DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure "Room .-- — N / OPS 4t ''^yUAA^ i J/ci t4+6ut^j^&c£- tc yfct^^tJL fr^c tAAt,^t i^*fuA4i. t^*iJLx^ Wh P * ' ^T~ J? y £? 7 foul iLffii^^/ jLtkS&ce,, c*«jt& ■ Ld^y 1 t*~~ eM - e/r ~ fy u< *~* ^ jtwfrefi ef^C^^yt coast-- & f& *-Z**~~1 (»^tJL^ It to b~ -fofere^ ^ i^Urxu^ aUEEN MAB; PHILOSOPHICAL POEM. BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. NEW YORK: PRINTED BY WILLIAM BALDWIN AND CO. CORNER OF CHATHAM STREET. 1821. Tr.'R. B£,\.VT S545QA / PREFACE. The Editor of this edition of " Queen Mab," was in England in the Spring of 1815, and received a copy of the Poem from the Author, who was then in his twenty- second year. It was written during his minority, and a small number were printed, and circulated privately, without a title-page, or printer's name. The press of England was never free, even in her best days, but now that she is rapidly declining in the scale of empire and prosperity, and bending her neck to the yoke of despotism, it is completely enslaved. No one who valued his liberty could think of publishing such a work, and it remained in obscurity until a book- seller, of the name of Clarke, had the temerity to print and sell publicly in London, an elegant octavo edition, early in the present year. A prosecution was speedily commenced against him, by an infamous junta of canting hypocrites, assuming the title of " A Society for the Suppression of Vice," and he has, most probably, ere this been tried, condemned, and consigned to a dungeon. 304052 PREFACE. The American public knew nothing of this book ; but the report brought by the British papers of the prose- cution, soon excited in them an ardent curiosity to be- come acquainted with it. The American booksellers being determined to re print it, the Editor, out of respect to Mr. Shelley, was in- duced to superintend the present edition, which he trusts will not disgrace the Author by the manner in which it is executed. The object of the projectors of this edition, was cheapness and portability, in order that it might come into the hands of all classes of society ; consequently it was thought that translations of those passages in the notes, quoted from Greek, Latin, and French authors, would be acceptable. This has been done with the greatest fidelity; and the Editor pledges himself that there is no variation throughout this volume from the original, except four places in the notes, where the translation is substituted for the French and Greek, with a view to render the book less expensive. Those gentlemen who may be in possession of " The Revolt of Islam;" the tragedy of the " Cenci ;" the lyrical drama of " Prometheus," and the various other poems of the same author, which are printed in the octavo shape, will find the English edition, before al- luded to, more suitable to bind for their libraries, the present one being got up merely with a view to give ex- PREFACE. tensive circulation to the principles contained both in the poem and the notes. An Ode is printed at the end of the preface, written by a friend of the Editor, early in the year 1815, in- scribed " to the Author of Queen Mab," predicting his future fame, though at that period he was unknown to the world, and had not written or published any of those poems which have since established his character as a man of genius, in spite of the extensive influence of religious prejudice. By a file of " The Examiner," (one of the best Lon- don Sunday newspapers) just received, it appears that Mr. Shelley is residing at Pisa, in Italy, and is in no re- spect party to the publication of his Poem in England. It is but justice to him to subjoin the letter he ad- dressed to the Editor of that paper. Should the present Edition meet the approbation of the Public, it will be stereotyped for the benefit of the rising generation. A PANTHEIST. * New York, 27th Oct. 1821. to the editor of the examiner. Sir, Having heard that a poem, entitled Queen Mab, has been surreptitiously published in London, and that legal proceedings have been instituted against the publisher, 3G4052 PREFACE. I request the favour of your insertion of the following explanation of the affair as it relates to me. A poem, entitled Queen Mab, was written by me at the age of eighteen, I dare say in a sufficiently intempe- rate spirit— but even then was not intended for publica- tion, and a few copies only were struck off, to be distri- buted among my personal friends. I have not seen this production for several years ; I doubt not but that it is perfectly worthless in point of literary composition ; and that in all that concerns moral and political speculation, as well as in the subtler discriminations of metaphysical and religious doctrine, it is still more crude and imma- ture. I am a devoted enemy to religious, political, and domestic oppression; and I regret this publication, not so much from literary vanity, as because I fear it is bet- ter fitted to injure than to serve the sacred cause of free- dom. I have directed my Solicitor to apply to Chancery for an injunction to restrain the sale ; but after the pre- cedent of Mr. Southey's Wat Tyler, (a poem written, I believe, at the same age, and with the same unreflecting- enthusiasm) with little hopes of success. Whilst I exonerate myself from all share in having di- vulged opinions hostile to existing sanctions, under the form, whatever it may be, which they assume in this po- em ; it is scarcely necessary for me to protest against the system of inculcating the truth of Christianity and the excellence of Monarchy, however true, or however PREFACE. excellent they may be, by such equivocal arguments as confiscation, and imprisonment, and invective, and slan- der, and the insolent violation of the most sacred ties of nature and society. Sir, I am, your obliged and obedient Servant, Percy B. Shelley. Pisa, June 22, 1821. ODE THE AUTHOR OF " QUEEN MAB." 1. Oh ! thou who hast dispelled the shame That hung about the poet's name ; The Poet ! rarely seen on that rough shore, Where the bleak winds of independence roar, And brace the nerves of him who loves, Beyond the orient's spicy groves To roam with Liberty (in proud disdain Of Grandeur's palaces) her wild domain. But, ah! too oft recumbent found On the odour-sprinkled ground, Trod by the tyrant's footstep base, Kindling the liar's incense vase j Oh ! thou, who hast redeemed this load of shame I A bard obscure invokes thy future fame; ODE. 2. Though now defrauded of the praise Due to thy truth-supporting lays ; Though noxious Prejudice and chilling Sloth Retard thy blooming chaplet's flowery growth Though now a shackled press refuse To aid thy nobly-daring muse ; Yet is that time in progress, when thy theme Shall universal spread as day's bright beam. Then shall the bloody brand of ire Quenched in love and peace expire : Their mitres, cowls, and crosiered staves Be torn from man-deluding knaves ; The gorgeous canopies of tyrant might Sink and o'erwhelra him in eternal night. O ! how thy rich poetic page My growing wonder did engage : Methought with Fairy Mab I soar'd, to trace The vast immense of universal space While with the pure unspotted soul That from Ianthe's bosom stole, I shed the sacred drops of Feeling's birth, To view the moral desert of the earth, ODE. And oft I curs'd " the Almighty Fiend," Who from his empyreal lean'd, And poured the venomed vial of strife To damp the hope of human life. These truths the voice of nations shall proclaim In coming times, and bless thy name : Hail ! then, immortal bard ; hail to thy future fame. B. C F. As the Author has fixed no Argument to his Poem, the following short Sketch of it, extracted from a Po- lemical Magazine, published in London, 1815, may not be an improper introduction, "The author has made fiction and suitable poetical imagery the vehicles of his moral and philosophical opinions. The attributes of Queen Mab form the ma- chinery of a work, in which the delightful creations of fancy, and the realities of truth, unite to produce an in- delible impression on the mind. "The Fairy descends in her chariot, and, hovering over this earth, confers on the soul of a beautiful female (lanthe) the glorious boon of a complete knowledge of the past, the present, and the future. The body is lulled to sleep ; the soul ascends the car of the Fairy, and then take their flight through the unmeasurable ex- panse of the universe. Arrived at the palace of the " Queen of Spells," the Spirit is led by her to the "overhanging battlement,'' and thence beholds the in- expressible grandeur of that multitude of worlds, among which, this earth (to which her attention is es- pecially directed) is but an insignificant speck. " The Fairy then proceeds to point out the ruined ci- ties of ancient time ; and her sublime descriptions, with the reflections naturally suggested by the pomp and ARGUMENT. decay of grandeur, and the rise and fall of empires, will be found particularly attractive. " Having reviewed the deeds of ages past, the Fairy next expatiates on the systems at present in existence ; and here the Author's opinions, conveyed through the lips of his visionary instrument, are bold to the highest pitch of daring. "The doctrine of necessity, abstruse and dark as its subject is generally believed, forms a leading consider- ation in this poem, and is treated with a precision of demonstration, and illumined with a radiance of genius, far beyond expectation itself: — " The present and the past thou hast beheld ; It was a desolate sight." " And the Fairy then lifts the veil of an imaginary futurity, and presents to the delighted Spirit the pros- pect of a state of human perfection, which affords illi' mitable range for the erratic wanderings of poetic ar- dour. Here the Fairy and the Spirit revel in all the luxury of hope and joy; and having contemplated awhile, with virtuous satisfaction, the happy scene thus opened to mortal conception, the former declares her task completed, and conveys the latter to her earthly tenement, which her anxious lover is watching with im- patient ardour for its resuscitation." Theological Enquirer, by Erasmus Perkins. QUEEN MAB. How wonderful is Death, Death and his brother Sleep ! One, pale as yonder waning moon With lips of lurid blue ; The other, rosy as the morn When throned on ocean's wave It blushes o'er the world: Yet both so passing wonderful ! Hath then the gloomy Power Whose reign is in the tainted sepulchres Seized on her sinless soul ? Must then that peerless form Which love and admiration cannot view Without a beating heart, those azure veins Which steal like streams along a field of snow, That lovely outline, which is fair As breathing marble, perish 1 Must putrefaction's breath Leave nothing of this heavenly sight But loathsomeness and ruin 1 A 4 QUEEN MAB. Spare nothing but a gloomy theme, On which the lightest heart might moralize? Or is it only a sweet slumber Stealing o'er sensation, Which th& breath of roseate morning Chaseth into darkness ? Will Ianthe wake again, And give that faithful bosom joy Whose sleepless spirit waits to catch Light, life, and rapture from her smile? Yes ! she will wake again, Although her glowing limbs are motionless, And silent those sweet, lips, Once breathing eloquence That might have soothed a tyger's rage, Or thawed the cold heart of a conqueror* Her dewy eyes are closed, And on their lids, whose texture fine Scarce hides the dark blue orbs beneath, The baby Sleep is pillowed : Her golden tresses shade, The bosom's stainless pride, Curling like tendrils of the parasite Around a marble column. Hark ! whence that rushing sound? 'Tis like the wondrous strain That round a lonely ruin swells, Which, wandering on the echoing shore. The enthusiast hears at evening : 'Tis softer than the west wind's sigh j I. QUEEN MAB, » *Tis wilder than the unmeasured notes Of that strange lyre whose strings The genii of the breezes sweep : Those lines of rainbow light Are like the moon-beams, when they fall Through some cathedral window, but the teints Are such as may not find Comparison on earth. Behold the chariot of the Fairy Queen ! Celestial coursers paw the unyielding air ; Their filmy pennons at her word they furl. And stop obedient to the reins of light : These the Queen of Spells drew in, She spread a charm around the spot, And leaning graceful from the ethereal car, Long did she gaze, and silently, Upon the slumbering maid. Oh ! not the visioned poet in his dreams, When silvery clouds float through the wilder^ brain, When every sight of lovely, wild, and grand, Astonishes, enraptures, elevates — When fancy, at a glance, combines The wond'rous and the beautiful, — So bright, so fair, so wild a shape Hath ever yet beheld, As that which reined the coursers of the air, And poured the magic of her gaze Upon the sleeping maid. A2 6 QUEEN MAB. I, The broad and yellow moon Shone dimly through her form — That form of faultless symmetry ; The pearly and pellucid car Moved not the moonlight's line : 'Twas not an earthly pageant : Those who had looked upon the sight, Passing all human glory, Saw not the yellow moon, Saw not the mortal scene, Heard not the night-wind's rush, Heard not an earthly sound, Saw but the fairy pageant, Heard but the heavenly strains That filled the lonely dwelling. The Fairy's frame was slight, yon fibrous cloud, That catches but the palest tinge of even, And which the stTaining eye can hardly seize When melting into eastern twilight's shadow, Were scarce so thin, so slight ; but the fair star That gems the glittering coronet of morn, Sheds not a light so mild, so powerful, As that which, bursting from the Fairy's form. Spread a purpureal halo round the scene, Yet with an undulating motion, Swayed to her outline gracefully. From her celestial car The Fairy Queen descended, And thrice she waved her wand Circled with wreaths of amaranth : QUEEN MAB. Her thin and misty form Moved with the moving air, And the clear silver tones, As thus she spoke, were such As are unheard by all but gifted ear. Stars ! your balmiest influence shedl Elements ! your wrath suspend ! Sleep, Ocean, in the rocky bounds That circle thy domain I Let not a breath be seen to stir Around yon grass-grown ruin's height, Let even the restless gossamer Sleep on the moveless airi Soul of Iiinthe ! thou, Judged alone worthy of the envied boon, That waits the good and the sincere ; that waits Those who have struggled, and with resolute will Vanquished earth's pride and meanness, burst the chains, The icy chains of custom, and have shone The day-stars of their age ; — Soul of Iunthe ! Awake ! arise] Sudden arose Iitnthe's Soul ; it stood All beautiful in naked purity, The perfect semblance of its bodily frame. Instinct with inexpressible beauty and grace, Each stain of earthliness 8 QUEEN MAB. I. Had passed away, it re-assumed Its native dignity, and stood Immortal amid ruin. Upon the couch the body lay, "Wrapt in the depth of slumber : Its features were fixed and meaningless, Yet animal life was there, And every organ yet performed Its natural functions: 'twas a sight Of wonder to behold the body and soul. The self-same lineaments, the same Marks of identity were there : Yet, oh, how different ! One aspires to Heaven , Pants for its sempiternal heritage, And ever-changing, ever-rising still, Wantons in endless being. The other, for a time the unwilling sport Of circumstance and passion, struggles on; Fleets through its sad duration rapidly : Then like a useless and worn-out machine, Rots, perishes, and passes. FAIRY. Spirit ! who hast dived so deep ; Spirit ! who hast soared so high ; Thou the fearless, thou the mild, Accept the boon thy worth hath earned, Ascend the car with me. SPIRIT. Do I dream ? Is this new feeling I. QUEEN MAB. 9 But a visioned ghost of slumber ? If indeed I am a soul, A free, a disembodied soul, Speak again to me. FAIRY. I am the Fairy Mab : to me 'tis given The wonders of the human world to keep : The secrets of the immeasurable past, In the unfailing consciences of men, Those stern, unflattering chroniclers, I find: The future, from the causes which arise In each event, I gather : not the sting Which retributive memory implants In the hard bosom of the selfish man ; Nor that extatic and exulting throb Which virtue's votary feels when he sums up The thoughts and actions of a well-spent day, Are unforeseen, unregistered by me : And it is yet permitted me, to rend The veil of mortal frailty, that the spirit Clothed in its changeless purity, may know How soonest to accomplish the great end For which it hath its being, and may taste That peace, which in the end all life will share, This is the meed of virtue ; happy soul, Ascend the car with me ! The chains of earth's immurement Fell from Iiinthe's spirit ; Thej shrank and break like bandages of straw Beneath a wakened giant's strength. 10 QUEEN MAB. She knew her glorious change, And felt in apprehension uncontrolled, New raptures opening round : Each day-dream of her mortal life, Each frenzied vision of the slumbers That closed each well-spent day, Seemed now to meet reality. The Fairy and the Soul proceeded ; The silver clouds disparted ; And as the car of magic they ascended, Again the speechless music swelled, Again the coursers of the air Unfurled their azure pennons, and the Queen Shaking the beamy reins Bade them pursue their way. The magic car moved on. The night was fair, and countless stars Studded heaven's dark blue vault, — Just o'er the eastern wave Peeped the first faint smile of morn : — The magic car moved on — From the celestial hoofs The atmosphere in flaming sparkles flew, And where the burning wheels Eddied above the mountain's loftiest peak, Was traced aline of lightning. Now it flew far above a rock, The utmost verge of earth, The rival of the Andes, whose dark brow Lowere'd o'er the silver sea. I. QUEEN MAB. U Far, far below the chariot's path, Calm as a slumbering babe, Tremendous Ocean lay. The mirror of its stillness shewed The pale and waning stars, The chariot's fiery track, And the grey light of morn Tinging those fleecy clouds That canopied the dawn. Seemed it, that the chariot's way Lay through the midst of an immense concave, Radiant with million constellations, tinged With shades of infinite colour, And semi-circled with a belt Flashing incessant meteors. The magic car moved on. As they approached their goal The coursers seemed to gather speed ; The sea no longer was distinguished; earth Appeared a vast and shadowy sphere ; The sun's unclouded orb Rolled through the black concave : Its rays of rapid light Parted around the chariot's swifter course, And fell, like ocean's feathery spray Dashed from the boiling surge Before a vessel's prow. The magic car moved on. Earth's distant orb appeared The smallest light that twinkles in the heaven ; 18 QUEEN MAB. I. Whilst round the chariot's way Innumerable systems rolled, And countless spheres diffused An ever-varying glory. It was a sight of wonder : some Were horned like the crescent moon ; Some shed a mild and silver beam Like Hesperus o'er the Western sea ; Some dash'd athwart with trains of flame, Like worlds to death and ruin driven ; Some shone like suns, and as the chariot passed, Eclipsed all other light. K Spirit of Nature ! here ! In this interminable wilderness Of worlds, at whose immensity Even soaring fancy staggers, Here is thy fitting temple. Yet not the lightest leaf That quivers to the passing breeze Is less instinct with thee : Yet not the meanest worm That lurks in graves and fattens on the dead Less shares thy eternal breath. Spirit of Nature ! thou ! Imperishable as this scene, Here is thy fitting temple. en II. QUEEN MAB. IS II. If solitude hath ever led thy steps To the wild ocean's echoing shore, And theu hast lingered there, Until the sun's broad orb Seemed resting on the burnished wave, Thou must have marked the lines Of purple gold, that motionless Hung o'er the sinking sphere : Thou must have marked the billowy clouds Edged with intolerable radiancy Towering like roeks of jet Crowned with a diamond wreath. And yet there is a moment, When the sun's highest point Peeps like a star o'er ocean's western edge, When those far clouds of feathery gold, Shaded with deepest purple, gleam Like islands on a dark blue sea ; Then has thy fancy soared above the earth, And furled its wearied wing Within the Fairy's fane. Yet not the golden islands Gleaming in yon flood of light, 14 QUEEN MAB. II. Nor the feathery curtains Stretching o'er the sun's bright couch, Nor the burnished ocean's waves, Paving that gorgeous dome, So fair, so wonderful a sight As Mab's ethereal palace could afford. Yet likest eTening's vault, that fairy Hall ! As Heaven, low resting on the wave, it spread Its floors of flashing light, Its vast and azure dome, Its fertile golden islands Floating on a silver sea ; Whilst suns their mingling beamings darted Through clouds of circumambient darkness, And pearly battlements around Looked o'er the immense of Heaven. The magic car no longer moved. The Fairy and the Spirit Entered the Hall of Spells ; Those golden clouds That rolled in glittering billows Beneath the azure canopy, With the ethereal footsteps, trembled not: The light and crimson mists, Floating to strains of thrilling melody Through that unearthly dwelling, Yielded to every movement of the will. Upon their passive swell the Spirit leaned, And, for the varied bliss that pressed around* Used not the glorious privilege Of virtue and of wisdom. II. QUEEN MAB. 15 Spirit ! the Fairy said, Aad pointed to the gorgeous dome, This is a wondrous sight, And mocks all human grandeur ; But, were it virtue's only meed, to dwell In a celestial palace, all resigned To pleasurable impulses, immured Within the prison of itself, the will Of changeless nature would be unfulfilled. Learn to make others happy. Spirit, come ! This is thine high reward: — the past shall rise ; Thou shalt behold the present ; I will teach The secrets of the future. The Fairy and the Spirit Approached the overhanging battlement. — Below lay stretched the universe ! There, far as the remotest line That bounds imagination's flight, Countless and unending orbs In mazy motion intermingled, Yet still fulfilled immutably Eternal nature's law. Above, below, around, The circling systems formed A wilderness of harmony ; Each with undeviating aim, In eloquent silence, through the depth* of space Pursued its wondrous way. There was a little light That twinkled in the misty distance: B 16 QUEEN MAB. II. None but a spirit's eye Might ken that rolling orb ; None but a spirit's eye, And in no other place But that celestial dwelling, might behold Each action of this earth's inhabitants. But matter, space, and time In those aerial mansions cease to act ; And all-prevailing wisdom, when it reaps The harvest of its excellence, o'erbounds Those obstacles, of which an earthly soul Fears to attempt the conquest. The Fairy pointed to the earth. The Spirit's intellectual eye Its kindred beings recognized. The thronging thousands, to a passing view, Seemed like an anthill's citizens. How wonderful ! that even The passions, prejudices, interests, That sway the meanest being, the weak touch That moves the finest nerve, And in one human brain Causes the faintest thought, becomes a link In the great chain of nature. Behold, the Fairy cried, Palmyra's ruined palaces ! — Behold ! where grandeur frowned ; Behold ! where pleasure smiled ; What now remains ? — the memory Of senselessness and shame — II. QUEEN MAB. 17 What is immortal there ? Nothing — it stands to tell A melancholy tale, to give An awful warning : soon Oblivion will steal silently The remnant of its fame. Monarchs and conquerors there, Proud o'er prostrate millions trod — The earthquakes of the human race, Like them, forgotten when the ruin That marks their shock is past. Beside the eternal Nile, The Pyramids have risen. Nile shall pursue his changeless way: Those Pyramids shall fall ; Yea ! not a stone shall stand to tell The spot whereon they stood; Their very scite shall be forgotten, As is their builder's name ! Behold yon sterile spot ; Where now the wandering Arab's tent Flaps in the desert blast. There once old Salem's haughty fane Reared high to heaven its thousand golden domes, And, in the blushing face of day, Exposed its shameful glory. Oh ! many a widow, many an orphan cursed The building of that fane ; and many a father, Worn out with toil and slavery, implored The poor man's god to sweep it from the earth, B 2 18 QUEEN MAB. II. And spare his children the detested task Of piling stone on stone, and poisoning The choicest days of life, To soothe a dotard's vanity. There an inhuman and uncultured race Howled hideous praises to their Demon-God : They rushed to war, tore from the mother's womb The unborn child, — old age and infancy Promiscuous perished ; their victorious arms Left not a soul to breathe. Oh! they were fiends: But what was he who taught them, that the God Of nature and benevolence had given A special sanction to the trade of blood 1 His name and theirs are fading, and the tales Of this barbarian nation, which imposture , Recites till terror credits, are pursuing Itself into forgetfulness. Where Athens, Rome, and Sparta stood, There is a moral desartnow : The mean and miserable huts, The yet more wretched palaces, Contrasted with those ancient fanes, Now crumbling to oblivion ; The long and lonely colonades, Through which the ghost of Freedom stalks, Seem like a well-known tune, Which, in some dear scene we have loved to hear, Remembered now in sadness. But, oh I how much more changed, How gloomier is the contrast Of human nature there ! II. QUEEN MAB. 19 Where Socrates expired, a tyrant's slave, A coward and a fool, spreads death around — Then, shuddering, meets his own. Where Cicero and Antoninus lived, A hypocritical and cowled monk Prays, curses, and deceives. Spirit ! ten thousand years Have scarcely past away, Since, in the waste where now the savage drinks His enemy's blood, and aping Europe's sons, Wakes the unholy song of war, Arose a stately city, Metropolis of the western continent : There, now, the mossy column-stone, Indented by Time's unrelaxing grasp, Which once appeared to brave AH, save its country's ruin ; There the wide forest scene, Rude in the uncultivated loveliness Of gardens long run wild, Seems to the unwilling sojourner, whose steps Chance in that desart has delayed, Thus to have stood since earth was what it is. Yet once it was the busiest haunt, Whither, as to a common centre, flocked Strangers, and ships, and merchandize: Once peace and freedom blest The cultivated plain: But wealth, that curse of man, Blighted the bud of its prosperity: B 3 20 QUEEN MAB. II. Virtue and wisdom, truth and liberty, Fled, to return not, until man shall know That they alone can give the bliss Worthy; a soul that claims Its kindred with eternity. There's not one atom of yon earth But once was living man ! Nor the minutest drop of rain, That hangeth in its thinnest cloud, But flowed in human veins ; And from the burning plains Where Lybian monsters yell, From the most gloomy glens Of Greenland's sunless clime, To where the golden fields Of fertile England spread Their harvest to the day, Thou canst not find one spot Whereon no city stood. How strange is human pride ! I tell thee that those living things, To whom the fragile blade of grass, That springeth in the morn And perisheth ere noon, Is an unbounded world : I tell thee that those viewless beings, Whose mansion is the smallest particle Of the impassive atmosphere, Think, feel, and live like man ; That their affections and antipathies, II, QUEEN MAB. 21 Like his, produce the laws Ruling their moral state ; And the minutest throb That through their frame diffuses The slightest, faintest motion, Is fixed and indispensable As the majestic laws That rule yon rolling orbs. The Fairy paused. The Spirit, In ecstacy of admiration, felt All knowledge of the past revived ; the events Of old and wondrous times, Which dim tradition interruptedly Teaches the credulous vulgar, were unfolded In just perspective to the view ; Yet dim from their infinitude. The Spirit seemed to stand High on an isolated pinnacle ; The flood of ages combating below, The depth of the unbounded universe Above, and all around Nature's unchanging harmony. 