DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/preliminarylistoOOduke A PRELIMINARY LIST OF MASTERS THESES AM) DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS ACCEPTED AT DUKE UNIVERSITY THROUGH 19(6 Compiled by the Reference Department, Perkins Library, Duke University Durham, N.C. 1967 j A 3 ; PREFACE Trinity College accepted its first master's thesis in 1920, for the M.A. degree in Education. No Ph.D. degrees were awarded until 1928, in which year Duke University's Zoology department accepted its first mas- ter's thesis and doctoral dissertation. Although some 6000 theses and dissertations were accepted between 1920 and 1965 no cumulative listing has been available except in card files in the university library. This provisional list has been compiled from a library card file arranged by department and within department, by date. Hopefully, future editions of thesis lists will appear as computer printouts. The original typed copy of every thesis and dissertation is kept in the University library's archives. Usually, a second copy is avail- able either in the Graduate Reading Room or in the appropriate science departmental library. Since January 1958 Duke University has participated in the University Microfilms program whereby microfilm or xerox copies of dissertations may be purchased directly from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michi- gan. At the library's discretion, second copies of all Duke theses and dissertations may be borrowed through regular interlibrary loan procedures. Permission of the author is necessary before photocopies may be made. A final word concerning Bachelor of Divinity theses. For a few years the same thesis was accepted for two degrees: the B.D. and the M.A. in religion. Therefore the same title will appear in the B.D. and M.A. lists. Unfortunately, the library failed to receive archival copies of some B.D theses, and so, although they are listed here, no copies are avail- able. Corrections, additions and suggestions for future editions will be gratefully received by the Reference Department, Perkins Library, Duke University. F.E.B. 1 December 1967 hr \ A IT A I M Y 1953 Ph.D. 1. Santadusit, Aroon Ekchandra, 1921- Studies upon implanted ovarian tissue in spayed albino rats, follow- ing cultivation in vitro for varying lengths of tine ... 92 p. 1959 Ph.D. 2. Kahaley, Moses Stephen, 1932- The in vitro- in vivo screening of drugs for, and tneir use with, estracorporeal regional cancer chemotherapy ... 77 p. 3. Wells, Joseph, 1934- The autoradiographic distribution of DL-cystine-S-35 in normal and water-deprived adult rats ... 63 p. 1960 M.A. 4. Singleton, Mary Clyde Fiber connections of the human optic tract ... 28 p. Ph.D. 5. Benton, Robert Sheeran, 1914- A morphological study of the primate pelvis ... 237 p. 6. Frayser, Katherino Regina, 1926- In. vivo and histologic study of emphysematous changes experimentally produced in animals ... 83 p. 1961 M.A. 7. Flanagan, Eleanor M. The phenomenon of intra-uterine respiratory activity in the guinea pig and its relation to pentobarbital sodium anesthesia ... 69 p. 8. King, Joseph Edward Some effects of barbiturate anesthesia (pentobarbital) on rats and their offspring ... 91 p. 9. Riebel, John Daeschner An electronic method of measuring and recording the resistance to passive muscle stretch in man ... 64 p. 10. Wilson, Robert Gladstone Studies of the range of motion of fingers and thumb in all anatomical dimensions ... 71 p. ANATOMY Ph.D. 11. Perkins, Lois Claire, 1926- The early postnatal development of the cerebellar cortex in the dog and the effect of early spinocereoellar tractotomy ... 50 p. 1953 Ph.D. 13. Gabor, Andrew John, 1935- The claustrum a "behavioral and electrographic study ... 112 p. 13. Wilkinson, Harold Arthur, 1935- Intracranial self-stimulation in cats: a study of the neural basis of emotion ... 146 p. 1963 M.A. 14. D'Ansi, Francis Anthony An electron microscope study of the cat adrenal medulla with reference to the chromaffin granules ... 85 p. Ph.D. 15. Osinchak, Joseph, 1937- A fine structure and cytochemical study of neurosecretory cells in the supraoptic nucleus of the rat ... 240 p. 1964 M.A. 16. Xelson, Cnarlene l-lae A histologic study of the effects of profound hypothermia on spinal cord of the dog ... 48 p. 17. Taylor , Barbara Day An electromyographic study of the human deltoid muscle ... 54 p. Ph.D. 18. Boone, Stephen Christopher, 1938- The site and synthesis of lignoceric and nervonic acids ... 116 p. 19. Singleton, Mary Clyde, 1912- Distribution of optic fibers in the cat ... 60 p. 1965 M.A. 20. Little , Chloe Backley Doby Delayed birth in experimental animals and its relation to the post- maturity syndrome ... 119 p. 21. Molleson, Ann Louise A histological study of alpha and beta cells in the pancreatic islets in newly hatched chicks through the ago of two weeks ... 67 p. ANTHROPOLOGY 1950 M.A. 22. Wilkinson, Thomas Oberson The social functions of primitive art. 1950,.. 110 p. 1952 M.A. 23. Cheek, Frances Gowans A consideration of the methodological contribution of the personality and culture school from a Whiteheadian point of view . .* 70 p. Ph.D. 24. Conrad, Jack Randolph, 1923- The "bullfight; the cultural history of an institution ... 368 p. SEE ALSO SOCIOLOGY BACTERIOLOGY 1940 M.A. 25. Mickle , Walter Alvin A study of tho dissociation of Canida (l-ionilia) albicans. 1939. 48 p. 1946 M.A. 26. Pope, Hilda Persons The synthesis of B-complex vitamins by tubercle bacilli when grown on a synthetic medium. 27 p. 1948 M.A. 27. Adams, Anne Shand Immunological and epidemiological studies of blastomycosis, coccid- ioidomycosis and histoplasmosis. 52 p. 1949 M.A. 28. Hardin, Hilliard Prances Serological studies of epidemic parotitis: the application of the E. P. 50 complement fixation test utilizing the viral and soluble mumps antigens. ^6 p. Ph.D. 29. Haley, Leanor Davison, 1921- Etiology of otomycosis. 72 p. 30. Pope , Hilda Persons , 1923- The effect of vitamin analogues on growth of the tubercle bacillus. 100 p. 1951 Ph.D. 31. Priedman, Lorraine, 1919- Comparative antigenic and immunologic studies on blastomyces dermatitidis, the cause of Horth American blastomycosis, and blastomyces brasiliensis, the cause of South American blastomycosis. 59 p. 1952 M.A. 32. Christison, Isabel B. Testing fungistatic activity of some organic compounds against fungi pathogenic for man. 39 p. BACTERIOLOGY 1953 Ph.D. 33. Jor.ofiak, Eugene Joseph, 1926- Studies in tno gnnus phialophora thaxter 1915. 59 n> 34. Vogel, Ralph Arnold, 1923- Cultural and immunologic studies on the parasitic growth phase of coccid- ioines innltis . the etiologic agent of coccidioidomycosis. 73 p , 1954 Ph.D. 35. Taylor, Robert Leo, 1925- A study of the antigenic properties of hlstoplasna cap sula turn darling, ... 42 p. 36. Vardhanabhuti, Sman, 1916- Antigenic study of chemically purified substances from nocardia aster- oides ... 80 p. 1956 Ph.D. 37. Hampson, C. Ross, 1913- Imnunological and environmental studies with coccicioides immitis ... 71 p. 38. Hawkins, Joan Ellen, 1925- Transaminase activity in tuOercle "bacilli ... 76 p. 39. Wilbur, Jeanne Doucette , 1925- The effect of some fungal and bacterial infections on the succinic dehydrogenase activity of mouse and guinea pig kidneys ... 17 p. 1957 M.A. 40. Curtis , William Grandy The effects of high pressures at low temperatures on erytnrocytes, plasma and certain viruses ... 49 p. Ph.D. 41. Cozad, George Carmon, 1927- Investigations concerning the agglutination test as a diagnostic test for histoplasmosis ... 40 p. 42. Trejos, Alfonso, 1921- Korphologic, physiologic and antigenic studies of torula bergeri ... 88 p. BIO - CHEMISTRY 1954 M.A. 43. Reese, Ethel Merritt Serum calcium and phosphorus in guinea pigs after treatment with parathyroid hormone and calcium gluconate. 18 ,p . Ph.D. 44. Mason, Morton Freeman The distribution of bromide in the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, saliva and gastric juice in the dog and man in the state of chronic bromide intoxication. 47 p. 1958 Ph.D. 45. Michel, Harry Oscar, 1910- A study of sulf hemoglobin. 60 p. 1939 M.A. 46. Baun, Rhoda May A study of a combustion method for the determination of the solubility of benzene in water and in aqueous salt solutions. 48 p. Ph.D. 47. Klein, James Raymond, 1908- A study of tne tissue metabolism of the rat in relation to thyroid activity. 50 p. 1940 M.A. 48. Levy, Edward David The excretion of the pyridine derivatives in the urine ... 50 p. 1943 Ph.D. 49. Sarett, Herbert Paul, 1916- The metabolism of nicotinic acid in man and dog. 56 p. 50. Saz, Arthur Kenneth, 1917- The effect of aromatic iodine compounds on the growth and metabolism of the tubercle bacillus. 79 p. 1945 M.A. 51. Volkin, Elliot The preparation and partial purification of Wassermann antibody (reagin). 28 p. BIO-CHEMISTRY 1945 Ph.D. 52. Huff, Jesse William, 1916- Studies on the metabolism of nicotinic acid and of pyridoxine. 130 p. 1949 Ph.D. 53. Kaufman, Elaine Elkins, 1923- Chemical and enzymatic studies on crystalline carboxypeptidase .. 88 p. 54. Kaufman, Seymour, 1924- Chemical and enzymatic studies on crystalline chymothrypsin. 80 p. 55. Rosen, Fred, 1921- Further studies on the metabolism of nicotinic acid. I. The transfor- mation of tryptophan to nicotinic acid. II. The estimation of 6-pyridone N^-methylnicotinamide and its significance in nicotinic acid metabolism. 117 p. 1950 M.A. 56. Georgiade, Ruth Sauer The effect of dietary protein upon the blood sugar level. 44 p. • 57. Hunter, Sylvia Fishman, 1926- The enzymatic oxidation of n methylnicotinamide to 6-pyridone nlmethylnicotinamide in vitro . 47 p. Ph.D. 58. Kent, John Franklin, 1908- The application of quantitative methods in studies of the antigen- antibody reactions. 68 p. 59. Snoke, John Edward, 1921- The relation of chemical stricture of substrates to their hydrolysis by proteolytic enzymes. 77 p. 1951 Ph.D. 60. Eisenberg, Max Aaron, 1917- Studies on pancreatic proteases and their precursors and reversible heat denaturation of chymotrypsinogen. 81 p. 61. Leder, Irwin Gordon, 1920- The biological synthesis of pyridine nucleotides. 89 p. 62. McKinney, Gordon R. , 1923- An in vitro study of the action of various drugs on certain phases of tissue anabolism. 77 p. BIO - CHEMISTRY 1955 Ph.D. 63. Colin , David V. Parathyroid hormone and tne renal excretion of phosphate. 133 p. 54. Drats, Arthur Frederick, 1923- Eenal phosphate and carbohydrate metabolism ... 114 p. 65. Green, Irving, 1921- An electrotitrimetric method for the study of ATPase activity in myosin systems ... 179 p. 66. Parrish, Bobert Guy, 1924- The preparation, hydration and molecular kinetic properties of myosin... 192 p. 1954 Ph.D. 67. Cobey, Florapearl Armstrong, 1923- Adenylate kinase activity in vivo, and studies on sulfur metabolism ... 95 p. 1955 M.A. 68. Kyun, Maung Than The enzymatic mechanism of the specific dynamic action of proteins ... 40 p. Ph.D. 69. Fridovich, Irwin, 1929- Studies on the enzymatic oxidation of sulfite ... 137 p. 70. Glaid, Andrew Joseph, 1923- Specificity and inhibition of liver esterase and lactic dehydrogenase . .. 141 p. 71. Hakala, Kaire Tellervo, 1917- Studies on dehydrogenase systems. I. Kinetics and specificity of lactic dehydrogenase. II. Spectral properties of coenzyme I and of related substances ... 104 p. 72. Bupp, Joseph C. , 1928- The determination of the molecular size and shape of myosin by optical methods ... 130 p. 1956 Ph.D. 73. Takonaka, Yasuo , 1925- A spectrophotometric determination of trypsin and chymotrypsin •»• Mechanism of action of lactic dehydrogenase ... 101 p. bio - c h e ;■; I S ? H I 1957 Ph.D. 74. Preiss, Jack, 1934- Biosynthosis of nicotinamide mononucleotide... 104 p. 75. Winer, Alfred Dennis, 1926- A study of tne effect of pH on the kinetics of the lactic dehydrogenase system ... 103 p. 1958 Ph.D. 76. Duda, George Kinetics of ammonia metabolism in vivo ... 50 p. 77. Klingman, Jack Dennis , 1927- Partial purification and properties of renal glutaminase ... 41 p. 78. Neuhaas, Francis Clemens, 1932- Ketabolism of phosphoserine-c— phospho serine phosphatase ... 122 p. 1959 Ph.D. 79. Hass , Louis Frederick, 1926- The enzymatic dephosphorylation of glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-1, 6-diphosphate ... 104 p. 80. ITovoa, William Brewster, 1950- A study of some inhibitors of lactic de-hydrogenase ... 67 p. 1960 Ph.D. 81. Imsande , John, 1931- Biosynthesis of nicotinic acid mono r^bleotide ... 69 p. 82. IlacLeod, Robert Meredith, 1929- Sulfite-cytochrome c reductase ... 84 p. 83. EothscHild, Carl, 1931- Kitochondrial oxidation of reduced pyridine nucleotide ... 60 p. 84. Smith, Eugene Joseph, 1929- Studie9 on tne nucleotide Bpectra of microorganisms ... 62 p. 1961 Ph.D. 85. Parkas, Walter Robert, 1933- Bovine sulf ito-cytocnrome c reductase ... 69 p, 86. Mashburn, Louise (Tull), 1930- Studies of lipolytic enzyineo: purification and separation of some li- polytic enzymes in adipose tissue ... 64 p. 10 BIO - CHEMISTRY Ph.D. 87. Millar, David B.S. , 1931- Isolation and physical characterization of homogeneous lactic de|iy- drogenase ... 107 p. 88. Williams, Charles Iladdon, 1932- Microsomai triphospnopyridine nucleotide-cytochrome c reductase of liver.. 109 p. 1962 M.A. 89. Griffin, Lillian Defilippis The partial purification and characterization of fructose-1, 6-diphos- phatase ... 36 p. Ph.D. 90. Greenlee, Lorance Lisle, 1935- Studies on induction of chemiluninescence during enzymic reactions ... 66p. 91. Jacobson, Bernard Jerome, 1936- Studies on the metabolism of chondroitin sulfate B ... 132 p. 1963 M.S. 92. Bhatnagar, Eajendra Sahi Biosynthetic capacities of avian embryonic tibiae in culture. Part I: "biosynthesis of collagen ... 51 p. Ph.D.' 93. Masters, Bettie Sue (siler) 1937- The mechanism of hepatic microsomal triphosphopyridine nucleotide- cytochrome c reductase ... 133 p. 94. Smith, William James, 1935- Studies on dopamine-yS-hydrosylase ... 102 p. 95. Waite, Benjamin Moseley, 1936- Studies on acetyl CoA carboxylase ... 104 p. 1964 M.A. 96. Modirzadeh, Jamal Microsomal TPM-cytochrome bg reductase system ... 107 p. Ph.D. 97. Bhatnagar, Rajendra Sahai, 1936- The effect of lathyrogens on collagen metabolism in embryonic chick hones in culture ... 81 p. 11 BIO-CHEMISTRY 1964 Ph.D. 98. Brownlee, Susan Templeton, 1935- Studies on galactosamine uronic acid and other acid amino sugars obtained from VI antigen producing bacteria ... 97 p. 99. Bulos, Bernard Arthur, 1934- A study of glutamic-alanine transaminase ... 109 p. 100. Cherniak, Robert, 1936- Metabolism of sulfated heteropolysaccharides "active sulfate", its chemical synthesis and biological role ... 157 p. 101. Ganoza, Maria Clelia, 1938- The role of lipid in glucose-6-phosphatase ... 173 p. 102. Kim, Taik Yung, 1925- The synthesis and biological activity of uridine-5' -diphospho-n-acetyl hexosamines ... 108 p. 103. Weinberg, Barbara Lee Huberman, 1934- Some studies on the cell-virus relationship in avian myeloblastosis ... 145 p. 104. Woodson, Bruce Alan, 1936- Arginine as a precursor of pyrimidines in strain L 929 fibroblasts infected with pleuro-pneumonia-like organisms ... 92 p. 1965 M.A. 105. Stutts, Patricia Louise Studies on the stimulation of horseradish peroxidase by nitrogenous compounds ... 88 p. Ph.D. 106. Aleman-Aleman, Victor, 1933- Studies on the structure and function of dihydroorotic dehydrogenase ., 138 p. 107. Harris, Constance Malmar, 1937- Studies on the structure of human myoglobin ... 116 p. 107a. Perchemlides , Peter, 1936- Synthesis and properties of aldosyl and aldosyluronic acid phosphates and the related application of NMR spectroscopy ... 221 p. 108. Pugh, Elizabeth Lenora, 1933- The mechanism of fatty acid synthesis in E. coli ... 96 p. 109. Whitney, Philip Lawrence, 1937- Denaturation and renaturation of fragment I of rabbit y-globulin and antibodies ... 104 p. 12 boian: 3 921 M.A. 110. Barnes, Jesse Tnomas Fure culture method of diatoms. 1921. 1927 M.A. 111. Buff aloe , ITorraan Barnes Tne morphology of tne vegetable structures of Dionaea muscipula. 26-p". 1929 M.A. 112. Ehrlich, John Areolate mildew of cotton and tne morpnology of Ramularia areola Atkinson. 32 p.. 113. Jenkins, V.'ilbert Armonde The morphology and life-history of Mycosphaerella cere salla Adorn. 33 p. 114. Root, Raymond Villard The influence of humidity on txxe temperature of certain poikilotnerms. 1930 M.A. 115. Breciier, Gerhard Karl Adolf Otto Tooacco Frenching (Folyphylly). 33 p. 116. Trentham, Snannon Otis Vegetation of the artificial lakes of western North Carolina. 50 p. Ph.D. 117. Pov/ell, Tnomas E. , Jr. A biological study of tne tooacco beetle ( Laslaorna serricorne Fabr. ) witn special reference to its life history and control. 137 p. 1931 Ph.D. 118. Greathouse, Glenn Artnur Sono physico-chemical properties of cell sap in plants, with some studies of transpiration, and their relationship to the physical environment. 1931. 84 p. 13 BOTANY 1932 M.A. 119. Carlos, Thomas Patrick Studies on the black shank disease of tobacco. 42 p. 120. Johnson, Frank Harris A new approach to the problem of culturing in vitro the infective principle of tobacco mosaic: Fractionation of healthy tissue for culture media. 136 p. 121. Robertson, Lora Lee Morphology of the sporophyte of Aulacomnium heterostium (Hedw.) B. & S. 21 p. 122. Wilson, Lloyd Bain The influence of the halogens chlorine, bromine, and fluorine on tobacco. 22 p. 1933 M.A. 123. Anderson, Lewis Edward Microsporogenesis in Philadclphus grandiflorus Willd. 47 p. 124. Harvey, Harlow Williamson Morphological studies in the hysteriales. 46 p. 125. This number not used. 126. Jenkins, Ruth Irwin The origin and early development of axillary buds and roots in the aerial fruiting stem of Equisetum praealtum.R af . 14 p. 127. Latham, Dennis Harold A Cerocospona leaf spot of cowpeas. 34 p. 128. Waynick, Minerva Ann A rot of pear caused by the red bread-mold fungus. 21 p. 1934 M.A. 129. Glasson, Mary Embry A survey of the vegetation of Perquimans County, -North Carolina, with special reference to the spring flora. 91 p. 14 3 o i a ;; y M.A. 130. Wallaco , Julian Howard Comparative studies of the leafsap properties of tnree evergroens in relation to cold resistance. 1933. 28 p. 1935 M.A. 131 • Philson, Paul James Tho Cynnophyceae of Durham and vicinity, 1931. 106 p. 132. Billings , William Dwight Some effects of the removal of tho "A" horizon on the soil and the vegetation. 1935. 70 p. 133. Reddish, Paul Sigman Soil protozoa of the Duke Forest. 1935. 57 p. 134. Peed, John Frederick The relation of the leaf structure of mesophytic forest trees to certain environmental factors. 1935. 51 p. 135. Peed, Mildred Gant Stites A taxonomic and floristic study of the genus C.yperus in North Carolina. 1935. 116 P . 136. Scott, John Dayton Factors affecting the storage and germination of seeds of Viburnum pry jiifolium. 193 4. 45 p. 1936 M.A. 137. Correll, Donovan Stewart The orchids of llorth Carolina. 1936. 147 p . 138. McLean, Puth Atkinson The pathology of damping-off of tobacco seedlings caused "by r-hizoctonia solani Euhn. 1936. 33 p. 139. Miller, James Kyle A new species of Keithia on rod cedar. 1934. 19 p. Ph.D. 140. Billings, William Dwight The structure and development of old field shortleaf pine stands and certain associated physical properties of the soil. 1936. 141. Peed, John Frederick Poot and shoot growth of shortleaf and loblolly pines in relation to certain environmental conditions. 1936. 120 p. 142. Spangler, Helen Virginia The anatomical and histological results of potassium deficiency in toma- to and tobacco. 1936. 130 p. 15 BOTANY 1937 H.A. 143. Beaven, Evelyn Sherwin A taxononic and ecologic study of the moss flora of Franklin county, North Carolina. 1936. 60 p. 144. Beaven, George Trancis A study of the flora of the Pocoiaoke River swamp on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. 1935. 60 p. 145. Brown, Jaraea Wilson The effect of temperature on the respiration of acorns. 1937. 43 p. 146. Garren, Kenneth Eoward A study of the wood- inhabiting fungi of the Duke forest. 1937. 83 p. Ph.D. 147. Schopmeyer, Clifford Scharff The effect of soil moisture on the transpiration and hound water content of 1 oblolly pine and short- leaf pine with reference to drought resistance. 1937. 75 p. 1938 K.A. 148. Humphreys, Mary Emily Buried viable seeds in a successional series of old field and forest soils. 1938. 40 p. 149. Jester, Joseph Rioaardson The effect of length of day on the growth of certain forest tree seedlings. 1938. 28 p. 150. McAllister, Birdie A study of the ^iora of Key 3iscayne,Dade County, Florida. 1938. 54 p. 151. Price, Albert Lee A survey of the vegetation of Unicoi county, Tennessee. 1938. 62 p. 152. Smith, Prank Perrell A comparative study of three methods of treating black locust seeds to hasten their germination. 1938. 48 p. 153. Toole, Bben Richard Relation of incidence of needle diseases in loblolly pine plantations to certain physical properties of the soil. 1938. 21 p. 16 BOTANY 1938 Ph.D. 154. Brown, Jar.ios Wilson , 1913- Kespiration of acorns as related to temperature and after-ripening. 1938. 74 f 155. Duncan, Wilbur Howard, 1910- A study of root development in three soil types in the Duke forest. 1938.145 p 156. Garren, Kenneth Howard, 1912- A study of Polyporus nbietinus , the cause of the pitted sapwood rot of pines. 1938. 120 p. 1939 M.A. 157. Barbour, William Johnston The brown spot disease of longleaf pine seedlings. 1939. 23 p. 158. Luttrell , Everett Stanley A tar spot disease of American holly and tne life history of the causal organism. 1939. 42 p. 159. McDermott, John Joseph Changes in the chemical composition of acorns as related to storage treatment and after-ripening. 1939. 26 p. 160. Post on, Mary Alverta Brucellosis. 1939. 29 p. Ph.D. 161. Brown, Dalton Milford, 1898- The vegetation of Roan mountain: an ecological study. 1938. 152 p. 162. Correll, Donovan Stewart, 1908- A taxonomic and distributional study of tne orchids of the southeastern United States. 1939. 400 p. 163. Moore, Jerry Hamilton, 1895- The distribution of the fiber population on the cotton seed and its re- lation to f ibiar length and unit fiber weight in five varieties of Ameri- can upland cotton. 1939. 54 p. 164. Wang, Yen-Chieh, 1908- Studies of interactions of certain site factors and young loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L. ) plantations 1939. 219 p. 1940 M.A. 165. Decker, John Peter The effect of Dowax on transpiration, height growth, photosynthesis, and respiration of tree seedlings. 1940. 23 p. 17 B T A II Y M.A. i^O 166. Huntley, Dorotiiy A survey of the vogetation of i ; orty-acre Rock Lancaster county, South Carolina.. 1939. 33 p. 167. Singeltary, Mary L. A survey of tne vegetation of Osceola county, Florida. 1939. 78 p. 168. Williams, Louis G. The genus Podium at Beaufort , llorth Carolina. 39 p. Ph.D. 169. Gier, Leland Jacob, 1904- Root systems of brignt "belt tobacco. 75 p. 170. Luttrell, Everett Stanley, 1916- The morphology and development of some fungi parasitic on trees within the Duke forest. 62 p. 171. Toole, Eben Richard, 1913- Mimosa wilt caused by Fusariun porniciosum Hepting. 1940. 115 p. 1941 M.A. 172. Asan, Eaydar Mustafa Toxicity of certain volatile compounds to tobacco downy mildew, Perono- spora tabacina. 1940- 27 p. 173. Dedmon, Robert 0. The genus Buppia at Beaufort, llorth Carolina, and adjacent vicinity. 30 p, 174. Elder, Frances R. The vegetation of Pine Island, Dade County, Florida. 38 p. 175. Kosiovski., Theodore Thomas, 1917- The transpiration rates of some forest tree species during the dormant season. 59 p. 176. Livingston, Robert Blair The effect of altitude on the composition of grasslands on the plains of central Colorado. 70 p. 177. Pew, Shelba Glenn A summer pnase of ^ntoronorpha Lingulata J. A. Agardh at Beaufort, North Carolina. Zb p . 178. Quarterman , Elsie Distribution of the comp.ositae in Lowndes county, Georgia. 41 p. 179. Wilson, Cnarles Christopher Diurnal changes in the moisture content of some herbaceous plants, by Charles Cnristopher V/ilson. 18 p. 18 30TAIT 1941 Ph.D. 180. Boomnour, Elizabeth Gregory, 1913- A taxonomic study of the genus Pycnanthemun . 227 p. 181. Humphreys, Mary Emily, 1911- Responses of certain lawn grasses to controlled watering and treatments of soil. 68 p. 182. McDernott, John Joseph, 1915- A physiological study of afterripening in acorns. 86 P- 183. Johnston, George W. Cytological studies of pollen tube development in certain Angiosperms. 37 p. 1943 M.A. 184. Hill, Cleo I -Adeline Pioneer vegetation on barren "shoals" at Beaufort, Uorth Carolina. 185. Humra, Harold Judson Bacterial leaf nodules: witn special reference to Psycnotria punctata Vatke. 43 p. 186. Johnson, Kathryn Eloise Specificity of agar-digesting bacteria. 43 p. 187. Keever, Nancy Catherine Plant succession on exposed granite of Rocky Face fountain in Alexander county, Worth Carolina. 32 p. 188. Rodgers, Cnarles Leland The plant communities of Table Rock, Pickens county, Soutn Carolina. 77 p. 189. Thomas, Florence A non-osmotic force concerned in the absorption of water by plant tissues. 24 p. Ph.D. 190. Decker, John Peter, 1915- The effect of temperature on photosynthesis and respiration in loblolly and red pines. 44 p. 191. Jemison, George Meredith, 1908- Tho effect of basal wounding by forest fires on the diameter growth of some southern Appalachian hardwoods. H3 p. 19 B0IAS7 1945 K.A. 192. Livingston, Martha Alida Comstock The development of Primary vessels in Ipo.-ioea "batatas , 14 p. 195. Williams , Kuby I-ialinda A phyto socio logical survey of the vegetation on Pilot mountain, North Carolina. 88 p. Ph.D. 194. Brown, Walter Varian, 1915- Cytological Studies in the Paniceae. 64 p. 195. Caughey, Mary Gladys, 19 04- A physiological and ecological study of certain pocosin plants. 67 p. 196. Punyasingh, Zrui, 1917- Cytogenetical studies of intercrosses among diploid, triploid and tetraploid types in Zea mays L. 140 p. 197. Wilson, Charles Christopher, 1911- The effect of some environmental factors on the movements of the guard cells. 89 p. 1945 M.A. 198. Bentley, Uancy Joyce Glandular leaf hairs of oriental tobacco. 41 p. Ph.D. 199. Eumm, Harold Judson, 1912- A study of marine agar-dige sting bacteria of the Atlantic coast. 130 p, 1946 M.A. 200. Lair, Eugenie Dille Smooth patch, a hark disease of white oaks and post oaks. 24 p. Ph.D. 201. McNeill, Ellis Meade, 1901- A contribution to the knowledge of West Virginia algae. 153 p. 1947 M.A. 202. Haley, Leanor Davison Kycological flora of the ear. 50 p. 20 BOTANY 1947 Ph.D. 203. Kozlowski, Theodore Thomas 1917- Light and water in growth and competition of Piedmont forest tree species. 156 p. 204. Livingston, Robert B. , 191 J - An ecological study of the Black Forest region and adjacent plains. 133 p. 1948 M.A. 205. Wilbur, Robert Lynch Taxonomic studies of some families in the Piedmont flora. 52 p. 206. Williams, Louis Gressett , 1913- Marine algae of Capo Lookout, North Carolina. 127 p. '207. Young, Harold Edle , 1917- The effect of pruning on the height and diameter growth of loblolly pine. 109 P 1949 M.A. 208. Batson, Wade Thomas The genus 3> thiazapinium salts ... 33 p. 685. Marquez, Sylvia Vanentina An exchange and racemization study of the trioxalatogermanate (IV) ion ... 41 p. 59 CHEMISTRY 1961 M.A. 686. Pappas, Nicholas Anastasios The determination of nicotine and nornicotine in tobacco by gas chromatography ... 55 p. 687. Parham, James Crowder A study of carbonyl derivatives for synthesis of acridizinium systems ... 38 p. Ph.D. 688. Hynes, John 3arry, 1936- The separation and identification of some new highly fluorinated organic compounds of nitrogen prepared by direct fluorination ... 139 p< 689. Kurz, James Eckhardt, 193^- A thermodynamic study of the solutions of atactic and isotactic poly(butene-l) ... 126 p. 690. LeBleu, Ronald E. , 1937- New heterocyclic analogs of dibenz /a,e^ cycloheptatriene ... 79 p. 691. Light, Robley Jasper, 1935- Some acylations and aldol type condensations involving dicarbanions of ^-diketones. Certain cyclizations ... 89 p. 692. Mashburn, Thompson Arthur, 1936- Some condensations and related relations of mono - and bis -acetylferro- cenes ... 9^ p. 693. Meyer, Robert Bruce, 1935- Some alkylations and conjugate additions involving dianions ... 105 p. 69^. Webb, Thomas Howard, 1935- I. The stereochemistry of the cis-bicyclo (3.3.0) octane-2-carbox- ylic acids. II. 2-keto-l, 2-dihydro-endo-dicyclopentadiene ... 95 P» 1962 M.A. 695. Farris, Mary Mel Base-catalyzed deuteration of ethyl cinnamate and related compounds ... 27 p. 696. Feliu-Otero, Luis A. Some 2-thia-l, 2-dihydrodicyclopentadienes ... 33 P« 697. Griffin, James Benjamin A study of the proton chemical shift of chloroform in some binary organic mixtures ... 109 p. 698. MacArthur, Carol-Lynne Larval development of the commensal crab, Polyonyx macrocheles ... 62 p. 60 CHEMISTRY 1962 M.A. 699. Montgomery, Ronald Eugene The preparation of arylphosphonous dichloride and their derivatives ... ^5 p. 700. Sunas, Ernest Constantino Infra red absorption and structure of transition metal oxides ... 77 p, 701. Vaulx, Rann Lawton Ortho substitution rearrangement of 2-(©<-hydroxybenzyl)-benzyltrimeth- ylammonium ion by potassium amide in liquid ammonia ... 27 p. Ph.D. 702. Boni, Kenneth Arnold, 1936- The hydrogen ion-alkali cation exchange in aqueous-nonaqueous mixtures . . . 156 p. 703. Bryant, David Robert, 1936- A study of factors controlling benzylation and other condensations of di- and trianions ... 132 p. 704-. Frost, Jackie Gene A polarographic investigation of some benzoquinolizinium compounds ... 115 P. 705. Jones, Frank Norton, 1936- Mechanistic studies of the ortho-substitution rearrangement and of certain related reactions ... 117 p« 706. Jones, Glenn Clark, 1935- Ortho substitution rearrangement versus /5 -elimination of certain quaternary ammonium alcohols. Certain related reactions ... 85 p. 707. McDonald, John William, 1935- A novel synthesis of phenanthridizinium derivatives by a sulfur ex- trusion process ... 130 p. 708. Smith, Kenneth Judson, 1930- Some aspects of crystalline high polymers ... 100 p. 709. Yarrington, Nancy Laura, 1935- Two synthetic studies of quinolizinium derivatives ... 101 p. 126J M.A. 710. Cash, Derek John The action of thionyl chloride on 9- exo- hydroxytetrahydro- exo- dicyclopentadiene ... ^0 p. 711. Clemans, George Burtis, 1938- The hydroboration of cyclo- and dicyclopentadiene ... 33 p» 61 CHEMISTRY 1963 M.A. 712. Hall, Elizabeth Ann Some derivatives of 3-phenyl-3-carboxybicyclo (2,2,l)-Heptene-5 ... ^2 p. 713» Knight, Eleanor Sue Several cation exchange studies in methanol water, ethanol, and nitrome thane ... 55 P* 71^. Lohr, Delmar Frederick The synthesis and properties of some heterocyclic diaryl sulfides ...151 p , 715* Neal, Louisa Warnell The sodium-hydrogen ion exchange in some mixed solvent systems . .. 82 p. 716. Sherer, James Pressly 11-methylacridizinium salts by the Ketal synthesis ... 38 p. Ph.D. 717. Adams, Robert Revis, 1936- Kinetics of the condensation reaction between methyl ketones and esters ... 131 p. 718. Allenson, Douglas Rogers, 1926- The stability and characteristics of the discharge reaction of the manganese dioxide electrode ... 107 p. 719. Barker, Marvin Windel, 1936- Oxidation of some aromatic azonia salts ... 9^ p» 720. Kirshner, Annette Grossman, 1936- The dissociation of hemoglobin in aqueous sodium chloride solutions and other solvents ... 81 p. 721. Ledbetter, John William, 1937- Spectrophotometry and fluorometry of salicylidene-o-aminophenol and related compounds ... 166 p. 722. Mark, Frances Gray, 1936- Light scattering investigations in the visible and near ultraviolet; the conformation of polystyrene in dilute solution ... 78 p. 723. Mathewes, David Andres, 1931- Some novel heterocyclic compounds of phosphorus: derivatives of phosphacyclopentene-3 and of 1-phosphabicyclo ^2.2.2^ octane ... 9^ p« 724. Parham, James Crowder, 1938- Synthetic applications of acetals to the acridizinium series ... 199 p» 725. Shaw, John Nelson, 1937- Monte Carlo calculations for a system of hard-sphere ions ... 114 p. 726. Work, Stewart Dean, 1937- Acylations and other condensations of dianions of /<5-diketones, imides and amides. Acylation of l,3»5-triketones by boron fluoride ... 1^1 p. 62 CHEMISTRY 1964 M.A. 727. Balta, Yalman I Variation of polymer melting point with uniaxial strain ... k6 p. 728. Boliek, John Ernest The synthesis of some acridizinium salts with substituents in ring A ... 22 p. 729. Coward, James Kenderdine Rearrangements of some norbornyl cations ... 31 p. 730. Driscoll, Charles Peter A multi-purpose electrochemical research instrument ... 67 p. 731* Gravatt, Ann Sullivan The effect of the anion on cation exchange in methanol-water mixtures ... 62 p . 732. Kerbow, Dewey Lynn A study of millicoulometric methods ... 52 p. 733. Knight, David Bates Base-induced isomerization of some bicyclic nitriles ... 28 p. 73^. Templet, Paul Hughes Activity coefficients of electrolytes in low dielectric media as calculated from Mayer's tneory ... 69 p. Ph.D. 735. Bashaw, John Darrell, 1939- Experimental studies of some organic semi-conductors ... 103 p. 736. Chamberlin, John MacMulle, 1935- Potentiometric and polarographic studies in molten salt solvents ... 275 p. 737. Clemans, George Burtis , 1938- I. Some reactions of the 9, 10-dihydrodicyclopentadiene oxides. II. The stereochemistry of some 1- and 2-substituted dicyclopen- tadiene derivatives ... 123 p. 738. Kenyon, William Grant, 1936- Alkylations of phenylacetic type esters and nitriles and of certain phenylhydrazones by means of alkali amides ... 133 p. 739. Litzinger, Elmer Francis, 1933- The synthesis of some indoloquinolizinium salts ... 79 P» 7^0. Killer, Philip Eugene, 193^- Kinetic studies of the photodecomposition of hydrogen peroxide ... 183 p. 63 CHEMISTRY 1964 Ph.D. 741. Montgomery, Ronald Eugene, 1937- The preparation and some properties of unsymmetrical diarylphosphinous chlorides and diarylphosphine oxides ... 110 p. 742. Keece, George Allen, 1?39- A quantum statistical theory of rare gas hydroquinone clathrates and classical statistical studies of hard line rotators ... 144 p, 743. Rajagopalan, Govindachari T. , 1938- Studies on bovine Fructosediphosphatase ... 99 p» 744. Randall, James Carlton, 1937- I. A long-range asymmetry effect on magnetic equivalence of methylene group protons, and II. An investigation of chemical shift behavior of components in systems exhibiting partial immiscibility ... 128 p, 745. Vaulx, Rann Lawton, 1938- Metalation of benzyl-type tertiary amines and n-methyl-o-toluamide with n-butyllithium. Condensations with electrophilic compounds. Cyclizations ... 114 p. 746. Woods, John Delano, 1937- The crystal structure of N,N-diphenylacetamide ... 129 p. mi M.A. 747. Barker, Patricia Mobley Reactivity of enamines conjugated with the amide group ... 65 p. 748. Gratz, Joan Alice Synthesis and stereochemistry of derivatives of 1-methylphospholene ... 75 p. 749. Munzenrider, John Ellery The kinetics of the photolysis of 2,2*-Azo-bis-isobutyronitrile in various solvents ... 104 p. 750. Shelburne, Frank Amfort Synthesis of hexahydro-2-methyl-7-aryl-l , 2-oxazepines by rearrange- ment of l-methyl-2-arylpiperidine N-oxides ... 58 p. 751 • Shook, Howard Everett, Jr. The synthesis, stereochemistry, and properties of 4-phosphorinanols ... 51 P» 752. Smith, Thomas Calvin Studies of short-lived cyano-alkyl radicals in aqueous solution by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy ... 68 p. 64 CHEMISTRY 1965 K.A. 753. Tsina, Richard Vasil Studies of short-lived aliphatic free radicals in aqueous solution by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy ... 91 p« 75^-. Weiner, Kenneth Bruce I. The reaction of thionyl chloride with O- exo- hydroxytetrahydro- endo -dicyclopentadiene and related compounds. II. Some reactions in bicyclo c 3.2.1.] - octane series ... 36 p. Ph.D. 755 • Anderson, Harvey Gene, 1939- Syntheses and properties of some compounds containing a secondary phosphorus atom ... 128 p. 756. Boatman, Sandra, 1939- Alkylations and other types of condensations of the dianions of certain 8-ketoaldehydes , 4- and 6-alkyl-3-cyanopyridones and keto- enamines ... 136 p. 757. 3rierre, Roland Theodore, 1932- A small angle x-ray scattering investigation of proteins in solution ... 79 p. 758. Cash, Derek John, 1938- 1, 2, 9-trihydrodicyclopentadienyl cations ... 212 p. 759* Crosthwaite, James Carroll, 1936- Kinetic studies of the photodecomposition of 2,2 , -Azo-bis-isobutyroni- trile and related compounds ... 105 p. 760. Feliu-Otero, Luis Angel, 1931- The 2-thia-l,2-dihydrodicyclopentadienes ... 132 p. 761. Hampton, Kenneth Gerald, 1938- Alkylations and other condensations of Di- and tetraalkali salts of -aiketones ... 100 p. 762. Holloway, Caroline Tobia, 1937- A study of biochemical processes in the bovine adrenal medulla ... 50 p. 763. Kilgore, John William, re- investigations in the 2-cyano-bicyclo (2.2.1)heptene-5 series ... 104 p. 764. Lohr, Delmar Frederick, 193 /+ - Synthesis and reactions of heterocyclic systems containing sulphur ... 151 P. 765. KcLeskey, James Joseph, 1939- Studies of magnetically nonequivalent protons ... 105 p« 65 CHEMISTRY 1965 Ph.D. 766. Via, Grayson Hall, 1938- Melting behavior and orientation in trans-polychloroprene ... 144 p. 767. Turner, John Dean, 1937- Electrophilic substitution of acridizinium salts ... 109 p. 768. Zinn, Mary Farris, 1937- The synthesis of some aromatic systems having nitrogen at a bridgehead position ... 124 p. 66 CIVIL ENGINEERING 1959 M.S. 769. Mirza, Jehangir Farhad Analysis of doubly curved surfaces ... 46 p. I960 M.S. 770. Fu, Hsueh-chien Influence line and maximum curve by initial movement ... 122 p. 1961 M.S. 771. Holland, Clyde Nelson The design, instrumentation, and results of the first series of te ts on two machines to study the mechanical properties of fine grained soils ... 59 p. 772. Leu, Liow-Min Scabbing and longitudinal impact of bars- — using plaster models . .. 65 p. 773 • Serinken, Sina Hasan Investigations concerning the use of fiberglass reinforced rods in prestressed concrete ... y± p. 1962 M.S. 77^. Rajan, Jai Raj Narain The study of motion of projectiles in an evacuated tube and propelled by atmospheric pressure ... 71 p« 775* Sanver, Armagen Creep-strain characteristics of higher plastic soils ... 113 P» mi M.S. 776. Balsara, Jimmy Piroshaw Inverted umbrella hyperbolic paraboloid shell and its limiting case of a flat plate under uniform load ... 44 p. 1964 M.S. 777. Coffin, George Kyle Plaster of Paris as a static and dynamic model testing material ... 63 p. 778. Denton, Don Richard The study of inelastic properties of reinforced concrete in bending ... 44 p. 67 CIVIL ENGINEERING 1265 M.S. 779. Chen, Chang Membrane analysis of elliptical hyperboloid shell ... ^-2 p. 780. Cordova, Max Fernando Analog computer applications to buckling problems ... 83 p. 781. Lee, William Wei-li Further studies of the vacuum-air missile boost system ... 92 p. 782. Osores, Luis Varilles Model analysis of a hyperboloid shell ... 39 p» 783. Saxena, Surendra Kumar Bending stresses in hyperbolic paraboloid shell under uniform load .. 29 p. 68 CLASSICAL STUDIES 1926 M.A. 784. Jernigan, Charlton Coney- Aristophanes' attacks on Euripides. 43 p. 19JZ M.A. 785. La than, Samuel Howard The grammatical figures in Catullus. 69 p. 786. Maxwell, William Cary The Cleon of Aristophanes in the light of history. 51 p. 787. Sledd, Warren Candler A survey of the figures of rhetoric in the shorter poems of Catullus, 122 p. 1222 M.A. 788. Blalock, Verona Notes on the Greek words in the Epigrams of Martial. 109 p» 789. Morrison, Harriet Newell A biography of the Emperor Vitellius. 104 p. 790. Truesdale, James Nardin A comic ftrosopographia Aristophanea . 57 P« 19J0 M.A. 791. Dunkle, Margaret Robert The use of Latin quotations in the complete works of Joseph Addison. 140 p. 792. Pritchett, William Kendrick Ilap 7 uuovoiav in Aristophanes. 44 p. 793. Weston, Neila Elaine Notes on the people in professions, trades, and other callings as seen in the Epigrams of Martial. 121 p. 1931 M.A. 794. Drake, Virginia Helen The parasite in early Latin comedy. 74 p. 69 CLASSICAL STUDIES 19J2 K.A. 795* Glenn, Argyle Martial and Sir John Harington: A comparative study. 1JM- p. 796. Miller, Harold William The poetic qualities of Homer. 56 p. 1222 M.A. 797. Parker, Enid Rifner The prophetic trees of the Alexander romance and the dry tree of medieval legend. 5^ p. 122ft M.A. 798. Ivey, Mary Stuart The women in Martial's Epigrams . 58 p. 799. Rose, Jesse Lee The durative and aoristic tenses in the first book of Thucydides. 5^ P» 800. Tongue, William Richard Antithesis and antithetical elements in the Epigrams of Martial, Books I-IV. 81 p. 1225 M.A. 801. Drew, Fraser Bragg Horace and the schools of Greek philosophy. Ill p. 802. Jester, Harold Thomas The peace plays of Aristophanes. 59 p. 803. Stirewalt, Martin Luther, Jr. Aristophanes' ridicule of the new learning in the Clouds . 66 p. Ph.D. 804. Jernigan, Charlton Coney Comic incongruity in the eleven plays of Aristophanes. 7^ p. 805. Miller, Harold William Index Isaicus. 701 p. 1936 M.A. 806. Bell, Mary Catherine Topographical allusions to Italy in the Epigrams of Martial. 123 p. 807. Boggs, Mary Amber Roman religion and the gods in the Epigrams of Martial. 288 p. 70 CLASSICAL STUDIES 1936 Ph.D. 808. Truesdale, Jamos Nardin A conic fi rosopographia Graeca . 146 p. 809. Turner, Anne The humor of exaggeration in Martial's Epigrams . 148 p. 1937 M.A. 810. Scovel, Jackson Logical continuity in Plato's Republic . 58 P» 811. Smart, Virginia Lee Women characters in the comedies of Plautus. 140 p. 812. Tobin, Catherine Elizabeth A translation of Friedrich Cramer's Dissertatio de studiis quae veteres ad aliarum gentium contulerint linguas. 65 p. 1228 M.A. 813. Cain, Herbert Lloyd Aristophanes' criticism of Aeschylus. 102 p. Ph.D. 814. Rose, Jesse Lee, 1907- The durative and aoristic tenses in Thucydides. 101 p. 1222 M.A. 815. Mountjoy, Marjorie Martial as an historical source and the historical sources of Martial. 140 p. 816. Wood, Frederic Marcus Titus Quinctius Flamininus to 190 B.C: His career, his policies, and his influence. 164 p. 1940 M.A. 817. Jennings, Louis Girton Caius Laelius. 61 p. 1941 M.A. 818. Brach, Earl Tilton Dinarchus. 58 p. 71 CLASSICAL STUDIES 1941 M.A. 819. Craghead, Frances Ann The domestic history of Rome in the year 5^ B.C. 76 p. 820. Downton, James Bertram A comparative study of Aeschylus' Choephoroe and the Electras of Sophocles and Euripides. 52 p. 821. Goodbread, Louise Titus Annius Milo: a historical study. 73 p. Ph.D. 822 . Wood , Frederic Marcus , Jr . , 1917- Some imperial virtues of Domitian. 15*+ p. 19^2 Ph.D. 823. Parker, Enid Rifner, 1910- The training of heirs in the Julio-Claudian family. 200 p. 82^. Singer, Mary Rebecca (White), 1912- Octavia minor, sister of Augustus; an historical and biographical study. I67 p. mi M.A. 825. Clark, Ellen Mercer Mythology in Persius. 70 p. Ph.D. 826. Stirewalt, Martin Luther, Jr., 191^4- The letter in Greek literature. 183 p. mi M.A. 827. Gilmore, Vera Lovella Some excerpts from Latin literature depicting human interest. 3^ P< 1954 M.A. 827a. Kandlbinder, Hans Karl, 1931- Gnaeus Manlius Vulso ... 147 p. 72 ECONOMICS 1926 M.A. 828. Goebel, Wallace Barger A history of manufactures in North Carolina before i860. 155 p. 829. Pickens, Marshall Ivey Road building in North Carolina since I865. 68 p. 1222 M.A. 830. Harvill, Richard Anderson History of the marginal utility theory of value. 175 P« 831. Ratchford, Benjamin Ulysses North Carolina's finances during the past quarter century. 203 P» 1928 M.A. 832. Biscoe, Alvin Blockson Politico-economic struggle between city and country: discrimination against urban communities in selected state legislatures. 156 p. 833 • Keech, James Maynard Suggested statistical and cost accounting practice for a medium-sized cotton textile mill. 154 p. 834. Moffitt, Walter Volentine The labor banking movement in the United States, a study of its history, present development and future possibilities. 104 p. 1222 M.A. 835« Kirkpatrick, Charles Atkinson The financial management of three fertilizer companies during the war period. 63 p. 836. Ruddick, Girard B. A study in monopoly: the United Fruit Co. 144 p. 1222 M.A. 837. Alexander, Thomas Robert A study of Bdhm-Bawerk's K apital und Kapitalzins . 98 p. 73 ECONOMICS M.A. 83S. Wallace, Elbert Stephen Building and loan associations in North Carolina. 180 p. 1222 M.A. 839. Altvater, Frederick Vernon Profit theories; a critique and suggestion. 112 p. 840. Hardin, Rector Roemilt The place of treasure in theory and practice of English mercantilism before 1700. 124 p. 841. Lark, Mary Jeannette The law of manumission and its interpretation by the courts of the South Atlantic states. 210 p, 842. Mattox, William Reuben A study of recent developments among investment trusts in the U.S. Ill p. 843. Newland, Lee Max Fraud: its detection and prevention through the internal check and audit. 84 p. Ph.D. 844. Ratchford, Benjamin Ulysses A history of the North Carolina debt, 1712-1900. 354 p. 845. Smith, Robert Sidney The sea-consulate in Aragon. a history of merchant gilds and mer- chant courts, principally in Catalonia, Mallorca and Valencia. 271 p. 1222 M.A. 846. Anderson, John David The gasoline tax. 126 p. 847. Harrison, David Moody The economic aspects of mechanical mining with special reference to the central Pennsylvania bituminous district. 101 p. 848. Nyeu, Ming Hwa A study of the Durham Farmer's Mutual Exchange of Durham, North Carolina. 88 p. 1934 M.A. 849. Dunlap, Orell Alva The economic ideas of John Taylor. 107 p. 74 ECONOMICS 1934 M.A. 850. Garner, Samuel Paul A study of the various methods of valuing certain assets on the balance sheets of industrial or trading concerns. 135 p. Ph.D. 851. Ashburn, Karl Everett The development of cotton production in Texas. 419 p. 852. Delaplane, Walter Harold The Spanish peseta since 1913. 263 p. 1935 M.A. 853. Day, Lyndon Robert Selected phases of the federal regulation of railroad securities, 1920-1934. 128 p. 854. Eckard, Edwin Woodrow Current tax problems in West Virginia. 108 p. 855. King, Robert Herndon Certain aspects of the branding of goods by manufacturers. 95 p. Ph.D. 856. Hardin, Rector Roemilt The place of treasure in English and French mercantilism. 382 p. 1936 M.A. 857. Oliver, Henry Madison A survey of the United States production, consumption, and export of cotton since the World War. 153 p. 858. Stadthagen, Heinz A critique of leading German theories on the rise of capitalism. 100 p, 1937 M.A. 859. Burtt, Everett Johnson, Jr. The preconception of progress underlying the theories of the physiocrats. 141 p. 860. Johnson, Keith Whitaker The literature of the location of industry. 182 p. 861. King, Joseph Jerome, Jr. The history and functions of the Durham City Central Labor Union. 124 p. 75 ECONOMICS 1937 M.A. 862. Knight, Lofton Lacie Some aspects of the economic doctrines of Thomas Nixon Carver. l6l p. 863. Furcell, Wilbur Hallam The internal administration of the Confederate States Navy. 159 p. 864. Vigal, Joseph Clifton Comparative study of the economic opinions of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Kadison. 202 p. Ph.D. 865. Eckard, Edwin Woodrow Economics of W. S. Jevons . 243 p. 866. Keech, James Kaynard Workmen's compensation in North Carolina. 334 P» 867. Wallace, Elbert Stephen The Federal Home Loan Bank System. 378 p. 1938 M.A. 868. Fischer, Monroe Carl The corporation and trust as a means of evading and avoiding taxes. 127 p. 869. Keesee, Aubrey Mays Outlawry of traffic in certain narcotics through treaties to which the United States is party. 141 p. 870. Kelly, Edward H. Manufacturing industries of western Virginia before i860. 132 p, Ph.D. 871. Carney, James Joseph, Jr. Some aspects of Spanish colonial policy. 270 p, 1222 M.A. 872. Brandis, Roland Buford, Jr. The National Resources Committee. 221 p. Fh.D. 873. Oliver, Henry Madison, Jr., 1912- Some concepts of economic justice. 246 p, 1940 M.A. 874. Edwards, Allen Braxton A history of the Kentucky state debt. 74 p. 76 M.A. ECONOMICS 1940 875. Lethbridge, Berry Biccomb, Jr. The modern Spanish labor movement. 186 p. 876. Mattocks, Millicent Elizabeth Some aspects of the sugar industry in Hawaii before 1898. 128 p. 877. Rosser, Lillian Evelyn Dade county and the citrus fruit industry of the state of Florida. 9^ p. 878. Scott, Worthy Kincaid, Jr. The financial history of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1920- 1938. 150 p. 879. Simmons, Willard Russell The unemployed worker in three Virginia localities. 107 p. 880. Steele, Alpheus Thornton British population theory, 1870-1914: a survey. 211 p. 881. Tate, Russell Sage, Jr. Plantation production in the Pacific area. 141 p. Ph.D. 882. Taylor, Charles Theodore, 1909- Some relationships between the size of the city and per capita governmental cost and debt. 277 p. 1941 M.A. 883. Kennedy, Vincent M. A history of hour legislation in North Carolina. 127 p. 884. Pierpoint, Frank Ray Determinants of the growth of industry and population in Newark, Ohio, in contrast to Columbus, Ohio: a survey. 131 p. 885. Townsend, Roswell George Some antecedents of the present American labor conflict. 171 p. 886. Van Voorhis, Robert Henry The Temporary National Economic Committee: evidences of concentration of economic power disclosed at certain public hearings, 1938-1939. 242 p. Ph.D. 887. Hargreaves, Herbert Walter, 1912- Federal fiscal policy and the guaranteed debt, 193 2 -19^0. 387 p. 888. Harrison, David Moody, 1902- A survey of English population theory, 1800-1860. 399 p. 77 ECONOMICS 1941 Fh.D. 889. Havens, Ralph Murray, 1904- Laissez-faire in the United States during nineteenth century de- pressions. 401 p. 890. McCormick, Edward Theodore, 1911- An analysis of the Securities Act of 1933. 514 p. 891. O'Leary, James John, 1914- Federal deposit insurance. 366 p. 1942 K.A. 892. Miller, William Long The economic and political doctrines of Herbert Spencer. 191 p. 893. Redman, Robert B. The tariff of 1816. 262 p. Ph.D. 894. Allen, Clark Lee, 1910- Effects of the utilization of synthetic fibers on the cotton textile industry. 397 p. mi M.A. 895« Huntley, Arthur Gene Some economic aspects of the migration of farm laborers to the Pacific Northwest, 1930-1940. 185 p. 896. Yowell, Robert 3. The food stamp plan in Durham county. 121 p. Ph.D. 897. Whitman, William Tate, 1909- The forest products industries of the South and future employment possibilities. 226 p. 1944 M.A. 898. Morris, Clara Juanita The wage stabilization policies of the National War Labor Board, January, 1942 - January, 1944. 95 p. Fh.D. 899. Johnson, Keith Whi taker, 1912- Racial division of labor and the American Negro: a statistical study of the occupational distribution of the four major race and nativity groups in the United States, with particular discussion of the Negro. 260 p. 78 ECONOMICS 1946 Fh.D. 900. Van Voorhis, Robert Henry, 1917- Borrowing our way to socialism: the economic thought of Pierre- Joseph Proudhon. 667 p. 1947 M.A. 901. Brandis, Royall Priorities. 90 p. 902. Hull, Alfred Newton The investment of United States government trust funds. 114 p. 903. Kennedy, John Wesley The general strike in the textile industry September 1934. 196 p. 904. Ross, William D. The negotiation of the World War II German reparations plan. 231 p. Ph.D. 905. Silk, Leonard Solomon, 1918- Social housing policy in Sweden. 250 p. 1948 M.A. 906. Bobbitt, Pearl Burkhead The development of labor market analysis in the Baltimore area, September 1940-August 1945. Ill p. 907. Pigott, Otho Keith Recent developments in depreciation and inventory accounting. 105 p. 908. Price, Eugene Patton Recent developments in check collecting in the federal reserve system. 101 p. 909. Robinson, Betty Belle Some aspects of Canadian housing. 169 p. Ph.D. 910. Kreps, Clifton Holland, 1920- The divisibility and employment of capital within the firm and the short-run production and cost functions: a study of economic assumptions, 234 p. 911. Kreps, Juanita (Morris), 1921- Developments in the political and legislative policies of organized labor, 1920-1947. 358 p. 912. Smith, William J., 1919- The theoretical work of Thorstein Veblen. 406 p. 79 ECONOMICS mi M.A. 913* Chernuchin, Vivian Soviet foreign trade and national power ... 7^ p« 91^. Copeland, William LeRoy The opposition to price control in the United States ... 121 p. 915» Spencer, Ralph Edwin A legislative history of the Full Employment Act of 19^5. 197 p. Ph.D. 916. James, Herman Brooks, 1912- The effects of the mechanization of agriculture in the northern tidewater area of North Carolina. 2^5 p. 12^0 M.A. 917* Bonnen, James Thomas Comparative costs of producing cotton in the black prairie area of Texas. 167 p. 918. Dail, Bernard Eugene Financing the production of flue-cured tobacco in eastern North Carolina. 124 p. 919. Hart, Kathryn D. The role of the United States government in collective bargaining of merchant seamen. 162 p. 920. Haywood, Charles Foster Borrowings at Federal Reserve Banks, 19^-19^9. 1^5 P» 921. Hopkins, Adelene K. The United Mine Workers and the courts ... 152 p. 922. McCoury, Phillip Dewey, 1921- A legislative history of the Railroad Retirement Act. 158 p. 923. Masters, Leon Raymond The value of fact-finding in industrial disputes. 1^1 p. 924. Rogers, Rembert A. Branch banking in North Carolina with a special emphasis on the historical development of the legal status. 307 p. 925. Spring, Marion Kathryn American sit-down strikes during the 1930*s. 227 p» 80 ECONOMICS 1950 M.A. 926. Warlick, George Clifton The influence of the emotional maturity factor on industrial job success. 44 p. Ph.D. 927. Burtt, Everett Johnson An economic appraisal of the New England fishing industry. 238 p. 928. Dillingham, William Pyrle, 1909- Federal aid to veterans, 1917 to 1941. 339 p. 929. Miller, William Long, 1912- Some aspects of the income velocity of money. 282 p. 930. Wesson, William Hinton, 1915- Salaries and wages in state government employment. 276 p. 1251 M.A. 931. Christopher, Benjamin B. The Alaska Railroad, 1915-1951. 173 p. 932. Krenkel, Edward George The development of the pension plan in the automotive industry. 119 p. 933. Pugh, Olin Sharpe The activities of the Export- Import Bank of Washington, 1934-1949. 172 p. 934. Ratliff, Charles Edward The property tax in North Carolina since 1925* 1&9 p« 935« Sinclair, Peter Kirk American business leadership, 1870-1914. 122 p. 936. Winer, Ruth C. The first year of the ECA Counterpart Fund, March 31, 1948 - April 2, 1949. 138 p. 937 • Wishner, Raymond Philip The Webb-Pomerene Act in operation. I65 p. Ph.D. 938. Ratchford, Charles Brice, 1920- Rental arrangements in a developing economy. 527 p. 939. Ross, William D., 1921- Industrial promotion by southern states. 286 p. 1251 M.A. 940. Bowden, Elbert V. Economic problems of basing point pricing. 162 p. 81 ECONOMICS 1952 M.A. 941. Davis, Wilma Marvette The depositary system and the management of the Treasury's cash balances. 144 p. 942. Kilberg, Edward J. The labor injunction in the southeastern states. 250 p. 943. Schaller, Aileen Lewis The collection of the 1947 property tax in Durham, North Carolina. 225 p. 944. Young, James Joseph Some dynamic tendencies in the cotton textile industry and the influence of synthetic textiles, especially rayon, upon producing these tendencies. 121 p. 1953 M.A. 945. Klostermann, Janet Gay The United States coffee market and international trade ... 218 p. 945a. Mansfield, Edwin Wage dispersion in the cotton textile industry, 1933-1950 ... 161 p. 946. Moye, William Andrew A study of state expenditures of selected states in the United States, 1940-1951 ... 130 p. 947. Peterson, Robert John The industrialization program of the Argentine government, 1943- 1953 ... 162 p. Ph.D. 948. Allen, William Richard, 1924- Modern American tariff debates and the trade agreements program. 333 p. 949. Brandis, Royall, 1920- Some factors affecting American cotton exports, 1929-1948 ... 151 p. 950. Schaller, Howard Graham, 1922- The effects of transfer payments on differences in state per capita incomes, 1929, 1939, 1949 ... 175 p. 1954 M.A. 951. Bruck, Nikolaus Employee services as part of personnel management ... 176 p. 952. Gilbert, Joe T. The steel strike of 1952 ... 139 p. 953. Hartle, Douglas Graham Social action and economic analysis; an investigation into the relationship between the theory of social action and some aspects of economic analysis ... 268 p. 82 "CO N M I C S 1954 K.A. 954. Jones, Barbara Louise Lenin's use of statistics ... 142 p. 955« Semmler, Henry The history of the South African diamond industry ... 74 p. Ph.D. 956. Green, Ralph Tillman, 1922- Evaluating adequacy of bank capital: an analysis of the problem ... 222 p. 957. Stanback, Thomas Melville, 1920- Short run instability in the cotton broad woven goods industry, 1946- 1951 ... 39^ p. K.A. 958. Brubaker, Mark Allen Antitrust and the motion picture industry ... I65 p. 959. Fisher, Jesse Caldwell The henequen industry of Yucatan ... 112 p. 960. Hasenberg, Irene The methodology of Carl Menger ... 119 p. 961. Warren, Robert David The regulation of domestic freight forwarding in the United States ... 133 p. 962. Will, Robert Milton A re-examination of classical wage theory ... 131 p. Ph.D. 963. Mansfield, Edwin City size and income, 1949 ••• 224 p. 964. Ratliff, Charles Edward, 1926- The centralization of governmental expenditures for education and highways in North Carolina, 1929-1952 ... 522 p. 1226 M.A. 965. Agile, Roger Azad Three demographic models with especial reference to reproductivity ... 110 p. 966. Glasner, LeRoy August The retail automobile dealer ... 183 p. 967. Jourdan, Marguerite Marie Some economic ideas of Adolphe Landry ... 173 p» 83 ECONOMICS m a 1956 M.A. 968. Ochi, Takashi Foreign trade and national income ... 16? p, 969. Waits, Julius Weber Cyclical patterns in the cotton textile industry, 1919-1954 ... 101 p. 970. Williams, T. Webster The split in the Textile Workers Union of America, C.I.O. ... 210 p. Ph.D. 971. Wicker, KLmus Rogers, 1926- The Colonial Development Corporation (1948-1953); a case study in the allocation of investment resources by Great Britain to her colonial territories ... 231 p. 122 M.A. 972. Appleyard, Reginald Thomas A study of population movements between Great Britain and Australia — 1918 to 1938 ... 123 p. 973. Dix, Edward Keith Population pressure and low incomes in southern agriculture ... 110 p. 974. Goffman, Irving Jay Some economic aspects of immigration into Canada, 1945-1955 ••• 139 p» 975. Gottheil, Fred Monroe An examination of the economic criteria employed in the development programs of the IBRD mission reports ... 182 p. 976. Ryan, Edward William Some aspects of the expulsion of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America from the Congress of Industrial Organiza- tions in 1949 ... 84 p. 977. Stober, William John Some aspects of the treasury bill market April, 1951 — March, 195^ . .. 114 p. Ph.D. 978. Bowden, Elbert Victor, 1924- Kentucky highway expenditures: a case study in the economic allocation of highway funds ... 331 P« 979. Hartle, Douglas Graham, 1927- Predictions derived from the employment forecast survey ... 257 p. Fh.D. 84 ECONOMICS 1957 980. McCoury, Phillip Dewey, 1921- The railroad operating brotherhoods and job-protecting legislation . . . 233 p. 981. Fu^jh, Olin Sharpe, 1923- A critical study of selected views on public expenditure in the classical period ... 333 p. 1958 M.A. 982. Hirsch, Albert Albrecht The role of excess capacity in some macrodynamic models ... 140 p. 983. Murty, P. S. K. Industrial democracy in Great Britain ... 184 p. 984. Petri, Henry A sample construction of a gross national product expenditure — distri- bution model ... 81 p, 985. Price, Charlotte Alber Aspects of monetary policy in Indonesia, 1950-1954 ... 1957 » 1^5 P» 986. Rucker, Neville Leon Economic efficiency and democratic socialism ... 366 p. Ph.D. 987. Goodwin, Crauford David Wycliffe, 193^- Canadian economic thought, 1814-1914 ... 401 p. 988. Habib, Fawzi, 1922- The course and problems of an export economy: the case of El Salvador ... 236 p. 989. Will, Robert Milton, 1931- Some aspects of the development of economic thought in Chile (ca. 1778-1878) ... 290 p. 19^2 M.A. 990. Adams, Erma L. The Mississippi and South Sea bubbles compared ... 91 p. 991. Cotsoradis, Stephen John Greek monetary developments, 1939-1953 ... 1°3 p. 992. Ramsay, Sheila Anne The mathematical theory of rationing ... 68 p. 993. Ruangchotvit , Thip The central bank of Thailand ... 159 p. Ph.D. 85 ECONOMICS 1959 994. Bandeen, Robert Angus, 1930- State per capita automobile expenditures and income, 1930, 1940, and 1950 ... 132 p. 995- Craig, Mary Eleanor, 1926- Recent history of the North Carolina furniture manufacturing in- dustry with special attention to locational factors ... 27? p. 996. Goffman, Irving Jay, 1933- Erosion of the personal income tax base in Canada and the United States ... 290 p. 997. Gottheil, Fred Monroe, 1931- The economic predictions of Karl Marx: an examination of Marxian economic theory ... 330 p. I960 M.A. 998. Bolen, James Shepherd Nationalization in the programs of the British Labour Party: 1918- 1958 ... 173 p. 999. Conrad, Frederick Larue The no man's land in labor relations jurisdiction ... 88 p. 1000. Weller, LeGrand The development of the revisionist controversy in the German Social-Democratic Party ... l6l p. Ph.D. 1001. Butter, Irene Hasenberg, 1930- Academic economics in Holland, 1800-1870 ... 278 p. 1001a. Folk, Hugh Wilds, 1930- The income and employment of the aged ... 320 p. 1002. Haberer, John Frederick, 1933- Some conceptual problems in moneyflows accounting: United States and Canada ... 181 p. 1003. Han, Pyo Byung, 1927- The Lange-Patinkin controversy over the "classical" monetary theory: a critique ... 287 p« 1004. LaBarge, Richard Allen, 193^- A study of United Fruit Company operations in Isthmian America, 1946-1956 ... 463 p. 1005. Sloane, Keith, 1933- w'age-drift in Australia ... 257 p. 1961 M.A. 1006. Sussman, Gennifer Pearson Bankers' acceptances ... 102 p. 86 ECONOMICS 1961 Ph.D. 1007. Hirsch, Albert Albrecht, 1933- A taxonomic study of certain models of economic growth ... 221 p. 1008. Leighton, Richard Ingalls, 1934- A study of state trading with reference to butter trade ... 201 p. 1009. Mauer, William Alan, 1930- An econometric analysis of consumers' expenditures with special reference to the expenditures for durable goods ... 135 P« 1010. Polasek, Metodey, 1932- An analysis of the United States demand for raw apparel wool, with emphasis on import demand ... 24l p. 1962 1011. Brown, Nora Catherine Hugh Federal government participation in the finances of the District of Columbia ... 149 p. 1012. Hill, Samuel Thomas The development of policy in the United States postal service ... 190 p. Ph.D. 1013. Appleyard, Reginald Thomas, 1927- Socio-economic determinants of assisted emigration from the United Kingdom to Australia ... 301 p. 1014. Davidson, Marcia Dell, 1935- Three Spanish economists of the Enlightenment: Campomanes, Jovellanos, Florez Estrada ... 199 p. 1015. Hosain, Khondkar Tafazzul, 1931- The role of demographic variables in economic development as con- sidered in the literature of the United Nations ... 247 p. 1016. Lloyd, Peter John, 1937- Small nation trading: a theoretical analysis ... 356 P« 1017. Robinson, Albert John, 1926- Some aspects of economic growth in Australia, 1946 to 1959 ... 191 p. 1018. Takeuchi, Kenji, 1932- The "classical" theories of international trade and the expansion of foreign trade in Japan from 1859 to 1892 . . . 227 p. 1963 M.A. 1019. Collett, Robert Lee Market concentration and mergers in ordinary life insurance ...1?1 p. 87 ECONOMICS 1963 M.A. 1020. Folwell, Thomas Harold International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; some historical aspects . . . 107 p. 1021. Lagos Escobar, Ricardo, 1938- The agricultural system of Chile... 106 p. Ph.D. 1022. Ahmed, A. S. M. Mohiuddin The population of Pakistan: past and present... 474 p. 1023. Beard, Thomas Rex, 1934- Counter-cyclical debt management --with particular emphasis on the period, March 1951-December, 1959 ... 295 p. 1023a. Bodart, Albert Yves, 1934- Economics of shiftwork ... 138 p. 1024. Holland, Thomas Edward, 1934- Forecasting interest rate movements: time series analyses and functional relationships ... 240 p. 1025. Johnson, Walter Livezey, 1938- Comparability of structures of interest rates ... 298 p. 1026. Shropshire, William Ogden, 1934- Interest rate changes and capital outlay decisions of North Carolina municipalities, 1955-1958 ... 304 p. 1964 M.A. 1027. Kincaid, Randall Rich Civilian employment of the Federal Government, 1920-1962 ... 52 p. 1028. Miller, Barbara Mary United States government guaranties for private foreign investment . . . 116 p. Ph.D. 1029. Chaudhry, Mahinder Datt Regional accounting within India ... 227 p. 1030. Moroney, John Rodgers, 1939- Relative income shares in the United States, 1922-1961 ... 137 p. 1031. Nichols, Thomas Everett, 1929- Interregional competition in the soybean crushing industry with particular attention to the southeast ... 154 p. 1032. Skelton, Billy Ray, 1933- Industrialization and unionization in North Carolina and South Caro- lina; an economic comparison ... 169 p. 88 ECONOMICS 1965 M.A. 1033. Blanco Fernandez, German Alfredo Development corporations in Latin America ... 133 p. 1034. Cowart, Joseph Ralph The Walkers and the decline of the wages fund theory in the United States ... 107 p. 1035. Fernandez, Felisa Dumlao Taxation and economic development in Latin America ... 123 p. 1036. Friedmann, Richard Timothy The development of arbitration of labor disputes in the United States ... 98 p. 1037. Mather ly, Walter J. Mexican foreign trade policy, an instrument of national economic development ... 126 p. 1038. Salley, Charles Dudley The Methodenstreit, two views of economic man ... 180 p. 1039. Yonekura, Hiromasa Harold Hotelling: his analysis of demand and social welfare ... 82 p. Ph.D. 1040. Brooks, Robert Charles, 1931- An economic analysis of the potential demand for United States flue-cured tobacco ... 180 p. 1041. Gift, Richard Edgar, 1936- Estimating manufacturing capacity ... 169 p. 1042. Murphy, Evelyn Frances, 1940- The interaction of company and federal funds for the performance of research and development in large manufacturing companies . . . 130 p. 1043. Nicholson, Stanley Alan, 1936- The economy of Ghana with special reference to government strategy for economic development ... 191 p. 10 44. Rutman, Gilbert Lionel, 1935- An analysis of the economy of Tanganyika with special reference to the role of the government ... 384 p. 88a ECONOMICS 1965 Ph.D. 1045. Stober, John William, 1933- Estimation of labor-union membership from reports filed under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 ... 167 p. 1045a. Turner, Carl Byron, 1926- An analysis of Soviet views on John Maynard Keynes ... 238 p. 1046. Winfrey, John Crawford, 1935- The appropriate bargaining unit decisions of the National Labor Relations Board: a study of evolving administrative policy and its interplay with economic factors influencing bargaining power relationships and bargaining unit struc- ture ... 364 p. 89 EDUCATION 1920 M.A. 1047. Maxwell, Nancy I. Some books primary children like. The Winifred Quinton Hoi ton award for investigation of some assigned problem in primary education ... 10 p. mi M.A. 104-8. Rogers, Maude F. The cooperative part-time class in the Durham High School: Its development, problems, and future. 63 p. 1924 M.A. 104-9. Howerton, Ila Lee The scope and importance of home economics education. 26 p. 1926 M.A. 1050. Smith, Hugh Preston The high school principalship as it is being developed in North Carolina at the present time. 57 P» 1927 M.A. 1051. McDonald, Ralph Waldo Necessity and means for an equitable increase in the proportion of state school aid in North Carolina. 114- p. 1052. Walker, Edyth The development of methods and courses of study in English in the American secondary school. 132 p. 1928 M.A. 1053. Lohr, Elida A study of changes in text-books and methods in arithmetic in the nineteenth century with indications of the present trend. 129 p. Ed.M. 1054-. Cooke, Dennis Hargrove A study of age-grade distribution in the Oxford Orphanage School. 155 p. 90 EDUCATION 1928 Ed.M. 1055 • Kanoy, Donald Wooley A study of the principalship of the Union School in North Carolina. 110 p. 1056. Logan, Leslie Emory An experiment in teaching normal school students how to study. 71 p, 1057. McRae, Luther Cecil Objectives and materials of English in American secondary schools as revealed by state courses of study in English. 89 p. 1058. Waters, Audley Alexander The relationship between accuracy and speed in arithmetic. 80 p. M.A. 1912 1059. Andrews, Robert Lee Publicity of school finances; an investigation of the items of school finances required by law to be made public and the media through which county and district school officials give publicity to these and other items. 253 p. 1060. Garrison, Roy Charles Studies in the development of standardization and uniformity in the public schools of North Carolina from the Civil War to 1927. 100 p. 1061. Grigg, Claud Legislative basis for state support of public elementary and high schools in North Carolina since 1868. 102 p. 1062. Haddock, Richard Abraham The support of public education in Sampson County, N. C. A study of the means and conditions of financing the public school system of the county from 1922 to 1926 inclusive. 1*4-2 p. 1063. Johnson, Daniel S. Religious education in the public schools. 181 p. 1064. Kellam, William Porter Development of public education in Guilford C ounty. 121 p. 1065. Rooker, Bessie Alice Development of public education in Warren County, N. C. 83 p. 1066. Tyree, Elizabeth Davis The development of public secondary education in N. C. 179 p. 91 EDUCATION 1929 Ed.M. 1067. Dunn, lone Henderson Some contributions of private schools to the education of the mountaineers in Buncombe and Madison Counties. 90 p. 1068. Edgerton, Roland Ottis A system of cumulative records for elementary schools. 95 p. 1069. Forman, Eleanor Brynberg A study of teacher-training in four non-state colleges of North Carolina. 5^ p. 1070. Nunn, Lilian Via A study of preliminary testing and orientation courses at Duke University, 1924-28, in relation to the academic record of freshmen. 102 p. 1071. Whaley, Otis A survey of state support of county elementary school and high school education in Tennessee. 80 p. 1220 M.A. 1072. Henry, Sibyl A study of second grade reading; suggestions for curriculum essentials and activities. I69 p. 1073. McEwen, Noble Ralph The legal development of education in Alabama as revealed through the statutes and supreme court decisions. l6l p. 1074. Pridgen, Lorraine Isely A study of the evolution of the geography textbooks 1784-1930. 96 p. Ed.M. 1075. Bell, Lila McLinn An activity curriculum at work. The experiences of a first grade teacher. 92 p. 1076. Carroll, Charles Fisher, Jr. Taxation supplementary to state support of schools in North Carolina since 1868. 183 p. 1077. Craig, J. Marie The status of the junior colleges of Mississippi. A study of the state-accredited two-year institutions in the year 1928. 143 p. 1078. Harton, Benjamin Love The development of public education in South Carolina as revealed by legislative action and supreme court decisions. 108 p. 1079. Sasser, Roxie Johnson Critical analysis of supervisory plans with special emphasis on evaluating rural supervision in North Carolina. 135 P» 92 EDUCATION 1930 Ed.M. 1080. Smith, Sarah Olive A study of intelligence quotient and high school grades as means of predicting success and stay in college. 168 p. M.A. 19J1 1081. Alberson, Mrs. Hazel Stewart A project method in curriculum building in French in Buncombe County. 119 p. 1082. Cooke, Cecil Edwards Objectives and materials of algebra in American secondary schools as revealed by state courses of study. 77 p. 1083. Staton, Ennis Calvin The status of public secondary education in Davie County, North Carolina, with a proposed plan of reorganization. 103 p. 1084. Wannamaker, Elizabeth Bates Large unit teaching in the third grade. 198 p. Ed.M. 1085. Bizzell, Alma Bridgers A historical study of secondary mathematics in the schools of North Carolina. 116 p. 1086. Curtis, Kador Randolph County school organization and administration. A report of the organization and administration of the schools of Wilson County, North Carolina. 91 p. 1087. Davies, Clyde Thomson Transporting school children in certain counties of Florida. A study of methods and costs of school transportation in four counties of Florida with a comparative study of Orange County, North Carolina. 130 p. 1088. Enfield, George Hyson The organization of the junior college of North Carolina. 108 p. 1089. Greene, Fred Woods ide Supervising a high school: the development of a program of super- vision for Charles L. Coon High School, Wilson, North Carolina. 145 p. 1090. House, Ray Weldon A study of high school bands in North Carolina. 71 p. 1091. Lovelace, Arsola Crawford Village school administration and supervision. A project conducted in the Henrietta-Caroleen group school system of Rutherford County, North Carolina. 126 p. 93 EDUCATION 1931 Ed.M. 1092. KcKea, Lynn C. A trade training curriculum in automobile mechanics for senior high schools. 77 p. 1093. Milner, Morris Edwin The high school principal as a supervisor of instruction. A study of the status of supervision of instruction in the class 1AA high schools of North Carolina and the principal's duties appertaining thereto. 90 p. 109^. Warrick, Edward Case studies of adult elementary education in Buncombe County, North Carolina. 76 p. 1095* Williamson, Francis Marvin The problem of educating for Christian worship. 127 p. 1932 M.A. 1096. Agnew, Donald Charles A study of word pronunciation by third-grade pupils. 106 p. 1097. Gooch, Richard Este The evolution of public education in the state of Kentucky as revealed through legislative enactments and supreme court decis- ions. 3^3 p» 1098. Grigg, Ivey Franklin The transportation of school children. A study of the organization and administration of county systems of transportation of school children in North Carolina. 164 p. 1099. Haltiwanger, Robert Sidney Student participation in the government of the Richard J. Reynolds High School, Winston-Salem, N. C. ... 102 p. 1100. Hazlewood, Lucye Linwood A study of changes in text-books and methods in algebra since 1800 with indications of the present trend. 84 p. 1101. Huffs te tier, Juanita Elizabeth The social studies course of study in junior high school. 95 P« 1102. Longs treet, Rubert James The development of state control and support of public schools in Florida. 131 p. 1103. Martin, Isabel Changes in the content of basal readers for the upper elementary grades in the past ten years as affected by the social studies program. 69 p. 94 EDUCATION 1932 M.A. 1104. Welch, Sadie Elizabeth Experiments in motivating the study of high school Latin. ( A curriculum project in Buncombe County, N. C. ) 292 p. 1105. White, Joseph Benton A study of elimination of students from the high schools in Hampton County, S. C. 104 p. Ed.M. 1106. Burke, Blanche Lenore Modification and adaptation of the North Carolina state course of study in citizenship to fit a particular situation. 129 p. 1107. Graham, Eleanor Grace The development of teacher training in North Carolina since 1800. 114 p. 1108. Hinson, Van Glenn A study of the relationship between the records made in the high schools of different ratings and the corresponding freshman records at the Appalachian State Teachers College, 1929-30, and 1930-31. 40 p. 1109. Kimbrough, Edith The legal development of public education in Georgia as revealed through the statutes and supreme court decisions, with a comparative study of similar development in South Carolina and Alabama. 190 p. 1110. McCain, John Walker The development of financial support for the University of South Carolina, the Citadel, Clemson College, and Winthrop College as revealed in legislative action. 204 p. 1111. Moore, John Watson The high school achievement of accelerated pupils. 70 p. 1112. Robinson, Boyd B. Inequality of educational opportunity in Caldwell County, ^N. C. 3 121 p. 1113. Wilkerson, Starling Dwight The educational aims and ideas of John Carlisle Kilgo as revealed in his writings. 153 p. 1114. This number not used. 95 EDUCATION 2222 M.A. 1115. Brady, Elbert Carl The development and present status of public education in Moore County, N. C. 155 p. 1116. Cannon, Ernestine Jacobs The relation of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia to privately supported schools as shown by a study of private charters granted from 17^5 to 1907. 131 p. 1117. Hunter, Annie May The development of public education in Granville County. 73 ?• 1118. Newsom, Mary Etta Cavett A critical survey of prognostic tests of algebraic ability. 103 p. 1119 • Shannon, Edward McDaniel The development of secondary school standards in South Carolina. 132 p. 1120. Strother, Eura Vance A study of a specific source of difficulty in ninth grade algebra. 61 p. ' Ed.M. 1121. Ashe, Alex ELisha The development of centralization in North Carolina prior to 1932, as revealed in legislation. 76 p. 1122. Cox, Granville Claude The status of the daily program for the small high school as re- vealed through a study of the present schedules in the state of Virginia. 105 p. 1123. Garrison, Albert L. Legislative basis for state support of public elementary and secondary education in Virginia since 1810. 119 p. 1124. Godfrey, Roy Burchell Legislative development of county boards of education and the office of county superintendents of public schools in North Carolina since 1839. 103 p. 1125. McXinney, William Harold A study in prediction in two selected subjects in three North Carolina high schools. 109 p. 96 Ed.M. EDUCATION 1933 1126. Marks, William Bernelle The junior-senior high school movement in Montgomery County. Maryland. 126 p. * ^°um.y, 1127. Ferry, Haywood Arnold Sources and distribution of state school funds in North Carolina. 113 p. 1128. Rath, Harry Nicholas The development of home room programs for the Ada Merritt Junior High School, Miami, Fla. 13? p. 1129. Shaw, William Henry Grouping and promotion of pupils in the Needham B. Broughton High School, Raleigh, N. C. 77 p. 1130. Stamy, A. Reese Some factors influencing school attendance in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. 107 p. 1131. Tilley, Ernest Clarence The status of public secondary education in Durham County, N. C. 142 p. Ph.D. 1132. McDonald, Ralph Waldo An investigation of the study processes employed by high school pupils in American history. 199 p. 19J4 M.A. 1133- Beavers, Hallie The persistence of errors in arithmetic. 84 p. 1134. Francis, Luther Edgar A comparison of state certification requirements for secondary school teachers in the South with the present status of their preparation by the colleges and universities in the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States 164 p. 1135 • Girvan, Margaret Leah A comparison of achievement scores in high school and college for entrants to the freshman class of Duke University in the fall of 1930. 69 p. H36. Herndon, Clyde A studv of the transportation of school children in eleven counties of Georgia. 129 p. 97 EDUCATION 1934 M.A. 1137. Jones, Ethel Hughes A study of the organization of the platoon school system with special reference to the system of Durham, N. C. 70 p. 1138. Knotts , Zelotes Rufus Trends toward centralization of school control and support in West Virginia. 64 p. 1139. McCloy, Minnie Lee Fagan The use of graphs in textbooks in elementary algebra. 65 p. 1140. Roberts, Daisy Mae Some of the comparative effects of teaching fourth grade English by the traditional and the creative methods. 123 p. 1141. Walton, Leslie Hughes The work of the Division of School Buildings in the State Depart- ment of Education in Virginia. 164 p. 1142. Williams, Bettie Neal Past and present practices of junior high school curriculum since 1910. 195 p. Ed.M. 1143. Bateman, Eva A curriculum in the social studies adapted to the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of Forest Park School. 137 p. 1144. Mellard, Hervie Harold The extension of school consolidation in Mississippi. 67 p. 1145. Shields, James Montgomery Relation of social economic status to continuance and success in school. 69 p. 1146. Spikes, Louis Everett The relation of the educational program to the promotion of school attendance. 200 p. 1147. Stowe, David Henry Recent tendencies in student enrollments and curriculum offerings in selected North Carolina high schools. 82 p. 1148. Swaringen, Roy Archibald Applications of the objectives of education in a junior high school. A study of the applications of the objectives of education with special reference to the North Junior High School of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 109 p. 1149. Waite, Alexander High school athletics in North Carolina. 131 p. 98 EDUCATION 1935 M.A. 1150. Anderson, Thomas, Jr. Changes in the content of basal readers for the seventh and eighth grades. 75 p. 1151. Ellis, Kelvin Hobson A specific vocabulary study in eighth grade civics. 84 p. 1152. Garner, Ruth Eldora Bailey The office of dean of girls in the high schools of North Carolina. 76 p. 1153. Gray, Elizabeth New demands for federal participation in support of public edu- cation. 121 p. 1154. McCallie, Spencer Jarnagin, Jr. Survey of state requirements and recommendations in regard to social studies in the high school. 88 p. 1155» McKee, John Anderson A study of the reorganization of mathematics for the junior high school grades. 66 p. 1156. Miller, Robert Edward Centralization tendencies of public school administration in Georgia. 124 p. 1157. Norton, William Randolph Student newspapers in the high schools of West Virginia. 78 p. 1158. Rawlinson, Cam Rhodes Courses of study and state standards for secondary school chemistry. 138 P . 1159. Ropp, George William The development of standardization in the public secondary schools of Virginia. l$k p. 1160. Smith, Cecil Clive The federal aid to vocational education in North Carolina. 225 P» 1161. Smith, Harry Otto Variations in educational opportunities in the high schools of Frederick County, Maryland. 122 p. 1162. Starnes, Alvin Bradley An investigation of the status of the married woman teacher with particular reference to North Carolina. 158 p. 99 EDUCATION 1935 Ed.M. 1163. Benson, Olga Dorothea Results of a supervisory program to improve reading in the fourth and fifth grades, Santa Clara School, Kiami, Florida. 69 p. 1164. Bird, Carl Orlando The status of the school safety patrol in the United States. 140 p. 1165. Carr, Howard Ernest Washington College; a study of an attempt to provide higher educa- tion in eastern Tennessee. 282 p. Il65a. Daniels, Archie Shields Planning and administering a nutrition and health program to meet needs of a mill village community. 105 p. 1166. Felts, Carl Monroe An experiment in directed study in junior high school arithmetic. 63 p. 1167. Kale, Robert Nelson A comparison of the scholarship of athletes and non-athletes in the secondary schools. 97 p. 1168. Hertz, John Joseph A decade of progress in the public schools of North Carolina - as revealed in "State School Facts" and the biennial reports of the superintendent of public instruction. 170 p. 1169. Lewis, George Gordon An attempt to measure the ability to apply scientific principles in general science. 88 p. 1170. Lincoln, Clarene An evaluation of the content and management of high school news- papers in the accredited schools of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 104 p. 1171. Loyless, Angie Elizabeth Certain tendencies in educational thought and practice in the teach- ing of literature in the secondary school as revealed in selected educational periodicals. 101 p. 1172. Lynch, Robert Allen The legal basis of the development of the Arkansas public school system. 185 P« 1173. KcDowall, Jack Expert opinion in certain psychological problems involved in football coaching. 120 p. 1174. Killer, Paul Robert County and district school administrative and supervisory organization in Pennsylvania. 97 p. 100 EDUCATION 1935 Ed.M. 1175. Slack, Herbert William Motion pictures as an aid to the teaching of science. 2^9 p. 1176. Smith, Wilbur Franklin The results of the introduction of a marking system based on standard units. 78 p. 1177. Stewart, Kary Alice Leath Correlating art with other school subjects. l6l p. 1178. Tryon, Florence Reno The social studies in representative secondary schools of Florida. A study of some problems involved in the conduct of social studies courses in secondary schools and a suggested program for arriving at solutions to these problems. 116 p. 1179. Usher, George Ephraim Development of the Georgia Education Association. 158 p. Fh.D. 1180. Hoban, Charles Francis, Jr. A critical evaluation of the experimental literature on instructional films. 95 p. 1226 M.A. 1181. Almy, Theodore Benjamin A study of the reading interests and' abilities of seniors of the Durham, North Carolina, High School. 82 p. 1182. Barocco, Orlando Iderico A comparative study of aims and content of secondary school text- books in biology. 100 p. H83. Coleman, Donna Elizabeth A course of study in seventh grade speech. 89 p. 1184. Espy, Gladys A study of pupils' ability in placing the decimal point in division. 112 p. 1185. Evancoe, Paul John The training and certification of teachers for the public secondary schools of Pennsylvania from 1919 to 1935* 96 p. 1186. Flory, Lula Mae A comparison of three methods of testing spelling ability. 79 p. 101 EDUCATION 1936 M.A. 1187. Lyon, Catherine Hill The development of secondary education for women in the United States. 95 P« 1188. 2 v iouton, Eve Rita A study of inarticulation in eighth grade mathematics. 110 p. 1189. O'Connell, John Francis An investigation of career choices of college freshmen in relation to secondary school guidance. 135 P« 1190. Ross, Ella Virginia A city elementary principal's use of auditorium activities. 104 p. 1191. Snowden, Jesse Otho Centralization of the public school system of Mississippi. 122 p. 1192. White, Kary Rebecca A study of the errors in English sentence structure in pupils' Latin translations. 75 P« 1193* Whitney, Clara Frances Study of test scores and errors as a basis for individual diagnosis and remedial instruction in reading. 124 p. Ed.M. 1194. Alexander, Thomas Ley A study of teacher tenure in Florida. 115 p. 1195« Brooks, Onnie Estus The equalization of the burden of school support and the county unit system in West Virginia. 207 p. 1196. Browning, Elmer Ross A pupil permanent cumulative record for use in West Virginia schools. 110 p. 1197. Browning, Karie Boggess Differences in courses of study for academic and business English in the high school. 124 p. 1198. Bryson, Daniel Winfred Some problems in home room organizations in the secondary schools of West Virginia. 135 P» 1199. Burgess, James Rowland, Jr. Composition of boards of education of independent city districts in Georgia; number of members, their selection, their term of office, and their Qualifications. 60 p. 102 EDUCATION 1936 Ed.M. 1200. Davis, Ira Claude The educational program of the Parker School District. 136 p. 1201. Deans, Sdwina The effect of the meaning method of instruction on the teaching of second grade number. 131 p. 1202. Henson, Eleanor Elizabeth Organization and program of the small high school. 113 p. 1203. Hoag, Merritt ELdred Procedure in the selection of textbooks for use in third class school districts in Pennsylvania. 63 p. 1204. McCormick, Dwight Williams The academic and professional training of the county and assistant county superintendents of West Virginia 193^ • 113 p« 1205. McKLmurray, Emily Leslie Subject combinations taught by white teachers in the high schools of North Carolina 193^-1935. 89 p. 1206. Mitchell, James Harvey An investigation in procedures in character education in high schools. 77 p. 1207. Mitchell, John Aubrey An evaluation of three commonly used methods of teaching in high school. 5^ P« 1208. Otey, Cosby Millard The high school principal's office and its equipment. 72 p. 1209. Farkhurst, Amos James The development of state support for the public schools of South Carolina. 120 p. 1210. Pearce, Lora >iay Deriving guidance materials from job requirements and conditions. 117 p. 1211. Pritchett, Leo Kluttz A study of the curricula of junior colleges of North Carolina. 131 p. 1212. Reuter, William Leo An evaluation of the marking practices of high school teachers in 3erks County, Pennsylvania. 79 p. 1213. Rountree, Elliott Moye A study of the county unit of school organization in Georgia. 90 p. 103 EDUCATION 1936 Ed.K. 1214. Shaw, Daryl Winston A study of small unit educational administrative organization with special reference to inefficiencies (Bradford County, Pennsylvania, fourth class school districts). 114 p. 1215. Sims, Clara Mabel The office of adviser of girls and its functions in Alabama high schools. 127 p. 1216. Skeen, James Morris A study of some problems in curriculum revision for a county school system. 190 p. 1217. Stewart, Burton Gloyden An analysis of the requirements for standardization of secondary schools in the United States. 94 p. 1218. Strange, William Ernest A study of educational inequalities of the public school system of Mississippi. 143 p. 1219. Thackston, Thomas Jefferson The museum as an aid to the teaching of biology in the small high school (Procedure and analysis of museum work in Slater-Marietta High School, Greenville, South Carolina). 6l p. 1220. Thompson, Paul Everett Changing contents of high school textbooks in chemistry. 109 p» Ph.D. 1221. Agnew, Donald Charles The effect of varied amounts of phonetic training on primary reading. 165 p. 1222. Pullias, Earl Vivon Disparity in results from new-type or objective tests constructed to measure the same abilities. 151 p. 19J2 M.A. 1223. Adams, Ruby Irene A proposal of content and procedure for a course of study for senior high schools in Jacksonville, Florida. 193 P« 1224. Bagby, Jsmes Willis, Jr. The function of nationalistic indoctrination in democratic education. 104 p. 1225. Dorsett, Edward Cruttenden A suggested professional booklist for a high school principal. 139 p. 104 EDUCATION M.A. M37 1226. Garrett, Gordon Hughes An investigation of the practice of employing home talent teachers in South Carolina. 71 p. 1227. Glenn, Vivian Eugene A study of in-service agencies for the professional improvement of teachers in Georgia. 99 P» 1228. Hess, John Henry Inequalities of the school tax burden in fourth class school districts of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. 91 p. 1229. Mount, Elizabeth A study of high school graduates in their post-graduate activities. 109 p. 1230. Phelps, George Thomas The relation of pupils' intelligence to problems in discipline. 52 p« 1231. Richmond, William Dickenson A study of the out-of-school youth of Wise County, Virginia. 136 p. 1232. Smith, Benjamin Lee The bases of distributing state funds in North Carolina. 15^ p» Ed.M. 1233* Adams, Robert Lausch The legal status of teachers in Pennsylvania. 11^ p. 1234. Bogue, Helen Sarah An analysis of courses of study in seventh and eighth grade mathematics, 102 p. * 1235* Bowles, Madison Harwell The development of a home room organization in the Waynesville Town- ship High School. 60 p. 1236. Caffrey, Mary Margaret The present status of commercial education in the six-year junior - senior high schools of Pennsylvania. 9^ p. 1237. Collins. Elmer Harland Qualifications and training of teachers of social studies in the junior and senior high schools of West Virginia. 137 p. 1238. Cooke, Cecil Dennis Interscholastic athletics in the North Central Association High Schools of West Virginia. 131 p. 1239. Dalton, William Theophilus, Jr. The program of dramatics in the small high schools of Alabama. 79 p. 105 EDUCATION 1937 Ed.M. 1240. Dotson, Roy A study of student- teaching in North Carolina on the high school level. 185 p. 1241. Dunn, Elmer Cowan Interpreting the schools to the public. 115 p. 1242. Felder, Helen ELise A comparison of the effect of certain methods of primary number instruction. 96 p. 1243. Hannen, Lew Wallace A study of causes of retardation in the Chester (W. Va.) Central School. 117 p. 1244. Has sell, Allene Brinkley The organization of unit studies in the social subjects with special reference to the sixth grade in the Kins ton Platoon School. 132 p. 1245. Head, Philemon Ernest Bases of teacher certification in southern states with special re- ference to Florida. 115 P» 1246. Henry, Howard Emerson The causes of pupil elimination from the public schools of Delaware. 155 P. 1247. Hoffman, George Peters A proposed plan of teacher retirement for Florida. 136 p. 1248. Holt, Nancy Binford An analysis of general science textbooks with comparisons between books of different periods. 52 p. 1249. Jacobs, James Arnold A study of scores made on the North Carolina High School Senior Examination for 1935 in relation to the type of school and the training of the teachers. 45 p. 1250. Jones, Stella Marie The use of pupil field collections in the teaching of biology. 130 p. 1251. Keith, Harry Dale A study of the tenure and professional training of West Virginia high school principals. 51 P» 1252. Leenhouts, Laura Nelja Supervisory and administrative program for inaugurating a new type of elementary school report card. 149 p. 1253. Longanecker, Edwin Snyder An analysis of the controversy between correlation and integration with particular reference to the social studies. 83 p. Ed.M 106 EDUCATION 1937 1254. Lupien, Alfred Louis The teaching of French Civilization in the secondary school. 91 p. 1255* McCormick, Addie Field trips and consequent class activities as an aid to teaching junior high school geography. 118 p. 1256. McGhee, Grant Oliver Programs of public relations for county school executives of Virginia. 102 p. 1257. Kay, William Henry The aims of civics instruction in the junior high school grades as revealed by an analysis of state courses of study. 60 p. 1258. Rice, Clinton Posey Consolidation of the Durham County schools. 104 p. 1259. Richmond, John Ashley A consolidated program for the schools of Lee County, Virginia. 126 p. 1260. Schrack, John Howard A study of student handbooks published by public high schools of Pennsylvania. 117 p. 1261. Shockloss, Michael Daniel An analysis of teacher retirement and pension systems with special reference to the Pennsylvania system. 87 p. 1262. Swim, Riley Cecil An evaluation of the school system of Raleigh County, West Virginia ^ with suggestions for reorganization. 155 p» 1263. Tyler, Karlie Reed A comparison of pupil achievement in Florida high schools. 103 p. 1264. Weddle , William McKinley The organization of public schools of Floyd County, Virginia, with suggestions for reorganization. 125 p. 1265. Williams, Ellis Downing An analysis of curriculums in the programs of Pennsylvania high schools. 138 p. 1266. Winter, George Virgil Practices relating to school reports to parents of pupils enrolled in grades one to six, inclusive, in Pennsylvania school districts of the third class, 1935-1936. 80 p. 107 EDUCATION 1937 Zd.I-.. 1267. Withers, Clarence Maxwell The requirements and qualifications of the county superintendents of West Virginia, 1935. 102 p. Ph.D. 1268. Sskridge, Thomas Joseph Growth in understanding of geographic terms in grades IV to VII. 104 p. 19JS M.A. 1269. Ashworth, Rufus Charles Some aspects of the professional preparation of physical education teachers in the high schools of North Carolina. 122 p. 1270. Carter, Judson McGilvray Development of the Tennessee Education Association. 132 p. 1271. Cobb, Jacob Ernest The status of the high school principal of the state of North Carolina. 100 p. 1272. Dribben, William Barnett A study of the eighth grade white population in Bolivar County, Mississippi. 90 p. 1273. Efird, Laura Christine The development of an integrated course of study in geometry for secondary schools. 82 p. 1274. McCracken, Mary Lee An application of the Winnetka rating scale. 69 p. 1275. Munsey, Lassie May Governmental weaknesses in Chattanooga's school policy and some attempts made to strengthen certain features. 115 P» 1276. Palmer, Grover Winfield The history and development of teacher training and certification of white teachers for teaching in the public schools of South Carolina. 189 p. 1277. Rollins, Roy Eugene A teaching experiment in the unit-laboratory method of history instruction. 131 p. 1278. Schmidt, Frederick J. A comparison of treatments accorded scientific principles in six leading general science texts. 73 p. 108 EDUCATION 1938 M.A. 1279. Smith, Oscar Present status of programs of work in the small six-year high schools of Florida (including a comparison of "vocational" and "non-vocational" schools). 6l p. 1280. Stephens, Arey Lee The development of the junior college in Mississippi. (A study of the state-accredited junior colleges, 1936). 77 p. 1281. Taylor, Charles Theodore State planning boards. 218 p. Ed.M. 1282. Akins, Charles W. A survey of the preoccupations, training, and school experience of the county superintendents in Mississippi. 64 p. 1283. Bailey, Eugene Cassidy The effect of the ordinary and the readerless methods of instruction on the teaching of intermediate grade reading. 148 p. 1284. Bobo, William Pervy A study and comparison of two county school systems in Mississippi: Lincoln, a consolidated, and Webster, a super-consolidated system. 86 p. 1285. Boyer, Charles Victor A cumulative record card for the junior high schools of Cabell County, West Virginia. 86 p. 1286. Carson, Louis Frederick A study of boards of education in special districts in South Carolina. 65 p. 1287. Conard, Thomas Pennington The integration of subject-matter as found in textbooks in general science. 78 p. 1288. Crowe, Frank Chapman An investigation of the factors affecting the junior high school career of pupils of the West Tampa Junior High School. 113 p. 1289. Fisher, Cleo Edith A suggested revision of the diagnostic chart for individual difficulties in addition. 55 P« 1290. Fletcher, Ward Thomas Classification of content in seventh and eighth grade arithmetic. 103 p. 109 EDUCATION 1938 Ed.M. 1291. Harris, Arthur Small A study of the cooperative plan of education for secondary- schools in Jacksonville, Florida. 100 p. 1292. Kenritze, Welch Hudson A follow-up study of the high school graduates of 1931, McDowell County, West Virginia. 199 p. 1293. Hernick, Kichael Edward High school curriculum-making procedures in Maryland. 1^1 p. 1294. Hetrick, Charles Raymond The development of an extracurricular activity program for Bellwood, Pennsylvania High School. 118 p. 1295. Hill, 3enjamin Frederick Honor societies in the north central high schools of West Virginia. 65 p. 1296. Hoffmann, Ira Penn A guidance program for a rural high school. 