.nr.M" ;|l|' UU" ir.lli I Hill Mlllll nunn ,1)1 .11'" illMI 111(111 llllllll) (t^lHl'^ ,nnn'>' "llllllll ;;ni! irrtHilnuuihit) iiiMnnii'Mimi'C y? 3 THE WILLIAM R. PERKINS LIBRARY OF DUKE UNIVERSITY Rare Books LAWS OF THE PAS8KD AT A CAL.L.EO SESSION OF THE IISSISSIPPI LEGISLATUEE, « / HELD IN M ^ C O IsT , AUaUST, 1864: V MERIDIAN, MISS. i. ,V. SHANNON & CO., STATE PRINTERS, 1864. LAWS OF THE CI, :ss-ippi. CIIAPTEE I. V.X ACT to authorize the Governor cf the State to extend the time allowed the Con] mission ers a[ pointed ro exnmine the several Military funds, the vouchers- books and accounts of the Quartermaster General, and Ordnance Department, and Executive Depart- ment, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted hj ike Legidatare of the Siaic of Mississippi, That the Governor be, and he 13 hereby authorized to extend Time for inves the time allowed . said Commissioners, pro- *J.^*'''" extend vided said Commissioners shall not be abl^ to coiamete their investio^ation "svithin the time allowed by the act approved April 5th, 1864, to such time as the Governor shall think necessary to enable said Commissioners to complete the same. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That said ^ . . Commissioners shall have lull power and au- to send forper- thority to send for persons and papers and to ^^"« =^^^' p»p*"' take affidavits, and to administer oaths neces- sary and proper to the performance of their duty. Sec. 3. Bt it farther enacted, That wlicj) ^ny paper, receipt or voucher, which may 4 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. Lave been filed in the proper department, Hball have been destroyed, lost or mislaid, so tliat tlie same cannot be found, the said Com- Mayf^btain any missloners mavobtain Irom any one holding ai'papa'i.''''"'''' tliC same, any duplicate original paper, receipt or voucher, that may exist, and use the same in lieu of the one so destroyed, lost or mis- laid, and the said Commissioners. are hereby authorized to give a receipt or certified copy for the same, which shall be as valid and bind- ing^to all intents and purposes as tlic original. 8*EC. 4. Be it juvti'Xr e'/uicied, That th!s act be in Ibrcc from and atter its passage. Approved, August 10, 1864. CHAPTER II. A BILL to be entiilecl "an act to amend an act enti- tled an act to provide for the speedy recovery of pecsor.al property wrongfully taken or detained/' approved December 3d, 18G3. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Lef/lslaiiire of the State of Mississij)}):, That so much of the 1st Section of said act, as provides that the "proceeding shall be brought within six months next after the plaintiff's right of ac- tion has accrued and not after," be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it furiher enacted. That hereaf- ter all proceedings under the provisions of the act to which this is an amendment, shall be brou^i-t'^^s ^^ brought within twelve months alter the plaiu- tweivenontha. tjff' g^nglit of actloD. has accrucd, and not after. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That no ap- J ^ peal taken under the provisi^s of the eigh- aJt^Is svvcTst teentli section of the act to wliich this is a.u *^^**^' amendment, shall operate as a supersedeas, pro- vided the Appelico, in case the property is in his possession, or shall be delivered to him in pursuance of the judgment, shall enter into LAWS OF- MISSISSIPPI. *^ bondv;itli seciirityv ;t9 bo, ^ fipp roved by i^c^d ]ustices or one of tlieiii, payable to the iippe.l- laiit, in double the...vajue of the property In oontroverev, as assessed by the jury, condi- tioned to have sucu- ],>roperty .ibrthcoming; to j;,i;^%^_ abide the judgment oi the Circuit) Com% to .Lvut af circuit whieh the appeal is taken, and" t6;: pay suah '-•^^'■* dama2:es asinay be'd^Yai^.cd' agTaust' hini on the tnal of said appeal, ami thav,this act sbail take effect from its passage. Approved, August 11, 1864. pApers. CHAPTER. IIL \N ACT to rop'^nl bo much of Article 2, of the ;-2d chapter oi; the UGvise'l Code-, as relates to Kangers advertising in the nearest newspapers, and for other