22 QUEEN MAB. HI. III. Fairy ! the Spirit said, And on the Queen of Spells Fixed her ethereal eyes, I thank thee. Thou has given A boon which I will not resign, and taught A lesson not to be unlearned. I know The past, and thence I will essay to glean A warning for the future, so that man May profit by his errors, and derive Experience from his folly : For, when the power of imparting joy Is equal to the will, the human soul Requires no other heaven. Turn thee, surpassing Spirit I Much yet remains unscanned. Thou knowest how great is man, Thouknowest his imbecility : Yet learn thou what he is ; Yet learn the lofty destiny Which restless time prepares For every living soul. III. QUEEN MAB. 23 Behold a gorgeous palace, that, amid Yon populous city, rears its thousand towers And seems itself a city. Gloomy troops Of centinels, in stern and silent ranks, Encompass it around : the dweller there Cannot be free and happy ; hearest thou not The curses of the fatherless, the groans Of those who have no friend ? He passes on : The King, the wearer of a gilded chain That binds his soul to abjectness, the fool Whom courtiers nickname monarch, whilst a slave Even to the basest appetites-^-that man Heeds not the shriek of penury : he smiles At the deep curses which the destitute Mutter in secret, and a sullen joy Pervades his bloodless heart when thousands groan But for those morsels which his wantonness Wastes in unjoyous revelry, to save All that they love from famine : when he hears The tale of horror, to some ready-made face Of hypocritical assent he turns, Smothering the glow of shame, that, spite of him, Flushes his bloated cheek. Now to the meal Of silence, grandeur, and excess, he drags His palled unwilling appetite. If gold, Gleaming around, and numerous viands culled From every clime, could force the loathing sense To overcome satiety, — if wealth, The spring it draws from poisons not, — or vice, 4 QUEEN MAB. III. Unfeeling, stubborn vice, converteth not Its food to deadliest venom ; then that king Is happy ; and the peasant who fulfills His unforced task, when he returns at even, And by the blazing faggot meets again Her welcome for whom all his toil is sped, Tastes not a sweeter meal. Behold him now Stretched on the gorgeous couch ; his fevered brain Reels dizzily awhile : But, ah ! too soon The slumber of intemperance subsides, And conscience, that undying serpent, calls Her venomous brood to their nocturnal task. Listen ! he speaks ! oh ! mark that frenzied eye— Oh ! mark that deadly visage. KING. " No cessation ! Oh ! must this last for ever ! Awful death, I wish, yet fear to clasp thee !-— Not one moment Of dreamless sleep ! O dear and blessed peace ! Why dost thou shroud thy vestal purity In penury and dungeons ! wherefore lurkest With danger, death, and solitude ; yet shunn'st The palace I have built thee ? Sacred peace ! Oh visit me but once, but pitying shed One drop of balm upon my withered soul." Vain man ! that palace is the virtuous heart, And peace defileth not her snowy robes III. QUEEN MAB. 25 In such a shed as thine. Hark ! yet he mutters ; His slumbers are but varied agonies, They prey like scorpions on the springs of life. There needeth not the hell that bigots frame To punish those who err : earth in itself Contains at once the evil and the cure ; And all-sufficing nature can chastise Those who transgress her law, — she only knows How justly to proportion to the fault The punishment it merits. Is it strange That this poor wretch should pride him in his woe? Take pleasure in his abjectness, and hug The scorpion that consumes him ? Is it strange That, placed on a conspicuous throne of thorns, Grasping an iron sceptre, and immured Within a splendid prison, whose stern bounds Shut him from all that's good or dear on earth, His soul asserts not its humanity ? That man's mild nature rises not in war Against a king's employ 1 No — 'tis not strange. He, like the vulgar, thinks, feels, acts, and lives Just as his father did ; the unconquered powers Of precedent and custom interpose Between a king and virtue. Stranger yet, To those who know not nature, nor deduce The future from the present, it may seem, That not one slave, who suffers from the crimes Of this unnatural being ; not one wretch, Whose children famish, and whose nuptial bed 26 QUEEN MAB. 111. In earth's unpitying bosom, rears an arm To dash him from his throne ! Those gilded flies That, basking in the sunshine of a court, Fatten on its corruption ! — what are they ? — The drones of the community ; they feed On the mechanic's labour : the starved hind For them compels the stubborn glebe to yield Its unshared harvests ; and yon squalid form, Leaner than fleshless misery, that wastes A sunless life in the unwholesome mine, Drags out in labour a protracted death, To glut their grandeur ; many faint with toil, That few may know the cares and woes of sldth. Whence, thinkestthou, kings and parasites arose? Whence that unnatural line of drones, who heap Toil and un vanquish able penury On those who build their palaces, and bring Their daily bread ? — From vice, black loathsome vice; From rapine, madness, treachery, and wrong ; From all that genders misery, and makes Of earth this thorny wilderness ; from lust, Revenge, and murder And when reason's voice, Loud as the voice of nature, shall have waked The nations ; and mankind perceive that vice Is discord, war, and misery ; that virtue Is peace, and happiness, and harmony ; ///. QUEEN MAB. 27 When man's maturer nature shall disdain The playthings of its childhood ; — kingly glare Will lose its power to dazzle ; its authority Will silently pass by ; the gorgeous throne Shall stand unnoticed in the regal hall, Fast falling to decay ; whilst falsehood's trade Shall be as hateful and unprofitable As that of truth is now . Where is the fame Which the vain-glorious mighty of the earth Seek to eternize ? Oh ! the faintest sound From time's light footfall, the minutest wave That swells the flood of ages, whelms in nothing The unsubstantial bubble. Aye ! to-day Stern is the tyrant's mandate, red the gaze That flashes desolation, strong the arm That scatters multitudes. To-morrow comes I That mandate is a thunder-peal that died In ages past ; that gaze, a transient flash On which the midnight closed, and on that arm The worm has made his meal. The virtuous man,. Who, great in his humility, as kings Are little in their grandeur ; he who leads Invincibly a life of resolute good, And stands amid the silent dungeon-depths More free and fearless than the trembling judge. Who, clothed in venal power, vainly strove To bind the impassive spirit j — when he falls, C 28 QUEEN MAB. III. His mild eye beams benevolence no more : Withered the hand outstretched but to relieve ; Sunk reason's simple eloquence that rolled But to appal the guilty. Yes ! the grave Hath quenched that eye, and death's relentless frost Withered that arm : but the unfading fame Which virtue hangs upon its votary's tomb ; The deathless memory of that man, whom kings Call to their mind and tremble ; the remembrance With which the happy spirit contemplates Its well-spent pilgrimage on earth, Shall never pass away. Nature rejects the monarch, not the man ; The subject not the citizen : for kings And subjects, mutual foes, for ever play A losing game into each other's hands, Whose stakes are vice and misery. The man Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys. Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate'er it touches ; and obedience, Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth, Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame, A mechanized automaton. When Nero, High over flaming Rome, with savage joy Lowered like a fiend, drank with enraptured ear The shrieks of agonizing death, beheld The frightful desolation spread, and felt III. QUEEN MAB. 29 A new created sense within his soul Thrill to the sight, and vibrate to the sound ; Thinkest thou his grandeur had not overcome The force of human kindness 1 and, when Rome, With one stern blow, hurled not the tyrant down, Crushed not the arm red with her dearest blood, Had not submissive abjectness destroyed Nature's suggestions? Look on yonder earth : The golden harvests spring ; the unfailing sun Sheds light and life ; the fruits, the flowers, the trees, Arise in due succession ; all things speak Peace, harmony, and love. The universe, In nature's silent eloquence, declares That all fulfil the works of love and joy, — All but the outcast man. He fabricates The sword which stabs his peace ; he cherisheth The snakes that gnaw his heart ! he raiseth up The tyrant, whose delight is in his woe, Whose sport is in his agony. Yon sun, Lights it the great alone 1 Yon silver beams, Sleep they less sweetly on the cottage thatch, Than on the dome of kings ? Is mother earth A step-dame to her numerous sons, who earn Her unshared gifts with unremitting toil ; A mother only to those puling babes Who, nursed in ease and luxury, make men The playthings of their babyhood, and mar, In self-important childishness, that peace Which men alone appreciate 1 c 2 30 QUEEN MAB. III. Spirit of Nature ! no. The pure diffusion of thy essence throbs Alike in every human heart. Thou, aye, erectest there Thy throne of power unappealable : Thou art the judge beneath whose nod Man's brief and frail authority Is powerless as the wind That passeth idly by. Thine the tribunal which surpasseth The shew of human justice, As God surpasses man. Spirit of Nature ! thou Life of interminable multitudes ; Soul of those mighty spheres Whose changeless paths thro' Heaven's deep silence lie ; Soul of that smallest being, The dwelling of whose life Is one faint April sun-gleam ; — Man, like these passive things, Thy, will unconsciously fulfilleth : Like their's, his age of endless peace, Which time is fast maturing, Will swiftly, surely come ; And the unbounded frame, which thou per- vadest, Will be without a flaw Marring its perfect symmetry. IV. QUERN MAB. 31 IV. How beautiful this night ! the balmiest sigh, Which vernal zephyrs breathe in evening's ear, Were discord to the speaking quietude That wraps this moveless scene. Heaven's ebon vault, Studded with stars unutterably bright, Through which the moon's unclouded grandeur rolls, Seems like a canopy which love has spread To curtain her sleeping world. Yon gentle hills, Robed in a garment of untrodden snow ; You darksome rocks, whence icicles depend, So stainless, that their white and glittering spires Tinge not the moon's pure beam ; yon castled steep, Whose banner hangeth o'er the time-worn tower So idly, that rapt fancy deemeth it A metaphor of peace ; — all form a scene Where musing solitude might love to lift Her soul above this sphere of earthliness ; Where silence undisturbed might watch alone, So cold, so bright, so still. 3 c 32 QUEEN MAB. IV. The orb of day, In southern climes, o'er ocean's waveless field Sinks sweetly smiling : not the faintest breath Steals o'er the unruffled deep ; the clouds of eve Reflect unmoved the lingering beam of day ; And vesper's image on the western main Is beautifully still. To-morrow comes : Cloud upon^cloud, in dark and deepening mass, Roll o'er the blackened waters ; the deep roar Of distant thunder mutters awfully ; Tempest unfolds its pinion o'er the gloom That: shrouds the boiling surge; the pityless fiend, With all his winds and lightnings, tracks his prey ; The torn deep yawns, — the vessel findsla grave Beneath its jagged gulf. Ah ! whence yon glare That fires the arch of heaven? — that dark red smoke Blotting the silver moon? The starsjare quenched In darkness, and the pure and spangling snow Oleams faintly through the gloom that gathers round ! Hark to that roar, whose swift and deafening peals In countless echoes through the mountains ring, Startling pale midnight on her starry throne ! Now swells the intermingling din ; the jar Frequent and frightful of the bursting bomb ; The falling beam, the shriek, the groan, the shout, The ceaseless clangour, and the rush of men Inebriate with rage :— loud, and more loud f F. QUEEN MAB, 33 The discord grows; till pale death shuts the scene, And o'er the conqueror and the. conquered draws His cold and bloody shroud. — Of all the men Whom day's departing beam saw blooming there, In proud and vigorous health ; of all the hearts That beat with anxious life at sun-set there ; How few survive, how few are beating now ! All is deep silence, iike the fearful calm That slumbers in the storms portentous pause ; Save when the frantic wail of widowed love Comes shuddering on the blast, or the faint moan With which some soul bursts from the frame of clay Wrapt round its struggling powers- The grey morn Dawns on the mournful scene ; the sulphurous smoke Before the icy wind slow rolls away, And the bright beams of frosty morning dance Along the spangling snow. There tracks of blood Even to the forest's depth, and scattered arms, And lifeless warriors, whose hard lineaments Death's self could change not, mark the dreadful path Of the outsallying victors : far behind, Black ashes note where their proud city stood. Within yon forest is a gloomy glen — Each tree which guards its darkness from the day, Waves o'er a warrior's tomb. 34, QUEEN MAB. IV. I see thee shrink, Surpassing Spirit ! — wert thou human else ? I see a shade of doubt and horror fleet Across thy stainless features : yet fear not ; This is no unconnected misery, Nor stands uncaused, and irretrievable. Man's evil nature, that apology Which kings who rule, and cowards who crouch, set up For their unnumbered crimes, sheds not the blood Which desolates the discord-wasted land. From kings, and priests, and statesmen, war arose, Whose safety is man's deep unbettered woe, Whose grandeur is debasement. Let the axe Strike at the root, the poison-tree will fall ; And where its venomed exhalations spread Ruin, and death, and woe, where millions lay Quenching the serpent's famine, and their bones Bleaching unburied in the putrid blast, A garden shall arise, in loveliness Surpassing fabl.ed.Eden. Hath Nature's soul, That formed this world so beautiful, that spread Earth's lap with plenty, and life's smallest chord Strung to unchanging unison, that gave The happy birds their dwelling in the grove, That yielded to the wanderers of the deep The lovely silence of the unfathomed main, And filled the meanest worm that crawls in dust With spirit, thought, and love ; on Man alone, Partial in causeless malice, wantonly IV. -QUEEN MAB. 35 Heaped min, vice, and slavery; his soul Blasted with withering curses ; placed afar The meteor happiness, that shuns his grasp, But serving on the frightful gulph to glare, Rent wide beneath his footsteps 1 Nature ! — no ! Kings, priests, and statesmen, blast the humaa flower Even in its tender bud ; their influence darts Like subtle poison through the bloodless veins Of desolate society. The child, Ere he can lisp his mother's sacred name, Swells with the unnatural pride of crime, and lifts His baby-sword even in a hero's mood. This infant-arm becomes the bloodiest scourge Of devastated earth; whilst specious names, Learnt in soft childhood's unsuspecting hour, "Serve as the sophisms with which manhood dims Bright reason's ray, and sanctifies the sword Upraised to shed a brother's innocent blood. Let priest-led slaves cease to proclaim that man Inherits vice and misery, when force And falsehood hang even o'er the cradled babe, Stifling with rudest grasp all natural good. Ah ! to the stranger-soul, when first it peeps From its new tenement, and looks abroad For happiness and sympathy, how stern And desolate a tract is this wide world ! How withered all the buds of natural good ! 36 QUEEN MAB. IV. No shade, no shelter from the sweeping storms Of pityless power ! On its wretched frame, Poisoned, perchance, by the disease and woe Heaped on the wretched parent whence it sprung By morals, law, and custom, the pure winds Of heaven, that renovate, the insect tribes, May breathe not. The untainting light of day May visit not its longings. It is bound Ere it has life : yea, all the chains are forged Long ere its being : all liberty and love And peace is torn from its defencelessness ; Cursed from its birth, even from its cradle doomed To abjectness aud bondage ! Throughout this varied and eternal world Soul is the only element, the block That for uncounted ages has remained, The moveless pillar of a mountain's weight Is active living spirit. Every grain Is sentient both in unity and part, And the minutest atom comprehends A world of loves and hatreds ; these beget Evil and good: hence truth and falsehood spring ; Hence will, and thought, and action, all the germs Of pain or pleasure, sympathy or hate, That variegate the eternal universe. Soul is not more polluted than the beams Of Heaven's pure orb, ere round their rapid lines IV. QUEEN MAB. 37 The taint of earth-born atmospheres arise. Man is of soul and body, formed for deeds Of high resolve, on fancy's boldest wing To soar unwearied, fearlessly to turn The keenest pangs to peacefulness, and taste The joys which mingled sense and spirit yield. Or he is formed for abjectness and "woe, To grovel on the dunghill of his fears, To shrink at every sound, to quench the flame Of natural love in sensualism, to know That hour as blest when on his worthless days The frozen hand of death shall set its seal, Yet fear the cure though hating the disease. The one is man that shall hereafter be ; The other, man as vice has made him now. War is the statesman's game, the priest's delight, The lawyer's jest, the hired assassin's trade, And, to those royal murderers, whose mean thrones Are bought by crimes of treachery and gore, The bread they eat, the staff on which they lean. Guards, garbed in blood-red livery, surround Their palaces, participate the crimes That force defends, and from a nation's rage Secures the crown, which all the curses re^ch That famine, frenzy, woe, and penury breathe. These are the hired bravos who defend The tyrant's throne — the bullies of his fear ; These arc the sinks and channels of worst vice, The refuse of society, the dregs 38 QUEEN MAB. IV. Of all that is most rile : their cold hearts blend Deceit with sternness, ignorance with pride, All that is mean and villainous, with rage Which hopelessness of good, and self-eontempt, Alone might kindle ; they are decked in wealth, Honour and power, then are sent abroad To do their work. The pestilence that stalks In gloomy triumph through some eastern land Is less destroying. They cajole with gold, And promises of fame, the thoughtless youth Already crushed with servitude : he knows His wretchedness too late, and cherishes Repentence for his ruin, when his doom Is sealed in gold and blood ! Those too the tyrant serve, who skilled to snare The feet of justice in the toils of law, Stand, ready to oppress the weaker still ,♦ And, right or wrong, will vindicate for gold, Sneering at public virtue, which beneath Their pityless tread lies torn and trampled, where Honour sits smiling at the sale of truth. Then grave and hoary-headed hypocrites, Without a hope, a passion, or a love, Who, through a life of luxury and lies, Have crept by flattery to the seats of power, Support the system whence their honours flow-^- They have three words : — well tyrants know their use, Well pay them for the loan, with ussry Torn from a bleeding world I God, Hell, and Heaven. IV. QUEEN MAB. 39 A vengeful, pityless, and Almighty Fiend, Whose mercy is a nick-name for the rage Of tameless tygers hungering for blood. Hell, a red gulf of everlasting fire, Where poisonous and undying worms prolong Eternal misery to those hapless slaves Whose life has been a penance for its crimes. And Heaven, a meed for those who dare belie Their human nature, quake, believe, and cringe Before the mockeries of earthly power. These tools the tyrant tempers to his work, Wields in his wrath, and as he wills destroys, Omnipotent in wickedness : the while Youth springs, age moulders, manhood tamely does His bidding, bribed by short-lived joys to lend Force to the weakness of his trembling arm. They rise, they fall ; one generation comes Yielding its harvest to destruction's scythe. It fades, another blossoms, yet behold ! Red glows the tyrant's stamp-mark on its bloom, Withering and cankering deep its passive prime. He has invented lying words and modes, Empty and vain as his own coreless heart ; Evasive meanings, nothings ofmnch sound, - To lure the heedless victim to the toils Spread round the valley of its paradise. Look to thyself, priest, conqueror, or prince ! Whether thy trade is falsehood, and thy lusts D 40 QUEEN MAB. IV. Deep wallow in the earnings of the poor, With whom thy master was : — or thou delight'st In numbering o'er the myriads of thy slain, All misery weighing nothing in the scale Against thy short-lived fame : or thou dost load With cowardice and crime the groaning land, A pomp-fed king. Look to thy wretched self ! Aye, art thou not the veriest slave that e'er Crawled on the loathing earth ? Are not thy days Days of unsatisfying listlessness ? Dost thou not cry, ere night's long rack is o'er, When will the morning come ? Is not thy youth A vain and feverish dream of sensualism ? Thy manhood blighted with unripe disease ? Are not thy views of unregretted death Drear, comfortless, and horrible 1 Thy mind Is it not morbid as thy nerveless frame, Incapable of judgment, hope, or love ? And dost thou wish the errors to survive That bar thee from all sympathies of good, After the miserable interest Thou hold'st in their protraction ? When the grave Has swallowed up thy memory and thyself, Dost thou desire the bane that poisons earth To twine its roots around thy coffined clay, Spring from thy bones, and blossom on thy tomb, That of its fruit thy babes may eat and die 1 V. QUEEN MAB, 41 Thus do the generations of the earth Go to the grave, and issue from the womb, Surviving still the imperishable change That renovates the world ; even as the leaves Which the keen frost-wind of the waning year Has scattered on the forest soil, and heaped For many seasons there, though long they choke, Loading with loathsome rottenness the land, All germs of promise. Yet when the tall trees From which they fell, shorn of their lovely shapes, Lie level with the earth, to moulder there, They fertilize the land they long deformed, Till from the breathing lawn a forest springs, Of youth, integrity, and loveliness, Like that which gave it life, to spring and die. Thus suicidal selfishness, that blights The fairest feelings of the opening heart, Is destined to decay, whilst from the soil Shall spring all virtue, all delight, all love, And judgment cease to wage unnatural war With passion's unsubduable array. Twin-sister of religion, selfishness ! Rival in crime and falsehood, aping all D2 42 QUEEN MAB. V. The wanton horrors of her bloody play ; Yetfrozen, unimpassioned, spiritless, Shunning the light, and owning not its name, Compelled, by its deformity, to screen With flimsy veil of justice and of right, Its unattractive lineaments, that scare All, save the brood of ignorance : at once The cause and the effect of tyranny ; Unblushing, hardened, sensual, and vile ; Dead to all love but of its abjectness. With heart impassive by more noble powers Than unshared pleasure, sordid gain, or fame ; Despising its own miserable being, Which still it longs, yet fears to disenthrall. Hence commerce springs, the venal interchange Of all that human art or nature yield ; Which wealth should purchase not, but want de- mand, And natural kindness hasten to supply From the full fountain of ils boundless love, For ever stifled, drained, and tainted now. Commerce, beneath whose poison-breathing shade No solitary virtue dares to spring, But poverty and wealth with equal hand Scatter their withering curses, and unfold The doors of premature and violent death, To pining famine and full-fed disease, To all that shares the lot of human life, Which poisoned body and soul, scarce drags the chain. V. QUEEN MAB. 43 That lengthens as it goes, and clanks behind. Commerce has set the mark of selfishness, The signet of its all-enslaving power Upon a shining ore, and called it gold : Before whose image bow the vulgar great, The vainly rich, the miserable proud, The mob of peasants, nobles, priests, and kings, And with blind feelings reverence the power That grinds them to the dust of misery. But in the temple of their hireling hearts Gold is a living god, and rules in scorn All earthly things but virtue. Since tyrants, by the sale of human life, Heap luxuries to their sensualism, and fame To their wide-wasting and insatiate pride, Success has sanctioned to a credulous world The ruin, the disgrace, the woe of war. His hosts of blind and unresisting dupes The despot numbers ; from his cabinet These puppets of his schemes he moves at will, Even as the slaves by force or famine driven, Beneath a vulgar master, to perform A task of cold and brutal drudgery ; Hardened to hope, insensible to fear, Scarce living pullies of a dead machine, Mere wheels of work and articles of trade, That grace the proud and noisy pomp of wealth, I The harmony and happiness of man Yields to the wealth of nations ; that which lifts D3 44 QUEEN MAB. V. His nature to the heaven of its pride, Is bartered for the poison of his soul ; The weight that drags to earth his towering hopes, Blighting all prospect but of selfish gain, Withering all passion but of slavish fear, Extinguishing all free and generous love Of enterprize and daring, even the pulse That fancy kindles in the beating beart To mingle with sensation, it destroys — Leaves nothing but the sordid lust of self, The grovelling hope of interest and gold, Unqualified, unmingled, unredeemed Even by hypocrisy. And statesmen boast Of wealth ! The wordy eloquence that lives After the ruin of their hearts, can gild The bitter poison of a nation's woe ! Can turn the worship of the servile mob To their corrupt and glaring idol fame, From virtue, trampled by its iron tread, Although its dazzling pedestal be raised Amid the horrors of a limb-strewn field, With desolated dwellings smoking round. The man of ease, who, by his warm fire-side, To deeds of charitable intercourse And bare fulfilment of the common laws Of decency and prejudice, confines The struggling nature of his human heart, Is duped by their cold sophistry ; he she is A passing tear perchance upon the wreck V. QUEEN MAB. 45 Of earthly peace, when near his dwelling's door The frightful waves are driven — when his son Is murdered by the tyrant, or religion Drives his wife raving mad. — But the poor man, Whose life is misery, and fear, and care ; Whom the morn wakens but to fruitless toil ; Who ever hears his famished offspring's scream, Whom their pale mother's uncomplaining gaze For ever meets, and the proud rich man's eye Flashing command, and the heart-breaking scene Of thousands like himself; — he little heeds The rhetoric of tyranny ; his hate Is quenchless as his wrongs ; he laughs to scorn The vain and bitter mockery of words, Feeling the horror of the tyrant's deeds, And unrestrained, but by the arm of power, That knows and dreads his enmity. The iron rod of penury still compels Her wretched slave to bow the knee to wealth, And poison, with unprofitable toil, A life too void of solace to confirm The very chains that bind him to his doom. Nature, impartial in munificence, Has gifted man with all-subduing will. Matter, with all its transitory shapes, Lies subjected and plastic at his feet, That, weak from bondage, tremble as they tread. How many a rustic Milton has past by, Stifling the speechless longings of his heart, In unremitting drudgery and care ! 