106 p. 1297. Kuhn, Robert KLwood Some aspects of the teaching of social studies in the secondary schools of '/.'est Virginia. 155 P« 1298. Parnell, Ruth Elizabeth A study of changes in aims, contents and methods of elementary Latin for secondary schools. 120 p. 1299. Permenter, Walter Newton A study of athletes and nonathletes in the Yazoo City, Mississippi, High School. 6? p. 1300. Perry, Gilbert Vincent A study of teacher tenure laws in Pennsylvania in comparison with tenure laws in certain other states. 104 p. 1301. Pierce, Lucile An analysis of courses of study in English in North Carolina high schools. 132 p. 1302. Planck, Carl Gustav A study to determine the differences between basal and supplementary readers. 153 P« 1303. Flymale, Pearl Boggess The present status of English grammar in the junior high schools of West Virginia. 85 p. 110 EDUCATION 1938 Ed. M. 1304. Plymalc, Rcxford Puryear Functions of the home room teacher in the junior high schools of West Virginia. 115 p. 1305. Ray, Cora Miller A history of modern shorthand and typewriting. 220 p. 1306. Rein, William Christopher A comparison of two criteria of spelling difficulty. 54 p. 1307. Renfroe, Carl Gilbert Teacher preparation, certification, and salaries in Georgia. 78 p. 1308. Schneider, Julius August A study of the high school faculty meeting. 100 p. 1309. Shull, Paul Eugene Survey and building program for Lewistown, Pennsylvania. 96 p. 1310. Spangler, Arthur Hodson Intramural sports in the North Central Association high schools of West Virginia. 74 p. 1311. Stover, Kermit Martin Student yearbooks in Pennsylvania high schools. 216 p. 1312. Taylor, Noel Alexander Biology museums in Pennsylvania high schools. 148 p. 1313. Wagner, Horace McDonald A comparison of the qualifications, characteristics and experience of appointed and elected members of county boards of education in West Virginia. 65 p. M.A. 1939 1314. Beam, Joshua Paul Trends toward centralization in the administration of the public schools of South Carolina since 1868. 156 p. 1315. Bridges, Daniel Moody Professional series in education. 123 p. 1315a. Courtney, Josephine Rowe Length of essay-type test answers, grades IV- VII ... 57 p. 1316. Doty, Roy Anderson An analysis of teacher-made tests. 38 p. 1317. Douglas, Jessie The history of Mount Zion: A private foundation college that became a public high school. 89 p. Ill EDUCATION 1939 M.A. 1318. Echerd, Eugenia Mae Tha number knowledge of beginning second-grade pupils in selected North Carolina schools. 77 p. 1319. Hood, Ralph E. A study of elimination from the Brunswick, Georgia, High School, 1926-27 through 1936-37. 137 p. 1320. Kulbert, Karie Jones Follow-up study of girls who have left Tubman High School. 171 p. 1321. Hurt, J. Lewis Subject offerings and enrollments in southern liberal arts colleges. 3A3 P. 1322. Kelley, Joseph Jackson Native intelligence as a factor in learning French: A case study. 56 p. 1323 • McDaniel, Anne Elizabeth Testing a device for improving problem-solving in seventh grade arithmetic. 129 p. 132^. Merritt, Effie Mae A study of student interest in general science. 82 p. 1325. Morgan, John The academic and professional training of teachers of science in North Carolina. 95 p. 1326. Rawl, William Asmann The present status of the military high school in the South. 7^ p. 1327. Smith, Ollie Sanders A comparison of drop-outs and graduates from Hartsville High School. 88 p. 1328. Summers, George Boyd Masonic ventures in education in North Carolina. 120 p. 1329. Weems, Benjamin Burch Scholarship ratings of pupils in the Durham High School in relation to participation and leadership in extracurricular activities. 57 p« 1330. Wertz, Roy Albert A proposed plan of supervised study in a mathematics laboratory room for the Frackville, Pennsylvania, High School. 118 p. 1331. Young, Mabel Dorothy A simplified version of Rip Van Winkle prepared for junior high school students. 112 p. 112 EDUCATION 1939 Ed.M. 1332. Bigham, Virgil Lee A study of marks and test scores in Leland, Mississippi. 48 p. 1333. Boswell, Sidney Selected case studies of junior high school pupils. 19^ p. 133^. Campbell, Carrie Smith Recent curriculum trends of mathematics in the junior high schools of West Virginia. 65 p. 1335* Campbell, Robert Sarle The maintenance of standard qualifications for high school teachers in West Virginia. 56 p. 1336. Carruth, C. H. The relation between intelligence and achievement of high school pupils and the way they distribute their time. 5^ P« 1337. Cassell, Hugh Kent Ten years of public school education in Wise County, Virginia. 103 p. 1338. Casto, Margaret Atkinson Relation between arithmetical understanding and success in ninth grade algebra. 54 p. 1339. Davis, Donald Albert Analysis of Masters' theses in Education, Duke University, 1934- 1938. 106 p. 1340. Demorest, Merrick Albert The content of teachers' handbooks and school board rule books. 120 p. 1341. Edmundson, Lois A study of the curricula in vocal music in American public high schools. 70 p. 1342. Folger, Ruth M. Vocational preferences and opportunities in Savannah, Georgia. 142 p. 13^3 • Francis, Joseph Langhorne The development of state support for the public elementary and secondary schools of Virginia. 149 p. 134*4-. Frear, Edgar Paul Methods of financing interscholastic athletics in small high schools. 59 p. 113 Ed.M. 1345. Gentry, John 3. EDUCATION 1939 Fost-graduation experiences of former pupils of Batesburg-Leesville High School. 78 p. 1346. Hardman, Linn J. The powers and duties of superintendents and assistant superintendents of schools, in West Virginia. 98 p. 1347. Harrison, Carl R. A proposed reorganization of school districts for Crawford County, Pennsylvania. 123 p. 1348. Jacks, William LeRoy Changes in high school biology teaching in the past twenty- five years. 68 p. 1349. Jenkins, R. Brown Social and recreational activities of the teachers of Sullivan County, Tennessee. 7^ p. 1350* Joiner, Oscar Hardy A comparison of local and non-local teachers as to their training and salaries. A survey of the teachers in the public schools for whites in the eighth congressional district of Georgia, 75 P» 1351* Jones, Elijah Newman Yearly comparison of accounts as an aid in budget making. 103 p. 1352. Kelley, J. T. Present and proposed status of the county superintendent in Florida. 91 p. 1353. Lambert, James Alfred A study of high school pupils' opinions as to the values of school attendance. 78 p. 1354. Landis, Robert James A proposed guidance program for a junior high school in a small southern city. 115 P« 1355 • Langford, Rupert Wesley A proposed junior high school program of studies for a small urban community in Georgia. 120 p. 1356. Levin, Florence C. The contributions of philanthropic foundations to the development of secondary education in Virginia. 109 p. 1357 ♦ Lewis, Gomer Junior Library facilities in the public secondary schools of the third- class and fourth-class school districts of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. 89 p. 114 EDUCATION 1939 Ed.M. 1358* KcCamey, Kathryn Elizabeth Objectives of ninth grade mathematics in recent courses of study. 112 p. 1359. McDermott, Mil ford June An occupational study of 1000 high school graduates from 1927 to 1936, Jackson and Mason Counties, West Virginia. 63 p. 1360. Madison, Blaine Mark A study of entrance requirements in colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 83 p. 1361. Marshall, Clarence William Social and recreational activities of teachers in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. 101 p. 1362. Miller, Charles L. Recent salary and turnover history of the present teaching staff in the first district schools of Georgia. 115 p. 1363. Mitchell, Edna Mae Influences of philanthropic contributions upon secondary education in Kentucky. 112 p. 1364. Moler, James Milton Professional status and in-service training of teachers in Jefferson County, West Virginia. 138 p. 1365* Painter, Edward Jackson A decade of development in the public schools of West Virginia. 110 p. 1366. Palmour, Charles E. A comparison of white and Negro teachers of Marion county, Florida, with special reference to training, experience, and pay. 82 p. 1367. Pearson, Ann An analysis and comparison of reading and language levels of certain elementary textbooks in relation to the language development of children. 89 p. 1368. Pittman, Louie Delle Materials for beginning number instruction. 245 p. 1369. Reeves, Marie Louise Transition to public elementary education in Georgia. 1733-1860. 1^1 p. 1370. Ross, William Alexander Objective tests as a measure for promoting pupils into high school: A case study. 87 p. 115 EDUCATION 1939 Bd.M. 13?1. Spainhour, Richard Edward The relationship between arithmetical understanding and ability in problem solving and computation. ^3 p. 1372. Stauffer, Russell G. A comparative study of silent and oral reading in the classroom. 108 p. 1373. Tarrall, Elmer Curriculum offerings in the private high schools of North Carolina from 1927-1928 to 1936-1937. 73 p. 137^. Taylor, Doris Lavenia A study of the radio as a teaching instrument in the social studies in secondary schools. 131 p. 1375. Tew, Thelma Teaching division of fractions by the common denominator method. 69 p. 1376. Townsend, Harley Vance Contributions of philanthropic foundations to the development of secondary education in West Virginia. 151 p. 1377. Vinson, R. A. The rise of credit unions in the United States with special reference to teacher credit unions in Florida. 102 p. 1378. Wagner, Carl Leon Supervision in the high schools of Dade County, Florida. 101 p. 1379. Wake, Orville Wentworth Ability of teachers to interpret the new Virginia curriculum. 137 p. 1380. Wolfe, Quentin Donald The historical development of secondary education in Warren County, Pennsylvania. 108 p. 1381. Wollet, Charles Elmer State-wide free textbook plans with special reference to Georgia. 8^ p. 1382. Worley, Claude An analysis of the school transportation system of Raleigh County, West Virginia. 101 p. 1383. This number not used. 116 EDUCATION 19^0 M.A. 1384. Andrews, Mary Ruth The educational program in a federal institution for delinquent women. 93 p. 1385. Biggerstaff , Frank Malcolm The non-professional activities of teachers in the public schools of Burlington, North Carolina. 67 p. 1386. Binns, Elizabeth An analysis of the English composition errors of freshmen entering certain Florida colleges. 100 p. 1387. Bridy, Charles Louis Pupil expenditures resultant from attendance upon a public school. 51 P. 1388. Brown, George Erwin A comparison of educational advantages in the schools for whites and Negroes in Greene county, Georgia. 108 p. 1389. Bryant, Carlyle Rupert An experimental study of the factors transferred in cross education. 23 p. 1390. Buck, Ida Hermine A study of the use of prognostic tests in predicting learning abilities in shorthand and typewriting. 84 p. 1391. Carson, Robert Brice A study of class sections of the various subjects in the high schools of South Carolina. 210 p. 1392. Curington, Orrell V. A study of the status of student participation in school control in the senior high schools of Florida. 130 p. 1393. Doby, J. Lillian Research studies in number ability of primary grade pupils. 193 p. 1394. DuBose, Charles Gerald An evaluation of educational opportunities for high school pupils of Union County, South Carolina. 126 p. 1395. Fitzgerald, Frances Predicting reading success of first grade entrants. 96 p. 1396. Gladfelter, Charles Herbert Changes in first year Latin, 1909-1939. 90 p. 1397. Godbold, John Jake An analysis of elementary school newspapers in the state of South Carolina. 88 p. 117 EDUCATION 1940 K.A. 1398. Golightly, Howard Buren Why objective test items are missed. 105 p. 1399. Grigsby, Alice Blanche A study of the reading interests of two thousand ninth grade pupils in the Appalachian highlands of Tennessee. 106 p. 1400. Harrison, Mary Elizabeth The educational activities of federal agencies under the "New Deal" in North Carolina. 143 p. 1401. Johnson, William Fearce A study of the historical development of mathematics in the public secondary schools in South Carolina. 100 p. 1402. Johnston, Robert Ward An analysis of the laws and procedures of state departments of education in the inspection of private schools attended by pupils of compulsory school attandance age. 71 p. 1403. Kilbourne, M. Elizabeth An experimental study of certain methods of learning French voca- bulary. 37 p. 1404. Kilmer, Hulda Number abilities of children when they enter school. 69 p. 1405. Lay ton, Reber Boyce A study of prognosis in high school algebra. 64 p. 1406. Lewis, James Howard Accuracy of teacher questionnaire data. 124 p. 1407. Lynch, Kathryn Willogene The present status of the teaching of mathematics in Kegro high schools in West Virginia. 76 p. 1408. Mabry, Gussie Eugene A course of instruction in the social studies for a sixth grade: units in South Carolina history including geography and civics. 96 p. 1409. HcAlpine, Paul Hamilton The qualifications of Florida high school teachers of Spanish. 101 p. 1410. McCartt, Mary Leah A survey of the public and elementary school libraries in Johnson City. 102 p. 1411. McCaslin, Fhoebe Elizabeth A qualitative analysis of selected topics from recent seventh and eighth grade mathematics textbooks, with the opinion of business men and others. 76 p. 118 EDUCATION 1940 M.A. 1412. McCullou^h, Raymond 0. The development and present status of vocational coal-mining edu- cation in the United States, with special reference to Maryland. 74 p, 1413. Mason, Clarence W. History of public school salaries in Maryland. 180 p. 1414. Mason, Elwood 3yrd Teacher certification in Maryland since 1900. 191 p. 1^15. Motley, Everett Lyle A proposed course of study in vocational civics for high schools in Virginia. 124 p. 1416. Ostwalt, Jay Harold The effect of time limits on selected sections of the new Stanford achievement test. $6 p. 1417. Owen, Ray Anderson Contributions of philanthropic foundations to the development of secondary education in Florida. 52 p. 1418. Pettit, Julia Ruth Recent developments in the teaching of sociology in the public high schools of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 73 p. 1419. Potts, Charlie Kinchin The influence of the Bennettsville High School in building the occupational and leisure patterns of its students. 130 p. 1420. Reavis, Rebecca A study of children's thought processes in geography. 132 p. 1421. Retan, Edith Jeannette The development of ability in word recognition in first grade. 105 p. 1422. Robinson, Frances Arithmetic difficulties in the second grade. 65 p« 1423. Smith, Elsie Margaret The relations between the social agencies represented in the Council of Social Agencies and the white public schools of Greensboro, North Carolina. 148 p. 1424. Smith, Jonathan Marshall Safety education in the public schools with special reference to North Carolina. 107 p. 1425. Smith, Margaret McMillan An evaluation of a third-grade reading text from the standpoint of difficulty. 181 p. 119 EDUCATION K.A. 3*2 1426. Spencer, Dale Kirk Cadets and non-cadets in New Hanover High School. 97 p. 1427. Steelman, Max Randolph An analysis of the variations in the programs in the high schools for white pupils in Catawba County, North Carolina. 99 p. 1428. Steelman, Ruth A. An investigation of some aspects of the discriminating power of the national intelligence test. 23 p. 1429. Still, Evedon Howell Subject combinations taught by white teachers in the high schools of South Carolina, 1938-1939. 85 p. 1430. Weaver, M. Virginia A study of parents' and teachers' interpretations of difficulty in second and third grade reading. 69 p. 1431. Wood, Mary Rose Problems involving mathematical concepts and calculations found in high school textbooks for general science, biology, and chemistry. 77 p. Ed.M. 1432. Anderson, Ernest R. Possible economies in school building fire insurance for the state of Georgia. 133 p. 1432a. Barber, Daniel Clyde A study of secondary school libraries in South Carolina. 96 p. 1433. Barr, Coke L. Factors influencing the selection and retention of teachers in Florida with special emphasis on application forms and contracts. 152 p. 1434. Barr, Leon A comparative study of the curricula of state teachers colleges and certain liberal arts colleges in Pennsylvania. 109 p. 1435. Bee, Carl E. Distribution of state school funds in Pennsylvania. l6l p. 1436. Bird, Ralph Sidney Some phases of the public relations program of the public schools of Mercer County, West Virginia. 237 p. 1437. Boland, Joseph Be thro Compulsory school attendance services for McDowell County, West Virginia. 70 P« 1438. Bryan, Colgan Hobson The present status of the teaching of science in the private high schools in Virginia. 103 p. 120 EDUCATION 1940 M.A. 1439. Burdette, Orral Lorain The development of a high school museum in biology through pupil participation. 84 p. Ed.M. 1440. Burgess, John Evans Development and present status of public education in Glynn County, Georgia. 161 p. 1441. Caudill, Dennis D. The activities of parent-teacher associations in relation to school administration, with special reference to the association of Palm Beach County, Florida. 103 p. 1442. Cole, John William A study of internal financial accounting practices in 103 high schools of West Virginia. 107 p. 1443. Cook, Hugh Gray An analytical study of representative high school textbooks in occupational information. 86 p. 1444. .Crockett, Cora Mae Didacticism in educational theory and in children's literature. 97 p« 1445. Dean, Lillian Alberta The present status of summer sessions in the large high schools of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 69 p. 1446. Douglas, Nelle Chappell Contributions of philanthropic foundations to the development of secondary education in South Carolina. 96 p. 1447. Dowd, Orren Edwards A study of the functions of deans, counselors, advisers, and guidance directors in public secondary schools in North Carolina. 109 p. 1448. Fulton, Pencie A guidance program for a junior high school. 158 p. 1449. Finklea, John James The historical development of the curricula of the junior colleges in Georgia. 43 p. 1450. Freeman, Fletcher Albert Professional growth of the elementary school principals of Raleigh County, West Virginia. 83 p. 1451. Galphin, Louise A suggested revision of the Buswell- John D iagnos tic Chart for indi- vidual difficulties in multiplication. 66 p. 121 EDUCATION 1940 Ed.:;. 1452. Gerow, James Anthony An investigation of the assembly programs in the city high schools of North Carolina. 79 p. 1^53. Gillingham, Samuel Wilson A study of pupil-errors in high school physics with a view toward modifying the placement of emphasis in teaching the subject. 96 p. 1454. Hagaman, Jake George The present status of instrumental music instruction in the larger high schools of North Carolina. 65 p. 1455. Harper, Eunice V. Kitchell The supervision of reading in a small school without the aid of a supervisor. 108 p. 1456 . Harris , Margaret Elliott A study of influences of changing objectives in social studies upon recent courses of study and textbooks. 79 p. 1457. Kartman, Mary Irene A study of voluntary reading among adolescent children in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 85 p. 1458. Hawthorne, Mark Fant A survey of the public school system of Lancaster County, South Carolina. (With special reference to the reorganization of the schools for whites). 114 p. 1459. Heath, Frank Harvey A community-school survey of an isolated rural community, v.p, 1460. Hendren, Albert Lee A comparative study of rural and urban high school teachers in Davidson County, North Carolina. 90 p. 1461. Hess, Harvey Carleton The costs of attending a "free" school. 69 p. 1462. Hodges, Carl V. Contributions of philanthropic foundations to Negro public secondary education in Georgia. 100 p. 1463. Hozik, Michael Requirements and practices in granting master's degrees in some Pennsylvania colleges and universities. 107 p. 1464. Hunter, Merle W. History and issues of teacher tenure. 138 p. 1465. Hurley, Myrtis Tilden A study of laterality in relation to the school learning of the child. 110 p. 122 EDUCATION 1940 Ed.M. 1466. Hutchinson, Merrill Eugene A study of the academic and professional preparation of teachers of the social studies, with special reference to Pennsylvania. 124 p. 1467. Johnson, Earl Frank The construction of a pupil record card for a junior high school. 62 p. 1468. Jones, William Robert An analysis of the school indebtedness in Kentucky to determine whether present constitutional and statutory provisions are satisfactory. 63 p. 1469. Jordan, Gladys Differences between groups of English and French speaking children in third grade. 120 p. 1470. Keene, Ellis Leaman A survey of intramural athletics in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 62 p. 1471. Kelley, Gayle A survey of administrative policies and practices for the pre- vention of failure in Florida high schools. 100 p. 1472. Kern, Donald Warren A survey of North Carolina school newspapers. 87 p. 1473. Knobeloch, Dorothy Elsa The program of social studies in some South Carolina high schools. 97 p. 1474. Kochenour, Earl Franklin A survey of supervision in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 139 p. 1475. Kramer, Miriam Loretta A study of the leisure time activities of pupils in the suburban high schools of Camden County, New Jersey. 100 p. 1476. Ledbetter, Jap Analysis of adverse and favorable criticisms of the public school system in Columbus County, North Carolina. 114 p. 1477. Lindsay, Charles Stuart Current practices in the schools of Pennsylvania in regard to pupil savings accounts. 71 p. 1478. McCabe, Vance Alvin An analysis of commercial arithmetic in American secondary schools as revealed by state courses of study. 81 p. 1479. McGinnes, W. W. A study of photography in high schools in cities of one hundred thousand or over. 81 p. Ed.M. 123 EDUCATION 1940 1480. McManamon, Hazel Forrester A comparative study of reading skills of ninth grade pupils of American stock and of foreign extraction. 71 p. 1481. Martin, Dorsie Garnet Relations between institutional and field ratings for graduates of Concord State Teachers College. 69 p. 1482. Martin, Stanley Harland A comparison of the library facilities of the ten high schools of Mercer County, West Virginia. 105 p. 1483. Matchett, Ruth A critical analysis of supervisory practices and attitudes of teachers toward them in Burlington County, New Jersey. 136 p. 1484. Mathews, J. C. A study of the qualifications of chemistry teachers in the state of Florida. 99 p. 1485. Matthews, Wesley Woodbury Facilities and administrative practices for physical education (a survey of white schools of Dade County, Florida, grades one through nine ) . Ill p . 1486. Metz, Earl Clarence A guidance program for a rural high school in Ashland County, Ohio. 77 p. 1487. Nichols, Bertha How children learn the multiplication facts. 55 P» 1488. Pafford, Waldo Cecil An analysis of the bonded indebtedness of the school districts in the First Congressional District of Georgia. 6^> p. 1489. Palmer, P. Robert Social applications of arithmetic found in recent upper-grade textbooks. 59 p. 1490. Parker, John Harry The training of white elementary teachers in West Virginia. 130 p. 1491. Phillips, Dorothea Jo A study of student interest in English. 97 P« 1492. Porter, Gilbert Rodman An analysis of the programs of study and of the schedules of the six- to ten-teacher high schools of Georgia. 59 p. 1493 • (unused number) 124 EDUCATION ™ », 1940 Ed.M. 149^. Pratt, Francis Marion The status of instrumental music teachers in the secondary white schools of North Carolina. 90 p. 1495. Pratt, George Thomas A study of the teaching of the social studies in the public white high schools of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. 90 p. 1496. Pries ter, Harold F. A comparative study of the scholastic achievement of transported and non transported pupils in a Florida high school. 50 p. 1497. Rader, George Leroy Recent developments in artificial school lighting. 100 p. 1498. Ratcliff, Billy 0. Provisions for health instruction of children of school age in Logan County, West Virginia. 79 p. 1499. Richardson, John William The tenure and qualifications of rural teachers under two types of county boards in Tennessee. 58 p. 1500. Richmond, John D. Educational trends in Tazewell County, Virginia, 1927-1938. 126 p. 1501. Robinson, Benjamin Franklin A survey of science instruction in the high schools of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, 1935-1939. 119 p. 1502. Robinson, Thomas Eugene A comparative study of the curricular and extra-curricular activities of the high schools of Cambria County, Pennsylvania. 130 p. 1503. Sanders, Mary An evaluation of a program of reading instruction based upon ability grouping. 95 p. 1504. Savage, William Richard A village consolidated school in relationship to its community. 117 p. 1505. Schaller, Charles Burnett Legislation and court decisions on teacher tenure in five states. 7^ p. 1506. Sherry, John Joseph A study of the contributions of youth-serving agencies to the secondary schools of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. 104 p. 1507. Sims, Alice Periodical literature on the teaching of high school algebra, 1925-1927 and 1935-1937. 123 p. 125 Ed.M. 1508. Skiles, Amos F. EDUCATION 1940 A survey of social agencies dealing with school-age youth in Allentown, Pennsylvania. 159 p. 1509. Skiles, F. 0. Methods and practices used in the selection and appointment of teachers in the affiliated white high schools of Mississippi. 103 p. 1510. Slacum, Emerson Phillips The Maryland youth survey and its implications for a guidance program in the rural high schools of Maryland. 115 p. 1511. Smith, William Arthur The administration of instrumental music in high schools of three states. 98 p. 1512. Soverns, James William Tuition costs for non-resident pupils in the public high schools of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. 92 p. 1513« Stone, Henry Clarence A study of janitors and janitorial service in the public schools of North Carolina. 83 p. 151^. Stone, Jake Ward A comparative study of three types of high school teachers in Robeson County, North Carolina. 80 p. 1515. Swearingen, Mildred E. A reading vocabulary for general science and suggestions for its use in the improvement of reading. 113 p« 1516. Sypher, Ruth Margaret A study of the management of school magazines in representative Pennsylvania high schools. 90 p. 1517. Taylor, Mary TheDona Philanthropic contributions to secondary education in Pennsylvania since 1830. 100 p. 1518. Terry, Charles E. A study of teacher demonstration and student demonstration techniques in the teaching of general science. 55 P« 1519. Trimble, William Ellwood Extra expenditures incident to attendance at Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, High School. 58 p. 1520. Vandell, William Kenneth Inequalities in educational opportunities in the high schools of Fayette County, West Virginia. 136 p. 1521. Wall, Harriet Euphrasia A study of the teaching of science in small high schools in Georgia. 112 p. 126 EDUCATION 1940 l 1522. Warren, Joh iharpe The lega] rovisions for the celebration of special days and events in the school calendars of the forty-ei«:ht states. 164 p. 1523. Weeks, William Benn A comparative study of oioiogy, chemistry, and physics tertboo/cs ana those of integrated science, with special reference to I- ennsylvania high schools. 76 p. 152^-. Weller , Wayne A study of high school education at United States Army posts. 71 p. 1525. Williams, Margaret Lawrene A suggested revision for the Buswoll-John diagnostic chart for in- dividual difficulties in division. 75 p. 1526. Williams, Olan Yarnall A proposed guidance program for a small high school in Pennsylvania. 101 p. 1527. Williams, Roger Augustus The functions of supervising principals in accredited senior high schools in northwestern Florida. 81 p. 1528. Wilson, Joseph B. Study of school board members of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 105 p^ 1529. Woodruff, Margaret A co-curriculum for Stratton Elementary School. 13^ p. 1530. Wylie, Claude Legal provisions for compulsory school attendance in the United States. 66 p. 1531. Yager, Charles Monroe Present status of the teaching of mathematics in the small high schools of Georgia. 131 p. v 1532. Young, Hobart McKinley A study of the National Youth Administration program in West Virginia and its relation to secondary education. 56 p. 1533. Young, William Vincent The installation of sound reproduction equipment and its use in the school program. 133 P» 1534. Zarfoss, L. Harold An analysis of tuition costs for non-resident pupils in public high schools of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 71 p. Ph.D. 127 EDUCATION 1940 1535. Doty, Roy Andorson, 1914- A study of children's procedures in the solution of verbal problems. 209 p. ^ 1941 M.A. 1536. Brown, Margaret Louise Types of children's literature and educational theory (1860-1900). 104 p. 1537. Cone, Bonnie Ethel An experimental analysis of measures of kurtosis. 140 p. 1538. Doty, Thomas Smith The development of the legal status of public school teachers in Mississippi. 108 p. 1539. Dupree, John L. A study of the purposes and practices of principals in the supervision of extracurricular activities in selected standard high schools of North Carolina. 146 p. 1540. Holley, D. L. The extracurricular activities of high school teachers of South Carolina. 145 p. 1541. Hudson, Donald B. A comparative study of the educational records of the transported and non-transported pupils of the Everett (Pennsylvania) High School. 93 p. 1542. Justis, John C. Preparation of index for review of educational research. 73 p» 1543. Kelly, Philip T. The status of the high school principal of the state of South Carolina, 95 p. 1544. King, Sallie Rebecca A survey of art instruction in the elementary schools of North Carolina (with reference to schools for white children). 132 p. 1545. Knape, Arthur J. Extra-academic activities of teachers in five counties of Ohio. 106 p. 1546. Leach, James M. Status of physics teaching in Pennsylvania high schools. 151 p. 1547. Linnemann, Calvin Cummins The administration of textbooks in North Carolina. 129 p. 1548. Lynn, William Louis Certain non-professional factors affecting employment of teachers in Virginia. 128 p. 128 EDUCATION v a 194i K.A. 15^9. Martin, James Marion An experimental study of the teaching values of completion and multiple-choice tests in high school biology instruction. 83 p. 1550. O'Neal, Alice Burris A study of the opportunity school in adult education in 3outh Carolina. 67 p. 1551. Fetty, Paul Vernon Measures of public opinion applied to certain educational problems and phases of the public school program in Monticello, Arkansas. 159 p. 1552. Fhipps, William F. A study of the home visitation programs of the McDowell County, West Virginia, classroom teachers in connection with parent-teacher work. 78 p. 1553- Robinson, Woodrow Thomas Subject combinations of teachers in Virginia high schools, 19^0- 19^1. 92 p. 1554. Sandlin, Hiram Walter A comparative study of the qualifications of English teachers in two types of high schools in South Carolina. 98 p. 1555« Sisk, Josephine Rowe (Courtney) Length of essay- type test answers, grades IV -VII. 57 p. 1556. Taylor, Ellis Bruce Study of the Lycoming County Free Library in Pennsylvania. 116 p. 1557* Thompson, Ethel A study of three factors of educational adjustment as related to entrants in the first grades of the New Brighton, Pennsylvania, schools. 186 p. Ed.M. 1558* Armstrong, Leo Henry The provision of educational opportunity for those of school age in Marion County, Florida. 197 p. 1559. Barr, Orville A. Practices of principals in selecting teachers in small accredited high schools in Florida. 69 p. 1560. Beery, Lena Grace School population changes in Kanawha County, West Virginia, for the school years beginning 1933 to 19^0. 136 p. 1561. Bell, Minnie Blanche The development of modern education in Mexico. 79 p. 129 EDUCATION 1941 Ed.M. 1562. Bruce, William Thornton A comparison of assessed property values and white pupil populations in six Piedmont counties of South Carolina. 77 p. 1563. Campbell, Walter H. Geographical distribution of residence of students of Duke University, at time of attendance: 1867-1940. 138 p. 156^+. Carr, Heyward Alexander A follow-up study of the athletic coaches in service (1925-1935) in the high schools of South Carolina accredited by the Southern Associ- ation of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 86 p. 1565. Carson, Louise Geddings A suggested reading program for the preparatory period of the first grade in South Carolina schools. 259 p. 1566. Curry, Wayne Burbage An accounting system for extracurricular activities and certain service agencies not supported by taxation in the public schools of Mingos County, West Virginia. 118 p. 1567. Davidson, Kary Frances A study of grades and opinions, of certain undergraduate students in winter and summer sessions at Duke University. 72 p. 1568. Dickinson, Vivian S. The development of course offerings in mathematics in the senior high schools of West Virginia as revealed by an analysis of textbooks and courses of study. 119 p. 1569. Dunbar, Alonzo B. The relation between budget estimates and actual receipts and ex- penditures in the fourth class districts of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. 87 p. 1570. Fisher, James Washington The economic status of public school teachers and administrators of North Carolina. 113 p. 1571. Funkhouser, Joseph Alfred The status of the custodian in the large public schools of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. 87 p. 1572. Gamble, Nina The effect on a composite index of adding traits of varying degrees of validity. 96 p. Ed.M. 130 EDUCATION 1941 1573* Garrett, Denzel Raymond The social, economic, and educational status of the public school teachers of Kanawha County, West Virginia, for 1939-40. 147 p. 1574. Greene, James 0. A study of the organization and facilities of libraries in the approved junior high schools of West Virginia. 84 p. 1575* Hayes, William Ernest School building floors: a study of types, installation, and care. 154 p. 1576. Hendry, Harry Frier son A case study of twenty-seven retarded children in the Edison Park School, Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida. 186 p. 1577. Hodges, Julius B. The National Youth Administration program as a factor in public secondary education in South Carolina. 69 p. 1578. Jarrell, John Fercha An analysis of the operation of democratic principles in the adminis- tration of the high school of Seth, West Virginia. 99 p. 1579. Kelley, William Arlington Athletic participation and other factors in relation to the scho- lastic record of boys: a study conducted in the high school of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. 84 p. 1580. Kidd, Rex Charles The status of mathematics teaching in the white senior high schools in Tennessee. 95 P« 1581. Knight, Theron Turner Participation in the production of the Review of Educational Research. 134 p. 1582. Knoll, Dorothy Bard Some trends in pupil personnel as revealed in certain popular peri- odicals. 110 p. 1583. Lashure, Kelvin Murray Qualifications of principals of union schools in North Carolina. 74 p. 1584. Miller, Cecil Lee An efficiency analysis of the Parent-Teacher Association with special reference to Raleigh County, West Virginia. 118 p. 1585. This number not used. 131 EDUCATION 1941 Ed.M. 1586. Pafford, Julian Aubrey A study of the relation of professional preparation to experience and tenure among the principals of the accredited high schools of Georgia. 75 p. 1587. Rigg, Ann Evangeline The influence of parts of speech on the learning and retention of words. 122 p. 1588. Robertson, Eleanor Virginia Children's interests in magazines. 159 p. 1589. Simonds, Gardner William The legal development of public education in Maryland. 203 p. 1590. Smith, Charles E. The status of the substitute-teacher service in the public secondary schools in Delaware. 93 p. 1591. Smith, Dorothy Elizabeth Provision for individual differences in third-grade reading through grouping. 157 p. 1592. Stroude, Alice Pauline Controlled group activities for improving the social adjustment of high school pupils. 1^ p. 1593. Togneri, Lila C. The prediction and analysis of factors affecting first-year teaching success of Winthrop College graduates of 19^0. 107 p. 159^. Umstot, L. Mabel An experiment with the experience chart method of teaching beginning reading. 1^3 "p» 1595* Wallin, Virginia Stanton An investigation of the auditory acuity of children in the Delaware public schools. 60 p. 1596. Ware, J. Edgar A survey of some factors involved in the organization of the programs of studies in the small high schools of Georgia. 99 p. 1597. Whiting, Sara Maysel Index number for schools of Roane County, West Virginia, 1926-19^0. 55 p. 1598. Wright, Audrey Adele Science courses required of prospective elementary school teachers. 100 p. Ph.D. 132 EDUCATION 1941 1599. Rein, William Christopher, 1910- The effect upon maximum r of differences between distribution shapes. 185 p. 1942 M.A. 1600. Cox, Esther Lee A correlated program of guidance and English instruction for a tenth grade in a city high school. 142 p. 1601. Faucette, Olive Cannady The relationship between certain educational movements and Louisa May Alcott's writings for children. 127 p. 1602. Heape, Rita Polk Comparison of two methods of learning typewriting. 15 p. 1603. Herndon, Fred Jackson Legal authority and limitations of public school teachers in North Carolina. 114 p. 1604. Herndon, Nannie Mae Some uses of visual aids in units of instruction in the fourth grade. 123 p. 1605. Holcombe, Lena Mae A comparison of the Thorndike library for the fifth grade with the original versions as to reading difficulty and children's preferences. 102 p. 1606. Horton, George Raymond Accredited summer high schools of New York State, 1941. 68 p. 1607. Melton, Jack Robert A study of current professional literature and teaching materials on safety education with recommendations for the teaching of safety in the high schools of North Carolina. 73 p. 1608. Mitchell, Katherine Hurt A study of the professional literature on deans of girls in high schools published since 1930 . 80 p. 1609. Paschal, Mary Naomi An analysis of English errors made by adult students in commercial courses. 85 p. 1610. Pratt, Ellis Carl A study of instruction in the use of the library in the secondary white schools of North Carolina. 85 p. 1611. Fropst, Mary Elizabeth The development of the first, grade curriculum for the public school system of North Carolina. 218 p. 133 EDUCATION H.A. 1942 1612. Ratclifie, Anne King An analysis of composition errors made by high school freshmen as revealed in two types of instruction in Virginia. 117 p. 1613. Reynolds, John Bradley The mnemonic function of interference. 18 p. 1614. Richardson, Sarah Evelyn Christina Rossetti as a writer of poetry for children: a study of the relationship between children's poetry and educational theory. 137 p. 1615. Robinson, Woodrow Wilson A survey of educational activities of certain federal agencies in Virginia, 1933 to 1942. 127 p. 1616. Trent, Rosalind Lee A study of two methods of learning homonyms. 71 p. 1617. Wilhite, Arthur Bolton A study of organization and structure of state teachers associations. 197 p. 1618. Wolfarth, William The evaluation of the predictive efficiency of some measures of aptitudes for nursing. 30 p. Ed.M. 1619. Backus, Elbert Leon A survey of gymnasiums in elementary schools of West Virginia. 81 p. 1620. Backus, Tulsa Eloise A survey of plans and equipment of first grade classrooms in five counties of West Virginia. 76 p. 1621. Black, Roland Joseph Practices influencing the selection and appointment of teachers in the public schools of New Jersey. 127 p. 1622. Burdette, Dorothy Nell The evaluation of an activity room. 158 p. 1623. Burks, Harry Hunter The development of the public elementary school system of Fairfax County, Virginia ... 170 p. 1624. Byrd, James Curtis State laws in regard to sick leave for teachers (With special reference to Florida). 76 p. Ed.M. 134 EDUCATION 1942 1625. Chiverton, William Scott The predictive value of three tests, for college chemistry. 73 p. 1626. Collins, Annie Ethelene A study of trends in mathematics teaching as revealed by an analysis of junior high school textbooks, 1917-1942. 102 p. 1627. Gatlin, Ruth Arrie The teaching of high-school grammar and composition treated in six periodicals, 1911-1940. 51 p. 1628. Hughes, Sanford William Analysis of articles on education found in lay magazines, 1931-1940. 105 p. 1629. Johnson, Clyde Alexander A survey of programs of activities in the junior high schools of West Virginia (Eight counties). 103 p. 1630. Lloyd, Ruth Analysis of Masters' theses in education, Duke University, 1923-1934. 134 p. 1631. Madison, Graham Rex Recreational activities of high-school pupils of Davie County, North Carolina. 64 p. 1632. Mannello, George The development of diagnostic tests on the meaning involved in the use of the common fractions. 45 p. 1633 • Ouzts, James Byrnes The first-grade school day in South Carolina white schools. 78 p. 1634. Plantinga, Cornelius A. The personalistic philosophy and psychology of William Stern and their applications to education. 134 p. l635« Powell, James Dewey A follow-up study of commercial graduates of Kenwood High School, Raspeburg, Maryland. 77 p. 1636. Rickman, Raymond Horatio Pupil elimination in fifth, sixth, and seventh grades of Patrick County, Virginia. 91 p. 1637. Shuf f lebarger , Irma Frances A study of general opinions and the practices in selected school systems in the southern states regarding vocational guidance during the present war and reconstruction periods. 74 p. 135 EDUCATION 1942 Ed.M. I63S. Usrey, Nancy Emily Curves of aggregate distance related to median centers of popu- lation. 66 p. 1639. West, Harold Fane A survey of janitorial personnel and services in the public schools of Kanawha County, West Virginia. 105 p. Ph.D. 1640. Eicher, Chester Franklin, 1897- The success of North Carolina high school students in four North Carolina colleges. 179 p. 1641. Kuehner, Kenneth George, 1909- An experiment in learning a foreign language. 71 p. 1642. Murdoch, Bernard Constantino, 1917- Consistency of test responses. 127 p. 1942 M.A. 1643. Best, Albert Hartwell Relation of socio-economic status of the family to pupil's success in school. 75 p. 1644. Blanton, Betty Newborn Utilization of dramatic activity in elementary school teaching. 292 p. 1645. Merkle, Mildred Olive A study of social science as a medium of character development in the borderline student. 154 p. 1646. Stull, Martha Louise Guidance practices in Pennsylvania junior high schools. 132 p. 1647. Trivette, Ruth Jane A proposed plan of organization for guidance in the secondary schools of Kanawha County, West Virginia. 92 p. Ed.M. 1648. Law, James Vincent A survey of the professional status of high school principals in Virginia. 89 p. 1649. Perry, Eustace R. An analysis of school attendance in relation to academic success and progress in a rural consolidated school. 42 p, 1650. Pittman, DeWitt Kennieth Some professional and economic differences for a selected group of white and Negro teachers of North Carolina. 97 p. 136 EDUCATION 1943 Ed.K. 1651. Webb, Lester Cell An analysis of pupil enrollments by subjects in selected high schools of North Carolina. 121 p. 19^4. M.A. 1652. Facinoli, Adele Out-of-school time and activities of thirty- four teachers. 133 p. Ed.K. 1653. Chapman, K. L. A comparison of 103 pupils during two periods in which time diaries were kept, with special reference to achievement scores, and hours of home study, home chores, and sleep, grades four through twelve, Anthony, Florida. 57 p. 165^. Fant, Alethea Blackmore The history of education in Duplin County, North Carolina, to 1900. 163 p. 1655 • Frazier, Kathryn Eleanor How third-grade children, taught meaningfully, borrow in subtraction. 105 p. I656. McCurdy, John Albert An analysis of theory and practice of rating teachers in service. 82 p. l657« Mathias, Ama Avis The status of economics teachers in white six-year high schools in West Virginia. 70 p. 1658. Reed, Bruce The status of science and science teaching in the Negro high schools of West Virginia. 9^ p. 1659. Tanner, Agnes Mae Vicars Building a museum as an aid to teaching secondary school biology. 82 p. mi M.A. 1660. McDonald, Alma lone The background of pupils' answers to objective -type test items. 123 P. 1661. Shankle, Carl Edward Present practices and teacher attitudes regarding sick leave in North Carolina. 68 p. 137 EDUCATION M.A. 1245 1662. Wilson, Ulrey Kaulbach Use of standardized tests in guidance programs of accredited secondary schools of Tennessee. 92 p. Ed.M. 1663. Bayless, Flora Johnson A survey of public school Bible teachers in the South. 85 p. 1664. Blakeslee, Verna Treat Recent trends of education in New Hanover County, North Carolina, 1930-19^. 101 p. 1665. ELlis, Ivy Mary Phillips Statistical content in a newspaper, 1917-18 and 1942-4-3. 83 p. 1666. Garland, James Louis Variations in selected aspects of white high schools in Kentucky according to size. 78 p. 1667. Leete, Mortimer Uriel Historical development of the local school administrative units in West Virginia. 119 p. 1668. Zeigler, Frances Chambers The teaching of Spanish in the elementary schools of the United States and Tampa, Florida. 138 p. 1946 M.A. 1669. Ballard, Grady Lee Democracy in school administration through teacher participation. 133 p. 1670. Combs, James Howard In-service education of teachers based on their expressed needs in working with children. 152 p. 1671. Flaherty, Anne Grace . A study of problems in Catholic secondary education as discussed by members of teaching orders in Catholic educational periodicals from 1925 to 19^5. 321 p. 1672. Justin, John Raymond War-time withdrawees from the secondary schools of Delaware; a study of the teachers who withdrew from the secondary school staffs of Delaware during the school years 1940-1941 to 1944-1945 inclusive. 73 p. 138 EDUCATION 1946 M.A. 1673. Kelly, Kathleen Eliza The Uncle Remus stories: a portrayal of the plantation Negro. 140 p. Ed.M. 1674. Garrison, Evelyn Crutchfield A study in vocational guidance with thirty seniors in a village- consolidated school in North Carolina during the school year 1944-45. 126 p. 1675. Morris, Paul Tidwell Centralized governmental purchasing in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and in North Carolina. 105 p. 1676. Ramsey, Benjamin Sterling History and analysis of the public schools of Henry County, Virginia. 157 P. 1677. Walker, Thelma Pauline A study of the recreational reading interests of intermediate grade children. 200 p. M.A. 1678. Berry, Lucia Kendall Construction and study of a health knowledge test. 99 p. 1679. Brothers, Wilbur Leo Some phases of the adult education program in North Carolina, 1933-1939. 63 p. 1680. Hood, Edwin Morris State transitions from eleven- to twelve-year school systems since 1940. 150 p. 1681. Luttrell, Karl Francis A study of internal financial accounting practices in some Florida schools. 120 p. 1682. Spraker, James Henry A survey of institutional practices in rating student teachers. 67 p. 1683. Taylor, James David The contributions of NYA student work to secondary education in North Carolina. 146 p. 1684. Thacker, James Allen Public trade and industrial education in North Carolina since 1917. 163 p. 139 K I) U C A T 1 N Ed. M. I^_ 7 1685. Blakeslec, Edward Ray, Jr. A study of state evaluative criteria for elementary education. 339 p. 1686. Browning, Lonville Epton A survey of some characteristics of West Virginia high schools, non- members of the North Central Association. 171 p. 1687. Cushing, Mary-Louise Some supervisory and administrative problems arising in the elementary schools of New York City as a result of permanent teacher tenure. 110 p. 1688. Evatt, David Gaines A comparative study of the previous occupations, training, and school experiences of the village, city, and county superintendents of South Carolina. 96 p. 1689. Inman, Frank Edwin A survey of intramural sports in small colleges and a proposed intramural program. 157 p. 1690. Jackson, Essie Jane Development of commercial education in the public high schools of the United States. 54 p. 1691. Jones, Vernie Okie The development of the financial support of the public schools of North Carolina, 1900-1947. 134 p. 1692. Walker, Stanley Earl Inequalities in the public school system in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania with special reference to the schools in fourth-class districts. 125 p. Ph.D. 1692a. Moser, Harold Eugene, 1904- Concept of arithmetic readiness: investigation on second grade level. 1947. 207 p. 1693. Rogers, Dorothy, 1914- Opinions of high school social studies teachers in two southern cities concerning the handling of controversial issues in the classroom. 310 p. 1948 M.A. 1694. Donoghue, John Joseph A comparative study of veterans and non-veterans at Duke University. 22 p. 1695. Craig, Sara Patton A resource unit for the teaching of electronics. 234 p. 1696. Frazee, Lora Miller Statistical content of selected United States history textbooks. 105 p. 140 EDUCATION Ed.M. 12^ l697« Kendig, Anna Kae A survey of the professional status and community relationships of teachers in the elementary schools of Lancaster county, Pennsyl- vania. 177 p. 1698. Norberg, Carl Gustav An evaluation of alumni of the Greenbrier Military School program for the period 1928 to 19^7. 81 p. 1699. Omwake, Henri Geiger The correlation of instructional supervision with other aspects of administration. 140 p. 1700. Price, James W. An analysis of teacher turnover in Patrick County from 1937-38 to 1946-47. 148 p. 19^9 M.A. 1701. Scott, Frank Alexander The effect of electric shock on retroactive inhibition. 12 p. 1702. Smith, Lawrence Joseph Research workers in selected school subjects. 71 p. Ed.M. 1703. Jenkins, Wilmer Mitchell The functions of district school committees in the counties of North Carolina; with special reference to Durham County. 66 p, 1704. Zunner, Thelma Butler An analytical comparison of courses of study and textbooks for seventh and eighth grade mathematics. 142 p. 1950 M.A. 1705. Hughes, Margaret Elizabeth The professional status of counselors of the secondary schools of North Carolina. 120 p. 1706. Stroud, Lowell A study of curriculum offerings in certain North Carolina junior colleges, 1935-50. 124 p. 1707. Walters, Margaret Genevieve A comparison of members of county boards of education in Maryland, North Carolina, and West Virginia. 149 p. 141 EDUCATION 1950 Ed.M. 1708. Gibson, Walter Van Buren Organization and practices of choral groups in the high schools of Alabama. 150 p. 1709. Hendrickson, Clarence B. A comparative analysis of the teachers' marks assigned to pupils of the John Pierson McCaskey High School. 106 p. 1710. Irwin, Harry Penrose A history of the Delaware State Education Association, 1919-1949. 339 p. 1711. Spear, Walter L. A suggested guidance program for a small church orphanage. 113 p. 1712. Yeomans, Alice Virginia Scaling responses to depth essay questions which reflect attitude. 152 p. 1951 M.A. 1713. MacKorell, Mary Bowers A proposed unit of instruction for a course in Bible for the high schools of North Carolina. 138 p. 1714. Gesling, Martha Myra, 1912- Students ' ideas about democracy in grade 8, grade 10, and grade 12. 104 p. 1952 M.A. 1715. Barnes, Donald Bishop A study of high-school newspapers in North Carolina. 158 p. 1716. Easterling, Henry Benjamin, 1912- Developing a program of education for exceptional children in New Hanover County. 77 p. 1717. Lyles, James Robert, 1914- The organization for the development and administration of the educational program of the Charlotte (N.C.) city school system. 173 p. Ph.D. 1718. Ostwalt, Jay Harold, 1913- Relationship of certain psychological factors to advanced engineer- ing scholarship. 193 p. 142 EDUCATION 1953 M.A. 1719. Johnson, Charles Buchanan An analysis of the opinions of North Carolina public school superintendents concerning the internship in educational administra- tion ... 84 p. 1720. Southern, James Albert A study of some factors related to the learning of foreign languages at college level ... 19 p. 1721. Southern, Pauline Barnwell A study of the aptitudes measured by the Yale g ducational A ptitude T est 3 attery ... 14 p. Ed.D. 1722. Klein, Raymond Louis, 1920- A critical analysis of school codes ... 112 p. 1723. Miller, William Starr, 1921- Some problems of teaching in public schools as confronted by teachers and student teachers, with reference to the teacher education pro- gram at Bessie Tift College ... 96 p. 1724. Newcomer, Richard Seyler, 1910- The administration of the extension courses of the University of Maryland at Harmon Air Force Base in Newfoundland, 1951-1952 ... 249 p. 1725. Walton, Wesley Wills, 1917- The utilization of armed forces training research in army training activities ... 170 p. Ph.D. 1726. Abbott, Samuel Lee, 1909- A study in factor analysis: relationships between measures of success in arithmetic and factors obtained by two solutions ... 99 p. V 1954 M.A. 1727. House, Winfred Jackson Development of an analytical report of pupil progress in the secon- dary school ... 71 P« Ed.D. 1728. Campbell, Olen Kenneth, 1906- An analysis of provisions of state constitutions affecting support of public schools ... 341 P« 1729. Farnsworth, Clyde Huston, 1908- The role of the supervisor in New Hanover pounty ... 171 p. 1730. Spear, Richard Southall, 1921- The legal status of the public school teacher in North Carolina. 190 p, 1^3 EDUCATION i255 Ed.D. 1731. Johnson, Charles Buchanan, 1924- The legal status of the public school pupil in North Carolina ... 205 P. 1732. Raebeck, Charles, 1922- A completely state-supported school program for North Carolina ... 203 p. 1256 M.A. 1733« Wilkinson, H. Jean Foster The relation of the discrepancy between scores on the subtests of the A. C. E. P Sychological Examination and personality variables ... 33 p. Ed.D. 1734. House, Winfred Jackson, 1927- Legal development of the administrative organization and control of public education in North Carolina ... 224 p. 1735* Irwin, Harry Penrose, 1922- The articulation of auditing and accounting practices in the public schools of North Carolina ... 2 v. 1952 M.A. 1736. Edwards, William Burrell Some relationships among the aptitudes, interests, and achievement of freshman engineers ... 7^ p« Ed.D. 1737. Kirby, Frederick Willard, 1920- Legal aspects of tuition ... 238 p. 1738. Nania, Frank, 1928- The costs to students of attending selected white public secondary schools in North Carolina ... 201 p. 1258 M.A. 1739. Busbee, Bettye Anne The extent and nature of economic and business materials in secondary school mathematics ... 185 p. 1740. Calhoun, Frances Mitchell The problems of certain subgroups of the Duke University student population ... 50 P» 144 EDUCATION 1958 M.A. 1741. Holt, Roy Ray Judicial interpretations of irregularities in expending school bond funds ..." 67 p. 1742. Jaeger, Margaret Ann A comparison of the academic achievement of siblings in the A.B. program at Duke University ... 23 p. 1743. Katzenmeyer, William Gilbert A study of the relationship between a personality variable and academic performance ... 24 p, 1744. McGee, Martha The effect of acceleration upon the academic achievement and adjust- ment of a group of oifted junior high school students ... 27 p. 1745. Ware, Joan Linton Need patterns of the student nurse and their relationship to thera- peutic effectiveness ... 36 p. Ed.D. 1746. Brewer, Mary Elizabeth, 1926- Controls placed upon student behavior by the colleges, courts, and legislatures ... 252 p. 1747. Bridgers, Raymond Bradley, 1929- The purposes of American public education as discerned in the works of selected writers on curriculum ... 202 p. 1748. Constantine, Gus Andrew, 1923- Legal liability for injuries sustained in the transportation of public school pupils ... 211 p. 1749. Gale, Walter John, 1914- Instructional supervision — its services and practices — in the public schools of North Carolina ... 364 p. 1750. Perry, Lenelle, 1922- Teacher opinion concerning the effects of pupil transfer on achieve- ment . . . 152 p. 19J2 M.A. 1751. Martin, David Vance The legal concept of teacher incompetency ... 60 p. Ed.M. 1752. Cooper, Louise Sullivan The legality and propriety of secret societies in high school ... 75 p. 1753. Zunner, Cecile Hostetler The legal liability of the hospital nurse for injury to patients ... 135 P. 145 Ed.D. EDUCATION 1959 1754. Cleetwood, Cleat Clyde, 1923- Legal liability for injuries sustained in a public school program of interscholastic athletics ... I85 p. 1755. Power, Walter Dean, 1917- The legal status of the public school teacher of Georgia ... 160 p. Ph.D. 1756. Calica, Roman Romeo A study of the practices relating to the evaluation of student pro- gress in the public high schools of the Philippines ... 253 p. I960 M.A. 1757. Bailey, Judith Anne A study of the influence upon academic performance of similarity in measured vocational and personal interests of high school students and like-sex parent ... 19 p. 1758. Radford, Kitty Chamber lin Hyatt The relationship of the academic ability and the achievement of liberal arts college students to their precollege geographical mobil- ity and to the degree of organizational employment of the head of their precollege family ... 60 p. Ed.D. 1759. Barkley, David Sanford, 1920- The legal status of student-teaching programs in the United States ... 140 p. 1760. Bracken, Charles, 1922- The preparation and presentation of public school budget messages in United States cities of 10,000 or more in population ... 168 p. 1761. Carroll, Lloyd Gilbert, 1929- The status of married students in the North Carolina public high schools . . . 218 p. 1762. Flowers, John Morgan, 1913- A study of selected viewpoints pertaining to science education in the United States ... 358 p. 1763. Insko, William Robert, 1923- A study of women directors of Christian education in the parishes of the Episcopal church in the continental United States . . . 288 p. 1764. Jones, Franklin Ross, 1921- The curriculum development in educational administration in eight selected southern institutions preparing school administrators . . . 482 p. Ed.D. 146 EDUCATION I960 1765. Sales, Millard Vance, 1929- The status of the public summer high schools in North Carolina ... 238 p. 1766. Taylor, Guy, 1923- Court decisions affecting public school administration in Georgia ... 328 p. 1961 Ed.D. 1767. Bryson, Joseph Eugene, 1928- Legality of loyalty oath and non-oath requirements for public school teachers ... 216 p. 1768. Bullock, Thomas Kirby, 1927- Schools and schooling in eighteenth century Virginia ... 243 p. 1769. Franzen, Charles Kugler, 1926- Life adjustment education: basic concepts, antecedents, and later manifestations ... 201 p. 1770. Jackson, Dan Shaw, 1928- An analysis of programs for trainable mentally retarded children in North Carolina public schools ... 250 p. 1771. Lawrie, Jack Douglas, 1931- The feasibility of extending the secondary school year in North Carolina ... 184 p. 1772. Martin, Robert Douglas, 1924- The union school principal in North Carolina ... 31^ P« 1773. Pittillo, Robert Albert, 1926- Tort liability of colleges and universities ... 208 p. 1774. Scudder, John Ralph, 1926- A history of disciple theories of religious education ... 265 p. 1775. Stowers, Dewey Marion, 1927- Geography in American schools, 1892-1935: textbooks and reports of national committees ... 228 p. 1776. Syme, Samuel Augustus, 193^- Congressional investigation of subversion in education, 1952-1955 ••• 239 p. 1962 Ed.D. 1777. 3ott, William Kellam, 1929- An evaluative study of the educational and vocational guidance services and the curricular offerings available in the Accomack County, Virginia, high schools during the years 19^7-1955 ... 33^ p. 1^+7 EDUCATION 1962 Ed.D. 1778. Clark, Amos Olivia, 1927- Fupil promotion practices and policies in the elementary school, with particular reference to North Carolina ... 232 p. 1779. Hennis, William McKinley, 1930- Certain upward extensions of public education in North Carolina ... 234 p. 1780. Katzenmeyer, William Gilbert, 1929- Social interaction and differences in intelligence test performance of Negro and white elementary school pupils ... 79 p. 1781. Lane, Mary Turner, 1918- Making democracy safe for the nation: citizenship education in the elementary school, 1890-1920 ... 225 p. 1782. McHarg, James, 1908- Influences contributing to the education and culture of the native people in Southern Rhodesia from 1900 to 196l ... 158 p. 1783. Martin, David Vance, 1933- Trends in tort liability of school districts as revealed by court decisions ... 267 p. 1263. M.A. 1784. Reynolds, Harian Jerome A study of the patterns of ability of Duke University students ... 137 p. 1785. Rogers, Anne Herndon The relationship between the MMPI scores of college freshmen and the size of their home community ... ^ p. 1786. Whaley, Mary Ellen An analysis of the effect of mobility on the academic achievement of junior high school students ... 59 p. Ed.D. 1787. Flowers, Virginia Anne, 1928- The legal aspects of pupil control ... 220 p. 1788. Fulbright, Evelyn Rebecca, 1931- Judicial decisions relating to the curriculum of the public schools . . . 211 p. 1789. Gass, Walter Conard, 1918- Herbert Baxter Adams and the development of historical instruction in American colleges and universities ... 250 p. 1790. Hamilton, Mary Jane (Greene) 1918- A study of dropouts from the white public secondary schools of South Carolina ... 15& P« Ed.D. 148 EDUCATION 1963 1791. Kent, Linwood Edsison, 1910- Vocational agriculture in Virginia since 1917, with recommendations for future development ... 141 p. 1792. Norris, Jesse Allen, 1937- Positions taken by governors pertaining to school term extension as a factor in the equalization of rural and city educational oppor- tunity in the public schools of North Carolina, 1924-19^3 ... 255 p. 1793. Sharp, Allan Rhinehart, 1925- A study of Frotestant undergraduate pretheological education in the United States ... 165 p. 1794. Vairo, Philip Dominic, 1933- A comparative study of the qualifications and salaries of teachers in two-year colleges and teachers giving instruction to freshmen and sophomores in four -year colleges in North Carolina .... 192 p. 1964 M.A. 1795. Burton, Nancy An evaluation of the procedures used in selecting Angier B. Duke memorial scholars, 1947-1958 ... 85 p. 1796. Lea, Mary Ann Negro education in North Carolina, 1865-1870 ... 108 p. Ed.D. 1797. Byrd, Robert Ross, 1929- A synoptic comparison of certain variables found in educational programs in selected residential centers treating severely dis- turbed children ... 3^3 p. 1798. Fortosis, Anthony Constantine, 1923- A study of certain characteristics of the Christian high schools holding membership in the National Association of Christian Schools ... 176 p. 1799. Jaeger, Margaret Ann, 1929- The relationship between behavioral traits, self concept, and per- formance of pediatric nursing students ... 166 p. 1800. Lewis, Eloise Railings, 1920- Faculty appointment practices in the collegiate schools of nursing in the southern region which offer nationally accredited programs ... 255 p. 1801. Napp, Ralph Raymond, 1921- Isolation and analysis of certain factors which may influence students- to enroll at East Carolina College ... 112 p. 149 Ed.D. EDUCATION 1964 1802. Rogers, David William, 1925- A description of the in-service education program in the city schools of Lumberton, North Carolina for the 1961-62 school year ... 231 p. 1803. Sandusky, Fred William, 1916- The admissions practices and procedures to the Bachelor of Divinity program of studies of the accredited Protestant theological seminaries in the United States ... 149 p. 1965 Ed.D. 1804. Adams, William Stewart, 1928- The administrative assistant in large school systems of the United States . . . 218 p. 1805. Benton, Thomas Malcolm, 1925- Legal aspects of compulsory school attendance ... 238 p. 1806. Hipps, Gary Kelvin, 1937- The status of the freshman English programs in the four-year colleges in North Carolina ... 260 p. 1807. Justice, Arthur Edward, 1927- Criteria for the selection of principals of public elementary schools in the state of Georgia ... 198 p. 1808. Lancaster, Purvis Talmadge, 1924- Some phases of teacher participation in the formulation of school policies in the United States Army dependents* education group schools in Europe ... 198 p. 1809. McDaniel, Jesse Louie, 1923- Legal principles which govern the acquisition of public school pro- perty as established by court decisions ... 260 p. 1810. Hohler, J. David, 1936- Legal aspects of extracurricular activities in secondary schools ... 248 p. 1811. Parker, Clyde Alfred, 1931- Legality of the use of public school facilities by non-school groups ... 204 p. 1812. Peddicord, Paul Wallace, 1930- Citizens' committees in the public school systems of North Carolina . . . 229 p. 1813. Sandefur, Earl Wilton, 1925- Experimental study of two methods of drill for mastering addition and subtraction facts ... 259 p. 150 EDUCATION 1965 Ed.D. 1814. Thompson, Dan Stuart, 1935- The effect of the law of defamation on school personnel as revealed by court decisions ... 173 p. 1815. Thornton, Bobby Michael, 1932- A national survey of the high school psychology course ... 114 p. 1816. Turner, Rufus Benton, 1925- Utilization of large rural and suburban secondary school sites by school and community groups in North Carolina ... 182 p. 1817. Tyer, Harold Latham, 1914- The legal status of pupil placement in the public schools of the United States ... 255 p« 1818. West, Elonza KcXinley, In- judicial opinion governing admission and expulsion of college students ... 240 p. 151 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 1941 M.A. 1819. Doyle, Meryl Daniel A study of the association of certain factors with the achievements of the rural and urban students in the Richland Center, Wisconsin, High School. 130 p. 1820. McLeod, Samma Helen A suggested revision of the 3uswell-John diagnostic chart for indi- vidual difficulties in subtraction. 67 p. 1821. Wilcox, Kathryn A comparison of procedures for the grade placement of tourist children in a Florida school. Ill p. Ph.D. 1822. Carper, Doris Viola, 1917- A study of some aspects of children's number knowledge prior to in- struction. 162 p. 1823. Doty, Cornelia Allen, 1914- Prediction of first-grade reading success under three experimental conditions. 133 p. 1824. McEwen, Noble Ralph, 1906- The effect of selected cues in children's solutions of verbal prob- lems in arithmetic. 247 p. mi Ed.M. 1825. Karr, Mary Frances How third-grade children, taught mechanically, borrow in subtraction. 108 p. 1242 Ph.D. 1826. Burch, Robert LeRoy, 1913- An evaluation of analytic testing in arithmetic problem solving ... 1^5 p. 195Q Ph.D. 1827. Montgomery, John F., 1905- An investigation of the "Case II" relationship in arithmetic. 182 p. 152 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1959 K.S. 1828. Young, David Bruce A room temperature model of the superconducting persistatron ... 29 p. I960 M.S. 1829. Carr, Charles Harper A study of the effect of voltage rise time on the electrical breakdown of polyethylene ... 5± p. 1830. Dorris, Henry Nathaniel The measurement of parasitic cathode interface resistance ... 50 p. 1831. Jones, Leonidas John Application 01 electronic analog computers to problems in medical research ... 53 ?• 1832. Filkington, Theo Clyde A study of the phase transition of iron-cobalt. . .35 p. 1833 • Single tary, William Albert Measurement of the peak value of a repetitive electric pulse . . . 53 p. 1834. Stuart, John Calhoun A study of the interaction of domains in thin ferromagnetic films . ., 79 p. * 1961 M.S. 1835. Birt-urk, Yavuz A wave sampling method for the determination of some properties of ferromagnetic materials ... 5^ P« 1836. Joines, William Thomas The electronic time-multiplexing of signal channels ... 61 p. 1837. King, Chi-Yu An investigation of the prestressing effects on the dielectric break- down of polyethylene ... ^7 p. 1838. Mcintosh, Thomas Franklin Insertion loss synthesis of symmetrical filters ... 89 p. 1839. Pollock, John Brookes A digital time slot translator and pulse train generator ... 91 p. 153 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1961 M.S. 1840. Pugh, Charles W. Experimental random access matrix using solid state components ... 53 p. 1841. Rathmell, Jack Edward Tunnel diode logic circuits ... 40 p. 1842. Stewart, Wilber C. A study of current and flux distributions in the thin-film persis- tatron ... 53 p. 1843. Watkins, David Charles The shaping of frequency modulated pulses ... 79 p. 1962 M.S. 1844. Brown, James Newton The propagation of discrete flux patterns in a multi-apertured magnetic configuration ... 74 p. 1845. Cockrell, Henry Hadley Investigation of Esaki diodes employed as memory elements ... 57 p. 1846. Drake, William Harvey An investigation of the effect of control voltage wave shape on the output of a magnetic amplifier ... 124 p. 1847. Hauser, John Reid An approximate description of the flux reversal process for square- loop ferromagnetic cores with current pulse excitation ... 81 p. 1848. Lucas, Michael Stephen Patrick The deposition of superconducting tantalum, niobium, and vanadium films ... 95 P« 1849. McKnight, James Samuel A meter for quantitatively evaluating tremor in Parkinson's disease ... 40 p. 1850. Monteith, Larry King Noise characteristics of lithium-drifted junctions ... 62 p. 1851. Parker, Carl Duncan A D-C motor with a solid state commutator ... 38 p» 1852. Unal, Gurkan A study of vacuum concrete ... 45 p. M.S. 15* ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1962 1853. Weinberg, Daniel I, 1928- Electric shock hazards in cardiac catherization ... 48 p. 1854. Wortman, Jimmie J. Semiconductor stress-strain gauges ... 62 p. . 1262 M.S. 1855. Blake, Roy Baxter Switching behavior of loaded ferromagnetic cores ... 65 p. 1856. Buehler, Martin George The minority carrier Hall mobility ... 6l p. 1857. Carpenter, James An analysis of frequency-modulation distortion caused by selective fading ... 57 p. 1858. Lowery, Andrew Direct-axis transient reactance analyzer ... 44 p. 1859. Rose, Charles William Probabilistic reliability analysis of a random parameter network ... 44 p. i860. Solomonic, Robert J. Variation in the power spectrum of a frequency-modulated wave as a function of degradation of the modulating signal ... 140 p. 1861. Varn, David Wilson Measurement of thin film thickness by the method of an oscillating quartz crystal in the vacuum chamber ... 62 p. Ph.D. 1862. Moore, Edward Towson, 1937- Static electrical-to-electrical energy conversion from direct current sources . . . 112 p. 1863. Pilkington, Theo Clyde, 1935- A model for predicting magnetic properties of ferromagnetic alloys as a function of temperature ... 59 p. 1964 M.S. 1864. Dankwort, Rudolf Carl Werner Correlation between functional and structural parameters by means of a mathematical model for a silicon integrated logic network ... 63 p. 155 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1964 M.S. 1865. Farris, Bobby Ray An analysis of a negative feedback oscillator using thermistor control ... 58 p. 1866. Gerringer, Hugh Leslie The effects of fast neutron irradiation on the parameters of sili- con pin diodes utilized for switching microwave energy ... 75 p. 1867. Hooker, James Wallace Analysis of the flux reversal process for a balanced magnetic core ... 58 p. 1868. Jamerson, Charles Dewey Depletion layer width and capacitance calculations for double- diffused FN junctions ... 59 p. 1869. Le Floch, Jean-Pierre G. Analysis of a third order control system exhibiting jump resonance phenomena, subjected to random inputs ... 87 p. 1870. Lightle, Jack T. An investigation of localized pressure sensitivity in various types of transistors ... 59 p. 1871. Lightle, Ted Lee Investigation of the factors influencing the pyrolysis of hydrocar- bons in the production of thin carbon films ... 100 p. 1872. Link, John Barry Analysis and design of a double-sideband suppressed-carrier modulator using a switched autotransformer ... 70 p. 1873 . Owens, William Keith A study of inverse transistor parameters and their application ... 89 p. * 187^. Simons, Mayrant An investigation of the effects of fast neutrons on the junction capacitance of diffused and alloy junction silicon diodes ... 50 P» Ph.D. 1875. Hauser, John Reid, 1938- A study of interactions in silicon multijunction devices ... 215 P» 1876. Joines, William Thomas, 1931- The characteristic impedance of symmetrical strip transmission lines with undesired modes suppressed ... 8^ p. 18?7 . Stewart, Wilber Clarence, 1936- Current-induced switching in thin-film superconducting circuits; an analysis of electrical and thermal transients in the persistatron ... 123 p. 156 Fh.D. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1964 1878. Wooten, Frank Thomas, 1935- A study of stress in ferromagnetic thin films ... 63 p. 1965 M.S. 1879. Baldwin, Von McLoyd Measurement of threshold for nonlinear breakdown in single-crystal yttrium iron garnet excited by two separate frequencies near 9.5 Gc ... 82 p . 1880. Berry, Bobby Mac An investigation of the effects of proton radiation damage on the hole-electron pair collection efficiency of semiconductor particle detectors used in space experiments ... Ill p. 1881. Fredericks, Frank Joseph A technique for code conversion using common control supervision ... 88 p. 1882. Fuller, Hugh Lee An analysis of the transmission line transformer ... 91 p. 1883. Herbert, Alexander Sally The limits on antenna velocity, antenna acceleration, and system bandwidth consistent with linear synchronizing of radar antennas ... 7^ p. 1884. Holton, Harold Belmont A study of the feasibility of using mode conversion in solid ultrasonic delay lines to improve their delay versus temperature characteristics ... 65 p. 1885. Lindstrom, Harry Oscar Analysis and synthesis of a ladder-type, pulse-forming network using negative coupling between sections ... 71 p. 1886. McKiernan, Dennis Lester Investigations on the use of PIN diodes in a quasi-instantaneous automatic gain control system for intermediate frequency pulses ... 31 p. 1887 . Miller, David Edward Analysis of an electromechanical frequency-dispersive delay line ... 79 p. 1889. Overstreet, Edmond Austin The effects of fast-neutron irradiation on the saturation voltage of silicon planar epitaxial transistors ... 112 p. 1890. Owsley, Norman L. A feasibility study of a thermomagnetic energy conversion device ... 86 p. 157 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1965 M.S. 1891. Saras, Eugene Richard Tellurium transfer in gallium arsenide epitaxial layers grown by a vapor transport mechanism ... 65 p. 1892. Starmer, Charles Franklin A study of some electrical characteristics of the heart ... 46 p. 1893* Ward, George H. The analysis of an amplitude modulated oscillator of low distortion ... 39 p. Ph.D. 1894. Brown, James Newton, 1936- Flux reversals in ferrite solids of revolution ... 130 p. 1895. Lucas, Michael Stephen Patrick, 1929- The effects of surface characteristics on the conductivity of gold films ... 83 p. 1896. Konteith, Larry King, 1933- Spontaneous discharge from electron irradiated polyethylene terephthalate films ... 73 p. 1897. Sheppard, Albert Farker, 1936- Microwave signal processing by photosensitive materials ... 78 p. 1898. Wortman, Jimmie Jack, 1936- Effect of mechanical strain on p-n junctions ... 107 p. 158 ENGLISH 1926 M.A. 1899. Gill, Katie Recognition scenes in Beaumont and Fletcher. 38 p. 1900. Herbert, Chesley Carlisle The appropriateness of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales to their in- dividual narrators. 63 p. 1901. McCoy, Samuel Jesse The development of Anglo-Saxon vowels in the accented syllables of Gavin Douglas' King Hart . 81 p. 1927 M.A. 1902. Abrams, William Amos The Italianate Englishman as treated in the non-dramatic literature from 1570 to 16^+0. 64 p. 1903. Hayes, Samuel Banks, Jr. Vida's Christiad and its relation to Paradise Lost . 81 p. 1904. Morris, William Edward, Jr. Voltaire 's°Essay on Epic Poetry',' translated and annotated with special relation to Milton. 147 p. 1905. Mulholland, Vester Moye The power of fortune in Elizabethan tragedy. 178 p. 1906. Ward, Charles Eugene Sir George Etherege: Realism and the comedy of manners. 84 p. 1928 M.A. 1907. Allen, Gay Wilson The T ale of Colkelbie S ow; with introduction, notes, and glossary, v. p. 1908. Chris te, Doris Virginia The history of imagisra as seen through comtemporary criticism, v. p, 1909. Doub, Isabel Bryan The diction of Herrick. A lexicon to the Hesperides (in part) with an introductory essay and a full bibliography of Herrick. 363 p. 1910. McCain, James A. The treatment of women in the Spectator papers. 113 p. 1911. Morgan, Charles H. The vocabulary of John Bunyan with a lexicon to Pilgrim's Progress (in part). 113 p. M.A. 159 ENGLISH 1928 1912. Morris, Clara Elizabeth Emerson's conception of poetry. 35 p. 1913* Kumford, Lawrence Cuincy Recognition and discovery in the comedies of Shakespeare. 133 p. 191^. Snuggs, Henry Lawrence Classical theory and practice in the comedies of Ben Jonson. 131 p. 1915. Sugden, Herbert Wilfred The vocabulary of the Shepheardes C alendar , with a lexicon of the words beginning with A, B, & C. iy6 p. 1929 M.A. 1916. Anderson, Ewing Whitman and Emerson: Their personal relations. 72 p. 1917. Basler, Roy Prentice, Jr. Hawthorne's treatment of sin. 68 p. 1918. Broadway, Blanche The use of the story of King John by 16th century dramatists. 116 p. 1919. Burch, James Charlie Horton The religion of some of Shakespeare's tragic heroes. 120 p. 1920. Davis, Ethel May Nature in Byron's poetry, v. p. 1921. Glasson, Lucy P. The inedited middle English translation of Egidio Colonna's De Regimine Principum in Ms. Digby 233* 133 p« 1922. Hall, J. H., Jr. Biblical language in Paradise Lost . 151 p. 1923. Mathews, Joseph Chesley Timothy Dwight's The Conquest of Canaan and its relation to Milton's Paradise Lost and the epic form. 152 p. 1924. Robertson, Archibald Thomas, Jr. Anthony Trollope and the clerical characters in the Bars ets hire novels. 70 p. 1925. Spence, Charlotte G. Types of women in the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. 1^7 p. 1926. Watts, Hessie The blunt soldier as a type in the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. 128 p. 160 ENGLISH 1929 M.A. 1927. Whaley, Grace Wine The influence of Sir Walter Scott's novels upon those of William Gilmore Simms. 66 p. 1928. Wheeler, Harold P. Lanier's conception of the poet. 71 p. 1929. Wynne, Waller, Jr. The influence of Shakespeare on Keats. 93 p« 1930 M.A. 1930. Hayes, Walter Harold An analysis of Swift's character; with especial reference to the purpose of G ulliver ' s Travels . 86 p. 1931* Shafer, Julia Simpson Milton's use of the adjective. A grammatical study. 181 p. 1932. Starling, Mary Lee American literature as seen by European travellers. 10U- p. 1933* Trueblood, Paul Graham Was Wordsworth a Platonist? A study of certain similarities between Plato and Wordsworth. 108 p. Ph.D. 193^ . Pettigrew, Richard Campbell Milton in the works of Emerson, Lowell, and Holmes. 396 p. 19J1 M.A. 1935* Braswell, V.'illiam Poe as a critic. 203 p. 1936. Clifton, Robert Mars ton Biographical accounts of Shelley by his contemporaries. 11^ p. 1937. Cox, Fay Graham's Magazine and Edgar Allan Poe. 100 p. 1938. Gibbs, John Ernest, Jr. William Gilmore Simms and the Magnolia . 75 P« 1939. Kauss, Mary Arden Virginia life in the novels of Ellen Glasgow. 100 p. 1940. Keilman, Lee W. The Drummer ; or, The Haunted House , by Joseph Addison. With a critical introduction and notes by Lee W. Heilman. 206 p. 161 M.A. E N G L T s H 1931 1941. Hoban, Charles Francis, Jr. Hawthorne's picture of early New England life. 107 p. 1942. Huckabee, Ellen Harris Whitman's conception of an American literature. 102 p. 1943. Jackson, David Kelly, Jr. Poe and the Southern Literary Messenger . 139 p. 1944- . Ledbetter, Frances Gresham Shelley's idealization of women. 73 p. 1945. Martin, Bessie Mary Dickens and America, 1836-1844. 106 p. 19^6. Morehead, Charles Galloway Douglass Sherley. 164- p. 194-7. Morehead, Sara Frances Didactic literature for young people in America from 1811 to I860. 87 p. 1948. Shaw, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. Matthew Arnold as a critic of literature. 121 p. 1949. Williams, Winona Self-portraiture in the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 77 p. Ph.D. 1950* Basler, Roy Prentice, Jr. Abraham Lincoln in literature: The growth of an American legend. 364 p. 1951« Walston, Rosa Lee A critical study of George W. Cable. 330 p. 19J2 M.A. 1952. Cothran, Elizabeth Lloyd The literary foundation of Shelley's early radicalism. 160 p. 1953. DeJong, David Cornell Some aspects of the modern short story with original examples. 169 p. 195^ • Eggers, Graydon Poe Political and industrial conditions in England (1789-1860) as revealed' in the English novels of 1832-1900. 120 p. 162 ENGLISH 1932 M.A. 1955. Gillespie, Kary Elisabeth A comparative study in the letters of Horace Walpole and of Mme de Sevigne, Walpole 's indebtedness to her. 101 p. 1956. Green, Ernest Joshua Milton and Giovanni Diodati. 145 p. 1957. Kestler, Mary Howells's personal and literary association with Clemens. 104 p. 1958. LeGwin, Mary KcCullen The life and works of Edward John Trelawny. 150 p. 1959. Lucas, Isoline Beaty The Latin quotations in the essays of Richard Steele. 145 P« 1960. MacKinnon, Sallie Lou On translating Chinese poetry, with particular attention to American translators. 124 p. 1961. McNair, Hallie The reputation of Edgar Allan Poe in America 1849-1875. 84 p. 1962. Quillen, Delia Lucile Longfellow and American literature. 72 p. 1963. Rogers, Powell Burwell The flora in Chaucer's works. 172 p. 1964. Scheid, Paul William Scribner's Monthly Magazine , 18?0-1881. 95 p. 1965. Shockley, Martin Staples Pastoral elements in "The Arcadia" of Sir Philip Sidney. 105 p. 1966. Stanbury, Walter Albert Thomas Hardy and his magazine public, 1881-1891. 160 p. 1967. Swain, Louis Hall Mark Twain as a literary critic. 159 p. 1968. Vining, Morgan Fisher Hamlin Garland and the middle West. A study in the limitations of authorship in America. 113 P« Ph.D. 1969. Gregory, George MacKendrick James Shirley's "The Traytor". 148 p. 163 Ph.D. a i; G L I S H 1932 1970. Jarrell, Hampton McNeely William Gilmore Siraras, realistic romancer. 320 p. mi M.A. 1971. Berghauser, Mrs. Ailsie Powel Shakespeare's use of disguise in certain of his romantic comedies. Ill p. 1972. Bridgers, Frank Ernst , Jr. Thomas Nelson Page's treatment of Southern plantation life. 119 p. 1973. Bryan, William Alfred The revolutionary romances of William Gilmore Simms. 179 p. 1974. Burch, Vella Jane Rob. Yarington's "Two Lamentable Tragedies", edited with notes and glossary by Vella Jane Burch. 146 p. 1975 • Cuninggim, Merrimon The American hymn as literature. 295 P« 1976. Dance, Willis Lufkin Georgia life in the stories of Joel Chandler Harris. 126 p. 1977- Denny, Mary Rebecca Ideas of poetry and the poet as revealed in the work of Francis Thompson. 134 p. 1978 • DuVernet, Grace Neville George Sand, the practical romanticist. 85 p. 1979. Farrar, Margaret Ella Allegorical characters in triumphal processions with special reference to Elizabethan literature. 129 p. 1980. Harris, Isabella Deas Charles Egbert Craddock as an interpreter of mountain life. 108 p. 1981. Harward, Morata Beatrice The influence of Gothic romance in Sir Walter Scott's novels. 90 p. 1982. Lee, Donald Woodward William Morris' Sigurd the Volsung : A study. 192 p. 1983. McDavid, Raven Ioor, Jr. Military science as an Elizabethan literary motif. 155 P- 1984. Madison, Blaine Mark The life and works of Alexander Beaufort Meek. 146 p. 164 E N G t I s H 1933 M.A. 1985. Martin, Lelia Virginia Wordsworth and the Church of England. 97 p. 1986. Poole, Mary Elizabeth A comparative study of George Sand and George Eliot. 85 p. 1937. Simpson, Nary McNab Faradise R , egained as an epic. 198 p. Ph.D. 1988. Burch, James Charles Horton A combined lexicon and concordance of the English works of John Gower. A - C inclusive. ^M6 p. 1989. Sugden, Herbert Wilfred The grammar of the Faerie Queene . 303 p. 1990. Warner, James Harold The reputation of Jean Jacques Rousseau in England, 1750-1798. 278 p, 193^ M.A. 1991. Beall, Virginia Graham McLean Heaven and Earth, a mystery by George Gordon Noel Byron. Edited with an introduction and notes. 73 p« 1992. Cheney, Sarah Anne Francis Orray Ticknor. 153 P« 1993« Demouy, Alexina Anderson Herman Melville's Moby Dick . A study in American criticism. 1^8 p. 1994. Dowler, Clare The life, letters, and works of John James Piatt from 1835 to 1882. 128 p. 1995- Harwell, George Corbin Lord Byron and nineteenth century England. 163 p. 1996. LeRoy, Hester Franklin Beaumont and Fletcher's Thierry and Theodoret . 203 p. 1997. Mattison, James 3armore Emerson and American literature. 132 p. 1998. Sadler, George Marion Emerson and the South. 112 p. 1999. Trawick, Mary Louisa Shelley as a critic. 73 p. 165 ENGLISH 1934 Ph.D. 2000. Hoole, William Stanley The literary and cultural background of Charleston, 1830-1860. 410 p. ?001. Huberman, Edward James Shirley's The Polititian . 281 p. 2002. Snuggs, Henry Lawrence The humourous character in English comedy 1596-l642 y with an outline of a continuation for the years 1642-1700. 363 p. 2003. Ward, Charles Eugene Dryden's drama, 1662-1677; a study in the native tradition. 372 p. 1225 M.A. 2004. Adams, Mrs. Erma Moore The foreign travel books of Mark Twain. 87 p. 2005. Carter, Roland DeBuske Charles Brockden Brown and the Gothic novel. 74 p. 2006. Doering, John Frederick David Hume as a literary critic. 195 p. 2007. Freeman, Robert Earle Pope's literary theories. 86 p. 2008. Gibson, Harvey Taylor The early poetry of Paul Hamilton Hayne, 1848-1865. 116 p. 2009. Hempel, Robert Charles The grammar of Dryden: a study of Dryden's literary technique as revealed in the essay of Dramatick Poesie , preceded by a brief consideration of the major influences tending to shape his prose, and appended by a critique of Montague Summers' edition of Dryden, The D ramatic Works . 173 p» 2010. Henderson, Grace A study of wealth and poverty in the Epigrams of Martial. I67 p. 2011. Jordan, Martha Robertson Henry Timrod's early poems. 133 P» 2012. King, Emily Barton The elements of Rousseauism in the work of Sidney Lanier. 104 p. 2013. Loworn, Mary The London literary clubs of the eighteenth century. 118 p. 166 ENGLISH 1935 K.A. 2 014. Follitt, Joe Donald Emerson's use of the term 'moral sentiment". 102 p. 2015. Ramsey, Julia Emma A twentieth century estimate of Tennyson. 98 p. 2016. Scanlon, Mary Rebecca John Day restudied. 166 p. 2017. Scott, George Milton A study of certain phases of American newspaper vocabulary since 1828. 58 p. 2018. Taylor, Nancy Nettles A study of Haywood's The English Traveller . 217 p. 2019. Trawick, Sarah Catherine The posthumous works of Nathaniel Hawthorne; a study in the method of writing. 124 p. 2020. Triplett, Edna Bernadine The Bonduca of John Fletcher. Edited by Edna B. Triplett, with introduction and notes. 177 p. Ph.D. 2021. Herron, Ima Honaker The small town in American literature. 642 p. 2022. McDavid, Raven Ioor, Jr. Milton as a political thinker. 319 p. 2023. Poteat, Mary A critical edition of Tennyson's Becket . 219 p. 2024. Trueblood, Paul Graham Studies in Byron's Don Juan . 336 p. 1936 M.A. 2025. Allen, Ruth Couch Edgar Allan Poe's doctrine of single effect. 109 p. 2026. Covington, Bessie A comparative study in Martial and Robert Herrick. 102 p. 2027. Dusseau, John LaFontaine The moral philosophy of Samuel Johnson. 154 p. 2028. Haught, Viva Elizabeth The influence of Walt Whitman on Sherwood Anderson and Carl Sandburg. 1^7 p. M.A. 167 ENGLISH 1936 2029. Hughes, Homer Howard Melville's later prose works. 135 p. 2030. Jaffa, David Some sources of Melville's Mardi . 82 p. 2031. Johnson, Aliene Southern literary magazines of the reconstruction period. A chapter in the history of American periodicals; being a detailed study of De Bow's Review , fhe Land We Love , The Southern Review , and The Southern Magazine , with a brief treatment of other literary magazines of the reconstruction period. 117 p. 2032. McCallie, Robert Lewis vV The wedding masque with an edition of Jonson's Masque at the wedding of Viscount Haddington, 1608, together with explanatory and textual notes. 188 p. 2033. Maxwell, Mrs. Edith Crawford Thomas Carlyle's choice of subjects. 113 p« 2034. Meyer, Ambrose Eden Florida. The literature relating to its natural resources. A bibliographical study from early times to 1933 • 7&7 P« 2035. Poovey, Maybelle A study of "The Maid Freed from the Gallows". 71 p. 2036. Rice, Ruth Smith Hawthorne's conception of Puritanism. 120 p. 2037. Seigler, Milledge Broadus Gothicism in Foe's short stories. 158 p. 2038. Ward, Ellen Gunter Spenser and the emblem writers. 110 p. i22Z M.A. 2039. Agnew, Virginia Miller Russell's Magazine. 108 p. 2040. Albright, TheLma Foe's interest in contemporary affairs. 95 P« 2041. Alford, Attie America An Elisabeth Gaskell dictionary. 305 p. 2042. Anderson, Marcia Lee John Webster's imitation in "The White Devil and the Duchess of Malfi". 144 p. 168 ENGLISH 1937 M.A. 20^3. Bonfoey, Winifred Lee George tf. Cable's treatment of the Negro. 219 p. 2044. Bowden, .v'illiam Robert, Jr. The Rape, of Lucrece by Thomas Heywood, edited by William R. Bowden, Jr. 222 p. 2045. Branford, Walter Avery William Michael Rossetti as a literary critic. 105 p. 2046. Davis, Virginia Bridges Thomas Dekker ' s Old Fortunatus . 214 p. 2047. Gillespie, Helen The story of Adam and Eve from Caedmon to Milton. I76 p. 2048. Hall, Thaddaeus Bland Ben jonson's Epigrams . Edited with introduction and notes by Thaddaeus Bland Hall. 171 p. 2049. Hettinger, Charles Paul Herman Melville's poetry. 222 p. 2050. Hewell, Onyce Olive The relation of Carlyle to Milton. 130 p. 2051. Hilliard, Frances Pauline The Mississippi in literature from 1803 to Mark Twain. 151 p. 2052. Hooper, Winona Elizabeth Trials of chastity and love in the dramas of Ford, Massinger, and Davenant between 1625 and 1642. 120 p. 2053. Hopkins, Elizabeth Gertrude Ben Jonson and the Emblem-books. 138 p. 2054. Kelley, Rhoda Athaleene The reputation of Edgar Allan Poe in America, 1875-1909. 96 p. 2055. Shaffer, Donald Wade A study of some aspects of the work of John Ford. 153 p. 2056. Smith, Pauline Duggan Symbolism in Hawthorne's works. 119 p. 2057. Storey, George Gilbert Keats as a poet of melancholy. 108 p. 2058. Timmerman, John Ranson John Fletcher's The Wild Goose Chase , with an introduction and notes, v. p. 169 ENGLISH 1933 M.A. 2059. Abee, Florence Edwina Virginia life in the novels of George Cary Eggleston. 134 p. 2060. Burke, William Miller Mark Twain: England and the English. 137 p. 2061. Cecil, L. Moffitt Popular tastes in fiction in America; 1891-1910. 119 p. 2062. Critchfield, Clara Congreve's theory of comedy. 166 p. 2063. de Treville, Marie Louise Characters in Wordsworth's poetry. 144 p. 2064. Dickson, Bonnie Ethel The proverbs in Shakespeare's major tragedies. 126 p. 2065. Eyler, William A. Music in Shakespeare. 148 p. 2066. Firebaugh, Joseph Jesse The critical ideas of Francis Jeffrey. 128 p. 2067. Going, William Thornbury The Victorian sonnet-sequence. 159 p. 2068. Hickey, Robert Louis The poetic imagery of John Donne. l6l p. 2069. Hill, Johnsie Cooke American criticism of Poe. 1909-1937. 175 p. 2070. Hudnall, Eva Irene Wordsworth's treatment of animal life. 106 p. 2071. Johnson, Eric Gustav American place-names of Swedish origin. 120 p. 2072. Lahdrum, Louella Charles Henry Smith (Bill Arp) : Georgian humorist. 133 p. 2073. Lansdell, Emily Kilpatrick Milton's euphuism. 7^ p. 2074. Lee, Emily Markham The sources of William Wordsworth's political and social radicalism. 68 p. 170 ENGLISH 1938 M.A. 2075. Mercer, Julia North Georgia life in the fiction of Will N. Harben. 132 p. 2076. Miller, Elizabeth Moore William Dean Howells and William Morris: a study of the effect of their social and economic thought upon their fictional writings. 153 p. 2077. Nakamura, Junichi Edgar Allan Poe's relations with New England writers. 122 p. 2078. Parr, Lois Alberta The theme of death in the writings of John Donne. 148 p. 2079. Porter, Helen Elizabeth Milton's influence on Tennyson. 178 p. 2080. Powell, Donald Moore Touring in England 1750-1800. 134 p. 2081. Purcell, James Slicer The Southern poor white in fiction. 190 p. 2082. Shields, Margaret Virginia A concordance of Sidney Lanier's poems excluding the dialect and unrevised early poems. 698 p. 2083. Smith, Rebecca Colley Cibber's dramatic theory and practice. 188 p. 2084. Stalnaker, Lillian Reconstruction in American fiction. 101 p. 2085 . Wood, Gordon Reid The pagan elements in Beowulf . 212 p. Ph.D. 2086. Eggers, Graydon Poe, 1903- The social novel in England, 1832-1890. 554 p. 2087. Johnston, Thomas McNaughton The neo-classical background of Robert Lowth'sjL ectures on the Sacred Poetry of the H ebrews . 310 p. 2088. Stanbury, Walter Albert The language of Francis Quarles. 467 p. 171 ENGLISH 1222 M.A. 2089. Bramlette, Lucile Wordsworth and poverty. 88 p. 2090. Covington, Mary Faison The Atl antic and Harper's in relation to Southern literature, 1865-1900. 240 p. 2091. Cox, Headley Morris Walt Whitman's politics. 125 p. 2092. Dillard, Kathryn Milton's use of the Psalms. 180 p. 2093. Durst, Margaret Rebecca The letter device in the Tatler, Spectator , and Guardian . 184 p. 2094. Fletcher, Mary Little The development of the literary 'reputation of Walt Whitman in America , 1855-1900. 120 p. 2095. Gaulding, Roxie Lafcadio Hearn in New Orleans. 99 p. 2096. Haman, James Blanding The growth of the use of Negro dialect in American verse and short story to 1900. 163 p. 2097. Hartness, Edna Plantation life in Virginia as revealed in Mrs. Burton Harrison's fiction. 122 p. 2098. Hopkins, Anne Pleasants Virginia life in fiction, I86I-I865. 23? p. 2099. Landis, Allyne Wilder The Wise Woman of Hogs don by Thomas Heywood. Edited by Allyne Wilder Landis. 270 p. 2100. Ravenel, William Bee, III The alliteration in Spenser's Faerie Queene, books I and II. 114 p. 2101. Roberts, Alma Ben Jons on 's M asque of Queene§. Edited with introduction and notes by Alma Roberts ... 155 P« 2102. Simmons, Alma Julia John Henry Boner, North Carolina poet. 129 p. 172 M.A. ENGLISH 1939 2103. Watson, Florence Kathleen Philip Massinger's The Guardian . 197 p. 2104. Whelchell, Laura Ben Jonson's The Sad Shepherd . 259 p. Ph.D. 2105. Harwell, George Corbin, 1910- A concordance to the poetical works of Matthew Arnold, with an introduction. 3 v . 1940 M.A. 2106. Ayers, Valla Evelyn Young Mrs. Frances Milton Trollope and the Americans. 192 p. 2107. Barber, Veva Alberta Nebraska in the fiction of Willa Cather. 125 p. 2108. Black, Mercedes A. Saez A comparative study of the pastoral poetry of William Brown and Gracilaso de la Vega. 96 p. 2109. Bowman, Bernice Claire, ed. Mas singer's Picture . 213 p. 2110. Bryant, Anne Poe and Godey's Lady's Book, 127 p. 2111. Butts, Virginia F. Pitt and Fox judged by their literary contemporaries. 145 p. 2112. Camp, Maryella The adolescent as treated by Mark Twain. 122 p. 2113. Charlton, Virginia A study of the characters in the narrative poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson. 180 p. 2114. Cline, John Thirty-eight years of the South Atlantic Qu arterly : A chapter in the progress of liberalism in the South. 249 p. 2115. Cole, ELfreida The reputation of Coleridge among his contemporaries. 148 p. 2116. Daniel, Annie Laura The literary reputation of Geroge Crabbe from 1780 to 1932. 115 p. 2117. This number not used. 173 ENGLISH 1940 M.A. 2118. Fleming, Dorothy Hight Emerson and women. 153 P« 2119. Fort, Willena Glossary of four plays of Beaumont and Fletcher: The t onight of the Burning _&s tie, The M;aid ' s T ragedy f Th ierry aid Theodoret , and Wit at S evera l W ea pons . 382 p. 2120. Frey, Ellen Frances Autobiographical elements in the works of Walter Pater. 15^ p. 2121. Garrison, John Leland The travel sketches of Henry James. 280 p. 2122. Gilmore, Patricia Hardy as novelist and poet: the themes of his poems in relation to the themes of the novels. 180 p. 2123. Hamsher, Carl Miller Mark Twain's use of dialect. 103 p. 2124. Hanes, Virginia Lee The British attitude toward American English, 1775-1860. 191 p. 2125. Herring, Benjamin Marshal The "note" in Matthew Arnold's poetry. l6l p. 2126. Hightower, John Devereaux The critics of John Ford. 112 p. 2127. Keene, Thelma Beazley Biographers and critics on Milton's opinion of woman. 236 p. 2128. Kinlaw, Sara Lorine The reputation of Samuel Taylor Coleridge in America, 1829-1855. 103 P. 2129. Lewis, Florence L'Dora English words borrowed from the Latin, 1550-1650. 1^5 P« 2130. Limouze, Mary Anne Heyward Shelley's reaction to the political crisis in England, 1818-1820. 121 p. 2131. Marston, Frederic Carver Thoreau's knowledge and use of English literature prior to 1790 as exhibited in the Walden edition of his Writings. 8? p. 2132. Mitchell, J. Frank Horace Smith, critic of his age. 83 p. 174 ENGLISH 1940 M.A. 2133. Mitchell, Robert Earl The literary reputation of Stephen Crane as reflected in major American periodicals, 1893-1935. 120 p. 2134. Parker, Mary Carolyn Fortune by land and sea. 190 p. 2135. Powell, Annie Mae The influence of Dorothy Wordsworth on the poetry of her brother, William Wordsworth. 95 p. 2136. Rasor, Charles Lewis Archibald Rutledge: A descriptive bibliography with a biographical introduction. 257 p. 2137. Robertson, Alfred P. The novels of Vans ton Churchill. 212 p. 2138. Swicegood, Ella Kae Cox Wordsworth's conception of women. 124 p. 2139. Teagarden, Lucetta Jane The Italian background of Jonson's masques. 108 p. 2140. Walker, Lela Samantha The influence of Henry Crabb Robinson on the life of William Wordsworth. 89 p. 2141. Weller, Grace Harlowe Kentucky (1770-1865) in American fiction. 166 p. 2142. Whitener, Catherine Viola Walt Whitman and the South. 160 p. 2143. Wiggins, Elizabeth Lewis Logic in the poetry of John Donne. 188 p. 2144. Williams, Rose Elizabeth Margaret Junkin Preston, poetess of Virginia. 99 p. 2145. Woodruff, Carmen Moore Ruskin's theory of education. 88 p. 2146. <'.'ynn, Lawrence The influence of Coleridge's Shakespearean criticism, 1836-1840. 243 p. 2147. Young, Laura Newell Southern literary magazines, 1865-1887: with special reference to literary criticism. 282 p. 175 Ph.D. 2 X G L I S H 1940 2148. Anderson, Marcia Lee, 1916- John Webster's The White Devil and The D uchess, of Malf i : a critical study. 344 p. 2149. Stroven, Carl, 1901- A life of Charles Warren Stoddard. 