I' ,.- ¥l flmifa. (^ vhuj. <& tlrvl Ul .uiMi.; TTttASURT ROT" George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY Or COLONEL FLOWERS i mwwvismMm^m *■■* Mi WMf r/^ ^_ /Ml. - * ♦ etctte "' tv / ? ( arret __J trSVft/frtf'Mft'b VC/Scts ^f/>,ot± ,/K fry?,,,? r fr/trw , » r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/narrativeofcolon02fann <^^t^C^L, ~+^~ jf Jfsv. /S'^ *- I HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO TJIR ©lb Xovtl) State. No. 1. •• Gather up the fragments that remain." 8Tft3MU0OCI JA0IJIOT8IH SO copies 4to. Mate [Ifttffi 6m .1 . THE OF I e«t Tip Itint bad eniinoBce. " The frankness with which he narrates his adventures and speaks of the cold blooded murder of his neighbors and fel- low citizens, is only equalled by the self satisfaction which he exhibits at the oloee of his address to the reader, in nsing the words of the Psalmist as applicable to himself as the ''perfect " and the " upright man " -?7/ [vi] Besides what lie has written, the Ibrfctiriag account of him (principally traditionary) is that which is best authen- t icated, David Panning was born in Johnston couuty, N. C. about the year 1 7 •"> 1 . ■ • t obscure parentage. He was apprenticed to a Mr. Bryant, from whom, on account of harsh treatment, he ran away, when about sixteen or seventeen years of age. Bis miserable condition excited compassion, and secured for him a temporary home at the house of John 0. Deuiell, of the Haw fields in Orange county. He had the scald head, had lost nearly all his hair, and the scalp was so offensive that he never ate at the table with the tutnily or slept in a bed. In subsequent life he wore a silk cap, and his most intimate friends never saw his head uaked. In the COttYee of two or three years after his elopement from his master lie went to Houth Carolina, engaged in tralh'ekiug with the Catawba Indians, acquired property and settled on Haebitrn's creek a branch of Reedy river, in Lau- n ns district. On his return from a trading excursion at the beginning of the difficulties with the mother country, lie was met by a party of lawless fellows who called them- elv> > Whigs, and robbed by them of everything he had. Previously to this he had professed to be a Whig, but ex- asperated at the outrage perpetrated by these desperadoes b!e ehany;ed sides and fluking a series of years availed him- self of every opportunity to wreak his vengeance on his former friends. The defeat of the tories at King's mountain disheartened, them for any great efforts afterwards in North < 'arolina. and they never again assembled in any large numbers in that State. In 1782 Fanning went tn Charleston, S. C., and from thence to St Augustine in Florida. From thence at the close of the war. finding that all hopes oi his returning to his native State was removed by the action of the letis- latnre, which made an exception of him in their acts of am- iiv th" date of his ad dress to the reader, it will he seen that [ix] the narrative was written in 1700. An examination and comparison of the index and text will give reason to believe that the orderof the narrative was first arranged in his mind. and the index made out as containing the most important events connected with this period of his life in the order in which the}' occurred and when the work was being executed he failed to find many of the documents which he had in- tended to embody in his account, among which were in- cluded the letters, proclamations, speeches and petitions, which are indicated in the index by an * but which cannot be found in the text. Those parts of the index might have been omitted, but deeming it proper to print the whole paper as it was made out by the author, I have preserved the whole arrangement of title, address to the reader, in- dex and text, just as he had it, not altering a single word or letter from the copy. A very few typographical errors of a single letter occur, but these are too apparent to be pointed out. This narrative gives many details of events which have escaped the historian, and records acts of heroism and in- stances of suffering on the part of those who in the Southern States offered up their all as a sacrifice to secure the inde- pendence of the American colonics, lint the patriot arid the philanthropist must always regret that the struggles of those who in the contest with Ureal Britain shed their blood on every Wattle field. I.ofh in their 6*ti secti-m and that of the North, for the freedom ot the whole country, was productive only of a change of masters with tlietn. r&f soon alter throwing off the yoke of Old England they were. through it«lr« lit management and cunning legislation, made to assume that of New England and ere the actors engaged in the first struggle had all passed from the stage of lite their children had to draw the sword to protect their homes and firesides from a foe who, having fattened upon their sub- stance and grown insolent by successes, attempted to impose on them burdens more odious than those which they refused to bear from that nation to whom they owed tlieir existeuce as a people. And these impositions on the part of the North have at last culminated in the final and irrevocable separation from them of those to whom they should have clung with more than maternal love. And alas ! their mad efforts to subdue those who now stand in the attitude of rebels towards them has brought about the re-enacting of scenes such as those disclosed by our veracious chronicler, and although we still have greatly the advantage in the battles fought up to this time, yet, Virginia invaded, Mary- land overpowered, and Kentucky divided against herself, have realized all the horrors of civil war as told by Fanning, with other scenes at the recital of which decency revolts, and before the perpetrators of them, even the tories of the first revolutionary war might "hide their diminished heads," while the faithful historian of this portion of our country's nanals will blush for his race when he records the deeds of those who calling themselves Union men cling to the old government as did the tories of Kauning's time, and in the name of loyalty rob and torture and lay waste the property of those who have dared to assert and endeavor to maintain their rights as freemen. (ft+V?w • Sw* fo if t ^ r CO * = [xi] The present may Beem an inappropriate lime to attend to preserving the history of our former struggle tor inde- pendence, and it must be admitted thai while a country is engaged in a furious war with a Foe who unites to all the rancour of difference of race the rage of the pirate at the escape of his destined victims, it is hardly a fitting time to contribute to the historical literature of our country. Rut when we recollect that especially at such periods how Liable to loss and destruction are all manuscrpt records, a rea- son is at once given for consigning them to "the ait pre- servative of all aits,' to prevent their total loss. For this reason and witli the hope that this effort to contribute some- thing to the history of one of the States now forming a part of the new Confederacy is this pamphlet distributed. In making out the notes illustrative of the history of persons named in the text I have derived the greater portion of the imformation from Sabine's Loyalists, Los- sing's Field-book of the Revolution, and Gibbes' Historical Documents of S. Carolina. I am also indebted to Hon. L. D. Swain, ex-governor of N. Carolina, for many of the notes, which are printed entire as he wrote them, and for the sy- nopsis of the life of Fanning as given in the preface. T^H W. Richmond, Nov. 25th, 1861. INTRODUCTION BY JOHN H. WHEELER HE name of Fanning, whose narrative is herewith preserved, written hy himself is associated in tlie ^$ revolutionary history of North Carolina, with deeds of desperate daring, rapine and cruelty. Since the history of North Carolina was published by me (1851) I have met with a letter from Genl Alexander Gray to Dr. A. Hen- derson dated Randolph county N. Ca. March 30th, 1847, which gives much information as to the adventures and exploits of Col'o Fanning. Rev'd E. W. Caruthers D. D. in a work entitled " the Revolutionary incidents and sketches of character, chiefly in the old North State," printed in Phila (Hayes & Zell 193 Market Street | in 1854, has devoted more than one hundred and fifty pages of his very valuable work to the life and character of Fan- ning. In preparing matter for a second edition of my History of N C as I felt satisfied that the sketch of Fanning I had piesented of him und^r Chatham County (2d vol. 84 i wA* xiv ] not complete, and not satisfactory even to myself, without this narrative which I knew had heen written and which was in existence, I made some efforts to obtain a copy of it. But to effect this. .seemed almost hopeless. I had seen a copy of i~ SetrteV TroU 'FaWnrng, "to Rev'd Roger Veits, dated in 1822, in which he declared that he "would not let any one have it on any pretences whatsoever" — that he had refused five hundred dollars for it. I visited St. Johns in the British provinces of New Brunswick near which Fanning lived and died but was not successful in this object. 9i 9/iianan seodw ,gflina*j'i 1o 9taan ^IH^J^ After Fanning's death (in 1825) his son, who, Dr. Cam- thers states, "was a ruling Elder in the church and an esti- mable man," did not seem to value so highly this important paper, which with other documents of his father came into his possession. He allowed Porter C. Bliss Esq, who was im- ployed by the Massachusetts Historical Society to collect authentic materials of the early history of our Nation, to luake a copy, which he did, as he informed me verbatim et litteratim — not correcting the many errors in orthography and grammar with which it abounds. 1 copied this myself carefully. When I first heard of this manuscript copy, it was in the hands of Hon. Geo. Bancrof t in New York. I wrote to Mr. Bancroft, with the approbation of Mr. Bliss, who at the time was engaged in a responsible position in the Indian Bureau of the Interior Department in Wash- ington City ami is now attached to the American Legation at Brazil. Mr. Bancroft immediately replied, testifying [XV J to the authenticity, ridelty aud value of the matinst rift :*■ and through Mr. Bliss' efforts it was forwarded to mc. My exertions to procure this paper had been stimulated by a letter to me, from Goy'r Swain, dated 16th apl ISfil, in which he says, "J have known of the existence of the Fan- ning manuscript for nearly thirty years ■ and have made repeated efforts, vnhieceteftUig, to obtain a copy. My last attempt was three or four years ago, through 1' Spar ks of Boston." When Judge Murphy a few years before his death was collecting materials for history, he made an effort through Hon Archibald McBride of Moore county (in Corn: from ISO** to 1813) to obtain a copy of Fanning'? narra- tive He could get nothing except the following letter, which has been published in the University Magazine, and also in Caruthers's work ; Dicifn 15//j May 18^ "Dear Sir The letters you sent me appears to be a request some gentleman in North Carolina, or elsewhere to get holt of my Journal, or the narrative of my servis, During the time of the American Rebellion. I am unrter tli •The follo«iii'.' note from Mr. Bancroft will testify Id the value be j »1 . > ■ tip narrative: Nkw York, Ayr. •My dear Mr. Whikiir, ' have your? of April 19th. Having only had permission of Mr. Kliss to keep the ms. for a short season, I returned it almost immediately to Mr. Dear whom 1 received it. The journal mu6t be printed. Yours truly Cbo. Bancroft. [ * vi ] cessity of saying that I would not Let any man have it on any pretence whatsoever, Unless I was well informed of the use that was to he made of it. You can say to the Gen- tleman that I now have a narrative of the Transactions of that war, Both of North and South Caiolinas; and if any gentleman wishes to know from me of any particular transaction, or the Date, hy pointing it out to me, I may give the information of it, if it Dou't operate against my Coming back to look after my property. You may say, that my Journal contains more than one Quire of Fools Cap paper Closely wrote, and it would take a good pens man a month to write it over, fit to send to the world abroad. I was offered, by Charles Cook in England fifty pounds sterling for my Journal to have it published, and I Refused him. Colonel McDougal Desired me not to Insert in it, any thing of his Servessas; as he intended going back to North Carolina to Live, and he knows that I have a Narrative of all the Transactions. If he should want any thing of the kind from me, he should write to me himself. If any person wishes to prove any thing false, respecting the conduct of the Torys, let him point what it is, and I will endeavour to give him the truth. I am dear Sir Your obedient Servant David Fanning. P. S. I believe there is some more meaning in the let- ters than I understand ; the word Memorial of my life or a word to that effect, that I don't understand. I have hurt my ankil and knee, so I cannot come to see you. Ross said you wanted to answer them by post. To the Rev'd Roger Veitts. With every reader of the revolutionary history of North Carolina, so full of thrilling incidents and patriotism, I feel much gratification in rescuing from oblivion this nar- IMH^BHB BRIG 1 ! GEN ANTHONY WAYNE [ xvii ] rative of one, about whom so much and varied tradition, exists in our State ; and which from its minuteness in detail. and accuracy of dates, (which have been compared with relia- ble authorities,) may be depended upon, as a truthful record. Had the daring desperate temper of Fanning, been elevated by education, chastened by religious influences and directed in proper and patriotic channels, his name might have been associated with that of the Marion s and Waynes of the eventful epoch in which he was notorious. Jno. H. Whbblbr Murfreeaboro' Hertford Co S. <'. blh June 1861. .NARRATIVE OF COLD DAVID FANNING WR1TTKN II V III MS E J. r DETAILING ASTONISHING EVENTS IN NO. CA. F ROM 177.". TO 1783. T ..V.VT ,.\ TO THE READER. Courteois Hi: mm whoever thou art, the Author being only a Fanner bred, ami not conversant in learning, thou may's) think that the within Journal ia not authentic. But it may be depended upon on that every particular her and there with the blessing of God, I have hitherto en- joyed the sweets of peace, and freedom under the benevolent auspices of the British Government — which every loyal and tMi>- subject may enjoy with me, is the wish of the Author. Kiitij's loiutty David Fanning Long Beach New Brunswick June 24th 1790. rSALM 37 & 37. " Mark the perfect innn, and behold the upright ! for the end of that man is peace." . I N D E X The Narrative of David I'm Robinson I nmand Tin 1 first time in\ being taken My gi i Indians John 'I'm I. in Ivist Florida Oolo. Mills taken Gilliam took me Mi a onn Is . . with the rebel Colo. Will Tin- redaction of Charli ' ii nt in South Carolina \\ mi to Deep River, North Ci] ! . lit A skirmish w iih Duck Seined Lord Conwallis iinii.-h « ith ( Japt. John Binds Tin- Three Skim She Skirmish with Collier, and Ballon Mi appointment from J. II I I mmission, I The names of the different i Ifl Chatham taken Tin R Thr oath i" the I . Obpy nt' a parole e'l letter ■ i wounded iient uitli Wade >!• I »ou| i i in 'I. Nieal jmn me N ... Hillsborough taken, Gror. taken pi ruin UcNeal killed, and myself wounded Skirmish n ith 01 1 3 S 4 E 7 B 11 u 12 I Ifl U US )t 1C ll 17 I 2«l 2!> i 32 34 86 [ xxiv ] J. H. Craigg's letter .... Colo. Bdmnmd Farming's letter Capt. John Leggetts' letters . . , Colo. MeDougal's list of Officers Colo. MrXcal's do do . . The Volunteers from Wilmington Different skirmishes with Rutherford's Men Eebel proclamation, .... k Col. Isaacs from the uiountains Skirmishes with the Rebels Golstous's House burnt ami two Rebels killed Terms required by me of the Rebels Williams answer Ramsey's Letters Williams, Burns, & Clarke's letter Capt. Linley murdered, and two men hanged fo Col. Alstou came to me My articles presented again General Butler's letter Walker, and Currie's skirmishes with the Rebels Balfour killed Bryan killed Rebel Commisary hanged Capt. Williams from Gov'r to me Griffith's letter Eosur and Goldston's letters Capt Dugin's and Guins letter The answer from the Assemblay Myself married, & Capt. Hooker killed The forged letters My answer in Major Rains name My riding Mare taken Hunter and Williams letter My arrival in Charleston The names of the gentlemen Committee in Charleston * Rebel proclamation Embarked for Hast Florida * Mayor Devoice's Articles A certificate of my Services signed by officers in East i An estimate of my property * Kings Speech * My speech to the Inhabitants * Myself and others set our for East Florida lorida 38 39 39 39 39 39 41 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 48 48 48 49 51 52 53 54 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 GO 61 62 63 64 G5 66 67 68 [ XXV ] irrival at New Providence Col. Hamilton's letter Mv Memorial to the Commissioner* Colo. McKaj - letters Commissioner, certifi. Memorial for half pa; to Sir George Young • Mv letter to George Randal The Rehel Act of or-livion • Rel>el Petition • Mr. Branson's letters • William Teague's letter 71 73 Thr snhjerU nuneri In the«e are not to be found In the ten. ' '/"•/;/<■//< - /-<•>• A '/,/,/ f ■//,/',////•'• ■;•*: ; v. -ft v-.j. •.••.•■ — .' A JOURNAL OF COL. DAVID FANNING'S TRANSACTIONS, i > ' i : i x ( ; the late wail i\ amerii \ from the ve'ab it::., com- mencing 'ST OF m VY: I'XTIL THE PEACE OU THOMAS PLBACHALL of I'air- red tin- differed GaJptaittfi tb' 8, and present two tor the inhabitant- fa -r_'n. One to trie who "as friends to the King ami ( Jnvi rmnent : and the other VI - who would join the Rebellion. The Mist .lay of May, (apt. .lames Lindley of Rahern's 0rebUj sent bi »n1 oAthe said company 1 ; .mpany warned to mbet at Ins boose loth of said month. 