DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/unionleagueclubo01unio Clj? llxmm ifoagu? Club OF NEW YORK April ist, 1905 HOUSE FIFTH AVENUE, CORNER OF EAST THIRTY-NINTH STREET MCMV Organized February 6, 1863 Incorporated February 16, 1865 Club-House, No. 26 East Seventeenth Street. Opened May 12, 1863 Club-House, Madison Avenue, cor. East Twenty-sixth Street, Opened April 1, 1868 Club-House, Fifth Avenue, cor. Thirty-ninth Street, Opened March 5, 1881 STYLES & CASH NEW YORK 2,(e3, vu^i CONTENTS PAGE Presidents, List of 5 Secretaries, List of ....... 6 Treasurers, List of ....... 7 Officers for 1905 8 Charter ........ 15 Articles of Association 18 By-Laws 19 Of Officers and their Duties 19 Of Meetings 29 Of Members ........ 33 Of Strangers ........ 37 Miscellaneous 38 House Rules . 41 Hours 41 Visitors 41 Indebtedness to the Club ..... 42 Private Dining Rooms 43 Lodgings 43 Club Hall 44 Servants 44 Gratuities Forbidden 44 Restrictions . 44 Barber Shop 46 Complaints 46 Reports Executive Committee 49 Finance Committee 55 3 4 Contents PAGE Reports ( Continued ) Treasurer 57 Auditors . . 62 Committee on Library and Publications . . 63 Committee on Art 78 Committee on Political Reform .... 79 Honorary Members '81 Members 85 In Memoriam, Honorary Members 117 In Memoriam, Members 121 Index . , 157 PRESIDENTS ROBERT B. MINTURN JONATHAN STURGES CHARLES H. MARSHALL JOHN JAY JACKSON S. SCHULTZ WILLIAM J. HOPPIN . JOSEPH H. CHOATE . JOHN JAY GEORGE CABOT WARD HAMILTON FISH . WILLIAM M. EVARTS CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW HORACE PORTER ELIHU ROOT . FREDERICK D. TAPPEN CORNELIUS N. BLISS 1863 1864 1865 1866-1869 1870 1871-1872 1873-1876 1877 1878 1879-1881 1882-1885 1886-1892 1893-1897 1898-1899 1900-1901 1902-1905 5 SECRETARIES OTIS D. SWAN .... 1863-1 CHARLES S. WEYMAN . . . 1 J. LANGDON WARD . • . 1868-1 GEORGE H. B. HILL . . . 1871-1 LOUIS C. LEWIS .... 1876-1 CHARLES A. PEABODY, Jr. . . 1 WALTER HOWE .... 1880-1 DAVID MILLIKEN, Jr. . . 1882-1 GRANVILLE P. HAWES . . 1887-1 SIGOURNEY W. FAY 1 J. SEAVER PAGE .... 1890-1 JOHN R. VAN WORMER . . 1892-1 GEO. BETHUNE ADAMS . . 1894-1 WALTER C. GILSON . . . 1896-1 GEORGE S. TERRY . . . 1898-1 HENRY W. HAYDEN . . . 1903-1 866 867 870 875 878 879 881 886 888 889 891 893 895 898 902 9°5 t> TREASURERS WILLIAM J. HOPPIN . . . 1863-1866 GEORGE CABOT WARD . . 1867-1877 CHARLES LANIER .... 1878 GEORGE F. BAKER . . . 1879-1883 GEORGE MONTAGUE . . . 1884-1894 WILLIAM G. WHITE . . . 1894-1902 ANDREW MILLS .... 1902-1905 7 OFFICERS FOR 1905 president CORNELIUS N. BLISS JOHN PROCTOR CLARKE GEORGE F. CRANE THOMAS L. JAMES GEORGE H. ROBINSON Secretary HENRY W. HAYDEN ttMce=ip>re6f&enta Class of 1905 Class of igo6 WARNER MILLER JOHN H. STARIN E. B. HINSDALE SETH M. MILLIKEN EDWARD T. BARTLETT FRANKLIN MURPHY WILLIAM D. GUTHRIE SAMUEL W. FAIRCHILD Class of igo7 {Treasurer ANDREW MILLS 8 Officers for 1905 9 Executive Committee JOHN C. TAPPIN, Chairman Secretary — The Secretary of the Club Class of 1905 GIRARD C. W. LOWREY CORCELLUS H. HACKETT WILLIAM R. WILLCOX THOMAS B. KENT JOHN C. TAPPIN Class of 1906 HARRIS C. FAHNESTOCK BAYARD DOMINICK ANSON G. McCOOK CLARENCE S. DAY HOFFMAN MILLER Class of 1907 WILLIAM BARBOUR WALTER R. GILLETTE CHARLES F. BROOKER A. BARTON HEPBURN JOHN J. SINCLAIR The President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Club. ex-officio finance Committee WILLIAM A. NASH, Chairman Secretary — The Secretary of the Club GEORGE F. BAKER WILLIAM H. PERKINS WM. WINSLOW SHERMAN JOHN W. STERLING The President of the Club, ex-officio l&ouse Committee HOFFMAN MILLER, Chairman WALTER R. GILLETTE BAYARD DOMINICK IO The Union League Club Committee on Emissions STEPHEN BAKER, Chairman Secretary — The Secretary of the Club Class of 1905 GILES E. TAINTOR THOMAS F. LEE STEPHEN BAKER EDWARD D. FAULKNER EDWIN E. JACKSON, Jr. Class of igo6 FREDERIC B. ELLIOTT GORDON WENDELL CLARENCE W. BOWEN JOHN V. BLACK CHARLES H. BLAIR Class of 1907 OLIVER G. BARTON JORDAN J. ROLLINS FRANK H. PARTRIDGE DAVID B. SIMPSON HENRY C. SWORDS The President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Club ex-officio Committee on Xlbrare anb publications HARRISON K. BIRD, Chairman HENRY COLE QUINBY, Secretary Class of 1905 HARRISON K. BIRD CHRISTOPHER R. CORNING HENRY COLE QUINBY Class of 1906 Class of 1907 CHARLES H. LANE JAMES SINCLAIR ARMSTRONG DANIEL LEWIS JAMES D. HAGUE BENJAMIN T. FAIRCHILD THEODORE E. LEEDS The President of the Club, ex-officio Officers for 1905 1 1 Committee on Brt ABRAHAM A. ANDERSON, Chairman PAULDING FARNHAM, Secretary ABRAHAM A. ANDERSON PAULDING FARNHAM EDWARD C. VAN GLAHN CHARLES P. H. GILBERT CLARKSON COWL LOUIS C. TIFFANY HENRY B. WILSON The President of the Club, ex-officio Committee on political TRefotm CEPHAS BRAINERD, Chairman CHARLES T. HARBECK, Secretary GEORGE B. AGNEW JAMES A. BLANCHARD CEPHAS BRAINERD EDWARD F. BROWN CHARLES T. HARBECK WILLIAM MITCHELL WILLIAM D. MURPHY JOHN C. O’CONOR WILLIAM CONANT CHURCH CHARLES W. WATSON JUSTUS A. B. COWLES DAVID WILLCOX JOHN S. WISE The President of the Club, ex-officio SuDltlng Committee WILLIAM T. CORNELL, Chairman GEORGE S. EDGELL WILLIAM H. REMICK The President of the Club, ex-officio I CHARTER AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 13 •* CHARTER AN ACT TO INCORPORATE “THE UNION LEAGUE CLUB” OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Passed February 16, 1865 As Amended by Chap. 160, Laws of 1867, Passed March 26, 1867 As Amended by Chap. 423, Laws of 1874, Passed May ii, 1874 The People of the State of New York , represented in Seriate and Assembly , do enact as follows : Section i. Cornelius R. Agnew, Horatio Allen, James W. Beekman, Henry W. Bellows, Francis B. Cutting, John A. Dix, Wolcott Gibbs, John C. Green, George Griswold, David Hoadley, Murray Hoffman, William J. Hoppin, Charles King, Charles FI. Mar- shall, Willard Parker, George T. Strong, Jonathan Sturges, Otis D. Swan, Moses Taylor, and such other persons as now are members of an Association in the city of New York called “The Union League Club,” and such persons as hereafter shall become members of the corporation hereby created, are constituted a 15 i6 The Union League Club body corporate, by the name of “ The Union League Club,” to be located in the city of New York, to promote, encourage, and sustain, by all proper means absolute and unqualified loyalty to the Government of the United States; to discountenance and rebuke, by moral and social influences, all disloyalty to said Government, and every attempt against the integrity of the nation; and, in furtherance of these objects, to establish and maintain a Library and a Gallery of Art and Military Trophies, especially devoted to the perpetuation and illustration of the patriotic ser- vices and sacrifices by which the existing struggle against rebellion has been characterized. Sec. 2. Said corporation shall have power to make and adopt a constitution, by-laws, rules, and regulations for the admission, suspension, and ex- pulsion of its members, and their government, the collection of fees and dues, the number and election of its officers, and to define their duties, and for the safe keeping of its property, and from time to time to alter, modify, or change such constitution, by- laws, rules, and