purposes. . Section 1. BciteMctcd'hi/theLcffisIaiureof fhc State of llississippi, That so much of Arti- cle 2, of tile 3:XXII cliapter of the Revised Code: a-srecpiires"' Rangers, to advertise in the ^J-f-,-^. Tio-n-est newsr)ai')ers, be, and the same is, here- venis.; luuews- bv repealed. ^ Sec. 2. , Be it fur/her cnoxud, That hereaf- ter it shall be the duty ot County Rangers, when the appraisment exceeds twenty dollars, to advertise by posting notices in' three public places in his county, one of which shall be at the Com t-Honse door of the county. Sec. 3. Beiifurikir- aui^cifd, That this act ^hall take effect aiidbe in force from its pas- sa^-e, and remain in force, iif^til one year after the present war. Approved, August 11, 1S04. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER lY. AN ACT to amend an act to authorize and require the Governor to cause to be prepared and printed, a suffi- cient amount of Bonds, bearing eight per cent, inter- est, for the purpose of calling in and taking up the notes issued by law for Military defence of this State, approved December 5th, 18G3. Section 1. Be it enacted hyihc Lcgislatare of Bonds to be ^■^^^' ^^^^^^ of Mississipph That the bonds issued igfled by the ^^i redemption of the Treasiiry notes of this Tovprnor, and -ini • ti -• /■•^ i onatcrsgned by Statc, shall DO Signed Dj tiiQ Cjrovemor ana Lmi AudHor'^'^ countersigned by the Treasurer and Auditor, as contemplated by the original act entitled '•an act authorizinc: the issuance of Treasury notes on behalf of this State," approved Jan- uary 29th, 1862. Sec. 2. Beit further enadcd^ That if any ])onds have heretofore been issued, it shall l;o ■r. A ^ . the privile.2:e of the holder to present the same Bcir.dfi hereto- ■ ^i o ^ i t i fare issued to be to tne Govcmor lor his signature, and tiu' Governo?.^ ^^"^ sauic sliall bc as binding and valid when so signed by the Governor as if they had been signed before they wore issued. Sec. 3. Be it further enciciecl, That this act shall take effect and be in torce from aiid after its passage. Approved, August 9, 1864. CIIAPTEEY. iiN ACT to amend ai^ act entitled an act to authorizf^ and require the Governor to cause to be prepared and printed, a sufficient amount of bonds bearing eight per cent, interest, for the purpose of calling in and taking up the Treasury notes issued by law for military de^3nce of this State, apf>roved Decemb't-r 5, 1863. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Le^jislature of he Slate of Mississijyjn, That" the form cf the LAWa OF MISSISSIPPI. Bonds prescribed in the first Section of the rvbove recited act, be changed by substituting the word *'(^ate" instead of the word daij^ ^A'hercver it occurs in the said form, and that rliis act take effect from its passage. Approved, August 12, 18G4. AN ACT to authorize tho Boards of Polico to dispose of certain trust funds and for other purposes. .Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legtslaluri: rf the SlaU of Mississippi, That the Boards of iiee""trhoJirM^i Pohce of the various counties in this Stale be, to convert ceni- nrid they arc hcreb^s authorized to convert the of < tn '-•ertificates^ or bonds of the Confederate States to ,, i;*' held l)y them on account of the Mihtary Rehef ^^^.^J//"^ '''•" P\ind, into money, and distribute tlie same .'Kmonost the destitute famihcs of soldiers in I heir resppctive counties according to the mode :iow estabhshed by law. vSec. 2. Be it further cr,actcd, That the Pres- Prr,ider/ of •.dents of the Board of Pohce be, and they are ^^^^^ .v^thorir- , , . , ,. . . • , . ea to tr.-v- iftr or hereby, authorized to transter -or assign m their ajxecuioi-.,(>Ti&.r (^-ounty officers. Executors, Guardians, Admin- duns. Aaiaiai.!- . J ' '^ ' , ' ^ traior.s. aad oth- igtrators uud Other persons holdino^ Confederate- fumieoi moacy TiCasury uotcs ID a fiduciary capacity, liave 'rnduciarTcia?- iuuded the biUs so held by them in tour per cent. =!? to seu'to "I; honds or certificates, authorized by the recent »'»'] ''^rtificate; ^qi q{ ConQTess, their action in the premises is uador the orat-r , -9 i t n i i i n i of tiie Br.ari of hereby ratmed and confarmed and the boards, ;>,.,,,-.!. M,nt;.