448 p. 1941 M.A. 2150. Anderson, St. Claire Angels in the poetry of John Milton. 141 p. 2151. Bailey, Rosalie Vincent DuBose Heyward: poet, novelist, playwright. 144 p. 2152. Barbot, Mary Elizabeth The imagery of Emily Dickinson. 145 p. 2153* Bondurant, Agnes Meredith Poe's Richmond. 282 p. 2154. Buckwalter, Kathryn M. Criticism of Paradise Lost since 1890. 110 p. 2155* Burton, Anne Seixas The location of scenes in the Elizabethan drama. 159 p. 2156. Campbell, Fhilip Storer Moncure Daniel Conway. 232 p. 2157. Carlson, Lillian Elsie Hamlin Garland's reputation. 168 p. 2158. Carpenter, Alta Buane The contributions of Inigo Jones to the English theatre and their influence on drama. 122 p. 2159. Carruthers, Emily Lee The novels f Brand Whitlock. 157 p. 2160. Durden, George Douglas Southern ' novels , 1775-1850: a bibliography. 97 p. 2161. Ellerbe, Isla Ramoth The reaction of the Athenaeum to American literature, 1828-1870. 1>3 p. 2162. Hill, Martha Frances Bret Harte in England. 101 p. 2163. Hoopes, Luther Hartman Nicholas Amhurst: eighteenth- century editor. 245 p. 176 ENGLISH 1941 ' M.A. 2164. Ivey, Nary Frances A glossary of the terras for costume and armour in the Canterb ury Tales of Chaucer, I63 p. *"~ 2l6$. James, Ruth Shelley as a philanthropist. 154- p. 2166. This number not used. 2167. Joiner, Sarah Benton The women characters in Ellen Glasgow's novels. 149 p. 2168. Leary, Thomas Francis Nicholas Rowe: dramatist, scholar and poet. 239 p. 2169. Lipscomb, Arthur McLaurine The political background of Robert Kerrick. 118 p. 2170. McFadyen Alvan R. e d. The Coxcomb, by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. 266 p. 2171. McGee, Charles McKay Herrick's epithalamies . l6l p. 2172. Michael, Chloe Charlemagne romances in English literature. 15k p. 2173. Korehead, Mildred Lillian The literary reputation of Charles Lamb among his contemporaries 154 p. 2174. Peale, Marjorie Elizabeth Charleston as a literary center, 1920-1933. 207 p. 2175* Fittman, Frances Harris Middle Georgia life in the fiction of Richard Malcolm Johnston. 165 p. 2176. Powell, Woodrow W. James Shirley's The Grateful Servant , edited by Woodrow W. Powell. 281 p. 2177. Purcell, Ralph Elliott William Munford: a biographical and critical study. 180 p. 2178. Schaedler, Louis Calvern Lew Vvallace: middle-class novelist. 115 P« 2179. Shannon, Edgar Finley Richard Owen Cambridge. 202 p. 17? ENGLISH 1941 M.A. 2180. Snow, Annabel Kelsey The silent majority: a study of the principal death and burial customs known to mankind. 234 p. 2181. Sparks, Marye Reraelle Ben Johnson's The For rest ; edited with introduction and notes by Marye Remelle Sparks. 135 p. 2182. Tidier, Hazel Goldsmith's criticism of drama. 232 p. 2183. Townsend, Freda Liverant Variety in Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia. 139 p. 2184. Trewhitt, Katharine Lowrey The theme of rural retirement in minor English verse, 1700-1750. Ill p. 2185. Walsh, Anastasia Charleston in fiction. 230 p. 2186. Walsh, Mary Katherine Caroline Howard GiLman. 194 p. 2187. Wetmore, Thomas Hall The literary and cultural development of ante-bellum Wilmington, North Carolina. 214 p. Ph.D. 2188. Bridgers, John Elbert, 1901- Studies in the Aeneas story in English literature. 453 p. 2189. Eidson, John Olin, 1908- Tennyson in America: his reputation and influence from 1827 to 1858. 377 p. 2190. Mounts, Charles Eugene, 1906- The influence of Spenser on Wordsworth and Coleridge. 363 P« 1942 M.A. 2191. Aimar, Caroline Picault The Psalms as Milton sings them. 100 p. 2192. Barton, Jessie Beatrice Smith Byron and the Bible. 172 p. 2193. Boney, Nancy Virginia The fiction of Owen Wister. 210 p. K.A. 178 ENGLISH 1942 219^-. Brooks, Jessie Mae North Carolina fiction, 1759-1861: a checklist. 1+6 p. 2195 • Buller, Laura Eshleman Invective against women in the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. 113 p. 2196. Canada, Mary Whitfield Plant lore in America: its origin and dissemination. 28^+ p. 2197. Carter, Maude A study of Caroline Lee Hentz, sentimentalist of the fifties. IJk p. 2198. Chisman, Margaret Sue Literature and the drama in Memphis, Tennessee, to i860. 203 p. 2199. Covington, Philip Stanhope Sheffield Verbal scenery in the plays of Shakespeare, Jonson, Greene, and Marlow. 92 p. 2200. Fultz, Mary Catherine The women characters in Sarah Orne Jewett's novels and short stories. 133 p. 2201. Hardendorff, Victor Kail Paul Hamilton Hayne and the North. 181 p. 2202. Hershey, John Warren The contemporary literary reputation of Thomas DeQuincey, 19^2. 120 p. 2203. Hooper, Charlotte Lucille The Bible and Paradise Regained , by Charlotte Hooper. 157 p. 220^+. Jay, Lemuel Eugene Background and justification in pastoral poetry for the attack on church and clergy in "Lycidas ." 96 p. 2205. Jones, Marian Porcher Some notes for a history of the Chattanooga theatre, 1877-1888. 183 p. 2206. Lang, Cecil Yelverton Ruskin and the Pre-Raphaelites. 179 p. 2207. KcCann, Florence Ford The British Apollo — indicative of early eighteenth century interest in natural philosophy, 1708-1711. 16^ p. 2208. Neupert, Lois Elizabeth The evolution from manuscript to print of certain sonnets by William Wordsworth. 153 P» 179 ENGLISH 1942 M.A. 2209. Folk, Alice Morella John Charles McNeill: a poet of North Carolina. 202 p. 2210. Purser, David Ingram A review of Lily B. Campbell's Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes , Slaves of P assion . 108 p. 2211. Sams, Alma Frances Samson Agonistes : its date and fallacies in the autobiographical interpretation. 136 p. 2212. Sites, Thelma Wilson Sir Richard Steele's dramatic criticism along with his comments on the theatre. 100 p. 2213. Thompson, Evan Lewis Charles Lamb as seen through his letters. 175 P« 2214. Tomeny, Rose Nell Contemporary English opinions of Thomas Hood and his works. 172 p. 2215. Wyly, Anne Ethel Letitia Elizabeth Landon: her career, her "mysterious" death, and her poetry. 128 p. Ph.D. 2216. Aldridge, Alfred Owen, 1915- The sources of Mark Akenside's The Pleasures of the Imagination . 302 p. 2217. Flanders, Bertram Holland, 1892- Georgia literary periodicals to I865. 352 p. 2218. Seigler, Milledge Broadus, 1909- Milton's prosody. 440 p. 19^-3 M.A. 2219. Anderson, Lucian Dumas The evolution of Emerson's essay "Self-Reliance". 273 p. 2220. Cleveland, Opal Jean American best-sellers, 1918-1932. 170 p. 2221. Cook, Viola Browning and France. 15^ P» 2222. Copp, Earl P. ,«_,«• A definition of naturalism applied to the novels of Frank Norris. 150 p. ENGLISH 1943 M.A. 2223. Edelmann, Louise Lorraine Virginia life in the novels of Mary Johnston. 194 p. 2224. Johnson, Emma Bain John Esten Cooke and the Civil War. 180 p. 2225. Kneipp, Janet Rettew Ben Jonson's theory and practice in comedy. 165 p. 2226. Knight, Mary Roberts The reputation of Edgar Allan Foe in England 1875-1900. 102 p. 2227. Lane, James Frank Byron's reputation in America, 1810-1860. 142 p. 2228. Lorman, Justine H. Lionel Johnson; a biographical inquiry. 84 p. 2229. Loving, Grace Evelyn Ben Jonson's Underwoods ; edited with introduction and notes, by Grace Evelyn Loving. 213 p. 2230. Prince, Agnes MacGregor Edward Eggleston and his mid-western novels. 146 p. 2231. Thompson, Kaye Ogilvie The opinions of Dr. Samuel Johnson concerning certain aspects of the life of women. 123 p. Fh.D. 2232. Teagarden, Lucetta Jane, 1912- Thomas Middleton's dramatic materials. 288 p. 2233. Ward, William Smith, 1907- The criticism of poetry in British periodicals, 1798-1820, with a handlist of periodicals and a check-list of reviews. 1077 p. 2234. Watts, Helena Brawley, 1906- Jonson's theory and practice in regard to the didactic theory of poetry. 286 p. 1944 M.A. 2235. Autry, Randall Franklin Milton's Beelezebub. 122 p. 2236. Breece, Ruth Schoenberger Harriet Beecher Stowe in England, 1852-1901. 166 p. 181 ENGLISH 1944 M.A. 2237. Bulwinkle, Muriel Charlton Jonson's Masques for Prince Henry , edited with introduction and notes by Muriel Charlton Bulwinkle. 162 p. 2238. Fries, Jean Kevin Marlowe's classical mythology. 112 p. 2239. Hunter, Charlotte Elizabeth Classical mythology in the plays of George Chapman. 112 p. 2240. Macintosh, Fred Henry Foetic taste, 1750-1800, as reflected in extended criticisms of Fope. 131 p. 2241. Gates, Julie Neagle Mrs. Aphra Behn: the first professional woman playwright. 145 p. 2242. Pyle, Katherine A. Edward Fitzgerald's comments on English poetry: an attempt to discover his standards of judgment. 91 p. 2243. Raskin, Vilma Leah The literary socialism of Upton Sinclair. 175 P» 2244. Scarboro, Louise George W. Cable's New Orleans with special reference to Old Creole Days and The Grandissimes . 91 p. 2245. Tracy, Helen Wellman The Yellow Book : a study of its fiction, literary criticism, and verse. 76 p. Ph.D. 2246. Martin, Willard Edgar, 1906- The life and works of Theodore Winthrop. 385 P« 2247. Towns end, Freda Liverant, 1918- Jonson and his critics ... 252 p. 1945 M.A. 2248. Blank, Olive Greenawalt The Fi^ir Maid of the west ; or, a G.irle Worth Gold , the second part by Thomas Heywood. Edited by Olive Greenawalt Blank. 224 p. 2249. Flannery, Peggy Anne Strowd Edgar Allan Poe in anthologies of American literature, 1849-1899. 195 p. 2250. Lewis, Nancy Eloise A study of Shakespeare's opening scenes. 15? p. 182 ENGLISH 1945 M.A. 2251. Shapiro, Constance Certain aspects of the supernatural in American literature and thought, 1870-1900. 168 p. 2252. Trammell, Frances Mauldin Studies on Walter Pater's Karius the E picurean . Ill p. 2253. Watson, Charlie Hugh An estimate of Thomas Campbell by his contemporaries. 167 p. 1946 M.A. 2254. Brantley, Mabel Ruth Browning and contemporary poets. 130 p. 2255- Dale, Dorothy Jeanne Wordsworth's influence on the poetry of Matthew Arnold. 89 p. 2256. Ginther, James Edward Colleges in the American novel: 1900-1930. 157 p. 2257. Moore, Nelle Elizabeth Hawthorne as a writer for children. 152 p. 2258. Patton, Dorothy Jean Studies in the poetry of Emily Dickinson. 68 p. 2259. Sinclair, Giles Merten An analysis and a comparison of the rhymes in Davenant's"Gondibert" and Dryden's "Annus Mirabilis," 82 p. 2260. Wiley, Virginia The interior settings of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories. 122 p. Ph.D. 2261. Harlow, Agnes Virginia, 1890- Thomas Sergeant Ferry (1845-1928): a biographical study. 422 p. 1947 M.A. 2262. Baird, Sybil Hawthorne in England. 117 p. 2263. Barnes, Jack Carlisle Matthew Arnold as a literary critic. 141 p. 2264. Battle, Guy A. Loves curs* or ' he Mart ia 11 Maid , by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. A critical text with comment. 221 p. ENGLISH 1947 M.A. 2265. Bergman, Herbert Walt Whitman's literary criticism. 119 p. 2266. Brouse, Albert J. James Russell Lowell and Spain. 115 p. 2267. Busch, Bruce Lipscomb Moore Elliott Crayton McCants, South Carolina author. 115 p. 2268. Cloes, James Cameron James Fenimore Cooper's literary acquaintances. 156 p. 2269. DeMent, Russell Duke A critical study of George Eliot's Middlemarch . 108 p. 2270. Dolson, James Frederick Whitman and Emerson: a study. 102 p. 2271. Goodwin, Noma Lee The published works of Nathaniel Beverley Tucker, 1784-1851. 217 p. 2272. Lawton, Robert Oswald, Jr. The nature and function of the chief comic characters in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. 96 p. 2273. Loveless, Ruth Edith Wharton's literary career from 1899 to 1913. 130 p. 2274. McKenzie, Emory J. Walt Whitman and his friends in Washington, 1862-1872. 113 p. 2275. Mackie, Mary Mildred Browning's "A D.eath in the Desert"; a critical study. 382 p. 2276. Moody, Peter Richard Sea and shore in Whitman's poetry. Ill p. 2277. Morris, Irene T. E. Brown and his poems. 123 p. 2278. Moylan, John Dudley A study of Shaw's dramatic criticism. 108 p. 2279. Nash, Ralph Studies in Ben Jons on. 109 p. 2280. Sample, Everett Jean Mark Twain's American reputation, 1910-1935 • 130 p. 164 ENGLISH 1947 M.A. 2281. Wilson, Jane Bliss An index of the Whitman clippings in the Rare Book Room of the Duke university Library at Durham, N. C. 249 p. Ph.D. 2282. Davis, Curtis Carroll Chronicler of the cavaliers; the career and opinions of William Alexander Caruthers, M.D. (1802-1846). 457 p. 1948 M.A. 2283. Caskey, Claire Omar Lowell as a critic of his major American contemporaries. 94 p. 2284. Craven, Clyde Rober An analysis of the British periodical reviews of Matthew Arnold's poetry, 1849-1888. 148 p. 2285. Cross, Carlyle Gothic characteristics in the novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 108 p. 2286. Dickinson, Lucile Lawton A study of critical reaction to the novels of Theodore Dreiser as revealed in American periodicals from 1900 to 1947. 104 p. 2287. Friend, Fred Erwin The divine poems of John Donne; an edition by Fred E. Friend. 157 p. 2288. Hahn, Martha Strowd The development of the literary reputation of Walt Whitman in America, 1900-1940. 177 p. 2289. Lamparter, 'William Smith Byron and Hobhouse; a study in friendship. 143 p. 2290. Orange, Linwood KLden The 'Winter ' s Tale : a study in the theory and practice of renaissance tragicomedy. 128 p. 2291. Fierson, Robert Malcolm A commentary upon Coventry Patmore ' s The Unknown Eros , B 00k I ... 110 p. 2292. Simpson, Ruth Winifrid Gerard Manley Hopkins: religion and the creative process. 94 p. 185 ENGLISH 1948 Ph.D. 2293. Cline, John, 1892- Hawthorne and the Bible ... 332 p. 2294. Harris, Isabella Deas The southern mountaineer in American fiction, 1824-1910. 273 p. 2295. Holman, Harriet R., 1912- The literary career of Thomas Nelson Page, 1884-1910. 275 p. 2296. Kincheloe, Henderson Grady, 1909- British periodical criticism of American literature, I85I-I87O... 515 p. 2297. Limouze, Arthur Sanford, 1914- A study of Nathaniel Mist's weekly journals. 273 p. 1949 M.A. 2298. Brown, Margaret June Henry Adams and Robinson Jeffers: American prophets of decadence. 129 p. 2299. Emerson, Everett Harvey A study of poetry appearing in The Atlantic Monthly , 1901-1945. 20 p. 2300. Farthing, Carrie Lee Wordsworth and the eighteenth-century blank verse poem of description and reflections. 94 p. 2301. Guilds, John Caldwell Poe's mother and foster-mother; an interpretative study. 169 p. 2302. Heifers, Melvin C. The military career of Edgar Allan Poe. 86 p. 2303. Hobgood, Alton A. A survey of criticism and review in The Nation , The Bookman , and The Dial , 1920-1930. 162 p. 2304. Hoge, Phyllis Sidney's Arcadia and the emblem writers. 88 p. 2305. Hoover, Edna May Studies in the criticism of the works of Sidney Lanier and the development of his reputation. 180 p, 2306. Kern, Mary Katharine The poets of the Shenandoah Valley in the nineteenth century. 145 p. 186 ENGLISH 1949 M.A. 2307. Mus grove, Janice Alicia Children's writers of the South in the nineteenth century: Harris, Page, Bennett and others. 148 p. 2308. Nelson, Norman Kent Gerard Manley Hopkins; analysis and interpretation of three representative sonnets. 107 p. 2309. Parks, Helen Louise A study of Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance. 75 p. 2310. Reece, James B. The Broadway Journal with special reference to Poe. 191 p. 2311. Robinson, Margaret Eula The influence of women in the restoration theatre, 1660-1700. 186 p. 2312. Shih, Chung-wen Poe and Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman. 101 p. 2313« Wagner, Fredrick Reese Henry James and the theatre. 128 p. 2314. Wellborn, Mary Moss A study of the Anglo-Saxon riddles; with special reference to certain parallels in thought and feeling to Anglo-Saxon epic and elegiac poetry. 52 p. 2315« Williams, Hatcher Crenshaw The relationship of Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman. 93 p« Ph.D. 2316. Hickey, Robert Louis, 1911- John Bonne's legal knowledge. 266 p. 19^0 M.A. 2317. Clavering, Rose The course of Herman Melville's social thought: Typee to White Jacket . 203 p. 2318. Dedmond, Francis Berneil Thoreau as a critic of society. 69 p. 2319. Grigg, Womble Quay Walt Whitman as his own biographer. 113 p. 2320. Hoover, Basil A study of the critical reaction to the major works of Willa Cather as revealed in certain American periodicals. 87 p. 187 ENGLISH 1950 M.A. 2321. Xenion, Alonzo Williams Pity versus fear in English tragedy^ 1680-1715. 193 p. 2322. Penninger, Elaine The women characters in the novels of Frank Norris. 121 p. 2323. Perrin, Edwin Noel Some aspects of imagery in Meredith: The Egoist , One of our con- queror s, The Amazing Marriage . 129 p. 2324. Pollock, Theodore Marvin Stephen Crane and religion. 98 p. 2325. Rickey, Mary Ellen Thomas Traherne's Serious and Pathetical C sntemplation of the Me rcies of God . 69 p. 2326. Robertson, Patricia Ruth Marlowe's plays and Elizabethan rhetoric: a study of the oratorical elements and the rhetorical figures in relation to the sixteenth century manuals of composition. 13^ p. 2327. Ruff in, Albert Religion in the novels of Theodore Dreiser. 98 p. 2328. Spencer, William The literary content of the New- York Tribune (184-1-1850). 105 p. 2329. Teer, Thomas Walter Spenser's knowledge and use of music ... 135 p» Ph.D. 2330. Braverman, Elizabeth Parks, 1921- Aspects of imagery in the poetry of Herbert, Vaughan, and Traherne: a critique of certain definitions of "metaphysical". 26l p. 2331. Pafford, Ward, 1911- Snglish bards, and Scotch reviewers: a study of Byron's development as a satirist. 351 P« 2332. Purcell, James Slicer, 1912- Liter ary culture in North Carolina before 1820. 601 p. 2333. Stone, Edward, 1913- Henry James and his sense of the past. 267 p. 2334. Woodress, James Leslie, 1916- The Italian phase of William Dean Howells. 232 p. 188 ENGLISH 1951 M.A. 2335« Altraan, Jean The literary reputation of George Washington Cable , 1879-1900. 119 p. 233o. Baker, Lula Evelyn Willa Cather's use of her early fiction in her later novels. 88 p. £■$}(• This number not used. 2338. Chekenian, Iris Lafacadio Hearn: commentator on nineteenth-century English litera- ture. 126 p. 2339. Emma, Ronald D. Religious, political and social motives in Harold Frederic's fiction. 95 p. 2340. Flood, David Wall American criticism of Herman Melville's Moby Dick . 1935-1950' 112 p. 23^-1. Glaman, Paul Thompson Criticism of Hawthorne's The S.carlet L.etter . 1850-1900. 129 p. 23^2. Lowenherz, Robert Jack The literary reputation of William Dean Howells in America from 1900 to 1950. 90 p. 23^3. KcCrary, Martha Penn Critical reception of Thomas Wolfe, 1929-1951. 118 p. 2344. McLaurin, Wayne The literary attitudes of Joseph Dennie in the Port Folio , 1801-1802. 151 P. 2345. Morris, William Clews The critical reception of William Dean Howells, 1859-1900. 200 p. 23^6. Paden, Erma Elizabeth Hamlin Garland as a reformer from 1837 to l895« 97 p. 2347. Phillips, John Nova A study of Richard West (17l6-l?42). 95 p. 2348. Pullig, Flora Margaret The language of The Alchemist . Ill p. 2349. Van Fossen, Richard Waight A study of Chaucer's Franklin's Tale . 107 p. 189 ENGLISH 1951 Ph.D. 2350. Battle, Guy Arthur, 1918- A study of Arnold's "Sohrab and Rustum". 501 p. 2351. Early, Benjamin W. , 1909- Southey's Joan of Arc ; the unpublished manuscript, the first edition, and a study of the later revisions. 2 v. 2352. Laverty, Carroll Dee, 1906- Science and pseudo-science in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. 379 p. 2353. Pierson, Robert Malcolm, 1927- A critical study of Coventry Patmore's The U -nknown Eros . 498 p. 1952 M.A. 2354. Bauerle, Rut.h Hawkins A bibliography of Swedish translations (1830-1950) °f certain nineteenth century American authors. 144 p. 2355- Dull, Frances The growth of Ernest Hemingway's reputation as developed in reviews and critical articles published prior to the summer of 1951 • 96 p. 2356. Harden, Nell Moral elements in Defoe. 85 p. 2357. Hartman, Joan Edna Marivaux, Richardson, and Fielding. 118 p. 2358. Jones, Martha Elizabeth Daniel "Webster as treated in the writings of Emerson and Lowell. 119 p. 2359. Reynolds, Norman L. Defoe and the manual of conduct. 87 p. 2360. Smith, Calvin Clifton An edition of Milton's Prolusiones Oratoriae . 355 P« Ph.D. 2361. Buchanan, Edith, 1911- The Italian neo-S enecan background of Samson Agonistes . 388 p. 2362. Kingston, Marion, 1922- Claire Clairmont; a biographical and critical study. 503 p. 1252 M.A. 2363. Edwards, Thelma Catherine Chaucer's The M,an of L aw ' s Xalej its relation to the Anglo-Norman source . . . 191 p» 190 ENGLISH 1953 M.A. 2364. Foss, John Huston The value of Andy Adams as a depictor of life on the cattle trails from Texas ... 93 p. 2365. Gatlin, Clyde Talmadge Henry James as a critic of female characters and as a portrayer of women to 1876 ... 92 p. 2366. Glickfield, Charlotte Woods The contributions of Samuel Taylor Coleridge to The Morning Post (1797-1802) ... 117 p. 2367. Herbert, Carolyn Jones The influence of the stage on the portrayal of certain minor characters in Joseph Andrews and Tom Jones 159 p. 2368. Holcomb, Shirley Lou Lights and shadows: a study of the question of Edwin Arlington Robinson's alleged pessimism ... 129 p. 2369. Keefer, Truman Frederick The critical reaction to the novels of William Faulkner as expressed in reviews published in American periodicals up to 1952 ... 99 p. 2370. King, Virginia Wetmore Shakespeare's use of sources in The Comedy of Errors ... 181 p. 2371. McCormack, Jeanne Eagles Frank Norris and his critics ... 142 p. 2372. O'Brien, Janice Patricia Religion in the novels of Willa Cather ... 87 p. 2373. Teichman, Milton Coleridge's treatment of nature: observation and interpretation. 109 p. Ph.D. 2374. Green, Claud Bethune, 1914- John Trotwood Moore, a Tennessee man of letters ... 336 p. 2374a. Lawton, Robert Oswald, 1924- Stock comic characters in Shakespeare; a study of their relation to the plot . . . 378 p. 1954 M.A. 2375. Alexander, Harold Brice The poetic renaissance: its development and chronology as revealed in Poetry : A Magazine of Verse ... 58 p. 2376. Childs, Clara Annie The Biblical commentaries of Pareus in Milton's prose and poetry ... 65 p. 191 ENGLISH 1954 M.A. 2376a. Connor, Emma Gower The minor comic characters in Henry IV , Henry V, and The Merry Wives of Windsor . . . 112 p . 237?« Dietrich, Harry Schuette An interpretation of T. S. Eliot's poem Ash Wednesday ... 88 p. 2378. Francisco, Richard Lee The "Americanisms" in the critical writings of William Dean Howells as found in Harper ' s Magazine . January 1886-March 1892 ... 65 p. 2379. Graves, Robert Dorset Ben Jonson and Aristophanes ... 83 p. 2380. Hinds, Katherine Powell The life and works of Eudora Welty ... 79 p. 2 381. Millspaugh, Robert Hunting in the trans -Mississippi west in Harper's Magazine ... 85 p. 2382. Newell, Isaac Coleridge's critical theory ... 219 p. 2383. O'Steen, Arthur Marion A list of theatrical performances in Durham, North Carolina, from 1913 through 1923 ... 130 p. 2384. Prichard, Virginia Meade Religion in the first nine novels of Ellen Glasgow ... 115 p. Ph.D. 2385. Comer, David Baine, 1912- Studies in the literary development of Robert Southey ... 2 v. 2386. Guilds, John Caldwell, 1924- Simms as a magazine editor, 1825-1845; with special reference to his contributions ... 291 p. 2387. O'Brien, Pauline Wiggins, 1920- The "speaking picture" in the works of Sidney ... 314 p. 2388. Reece, James Brady, 1919- Poe and the New York Literati; a study of the "Literati" sketches and of Poe's relations with the New York writers ... 344 p. 19ii M.A. 2389. Chujo, Kazuo The authorship of Henry VIII , a study of imagery ... 137 p. M.A. 192 E N G L I S H 1955 2390. Craig, Virginia Taylor The treatment of women in the works of Daniel Defoe ... 91 p. 2391. Crain, Elizabeth T. Bryant, Emerson and Longfellow as anthologists ... 105 p. 2392. Dornbusch, Clyde Henry Henry James on Balzac ... 76 p. 2392a. Freeman, Gordon Query William Faulkner's treatment of the negro... 150 p. 2393. Gillespie, Edgar Bryan The induction and chorus in the comedies of Ben Jonson ... 120 p. 2394. Hester, Helen Serman Cupid's revenge: the dramatic modification of a romance ... 107 p. 2395. Kelly, William Watkins The writings of James Fenimore Cooper, Washington Irving, and Francis Parkman about the trans-Mississippi west ... 96 p. 2396. Lynn, Julanne The education, reading, and early writing of eight twentieth- century American women writers as revealed in their autobiographies . . . 82 p. 2397. Nathanson, Leonard Ivan Robert Wilson's The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London : a critical edition by Leonard I. Nathanson ... 174 p. 2398. Padgett, Lawrence Edwin An interpretation of Marlowe's Edward II ... 86 p . 2399. Paine, Stephen Curtiss A study of the role of the narrator in Tristram Shandy ... 66 p. 2400. Patty, Jack Eugene Shakespeare and Lope de Vega ... 106 p. 2401. Pennington, Frederic Adams Gerard Manley Hopkins and Duns Scotus; the drivation of inscape and its poetical function ... 109 p. 2402. Perkins, George A study of the origin, contemporary reception, and later inter- pretations of The Turn of the Screw ... 65 p. . 2403. Scott, William Osborne Structure in Donne 's Songs and Sonets . . . 163 p. 2404. Wishart, Lutrelle Angel The imagery of Traherne ... 126 p. 193 ENGLISH M.A. i255. 2405. Young, Bettie Anne Additional approach to John Donne, as exemplified in an explication ox La Corona'' and "Goodfriday, 1613, Riding Westward"... 78 p. Ph.D. 2406. Libby, Nancy Dorothea, 1914- Browning's Fifine at the Fair ; a critical study ... 283 p. 2407. Macintosh, Fred Henry, 1913- Charles Gildon; a study of his work as professional man of letters, creative writer, and critic ... Jl6 p. 2408. Orange, Linwood Elden, 1922- Wordplay in Spenser ... 191 p. 2409. Sawin, Horace Lewis, 1923- A dictionary of characters in Meredith's novels, I856-I876; with a review of critical opinions ... 521 p. 2410. Shih, Chung-wen, 1922- The criticism of The Faerie queene ... 244 p. 2411. Tests, Bruce Earle, 191^- Thomas Hardy's The Dynasts ; a critical study ... 259 p. 2412. Zitner, Sheldon Paul, 1924- The English theatre audience: 1660-1700 ... 238 p. 1956 M.A. 2413. Banker t, Jean Elizabeth A study of the writing, critical reputation, artistry, and signifi- cance of Silas Marner ... 106 p. 2414. DeLoach, Mary Elizabeth A study in the literary reputation of Edna St. Vincent Millay ... 98 p. " 2415. McCants, Clyde Taft Arthur Hugh Clough and Ralph Waldo Emerson: a record of their relations ... 101 p. 2416. Ogden, Dunbar Hunt The plays of Theodore Dreiser ... 128 p. 2417. Sanderford, Patricia Butler Milton on war ... 109 p. 2418. Wilbanks, Evelyn Rivers American novels about doctors, 1870-1955 ••• 92 p. 194 Ph.D. E :: g l I s h 1956 2419. Atchison, Ray Morris, 1921- Southern literary magazines, 186 5-1887 ... 458 p. 2420. Christie, John Aldrich, 1920- Thoreau, traveler ... 242 p. 2421. McCollum, John Isaac, 1919- Dryden's dramatic 'adaptations': the tragedies ... JM-O p. 2422. Moore, Rayburn Sabatzky, 1920- Southern writers and northern literary magazines , 1865-1890 . . . 375 p. 2423. Smith, Donald George, 1920- Studies in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure with particular reference to Italian analogues and traditions ... 170 p. 2424. Smith, LeRoy Walter, 1926- The doctrine of the passions as it appears in the works of Henry Fielding, particularly in Amelia ... 3^9 p. 2425. Thomas, Mary Olive., 1921- Plutarch in Antony and Cleopatra ... 419 p. 2426. Williamson, Marilyn Lammert, 1927- A critical study of Thomas Middle ton's early comedies ... 210 p. 1252 M.A. 2427. Baird, Charles William A theory of Defoe's practice with regard to characterization ... 156 p. * 2428. Bearden, Ethel Mae Margaret Mitchell and her place in Atlanta ... 53 P- 2429. Bell, Vereen McNeill A study of the critical reception of the works of Elizabeth Madox Roberts ... 117 p. 2430. Bhanthumchinda , Saowanee Jane Austen and two modern Thai women novelists: a comparative study . . . 116 p. 2431. Bingman, Mary (Waybright) The foundling in four novels of Daniel Defoe ... 116 p. 2432. Durham, John Edward The critical reception of the short stories of Sherwood Anaerson . . . 109 p. 195 K.A, G L I S H 1957 2433* Garrison, Joseph Marion The poems of Walt /.hitman written and published before 1855 . . . 69 p. 2434. Geraci, Lois Roccatelle Three critical approaches to Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde ... 128 p. 2435* Holmes, Kenneth Lee William McFee; the first half-century ... 123 p. 2436. Johnson, Glenn LaPorte Some leading themes in the fiction and the letters of Charles Kingsley .. . 114 p. 2x37 . Jones, Tandy Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain and Carl Sandburg as writers for children ... 80 p. 2438. Manly, Emily Janet A study of imagery in the poetry of Walter De La Mare ... 147 p. 2439. Reeves, Walter Paschal The Negro in the works of Thomas Wolfe ... 91 p. 2440. Sellars, Kary Anne Critical attacks on realism appearing in American periodicals between 1880 and 1900 ... 74 p. 2441. Shugrue, Michael Francis The dramatic criticism of Arthur Murphy ... 90 p. 2442. Singleton, Marvin Kenneth The medievalism of Mark Twain ... 81 p. 2443. Talbot, Gloria Anne Tradition and rebellion in Ellen Glasgow's novels... 99 p. 2444. Weesner, Murreli Davis Daniel Defoe: spokesman for the eighteenth century English man of trade ... 74 p. Ph.D. 2445. Anderson, Donald Kennedy, 1922- A study of Ford's Perkin War beck ... 193 p. 2446. Dombusch, Clyde Henry, 1930- Theodore Roosevelt's literary taste and relationships with authors .. . 252 p. Ph.D. 196 ENGLISH 1957 2447. Kelly, William Watkins, 1928- Struggle for recognition: a study of the literary reputation of Ellen Glasgow ... 39° p. 2iwS. Knox, Norman, 1923- rhe word irony and its context, 1500-1755 ... 357 p. 2449. Smith, Calvin Clifton, 1926- Milton's Satan and the Elizabethan stage villain ... 357 p. 1958 M.A. 2450. Chu, Lirnin William Douglas O'Connor's relationship with Walt Whitman ... 132 p. 2451. Coslow, Mary Ann Churches, universities, and courts in Faulkner's novels ... 76 p. 2452. Grant, Sarah Bird A study of ms. Stowe 950 of John Gower's Confessio Amantis ... 89 p. 2^53 • Grondin, Nancy Ann The use of rhetorical devices in John Donne's Songs and Sonets ... 99 p. 2454. Hoyle, Norman Eugene Walt Whitman's prefaces to Leaves of Grass : an historical and critical survey ... 109 p. 2455. Kraft, Quentin Guild The role of sports in the fiction of Ernest Hemingway ... 67 p. 2456. Peterson, Dewayne August The burden aid the search: a thematic study of Eudora Welty's fiction ... 80 p. 2^57. Renegar, Douglas Life at sea as portrayed in Melville's novels ... 74 p. 2458. Sampley, Annelle A critical study of the dialect verse of Bret Harte ... 123 p. 2459. Shorter, Robert Newland Three levels of interest in Chaucer's Knight's Tale ••• 1°3 p. 2460. Smith, Norwood Graham Tobias Smollett and the profession of letters ... 66 p. 2461. Stanton, Peggy Jane The sin of pride in Hawthorne's works ... 121 p. 197 ENGLISH 1958 M.A. 2462. Traci, Philip Joseph The literary quality of Futtenham's The Arte of English Poesie ... 84 p. " Fh.D. 2463. Edge, Charles Ernest, 1922- Jane Austen's novels; a study of the theme of isolation ... 260 p. 2464. Johnson, Charles E. The dramatic career of Robert Browning: a survey and analysis ... 274 p. 2465. Powell, VJoodrow W. A critical edition of Thomas Heywood's A Challenge for Beautie, with introduction ... 271 p. 1252 M.A. 2466. Blake, Robert Grady Matthew Arnold: a study in dilemma ... 112 p. 2467. Craver, Donald Henry William Cullen 3ryant , s poetic theories ... 57 p. 2468. Davis, Mary Martin The ideal democracy: criticism of politics in eleven American novels ... 89 p. 2469. Halloran, William Frank Theory in practice: the aesthetic theme in the poetry of Matthew Arnold . . . 142 p . 2470. Jones, Mary Ellen Deephaven to Poker Flat: a study of regional characteristics in selected fiction of Sarah Orne Jewett and Bret Harte ... 150 p. 2471. Krueger, Robert Charles The poet as seen by Emerson and Whitman ... 73 P« 2472. Kuist, James Marquis The peril in trade; the treatment of a human dilemma in Piers Plowna.ii .,. 80 p. 2473. Mcllwaine, Robert Shields Moral attitudes toward the "unconscious" and the conscious moral mind and will in the poetry of W. H. Auden: a survey of his work from 1930 to 1955 ... 188 p. 2474. Mellinger, Janice The religious and philosophical allusions in the plays of Eugene O'Neill ... 124 p. 2475. Number not used. 198 ENGLISH 1959 M.A. 2^76. Mitchell, William Jerome Chaucerian dream-work ... 146 p. 2-1-77 • Napoli, Francean Gloria A comparison of certain ideas in the poetry of Walt Whitman and Carl Sandburg ... 74 p. 2478. Olsen, Norman laCour Robert Frost: science and the poet ... 130 p. 2^79. Richman, Larry- Irony in the fiction of George Eliot ... 102 p. 2480. Shaver, Robert Vickers Public characters in Hawthorne's fiction ... 128 p. 2481. Skaggs, Calvin Lee Formal education in Thomas Wolfe's life and works ... 122 p. 2482. Stanbarger, Phyllis Ann The treatment of children in the works of Stephen Crane ... 76 p. 2483. Townend, Marion Frost Robert Frost: popular poet ... 92 p. Ph.D. 2484. Bell, Vereen McNeil, 193^- Character and point of view in representative Victorian novels ... 255 P. 2485. Davidson, Loren Kenneth, 1922- Whitman's "Song of Myself" ... 575 p. 2486. James, Norman, 1924- Oscar Wilde's dramaturgy ... 252 p. I960 M.A.T. 2487. Shaw, Jeanne McGuffin The A.natomy of Melanchol y: the unity of the preface and the work . . 81 p. M.A. 2468. Applewhite, James William Benjy's perception of value in The Sound and the F ury ... 82 p. 2489. Bock, Elsie Ervin Chaucer's evolving conception of the feminine personality ... 1^7 P. ENGLISH M.A. 1260 2490. 3ross, Addison Clem Vegetation imagery in the poetry of Edna St. Vincent Killay ... 62 p. 2^91. Cunningham, John Monroe A study of imagery in Byron's early verse narratives ... 166 p. 2492. Daniel, Carter Anderson Stephen Crane and the crimson clash of war: the role of war in his life and his work ... 123 p. 2493. Erisman, Fred Raymond The literary reputation of Kenneth Grahame ... 87 p. 249^. Estes, Phoebe Beckner Robert Fenn Warren's philosophy of existence; a study of All the King ' s Men ... 123 p. 2^95* Gonis, Christine The failure of the American dream: a study of the work of Richard Wright, 193^-19^5 ... 100 p. 2496. Hollon, Ellis Wing The life, works, and religious concepts of Madison Julius Cawein ... 107 p. 2^97. Johnstone, Mary Stewart Hawthorne's relations with American authors of his time ... 124 p. 2498. Jordan, Frank The influence of William Godwin on William Wordsworth ... 117 p. 2^99. Kremer, Anna Penberton Nathaniel Hawthorne's use of classical mythology ... 113 p. 2500. Lacker, Paula Rae ".■."alt Whitman's mother and the treatment of women in Leaves of Grass ... 72 p. 2501. Maguire, Merrill Ann The role of the Negro in Robert Penn Warren's work ... 120 p. 2502. Miller, Arthur McA. The narrative poetry of George Darley: Nepenthe ... 151 p. 2503. Moore, Katharine Fatio The theme of isolation in Kipling ... 59 p. 2504. Frice, Virginia Woodruff The sources of Howells's Americanism: 1860-1886 ... 127 p. 200 ENGLISH 1960 M.A. 2505. Rouse, Henry KcCorrnick A study of the baseball writings of Ring Lardner ... 91 p. 2506. Roy, Barbara Danehower Greene's James IV : a re-evaluation of its structural and thematic unity and an examination of its relationship with other Elizabethan plays ... Ill p. 2507. Sayre, Lee Baldwin A comparative examination of Pamela and Clarissa for technique and didactic effect ... 74 p. 2508. Smith, Barbara Anne The achievement and reputation of Van Wyck Brooks ... 81 p. 2509. Sutton, Max Keith Earth and nature in Wordsworth's "Intimations" ode ... 151 p. 2510. Walton, Lucia Adelaide Experiments in the Elizabethan dramatic medium; a study of George Feele's use of verse, prose, and lyric ... 100 p. 2511. Watson, Wallace Steadman Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot as readers of Dante; an approach to their criticism and their poetry to 1930 ••• 134 P« 2512. Welsh, Robert Ford The Jew and the kingdom: the unity of Marlowe's The Jew of Malta ., 85 P. 2513» Workman, Molly Frances J. D. Salinger: a study in structure and theme ... 85 p. Ph.D. 2514. Emma, Ronald David, 1920- Mil'ton's grammar ... 180 p. 2515« Hargreaves, Henry Allen, 1928- The life and plays of Mrs. Aphra Behn ... 299 p. 2516. Hoyle, Norman Eugene, 1934- Melville as a magazinist ... 255 p. 2517. Manlove, George Kendall, 1913- The intellectual background of Goldsmith's Deserted Village ... 297 p. 2518. Shugrue, Michael Francis, 1934- A study of Applebee ' s Original Weekly J ournal , 1714-1731 ... 285 P« 2519. Singleton, Marvin Kenneth, 1933- A history of the American Mercury under the editorship of Henry Mencken, 1924 to 1933 ... 404 p. 201 Ph.D. ENGLISH 1960 2520. Smith, Carolyn (Herbert), 1930- Journey, ordeal, recovery: metaphoric patterns in Meredith's early prose and poetry, 1849-1859 ... 258 p. 2521. Zimmerman, Robert Lee, 1924- Manuscript revision in Byron's Childo Harold's Pilprimare ... 469 p. 1961 M.A. 2522. Binkley, Janet Margaret Emily Dickinson's view of God ... 58 p. 2523. Blume, Steven David Defoe's treatment of the criminal in three major novels ... 105 p. 2524. Brian, Beverly Dianne A study of the imagery in The cloud of unknowing ... 114 p. 2525. Brodersen, Jens The world of Jeeter Lester ... 76 p. 2526. Callcott, Mary Ireland Joyce Cary's theory of the artist: studies in his later novels ... 125 p. 2527. Compton, Jane Howard Jonathan Swift: his views on education and social customs ... 132 p. 2528. Fralick, Jo Ann William Hazlitt and Liber Amoris ... 6l p. 2529. Gado, Frank The bullfighter, the lover, and the saint: a study of the existential attitude in the works of Ernest Hemingway ... 85 p. 2530. Garner, Frances Adrien Humor in Irving 's tales and sketches ... 78 p. 2531. Griffin, Mary Helen The literary reputation of Edwin Arlington Robinson during his life- time as reflected in selected periodicals ... 93 P« 2532. Hale, David George The political problems in Shakespeare's Coriolanus ... 93 p. 2533. Harper, Gail Charles Lamb's search for a literary medium ... 123 p. 2534. Hays, Margaret Luanne Thomas William Robertson and the Victorian stage ... 100 p. 202 ENGLISH 1961 K.A. 2535. Horrocks, Brigid Chaucer's maturing art in his love visions ... 39 p. 2536. Hudson, George Cornelius The concept of the mixed constitution in the works of Fulke Greville, first Lord 3rooke ... 93 p. 2537. Kelly, Richard Michael The intellectual milieu of Gerard Kanley Hopkins ... 86 p. 2538. Kirby-Smith. Virginia Love ' s Labour' si,ost : the allusion and the play ... 89 p. 2539. Lunz, Elisabeth The significance of the euphuistic elements in Shakespeare ... 81 p. 25J+O. McCullers, Julia Allen Dryden's All for T ,ove : a debate with tradition ... ?h p. 25^1. Marovitz, Sanford E. The mark of Cain: social evil in Hawthorne's fiction ... 89 p. 25^2. Norris, Edward Janney The significance of Henry Medwall ... 59 p. 25^-3. Pierle, Robert Christopher Satire on women in selected snort stories of Edith Wharton ... 70 p. 2544. S ha 'ban, Fuad ?amburlaine the Great . Literary and historical background . . .83 p. 25^5. Shakespeare, James Ewart Thackeray's attitude toward women ... 110 p. 2546. South, Malcolm Hudson William Hazlitt: contemporary critic of Byron, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Southey ... 98 p. - 2547. Speeks, Ida Mae Humor in selected travel books by Mark Twain ... 75 P« 25^8. Upchurch, Marilyn Morrissette Joseph Addison's use of the Greek and Latin classics in the Tatler, Spectator , and Guardian papers on literary topics ... 97 p. 2549. Van Hettinga, William Lance The theme of nonfulfillment in three plays of Clifford Odets ... 90 p. 203 Ph.D, ENGLISH 1961 2550. Gossett, Louise Young, 1923- Yiolence in recent southern fiction ... 341 p. 2551. Keefer, Truman Frederick, 1930- The literary career and literary productions of Ernest Poole, American novelist ... 530 p. 2552. Paine, Stephen Curtiss, 1932- A critical study of the writings of Edward Eggleston ... 283 p. 2553. Penninger, Frieda Elaine, 1927- The significance of the Corpus Chris ti plays as drama with particular reference to the Towneley cycle ... 264 p. 1962 M.A. 2554. Albert, Burton The world of Washington Irving' s artistic acquaintance (1794-1826) ... 95 p. 2555* Bennett, Adrian Thomas A study of Astrochel and Stella ... 102 p. 2556. Cate, George Allan Walter Pater's Epicureanism ... 86 p. 2557. Cole, Doris Annette Emily Bronte; a paradox ... 94 p. 2558. Cummings, Jasper Richard The obituaries of Walt Whitman as evidence of his literary repu- tation ... 92 p. 2559. Dunlap, Howard Giles Satire in the comedies of William Wycherley ... 107 p. 2560. Dunn, John Joseph A critical examination of Pope's edition of Shakespeare ... 91 p. 2561. Few, Elizabeth Vander Horst The theme of alienation in selected works of Carson McCullers . . . 112 p. 2562. Gardner, Thomas Jefferson Patterns in the nominal compounds in old English poetry ... 86 p. 2563. Goldman, Robert L. Actors, acting, and methods of staging in the restoration theatre: 1660-1700 ... 101 p. 204 ENGLISH v a ±2§2 2564. Hoke, Jane Elizabeth A study of Carl Sandburg's Chicago Poems ... 6? p. 2565. Larson, George S. The English critical reception of the novels of Charlotte Bronte from 1847-57 ... 89 p. 2566. Laukaitis, William Edward A gift of tears: time and change in the lyric and Hellenic poems of Swinburne ... 71 p. 2567. LaVia, John Thomas Genre in the literary criticism of Samuel Johnson ... 65 p. 2568. Mascitelli, David William Poe as critic of American literature; an examination of Poe's views on the American literary scene and his criticisms of seven major American authors ... 79 p. 2569. Kershon, Barbara Jane The women of Willa Cather's novels ... 72 p. 2570. Murray, Donald Charles From pyrrhonism to mysticism, the agile mind of Aldous Huxley . . . 127 p. 2571. Penfield, Thornton Bancoft The Fil grim 1 ^Progress; a thematic comparison of the first and second parts ... 93 p. 2572. Pridgeon, Charles Taylor Sex in the novels and short stories of Erskine Caldwell ... 104 p. 2573* Paper, Julius Rowan The uses of fire and food imagery in Look Homeward , Angel ... 77 p» 2574. Richards, Michael Reynard From Eastcheap to Agincourt: the education of a prince ... 88 p. 2575* Rocks, James Engel Universality through inquiry: Professor Longfellow and France . . . 88 p. 2576. Rouse, Mary Church A study of the chief characters in six early novels of Willa Cather ... 77 p. 2577. Schunk, Gene Maria Nationality: an aspect of character identification in the short stories of Xatherine Anne Porter ... 7^ p. M.A. 205 ENGLISH 1962 2578. Spivey, Herbert Edward A. E. Housman's poetry and the Bible ... 77 p. 2579. Whisnant, David Eugene Edgar Allan Poe's study of science ... 71 p. 2580. Yeatman, Joan Ray Wallace Stevens and the physical world ... 91 p. Ph.D. 2581. Aiken, William Ralph, 1932- Nature to advantage dress'd; a study of Sir George Etherege as playwright ... 209 p. 2582. Chard, Leslie Frank, 1934- Wordsworth's radical career, 1791-1798 ... 303 p. 2583. Garrison, Joseph Marion, 1934- John Burroughs as a literary critic: a study emphasizing his treatment of Emerson, Whitman, Thoreau, Carlyle, and Arnold ... 278 p. 2584. Gum, Coburn, 1914- The Aristophanic comedies of Ben Jonson ... 249 p. 2585. Hurley, Paul Joseph, 1931- Tennessee Williams: critic of American society ... 255 p« 2586. Lott, John Raymond, 1936- The vogue of the betrayed-woman theme in English fiction, 1740-1775 . . . 388 p. 2587. Peterson, Dewayne August, 1934- Foe's grotesque Humor; a souay of the grotesque effects in his humorous tales ... 204 p. 2588. Skipp, Francis Edwin, 1919- Thomas Wolfe and his Scribner's editors ... 339 p. 1963 M.A. 2589. Bailey, James Ross The American girl in Europe in the longer fiction of Henry James .., 90 p. 2590. Burkholder, Marilyn Ann D. H. Lawrence: messiah in America ... 104 p. 2591. Burns, Rebecca Sue Mark Twain and Biblical fundamentalism after 1880 ... 73 P« 206 ENGLISH 1963 K.A. 2592. Fisher, Benjamin Franklin Hawthorne's Fans have : a study of origins ... 69 p. 2593. Guess, Patricia Carol Ballad influence upon the poetry of Scott, Byron, and Keats ... Ill p. 259^. Harris, William Styron Wordsworth and the flashing vision ... 82 p. 2595. Howard, David Caldwell Ellen Glasgow's south, as presented in her last six novels ... 86 p. 2596. Langford, Roberta Brodie The influence of science on the poetry of Robinson Jeffers ... 157 p. 2597. Lentricchia, Frank Byron in America: the later nineteenth century ... 95 p. 2598. McSlroy, John Harmon Hamlin Garland's career as a novelist, 1892-1903 ... 100 p. 2599. Killer, Christian Harry The "Preface" to the Fables and "Palamon and Arcite": Dryden as a critic and translator of Chaucer. A study in background, theory, and execution ... 189 p. 2600. Myers, Arnold Brian The first wave of literary reaction to the First and Second World Wars ... 90 p. 2601. Pickett, William Lee Jonathan Swift's grammar of assent; Swift's solutions to the three essential problems of eighteenth-century Christianity ... 119 p. 2602. Reaves, Agnes The transition in Aldous Huxley's moral philosophy as presented in his novels ... 81 p. 2603. Sparling, Russell Paul Nathaniel Hawthorne and the great chain of being ... 60 p. 2604. Steele, Betty Jean The industrial world of Sherwood Anderson ... 95 P« 2605. Van, Thomas Anthony Chaucer's use of three major images in Troilus and Criseyde ... 123 p. 2606. Walker, Jeanette Gail Coleridge, Southey, and the Pantisocratic movement ... 89 p. 207 Ph.D. ENGLISH 1963 2607. Kenion, Alonzo William, 1921- The intluence o£ Cvxticism upon English tragedy, I7OO-I75O ... i+89 p. 2608. Kraft, Cuentin Guild, 1934- A study of point of view in selected short stories of Henry James ... 334 p. 2609. Olsen, Norman laCour, 1933- The Forum as a magazine of literary comment: 1886-1907 ... 240 p. 2610. Reeves, Walter Paschal, 1917- Race and nationality in the works of Thomas Wolfe ... 486 p. 1964 M.A. 2611. Battaglia, Francis Joseph Faulkner's prose: a study in rhetoric as a key to style ... 75 p. 2612. Butts, Robert George The unity of Hart Crane's The Bridge ... 83 p. 2613. Byer, James Edwin Oppositions in old age; the later poetry of William Butler Yeats ... 101 p. 2614. C happell, Fred Davis A concordance to the English poems of Samuel Johnson ... 1110 p. 2615. Cox, Richard Allen Samuel Richardson's Clarissa as tragedy ... 91 p. 2616. Dozier, Richard Junior Thomas Bangs Thorpe, reporter of the old southwest ... 69 p. 2617. Evers, Jim William Some implications of Chaucer's use of astrology in The Canterbury T.ales : the wife and the clerk ... 66 p. 2618. Friedman, George S. The immigrant in twelve American novels . . . 106 p . 2619. Graves, Roy Neil Emily Dickinson and imagism ... 81 p. 2620. Hafer, Raymond Frederic, 1940- Kedieval romance and popular ballad; a mingling of creative tempera- ments . . . 136 p. 2621. Harmon, Elson Thomas Imitation and originality in the early poetry of William Cullen Bryant ... 87 p . 208 ENGLISH 1964 M.A. 2622. Hensley, James Powell The letters of Thomas de Quincey ... 86 p. 2623. Herndon, Jerry Allen Kentucky as it appears in the works of John Fox, Jr. ... 70 p. 262^-. Hills, Mathilda Mellon E. M. Forster: the effectual sensitiveness of his characters for each other ... 10^ p. 2625. Hughes, Paul Fenlon Boethian necessitas and three of The Canterbury Tales ... 67 p. 2626. Lincecum, Jerry Bryan Neologisms and archaisms in George Meredith's The Ordeal of Richard Feverel , The Egoist , and One of Our Conquerors ... 83 p. 2627. Ludington, Charles Townsend Jack London's socialist views as expressed in his non-fictional writing and reflected in certain of his works of fiction ... 73 P« 2628. Montague, Joanne Imagism in Poetry : A Magazine of Verse, 1912-1917 ... 80 p. 2629. Newman, Joan Fierce The concept of the microcosm-macrocosm in selected works of John Donne ... 85 p. 2630. Richards, George David The mask of nature: a study of the symbolism of Ralph Waldo Emerson ... 82 p . 2631. Rustomji, Roshni Behram A descriptive study of James Howell's Epistolae Ho - elianae ... 115 P» 2632. Snyder, Arlyne Naphtali Criticism of life at sea in Melville's novels ... 107 p. 2633. Steffensen, June Emma Portraits and caricatures in Arnold's prose; a study of his re- presentation of the three classes of English society ... 127 p. 2634. Watson, Charles Nelles The transformation theme in Hawthorne's fiction ... 85 p. 2635. White, Rebecca Anne A study of the women in the poetry of Tennyson and Christina Hossettl ... 79 p. 2636. Wilbur, Fred Charles Dryden's prologues and epilogues: a minor poetic genre ... Ill p. 209 Ph.D. ENGLISH 1964 2637. Capwell, Richard Leonard, 1920- A biographical and critical study of John Crowne ... 501 p. 2637a. Keirce, William Francis, 1923- The place of Samuel Johnson in the history of the literary character ... 2.54 p. 2637b. Koppenhaver, Allen John, 1931- T. S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral ; a study ... 228 p. 2637c. McCelvey, George Edward, 1927- William Godwin's novels: theme and craft ... 453 p. 2637 d. Schramm, Richard Howard, 193^- The image of India in selected American literary periodicals: 1370-1900 ... 353 p. 2637 e. Sutton, Max Keith, 1937- Shaping forces in the theory and practice of Victorian humor . . . 5^3 p. 2637 f. True, Michael Daniel, 1933- The social and literary criticism of Randolph Bourne: a study of his development as a writer ... 231 p. 2637 g. Welsh, Robert Ford, 1937- The printing of the early editions of Marlowe's plays: Tamburlaine (1590), The Massacre at Paris (1592?), Edward II (1594) , ~Dido (1594), Doctor Faustus (1604, l6l6), The Jew of Malta (1633) ... 212 p. 2637 h. Wimsatt, James Irving, 1927- Chaucer's Book of the Duchess and its French background ... 403 p. 2637 i. wimsatt, Mary Ann (Coslow) 1934- The comic sense of William Gilmore Simms: a study of the humor in his fiction and drama ... 371 p. 1965 M.A. 2637 j. Adler, Adrienne Susan The love-sonnet sequences in Victorian poetry: a study of the sonnet seaquences of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and George Meredith ... Ill p. 2638. Arfin, William Hawthorne's evil characters ... 78 p. 2639. Askew, Annette Chalker Aspects of seventeenth century education as seen in the works of Bacon, Milton, Cowley, and Locke ... 75 P» 210 E N G 1 !5fl V A '" 1%5 M.A. 2640. Atteridge, Thomas Samuel Johnson and plagiarism: a study of Johnson* s notes to seven plays of William Shakespeare ... 170 p. 2641. Atwell, Paul Dean Naturalism and romanticism in representative selections of the work of Tennessee Williams ... 118 p. 2642. Babin, James Lee Herman Melville and the idea of moral tradition ... 134 p. 2643. Benedetti, Robert Anthony Women characters in Harriet Beecher Stowe's regional writings ... 127 p. 2644. Bickley, Robert Bruce Master and servant in Melville ... 77 p. 2645. Burnham, Richard E. The literary relationship of Theodore Dreiser and H. L. Mencken ... 89 p . 2646. Coble, Carolyn Idol Impressionism in Virginia Woolf's criticism ... 80 p. 2647. Dorman, Noel Byron's regular dramas: a classical-romantic synthesis ... 122 p. 2648. Dunkel, Susan Jane Whitman's debt to Wordsworth ... 157 p. 2649. Fleming, Elizabeth McClellan William Gilmore Simmi's portrayal of the Negro ... 81 p. 2650. Frangiadakis , Mark Bernard Shaw's treatment of significant minor characters in Plays Pleasant ... 76 p . 2651. Grant, Louise Gundry Browning's use of Italian sources in his poems on art ... l6l p. 2652. Hayward, Becky Jon Herman Melville's Battle - pieces : a study of the dominant themes ... 74 p. 2653. Holmes, Philip Duane The background and structure of Milton's doctrine of divine grace .. 87 p. 2654. Hoye, Mary Lou Kohfeldt The fiction of E. M. Forster; patterns of acceptance and rejection ... 76 p. 211 ENGLISH 1965 M.A. 2655 • Kauvar, Elaine Mozer Theme, motif, and symbol in Joyce's Dubliners ... 155 p. 2656. Knowles, Harvard Vaughan Christopher Marlowe in the nineteenth century ... 88 p. 2657. Lofton, Paul Storman Johnny Appleseed in literature and folklore ... 56 p. 2658. Martin, Myra Kathryn Fassion in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne ... 68 p. 2659. Pfeiffer, John Franklin Fitzgerald and glamor: in interrelation of his fact and fiction ... 86 p. 2660. Rand, George I The sources of Herman Melville's knowledge of classical antiquity ... 85 p. 2661. Recoulley, Alfred Lunsford Dorian Gray: une Fleur du mal ... 57 p. 2662. Richards, Margaret (Weather ly) T. S. Eliot's use of Greek drama in his later plays, from The Family Reunion to The Elder statesman ... 67 p . 2663. Richman, Ann Fiser Always alike and unlike: a study in Richard Wilbur's use of the simile ... 70 p. 266^. Sauls, Barbara Ayers Woman as a symbol of force in selected works of Henry Adams ... 9^- p. 2665. Seeber, Sandra Frederick The shandian man; a study of the novels of Laurence Sterne ... 85 p. 2666. Smith, Elizabeth Ann A comparative study of Fielding and Marivaux as novelists ... 77 p. 2667. Sprouse, Veda Bagwell The relationship between Margaret Fuller and Nathaniel Hawthorne ... 59 p. 2668. Stockton, Marijim Nathaniel Hawthorne's concept of perfection ... 103 p. 2669. Thompson, John William Emotional imbalance in Shakespeare's Coriolanus ... 81 p. 212 ENGLISH 1965 M.A. 2670. Thorne, Sylvia Forter Blutbriiderschaft in the major novels of D. H. Lawrence ... 81 p. 2671. Vaughan, James Alexander l623-l66l t] ! am, 74 aeSOlVeS ; S StUdy ln lmagery and its devel °P me "t, 2672. Ward, Catherine Byrn Malory's Arthur ... 196 p. 2673. Webber, Winona Louise Old court and new court: justice in Robert Penn Warren's fiction ... 36 p . 2674. Wefing, Henry Otto The new critical attack on Shelley ... 78 p. Ph.D. 2675. Hale, David George, 1938- The body politic; a political metaphor in Renaissance English lit- erature ... 221 p. 2676. Halloran, William Frank, 1934- William Sharp and Fiona Macleod: the development of a literary personality, 1890-1900 ... 356 p. 2677. Hart, James Alfred, 1927- American poetry of the First World War (1914-1920) : a survey and checklist ... 504 p. 2678. Jordan, Frank, 1937- "The Convenient Tribe": a study of Scott's narrators ... 419 p. 2679. Kelly, Richard Michael, 1937- Douglas Jerrold: author and journalist ... 397 p. 2680. Kirkpa trick, Larry James, 1938- Elizabeth Bowen and company: a comparative essay in literary judg- ment . . . 336 p. 2681. Kline, Richard B. , 1929- Supplements to the biography and criticism of Matthew Prior ... 224 p, 2682. Kuist, James Marquis, 1935- The Gentleman's Magazine , 1754-1800: a study of its development as a vehicle for the discussion of literature ... 395 P« 2683. Mitchell, William Jerome, 1935- Thomas Hoccleve: his traditionalism and his individuality: a study in fifteenth-century English poetic ... 362 p. 213 ENGLISH ' 1965 Ph.D. 2684. Sha'ban, Fuad, 1935- The Mohammedan v/orld in English literature, ca. 1580-1642. Illustrated by a text of The Travailes of the T hree English B rothers ... ~}?0 p. 2685. Shorter, Robert Newland, 1931- Boethian philosophy as the informing principle in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde ... 278 p. 2686. Traci, Philip Joseph, 1934- The love play of Antony and Cleopatra; a critical study of Shakespeare's play ... 220 p. 2687. Whisnant, David Eugene, 1938- James Boyd, 1888-1944: a literary biography ... 319 p. 214 FORESTRY 1222 K.A. 2688. Merrick, Gordon Danforth Revegetation of deteriorated range land in northern Arizona. 34 p. M.F. 2689. Bethel, James Samuel A study of the effect of site, dominance, and position within the tree on the length of wood fibers in loblolly pine, Pinus taeda L. 30 p. 2690. Chisman, Henry Harmon The allocation of ground area to tree size in the many-aged mixed stands of the Piedmont plateau. 3^ p. 2691. Haines, Harry Caum Integrated utilization of a forest tract in southeastern Georgia. 103 p. 2692. Owens, William Robert Five years ' growth of young loblolly pine in thinned and unthinned permanent sample plots in the Duke forest. 40 p. 2693* Riley » Madison Monroe The efficiency of sampling forest reproduction. 24 p. 2694. Rosendahl, Russell Otto The effect of varied fertilizer treatment on loblolly pine seed- lings in Chapel Hill nursery. 57 p. 2695 • Wellwood, Robert William Trend towards normality of stocking for second-growth loblolly pine stands. 94 p. 2696. Wright, Thomas George Forest taxation in Durham county, North Carolina. 75 P« 19^0 M.A. 2697. Massey, Calvin Leroy, 1914- The pandora moth ( Coloradia pandora Blake), a defoliator of lodgepole pine in Colorado ... 33 P» M.F. 2698. Adman, Andrew George Some sampling designs suitable for the construction of volume, yield, and taper tables of catalpa plantations in the central states forest region. 65 p. 215 F U ;l £ S T il Y M.F. ^ I 2699. Adsit, Francis Wayne The financial aspects of various forms of utilization in the management of southern pine in the Duke forest. 50 p. 2700. Andrews, Leslie Kearns Some studies in soil treatment at the Hoffman forest nursery. kO p. 2701. Beasley, William Lee Alternative plans of sustained yield management for loblolly pine and hardwoods in the Duke forest. 76 p. 2702. Beck, Clifford William Forestry credit: a study of existing conditions and needs, with special reference to the Piedmont region of North Carolina. Wl p. 2703. Boggess, William Randolph Effect of slope on soil variation in abandoned farm lands of the Norris forest in Tennessee. 32 p. 27C4. Carlton, John Buford Water infiltration in four Fiedmont forest soils. 72 p. 2705. Crumpacker, William Johnson Wood use in tobacco hogshead. 59 p. 2706. Hermelink, Herman Milton A study of alternative plans for regulation of pine and hardwood stands in the Duke forest. 81 p. 2707. Jones, William Curry The development of a mill-tally log rule and its application. 42 p. 2708. Knorr, Philip Noel An analysis of income from various products as influencing management of pine stands in the Duke forest. 58 p. 2709. Lynch, Donald Walton Influence of nursery fungicide-fertilizer treatments on first-year growth and survival in a southern pine plantation. 3^ p. 2710. McWilliams, John Scott An investigation of alternative management practices for the Crossett experimental forest. 119 p. 2711. Miller, Ira Malcolm Determination of optimum drying schedules for one inch and two inch southern yellow pine, yellow poplar, and southern red oak lumber in a single compartment steam jet dry kiln. 70 p. K.F. 216 FORESTRY 1940 2712. Scholtes, Wayne Henry The concentration of forest tree roots in the surface zone of some Piedmont soils. 41 p. 2713. Smith, Robert Lewis A study of management problems in a part of the Duke forest. 204 p. 2714. Steirly, Charles Cornell The application of the principles of forest regulation to an actual tract in the Duke forest. 143 p. 1941 M.A. 2715. Bronson, Arthur Harold, 1917- The Nantucket pine tip moth ( Rhyacionia frustrana Comst.) and its occurrence on the Duke forest. 44 p. M.F. 2716. Applequist, Martin Benjamin Stand composition of upland hardwood forests as related to soil type in the Duke forest. 58 p. 2717. Bew, James William The strength of urea-formaldehyde glue lines as affected by the addition of blood albumin. 25 p. 2718. Brabec, Joe K. Production and marketing of poles and piling for preservative treatment from central North Carolina. 46 p. 2719. Davis, Richard Edwards Natural reproduction of shortleaf pine following a seed-tree cutting in the Duke forest. 5^ p« 2720. Dunn, Willard Bruce An analysis of lumber marketing in North Carolina by wholesalers. 31 p. 2721. Ernst, William An analysis of motor truck transportation of lumber to northern consuming markets from central North Carolina. 39 p» 2722. Fillas, Theodore James The marketing and utilization of eastern redcedar in North Carolina. 39 p. 2723. Gaiser, Richard Nicholson Forest types of Durham county, North Carolina. 15 p« 217 FORESTRY 1941 M.F. 2724. Gira, Paul Ambrose Determination of operating schedules for preservative treatment of air seasoned southern pine specimens in an experimental treating cylinder. 79 p. 2725. Guerrant, William Hepbourne Alternative methods of sustained yield management as applied to compartments 63 and 64, Durham division, Duke forest. 123 p. 2726. Hagenstein, William David An investigation of costs and efficiency of typical logging operations on the eastern Piedmont of North Carolina. 86 p. 2727. Heller, Robert Chester The application of forest regulatory methods to the Great rails division of the Duke power company lands. 162 p. 2728. McClintick, Keith B. A sample cruise of the timber volume in Durham county, North Carolina. 27 p. 2729. Morgan, Kenneth James The relation of certain physical properties of four Piedmont soils to their erosivity. 38 p. 2730. Petersen, William Bentz The effect of partial cutting upon the growth of western whit© pine. 51 P» 1942 M.F. 2731. Baldwin, Alan Thorrestrup Air drying green oak wood after treatment with crystal urea. 41 p. 2732. Bigger, William Parker Effectiveness of certain moisture-repellents on wood. 33 P* 2733. Hahn, Vernon Walter The effect of soil and air temperatures on the resumption of growth by tree seedlings in the spring. 17 p. 2734. Minor, Charles Oscar Logging waste resulting from poor felling and bucking practices in the piedmont region of North Carolina. 42 p. 2735. Moberg, Theodore Russell Tenure and use of privately owned farms and forests in Durham county, North Carolina. 5 2 p. 218 FORESTRY M.F. 1242 2736. Reid, David Gen© A study of the penetration of a preservative in tabanuco ( Dacryodes excelsa Vahl) as affected by preliminary boiling treatments in organic solvents. 29 p. . mi M.F. 2737. Deckert, Russell Coulter Comparative costs of producing pulpwood from Southern pines. 79 p. 2738. Haliburton, William, 1915- Some factors in the environmental resistance of Ip_s DeGeer. 58 p. 2739. Hostetter, Robert Dale The profitability of corn, cotton, loblolly pine and shortleaf pine when grown on eleven Durham county soils. 54 p. 2740. Rudolph, Victor John Soil areas of Durham county, North Carolina. 46 p. Ph.D. 2741. Buell, Jesse Howard, 1901- The prediction of growth of uneven-aged timber stands on the basis of diameter distributions. 98 p. 2742. Harper, Verne Lester, 1902- Effects of fire on gum yield of longleaf and slash pines. 84 p. 2743. Massay, Calvin LeRoy, 1914- The Pcolytoidea of North Carolina. 148 p. 2744. Wellwood, Robert William, 1912- The physical - mechanical properties of certain West Indian timbers. 275 P» 1944 M.F. 2745. Berry, Frederick Hamer Results of planting black locust (fcobinia pseudoacacia 1.) in the Duke forest with particular reference to damage caused by the locust borer ( Gyllene robiniae forst.). 45 p. 2746. Matte, Lorenzo, 1911- Pulpwood volume tables for southeastern pines. 29 p. 2747. Olson, Earl F. An analysis of lumber production from short hardwood logs. 30 p« 219 FORESTRY \9k6 M.F. 27^8. Anderson, George Arthur An experimental study of the effects of strip cuttings and cleanings on loblolly pine reproduction in the Duke forest. 129 p. 2749. F err ell, William Kreiter The decomposition of forest tree leaves under inoculation with micro-organisms from various humus types. ^7 p. 2750* C-oebel, Norbert Bernard Proposed plan for the sustained yield regulation of the timber resources in the New Hope Creek division, Duke forest. 69 p. 2751* Plowden, John Gabriel Portable sawmill operation in Piedmont North Carolina and Virginia. 59 p. 2752. Somberg, Seymour Ira Alternative plans of sustained yield management for compartments 10-21, Durham division, Duke Forest. 72 p. 2753. Stoehr, Henry Arthur Estimation of site index for pine in the lower Piedmont plateau on the basis of certain soil characteristics. 38 P« 2754. Watkins, Virgil Gray An analysis of natural reproduction under a two-cut shelterwood system in a shortleaf pine-oak stand in the Duke forest. 72 p. 2755. Young, Harold Edle The development of an empirical graded log rule and its application, 32 p. Ph.D. 2756. Barnes, George Hector, 1901- Development of mixed even-aged stands of ^ouglasfir and western hemlock. 92 p. 2757. Matte, Lorenzo, 1911- The taper of coniferous species with special reference to loblolly pine. 6 1 * p. 19^7 M.F. 2758. Avedisian, Harry The effect of urea seasoning on the penetration of creosote into southern pine lumber. 15 P« 220 FORESTRY 1947 M.F. 2759. Baskervill, William Nelson Felling and bucking with the Disston chain saw. 30 p. 2760. Byers, Archie McAllister Land tenure and forest taxation in British Columbia. 26 p. 2761. Carmean, Willard Handy The effects of clear-cutting in patches on the reproduction of old field loblolly pine in the Duke forest. 121 p. 2762. Conrad, Joseph Locke White oak stave production during 1946 in Orange county, North Carolina. 29 p. 2763. Davis, Johnie Edward Study of whit© oak-red oak-black oak stand in the Duke forest after a partial cutting. 37 p. 2764. DeLong, Thomas Stover Logging railroads and their history in the coastal plain of North Carolina. 28 p. 2765. Diftler, Nathan The invasion of hardwoods in pine stands as related to soil texture on the upland soil types of the lower Fiedmont plateau region of Durham county and its adjacent area. 50 P« 2766. Etheridge, James Neal Alternate plans of management for compartments 15 and 16, New Hope creek division, Duke forest. 42 p. 2767. Evans, Augustus Elbert Opportunities for marketing crossties in Durham county, North Carolina. 42 p. 2768. Evans, Robert Rush An investigation of the cost of producing southern pine lumber with a small stationary sawmill in Durham county, North Carolina. 36 p. 2769. Frierson, Manton Rodgers An analysis of lumber consumption in the United States. 52 p. 2770. Gandy, Joe Allen The adhesive characteristics of resin treated paints on southern ye 11 oy/ pine. 42 p. 2771. Goggans, James Floyd Proposed plan for the regulation of timber cutting in compartments 30, 51-54, 61, 62 and 6^, Durham division Duke forest. 75 p. FORESTRY 1947 H.F. 2772. Goodwin, Otho Creasy Comparative costs of producing pine pulpwood with a chain saw and with a crosscut saw in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. 57 P. 2773- Hargrove, John Zeb Economic utilization of a Georgia coastal plain forest. 52 p. 277^. Hobbs, James Ewell A study of the relationship between soil texture and the estab- lishment of pine reproduction, as affecting silvicultural practices on upland Piedmont soils in Durham county and vicinity in North Carolina. 32 p. 2775. Holley, David Fitts The value of pine thinnings from farm woodlands in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. 103 p. 2776. Huffman, Jacob Brainard Method for estimating veneer footage in logs. ^0 p. 2777. Jones, Edward Eugene Cost analysis of a mechanized pulpwood operation in eastern Virginia. ^4-0 p. 2778. Kennek, James Francis Effectiveness of a diffusion method for impregnating fence posts with a wood preserving compound. 33 p« 2779. Labyak, Leo Francis Alternative plans of management for compartments 15 and 16, New Hope Greek division, Duke forest. 52 p. 2780. Leysath, Elwin Frederick An investigation of the possibilities of sustained yield manage- ment on a coastal plain forest. ^2 p. 2781. McGough, Robert Bennett A quantitative analysis of the weight of the A Q horizon of lob- lolly pine and *hite oak-black oak-red oak stands of the Duke forest and vicinity. 3^ P« 2782. Mcintosh, Frank Wesley Properties of mockernut hickory wood from the central Piedmont plateau. 17 p. 2783. Markell, Manley Lee Proposed plan of regulation for timber cutting m compartments 5U, 55-60, 63 and 6k Durham division, Duke forest. 67 p. 27&^4-. Martin, James Dwight Probable capital gains from typical forest properties, and value of immature loblolly pine stands in the coastal plain of North Carolina and Virginia. 37 P« 222 FORKS TRY 1947 M.F. 2785. Metz, Louis John Site indices of yellow poplar ( Liriodentron tulipifera 1.) and red f ur ( Jjiojiidamber stvraciflua 1.) on alluvial soils in the vicinity of Durham, N.C. 31 p. 2786. Mills, James Arthur Properties of southern shagbark hickory wood in the central Piedmont region. 5^ p. 2787. Ralston, Charles William A study of soil characteristics associated with site index of loblolly pine on alluvial soils near Durham, North Carolina. 25 p. 2788. Ramey, David Scott Properties of banak (Virola meredonis Pittier). 66 p. 2789. Reid, William Henry Stability of silicone treated wood. 18 p. 2790. Sharp, John Buckner Moisture penetration and retention under natural conditions in certain soils in the Duke forest. 49 p. 2791. Sizemore, William Roy An analysis of sampling error in the Autauga county, Alabama forest resources survey. 33 p. 2792. Smedberg, William Waldemar Mechanization of pulpwood producing operations in the south. 37 p. 2793. Smith, Richard Chandler Some factors affecting pine stumpage prices in the vicinity of Durham, North Carolina. 22 p. 2794. Sullivan, Edward Thomas The 1946-46 forest resource appraisals of the American Forestry Association and of the Forestry Service an d differences oetween their uata. $2. p. 2795. Thurner, John Thomas The effect of the quality and quantity of pulpwood upon the quality and quantity of pulpwood chips. 23 p. 2796. Troxell, Harry Emerson Stumpage and log price trends in the United States. 80 p. 2797. Williams, John Francis The utilization of sawmill slabs for fuelwood. 2>6 p. 2798. Worley, David Perry Some problems of marketing farm timber and their possible solution through cooperative action. 63 p. 223 FORESTRY 1947 D.F. 2?99. Barney, Charles Wesley, 1915- A study of some factors affecting root growth of loblolly pine CPinus taeda L.). 125 p. 2800. Bethel, James Samuel, 1915- The influence of stand density upon the quality of wood produced in young loblolly pine stands. 74 p. 1948 M.A. 2801. Roberts, Frances Lenora A study of the absorbing surfaces of the roots of loblolly pine. 28 p. M.F. 2802. Anderson, Shivers Luther, Jr. A study of the effectiveness of some wood preserving processes with certain Cuban woods. 42 p. 2803. Byrd, John William Moisture penetration and water movement in certain soils of the Duke forest. 77 p. 2804. Callahan, John Conrad Natural reproduction from a three cut shelter-wood system in a white oak-post oak stand in the Duke Forest. 43 p. 2805. Cox, Gene Spracher The influence of soil fertility on the growth of certain forest tree seedlings as affected by soil moisture and light intensity. 39 p. 2806. Dedeaux, Randle Juan Profitability of naval stores-pole operations in two second growth longleaf pine stands in southeastern Mississippi. 51 P« 2807. Drumheller, Philip McCain Proposed plan for the regulation of timber cutting in compartments 66 to 82, Durham division, Duke forest. 59 p. 2808. Estes, Guy Results of thinning from below and by the chosen tree method in the Seward forest. 37 P« 2809. Frazier, John Rhett Pulpwood marketing procedures in South Carolina ... 75 P» 2810. Hitchcock, Harry Clay, Jr. An analysis of sampling error in the Elmore county, Alabama, forest resources survey. 30 p. 224 FORESTRY 1948 M.F. 2811. Kiefer, George Croney, Jr. Defects caused by insects in hickory of the North Carolina Piedmont. 53 p. 2812. King, Woodrow Wilson Forest utilization potentialities on the Asheville municipal watershed under sustained yield management ... 72 p. 2813. Lebold, William Ray Silvicultural aspects of pine-hardwood stands in the coastal plain of southeast Georgia, and their possible conversion to pure pine. 53 p. 2814. Lightsey, William Fred A comparison of values of various utilizations of hardwood trees in north central North Carolina ... 33 p. 2815. Livingston, Knox Worrill A comparison of tree site index of young loblolly pine plantations with site index estimated from the soil. 21 p. 2816. Lovett, Jack McSpadden A study of the development of Asiatic chestnuts in the Duke forest. 38 p. 2817. Martinelli, Mario, Jr. A study of the factors contributing to the value of pine stumpage in the vicinity of Durham, North Carolina. 21 p. 2818. Miller, Jesse Edward Ownership and management of the commercial forests of the United States. 55 p. 2819. Miller, William Flynn The suitability of certain resin impregnated papers for crossbanding. 44 p. 2820. Perry, Jesse Parker, Jr. A cost analysis of preserving fence posts by the open tank method. 110 p. 2821. Pomeroy, Kenneth Brownridge The germination and initial establishment of loblolly pine under various surface soil conditions. 22 p. 2822. Pond, Robert Barlett Sawdust volume in the production of lumber. 20 p. 2823. Reed, Arthur Van The effect of penetrol on the durability of paint coats on southern yellow pine. 14 p. 2824. Reigner, Irvin Cope Proposed plan for sustained yield management of the Hillsboro division, Duke forest. 7^ p» 225 FORESTRY 1948 M.F. 2825. Sidney, Cedric Thomas Acorn weevils of the North Carolina Piedmont: their biology and method of sampling infestation. 70 p. 2826. Vousden, John Alfred A comparison of the volumes of pulpwood and sawlogs contained in pine trees in southeast Georgia ... 25 p. 2827. West, William Jennings Age and volume of pine trees cut for pulpwood in the southeast. 28 p. D.F. 2828. Robertson, James Campbell Hay Potentialities for economic management of the forests of Durham county, North Carolina. |66 p. 2829. Sakornbut, Songe Sook, 1917- Differentiation of woods of southern pines by chemical means. 88 p. Ph.D. 2830. Gaiser, Richard Nicholson, 1915- The relation between soil characteristics and the site index of loblolly pine in the coastal plain region of Virginia and the Carolinas. 6l p. 22H3. M.F. 2831. Alvis, Richard James A study of soil-site influences on the occurrence of yellowpoplar reproduction following cutting in Durham and surrounding counties of North Carolina. 22 p. 2832. Bliss, Verne Fairbanks A study of the effective penetration of creosote oil in the wood of slash pine from South Florida. 35 p. 2833. Brigham, Lyman Henry The log gang saw and its development in Southeastern United States. ^7 p. 283^. Burns, Joe Gay Comparison of lumber yield with saws cutting one-quarter and one- eighth inch kerfs. 31 P» 2835^ Butcher, Gene Lacy Natural reproduction following the selection method of cutting in a shortleaf pine-oak stand in the Duke forest. 46 p. 226 FORESTRY 1949 M.F. 2836. Carey, Charles Major Strength and gluing characteristics of oilseasoned yellow poplar lumber . 48 p . 2837. Cook, Richard Cairns The inspection of shortleaf pine poles and a study of the possible successful treatment of rejected poles. 49 p. 2838. Corthell, Richard Eldon A comparison of tree site index with site index estimated from the soil for young shortleaf pine stands. 25 p. 2839. Deetlefs, Philippus Petrus de Toit A study of spacing in coniferous plantations with special reference to pine. 59 p. 2840. Dwyer, Walter William Factors related to the incidence of Fomes annosus on eastern red- cedar in the Duke forest. 67 p. 2841. East, John William Some pertinent properties of virola (Virola koschnyi warb.). 20 p. 2842. Fitzgerald, Odie LeRoy The effectiveness of various preservative treatments on certain Cuban woods. 50 p. 2843. Haigh, William Sunday Comparative appraised values of major products from southern pine. 40 p. 2844. Haynes, Winifred Newman An analysis of pulpwood production costs in southeast Georgia. 72 p. 2845. Holman, Jack The invasion of hardwoods in pine stands as related to soil charac- teristics of the lower Piedmont plateau of North Carolina. 41 p. 2846. Hortin, Ross The relation between soil characteristics, fire grazing, stand density, and the hardwood understory of loblolly pine in the coastal plain region of Virginia and the Carolinas. 63 p. 2847. Hunt, Francis Milton Effect of soil aeration on growth of pine seedlings. 33 p. 2848. Johnston, James Gilbert The manufacture of excelsior in North Carolina. 23 p. 2849. Kelly, Jack Edwin A survey of felling and bucking tools used in the south. 26 p. 2850. Kemp, Arne Kalervo Some pertinent properties of Santa Maria Wood (Calophyllum brasiliense Camb . ) . 23 p . 22? FORESTRY 1949 M.F. 2851. Koenig, Walter Louis Plan of management for Erwin Cotton Mills tract Duke forest. 60 p. 2852. McClay, Thomas Alan Analysis of some factors affecting stumpage value of farm timber. 31 p. 2853. Marlin, Clifton Boyd A study of portable sawmill operations in the Piedmont region of North Carolina and the possibility of their use by a farmers' cooperative. 88 p. 2854. Olson, David Fredrick Relation of certain soil and site characteristics to understory composition in pond pine stands of the southeastern coastal plain. 40 p. 2855. Ordel, Arthur William A comparison of growth and yields of some young loblolly pine and shortleaf pine plantations in the Duke forest. 63 p. 2856. Perkins, Eugene George Relation of certain soil and site characteristics to understory composition in slash pine stands of the southeastern coastal plain. 34 p. 2857. Rogers, John Groe ... A comparison of tree site index with site index estimated from the soil for young loblolly pine stands. 11 p. 2858. Slade, Russell Stewart The relation between shrinkage and imbibitional water value of certain Piedmont soils. 33 p. 2859. Smith, John David Some pertinent properties of cedro macho (carapa guianensis Aubl.). 21 p. 2860. Sutton, Richard Francis A preliminary management plan for a small tract of timber in Alleghany county, Virginia. 51 P» 2861. Wagoner, Eddie Raymond A forestry public relations program for Kentucky. 81 p. 2862. Warner, John Robinson A comparative analysis of the profitability of corn, cotton, lob- lolly pine, and shortleaf pine when grown on eleven Durham county soils. 38 p. 228 FOR EST? Y ,,1949 M.F. 2863. Waters, William Eugene Aerial control of the spruce budworm, archips fumiferana (clem.): analysis of experimental data and a method of sampling populations. 5^ P. 2864. Wenger, Karl Frederick The mechanical effect of fusiforme rust cankers on stems of loblolly- pine . 36 p. 2865. Worsham, Jesse Norman Financial operations of cooperative marketing of forest products by the Farmers, Mutual inc. in the vicinity of Durham, North Carolina. 100 p. 2866. Zak, Bratislav Importance of resin in the grafting of shortleaf pine. JM- p. D.F. 2867. Hofmann, Julian George The effect of certain soil characteristics on the height growth ans site index of pond pine in the coastal plain of the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. 66 p. 2868. Marra, George Gori, 1915- A study of adhesive action of a urea- formaldehyde resin on certain hardwoods. 124 p. Ph.D. 2869. Ferrell, William Kreiter, 1919- The effect of environmental conditions on the survival and growth of forest tree seedlings under filed conditions. 168 p. 2870. Ralston, Charles W. , 1921- Soil factors related to the growth of longleaf pine in the Atlantic coastal plain. 6l p. 1230 M.F. 2871. Avery, Thomas Eugene A time and cost study of felling, limbing and topping pine trees for pulpwood in the Duke forest. 37 p. 2872. Cairns, Frank Elmer A study of crown diameter relationships and aerial photo volume tables, with special reference to loblolly pine. 59 p. 2873. Campbell, Craig Carol The effectiveness of polysiloxane resine in dimensional stabilization of wood. 42 p. M.F. 229 FORESTRY 1950 2874. Collicott, Lloyd Vincent Some properties of hardpan soils occurring in the southeastern coastal plain. 22 p. 2875. Cote, Wilfred Arthur Some properties of hickory compreg. 34 p. 2876. Cypers, Harry Wolfe Pertinent physical properties of slash pine wood from the Florida everglades. 26 p. 2877. Davison, Alexander Thayer Root aphids of the genus Prociphilus on pines in the Duke forest. 17 p. 2878. Doolittle, Warren Truman Early effects of pruning on the height and diameter growth of sycamore. 56 p. 2879. Evans, Gerald Wilbert An investigation of the time and costs involved 'in hauling pulp- wood with a one and onehalf ton truck. 29 p. 2880. Gabriel, William John The effect of some treatments on the establishment of loblolly pine in the Duke forest. 49 p. 2881. Gill, Robert C. The characterization and removal of the red coloring matter from the heartwood of American beech. 24 p. 2882. Gilmore, Alvan Ray The relationship of the surface soil to site index of longleaf pine in the Atlantic coastal plain. 37 p. 2883. Hallberg, Russell Kurt The marketing of pine lumber in North Carolina and Virginia. 45 p. 2884. Hawkins, William Theron A comparison of the present agricultural value to the potential forest value of a farm in Durham county, North Carolina. 35 p. 2885. Hosner, John Frank Some basic relations of climate, geology, and natural vegetation to soils in Montana, Idaho and Washington. 41 p. 2886. Johnson, Robert Bruce A comparative evaluation of four commerical adhesives based on the joint strength of hardmaple shear blocks. 28 p. 230 FORESTRY 1950 M.F. 2887. Jones, Edward Earl A time and cost study foj bucking pine pulpwood with a one man power chain saw. 30 p. 2888. Kinghorn, James Myles Mortality of timber defoliated by the western hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria var. lugubrosa Hist, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 86 p. 2889. Knight, Fred Barrows Some factors affecting the incidence of weevil damage in white pine stands in New England. 30 p. 2890. Knudsen, Lyle L. , 1923- The interrelation of some soil properties of coastal plain soils. 26 p. 2891. Lowery, David Perry The effect of moisture content of sitka spruce on the sheer strength of polyvinyl acetate bonds. 26 p. 2892. Marlow, Ernest Grant Application of a record keeping and cost accounting system to a portion of the Duke forest. 50 p. 2893. Newman, Walker Preston Initial application of the basal area control method of management to an unevenaged white oak-red oak-post oak stand in the Duke forest. 23 p. 2894. Pfeiffer, Jack Russell Pertinent properties of three Floridian grown tropical woods. 20 p. 2895. Porter, John Allamong Effect of thinning on growth and development of old-field loblolly pine. 56 p. 2896. Powers, Harry Robert Cross infectability of the brown-spot fungus. 15 p. 2897. Smith, Bernard Fletcher The effects of pruning on the growth and development of thinned old-field loblolly pine in the Duke forest. 68 p. 2898. Smith, David V. The sample tree versus the sample plot in the double-sampling timber cruise. 47 p. 2899. Smithey, John Willie Treatment of sand pine with creosote by standard processes. 32 p. 231 FORESTRY 1950 M.F. 2900. Sprague, Edward Dubois The effect of differential pressure on the strength of a urea- formaldehyde glue bond. 42 p. 2901. Thomasson, Gerald Ste. Gemme Major forestry uses of aerial photographs in the United States. 125 p. 2902. Thompson, Lawrence Nathaniel An analysis of team skidding costs in removing pine pulpwood in thinnings in North Carolina. 29 p. 2903. Thorne, Harry Wallace A study of growth and condition of a loblolly pine stand in the Duke forest with recommendations for its management. 42 p. 2904. Turpin, David Howard Pulpwood price trends in the southeast. 11 p. 2905. Wright, Kenneth Harold The effect of precipitation and its seasonal distribution on ring- growth of Douglas-fir attacked by Dendroctonus Pseudotsugae Hopk. in western Oregon. 40 p. 2906. Wyckoff, Peter Jackson A record and cost accounting system for a small area in the Duke forest. 18 p. 2907. Zirkle, John Jacob Analysis of some factors affecting stumpage value of farm timber in Monroe county, Georgia. 18 p. D.F. 2908. Parker, Johnson, 1917- Germination and establishment of eastern red cedar and some ecological and physiological aspects of its local occurance in the Duke forest. 169 p. 2909. Rudolph, Victor John, 1916- Timber production and cooperative marketing of forest products in Durham, Chatham, and Orange counties, North Carolina. 192 p. 2910. Smith, Richard Chandler, 1913- A method of valuation for the purchaser of forest land in the southeast for growing pulpwood. 200 p. 2911. Wu, Chung-lwen, 1913- Forest regions in China with special reference to the natural dis- tribution of pines. 151 p. 232 FORESTRY 1950 Ph.D. 2912. Knudsen, Lyle L. , 1923- The relation between soil properties and growth of slash pine in the coastal plain region of southeastern United States. 45 p. 2913. Metz, Louis John, 1920- Relationship between soil properties and the growth of loblolly- pine in the southeastern coastal plain. 51 p. 1951 K.F. 291^. Allan, Kenneth Mathews Stand density in relation to growth and development of old-field loblolly pine in the Duke forest. 49 p. 2915. Apple field, Milton A tine study and yield analysis of gang sawing southern pine logs. 80 p. 2916. Barnes, Robert Lloyd The relation between soil properties and the growth and yield of sand pine. 46 p. 2917. Bell, John Frederick A survey of forest taxation in North Carolina ... 46 p. 2918. Bennett, Frank Autrelle A topwood volume table for slash and longleaf pine of the middle coastal plain of Georgia. 15 p. 2919. Breadon, Robert Edwin Study of yellow poplar reproduction in a mixed hardwood stand of the Duke forest with special reference to seed supply and seed-bed conditions. 32 p. 2920. Byers, Donald V. The use of mineral spirits for the control of weeds in coniferous nurseries. 49 p. 2921. Cantelou, Lamar Black Comparative resistance of certain Cuban woods to marine borers. 47 p. 2922. Curie, Lawrence Duke The effect of waterlogging of several Piedmont soils on the growth of redcedar seedlings. 31 p« 2923. Diamond, Sidney A rapid index of soil permeability for North Carolina soils. 31 p. 'J 233 FORESTRY 1951 M.F. 2924. Dixon, Arthur Curtis The effect of microtopography on the survival of spruce and fir seedlings in New Brunswick. 20 p. 2925. Ference, George Melville The stumpage value of a mature loblolly pine stand in the Durham division of Duke forest based on the Santee tree grading system. 25 P. 2926. Ferguson, Edwin Roudillon Survival and growth of longleaf pine seedlings from two geographic seed sources. 30 p. 2927. Follett, George Leonard A farm woodland management plan for compartment 33 in the Durham division of Duke forest. 66 p. 2928. Forsyth, Harold Frederic Forest versus pasturage use of Piedmont land. 30 p. 2929. Furnival, George Mason The effect of D.B.H., height and age on ground area required by individual slash pines in even-aged stands. 7 p. 2930« Gilmer, William Dryden A cost and time study of a typical logging operation in Orange county, North Carolina. 22 p. 2931 • Glabau, William Edward Effectiveness of the osmose preservative treatment on sand pine and four cuban woods. 28 p. 2932. Haislet, John Aulden A study of forest fire damage appraisal. 47 p. 2933* Hawes , Raymond Burke Time and cost analysis of a portable sawmill in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. 58 p. 2934. Ince, Gordon Anthony A method of sampling pine moth ( fthyacionia frustrana Comst.) pop- ulations. 20 p. 2935- Lamond, Leo Daniel A time and cost study of tractor skidding pine logs to a portable sawmill in North Carolina. 36 p. 2936. Larrabee, Donald Ralph An investigation of sawing time and cost at a portable sawmill in North Carolina. 29 p. 234 FORESTRY 1951 M.F. 2937 • Lee, Robert Emil The role of insects in deterioration of dead loblolly and shortleaf pines. y± p. 2938. McClurkin, Douglas Charles Volume changes in Piedmont subsoils as related to other soil properties. 19 p. 2939. Maple, William Robert Relation between permeability and imbibitional water value of some North Carolina soils. 27 p. 2940. Massey, William Everard A study of the manufacture of red gum (liquidambar styraciflua) veneer for plywood door panels, at an eastern North Carolina plant. 55 p. 2941. May, Robert Legard Survival and growth of planted yellow poplar on various soil types in the Duke forest. 46 p. 2942. Michell, Arthur Stephen Analysis of pulpwood harvesting techniques and costs in North Carolina. I56 p. 2943. Parker, James Austin A preliminary plan of management for the Tusket River property of Mersey Paper Co., ltd., Liverpool, N. S., Canada. 75 p. 2944. Phelps, William Robert The fungi associated with the stain and decay of fire-killed southern pines. 30 P» 2945. Phythyon, Hugh Reed The effect of rate of loading upon the joint strength of an adhesive. 14 p. 2946. Fomerening, Donald Alfred Results of the two-cut shelterwood method in loblolly pine pulpwood- size stands in the Carolinas and Virginia. 74 p. 2947. Fowell, Louis William Distribution of yellow poplar seed in a cut-over oak-hickory stand in the Duke forest. 29 p. 2948. Ray, Philip Lancaster Insects attacking loblolly pine in the Piedmont region of North Carolina . $8 p. 2949. Schwartz, Charles Murry A study of intermediate cuttings on farm woodlands in Durham county, North Carolina. 34 p. 2949a. Smith, Waring Wright Results of see tree cuttings on various sites in the Duke forest... 25 p. M.F. 235 FORESTRY 1951 2950. Thornton, Ernst Seemann A tine and cost study of labor on nine pulpwood operations in the southeast. 45 P- 2951» Van de Linde, Frank Management of yellow poplar for lumber and veneer in the vicinity of Durham, North Carolina. 75 p. 2952. Wagoner, Howard Eugene Some factors influencing beech scale populations. 24 p. 2953. Whitman, Joseph Atwood Some basic legal aspects of forest damage appraisals. 35 p. 2954. Whitney, Richard Boardman A time and cost study of felling and bucking pine timber for a portable mill in North Carolina. 46 p. 2955. Williams, Webster Douglas Heart rot of white oak on uplands in the Piedmont of North Carolina. 26 p. 2956. Wray, Clayton Biology of Xps calligraphus <39rmar. 47 p. 2957. Zahner, Robert The influence of certain properties of organic soils on the height growth of pond pine in North Carolina. 21 p. D.F. 2958. Deetlefs, Fhilippus Fetrus du Toit, 1927- A study of the relationships between stand density, crown size, and basal area growth in loblolly pine stands in the lower Piedmont of North Carolina. 126 p. 2959. Labyak, Leo Francis, 1922- The effect of pruning on form and growth of loblolly pine. 72 p. 12^2 M.F. 2960. Bree, Jacobus Christiaan Some interrelationships between moisture contents of soils and rocks contained. 51 p. 2961. Carlson, Alan Ervin The expansion and contraction of casehardened wood under various treatments. 27 p. 2962. Church, Thomas Wright Time required to harvest pine pulpwood in the Piedmont of North Carolina. 60 p. 236 FORESTRY 1952 M.F. 2963. Gaby, Louis Ignacio Effect of position in pile on change in moisture content of yellow poplar lumber during air seasoning. 20 p. 2964. Ganley, Robert Verrill A proposed thinning schedule for the loblolly pine stands in the 11 to 20-year age class in compartments 34 through 42 in the Durham division of the Duke forest. 78 p. 2965. Geiger, Walter 3ernard 1950 white oak acorn production: amount, viability, and post fall development Duke Forest. 52 p. 2966. Godfrey, Bernard Ephraim Proposed plan of management for a portion of the Eno division of Duke forest. 51 P« 2967. Hewlett, George Tyler The effect on sampling error of eliminating block variation from the regression in the double-sampling timber cruise. 32 p. 2968. Horak, Francis John Management aspects of converting inferior hardwood stands into loblolly pine stands in the Duke forest. 64 p. 2969. Johnson, E. Sigurd A study of the strength of compressed wood dowel joints. 46 p. 2970. Koch, Daniel Francis The effect of temperature on the shear strength of polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl butyrate glue bonds. 21 p. 2971. Ledford, Roy Henry The relationship of soil properties and the growth of red cedar in plantations. 29 p. 2972. Lee, James Edward A time and yield study of gang sawing pine logs and cants. 39 p. 2973. Lyle, Everett Samuel The effect of bolt size on time required to load and unload pine pulpwood by hand. 26 p. 2974. McKee, James Clifford Vapor drying of some refractory hardwoods. 50 p. 2975- Kalac, Barry , , . - Effect of litter removal, both by raking and burning, on growth and yield of loblolly pine, on soil, and on soil fauna. 47 p. 237 M.F . FORESTRY 1952 2976. Farker, John Reid Factors affecting wood : s umpage prices in Fairfield county, South Carolina. 23 p. 2977. Rhett, Robert Barnwell A comparison of unit-package and manual handling of lumber in a concentration yard. 46 p. 2978. Santoro, Jean Claudio A proposed cutting schedule for the mature pine stands in comparts ments 1 through 15 in the Durham division of Duke forest. 57 p. 2979. Sliker, Alan William Some anatomical and mechanical properties of aircraft-grade balsa wood. 37 p. 2980. Swensen, James Herbert The manufacture of dogwood shuttle blanks in a North Carolina mill. 20 p. 2981. Walrond, Alan Lambert Permeability and related properties of some soils near Durham, North Carolina. 22 p. 2982. Ward, Edward Hiram Volume and value increment of mature loblolly pine stands in the Durham division of the Duke forest. 68 p. 2983. Welsh, John Frederick The increase in value of certain farm woodlots in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, five years after thinning. 69 p. 2984. Winters, Eric John A pulpwood hauling time study. 11 p. 2985. Wood, George William Application of growth prediction by the stand table projection method in a management plan inventory of the major forest types in the Durham division of Duke forest. 47 p. 19£3 M.F. 2986. Arnette, Talmadge Edison The delivery of pulpwood by barge along the south Atlantic coast . . 39 p. 2987. Bonnallie, Chester Alexander The treatability of pond pine with creosote by several processes ... 59 p. 236 FORESTRY M.F. ^ 2988. Buckner, Edward Reap The development of young loblolly pine plantations in the Duke forest ... 50 p. 2989. Hatchell, Glyndon Elbert Silvicultural possibilities of Virginia pine in the Duke forest ... 51 p. 2990. Karkley, Jack Hutcheson Waste caused by poor felling and bucking practices in logging in the Fiedrr.ont region of North Carolina ... 37 p. 2991. Riley, Walter Samuel The influence of root and shoot temperatures on the transpiration of loblolly pine ... JO p. D.F. 2992. Carvell, Kenneth Llewellyn The use of chemicals in controlling forest stand composition in the Duke forest. 113 p. 2993. Huffman, Jacob 3rainard, 1919- Paint durability on kiln-dried loblolly pine lumber. 98 p. 2994. Sullivan, Edward Thomas Forest property and the property tax in Beaufort county, North Carolina. 76 p. 2995* Warner, John Robinson History and financial results of a cooperative forest products market operated through Farmers Mutual inc. of Durham, North Carolina. 198 p. Ph.D. 2996. Bryant, Ralph Clement, 1913- The economic feasibility of a permanent pulp and paper industry in central Colorado. 168 p. 2997. Carmean, Willard Handy, 1922- The effect of certain physical soil properties and topography on the site auality of Douglasfir in southwestern Washington. 51 p. 2998. Cox, Gene Spracher, 1921- The effect of soil properties on the site index of loblolly pine ( Pinus Taeda L. ) in the southeastern coastal plain. 44 p. 2999. KcClurkin, Douglas Charles, 1925- Soil and climatic factors related to the growth of longleaf pine in the Gulf Coastal Plain. 40 p. 3000. Zahner, Robert, 1923- ^ The effect of soil properties on site quality for loblolly pine in the Gulf Coastal Plain ... 53 p. FORESTRY 195^ N.F. 3001. Bilan, Kykyta Victor The response of loblolly pine seedlings to release from competition for light and soil moisture. 48 p. 3002. Connolly, Francis Thomas Impact strength of yellow-poplar plywood panels with butt joints in the inner plies. 16 p. 3003. Crocket.-*-., Joseph McGavock Some financial aspects of thinning young pine plantations for fence posts. 36 p. 3004. Hypes, VJarren Dunning Compression set and spring back in yellow-poplar plywood. 30 p. 3005. Kelly, Gilbert Loyd A study of the loss of strength of wood dimensionally stabilized with symmetrical dichloromethyl ether. 42 p. 3006. Stillwell, Harold Daniel The effect of curing time on polyvinyl acetate resin joint-strength, 14 p. 3007. Turner, Ralph Gray Interrelations of specific gravity, rings per inch and shrinkage in second-growth yellow-poplar wood. 30 p. D.F. 3008. Delong, Thomas Stover The sivicultural and economic aspects of Christmas-tree growing and marketing in Berks County, Pennsylvania. 175 P« 3009. Zak, Bratislav Importance of soil aeration and other factors in the Littleleaf disease of shortleaf and loblolly pine. 180 p. 1955 M.F. 3010. Olinger, Harold Lawson Kiln drying urea treated green oak lumber ... 3© p. 3011. Piirvee, Raimund Volume-weight ratios of greer. bark and of green wood for loblolly pine. 23 p. 3012. Scher, Theodore Gould Effects of certain factors on natural reproduction following a shelterwood cutting in a shortleaf pine-oak stand in the Duke Forest. 75 P« ZhO D.F. FORESTRY 1955 3013. Hocker, Harold Willetts, 1924- A study of certain aspects of climate with reference to the distribution of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). 62 p. 301^. Lynch, Donald Walton, 1915- Effects of stocking on site measurement and yield of second-growth ponder os a pine in the inland empire. 83 p. 1956 M.F. 3015. French, Wayne Eugene Kiln drying green oak lumber treated with crystal urea. 55 p. 3016. Heeren, Robert Dralle The regeneration of loblolly pine under the shelterwood method in the Duke Forest. 65 p. 3017. Jiles, Robert Algin Some physical and mechanical properties of particle boards. 35 p. 3018. Lund, Anders Edward Kiln drying green scarlet oak and white oak lumber using Morton Lumber cure. 58 p. 3019. Sechrist, Robert Arthur The cuases of latent defects in gum plywood. 27 p. D.F. 3020. Griffin, Ralph Hawkins, 1921- Evaluation of certain criteria of the need for thinning even-aged loblolly pine stands. 15^ p. 3021. Knight, Fred Barrows Black Hills beetle survey methods; Rocky Mountain region. 59 p. 1252 M.F. 3022. Barrett, James Passmore Determination of the organic matter content of some soils of the middle coastal plain region of Georgia and its significance in the growth of slash pine. 17 p. 3023. Clutter, Jerome Lee The effect of stand conditions and angle size on plotless cruising basal area estimates in loblolly pine. 27 p. 3024. Gleaves, William Walton Mechanical and physical properties of Gavilan f Pentacletra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze) . 2k p. 241 FORESTRY 19S7 H.F. 3025. Hug, Richard Ernest The physical and mechanical properties of certain Philippine woods. 28 p. 3026. Kozlik, Charles James Mechanical and physical properties of gua'cimo B -lanco fc.oethalsia meiantha (D. Sm. ) BurretJ . 30 p. 3027. KcGee, Charles Eugene The relation of soil properties and growth of slash pine plantations in the middle coastal plain of Georgia. 20 p. D.F. 3028. Bilan, Mykta Victor, 1922- The stimulation of cone and seed production in pulpwood-size lob- lolly pine. 121 p. 3029. Briscoe, Charles Buford Diameter growth and effects of flooding on certain bottomland forest trees. 103 p. 3030. Furnival, George Mason, 1925- Yield prediction of even-aged longleaf pine in the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains. 6l p. 1258 M.F. 3031. Hitchings, Robert Grant The pulp and paper industry in North Carolina; an economic analysis. 172 p. 3032. Row, Horace Clark The relation of soil properties and growth of slash pine plantations in the sand hills of South and North Carolina. 23 p. D.F. 3033. Barefoot, Aldos Cortez, 1927- Critical properties of second growth wood and abnormal wood in yellow- poplar Liriodendron tulipifera L.). 