regulations. Until an election shall be held pursuant to such constitution, by-laws, rules, and regulations, the officers, for the time being, of the Association, mentioned in the first section of this act, shall be the officers of the corporation hereby created. Sec. 3. Said corporation may purchase and hold, or lease, any real or personal estate necessary and proper for the purposes of its incorporation, provided Charter 17 they shall not hold any real estate the value of which shall exceed fifteen hundred thousand dollars ; and the said corporation may issue bonds and may exe- cute mortgages upon their real estate to an amount not exceeding the value of such real estate and the improvements thereon. Sec. 4. Said corporation shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the restrictions and lia- bilities described in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect immediately. THE UNION LEAGUE CLUB OF NEW YORK ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 1. The condition of membership shall be absolute and unqualified loyalty to the Government of the United States, and unwavering support of its efforts for the suppression of the Rebellion. 2. The primary object of the Association shall be to discountenance and rebuke, by moral and social influences, all disloyalty to the Federal Government, and to that end the members will use every proper means in public and private. 3. We pledge ourselves, by every means in our power, collectively and individually, to resist to the uttermost every attempt against the territorial in- tegrity of the nation. ADDITIONAL ARTICLE OF ASSOCIATION, ADOPTED JANUARY 11, 1866 4. It shall be the duty of the Club to resist and expose corruption, and promote reform in our Na- tional, State, and Municipal affairs, and to elevate the idea of American citizenship. is BY-LAWS OF OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES 1. The officers of The Union League Club shall be a President, twelve Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and the members of the fol- officers and lowing Standing Committees: Executive theirduties Committee, Finance Committee, Committee on Ad- missions, Committee on Library and Publications, Committee on Art, Committee on Political Reform, and Auditing Committee ; all of whom shall be elected by the members of the Club, at the annual meetings, and shall serve until their successors shall have been elected respectively, except so far as is otherwise provided by By-Law No. 17. 2. The Vice-Presidents shall be divided into three classes of four each. The annual election, to be held on the 14th day of January, 1892, shall be p for twelve, who shall classify themselves dents, how elected by lot, four of whom to hold office for two years, and four to hold office for three years ; and thereafter each annual election shall be for four to hold office for three years. 19 20 The Union League Club 3. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice- Duties of President senior in order of election, and president present, shall preside at all meetings of the Club. In the absence of the President and all Presiding the Vice-Presidents, a presiding officer absen F ce n of shall be chosen, without ballot, from the andvlce- members of the Club. The President presidents s p a p p e) ex-officio , a member of the Exe- cutive and other Standing Committees. 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of the pro- ceedings of the Club, and of the Executive Corn- Duties of mittee and the Committee on Admissions secretary ( 0 f .^pjgh Committees he shall be, ex- officio ', a member), and of all matters of which a record shall be deemed advisable by the Club, or by said Committees. The records of the Secretary, except those of the proceedings of the Committee on Admissions, shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of any member of the Club. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify members of their election, to keep a roll of the members of the Club, to issue notices for all meetings of the Club (with a brief mention of the business to be trans- acted when a special meeting is called), and to con- duct the correspondence. He shall also be the keeper of the seal of the Club. 5. The Treasurer shall collect, and, under the direction of the Executive Committee, disburse the Duties of funds. He shall keep the accounts of Treasurer t p e i n books belonging to it, which By-Laws 2 I shall be at all times open to the inspection of the Executive Committee : he shall report, in writing, at each monthly meeting of the Executive Com- mittee the balance of money on hand, and the out- standing obligations of the Club so far as practic- able, and he shall make a full report, at the Annual Meeting of the Club, of the receipts and disburse- ments of the past year, with such suggestions as to the financial management of the Club as he may deem proper. He shall turn over to the Fin- ance Committee at the end of each year all surplus and unappropriated moneys which remain in his hands after payment in full of the disbursements and expenses of each year. In case of the death of the Treasurer the Executive Committee may appoint a Treasurer pro tem. to serve until the vacancy is filled by the Club. In the event of the disability of the Treasurer from any cause, the Executive Committee may appoint a Treasurer pro tem. to serve during such disability or until action is taken by the Club. He shall be, ex- officio, a member of the Executive Committee and Committee on Admissions. 6. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall respec- tively have power, with the approval of secretary the Executive Committee, to employ, at Treasurer to employ the expense of the Club, such clerical aid clerical aid as may be necessary in the discharge of their duties. 7. The general affairs of the Club shall be man- aged by the Executive Committee, consisting of 22 The Union League Club fifteen members. The Executive Committee shall, subject in all respects (except as to expenditures) to such instructions and limitations as Duties of . Executive may be from time to time prescribed by the Club, Committee exercise a general superin- tendence over the internal affairs of the Club ; shall control and manage its property; and enforce the preservation of order and obedience to its rules. All appropriations of the funds of the Club, except as provided in the 16th By-Law, and all directions for the use of the Hall or Club-rooms for other than for Club purposes, shall be made by the Executive Com- mittee. It shall make all necessary pur- Shall make , J r an purchases chases and contracts, but shall have no and contracts power to make the Club liable for any debt or debts to an amount exceeding one-half that which, at the time of contracting the same, shall be in the Treasurer’s hands in cash, and not subject to prior liabilities, or which can not, in the opinion of the Committee, be paid out of the income of the cur- rent year, and no expenditure exceeding one thou- sand dollars shall be made unless authorized at a meeting of the Committee by a two-thirds vote of the members present. At every annual meeting it shall report its proceedings, and may, at any time, recom- mend such measures as it may deem advisable. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Shall appoint . - House com- House Committee of three members, and shall from time to time declare its duties, but such House Committee shall not incur any debt, By-Laws 2 3 or involve the Club in any expenditures of money for any purpose, other than the ordinary and usual running expenses of the house, without previous ex- press authority from the Executive Committee, ex- cept to meet some extraordinary and imperative emergency. Whenever a Special Committee of the Club at large shall be appointed, a majority thereof shall be those not members of the Executive Com- mittee. The Executive Committee is divided into three classes of five members each, and hereafter each annual election shall be for five members of said Committee, to hold office three years, to supply the place of the class retiring each year, and for such additional number, if any, as may be necessary to fill vacancies, to hold office during the remainder of the terms of the members whose places they fill. No member of the Club who may have served on the Committee for three successive years shall, after the next annual election, be eligible again until at least one year after the expiration of his previous term of office. 8. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in each month for the transaction of business, and eight members thereof shall be a quorum, except during the months of June, July, August, September, and Oc- tober, when five members shall constitute a quorum. 9. The Committee on Admissions shall consist of Meetings of Executive Committee and number constituting a quorum No member eligible for re-election on Executive Committee until, etc. 24 The Union League Club fifteen members, and shall be divided into three classes of five members each. The annual election committee to be held on the 13th day of January, s ions') 'how 1 88 7 , shall be for fifteen members, five classified o £ w j lom to office for one year, five to hold office for two years, five to hold office for three years, and thereafter each annual election shall be for five members of said Committee, to hold office for three years. The names and residences of all per- sons proposed for admission, with the name and sig- nature of the member proposing them, and of the members seconding them, and date of posting, shall be first posted in a conspicuous place in the Club- house, at least fifteen days. They shall then be re- Proceedings ferred to the Committee on Admissions, secret'and* 66 the proceedings of which Committee there- confidentiai on s h a ii he secret and confidential, and no member of such Committee shall be questioned as to the actions of the Committee. It shall be the duty of the Committee to make careful examination, and to consider all communications in reference to each in- dividual proposed : it shall pass upon each Candidates , , . f passed upon name separately ; but it shall not at any separately , , time pass upon any greater number of names than there are at that time vacancies to be filled under the 31st By-Law. Two negative votes two negative in the Committee shall prevent the re- votes shall . , prevent commendation of any person for member- ship. The Committee shall fix its own place and time of meeting. At every monthly meeting the By-Laws 25 Committee shall report the names of such persons proposed as it recommends for admission ; and the Club shall thereupon proceed to vote, by Negative ballot, upon the names so recommended. VO ci e ude°a e ny Negative votes to the number of one-third candidate of those cast shall exclude any person. Members shall be elected only at the regular monthly meet- ing, but any non-resident member may at Non-resident . . , , member may any time be classed as a resident member be classed as ........ . - ~ a Resident by signifying his intention to that effect to member the Treasurer, and paying a further admission fee of one hundred and fifty dollars, and he shall hence- forth pay the full annual dues. 10. No person shall be admitted to be a member of the Club who is not at the time a citizen of the United States, having a right to vote, and who does not answer to the following requirements candidate of the original Articles of Association of citizen of the Club: United States “The condition of membership shall be absolute and unqualified loyalty to the Government of the United States.” And every person elected a member shall pledge himself to do all in his power to carry out the primary objects of the Club, which are to discoun- condition of tenance and rebuke, by moral and social Membershl P influences, and by all proper means, both in public and private, all disloyalty to the Federal Govern- ment, and to resist to the uttermost every attempt against the territorial integrity of the nation. 26 The Union League Club n. No candidate who shall have failed to be elected by the Club shall be again proposed for one year, except upon the recommendation of No candidate , ’ . r shall be again the Executive Committee, such recom- proposed for . one year, ex- mendation to be posted at least two cept, etc. . weeks prior to a monthly meeting. If any person elected shall not, within thirty days after notice of his election, left at or sent to when candi- his address, as specified by the member date shall be . ..... deemed to proposing him, signify his acceptance and have declined , ...... . . . election pay his admission tee and annual dues, he shall be deemed to have declined to become a member. 12. The Committee on Library and Publications shall consist of nine members, and shall be divided into three classes of three members each. The an- committee on nual election to be held on the 14th day Publications, of Tanuary, 1802, shall be for nine mem- how classified and its duties bers, three of whom to hold office for one year, three to hold office for two years, and three to hold office for three years; and thereafter each an- nual election shall be for three members of said Com- mittee to hold office for three years, to supply the place of the class retiring each year, and for such additional number, if any, as may be necessary to fill vacancies, to hold office during the remainder of the terms of the members whose places they fill. The Committee shall have charge of the Library and Reading-room, with authority to expend such sums of money upon the same as may be voted therefor by By-Laws 27 the Executive Committee or procured by voluntary subscription. 13. The Committee on Art shall consist of seven members. It shall be the duty of the Committee to expend such sums as shall be appropriated Duties of the . . . Committee on by the Executive Committee, or obtained An by voluntary subscription, for procuring works of art and relics, and to make all proper efforts to en- large and display the collection ; and to procure and display in the Club-house from time to time loan collections of works of art. 14. The Auditing Committee shall consist of three persons, two of whom shall be a quorum. The duty of the Auditing Committee shall be Duties oi Auditing to audit and settle the accounts of the committee Treasurer and Finance Committee, and to present its report thereof at each annual meeting. 