1 did accordingly, and 1 I two pa] there was lis men signbd i" favbnir of the King, also (Is- olated to defend the same, at the risk of live- and property, in Jnh 1 77.".. There «m< several advertisements Betttpin every ].:u t of said district, that their was a very ptaspetefctring mioeater to ball at the Different places, to h. and Baptise children. Bat at the time appointed, instead ol Beating a Minister, we all went fa meet, two Jews by name of Nilvedooi and Rapely : and after making many speeches in favour of the Rebellion, and used all their endeavois to delude the p0Oplt away, at last pVedewted Revolution papers to see who [ 2 ] " — would sign them ; they were severely repremanded by Henry O'neal- and many others. It came so high., that they had much adue to get off, with their lives. The Rebels then found that we were fully determined to oppose them. They began to embody in the last of said month ; to compel all to join them, or to take away our arms. Our officers got word of their intentions. I then got orders from the Captain to warn the Militia to assemble them- selves at Hugh O'neal's mill ; which was done by several Captain's com'pahys, aha continued for several days under arms ; and then both parties was determined on this condi- tion, that neither parties should intercept each other. This continued for some time, until the Rebels had taken Thomas Brown, 3 who after that had the honor to be Colonel of the Regiment of the East Florida Rangers, at Augusta. They burnt his feet, tarred, feathered and cut off bis hair. After that he got so he was able to set on horseback, he came to our poast, and the Rebels then began to embody again. Coin Fletchall found a large camp, and marched from the Liberty Springs to Mill Creek on our way towards Ninety-Six ; Twelve miles from Ninety-Six the Rebels found they were not strong enough for us, and sent an Express to Col'n Fletchall to come and treat with them, which said Fletchall did. But the terms of their treat- ment I did not know. We were all dismissed until further orders. In a short time after the Rebels took Capt. Robert Cunningham 4 and carried liim off to Charlestown. Our party was then informed of his being taken oft' in the night time, and by making inquiry after him, we got information of a large quantity of Ammonition, that was there, on its way to the Cherechee Nation for Capt. Richard Paris to bring the Indians down into the settlement, where the friends of the Government lived, to murder all they coud. We intercepted the aitmnition and took < 'apt'n R. Paris, If— ~ -J [«3 who swore to those (acts. We there formed a large camp. and Col. Fletcliall being so heavy, he gave up the command to Muj. Joseph Robinson. In the mouth of Hov'r J 77.".. the South Carolina Militia, of which I was at that time Sergeant, under the command ot .Major Joseph Robinson, laid Beige to a Port, erected by the Rebels at X inet y-Six ; commanded by Col. Mmmhi . which continued for the space ef three days, and tl nights — at the expiration of which time the Rebels were forced to surrender, and give up the 1'ort and Artillcrv. Major Robinson then ordered the Militia to the North side of Saluda River, and discharged them, for eighteen day* Afterwards orders were issued for every Captain to collect their respective companies at Hendricks Mill, about I'd miles from Xinoty-Six ; The Rebels having received intel- ligence of our intended motion, (hey immediately marched before us ; and took possession of tin -round, which vented our assembling there. Rut about :;tiu of out Men mi I at Little River and marched from thence t . i; River; and encamped at the l'>ig Cane Break, for several days. The Rebels being informed of our situation, man unexpectedly up on us. and made prisoners of 130 of men : the remainder fled into the woods and continued ti with the Cherlchee Indians until the 18th Jan'j 1 7 7 ' '• : when 1 was made a prisoner by a party of Rebels ■ nianded by a Captain John Hums : who after detaining me four days, repeatedly urging me to take the oath of alle- giance to the United State-, stript me of every thing, and made ne ecurity, for tm future good behaviour, by which means 1 go! (dear: On the 10th of May 1 7 7 • "■ hearing the Rebels had isBOed a proclamation to all the friends of government, offering them pardon and protection, provided they would return to their respective habitations and [4] main neutral, this induced me for to return to my home, where I arrived mi the l.">th of Juno. On tlie 20th, the Rebels being apprehensive of Hie Cher- ichee Indians breaking out, despatched several emissaries among the Loyalists, for to discover their intentions. One of which was (Japt. Kitchic, who rune lo me. and told mo he was a friend to (lovernment, and sometime before left the Indian Nation, and then wanted a pilot to eon- duet him to the Indian Nation again. 1 agreed to conduit him to any paiit of the country he wanted foar to go to, pro- vided lie would keep it secret. This he promised for to do. But immediately he went and lodged information against me. and swore that 1 then had a company of men. ready in order) for to join the Indians. In consequence of this, 1 was made prisoner again, on the 'J . j 1 1 1 . by a ( 'apt. John Rogerd, and thrown into close coiilinement with three cen- tinels over met. Qn tjae 1st of July, the Indians came down into the back count ry of South Carolina, and killed ial families: at which time, the rebel camp being in great CO illusion, 1 made my escape, and went to my own house at llabirn's creek ; but finding a number pf my friends had already gone to the Indians, and more disposed so for to do, 1 got twenty-live men to join me: and on our arrival at l'ar- ishies plantation. &fl Uccdy Uiver, in the Indian land, we formed a junction with the Indians, on tint li'ith inst.,in the evening; the militia and the Cheriokces t,i amount of 2G0 surrounded the fort built with logs, containing 450 of the Rebels. After a smart lire on both sides for two hours ami a half, we retreated without any injury except one of the In- dian Chiefs being shot through the baud. 1 then left the Indians and persued my way to North Carolina; where, on my arrival, 1 was taken up again, and close confined; but was rescued by my friends, tin ce dill'ereut times. Af- ter which 1 made in y escape good. I then endeavored for ft '_"-' W6%W a-ain : and after experiencinc nnirjherles« hard- ships in the w K. I arrived the 10th of March, 1TT7. at Rebtin's creek, South Carolina. I was made prisoner again on the 11th. by a (apt. Smith, hound hand an*d foot, and ttimBd under gnardj towards Xinety-six gk>«l irchfog twelve miles, the company halted for the evenincr. Htid watching an opportunity, 1 cat the ropes 1 was hound with, ami stript myself when fcl ^v.is asleep, I threw myself ,, n t of the window and returned Wk t" ll.d.ui -n's ,to k. by i different way, from that which they had carried m<> prisoner. I was obliged now for I cret myself in the w U. an i was supplied with hv 'Miiio i Milkers, and other I, >j alistg, it then lighbonr A company ol loyalists, of which 1 d bt B Iiieh.'ird Parish, and it was detenu- Mohile. ami join the British army. oany prflvlttg" raised a body ol' troops for tu supj me, with five more prisoners, and ca:ried U8 to Nill mi the 5th August, 1777. Captain P with some loyalists, belong : ,; "iy. an his way good to the British arm\ at Mobile, in West Florida. Myself, with live taken, remain i in confinement, until November folio for our lives. ,,n a e'l.r ge , ,• High i i j u arms against the I uited and went home, The fee* ;r my confinei amounted to £306, Virginia money, allowing doll shillings each, which 1 paid, and was 1 hack to the goal for the rent of the room. <>n the 1st ol March. >pt. John Tork, Florida, received orders from the COmmander-in-chie) the Loyal Militia, o ad South Carolin semhle themselv.- | ■ordinal v, they >\ [6] The majority of the people chose me their commanding officer, we too); a number of prisoners, furnished ourselves with horses, and marched to Savannah liver on the borders pf Georgia,, (two miles above Augusta). ('apt. Tork, who was our pilot, then go/ discouraged, and would not suffer any of the milt ia to proceed with him back to East Florida . three men ; we were then under tne necessity of re- turning 1 i>\ upwards of one hundred miles, through the rebel country ; and be take ourselves to the woods as for- merly. During pur retreat, w,e were persued by three hun- dred rebels; but we got back home to Ileburn's creek safe. When the licbels found we were returned, they raised a body of men for to take us ; and for the space of three months kept so constant a look out that we were obliged for to stay in the woods ; six weeks of which time I never saw a man, except Samuel Brown (who was afterwards killed at Tiger river), that shared my sufferings ; we lived en- tirely without either bread or salt, upon what we killed in the wilderness. We determined, let the consequences be what they would, to proceed to the .settlement of Green river, North Carolina, where we rested ourselves at a friend's house, about a week. Here we parted. I then pro- '■■ d to Tiger river, where 1 arrived safe on the 1st of dune. 177 s . Myself, and Samuel Smith, now associated, and were taken by a company of rebels commanded by a Capt. fioiry. We made our escape the second night, by bribing the sentinel, and parted company. I met with One of the horses belonging to the rebels, about a mile lioin the house I had c>i.,ped from , and mounted him. They persued me through the woods by the horse's tracks, upwards of seventy miles, and came to lieburn's Creek, where 1 lived. They were anxious to recover their horse from tne, ami promised for to return one of the four they had taken from nn. it I would deliver up the said horse. [7] This being agreed upon, I went with them for to it my own liorse back : when we had advanced 30 mih - came near to where a rebel fort was ; 1 desired tbera to go, a little out of the way, and avoid it. which thi pro- mised to do before we proceeded ov our journey. them laid hold of my i bridle, and told me to sur- render myself a prisoner, for they were determined to fine me in the Fort, or carry me 80 miles off. They said J was not in that damned tory country at that time. 1. therefore-,' after Bdme conversation, concluded to submit for to be disarmed at the time, as they threatened Wowing a ball through me every instant, it I did not surrender; which I did. On B i at tie' i I was stript "t my clothes, and oonfined olose till morning, when they tied my legs Ui II y, and before a magistrate to commit i Howca admitted bo bail for m\ good li'diavi. >nr . On my return to the people, who tool my : nd a-^kii ig them, I was retaken i» fore another mag mitted to goaly under a strong guard. On niy proceeding towards the goal, the guard was particularly careful about beouring me : and in order for to do it. the mi tally tied me with a rope, to B stoat fellow who waa iem. When 1 found him asleep. 1 took tl B opportunitj to cut myselt loose with a knife (of rather with a pah Ihaniesi whieli was accidentia left lying in the road, and throwing mysi It out of the window made my escape, and took to the mountains for shelter. I continued then . for some time, when Col. -Mills of the Loyal Militia on k' inrg where I was. proposed at several meetings, we bfl raiRe a company ; which we did. ofl BOO men. for the pur- pose of £r o i 1 1 l: to 8t. Augostine. Ooe of the coin] proved faithless, and gave information to the who immediately embodied iheahselveo; and ■! Mills [8] prisoner, with If, of the company, and carried them off to Salisbury .fail. Myself with 14 rsore persued about 20 miles with an intention of rescuing tliem. until we were in sight of Gilbert Town : where (lie R-bols had a guard : ami finding we could not dire) our purpose at tlial time, our numbers being so small, and theirs increasing, we returned back. The Rebels persued us all night, and in the morn- ing, we perceived them within shot oi us : we tiled upon them, which they returned : and continued skirmishing with them in the woods about an hour: when they re- treated. What injury we did them we could not tell ; on our part we suffered no loss. Here cur party separated. I made way tor Holsten River about 140 miles through the woods— I had proceeded about 40 miles on my way. when I was met by three men ; one of which knew me. He came to me. with seeming friendship, and on taking my hand, ealled his companions to assist him in securing me ; which they did ; and made me a prisoner. They tied my hands behind my back, and feet to each other under the horses belly and took me to Ninety-Six Jail again, where 1 was closely confined for 17 days During my confinement I got acquainted with a friend to the government, who lived there, by talking to him through the grates ; He furnished me with two files and a knife, by which means I cut through the iron bai'F and escaped. 1 returned again to Rcburn's Creek and after remaining some time in the woods there, I was advised by friends for to make pea-ce with (,'apt. Gillian, who commanded a company of Rebels on the Indian lines. He I durst, not be seen by any one of the Rebel party. 1 got one of my friends to go to him, and desire him to meet me alone, at a particular place, and give him my word I would not, injure him. We met accordingly, and passed our words not for to disturb or injure each other. We con- tinued our meetings, in the woods, generally, everv day . I to or tw», for tlie space of a month ; uutil wt were di&co\ by some of his company ; who threatened for to have him punished tor treating with me; however he still met me, now and then, and introduced, a friend of li is, to me, who he told me, I might depend upon. One day, I observed au alteration iu their behaviours, and asked them when at Burnt distance, if he meant tor to keep his word with me, lie replied "by ail means.'' We were all on horseback, and 1 had ruy title across my saddle. Whcu we were go- ing to part, as 1 expected, lie sitddeuly seized my rifle ; and the man win. was with him seized hold of my horse's bridle, he presented his rille t,o my 1. least and t i was his pri-i 'Her, or a dead man. I wa> under the necessity to sur- render, and they carried me again to my old quarters at Ninety-Six, where we ariived on the lltli of Uct r 1 was stripped entirely naked, thrown into irons aud chained to tlie ll< »>i. I r< mained io that situation until the 20th ui f following, when I again made shit' i nn in ■n- oil, and hu\ ing sawi some time before. 1 again I • How net. who supplied me with some old clothes, of which 1 made a rope to let me down ; 1 received a fall in getting dow n, but lucki!\ li-1 n^t h^jrt mjeejf. 1 lor heard me fall, aud ptesenti-d :i musket at me. out of a window : but 1 avoided him. lie alarmed the guard and they per- sued me: hntliouevei 1 i: 'ind myself much hurt by a fall 1 got iu theii me. 1 got back to llel'iim |a Creek j but was taken in three days, aud ;■_ iutroducd at Ninety- Six, 1 was chained and ironed as before, in tie >rty-live from the ground, the mio\v beating in, through the roof, with 4 grates qpeu Bight and day. I remained in this state eleven days ; 1 got my chains off in the night ol the 12th ; Th>> (ioaler did not chain me down again, but 1 had still [10] part of them remaining ou one of my legs, which weighed^ seven pounds and three quarters. I continued loose in Goal until the 13th of Fehruary 17T9, when I took a bar out of the window, in the night, and prised one of the planks out of the floor of the Room, and from thence went down stairs ; I found t lie doer fast, secured ; but I went to a breach, I had formerly made in the back of the chimney, and got out. One of my fellow prisoners escaped with me, and we kept together for some time after. We found a number of Horses grazing in a field belonging to a com- pany of Rebels, under the command of Capt. Fair ; who that bight come into Town. We mounted each of us, and rode off to Reburn's Creek. On our way, we stopped at a house, and furnished ourselves with a Rifle and a pair of pistols; we also supplied ourselves witli clothing. By this time, the neighbourhood was alarmed, and the rebel militia sent in persuit of us. They laid several ambuscades, but without effect, and continued embodied, for six mouths. I was so fortunate as for to escape ; but my companion was taken. The day after, he was taken, I was riding through a piece of timbered woods, when I discovered a party of men — the)' discovered me, and persued on full speed for seven miles ; but I was lucky enough to escape them ; but my Horse falling, threw me, and I unfortunately lost my rifle. An advertizemeut was, then, made public, for ap- prehending me ; and a reward of Seventy silver dollars, and Three Hundred paper ones, was offered to take me. This made me very cautious, notwithstanding which I was betrayed, and fired upon by a party of Rebels, in number, sixteen ; I received two bullets in my back; one of which is not extracted. \ luckily kept my seat in the saddle, and rode off. After proceeding 12 miles I turned my horse into the woods, and remained there eight days ; having no sup- port but herbs, except three egijs : my wounds, at this time [11] being troublesome and offeneive, tor the want of dressing, I got my Horse again, and moved about 12 miles to a friend's house ; where on my arrival, I made a signal, ■which they knew, to acquaint them, of my being alive — a young girl of fourteen years old, came to me ; but when she came near enough to see me, she was frightened so at the sight, she run off. 1 penned after her ou horseback, telling her who 1 wag j *he said she new it was me. but I was dead : that I «;is. then, a spirit and stunk yet. I was a long time before I could get her to come to me, I looked so much like a rack of nothing hut skin and bones, and my wounds had ii"t teen dressed, and my clothes all bloody. My misery and situation was beyond explanation, and no friend in the world that I could depend upon ; How- ever, these people seeing dm in that distrest situation, to*'k the greatest care of me, and dresst my wounds. My horse having been seen by sonic of the Rebel party, they con- cluded I was not killed ; and wrote several letters which they gave one of my friends, offering to treat with me ; and ad\ ising me to surrender ; threatening at the same time, in case I did not, to banish eight families of my friends out of South Carolina. A limited time was given for pay answer, but it had expired,' before that I 1 the letters; in consequence of which, their threats were put in execution ; and the penple's properties was taken from them, ami they confined, (in the reoeipi of my letter, the people were liberated, but their properties were still detained. The second day. alter. I treated with the Colonel of the Rebel Militia, and bad en express teal off to Qov. Rutledge at Charlestown, about a we<-k after his answer came back with a conditional pardon for that which I had done, should he forgotton, and that 1 should live quietly and peacefully at home ; aud he obliged to pilot parties through the woods as occation might require. Before I excepted of these conditions, I advised with my friends, and company, who all approved oi' it, a6 it conduc- ed both to their ease, and safety. I remained at home a year and twelve days, and was re- peatedly urged for to except of B company in the Continen- tal service, which I always refused. After the reduction of Charlestown, myself and onfe William Cuninghaiu, concluded for to embody a party of men, which we affected. We determined for to take ( Vl'n Williams, of the Re- bel Militia, prisoner, and then to join ('apt. Parish, who was to raise a company and assist us Col'ii Williams got notice of it, and pushed off; and though we got sight of him, he escaped us. We now found ourselves growing strong, and numbers flocking daily to us. I then took the King's proclamations and distributed them through the country, for upwards of a hundred miles. f'apt. Parish hail command of the party, and marched up to Ninety-six, which he took command of, without fir- ing a shot, where I found him again. The day after, we marched about 12 miles, to (Jen. Williamson's at White hall ; who commanded a fort with 14 swivels, and two companies of provincial troops. On our approach, he met us, ahout three miles of the Fort, attended by several offi- cers, requesting he mi^ht discharge the troops, and have protection for himself and them. We granted him what he requested : and took possession of the Fort, and their arms, which they piled up ; after thai they marched o'nt of the garrison. Three days after that, Col ._ Pick ins, with 300 men, marched out and laid down their arms. General Robert Cunningham, of the Loyal Militia, now took the command ; and formed a camp. , rj&'Y/f***. *Us^L<7 Em^Mrd by JIB Lcrjit" (ram »Pof.6 n t •-. <3&4£&:~. -T^sf [ IB] We kept seouting parties, through the country, and had many skirmishes : hut Done of consequence. After the British Amerieao tad taken possession of Ninety-six, I continued scooting on the Indian lit until Col. Id nis forwarded his march up to Biusgrovi Mill, on the Innoree River, I then joined them with a part; fourteen men. The following morning the picketts wore attacked by a party cd Rebels l 1. Innis ordered us to advance and support them, which we did, and followed them until we arrived where the main body lay. under Col. Williams. Col. Innis was unfortunately wounded, with several other officers. We engaged them for sometime, and then retreated about a mile and a quarter; where we encamped and in the night, marched off towards Ninety-six, under command 6f Capt, Ikmister. 