the one immediately preceding ; if c itbi r deviate from the direction, the major will promptly rectify the error, and prevent its bi ing propagated : but he need not interfere, in this way, unless the deviation has be- * ble, or material. 170. The column being in march, the colonel will frequently cause the about to be d while marchinf Sect, he will command: 1. Battalion, right about. 2. M.uuii. 3. Owidt right. 171. At the s'-ennd command, the companies will face to the right about, and the in will then march forward in an opposite direction ; the chiefs ol modi' will remain behind the front rank, the file closers in front of the rear rank, and the 'will place themselves in the same rank. The lieutenant colonel will remain 'ion, now in rear: the major will give a point of direction to thl U ,i lii | guide, and march abreast of bin. 172. The colonel will hold himself habitually on the directing flank ; he will |{ I k to the step and to the distance*, and •' e that all the pi LD< i] ' <-d for the march in DOtomn, ucboi pany, are ina, which tl si ought to hare rendered familiar, will give sufficient exactness I also enable it to form rJU right, or un th: left, iLto line of battle, and ■ 174. I', ut when ■ column, arriving in front, or in rear of the line of battle, or, rather, *n one of the r\ \ i ibat line, bai to prolong itself on it. it. • in to ■ ihf right into line of battle, then, a' ii . nmn ■ ug U om it, othei II be rnlumn ■ , battle, I •/ it <>n lliix I ■ i ■ will • 86 m IIOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART III. the column ought to cro»« it, and another marker to Indicate the point where the first subdivision should commence to wheel; he will be eo placed tut when the wheel li executed the left guide will find himself four paces within the line of bottle. The chief of ill ibdivision, when the 1 1 sd of the colamn shall have arrived near the (too, will take thr> guide to the right! and thi> guide will immediately direct him- self oa the second marker, Oa arriving abreast of him. this subdivision will be wheeled to the left, end whoa the whool i- completed, the fjuide will he changed • to the left : tin- guide will then march parallel to the line «f battle by the moans to \n- hereinafter indicated. 17fi. The instant the Brat subdivision wheels, the right general guide, who, by a eautiou from the lieutenant colonel, will before ha\.' placed himself on the line of battle at the point when the column croo BO l it, and who will have faced to the two points of direction in his front, indicated by the colonel, will march forward correcti- on the prolongation of those points. 177. The color-bearer will place himself in like manner on the line of battle ; and> at the Instant the color subdivision wheels, In- will prolong his march on that line- abreast with this sabdirlsion, taking oare to carry the oolor-lanoe before the contra of hi.« person, and to maintain himself exaotlj in the direction of the general guide who precedes him, and the point of direction in front which will have been indicated to him. 178. Finally, the left general guide will place himself in the same manner on the line of battle ; and, at the Instant the last subdivision of the battalion wheels, he will march correctly in the direction of the color-hearer, and the other general guide, 179. The guide of the first subdivision will march steadily abreast with the right general guide, and about four paces to his right : each of the guides of the following subdivisions will march in the trace of the guide who immediately precedes him, as : [bed, Ho. I'm. 180. The colonel, placed outside of the general guides, will see that the column marches nearly parallel to, and about four paces within these guides. 181. The lieutenant colonel and major will look to the direction of the general f guides, and to this end. place themselves sometimes in rear of the color-bearer, or the eft general guide. 182. If the column be composed of several battalions, the general guides of each will successively place themselves on the line of battle to prolong their march on this line, as the leading subdivision, that of the color, and the one in the rear of their battalion, shall wheel into the new direction ; these guides will conform themselves respectively, as will also th.' colonel, Lieutenant colonel, and major, to what is pre- scribed above for tlm-e of the leading battalion. 183. [a the oase of ..several battalions, the lieutenant colonel of each will maintain steadily the guide of his leading subdivision about four paces within the line of gene- ral guide?, even should the last subdivisions of the battalion immediately preceding deviate from the parallelism, in order that the false direction of one battalion may not influence that of the battalions which follow. The column arriving behind the line of battle, to prolong it on this line. it. [f the colamn, right Id front, arrive behind the line of battle, as it ought to find lour pacet within this line, after having ohanged direction, the colonel will cause a marker to be placed .it the point where, according to that condition, the first subdivision ought to commenoe wheeling. Another marker will be established on the line of battle, to Indicate the point at which thn general guides ought, in succession, to begin to prolong themselves on that line ; be n ill be so placed that each subdivision, having finished its wheel, may find Itself nearly in a line with this marker. Is"'. At the Instant the liist subdivision, niter hating wheeled to the right, begins to prolong itself, parallelly to the line of battle, the leading general guide, placed in advance on that line, will direct himself on the two points taken in bis front; tho color be. u ,-r and the other general guide will successively plaoe themselves on the came Line the instant that their respective subdivision shall have finished their wheel. 189, If the column be composed of several battalions, the general guides of the following battalion- will successively execute what has ju-t been prescribed for those of the leading battalion, and the whole « ill conform themselves, at well as the guides of subdivisions, and the held officers of the several battalions, to what is indicated, above, for a column arriving in front of a line of battle. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART HI. 87 187. In a column, lift in front, arriving in front or in rear of the line of battle, these movements will be executed on the same principles, and by inverse means. The column arriving <>n the right or the left of the line of battle, to prolofig if on this line. 188. If the column. instead nf arriving in front or in rear of the line of battle, arrive on its right or left, and if it have to prolong itself on that lino, in order after- wards to form to the left or right into line of battle, the colonel will bring the color and general guides on the flank of the column by the command color andgtntral gnid*t on (he linr; and those guides will prolong themselves on the line of battle, conforming to what is prescribed above. Manner of prolonging a line of battle by markers. 189. When a column prolongs itself on the line of battle, it being all-important that the general guide? marrh correctly <>n that line, it becomes necessarv that colonels, lieutpnant colonels, and majors, whose duty it is to maintain the true direction, should be able to see, ai far as practicable, the two objects, on which the march of the general guides ought to be directed; consequently, when no prominent objects present them- selves in the desired direction, the chief of the column will supply the want of them in advance by aids-de-camp, or other mounted officers, and in such number as may be ary. 190. Three such officers may prolong a line as far a? may be desired in the following manner : they will place th Omars' Tri in advance on the line of battle, the first at the point where the bead of the column ought to enter ; the second, three or four hundred paces behind the first, and the third, a like distance behind the second. The first of thee olBeeri will remain in position till the leading general guide shall have entered on the line of battle, and then, at a gallop, place himself at a convenient distance be- hind the third. The second will do the like in respect to the first, when the head of •lumn shall be near him, and so on in continuation. These officers, without dis- mounting, will face to the column, and cover each other accurately in file. It will be on them that the general guides will steadily direct their march, and it will be SO much the more BlfJ for the latter to maintain themselves on the direction, M they will always be ahle to see the mounted officers over the heads of the preceding guidoi; that the deviation from the direction, by one or more general guides, need not mi »« ■ bo folhm . 191. A single mounted officer may taffies to assure the direction of a column, when the point of direction toward- which it marches is very distinct. In thi» case, that will place himself on the line of battle within that point, and beyond the one at which the bead of the column will halt, and remain in po-ition till the column halts ; serving thus as the intermediate point for giving steadiness to the march of the general guid' 1'>7. For a column of one or Iwo battalions, markers on foot will suffice to indicate the line to be frill- general guides. uxrkt on the o o Utmn. U though the unetdoneed Mop be that of columns in route marches, and also that which oaghl to I- employed in the Evotntiotu "/ ihr Lin*, beta leave* the men I and, consequent! adapted to mov e me n ts OB ■ large scale and to difficult p;i oiinds. nr Mrth- i ' paramount irn; rm«oldier» in the measan arid the movement of the cadeneed peee, »h< • Step will bo but little practiced in the < , ittalion. except in going to, and Tiing from, the gtound of Instracti in, and for I anism and ; ment« of column' Hi route. 194, It i« highl v essential to the regular it v of the march in column that each guide folh ;h" trace of t • hn 'ion with the general i !. thcgind'« will find them* ■ iv in the direr 1 1* n in into a momenta i . whereas won 1 and from list eoc* fui d t tk m lt exmetif /nl'rn M (** 88 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION— -PA KT IH. trart of the one tho immediately jirereuri, if, pending the march of the Column, the colonel shall give a new point of nniei to/orm division*, and the command break into platoon* to break into eo»ij,nuien. In this case, the companies and divisions will execute what it pf0» scribed lor platoons and companies respectively. 107. The column bring at a halt, if the colonel should wish to inarch it to the rear, and the distance to be gained be to inconsiderable as to render a countermarch a dis- proportionate loss of time, he will cause the column to face about, and then put it in march by the commands prescribed No. 1(14 ; the chiefs of the subdivisions will remain behind the froat rank, the tile closers before the rear rank, a id the guides will step into the rear rank, now in front. In a column, by division, the junior captains, in tho intervals between companies, will replace their covering lergeantl in the rear rank, and these sergeants will s ep into the line of tile closers in front of their intervals. Articlk Second. Column in route. 19S. A column in route, like a column in manoeuvre, ought never to have a depth greater than about the front it had occupied in the line of battle, less the front of a subdivision. 199. The observance of this principle requires no particular rule for a column in manu-uvre: but, as a column in route may have hourly to pass narrow ways, bridges, or other defilet, rendering it necettarj to diminish the iron! of subdivisions, it becomes important to give rules and mean- by which the column may, for aaj length of march, preserve il ase ,,|' t| M . route step without elongation from front to rear. 200. A column in route will be habitually formed by company. SOL When a column in route shall arrive at a pan too narrow to receive the front of a company, the column a ill diminish front by platoon 1), foi centering. This move- ment will be executed successively, or by all the companies at one,-. 202. If, however, the defile be very short, and it may be passed by the diminution of a few tiles, it will be preferable to break to the rear the limited Dumber of filet. 203. The column being l>\ platoon, and the want of space rendering i further diminu- tion of II out neCI s.saiy . it It ill be diminished by section, if the platoons be of twelve or more files. 204. The column being by section, will continue to march by that front M long as the defile may permit. 205. If the platoons have less than twelve liles, one or two files will be broken to the rear, according to the narrowing of the defile, and the route step continued Itlongat six fibs can march aim a ;. 20C. What has just bceu explained for breaking files to the rear in a column by platoon, is equally applicable to a column by at In", [f the defile be too narrow to permit six nun to march abreast, the subdivision! will be marched successively by the Hank, conforming to whatis prescribed Not. 314 and 316, school ot the company. ■JOs. The battalion marching by the Hank, will be formed into column, bv section, by platoon, or bj company, as soon as the breadth of the way maj permit; the several movement! which these formations include will be executed by the commands of the captains, as their companies successively dear the. defile, obttrringthe following rules. 209. As soon as the way is sufficiently broad to contain six men abreast, the captain will command: SCHOOL OF TTIE BATTALION — rART III. 89 x 1. By nertion (or hy platoon) into line. 2. M Alien". 210.' At the command ma-rh , the subdivisions indicated will form themselves into line; the files which have not been able to eater, will follow (by the Hank) the last four flies of their subdivision which have entered into line. 211. The column marching in this order, the files in rear will be caused to enter into line as the increased breadth of the way may permit. 212. The eolumn marching by section or by platoon, platoons or companies will be formed as soon ns the breadth of the way may permit. 213. The leading subdivision will follow the windings of the pass or defile; the fol- lowing subdivisions will not occupy them si -Ives with the direction, but all, in succession, over the trace of the subdivi.-ion which precede them respectively. The men will not sack to avoid the bad parts of the way, but pass, as far as practicable, each in the direction of his file. '.'1 I. Ohaagei of direction will always be made without command ; if the char, important, a caution merely from the respective chief* to their subdivisions will (office, and the rear rank, as well u the files broken to th • rear, will execute successively the movement where the front rank had executed it. 115. The colonel will hold himself at the head of the battalion : he will regulate the Step of the leading subdivision, and indicate to its chief the instant for executing the various movements which the nature of the route may render necessary. 216. If the column be composed of several battalions, each will conform itself, in its turn, to what shall have been commanded for the leading battalion, observing to exe- cute each movement at the same place, and in the same manner. 217. Finally, to render the mechanism of all those movements familiar to the troops, and to habituate them to march in the route step without elongating the column, com- manders will generally cause their battalions to march in this step, g< ing to, and re- turning from, fields of exercise. Bach will occasionally conduct his battalion through narrow psstsea, In order to make it per cat re the utility of the principles prescribed above; and he will several times, in every course of instruction, march it in the route st»p, and cause to be executed, sometimes at once, and sometimes successively, the divers movements which have just been indicated. Qi ju ral ranarki on the column in route. 218. The lesson relative to the column in route is, by its frequent application, one of th" Boat important that ran be given to troop*. If it be not well taught end lisbed on right principles, it trill happen that the rear of the column in route will be obliged to run, to regain distances, or that the front w ill be forced to halt till the rear shall have accomplished that object ; the _• the march g great- ly more fatiguing, generally both, than if it were executed ar- ale. 21 t>. The ordinary progress of a column in route ought to be, on g..od road- or good ads, at the rate of one hundred and ten paces in a minute. This rata ms maintained by columns of almc-t any <\< pth : but m . plough' d I sands, or ssonntsinons distrl _-rers cannot be so great, and must there- regulated according to ctrcasastai i ertain mean" of marching well in rout' gular and equal movement, and. il . k"n i f maich lobe res' nent th" diffi< • 221 to tak" more than the prescribed distant i nee. 222. Thus : the bead of the column encounter* an obstar Us march : all the following in ir- ward« r.a.urall . - whilst the . with i i halt, after having ■ 90 SCHOOL OF* THE BATTALION — PART III. 224. The column being composed of BSTSrsl battalions, the IWMUl !■ Illllsf will always Icive an aid ifci mnjf « ith its rear to bring liiia prompt information if it find a riitliculty in following. 225. Suhdivi.-iom ought always to step out well in obliquing, both in breaking and in forming companies or platoons. When cither i- done in BUCC aaion, it is highly im- portant that no subdivision sUcken or shorten t li -- itep whilst that which precede* it is engaged in the movement. The observance of this principle can alone prevent an ition of the column. 22S. If the battalion, marching by the flnnk. encounter a pass so narrow as to oblige it to d< Ble with a front of two men, the colonel will order suj)port arms, take the cadenoed Itcp, and ondonble the files, which will be executed as prescribed in the lefaool ol the company, No. 326 ; the files will double again as soon as the breadth of the way vrill permit. 227. If the defile be only sufficient to receive a front of one man, the colonel will cease the men to pass one at a time. The men of the same file should follow each other in their order as closely as possible, and without loss of time. As soon as the defile permits a front of two or four men, the battalion will be re-formed into two or four ranks, and will march in this order until there be space to form platoons or sections, as indicated No. 209. 22*. In both cases, just supposed, the head of the battalion, after, ha7ing passed the defile, will march till sufficient space be left to contain the whole of the subdivisions in mass; afterwards it will be put in march by the means indicated No. 122. 229. When a command has to move rapidly over a given distance, the movements prescribed in this article will be executed in doable quick time; if the distance be long, the chief of the column will not allow the march at this gait to be continued for more than fifteen minutes ; at the end of this time, he will order the ordinary route step to be marched for five minutes, and then again resume the double quick. If the ground be uneven, having considerable ascents and descents he will reserve the double quick for those parts of the ground most favorable to this march. 230. A column marching alternately in double quick time and the ordinary route step, in the manner stated, can easily accomplish very lung distances in a very short space of time : but when the distance to be passed oi er be not greater than two miles, it ought to be accomplished, when the ground is favorable, without changing the rate cf march. Article Tiiikd. To dhange direction in column at full distance. 231. The column being in march in the cadenced step, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to change direction, he will go to the point at which the change ought to be commenced, and establish a marker there, presenting the breast to the flank of the column; this marker, no matter to which side the change ol direction is to be made, will be posted on the opposite side, and he will remain In position till the last ■ubdiTision of the battalion shall have passed. The leading subdivision being within a lew paces of the marker, the colonel will command : lhad of column to the left (or right.) 2*2. At this, the Chief of the leading subdivision will immediately take the guif c on the ride Opposite the change of direction, if notalready there. This guide will direct bimsell so a- to rraie th' breast of the marker; arrived at this point, the chief will cause his • nbdiristoi] to change direction by the commands ami according to the prin- ciples prescribed in the school of the company. When the wheel i* completed, the chief of this subdivision will retake the guide", if changed, on the side of the primitive direction. 233. The chief of each succeeding subdivision, as well as the guides, will conform to what has just been explained for the leading subdivision. 234. The colonel will carefully sec that the guide of each subdivision, in wheeling, not throw himself without 'or within, but passes over all the point- of tic I the circle, which he ought to describe. 886. Al often U no distinct object present! itseU in the new direction, the lieutenant eolond will place himself Upon It in advance, at the distance ol" thirty or forty paces from the marker, and be assured in this direction by the colonel ■ the leading guide will take, the moment he shall have changed direction, two points on the ground in the straight line which, drawn from himself, would pasi between the I \t of the lieu- tenant colonel, taking, afterwards, new points as he advances. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — rART III. 91 236. The major will see that the guides direct themselves on the marker posted at the point of change, so u to grace bii breast. 237. If the coluinn he composed of several battalions, the lieutenant colonel of tho second, will cause the marker of the Brat battalion, to be replaced a* soon as the last subdivision of this battalion shall have passed ; this disposition will be observed by bat- talion after battalion, to the rear of the Column, //- ? n < irks. 23S. It bM been demonstrate J, school of the company, how important it is, first, thai each subdivision execute its change of direction precisely at the point where the the leading one had changed, and that it arrive in a square wiih the direction ; tecond that the wheeling point ought, always, to be cleared in time, in order that the subdi- vision engaged in tho wheel may not arrest the movement of the following one. The deeper the column, the more rigorously ought these principles to he observed , because, a fault that would he but slight in a column of a single battalion, would cause much embarrassment in one e-f great depth. Article Foun-rn. To halt the column. 239. The column being in march, when the colonel shall wish to halt it, he will com- mand : 1. Column. 2. Halt. 240. At the second command, briskly repeated by the captains, the column will halt ; no guide will stir, though he may have lost his distance, or be out of the direction of the preceding guides 241. The column being in march, in double quick time, will he halted hy the same commands. At the command hnlt. the men will halt in their places, and will them- * -Ives rectify their positions in the ranks. 242. The column being halted, when the colonel shall wish to form it into line of battle, he will move a little in front of the leading guide, and face to him : this guide and the following one will fix their eyes on the colonel, in order promptly to conform directions, MS. If the colonel jndge it not necessary to give a general direction to the g< he will limit himself to rectifying the position of such as may be without, or within the direction, by the cormand 711.1 - ■ nmpany. OT OKtd imj.anie*, tothi right or to tht l<-/i : at this command, the guidi I will place them- • on the direction ; the others will stand I 244. If. on the contrary, the colonel judge it Decenary to give a general direction to the guid< - nt the column, he wi.l place the first two on the 1 I shall have chosen, and command : • 14".. At this, the following guides will promptly place themselves on the di r->cti»n covering the first two in file, and each precisely at a distance equal to the front of his company, from the gaide immediately preceding; the lieutenant colonel willassare them ii n, and the oolo ae l will command : Le/i — Drrss. 