iDuka Hibramg Pamphlet Collection Duka University Library !>Ki- rfs REPORT OF THE HOUD * REUEF * GOHMI "PF AT NEW ORLEANS. LA AIGIST, 1885. I r NEW ORLEANS: I A. W. Hyatt, Stationer and Printer, 73 Camp Street.— 32460 •> — m Pamphlet Collection Duke University Library THE HOOD CHILDREN THEIR RESPECTIVE AGES IX 1879— UNDER WHOSE CARB AT THE PRESENT TIME. Axxa Bell and Ethel Genevieve, twins, 9 years old. Under care of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Morris, New Orleans. John Bell, Jr., 8 years old. Under care of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Russell, Cohoma, Miss. Duncan Nobbkrt, 6 J years old. Under care of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Morris, New Orleans. Lillian Marie and Marion Maude, twins, 5J years old. Under care of Mr. and Mrs. That- cher M. Adams, New York City. Odille Musson and Ida Rich ardson, twins, 3 years old. Under care of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. McGehee, Woodville, Wilkinson Co., Miss. Oswald, 1 year old. Under care of Charles M. Harney Scarsdale, Westchester Co., N. Y. The youngest child left, a baby girl, died among loving friends in Columbus, Georgia, in 1880. Hood Relief Committee Appointed by the 1 Louisiana ' Divisions of Array of Northern Virginia and Array of Tennessee. Gen. F. T. Nicholls, Ex-Governor Louisiana. Capt. James Buckner, Cottoc Factor. Col. Samuel Flower, Asst.Treas.U.S. at N.O. David R. Calder, Sugar Factor. John H. Murray, Cashier D. H. Holmes. Capt. W. R. Lyman, Pres. Crescent Ins. Co. Capt. J. A. Chalaron, Pres. Hope Ins. Co. Gen. G. T. Beauregard. Major S. D. Stockman, Cotton Factor. Gen. Fred. N. Oc4den, Merchant. Major Walter V. Crouch, Secretary Carroll- ton Railroad Company. Ladies' Auxiliary Committee. Mrs. T. G. Richardson. Mrs. Thomas Hunton. Mrs. Theodore Shute. Mrs. S. H. Kennedy. Mrs. R. S. Charles. Mrs. C. E. Fenner. Mrs. Richard Pritchard. Mrs. R. M. Walmsley. Mrs. J. K. Gutheim. Mrs. Lucie Polk Chapman. Mrs. T. S. Wilkinson. Mrs. J. N. Folwell. Mrs. J. B. Wallace. Mrs. J. M. Parker. Address of Committee, Box 851, New Orleans. Immediately following the death of Gen- eral John B. Hood and his wife, the Louisiana Divisions of the Armies of Northern Virginia and Tennessee met and appointed committees to gather together a fund for the benefit of the children. These committees organized at once, and under date of September 6th, 1879— one week after the funeral — issued the following address : HOOD RELIEF FUND. Desolation and possible destitution have fallen upon the once happy household of General John B. Hood. Mrs. Ann* Mahie Hood, the devoted wife and mother, died on the evening of August 24th, 1879. Genl. Hood, the bereaved husband and father, followed on the morning of August 30 th, leaving behind them in full orphanage, eleven children of tender years. Lydia, the eldest of these, died on the evening of the same day. There now survive ten children, the eldest of whom are twins, of the age of nine years and two months. The youngest is one month old. The condition of his estate leaves but little hope that there will remain after settlement of his indebtedness, anything for his children other than such proceeds as may possibly be derived from the publication of its history of the war and records. The generous heart of the country has already been moved to the grateful recognition of the virtues, the chivalry and self-sacrificing devotion of the departed hero, and to an active and giving sympathy for the living. The undersigned Committees, appointed by the Asso- ciations of the Armies Northern Virginia and Ten- nessee, to receive these funds (which are to be invested in U. S. bonds), earnestly solicit your co-operation and assistance in raising a sum which shall be sufficient for the support, maintenance and education of these orphans. W. R. LYMAN, Chairman. F. T. NICHOLLS, J. A. CHALARON, J AS. BUCKNER, G.T.BEAUREGARD, SAMUEL FLOWER, S. D. STOCKMAN, D. R. CALDER, FRED. N. OGDEN, JOHN H. MURRAY, WALTER V. CROUCH, Of Army N. Virginia. Of Army of Tennessee. Address Box 1695, New Orleans, La. The tirst response was from the orphans' friend, " Margaret," who sent the Committee a bond of the United States for five hundred dollars. This was quickly followed by dona- tions from Mr. Blanc and others, and the fund gradually increased until November 13th, 1881, when Genl. Herbert, of Baltimore, sent in the last contribution. At a meeting of the General Committee held August 3d, 1885, nearly six years having elapsed since its organization, it was resolved to put into permanent shape for the benefit of the children and contributors of the fund, a list of all sums received and in the order of receipt, together with a statement of the present status of the fund. The Committee intends to capitalize the in- terest as fast as received until such time as its members can legally be relieved of the trust. The children have all been in excellent hands, and unless some unforeseen accident should oc- cur will receive a thorough education without any draft upon this fund. Respectfully, W. R. LYMAN, Chairman, J. A. CHALARON, Secretary. DONATIONS. 