160 p. 30>. Minor, Charles Oscar, 1920- Yield of slash pine as derived from continuous forest inventory data. 76 p. 3035. Saini, Tej Bhan Singh, 1921- A study of some factors affecting costs of planting and survival of forest plantations in Virginia. 116 p. 242 FORESTRY 1958 Ph.D. 3036. Allen, Robert Max, 1921- A study of the factors affecting height growth of longleaf pine seedlings. 130 p. 3037. Barnes, Robert Lloyd, 1926- Studies on physiology of isolated pine roots and root callus cultures. 163 P. 1959 M.F. 3038. Blackstock, Clarence Ernest A survey analysis of input-putput factors in the management of southern pine. 89 p. 3039. Bower, David Roy Eugene Board-foot-volume relationships in loblolly pine sawlogs. 37 p. 3040. Chappelle, Daniel Eugene Financial maturity of longleaf and slash pine pulpwood on the George Walton Experimental Forest in the coastal plain of South (Georgia. 183 p. 3041. Moehring, David Marion Some observations on the distribution of pine roots in certain soils of southeast Arkansas. 31 p. D.F. 3042. Applequist, Martin Benjamin, 1918- A studjr of soil and site factors affecting the growth and develop- ment of swamp blackgum and tupelogum stands in southeastern Georgia. 181 p. 3043. Carter, Mason Carlton, 1933- Studies of the phytocidal action of 3-amino- 1,2,4-triazole. 77 p» I960 M.F. 3044. Bonner, Franklin Thomson An investigation of the causes and possible controls of epicormic branching in sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua L. ... 5^ P« 3045. Dutrow, George Fewell Quality evaluation of particle board with reference to strength properties. 98 p. 3046. French, Thomas Bedford Effects of two ripsawing methods on yields of lumber used for the production of furniture. 40 p. 3047. Harrison, William Lee A critical analysis of the effects of various catalysts and extenders on the rate of change of viscosity of a urea-formaldehyde adhesive. 49 p. 243 FORESTRY 1960 M.F. 3048. Judy, Clifford Page Primer penetration in wood as affected by application methods. 40 p. 3049. Kayll, Albert James Effects of flooded soils on growth and development of northern spruce and pine seedlings. 24 p. 3050. Kulow, Don Lee Growth of old field slash pine plantations in Florida. 29 p. 3051. Morgan, Richard Leroy Radical growth of loblolly pine ( pinus taeda L.) as affected by site and certain climatic factors. 56 p. 3052. Roberts, Bruce Roger Long term effects of gibberellic acid on the growth of tree seedlings. 51 p. 3053. Rogers, Jack David Factors related to autumn and winter sporulation by basidiocarps of Fome s annosus . 43 p. 3054. Steensen, Donald Some factors affecting the rate of planting pine in seventeen counties in Georgia and South Carolina. 81 p. 3055. Torrey, William A comparison of the production rates and costs of four methods of chemical control of individual hardwood trees in southern pine forest management. 82 p. 3056. Will, Nelson Paige Standard and experimental hardness as related to specific gravity of wood. 54 p. D.F. 3057. Jackson, Desmond Sidney, 1923- On the homoclime of slash pine. 144 p. 3058. McGee, Charles Eugene, 1932- A nutritional study of slash pine seedlings grown in sand culture. 71 p. 1961 M.F. 3059. Allen, Richard Chapman An evaluation of overspray using two fluid atomization techniques. 72 p. 2^h FORESTRY 1961 M.F. 3060. Beck, Donald A study of the factors affecting timber marking rates for southern pine by physiographic subregions of the southeast. 57 P» 3061. Del Castillo, Romulo Adre Comparison of the relative efficiency of various random sampling methods in relation to size of population and sampling intensity. 23 P. 3062. Miller, Charles R. Reactions and attitudes of private forest landowners in North Carolina toward the pulp and paper industry. 17^- p. 3063. Pruess, John Frederick An investigation of the endophytic system of a rceuthobium campylopodum forma plume ri (A. Nelson) gill. 30 P» 306^. Towers, Barry Mode of gomes a nnos us (Fries) cooke spread in a thinned loblolly pine (pinus taeda 1.) plantation. 50 p. 3065. Weldon, Dewayne Study of internal defect development in kiln drying green red oak and white oak lumber. 71 p. D.F. 3066. Clutter, Jerome Lee, 193^- The development of compatible analytic models for growth and yield of loblolly pine. 62 p. 3067. Gilmore, Alvan Ray, 1921- The carbohydrate reserves of loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) roots in relation to early survival of outplanted seedlings. 71 p. 3068. Pharis, Richard Persons, 1937- Effects of nitrogen and water upon some physiological conditions and growth of loblolly pine. 136 p. 3069. Troxell, Harry Emerson, 1921- ( A micro-climatic study of air drying unit-packaged lumber in Fort Collins, Colorado. 49 p. Ph.D. 3070. Harms, William Robert, 1931- A study of the effect of certain climatic factors on soil moisture and the growth of planted slash pine. 100 p. 2^5 F ORESIH Y 1?62 K.F. 3071. Bair, Wi.l I Lam M, An evaluation of wood adhesive bond integrity tests — shear, tension, and torsion. 87 p. 3072. Baker, James B. Dry mat tor production in plantations of loblolly pine. k$ p. 3073« Klein, John Frederick The pH of wood; relationships revealed through experimentation with hard maple ( Acer spp . ) . 71 p. 307^. Kucera, Daniel Robert Termination of diapause in two oak worms Datana ministra (Drury) and Anisota senatoria (Smith). 25 p. 3075. Null, William Stanley An investigation of different vegetative cover on soil temperature. 63 p. 3076. Schacht, William Patrick Development of the initial endophytic system in the dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium vaginatum forma cryptopodum (Engelm.) Gill. 36 p. D.F. 3077. Klawitter, Ralph Alex, 1927- Sweetgum, swamp tupelo, and water tupelo sites in a South Carolina bottomland forest. 176 p. 3078. Merri field, Robert Glenn, 1930- The effects of fertilization on growth and nutrient concentration in young loblolly pine. 185 p. 3079. Post, Boyd Wallace, 1928- Effects of light, soil moisture, and mineral nutrient treatments on the growth of seedlings of certain deciduous tree species. 10^ p. 3080. Somber g, Seymour Ira, 1917- A program for fostering the economic growth and development of the Republic of Honduras through investments in forestry. 251 p. 3081. Vaidya, Madhu Sudan Lai, 1935- Dry matter production and nutrient accumulation in plantations of shortleaf fine. 73 P« Ph.D. 3082. 3ar>- , • --re, 1931- I ition of relati\ resin yielding potential of geographic seed source of slash pine, 'j ;> p. 2^5 FORESTRY 1962 M.F. 3071. Bair, William M. An evaluation of wood adhesive bond integrity tests — shear, tension, and torsion. 87 p. 3072. 3aker, James B. Dry matter production in plantations of loblolly pine. ^5 p. 3073* Klein, John Frederick The pH of wood; relationships revealed through experimentation with hard maple ( Acer spp .). 71 p. 307^. Kucera, Daniel Robert Termination of diapause in two oak worms Datana ministra (Drury) and Anisota senatoria (Smith). 25 p. 3075. Null, William Stanley An investigation of different vegetative cover on soil temperature. 63 P. 3076. Schacht, William Patrick Development of the initial endophytic system in the dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium vaginatum forma crvptopodum (Sngelm.) Gill. 36 p. D.F. 3077. Klawitter, Ralph Alex, 1927- Sweetgum, swamp tupelo, and water tupelo sites in a South Carolina bottomland forest. 176 p. 3078. Karrifield, Robert Glenn, 1930- The effects of fertilization on growth and nutrient concentration in young loblolly pine. I85 p. 3079. Post, Boyd Wallace, 1928- Effects of light, soil moisture, and mineral nutrient treatments on the growth of seedlings of certain deciduous tree species. 104 p. 3080. Somberg, Seymour Ira, 1917- A program for fostering the economic growth and development of the Republic of Honduras through investments in forestry. 251 p. 3081. Vaidya, Madhu Sudan Lai, 1935- Dry matter production and nutrient accumulation in plantations of s hortleaf pine. 73 P^ Ph.D. 3082. Barrett, James Passmore, 1931- Relation of relative oleresin yielding potential of geographic seed source of slash pine. 53 p« 246 FORESTRY 1963 M.F. 3083. Blackmon, Bobby Glenn Dry matter production of several oak and hickory species in the lower Piedmont. 42 p. 3084. Jokerst, Ronald William Fatigue failure of a rotating simple wood beam, subjected to center loading. 46 p. 3085. Myers, Gary Carl Analysis of strain waves produced in wood by impact. 102 p. 3086. Rosenthal, Gerald A. A general investigation of Fomes Everhartii (Ell. & Gall.) Von Schrenk & Spauld., causing heart and canker rot of willow oak (Ouercus phellos L.). 49 p. 3087. Turner, James Henningham A study of tree specific gravity and stem weight relations of oak and hickory in the lower Piedmont of North Carolina. 53 p. 3088. Webb, David Arthur The accelerated weathering of wood. 85 p. 3089. Weidensaul, Thomas Craig Investigations of the black turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus terebrans Hopkins) in relation to possible transmission of Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cooke. 50 p. 3090. Wellons, Jesse Davis The gamma radiation degradation of cellulose acetate. 77 p. D.F. 3091. Baird, Charles O'Connor, 1922- Wood production investment opportunities on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee; a regional economic analysis ... 15^ p. 3092. Brown, Gregory Neil, 1938- Studies of nucleic acid production in growing zones of germinating mimosa seedlings. 129 p. 3093. Ferrill, Mitchell Davis, 1934- Root extension in a plantation of longleaf pine: investigation of a technique using 1-131. 130 P« 3094. Hough, Walter Andrew, 1932- An investigation of surface root distribution in a longleaf pine- turkey oak stand using radioiodine. 150 p. 3095. McCormack, Maxwell Leland, 1934- A study of techniques for determining root extension using radio- active tracers. 201 p. Ph.D. 247 FORESTRY 1963 3096. Larsen, Harry Stites, 192?- Studies on the relative drought resistance of some southern oaks. 152 p. 3097. Roberts, Bruce Roger, 1933- Effects of water stress on the translocation of photosynthetically assimilated carbon-14 in yellow-poplar. 109 p. 1964 M.F. 3098. Boyd, Wade C. Choosing functional forms in forestry data. 42 p. 3099. Bullock, Henry C. Seasonal variations in the proportions of suberized and unsuberized roots of loblolly pine and yellow-poplar. 51 P« 3100. Cleaveland, John Adams The neutral solvent extractives of loblolly pine bark. 57 p. 3101. Mesner, William Lowell The mode of spread of Forces annosus (Fries.) Cooke between planted eastern redcedar ( Juniperus Virginiana L.) and volunteer loblolly pine (Firms taeda L.) 58 p. 3102. Kussell, Harry W. Mycelial growth of Forties annosus through forest soil in a thinned loblolly pine plantation. 33 p. D.F. 3103. Lund, Anders Edward, 1928- Penetration hiatuses in pressure-treated mockernut hickory; their occurrence and cause. 138 p. 3104. Muench, John, 1930- The participation of North Carolina forest landowners in public forestry programs. 146 p. 3105. Rice, William Ward, 1922- A study comparing three treatments for producing flat, hardwood dimension parts. 91 p. 3106. Yelenosky, George, 1929- The tolerance of trees to poor soil aeration. l6l p. Ph.D. 3107. Hutnik, Russell James, 1924- Accumulation and production of dry matter in red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) plantations at various spacings. 209 p. 248 F ORESIRY M.F. 3108. Honahan, Ralph Thomas Surface checking of red oak lumber. 56 p. 3109. Rex, Richard Luther Fire resistance of wood treated with double-diffusion chemicals. 60 p. 3110. Tarumingkeng, Rudolf Christiaan Wood moisture studies of the subterranean termite, Reticuliterme s Flavipes Killar and the comparative termite resistance of four species of wood. 91 p. 3111. Tellman, Stephen James The influence of wood surface properties on the quality of adhesive joints; an annotated bibliography. 67 p. 3112. Wooten, Thomas Ernest Accelerated movement of free water through wood structures. 64 p. D.F. 3113. Bonner, Franklin Thomson, 1936- Some influences of soil moisture upon the survival and growth of planted hardwood seedlings in the Mississippi River Valley. 113 p. 311^. Brown, James Henry, 193^- A study of root distribution in two hardwood stands in the Duke Forest. 144 p. 3115. Foil, Robert Rodney, 1934- The effects of compaction on soil characteristics and seedling growth. 181 p. 3116. Koehring, David Marion, 1935- Some tree growth soil moisture observations in sawlog size loblolly pine stands in northeast Louisiana. 104 p. Ph.D. 3117. Schell, Kerry Franklin, 1927- Factors influencing forest land prices in Southeastern Georgia, 1947-1961. 165 p. 3118. Schultz, Robert Paul, 1937- The frequency and implications of intraspecific root-grafting in loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.). 139 p. 3119. Towers, Barry, 1938- The influence of soil moisture upon root rot development by Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cke. in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Ill p. 3120. Fasick, Clyde Augustus, 1934- An evaluation of thinning methods by the financial maturity principle. 298 p. 249 GERMAN 1928 M.A. 3121. llardaway, Richard Travis Hartmanti Von Auc's Per Armc Hcinrich and Longfellow's The Golden Legend . 58 p. 1930 M.A. 3122. Lagerstedt, Kenneth Raymond Heinrich Heine's religious philosophy. 55 p. M.A. 3123. Berghauser, Albert Sartor The growth of pessimism in the lyrics of Nikolaus Lenau. 120 p. M.A. 3124. Eason, Elizabeth Bruner Romanticism in Schiller's dramas. 62 p. 1934 M.A. 3125. Karlsson, Yrjo Leinen Nikolai Goethe and Sweden. 65 p. 1935 M.A. 3126. Klemm, Frederick Alvin The philosophy of Heinrich Mann. 59 p. 1937 M.A. 3127. Ball, Esther Judson Emotional life in Schnitzler's early works. 98 p. 1938 M.A. 3128. Steer, Alfred Gilbert A study of language in the two versions of Keller's Per Griine Heinrich. 129 p. 1940 M.A. 3129. Barrett, William Robert An analysis of Schiller's Kraftsprache in Pie Rauber. 51 p. 1946 M.A. 3130. Culbertson, Jack Arthur Schiller's early esthetic-ethical philosophy. 80 p. 3131. Grasty, George Mason Heinrich Heine's attitude toward the Anglo-Saxon nations. 102 p. 250 GERMAN M.A. 313<\ W»tts, Robert Johnson Heinrich Heine and Spain. 113 p. M.A. 3U3. Ziolkowskl, Theodore Joseph Friedrioh HoLderlin's translation of the Iliad . 50 p. M.A. M.A. M.A. M.A. M.A. 1256 313^. Good mm, W1 1.11am Drayton Romanticism and realism in four representative dramas of Heinrich von Kleist ... 53 p. 1956 3135. Helmke, H«nry Conrad The delineation of family relationships in the narrative works of Arthur Schnitzler ... 77 p. 3136. Hook, Donald Dwight Heinrich von Kleist and the survival of the personal entity... 72 p. 195 3137. MacEwen, G»rtrud The varying relationship between man and animal in Grimms • March on ... 85 p. 3138. MicEwen, Leslie The Narren-motifs in the works of Georg Biichner ... 77 p. 3139. Manasse, Marianne Bernhard Heinrich Heine als Kunstkritiker in seinen Aufsaetsen Franzoesische Maler una Shakespeare s Maedchen und Frauen . , . 77 p. I960 31^0. Morgan, Robert Whittelsey Heinrich Heine's relationship to music and musicians with special reference to auditory ?olor ... l'*8 p. 1962 31^1. Kreutz'ir, Valerie S. Form and content of Rainer Maria Rilke'a pie Aufzoichnungen dos Malte Laurids Brigge ... 85 p. M.A. 251 G i: KHAN 1 "64 316 1a-. Machl , Richai .1 Marl n The personality of Hi Lnrich von Kleist .-is revealed in Ills letters and projected Into his novellen ... 72 p. 3142. Washington, Maaja Harms Dream as a Literary device Ln < :hree works o£ Thomas Mann, L900-24 ... 91 p. 1965 3143. Larche , William Lawrence Romantic elements in H. Hesse's Hermann Lauscher ... 121 p. M.A M.A, M.A. 252 li I S T R Y .16 3144 . Boyd , .in I i an Parks The comity court in colonial North Carolina. 184 p. 1927 3145. Craven, Wesley Frank, Jr. Rritish imperialism, L880-1898. 206 p. 3146. Thompson, Jessie Floriuda Southern anti-slavery opinion to L832. 193 p. l'.»28 3147. Griffith, Emily Camil 1 a The Life of Abraham Lincoln from the Spanish of Domingo F. Sarmiento; with a brief biographical sketch of the author, v. p. 3148. Honeycutt, Charles Bailey The prohibition movement in North Carolina. 203 p. 3149. Mabry, William Alexander The disfranchisement of the Negro in North Carolina, v. p. 3150. Lotspeich, Jane Inman The development of state control of public health in North Carolina. 146 p. 3151. Whitener, Ann Elizabeth Judge Clark, his social and political ideas. 143 p. 3152. Woody, Robert Hi 1 liar d The South Carolina reform movements of 1870 and 1872. 117 p, 3153. Wynne, George Baker The philosophy of Thomas Jefferson as he applied it to American institutions. 159 p. 1929 M.A. 3153a. Blake, Nelson Morehouse The Virginia Reform Convention of 1850-1851. 163 p. 3154. Clark, Blanche Henry North Carolinians in the Confederate Congress. 203 p. Ketring, Ruth Anna see Nuermberger, Ruth Anna Ketring 3155. Nuermberger, Ruth Anna Ketring Charles Osborn in the anti-slavery movement. 179 p. 253 II I S T R Y 29 M.A. 3 l 56 . R i vi a . Rodol I o Osva I do Education Ln Colombia. [ts historical development and pi esenl status. I 96 p. U57. Roberl , Joseph CI arke The Virginia slavery debate of 1832. 195 p. 3158. Runyan, Theodore French reaction to German unity 1865-1870. 148 p. 3159. Stackhouse, Arva Eastwood Trial of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. 147 p. 3160. Wiese, Marion Bernice The British regencies of the 18th century. 128 p. 3161. Flanders, Ralph Betts Plantation slavery in the state of Georgia. 327 p. 1930 M.A . 3162. Balch, Clifford Perry Agrarian movements in the South to 1891. 198 p. 3163. Chaff in, Nora Campbell The colonial land system in North Carolina, 1578-1754. 216 p. 3164. Dunton, Alice Wedell The court of Northampton County in colonial Virginia. 141 p 3165. Franko, A I fred M. Cardinal Francisco Ximenes de Cisnerosj his relation to America and the Spanish Renaissance. 159 p. 3166. Garner, George Lee Henry Stuart Foote, southern free-lance politician. 179 p. 3167. Garrard, Annie Walker John W. Ellis, Governor of North Carolina, 1859-61. 117 p. 3168. Grant, Minnie Spencer The American Colonization Society in North Carolina. 131 p. 3169. Holt, Tsaac Terry The first international American conference. 109 p. 3170. Mathews, Joseph James The British invasion of Buenos Aires and Montevideo in 1806 and 1807. 115 p. 254 H I S T R Y 1930 M.A. 3171. ;den , Wi rren ( Langdon Cheves, L776-1857. 156 p. Ph . D . 3172. Manchester, Alan Krebs The foundation of British pre-eminence in Brazil. 333 p. 3173. Patterson, John Clarke Jose Maria Morelos: Mexican Revolutionary patriot. 319 p. 3174. Woody, Robert Hilliard Studies in the economic and political reconstruction of South Carolina. 387 p. 1931 M.A. 31.75. Curtis, Ruth Evelyn The rise of the agricultural colleges in the South. 191 p. 3176. Harris, Florence Catherine The attitude of the British government toward North Carolina in the colonial period with emphasis on the period from 1729 to 1763. 213 p. 3177. MicFadyen, Elizabeth Ann The Popish plot in English politics. 134 p. 3178. Stalvey, James Benjamin The economic relations of the United States with Venezuela. 195 p. 3179. Tilley, Nannie May Studies in the history of colonial Granville County. 240 p, PH. D. 3180. Carroll, Mary Swan Tennessee sectionalism, 1796-1861. 588 p. 3181. Parks, E. Taylor Colombia and its relations with the United States, 1765-1848. 379 p. 1932 M.A. 3182. Atchley, Paul Trotter The peace movement in the Confederacy. 231 p. 3183. Barber, Ruth Kerns Indian labor in the Spanish colonies. 152 p. 255 ii i S T (> R Y I" • M.A. 3184 . Garrel i . Harper Lei Lincoln and Fort Sumter. 177 p. 3185. Nuermberger, Gu stave Adolph The achievement oC the Pan American movement 1889-1930. ' P- 3186. Smith. Mildred Priscilla Early history of the higher education for women in the seaboard South. 123 p. 3187. Stradley, Paul Gill Some phases of newspaper criticism of the Confederacy in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. 177 p. Ph.D. 3188. Blake, Nelson Morehouse William Mahone of Virginia: builder, soldier and insurgent. 534 p. 3189. Clark, Thomas Dionysius The development of railways in the southwestern and adjacent states before 1860. 462 p. 3190. Davidson, Elizabeth Huey , 1902- Child labor legislation in relation to the textile industry in the South. 542 p. 3191. Rivera, Rodolfo Osvaldo Francisco de Paula Santander: his role in the making of Colombia. 383 p. 1933 M.A. 3192. Adams, John Clinton European diplomacy and the immediate origins of the Balkan wars. 256 p. 3193. Beacham, Nickels Ray Thomas G. Clemson, a minor diplomat of the Old South, v. p. 3194. Broadhead, Edward Hall The relations of the United States and Ecuador. 187 p. 3195. McCarrell, David Kithcart The Virginia planter, debts and politics, 1775-1800. 152 p. 3196. Stroud, Dorothy Mae The political career of Frederick, Lord North. 196 p. 3197. Sartorius, William Schoolfield The northern neck of Virginia. 142 p. M.A. II T S T R Y 1933 3198. Trexler, Dora May The attitude od Senator F. M. Simmons toward the foreign policies of the U. S. 1902-1928. 115 p. Ph . D . M.A. 3199. Mabry, William Alexander The disfranchisement of the Negro in the South. 522 p, 3200. Peterson, Harold Fern Diplomatic relations between the U. S. and Argentina, L810-1870. 384 p. 3201. Robert, Joseph Clarke The tobacco industry in the Virginia-Carolina area, 1800-1860. 383 p. 3202. Smith, Culver Haygood The Washington press in the Jacksonian period. 319 p. 1934 3203. Askew, William Clarence The Casablanca affair in European diplomacy. 150 p. 3204. Bu LI, Vi rg i n in Anno England and France in West Africa. 103 p. 3205. Dale, William Pratt, II Hinton Rowan Helper and hispanic America. 164 p. 3206. Harrison, Charles William Korea and its diplomatic relations with the United States. Ill p. Ph.D. 3207. Marshall, Helen Edith Dorothea Lynde Dix: a forgotten Samaritan. 441 p. 3208. Nuermberger, Ruth Ketring Clay of Alabama: two generations in politics. 499 p. 3209. Sparks, Dade Central America and its diplomatic relations with the United States 1860-1893. 391 p. 1935 M.A. 3210. Bolen, Claude Waldron The life and work of Stephen Benton Elkins. 103 p, 3211. Coleman, Margaret Louise The relations of the United States and Bolivia. 205 p. H I S T R Y 1935 M.A. 3212. Plemmons, William Howard The city of Asheville; historical and institutional, p. 3213. Wiley, Frances Amelia The senatorial career of F. M. Simmons, 1913-1921. 242 p. Ph . D . 3214. McCain, William David The United States and the Republic of Panama. 390 p. 3215. Montague, Ludwell Lee The relations of the United States with Haiti, 1861-1906. 424 p. 3216. Nolan, Louis Clinton The diplomatic and commercial relations of the United States and Peru, 1826-1875. 360 p. 3217. Nuermbcrgcr, Gustave Adolph Multilateral diplomacy among the American states: the conference and congress phase, 1826-1906. 550 p. l'.»36 M.A. 3218. Baldwin, Clinton Theodore The rice industry of South Carolina, primarily colonial. 161 p. 3219. Beville, Stuirt McGuire French foreign policy in the crisis of 1886-1887. 142 p. 3220. Chalker, Robert Phelps William G. Brown, southern critic and man of letters. 201 p. 3221. Clark, Charles Branch Politics in Maryland during the early Civil War period. 220 p. 3222. Drummond, Kitty Lomax Relations between Uruguay and the United States. 134 p. 3223. Joslin, Vinnie Rona Stephen Symonds Foster and the abolition movement. 190 p. 3224. McNicoll, Robert Edwards The Leticia controversy. 142 p. 3225. Rimmer, Maude Ella Southern critics of slavery } 1830-1860. 212 p. - • 258 HISTORY 1936 M.A. 3226. Sloan, Marion Lucile Religious propaganda and criticism in the Confederacy. 148 p. 3227. Timberlake, Emily Kent Alexander Robinson Boteler. 162 p. Ph.D. 3228. Adams, John Clinton European diplomacy and the first Balkan war. 437 p. 3229. Askew, William Clarence Europe and Italy's acquisition of Libya. A study in Mediterranean politics and European alignments, 1911-1912. 490 p. 3230. Irons, George Vernon The secession movement in Georgia 1850-61. 387 p. 3231. Willi ford, Annie May The political life of Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. 365 p. 1937 M.A. 3232. Cruikshank, Margaret Jones Criticism of the Confederacy in North Carolina of the sixties. 180 p. 3233. Flinner, Laurence Victor Thomas Cooper in Pennsylvania. 133 p. 3234. Guice, Clarence Norman Some British travelers in Latin America. 228 p. 3234a. House, James Harwell Joseph E. Brown of Georgia and the Confederacy. 193 p. 3235. Lott, Audrey Peacock Slavery in Florida: a study. 210 p. 3235a. McCall, Margaret Demagoguery in the south. 172 p. 3236. Robertson, Hettie Marian The story of the Confederacy as told by southern women. 257 p. 3237. Sheese, Mildred Libbie Pennsylvania constitutional history. 267 p. 3238. Washburn, Alice A descriptive catalogue of Confederate music in the Duke University collection. 252 p. 259 HISTORY 1937 M.A. 3239. Woodnll, John Burwell The "ralliement"; ihe "rapprochement" between the papacy and the French republic, 1890-1892. 83 p. Ph.D. 3240. Bettersworth , John Knox Confederate Mississippi. 401 p. 3241. McCarrell, David Kithcart The formation of the Jeffersonian Party in Virginia. 288 p. 1938 M.A. 3242. Dooley, Emilie Phoebe The Pennsylvania society for promoting the abolition of slavery, for the relief of free negroes unlawfully held in bondage, and for improving the condition of the African race. 95 p. 3243. Griggs, Georgia The South Carolina slaveholder's defense of slavery and of certain institutions within his state. 221 p. 3244. Hoffman, Raymond Norton Thomas Paine and the Revolutionary War. 131 p. 3245. Lacey, Mary Frances Intellectual activities of Vicksburg prior to 1860. 123 p. 3246. Ladner, Heber Austin James Kimble Vardaman in Mississippi politics. 135 p. 3247. Louis, William K. The origin of the mission of Caleb Cushing to China. 94 p. 3248. Reeves, W. Thomas A history of Haywood County. 121 p. 3249. Smith, Allen Candler The Republican Party in Georgia, 1867-1871. 258 p. 3250. Walter, Selwyn B. Relations between the United States and Mexico, 1854-1861. 162 p. Ph.D. 3251. Davis, Charles Shepard The plantation system in Alabama before 1860. 273 p. 3252. DeMond, Robert Orley, 1889- The loyalists in North Carolina during the Revolution. 462 p. 260 II I S T o R Y 1938 Ph.D. 3253. Hamilton, William Baskerville American beginnings in the old Southwest: the Mississippi phase. 62 2 p. 3254. McNicoll, Robert Edwards Peruvian-American relations in the era of the Civilist party i 425 p. 3255. Moore, Ross Henderson Social and economic conditions in Mississippi during Reconstruction. 388 p. 3256. Morton, Louis Robert Carter of Virginia: a study of a tobacco planter of the eighteenth century. 404 p. 1939 M.A. 3257. Bagley, Mariana Dasch The history of the public health of Norfolk, Virginia, up to 1860. 139 p. 3258. Biker, Ruth Mnurine British occupation of East Florida 1763 to 1783. 137 p. 3259. Colley, Frank Harris The personnl influence in Georgia politics, 1775-1828. 131 p. 3260. Couch, Leon B. Gratz Brown and the liberal republican movement. 200 p. 3261. Duehring, Frederica I. . A study of the memoirs published between 1865 and 1915 con- cerning civilian life in Virginia. 94 p. 3262. Duehring, Virginia Atwell Boulanger; His attempt to establish a dictatorship. 280 p. 3263. Fletcher, Mildred Jane Certain phases of the social history of Savannah before 1860. 72 p. 3264. Kinney, Hinton E. Sectionalism in Georgia prior to 1810. 119 p. 3265. Peters, Thelma Peterson The Bahamas and blockade-running during the American Civil War. 145 p. 261 H i STORY 1939 M.A. 3266. Shaw, John Sidney The regency question during the reign of George III. 191 p. Ph.D. 3267. Foerster, Minn Pauline, 1911- The state university in the Old South: a study of social and intellectual influences in state university education. 529 p. 3268. Heckman, Oliver Saxon, 1900- Northern church penetration of the South, 1860 to 1880. 458 p. 3269. Henderson, Alfred James, 1905- London and the national government, 1721-1742. A study of city politics and the Walpole administration. 346 p. 3270. Tilley, Nannie May, 1899- Tlie bright-tobacco industry, 1860-1929. 763 p. M.A. 1940 3271. Ahlstrom, John Dillingham The French Rhineland policy and the Anglo-American treaties of guarantee at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. 148 p. 3272. Alexander, Ellen The South Carolina dispensary system. 163 p. 3273. Atkins, Emily Howard A history of Jacksonville, Florida, 1816-1902. 210 p. 3274. Boatwright, Eleanor Miot Status of women in Georgia, 1783-1860. 271 p. 3275. Condron, Clara Mae The invasion theme in England, 1908-1914. 113 p. 3276. Conoley, Rudolph Evander A history of public land policies in Florida, 1819 to 1900. 182 p. 3277. Craig, Ruth Winifred England and the Agadir crisis. 94 p. 3278. Crawford, Robert Gvinn North Carolina politics during the Civil War. 155 p. 3279. Engle, Mary Margaret The history of public welfare in Mexico, 1920-1940. 128 p. M.A. 262 H I STORY 1940 3280. Franckle, Alice Emma American attacks on Mexican liberalism, 1925-1940. 222 p. 3281. Guy, John Ansley Institutional reforms in Virginia, 1775-1800. 208 p. 3282. Hale, Lois Alf Taylor in Tennessee politics. 1941. 148 p. 3283. Hardin. Paul Douglas Edward Cary Walthall: a Mississippi conservative. 126 p. 3284. Hastings, Emily P The good neighbor policy. 155 p. 3285. Hoagland, Elizabeth Fox and the ministerial changes in England, 1779-1783. 222 p. 3286. Hoffeditz, Laura Margaret The editorial and new policy of the London Times during the war crisis June 28 to August 4, 1914. 114 p. 3287. Long, John William The preliminaries of the Revolution of 1688-89. 144 p. 3288. Meredith, Evelyn T. The secession movement in Florida, 1850-1861. 113 p. 3289. Mool , James Bulger Florida in federal politics: statehood to secession. 136 p. 3290. Rapp, Marvin August The rise of the port of Buffalo. 187 p. 3291. Robinson, Blackwell Pierce Willie Jones of Halifax, North Carolina. 175 p. 3292. Schultz, Harold Movement to revive the foreign slave trade, 1853-1861. 84 p. 3293. Seay, Elizabeth Irene A history of the North Carolina College for Negroes. 117 p. 3294. Slone, Jewell E. British colonial logwood industry in the Caribbean area. 105 p. 3295. Snellgrove, Harold Sinclair The De Conscientia of Robert De Sorbon : A translation and study of the sermon as a source for the history of the University of Paris in the thirteenth century. 76 p. 263 M.A. HISTORY 1940 3, u »t). Stewart, Truman Joel Occasional literature in Peru before the war of independence. 222 p. 3297. Wh Lte, H irry Arthur British public opinion and the military preparations, I'M 1- I'M 3. 65 p. 3298. Wilson, Elizabeth Andrews Hygienic care and management of the child in the American family prior to 1860. 173 p. 3299. Young, William Coleman The Anglo-German agreements for the partition of the Portuguese colonies of 1898 and 1913. 92 p. 1941 M.A. 3300. Beeker, Henry Judson Wilmington during the Civil War. 142 p. 3301. Bloom, Robert Louis Pennsylvania newspapers and the political issues of 1856- 1860. 240 p. 3302. Boone, William The Anglo-American migration to east Texas. 142 p. 3303. Burrows, Edward Flud The literary education of Negroes in ante-bellum Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia with special reference to regulatory and prohibitive laws. 117 p. 3304. Dew, Joanna The slavery problem in Southern fiction prior to 1860. 178 p. 3305. Evans, Beverly Daniel Nathan George Evans, Brigadier-General, C. S. A. 275 p. 3306. Fruth, J. Richard The telegraph in the South, 1845-1860. 101 p. 3307. Goodman, Warren Herbert The origins of the War of 1812: a critical examination of historical interpretations. 119 p. 3308. Hinshaw, Clifford Reginald The canals in North Carolina before 1860. 103 p. 3309. Holmes, Marjorie Moran The life and diary of the Reverend John Jeremiah Jacob (1757-1839). 479 p. 3310. Hoyle, Daniel S. The relations between John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, and William III, King of England. 141 p. M.A. 204 II 1 S T O R Y 1941 1311. I rvin, Ruth McElhaney The American Civil War as Been by British travellers. 118 p. 3312. Johnson, Mary Louise Spain from the British viewpoint as revealed in some British public prints of Lhe 1730's. 272 p. 3323. Kirk, Russell Amos The political thought of John Randolph. 204 p. 3324. Lord, Charles A. The exclusion movement and the popish plot. 167 p. 3325. Ogdcn, John Patton The labors of Matias Romero, 1861-1867; Mexican endeavors to obtain assistance during the French intervention. 160 p. 3326. Page, Inez Harlee Selected phases of the municipal government of Washington city under the charter, from 1802-1871. 188 p. 3327. Rea, Katherinc Viticulture in the South before 1860. 155 p. 3328. Rohrbaugh, Daniel W. The history and development of aviation in Latin America. 186 p. 3329. Ruff, Hazel Shelton The history of Hinds County, Mississippi, before 1860. 180 p. 3330. Smith, Robert Ross A statistical survey of land tenure and agriculture, Jones County, Georgia, 1850 and 1860. 88 p. 3331. Villaume, John C. The L ondon Times and the Jameson Raid. 158 p. Ph.D. 3332. Barnwell, Robert Woodward, 1904- Loyalism in South Carolina, 1765-1785. 421 p. 3333. Bolen, Claude Waldron, 1908- Kiderlen-Wachter and German foreign policy. 505 p. 3334. Dale, William Pratt, 1909- The cultural revolution in Peru, 1750-1820. 322 p. 3335. Overdyke, William Darrell, 1907- The American Party in the South. 682 p. 265 M.A. HISTORY I "42 333d. Bachelder, Horace Lyman Tin- presidential election of 1824 in Virginia. 94 p. 3337. Baxter, Joseph Ray American capita] and Peru since 1914. 127 p. 3338. Cleaveliind, Frederic Nclll Service legislation of the North Carolina General Assembly i com I 777 to .1835. 134 p. 3339. Cooper, John Marvin George Selwyn. 107 p. 3340. Cox, James Stanley The relation of the English churches to the appeasement policy, 1938-1939. 110 p. 3341. Cuthrell, Mabel Claire The county court system of North Carolina, 1776-1835, with special reference to Rowan County. 159 p. 3342. Darlington, Lacy Neil Early history of the Loop country and neighboring territory west of New River in Fayette County, West Virginia. 120 p. 3343. Godard, Doris Elizabeth Congressional policy towards the independence of the Philippine Islands, 1929-1934. 144 p. 3344. Guito, Anna Shepherd The development of British attitudes toward the French occupation of the Ruhr, as reflected in The Times (London) January 1 to August 17, 1923. 199 p. 3345. Minnich, Lawrence Arthur The concept of property of Charles Fourier and his disciples. 92 p. 3346. Sleichter, Martha Beryl The Forbes expedition of 1758. 235 p. 3347. Sutor, Jack Alexander Charleston, South Carolina, during the Civil War era, 1858-1865. 243 p. 3348. Swendiman, Dorothy Delia The development of education in the Philippine Islands since 1898. 159 p. 3349. Tabor, Dorothy Hazel William H. Crawford in the presidential election of 1824 in Georgia. 144 p. 266 HISTORY 1942 M.A. 3330. Whitlatch, Lewis Wade The attitude of the public Cowards the Homestead strike. 130 p. Ph . 1) . 3331. Brewster, Lawrence Fay, 1907- The summer migrations and resorts of South Carolina low country planters. 226 p. 3352. Roberts, Lucien Emerson, 1903- The Egyptian question in European diplomacy, 1875-1887. 529 p. 3353. Stroupe, Henry Smith, 1914- The religious press in the South Atlantic states, 1802-1865. 484 p. 1943 M.A. 3354. Baker, Maury Davison Young Robert Harley : his rise to political prominence. 140 p. 3355. Black, Caroline Banks Aspects of the history of yellow fever epidemics in Charleston, South Carolina. 114 p. 3356. Chambers, Moreau Browne Congleton The history of Fort Panmure at Natchez, 1763-1779. 136 p. 335 7. Come, Donald Robert The influence of Princeton on higher education in the South before 1825. 192 p. 3358. Cooper, Frances Harlee William Cabell Rives, a southern statesman. 155 p. 3359. Duke, Mary Catherine Southern reactions to John Brown's raid. 232 p. 3360. Miller, William Durell . The influence of the fur trade with Canton on the growth of early American interest in Oregon. Ill p. 3361. Paskins, Cloyd Woodrow French policy in the disarmament discussions of the Washington Conference, 1921-1922. 71 p. 3362. Salter, Harriet M. John Wien Forney, political journalist, 1817-1861. 278 p. 3363. Willits, Esther May The work of Henry White at the Algeciras Conference of 1906. 81 p. 267 H I STORK 1943 Ph . D . 3364. Brandis, Roland Buford, 1917- British war economy: the first two years. 152 p. 3365. Chaff in, Nora Campbell, 1900- Trinity College, 1839-1892: the beginnings of Duke University. 833 p. 3366. Schultz, Harold, 1916- South Carolina and national politics, 1852-1860: a study of the movement for Southern independence. 377 p. 1944 M.A. 3367. Ahlstrom, Carl Ferdinand British public opinion and the Versailles Conference, October 1918 - Janaury 1919, by Carl F. Ahlstrom, III.... 195 p. 3368. Candler, Frances Godfrey 7vlvaro ObreRon and his handling of Mexican problems. 228 p. 3369. Kinsman, Margaret Eleanor The accession of George III. 131 p. 3370. Mitchell, Edith Myrl The attitude of the United States government toward Mexican land and petroleum laws, 1917-1927. 75 p. Ph.D. 3371. Herndon, Nettie Southworth, 1891- James Iredell. 361 p. 3372. Wallace, Lillian Parker, 1890- The papacy and European diplomacy, 1869-1878. 393 p. 1945 M.A. 3373. Anderson, Ruby Jane The problem of compensated emancipation during the Civil War, . 213 p. 3374. Braverman, Howard David Campbell and Virginia politics^ 1837-1840. . .86 p. 3375. Burts, Robert Milton The life of Armi stead Burt. 103 p. 3376. Capua, Julius Paul American policies toward Japan: 1932-1937 with particular reference to the diplomacy of Ambassador Joseph C. Grew. 105 p. 268 HISTORY 1945 M.A. 3377. Karris, Ycuell Ycamans Henry Hotze, Confederate propagandist in England. 122 p. 3378. Risner, Benjamin F. The history of indigo culture in America. 92 p. 3379. S.i 1 icy, Claudia Louise A study of American public opinion and Thomas F. Bayard's policy in Samoa. 83 p. 3380. Wall, Mildred Eugenia The location and distribution of the free Negro population in the old South. 153 p. Ph.D. 3381. Stabler, Carey V. The history of the Alabama public health system. 272 p. 1946 M.A. 3382. Badgley, Donald Mitchell The development of the militia of the states of the United States of America from 1780 to 1860 as indicated by the constutional provisions. 105 p. 3383. Browne, Margaret A. Southern reactions to Uncle Tom' s Cabin . 163 p. 3384. Collins, Herbert The cotton mill crusade in the South. 128 p. 3385. Conte, John Peter The rise of Robert Walpole to power, 1676-1721. 142 p. 3386. Dickinson, Elmer G. The influence of sectionalism upon the history of the James River and Kanawha Company in western Virginia. 106 p. 3387. McGriff, Mary Emily Constitutional development in North Carolina, 1760-1776. 146 p 3388. Recano, Henry Howard The Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1829-1830. 164 p. Ph.D. 3389. Thomas, Mary Elizabeth, 1908- Great Britain and Belgian neutrality, 1887-1914. 267 p. M.A. 269 HISTORY 1947 3390. Edelman, Irving J. The poll tax in ante-bellum North Carolina. 103 p. 3391. Entrekin, William Frank Poor relief: in North Carolina in the Confederacy. 142 p. 3392. Foster, Abram John The Nashville Convention of 1850. 176 p. 3393. Heiscy, Wilbur Lloyd The German-Polish boundary and the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. 133 p. 3394. Hench, Harold Ernest North Carolina and the compromise of 1850. 97 p. 3395. Hunter, Adelaide Meador Punishment of crimes in Virginia, 1775-1820. 151 p. 3396. Keen, Quentin Begley A history of religion in South Carolina, 1750-1820. .. 213 p. 3397. King, Doris Elizabeth Hotel life in the old South: 1830-1860; a study based on travel accounts. 114 p. 3398. Logan, S. Frank Francis W. Dawson, 1840-1889: South Carolina editor... 344 p. 3399. Lundeberg, Philip Karl A history of the North Carolina militia, 1784-1848. 136 p. 3400. Patrick, William Franklin, Jr. James A. Leroy and the writing of Philippine history, 1900-1909. 141 p. 3401. Sommer, Esther Lucille The debtor question during the Civil War era. 106 p. 3402. Topper, Pearl The Sudeten problem at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919. Ill p, 3403. Webb, William Edward A history of Confederate veterans' associations and related societies. 143 p. Ph.D. 3404. Baker, Maury Davison, 1912- The United States and piracy during the Spanish-American wars of independence. 290 p. 270 HISTORY 1947 Ph.D. 3405. Kirwan, Albert Dennis, 1904- A history of Mississippi politics, 1876-1925. 581 p. 3406. Perry, Percival, 1916- Th e naval stores industry in the ante-bellum South, 1789- 1861. 312 p. M.A. 1948 3407. Ackerman, Hugo Sheridan British public opinion and the Manchurian dispute of 1931 (September 18-December 10) 112 p. 3408. Beatson, James Allen He kept us out of the war; the issues of the European war in the election of 1916. 125 p. 3409. Easley, Nancy Hyde Woodrow Wilson's decision for Siberian intervention, 1918; a study of the pressures affecting the president from March 5, 1918, to July 17, 1918. 114 p. 3410. Harvin, Harry Lewis The Saar question; its growth and settlement at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919. 145 p. 3411. Howell, Wilson McDaniel The disarmament of Germany and the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. 74 p. 3412. Kennedv. William Bean David S. Reid, North Carolina politician, 1813-1891. 108 p. 3413. McCain, Paul Moffatt The military career of William Henry Talbott Walker. 114 p. 3414. Poos, Frederick William Communism and the Chinese revolution, 1919-1927; a study of the cooperative period in Kuomintang-communist politics. 86 p. 3415. Poos, Margaret Stevenson A biography of John Clopton of Virginia. 108 p. 3416. Reid, Robert Harding History of the Dismal Swamp Land Company of Virginia. 167 p. 3417. This number not used. 271 II I R T R Y 1948 M.A. 3418. Smith, Natalie Blanche Contemporary Amor Lean opinion of Porfirio Diaz, dictator of Mexico. 187 p. Ph . D . 3419. Hall, Arthur Ryker, 1908- Soil erosion and agriculture in the southern Piedmont; a history. 343 p. 3420. Rapp, Marvin August, 1914- The port of Buffalo; 1825-1880. 352 p. 1949 M.A. 3421. Cunningham, Noble E. The politics of Nathaniel Macon. 166 p. 3422. Emerson, Charles Edward The leaders of the assembly in North Carolina, 1771- 17 75. 49 p. 3423. Gelbach, George K. From Gettysburg to Falling Waters, July 4-14, 1863. 199 p. 3424. Hamilton, Thomas Theodore Recognition of the Chinese nationalist government by the United States. 167 p. 3425. Hubbell, Jay Broadus, Jr. A comparison of the doctrines of state sovereignty, nullification, and secession in the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions and in Calhoun's political thought. 80 p. 3426. Oppenheim, Stanley R. Burke's role in the regency debate and his Reflections on the French Revolution . 96 p. 3427. Powell, Lillie Mae Non-slave domestic servant in the United States, 1800- 1860. 121 p. 3428. Terrell, Katherine George III, English politics, and the end of the Seven Years' War. 131 p. Ph.D. 3429. Bowles, Robert C The social philosophy of Charles Fourier and its influence in Europe. 510 p. 272 Ph.D. HISTORY 1949 3430. Bryan, Thomas Conn, 1905- Confederate Georgia. 604 p. 3431. Hopkins, James Franklin, 1909- History of the hemp industry in Kentucky. 366 p. 3432. Long, John William, 1914- The San Juan Island boundary controversy; a phase of 19th century Anglo-American relations. 595 p. 1950 M.A. 3433. Abbot, William Wright, 1922- The structure of politics in Georgia, 1782-1789... 59 p. 3434. Barry, Richard Schriver The history of Fort Macon. 299 p. 3435. Bennett, William Leffis Church and state in North Carolina, 1663-1776. 259 p. 3436. Bullock, Thomas Kirby Crafts and craftsmen in Williamsburg, Virginian, 1736-1761, as revealed by the York County records and advertisements in the Virginia Gazette . 136 p. 3437. Corley, Gerald B. Governor Aimer Nash, revolutionary patriot. 168 p. 3438. Drozdowski, Eugene Christopher The Civil War career of Edwin M. Stanton. 307 p. 3439. Hollyday, Frederic B.A\. The opposition of the German left liberals to the military bills during the Bismarckian empire. 184 p. 3440. Keyser, Stanley Randolph The apprenticeship system in North Carolina to 1840. 94 p. 3441. Oliver, George Brown The executive functions of the council of seventeenth century Virginia. 129 p. 3442. Prichard, Howard Oscar The suppression of idolatry among the Indians of Peru. 153 p. Ph.D. 3443. Todd, Richard Cecil, 1914- A history of confederate finance. 446 p, 273 HISTORY 1950 Ph.D. 3444. Unterberger, Betty Miller, 1923- America's Siberian expedition, 1918-1920: a study of national policy. 456 p. 3445. Vinson, John Chalmers, 1919- The Senate and the Washington Conference, 1921-1922. 414 p. 1951 M.A. 3446. Angley, Mary Changing American views of ti-.e Mexican revolution of 1910. 187 p. 344/. Cooper, Mildred Jo The Virginia militia, 1700-1763... 148 p. 3448. Dale, Philip Malor A history of Peruvian immigration. 196 p. 3449. Davidson, Cornelia Neal Three legends of Venus in Italian Renaissance painting. 114 p. 3450. Davis, Rodney Oliver Lord Lansdowne and the question of a negotiated peace, 1916-1918. 149 p. 3451. Donegan, Thomas Daniel The international health division: an investment in hemispheric health and human welfare. 160 p. 3452. Esthus, Raymond Arthur American policies toward Japan: 1937-1941, with particular reference to the diplomacy of ambassador Joseph C. Grew. 178 p. 3453. Grimball, Berkeley Commodore Alexander Gillon of South Carolina 1771-1794. 119 p. 3454. Howard, Frederick Kennedy A study of the diplomacy of Edwin Hurd Conger, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to China... 1898-1905. 119 p. 3455. Luvaas, Morten Jay Through English eyes; the impact of the American Civil War on British military thought. 159 p. 3456. McElroy, David Brian The National Socialist Party in Austria; 1936-1938. 169 p. 274 HISTORY 1951 M.A. 3457. Nichols, Lawrence Richard Domestic history of Cuba during the war of the insurrectos, 1895-1898. 187 p. 3458. Rylander, Gustave W. The rise of William Pitt the younger to power. 85 p. 3459. Stockdale, Harry Foster Baron Kijuro Shidehara and Japan's foreign policy, 1924- 1931. 163 p. 3460. Thompson, Earle Crosland Venetian foreign relations, 1490-1500. 218 p. Ph.D. 3461. Braverman, Howard, 1920- Calvin Henderson Wiley, North Carolina educator and writer. 409 p. 3462. McCain, Paul Moffatt, 1920- The county court in North Carolina before 1750. 260 p. 3463. Sisk, Glenn Nolen, 1906- Alabama black belt; a social history, 1875-1917. 593 p. M.A. 1952 3464. Abshire, Charles W. American military policy, 1865-1879. 139 p. 3465. Allen, William Francis The Philippine revolution, 1898-1899. 158 p. 3466. Beers, Burton Floyd The diplomacy of the United States in China's efforts to abolish extraterritoriality, 1928-1931. 102 p. 3467. Downs, Murray Scott The fourteenth Parliament of Great Britain and the election of 1780. 224 p. 3467a. Hudson, Virginia La Frage James Habersham: Georgia colonial builder ... 110 p. 3468. Lambert, Sarah Margaret The repeal of the Chinese exclusion laws, 1943. 144 p. 3469. Noggle, Burl Lee Spencer Roane: the jurist as politician. 142 p. 3470. Ramsey, Robert Wayne Winter war, 1939-1940. 96 p. 275 HISTORY 1952 M.A. 3471. Raup, William w. Diffusion of useful knowledge in New Spain during the eighteenth century. 130 p. 3472. Stanford, Stephen Dunlap Winston Churchill and the admiralty, 1911-1915. 291 p. 3473. Thompson, Virginia M. Extracts from the diary of Martha E. Foster Crawford, 1852- 1854; edited, with notes... by Virginia M. Thompson. 135 p. Ph.D. 3474. Beatson, James Allen, 1923- The portion of the peacemaker; Wilson, House, Lansing and the quest for a negotiated peace, August, 1914-February , 1917. 355 p. 3475. Cunningham, Noble E. The Jeffersonian Party to 1801; a study of the formation of a party organization. 440 p. 3476. Curry, Roy Watson, 1918- Woodrow Wilson and the Far East. 679 p. 3477. Guyton, Percy Love, 1905- The government and cotton to 1862. 476 p. 3478. King, Doris Elizabeth, 1925- Hotels of the old South: 1793-1860; a study of the origin and development of the first-class hotels. 345 p. 3479. Kyle, Joseph Burch , 1923- Spain and its colonies, 1814-1820. 309 p. 1953 M.A. 3480. Johnson, Allen Saunders The rise to power of George Grenville, 1712-1763... 115 p. 3481. Jones, Edward Lee The development of regional militarism (warlordism) in China, 1850-1927... 103 p. 3482. Ramsaur, Edmund George British reactions to the rise of national socialism in Germany, 1930-1933... 233 p. 3483. Rock, William Ray The Munich agreement of September 29, 1938: its enforcement and results... 159 p. 276 M.A. HISTORY 1953 3484. Sperry, William Hartley English and Dutch naval contacts with the Spanish in the Philippines from the time of Drake to the War of the Austrian Succession... 186 p. 3485. TePaske, John Jay The life of Appleton Oaksmith: its Latin American aspects.. 127 p. 3486. Upton, Anthony Frederick The political structure of Virginia, 1790-1830... 159 p. 3487. Whitcombe, David Niles Personalities and policies at the Paris Peace Conference... 118 p. Ph.D. M.A. 3488. Abbot, William Wright, 1922- Georgia under the royal governors, 1754-1775... 275 p. 3489. Hamilton, Thomas Theodore, 1920- The impact of the Shanghai incident of 1932 upon the United States and the League of Nations... 389 p. 1954 3490. Barker, Richard John Casimir Perier: banker, industrialist, and deputy, 1777- 1827... 251 p. 3491. Bell, John Bowyer The Spanish Civil War and the origins of the London non-intervention committee of September 9, 1936... 136 p. 3492. Crowley, Christopher Julian Cesare Borgia and the decline of the Italian alliance system... 101 p. 3493. Gatewood, Willard Badgette James Calvin Hemphill in the presidential campaign of 1912... 189 p. 3494. Leahy, Joseph P. Charles Evans Hughes and the protection of American life and property in China, 1922-1924... 224 p. 3495. Morse, Theodore Frederick Prelude to reform: parliamentary politics in 1830... 172 p. 277 HISTORY 1954 M.A. 3496. Sappington, Roger Edwin The social gospel movement in American protestantism: the ideas of selected social gospellers on economic problems, 1919-1929... 110 p. 3497. Schweitzer, Adriennc Thoet Historical comment on British strategy, 1793-1801... 141 P . 3498. Warlick, Raymond Aubrey Nathanael Greene as commander of the southern department. 1780-1781 247 p. 3499. Ziring, Stanley The inception of allied and American intervention in Russia in 1918. . . 148 p. Ph.D. 3500. Nichols, Lawrence Richard, 1924- "The bronze titan": the mulatto hero of Cuban independence, Antonio Maceo... 471 p. 3501. Oliver, John Burrell, 1918- Japan's role in the origins of the London Naval Treaty of 1930; a study in diplomatic history... 514 p. 3502. Webb, John Maurice Robert Leslie; merchant manufacturer... 312 p. 1955 M.A. 3503. Harrington, William George William Lafayette Scott; North Carolina lawyer and republican politician of the Reconstruction period... 90 p. 3504. Stockton, Manley Stillwell The smallpox epidemics of 1779 and 1797 and the early history of vaccination in Mexico... 82 p. 3505. Wilmore, Nancy Strother The history and influence of the Oxford movement on the Protestant Episcopal church: 1835-1860... 115 p. 3506. Yonker, Thomas Walter The Negro church in North Carolina, 1700-1900... 179 p. 278 HIS T R Y 1955 Ph.D. 3507. Hollyday, Frederic B. M. , 1928- Albrecht von Stosch : a political study of the Bismarckian period. . . 655 p . 3508. Johnson, Allen Saunders, 1929- The political career of George Grenville, 1712-1770... 537 p. 1956 M.A. 3509. Battle, Philip Davis The development and regulation of the tobacco industry in the Spanish West Indies... 109 p. 3510. Cannon, Carl Franklin Robert ("King") Carter of "Corotoman" . . . 291 p. 3511. Davis, Sylvia Annette Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith; a study in Christian nationalism, 1929-1946... 148 p. 3512. DeBouy, Katie Lou The social and economic effects of the War between the States on a prominent South Carolina family ... 75 p. Ph.D. 3513. Esthus, Raymond Arthur, 1925- Diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan, 1905-1908... 474 p. M.A. 3514. Felt, Jeremy Pollard The subsistence department of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865... 112 p. 3515. Hess, Ursula Elizabeth The Daily Telegraph affair, 1908-1909... 198 p. 3516. Leith, James Andrew Italian Renaissance art in historical thought .. .224 p. 3517. Matthews, Roy Thomas British opinion and policy on Anglo-American relations, 1937- 1938... 210 p. 3518. Mitchell, Robert Allan The noble brotherhood of arms... 132 p. 279 HISTORY 1956 M.A. 3519. Perry, Marvin Great Britain and the Palestine problem, 1945-1948... 116 p. 3520. Porter, Earl Waters Congressional reaction to the Of f ice of War Information, 1942-1945... 137 p. Ph.D. 3521. Beers, Burton Floyd, 1927- Robert Lansing and the Far East, 1914-1917 .. .283 p. 3522. Blossom, Thomas, 1912- Antonio Narino, precursor of Colombian independence... 329 p. 3523. Bumgartner, Louis Emery, 1924- Jose Cecilio del Valle; Central-American savant ... 339 p. 3524. Greene, Jack Phillip, 1931- The quest for power of the lower houses of assembly in the southern royal colonies, 1730-1763... 2v. 3525. Harris, Robert Leigh, 1917- Tlie South in defeat: 1865... 311 p. 3526. Leahy, Joseph Patrick, 1928- The China policy of Charles Evans Hughes ... 418 p. 3527. Luvaas, Morten Jay, 1927- Through foreign eyes; the American Civil War in European military thought ...434 p. 3528. Noggle, Burl Lee, 1924- Conservation in politics: a study of Teapot Dome ... 335 p. 3529. Rock, William Ray, 1930- The British policy of appeasement and its critics, 1938-1939 475 p. 3530. Russell, Mattie, 1915- William Holland Thomas, white chief of the North Carolina Cherokees ... 450 p. 3531. Taylor, Orville Walters, 1917- Negro slavery in Arkansas ... 394 p. 280 HISTORY 1957 M.A. 3532. Choi, Yoon Ai Soviet policy concerning the Korean War, 1950-1951 ... 89 p. 3533. Clifton, James Malcolm The evolution of the superior court in North Carolina before 1868. . . 118 p. 3534. Ferguson, Clyde Randolph Andrew Pickens—partisan ... 256 p. 3535. Ferrell, Henry Clifton John Jackson McSwain; a study in political technique ... 121 p. 3536. Flick, Carlos Thomas The British election of 1831 ... 146 p. 3537. McGee , Betsy Brooks The concept of the adiaphora in Elizabethan ecclesiastical controversy ... Ill p. 3538. Manarin, Louis Henry Major-General Gouverneur Kemble Warren: a reappraisal . . . 228 p. 3539. Viault, Birdsall Scrymser The proposed Austro-German customs union of 1931 ... 204 p. Ph.D. 3540. Addy, George Milton, 1927- The enlightenment in the University of Salamanca. . .429 p. 3541. Daniel, Wilbon Harrison, 1922- The Protestant church in the Confederate States of America. . .251 p. 3542. Gatewood, Willard Badgette, 1931- Eugene Clyde Brooks: educator and public servant... 582 p. 3543. Harvin, Harry L. The Far East in the peace conference of 1919... 28 p. 3544. Murray, John Aloysius, 1922- British policy and opinion on the Anglo-Russian entente, 1907-1914... 2v. 3545. Steele, Arthur Robert, 1916- Flowers for the king: the Ruiz-Pavon botanical expedition to the viceroyalty of Peru, 1777-1778... 350 p. 1958 M.A. 3545a. Bright, Samuel Raymond Coast defense and the southern coasts before Fort Sumter. 109 p. 281 HISTORY 1958 M.A. 3546. ELder, Mary Louise The political organization and techniques of John H. Small... 116 p. 3547. Esler, Anthony James Influences of social and cultural developments and of traditional geography on Elizabethan concepts of the nature of the American Indian... 179 p. 3548. Hi lies, William Clark The good roads movement in the United States; 1880-1916... 192 p. 3549. Perm, Neil Shaw Charles Colcock Jones, Jr., Georgia archaeologist, collector, and historian ... 140 p. 3550. Pierson, Patricia Joyce Reactions in Great Britain to the Russian revolutions of 1917... 192 p. 3551. Pryke, Kenneth George Nova Scotia and confederation, 1864-1867... 139 p. 3552. Thompson, Robert Luther The political crisis in Germany, 1917 ... 97 p. 3553. Tuck, William Pressly The evolution of the bullion controversy 1797-1819... 176 p. Ph.D. 3554. Barker, Richard John, 1928- Casimir Perier (1777-1832) and William Ternaux (1763-1833): two French capitalists. 372 p. 3555. Bell, John Bowyer, 1931- The non-intervention committee and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 ... 371 p. 3556. Brandon, Barbara Wolff, 1931- Hanover and Hanoverians in British politics, 1714-1727... 388 p. 3557. Davis, Rodney Oliver, 1924- British policy and opinion on war alms and peace proposals, 1914-1918 ... 392 p. 3558. MacLean, Guy Robertson, 1929- The imperial federation movement in Canada, 1884-1902 ... 413 p. 282 M.A. 3559. 3560. 3561 3562, 3563. 3564. 3565. 3566. 3567, 3568. HISTORY 1959 Ashby, Robert Howe Leon Gambetta; a portrait of a French nationalist ... 173 p. Burris, Craven Allen Political aspects of the passage of the English education act, 1902 . . . 141 p. Grubcr, Ira Dempsey The Anglo-French naval conflict in North America: summer 1778 . . .125 p. Jarrett, Horace Marshall Jean d'Alembert; a study in the French enlightenment ... 132 p, Lowry , Francis Bullitt The formation of the military settlement of the Versailles treaty, 1919 ... 213 p. Mellon, Jane Stroud Adeline Burr Davis Green ... 88 p. Moffett, William Andrew The long arm of Thomas Cromwell; problems in controlling English opinion: 1537-1540 ... 160 p. Parkinson, Russell Jay Some aspects of United States military aeronautics, 1863- 1906 ... 126 p. Pugh , Evelyn Littleton The Socialist Party in the election of 1932 ... 188 p. Syme , Samuel Augustus The Minto mission to Italy, 1847-1848 ... 180 p. Ph.D. 3569. 3570, 3571, Downs, Murray Scott, 1928- King, ministers, and Parliament, 1774-1784 579 p. Higginbotham, Robert Don, 1931- Daniel Morgan: revolutionary soldier . 288 p. Meaney, Neville Kingsley, 1932- The American attitude towards the British empire from 1919 to 1922-- a study in the diplomatic relations of the English- speaking nations ... 427 p. 3572. Oliver, George Brown, 1926- A constitutional history of Virginia, 1776-1860 454 p, 283 HISTORY 1959 Ph.D. 3573. Sappington, Roger Edwin, 1929- The development of social policy in the Church of the Brethren: 1908-1958 ... 474 p. 3574. Schultz, Harold John, 1932- William Aberhart and tlie social credit party: a political biography ... 478 p. 3575. TcPaske, John Jay, 1929- The governorship of Spanish Florida, 1700-1763 ... 558 p. 1960 M.A. 3576. Deierhoi, Tyler German policy in the general disarmament conference, January 30 to October 14, 1933 ...165 p. 3577. Erwin, William Rector Politics and electoral laws of the Bourbon restoration in France, 1815-1820 ...144 p. 3578. Finnie, Gordon Esley The relationship of the West Indies to the colonization of Virginia, 1562-1619 ... 149 p. 3579. Kriegel, Abraham D. William IV, 1830-1835 ... 112 p. 3580. Martin, Jack McMichael The covenants of the seceders: a study of, their ideas concerning the relation of their religion with history ... 104 p. 3581. Moore, John Robert Josiah W. Bailey, candidate for governor of North Carolina ... 140 p. 3582. Partin, Malcolm Overstreet Waldeck-Rousseau, the cabinet of republican defense, and the associations law of 1901 ... 151 p. 3583. Porter, Henry Powell The establishment of British rule in East Africa, 1885- 1895 ... 276 p. 3584. Westin, Richard Barry A history of the Durham school system, 1882-1933 . . . 149 p. 3585. Williams, William Hayes The French clergy and the convocation of the states-general (July 1788 to June 22, 1789) ... 159 p. 284 HISTORY 1960 M.A. 3586. This number not used. Ph.D. 3587. Ferguson, Clyde R. , 1930- General Andrew Pickens ... 690 p. M.A. 3588. Flick, Carlos Thomas, 1927- The early political career of Lord John Russell ... 400 p. 1961 3589. Cantor, Louis The creation o£ the modern national guard: background, passage, and legislative aftermath of the Dick militia act of 1903 ... 101 p. 3590. Cubbison, Mary Paige The Virginia antifederalists : a summary view, September 1786 - May 1788 ... 129 p. 3591. Gates, Rosalie Prince The Sino-Indian border dispute ... 184 p. 3592. Gillespie, Neal Cephas A failure of experimental science: the American debate on epidemic disease, 1793-1825... 135 p. 3593. Harper, Glenn Terry German economic penetration in Spain during the Spanish Civil War: the first year, July 1936-July 1937 ... Ill p. 3594. Heggoy, Alf Andrew The African policies of Gabriel Hanotaux, 1894-1895 ... 142 p. 3595. Kydd, Helen Elizabeth Canadian defence as discussed in the Parliament of Canada, 1902-1914 ... 93 p. 3596. Lazenby, Gail Bryan Smoking among women, 1890-1935: a study in social change ...196 p. 3597. Mathews, Jane DeHart The Federal Theatre, 1935-39 ... 224 p. 3598. O'Donnell, James Howlett The Cherokee Indians in the War of Independence, 1775-1777 ... 95 p. 285 M.A. HISTORY 1961 3599. Richards, Nool J. The British election of 18 74 ... 115 p. 3600. Shogren, Ruth E. The Pullman Strike, 1894: a study of contemporary magazine and newspaper articles ... 124 p. 3601. Sowle, Patrick M. The Confederacy, slavery, and emancipation: 1860-1865 ... 176 p. Ph.D. 3602. Bright, Samuel R., 1.929- Confederate coast defense ... 282 p. 3603. Esler, Anthony James, 1934- Thc aspirin;; mind of Elizabethan younger generation ... 258 p. 3604. Gruber, Ira Dempsey, 1934- Admiral, Lord Howe and the War for American Independence ... 481 p. 3605. Morrison, Joseph L. Josephus Daniels as "Tar Heel editor," 1894-1913 ... 356 p. 3606. Porter, Earl Waters, 1924- A history of Trinity College, 1892-1924: foundations of Duke University ... 404 p. 3607. Stark, John Daniel, 1927- William Watts Ball: a study in conservatism ... 396 p. 3608. Zuber, Richard Lee, 1932- Jonathan Worth: a biography of a Southern unionist ... 572 p. 1962 M.A. 3609. Courtney, John Childs Socialized medicine as an issue in the 1960 provincial election in Saskatchewan ... 105 p. 3610. Edmondson, Clifton Earl Nazi Germany's designs on Austria: the first eighteen months, January 30, 1933- July 25, 1934 ... 198 p. 3611. Gibbs, Shirley Mae Lee's command procedures ... 140 p. 3612. Gillespie, Sarah (Calhoun) The expulsion of the socialists from the Assembly of New York State in 1920 ... 132 p. 3613. Goodson, Susan Tweed The federal food, drug, and cosmetic act of 1938; a study in legislative process ... 110 p. 236 HISTORY 1962 M.A. 3614. Harrison, Emory E«rl The interconnection of Whigs and Radicals during Lord Grey's ministry, November, 1830 to July, 1834 ... 164 p. 3615. Hill, John Lowell The moderate-extremist conflict in the Indian National Congress, 1893-1907 ...136 p. 3616. Jones, Hugh Edward The confirmation of Charles Evans Hughes as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States ... 99 p. 3617. Lengel, Leland L. Keeper of the peace: Harry Toulmin in the West Florida controversy, 1805-1813 ... 173 p. 3618. Mitchell, Norma Taylor Freedom and authority in the Moravian community of North Caro- lina: 1753-1837 ... 185 p. 3619. Morgan, Thomas Sellers A voice of dissent: New Zealand's role in the League of Nations, 1935-1938 ... 231 p. 3620. Primer, John Shults The dispute between Great Britain and Guatemala over the right of sovereignty in British Honduras ... 91 p. 3621. Roller, David Charles The Greensboro Daily Industrial News and North Carolina Republican politics, 1905-1908 ... 99 p. 3622. Spangenberg, Bradford The English in India: studies in English and native attitudes in the post-mutiny period ... 141 p. 3623. Suid, Lawrence Howard Lenin in exile: 1908 to 1914 ... 106 p. 3624. White, John Charles Pierre Victor Malouet; constitutional views and role as a legislator, 17C8-1791 ... 132 p. Ph.D. 3625. Addington, Larry Holbrook, 193 r '- General Franz Haider and the German army and general staff, 1938-1941 ... 348 p. 287 HISTORY 1962 Ph.D. 3626. Jarrett, Horace Marshall, 1930- D'Alembort and the Encyclopedie ... 334 p. 3627. Mann, Harold Wilson, 1925- Thc life and times of Atticus Greene Haygood ... 434 p. 3628. Mathews, Donald Gene, 1932- Antislavery, piety, and institutionalism; the slavery controversies in the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1780 to 1844 ... 396 p. 3629. Moore, John Robert, 1936- Josiah W. Bailey of North Carolina and the New Deal, 1931-1941 ... 387 p. 3630. Pryke, Kenneth George, 1932- Nova Scotia and confederation, 1864-1870 ... 306 p. 3631. Wallace, Wesley Herndon, 1912- Th e development of broadcasting in North Carolina, 1922-1948 ... 436 p. M.A. 1963 3632. Block, Robert Hoyt Virginia in national politics: 1825-1828 ... 66 p. 3633. Briceland, Alan Vance The standing order, Connecticut Republicanism and Ephraim Kirby, 1790-1796 ... 116 p. 3634. Canning, John Jacob The influence of India on British military reforms from 1858 to 1874 ... 131 p. 3635. Champagne, Raymond W. Democratic presidential politicking, 1922-1924 ... 179 p. 3636. Cintron-Rios, Maria Mercedes The history of public health in Puerto Rico, 1898- 1952 ... 119 p. 3637. Clayton, Bruce Lynn William Garrott Brown, a spokesman of the New South ... 129 P. ••• 3638. Cooper, Arnold The early relief policies of the Hoover administration, 1914- 1931; origins and implementations ... 154 p. 288 HISTORY 1963 M.A. 3639. Uagerman, Edward Hayes The evolution of trench warfare in the American Civil War, 1861-63 ... 144 p. 3640. Hohner, Robert Arthur The Anti-Saloon League of Virginia, 1901- 1910; prelude to prohibition ... 227 p. 3641. King, William Eskridge The Ogden movement in North Carolina philanthropy and the growth of public schools 1900-1910 ... 114 p. 3642. Kirkland, John Dermont Early reactions to the mechanistic deterministic synthesis of late nineteenth century science... 124 p. 3643. Leavell, John Perry The Socialist Party conventions of 1919 and 1920 ... 63 p. 3644. Oppel, Bernard Russo-German relations, 1904-1905 ... 104 p. 2645. Reynolds, Clark Gilbert The Civil and Indian War diaries of Eugene Marshall, Minnesota volunteer (edited) by Clark G. Reynolds... 408 p. 3646. Teffeteller, Gordon Lamar The shift of power from Sir Robert Peel to Lord John Russell, November 1845- June 1846 ... 106 p. 3647. Trotter, Agnes Anne The development of the merchants of death theory of American intervention, 1914-1937 ... 146 p. 3648. Woodham, John Edivard Dr. Unanue's El C 1 ima de Lima: testament of an Amante del Pais . . . 120 p . Ph.D. 3649. Cantor, Louis, 1934- The creation of the modern national guard: the Dick Militia Act of 1903 ... 300 p. 3650. Ganyard, Robert Loyal, 1923- North Carolina during the American Revolution; the first phase, 1774-1777 ... 460 p. 3651. Goff, Richard Davis, 1934- Logistics and supply problems of the Confederacy ... 547 p. 289 HISTORY 1963 Ph.D. 3652. Harper, Glenn Terry, 1937- German economic policy in .Spain during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 ... 247 p. 3653. Heggoy, Alf Andrew, 1938- The colonial policies of Gabriel Hanotaux in Africa, 1894-1898 ... 309 p. 3654. Jones, Edward Brodus, 1928- The imperial ideas ox Henry Dundas and British expansion in the East, 1783-1801 ... 387 p. 3655. Koesy, Sheldon Fred, 1923- Continuity and change in North Carolina, 1775-1789 ... 305 p. 3656. Lowry, Francis Bullitt, 1936- The generals, the armistice, and the Treaty of Versailles, 1919 ... 486 p. 3657. O'Donnell, James Howlett, 1937- The southern Indians in the War of Independence, 1775-1783 ... 349 p. 3658. Parkinson, Russell Jay, 1930- Politics, patents and planes: military aeronautics in the United States, 1863-1907 ... 294 p. 3659. Sowle, Patrick Michael, 1937- Thc conciliatory Republicans during the winter of secession.., 533 p. 3660. Tyler, Warwick Percival Newell, 1937- Sir Frederic Rogers, permanent undersecretary at the Colonial Office, 1860-1871 ... 362 p. 3661. Viault, Birdsall Scrymser, 1932- The peace issue, 1939-1940 ... 631 p. 1964 M.A. 3662. Albee, Parker Bishop The determination of the Polish-German frontier at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 ... 128 p. 3663. Anthony, Victor Benjamin Congress and the concept of strategic aerial warfare, 1919-1939 ... 187 p. M.A. 290 HISTORY 1964 3664. Barrier, Norman Gerald The Punjab alienation of land bill; a study of the formation, enactment and consequences of a government of India land measure . . . 129 p. 3665. Blakeley, Brian Layton The partition of New Guinea, 1874-1885; a study in nine- teenth century imperialism ... 148 p. 3666. Crisp, James Allen The religious awakening in the Army of Tennessee ... 123 p. 3667. English, John Alan Confederate field communications ... 147 p. 3668. Honeycutt, Ava L. Fort Fisher, Malakoff of the south ... 240 p. 3669. Jensen, Raymond Louis Selected aspects of the Indian civil service question from its conception to 1868 ... 150 p. 3670. Joiner, Charles Frank The operation of the Canada Constitution Act, 1791, in upper Canada during the administration of Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe, 1791-1796 ... 104 p. 3671. Jones, Philip Dwight The Whig-Radical reformers and the British army, 1830- 1841 ... 104 p. 3672. McDow, Mildred A. Birth of the Republican Party in Texas ... 108 p. 3673. Mancha, Philip Edward Alfred Rosenberg in theory and practice: selected episodes ... 98 p. 3674. Mullen, Frank Joseph Bertrand Russell's early social philosophy: an interpretive essay . . . 107 p» 3675. Newell, Leonard Jackson Dr. Benjamin Rush and the American Revolution ... 133 p. 3676. Packard, Hyland Bryant Rockingham, Edmund Burke and economic reform, 1779-1782 ... 181 p. 3677. Reinhardt, William Warren The failure of British intervention in Mexico, October 1861 to April 1862 ... 78 p. 3678. Richards, Michael Dulany Rosa Luxemburg; contributions to controversies in the European social den acy, 1894-1907 ... 92 p. M.A. 291 II I S T R Y 1964 3679. seale, William Andrew F. Smyth; a citizen of Texas from the Republic to Reconstruction ... 183 p. 3680. Turner, Albert Blythc The War Relocation Authority: the dilemma of the Pacific Coast Japanese, December 7, 1941 -May 7, 1943 ... 93 p. 3681. Watson, Robert Meredith A religious profile of Durham, North Carolina, 1880-1930 ... 244 p. Ph. D. 3682. Bassett, Michael Edward Rainton, 1938- The Socialist Party of America, 1912-1919: years of decline ... 356 p. 3683. Deierhoi, Tyler, 1932- The conduct of German policy at the disarmament conference of 1932 ... 473 p. 3684. Drozdowski, Eugene Christopher, 1924- Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln's Secretary of War: toward victory... 1278 p. 3685. Gillespie, Neal Cephas, 1933- George Frederick Holmes and the philosophy of faith; a study in the religious crisis of American orthodoxy in the nineteenth century . . . 309 p . 3686. Henderson, Cary Smith, 1929- Congressman John Taber of Auburn: politics and federal appropriations, 1923-1.962 ... 442 p. 3687. Reynolds, Clark Gilbert, 1939- History and development of the fast carrier task forces, 1943-1945 ...580 p. 3688. Salmond, John Alexander, 1937- "Roosevelt's tree army": a history of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942 ... 302 p. 3689. White, John Charles, 1939- Pierre Victor Malouet: administrator and legislator (1740- 1792) ... 338 p. 3690. Woodham, John Edward, 1938- Hipolito Unanue and the enlightenment in Peru ... 301 p. 292 II I S T R Y 1965 M. A. 3691. Borcherding, Margaret Elaine Moss The remilitarization of the Rhineland ... 141 p. 3692. Breen, William James The Council of National Defense and North Carolina: 1916-1918 ... 101 p. 3693. Broussard, James Hugh The Federalist Party in North Carolina, 1800-1812 ... 159 p. 3694. Cahow, Clark R. Jest another patient: the Morganton State Hospital investigation of 1942 ... 112 p. 3695. Cain, Robert Jasper The administrative career of Sir Anthony Musgrave ...135 p. 3696. Chambers, Mary Dawson The abolition of the slave trade, 1804-1807 ... 83 p. 3697. Coughlan, Heather Turner The Royal Commission upon decentralization. The British Raj and Indian opinion, 1907-1909 ... 134 p. 3698. Dutton, Joe Dewayne Ambassador extraordinary: some aspects of Sir Nevile Henderson's diplomacy in the crises over Austria and Czechoslovakia, 1938 ... 115 p. 3699. Fraley, Jonathan David Prince Hohenlohe as chancellor and policymaker, 1894-1900 . 151 p. 3700. Hutcheson, Joan Anthony Eden's role in the Abyssinian crisis ... 116 p. 3701. Jones, Eldon Lewis British cavalry in the American War of Independence ... 107 p. 3702. Krein, David Frederick Forward step to failure; Herriot's foreign policy, 1924- 1925 ... 98 p. 3703. Laine, Amos Lee A study of the digressions in Sir Walter 'Ralegh's The History of the World ... 113 p. 3704. Mc Adams, Donald Ray Party, politics, and the struggle for power: the general election of 1790 in Great Britain ... 206 p. 3705. Maltby, William Saunders The origins of the black legend in Elizabethan England; a study Ln the development of anti-Hispanism ... 113 p. 293 II I S T R Y 1965 M.A. 3706. Marcello, Ronald Ely The North Carolina Works Progress Administration and the problem of political patronage, 1935-1936 ... 131 p. 3707. Moulden, Richard Gordon The parliamentary agitation of the West India interests, 1783-1796 ... 109 p. 3708. Nelson, Ronald Roy The parliamentary supporters of William Pitt, December 1783 to December 1792 ... 132 p. 3709. Pearson, Alden Bryan The Christian Century and the Manchurian crisis, 1931-33; a protestant journal reacts to the threat to peace ... 202 p. 3710. Roe, Jay Thomas The Roosevelt purge; F. D. R. challenges Senator Walter F. George in the 1938 Georgia Democratic senatorial primary . . . 122 p. 3711. Saide, Frederick The ambiguous legacy of Munich: Anglo-German policies in North Central Europe, October 1938 - May 1939 158 p. 3712. Tyler, Lyon Gardiner Slow steps for survival: federal civil-defense planning for the atomic age, 1946-50 .... 168 p. 3713. Weeks, Karen Hanke The Peruvian Apristas: failure of collaboration, 1945- 1948 ... 115 p. Ph.D. 3714. Bowers, Paul Chadwick, 1934- Richard Henry Lee and the Continental Congress: 1774-1779 ... 363 p. 3715. Briceland, Alan Vance, 1939- Ephraim Kirby, Connecticut Jef fersonian, 1757-1804: the origins of the Jef fersonian Republican Party in Connecticut ... 389 p. 3716. Burris, Craven Allen, 1929- Arthur James Balfour as a political leader: party, power, and the constitution, 1891-1905 ...416 p. 3717. Cell, John Whitson, 1935- British colonial policy in the 1850' s: a study of the decision-making process ... 384 p. 294 HISTORY 1965 Ph.D. 3718. Duly, Leslie Clement, 1935- British land policy at the Cape, 1795-1844 ...293 p. 3719. Gates, Rosalie (Prince) 1928- The Tibetan policy of George Nathaniel Curzon, Viceroy of India; January 1899-April 1904, December 1904-November 1905 372 p. 3720. Hagerman, Edward Hayes, 1939- The evolution of trench warfare in the American Civil War ... 441 p. 3721. Hodgins, Bruce Willard The political career of John Sandfield Macdonald to the fall of his administration in March, 1864; a study in Canadian politics . . . 456 p. 3722. Hohner, Robert Arthur, 1935- Prohibition and Virginia politics, 1901-1916 ... 203 p. 3723. Hyatt, Albert Mark John, 1934- The military career of Sir Arthur Currie ...309 p. 3724. Jones, Houston Gwynne, 1924- The public archives of North Carolina, 1663-1903 ... 429 p. 3725. Kirkland, John Dermont, 1939- The universe of the mind. A study of the quest for reality in late nineteenth century thought ... 300 p. 3726. Kriegel, Abraham David, 1938- The Whig government and Ireland, 1830-1835 ... 387 p. 3727. Kubicek, Robert Vincent, 1935- Joseph Chamberlain and the Colonial Office: a study in imperial administration ... 252 p. 3728. Manarin, Louis Henry, 1932- Lee in command: a strategical and tactical policies ... 623 p. 3729. Porter, Henry Powell, Jr., 1933- Strategy, speculation, and capitulation: the background to British East Africa, 1873-1890 ... 421 p. 295 HISTORY 1965 Ph.D. 3730. Roller, David Charles, 1937- Thc Republican Party of North Carolina: 1900-1916 ... 345 p. 3731. Seale, William, 1939- Margaret Lea Houston, 1819-1867: the first lady of Texas .. 476 p. 3732. Tray lor, Idris Rhea, 1935- The double-eagle and the fox: the dual monarchy and Bulgaria, 1911-1913 ... 367 p. 3733. This number not used. 3734. Williams, William Hayes, 1934- The priest in history: a study in divided loyalties in the French lower clergy from 1776 to 1789 ... 354 p. 3735. Yost, John K., 1935- The Christian humanism of the English reformers, 1525- 1555: a study in English renaissance humanism ... 494 p, 296 MATHEMATICS 1926 M.A. 3736. Clarkson, John Montgomery Types of collineation in space. 31 p. M.A. M.A. 1927 3737. Williams, Lina Elizabeth A note on Green's functions. 39 p. 1928 3738. Boyd, James Emory A study of plane cubic curves. 72 p. 3739. Carson, Thomas Coleman Some historical investigations into the parallel postulate. 51 p. 3740. Mancss, Levi Rufus The value of the study of intuitive and plane demonstrative geometry and their place in the high school curriculum. 90 p. 3741. Turnipseed, Marie Illustrations and applications of vectors. 64 p. 1929 M.A. 3742. Elliott, Emmet Roach Some notes on Hadamard's theorem for the maximum value of a determinant. 34 p. 3743. Powell, Mary Ellen Notes on some unusual types of elementary functions. 76 p. 3744. Rayner, Kenneth Tyson An analysis of the failures in mathematics in the high schools of North Carolina. 91 p. 3745. Stewart, Sara Historical development of analytical geometry. 108 p. M.A. 1930 3746. Gil lock, Emmie May Problems in maxima and minima. 37 p. 3747. Griffin, Mabel Jeanette A note on the uniform convergence of infinite series. 39 p . 297 MATHEMATICS 1931 M.A. 3748. Cox, Henry Miot Tlic solution of algebraic and differential equations by successive approximations. 49 p. 3749. Crook, Dorothy Louise Legendre's equation and polynomials. 56 p. 3750. Kapp, Mary Eugenia Some properties of determinants and their applications. 36 p. 3751. McAllister, James Gray Approximations and approximation processes. 65 p. 3752. McDowell, Gladstone Wadley Existence theorems for differential equations. 30 p. 3753. Monycr, Henry William Theory of averages. 71 p. Ph.D. 3754. Stokes, Ruth Wyckliffe A geometric theory of solution of linear inequalities. 42 p. M.A. 1932 3755. Harrington, Annie Mae Transcendence of e. 19 p. M.A. 3756. Peck, Alice Amanda An analytical discussion of the trigonometric functions. 46 p. 3757. Schuppan, Irma Margaret Some mathematical problems of geophysical prospecting. 38 p. 1933 3758. Brant, George Ezekiel A note on differential systems of the first and second orders. 27 p, 3759. pulmer, Mary Eunice The linear transformation. 45 p. 3760. Jurney , William Howard Differential systems, involving a system of ordinary linear differential equations of the first order. 37 p. 3761. McGavock, William Gillespie Abstract and binary group determination. 41 p. Ph.D. 3762. Dressel, Francis George A boundary value problem for the heat equation. 19 p. 298 MATHEMATICS 1933 Ph.D. 3763. Griffin, Mabel Jeanette Invariants of Pfaffian systems. 28 p. M.A. M.A, 1934 3764. Ball, Ruth Stella Pringsheim's theory of convergence of infinite series of positive terms. 51 p. 3765. Glick, t Rudolph Alfred Some applications of vector analysis to differential geometry. 49 p. 3766. Massey, Winston Louis The Dirichlet and Neumann problems for the circle. 54 p. 3767. Mumford, Carey Gardner Integration with respect to functions of limited variation. 45 p. 3768. Peterson, Daniel McLeod Existence theorems for partial differential equations of the first order. 24 p. 3769. Witt, Catherine Foundations of Lobachevskian plane geometry. 38 p. 1935 3770. Dean, Charles Wesley, Jr. The theorem of Miquel and related theorems. 63 p. 3771. Roberts, Beatrice Thelma Bernoulli numbers, 36 p. 3772. Stradley, Reese Gillespie Line configurations. 42 p. 3773. Stuart, Charles Morgan Some properties of simple continued fractions with applications to solutions of diophantine problems. 58 p. 3774. Tillery, Doris Katherine Necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of the Cauchy produce of two infinite series. 35 p. 3775. Tyler, George William The invariants and covariants of a pair of conies. 29 p. 3776. Vandivere, Edgar Filmore, Jr. Hermitian operators in Hilbert space. 34 p. 3777. Williams, Harvey Page Some problems involving geometric inversion. 46 p. Ph.D. 299 MATHEMATICS 1935 3778. Elliott, Emmet Roach A mixed boundary value problem for the heat equation. 22 p. 1936 M.A. 37 79. Black, Elma Jcanctte A note on Green's functions for compatible differential systems of equations of first order. 28 p. 3780. Bond, Wita Avis An introduction to algebraic invariants. 55 p. 3781. Buchanan, Evelyn The gamma function. 40 p. 3782. Clarkson, Helen Elizabeth Continued fractions. 101 p. 3783. George, Theodore Samuel Modern theory of difference equations. 42 p. 3784. Markham, Eleanor Mallory Fourier series. 81 p. 3785. Nicker son, Virginia Howard Invariant factors with applications to pairs of conies. 21 p. Ph.D. 3786. Dearborn, Donald Curtis Inequalities among the invariants of Pfaffian systems. 21 p. 1937 M.A. 3787. Fike, Cora Ruth Concerning Desargues' and Pascal's theorems. 53 p. 3788. Hedeman, Emma Ruth Young-Stieltjes integrals and Volterra-Stielt jes integral equations, 70 p. 3789. Kimler, Verna Tracing of algebraic curves. 27 p. 3790. Lanckton, Arthur Leroy, Jr. Zero order summability of Fourier series by generalized Riesz means. 24 p. M.A. M.A. M.A. 300 MATHEMATICS 1937 3791. Miller, Paul Concerning the existence of midpoints in a certain non-metrical geometry. 37 p. 3792. Moore, Katherine Boude Integration of algebraical functions. 57 p. 3793. Turquette, Atwell Rufus Strict implication as a system of pure mathematics. 24 p. 3794. Winton, Lowell Sheridan Compatible integro-dif ferential systems. 62 p. 1938 3795. Baucom, Thomas Victor Total differential equations. 32 p. 3796. Hair, Clifton LeCroy Topics in conformal mapping. 29 p. 3797. Simmons, Edgar B. General elimination. 21 p. 1939 3798. Brewster, James Pendleton Power series, by James Pendleton Brewster. 46 p. 3799. Erckman, William James Quadratic and related forms. 30 p. 3800. Gunson, Mildred Sneed The representation of a number as the sum of squares. 41 p. 3801. Marston, Helen Mount Finite projective geometries. 31 p. 3802. Miles, Ernest Percy Taylor's series for functions of a real variable, by Ernest Percy Miles, Jr. 35 p. 3803. Myers, Carl Francis Linear differential equations. 32 p. 3804. Russ, Alexander Postulates for groups, rings, fields and boolean algebras. 34 p, 3805. Smith, A. Lee Heaviside's operational calculus. 50 p. 301 MATHEMATICS 1939 M.A. 3806. Walters, Eleanor Boyd Tlic expansion of algebraic functions. 63 p. Ph.D. 3;;o/. McGavock, William Gillespie, 1909- Annihilators of quadratic forms with applications to Pfaffian systems. 26 p. 1940 M.A. Ph.D. 3808. Caskey, James Edward Tschirnhaus transformations. 53 p. 3809. Heilman, Carl E. Maxima and minima. 42 p. 3810. Murphy, Maude Alice The Weierstrass theorem of approximation by polynomials. 44 p. 3811. Rand, Robert Collom Continuity theorems for summable Fourier series. 19 p. 3812. Styer, Mildred M. Commutative matrices. 28 p. 3813. Tolbert, Nancy U. Alternants. 47 p. 3814. Warren, Ida Leane Permutable functions. 40 p. 3815. Canaday, Ernest Franklin, 1893- The sum of the divisors of a polynomial. 2 v. 3816. Gilbert, Paul Wilner, 1916- n-To-one mappings of linear graphs. 39 p. 3817. Martin, Abram Venable, 1912- Monotone transformations of non-compact two-dimensional manifolds. 33 p. 3818. Morris, William Lind, 1909- Kinetic-harmonic systems. 108 p. 3819. Mumford, Carey Gardner, 1903- Topics in double Fourier series. 64 p. M.A. Ph . D . M.A. 302 MATHEMATICS 1941 3820. Civin, Paul Inequalities for trigonometric integrals. 34 p. 3821. Johnson, Oscar Floyd The order of infinity of a function of one variable satisfying an algebraic differential equation. 59 p. 3822. Me serve, Bruce Elwyn The development of Euclidean plane geometry from projective geometry. 110 p. 3823. Thompson, Clarence Edward Cauchy's integral theorem. 53 p. 3824. Lee, Herbert Leonard, 1901- Power sums of polynomials in a Galois field. 30 p. 3825. Seward, Donald Monfort, 1905- Harmonic continuation in space. 38 p. 3826. Wade, Luther Irwin, 1916- Certain quantities transcendental over the field GF(p n > x) . 32 p. 1942 3827. Haag, Vincent Harold Location by parallix, 34 p. 3828. Hahn, Samuel Wilfred Interpolation formulas. 39 p. 3829. Pushard, Gladys Garrett The representation of integers by certain binary quadratic forms. 79 p. 3830. Rasor, Ellen Frances Arithemetic of quaternions. 40 p. 3831. Reynolds, Thomas Davies Summation of double Fourier series by elliptic means. 28 p. Ph.D. 3832. civin, Paul, 1919- Two-to-one mappings of manifolds. 17 p. 3833. George, Theodore Samuel, 1911- Concerning the equilibrium point of the Green's function for n-dimensional spherical annulus. 15 p. M.A. M.A, M.A. M.A. 303 MATHEMATICS 1944 3834. Pirkle, Eva Ann Geometric representation of linear inequalities, especially by means of nomograms. 24 p. 3835. Prcssly, Eleanor Crockett Legendre functions. 39 p. 1945 3836. Bar stow, Betty Dick Sigma-monogenic functions. 30 p. 3837. Cohen, Eckford L. Applications of the Galois theory. 25 p. 1946 3838. Boaman, Mary Elizabeth Moduli of the roots of algebraic equations. 30 p. 3839. Clark, Frank Eugene Identically vanishing poynomials. 31 p. 3840. Sowder, Ellie Mae Verification of numerical computations. 25 p. 1947 3841. Asbury, Jean Gray Foundations of Lobatchewskian trigonometry. 44 p. 3842. Bigger s, Ruth Evans Positive representation of polynomials. 19 p. 3843. Blackburn, Jacob Floyd Invariant methods in the differential geometry of surfaces. 29 p, 3844. Brokaw, Ruth W. The intersection of two conies. 25 p. 3845. Fulton, Lewis McLeod, Jr. Projective conformal mapping. 31 p. 3846. Garrett, James Richard The distribution of prime numbers. 36 p. 3847. Gentry, Ivey Clenton Elementary point set properties used in function theory. 23 p. 304 MATHEMATICS 1947 M.A. 3848. Langwell, Patricia Ann Nomograms of genus zero. 22 p. 3849. Rudin, Walter Divergent Fourier series. 43 p. 3850. Vause, Robert Zeno Introduction to transfinite cardinal numbers. 22 p. Ph.D. 3851. Cohen, Eckford, 1920- Sums of an even number of squares in GF(p n , s) . 30 p. 3852. Meserve, Bruce Elwyn, 1917- Inequalities of higher degree. 35 p. 1948 M.A. 3853. Brown, Jonas William Lattices. 23 p. 3854. Sloan, John Lindsay Differences equations. 33 p. 3855. Soltero, Mercedes Picard's first and second theorems. 30 p. 3856. Spencer, Stephen Marion Valuations for the rational number field. 30 p. 3857. Stark, LLoyd William Polyadic numbers. 24 p. Ph.D. 3858. Clark, Frank Eugene, 1919- Muirhead's theorem and its extension... 67 p. 3859. Hahn, Samuel Wilfred, 1921- Universal spaces under strong homeomorphisms. 28 p. 3860. Reynolds, Thomas Davies, 1919- Analytic solutions of integral equations having non-analytic kernels ... 37 p. M.A. 305 MATHEMATICS 1949 3861. Burnside, Dunklin Sullivan, Jr. A survey of algebraic manifolds and polynomial ideals. 32 p. 3862. Butcher, Mary Bright Introduction to configurations. 38 p. 3863. Gantt, Ben T. Real semi-continuous functions of a real variable. 16 p. 3864. Harrington, Alfred Harold The theory of the multiplication nomogram. 27 p. 3865. Martinelli, Robert Owens Some properties of pseudo-valuations. 21 p. 3866. Pegram, Howard Mclever Descriptive exposition of collineatibns in the projective plane. 42 p. 3867. Reed, Frederick Venable Some properties of Green's function. 30 p. 3868. Silva, Joseph A. General ideal theory for commutative rings. 42 p. 3869. Stancik , Edwin Edward Boundary value problems associated with the elliptic difference equation. 39 p. Ph.D. 3870. Gentry, Ivey Clenton, 1919- On extending a homomorphism defined over subsets of 2- dimensional orientable manifolds. 22 p. 3871. Jarnagin, Milton Preston, 1909- Open non-alternating at most two-to-one transformations on connected linear graphs. 71 p. 3872. Miles, Ernest Percy, 1919- A minimal problem for harmonic functions in space. 57 p. 3873. Rudin, Walter, 1921- Uniqueness theory for Laplace series. 57 p. 306 MATHEMATICS 1950 M.A. 3874. Ciilzo, Benjamin Ralph A fundamental solution of the self-adjoint elliptic differential equation. 33 p. 3875. Rosenthal, Louis Algebraic functions and Riemann surfaces. 17 p. 3876. Sharp, Henry A projective plane in which Desargues' theorem is not valid. 20 p. 3877. Thiel, Goodrich August The definition of an analytic function. 25 p. Ph.D. 3878. Fulton, Lewis McLeod, 1918- Decompositions induced under finite-to-one closed mappings ... 21 p. 3879. Garrett, James Richard, 1917- Normal equations and resolvents in fields of characteristic p. 49 p. 1951 M.A. 3880. Hardison, David Caleb Probability theory: the law of large numbers. 42 p. 3881. Pfeiffer, Mary Margaret An extension of a theorem concerning residues. 19 p. 3882. Turner, William Calhoun Postulates for projective geometry. 20 p. 3883. Wallace, James Neill The f-sigma sum theorem in dimension theory. 20 p. 3884. Witt, Fountain Joel Theory of perspective drawing. 31 p. 3885. Young, James Howard Conies in the complex plane. 44 p. Ph.D. 3886. Herbst, Robert Taylor, 1926- Reduction of passive orthonomic differential systems to passive systems of the first order. 27 p. 3887. Silva, Joseph Andrew, 1920- Representation of arithmetic functions in GF(p n , x) with values in an arbitrary field. 46 p. 307 MATHEMATICS 1951 Ph.D. 3888. Spencer, Stephen Marion, 1920- Transcendental numbers over certain function fields. 31 p. 1952 M.A. 3889. Coles, William Jeffrey Canonical form for collineations. 23 p. 3890. Hiers, Billie Jean Independent arcs of a regular curve. 15 p. 3891. Pohrer, Robert George Modular lattices. 36 p. 3892. Smythe, William Rodger Duhamel's principle and related theorems. 27 p. Ph.D. 3893. Brewster, James Pendleton, 1915- Initial conditions for differential systems. 25 p. 3894. Sharp, Henry, 1923- Strongly homeomorphic imbedding of F/ in a set of E n . 27 p. 1953 M.A. 3895. Herron, E. Warren The fixed-point theorem for Banach spaces ... 15 p. 3896. Hodges, John Herbert, 1928- Classes of matrices and quadratic ideals ... 26 p. 3897. Marschka, Edwin Howard Relaxation methods applied to linear systems ... 41 p. 3898. Milburn, John William Stability and convergence properties of numerical solutions of the heat-flow equation ... 48 p. Ph.D. 3899. Byers, Gordon Cleaves, 1918- r m Class number relations for quadratic forms over GF [q,x\ ... 30 p. 308 MATHEMATICS 1954 M.A. 3900. Willcox, Annette Veva Diophantine equations of the third and fourth degree ... 29 p, Ph . D . 3901. Coles, William Jeffrey, 1929- Linear and Riccati systems ... 33 p. 3902. Olson, Frank Roland, 1922- Arithmetic properties of Bernoulli number of higher order ... 36 P . 3903. Pohrer, Robert George, 1928- On the solution of equations in a finite field ... 71 p. 1955 M.A. 3904. Sward, Gilbert Leinbaugh The definition of zero, successor, and natural number in Terms of logical symbols... 26 p. Ph.D. 3905. Hodges, John Herbert, 1928- Some matric equations in a finite field ... 48 p. 3906. Smythe, William Rodger, 1927- A theorem on upper semi-continuous decompositions ... 30 p . 1956 M.A. 3907. Brooks, Charles Edward Paracompact spaces ... 19 p. 3908. Johnson, Julius Robert Euclid's algorithm in quadratic fields ...27 p. 3909. Monteabaro, John Greenwood The Laplace transformation and some of its applications ... 35 p. 3910. Van Meter, Robert G. Properties and applications of the Riemann function for a linear hyperbolic partial differential equation ... 42 p. Ph.D. 3911. Cocke, John, 1925- The regular point ... 22 p. 1957 M.A. 3912. Shawver, William Rowley The hypergeometric function ... 32 p. 309 MATHEMATICS 1957 M.A. 3913. Sperry, Marvin Gene The logic and development of the digital computer ... 57 p. Ph . D . 3914. Corson, Harry Herbert Systems of equations in a finite field ... 23 p. 3915. Jackson, Robert Bruce, 1929- Dependent solutions ... 27 p. 3916. Johnson, Julius Robert, 1932- Congruence properties of certain difference equations ... 36 p. 1958 M.A. 3917. Lawrence, Martha Eugenia Methods of matrix inversion ... 35 p. Ph. D. 3918. Al-Salam, Waleed A. , 1926- The Bessel polynominals and some related functions ... 56 p. 3919. Gropen, Arthur Louis, 1932- Special homeomorphisms in the functional space C(X, I2n+l) ••• 24 p. 1959 M.A. 3920. Bcrger, Edward Paul Cubic congruences to a prime modulus ... 28 p. 3921. Gibbons, Jean Dickinson Judgments concerning applications of measures of central tendency ... 69 p. 3922. Goode, George Edgar Solution of equations by iteration methods ... 28 p. 3923. Horsfield, Christopher Henry Some basic properties of MaKkov chains ... 31 p. 3924. Moore, Eldridge Hord Normal matrices ... 22 p. 3925. Saadaldin, Mohammed Jawad Nets and filters ... 21 p. 3926. Stone, Margaret Jones Farey series ... 27 p. 310 MATHEMATICS 1959 Ph.D. 3927. Forge, Auguste, 1931- Three theorems in dimension theory ... 24 p . 3928. Herron, Eugene Warren, 1931- Schlaefli's theorem ... 19 p. 3929. Kwak, Nosup, 1931- Imbedding of compact metric spaces in cubes ... 30 p. 3930. Robinson, Stewart Marshall, 1934- Some properties of the fundamental solution of the parabolic equation ... 40 p . 1960 M.A. 3931. Fletcher, Nancy Turnbull Introduction to conformal mapping ... 57 p. 3932. Johnson, Everette Kei.th Partitions ... 37 p . 3933. Mack, Edwin S. A necessary and sufficient condition that the Riemann integral exists ... 23 p . 3934. Williams, Henry Gordon An elementary proof of the Jordan curve theorem ... 21 p. Ph.D. 3035. Saadaldin, Mohammed Jawad, 1933- A generalized Lebesgue covering theorem ... 34 p. 3936. Stevens, Harlan Riley, 1929- The Hurwitz product of sequences satisfying a generalized Rummer's congruence ... 41 p. M.A. 1961 3937. Cavior, Stephan Robert, 1938- The fundamental theorem of Galois theory ... 23 p. 3 938. Edelstein, Warren Stanley Some problems associated with ordinary differential equations ... 49 p. 3 939. Reid, Louis Jean Schur functions ... 45 p. 311 MATHEMATICS 1961 Ph.D. 3940. I.owengrub, Morton, 1935- Stress in the vicinity of a crack in a thick elastic plate ... 37 p. 3941. Williams, Lcland Hendry, 1930- Extended algebra of polynomials in several variables for a digital computer ... 73 p. 1962 M.A. 3942. Blacka, Edwin Herbert Compactness and some related properties ... 28 p. 3943. Mackey, Thomas Andrew Implementation of procedure declarations in an ALGOL translator ... 37 p. 3944. Rosenstein, George Morris Oriented 2-manifolds having prescribed boundaries ... 47 p. Ph.D. 3945. Anderson, David Richard, 1936- On nested ordinal recursive functions and a subrecursive hierarchy ... 98 p . 3946. Hodel, Richard Earl, 1937- Open functions and dimension theory ... 33 p. 3947. McConnel, Robert Merriman, 1936- Pseudo-ordered polynomials over a finite field ... 40 p . 3948. Parrish, Gene Blanco, 1928- Truncation error for simultaneous reduced wave equations ... 76 p. 3949. Roth, Rodney Jack, 1927- The structure of near-rings and near ring modules ... 72 p. 1963 M.A. 3950. Carroll, Jane Helen An arithmetical theory of certain numerical functions . . . 41 p. 3951. Kaplan, Ellen Brauer A method for determining the solvable sub-groups of a finite group ... 43 p . 3952. Meister, Lynn Louise The calculation of the Galois group and equations with a symmetric group ... 49 p. 312 MATHEMATICS 1963 M.A. 3953. Purcell, Wilbur Ilallam, 1938- A convergence theorem of Kantorovitch for the Bernstein polynomials of an analytic function ... 33 p . 3954. Watson, James Donald The error of the Runge-Kutta ... 59 p. Ph.D. 3955. Cavior, Stephan Robert, 1938- Equivalence classes of functions over a finite field ... 34 p. 3956. Hayes, David Ryan, 1937- The distribution of irreducibles in GF fq,x~] . . . 79 p. 3957. King, Lunsford Richardson, 1937- On sE-compactif ications ... 32 p. 3958. Rosenstein, George Morris, 1937- Generalizations and an extension of Lebesgue's covering theorem ... 31 p . 3959. Van Meter, Robert Guy, 1931- The number of solutions of certain systems of equations in a finite field ... 45 p. 1964 M.A. 3960. Abdul-Halim, al-Salam, Nadhla, 1937- Orthogonal polynomials of hypergeometric type ... 31 p. 3961. Batten, Robert Winslow Interpolation polynomials ... 35 p. 3962. Bolen, David Winton Primitive rings ... 57 p. 3963. Dowling, Ruth Ellen Rectification in the reduction of real symmetric matrices ... 46 p. 3964. Flemister, Jane Lamarr Derivations and field extensions ... 37 p. 3965. Williams, Jack Caldwell On the condition of a linear system ... 47 p. Ph.D. 3966. Purcell, Wilbur Hal lam, 1938- A calculus-of-variations approach to the eigenvalues of a finite difference equation ... 52 p. 3967. Wenner, Bruce Richard, 1938- A Nagata-type metric on infinite-dimensional spaces ... 44 p. 313 MATH E M A T I C S 1965 M.A. 3^68 . Anderson, Thomas William Recursion and rccoenftion of well-formed formulas defined by i Backus Normal Form grammar ... 49 p. 3:269. Nasiruddin Fields with valuations ... 63 p. 3970. Ovens, Calvin Irwin An introduction to stability by Liapunov's direct method ... 43 p. 3971. Patel, Kanti Ashabhai The Caratheodory extension theorem for conformal mappings of Jordan domains ... 20 p. 39 7 2. Shepherd, Warren Lee Symmetric pfaffians ... 21 p. 3973. Ullman, Frederick David Inversion theorems for the Hankel transform ... 51 p. Ph.D. 3974. Abdul -Ha lim al-Salam, Nadhla, 1937- A class of hypergeometric polynomials... 46 p. 3975. Church, Charles Alexander, 1932- Some permutations with restricted positions ... 46 p. 3976. Fray, Robert Dutton, 1939- Congruence properties and generating functions ... 61 p. 3977. Menon, Korandattil Venugopalan, 1931- Inequalities for symmetric functions ... 20 p. 3978. Rosell, David Paul, 1939- Generalized Eulerian functions and a problem in partitions ... 40 p. 3979. Vaughan, Jerry Eugene, 1939- A modification of Morita's characterization of dimension ... 27 p. 3980. Wells, Charles Frederick, 1937- Permutation polynomials over finite fields ... 60 p. 3981. Winslow, Leon Edward, 1934- Jordan structures for bounded linear transformations in Hilbert space ... 108 p. 314 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1960 M.S. 3982. Bell j Robert: Glenn The analysis of a hydraulic shock absorber ... 79 p. 3933. Buzzard, Gale Herbert The dynamic response of a non-linear hydraulic damping device ... 54 p. 3984. Zubieta, Agustin Diaz Growth and tensile properties of metallic whiskers ... 43 p. 1961 M.S. 3985. Arnas, Ozer Ali Torsional analysis of a diesel engine ... 114 p. 3986. Cebeci, Tuncer A study of the effects of engine variables on detonation in internal combustion engines ... 56 p. 3987. Glenn, John Spellman Analysis of random time functions by analog methods ... 80 p. 1962 M.S. 3988. Wright, Donald Determination of the frequency response and transfer function of the aortic artery ... 106 p. Ph.D. 3989. George, Dick Leon, 1936- Boussinesq's problem for a heated punch ... 34 p. 1963 M.S. 3990. Gwaltney, Richard Clarke Elasticity of the dog thoracic aorta ... 88 p. 3991. Hu, Cheng -Chang Mechanical properties of sulphur ... 