15. The Committee on Political Reform shall consist of thirteen members, and shall have general charge of all matters coming under the Duties of the Fourth Article of the Association, with o'n’poTiUca! authority to expend such sums of money as shall be appropriated to it by the Executive Com- mittee or obtained by voluntary subscription. 16. The Finance Committee shall consist of five members, none of whom shall at the time of their election be members of the Executive Finance com- mittee shall Committee. They shall be elected by beeiectedoniy upon the nom- the Club by ballot at a regular meeting ination of the J . . Executive thereof, and only upon the nomination of committee 28 The Union League Club the Executive Committee, which nomination shall be made at a regular meeting previous to that at which such election takes place. The members of said Committee shall hold their offices until death, resignation, or removal for cause, vacancies and every vacancy occurring in the said ?n C Fin"nce Committee shall be filled by the Club, on committee nomination of the Executive Com- mittee, in the same manner and under the same re- strictions as hereinbefore provided. The Treasurer shall pay over to the said Corn- Treasurer mittee at the end of each year all surplus over to and unappropriated moneys which remain committee in his hands after payment in full of the disbursements and expenses of each year. The moneys, the securities, and the proceeds of Funds in the securities so received by the said Financ° f Finance Committee shall be invested in shan"be tee the securities of the United States, or of invested the State of New York, or in such other securities as are considered by it safe and competent investments for trust funds. Full power and au- thority is conferred upon the said Finance fon t ect r and to Committee to collect and receive such in- receive come, interests, and profits, and from time to time dispose of the said securities for the purposes aforesaid, and which shall continue to be invested as a reserve fund, until the further resolution of the Club, in relation thereto, adopted on the recommend- ation of the Executive Committee and upon the same By-Laws 29 notice and by the same vote which is required for an amendment of these By-Laws. The Secretary of the Club shall be the Secretary of the Finance Committee. 1 7. Any officer may be removed for cause, at any meeting of the Club, upon two weeks’ Any officer notice, and any vacancy in any office may "i^ved for be filled for the residue of the term by the Club, at any meeting thereof, except as herein otherwise provided. Neglect on the part of any member of a Standing or Special Committee to attend three consecutive meetings of such Committee shall be deemed a ten- der of his resignation of his office, which the Committee may accept, unless an explan- ation of such neglect, satisfactory to the Committee, shall be given. Every Standing Committee, except the Finance Committee, shall have power to fill any committees vacancy in its membership until the next havinEP t ° 0 W fii! annual election, which shall be more than vacancies ten days after the vacancy occurs. Neglect of member of Standing or Special Committee to attend meetings OF MEETINGS 18. The annual meeting of the Club shall be held on the second Thursday of January, for Annual meet, the election of officers and the transaction m g° ftheClul > of such other business as may come before it. The general meeting shall be held at eight o’clock The Union League Club 30 p. m., but the polls for the election shall be opened at half-past six o’clock p. m., and they shall remain open for three hours. At the monthly meeting in December in each year, a Committee of seven shall be chosen by the Club at Nominating large, who shall select and post in a con- ^Tbc tee spicuous place in the Club-house, at least ten days before the annual meeting, the name of a candidate for each office to be filled at the ensuing election. Any twenty-five members of the Club may propose seven names for the Nominat- ing Committee. Such proposal shall be in writing, delivered to the Secretary, and posted at least twenty days before the December meeting. No member shall unite in the proposal of more than seven names for such Committee. At least ten days before the December meeting, the Secretary shall mail to each member of the Club a printed list of all the names so proposed. At the December meeting the Club shall elect such Committee by ballot. Each member present may vote by ballot for not exceeding seven persons on such list by erasing the names committeef of the others, if any, with ink or pencil, and depositing the list as a ballot for the names not marked. The seven members upon such list re- ceiving the highest number of votes shall be the Nominating Committee. At the same meeting six inspectors and canvassers of the ensuing election shall be elected in such manner as shall then be de- termined, any three of whom shall be a quorum, and By-Laws 3i Monthly meetings of Club if vacancies shall occur, they may be filled at or be- fore the election by the Executive Committee. The rules and orders of Cushing’s Manual shall govern the meetings of the Club, so far as Cushing's they are applicable and not inconsistent governmeet! with these By-Laws. ings of club One hundred members shall be a quorum at all meetings of the Club. 19. There shall be a monthly meeting for the election of members and the transaction of business on the second Thursday of every month, except July and August, at 8 p. m. 20. Special meetings of the Club may be called at any time by order of the President, with the ap- proval of three members of the Executive ■ Special meet- Committee, and shall be called by the ings may be called Secretary whenever the President or any Vice-President shall be thereunto requested in writing by twenty-five members, setting forth the purpose of such meeting. At any such special meet- ing no business, other than that specified in the call, shall be considered, except by unanimous consent. 21. At the meetings of the Club the order of business, so far as the character and the nature of the meetings may admit, shall be as follows : 1. Reading the minutes of the last meeting. 2. Election of new members. 3. Reports of Standing Committees. 4. Reports of Special Committees. 3. General business. 