1879. Sept. 8. From Margaret Haughery & Co., New Orleans, bond $ 500 00 Sept. 8. From Sam. P. Blanc, N. O... 25 00 Sept. 9. From Hinson & dimming, New York, through Wm. Himes, New Orleans 50 00 Sept. 9. From Elmore Dufour, N. O... 10 00 Sept. 9. From B. F. Peters, N. 5 00 Sept. 10. From J. L. Power, Grand Sec- retary Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Jackson, Miss 100 00 Sept. 10. From Smith Bros. & Co. N. O., through D. R. Calder 50 00 Sept. 10. From Anonymous, New Or- leans, through D. R. Calder 5 00 Sept. 10. From Joh n T. Gibbons & Co. , New Orleans, through D. R. Calder, 5 00 Sept. 10. From Levy, Loeb, Sheuer & Co., N. O., through D. R, Calder 5 00 Sept. 11. From Mrs. Hugo Redwitz, New Orleans 60 00 Sept. 12. From Rev. B. M. Palmer, New Orleans 10 00 Sept. 12. From Mattie Austin, New Orleans, through F. N. Ogden 3 00 Sept. 13. From Samuel H. Kennedy, New Orleans 50 00 Sept. 13. From Chas. E. Fenner,New Orleans, through S. H. Kennedy... 50 00 Through Inman, Swann & Co., New York, and S. H. Kennedy, New Orleans, as follows : Sept, 13. From Charles M. Fry, N. Y. 50 00 Sept. 13. From Inman, Swann & Co., New York 50 00 6 Sept, 13. From Lehman Bros., N. Y... 50 00 Sept. 13. From Fielding, Gwy nn & Co., New York 50 00 Sept. 13. From Ralli Bros, New York.. 50 00 Sept, 13. From French & T ravers, New York 50 00 Sept. 13. From E. S. Jamison & Co., New York 50 00 Sept. 13. From Fatman & Co., N. Y... 50 00 Sept. 13. From H. H. Ware, N. Y 50 00 Sept. 13. From Williams, Black & Co., New York 50 00 Sept. 13. From Robert Moore & Co., New York 50 00 Sept. 13. From Myer, Weis & Co., N. Y 50 00 Sept. 13. From H. Hentz & Co., N. Y. 50 00 Sept. 13. From C. J. Osborne, N. Y.... 50 00 Sept- 13. From Rountree & Co., N. Y. 30 00 Sept. 13. From Murchison & Co., N. Y. 2.5 00 Sept, 13. From Fletcher, Hotze & Co., New York 25 00 Sept, 13. From R. Tannehill & Co., New York 25 00 Sept. 13. From D. Watts & Co., N. Y. 25 00 Sept. 13. From D. A. Given, N. Y 2-5 00 Sept, 13. From J. B. Leach, N. Y 25 00 Sept. 13. From J. & W. A. Beall, N. Y. 25 00 Sept. 13. From D. G. Watts, N. Y 25 00 Sept. 13. From W. S. Pierce, N. Y 2^5 00 Sept. 13. From E. J. Donnell, N. Y 25 00 Sept. 13. From P. Z. Rodocanachi & Co., New York 25 00 Sept. 13. From J. M. Scott, N, Y 25 00 Sept. 13. From Ex. Norton & Co., N. Y. 2-5 00 Sept. 13. From Macauley & Co., N. Y. 25 00 Sept. 13. From J. T. Woodward, N.Y. 25 00 Sept. 13. From R. M. Waters «'ew Or- leans, through Germania National Bank 1 00 Sept. 13. From Sears & Kinsella, New Orleans, through D. R. Calder 10 00 Sept. 13. From Cash (H. & Bro.), New Orleans, through D. R. Calder 5 00 Sept. 13. From Charles Pleasants, New Orleans, through D. R. Calder 5 00 Sept. 13. From Cash (H. T. L.),New Orleans, through D. It. Calder 2 00 Sept, 13. From P. M. Kelly, New Or- leans, through D. R. Calder 5 00 Sept. 13. From Cash, New Orleans, through D. R. Calder 5 00 Sept. 13. From John T. Moore, Jr., New Orleans, through D. It. Calder 5 00 Sept. 13. From Vairin & Mortimer, New Orleans, through D. It. Calder 5 00 Sept. 13. From Cash (T. H. H.), New Orleans, through Saml. Flower 5 00 Sept. 13. From It. R. Hunt, New Or- leans, through Mayor I. W. Patton and Saml. Flower LOO 00 Sept, 13. From Godfrey T. Johusen, New Orleans, through Saml. Flower 20 00 Sept. 13. From M. Musson, New Or- leans, through N. O. Ins. Ass'n 20 00 Sept. 13. From Cash, New Orleans, through Am. Dist. Telegraph Co... 50 Sept. 13. From Thomas Conway, New Orleans, through Crescent Ins. Co... 10 00 Sept. 13. From D. A. Given, Jr., New 50 00 Orleans, thro' N. O. Cot. Exchange Sept. 13. From James Buckner, N. O. 50 00 Sept. 15. Guests at the Jordon & Rock- bridge Alum Springs, Rockbridge County, Va., through Charles A. Conrad and Jas. Buckner 131 00 Sept. 15. From William Hartwell, N. O. through Jas. Buckner 25 00 Sept. 15. From M. Sch wartz, President New Orleans and Spanish Fort Rail Road Company, N. O. Pro- ceeds of the Spanish Fort Road on 10th September 158 25 Sept. 15. From Guests at the Green- brier White Sulphur Springs, Va., through Mrs. R. L. Gibson and Walter V. Crouch 100 00 9 Sept. 15. From the proprietor of and Guests at the Old Sweet Springs, Va., through Mrs. R. L. Gibson and Walter V. Crouch 108 00 Sept. 16. From Officers New Orleans Insurance Company, through J. A. Chalaron '. 