240. \t tlii» command, < aeh companv will inclin' I for- ward or backward, so as t" I h cap- tain will piece btmsoll 1 • r align bi parallelly with that which ) recedes, I s in column. Final! v, if the general guides march on the flanV having halted it. will place hitn«e|f in rear of the the li ( tion of tl, - potats in advance, and establish them • ■ be not aln the major will do the li) rear ; ■ncl will commar 1. '■ command. I ant colonel, pl»' pU 'n<\ will promptly align h» corn; « D2 BGHOOL OF Till' BATKAIIOH — PART III. 249. The colonel, ha . I the direction of the guides, will command : Left (or riyht I' 250. This will be executed as prescribed, N<>. 146. /«'< marks. 251. The means Indicafc A. No. 244, and following, for giving a genera] direction to the guides of a column, at full distance, will apply onlj to .i i olumn oompoaed of two, or, at most, three battalions. If tin' number be BOM numerous, its chief will cause the colors and general guides of all the battalions to itep out and place theinscl-. tic direction which he may wish to give to the column, as is explained in the evolu- tions of the line. Aktjci.k Fifth. To dose the column to half distance, or in mass. 262. A column by company being at full distance right in front, and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to close to halt distance, on the leading company, ho will command : 1. To half distance, close column. 2. March (or doudle uu id; — March.) 253. At the first command, the captain of the leading companv will caution it to stand fast. 364. At the command march, which will be repeated bv all the captains, except the captain of the lending company, this company will -land East, and its chief will align it by the left : the lile closers will close one pace upon the rear rank. 255. All the other companies will continue to march, and as each in succession arrives at platoon distance from the one which precedes, its captain will halt it. 266. At the instant that each company halts, its guide will place himself on the direction of the guides who precede, and the captain will align the company by the left : the tile closers will close on.- pace upon the rear rank. '.'."•7. No particular attention need be {riven to the general direction of the guides before they respectively halt; it will sutlice if each follow in the trace of the on" who precedes him. 258. The colonel, on the side of the guides, will superintend the execration of the movement . obsering that the captains halt their companies exactly at platoon distance the one from the other. ( '. 19. The lieutenant colonel, a few paces in front, will face to the leading guide and Insure the' positions of the following guides as they successively place themSI Ives on the direction. 2U0. The major will follow the movement abreast with the last guide. 201. If the column be in march, the colonel will caus ■ it to close bj the same com- 262. If the column lie marching in doublequick time, at the tirst command, the cap- tain of the |, ading company fl ill command quiek time ; the chiefs of the other coin- pani M "ill caution them to continue their inarch. 2C3. At the command RMroA, the leading company will march in quick, and the other companies in doable quick time : and as each arrives at platoon distance from the preceding one, its chief will cause it to march in quick time. 2C4. When the rearmost company shall have gained its distance, the colonel will command : Doub l l quick— M 2C5. When the colonel shall wish to halt the column and to eau-e it to close to half distance at the same time, he will netify tin' captain of the leading company of his intention, who at the command marefl will hall his company and align it bv the left. 2CG. If the column be marching in quick lime, and the col,, ml should not give the command double quick, the captain of the hading company will halt his company at the command ROrrA, and align it by the left. In the ease, w here the colonel adds the command doubU quick, the < aptaina of companies will conform to what is prescribed No. 262, and the movement will be executed as indicated No. 263, To close the column on (he evjhth, or rearmost company. 207. The column being at a halt, if instead of causing it to close to half distance on SCHOOL OP TIIE BATTALION— PART in. 93 the first company, the colonel should wish to cause it to close on the eighth, hi will command : ]. (h\ the eighth company. In half dituncc clnte column. 2. Battalion about V 3. Column forirard. 4. (inide right. ;>. Maucii (or double quick— MAIOH.) 26s. At the second command, all the companies except the eighth, will lace ahout, and th< ii guide? will remain in the front rank, BOW 1 1 1 ' - \< 260. At the fourth command, all the captains will place themselves two paces ontiide of their companies on the directing Hank. 270. At th" command march, the eighth company will stand fast, and its captain will align it by the left, the other companies will put themselves in march, and. j' arrive.* at platoon distance from the one established before it, its captain will halt it aad face it to the front. At the moment that each companr halts, the left guide, re- maining faced to the rear, "ill place himself promptly on the direction of the elides alreadv established. Immediately after, the captain will align his company by the left, and the file closers will close one pace on the rear rank. It this movement be exi a ted in double quick time, each captain, in turn, will halt, and command : Such oompamw, right about Halt. At this command, the company designated will face to the ri^Lt about and halt. 271. All the companies being aligned, the colonel will cause the guides, who stand fared to the rear, to lace about. 272. The lieutenant colonel, placinp. himself behind the rearmost guide, will s«"ure successively the positions of the other guides, as prescrib : tie- major will remain abreast with the rearmost company. 27^>. The column being in march, when the colonel shall wish to close it on the eighth company, he will command : 1, On the eighth company, to ha'f dittnnce, clofe column. 2. Battalion Tight about. 3. Mxaca (or tt a rnV m quivk If a ao n. ) 4. Quid* right. 274. At the first command, the captain of the eighth company will caution hi« com- pany that it will remain faced to the front ; the captains of the other companies will caution their companies thlt they will have to faee about. 275. At the command marrh, the captain of the eighth company will halt his com- pany and align it by the lelt : the tile closers will close one pace upon the rear rank. 276. The captains of the other companies, at the same command, will place them- selves on the flank of the column ; the subdivision! will fare about, and as each an ires at platoon distance from the XTR. To march in column at hnlf distance, or dosed in mass. ■L A rolumn at hs »»s. b*ing st a hslt. t v » march by the commands prescribed for s column st fall distance. 94 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART III. Tin- mean? of direction will also he the •ami' fur a column at half distance or in mass, a* for a column at full distance, except that the general guides will not stop out. lumn at half distance or in mass, being in march, when the colonel thill wish to halt it. he will give the command* prescribed for halting a column at full dis- tance, audit", efterwarda, he Jodjpe it neoetaan to give a general direction to the anklet of the rohiiim. ho will employ, to this end, the commands and means indicated, No. '244 and following. 2M. In columns at half distance or closed in mass, chiefs of subdivision will repeat the commands march and hall, as in columns at full distance. 285. The colonel will often march the column to the rear, by the means and the commands prescribed Nos. 170 and 171. . A column by division or company, whether at full or half distance or closed in jt ■ hall or marching, can be laced to the right or left, and inarched offiu the new direction. Artici.h Seventh. To change direction in column at half distance. 287. A column at half distance, being in march, will change direction by the same commands and according to the same principle! U ■ Column at full distance; but as the distance between tin- subdivisions is less, the pivot man in each subdivision will take steps of fourteen inches instead of nine, and of seventeen inches, instead of del n. according to the gait, in order to clear, in time, the wheeling point, and the marching flank will describe the arc of a larger circle, the better to facilitate the moTement. Autici.b Eighth. To change direction in column closed in mass. 1st. To change direction in inarching. 288. A column bv division, closed in mas3, being in march, will change direction by the front of subdivisions. I. Whether the change be made to the reverse, or to the pivot Hank, it will al- wa\ ■ bv executed on the pi inciplei of wheeling in marching : to this end. the colonel w ill lirst cause the battalion to take the guide on the Hank opposite to the intended change of direction, i! it be not already on that Hank. 290. A column bv division, closed in mass, right in front, having to change direc- tion to the right, the colonel, after having canted t marker to be placed at the point where the change ought to commence, « ill command: 1. Battalion, right uhn>. 2. Mll'.cil. 291. At the command march, the leading division will wheel as if it were part of a column at hall distance. 292. The instant that this division commences the wheel, all the others will, at once, conform themselves to its movement ; to this end the left guide of each, advanc- ing slightly the left thovldeT and lengthening a little tho stop, will incline to the left) and will observe, at' the same time, to gain so much ground to the front that there may constantly be an Interval if lour pace! between his division and that which pre- cede* it : and at toon at be shall cover the preceding guide, he will cease k> incline and then march exactly in his trace. 293. l'.aek division will conform itself to the movement of its guide; the men will feel lightlv the elbow towards him and advance a little the left shoulder the instant the movemeni commence! : each hie in inclining, will gain so much the less ground to the front, as the lib- shall be nearer to the pivot, and the right guide will gain only to much U may be necessary to maintain between his own and the preceding division the same distance which separates their marching flanks. 294. Bacfa chief of division, turning to it. will regular its inarch, and see that it re- mains constantly included between its guides, that its alignment continues nearly- parallel to that of the preceding division, and that the centro bends only a kittle to the rear. 29f>. The colonel will superintend the movement, and cause the pivot of the leading division to Lengthen or to shorten the ttcp. conforming to the principle established, k l.ool of the company, No. 227— if cither be necessary to facilitate the moreincnt of the other divisions. SCHOOL OF TIIE BATTALION — PART III. 95 20G. The lieutenant colonel, placed near tlio loft guide of tin- leading division, will regulate hif march, and take care, nbove all, that he does not throw hinicelf in'rAin the arc he ought to describe. 89Ti The major, placed in the rear of the guides, will see that the last three conform themaelvi -. each by flight degrees, to the movement of the guide immediately preced- ing, and that neither inclines too much in the endeavor to cover too promptly the guide in his front ; he will rectify any serious fault that may be committed in either of those particulars. . The colonel, seeing the wheel neatly ended, will command : 1. Forxrard. 1. JUnCB. t$9. At the second command, which will be given at the instant the leading division completes it* whe< I, it will resume the direct march : the other divisions will conform themselves to Mm movement ; and if any guide find himself no) covering his immedi- ate leader, he will, by slight degrees, bring himself on the trace of that guide, by ad- vancing the right shoulder. 300. If the column, right in front, has to change direction to the left, the colonel will first cause it to take the guide to the right, and then command : 1. Jinttalion, left vitrei. 2. Mu 301. At the command mnrrh, the battalion will change direction to the left, aerord- tbe principles just pre s cr ibed, and by inverse means. 302. When the battalion shall have resumed the direct march, the colonel will change the guide to the left, on seeing the last three guides nearly in the direction of the one in fi ont. Mtt, Th« foregoing changes of direction will be executed according to the same principles in a column, left in front. 304. A column by company, doted in mass, will change direction in marching, by the commands and means indicated for a column by division. The guide, who is the pivot of the particular wind, ought to maintain himself at his usual distance of six paces from the guide who precedes him ; if this distar not exactly preserved, the divisions would necessarily become confounded, which must be carefully avoided. 2d. To change dived ion from a hall. 106. A column by company, or by division, closed in ma le of his right guide, •nmand mnrrh. all the guide of the leading one will direct him* If from lh< i' ed in sdi an< • on tb< low the movement, bat aMil md as soon a anted, he will command : 1 / en). 2. Ill ; KM- 310. At the fourth command. th< ers, snd be promptly aligned I » 31 1 iissn. ttjsjsj parallelly to that sabdivuioc, and at tl ra its rear r • • 96 9 IIOOL OF EH BATTALION — PART IH. 312. Each chief of subdivision will halt in bis own per«on. on arriving opposite to the I'f: guidi i already placed on the new direction, aee his subdivision file pa«t, and !,i himself, In halting and aligning it. to what is preacribed No. 309. 31.1. If the change of direc ti on be bj the 1 ••■Tt flank, the colonel will cause markers to be establish* I . the first in front of the l"ft file of tin* leading subdivision, and then give the same commands, substituting the indication left for riijht. ."14. At the second command, all the subdivisions will face to the left, and each a ill place bimaelf by the tide of his left guide. S16. At the command march, all the subdivisions will step off together. each con- ducted by its chief. 31fi. The guide of the leading sabdiriaion, will direct, bimaelf, from the flrat btep, pai allelly to the marker* ; the subdivision will be conducted by ita chief; and as soon left guide shall have passed the second marker, it w ill be halted and aligned aa bed abort : and soofeeeh of the following subdivisions. "17. The colonel v. ill hob! himself on the designated flank, to see that each subdivi- sion enters, the new direction parallelly to the leading one, and at the prescribed dia- tancc from that which precedes. 318. The lieutenant colonel will place himself in front of, and facing to, the guide of the leading subebv iaion, and a ill aasnre the positions of the following guides, as (hey successively arrive on the new direction. 319. The major will follow the movement abreast with the last subdivision. 320. In order that this movement mav be ezeonted with facility and precision, it is necessary that the leading subdivision should entirely unmask the column; for exam- ple : the movement being made by the right Hank, it is necessary before halting the leading subdivision, thai its left guide shall, at least, have arrived at the place previ- ously occupied by its tight guide, in order that each following subdivision which has to pas* over a space at least equal to its front to put itself in the new direction, and whose left ought to pass the point at which the right had rested, may, at the command hull, find itself in its whole front, parallel to the leading subdivision. 321. By this method there is no direction that may not be given to a column in mass. Autici.b Ninth. Being in column at half distance, or closed in mass, to take distances. 322. A column at half dittanee will take full distances cy the head of the column when it has to prolong itself on the line of battle. If, on the contrary, it has to form its* It in liii'' of bit tie 00 the ground it occupies, it will take distances on the leading or on the rearmost subdivision, according as the one or other may find itself at the point where the right or left of the battalion ought to rest in line of battle. 1st. To take distances by the head of the column. 323. The column being by company at half distance and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to take full distances by the head, he will command: By the In ad of column, take wheeling distance. 324. At this command, the ca[ tain ofthe leading company will put it in march ; to this end, he will command : 1. Firit company, forward. 2. Ouideltft, 3. March (or doubls quid — Mauch). 32T.. When the second shall have nearly its wheeling distance, its captain will com- mand : 1. Second company, for w ard. 2, OuicUIeft, 3. Mauch (or double quick — March). 326. At the command SMrcA, which will be pronounced at the instant that this com- pany shall have its wheeling distance, it nil! step off smartly, taking the step from the preceding company. Kach of the other companies will successively execute what has just been prescribed for the Becond. 327. The colonel will see that each company puts itself in march at the instant La* its distance. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART III. 9? 328. The lieutenant colonel will hold himself at the heat battle, t| )( . first opposite to the rearmost company, the second marker towards the head of the column, at company distance from the first, and both facing to the rear; at the same time, the right general guide, on an intimation from the lieutenant colonel, will move rapidly a little beyond the point to which the hoail of the column will extend, and place hi nasi II correctly on the prolongation of the two markers. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command : 1. On tht eighth company, tnhe traeeliwy dittance. 1. Cn\\imn'' fortrard. 3. Guide ]r/t. 4. March i or di mb i t quick — March i. 334. At the third command, the captains will place themselves two paces outside of the directing flank ; the ?a| tain of the eighth company will caution it to starul 335. At the command march, repeated by all the captains, except the captain of (he eighth company, this latter company will stand fast; its elm I » ill ajign it hv the left on th«> firf-t marker, who is opposite to this company, and place hiinsvll before it* centre, after commanding : Frost. At this command, the marker will retire, and the left guide will take hit. place. 336. All the other companies will put themselves in march, thr guide of the leading one directing himself a little within the right general guide : when the seventh com- pany has ariived opposite the second marker, its captain will halt, and align it on this marker, in the manner prescribed for the eighth company. When the captain of the sixth company shall see that there is, between his company and the seventh, the necessary space lor wheeling into line, he will bait his company ; the guide facing to the rear will place himself promptly on th* direction, and the moment he shall be assured in hi' position, the captain will align the companv bj the left, and then place himself two pace before its centre ; the other companies will i conform themselves to what baa just been prescribed fi company. ind see that each company halts at the tibed diitance. he wil dr any fault that may be commit t*n\ and as soon as all thi . .ball be aligi Icauaethcgt .ire faced ts> the rear, to face about. » 3^.9. The lieutenant colonel will soeeessivrly aasure the left guide, Uan, placing him-elf in their rear, as they arrive. 340. The mij.r will h*ld himself at tht head of the column, and will direct the march of the leading guide. To lahf dist hrmr>aar, will ett ■> two markers ia the mini." ;u«< ether at enmpany distance in r»ar of the hr«l. bm \*{\ general guide, on an intims' rear and place himself » prolongation of tht two snarkmnsV nsmlefen- rond the point In whirh * he r mr ■ ' \\,<- column will extended ing made, the colonel will command : 7 p| SCHOOL OF THK BATTALION — IWRT III. 1. On the firtt company take irhee\ing di'taure. 1. llattaMnn, about — FaCK. 5 Co] Hmn. farmird. 4. lluidc right. S. Mm.cii (ftr rfOM&le Q arirl 1 342. At i In- second command, all ike cmnpanii *.< icept the i«ne designated, will face ab'iut. tin- guides remaining in the ti not rank row In cone Ihe rear. :;43. At the fourth command, tin- captain* will place themselves outside of their 344. At the command march, the captain of the designated company will align it, a> p- m il'ed. No. 335, on the marker placid by its side. 346. The rnnaininp companies « ill put themselves in march, the guide of the resr- Bio>t one will din ct himsei: a little within th • lefl general guide ; when the Second Kiawit shall ha\ e an ived apposite tin- second n n. ier, its captain w ill face it shout, Conforming to i.-i preacitkod, N<>. 270, and align it, ad has just bei/n pmscrikei f«n the hist company. :;4fi The instant that the third company shall have it« wheeling distance, its captain will halt it facing it about, as picscrihid, No 270. and align it by the left : the cap- tain.- ol the retraining companies will eai h. in succession, conform himsi It to what baa ju-t been preset ibed lor the captain of the third. 347. The colonel will follow the movement, as indicated \o. 33H ; tbe lieutenant Colonel and major will conform themselves to what is presented, Nos. 339 and 340. 348. Th •* :>. various movements will be executed according to the same principle* in * a column with the left in front. 34!'. Thej will be caccuUd in like manner in a column closed in mass ; but, if it be the wish of the colonel to open out the to hull, instead of full distance, he will substitute i.. the commands, the indication ha\f. tor that of u hr> Mug distance. 350. In a column by division, distances will be taken according to the same princi- ples. AllTlCI. K T NTH Countermarch of a column ut full or half disluncc. 861. In a column at full or half distance, the countermarch will be executed bj the means indicated, school ol the company ; to this end, the colonel will command : 1. Countermarch. 2. Ilnt'nlion riH. The divisions being aligned, each chief will command, Froxt; at this, th* guides will shift to their proper flanks. SCHOOL OF TUB BATTALION — PART III. 99 359. In a cnlnmn with t ho I. -ft in front the countermarch will be exect"d by the same commands and mesa* : bnt all the divisions, will be aligned b) tlic lolt : to thin end, th • i-hii'lx n the coion<4 shall wish to torui divisions, he will command : 1. Form divisions. 2. Left companies, left— Face. 3. Mahch (or double quirk - M ikch.) 3ti5. At the fir.- 1 command, the captains of the left companies will caution them ta fa.-. t» the I, It. 366. At the second command, the left companies will face to the left, and their cap- tains will place themselves by the side of th it respective le.t gmd-«- 367. T h e i i.'lii oompaaiea, and th- ir captains, will stand fa-t ; but the right and left fluid- 1- oi each ol ill s. ■ compani -s will place themselves r.-xp -rtiveiv before the right and left hies, ol th ■ company both guides lacing to tb .• right, and each resting hi right arm gently again-t the breast of the front rank mao of th • tile, in order to maik th* du . i ten. 368. At the command m< tween la ta , will promptly Incline to tbe right j ihe captain will place bimeeM on th.- left of the right Ann pan j >.f tie division, and align bimseU correctly .>n the ftont rank of that company . 371. The I. ft guide w ill plare. hi.n«.lf at the »aino time before one ..f the three left files «f his compani. face to the tight, and rnv«T rnirectlv the guides <>t the company ; t' ■ | his captain sees him established on tbv direction, he will co»- ■ I. d: * Right - Dress. 372. At this, the left company will dicss forward on the alignm.-nt of the right tampaaj ; th. front isnk man. «ho may find hi • If 0| | m !• In the left guide, w.ll, without preceding l.i- a \. lest lighllf his b> • ast sgainst the ? ight aim of this p.. il. captain of th ini will direct it« sjigament na this man. and the align m< nt being aaanred, h.