46 QUEEN MAB. V. How many a vulgar Cato has compelled His energies, no longer tameless then, To mould a pin, or fabricate a nail ! How many a Newton, to whose passive ken Those mighty spheres that gem infinity Were only species of tinsel, fixed in heaven To light the midnights of his native town ! Yet every heart contains perfection's germ : The wisest of the sages of the earth, That ever from the stores of reason drew Science and truth, and virtue's dreadless tone, Were but a weak and inexperienced boy, Froud, sensual, unimpassioned, unimbued With pure desire and universal love, Compared to that high being, of cloudless brain, Untainted passion, elevated will, Which death (who even would linger long in awe, Within his noble presence, and beneath His changeless eyebeam) might alone subdue. Him, every slave now dragging through the filth Of some corrupted city his sad life, Pining with famine, swoln with luxury, Blunting the keenness of his spiritual sense With narrow schemings and unworthy cares, Or madly rushing through all violent crime, To move the deep stagnation of his soul — Might imitate and equal. But mean lust Has bound its chains so tight around the earth, V. QUEEN MAB. 47 That all within it but the virtuous man Is venal : gold or fame will surely reach The price prefixed by selfishness, to all But him of resolute and unchanging will ; Whom, nor the plaudits of a servile crowd, Nor the vile joys of tainting luxury, Can bribe to yield his elevated soul To tyranny or falsehood, though they wield With blood-red hand the sceptre of the world. All things are sold : the very light of heaven Is venal: earth's unsparing gifts of love, The smallest and most despicable things That lurk in the abysses of the deep, All objects of our life, even life itself, And the poor pittance which the laws allow Of liberty, the fellowship of man, Those duties which his heart of human love Should urge him to perform instinctively, Are bought and sold as in a public mart Of undisguising selfishness, that sets On each its priee, the stamp-mark of her reign. Even love is sold ; the solace of all woe Is turned to deadliest agony, old age Shivers in selfish beauty's loathing arms, And youth's corrupted impulses prepare A life of horror from the blighting bane Of commerce ; whilst the pestilence that springs From unenjoying sensualism, has filled All human life with hydra-headed woes. 48 QUEEN MAB. V. Falsehood demands but gold to pay the pangs Of outraged conscience ; for the slavish priest Sets no great value on his hireling faith : A little passingsjpomp, some servile souls, Whom cowardice itself might safely chain, Or the spare mite of avarice could bribe To deck the triumph of their languid zeal, Can make him minister to tyranny. More daring crime requires a loftier meed: Without a shudder, the slave-soldier lends His arm to murderous deeds, and steels his heart When the dread eloquence of dying men, Low mingling on the lonely field of fame, Assails that nature, whose applause he sells For the gross blessings of a patriot mob, For the vile gratitude of heartless kings, And for a cold world's good word — viler still 1 There is a nobler glory, which survives Until our being fades, and, solacing All human care, accompanies its change: Deserts not virtue in the dungeon's gloom, And, in the precincts of the palace, guides Its footsteps through that labyrinth of crime ; Imbues his lineaments with dauntlessness, Even when, from power's avenging hand, he takes Its sweetest, last, and noblest title — death ; The consciousness of good, which neither gold, Nor sordid fame, nor hope of heavenly bliss, Can purchase ; but a life of resolute goed, V. QUEEN MAB. 49 Unalterable will, quenchless desire Of universal happiness, the heart That beats with it in unison, the brain, Whose ever wakeful wisdom toils to change Reason's rich stores for its eternal weal. This commerce of sincerest virtue needs No mediative signs of selfishness, No jealous intercourse of wretched gain, No balancings of prudence, cold and long ; In just and equal measure all is weighed, One scale contains the sum of human weal, And one, the good man's heart. How vainly seek The selfish for that happiness denied To aught but virtue ! Blind and hardened, they, Who hope for peace amid the storms of care, Who covet power they know not how to use, And sigh for pleasure they refuse to give — Madly they frustrate still their own designs : And, where they hope that quiet to enjoy Which virtue pictures, bitterness of soul, Pining regrets, and vain repentances, Disease, disgust, and lassitude, pervade Their valueless and miserable lives. But hoary-headed selfishness has felt Its death-blow, and is tottering to the grave : A brighter morn awaits the human day, When every transfer of earth's natural gifts 50 QUEEN MAB. V. Shall be a commerce of good words and works; When poverty and wealth, the thirst of fame, The fear of infamy, disease, and woe, War with its million horrors, and fierce hell Shall live but in the memory of time, Who, like a penitent libertine, shall start, Look back, and shudder at his younger years. QUEEN MAB. 51 VI. All touch, all eye, all ear, The Spirit felt the Fairy's burning speech. O'er the thin texture of its frame, The varying periods painted changing glows, As on a summer even, When soul-enfolding music floats around, The stainless mirror of the lake Re-images the eastern gloom, Mingling convulsively its purple hues With sunset's burnished gold. Then thus the Spirit spoke : It is a wild and miserable world ! Thorny, and full of care, Which every fiend can make his prey at will. O Fairy ! in the lapse of years, Is there no hope in store? Will yon vast suns roll on Interminably, still illuming The night of so many wretched souls, And see no hope for them? Will not the universal Spirit e'er Revivify this withered limb of Heaven? E &2 QUEEN MAB. VI. The fairy calmly smiled In comfort, and a kindling gleam of hope Suffused the Spirit's lineaments. Oh ! rest thee tranquil : chase those fearful doubts, Which ne'er could rack an everlasting soul, That sees the chains which bind it to its doom. Yes ! crime and misery are in yonder earth, Falsehood, mistake, and lust ; But the eternal world Contains at once the evil and the cure. Some eminent in virtue shall start up, Even in perversest time ; The truths of their pure lips, that never die, Shall bind the scorpion falsehood with a wreath Of ever-living flame, Until the monster sting itself to death. How sweet a scene will earth become ! Of purest spirits, a pure dwelling-place, Symphonious with the planetary spheres, When man, with changeless nature coalescing^ Will undertake regeneration's work, When its ungenial poles no longer point To the red and baleful sun That faintly twinkles there. Spirit ! on yonder earth, Falsehood now triumphs ; deadly power Has fixed its seal upon the lip of truth ! Madness and misery are there ! The happiest is most wretched ! yet confide, VI. QUEEN MAB. 53 Until pure health-drops from the cup of joy, Fall like a dew of balm upon the world. Now, to the scene I shew, in silence turn, And read the blood-stained charter of all woe, Which nature soon, with recreating hand, Will blot in mercy from the book of earth. How bold the flight of passion's wandering wing, How swift the step of reason's firmer tread, How calm and sweet the victories of life, How terrorless the triumph of the grave ! How powerless were the mightiest monarch's arm, Vain his loud threat, and impotent his frown ! How ludicrous the priest's dogmatie roar ! The weight of his exterminating curse, How light ! and his affected charity, To suit the pressure of the changing times, What palpable deceit ! — but for thy aid, Religion ! but for thee, prolific fiend, Who peoplest earth with demons, hell with men, And heaven with slaves ! Thou taintest all thou lookest upon ! — the stars, Which on thy cradle beamed so brightly sweet, Were gods to the distempered playfulness Of thy untutored infancy : the trees, The grass, the clouds, the mountains, and the sea, All living things that walk, swim, creep, or fly, Were gods : the sun had homage, and the moon Her worshipper. Then thou becamest, a boy, More daring in thy frenzies : every shape, E2 54 QUEEN MAB. VI. Monstrous or vast, or beautifully wild, Which, from sensation's relics, fancy culls ; The spirits of the air, the shuddering ghost, The genii of the elements, the powers That give a shape to nature's varied works, Had life and place in the corrupt belief Of thy blind heart: yet still thy youthful hands Were pure of human blood. Then manhood gave Its strength and ardour to thy frenzied brain ; Thine eager gaze scanned the stupendous scene Whose wonders mocked the knowledge of thy pride : Their everlasting and unchanging laws Reproached thine ignorance. Awhile thou stood'st Baffled and gloomy ; then thou didst sum up The elements of all that thou didst know ; The changing seasons, winter's leafless reign, The budding of the heaven-breathing trees, The eternal orbs that beautify the night, The sun-rise, and the setting of the moon, Earthquakes and wars, and poisons and disease, And all their causes, to an abstract point, Converging, thou didst bend, and called it — God ! The self-sufficing, the omnipotent, The merciful, and the avenging God ! Who, prototype of human misrule, sits High in heaven's realm, upon a golden throne, Even like an earthly king ; and whose dread work, Hell gapes for ever for the unhappy slaves Of fate, whom he created, in his sport, To triumph in their torments when they fell ! VI. QUEEN MAB. 65 Eartk heard the name; earth trembled, as the smoke Of his revenge ascended tip to heaven, Blotting the constellations ; and the cries Of millions, butchered in sweet confidence, And unsuspecting peace, even when the bonds Of safety were confirmed by wordy oaths Sworn in his dreadful name, rung through the land ; Whilst innocent babes writhed on thy stubborn spear, And thou didst laugh to hear the mother's shriek Of maniac madness, as the sacred steel Felt cold in he r torn entrails ! Religion! thou wert then in manhood's prime : But age crept on : one God would not suffice For senile puerility ; thou framed'st A tale to suit thy dotage, and to glut Thy misery-thirsting soul, that the mad fiend Thy wickedness had pictured, might afford A plea for. sating the unnatural thirst For murder, rapine, violence, and crime, That still consumed thy being, even when Thou heardest the step of Fate ; — that flames might light Thy funeral scene, and the shrill horrent shrieks Of parents dying on the pile that burned To light their children to thy paths, the roar Of the encircling flames, the exulting cries Of thine apostles, loud commingling there, E3 5Q QUEEN MAB. VI. Might sate thine hungry ear Even on the bed of death ! But now contempt is mocking thy grey hairs ; Thou arjt descending to the darksome grave, Unhonoured and unpitied, but by those Whose pride is passing by like thine, and sheds, Like thine, a glare that fades before the sun Of truth, and shines but in the dreadful night That long has lowered above the ruined world. Throughout these infinite orbs of mingling light, Of which yon earth is one, is wide diffused A spirit of activity and life, That knows no term, cessation, or decay ; That fades not when the lamp of earthly life, Extinguished in the dampness of the grave, Awhile there slumbers, more than when the babe In the dim newness of its being feels The impulses of sublunary things, And all is wonder to unpractised sense : But, active, stedfast, and eternal, still Guides the fierce whirlwind, in the tempest roars, Cheers in the day, breathes in the balmy groves, strengthens in health, and poisons in disease; AncLin the storm of change, that ceaselessly Rolls round the eternal universe, and shakes Its undecaying battlement, presides, Apportioning with irresistible law The place each spring of its machine shall fill ; So that when waves on waves tumultuous heap Confusion to the clouds, and fiercely driven VI. QUEEN MAB, 57 Heaven's lightnings scorch the uprooted ocean- fords, Whilst, to the eye of shipwrecked mariner, Lone sitting en the bare and shuddering rock, All seems unlinked contingency and chance: No atom of this turbulence fulfils A vague and unnecessitated task, Or acts but as it must and ought to act. Even the minutest molecule of light, That in an April sun-beam's fleeting glow Fulfils its destined, though invisible work, The universal Spirit guides ; nor less When merciless ambition, or mad zeal, Has led two hosts of dupes to battle-field, That, blind, they there may dig each other's graves And call the sad work — glory, does it rule All passions : not a thought, a will, an act, No working of the tyrant's moody mind, Nor one misgiving of the slaves who boast Their servitude, to hide the shame they feel, Nor the events enchaining every will, That from the depths of unrecorded time Have drawn all-influencing virtue, pass Unrecognized, or unforeseen by thee, Soul of the Universe ! eternal spring Of life and death, of happiness and woe, Of all that chequers the phantasmal scene That floats before our eyes in wavering light, Which gleams but on the darkness of our prison, Whose chains and massy walls We feel, but cannot see. 58 QUEEN MAB. ' VI. Spirit of Nature ! all sufficing Power, Necessity ! thou mother of the world ! Unlike the God of human error, thou Requirest no prayers or praises : the caprice Of man's weak will belongs no more to thee Than to the changeful passions of his breast To thy unvarying harmony : the slave, Whose horrible lusts spread misery o'er the world, And the good man, who lifts, with virtuous pride, His being, in the sight of happiness, That springs from his own works ; the poison tree, Beneath whose shade all life is withered up, And the fair oak, whose leafy dome afi'ords A temple where the vows of happy love Are registered, are equal in thy sight : No love, no hate thou cherishest ; revenge And favoritism, and worst desire of fame Thou knowest not: all that the wide world contains Are but thy passive instruments, and thou Regard'st them all with an impartial eye, Whose joy or pain thy nature can-sot feel, Because thou hast not human sense, Because thou art not human mind. Yes! when the sweeping storm of time Has sung its death-dirge o'er the ruined fanes And broken altars of the Almighty Fiend, Whose name usurps thy honours, and the blood VI. QUEEN MAB. 50 Through centuries clotted there, has floated down The tainted flood of ages, shalt thou live Unchangeable? A shrine is raised to thee, Which, nor the tempest-breath of time, Nor the interminable flood, Over earth's slight pageant rolling, Availeth to destroy — The sensitive extension of the world. That wondrous and eternal fane, Where pain and pleasure, good and evil join, To do the will of strong Necessity, And life, in multitudinous shapes, Still pressing forward where no term can be, Like hungry and unresisting flame Curls round the eternal columns of its strength.. 60 QUEEN MAB. VII. VII. I was an infant when my mother went To see an Atheist burned. She took me there : The dark-robed priests were met around the pile, The multitude was gazing silently ; And as the culprit passed with dauntless mien, Tempered disdain in his unaltering eye, Mixed with a quiet smile, shone calmly forth : The thirsty fire crept round his manly limbs ; His resolute eyes were scorched to blindness soon ; His death-pang rent my heart! the insensate mob Uttered a cry of triumph, and I wept. Weep not, child ! cried my mother, for that man Has said, There is no God. There is no God ! Nature confirms the faith his death-groan sealed: Let heaven and earth, let man's revolving race, His ceaseless generations tell their tale ; VII. QUEEN MAB. 61 Let every part depending on the chain That links it to the whole, point to the hand That grasps its terra ! let every seed that falls In silent eloquence unfold its store Of argument: infinity within, Infinity without, belie creation ; The exterrainable spirit it contains Is nature's only God; but human pride Is skilful to invent most serious names To hide its ignorance. The name of God Has fenced about ail crime with holiness, Himself the creature of his worshippers, Whose names and attributes, and passions change, Seeva, Buddh, Foh, Jehovah, God, or Lord, Even with the human dupes who build his shrines, Still serving o'er the war-polluted world For desolation's watch-word; whether hosts Stain his death-blushing chariot-wheels, as on Triumphantly they roll, whilst Brahmins raise A sacred hymn to mingle with the groans ; Or countless partners of his power divide His tyranny to weakness ; or the smoke Of burning towns,the cries of female helplessness, Unarmed old age, and youth, and infancy, Horribly massacred, ascend to heaven, In honour of his name ; or, last and worst, Earth groans beneath religion's iron age, And priests dare babble of a God of peace, 62 QUEEN MAB, VII. Even whilst their hands are red with guiltless blood, Murdering the while, uprooting every germ Of truth, exterminating, spoiling all, Making the earth a slaughter-house ! O Spirit ! through the sense By which thy inner nature was apprised Of outward shews, vague dreams have rolled^ And varied reminiscences have waked Tablets that never fade ; All things have been imprinted there, The stars, the sea, the earth, the sky, Even the unshapeliest lineaments Of wild and fleeting visions Have left a record there To testify of earth. These are my empire, for to me is given The wonders of the human world to keep, And fancy's thin creations to endow With manner, being, and reality; Therefore a wondrous phantom, from the dreams Of human error's dense and purblind faith, I will evoke, to meet thy questioning. Ahasuerus, rise ! A strange and woe- worn wight Arose beside the battlement, And stood unmoving there. His inessential figure cast no shade Upon the golden floor ; VII. QUEEN MAB. 63 His port and mien bore mark of many years, And chronicles of unfold ancientness Were legible within his beamless eye r Yet his cheek bore the mark of youth ; Freshness and vigour knit his manly frame ; The wisdom of old age was mingled there With youth's primaeval dauntlessness ; And inexpressible woe, Chastened by fearless resignation, gave An awful grace to his all-speaking brow. SPIRIT. Is there a God? AHASUERUS. Is there a God ? — aye, an almighty God, And vengeful as almighty ! — Once his voice Was heard on earth: — earth shuddered at the sound ; The fiery- visaged firmament expressed Abhorrence, and the grave of nature yawned To swallow all the dauntless and the good That dared to hurl defiance at his throne, Girt as it was with power. None but slaves Survived — cold-blooded slaves, who did the work Of tyrannous omnipotence : whose souls No honest indignation ever urged To elevated daring, to one deed Which gross and sensual self did not pollute. These slaves built temples for the omnipotent, 64 QUEEN MAB. VII. Gorgeous and vast : the costly altars smoked With human blood, and hideous pceans rung Through all the long-drawn aisles. A murderer heard His voice in Egypt, one whose gifts and arts Had raised him to his eminence in power, Accomplice of Omnipotence in crime, And confidant of the all-knowing one. These were Jehovah's words. From an eternity of idleness I, God, awoke ; in seven days' toil made earth From nothing ; rested, and created man : I placed him in a paradise, and there Planted the tree of evil, so that he Might eat and perish, and my soul procure Wherewith to sate its malice, and to turn, Even like a heartless conqueror to the earth, All misery to my fame. The race of men Chosen to my honour, with impunity May sate the lusts I planted in their heart. Here I command thee hence to lead them on, Until, with hardened feet, their conquering troops Wade on the promised soil through woman's blood, And make my name be dreaded through the land. Yet ever burning flame and ceaseless woe Shall be the doom of their eternal souls, With every soul on this ungrateful earth, Virtuous or vicious, weak or strong — even all VII. QUEEN MAB. 65 Shall perish, to fulfil the blind revenge (Which you, to men, call justice) of their God. The murderer's brow Quivered with horror. God omnipotent, Is there no mercy ? must our punishment Be endless ? will long ages roll away, And see no term ? Oh ! wherefore hast thou made In mockery and wrath this evil earth? Mercy becomes the powerful — be just : God ! repent and save. One way remains : 1 will beget a son, and he shall bear The sins of all the world ; he shall arise In an unnoticed corner of the earth, And there shall die upon a cross, and purge The universal crime ; so that the few On whom my grace descends, those who are marked As vessels to the honour of their God, May credit this strange sacrifice, and save Their souls alive : millions shall live and die, Who ne'er shall call upon their Saviour's name, But, unredeemed, go to the gaping grave. Thousands shall deem it an old woman's tale, Such as the nurses frighten babes withal : These, in a gulph of anguish and of flame, Shall curse their reprobation endlessly, Yet tenfold pangs shall force them to avow, 68 QUEEN MAB. VII, Even on their beds of torment, where they how!, My honour, and the justice of their doom. What then avail their virtuous deeds, their ■Of purity, with radiant genius bright, [thoughts Or lit with human reason's earthly ray ? Many are called, but few will I elect. Do thou my bidding, Moses ! Even the murderer's cheek Was blanched with horror, and his quivering lips Scarce faintly uttered— O almighty one, I tremble and obey I Spirit! centuries have set their seal On this heart of many wounds, and loaded brain, Since the incarnate came : humbly he came, Veiling his horrible Godhead in the shape Of man, scorned by the world, his name unheard, Save by the rabble of his native town, Even as a parish demagogue. He led The crowd ; he taught them justice, truth, and peace, In semblance : but he lit within their souls The quenchless flames of zeal, and blest the sword He brought on earth to satiate with the blood Of truth and freedom his malignant soul. At length his mortal frame was led to death. 1 stood beside him : on the torturing cross No pain assailed his unterrestrial sense ; And yet he groaned. Indignantly, I summed VII. QUEEN MAB. G7 The massacres and 'miseries which his name Had sanctioned in my country, and I cried, Go ! go ! in mockery. A smile of godlike malice re-illumed His fading lineaments. — I go, he cried, But thou shalt wander o'er the unquiet earth Eternally. The dampness of the grave Bathed my imperishable front. I fell, And long lay tranced upon the charmed soil. When I awoke hell burned within my brain, Which staggered on its seat ; for ail around The mouldering relics of my kindred lay, Even as the Almighty's ire arrested them, And in their various attitudes of death My murdered children's mute and eyeless sculls Glared ghastly upon me. But my soul, From sight and sense of the polluting woe Of tyranny, had long learned to prefer Hell's freedom to the servitude of heaven. Therefore I rose, and dauntlessly began My lonely and unending pilgrim ge, Resolved to wage unweariablo war With my almighty tyrant, and to hurl Defiance at his impotence to harm Beyond the curse I bore. The very hand That barred my passage to the peaceful grave Has crushed the earth to misery, and given Its empire to the chosen of his slaves. These have I seen, even from the eaiiiest dawn Of weak, unstable, and precarious power ; 1 3 68 QUEEN MAB. VII. Then preaching peace, as now they practise war, So, when they turned but from the massacre Of unoffending infidels, to quench Their thirst for ruin in the very blood That flowed in their own veins, and pityless zeal Froze every human feeling, as the wife Sheathed in her husband's heart the sacred steel, Even whilst his hopes were dreaming of her love : And friends to friends, brothers to brothers stood Opposed in bloodiest battle-field, and war, Scarce satiable by fate's last death-draught waged, Drunk from the wine-press of the Almighty's wrath ; Whilst the red cross in mockery of peace, Pointed to- victory ! When the fray was done, No remnant of the exterminated faith Survived to tell its ruin, but the flesh, With putrid smoke poisoning the atmosphere, That rotted on the half-extinguished pile. Yes ! I have seen God's worshippers unsheathe The sword of his revenge, when grace descended Confirming all unnatural impulses, To sane ify their desolating deeds ; And frantic priests waved the ill-omened cross O'er the unhappy earth : then shone the Sun On showers of gore from the upflashing steel Of safe assassination, and all crime Made stingless by the spirits of the Lord, VII. QUEEN MAB. G9 And blood-red rainbows canopied the land. Spirit ! no year of my eventful being Has passed unstained by crime and misery, Which flows from God's own faith. I've marked his slaves With tongues whose lies are venomous, beguile The insensate mob, and whilst one hand was red With murder, feign to stretch the other out For brotherhood and peace ; and that they now Babble of love and mercy, whilst their deeds Are marked with all the narrowness and crime That freedom's young arm dare not yet chastise ; Reason may claim our gratitude, who now Establishing the imperishable throne Of truth, and stubborn virtue, maketh vain The unprevailing malice of my foe, Whose bootless rage heaps torments for the brave, Adds impotent eternities to pain, Whilst keenest disappointment racks his breast To see the smiles of peace around them play, To frustrate, or to sanctify their doom. Thus have I stood — through a wild waste o years Struggling with whirlwinds of mad agony, Yet peaceful, and serene, and self-enshrined, Mocking my powerless tyrant's horrible curse With stubborn and unalterable will, Even as a giant oak, which heaven's fierce flame Had scathed in the wilderness, to stand 70 QUEEN MAB„ VII. A monument of fadeless ruin there ; Yet peacefully and movelessly it braves The midnight conflict of the wintry storm, As in the sun-light's calm it spreads Its worn and withered arms on high To meet the quiet of a summer's noon. The Fairy waved her wand : Ahasuerus fled Fast as the shapes of mingled shade and mist, That lurk in the glens of a twilight grove, Flee from the morning beam : The matter of which dreams are made Not more endowed with actual life Than this phantasmal portraiture Of wandering human thought. VIII. QUEEN MAB. 71 VIII. The present and the past thou hast beheld : It was a desolate sight. Now, Spirit, learn The secrets of the fat are. — Time ! Unfold the brooding pinion of thy gloom, Render thou up thy half-devoured babes, And from the cradles of eternity, Where millions lie lulled to their portioned sleep By the deep murmuring stream of passing things, Tear thou that gloomy shroud. — Spirit, behold Thy glorious destiny ! Joy to the Spirit came. Through the v\ide rent in Time's eternal veil, Hope was seen beaming through the mists of fear : Earth was no longer hell ; Love, freedom, health, had given Their ripeness to the manhood of its prime, And all its pulses beat Symphonious to the planetary spheres ; Then dulcet music swelled Concordant with the life-strings of the soul ; It throbbed in sweet and languid beatings there. 