> cA roiice ot the sevei'al counties oi tins btate, are liereby authorized and required to order a sale of such bonds or certificates in the hands of county officers at the earliest practicable period, and such Executors, Administrators. Guardiari> LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. i> and other person^ holding such bond^ or cerlifi- catcs, are hereby rfnthorized to sell tlie srime for the new issue of Confederate States notes. Sec. 2. Be il furtjier enacted, ,T]iat, all such contty county officers and other persons holding Con- ""i^mkun^v'on- federate Treasury notes in a lidu'ciarv capacity, f'-'^^raioT c. sh- 1 '• . > I i"^ ' 1 1 11 ty notes \n n n- finner the denorninatKni ol one hundred dollars, rttui.try cvorci-y shall be authorized to excha-ige the saiiiofo;- the ilmn'-mation 'I new issues to be issued under the recent legjs- h!r..'''S!'o'Ii7p'i latiou of Congress, and shall be allowed "the ^^l^^oXr^^JV^ discount of tliirty-ihree and one third percent. ^""^ "^^ the di^ : , , (• 1 • count. in ihe settlement 01 then' accounts. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That in the whsttebcu-n^ event there shall remain in the hands of tlie J'^'^I) *a^tcs "^'"J. County Tre;.isurcr any Confederate notes of the ^'*^^- ♦ denomination of one hundred dollars, the Boards of Police are hereby directed to invest the same in such Cbnfederate Bonds as they may deem best, for the interest of tlie count}', tnid for that purpose may-in T'heir discretion deposit said • Confederate notes of the denomination of ont? hundred dollars in the hands of the Treasurer of the State, to be bv him t^schaniicd f^r six per cent, bonds of the Confederate States, if the Boai-d of Police of any county \n the State may so desire, and the bonds so obtained shall be delivered by the Treasurer of the Slate to the Treasurer of any county upon the order of ihe Board of Police-of •su'chcoiJntX'. Sec. 4. Be it Jurthcr enacted. That all Guar- dians, Executoi*?, Administrators and other Trustees holding in their hands Confederate Treasury notes of the denomination of one hun * >dred dollars, aic iK'reby autliorized' to invest the «jame in sucli Confederate Bonds as th(.'\- inav deem best lor the interest of those whom liif'x repre.sent in accordance with the. recent legisia- :ir)n of the Confederate Congress. Sec. '3. Be itjarthci- cnaded, That th,.^ ..' take eliect and be in ibrce frt>iri and after its pa.s- sage. Api'roved April 5, ISGl. 1$ LAWS OF M]*SSISS1PPI. CHAPTER IX. AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act to aiitborize County Treasurers and other County officers, and other persons holding Confederate Treasury notes in a fiduciary capacity, to dispose of them under the recent legislation of Congress, and for other purpos^ provided in nomuiation HI the manner prescnoeci m said sec- tion. Sec. 2. Be: it further evaded. That so much ot" the first section of tiie act aforesaid ns require.' tlic Boards of" PoUce of the several counties of nirea to order ^i-^]^ State, » to order a sale of the bonds or cer- tificates specified in said section, be, and tlic same is hereby repeaJed. Sec 3. Be it fur titer cnaetecJ, . That this act shall take, effect and be in force from and after' Its passage. Approved August G, 1SG4. Sift to which this is ^a amend- F.ofir ! rot r" CHAPTER X. AN ACT to amend the act to authorise the collection of taxes in the currency therein mentioned and for other purposes, approved April 5lh, i8G4. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Lcglskdure of the State of Mississipj)!, That the old issue of ?p'^rcrTr4a'"i'or Confederate States^ Treasury notes, under the f^xp.» of 1H32 denomination one hundred dollars, shall be Slid lPfi3, at lb« ■ T • i X' X 1 c \\ .'i*:connt, until reccived m payment ot taxes due tot tao years •iCov.i.x.h.iB'u. -|gg2 and 1863, at the discount of thirty- three • and one third per cent until the 15th day of Tax Collectors Novembcr, 1864, and that it shall be the duty ^■iM/T'eisX" ^^^' "^^"^^ Tax Collectors to pay the amount of -V Dec. i5 sucii otlier relief as may hereafter be provided by law. Sec 2. Br if. fur/her enacted. That in coun- ties where no assessment rolls for the years 1S62 and lSG-3, have been returned to the Auditor's office, the tax collectors thereof shall be controll- jpd by the assessment rolls of the fiscal Vrar llS()I, acr-ordiig to the provisions of this act. ■ Sec. S. Br it- /urtkcr cnadcd, That this aet lake efibct and be in three frgm and after its pas- fa;;e. Approved Aug;]>t 10, 1SG4. 