50 00 Sept. 17. From a collection taken up in the Cathedral, N. O., through Col. John Glvnn, Jr., of the Louisiana Field Artillery 154 50 Sept. 18. From B. F. Askew, Mag- nolia, Ark., through J. L. Harris &Co 10 00 Sept. 20. From Anonymous, N. O., through S. H. Kennedy 50 00 Sept. 20. From James I, "Day, N. O., through N. O. Cotton Exchange.... 25 00 Sept. 20. From I. L. Lyons, N. 2-5 00 Sept. 20. From Dr. W. E. Brickell, N. O., through F. N. Ogden 5 00 Sept. 20. From Cash, N. O. (G. McC), through D. R. Calder 5 00 Sept. 20. From Cash, N. O. (B. Bros.), through D. R. Calder 2 00 Sept. 22. From Dr. Charles M. Erwin, Winona, Miss., through J. L. Power, Grand Secretarj^ 10 00 Sept. 22. From "The Memorial and Historical Association " of Con- federate Soldiers of Montgomery County, Ala., through Mayor I. W. Patton 100 00 Sept. 22. From Contributions raised by efforts of two little girls (Minnie Hervey and Beulah Wright) Mont- gomery, Ala., through Mayor M. L. Moses, Montgomery, and Mayor I. W. Patton New Orleans 35 30 Sept. 23. From Hon. B. F. Jonas, N. O. through Samuel Flower 25 00 1(1 Sept. 25. From Friends at Henderson, Ky., through S. K. Sneed, cashier.. 22 70 Sept. 25. From Perry Nugent, X. O., through J. A. Chalaron 50 00 Sept. 25. From Pliny Tarlton, Saint Mary Parish, La 1 00 Sept, 25. From Leo Tarlton. Saint Mary Parish, La 1 00 Sept. 25.' From G-. W. Cooper, Darien, Ga 1 00 Sept. 25. From "Ancient Order of Ori- ental Haymakers" of Montgomery, Ala., through Mayor I. W. Patton.. 100 00 Sept. 25. From James I. Stewart, !N . O. , through Samuel Flower 10 00 Sept. 25. From William Francis Walsh, N. O 10 00 Sept. 26. From Friends at Rocky Mount, Franklin County, Va., through G. E. Dennis 11 75 Sept. 26. From Proceeds of Tableaux given by the children at Warm Springs," Va., under the superinten- dence of Mrs. Wilder, of Savannah, Ga., through Mrs. R. L. Gibson 28 25 Sept. 27. From A. T., Stark ville, Miss., through Samuel Flower 1 00 Sept. 29. From collections made at Wytheville, Va., by Mrs. George H. Braughn and Mrs. W. W. Breed- love, including $50 from James Mc- Connell, N. O., and $25 from Judge W. B. Spencer, N. O., through Arthur G. Palfrey 110 00 Sept. 30. From employees of the Gen- eral Office of the Western Railroad of Alabama, at Montgomery, who fought with and against General Hood, through Samuel Flower 51 00 Sept. 30. From Capt. R. T. Buckner, New Orleans 10 00 11 Oct. 1. From Thomas Limn, N. 0. through F. ft. Ogden 5 00 Oct. 1. From Masters Wilham Brickell and R. Del Nodal, X. O. Proceeds raffle of a kite, through F.N. Ogden 10 00 Oct 3. From Citizens of Morehouse Parish, La., collected by Wm. M. Washburn, through " Morenouse Clarion" and F. T. Nicholls 61 00 Octl. From Collection taken up in Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Henderson, Ky., through S. K., Sneed, cashier 14 60 Oct. 3. From W. H. Bemiss, Bards- town, Ky., through Mayor I. W. Patton 15 00 Oct. 6. From Citizens of Parish of West Baton Rouge, through J. V. Diu- alde and F. T. Nicholls, as follows: W. B. Robertson 5 00 J. V. Duralde 5 00 H. J. Hyams .^ 2 50 Gustave Dubucha 2 50 W. L. Bernard 2 00 A. V. Dubroca 2 00 Dr. T. P. Vaughan 2 50 E. L. Charropnin 2 00 Geo. W. Hamilton 1 00 Jos. S. Collins 1 00 James R. Devall 1 00 Alcide Dauthin 1 00 O. Mary 50 Victorin Comeaux 50 A. J. London 50 W. B. Chamberlin, Jr 50 $ 29 50 Oct. 8. From J. U. Payne, N. 25 00 Oct. 9. From Voluntary contributions by citizens of Petersburg, Va., through Samuel Stevens, cashier... 21 93 12 Oct. 9. From Contributions of Market St., Sabbath School, M. E. Church South, Petersburg, Va., through Samuel Stevens, Cashier 10 00 Oct. 9. From Citizens of Savannah, Ga., through J. H. Estill of "Sa- vannah Morning News " and Mayor I. W. Patton 132 00 Oct. 9. From Citizens of Charleston, S. ('., through • " Charleston News and Courier " 119 69 Oct. 9. From Washington Light In- fantry, Charleston, S. C, 100 00 Oct. 9. From Mayor Arnoldus Van du Houst, Charleston, S. C 50 00 Oct. 9. From E. H. Trast, Charleston, S. C 10 00 (These four sums from Charleston, received through Rudolph Siegling and J. B. Lafitte & Co.) Oct 9. From Anderson & Simpson, N. O., through James Buckner. 