tgol DTTDbmatiM Greneral Or-cler General Orders No. 4. Head Quautkus '1 kans-Mississippi Dist., ) Utile Ruck, Ark., June 2, 1S62.J I. All persons within this District are hereby required to take Confederate notes as currency, at par, in all business transactions. II. The following tariff of prices is hereby es- tablished throughout this District, for the articles specified: Flour $8 00 per hundred pounds. Bacon 25 cents per pound. Ucef 10 " Corn 75 " per bushel. Corn meal 1 00 " " Chickens 2 49 " per dozen. Butter 20 " per pound. Eggs 15 " " dozen. Potatoes 1 00 " bushel. Ilfty and Fodder 1 50 " •• hundred. Lard 20 " " pound. Pork 15 " " Turkeys 1 00 each. Salt 15 00 per sack. Sole Leather 50 per pound. Upper do 80 " «' Harness do 75 " " Molasses 40 " gallon. Sugar 10 cents per pound. Quinine $10 00 per oz. Calomel 50 cents per oz. Morphine 15 00 per oz. Castor Oil 5 00 per gallon. Ipecac 8 00 per pound. Opium 2 00 per oz. Tartar Emetic 25 cents per oz. Blistering Ointment . 8 I'O per pound. fcpsom Salts 0 cents per pound. PJiubarb 50 " " oz. Cream Tartar 2 00 per pound. Turpentine 2 50 " gallon. Dovers Powders 75 cents per oz. III. Every person violating paragraph nuinbcr one of this order, — and every person, having for gale any art'.cle specified in paragraph number two, and demanding or receiving for the same any higher price than that established therefor, or re- fusing to sell the same for euch price, must be nr- a«»t«<) rwid ~Pii» to th«»oc H«*il-qutirt«n»y to l>4(.d??M)* with as such inhumnn and di.«loyal conduct m:iy deserve. Proof of the fact, in the form of alfida- viu before any State officer authorized by law to administer an oath, must be sent with tlie prisonei. IV'. All Confederate officers an.l s^ddiers are hereby instructed, and all State ofliccr.s antl loyal citizens aie authorized and reijuestcd, to execute this order, promptly and without respect to per.sous, in every case of its violation. By order of Maj.Gen. IIindman. R. C. NEWTON, A. A. Genera'.. General Orders No. 5. IIkadquarters Tra.\s-Mi?sissippi DisrRic7;> Liille Kock, Ark., Jnne 2d. 18G2. J I. Private property within this District must not, in any case whatever, be taken or " impressed" by any person, whether officer, soldier or citizen, with- out special authority, in writing, from the?c Ilead- (atuartcrs, and such authority must, in every in- stance, be exhibited and read to the owner or his agent before the property 'u taken, unices ho shall purposely absent himself, to avoid tho same. II. All Confederate officei-s and soldiers are hereby instructed, and all State officers and loyal citizens are hereby authorized and re juested, to resist and prevent the taking or " imp:*essmeut" of private property, except in strict accordance with paragraph number one, of this ordpr.. If tUo per- sons attempting to prevent such outrages are over- powered, they must report the facts, at once, to these Head-Quarters, where the pr )per steps will be taken to punish the wrongdoer. The men who take or "impress" private property, wiiliout au- thority, arc robbers and marauders, and will be put to death, without hesitation. By order of Mij Gen. IIi.ndhan. R. C. NEWTOX, A. A. Ger.r"it. ^fiK /a^r Hollinger Corp. pH8.5