32 The Union League Club But this order of business may be changed by a majority of the meeting. All Special Committees for any purpose shall be appointed by the presiding officer, unless otherwise ordered. Whenever any resolution or action shall be pro- posed or pending in the Club, which calls for the Action on expression of its opinion touching any when" 0 ” public matter, if the same be objected to objected to an y mem |3 er> and such objection be seconded, it shall at once be the duty of the presiding officer to state the objection, and to call upon those who sustain the same to rise ; and if twenty-five members shall rise in support of such objection, then such resolution, and subject of the proposed action, shall be referred to a Standing or Special Committee, who shall report thereon at the next meeting of the Club. And upon the coming in of such report, the same, and the resolutions, and the subject referred to, shall be deemed before the Club for discussion and action thereon, without further right of such objection. No member shall be permitted to speak more than Member not once on the same subject, nor more than permitted to . . speak more ten minutes at one time, without the than once on . same subject unanimous consent of the Club. 22. No person, not a member of the Club, shall be present at any meeting thereof, unless Persons r not members he shall be specially invited by the Presi- cannot attend dent or the House Committee. By-Laws 33 23. All elections, except as otherwise provided, shall be by ballot, and a majority of votes cast shall be sufficient, except for the election of new members. The Secretary shall furnish to the inspectors of elec- tions, prior to the annual meeting, an alphabetical list of all members entitled to vote for officers at the ensuing election. The Sec- duties at an- 1 , nual election retary shall see that all By-Laws regulat- ing the elections of the Club are published at least once, as required by statute, and the inspectors of the election shall, before acting, take the oath also required by statute. 24. Proxies shall not be permitted. OF MEMBERS 25. No member shall receive any salary, emolu- ment, or profit from the funds of the No member , . shall receive Club, unless the same be especially ap- any salary propriated by the Club and the Executive Com- mittee. 26. No member shall give an) 7 money or gratuity to a servant of the Club. 27. All resignations shall be made, in writing, to the Executive Committee ; but if made after the second Thursday of January, such resignation shall not discharge the member presenting it from his dues for the current year. All interest in the prop- erty of the Club, of members resigning, or otherwise ceasing to be members, shall be vested in the Club. 28. If the conduct of a member shall appear to 34 The Union League Club the Executive Committee to be disorderly, un- Power of the gentlemanly, in violation of the rules, pre- Committee if judicial to the interests or character of member % a the Club, or contrary to its Charter or By- Fat1on"of 'the Laws ; or if by his acts or conversation he shall seem to the Committee to manifest a spirit of disloyalty to the Government of the United States, the Committee shall formulate the charge or charges against him, specifying the act or acts and the substance of the words upon which each charge is founded, and shall serve him with a copy thereof and a notice of the time and place at which the Committee will meet to consider the same, by mailing the same to him at his latest address as it appears on the books of the Club. At such meeting the member under charges shall have a right to be present and to ex- amine and cross-examine witnesses, within such limits as may be determined by the Committee, and the Committee shall proceed to take such proof as may be offered ; and if it be of the opinion that the charges made, or any of them, are sustained, and the nature of the offence in its opinion requires it, may suspend him from the privileges of the Club for a period not exceeding six months, or request him to resign. 29. Should such request be disregarded, the Ex- shouid re- ecutive Committee shall refer the matter be e d^sFeF es ' gn to the next stated meeting of the Club, garded or tQ a S p ec i a i meeting thereof, of which reference not less than two weeks’ written notice shall be given to the offending member. By-Laws 35 30. At such meeting the nature of the offence shall be considered, and the member complained of may be censured or expelled by a vote of vote to cen- a majority of the members present. A SU sha°n be by vote involving censure or expulsion shall be decided by ballot. 31. The total membership of the Club, liable for annual dues, shall not exceed eighteen Total mem- hundred. ' bership 1800 The admission fee of members elected hereafter shall be three hundred dollars. The annual dues of resident members shall be seventy-five Admission dollars, and the annual dues of non-resi- annuaTdues dent members shall be forty-five dollars, of membera payable in advance, on the second Thursday of Jan- uary, at which time the fiscal year shall commence. If not paid within thirty days thereafter, the name of the delinquent shall be posted by the Treasurer in a conspicuous place in the Club-house ; Annual dues -11111 1 -i not P a 'd and should he neglect payment, without March 1st good cause, until the first day of March, he shall thereupon cease to be a member. Provided , That upon his written application, and the payment of all dues to the date thereof, the Executive Committee may, upon such terms as it may deem proper, remit the penalty of this By-Law; of all which the Secre- tary shall make a minute. No member, while classed as a non-resident, shall be entitled to vote. 32. Any member who has paid an admission fee The Union League Club and the annual dues for one year, and who may he when mem- absent from the city of New York in a exempt" from foreign country for a continuous period of annual dues a y ear> s h a ii fog exempted from the pay- ment of the annual dues for the period of his ab- sence, if he shall give previous written notice to the Treasurer of his intention so to be absent. 33. After the 1st day of October, 1882, no person shall be elected as a non-resident member. Officers of the Army and Navy, and Clergyme n, shall pay an admission fee of one hundred and fifty dollars, and thirty dollars annual dues. ^ Whenever any non-resident shall become a resi- dent of any place within fifty miles of the city of New when non- York, he shall thenceforth be classed as a resident must qualify as a resident member, shall be entitled to vote, member and be liable for full dues and the payment of another admission fee of one hundred and fifty dollars. Provided however , that members elected before the 13th day of October, 1881, and on that day residing without the city of New York, as constituted prior to the first day of January, 1898, and within the limits above specified, shall not, by reason of continuing such residence, be deemed resident members. Officers of the Army and Navy may, on giving notice to the Treasurer, be discharged from liability officers of from dues when absent from the city for Army and „ . , . - Navy, when one or more years on official service, and anrmai* dLeT in the event of such officer of the Army By-Laws 37 or Navy visiting - New York under orders , he shall not be liable for the payment of dues by reason thereof. 34. Persons who shall be elected members of the Club after six months of any fiscal year shall have expired, shall pay only half the amount of dues for that fiscal year otherwise required. 35. The Club may, at any regular meeting, elect honorary members, who shall be nominated by the Executive Committee. Such honorary Election ot , . honorary members shall have all the privileges of members the Club except voting at meetings and being eligible for office. OF STRANGERS 36. Any member may personally introduce non- residents to the rooms of the Club for one day, their names, and that of the member introduc- introduction ing them, and the date of such introduc- of strangers tion, having been first entered in a book to be kept for that purpose. The Executive Committee may make regulations as to the extension of the privileges of the Club to non-resident strangers. No resident of the city of New York, not a member of the Club, shall be admitted to the Club-house, except to the reception-room, private Residents ot dining-rooms, and Art Gallery, without admitted ex- the consent of the House Committee first cept ’ etc ' obtained. 