72 QUEEN MAB. VIII. Catching new life from transitory death — Like the vague sighings of a wind at even, That wakes the wavelets of the slumbering sea, And dies on the creation of its breath, And sinks and rises, fails and swells by fits : Was the pure stream of feeling That sprung from these sweet notes, A nd o'er the Spirit's human sympathies With mild and gentle motion calmly flowed. Joy to the Spirit came — Such joy as when a lover sees The chosen of his soul in happiness, And witnesses her peace Whose woe to him were bitterer than death. Sees her un faded cheek Glow mantling in first luxury of health, Thrills with her lovely eyes, Which like two stars amid the heaving main Sparkle through liquid bliss. Then in her triumph spoke the Fairy Queen : I will not call the ghost of ages gone To unfold the frightful secrets of its lore: The present now is past, And those events that desolate the earth Have faded from the memory of Time, Who dares not give reality to that Whose being I annul. To me is given The wonders of the human world to keep, Space, matter, time, and mind. Futurity VIII. QUEEN MAB. 73 Exposes now its treasure ; let the sight Renew and strengthen all thy failing hope. O human Spirit ! spur thee to the goal Where virtue fixes universal peace, And midst the ebb and flow of human things, Shew somewhat stable, somewhat certain still, A lighthouse o'er the wild of dreary waves. The habitable earth is full of bliss ; Those wastes of frozen billows that were hurled By everlasting snow-storms round the poles, Where matter dared not vegetate or live, But ceaseless frost round the vast solitude Bound its broad zone of stillness, are unloosed ; And fragrant zephyrs there from spicy isles Ruffle the placid ocean-deep that rolls Its broad, bright surges to the sloping sand, Whose roar is wakened into echoings sweet, To murmur through the heaven-breathing groves, And melodize with man's blest nature there. Those deserts of immeasurable sand, Whose age-collected fervours scarce allowed A bird to live, a blade of grass to spring, Where the shrill chirp of the green lizard's love Broke on the sultry silentness alone, Now teem with countless rills and shady woods, Corn-fields, and pastures, and white cottages; And where the startled wilderness beheld A savage conqueror stained in kindred blood, A tigress sating with the flesh of lambs, 74 QUEEN MAB. VIII. The unnatural famine of her toothless cubs, Whilst shouts and howlings through the desert rang, Sloping and smooth the daisy-spangled lawn, Offering sweet incense to the sun-rise, smiles To see a babe before his mother's door, Sharing his morning's meal With the green and golden basilisk That comes to lick his feet. Those trackless deeps, where many a weary sail Has seen above the illimitable plain, Morning on night, and night on morning rise, Whilst still no land to greet the wanderer spread Its shadowy mountains on the sun-bright sea, Where the loud roarings of the tempest-waves So long have mingled with the gusty wind In melancholy loneliness, and swept The desert of those ocean solitudes, But vocal to the sea-bird's harrowing shriek, The bellowing monster, and the rushing storm, Now to the sweet and many mingling sounds Of kindliest human impulses respond. Those lonely realms bright garden-isles begem, With lightsome clouds and shining seas between, And fertile vallies resonant with bliss, Whilst green woods overcanopy the wave, Which like a toil-worn labourer leaps to shore, To meet the kisses of the flow'rets there. All things are recreated, and the flame VIIT. QUEEN MAB. 75 Of consentaneous love inspires all life: The fertile bosom of the earth gives suck To myriads, who still grow beneath her care, Rewarding her with their pure perfectness: The balmy breathings of the wind inhale Her virtues, and diffuse them all abroad : Health floats amid the gentle atmosphere, Glows in the fruits, and mantles on the stream : No storm deforms the beaming brow of heaven, Nor scatters in the freshness of its pride The foliage of the ever-verdant trees ; But fruits are ever ripe, flowers ever fair, And autumn proudly bears her matron grace, Kindling a flush on the fair cheek of spring, Whose virgin bloom beneath the ruddy fruit Reflects its tint and blushes into love. The lion now forgets to thirst for blood: There might you see him sporting in the sun Beside the dreadless kid ; his claws are sheathed, His teeth are harmless, custom's force has made His nature as the nature of a lamb. Like passion's fruit, the nightshade's tempting bane Poisons no more the pleasure it bestows : All bitterness is past ; the cup of joy Unmingled mantles to the goblet's brim, And courts the thirsty lips it fled before. But chief, ambiguous man, he that can know; More misery, and dream more joy than all ; G 76 QUEEN MAB. VJII. Whose keen sensations thrill within his breast To mingle with a loftier instinct there, Lending their power to pleasure and to pain, Yet raising, sharpening, and refining each ; Who stands amid the ever-varying world, The burthen or the glory of the earth ; He chief perceives the change, his being notes The gradual renovation, and defines Each movement of its progress on his mind. Man, where the gloom of the long polar night Lowers o'er the snow-clad rocks and frozen soil, Where scarce the hardiest herb that braves the frost Basks in the moonlight's ineffectual glow, Shrank with the plants, and darkened with the night ; His chilled and narrow energies, his heart, Insensible to courage, truth, or love, His stunted stature and imbecile frame, Marked him for some abortion of the earth, Fit compeer of the bears that roamed around, Whose habits and enjoyments were his own: His life a feverish dream of stagnant woe, Whose meagre wants, but scantily fulfilled* Apprised him ever of the joyless length Which hisshortbeing's wretchedness had reached; His death a pang, which famine, cold, and toil Long on the mind, whilst yet the vital spark Clung to the body stubbornly, had brought : All was inflicted here that earth's revenge VIII. QUEEN MAE. 77 Could wreak on the infringers of her law; One curse alone was spared the name of God. Nor where the tropics bound the realms of day With a broad belt of mingling cloud and flame, Where blue mists through the unmoving atmos- phere Scattered the seeds of pestilence, and fed Unnatural vegetation, where the land Teemed with all earthquake, tempest, and dis- ease, Was man a nobler being ; slavery- Had crushed him to his country's blood-stained dust; Or he was bartered for the fame of power, Which all internal impulses destroying, Makes human will an article of trade ; Or he was changed with Christians for their gold, And dragged to distant isles, where to the sound Of the flesh-mangling scourge, he does the work Of all-polluting luxury and wealth, Which doubly visits on the tyrant's heads The long-protracted fulness of their woe ; Or he was led to legal butchery, To turn to worms beneath that burning sun, Where kings first leagued against the rights of men, And priests first traded with the name of God. Even where the milder zone afforded man A seeming shelter, yet contagion there, G2 iS QUEEN MAE. VIII. Blighting his being with unnumbered ills, Spread like a quenchless fire ; nor truth till late Availed to arrest its progress, or create That peace which first in bloodless victory waved Her snowy standard o'er this favoured clime : There man was long the train-bearer of slaves, The mimic of surrounding misery, Thejackall of Ambition's lion-rage, The blood-hound of Religion's hungry zeal. Here now the human being stands adorning This loveliest earth, with taintless body and mind ; Blest from his birth with all bland impulses, Which gently in his noble bosom wake All kindly passions, and all pure desires. Him, still from hope to hope the bliss pursuing, "Which from the exhaustless store of human weal Draws on the virtuous mind, the thoughts that rise In time-destroying infiniteness, gift With self-enshrined eternity, that mocks The unprevailing hoariness of age, And man, once fleeting o'er the transient scene, Swift as an unremembered vision, stands Immortal upon earth : no longer now He slays the lamb that looks him in the face, And horribly devours his mangled flesh, Which still avenging Nature's broken law, Kindled all putrid humours in his frame, All evil passions, and all vain belief, Hatred, despair, and loathing in his mind, VIII. QUEEN MAR 79 The germs of misery, death, disease, and crime. No longer now the winged inhabitants, That in the woods their sweet lives sing away, Flee from the form of man; but gather round, And prune their sunny feathers on the hand3 Which little children stretch in friendly sport Towards these dreadless partners of their play. All things are void of terror : man has lost His terrible prerogative, and stands An equal amidst equals : happiness And science dawn though late upon the earth ; Peace cheers the mind, health renovates the frame, Disease and pleasure cease to mingle here, Reason and passion cease to combat there; Whilst each, unfettered, o'er the earth extend Their all-subduing energies, and wield The sceptre of a vast dominion there; Whilst every shape and mode of matter lends Its force to the omnipotence of mind, Which from its dark mine drags the gem of truth To decorate its paradise of peace. G 3 80 QUEEN MAB. IX. IX. O happy Earth ! reality of Heaven I To which those restless souls, that ceaselessly Throng through the human universe, aspire ; Thou consummation of all mortal hope ! Thou glorious prize of blindly-working will ! Whose rays diffused throughout all space and time, Verge to one point and blend for ever there : Of purest spirits thou pure dwelling-place ! Where care and sorrow, impotence and crime, Languor, disease, and ignorance, dare not come; O happy Earth, reality of Heaven! Genius has seen thee in her passionate dreams, And dim forebodings of thy loveliness Haunting the human heart, have there entwined Those rooted hopes of some sweet place of bliss Where friends and lovers meet to part no more. Thou art the end of all desire and will, The product of all action: and the souls That by the paths of an aspiring change Have reached thy haven of perpetual peace, There rest from the eternity of toil That framed the fabric of thy perfectness. IX. QUEEN MAB. 81 Even Time, the conqueror, fled thee in his fear ; That hoary giant, who, in lonely pride, So long had ruled the world, that nations fell Beneath his silent footstep. Pyramids, That for millenniums had withstood the tide Of human things, his storm-breath drove in sand Across that desert where their stones survived The name of him whose pride had heaped them there. Yon monarch, in his solitary pomp, Was but the mushroom of a summer day, That his light-winged footstep pressed to dust : Time was the king of earth : all things gave way Before him, but the fixed and virtuous will, The sacred sympathies of soul and sense, That mocked his fury and prepared his fall. Yet slow and gradual dawned the morn of love ; Long lay the clouds of darkness o'er the scene, Till from its native heaven they rolled away: First, crime, triumphant o'er all hope, careered Unblushing, undisguising, bold, and strong ; Whilst falsehood, tricked in virtue's attributes, Long sanctified all deeds of vice and woe, Till done by her own venomous sting to death, She left the moral world without a law, No longer fettering passion's fearless wing, Nor searing reason with the brand of God. Then steadily the happy ferment worked ; Reason was free ; and wild though passion went Through tangled glens and wood-embosomed meads, 88 QUEEN MAB. IX. Gathering 1 a garland of the strangest flowers, Yet like the bee returning to her queen. She bound the sweetest on her sister's brow, Who, meek and sober, kissed the sportive child, No longer trembfing at the broken rod. Mild was the slow necessity of death ; The tranquil Spirit failed beneath its grasp, Without a groan, almost without a fear, Calm as a voyager to some distant land, And full of wonder, full of hope as he. The deadly germs of languor and disease Died in the human frame, and purity Blest with all gifts her earthly worshippers. How vigorous then the athletic form of age! How clear its open and unwrinkled brow I Where neither avarice, cunning, pride, nor care, Had stamped the seal of grey deformity On all the mingling lineaments of time . How lovely the intrepid front of youth I Which meek-eyed courage decked with freshest grace; Courage of soul, that dreaded not a name, And elevated will, that journeyed on Through life's phantasmal scene in fearlessness, With virtue, iove, and pleasure, hand in hand. Then, that sweet bondage which is Freedom's self, And rivets with sensation's softest tie The kindred sympathies of human souls, IX. QUEEN MAB. ~ $3 Needed no fetters of tyrannic law : Those delicate and timid impulses In nature's primal modesty arose, And with undoubting confidence disclosed The growing longings of its dawning love, Unchecked by dull and selfish chastity, That virtue of the cheaply virtuous, Who pride themselves in senselessness and frost. No longer prostitution's venomed bane Poisoned the springs of happiness and life ; Woman and man, in confidence and love, Equal, and free, and pure, together trod The mountain-paths of virtue, which no more Were stained with blood from many a pilgrim's feet. Then, where, through distant ages, long in pride The palace of the monarch-slave had mocked Famine's faint groan, and penury's silent tear, A heap of crumbling ruins stood, and threw Year after year their stones upon the field, Wakening a lonely echo ; and the leaves Of the old thorn, that on the topmost tower Usurped the royal ensign's grandeur, shook In the stern storm that swayed the topmost tower And whisper'd strange tales in the whirlwind's ear. Low through the lone cathedral's roofless aisles The melancholy winds a death-dirge sung : It were a sight of awfulness to see The works of faith and slavery, so vast, -84 QUEEN MAS. IX. So sumptuous, yet so perishing withal J Even as the corpse that rests beneath its wall. A thousand mourners deck the pomp of death To-day 5 the breathing marble glows above To decorate its memory, and tongues Are busy of its life : to-morrow worms In sil-jnce and in darkness seize their prey. Within the massy prison's mouldering courts, Fearless and free the ruddy children played, Weaving gay chaplets for their innocent brows With the green ivy and the red wallflower, That mock the dungeon's unavailing gloom; The ponderous chains, and gratings of strong iron, There rusted amid heaps of broken stone That mingled slowly with their native earth : There the broad beam of day, which feebly once Lighted the «heek of lean captivity With a pale and sickly glare, then freely shone On the pure smiles of infant playfulness : No more the shuddering voice of hoarse despair Pealed through the echoing vaults, but soothing notes Of ivy-fingered winds and gladsome birds And merriment were resonant around. These ruins soon left not a wreck behind: Their elements, wide scattered o'er the globe, To happier shapes were moulded, and became Ministrantto all blissful impulses : Thus human things were perfected, and earth, IX. QUEEN MAB. 85 Even as a chHd beneath its mother's love, Was strengthened in all excellence, and grew Fairer and nobler with each passing year. Now Time his dusky pennons o'er the scene Closes in stedfast darkness, and the past Fades from our charmed sight. My task is done : Thy lore is learned. Earth's wonders are thine own, With all the fear and all the hope they bring. My spells are past : the present now recurs. Ah me ! a pathless wilderness remains Yet unsubdued by man's reclaiming hand. Yet, human Spirit, bravely hold thy course, Let virtue teach thee firmly to pursue The gradual paths of an aspiring change : For birth, and life, and death, and that strange state Before the naked soul has found its home, All tend to perfect happiness, and urge The restless wheels of being on their way, Whose flashing spokes, instinct with infinite life, Bicker and burn to gain their destined goal : For birth but wakes the spirit to the sense Of outward shews, whose unexperienced shape New modes of passion to its frame may lend; Life is its state of action, and the store Of all events is aggregated there That variegate the eternal universe ; Death is a gate of dreariness and gloom, That leads to azure isles and beaming skies 86 QUEEN MAB f IX. And liappy regions of eternal hope. Therefore, O Spirit ! fearlessly bear on : Though storms may break the primrose on its stalk, Though frosts may blight the freshness of its bloom, Yet spring's awakening breath will woo the earth, To feed with kindliest dews its favourite flower, That blooms in mossy banks and darksome glens, Lighting the greenwood with its sunny smile. Fear not then, Spiiit, death's disrobing hand, So welcome when the tyrant is awake, So welcome when the bigot's helh torch burns ; 'Tis but the voyage of a darksome hour, The transient gulf-dream of a startling sleep. Death is no foe to virtue : Earth has seen Love's brightest roses on the scaffold bloom, Mingling with freedom's fadeless laurels there, And presaging the truth of visioned bliss. Are there not hopes -within thee, which this scene Of linked and gradual being has confirmed ? Whose stingings bade thy heart look further still, "When to the moonlight walk by Henry led, Sweetly and sadly thou didst talk of death ? And wilt thou rudely tear them from thy breast, Listening supinely to a bigot's creed, Or tamely crouching to the tyrant's rod, Whose iron thongs are red with human gore? Never: but bravely bearing on, thy will Is destined an eternal war to wasre IX. QUEEN MAB. S7 With tyranny and falsehood, and uproot The germs of misery from the human heart. Thine is the hand whose piety would soothe The thorny pillow of unhappy crime, Whose impotence an easy pardon gains, Watching its wanderings as a friend's disease : Thine is the brow whose mildness would defy Its fiercest rage, and brave its sternest will, When fenced by power and master of the world. Thou art sincere and good ; of resolute mind, Free from heart-withering custom's cold controul, Of passion lofty, pure and unsubdued. Earth's pride and meanness could not vanquish thee, And therefore art thou worthy of the boon Which thou hast now received : virtue shall keep Thy footsteps in the path that thou hast trod, And many days of beaming hope shall bless Thy spotless life of sweet and sacred love. Go, happy one, and give that bosom joy Whose sleepless spirit waits to catch Light, life, and rapture from thy smile. The Fairy waves her wand of charm, Speechless with bliss the Spirit mounts the car, That rolled beside the battlement, Bending her beamy eyes in thankfulness. Again the enchanted steeds were yoked, Again the burning wheels inflame The steep descent of heaven's untrodden way. Fast and far the chariot flew ; H «a QUEEN MAB. IX. The vast and fiery globes that rolled Around the Fairy's palace-gate Lessened by slow degrees, and soon appeared Such tiny twinklers as the planet orbs That there attendant on the solar power With borrowed light pursued their narrower way. Earth floated then below : The chariot paused a moment there ; The Spirit then descended: The restless coursers pawed the ungenial soil, • Snuffed the gross air, and then, their errand done, Unfurled their pinions to the winds of heaven. The Body and the Soul united then, A gentle start convulsed Iiinthe's frame: Her veiny eyelids quietly unclosed ; Moveless awhile the dark blue orbs remained: She looked around in wonder and beheld Henry, who kneeled in silence by her couch, Watching her sleep with looks of speechless lov«j And the bright beaming stars That through the casement shone. NOTES. I. Page 11. The sun's unclouded orb Rolled through the black concave. Beyond our atmosphere the sun would appear a rayless orb of fire in the midst of a black concave. The equal diffusion of its light on earth is owing to the refraction of the rays by the atmosphere, and their reflection from other bodies. Light consists either of vibrations pro- pagated through a subtle medium, or of numerous minute particles repelled in all directions from the luminous body. Its velocity greatly exceeds that of any substance with which we are acquainted : observa- tions on the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites have demon- strated that light takes up no more than 8' 7" in passing from the sun to the earth, a distance of 95,000,000 miles. Some idea may be gained of the immense dis- tance of the fixed stars, when it is computed that many years would elapse before light could reach this earth H2 90 NOTES. from the nearest of them ; yet in one year light travels 5,482,400,000,000 miles, which is a distance 5,707,600 times greater than that of the sun from the earth. I. Page 12. Whilst round the chariot's way Innumerable systems rolled. The plurality of worlds, the indefinite immensity of the universe is a most awful subject of contemplation. He who rightly feels its mystery and grandeur, is in no danger of seduction from the falsehoods of religious systems, or of deifying the principle of the universe. It is impossible to believe that the Spirit that pervades this infinite machine, is angered at the consequences of that necessity, which is a synonyme of itself. All that miserable tale of the Devil, and Eve, is irreconcileable with the knowledge of the stars. The nearest of the fixed stars is inconceivably distant from the earth, and they are probably proportionably distant from each other. By a calculation of the velocity of light, Syrius is supposed to be at least 54,224,000,000,000 miles from the earth.* That which appears only like a thin and silvery cloud streaking the heaven, is in effect composed of innumerable clusters of suns, each shining with its own light, and illuminating numbers of planets that revolve around them. Millions * See Nicholson's Encyclopedia, art. Light. NOTES. 91 and millions of suns are ranged around \is, all attended by innumerable worlds, yet calm, regular, and harmo- nious, all keeping the paths of immutable necessity. •IV. Page 37. These are the hired bravoes who defend The Tyrant's throne. To employ murder as a means of justice, is an idea which a man of an enlightened mind will not dwell upon with pleasure. To march forth in rank and file, with all the pomp of streamers and trumpets, for the purpose of shooting at our fellow-men as a mark ; to inflict upon them all the variety of wound and anguish ; to leave them weltering in their blood ; to wander over the field of desolation, and count the number of the dying and the dead — are employments which in thesis we may maintain to be necessary, but which no good man will contemplate with gratulation and delight. A battle we suppose is won: — thus truth is established ! — thus the cause of justice is confirmed ! It surely re- quires no common sagacity to discern the connection between this immense heap of calamities, and the as- sertion of truth, or the maintenance of justice. Kings and ministers of state, the real authors of the calamity, sit unmolested in their cabinet, while those against whom the fury of the storm is directed, are, for the most part, persons who have been trepanned into the service, or who are dragged unwillingly from their H3 m NOTES. peaceful homes into the field of battle. A soldier is a man whose business it is to kill those who never of- fended him, and who are the innocent martyrs of other men's iniquities. Whatever may become of the abstract question of the justifiableness of war, it seems impossi- ble that the soldier should not be a depraved and un- natural being. To these more serious and momentous considera- tions it may be proper to add a recollection of the ridiculousness of the military character. Its first con- stituent is obedience : a soldier is, of all descriptions of men, the most completely a machine; yet his profession inevitably teaches hirn something of dogmatism, swag- gering, and self-consequence : he is like the puppet of a showman, who, at the very time he is made to strut, and swell, and display the most farcical airs, we per- fectly know cannot assume the most insignificant gesture, advance either to the right or the left, but as he is moved by his exhibitor. — Godwin's Enquirer, Essay V. I will here subjoin a little poem so strongly expres- sive of my abhorrence of despotism and falsehood, that I fear lest it may never again be depictured so vividly. This opportunity is perhaps the only one that ever will occur of rescuing it from oblivion. NOTES. FALSEHOOD AND VICE. A DIALOGUE. Whilst monarchs laughed upon their thrones To hear a famished nation's groans, And hugged the wealth wrung from the woe That makes its eyes and veins o'erflow, Those thrones, high built upon the heaps Of bones where frenzied famine sleeps. Where slavery wields her scourge of iron, Red with mankind's unheeded gore, And war's mad fiends the scene environ, Mingling with shrieks a drunken roar, There Vice and Falsehood took their stand, High raised above the unhappy land. FALSEHOOD. Brother ! arise from the dainty fare, Which thousands have toiled and bled to bestow ; A finer feast for thine hungry ear Is the news that I bring of human woe. VICE. And, secret one, what hast thou done, To compare in thy tumid pride, with me I I, whose career, through the blasted year, Has been tracked by despair and agony. 9* NOTES. FALSEHOOD- What have I done ! — I have torn the robe From baby truth's unsheltered form, And round the desolated globe Borne safely the bewildering charm: My tyrant slaves to a dungeon-floor Have bound the fearless innocent, And streams of fertilizing gore Flow from her bosom's hideous rent, Which this unfailing dagger gave — I dread that blood! — no more — this day Is ours, though her eternal ray Must shine upon our grave. Yet know, proud Vice, had I not given To thee the robe I stole from heaven, Thy shape of ugliness and fear Had never gained admission here. VICE. And know, that had I disdained to toil, But sate in my loathsome cave the while, And ne'er to these hateful sons of heaven, GOLD, MONARCHY, and MURDER given Hadst thou with all thine art essayed One of thy games then to have played, With all thine overweening boast, Falsehood I I tell thee thou hadst lost ! — NOTES. 95 Yet wherefore this dispute ? — we tend, Fraternal, to one common end ; In this cold grave beneath my feet, Will our hopes, our fears, and our labours meet. FALSEHOOD. 1 brought my daughter, Religion, on earth r She smothered Reason's babes in their birth ; But dreaded their mother's eye severe — So the crocodile slunk off slily in fear, And loosed her bloodhounds from the den — They started from dreams of slaughtered men,- And by the light of her poison eye, Did her work o'er the wide earth frightfully : The dreadful stench of her torches flare, Fed with human fat polluted the air : The curses, the shrieks, the ceaseless cries Of the many-mingling miseries, As on she trod, ascended high And trumpeted my victory ! — Brother, tell what thou hast done. VICE. I have extinguished the noon-day sun* In the carnage-smoke of battles won : Famine, murder, hell, and power, Were glutted in that glorious hour 9$ NOTES. Whiclrsearchless fate had stamped for me With the seal of her security — For the bloated wretch on yonder throne Commanded the bloody fray to rise : Like me he joyed at the stifled moan Wrung from a nation's miseries ; While the snakes, whose slime even him defiled, In ecstacies of malice smiled : They thought 'twas theirs — but mine the deed I Theirs is the toil, but mine the meed — Ten thousand victims madly bleed. They dream that tyrants goad them there With poisonous war to taint the air : These tyrants, on their beds of thorn, Swell with the thoughts of murderous fame, And with their gains to lift my name. Restless they plan from night to morn : I — I do all ; without my aid Thy daughter, that relentless maid, Could never o'er a death-bed urge The fury of her venomed scourge. FALSEHOOD. Brother, well : — the world is ours ; And whether thou or I have won r The pestilence expectant lowers On all beneath yon blasted sun. NOTES. 97 Our joys, our toils, our honours meet In the milk-white and wormy winding-sheet : A short-lived hope, unceasing care, Some heartless scraps of godly prayer, A moody curse, and a frenzied sleep Ere gapes the graves unclosing deep, A tyrant's dream, a coward's start, The ice that clings to a priestly heart, A judge's frown, a courtier's smile, Make the great whole for which we toil ; And, brother, whether thou or I Have done the work of misery, It little boots : the toil and pain, Without my aid were more than vain ; And but for thee I ne 'er had sate The guardian of heaven's palace gate. {£§p V. Page 41. Thus do the generations of the earth Go to the grave, and issue from the womb. One generation passeth away and another genera- tion cometh, but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north, it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again, ac- cording to his circuits. All the rivers run into the sea, 98 NOTES. yet the sea is not full ; unto the place whence the rivers come, thither shall they return again. Ecclesiastes, chap. i. V. Page 41. Even as the leaves Which the keen frost-wind of the waning year Has scattered on the forest soil. For, as the leaves, so springs the race of man. Chill blasts shake down the leaves, and warn'd anew By vernal airs, the grove puts forth again : Age after age, so man is born and dies.* Cowper's Homer, book vi^ V. Page 43. The mob of peasants, nobles, priests, and kings. Suave rcari magno turbantibus sequora ventis, E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem; Non, quia vexari quemquam est jucunda voluptas, Sed, quibus ipse malis careas, quia cernere suave est. . Suave etiam belli certamina magna tueri, Per campos instructa, tua sine parte pericli; * In this edition, the four lines of Greek, quoted by the author from Iliad, Z'. 1. 146, are omitted, and the translation substituted, as being more acceptible to the generality of readers. That of Cowper is chosen as more correct, though not so agreeable as Pope's. NOTES. 9? Sed nil dulcius est, bene quam munita tenere, Edita doctrina sapientum, terapla serena ; Despicere unde queas alios, passim que videre Errare, atque viara palanteis quaerere vitae ; Certare ingenio, contendere nobilitate ; Nocteis atque dies niti praestante labore Ad summas emergere opes, rerumque potiri. P miseras hominum menteis ! O pectora caeca I* Luc. lib. ii. V. Page 44. And statesmen boast Of wealth! There is no real wealth but the labour of man. Were the mountains of gold, and the vallies of silver, the world would not be one grain of corn the richer ; no one comfort would be added to the human race. * How sweet to stand, when tempests tear the main, On the firm cliff, and mark the seaman's toil! Not that another's danger soothes the soul, But from such toil how sweet to feel secure ! How sweet, at distance from the strife, to view Contending hosts, and hear the clash of war ! But sweeter far on Wisdom's heights serene, Upheld by Truth, to fix our firm abode, To watch the giddy crowd, that, deep below, For ever wander in pursuit of bliss ; To mark the strife for honors and renown, For wit and wealth, insatiate, ceaseless urg'd, Day after day, with labour unrestrained. O wretched mortals ! — race perverse and blind ! Good's Lucretius. 100 NOTES. In consequence of eur consideration for the . preclows metals^ne man is enabled to heap to himself luxuries at the expence of the necessaries of his neighbour ; a system admirably fitted to produce all the varieties of disease and crime, which never fail to characterise the two extremes of opulence and penury. A speculator takes pride to himself as the promoter of his country's prosperity, who employs a number of hands in the manufacture of articles avowedly destitute of use, or subservient only to the unhallowed cravings of luxury and ostentation. The nobleman, who employs the peasants of his neighbourhood in building his palaces, until " jam pauca aratro jugera, regies moles relin- qmintS'* flatters himself that he has gained the title of a patriot by yielding to the impulses of vanity. The shew and pomp of courts adduces the same apology for its continuance ; and many a fete has been given, many a woman has eclipsed her beauty by her dress, to benefit the labouring* poor, and to encourage trade. Who does not see that this is a remedy which aggra- vates, whilst it palliates the countless diseases of so- ciety? The poor are set to labour — for what? Not the food for which they famish : not the blankets for want of which their babes are frozen by the cold of their miserable hovels : not those comforts of civiliza* * These royal piles will soon leave but few acres for the plough. NOTES. 