12 LAWS 0? MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER XIL AN ACT supplemental ^o an act entitled an act to re- quire Tax Collectors to collect ta:ces of 18i>r> and 1864 by the assessment toILs of the fiscal year 1802, passed aL the present session of the Legislature. Section 1. Be it enacted In/ Ih c Lcf/islainre of ihc State of 3Ilssi.ssi2')pi, That it ^ sliall be'Uie duty of the Sheriff ancl Tax Collectors of the several «f "e^'cSmiea coiiiitics h\ which no assGssruent has been irt which no as- made for thc year 1863 and 18G4 to assess aud i,ppn ii.ade for collcct thc tax HI accordaiicc Vr'ith tlie tax law aiL^8''luf''cor- now in force, a'jd the taxes by them so as-. Ut taxes aocor- Rggc^ed q|-i(]^ collccted, shall be returned to the dmgtolaws now -, . , . i rr\ in force. Auditor s oiHce and paid into .the Ireasury ac- cording to law. ''"' . '' ' ' Sec. 2. 'Be it further enacted; That the provis- ions of an act entitled an act to require tax collectors to collect taxes of 1863 and 1864 by the assessment rolls of the iiscal year 1862, passed by the House on the 8th and by the . . , ^ Senate on the 10th Aui^'ust, 1864, so far as the- ;u:t to which this same coniiict with the provisions of this act, 'ilpiSd^nmii be and tlie same are hereby suspended until Nuv. jst. isc'o. ^Y^e Ist day of November 18(35. Sec. 3. 'Be it fxrther enacted. That this act shall take effect and be in iorce from and after its passage, Arnjrov.ed, August 13, 1864. CIIAPTEK XIIL AN ACT to relieve Tax Collectors in certain case. Sectiox 1. Be k enacted by the Lcghlaiure of ih^. SiiUc of Mississippi, That in all cases where tlie Tax Collector uf any comity in this Stale sliall have paid or may pay into the State Trea- sury a larger amount ihan is sliown by his settle- ment vrith thc Auditor oi l\iblic Accounts, to have been due from said Collector, the Auditor LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. . - of Public Accounts isLereb}' authorizpu an J rc- ^juirod to clra\v his warrant on the State Trea- surer iii favor of such person for the amount of money so paid o\'er, specifying in said warrant to be paid in Contederate States TrcT5sury notes, at their value pre ious to the first of April, 1SG4 ; except in the case of J. L. Mciylield, Tax Col- lector of Tssaquena county, who over paid on account of Taxes of ISGl, which shall be paid in State money or new issue of Confederate States notes. , Sec. ,2. Be it furihr.r enacted^ That this act shall take ellcct and be in force from and after its passage. Approved August 11, ISG-l. G(>Tcrnfr .iir CnAPTEPt XIV. A2n act to authorize the Governor of the State of Mississippi to exdiaiige tiic Treasury Notes and Bonds of the Confederate States belonging to the State, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted bj/ ike Lcr/islature of ihc Stat'c of Mississippi, That the Governor be, tborizcTto ex- and he is hereby authorized and required to -Ldeme r.otes! exchange the Confederate Treasury notes, ^l?e*^^Slai' fof bonds and certificates that now belono: or may "^^^ '^'«*' ^""^ '-' ^ four \>PT cctii. hereafter belong to this State for the new issne unmu of Confederate States Treasury ISotes and four per cent, coupon Bonds, as provided by the act of Congress, approved February 17th, 1864, and the amendatory acts thereto, ap- proved June 14th and 15th, 1864. Sec. 2. JJc it farther enacted., That the Gcrv- crnor be, and he is hereby authorized and re- qtiired to sell and dispose of all the Bonds of sen 1^00°^'^ re" the Confederate States which he may receive Jhrngl &neT OY ageuts any amount of compensation not ^'''*' exceediDg one per cent upon the amount oi sales inade by the agent, and he may require from him or them bonds in such sums as he may think proper. Sec. 4. .Be it farther enacted, That this act shall take eitect and- be in force from and after its passage. Appro'vcd, August 13, 1864. CHAPTER XY. AN ACT to provide for perfecting and preserving the records of Mississippi troops. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State cf Mississippi, That the Governor of (.iovi^rnor au- "^ . ^Loi-ised to ap- tho Stato bc, and he is hereby authorized and t«r.deat of Ar- rcquucd to appomt a suitable person to be myRecordri. I^nowu as Superintendent of Army Records of the State of Mississippi, whose duties and com- pensation shall be as hereinafter prescribed. Sbc. 2. Be a further enacted, That the said superintendent immediately after his appoint- kej'roraii mS rnent, shall proceed at once to collect the names vigsippi soldiers, gf all Mississipoians — Officers, non-commission- designating the , ~, ^ i , . . -. . , , Company, bat- cd omcers, musicians and. privates, who have ta^ion or regi \^^^^ ^^ ^^^ hereafter be, mustered 'into the LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. !-> service of the Confederate States or of the Stat^ of Missississippi, and have them transcribed into suitable books of record, desi^natins: the compan}^ battalion or regunent to which each belong, witfi his christian name and surname in full, rank, age, nativity, place, date and term of enlistment, in what actions engaged, time of ac- tual service, and how such service terminated. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted. That the said Jc'ft^TobtS Superintendent shall also obtain from the com- ''"^j stateuu-uis 1 , , . of dofceasetl sol- rnandmg olncers of companies or regiments the 'I'ers. iinal statements of deceased soldiers, and shall lile the same in the office o^ the Second Auditor of the Treasuiy of the Confederate States ; and in case such deceased soldier shall ha,ve died or have 1)ecii killed in bottle while serving in tjie State troops of this State, or in the militia thereof, under Confederate authorltj, he shall obtain from the proper source the like state- ment of his account, and torward the same to llie party thereto entitled, without, in either t'ase charging therefor. Sec. 4. Be it further exacted. That the Su- perintendent provided for in the first section of this act, shall, for the duties by this actim- paypcrannu-n. posed upon him, and for the faithful discharge ^^^^^,^ wifk*'''* thereof, be entitled to the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum, while engaged in the duties prescribed by this act, to be paid " * (quarterly out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted^ That the ap- pointment of the Superintendent herein before provided, shall be evidenced by a commission under the hand of the Governor, with the great s'eal of the State thereto affixed, in which said' Governor shall certify that the person therein named has, in pursuance of law, been appointed by him Superintendent of Army Records for Mississippi troops. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted^ That the said *, Superintendent, upon^the authority of the BUnV/io'ti Governor, sliallhave printed such blank forms Kimer^*"^ ^'''■' 16 LAt\-S OF MISSISSIPPI. as are iiccessa,rj to the proper discliarge of tlie duties imposed by this act, said printing to he chissed as State printing, executed by the' same parties, and paid for in the same manner, and under the same rules and reoTilations as are. Tiovv' prescribed by law. He sliall also keep' a correct account of other stationery and pos- tage, and upon the certificate of the Governor, the expense thereof shall be paid, out ot any money in the Treasurj^ not othenvise appro- priated. Sec. 7. , Be it further enacted, That the Gov- ernor be-, and he is hereby authorized, upon GcTernc>r aii- ^i.g neo^lect Or tailurc of said Superintendent ;..,ve superhi- to dischar^cc tlic duties required of him, to re- ^vt or failure to niove Bim irom his position; and m case ot rScc? '^"^'^'' the death, resignation or removal >of such Su- perintendent, the vacancy occasioned thereby shall be filled by appointment of the Gov- ernor. , Sec. S. Be it JnrtheT' enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and af- ter its passage. , Apx^roved August 11, 186'4. CHAPTER XVI. • • , AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to provide for organizing and disciplining the Militia of this State/' approved Dec. 9th, 18G3. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of llississijjpi, Tliat the Governor be, and he is hereby directed to order into the military service of the State, all free white male persons capable of bearing arms, who are between the ages of sixteen and iifty-iive years, including all those exempted or detailed by the Confederate States, not actually in • the military or naval or other service of the Con- federate States. Provided, That jiidges and clerks of courts of public record, extending to LAWS OF MlSSISaii^PI. * ^T Ui« principal clerk-alone; the Lcgisl alive depart- wentof the f^overa«ieQi ; one Sheriff to each couii- »«r*«na • t. ty, comi»issiotter8 appointed to distribute the fund l^tH^Jj.'*'* for the relief of destitute families of soldier:j not excceding'-ono in each police district- ; physicians aboTC tli« age of fortj-fiv« years, who are eu- fCage«di« the practice in the- county of their citi- zenship ; such public millerB- absolutely necessary ,,,„>^ * to the necessities of the country; are not lo be '^^ keld liable to the call of cho-Governor, but shall ^"tT* under the summons ol the Sheriff be held liable ""' as a posse for such police \h oinf-. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in case of an wncpgency, to be* determined by the Governor, arising from an invasion or threatened invasion «f the State by 'the-cnemy, all persons between p^,^,^u,jj^ the ages aforesaid shall, upon the call of the «o Jb°^iu, Kt Uovernor, proceed forthwith to the place of ren- JluTo'i JJTiu df^zvous appointed by him, and be then, in ac- t'QoTwmer. cotdance with the provisions of the Constitution, organized in such manner as he may direct, and •iall perform such military service as he may or- «ler, and so lon^g as he may deem 'absolutely nec- essary for the purpose of repelling the invasion T*r«of w»t*3« and protecting the State : provided, such term of ;'^,'^^»» ^J"'*\'l ■*rvice shall hot exceed thirty da>-^ at one time, •n* iiiM. Sec.. 3. Be // further f^iac^d,- Tl^t any person who fails to report in accordance with orders or proclamations issued by the Governor, without >«uffici'>nt reason and bxtuse therefor, the ?u(Sc- iency of which to be determined b}* a court mnv- p^nai;j oa ujn tial.ahaJl be arrested and brought before a court w«K) report. livaftial for trial, and upCTr conviction shall be retained in oci'n'e service frrrihc period of twelve Hionth?, or 'Suffer 'Fuch other punishment as the court may impose; not extendiirg^ to life or lim'j. Sec. 4. Bh it jitrtfier enacftd, That companies co«p»ai«« «f of minute men may be formed under the order of Ji'JJJ,*'^;;^^^/. vhe Governor, to-be subject to b'crvice under his ^rd^i «f -.lovar «rder, and to consitt of fuch number as he may direct, who may be furnished with arms, accou- tremonts and ammunition, giving bond for ii% '^ f>roi>er' use and 'sirfd keeping cf tit inme, as the i^^vernor may order, a-ud wfeo i«ay bewcgft'ijii'^d ItOT. 18 • LAWS OF MiSBISSIPPI. as ho shall direct, Imt to receive the saiwe com- . V "tv'n, j^enaation as officers, non-comraissioned officers "'- ^and privates receive in Confederal!® service, i»- like branches of service. c'" * Sec. 5. Be it further evacted, That the twenty- seventh section of the act to whidJii this is an amendment, antliorizing companies^ of indepen- coapaikiei) *f dcnt scouts be and the same is hereby repealed^ .'iot! to^bo dT/- and that such companies now in seirvice be di^s- iJr«1fdvi.*" banded after the expiration of ninety days, and in the mean time that companies organized as in- dependent scouts shall be ordered by the Gover- nor into active service to repel the Jnyasion of the State. ' Skc. 6. Ide it further enacted, That all a^s an^ parts of acts conflicting with the provisions of this act, be repealed and that this act-shall taVt eftect from and after its passage. Approved, August 13, 1804? '^'-'.'