38 The Union League Club 37. The Executive Committee may give a written Executive invitation to any stranger, which shall en- Committee . . may invite title him to visit the Club-house for one month, or sucji longer period as the Committee may deem proper. 38. No person, except a non-resident foreigner, shall be admitted into the Club-house, who does not give his unwavering support to the Government ; and if any person disloyal to the Government of the United States being knowingly introduced to the Club-house by a member of the Club, such member shall be expelled for the offence. MISCELLANEOUS 39. No person shall take from the Club-house a newspaper, pamphlet, book, or other article, the property of the Club, nor mutilate, deface, or de- stroy the same. 40. Books, pamphlets, and newspapers shall not be removed from the reading and drawing rooms. 41. Ten of the lodging-rooms of the Club shall at all times be reserved for temporary occupancy by Lodging- members of the Club, and no member shall rooms of . r the club have the right to occupy the same for a longer period than one week, if there are other ap- plications for the use thereof. The remaining rooms maybe assigned to members by the Executive Com- mittee, in its discretion, for any terms not exceeding one year. By-Laws 39 42. The honors of the Club may be extended to any individual or individuals by a Club Reception, on recommendation of the Executive Committee and approved by the Club. 43. Any motion or resolution offered for the con- sideration of the Club shall, at the request of any member, be reduced to writing before it is acted upon. 44. The Club shall have a seal, badge, and stand- ard, which shall be devised by the Executive Com- mittee and approved by the Club. 45. A By-Law of the Club may be amended, or a new By-Law made, at any regular meeting of the Club, and the proposer having posted Amendments upon the notice-board notice of the pro- Laws to be . . posted thirty posed alteration or addition for at least days thirty days immediately preceding said meeting, when, if two-thirds of those present shall vote in favor of the proposed alteration or amendment, the same shall be adopted. Whenever such proposed amendment shall be so posted, it must be secretary to signed by not less than ten members of “proposed the Club, and the Secretary shall mail to amendment each member with the regular notice of the meeting, a printed copy of the existing By-Law, and of the amendment proposed. 46. The Executive Committee shall have power to make such other regulations, not inconsistent with the Charter, or these By-Laws, as may be deemed necessary for the protection of the property 4 o The Union League Club of the Club, the management of the Club-house, and the preservation of good order. 47. No resolution, which, in effect, censures or instructs any of the Committees of the Club, shall be Resolution considered except on notice. Notice shall censuring or . - instructing be given by posting on the notice-board, any Commit- tee to be over the signature of the mover, the gen- posted and - , , , copy sent eral purport of the resolution, for at least two weeks immediately preceding the meeting at which such resolution shall be introduced, and a copy of the notice so posted shall at the time of posting be sent to the Chairman of the Committee sought to be affected thereby. HOUSE RULES HOURS 1. The Club-house will be open for members every day from 7 a.m. to 12.30 a. m., after which hour admittance can be claimed only by lodgers. The billiard-room and bowling-alley will be closed at 1 2. 30 a.m. The restaurant and wine-room will be open from 7 a.m. to 12.30 A.M. The office of the Club will be open for the trans- action of business from 7.30 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. visitors 2. No person residing within fifty miles of the city of New York, not being a member of the Club, shall be admitted to the Club-house, except to the reception-room, private dining-rooms, and Art Gallery. 3. A member may personally introduce non-resi- dents, not residing within fifty miles of the city of New York, to the Club-house for one day, recording their names with his own in the visitors’ book ; such non-residents may, upon the application of a member to, and consent of, the House Committee, be ad- mitted to the use of the Club for two weeks, and 41 42 The Union League Club this privilege may be renewed after an absence from the city of not less than three months. Residents of foreign countries, upon the application of two members, and the approval of the Executive Com- mittee, may be admitted to the use of the Club for six months on payment in advance of the annual dues of non-resident members. 4. Members introducing strangers in the Club will be considered responsible for their conduct while in the house, and for any debts that may ac- crue on their account. 5. Ladies will be admitted only on Friday and Saturday following the regular monthly meetings of the Club, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., by cards, bear- ing the month and dates thereof, and under such regulations as are printed thereon. Ladies will be admitted ho the Art Gallery on Saturday evening following the monthly meeting, between the hours of 7.30 p.m. and 10 p.m., when accompanied by a member. 6. No person under eighteen years of age shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club-house. No visitor shall give any entertainment in the Club-house, nor shall he be present at any meeting of the Club, except as provided for in By-Law No. 22. INDEBTEDNESS TO THE CLUB 7. All indebtedness by members to the Club must be paid by the end of every month. The names of House Rules 43 members failing to pay their indebtedness as afore- said will be conspicuously posted on the tenth day of every month, and notice thereof mailed to such members. A member thus notified, omitting to pay the debt within five days after such posting, may, in the discretion of the Executive Committee, be sus- pended from the privileges of the Club, or be re- quested to resign. The names of members thus suspended, and the reason therefor, shall be posted on the bulletin board of the Club ; and nothing herein is to be construed to interfere with the right of the Executive Committee, at any time, or of the House Committee, in the intervals between the regular meetings of the Executive Committee, to limit or suspend the credit of any member. PRIVATE DINING-ROOMS 8. Private dining-rooms cannot be assigned to parties numbering less than four persons. LODGINGS 9. Applications for lodging-rooms must be made at the office. Rooms assigned to members will be charged to their account until surrendered to the clerk at the office. Rooms for permanent occu- pancy may be assigned to members by the House Committee, but all assignments for such rooms shall be considered as terminated on the thirtieth day of April in each year. 44 The Union League Club THE CLUB HALL 10. The hall of the Club and Art Gallery shall not be rented for any purpose whatever, but they may be opened for such objects as may be recom- mended by any Standing Committee of the Club, with the consent of the House Committee, and sub- ject to such restrictions as that Committee may deem proper. SERVANTS 11. Servantsare not permitted to leave the house on errands for members, except on Club business, and then only on application to the Superintendent or the House Committee. GRATUITIES FORBIDDEN 12. No member or visitor shall be allowed to give, under any pretext whatsoever, money or any gratuity to any one in the employ of the Club. RESTRICTIONS 13. No entertainment shall be given in the Club- house to which any person not a member shall contribute. 