25 00 Oct. 9. From Robert Heath, " The Grange, " Northwick, England, through Anderson & Simpson and Jas Buckner 20 00 Oct. 9. From Prince Louis Sapieha, (Poland) through L. Grand, N. O., and W. V. Crouch 100 0% Oct. 10. From Miss Fanny L. Arm- strong, N. 1 00 Oct. 11. From " A friend of General Hood, " Lynchburg, Va., 50 00 Oct. 11. From Anonymous, Lynchburg, Va 5 00 Oct. 11. From Daniel Coleman, Hunts- ville, Ala., through Samuel Flower 2 00 13 Oct. 11. From "Orleans Dramatic Asso- ciation," N. O., proceeds of an enter- tainment at Grand Opera House, September 24th, 1879, through J. J. Mellon, President;, and W. H. Beanham,E. H. Corkery and J. M. N. Allen, Committee 714 70 Oct. 11. From S. C. Deas, N. Y., through M. Morgan's Sons and Canal Bank 25 00 Oct. 11. From M. Morgan's Sons, N. Y., through Canal Bank 25 00 Oct. 11. From Cash, through American District Telegraph Company 50 Oct. 11. From John Henderson, New Orleans, through Hibernia Insur- ance Company 10 00 Oct. 11. From T. F. Bragg, N. O., through Hibernia Insurance Co 10 00 Oct. 11. From John Irwin, N. O., through Hibernia Insurance Co 5 00 Oct, 11. From John Leahy, N. O., through Hibernia Insurance Co.... 5 00 Oct. 11. From Peter Markey, N. O., through Hibernia Insurance Co 5 00 Oct, 11. From W. J. Castell, N. O., through Hibernia Insurance Co 5 00 Oct. 11. From Little Mary E. McG., Pecan Point, Ark., " all the money she has." 2 00 Oct. 20. From Citizens of Selma, Ala,, being an average of 75 cents for every white voter, through D. M. Callaway, Selma, and F. N. Ogdeu. 442 45 Oct. 22. From John A. Small, Sardis, Miss , 1 00 Oct, 25. Cash (St, Mary Par.), through D. R. Calder 2 50 Oct. 25. Cash (New Orleans), through D. R. Calder, 100 14 Oct. 27. From citizens of Corpus Chris- ti, Texas, through Gen. Beauregard, as follows : D. M. Murphy, Turner's Battery... 10 00 James E. AYev mouth, 7th La 2 50 Mark F. Downey, 7th La 2 00 Wm. Biggio 2 00 Simon Frank 2 50 Jos. L.Frank 2 50 D. M. E. Levy 2 00 Alex. Alpuente 2 00 D. Dowd 2 00 J. T. Murphy 5 00 From Joseph Hymans 1 00 From T. P. Rivers 1 50 35 00 Oct, 28. From Children of H. V. L. Bird, Petersburg, Va., through D. W.Randolph 3 00 Oct. 28. From Sojourners at Sharon Springs, through General Simmes and Samuel Flower, as follows : B. B. Simmes, New Orleans 5 00 Mrs. B. B. Simmes, New Orleans... 5 00 Mrs. Geo, Gerdes, New Orleans 5 00 E. D. Willett, New Orleans 5 00 Mrs. Hoffman, New Orleans 4 00 M. Hoffman, New Orleans 1 00 H. Berens, M. D 5 00 Maude Phillips 2 00 J. Torras 5 00 R. F. Klein 2 50 MissKelley 1 00 40 50 Oct. 29. From R. P., Baltimore, Md, through Mayor Patton 1 00 Oct. 30. From "Alpha," Shreveport, La 1 00 15 Nov. 3. From additional subscriptions from citizens of Petersburg, Va., through Samuel Stevens, cashier..., 2 50 Nov. 4. From Wm. English, Donald- son, Schuvlkill Countv, Pa 1 00 Nov. 4. From A. C. Wilev, DeWitt, Ark. Co., Ark., through LW.Patton 1 00 Nov. 5. From "proceeds of an abund- ant and beautiful growth of hair clipped from her own head by a lady of Lowndes Co., Ala., an educated lady belonging to that large class of Southerners, whose fortunes were wrecked by the war. She is poor in this world's goods, but rich in the finer and gentler impulses, so characteristic of Southern woman- hood. She shrinks from notoriety, and is only solicitous to do her duty in rendering such help as she can to the Orphans," through George W. Stone, Montgomery, Ala., from whose letter this extract is given.... 80 00 Nov. 6. From Frederick de Barry & Co., New York, through Schmidt & Zeigler, New Orleans 50 00 Nov. 8. From John R. Moore, New Orleans, through Samuel Flower, a little boy whose parents told him he could have one dollar a week to contribute to the Hood Orphans for such time as he could do without eating candy — 4£ weeks. 4 50 Nov. 8. From proceeds of an enter- tainment given by the Confederate Veterans Association at the State House Grounds, Baton Rouge, Oct. 6th and 7th, through W, G. Ran- dolph and JohnH. Murray 56 85 Nov. 10. From J. D. Howell, Bastrop, La., through ,l Morehouse Clarion" 1 00 16 Nov. 10, From Citizens of Laredo, Tex- as, through Zuberbier & Behan, as follows : C. M. Macdonell 25 00 Raymond Martin 15 00 Chas, T. Shea 10 00 Frank C. Anrstrong 10 00 H. A. Hirsch 2 00 H. Poggenpohl 2 00 W.C.Jeffries 1 00 Cash 2 00 Mr. &Mrs. C. G. Brewster 5 00 McGnerie 1 00 C. W. Krakauer 5 00 E. F. Hall 5 00 P. Floyd 2 00 G. H. Jurkoski 1 50 B. G. Atlee & Co 3 00 D.Sanchez... 5 00 PrudencioHerrero 1 00 Thomas Gilgan 3 00 Agostin Benavides 2 00 Thomas Ryan 2 00 G. B. Brovanati 1 00 Cash 2 00 J. M. Rodriguez 2 00 J.C.Jeffries 1 00 L. L>. Brewster 2 00 A. P. Caraher, U.S. A.... 5 00 Albert Urbaha. 