- w ill . ommand. Fkosjt ; but not quit bis i lion. 373. The | | the divisions formed, will command I.Ml.l*. I'osts 374. At this, the guide* * h<> have mark d the front* of div>»i«ns w ill r. torn to thru \ * in column, t h It t guid ..I • a| the du i-i. i>, ai.d th" captaiata will pla< ■•■ 7&. S7S. The Colonel, from th< do .•'"tine; flank n( th* rolumn. will sopball wk«b lo l«nn. - »nH • ■aflbintM 2. / ,f, rt ,».;.oi..#., hy ik, U/i/mnk. 3. MaMB («r ahjaJN MaacHj 100 !'^OL OF TOE BATTALION — PAKT III. ITT. At the first command, the captains of the right companies will, Miri Maw. the captains of tin.' left companies will caution thwir companies to/ace by the left flank. 378. At the third command, the right COmptntCT will mark time, the left companies will face to the left : the tnirtiJM of the left companies will each see his company file past him, and when it has cleared the column, will command : Such company, by the riyht jlank — March. ■ As soon as the divisions are formed, the colonel will command : 4. Forward, h. March. 379. At the fifth command, the column will resume the gait at which it was march- ing previous to the commencement of the movement. The guides of each division will remain on the right and left of their respective COmpanil » : the left guide of the right company will pass into the line of file closers, before the two OOmpulH ;ire united ; the right guide of the left company will step into the rear rank. The cap- tains will place themselves as prescribed No. 7<>. Being in column at full or half distance, to form divisi 380. If the column be at a halt, and. instead of being closed in mass, is at full or half distance, division? will be formed in the same manner: but the captains of the left companies, if the movement be made in quick time, after commanding Promt, will each piece hitaself before the centre of his company, and command, 1. Such company, fortrard. '2. lr ri'/hi. 3. Mauch. If the movement be made in double quick time, each will command as soon as his company has cleared the column : 1. Such company, by the right jlank. 2. March. 381. The right guide of each left company will so direct hi-- march as to arrive by the >idf of the man on the left of the right company. The lift company being nearly up with the rear rank of the right company, its captain will halt it, and the movement will be finished as prescribed No. 371 and following. 382. If the left be in front, the movement will be executed by inverse means: the right companies will conform themselves to what is prescribi '1 shore for the left coiu- fianies : and the two gaides, placed respectively. Before the right and left files of eaCft eft company, will faee to the I. -ft. At the command. • [#, given by the colonel, the guides, who have marked the front of 'divisions, and the captain.-, vr ill quickly re- take their places in the column. :ts;i. It the column be marching at full distance, the divisions will be formed as prescribed No. 190. If it be marching at half distance, the formation will take place by the commands and according to the principles indicated No. 370; If the column be marching in double quick time, the companies which should mark time will march in quick time by the commands of their captains. liemarks on the formation of divisions from a halt. ■84. As this movement may be considered as the element of deployments, it ought to lie executed with the utmost accuracy. MB. If companies marching by the flank do not preserve exactly their distances, there will be openings between the tiles at the instant of facing to the front. B£6, If captain* halt their companies too early, they will want space, and the file* which have not cleared the flanks of the standing companies will not be able to drew into line without pushing their ranks laterally. 387. If on the contrary the companies be halted too late, it will be necessary for them to Incline BO the right or left in dressing ; and in dcplo_\ inents, either of these faults would lead to error in the following companies. 868. As often as a guide shall have to step out to place himself before his subdivision in order to mark the direction, he will be" particularly careful to place himself so as to be opposite to one of the three outer files ofthe subdivision when they shall be aligned : if be take too much distance, and neither of those files finds itself' against him, the chiefs of the subdivision will have no assured point on which to direct the alignment. I« h»i tit SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART IV. 101 PART FOURTH. Different modes n the direction it is wished to give to the line: 2r/. by placing a marker at the point at which it may be intended to reet a flank, and then choosing a second point toward-', or beyond the op- posite flank, and there posting a second marker distant from each other a 1 i 1 1 1 • - le»l than the leading subdivision ; 3d, by choosing at first the points of direction for the flanks, and then d( t riuining. by intermediate points, the straight line between those selected points, both of which may sometimes be beyond reach. Artici k Skcosp. Different modes of passing from column at full a \0to line, of battle. 1. To the left (or right) ] 2. On the right (orTeft) e of battle . .1. forward, 4. Faced U> the rear, J 1st Column at full distance, right in front, to the left into line of battle. SM. A column, right in front, being at a halt, when the colonel 'hall wish to form it to the left into line, he will assure the positions of the guides by the means previ- ously Indicated, and then command : ]. Left into live, trheel. 2. MARCH (or double quick— March. ) Stl. At - rand, the ri,_ r ht guide of the leading Company will hasten to r la" himself on the direction of the left guides of the column, face to theni. and place MSBttlf K ;i U) one of the three right Bid of nil OOSBpaay, »li(ii they shall be in line : he will be assured in thai ) ■' ■- 1 1 1 < >it by the lieutenant color,' 1. 3'.'7. At th<> fommand march, brisklT repeated by the captains, the left front rank man of each company will face to the (eft. and re't his breast lightly against the right arm of his gnidp : the companies will wbeel to the lefl on the principle of wheeling from a halt, conforming themselves to what i ■ ■ 23f-» : each captain will turn to his company . to obw and. _'bt of the f he will command : L 2. Ilii.T. the captain will place himsrlf on the line by the I ■ hi of the company next on the right, align I cor- rectly, and command : 3. Mi§kt— Dams. I At this command, tits company will 'li'.'sn; rank man on it" left, the rartain ■'■ man on the right of tl will lightly re«i his breast again't the left arm of this guide. a; tain, having aligr.rd his • ^nd the ' will add : ■ will tnomentaril i j Btsjssanl l*hinH t lie uirif fib . 7 /..■■'■ .•■.•>•-» . - • > rti ii-ir,«in*ii«fflii.i '■ ' , r » "n companies form UaH two ptc^f f r „ I0 the ;*a.i rar.k U rofhciently aseure Uv 102 SCHOOL OP TUB BATTALION — PAB1 !V. 39R. The- battalion being correctly aligned. Hi • colonel, lieutenant colonel, and ma- jor, as well «.« the adjutant mid sergeant BMBJm . m ill i etui n to their respeetn s places in line «' battle. Thi rule »', general for nil the formoiou-, into (ln« o/" tutto? ; n \.r- tli lew, the battalion being in the scnoalof the elementary iutiuction, tl I »ill go In a in poial h ■ may deem neOMMTJ. 3U9. A column, with tin- Ml in front, will Inrm itself to tkr right turn line of battle, accoiding to the ane principles \ the left guide of th.' 1. tt company n ill place him- self, at the fust comma) il. on the direction of the right guides in a manner i or res- ponding '.o xx hat is pi iki ibid. .No. 391, fot the right guide ol the right company, 400. At the command ./nh/«« BO 'ft, the captains \x ill take their places in line of battle as will if the guides, Tmi* tnle U p SOSf o f /or Off formation* into line oj LattU in vhiih the roatpOHW< art aligned by the left, 401. A column bv division Dial form itadf into line of battle by the same commands, and means, but observing what follows: if the right be in front, at the command halt. givi n hx the ( htefl M 1 1 i \ i.-ion, the bit guide of cat h i ight lompanv \\ ill place hill -'If on the alignment opposite to one ol the three tile- on th left 01 bil CompaOV the I ft guide oi the first company will be •spared on the direction bj the lieutenant eohn I; the I. ft guides of the oth' r »" i tT 1 1 1 companies \x ill align th ms-lves eorrcctl) OB the dix ision guidi s : to this end, the division guides (on the alignment will invci t. and hold their pit us up perpindiiulai l\ before the centre of theii nodi t,atthecoaat 1 left into line, trhetl. If th column b» dix i.-ion be with the bit in front, the right guided of I .-it oontpanies vyill conform themai 1» s In « bat ba- just bei n pre* i ib d ior the I t guides of i iarfal companies, and place Ihemselrcs on the line opposite to one of the three i ight filet ol their reap ctive oompani s. 402. A column in maieh will be formed into line, without halting, bv the same com- mands and im-anx. At the command mat-cA, the guid s vx ill halt in th, ii places, and the li> utenant colon I will promptly rectify theii positions. 403. If. in forming the column into line, the colonel should wish to move forward, without halting, be xx ill command: 1. lly vomjiomei left B heel. 2. MakCII (or sfetaVa quiet— Ma>OH«) 404. At the command march, briskly repeated by thecaptains, each compani v.ill w li 1 1 "o (he left on a fixed pivot as prescribed in the school of th ■ company, No. 261 ; the bit guide will Step back into the lank ol file closeis before the wheel is COBB* plet'-d, and when the right of the couipaniea shall arrive near the line, the cnlnnoi will coinmand : 3. Forward. 4. M \ . f>. (,'uitle line of hctftle. 407. Wi en a column, right in front, shall be tinder the necessity of forming Itself into line lac d to the ri vetse Bank, and the colonel .-hail n i.-h to exi cute this loi (na- tion bv the choi test inovi ment. he xx il! command : 1. lly inrrr-ton, right into line, it heel. 2. Battalion, guide right. 40ft. At tin- fiist command, the Heatearal colonel xxill place himself in front, and facing to the i i^ht s^iide <»t the It Biting wbdlvistno ; at the second command, be will rectilx , as pi on ptlx as possil b , the dil ection of the i ig lit guides uf the column ; the captain of the odd company, if th re be one. and the column be bv division will pionptlx b ing the lighted his company on the diiection. and at compani distance from the dix i.-ion next in front ; the left guide of the leading subdivision xxill place himsill mi (be direction of the right guides, and \x ill be as.-ui e. in his position b^ tho lit utenant Oulonel ; vxhii h being wr< cuted. the colon I xxill comman I : .'!. M Mien (or double quirk-— M Alien. } 403. At this, the right front rank nan of each subdivision will facr to the ripht, rest his breast light 1 1 against the left aim of bia guide, and the battalion will form it- If to the lie hi into line of battle, according to the principles prescribed; which being executed, the colonel will comr and: Cuidti— To If« SCHOOL op Tll«-: BMTALroX — PART TV. 1015 410. If the column bo with th ■ h-ft in front, it will form it-elf, by invorainn, to the loft into 1 in '. according to th'- same princit'l'**- 411. If the colonel -hoi'd i\ i.*h the battalion, when fortned into lin.- af battle, to ho moved forward the movtn. nt will he executed bv the command*, and according tt» th • ni inripl « indicated in No. 403; always preceding tho coin . and, by aompamii* right (or l'ft) trhrrl, by the rommnnd. fcy ini'fr.ton. Succe.s.siv'} formations, 4 1 "2. Under th" denomination of successive formations arc included all those forma- tion* wh m •• t!> • iev«ral aubdirinlnna of a column arrive one after anoth i on th • line o( hn'tl ■ : WCTI are foi mat ions on the tight, or left, forward and faced to the i ear iiilo iMtrle, a« «ri II as deployment* of cohnnne in ma*s. _ 413. The aneceaaive formations which mar be ordered when the column i" marching, an*' i* to continue marching, will be • » ento d by a combination of the t« o jtaits. y«r) h xn>\ •!'• i> quick time. 2'/. Column at full distance^ '»> lie right, (or en the Irfi.) iu/n UlW of huJltc. 414. A column hv companv, a' full distance and i ight in front, having to form it self on the right into line of battle, the colon. 1 will indicate to th lieutenant onion I a littl in advance, th" point of trppiti, or rest, lor th,' light, as well as tie- point of < I ■ — rcrtinn to the I ft ; the li lutenanl colonel u ill baMten n ith two mat kcta. and exUbli a th m in the following manner on the direoiion indicated. 4l."i. Th • M; -i marker will he planed at the point of n/tpni for the right front rank aaaa «t tlv 1 -ading compmiv ; th ■ second will indicat" ill point wher ■ one of tho lino 1*U fi|e» ol tin saitw Com pant will r ft \\h n in tin' : they will be placed so aa • nt th • i ight shoulder to the battalion « hen formed. 4JA Tbcae dtatpoaitioni being made, the oolonei will command : I. (9a ihr rxnht. into r»*«. 2 i!n tnHmt . gitidt right, 417. At th» second command, th • right will become ihe directing flank, and t h« touch ol th elbow will In- to that aide : ih ■ right guide of the I .iding company will ' -ti sight foi ward until up with th •• turning point, and each following guioe w ill ■ In the trace o4 the one immediately preceding. 418. The lending companv being nearly up with the drat marker, its captain will enmrrand ; 1. Kiijht turn, and w lien th ■ company is preeUely up with this ruai ker, ho « ill add : 2 If 4 419. At th • command mnrrk, the companv will turn to the rifdat; the right guide wfll an direct him > li aa to bring th • man uezt t bim opposite to the i ight aaa • and nli.j .i | - from hi n, the captain «ill command; 1. Fir»t «im|«i»y. 2. llst.T. I mmaiid. ih.- companv will hall : the files, not vot in lin*. will form ;li k-U gmde will n-tire as a Me doner; and the capi.nn « ill ill n and : ft, a?t**fa Dm 411 mi w ill align ita If; th.- ta to th two inoHt»ra. Will oweb light I r««at hia I » ' captain. pa««ing to ti, • light oi the front tank >■ ill th align" i.«m win continue to march straight forward i wh n en 4 'li i fi fin k ••) ih preceding companv. it will tw « *- I, 1. 1 >• - 1 b cp pni '• I th 1 ight ••me upon that I (h I in. . ,.' i»,-,.e • I t >,„ ro-np«m "ill !w> in on (lie • and »hg 1 bimi i * T» U 1 gnid • will, at ' Ic't ' ••< . and («r w ill place hum. 't <•■ ' o w ill then comw — »«t«». 104 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION* — PART IV. 426. At tliis command. the second company will dross forward on the line: the cap- tain will direct its alignment on the front rank man who has rested his breast ag.un.t the left guide (if the company. 417. The following oompaniei will thus come successively to form themselves on the line of battle, each conforming itself to what has _ju»t bees prescribed for the one next to the right; and when they shall all be established, the colonel will command: (t'ui,irt l'i'M«. 42 s . At this command, the guides will take their places in line of battle, and the marker.* placed before the right company will retire. 429 If the column lie marching in i|uick time, and the colonel should wish to cause the movement to be executed in double quick time, he w ill add the command : Double quick — Mabcb. At the command marrh. all the companies will take the double quick step^ and the movement will he executed as prescribed, No. 417, and following. 430. The colonel will follow up th • formation, passing along in front, and being al- wa\ ■ opposite to the company about to turn : it is thus that he will be the he tier ablo to see and to correct the error that would result from a command given too soon or too late to the preceding company. 431. The lieutenant colonel will, with the greatest care, assure the direction of the guides ; to this end, the instant that the markers are established for the leading com- pany, he will move a little beyond the point at which the left of the next company will rest, establish himself correctly on the prolongation of the two markers, and assure the guide of the second company on this direction ; this guide being assured, the lieu- tenant colonel will place himself farther to the rear, in order to assure, in like tian- ner, the guide of the third company, and so on successively, to the left of th* batta- lion. In assuring the guides in their positions on the line of battle, he will take care to let tliem first place themselves, and confine himself to rectifying their positions if they do not cover accurately, and at the proper distance, the preceding guides or markers. Thin ride M general for all «i the guide of the leading company a point in advance, on which this guide will immediately direct himself, and the company w ill conform Itself to the direction of its guide, at the command, or on a mere caution, of the captain, according as the change of direction may require : each following company will make the same movement, on the same ground, as it shall successively arrive. By this means the guide, of all the companies in the column will have, after turning, nearly the same number of paces to take in order to come upon the line of battle. 430. Evert captain will alwayi obserye, in placing himself on that Una, not to give the command Un.**, until after the guide of his company shall have been assured on the direction by the lieutenant colonel. 7' hi* rule it e/susraf/or all taessssMrs formation*. 437. Each captain will cause his company to support arms, the instant that the cap- tain, who follows him, shall hare commanded front. Thit rule it yencrat for all »«c- remM-f formation*. , 438. When in the excution of this movement, the colonel shall wish to commence firing, he will give the order to that effect to the captain whose company is the first in line of battle: this captain will immediately place himself behind the centre of his company, and as soon ae the next captain shall have commanded fr oh t t he will com- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART IV. 105 mencc the?firo by file, by tli I command* prescribed, school of the company. At the command /?>e by file, the marker at the outer tile of thin first company will retire, and the other will place himself against the nearest man ot the next company The cap- tain of the latter wilt commence tiring as soon as the captain of the third company, in line, shall hare commanded front) tin- marker before the nearest tile of the second compnnv. in line, will now retire, and the guide before the opposite flank will place himself before the nearest file nf the third company, in line, ana so on, in continuation, to the last company on the left or right of the battalion, according as the formation may have commenced with the rijrht or left in front. 439. In all the successive formations, the same principles will be observed for the execution of the fire by file. This fire will always be executed by the command of each captain of company. 3d. Column at full distance, forward into line of battle. 440. A column being by company, at full distance, right in front, and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to form it forward into line, he will conform to what is prescribed Sos. 414 and Ilk, and then command : 1. Forward into line. 2. By company, left half vh*e\. 3. March (or doubh quick — M 1 1 441. At the first command, the captain of the leading company will add — §midt right, put the company in march, halt it three paces from the markers, and align it against the latter by the right. 442. At the command march, all the other companies will wheel to the left on fixed fiirots; and, at the instant the colonel shall jndge, according to the direction of the inc of battle, that the companies have sufficiently wheeled, he will command: 4. Forward. 5. M*RCH. 6. Guide right. 443. At the fifth command, the companies ceasing to wheel, will march straight for- ward : and at thesixth, the men will touch elbows towards the right. The right guide of the second company, who is nearest to the line of battle, will march itraight fur- ward: each succeeding right guide will follow the file immediately before him at the cessation of the trheeC 444. The second compay having arrived opposite to the left file of the first, its cap- tain will cause it to turn to the right, in order to approach the line of battle ; anil when its rijrht guide shall be at three paces from that line, the captain will command : 1. Sec ond company. 2. Halt. 445. At the second command, the company will halt : the files not vet in lire with the guide will come into it promptly, the left guide will place himself on the line of battle, so as to Vie opt osite to one of the three tile- on tie left of the company : and as soon a« he is assured on the direction by the lieutenant colonel, the captain, having placed himself arrutately on the line of battle, will command: I 44fi. At the in«tant that the guide of :! mpany begi is to turn to the right, the guide of the third, rra'ing to follow thr file immediately before him, will match sfright forward : and. when he »hall an ; to the left of tbe second, hi tain will canst the companv to turn to the right, in order to approach the tic, halt it at three pans from that line, and align it b/ the i -1 for ond company. 447. Isrl, following company will execute what has third. a« th< , *nv shall turn to the right, id order to approach ti of battle, v 14ft. The formation ended, tbe colonel will command : ■ 449. The colonel and lieutenant colonel will Wrvein this formation, what i< ■iHked for th< m or, tt ' .w . \ ■lomn left in front, will form itiK-lf forw»- g to the i»n ■ - r«r means. « mpany at ft r,t, and in i and , themselves to what is * I The head of the column bsvtstg diitasrtt from the two 10(5 SCHOOL OF TIIK B\TTAIJ0N — PART IV. I. Funrnrd into line. 2. Ily company left half irheel. 3. M ARCH (or doithlt quick — March. 1 4 r> rj . At th<- first command, the Captain of the first eompanv will command, (iuide right, and caution it to ma ch directly to the front, the captains of the other comi a- ni' s will motion th m to wheel to the 1 ft. 454. At th'- command march, briskly repeated bf the cartains, the first oompaujr will continue to niar< li t i the front. taking tli ■ touch ol elbows to the right. Its chief w>ll halt it at three par * Iron the Barken, an I align it bf th I i ight. The other root* pani -s will wheel to th • 1ft on fixed pivots, and at the instant the colonel shall judge that they have wheeled it lietehtl.V, he will coiqtnaml : 4. Forward. 5. March. 8. Quid* right. 455. At the fifth command, the companies will cease to wheel anil move forward. At the sixth, they will take the touch of elbows to the right The movement will be executed as previously explained. 4.)6. It th-- colonel should wish to form the column forward into line, and to continue to ma! eh in ibis oi d-r. h • will not cause ma.kis to !>• established: th • movenu nt wi'l ti • Pi eut.-d in ttonbU yuick time, bv the same commands and ui.-ans, 'nut with the followii g modilications: 4.',7. At th" first command, the captain of the first company wi I add quick ti ft* alter the command guide right. At the Bccond command the first company will continue to march in quick time, and will take the tout h of elbows to the i ight ; its i hi •! will imutedi teir place himself on its right, and to assure the march will take points of direction to th ■ front. The captain of th ■ s 'cond company will cause his company f> tak • Ihe same pa it a> soon as it shall arrive on a line with the tir-t. and will also more to the right of his eompanv ; th • captains n th • third and fourth companies will ex- ecute sneceaeivi Iv what has just b en prescribed lor the second. The Companies will preserve the touih of elbows to the right, until the command, guide centre. 4"iS. When the color company shall have enti r d tic line, the colonel w ill command guid' >„„tre. At ibis command, the color-bearer and the I i-ht general guide will move rapid) < six paces in advance of the line. The colonel will assure th • direction vf the color-hearer. The li *utenant colon 1 and the right compani'8 will immediately con- form themselves to the principles of th • march in line of battle. The left companies and th ■ 1 d't general guide, as they arriv on the line, will also conform to th • same principles, [f the column be ma ching in double quick time, wh"n the last company shaN have arrived OH the line, the colonel will cause the double quick to be re- sumed. 