10 1 tion without which civilized man is far more miserable than the meanest savage ; oppressed as he is by all its insidious evils, within the daily and taunting prospect of its innumerable benefits assidiously exhibited before him: — no; for the pride of power, for the miserable isolation of pride, for the false pleasures of the hun- dredth part of society. No greater evidence is afforded of the wide extended and radical mistakes of civilized man than this fact : those arts which are essential to- his very .being are held in the greatest contempt; em- ployments are lucrative in an inverse ratio to their usefulness:* the jeweller, the toyman, the actor gains fame and wealth by the exercise of his useless and ridiculous art; whilst the cultivator of the earth, he without whom society must cease to subsist, struggles through contempt and penury, and perishes by that famine which, but for his unceasing exertions, would annihilate the rest of mankind. I will not insult common sense by insisting on the doctrine of the natural equality of man. The question is not concerning its. desirableness, but its practicabi- lity : so far as it is practicable, it is desirable. That state of human society which approaches nearer to an equal partition of its benefits and evils should, cceteris * See Rousseau, " Del'Inegalite p&rmi lesHommes,'* note 7, I 2 102 NOTES. paribus* be preferred : but so long as we conceive that a wantorl expenditure of human labour, not fof the necessities, not even for the luxuries of the mass of society, but for the egotism and ostentation of a few, 6f its members, is defensible on the ground of public justice, so long we neglect to approximate to the re- demption of the human race. Labour is required for physical, and leisure for mo- ral improvement : from the former of these advantages the rich, and from the latter the poor, by the inevitable condition of their respective situations, are precluded. A state which should combine the advantages of both,- would be subjected to the evils Of neither. He that is deficient in firm health, or vigorous . intellect is but half a man : hence it follows, that, to subject the labouring cUsses to unnecessary labour, is wantonly depriving them of any opportunities of intellectual improvement ; and that the rich are heaping up for their own mischief^ the disease, lassitude, and ennui, by which their exist- ence is rendered an intolerable burthen. English reformers exclaim against sinecures— but the true pension-list is the rent-roll of the landed pro- prietors : wealth is a power usurped by the few, to compel the many to labour for their benefit. The laws * Making allowances on both sides,. NOTES. 103 which support this system derive their force from the ignorance and credulity of its victims : they are the result of a conspiracy of the few against the many, who are themselves obliged to purchase this pre-emi- nence by the loss of all real comfort. ##* The commodities that substantially contribute to the subsistence of the human species form a very short catalogue : they demand from us but a slender portion of industry. If these only were produced, and suffi" ciently produced, the species of man would be conti- nued. If the labour necessarily required to produce them were equitably divided among the poor, and, still more, if it were equitably divided among all, each man's share of labour would be light, and his portion of leisure would be ample. There was a time when this leisure would have been of small compara- tive value : it is to be hoped that the time will come? when it will be applied to the most important pur- poses. Those hours which are not required for the production of the necessaries of life may be devoted to the cultivation of the understanding, the enlarging our stock of knowledge, the refining our taste, and thus opening to us new and more exquisite sources of enjoyment. * ******* It was perhaps necessary that a period of monopoly 13 im NOTES. and oppression should subsist, before. a period; of cul- tivated equality could subsist. Savages perhaps would never have been excited to the discovery of truth and the invention of art, but by the narrow motives which? such a period affords. But, surely, after the savage state has ceased, and men have set out in the glorious career of discovery and invention, monopoly and op- pression cannot be necessary to prevent them from returning to a state of barbarism. — Godwin's En- quirer, Essay II. See also Pol. Jus. Book VIII, . chap. II, It is a calculation of thi3 admirable author, that all : the conveniences of civilized life might be produced, if society would divide the labour equally among its members, by each individual being employed in labour two hours during the day. V. Page 4ft. Or religion Drives his wife raving mad. I am acquainted with a lady of considerable accom- plishments, and the mother of a numerous family, whom the Christian religion has goaded to incurable insanity. A parallel case is, I believe, within the ex- perience of every physician. NOTES. K)5 Nam jam saepe homines patriam, carosque parentes Prodiderunt, vitare Acherusia templa petentes.* Lucretius. V. Page 47. Even love is sold. Not even the intercourse of the sexes is exempt from the despotism of positive institution. Law pre- tends even to govern the indisciplinable wanderings of passion, to put fetters on the clearest deductions of reason, and by appeals to the will, to subdue the in- voluntary affections of our nature. Love is inevitably consequent upon the perception of loveliness. Love withers under constraint r its very essence is liberty : it is compatible neither with obedience, jealousy, nor fear : it is there most pure, perfect, and unlimited, where its votaries live in confidence, equality,, and un- reserve. How long then ought the sexual connection to last 1 what law ought to specify the extent of the grievances which should limit its duration? A husband and wife ought to continue so long united as they love each other: any law which should bind them to cohabita- tion for one moment after the decay of their affection, * For now, men, desiring to avoid the infernal re- gions, will frequently betray their country and dearest parents. 106 NOTES. would be a most intolerable tyranny, and the most unworthy of toleration. How odious an usurpation of the right of private judgment should that law be considered, which should make the ties of friendship indissoluble, in spite of the caprices, the inconstancy, the fallibility, and capacity for improvement of the human mind. And by so much would the fetters of love be heavier and more unendurable than those of friendship, as love is more vehement and capricious, more dependent on those delicate peculiarities of ima- gination, and less capable of reduction to the ostensi- ble merits of the object. The state of society in which we exist is a mixture of feudal savageness and imperfect civilization. The narrow and unenlightened morality of the Christian religion is an aggravation of these evils. It is not even until lately that mankind have admitted that happiness is the sole end of the science of ethics, as of all other sciences ; and that the fanatical idea of mortifying the flesh for the love of God has been discarded. I have heard, indeed, an ignorant collegian adduce, in favour of Christianity, its hostility to every worldly feeling !* * The first Christian emperor made a law by which seduction was punished with death ; if the female pleaded her own .consent, she also was punished with death ; if the parents endeavoured to screen the crimi- nals, they were banished, and their estates were confis- cated ; the slaves who might be accessary were burne»I NOTES, 107 But if happiness be the object of morality, of all hu- man unions and disunion's ; if the worthiness of every action is to be estimated by the quantity of pleasurable sensation it is calculated to produce, then the connec- tion of the sexes is so long sacred as it contributes to the comfort of the parties, and is naturally dissolved when its evils are greater than its benefits. There is nothing immoral in this separation. Constancy has nothing virtuous in itself, independently of the pleasure it confers, and partakes of the temporizing spirit of vice, in proportion as it endures tamely moral defects of magnitude in the object of its indiscreet choice. Love is free : to promise for ever to love the same woman, is not less absurd than to promise to believe the same creed; such a vow; in both cases, excludes us from all enquiry. The language of the votarist is this : The woman I now love may be infinitely inferior to many others ; the creed I now profess may be a mass of errors and absurdities ; but I exclude myself from all future information as to the amiability of the one, and the truth of the other, resolving blindly, and in spite of conviction, to adhere to them. — Is this the language of alive, or forced to swallow melted lead. The very offspring of an illegal love were involved in the conse- quences of the sentence. — Gibbon's Decline and Fall. &c. vol. ii. page 210. See also, the hatred of the pri- mitive Christians to love, and even marriage, page 269. 10$ NOTES. delicacy and reason I Is the love of such a frigid heart of more worth than its belief ? The present system of constraint does no more, in the majority of instances, than make hypocrites or open, enemies.. Persons of delicacy and virtue, unhappily united to one whom they find it impossible to love, spend the loveliest season of their life in unproductive efforts to appear otherwise than they are, for the sake of the feelings of their partner or the welfare of their mutual offspring : those of less generosity and refine- ment openly avow their disappointment, and linger out the remnant of that union, which only death can dis- solve, in a state of incurable bickering and hostility. The early education of their children takes its colour from the squabbles of the parents ; they are nursed ht a, systematic school of ill-humour, violence, and false- hood. Had they been suffered to part at the moment when indifference rendered their union irksome, they would have been spared many years of misery : they would have connected themselves more suitably, and would have found that happiness in the society of mor# congenial partners which is for ever denied them by the* despotism of marriage. They would have been sepa- rately useful and happy members of society, who, whilst united, were miserable, and rendered misanthro- phical by misery. The conviction that wedlock is in^ dissoluble holds out the strongest of alltemptations to the NOTES. 10d perverse : they indulge without restraint in acrimony, aftd all the little tyrannies of domestic life, when they know that their victim is without appeal. If this con- nection were put on a rational basis, each would be assured that habitual ill temper would terminate in separation, and would check this vicious and dangerous propensity. Prostitution is the legitimate offspring of marriage and its accompanying errors. Women, for no other crime than having followed the dictates of a natural appetite, are driven with fury from the comforts and sympathies of society. It is less venial than murder ; find the punishment which is inflicted on her who de- stroys her child to escape reproach, is lighter than the life of agony and disease to which the prostitute it irrecoverably doomed. Has a woman obeyed the im- pulse of unerring nature ; — society declares war against her, pityless and eternal war : she must be the tame slave, she must make no reprisals ; theirs is the right of persecution, hers the duty of endurance. She lives a life of infamy; the loud and bitter laugh of scorn scares her from all return. She dies of long and lin- gering disease : yet she is in fault, she is the criminal, she the froward and untameable child^nnd society forsooth, the pure and virtuous matron, who casts her as an abortion from her undefiled bosom ! Society avenges herself on the criminals of her own creation; she is employed in anathematizing the vice to-daj& HO NOTES. which yesterday she was the most zealous to teach. Thus is formed one-tenth of the population of London: meanwhile the evil is twofold. Young men, excluded by the fanatical idea of chastity from the society of modest and accomplished women, associate with these vicious and miserable beings, destroying thereby all those exquisite and delicate sensibilities whose exist- ence, cold-hearted worldlings have denied ; annihilat- ing all genuine passion, and debasing that to a selfish feeling which is the excess of generosity and devoted- ness. Their body and mind alike crumble into a hideous wreck of humanity ; idiotcy and disease be- come perpetuated in their miserable offspring, and distant generations suffer for the bigotted morality of their forefathers. Chastity is a monkish and evangeli- cal superstition, a greater foe to natural temperance even than unintellectual sensuality ; it strikes at the root of all domestic happiness, and consigns more than half of the human race to misery, that some few may monopolize according to law. A system could not well have been devised more studiously hostile tp human happiness than Marriage. I conceive that, from the abolition of marriage, the fit and natural arrangement of sexual connection would result. I by no means assert that the intercourse would be promiscuous : on the contrary ;. it appears' from the relation of parent to child, that this union is generally of long duration, and marked above all NOTES. Ill others with generosity and self-devotion. But this is a subject which it is, perhaps, premature to discuss. That which will result from the abolition of marriage, will be natural and right, because choice and change will be exempted from restraint. In fact, religion and morality, as they now stand, com- pose a practical code of misery and servitude : the ge- nius of human happiness must tear every leaf from the accursed book of God, ere man can read the inscription on his heart. How would morality, dressed up in stiif stays and finery, start from her own disgusting image, should she look in the mirror of nature ! (J^* VI. Page 52. To the red and baleful sun That faintly twinkles there. The north polar star, to which the axis of the earth, in its present state of obliquity, points. It is exceed- ingly probable, from many considerations, that this obliquity will gradually diminish, until the equator coincides with the ecliptic : the nights and days will then become equal on the earth throughout the year, and probably the seasons also. There is no great ex- travagance in presuming that the progress of the per- pendicularity of the poles may be as rapid as the pro- gress of intellect ; or that there should be a perfect identity between the moral and physical improvement of the human species. It is certain that wisdom is not K 1-13 NOTES. eompatible with disease, and that, in the present state of the climates of the earth, health, in the true and comprehensive sense of the word, is out of the reach of civilized man. Astronomy teaches us that the earth is now in its progress, and that the poles are every year becoming more and more perpendicular to the ecliptic. The strong evidence afforded by the history of mytho- logy, and geological researches, that some event of this nature has taken place already, affords a strong pre- sumption that this progress is not merely an oscillation, as has been surmised by some late astronomers.* Bones of animals, peculiar to the torrid zone, have been found in the north of Siberia, and on the banks of the river Ohio. Plants have been found in the fossil state in the interior of Germany, which demand the present climate of Hindostan for their production.t The researches of M. Bailly + establish the existence of a people who in- habit a tract of land in Tartary, 49». north latitude, of greater antiquity than either the Indians, the Chinese, or the Chaldeans, from whom these nations derived their sciences and theology. We find, from the testimony of ancient writers, that Britain, Germany, and France, Laplace, Systeme du Monde. Cabanis, Rapports du Physii )ffime, vol ii. p. 406. X Lettres sur les Sciences, a Voltaire. Bailly. + Cabanis, Rapports du Physique et du Moral de 1'Homme, vol ii. p. 406. NOTES. 113 were much colder than at present, and that their great • rivers were annually frozen over. Astronomy teaches us also, that since this period, the obliquity of the earth's position has been considerably diminished. (£§* VI. Page 57. No atom of this turbulence fulfils A vague and unnecessitated task, Or acts but as it must and ought to act. Two examples will serve to render the position here asserted, more intelligible to us : we will borrow the one from physical, the other from moral effects. In a whirlwind of dust, raised by a boisterous wind, how- ever disordered it may appear to our eyes — in the most frightful tempests, excited by conflicting winds, which convulse the waves, there is not a single atom of dust, or of water, that is placed by chance, which has not its sufficient cause for occupying the space where it is found, and which does not act precisely in the manner it ought to act. A geometrician, who knew perfectly the different powers which act in both these cases, and the properties of the atoms which are moved, will de- monstrate, that after the causes given, each atom acts exactly as it should act, and could not act otherwise than it dots. In the terrible convulsions which sometimes agitate political societies, and which often bring about the sub- version of an empire, there is not a single action, a sin- K 2 114 NOT.ES. gle word, a single thought, a single volition, or a single passion in the agents which concur in the revolution, either as destroyers or as victims, which are not ne- cessary, and which act not as they must act, and which do not infallibly produce the effects which they ought to produce according to the situation which they occu- pied in this moral whirlwind. This would appear evi- dent to an intelligence capable of discerning and ap- preciating all the actions and re-actions of the minds and of the bodies of those who contribute to this revo- lution.* Systeme dc la Nature. Premiere Partie, chap. 4. VI. Page 58. Necessity ! thou mother of the world ! He who asserts the doctrine of Necessity, means that, contemplating the events which compose the moral and material universe, he beholds only an immense and un- interrupted chain of causes and effects, no one of which could occupy any other place than it does occupy, or act in any other place than it does act. The idea of necessity is obtained by our experience of the connec- tion between objects, the uniformity of the operations of nature, the constant conjunction of similar events, and the consequent inference of one from the other. — * Here also, a translation is substituted for the origi- nal, quoted by the author. NOTES. 115 Mankind are therefore agreed in the admission of ne- cessity, if they admit that these two circumstances take place in voluntary action. Motive is, to voluntary ac- tion in the human mind, what cause is to effect in the material universe. The word liberty, as applied to mind, is analogous to the word chance, as applied to matter ; they spring from an ignorance of the certainty of the conjunction of antecedents and consequents. Every human being is irresistibly impelled to act precisely as he does act: in the eternity which preceded his birth, a chain of causes was generated, which, ope- rating under the name of motives, makes it impossible that any thought of his mind, or any action of his life, should be otherwise than it is. Were the doctrine of necessity false, the human mind would no longer be a legitimate object of science; from like causes it would be in vain that we should expect like effects; the strongest motive would no longer be paramount over the conduct; all knowledge would be vague and undeterminate ; we could not predict with any cer- tainty, that we might not meet as an enemy to-morrow, him with whom we have parted in friendship to-night ; the most probable inducements, and the clearest rea- sonings, would lose the invariable influence they pos- sess. The contrary of this is demonstrably the fact. — Similar circumstances produce the same unvariable ef- fects. The precise character and motives of any man on any occasion being given, the moral philosopher K3 116 NOTES, could predict his actions "with as much certainty as the natural philosopher could predict the effects of the mix- . ture of any particular chemical substances. Why is the aged husbandman more experienced than the young beginner ? Because there is an uniform, undeniable ne- cessity in the operations of the material universe. — Why is the old statesman more skilful than the raw po- litician? Because, relying on the necessary conjunc- tion of motive and action, he proceeds to produce moral effects, by the application of those moral causes which experience has, shewn to be effectual. Some actions may be found to which we can attach no motives, but these are the effects of causes with which we are unacquainted. Hence the relation which motive bears to voluntary action is that of cause to ef- fect ; nor, placed in this point of view, is it, or ever has it been the subject of popular or philosophical dis- pute. None but the few fanatics who are engaged in the Herculean task of reconciling the justice of theii ? God with the misery of man, will longer outrage com- mon sense by the supposition of an event without a cause, a voluntary action without a motive. History, politics, morals, criticism, all grounds of reasoning, all principles of seience, alike assume the truth of the doctrine of necessity. No farmer carrying his corn to market doubts the sale of it at the market price. The master of a manufactory no more doubts that he can purchase the human labour necessary, for his NOTES. 117 purposes, than that his machinery will act as it has been accustomed to act. But, whilst none have scrupled to admit necessity as influencing matter, many have disputed its dominion over mind. Independently of its militating with the received ideas of the justice of God, it is by no means obvious to a superficial enquiry. When the mind ob- serves its own operations, it feels no connection of mo- tive and action: but as we know "nothing more of causation than the constant conjunction of objects, and the consequent inference of one from the other, as we find that these two circumstances are universally al- lowed to have place in voluntary action, we may be easily led to own that they are subjected to the neces- sity common to all causes," The actions of the will have a regular conjunction with circumstances and cha- racters; motive is, to voluntary action, what cause is to effect. But the only idea we can form of causation is a constant conjunction of similar objects, and the con- sequent inference of one from the other: wherever this is the case, necessity is clearly established. The idea of liberty, applied metaphorically to the will, has sprung from a misconception of the meaning of the word power. What is power ? — id quod potest, that which can produce any given effect. To deny power, is to say that nothing can or has the power to be or act. In the only true sense of the word power, it applies with equal force to the loadstone as to the JIS NOTES. human will. Do you think these motives, which I shall present, are powerful enough to rouse him? is a question just as common as, Do you think this lever has the power of raising this weight? The advocates of free-will assert that the will has the power of re- fusing to be determined by the strongest motive : but the strongest motive is that which, overcoming all others, ultimately prevails ; this assertion therefore amounts to a denial of the will being ultimately determined by that motive which does determine it, which is absurd. But it is equally certain that a man cannot resist the strongest motive, as that he cannot overcome a physical impossibility. The doctrine of necessity tends to introduce a great change into the established notions of morality, and utterly to destroy religion. Reward and punishment must be considered, by the Necessarian, merely as motives which he would employ in order to procure the adoption or abandonment of any given line of con- duct. Desert, in the present sense of the word, would no longer have any meaning ; and he, who should in- flict pain upon another for no better reason than that he deserved it, would only gratify his revenge under pretence of satisfying justice. It is not enough, says the advocate of free-will, that a criminal should be prevented from a repetition of his crime: he should feel pain, and his torments, when justly inflicted, ought precisely to be proportioned to his fault. But utility NOTES. 119 is morality ; that which is incapable of producing hap- piness is useless ; and though the crime of Damiens must be condemned, yet the frightful torments which revenge, under the name of justice, inflicted on this unhappy man, cannot be supposed to have augmented, even at the long run, the stock of pleasurable sensation in the world. At the same time the doctrine of neces- sity does not in the least diminish our disapprobation of vice. The conviction which all feel, that a viper is a poisonous animal, and that a tyger is constrained, by the inevitable condition of his existence, to devour men, does not induce us to avoid them less sedulously, or, even more, to hesitate in destroying them: but he would surely be of a hard heart, who, meeting with a serpent on a desart island, or in a situation where it was incapable of injury, should wantonly deprive it of existence. A Necessarian is inconsequent to his own principles, if he indulges in hatred or contempt ; the compassion which he feels for the criminal is unmixed with a desire of injuring him: he looks with an eleva- ted and dreadless composure upon the links of the uni- versal chain as they pass before his eyes ; whilst cow- ardice, curiosity, and inconsistency, only assail him in proportion to the feebleness and indistinctness with which he has perceived and rejected the delusions of free- will. Religion is the perception of the relation in which we stand to the principle of the universe. But if the 120 NOTES. principle of the universe be not an organic being, the model and prototype of man, the relation between it and human beings is absolutely none; Without some insight into its will respecting our actions, religion is nugatory and vain. But will is only a mode of animal mind; moral qualities also are such as only a human being can possess ! to attribute them to the principle of the universe, is to annex to it properties incompatible with any possible definition of its nature. It is probable that the word God was originally only an expression denoting the unknown cause of the known events which men perceived in the universe. By the vulgar mistake of a metaphor for a real being, of a word for a thing, it became a man, endowed with human qualities, and go- verning the universe as an earthly monarch governs his kingdom. Their addresses to this imaginary being, in- deed, are much in the same style as those of subjects to a king. They acknowledge his benevolence, deprecate his anger, and supplicate his favour. But the doctrine of necessity teaches us, that in no case could any event have happened otherwise than it did happen, and that, if God is the author of good, he is also the author of evil ; that, if he is entitled to our gratitude for the one, he is entitled to our hatred for the other: that, admitting the existence of this hypothetic being, he is also subjected to the dominion of an immut- able necessity. It is plain that the same arguments which prove that God is the author of food, light, and NOTES. 