5 00 Capt. W. II. Jones 5 00 A. A. Rodriguez 5 00 Less exchange 130 00 Nov. 11. Geo. W. Childs, of the Phil- adelphia ,4 Ledger,"and A. S. Abell of the Baltimore " Sun," being 500 dollars from each, through Capt. F. M. Colston, Baltimore 1000 00 Nov. 12. From T. Lee Shute, N. O., through F. N. Ogden 5 00 17 Nov L 12. From Anonymous, through Jesse H. Lindsey* Pres't, Greens- boro, N. C ' 5 00 Nov. 15. From live little girls, who held a fair to raise funds for Gen. Hood's children, through Mayor J. Thompson Band, of Portsmouth City, Va., and Mayor I. W. Patton, N. 5 70 Nov. 17. From Citizens of Norfolk, Va. through Col. W. H. Taylor 87 00 Nov. 22. From proceeds of an enter- tainment given by the Louisiana Division, Army of Tenn. in Grand Opera House, N. O , October 10th, through P. Herron, Chair. Com. 300 00 Nov, 25. From proceeds of a Concert given at u Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies," at Charlotte, N. C, through Rev. W. R. Atkinson 11 25 Nov. 27. From Mary Bell Rhea, Grif- fin, Ga., through'j. G. Rhea 3 00 Nov. 28. From subscriptions by mem- bers of the Louisiana Div., Army of Northern Virginia, N. 22 50 Nov. 28. From subscriptions by mem- bers of the Louisiana Div. , Army of Tennessee, N. O '.. 16 00 Nov. 29. From citizens of Columbus, Miss., through Williams, Johnson & Co., and Mayor I. W. Patton, as follows : Col. W. C. Richards 5 00 Col. L. O.Banks 5 00 Gen. 8. D. Lee 5 00 C. H. Cock 1 00 Cash 50 16 50 18 Nov. 29. From Portland, Or., through Gen'l O. D. Greene and Samuel Flower 55 25 General Greene writes : " It is the result of a little benefit we got up in Portland, Oregon, for Hood's children, at ihe time Gen. Grant was here. Col. Morrow (whom many Louisi- anians know and more will remember) and I started the matter and was at once fully and heartily assisted by Col. W. H. Efringer, for- merly from Staunton, Va., and C. S. A., and by Mr. John Maguire, managerof the Portland Theatre, who kindly gave one-half of the gross proceeds of one night's performance at his the- atre — we to provide attendance of the band of Col. Morrow's Regiment, which was done. The amount is very small, but is better than nothing, and shows at ieast that everybody's heart is in the right place. The sum would have been very much greater except lor the misfortune that we could only have the benefit on the night of Gen. Grant's reception, to which nearly every man, woman and child in this county went. Long before his arrival here he had been engaged (engagements which he could not properly do away with) for the other two nights he was in Oregon, but like theold Roman and Hero he is, he deserted his own reception at a very early hour and went to the Theatre, where "he sat conscientiously through a long and rather dreary performance of " Ours" in the hope of helping dear old Hood's little oues." Dec. 2. From John D. Rogers, Treas- urer, Galveston, Texas, as follows: Proceeds entertainment given by Jack Harris, of San Antonio, Texas. $ 115 00 R. H. Wade, Mexia 5 00 Members Hood Brigade at Marlin... 75 00 S. J. Adams, Dallas 10 00 Joseph Farley, Galveston 10 00 L. S. Taylor/. 10 00 19 Ben. Baker, Columbus 5 00 A Federal Soldier, Columbus 5 00 R. A. Park, Galveston 5 00 Private J. W. Dell, 4th Texas 2 50 Proceeds lecture J. B. Hard wick, Bryan 36 00 Donation by citizens of Bryan 14 00 Proceeds of a fair and ball given by citizens of Corpus Christi 251 30 A. C. Baker, Galveston 10 00 Collection by " Hood Memorial As- sociation" of Galveston 919 00 Proceeds sale 1 bbl. pecans donated byS. L. McCulloch, Kingsbury 19 32 44 Lone Star Rifles," Galveston 31 00 Dr. E. Jones, Tyler 5 00 $1,528 12 Dec. 2. Proceeds of a fair held by two little girls in Savannah, Ga 3 20 Proceeds of a raffle by J. C. Myrick, Savannah, Ga 8 30 Received through J. H. Estill, " ' Morning News " 11 50 From proceeds raffle of a sewing machine by Miss M. L. Solomon, Savannah, through J. H. Estill, of the " Savannah Morning News" 32 00 Through the efforts of Mrs. Ida A. Richardson, of New Orleans, an auxiliary association of ladies was formed in November, who made it their duty to canvass certain dis- tricts of the city, going in pairs. The results were handed in in De- cember as follows : Mmes. Folwell and Gutheim 90 00 Mines. Wilkinson and Charles 36 95 Mmes. Richardson and Pritchard... 203 75 Mmes. Richardson aud Hunton 51 40 20 Mine. T. Skute 159 00 Mmes. Kennedy and Chapman 24 00 Mmes. C. E. Fenner and Walmsley 255 00 Of which last amount $100 was con- tributed by Mrs. Stauffer. Mmes. Wallace and Parker 101 00 Total from Ladies' Auxiliary Asso- ciation, New Orleans 921 10 Dec. 11. Loch Lomond Lodge, No. 242, Shoe Heel, N. C, P. P. Smith, Sec- retary, through Mayor I. W. Patton 19 50 Dec. 12. From proceeds raffle pair of mats by Miss Mamie Selig, Savan- nah, Ga., through J. H. Estill, " Sa- vannah Morning News" 6 50 Dec. 15. From proceeds raffle by two little girls, Eugenia-Dale and Pauline Decker, of Savannah, through J. H. Estill 2 60 Dec. 17. From Citizens of Bayou Sara, La., through F. M. Mumford and F. N. Ogden 30 00 Dec. 18. From citizens of Greenville, Miss., through Mrs. M. Georgie Smith and Mrs. Frank Williams, as follows : Mrs. M. Georgie Smith !.... 