41 p. 3992. Smith, Philip Cox An elastomeric model applied to the intact dog aorta ... 125 p. 1964 *3993. Alexander, Robert Newell Pressure drop of fluids oscillating in circular tubes ... 49 p. 3994. Bengel, Paul Robert Design and analysis of a three componenet double flip-flop system using bistable fluid amplifiers ... 47 p. 315 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1964 M.S. 3995. Bresce, Louis Bowles Pulse testing nonlinear systems ... 75 p. 3996. Burow, Richard Wilcox Experimental and analytical methods for predicting sound transmission in air ducts ... 91 p. 3997. Kendrick, William Turner Characteristic behavior of a bi-stable fluid amplifier ... 65 p. 1965 M.S. 3998. Biggers, Robert Price The determination of natural frequencies and normal mode shapes of vibrating structures through transient analysis ... 135 p. 3998a. Titus, George Joseph The dynamics and thermodynamics of hydraulic accumulators . . . 36 p. 316 MICROBIOLOGY 1951 Ph.D. 3998b. Eckert, Edward Arthur, 1920- Host response Co the transmitting factors of avian erythro- myeloblastic leucosis. 68 p. M.A. Ph.D. 1953 3999. Hawkins, Jean Ellen Niacin metabolism of virulent and avirulent strains of the tubercle bacillus ... 59 p. 4000. Christison, Isabel, 1922- The antifungal activity of some organic compounds against fungi pathogenic for man ... 72 p. 4001. Halde, Carlyn Jean, 1924- The relation of nutrition to the growth and morphology of trichophyton concentricum Blanchard 1896 ... 35 p. 4002. Hardin, Hilliard Frances, 1917- Studies of quantitative differential agglutination and quantitative differential hemolysis of human erythrocytes 66 p. 4003. Shepard, Maurice Charles, 1916- The significance of pleuropneumonia-like organisms in non-gonococcal urethritis ... 78 p. Ph.D. 1957 4004. Cress, Hertha Ramsey, 1920- A comparative study of ten strains of nocardia asteroides 55 p. Ph.D. 1958 4005. Affronti, Lewis Francis, 1928- Purified protein derivatives (PPD) and other antigenes from a typical acid-fast bacilli and nocardia asteroides: the biological and chemical properties... 65 p. 1959 M.A. 4006. Ph.D. 4007, Nowalk, Mary Janice Morphologic and cytologic studies of Histoplasma capsculatum Darling, 1906 ... 49 p. 1960 Stim, Thomas Bernard, 1929- Nutritional factors influencing synthesis of the myeloblastosis virus by the myeloblasts of avian myeloblastosis in tissue culture ... 88 p. 317 MICROBIOLOGY 1962 Ph.D. 4008. Buchanan, Bob Branch, 1937- Studies on the physiology and metabolism of actinomyces nacslundii . . . 154 p . 4009. Eiring, Armand Gilbert;, 1928- Electron microscope studies of normal and vaccinia infected tissue culture cells ... 82 p. 1963 M.A. 4010. Langlois, Alphonse Joseph Growth of erythroblasts of virus-induced avian erythroblastosis in tissue culture ... 65 p. 4011. McGregor, Frank Hamilton Histochemical localization of adenosinetriphosphatase by electron microscopy of myeloblasts infected with the B. A. I. strain A avian tumor virus (myeloblastosis) ... 58 p. 1964 M.A. 4012. Ashbrook, Beulah Mae Studies on antigens from Sporotrichum Schenckii ••• 83 p. 4013. Godoy, Gerardo A. Identification of Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis in culture and mouse tissue by the fluorescent antibody technique ... 45 p. 1965 M.A..__, . , 40L4. Lucas, Linda Susan Biological characterization of strain ES4 avian tumor virus and immunologic comparison with other avian tumor viruses ... 93 p. Ph.D. 4015. Landay, Marshall Edwin, 1927- A serological comparison of the three morphological phases of Coccidioides immitis ... 119 p. 4016. Thacorc, Harshad Rai, 1939- Thc effect of various agents on the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ... 110 p. 4017. Webster, Robert Edward, 1938- Studies in theOt-isopropylmalate synthetase of neurospora ... 86 p. 318 SCHOOL OF NURSING 1959 M.S.N. 4018. Cassady, June Reece Identification of pre-operative patients' concerns about their surgery ... 37 p. 4019. Gleason, Elaine Mygrant The relationship of verbal preparation to patients' reactions to bone marrow aspirations... 43 p. 1960 M.S.N. 4020. Black, Marcia Carolina The influence of the diabetic's knowledge of his disease on the degree of control ... 46 p. 4021. Brown, Joan Claudette A comparison of the degree of knowledge and understanding among three groups of nurses regarding four post-operative surgical conditions ... 86 p. 4022. Caddell, Elinor Brooks Graduate nurse education as viewed by medical personnel ... 43 p. 4023. Dal ton, Jo Ann Baughan How the ward personnel spend their time ... 52 p. 4024. Hill, Rebecca Ridgely The following or not following of medicine orders and the relation of social factors to the taking of medicine ... 59 p. 4025. Hogue, Carol Clarke Mothers' expectations of cure in pediatric allergy treatment at Duke University Medical Center ... 83 p. 4026. Martin, Shirley Davis The differences in the ideals of freshmen and senior student nurses ... 45 p . 4027. Mitchell, Jo Anne Chavis The effect of pre-procedural explanation on patients' anxiety levels during electrocardiography ... 49 p. 1961 M.S.N. 4028. Elgin, Barbara Yates The "good" and "bad" patients: an identification of major characteristics ... 46 p. 4029. Riddle, Ida Belle Factors associated with the prestige of collegiate schools of nursing ... 76 p. 319 SCHOOL OF NURSING 1961 M.S.N. 4030. Stephenson, Mary Elizabeth Collegiate and non-collegiate schools of nursing: an evaluation of their general images ... 46 p. M.S.N 1962 4031. Betz, Catherine Teresa Patients' understanding of x-ray diagnostic studies in a medical clinic ... 51 p. 4032. Kishpaugh, Barbara Florence Choice of nursing as a career: a comparison of Negro and white diploma freshman nursing students ... 77 p. 4033. Lewis, Gladys Shorrock Senior student nurses' plans for first service experience and attitudes toward future profession ... 74 p. 1963 M.S.N. 4034. 4035. Meddaugh, Winifred Joan Mothers' perceptions of the compulsory rooming-in program at Duke University Medical Center ... 82 p. Taylor, Patricia Lloyd An exploratory study of the effects of swaddling on the newborn infant's adaptation to his environment as manifested in his behavior ... 117 p. 1964 Anderson, Nancy Walker The effect of the first graduate nursing experience upon the opinions and attitudes of nurses toward their profession 101 p. 4037. Merrow, Dorothy Lillian The role of the mother with her hospitalized child as per- ceived by pediatric nurses and by mothers of hospitalized children ... 69 p. M.S.N. 4036, 320 PHARMACOLOGY 1944 Ph.D. 4038. Erickson, John Otto, 1915- Physico-chemical and immunological studies on protein denaturation. 59 p. 1947 M.A. 4039. Levitas, Nora The determination of the pyridine coenzymes of the blood by a chemical method. 28 p. 4040. Zimmerberg, Helen Yarmush The _in vitro metabolism of phenolic compounds; the inactivation of diethylstilbestrol and certain dyes. 21 p. Ph.D. 4041. Volkin, Elliot, 1919- Th e chemical and serologic analysis of sera which give rise to false positive reactions in the tests for syphilis. 85 p. 1949 M.A. 4042. Donnan, Sara Kathryn A study on fat oxidation by means of the thiobarbituric acid test. 39 p. 1951 M A ' '4043. Richter, Melissa Lewis, 1920- The effect of carbon tetrachloride poisoning upon some aspects of rat liver metabolism. 37 p. 1952 M,A, 4044. Gale, Glen Roy, 1929- The intermediary metabolism of benzoic acid by various mycobacteria. 45 p. Ph.D. 4045. Zauder, Howard L. The role of the adrenal cortex in the action and fate of several analgesic drugs. 82 p. 1954 Ph.D. 4046. Gale, Glen Roy, 1929- The effects of Beta -propiolactone on the metabolism of certain pathogenic fungi ... 77 p. 321 PHARMACOLOGY 1963 Ph.D. 4047. Utley, John Dewent, 1930- The effects of anthranilic hydroxamic acid on rat behavior and rat brain gamma aminobutyric acid, nore- pinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations ... 35 p. M A. M.A 322 PHILOSOPHY 1931 4048. Carter, Frances Claire Evolution and history. 72 p. 1932 4049. Fort, William Edwards, Jr. The philosophy of George Holmes Howison. 77 p. 4050. Godcharles, Charles Augustus Henri Berr's theory of synthesis in history. 84 p. 1933 M A 4051. Flinn, Lawrence A comparative study of some of the aesthetic ideas of Mr. Ivor Armstrong Richards. Ill p. Ph.D. 4052. Cutter, Walter Airey The philosophy of religion in America since 1900. 369 p. 4053. Meier, Frederick William A translation of Erwin Panofsky's "Idea", with a critical introduction. 161 p. 4053a. Fort, William Edwards, Jr. A philosophical examination of some contemporary theories of history. 251 p. 1935 M A. 4054. Beck, Lewis White Moral judgment according to Aristotle, Kant and Butler. 85 p. Ph.D 4055. McLarty, Furman Gordon Conscience and the ethical oecumene: a study in the moral philosophy of stoicism. 110 p. M.A. M.A 1936 4056. Ryder, Katherine Scribner The philosophy of Hebbel's minor works. 59 p. 1937 4057. Few, Lyne Starline Aspects of William McDougall ' s philosophy. 84 p. 4058. Reichert, Albert Phillips Ethical implications of some psychological theories of Butler, Martineau, and McDougall. 88 p. 323 PHILOSOPHY 1937 Ph.D. 4059. Beck, Lewis White Synopsis: a study in the theory of knowledge. 252 p. 4060. Brody, Leon The testing and analysis of certain types of verbal and non-verbal reasoning. 83 p. 4060a. Godcharlcs, Charles Augustus Some contemporary political theories philosophically considered ... 258 p. 1938 M.A. 4061. Maclnnes, Donald Boyer The role of force in the political philosophies of Hein- rich von Treitschke, Leo Tolstoi, and William Ernest Hocking. 110 p. 4062. Martin, James Alfred The philosophy of religion of James McCosh. 124 p. 1939 M.A. 4063. Hausser, Harry Edward Philosophical ideas and implications in the literary criticism of Andrew Cecil Bradley. 120 p. Ph.D. 4064. Creegan, Robert Francis, 1915- Human individuality, philosophically considered. 211 p. 1940 M.A. 4065. Brown, Mary Ellen The ethics of Nicolai Hartmann. 121 p. 4066. Helm, Robert Meredith The philosophy of religion of William Ralph Inge. 102 p. Ph.D. 4067. Plantinga, Cornelius A., 1908- The personalist philosophies of William Stern and Philip Kohnstamm. 254 p. 1942 Ph.D. 4068. Gardner, Ralph Ahiga, 1910- A philosophical examination of measurement in physics. 85 p. 324 PHILOSOPHY 1946 M.A. 4069. Barbee, John Martin The implications of the concepts of natural rights and social contract for political philosophy. 93 p. 1947 Ph.D. 4070. Hester, William, 1915- A critical examination of the philosophy of Charles Bernard Renouvier, with particular reference to his meta- physics. 228 p. 1948 Ph.D. 4071. Levitsky, Ihor Alexander, 1915- The concept of measurement in the social sciences. 107 p. 1949 M.A. 4072. James, Keith Warren Dewey's application of the logic of inquiry to ethical theory. 93 p. 1950 Ph.D. 4073. Helm, Robert Meredith, 1917- A critique of the ethics of philosophical idealism. 266 p. 4074. Smart, Hugh Robert George, 1922- The theories of space and time found in Hume's writings. 120 p. 1951 Ph.D. 4075. Vonk, Paul Kenneth, 1913- The concept of divine revelation in the philosophy of religion. 282 p. 1952 Ph.D. 4076. Munster, Ralf Friedrich William, 1912- The development of ethics in the philosophy of Max Scheler; a study in personalistic phenomenology. 276 p. 325 PHILOSOPHY 1953 M.A. 4077. Lcmos, Ramon Marcellno 1927- The metaphysical basis of Green's ethics ... 115 p. Ph.D. 4078. Richtcr, Peyton Elliott, 1927- The metaphysical foundations of Jordan's aesthetics ... 167 p. 1954 M.A. 4079. Re id, Charles Lloyd The doctrine of the soul in Gregory of Nyssa ... 197 p. 1955 M.A. 4080. Blackstone, William Thomas An examination of Hume's philosophy of religion ... 197 p. Ph. D. 4081. Hobbs, Grimsley Taylor, 1923- Personality and the self in the views of Francis Herbert Bradley and Bernard Bosanquet... 356 p. 4082. Lemos, Ramon Marcelino, 1927- A critical exposition of Green's Prolegomena to Science... 251 p. 4083. Nielsen, Kai Edward, 1926- Justif ication and morals ... 265 p. 4084. Stucky, Elizabeth Jane, 1926- Basic data and prima facie physical objects ... 172 p. 1956 Ph.D. 4085. Khatchadourian, Haig Apraham, 1925- The coherence theory of truth; a critical evaluation ... 280 p. 1958 M.A. 4086. King-Farlow, John The inference of ought from i_s . . . 80 p . 4087. Ratte, Rena Josephine, 1928- Critical common-sensism; a study in the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce ... 107 p. 4088. Severens, Richard Hoxie, 1934- Mental verbs ... 103 p. 4089. Thomas, John Edward Present truth and future contingency ... 65 p. 326 PHILOSOPHY 1958 M.A. 4090. West, Henry Robison Grading and value ... 83 p. Ph.D. 4091. Blackstone, William Thomas, 1931- The ethics of Francis Hutcheson ... 237 p. 1959 M.A. 4092. Grimm, Robert Henry Berkeley on the self and self-knowledge ... 98 p. Ph.D. 4093. Ratte, Rena Josephine, 1928- George Berkeley's theory of language ... 210 p. 1960 M.A. 4094. Atkinson, Donald Lee A case for negative facts ... 79 p. 4095. Casey, Dayle Alan Plato and the sophists; a study in the origins of Plato's philosophy ... 103 p. 4096. Martell, Charles The proper object of aesthetics ... 60 p. Ph.D. 4097. Reid, Charles Lloyd, 1927- The epistemological value of the concept of the given ... 187 p. 4098. Severens, Richard Hoxie, 1934- Ontological commitments in categorical systems ... 207 p. 1961 M.A. 4099. Rabossi, Eduardo A. Reduction chains, theoretical entities and coordinative rules ... 74 p. Ph.D. 4100. Lewis, Allison L., 1930- A critical examination of three contemporary aesthetic theories ... 190 p. 4101. Talbutt, Palmer Cummins, 1927- The emotive interpretation of metaphysics ... 214 p. 327 PHILOSOPHY 1962 M.A. 4102. Dien, To Thi Instance, role, and signification of "causality" in Descartes ... 97 p. 4103. Pfeiffcr, Walter Mark The Cratylus : Plato's investigation of names ... 87 p. 1963 '4104. Stuart, William Morley An investigation into the relation between Sophistic thought and the Platonic ethic ... 119 p. Ph.D. 4105. Cur ley, Edwin Munson, 1937- Spinoza's metaphysics: an interpretation ... 145 p. 4106. Grimm, Robert Henry, 1963- Subject-predicate sentences ... 378 p. 4107. Peterson, Philip Leslie, 1937- A property instance theory of particulars ... 237 p. 1964 4108. Moline, Jon Nelson, 1937- Ethical justification and knowledge ... 265 p. 4109. Sitton, Robert McConnell, 1937- The ontological status of the work of art: three con- temporary views ... 196 p. 4110. Snyder, Donald Paul, 1933- Causation, predication, and modal logic ... 226 p. 4111. Thomas, John Edward, 1926- Analogy and the meaning fulness of religious utterances ... 183 p. 1965 Ph.D. 4112. Carnes, Robert Darrell, 1936- The analytic/synthetic distinction: a defense of its plausibility ... 244 p. 4113. Heintz, John William, 1936- Subjects and predicables ... 118 p. 4114. Morgareidge, Clayton Clarke, 1939- The nature, function, and acquisition of concepts ... 142 p. 328 PHYSICS 1926 M.A. 4115. Carpenter, David Williams The production and measurement of high vacua. 41 p. 1928 M ' A '4116. Ader, Olin Blair The fraction of mass of various types of springs that is accelerated in simple harmonic motion. 35 p. 4117. Edwards, Mrs. Sophia (Ryman) An investigation of instruction in physics in some of the high schools of North Carolina. 72 p. 4118. Kirkpatrick, Donald Everette A study of quantitative methods in spectrographs analysis. 33 p. 1929 M.A. 4119. Rogers, Henry Harper The precise determination of the earth's magnetic constants at Durham, N. C. 17 p. 4120. White, Gladys Ruth A study of ultra-violet radiation transmitted by the earth's atmosphere. 34 p. 1930 M.A. 4121. Fry, Glenn Ansel Observations in visual perception. 85 p. 4122. Stephens, H. W. The absorption of light. 16 p. 1932 M.A. 4123. Morgan, Jasper Eugene Plasmoid formation and red fluorescence in high frequency discharge. 15 p. Ph. D. 4124. Fry, Glenn Ansel An experimental basis for a wave theory of color- vision. 79 p. 329 PHYSICS 1933 M.A. 4125. Manget, Jeanne Logan The transmission of the 4358A° line and the 4047A group of mercury by filters. 15 p. 4126. Mann, Marvin Mellard The effect of electron temperature on the spectrum of a luminous stream of mercury vapour. 19 p. 4127. Moore, Daniel Houston Diamagnetic and paramagnetic susceptibilities for high fields. 27 p. Ph.D. 4128. Carpenter, David Williams The effect of temperature on the diffusion of metastable mercury atoms. 44 p. 1934 Ph.D. 4129. Hanson, Isabel A study of the Raman effect in carbon dioxide at different temperatures. 61 p. 4130. Morgan, Karl Ziegler Some secondary effects accompanying the absorption of cosmic radiation. 83 p. 1936 M.A. 4131. Hopkins, John Isaac The development and operation of a cloud chamber. 19 p. Ph.D. 4132. Morgan, Jasper Eugene Cosmic ray shower production in various elements. 32 p. 1937 M.A. 4133. Dickerson, Robert Turpin A high intensity thyratron controlled photographic lamp and associated apparatus for control of a Wilson cloud chamber. 15 p. 4134. Jacobs, Donald Harry Absorption spectra of SnCl4 and SiCl4. 26 p. 4135. Key, Francis Bromley The adjustment, calibration, and testing of a concave grating spectrograph in eagle mounting. 18 p. 330 PHYSICS 1937 M.A. 4136. Kirby-Smith, John Selden, 1914- A high intensity light source for the excitation of Raman spectra. 15 p. 4137. Townes, Charles Hard Design and construction of a source of high-velocity ions. 16 p. 4138. Zimmerman, Carroll Louis Arc and spark spectra of molybdenum in the ultra-violet. 40 p. M.A. 1938 4139. Feister, Irving A comparative study of neutron sources. 48 p. Ph.D. 4140. Coy, Nettie Helena, 1909- Investigation of the emission spectra of antimony nitride and bismuth nitride. 45 p. 4141. Hopkins, John Isaac, 1912- A Wilson cloud chamber study of cosmic ray particles. 22 p. 1939 M.A. 4142. Ayers, Archie Raymond A study of the positive ion yield from a hydrogen discharge source operating at relatively low pressures. 21 p. 4143. Formwalt, John McClellan An investigation of ferromagnetic impurities. 22 p. 4143a. Scarborough, Henry Baldwin The development of an apparatus for the study of weak absorptions. 21 p. Ph.D. 4144. Cleaves, Alden Parker, 1910- The infrared absorption spectrum of methylamine vapor. 44 p. 4145. Kirby-Smith, John Selden, 1914- The Raman spectra of the gaseous methyl amines. 34 p. 4146. Sharp, David Gordon, 1909- A study of certain effects of short ultraviolet rays on several species of bacteria. 42 p. 331 PHYSICS 1940 M.A. 4147. George, Charles W. Rossi transition curve for small angle cosmic ray showers. 23 p, 4148. Roberg, Jane The multiplicative theory of showers. 43 p. 1941 M.A. 4149. Barnes, William Speight The Raman spectra of some organic sulphur compounds. 17 p. 4150. Patterson, James Reid A study of the relative meson stopping power of carbon and lead. 13 p. I 4151. Faires, Robert Edgerton The effects of heat treatment on ferromagnetic impurities in copper, brass and silver. 19 p. Ph.D. 4152. Park, Robert DeForest Evidence against the existence of an excited state of He J ; 46 p. 4153. Wollman, Seymour Horace, 1915- The near ultraviolet absorption of some halogenated benzenes. 42 p. 1942 Ph.D. 4154. Hall, Maurice Barker, 1914- A study of the near ultra-violet absorption spectra of phenol and 1, 3, 5-trichlorobenzene. 58 p. 4155. Richards, James Austin, 1916- The energy distribution in cosmic ray showers. 65 p. 4156. Roberg, Jane, 1915- Th e lateral spread of cosmic ray showers. 49 p. 1943 M.A. 4157. Bass, Arnold Marvin The near ultra-violet absorption spectra of ortho and meta- chlorof luorobenzene. 45 p. 4158. This number not used. 332 PHYSICS 1943 M.A. 4159. Knight, Walter David The effect of hydrogen on chromel-alumel thermocouples. 26 p. 4160. Young, Worth John An investigation of ferromagnetic films deposited on alum- inum. 13 p. 1944 M.A. 4161. Stallcup, Mary Jane The near ultraviolet absorption spectra of mesitylene. 25 p. Ph.D. 4162. Soodak, Harry I Effects of heat transfer between gases and solids. 94 p. 1947 M.A. 4163. Barbour, Ian Graeme An automatic low frequency analyzer and its application to electroencephalograms. 44 p. 4164. Soltero, Luz Elolsa The isotope effect in vibrational spectra of simple polyatomic molecules. 67 p. 1948 M.A. 4165. Bennett, William Sabin Design of electronic components for a microwave spec- troscope. 62 p. 4166. Hopke, Ernest Rudolph Vapor pressures of the trimethylbenzenes in a low pressure region. 43 p. 4167. Howard, Raydeen Roland Determination of the structure of sulfur dioxide from its microwave spectrum. 27 p. 4168. Lowe, Donald Scott The near ultraviolet absorption spectrum of benzotrif luoride. 33 p. Ph.D. 4169. Garcia de Quevedo, Jose Luis, 1920- Frequency stabilization of microwave oscillators by spectrum lines. 63 p. 4170. Kessler, Myer, 1917- The design of a microwave spectroscope and its application to the study of the rotational spectra of molecules. 67 p. 333 PHYSICS 1948 Ph.D. 4171. Simmons, James Wood, 1916- Determination of molecular and nuclear constants from the microwave spectra of the methylhalides. 87 p. 1949 M.A. 4172. Cooper, Charles Dewey The near ultraviolet absorption spectra of naphthalene and anthracene. 56 p. 4173. Hones, Edward wheeler The photo-multiplier cosmic-ray detector. 59 p. 4174. Stephenson, Harold Patty The near ultraviolet absorption spectra of certain organic compounds in liquid solution. 66 p. Ph.D. 4175. Bass, Arnold Marvin, 1922- Florescence spectra of some monosubstituted benzenes in the near ultraviolet. 69 p. 4176. Carter, Robert LeRoy, 1918- Saturation effect in the microwave spectrum of ammonia. 67 p. 4177. Ring, Harold Francis, 1920- Determination of the nuclear spins and nuclear quadrupole moments of B 10 and B 11 . 51 p. 4178. Smith, Alexander Goudy, 1919- Microwave spectra of some cyanogen halides. 89 p. 1950 M.A. 4179. Brownell, Robert Foote An investigation of the lower rotational transitions of a series of planar XY2 molecules. 28 p. 4180. Chait, Donald Carl The agglutination and shape changes of human erythrocytes sugar solutions. 54 p. 4181. Parker, William Alonzo Resonant absorption of microwaves by paramagnetic sub- stances. 28 p. 334 PHYSICS 1950 Ph.D. 4182. Burkhalter, James H., 1922- Thc microwave spectrum of oxygen. 85 p. 4183. Edwards, Howard Dawson, 1923- Microwave spectra and molecular constants of methyl alcohol and cmthyl amine. 40 p. 4184. Gilliam, Otis Randolph, 1924- Microwavc investigations of methyl fluoride, fluoroform, and phosphorus trifluoride. 56 p. 4185. Howard, Raydeen Roland, 1923- Pressure broadening of ammonia lines polar and non-polar foreign gases. 55 p. 4186. Knight, Walter David, 1919- Th e effect of electronic paramagnetism on nuclear magnetic resonance frequencies in metals. 58 p. 4187. Lewis, Harold Walter, 1917- Cosmic-ray "bursts" in ionization chambers of different materials. 97 p. 4188. Rush, Joseph Harold, 1911- Adsorption studies of the vapors of the isomeric picolines in the near ultraviolet. 57 p. 4189. Unterberger, Robert R. A stark-effect microwave spectrograph and a microwave frequency standard; their application to the investigation of chloroform. 94 p. 1951 M.A. 4190. Bailey, Jep Harmon Determination of the structures of silicochloroform and methyl silicon trichloride by means of their microwave spectra. 34 p. 4191. Bebout, Donald Edward Vapor pressures of several pyridine derivatives in the low pressure region of 0.01-0.50 mm Hg. 53 p. 4192. Webb, Edwin Hull A proportional counter fast neutron detector. 33 p. Ph.D. 4193. Anderson, Roy Stuart, 1921- Line-breadth studies of the microwave spectrum of oxygen. 130 p. 335 PHYSICS 1951 Ph.D. 4194. Brysk, Henry, 1928- Nuclear matrix elements of beta-decay. 55 p. 4195. Cooper, Charles Dewey, 1924- Absorption studies of ortho-, meta- and para-xylene in the near ultraviolet and corresponding comparison with di- substituted benzenes. 91 p. ^ 4196. Crable, George Francis, 1922- An investigation of sulfur dioxide by means of a stark effect microwave spectrograph. 93 p. 4197. Good, Myron Lindsay, 1923- The study of beta and gamma radiation with a scintillation / counter. 104 p. 4198. Hopke, Ernest Rudolph, 1922- Studies on the vapor pressure below 1 mm. hg. of several aromatic compounds. 70 p. 4199. Johnson, Charles Minor, 1923- Microwave spectroscopy in the region from two to three millimeters ... 50 p. 4200. Lancaster, Forrest Wesley, 1902- Resonance absorption spectra of paramagnetic salts at microwave frequencies. 58 p. 4201. Meeks, Marion Littleton, 1923- Electron-neutrino angular correlation. 43 p. 4202. Seevers, Delmar Oswell, 1919- The development of a cloud-ion chamber and its application to a study of the secondary particles of cosmic ray stars. 95 p. 1952 — — - M.A. 4203. Henchie, Janet Hamilton A photographic study of the range and angular distribution of muons. 21 p. 4204. Joyner, Weyland T. A fast scintillation spectrometer for (y,Yv) correlations. 60 p. 4205. Pierce, John Arthur A study of the mechanics of the ankle joint. 30 p. 4206. Slaughter, Grimes Gibbons The operation and application of the diffusion cloud chamber. 24 p. 336 PHYSICS 1952 Ph.D. 4207. GreenhoWj Charles Richard, 1920- A theoretical calculation of the quadrupole mement of several simple molecules. 62 p. 4208. Hones, Edward Wheeler, 1922- A sea-level study of the nuclear disintegrations produced in argon by cosmic radiation. 54 p. 4209. Sastri 3 Mantrala L. N., 1925- Spcctroscopic studies of some substituted benzenes in the near ultraviolet. 48 p. 4210. Stephenson, Harold Patty Spectroscopic studies of certain heterocyclic compounds. / 151 p. 4211. Williams, Joel Quitman, 1922- Microwave spectra and molecular structures of POF3 , PSF3, and PSCI3. 167 p. 1953 M.A. 4212. Heckman, Richard Cooper The near ultraviolet absorption spectrum of thianaphthene. . . 44 p. 4213. Peyton, Philip Barbour The Zeeman effect in the microwave spectra of methyl fluoride and methyl acetylene ... 18 p. 4214. Simmons, Bowen Eugene The production of characteristic x-rays proton bombard- ment. . . 56 p. Ph.D. 4215. Hill, Robert Matteson, 1926- Line, line width and Zeeman studies of oxygen absorption spectra ... 50 p. 4216. King, William Connor, 1927- Microwave spectroscopy in the region from one to two millimeters ... 50 p. M.A. 1954 4217. Bernstein, Eugene Merle L-shell ionization by protons of 1.5 to 4.25 mev energy... 27 p. 4218. Corson, Harry Herbert On the magnitudes of the$-decay nuclear matrix elements. . .28 p. 337 PHYSICS 1954 M.A. 4219. Hinnov, Einar A study of the intensity-density relationship of spectral lines in a flame source ... 91 p. Ph.D. 4220. Cox, John Thomas, 1925- Nuclear moments of I"'' - ... 36 p. 4221. Gibbons, John Howard, 1929- High resolution measurements of neutron cross sections ... 74 p. 4222. Goad, Walter B., 1925- A theoretical study of extensive cosmic ray air showers ... 83 p. ^223. Knipe, Richard Hubert, 1927- A critical discussion of the molecular orbital method with reference to the TT-moments of some halogen-substituted benzenes ... 85 p. 4224. Mockler, Richard Calvin, 1925- The microwave spectra and structures of symmetric top molecules H-Si-Cl3» H-Ge-Cl3, Ch3"Si-Cl3 and (CH3)3-Si-Cl ... 53 p. 4225. Robinson, Hugh Gettys, 1928- Pure nuclear quadrupole couplings of Bi 20 , I"7 ,B r 79,81, and Hg in solids ... 56 p. 4226. Rohrer, Robert Harry, 1918- Neutron resonances in selected nuclides ... 118 p. 4227. Zweifel, Paul Frederick, 1929- Capture-positron branching ratio9 ... 52 p. 1955 M.A. 4228. Fujii, Otomi A stark effect microwave spectrometer for the shorter millimeter wave region ... 33 p. 4229. Smith, Ray George Total neutron cross sections of even intermediate elements ... 24 p. 4230. Wyman, James Harschel Propagation of millimeter waves through the earth's atmosphere... 44 p. 338 PHYSICS 1955 Ph.D. 4231. Ard, William Bryant, 1927- The temperature dependence of the nuclear susceptibility of liquid He 3 between 4.2°K and .23° K ... 50 p. 4232. Burrus, Charles Andrew, 1927- Microwave spectroscopy in the shorter millimeter and sub-millimeter-wave region ... 54 p. 4233. Cox, Samson Arthur, 1925- Angular distribution and angular correlation measurements in Be 9 (d,p) Be 10 , Be 10 (d,p) B 11 , and Mg 24 (d,p) Mg 2 ^... 59 p. 4234. Goldburg, Walter Isaac, 1927- A theoretical and experimental study of the coulomb excitation process ... 76 p. ~>4235. Grayson, William Curtis, 1929- Unfavored factors for allowed beta transitions ... 87 p. 4236. Joyner, Weyland Thomas, 1929- Energy levels in Al from Mg24(p,p ' ) . . . 49 p . 4237. Patterson, James Reid, 1918- Neutron resonances in fluorine, phosphorus, and chlorine... 79 p. 4238. Toller, A. Louis, 1917- Neutron resonances in sodium, aluminum, and potassium ... 38 p. 1956 M.A. 4239. Chern, Bernard A contribution to the analysis of neutron transmission experiments ... 34 p. 4240. Crutchfield, Paul Washington Interpretation of various nuclear resonances ... 46 p. 4241. Hwang, Chester F. Thermal conductivity of He 3 - He 4 solutions ... 31 p. 4242. Karriker, Fuller Parham Total neutron cross sections of titanium, chromium and iron ... 43 p. 4243. Lynch, Eugene J. M. On the lambda point in liquid helium ... 44 p. 339 PHYSICS 1956 Ph.D. 4244. Bernstein, Eugene Merle, 1931- Internal conversion electrons from coulcomb excited nuclei... 54 p. 4245. Block, Robert Charles, 1929- Neutron differential cross sections at 90° and 180° .... 117 p. 4246. Dessler, Alexander Jack, 1928- The amplitude dependence of the velocity of second sound... 62 p. 4246a. Duncan, Marion Mahan, 1927- An investigation of the Brueckner theory of nuclear saturation .. 70 p. 4246b. Heckman, Richard Cooper, 1928- Phosphorescence studies of some heterocyclic and related organic molecules ... 70 p. 4246c. Hinnov, Einar, 1930- A study of optical cross-sections of various elements based on line intensity and temperature measurements in a flame source ... 82 p. 4246d. Luck, Clarence Frederick, 1925- Paramagnetic resonance in certain irradiated organic compounds ... 55 p. 4246e. Marshak, Harvey, 1927- Neutron resonances in odd-intermediate nuclei ... 94 p. 4246f. Shields, Howard William, 1931- Paramagnetic resonance of x-i rradiated amino acids, fatty acids, and proteins ... 64 p. 4246g. van Roggen, Arend, 1928- Electron resonances in the lower millimeter wavelength range ... 57 p. 4246gg. Walters, Geoffrey King, 1931- Nuclear resonance experiments on HE-* below 1°K ... 50 p. 1957 Ph.D. 4246h. Blevins, Gilbert Sanders, 1927- Superconductivity at millimeter wave frequencies ... 108 p. 4246i. Chen, Tien Chi, 1928- A generalized united-atom approach for the evaluation of molecular electronic energy levels and its mechanization by means of an electronic digital computer ... 107 p. 340 PHYSICS 1957 Ph.D. 4246 j. Morton, Perry Wilkes. 1923- The beta-decay of N 16 ... 81 p. 4247. Olncss, John William. 1929- Virtual states of CI 33 from S 32 (p,p) 32 and S 32 (p,pV) S 32 ... 104 p. 4248. Rexroad, Harvey Nixon, 1925- Paramagnetic resonance studies of free radicals produced by x-rays and by ultraviolet radiation ... 94 p . 4249. Slaughter, Grimes Gibbons, 1925- V particle production by 1.9tf- means ... 116 p. The elastic scattering of protons from Si and N^ 4250. Vorona, Jack, 1931 The e 57 p. 1958 M.A. 4251. Bowman, Charles Daniel Neutron total cross sections of calcium and strontium ... 16 p. 4252. Mitchell, Gary Earl Fast neutron cross sections of carbon and calcium ... 61 p. 4253. Whitten, Robert Craig VT~- P scattering at 1.85 bev/c ... 40 4254. Wilenzick, Raymond Morris Neutron total cross sections by time-of-flight ... 56 p. Ph.D. 4255. Bhattacharya, Brojo Nath, 1928- Stark and Zeeman effect studies of HCN ... 72 p. 4256. Blackwell, Lawrence Avery, 1931- Phosphorescence studies of ortho-, meta- and para-xylene at low temperatures ... 56 p. 4257. Blevins, Maurice Everett, 1928- >yf+-p scattering at 500 mev... 64 p. 4258. Elkin, Sanford, 1932- A semi-empirical lcao-mo calculation of the near ultraviolet ^ ^Yf transitions in some halogenated benzenes ... 71 p. 4259. Garrison, Allen Kenneth, 1931- Millimeter wave spectroscopy of molecular beams at high temperature ... 47 p. 341 PHYSICS 195S Ph.D. 4260. McCormick, Carroll Gene, 1931- Electronic paramegnetic resonance in irradiated organic solids ... 53 p. 4261. Nichols, Paul Frothingham, 1931- High resolution neutron spectroscopy in the kilovolt region ... 57 p. 1959 M.A. 4262. Mortenson, John Harry Magnetic field regulation by proton resonance ... 25 p. Ph.D. 4263. Cowan, Monroe Joseph, 1933- Microwave spectroscopy in the 0.5 to 1.5 millimeter wave region: HI, DCl , DBr, DI, and Co... 79 p. 4264. Kawasaki, Kyozi, 1930- The statistical mechanics of irreversible processes ... 62 p. 4265. Lynch, Eugene J. M. , 1927- Light scattering from liquid helium ... 25 p. 4266. McCormick, William Devlin, 1931- Nuclear magnetic resonance in solid hydrogen at high pressure ... 44 p. 4267. Whitten, Robert Craig, 1926- Double beta-decay with incompletely polarized majorana neutrinos ... 76 p . 4268. Wisseman, William Rowland Coulomb excitation of germanium and selenium ... 57 p. 1960 M.A. 4269. Rcmley, Winslow Rodeck Dielectric losses of ethyl and methyl alcohols in dilute benzene solutions at 12 and 6 millimeters wavelength ... 37 p. Ph.D. 4270. Adams, Earnest Dwight, 1933- Nuclear magnetic susceptibility of solid HE below 1°K ... 50 p. 342 PHYSICS 1960 Ph.D. 4271. Bevington, Philip Raymond, 1933- A time-of- flight measurement of neutron yields from the Li (p,n) Be' reaction ... 114 p. 4272. Goodkind, John Morton, 1934- Nuclear spin relaxation in solid He^ ... 58 p. 4273. Hofmann, Fritz Walter, 1931- The determination of optical cross sections for resonance lines of atoms in flames under conditions of partial thermal ionization ... 121 p. 4274. Kellers, Charles Frederick, 1930- The specific heat of liquid helium near the lambda point ... 89 p. 4275. Kidder, John Newell, 1932- The flow of superfluid helium in a 1.1 mm. capillary ... 56 p. 4276. Meltzer, Carl Martin, 1934- Hyperfragment production in helium; the K" -A relative parity ... 61 p. 4277. Patten, Francis Walter, 1935- Primary and secondary free radicals in irradiated biochemicals . . . 74 p. 4278. Weston, Lawrence Wilson, 1932- Neutron capture cross sections in the Kev region ... 94 p. 1961 M.A. 4279. Gerke, David George C*2(d,p)cl3 angular distributions ... 53 p. Ph.D. 4280. Bowman, Charles Daniel, 1935- Neutron resonances in intermediate nuclei ... 114 p. 4281. Chang, Chuen-chuen, 1930- The lifetime of /\° hyperon ... 56 p. 4282. Drew, Russell Cooper, 1931- Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of ^ -irradiated polypeptides ... 84 p. 4283. Fletcher, Neil Russel, 1933- Proton-gamma angular correlations: the C^Cdjp) reaction ... 102 p. 343 PHYSICS 1961 Ph.D. 4284. Kikuchi, Tadashi, 1934- Thc rho value for the beta decay of the negative muon ... 32 p. 4285. Larkin, Declan M. , 1920- Stark effect studies of methyl fluoride ... 66 p. 4286. Olness, Dolores Urquiza, 1935- Lifetime studies of phosphorescence in aromatic compounds under various conditions at low temperatures ... 92 p. 4287. Patten, Raymond Alexander, 1937- Electronic spin resonance studies of irradiated proteins and nucleic acids ... Ill p. 4288. Spangler, John David, 1936- Effects of environment on the near ultraviolet benzene absorption in a cyclohexane crystalline matrix at 77°K and 4.2°K ... 124 p. 1962 M.A. 4289. King, Creston Alexander The specific heat of aluminum near the transition temperature ... 53 p. 4290. Meyer, Donald Theodore The propagation of pulses of evaporated helium: molecular beams and sound waves at low temperatures ... 68 p. Ph.D. 4291. Bouldin, Walter Virgil, 1935- Electron spin resonance studies of free radicals produced by irradiation at 4.2°^... 67 p. 4292. Furr, Aaron Keith, 1932- Average resonance parameters near A = 100 ... 106 p. 4293. Lontz, Robert Jan, 1936- Fluorine hyperfine interaction in electron spin resonance of free radicals ... 105 p. 4294. Olness, Robert James, 1933- Polarization of elastically scattered neutrons ... 72 p. 4295. Rives, John Edgar, 1933- Some thermodynamic properties of liquid helium three below 1.0° absolute ... 101 p. 344 PHYSICS 1962 Ph.D. 4296. Rusk, James Rogers, 1934- Millimeter wave spectroscopy of the alkali halidea in high temperature molecular beams ... 110 p. 4297. Wilcnzick, Raymond Morris, 1934- Elastic and inelastic scattering of 6 mev neutrons 107 p. 1963 M.A. 4298. Kapadia, Cyrus Jamasp Inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from Co, Cu, Ga, As, and Br ... 100 p. 4299. Suri, Kanwal Kishore The scattering of electromagnetic wave from a perfectly conducting sphere ... 61 p. 4300. Wend, George Application of microwave lenses to a free space spectrometer ... 31 p. Ph.D. 4301. Buccino, Salvatore George, 1933- Elastic and inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from medium weight nuclei ... 102 p. 4302. Hollandsworth, Clinton Edward, 1930- Elastic and inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from heavy weight nuclei ... 118 p. 4303. Hadley, Joseph Howe, 1934- Electron spin resonance studies of irradiated biological sulfur compounds ... 106 p. 4304. Huf faker, James Neal, 1937- A spherical tensor treatment of Gell-Mann's "weak magnetism" effect in nuclear beta-decay spectra ... 91 p. 4305. Kovacs, Arthur Zoltan, 1935- Charge symmetry of K+ and K° mesons in associated production ... 48 p. 4306. Parks, Paul Blair, 1934- Properties of (p,n) reactions in tenuous gases ... 74 p. 4307. Rolland, William Woody, 1931- A study of the N^Cd.n^O 15 reaction ... 106 p. 345 PHYSICS 1963 Ph.D. 4308. Thomson, Alexander Low, 1936- Nuclcar magnetic susceptibility of liquid and solid helium three ...163 p. 1964 M.A. 4309. Andrcss, William Dozier Polarization of neutrons from the Li7(p,n)Be? reaction for 3 to 4 MeV protons ... 66 p. 4310. Kim, Sung Kyu Induced effects in beta-decay and calculation of recoil momentum spectra ... 35 p. 4311. Lai, Hwa Wen Effect of isotopes on low-temperature thermal conductivity ... 37 p. Ph.D. 4312. Baird, Gordon Edward, 1938- An investigation into operator structures on SU n with application to a generalization of the Racah-Wigner angular momentum algebra ... 79 p. 4313. Clouser, Paul Lee, 1938- Millimeter and submillimeter wave spectroscopy of the alkali chlorides ... 98 p. 4314. Dickson, Samuel Adrian, 1937- Nuclear resonance of some solidified gases under high pressure ... 117 p. 4315. Farrell, John Alden, 1935- Neutron resonances in the nickel isotopes and other intermediate nuclei ... 88 p. 4316. Gerke, David George, 1935- C^(d,p)C^: distorted wave born approximation analysis of proton angular distributions and proton-gamma angular correlations ... 105 p. 4317. Jones, Gordon Ervin, 1936- Submillimeter wave spectra of HBr, HCl, and CO ... 74 p. 346 PHYSICS 1964 Ph.D. 4318. Katman, Thomas Sidney, 1934- Proton-gamma angular correlations in the C^2(d,p)C^3 reaction at low energies ... 85 p. 4319. Kyker, Granvil Charles, 1938- Proton resonances in intermediate nuclei ... 139 p. 4320. Olds, Dan W. , 1935- Polarized phosphorescence of hexachlorobenzene and para-dichlorobenzene crystals at 77° K ... 53 p. 4321. Reynolds, John Terrence, 1937- Theoretical considerations of the investigation of nuclear structure by inelastic electron scattering ... 168 p. 4322. Richardson, Betty (McCarthy) 1936- Studies of the triplet-singlet decay lifetime for certain organic crystals at low temperatures ... 72 p. 4323. Rorer, David Cooke, 1937- Thermodynamic properties of superconducting and normal molybdenum ... 116 p. 4324. Snipes, Wallace Clayton, 1937- Free radicals and paramagnetic ions in biological systems... 107 p. 1965 M.A. 4325. Suttle, Jimmie Ray Electron spin resonance study of bromine hyperfine interaction in free radicals ... 58 p. Ph.D. 4326. Beard, Percy Morris, 1936- A high resolution study of the 18 (p ,n)F 18 reaction ... 126 p. 4327. Bertman, Bernard Theodore, 1933- Thermal transport in helium crystals ... 174 p. 4328. Chattargi, Dipankar, 1933- Some applications of the symmetric Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian ... 135 p. 4329. Kim, Sung Kyu, 1939- A gauge- invariant treatment of induced effects in beta-decay and an analysis of the Li 6 recoil spectrum ... 64 p. 347 PHYSICS 1965 Ph.D. 4330. Morehouse, Roger Lyman, 1939- Electron spin resonance studies of some simple radicals trapped in krypton ... Ill p. 4331. Petitt, Gus A., 1937- Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering by silicon and sulfur . . . 121 p. 4332. Pruden, Brenda Lamont, 1939- Electron spin resonance studies of irradiated nucleic acids and constituents of nucleic acids ... 113 p. 4333. Steiner, Pinckney Alston, 1938- Stark effect studies of CH3F, CD3F, CH3CN, and CD3CN ... 94 p. 4334. Veazey, Sidney Edwin, 1937- Rotational spectroscopy of the alkali fluorides ... 83 p. 4335. White, Kevin Joseph, 1936- The stark effect for slightly asymmetric rotors ... 107 p. 348 PHYSIOLOGY 1937 Ph.D. 4336. Webster, Margaret Dorothy The oxidation of amino acids by certain bacteria. 71 p. 1938 M.A. 4337. Beamer, Celestine Marie The effect of certain antipyretics on metabolism. 52 p. 4338. Snyder, William Ulrich The effect of benzedrine, caffeine, and sodium amytal on binoc- ular rivalry and figure-ground alternation. 48 p. 1941 Ph.D. 4339. Cuyler, W. Kenneth, 1900- Studies of the urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids in physiologic and pathologic states of woman. 89 p. 4340. Yarbrough, Mary Elizabeth, 1904- A study of dark adaptation as related to the carotene and vit- amin A content of human blood. 41 p. 1942 M.A. 4341. Hughes, Ann Miriam The inhibition of amylase by quintine in vitro. 33 p. 1950 Ph.D. 4342. Hull, Way land E., 1918- A study of certain factors which influence the pattern of breathing in the anesthetized dog. Ill p. 1951 M.A. 4343. Foreman, Charles William Body fluid changes in rabbits following short exposure to low barometric pressures. 44 p. 4344. Gavey, John The influence of discontinuous exposure to reduced barometric pressure on erythropoiesis. 32 p. M.A. 1953 4345. Breibart, Sidney, 1928- Hormonal effects on respiratory activity of adipose tissue as measured in vitro ... 37 p. 349 PHYSIOLOGY M.A. 1953 4346. Frayscr, Rcgina Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curves in pathologic conditions 36 p. 4347. Murphy, Frederick Francis Some effects of sodium barbital and dialurethane on the blood picture of rabbits exposed to reduced barometric pressure. . . 38 p. M.A. Ph.D. 1954 4348. Barker, June Northrop, 1928- A study of the respiratory function of the blood and the hypoxia tolerance of normal, infant, and altitude- acclimatized mammals ... 86 p . 4349. Kepchar, John Howard The influence of exposures to simulated altitudes on the relative size of certain organs in the white rat ... 47 p. 4350. Cole, Benjamin Theodore, 1921- A study of the oxidative products of unsaturated fatty acid in various normal embryonic and adult tissues of the golden hamster and pathologic tissues of rats and mice as estimated by the thiobarbituric acid test... 110 p. 4351. Foreman, Charles William, 1923- A comparative study of the oxygen-hemoglobin equilibrium in local rodents ... 56 p. 1956 M.A. 4352. Alphin, Reevis Stancil The effects of various preservatives on the osmotic fragility, sodium- Potassium content and other properties of erythrocytes. 50 p. 4353. Hartman, John Leo Relative volume changes of the plasma and interstitial fluid in dogs exposed to simulated high altitudes... 43 p. Ph.D. 4354. Barker, June Nor'-hrop, 1928- A study of the respiratory function of the blood and the hypoxia tolerance of normal, infant and altitude-acclimatized mammals ... 201 p. 4355. Zechman, Fred William, 1928- The effects of graded impedance to tracheal air flow on the pattern of breathing and alveolar gas composition of man ... 68 p. 350 Ph.D. M.A. Ph.D. PHYSIOLOGY 1958 4356. Trout, David Linn I. Effects of centrally acting drugs on the reactions of fish to a stress situation. II. Estimation of unsaturated fatty acids in the total fat and phospholipids of blood plasma ... 107 p. 1960 4357. Crawford, Eugene Carson A study of the oscillation mechanics of the respiratory system as related to panting in dogs ... 58 p. 1961 4358. Novick, William Joseph, 1931- The effect of oxygen tension and thyroid hormones on monoamine oxidase ... 79 p. 1962 4359. Scarpelli, Emile Michael, 1931- Cardiovascular-pulmonary dynamics of ventricular asystole and acute complete heart block ... 127 p. 1964 M.A. M.A. 4360. Hampton, Judith Allen Influence of isometric grip strength and endurance develop- ment on forearm blood flow ... 39 p. 1965 4361. Blackburn, Norma Marie The effects of follicle stimulating hormone on amino acid accumulation and protein synthesis by the rabbit ovary ... 63 p. 4362. Tate, Lucille Ann The relation between chloride and kinin levels in sweat from children with cystic fibrosis ... 101 p. Ph.D. 4363. Crawford, Eugene Carson, 1931- Temperature regulation in the Ostrich, Struthio camelus ... 112 p. 4364. Kuohung, Ping-Wen, 1936- An analysis of the reversible effects of long-term stimulation on the peak isometric tension developed in contractions of rabbit papillary muscle ... 92 p. 351 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1928 M.A. 4365. Coltrane, James Elbridge Southern state courts and the validity of hours-of-labor and minimum-wage laws. 126 p. 4366. Orfield, Lester Barnhardt The use of equity by international arbitral and judicial bodies. 245 p. 4367. Simpson, William Hays A project of an international prize court: its relation to the general problem of an international jurisdiction. 108 p. 1929 M.A. 4368. Britton, George Taylor Movements for the codification of international law since 1900. 157 p. 1930 M.A. 4369. Gathings, James Anderson International law and American policy relating to alien property, 1917-1928. 113 p. 4370. Gibson, William Marion Development of international serial regulation and the international commission for air navigation. 156 p. 4371. Hodges, Wiley Edward Constitutional development in the southern states since 1900. 125 p. 1932 Ph.D. 4372. Sawyer, Roma Elizabeth The pardoning power of the governor of North Carolina with an additional chapter on parole under legislative authority. 244 p. 1933 M.A. 4373. Calhoun, Robert Lyon Suffrage qualifications in Mississippi under the constitutions of 1869 and 1890. 129 p. 4374. Dillon, Conley Hall Unemployment insurance and the international labor organi- zation. 94 p. 352 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1933 M.A. 4375. Fish, Laurens Hull International adjudications involving bond claims, 1918-1930. 119 p. 4376. McEntire, Wcldon Davis Bases of arguments in selected cases before the Permanent Court of International Justice. 143 p. 4377. Searcy, Hubert Congressional redistricting in the solid South. 208 p. 4378. Walker, Herman, Jr. The most favored nation treatment of consular officers in American usage. 105 p. 4379. Whitman, William Tate Pardons and the pardoning power under the Constitution of the United States. 131 p. Ph.D. 4380. Hagan, Charles Banner The anglo-American doctrine of the act of state. A study in the competence of national courts. 213 p. 1934 "4381. Mitchell, Nicholas Pendleton, Jr. State interests in American treaties. A study in the making and substantive content of certain international agreements. 462 p. 1935 M.A. 4382. Bennett, Walter Hartwell The United States tariff act of 1934. A study of the question of constitutionality of the act and of the reciprocity program inaugurated under it. 109 p. 4383. Bishop, MaurlCe Fugh County consolidation. A study of the movement with the submission of a proposal for Alabama. 152 p. 4384. Newcomer, Richard Seyler Courts of appeal in provincial Pennsylvania to 1700. 86 p. 4385. Phillips, Edward Lindsey Workmen's compensation acts before selected state courts; a study in judicial review. 147 p. 4386. Roberson, Paul Dawson Letters rogatory in American usage; a study of international judicial assistance in obtaining evidence. 145 p. 353 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1935 M.A. 4387. Simpson, Robert Sisson Interstate compacts and the regulation of the production of cotton. 105 p. 4388. Williams, Stanton Pender The problem of redistricting in North Carolina. 288 p. Ph.D. 4389. Riddick, Floyd Millard Political and parliamentary procedure in the House of Representatives. 447 p. 4390. Simpson, William Hays American executive aggreements. 257 p. 4391. Whaley, Otis Interstate boundary disputes before the United States Supreme Court. 261 p. 1936 M.A. 4392. Caldwell, John Tyler Operations of the Mississippi State Tax Commission. 234 p. 4393. Fluegel, Edna Rose A critical study of the method of removing the mayor of New York City as demonstrated in the proceedings against James J. Walker. 302 p. 4394. Henderson, Mary Elizabeth Liability for torts of municipal corporations in Georgia. 120 p. 4395. Horn, Herman Lionel Congressional redistricting in Virginia. 290 p. 4396. Illich, Mary Virginia The case of Colonel Luke Lea. 176 p. 4397. Palmer, James Edward Carter Glass: an interpretation of his early life and his political ideas. 165 p. 4398. Purcell, Mae Maxine The use of the writ of habeas corpus in interstate rendition. 161 p. Ph.D. 4399. Dillon, Conley Hall The interpretation and revision of international labor con- ventions. 387 p. 354 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1936 Ph.D. 4400. Gibson, William Marion Some legal aspects of the national treatment of aliens in the United States. A study of the definition and protection of personal rights accorded aliens in the United States. 284 p. 1937 M.A. 4401. Alexander, Ruth Congressional redistricting in Tennessee from 1796 to 1936. 153 p. 4402. Cummings, Wiletta Bernadine A comparative study in county government as typified by Clinton County. 206 p. 4403. Foster, Hazel Elizabeth The development of conventional law relating to fisheries, 1910-1936. 132 p. 4404. Hallowell, John Hamilton The German National Chamber of Culture. 261 p. Ph.D. 4405. Searcy, Hubert The use of the congressional joint resolution in matters relating to foreign affairs. 307 p. 4406. Walker, Herman, Jr. The most-favored-nation treatment of consular officers. 236 p. 1938 M.A. 4407. Flory, William Evans Sherlock, 1914- Some developments in the treaty law concerning prisoners of war, 1907-1929. 156 p. 4408. Vernon, Sarah Elizabeth A study of the laws and judicial decisions of North Carolina in regard to marriage. 190 p. Ph.D. 4409.. Burnside, Maurice Gwinn Pardon, parole, and indeterminate sentence with special reference to South Carolina. 415 p. 4410. DeLancy, Frances Priscilla The licensing of professions in West Virginia. 212 p. 355 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1938 Ph.D. 4411. Fluegel, Edna Rose, 1912- Concepts of economic liberty and the United States Supreme Court: a study in judicial thought. 446 p. 1939 M.A. 4412. Baxter, James E. Congressional redistricting in Mississippi from 1817 to 1938. 225 p. 4413. Flory, Anne Putney A comparative study of political rights of British and French civil servants. 170 p. 4414. Halsall, Earl B. Some aspects of international law in connection with the blockade of Charleston, South Carolina, 1861-1865. 160 p. 4415. Munster, Ralf Friedrich William The German National Economic Council: a reconsideration. 202 p. 4416. Phillips, Paul L. Applications of international law of peace by New York state courts, by Paul L. Phillips. 142 p. 1940 M.A. 4417. Richards, Claud Henry Advisory bodies in British administration, 1919-1939. 133 p. 4418. Rut ledge, Ivan Cate Some aspects of the doctrine of Swift v. Tyson. 142 p. 4419. Stewart, Paul Dekker Interstate rendition, 1917-1939. 204 p. 4420. Sturm, Albert L. The legal basis of martial law in the United States, 1928-1938. 178 p. Ph.D. 4421. Bennett, Walter Hartwell, 1907- American concepts of federalism from the colonial period to 1900. 252 p. 4422. Nelson, Melvin Frederick, 1907- The international status of Korea, 1876-1910. 434 p. 356 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1941 M.A. 4423. Brown, Norman Ralph The Civil Aeronautics Authority as a problem in administrative regulation. 168 p. 4424. Gervin, Spencer Rex The interstate validity of divorces. 234 p. 4425. Griffin, Joseph Earle The Buzzard Roost case (a study of an attempt to restrain the federal government from making loans to local units for public utility purposes.) 135 p. Ph.D. 4426. Flory, William Evans Sherlock, 1914- The development of international law relating to prisoners of war through 1929 ... 306 p. 4427. Foster, Hazel Elizabeth, 1914- The development of public international law relating to fisheries interests of selected major states, 1910-1938. 4-25 p. 1942 Ph.D. 4428. Sturm, Albert Lee, 1911- Presidential powers and national emergency, 1933-1941. 450 p. 1944 M.A. 4429. Lewis, Ralph La Verne A study of the organization and administration of the Pennsylvania (state) motor police. 212 P. 4430. Wood, Virginia Loraine Some Latin American concepts of denial of justice. 98 p. Ph.D. 4431. Hodges, Wiley Edward, 1903- Laissez-faire in Virginia, 1789-1836. 365 p. 1945 Ph.D. 4432. Evans, Alona Elizabeth, 1917- The concept of self-executing treaties in the United States. 307 p. 4433. Richards, Claud Henry, 1917- Jehovah's witnesses: a study in religious freedom... 304 p. 357 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1947 M.A. 4434. Duggcr, Fowler The "Williams cases" and their effect on the interstate validity of divorces. 109 p. 4435. Gavriloff, Gantcho G. Bulgaro-Yugoslav relationships, 1919-1946, with special attention to the question of federation. 158 p. 4436. Troutman, William Fife The evolution of the federal Indian law. 114 p. Ph.D. 4437. Wood, Virginia Loraine, 1917- Some aspects of the Supreme Court's interpretation of "due process of law", 1932-1945. 474 p. 1948 M.A. 4438. Bollens, Jack C. The municipal league of Seattle; an analysis of a citizen supported local governmental research organization. 116 p. Ph.D. 4439. Stewart, Paul Dekker, 1918- Th e impeachment and trial of governors. 327 p. 1949 M.A. 4439a. Canon, Alfred Orville The law of gubernatorial succession with special reference to Georgia. 209 p. 4440. Walter, Eugene Victor The legal philosophy of Roscoe Pound. 188 p. 1950 M.A. ■" 4441. Benedict, Margaret Ann International law relating to involuntary military service by aliens with special reference to United States practice. 139 p. 4442. Caskey, Ann Jourdan Women as jurors in the United States, 1939-1949. 94 p. 4443. Cook, Francis K. Presidential succession in the United States. 141 p. 4444. Elliott, Don Ringgold James F. Byrnes: The congressional period. 192 p. 358 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1950 M.A. 4445. Gordon, Harold Dunbar Functional developments in English local government, 1939-1949. 165 p. 4446. Peters, Frank Anthony The governor in Delaware and Pennsylvania in the seventeenth century. 100 p. 4447. Spearman, Eloise Leslie L. Biffle: presidential adviser from Arkansas. 97 p. Ph.D. 4448. Hathorn, Guy Bramlett, 1918- The political career of C. Bascom Slemp. 355 p. 4449. Horn, Herman Lionel, 1902- The growth and development of the Democratic Party in Virginia since 1890. 493 p. 4450. Oglesby, Roscoe Ralph, 1903- Applications of international law under conditions of civil strife. 628 p. 1951 M.A. 4451. Shear, William Merrill The background and operation of the council-manager system in Durham, North Carolina. 124 p. Ph.D. 4452. Deener, David Russell, 1920- International law and practice in the official opinions of the United States attorneys general. 560 p. 4453. Drennon, Herbert Neal, 1921- The industrial relations policy of the Canadian dominion government, 1939-1948. 298 p. 4454. Hosack, Robert Ewing, 1911- Shantung: an interpretation of a Chinese province. 292 p. 4455. Williams, John Rodney, 1919- The Conservative Party of Canada: 1920-1949. 507 p. 1952 M.A. 4456. Brandon, Elvis Denbv The background and operation of the commission system in Memphis, Tennessee. 173 p. 4457. Hamrick, James L. Canadian veterans' rehabilitation, 1939-1951. 175 p. 359 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1952 Ph.D. 4458. Scylcr, William Charles, 1921- Thc rise and decline of the Socialist Party in the United States. 581 p. 1953 M.A. 4459. Bunn, Ronald Freeze The administration of the Canadian family allowances act... 164 p. 4460. Hart, Joseph Tate The Communist Party of Canada ... 183 p. 4461. Noble, Lawrence Everman The right to counsel under the Constitution of the United States . . . 174 p. 4462. Roberts, Charles Buck Unification of the armed forces - a problem in administration... 144 p. Ph.D. 4463. Canon, Alfred Orville, 1922- The constitutional thought of Wiley Rutledge ... 528 p. 1954 M.A. 4464. Carter, Patricia Jean The Labour Party and the House of Lords, 1945-1951... 159 p. 4465. Easley, Esther Ann The nature of the union as reflected is the thought of Calhoun, Webster, and Lincoln ... 149 p. 4466. Ulmer, Shirley Sidney Freedom of assembly as interpreted by United States' courts, 1932-1952... 160 p. 4467. Wright, Robert Ross Coerced confessions in the federal courts ... 182 p. Ph.D. 4468. Blagg, Mary Evelyn, 1922- Tory political theory in America: 1765-1776... 243 p. 4469. Howell, John McDade, 1922- The development of the concept of domestic jurisdiction... 304 p. 360 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1954 Ph.D. 4470. Phillips, Claude S., 1923- Qucstions of international law in the consideration of selected issues by the United States Congress, 1937-1941 ... 296 p. 4471. Scarrow, Howard Albert, 1928- The higher public service of the Commonwealth of Australia.., 382 p. 1955 M.A. 4472. Carter, Nelle Ada A critical study of the functioning of the electoral college system in presidential elections from 1900 to 1952 with suggestions for its reform ... 122 p. 4473. Denning, Joyce Georgia An analysis of Norman Thomas's views on capitalism, fascism, and communism ... 224 p. 4474. Heffernan, Wilbert Joseph Antifederalist political thought in Virginia as reflected in the Virginia federal convention of 1788 ... Ill p. 4475. Soonthornsaratoon, Dumrong The government of the city of Durham, North Carolina; a study of the council-manager form of government in theory and in practice ... 198 p. 4476. Stewart, Alva Ware The operation of the council-manager plan of government in four North Carolina cities ... 207 p. Ph.D. 4477. Jumper, Roy E., 1927- The recruitment and training of civil administrators for overseas France: a case study in French bureaucracy ... 249 p. 4478. Keith-Lucas, Alan, 1910- Decisions about people in need; a study of administrative re- sponsiveness in public assistance ... 476 p. 4479. Manley, Harry Stockwell, 1920- The extension of federal criminal jurisdiction in the United States, 1910-1954; a study in federalism... 286 p. 4480. Noble, Lawrence Everman, 1926- The registration of subversives in the United States . . . 309 p. 361 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1955 Ph.D. 4481. Thames, Harold Stanley, 1925- An analysis of representative ideological criticism of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the United States, 1946-1954. . .329 p. 4482. Winter, Arthur Bruce, 1918- Special governmental districts in Tennessee ... 726 p. 1956 M.A. 4483. Ford, Joel Clarence The development of Japanese naval administration in World War II with particular reference to the documents of the inter- national military tribunal for the Far East ... 146 p. 4484. Goode, George Edgar Some questions of international law in the discussions of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1946-1952 ... 115 p. 4485. Singer, Stephen Sloane A study of the industrial relations and disputes investi- gation act of 1948 ... 102 p. Ph.D. 4486. Bunn, Ronald Freeze, 1929- The organization, activities, and ideology of the federation of German employers' associations ... 309 p. 4487. Hapala, Milan Ernest, 1919- The evolution of Czechoslovak political parties and the Russian question, 1918-1921 ... 232 p. 4488. Milburn, Josephine FLshel 1928- The Fabian Society and the British Labour Party ... 300 p. 4489. Ulmer, Shirley Sidney, 1923- The South Carolina delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787: an analytical study ...442 p. 1957 M.A. 4490. Coffee, Florence Marie The South Pacific Commission as an instrument of Aus- tralian and New Zealand administration of dependent areas in the Pacific, 1944-1955 ... 174 p. 4491. Dildy, Felton Jane The Korean issue: international negotiation and conflict, 1950-1954 ... 143 p. 362 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1957 M.A. 4492. Thomas, Theodore Hubert The aims, organization and administration of the trust territory of the Pacific islands ... 149 p. Ph.D. 4493. Barnes, Samuel Henry, 1931- The ideologies and policies of Canadian labor organizations ... 304 p. 4494. Bernd, Joseph Laurence, 1923- A study of primary elections in Georgia, 1946-1954 ... 407 p. 4495. Canavan, Francis P., 1917- Th e role of reason in politics according to Edmund Burke ... 433 p. 4496. Gervin, Spencer Rex, 1915- Rule by executive decree under statutory delegations, 1789-1956 ... 441 p. 1958 M.A. 4497. Austin, Ledford Louis Some aspects of criminal jurisdiction over American military personnel abroad ... 115 p. 4498. Bucher, Richard Henry Latin-American concepts of non-intervention advanced in international conference discussion, 1933-1948 ... 106 p. 4499. Clark, Paul Wilson The doctrine of cabotage in public international air law ... 112 p. 4500. Drake, Thomas Mitchell Denazification in the United States zone of Germany: a case study in administration ... 144 p. 4501. Graham, Thomas Bell The Kashmir dispute before the United Nations Security Council, January -April, 1948 ... 132 p. 4502. Mithoefer, William Coleman The church and the state in the thought of Marsilius of Padua . . . 147 p . 4503. Secor, Philip Bruce Thomas Jefferson's theory of revolution 1760-1776: an interpretation ... 187 p. 4504. Soriano, Avelina C. F. Administration of the expanded technical assistance program of the United Nations ... 97 p. 363 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1958 M.A. 4505. Sweet, David Emery The political thought of Franklin D. Roosevelt: the pre-pres- dential years ... 200 p. Ph.D. 4506. Clute, Robert Eugene, 1924- The international legal status of Austria, 1938-1955 ... 294 p. 1959 M.A. 4507. Bassett, Robert Van Rensselaer The development of independence in the Philippines, 1934- 1953 ... 151 p. 4508. Morgan, John Andrew The Supreme Court and the meaning of the Taft-Hartley non- communist affidavit and collective bargaining requirements ... 165 p. 4509. Tilman, Robert Oliver Modern Islamic-state theory: the Pakistan constitution of 1956 ...123 p. 4510. Willhoit, Fred Hale Albert Camus' political thought ... 213 p. Ph.D. 4511. Beck, Carl, 1930- Contempt of Congress: a study of the prosecutions initiated by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1945-1957 ... 420 p. 4512. Campbell, Enid Mona, 1932- John Austin and jurisprudence in nineteenth century England ... 2 v. 4513. Finlay, James Charles, 1922- Charles de Montalembert and the decline of liberal Catholicism ... 358 p. 4514. Hull, William Henry Nelles, 1929- A comparative study of the problems of ministerial responsibility in Australian and Canadian broadcasting ... 404 p. 4515. Kelson, Robert Nathaniel, 1927- The private member of parliament and the formation of public policy: a New Zealand case study ... 374 p. 364 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1959 Ph.D. 4516. Secor, Philip Bruce, 1931- Richard Hooker and the Christian commonwealth ... 416 p. 4517. Troutman, William Fife, 1918- Respecting the establishment of religion in colonial America . . . 586 p . 1960 M.A. 4518. Dugliss, Roderick Bruce Legal-constitutional features of church-state relations in South Africa, 1652-1909 ... 216 p. 4519. Huss, John David Socialism in the United States: an inquiry into its lack of success . . . 125 p . 4520. Irby, Alice Joyner The Socialist Party and organized labor, 1901-1912 ... 140 p. 4521. Milnor, Andrew Johnson The election of 1948 in the Union of South Africa, with special reference to the origin and development of the reunited National Party ... 133 p. 4522. Sanguannam, Anant Public safety as a function of a municipality with particular reference to Durham, North Carolina ... 168 p. 4523. Stone, Clarence Nathan State action: the development of a constitutional concept ... 152 p. 4524. Stone, Mary Niemi Chinese communist control of Tibet: 1950-1959 ... 165 p. Ph.D. 4525. DatLmayr, Winfried Reinhard, 1928- Equal protection of the laws; a comparative study of its background and early development, 1750-1850 ... 525 p. 1961 . M.A. 4526. Coleman, Frank McGill The philosophy of artifice ... 128 p. 4527. Grotpeter, John Joseph President Roosevelt's fireside chats: direct line to the people ... 144 p. 365 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1961 M.A. 4528. Mendenhall, Warner Problems and prospects of American technical assistance in South Asia ... 154 p. 4529. Robins, Robert Sidwar Major aspects of government stimulated rural development in India ... 94 p . 4530. Vibhatakarasa, Jin The Tennessee Valley Authority: administrative development of the last two decades, 1940-1960. 174 p. 4531. Wray, George Anthony Charles A. Beard's idea of national interest and its reflection in his evaluation of Thomas Jefferson and Franklin D. Roosevelt ... 109 p. Ph.D. 4532. Hatcher, William Hamilton, 1922- The political and legal theories of Westel Woodbury Willoughby . . 350 p. 4533. Piper, Don Courtney, 1932- The international law of the Great Lakes ... 282 p. 4534. Tilman, Robert Oliver, 1929- The public services of the Federation of Malaya ... 434 p. 4535. Watt, Edward David, 1934- Acton's concept of freedom ... 315 p. 4536. Willhoite, Fred Hale, 1936- "The consent of the governed": an analysis of some representative theories ... 384 p. 4537. Wright, Edward Reynolds, 1931- The social and political thought of William Temple ... 220 p. 1962 M.A. 4538. Ahmed, Fatema Pakistan's foreign policy; its courses and implications ... 131 p. 4539. Gadbois, George Harold Fundamental rights, constitutional remedies, and the Supreme Court of India ... 376 p. 4540. Hayes, William Summerville The fugitive felon act ... 149 p. 366 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1962 M.A. 4541. Kelly, David Barry The Congress Party, linguistic policies, and Indian unity ... 115 p. 4542. Kizilbash, Mirza Hamid H. Commonwealth states and international conferences on the law of the sea ... 122 p. 4543. Lovink, Johannes Anton Alexander Australian policy and practice in New Guinea since World War II ... 138 p. 4544. Mead, Waldo Bruce The National Review ; a crusade in journalism. A study of the right wing in American journalism ... 259 p. 4545. Samuels, Norman Some approaches to the study of totalitarianism ... 123 p. 4546. Smith, David Edward Emergency government in Canada, 1914-1918 ... 139 p. Ph.D. 4547. Black, Edwin Robert, 1929- Canadian concepts of federalism ... 305 p. 4548. Boyce, Peter John, 1935- Australia and Malaya; a preliminary study in Commonwealth regional relations, 1941-1961 ... 483 p. 4549. Chaudhri, Mohammed Ahsen, 1926- The Sixth Committee of the General Assembly and international law ... 336 p. 4550. Milnor, Andrew Johnson, 1936- Agrarian protest in Saskatchewan, 1929-1948; a study in ethnic politics . . . 241 p. 1963 M.A. 4551. Barkat, Anwar Masih The political and social theories of G. D. H. Cole ... 166 p. 4552. Dove, Robert Britton The administration of the Hill-Burton Hospital survey and con- struction act in North Carolina; a pattern for grants-in-aid. HO p. 4553. Gordon, John Starke The development of the position of the British Labour Party regarding Britain's entry into Europe ... 130 p. 4554. Hodgkin, Douglas Irving The Democratic landslide: Maine elections, 1948-1960 ... 130 p. 367 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1963 M.A. 4555. Huntley, Joyce Clydene Miller The just war theory speaks to the problem of total war ... 155 p. 4556. Khalaf, Naclia The Republic and Walden Two : a comparison of Plato and Skinner ... 84 p „ 4557. Marty, William Ray The meaning of rebellion as seen by Fyodor Dostoevsky ... 155 p. 4558. Pilant, Denny E. Military jurisdiction over civilians accompanying the United States armed forces: a study of the implications of the Re id v. Covert and Kinsella v. Krueger decisions ... 210 p„ 4559. Sullivan, Eugene Redmond The legal theory of Lon L. Fuller ... 92 p. Ph.D. 4560. Morgan, John Andrew, 1935- Judicial freedom in statutory interpretation; the use of the concept of congressional intent in United States Supreme Court opinions during the 1958, 1959, and 1960 terms ... 257 p. 4561. Robins, Robert Sidwar, 1938- Rural self-government in Uttar Pradesh, India ... 370 p. 4562. Stone, Clarence Nathan, 1935- The city manager and community power: leadership and policy making in a council-manager city ... 243 p. 1964 M.A. 4563. Kernaghan, William David Kenneth The Canadian bill of rights ... 141 p. 4564. Larocque, Andre J. The problem of state intervention in the social encyclicals as seen through Quebec social thought ... 100 p. 4565. Maris, Gary Leroy Justice Clark: the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment and civil liberties ... 128 p. 4566. Rooks, Charles Stanley Federalism and education in Nigeria ... 126 p. 368 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1964 M.A. 4567. Summit t, Paul Clayton Application of the first amendment to electronic surveillance., 109 p. 4568. Wills, George Robert An interpretation of C. Wright Mills's conception of democracy in America ... 104 p. 4569. Yarborough, Charles Hill Thomas Walter Bickett, the making of a governor, 1869- 1917 ... 79 p. Ph.D. 4570. Courtney, John Childs, 1936- Canadian Royal Commissions of Inquiry, 1946 to 1962: an investigation of an executive instrument of inquiry ... 207 p. 4571. Dugliss, Roderick Bruce, 1936- The Church of England as a pressure group in recent British politics, 1950-1960: the effectiveness of establishment ... 307 p. 4572. Pilant, Denny Eugene, 1937- A peacetime dilemma: the legal status of American civilians accompanying the armed forces abroad ... 389 p. 4573. Smith, David Edward, 1936- Emergency government in Canada and Australia, 1914-1919: a comparison ... 314 p. 1965 M.A. 4574. Altenstetter , Christa Nigeria: a study of regionalism (1914-1963)... 117 p. 4575. Berry, Willard Miller Aspects of the frontier crimes regulation of Pakistan ... 147 p. 4576. DuRant, Edward Wilson An analysis of administration of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps at Duke University ... 158 p. 4577. Edmondson, Patricia Bailey Sartre: an existential perspective of freedom ... 102 p. 4578. Gamelin, Timothy Robert Effects of formal education on political development: the case of Pakistan ... 142 p. 369 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1965 M.A. 4579. Harlan, Douglas Sloan Soviet Cuba: an examination of the ties binding Cuba and the Soviet Union ... 100 p. 4580. Husain, Asrar Distribution of legislative powers between the centre and the units in India and Pakistan ... 234 p. 4581. Kammer, William Nolan A cluster-bloc analysis of southern senatorial voting behavior, 1947-1963 ... 105 p. 4582. Moore, Helen Ruth Blair Newspaper editorial response to Baker v. Carr... 150 p. 4583. Nickell, James Minor The concept of alienation in the early writings of Karl Marx ... 106 p. 4584. Phillips, Colette Simpson Aspects of contempt power in Pakistan ... 96 p. 4585. Phillips, Jeffrey Travis Supervision and control of nyaya panchayats in five Indian states . . . 124 p. 4586. Pierce, John Louis Change and continuity in the legal philosophy of Gustav Radbruch . . . 120 p. 4587. Washburn, John Loren Education in Plato's Republic ... 112 p. Ph.D. 4588. Barkat, Anwar Masih, 1934- The fellowship of Socialist Christians and its antecedents ... 294 p. 4589. Gadbois, George Harold, 1936- The paramount judiciary in India: 1937-1964 ... 368 p. . 4590. Maris, Gary Leroy, 1940- Some aspects of international law in United States - Cuban relations: 1898-1964 ... 40A. p. 4591. Reshaur, Kenneth Morton, 1938- Michael Polanyi: the political relevance of his thought. . . 277 p. 4592. Zikmund, Joseph, 1937- Suburban vote patterns in the Northeast: 1948 to 1960 ... 196 p. M.A. M.A. M.A. M.A. M.A. 370 PSYCHOLOGY 1927 4593. Stevenson, Arthur Linwood The relation between religious education and juvenile delinquency in Durham, North Carolina. 58 p. 1928 4594. Russell, Marcia Rachel Recent studies in personality. 112 p. 1929 4595. McCulloch, Thomas Logan A critical survey of the more important recent attempts to construct an adequate social psychology from the standpoint of mechanistic behaviorism. 82 p. 4596. Westerhor, Anthony Cornelius The absence of photophobia in the offspring of albino rats trained to avoid light. 16 p. 1930 4597. Anderson, Mildred Everett A critical survey of modern psychiatric thought. 66 p. 4598. Cutter, Walter Airey Psychological aspects of postmedieval mysticism. 128 p. 4599. Doob, Leonard William The importance of the motor habit as a determinant of the behavior of the white rat. 80 p. 4600. Godard, James McFate An investigation concerning the relationship between reading deficiencies and study difficulties among freshmen with low psychological scores, Duke University, 1929-30. 88 p. 1931 4601. Frick, Harvey Lee Extra-sensory cognition. 158 p. 4602. Hamilton, Charles Everette, Jr. A comparison of the intelligence of three social classes in North Carolina, v. p. 4603. Poag, Frederick Vaughan Personality traits as revealed by experimental methods. 124 p. 4604. Seeley, Emetta Weed Sublimation and the instinctive tendencies of childhood. 70 p. 371 PSYCHOLOGY 1931 M.A. 4605. Sharp, Eron Malcolm The religious development of subnormal children. Ill p. 1932 Ph.D. 4606. George, Robert Wilfred An experimental investigation of the chemical theory of temperament as applied in introversion - extroversion. 158 p. 1933 M.A. 4607. Ownbey, Sara Elizabeth Auto-hypnotic relief treatment of pain. An experimental study of its effects on dysmenorrhea. 19 p. 4608. Pratt, Joseph Gaither The role of conflict in learning. An addendum to current theories of learning. 82 p. Ph.D. 4609. McCulloch, Thomas Logan A study of the cognitive abilities of the white rat with special reference to Spearman's theory of two factors. 154 p. 4610. Thomas, John Frederick An evaluative study of the mental content of certain trance phenomena. 2 v. 1934 M.A. 4611. Zirkle, George Anderson A study of the meaning of conglomerate pictures to persons experiencing moods. 67 p. Ph.D. 4612. Wright, Herbert Fletcher The influence of barriers upon strength of motivation. 211 p. 1935 M.A. 4613. Wilkerson, Helen Elizabeth Differences in the spontaneous behavior of white and Negro children in a situation presenting a variety of attractive objects. 40 p. Ph.D. 4614. Westerhof, Anthony Cornelius Survey and critical examination of the use of teleology in modern psychology. 247 p. 372 PSYCHOLOGY 1936 M.A. 4615. Hammons, John William The significance of the gregarious tendency in the psychology of religion. 130 p. 4616. Hudson, Lucile Burruss An experimental study of delayed reactions in hooded rats. 26 p. 4617. Watson, Karl Brantley A study of the similarity factor in retroaction 79 p. Ph.D. 4618. Harton, John James The influence of effort, persistence and types of goal organization on the estimation of time. 306 p. 4619. Porterfield, Austin Larimore The function of imagination in social research. 341 p. 4620. Pratt, Joseph Gaither Experimental investigations of discriminative learning in rats. 228 p. 1937 M.A. 4621. Creegan, Robert Francis Some methodological and ethical implications of the psychology of Sigmund Freud. 160 p. 4622. Farmer, Thomas Wohlsen The personal significance of social and individual fantasies among adolescents. 104 p. 4623. Finan, John Lincoln Some dynamical implications of the theory and technique of word-association. 28 p. 4624. Pegram, Margaret Hanner Some psychological relations of extra-sensory perception. 33 p. 4625. Smith, Burke McGuire The effect of benzedrine sulfate on extra-sensory perception. 23 p. Ph.D. 4626. MacColl, Sylvia Hazelton A comparative study of the systems of Lewin and Koffka with special reference to the interpretation of memory phenomena. 282 p. 4627. This number not used. 373 PSYCHOLOGY 1938 M.A. 4628. Bennett, Georgia Belle The relation of the organization of the situation to the manifestation and extinction of conditioned finger with- drawal and psychogalvanic reactions. 86 p. Ph.D. 4629. McCord, William Fletcher The delayed reaction and memory in rats. 108 p. 4630. McCurdy, Harold Grier, 1909- Psychological analysis of literary productions as a revela- tion of personality. 262 p. 4631. Schoolland, John Bernard An experimental investigation of constitutionally differen- tiated cognitive behavior of chicks and ducks. 265 p. M.A. 1939 4632. Woodruff, Joseph Leroy Size of stimulus symbols in extrasensory perception. 49 p. Ph.D. 4633. Christenson, James Andreas, 1914- A questionnaire analysis ot personality in terms of certain motivational categories. 114 p. 4634. Watson, Karl Brantley, 1911- An experimental study of musical meanings. 163 p. 1940 M.A. 4635. Carper, Doris Viola Social concepts of children of widely different environments. 70 p. 4636. Goertz, Clare Marian Predicting success in plane geometry. 114 p. 4637. Hutchinson, Lois Bernice Variations of time intervals in preshuffle card-calling tests, 32 p. 4638. Prouty, Leonard A. A further application of the topological method to psy- chology. 38 p. 374 PSYCHOLOGY 1940 M.A. 4639. Tripp, Marian Lucille The effect of the injection of thymocrescin upon the sex drive of the female hooded rat. 24 p. Ph.D. 4640. Waite, Alexander Effects of varied instructions on the learning of a certain motor skill. 131 p. 1941 Ph.D. 4641. Bennett, Georgia Belle, 1913- Structural factors affecting the substitute value of activities in normal and schizophrenic persons. 124 p. 4642. Stuart, Charles Edward, 1907- An analysis to determine a test predictive of extra-chance scoring in card-calling tests. 56 p. 4643. Woodruff, Joseph Leroy, 1913- The effects of certain factors on visual form discrimination at near-liminal levels. 151 p. 4644. Zirkle, George Anderson An experimental study of success and failure in serial learning. 148 p. 1942 M.A. 4645. Lundberg, Donald Emil An experiment in suggestibility. 35 p. 4646. Mowshowitz, Israel Self-rating and intelligence. 37 p. 4647. Siegel, Paul Shafer Externalization of drive, a conceptual analysis and criticism. 28 p. 1943 4648. Bevan, William Some effects of past experience on limens of visual form perception. 63 p. 4649. Luborsky, Lester B. A psychometric study of electro-shock treatment. 56 p. 4650. Martin, Mary Mercedes Certain effects of motivation on perception. 43 p. Ph.D. 4651. Koch, Sigmund, 1917- Spontaneous fixation in rats. 220 p. M.A. 375 M.A. 4652 , PSYCHOLOGY 1945 Saltzman, Irving Jackson The effect of low intensities of hunger on the behavior mediated by habit of maximum strength. 38 p. Ph.D. M.A. 4652a. Luborsky, Lester Bernard, 1920- Some factors invalued in short exposure visual perception with special reference to aircraft recognition training. 144 p, 4653. McAndrew, Florence Helton, 1913- The relation of some physical factors to rigidity. 107 p. 4654. Stainbrook, Edward John, 1912- A study of the effects of various kinds of induced convul- sive reactions upon the general and maze behavior of the rat. 223 p. 1946 4655. Cummings, Anne S. The effect of different degrees of hunger on the learning of a bar-depression reaction. 46 p. Ph.D. 4656. Humphrey, Elizabeth Marie, 1917- Discrimination between high- and low- scoring subjects in ESP tests on the basis of the form quality of their response drawings. 104 p. 4657. Salomon, Ann Douglass, 1917- A quantitative investigation of the effects of certain visual field factors upon the perception of direction. 113 p. 1947 M.A. Ph.D. 4658. Anglin, Milton An experimental study on the relationship between insecurity and suggestibility. 72 p. 4659. Bindrim, Edward Paul Consistency of displacement trend in ESP: methods and results, 25 p. 4660. Sterne, Richard Stephen An investigation of the relation between psychological insecurity and intolerance toward Negroes. 98 p. 4661. Smith, Burke McGuire, 1912- Effects of sodium amytal on visual perception of forms at the linen. 161 p. 376 PSYCHOLOGY 1948 M.A. 4662. Bevan, John Morgan The relation of attitude to success in ESP scoring ... 40 p. 4663. Cannon, William Maury A study of the effect of hynoticallv induced anesthesias upon the electroencephalogram. 67 p. 4664. Clay, Leo Roderick A comparison of the effects of different levels of organization, motivation, and repetition upon learning. 59 p. 4665. Curry, Lois Mae Growth in language skills in a revised English programs in grade seven. 68 p. 4666. Davidson, William David A method for studying religious cult and healing ceremonies and its application to a Guatemalan Indian curing ceremony. 145 p. 4667. Griffin, James Edward The effects of central nervous system stimulation on curare paralysis. 26 p. 4668. Hornaday, John Albert Two investigations of the law of effect. 72 p. 4669. McMahan, Betty Anne An investigation of the psychokinetic effect on discs. 73 p. 4670. McMillan, John Johnson The relationship of a social factor to individual judgments of visual extent. 101 p. 4671. Moss, Beverly Carradine An examination of the indices of anxiety on the Wechsler- Bellevue test of adult intelligence. 67 p. 4672. Scherer, Wallace Brown Spontaneity as a factor in extrasensory perception. 42 p. Ph.D. 4673. Bevan, William, 1922- The influence of figural after-effects upon visual intensity thresholds. 149 p. 377 PSYCHOLOGY 1949 M.A. 4674. Huntsman, Carmen An experimental study in the use of tests as a hiring pro- cedure in the laundry industry. 81 p. 4675. Jones, Ora Melinda A survey of employee atitudes in a textile mill. 132 p. 4676. Shuford, Haywood Rhyne The limitations of morality in the philosophy of George Santayana ... 63 p. Ph.D. 4677. Cohen, Louis David, 1912- Level of aspiration behavior in certain psychosomatic disorders. 251 p. 4678. Roscman, Morris, 1919- An analysis of differences in closure behavior between normal and neuropsychiatric subjects. 210 p. 1950 M.A. M.A. 4679. Sulzer, Richard Lee The effect of strength of drive on learning. 53 p. 1951 4680. Boardman, William K. An investigation of autonomic reactivity related to selective sensitization. 41 p. 4681. Greenberg, Arthur The effect of strength of hunger on the acquisition, retention, and transfer of a maze habit... 78 p. 4682. Little, Sue Allen Warren Level of aspiration of asthmatic children compared with the goal level setting of the mother for her child. 32 p. 4683. Murray, Edward James Some factors influencing initial response frequency in the Skinner box. 34 p. 4684. Robinson, James Thompson Some indications of personality differences among clinical psychologists as revealed in their reports on patients. 75 p. Ph.D. 4685. Hallow, William Charles, 1914- Effects of intravenous sodium amytal medication on Rorschach performance. 145 p. 4686. McMillan, John Johnson, 1922- The relationship of an aspect of group structure to conformity of individual judgments. 140 p. 378 PSYCHOLOGY 1952 M.A. 4687. David, Farilla Bode The effect of anxiety on school progress: a comparative study of anxiety in two children, particularly as revealed in their drawings. 55 p. Ph.D. 4688. Barger, Benjamin, 1920- Anxiety as a determinant of differential responsivity to reward and punishment. 72 p. 4689. Barlow, John Alfred, 1924- Secondary motivation through classical conditioning. 63 p. 4690. Birge, William Root, 1920- An experimental inquiry into the measurable handwriting correlates of five personality traits. 57 p. 4691. Gordon, Hiram Landor, 1914- A comparative study of dream analysis and the thematic apperception test as projective techniques. 225 p. 4692. Kao, Katherine Chun Ch'un, 1912- A psychological study of conscientious objectors. 222 p. 4693. Kapchan, Jack Albert, 1922- The effects of pain on intellectual efficiency and level of aspiration. 167 p. 4694. Michaux, William Whitehead, 1919- Some relationships between hunger and word-completion responses in normal and in schizophrenic subjects. 240 p. 4695. Strain, Edward Richard, 1925- An experimental analysis of a mechanism of transfer mediating a gradient of avoidance under non-reinforcement conditions. 108 p. 4696. Webb, Warren Wright, 1924- Conceptual ability of schizophrenics as a function of threat of failure. 73 p. 1953 M.A. 4697. Adams, Henry Bethune The stimulus value of the Murray TAT picture for a college population ... 199 p. 4698. Hausman, Carl Ransdell R. G. Collingwood's theory of method and its application to esthetics ... 104 p. 379 PSYCHOLOGY 1953 M.A. 4699. Ph.D. 4700. 4701. 4702. 4703, 4704. 4705, 4706. 4707. 4708. 4709. 4710. Marley, Francis William A Rorschach analysis of a group of physicians ... 124 p. Bcvan, John Morgan, 1924- Effects of stress upon certain physiological mechanisms and behavior of the albino rat ... 85 p . Bleke, Robert Charles, 1927- Reward and punishment as determiners of reminiscence effects in schizophrenic and normal subjects ... 76 p. Bramlette, Carl Allen, 1926- Some relationships between the self-concept, the thematic appreception test, and personality adjustment ... 69 p. Colvin, Ralph Whitmore, 1920- An experimental analysis of attitudinal determinants under- lying behavior to color stimuli in psychoneurotic subjects ... 241 p. Dunn, William Lawrence, 1924- Changes in the visual discrimination behavior of schizo- phrenic subjects as a function of the meaning content of the stimulus ... 91 p. Edgerton, Jesse Wilbert, 1918- A study of the effects of prolonged psychological stress upon blood pressure in rats predisposed toward hypertensive levels by early acute choline deficiency ... 112 p. Girdner, John Byron, 1921- An experimental analysis of the behavioral effects of a perceptual consequence unrelated to organic drive states ... 101 p. Goldstone, Sanford, 1926- The relationship between flicker fusion measurements and anxiety level... 106 p. Hutt, Paul Jonas, 1909- Rate of bar-pressing by the white rat during periodic rein- forcement as a function of the quality and quantity of the food reward ... 89 p. Mowshowitz, Israel, 1914- A study of the perception of Jewish and non- Jewish faces as it is related to prejudice ... 78 p. Scott, Harley Augustus, 1919- The empirical assessment of self acceptance . 115 p, 380 PSYCHOLOGY 1954 Ph.D. 4711. Bleke, Priscilla Dattman, 1927- Detcrmination of relationships between distributions of stimuli and distributions of judgments under instructions of differing specificity ... - 32 p. 4712. Clarke, Mary Gill, 1918- Schizophrenic and normal language behavior from the point of view of semiotic ... 79 p. 4713. Hester, Ruport, 1922- Application of the type a series to critical ratio tests ... 68 p. 4714. Hornaday, John Albert, 1923- A method of developing a series of objective-type questions for measuring the extent to which an individual deceives himself about his personal characteristics... 292 p. 4715. Kish, George Bela, 1927- The onset and cessation of stimulus energy as conditioned stimuli in shock avoidance learning in the albino rat . . . 56 p. 4716. Kubzansky, Philip Eugene, 1928- Visual discrimination and anxiety level under stress and non-stress conditions ... 81 p. 4717. Parsons, Oscar Albert, 1920- Status needs and performance under failure: the interrelation- ships among performance, perception, and social behavior ... 143 p. 4718. Rochlin, Alan M. , 1928- The quantitative effects of tilt of visual stimuli upon perception of paralletness ... 46 p. 4719. Sulzer, Richard L., 1925- A determination of several functions relating sensitivity of perception of parallelness to stimulus dimensions ... 56 p. 4720. Tamkin, Arthur S., 1928- The retention of schizophrenics for completed and incom- pleted puzzles and its relation to ego strength ... 132 p. 1955 Ph.D. 4721. Harris, Jesse Graham, 1926- A study of the mother-son relationship in schizophrenic, ... 177 p. 381 PSYCHOLOGY 1956 M.A. 4722. Hilborn, Edwin II. A study of certain determinants of the visual "straight ahead" ... 59 p. 4723. Boardman, William Kilbourne, 1925- Thc utilization of object structure in prerecognition responses 93 p. Ph.D. 4724. Dufort, Robert Hamilton, 1932- Associative and motivational factors in eyelid conditioning ... 39 p. 4725. Friedman, Edward Leonard, 1924- Level of aspiration and some criteria of adjustment in an aged population ... 88 p. 4726. Grace, Nelson Burton, 1926- A developmental comparison of word usage with structural aspects of perception and social adjustment ... 258 p. 4727. Gynther, Malcolm Donald, 1927- A study of the variables affecting differential eyelid conditioning ... 45 p . 4728. Hanson, Harley Myles, 1931- The effects of discrimination training on stimulus generalization ...80 p. 4729. Hart, Irvin, 1916- Maternal child-rearing practices and authoritarian ideology . . . 136 p. 4730. Mallet, John Jacques, 1927- Verbal recall of hostile and neutral thematic contents by schizophrenic and normal subjects ... 83 p. 4731. Jones, Ora Melinda, 1918- The relationship between visual and auditory discrimination and anxiety level ... 122 p. 4732. L'Abate, Luciano, 1928- Transfer and manifest anxiety in paired-associate learning ... 32 p. 4733. Wagoner, Robert Adair, 1923- Response variability and response latency in anxious and non- anxious groups ... 68 p. 4734. Zahn, Theodore Paul, 1927- Acquired and symbolic affective value as determinants of size estimation in schizophrenic and normal subjects ... 138 p. 382 M.A. PSYCHOLOGY 1957 4735. Miller, Paul Nelson A comparison of visual and auditory discrimnation in multiple sclerotic and normal subjects ...68 p. Ph.D. M.A. 4736. Alvarez, Robert Ruifcrnandez, 1922- A comparison of the preferences of schizophrenic and normal subjects for rewarded and punished stimuli ... 211 p. 4737. Boneau, Charles Alan, 1926- The effect of changing the interstimulus interval on the conditioned eyelid response ... 65 p. 1958 4738. King, Margaret Skeel, 1931- Anxiety and eyelid conditioning: the effect of a ready signal ... 36 p. Ph.D. 4739. Becker, Joseph, 1927- An analysis of manic-depressive character in terms of achievement and conformity ... 71 p. 4740. Farina, Amerigo, 1927- Patterns of role dominance and conflict in the interaction of parents of schizophrenic patients ... 174 p. • 4741. Honig, Werner K., 1932- Prediction of preference, transposition, and transposition- reversal from the generalization gradient ... Ill p. 4742. Sindberg, Ronald Max, 1932- Effects of rotation speed and exposure time on perception of the negative spiral aftereffect in brain damaged and non-brain damaged subjects ... 84 p. 1959 M.A. 4743. Bercaw, David Meade A synoptic analysis of insight in client-centered counseling and religious conversion ... 80 p. 4744. James, Fleming The stability of the civil, electrical, and mechanical engi- neering scales of the Kuder preference record occupational^ form D, and some implications for counseling ... 46 p. 4745. Mayfield, Peter Nelson Psychogenic need perception and the role of religious beliefs and practices in meeting psychogenic needs ... 85 p. 383 PSYCHOLOGY 1959 Ed.M. 4746. Mossor, Mary Gail Empathy in student nurses ... 45 p. Ph.D. 4747. Butter, Charles Miller, 1934- Stimulus generalization and discrimination along the dimensions of wavelength and angular orientation ... 118 p. 4748. Cannon, William Maury, 1923- A study of the responses of blind and sighted individuals to the Kuder preference record ... 153 p. 4749. Dunham, Richard Marshall, 1929- Sensitivity of schizophrenics to parental censure ... 96 p. 4750. Engelhart, Roland S., 1930- Semantic correlates of interpersonal concepts and parental attributes in schizophrenia..... 216 p. 4751. Huse, Mary Kathleen Martin, 1923- Pursuit-rotor performance in the brain-damaged: the role of reactive and conditioned inhibition in cartical dysfunction ... 118 p. 4752. Kelty, Edward John, 1930- Normaielectrocortical activity in relation to personality factors ... 59 p. 4753. King, Richard Austin, 1929- The effects of training and motivation on the components of a learned instrumental response ... 55 p. 4754. Kreinik, Phyllis Sally, 1931- Parent-child themas and concept attainment in schizophrenia ... 166 p. 4755. Levin, Saul, 1932- The effects of awareness on verbal conditioning... 86 p. 4756. Nickerson, Kenneth Stanford, 1930- The relationship of leveling- sharpening cognitive controls and manifest anxiety to the accuracy of visual size judgments ... 153 p. 4757. Taylor, John David, 1933- The meaningfulness of three hundred and twenty words and paralogs ... 53 p. 384 PSYCHOLOGY 1960 M.A. 4758. Grovitz, Elaine Kobrin, 1936- Rote learning in the aged ... 37 p. 4759. Davis, Herbert Stephen Age differences in learning and retention of verbal material ... 37 p. 4760. Keys, Noel Wiley Generalization and fixed interval reinforcement ... 24 p. 4761. Vega, Arthur A quantitative method of localizing brain lesions based on flicker- fusion perimetry ... 43 p. Ph.D. 4762. Arenberg, David Lee, 1927- The relations between delayed breathing at birth (apnea neonatorum) and subsequent intellectual, visual-motor, and motor development of children ... 95 p. 4763. Crovitz, Herbert Floyd, 1932- Patterns of relative localization of an odd element within a visual grouping as a function of laterality characteristics and tendencies to eye movement ... 71 p. 4764. Evans, Wayne Orien, 1931- The dimensional bases of stimulus generalization ... 88 p. 4765. Freedheim, Donald Koperlik, 1932- An investigation of masculinity and parental role patterns . .. 105 p. 4766. Gottlieb, Ann (Lodge) 1931- Effects of facilitating, neutral and inhibiting instructions on visual perception in brain damage ... 166 p. 4767. Gottlieb, Gilbert, 1929- The following response of wild and domestic ducklings of the same species (anas platyrhynchos) ... 124 p. 4768. Greenberg, George, 1935- Visual induction of eye torsion, as measured with an after-image technique, in relation to visual perception of the vertical... 102 p. 4769. Langston, Robert Dorn,1930- Children's overt and fantasy aggression toward peers as a function of perceived severity of parental punishment ... 74 p. 4770. Ost, John William Philip, 1931- Interstimulus interval and proportion of non-reinforced trials in differential eyelid conditioning ... 87 p. 385 PSYCHOLOGY 1961 M.A. 4771. Day, Charles Raymond Some consequences of increased reward following establishment of output-reward expectation level ... 38 p. 4772. Grossman, Bruce David, 1936- The cessation of opinion comparison and the arousal of deroga- tion ... 46 p . Ph.D. 4773. Burstein, Kenneth Richard, 1928- The intensity of the unconditioned stimulus and eyelid conditioning ... 68 p. 4774. Clarke, Alan Rogers, 1932- Conformity behavior of schizophrenic subjects to maternal figures . . . 157 p. 4775. Culver, Charles Marriott, 1934- The effect of cue value on size estimation in schizophrenic subjects . . . 137 p . 4776. Thomas, David Rolf, 1933- Stimulus generalization and operant discrimination as a function of level of motivation ...111 p. 1962 M.A. 4777. Dyer, Charles James The effect of task attractiveness on liking for the group: a dissonance analysis ... 42 p. Ph.D. 4778. Canestrari, Robert E'Milio, 1932- The relationship of vigilance to paced and self-paced learning in young and elderly adults ...104 p. 4779. Cooper, George David, 1935- Changes in ego strength following brief social and perceptual deprivation ... 64 p. 4780. Denny, John Peter, 1934- The effects of anxiety and intelligence on concept formation ... 93 p. 4781. Dickoff, Hilda, 1935- Reactions to evaluations by another person as a function of self evaluation and the interaction context ... 143 p. 4782. Groman, William David, 1913- Orientation, stimulus pattern, and head-eye position as determinants of cognitive and experimental aspects of per- ceived slant ... 129 p. Ph.D. 386 PSYCHOLOGY 1962 47S3. Leventhal, Gerald Seymour, 1936- Reward magnitude and liking for instrumental activity ... 79 p. 4784. Pennypacker, Henry Sutton, 1937- External inhibition of the conditioned eyelid reflex ... 40 p, 1963 M.A. 4785. Hicks, Lou Ella Some relationships between anxiety, task, and cognitive style ... 81 p. 4786. Kowal, Katherine Ann Perception of the helping relationship as a function of age ... 70 p. Ph.D. 4787. Behar, Lenore Marilyn Balsam, 1938- The influence of cognitive dissonance on emotional behavior ... 81 p„ 4788. Brockhoff, Lois Ann, 1938- Generalization, extinction, and acquisition of conditioned eyelid responses following an increase in the interstimulus interval ... 118 p. 4789. Daves, Walter Francis, 1935- An experimental analysis of perceptual discrimination in the cat: the effective properties of objects and the discriminatory behavior of the animal ... 118 p. 4790. Davis, Keith Eugene, 1936- Impressions of others and interaction context as determinants of social interaction and perception in two-person discussion groups ... 157 p. 4791. Dunham, Tessie Frances Yeager, 1930- The effect of verbal and material flattery on the performance of girls differing in reported extent of maternal love-oriented discipline ... 121 p. 4792. Gergen, Kenneth Jay, 1934- Interaction goals and personalistic feedback as factors affecting the presentation of self ... 145 p. 4793. Katkin, Edward Samuel, 1937- The relationship between self-report and physiological indices of anxiety during differentially stressful conditions ... 73 p. 387 PSYCHOLOGY 1963 "4794. McConnell, Owen Link, 1933- Pcrccptual and verbal mediation in the concept learning of children ... 77 p. 4795. Masterton, R. Bruce, 1932- The neutral mechanisms of sound localization: the effect of auditory cortex ablation on the ability of cats to dis- criminate binaural time disparitites ... 84 p. 4796. Parton, David Albert, 1931- An experimental approach to the conflict model of aggressive response strength ... 86 p. 4797. Rahman, Syed Matiur, 1929- Attractiveness of goal objects as a function of dissonance deduction ... Ill p. 4798. Turner, Barbara Jean Beavers, 1934- The effects of a ready signal upon eyelid conditioning ... 86 p. 1964 M.A. 4799. Fink, Leonard Sheldon Number-guessing habits and conscious mediating processes in a problem- solving task ...56 p. 4800. Jani, Aurobindo J. An analysis of certain basic psychological concepts in the Yoga system ... 69 p. 4801. Rich, Edward Barry Changes in the Kfollner effect as a function of stimulus- size ... 30 p. Ph.D. 4802. Cole, James Lawrence, 1927- The relationship between force gradients and rate gradients in stimulus generalization ... 66 p. 4803. Crovitz, Elaine Kobrin, 1936- Visual discrimination learning in elderly subjects ... 62 p. 4804. DeNike, Lyman Douglas, 1937- Awareness in verbal conditioning: the assessment of awareness from verbal reports written by subjects during conditioning .. 141 p. 4805. Kemp, David E., 1936- Personality and behavior in psychotherapeutic relationships: correlates of a scale of therapeutic effectiveness ... 