7 The next morning 1. and my small party returned back to the Indian lines. Wecontinued scouting on the lines, for losoetune, until 1 met with » lapt Parish, of the British Amer- ican South Carolina Regiment, who gave me a list of some soldiers, that he had permission for to visit their friends in the country, on the return from Florida to Ninety-six, I desired by him for to i_ r " i" give them Dotioe for t" join their regiments. On this expedition, 1 fell in with Major Forgessons 1 party, which was defeated, five days afterwards The Rebels after that, began to ]><■ numerous and trouble- some; and little or do regulation am -. I made the beat of my wayto Deep Rivi . NortVi « arolina. where I maint-d until the month of February, l~sl. 1 was, during this time, discovering the dispMitkn the people; being informed that Lord Cornwallts was tdar thing that way. 1 kept my intentioi until I received certain accounts. I tie i I this a [1-4] ment to be published, and used all my influence tb get all the Loyalists to join me, ami defend ourselves wbeii'eceasioo might require. A line copy "1' which is here set forth . "ADVERTISEMENT'. If any of his Majesty's loyal and faithful subjects, able and willing to serve in the Royal North Carolina Regiment commanded by Col. Hamilton, arc hereby requested to, re- pair to his encampment. The Bounty allowed tor each man, i.s three Guineas : and the terms of the engagement are. that ho -shall serve during the Rebellion, and within the Provinces of >,\>rth and South Carolina, and Virginia only : that during his service he shall be entitled to ( 'bit b- ing, Pay, Provisions-, and all the advantages of his Majes- ty's Regular, and Provincial Troops ■ and at the end of the Rebellion, when he becomes discharged, of course, he is to receive as a reward for his services during tie war, a free grant of Land agreeable to his Majesty's proclama- tion." Of his 11 persuing Gen. Greene, as far as Hillsboro, this struck such a terror on the Rebels, and was so pleasing to us, that we immediately disarmed the, disaffected and embodied about 300 men under the command ol f'ol. Pyles. He fell in with a party of Rebels ( Col. Lee' s dragoons) and lofet 2<0 men killed, besides the wounded, that died afterwards. At this time I was with a small party at Deep River, where I took two Rebel olHeers, prisoners and several soldiers. I then directed my march where I left Col. Pyles and came within a little distance of the Dragoons, that had cut him up. when I was informed of his misfortune by some of his party that had fled ; we then separated into small parties and took to the woods for sometime. The day Lord Corn wall is defeated Gen. Greene at Guild- ford, 1 " T was surprized by a Captain Duck, with a company '&£e. CEK LORD CORNWALLIS [yCr? h a'-j / {^d r k ] of Rebels, when I j nil bUtl II' 'V v-, ami amis : ne inuu The day leih'U juu- in panv, t'u: : ihe Rfi- bcls. wi: with their plum; i . - ami found tl. the Government ; an an "lit 1 1 < ■ 1 1 - . ! . ride 1 him in I with hm k - ,, U1 -. s?lves, ami turnin turned l] i i u the \\'M.,ls ami collected 25 ii! ;iimallv until «<■ } • i • ■ ;,,, r ,i Coi nwallis was ,iiir arrival tbel Lordship met us. ant] iog the situation < peo- ple, bim all 1 lie i in- the company with his Lor J ship, I returned back to Deeji rivr in i to the p: tieii et' the British tu Two day.- lollop ,| lu . I pi .ntiiiam the my company again ami ' lined 1 ii in to : . Ins way iu 1 ' ■- sMp »e ie liivei . . .Mills en in- :art ]] partic- .". ; the Deep l])\ riXk { tirdea, an i i aasd by them i n BQtoe lit: ..t a 1 i 1 1 K- while [16] some oi us had assembled at a friends house, where we were surrounded by a party of 14 Rebels under the com- mand of Capt. John Hinds ; we perceived their approach and prepared for to receive them ; when they had got quite near us, we run out of the doors of the house, fired upon them, and killed one of them ; on which we took three t li«-r . whieh eontinued for ■ when they p&reated : we killed two , and wound- ed 7, and took 18 horses well appoint! rued to Deep Iliwr :i'2,ain — I still kept 1 1 » - - company together, and waited for another opportunity, daring which time, I took two Beb i soldiers and parolled them. ce me in- formation of aCol. Dudley coming FromGen'l amp at Camden, with ba _ I mounted my men and set forward in search of them . and 1 otraoealed my men by the side of the road; and I thought the time lbi irding to in a 1 had from the soldiers -1 took one man with me. and went to see it' 1 could make any discovery. 1 rode a mile and a halt, wli.'u I saw Col. Dudley with his • wheeled my horse; and returned to my men ; whete I i withiu a hundred yards of them, Dudley and his Drag Wflfa Base and tail and soaped their pis' j. I. then, ordered a, march alter them, an mat chin . miles tidiscdvcred them, and immediate)] took thi them ]iris,.iu»| S . with all the ba Mid nine Ho The I divided among my Men, whi ahly ttjCol Dudley'* report was valued at 6 1,000 Merlin. returned to | Mill and remained there till the 8ih June; when tie- Rebels embodied 160 men to attack me, under the command of ' ols. t diver and l'.illoiir. I i mined to 1 did with 48 men ml, ■ their encampment. Tie \ them ii i :iiy appuaaob ; 1 pre- ■ ithiu thirty steps o| tie m : bat beiqg unaci|uainted with • aids, advauced Mitioiisly. The sentinel ered my party, and living upon us, retreated. . themselves under cores oi tie firioc then began : and eontinued on boflh • I 18 J four homffi] being very cloudy and dark --during which time I had one man killed, and six wounded ; and the guide, before mentioned, taken prisoner; whom they killed next morning in cold blood. What injury they suffered, I could not learn ; As the morning appeared, we retreated, and returned again to Deep River; leaving our wounded men at. a friend's house, privately. The Rebels then kept a constant scouting, and their num- bers was so great, that we had to lay still for sometime ; and when Cottier and Balifbar left the settlement, he the said Colonel Dudley, before mentioned, took the place with 900 men from Virginia. lie took a negro man from me and sold him at public auction for 110 pounds ; the said negro was sent over the mountains, and I never saw him since. At length they all began to scatter ; and we to em- body. William Elwood being jelous of my taking too much command of the men, and in my absence, one day, he persuaded them that I was a going to make them regular soldiers, and cause them to be attached to Col. John Ham- ilton's 1 ' Regiment ; and vindicated it, by an advertisement, that 1 had banded to several of the Loyalists ; that I tliuught bad the greatest influence with the Loyalists. He so prevailed with the common sort, that when I came to camp I found most of my men gone ; I, then, declared I never would go on another scout, until there was a Field Officer. The majority chose me ; They, then, drew up a petition to the commanding officer of the King's troops. A general meeting of the Loyalists was now called, in o'der, lor (so appoint a commanding officer of the Militia; it was still determined that I should be the person. I ac- cordingly set off, for Wilmington, being 100 miles, with a petition of the people, to the officer commanding, at that post, for his approbation. On my arrival there Major Craig, who commanded, treated me, with every respect, [ 19] and approved of said petition ; and gave a commission as Col. of the Randolph ami Chatham Militia— a copy of which is hereunto annexed. "By James Henry Craigg, Es,jr ; Major in Ins Majesty's 82d Reg. commanding a detachment of the King's Troops in North Carolina, &c., &'c. To David Fanning. Hsqr. These are to appoint you, to be Colonel of the Loyal Militia, in Randolph, and Chatham, Counties, who are di- rected to obey you, as such, in all lawful commands, what- soever ; and you are authorized to grant commissions to the necessary persons of known attachment to his Majesty's person, and Government, to act as Captains and subalterns to the different companies of Militia aforesaid. As Colo- nel, you are hereby fully impowered to assemble the mili- tia, and lead them against any parties ol . or oth- ers ; the King's enemies, as often as necei 'compel all persons whatsoever to join you — to seize and disarm, and when necessary to detain, in confinement, all Rebels or others, acting against his Majesty - mil to do all Other acts becoming a Kin subject. Given at Wilmington, this 5th July. 1781. J. H. Craigg, N>r. ding the King's Troops." On the 12th July, I returned from Wilmington, and or- dered a general Muster ; and then gave the toll,, wing com- mission to the gentlemen hereinafter named of their respec- tive companies. I 20] By ])avid Fanning Esq Colonel of the Loyal Militia of No Ca. To Greeting Having received sufficient testimony of your Loyalty and Zeal foil 1 i is Majesty's Service and relying on your courage and good conduct I do hereby appoint you to bo 1 of a company in the district of . You arc, therefore, diligently and carefully to discharge the duty of such ; obeying all orders and directions, which you may receive from time to time, from any superior officers, in his Majesty's Service, and all others ; The inferior of- ficers of his Majesties subjects, of that and every other com- pany are directed aud requested to obey you as of said company. Given under my hand at Coxe's Mill this 1781. David Fanning Col- (Join' ■ »«■ Well ■ , the loyal MHiiiit ,,f //,,> I robin* • 1st, No peps, ,n to lie admitted a militia man until he takes the oath of Allegiance to : -tv, which is al- ways t o 1 ,e dom before the senj,,,. cifflcer of tl,, Kegilllent on the spot. -'I All ]>'i ■ - (Mil 'lied, in a Militia .company, and having taken the oath above incut ioned, will be considered as entitled to e\er\ privilege and protection af a British 1 subject, on hem- deleted joHsillg the Rebel V, will !„■ treat- ed, as a deserter, and traitor od. Every militiaman is to repair, wit hont lad or BtlsfeJ except sickness, at the time appointed, lo the place [26] assigned liy liis (.'ol'n or (/apt. with his arms, ami accour* trements, ami is not to quit his company, on any pretence whatever, without the knowledge and permission, of his Captain or commanding officer. 4th. The <'ol'n of every County lias full power to call his Reirimcnt together, and march them when necessary for liis Majesty's service; the Captain of each company has also power, to assemble his company, when any sudden emergency renders it necessary, and which he is to report as soon as possiUe to liis Colonel. 5th. Mutual assistance is to be given on all occations ; but so it is impossible to give positive directions on this sub- ject, it is left to the discretion ofthe Colonels of Regiments, who must be answerable that, their reasons, for not afford- ing assistance when required, are sufficient. tjth. When the Militia of different counties are embo- died, the senior officer is to Command; Colonels of Regi- ments are immediately to determine, the present rank of their Captains, in which, regard is to be had to seniority of commission or service. In cases of vacancies ; the Colo- nels may grant temporary commissions, till recourse can be had to the Commanding officer of the King's troops. 7th. The men are to understand, that in what relates to the. service they are bound to obey all officers, though not immediately belonging to their own companies. 8th. Court Martial s may sit by the appointment of the Colonel or Commanding officer ; and must consist for the trial of an officer, of all the officers of the Regiment he belongs, except the Col'o or Commanding officer, and for the trial of anon Commissioned Officer or Private, of 2 Captains, '2 subalterns and 3 privates— the latter to belong to the same company, as the person to be tried. The eld- est Captain to preside; anil the sentence ofthe Court, to be Major op.m.k.u. Gates. to*** [27] determined by plurality of votes ; and approved by tin- Commanding Officer. 9th. No Colonel is to supercede an office* without trial ; but be may suspend him till ho can be tried. 10th. Quiting camp without permission, disobedience of orders, neglect of duty, plundering, and all irregularities and disorder to be punished at the discretion of a Court Martial, Constituted as above mentioned ; and by the ap- probation Oil I n or Commanding olihor , who power to pardon, or remit, any part ot a punishment, hut not to increase or alter it. 1 lth. Kver\ man mils! take the si riotest care of his arms, and ammunition ; and have them alwa\ I read\ for service, 12th. When the Militia if) not emh"died, they are at all times to be attentive to the motions ot the Rebels ; and im- mediately 1 .» ;ic |iui in t the nearest Office* ol anything may discover. \\ In > is to communicate it to his Coin or ol Officers as may he rc|uisitc. loth. It is the duty of ever;, person prolossing all ance to ins MajastJ to communicate te the t nmmanding Of" tieer of the nearest llntisu uprl an\ intel I ig< nc procure ot the a»seiul>ling 91 WM^ing of any bodies ot Re- bels, I'olsolis i mployed on tin. oPCasipn shall always bo paid. Mth. t.'ol 'ns ot Begta. maj assemble <^ny numhei ot their men, they think necessary to be posted m particular spots of their districts then time ol service on th --ions is to be limited ; and they are at piratiofl to b lieved, liy others, t.icat care is to he taken that no ]iai- tiality is shown, that each take an equal proportion ol dut\ , for which purpose alphabetical rolls are to he kept, by which the men are to he warned. Kvery (apt, to keep an account pf the numher pf days each man of his company serves. [»] Tlie strict observance of the above regulations, is strongly recommended as the best means of the King's faithful sub- jects manifest superiority over the rebel militia; and insure them, that success their zeal ami spirit in the cause of their country entitles them to expect. Head I ' Quarters, WihniiKiUm 25 Sept, 1781. I thought proper to administer the following oath of Allegiance unto those people I was dubious of. "I — A B— do swear on the Holy Evanglists of Almighty &dA to bear true allegiance to our Sovereign Lord, King George the 3d ; and to uphold the same. I do voluntarily promise for to serve as Militia, under any officers appointed over nae ; and that I will when lawfully warned by our said officers assemble at an}' place by them directed in case of danger ; in the space of 8 hours. 1 will go with my arms and ac- coutrements in good order, to supress any rebels or others, the King's enemies ; that I will not at any time do, or cause to be done any thing prejudicial to his majesty's goverment ; or suffer any intercourse, or correspondence^ with the enemies thereof; that I will make known any plot) or plots, any wise inimical to his Majesty's forces, or loyal subjects, by me discovered, to his majesty's officers con- tiguous, and it shall not exceed, six hours, before the said is discovered, if health and distance permit. This I do solemnly swear and promise to defend in all cases, what- soever. So help me, CJod !" I then returned to the head of Little River, on my way to Coxe's Mill : where I was met by two men, who informed me that the Rebels had separated into two small parties ; thinking I should never return frm. Wilmington ; I passed on and got intelligence of Col. Altstine lying on the banks of Deep River, with a party of 25 men. We marched all that SIR HENRY CLINTON KB ■ [29 ] day mid night following ; and just as the day dawned, we advanced in throe divisions, up to a In | had thrown themselves iota < ta our approach, we tired upon the house, as I was determined to make examples of them, for be- having in the manner they ha 1 done, to one of my pi] by name, Kenneth ISlaek. They returned our lire, and the action continued upwards of '.', hours, when after killing four of them, and wounding all the rest, except three, they Bent out B fl*g to Miireixlir. Col. Altine s lady beg their lives. On her sol icita I hm , 1 eotioluded to errant her request; and aflei the .-apit illation 1 he following paroles to Obi. I'hilip ANtaue and Ins men. •'1 do hereby acknowledge myself a Prisoner of war. upon my parole, Do His Excellency Sft ll-nry Clint. -n. and that 1 am hereby eJngHged till 1 shall be exchanged, or ntle-rwi.se released therefrom, to proceed immediately to my plantation on l>unnain's Creek. < 'ntiiherland cunt\ (dsewheiri N,, i an.lina, there to remain; or within fijre miles thereof- -and that J shall not in the mean time, do, or cause any thing to be done, prejudicial to the lUCcess bf fi- Maj,M\ - arttis* nor have any intei .