14. No person shall take from the Club-house any article belonging to the Club, or from the library or reading-room any book, pamphlet, or newspaper, or mutilate or deface the same. 15. No subscription or petition shall be circu- lated, nor any article exposed for sale, in the House Rules 45 Club-house, without the permission of the Executive Committee. 16. No game for a wager of money, and no round game of cards whatever, will be allowed in the Club. Games of all kinds shall be prohibited on Sunday. 17. Smoking will not be permitted in the library at any time, nor in the restaurant until after eight o’clock p.m., and then only in the side dining-room on Thirty-ninth Street, except on the occasions of monthly or special meetings of the Club. Pipe smoking will not be permitted in the Club. 18. No wines, liquors, or mineral waters will be served, except in the restaurant and dining-rooms, billiard-room, chess-room, bowling-alley, main-hall cafe, meeting room, and alcove. 19. No orders from the restaurant will be served in the main-hall cafe and alcove. 20. No member shall be permitted to obtain any sum of money from the Club other than upon his own check or the check of another endorsed by him, and then for no greater sum than $50 in any one day and only when such check is presented in person by such member. Such check must be drawn upon some Bank, Bankers, or Trust Company in good standing, and must be dated on, or prior to, the day upon which the cash thereon is requested. The above privilege shall not apply to visitors of the Club. The Treasurer of the Club shall have the power, 46 The Union League Club whenever in his opinion there is an abuse of the above privilege, of suspending it so far as any one or more members may be concerned, such action by the Treasurer to be subject, however, to review by the Executive Committee. No check shall be accepted by the Treasurer or Cashier of the Club in payment of dues or indebt- edness to the Club which is not dated on or prior to the day of presentation. Every check cashed or accepted as aforesaid shall be deposited not later than the next business day after its receipt. BARBER SHOP 21. The barber shop will be open: On week days, other than Legal Holidays, from 8 a.m. to 9. p.m. On all other days from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. COMPLAINTS 22. Members are requested to make written com- plaints to the House Committee of any matter in the administration of the house seeming to need correction. 23. The Superintendent is required to notify members of any violation of the rules of the house, and to report the same to the House Committee. REPORTS 47 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 1904 To The Union League Club : The Executive Committee respectfully submits its report for the year 1904, as follows : MEMBERSHIP Total Membership, January I, 1904 : Resident 1.770 Non-Resident 88 Honorary 14 Increase in 1904 : Resident 85 Honorary Resident Non- Resident I 1.958 Deceased .... 44 7 Resigned . 23 Dropped . 4 I Exempt .... 65 8 152 Honorary . . . . • 15 167 1. 79 i Entitled to qualify 8 Vacancy . . . . I 1,800 Total membership liable for annual dues December 3 i. 1904 1,788 Total membership of the Club, December 31, 1904, 1,879 49 50 The Union League Club DECEASED, 1904 RESIDENT MEMBERS Daniel F. Appleton Samuel P. Avery William C. Banning George T. Bourne John Scott Boyd Albert H. Brown William C. Browning George H. Butler Samuel R. Callaway Frank H. Carpenter Jared Chittenden Charles F. Clark John S. Dickerson Horace S. Ely William M. Flies Francis Forbes Marcus A. Hanna Emory Hawes Richard P. Herrick Hudson Hoagland John G. Holmes Frank B. Howell Sylvester S. Battin Ira Davenport F. Wolcott Jackson Harlan P. Lillibridge John Albro Little Benjamin L. Ludington Roderick B. Mather Alexander McDonald Abner McKinley Edward :H. Moeran William H. Morse George Mosle Henry W. Oliver William E. Pearson Charles B. Squier Frederick A. Starring George Storm Joseph S. Stout James M. Thomas Richard H. L. Townsend Charles H. Townshend Edwin D. Trowbridge Frank Wildes Joseph C. Willets John B. Yale NON-RESIDENT Stephen W. Kellogg Herbert Kettell Charles H. Rockwell George B. Sloan. Report of the Executive Committee 5 1 The general financial result of the year, as ap- pears from the detailed report of the Treasurer, is that after meeting all expenditures from the annual receipts, including initiation fees, a balance of $3,- 194.43 has been paid over to the Finance Commit- tee, and the Club enters upon its new year with no outstanding bills. Extraordinary expenditures during the year have amounted to $11,020.78; alterations and repairs, $2,357.14, and for repairs and renewals to furnish- ings, etc., $9,310.21. The house has been put and kept in good shape, and the Committee desires especially to express its appreciation of the services of the House Commit- tee and of its Chairman, Mr. Herbert P. Brown, now about concluding three years of service in such position. Those three years have seen a very sub- stantial renovation and improvement in the house, and the adoption of a system in the management of accounts, and internal checks, under which we are persuaded a perfect accountability in every depart- ment has been established, and can be easily maintained. This year a new set of billiard tables has been put in the billiard-room ; new carpets and rugs have been laid in the dining-rooms, billiard-room and main hall and the house furnishings — linen, silver and glassware, cutlery, etc. — have been adequately provided. The roll of Honorary Members of this Club is a 52 The Union League Club roll of honor, and will always be so regarded. Upon the nomination of the Executive Committee, the Club has added to that list a man distinguished in letters, in diplomacy, and in administration, the Hon. John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States. Although the Club has already acted upon the matter, this Committee desires to make special note of its sense of loss in the death of one of the most genial and lovable of men who have ever served the Club upon this Committee, Frank H. Carpenter. On December 14th Baron Kentaro delivered at the Club an instructive address on the Constitutional Government of Japan. The national election having taken place this year, in which the candidate of the Republican Part}' for President was Theodore Roosevelt, a member since 1884, this Club renewed the traditions of