25 00 H. & N. Wilczinski, Jas. E. Negus, E. Bourges, M. Kretschmar, W. A. Pollock, S. W. Ferguson, W. N. Hood, J. H. Evans, H. T. Kriger, W. E. Hunt, C. M. Williams, W. G. Yerger, C. W. Lewis & Co., B. F. Worthington, J. P. Fin lay, H. T. I vert, W. A. Perry, $5 each....... 85 00 Greenville Times, C. S. White C. M. Johnson, $3 each 9 00 F. Valliant, W. B. Watson, H. E. Witherbee, Weis & Goldstein, J. Equen,T. S. Anderson, J. C. Heard, G. M. Helm, $2 50 each 20 00 21 George F. Archer, Theodore Pohl, O. J. Paxton, S. Goldsmith, Han- way & Kennedy, L. Moyse, W. A. Evennan, B. F. Hughes, L. Hexter, H. Struby, O. B. C, George Alex- ander, Sol. Brill, I. Isenberg, J. H. Moore, 0. M. Curell, G. W.Brown, Ph. McLean, Joshua Skinner, H. 8. Baker, Wortharn, $2 each.. 42 00 Gensburger & Moskawitz 1 50 G. W. Piatt, T. R. Baird, L. Katz, Capt. Baugh, W. S. Henderson, C. A. A. Winter, Morris & Brother, E. O. Dennett, H. W. Conner, J. A. Newman, S. Rosen field, R, A. Har- * ris, Henrv Robinson, J. Alexander, €. P. Huntington, J. D. Shute, H. R. Mcllwaye, G. Wilkowwki, 8. Archer, W. A. Trigg, D. B. O'Ban- iion, S. L. Rucks, J. F. Harris, L. W. Gay, N. Isenburg, I. KinselU, Vormus Bros., H. P. Jac and four Cash, $1 each 32 00 J. M. Montgomery, D. C. Mont- gomery, J. Ehrlich, I. Hirst, Chas. White, M. Cahn, Sam. Brown, J. G. Archer, J. Heldensfelder, M. Levy, 50 cents each 5 00 219 50 Dec. 8. From C. W. Culbreth, of South Carolina, through R. B. Thomas, Tampa, Fla., and N. O. Nat. Bank. 3 25 Dec. 19. From proceeds of a concert given by the Juvenile Singers of Marshall, Texas, through Miss Tweattie Stephenson 70 10 £, From Citizens of Jefferson Parish, La., through O. Besancon and Gov. F. T. Nicholls, as follows : T. A. Harang 5 00 22 Leon Deforneau 5 00 F. L. Matthews & Co 5 00 O. Besancon 5 00 R. E. Rose 2 50 Michael Flesch 1 00 Wm. Landridge 1 00 J. W. Laeey 1 50 J. T. Preston 1 00 Cash 1 00 28 00 Dee. 24. From Hoed Committee at Helena, Ark., R. W. iSicholJs, Sec- retary and Treasurer, through E. F. • Golsan (two remittances? 122 5Q Dec. 26. From citizens of Cartersburg, Va., through G. W. Bogert and Major W. V. Crouch 7 71 Dec. 26. From citizens of Columbia, S. C, through Mrs. Julia R. Bachman, Treasurer C. M. Association 72 30 Dec. 27. From C. C. Duke, Catahoula Parish, La., through Gov. ISicholls. 5 00 Dec. 30. From Savannah Cotton Ex- change, E. F. Br^an, Superintend- ent, who writes : "A bale of cotton contributed by the citizens of Co- weta County, in this State, which passed through Atlanta and Au- gusta, was subsequently sent to this Exchange for disposal. It was put upon raffie and 144 chances were taken at $1 144 00 The bale was won by Mr. John Nes- bit, who immediately put it up at auction for the benefit of the fund. It was sold for 60 25 which was invested in exchange at £ discount 25 204 50 23 1880. Jan. 1. Collections made under the aus- pices of the "Society of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States in Maryland," as follows : Proceeds of " Pinafore "at Easton..$ 86 54 Col. Charles Marshall 50 00 George W. Wood 25 00 Samuel J. Hough 10 00 R. W. Gwathmey 10 00 H. H. Grave 10 00 W. D. DuBarry 5 00 I. P. Thorn 5 00 Col. R. M. Powell 5 00 Hon. Geo. Wm. Brown 5 00 Hon. J. A. Pearce 5 00 R. M. Blandon 5 00 F. M. Colston 5 00 Geo. W. Davison 5 00 Col. J. Willcox Brown's Children.. 6 00 Wm. B. Wilson's Children 3 00 E. S. Beall's Children 2 00 Capt. E. L. F. Hardcastle 5 00 Miscellaneous and Anonymous Contributions 19 56 $ 267 10 Jan. 5. From Citizens of Georgetown , S. C, th rough R. E. Fraser, Mayor, and Mayor I. W. Patton '. 38 60 Jan. 5. Through Rudolph Seigling, Esq., Charleston, S. C, as follows : From one who served in Field's Division— the sometime Com- mand of Gen. Hood 100 00 FromW. R 3 00 From " News and Courier," being subscriptions added to its list... 288 47 $ 391 47 24 Jan. 6, Through G. W. McCranie, Editor and Proprietor "Ouachita Telegraph," Monroe, La., as follows: From F. Endom and M. M. Grady, each $10 20 00 From G. W. McCranie, R. Richard- son, J. W. Green, L. D. Mc- Lain, R. G. Cobb, Andy Camp- bell, G. C. Phillips, W.'W. Far- mer, Breard, John Muir, S. W. Saunders and H. G. Dobson, each $5 60 00 From T. Y Aby, S. D. McEnery, A. J. Keller, A. B. Sholars, L. D. Allen, Jr., John G. Saun- ders, T. Purcell, M. L. Dedman, R. H. Endom, T. 3. V. Logan, R. W. Richardson. W. P. Ren- wick, H. Filhiol, H. O'Kelly, and H. Meyer, each §2.50 37 50 From A. Demrnler and J. B. Gar- retson, each §2 4 00 From John Fullam 1 50 From Tom Campbell, F. Hatcher, P. Hanlon, W. J. Born, T. J. Larkin, 8. Marx, S. Kuhn, W. H. Ferrv, J. L. Kaliski, Leon Gerson,'D. B. Trousdale, E. T. Morris, Jonas