121 life, prove him also to be the author of poison, darkness, and death. The wide-wasting earthquake, the storm, the battle, and tyranny, are attributable to this hy- pothetic being in the same degree as the fairest forms of nature, sunshine, liberty, and peace. But we are taught, by the doctrine of necessity, that there is neither good nor evil in the universe, otherwise than as the events to which we apply these epithets have relation to our own peculiar mode of being. Still less than with the hypothesis of a God, will the doctrine of necessity accord with the belief of a future state of punishment. God made man such as he is, and then damned him for being so: for to say that God was the author of all good, and man the author of all evil, is to say that one man made a straight line and a crooked one, and another man made the incongruity. A Mahometan story, much to the present purpose, is recorded, wherein Adam and Moses are introduced dis- puting before God in the following manner. " Thou," says Moses, " art Adam, whom God created, and animated with the breath of life, and caused to be worshipped by the angels, and placed in Paradise, from whence man- kind have been expelled for thy fault.'' Whereto, Adam answered, " Thou art Moses, whom God chose for his apostle, and entrusted with his word, by giving thee the tables of the law, and whom he vouchsafed to admit to discourse with himself. How many years dost thou find the law was written before I was created ?" Says 122 NOTES. Moses, " Forty." " And dost thou not find," replied Adam, " these words therein, And Adam rebelled against his Lord, and transgressed ?" Which, Moses confess- ing, "Dost thou, therefore, blame me," continued he, " fordoing that which God wrote of me that I should do, forty years before I was created, nay, for what was de- creed concerning me fifty thousand years before the creation of heaven and earth ?" Sale's Prelim. Dis. to the Koran, p. 164. VIT. Page 60. There is no God! This negation must be understood solely to affect a creative Deity. The hypothesis of a pervading Spirit co-eternal with the universe, remains unshaken. A close examination of the validity of the proofs ad- duced to support any proposition, is the only secure way of attaining truth, on the advantages of which it is unnecessary to descant ; our knowledge of the exist- ence of a Deity is a subject of such importance, that it cannot be too minutely investigated ; in consequence of this conviction we proceed briefly and impartially to examine the proofs which have been adduced. It is ne- cessary first to consider the nature of belief. When a proposition is offered to the mind, it perceives the agreement or disagreement of the ideas of which it is composed. A perception of their agreement is termed belief. Many obstacles frequently prevent this percep- NOTES. J2S tion from being immediate ; these the mind attempts to remove, in order that the perception may be distinct. The mind is active in the investigation, in order to per- fect the state of perception of the relation which the component ideas of the proposition bear to each, which is passive : the investigation being confused with the perception, has induced many falsely to imagine that the mind is active in belief — that belief is an act of vo- lition — in consequence of which it may be regulated by the mind. Pursuing, continuing this mistake, they have attached a degree of criminality to disbelieve ; of which, in its nature, it is incapable: it is equally inca- pable of merit. Belief, then, is a passion, the strength of which, like every other passion, is in precise proportion to the degrees of excitement. The degrees of excitement are three. The senses are the sources of all knowledge to the mind ; consequently their evidence claims the strongest assent. The decision of the mind, founded upon our own ex- perience, derived from these sources, claims the next degree. The experience of others, which addresses itself to- the former one, occupies the lowest degree. (A graduated scale, on which should be marked the capabilities of propositions to approach to the test of the senses, would be a just barometer of the belief which ought to be attached to them.) L 184 NOTES. Consequently no testimony can be admitted which is contrary to reason ; reason is founded on the evidence of our senses. Every proof may be referred to one of these three divisions ; it is to be considered what arguments we receive from each of them, which should convince us of the existence of a Deity. 1st. The evidence of the senses. If the Deity should appear to us, if he should convince our senses, of his existence, this revelation would necessarily command belief. Those to whom the Deity has thus appeared have the strongest possible conviction of his existence. But the God of Theologians is incapable of local visi- bility. 2d. Reason. It is urged that man knows that what- ever is, must either have had a beginning, or have ex- isted from all eternity: he also knows, that whatever is not eternal must have had a cause. When this .rea- soning is applied to the universe, it is necessary t® prove that it was created : until that is clearly demon- strated, we may reasonably suppose that it has endur- ed from all eternity. We must prove design before we can infer a designer. The only idea which we can form of causation is derivable from the constant con- junction of objects, and the consequent inference of one from the other. In a case where two propositions are diametrically opposite, the mind believes that which is least incomprehensible ;— it is easier to suppose that notes. m the universe has existed from all eternity, than to con- ceive a being beyond its limits capable of creating it : if the mind sinks beneath the weight of one, is it an alleviation to increase the intolerability of the bur- then 7 The other argument which is founded on a man's knowledge of his own existence, stands thus. A man knows not only that he now is, but that once he was not ; consequently there must have been a cause. But our idea of causation is alone derivable from the con- stant conjunction of objects, and the consequent infer- ence of one from the other ; and, reasoning experiment- ally, we can- only infer from effects, causes exactly adequate to those effects. But there certainly is a generative power which is effected by certain instru- ments : we cannot prove that it is inherent in these instruments ; nor is the contrary hyhothesis capable of demonstration : we admit that the generative power is incomprehensible ; but to suppose that the same effect is produced by an eternal, omniscient, omnipotent being, leaves the cause in the same obscurity, but ren- ders it more incomprehensible. 3rd. Testimony. It is required that testimony should not be contrary to reason. The testimony that the Deity convinces the senses of men of his existence, ean ©i>ly be admitted by us, if our mind considers it less probable that these men should have been deceived > than that the Deity should have appeared to th-era* L 2 120 NOTES. Our reason can never admit the testimony of men, who not only declare that they were eye-witnesses of mira- cles, but that the Deity was irrational ; for he com- manded that he should be believed, he proposed the highest rewards for faith, eternal punishments for dis- belief. We can only command voluntary actions; belief is not an act of volition ; the mind is even pas- sive, or involuntarily active : from this it is evident that we have no sufficient testimony, or rather that testi- mony is insufficient to prove the being of a God. It has been before shewn that it cannot be deduced from reason. They alone, then, who have been convinced by the evidence of the senses, can believe it. Hence it is evident that having no proofs from either of the three sources of conviction, the mind cannot believe the existence of a creative God ; it is also evi- dent, that as belief is a passion of the mind no degree of criminality is attachable to disbelief ; and that they only are reprehensible who neglect to remove the false medium through which their mind views any subject of discussion. Every reflecting mind must acknowledge that there is no proof of the existence of a Deity. God is an hypothesis, and as such, stands in need of proof : the onus probandi* rests on the theist. Sir Isaac Newton says : Hypotheses non fmgo, quicquid enim ex phoenomenis non deducitur, hypothesis voean ^ The burthen of proving. NOTES. 127 da est, et hypothesis vel metaphysics, vel physicce,vel qualitatum occultarum, seu mcchanicce, in philosophies locum non habent* To all proofs of the existence of a creative God apply this valuable rule. We see a vari- ety of bodies possessing a variety of powers : we merely know their effects ; we are in a state of ignorance with respect to their essences and causes. These Newton calls the phenomena of things ; but the pride of philo- sophy is unwilling to admit its ignorance of their causes. From the phenomena, which are the objects of our senses, we attempt to infer a cause, which we call God, and gratuitously endow it with all negative and con- tradictory qualities- From this hypothesis we invent this general name, to conceal our ignorance of causes and essences. The being called God by no means answers with the conditions prescribed by Newton ; it bears every mark of a veil woven by philosophical con- ceit, to hide the ignorance of philosophers even from themselves. They borrow the threads of its texture from the anthropomorphism of the vulgar. Words have been used by sophists for the same purposes, from the occult qualities of the peripatetics to the effluvium of Boyle, and the crinitics or nebulae of Herschel. God * I do not raise an hypothesis ; for whatever is not de- rived from phoenomena, is to be called an hypothesis ; and hypotheses, either metaphysical or physical, or grounded on hidden qualities, or mechanics, are not ac- knowledged in philosophy. L3 128 NOTES. is represented as infinite, eternal, incomprehensible; he is contained under every pr dedicate in non that the logic of ignorance could fabricate. Even his worship- pers allow that it is impossible to form any idea of him : they exclaim with the French poet, Poure dire ce quHl est, ilfaut etre lut-meme* Lord Bacon says, that " Atheism leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, to natural piety, to laws, to repu- tation ; all which may be guides to an outward moral virtue, though religion were not ; but superstition dis- mounts all these, and erecteth an absolute monarchy in the minds of men ; therefore atheism did never perturb states ; for it makes men wary of themselves, as looking no farther, and we see the times inclined to atheism (as the time of Augustus Caesar) were civil times: but superstition hath been the confusion of many states, and bringeth in a new primum mobile, that ravisheth all the spheres of government." Bacon's Moral Essay on Superstition. " The primitive theology of man soon induced him to fear and adore even the elements — gross and material objects : he next offered his homage to the agents pre- siding over those elements, to inferior genii, to heroes, or to men embued with superior qualities. By dint of .reflection, he began to simplify things, by submitting * To tell what he is, you must be himself. NOTES'. J29 flie whole of nature to a single agent, to an Intelligence, to a universal soul, which set this nature, and its parts, in motion. In ascending from cause to cause, mortals have finished by seeing nothing; and it is in this ob- scurity that they have placed their God, it is in this dark abyss that their restless imaginations are continually labouring to fashion for themselves chimeras, which will perplex them until a knowledge of nature shall un- deceive them, regarding the phantoms which they have always so vainly adored. If we are desirous of accounting to ourselves for our ideas respecting a Divinity, we shall be obliged to ac- knowledge, that, by the word God, men could only de- note the most latent, the most distant, and the most un- known cause of the effects which they beheld. They do not employ this word until the springs of natural and definite causes cease to be visible to them ; as soon as they loose the thread, or when their minds can no longer follow the chain of these eauses, they solve their difficulty, and terminate their researches by calling God the last of these causes ; that is to say, that which is beyond all the causes they know: — thus they only assign a vague denomination to an unknown cause, at which their indolence, or the bounds of their information forces them to stop. Whenever it is said that God is the author of any phenomenon, it signifies that we are ignorant how such a phenomenon could be produced by the aid of such 130 NOTES. powers or causes a$ we are acquainted with in nature. It is for this reason that the majority of mankind, of whom ignorance is the inheritance, attribute to the Di- vinity, not merely the unusual effects which strike them, but even the most simple events, the causes of which are easily discovered by every one capable of examining them. In short, man has always respected the unknown causes of surprising effects, which his ignorance pre- vented him from unravelling. It was upon the wreck of nature that men raised the imaginary Colossus of the Divinity. If ignorance of nature gave birth to gods, the know- ledge of nature is calculated to destroy them. In pro- portion as man improves in knowledge, his energies and his resources augment: the sciences, the useful arts, and industry, furnish him with assistance; experience emboldens him, or procures him the means of resisting the effects of many causes, which cease to alarm him as soon as he is acquainted with them. In a word, his ter- rors are dissipated in the same proportion as his mind is enlightened. The enlightened man ceases to be su- perstitious. It is only upon hearsay that whole nations adore the God of their fathers, and their priests ; authority, con- fidence, submission, and custom, serve them in the place of conviction and proofs ; they kneel and pray because their fathers have taught them to kneel and to pray: but why did the latter prostrate themselves !— Because, NOTES. 131 in remote ages, their legislators and leaders made it a duty for them to do so. " Adore and believe,'' said they, "in the gods you cannot comprehend; trust to our profound wisdom, we know more of God than you do." "But why should I trust in you?" "Because God commands it, and he will punish you if you dare oppose his will." " But is not this God the subject in question?" Nevertheless, men have always been gulled with this juggling circle; and the indolence of their minds induced them to think the shortest way was to rely upon the judgments of others. All religious notions are founded solely upon autho- rity ; all the religions in the world prohibit investi- gation, and forbid reasoning ; it is authority that re- quires belief in God, and this God is only founded on the authority of some men who pretend to know him, and to come in his behalf to proclaim him upon earth. A God created by men, has doubtless occasion for hu- man agency to make himself known to mankind. Should, then, the conviction of the existence of a God be reserved only for the priests of the fanatics, for metaphysicians, while it is said to be so necessary for the whole human race ? But do we discover any har- mony between the theological opinions of the different inspired, or contemplative persons, scattered upon the earth? Do those who make profession of adoring the same God agree respecting him? Are they satisfied with the proofs given them by their colleagues of hU 132 NOTES. existence 1 Do they subscribe unanimously to the ideas they offer upon his nature, upon Ms conduct, upon the manner of interpreting his pretended oracles? Is there a country upon earth, where the science of God is really brought to perfection ? Has it received, in any degree, the consistency and uniformity that we perceive to have been acquired by other parts of human knowledge, by the most useless arts, by the most despised trades ? The words spirits, immateriality, creation, predestination, and grace ; those numerous subtle distinctions with which the- ology, in some countries, is entirely filled, those ingeni- ous inventions conceived by successive generations of tinkers have tended, alas ! only to perplex things, andthe science the most necessary to man, has not hitherto ac- quired the least stability. During thousands of years, idle dreamers have been continually relieved by others to contemplate the Deity — to divine his hidden ways — to invent hypothesises adapted to develope this impor- tant enigma. The want of success has not discouraged theological vanity ; God has always been the subject of conversation : murders have been continually perpe- trated on his account, and yet this sublime being still remains most unknown, and the most disputed. Men would have been too happy, if, confining them- selves to the visible objects, which interest them, they had employed half the efforts they have used in their researches upon the Divinity, to perfect their real sciences, their laws, their morals, and their education. NOTES. 133 They would have been yet more wise and more fortu- nate, if they had agreed to leave their unemployed pas- tors to quarrel with each other, and examine their pro- found labyrinths, so capable of causing- dissentions, without joining in their senseless broils. But it is the essence of ignorance to attach importance to what it does not comprehend. Human vanity strengthens the mind against difficulties. The more an object is con- cealed from our view, the greater efforts 'we make to attain it, because it goads our pride, it excites our curiosity, and it appears to us more interesting. In fighting for his God, each man fights, in fact, but for the interests of his own vanity, which, of all the passions produced by the evil organization of society, is the- most prompt to be alarmed, and the most apt to produce- very great follies. If, discarding for a moment the dismal ideas given us by theology of a capricious God, whose partial and despotic decrees decide the fate of human beings, we wished to observe only that pretended goodness which all men, even trembling before this God, agree to assign him; if we allow him the project they have ascribed to him of having worked only for his own glory, to require the adoration of intelligent beings ; to design nothing in his works but the welfare of the human race, how can we conciliate his views and his dispositions with the ig- norance so truly invincible, in which this God, so glo- 131 NOTES. rious, and so good, leaves the majority of mankind con- cerning himself? If God wishes to be known, loved, and thanked, why does he not appear under favourable colours to all those intelligent beings by whom he wishes to be loved and adored ? Why does he not make himself manifest to all the earth in an unequivocal manner — in a method much more capable of convincing us, than those private revelations which seem to ac- cuse the Divinity of a shameful partiality for some of his creatures ? Would not the Almighty then have more convincing means of discovering himself to men, than those metaphorphoses, those pretended incarna- tions, attested by writers of so little concordance with each other, in their recitals of these events. Instead of so many miracles, contrived to prove the mission of so many legislators, reverenced by different nations of the world, could not the sovereign of spirits convince the human mind, of those things he wished to make Icnown, by a single action. Instead of suspending the sun in the vault of the firmament ; instead of scattering the stars without order, and the constellations which fill space, would it not have been more conformable to the views of a God so jealous of his glory, and so be- neficent toman, toinscribein amannernot subjeetto dis- pute, his name, his attributes, and his permanent wishes, in indelible characters, equally legible to all the inha- bitants of the earth. No person could then doubt the NOTES. 135 existence of a God, his clear will, his visible intentions. Under the observation of a God so terrible, no one would have had the audacity to break his command- ments ; no mortal would have dared to incur his anger : in fine, no man would have had the effrontery to impose on others, in his name, or to interpret his ordinances according to his own fancy. In fact, if even the existence of the theologic God, and the reality of the attributes so discordantly assigned to him should be admitted ; no conclusion can be drawn from such admission, to authorize the different forms of worship, prescribed to be rendered him. Theology is truly the Tub of the Danaides. By contradictory quali- ties, and hazarded assertions, it has, as it were, so ma- nacled its Deity, as to prevent him from acting. If he be infinitely good, what reason have we to fear him ? — If he be infinitely wise, why do we trouble ourselves about futurity. If he be omniscient, why do we ap- prize him of our wants, and fatigue him with our prayers ? If he be omnipresent, why build temples for him? If he be omnipotent, why present to him sacri- fices and offerings? If he be just, how can we believe, that he will punish the creatures he has made so feeble ? If he be omnipotent, how can he be offended, or how resisted ? If he be reasonable, why is he displeased with blind mortals, to whom he has left the liberty of acting contrary to his wishes ? If he be immutable, by what right do we pretend to induce him to change his decrees? M 136 NOTES. If he be inconceivable, why do we trouble ourselves about him? If he has spoken, why is not the uni- verse convinced ? If the knowledge of a God is the most necessary, why is it not the most evident and the most clear.* Systeme de la Nature. Seconde Partie. The enlightened and benevolent Pliny thus publicly professes himself an atheist : — Quapropter effigiem Dei, formamque quaerere, imbecillitatis humanae reor. Quis- quis est Deus (si modo est alius) et quacunque in parte, totus est sensus, totus est visus, totus auditus, totus animse, totus animi, totus sui. — — — — — — Imperfecta^ vero in homine naturae praecipua solatia ne deum quidem posse omnia. Namque nee sibi po- test mortem consciscere, si velit, quod homini dedit optimum in tantis vitas pcenis : nee mortales aeternitate donare, aut revocare defunctos ; nee facere ut qui vixit non vixerit, qui honores gessit non gesserit, nullumque habere in praeteritum jus, praeterquam oblivionis, atque (ut facetis quoque argumentis societas haec cum deo copuletur) ut bis dena viginta non sint, et multa simi- liter efficere non posse. — Per quae, declaratur haud * A literal translation is here substituted for the French, quoted by the author. The passages brought together in this extract do not follow each other in the original, but are selected from different parts of the se- cond volume. NOTES. 137 dubie, naturae potentiam id quoque esse, quod Deum vocamus.* — Plin. Nat. His. cap. de Deo. The consistent Newtonian is necessarily an atheist. See Sir W. Drummond's Academical Questions, chap, iii. — Sir W. seems to consider the atheism to which it leads, as a sufficient presumption of the falsehood of the system of gravitation : but surely it is more con- sistent with the good faith of philosophy to admit a deduction from facts, than an hypothesis incapable of proof, although it might militate with the obstinate preconceptions of the mob. Had this author, instead of inveighing against the guilt and absurdity of atheism, * Wherefore, I think, to enquire concerning the mode of being and likeness of God is to be ascribed to human folly. For whatever God is, (if he has any existence) and in whatever place, he must be all perception, all sight, all hearing, all mind, all life, and self-existent. — — — — But it is a peculiar satisfaction to man, in all the imperfections of his nature, that God cannot do every thing. He cannot commit suicide even should he wish to die, the power to do which, gives to man the greatest comfort amidst the numerous evils of life : neither can God render human beings eternal ; nor call the dead into existence ; nor make those who lived here- tofore, not to have lived ; nor those who have borne honours in their day, not to have borne them ; he has no power over the past, except that of oblivion ; and (if they will allow us to joke while discoursing about God) he cannot prevent twice ten from being twenty, and many other things of the same kind: by which it is proved, without doubt, that what we call God is the power of Nature. M 2 !S8 NOTES. demonstrated its falsehood, his conduct would have been more suited to the modesty of the sceptic, and the toleration of the philosopher. dd 3 " Omnia enim per Dei potentiam facta sunt : irao, quia natura potentia nulla est nisi ipsa Dei potentia, autem est nos eatenus Dei potentiam non intelligere, quatenus causas naturales ignoramus ; adeoque stulte ad eandem Dei potentiam recurritur, quando rei alicujus, causams naturalem, sive est, ipsam Dei potentiam ignoramus.* — Spinosa, Tract. Theologico-Pol. chap. i. p. 14v VII. Page 62. Ahasuerus, rise! " Ahasuerus the Jew crept forth from the dark cave of Mount Carmel. Near two thousand years have elapsed since he was first goaded by never-ending restlessness, to rove the globe from pole to pole. When our Lord was wearied with the burthen of his ponderous cross, and wanted to rest before the door of Ahasuerus, the unfeeling wretch drove him away with brutality. The Saviour of mankind staggered, sinking under the heavy * All things are effected by the power of God ; yet it is because the power of nature is no other than the power of God; we are moreover unable to comprehend the power of God as far as we are ignorant of natural causes ; therefore the power of God is foolishly re- ferred to, when we are ignorant of the natural cause of any thing, or which is the same thing, with the power of God. NOTES. 139 load, but uttered no complaint. An angel of death ap- peared before Ahasuerus, and exclaimed indignantly, 'Barbarian! thou hast denied rest to the Son of Man: be it denied thee also, until he comes to judge the world.' A black demon, let loose from hell upon Ahasuerus, goads him now from country to country ; he is denied the consolation which death affords, and precluded from the rest of the peaceful grave. Ahasuerus crept forth from the dark cave of Mount Carmel — he shook the dust from his beard — and taking up one of the sculls heaped there, hurled it down the eminence: it rebounded from the earth in shivered atoms. This was my father ! roared Ahasuerus. Seven more sculls rolled down from rock to rock ; while the infuriate Jew, following them with ghastly looks, ex- claimed — And these were my wives; He still continued to hurl down scull after scull, roaring in dreadful ac- cents — And these, and these, and these were my chil- dren ! They could die ; but I ! reprobate wretch, alas ! I cannot die! Dreadful beyond conception is the judg- ment that hangs over me. Jerusalem fell — I crushed the sucking babe, and precipitated myself into the destructive flames. I cursed the Romans — but, alas ! alas ! the restless curse held me by the hair — and I could not die ! Rome the giantess fell — I placed myself before the falling statue — she fell, and did not crush me. Nations M3 140 NOTES. sprung up and disappeared before me — hut I remained, and did not die. From cloud-encircled cliffs did I pre- cipitate myself into the ocean — but the foaming billows cast me upon the shore, and the burning arrow of exist- ence pierced my cold heart again. I leaped into Etna's flaming abyss, and roared with the giants for ten long months, polluting with my groans the Mount's sul- phureous mouth — ah ! ten long months. The volcano fermented — and, in a fiery stream of lava, cast me up. I lay torn by the torture- snakes of hell, amid the glow- ing cinders, and yet continued to exist. A forest was on fire : I darted on wings of fury and despair into the crackling wood. Fire dropped upon me from the trees, but the flames only singed my limbs — alas ! it could not consume them. I now mixed with the butchers of man- kind, and plunged in the tempest of the raging battle. I roared defiance to the infuriate Gaul — defiance to the victorious German ; but arrows and spears rebounded in shivers from my body. The Saracen's flaming sword broke upon my scull — balls in Tain hissed upon me — the lightnings of battle glared harmless around my loins — in vain did the elephant trample on me — in vain the iron hoof of the wrathful steed ! The mine, big with de- structive power, burst upon me, and hurled me high in the air — I fell on heaps of smoking limbs, but was only singed. The giant's steel club rebounded from my body ; the executioner's hand could not strangle me ; the tyger's tooth could not pierce me, nor would the XOTES. 141 hungry Hon in the circus devour me. I cohabited with poisonous snakes, and pinched the red crest of the dra- gon. The serpent stung, but could not destroy me ; — the dragon tormented, but dared not to devour me. I now provoked the fury of tyrants : I said to Nero, Thou art a bloodhound ! I said to Christiern, Thou art a bloodhound I I said to Muley Ismail, Thou art a blood- hound I The tyrants invented cruel torments, but did not kill me. Ha 1 not to be able to die — not to be able to die — not to be permitted to rest after the toils of life — to be doomed to be imprisoned for ever in the clay-formed dungeon — to be for ever dogged with this worthless body, its load of diseases and infirmities — to be condemned to hold for millenniums that yawning monster Sameness and Time, that hungry hyena, ever bearing children, and ever devouring again her off- spring! — Hal not to be permitted to die I Awful avenger in heaven, hast thou in thine armoury of wrath a pu- nishment more dreadful ? — then let it thunder upon me, command a hurricane to sweep me down to the foot of Carmel, that I there may lie extended : may pant, and writhe, and die !'* — — — — — — — — — This fragment is the translation of part of some G er- mau work, whose title I have vainly endeavoured to dis- cover. I picked it up, dirty and torn, some years ago, in Lincoin's-Inn Fields. 