-. .it r--- or hold respHiidom, with tin enemies of his Ma ind that upon a summons from his Ekcelleocj/'j bf Other ftrfeofl hav- ing authority then to. that I Will ider myself up to him or them, at such time mid p] hall hereafter bo required. Ciimlivrlnntf ('imnly, I'miir Ai.-tinf; Oeejp //.■-, ; July 2toh< ITC1 Oofn, Witness. Davio FiwiNn. Co/',, ( ',„„',, Loyal Militia I 30] In the course of this affair, we hud two men killed, and I. mi- wounded, who afterwards recovered. A party of Liebels n]i|»aied in sight a little time after the firing began ; but ttiey did i) r ,t approach toxaffiwd Cah Altstone any- support. Whtefl the action uas oiev, they ran off; and our horses being quite fatigued, rendered it impossible for me, to per- sii.' them. 1 then peraued bjy route kpnCoxna Mill, where '„eal that when- ever they met, they would tighi me, hui not by an imme- diate appointment ; 1 directly ordered a march and pro- ceeded to (he place where 1 was inlormed by the Bearer of the flag they lay encamped ; hut on my arrival iliere, they had marched off; and from intelligent . 1 hud procured, I bad reason to suppose they was ,„nr to Saleshury to get reinforced, by General Rutherford. 1 then concluded, to g», to Wilmington for a supply of ammunition ; finding my stock began to grow low. T got to Cross Creek on the [ *« ] 11 tli of August ; and early in the morning following crossed the C;i]m- Fear River, when ffiTaj: Samuel Andrews jnined me with his eo ipany and scouted through all the rehel settlements, on the north side oi' the Iiiver ; ami took a nnmlirr OT prisoners, arms and horses. I also discovered where '_'."> harrels of Salt was concealed ; designed for the rehel army. 1 distroyed it; and then marched down the side; and came to a plantation helonging to a < 'apt . liobert- son — which 1 burned ; From thence I marched to his brother's Col. liohertsmi, whieli served in the same manner. On my march. I took several prisoners, whom I parolled , execpt 20: those I delivered to Capt. Legett, 11 then com- manding at Wilmington ; where 1 arrived on the 24th- Having ._. c >t supplied with ammunition, 1 |ii'oceeded up the country on the 26th. — On my arrival at Elizabetlitowu, I found Col. Sliiigshec. ..f the Loyal Militiaof BladcD county, with a number of paroled rebels, in his camp. I disap- proved of keeping them, there, and told him J thought it impiudent, and unsafe. The event proved so ; for that night, they, having arms concealed, tired upon his camp, and wounded him mortally. Five Captains also were wounded, some of whom died afterwards id' their wounds. The day following 1 arrived at McFalls mills about 60 miles, where 1 dispatched 90 of my men back, to render assistance, on receiving the unfortunate accounts of Col. Sliiigsbee s misfortune; but it was too late; as the rebels had taken to the woods ami got off. I had information of the rebel, Col'n Wade with 450 militia, was, then, on his inarch to attack Col . McKeal, who had assembled 70 of the loyal militia of Bladen, and then lay on the side of Drowning Creek. 1 instantly dispatch- ed, an express, to know his situation, and offering assis- tance j in tb ree hours, I received for answer, he -would be glad to see mo, and my party, I marched directly, ami by [ 33 ] day light, arrived with 1."..". men. Our pickets was fired upon : and retreated into camp, having exchanged several shots with those of the Rebels. We had information Ihej were crossing a bridge oq Drowning , about tlirce miles oft', when the pickets lired on them ; and thai thee was 420 men crossed that brid*e, 1 immediately ordered all mv men to ai'ins. and counted (hem ; whiph in number was 225, horse ami fool : I then marched immediately to attack them : when I formed mj little party lien great va- cancies in order to appeal' :|S numerous as possible, and to prevent their turning my thinks. We attacked them at 11 o'clock ; ami engaged them an hour and a half; on my order in? a charge; they ietr,w,,|. \\\> persued thorn 7 miles and took .VI prisoners : 1 ol which died that niirht, OVi our return we found 1«J dead : and the next day. several came in .and surrendered, all 6f whom were wounded, and we ha///.'> , '//■/•/■/,■ or JVo r.i S c o t 1. 1, [39] I wish I had got Mr. Burke's papers.— I am with much regard, Your most ob't faithful servant J. H. Craigg The following is a copy of the letter I received of Col- onel Ediuond Fanning 1 6 of the King's Americans' : The names of the Officers of Cumberland count;/ who acted vnder Colo. McDwfald, as the;/ teas cotrm in their (liferent companies; who were with me. at the taking of Hillsboro : Archibald McDugald, Colo. Archibald McKay : Lieut. Colo. The names of the Officers of Bladen county who acted under IA. Colo. Hector. McNeal Hector McNeal ; Lt. Colo. • I"hn Wataoo : Major ; The names cf the Gentiemen Officers who came as Volunteers from Wilmington, for rccredtion, and to explore the country, and was at the taking of HflUborough with Alexander McOaw, Oapt: of Govr. Martin's Regl Pani.l McDonald, Lieut. do. do. Malcin McKay, Etas do. do. •Tolin McKenzie, ''apt. Hector McNtel, Charles CatrrjJbell. •Tames 1 >awson. Sometime alter the receipt, of the foregoing letter I in- tercepted an express bound for Gen. Greene's Camp, which was at that time near the lines not far from Charleston : amongst which was Lord Gortiwallis's capitulation, which I 40] I have since lost We continued in small parties until Major Craigg evacuated Wilmington, when one clay I took a man with nie to go fin intelligence and to provide oats tor the party I kepi with me. When at a house I spied a party of thirty rebels, coming towards said house ; where I was We instantly mounted, and rode off. On my return to my men. I ordered, sixteen of them, to mount; and went hack to the house we had left, hut found them gone off. 1 persued them about sixteen miles ; when we came up, with them. We killed three of them and wounded two; who I took prisoners. I had no loss or accident on our part. 1 had now certain intelligence of Maj. (haigg's evacu- ating Wilmington ; and that the rebels in consequence of it, had separated into small parties, and returning home ; and for the space of fourteen or fifteen days, 1 fell in With, and took more or less of them every day. During which time I had information, of a Capt. Kennedy and his party, who hail taken a number of horses and a quantity of house- hold furniture. 1 followed him about five miles, and after a smart firing, took him and eight of his party, with the booty they had plundered. He gave intelligence that a Capt. Lopp with a party of sixty nun, who had been dis- charged by Genl. Rutherford were on their way up the country. The said Capt. Kennedy (Cannady) all the time of our attacking Lopp stood and looked on; and as he declared that he would not make his escape, neither would he let any of his men interfere, if we drove off Capt. Lopp. 1 left him in a house with only two men. to guard Eleven, and found them all there. The guard informed me that he would not let any of his party make tbeir escape. He proved so much to his honour, that J gave him up one of bis horses, saddle, and bridle : and paroled him with all his men. ] had at this time but thirteen men, with meat a Bofec near the road where they were to pass. 1 mounted my men, and plared (bom in concealment aloug the road. On their coming up, I ordered them to fire, and then for to chaise ; which we did. three times, through tliem : they immediately dispersed through the woods ; it bi'iiiLT nearly dark, we could not teH trust injury they suffered. On tne lutli of lv/r ChIm. [s:i;k> came down from the mountains, witli a party of ThffeB Hundred men : and formed his camp at Coxes Mill, in the settlement T had formerly ranged in : in order tn take me: where he eon- tinned nearly three months, during which time the follow- ing proclamation was issued "Statu ok North Carolina By the llou. Alexaader Martin. Bsqi Speaker of the Senate. Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the said State. Whereas divers of citizens of this State, have been de- luded by the wicked artifieies of our enemies & have revolted ami withdrawn themselves from the faith and allegiance, whieh before tiod. they plighted to , we their country, and treacherously have taken up arms ngainst the same: being convinced that they have I 'ayed by false fcopes; sup- ported by deee.'t . an 1 now |i ml I heinse]vos I by OUT feeble and despairing enemy, and left ikhpfotected to the vengeance of ihe Slat.', to inflict those punishments due to their crimes : and in tender compassion t lings ,,f humanity fn soar" Btech who ai'e willing to return, and to stay the hand of execution, in the unnecessary effusion the blood of citizens who May be r- claimed, ! have thought fit to issue this my pro, ■lamation tff pardon to such of the above persons, who may surrender rheWsefves" '"fore the I <>th day of march next Oti this e\ ■ ■ ' I . tba* thev immediately ,. n list in fliC CrMfitlerJWrl battalions: and [42 j render a personal service fiw twelve months niter the time of their rendezvous at head-quarters, and having faithfully performed (lie same for tie- said term, it shall he deemed as having expiated their offences and he entitled to. and be restored to the pi -ivilcdges of citizens. All Officers finding men of this class, guilty of murder, robbery, and house breaking, to be precluded, from the above, notwithstanding ; and I do hereby require the Honourable the .Judges of the Superior Courts of law, of oyer and terminer, and general jail delivery, and all officers, civil, and military, within the State to take notice of this my proclamation; and govern themselves accord in elyi. (riven under inv hand and seal of arms at Halifax this 25th of December 1781, and in the sixth year of our Independence. Alexander Martin By bis Excellency's command John Hawkins. Dy. Sec'y " (lod Sort- We *!<>/<■. " During (Jol'o Isaaes's stay at Coxes Mill, he ravaged the whole settlement, and burnt and distroyed a number of houses belonging to the friends of the Government. — Thev frequently applied to me privately for advice. I re- commended it to them it possible, to remain, neutral ; and make their peace ; as it was entirely out of my power for to protect or relieve them. A Capt. Stinson of this party took One of my men, named, David Jackson,' f and hung him up without ceremony. A few days before Colo. Isaac's departure from Coxe's Mills, he sent out notice for the friends of the government to meet him, and he would give them protection agreeable to proclamation ; I>ut on their assembling, he made them prisoners of war; and marched them under a strong guard to Salisbury Goal. Not many [43] days after they broke out. and knocking down the Sentinel, made their escape : except one. who was shot in the at- tempt, Two Captains in each Bounty were appointed by Colo. Isaacs, on his Icavir S Mill, to keep the friends of (Government down : and were 1 goirig with their own men. continually through the country. During all this time T was itt the woods and kept moving with H small party as occtision required. One evening, I had assembled thirty men. at a friends house, and sent out spies : They Boon returned with a. a party of Tebels within four mil til and plundering our friends. We immediately eel forward to render our a tance. and got within a half a mile of them: I, then, sent out to sret information how they were situated, and by break of day eatne upon them. \Y< retook seven horses which they had carried off. with a ll i.air- gage. We woimde,! two ,,: tlicm mortally, and s. veral slightly; we came off without injury, except two h woun.li'd. The day following r«ued tlinn . t. , ( 'imi- berlaud county, and on m\ way. 1 burnt Capt ' >xe's house, and his Father's I had alM twn skirmishes and killed two of the rebel party. < >n my return to Little River. I heard of n < apt. Qoleon : who had been disstressmr. the Loyalists ; and went in search of him, myself; but un- fortunately 1 did not meet him : but fell in. with one of his men. who had been very assiduous, in assisting the rebels. I killed him. I mounted a man of my own on Ms 1" and returned back. I then took Cipt. dune and the man of my own before mentioned, and went with a design of burning I son's house; which [did; and alM> two others. In my way. I fell in. with a man, who bad been very anxious foi to I 8>ve - me of my men executed I sent him word tor to moderate a>>d l,,. should 'him: to [44] fear, but if ho persisted. I would certainly kill him. He took no notice <>i this ; lmt persisted, lor several months, and on observing uie that day, he attempted to escape ; hut 1 shut him. Two days, alter, Capt. Walker, joined me which made four of us. and hearing that one Thompson, a Lebel and Magistrate, had taken up a horse h$jpnigj#g to me, 1 went to claim him: lie ga-ye 'him up without hesitation, and upon examining what arms he had. he owned to one line, which I took tioin him : He also informed me, that the rebels were willing to make peace with me on my own terms, and would allow me any limited hounds 1 would require provided I would not he troublesome to them. I therefore concluded alter consulting Capt. Walker and Currie, to demand the following terms, which i forwarded by a prisoner, 1 had taken ; and in order to convince them that my intentions were sincere. 1 released him, for that purpose, though he had been the means of murdering several. Terms required by Colo. David Fanning from Govr. Burke, forwarded to him by Lawyer Williams, and Capt. Ramsay, of 1st battalion of North Carolina Continentals. 1. That every friend of the government shall be allowed to their respective homes unmolested. 2d. That they shall be under no restrictions of doing, or causing to be done any thing prejudicial to hi6 Majestys service. 3d. That they shall not be under any obligation to act in any public station, or ever to take up arms, or be com- pelled to do any thing injurious to his Majesty's good gov- ernment, 4. That shall not pay or caused to he paid, any taxes or money so levied by new laws during the Continuance of th«' present war. to support new army by their industry. If th*9e terms art- grouted, I request tlLat they uuty be inline* diately convoyed tome, at my quarters by a flag of truce, appointed for that purpose, and by such Officers, as I cau rely upon, from your hands and seals. If these terms are not granted you may depend my sword being continually unsheathed ; as I am determined, I will not leave one of your old Offenders alive, that has injured liis Majesty's Government, and friends, who would have been of service to your country in a Future day and T do.hereby reodmmend it to yon to govern yourselves accord- ingly, Jan'y 7th M Djrlfo r^vNiN.j Ool't To Mr \mi l Wri.iTv.MF Josnn iVmat I r ■ and (apt VVm H.cusav. SriTin, Wauer i apt * lo !■• fonvnritr'i hy thrm to the < hmmaml' r ni < Intf for ih« tiMr Being ba ili> HUUkor6' cUbriaL I reeeivev Mr Biggin at the Court Hon--, qn Sunday last, and immediately wrote t$ Iumi 1 lintloron t he subject pf your surrender. His answer is. that h«' cannot ior,-ive you himself hut will directly write to the ftofB As soon as he teeaivds, Ins answer, he will transmit it, fcq Maj. (iriirith. who will send it In Winsor l'ear •< s on 1 River If 1 obtain lihertv. I will bring it myself In tlw mean ttuie I would recommend h ni'«lfiHt.' eoiidm it as the best step to bring matter* to an accommodation. The bearer. Mr. Riggin, has executed the trust yon reposed in him. 1 therefore, hope, you will restore to him his proper- ty. For your mility to nje, when I wa- ft pnsoncr, I will do any thing 1 ran in honour. Concerning ypui surrender ' 'ol o Ray and Colo Mcbugahl. ha\e vu tendered and _■ [U] to Charlestown. I am informed by Colo Thuckston, I am exchanged with a number of other prisoners, at Charles- town under a Cartel which is renewed. You may depend as soon as I get the Governor's answer, you shall know it. 1 am, Sir, Your most ob't servt. Coitfo Daa t id Faxxinc James Williams I also received another letter from Cap't Ramsay hv another conveyance Jan 8th 1782 Sir I saw a letter to Mr. Williams and observed what you say concerning my case. As to breaking my parole, that I am clear of; as Major Craigg a few days before he left Wilming- ton sent a party of dragoons to where we were paroled at the Sound and ordered us under the main Guard ; whence I made mv escape ■ which I am certain you will not blame i- ii ■ . i -.i i me ior ; as you are well acquainted with my honour ; when I was taken prisoner, I had it in my power to escape many a time ; but as long as I was treated like a gentle- man, or agreeably to the lules of war, I would rather suf- fer death, than forfeit my honour. I observe what you say, concerning your parole ; but the kind treatment I received at your hands, you may rely on it, any thing, Mr. Wil- liams, or myself can do tor you, in honour, shall not be wanting. Your letter I understood is transmitted to the Governor, who I make no doubt will comply with your re- quest. For my part I wish for nothing else but peace. 1 am Sir your humble servant Matthew Ramsey iiini I lay neutral, until I got further accounts and on the loth Jan 1782 ; Messrs. Williams, Clark, and Burns, were kind enough to wait on me at Mr. Winsor Pearce's in respect to my former proposals which I had requested of them, with the letter as follows. 15th Jan 1782 Agreeable to your request 1 have received order to offer you a parole on the terms you desired, : thirty miles east and west ; fifteen miles north and south. Hammond Coxes mill to be the center of your bounds; should you he inclin- ed to go to Chailcstown at a future day, let me know it, aod I will endeavour to get you that liberty, when 1 see the Governor. lou mentioned being way laid . you may be assured that I know nothing of it Mr. Williams Mr Clark and John Burns, are the gentlemen that are kind enough to wait upon you with this flag, and a blank parole for you to sign ; and they will give yon a certificate for your security against any of the American troops to remain as jutisoners of war, in the bounds specified. You may rely on it, no- thiug dishonourable shall be d^one op my part: and 1 have the greatest reason to believe that yon will act on the same principles. X,. inhabitants of this county shall be molest- ed either, in person, oj property, who haw nol been guilty, of wilful murder, or plundering; it is the duty of •■ honest man to bring all such to justice in order to rest harmony and peace once more to our country. 1 am your obedient humble servant M.rmrwR.MMv h ' "'■ l'"nth in-*. Mtesmn Williams. (lark, and Burns: the three gentlemen that were kind uh 1. 