Meyer, Sol Ringer, John Bennett, J. A. Moore, T. P. Richardson, A. B. Sinister, R. Fullam, Thos. Burnham, R. H. Logan, J. E. Hanna, D. C. Tidwell, T. C. Scarborough, C. Tidwell, W. S. Rhodes, J. T. Swan, William Marbury, F. H. Cann, A. Lazare, Dick Swan, A. Willis, Sol Meyer, John Teunee [Chinaman], Geo. C. Enssminger, B. Weil and T.N. Conner, each $1 37 00 25 From W. J. C. Scriber and H. King, each 50 cents 1 00 From cash, $1, cash, $1, cash, fl, cash, $2, cash, $], cash, 50 cts., cash,50cts 7 00 $ 168 00 Jan. 7. From Citizens of West Baton Rouge Parish, through Col. J. V. Duralde [second remittance], and Gov. F. T. Nicholls. as follows : John H. Miller 1 00 Lewis Kirkland 2 00 C. J. Barrow 5 00 John Hill 5 00 J. E. Tucker 2 50 W. B. Chamberlin 50 N. W. Pope 2 50 $ 18 50 Jan. 9. From Rev. J. M. Brinkley, Sherman, Texas 50 Jan. 10. From Bradish Johnson, N. O. 50 00 Jan. 14. Through A. J. Sykes. Aber- deen, Miss., and F. T. Copp, as fol- lows : From Mississippi Exposition Ass'n 25 00 From Oil Mills at Columbus 10 00 $ 35 00 Jan. 14. From "Contribution box" on board the Steamboat " Natchez," Capt. Leathers, La 34 50 Jan. 17. From Cash, N. O., through Cartwright Eustis, Esq 25 00 Jan. 17. From Whitesburg, Ga., as fol- lows : John O'Rear 84 W. C. Aycock 25 B. H. Brown 25 O. H. Benthley 15 i 1~50 26 Jan. 17. From Peter Seals, Savannah, Ga., through J. H. Estell, "Morn- ing News" 5 00 Jan. 19. From Citizens of Lexington, Kentucky, through Thomas Mit- chell, Cashier 11 00 Jan. 24. From Rev. Ellison Capers, Greenville, S. C, two thank offer- ings 1 50 Jan. 27. From D. R. Fant& Co., Go- liad, Texas, through A. Baldwin & Co., N. 9 00 Jan. 29. Through J. H. Estill, "Savan- nah Morning News," as follows: From a sympathizer 5 00 From proceeds of a Fair held by three little girls, Mamia S. Cox, Nina L. Pope and Georgia W. Wilson 2 00 00 Jan. 31. From Hon. W. W. Screws, Montgomery, Ala., and Gen. G. T. Beauregard 643 33 The letter accompanying this remittance reads : " At the risk of being tedious, it is proper to make statement of the way in which this money was realized. About November 1st, last, some citizens of Louisville, Ky., were impressed by the beautiful act of the children of Gen. Joseph Wheeler, in giving 4 bale of Cotton for the benefit of the orphan children of a fellow-soldier of their own gallant father, and sent to him one of " Deering's Horse Power," a splendid piece of farm machinery, to be dis- posed of as he might deem best, and proceeds to be given to the children of Gen. Hood. About the same time, some generous ladies of Smith's Station, Lee Co., Ala., sent to me a bale of Cotton to be disposed of for the same purpose. It was decided to issue three thou- 27 sand tickets at 50 cents each, and have the articles disposed of by drawing. Immediately on this announcement, various other contribu- tions were made, as follows : One White Sewing Machine, by Capt. G. L. Werth. One Fine Family Bible, by Mr. Joel White. One lot Tobacco] by Major Black nail. One Silk Umbrella, by Mr. H. C. Davidson. One Fine Picture Frame, by Mr. C. E. Wallin. One Picture, "Monument to Columbus at Genoa," by Mr. C. J. Payne. One Pine Apple Silk Handkerchief, by Mrs. C. J. Payne. One dozen Frames and Brushes, by Mr. S. Schuenler. Two braids of their own hair, by little daughters of Mr. A. S. Gerald, which were added to the list to be drawn. Owing to un- avoidable circumstances, the drawing did not take place until Friday, 16lh January. All tickets, sold and unsold, were put in the wheel, the latter being considered the property of the children. The number cf tickets sold and paid for, was 968, making $484. Out of this was paid $27 for all expenses. The Louisville and Ts ash- ville Railroad transported the Horse Power from Louisville here free of cost. The Western Railroad of Alabama, delivered the bale of Cotton without charge, and the necessary haul- ing in this city was done cheerfully without cost. The Hood children drew the bale of Cotton and the Horse Power. The former was resold for $55 13, and the latter for $100. This amount is included in the draft. Citizens of Haynesville, Ala., also sent to Mr. H. C. Davidson, through Messrs. Streety & Co., $31 20, as contribution to the fund. This amount is also included in the draft, the sum total being $643 33. The children also drew 28 the Silk Handkerchief and the Bible and the picture of the Monument to Columbus, all of which are sent this day to you by Southern Express, the Company transporting same free. It has been suggested by Gen. Wheeler that you write the names and date of birth of the children in the Bible." Feb. 4. From G. A. Jackson, Lawton- ville, Ga., thro' Col. Sam'l Flower..? 