142 NOTES. VII. Page 65. J will beget a Son, and he shall bear 7 J he sins of all the world. A book is put into our hands when children, called the Bible, the purport of whose history is briefly this: That God made the earth in six days, and^ there planted a delightful garden, in which he placed the first pair of human beings. In the midst of the garden he planted a tree, whose fruit, although within their reach, they were forbidden to touch. That the Devil, in the shape of a snake, persuaded them to eat of this fruit ; in con- sequence of which, God condemned both them and their posterity, yet unborn, to satisfy his justice by their eternal misery. That, four thousand years after these events, (the human race in the mean while having gone unredeemed to perdition) God engendered with the be- trothed wife of a carpenter in Judea, (whose virginity was nevertheless uninjured) and begat a Son, whose name was Jesus Christ ; and who was crucified and died, in order that no more men might be devoted to hell-fire, he bearing the burden of his Father's displeasure by proxy. The book states, in addition, that the soul of whoever disbelieves his sacrifice will be burned with everlasting fire. During many ages of misery and darkness this story gained implicit belief; but at length men arose who suspected that it was a fable and imposture, and that Jesus Christ, so far from being a God, was only a man NOTES. 143 like themselves. But a numerous set of men, who de- rived and still derive immense emoluments from this opinion, in the shape of a popular belief, told the vul- gar, that, if they did not believe in the Bible, they would be damned to all eternity; and burned, impri- soned, and poisoned all the unbiassed and unconnected enquirers who occasionally arose. They still oppress them, so far as the people, now become more enlight- ened, will allow. The belief in all that the Bible contains, is called Christianity. A Roman Governor of Judea, at the in- stance of a priest -led mob, crucified a man called Jesus, eighteen centuries ago. He was a man of pure life, who desired to rescue his countrymen from the tyranny of their barbarous and degrading superstitions. The common fate of all who desire to benefit mankind a- waited him. The rabble, at the instigation of the priests, demanded his death, although his very judge made pub- lic acknowledgment of his innocence, Jesus was sa- crificed to the honour of that God with whom he was afterwards confounded. It is of importance, therefore, to distinguish between the pretended character of this being, as the Son of God and the Saviour of the world, and his real character as a man, who, for a vain attempt to reform the world, paid the forfeit of his life to that overbearing tyranny which has since so long desolate the universe in his name. Whilst the one is a hypocriti- cal daemon, who announces himself as the God of com- 144 NOTES. passion and peace, even whilst he stretches forth his blood-red hand with the sword of discord to waste the earth, having confessedly devised this scheme of deso- lation from eternity ; the other stands in the foremost list of those true heroes, who have died in the glorious mar- tyrdom of liberty, and have braved torture, contempt, and poverty, in the cause of suffering humanity.* The vulgar, ever in extremes, became persuaded that the crucifixion of Jesus was a supernatural event. Tes- timonies of miracles, so frequent in unenlightened ages, were not wanting, to prove that he was something di- vine. This belief, rolling through the lapse of ages, met with the reveries of Plato, and the reasonings of Aristotle, and acquired force and extent, until the di- vinity of Jesus became a dogma, which to dispute was death, which to doubt was infamy. Christianity is now the established religion : he who attempts to impugn it, must be contented to behold murderers and traitors take precedence of him in pub- lic opinion; though, if his genius be equal to his cou- rage, and assisted by a peculiar coalition of circum- stances, future ages may exalt him to a divinity, and persecute others in his name, as he was persecuted in the name of his predecessor in th» homage of the world. * Since writing this note, I have seen reason to sus- pect, that Jesus was an ambitious man, who aspired to the throne of Judea, NOTES. 145 The same means tha* have supported every other po- pular belief, have supported Christianity. War, im- prisonment, assassination, and falsehood; deeds of un- exampled and incomparable atrocity have made it what it is. The blood shed by the votai'ies of the God of mercy and peace, since the establishment of his reli- gion, would probably suffice to drown all other sectaries now on the habitable globe, We derive from our an- cestors a faith thus fostered and supported : we quarrel, persecute, and hate for its maintenance. Even under a government which, whilst it infringes the very right of thought and speech, boasts of permitting the liberty of the press, a man is pilloried and imprisoned because he is a Deist, and no one raises his voice in the indignation of outraged humanity.* But it is ever a proof that the falsehood of a proposition is felt by those who use coercion, not reasoning, to procure its admission ; and a dispassionate observer would feel himself more pow- erfully interested in favour of a man, who, depending on the truth of his opinions, simply stated his reasons for entertaining them, than in that of his aggressor, who, daringly avowing his unwillingness or incapacity to an- swer them by argument, proceeded to repress the ener- gies, and break the spirit of their promulgator, by that torture and imprisonment whose infliction he could command. * Alluding to the case of Daniel Isaac Eaton. 146 NOTES. Analogy seems to favour the opinion, that as, like other systems, Christianity has arisen and augmented, so like them it will decay and perish ; that, as vio- lence, darkness, and deceit, not reasoning and persua- sion, have procured its admission among mankind, so, when enthusiasm has subsided, and time, that infallible controverter of false opinions, has involved its pre- tended evidences in the darkness of antiquity, it will be- come obsolete ; that Milton's poem alone will give per- manency to the remembrance of its absurdities ; and that men will laugh as heartily at grace, faith, redemp- tion, and original sin, as they now do at the metamor- phoses of Jupiter, the miracles of Romish saints, the efficacy of witchcraft, and the appearance of departed spirits. Had the Christian religion commenced and continued by the mere force of reasoning and persuasion, the pre- ceding analogy would be inadmissible. We should never speculate on the future obsoleteness of a system perfectly conformable to nature and reason : it would endure so long as they endured ; it would be a truth as indisputable as the light of the sun, the criminality of murder, and other facts, whose evidence, depending on our organization and relative situations, must remain acknowledged as satisfactory, so long as man is man. It is an incontrovertible fact, the consideration of which ought to repress the hasty conclusions of credulity, or moderate its obstinacy in maintaining them, that, had NOTES. 147 the Jews not been a fanatical race of men, had even the resolution of Pontius Pilate been equal to his candour, the Christian religion never could have prevailed, it could not even have existed : on so feeble a thread hangs the most cherished opinion of a sixth of the human race ! When will the vulgar learn humility? When will the pride of ignorance blush at having believed before it could comprehend? Either the Christian religion is true, or it is false : if true, it comes from God, and its authenticity can admit of doubt and dispute no further than its omni- potent author is willing to allow. Either the power or the goodness of God is called in question, if he leaves those doctrines most essential to the well-being of man in doubt and dispute; the only ones which, since their promulgation, have been the subject of unceasing cavil, the cause of irreconcilable hatred. If God has spoken, ivhy is the universe not convinced ? There is this passage in the Christian Scriptures: — " Those who obey not God, and believe not the Gos- pel of his Son, shall be punished with everlasting destruction.'' This is the pivot upon which all reli- gions turn : they all assume that it is in our power to believe or not to believe ; whereas, the mind can only believe that which it thinks true. A human being can only be supposed accountable for those actions which are influenced by his will. But belief is utterly distinct from and unconnected with volition: it is the 148 NOTES. apprehension of the agreement or disagreement of the ideas that compose any proposition. Belief is a pas- sion, or involuntary operation of the mind, and, like other passions, its intensity is precisely proportionate to the degrees of excitement. Volition is essential to merit or demerit. But the Christian religion attaches the highest possible degrees of merit and demerit to that which is worthy of neither, and which is totally unconnected with the peculiar faculty of the mind, whose presence is essential to their being. Christianity was intended to reform the world : had an all-wise Being planned it, nothing is more impro- bable than that it should have failed: omniscience would infallibly have foreseen the inutility of a scheme which experience , demonstrates, to this age, to have been utterly unsuccessful. Christianity inculcates the necessity of supplicating the Deity. Prayer may be considered under two points of view ; as an endeavour to change the intentions of God, or as a formal testimony of our obedience. But the former case supposes that the caprices of a limited intelligence can occasionally instruct the Creator of the world how to regulate the universe ; and the latter, a certain degree of servility analogous to the loyalty demanded by earthly tyrants. Obedience, indeed, is only the pitiful and cowardly egotism of him who thinks that he can do something better than reason. Christianity, like all other religions, rests uponmira- NOTES. 140 cles, prophecies, and martyrdoms. No religion ever existed, which had not its prophets, its attested mira- cles, and, above all, crowds of devotees who would bear patiently the most horrible tortures to prove its authenticity. Jt should appear that in no case can a discriminating mind subscribe to the genuineness of a miracle. A miracle is an infraction of nature's law, by a supernatural cause ; by a cause acting beyond that eternal circle within which all things are included. — God breaks through the law of nature, that he may convince mankind of the truth of that revelation which, in spite of his precautions, has been, since its intro- duction, the subject of unceasing schism and cavil. Miracles resolve themselves into the following ques- tion:* — Whether it is more probable the laws of na- ture, hitherto so immutably harmonious, should have undergone violation, or that a man should have told a lie? Whether it is more probable that we are ignorant of the natural cause of an event, or that we know the supernatural one ? That, in old times, when the powers of nature were less known than at present, a certain set of men were themselves deceived, or had some hidden motive for deceiving others ; or that God begat a son, who, in his legislation, measuring merit by be- lief, evidenced himself to be totally ignorant of the powers of the human mind — of what is voluntary, and what is the contrary ? * See Hume's Essav, vol. ii. page 121. N i no NOTES. We have many instances of men telling lies; — none of an infraction of nature's laws — those laws, of whose government alone we have any knowledge or experi- ence. The records of all nations afford innumerable instances of men deceiving others either from vanity or interest, or themselves being deceived by the limited- ness oftheir views, and their ignorance of natural causes: but where is the accredited case of God having come upon earth, to give the lie to his own creations 1 There would be something truly wonderful in the appearance of a ghost; but the assertion of a child that he saw one as he passed through the church-yard, is universally ad- mitted to be less miraculous. Eut even supposing that a man should raise a dead body to life before our eyes, and on this fact rests his claim to being considered the Son of God ; — the Hu~ mane Society restores drowned persons, and because it makes no mystery of the method it employs, its mem- bers are not mistaken for the Sons of God. All that we have a right to infer from our ignorance of the cause of any event is, that we do not know it ; had the Mexi- cans attended to this simple rule when they heard the cannon of the Spaniards, they would not have consi- dered them as gods : the experiments of modern chemis- try would have defied the wisest philosophers of an- cient Greece and Rome to have accounted for them on natural principles. An author of strong common sens* has observed, that " a miracle is no miracle at second- hand;" he m'ght have added, that a miracle is no mi* NOTES. 151 racle in any case ; for until we are acquainted with all natural causes, we have no reason to imagine others. There remains to be considered another proof of Christianity — Prophecy. A book is written before a certain event, in which this event is foretold ; how could the prophet have foreknown it without inspira- tion? how could he have been inspired without God? The greatest stress is laid on the prophecies of Moses and Hosea on the dispersion of the Jews, and that of Isaiah concerning the coming of the Messiah. The prophecy of Moses is a collection of every possible cursing and blessing ; and it is so far from being mar- vellous that the one of dispersion should have been ful- filled, that it would have been more surprising if, out of all these, none should have taken effect. In Deutero- nomy, chap, xxviii. ver. 64, where Moses explicitly foretels the dispersion, he states that they shall there serve gods of wood and stone: "And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even to the other, and there thou shall serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even gods of wood and stone." The Jews are at this day remarkably tenacious of their leligion. Moses al- so declares that they shall be subjected to these causes for disobedience to his ritual: " And it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all the commandments and statutes which I command you this day, that all N 3 152 NOTES. these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee." Is this the real reason? The third, fourth, and fifth chapters of Hosea are a piece of immodest confession. The indelicate type might apply in a hundred senses to a hundred things. The fifty-third chapter of Isaiah is more explicit, yet it does not exceed in clearness the oracles of Delphos. The historical proof, that Moses, Isaiah, and Hosea did write when they are said to have written, is far from being clear and circumstantial. But prophecy requires proof in its character as a mi- racle ; we have no right to suppose that a man foreknew future events from God, until it is demonstrated that he neither could know them by his own exertions, nor that the writings which contain the prediction could possibly have been fabricated after the event pretended to be foretold. It is more probable that writings, pretending to divine inspiration, should have been fabricated after the fulfilment of their pretended prediction* than that they should have really been divinely inspired; when we consider that the latter supposition makes God at once the creator of the human mind, and ignorant of its primary powers, particularly as we have numberless in- stances of false religions, and forged prophecies of things long past, and no accredited case of God having conversed with men directly or indirectly. It is also possible that the description of an event might have foregone its occurrence ; but this is far from being a ^gitimate proof of a divine revelation, as many men, NOTES. 153 not pretending to the character of a prophet, have ne- vertheless, in this sense, prophecied. Lord Chesterfield was never yet taken for a prophet, even by a bishop, yet he uttered this remarkable pre- diction : " The despotic government of France is screw- ed up to the highest pitch ; a revolution is fast ap- proaching ; that revolution, I am convinced, will be ra- dical and sanguinary." This appeared in the letters of the prophet long before the accomplishment of this wonderful prediction. Now, have these particulars come to pass, or have they not? If they have, how could the Earl have foreknown them without inspira- tion ? If we admit the truth of the Christian religion on testimony such as this, we must admit, on the same strength of evidence, that God has affixed the highest rewards to belief, and the eternal tortures of the never- dying worm to disbelief; both of which have been de- monstrated to be involuntary. The last proof of the Christian religion depends on the influence of the Holy Ghost. Theologians divide the influence of the Holy Ghost into its ordinary and extraordinary modes of operation. The latter is sup- posed to be that which inspired the Prophets and Apos- tles ; and the former to be the grace of God, which summarily makes known the truth of his revelation, to those whose mind is fitted for its reception by a sub- missive perusal of his word. Persons convinced in this manner, can do any thing but account for their convic- 151. NOTES. tion, describe the time at which it happened, or the man- ner in which it came upon them. It is supposed to enter the mind by other channels than those of the senses, and therefore professes to be superior to reason found- ed on their experience. Admitting, however, the usefulness or possibility of a divine revelation, unless we demolish the foundations of all human knowledge, it is requisite that our reason should previously demonstrate its genuineness ; for, be- fore we extinguish the steady ray of reason and com- mon sense, it is fit that we should discover whether we cannot do without their assistance, whether or no there be any other which may suffice to guide us through the labyrinth of life:* for, if a man is to be inspired upon all occasions, if he is to be sure of a thing because he is sure, if the ordinary operations of the spirit are not to be considered very extraordinary modes of demonstration, if enthusiasm is to usurp the place of proof, and madness that of sanity, all reasoning is superfluous. The Mahometan dies fighting for his prophet, the Indian immolates himself at the chariot wheels of Brahma, the Hottentot worships an insect, the Negro a bunch of feathers, the Mexican sacrifices human victims ! Their degree of conviction must .cer- tainly be very strong : it cannot arise from conviction, it must from feelings, the reward of their prayers. If * See Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding, book iv. chap. xix. on Enthusiasm. NOTES. J 53 each of these should affirm, in opposition to the strong- est possible arguments, that inspiration carried internal evidence, I fear their inspired brethren, the orthodox Missionaries, would be so uncharitable as to pronounce them obstinate. Miracles cannot be received as testimonies of a dis puted fact, because all human testimony has ever been insufficient to establish the possibility of miracles. That which is incapable of proof itself, is no proof of any thing else. Prophecy has also been rejected by the test of reason. Those, then, who have been actually inspired, are the only true believers in the Christian religion. Mox numine viso Virginei tumuere sinus, innuptaque mater Arcano stupuit compleri viscera partu Auctorem parituva suum. Mortalia corda Artificem texere poli, latuitque sub uno Fectore, qui totumlate complectitur orbem. Claudian, Carmen Paschale* Does not so monstrous and disgusting an absurdity carry its own infamy and refutation with itself ? * The Deity revealed — with mystic charge, The Virgin felt her teeming womb enlarge — Ker Maker's future mother, ne'er consigned To human arms. — Deep wonder fill'd her mind, As in her breast the ripening burden lay, An embrio god-head springing into day. Heaven's architect one bosom did enfold, And he, whom earth, nor seas, nor skies can hold, Hid his vast essence in a human mould. im notes. VIII. Page 78. Him, (still from hope to hope the bliss pursuing, Which, from the exhaistless lore of human weal Dawns on the virtuous mind) the thoughts that rise In time-destroying infiniteness. gift With self-enshrined eternity, &;c. Time is our consciousness of the succession of ideas in our mind. Vivid sensation, of either pain or plea- sure, makes the time seem long, as the common phrase is, because it renders us more acutely conscious of our ideas. If a mind be conscious of an hundred ideas during one minute, by the clock, and of two hundred during another, the latter of these spaces would actu- ally occupy so much greater extent in the mind as two exceed one in quantity. If, therefore, the human mind, by any future improvement of its sensibility, should become conscious of an infinite number of ideas in a minute, that minute would be eternity. I do not hence infer that the actual space between the birth and death of a man will ever be prolonged ; but that his sensi- bility is perfectible, and that the number of ideas which his mind is capable of receiving is indefinite. — One man is stretched on the rack during twelve hours ; another sleeps soundly in his bed ; the difference of time perceived by these two persons is immense : one hardly will believe that half an hour has elapsed , the other could credit that centuries had flown during his agony* NOTES. 157 Thus, the life of a man of virtue and talent, who should die in his thirtieth year, is, with regard to his own feelings, longer than that of a miserable priest-ridden slave, who dreams out a century of dulness. The one has perpetually cultivated his mental faculties, has ren- dered himself master of his thoughts, can abstract and generalize amid the lethargy of every-day business; the other can slumber over the brightest moments of his being, and is unable to remember the happiest hour of his life. Perhaps the perishing ephemeron enjoys a longer life than the tortoise. Dark flood of time ! Roll as it listeth thee — I measure not By months or moments thy ambiguous course. Another may stand by me on the brink And watch the bubble whirled beyond his ken That pauses at my feet. The sense of love, The thirst for action, and the impassioned thought, Prolong m^ being: if I wake no more, My life more actual living will contain Than some grey veterans of the world's cold school, Whose listless hours unprofitably roll, By one enthusiast feeling unredeemed. See Godwin's Pol. Jus. vol. i. page 41 1 ; and Con- dor cet, Esquisse d'un Tableau Historique des Progress de V Esprit Humain, Epoque ix. 15S NOTES. VIII. Page 78. No longer now He slays the lamb that looks him, in the face. I hold that the depravity of the physical and moral nature of man originated in his unnatural habits of life. The origin of man, like that of the universe of which he is a part, is enveloped in impenetrable mystery.— His generations either had a beginning, or they had not. The weight of evidence in favour of each of these suppositions seems tolerably equal ; and it is perfectly unimportant to the present argument which is assumed. The language spoken, however, by the mythology of nearly all religions seems to prove, that at some distant period man forsook the path of nature, and sacrificed the purity and happiness of his being to unnatural appetites. The date of this event seems to have also been that of some great change in the climates of the earth, with which it has an obvious correspondence. — The allegory of Adam and Eve eating of the tree of evil, and entailing upon their posterity the wrath of God, and the loss of everlasting life, admits of no other explanation than the disease and crime that have flowed from unnatural diet. Milton was so well awarefof this, that he makes Raphael thus exhibit to Adam the con- sequence of his disobedience. -Immediately a place Before his eyes appeared : sad, noisome, dark: NOTES. I5P A lazar-house it seem'd ; wherein were laid Numbers of all diseased : all maladies Of ghastly spasm, or racking torture, qualms Of heart-sick agony, all feverous kinds, Convulsions, epilepsies, fierce catarrhs, Intestine stone and ulcer, cholic pangs, Daemoniac frenzy, moping melancholy, And moon-struck madness, pining atrophy, Marasmus, and wide-wasting pestilence, Dropsies, and asthmas, and joint-racking rheums. And how many thousands more might not be added to this frightful catalogue ! The story of Prometheus is one likewise which, al- though universally admitted to be allegorical, has never been satisfactorily explained. Prometheus stole fire from heaven, and was chained for this crime to Mount Caucasus, where a vulture continually devoured his liver, that grew to meet its hunger, Hesiod says, that, before the time of Prometheus, markind were exempt from suffering; that they enjoyed a vigorous youth, and that death, when at length it came, approached like sleep, and gently closed their eyes. Again, so general was this opinion, that Horace, a poet of the Augustan asfe, writes — Audax omnia perpeti, Genshumana ruit per vetitum nefas O 160 NOTES. Audax Iapeti genus Ignem fraude mala gentibus intulit ! Post ignem setheria dorno Subductum, raacies et nova febrium Terris incubuit cohors, Semotique pvius tarda necessitas Lethi corripuit gradura.* How plain a language is spoken by all this. Prome- theus (who represents the human race) effected some great change in the condition of his nature, and applied fire to culinary purposes; thus inventing an expedient for screening from his disgust the horrors of the sham- bles. From this moment his vitals were devoured by the vulture of disease. It consumed his being in every shape of its loathsome and infinite variety, inducing the soul-quelling sinkings of premature and violent death. All vice arose from the ruin of healthful innocence. Tyranny, superstition, commerce, and inequality, were then first known, when reason vainly attempted to Thus from the sun's etherial beam When bold Prometheus stole th' enlivening flame, Of fevers dire a ghastly brood, Till then unknown, the unhappy fraud pursu'd ; On earth their horrors baleful spread, And the pale monarch of the dead, Till then slow-moving to his prey, Precipitately rapid swept his way. Francis's Horace, Book i. Ode 3. NOTES. 161 guide the wanderings of exacerbated passion. I con- clude this part of the subject with an extract from Mr. Newton's Defence of Vegetable Regimen, from whom I have borrowed this interpretation of the fable of Prometheus. " Making allowance for such transposition of the events of the allegory as time might produce, after the important truths were forgotten, which this portion of the ancient mythology was intended to transmit, the drift of the fable seems to be this : — Man at his creation was endowed with the gift of perpetual youth; that is T he was not formed to be a sickly suffering creature as we now see him, bat to enjoy health, and to sink by slow degrees into the bosom of his parent earth with- out disease or pain. Prometheus first taught the use of animal food, (primus bovem occidit Prometheus*) and of fire, with which to render it more digestible and pleasing to the taste. Jupiter, and the rest of the gods, foreseeing the consequences of these inventions, were amused or irritated at the short-sighted devices of the newly-formed creature, and left him to experience the sad effects of them. Thirst, the necessary concomitant of a flesh diet, (perhaps of all diet vitiated by culi- nary preparation) ensued; water was resorted to, and man forfeited the inestimable gift of health which he * Prometheus first killed an ox. Plin. Nat. Hist. lib. vii. sect 57. 2 162 NOTES. had received from heaven ; he became diseased, the partaker of a precarious existence, and no longer de- scended slowly to his grave."* But just disease to luxury succeeds, And every death its own avenger breeds ; The fury passions from that blood began, And turned on man a fiercer savage — man. Man, and the animals whom he has infected with his society, or depraved by his dominion, are alone dis- eased. The wild hog, the mouflon, the bison, and the wolf, are perfectly exempt from malady, and invariably die, either from external violence, or natural old age. But the domestic hog, the sheep, the cow, and the dog, are subject to an incredible variety of distempers ; and, like the corrupters of their nature, have physicians who thrive upon their miseries. The supereminence of man is like Satan's, a supereminence of pain, and the ma- jority of his species, doomed to penury, disease, and crime, have reason to curse the untoward event, that by enabling him to communicate his sensations, raised him above the level of his fellow animals. But the steps that have been taken are irrevocable. The whole of human science is comprised in one question: — How can the advantages of intellect and civilization be re- * Return to Nature. Cadell, 1811. NOTES. 