4-Vi. It is not necessary that the movement he entirely completed, b forehalfinir the battalion. As soon as the part of tie battalion already formed shall have arrived on the line of battle, the colonel will halt the battalion; the companies not in line will each complete the movement. Remarks on the formation forward, info line of hattfe. 400. Th • precison of this movement depends on the direction the com pa is. have at th* moment the colonel commands forward— March. The colonel w ill judge nic ly the point of time for giving this command, observing that, if the direction ot the line of battle form with that of tli • column a right, oi n arl\ aright angle, tV compani s ought to whe 1 about tin' eighth ol' the circle, and that th more acute the angel foi im d b\ lb ■ two • iri'Ctinna, so much the more the companies ought to wheel belore mat chins; -t> sight forward. 4nt to prevent it fr<. in inarching by the 'Votit, it uill right (or left) fore in marching. by th ■ com > and* and means indi ated in the school or the company, Nos. 314 and 315. The guide will continue to follow the same file behind which h- was marching and will maintain exactly tho same dis- tance from the company immediately preceding Ilia own. Thfl obstacle being parsed, tli' company will be formed into line by th \ command of its captain. Ath. Qt/lumn at full distance, faved to the rear, info five of luifle. 4^6. A column being by company, at full distance, right in front, and at a halt. a h*n th ■ colonel shall wish to form it into line faced to the rear, he and th • li *n t nai.t coto- n I will conform th tins he* to what is prsscrib id Nos. 414 and 415. and th oolonel will t'len wimi and : 1. Into line, faced to the rear. 2. liitlta inn, rifjht — Face. 3. Miiirn (orrfoefcV quick — Mm. en. | 407. At the first command, the captain of the leading company will cause it to faco to th right, snd put it in march, causing it In \\ heel by Ale to the left, and di 'Ci its . towardi ill • line ol battle which it will paw in rear of the I 'ft marker ; 1 1 • • first fill- having pawed three paces beyond th • lin . the company will wheel again by tde 1" th ■ left, in order to place its If in rear of th • two mat Ken; being in this po-i ion, its captain will halt it, lace it to the front, and align it by the right against th ■ ma k is. 1>>. At th • w ootid i nmmsrtd, all th" other companies will face to the right, sad caMain placing himsi II bl the lide of bis i ight guide. 4<;f). At the command mnrrh, the companies will put themselves jn movcmi nt ; the left guide of the « Ton I. who is nearest to the line or battl ». will hasten in advance to r ai k that line : bewillpLic himself on it as orescrib.'d above for swe— aire forma- lions, aid thus indi< ate to his captain th • point a» which h ■ ought to pass the line of hattle.h- three ps cis inoidei tow he I In file to the left, and then to direct his com- pany pal all 111 t'> that lin-. 4"rT. As sr>on as the first hi • of this company idiall hav arrived near the left file of the preceding one already on th • line of battle, its captain will command : 1. Second company. 1. Halt, 3. Fno.;r. 4. Right — •!» 471 The first ca nmand will he g inn when the company shall yet have four paces to tane to r -ach th • h 1 1 1 1 n _r point. 47.'. At th" s •oaad • « ., nand, th • company will hilt. 473. At the third, the company will face to the front, and if there be openings h I l> the oar that precedes itj ihe I It guid. s w ill d lafh th n sell n in tim" to pr«-ccd th ii respective coiupsni :-v "ii nt h • el ihlp quiek tine, th • mo n at it is c i. imenced. all th.' left guid "S w ill d t if h th ms ll s *t ■ "e time fiom th" column, and will move at a t un. i lie BaasivU M the line ol battle. 47fi. Th • formation e nde d, th Colonel will eommand : I ' • 477. The colonel and Heat nasi colonel, in this formation, will each obi i what ' tl) in tli*t if "» 'he r% /hi ,,. | aa ■ f t. will form itself faced to the rear iota Use n ha t! ac- C" ding to th" s»me pi m> iph s and In inverse means. 4 71'. If the column h in march and -h mil mm r the right O th line on which || ittle, th. colon*! and lit a tenant kotwuel will conform to »b»t ii prescribed, N««. 414 and 415. 108 IffHssi m TIIF BATTALION — PART IV. (ML When the head of the column shall be nearly at company distance from the two markers established 00 the line, the OQtsxM 1 will command: 1. Into line, factd to the rear. 2. Battalion, by the right jlank. 3. March (or double quirk- VI 4*1. At the first, command, the captains will caution their companies to face by the right flank. At the command march, briskly repeated by the captains of companies, all the companies "ill face to the right j the 'first company will then wheel by tilt' to the left, and be directed by its captain a little to the rear of the left marker : then pass three pace? beyond the line, and wheel again bv file to the left : having arrived on the line, the captain will halt the company, and align it t>v the right. The remaining part of the movement will he executed as heretofore explained. 483. The foregoing principles are applicable to a column, left in front. 4 S4. As the companies approach the line of battle, it is neressarv that their captains should to direct the march as to cross that line a little fa) rear of their respective guides, who are faced to the basis of the formation : hence each guide ought to detach himself in time to find himself correctly established on the direction before his company shall come up with him. Articlb TniitD. Formation in line of battle by two movements. 4f>. r >. If a column by company, right in front, and at a halt, find itself in part on the line of battle, and the colonel should think proper to form line of battle before all the companies, enter the new direction, the formation will be executed in the following manner: •Isfi. It will be supposed that the column has arrived behind the line of battle, and that live companies hare entered the new direction. The colonel having assured the guides of the first live companies on the direction, will command: 1. Left into line ichecl. 2. Three rear companitf, forward intoline. 4*7. At the second command the chief of each of the rear companies will command : 1. /.'// rampant/, left half irheel ; and the colonel will add: 3. March (or doublt quiok — March - .) 488. At this command, briskly repeated, (he first five companies will form themselves to the left, into line of li>ittl*. and the three last forward, <»(« KtM >•/' buttle, by the means prescribed for these respective formations; each captain of the three rear companies will, (Then his company shall have sufficiently wheeled, command : 1. Foruard. 2. March. 3. 1,'uide riijht. 189, If the column be in march, the colonel will command : 1 To the left, and forirard into line. 1. March (or double quick— March. } 4'.i0. At the first command, the captains of those companies which have not entered on the new direction, will command: Hy company, left half irheel. At the command march, briskly repeated, the first five companies will form left into line, and the last three forward intoline, as prescribed for these respective formations. Those captains who form their companies forward into line will conform to what is prescribed No. 488. 491. If the colonel should wish, in forming the battalion Into line, to march it im- mediately forward, he will command : 1. Hi/ company tn the left, and forirard into line. 2. March. 45)2. At the first command, each captain, whose company is not yet in the new direc- tion, will command : 1. Jly cimpany, hft ha\f vheel ; I, Double quick. At the com- mand march, briskly repeated by tlie captains, the companies not in the new direction will execute what is' prescribed above for forming forward into line while marching ; each of the Oth«T companies Will wheel to the left on a hied pivot, and wheu the light of these companies shall arrive on the line, the colonel will command : 3. Forward. 4. March. 5. Guide centre. 493. The fifth command will be given when the color-bearer arrives on the line, if not already there. 494. If the battalion be marching in double quick time, the colonvl will cause quick time to betaken before commencing the movement. 8CH00L OF TIIE BATTALION— PART IV. 109 495. If, inMcad of arriving behind, the column should arrive before the line of battle, the colonel will command : 1. L'ft into \ine, irhct\. 2. Three rear rompanie>, into lire fared to the rear. 49fi. At the second command, the captain of each of the three rear companies will command: 1. .Such company ; 1. Right — Face. The colonel will th-jn ada : 3. March (or douh\e quirk — March.) 407. At this command, briskly repeated, the first five compsniea will form them- selves to the le/i info line n/' l,ntt\r, and the three \a*t fared to the rear, iutoline of batt\e, by the means prescribed ("or these respective formations. 498. If the column be in march, the colonel will command : 1. To the left, nnd into tine, fared to the rear. 2. MARCH (or double quick — March.) 499. The movement will be executed as prescribed Nos. 391, 4S0, and following. 500. These several movements in a column, left in front, will be executed according to the same principles, and by inverse means. ARTirr.B Forum. Different modes of passing from column at half distance, into line of battle. 1. To the left (or right ■> ] 2. On the right (or left) ... . , ... 8. Forward by deployment, lnt ° 1,ne of batt,e - 4. Faced to the rear J 1st. Column at half distance, to the left (or right) into line of battle. 501. A column at half distance having to form itself to the left (or right) into line of batt.e. the colonel will eau-e it to take distances by one of the means prescribed. Article IX.. Part third, of this school : which being exeeuted, he will form the column into line of battle, as has been iodicafc '1. N ■. W0j and following. 502. If a column by company, at half distance, be in march, and it be necessary to form rapidly into line of battle, the colonel will command : 1. By the rear •/ column left (or right | into line, vhe'l. 2. March (or doublt quirk— March. ) 50.1. At the first command, the right general guide will move rapidly to the front, and place himself a little bevond the point where the head of the column will rest, and on the prolongation of the guides. The captain of the eighth company will command: Left into line, 'rhrel ; the other eaptains will caution their compare continue to march to the front. 504. At the command mnr'h, briskly repeated by the eapt.iin of the eighth com- pany, the gmjdi of this company will halt short, sum the company will wheel to left, conforming to the principlci prescribed 1..r whaling from a halt; when its iijit shall iniv m M the line, the eaptain will halt the company, and align it bv the left. The other esptmns will place themselves briskly on the flank nr the line, and n ill the |„ft i tnptniM will e.. n f..rm i»rr,f scribed for the seventh. h eaptain will direet the alignment of his company on the left man in the fr«nt rank of the eompany next on hii right. 5fm The lieutenant c .lonel will be watchful that the leading guide r rately on the prolongs. eral guide. The rnsjor, |.]»r»d in rur t - „ , a* toon as th* guide nf company it establish' rear of tKe guides of the other Companies, »a as to assure each of them in — noa—iea on the line. 110 SCHOOL OF TIIK BATTALION— PART IV. 2c/. Column (it half distance . on the right (<>r left) into line of bo/tlc. 607. A column at half distance will form iUelf on the right (or loft) iuto line of haul-, as pi i so iln-il for a column at lull distance. 'Ad. Column nt lailf distmoc. forward, into line of battle. 60*. If it be wish -d to form a colirnn at half distance, forward into lin-* ol b:ittle, the colonel h ill first eaOM it to ttow in man arid then deploy it on the loading com- pany . Ath. Column at half distance, focal to the rear, into line of bottle. 509. A column at half distance w ill V tunned into line of battle, fae«tl to the rear, a- preset ibed lor a column at lu 1 distance. Article Firm. Deployment of columns dosed in mass. 610. A column in mass may be formed into line of battle : 1. Faced to the trout. by deployment. 2. Faced to the rear, by the countermarch and the deployment. 3. Faced to the ri^hl and faced In the left, by a change of direction by the flank, and the deployment. 511. When a column in mass, by division, arrives behind the line on which it is int iiiUd to deploy it, the colonel will indicate, in adv. me.-, to the li u tenant, colonel, the direction of the lin ■ ol battle, as well as th • point on which he may wish to direct the column. The lieutenant colonel will immediat ly d taeh himself with two mark- er-, and establish them on that line, the firat at the point indicate . the second a little less than the front of a division from the Brat. 51'.'. Deployments will alwaja he made upon lines parallel, and lines perpendicular to the Una of battle: consequently, if the load of the column be ma. th- line of battle, the colonel will commence l>\ establishing the direction of the column perpea- diiulaih to that line, ii it be not ilrexah to, by one of the means indicated, No. $44 and following, •* K«. JOT ami following. It the column he in march, he will so direct it that it mav arrive exactly behind th markers, perpendicularly to the line ol battle, and hall it at three pac.-s from that line. 513. The column, right in front, being haltigbt coin- rnuipanv. first division, and then place himself on the line of battle a few paces beyond the point at which the left of the second division will rest. 618. The colonel will then command : 3. March (oi ■ d<,ul\t yut'cA-— Makch. ) 619. At this command, the chief of the first divisiou will go to its right, and com- mand : SCHOOL OF TIIK BATTALION — PART IV. Ill Right— DitKSft. 520. At thlsy the division will dress up against thfl markers; roe chief of the divis- ion, and its junior captain, will each align the Company on its left, and then com- mand : Front. 521. Th* throe division", faced to the left, will put theni»>ol»>og in march ; the left guide of the aeeood will direct hisneelf parall II to the line at hattl ; the loft guides ol tli - tin, d and tout th division* will inai eh abi ast with th • guide oi the second ; tli • »ui(i b mI the thiid and fourth, each preserving the pnsei ib,-d di-tano • I ctwven binis.-ll and the guide of the division whi'h prec, d d his own in th.-columr. MS, The chief n the r, cond division will not follow its movement : Ik' will lee it file by lit in. ai.d when its lie-lit guide -lull be abreast with him, he will coniiiiainl : 1. Seroit ' . The thii d and fourth divisions will continue to march ; at the cominand halt, giv ii to ili second, th i hi I ol lb tniid will halt in his own person, jilaci- hnnselt cxacll i o,ipo-it to th ■ guide ol ill .- s -cond, alt t tin- di vi-ion shall have , ae n ti ihe front and cliti d its lil>s ; be will a e In- division lile past, and wh.n hn right guide shall be abreast with linn, he will command : 1. Third division. 2. Halt. 3. Fho.vt. 527. An f«oon a* the division laces to the front, its cbie will place himiclf two pares before it* centre, and command : 1. Thtrd division, 'orirard. 2. Guide ri ma. ben w ill in 632. 1 1 the column be in mat eh. and the colonel shall wish to deploy it «.n Ik divi ion withoat halting the column, he will make th" disposition* indicat »re ,|:t. «in, « Ir n ib,- in -t division shall have an iv. <1 .at th, ■ he w ill command : 1. On thr fir,f ,i , loy ri.lumn. 2. An/folio* by lk* )'Jt Jl,t*k. 3. M*1CR I viAt yuirir M » HI II , I 535 At lh-- fimt command, th, .hi- i ol th ■ first >»••«*• will - I Ii • < uiid uiiui .> -• i iiat ii preaciibrd .»•». Wll and (ollowia*. J and luui th f the division which precedes hiiu, and when the right of Ml division arrives abreast of him, he will command : Suvh itii inifit. ly the right tiank — Maiich. The lieutenant colonel will assure the position of the guide.", conforming to That U prescribed No. 431. The major will follow the movement abreast with khe fourth division. ■ . If the colonel shall to dcplor the column without halting it. and to con- tinue the march, the markers will not be posted ; the movement will be executed by the same commands and the same means as the foregoing, but with the following modifications : 5.»7. At the first command, the chief of the first division will command, 1. Guide riyht. 2. Quicklime. At the command, DotibU quirk — If arch, given bj the colonel, the first division will march in quick lime and will take the touch of elbows to the right: the captains will place themselves on the right of their respective companies ; the captain on the right of the battalion will take points on the ground to atsnre the direction of the march. The child' of the second division will allow his division to file past him, and when he sees its right abreast of him, he will command, 1. Second divuion by the right flank. 2. Makih. '.'>. Quid* right, and when this division shall arrive on the alignment of the first, he will cause it to march in ijuick time. The third and fourth divisions will deploy according to the same principles at the second. 53s\ The colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, and color-bearer will conform themselves to what is prescribed No. 458. 539. The colonel will see, pending the movement, that the principles just prescribed are duly observed, and particularly that the divisions, in deploying, be not halted too soon nor too late. He will correct promptly and n the fourth dirUion, deploy column. 2. Battalion, by the right flank. '.',. March (or double quick — March.) At the first command, the chief of th- fourth division will caution it to halt, and «ill command. Fourth tVrWwa ; the chiefs of the other divisions will caution their divisions to face to tic light. At the command march, briskly repeated by the chiefs of the fii.-t three diri- hief of the fourth will command : Halt. The lirst three divisions will face it, and be directed paralleily to the line of battle. The ohiefofeacfa of these ■ ill place himself bv the side of its right guide. The chief i>l the third division will see his division file past him, and when his left guide is abrea>t of him, he will halt it. and face it to the front. The chief <>f the fourth division, when he ■ball see it nearly unmasked, will command : 1. Fourth di I rm to wbs msy cause the battalion to t«k- colonel and 1 1< u tnant colonel will | what has been i - the r-olnmn on ar -donrl will ean»«> the ] l will i I MA This being ex .Joucl will iota- 8 114 SCHOOL OF THK BATTALIOH I'ART IV. 1. Oi iurh dicuion •. an, 2. Bat - ird* — Faci. 3. II VRCil (or double quick— \l\ 564. Whether the column bo with the right <>r left in front, the division* which, in the order in battle, belong to Ike right of the directing one, will race to the right , the other*, exrept the directing division, will face to the left : the divisions in front of the latter will deploy by th" m-ans indicat d. flo. 542, and following ; those in it^> resr will deploy as is prescribed, No. 613, and following. 565. The directing division, the instant it find.- itself unmasked, will approach th» line of battle, taking the guide lirft or right, according as the right or leltof the column may be in front. The chi ■•!' of tbll divisi >n will align it by tke directing Hank, and then step back into the rear, in order momentarily to give place to the chief of the next for aligning the next division. 566. The lieutenant colonel will assure the positions of the guides of the division*, which in the line of battle, take the right of the directing division, and the major will acsure the positions of the other guides. 567. If the column be in march, the colonel will command : 1. On tuch division, deploy column. 2. Ilattaiiaii, ly the right and left ftanki. 3. March (or do M t qu i c k — M ta n n.) 568. The divisions which are in front of the directing on.- will deploy by the ■ indicated, Nos. 557, and following ; those in rear, as preaorib id, No. o'^l, and following. 569. The directing division, when unmasked, will conform to what is prescribed for the fourth division, No. 558. 570. The colonel, lieutenant colonel and major will conform to what baa been pn - scribed, Nos. 458 and 459. 571. In a column, left in front, deployments will be executed according- to the same principles, and by inverse means. Remarks on the deployment of columns, closed in mass. 572. All the divisions ought to deploy rectangularly, to march off abreast, aud to preserve their distances towards the line of battle. 573. Each division, the instant that it is unmarked, ought to be inarched towards the line of battle, and to be aligned upon it by the Hank next to the directing divi-ion ; the latter, whether the right or left be in front, will always be aligned by the Hank next to the point of ami, when the deployment is made on the Bret or la>t divi-ion ; but if the column be deployed on an interior division, this division will be aligned by the flank which MM that of direction. 574. The chiefs of division will see that, in deploring, the principle! prescribed for inarching by the Hank are well observed, and if openings between the tiles occur, « hich might not to happen excepting on broken or difficult grounds, the openings ought to t> I promptly clos-d towards the directing Hank as soon u the divisions lace to the front . 576. If a chief of division give the command halt, or the command, by the right or left flank, too soon or too late, his division will be obliged to oblique to the right or left in approaching the line of battle, and his fault may lead the following subdivision into error. .'>7«;. In the divisions which deploy by the flank, it is always the left guide of each com j any who ought to plane himself on the line of battle, to mark the direction; in divisions which deploy by the right Hank, it is the right guide. . r i77. A column by company, closed in maSSS, may be formed to the left or to the right into line, in tli. same manner as a column at half distance, and by the means indicated, No. 502, and following. 578. A column by company, closed in mass, may be formed on the rijht or on the left i ito line of battle, as a column at half distance ; but in order to execute this movement, without arresting the march of the column, it is nec-ssarv that the guides avoid, with the greatest care, shortening the step in turning, and that the men near them, respectively, contorm themselves rapidly to the movements of their guktaa, Remarks on inversions. 579. Inversions giving frequently the means of forming line of bsttle, in the prompt- eet mann.-r, are of great utility in the movements of an army. M IIOOL OF THE BATTALION — TART V. 115 660. The application that may bo made of inversions in the formations to the right -nd to the lilt in line of battle, baa he n indicated, No. 407, and following. They may also be advantageously employed in the successive formations, except in that of faced to the rear, into tine of brittle. 581. Formation*, by inversion, will be executed according to the game principles ns itiona in the direct Older : but the colonel's first command will always begin by i Minwu . 682. The battalion b ing in line of battle by inversion, when the colonel i-hali wish, bj forming it into column, to bi ing it back to the direct order, he will eatUM it c itlier to break- or to jilny by company, or by division, accordingly as the column may have been by company or by division before it had been formed into line of battle by inver- sion. I, When a battalion in line of battle, formed by inversion, has to be ployed into column, the movement will be executed according to the same principles as if" the line were in the direct order, but observing what follows. 5S4. If it be intended that the column shall be by division, with the first in front, or by company, with the first company in front, the colonel will announce in the second command — left in front, because the battalion being in line of battle by inversion, that subdivision is on the left. 585. Each chief whose subdivision takes position in the colnmn in front of the direct- ing one, will conduct hi' subdivision till it halts; and each chief whose subdivision takes position in rear ot the directing one, will halt in his own person when ap with the preceding right guide, and see his subdivision file paBt : and each chief will align his subdivision by the right. When the column is to be put in match, the second com- mand will be — g m idt left, because the proper right is in front. 