f [House Bill No. 242.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Dec. I, 1864.— Reported from the Committee on the Judiciary, and read first and second times. 80, 1864. — Amended, engrossed, read a third time and pa L A. R. LAMAR, ri.rh. WW. Dec. 21, 1864. — Read first and second times, and re- ferred i<» the Committee on the Judiciary. .Ian. 6, 1866. — Reported advert j postponed until to-morrow, and ordered to !>«» printed. A HIL L To provide for Sequestrating the Property of Persons liable to Mifilarw Service, who have departed, or shall depart from th< Confederatt Stalest without permission. i Si ( l ion i. Th( I lerate States «»i Ame- -' riea do enact, Thai if any person shall voluntarily depart from thout the permission of the Pree ■:■ of tin . Beer < ommanding the Trai ' rippi • r » partment, or of an officer by one <»f them authorised i<> On, :it the time of such d( 7 tore, shall 1»«- liable to m according ><• the l.v 4 .11. from the time <-f I 9 b i 1