1G3 conciled with the liberty and pure pleasures of a natural life 1 How can we take the benefits, and reject the evils of the system, which is now interwoven with all the fibres of our being? I believe that abstinence from animal food and spirituous liquors would in a great measure capacitate us for the solution of this important question. It is true, that mental and bodily derangement is at- tributable in part to other deviations from rectitude and nature than those which concern diet. The mistakes cherished by society respecting the connection of the sexes, whence the misery and diseases of unsatisfied celibacy, unenjoying prostitution, and the premature arrival of puberty necessarily spring; the putrid atmo- sphere of crowded cities ; the exhalations of chemical processes ; the muffling of our bodies in superfluous apparel ; the absurd treatment of infants : — all these, and innumerable other causes, contribute their mite to the mass of human evil. Comparative anatomy teaches us that man resembles frugivorous animals in every thing, and carnivorous in nothing ; he has neither claws wherewith to seize his prey, nor distinct and pointed teeth to tear the living fibre. A Mandarin of the first class, with nails two inches long, would probably find them, alone, ineffi- cient to hold even a hare. After every subterfuge of gluttony, the bull must be degraded into the ox, and Hie ram into the wether, by an unnatural and inhuman O 3 164 NOTES. operation, that the flaccid fibre may offer a fainter resistance to rebellious nature. It is only by softening and disguising dead flesh by culinary preparation, that it is rendered susceptible of mastication or digestion ; and that the sight of its bloody juices and raw horror does not excite intolerable loathing and disgust. Let the advocate of animal food force himself to a decisive experiment on its fitness, and, as Plutarch recommends, tear a living lamb with his teeth, and plunging his head into its vitals, slake his thirst with the steaming blood ; when fresh from the deed of horror, let him revert to the irresisiible instincts of nature that would rise in judgment against it, and say, Nature formed me for such work as this. Then, and then only, would he be consistent. Man resembles no carnivorous animal. There is no exception, unless man be one, to the rule of herbivo- rous animals having cellulated colons. The orang-outang perfectly resembles man both in the order and number of his teeth. The orang-outang is the most anthropomorphous of the ape tribe, all of which are strictly frugivorous. There is no other species of animals, which live on different food, in which this analogy exists. * In many frugivorous animals, the canine teeth are more pointed and distinct * Cuvier, Lemons d'Artat. Comp. torn. iii. pages 160, 373, 448, 465,. 480. Rees's Cyclopoedia, article Man. NOTES. 165 than those of man. The resemblance also of the hu- man stomach to that of the orang-outang, is greater than to that of any other animal. The intestines are also identical with those of herbi- vorous animals, which present a larger surface for absorption, and have ample and cellulated colons. — The coecum also, though short, is larger than that of carnivorous animals ; and even here the orang-outang retains its accustomed similarity. The structure of the human frame, then, is that of one fitted to a pure vegetable diet, in every essential particular. It is true, that the reluctance to abstain from animal food, in those who have been long accus- tomed to its stimulus, is so great in some persons of weak minds, as to be scarcely overcome ; but this is far from bringing any argument in its favour. A lamb, which was fed for some time on flesh by a ship's crew, refused its natural diet at the end of the voyage. There are numerous instances of horses, sheep, oxen, and even wood-pigeons, having been taught to live upon flesh, until they have loathed their natural aliment. — Young children evidently prefer pastry, oranges, ap- ples, and other fruit, to the flesh of animals, until, by the gradual depravation of the digestive organs, the free use of vegetable has, fur a time, produced serious inconveniences ; for a tivie, I say, since there never was an instance wherein a change from spirituous li- quors and animal food to vegetables and pure water, has failed ultimately to invigorate the body, by ren- 166 NOTES. dering its juices bland and consentaneous, and to re- store to the mind that cheerfulness and elasticity, which not one in fifty possesses on the present system. A love of strong liquors is also with difficulty taught to infants. Almost every one remembers the wry faces which the first glass of port produced. Unsophisti- cated instinct is invariably unerring ; but to decide on the fitness of animal food, from the perverted appetites which its constrained adoption produces, is to make the criminal a judge in his own cause; it is even worse, it is appealing to the infatuated drunkard in a question of the salubrity of brandy. What is the cause of morbid action in the animal system? Not the air we breath, for our fellow deni- zens of nature breathe the same uninjured: not the water we drink, (if remote from the pollutions of man and his inventions*) for the animals drink it too ; not the earth we tread upon ; not the unobscured sight of glorious nature, in the wood, the field, or the expanse of sky and ocean ; nothing that we are or do in com- mon with the undeceased inhabitants of the forest. Something then wherein we differ from them: our habit of altering our food by fire, so that our appetite * The necessity of resorting to some means of puri- fying water, and the disease which arises from its adul- teration in civilized countries, is sufficiently apparent. — See Dr. La tribe's Reports on Cancer. I do not assert that the use of water is in itself unnatural, but that the unperverted palate would swallow no liquid capable Qf occasioning disease. NOTES. 167 is no longer a just criterion for the fitness of its grati- fication. Except in children there remain no traces of that instinct which determines, in all other animals, what aliment is natural or otherwise ; and so perfectly obliterated are they in the reasoning- adults of our species, that it has become necessary to urge considera- tions drawn from comparative anatomy, to prove that we are naturally frugivorous. Crime is madness. Madness is disease. Whenever the cause of disease shall be discovered, the root, from which all vice and misery have so long overshadowed the globe, will lie bare to the axe. All the exertions of man, from that moment, may be considered as tending to the clear profit of his species. No sane mind in a sane body resolves upon a real crime. It is a man of violent passions, blood-shot eyes, and swollen veins, that alone can grasp the knife of mur- der. The system of a simple diet promises no Uto- pian advantages. It is no mere reform of legislation, whilst the furious passions and evil propensities of 1he human heart, in whichithad its origin, are still unassua- ged. It strikes at the root of all evil, and is an experi- ment which may be tried with success, not alone by na- tions, but by small socieiies, families, and even indivi- duals. In no cases has a return to vegetable diet pro- duced the slightest injury ; in most it has been attended with changes undeniably beneficial. Should ever a physician be born with the genius of Locke, I am per- im NOTES. snaded that he might trace all hodily and mental derange ments to our unnatural habits, as clearly as that philo- sopher has traced all knowledge to sensation. What prolific sources of disease are not those mineral and ve- getable poisons that have been introduced for its ex- tirpation! How many thousauds have become murder- ers and robbers, bigots, and domestic tyrants, dissolute and abandoned adventurers, from the use of fermented liquors ; who had they slaked their thirst only with pure water, would have lived but to diffuse the happiness of their own unperverted feelings. How many ground- less opinions and absurd institutions have not received a general sanction from the sottishness and intemperance of individuals! Who will assert that, had the populace of Paris satisfied their hunger at the ever-furnished table of vegetable nature, they would have lent their brutal suffrage to the proscription-list of Robespierre ? Could a set of men, whose passions were not perverted by unnatural stimuli, look with coolness on an auto da fe ? Is it to be believed that a being of gentle feelings, rising from his meal of roots, would take delight in sports of blood? Was Nero a man of temperate life? Could you read calm health in his cheek, flushed with ungovernable propensities of hatred for the human race? Did Muley Ismael's pulse beat evenly, was his skin ti'ansparent, did his eyes, beam with healthful- ness, and its invai'iable concomitants, cheerfulness and benignity ? Though history has decided none of these questions, a child could not hesitate to answer in the notes. im negative. Surely the bile-suffused cheek of Buona- parte, his wrinkled brow, and yellow eye, the cease- less inquietude of his nervous system, speak no less plainly the character of his unresting ambition than his murders and his victories. It is impossible had Buo- naparte descended from a race of vegetable feeders, that he could have had either the inclination or the power to ascend the throne of the Bourbons. The desire of tyranny could scarcely be excited in the indi- vidual, the power to tyrannize would certainly not be delegated by a society neither frenzied by inebriation, nor rendered impotent and irrational by disease. Pregnant indeed with inexhaustible calamity is the renunciation of inslinet, as it concerns our physical nature ; arithmetic cannot enumerate, nor reason per- haps suspect, the multitudinous sources of disease in civilized life. Even common water, that apparently innoxious pabulum, when corrupted by the filth of populous cities-, is a deadly and insidious destroyer.* Who can wonder that all the inducements held out by God himself in the Bible to virtue, should have been vainer than a nurse's tale; and that those dogmas, by which he has there excited and justified the most feroci- ous propensities, should have alone been deemed es- sential ; whilst Christians are in the daily practice of ail those habits which have infected with disease and crime, not only the reprobate sons^ but these fa- * Lambe's Reports on Cancer. 170 NOTES. voured children of the common Father's love. Omni- potence itself could not save them from the consequences of this original and universal sin. There is no disease, bodily or mental, which adop- tion of vegetable diet and pure water has not infallibly mitigated wherever the experiment has been fairly tried. Debility is gradually converted into strength, disease into healthfulness; madness, in all its hideoas variety, from the ravings of the fettered maniac, to the unaccountable irrationalities of ill temper, that make a hell of domestic life, into a calm and considerate evenness of temper, that alone might offer a certain pledge of the future moral reformation of society. On a natural system of diet, old age would be our last and our only malady ; the term of our existence would be protracted ; we should enjoy life, and no longer preclude others from the enjoyment of it ; all sensa- tional delights would be infinitely more exquisite and perfect ; the very sense of being would then be a con- tinued pleasure, such as we now feel it in some few and favoured moments of our youth. By all that is sacred in our hopes for the human race, I conjure those who love happiness and truth, to give a fair trial to the vegetable system. Reasoning is surely super- fluous on a subject whose merits and experience of six months would set for ever at rest. But it is only among the enlightened and benevolent that so great a sacrifice of appetite and prejudice can be expected, NOTES. 17! even though its ultimate excellence should not admit of dispute. It is found easier, by the short-sighted victims of disease, to palliate their torments by medi- cine, than to prevent them by regimen. The vulgar of all ranks are invariably sensual and indocile ; yet I cannot but feel myself persuaded, that when the be- nefits of vegetable diet are mathematically proved ; ■when it is as clear, that those who live naturally are exempt from premature death, as that nine is not one, the most sottish of mankind will feel a preference to- wards a long and tranquil, contrasted with a short and painful life. On the average, out of sixty persons, four die in three years. Hopes are entertained that in April 1814, a statement will be given that sixty per- sons, all having lived more than three years on vege- tables and pure water, are then in perfect health. More than two years have now elapsed ; not one of them has died ; no such example will be found in any sixty persons taken at random. Seventeen persons of all ages (the families of Dr. Lamte and Mr. Newton) have lived for seven years on this diet without a death, aud almost without the slightest illness. Surely, when we consider that some of these were infants, and one a martyr to asthma now nearly subdued, we may challenge any seventeen persons taken at random in this city to exhibit a parallel case. Those who may have been excited to question the rectitude of estab- P m NOTES. lished habits of diet, by these loose remarks, should consult Mr., Newton's luminous and eloquent essay.* When these proofs come fairly before the world, and are clearly seen by all who understand arithmetic, it is scarcely possible that abstinence from aliments de- monstrably pernicious should not become universal. In proportion to the number of proselytes, so will be the weight of evidence ; and when a thousand persons can be produced, living- on vegetables and distilled water, who have to dread no disease but old age, the world will be compelled to regard animal flesh and fermented liquors as slow but certain poisons. The change which would be produced by simpler habits on political economy, is sufficiently remarkable. The monopolizing eater of animal flesh would no longer destroy his constitution by devouring an acre at a meal, and many loaves of bread would cease to con- tribute to gout, madness, and apoplexy, in the shape of a pint of porter, or a dram of gin, when appeasing the long-pro Iracted famine of the hard working pea- sant's hungry babes. The quantity of nutritious vege- table matter, consumed in fattening the carcase of an ox, would afford ten times the sustenance, undepravittg indeed, and incapable of generating digease, if gather- ed immediately from the bosom of the earth. The * Return to Nature, or Defence of Vegetable Regi- men. Cadell, 1811. NOTES. 173 most fertile districts of the habitable globe are now actually cultivated by men for animals, at a delay and waste of aliment absolutely incapable of calculation. It is only the wealthy that can, to any great degree, even now, indulge the unnatural craving for dead flesh, and they pay for the greater licence of the privi- lege, by subjection to supernumerary diseases. Again, the spirit of the nation that should take the lead in this great reform, would insensibly become agricultural ; commerce, with all its vice, selfishness, and corrup- tion, would gradually decline ; more natural habits would produce gentler manners, and the excessive complication of political relations would be so far simplified, that every individual might feel and under- stand why he loved his country, and took a personal interest in its welfare. How would England, for ex- ample, depend on the caprices of foreign rulers, if she contained within herself all the necessaries, and des- pised whatever they possessed of the luxuries of life ? How could they starve her into compliance with their views ? Of what consequence would it be that they refused to take her woollen manufactures, when large and fertile tracts of the island ceased to be allotted to the waste of pasturage? On a natural system of diet, we should require no spices from India; no wines from Portugal, Spain, France, or Madeira ; none of those multitudinous articles of luxury, for which every corner of the globe is rifled, and which are the causes P2 174 NOTES. of so much individual rivalship, such calamitous and sanguinary national disputes. In the history of mo- dern times, the avarice of commercial monopoly, no less than the ambition of weak and wicked chiefs, seems to have fomented the universal discord, to have added stubbornness to the mistakes of cabinets, and indocility to the infatuation of the people. Let it ever be remembered, that it is the direct influence of com- merce to make the interval between the richest and the poorest man, wider and more unconquerable. Let it be remembered, that it is a foe to every thing of real worth and excellence in the human character. The odious and disgusting aristocracy of wealth, is built upon the ruins of all that is good in chivalry or repub- licanism j and luxury is the forerunner of a barbarism scarce capable of cure. Is it impossible to realize a state of soeiety, where all the energies of man shall be directed to the production of his solid happiness? Certainly, if this advantage (the object of all political speculation) be in any degree attainable, it is attain- able only by a community, which holds out no facti- tious incentives to the avarice and ambition of the few, and which is internally organized for the liberty, security and comfort of the many. None must be entrusted with power (and money is the completes! species of power) who do not stand pledged to use it exclusively for the general benefit. But the use of animal flesh and fermented liquors, directly militates NOTES. 175 with this equality of the rights of man. The peasant cannot gratify these fashionable cravings without leav- ing his family to starve. Without disease and war, those sweeping curtailers of population, pasturage would include a waste too great to be afforded. The labour requisite to support a family is far lighter* than is usually supposed. The peasantry work, not only for themselves, but for the aristocracy, the army, and the manufacturers. The advantage of a reform in diet is obviously greater than that of any other. It strikes at the root of the evil. To remedy the abuses of legislation, before we an- nihilate the propensities by which they are produced, is to suppose, that by taking away the effect, the cause will cease to operate. But the efficacy of this system depends entirely on the proselytism of individuals, and grounds its merits, as a benefit to the community, upon the total change of the dietetic habits in its members. It proceeds securely from a number of particular cases * It has come under the author's experience, that some of the workmen on an embankment in North Wales, who, in consequence of the inability of the proprietor to pay them, seldom received their wages, have supported large families by cultivating small spots of sterile ground by moonlight. In the notes to Pratt's Poem, " Bread, or the Poor," is an account of an industrious labourer, who, by working in a small garden, before and after his day's task, attained to an enviable state of independence. P 3 lv'8 NOTES. to one that is universal, and has this advantage over the contrary mode, that one error does not invalidate all that has gone before. Let not too much, however, be expected from this system. The healthiest among us is not exempt from hereditary disease. The most symmetrical, athletic, and long-lived, is a being inexpressibly inferior to what he would have been, had not -the unnatural habits of his ancestors accumulated for him a certain portion of ma- lady and deformity. In the most perfect specimen of civilized man, something is still found wanting by the physiological critic. Can a return to nature, then, in- stantaneously eradicate predispositions that have been slowly taking root in the silence of innumerable ages? — Indubitably not. All that I contend for is, that from the moment of the relinquishing all unnatural habits, no new disease is generated ; and that the predisposition to hereditary maladies gradually perishes, for want of its accustomed supply. In cases of consumption, cancer, gout, asthma, and scrofula, such is the inv triable ten- dency of a diet of vegetables and pure water. Those who may be induced by these remarks to give the vegetable system a fair trial, should in the first place, date the commencement of their practice, from the moment of their conviction. All depends upon breaking through a pernicious habit resolutely, and at once. Dr. Trotter* asserts, that no drunkard was ever * See Trotter on the Nervous Temperament. NOTES. 177 reformed by gradually relinquishing his dram. Animal flesh, in its effects on the human stomach, is analagous to a dram. It is similar to the kind, though differing in the degree, of its operation. The proselyte to a pure diet must be warned to expect a temporary diminution of muscular strength. The subtraction of a powerful stimulus will suffice to account for this event. But it is only temporary, and is succeeded by an equable capabi- lity for exertion, far surpassing his former various and fluctuating strength. Above all, he will acquire an easiness of breathing, by which such exertion is per- formed, with a remarkable exemption from that painful and difficult panting now felt by almost every one, after hastily climbing an ordinary mountain He will be equally capable of bodily exertion, or mental applica- tion, after as before his simple meal. He will feel none of the narcotic effects of ordinary diet. Irritability, the direct consequence of exhausting stimuli, would yield to the power of natural aud tranquil impulses. He will no longer pine under the lethargy of ennui, that unconquer- able weariness of life, more to be dreaded than death it- self. He will escape the epidemic madness, which broods over its own injurious notions of the Deity, and " realizes the hell that priests and beldams feign." Every man forms as it were his god from his own cha- racter; to the divinity of one of simple habits, no offer- ing would be more acceptable than the happiness of his creatures. He would be incapable of hating or perse- 173 NOTES. cuting others for the love of God. He will find, more- over, a system of simple diet to be a system of perfect epicurism. He will no longer be incessantly occupied in blunting and destroying those organs from which he expects his gratification. The pleasures of taste to be derived from a dinner of potatoes, beans, peas, turnips, lettuces, with a desert of apples, gooseberries, straw- berries, currants, raspberries, and, in winter, oranges, apples, and pears, is far greater than is supposed. Those who wait until they can eat this plain fare with the sauce of appetite will scarcely join with the hypo- critical sensualist at a lord-mayor's feast, who dis- claims against the pleasures of the table. Soloinan kept a thousand concubines, and owned in despair that all was vanity. The man whose happiness is consti- tuted by the society of one amiable woman, would find some difficulty in sympathizing with the disappointment of this venerable debauchee. I address myself not only to the young enthusiast, the ardent devotee of truth and virtue, the pure and passionate moralist, yet imviliated by the contagion of the world. He will embrace a pure system, from its abstract truth, its beauty, its simplicity, and its promise of wide-extended benefit ; unless custom has turned poison into food, he will hate the brutal pleasures of the chaste by instinct; it will be a contemplation full of horror and disappointment to his mind, that beings capable of the gentlest and most admirable sympathies, NOTE?. 179 should take delight in the death-pangs and last con- vulsions of dying animals. The elderly man, whose youth has heen poisoned by intemperance, or who has lived with apparent moderation, and is afflicted with a variety of painful maladies, would find his account in a beneficial change, produced without the risk of poi- sonous medicines. The mother, to whom the perpetual restlessness of disease, and unaccountable deaths inci- dent to her children, are the causes of incurable un- happiness, would on this diet experience the satisfac- tion of beholding their perpetual health and natural playfulness.* The most valuable lives are daily destroyed by dis- eases, that it is dangerous to palliate, and impossible to cure by medicine. How much longer will man con- * See Mr. Newton's book. His children are the most beautiful and healthy creatures it is possible to con- ceive; the girls are perfect models for a sculptor ; their dispositions are also the most gentle and conciliating: the judicious treatment which they experience in other points, may be a correlative cause of this. In the first five years of their life, of 18,000 children that are born, 7,500 die of various diseases ; and how many more of those that survive are rendered miserable by maladies not immediately mortal ? The quality and quantity of a woman's milk are materially injured by the use of dead flesh. In an island, near Iceland, where no ve- getables are to be got, the children invariably die of tetanus, before they are three weeks old, and the popu- lation is supplied from the main land. Sir G. Macken- zie's Hist, of Iceland. See also Emilc, chap. i. p. 53, 54,56. X 180 NOTES, tinue to pimp for the gluttony of death, his most insi- dious, implacable, and eternal foe ? " You apply the denomination of beasts of prey to ser- pents, panthers, and lions, but you, in your wanton and cruel effusion of blood, prove yourselves entitled with equal justice, to the application of the term. The prac- tice with themis the dictate of Nature for their subsis- tence, in you luxurious indulgence stimulates the crime. " It is evident from the construction of his body, that man is not destined by Nature to consume animal food, for there subsists no kind of analogy between his frame and that of animals, to whom she has given this propen- sity. He has no sharp and crooked beak, no claw or tusk to tear and lacerate his victims ; the muscular action of his stomach is weak, and in him the animal spirits are not sufficiently active to facilitate the concoc- tion and digestion of solid and fleshy substances. On the contrary, we perceive in his smooth and even teeth, the contracted size of his mouth, the softness of his tongue, the comparative inactivity of his animal spirits, how widely remote from any, is the contemplation of nature. " If you are disposed to maintain that such is her inten- tion, why do you not yourselves slaughter what you de- vour? Why do you not decline the use of axe, ham- mer, or hatchet, and like wolves, bears, and lions, assi- milate the mode to the deed, substitute your teeth for the instrument in slaying the ox, grapple by dipt of NOTES. l&l bodily strength with the boar, tear and mangle the limb* of the lamb or the hare, and to be in character, fall upon them and devour them while life yet palpitates in their veins. " We combine luxury with cruelty, and must have sauces with that flesh which we so highly extol, swallowing in- discriminately oil, wine, honey, pickles, vinegar, Syrian and Arabian spices, as if we would embalm the carcases we eat. The digestive powers cannot without difficulty, reduce to a soft and fluid state, such masses of matter, which may be even said to putrify in the stomach — hence a fruitful source of painful diseases and dangerous maladies. "Wild and mischievous animals first became the prey of man, then birds and fishes in all their varieties. His vitiated taste having been exercised on these, and having acquired a relish for blood, the laborious ox, the fleecy sheep, and thai faithful domestic sentinel, the cock, fell successive victims. The insatiate appetite thus edged, the transition was quick to human slaughters, massacres, and wars."* — Plutarch. * A translation is substituted here for the original quoted from Plutarch. Jim*, coc^/lv /< '. ^c^ts . ~ finis, y ' twftt&W/kr+U THE FOLLOWING WORKS MAY BE HAD OF MESSRS. BALDWIN:— The Age of Reason, and other Theological Writings of the late Thomas Paine: neatly printed in a pocket volume, for the use of schools, and sold at a very low price to those who circulate them for the ben e fit of the rising generation. ALSO, A Miniature edition of all the fascinating Melodies of the Irish Poet, Thomas Moore, price half a dollar, but which are now selling in England for six guineas. ALSO, That ancient and curious book, " The Three Ii^pos- tors;" translated into English, and printed uniform with the stereotype edition of Watts's Hymns. 1 M