6^<>. For the same reason, if it be intended that the last subdivision shall be in front right in front, will be announced in the second command; the subdivisions will be aligned by the left, and to put the column in march, the second command will be, guide right, because tin proper left is in front. PART FIFTH. Articus First. Y<< advance, in line of battle. The battalion being correctly aligned, and supposed to be the directing ■ ne. when the colonel shall wish to marcVi in line of battle, he will give the lieutenant col- • ne| an intimation <>f his purpose, place himself about forty paces in rear of the color- t k, and face to the Front, The lieutenant colonel will place himself a like distance in front of the same lonel, who will establish him as correctly as possible, bj signal of the iword, perpendicularly to the line of battle opposite to the color bearer. Tiie colonel will next, tbore the h. ads of the lieutenant and color bearer, Uke a point of tion in the I I, it a distinct one present itself, exactly In thr pndona~a tmn of t ho se Si si t« n j The colonel will then move twenty paces farther to the rear, and establish two markers on the prolongation of the straight line passing through the color benict and the lieutenant colonel ; these markers will face to the rear, the flrst placed about twenty-five j ac. i behind the rear rank of the battalion, and the second at the same distance from she iHt ■ The color-bearer will be instructed to take, the moment the lieutenant colon*) (.hall be established on tie perpendicular, two points on the ground in the straip! n himself, would pass between the heels ot that <■•' these points will be taken at I 591. These dispositions bf ing mnde, the colonel will command : i I t alio* , for tea rd. r>92. \t tl u the front rank of the color guard will advance sis paces SO tha corporals in the rear rank will place themse|v< • m the front rank, and the,. ; Uoe kft of tbe battalion. 116 or Tin: BARAUDH PART V. . Tin' captains of tbo left wing « ill shift, pasting before the front rank, to the left of their reepecthre conn int on the loft of the battalion will itep Inch Into the rear rank. The covorine; sergeant of the company next on the l< th« color-company, will *tep into th • front rank. The lieutenant colon'-l having assured the color-bearer fin the line between himself and the corporal of the color-file, now Id the front rank, will go to the position which will be hereinafter usdlcat •>!, No. C02. .. The major will place himself six or eight paces on either flank of the color-rank. The colonel will then command : 1. MtKCII (Or double quirk — MAnC!l/i 597. At this command, the battalion trill stop off with life ; the color-bearer, chs with the (top and direction, will ■ irnpnlously obserre the length and cadence i inarching on the prolongation of the two points previously taken, and succes- sively taking Others in advance by the mean? indicated in the school of the company , the corporal on his right, and the one on his left, will march in the .same Step, taking not to turn the head or shoulders, the color-bearer supporting the color-lance ■gainst the hip. . r >98. The two general guides will march in the same step with the color-rank, each maintaining himself abreast, or nearly so, with that rank, and neither occup; himself with the movement of the other, 599, The three corporals of the color-guard, now in the front rank of the battalion, will march well aligned, clbnv to elbow, heads direct to the front, and without derang- ing the line of their shoulders ; the centre one will follow exactly in the trace of the color-bearer, and maintain the same step, without lengthening or shortening it, n an intimation from the colonel or lieutenant colonel, although he should find himself more or less than six paces from the color-rank. The covering sergeant in the front rank between the color-company and tot- next on the left, will march elbow to elbow, and on the same line, with the three COT porals in the centre, his head well to the front. 001. The captains of the color-company, and the company next to the left, will con ■titute. with the three corporals in the centre of the front rank, the basis of aligumuu' for both wings of the battalion ; they will march in th>- game step with the col™ r, and exert themaelres to maintain their shoulders exactly in the square with the direction. To this end, they will keep their heads direct to the front, only I Bionallj easting an eye on the three centre corporals, with the slight' t po-.-ib! I turn of the neck, and if they perceive them.-' Ires in advance, or in rear of these corporal.-, the captain, or two captain- , will almost insensibly shorten or long) hen the step, I at the end of several paces, to regain the true alignment, without giving sudden checks or Impulsions to the wings beyond them respectively. 602. The lieutenant col >nel, plac-d twelve or fifteen paces on the right of the captain of the color-company, w ill maintain this captain and the next one beyond, ale the three centre corporals ; to this end. lie will caution either to lengthen or to shorten the step as may be necessary, which the captain, Or two captains, will execute U ha. just been explained. 003. All the other captains will maintain themselves on the prolongation of this basis- and, to this end, they will cast their eyes towards the centre, taking ca turn the neck slightly, and not to derange the direction of their shouldera, 004. The captains will observe the march of their companies, and prevent the bjm from getting in advance of the line o! captains; they i\ill not lengthen or shorten «tep except when evidently necessary ; because, to correct, with too scrupulous at ten small faults, is apt to cause th< production of greater— loss of cslmnoss, si! and equality of step, each of which it is so important to maintain. CO.'.. The men will occasionally keep their heads well directed to the front, feel light |« the elbow towards the centre, resist pressure coming from the Bank, give the great - t^t attention to to the squareness of shoulders, and hold themselves always very -lightly behind the line of the captains, in order to never shut out from the view o the latter the basis of alignment ; they will, from time to time, cast an eye on the color-rank, or on the general guide ol the wing, in order to march constantly in thj • ame stop with those advanced persons. 006. Pending the march, the line determined by the two marker* (h and d) will bi prolonged bv placing, in proportion as the battalion advances, a third marker (») ia iOOL OF THE BATTALION — r.XRT V. 117 the rear of the first (a), then the Barker (a*) will qnit his place tod go • lika distance : .n reu «f (») ; the marker (A ) will, in bia turn, do t >» - • like in reaped to < d). and so on, in sue battalion continues to advance; each marker, on shifting position, taking care to face to the rear, and to csrei accurately the two markers already established on the direction. A staff officer, 01 the quartermaster sergeant, designs! -d for the purpoav. and who will hold himself constantly fifteen or twenty paces facing the marker ft 'tnest from tba battalion, will caution each marker when to shift place, ami assure him on tin 1 direction hi hind the other two. C07. The colonel will habitually hold lumself about thirty paces in rear of the eentre of his battalion, taking care ri< > « to put himsel on the lineof markers, if, for example, by the slanting of the battalion, or the indications which will be given, N". C,]~ and following, be find that tin- march of the color-bearer is not, perpendicular, h will promptly command : Point of direction tn Ms ri'jkt (or left.) COS. At thi- command, the major will hasten thirty or forty paceR in advance of the rank, halt, face to to the colonel, and place himself on the direction which the latter will indicate by signal of th" sword; the corporal in the centre of the battalh n will I II upon th< major, on a caution from the colonel, advancing, to that end. the opposite shoulder; the corporals on his right and left w ill conform them- selves to his direction. ■. Theeoloi -bearer will also direct himself upon the major, advancing the opposite shoulder, the major causing him, at the same time, to incline to the right or lett, until il of his file ; the color-hearer will then take ; ea the ground in this new direction. f.lO. Hie two general guides will conform themselves to the new direction of the .ink. fill, 'i be officer charged with observing the roooetsive replacing of the mark' the rear of the centre, will establish thetn promptly on the new direction, taking fbr lor-bearer and the corporal of his file in the centre of the battalion : the colonel will verify the new direction of the markers. €12. The lieutenant colonel, from the position given, No. C02, will see that the two ■ entre companies, arid j all the cither, conform themselves to the new i lion of the | without precipitancy or disordei ; he will then endeavor to maintain that basis ol alignment for the battalion, perpendicularly to the direction lor bearer. CI.'.. II' srch of the two wiags : and, if he < it the i of alignment, he will recall their ' ommand — cnptnxn of met) eoaa- ■it lint — without, howet rreotamall fault-. CI 4. The major on the fUnk of the color-rank will, during the march, place himself, from time • front of that rank, lace to the rear, and place him- ..longHtion of the mail behind the centre, in (hat line ; he w ill ret t ify, if S bo will immediately take two Dl m } ' and the major. • advance in line, are the «n- ia for the rfi talion ; bnt when the battalion under Instruct I bel i in Hue. <>f battle. ' .n. the oil been well eonfii mi d «• II «• in th" l< ■ gth hi rnlsrlv fore u an '■ 'in ■'-• in on, » ii r at. , n llin CIS. It II rwara, and tint tbe basse o! ncalar to thr line pursued bj him. A .In * , . f.. 118 SCHOOL OF TIIK BATTALION — rART V. 619. If opening' be form?d, if thi 61m crowd each other, if, in short, disorder «> ought to b • applied a- promptly jh possible, but calmly, with few word", and as little noise as practirabl ■•. C20. Th ■ ebjeot of the gen »ral irui 1 •- in the march in line of battle is, to in to the DoapsuUM near the Banks the st-p at th • centra of the battalion, and to aTord m ii facility in establishing th • \\ bags <msetren, with th • greatest care, in forming their own '•oup il'ir.i', in order ! »bc able toj with precision the direction to be given to their battalions. Akticli: Skcono. Oblique march in line of battle. 623. The battalion marching in line of battle, when the colonel shall wish to caiwc it to oblique, lie will command : 1. Bight (or «s/f) ohlique. 2. March (or rfoii.Vr ,/Hi'<£— Mau> ii. C24. At the lirst command, the major will place himself in front of, and faced to the color-b' 835. At the command march, the whole battalion will take the obliqne step* Th« companies and captains will strictly observe the principles established in the school ol the company. 816. The major in front of the color-bearer ought to maintain the latter in a line with the centre corporal. BO that the color-barer may oblique neither more nor IsjBJ than that corporal. He will carefully observe also that thc\ follow parallel direction* and preoervi the tame length of step. (J'.!". The lien tenant colonel will take care that the captains and the three con in the centre keep exactly on a line and follow parallel directions. 0'.'^. The ooloni I will see that th-' battalion preserves its parallelism: hi» will exert himself to prevent the hies from opening or crow i"^. [f he perceive the latter fault, he will cau.-e the Blei on the Hank, to which the battalion obliques, to open out. 619. The colonel, wishing the direct march to be resumed, will command : 1. Forward. 2. Ma urn. 630. At the command march, the battalion will resume the direct march. The major will place himself thirty paces in front of the color barer, anil \';tvo to the colonei, who will establish bici, by a signal of the sword, on the direction which the color I Ottght to pursue. The latter will immediately take two points OB the ground between himself and the major. 631. In resuming the direct march, care will be takn thf.t L 1 » ■ - men do not close the intervals which mav exist between the Bias at oboe ; It should be dooealnost insensibly Remarki on the oblique march. BS1. The object of the oblique step is to gain ground to the right or left, preserving all the while the primitive direction of the line of battle ; sj thos, for example : the battalion, departing from the line (►*,) arrives on the line (a*) parallel to (*s.) <;::::. It i< then essential that the corporals in th- centre of the battalion, and the captains of companies, should follow parallel directions, and maintain themselves al the same height j without which they will give a false direction to the battalion. 864 Thecolond and lieutenant colonel will exert themselves to prevent the filci from crowding; for, without such precaution, the oblique inarch cannot be executed with facilitv. SCHOOL 01' TIIE BATTALION — PART V. 119 Autici.b Third. To halt the battalion, marching in line of battle, and to align it. G3. r i. The h.ittalien. marching in the line of battle, when the colonel (shall wish to halt it, he will command: 1. Battalion. ?. Hat.t. GK. At the second m Minium!, the battalion trill halt ; the color-rank and the general guides will remain in front ; hut if the colonel should not wish immediately to resit uic the advance in line, nor to give ■ general alignment, he will command: Color (iiiri general gui dt * — I'OSTS. C37. At thi« command, the color-rank and general guides will retake their places in line of battle, the captains in the left wing \\ ill shift to the i ight of their companies If the colonel should then judge it necessary to rectify the alignment, he will command : Captain*, rtetify the alignment. The captain? will immediately east an eye towards the centre, align themselves accurately, on the basis of the alignment, which the lieutenant colonel will tee well directed, and then promptly drew their respective companies. The lieutenant colonel will admoni-h such captains as may not be accurately on the alignment by the command : Onptuim of (each or eaptQin* q/"(such) comprint'™, move up or full hoik. • i'K l!utv>lun the colonel shall wish to give the battalion a general alignment, either parallel or oblique, instead of rectifying it as above, he will i paces outside of one of the general guides i the right will bet e be supposi d | and caution the right g( neral guide and the coloi b< 11 rf to lace him, and then establish them bj • the SWord, on the direction nliich he may wish to give to the battalion. As soon as they shall be correctli established, the left general guide will place himself on their direction, and be assured in his position by the major. Thecoloi bearer will Carry the coloi lance perpendicularly between his eyes, and the two corporals of hi.i rank will return to t licit place* in the front rank the moment he shall face to the colonel. This disposition being made, the Colonel will command: 1 . '• C42. At this command, the right guide of each company in the right wing, and the side of BESB. mmaod, the companies will movi np in quick time against tl II align his the lieutenant colonel a color-company. C4 ■ gait. •'.el. The right gi oeral guide will wheel en the right captain of the battalion M bis pi vol ; the left general guide » ill circularly march in the atop of twenty-eight in hes or thirty-three inch -. aooordins to the gait, and will align himself upon the oolor- and the right general guide. i. The corporal placed in the centre of the battalion, will t ik I steps of fourteen rentecn laches, and w ill wheel to the right by adrancing insensibly th i lefl shoul- the battalion will oonform itself to the movement of th • centre; to this end, the captain of th- color-company, and th<* captain of th wt to the I -ft. will attentively regulate their march, as well as the direction of their shoulders, on the three centre corporals. All the other captains will regulate the direction of their shoulders and the length of their step on this basis. . The men will redouble their attention in order not to pass the line of captains. .". In the [eft wing, the pace will be lengthened in proportion as the file is diat int from the centre: the captain of the eighth company who doses the lefl Bank of the battalion will take steps of twenty-eight or thirty -three inches, according to the gait. B58. In the right wine the pace will be shortened in proportion as the file is distant from the centre ; the captaip who closes the right Hank will only slowly tarn In hi* person, obei rving to j icld ground a little If pushed. I. The colonel will take great care to prevent the centre of the battalion from ribing an arc of a circle, either too great or too small, in order that the wings conform thctns'-lvcs to its movem. nr. lb- v. ,11 see also that the captains keep ih ir companies constantly aligned upon the centre, so that there maj be no opening and no crowding of tiles. He will endeavor to prevent faults, and, should they occur, ; lie m without uoi-i . CCO. The lieutenant, placed before the battalion, will give his attention to th'- same object. ML Wh«n the colour 1 shall wish the direct march to be resumed, he will command : !. Forward. 2. Makch. GC2. At the command mh. th" color rank, the general guides, ami the battalion v ill resume th- direct march; the major will Immediately place himself thirty or fortl pace- in front, (ace to the colonel placed in rear of the centre, who « ill establish him by signal of the sword on the perpendicular direction which tic corporal in the centre of the battalion ought to pin sue; the major will immediately cause the color- bearer, if necessary, to incline to ihe right 01 Ij Opposite to his the o. .lor hearer wiU then take two points on the ground between liima-lf and i he major. :. The lieutenant colon- 1 u ill endeavor to give to the color-company and the next en the bit a direction perpendicular to that pursued by the centre corporal ; and all the Other Companies, without precipitancy, will conform themselves to that basis. Auticlk Fifth. To march in retreat, in line of batiie. CC4. The battalion b;ing halted, if it be ths wish of the c >lon | to march in retreat, he will command: 1. /'ore to (he rear. 2. Battalion, n'mul— F.'.cl. SCHOOL OF Til!- BATTALION — PART V. 121 Mi, At the second comnand, the battalion will fa~c about; the color-rank, and the Id line : the solor-beare? will pas? into the rear rank, now !•• iding ; th i a > of hi-- til- will itep b< hind the corporal next on his own right, to I -t the eolor-boarer pi-, and then step into tin' front rank, now rear, t>i reform th'- color-file; the colonel will place himself behind the front rank, become tin' rear ; the lieutenant colonel and major will place themselves before tin' rear rank, BOH leei M6. The onload will take post forty pae^s behind the color-til", in order to assure the lieutenant Oolonel on the perpendicular, who will place himself at a like di • in front, a* prescribed for th" advance in line of battle. M7. If th" battalion be the one charred with th • direction, the colonel will oi-tah- li-h markeri in tl Indicated, No. 589, except that they will face to the bet- talion. and that th" fir-! will be placed twenty-Are paces from the li •nt-nant colonel. If the ma; I idy established, the officer charged with replacing them in sac- •Ti will oaasetfa m to face about, th- m imeot that th- battalion executes this sjoeetnsjnt, and then the marker nearest to the battalion will hasten to the rear of the fliers. 668. These dispositions being mad-, th ■ oolonel will command : 3. Battalion, fori ■ At tin- SOOmuod, th> color-bearer will advance six pares beyond tin rank of apanied by the two corporals ol his guard of thai rank, the centre beppingback to lei the color-bearer pass ; th' two lib' do 'this cntre corporal will unit" on him behind the color-guard isis of align- f, )r th" lin iral guides will place th >,mt (Ires abreast with the color rank, the corering sergeants will place themselves in th" line of file -. and the captains in th" r^ar rank, now leading! th" captains in (h ■ left wing, now right, will if not already there, shift to the l( R 01 their companies now bi -lit. CTO. Tl, • colonel will then command : t. March ( or double oniric— March. ) §71. The battalion wi'l march in retreat on th" fame principles which govern the advance in Use : th l centre corporal behind the color-bearer will march exactly in hi» If it be the directing battalion, the color-bearer will direct himself on markers, who will, of their own a cord, each place himself in behind tin mail d being approached by the battalion : theoffieei charged with the markers, will carefully ;>- direction. ■ inat" battalion, the Color-bearer will maintain himself on ih ins of point* taken on the ground. 074. Th" colonel, I lea tenant colon -I, and maj >r will each discharge the samr> func- ttssM a« id th" advance |sj nant colonel, plaoed on th" ontside of the fil* closers of the color ; my. will al-o maintain the tB alignment in a square tic of directi her file closers will keep themselves aligned on this ksjssss. Article Sixth. To halt the i tke r f««« in) rank. • 'ion marrhing in lins of bal shall wish to march it tl « ill command : 1. / I M*»T?. •79. At thp f'iniiniir goit by th" be carefnlly observed. 122 SCHOOL OP THE BARALIQfl i'AKT v. If the colonel *>hould wi.-h the battalion to march again by the front, he will giro the same now BU Will At.: th. Change of direction, in marcJUng in retreat. 88L A battalion retiring in line will change die rto>n by the command? and m indicated No. 662 and following ; the th 1 1, nnited I" bind the color-rank, will oonfttrm themsslei - to the movement of tliis rank, and wheel like it ; the centre file closer of the three n ill take steps ol fonrteen or k renteea inches, accoi s2. The battalion sdrancing in lino will be supposed to enconnter an obstacle v* hi. h cover? oho or mora companies : the colonel n ill caose them to plos into column at full ee, in rear of the next company to waul? the color, which will be executed in ibe following manner. It will bo rapposed that the obstade only core* s ths third eom puny, the colonel will command : Third company, obstacle. '•. At this command, tlto captain of the third company will place himself in it.« front, turn to it, and command, 1. Third eomoanw, by the Uft flank, to the rear mm eolmwuu 2. Double '.» the rtght jlniik. :t. MaaCB. i. Quid* right, and place himself before the oentre of his compan] . ■ ' mmand march, the oompaay will face to the right, preserving the gait, but the moment it shall be at the prescribed dlstsnce, its captain will command : 1. Qiiivl: (MBS. 2. M Alien. 8. This company will thus follow in column that behind which it finds itself] and at wheeling distance, it.^ right guide marcbjjng exactly in the trace of the cap tela of that company. i*. A? soon as the third company shall bars raced to the left, the left guide of the i-. cond u ill plaee bin self on the left of the front rank of his Company, and maintain between bimself and the righted' the fourth the space necessary for the return into ■he thil d. . The obstacle being passed, the colonel will command: Third oowpant/f/orvard, into line. '. At this command, the captain turning to his company, will add: 1. l!y company, right half uhrr'. 2. Do obto quick. 3. Maim n. COO. At the command march, the company will take the double quick step, and cuii- a half wheel; its captain will then command, I. forward. 2. Mahtii. 8. Quid* U/t, The second command will be given when the company shall bare sudicieutlj led. U At the command saarcA, the company will direct itself" straight forward, to wards the line of battle, and retake its position in it according to the prineiples pre- scribed for the formation forward into line of battle, ■•posed that ti bstacl I cover.? several contiguous Companies (the three companies on the right for example,) the colonel will command : 1. Three right comj>anit*, obstacle. 