121 p. 388 Ph.D. 4806. PSYCHOLOGY 1964 Opton, Edward Milton, 1936- Electroencephalographic correlates of performance lapses on an attention task in young and old men ... 110 p. 4807, M.A. 4808. Wohlford, Paul Frederick, 1938- Determinants of extension of personal time 1965 . 227 p. 4809. Cilluffo, Anthony Frank Perception and personality: a study of the relation between perceptual dependence, the KAE test, and certain measures of personality ... 87 p. Morrissey, Sheila Noel The psycholinguistic abilities of fourteen culturally deprived children ... 48 p. 4810. Romine , Benjamin Houston Tension in freshmen and seniors ... 57 p. Ph.D. 4811, Fowler, William Randall, 1938- The interstimulus interval and schedule of reinforcement eyelid conditioning ... 68 p. 4812. Feather, Ben Wayne, 1930- Human salivary conditioning ... 74 p. 4813. Grossman, Bruce David, 1936- Parental warmth, child dependency and responsiveness to social reinforcement ... 93 p. 4814. Holmstrom, Robert William, 1934- Mediated transfer in paired-associate learning ... 102 p. 4815. 4816. Inglis, Richard, 1939- The effects of personality similarity on empathy and interpersonal attraction ... 152 p. Lipscomb, Donn Barry, 1939- A comparative study of phenomenal suppression patterns in the tachistoscopic binocular rivalry of chromatic, achromatic and contour stimuli ... 87 p. 4816a. Lumsden, Ernest Asbury, 1931- Characteristics of spectral discrimination gradients 97 p. 4817. Sandler, David, 1938- Investigation of a scale of therapeutic effectiveness: trust and suspicion in an experimentally induced situation ... Ill p. 389 RELIGION 1926 M.A. 4818. Blackwell, Henry Conrad The contribution of Walter Russell Lambuth. n.p. 4819. Kelly, Walter Richard A proposed plan for a system of religious education in the rural districts of North Carolina. 56 p. M.A. M.A. 1927 4820. Gobbel, Luther Lafayette A survey and an evaluation of a standardization project in the North Carolina Conference, M. E. Church, South. 108 p. 4821. Rose, Floyd Day A study of the rural Sunday School of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in the Durham district. 143 p. 4822. Wright, Cora Lee ' The enlarged program of modern missions as related to the messengers, the methods, and the message. 98 p. 1929 4823. Croy, Oakley E. The religious educational work of Calvin. 171 p. 4824. Cunningham, Marcus Earl An examination of the conception of the Jewish scriptures found in the New Testament writings. 79 p. 4825. Harris, Hyman LeRoy Slave membership in the churches of South Atlantic region. 228p. 4826. Kolb, Ernest Connors Four major efforts to change the polity of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1900-1919. 201 p. 4827. Little, Lawrence Calvin Religious education in the Methodist Protestant Church. 166 p. 4828. Spivey, Lucy The history of the canon of the prophets and the writings of the Old Testament. 170 p. 4829. Stem, Margaret The Messiah: a comparison of the ancient and modern views of Jesus Christ. 96 p. 390 RELIGION 1929 B.D. 4830. Fouts, DwighU Lang Motion pictures in religious education. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity, School of Religion, Duke University, Durham, N. C. 60 p . 4831. Herbert, Cheslcy Carlisle, Jr. Jesus and the problem of suffering. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 84 p. 4832. Huggin, James George, Jr. Bishop Francis Asbury ' s observations of the American people, 1771-1815. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 239 p. 4833. Jerome, Robert LeRoy Adaptability in Jesus' method of teaching. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in Duke University School of Religion. 60 p. 4834. Kyles, Alpheus Alexander Persecution of early Christianity: from 64 to 313 A. D. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 179 p. 4835. Phillips, James Godfrey The LOGOS doctrine in the Fourth Gospel, subsequent to the prologue. Presented to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity ... 95 p. 4836. Roberts, Ivon Leard The modernist-fundamentalist fight among the Baptists and Presbyterians. A thesis presented to the faculty of the School of Religion in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in Duke University. 118 p. 4837. Southard, Paul Cornelius Tendencies of the Disciples of Christ. Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 156 p. 4838. Spence, Besse Whitted The significance for religious education of an experiment conducted among high school girls concerning the relation of nutrition to physical health. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 92 p. 391 RELIGION 1929 B. D. 4839. Stott, Janadus Doane Tne development of monotheism in the Hebrew religion. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Durham, N. C. 82 p, 1930 M.A. B.D. 4840. Brown, Adrian Ernul The problem of education on the mission field. 138 p. 4841. Carroll, James Elwood The rise of the Methodist Protestant Church. 236 p. 4842. Clark, Helen Dearmin Jesus' conception of his mission. Ill p. 4843. Coleman, Thomas Rupert The extent to which Paul after becoming a Christian continued to recognize the Jewish people as enjoying special privileges and prospects. 94 p. 4844. Highfill, Thomas Gutherie The position and prospects of Buddhism in the modern world. 190 p. 4845. Keever, Homer Maxwell A study of the attitude toward orthodoxy found in the pastoral epistles with a comparison with that found in the other writings attributed to Saint Paul. 94 p. 4846. Branton, Razzie Ray Outstanding factors in Mississippi Methodism to 1844. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 154 p. 4847. Cunningham, Marcus Earl An examination of the Synoptic Gospels to determine the extent to which Jesus was ascetic in His thought and practice. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 79 p. 4848. Dawson, Robert Grady Evidence of immortality. Thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 160 p. 392 RELIGION B.D. 1930 4849. Funk, Sherwood William Jesus' attitude toward wealth. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University, Durham, N. C. 82 p. 4850. Gist, Joseph Andrew Parent education agencies and methods affecting program in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 77 p. 4851. Green, Charles Sylvester The teaching of Jesus on marriage and divorce. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, N. C. 151 p. 4852. Guice, John Asa American Methodism and slavery to 1844. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke Univ. 106 4853. Holler, Adlai Cornwell Reforming the pagan Sabbath. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 123 p. 4854. House, Robert Lee A survey of the churches of the Christian denomination in North Carolina and Virginia, 1915-1930. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University, Durham, N. C. 107 p. 4854a. Johnson, Hugh Hanna The personal religion of Jesus. 4855. Jones, Alvin Adelbert A constructive study of the writings of James H. Leuba and Rufus M. Jones, with reference to the significance of their attitudes toward the meaning of mysticism for evangelical interpretation of Christian experience. A thesis submitted to the faculty, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity, in the School of Religion, Duke University, Durham, N. C. 119 p. 4856. Lawrence, Marquis Wood The life of Marquis Lafayette Wood as shown by his diary. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Durham, N.C. 403 p. 4857. McCastlain, Morris Sheppard The significance of Jesus for the modern religious mind... 106 p, 393 RELIGION B.D. 4858. McLarty, James Brown The Christian evangel winning. 161 p. 1930 a study in modern methods of soul- 4859. 4860. 4861. Nelson, Fletcher The presiding eldership of early Methodism. 109 p. Rainey, Lawyer James The way of salvation in the major religions. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 104 p. Russell, Leon The border controversy in American Methodism from 1844 to 1866. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 150 p. 4861a. Womack, Carlos Poynor Jesus 1 teaching on forgiveness. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 61 p. Ph.D. M.A. 4862. Chen, William Yuanlung A psychological interpretation of Chinese culture, with special reference to its stability. 270 p. 1931 4863. Ashley, George Norman Salvation in the thought of the Reformation. 104 p. 4864. Barringer, Blanche An examination of the historical evidence for the healing miracles of Jesus recorded in the four gospels. 123 p. 4865. Bowles, Charles Phillips An examination of the New Testament writings in order to determine the economic status of the early Christian church. 88 p. 4866. Council, Raymond Ward The relative importance in early Christian thinking of Jesus' earthly life and of the conception of Him as a Risen Lord. 113 p. 4867. Ledbetter, Margaret M. The village church in North Carolina. 126 p. 4868. Moffitt, James William The struggle of the Baptists of colonial New England for religious freedom. 133 p. 4869. Pool, Bob Lem Normal religious development of the child through the program of religious education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 287 p, 394 RELIGION 1931 M.A. 4870. Rees, Edward Jeffries Christian experience as interpreted by the people called Methodists. 115 p. B.D. 4871. Baker, Cecil Alexander The struggle for religious liberty in Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas to 1776. A thesis submitted in partial ful- filment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 234 p. 4872. Brown, Adrian Ernul The problem of education on the mission field ..„Durham, North Carolina. 138 p. 4873. Carper, John Howard Celtic missions in relation to the church of Rome. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 165 p. 4874. Carroll, James Elwood, 1904- The rise of the Methodist Protestant Church. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 238 p. 4875. Chalfant, Vernon Elmer Asceticism in the Old Testament. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 87 p. 4876. Clark, Helen Dearmin Jesus' s conception of His mission. A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. Ill p. 4877. Coleman, Thomas Rupert The extent to which Paul after becoming a Christian continued to recognize the Jewish people as enjoying special religious privileges and prospects. Thesis presented in partial ful- filment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 94 p. 4878. Cutter, Walter Airey Psychological aspects of postmedieval mysticism. Thesis presented to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 128 p. 395 RELIGION 193L B.D. 4879. Edwards, Earl Bowling The nomad element in Hebrew history and culture. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 106 p. 4880. Grigg, Womble Quay An endeavor to determine the extent to which Paul was ascetic in thought and practice. Thesis presented in partial fulfil- ment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 102 p. 4881. Hunt, Dwight Russell Educational endeavors of early American Methodism. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. Durham, N. C. 205 p. 4882. Jordan, Frank Booe The rise and development of the doctrine of Satan in the Old and New Testaments. Thesis presented to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial ful- filment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 86 p. 4883. Kale, William Arthur The reality of communion with God. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Durham, N. C. 114 p. 4884. Keever, Homer Maxwell A study of the attitude toward orthodoxy found in the Pastoral Epistles with a comparison with that found in the other writings attributed to Saint Paul. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion, Duke University. 94 p. 4885. Kincheloe, Marvin Smith The theology of early American Methodism. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 133 p. 4886. Minga, Taylor Herbert Attitude of American Protestants toward war since 1914. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, N. C. 153 p. 4887. Murphy, Hugh Edwin A study in the psychology of adolescent worship. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. Durham, N. C. 144 p. 396 B.D. RELIGION 1931 488S. Neasc, Edgar Harrison The history of the Western North Carolina annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, 1890-1929. Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, N. C. 262 p. 4889. Shuller, Edgar Ralph Jesus' conception of divine punishment. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Durham, N. C. 139 p. 4900. Waggoner, Albert Crews The modern missionary apologetic. A thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Durham, N. C. 169 p. 4901. Walton, Aubrey Grey Attempts toward unification of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1865- 1926 . .. Durham, North Carolina. 206 p. 4902. Wilkinson, Jesse Giles The humanitarian contribution of the Society of Friends in America to the year 1861. A thesis submitted to the faculty of Duke University in partial fulfilment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 244 p. 1932 M.A. 4903. Brown, James Witt A critical analysis of the Gospel of Barnabas. 142 p. 4904. Carruth, John Robert The angelology and demonology of the early Christians. 136 p. 4905. Evans, Garfield The relation of church and state in Cuba. 254 p. 4906. George, LeRoy Brunson Prophetic inspiration among the Hebrews. 133 p. 4907. Harrison, Eugene Myers A curriculum for juniors in vacation schools of religion in Burma. 150 p. 4908. Hastings, Comer Henry The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, during the Reconstruction period. 148 p. 4909. Huckabee, Weyman Carlisle The history and significance of the student volunteer movement for foreign missions. 205 p. 397 RELIGION 1932 M.A. 4910. Huffman, Norman Ara The text of Mark in the Duke New Testament, work based on old manuscript purchased by Duke University. 59 p. 4911. James, Fclthan Syreen The attitude of the Christian church towards the use of drama in religious education. 172 p. 4912. Jenkins, Theodore Roosevelt Outstanding characteristics of the pioneer Methodist circuit riders in the Mississippi Valley region prior to 1844. 125 p. 4913. Lowell, C. Stanley The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, toward temperance and prohibition, 1845-1919. 275 p. 4914. Richards, Jane Leighton Foundation of the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina. 170 p. 4915. Sanford, Marshall Stanfield An endeavor to ascertain Jesus' conception of religious salvation. 131 p. 4916. Thrift, Charles Tinsley, 1911- The history of theological education in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845-1915. 167 p. B.D. 4917. Acey, Archie Everette The relative importance of preaching in various types of Christian public worship- 193 p. 4918. Andrews, Chester The debt of Mahatma Gandhi to Indian religion: thesis ... B.D. School of Religion, Duke University, 1932. 132 p. 4919. Ashley, George Norman Salvation in the thought of the Reformation: thesis ... B. D. School of Religion, Duke University, 104 p. 4920. Atkinson, S. Marvin The nature of the authority of Jesus. 135 p. 4921. Bowles, Charles Phillips An examination of the New Testament writings in order to determine the economic status of the early Christian church. 88 p. 398 RELIGION 1932 B.D. 4922. Braxton, Jabus Walter John Wesley's conception of the ideal Christian. 109 p. 4923. Brown, Cansau Delane The present conception of salvation in American Protestantism ... 102 p. 4924. Clay, Charles Wesley Education for Christian interracial adjustment in the South ... 219 p. 4925. Council, Raymond Ward The relative importance in early Christian thinking of Jesus' earthly life and of the conception of Him as Risen Lord: thesis ... B. D. School of Religion, Duke University, 113 p. 4925a. Davis, Harvey L. Jesus' teaching on human forgiveness: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 67 p. 4926. Harbin, Andrew Vandiver, Jr. The rise of the Protestant denominations in colonial South Carolina. 124 p. 4927. Hardin, Harvey M. John Wesley's experience and interpretation of the witness of the Spirit. 105 p. 4928. Hathaway, Of fie Lemuel Some of the outstanding characteristics of the Anglican church in colonial Virginia: thesis ... B.D. School of Religion, Duke University, 132 p. 4929. Hood, George Franklin The idea of God in recent American Protestant theology: thesis B. D. School of Religion, Duke University. 132 p. 4930. Kolb, Ernest C. Some outstanding characteristics of Southern Baptists since 1900 171 p. 4931. Pool, Bob Lem Normal religious development of the child, through the pro- gram of religious education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South ... 287 p. 4932. Pope, Liston The humanitarian ideals of Bahaism: thesis ... B. D. School of Religion, Duke University. 132 p. 399 B. D. 4933. 4934, 4935. 4936, 4937. RELIGION 1932 Root, Paul A. The social significance of Toyohiko Kagawa and the Japanese "Kingdom of God movement" ... Durham, North Carolina. 132 p, Rowland, John L. The Apocalyptic element in the New Testament North Carolina. 95 p. Durham, Sharpe, Ralph M. The autonomous churches set up in foreign fields by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South ... Durham, North Carolina. 148 p. Singleton, George Harbin, Jr. History of the North Alabama Conference Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1890-1930... Durham, North Carolina. 155 p. Stafford, Garland Reid Country church finance in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in North Carolina... Durham, North Carolina. 128 p. 4938. Stokes, J. Lemacks II The text of Acts in the Duke New Testament: thesis School of Religion, Duke University, 1932. 53 p. B.D. 4939. Thompson, Lacy Hunter The contribution of Francis Asbury to American Methodism: thesis... B.D. School of Religion, Duke University, 119 p. 4940. Williams, Atticus Morris The beginnings of Protestantism in colonial North Carolina: thesis ...B.D. School of Religion, Duke University, 162 p. 4941. Williams, Benjamin Truman The cultural and racial routes of the democratic tendencies of the Hebrew people: thesis ... B.D. School of Religion Duke University, 205 p. 4942. Wilson, Raymond E. The participation of the American Protestant clergy in the American Revolution ... Durham, North Carolina. 167 p. 1933 B.D. 4943. Barnwell, Myrtle Carver Polygamy among the Mormons up to 1896 Carolina. 122 p. .Durham, North 400 RELIGION 1933 B.D. 4944, 4945, 4946. 4947. 4948, 4949, 4950, Barnwell, Roy James The bearing of the evolutionary theory on the Christian doctrine of sin with special reference to original sin.. Durham, North Carolina. 132 p. Brown, James Witt A critical analysis of the Gospel of Barnabas North Carolina. 142 p. .Durham, Brown, Robert Edgar A comparative study of the teaching on unbelief in the Gospel of John and in the Epistles of Paul... Durham, North Carolina. 108 p. Carruth, John Robert The angelology and demonology of the early Christians: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, 1933. 136 p. Dean, William Eunice The attitude of the leading Southern Protestant churches toward the freedment during the Reconstruction period: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 186 p. Denton, Ernest Sigler The doctrine of divine forgiveness as presented by some recent English and American theologians ... 165 p. Donald, Samuel Everett The emotional nature of mystical experience as reflected in the lives of three typical Christian mystics ... Durham,' North Carolina. 172 p„ 4951. Evans, Garfield The relation of church and state in Cuba . . .Durham, North Carolina. 254 p. 4952. Faulk, Roland William The idea of sin in the monotheistic religions ...Durham, North Carolina. 169 p. 4953. Foster, George Adair The attitude of Russian communism to religion ...Durham, North Carolina. 169 p. 4954. George, LeRoy Brunson Prophetic inspiration among the Hebrews ... Durham, North Carolina. 133 p. 401 RELIGION 1933 B.D. 4955, 4956. 4957, 4958. 4959. 4960. 4961, 4962, 4963, 4964. 4965, Giessen, Charles Henry The history of the Little Rock Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1890-1929. . .Durham, North Carolina. 221 p. Goldston, Cleo Wade The atonement as interpreted by leading English and Scotch theologians from 1875 to 1925 ... 163 p. Hardee, Robert Marion Conceptions of immortality current in liberal Christian thought in America ...Durham, North Carolina. 118 p. Hastings, Comer Henry The Methodist Episcopal Church, South) during the Reconstruction period. . .Durham, North Carolina. 148 p. Highfill, Thomas Guthrie The position and prospects of Buddhism in the modern world ... Durham, North Carolina. 190 p. Holt, Doctor Dillon Some evidences from psychical research for the survival of human personality after bodily death: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, 172 p. Huckabee, Weyman Carlisle The history and significance of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions ...Durham, North Carolina. 205 p. Huffman, Mrs. Esther Wright The aesthetic tendencies of children as a factor in religious education. 135 p. Huffman, Norman Ara The Text of Mark in the Duke New Testament 59 p. ..Durham, N. C. Jackson, Fynes Berty The history of the Holston Conference Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1890-1929. 245 p. Jenkins, Theodore Roosevelt Outstanding characteristics of the pioneer Methodist circuit riders in the Mississippi Valley region prior to 1844 ...Durham, North Carolina. 125 p. 402 RELIGION 1933 B.D. 4966. Johnson, Henry Morrison The activities of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the South during the Reconstruction period. . .Durham, North Carolina. 221 p. 4967. Lcflcr, Bayne Wesley The attitude of the American Friends toward slavery prior to the Civil War: a thesis submitted to the faculty of the School of Religion of Duke University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Durham, North Carolina, 1933. 124 p. 4968. Maness, Madison Ward The relation of farm income to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in rural North Carolina: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, 1933. 95 p. 4969. Prentis, Robert Brown The place of asceticism in the thought of the second century church fathers: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. 158 p. 4970. Robbins, Cecil Wayne The teaching and practice of charity in the Christian communities during the Apostolic period: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 125 p. 4971. Robinson, Harold Manson Significant Protestant missionary conferences from Mildmay, 1878, to Jerusalem, 1928: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 329 p. 4972. Russell, Harrell McTeer The objectives of the rural church in North Carolina in relation to the rural community: a thesis ...B.D. degree in the School of Religion of Duke University. 159 p. 4973. Sanford, Marshall Stanfield An endeavor to ascertain Jesus' conception of religious salvation . 131 p. 4974. Still, Joseph Ragsdale The missions of Nestorian Christianity; a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, 125 p. 403 RELIGION 1933 B.D. 4975. Tew, William Alton Galilee in the time of Christ and its influence of the ministry and teachings of Jesus ... Durham, North Carolina. 154 p. 4976. Thompson, Arnold Chester Jonathan Edwards' idea of God ... Durham, N.C. 98 p. 4977. Thrift, Charles Tinsley, Jr. The history of theological education in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845-1915 ... Durham, N. C. 167 p. 4978. Trammel 1, James Fletcher Canaanite civilization at the time of the Hebrew conquest of Palestine in the light of archaelogy ... Durham, N.C. 149 p. 4979. Whitsett, Daniel Cleveland Interpretations of the cross in twentieth century liberal Christian thought in America ... Durham, N. C. 138 p. M.A. B.D. 1934 4980. Warren, Marion The integration of Protestant Christianity in the South Atlantic states through the revival of 1800. 222 p. 4981. Adkins, A. Carl James Arminius and the immediate effect of his teaching on the doctrine of predestination ... 102 p. 4981a. Barbee, Carl W. A comparative study of the preaching of John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield and Francis Asbury. 4982. Blakemore, J. H. , Jr. William Jennings Bryan as a factor in the Modernist- fund- amendalist controversy: ... Durham, North Carolina. 184 p. 4983. Boggs, Clyde Stewart The idea of God in mediaeval and modern Judaism . . . Durham, North Carolina. 132 p. 4984. Budd, Warren Candler Changes and proposed changes in the Episcopacy of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South since 1900 ... Durham, N. C. 150 p. 4985. Crook, William E. An examination and appraisal of the Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan Durham, North Carolina. 145 p. 4986. Harrison, Russell Sage The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South toward the lynching of Negroes since 1885 ... 171 p. B.D. 404 RELIGION 1934 4987. Hix, Clarin.ce Eugene, Jr. The idea of salvation as found in the writings of the second century church fathers . 118 p. 49S8. Huffman, Esther Wright The aesthetic tendencies of children as a factor in religious education . 136 p. 4989. Jackson, Fynes Berty The history of the Holston Conference Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1890-1929. 245 p. 4990 o Justus, John Henry An historical study of the Foreign Missions Conference of North America . 169 p. 4991. Lee, John David, Jr. The separation of Vanderbilt University from the Methodist Episcopal Church, South . 133 p. 4992. McLarty, Emmett Kennedy, Jr. The factor of attention in the Protestant service of worship , 140 p. 4993. Matheny, Rolla John The influence of the motion picture upon the character of children . 146 p. 4994. Moyer, George Samuel A century of progress in the Reformed church in the United States: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. 333 p. 4995. Nicholson, Waller S. The hormic theory of the development of emotional control as a factor in religious education . Ill p. 4996. Pearce, Hubert Edward, Jr. The educational aspects of the Great Awakening in the middle colonies . 149 p. 4997. Poole, Wiley Gordon The background and culmination of the characterizing beliefs of the Missionary Baptists in North Carolina: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. 214 p. 405 B.D. RELIGION 1934 4998. Shewbcrt, John Edward, Jr. The origin and significance of the Lord's Supper in the early Christian church . 143 p. 4999. Spell, Herbert Lee The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South towards Sabbath observance, 1900-1933 . 148 p. 5000. Stokes, James C. Personal problems of the missionary and his family . 120 p. 5001. Swackhamer, T. Cecil Naturalistic-humanism's contribution to religion: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. 143 p. 5002. Tarver, David Franklin A social analysis of the Guilford Circuit . 297 p. 5003. Tuttle, Robert Gregory The belief in contemporary divine inspiration and guidance of the early Christian movement found in the New Testament. 171 p. 5004. Twichell, Martell Herman The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, toward war and peace^ 1900-1933 . 183 p. 5005. Weldon, Wilson Osbourne The development of social ideals in early Christian ethics . 144 p. 5006. Wiley, Edward Emerson, Jr. The contributions of Ephraim Emerson Wiley to Holston Methodism 159 p. 1935 B.D. 5007. Anderson, Wilbur Kenneth The psychological implications of the Christian doctrine of sanctif ication. 116 p. 5008. Barnett, Lee Page A comparison between the liberalist's and fundamentalist's interpretation of five selected Christian doctrines . 131 p. 5009. Carriger, Thomas Pinckney The religious and ethical aspects of recent Negro poetry... 213 p, 406 RELIGION 1935 B.D. 5010. Cook, Abner Ray The teaching and technique of the Oxford group ... Durham, North Carolina. 195 p. 5011. Cook, Pierce Embree The relation of persecution to the writings of the New Testament ... Durham, North Carolina. 156 p. 5012. Cooley, William Frank Certain phases of the Oxford group movement compared with corresponding phases of the early Methodist revival ... Durham, North Carolina. 180 p. 5013. Council, Lowell Benjamin Jesus' concept of sin in relation to contemporary Judaistic and Hellenistic thought ... Durham, North Carolina. 224 p. 5014. Edens, Lacy Thomas The history of Methodism in the Mount Airy district of the Western North Carolina Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1887-1934 ... Durham, North Carolina. 163 p. 5014a. Ervin, Everest LaMont The meaning of salvation in current liberal Christian thought in America. 5015. Gibbons, Kermit Field History of theological education in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South , 1900-1934 ... Durham, North Carolina. 208 p. 5016. Hardwick, Olen Leon The position of women in New Testament Christianity . . . Durham North Carolina. 140 p. 5017. Howard, Fletcher Earl Standards of conduct in American Methodism ... Durham, North Carolina. 186 p. 5017a. Hutson, Harold Horton The significance of baptism in the thought of Jesus and the early church. 5018. Jordan, Howard Roy The Mohammedan missionary penetration of Africa ... Durham, North Carolina. 141 p. 5019. Kelley, Byron Elmo Liberal Christian views of the efficacy of prayer ... Durham, North Carolina. 128 p. 5020. Kesler, Archie Dean The attitude of Bishop Warren A. Candler toward unification of American Methodism ... Durham, North Carolina. 429 p. 5021. Lee, Lawrence Wolfe The attitude of the leaders of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South during the Presidential Campaign of 1928 ... 199 p. 407 RELIGION 1935 B.D. 5022. McLamb, Howard McKinnon The hospital movement in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South ... Durham, North Carolina. 169 p. 5023. Nail, Lonnie Emerson John Carlisle Kilgo as a Christian educator (1894-1910) : a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. 161 p. 5024. Newton, Pliny Foster The position of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South on pop- ular amusements ... Durham, North Carolina. 167 p. 5025. Robertson, James Louis The influence of Greek culture on Jewish life from 334 B.C. to 70 A.D. ... Durham, North Carolina. 122 p. 5025a. Sensintaf far , James Clair John Wesley's supervision of his lay preachers. 5026. Smith, Charles Moody The fusion of Jewish apocalyptic beliefs and Hellenistic concepts of salvation in the New Testament writings ... Durham, North Carolina. 131 p. 5027. Spence, Floyd Vance Outstanding policies sponsored by James Cannon, Jr., as editor of the Baltimore and Richmond Christian Advocate , 1904-1918 ... Durham, North Carolina. 278 p. 5028. Stokes, Marion Boyd, Jr. Observations of Korean native religion and social practice ... Durham, North Carolina. 106 p. 5029. Stowe, William McFerrin John B. McFerrin, editorial controversialist, 1840-1858 ... Durham, North Carolina. 275 p. 5030. Taylor, Raymond Herbert A history of the idea of God among the Hebrews, culminating in the teachings of Jesus ... Durham, North Carolina. 207 p. 5031. Tilley, Lester Archie The development and character of Old Testament poetry ... Durham, North Carolina. 90 p. 5032. Tucker, Kenneth Irby Character education in the Eastern Carolina Training School for Boys ... Durham, North Carolina. 96 p. 5033. Whitehead, Talton Johnson A study of the rural features of the New Deal, 1933-1935 ... Durham, North Carolina. 289 p. 408 M.A. RELIGION 1936 5034. Baker, Virginia Kirk James Henley Thornwell, Christian educator of the old South. 167 p. 5035. Peeler, Banks J. The relation of sin, demons and disease in the first-century Graeco-Roman world. 104 p. B.D. 5036. 5037, 5038. 5039. 5040. 5041. 5042. 5043, Bennett, John Boyce The Epistle of Jude: an historical introduction and critical analysis ... Durham, North Carolina. 135 p. Bird, Robert Macbeth The interpretation of the Holy Communion in Anglo-Catholic theology ... Durham, North Carolina. 183 p. Brendall, Earl Hall The persecution of Methodists in the time of John Wesley: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 132 p. Cody, Ray Spencer The religion and theology of Francis Asbury North Carolina. 126 p. Durham, Crow, William Addison Religion and the recent evolution controversy, with special reference to the issues of the John T. Scopes trial ... Durham, North Carolina. 222 p. Eaker, William Franklin Post-war American youth movements for peace. Recent peace movements in American Protestantism with special reference to youth activities: a thesis submitted in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 285 p. Furr, Lester Seymour The philosophy of Dr. Albert Schweitzer and its exemplification in his life ... Durham, North Carolina. 144 p. Grant, Nicholas Warnum A study of the racial and denominational distribution of the rural church membership in South Carolina from 1900- 1930 Durham, North Carolina. 101 p. 409 RELIGION 1936 B.D. 5044. Haley, Carl Wrenn John Wesley's conception of the natural state of man: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Religion of Duke University. 136 p. 5045. Redden, Forrest Dearborn The attitude of the North Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, toward the liquor traffic in North Carolina, 1872-1935 ... Durham, North Carolina 193 p. 5046. Holloway, Lewis Shannon Recent American thought on Christian unity as reflected in the Christian Union Quarterly ... Durham, North Carolina. 148 p, 5047. Jackson, James Fauntleroy The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, on temperance and prohibition since 1928 . . . Durham, North Carolina. 293 p. 5048. Jones, Hurlan Eura The liberal reconstruction of the career of Jesus ... Durham, North Carolina. 157 p. 5049. McKellar, Ella Clare The emotional factor in the social process . . . Durham, North Carolina. 227 p. 5050. Mayo, Louis Allen The pastor's personal relations in the modern parish ... Durham, North Carolina. 133 p. 5051. Peace, Clifford Hinshaw The modern conservative interpretation of the person and works of Jesus Christ ... Durham, North Carolina. 186 p. 5051a. Smith, Hampden Harrison, Jr. Liberal factors in the environment of Jesus. 5052. Spears, Robert Wright The attitude of the Southern Methodists of South Carolina in regard to the textile industry in South Carolina... Durham, North Carolina. 183 p. 1937 M.A. 5053. Autry, John Duncan Asbury The history of the organization of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, from 1910 to 1936. 100 p. 410 RELIGION 1937 M.A. 5054. Bowman, Clarice Margaret The contribution of Isaac Watts to christian education. 203 p. 5055. Depew, Arthur McKinlcy History of missionary organization in the Disciples of Christ. 197 p. 5056. Gilmer, Lula Jane Some aspects of the ethical and religious thought of Thomas Jefferson. 214 p. 5057. Moorman, Claude Thurman The idea of the future life in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Islam. 128 p. 5058. Wilson, Graves Humbert Matthew Arnold and the Bible. 125 p. B.D. 5059. Andrus, William Darwin The liberal view of Jesus as reflected in contemporary religious education ... Durham, North Carolina. 199 p. 5059a. Breazeale , James Branson The ethical ideal of Jesus ... 5060. Burns, Lacy Harvey The social elements in the thought and practice of John Wesley ... Durham, North Carolina. 122 p. 5061. Copeland, James Marion The action of the Holy Spirit in the experience of salvation as held in the New Testament church... Durham, N.C. 261 p. 5062. Cox, Abram Jones The opposition of the Methodist circuit rider to the prevalent vices of America, 1784 to 1844 ... Durham, N.C. 223 p. 5063. Duffie, George Summers Methodism in South Carolina during the Reconstruction period ... Durham, North Carolina. 237 p. 5064. Dunn, Millard Charles The Arminianism of John Wesley . . . 5065- Ellenberg, John Vinson Conceptions of the Christian ministry as set forth in the writings of Charles Edward Jefferson ... Durham, N.C. 238 p. 5066. Fast, Jennings Howard Theodore Parker: Christian social reformer ... Durham, N.C. 140 p. B.D. 411 RELIGION 1937 5067. Gruvcr, Esdras Stuart Cliristian education as reflected in the writings of George Albert Coc ... Durham, North Carolina. 176 p. 5068. Ilartz, Edwin R. Paul's concept of immortality ... Durham, N.C. 130 p. 5069. Hozendorf, Connie Ray The homiletical characteristics of the American Methodist circuit riders, 1784-1844 ... Durham, North Carolina. 203 p. 5070. Jones, Sam Bruce Judaistic influences upon the Christian sacraments ... Durham, North Carolina. 138 p. 5071. Kimbrell, Charles Wesley The camp meeting as a factor in the growth of early American Methodism, 1794-1844 ... Durham, North Carolina. 148 p. 5072. Lee, Robert Steele The domestic life of the American Methodist circuit riders, 1784-1844. Durham, N. C. , 1937. 235 p. 5072a. Lewis, Henry Barton The relation of the ethical and eschatological elements in Jesus' idea of the kingdom. 5073. Mullis, Dwight Bruton John Wesley's view of the seat of authority in religion ... Durham, North Carolina. 290 p. 5074. Phibbs, Andrew Frank John Wesley's conception of scriptural holiness ... Durham, North Carolina. 152 p. 5075. Pledger, William Ferrell The text of the Apocalypse in the Duke New Testament ... Durham, North Carolina. 63 p. 5076. Randall, Eugene Boyd Non-religious factors in the period of advance and arrest in Japanese Christian history ... Durham, N. C. 147 p. 5077. Reese, Malcolm Cephus The time limit of the itinerancy in the polity of the Methodist Episcopal Church ... Durham, N.C. 217 p. 5078. Shinn, Fred Harris The inspiration of the Jewish scriptures as viewed by the New Testament writers ... Durham, North Carolina. 108 p. 5079. Townsley, Inman Ueber Contemporary agencies for the promotion of cooperation and unity in the mission field: history of the movement for cooperation and unity in the mission field since 1910 ... Durham, N. C. 196 p. 412 RELIGION 1937 B.D. 5080. Willis, Sidney L. The publishing interests of American Methodism, 1784-1844 ... Durham, N. C. 246 p. 1938 M.A. 5081. Frazer, Emmet M. The development of a ministry in the Religious Society of Friends. With special attention to the effects of missionary operations. 96 p. 5082. Jones, Melville Lewis Baptist beginnings in higher education in the Carolinas. 190 p. 5083. Olliff, Martha Walker Booker Taliaferro Washington: builder of character through Tuskegee Institute. 150 p. B.D. 5084. Bearden, Robert Edward Lee, Jr. The Protestant Episcopal Church in the southern states during the Civil War and Reconstruction period ... Durham, N.C. 157 p. 5084a. Budd, Allen Clark The relation between the ethics of Jesus and the ethics of the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. 5085. Greene, Johnnie Thomas The implications for Christian education of Shailer Mathews ' theory of liberal Christianity, by John Thomas Greene. Durham, North Carolina. 135 p. 5086. Hardin, Elliott Wannamaker The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in North Carolina toward the textile industry in North Carolina ... Durham, N. C. 117 p. 5087. Holmes, John Julian Some Christian influences in the establishment of the Chinese Republic ... Durham, N.C. 125 p. 5088. Hyde, Forrest Ervin The relationship between the ethical teachings of Paul and the ethics of the wisdom literature ... Durham, N.C. 119 p. 5089. Keller, Albert Freed A survey of stimulants and narcotics in relation to delinquency in Durham ... Durham, N. C. 121 p. 5090. Kester, Grier Smith Testimony of the Chinese Pilgrims as to the condition of Indian Buddhism from 405 to 695 A.D. ... Durham, N.C. 110 p. 413 RELIGION 1938 B.D. 5091. Lowmaa, Everett Herman The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church toward war and peace, 1917-1937 ... Durham, N. C. 130 p. 5092. Mathison, Ovie Wilson Attitudes in the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, on the question of the equity of salaries for ministers since 1900 . . . Durham, North Carolina. 177 p. 5093. Miller, John Carlisle Jesus' conception of the nature of man ... Durham, N. C. 103 p. 5094. Morris, Clarence Poe The ideal of Christian conduct in its social relation to the world as seen by Tertullian ... Durham, N. C. 127 p. 5095. Ormond, John Kern The attitudes of the North Carolina Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, toward the rural church 1875-1936 ... Durham, N. C. 125 p. 5096. Patterson, Floyd Merrill Paul's conception of the nature of man ... Durham, N. C. 113 p. 5097. Rickard, Harry Cleveland A study of the Lord's Acre Movement.. Durham, N. C. 124 p. 5098. Rink, James Edward Garrison's Liberator as an agency of Christian social education and action. Durham, N. C. 152 p. 5099. Smalling, James Arthur The relation of the Jewish apocalyptic literature of the first two centuries B. C. to the apocalyptic teachings of Jesus in the synoptic gospels ... Durham, N. C. 114 p. 5100. Swann, Edgar Allen The attitude of the Methodist Episcopal Church toward Sabbath observance, 1917-1936 ... Durham, N. C. 117 p. 5101. Taylor, Paul Richard The teachings of Paul concerning salvation ... Durham, N. C. 116 p. 5102. Waggoner, John Phillip Ideas of the future life in the religions of India ... Durham, N. C. 135 p. B.D. M.A. B.D. 414 RELIGION 1938 5103. White, Percy Daniel The motives for philanthropic activity in the New Testament teachings compared with those in Proverbs and Job ... Durham, North Carolina. 95 p. 5104. Young, James Doyne Changes and proposed changes in the presiding eldership of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1900-1935 ... Durham, North Carolina. 175 p. 1939 5105. Howie, Naomi Atticus Greene Haygood: Christian educator and humanitarian. 171 p. 5106. Pope, Marvin Hoyle The literary relations of the thirty-fourth chapter of Isaiah. 104 p. 5107 . Snedegar, Dorothy M. The Mother India controversy (as illustrative of certain missionary problems). 105 p. 5108. Bumgarner, George William Paul's distinctive ethical ideas as they are reflected in the later Christian epistles. 109 p. 5108a. Collins, Claude Ray Philosophy of history in Augustine's City of God. 5109. DuBose, Clarence Franklin The attitude of the South Carolina Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, toward the rural church, 1878-1938. 128 p. 5110. Ellzey, William Clark Types of problems reported by fifty-eight ministers as encountered in marriage and family counseling. 100 p. 5111. Grice, Phillip Harold Social Christianity as reflected in the thought of Washington Gladden. Ill p. 5112. Hamilton, John Reynolds The history of Episcopal Methodism in the Salisbury district of North Carolina, 1773-1938. 126 p. 415 RELIGION 1939 B.D. 5113. Heckard, Cecil Linwood The work of the Methodist Episcopal Church with the white population of North Carolina during the period from 1880 to 1937. 109 p. 5114. Huncycutt, Wiley Jackson Historical introduction to the Epistle of James. 120 p. 5115. Jarvis, James Clair The struggle for lay representation in the Methodist Episcopal Church. 166 p. 5115a. Jones, Joseph Simeon The idea of God in the theology of John Calvin. 5116. Jones, Theodore Edward The history of the rural life movement since 1908 as reflected in government agencies. 161 p. 5117. Lane, Daniel The theory of religious experience held by Friedrich Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher . 128 p. 5118. Lindsey, Julian Astor Zoroastrian ideas of the future life and their influence on Judaism and Christianity. 131 p. 5119. McCulley, Robert William The missionary program and policy advocated by The Christian Century from 1923 to 1938. 128 p. 5120. Mallory, Rupert Talmage The Freedmen's Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 181 p. 5121. Martin, Robert Vance A comparative study of Gabriel Tarde's and William McDougall's theories of imitation. 97 p. 5122. Morton, Hilton 0. The implications for Christian education of the social teachings of Walter Rauschenbusch. 13 p. 5123. Overton, James Hardy The theory and method of preaching as exemplified in the ministry of Frederick W. Robertson. 149 p. 5124. Reese, David Whithead "Christian Community" in the rule of St. Benedict. 114 p. 5125. Richey, McMurry Smith Some aspects of the religious thought of Horace Bushnell. 151 p. 416 RELIGION 1939 B.D. 5126. Rooks, John James Literary and linguistic phenomena in the Book of II Samuel. 107 p. 5127. Schreyer, George Naur ice Methodist work among the plantation Negroes in the South Carolina Conference from 1829 to 1865. 154 p. 5128. Soper, Elgar Clyde The influence of Joshua Soule on the polity of Episcopal Methodism. 138 p . 5129. Stephenson, Marion Osborne The mystical doctrine of purgation. 107 p. 5130. Tate, Robert Spence A study of Negro churches in Durham, North Carolina. 120 p. 5131. Taylor, Voigt Otway The significance for Christian belief of William James' theory of self. 108 p. 5132. Vick, Thomas Marvin The religious milieu of Corinth in the first century A.D. 80 p. 5133. Wilkerson, Milton Chick The attitude of the Methodist itinerant preachers toward the founding and support of Methodist educational institutions, 1784-1844. 131 p. 5134. Williams, Melvin John A comparison of the contributions of Durkheim, Hobhouse, and Ellwood to religion and ethics. 343 p. Ph.D. 5135. Garber, Paul Leslie, 1911- Tne religious thought of James Henley Thornwell. 311 p. 5 136. Godbold, Albea, 1895- Some factors in the rise and character of the church colleges in the ante-bellum seaboard South. 433 p. 5'137. Pool, Frank Kenneth, 1890- The southern Negro in the Methodist Episcopal Church. 419 p. 1940 M.A. 5 138. Clegg, Mildred A comparative study of religious ideas as reflected in the official hymns of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, 1866-1927. 146 p. 417 RELIGION 1940 M.A. 5139. Owens, William Hector Some aspects of the religious and ethical thought of John Woolman. 135 p. B.D. 5140. Andrews, William Ed The contribution of penitential discipline to early Irish Christianity. 99 p. 5141. Arbaugh, Robert Newton The eschatology of Otto, Bishop of Freising, as interpreted from his Chronicle . 81 p. 5142. Bagby, Steadman An introduction to the conception of salvation held by the Barthians. 146 p. 5143. Barrs, William Kenneth Some suggested uses of the culture- complex concept by the pastor. Ill p. 5144. Brady, William Herman The use of drama in the religious education of American protestant churches from 1905-1938. 142 p. 5145. Brown, Raymond Odell The Christian conception of salvation as presented by Albert C. Knudson and Edwin Lewis. 137 p. 5146. Bustle, Wade Robert The doctrinal aspect of evangelism as carried on in recent years in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 104 p. 5147. Crutchfield, Finis Alonzo Christian principles in the teachings of Epictetus. 104 p. 5148. Dodge, William Wesley An analysis of efforts to enrich worship services in non- liturgical churches in America since 1915. 90 p. 5149. Foley, Lemley Peter The religious and social significance of the English morality plays. 127 p. 5150. Freeman, Ralph Lexie Inquisitorial procedure against Catharist heresy in the era of Bernard Gui. 138 p. B.D. 418 RELIGION 1940 5 151. Fulton, John William The religious thought of William Ernest Hocking. 95 p. 5152. Greene, John Thomas The social interpretation of Christianity as reflected in the literature of the Oxford World Conference. 162 p. 5153. Hickman, Victor Ralph The contributions of Kerry on L. Butterfield to the betterment of rural church life in America. 106 p. 5154. Kelley, Marvin Hess A critique of musical appreciation in rural churches in North Carolina. 114 p. 5155. Kiker, Seaborn Martin Richard Rolle's synthesis of the active and contemplative life. 89 p. 5156. McLeod, Walter Grey The value of Abailard's Historia Calamitatum for the study of church history. 125 p. 5157. Milstead, Harold Ashton The religion of Plutarch in the light of contemporary Christianity. 126 p. 5153. Pittard, Jesse Leo The factor of imitation in adolescent religion. 103 p. 5159. Reichard, James Charles The language and meaning of the Book of Jonah. 60 p. 5160. Richardson, Henry Powell Shifting trends and emphases in the missionary enterprise, 1928-1938... 118 p. 5161. Weinland, David Eugene William Jame ' s doctrine of religious belief. 112 p. 1941 M.A. 5162. Cardwell, Raymond Religious and ethical implications in the Pulitzer Prize novels (1918-1940) 157 p. 5163. Hubbard, Thelma The social ethics of Jane Addams . 143 p. A19 RELIGION 1941 B.D. 5164. Andes, William Jacob History of the missionary organization of the American Christian Convention, 1872-1931. 126 p. 5165. Arthur, Charles Ralph Religious education in public education in the state of Virginia since 1900. 161 p. 5166. Autry, John Duncan Asbury History of the Woman's Missionary Council, Methodist Episcopal church, South, 1910-1940. 100 p. 5167. Biggers, Sherrill Bost Demonology in the synoptic Gospels. Ill p. 5168. Blackburn, Linwood E^rl A study of agricultural missions in Central and South Africa. Ill p. 5169. Boddie, Wyatt David A description and evaluation of dramatic elements in selected Christian rituals. 122 p. 5170. Booth, Luther Lambuth A statistical investigation into the relationship between marital happiness scores and religious attitudes as registered in Euphorimeter tests. 71 p. 5170a. Brabham, Angus McKay The conception of the kingdom of God in the theology of Albrecht Ritschl. 5171. Bridewell, Joseph Albert The language and meaning of the Book of Ruth. 126 p. 5171a. Brock, Edwin Lawrence A comparative study of American theological opinion(1929-39) ... 5172. Cooke, Jack Some educational aspects of Methodist hymnody since 1905. 108 p, 5173. Crumpton, Sidney Randolph An examination and description of recreational programs recommended for local church use by a selected group of religious education authorities. 155 p. 5174. Dawson, Dana The relation of asceticism to the ideal of renunciation in Francis of Assisi. 88 p. 5175. Duncan, Floyd Alexander The attitude of American Episcopal Methodism concerning war and peace, 1930-1940. 118 p. 5176. Evans, Joseph Claude Jesus' adaptation of Jewish eschatology. 124 p. B.D. 420 RELIGION 1941 5177. Everett, Thomas D. Early protestant criticisms of the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory. 127 p. 5178. Garrison, Robert Edmund Norms of authority in the theological writings of Karl Barth and Emil Brunner. 97 p. 5179. Gray, Alan DeLeon The social and religious contributions of the Methodist Orphanage, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1899-1940. 119 p. 5180. Heffner, William Frank The infancy and youth of Jesus in the apocryphal New Testament. 100 p, 5181. Hendrix, Thomas Christian Salvian's interpretation of Christian social responsibility. 118 p. 5182. Inge, John Wesley The problem of universalism in Deutero-Isaiah. 104 p. 5183. Miller, Irving Roscoe Francis of Assisi's use of the New Testament in his vocation of poverty. 116 p. 5184. Nesbitt, Marion Wilson The presentation of the Christian life in the writings of Clement of Alexandria. 120 p. 5185. O'Neal, Ernest Elijah John Fletcher's conception of Christian perfection. 103 p. 5186. Prentis, Edward Walker Edwin D. Mouzon - Christian thinker and leader. 123 p. 5187. Rustin, Lee D. The meaning of the term "the kingdom of God" in the writings of the Apostle Paul and in the synoptic gospels. 90 p. 5188. Stamey, Robert Henry Methodist opinion of the evangelism of William A. Sunday, 1910-1924. 131 p. 5188a. Teer, Harold Benton The idea of God in Plato, Philo and Clement of Alexandria. Ill p. 5189. Thompson, Walter Rowe The relation of German Methodism to the Methodist Episcopal Church. 124 p. 5190. Waggoner, Brooks Milton A comparative study of the moral freedom of the individual in the ethical teachings of Jesus and of Judaism. 109 p. 421 RELIGION 1941 Ph.D. 5191. Lever, Oscar William, 1903- The idea of the kingdom of God as reflected in the American social gospel movement, 1865-1917. 303 p. 5192. Williams, Melvin John, 1915- A survey of Roman Catholic sociological theory in the United States since 1900. 343 p. M.A. B.D. 1942 5193. Christy, Wayne Herron John Cotton: covenant theologian. 172 p. 5194. Martz, Edward Everts The life in the Spirit. A study of the efforts of the Apostle Paul to define the character of the Christian life in the light of his doctrine of freedom from law. 131 p. 5195. Caldwell, Joseph Edmund The conception of Christian salvation in the theology of John Bennett and Walter Marshall Horton. 140 p. 5196. Chadwick, I. Howard The theodicy of Edgar Sheffield Brightman. 131 p. 5197. Culp, William B. A. The missionary activities in North Carolina of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church as exemplified in Pfeiffer (Mitchell) College. 100 p. 5198. Freeman, William Lawrence The problem of Ephesians in recent British and American theological thought . 141 p. 5199. Grisham, Roy Arnold The history of the North Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1890-1929. 155 p. 5200. Holder, Ray The development of the course of study of the course of study of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1816-1844. 137 p. 5201. Lindsey, Jordan Allen A comparative study of the Massoretic, Septuagint, and Vulgate versions of the Book of Amos. 96 p. 5202. Lyu, Kings ley Kyungsang The conflict between the conceptions of the Christian God and the old gods of Korea. 158 p. 422 RELIGION 1942 B.D. 5203. Meacham, Benjamin Franklin Trends in the location and structure of church houses in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1900-1939. 115 p. 5204. Mooney, Robert Cleveland The Christological thought of the second and third centuries. 127 p. 5205. Moorman, Julian Pierce A curricular evaluation of Methodist young people's literature (with special reference to the senior age group) 97 p. 5206. Overton, Ernest Golden History of the North Carolina Conference, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1890-1939. 264 p. 5207. Queen, Vergil Erwin Ralph Waldo Emerson's philosophy of religion. 147 p. 5208. Rogers, James Edwin The history of church extension in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1882-1939. 138 p. 5209. Scott, Leroy Alexander Wyclif's theory of the function of the Bible. 83 p. 5210. Shannon, Charles Eugene Opposition to Methodist unification in America, 1930-1941, by Charles Eugene Shannon. 141 p. 5211. Simpson, Harold Ross An analysis of the teaching material used in 1939 by leading denominational agencies to present Christian social ideals to young people from eighteen to twenty-four years of age. 77 p. 5212. Strickland, Thomas Edward The history of church extension in the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1864-1939. 140 p. 5213. Tyte, Wilbur Henry The Christological thought of Emil Brunner. 104 p. 5214. Vaughan, Robert Akers Theological issues involved in the Pelagian controversy. 114 p. 5215. Wilkinson, Howard Charles Contemporary Christian thought on the nature of the self with collateral consideration of the relevance of ESP experiments. 122 p. 423 RELIGION 1942 Ph.D. 5216. Bennett, John Boyce, 1911- Albert Taylor Bledsoe: social and religious controversialist of the old South. 280 p. 5217. Colloms, Lester Hubert, 1903- Wilbur Fisk Tillett: theologian and educator. 285 p. 5218. Jones, Jameson Miller, 1916- The problem of faith and reason in the thought of John Calvin. 276 p. 5219. Ncel, Samuel Regester, 1914- The reaction of certain exponents of American religious thought to Darwin's theory of evolution. 305 p. 1943 M.A. 5220. Coble, Joseph Fillmore A sociological study of pre-exilic Hebrew history. 118 p. 5221. Dillinger, George Edward A linguistic and literary appreciation of the Book of Habakkuk. 62 p. 5222. DuBose, Samuel Wilds Linguistic and literary problems in the Book of Joel. 91 p. 5223. Noble, Mary Primrose George Sherwood Eddy as an exponent of social Christianity. 114 p. 5224. Waggoner, Brooks Milton The so-called prose passage in Isaiah XLIV. 161 p. B.D. 5225. Benson, Clark William A comparison of the attitude of American Methodism toward war during World War I with the attitude toward war during World War II (to February, 1943). 139 p. 5226. Brown, Byron Roy A critical study of the Gospel miracles connected with Jesus. 129 p. 5227. Carroll, Howard The conception of the ecclesia in the New Testament. 167 p. 5228. Carruth, Paul Studies in the Old Testament conception of man. 103 p. 424 RELIGION 1943 B.D. 5229. Caviness, Woodrow Darlington An historical study of delinquency and its treatment at the Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School for Boys at Rocky Mount, N. C. 113 p. 5230. Cooper, Joel Aubrey The nature and mission of Christ in the thought of Henry Churchill King. 89 p. 5231. Cravens, Byron Clay William Penn's "Holy experiment". 169 p. 5232. Crutchfield, Gilbert Wesley The ideal of social reconstruction in Piers Plowman . 101 p. 5233. Culbreth, George Bernice Old Testament conceptions of the meaning of human suffering. 113 p. 5234. Davis, William Dixon The experience of spiritual guidance in the writings of George Fox, Isaac Penington and James Nayler. 101 p. 5235. Edwards, William Alpheus John Myrc's conception of the function of medieval parish priests. 139 p. 5236. Francisco, Ross The development of state care of juvenile delinquents in North Carolina. 87 p. 5237. Hilbert, John Cassell Peter after the Antioch incident. 104 p. 5238. Judy, Carl Wesley Morris Harvey College as a factor in the history of the Western Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 101 p. 5239. Kesler, Robert Harris The social character of Reginald Pecock's Reule of Crysten Religioun. 92 p. 5240. Lynch, George Ernest A study of the conferences at Oxford (1937), Edinburgh (1937), and Madras (1938), with special reference to the principal theological issues involved. 139 p. 5241. McKenry, John Archibald The history and social contributions of the Methodist Orphanage, Richmond, Virginia, 1901-1942. 117 p. 425 RELIGION 1943 B.D. 5242. Major, James Edward The language and meaning of the Book of Zephaniah. 106 p. 5243 Medlin, William Tracy Factors involved in the founding of the Japan Christian Church . 134 p . 5244. Mercer, Charles Henry The apocalypticism of Revelation against the background of Jewish apocalypses. 100 p. 5245. Merchant, James William Christian ideals in the 4-H club program. 143 p. 5246. Patten, Brooks The primary bases for the emperor Julian's repudiation of Christianity. 147 p. 5247. Reed, Ralph Lee The doctrine of Christian perfection in early Methodist theology. 116 p. 5248. Rice, John Edward A comparative study of representative contemporary theories of the nature of the Christian church. 124 p. 5249. Ruckman, Lee Van The missionary outlook in the light of the war (1920) as seen in 1943. 110 p. 5250. Shackford, Joseph Temple The relation of morality and religion in the thought of John Wesley. 105 p. 5251. Smith, Aubert Marlyn A study of the idea of the kingdom of God in the Revelation of John and The Shepherd of Hennas . 90 p. 5252. Steele, Chester Raymond The Ecumenical Methodist Conference, 1881-1931. 127 p. 5253. Stubbs, David Leon The problem of final destiny in S . D. F. Salmond, J. Y. Simpson, J. H. Leckie, and Edwin Lewis. 95 p. 5254. Thumm, Milford Vernon Foreign influences in the development of Judaism prior to 200 B. C. 94 p. 426 RELIGION 1943 B. D. 5255. Wheeler, Kermit R. Harry Emerson Fosdick as preacher and leader of liberal thought in America. 102 p. 5256. Whitesel, John Asbury Recent Methodist interpretations of the Christian doctrines of war and peace. 116 p. 5257. Saunders, Ernest William, 1915- The textual criticism of a medieval manuscript of the four Gospels. 211 p. 1944 M.A. 5258. King, Sara Edna B.D. The Speculum Christiani : a manual for the instruction of the the English medieval clergy. 120 p. 5259. Albright, William Edward The relation of John Wesley and the Methodist societies of the Anglican Church (1738-1791). 102 p. 5259a. Bame, Robert L. The influence of the Diaspora upon the character of Judaism. 95 p. 5260. Beard, John S. The religious implications of John Dewey's philosophy of experimentalism. 101 p. 5261. Bell, Roy Edison Mohammedan apolegetic and polemic in India since 1880. 122 p. 5262. Boggs, Charles Marvin The concept of faith in early Christian writers, through Ignatius. 105 p. 5263. Carlton, Arthur McCoy Renunciation in the New Testament. 98 p. 5264. Carter, James Edwin Angela of Foligno's conception of the ideal of renunciation. 112 p. 5265. Chaff in, James Claude A critical study of humanism as exemplified by Albert Eustace Haydon. 130 p. 5265a. Conyers , David P. The ethical motives implied in the synoptic teachings of Jesus ... 5266. Elliott, Mahlon Hamlett The character and significance of the charismata in the New Testament. 96 p. 5267. Evans, Robert Weldon Social and religious organizations which influenced the form of the primitive Christian brotherhoods. 99 p. 427 RELIGION 1944 B. D. 5268. Fleming, Murry Douglas The struggle for religious liberty in colonial Virginia, 1747-1786. 164 p. 5269. Hcndrix, Major Clyde The significance of the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung for the Christian doctrine of man. 107 p. 5270. Jones, George Wesley Preaching emphases in the Exem p la of Jacques de Vitry. 90 p. 5271. Kennedy, Arthur C. The conception of Christian salvation in the theology of E. Stanley Jones. 105 p. 5272. Knight, James Allen The social thought of Thomas Paine. 122 p. 5273. McCoy, Lewistine Martin The religious interpretation of suffering and evil in the New Testament. 97 p. 5274. McDonald, Thaddeus Le Verne The beginnings of Methodist polity under John Wesley. 104 p. 5275. McGuire, Douglas Lyons An evaluation of modern critical studies of the life of Jesus. 108 p. 5276. Mackay, Donald Mason Recent trends in Protestant Christian thought in the United States on the relationship between church and state. 112 p. 5277. Mitchell, Charles Maness Campbell College; a comparison of private and denominational control. 150 p. 5278. Musser, Benjamin F. The Gospel tradition as interpreted by the Fourth Evangelist. 91 p. 5279. Pannill, Harry Burnell The influence of Marcion on the development of the Christian Ecclesia. 82 p. 5280. Phifer, Ernest Carl Recent English and American interpretations of the New Testament conception of the kingdom of God. 102 p. 5281. Powell, John James The origin and history of the Methodist camp meeting movement in North Carolina. 99 p. 428 RELIGION 1944 B.D. 52S2. Rainwater, Roland William The contribution of Louisburg College to Christian education with special reference to the half-century, 1889- 1939. 78 p. 5283. Register, Kenneth Davis The significance of Shinto in modern Japanese nationalism. 129 p. 5284. Rock, William Alfred Interpretations in early Christian literature of the relation- ship between church and synagogue. 120 p. 5285. Stevenson, Linwood Jennings The problem of war in Erasmus' Complaint of Peace . 105 p. 5286. Ware, Lee Wilson The Christian community according to Menno Simons. 115 p. Ph.D. 5287. Ramsay, Charles McKay, 1917- The concepts of God and of salvation in the writings of Irenaeus of Ludgunum. 268 p. 1945 M.A. 5288. Spears, Julius Hubert The christology of Edgar Young Mullins. 133 p. B.D. 5289. Belcher, Arnold Dwane The Christian social problems in the administration of Bishop Cyprian of Carthage. 94 p. 5290. Boone, Sidney Grant The doctrine of the kingdom of God as set forth in the writings of Harris Franklin Rail. Ill p. 5291. Brickhouse, Ernest Fielding The attitude of The Christian Sun toward the rural church, 1844-1944. 86 p. 5292. Byrum, Roy Delbert Theological implications in the hymns of Charles Wesley. 122 p. 5293. Cooke, Jack Homer The practice of the Lord's Supper in the Methodist Church in America. 100 p. 429 RELIGION 1945 3-D. 5294. Everett, Caleb Roy, Jr. Harry Emerson Eosdick's interpretation of the Christian attitude toward war. 116 p. 5295. Fridley, Robert Daniel A comparative study of the conception of God in the writings of A. C. Knudson and E. S. Brightman. 108 p. 5296. Fuqua, Robert Meek The character and functions of the priesthood according to John Chrysostom ... 146 p. 5297. Greene, Franklin William The theology of William Temple. 117 p. 5298. Harbuck, George Welcome Greek ideas of the future life as a background for Christian ideas. 83 p. 5299. Ingram, Osmond Kelly Ethical issues in the thought of Borden Parker Bowne. 128 p. 5300. Jolly, Joseph Ralph A study of Negro-white relations as reflected in the editorials of the Atlanta Constitution , 1933-1944. 83 p. 5301. Jones, Haniel The conception of sanctif ication in the writings of the New Testament period. 123 p. 5302. Jones, Murray Hughlon The duties of the Christian clergy according to the Pastoral Rule of Gregory I. 99 p. 5303. Lowder, John Albert An examination of the New Testament basis for premillennialism. 114 p. 5304. McCarver, Clyde Gay Jonathan Edwards' concept of salvation ... 76 p. 5305. McGinnis, James William A comparative socio-economic study of two Negro churches in Durham, North Carolina. 89 p. 5306. Needham, George Harlan Francis John McConnell, liberal Christian thinker. 106 p. 430 RELIGION 1945 B.D. 5307. Perry, Charles Steamberg A study of selected contemporary theories of the nature of the apostolic church. 102 p. 5308. Preston, Norman George, Jr. The conversion of the gentiles in the thought of the apostle Paul. 105 p. 5309. Ray, Milton Undrel A theological analysis of the World Conferences on Faith and Order, 1920-1937. Ill p. 5310. Ridenhour, Henry Isley The Church of the Brethren and social problems according to the annual meeting minutes, 1778-1885. 99 p. 5311. Sturtevant, William Lyons Christian solidarity in the Apostolic Constitutions . 95 p. 5312. Turner, Archer Rudder The development of the statutory racial segregation in North Carolina since 1890 ... 67 p. 5313. Waugh, Ray Paschal The practice of infant baptism in the Methodist Church in America. 87 p. 5314. Wellons, Albert Wilson The development of John Wesley's idea of the nature and means of salvation. 122 p. 5315. Williams, Harley Morrison The use of figurative language and illustration in modern doctrinal preaching. 100 p. Ph.D. 5316. Rudisill, Dorus Paul, 1902- The doctrine of the atonement in Jonathan Edwards and his successors. 291 p. 5317. Woodbridge, Charles Jahleel, 1902- The chronicle of Salimbene of Parma; a thirteenth century christian synthesis. 305 p. 5318. Young, Franklin Woodrow, 1915- The Shepherd of Hermas: a study of his concepts of repentance and of the church. 332 p. 431 RELIGION 1946 B.D. 5319. Ausley, Paul Kenneth A comparative study of the Calvinism of Benjamin B. Warfield and William Adams Brown. 99 p. 5320. Bailey, Ulysses Grant The influence of the Canaanites on the Hebrew conception of Yahweh ... 118 p. 5321. Cochran, James Edgar A comparative study of the kingdom of God in the Gospels with the Kantian doctrine of the kingdom of ends. 86 p. 5322. Dennis, Paul M. The stages of thought of Harry Emerson Fosdick. 87 p. 5323. Dirks, Dwight Warren The social ideas of Henry Woodfin Grady. 81 p. 5324. DuBose, Robert Newsom The doctrine of conversion in the teachings of John Wesley. 116 p. 5325. Ehlhardt, George Brinkmann Muhammadan art as controlled by Muhammadan dogma. 96 p. 5326. Gitlin, Emmanuel M. An exegetical study of Ecclesiastes ... 127 p. 5327. Johnson, Carl Anderson A critical examination of John Fletcher's view of human depravity. 115 p. 5328. Johnson, Jesse Louis, Jr. The pyramids of Egypt ... 45 p. 5329. McCoy, Charles Sherwood A critical evaluation of Hegel's Philosophy of Religion . 122 p 5330. Moore, Jack Warren The relationship of John Wesley's concept of holiness to his concept of the church. 107 p. 5331. Oglesby, Glynn Aubrey The logos doctrine in the theology of Origen. Ill p. 5332. Pfisterer, Fred Russell A survey of the doctrine of Grace in the Christian Church . . . 85 p. 432 RELIGION 1946 B.D. 5333. Purcell, Eugene George, Jr. Christian renunciation as interpreted by Saint John of the Cross in The Dark Night of the Soul . . .96 p. 5334. Sales, Reames Hawthorne Linguistic study of selected crucial terms in the Greek New Testament. 88 p. 5335. Stanfield, Claude Edwin The missionary philosophy of Daniel Johnson Fleming. 96 p. 5336. Tucker, Roger Wilkins John C. Kilgo, Christian thinker, preacher, and leader. 94 p. 5337. Vercen, LaFon Carpenter William Preston Few as a Christian educator (1910-1940) 103 p, 533S. Wells, Robert Newton A study of Mithraism and of its effects on Christianity. 76 p, Ph.D. 5339. Carroll, Howard, 1917- Polycarp of Smyrna -- with special reference to early Christian martyrdom. 250 p. 5340. Lewis, Frank Bell, 1911- Robert Lewis Dabney: Southern Presbyterian apologist. 253 p. 1947 M.A. 5341. Failing, George Edgar A critical study of the concept of sin in I John. 62 p. 5342. Stone, Jane Dunn Conflicting interpretations of the Book of Hosea. 83 p. B.D. 5343. Barnes, Ed^in Edward Freud's conception of man ... 61 p. 5344. Dail, Frances Roderick Peter Taylor Forsyth's conception of the person and work of Christ ... 98 p. 5345. Dalton, George Willie A study of the forms of Jesus' teachings in the light of the teachings of the rabbis of the period. 71 p. 433 RELIGION 1947 B.D. 5346. Durham, Donald William The function of the conception of the judgment to come, in the thought of: Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, and John Wesley ... 65 p . 5347. Harwell, Robert William Buddhist monasticism in India, China and Japan. 56 p. 5348. Howard, Robert Crawford Justification by faith in the Epistle to the Romans. 52 p. 5349. Jackson, Lester Polk Pastoral counseling for personality adjustment as interpreted by selected contemporary writers. 142 p. 5350. Lipe, Godfrey Frederick Jesus as seen by Harry Emerson Fosdick. 38 p. 5351. Madren, Weldon Thomas The attitude of the Christian church toward doctrine. 76 p. 5352. Patterson, Howard Carlton Erasmus: a Christian humanist's way of salvation. 51 p. 5353. Polk, Charles The conception of Christian salvation presented in the writings of Harris Franklin Rail and Edwin Lewis. 124 p. 5354. Regan, James Robert The Christology of John Baillie and William Adams Brown. 126 p. 5355. Swink, Ray Franklin The ancient Egyptian conception of God and the future life . . , 71 p. 5356. Wallace, Aldred Pruden The problem of Christian missions in evangelizing the pariahs of India. 124 p. Ph.D. 5357. Brownlee, William Hugh, 1917 The book of Ezekiel --the original prophet and the editors. 453 p. 5358. DuBose, Samuel Wilds, 1907- The 3ook of Jeremiah in recent criticism. 91 p. 1948 M.A. 5359. Miller, Margaret Harrell National and universal eschatology in postexilic Judaism. 137 p. 434 RELIGION 1948 B.D. 5360. Andes, Mark Winston William Adams Brown's conception of Christian salvation. 56 p. 5361. Barrett, Troy James The Christian way of salvation. 65 p. 5362. Brinson, John Clinton The grounds of early Christian belief in the loving character of God. 90 p. 5362a. Burgin, W. Grady A study of Duke manuscript 5 in Mark and Luke. 5363. Meredith, McLaurin Mayers The primacy of practical reason in Immanuel Kant ... 48 p. 5364. Nease, Edgar Harrison The modifying influence of environment upon the preaching of Frederick W. Robertson ... 75 p. 5365. Reynolds, James William The legacy of John Wesley as the organizer and leader of the Methodist movement. 66 p. 5366. Robinson, Milton Harvey Jesus Christ in historical fact and faith ... 54 p. 5367. Stone, Joseph Leslie The concept of sin in the writings of F. R. Tennant and Reinhold Niebuhr. 117 p. 1949 M.A. 5368. Gross, Dawyer Dincoff The resurgence of "fundamentalism" in American protestantism. 196 p. 5369. O'Brien, Joseph William The relationship of church and state in the thought of Roger Williams. 168 p. B.D. 5370. Dinas, Johnny Anastatious The use of support material in the radio preaching (1947-48-49) of Ralph W. Sockman ... 100 p. 5371. Farrell, Earl Thompson The doctrine of man and grace as held by the Reverend John Flavel. 46 p. 5372. Hudnall, Michael Benjamin Theoretical and practical aspects of the children's sermon today ... 84 p. 435 RELIGION 1949 B.D. 5373. Morton, Vernon Adam Salvation by grace through faith as presented by St. Paul in the New Testament. 144 p. Ph.D. 5374. Huston, Hollis Wilburn, 1922- A critical survey and evaluation of the earliest Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. 196 p. 5375. Wethington, Lewis Elbert, 1922- The role of nature and grace in Fenelon's conception of salvation. 2S7 p. 1950 M.A. 5376. Bellamy, Virginia Nelle John Chrysostom's On the Priesthood ; historically considered with regard to the social and sacramental functions of the priestly office. 13S p. B.D. 5377. Andrews, Joseph Russell J. Hudson Taylor and the China inland mission. 95 p. 5378. Commander, Richard Thompson The value of the Book of Judges for preaching purposes ... 70 p, 5379. Hornbuckle, James Pinkney Methodism in Alaska ... 57 p. 5380. Schrader, Albert John An analysis of the homiletical theory and practice of Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick ... 40 p. 5381. Siple, Claire Dwight Methodism at mid-century ... 78 p. Ph.D. 5382. Agourides, Savas Chrestos, 1921- A study in the origins of Christianity. 463 p. 5383. Newberry, Gene Wilson, 1915- A critical study of the philosophy of Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge, with particular reference to his epistemology . 283p. 436 RELIGION 1951 B.D. 5384. Ford, Emerson The religious thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 108 p. Ph . D . 5385. Hamrick, Emrnett Willard, 1923- A new study of the Ezra problem. 327 p. 5356. Holt a Robert LcRoi, 1920- Christian ethics in the thought of Thomas Traherne. 205 p. 5357. Poteat, William Hardman, 1919- Pascal's conception of man and modern sensibility. 470 p. 5388. Rhodes, Daniel Durham, 1917- The struggle for religious liberty in Virginia, 1740-1802. 262 p, 5389. Schafer, Thomas Anton, 1918- Th e concept of being in the thought of Jonathan Edwards. 405 p. 5390. Wiles, Charles Preston, 1918- A historical analysis and appraisal of Bishop Lancelot Andrewes 1 ecclesiology with particular reference to predication and priestly office. 279 p. 1952 Bailey, Ruby May An interpretative study of second Zechariah. 114 p. Huneycutt, Charles Jerome The Japan mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 85 p. Bellamy, Virginia Nelle, 1922- Monastic life and discipline in the diocese of Lincoln, 1420- 1449, studied from Episcopal registers and visitation records. 175 p. 5394. Harris, Carl Vernon, 1922- Origen of Alexandria's interpretation of the teacher's function in the early Christian hierarchy and community. 277 p. 5395. Pannill, Harry Burnell, 1920- John Fiske; cosmic theist. 415 p. 5396. Sales, Reames Hawthorne, 1920- The separation of Christianity from Judaism. 281 p. 5397. Waggoner, Brooks Milton, 1915- Studies in Hebrew poetry with special reference to the contri- butions of Robert Lowth. 344 p. M.A. 5391 B.D. 5392 Ph.D 5393 437 RELIGION 1953 M.A. 5398. Chamberlain, John Victor Translation of a sixteenth-century monk's book with introduction (Duke ms. Greek 8) 150 p. 5399. xhis number not used. 5400. Pruette, Rowland Shaw The attitude of the Southern Baptist Convention to the contemporary ecumenical movement ... 192 p. Ph . D . 5401. Allen, Ray Maxwell, 1922- The Christology of P. T. Forsyth ... 320 p. 5402. Carroll, Kenneth Lane, 1924- Scripture and the early church ... 211 p. 5403. Gibbs, Norman Brantley, 1911- The problem of revelation and reason in the thought of Charles Chauncy ... 318 p. 5404. Gitlin, Emmanuel M. 1922- Chronology of the ancient Near East; principles of research ... 422 p. 5405. Loveland, Clara Olds, 1899- The problem of achieving agreement on the form of government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, 1780-1789 ... 397 p. 5406. Moudy, James Mattox, 1916- Bossuet and the Protestants; a chapter in the seventeenth- century struggle for religious allegiance in France ... 349 p. 5407. Reveley, Walter Taylor, 1917- A Christian critique of modern liberal democratic theory as reflected in the writings of Jacques Maritain, A. D. Linsay and Reinhold Niebuhr ... 415 p. 5408. Taylor, George Aiken, 1920- John Calvin, the teacher. The correlation between instruction and nurture within Calvin's concept of communion ... 210 p. 1954 M.A. 5409. Helmbold, F. Wilbur Scandinavian biblical studies in English, French, and German (1926-1952) ... 83 p. 438 RELIGION 1954 Ph.D. 5410. 5411. 5412. 5413. Chandler, John Wesley, 1923- An examination of David Hartley's thought and its influence on philosophical radicalism ... 373 p. Dunn, Van Bogard, 1922- Some mythological and cosmological motifs in the gospel according to Mark ... 231 p. Hamilton, Harold Philip, 1924- William Paley: eighteenth century Christian apologist ...247 p, Richey, McMurray Smith, 1914- Conceptions of man in the thought of George Albert Coe and William Clayton Bower ... 399 p. 1955 Ph.D. 5414, 5415 5416, 5417, 5418. 5419, 5420, Carlton, John William, 1920- The reach and limits of natural theology in the formulation of William Temple's Christology ... 345 p. Chamberlain, John Victor, 1926- An ancient sectarian interpretation of the Old Testament prophets; a study in the qumran scrolls and the Damascus frag- ments . . . 233 p . Edwards, George Riley, 1920- The qumran sect and the New Testament church ... 295 p. Henry, Stuart Clark, 1914- George Whitefield: a critical interpretation ... 463 p. Highfill, William Lawrence, 1920- Faith and works in the ethical theory of Richard Baxter . . . 311 p. Suggs, Marion Jack, 1924- The New Testament text of Eusebius of Caesarea ... 369 p. Taylor, Kenneth Merwin, 1927- Demythologizing and its implications for the problem of faith and history ... 393 p. 1956 M.A. 5421. This number not used. 439 RELIGION 1956 Ph.D. 5422. Daniels, Boyd Lee, 1927- The Greek manuscript tradition of the Protevangelium Jacobi . . . 2v. in 3 5423. Mallard, William, 1927- An historical critique of John Wyclif's role in the preaching tradition explicated in terms of his English sermons and their expressed attitudes toward Biblical interpretation and the vernacular scriptures ... 364 p. 5424. Perkins, James Croswell, 1905- Some aspects of the religious thought of John Locke ... 323 p. 5425. Via, Dan Otto, 1923- The doctrine of the church in the Gospel of Matthew ...288 p. 1957 M.A. 5426. Keller, Margaret Neel Query A Christian criticism of Erich Fromm's concept of freedom ... 75 p. Ph.D. 5427. Benjamin, Walter William, 1926- The Christian ethical theory of Bishop Francis J. McConnell... 332 p. 5428. De Santo, Pasquale, 1923- A study of Jewish eschatology with special reference to the final conflict ... 419 p. 5429. Gardner, Robert G. ,1924- John Leadley Dagg: pioneer American Baptist theologian ... 437 p. 5430. Hudgins, Walter Edward, 1929- The changing conception of pacifism in American protestantism of the twentieth century with special reference to the critique of Reinhold Niebuhr ...209 p. 5431. McAllister, James Leon, 1923- The nature of religious knowledge in the theology of Charles Hodge . . . 3S4 p . 5432. Munger, Bernard Vernon, 1915- William Greenough Thayer Shedd: reformed traditionalist, 1820- 1894 ... 240 p. 5433. Polley, Max Eugene, 192S- The contribution of H. Wheeler Robinson to the contemporary rebirth of Old Testament theology ... 401 p. 440 RELIGION 1958 M.A. 5434. Idinopulos, Thomas An examination of Kierkegaard's concept of Angst ...76 p. Ph.D. 5435. Foshee, Charles Newell, 1926- Andrew Martin Fairbairn: philosopher of the Christian Religion 340 p. 5436. Harper, Miles Douglas, 1927- Gilbert Tennent; theologian of the "new light" ...470 p. 5437. Jones, Barney Lee, 1920- Charles Chauncy and the great awakening in New England . . . 533 p. 543S. Langford, Thomas Anderson, 1929- A critical analysis of Paul Tillich's method of correlation ... 280 p. 5439. Lightfoot, Neil Roland, 1929- A critical examination of the revised standard version of the New Testament ... 232 p. 5440. Moore, Jack Warren, 1913- Love and justice: a study in the Christian ethical theory of Reinhold Niebuhr ... 304 p. 5441. Mueller, David Livingstone, 1929- Karl Barth's critique of the anthropological starting point in theology ... 301 p. 5442. Overton, James Hardy, 1914- The fifth and sixth degrees of contemplation studied in the context of the liturgical community from some newly edited texts of Richard of St. Victor ... 195 p. 5443. Pemberton, John, 1928- Karl Heim's conception of the apologetic task of Christian theology . . . 533 p. 5444. Robinson, Charles Kivet, 1929- A critical analysis of Heidegger's ontology in Sein und Zeit . . . 325 p. 1959 Ph.D. 5445. Brown, Milton Perry, 1928- A linguistic analysis of the longer Ignatian Corpus to establish criteria of authenticity ... 261 p. 441 RELIGION 1959 Ph.D. 5446. Moore fie Id, David Royal, 1929- The Christology of Wilhelm Herrmann ... 288 p. 5447. Smith, Kenneth Lee, 1925- Shailer Mathews: theologican of social process ... 326 p. 5448. Wilcox, William George, 1925- New England covenant theology: its English precursors and early American exponents ... 364 p. 1960 M.A. 5449. Estus, Charles Wilson Racial attitudes among Methodist churchmen in North Carolina . . . 261 p . 5450. Klein, Bert Alan Aramaic literature of the first five centuries C. E. ... 97 p. Ph.D. 5451. Hill, Samuel Smythe, 1927- The religious thought of H. H. Farmer with special reference to the doctrine of providence ...321 p. 5452. Hodges, Louis Wendell, 1933- A Christian analysis of selected contemporary theories of racial prejudice ... 294 p. 5453. Sommer, Gunter Friedrich, 1928- The significance of the late philosophy of Schelling for the formation and interpretation of the thought of Paul Tillich .., 227 p. 5454. White, James Floyd, 1932- The Cambridge Camden Society and the medieval revival in the Church of England during the nineteenth century ...324 p. 5455. Wilson, William Riley, 1931- The trial of Jesus; a judicial, literary, and historical study 326 p. 1961 M.A. 5456. Goodman, Juanita Lee A Christian analysis of ethical self-justification in race prejudice . . .91 p. 442 Ph.D. RELIGION 1961 5457. Chalkcr, William Houston, 1927- Calvin and some seventeenth century English Calvinists; a comparison of their thought through an examination of their doctrines of the knowledge of God, faith, and assurance ... 312 p. 5458. Gragg, Alan Wayner, 1932- Formative influences on the development of the religious humanism of George Burman Foster ... 261 p. 5459. Hailey, James Russell, 1914- Old Testament man's attitudes to life ... 234 p. 5460. Kraus, Clyde Norman, 1924- The principle of authority in the theology of B. B. Warfield, William Adams Brown, and Gerald Birney j3mith ... 305 p. 5461. Ping, Charles Jackson, 1930- The genius of the Christian religion: a study in the religious thought of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ... 333 p. 5462. Porter, Calvin Lewis, 1933- A textual analysis of the earliest Greek manuscripts of the Gospel of John ... 531 p. 5463. Rogers, Isabel Wood, 1924- A contemporary protestant critique of the natural law tradition 226 p. 5464. Shriver, George Hite, 1931- Philip Schaff's concept of organic historiography interpreted in relation to the realization of an "Evangelical Catholicism" within the Christian community ... 351 p. 5465. Williams, Donald Leigh, 1934- Zephaniah: a re-interpretation ... 311 p. 5466. Womack, Sam Jones, 1915- The Jubilus theme in the later writings of Richard Rolle . . . 361 p. 1962 M.A. 5467. Freeman, Jane Gilbert The fool as a Christian symbol ... 118 p, 443 RELIGION 1962 Ph.D. 5468. Cochran, Bernard Harvey, 1930- William Newton Clarke: exponent of the new theology ... 324 p. 5469. Cook, Donald Eugene, 1931- The Christology of the Apocalypse ... 190 p. 5470. Doermann, Ralph Walter, 1930- Sheol in the Old Testament ... 332 p. 5471. Efird, James Michael, 1932- The work of T. W. Manson as critic and interpreter of the New Testament ... 290 p. 5472. Finnie, Gordon Esley, 1931- The antislavery movement in the South, 1787-1836; its rise and decline and its contribution to abolitionism in the West . . . 588 p. 5473. Hall, Thor, 1927- A study of Lundensian theological methodology as represented in the thought of Ragnar Bring ... 352 p. 5474. Hickey, Doralyn Joanne, 1929- Benjamin Morgan Palmer; churchman of the old South ... 310 p. 5475. Hoyt, William Russell, 1924- The religious thought of Gardiner Spring with particular reference to his doctrine of sin and salvation ... 519 p. 5476. Lacy, David Allen, 1935- Miguel de Unamuno; studies in logic and existence ... 319 p. 5477. Mag ill, Samuel Hays, 1928- A Christian estimate of the political realism of Hans J. Morgenthau ... 326 p. 5478. Mitchell, Frank Joseph, 1927- The Virginia Methodist Conference and social issues in the twentieth century ... 447 p. 5479. Smith, Harmon Lee, 1930- The structure of Christian ethics in the thought of William Temple . . . 242 p. 5480. Walker, William Oliver, 1930- Cultus and tradition; a contribution to the problem of faith and history in the Old Testament ... 449 p. 444 RELIGION 1963 Ph.D. 54S1. Cain, Glen T., 1915- The place of Christ in the theology of Rufus M. Jones ...239 p. 5482. Campbell, Jefferson Holland, 1931- Orestes Brownson's doctrine of communion ... 239 p. 5483. demons, James Thomas, 1929- Studies in the Syriac text of Galatians ... 171 p. 5484. Frank, Harry Thomas, 1933- The place, thought, and significance of Maurice Goguel in New Testament studies ... 256 p. 5485. Howell, John Edmund, 1933- A study of the theological method of Horace Bushnell and its application to his cardinal doctrines ... 461 p. 5486. Kliever, Lonnie Dean, 1931- Methodology and christology in H. Richard Niebuhr ... 301 p. 5487. Lawson, Douglas Miller, 1936- The idea of progress in the theology of Harry Emerson Fos- dick ... 296 p. 5488. Murray, Noland Patrick, 1934- Personalism in the ethical theory of Emil Brunner ...274 p. 5489. Score, John Nelson Russell, 1925- A study of the concept of the ministry in the thought of John Wesley ... 375 p. 5490. Zink, James Keith, 1933- The use of the Old Testament in the Apocrypha ...231 p. 1964 M.A. 5491. Chaney, Jane Elliott Stephen Crane's social gospel ...88 p. 5492. Brown, Jesse Hunchberger, 1928- The contribution of William Robertson Smith to Old Testament scholarship, with special emphasis on higher criticism ... 328 p. 5493. Brown, Kenneth Lee, 1933- Washington Gladden: exponent of social Christianity — 385 p, RELIGION 1964 Ph.D. 5494. Cresson, Bruce Collins, 1930- Israel and Edom; a study of the anti-Edom bias in Old Testament religion ... 183 p. 5495. Petersen, Richard Hubbard The treatise of Dionysius bar Salibhi Against the Jews , a translation and commentary. 284 p. 5496. Eakin, Frank Edwin, 1936- The relationship of Yahwism and Baalism during the pre- exilic period ... 258 p. 5497. Huntley, William Barney, 1933- Christ the bridegroom; a Biblical image ... 204 p. 5498. Kaylor, Robert David, 1933- The ascension motif in Luke-Acts, the Epistle to ' the Hebrews, and the Fourth Gospel ... 217 p. 5499. Shinn, Gerald Harris, 1934- The text and illuminations of the D ms . of the Sachsenspiegel in relation to their Weltanschauung and Zeitgeist ... 263 p. 5500. Thomas, William West, 1933- An examination of D. C. Macintosh's religious epistemology ... 272 p. 5501. Ware, James Hamilton, 1932- The modern protestant quest for the essence of Christianity focused in William Adams Brown ...388 p. 5502. Webb, Orari Kenneth, 1926- The political thought of Samuel Rutherford ... 242 p. 5503. Weiss, Herold David, 1934- Piety in Latin writers in early Christian times ... 181 p. 5504. Wellborn, Charles Talmadge, 1923- Twentieth century pilgrimage: Walter Lippmann and the public philosophy ...317 p. 1965 M.A. 5505. Briceland, Penelope Warren John Leland and Stanley Griswold, advocates of religious liberty in Connecticut, 1791-1806. . .117 p. 446 RELIGION 1965 Ph.D. 5506. Arichea, Daniel Castillo, Jr., 1934- A critical analysis of the Stephen speech in the Acts of the Apostles ... 299 p. 5507. Blane, Andrew Quarles, 1929- The relations between the Russian Protestant sects and the state, 1900-1921 ...291 p. 5508. Carey, John Jesse, 1931- The concept of history in the thought of Paul Tillich . . . 376 p. 5509. High, Dallas Milton, 1931- Language and belief: studies in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations and the religious use of language ... 280 p. 5510. James, Robison Brown, 1931- The symbolic knowledge of God in the theology of Paul Tillich ... 300 p. 5511. MacGorman, John William, 1920- An analysis of the factors which relate to the possibility of tracing development in Pauline eschatology ... 350 p. 5512. Piper, John Franklin, 1936- The social policy of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America during World War I ... 439 p. 5513. Setzer, John Schoneberg, 1936- A critique of the fundamentalist doctrine of the inerrancy of the Biblical autographs in historical, philosophical, exegetical and hermeneutical perspective ... 426 p. 447 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1929 M.A. 5514. Madcn, William L. Reflections of Victor Hugo's life and experiences in Les Miscrables . 73 p. 1930 M.A. 5515. Nicholson, Maude Lucile Some sources of Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac . 49 p. 5516. Seay, Hibernia Three types of short story realism; Merimee-Daudet-Mau- passant. 133 p. 5517. Trentham, Ina Rankin Some treatments of Joan of Arc in French literature. 70 p. 1931 M.A. 5518. Aiken, Leonora Pierre Loti, his scepticism and mysticism. 75 p. 5519. Herdman, Allan Whitney The portrayal of love in the Theatre of Georges de Porto- Riche. 51 p. 5520. McGukin, Lena Virginia Balzac and the realistic drama. 80 p. 5521. Powell, Margaret Alice A literary correspondence: Gustave Flaubert and George Sand. 55 p, 5522. Underwood, Eugene Taylor Francois Villon, the form and content of his poetry. 97 p. 1932 M.A. 5523. Brinson, Pearl Leola Letters of Taine and his group. Selections with introduction, notes and glossary. 262 p. 5524. DeHart, Mildred Francis The war of 1870 in the latter nineteenth century French short story. 70 p. 5525. Doxey, John Elwood Disposal of heroes and heroines in French romantic literature. 59 p. o 448 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1932 M.A. 5526. Guild, Lucy The metaphors and similes in four novels of Balzac with particular reference to the animal figures of speech. 141 p. 5527. Jarman, Laura Martin A comparative study of the technique of Flaubert and Blasco Ibanez in the archaeological novels Salammbo and Sonnica la Cor te sana . 90 p. 5528. Moore, Troy Rozelle Gresset's Ver - Vert . 88 p. 5529. Nance, Jeannette The psychology of the feminine characters in the comedies of Marivaux and Musset. 82 p. 1933 M.A. 5530. Clarke, Sara Elizabeth Poetic and idealistic elements in Daudet's realistic novels. 104 p. 5531. Moses, Anna Katherine A partial glossary to the Ille et Galeron of Gautier D 1 Arras. 77 p. 5532. Steele, Marion DeVault The psychological novel in France in the nineteenth century. 86 p. 5533. Williams, Marion Eugene Brittany as depicted by Balzac in Les Chouans and Beatrix . 93 p. 1934 M.A. 5534. Goolsby, Owen Lee The subjective element in the realism of Maupassant. 74 p. 5535. Jongbloet, Louis Alphonse A partial glossary to the Ille et Galeron of Gautier d 'Arras (lines 1000-2001). 135 p. 5536. Rolston, Cornelia Love The internationalism of Romain Rolland. 92 p. 449 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1935 M.A. 5537. Barnes, Annette A comparative study of the Chancun de Willame and the Chanson de Roland. 79 p. 5538. Cash, Rosanelle The naturalistic inheritance of Roger Martin du Gard. 121 p. 5539. Dye, Margaret Luisita The relation between Anatole France and Leconte de Lisle in the Parnassian movement. 122 p. 5540. Lambert, Eioise Jules de la Madalene, le Marquis des Saffras. (text with notes, exercises and vocabulary). Edited by Eioise Lambert. 153 p. 5541. Pell, Evelyn Jackson The conception of the artist in 3alzac. 93 p. 5542. Rollings, Grace Dunlap Chambers' Cyclopaedia and Diderot's Encyclopeaie : Their r elationship as shown by a detailed analysis of several articles. 121 p. 5543. Vermont, Albert The cosmopolitanism of the Cahiers de la Quinzaine. 118 p. 1936 M.A. 5544. Harrison, Francis Eugene, Jr. Voltaire and the Diderot Encyclopedie . 147 p. 5545. Hart, William Maroney A partial glossary to the Ille et Galeron of Gautier d 'Arras (lines 4001-5001). 71 p. " 5546. Hentz, Harold Horace A partial glossary to the Ille et Galeron of Gautier d'Arras (lines 2999-4001). 83 p . " 5547. Humrichouse, Ann Stockton A partial glossary to the Ille et Galeron of Gautier d'Arras (lines 2001 - 3000). 50 p. 5548. James, Helen Rebecca Gustave Flaubert's critical opinion of some of his contemporaries. 101 p. Ph.D. 5549. Jarman, Laura Martin Edmond and Jules de Goncourt: modernists in abnormal psychology. 175 p. 450 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1937 M.A. 5550. Chitwood, Elizabeth Anne A comparative study of the personalities and literary styles of Pierre Loti and Lafcadio Hearn. 79 p. 5551. Mann, Bess Mae Pedro Peralta Barnuevo and the culture of his epoch. 219 p. 5552. Weaver, James Carlvin Reflections of Pere Goriot in Les Miserable s . 152 p. Ph.D. 5553. Gardner, Eugene Elmore Brunetiere and the doctrinaire critics of the twentieth century. 382 p. 1938 M.A. 5554. Davis, Alberta Lee Plot similtudes between "Las Novelas Ejemplares" of Cervantes and the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. 119 p. 5555. Fisher, Jesse Gilbert Bonnard, Coignard, and Bergeret as Anatole France's fictional representations of his own personality. 175 p. 5556. Piedra, Harry Tiburt La evaluacion del elemento picaresco en la trilogia-la iucha por la vida de Pio Baroja. 97 p. 5557. Porter, Julia Adeline The relation between the Journal and the novels of the Gon- court brothers. 150 p. 5558. Pratt, Lanier Ward The Jew in the Corned ie Humaine of Honore' de Balzac. 136 p. 1939 M.A. 5559. Allaben, Sara Elizabeth The fundamental conservatism of the Daudet doctrine. 102 p. 5560. Austin, Marguerite Zelle Alfred de Musset as a critic of romanticism. 97 p. 5561. Bussell, Wilsie Florence The role of music in Romain Rolland's Jean-Christophe . 132 p. M.A. M.A. M.A. 451 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1939 5562. Durrance, S. P. The attitude and relationship of Gustave Flaubert to con- temporary science and scientific method. 100 p. 5563. Fxank, Letitia Morehouse The nature background in the works of Pierre Loti. 87 p. 5564. Isenhour, Catharine E. Gidian themes in Roger Martin Du Gard ' s Les Thibault. 127 p. 5565. Miller, Nancy Hartley The psychology of Bovarysme. 83 p. 5566. Singer, Armand Edwards The influence of Boileau on French critical theory of the eighteenth century from 1711 to 1763. 321 p. 5567. Uhler, Katherine A partial glossary to the Ille et Galeron of Gautier D'Arras (Lines 5002-6592). 104 p. 1940 5568. Henley, Mary C. Bergsonism in Jean - Christophe . 110 p. 5569. Parker, Anne Elizabeth Anti-modernism in the works of Georges Duhamel. 107 p. 5570. Slay, James Matthew Ille et Galeron : original Francien or Picard? With glossary of Picard forms in Wollaton manuscript. 69 p. 5571. Voelpel, Agatha Gayle The attitude of Madame De Sevigne toward the religious dis- turbances of her time. 86 p. 5572. Wonder, Craig E. Alfred De Vigny's studies in Chatterton. 153 p. 1941 5573. Erwin, Aurel Maner Feminism in the early novels of George Sand. 118 p. 5574. Guinn, Mary Frances Proverbs in the romances of Gautier d' Arras. 156 p. 5575. Johnston, Nina Louise George Sand's Mauprat as a Rousseauistic novel. 118 p, 5575a. Jones, Edwin Harvie The religion of sentiment in Lamartine. 144 p. 452 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1941 M.A. 5576. Turner, Phillip Allison Elements of primitivism in the life and works of Guy de Maupassant. 114 p. 1942 M.A. 5577. Gibbs, Frances Ruth The tragedy of frustration in the characters of Guy de Mau- passant. 91 p. 5578. Howard, Lula Virginia The maternal note in the fictional writings of Emilia Pardo Bazan. 88 p. 5579. Nau, Walter Theodore The political theme in Les hommes de bonne volonte of Jules Romains. 117 p. 5580. Sloan, Mrs. Alice Catherine (Gaines) The effect of Jean- Jacques Rousseau's educational theories on the theories of Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. 114 p. 5581. Stripling, Edna Harriette The Idees rescues as a basis of characterization in Flau- bert. 176 p. Ph.D. 5582. Poole, Elizabeth, 1912- Gustave Lanson; Theory and practice of literary history. 331 p. 1943 M.A. 5583. Campbell, Carrie Belle Craig Daudet's short stories as reading texts: a selective study of the relation of their popularity to their reading value. 61 p. 5584. Edmeston, Rhoda Christena The elements of mysticism in the works of Perez Galdos. 134 p. 5585. Hartman, Inez Rebecca Regionalism in the prose works of Concha Espina. 155 p. 5586. Smith, Virginia Alice The treatment of children in the works of Rousseau. 141 p. M.A. 55S7 Ph.D 5588 453 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1944 Tomlinson, Muriel D. Realism in five eighteenth-century French novels. 127 p. Singer, Armand Edwards, 1914- Th e effect of the War of 1870 on the development of Taine's thought. 307 p. 1945 M.A. 5589. Bennett, Jean Arline The water motif in the works of Guy de Maupassant. 107 p. 5590. Dillingham, Mary Marjorie Carter Cirilo Villaverde, 1312-1894: Cuban exponent of costumbrismo, 195 p. 5591. Rogolino, Mary Theresa Fernan Caballero 1 practice. 135 p. Fernan Caballero 's esthetique of the novel: precept and 5592. Zekowski, Arlene Jean Gidian standards of literary value. 90 p. 1946 M.A. 5593. Haugh, Florence Irma La campesina as portrayed in the Asturian novels of Palacio Valdes. 52 p. 5594. Muldrow, Mary Frances Marivaudage: a style and a psychology. 70 p. Ph.D. 5595. King, Emily Barton, 1903- The concept of revolution in French literature between two wars. 335 p. 1947 M.A. 5596. Archbold, Juliana E. The costumbrista sketch in Columbia, 1858-1872. 133 p. 5597. Barnett, Roberta Irene Relief in the revolutionary novels of Mariano Azuela. 100 p. 5598. Johnson, Natalie Kristina Cervantes' narrative technique in the Novelas ejemp lares ... 158 p. 454 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1947 M.A. 5599. Matthews, Hester Poole An analysis of the descriptive and narrative elements of various types of Spanish ballads ... 107 p. 5600. Stone, Ann The Pundonor motif in Cervantes' exemplary novels. 69 p. Ph.D. 5601. Tomlinson, Muriel Dorothy, 1912- Th e critical doctrines and practice of Albert Thibaudet in the Nouvelle Revue Francaise . 318 p. 1948 M.A. 5602. Bryson, Pauline Pressley Pereda's development of the cuadra de costumbres into the realistic novel. 146 p. 5603. Chew, Jeanne Maurer The Romancero as a popular reflection of Spanish Medieval life. 137 p. 5604. Henderson, Alice Lois Anatole France as a prophet of French disintegration. . .83 p. 5605. Watson, Marjorie The Spanish Picaro as an anti-hero; exemplified by Lazarillo, Guzman, and Pablos. 