6 00 Feb. 9. From citizens of Tensas Parish, La., through T. P. Clinton and Gov. F. T. Nicholls 30 00 Feb. 11. FromR. E. Wilson, Augusta, Ga 1 50 Feb. 11. Proceeds of an entertainment given by the ladies of Johnsonville, Miss., assisted by those of Mound Bayou, through W. H. Baird, who 104 80 writes: " The meritorious efforts of the ladies deserve the greatest praise, and their example should be followed by all true Southerners, who should feel that they are the guardians of the fatherless family left by their battle-scarred and unfortunate Veteran." Feb. 13. From S. A. Duke, Baxter, Drew County, Ark. , through Yale & Bowling, New Orleans 2 30 Feb. 19. From W. A. Hemphill, Esq., business manager of the "Consti- tution" Publishing Company and chairman " Hood Relief Commit- tee" of Atlanta, Ga 2,800 00 Less, directed to be paid over to the children's guardian for their imme- diate use 300 00 2,500 00 Feb. 19. From Mrs. Howard Hender- son, collected at Nice, France, (200 francs) by her, through James S. Zacharie, New Orleans 40 00 29 Feb. 10. From Chamberlayne & Beirne, Richmond, Va., proprietors of the Richmond "States, " being subscrip- tions by various persons, forwarded through Gen. R. L. Gibson and Major Crouch, as follows : W. E. Lefew 1 00 R. F. Bierne" 5 00 Third St, African M. E. Church.... 2 00 H. L. Young, New York 5 00 Rea Watkins 1 00 John J. Pritchett, Pennsylvania 1 00 Some little children who have just lost a father 2 00 1st Maryland Cavalry, Proctor's Creek, Va 1 00 Dr. J. E. L. Delk 1 00 A Lady 50 Christ Church, Pt. Pleasant, W.Va. 1 13 Children, 5th and Main Sts., Rich- mond 2 50 Collected by Miss Agnes Chamber- layne 5 75 Col. Talcott's children 4 00 Cash 9 00 41 88 Feb. 20. From Charles R. Jones, Pro- prietor of the "Charlotte Observer," Charlotte, N. C. proceeds of " Ob- ^erver Fund" for benefit Gen. Hood's children, through Gen. G. T. Beauregard , 75 59 Feb. 21. From New Orleans Cotton Exchange, " being contribution of sundry persons and members of the Exchange towards the purchase of the Blake bale of cotton, sent here from Texas, and after sale for this amount was re-donated to the Hood fund and forwarded to Mobile. Ala , for like sale in behalf of the or- phans," through D. A. Given, N. O. 630 ©0 30 Feb. 23. From proceeds of a lecture at Y. M. C. A. rooms, Mobile, Ala., by Aldridge Youug, through Mr. Glennon 12 00 Feb. 24. From Dr. Y. A. P, Garnett, President " Memorial Association," Washington, D. C, through Mrs. R. L. Gibson, Mavor I. W. Patton and Col. Flower... .. 67 50 Feb. 26. From Gish & Garner, Hop- kinsville, Ky 3 85 Feb. 26. From collections made by Mrs. Doswell and Mrs. H H. Wal- lace from children in Fredericks- burg, Va., through J. T. Doswell and Major Crouch 20 00 Mch. 2. From proceeds of a lecture in New Orleans, by Aldridge Y'oung, through W. C. Raymond 5 75 Mch. 5. From L. A. Lambert, Pastor Catholic Church, Waterloo, Seneca Co., N. Y., through John A. Morris 5 00 Mch. 10. From Mrs. Wm. H. Johnson, New Orleans, through L. N. Gillis, 5 00 Mch. 19. From citizens of Louisville, Ky., through H. W. Bruce, Pres. .Hood Relief Committee, Louisville 672 75 Mch. 26. From Sam. T. Brown, Pay- master U. S. A. at Oakland, Md., through "N. Y. Tribune " 5 00 Mav 22. From Peter Berger, Houma, La., through D. R. (aider 100 00 May 24. From citizens of St. Louis, Mo., through T. E. Tutt, Treasurer Hood Relief Committee at St. Louis 325 Ui) May 24. From some loving children of Baltimore, through Miss K. S. French 20 00 June 16. From H. W. Worley, Lex- ington, Ky., through Thos. Mitch- ell, Cashier 10 00 31 Sept. 10. From J. McD. , Goldsborough , Md., through Capt. F. M. Colston, Baltimore 5 00 Oct. 8. From proceeds of a bale of cot- ton donated by thechildren of Gen. Joseph Wheeler, of Alabama, and sent to Trabue, Davis & Co., Louis- ville, to be disposed of for the bene- fit >f Gen. Hood's children, through H. W. Bruce, President Hood Re- lief Committee of Louisville 267 72 Nov. 15. From Additional, from the "Charleston News and Courier" fund, through R. Seigling. Charles- ton, S. C 24 00 Nov. 23. From citizens of Macon, Ga., through Geo. S. Jones, Thomas Henderson and Ben. C. Smith, Committee, at Macon, and Duncan F. Kenuer, New Orleaus 666 87 1881. Aug. 1. From several gentlemen of the State of California $565 00 Benefit given at Baldwin Theatre, San Francisco, un- der auspices of friends of Genl. Hood 323 00 through George Flournoy. Harry I. Thornton and Lloyd Tevis, of San Francisco, and Saml. Flower, New Orleans 888 00 Sept. 5. From J. B. Ki Hebrew, Nash- ville, Tenn., through Genl. G, T. Beauregard 33 15 Nov. 1. From Leroy D. Jones, Nash- ville, Tenn., being portion of funds raised by raffle of a plow given by Mickle