1. J!j/ the left flank, to the rear, into column. 3. Double quick— BUBOH. C93 At th? first comniRud, the captains of the design ited companies will cacb SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 123 himself bcWo the centre of his company, anil caution it as to the movement about to be execut> 1. 694. At the command march, the detonated companies will face to the left in marching, and immediately take the doable quick Step: each captain will cause the head of his compaoj to disengage itself to the rea-, and the left guide "ill place him self at the head of the front rank ; the captain of the third company will conform himself to what ie prcecribed, Wo. 684 and following ; the captains of the othsr com paoiea will conduct them by the flank in rear of the third, inclining towards the head Of the column ; and, as the head of each company an ives opposite to the right of ihc one next before it in column, its captain will himself halt, see bis company file and conform himself far facing it to the front, in marching, to what is pr< scribed No. 0ei4, and following-. C95. When the last OOapOBJ in column shall have passed the obstacle, the colonel will command : .T. Thrrr right companies, forvnrij, into line. . At this command, the captain of each of these three companies will command, Z?y company, right half vitrei. The colonel will then add: 1. Pnnhlc f nick. 2. M CO". At this, briaklj repeated by the captains of the three companies, each company will conform itsell to what u prescribed No. 690 and f. Mowing, Med, in the foregoing examples, that the companies belonged to the right wing; il they make part Of the other, they will execute the passage of an ob- f-tuclc according to tho same principles and by inverse means. When flank compaoiei are broken off to pass an obstacle, the general guide on that flank «i!l place himself six paces in front of the outer file ol the ■ pany to hirn remaining in line. ■_' movements, it has 1 posed that the battalion wan marching in quick time, !>ut if it be marching in double qvick time, and the colonel shall wish t ral contiguous compantei to break to the rear, he will Ural italion to march in quick time; the companies will break as indicsi "01. When the movement is completed, the colonel will order the double qui< h id n ill also cause the battalion to march in quick time when be lb all wish to In ine into ln tl companies which are to the rear la column ; the movement will beexecated as p. rioo ly indicated; and when the Isi -hall batl nearly ooaapletcd its movement, tbe colonel will cause the double qu: ■ . In the rnovrment of a single company, or of several companies not contiguous li othei , the battalias will continue to march in double quick time, but in I cases the companies which aie to ploy into column. the line, will increase In th<* march in retreat, these several movements will be executed on the same tslioa marched by the froatrasJb Iva&dng in line of battle, >hall be oblig. • the right sboat .it. if there b in column, behind the rear rank. i march, at the 'on, and will tl it in the retreat ; they will ■ und :ta\ ) ttalion be mai rhing in retreat in double quirk time, and many co rank of the battalion, ■ • an oh to tl comj ha Hal ion. who v sured on il the groui, J b ' himself and | 124 BOOL 01 IBE BATTALION — PART V. It is prescribed, as a e t the companies of the right wing ouijht tne ni'iv -in i.v th I (ft Bank, .ml the reverse Tor : the > » 1 1 1 ir iriag : but If the ■ osntre, each will file into column behind that, still in line, and of the i . which mr.v !>• the neareel to it. Article Ninth. To pom a defile, in r< tread, by th right or left flank. 700. Wli -n a battalion, retiring in line, 'hall encounter n defile which it must r H ^> • I l '.v ill ball the battalion, and faoe it t.> the front 710. It a ill t. ■ that the defile i ; in th • n ar of the left lank, and that its w idth it sutficieul to a column by platoon; the colonel will place ■ marker lit" en or twenty paces in the rear "l th ■ lit >. olos r al the point around which will hire to change direotioo in Order to enter the defile -, he will then command : To thr rear, en the right flank, pen* tkt ■ 711. The captain of the first company will immediately command: 1. First company, right — Fa'T.. 2. Makch (or double quick— March. 712. Ai the coinrnanil march, the Brst company will commence the movement; the 91c will wheel to the right, march to the rear till it shall have passed (our beyond the Ble closers, when it n ill wheel again to the right, and then direct itself Ftraighl forward towards the left flank. All th • other files oTthis oompany will eosse tu wh •( 1 in nooession ai the msae place v. here the Brat had wh 713. The second company will ezecnte, in its turn, the same movement, by th i • tain, who will give die command Minos, so thai th • first fileof hit my may immediately follow the last of the lir.^i. without constraint, however, *i to taking the step of the firs! ; th • first file of the second company will wheel to the r-ijrht. on its ground : all the other files of this company will come in saceossioD to wheel :u the same siaea, The following companies will ezecnte, each in its turn, what basjasl been prescribed for the second, 714. When the whole of the second company shall hi- on the same direction with the first, the captain of the first will oanse it to form, by platoons into line, and tan moment thai it is in column, the guide of the first platoon will direct himself on the marker around whom he baa to change direction in order to enter the defile. 715. The second oompany will continue to inarch by the flank, directing itself p I -My- with the line of battle : and it. in it.-! turn, will form by platoon into line, when the third company shall be wholly on the same direction with il 716. Tli'.' following cnmpanlos will successively execute whal has just been prescribed for the second, and each will form by platoon into line, when the next company shall be on th • nun • direction a ith itself! 717. The lir-t platoon «f the leading company having arrived opposite to the mar- ker placed al the entrance of the defile, will turn to the left, and the fallowing platoons will all execute this movement at the same point. As the last companies will no! be able to farm platoon- before reaching the defile, they will m> direct themselves, la en- tering It, BS to 1 m', e room to the left for this movement. 71k. The battalion will thus ps - the defile by platoon : and. as the two platoon? of each company shall clear it. companies will be successively formed by the d, school oi the company, ho, 273, and following. 719. The bead of the column having cleared the defile, and having reached the distance at which the colonel wi-l n line faced to the defile, be may oanse the leading company to turn to the left, to prolong the Column in that direction, and then form it to the left into liu I u€ battle : or he may halt the column, and form it into line of battle faced to the rear. 720. If the d file be in the rear of the right flank, it will be passed by the left ; the movement will be i cecuted according to the same principles, and by moans. 721. If the d file b ■ too narrow to receive the front of a platoon, it will be p I by the tl ink. Captains and fill rill be watchful that the files do not ■ their distances in marching. Companies or platoons will be formed into width ofthedcfllo may permit, or as the companies ghall successively < tear it. fCUOOL OF TIIK BATTALION — PART V. 12.". AtiTici.r. TlXTX. To march by the flunk. 722. The colonel, wishing the battalion to march by the flunk, will command : 1. Battalion, 2. llujht (or left) — PACK. 3. Forward. 4. Jf ahi'ii ur double r/u, Maim n. ; I'll. At the second command, the captains ami covering sergeants will place 111 i, Niis. 1S6 aurl 141, school of the company. 714. The sergeant on the left of the battalion will place himself to the left and by the side of the last file of hi? company, covering the captain! in lile. . The battalion having to face by tin' left Hank, tli • captains, at the SftOoad mand. will shift rapidly to the hit of their companies, and each place himself by th • side of them .;. ant of 'the company preceding hit own. except the captain ■•! the left company, who w ill place himself by the aide oj the sergeant on the lett of tli • battalion. The ©OTering sergeant of the right company will place himself br the right side of the front lank man of the rearmost file of hi.s eompanv, covering the captains in lile. 72(1. At the command nuirrh, the battalion will step off with life; the sergeant, placed before the leading file [right or left, in front.) will be careful to pn ai-tly the length and cadence of the step, and to direct himself straight forward this end, he will take points on the ground. 727. Whether the battalion march by the right OT left flank, the lieutenant colonel ••.ill place himsell abreast with the leading file, and the major abreast with the coloi Ma, i >"th on the one side of the front rank, and afaoat sit pace* from Lt. The adjutant, placed between the lieutenant-colonel tnd the front rank, will march in tl. p with the head ol the battalion, and the sergeant major, placed n the major and the color-bearer, will march in I tep with tl. jntant. The captains and Hie closets will carefully see that the files neither open out. nor close too much, and that they regain insensibly their distances, II last, i wishing the battalion to wheel by file, will command : 4. l!y JiU riyht (OT l>/'.) 2. Makch. TSL The flies will wheel in saccession, and all at the place where the first had wheeled, in conforming to the print i bed in the school of thi 732. The battalion marching by the flank, what) the cob-nil shall w i-h it to halt. Ii ■ will command : 1. BaMmliom. 2. lUi.r. 3. PaoWT, ■maads will bed in the school of the corn- s'... 146. ttallon be marching by the flirik and the colon. 1 should w i-h to raiue narch in lis M t»i the tear, the morementl will I by the comr . 1 the school ol thecompanr. Art form the battalion on ihc right or Ift. by ,, i bat rbe battaliaa marchlag b» the right flank, when | form it <.n th right by hie, he will determine the line of battle, and the lient colonel will plan two mark :(, w bat \% I ' ad of the battalion bcinjr nearly np w-.T will command : If tarn. At 'he orr.i. ai ■! win rA tkfl IBSM r • SSI I. br lent i n will le, anc 12G HOOL OF THE BATTALION — PARI V. . The left guide of each company, except the leading nnp, will place himself on •he direction of the mat kers, and ■>; - osite t" the I'M file oh his campaaj . at the i. tbat tha front rank man of tliis file arrives on th« lino. The formation osing ended, the colonel will command: Qmiim — 1'osts. 740. Tli" colonel will superintend the successive formation of the battalion, moving along the front of the line of battle. 711. The lieutenant colonel Will, in N -lire tin- direction of the guides, ar.d pee tint the men of the front rank, in placing themselves on the line, do not l>*.y< it. 742. If the battalion march by the left flank, flu- movement will be executed acrord Lng to the same principles, and by inverse pMWMi ABTieLK TWKLKTH. Changes (/front. Change of front perpendicularly foricard. 743. The battalion being in line of battle, it is supposed to be the ui-ho the col- onel to CUM a change of front forward on the right company, and the angle formed bv the old and new position! be a right angle, or a few degrees more or lew than one : he will cause two markers to be placed on the new direction, before the po- sition to be occupied by that company, and order its captain to establish it against the markers. 714. The capiain of the right company will immediately direct it upon the markers by a wheel to the right on the fixed pirot; and after having halted it, be will align it by the right. 745. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command: 1. Change from forirard onfimt company. 2. lty company, ru/hi half uheel. 3. March (or double fuicic— Maiuii.) 74G. At the second command, each captain will place himself before the centre of his company. 747. At the third, each company will wheel to the right on a fixed pirot ; the 1 I gnide of each will place himself OB its left as soon hs he shall b« able to pas*, j and when ih^ colonel shall judge that the companies hive sufficiently wheeled, be will command : 4. Foricard. 5. M Alien. <">. (iuide rt'y'if. 71>-. At the fifth command, the companies ceasing to wheel will inarch straight for- ward; at the sixth, the men will touch elbows towards the right. 749. The right gnide of thesecond company will inarch straight forward until this company shall an ive at the point where it should turn to the right : each succeeding right guide will follow the file immediately before him at the cessation of the wheel, and will march in the trace of this file until this company shall torn to the right to move upon the line; this guide will then march straight I'm ward. 750. The second company having attired opposite to the left file of the first, its captain will cause it to turn to the right : thu right guide will direct himself so an to arrive squarely upon the line of battle, and when he thai] be at three paces from tbat line, the captain nil I command : 1. Stamd company. 2. Halt. 751. At thesecond commnnd, the company will halt ; the files not rat in line with the guide will come into it promptly, the left gnide will place himself on the line ol battle, and. as soon as h • [| assured! in the direction by the lieutenant colonel, the captain will align the company by the right. 752. Kach following company will conform to what has juit been prescribed for the second. 753. The formation ended, the colonel will command : Guide* — 1'OSTS. 754. If the battalion be in march, and the colonel shall wish to change front for- ward on the first company, and that the angle formed by the old and new positions be a right angle, he will cause two markers to oe placed on the new direction, before the position to be occupied by that company, and will command : SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAKT V. 127 1. t'hangr front forward on fir at rompnny. 2. By company, right kaJf whrrl. :'. Ma'm the colonel will can- to be established before the right and left hie*. 761. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command : 1. t'kanqr front to thr rear, on frit company. 2. Battalion ahaut — FaCS. 3. /.' / company, I'Jt half vhccl. 4. March or double i/nick — AlARCll.) \t the second command, all the companies, except the light, will face a' 1 7C3. At the third, the captains, whose companies have faced about, will each i ilfl ■ himself behind the centre of his company, two p a o c e from the front rank, now t!.c rear. At the fourth, these companies will wheel to the lc!t on the fixed pivot by the rear rank : the left jraide of each will, u place bimi the left of the rear rank of his Company, now become the right ; and srhon the colon* 1 ••hall judge thai the companies have safliciently wheeled, he will command: S. Forrard. ft. Mar* h. 7. iinidr left. At the sixth command, th' to wheel, march straigl.' w ard • i tattle, an I • nth. take the touch of th • •..waid- the I. it. The jrnide of each companv on it.* right flank, become left, will conform hiir- • ell to the pri I, No. 74-. ' company, from the right, havlBS airive.l opposite to the left > ill turn to the | fit j the puide « ill so direct himself as to arrive paraMelll the lin | aer> bsjjroM 'ain will command : 1. ijmmj ; 2, H\Lr. •nd command, the company will halt : the file, whtoh rr be in line with tl about, and then align it by Ihs right. 769. All other companies will execute what has jasl d for the we* left of th*- ■ •• thai precedi • 770. The formation \« ing end d. mil command: • STS. 771 The colonel will cans* a change of front on the lrft company of the battalion i the r'»', aceoiding to the same ,, r m< ipl<-» and by inverse mean*. 772. In changes of front, general saperinteadei aent. 128 BOOL 09 r:is BATTALION — PART v. 773. The lioud naiit eoloMl will a*sure the direction of the guides a* they new- •iv< Iv move out on the line of battle, conforming himself to what hat been prea Remorka on changes of front. 774. When a new direction it liar, >o nearly parallel to the new line, as to be able to align themselves upon it without the intermediate turn to the right or left : to execute the movement un- der either circumstance supposed, the ''oloncl will command: Oblique t-hanye of front, forward, (or to the rear,) OS [luci /•omjiany.) Aiinci.B TimiTr.KNTii. To ]>!(>}/ the battalion into column doubled on iJic ventre. 778. This movement consists in ploying the corresponding companies of the right and left wings into column at company distance, or closed In mass, in rear of the two centre companies, according to the principles prescribed, Article Third, Part Second, of this School. 777. The colonel, w Miing to form the double column at company distance, (the battalion being in line of buttle,) will command: 1. Double column, at half distance, '1. Battalion, inward* — Tack. 3. M mich (or double ijtiicl; Mahch. ) 77Q. At the first command, the captains will place themselves two paces In front of their respective companies; tho captains of the two centre companies will caution them to stand fast, and the other captains will caution their no mps. trim to hue to the left and right, respectively. The covering sergeants will step bato the front rank. 77:». At the second command, the fourth and fifth companies will stand fast ; tho Others of the right wing M ill I. ice to the I "ft. and the others of the left wing a ill face to the right; each captain whose enmpani lias fac id, will Ins ten to break to the rear the two files .it the head of bis company; the left guide of each right company, and the right guide of each left Company, will each place himself at the head of its front i ank, and the captain by the side of bis guide. 7K0. At the command marek, the fourth and fifth companies, which arc to form the division, will stand fast ; tho scni »r captain of the two will plant himself before the centre of the division, and command : (hilde riyht ; the junior captain w ill place himself in the Interval between the two companies, and the lefl guide of the left com nany will place himscll in the front rank on the left of the division, as .soon as he shall 1 1 • able to pass. 781. Al! the other companies, conducted by their captains, will step off with life to arrange themselves in column al oompaaj distance, each company behind the preceding one in the column of the same wing, so that, in the right wing, the third may b- next b hind the fourth, the second ni xt to the third, and so < n to the right c impanv ; and, in the left winjr, the sixth mav be next behind the fifth, the seventh next to the sixth, and 10 on to the left company Of the battalion. 7K'2. The corresponding companies ofthe two wings will unite into divisions in arranging themselves in column ; an instant before the union, at the centre of this column, the left guides of right companies will pass Into the line at file closers, and each captain will command : 1. Surh company ,• 2. Unit: 3. FaoNT. 7*3. At the second command, which will be given at the instant of union, each eon " r-any will halt : at the third, it will face to the front. The leaior captain in each division will place himself on its right, and command, ffig&f— Deivs, and thejnaior captain will place himself in the interval between the tiro companies. The division being aligned, its chief will command Frost, and take his position two paces before its centre. SCHOOL OF THR BATTALION — PART V. 129 784. The column being thus formed, the dirMOM will tike the respective denomina- tions offirtt, itcond, third, Ac, according to position in the column, beginning at tht front. 785. The lieutenant colonel, who, at the second command given by the colonel, will have placed himself at a little more than company distance in rear of the right guide •f the firBt division, will assure the right guides on the direction as thay succeadivuly arrive, bv placing himself in their rear. 78G. The music will paRS to the rear of the column. 7H7. The battalion being in march, to form the double column at company distance without halting the battalion, the colonel will command: 1. Double column at half dietance. 2. Battalion, t y tht right and left flankt. 3. March (or double fwtdfe— if arch. ) 788. At the first command each captain will more briskly in front of the centre of his company ; the captains of the fourth and fifth will caution their companies to march straight forward ; the other captains will caution their companies to face to the right and left. 789. At the command march, th« fourth and fifth companies will continue to march straight forward ; the senior captain will place himself before the centre of his division and command, (ruxde right ; the junior captain will place himself in the interval be- tween the two companies. The left (Juide of tha fifth company will place himself on the left of the front rank of the division. The men will take the touch of elbows t*> the right. The color and general guides will retake their places. The three right companies will face to the left, and the three left companies will face to the rij/ht. Kach captain will break to the rear two files at the head of his company ; the left guides of the right companies, and the right guides of the left companies, will each place himself at the head of the front rank of his company, and the captain bv the aide of his guide. 790. The third and sixth companies will enter the column and direct th»n:s"lve« TiaralMlr to the first division. Kach of the other companies will, in like manner, place ito-lf behind the company of thr wing to which it belongs, and will be careful to gain as much ground as possible towards the bead of the column. 791. The corresponding cempsniea of each wing will nnite into divisions on taking their positions in column, and each captain, th<* instant tbe head of his company ar- rives at the centre of the column, will command, 1. Such company by the right (or left ) flank. 1. March. The senior captain of the two companies will place himsel. in front of the centre of his division, and command, Guide right ; the junior captain will | lac« himself in the interval between the two companies. The two companies thus hirmed Wit<> a division will take the touch of elbows to the right, and when each division haa gained iu proper distance, its chief wdl cause it to march in quick time. 792. When the battalion presents an odd number of companies, the formation will be made in like manner, and the company on either flank which shall find itself witk- •ot a corresponding one, will place itseif at company distance behind tha wing to which it belwnes. 793. The double column, closed in mav, will be formed according to the saw prirv eiplcs and bv the same command?, substituting the indication, cloud tm nan, foi that Ot at half aftanct 794. The double rolnnsn never b»ing formed when two or more battalion* are to be In one general column, it will habilnally take the guide bo tha right, sometimes to the V*ft, or in the centre of the column ; in th< U«t rn», the roinrnand v» ill be. jr«i i» '*nt r ». the column will march and change direction according to the principle i, re#<- 1 irwsi (or a simpl* column bv rlivinon. 796. Tba double column at company distance will be closed in mass, or. if in nun, will take half distance, by the •emmaods and means indicated for a simple column by division. I deployment of tht douiAe column, faced t<> the front 7*6. Tht colonel, wishing to deploy th» d . -e a, mark..■«. t -. -,, gajdes to spring ont on tb-. alignment of lb*, marktrs a little W*vond ll - which tba r**p»otiv* danks n f tb* battalion oaght to ratt , he vili than r-uimar ! 130 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 1. Deploy column. 1. Ratlalion out>rarfi*—Vxrr.. 3. March (or double quick- Ms i. 7:'7. The column will deploy it««*ir on the two companies at its hoa the principles prescribed No. I 800. The battalion being in double column and in march, if the colonel shall wish to deploy it without belting the colnmn, be will cause three mat ken to ' the line of battle, and when the head of the column shall arrive near the markers, he will command : 1. Deploy column. 2. Battalion, l : / the ri'iht ami left flanks. 