its founda- tion and historical development by earnest and effi- cient work in support of the principles and candi- date, whose success was believed to be for the best interests of the Republic. A Campaign Committee was appointed, through whom $31,490 was collected in voluntary contribu- tions from members of the Club, and turned over to the National Committee, of which Committee the President of this Club was serving as Treasurer for the fourth successive campaign. Several notable events in connection with public affairs should be mentioned. Under the manage- Report of the Executive Committee 53 ment of the Sub-Committee appointed by the Ex- ecutive Committee, a subscription dinner was given on February 3, 1904, at the Club-house, to the Hon. Elihu Root, a former President of the Club, on his retirement from the position of Secretary of War, after a memorable service of five years. Mr. Root’s speech upon that occasion was ordered to be printed by the Club. Its effect in arousing- the old spirit and solidifying the sentiment of this organization in support of the party and the President cannot be exaggerated. At the meeting on September 8th the campaign, so far as this Club was concerned, was opened by an eloquent address by Senator Chauncey M. Depew. At the meeting on October 13th the re gmlar order of business was suspended, while the Club listened to a masterly presentation of the condition in the Philip- pines, before and after our occupation, by the former Governor General thereof, the present Secretary of War, the Hon. William H. Taft, as well as to a straightforward declaration as to his motives and policies, if elected, by the Republican candidate for Governor, the Hon. Frank W. Higgins. The Club unanimously adopted resolutions in support and commendation of the National and State tickets. On October 20th a special meeting was held for the purpose of listening to a scholarly address on some of the questions of the campaign, by the for- mer Attorney General, the present Senator from Pennsylvania, the Hon. Philander C. Knox. 54 The Union League Club Your Committee desires to emphasize these events in the year’s history of the Club, in order to remind members of the fact that this institution is not merely a social organization, but that it has been a power in shaping the policies of the country since its foundation, and that the older men who served the Club and the country so well in the early days of its history may know that the same spirit and endeavor for the public good is evidenced, not only by its many individuals in the public service, but by the Club as a whole. All of which is respectfully submitted. John Proctor Clarke, Chairman , Executive Committee. THE UNION LEAGUE CLUB IN ACCOUNT WITH THE FINANCE COMMITTEE 1904 Cr. Jan. 1, Balance ..... $131,060 34 “ 18, $120,000 U. S. 2’s at 105^6 . 127,050 00 April 13, Water Rent Settlement Acct., 1903 ....... 489 60 June 30, Interest 6 mos. at 3J2 and 3 percent. ...... 1,897 91 Dec. 23, Treasurer, unexpended cash surplus 3,194 43 Dec. 31, Interest 6 mos. at 3 per cent. 2,001 58 Dr. Jan. 8, $120,000 U. S. 2’s at 106, .... $127,200 00 Dec. 31, Balance . . 138,493 86 $265,693 86 $265,693 86 1905 Jan. 1, Balance on hand with New York Life Insurance and Trust Company, $138,493 86 Thomas Denny, Chairman. George F. Baker, Treasurer. New York, January 6, 1905. 55 New York, January 7, 1905. This is to certify, that, at the close of business on December 31, 1904, there stood on the books of the New York Life Insurance and Trust Company to the credit of the account of the Finance Commit- tee of The Union League Club the sum of One hundred and thirty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-three Dollars and eighty-six Cents ($138,493.86), said balance including interest to January 1, 1905. New York Life Insurance and Trust Company, By Walter Kerr, 1st Vice-President. / REPORT OF THE TREASURER New York, January 12, 1905. To The Union League Club-. I have the honor to present herewith my report of the Finances of the Club for the year 1904: The amount received for Admission Fees and Annual Dues is . And from other sources . $159,187.50 154,465.54 $ 3 i 3 » 653-°4 The payments have been for : Expenses ..... Extraordinary Expenditures Finance Committee : Unexpended Cash Surplus . Balance, House accounts outstanding $297,847.75 1 1,020. 78 3D94-43 1,590.08 $3i3, 6 53-°4 All of which is respectfully submitted, Andrew Mills, Treasurer. 57 PS v o S OD ■o n cc o 3 o GO 1“ « £ O w b> o < w .J z o z p w K e o On o ro pS w 2 w > o £ o z 5 z W 6 c w f* O »*-; « 2 « ^ a O' co a; rt v- co >, g ,°. in >© Tf rt« •S& rt^r rt »n £ o »- uCO < ... i- c y rt c* o OS z Q- 1; Q-X X •r c .±r~ a y rt cj •— i •*” o p y *<3 u *i«§£ ® b£*a .£ b £>G Sop -a § Cl c3 *2 *y cr .£" u 'C o y u y v « y K = t** >, C5 K i£ y O. .O- jn 'y y « y v.O X y -f O O ej^rtoQ Tj« CO Tf © CO CO coo c— •«£ ao o CO O t-i 1-4 CO CO CO W T« CJ Oi CO o r-ONXCC ciojlouo^:—- WN-hN b S w ri c.S V flj — S O * S i> O P O rt •tf T, ■;§§ • Q -a . - c e O Cfl ! s ’“ ’gy 3 3 x X .c c X ^ -<§0 * O ^ j* Crt a o » g.s &V • Z & 1*1 Q ^ 3 u ® . o Sz‘^rtCL.cfcx^o < a* o. k .’Z 3 “ trt ^rl £ ^ ^ c.Sr^ 3 WQyy.SpjUo 0 U^Z P. .OQ «J > cS > y y a 5 |! > £ o y y ZC^ T3 T3 — C C O n! rt t£ M s£ *j y y u H Q B •p y o 5 O. > o D- lm ** *J y d oiuZ y . . . C be ,.£ m “ c y y t£ -r- C • u Cm •C.C y-O y wjjz C • g c.9-« i,3" S 1 s^ = , 2^5 Lb S ir.~.E IgSmS^u |S go p/ r£ *7 °M /V O bfi o c .a: C . . o c 2 - mS u • 3 cLos “ • c Pi- p y C T o y .03 « C T3 S oUrt-sS = t c C S bcS o y c » y E > — CA E — ^ c — 5 w 5 cj y h^ = s-£S 2 = : >U«K 11 '« 0 = ZLiw ps S rt cCQ CQ.£ ^ X c bog (§S« < s| o ^ £ ® .£ 3 tn gQ £ td 05 a u 5 § 550 C/3 C/3 r* -e y .b „ _ oj -- W rt rtM c h/)E— 3 „ u. -C3rt>^ £~fc2i5cS» •| <“S"u MCU >:? OS^-a' • b c/3 • Cl, *m v a t_j B c JiQ • 3 5f b WC/3,2 c/3.2 . O y 4) *j t/3 C3 (5 £e«2 ^5 "jg a a c«° B "■d&mn.s au? a 05 « , ohSu i1! i u p.0 SitS a. . a-s^rtSS • y S3 H s S3 , s ai * ’*1 Crt U3 o aJaU a > cr'S b . o c <-> O «-> re 4/ *3 a CO wooo OtiW WWW , ei CJ S rt 5 111 V 13.2 mss W’HTfOiCPJCOtCC'tO C u3 ■»? ’^3 10 N C3 rr* c> ^ — lO 1— Cl CO © 1— C< Tj -. r g « g iiilg •a > « B O 33 3“ [ p ~j b SinCMfc. 8s2S ■c £■£« a£.sS i 2‘S=.S2 .QSffiS u TH OOiO t-eoo C? t- t- ’ s « 1 s' F> <= 5 b • b C c n aJ . 3 *>c3 o y c rt ^CL, S 3 O y Z 6 - >» cu o- H” 59 o c* CO o? T-IO 2 C j*S 6 - >* 03 Pm o„ H' pen ses : Steward and Restaurant . . . 7,082 83 Wines, Liquors and Cigars . . 2,694 78 Housekeeper’s Department . . 1,166 33 Engineer’s Department . . . 764 55 The Union League Club in account with Andrew Mills, Treasurer r. Year Ending November 30, 1904 C 10 o GO co i- x xr co co r-CSCOiCr-lfl C.r-aDCrH-TNCH CCVOWNNh • fa£ . CJ p a 3: feou ffl 2 c a- l§ 8* nlCu > OJ £ >uUOcu ttejSStSlUj 6->rp: o'y c 3 p'^ccEcQWO e. a «"".§« 5 £ rt-2 c g-S od • ' Sti • mu g o « " StfoA • -2° • u ^ in >> a «2 cl v- gSfeg -iScS 8£| S w cj cs — ^ c 3 C c C ^ 5— 1/3 CO S «c ° Mg'" S£ £ a-s c 2 O g'iS’g g*3 £> C->J^ &. c o3 "o a >>— 60 Funeral of Employ^ .... 80 00 Auditing 1,000 00 Ice . ’ 1,830 63 Miscellaneous 4,624 96 18,770 26 To Exciseand Internal RevenueLicense 1,286 00 To Increase in Insurance Unexpired : November 80, 1904 .... 3,512 99 November 30, 1903 .... 911 78 00 . ’ CO ^ -rd . 0.0 £ £ o > o o