104 p. 1949 M.A. 5606. D'Amico, Frank J. Cervantes' use of the chivalric, pastoral and picaresque Spanish fictional patterns in the Novelas ejemp lares ... 93 p, 5607. Harrison, Monique W. L 1 evolution du sentiment de la nature dans 1 ' oeuvre poetique d' Alfred de Vigny. 120 p. 5608. Lehnberger, Sigrid Louise Julien Benda's characterization of the "Clerc" 1927-1948. 62 p. 5609. Perkins, Betty Sue The saint as seen by Anatole France. 131 p. Ph.D. 5610. Nau, Walter Theodore, 190S- Jules Romains: a critic of French politics. 344 p. 455 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1950 M.A. 5611. Alfriend, Genevieve Harrison The theme of love in the work of four Spanish American poetesses. S3 p. 5612. Huckabee, Elizabeth Rezner Don Segundo Sombra and Cantaclaro, the ideal Gaucho and Llanero. 107 p. 5613. Krummel, Mary Eleanor Flaubert's reactions to contemporary realism (1850-1880). 74 p. 5614. Whitehead, Mary Elizabeth Caricature and exaggeration in the portraits of La Bruyere. 95 p. Ph.D. 5615. Bussell, Wilsie Florence, 1916- The parallel themes of pacifism and revolution in the works of Romain Rolandj 1914-1944. 424 p. 1951 M.S. 5616. Blackshear, Rather ine Baker Romantic elements in the novels of Don Juan Valera. 109 p. 5616a. Carson, Ruth Sullivan Stendhal's indictument of the nineteenth century. 78 p. 5617. Delgado, Nelle Smith Castile in the works of Miguel de Unamuno. 118 p. 5618. Ivie, Edith Jones Biblical characters in the works of Miguel de Unamuno. 191 p. 5619. Najam, Edward William A modern social critic views the French revolution. 120 p. 5620. Rentz, Thomas Eugene The status of ser and estar in selected works of Alfonso X . . . 95 p. 5621. Smith, Geneva Marie The presentation of pronunciation in Spanish grammars pub- lished in the United States from 1810 to 1919. 110 p. 5622. Swanson, William Edward Yanqui types in the twentieth-century Spanish American novel. 161 p. M.A. 1952 5623. Basso, Milla Young The psychology of Flaubert's figures of speech. 99 p, 456 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1952 M.A. 5624. Vega, Gloria de la El sentimiento religioso en las ficciones de Pereda. 91 p. 5625. Whitaker, Shirley Blue A study of the Gracioso in the Comedias of Juan Ruiz de Alar con. 136 p. Ph.D. 5626. Flansburgh, Clara Julina, 1893- The historicity of Alfred de Vigny's Cinq Mars . 270 p. 1953 M.A. 5627. Aubery, Pierre Les juifs en France 1900-1939, decrits par des ecrivains juifs ... 126 p. 5628. Clark, Virginia Louise Pi*o Baroja's ideas on the craft of fiction ... 97 p. 5628a. Guise, Stanley M. The problem of Leconte de Lisle and his family ... 81 p. 5629. Haber, Pierre-Claude The social and political attitudes of Andre' Gide ... 133 p. 5630. Herbert, Mary Eloise A study of the redundant pronoun with a selected list of verbs in contemporary Spanish prose ... 51 p. 5631. Morris, W. Walton Classical mythology in the thought and works of Andre'' Gide ... 161 p. 5632. Trapnell, Emily Annette Unamuno's theory and practice of the novel ... 114 p. 1954 M.A. 5633. Sutley, Edgar Eudell The use of Mexican vernacular in the novels of Mariano Azuela with special attention to Los de Aba jo ... 103 p. Ph.D. 5634. Coolidge, Cary, 1918- The deterioration of external reality in A _la recherche du temps perdu ... 179 p . 5635. Muldrow, Mary Frances, 1918- Th e psychology of family relationships in the works of Andre' Gide ... 279 p. 457 M.A. M.A. M.A. M.A. ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1955 5636. Atkinson, James Carroll Cardinal de Retz: man of letters ... 128 p. 5637. Bivona, Annabelle The relationship of life and art in the work of Alfred de Musset ... 81 p. 5638. Jones, Patricia Elizabeth The relation of music to life in the works of Georges Duhamel . . . 101 p . 5639. West, Christiane G. The responsibility of man in the works of Antoine de Saint- Exupe'ry ... 92 p. 5640. Wilson, Charles F. The Gracioso in the Comedias of Don Agustin Moreto ... 47 p. 1956 5641. Brady, Clarissa Lee Cain as a symbol of injustice and revolt in nineteenth century French poetry ... 115 p. 5641a. Brannock, Durant York The internationalism of Jules Romains ... 90 p. 5642. Raney, Mary Ann A comparison of themes in selected poets of the early renaissance ... 210 p. 1957 5643. Gillette, Janet Isabel The political philosophy of Jose' Ortega y Gasset ... 117 p. 5644. St ires, Lawrence Robert The figuron type in the late Spanish comedia ... 75 p . 1958 5645. Kegler, Lucia S. Obermann in the works of Unamuno ... 80 p . 5646. McLean, Edward Fletcher The treatment of priests and agnostics in the naturalistic novels of Emilia Pardo Bazan ... 115 p. 5647. Perry, Anne Castelain Caractere physique des emotions dans la conception de Guy de Maupassant ... 71 p. 5648. Staley, Richard Lee The political evolution of Andre" Gide ... 127 p. 458 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1958 Ph.D. 5649. Campbell, Ruth Foster, 1903- Ayala's vision of Spain ... 239 p. 1959 M.A. 5650. Smith, Suzanne Louise A study of the superstitious, the supernatural, and the legendary in selected works of Ramon del Valle-Incla'n ...90 p, 1961 M.A. 5651. Duarte, Hugo Alberto The Chulo in the works of Carlos Arniches ...107 p. 5652. Modirzadeh, Joan Quilter Rousseau and Madame de Stael ...76 p. 5653. Porter, Joyce Elaine (Cahoon) Proust and Anatole France ... 108 p. 5654. Thompson, Annie Laura The religious elements in Don Quijote ...119 p. 5655. Wilson, Edward E. The presentation and conception of the military figure in selected French classical tragedies, 1660-1680 ..116 p. Ph.D. 5656. Barlow, Norman Howard, 1918- Charles Augustin Sainte Beuve as precursor in the poetic formation of Charles Baudelaire: a legacy in lyric themes and its relation to a new poetry of modernity ... 403 p. 5657. McLean, Edward Fletcher, 1927- Objectivity and change in Pardo Bazan's treatment of priests, agnostics, protestants and Jews ... 268 p. 5658. Winecoff, Janet (Coon), 1935- Jose' Ortega y Gasset, existentialist?: the major themes of existentialism in the work of Jose' Ortega y Gasset ...288 p. 1962 M.A. 5659. Anderson, Farris F. Existential psychology in the literature of Jean-Paul Sartre , 109 p. 5660. Jenny, Yolande Jeanne The romantic hero in three early works of Flaubert ...70 p. 459 ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1963 M.A. 5661. Clark, Carolyn Bowman Alphonsc Daudet's treatment of the child in Le petit chose and Jack . . .82 p . 5662. Goode, William Osborne Cre'billon and Voltaire; a comparative literary study of their rival tragedies ... 102 p. 5663. Misenheimer, Helen Evans Determinism in three of Emile Zola's novels: L'Assommoir , La Joie de vivre , and Travail ... 5 9 p . 5664. Webber, Donald Bowie Literary criticism of the Novelas Ejemp lares ... 92 p. 1964 M.A. 5665. Tuten, Parma Westbury Madeleine - Emmanuele: Gide's "mystic orientation." ...87 p. 5666. Weston, Kay Eugenia Conflict in the regional novels of Blasco Ibanez ...98 p. Ph.D. 5667. Zimic, Stanislav, 1930- Cervantes, lector de Aquiles Tacio y de Alonso Nunez de Reinoso . . . 212 p . 1965 M.A. 5668. Smith, Joan Holmquist The cave motif in three of Victor Hugo's plays ...78 p. Ph.D. 5669. Bras, Monique The'rese, 1925- Paul Claudel et Maurice Pottecher une epoque, deux attitudes poetiques ... 226 p. 460 SOCIOLOGY 1932 Ph . D . 5670. Price, Guy Vaughn American optimism; its sources and forms. 272 p. 1933 M.A. 5671. Andrews, Henry Lucian Racial distinctions in the courts of North Carolina. 139 p, 5672. Lawrence, Ora Woodford The philosophical assumption of Sumner and Keller's sociology. 60 p. 5673. Sloan, John Stover Institutional care for the defective classes in North and South Carolina prior to 1S60. 138 p. 1934 M.A. 5674. Tollen, William B. The sociological conceptions of the state and law. 85 p. 1935 M.A. 5675. Allen, Gay Elizabeth Johnston Work relief in Durham county. 66 p. Ph.D. 5676. Root, Paul Adelbert The nature and social significance of tradition. 139 p. 1936 M.A. 5677. Wildman, Edith Grace The development of community centers through rural schools. 55 p. 1937 Ph.D. 5678. Bloom, Leonard The acculturation of the eastern Cherokee. 167 p. 1938 M.A. 5679. Hartz, Edwin Ruben Social problems in a North Carolina parish. 149 p. 461 SOCIOLOGY 1938 M.A. 5680. Randle, Clinton Wilson The personal and occupational status of registrants in the Paducah transient bureau, 1933-1935. 84 p. 1939 M.A. 5681. Clifton, C. S. The coordinating council movement; A study in the preven- tion of juvenile delinquency with especial reference to Durham, North Carolina. 165 p. 5682. Dunsky, Irvin The excess female population of Durham, N. C. A study of migration and urbanization. 141 p. 5683. Millar, Helen Mary Sociology in Canadian universities, by Helen Mary Millar. 168 p. Ph.D. 5684. Copeland, Lewis Campbell, 1909- The function of racial ideologies with special reference to the beliefs about the Negro. 302 p. 5685. Edwards, Allen David, 1905- Influence of drought and depression on a rural community: a case study of Haskell county, Kansas. 173 p. 1940 M.A. 5686. Waite, E. Emerson Social factors in Negro business enterprise. 161 p. Ph.D. 5687. Ewing, Thomas Newell, 1913- A study of certain factors involved in changes of opinion. 88 p. 1941 M.A. 5688. Goodwin, Norvelle Winston Race mixture and miscegenation in Virginia. 109 p. 5689. Houck, Thomas H. A newspaper history of race relations in Durham, N. C, 1910-1940. 193 p. 462 SOCIOLOGY 1941 M.A. 5690. Melenek, Ina Ruth Juvenile delinquency in Durham, North Carolina. 121 p. 5691. Seawell, Lee Anne An experimental application of the friend-finder test to a group of Duke university students. 120 p. 1942 M.A. 5692. Barrs, William Kenneth A critical survey of the social philosophy of Walter Rauschenbusch. 168 p. 5693. Berry, Christine Brooks Child labor in Mississippi. 112 p. 5694. Riser, Vernon Benjamin Occupational change among Negroes in Durham. 137 p. 1943 M.A. 5695. Chao, Shih Hui The Chinese family under the principle of Li, its organization and disorganization. 100 p. 5696. Hamrick, Garnet Pathos: the sociological study of an attitude. 133 p. 5697. Wiggins, James Wilhelm A study of the turpentine industry and its forest frontier. 104 p. Ph.D. 5698. Coleman, Maybelle, 1890- Poverty and poor relief in the plantation society of South Carolina; a study in the sociology of a social problem. 278 p. 5699. Talbert, Robert Harris, 1909- The emergence of rural town. 357 p. 5700. Wimberly, Rosamonde Ramsay, 1900- The sequence-pattern concept of social change, with especial reference to blindness and the blind in South Carolina. 362 p. 463 SOCIOLOGY 1944 M.A. 5701. Hertz, Hilda Negro illegitimacy in Durham, North Carolina. 100 p. 5702. Roebuck, Julian Domestic service; with particular attention to the Negro female servant in the South. 143 p. Ph.D. 5703. Eddy, George Norman, 1906- The human face; a study in culture and social interaction. 304 p. 5704. Patrick, Clarence Hodges, 1907- The use of alcoholic beverages: a cultural study. 199 p. 1945 M.A. 5705. Wiles, Charles Preston Crime and religion. 175 p. Ph.D. 5706. Taylor, Donald Lavor, 1916- Courtship as a. social institution in the United States, 1930 to 1945. 299 p. 1947 M.A. 5707. Brewer, Earl D. C. The social role of the rural minister; a study in personal documents. 354 p. 5708. Chen, Huai-chen Yangkow. a study in cultural conflict. 90 p. 5709. Storch, Margaret Rees Personality crises in relation to religion ... 161 p. Ph.D. 5710. Malone, Thomas Patrick, 1918- Socio-psychological factors in the treatment of the psychoneuroses in group psychotherapy. 256 p. 1948 M.A. 5711. Arbogast, Grace Kramer The development and present scope of public child welfare services in West Virginia. 243 p. 464 SOCIOLOGY 1948 M.A. 5712. Hamilton, Marion Bessent Patterns of residential distribution among Negroes in Durham. 107 p. 5713. Montgomery, Theron Earle , 1925- A study of psychoses as found among the patients of the Duke psychiatric clinic during 1946. 244 p. 5714. Vickers, Lawrence Otis A study of North Carolina Baptist churches. 57 p. 1949 M.A. 5715. Lewis, Jo Carolyn An ecological study of selected social problems in Durham, North Carolina ... 116 p. Ph.D. 5716. Cofresi, Emilio, 1904- Differential fertility in Puerto Rico. 468 p. M.A. 1950 5717. Tumblin, John Addison A study of racial attitudes in Brazil. 82 p. 5718. Wilkinson, Edith Lewis Pattern of Negro segregation in Durham, N. C. 191 p. Ph.D. 5719. Hertz, Hilda, 1919- Language and the social situation: a study in race relations. 193 p. 5720. Montgomery, Theron Earle, 1925- The social psychological implications of the personnel policies of the southern cotton textile industry. 262 p. M.A. 1951 5721. Dawes, Mary Josephine An inquiry into the attitudes of Negro and white students, in selected colleges in North Carolina, toward segregation in higher education. 112 p. 5722. Hancock, Carolyn Lois L'affaire Bassett. 103 p, 465 SOCIOLOGY 1951 Ph.D. 5723. Shirey, William Arthur, 1904- A comparison of the social-ethics factors in four leading senior high-school sociology textbooks with those in the Sunday-school literature for the senior high-school age used in leading Protestant churches. 2 v. 1953 M.A. 5724. Pekkala, Salme Anne The naming of racially mixed groups ... 108 p. Ph.D. 5725. Boynton, John O'Hara, 1899- A theory of the poor white; a study in race relations ... 151 p. 5726. Hartz, Edwin Ruben, 1911- The role of the institute in the family-life education movement ... 222 p. 1954 M.A. 5727. Seibert, Julien Carl A study of common underlying factors in race, nationality, religious, and class prejudice ... 193 p. Ph.D. 5728. Francisco, Noel, 1923- Pacifism as a social movement ... 297 p. 1955 M.A. 5729. Fridovich, Mollie Finkel Modern American Judaism: a sociological study in sacred vs. secular behavior ... 223 p. 5730. Wilkerson, Albert Ernest Social casework with the inebriate; a study in applied sociology ... 204 p. Ph.D. 5731. McNurlen, Lewis J., 1915- Federal lobbying and its effect on social control ... 200 p. 5732. Stafford, David Benbow, 1918- Sociocultural change and Quakerism; a case study in functional sociology of religion in terms of reference-group theory . . . 347 p, 466 SOCIOLOGY 1956 M.A. 5733. Chee, Chang-boh Religious behavior in the social structure of Korea ... 136 p. Ph.D. 5734. Alford, Cecil Wylie, 1923- The socially maladjusted child in school; a sociological study in special education ... 539 p. 5735. Denman, Sidney Brunson, 1924- The conflict of church and sect roles in the Southern Baptist ministry . . . 382 p. 5736. Hawk, David Bixby, 1913- General education in the college curriculum; a study in social movements . . . 263 p . 5737. Tumblin, John Addison, 1923- The Southern Baptist missionary: a study in the sociology of the professions ... 333 p. 5738. Wiggins, James Wilhelm, 1914- Atlanta's position in the southeast; an ecological analysis ... 262 p. 5739. Wilkinson, Theodore S., 1924- The impact of Euro-American culture, on India from 1498 onward with special reference to cultural lag ... 242 p. 1957 M.A. 5740. Gilchrist, Reneta E. The role of ideological factors in selected American behavior patterns; a study in work satisfaction ... 71 p. Ph.D. 5741. Hook, Wade Franklin, 1922- A sociological analysis of lay leadership in the Lutheran churches of North and South Carolina (United Lutheran Church in America) ... 247 p. 1958 M.A. 5742. Howell, Kay Marsh A study of applicants for general assistance in Durham County • • . 102 p. 467 SOCIOLOGY 1958 Ph.D. 5743. Berson, Elaine Sylvia, 1922- Socio-cultural factors in selected types of mental disorders among the aged . . . 457 p. 5744. Howell, John Chase, 1928- A study of selected methods of delineating homogeneous sub-areas ... 200 p. 1959 M.A. 5745. Lee, Jang Hyun Karl Marx's theory of social change ... 116 p. Ph.D. 5746. Chee, Chang-boh, 1925- Development of sociology in Japan: a study of adaptation of western sociological orientations into the Japanese social structure ... 279 p. 5747. Murty, P. S. K. , 1928- A sociological study of workers' participation in the joint consultation scheme of Indian industries ... 162 p. 1960 M.A. 5748. Knapp , John Laurence The North Carolina executive budget act: Development and operation ... 144 p. 196 1 Ph.D. 5749. Merck, John William, 1925- A mathematical model of the personnel structure of large- scale organizations based on Markov chains ... 168 p. 5750. Short, Ray E., 1919- Social control and war; an analysis of social control theory in introductory sociology textbooks as related to international conflict . . .280 p. 1962 M.A. 5751. Inel, Engin Family integration, task participation and adjustment to retirement ... 76 p. 4 68 SOCIOLOGY 1962 Ph.D. 5752. Kimberly, James Carlton, 1927- An experimental text of a theory of status equilibration . . . 171 p. 1963 M.A. 5753. Burgess, Marvin Franklin The relationship between horizontal mobility and status level within the profession of civil engineering ... 106 p. 5754. Manning, Peter Kirby Structural differentiation and patterns of status evaluation in American society ... 104 p. 5755. Sherwood, Richard Appleton Reputations for importance in a southern city ... 59 p. Ph.D. 5756. Johnson, Cyrus Murray, 1919- Family patterns and occupational success orientation . . . 110 p. 5757. Rawls, Horace Darr, 1922- Education and social participation; a factorial analysis ... 176 p. 1964 M.A. 5758. Althauser, Robert Pierce Class, status consistency and acquaintance in Negro neighborhoods of a southern city ... 147 p. 5759. Brookover, Linda The measurement of a professionalization crisis ... 107 p. 5760. Hood, Thomas Charles The volunteer subject: patterns of self-presentation and the decision to participate in social psychological experi- ments . . . 120 p. 5761. Kinard, Ellenor Milling Social stratification and psychiatric practice in an out- patient clinic ... 56 p. 5762. Moretz, Bettie Opal The effect of husbands' occupational ranks upon the labor force participation of married women ... 70 p. 469 SOCIOLOGY 1964 M.A. 5763. Myers, Howard Paul Community implication and ignorance, possession, and veridicality of community information ... 57 p. 5764. Porter, James Norman Consumption patterns of professors and businessmen: a study of conspicuous consumption and status ... 81 p. 5765. Williams, Jay Reigle Group cohesion; conceptual and empirical considerations ... 62 p. 1965 M.A. 5766. Bean, Frank Dawson Some factors influencing person perception in engaged couples ... 76 p . 5767. Harris, Charles Stanley Occupations, values, and leisure time activities ... 64 p. 5768. Hirsch, Carl Styles of interaction, orientation and participation in a city . . . 105 p. 5769. Roth, Robert Harold A study in hysterical contagion ... 92 p. Ph.D. 5770. Collins, Herbert, 1920- City, suburb and fringe differentiation in socio-economic status: urbanized areas of the United States, 1960 ... 398 p. 5771. Guptill, Carleton Sanborn, 1929- Some components of age identification in a sample of older men . . . 136 p . 5772. Holmstrom, Engin Inel, 1930- Information or noise? An investigation of response errors ... 266 p. 5773. Miller, Kenneth Edward, 1929- The structural correlates of community power systems ...147 p. 470 ZOOLOGY 1928 M.A. 5774. Little, Mary Evelyn The parasites of salamanders. 21 p. 5775. Matheny, Voris Awilda Parasites of grasshoppers in North Carolina. 23 p. Ph.D. 5776. Holl, Frederick John The ecology of certain North American animals with special reference to their parasites. 122 p. 5777. Rumbold, Dean Warren The ecology of the helminth parasites of Testudinata. 77 p. 1929 M.A. 5778. Carpenter, Clarence Ray Mating and brooding behavior of pigeons. 55 p. 5779. Carroll, Zoe Wells Some aspects of behavior in salamanders. 25 p. 5780. Cheatham, Cora Lee A comparative study of the Genus Riccia. 35 p. 5781. Dehler, Sophie Anne Salt marsh mosquitos; special studies and observations on oviposition and aquatic stages of Aedes sollicitans and Aedes taeniorhvnchus . 16 p. 5782. Fanning, Frederick Deveau Some studies on the thyroid gland. 52 p. 5783. Pace, Donald Metcalf The culture of Amoeba proteus . 23 p. 5784. Root, Raymond Willard The influence of humidity on the temperature of certain Poikilotherms . v. p. 5785. Schallert, Dorothy Amaryllys Studies on sterility. 95 p. 1930 M.A. 5786. Gill, H. Aurelia The embryology of the ear apparatus of Chrysemys cinerea. 46 p. 5787. Harris, Clarence Ligon Some studies on the uterine contractions under the influence of hormones. 28 p. 471 ZOOLOGY 1930 M. A. 5788. Rodriquez-Diago, Andres Influence of certain salts on the rate of multiplication of the protozoan parasite Trivhomonas muris. 24 p. 1931 M.A. 57S9. Howell, Thelma The effects of thyroid on the blood picture of male albino rats. 75 p. Ph.D. • 5790. Pace, Donald Metcalf The relation of inorganic salts to growth and reproduction in Amoeba proteus . 145 p . 5791. Root, Raymond Willard The respiratory function of the blood of marine fishes. 185 p, 1932 M.A. 5792. Caldwell, Lawrence McClure Some studies on the turtle's pancreas. 45 p. 5793. Hooker, Charles Wright Some effects upon reproduction of the feeding of thyroid tissue to white rats. 42 p. 5794. Mann, Donald Ray The ecology of some North Carolina salamanders with special reference to their parasites. 51 p. 5795. Pace, Ora Belle The effects of thyroid-feeding on the offspring of albino rats. 40 p. 5796. Shipp, Mary Elizabeth The corpuscle-plasma blood sugar ratio in the blood of rabbits. 44 p. Ph.D. 5797. Chesley, Leon Carey A study of digestion in marine fishes, with a critique of amylase methods. 118 p. 1933 M.A. 5798. Rice, Nolan Ernest Description of two amoebae as they appear in a standard culture medium. 45 p. 472 ZOOLOGY 1933 M.A. 5799. 5800. Ph.D. Taylor, Robert King The effect of humidity on the body temperature of Passalus cornutus Fab. 9 p. Williams, McChord A study of an endocrine basis for maternal behavior in the albino rat by the injection of hormonal extracts of the corpus lutem and pituitary glands, 44 5801. Tipton, Samuel Ridley The respiration of vertebrate Erthrocytes, 1934 100 p, M.A. 5802. Brandt, Bartholomew The salientia of Beaufort County, North Carolina. 73 p. 5803. Grogan, Kermit Lee Some studies upon the sterility of the male white rat following thyroid feeding. 81 p. 5804. Kates, Kenneth Casper The anatomy and cytology of the enteron of the termite Reticulitermes f lavipes Kollar. 57 p. Ph.D. 5805. Bookhout, Cazlyn Green Germ cells of the male guinea pig. 96 p. 5806. Butts, Helen Elizabeth The effect of certain salts of sea water upon reproduction in the marine amoeba, Flabellula mira Schaeffer. 289 p. 5807. Hooker, Charles Wright ■ Studies on the histophysiogenesis of the testis of Bos taurus . 70 p. 5808. Rice, Nolan Ernest The nutrition of Flabellula mira Schaeffer. 368 p. 1935 M.A. 5809. Frank, Walter Bergman The effect of hydrogen ion concentration upon locomotion in the marine amoeba, Flabellula mira Schaeffer. 44 p. 5810. This number not used. 473 ZOOLOGY 1935 Ph.D. 5811. Brandt, Bartholomew Parasites of North Carolina salientia. 127 p. 5812. Carroll, Zoe Wells The effect of a controlled environment on a marine amoeba Flabcllula mira Schaeffer. 92 p. 5813. Harkema, Reinard The parasites of some North Carolina rodents. 232 p. 5814. McManus, Mary Idolene A cytological study of the skin glands of the dusky salamander. 113 p. M.A. 1936 5815. Altland, Paul Daniel, Jr. Histology of the pituitary body of reptiles. 39 p. 5816. Chandler, Everett Roller Parasites of tadpoles of the green frog, Rana clamitans Latreille. 41 p. 5817. Cornwell, William Samuel Ecology of Myriapoda with special reference to their occurrence, distribution, and nesting habits in the Duke forest. 60 p. 5818. Culbreth, Sarah Elizabeth The preparation of muscle hemoglobin. 38 p. 5819. Hester, Ernest Carrington Some effects of thyroid and pituitary feeding upon the develop- ment of P^ regina . 28 p. 5820. Hurwitz, Arnold Philip Water absorption by the eggs of the lizard, Scel oporus undulatu s (Latreille), during incubation as indicated by the increase in weight and size of the egg. 32 p. 5821. Rosenblatt, Max Barr Perfusion of the isolated alligator heart; a study in cardiac excitability. 135 p. Ph.D. 5822. McCutcheon, Frederick Harold Hemoglobin function during the life history of the bullfrog. 69 p. 4 74 ZOOLOGY 1936 Ph.D. M.A. 5823. Patterson, Marguerite Tiffin The cellular structure of the digestive organs of the Passalus beetle. 31 p. 5824. Rankin, John Stewart An ecological study of the parasites of some North Carolina salamanders. 224 p. 1937 5825. McAfee, Janet Brokaw Some observations of the electro-kinetic charge of Flabellula mira, a marine amoeba. 15 p. 5826. Sharp, David Gordon The effects of radiant energy on certain bacteria. 22 p. Ph.D. 5827. Altland, Paul Daniel, Jr. Cytology of the hypophysis of the fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus , undulatus Latreille. 57 p. 5828. Hard, Walter Leon The spermatogenesis of the lycosid spider, Schizocosa Crassipes (Walckenoer) . 64 p. 5829. Kates, Kenneth Casper Mitochondria in the male germ cells of the guinea pig. 88 p. 1938 M.A. 5830. Cody, Frances Perle The changes in the central nervous system during the life history of Passalus cornutus Fabricius. 21 p. 5831. Fishburne, Margaret Greene The effect of thyroidectomy and of thyroxin replacement on basal heart rate in albino rats. 30 p. 5832. Hunt, Melba Cleo Greene The effect of the salts of sea water upon locomotion in the marine amoeba, Flabellula mira Schaeffer. 44 p. 5833. Powell, Caroline Egerton The ants of North Carolina and their guests. 54 p. Ph.D. 5834. Culbreth, Sarah Elizabeth, 1913- Studies on certain aspects of the normal and anaerobic metabolism of fresh water mussels. 70 p. 4 75 ZOOLOGY 1938 Ph.D. 5835. Ligon, Edgar William, 1912- Th e cytological structure of the digestive system of the lame 1 lib ranch mollusc, Musculium (Sphaeriidae) . 69 p. 5836. McCurdy, Mrs. Mary Burton (Derrickson) Mitochondria in liver cells of fed and starved salamanders. 52 p. 5837. Savely, Harvey Epperson, 1913- Ecological relations of certain animals in dead pine and oak tree trunks. 145 p. 5838. Wilson, John Woodrow, 1913- Some physiological properties of reptilian blood. 67 p. 1939 M.A. 5839. Flemister, Launcelot Johnson Nerve metabolism. 31 p. 5840. Williams, William Lane Degenerative and regenerative changes in the rat testis following infra-red treatment. 79 p. Ph.D. 5841. Ayers, John Carr, 1912- The cytology of the anterior hypophysis of the immature albino rat. 59 p. 5842. Wharton, George Willard, 1914- Ecological studies on certain turtle parasites. 123 p. 1940 M.A. 5843. Boyer, Charles Chester The respiration of embryonic blood. 33 p. 5844. Cleveland, Vela Howell Tissue extracts in growth. 56 p. 5845. Phillips, Beula Mayra The effects of temperature on the fluid balance of the blood of poikilotherms . 95 p. 5846. Tanner, Martha M. The extraction of a lactogenic substance from the livers of turtles. 45 p. 476 ZOOLOGY 1940 M.A. 5847. Wolf, Mary Hubbard A study of the respiratory function of hemoglobin in the developing guinea pig. 64 p. 5848. Young, Jerome Louis The effects of diverse technical methods upon animal tissues, 44 p. Ph.D. 5849. Causey, Nelle Bevel, 1910- Ecological and systematic studies on North Carolina myriapods. 179 p. 5850. DeTurk, William Ernest, 1916-1965. The parasites and commensals of some crabs of Beaufort, North Carolina. 105 p. 5851. Duke, Kenneth Lindsay, 1912- The germ cells of the rabbit ovary from sex differentiation to maturity. 81 p. 1941 M.A. 5852. Bickell, Ernest A. A lactogenic substance from the liver. 55 p. 5853. Gaither, Nenita Studies on Collembola of the Duke forest. 31 p. 5854. Greenberg, Irving Melbourne An attempt at the extraction of an active principle from the thymus of cattle. 70 p. 5855. Kessell, Harry Rayburn The effect of injections of thyroxine upon the testes of the mature albino rat. 27 p. 5856. King, John Talbert The effect of hyperthyroidization on rat testes. 44 p. 5857. Kline, Irene Tabitha The thymus; effects on the sexual behavior and ovaries of female albino rats. 71 p. 5858. McCrory, Otho Elmer Incidence of hookworm infestation among primary school students of Jones County, Mississippi. 28 p. 477 M.A. ZOOLOGY 1941 5859. MacDonald, Harry John Animal associates of oysters at Beaufort, North Carolina, 49 p. 5860. May, Stella Josephine The presence of estrogenic hormone (s) in testicular material. 44 p. 5861. Rubin, Herbert Bernard The effect of thyroidectomy upon the development of sub- sequent offspring. 38 p. Ph.D. 5862. Flemister, Launcelot Johnson, 1913- Distribution of available water in the animal body. 71 p. 5863. Ramsey, Helen Joyce, 1916- Physiological properties of ophidian and crocodilian blood. 177 p. 5864. Williams, Myra Allene, 1903- Mitochondria in the intestinal epithelial cells of starved and fed salamanders. 48 p. 1942 M.A. 5865. Clark, Martha Louise Marine annelids of Beaufort, N. C. 85 p . 5866. Gordon, Donald Precourt Plankton at Miami Beach, Florida. 77 p. 5867. Holzworth, Robert Haviland Aquatic respiration of the diamond-back terrapin, Malaclemys centrata centrata (Latreille) . 45 p. 5868. Metcalf, Margaret Jane Schnabel The histology of the isopod gut. 38 p. Ph.D. 5869. Hardcastle, Aaron Bascom, 1912- The genus Eimeria, with special reference to the species parasitic in marine fishes. 153 p. 5870. McDougall, Kenneth Dougal, 1908- Sessile invertebrates of Beaufort, North Carolina; a study of settlement, growth and seasonal fluctuations among pile- dwelling organisms. 226 p. 5871. Starling, James Holt, 1912- Ecological and taxonomic studies of the Pauropoda of the Duke forest. 151 p. 478 ZOOLOGY 1942 Ph.D. 5872. Watts, Daniel Thomas, 1916- Mechanisms of external respiration in certain aspects. 107 p. 1943 M.A. 5873. Bierman, Josephine Abigail Echinoderm larvae of Beaufort, N. C. 51 p. 5874. Cole, Margaret Evelyn The effect of hyperthyroidization upon the ovary of the mature albino rat. 54 p. 5875. Davis, Jesse Maxwell Polychaete larvae of Beaufort harbor. 65 p. 5876. Garner, William Nelson Some effects of gonadotrophic factor upon the ovaries of immature female diamond-back terrapins. 34 p. 5877. Grubin, Leonard Melvin The effect of pregnancy on the heart rate in normal and thy- roidectomized white rats. 73 p. 5878. Taylor, Louise Randall Sea-anemones and corals of Beaufort, N. C. ...95 p. Ph.D. 5879. Barton, Eleanor Phillips, 1906- The cyclic changes of epithelial cords in the dog ovary. 86 p. 5880. Krause, James Barber, 1917- The structure and development of the gonads of the wood-eating beetle, Passalus cornutus Fabricius. 80 p. 1944 M.A. 5881. Hood, Mallie Roy Some stomatopod and decapod larvae of Beaufort, N. C. 62 p. 5882. Pohl, Marian Evelyn Ecological observations on Callianassa major Say at Beaufort, North Carolina. 53 p. Ph.D. 5883. Magalhaes , Hulda, 1914- An ecological study of snails of the genus Busycon at Beaufort, North Carolina. 193 p. 479 ZOOLOGY 1945 M.A. 5884. Krathwohl, Betty Augenstine An ecological study of Tagelus gibbus gibbus (Spengler) at Beaufort, North Carolina. 76 p. 1947 M.A. 5885. Gibbons, Jean Worley The histology of the digestive tube of salamanders ... 41 p. 5886. Sutcliffe, William Humphrey, Jr. Animals associated with marine algae on the jetty of Cape Lookout, North Carolina. 26 p. 1948 M.A. 5887. Abramson, Herbert The oxidative breakdown of unsaturaged fatty acid in normal and scorbutic guinea pigs. 17 p. 5888. Holton, Jean Morris Histological structure of the kidney in the wingshell clam, Atrina rigida . 33 p. 5889. Ullman, Arthur The histology of the digestive tract of the bamboo worm, Clymenella torquata (Leidy) . 34 p. Ph.D. 5890. Boyer, Charles Chester, 1917- Development of the golden hamster Cricetus auratus , with special reference to the major circulatory channels. 38 p. 5891. Fitzgerald, Robert James, 1918- The effects of various factors on the growth and metabolism of certain mycobacteria ... 92 p. 5892. Roberts, Henry Stoutte, 1913- The effects of cold on mitochondrial form in tissues of larval salamanders. 56 p. 1949 M.A. 5893. Anderson, Norman Gulack The effects of various salt and sugar solutions on isolated liver components. 85 p. 5894. Brown, Joshua Robert C. The anatomy of the gnathosoma of Trombicula (eutrombicula) Alfreddugesi (oudemans) , 1910. 52 p. 480 ZOOLOGY 1949 M.A. 5895. Shapiro, Oscar William The effects of certain barbitutates and analeptics on Raaa pipiens tadpoles. 31 p. Ph.D. 5896. Freeman, John Alderman, 1917- Oxygen consumption, brain metabolism, and respiratory movements of goldfish during temperature acclimatization, with special reference to lowered temperatures. 36 p. 1950 M.A. 5897. Bunn, Carolyn Cooper The effects of methyl linolenate on scorbutic guinea pigs. 31 p. 5898. Magner, Bertha Ardys The histology of the reproductive system of Nassarius obsoletus Say. 32 p. 5899. Waller, William Washington Bdellonyssus bacoti as a vector of Litomosoides carinii . 22 p. Ph.D. 5900. Pierson, Dolores Lehmann, 1918- Heterochromatin in the spermatogenesis of Popilius dis junctus Illiger. 28 p. 5901. Sutcliffe, William Humphrey, 1923- A qualitative and quantitative study of the surface zooplankton at Beaufort, North Carolina. 137 p. 1951 M.A. 5902. Burkus, Jean Studies on the helminth fauna of the sargassum fish, Histrio histrio (Linnaeus). 32 p. 5903. Cole, Benjamin Theodore Histogenesis of the epithelium of the anterior digestive and respiratory tracts in the golden hamster (Cricetus auratus) . 61 p. 5904. Hilgartner, Margaret Wehr Investigations on the presence of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle in the mantle tissue of Ostrea virginica . 29 p. 481 ZOOLOGY 1951 M.A. 5905. Hirata, Arthur Atsunobu The composition of the internal surface layer of the shell of the oyster as studied by histochemical and radioauto- graphic methods. 68 p. 5906. Wiles, Mary Elizabeth The effects of x-radiation on the oxidation of certain unsaturated fatty acids. 52 p. Ph.D. 5907. Farrell, Charles Ernest, 1909- Studies on Euschongastia , a genus of chigger mites, of North America. 271 p. M.A. 1952 5908. Garcia-Bottari, Rafael Enrique Some host parasite relationships associated with the feeding of an argasid tick. 19 p. 5909. Robertson, Clyde Henry, Jr. An anatomical study of the tracheal system of the beetle, Popilius dis junctus (Illiger) . 29 p. 5910. Ward, William Edward III Fouling and destruction of cuban woods by marine organisms at Beaufort, North Carolina. 49 p. 5911. Williams, William Augustus Toleration by semi-terrestrial crabs to variations in salinity, temperature and humidity. 50 p. Ph.D. 5912. Anderson, Norman Gulack, 1919- Studies on isolated mammalian somatic cell nuclei. 123 p. 5913. Jodrey, Louise, Harriet Studies on shell formation using radio-active isotopes. 83 p. 1953 M.A. 5914. Martin, Betty Jean The ecology of a maritime drift line ... 73 p. 5915. Maturo, Frank J.S. The rhopalocera of Beaufort, North Carolina, and vicinity ... 81 p. 5915a. Stillwell, Edgar F. The effect of oxidized and unoxidized fatty acids on the growth of the bacterium, escherichia coli ... 45 p. Ph.D. 5916. Barnes, Robert Drane, 1927- The ecology of the spiders of non-forest maritime communities at Beaufort, North Carolina ... 209 p. 4ti2 ZOOLOGY 1953 Ph.D. 5917. Brown, Joshua Robert Calloway, 1915- Histological studies on the adult of the common chigger.... 86 p. 5918. Hyland, Kerwin Ellsworth, 1924- Studies on an ectoparasitic mite of the genus Hannemania , (Acarina: Trombiculidae) ... 168 p. 1954 M.A. 5919. Freeman, Kathren The intestinal protozoan fauna of the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus , from Durham County, North Carolina ... 39 p. 5920. Mackey, Constance Jean The Nebenkern and its derivatives in the spermatogenesis of Popilius disjunctus Illiger ... 39 p. 5921. Trout, David Linn Calcium excretion in the white-throated wood rat ( Neotoma albigula) ... 69 p. 5922. Wells, Harry Wilson Ecological population survey of the hard clam, Venus (=mercenaria) mercenaria , in the Chincoteague Bay of Maryland ... 52 p. Ph.D. 5923. Gorirossi, Flora E., 1925- Comparative anatomical studies on the gnathosoma of mesostigmatid mites . . . 114 p. 5924. Walter, Waldemar Melchert, 1920- Mollusks of the upper Neuse River, North Carolina ... 220 p. 1955 M.A. 5925. Bowers, Mary Blair A comparative study of urea excretion in three amphibians, Necturus maculosus , Rana catesbeiana , and Bufo alvarius and the effect of carinamide (4 1 -carboxyphenylmethanesulfonanilide) on urea excretion in Rana catesbeiana ... 49 p. 5926. Carter, William Guestion The arthropods of drift line and sand dunes of Bogue Banks, North Carolina ... 86 p. 5927. Nunley, Rachel Lee The ligamenta flava of the dog: a study of tensile and physical properties ... 64 p. 483 ZOOLOGY 1955 M.A. 5928. Rossy-Valderrama, Carmen R. The taxonomy of some aquatic phycomycetes from Puerto Rico . . . 88 p. 5929. Shuster, Charles Willard Effects of oxidized fatty acids on the metabolism of ehrlich mouse ascites tumor ... 50 p. Ph.D. 5930. Allen, Charles Marvin, 1918- The germ cell cycle in cestodes- - Taenia pisiformis Bloch and Dipylidium caninum Linnaeus ... 33 p. 5931. Costlow, John DeForest, 1927- Shell development and molting in Balanus improvisus ...93 p. 5932. Robertson, Clyde Henry, 1929- Changes in the respiratory system of Popilius disjunctus (Illiger) during metamorphosis ...53 p. 5933. Walker, Leon Bryan, 1925- Double motor innervation of some muscle fibers in the tibialis anterior muscle of the dog ... 45 p. 1956 M.A. 5934. Rierson, Herman Auston The effects of unsaturated fatty acid esters of the hemolysis of human erythrocytes ... 29 p. 5935. Thompson, John Richard, 1928- The embryology and organogeny of the common eastern mud snail , Nassarius obsoletus s a y ... 73 p . Ph.D. 5936. Broad, Alfred Carter, 1922- Reproduction, larval development and metamorphosis of some natantia from Beaufort, North Carolina ... 87 p. 5937. Campbell, Mildred Ann, 1927- A sexual reproduction and larval development in Polydora tetrabranchia H artman ... 67 p. 5938. Christian, Charles Donald, 1930- Studies on the neuro-endocrine control of ovulation in the rabbit ... 57 p . 5939. Maturo, Frank J. S., 1929- A study of the bryozoa of Beaufort, North Carolina, with special reference to seasonal distribution ... 196 p. 484 ZOOLOGY 1957 M.A. 5940. Clarke, William Mynell An immuno-histological investigation of tissue antigens in the tail bud stage of the frog ... 57 p. 5941. Hoskin, Charles Morris Oxygen metabolism studies on some North Carolina streams and ponds ... 46 p . 5942. Hutchison, Victor Hobbs The distribution and ecology of the cave salamander, Eurycea lucifuga ... 120 p. 5943. Robinson, Maryanne The effects of suspended materials on the reproductive rats of Daphnia magna ... 64 p . 5944. Wood, Mildred Louise Observations of the functional activity of the tibialis anterior in man ... 65 p. Ph.D. 5945. Fisher, William David, 1930- Viscosity studies of a nuclear gel from rat thymus ... 75 p. 5946. Knight, Clifford Burnham, 1926- An ecological survey of the Tomocerinae (Collembola) in old field stands of North Carolina ... 231 p. 5947. Maroney, Samuel Patterson, 1926- Effects of ultraviolet and x-radiations on human leucocytes in vitro .. . 58 p. 5948. Stillwell, Edgar F., 1929- In vitro studies of osmotic behavior and ion transport in mouse ascites tumor cells ... 107 p. 5949. Winer, Miroslava Nikitovitch, Humoral influence of the hypothalamus on gonadotrophin secretions ... 88 p. 1958 M.A. 5950. Barber, Mary Lee Sparling An immunochemical study of the homogenates of two develop- mental stages of the frog ... . 63 p . 5951. Davis, Luckett Vanderford The scarabaeidae of Durham and Orange counties, North Carolina 78 p. 485 ZOOLOGY 1958 M.A. 5952. Harmon, Elizabeth Anne The effect of ultraviolet and visible light on the oxi- dation of lipids in chloroplasts ... 46 p. 5953. Perkins, Lois Claire Variations in the lumbar plexus of man ... 47 p. 5954. Rees, George Howard Larval development of the sand crab, Emerita talpoida (Say) in the laboratory ... 41 p. 5955. Seery, Virginia Lee A comparative study of the viscosity of nuclear gels from vertebrate tissues ... 35 p. 5956. Walker, John Lawrence, Jr. Changes in the oxygen consumption of brain, liver and skeletal muscle of the frog (Rana pipiens ) during acclimation to low temperature .... 46 p. Ph.D. 5957. Barber, Albert Alcide, 1929- The effect of ionizing and ultraviolet radiation on biological antioxidants ... 92 p. 5958. Glass, Laurel Ellen, 1923- Maternal-oocyte relationships in the frog, Rana pipiens , as revealed by fluorescein labelled antibody ... 230 p. 5959. Hammen, Carl Schlee, 1923- Carbon dioxide metabolism of the oyster mantle ... 53 p. 5960. O'Steen, Wendall Keith, 1928- Regeneration of the intestine in adult amphibians ... 69 p. 5961. Piavis, George Walter, 1922- Morphological studies on the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus ., 102 p. 5962. Pratt, Judith Dunlap, 1919- Morphological and biochemical effects of selected metabolic factors on rat liver mitochondria ... 101 p. 5963. Wells, Harry Wilson, 1930- A study of the fauna of oyster beds with special reference to the salinity factor ... Ill p. 486 ZOOLOGY 1959 M.A. 5964. Candelas, Craciela C. A study on two species of sponges with special reference to the salinity factor ... 72 p. 5965. Harrison, Julian Ravenel Size groups and their characteristics in five species of Desmognathus (Urodela; Plethodontidae) ... 94 p . 5966. Mohammad, Murad-Baba Murad Effects of temperature and salinity on the development of Axiothella mucosa (Andrews ) . . . 43 p . 5967. Walrath, Alice M. The effect of dehydration on the plasma, sodium and chloride concentration of amphibians ... 33 p. 5968. Wells, Mary Jane The parasites of the yellowthroat, Geothlypsis (1) trichas (L.), during migration ... 44 p. Ph.D. 5969. Hutchison, Victor Hobbs, 1931- Critical thermal maxima in Salamanders ... 132 p. 5970. Larimer, James Lynn, 1932- Gas transport characteristics of the blood of mammals of different body size ... 125 p. 5971. O'Dell, Roberta Maxine, 1930- Studies on the uptake of urea by frog and mammalian kidney slices ... 54 p. 5972. von Zellen, Bruce Walfred, 1922- Coccidiosis of mice belonging to the host genus Peromyscus , 126 p. M.A. 1960 5973. Bishop, Stephen Hurst Outer bank benthic fauna of the tidal flats in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina ... 103 p. 5974. Gnewuch, William T. Studies on the physiological eulogy of Limnoria tripunctata (Menzies) at Beaufort, North Carolina. The influence of temp- erature on winter animals ... 52 p. M.A. 487 ZOOLOGY 1960 5975. Miller, Don Curtis A study of the feeding mechanism in the fiddler crabs at Beaufort, North Carolina, with ecological considerations of the feeding adaptations ... 50 p. 5976. Murphy, Ted Daniel Turning habits in homing pigeons... 106 p. 5977. Speas, Melinda Baab Effects of temperature and salinity on development and growth of several hyroids of the Beaufort region ... 55 p. 5977a. Stagner, Marilyn Leanne Age and growth in two Piedmont minnows, notropis cerasinus and and notropis albeolus ... 87 p . 5978. Wharton, Lona Claire The effect of centrifugation on the respiration and develop- ment of Rana pipiens embryos ... 46 p. Ph.D. 5979. Carter, William Guestion, 1931- The distribution of ants in the North Carolina Piedmont ... 266 p, 5980. Wolfson, Nancy Dolly, 1928- An intracellular cleavage inhibitor in sea urchin eggs ... 68 p. 1961 M.A. 5981. Bowers, Evelin Green The golgi apparatus and salt secretion in the nasal gland of the herring gull ... 66 p. 5982. Bruce, Richard C. Ammonia and urea excretion in some paedomorphic urodeles ... 34 p. 5983. Cerame-Vivas , Maximo Jose A study of isolated hydra cells in culture ... 35 p. 5984. Culver, Starr Observations on the biology of the sand dollar, Mellita quinquiesperforata ... 109 p. 5985. Engle, David W. The effect of Co-60 gamma rays and 1 mev. electrons on the eggs of Artemia salina ... 37 p. 5986. Kerr, Marilyn Sue Regeneration of the intestine of ambystoma larvae ... 50 p. 488 ZOOLOGY 1961 M.A. 5987. Lansing, Elizabeth J. Some after-effects of vasectomy in Mus musculus ... 107 p. 5988. Lee, Chien Ping Nitrogen excretion in birds ... 87 p. 5989. Lee, Thomas William Maintenance of the unswollen state of egg-jelly in the Rana pipiens reproductive tract ... 49 p. 5990. Pinschmidti Mary Warren The effect of osmotic stress on the body fluid in the ascidian, Stveln plicata (Van name) ... 29 p . 5991. Shore, Richard Eugene Effects of 2, 4-dinitrophenol on lens-induction in Rana pipiens ....32 p. Ph.D. 5992. Higgins, Robert Price, 1932- Morphological, larval, and systematic studies of the Kinorhyncha ... 262 p. 1962 M.A. 5993. Carter, Carolyn Lee Morphological and distributional variations in rat liver mitochondria produced by feeding raw and cooked egg white . . . 70 p. 5994. Crenshaw, Miles Aubrey The effects of high temperature on the amino acid require- ments and intracellular amino acids of Schizosacchromyces p_ ombe . 35 p. 5995. Izower, Jack Studies of territoriality, sexual recognition and intraspecif ic behavior of Tenodera sinensis (Mantidae) ... 99 p. 5996. MacArthur, Carol-Lynne Larval development of the commensal crab, Polyonyx macrocheles . 62 p. Ph.D. 5997. Colinvaux, Paul Alfred, 1930- The environment of the Bering Land Bridge ... 260 p. 5998. Davis, Luckett Vanderford, 1932- Insects of the herbaceous strata of salt marshes in the Beau- fort, North Carolina area ... 241 p. 489 ZOOLOGY 1962 Ph.D. 5999. Hughes, Maryanne (Robinson) 1930- Studies on renal and extrarenal salt excretion in gulls and terns ... 89 p. 6000. Mohammad, Murad-Baba Murad, 1930- Larval distribution of three species of Balanomorpha in relation to some chemicophysical factors ... 109 p. 1963 M.A. 6001. Arnn, Bera Lucille Feeding rates of the seastar, Asterias forbesi (Desor), at reduced salinities ... 35 p. 6002. Bird, Margaret Anne A comparative cytological study of the testes of two strains of drosophila differing in genetic sensitivity to x-radiation ... 46 p. 6003. Gunn, Lois Duncan Effects of gamma irradiation on the fission yeast, Schizo- saccharomyces pombe ... 43 p. 6004. Harrison, Margaret Norma Phosphorus metabolism in aerobic and anaerobic normal and hybrid frog embryos ... 56 p. 6005. King, Susan Frances Uptake and transfer of cesium-137 by Chlamydomonas , Daphnia , and bluegill fingerlings ... 48 p. 6006. Printz, Deborah Burnham Environmental effects on the initiation of meiosis in Drosophila melanogaster (Males) ... 33 p. Ph.D. 6007. Douglas, Donald Sterling, 1935- Salt and water metabolism of the Adelie penquin ... 110 p. 6008. King, Elizabeth Norfleet, 1925- The effects of osmotic changes on respiration in four decapod crustacea: a comparison of intact animals, excised tissue and isolated mitochondria ... 92 p. 6009. Murphy, Ted Daniel, 1936- Amphibian populations and movements at a small semi-permanent pond in Orange County, North Carolina ... 119 p. 6010. Pinschmidt, William Conrad, 1926- Distribution of crab larvae in relation to some environmental conditions in the Newport River estuary, North Carolina ... 112 p. 490 ZOOLOGY 1963 Ph.D. 6011. Shore, Richard Eugene, 1937- An electrophoretic analysis of protein development in normal and hybrid frog embryos. 68 p. 6012. Thompson, John Richard, 1928- The bathyalbenthic caridean shrimps of the southwestern North Atlantic ... 504 p. 1964 M.A. 6013. Olson, Sally Sapp Overt rhythms of motor activity in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator , studied under experimental lighting conditions ... 38 p. 6014. Wirtenson, Mary Elizabeth Epifaunal associations on living bay scallops from North Carolina ... 103 p. Ph.D. 6015. Cerame-Vivas, Maximo Jose, 1936- The distributional pattern of benthic invertebrates of the continental shelf off North Carolina ... 129 p. 6016. Coleman, James Richard Find structure and cytochemistry of the Meiotic chromosome of the domestic rooster Gallus domesticus ... 141 p. 6017. Crenshaw, Miles Aubrey, 1932- Coccolith formation by two marine coccolithophorids, Coccolithus huxleyi and Kymenomonas sp . ... 74 p. 6018. Dantzler, William Hoyt, 1935- The role of the kidneys and bladder in the handling of water and solutes in the freshwater turtle, Pseudemys scripta , and the desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii ... 152 p. 6019. Hailman, Jack Parker, 1936- The ontogeny of an instinct; the pecking response in chicks of the laughing gull (Larus atricilla L.) and related species 361 p. 6020. Lee, Chien Ping, 1936- Water balance in the Zebra finch, Taeniopygia castanotis ... 81 p. 6021. Schultz, George Adam, 1932- Taxonomy and ecology of some American terrestrial isopods (Oniscoidea) ... 362 p. 491 ZOOLOGY 1964 Ph.D. 6022. Stone, Henry Otto, 1936- The effect on blood viscosity of red cell size and shape ... 150 p. 1965 M.A. 6023. Franks, Doris Jean Structure and behavior of holokinetic chromosomes. I. Data contributory to analysis of mitotic mechanisms in Steatococcus tuberculatum Morrison (Cocccidea-Homoptera) 66 p. 6024. Gilbert, Barrie Keith Social behavior and communication in fallow deer (Dama dama ) . . . 79 p. 6025. McCloskey, Lawrence Richard The infauna of the coral Oculina arbuscula Verrill; a community structure study ... 99 p. 6026. Nebel, Jean Elizabeth Inglis Water balance and torpor in the Egyptian hedgehog ... 68 p. 6027. Osgood, David William A live trap study of a small mammal population ... 78 p. M.S. 6028. Mann, Margaret Lois Comparative embryonic temperature tolerances of two species of sea urchin and related acclimation studies ... 48 p. Ph.D. 6029. Hochachka, Peter William, 1937- Metabolic adaptation in a lower vertebrate; the isoenzymes of lactic dehydrogenase in the goldfish, Carassius carassius ... 128 p. 6030. Miller, Don Curtis, 1935- Studies of the systematics, ecology and geographic distri- bution of certain fiddler crabs ... 225 p. 6031. Richardson, Jonathan Lynde, 1935- The history of an African rift lake: an interpretation based on current regional limnology ... 473 p. 6032. Roberts, John Stephen, 1937- The correlation of renal ultrastructure with salt and water handling by the kidneys of three lacertilian reptiles ... 83 p. AUTHOR Il'IDEX Abbot, William Wright 3433. 3l;88. Abbott, Samuel Lee 1726. Abdul-Halim, al-Salam, Nadhla 3960. Abdul-Halim al-Salam, Nadhla 3974. Abee, Florence Edwina 2059. Abramovitch, Benjamin 451. Abrams, William Amos 1902. Abramson, Herbert 5887. Abshire, Charles W. 3464. Acey, Archie Everette 4917. Ackerman, Hugo Sheridan 3407. Adams, Anne Shand 27. Adams, Earnest Dwight 4270. Adams, Erma L. 990. Adams, Mrs. Erma Moore 2004. Adams, Henry Bethune 4697. Adams, Joe T. 464. Adams, John Clinton 3192. 3228. Adams, Robert Lausch 1233. Adams, Robert Revis 717. Adams, Ruby Irene 1223. Adams, William Stewart 1804. Adcock, Louis Henry 562. Addineton. Larrv Holbrook 3625. Addy, George Milton 3540. Ader, Olin Blair 4116. Adkins, A. Carl 4981. Adler, Adrienne Susan 2637 i. Adman, Andrew George 2698. Ads it, Francis Wayne 2699. Affronti, Lewis Francis 4005. Agile, Roger Azad 965. Agnew, Donald Charles 1096. Agnew, Donald Charles 1221 . Agnew, Virginia Miller 2039. Agourides, Savas Chrestos 5382. Ahlstrom, Carl Ferdinand 3367. Ahlstrom. John nniinnhan. oi-»i Ahmed, A. S. M. Mohiuddin 1022. Ahmed, Fatema 4538. AiV<=>n. Tpnnnra 5 518. Aiken, William Ralph 2581. Aimar, Caroline Picault 2191. Akins, Charles W. 1282. Albee, Parker Bishop 3662. Alberson, Mrs. Hazel Stewart 1081. Albert, Burton 2554. Albright, Thelma 2040. Albright, William Edward 5259. Aldridge, Alfred Owen 2216. Aleman-Aleman. Victor 106. Alexander. Ellen 3272. Alexander, Harold Brice 2375. Alexander, Robert Newell 3993. Alexander, Ruth 4401. Alexander, Thomas Ley 1194. Alexander, Thomas Robert 837. Alford, Attie America 2041. Alford, Cecil Wylie 5734. Alfriend, Genevieve Harrison 5611. Allaben, Sara Elizabeth 5559. Allan, Kenneth Mathews 2914. Allen, Charles Marvin 5930. Allen, Clark Lee 894. Allen, Gay Elizabeth Johnston 5675. Allen, Gay Wilson 1907. Allen, Ivey, Jr. 334. Allen, Peter Herbert 255. 319. Allen, Ray Maxwell 5401. Allen, Richard Chapman 3059,' Allen, Robert Ivey 370. Allen, Robert Max 3036. Allen, Ruth Couch 2025. Allen, William Francis 3465.. Allen, William Richard 948. Allenson, Douglas Rogers Almy, Theodore Benjamin Alphin, Reevis Stancil Al-Salam, Waleed A. Altenstetter, Christa — 4574^. Althauser, Robert Pierce 575 8. 718. 1181. 4352. 3918. 5815. $327. Altland, Paul Daniel, Jr. Altman, Jean 2335. Altvater, Frederick Vernon 839. _ Alvarez, Robert Ruifernandez 4736. Alvis, Richard James 2 831. Amore, Salvat ore Thomas Anderson, Da vid Richa rd Anderson, Donal d Ke nnedy Anderson, Ernes t R. 1432. And erso n, Ewing 1916. Anderson, Farris F. 5659. Anderson, George Arthur 2748. Anderson, Harvey Gene 755. _Ander son *_ John David 846. Anderson, Lewis Edward 123. Anderson, Lucian Dumas 2219_. Anderson, Marcia Lee 2042. 21U8. Anderson. Mildred Everett __ 4597. Anderson, Nancy Walker 4036. Anderson, Roy Stuart 4193. Anderson, Ruby Jane 3373. Anderson, Shivers Luther, Jr. Anderson, St. Claire 2150. Anderson, Thomas, Jr. 1150. Anderson, Thomas William 3968. Anderson, Wilbur Kenneth 5007. Andes, Mark Winston 5360. Andes, William Jacob 5164. Andress, William Dozier 4309. Andrews, Chester 4918. Andrews, Henry Lucian 5671. Andrews, Joseph Russell 5377. Andrews, Leslie Kearns 2700. 2802. Andrews, Mary Ruth 1384. Andrews, Robert Lee 1059. Andrews, Williarc i Ed 5 I4C. Andrus, William Darwin 5059. Angley, Mary Anglin, Milton 3446. 4658. Anthony, Victor Benjamin 3663. Applefield, Milton 2915. Applequist, Martin Benjamin 2716. Applequist, Martin Benjamin 3042. Applewhite, James William 2488. Appleyard, Reginald Thomas 972. Appleyard, Reginald Thomas 1013. Anderson, Norman Gulack 5893. $912. Arbaugh, Robert Newton 5141. Arbogast, Grace Kramer 5711. Archbold, Juliana E. 5596. Ard, William Bryant 4231. Arenberg, David Lee 4762. Arfin, William 2638. Arichea, Daniel Castillo, Jr. 5506, Armstrong, Leo Henry 1558. Arnas, Ozer Ali 3985. Arnette, Talmadge Edison 2986. Arnn, Bera Lucille 6001. Arthur, Charles Ralph 5165. Asan, Haydar Mustafa 172. Ashbrook, Beulah Mae 4012. Ashburn, Karl Everett 851. Asbury, Jean Gray 3841. Ashby, Robert Howe 3559. Ashe, Alex Elisha 1121. Ashley, George Norman 4863. Ashley, George Norman 4919. Ashworth, Rufus Charles 1269. Askew, Annette Chalker 2639. Askew, William Clarence 3203. Askew, William Clarence 3229. Atchison, Ray Morris 2419. Atchley, Paul Trotter 3182. Atkins, Emily Howard 3273. Atkinson, Donald Lee 4094. Atkinson, James Carroll 5636. Atkinson, S. Marvin 4920. Attaway, John Allen 633. Atteridge, Thomas 2640. Atwell, Paul Dean 2641. Aubery, Pierre 5627. Ausley, Paul Kenneth 5319. Austin, Ledford Louis 4497. Austin, Marguerite Zelle 5560. Autry, John Duncan Asbury 5053. Autry, John Duncan Asbury 5166. Autry, Randall Franklin 2235. Avedisian, Harry 2758. Avery, Thomas Eugene 2871. Ayers, Archie Raymond 4142. Ayers, John Carr 5841. Ayers, Valla Evelyn Young 2106. Ayres, Erie Bingham 452. Aziz, Khwaja Muhammed Sultanul 320. Bab in, James Lee 2642. Bachelder, Horace Lyman 3336. Backus, Elbert Leon 1619. Backus, Tulsa Eloise 1620. Badgley, Donald Mitchell 3382. Bagby, James Willis, Jr. 1224. Bagby, Steadman 5142. Bagley, Mariana Dasch 3257. Bailey, Eugene Cassidy 1283. Bailey, James Ross 2589. Bailey, Jep Harmon 4190. Bailey, Judith Anne 1757. Bailey, Phoebe Crane 542. Bailey, Rosalie Vincent 2151. Bailey, Ruby May 5391. Bailey, Ulysses Grant 5320. Bair, William M. 3071. Baird, Charles O'Connor 3091. Baird, Charles William 2427. Baird, Gordon Edward 4312. Baird, Sybil 2262. Baisden, Louis Aimer 390. Baker, Cecil Alexander 4871. Baker, James B. 3072. Baker, Lula Evelyn 2336. Baker, Maury Davison 3354. Baker, Maury Davison 3404. Baker, Ruth Maurine 3258. Baker, Virginia Kirk 5034. Balch, Clifford Perry 3162. Baldwin, Alan Thorrestrup 2731. Baldwin, Clinton Theodore 3218. Baldwin, Von McLoyd _ 1879. Ball, Esther Judson 3127. Ball, Ruth Stella 3764. Ballard, Grady Lee 1669. Balsara, Jimmy Piroshaw 776. Balta , Yalman I. 727. 5259a. Bame, Robert L. Bandeen, Robert^ Angus_ 994. _ Banker t, Jean Elizabeth 2413. Barbee, Carl W. 4981a. Barbee, John Martin 4069. Barber, Albert Alcide Barber, Daniel Clyde 5957. 1432a. Barber, Mary Lee Sparling 5950. Barber, Ruth Kerns 3183. Barber, Veva Alberta 2107. Barbot, Mary Elizabeth 2152. Barbour, Ian Graeme 4163. Barbour, William Johnston 157. Barefoot, Aldos Cortez 3033. Barger, Benjamin 4688. _Barkat, Anwar Mas ih 4551. Barkat, Anwar_ Masih 4588. Barker, June Nor throp 4348. Barker, June Northrop 4354. Barker, Marvin Windel 719. Barker, Patricia Mobley 747. Barker, Richard John 3490. Barker, Richard John 3554. Barkley, David Sanford 1759. Barlow, John Alfred 4689. Barlow, Norman Howard 5656. Barnes, Annette 5537. Barnes, Donald Bishop 1715. Barnes, Edwin Edward 5343. Barnes, George Hector 2756. Barnes, Jack Carlisle 2263. Barnes, Robert_Lloyd 3037. Barnes, Samuel Henry 4493. Barnes, William Speight 4149. Barnett, Lee Page 5008. Barnett, Roberta Irene ___5597._ Barney, Charles Wesley 2799. _4943 . _ 3332. Barnwell, Myrtle Carver Barnwell, Robert Woodward Barnwell, Roy James 4944. Barocco, Orlando Iderico 1182. Barr, Coke L. 1433. Barr, Leon Vincent 1434. Barr, Orville Asbury 1559. Barrett, James Passmore 3022. Barrett, James Passmore 3082. Barrett, Troy James 5361. Barrett, William Robert 3129. Barker, Marvin Windel 666. Barrier, Norman Gerald 3664. Barnes, Jesse Thomas 110. Barnes, Robert JDrane SQlfi. Barnes, Robert Lloyd 2916. Barringer, Blanche 4864. Barrs, William Kenneth 5143. Barrs, William Kenneth 5692. Barry, Richard Schriver 3434. Barstow, Betty Dick 3836. Barton, Eleanor Phillips 5879. Barton, Jessie Beatrice Smith 2192. Bashaw, John Darrell 735. Baskervill, William Nelson 2759. Basler, Roy Prentice, Jr. 1917. Basler, Roy Prentice, Jr. 1950. Bass, Arnold Marvin 4157. Bass, Arnold Marvin 4175. Bassett, Michael Edward Rainton 3682. Bassett, Robert Van Rensselaer 4507. Basso, Milla Young 5623. Bateman, Eva Mae 1143. Bates, Roger Gordon 391. Bates, Roger Gordon 405. Bates, William W. 531. Batson, Wade Thomas 208. Batson, Wade Thomas 223. Battaglia, Francis Joseph 2611. Batten, Robert Winslow 3961. Battino, Rubin 577. Battino, Rubin 634. Battle, Guy A. 2264. Battle, Guy Arthur 2350. Battle, Philip Davis 3509. Baucom, Thomas Victor 3795. Bauer le, Ruth Hawkins 2354. Baum, Rhoda May 46. Baumgarten, Erwin 466. Baxt, Victor Joseph 424. Baxter, James E. 4412. Baxter, Joseph Ray 3337. Bayless, Flora Johnson 1663. Bayless, Philip Leighton 586. Beacham, Nickels Ray 3193. Beall, Virginia Graham McLean 1991. Beam, Joshua Paul 1314. Beaman, Mary Elizabeth 3838. Beamer, Celestine Marie 4337. Bean, Frank Dawson 5766. Beard, John S. 5260. Beard, Percy Morris 4326. Beard, Thomas Rex 1023. Beard, William Quinby 656. Bearden, Ethel Mae 2428. Bearden, Robert Edward Lee, Jr. 5084 Beasley, William Lee 2701. Beatson, James Allen 3408. Beatson, James Allen 3474. Beaven, Evelyn Sherwin 143. Beaven, George Francis 144. Beavers, Dorothy Anne (Johnson) 602. Beavers, Hallie 1133. Beavers, Leo Earice 603. Bebout, Donald Edward 4191. Beck, Carl 4511. Beck, Clifford William 2702. Beck, Donald £. 3060. Beck, Lewis White 4054. Beck, Lewis White 4059. Becker, Joseph 4739. Beckman, John Fink 412. Bennett, Walter Hartwell 4382. Bee, Carl E. 1435 • Bennett, Walter Hartwell Bennett, William Leffis Bennett, William Sabin Benson, Clark William 4421. Beeker, Henry Judson 3300. 3435. Beers, Burton Floyd 3466. 4165. Beers, Burton Floyd 3521. 5225. Beery, Lena Grace 1560. Benson, Olga Dorothea 1163. Beetham, Nellie May 256. 292. Bentley, Nancy Joyce 198. Beetham, Nellie May Benton, Robert Sheeran 5. Behar, Lenore Marilyn Balsam 4787. Beinhart, Ernest George 268. Belcher, Arnold Dwane 5289. Benton, Thomas Malcolm 1805. Bercaw, David Meade Berger, Edward Paul 4743. 3920. Bell, John Bowyer 3491. Berghauser, Mrs. Ailsie Powel 1971. Bell, John Bowyer 3555. Berghauser, Albert Sartor 3123. Bell, John Frederick 2917. Bergman, Herbert 22i Bernd, Joseph Laurence >5. Bell, Lila McLinn 1075. 4494. Bell, Mary Catherine 806. Bernstein, Eugene Merle 4217. Bell, Minnie Blanche 1561. Bernstein, Eugene Merle 4244. Bell, Robert Glenn 3982. Berry, Bobby Mac 1880. Bell, Roy Edison 5261. Bell, Vereen McNeill 2429. Bell, Vereen McNeil 2484. Bellamy, Virginia Nelle 5376. JBellamy, Virginia Ne lle 5393. Benedetti, Robert Anthony 2643. ^Benedict, Margaret Ann 4441. Bengel, Paul Robert 3994. Berry, Christine Brooks__ 5693. Berry, Frederick Hamer 2745. 1678. Berry, Lucia Kendall Berry, Willard Miller 4575. Berson, Elaine Sylvia 5743. Bertman, Bernard Theodore 4327, Best, Albert Hartwell 1643. _ Benjamin, Walter William 5427. Bennett, Adrian Thomas __ 2555. Bennett, Frank Autrelle 2918. Bennett, Georgia Belle 4628. Bennett, Georgia Belle 4641. Bennett, Jean Arline 5589. Bennett, John Boyce 5036. Bennett, John Boyce 5216. Bethel, James Samuel 2689. Bethel, James Samuel 2800. Bettersworth, John Knox 3240. Betz, Catherine Teresa 4031. Bevan, John Morgan 4662. Bevan, John Morgan 4700. Bevan, William 4648. Bevan, William 4673. Beville, Stuart McGuire 3219. Bevington, Philip Raymond 4271. Bew, James William 2717. Bhanthumchinda, Saowanee 2430. Bhatnagar, Rajendra Sahai 92. Bhatnagar, Rajendra Sahai 97. Bhattacharya, Brojo Nath 4255. Bickell, Ernest A. 5852. Bickley, Robert Bruce 2644. Bierman, Josephine Abigail 5873. Bigger, William Parker 2732. Biggers, Robert Price 3998. Biggers, Ruth Evans 3842. Biggers, Sherrill Bost 5167. Biggerstaff, Frank Malcolm 1385. Bigham, Virgil Lee 1332. Bilan, Mykyta Victor 3001. Bilan, Mykta Victor 3028. Billings, William Dwight 132. Billings, William Dwight 140. Bindrim, Edward Paul 4659. Bingman, Mary (Waybright) 2431. Binkley, Janet Margaret 2522. Binns, Elizabeth 1386. Birch, Olive Georgeanna Mary 400. Bird, Carl Orlando 1164. Bird, Margaret Anne 6002. Bird, Ralph Sidney 1436. Bird, Robert Macbeth 5037. Birge, William Root 4690. Birturk, Yavuz 1835. Biscoe, Alvin Blockson 832. Bishop, Benjamin Harold 476. Bishop, Maurice Fugh 4383. Bishop, Stephen Hurst 5973. Bivona, Annabelle 5637. Bizzell, Alma Bridgers 1085. Black, Caroline Banks 3355. Black, Edwin Robert 4547. Black, Elma Jeanette 3779. Black, Marcia Carolina 4020. Black, Mercedes A. Saez 2108. Black, Roland Joseph 1621. Blacka, Edwin Herbert 3942. Blackburn, Jacob Floyd 3843. Blackburn, Lillian lone 477. Blackburn, Linwood Earl 5168. Blackburn, Norma Marie 4361. Blackmon, Bobby Glenn 3083. Blackshear, Katherine Baker 5616. Blackstock, Clarence Ernest 3038. Blackstone, William Thomas 4080. Blackstone, William Thomas 4091. Blackwell, Henry Conrad 4818. Blackwell, Lawrence Avery 4256. Blagg, Mary Evelyn 4468. Blake, Joan 307. Blake, Nelson Morehouse 3153a. Blake, Nelson Morehouse 3188. Blake, Robert Grady 2466. Blake, Roy Baxter 1855. Blakeley, Brian Layton 3665. Blakemore, J. H., Jr. 4982. Blakeslee, Edward Ray, Jr. 1685. Blakeslee, Verna Treat 1664. Blalock, Verona 788. Blanco Fernandez, German Alfredo 1033. Blane, Andrew Quarles 5507. Blank, Olive Greenawalt 2248. Blanton, Betty Newbern 1644. Bleke, Priscilla Dattman 4711. Bleke, Robert Charles 4701. Blevins, Gilbert Sanders 4246h, Blevins, Maurice Everett 4257. Bliss, Lawrence Carroll 245,, Bliss, Verne Fairbanks 2832. Block, Robert Charles 4245. Block, Robert Hoyt 3632. Bloom, Leonard see Broom, Leonard Bloom, Melvin Sigmund 461. Bloom, Melvin Sigmund Bloom, Robert Louis Blossom, Thomas Blume, Steven David 2523. 486. 3301. 3522. Boardman, William Kilbourne 4723. Boardman, William Kilbourne 4680. Boatman, Sandra 756. Boatwright, Eleanor Miot 3274. _Bobbitt, Pearl Burkh ead 906. Bobo, William Pervy 1284. Bock, Elsie Ervin 2489. Boddie, Wyatt David 5169. Boggess, William Randolph 2703. Boggs, Charles Marvin 5262. Bond, Jean Bernerd 517. Bond, Sara McCallum 518. Bond, Wita Avis 3780. Bondurant, Agnes Meredith 2153. Boneau, Charles Alan 4737. Boney, Nancy Virginia 2193. Bonfoey, Winifred Lee 2043. Boni, Kenneth Arnold 702. 2987. Bonnallie, Chester Alexander Bonnen, James Thomas 917. Bonner, Franklin Thomson 3044. Bonner, Franklin Thomson 3113. Bookhout, Cazlyn Green 5805. Boomhour, Elizabeth Gregory 180. Boone, Sidney Grant 5290. Boone, Stephen Christopher 18. Boone, William Riley Prichard 3302. Booth, Luther Lambuth 5170. Borcherding, Margaret Elaine Moss 3691, Bormann, Frederick Herbert 213. Bormann, Frederick Herbert 224. Boswell, Sidney ^1333^ Bott, William Kellam 1777. Bouldin, Walter Virgil 4291. Boggs, Clyde Stewart 4983. Boggs, Mary Amber 807. Bogue, Helen Sarah 1234. Bourdeau, Phillippe Francois Joseph 216 Boland, Joseph Bethro 1437. Bolen, Claude Waldron_ 3210. Bolen, Claude Waldron 3333. Bolen, David Winton 3962. Bolen, James Shepherd 998. Boliek, John Ernest 728. Bollens, Jack C. 4438. Bourdeau, Phillipp e Francoi s Joseph 236. Bowden, Elbert Vic tor 940. 978. Bowden, William Robert,_Jr. 2044. Bower, David Roy Eugene 3039. Bowers, Eveline Green 5981. Bowers, Mary Blair 5925. Bowers, Paul Chadwick 3714. Bowles, Charles Phillips 4865. Bowles, Charles Phillips 4921. Bowles, Madison Harwell 1235. Bowles, Robert C. 2429. Bowman, Bernice Claire, ed. 2109. Bowman, Charles Daniel 4251. Bowman, Charles Daniel 4280. Bowman, Clarice Margaret 5054. Boyce, John Shaw 219. Boyce, Peter John 4548. Boyd, James Emory 3738. Boyd, Julian Parks 3144. Boyd, Wade C. 3098. Boyer, Charles Chester 5843. Boycr, Charles Chester 5890. Boyer, Charles Victor 1285. Boyer, John Strickland 310. Boynton, John O'Hara 5725. Brabec, Joe M. 2718. Brabham, Angus McKay 5170a. Brach, Earl Tilton 818. Bracken, Charles 1760. Brady, Clarissa Lee 5641. Brady, Elbert Carl 1115. Brady, William Herman 5144. Bramlette, Carl Allen 4702. Bramlette, Lucile 2089. Brandis, Roland Buford, Jr. 872. Brandis, Roland Buford 3364. Brandis, Royall 901. Brandis, Royall 949. Brandon, Barbara Wolff 3556. Brandon, Elvis Denby 4456. Brandt, Bartholomew Brandner 5802. Brandt, Bartholomew Brandner 5811. Branford, Walter Avery 2045. Brannock, Durant York 5641a. Brant, George Ezekiel 3758. Brantley, Mabel Ruth 2254. Branton, Razzie Ray 4846. Bras, Monique Therese 5669. Brasen, Wallace Raymond 604. Braswell, William 1935. Braverman, Elizabeth Parks 2330. Braverman, Howard 3374. Braverman, Howard 3461. Braxton, Jabus Walter 4922. Breadon, Robert Edwin 2919. Breazeale, James Branson 5059a. Brecher, Gerhard Karl Adolf Otto 115. Bree, Jacobus Christiaan 2960. Breece, Ruth Schoenberger 2236. Breen, William James 3692. Breibart, Sidney 4345. Brendall, Earl Hall 5038. Bresee, Louis Bowles 3995. Breslow, David Samuel 430. Brewer, Earl D. C. 5707. Brewer, Mary Elizabeth 1746. Brewster, James Pendleton 3798. Brewster, James Pendleton 3893. Brewster, Lawrence Fay 3351. Brian, Beverly Dianne 2524. Brice, Luther Kennedy 605. Briceland, Alan Vance 3633. Briceland, Alan Vance 3715. Briceland, Penelope Warren 5505. Brickhouse, Ernest Fielding 5291. Bridewell, Joseph Albert 5171. Bridgers, Frank Ernst, Jr. 1972. Brideers, John Elbert 2188. Bridgers, Raymond Bradley 1747. Bridges, Daniel Moody 1315. Bridy, Charles Louis 1387. Brierre, Roland Theodore 757. Brigham, Lyman Henry 2833. Bright, Robert Dietrich 417. _Bright. Samuel Raymond 3602. Bright, Samuel Raymond 3545a. Brinson, John Clinton 5362. Brown, Adrian Ernul 4840. Brinson, Pearl Leola 5523. Briscoe, Charles Buford 3029. Britton, George Taylor 4368. 5936. Broad, Al fred Carter Broadhead, Edward Hall 3194. Broadway, Blanche 1918. Brock, Edwin Lawrence 5171a. Brockhoff 3 Lois Ann 4788. Brodersen, Jens 2525. Brodhag, Alex Edgar 587. Brody, Leon 4060. Brokaw, Ruth W. 3844. Bronson, Arthur H arold 2715. Brookover, L ind a 5759. __ ^Brooks, Charles Edward 3907 . Brooks , Jes sie_Mae 21 94 . Brooks , Onni e Estu s 1195 . Brooks, Robert Charles 1040. Broom, Leonard 5678. Bross ,_Add i son C l em 24 9 . Brothers, Wilbur Leo 1679. Brouse, Albert J. 2266. Broussard, James Hugh 3693. Brown, Adrian Ernul 4872. Brown, Byron Roy 5226. Brown, Cansau Delane 4923. Brown, Dalton Milford 161. Brown, George Erwin 1388. Brown, Gregory Neil 3092. Brown, Henry Clay 454. Brown, James Henry 3114. Brown, James Newton 1844. Brown, James Newton 1894. Brown, James Wilson 145. Brown, James Wilson 154. Brown, James Witt 4903. Brown, James Witt 4945. Brown, Jesse Hunchberger 5492. Brown, Joan Claudette 4021. Brown, Jonas William 3853. Brown, Joshua Robert Calloway 5894. Brown, Joshua Rob ert Ca llow ay 5917. Brown, Kenneth Lee 5493. Brown, Margaret June 2298. Brown, Margaret Lou ise 1536. Brown, Mary Ell en 406 5. Brown, Milton Perry 5445. Brown, Morton 578. Brown, Nora Catherine Hugh 1011. Brown, Norman Ralph 4423. Brown, Raymond Ode 11 5145. Brown, Robert Edgar Brown, Walter Varian 4946. 194. Browne, Margaret A. 3383. Brownell, Robert Foote 4179. Browning, Elmer Ross 1196. Browning, Lonville Epton 1686. Browning, Marie Boggess 1197. Brownlee, Susan Templeton 98. Brownlee, William Hugh 5357. Brubaker, Mark Allen 958. Bruce, Richard C. 5982. Bruce, William Thornton 1562. Bruck, Nikolaus 951. Bryan, Colgan Hobson 1438. Bryan, Emily Virginia Schmitt 238, Bryan, Thomas Conn 3430. Bryan, William Alfred 1973. Bryant, Anne 2110. Bryant, Carlyle Rupert 1389. Bryant, David Robert 703. Bryant, Ralph Clement 2996. Brysk, Henry 4194. Bryson, Daniel Winfred 1198. Bryson, Joseph Eugene 1767. Bryson, Pauline Pressley 5602. Buccino, Salvatore George 4301. Buchanan, Bob Branch 4008. Buchanan, Edith 2361. Buchanan, Evelyn 3781. Bucher , Richard Henry 4498 . Buck, Ida Hermine 1390. Buck, Walter Roger 425. Buckner, Edward Reap 2988. Buckwalter, Kathryn Ma«-y 2154. Budd, Allen Clark 5084a. Budd, Warren Candler 4984. Buehler, Martin George 1856. Buell, Jesse Howard 2741. Buffaloe, Norman Barnes 111. Bull, Virginia Anne 3204. Buller, Laura Eshleman 2195. Bullock, Henry C. 3099. Bullock, Thomas Kirby 1768. Bullock, Thomas Kirby 3436. Bulos, Bernard Arthur 99. Bulwinkle, Muriel Charlton 2237. Bumgarner, George William 5108. Bumgartner, Louis Emery 3523. Bunn, Carolyn Cooper 5897. Bunn, Ronald Freeze 4459. Bunn, Ronald Freeze 4486. Burch, James Charlie Horton 1919. Burch, James Charles Horton 1988, Burch, Robert LeRoy 1826. Burch, Vella Jane 1974. Burdette, Dorothy Nell 1622. Burdette, Orral Lorain 1439. Burgess, James Rowland, Jr. 1199. Burgess, John Evans 1440. Burgess, Marvin Franklin 5753. Burgin, W. Grady 5362a. Burhans, Allison Stilwell 426. Burke, Blanche Lenore 1106. Burke, William Miller 2060. Burkhalter, James H. 4182. Burkholder, Marilyn Ann 2590. Burks, Harry Hunter 1623. Burkus, Jean 5902. Burkus, John 569. Burnham, Richard E. 2645. Burns, Joe Gay 2834. Burns, Lacy Harvey 5060. Burns, Rebecca Sue 2591. Burnside, Dunklin Sullivan, Jr. Burnside, Maurice Gwinn 4409. Burow, Richard Wilcox 3996. Burris, Craven Allen 3560. Burris, Craven Allen 3716. Burroughs, Robert Eli 326. 3861. Burrows, Edward Flud 3303. Burrus, Charles Andrew 4232. Burstein, Kenneth Richard 4773. Burton, Anne Seixas a\,_2155. Burton, Nancy 1795 .__ Burts, Robert Milton 3375. Burtt, Everett Johnson, Jr. 859. Burtt ? Everett John son 927. Busbee, Betty e Anne 1739. Busch, Bruce Lipscomb Moore 2267. Bussell, Wilsie Florence 5561. Bussell, Wilsie Flo rence 5615. Bustle, Wade Robert 5146. Butcher, Gene Lacy 2835. Butcher, Mary Bright 3862. Butter, Charles Miller 4747. 1001. Butter, Irene Hasenberg Butts, Helen Elizabeth 5806. _Butts, Robert George _ 2612,. Butts , Vi rginia F . 2111. Buzzard, Gale Herbert_ 3983. Byer, James Edwin 2613. Byers, Archie McAllister 2760. Byers, Donald V. 2920. Byers, Gordon Cleaves 3899. Byrd, James Curtis 1624. Byrd, John William 2803. Byrd, Robert Ross 1797. Byrum, Roy Delbert 5292. Caddell, Elinor Brooks 4022. Caffrey, Mary Margaret 1236. Cagle, William Carl 377. Cahow, Clark R. 3694. Cain, Charles Eugene 625. Cain, Charles Eugene 657. Cain, Glen T. 5481. Cain, Herbert Lloyd 813. Cain, Robert Jasper 3695. Cairns, Frank Elmer Caldwell, John Tyler 2872. _4392. 5195. 5792. 1740. Caldwell, Joseph Edmund Caldwell, Lawrence McClure Calfee, John Douglas 411. Calhoun, Frances Mitchell Calhoun, Rob ert Ly on 4373^ Calica, Roman Romeo 1756. Callahan, John Conrad 2804. Callcott, Mary Ireland 2526. Callihan, Dixon_ 346. Camp, Maryella 2112. Campbell, Carrie Belle Craig 5583, Campbell, Carrie Smith_ 1334. Campbell, Craig Carol 2873. Campbell, Enid Mona 4512. Campbell, Jefferson Holland 5482. Campbell, Mildred Ann 5937. Campbell, Olen Kenneth 1728. Campbell, Philip Storer 2156. Campbell, Robert Earle 1335. Campbell, Ruth Foster 5649. Campbell, Walter H. 1563. Canada, Mary Whitfield 2196. Canaday, Ernest Franklin 3815. Canavan, Francis P. 4495. Candelas, Graciela C. 5964. Candler, Frances Godfrey 3368. Canestrari, Robert E'Milio 4778. Canning, John Jacob 3634. Cannon, Carl Franklin 3510. Cannon, Ernestine Jacobs 1116. Cannon, William Maury 4663. Cannon, William Maury 4748. Canon, Alfred Orville 4439a. Canon, Alfred Orville 4463. Cantelou, Lamar Black 2921. Cantor, Louis 3589. Cantor, Louis 3649. Capua, Julius Paul 3376. Capwell, Richard Leonard 2637. Cardwell, Raymond £. 5162. Carey, Charles Major 2836. Carey, John Jesse 5508. Carlos, Thomas Patrick 119. Carlson, Alan Ervin 2961. Carlson, Lillian Elsie 2157. Carlton, Arthur McCoy 5263. Carlton, John Buford 2704. Carlton, John William 5414. Carmean, Willard Handy 2761. Carmean, Willard Handy 2997. Carnes, Robert Darrell 4112. Carney, James Joseph, Jr. 871. Carpenter, Alta Buane 2158. Carpenter, Clarence Ray 5778. Carpenter, David Williams 4115. 412* Carpenter, Dewey Kenneth 543. 606. Carpenter, James 1857. Carper, Doris Viola 1822. Carper, Doris Viola 4635. Carper, John Howard 4873. Carr, Charles Harper 1829. Carr, Heyward Alexander 1564. Carr, Howard Ernest 1165. Carriger, Thomas Pinckney 5009. Carroll, Charles Fisher, Jr. 1076. Carroll, Howard 5227. Carroll, Howard 5339. Carroll, James Elwood 4841. Carroll, James Elwood 4874. Carroll, Jane Helen 3950. Carroll, Kenneth Lane 5402. Carroll, Lloyd Gilbert 1761. Carroll, Mary Swan 3180. Carroll, Zoe Wells 5779. Carroll, Zoe Wells 5812. Carruth, C. H. 1336. Carruth, John Robert 4904. Carruth, John Robert 4947. Carruth, Paul 5228. Carruthers, Emily Lee 2159. Carson, Louis Frederick 1286. Carson, Louise Geddings 1565. Carson, Robert Brice 1391. Carson, Ruth Sullivan 5616a. Carson, Thomas Coleman 3739. Carter, Carolyn Lee 5993. Carter, Frances Claire 4048. Carter, James Edwin 5264. Carter, Judson McGilvray 1270. Carter, Mason Carlton 3043. Carter, Maude 2197. Carter, Nelle Ada 4472. Carter, Patricia Jean 4464. Carter, Robert LeRoy 4176. Carter, Roland DeBuske 2005. Carter, William Guestion 5926. Carter, William Guestion _5979. Carve 11, Kenneth Llewellyn_ 2992, Casey, Dayle Alan 4095. Cash, Derek John 710. Cash, Derek John 758. Cash, Rosanelle 5538. Ca skey , Ann Jour dan 444 2 . Caskey, Claire Omar 2283. Caskey, James Edward 3808. Cassady, June Reece 4018. Cassell, Hugh Kent 1337. Casto, Margaret Atkinson 1338. _Castor, Charles Robert, Castor, Charles Robert 544. 570. Cate, George Alla n Cato, Benjamin Ralph 2556. 3874. Caudill, Dennis D. Caughey, Mary Gladys Causey, Nelle Bevel . Cavaliere, A. Ralph 1441. 195. 5849. 321. Cebeci, Tuncer 3986. Cecil, L. Moffitt 2061. Cell, John Whitson 3717. Cerame-Vivas, Maximo Jose 5983. Cerame-Vivas, Maximo Jose 6015. Chadwick, I. Howard 5196. Chaffee, Elmer Fenn 551. Chaff in, James Claude 5265. Chaff in, Nora Campbell 3163. Chaff in, Nora Campbell 3365. Chait, Donald Carl 4180. Chalfant, Vernon Elmer 4875. Chalker, Robert Phelps 3220. Chalker, William Houston Chamberlain, John Victor 5457. 5398. Chamberlain, John Victor 5415. Chamber 1 in , John M ac Mullen 681. Chamberlin, J ohn M acM ullen , 736. 3696. Chambers, Mary Dawson Chambers, Moreau Browne_^ongleton Chambers, William John 618. Champagne, Raymond W. 3635. Cavin, William Pinkney 478. . Caviness, Woodrow Darlington 5229. Cavior, Stephan Robert 3937. Cavior, Stephan Robert 3955. Chandler, Everett Roller 5816. Chandler, John Wesley 5410. Chaney, Jane Elliott 5491. Chang, Chuen-chuen 4 281. Chang, Sea Bong 667. Channell, Robert Bennie 239. Chanphaka, Udhai 296 . Chao, Shih H ui 569 5. Chapman, M. L. 1653. Chappell, Fred Davis 2614. 3356. Chappelle, Daniel Eugene 3040. Chard, Leslie Frank 2582. Charlton, Virginia 2113. Chattarji, Dipankar 4328. Chaudhri, Mohammed Ahsen 4549. Chaudhry, Mahinder Datt 1029. Cheatham, Cora Lee 5780. Chee, Chang-boh 5 733. Chee, Chang-boh 5746. Cheek, Frances Gowans 23. Chekenian, Iris 2338. Chen, Chang 779. Chen, Huai-chen 5708. Chen, Tien Chi 545. Chen, Tien Chi 4246i. Chen, William Yuanlung 4862. Cheney, Sarah Anne 1992. Chern, Bernard 4239. Cherniak, Robert 100. Chernuchin, Vivian 913. Cherry, Leonard Victor 571. Chesley, Leon Carey 5797. Chew, Jeanne Maurer 5603. Childs, Clara Annie 2376. Chisman, Henry Harmon 2690. Chisman, Margaret Sue 2198. Chitwood, Elizabeth Anne 5550. Chiverton, William Scott 1625. Choi, Yoon Ai 3532. Chreitzberg, Augustus M. 503. Christe, Doris Virginia 1908. Christenson, James Andreas 4633. Christian, Charles Donald 5938. Christie, John Aldrich 2420. Christison, Isabel B. 32. 4000. Christison, Isabel B. 4000. Christopher, Benjamin B. 931. Christy, Wayne Herron 5193. Chu, Limin 2450. Chujo, Kazuo 2389. Church, Charles Alexander 3975. Church, Thomas Wright 2962. Cilluffo, Anthony Frank 4808. Cintron-Rios, Maria Mercedes 3636. Civin, Paul 3820. Civin, Paul 3832. Claiborne, Imogene Byron 350. Clark, Amos Olivia 1778. Clark, Blanche Henry 3154. Clark, Carolyn Bowman 5661. Clark, Charles Branch 3221. Clark, Ellen Mercer 825. Clark, Frank Eugene 3839. Clark, Frank Eugene 3858. Clark, Helen Dearmin 4842. Clark, Helen Dearmin 4876. Clark, Martha Louise 5865. Clark, Paul Wilson 4499. Clark, Thomas Dionysius 3189. Clark, Virginia Louise 5628. Clarke, Alan Rogers 4774. Clarke, Alisone M. 668. Clarke, Mary Gill 4712. Clarke, Sara Elizabeth 5530. Clarke, William Mynell 5940. Clarkson, Helen Elizabeth 3782. Clarkson, John Montgomery 3736. Clavering, Rose 2317. Clay, Charles Wesley 4924. Clay, Leo Roderick 4664. Clayton, Bruce Lynn 3637. Clayton, William Joseph 380. Clayton, William Joseph 406. Cleaveland, Frederic Neill 3338. Cleaveland, John Adams 3100. Cleaves, Alden Parker 4144. _ Clebsch, Edward Ernst Cooper 279. Clees, James Cameron 2268. Cleetwood, Cleet Clyde 1754. Clegg, Mildred I. 5138. Clemans, George Burtis 711. Clemans, George Burtis 737. Clemons, James Thomas 5483. Cleveland, Opal Jean 2220. Cleveland, Vela Howell 5844. _Cliftoru_C._S..- .568U. Clifton, James Malcolm 3533. Clifton , Robe rt Ma r ston 1936. Cline. John 2114. Cline, John 2293. Clouser, Paul Lee 4313. ;>Clu te, Robert Eugene 4506j_ Clutter, Jerome Lee 3023. Clutter, Jero me Lee 3066. Cobb , Ja cob Ernest 1271. _Cobbs_,_Walter Herbert 507. Cobey, Florapearl Armstrong Coble, Carolyn Idol 2646. 67. Coble, Joseph Fillmore Cochran, Bernard Harvey Cochran, James Edgar 5321. Cocke, John 3911. 5220. 5468. Cockrell, Henry Hadley 1845. Cody, Frances Perle 5830. Cody, Ray Spencer 5039. Coffee, Florence Marie 4490. Coffin, George Kyle 777. Cofresi, Emilio 5716. Cogswell, Sumter Aldage 446. Cohen, Eckford L. 3837. Cohen, Eckford 3851. Cohen, Hilda 232. Cohen, Louis David 4677. Cohn, David V. 63. Cole, Benjamin Theodore 4350. Cole, Benjamin Theodore 5903. Cole, Doris Annette 2557. Cole, Elfreida 2115. Cole, James Lawrence 4802. Cole, John William 1442. Cole, Margaret Evelyn 5874. Coleman, Maybelle 5698. Coleman, Thomas Rupert 4843. Coleman, Thomas Rupert 4877, Coles, William Jeffrey Coles, William Jeffrey Colinvaux, Paul Alfred 3889. 3901. 5997, Collett, Robert Lee 1019. Col ley, Frank Harris 3259. Collicott, Lloyd Vincent 2874. Coleman, Donna Elizabeth 1183. Coleman, Frank McGill 4526. Coleman, James Richard 6016. Coleman, Margaret Louise 3211. Collins, Annie Ethelene 1626. Collins. Claude Ray 5108a. Collins, Elmer Harland 1237. Collins, Herbert 3384. Collins, Herbert 5770. Colloms, Lester Hubert 5217. Coltrane, James Elbridge 4365. Colvin, Ralph Whitmore 4703. Combs, James Howard 1670. Come, Donald Robert 3357. Comer, David Baine 2385. Commander, Richard Thompson 5378. Compton, Jane Howard 2527. KConard, Thomas Pennington 1287. Cox, Gene Spracher 2998. Condron. Clara Mae 3275. »Cone, Bonnie Ethel 1537. Connolly, Francis Thomas 3002. Connor. Emma Cower 2376a. Conoley, Rudolph Evander 3276. Conrad, Frederick Larue 999. Conrad. Jack Randolph 24. Conrad, Joseph Locke 2762. Constantine, Gus Andrew 1748. Conte, John Peter 3385. Conyers, David P. 5265a. Cook, Abner Ray 5010. Cook, Donald Eugene 5469. Cook, Francis K. 4443. Cook, Hugh Gray 1443. Cook, Louis Bertram 351. Cook, Louis Bertram 371. Cook, Pierce Embree 5011. Cook, Richard Cairns 2837. Cook, Viola 2221. Cooke, Cecil Dennis 1238. Cooke, Cecil Edwards 1082. Cooke, Dennis Hargrove 1054. Cooke, Jack 5172. Cooke, Jack Homer 5293. Cooley, William Frank 5012. Coolidge, Cary 5634. Cooney, Barbara Ann 626. Cooney, Barbara Ann 658. Cooper, Arnold 3638. Cooper, Charles Dewey 4172. Cooper, Charles Dewey 4195. Cooper, Charles Fisher 260. Cooper, Frances Harlee 3358. Cooper, George David 47 79. Cooper, Gerald Rice 408. Cooper, Gerald Rice 418. Cooper, Joel Aubrey 5230. Cooper, John Marvin 3339. Cooper, Louise Sullivan 1752. Cooper, Mildred Jo 3447. Copeland, James Marion 5061. Copeland, Lewis Campbell 5684. Copeland, William LeRoy 914. Copp, Earl P. 2222. Cordova, Max Fernando 780. Corley, Gerald B. 3437. Corley, Robert Calvin 640. Cornwell, William Samuel 5817. Correll, Donovan Stewart 137. Correll, Donovan Stewart 162. Corson, Harry Herbert 3914. Corson, Harry Herbert 4218. Corthell, Richard Eldon 2838. Coslow, Mary Ann 2451. see also Wimsatt, Mary Ann (Coslow) Costlow, John DeForest 5931. Cote, Wilfred Arthur 2875. Cothran, Elizabeth Lloyd 1952. Cotsoradis, Stephen John 991. Couch, Leon 3260. Coughlan, Heather Turner 3697. Council, Lowell Benjamin 5013. Council, Raymond Ward Council, Raymond Ward Courtneyj John Childs Courtney ,_John Childs 4866. _ 4925. 3609 .„ 4570. Courtney, Josephine Rowe 1315a. Covington, Bessie 2026. Cowart, Joseph Ralph 1034_^ Cox, Abram Jones 5062. Cox, Don Knowlton 217. Cox ,_E s th er Lee Cox , Fay 1937. 1600. Cox, Gene Spracher I Cox_Gene Spracher_ 2805. 2998. Cox, Granville Claude 1122. _Cox a _Headley_Morris 2091. Cox, Henry, Miot 3148 . J]ox, James Stanley_ _ CoXi_John Thomas 3340. _4220. Cox, Richard Allen 2615. _ Cox, Samson Arthur 4233. Coy, Nettie Helena 4140. Cozad, George Carmon 41. Crable, George Francis 4196. Craghead, Frances Ann 819. Craig, J. Marie 1077. Covington, Mary Faison 2090. Covington, Philip Stanhope Sheffield 2199, Cowan, Monroe Joseph 4263. Coward, James Kenderdine 729. Craig, Mary Eleanor 995. Craig, Ruth Winifred 3277. Craig, Sara Patton 1695. Craig, Virginia Taylor 2390. Crain, Elizabeth T. 2391. Craven, Clyde Rober 2284. Craven, Wesley Frank, _ Jr. 3145. Cravens, Byron Clay 5231. Craver, Donald Henry 2467. Crawford, Eugene Carson 4357. Crawford, Eugene Carson 4363. Crawford, Robert Gunn 3278. Creegan, Robert Francis 4064. Creegan, Robert Francis Crenshaw, Miles Aubrey 4621. 5994. Crenshaw, Miles Aubrey 6017. Cress, Hertha Ramsey 4004. Cresson, Bruce Collins 5494. Crisp, James Allen 3666, Critchfield, Clara 2062, Crockett, Cora Mae 1444. Crockett, Joseph McGavock 3003. Crompton, Shirley 493. Cronin, Eunice Thompson 261. Crook, Dorothy Louise 3749. Crook, William E, 4985. Cross, Carlyle 2285. Crosthwaite, James Carroll 759. Crovitz, Elaine Kobrin Crovitz, Elaine Kobrin Crovitz, Herbert Floyd 4758, 4803. 4763. Crow, William Addison 5040. Crowe, Frank Chapman 1288. Crowley, Christopher Julian Croy, Oakley E. 4823. 3492 Cruikshank, Margaret Jones 3232. Crumpacker, William Johnson 2705. Crumpton, Sidney Randolph 5173. Crutchfield, Finis Alonzo 5147. Crutchfield, Gilbert Wesley 5232. Crutchfield, Paul Washington 4240. Cubbison, Mary Paige 3590. Cuculo, John Anthony 532. Culberson, Chicita F. 659. Culbertson, Jack Arthur 3130. Culbreth, George Bernice 5233. Culbreth, Sarah Elizabeth 5818. Culbreth, Sarah Elizabeth 5834. Culp, William B. A. 5197. Culver, Charles Marriott 4775. Culver, Starr 5984. Cummings, Anne S. 4655. Cummings, Jasper Richard 2558. Cummings, Wiletta Bernadine 4402. Cuninggim, Merrimon 1975. Cunningham, John Monroe 2491. Cunningham, Marcus Earl 4824. Cunningham, Marcus Earl 4847. Cunningham, Noble E. 3421. Cunningham, Noble E. 3475. Curington, Orrell V. 1392. Curie, Lawrence Duke 2922. Curley, Edwin Munson 4105. Curry, Lois Mae 4665. Curry, Roy Watson 3476. Curry, Wayne Burbage 1566. Curtis, Kador Randolph 1086. Curtis, Ruth Evelyn 3175. Curtis, William Grandy 40. Cushing, Mary-Louise 1687. Cuthrell, Mabel Claire 3341. Cutter, Walter Airey 4052. Cutter, Walter Airey 4878. Cutter, Walter Airey 4598. Cuyler, W. Kenneth 4339. Cypers, Harry Wolfe 2876. Dail, Bernard Eugene 918. Bail, Frances Roderick 5344. Dale, Dorothy Jeanne 2255. Dale, Philip Malor 3448. Dale, William Pratt, II 3205. Dale, William Pratt 3334. Dallmayr, Winfried Reinhard 4525. Dalton, George Willie 5345. Dal ton, Jo Ann Baughan 4023. Dalton, William Theophilus, Jr. 1239. D'Amico, Frank J. 5606. Dance, Willis Lufkin 1976. Daniel, Annie Laura 2116. Daniel, Carter Anderson 2492. Daniel, Wilbon Harrison 3541. Daniels, Archie Shields 1165a. Daniels, Boyd Lee 5422. Dankwort, Rudolf Carl Werner 1864. Dantzler, William Hoyt 6018. D'Anzi, Francis Anthony 14. Daoud, Hazim Solaiman 287. Darling, John Blake 266. Darlington, Lacy Neil 3342. Daves, Walter Francis 4789. David, Farilla Bode 4687. Davidson, Cornelia Neal 3449. Davidson, Elizabeth Huey 3190. Davidson, Loren Kenneth 2485. Davidson, Marcia Dell 1014. Davidson, Mary Frances 1567. Davidson, William David 4666. Davies, Clyde Thomson 1087. Davis, Alberta Lee 5554. Davis, Charles Shepard 3251. Davis, Curtis Carroll 2282. Davis, Donald Albert 1339. Davis, Ethel May Davis, Harvey L. 1920. 4925a. Davis, Herbert Stephen 4 759. Davis, Ira Claude 1200. Davis, Jesse Maxwell 5875. Davis, Johnie Edward 2763, |_ Davis, Keith Eugene 47 90,_ __Davis, Luckett Vanderford 5951. _Davis, Luckett Vanderford 5QQft L Davis, Mary Martin 2468. Davis, Richard Edwards Davis, Rodney Oliver Davis^_ Rodney _0l iyer I Day i s j_Ro s e May 327. Davis, Rose May 335. Davis, Sylvia Annette 2719. 3450. 3557. 3511. Davis, Virginia Brid ges 20 46 . _Davis ,_Wi 1 liam Dixon 5234. Davis. Wilma_Marvette_ _241._ Davison, Alexander Thayer 2877. _ Dawes, JMary Josephine 572L. Dawson, Dana 5174. Dawson, Robert Grady 4848. Day, Charles Raymond 4771. Day, Lyndon Robert 853 . Day, William Franklin 392. Deal, Carl Hosea 473. Deans, Edwina 1201. Dearborn, Donald Curtis 3786. DeBouy, Katie Lou 3512. de Bruyne, Jacob Marinus Anton de Bruyne, Jacob Marinus Anton Decker, John Peter 165. Decker, John Peter 190. Deckert, Russell Coulter 2737. Dedeaux, Randle Juan 2806. Dedmon, Robert 0. 173. 338. 356. Dedmond, Francis Berneil 2318. Deener, David Russell 4452. Deetlefs, Philippus Petrus du Toit Deetlefs, Philippus Petrus de Toit DeHart, Mildred Francis 5524. Dehler, Sophie Anne 5781. Deierhoi, Tyler 3576. Deierhoi, Tyler 3683. DeJong, David Cor nell 1953. DeLancy, Franc es Prisc illa __4410. DeLap, James Harve 649. DeLap, James Harve 676. Delaplane, Walter Harold 852. Del Castillo, Rom ulo Adre 3061. Delgado, Nelle Smith 5617. DeLoach, Mary Elizabeth 2414. DeLong, Thomas Stover 2764. Delong, Thomas Stover 3008. Dean, Charles Wesley, Jr. 3770. Dean, Lillian Alberta 1445. Dean, William Eunice 4948. 2958 2839 DeMent, Russell Duke 2269. DeMond, Robert Orley 3252. Demorest, Merrick Albert 1340. Demouy, Alexina Anderson 1993. DeNike, Lyman Douglas 4804. Denman, Sidney Brunson 5735. Denning, Joyce Georgia 4473. Dennis, Paul M. 5322. Denny, John Peter 4780. Denny, Mary Rebecca 1977. Denton, Don Richard 778. Denton, Ernest Sigler 4949. Depew, Arthur McKinley 5055. Derr, Paul Franklin 413. Derr, Paul Franklin 441. De Santo, Pasquale 5428. Dessler, Alexander Jack 4246. Detoro, Fredric 643. de Trcville, Marie Louise 2063. DeTurk, William Ernest 5850. Dew, Joanna 3304. Diamond, Sidney 2923. Dibeler, Vernon Hamilton 427. Dickerson, Robert Turpin 4133. Dickinson, Elmer G. 3386. Dickinson, Lucile Lawton 2286. Dickinson, Vivian S. 1568. Dickoff, Hilda 4781. Dickson, Bonnie Ethel 2064. Dickson, Samuel Adrian 4314. Dien, To Thi 4102. Dietrich, Harry Schuette 2377. Diftler, Nathan 2765. Dildy, Felton Jane 4491. Dillard, Kathryn 2092. Dillinger, George Edward 5221. Dillingham, Mary Marjorie Carter Dillingham, William Pyrle 928. Dillon, Conley Hall 4374. Dillon, Conley Hall 4399. Dinas, Johnny Anastatious 5370. Dirks, Dwight Warren 5323. Dix, Edward Keith 973. 5590, Dixon, Arthur Curtis 2924. Doby, J. Lillian 1393. Dodge, William Wesley 5148. Doering, John Frederick 2006. Doermann, Ralph Walter 5470. Dolson, James Frederick 2270. Donald, Samuel Everett 4950. Donegan, Thomas Daniel 3451. Donnan, Sara Kathryn 4042. Donoghue, John Joseph 1694. Doob, Leonard William 4599. Dooley, Emilie Phoebe 3242. Doolittle, Warren Truman 2878. Dorman, Noel 2647. Dornbusch, Clyde Henry 2392. Dornbusch, Clyde Henry 2446. Dorr is, Henry Nathaniel 1830. Dorsett, Edward Cruttenden 1225. Dotson, Roy 1240. Doty, Cornelia Allen 1823. Doty, Roy Anderson 1316. Doty, Roy Anderson 1535. Doty, Thomas Smith 1538. Doub, Isabel Bryan 1909. Douglas, Donald Sterling 6007. Douglas, Jessie 1317. Douglas, Nelle Chappell 1446. Dove, Lewis Dunbar 311. Dove, Robert Britton 4552. Dowd, Orren Edwards 1447. Dowler, Clare 1994. Dowling, Ruth Ellen 3963. Downs, Murray Scott 3467. Downton, James Bertram 820. Downs, Murray Scott 3569. Doxey, John Elwood 5525. Doyle, Meryl Daniel 1819. Dozier, Richard Junior 2616. Drake, Thomas Mitchell 4500. Drake, Virginia Helen 794. Drake, William Harvey ,1846. Dratz, Arthur Frederick 64. Drennon, Herbert Neal 4453. Dressel, Francis George Drew, Fraser Bragg 801. Drew, Russell Cooper 4282. Duncan, Floyd Alexander 5175. Duncan, Marion Mahan 4246a. Duncan, Wilbur Howard 155. Dunham, Richard Marshall 4749. Dunham, Tessie Frances Yeager 4791. 3762. Dribben, William Barnett 1272. Driscoll, Charles Peter__ 730. Drozdowski, Eugene Christopher 3438. Drozdowski, Eugene Christopher 3684. Drumheller, Philip McCain 2807. J)rummond, Kitty Lomax 3222. _Duarte,_Hugo Alberto 5651. Dunkel, Susan Jane 2648. Dunkle, Margaret Robert 791. Dunlap, Howard Giles 2559. Dunlap, Orell Alva_ _ 8 49. Dunn, Elmer Cowan 1241. Dunn, lone Henderson 1067. Dunn, John Joseph 2560. Dunn, Millard Charles 5064. Dunn, Van Bogard 541 1. _DuBose, Charles Gerald 1394. . DuBose, Clarence Franklin 5109. DuBose, Robert Newsom 5324._ _ DuBose, Samuel Wilds DuBose, Samuel Wilds Duda, George 76. Dudley, Mary Adams Dunn, Willard Bruce 2720. Dunn, William Lawrence _^_704. Dunnavant, William Rexford 677. Dunsky, Irvin 5682. 5222. 5358. Dunton, Alice WedelJL 3164. Dupree, John L. 15 39. DuRant, Edward Wilson 286. Durden, George Douglas 3576. 2160. Duehring, Frederica E. 3261. J)uehr ingj _Virg inia Atwell 3262. Duffie, George Summers Dufort, Robert Hamilton Dugger , Fowler 443 4. 5063. 4724. Durham, Donald William 5346. Durham, John Edward Durrance, S. P. 2432. 5562. Durst, Margaret Rebecca 2093. Dugliss, Roderick Bruce 4518. 4571. Du gliss , Roderick Bru ce Duke, Kenneth Lindsay 5851. JDuke,_Mary_ Catherine 3_352.._ Dusseau, John LaFontaine 2027. Dutrow, George Fewell 3045. 3698. Dutton, Joe Dewayne Dull, Frances 2355. Duly, Leslie Clement 3718. Dunbar, Alonzo B. 1569. DuVernet, Grace Neville 1978. Dwyer, Walter William 2840. Dyas, Harold Eugene 442. Dye, Margaret Luisita 5539. Dyer, Charles James 4777. Dysart, Martha Robertson 669. Eaker, William Franklin 5041. Eakin, Frank Edwin 5496. Earle, Sylvia Alice 249. Early, Benjamin W. 2351. Easley, Esther Ann 4465. Easley, Nancy Hyde 3409. Eason, Elizabeth Bruner 3124. East, John William 2841. Easterling, Henry Beniamin 1716. Ebert, James Boyer 250. Eby, Charles Joseph 619. Echerd, Eugenia Mae 1318. Eckard, Edwin Woodrow 854. Eckard, Edwin Woodrow 865. Eckert, Edward Arthur 3998b. Eddy, George Norman 5703. Edelman, Irving J. 3390. Edelmann, Louise Lorraine 2223. Edelstein, Warren Stanley 3938. Edens, Lacy Thomas 5014. Edge, Charles Ernest 2463. Edgerton, Jesse Wilbert 4705. Edgerton, Roland Ottis 1068. Edmeston, Rhoda Christena 5584. Edmondson, Clifton Earl 3610. Edmondson, Patricia Bailey 4577. Edmundson, Lois 1341. Edwards, Allen Braxton 874. Edwards, Allen David 5685. Edwards, Earl Bowling 4879. Edwards, George Riley 5416. Edwards, Howard Dawson 4183. Edwards, Mrs. Sophia (Ryman) 4117, Edwards, Thelma Catherine 2363. Edwards, William Alpheus 5235. Edwards, William Burrell 1736. Efird, James Michael 5471. Efird, Laura Christine 1273. Eggers, Graydon Poe 1954. Eggers, Graydon Poe 2086. Ehlhardt, George Brinkmann 5325, Ehrlich, John 112. Eicher, Chester Franklin 1640. Eidson, John Olin 2189. Eiring, Armand Gilbert 4009. Eisenberg, Max Aaron 60. Elder, Frances R. 174. Elder, Mary Louise 3546. Elgin, Barbara Yates 4028. Elkin, Sanford 4258. Ellenberg, John Vinson 5065. Ellerbe, Isla Ramoth 2161. Elliott, Don Ringgold 4444. Elliott, Emmet Roach 3742. Elliott, Emmet Roach 3778. Elliott, Mahlon Hamlett 5266. Ellis, Ivy Mary Phillips 1665. Ellis, Melvin Hobson 1151. Ellzey, William Clark 5110. Elmore, Kelly Lee 349. Emerson, Charles Edward 3422. Emerson, Everett Harvey 2299. Emma, Ronald D. 2339. Emma, Ronald David 2514. Enfield, George Hyson 1088. Engel, David W. 5985. Engelhart, Roland S. 4750. Engle, Mary Margaret 3279. bngnsn, jonn Alan 3667. Entrekin, William Frank 3391. Erckman, William James 3799. Erickson, John Otto 4038. . Erisman, Fred Raymond 2493. Ernst, William 2721. Ervin, Everest LaMont_ 5014a. Erwin, Aurel Maner 5573. Erwin, William Rector 3577. 1021. Escobar, Ricardo Lagos see Lagos Escobar, Ricardo. 1938- Eskridge, Thomas Joseph 1268. Esler, Anthony James_ 3547. Esler, Anthony James 3603. Espy, Gladys 1184. Estes, Guy _2808._ Estes, Phoebe Beckner 2494. Esthus, Raymond Arthur 3452. Esthus, Raymond Arthur 3513. Estus, Charles Wilson_ 5449. Ether idge, James Neal 2766. Evancoe, Paul John 1185. Evans, Alona Elizabeth 4432. Evans, Augustus Elbert 2767, Jjvans, Beverly Daniel 3305. Evans, Garfield 4905, -Evans ._ Garfield^ 4951. Evans, Gerald Wilbert Evans, Joseph Claude 2879. 5176. Evans, Robert Rush Evans, Robert Weldon Evans, Wayne Orien _2768. 5267. 4764. Evatt, David Gaines 1688. Everett, Caleb Roy, Jr. 5294. Everett, Thomas D. 5177. Evers, Jim William 2617. Ewing, Thomas Newell 5687. Eyler, William A. 2065. Facinoli, Adele 1652. Failing, George Edgar 5341. Faires, Robert Edgerton 4151. Fanning, Frederick Deveau 5782. Fant, Alethea Blackmore 1654. Farina, Amerigo 4740. Farkas, Walter Robert 85. Farmer, Thomas Wohlsen 4622. Farnsworth, Clyde Huston 1729. Farrar, Margaret Ella 1979. Farrell, Charles Ernest 5907. Farrell, Earl Thompson 5371. Farrell, John Alden 4315. Farris, Bobby Ray 1865. Farris, Mary Mel 695. Farthing, Carrie Lee Fasick, Clyde Augustus 2300. 3120. Fast, Jennings Howard_ Faucette, Olive Cannady 5066. 1601. Faulk, Roland William 4952. Feather, Ben Wayne 4812. Feister, Irving 4139. Felder, Helen Elise 1242. Feliu-Otero, Luis A. 696. Feliu-Otero, Luis Angel 760. Felt, Jeremy Pollard 3514. Felts, Carl Monroe 1166. Ferchau, Hugo Alfred 269. Ference, George Melville 2925. Ferguson, Clyde Randolph 3534. Ferguson, Clyde R. 3587. Ferguson, Edwin Roudillon 2926. Fernandez, Felisa Dumlao Ferrell, Doctor Thomas _ 1035. 494. Ferrell, Doctor Thomas 520. Ferrell, Henry Clifton 3535. Ferrell, William Kreiter 2749. Ferrell, William Kreiter 2869. Ferrill, Mitchell Davis 3093. Fessler, Robert Glenn 660. Few, Elizabeth Vander Horst 2561. Few, Lyne Starline 4057. Field, Frank H. 462. Field, Frank Henry 499. Fike, Cora Ruth 3787. Fillas, Theodore James 2722. Finan, John Lincoln 4623. Fink, Leonard Sheldon 4799. Finklea, John James 1449. Finlay, James Charles 4513. Finnie, Gordon Esley 3578. Finnie, Gordon Esley 5472. Firebaugh, Joseph Jesse 2066. Fischer, Monroe Carl 868. Fish, Laurens Hull 4375. Fishburne, Margaret Greene 5831. Fisher, Benjamin Franklin 2592. Fisher, Cleo Edith 1289. Fisher, James Washington 1570. Fisher, Jesse Caldwell 959. Fisher, Jesse Gilbert 5555. Fisher, William David 5945. Fitzgerald, Frances 1395. Fitzgerald, Odie LeRoy 2842. Fitzgerald, Robert James 5891. Flaccus, Edward 270. Flaherty, Anne Grace 1671. Flanagan, Eleanor M. 7. Flanders, Bertram Holland 2217. Flanders, Ralph Betts 3161. Flannery, Peggy Anne Strowd 2249. Flansburgh, Clara Julina 5626. Fleming, Dorothy Hight 2118. Fleming, Elizabeth McClellan 2649. Fleming, Murry Douglas 5268. Flemister, Jane Lamarr 3964. Flemister, Launcelot Johnson 5839. Flemister, Launcelot Johnson 5862. Fletcher, Mary Little 2094. Fletcher, Mildred Jane 3263. Fletcher, Nancy Turnbull 3931. Fletcher, Neil Russel 4283. Fletcher, Ward Thomas 1290. Flick, Carlos Thomas 3536. Flick, Carlos Thomas 3588. Flinn, Lawrence 4051. Flinner, Laurence Victor 3233. Flood, David Wall 2340. Flory, Anne Putney 4413. Flory, Lula Mae 1186. Flory, William Evans Sherlock 4407, Flory, William Evans Sherlock 4426. Flowers, John Morgan 1762. Flowers, Virginia Anne 1787. Fluegel, Edna Rose 4393. Fluegel, Edna Rose 4411. Flur, Ina Claire 495. Foerster, Alma Pauline 3267. Foil, Robert Rodney 3115. Foley, Lemley Peter 5149. Folger, Ruth M. 1342. Folk, Hugh Wilds 1001a. Follett, George Leonard 2927. Folwell, Thomas Harold 1020. Ford, Emerson 5384. Ford, Joel Clarence 4483. Foreman, Charles William 4343. Foreman, Charles William 4351. _Forge, Auguste 3927. _Forman, Eleanor Brynberg 1069. _ _Formwalt, John McClellan 4143. Forsyth, Harold Frederic_ 2928. Fort, Willena 2119. Fort, William Edwards^ Jr. 4053a. Fort, William Edwards, Jr. 4049. Fortna, Betty Louise 627. Fortosis, Anthony Constantine 1798. Foshee, Charles Newell 5435. Foss, John Huston 2364. Foster, Abram John 3392. Foster, George Adair Foster, Hazel Elizabeth j4953. 4403. Foster, Hazel Elizabeth 4427. Fouts, Dwight Lang 4830 I • Fowler, William Randall 4811. Fraley, Jonathan David 3699. Fralick, Jo Ann 2528. Francis, Joseph Langhorne 1343. Francis, Luther Edgar 1134. Francisco, Noel ,5728. 2378. Francisco, Richard Lee Francisco, Ross ^5236. Franckle, Alice Emma _ 3280. Frangiadakis, Mark Frank, Harry Thomas 2650. 5484. Frank, Letitia Morehouse 5563. Frank, Walter Bergman 5809. _Franko, Alfred M . 3165. Franks, Doris Jean 6023. Franzen, Charles Kugler 1769. Fray, Robert Dutton 3976. Frayser, Kathcrine Rcgina 6. Frayser, Regina 4346. Frazee, Lora Miller 1696. Frazer, Emmet M. 5081. Frazier, John Rhett 2809. Frazier, Kathryn Eleanor 1655. Frear, Edgar Paul 1344. Fredericks, Frank Joseph 1881. Freedheim, Donald Koperlik 4765. Freeman, Fletcher Albert 1450. Freeman, Gordon Query 2392a. Freeman, Jane Gilbert 5467. Freeman, Freeman, John Alderman 5896. Kathren 5919. Freeman, Ralph Lexie 5150. Freeman, Robert Earle 2007. Freeman, William Lawrence 5198. Freiser, Henry 447. Freiser, Henry 467. French, Thomas Bedford 3046. French, Wayne Eugene 3015. Frey, Ellen Frances 2120. Frick, Harvey Lee 4601. Fridley, Robert Daniel 5295. Fridovich, Irwin 69. Fridovich, Mollie Finkel 5729. Friedman, Edward Leonard 4725. Friedman, George S. 2618. Friedman, Lorraine 31. Friedmann, Richard Timothy 1036. Friend, Fred Erwin 2287. Frierson, Manton Rodgers 2769. Fries, Jean Nevin 2238. Frost, Jackie Gene 704. Frostick, Frederick Charles Fruth, J. Richard 3306. 