3. Maucii (or Jnuhle • lacc hinj«o|f on the right oi the column abreast with the first division ; thi will place themselves at platOOS di«tanee. behind the inner . . coast - on. 821. These dis] ng made, the colonel may, according to circ -ro .u B een, j nt the column in march, or ran-" it to form sqas latter, ha will command : 1. Fnrmf/unrr 2. Mif k $ eWSSt Isjft «tW U*4 fKtti. >■??. At th" first command, th« lieutenant color,. 'i guides, aad the re sjor, fannj: t t, will align ■ he fourth r' ■ w ill «uri'' right gaides, in placing themselves on i • f-xart dista: it I the first div tr-rvtnd and third divisions will placo themsetre* before them tbev will ba right, snd the l< Lattle. rlootrs. spy— i1t tt bftpiatw in line of battle, and will be replaced \ 132 ACIIOOL OP TUB BATTALION— PART V. rank, the corporal of the same file who is in the rank of fite closers will step inte the rem rank. 8i5. The chief of thr fourth division will command : 1. Fourth dirition, forward ; J. timid* Itft, and plac<< himself at the same time two paces outside of its left flank. 826. These dispositions ended, the colonel will command : Mahch (or double quick — sfaaOTk) 827. At this command, bri.-kly repeated, the first division will stand fast ; but its rijfht file will face to th* right, aid its left file, to the bit. 828. The companies of the second and third divisions will wheel to the right and left Into line, and the bnglcrs will advance a space equal U) the fror.t of a company. 82'J. The fourth division will close up to form the square, and when it shall have closed, it>< chief will halt it, face it about, and alipn it by the rear rank upon the guides of the division, who will, for this purpose, remain hOM to th" front. Th- junior cap- tain will pass into the rear rank, now beejOBM the I'-int, and the covering s-rgvant of the k-ft company will place himsel! behind him in the front rank, become rear. The file closer* will, at the same time, close up a pace on the front lank, and the outsr file on each flank of the division will face outward". 830. The square being formed, the colonel will command : Guidet — Posrs. 831. At this oomwiand. the chief* of the first and fourth divisions, as well as the guides, will enter the square. 832. Th captains whose companies have formed to the right l»to line, will remain on the lefl of their OOtnpailiea; the left guide of each of those companies will, in the, rear tank, cover lits captain, and the covering sergraut of eaeh will place himself as a file closer behind the right tile of his company. 833. The field and alaff will enter the square, the li -utrnant colonel placing himself behind the left, and tho major behind the right of the first diviiion. 834. If the battalion present ten. instead of eight compani es, the fourth division will make the same movements preset it »••(! shore for the I rood and third divisions, and tho fifth. I he movement* prescribed for the fourth division. BS5. A battalion ought never to present, near th l ■ Dcmj'l cavalry, an odd company. Th" odd company, under that circumstance, ought, wh-n the battalion is under aims, to be consolidated, for the time, with the other companies. B36. The fronts of the square will be designated as follows: the first division nill eJwava be theyfrst/Vastf ; the hut division, the fourth /root ; the right companies of th- other divisions' will form the sseotul front f and the left companies of the sa;no divi . IBS the third front. KJ7. At battalion bring in column by company, at full distance, right in front, and in march, a/hea the colonel shall «ish to form square, he will cause this moTemeat t<* be eJteCBfd by the commands and means indicated. \o. «17. 838. A the command mnroh, the column will close to company distance, as is pre- scribed. No. 27H. Wlin the obi if of the fourth divhri »0 shall eOmOMUld Quick murek, the tile closers of this division will place themselves be. ore th- front rank. BS9. The major and th.- buglers will conform to what is prescribed, No. 820. 840. If the OOlonol vtiall wish to I'm m square, he will command : 1. FWaa.afSwrs, 2. Bigkt m»d loft into lint, vko$L 3. Muicu. Ml. At the first Domaajutd, she chief ol the Brat dii i i •>, will caution it to halt ; all th- .-attains of the second and third divisions n ill I a] idly olac- th nuetvea b. forn the centres of their reapeotiee companies, and caution them 1 tliHi the* will have to wh-el, the igbt onmpanlea to the right and the left ini to the left lito line. The ohi ■■ oi the fourth division will CMttlon it to contloi i ircb and will hasten to its left flnuk. At the third cominmi I, briskly tb I eillefof th ! first division will h ill ■■ dirbi >n anrf align it to th ■ left, aiid tb I trill face to the right and lef he net of the movement wiir be executed ■ > *28 and following. Che lieutenant onload and ■ • major, at imai d ware*, will conform so wh irejeribed, No. nri. |fth< battalion, before tbe rormad, b- la deubla aeiumu, the tern Is rompanLenUi form ;b ■• ' -ont, the two rear eempaniet the fourth j the • iipaaieaol tho right bait battalion will torn the skoou, and those of th* left U iiiou tli i third 8CII00L OP TIIR BATTALION — PAUT V. 133 844 Th» first and fourth fronts will be commanded by the chiefs of the first an fo.irth divisions; each of the other two by its Huior captain. 844. The commander of each front will plane himself four pare* behind its present rear rank, and will be replaced momentarily in the command of his company by the next in rank therein. Mfi. If the column be at full distance, as has been supposed, the square will be formecf ir. the manner prescribed. If o. M7 or r.'is, and following; and the dispositions indi- cated, Nos. 819 and 820. will be executed at the command f»rm 'quart. 847. If the column by division, whether double or simple, be in mass, and the colonel shall wish to form it into square, he will first cause it to take company distance ; to this effect, he will command : 1. To form 'quart. 1. By the head of column, tak* half dittance. 848. The divisions will take halfdistance by the means indicated, No. 324, atd fol- lowing. What is prescribed, No. 820, will be executed as the first and second divisions are put in motion. 84I>. The colonel will halt the column the moment the third division shall hare it* distance. As soon as the column is halted, the dispositions indicated, No. B19, will be executed, and when these are completed, the colonel may proceed to form square. 850. If the column be in march, he will also, in the first place, cause company dia- taDCe to be taken, and, fc.r this pur pose, will command : 1. Toformiquare. 2. By the. head of column take half dittanc*. 3. March (or duubU quick— M ) B&L This movement will be executed as prescribed, No. 330, and following. What is prescribed, No. 820, will be executed as the first and second divisions are put in motion. 852. The colonel will proceed to form square the moment the third division shall have its distsnre ; at the command form tquarc. the dispositions indicated. No. B19, will be executed. If it be intended merely tor// po*e ''he tmnmnfor tquare, the colonel will not halt the column until the last division has its distance. In a simple colnrnn, left in fiont. these several movements will be executed ac- cording to the same principles and by inverse means; but the fronts of the square will have the same designations as if the ripht of the column were in front, that is, tl. di visit n will constitute the first front, and thus of the other subdivisions. 8M. The battalion being: formed into square, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to advance a distance leas than thirty pwcue, b* will command : 1. By (such ) front, fnrvard. 2. Ihtru. If it be supposed that the advance b? made by the first front, the chief of tbia front will command : 1. fit it diii'ion. forward. 2. ti uide centre. •M. The ehi-fof th- ■ e ,,i I front will face hit front to th • I -ft. Theeaptains of !„<• t • .me a composing this front v\ i i I place themselves outside, and OB the right of their ;id»s, who will replace th-m in the Ir ,.nt i ank ; th*- chief of the third w ill {»< ' bis f' imt to th" r ii.-ht. and the captains in this front trill place (h>'ins< Ivi • onteide, and on the left i ' tb< roa th front will f.i front about, and command : " I I Q mid* centre, Th ca who is la the centre of the firat front, wi d with the < and • ill repulati hires, li b\ thr im am iieln at.-d n. ■ l ihe company, No. 89. 857. At the ro-ntiiand mat ■ ire will put itself in motion ; th" cornj - snar ' Sank will be earefal i ancea. The chief of the bnrtb division will caasc hit divii ly doted on the flasks o( the an O o nd and third front*. 6M. This :■ nant colonel will ; e file of 1 | -i i r h. •450. If the colr.nrl should wish U ire, bl "ill eommaad I 1. /,'allniir.n. 2. II * t T. Ml. AC the i alt ; rtl '■■ I srl a a^out - I without . • •'!«• f* a* in aqu 134 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 862. In moving the square forward bv the second, third, or fourth fronts, the *»iu • red. 863. The battalion being formed into equal .-. w hen the eolOM] i-hall wish to cause it to advance a greater distance than thirtj paces, he will command ( 1. Form riAumn. 864. The chief i.f the first front will command : 1. Fir tt HivUion forward. 'J. Quid* l< . The commander of the fourth front will eautionit to stand fast : the commander ol the second front will cause it to face to the left, and then commai . nay. 1 he eommaader of the third fronl w ill canse il to Face to the right, and immand, /.'•, company, by JUt right. At the moment the second and third fronts : .' •' '" the left and right, cadi captain n ill canse to break to the i ear the two leading ■ hii Dompanr. -itions being made, the colonel will command: 8, Mvkcii (or. double quick- M\ 867. At this command, the Brat front will march forward j Its chief will halt It when it shall hare advanced a space equal to half its front, and align it by the left 868. The corresponding companies of the second and third fronta will wheel by We to the left and right, and inarch to meet each other behind the <•. nti e ol toe fit it drvl sion, and the moment they unite, the captain of eachcompanj will halt hi- compani and lace it to the front. The division tx tng re-formed, Its chief will align it bv the left 869. The commander of the fourth front will canse it to face about : it- file closers will remain before the front rank. 870. The column being thus re formed, the colonel ma> put it in march 1>\ thecoma ssaads and means prescribed, No. 164, and following; the right guides will pret company distance exactly as the directing guides. • s 7l. When tin- colonel shall wish to re-form square. he will rive the commands in dicated, No. 840. 872. To eause the square to march in retreat a distance greater than thirty ] the colonel will first cause column to be formed as indicated No. 863; and when formed, he will cause it to face bv the n ar rank ; to this end. he will command : 1. To mitrrh in retreat. 2. Fact by the rear rank, '.',. Battalion, about -Fads. 873. At the second command, the file closers of the Interior divisions will place themselves, passing l>\ the outei Banks ol tfa tit i • tpective companies, behind the A ont rank opposite to their places in line ol battii ; the file olosers of the other divi will .-land fast. 874. At the third command, the battalion will face about; each chiel of division will place hi ni self before its rest rank, become front, passing through the interval be- tween it- two companies; the guides will Btep Into the rear rank, now front. B75. The column being thus disposi d, the colon. 1 may put it In march, or cause !t to lorm square as if it were faced by the front rank. The square being foi mad, its fronts will presort b the same designations the.v had when faced bj the front rank. 876. The battalion being in square b> the rear rank, when the colonel shall wish to march it in retreat or in advance, r distance less than tlm t ; paces, he will conform to what i- prescribed No. 864 and following. : otherwise, he ^\ > 1 i re-form the column ao oording to the principles preset lb d, No. 868, by marching forward the fonrth front s"7. If the square is to be marched to ttui front a distance greater than thirty pan ,, the colonel will fare tin' column bj the front rank ; to this end, he will command . 1. To march in advance. 2. Face by the front rank. 3. Battalion, about I B78, Which will be executed as prescribed No. *73 and following. 878. if the column be marching in advance, snd the colonel shall wish to march it in ret i oat, be w ill command \ 1. To mar ck in retreat. 1. Battalion right about. 3. Maiicii (or double quick •Maiuii.) I \t the second command, the file closers of the second and third divisions will rapidly before the front rank of their respective divisions. At the command noreA, the column will face about and move off to the reai ; the chit fa of division! and the guides will ■•.inform to what is prescribed No. s 7t. 881. If the Column !>'■ marching in ret: at, and the colonel shall wish to march it ia advance, he will command : i 1IO0L OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 135 1. To march in advance. 1. Battalion right about. 3. KABCU 'or double quick— March.) 882. At tli" second command, the file doers of the second and third divisions Will place then the rear rank of their respective divisions; at the third, the column will face by the front rank. Zb reduce the &quare. The colonel, wishing to break the square, will command : 1. Red KM "f/uitrr. 2. MaBOR (« double quirk— M.«ltni.) 984, This moveiiif nt will be executed in the manner indicated. \o. MS and follow- in- ; bnl th" Bleclosers ot the fourth front will pines tl, m* Ivi - behind the rear rank the til ni' nt it faci - about ; the field and Btaff, the color-bearer and buglers will, at the same time, return to their placet in column. To form square from line of bdttU . A battalion deplored may be formed into square in a direction either parallel or p<"i" ndicular to the line of battle. In the first case, the colonel w ill cause the battalion to break by division to the it or left, and then close the column to half distance, U indit %U d. No frlT. and folio ml ease) be will ploy the oattalion into simple column by division at hall distance in rear of the right or left division, or into column doubled on the i '-ntre. To plov the battalion into column upon one of the flank divisions, th*- e o l o f 1 will command : 1. To fori* 'n«nrc. 1. Column at half distance by division. .1. On the fir*t (or fourth | i. liattalion right (or U/t) — Fml 5. If .wirii (or double quid — \\s This moveaeat will be executed according to the principles pn 119 and following. I: ■-,,■ I .'■ i marching in line of battle, and the colonel shall wish te ,nare in a direction perpendicular to the line of battle, he will command : 1. y, ihnti by the right I or /'/' lloul.. 4. Mamh (OT double qui,l; v.<\. This movement will 1 j to tb" prit I for ■In inn by division at half distance, No. 160. Thechiei of the fir t di will halt his division at the command voir, I,. To | toy tin battalion into doable column, the colonel will command : 1. To form tqunrr. 2. Double column nt half dittat tfa/iotl inirard* — Facr. 4. M w i e fuick Mai This movement will bt I following. battalion bt ing in march, to ploy it into double column to form square, the and: 1. T" _/•■ SI ' r,m. ?,. Jlattnlion by the right and left ,■' ■ 4. XI AM M ' '.r doubt. The clii< f of th. ing division will halt hii division at the command mnreh. in the, formation 7. If before the formation of the square, the column had been left in front, it would be formed by t lie same commands and according to the same principles. Tho aceond division, in this case, would form the reserve. 908. The column being formed, if the colonel should wish to march it in retreat he- will Atee it by the rear rank. The files of the third division broken ofl' to the rear, will face about with the battalion, and when the column is put in motion will march in front of the rear rank. Hut should the colonel w ish to re-form the square, he will cause the battalion to lace by the front rank. 909. If the battalion be in line, instead of in column, the chief of the reserve divi- sion will bring it into column in such manner that there nuiy be a distance of only four paces between this division and the one W Inch. is to be eh in front of it ; and when this division il halted and aligned, its chief will cause the usual number of files to be broken to the rear. The Chief of the division w Inch should OOCUpy in column a position immediately in rear of the reserve division will, on entering the column, tak- u distance of twelve pares between it and the division established immediately in front of the reserve division. Squares in four ranks. 910. If the square formed in two ranks, according to the preceding rules, should not be deemed suilieieutly strong, the colonel may cause the square to be formed in four ranks. 6OI00L OF THE BATTALION* — PART V. 137 911. The battalion Mug in eolMM by company at Cull distance, right in front, and at a halt, when the colonel ,-hnll wish to form square in four ranks, he will first causa divisions to be formed, uhich being executed, be will command : 1. To/orm t quart in/our raid*. 1. To ha\f dittanrr, r]o>t column. 3. MtRCM (or double quirk — MakCII. ) 912. At the first command, the chief of the Irtt division will caution the right com- pany to face to the left, and the left company to face to the right. The duel's of the other divisions will caution their divisions to mote foi ward. 913. At the command marrh. the right company of the first division will form into four ranks on its left file, and the left company into four ranks on its right file. The formation ended, the chief of this division will align it by the left. 914. The other divisions will more forward and double their files, marching ; the right company of each division will double on its left tile, and the left company on it* right file. The formation completed, each chief of division will command, Guide \eft. Ea( h chief will halt his division when it shall have the distance of a company fwmt in four rank* from the preceding one, counting from its rear rank, and will align his division by the left. At the instant the fourth division is halted, the file closers will move rapidly before its front rank. 915. The colonel will form square, re-form column, and reduce square in four ranks, by the Fame commands and means as prescribed for a battalion in two ranks. ?!<>. If the square formed in four ranks be reduced and at a halt, and the colonel •hall wish to form the battalion into two ranks, be will command : 1. /* tiro rank>, undaublt file*. 1. ItaltaMan nutirnrdi — Y ACK. 3. Mu.cil. 917. At the first command, the captains will step before the centres of their respec- tive companies, and those on their right will caution thcrn to face to the right, and those on the left to face to the left. 918. At the second command, the battalion will face to the right and left. 919. At the command marrh, each company will undouble its files and reform into two tanks as indicated in the school of the company No. 376 and following. F.aeh Captain will halt his company and face it to the front. The formation completed, each ehief of division will align his division by the I 'ft. 920. If the column be in march, with divisions formed in four ranks, and the colonel shall w ii h to re form then, into two ranks, he will command : 1. ffmitlt rrntre. 2. In firo rank*, undnnhlr /il<-». 3. M MICH. 921. The cap tain, placed in the centre of each division, will continue to march straight to the front, as will also the left file of the i i^lit company, and the right fil« • f the left company. Bach company will then be rc-foi ined in two ranks, as preen in the school of the company. 922. The battalion being formed into two ranks, the colonel will command U/1 or rxght. ) 923. To form square in four ranks on one of the flank divisions, the colonel will command : 1. T<> form tqtt are, in four rank'. 2. Cnlumn at half diilanrr, by dtr\'ion. 3. Onih* Jh+t (or fomr\k) e h ' e W sm. 4. Hatta\\<>n, rtgi ■ (or doul\* yu!<* I ■ 9'^4. At tho seeond command, each chief of division will place himself before the •CDtrc of his divi«ion, and caution it to face to the tight. 92.Y At the fourth command, the rirjit guide *.f th ■ first division will remain faced to the front, the battalion * ill face U> the r i jr Ii " . . . . . ., to Ike front reneioiog doubled. All the other Die* of 'our ne-n will I and ach in succession will close u| iig it. and fact to the front, remaining donl the last hie shall I . - '.<7~ The Other divisions will j >ime mann'T as with a I . In two rar I f what foil..' . .fallowing' rliti'inrji to file past tt each t division, its chief will halt the right | snrn will a - d clueed, be - r 138 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. doubled. All the other file.-' will execul ly what. has ju>t been prescribed for the second. When the hurt file shall have closed, the chief of division will com- mand, Left I ' I nJion I"' in march, the colonel will command: l. To form equetre, in four ranlu. '2. On thefiritdivieion, form column. 3. Jtattalion, Of tie right flank. I. " double quick M nd command, each chief of division w ill step in front of the oaatre of his division and caution it to face by the right flank. The chief of the first division will caation hi.- covering sergeant to halt, and remain faced to the front A t the command march, the battalion will face to the rigbl ; the covering ser- ' division will halt and remain faced to I the first division will then forn ii to Ibur ranks as heretofore preset Ibi d. The other divisions v. ill ploj ! """< ■ •> tie r as it the movement bad taken place fro a :i halt. Ii the colonel should wish to form a perpendicular square in four rank*, by column, he will command : ottr rmnkm, 2. Double column, at half dittone*. B. or double q* a.) At the second command, the captains of companies will pis the centres of their respective companies, and caation those on the i ight to face to the left, and those on the lefl to face to the right The captain of the fifth oasnpaai will caution his covet ing - i geant to stand fast 033. At the third command, the battalion will tare to the left and right] at the eoinmand marcA, the left file of the fourth, and the righl file of the fifth company, will fac • to the trout, remaining doubled. The fourth company "ill close succ< ssiTelj by hie of tours on the left file, and the fifth company, in like manner, on the right file; the files will lace to the front mm aining doubled. The formation completed, the cbiel of division will command, Right drew. The junior captain will place bin in the interval between the two companies. '•'■'• i- " I ther companies will close as prescribed for the double column in two ranks, ul>- rving wLal follows: each captain will halt the leading guide oi his com] anj the •it th • bead of bis company arrives on a line with the centre of the col un'n. In the right companies, the left guides will Btep into the line of file clovers, and the tile n completed, the |uni ■. captain will place hlmsi If between the two eompanit a, and the senior n ill ( mand, Right eft i 936. Ii the battalion be in march, the colonel « ill command : 1. To f»r, In four rank*. 2. Form double column. :>. Battalion ly the rtglu and left flank*, llanos [or double quick " 936, At th< second command, the captains will place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and those on the righl will caution them to face by the left Bank, an i those on th ■ lefl to face bj the righl flank : the captain of the fifth .. v. ill caution hit eovei ing sergeant ' first ilu islon will immediately establish it by a whet 1 to the ri<;ht on a Axed pivot, against the markers, and align it by thi loft. The chiefs of tie- other divisions will caution them to face to tin right. The colonel will then apm ■land : :;. Battalion right. — Fack. 4. Muini (or devils quick — Mmuh. Ml. The three rear divisions will direct their march so as to place themselves a* half diseases from each other, and in the rear of the first iously indi- cated, iihsai viug what follows: 942. The did f of the w cond division, Instead of breaking the henduiost files to Up- roar, will break tbem to tic front, and at the command march, will conduct his di vision towards the point of entrance into the column. Arrived at Litis point, he will halt in bis own person, cause his division to wh< > 1 bv file to the i i L r 1 > ' . instructing tic right guide to direct hi nisei 1 parallclly to tic first division ; ai d the left file . its chit 1 will halt tic division, and align it by tic hit. Tic other divisions will break to the rear, hut slight! 