1 wait upon me, with a blank parole, and h from ('apt. Ramsay — who mentioned in his letter that mv retpiest "a- granted by the dovei nor : in the mean time, the gentlemen waiting on me at the place appointed, then' came around a ci •iiii:m;. from t he 1 law -held'*, commanded by Capt. Keorely. which |ilainly and evidently appear there was nothing but treachery iiumiiI . On Sundav the 10th «'t 1oh\ I tcdl in the rear of lap! nd Capt Hinds, and following their tiail.eame ot) ti , dirk. Alter some tiring that night 1 role otf. and came on thorn next nieiiiiiie;. .-ind wee:inie.in terms till I could write to their superior officer, for which 1 consulted mv officers, and we joined hand and heart to OOippty with the terms hereunder written. - •• We the Subscribers d.i acknowledge ourselves fSdfeji to his Hi itanie Majesty, as von are well assured ot Q*r fi- delity, zeal, and loyalty, to his M rumeiit. As it has been daily the case that we have been distroviriir. one anothers propeity to support and uphold our opinions, and we are hereto willing toicoan turn* of .arm*, not [50] under six months, nor exceeding twelve ; conditions under- written. ]. Cur request is from Cumberland twenty miles N. it S ; and thirty miles E. & W : to be totally clear of your light Horse. 2d. request is for every man that has been in actual arms, in a permanent manner, in order to establish a Bri- tish government, (except those who have diserted from a regular troop that has voluntarily listed themselves,) then we do obligate to deliver up each and every man shall have a right to withdraw themselves in said district. 3d. If any of our men should go out of said district to plunder, or distress, or murder any of the American party, we will, by information made to me, Major Bains, or any of the Captains return their names ; if the request is granted, they shall immediately be apprehended and sent by any of- ficer appointed by you to he tried by your own laws. 4th. If any of your party shall be cat died plundering, stealing or murdering, or going private paths, with arms signifying as if they were for mischief, these are to be left to our pleasure to deal with as circumstances agreeable to our laws. All public reads to be travelled by any person, or copany unmolested, if he behave himself as becomes an honest man, or any Army or company or wagons keeping the public roads. 5. Every person that has been in actual arms in manner aforesaid, in order to support or establish a British Govern- ment, shall not he interrupted of their arms, provision, per- son or property. If any one residing within the said dis- trict, who are subjects to the States should want provisions, or any other article from, by sending to either of the offi- cers that I shall appoint for that purpose, or use we will send a sufficient guard to see, them safe and out unmolest- ed. (Quakers excepted from anything whatever. [51] 6. That I will not, in the mean time disturb or distress any person, or persons abiding by your laws in said dis- trict. All back plundering shall be void ; as it is imj ble to replace or restore all the plunder on either side. 7. Our request is to have free trade with any pott with waggons, or horseback without arms : with a pass from any appointed Officer R>r salt or any other necessaries and use. Except the two Coxe's mills to be free from any in- cumbrance of all parties belonging to t lie- Americans. 8th. Any of my men that has been returned a Continen- tal without taking the bounty, that has bom in actual vice as above mentioned shall return in said district. 9th. If our request is granted as above written I request it may be Rent to me by 8th of .March : as 1 may forward to my further determinations ; if I cannot have any request granted. I shall exact and point out every deplausible measures in order to suppress every person in amis against his Britanic majesty. J am your most obedient humble serv't (Jiven under my hand and ' ' arm as aforesaid I'wm I'wnin,, Col Com. Loyal Mi John Rains, Maj'r William Rains, Cap't •h>us CaVm, " Wm. V]\hK. " Al)\ER S.MW/I.Y " •i icon M raw i / T<> GohH Hiillrr, (fen'l of Hffltboro District. Prf, irony of Co? Ptn/i), Jhlon Copy of letter of (.en 1 P.utler. MOCNT Pi.easwt tlh Starch 1?82 Dear Rtu Your letter of 2fith of last month was handed to me last night. T have observed the contents 1| M ,1 vmi pro- [62 j posed that you and tlie men now in actual .service with you would have taken a parole to some eertain bounds, until you could have been sent to Charleston, to he exchanged, I should have entered into that, business. But your proposi- tions are many, and some of them uncustomary in like- cases. I conceive it out of my power — However as his Ex- cellency Governor Burke is now at Halifax I will send him your letter with the proposals to him by express. This is now the 5th day of March ; of course, it must be several days after the 8th before his answer can come to hand ; in the mean time it may be as well to postpone the desperate measures, you have in contemplation. I am your obed servt. doux Butler. B. G. for JfiUable (litirict P. S. If you would not choose to be confined in bounds any length of time, it might be contrived so that you might lie sent oft' immediately tinder an Escort of my appointing to General Greene. He has promised to have all such ex- changed which I send to his quarters. John Butler B. G. About the 7th March 1782 Capt, Walker and Currie, of the Loyal Militia fell in, with a party of Rebels, and came to an engagement, aud tired for some time, 'till the rebels had fired all their ammunition ; and then, wished to come to terms of peace between each party ; and no plundering, killing or murdering should be committed by either party or side ; which was concluded upon by each Colonel, for such certain limited bounds ; which was to be agreed upon by each Colo : and |f they could not agree, each party was to be neutral until matters was made known, respecting the terms which they had to agree upon. .Soon after my men came to me and informed what they had done : we receiveil the rebel Col. Balfour's answer ; that "there was 20 resting place for a tory's foot upon the Earth.'' He also immediately sent out his party, and on the 10th, I saw the same company coming to a certain house where we were fiddling and dancing. We immediately prepared ourselves in readiness to receive them, their Dumber being 27 and our number only seven : We immediately mounted our horses, and went some little distance from the house, and commenced a tire, for some considerable time ; night com- ing "U they retreated, and hit the ground. Some time before, while, we were treating with each other, 1 had or- dered and collected twenty-ri\e men to have a certain dress made which was linnen frocks, died black . with red cutis, red elbows, and rid shoulder cape also, and belted with s ■ailet, Which was a total ois^ui-c t<> the lebeh, which the red was all fringed with white fiinge, and on the 12th of March. m\ men being all properly equipped, assembled together, in order, to give them a small bo urge, which we set out tor. On Balfour.'e plantation, when we came upon him, he endeavored to make Lis en-ape ; but we Soon prevented him. fired at him. and wouridtd him. The tir.st ball he received was through ooe rif bis arms, and ranged through his body ; the other through his neck : which put an end to his commiting any more ill dee N. We also wounded another of his men. We then pro- ceeded to their Colonel's (Colliery) belonging to said cunty ^f Randolph : on our way we burnt several rebel houses. and eatelie.l several piisoneis: the iiieht coming on and the distance to said i ',.1 lier ia . w is s,,!a:.tliat it was late before we got there. He made bis < seapo. bating rceeived three balls through his shirt Hut I took care to dtstroy the whole of his plantation. 1 then persiicd our route, and came, to one (apt. John Bryan's ; another rebel t-ffieer. I bold him if he irofild do»W out of the house, 1 would give 1 ^ 1 liim parole ; which lie refused, saying that he hail taken parole from Lord Cornwallis , swearing "by (iod ! he had broken that and that lie would also hreak our Tory parole. With that I immediately ordered the house to he set on fire, which was instantly done. As soon as he saw the flames of the tire, cncreasing, he called out to me, aud desired me to spare his house, tor his wife's and children's sake, and he would walk out with his arms in his hands. I immediately answered him, that if he walked out, that his house should be saved, for his wife and children. When he came out, he said " Here, damn, you,' here I am. I' With that lie received two balls through his body: He came out with his gun cocked, and swerd at the same time. The next day following being the 13th maich, was their election day to appoint Assembly men, and was to meet at Randolph Court House. I proceeded on in order to see the gentlemen representatives ; On their getting intelligence of my coming they immediately scattered ; I prevented their doing any thing that day. From thence I proceeded on, to one Major Dugiu's house, or plantation, and I distroyed all his property ; and all the rebel officers property in the settlement fob the distance of forty miles. On our way I catched a commissary from Salisbury who had some of my men prisoners and almost perished them, and wanted to hang some of thi m. 1 carried him imme- diately to a certain tree, where they had hung one of my men by the name of Jackson, and delivered him up to some of my men, who he had treated ill when prisoners ; and they immediately bung him. After hanging 15 minutes they cut him down. In the mean time there was about I500 rebels who had embodied themselves and came after us ; On account of the rainy weather our guns would not fire on either side. We were obliged to retreat, on account of ■/ / // their numbers lx?ing so much superior. We had received no damage. About the 8th of Apl. a certain Capt Wil- liams came into the settlement, and sent an old woman to me. to inform me. that he had arrived from C.ovi . Burke that instant ; and had come in order to Bee mc : which In- ner description, I and my little party, immediately met him, and he inarmed me, that he had come to know if I was willing to come upon the terms I had already presented ; and requested to haw from under my own hand a true copy of them ; that the Governor would do every thing in his power to have the same agreed upon by his Council and Assembly : lor which purpose the said William* was sint from the Governor, He also told me. that the Uoveruor had said, that any thing I should do, or cause to be done, from the character, he heard from the British at Charles- town, that he had not the least doubt, tiny would assent to ;— that he wished to make peace with me .- saying if I was taken prisoner, and killed; that 100 would certainly lose their lives for it ; and he looked upon it much better to come to terms of peace— that he heard in Charlestown, I was killed : which occasioned him to run away from Charlestown ; Upon which 1 gave him a copy of the articles which I wished to comply to. With which he ordered the Light Horse to depart to their different stations, till they received orders from tin; Governor and Council- As 1 was obliged to lay neutral until I received their answer, which was to be upon terms of honour on both sides, as the different captains commanding tin- light fa wrote to in.- respecting, the same ; as Appears by the follow- ing letters. "SlR, I reeeivod a lew lines tins day, from ('apt Ed- ward Williams, informing me. that you and be, had come down \ esterdav . and sigmlied that, you and he. are upon terms of compromising matters, on condition, that I will I « ■] stop tlie County light horse from persuing you — You may rest assured, that it is lny desire to be at peace with all ineu — Cap't Riddle and his company are at the Court House. 1 have ordered him to stand there, until further or- ders ; and will send aftert'ap't Pol.-ton and desire him also; I shall set oil' this morning to the Assembly, and if it is in in my power to do, or cause anything to he done, that shall cause peace and harmony over the land, you may rest assur- ed I will do my best ; and second ('apt Williams, though he gave me no account o\' your proposals ; and am with respect your humble terv't Ap'l 9th 1782 IIouer Griffith Major To Colo David Fanniiuj. Cami- at MoCan A V 10 17>- 1 received orders from Maj G i itritli concerning some terms between you and him and shall withdraw my men and Cap't Colston's as we are both together, and will not proceed any further after apprehending yon or yours, un- less you come into our county doing mischief, until further orders. From your humble serv't To Col'o Dnviil t'onnhifj JosBlIl' llosi-R Hoping you nor yours will not interupt any of the inhah- itantsof Chatham until matters are further settled. WlM.IAM (ioLSTON StR, 1 received your letter which gives me great satisfac- tion to hear that you, and .some of the officers, have come upon terms of peace; which is all I could crave; but I should be glad with one of the olliccrs in company, to meet you and have some conversation together, and he upon [57] honour. It' we can come upon terms agreeable to- both. I should immediately march my company home. I shall he at Mr. Mullins, this evening at two o'clock : and if you can meet us and converse across the river, or any other place you will choose. Ap'l 12th If 83 1 am. Sir. Your ol/t To Thomas Doug in Col' o I hi rid Fanning Oaptaikt of Light Iforxr \c'r Krii msa Sm 1. as an otHcer in behalf of the State of North Carolina. have turned out, in order to suppress any persons disturb- ing tlie peace of said State: hut when 1 arrived at lbei. Kivrr. I understood that you. and Cap'ts Williams, £ ]Cu- p"i. were about to make a treaty of peace . which I ap- proved of very well : and withdrew my troop towaids home. Hut my en at BUrpfj 8, mi m\ way. 1 learned that your men, were robbing the peaceful and inolfensive peo- ple of Cane Creek, and Roekej Kiver .•; which wicked con- duct, and the great desire, I had. for the welfare of my Country, induced nic to stay, a little longer, and endeavour to -top Mich robbery. I therelorc wish to inform you. that I did not pretend with any view of making you any V*J dishonourable, but many per- mis BOJ owinir true allegi- aneotothe laws of this State, are running at large ; and call you their oilieer. .-\s 1 hope you a gentleman, and will not protect any vagab<>n,|. I will thank you, to let me know every part icular of your Treaty: what bounds } <>u have ; and upon the honour ofa gentleman. I will not inter- rupt any person within said bounds, that is of good char- acter with you. 1 would recornJcuerul, that you order .Jo- seph Currie. and l'dair. to return the widow Pixon'spro- [ 58 1 !>< rty, which they robbed her of; and I will not write to the Governor concerning it, as you want peace. He would think very little of your honour, it' he heard that, your men were robbing his people, after you had petitioned to hiru. I am, Sir, in behalf of the State, To Col' o David Fanning . I Edwakd Guix, Cu/'tnin About the 18th of April Captain Williams, came to me, again, at Fork Creek and informed me that the original ar- ticles of treaty had been laid before the Governor, and As- sembly ; and they were upon a conclusion of granting me the terms 1 wanted ; but were prevented by a Colonel, who came from over the mountains and was one of the Assem- bly, who did every thing against it. Their objections were ; the articles respecting the Continental soldiers taken up, and they could not allow any passports for any of the friends of the government to have any correspondence or connections with the British. Every other article they were willing to grant. Their Assembly continued on the business for three days ; as Mr Williams informed me. My answer was that li 1 would forfeit my life, before I would withdraw any one of the articles, that I had presented, as 1 wished to hold the same connection with the British, as formerly ;' 1 likewise told him. that 1 had understood, that they had picked out twenty four of their best, horses, and men, from Virginia in order to persue me. and my answer to Mr. Williams was " they might do their best, and he damned" as I was fully determined to still support my in- tegrity, and to exert myself in behalf of the King and country more severer than ever I did." With this Mr. Williams departed. 1, then set out for Chatham, when I learned that a wed- ding was to be that day. On my way I took one prisoner, before I came to the house. There, being but five of ns. [59] we immediately surrounded the house in full charge. I or- dered them, immediately out of the House : three of my men went into the bouse and drove them all out one by one ; I caused them all to stand in a row to examine them, to see if I knew any of them that was had men. I found one, by the name of William Doudy. concealed up stairs. One of my men fired at him j as he was run- ning from one house to th" other ; Ke received the hall in his shoulder. I then having my pistols in my hand, dis- charged them both at his breast, with which ho fell, and that night, expired. I tli. d paroled the rest, on the i&thi I concluded within myself, t hat it was better for me to try and settle myself, being weary o4 the disagreeable mode of living 1 had home with for some considerable time. For the many kindness and the civility of a gentle- man who lived in the settlement, of Deep River, J was in- duced to pay my tidd?