^.B.Z. y^' SENATE, Jan. 9, 1864.— Referred to the Committee on Military AfFairs and ordered to be printed. [Presented by Mr. Lyons.] LETTEK FROM CM. WISE. Hkadquarters 6th MruTARY District, J Department Sou*h Carolina, Georgia and Florida, > January 3, 1&64. ) To Hon. Jas. Lyons, John R. Chambliss and others, Of the Virginia Delegation in Congress : Gentlemen — I respectfully ask you to represent me as endorsing, without re^^erve.the memori;il of 'lenerals llardee, Stevenson and other officers, dated Decerabpr 17th, ISGo, from the "Army of Tennessee," respecting tbe army. A copy is enclosed. From nearly three years experience in the army, I can cordially ■inite in the policy they so wisely recommend. I respectfully protest against any reorganization of the array by re-elections. The elective system, has proved bad. Not tbat any 'better officers have been ap^ pointed tban elected ; but I aver tbat tbe sani- officer rltcfid is not,^ in many respects, as well ahlf to command as himself if nppo'nted. Eltc- tinn, and elecfionecring destroy the efficiency of com;:iHnd, and the power of di.^cipline to a creat extent. They were bad at fir.-t and wottW bo ten-fold uwrse now. The reotganization, at the critical juncture of the spring of 1862, in its bid effects, was enough to ac- count for many of our del lys and disasters. So far as I am informed and belive, the officers nn