1 ! : each will enter tic column as prescribed for the second, and the moment tie battalion is ployed into column, the colonel will cause it to form .square. 94.'f. The formation of a battalion into oblique square on the left division, will be ex- ecuted according to the same principles aid 6y inverse means. 944. Should tie battalion be in march, the colonel will first cause it t > halt. 94f>. In tic preceding example, the battalion was snnposed to 1..- deployed ; hut if it be already formed in column, the desired obliquity will b _ it to change direction by the flank ; to this end, the colonel will command : I. To form ohlique i-qunrr. 2. Chtl fhi (or left) flank. 940. At the set ind, the li ati nant colonel will trace the new direction in the following manner; he will plaoc befor the right and ■ , two markers, ami s third on the prolongation of the first two, on the tide ot the change of direction, and at twelve paces from the Hank of the column. He will then place hi mi I b twelve ps tdicularly to the 'ialt, and finish tra< ingthe new direction in the manner indicated, No. 947. The colonel will then command: m righl(or left ) — Face. 4. Mabcb (or double quick — M.v Tbechaage of direction having be the colonel will aare to be formed. Should lie column be in inarch, the rolottei will first cause it to halt. in four rank?, will be etl CUted h\ the tame menu-, and B4 the prin< ; the formation of squares in (bur i mple or double oolum alar , the Side ,. '" '" " W In all f. .r- m tquart, and n •' ]'t< into square, will I -odd nh lh ,!,„ lh« »* if t rank 140 scnooL or the battalion — part r. 9. r .4. V battalion in column at fuU fii tance. having to form square, will always clone on the leading sub dh isbm ; and a column rioted in mats, will always, for tin- same purpose, take distances by the head. In either case, the second subdivision should be careful, in taking its distance, to reckon from the rear rank of the subdivision in front of it. !V' r >. If a column by company should be required to form square, in four ranks, the doubling of files will always take place on the file next to the guide. 956. When a column, disposed to form square, shall be in march, it will change ■direction as a column at half distance ; thus, having: to execute this movement, the column will tak'' the guide on the side apposite to thnt which the change of direction is to be made, if that he not already the side of the guide. 957. A column doubled on the centre at company distance or closed in mass, maj be formed into square according to the same principles as a simple column. 958. When a battalion is ployed, with ■ view to the square, it will always be in rear ff the right or left division, in order that it may be able to commence firing, pmding the execution of the movement. The double column, also, affords this advantage, and b«'ing more promptly formed than any other, it will habitually be employed, UQ- len particular circumstances a different formation to be preferred. 959. A battalion in square, will n«*ver use any other than the fire bv file and by rank ; the color b-ing in the line of file closers, its guard will not fall back as pre- scribed So. 41 ; it will tire like the men of the company of which it forms a part. 960. If the square be formed in four ranks, the first two ranks will alone execute the filings prescribed above ; the other two ranks will remain either at shoulder or support aruii. 9C1. The formation of the square being often necessary in war, and being the most complicated of the manoeuvres, it will be as frequently repeated as the supposed ne- cessity may require, in order to render its mechanism familiar to both officers and men. 96'i. In the execution of this manoeuvre, the colonel will carefully observe that the divers movements which it involves succeed each other without loss of time, but also without confusion ; for , if the rapidity of cavalry movements requires the greatest promptitude in the formation of squares, so, on the other ban !, precipitancy always results in disorder, and in no circumstance is disorder more to be avoided. 963. When the colonel shall wish to cover by skirmishers the movements of a col- umn preparing to form square, he will detach for this parpOM one or two inner platoons of one of the interior divisions of the column. In this case, the exterior platoons of this division and the following subdivisions, will, according to circum- stances, close on the preceding subdivision, in such manner, that there may be be- tween then only the distance necessary for forming into line. 964. When the colonel shall be ready to form square, he will, in o-der to recall the skirmishers, cause to the color to be sounded. If on the return of the skirmishers, there be not room for them to 'orm into line of battle, they will double on the outer plateons of their respective companies. Column against cavalry. 905. Whfn a column closed in mass has to form square, it will begin by taking company distance; but if so suddenly threatened by cavalry as not to allow time for this disposition, it will be formed in the following manner ; 066. The colonel will command : 1. Column againut cutodry. 2. Math. 9C7. At the first command, the chief of the leading division will caution it to stand fast and pass behind the rear rank ; in the interior divisions each captain will prompt- ly designate the number of files necessary to close the interval between his company •ad the one In front of it. The captains of the divisions next to the one in rear, in addition to closing the interval in front, will also close up th ■ interval which separates this division from the last; the chief of the fourth division will caution it to lace about and its file closers will parss briskly before the front rank. 968. At the command march, the guides of each division will plasje themselves rapid y in the line of file closers. The first division u ill stand fast, the fou. .n a ill fV.ce about, the outer lile of each of these divisions will then face outwards ; in the other divisions the files d signated for closing the intervals will form to the right and lift into line, but in the division next to the rearmost one, the Brat files that come into line will close to the right or left until they join the rear division. The files of each company SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — TART V. 141 which remain in column will close on their outer files, formed into line-, in order lo oreato a racant space in the middle of the column. 969. If the column be in march, the column aynirHl cavalry will bo formed bv the same commands and means. At the command march, the hmt and fourth division* will halt and the latter division will face about; the interior divisions will conform to what has been prescribed above. 970 The battalion teing no longer threatened by cavalry, the colonel will com- mand : 1. form column. 1 Mabch. 971. At the command march, the Met in column will close fo the left and riebt t» make room for shop* in line who will retake th'-ir plsce* in column bv stepping bark- w.inls, except tho^c rinsing the interval between the two rear division*, who will uke their places in column by a flank movement. The fourth division will face about the guides will resume their places. 972. If the colonel should be so pressed as not to have time to order bavonets to be- fixed, the men will fix them, without command or signal, at the cautionary command eo.'nmri againtt cara ry. 973. As this manoeuvre is often used in war, and with decided advantage, th* colonel will frequently cause it to be executed in order to render it familiar. AlTICLI FirTMSTH. To rally. 974. The battalion being in line of battle, the colonel will sometimes cause fie dii- pT" to be sounded, at which signal, the battalion will break and disperse. 975. When thecolonel shall wish to rally the battalion, be will cause fo tkt co\er to be sounded, and at the same time place two markers and the color-bearer in tho di- rection he may wish to give the battalion. 976. Kach captain will rally bis company about six paces in rear of the place it m to occupy in line battle. 977. The colonel will cause the color company to be promptly established against the markers, and each company by the command of its captain will be aligned on the color-company according to the principles heretofore proscribed. 978. When the colonel shall wish to rally the battalion in column, he will cause i*> mtrmbly to be sounded, and place two markers before the position to be ocaupic-d bv thr first company, the captain of this companv will rally hi-, coinpanv in rear of the two maikers. and each ot the other captains will rail J hie company at platoon distance, behind tho one which should precede it in the order in co.umn. AlTICLI SlXTBfXTH. Ilnhs for mtUKBWVrdng f>y thr rear rank. 9T9. It may o r tm be necessary to cause a battalion to manoeuvre bv the rear rsai when the case presrnts iUelf, the following rules will be obaer v< .1 9x0. The battalion beinjj by the front rank, whru the colonel sbaJI wish to man on ▼ re by th* rear rank, ho will command : 1. Fart by ihf rtnr rani'. 1 Ua'tahnn. 3. About F«>-«. f>l. If thr battalion b» deplored, tins movement will be executed as has be*-n u»- dn ated foi the fire In the rear rank. «""? If Um battalion be in rolotnn by company, or by platoon, rifht »r Ufl id | >i the chiefs of subdivision, U< lake their new j . . 'iron, will eocft pa«s h* in* left fist k of his subdivision, and tbe file closers by ibe right flank , th« ruide* w«U plaee th- mi»l».-« in thr rear rank. 983. Ifths eolumn be formr-d bv division, ihe rhiefi nf division will each s»aas hf the interval in the centre of his division, and the hje elo»»ii hr tbe outer flanks of tbnr r»sf 'rtivs comiai.i'S , the junior captain id each a r . ► . to tbe n, rank, and be cover*! in tl>e front lank by the mveiiejr eerjj ,-ai.t ssf tbe |eO m» , |4 Th' iifutrnant c. : ,nel will place himself with lb* leading sabd v ». • and tbr major abreast with lb* rearmost one. 9M. Tbr battalion bring faned by the rear 'ini, ooflBpanioa, diTieinno. nod •na£*w wi.l recsor tkeir prior eVaenjuaalioos reepet.irei. . ^^ 142 ilOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. Thf marn-ir I :ir rank will bo • the same commands and r right in/ronigjuscording as it may be intended that the Bret or last rabdiviaioo shall I e a( the load of the column, because the first subdivision ia on the left, and the last «>n the right of the battalion by the rear rank. The column by the raer rank will take the guide to the right list inbdivison be In front, and to the left In the reTerae case. '. A column, heed by the rear tank, will be brought to its proper front by the means heretofore prescribed. If the column be formed by company, or by platoon, the chiefs of subdivision, in order to take their new places in column, will pass by the : subdivisions, now right, and the file closers by the right, now left. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION, ARRANGED INTO LBSS0N8. Lesson First. Article /.—Open ranks, No. 23. Article II. — Close ranks, No. 29. Article. ///.—Manual of arms. No. 30. Loading at will, No. 31. Article IV.— Different fires, by the front rank, No. 39, and by the rear rank, No. iA. Lksson Skcono. Article /. — lireak by Company to the right, No. 69 or to the left, No. 74. Article //.—March in column at the cadenced step, a considerable distance, No. K.t. Change of direction, No. 'I'M. Diminish and increase front in marching, No. 190. March in retreat. No. 170. Article III. —Halt the column. No. 239. Form it to the left or right into line of bat- tle, No. S90. Execute this formation, the column inarching, No. 102. Article IV. — Execute the countermarch, and repeat the same morements, No. 361. Article V.— Form column into line of battle, to the right or left, by inversion, No. 407. LSSSOU Titian* Article /.— nrcak by company to the rear by the right or left, the battalion being at a halt, No. *7. or marching', No. \H. Article II. — March in the route step, No. 198. Cause to be executed, at this gait and in double quick time, the divers movements incident to the column in route, ai.d cause the cad need step to be resumed. Article III.- Form the column forward into line of battle. Nos. 440, 452, faced to the i ear into line of battle, Nos. 466, 480, the battalion being at a halt, or marching. Form the column forward into line, and continue the march in this order, No. iio'. Artrilc IV.— Form the column on the right, No. 41C, or the left, No. 432, into line of battle. Article l'. — March by the Hank, No. 722, and form companies into line, marching. Article V'/.— The column supposed to arriva» before, No. 175, or behind the line of battle. No. Is4, to prolong it on that line. Article 17/.— Change front forward. No. 743, or in retr, No. 7C0, on the right or left of companies, in directions pcrpundicular or oblique. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — IN 1,1 M3 ArtiaU Vlll. — March by the rio-lit flank. No. 722, or by the l.-ft flank, No Change direction by lilr. No. 730. Form the battalii>n into line of battle, on the right or loft, by BJ Artie\« IX. Pass the defile in retr< at bj the right, N left fi ar ) Wo. MO. '- Fourth. ArtiAr /.— Break by division to the rear, by the right or left, the battalion being at a halt or marching, No. 102. ArticU //. — March in column by division, No. 101. Diminish and in' roas-e front by company. No. 196. Anir\r II! ■ column to hsif distance on the headmost or the real division. No. 278. ArtiAt IV.— March in column at half distance, No. 2S1, and change direction. No nr. ArtiA< V. Th' column being at half distance, to form square at a bait, No. marching, No. - ArtirU VI.— The battalion being in square to march to the frorit. No. !*. r >4. Halt the square. No. 860. Form column to march to the front. No. 863, or in fc72. He-form the square, No. B76. Article TIL— Reduce the aoaai .ir/irlr I"///.— Close the column in nw on the headmost or rearmost division. No 279. ' ' ArtiAr IX. — March in column c]o?ed in max, and chat ■ f,\ t), ( . f r ,, ri t of subdivisi' i Article A".— Form the column against cavalry, No. ' i XI. — Take distanros by the head. No. 32.'! and 330, or on rear of the column. No. 333, the column being at a halt or marching. ArtiA* XII.— The column being by company, cause to be executed the movement' indicated in Nos. 3, 4. 8, C. 7. S. ft. in and 11 of this lo^on. The ng at half distance, or dosed i i . in to the left or right, into In r- ar of the column, No. 40. and ■ out suspending the roarr}. double column bcinf 'sure, form it into line of > 141 BCIIOOL OK THE BATTALION — REMARKS. faced to the right or left, No. 803, the column beinij in mtrch, No. 807. Kxccate the same movement without suspending the march, No. 810. Artir\t XL- -I'erpcndicular or parallel squares, the battalion being deployed. Rot. 895. Oblique squares, the battalion being in line of battle, No. 933, or in col- urun. No. 946. Squares in four rank*. No. 911. Lksso* Sixth. Arf\c\e /. — March in line of battle, No. 5*7. Halt the battalion, No. 635, and align it. No. C40. Art\r\e //. — Chance direction in line of battle, advancing, No. 652, or in retreat, No. Ml. Kxecute passage of obstacles, No. 883. _Arf»r|« ///. — Oblique march in line of battle, No. 4>23. ArUrU IV.— Disperse and rally the battalion in line of battlo, No 974, and rallj the battalion in column by company, No. U78. REMARKS ON TUB SCHOOL OF THW BATTALION. In evcrv course of instruction, the first lesson will be executed several times ia the older in which it is arranged; I ut as soon as the battalion shall be confirmed in th« prin«iple» of the lesson, the fires will be executed after the advance in linn, and after the various formations into line of battle, and into square. Particular attontion will be given to the lire by file, which is that principally used in war. Kveiv h-sKon of this school will be executed with the utmost precision ; but the sec- ond, which comprehend? the march in column, and the match in line of battle, being of the most importance, will be the oftonott repeated, especially in the beginning. Great attention ought, also, to be given to the fourth lesson, whi h comprehends the mai ch in column bv division, and the dispositions against cavalry. The successive formations will sometimes by executed bv inversion. In the beginning, the inarch in column, the march in line af battle, and the march hv thr Da ik. will be executed only in quick time, and will be continued until the baf- tklion idiall have become well established in the cadence of this step. The non-endenced step will be employed in this school only in the repetition of the movement* incident to a column in route, or when great celerity may be required. When it mav be desired to give the men relief, arms may be supported, if at a halt, ar lnatihing by the flank. In marching bv the front, arms may be shifted to the right shoulder ; but not in the anarch in line of battle until the battalions shall be well instructed. After arms have beun carried for some time on the right shoulder, they may be shifted, in like manner, to the left shoulder. Wh a a battalioa is manoeuvring, iU movement*! will bo covered by skirmishers. All thk companies will be exaruiaixl, successively, in this service. Wy-n a battalion, instructed in this drill, shall be required to manoeuvre in the. evolutions of the liue, its BOretnanta will be regulated by the instructions contained in the third v„] U u>e of the Tactic*, for heavy Iulajitry, approvod by the War Depart- ment, April 10th, 1835. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ' TITLE FIRST. I - '■ ■ ic and band, - | uard, - talion, . - 4 TITLE SECOND— SCHOOL OF TlliC SOL: pap. - - I ■ 20 . . • » ....»,_ .,. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Article 1.— To load in four times, and at will, No. 44. - 35 ARTICLE II.— To tire bv company No. 48, : - 36 Article III.— To In K tile No. Article IV.— To fire by rank. No. Articlk V.— To Are by then ar rank, No. 68, .-.'--- 3fl N I HI HI). Artiii i L— To advance in line of bat- tle, No. 84, 37 Article II.— To bait the company, marching in line of battle, and to align it. No. :»!», - 38 Article III. — Oblique march in line •f battle. No. 101, - - - - 38 Article IV. -To mark time, to march in double quick time, and the back step, No. M, - - ■ 59 Article V. — To march in retreat No. 119, 39 LB880S I "i B ill. A nil. i. I.— To march bv the flank. No. 186, - - - "- - - 40 Article II.— To change direction by file, No. 142, 41 Article III.— To halt the company, marching bv the Bank, and to face it to the front. No. 146, - - 41 I V. The company being in march by the Hank, to form it OH the right or left, by file, into line of battle. No. 148, - 41 Article V. — The company marching by the Hank, to form it by company or | LatOOfl Into line, aud cause it to face to the right and left in march- ing, No. 153, 4 J LESSON IlKTH. Aiiimm 1. To break into column by platoon, either at a halt, or march- ing, No, 171. 43 Article IL— To march in column, No. 196, 45 Article Hi.— To change direction, No. ill, - 46 ARTICLE IV.— To halt the column No. SSI, - - - 47 Abticu V. — Being in column bv pla- toon, to form to the right or left into line of buttle, either at a halt, or marching, No. 236, - - - 48 > . Mxru. Article I. — To break the company into platoons, and tu it form the cempani . No. 260, - Article 1 1 . — 'Ti> break files to the reai . and to cause them to re-enter into line, No. 289 Articlk II L— To mar eh in polamn in route, and to execute the move- ments incident thereto, No. ZVC, - Article IV. — Countennarch,No.3S4, Ait HOLE V.— Being in column by pla- toon, to farm on the right of left into line of battle, No. :i i::. Formation of a company from two rankl into single rank, and redpi o cally, No. 359, - Formation of a company from two rank- into lour and reciprocally. at a halt, snd marching. No. \i'\. 64 INSTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISHER! t . eneral pi Inciples and division of the Instruction, 4.RTK LB FIRST. Deployments, No. l">. Deploy for- ward. No. 22. Deploj i>\ the flank, No. ::?. Extend interval-. No. 51. CUsc intervals, NO. 69. Kellers > ki i misbers, No. 66, ai;i LCLE SECOND. March to the front. No. 71. March In retreat, No. 79. Change direc- tion, No. SO. March bv toe Hank. So. 96, - - '- \ ii i ii IK i bird. Firings, No. 106. 1 ire at a halt. No. 107. Fire marching, No. 111. Ob- lervations, No. l-'o. LRTICLB I ol It IH. 68 Rally, No. 127. Uallv by ski ion-, No. 131 Uallj by platoons. No. 137. bally on the i escrve, .No. I :'■'•. Form column, No. 143. Rally on i the battalion, No. 161. Assemble on the reeen e, No. i ,' i . Assemble on the centre. So. 174, - 59 All I II I.L III I II. Deploi the battalion a< iklrmiab No'. 17x. Ubsei rations, No. 194, RaHy, 197, G.'i Manual of the sabrs fut officers, Salute of the color. - Manual for relieving sentinels, [nsti notion for parade i ,--t, Instruction for chief bugler, arc, 66 70 72 7'-' 7 J 7:'. rs TABLE OF CONTEXTS. IF! TITLE I'OUtTH SCHOOL OF Till' i:\TTH.IOX. Paoi . Formation of the battalion, No. I, Composition and march of the color- rt, No, 4. - Honors paid to the color. No. 11. General rules and division of the school of the battalion, So. 14, FIBST. ::, A mic m: I. -'I'ii open and close rank*, Ifa 22, - 7.". A i: i M if H. — Manual of arms, No, SO. 7»; \ III. Loading at will, and the in ings, No. •'•! . - - 70 PAH f SKI Amu M I. — To break bv company to the right, \ii. 89. Break by < i- panyta the left, No. 74. Break by iii\ ision, Nil. T.'>. To break bj com- pany, marching, No. *4, 7* I I. —Break to the rem by t lie right or left uf companies, So. v 7. Bi i ;ik tn the rear bj 1 1 » - • right or left of companies, marching, So, !*4. Advance or retire by 1 1 j « i ight orle t of com| ' D5. Ail\ ancc nr i • tare by the right or left of com- panies, marching, No. 110, Advan- cing or retiring, by the right or left of companies, to form line to the !. No. 113.- - - 80 I I I. - Ploy the battalion into column on the first • 1 i ^ ision, .\... I):'. Ploy the battalion intn ■olamn on the f lurth di\ ision, n.i. Ul. Ploi the battalion Into dose column on any interior divi- So. 143. Battalion being in mai ch, to ploy it int i column on the first division, So. 14''. foii rman. Abti Ii in eoluma at lull distance, So. 164. Column being in the al^ • 17o. < '.iliimn am I of the linn o( line, S I 'umn an i\ ii Inn. I the line "i battle, to pi it on this In.' , No. 1S4. ' irijj a line • I. — Chang in lain at full ■ 1 V. Halt |l n tn hall - I the column on the eighth company . So. 287. Execute this movement, marching . So. 27S, \ I. March In column at half distance, or closed In ma -. So. 281 '.' I > i i ' rage direction in column at half distance, So. '.' s 7. - '.- head ")' column, No. :;:':!. Take dis- tances by the reai of tin" column, I, Take ■ I i- 1 w n<- •son the head of the column, So, 341t Aim h ii. X. Countermarch of a col- umn at full or lialf distance, So, 361, Countermarch ol a columu closed in • .', - Am i hi- XI. -Being in column l.\ company, closed in mass, to form dtvisia t. To form t-li v i- sions, marching, So. 370, run i hi ::i n. Ar.nri.i: I. — Mannei •■■ determining the lino o( battle, No. 101 AbTicli II. To Conn a column, at full distanoe, to the lot t iuto line nl bal tie, So. 390. To toi in ■ column to id ■ i ight into line of battle, N'o, \ column In inu in march, to foi iii it into line of battle, Vo, 4oj. To form a column into line ol battle, and to mm e it fol « aid. Si By Ini ersioo t.. the right oi left into liii<- of battle, So, 4ii7. ( 'oluum st full distance, to form it on the right or left into line of battle, No. 414. ' ' .1 n ii. n at full distance, forward into line ol battle, So. (40, ward into line of battle, marching, Column at lull dists attle, So. 4' ■■ ma'. - - |§] 1 111 Pot is lion in i hatth by two n 1u- | I 1 - Pace. - ing, on :in in 110 - 115 - - 119 in I in lint' ;. - - - 120 battalion, it to !'. ■ - 121 ion, - 122 k, . ne • 128 ■ ■ il i ■ iimn, march ■ column ■ - 231 -