I House of Representatives.] HOUSE OF REPRE-^ENTATIVES, December 16,1861— Order- ed to be primed. [By Mr- McMuLLiN.] A HESOLUTTON Upon the subject of peace. 1 Whereas, According to the Declaration of IiiJepeudence of 2 the United States and tlie Constitution of the Confederate 3 States, the peojile of each of said states, in their higliestsover- 4 eign capacity, have a right to alter, amend or abolish the gov- 5 crumcnt under which tMr-y jivr. ^ml oc(f,liluii ^nr'i otlier a^they 6 may deem most expedient; a}id, whereas, the jjeople of the sev- 7 eral Confederate States have thought proper to sever their po 8 litical connection with the people and government of the Unit- 9 ed States, for reasons which it is not needfal here to state ; a7id, 10 whereas, the people of the Confederate States have organized 11 and established a distinct government fo-r themselves; and, 12 ivherens, because the people of the Confederate States have 13 thus exercised theii undoubted right in this re?i>ect, the people 14 aid government of the United States have tlioosrh* proper to 15 lyaka wai- njKjn tliem ; and, whereas, there seems to be a differ- 16 ciice of opinion on the part of the rcsj>ective governments and 17 pef'plc as to which of the contending parties is respontiblo for 18 the (ommencement of the present war. Therefore, 2 1 Resolved, Thaf, whilst it is not expedient, and would be in- 2 compatillc ^Mh. the dignity of the Confederate States, to send 3 commissioners to Washington city, for the purpose of securing 4 a cessation of hostilities, yet it would be, in the judgment of this 5 body, eminently proper that Ihe House of Representatives of 6 the Confederate States should despatch without delay, to some 7 convenient i)oint, a body of commissioners, thirteen in number, 8 composed of one representative from each of said states, to 9 meet and confer with such individuals as may be appointed by 10 the Government of the United States, in regard tOvall the out- 11 standing questions of difference between the two governments, 12 and to agree, if possible, upon the terlns of a lasting and hon- lo orable peace, subject to the ratification of the respective govern- 14 ments and of the sovereign states respectively represented 15 therein. rd,