&86s to hie daughter, si young ladv of sixteen years of ftgfe The day btf Marriage being ap- pointed: — on making it known to my people, ('apt Wil- liam Hooker, and Captain William < 'an. a-ned to be mar- ried with nie. They both left me to make themselves, and their intended wives ready. The day before, we *verc to be coupled, the Rebels, before mentioned , with those good horses, attack' -d us i< .ij.'t Hooker* horse being tied so last he could nu! gel him loose. i they caught him and mur- dered him on the spot Myiself and I apt » irr. were mar- ried and kept two days merriment. The Rebels thought they were sure of me then; however 1 book my wile and concealed her. in the woods with Cap t Can's ; and caused an oration to be put out. that 1 nri bo charlestown. In Order to be convinced, the Rebels sent a man in, as a spy. with two letters from '■ ! I Leslie with instructions for me to enlist men for the service which 1 knew was forjr- ed. in order to betray me and from the person or Command 60 j ing 1 Officer of the Rebel light horse. The following is one of which 1 gaveUen'l Leslie, that had his name singed to it. i Chaklestowx 'lOtli Jan. 1782 Deak Colonel, Altho I have not he happiness of being acquainted with you, yet T can applaud you very much, for your spirited conduct and activity. The only objection I have to youf conduct, is your being too strenuous with those who have been subjects to bis Majesty, whom the Rebels have over- come and forced them to comply with their laws. If you would let them alone, the severity of the Rebels would cause them to return to their allegiance again. But Sir since you have made so brave a stand already, pray stand steadfast to the end, and we shall be well rewarded at the last. Try to spirit up your men, and enlist, if possible, three hundred men this spring, ready to join three hun- dred more ; which shall be put under your command ; and as many more as you can get, and you be Brigadier Gen- eral of them. We shall, I hope in the month of May land 1.300 troops in North Carolina, 300 of your corps, 1600 in the whole, to act upon the defensive, until you are reiu- ibrced . Keep good discipline among your troops, and keep out fellows, who will do nothing but plunder. They are but. false dependence, and will not fight, but only corrupt goad men. Every man you inlist for 12 mouths, shall receive ten guineas ; and a full suit of clothes ; as soon as we land our troops, and they appear under your command ready for action. I can assure you, lis your fame and worthy actions has, through and by Maj'r Craigg given, reached his Majesty's ears, and I expect perhaps by the next packet boat you will get a genteel present from our gracious Sovereign. So hoping that vein will be in the wav of your duty, I will take leav of [61] yuii. without mentioning your name. «t subscribing mine, lest this might paiscarrj -the man who is entrusted with the care of this, dares n..t at present he seen in it : hut a friend and send it to the man as is Sir y..ur> Tn i ' i Fanning in No Ca A fettUt t") ..tn the traitor who l.roiiirlit tliese two letters from i ieti'] I ><-- 1 i>- Silt 1 would come t.. set you myself, hut am afraid of the rehel light hor.se. I have a great many thing? to acquaint yon with . 1 1 1 < 1 i e,„„l ileal of good news, hnt dare not write fur tear ot mis, ait iau r <\ It you have any desire oj sj me jrbU tnual com,' soon away, instantly. Imn't ht the bearer knon the cnftenU of the letters- -The fewer 'iusie,t trie bettor. In tin- mean time 1 am your friend a *; L am willing you shall keep until you ge$ your mate I have s.'iu to a Doeto*. J'.ut the mare will be back to night. Xo move, but you may depend Pfl my word AHDRBW Hi.ntlr. I also received the following letter from Edw'd Wil- liams. on the subject of the M Stk. These tew lino- to f-t you know that 1 have this- day seen Mr. Hmuer : he is badly wounded and de- sir. •* you would let his wife come to him immediately: As to the rest of his pro- i are welcome to keep, until such time's y air mare returned, which will he as soon as possible, as she lias gone at this time after the Doc- tor. l!ut she shall hi returned to you, with all speed, as i a- she returns. Mr. Hunter also is very ill. 1 am your ob'1 humble servant '.-<;/ Edward Williams the 7th of May. finding I could see no opportunity of getting my mare, notwithstanding she was my prin- cipal creatures, and a mare I - ' -'ore by, and gave One Hundred and ten guineas for her. I was obliged lei sc all his horses, except one. as they w; no Account to me, in the situation T was in ; the nc- - T kept ; I then proceeded to a Maj r's truce land in Pcdce in South Carolina^ where 1 had made a truce with tin " i time la-fore : and I continued there until June, when I let't my wife, ' >cs ; as I was entirely a stranger to the situation of the country and toads. 1 was obliged tt< procure a pilot to proceed to Charles- town : 1 could not get one tor less than 26 gin After my departure 1 fell in with the rebel dragoons commanded I 64 j by Colo. Bailie, from Virginia. I was with them for about an hour; and informed them that we wero some of the rebel party then on our way to General Marion's head quarters. They never discovered otherwise ; it being in the dusk of the evening. We fell into the roar, and went into the woods and struck our camp, and promised them wo would see them next morning. However we proceeded on that night, and arrived at Herald's point on the 17th of June, and I immediately procured a passage to Charles- town, when I immediately applied for a flag; to send after Mrs. Fanning and property. The flag had left Charles- town two days, when she came in, as Maj. Gainey, had ap- plied to General Marion, for a pass for her, to proceed to Charlestown ; He would not let her have any of our pro- perty, not even a negro to wait on her. Soon after the Loyalists, that had got to Charlestown from different parts of the world hearing that the Southern Colonies were to be evacuated by the British forces, called a meeting to point out some measures to try to hold some foothold in the couutry, until we had got some part pay- ment for our property which we were obliged to leave if we ever left the country. Hand bills were printed and stuck up throughout the town for the Loyalists to choose their representatives to represent our situation and the desire we had to support ourselves and property. It was proposed that 25 Gentlemen should be choosen a committee for that purpose. The day was appointed to take the vote. I was choosen amongst others ; and drew up a petition and sent to Sir Guy Carlet on Commander in Chief; 21 praying the liberty of keeping the town and artillery, as they then stood on the works ; and despatched two gentlemen off with our petition ; Our request was not granted. 1 have here- [05] unto set forth the names of the gentlemen representatives ; Col'o Ballingall, 22 Jas Johnston Esq, Robert Williams Esq, 23 Lt Colo Dupont, Colo Roht Wm Powell, Colo Gray, John GailliardEsq, 24 Col Cassels, John Rose Col Pearson, Maj WM. Greenwood.' 5 Col Philips. Maj Gabriel Capers, 2 ' Col'o Hamilton, Lt Col'o Thos Inglis, Wm Carson,*' John Hopton E> Dr Wm Charles Wells, Robt Johnston, E I Thomas Edgehill, John Champni— . Andrew Millar K-=q. 28 Col Sam'l Bryan, Col'o David Fanning, Doct. Bar On. I continued in Charlestown until the ;">th of Sept. and my borseB having gol recruited, and our of my negroes having made hie way good through the country, caste down to me ; I then sot out tor the country again, on account of my misfortune of losing my Mare, which was of gre»1 value to me. 1 went up to t lie settlement again, to the man I sent to Hunter before; and, he informed me, that Hunter refused live ne gro es for the mare, and would not return her. He also, went to where, I left one of the negroes and to.de him and sent him over the mountains to k< ' p him nut bf my way. I continued in the settlement until the 22d of the month, tryin. her but was dis- appointed in my hopes. Knowing that Chath*town was to be evacuated, 1 was obliged to return ; and as I was on my way, I understood my mare was at a certain place, about 125 miles frons Charlestown : being about half the distance from Where, I then was, toward Charlestown. I instantly persucd, oy my journey to the place, I heard she was : and my riding horse was so particularly known. 1 [66] sent a man up to tbe house and lie was known ; they directed us, the wrong way, and immediately sent word to where my mare was : I found out, we was wrong ; and took through the woods, and to a house within a half a mile, where they had word of my coming and was making ready to go to their assistance. On seeing us come up, he imme- diately left his horse, and was running off through a field ; he turned round and presented his piece and snapped ; but she missed fire ; With this, I ordered one of my men, to fire at him, who shot him through the body, and dispatched his presence from this world. The other two men that was at the house, did not run ; and informed me that they had received word of my coming a half an hour before I ar- rived ; and also that there were men lying in ambush ready to attack me. With this, as the man who had my mare had gone off with her, and having only two men and my negro that set out with me from Charlestown, also two little negroes that I had for my mare, I thought it was my best way to proceed to Charlestown ; and on the 28th Sept. I arrived at Charlestown, where the shipping was ready for me to embark for St. Augustine. East Florida We whose names are hereunto subscribed do hereby cer- tify, that Col'o David Fanning, late of the Province of No. Ca., acted in the station of Col'o of Militia of that Pro- vince, and was of the greatest service to his Majesty, in suppressing the rebels during the late rebellion in North America; that he is worthy of every loyal subject; both for his valour, and good conduct; — that after he with his men took the town of Hillsborough, dispersed the rebel council, and took a great number of prisoners, was on that [67 | day wounded in the left arm— that finding the town of Wil- mington evacuated by the British troops, and his wound not yet well, he for the safety of his people divided them, into small parties, and continued a long time in the back woods— that after many skirmishes in No. Ca. in the month of June 1782 he with the utmost difficulty made his way through many interruptions of the enemy," to the province of South Carolina: where his Majesty's troops then lay ; and that he was obliged to leave the province, where he lived and his property, which we are informed was con- siderable : and. that, he is now without the means of sub- sistence, having lost his all, for and on account of his ser- vices and attachment to his Majesty's person and govern- ment. St Augustine Jobs H vmii.t-v. 20th Sept 1783 Lt ( R tf <• Hegt. JOHS LfcQETT, Capt //. -V Reg( Alx. Campbell, Capt Dawkdjs Capt S. C. Regt. Daniel McNeil Capt R X. C Regt Moses Whttm \ r.f. $. r Begt. Scherfuel of the property of Col'o David Fanning late resi- dent of the province of No . Ca. but now of the province of East Florida, lost to him on account of his Zeal and Attachment to the British Government and never re- ceived any part or parcel thereof or any restoration of the same, viz : 550 acres of Land in Amelia County in the Pro- vince of Virginia with a dwelling House and [68] other necessury buildings, a large apple and Peach Orchard, and large enclosed improve- £. 8. ments - - - 687.10 550 acres of land near said plantation heir to the estate of my father and some improvement with a dwelling House - - 412.00 3 Saddle Horses - - - 41.00 12 plantation Horses, three unbroke - 96.00 2 negro Slaves - - - 100. Debts, notes, bonds &c - - - 289. £ 1625.10 Personally appeared before me, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace St Augustine Province of East Flo- rida, Lieutenant Charles Roberson ; Niell Mclnnis; and Philip Wisunpunt; Refugees, of said East Florida ; who being culled upon by the within mentioned Col'o David Fanning, to value the within mentioned property, who be- ing duly sworne; and maketh oath upon the Holy Evan- gelists of Almighty God ; that the within mentioned property, are well woith the sums affixed to each article, as near the value as possible, if the same was to be sold, .to their own knowledge and the best information they could get. Charles Uoberson Sworne at St. Augustine Neil McIxnis this 25 Nov. 1783 before me Philip Wiiisukpunt John Mills. J. P. 1 took my passage and landed in New Brunswick on 23d Sept 1784, and went to Halifax to his Excellency, the Gov- ernor Carlton to know how I should get land, but he had not arrived, so returned on the 7th Nov'r and in August I received the following letter from. Col'o John Hamilton in answer to mine in regard to my claim. {69 | Dear Sir, I receive.! yours of the 9th Feb 1TS.3 a few days ago and notice the contents. I am sorry to inform you that your claims are not yet given in, but I expect the office for re- ceiving Claims will be opened again by act of Parliament this session ; when you may depend proper care shall be ta- ken of yours. I am sorry to bear of your losses. I hope you are now agreeably settled, and making something for your family. 1 think if you can leave your business in pro- per hands, a trip to this country would be of service to you, tho' I don't think you would get half pa}-, The Govern- ment would settle an annuity on you for life: which can- not be done without your coming here. If you come you may depend on all my interest in your favour, and 1 cannot help thinking it worth your while to come henna I am dear Sir your London humble serrt May 10th lT,s;» John IKmutox. In a short time after I heard that there was another act of Parliament passed to receive Claims for losses and ser- vices, also that the Commissioners had arrived at Hali- fax. On the 20th March, I set out for Halifax, and presented a copy of my claim, as follows ; To the Honourable Commissioners appointed by act of Par- liament, further to enquire into the losses and services of the American Loyalists. The Memorial of David Fanning, late Col'oof the North Carolina Militia, humbly sheweth ; That your Memorialist is a Loyalist from North Carolina ; who uniformly and re- ligiously adhered to his duty and loyalty to the best of Sov- ereigns ; for which he Suffered persecution, and many other inconveniences— that your Memorialist, by a warrant from [70] Major Craigg of the 82d Reg't then commanding at Wil- mington was placed at the head of the Militia of that pro- vince — that, your memorialist during the late war, did com- mand i'rotu one to nine hundred and fifty men ; with whom he was engaged in six and thirty skirmishes in North t'ar- olina, and four in South Carolina; all of which were of his own planning and in which he had the hodour to command — that your Memorialist killed many <*f tlie Rebels— and took many of them prisoners. Anions the latter, were, Governor Rurke, his council, and many Officers of distinc- tion in the Rebel army— that your .Memorialist was during that time, twice wounded, and fourteen times taken pris- oner : That, on the conclusion of peace j your Memorialist settled two hundred and fifty souls in East Florida; and having took refuge in several parts of his Majesty's remain- ing possessions in America, finally settled in the province of New Brunswick where he now is, in great distress, with his family. That your Memorialist, in consequence of his said loyalty, to his Sovereign; the many services rendered him; and attachment to the British Government, had his property, real and personal, seized, confiscated, and sold by- rebel authority — Your Memorialist therefore prays that his case may he taken into consideration ; in order that he may he enabled under your report to receive such aid or relief, as bis case may he found to deserve. St John March 1st 178fi David Fanning When 1 presented my claim to Peter Hunter Secretary to the Commissioners ; he gave me no kind of satisfaction, and on my asking him if I could come under an examination, be told me to be gone, he did not think the Commissioners would receive my claim. When I fjund, I could get no bear- ing at Halifax, at that time, I returned home with a full reso- lution never to trouble myself any more. At the time of [ 71 1 being in Halifax I met my old friend. Cap'tJohu Leggett, of the Royal North Carolina Regiment, who said lie would speak to tlie Commissioners in my favour. He also gave me a copy of the following letter from Lieut Colo Arch Mc- Kay. — London- Wov low 1VS5. Dlar Captun- Ever mindful of your goodwill and the kindness yon showed unto me since I had the pleasure of being acquaint- ed, with you induces me to write you a few lines at present informing you of my success since I came to England, knowing you would be glad to hear of the provision made for me. When I came to England, I go! a, hearing by the Commissioners of American claims, and they granted me Thirty pounds, yearly for temporary subsistence. I, then, laid a memorial to Sii George Young, foi Captains half pay ; but I must confess 1 thought riiy chances for that had enough, as 1 was not acquainted with any of the Generals who commanded in America; but since it was only amuse- ment to try, 1 got a certificate from Cul'u - and an- other, from Colo Hamilton ; and laid them in with the memori- al, it was with a g I man • along time from Oil Offlcej at length they allowed me Seventy pounds sterling, yearly, fiir life for my services ffi America, exclusive of the Thirty pounds. Upon the whole 1 do nut repent coming to London, as things Live turned 1 wrote to Cap't McNeil this morning, riot thinking 1 should have time to write to you, before IheSfhip sailed, and I had not time to write to him so fully, as I could wish ; but 1 will mind better next time. I intend to spend next summer in Scotlan 1, if every- thing turns but here to my expectation. 1 would be glad to get a bmg letter from you concerning your new set- tlements. You will please to write to me. under cover [ ■* ] to Messrs. John ami Hector McKay, No. 5. Crown Court, Westminster ; and if I am in Britain I shall he sure to get any letter that may come for me. Alter my jaunt to Scotland I hope to do myself the honour to call and see you on my way to New Providence, where Alex'r and Mal- com McKays are gone. I am Sir, with due respect To Your siucere friend oj liumhle serv't Capt John Lecjett. Archibald McKay" 1 returned home and continued until the 27th June 1787, when I was entering the suhurhs of the city of St John, I accidently met Ensign Henry Niss, with a letter, from the commissioners, desiring me to attend immediately for an examination. I still retained my opinion ; hut on inform- ing Col'o Joseph Robinson he prevailed with me, after a long persuasion, to call and see the Commissioners ; which T did ; in company with Col'o Robinson : I was treated with every civility and all attention paid to me. After my ex- amination they gave me the following certificate. " Office of American Claims St JohnldFeby 1787. We do hereby certify that, David Fanning has under- gone an examination on oath before us, as an American sufferer from No. Ca. We are satisfied by his own account, and by the evidence he has produced, that his exertions in support of the British Government, as Col'o of the Cha- tham, and Randolph County Militia, during the late trou- bles, in America, have been very great and exemplary ; — that he has been severely wounded in several engagements and has in other respects been a great sufferer ; though from particular reasons, it will not be in our power to make him any considerable allowance in our report. We there- fore recommend him as a proper person to be put on the fll] half pay list as G.t|itain, ami to have an annual allowance from Government equal to that l.ali' pay. Thomas Dunpass j. b emberton After this I received a letter from my Agent and found Iliad lost property to tlie amount of £11525. S10. accord- ing to an appraisment of three men acquainted with the property. But, as it was not like a coat taken out of my hand, or gold taken out of my pocket, 1 could not get any- thing for my losses, although 1 did not give in nothing like the amount of my losses. I lost 24 horses; and only reported 1. r > ; one of which cost more than all I ever got from the Government ; and six head of cattle, £289 for property sold at the commencement of the war. and the Land which I was heir to and for which I refused many times £3000 Virginia currency. But because I turned out in the service of my King and country in the 20th year of my age, and my exertions were very exemplary, I have lost my all, for and account of my attachment to the British Crown— only Sixty pounds received which would not pay the expenses I have been at to obtain it. I can prove what I have here wrote to be facts, and tin- world will be able to judge after reading this narrative ; and observe this Act of oblivion passed in N. Carolina in the year 1783 which is hereunto annexed — which is en- larged and improved in the London .Magazine which will be found on page C07. vol. 1. from July 1. to Dec 1. 