533. Fry, Glenn Ansel 4121. Fry, Glenn Ansel 4124. Fry, John Sedgwick 595. Fu, Hsueh-chien 770. Fujii, Otomi 4228. Fulbright, Evelyn Rebecca 1788. Fuller, Hugh Lee 1882. Fulmer, Mary Eunice 3759. Fulton, John William 5151. Fulton, Lewis McLeod, Jr. 3845. Fulton, Lewis McLeod 3878. Fulton, Pencie 1448. Fultz, Mary Catherine 2200. Funk, Sherwood William 4849. Funkhouser, Joseph Alfred 1571. Fuqua, Robert Meek 5296. Furnival, George Mason 2929. Furnival, George Mason 3030. Furr, Aaron Keith 4292. Furr, Lester Seymour 5042. Gable, Ralph William 563. Gable, Ralph William 620. Gab or, Andrew John 12. Gabriel, William John 2880. Gaby, Louis Ignacio 2963. Gadbois, George Harold 4539. Gadbois, George Harold 4589. Gado, Frank 2529. Gaiser, Richard Nicholson 2723. Gaiser, Richard Nicholson 2830. Gaither, Nenita 5853. Gale, Glen Roy 4044. Gale, Glen Roy 4046. Gale, Walter John 1749. Galloway, Charles Betts _„37 5, Galphin, Louise 1451. Gamble, Nina 1572. Gamelin, Timothy Robert 4578. Gandy, Joe Allen 2770. Ganley, Robert Verrill 2964. Ganoza, Maria Clelia 101. Gantt, Ben T. 3863. Ganyard, Robert Loyal 3650. Garber, Paul Leslie 5135. Garcia-Bottari, Rafael Enrique 5908. Garcia de Quevedo, Jose Luis 4169. Gardner, Eugene Elmore 5553. Gardner, Ralph Ahiga 4068. Gardner, Robert G. 5429. Gardner, Thomas Jefferson 2562. Garland, James Louis 1666. Garner, Frances Adrien 2530. Garner, George Lee 3166. Garner, Ruth Eldora Bailey 1152. Garner, Samuel Paul 850. Garner, William Nelson 5876. Garrard, Annie Walker 3167. Garren, Kenneth Howard 146. Garren, Kenneth Howard 156. Garrett, Denzel Raymond 1573. Garrett, Gordon Hughes 1226. Garrett, Harper Lee 3184. i Garrett, James Richard 3846. Garrett, James Richard 3879. Garrison, Albert L. 1123. Garrison, Allen Kenneth 4259. Garrison, Evelyn Crutchfield 1674. Garrison, John Leland 2121. Garrison, Joseph Marion 2433. Garrison, Joseph Marion 2583. Gavtrisou, Uobci't Edmund 'j\./H. Garrison, Roy Charles 1060. Cass, Walter Conard 1789. Gates, Rosalie Prince 3591. Gates, Rosalie (Prince) 3719. Gatewood, Willard Badgette 3493. Gatewood, Willard Badgette 3542. Gathings, James Anderson 4369. Gatlin, Clyde Talmadge 2365. Gatlin, Ruth Arrie 1627. Gaulding, Roxie 2095. Gavey, John 4344. Gavriloff, Gantcho G. 4435. Geiger, Walter Bernard 2965. Gelbach, George K. 3423. Gentry, Ivey Clenton 3847. Gentry, Ivey Clenton 3870. Gentry, John B. 1345. George, Charles W. 4147. George, Dick Leon 3989. George, LeRoy Brunson 4906. George, LeRoy Brunson 4954. George, Robert Wilfred 4606. George, Theodore Samuel 3783. George, Theodore Samuel 3833. Georgiade, Ruth Sauer 56. Geraci, Lois Roccatelle 2434. Gergen, Kenneth Jay 4792. Gerke, David George 4279. Gerke, David George 4316. Gerow, James Anthony 1452. Gerringer, Hugh Leslie 1866. Gervasi, Jay Anthony 588. Gervin, Spencer Rex 4424. Gervin, Spencer Rex 4496. Gesling, Martha Myra 1714. i Gcyinor, Douglas Oliver c'<4. Gibbons, Jean Dickinson 3921. Gibbons, Joan Worlcy 5885. Gibbons, John Howard 4221. Gibbons, Kcrmit Field 5015. Gibbs, Frances Ruth 5577. Gibbs, John Ernest, Jr. 1938. Gibbs, Norman Brantley 5403. Gibbs, Shirley Mae 3611. Gibson, Harvey Taylor 2008. Gibson, Walter Van Buren 1708. Gibson, William Marion 4370. Gibson, William Marion 4400. Gier, Leland Jacob 169. Giessen, Charles Henry 4955. Gift, Richard Edgar 1041. Gilbert, A. R. 455. Gilbert, Alfred Rachels 508. Gilbert, Barrie Keith 6024. Gilbert, Joe T. 952. Gilbert, Mary Jo 504. Gilbert, Paul Wilner 3816. Gilchrist, Reneta E. 5740. Gill, H. Aurelia 5786. Gill, Katie 1899. Gill, Robert C. 2881. Gillaspie, Athey Graves 339. Gillaspie, Athey Graves 372. Gillespie, Arthur Samuel 596. Gillespie, Edgar Bryan 2393. Gillespie, Helen 2047. Gillespie, Mary Elisabeth 1955. Gillespie, Neal Cephas 3592. Gillespie, Neal Cephas 3685. Gillespie, Sarah (Calhoun) 3612. Gillette, Janet Isabel 5643. Gilliam, Otis Randolph 4184. Gillingham, Samuel Wilson 1453. Gillock, Emmie May 3746. Gilmann, Hermann Henry 357. Gilmer, Lula Jane 5056. Gilmer, William Dryden 2930. Gilmore, Alvan Ray 2882. Gilmore, Alvan Ray 3067. Gilmore, Patricia 2122. Gilmore, Vera Lovella 827. Ginther, James Edward 2256. Gira, Paul Ambrose 2724. Girdner, John Byron 4706. Girvan, Margaret Leah 1135. Gist, Joseph Andrew 4850. Gitlin, Emmanuel M. 5326. Gitlin, Emmanuel M. 5404. Giuliano, Jerry James 470. Glabau, William Edward 2931. Gladfelter, Charles Herbert 1396. Glaid, Andrew Joseph 70. Glaman, Paul Thompson 2341. Glasner, LeRoy August 966,. Glass, Laurel Ellen 5958. Glasson, Lucy P. 1921. Glasson, Mary Embry 129. Gleason, Elaine Mygrant 4019. Gleaves, William Walton 3024. Glenn, Argyle 795. Glenn, John Spellman 3987. Glenn, Vivian Eugene 1227. Glick, Rudolph Alfred 3 765._ Glickfield, Charlotte Woods 2366. Gnewuch, William T. 5974. Goad, Walter B. 4222. Gobbel, Luther Lafayette 4820. Godard, Doris Elizabeth 3343. Godard, James McFate 4600. Godbold, Albea 5136. Godbold, John Jake 1397. Godcharles, Charles Augustus 4050. Godcharles, Charles Augustus 4060a. Godfrey, Bernard Ephraim 2966. Godfrey, Robert Kenneth 225. Godfrey, Roy Burchell 1124. Godoy, Gerardo A. 4013. Godsey, James Howard 526. Goebel, Norbert Bernard 2750. Goebel, Wallace Barger 828. Goertz, Clare Marian 4636. Goff, Richard Davis 3651. Goffman, Irving Jay 974. Goffman, Irving Jay 996. Goggans, James Floyd 2771. Going, William Thornbury 2067. Gold, Harvey Sheldon 257. Goldburg, Walter Isaac 4234. Goldman, Robert L. 2563. Goldston, Cleo Wade 4956. Goldstone, Sanford 4707. Golightly, Howard Buren 1398. Gonis, Christine 2495. Gooch, Richard Este 1097. Good, Myron Lindsay 4197. Goodbread, Louise 821. Goode, George Edgar 3922. Goode, George Edgar 4484. Goode, Hal Kelly 1152a. Goode, William Osborne 5662. Goodkind, John Morton 4272. Goodman, Juanita Lee 5456. Goodman, Warren Herbert 3307. Goodrum, William Drayton 3134. Goodson, Susan Tweed 3613. Goodwin, Crauford David Wycliffe Goodwin, Noma Lee 2271. Goodwin, Norvelle Winston 5688. Goodwin, Otho Creasy 2772. Goolsby, Owen Lee 5534. Gordon, Donald Precourt 5866. Gordon, Harold Dunbar 4445. Gordon, Hiram Landor 4691. Gordon, John Starke 4553. Gordon, Morris A. 209. Gorirossi, Flora E. 5923. Gorman, Mary Aylward 352. Gorman, Mary Aylward 378. Gossett, Louise Young 2550. Gottheil, Fred Monroe 975. Gottheil, Fred Monroe 997. Gottlieb, Ann (Lodge) 4766. Gottlieb, Gilbert 4767. Gould, Robert Kent .414. Gould, Robert Kent 443. Grace, Nelson Burton 4726. Gragg, Alan Wayner 5458. Graham, Benjamin Franklin 271. Graham, Eleanor Grace 1107. Graham, Thomas Bell 4501. Grant, Louise Gundry 2651. Grant, Minnie Spencer 3168. Grant, Nicholas Warnum 5043. Grant, Sarah Bird 2452. Grantham, R. Jack 534. Grasty, George Mason 3131. 987. Gratz, Joan Alice 748. Gravatt, Ann Sullivan 731. Graves, Robert Dorset 2379. Graves, Roy Neil 2619. Gray, Alan DeLeon 5179. Gray, Elizabeth 1153. Grayson, William Curtis 4235. Greathouse, Glenn Arthur 118. Green, Charles Sylvester 4851. Green, Claud Bethune 2374. Green, Ernest Joshua 1956. Green, Irving 65. Green, Ralph Tillman 956. Greenberg, Arthur 4681. Greenberg, George 4768. Greenberg, Irving Melbourne 5854 Greene, Franklin William 5297. Greene, Fred Woodside 1089. Greene, Jack Phillip 3524. Greene, James 0. 1574. Greene, John Thomas 5152. Greene, Johnnie Thomas 5085. Greenhow, Charles Richard 4207. Greenlee, Lorance Lisle 90. Gregory, George MacKendrick 1969 Grice, Phillip Harold 5111. Griffin, James Benjamin 697. Griffin, James Edward 4667. Griffin, Joseph Earle 4425. Griffin, Lillian Defilippis 89. Griffin, Mabel Jeanette 3747. Griffin, Mabel Jeanette 3763. Griffin, Mary Helen 2531. Griffin, Ralph Hawkins 3020. Griffith, Emily Camilla 3147. Grigg, Claud 1061. Grigg, Ivey Franklin 1098. Grigg, Womble Quay 2319. Grigg, Womble Quay 4880. Griggs, Georgia 3243. Grigsby, Alice Blanche 1399. Grimball, Berkeley 3453. Grimm, Robert Henry Grimm, Robert Henry Grisham, Roy Arnold Grogan, Kermit Lee Groman, William David Grondin, Nancy Ann Gropen, Arthur Louis Gross, Dawyer Dincoff Grossman, Bruce David Grossman, Bruce David Grotpeter, John Joseph Gruber, Ira Dempsey Gruber, Ira Dempsey Grubin, Leonard Melvin Gruver, Esdras Stuart Guagenty, Mary Clementina 401. Guerrant, William Hepbourne 2725. Guess, Patricia Carol 2593. Guice, Clarence Norman 3234. Guice, John Asa 4852. Guild, Lucy 5526. Guilds, John Caldwell 2386. Guilds, John Caldwell 2301. Guinn, Mary Frances 5574. Guise, Stanley M. 5628a. Guito. Anna Sheoherd 3344. Gum, Coburn 2584. 4092. 4106. 5199. 5803. 4782. 2453. 3919. 5368. 4772. 4813. 4527. 3561. 3604. 5877. 5067. 3827. 5629. 1002. 509. Gunn, Lois Duncan 6003. Gunson, Mildred Sneed 3800. Guptill, Carleton Sanborn 5771. Guy, John Ansley 3281. Guy, Walter Carlisle 360. Guyton, Percy Love 3477. Gwaltney, Richard Clarke 3990. Gynther, Malcolm Donald 4727. Haag, Vincent Harold Haber, Pierre-Claude Haberer, John Frederick Habib, Fawzi 988. Hackney, Edward June Haddock, Richard Abraham 1062. Hadley, Elbert Hamilton 431. Hadley, Joseph Howe 4303. Hafer, Raymond Frederic 2620. Hagaman, Jake George Hagan, Charles Banner Hagenstein, William David 2726, Hagerman, Edward Hayes Hagerman, Edward Hayes Hahn, Martha Strowd Hahn, Samuel Wilfred Hahn, Samuel Wilfred Hahn, Vernon Walter Haigh, William Sunday Hailey, James Russell Hailman, Jack Parker Haines, Harry Caum Hair, Clifton LeCroy Haislet, John Aulden 2932. Hakala, Maire Tellervo 71. Halde, Carlyn Jean 4001. Hale, David George 2675. 1454. 4380. 3639. 3720. 2288. 3828. 3859. 2733. 2843. 5459. 6019. 2691. 3796. Hale, David Georac . jZ2. Hale, Lois 32S2. Hale, Robert Nelson 1167. Haley, Carl Wrenn 5044. Haley, Leanor Davison 29. Haley, Leanor Davison 202. Haliburton, William 273S. Hall, Arthur Ryker 3419. Hall, Elizabeth Ann 712. Hall, J. H., Jr. 1922. Hall, Maurice Barker 4154. Hall, Thaddaeus Bland Hall, Thor 5473. Hallberg, Russell Kurt Halloran, William Frank Halloran, William Frank Hallow, William Charles Hallowell, John Hamilton Halsall, Earl B. 4414. Haltiwanger, Robert Sidney 1099. Haman, James Blanding 2096. Hamilton, Charles Everette, Jr. 4602. . Hamilton, Harold Philip 5412. Hamilton, John Reynolds 5112. Hamilton, Marion Bessent 5712. Hamilton,^ Mary Jane (Greene) 1790. Hamilton, Thomas Theodore 3424. Hamilton, Thomas Theodore 3489. Hamilton, William Baskerville 3253. Hammen, Carl Schlee 5959. Hammons, John William 4615. 2043. 2SS3. 2469. 2676. 4685. 4404. Hampson, C. Ross 37. Hampton, Judith Allen 4360. Hampton, Kenneth Gerald 761. Hamrick, Emmett Willard 53S5. Hamrick, Garnet 5696. Hamrick, James L. 4457. Hamrick, Phillip Jennings 635. Hamsher, Carl Miller 2123. Han, Pyo Byung 1003. Hance, Charles Robert 552. Hancock, Carolyn Lois 5722. Hanes, Virginia Lee 2124. Hannen, Lew Wallace 1243. Hanson, Harlcy Myles 4728. Hanson, Isabel 4129. Hapala, Milan Ernest 4487. Harbin, Andrew Vandiver, Jr. 4926, Harbuck, George Welcome 5298. Hard, Walter Leon 5828. Hardaway, Richard Travis 3121. Hardcastle, Aaron Bascom 5869. Hardee, Robert Marion 4957. Harden, Nell 2356. Hardendorff, Victor Kail 2201. Hardin, Elliott Wannamaker 5086. Hardin, Harvey M. 4927. Hardin, Hilliard Frances 28. Hardin, Hilliard Frances 4002. Hardin, Paul Douglas 3283. Hardin, Rector Roemilt 840. Hardin, Rector Roemilt 856. Hardison, David Caleb 3880. Hardman, Linn J. 1346. Hardwick, Olen Leon 5016. Hargreaves, Henry Allen 2515. Hargreaves, Herbert Walter 887. Hargrove, John Zeb 2773. Harkema, Reinard 5813. Harlan, Douglas Sloan 4579. Harlow, Agnes Virginia 2261. Harmon, Elizabeth Anne 5952. Harmon, Elson Thomas 2621. Harms, William Robert 3070. Harper, Eunice V. Mitchell 1455. Harper, Gail 2533. Harper, Glenn Terry 3593. Harper, Glenn Terry 3652. Harper, Miles Douglas 5436. Harper, Verne Lester 2742. Harrington, Annie Mae 3755. Harrington, William George 3503. Harris, Arthur Small 1291. Harris, Carl Vernon 5394. Harris, Charles Stanley 5767. Harris, Clarence Ligon 5787. Harris, Constance Malmar 107. Harris, Florence Catherine 3176. Harris, Hyman LeRoy 4825. Harris, Isabella Deas 1980. Harris, Isabella Deas 2294. Harris, James Thurloe 505. Harris, James Thurloe 553. ..... Harris, Jesse Graham 4721. Harris, Joseph Belknap 272. Harris, Margaret Elliott 1456. Harris, Robert Leigh 3525. Harris, Thomas Munson 661. Harris, William Styron 2594. Harris, Yeuell Yeamans 3377. Harrison, Carl R. 1347. Harrison, Charles William 3206. Harrison, David Moody 847. Harrison, David Moody 88S. Harrison, Emory Earl 3614. Harrison, Eugene Myers 4907. 33 Harrison, Francis Eugene, Jr. 5544, Harrison, Julian Ravenel 5965. Harrison, Margaret Norma 6004. Harrison, Mary Elizabeth 1400. Harrison, Monique W. 5607. Harrison, Russell Sage 4986. Harrison, William Lee 3047. Hart, Irvin 4729. Hart, James Alfred 2677. Hart, Joseph Tate 4460. Hart, Kathryn D. 919. Hart, William Mar oney 5545. Hartle, Douglas Graham 953. Hartle, Douglas Graham 979. Hartman, Inez Rebecca 5585. Hartman, Joan Edna 2357. Hartman, John Leo 4353. Hartman, Mary Irene 1457. Hartness, Edna ' 2097. Harton, Benjamin Love 1078. Harton, John James 4618. Hartz, Edwin R. 5068. Hartz, Edwin Ruben 5679. Hartz, Edwin Ruben 5726. Harvey, Harlow Williamson 124. Harvill, Richard Anderson 830. Harvin, Harry Lewis 3410. Harvin, Harry L. 3543. Harward, Morata Beatrice 1981. Harwell, George Corbin Harwell, George Corbin Harwell, Robert William Hasenberg, Irene 960. Hass, Louis Frederick Hasscll, Allene Brinklcy 1995. 2105. 5347, 79. 1244. Hastings, Comer Henry 4908. Hastings, Comer Henry 4958. Hastings, Emily P. 3284. Hatchell, Glyndon Elbert 2989. Hatcher, William Hamilton 4532. Hathaway, Of fie Lemuel 4928. Ha thorn, Guy Bramlett 4448. Haugh, Florence Irma 5593. Haught, Viva Elizabeth 2028. Hauptschein, Murray 521. Haus, George Joseph 347. Hauser, John Reid 1847. Hauser, John Reid 1875. Hausman, Carl Ransdell 4698. Hauss, Mary Arden 1939. Hausser, Harry Edward 4063. Havens, Ralph Murray 889. Hawes, Raymond Burke 2933. Hawk, David Bixby 5736. Hawkins, Jean Ellen 38. Hawkins, Jean Ellen 3999. Hawkins, William Theron 2884. Hawthorne, Mark Fant 1458. Hayes, David Ryan 3956. Hayes, Samuel Banks, Jr. 1903. Hayes, Walter Harold 1930. Hayes, William Ernest 1575. Hayes, William Summerville 4540. Haynes, Winifred Newman 2844. Hays, Margaret Luanne 2534. Hayward, Becky Jon 2652. Haywood, Charles Foster 920. Hazlewood, Lucye Linwood 1100. Head, Philemon Ernest 1245. Heape, Rita Polk 1602. Heath, Frank Harvey 1459. Heckard, Cecil Linwood 5113. Heckman, Oliver Saxon 3268. Heckman, Richard Cooper 4212. Heckman, Richard Cooper 4246b. Hedden, Forrest Dearborn 5045. Hedeman, Emma Ruth 3788. Heeren, Robert Dralle 3016. Heffernan, Wilbert Joseph 4474. Heffner, William Frank 5180. Heggoy, Alf Andrew 3594. Heggoy, Alf Andrew 3653. Heilman, Carl E. 3809. Heilman, Lee W. 1940. Heimberg, Murray 554. Heintz, John William 4113. Heisey, Wilbur Lloyd 3393. Heifers, Melvin C. 2302. Heller, Robert Chester 2727. Helm, Robert Meredith 4066. Helm, Robert Meredith 4073. Helmbold, F. Wilbur 5409. Helmke, Henry Conrad 3135. Hempel, Robert Charles 2009. Hench, Harold Ernest 3394. Henchie, Janet Hamilton 4203. Henderson, Alfred James 3269. Henderson, Alice Lois 5604. Henderson, Cary Smith 3686. Henderson, Grace 2010. Henderson, Mary Elizabeth 4394, Hendren, Albert Lee 1460. Hendrickson, Clarence B. 1709. Hendrix, Major Clyde 5269. Hendrix, Thomas Christian 5181. Hendry, Harry Frierson 1576. Henley, Mary C. 5568. Hennen, Mary Bernadette 436. Hennis, William McKinley 1779. Eenritze, Welch Hudson 1292. Henry, Howard Emerson 1246. Henry, Sibyl 1072. Henry, Stuart Clark 5417. Hensley, James Powell 2622. Henson, Eleanor Elizabeth 1202. Hentz, Harold Horace 5546. Herbert, Alexander Sally 1883. Herbert, Carolyn Jones 2367. Herbert, Chcsley Carlisle 1900. Herbert, Chesley Carlisle, Jr. 4831, Herbert, Mary Eloise 5630. Herbst, Robert Taylor 3886. Herdman, Allan Whitney 5519. Hermelink, Herman Milton 2706. Herndon, Clyde 1136. Herndon, Fred Jackson 1603. Herndon, Jerry Allen 2623. Herndon, Nannie Mae 1604. Herndon, Nettie Southworth 3371. Hernick, Michael Edward 1293. Herring, Benjamin Marshal 2125. Herron, E. Warren 3895. Herron, Eugene Warren 3928. Herron, Ima Konaker 2021. Hershey, John Warren 2202. Hertz, Hilda 5701. Hertz, Hilda 5719. Hertz, John Joseph 1168. Hess, Dexter W. 227. Hess, Harvey Carleton 1461. Hess, John Henry 1228. Hess, Ursula Elizabeth 3515. Hester, Ernest Carrington 5319, Hester, Helen Serman 2394. Hester, Ruport 4713. Hester, William 4070. Hetrick, Charles Raymond 1294. Hettinger, Charles Paul 2049. Hewell, Onyce Olive 2050. Hewlett, George Tyler 2967. Hewlett, John David 293. Hickey, Doralyn Joanne 5474. Hickey, Harry Wild 612. Hickey, Robert Louis 2068. Hickey, Robert Louis 2316. Hickman, Victor Ralph 5153. Hicks, Lou Ella 4785. Hiers, Billie Jean 3890. Higginbotham, Robert Don 3570. Higgins, Robert Price 5992. High, Dallas Milton 5509. Highfill, Thomas Gutherie 4844. Highfill, Thomas Guthrie 4959. Highfill, William Lawrence 5418. Hightower, John Devereaux 2126. Hilbert, John Cassell 5237. Hilborn, Edwin II. 4722. Hilgartner, Margaret Wehr 5904. Hill, Benjamin Frederick 1295. Hill, Cleo Madeline 1S4. Hill, Edward Hughes 519. Hill, John Lowell 3615. Hill, Johnsie Cooke 2069. Hill, Martha Frances 2162. Hill, Rebecca Ridgely 4024. Hill, Robert Matteson 4215. Hill, Samuel Smythe 5451. Hill, Samuel Thomas 1012. Hillcs, William Clark 3548. Hilliard, Frances Pauline 2051. Hills, Mathilda Mellon 2624. Hills, Stanley 579. Hills, Stanley 621. Hinds, Katherine Powell 2380. Hinnov, Einar 4219. Hinnov, Einar 4246c. Hinshaw, Clifford Reginald 3308. Hinson, Van Glenn 1108. Hipps, Gary Melvin 1S06. Hirata, Arthur Atsunobu 5905. Hirsch, Albert Albrecht 982. Hirsch, Albert Albrecht 1007. Hirsch, Carl 5768. Hitchcock, Harry Clay, Jr.. 2810. Hitchings, Robert Grant 3031. Hix, Clarince Eugene, Jr. 4987. Hoag, Merritt Eldred 1203. Hoagland, Elizabeth 3285. Hoban, Charles Francis, Jr. 1180. Hoban, Charles Francis, Jr. 1941. Hobbs, Grimsley Taylor 4081. Hobbs, James Ewell 2774. Hobbs, Marcus Edwin 376. Hobbs, Marcus Edwin 396. Hobgood, Alton A. 2303. Hochachka, Peter William 6029. Hocker, Harold Willetts 3013. Hodel, Richard Earl 3946. Hodges, Carl V. 1462. Hodges, John Herbert 3896. Hodges, John Herbert 3905. Hodges, John Kennedy 32S. Hodges, Julius B. 1577. Hodges, Louis Wendell 5452. Hodges, Wiley Edward 4371. Hodges, Wiley Edward 4431. \U Hodgins, Bruce Willard 3721. Hodgkin, Douglas Irving 4554. Hodgson, Richard Holmes 233. Hoffeditz, Laura Margaret 3286. Hoffenberg, David S. 580. Hoffenberg, David S. 622. Hoffman, George Peters 1247. Hoffmann, Ira Penn 1296. Hoffman, Raymond Norton 3244. Ho f maim, Fritz Walter 4273. Hofmann, Julian George 2867. Hoge, Phyllis 2304. Hogue, Carol Clarke 4025. Hohner, Robert Arthur 3640. Hohner, Robert Arthur 3722. Hoke, Jane Elizabeth 2564. Holcomb, Shirley Lou 2368. Holcombe, Lena Mae 1605. Holder, Ray 5200. Holl, Frederick John 5776. Holland, Clyde Nelson 771. Holland, Thomas Edward 1024. Hollandsworth, Clinton Edward 4302, Holler, Adlai Cornwell 4853. Holley, D. L. 1540. Holley, David Pitts 2775. Hollon, Ellis Wing 2496. Holloway, Caroline Tobia 762. Holloway, Lewis Shannon 5046. Hollyday, Frederic B. M. 3439. Hollyday, Frederic B. M. 3507. llolman, Harriet R. 2295. Holman, Jack 2845. Holmes, John Julian 5087. Holmes, Kenneth Lee 2435. Holmes, Marjorie Moran 3309. Holmes, Philip Duane 2653. Holmstrom, Engin Inel 5772. see also Inel, Engin Holmstrom, Robert William 4814. Holt, Doctor Dillon 4960. Holt, Isaac Terry 3169. Holt, Nancy Binford 1248. Holt, Robert LeRoi 5386. Holt, Roy Ray 1741. Holton, Harold Belmont 1884. Holton, Jean Morris 5888. Holub, Fred F. 510. Holzworth, Robert Haviland 5867. Hones, Edward Wheeler 4173. Hones, Edward Wheeler 4208. Honeycutt, Ava L. 3668. Honeycutt, Charles Bailey 3148. Honig, Werner K. 4741. Hood, Edwin Morris 1680. Hood, George Franklin 4929. Hood, Mai lie Roy 5881. Hood, Ralph E. 1319. Hood, Thomas Charles 5760. Hook, Donald Dwight 3136. Hook, Wade Franklin 5741. Hooker, Charles Wright 5793. Hooker, Charles Wright 5807. Hooker, James Wallace 1867. Hoole, William Stanley 2000. 2203. Hooper, Charlotte Lucille Hooper, Winona Elizabeth ^ Hoopes, Luther Hartman 2.1^. Hoover, Basil 2320. Hoover, Edna May 2305. Hopke, Ernest Rudolph 4166. Hopke, Ernest Rudolph 4198 * _. Hopkins, Adelene M. 921. 4141. 2968. 4395. 4449. 4668. 4714. 5379. Hopkins, Anne Pleasants 2098. Hopkins, Elizabeth Gertrude 2053. Hopkins, James Franklin 3431. Hopkins, John Isaac 4131. Hopkins, John Isaac Horak, Francis John Horn, Herman Lionel Horn, Herman Lionel Hornaday, John Albert Hornaday, John Albert Hornbuckle, James Pinkney Horrocks, Brigid 2535. Horsfield, Christopher Henry 3923, Hortin, Ross 2846. Horton, George Raymond 1606. Hosack, Robert Ewing 4454. Hosain, Khondkar Tafazzul 1015. Hoskin, Charles Morris 5941. Hosner, John Frank 2885. Hostetter, Robert Dale 2739. Houck, Thomas H. 5689. Hough, Walter Andrew 3094. House, James Harwell 3234a. House, Ray Weldon 1090. House, Robert Lee 4854. House, Winfred Jackson 1727. House, Winfred Jackson 1734. Howard, David Caldwell 2595. Howard, Fletcher Earl 5017. Howard, Frederick Kennedy 3454. Howard, Lula Virginia 5578. Howard, Raydeen Roland 4167. Howard, Raydeen Roland 4185. Howard, Robert Crawford 5348. Howell, John Chase 5744. Howell, John Edmund 5485. Howell, John McDade 4469. Howell, Kay Marsh 5742. Howell, Thelma 5 789. Howell, Wilson Nc Daniel 3411. Howerton, Ila Lee 1049. Howie, Naomi 5105. Hoye, Mary Lou Kohfeldt 2654. Hoyle, Daniel S. 3310. Hoyle, Norman Eugene 2516. Hoyle, Norman Eugene 2454. Hoyt, William Russell 5475. Hozendorf, Connie Ray 5069. Hozik, Michael 1463. Hu, Cheng -Chang 3991. Hubbard, Thelma 5163. Hubbell, Jay Broadus, Jr. 3425. Hubennan, Edward 2001. Huckabee, Elizabeth Rezner 5612. Huckabee, Ellen Harris 1942. Huckabee, Weyman Carlisle 4909. Huckabee, Weyman Carlisle 4961. Hudgins, Walter Edward 5430. Hudnall, Eva Irene 2070. Hudnall, Michael Benjamin 5372. Hudson, Boyd Ellyson 444. Hudson, Donald B. 1541. Hudson, George Cornelius 2536. Hudson, Lucile 3urruss 4616. Hudson, Virginia La Frage 3467a. Huff, Jesse William 52. Huffaker, James Neal 4304. Huffman, Mrs. Esther Wright 4962. Huffman, Jacob Brainard 2776. Huffman, Esther Wright 4988. Huffman, Jacob Brainard 2993. Huffman, Norman Ara 4910. Huffman, Norman Ara 4963. Huffstetler, Juanita Elizabeth 1101. Hug, Richard Ernest 3025. Huggin, James George, Jr. 4832. Hughes, Ann Miriam 4341. Hughes, Homer Howard 2029. Hughes, Margaret Elizabeth 1705. Hughes, Maryanne (Robinson) see also Robinson, Maryanne 5999. Hughes, Paul Fenlon 2625. Hughes, Sanford William 1628. Hulbert, Marie Jones 1320. Hull, Alfred Newton 902. Hull, Way land E. 4342. Hull, William Henry Nelles 4514. Humble, Hilary Augustus 361. Kumm, Harold Judson 185. Humm, Harold Judson 199. Humphlett, Wilbert Jeptha 522. Humphrey, Elizabeth Marie 4656. Humphreys, Mary Emily 148. Humphreys, Mary Emily 181. Humrichouse, Ann Stockton 5547. Huneycutt, Charles Jerome 5392. Kuneycutt, Wiley Jackson 5114. Hunt, Dwight Russell 4881. Hunt, Francis Milton 2847. Hunt, Melba Cleo Greene 5832. Hunter, Adelaide Meador 3395. Hunter, Annie May 1117. Hunter, Charlotte Elizabeth 2239. Hunter, Merle W. 1464. Hunter, Sylvia Fishman 57. Huntley, Arthur Gene 895. Huntley, Dorothy 166. Huntley, Joyce Clydcnc Miller 4555. ->-/ Huntley, William Barney 5497. Huntsman, Carmen 4674. Hurley, Myrtis Tilden 1465. Hurley, Paul Joseph 2585. Kurt, J. Lewis 1321. Hurwitz, Arnold Philip 5S20. Husain, Asrar 4580. Huse, Mary Kathleen Martin 4751, Huss, John David 4519. Huston, Hollis Wilburn 5374. Hutcheson, Joan 3700. Hutchinson, Lois Bernice 4637. Hutchinson, Merrill Eugene 1466. Hutchison, Victor Hobbs 5942. Hutchison, Victor Hobbs 5969. Hutnik, Russell James 3107. Hutson, Harold Horton 5017a. Hutt, Paul Jonas 4708. Hwang, Chester ?. 4241. Hyatt, Albert Mark John 3723. Hyde, Forrest Ervin 5088. Hyland, Kerwin Ellsworth 5918. Hynes, John Barry 688. Hypes, Warren Dunning 3004. Ide, Walter Swetland 331. Idinopulos, Thomas 5434. Illich, Mary Virginia 4396. Imsande, John 81. Ince, Gordon Anthony 2934. Inel, Engin 5751. see also Holmstrom, Engin Inel Inge, John Wesley 5182. Inglis, Richard 4815. Ingram, Osmond Kelly 5299. Inman, Frank Edwin 1689. Insko, William Robert 1763. 2L Irby, Alice Joyner 4520. Irons, George Vernon 3230. Irvin, Ruth McElhaney 3311. Irwin, Harry Penrose 1710. Irwin, Harry Penrose 1735. Isenhour, Catharine E. 5564. Israel, Kate Ola 381. Ivey, Mary Frances 2164. Ivey, Mary Stuart 798. Ivie, Edith Jones 5618. Izower, Jack 5995. Jacks, William LeRoy 1348. Jackson, Dan Shaw 1770. Jackson, David Kelly, Jr. 1943, Jackson, Desmond Sidney 3057. Jackson, Essie Jane 1690. Jackson, Fynes Berty 4964. Jackson, Fynes Berty 4989. Jackson, James Fauntleroy 5047. Jackson, Lester Polk 5349. Jackson, Robert Bruce 3915. Jackson, William Thomas 229. Jackson, Winston Jerome 555. Jacobs, Donald Harry 4134. Jacobs, James Arnold 1249. Jacobson, Bernard Jerome 91. Jacokes, James Warner 397. Jaeger, Margaret Ann 1742. Jaeger, Margaret Ann 1799. Jaffe", David 2030. Jamerson, Charles Dewey 1868. James, Charles William 240. James, Fclthnn Syrcen 4911. James, Fleming 4744. James, Helen Rebecca 5548. James, Herman Brooks .James, Keith Warren James, Norman 2486. 916. 4072. 5510. James, Robison Brown James, Ruth 2165. Jani, Aurobindo J. 4S00. Jarman, Laura Martin 5527. Jarman, Laura Martin 5549. Jarnagin, Milton Preston 3871. Jarrell, Hampton McNeely 1970. Jarrell, John Percha 1578. Jarrett, Horace Marshall 3562. Jarrett, Horace Marshall 3626. Jarvis, James Clair 5115. Jay, Lemuel Eugene 2204. Jemison, George Meredith 191. Jenkins, R. Brovm 1349. Jenkins, Ruth Irwin 126. Jenkins, Sanford Swindell 344. Jenkins, Theodore Roosevelt 4912. Jenkins, Theodore Roosevelt 4965. Jenkins, Wilbert Armonde 113. Jenkins, Wilmer Mitchell 1703. Jennings, Charles Warren 535. Jennings, Louis Girton 817. Jenny, Yolande Jeanne 5660. Jensen, Raymond Louis 3669. Jernigan, Charlton Coney 784. Jernigan, Charlton Coney 804. Jerome, Robert LeRoy 4833. Jester, Harold Thomas 802. Jester, Joseph Richardson 149. Jiles, Robert Algin 3017. Jodrey, Louise Harriet 5913. Johnsen, Ardith Brask 301. Johnsen, Thomas Norman 280. Johnson, Alicnc 2011 . Johnson, Allen Saunders 3480. Johnson, Allen Saunders 3508. Johnson, Anna (Pitts) 645 • Johnson, Carl Anderson 5327. Johnson, Charles Buchanan 1719. Johnson, Charles Buchanan 1731. Johnson, Charles E. 2464. Johnson, Charles Minor 4199. Johnson, Clyde Alexander 1629. Johnson. Cvrus Murray 5756. Johnson, Daniel S. 1063. Johnson, E. Sigurd 2969. Johnson, Earl Frank 1467. Johnson, Emma Bain 2224. Johnson, Eric Gustav 2071. Johnson, Everette Keith 3932. Johnson, Frank Harris 120. Johnson, Glenn LaPorte 2436. Johnson, Henry Morrison 4966. Johnson, Hugh Hanna 4854a. Johnson, Jesse Louis, Jr. 5328. Johnson, Julius Robert 3908. Johnson, Julius Robert 3916. Johnson, Kathryn Eloise 186. Johnson, Keith Whitaker 860. Johnson, Keith Whitaker 899. Johnson, Mary Louise 3312. Johnson, Natalie Kristina 5598. Johnson, Oscar Floyd 3821. Johnson, Philip Lewis 288. Johnson, Richard Stebbins 537. Johnson, Robert Bruce 2886. Johnson, Walter Livezey 1025. Johnson, William Pearcc 1401. JSL. Johnston, George W. 183. Johnston, Jaines Gilbert 284S. Johnston, Nina Louise 5575. Johnston, Robert Ward 1402. Johnston, Thomas McNaughton 2087. Johnstone, Mary Stewart 2497. Joiner, Charles Frank 3670. Joiner, Oscar Kardy 1350. Joiner, Sarah Benton 2167. Joines, William Thomas 1836. Joincs, William Thomas 1876. Jokerst, Ronald William 3084. Jolly, Joseph Ralph 5300. Jones, Alvin Adelbert 4855. Jones, Barbara Louise 954. Jones, Barney Lee 5437. Jones, Edward Brodus 3654. Jones, Edward Earl 2887. Jones, Edward Eugene 2777. Jones, Edward Lee • 3481. Jones, Edwin Harvie 5575a. Jones, Eldon Lewis 3701. Jones, Elijah Newman 1351. Jones, Ethel Hughes 1137. Jones, Frank Norton 705. Jones, Franklin Ross 1764. Jones, George Wesley 5270. Jones, Glenn Clark 706. Jones, Gordon Ervin 4317. Jones, Haniei 5301. Jones, Houston Gwynne 3724. Jones, Hugh Edward 3616. Jones, Hurlan Eura 5048. Jones, James Ilolden 646. Jones, Jameson Killer 521S. Jones, Joseph Simeon 5115a. Jones, Leonidas John 1831. Jones, Marian Porcher 2205. Jones, Martha Elizabeth 2358. Jones, Mary Ellen 2470. Jones, Melville Lewis 5082. Jones, Murray Hughlon 5302. Jones, Ora Melinda 4675. Jones, Ora Melinda 4731. Jones, Patricia Elizabeth 5638. Jones, Philip Dwight 3671. Jones, Sam Bruce 5070. Jones, Stella Marie 1250. Jones, Tandy 2437. Jones, Theodore Edward 5116. Jones, Vernie Okie 1691. Jones, William Curry 2707. Jones, William Robert 1468. Jongbloet, Louis Alphonse 5535, Jordan, Frank 2498. Jordan, Frank 2678. Jordan, Frank Booe 4882. Jordan, Gladys 1469. Jordan, Howard Roy 5018. Jordan, Martha Robertson 2011. Jordan, Thomas Earl 39S. Josef iak, Eugene Joseph 33. Joslin, Vinnie Rona 3223. Jourdan, Marguerite Marie 967. Joyner, Weyland T. 4204. Joyner, Weyland Thomas 4236. Judge, William A. 536. Judy, Carl Wesley 5238. Judy, Clifford Page 304S. Jumper, Roy E. 4477. Jurney, William Howard 3760. Justice, Arthur Edward 1S07. 3125. Justin, John Raymond 1672. Justis, John C. 1542. Justus, John Henry 4990. Kale, William Arthur 4883. Kamin, Henry 500. Kammer, William Nolan 4581. Kandlbinder, Hans Karl 827a. Kanoy, Donald Wooley 1055. Kantor, Simon William 511. Kao, Kathcrinc Chun Ch'un 4692. Kapadia, Cyrus Jamnsp 4298. Kapchan, Jack Albert 4693. Kaplan, Ellen Brauer 3951. Kapp, Mary Eugenia 3750. Kardon, Samuel 546. Karlsson, Yrj'o Leinen Nikolai Karr, Mary Frances 1825. Karriker, Fuller Parham 4242. Kates, Kenneth Casper 5804. Kates, Kenneth Casper 5829. Katkin, Edward Samuel 4793. Katman, Thomas Sidney 4318. Katzenmeyer, William Gilbert 1743. Katzenmeyer, William Gilbert 1780. Kaufman, Elaine Elkins 53. Kaufman, Seymour 54. Kaufman, Willis Mast 547. Kauvar, Elaine Mozer 2655. Kawasaki, Kyozi 4264. Kayll, Albert James 3049. Kaylor, Robert David 5498. Keech, James Maynard 833. Keech, James Maynard 866. Keefer, Truman Frederick 2369. ' Keefer, Truman Frederick 2551. Keen, Qucntin Begley 3396. Kcene, Ellis Leaman 1470. Keene, Thelma Beazley 2127. Kecsee, Aubrey Mays 869. Keever, Homer Maxwell 4845. Keever, Homer Maxwell 4884. Keever, Nancy Catherine 187. Keever, Nancy Catherine 210. Kegler, Lucia S. 5645. Keirce, William Francis 2637a. Keith, Harry Dale 1251. Keith-Lucas, Alan 4478. Kellam, William Porter 1064. Keller, Albert Freed 5089. Keller, Margaret Neel Query 5426. Kellers, Charles Frederick 4274. Kelley, Byron Elmo 5019. Kelley, Gayle 1471. Kelley, J. T. 1352. Kelley, Joseph Jackson 1322. Kelley, Marvin Hess 5154. Kelley, Rhoda Athaleene 2054. Kelley, William Arlington 1579. Kelly, David Barry 4541. Kelly, Edward H. 870. Kelly, Gilbert Loyd 3005. Kelly, Jack Edwin 2849. Kelly, Kathleen Eliza 1673. Kelly, Philip T. 1543. Kelly, Richard Michael Kelly, Richard Michael Kelly, Walter Richard Kelly, William Watkins Kelly, William Watkins Kelson, Robert Nathaniel 2537. 2679. 4819. 2395. 2447. 4515. "'2- Kelty, Edward John 4752. Kemp, Arne Kalervo 2850. Kemp, David E. 4805. Kendig, Anna Mae 1697. Kendrick, William Turner 3997, Kenion, Alonzo Williams 2321. Kenion, Alonzo William 2607. Kennedy, Arthur C. 5271. Kennedy, John Wesley Kennedy, Vincent M. Kennedy, William Bean 903. 8S3. 3412. 2778. 58. 1791. 738. 4349. 732. Kennek, James Francis Kent, John Franklin Kent, Linwood Edsison Kenyon, William Grant Kepchar, John Howard Kerbow, Dewey Lynn Kern, Donald Warren _ 1472. Kern, Mary Katharine 2306. Kernaghan, William David Kenneth 4563. .Kerr, Marilyn Sue 5986. Kesler, Archie Dean . 5020. Kesler, Robert Harris 5239. Kessell, Harry Rayburn 5855. Kessler, Myer 4170. Kester, Grier Smith 5090. Kestler, Mary 1957. Ketchum, Margaret May 402. Key, Francis Bromlev 4135. Keys, Noel Wiley 4760. Keyser, Stanley Randolph 3440. Khalaf, Nadia 4556. Khatchadourian, Haig Apraham 4085. Kidd, Rex Charles 15S0. Kidder, John Newell 4275. Kicrer, George Croney, Jr. 2811. Kiker, Seaborn Martin 5155. Kikuchi, Tadashi 4284. Kilberg, Edward J. 942. Kilbourne, M. Elizabeth 1403. Kilgore, John William 670. Kilgore, John William 763. Kilmer, Hulda Kim, Chun Su Kim, Chun Su 1404. 274. 312. 4310. Kim, Sung Kyu Kim, Sung Kyu 4329. Kim, Taik Yung 102. Kimberly, James Carlton 5752. Kimbrell, Charles Wesley 5071. Kimbrough, Edith 1109. Kimler, Verna 3789. Kinard, Ellenor Milling 5761. Kincaid, Randall Rich 1027. Kincheloe, Henderson Grady 2296, Kincheloe, Marvin Smith 4885. King, Chi-Yu 1837. King, Creston Alexander 4289. King, Doris Elizabeth 3397. King, Doris Elizabeth 3478. King, Elizabeth Norfleet 6008. 5595. 5S56. King, Emily Barton 2012. King, Emily Barton King, John Talbert King, Joseph Edward 8. King, Joseph Jerome, Jr. 861. King, Lunsford Richardson 3957. King, Margaret Skeel 473S. King, Richard Austin 4753. King, Robert Herndon 855. King, Sallie Rebecca 1544. King, Sara Edna 5258. King, Susan Frances 6005. ^-k King, Virginia Wetmore 2370. King, William Connor 4216. King, William Eskridge 3641. Kind. Woodrow Wilson 2812. Kine-Farlow, John 4086. Kinghorn, James Myles 2SSS. Kingsbury, Ralph Norman 479. Kingston, Maricn 2362. Kinlaw, Sara Lorine 2128. Kinney, Hinton E. 3264. Kinsman, Margaret Eleanor 3369. Kirby, Frederick Willard 1737. Kirby, James Ray 623. Kirby, James Ray 678. Kirby-Smith, John Selden 4136. Kirby-Smith, John Selden 4145. Kirby-Smith, Virginia 2538. Kirk, Philip Moore 393. Kirk, Russell Amos 3323. Kirkland, John Dermont' 3642. Kirkland, John Dermont 3725. Kirkpatrick, Charles Atkinson 835. . Kirkpatrick, Donald Everette 4118. : Kirkpatrick, Larry James 2680. Kirshner, Annette Grossman 720. Kirwan, Albert Dennis 3405. Kiser, Vernon Benjamin 5694. Kish, George Bela 4715. Kishpaugh, Barbara Florence 4032. Kittila, Richard S. 463. Kittila, Richard S. 512. Kizilbash, Mirza Hamid H. 4542. Klawitter, Ralph Alex 3077. Klein, Bert Alan 5450. Klein, James Raymond 47. Klein, John Frederick 3073. Klein, Raymond Louis 1722. Klemm, Frederick Alvin 3126. Klepper, Elizabeth Lee 297. Kliever, Lonnie Dean 5486. Klikoff, Lionel Garland 302. Kline, Irene Tabitha 5857. Kline, Richard B. 2681. Klingman, Jack Dennis 77. Klostermann, Janet Gay 945. Knape, Arthur J. 1545. Knapp, John Laurence 5748. Kneipp, Janet Rettew 2225. Knight, Clifford Burnham 5946, Knight, David Bates 733. Knight, Eleanor Sue 713. Knight, Fred Barrows 2889. Knight, Fred Barrows 3021. Knight, James Allen 5272. Knight, Lofton Lacie 862. Knight, Mary Roberts 2226. Knight, Theron Turner 1581. Knight, Walter David 4159. Knight, Walter David 4186. Knipe, Richard Hubert 4223. Knipling, Edward Byron 29S. Knobeloch, Dorothy Elsa 1473. Knoll, Dorothy Bard 15S2. Knorr, Philip Noel 270S. Knotts, Zelotes Rufus 1138. Knowles, Harvard Vaughan 2656. Knox, Norman 2448. Knudsen, Lyle L. 2890. Knudsen, Lyle L. 2912. Koch, Daniel Francis 2970. Koch, Sigmund 4651. Kochenour, Earl Franklin 1474. ty Koenig, Walter Louis 2851. Koesy, Sheldon Fred 3655. Kohn, Edward Maurice 572. Kolb, Ernest Connors 4826. Kolb, Ernest C. 4930. Kopp, Paul Joseph 362. Koppenhaver, Allen John 2637b. Kovacs, Arthur Zoltan 4305. Kowal, Katherine Ann 47S6. Kowal, Norman Edward 275. Kozlik, Charles James 3026. Kozlowski, Theodore Thomas 175. Kozlowski, Theodore Thomas 203. Kraft, Quentin Guild 2455. Kraft, Quentin Guild 2608. Kramer, Miriam Loretta 1475. Krathwohl, Betty Augenstine 5884. Kraus, Clyde Norman 5460. Krause, James Barber 5880. Krein, David Frederick 3702. Krpinik. Phvllis Sallv 4754. Kremer, Anna Penberton 2499. Krenkel, Edward George 932. Kreps, Clifton Holland 910. Kreps, Juanita (Morris) 911. Kreutzer, Valerie S. 3141. Kriegel, Abraham D. 3579. Kriegel, Abraham David 3726. Krucger, Robert Charles 2471. Krummel, Mary Eleanor 5613. Kubicek, Robert Vincent 3727. Kubzansky, Philip Eugene 4716. Kucera, Daniel Robert 3074. Kuehner, Kenneth George 1641. Kuhn, Robert Elwood 1297. Kuist, James Marquis 2472. Kuist, James Marquis 2682. Kulow, Don Lee 3050. Kumro, Donald M. 336. Kuo, Jean 682. Kuohung, Ping-Wen 4364. Kurz, James Eckhardt 641. Kurz, James Eckhardt 689. Kwak, Nosup 3929. Kydd, Helen Elizabeth 3595. Kyker, Granvil Charles 4319. Kyle, Joseph Burch 3479. Kyles, Alpheus Alexander 4834. LaBarge, Richard Allen 1004. L 1 Abate, Luciano 4732. Labyak, Leo Francis 2779. 2959. 3245. 337. Labyak, Leo Francis Lacey, Mary Frances Lackey, Oscar N. Lacy, David Allen 5476. Ladner, Keber Austin 3246. Lagerstedt, Kenneth Raymond 3122. Lagos Escobar, Ricardo 1021. Lagos, Ricardo 1021. see Lagos Escobar, Ricardo, 1938- Lai, Hwa Wen 4311. Laine, Amos Lee 3703. Lair, Eugenie Dille 200. Lambert, Eloise 5540. Lambert, James Alfred 1353. Lambert, Sarah Margaret 3468. Lamond, Leo Daniel 2935. Lamparter, William Smith 2289. Lancaster, Forrest Wesley 4200. Lancaster, Purvis Talmadge 1808. Lanckton, Arthur Leroy, Jr. 3790, 1+ Landay, Marshall Edwin 4015. Landis, Allyae Wilder 2099. Landis, Robert Janes 1354. Landrum, Louella 2072. Lane, Daniel 5117. Lane, James Frank 2227. Lane, Mary Turner 1781, Lang, Cecil Yelverton 2206. Langford, Roberta Brodie 2596. Langford, Rupert Wesley 1355. Lancford, Thomas Anderson 5438. Langlois, Alphonse Joseph 4010. Langston, Robert Dorn 4769. Lancwell, Patricia Ann 3848. Lansdell, Emily Kilpatrick 2073. Lansing, Elizabeth J. 5987. Larche, William Lawrence 3143. Larimer, James Lynn 5970. Lark, Mary Jeannette 841. Larkin, Declan M. 4285. Larocque, Andre J. 4564. La Roi, George Henri 276. La Roi, George Henri 313. Larrabee, Donald Ralph 2936. Larsen, Harry Stites 3096. Larson, George S. 2565. Lashure, Melvin Murray 1583. Latham, Dennis Harold 127. Lathan, Samuel Howard 785. Laukaitis, William Edward 2566. Laverty, Carroll Dee 2352. LaVia, John Thomas 2567. Law, James Vincent 164S. Lawrence, Marquis Wood 4856. Lawrence, Martha Eugenia 3917. Lawrence, Ora Woodford 5672. Lawrie, Jack Douglas 1771. Lawson, Douglas Miller 5487. 2272. 2374a. Lawton, Robert Oswald, Jr. Lawton, Robert Oswald, Jr. Layton, Frank Leon 548. Layton, Reber Boyce 1405. Lazenby, Gail Bryan 3596. Lea, Mary Ann 1796. Leach, James M. 1546. Leahy, Joseph P. 3494. Leahy, Joseph Patrick 3526. Leake, Preston Hildebrand 564. Leake, Preston Hildebrand 589. Leake, William Walter 565. Leary, Thomas Francis 216S. Leavell, John Perry 3643. LeBleu, Ronald E. 690. Lebold, William Ray 2813. Ledbetter, Frances Gresham Ledbetter, Jap 1476. Ledbetter, John William 683. Ledbetter, John William 721. Ledbetter, Margaret M. 4867. Leder, Irwin Gordon 61. Ledford, Roy Henry 2971. Lee, Chien Ping 5988. Lee, Chien Ping 6020. Lee, Donald Woodward 1982. Lee, Emily Markham 2074. Lee, Herbert Leonard 3824. Lee, James Edward 2972. Lee, Jang Hyun 5745. Lee, John David, Jr. 4991. Lee, Lawrence Wolfe 5021. Lee, Robert Emil 2937. 1944. Lee, Robert Steele 5072. Lee, Thomas William 59S9. Lee, William Wei-li 781. Leenhouts, Laura Nelja 1252. Leete, Mortimer Uriel 1667. Lefler, Bayne Wesley 4967. Le Floch, Jean-Pierre G. 1869. LeGwin, Mary McCullen 1958. Lehnberger, Sigrid Louise 5608. Leighton, Richard Ingalls 100S. Leith, James Andrew 3516. LeMaistre, John Wesley 379. Lemos, Ramon Marcelino 4077. Lemos, Ramon Marcelino 4082. Lengel, Leland L. 3617. Lentricchia, Frank 2597. LeRoy, Hester Franklin 1996. Lethbridge, Berry Biccomb, Jr. 875. Leu, Liow-Min 772. Levenson, Jacob 340. Leventhal, Gerald Seymour 4783. Lever, Oscar William 5191. Levin, Florence C. 1356. Levin, Saul 4755. Levine, Robert 474. Levitas, Nora 4039. Levitsky, Ihor Alexander 4071. Levy, Edward David 48. Lewis, Allison L. 4100. Lewis, Alvin M. 671. Lewis, Eloise Railings 1800. Lewis, Florence L'Dora 2129. Lewis, Frank Bell 5340. Lewis, George Gordon 1169. Lewis, Gladys Shorrock 4033. Lev/is, Gomer Junior 1357. Lewis, H arold Walter Lewis, Henry Barton Lev/is , James Howard Lewis, Jo Carolyn Lewis, Nancy Eloise 4187. 5072a. 1406. 5715. 2250. Lewis, Ralph La Verne 4429. Leysath, Elwin Frederick 2780. Libby, Nancy Dorothea 2406. Light, Robley Jasper 691. Lightfoot, Neil Roland 5439. Lightle, Jack T. 1870. Lightle, Ted Lee 1871. Lightsey, William Fred 2814. Ligon, Edgar William 5835. Limouze, Arthur Sanford 2297. Limouze, Mary Anne Eeyward 2130. Lincecum, Jerry Bryan 2626. Lincoln, Clarence 1170. Lind, Edward Louis 496. Lind, Edward Louis 556. Lindsay, Charles Stuart 1477. Lindsay, Jacque King 636. Lindsey, Jordan Allen 5201. Lindsey, Julian Astor 5118. Lindstrom, Harry Oscar 1885. Link, John Barry 1S72. Linn, Bruce Oscar 623. Linn, Robert Maurice 252. Linnemann, Calvin Cummins 1547. Linschitz, Henry 437. Linschitz, Henry 4S3. Lipe, Godfrey Frederick 5350. Lipscomb, Arthur McLaurine 2169. Lipscomb, Donn Barry 4816. Little, Chloe Rackley Doby 20. Little, Edwin Demetrius 566. Little, Lawrence Calvin 4S27. V7 Little, Nary Evelyn 5774. Little, Sue Allen Warren 4682. Litzinger, Elmer Francis 739. Livingston, Knox Worrill 2815. Livingston, Martha Alida Corns tock 192 Livingston, Robert Blair 176. Livingston, Robert B. 204. Lloyd, Peter John 1016. Lloyd, Ruth 1630. Locker, Paula Rae 2500. Lofton, Paul Storman 2657. Logan, Leslie Emory 1056. Logan, S. Frank 3398. Lohr, Delmar Frederick 714. Lohr, Delmar Frederick 764. Lohr, Elida 1053. Long, Andrew Fleming, 1938- 3976a. Long, John William 3287. Long, John William 3432. Longanecker, Edwin ^Snyder 1253. Longstreet, Rubert James 1102. Lontz, Robert Jan 4293. Lopushinsky, William 289. Lord, Charles A. 3324. Lorman, Justine H. 2228. Lotspeich, Jane Inman 3150. Lott, Audrey Peacock 3235. Lott, John Raymond 2586. Lou, Pao-Soong 672. Louis, William K. 3247. Lovelace, Arsola Crawford 1091. Loveland, Clara Olds 5405. Loveless, Ruth 2273. Lovett, Jack McSpadden 2816. Loving, Grace Evelyn 2229. Lovink, Johannes Anton Alexander 4543 Loworn, Mary 2013. 343". Lowance, Franklin Elta 348. Lowance, Franklin Elta 384. Lowder, John Albert 5303. Lowe, Donald Scott 4168. Lowell, C. Stanley 4913. Lowengrub, Morton 3940. Lowenherz, Robert Jack 2342. Lowery, Andrew 1858. Lowery, David Perry 2891. Lowman, Everett Herman 5091. Lowry, Francis Bullitt 3563. Lowry, Francis Bullitt 3656. Loyless, Angie Elizabeth 1171. Luborsky, Lester Bernard 4652a. Luborsky, Lester B. 4649. Lucas, Isoline Beaty 1959. Lucas, Linda Susan 4014. Lucas, Michael Stephen Patrick 1848. Lucas, Michael Stephen Patrick 1895. Luck, Clarence Frederick 4246d. Luck, Seta Mahakian 597. Ludington, Charles Townsend 2627. Lumsden, Ernest Asbury, 1931- 4816a. Lune, Anders Edward 3018. Lund, Anders Edward 3103. Lundberg, Donald Emil 4645. Lundeberg, Philip Karl 3399. Lunz, Elisabeth 2539. Lupien, Alfred Louis 1254. Luttrell, Everett Stanley 158. Luttrell, Everett Stanley 170. Luttrell, Karl Francis 1681. Luvaas, Morten Jay 3455. Luvaas, Morten Jay 3527. Lylc, Everett Samuel 2973. y* Lyloa, Jamca Robert 1717. Lynch, Donald Walton 2709. Lynch, Donald Walton 3014. Lynch, Eugene J. M. 4243. Lynch, Eugene J. M. 4265. Lynch, George Ernest 5240. Lynch, Kathryn Willogene 1407. Lynch, Robert Allen 1172. Lynn, Julanne 2396. Lynn, William Louis 1548. Lyon, Catherine Hill 1187. Lyu, Kingsley Kyungsang 5202. Mabry, Gussie Eugene 1408. Mabry, William Alexander 3149. Mabry, William Alexander 3199. McAdams, Donald Ray 3704. McAfee, Janet Brokaw 5825. McAllister, Birdie 150. McAllister, James Gray 3751. McAllister, James Leon 5431. McAlpine, Paul Hamilton 1409. McAndrew, Florence Helton 4653. MacArthur, Carol-Lynne 698. McCabe, Vance Alvin 1478. McCain, James A. 1910. McCain, John Walker 1110. McCain, Paul Moffatt 3413. McCain, Paul Moffatt 3462. McCain, William David 3214. McCall, Margaret 3235a. McCallie, Robert Lewis 2032. McCallie, Spencer Jarnagin, Jr. 1154 McCamey, Kathryn Elizabeth 1358. McCann, Florence Ford 2207. McCants, Clyde Taft 2415. McCarrell, David Kithcart 3195. M« Carrull, David K l Llicaj i. 3241. McCartt, Miry Leah 1410. McCarver, Clyde Gay 5304. McCaslin, Phoebe Elizabeth 1411. McCastlain, Morris Sheppard 4857. McCelvey, George Edward 2637c. McClay, Thomas Alan 2852. McClintick, Keith B. 2728. McCloskey, Lawrence Richard 6025. McCloy, Minnie Lee Fagan 1139. McClurkin, Douglas Charles 2999. McClurkin, Douglas Charles 2938. MacColl, Sylvia Hazelton 4626. McCollum, John Isaac 2421. McConnel, Robert Merriman 3947. McConnell, Owen Link 4794. McCord, William Fletcher 4629. McCormack, Jeanne Eagles 2371. McCormack, Maxwell Leland 3095. McCormick, Addie 1255. McCormick, Carroll Gene 4260. McCormick, Dwight Williams 1204. McCormick, Edward Theodore 890. McCormick, William Devlin 4266. McCoury, Phillip Dewey 922. McCoury, Phillip Dewey 980. McCoy, Charles Sherwood 5329. McCoy, Lewistine Martin 5273. McCoy, Samuel Jesse 1901. McCracken, Mary Lee 1274. McCrary, Martha Penn 2343. McCrory, Otho Elmer 5858. McCullers, Julia Allen 2540. McCulley, Robert William 5119. m McCulloch, Thomas Logan_ 4595. McCulloch, Thomas Logan 4609. McCul lough, Raymond 0. 1412. McCurdy, Harold Grier 4630. McCurdy, John Albert 1656. McCurdy, Mrs. Mary Burton (Dcrrickson)- McCutcheon, Frederick Harold 5S22. McDaniel, Anne Elizabeth 1323. McDaniel, Jesse Louie 1809. McDavid, Raven Ioor, Jr. 1983. McDavid, Raven Ioor, Jr. 2022. McDermott, John Joseph 3.'iu >• I..U,' I it : I'ijt. Pafford, Julian Aubrey 1586. Pafford, Waldo Cecil 1488. Pafford, Ward 2331. Page, Inez Harlee 3326. Paine, Stephen Curtiss 2399. Paine, Stephen Curtiss 2552. Painter, Edward Jackson 1365. Palmer, Grover Winfield 1276. Palmer, James Edward 4397. Palmer, P. Robert 1489. Palmour, Charles E. 1366. Pannill, Harry Burnell 5279. Pannill, Harry Burnell 5395. Pappas, Nicholas Anastasios 686 Parham, James Crowder 687. Parham, James Crowder 724. Park, Robert DeForest 4152. Parker, Anne Elizabeth 5569. Parker, Carl Duncan 1851. Parker, Clyde Alfred 1811. Parker, Enid Rifner 797. Parker, Enid Rifner 823. Parker, James Austin 2943. Parker, John Harry 1490. Parker, John Reid 2976. Parker, Johnson 2908. Parker, Mary Carolyn 2134. Parker, Mary Ellen 480. Parker, William Alonzo 4181. Parkhurst, Amos James 1209. Parkinson, Russell Jay 3566. Parkinson, Russell Jay 3658. Parks, E. Taylor 3181. Parks, Genet Little 651. Parks, Helen Clare 415. I'tirlwi, iu-I.mi i.nulnc 2309. Parks, Paul Blair 4306. Parnell, Ruth Elizabeth 1298. Parr, Lois Alberta 2078. Parrish, Gene Blanco 3948. Parrish, Joanna Woodson 251. Parrish, Robert Guy 66. Parsons, Oscar Albert 4717. Partin, Malcolm Overstreet 3582. Parton, David Albert 4796. Paschal, Mary Naomi 1609. Paskins, Cloyd Woodrow 3361. Patel, Kanti Ashabhai 3971. Patrick, Clarence Hodges 5704. Patrick, William Franklin, Jr. 3400, Patten, Brooks 5246. Patten, Duncan T. 294. Patten, Francis Walter 4277. Patten, Raymond Alexander 4287. Patterson, Floyd Merrill 5096. Patterson, Howard Carlton 5352. Patterson, James Reid 4150. Patterson, James Reid 4237. Patterson, John Clarke 3173. Patterson, Marguerite Tiffin 5823. Patton, Dorothy Jean 2258. Patton, Ernest Gibbes 246. Patty, Jack Eugene 2400. Paulett, Grover Starr 629. Paulett, Grover Starr 680. Peace, Clifford Hinshaw 5051. Peale, Marjorie Elizabeth 2174. Pearce, Hubert Edward, Jr. 4996. Pearce, Lora May 1210. Pearson, Alden Bryan 3709. Pearson, Ann 1367. Pearson, John Herbert 354. Pearson, John Herbert 373. Peck, Alice Amanda 3756. Peck, Kenneth Owen 234. Peck. Robert Lawrence 420. Peddicord, Paul Wallace 1812. Pedersen, Pedar Malvin 428. Peeler, Banks J. 5035. Pegram, Howard Mclevcr 3866. Pegram, Margaret Hanner 4624. Pekkala, Salme Anne 5724. Pell, Evelyn Jackson 5541. Pemberton, John 5443. Penfield, Thornton Bancoft 2571. Penn, Neil Shaw 3549. Penninger, Frieda Elaine 2322. 2553. Pennington, Frederic Adams 2401. Pennypacker, Henry Sutton 4784. Perchemlides, Peter, 1936- 107a. Perkins, Betty Sue 5609. Perkins, Eugene George 2856. Perkins, George 2402. Perkins, James Croswell 5424. Perkins, Lois Claire 11. Perkins, Lois Claire 5953. Permenter, Walter Newton 1299. Perrin, Edwin Noel 2323. Perry, Anne Castelain 5647. Perry, Charles Steamberg 5307. Perry, Eustace R. 1649. Perry, Frances Hunter 528. Perry, Gilbert Vincent 1300. Perry, Haywood Arnold 1127. Perry, Jesse Parker, Jr. 2820. Perry, Lenelle 1750. Perry, Marvin 3519. Perry, Percival 3406. Peters, Frank Anthony 4446. Peters, Thelma Peterson 3265. Petersen, Richard Hubbard 5495. Petersen, William Bentz 2730. Peterson, Daniel McLeod 3768. Peterson, Dcwayne August 2456. Peterson, Dewayne August 2587. Peterson, Elizabeth Anne 614. Peterson, Harold Fern 3200. Peterson, Margaret Anne 529. Peterson, Philip Leslie 4107. Peterson, Robert John 947. Petitt, Gus A. 4331. Petri, Henry 984. Pettengill, R. Barbara 409. Pettigrew, Richard Campbell 1934, Pettit, Julia Ruth 1418. Petty, Paul Vernon 1551. Pew, Shelba Glenn 177. Peyton, Philip Barbour 4213. Pfeiffer, Jack Russell 2894. Pfeiffer, John Franklin 2659. Pfeiffer, Mary Margaret 3881. Pfeiffer, Walter Mark 4103. Pfisterer, Fred Russell 5332. Pham, Thi Thu 581. Pharis, Richard Persons 3068. Phelps, George Thomas 1230. Phelps, William Robert 2944. Phibbs, Andrew Frank 5074. Phifer, Ernest Carl 5280. Phillips, Beula Mayra 5845. Phillips, Claude S. 4470. Phillips, Colette Simpson 4584. G° Phi 1 J Lps, Dorot liuii Jo 1491 . Phillips, Edward Lindsey 4385. Phillips, James Godfrey 4835. Phillips, Jeffrey Travis 4585. Phillips, John Nova 2347. Phillips, Paul L. 4416. Phillips. Prcson Peek 456. Philson, Paul James 131. Phipps, William P. 1552. Phythyon, Hugh Reed 2945. Piavis, George Walter 5961. Pickens. Marshall Tvev 829. Pickett, William Lee 2601. Piedra, Harry Tiburt 5556. Pierce, John Arthur 4205. Pierce, John Louis 4586. Pierce, Lucile 1301. Pierle, Robert Christopher 2543, Pierpoint, Frank Ray 884. Pierson, Dolores Lehmann 5900. Pierson, Patricia Joyce 3550. Pierson, Robert Malcolm 2291. Pierson, Robert Malcolm 2353. Pigott, Otho Keith 907. Piirvee, Raimund 3011. Pilant, Denny E. 4558. Pilant, Denny Eugene 4572. Pilkington, Theo Clyde Pilkington, Theo Clyde 1832. 1863. Ping, Charles Jackson 5461. Pinschmidt, Mary Warren 5990. Pinschmidt, William Conrad 6010. Piper, Don Courtney 4533. Piper, John Franklin 5512. Pirkle, Eva Ann 3834. Pittard, Jesse Leo 5158. Pittillo, Robert Albert 1773. Pittman, DeWitt Kennieth 1650. Pittman, Frances Harris 2175. Pittman, Louie Delle 1368. Planck, Carl Gustav 1302. Plantinga, Cornelius A. 1634. Plantinga, Cornelius A. 4067. Pledger, William Ferrell 5075. Plemmons, William Howard 3212. Plowden, John Gabriel 2751. Plymale, Pearl Boggess 1303. Plymale, Rexford Puryear 1304. Poag, Frederick Vaughan 4603. Pohl, Herbert Ackland 421. Pohl, Marian Evelyn 5882. Pohrer, Robert George 3891. Pohrer, Robert George 3903. Polasek, Metodey 1010. Polk, Alice Morella 2209. Polk, Charles 5353. Polley, Max Eugene 5433. Pollitt, Joe Donald 2014. Pollock, John Brookes 1839. Pollock, Theodore Marvin 2324. Pomerening, Donald Alfred 2946. Pomeroy, Kenneth Brownridge 2821, Pond, Robert Barlett 2822. Pool, Bob Lem 4869. Pool, Bob Lem 4931. Pool, Frank Kenneth 5137. Poole, Elizabeth 5582. Poole, Mary Elizabeth 1986. Poole, Wiley Gordon 4997. Poos, Frederick William 3414. Poos, Margaret Stevenson 3415. Poovey, Maybelle 2035. Pope, Hilda Persons 26. Pope, Hilda Persons 30. Pope, Liston 4932. Pope, Marvin Hoyle 5106. Porter, Bernard 592. Porter, Calvin Lewis 5462. Porter, Earl Waters 3520. Porter, Earl Waters 3606. Porter, Gilbert Rodman 1492. Porter, Hardin Kibbe 558. Porter, Helen Elizabeth 2079. Porter, Henry Powell 3583. Porter, Henry Powell, Jr. 3729. Porter, James Norman 5764. Porter, John Allamong 2895. Porter, Joyce Elaine (Cahoon) 5653. Porter, Julia Adeline 5557. Porterfield, Austin Larimore 4619. Post, Boyd Wallace 3079. Poston, Mary Alvcrta 160. Powell, Margaret Alice 5521. Poteat, Mary 2023. Poteat, William Hardman Potter. John Clarkson Potter, Richard Austin Potter, Robert Duchaime 5387. 524. 559. 329. 1419. Potts, Charlie Kinchin Powell, Annie Mae 2135. Powell, Caroline Egerton 5833 Powell, Donald Moore 2080. Powell, James Dewey 1635. Powell, John James 5281. Powell, Lillie Mae 3427. Powell, Louis William 2947. Powell, Mary Ellen 3743. Powell, Robert William 282. Powell, Thomas E., Jr. 117. Powell, William Allan 573. Powell, Woodrow W. 2176. Powell, Woodrow W. 2465. Power, Walter Dean 1755. Powers, Harry Robert 2896. Pratt, Ellis Carl 1610. Pratt, Francis Marion 1494. Pratt, George Thomas 1495. Pratt, Joseph Gaither 4608. Pratt, Joseph Gaither 4620. Pratt, Judith Dunlap 5962. Pratt, Lanier Ward 5558. Pre is s, Jack 74. Prentis, Edward Walker 5186. Prentis, Robert Brown 4969. Pressly, Eleanor Crockett 3835. Preston, Norman George, Jr. 5308, Pribble, Mary Jo 630. Price, Albert Lee 151. Price, Charlotte Alber 985. Price, Eugene Patton 908. Price, Guy Vaughn 5670. Price, James W. 1700. Price, Virginia Woodruff 2504. Prichard, Howard Oscar 3442. Prichard, Virginia Meade 2384. Pridgen, Lorraine Isely 1074. Pridgeon, Charles Taylor 2572. Priepke, Rudolf Julius 342. Priepke, Rudolf Julius 359. Priester, Harold F. 1496. Prince, Agnes MacGregor 2230. Trine::, Deborah Burnham 6006. Pritchett, Leo Kluttz 1211. Pritchett, William Kendrick 792. Propst, Mary Elizabeth 1611. Prouty, Leonard A. 4638. Pruden, Brenda Lamont 4332. Pruess, John Frederick 3063. Pruette, Rowland Shaw 5400. Pruner, John Shults 3620. Pryke, Kenneth George 3551. Pryke, Kenneth George 3630. Puette, Lucille Agnes 382. Pueh, Charles W. 1840. Pugh, Elizabeth Lenora 108. Pugh, Evelyn Littleton 3567. Pugh, Olin Sharpe 933. Pugh, Olin Sharpe 981. Pullias, Earl Vivon 1222. Pullig, Flora Margaret 2348. Punyasingh, Krui 196. Purcell, Eugene George, Jr. 5333. Purcell, James Slicer 2081. Purcell, James Slicer 2332. Purcell, toe Maxine 4398. Purcell, Ralph Elliott 2177. Purcell, Wilbur Hallam 863. Purcell, Wilbur Hallam, 1938- 3953. Purcell, Wilbur Hallam, 1938- 3966. Purser, David Ingram 2210. Pushard, Gladys Garrett 3829. Puterbaugh, Walter H. 574. Pyle, Katherine A. 2242. Quarterman, Elsie 178. Quarterman, Elsie 211. Queen, Vergil Erwin 5207. Quillen, Delia Lucile 1962. Rabossi, Eduardo A. 4099. Racine, Charles Henry 317. Rader, George Leroy 1497. Radford, Kitty Chamberlin Hyatt 1758, Raebeck, Charles 1732. Raff, Patricia Jane 228. Rahman, Syed Matiur 4797. Rainey, Lawyer James 4860. Rainsford, Albert Edwin 364. Rainsford, Albert Edwin 407. Rainwater, Roland William 5282. Rajagopalan, Govindachari T. 743. Rajan, Jai Raj Narain 774. Ralston, Charles William 2787. Ralston, Charles W. 2870. Ramey, David Scott 2788. Ramsaur, Edmund George 3482. Ramsay, Charles McKay 5287. Ramsay, Sheila Anne 992. Ramsey, Benjamin Sterling 1676. Ramsey, Helen Joyce 5863. Ramsey, Julia Emma 2015. Ramsey, Robert Wayne 3470. Rand, George I. 2660. Rand, Patricia June 323. Rand, Robert Collom 3811. Randall, Eugene Boyd 5076. Randall, James Carlton 744. Randle, Clinton Wilson 5680. Raney, Mary Ann 5642. Rankin, John Stewart 5824. Raper, Julius Rowan 2573. Rapoport, Lorence 468. Rapp, Marvin August 3290. Rapp, Marvin August 3420. Raskin, Vilma Leah 2243. Rasor, Charles Lewis 2136. Rasor, Ellen Frances 3830. \ Ratchford, Benjamin Ulysses 831. Ratchford, Benjamin Ulysses 844. Ratchford, Charles Brice 938. Ratcliff, Billy 0. 1498. Ratcliffe, Anne King 1612. Rath, Harry Nicholas 1128. Rathmell, Jack Edward 1841. Rati iff, Charles Edward 934. Ratliff, Charles Edward 964. Ratnam, Bollapragada Venkata 291. Rattc, Rcna Josephine 4087. Ratte, Rcna Josephine 4093. Raup, William W. 3471. Ravcnel, William Bee, III 2100. Rawl, William Asmann 1326. Rawlinson, Cam Rhodes 1158. Rawls, Horace Darr 5757. Ray, Cora Miller 1305. Ray, Milton Undrel 5309. Ray, Philip Lancaster 2948. Rayner, Kenneth Tyson 3744. Rea, Katherine 3327. Reaves, Agnes 2602. Reavis, Rebecca 1420. Rebuck, Allen Laverne 324. Recano, Henry Howard 3388. Recoulley, Alfred Lunsford 2661. Reddish, Paul Sigman 133. Redman, Robert B. 893. Reece, James B. 2310. Reece, James Brady 2388. Reed, Arthur Van 2823. Reed, Bruce 1658. , Reed, Frederick tenable 3867. Reed, John Frederick 134. Reed, John Frederick 141. Reed, Mildred Gant Stites 135. ' Reed, Ralph Lee 5247. Rees, Edward Jeffries 4870. Rees, George Howard 5954. Reese, David Whitehead 5124. Reese, Ethel Merritt 43. Reese, Malcolm Cephus 5077. Reeves, Marie Louise 1369. Reeves, W. Thomas 3248. Reeves, Walter Paschal 2439. Reeves, Walter Paschal 2610. Regan, James Robert 5354. Register, Kenneth Davis 5283. Rcichard, James Charles 5159. Reichert, Albert Phillips 4058. Reid, Charles Lloyd 4079. Reid, Charles Lloyd 4097. Reid, David Gene 2736. Reid, Louis Jean 3939. Reid, Robert Harding 3416. Reid, William Henry 2789. Reid, William James 652. Reigner, Irvin Cope 2824. Rein, William Christopher 1306. Rein, William Christopher 1599. Reinhardt, William Warren 3677. Reiser, John Shealy 566a. Remley, Winslow Rodeck 4269. Renegar, Douglas 2457. Renfroe, Carl Gilbert 1307. Renfrow, William Burns 407a. Ktsutrow, w i 11 1.11,1 iluvns, jr. 383. Rentz, Thomas Eugene 5620. Reshaur, Kenneth Morton 4591. Retan, Edith Jeannette 1421. Router, William Leo 1212. Revcley, Walter Taylor 5407. Rex, Richard Luther 3109. Rexroad, Harvey Nixon 4248. Reynolds, Clark Gilbert 2645. Reynolds, Clark Gilbert 3687. Reynolds, George Arthur 539. Reynolds, Harlan Jerome 1784. Reynolds, James William 5365. Reynolds, John Bradley 1613. Reynolds, John Terrence 4321. Reynolds, Norman L. 2359. Reynolds, Thomas Davies 3831. Reynolds, Thomas Davies 3860. Rhett, Robert Barnwell 2977. Rho, Joon Hee 243 . Rho, Joon Hee 264. Rhoades, Mary Jane Hertenstein 318. Rhoades, Richard Wesley 325. Rhodes, Daniel Durham 5388. Rice, Clinton Posey 1258. Rice, John Edward 5248. Rice, Nolan Ernest 5798. Rice, Nolan Ernest 5808. Rice, Ruth Smith 2036. Rice, William Ward 3105. Rich, Edward Barry 4801. Richards, Claud Henry 4417. Richards, Claud Henry 4433. Richards, George David 2630. Richards, James Austin 4155. Richards, Jane Leighton 4914. Richards, Margaret (Weather ly) 2662. Richards, Michael Uulany 3678. Richards, Michael Reynard 2574. Richards, Noel J. 3599. Richardson, Betty (McCarthy) 4322. Richardson, Henry Powell 5160. Richardson, John William 1499. Richardson, Jonathan Lynde 6031. Richardson, Sarah Evelyn 1614. Richey, McMurry Smith 5125. Richey, McMurray Smith 5413. Richman, Ann Fiser 2663. Richman, Larry 2479. Richmond, John Ashley 1259. Richmond, John D. 1500. Richmond, William Dickenson 1231. Richter, Melissa Lewis 4043. Richter, Peyton Elliott 4078. Rickard, Harry Cleveland 5097. Rickey, Mary Ellen 2325. Rickman, Raymond Horatio 1636. Riddick, Floyd Millard 4389. Riddle, Ida Belle 4029. Ridenhour, Henry Isley 5310. Riebel, John Daeschner 9. Rierson, Herman Auston 5934. Rigg, Ann Evangeline 1587. Riley, Madison Monroe 2693. Riley, Walter Samuel 2991. Rimmcr, Maude Ella 3225. Ring, Harold Francis 4177. Ringlcr, Betty Irene 481. Rink, James Edward 5098. Rintelen, Joseph Charles 399. Risner, Benjamin F. 3378. Rivera, Rodolfo Osvaldo 3156. Rivera, Rodolfo Osvaldo 3191. Rives, John Edgar 4295. Robbins, Cecil Wayne 4970. Roberg, Jane 4148. Roberg, Jane 4156. Roberson, Paul Dawson 4386. Robert, Joseph Clarke 3157. Robert, Joseph Clarke 3201. Roberts, Alma 2101. Roberts, Beatrice Thelma 3771. Roberts, Bruce Roger 3052. Roberts, Bruce Roger 3097. Roberts, Charles Buck 4462. Roberts, Daisy Mae 1140. Roberts, Frances Lenora 2801. Roberts, Henry Stoutte 5892. Roberts, Ivon Leard 4836. Roberts, John Stephen 6032. Roberts, Lucien Emerson 3352. Roberts. Patricia Ruth 253. Robertson, Alfred P. 2137. Robertson, Archibald Thomas, Jr. 1924. Robertson, Clyde Henry, Jr. 5909. Robertson, Clyde Henry 5932. Robertson, Eleanor Virginia 1588. Robertson, Hettie Marian 3236. Robertson, James Campbell Hay 2828. Robertson, James Louis 5025. Robertson, Lora Lee 121. Robertson, Patricia Ruth 2326. Robins, Robert Sidwar 4529. Robins, Robert Sidwar 4561. Robinson, Albert John 1017. Robinson, Benjamin Franklin 1501. Robinson, Betty Belle 909. Robinson, Blackwell Pierce 3291. Robinson, Boyd B. 1112. Robinson, Charles Kivet 5444. Robinson, Frances 1422. Robinson, Harold Ernest 283. Robinson, Harold Manson 4971. Robinson, Hugh Gettys 4225. Robinson, James Thompson 4684. Robinson, Margaret Eula 2311. Robinson, Maryanne 5943. see also Hughes, Maryanne (Robinson) Robinson, Milton Harvey 5366. Robinson, Stewart Marshall 3930. Robinson, Thomas Eugene 1502. Robinson, Woodrow Thomas 1553. Robinson, Woodrow Wilson 1615. Rochlin, Alan M. 4718. Rochow, Theodore Frederick 309. Rock, Howard Francis Leonard 247, Rock, William Alfred 5284. Rock, William Ray 3483. Rock, William Ray 3529. Rocks, James Engel 2575. Rodgers, Charles Leland 188. Rodriquez-Diago, Andres 5788. Roe, Jay Thomas 3710. Roebuck, Julian 5702. Rogers, Anne Herndon 1785. Rogers, David William 1802. Rogers, Dorothy 1693. Rogers, Henry Harper 4119. Rogers, Hollis Jetton 212. Rogers, Isabel Wood 5463. Rogers, Jack David 3053. Rogers, James Edwin 520S. Rogers, John Groe 285 7. Rogers, Maude F. 1048. Rogers, Powell Burwell 1963. Rogers, Rembert A. 924. Rogolino, Mary Theresa 5591. Rohrbaugh, Daniel W. 3328. Rohrer, Robert Harry 4226. Rolland, William Woody 4307. Roller, David Charles 3621. Roller, David Charles 3730. Rollings, Grace Dunlap 5542. Rollins, Roy Eugene 1277. Rolston, Cornelia Love 5536. Romine, Benjamin Houston 4810. Rooker, Bessie Alice 1065. Rooks, Charles Stanley 4566. Rooks, John James 5126. Root, Paul A. 4933. Root, Paul Adelbert 5676. Root, Raymond Willard 114. Root, Raymond Willard 5784. Root, Raymond Willard 5791. Ropp, George William 1159. Rorer, David Cooke 4323. Rose, Charles William 1859. Rose, Floyd Day 4821. Rose, Jesse Lee 799. Rose, Jesse Lee 814. Rosell, David Paul 3978. Roseman, Morris 4678. Rosen, Fred 55. Rosenbaum, Haskell Menachim 471, Rosenberg, Alexander F. 609. Rosenberg, Alexander F. 566b. Rosenblatt, Max Barr 5821. Roscndahl, Russell Otto 2694. Rosenstein, George Morris 3944. Rosenstein, George Morris 3958. Rosenthal, Gerald A. 3086. Rosenthal, Louis 3875. Rosoff, Morton 610. Ross, Ella Virginia 1190. Ross, William Alexander 1370. Ross, William D. 904. Ross, William D. 939. Rosser, Lillian Evelyn 877. Rossy-Valderrama, Carmen R. 5928, Roth, Robert Harold 5769. Roth, Rodney Jack 3949. Rothschild, Carl 83. Rountree, Elliott Moye 1213. Rouse, Henry McCormick 2505. Rouse, Mary Church 2576. Row, Horace Clark 3032. Rowland, John L. 4934. Roy, Barbara Danehower 2506. Ruangchotvit, Thip 993. Rubin, Herbert Bernard 5861. Rucker, Neville Leon 986. Ruckman, Lee Van 5249. Ruddick, Girard B. 836. Rudin, Vera 484. Rudin, Walter 3849. Rudin, Walter 3873. Rudisill, Dorus Paul 5316. Rudolph, Victor John 2740. Rudolph, Victor John 2909. Ruff, Hazel Shelton 3329. Ruff in, Albert 2327. Rumbold, Dean Warren 5777. Rundlett, Thurman Learoyd 395. Runyan, Theodore 3158. Rupp, Joseph C 72. Rush, Joseph Harold 4188. Rusk, James Rogers 4296. Russ, Alexander 3804. Russell, Charles Daniel 445. Russell, Harrell McTeer 4972. Russell, Leon 4861. Russell, Marcia Rachel 4594. Russell, Mat tie 3530. Rustin, Lee D. 5187. Rustomji, Roshni Behram 2631. Rutledge, Ivan Cate 4418. Rutman, Gilbert Lionel 1044. Ryan, Edward William 976. Ryder, Katherine Scribner 4056. Ry lander, Gustave W. 3458. Saadaldin, Mohammed Jawad 3935, Saadaldin, Mohammed Jawad 3925, Sadler, George Marion 1998. Saide, Frederick 3711. Saini, Tej Bhan Singh 3035. Sakornbut, Songe Sook 2829. Sales, Millard Vance 1765. Sales, Reames Hawthorne 5334. Sales, Reames Hawthorne 5396. Salley, Charles Dudley 1038. Salley, Claudia Louise 3379. Salmond, John Alexander 3688. Salomon, Ann Douglass 4657. Salter, Harriet M. 3362. Saltzman, ^rving Jackson 4652. Sam, Ahmad 615. Sam, Ahmad 647. Sample, Everett Jean 2280. Sampley, Anne lie 2458. Sams, Alma Frances 2211. Sams, Eugene Richard 1891. Samuels, Norman 4545. Sandefur, Earl Wilton 1813. Sanderford, Patricia Butler 2417. Sanders, Mary 1503. Sanderson, James Joseph 513. Sandler, David 4817. Sandlin, Hiram Walter 1554. Sandusky, Fred William 1803. Sanford, Marshall Stanfield 4915. Sanford, Marshall Stanfield 4973. Sanguannam, Anant 4522. Santadusit, Aroon Ekchandra 1. Santoro, Jean Claudio 2978. Sanver, Armagen 775. Saperstein, Passie Othello 485. Sappington, Roger Edwin 3496. Sappington, Roger Edwin 3573. Sarett, Herbert Paul 49. Sartorius, William Schoolfield 3197, Sasser, Roxie Johnson 1079. Sastri, Mantrala L. N. 4209. Sauls, Barbara Ayers 2664. Saunders, Ernest William 5257. Savage, William Richard 1504. Savely, Harvey Epperson 5837. Sawin, Horace Lewis 2409. Sawyer, Roma Elizabeth 4372. Saxena, Surendra Kumar 783. Say lor, John Henry 330. Saylor, John Henry 345. Sayre, Lee Baldwin 2507. Saz, Arthur Kenneth 50. Scanlon, Mary Rebecca 2016. Scarboro, Louise 2244. Scarborough, Henry Baldwin 4143a. Scarpelli, Emile Michael 4359. Scarrow, Howard Albert 4471. Schacht, William Patrick 3076. Schaedler, Louis Calvern 2178. Schafcr, Thomas Anton 5389. Schaller, Aileen Lewis 943. Schaller, Charles Burnett 1505. Schaller, Howard Graham 950. Schallert, Dorothy Amaryllys 5785. Schatzberg, Paul 582. Scheid, Paul William 1964. Schell, Kerry Franklin 3117. Scher, Theodore Gould 3012. Scheraga, Harold A. 449. Scheraga, Harold Abraham 488. Scherer, Wallace Brown 4672. Schmidt, Frederick J. 1278. Schneider, Julius August 1308. Schofield, Wilfred Borden 284. Scholtes, Wayne Henry 2712. Schoolland, John Bernard 4631. Schopmeyer, Clifford Scharff 147. Schrack, John Howard 1260. Schrader, Albert John 5380. Schramm, Richard Howard 2637d. Schramm, Robert J. 214. Schramm, Robert Johnson 285. Schreycr, George Maurice 5127. Schroder, Vincent Nils 248. Schultz, George Adam 6021. Schultz, Harold 3292. Schultz, Harold 3366. Schultz, Harold John 3574. Schultz, Robert Paul 3118. Schulze, Frances Elaine 482. Schunk, Gene Maria 2577. Schuppan, Irma Margaret 3757. Schwartz, Charles Murry 2949. Schweitzer, Adrienne Thoet 3497. Score, John Nelson Russell 5489, Scott, David 303. Scott, Frank Alexander 1701. Scott, George Milton 2017. Scott, Harley Augustus 4710. Scott, John Dayton 136. Scott, Leroy Alexander 5209. Scott, William Osborne 2403. Scott, Worthy Kincaid, Jr. 878. Scovel, Jackson 810. Scudder, John Ralph 1774. Seale, William 3679. Seale, William 3731. Searcy, Hubert 4377. Searcy, Hubert 4405. Seawell, Lee Anne 5691. Seay, Elizabeth Irene 3293. Seay, Hibernia 5516. Sechrist, Robert Arthur 3019. Secor, Philip Bruce 4503. Secor, Philip Bruce 4516. Sceber, Sandra Frederick 2665. Seeley, Emetta Weed 4604. Scery, Virginia Lee 5955. Seevers, Delmar Oswcll 4202. Sehgal, Prem Parkash 315. Seibert, Julien Carl 5727. Seigler, Milledge Broadus 2037. Seigler, Milledge Broadus 2218. Sellars, Mary Anne 2440. Semmler, Henry 955. Sensintaffar, James Clair 5025a. Scrinken, Sina Hasan 773. Setzer, John Schoneberg 5513. Severens, Richard Hoxie 4088. Severens, Richard Hoxie 4098. Seward, Donald Monfort 3825. Seward, John Hooton 642. Seyler, William Charles 4458. Sha'ban, Fuad 2544. Sha'ban. Fuad 2684. Shackford, Joseph Temple 5250. Shafer, Julia Simpson 1931. Shaffer, Donald Wade 2055. Shakespeare, James Ewart 2545. Shankle, Carl Edward 1661. Shankle, Herbert Lazelle 355. Shannon, Charles Eugene 5210. Shannon, Edgar Finley 2179. Shannon, Edward McDaniel 1119. Shapiro, Constance 2251. Shapiro, Oscar William 5895. Sharp, Allan Rhinehart 1793. Sharp, David Gordon 4146. Sharp, David Gordon 5826. Sharp, Eron Malcolm 4605. Sharp, Henry 3876. Sharp, Henry 3894. Sharp, John Buckner 2790. Sharpe, Ralph M. 4935. Shaver, Robert Vickers 2480. Shaw, Daryl Winston 1214. Shaw, Jeanne McGuffin 2487. Shaw, John Nelson 725. Shaw, John Sidney 3266. Shaw, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. 1948. Shaw, William Henry 1129. Shawver, William Rowley 3912. Shear, William Merrill 4451. Sheese, Mildred Libbie 3237. Shelburne, Frank Amfort 750. Shelton, Napier 300. Shepard, Maurice Charles 4003. Shepherd, Warren Lee 3972. Sheppard, Albert Parker 1897. Sherer, James Pressly 716. Sherry, John Joseph 1506. Sherwood, Richard Appleton 5755. Shewbert, John Edward, Jr. 4998. Shields, Howard William 4246f. Shields, James Montgomery 1145. Shields, Margaret Virginia 2082. Shih, Chung -wen 2312. Shih, Chung -wen 2410. Shinn, Fred Harris 5078. Shinn, Gerald Harris 5499. Shipp, Mary Elizabeth 5796. Shirey, William Arthur 5723. Shivers, Joseph Clois 457. Shivers, Joseph Clois 489. Shockley, Martin Staples 1965. Shockloss, Michael Daniel 1261. Shogren, Ruth E. 3600. Shook, Howard Everett, Jr. 751. Shore, Richard Eugene 5991. Shore, Richard Eugene 6011. Short, Ray E. 5750. Shorter, Robert Ncwland 2459. Shorter, Robert Newland 2685. Shriver, George Hite 5464. Shropshire, William Ogden 1026. Shut f lcbarger , Irnia Frances 1637, Shuford, Haywood Rhyne 4676. Shugrue, Michael Francis 2518. Shugrue, Michael Francis 2441. Shull, Paul Eugene 1309. Shuller, Edgar Ralph 4889. Shuster, Charles Willard 5929. Siddall, Thomas Henry 540. Sidney, Cedric Thomas Siegel, Paul Shafer Sigmon, Hugh William 2825. 4647. 386. 905. Silk, Leonard Solomon Silva, Joseph A. 3868. Silva, Joseph Andrew 3887. Simmons, Alma Julia 2102. Simmons, Bowen Eugene 4214. Simmons, Edgar B. 3797. Simmons, James Wood 4171. Simmons, Willard Russell 879. Simonds, Gardner William 1589. Simons, Mayrant 1874. Simpson, Harold Ross 5211. Simpson, Mary McNab 1987. Simpson, Robert Sisson 4387. Simpson, Ruth Winifrid. Simpson, William Hays Simpson, William Hays Sims, Alice 1507. 2292, 4367. 4390. Sims, Clara Mabel 1215. Sinclair, Elizabeth Faye 583. Sinclair, Elizabeth Faye 624. Sinclair, Giles Merten 2259. Sinclair, Peter Kirk 935. Sindberg, Ronald Max 4742. Singeltary, Mary L. 167. Singer, Armand Edwards 5566. Singer, Armand Edwards 5588. Singer, Mary Rebecca (White) 824. Singer, Stephen Sloane 4485. Singletary, William Albert 1833. Singleton, George Harbin, Jr. 4936. Singleton, Marvin Kenneth 2519. Singleton, Marvin Kenneth 2442. Singleton, Mary Clyde 4. Singleton, Mary Clyde 19. Siple, Claire Dwight 5381. Sisk, Glenn Nolen 3463. Sisk, Josephine Rowe (Courtney) 1555. Sites, Thelma Wilson 2212. Sitton, Robert McConnell 4109. Sizemore, William Roy 2791. Skaggs, Calvin Lee 2481. Skeen, James Morris 1216. Skell, Philip Solomon 453. Skelton, Billy Ray 1032. Skiles, Amos F. 1508. Skiles, F. 0. 1509. Skinner, Alfred Lister 438. Skipp, Francis Edwin 2588. Slack, Herbert William 1175. Slacum, Emerson Phillips 1510. Slade, Russell Stewart 2858. Slaughter, Grimes Gibbons 4206. Slaughter, Grimes Gibbons 4249. Slay, James Matthew 5570. Sledd, Warren Candler 787. Sleichter, Martha Beryl 3346. Sliker, Alan William 2979. Sloan, Mrs. Alice Catherine (Gaines) 5580. Sloan, John Lindsay 3854. Sloan, John Stover 5673. Sloan, Marion Lucile 3226. Sloane, Keith 1005. Slone, Jewell E. 3294. Smalling, James Arthur 5099. Smart, Hugh Robert George 4074. Smart, Virginia Lee 811. Smedberg, William Waldemar 2792. Smith, A. Lee 3805. Smith, Alexander Goudy 4178. Smith, Allen Candler 3249. Smith, Aubert Marlyn 5251. Smith, Barbara Anne 2508. Smith, Benjamin Lee 1232. Smith, Bernard Fletcher 2897. Smith, Burke McGuire 4625. Smith, Burke McGuire 4661. Smith, Calvin Clifton 2360. Smith, Calvin Clifton 2449. Smith, Carolyn (Herbert) 2520. Smith, Cecil Clive 1160. Smith, Charles E. 1590. Smith, Charles Moody 5026. Smith, Culver Haygood 3202. Smith, David Edward 4546. Smith, David Edward 4573. Smith, David V. 2898. Smith, Donald George 2423. Smith, Dorothy Elizabeth 1591. Smith, Edwin Studley 459. Smith, Elizabeth Ann 2666. Smith, Elsie Margaret 1423. Smith, Eugene Joseph 84. Smith, Frank Ferrell 152. Smith, Geneva Marie 5621. Smith, Hampden Harrison, Jr. 5051a, Smith, Harmon Lee 5479. Smith, Harry Otto 1161. Smith, Hugh Preston 1050. Smith, Joan Holmquist 5668. Smith, John David 2859. Smith, Jonathan Marshall 1424. Smith, Kenneth Judson 653. Smith, Kenneth Judson 708. Smith, Kenneth Lee 5447. Smith, Lawrence Joseph 1702. Smith, LeRoy Walter 2424. Smith, Margaret McMillan 1425. Smith, Mildred Priscilla 3186. Smith, Natalie Blanche 3418. Smith, Newell Hart 387. Smith, Norwood Graham 2460. Smith, Ollie Sanders 1327. Smith, Oscar 1279. Smith, Pauline Duggan 2056. Smith, Philip Cox 3992. Smith, Ray George 4229. Smith, Rebecca 2083. Smith, Richard Chandler 2793. Smith, Richard Chandler 2910. Smith, Richard Clark 221. Smith, Richard Clark 254. Smith, Robert Lewis 2713. Smith, Robert Ross 3330. Smith, Robert Sidney 845. Smith, Sarah Olive 1080. Smith, Suzanne Louise 5650. Smith, Thomas Calvin 752. Smith, Virginia Alice 55S6. Smith, Waring Wright 2949a. Smith, Wilbur Franklin 1176. Smith, William Arthur 1511. Smith, William J. 912, Smith, William James 94. Smithey, John Willie 2899. Smythe, William Rodger 3892. Smythe, William Rodger 3906. Sncdcgar, Dorothy M. 5107. Snellgrove, Harold Sinclair 3295. Snipes, Wallace Clayton 4324. Snoke, John Edward 59. Snow, Annabel Kelsey 2180. Snowden, Jesse Otho 1191. Snuggs, Henry Lawrence 1914. Snuggs, Henry Lawrence 2002. Snyder, Arlyne Naphtali 2632. Snyder, Donald Paul 4110. Snyder, William Ulrich 4338. Solomonic, Robert J. 1860. Solomons, Thomas William Graham 664. Soltero, Luz Eloisa 4164. Soltero, Mercedes 3855. Somberg, Seymour Ira 2752. Somberg, Seymour Ira 3080. Sommer, Esther Lucille 3401. Sommer, Gunter Friedrich 5453. Soodak, Harry 4162. Soonthornsaratoon, Dumrong 4475. Soper, Elgar Clyde 5128. Soriano, Avelina C. F. 4504. South, Malcolm Hudson 2546. Southard, Paul Cornelius 4837. Southern, James Albert 1720. Southern, Pauline Barnwell 1721, Soverns, James William 1512. Sowder, Ellie Mae 3840. Sowle, Patrick M. 3601. Sowle, Patrick Michael 3659. 2181. 2603. 1730. Spainhour, Richard Edward 1371, Spangenbcrg, Bradford 3622. Spangler, Arthur Hodson 1310. Spangler, Helen Virginia 142. Spangler, John David 4288. Sparks, Dade 3209. Sparks, Maryc Remelle Sparling, Russell Paul Spear, Richard Southall Spear, Walter L. 1711. Spearman, Eloise 4447. Spears, Julius Hubert 5288. Spears, Robert Wright 5052. Speas, Melinda Baab 5977. Speeks, Ida Mae 2547. Spell, Herbert Lee 4999. Spence, Besse Whitted Spence, Charlotte G. Spence, Floyd Vance Spencer, Dale Kirk Spencer, Ralph Edwin Spencer, Stephen Marion Spencer, Stephen Marion Spencer, William 2328. Sperling, Leslie Howard Sperling, Leslie Howard Sperry, Marvin Gene 3913. Sperry, William Hartley 3484. Spikes, Louis Everett Spivey, Herbert Edward Spivey, Lucy 4828. Sprague, Edward Dubois Spraker, James Henry Spring, Marion Kathryn Sprouse, Veda Bagwell 4838. 1925. 5027. 1426. 915. 3856. 3888. 631. 665. 1146. 2578. 2900. 1682. 925. 2667. Stabler, Carey V. 3381. Stackhouse, Arva Eastwood 3159. Stadthagen, Heinz 858. Stafford, David Benbow 5732. Stafford, Garland Raid 4937. Stagner, Marilyn Leanne 5977a. Stainbrook, Edward John 4654. Staley, Richard Lee 5648. Stallcup, Mary Jane 4161. Stalnaker, Lillian 2084. Stalvey, James Benjamin 3178. Stalzer, Robert Frederick 497. & 560. Stamey, Robert Henry 5188. Stamy, A. Reese 1130. Stanback. Tnomas Melville 957. Stanbarger, Phyllis Ann 2482. Stanbury, Walter Albert 1966. Stanbury, Walter Albert 2088. Stancik, Edwin Edward 3869. Stanfield, Claude Edwin 5335. Stanford, Stephen Dunlap 3472. Stanton, Peggy Jane 2461. Stark, John Daniel 3607. Stark, Lloyd William 3857. Starling, James Holt 5871. Starling, Mary Lee 1932. Starmer, Charles Franklin 1892. Starnes, Alvin Bradley 1162. Staton, Ennis Calvin 1083. Stauffer, Russell G. 1372. Steel, James Richard 215. Steele, Alpheus Thornton 880. Steele, Arthur Robert 3545. Steele, Betty Jean 2604. Steele, Chester Raymond 5252. Steele, Marion DeVault 5532. Steclman, Max Randolph 1427. Stcclman, Ruth A. 1428. Stecnscn, Donald 3054. Steer, Alfred Gilbert 3128. Steffcnsen, June Emma 2633. Steiner, Pinckney Alston 4333. Steirly, Charles Cornell 2714. Stem, Margaret 4829. Stephens, Arey Lee 1280. Stephens, H. W. 4122. Stephenson, Harold Patty 4174. Stephenson, Harold Patty 4210. Stephenson, Marion Osborne 5129. Stephenson, Mary Elizabeth 4030. Sterne, Richard Stephen 4660. Stevens, Harlan Riley 3936. Stevenson, Arthur Linwood 4593. Stevenson, Linwood Jennings 5285. Stewart, A. Theodore, Jr. 549. Stewart, A. Theodore, Jr. 593. Stewart, Alva Ware 4476. Stewart, Beverly Ann (Bridges) 567 Stewart, Burton Gloyden 1217. Stewart, John Wiley 598. Stewart, Mary Alice Leath 1177. Stewart, Paul Dckker 4419. Stewart, Paul Dekker 4439. Stewart, Sara 3745. Stewart, Truman Joel 3296. Stewart, Wilber C. 1842. Stewart, Wilber Clarence 1877. Still, Evedon Howell 1429. Still, Joseph Ragsdalc 4974. Stillwell, Edgar F. 5915a. Stillwell, Edgar F. 5948. Stillwell, Harold Daniel 3006. Stim, Thomas Bernard 4007. Stires, Lawrence Robert 5644. Stirewalt, Martin Luther, Jr. 803. Stirewalt, Martin Luther, Jr. 826. Stober, John William 1045. Stober, William John 977. Stockdale, Harry Foster 3459. Stockdale, Ruth Mary 450. Stockton, Manley Stillwell 3504. Stockton, Marijim 2668. Stoehr, Henry Arthur 2753. Stokes, J. Lemacks II 4938. Stokes, James C. 5000. Stokes, Marion Boyd, Jr. 5028. Stokes, Ruth Wyckliffe 3754. Stone, Ann 5600. Stone, Clarence Nathan Stone, Clarence Nathan Stone, Edward 2333. Stone, Henry Clarence Stone, Henry Otto 6022. Stone, Jake Ward 1514. Stone, Jane Dunn 5342. Stone, Joseph Leslie Stone, Margaret Jones 4523. 4562. 1513. 5367. 3926. Stone, Mary Niemi 4524. Storch, Margaret Rees 5709. Storey, George Gilbert 2057. Stott, Janadus Doane 4839. Stover, Kermit Martin 1311. Stowe, David Henry 1147. Stowe, William McFerrin 5029. Stowers, Dewey Marion 1775. Stradley, Paul Gill • 3187. Stradley, Reese Gillespie 3772. Strain, Edward Richard 4695. Strange, William Ernest 1218. Strickland, Thomas Edward 5212. Stripling, Edna Harriette 5581. Strother, Eura Vance 1120. Stroud, Dorothy Mae 3196. Stroud, Lowell 1706. Stroude, Alice Pauline 1592. Stroupe, Henry Smith 3353. Stroven, Carl 2149. Stuart, Charles Edward 4642. Stuart, Charles Morgan 3773. Stuart, John Calhoun 1834. Stuart, William Morley 4104. Stubbs, David Leon 5253. Stuckey, James Morlan 403. Stuckey, James Morlan 433. Stucky, Elizabeth Jane 4084. Stull, Martha Louise 1646. Sturm, Albert L. 4420. Sturm, Albert Lee 4428. Sturtevant, William Lyons 5311. Stutts, Patricia Louise 105. Styer, Mildred M. 3812. Sugden, Herbert Wilfred 1915. Sugden, Herbert Wilfred 1989. Suggs, Marion Jack 5419. Suid, Lawrence Howard 3623. Sullivan, Claude Townsend 365. Sullivan, Edward Thomas 2794. Sullivan, Edward Thomas 2994. Sullivan, Eugene Redmond 4559. Sullivan, Willie Jefferson 366. Sulzer, Richard Lee 4679. Sulzer, Richard L. '4719. Summers, George Boyd 1328. Summitt, Paul Clayton 4567. Sunas, Ernest Constantine 700. Sund, Judith Elna 632. Suri, Kanwal Kishore 4299. Sussman, Gennifer Pearson 1006. Sutcliffe, William Humphrey, Jr. 5886. Sutcliffe, William Humphrey 5901. Sutley, Edgar Eudell 5633. Sutor, Jack Alexander 3347. Suttle, Jimmie Ray 4325. Sutton, Max Keith 2509. Sutton, Max Keith 263 7e. Sutton, Richard Francis 2860. _ Swackhamer, T. Cecil 5001. Swain, Louis Hall 1967. Swamer. Frederic Wurl 514. Swann, Edgar Allen 5100. Swanson, John Chester 332. Swanson. John Chester ,388. Swanson, William Edward 5622. Sward, Gilbert Leinbaugh 3904. Swaringen, Roy Archibald 1148. Swearingen, Mildred E. 1515. Sweet, David Emery 4505. Swendiman, Dorothy Delia 3348. Swensen, James Herbert 2980. Swcrlick, Isadore 525. Swicegood, Ella Mae Cox 2138. Swim, Riley Cecil 1262. Swink, Ray Franklin 5355. Syme, Samuel Augustus 1776. Syme, Samuel Augustus 3568. Sypher, Ruth Margaret 1516. Tabor, Dorothy Hazel 3349. Takenaka, Yasuo 73. Takeuchi, Kenji 1018. Talbert, Robert Harris 5699. Talbot, Gloria Anne 2443. Talbutt, Palmer Cummins 4101. Tamkin, Arthur S. 4720. Tanner, Agnes Mae Vicars 1659. Tanner, Edward William 367. Tanner, Martha M. 5846. Tarbutton, Grady 374. Tarrall, Elmer 1373. Tarrant, Paul 469. Tarumingkeng , Rudolf Christiaan Tarver, David Franklin 5002. Tate, Lucille Ann 4362. Tate, Robert Spence 5130. Tate, Russell Sage, Jr. 881. Taylor, Barbara Day 17. Taylor, Charles Theodore 882. Taylor, Charles Theodore 1281. Taylor, Donald Lavor 5706. Taylor, Doris Lavenia 1374. Taylor, Ellis Bruce 1556. Taylor, George Aiken 5408. Taylor, Guy 1766. Taylor, James David 1683. Taylor, John David 4757. Taylor, Kenneth Merwin 5420. 3110. Taylor, Louise Randall 5878. Taylor, Mary Thelma 1517. Taylor, Nancy Nettles 2018. Taylor, Noel Alexander 1312. Taylor, Orville Walters 3531. Taylor, Patricia Lloyd 4035. Taylor, Paul Richard 5101. Taylor, Raymond Herbert 5030. Taylor, Robert King 5799. Taylor, Robert Lee 35. Taylor, Voigt Otway 5131. Taylor, Walter Herman 235. Teagarden, Lucetta Jane 2139. Teagarden, Lucetta Jane 2232. Teer, Harold Benton 5188a. Teer, Thomas Walter 2329. Teets, Bruce Earle 2411. Teffeteller, Gordon Lamar 3646. Teichman, Milton 2373. Cellman, Stephen James - 3111. Templet, Paul Hughes 734. TePaske, John Jay 3485. TePaske, John Jay 3575. Terrell, Katherine 3428. Terry, Charles E. 1518. Te Strake, Diane 267. see also Wagner, Diane Te Strake 305. Tetenbaum, Marvin 599, Tetenbaum, Marvin Theodore Tew, Thelma 1375. Tew, William Alton 4975. Thacker, James Allen 1684. Thackston, Thomas Jefferson Thacore, Harshad Rai 4016. Thames, Harold Stanley 4481. 648. 1219. Thiel, Goodrich August 3877. Thomas, David Rolf 4776. Thomas, Florence 189. Thomas, John Edward 4089. Thomas, John Edward 4111. Thomas, John Frederick • 4610. Thomas, Mary Elizabeth 3389. Thomas, Mary Olive 2425. Thomas, Theodore Hubert 4492. Thomas, William West 5500. Thomasson, Gerald Ste. Gemme 2901. Thompson, Annie Laura 5654. Thompson, Arnold Chester 4976. Thompson, Clarence Edward 3823. Thompson, Dan Stuart 1814. Thompson, Donald Frederick 561. Thompson, Earle Crosland 3460. Thompson, Ethel 1557. Thompson, Evan Lewis 2213. Thompson, Jessie Florinda 3146. Thompson, John Richard 5935. Thompson, John Richard 6012. Thompson, John William 2669. Thompson, Kaye Ogilvie 2231. Thompson, Lacy Hunter 4939. Thompson, Lawrence Nathaniel 2902. Thompson, Paul Everett 1220. Thompson, Robert Luther 3552. Thompson, Virginia M. 3473. Thompson, Walter Rowe 5189. Thomson, Alexander Low 4308. Thorne, Harry Wallace 2903. Thorne, Sylvia Porter 2670. Thornton, Bobby Michael 1815. Thornton, Ernst Sccmann 2950. Thrift, Charles Tinsley 4916. Thrift, Charles Tinsley, Jr. 4977, Thumm, Byron Ashley 541. Thumm, Milford Vernon 5254. Thurner, John Thomas 2795. Tidier, Hazel 2182. Tillery, Doris Katherine 3774. Tilley, Ernest Clarence 1131. Tilley, Lester Archie 5031. Tilley, Nannie May 3179. Tilley, Nannie May 3270. Tilman, Robert Oliver 4509.- Tilman, Robert Oliver 4534. Timber lake, Emily Kent 3227. Timmerman, John Ranson 2058. Tipton, Samuel Ridley 5801. Titus, George Joseph 3998a. Tobin, Catherine Elizabeth 812. Todd, Richard Cecil 3443. Togneri, Lila C. 1593. Tolbert, Nancy U. Tollen, William B, Toller, A. Louis Tomeny, Rose Nell 3813. 5674. 4238. 2214. Tomlinson, Muriel D. 5587. Tomlinson, Muriel Dorothy 5601. Tompson, Reade Yates 475. Tongue, William Richard 800. Toole, Eben Richard 153. Toole, Eben Richard 171. Topper, Pearl 3402. Torrey, William 3055. Torrisi, Alfred Fred 416. Towers, Barry 3064. Towers, Barry 3119. Towncnd, Marion Frost 2483. Townes, Charles Hard 4137. Townsend, Freda Liverant 2183. Townsend, Freda Liverant 2247. Townsend, Harley Vance 1376. Townsend, Roswell George 885. Townsley, Inman Ueber 5079. Traci, Philip Joseph 2462. Traci, Philip Joseph 2686. Tracy, Helen Wellman 2245. Trammell, Frances Mauldin 2252. Trammell, James Fletcher 4978. Trapnell, Emily Annette 5632. Trawick, Mary Louisa 1999. Trawick, Sarah Catherine 2019. Traylor, Idris Rhea 3732. Trejos, Alfonso 42. Trent, Rosalind Lee 1616. Trentham, Ina Rankin 5517. Trentham, Shannon Otis 116. 2184. Trewhitt, Katharine Lowrey Trexler, Dora May 3198. Trimble, William Ellwood 1519. Triplett, Edna Bernadine 2020. Tripp, Marian Lucille 4639. Trivette, Chester Draper 648a. Trivette, Ruth Jane 1647. Trotter, Agnes Anne 3647. Trout, David Linn 4356. Trout, David Linn 5921. Troutman, William Fife 4436. Troutman, William Fife 4517. Troxell, Harry Emerson 2796. Troxell, Harry Emerson 3069. True, Michael Daniel 2637f. Trueblood, Paul Graham 1933. Trueblood, Paul Graham 2024. Truesdale, James Nardin 790. Truesdale, James Nardin 808. Tryon, Florence Reno 1178. Tsai, Tze-ting 506. Tsina, Richard Vasil 753. Tuck, William Pressly 3553. Tucker, Kenneth Irby 5032. Tucker, Roger Wilkins 5336. Tumblin, John Addison 5717. Tumblin, John Addison 5737. Turner, Albert Blythe 3680. Turner, Anne 809. Turner, Archer Rudder 5312. Turner, Barbara Jean Beavers 4798. Turner, Carl Byron 1045a. Turner, James Henningham 3087. Turner, John Dean 767. Turner, Phillip Allison 5576. Turner, Ralph Gray 3007. Turner, Rutus Benton 1816. Turner, William Calhoun 3882. Turnipseed, Marie 3741. Turpin, David Howard 2904. Turquette, Atwell Rufus 3793. Tuten, Parma Westbury ' 5665. Tuttle, Robert Gregory 5003. Twichell, Martell Herman 5004. ___. Tyczkowski, Edward Albert 575. Tyer, Harold Latham ,1817. Tyler, George William 3775. Tyler, Karlie Reed 1263. Tyler, Lyon Gardiner 3712. Tyler, Warwick Percival Newell 3660. Tyree, Elizabeth Davis 1066. Tyte, Wilbur Henry 5213. Uhler, Katherine 5567. Ullman, Arthur 5889. Ullman, Frederick David 3973. Ulmer, David Heading Bartine 241. Ulmer, Shirley Sidney 4466. Ulmer, Shirley Sidney 4489. Umstot, L. Mabel 1594. Unal, Gurkan 1852. Underwood, Eugene Taylor 5522. Unterberger, Betty Miller 3444. Unterberger, Robert R. 4189. Upchurch, Marilyn Morrissette 2548. Upton, Anthony Frederick 3486. Usher, George Ephraim 1179. Usrey, Nancy Emily 1638. Utley, John Dewent 4047. Vaidya, Madhu Sudan Lai 3081. Vairo, Philip Dominic 1794. Van, Thomas Anthony 2605. Van de Linde, Frank 2951. Vandell, William Kenneth 1520. Vandivere, Edgar Filmore, Jr. 3776. Van Eenam, Donald Neil 637. Van Fossen, Richard Waight 2349. Van Hettinga, William Lance 2549. Van Meter, Robert G. 3910. Van Meter, Robert Guy 3959. van Roggen, Arend 4246g. Van Voorhis, Robert Henry 886. Vogel, Ralph Arnold Volkin, Elliot 51, 34, Van Voorhis, Robert Henry 900. Van Wyk, Jacobus Johannes Pienaar Vardhanabhuti, Sman 36. Varn, David Wilson 1861. Vartanian, Haig 600. Vaughan, Frederick Randolph 654. Vaughan, James Alexander 2671. Vaughan, Jerry Eugene Vaughan, Robert Akers 3979. 5214. Vaulx, Rann Lawton 701. Vaulx, Rann Lav/ton 745. Vause, Robert Zeno 3850. Veazey, Sidney Edwin 4334. Vega, Arthur 4761. Vega, Gloria de la 5624. Veit, Natalie Iris 530. Vereen, LaFon Carpenter 5337. Vermillion, Gertrude 434. Vermillion, Herbert Edward 422. Vermont, Albert 5543. Vernon, Sarah Elizabeth 4408. Via, Dan Otto 5425. Via, Grayson Hall 766. Viault, Birdsall Scrymser 3539. Viault, Birdsall Scrymser 3661. Vibhatakarasa, Jin 4530. Vick, Thomas Marvin 5132. Vickers, Lawrence Otis 5714. Vigal, Joseph Clifton 864. Villaume, John C. 3331. Vingiello, Frank Anthony 490. Vining, Morgan Fisher 1968. Vinson, John Chalmers 3445. 304. Vinson, R. A. 1377. Voelpel, Agatha Gayle 5571. Volkin, Elliot 4041. Vonk, Paul Kenneth 4075. von Zellen, Bruce Walfred Vorona, Jack 4250. 5972. Vousden, John Alfred 2826. Wade, Luther Irwin 3826. Waggoner, Albert Crews 4900. Waggoner, Brooks Milton 5190 Waggoner, Brooks Milton 5224. Waggoner, Brooks Milton 5397. Waggoner, John Phillip 5102. Wagner, Carl Leon 1378. Wagner, Diane Te Strake 305. see also Te Strake, Diane 267. Wagner, Fredrick Reese 2313. Wagner, Horace McDonald 1313. Wagner, Richard Henry 259. Wagner, Richard Henry 306. Wagoner, Eddie Raymond 2861. Wagoner, Howard Eugene 2952. Wagoner, Robert Adair 4733. Waite, Alexander 1149. Waite, Alexander 4640. Waite, Benjamin Moseley 95. Waite, E. Emerson 5686. Waits, Julius Weber 969. Wake, Orville Wentworth 1379. Walker, Edyth 1052. Walker, Herman, Jr. 4378. Walker, Herman, Jr. 4406. Walker, Howard George 491. Walker, Jeanette Gail 2606. Walker, John Lawrence, Jr. 5956, Walker, Lela Samantha 2140. Walker, Leon Bryan 5933. Walker, Stanley Earl 1692. Walker, Thelma Pauline 1677. Walker, Thomas Banner 568. Walker, William Oliver 5480. Wall, Harriet Euphrasia 1521. Wall, Mildred Eugenia 3380. Wallace, Aldred Pruden 5356. Wallace, Elbert Stephen 838. Wallace, Elbert Stephen 867. Wallace, James Neill 3883. Wallace, Julian Howard 130. Wallace, Lillian Parker 3372. Wallace, Wesley Herndon 3631. Waller, William Washington 5899. Wallin, Virginia Stanton 1595. Walrath, Alice M. 5967. Walrnnd. Alan Lambert 2981. Walsh, Anastasia 2185. Walsh, Mary Katherine 2186. Walston, Rosa Lee 1951. Waltcher, Irving 429. Walter, Eugene Victor 4440. Walter, Selwyn B. 3250. Walter, Waldemar Melchert 5924. Walters, Eleanor Boyd 3806. Walters, Geoffrey King, 1931- 4246gg. Walters, Margaret Genevieve Walton, Aubrey Grey 4901. 1707. Walton, Leslie Hughes 1141. Walton, Lucia Adelaide 2510. Walton, Wesley Wills 1725. Wang, Yen-Chieh 164. Wannamaker, Elizabeth Bates 1084. Ward, Catherine Byrn 2672. Ward, Charles Eugene 1906. Ward, Charles Eugene 2003. Ward, Edward Hiram 2982. Ward, Ellen Gunter 2038. Ward, George H. 1893. Ward, William Edward III 5910. Ward, William Smith 2233. Ware, J. Edgar 1596. Ware, James Hamilton 5501. Ware, Joan Linton 1745. Ware, Lee Wilson 5286. Warlick, George Clifton 926. Warlick, Raymond Aubrey 3498. Warren, Ida Leane 3814. Warner, James Harold 1990. Warner, John Robinson 2862. Warner, John Robinson 2995. Warren, John Sharpe 1522. Warren, Margaret Elizabeth 472. Warren, Marion 4980. Warren, Robert David 961. Warrick, Edward 1094. Washburn, Alice 3238. Washburn, John Loren 4587. Washington, Maaja Harms 3142. Waters, Audley Alexander 1058. Waters, William Eugene 2863. Watkins, David Charles 1843. Watkins, Virgil Gray 2754. Watson, Charles Nelles 2634. Watson, Charlie Hugh 2253. Watson, Florence Kathleen 2103. Watson, James Donald 3954. Watson, Karl Brantley 4617. Watson, Karl Brantley 4634. Watson, Marjorie 5605. Watson, Robert Meredith 3681. Watson, Wallace Steadman 2511. Watt, Edward David 4535. Watts, Daniel Thomas 5872. Watts, Helena Brawley 2234. Watts, Hessie 1926. Watts, Robert Johnson 3132. Waugh, Ray Paschal 5313. Waynick, Minerva Ann 128. Weaver, James Carlvin 5552. Weaver, M. Virginia 1430. Webb, David Arthur 3088. Webb, Edwin Hull 4192. Webb, John Maurice 3502. Webb, Lester Dell 1651. Webb, Omri Kenneth 5502. Webb, Thomas Howard 673. Webb, Thomas Howard 694. Webb, Warren Wright 4696. Webb, William Edward 3403. Webber, Donald Bowie 5664. Webber, Winona Louise 2673. Webster, Margaret Dorothy 4336. Webster, Robert Edward 4017. Webster, Sidney Thomas bl6. Webster, Sidney Thomas 638. Weddle, William McKinley 1264. Weeks, Karen Hanke 3713. Weeks, William Benn 1523. Weems, Benjamin Burch 1329. Weesner, Murrell Davis 2444. Wefing, Henry Otto 2674. Weidensaul, Thomas Craig 3089. Weinberg, Barbara Lee Huberman 103. Weinberg, Daniel I. 1853. Weiner, Kenneth Bruce 754. Weinheimer, Alfred John 594. Weinland, David Eugene 5161. Weiss, Herold David 5503. Weiss, Martin Joseph 515. Weith, Archie James 439. Weith, Archie James 492. Welch, Ann Marie 278. Welch, Bruce Lynn 295. Welch, Sadie Elizabeth 1104. Weldon, Dewayne 3065. Weldon, Wilson Osbourne 5005. Wellborn, Charles Talmadge 5504. Wellborn, Mary Moss 2314. Weller, Grace Harlowe 2141. Weller, LeGrand 1000. Weller, Wayne 1524. Wellons, Albert Wilson 5314. Wellons, Jesse Davis 3090. Wells, Charles Frederick 3980. Wells, Harry Wilson 5922. Wells, Harry Wilson 5963. Wells, Joseph 3. Wells, Mary Jane 5968. Wells, Philip Vincent 273. Wells, Robert Newton 5338. Wells, Rodney Lee 584. Wellwood, Robert William 2695. Wellwood, Robert William 2744. Welsh, John Frederick 2983. Welsh, Robert Ford 2512. Welsh, Robert Ford 2637g. Wend, George 4300. Wenger, Karl Frederick 220. Wenser, Karl Frederick 2864. Wenner, Bruce Richard 3967. Werbel, Burton 440. Werbel, Burton 460. Wertz, Roy Albert 1330. Wesson, William Hinton 930. West, Christiane G. 5639. West, Elonza McKinley 1818. West, Harold Fane 1639. West, Henry Robison 4090. West, William Jennings 2827. Westerhof, Anthony Cornelius 4596. Westerhof, Anthony Cornelius 4614. Westin, Richard Barry 3584. Weston, Kay Eugenia 5666. Weston, Lawrence Wilson 4278. Weston, Neila Elaine 793. Wethington, Lewis Elbert 5375. Wetmore, Thomas Hall 2187. Whaley, Grace Wine 1927. Whaley, Mary Ellen 1786. Whaley, Otis 1071. ______ Whaley, Otis 4391. Wharton, George Willard 5842. Wharton, Lona Claire 5978. Wheeler, Harold P. 1928. Wheeler, Kermit R. 5255. Whelchell, Laura 2104. Whisnant, David Eugene 2687. Whisnant, David Eugene 2579. Whitaker, Shirley Blue 5625. Whitcombe, David Niles 3487. White, Gladys Ruth 4120. White, Harry Arthur 3297. White, James Floyd 5454. White, John Charles 3624. White, John Charles 3689. White, Joseph Benton 1105. White, Kevin Joseph 4335. White, Mary Rebecca 1192. White, Percy Daniel 5103. White, Rebecca Anne 2635. Whitehead, Mary Elizabeth 5614. Whitehead, Talton Johnson 5033. Whitener, Ann Elizabeth 3151. Whitener, Catherine Viola 2142. Whitenfish, Abe Irving 368. Whitenfish, Abe Irving 389. Whitesel, John Asbury 5256. Whiting, Sara Maysel 1597. Whitlatch, Lewis Wade 3350. Whitman, Joseph Atwood 2953. Whitman, William Tate 897. Whitman, William Tate 4379. Whitney, Clara Frances 1193. Whitney, Philip Lawrence 109. Whitney, Richard Boardman 2954. Whitsett, Daniel Cleveland 4979. Whitten, Robert Craig 4253. Whitten, Robert Craig 4267. Wicker, Elmus Rogers 971. Widom, Joanne M. 585. Wiebe, Herman Henry, 1921- 231a. Wiese, Marion Bernice 3160. Wiggins, Elizabeth Lewis Wiggins, James Wilhelm Wiggins, James Wilhelm Wilbanks, Evelyn Rivers 2143. 5697. 5738. 2418. Wilbur. Fred Charles 2636. Wilbur, Jeanne Doucette 39. Wilbur, Robert Lynch 205. Wilcox, David Henry, Jr. Wilcox^ Kathryn 1821. 404. Wilcox, William George 5448. Wildman, Edith Grace 5677. Wilenzick, Raymond Morris 4254. Wilenzick, Raymond Morris 4297. Wiles, Charles Preston 5390. Wiles, Charles Preston 5705. Wiles, Mary Elizabeth 5906. Wiley, Edward Emerson, Jr. 5006. Wiley, Frances Amelia 3213. Wiley, Virginia 2260. Wilhite, Arthur Bolton 1617. Wilkerson, Albert Ernest 5730. Wilkerson. Helen Elizabeth 4613. Wilkerson, Milton Chick 5133. Wilkerson, Starling Dwight 1113. Wilkinson, Edith Lewis 5718. Wilkinson, H. Jean Foster 1733. Wilkinson, Harold Arthur 13. Wilkinson, Howard Charles 5215. Wilkinson, Jesse Giles 4902. Wilkinson, Theodore S. 5739. Wilkinson, Thomas Oberson 22. Will, Nelson Paige 3056. Will, Robert Milton 962. Will, Robert Milton 989. Willcox, Annette Veva 3900. Willhoit, Fred Hale 4510. Willhoite, Fred Hale 4536. Williams, Atticus Morris 4940. Williams, Benjamin Truman 4941. Williams, Bettie Neal 1142. Williams, Charles Haddon 88. Williams, Donald Leigh 5465. Williams, Elizabeth Camille 601. Williams, Ellis Downing 1265. Williams, Harley Morrison 5315. Williams, Harvey Page 3777. Williams, Hatcher Crenshaw 2315. Williams, Henry Gordon 3934. Williams, Jack Caldwell Williams, Jay Reigle Williams, Joel Quitman Williams, John Francis Williams, John Rodney Williams, Leland Hendry 3965. 5765. 4211. 2797. 4455. 3941. 3737. Williams, Lina Elizabeth Williams, Louis G. 168. Williams, Louis Gresset't 206. Williams, McChord 5800. Williams, Margaret Lawrene 1525. Williams, Marion Eugene 5533. Williams, Melvin John 5134. Williams, Melvin John 5192. Williams, Myra Allene 5864. Williams, Olan Yarnall 1526. Williams, Roger Augustus 1527, Williams, Rose Elizabeth Williams, Ruby Malinda 2144. 193. 4388. Williams, Stanton Pender Williams, T. Webster 970. Williams, Webster Douglas 2955. Williams, William Augustus 5911. Williams, William Haves 358S. Williams, William Hayes 3734. Williams, William Lane 5840. Williams 3 Winona 1949. Williamson, Francis Marvin 1095. Williamson, Marilyn Lammert 2426. Williford, Annie May 3231. Willis, Sidney L. 5080. Willits, Esther May 3363. Wills, George Robert 4568. Wills, Wirt Henry 222. Wills, Wirt Henry 237. Wilmore, Nancy Strother 3505. Wilson, Charles Christopher 179. Wilson, Charles Christopher 197. Wilson, Charles F. 5640. Wilson, Edward E. 5655. Wilson, Elizabeth Andrews 3298. Wilson, Graves Humbert 5058. Wilson, Jane Bliss 2281. Wilson, John Woodrow 5838. Wilson. JoseDh B. 1528. Wilson, Lloyd Bain 122. Wilson, Raymond E. 4942. Wilson, Robert Gladstone 10. Wilson, Ulrey Kaulbach 1662. Wilson, William Riley 5455. Wimberly, Rosamond Ramsay 5700. Wimsatt, James Irving 263 7h. Wimsatt, Mary Ann (Coslow) 2637i. see also Coslow, Mary Ann Winecoff, Janet (Coon) 5658. Winer, Alfred Dennis 75. Winer, Miroslava Nikitovitch 5949. Winer, Ruth C. 936. Winfrey, John Crawford .._. 1046. Winslow, Leon Edward 3981. Winston, Anthony 550. Winston, Anthony 611. Winter, Arthur Bruce 4482. Winter, George Virgil 1266. Winters, Eric John 2984. Winton, Lowell Sheridan 3794. Wirtenson, Mary Elizabeth Wishart, Lutrelle Angel Wishner, Raymond Philip Wisseman, William Rowland Wissow, Lennard Jay 458 6014. 2404. 937. 4268: 475a. 1267. Withers, Clarence Maxwell Witt, Catherine 3769. Witt, Fountain Joel 3884. Wohlford, Paul Frederick 4807. Wolf, Mary Hubbard 5847. Wolfarth, William 1618. Wolfe, Quentin Donald 1380. Wolford, Richard Wilson 498. Wolf son, Nancy Dolly 5980. Wollet, Charles Elmer 1381. Wollman, Seymour Horace 4153. Womack, Carlos Poynor 4861a. Womack, John Gamble 343. Womack, Sam Jones 5466. Wonder, Craig E. 5572. Wood, Frederic Marcus 816. Wood, Frederic Marcus, Jr. 822. Wood, George William 2985. Wood, Gordon Rcid 2085. Wood, Mary Rose 1431. Wood, Mildred Louise 5944. Wood, Virginia Loraine 4430. Wood, Virginia Loraine 4437. Woodall, John Burwell 3239. Woodbridee, Charles Jahleel 5317. Woodham, John Edward 3648. Woodham, John Edward 3690. Woodress, James Leslie 2334. Woodruff, Carmen Moore 2145. Woodruff, Joseph Leroy 4632. Woodruff, Joseph Leroy 4643. Woodruff, Margaret 1529. Woods. John Delano 746. Woodson, Bruce Alan 104. Woodwell, George Masters 244. Woodwell, George Masters 265. Woody, Robert Hilliard Woody, Robert Hilliard Wooler, Edward Sigmund Wooten, Frank Thomas Wooten, Thomas Ernest Work, Stewart Dean Workman, Molly Frances 3152. 3174. 674. 1878. 3112. 726. 2513. Worley, Claude 1382. Worley, David Perry 2798. Worsham, James Essex 576. Worsham, Jesse Norman 2865. Wortman, Jimmie J. 1854. Wortman, Jimmie Jack 1898. Wray, Clayton 2956. Wray, George Anthony 4531. Wrenn, Samuel N. 333. Wright, Audrey Adele 1598. Wright, Cora Lee 4822. Wright, Donald 3988. Wright, Edward Reynolds 4537. Wright, Herbert Fletcher 4612. Wright, Kenneth Harold 2905. Wright, Robert Ross 4467. Wright, Thomas George 2696. Wu, Chung-lwen 2911. Wyckoff, Peter Jackson 2906. Wylie, Claude 1530. Wyly, Anne Ethel 2215. Wyman, James Harschel 4230. Wynn, Lawrence 2146. Wynne, George Baker 3153. Wynne, Waller, Jr. 1929. Yager, Charles Monroe 1531. Yarborough, Charles Hill 4569. Yarbrough, Mary Elizabeth 4340, Yarrington, Nancy Laura 655. Yarrington, Nancy Laura 709. Yeatman, Joan Ray 2580. Yelenosky, George 3106. Yeomans, Alice Virginia 1712. Yonekura, Hiromasa 1039. Yonker, Thomas Walter 3506. Yost, John K- 3735. Yost, Robert Stanley 502. Young, Bettie Anne 2405. Young, David Bruce 1828. Young, DeWalt Secrist 410. Young, DeWalt Secrist 435. Young, Franklin Woodrow 5318. Young, Harold Edle 207. Young, Harold Edle 2755. Young, Hobart McKinley 1532. Young, James Doyne 5104. Young, James Howard 3885. Young, James Joseph 944. Young, Jerome Louis 5848. Young, Laura Newell 2147. Young, Mabel Dorothy 1331. Young, William Coleman 3299. Young, William Vincent 1533. Young, Worth John 4160. Youngblood, George Thomas 617. Youngblood, George Thomas 639. Yowell, Robert B. 896. Zahn, Theodore Paul 4734. Zahner, Robert 2957. Zahner, Robert 3000. Zak, Bratislav 2866. Zak, Bratislav 3009. Zarfoss, L. Harold 1534. Zauder, Howard L. 4045. Zechman, Fred William 4355. Zeigler, Frances Chambers 1668. Zekowski, Arlene Jean 5592. Zikmund, Joseph 4592. Zimic, Stanislav 5667. Zimmerberg, Helen Yarmush 4040. Zimmerman, Carroll Louis 4138. Zimmerman, Robert Lee 2521. Zink, James Keith 5490. Zinn, Mary Farris 768. Ziolkowski, Theodore Joseph 3133. Ziring, Stanley 3499. Zirkle, George 4611. Zirkle, George Anderson 4644. Zirkle, John Jacob 2907. Zitner, Sheldon Paul 2412. Zuber, Richard Lee 3608. Zubieta, Agustin Diaz 3984. Zunner, Cecile Hostetler 1753. Zunner, Thelma Butler 1704. Zweifel, Paul Frederick 4227. cl i