1783. The act of Pardon and Oblivion is there quoted, passed 17th May 1783 signed by Ricii'd Caswell Speah r of St not* E Staiike Speaker of Commons the proviso to the first section declares that " Nothing [74 1 therein contained shall extend pardon to Peter Mallett. David Fanning and Samuel Andrews — or any person guilty of deliberate and willful murder ; robbery ; rape ; house breaking or any of them." This narrative concludes — "Many people is fools enough to think, hecause our three names is particular put in this Act, that we are all guilty of the crimes set forth. — But 1 defy the world to charge me with rape, or anything more, than I have set forth in this Journal. All his Majesty's subjects or others that wishes to know the truth of any thing further than I have set forth, let them make enquiry of those gentlemen whose names I have struck in; examine the letters of the Rebels, and the recom- mendations of the Officers who have been acquainted with me in person and with my services in the time of the late war. Although I have been exhibited from receiving any ben- efits from the laws of the State, all that I desire is to have the liherty of commanding 30000 men in favour of the British government. I flatter myself that there would be no doubt of my putting many of them to swing hy the neck, for their honesty, as John White did, after stealing 150 horses in North Carolina. V — I NOTES Notf 1 Put 1 Fmsachau, Thomas, should beFletch.all asit is on page 2. He was a Colonel, and at the head of a considerable force of Loyalists in South Carolina during the difficulties with the Cunninghams, in 17T5: and signed the truce or treaty which was agreed upon between the Whigs and their opponents. After the stir- render of Charleston, he was in commission under the crown. In 1TS2 his es- tate was .onh-iatc,l. lb ■ appeals to have been a person of much consideration in South Carolina, previous to the Revolution ; and to have been regarded as of rather nndeeid. ,1 politics, thoti-h the fPfalgS made him a memlicr of an important standing committee, raised with the design of carrying out tb« views of the Continental Congress. The following letter written to define his position is published by Gibbes : I'aiu I mil " ,, .lu/i/ 2-4, ' ! Honored SiB : I received yours dalod the 14th ult.. wherein t am informed, that many re- ports have been malicioti 1 against me to the Committee of this Province. which I can malic appear to be false. 1 received a letter from Messrs. John Caldwell, John and .lames Williams, who is said to be committee men. dated the 4th of this instant, reqm to call my regiment together in order to sign sociation paper. A dingly on the 13th of this instant. I did. in obe- dience to those gentlemen, and went to every Captains Company that was in the regiment, when drawn up. and requested Major Fatry to read the paper to every company, whirl, accordingly was done I don't remember that one man oSered to sign it which was out ( >| my power to compel them too ; but thai it wa9 agreed amongst the people in general to sign a paper of their own resolu- tions, and thai application w Joseph Kohinwm. who Mai tie i present to dra* a paper of some resolves, which the people in general did sign unto, from Savannah river to Broad river, which of mj regiment Colonel Starke's regiment, and a part o) _iment. I must inform you, sir, there is sonic of our highland gentlemen who are aspirin unmissiojt, thinking to get in favor with the gentlemen in tonn. w Ul say anything but the truth, and when they are as well known in town as tin* an in the eoiintr\. I lielieve they will U- cif my opinion. In [78] fact we never bud any representatives, not one man in fifty ever gave any vote for any such thing. You seem, sir, to intimate to me tliat I should liave joined, but the thought of losing my commission seem to deter me. As for my com- missions, I care not who has them ; a man that is to lie liought by a commission, is not worthy of one, although that is the price of many. 1 must say this in favor of myself, I never have concurred in those matters now in hand, knowing I was not calculated for such an enterprise: but must inform you, sir, I am heartily sorry that I am looked on as an enemy t'> my country. I wish you may have no greater reason to complain againBt some, that you little suspect, than you have against me. But, in the meantime, I must inform you, sir, I am resolved, and do utterly refuse to take up arms against my king, until I find it my duty to do otherwise and am fully Convinced thereof. I am sir your honor's most obedient and humble servant, Tho. Fletchall. Hon. H. Laurens . President Council of Safety. Fair Forest, the residence of Colonel Fletchall. was in Union district South Carolina Rabcrn's Creek is a branch of Reedy River: and is in Laurens district South Carolina. "There was a very good prttpttearmg Minister to call at the different places to preach and baptize children." From Gibbes Doc. History of South Carolina, we learn that the Rev. Wil- liam Tennent travelled through this region in company with Hon. W. H. Dray- ton at the request of the Committee of Safety of South Carolina. The one for the purposes stated by Fanning, the other to rouse the people to the cause of the colony. On the 21st Aug., 1775, Mr. Tenneut preached on Long Cane Creek "at one of Mr. Harris' preaching stands." This Journal says: "After the ser- mon, spoke as usual on the subject of my mission, was seconded by Mr. Harris and Mr. Salvador to good effect, returned to Mi-. Reed's. The congregation was solemn and affected. Mr. Calhoun and other gentlemen returned with me, and spent the evening on subjects fit for the times. ' : Tennent' s Journal in Gibbes Doc. His. \*l64-"i6,page 232. Mr. Tennent was doubtless the very good prespetearing minister alluded to by Fanning. Mr Salvador, called in Fanning's illiterate way Silvedoor. Note 2. Page. 2 O'Neal Henry, of South Carolina. Was in commission under the crown after the surrender of Charleston. His estate was confiscated. Note 3. Page 2. Brown Thomas, of Augusta Geogia. Having openly reviled the Whigs at a dinner party in 1775. he was arrested, tried and condemned to be tarred and W.II.Dhayton V.so* [79] feathered, nnd pnbli. 1\ expo:-ed in a cart, to bedrawu ihtec mile-. r,r unlit he was willing to take an oath to espouse the cause of the republicans. He chose the latter only to get off from a part of the punishment, for he soon joined the British army and was made Lieutenant Colonel. After the fall of Charleston Brown was stationed at Augusta, and while commandant at that place retaliated upon the Whigs, with a fierceness commensurate with his wrath. He sent out de- tachments to burn the dwellings of the patriots in his vicinity and dispatched emissaries among the Indians to incite them to murder the inhabitants on the frontier. His authority for these atrocities was a letter which Cornwallis had sent to the comm.i ,:] the British outposts, ordering that all those who had "taken part in the revolt should be punished with the utmost rigor and also that those who would not turu out should be imprisoned, and their whole property taken from them or destroyed.' Ever) militiaman who had borne arms in the King's service, and afterwards joined the Whigs, was to be "im- mediately hanged. " Brown fulfilled his order to the letter. Officers, soldiers and citizens were brought to the place of execution without being informed why they were taken out of prison. The- morning after the receipt of this letter, five victims wen taken from the jail by order of Col. Brown, all of whom ex- pired on the gibbet. llUfGHill Rotnr, was an Irish settler in the district of Ninet\-six, now Abbeville where he was commissioned a judge in 177<>. He incurred the dis- pleasure of the Whigs in 177.V when be (Unapproved of their proceedings in sua taioing the cause of Massachusetts, and ia the adoption of the non-importation Mt In the Course of that year he was seized and imprisoned in Charleston. His brother. Patrick, assembled a body of friends in order to effect his release. The \\ hig< dispatched Major Williamson with a force to prevent the accom- plishmeutof their object { but Cunningham's party beinir superior be was com- pelled to retreat. A truce or treaty was finally arranged, and both Whigs and Tories disp r-. 1 In July ol I . r| Cunningham was allowed his freedom without condition, and removed to Charleston. In I18O he was created a Brigadier General, and placed in command of a garrison in .Sooth Carolina ; hut in 1781 was at the bead of a force in the field, and encountered Sumter. His estate was lonliMHtU in 17.-J. After the peace he petitioned to be allow >d to continue in South Carolina. His request was refused, and he removed to Nassau. New Providence. Tbe British Government made him a liberal allow- ance for his tones, and give him an annuity. He diril in 1813, aged sixty-four years. Note 5. I' Robinson Joseph. A native of South Carolina who held a royal commission after the capitulation of Charleston. His estate was confiscated. [80] Note G Pa<;e 12. Cunningham William, of South Carolina, was known as "Bloody Bill," and there seems no little evidence to show that he deserveilthe appellation. He com- manded a band of Tory marauders known as the "Bloody Scout" and for awhile iln\ spread terror throughout the region which they infested, embracing the Union and Spartanburg districts and also south of the Ennoree. At the commencement of the war he was inclined to be a Whig, accepted a military commissiun and served in the campaign of 1776. Changing sides, he became an officer and a Major in the service of the Crown, and was engaged in many desperate exploits and hand to hand fights. The most active opponent of this scoundrel was William Beale of Ninety-Six. He formed a scouting party of Whigs and they soon became a terror to the Tories. On one occasion Cunning- ham and his part; plundered the house of Scale's mother during his absence. On his return, Beale went in pursuit, and approaching Cunningham, the latter wheeled, and with a pistol shot Bealc's horse dead. On another occasion Cun- ningham and his party surrounded a house where Beale and a Whig were stay- ing. They heard the approach of the Tories, when rushing to their horses and rattling their swords, Beale gave command as if to a troop. It was dark, and Cunningham who had thirteen men with him tied in great haste. Cunningham's property was confiscated in 1782, and at the close of the war he retreated to Florida. Colonel Hills, whose name appears in this connection was taken prisoner at King's Mountain and was one of the twelve Tories executed after the battle. Colonel Pickens, was the father of the late Governor Andrew Pickens and grandfather of the present Governor Francis Pickens of South Carolina. Note 7. Page 13. De Peysteb Abraham, of New York. He was Captain in the New York volunteers. At the battle of King's Mountain he was second in command, and immediately after the fall of Major Ferguson hoisted a flag as a signal of surrender. He was paid off on the morning of this battle, and his life was saved by a bullet striking a doubloon in the pocket of his vest. He went to St. John, N. B., at the peace, and received half pay. He was treasurer of the colony and a Colonel in the militia. He died about 1798. The action at Musgrove's Mill, on the Ennoree river, is thus mentioned by Lossing : "On the 18th of August, 1780, Col. Williams, (who fell at King's Mountain a few weeks after,) with Colonels Sh elby and Clark, attacked quite a large body of British, under Colonel Innis and Major Fraser, near Musgrove's Mill, upon the Ennoree, in the northeastern corner of Laurens district. Many Tories were collected there, and were joined on the seventeenth by Innis and Fraser. The whole force was about three hundred strong, and were encamped upon the south side of the river, where they commanded a bad rocky ford. The Americans, whose force was much less, took post on the north side upon a small ^ i?S/&<' 91 [81] creek which euipriea into the Ennoree just below the Spartant.urg line, about two miles above Musgrore's Mill. It was agreed that Williams should bare the thief command. He drew up his little army in ambush, in a semicircle within a wood, and then proceeded to entice the enemy across the river. For this pur- pose he took a few picked men, appeared at the ford, and fired upon the enemy. The stratagem was successful. Innis immediately crossed the ford to dislodge the "rebels.'' Williams and his party retreated hotly pursued by Innis until within the area of the patriot ambuscade, when a single shot by Colonel Shelby gave the signal for attack. With a loud shout the concealed Americans arose, and in two minules the Tories were completely surrounded. Colonel Innis was slightly wounded, but, with the larger part of his regulars, he escaped. Major Frascr wts killed with eighty-five others. Colonel Clary, the commander of the militia, escaped, but most of his men were made prisoners. The Americans lost four killed and eleven wounded. Note 8. P\c.r. 1?.. Fercison Major Patrick, was a Scotchman, a son of the eminent jurist. James Ferguson, and nephew of Patrick Murray, (Lord Elibank.) He entered the army in Flanders at theage of eighteen years. He came to America in the spring of 1777, and was active in the battle on the Brandy wine, in Sep- tember of that year. He was active on the Hudson in 177!>, and accompanied Sir Henry Clinton to South Carolina. He invented an improvement in rifles, which was used with much effect. He so distinguished himself at the siege of Charleston ID 178b, thai he was particular); mentioned by the commander in chief. He was on the high road to military fame when he was slain at King's Mountain 7tl\ Oct., 1780 This defeat over the Royal arms was fetal to Lord Corawallis' first invasion of North Carolina. Fanning, it appears, was with M ij. Ferguson on the 2d Oct. on Ferguson's retreat from Gilbcrtlown to k'ine s Mountain. Col. Williams, whose name is mentioned in Note 7, fell in Ibis battle He was a native of Granville county. N. Carolina He moved to S. Carolina in 1773. He early espoMsed the patriot cause. After the battle at Musgrove s Mill he raised a corps of cavalry in N. Carolina, and returning to S. Carolina, con- tinually hovered around Ferguson's camp and winching his movements. He was near Major Ferguson, and both officers received their death wounds at the same moment. He died on the morning afier the battle, and was buried within two miles of the place where he fell. Tradition says his first words after re- viving a little, soon after he was shot, were "For God's sake, boys, don't give up the hill!'' He hail two sods, Daniel and Joseph, of the ages of fourteen and sixteen, in this battle, and both of them escaped unhurt, but were afterwards murdered in cold blood by a band of Tories under Robert Cuniugham, who bad a personal conflict with their father and mother at the beginning of the revo- lution. [82] Note 9. Page 14. His (Cornwnllis) pursuing Gen'l Greene. For nn interesting aeeount of this pursuit see the account in "Lossing's Field Book of the Rovolution." 2nd volume, page COO to 604. Charles, Earl of Pornwallis was born in 1738. In his early career friendly to the cause of the colonists ; sent to America, and was in the battle of Brandy" wine 1777 ; commanded at Camden, S. C, and defeated Oeh'l Gates in' 1786 ; also at Guilford, N. C„ and defeated Gen'l Greene on 15th March, 1781. Surren- dered atYorktown with all his army to Washington 19 Oct., 1781. Governor of East InrHes in I78G. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1798. Governor-General of India in 1804, and died at Ghazcpoore 1805, leaving issue. The di'Ftnicl.">i of the Tories under Col'o Pylc- by Col. Lee was complete. Carulhcr, in his Revolutionary Incidents, or Ola North State in 177G. (page t".l ) slates that Fanning was with I'iles on llii occasion This is an error. Funning sa\s himself that "at this time be was at Deep River." Note 10. Pace 14. ■ Guilford. The bailie of Guilford Comt-Hoiif resulted in the defeat of the Americans. JCJlbough they had double the number of men commanded by Cornwallis, yet they were completely routed ; but the British did not triumph greatly over it, for, when the news reached England, Fox moved iu committee 'That bis .Majesty's Ministers ought immediately to take every possible measure for concluding peace with our American Colonies ;'' and in debate he declared, "Another such victory will ruin the British army." The loss of the British was, in killed and wounded, over six hundred men, besides officers. That of the Americaus about four hundred, and eight hundred and lifty of the Va. and N. C. Militia deserted. Note 11. Pace 18 Hamilton, JotiN. A native of Scotland. Previous to the Revolution he was, for some years, a merchant in the town of Halifax, of much wealth, influence and ssgacity. His Regiment was an important portion of Cornwallis' forces in the campaigns of 1780 and 1781; audit may be well doubted whether any lovnlist in any one of the Provinces served the crown throughout the entire period of the contest with equal ability, fidelity and effect. In 1779 his property was confiscated. He was for many years after the Revolution the British Consul at Norfolk, Va. — See Lectures on Rev. Hist, of A r . C, by Hawks, Swain and Graham, pages 131, 132. Dudley, Gcilford, mentioned by Fanning on page 17, was born in 1756, and resided at Halifax, where he claims to have assisted in raising in 1774 the first volunteer company organized in America for the conflict. In 1776 he served in the campaign which terminated iu the battle of Moore's Creek. He was in the battle of Camden, and bore from Ihe field the gallant Col. Porterfield A. The Adyanct effort ,/' tJi<- GmtBuntali M'/w brofo the British *Vfc5fc. , ,*W« BATTLE OF GUILDFORD -til Fought on the 1.3 Vol' March iy8i Oru English Mi/r . ■Jfr t/iC Untish Americans ifrfil Hon- "*5 I , > -■« fit'- r. •£ • , . ■ U*fi to - * J ♦ : ■ Of f BAT Tl.t London PuHitba March i n i;8;. zJ?/7nn /' // _j^/ ///////>///// ( ■>// ') I 83} mortally wounded. He fought at Hobkirk's Hill, and continued i n the service till the autumn of 1781. He married a niece of John Randolph, of Roanoke, and his son, Dr. J. B. Dudley, published a volume of the letters of the great parliamentarian. For interesting autobiographical notices see papers published in the Southern Library Mmctujer, vol. 2, 144. 3U, 281-3:0. by Charles Campbell. Note 12, ]\\,,i Tirner Robert. Sabine only say, of him, that he was of Guilford county, N. C, and his property- was confiscated in 1770 It is no less true lhan curious of the list of names presented br Fanning as his coadjutors in his dark and bloody acts, how few died natural 'deaths. The antiquarian rcsenrcncs of Gov. SWain, furni,!, the following particulars of their history. Pfenning himself narrow the gibbet in 1800 Wr r*p* com- mitted in St. John, N. B. John- Run, (Major.) was alive in 1 sin in Tennessee, a miller and verv poor. Richard Edwards was killed at Kirk s farm a week before the battle of Cane Creek. Edward Kin urns, his brother, who succeeded to the command, was killed the next week at Lind ley's Mills. Merdeth Edwards. Thomas Dark, Thomas EiMM and Thomas Rickitts were couvi-icl of tre son at Hillsboro in January, 1782, and execnted. John Rains, Br., was killed at Lindlo; .- Mill. John Caglk, or Eagle, hanged at fee Dec. James Rice hanged at sami David Jackson banged in the lower end of Randolph. Stephvx Wumi, tras shot in April. ITS:, by ( ol. (Hudson on Deep River. Jamfs t.iNiit .fv, Simon LiitoleY, were shot in the mountains. Thomas Hi air settled on N™ River, built iron works, and became rich John HcLtift) I sober John.) who had crmrgi Inricewhen a prisoner, 60t,M " n lhl Pe Fear, near the Bluff Church, under the protection of bis whig friend John Smith. Alexander Ml Kay died a rich man in the West Indies. ("apt. Daniel McNeill went to v Col. Pi-wan Ray wen Peter Mai.i.ftt. In regard to this gentleman, (who is specially excepted with Panning and Samuel Andrews in the net of 1783 of pardon and' oblivion,) his autc-hiogrnphy still extant, And other evidence will show that he was the victim of prejudice, arising froi in the commissary department to which he belonged, lie was a man of intelligence and integrity. McDri:Ai.n Am,,. i\, L . ffeSff probably thi McDougal who desired Fanning "not to insert in his narrative anything of hut servessas, as he intend- ed going baclt to North Carolina to live." It being well known that be went to N'ova Scotia, where he regained five or six years, then to London, obtained [84 j a pension, nnd afterwards returned to North Carolina, where he lived to a good old age, raised a respec.tr.ble family, and enjoyed the reputation uf a generous, warm-hearted man. Note 13 Pace 24. druthers gives a graphic account of the attack by Funning on Col. Alston, mentioned by him on page 28, in his interesting revolutionary Incidents; and the heroic conduct of Alston's wife, by whose solicitations Col. Alston's life and that of his men was spared. "The house. " says Dr. Caruthers, "stands now just as it did then, with the exception of some add. .ions, and bears all the marks of war that it had when leltby Fanning." "Xts, Chalmers now lives in the house which was then occupied by Col. Alston. Col. Alston lived only a short time after the war, having been killed byaneg.j whom he had treated with severity or provoked in some way." "Dr. CliPimers, two or three summers ago, travelled through the State of Tennessee, ami became acquainted with the sons of Col. Alston." Note 14. Page 32. Leggett Jobn. Was Captain in Col. Hamilton's Royal North Carolina Regi- ment. Ilis property was confiscated in 1779, and purchased by General Har- rington, who. though he had beet) grcilly injured by him, generously conveyed the land to Legpetl's wife and daughters. Lej'^ett was with Fanning and others at St. Augustine in 178.';, but subsequently returned to North Carolina Note 15 Page 34. McNeil Hfctok In the first military elections after the Royal Government was at an end, he received a commission from the Whigs. But in 177G he appeared in arms against them, and was taken prisoner and confined in jail; subsequently he held the rank of Colonel on the side of the crown, and commanded the Scutch forces uuder Fanning, when Gen. Burke was captured on the 12th (or according to contemporaneous /-cci/tv/*, the 13th) of September, 1781. He is re- presented to have lieen a man of good moral character, and as brave as a lion, lie fell at the head of his command a day or two after the capture of Hillsbo- rough, at the battle of Cane Creek, pierced by five or six balls. Mebaxe. This family is still numerous in Orange, Caswell, Guilford, and other counties in North Carolina; and branches of it have prevaded and populated the States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. It is distinguished for patriotism, integrity and strong common sense. The common ancestor was Alexander, who was a native of Ireland, and who emigrated to Pennsylvania long before our revolution, where he re- mained several years. Hemovedto North Carolina, and settled in the Haw fields, in Orange county. He was skillful and persevering in his business, and acquired considerable wealth. When the Revolution broke out, he, with his sons, took a decided stand for liberty, for which the British and tories committed great depredations upon !«*] his property. Wtwas too old himself tbr servi in the serrtce of the country . I. Wrr.Li.111 was* Captain of Militia, member of the Senate in 1782, twice married, 1st to Miss Abererombie, and 2nd to a danghter of Rev'd Benjamin Rainy : no issue by either. II. RoBaar, the person alluded to by Fanning, a Colonel in the Continental Army, was with Gen 1 Rutherford in 1776, in ''fnowy campaign " against "tin Overhill Cherokee*, remarkable for his athletic ami large person, in many bat- tles and skirmishes with the British and lories, and distinguished for valour M the battle of Cane Creek, where he attncked and defeated Fanning. On his way from lh c (.'aii- Fear country be was killed by Henri Highioner, a nole-I lory and horse thief. Dr John A. Mebane. of Greensboro, has bis sword, Ukeo from a British officer HI. Autisots, horn in Pennsylvania, 20th Nov. 1744 active in the cause of liberty. Commissary at Hillsboro. when Cornwallis took tin town, and nar- rowly escaped on foot, losing a valuable mare, saddle. Iiridle bolsters and pis- tols : member of the Convention or Congn-.-s that met at Halifax Per. 1" form the Constitution of N. C. and of the Convention nt Hillsboro. that rejected the Federal Constitution. Member of House of Commons, in 17R3, with some intermissions, till |fM. Elected hy the Legislature Briga- dier-General. In 1793. elected a member of Congress, and served in Philadelphia. Re-elected to Gbagtess, but died before the session. 5th July. Twice married, 1st Mary Armstrong, by whom he had twelve children (fcmr sons and eight daughters.) and 2nd Eliiaheth Kinchen. by whom he hsd six children, (five sons and one d»uguier.; Of these James Mebane lata of Vanceyville, (father of Giles Mehane. Esq.. now of Alamance I the Ural President of the Dialectic ■ l,o hive Lis portrait in their hall at Chanel Hill, is one William Mehane. late of Mason Hall, (father of Pr Alexander W Mehane, late of Bertie county,) was another, and l>r John A. Mebane, now of Greensboro, is another. IV Johv, late of Chatham, was a Captain in the Revolutionary war, in the cause of his rnnntrv. When Fanning took Hitl«Wo, lie was taken with the Governor, Thomas Burke. William Kinrnen and otheis. bj Tanning, and carried to Wilmington, thence he was takrn to Charleston, long confined there as pris- oner, and suffered extremely from the heat, filth and privation. Member of legislature with intervals from 1790 to 1811. Married Eliraheth . widow of William Kinchen, his lellow-prisoner. A son, John Briggs Mehane was in the Legislature in 1813. and a daughter married Thomas Hill, of Roriioe ham conntv. V. James was an active officer of the Revolution, married Margaret Allen, by whom he left a large family. VI. Davio, the venngest. was not old enouph to do much service hi the war until near the close H» served two tours In the militia. He re. tw) uresenjed Wran£e cj^uuty .in tbe.Uojiau of Comumns. in ItiUfcl,* and, WjtWB* married; 1st Miss Allen, and 2nd Mrs. Young, of Cuflwell. Geo. A- Mel»n*i. postmaster and im-i-chant t.f Ma^oi) IlaU.anri u lar^e family of c»ildr*» still bear. his name. Note 16. Pack 39. - : - . • Faxnih.: Edwa«!«. Hnn/iFabl*. ofSorth C.irr.l ••,., \T«s a u:\Ht? of Long Island, Sew York, m of (VI. Phineai Patlnlttg. He was .vluvatol a* Tale. Cof- lefre, and graduated with honor ir- 17r>7. fie so- * arVrwar** went to Vorfh Carolina- and began the protestor. ui' a lawyer Hf JFlillsbor4H«b, then railed Cbildshorough. In tT60-the degTc* ofL.T,. Dl \t'* < un'fi-rred npon liim by his ntma' mater. ■ In 1763 he wa? appointed Colonel of Orange rotimr and in 17G5 was'raade elerk- or" the Stipe'rior ' Oonit af Wfflw>oro8§nV Tie also represented Orange county in the Colonial Legislature. In < ommon with other crown of- ficer?, ho appears to have exacted exorbitant (res %'r legal serT'icVj, and conse- quently incurred the dislike of tire people, which 'trite finally manifested' by acts' of violence. He aerotripanietl Go-wnor Tryrin '..vNew York lr» T7T1 ai'htl secretary. Governor Martin "asked the EegtsU** * to indemnify folonel Fan- ning for bis losses; the ■representative'o nf t|*o pTBbjrfe rebutted the (loveraorfot ^wesenling such a petition. In 1776 Genistal. How e gare Fanning the comrnisi sioo of Ooloari, and be raised and commanded a. corps called lite King's Amr*- am 'Rtyimnitof thot. Hems afterward* appointed, to the lucrative office tff Surveyor-General; which he retained until his flight. With other Loyalists, re Nora 8eotr.i in 17B3. In 178S he. wtta raade Oeottiianr-'ttoTertar' of 5ova Scotia, and in . liMhaWks appointed Governor of l*ri»ce Jilnuii Island. He held the latter oflicc about nineteen years, a part of which time be wis also a Brigadier in the British army, having received his commissioa in lttO*. He died in Loudon in 1S18. He wis iq no way related t6 IHuiirl Fanning, and though a man of more, extensive attainments aad Imposing ad,dw**> had lesa ability thau his bold bad. namesake. . Note 17. Page 39. Klsg's Americans. This is the body .of soM.ie.js alluded, to in U>« piectdiag note as the "King's American Regiment of Foot,'' of Lossing/s, b>W book, an4. as the "Associated Refugees, or King's American. Regiment*" of Sabine's Loy" alists. The "letter". mentioned in the text Wrme «f the ominous WEiktioned, 10 thejjreface. Not* 18. PAOB42.. '- ■• JACKSON 1).»yib. CJaptaio of a corps t>( ' Loyalists j was Wket* prisoner >»' Colonel Caswell at Moore's Creek in 1776. .-.■..■ . . .■...• Note 19. Page SJi "Hand aku Abu." Governor Mattin'a proclamation- of Ure 2iMh a* Becember ucecading, (jmge.42,) concladie*, "Give*' iw»de« >«.v Wml a—i- of -utrmt at" f " W GENERAL KDMT T \P FAXMMi. m Moisrw/' ^^f-W>^ [»*}. Halifax. Fanning, in imitxutia •*'«!« l^weriwr, either through ignorance otioJeafion, nts, "girta tuadcr «nv Li*J and arm as afonsaad. "There was.' The word "no" i» ,ev idently , omitted here, as Col. Balfour certainly meant to say ''There was no restiop place for a Tory's loot uiion the far*. Balfoir Andrew, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, of rcspectabU He arrived in America in 17T2, andseMjedalXewpurt. Rhode Island. In 1777 he went to Charleston, South (.ir.imi, 31K • makinp salt. He rvujavcd to Salisbury, Xortfi Carolina A or ouiiuned lands it cloiph comity . He was a member of the Legislator* from this county iu . Such was his activity in the cause of hie adopted country, lli:it he was taken prisoner in the fall of this yea ird, father of the Hon August 10* H. Shepsrd, by a parti of Tones under the ooatrruuid »f Col. tuulson Wbau carij iug tuein as prisoners to Cneraw they were released •> Captain Cbilds. from Monifeaiciy cuuniv. lie returned to bL, In. roe >l>i his bbus* was attacked by Fanning, and he was cruelly mat Fanning, bis daughter and sister clinging to him in March, 1782. Hiswidow, who ant M North CaroTiai after hs death, was match respected , and held the office of Fost Master nt Salisbury until 1815, aiscaarging iat d«1i*» with great fid' ,t; and lary lirnly, and had nine > liildrfti, fin -ons and fm ■ chom removed to la* •*•! sairvpt \r>» Klixi Prakr ni*. of O'. Drakf rgrrter Tibliy married John Troy, wn" hsd three i+'Mren -tr Tror, nenr of Randolph eo. Margaret a county in I si:t, and Rachel, who married Lew is He> ilurd nd remaining child, Mar- garet, married II. (Utters, one of whom man I 21. P*ii Sir ' afterwards Lord Dor- c&aatar, was U'atf «a >nrt «»-iaater aitae storming o+Qlahor.Taa 1 'waW apaaiurV d a Major in the British arm* in 1772 In 1774 he *»!» censttTr'teft Oataintl^a.' oral and Governor of British at (Jnehi c when cans to raise the seige In 177': he recapture! Crown l'oint. He w. and was in cotum ind of the 1 the2r.th of ' rears. fully commanded the (impelled the Ameri- '" the province. In OctabaT in military command I linton in 1782, ■ H< died in Knglsnd at the anicl, 21. Wm.,22 Bird, Bich'd, 20. Burke. (Jnv'r, (taken by Faunii 35. Bullcr, Gen I, 35 :*'■. 1 Bryan, Cnpt. John, (1 heroism, 53.) BalUnejill Col , 68, (see noki Brvan. Sani'l, M. Baron. 1 >r Blair. Thonins, (see note CUNNINGHAM, William, vii, 12, for biograpbj of, sec note ft. RoWt, 2, 12, for biography of, see note 4. Cherokee Indians, 3, 4. Pornwiillis. T... Collier, Ool., IT. Craig j Currie. Jo?., 21. -13. 44, I'.. 52. William, 21. (marriocl. (agio, or Cayli 1 51 note 12 Win., 31. Creak, battle of, 35. Caniphell, Charles, Alexander; 67 ■use linrnt. , 13. Claik, A. ton, Cape, Capcrt '.. note M. Champnisa, John »ll, Rich d, \tt. Carle!. . 21. DARK, Thomas, 21, see hot* 1?. hiicI, 21 . Depyster, i 1 ". 1 5 Duck, Cnpt . 14. Dixon's Mill, on ( l;.. Pudly,- Col.. IT, IB, fe« see note 11. Donnelly, Thos., 20. Deaton, Wm., 21 . Dunn, Wm Drowning Creek, battle of. 38. LUiW'on. .Mines, 39. Dugen, Maj., 54, (letter from 57.) Dupont, Col., 65. Dawkins, Geo., 67. Dundas, Thos., 73. ^. ,__ ELLWOOD, Wm., 18. Ellett, James. 21. Tlios., 21. Erwin, John, 21. Edwards, Bich'd, 22. Mciiday, 22, Inn./, see note 12 ..tell!. Estviek, 'i Ivl..-hill, Thumn.. [ Eastridge, Thos., see note 12. FAWNING, Uavid, vi, vii, 14, I g5| ,1 ; 1. ■ r ;>sim. William, 22, Hun. Edmoud, sccuote 16. Fletchall, Thomas, l. 2, 3, biography and letter uf, see note 1. Pair, Cap1 , l«. Ferguson, Patrick, 13, 23, fur biographj a£ sa? nq{e a. Fincannon, Wm., 20. Fait&rest, see note l. GILLIAN, Capt., 8. Greene, Gen' I, 14. Gutterell, Col., Gbolston, Wm., ('apt., 50, house burnt, 43. Griffith, Major, Roger, h-tter from, M. Guin, Edward, Capt., letter of 58j Galliard, John. 05, see note 24. Greenwood, Wm., G5, note 25. Gray, Col., G:>. HAMILTON, Col. John, 14, Is, 65, «7, 66. (J'ur sketch sec Hole 11.1 iin_'>. Julin^S. Hesdrick's Mill, 3. Hinds, Capt. John, 16. Hillis, Wm., 21. duusucker. Wm., 21. odSerJwm , 21,37, married 59, and shot. Holloway, Stephi i Hancock. Win, 22. dodge, Jos.. 22. | Hinds, Capt., 40. Hunter, Amln-u , , >cipc „f, with Fan- ning* mare, 82. letter from, G3. refused five no- rues fur the man •"-'- Hopton, John, 6b, note 27. Hunter, Peter, To INNIS, Col., 13. Isaacs, Col. 41, 42, 43. , , . Inglis, Thos., 65. itifl JACKSON, David, 42, hung, 54, see notes 12, 18. Johnston, Rob't, 05. James, 65... 'lofl KING, Wm., 21. Kendrick, Martin. 22. Knuwlcs, Maj., rebel, killed, 37 Knight, ('apt., 37'. Kennedy Capt., taken liy Fanning. 4u. LATHAM, Cornelius, 20. Lindley, James, 1, see nut. 12. Win., 21. Little River, 3. Lee, Cul , 14. Leggett, Capt., 32, 67, 71, note 14. Lindly's Mill, on Cane Creek, battle of, 35. Luttrell, Cul., killed at battle of Cane Or-ck. ::,. Undl.r, C . i I • | l-Of.p. I:i,.t .. |0. ..I0*T Morphj, Judfe, u. McBride, Arch., Hon.. w. McDou ..1.1 .\, 34| ^^ Mill?. Col., r, tee noti Mnagrove'e Mill, l.i^ '"""• '7. McPhersoo, Wm McDowell, Thomas, 22. IMiu.A..- . . Martin, MurcWl Mrl.,m,|. Wm., 22, AU-.x . McKnight, Wm., 22. Mrl'.ilK- Mill, 3J McNea], II, ^ ote 16. M.lir. ,,, jn Malcolm, an. M'lai.r, Etobl . mi I'nnf Crack i.atiio, m note I:.. William, set- note 15. AN.xamler, see note K, ■ note 1 5 not< IS McCraw, Uex., Mi Donald, Dan'l, Martin, Goi r, proclamation of 41. S i Millar, Andrew, 65, m Mclnnis, Mall, ii, Peter, 7 1, note 12. d, John, note 12. NINETY-SIX, Kort. 2, 3, 5. 1, 9, i Nelson, lb m, M Hist, Rent [M] l> VK U., Hugh :;■ PARIS, or l':„i.J,, Ri,ir,! .. , 13. s plantation, •). Pickens, Col., 12, see bole 6, I ■■ Price, w i. . i Phillip - Col. Powell. Rol RABI anchor I i Uacd.i I . 1 Robi : , William, 1 1 45, Ifi Roberts -. 68. Ri-kel [92] Rice, James, note 12. Ray, Duncan, note 12. S1LVED00R, Rev'd Mr., 1, (Salvador, see note 1. i Smith, Capt., 5. Samuel, 6. Salisbury, 8. Spiuks, John, 20. Shields, Benj , 21. Reuben, 22. Smith, Fred., 21. Adam, 21. Smally, Abner, 22, 51. Slingsby, Col., 32, 33. Stinsou, Capt.. -J 2. Starkcy, E., speaker of house of com- mons, i3. TORK, (.'apt. John, 5, 6 Tiger River, C. Turner, Rob't, 21. Thompson, a Rebel, taken niug. 44 Thorn} son, Balaam, 49. Tcnnents, Rev'd Win., note I. VE1TTS, Rer'd Roger, xvi. Walker, Stephen, 21, 44, 45, 62, see note 12. Williams, Col., vii, 12, 13. Williamson, Sen"!, 12. Wollaston, Ebenczer, 20, 36. Wade, Col., 32. Watson, John, 39. Williams, Jas., 44,45, 46, 48, 49, 58. Williams, Capt., 55. Wilson, Jos., ft. Williams, Edw'd, letter to Fanning, 63 Rob't, 65, see note 23. Wells, Dr. Wm, Charles, Whiteley, Moses, 6?. Whisunpunt, Philip, 68. Williams, Col., see note 8 Rebel, by Fan- - EREATA. To present a truthful portraiture of the man and the times, it was proper to print his Journal precisely as he wrote it himself. The orthography is not less faulty in the use of proper names than in general words. A few corrections may he proper to identify the persons to whom he refers. On page 13, 5th line, Musgrovi .Mills should be Musgrove. On page 26 Forgesson should be Ferguson. On page 18, 16th line, Elwood should be Elrod. -Col. Elrod's humanity ren- dered him obnoxious to Fanning. — See Caruthers Old North Stole, vol. 1, 175. On page 37, 3d line, Col. Guttereil should be Luttrell. Un page 63, 25th line, Garner should be Oainey,a famous tory leader in S. C, On page 73, 32d line, Starke should be Starkey. The reader will readily correct the following : Un page xi L. D. Swain should be printed D. L. On page xiv, for provinces read province. On page 22 Maunep should be Mauney. On pages 5 and 6 Tork should be York. On page C3 Whisunpunt should Be Wbisenhunt. $4v wmm mm , . If ... in »A. tk mm*