^"4 ■• '^oiiirfo. ^ .. ■■:.. .. „ ,.u..« , , DO'ijioqqij Euov3L^i> lo') o.'h jo e tioIpiTO'i ci aid iljiir ^-^nzhiOfj -lu^i; CHAPTER XVII. -'IJ!^'^"^ 'f I >^^^^CT to exempt certain persons th«rein E&me«l '' \t., ^ .' from Military eervice in this State. Section 1. Be it enacted hij the Legislature of > the Stale of Mifsissippif That the members of the Boards of Police of the different counties of r^oDs^rom Sifi^ this State, and the County Treasurer of each terygertice. countj thcreof, and Physicians over thirty years of age, who are now, and have been en- <^aged in the practice of their proieesion for «even years past, together with all ministers of the gospel who are by the laws of the Congr«:s.«v of the Confederate States exempt from mili- tary service, in the army of the Confederate. States, be, and- they are 'hereby declared ex- empt from militia service in this State, so long as they continue to hold their rospective offices, or are engaged in the practice of their profession, and engaged in the .discha];g« of tteeir ministerial duties. i>h'\) v'iai •; jiii^ ^^^ 'J ci »e«V*»* >:.'ur# r, •* v««; <; Utr^Mf "u'wa^o Ig^AWB OF MISSISSIPPI. ^jijl Sec. 2. 7>e it /urlfter enacted, That this act shall take effent from and after its passage. This act Avas returr.ed by the Governor with his objectior^ thereto, and upon a reconsider- ation of the same, by a vote determined bv yeas and nays, two tn^'ds of the Senate, and two thirds of the House of Keprosentativ^, respectively did a^ree to pass the same and it has passed accordingly. ' * '^ . >^ugu8t 13, 1864. . , X, , ^^j l^y: ■ . ^Ka'j;CHAPTERXVm:^'^^^ j^N ACT to authorize the payment of intereBi on ' ' . eeriificates of the Stat* Treasurer issued in oertais ^' casee. Section 1. Be it enacted by the'Le^fislaturt of ■ the State of Mwsissqypi^ That upon any certifi- cate of deposit issued by the Treasurer of thifi State to applicants for the purchase of State bonds, authorized to be sold under the provis- ions, of an act, fipproved Janiiary 29, 1862, '^^hich certificate was made necessary for the want of the blank bonds provided by law to be supplied. The pcrs« a or holder of the Treasurer's certificate for such money depos- ited in his office, shall be authorized to receive the interest on the money deposited up to the date of the bond, which may thereafter be is- Bued in redemption of the certificate; and the Auditor of Public Accounts is authorized to draw ^his "warrant on the Treasury- for the amount of the interest at the rate provided in the bond, from the date of the certificate ot deposit up to the date of the bond. 8kc. 2. Be it further oiacf'd, Thnt this act take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. Approved August 13, 1864. f . , .. u CHAPTER XrX. Sif^ ACT amendatory of an act entitled ".An act £or ^'the relief of the nrst Battalion Mississippi 'State T0iTr^K)p9, cammanded byi.-Major Hj^qpicr,'' , j^prjor«|l 5;.I>eoejnber 9, 1863. . , , , ^ j:, ,, .. ,, '^ , ., * Sectip.n 1. Be it enacted by the, Legislafur^ &f thf S(aU of Mississippi^ That the Quartermaster ^General of the State of Mississippi be and ba is hereby authorized and required in additio» ^aartor Maaiar to the pay already provided, to pay commnta* ^■walaH*!?** tion value of clothing the same as was allowed by army regulations in.iprceat the date of th© service of ttie'tr©ops conrposing the said first J-»a.ttalipn ,of Mississippi State troops, com- manded by Major Harper: Pfovided, however, that ail the forms and the army regulations ha observed as provided in the act to which thi« 'iig amendatory. , J vrorn- •ii Sec. fj. Be it. further enacted,, That the said •^Quartermaster General is hereby authorized i^ pay said commutation .money on 8uehm.U8ter !•. ba paid *a and pay rolls as may be received and now o» • ^'v^w^a?*^* file in his office, to any private applying for tlie same, or to the Captain commanding tbe compajiy, or to their duly authorized agent or i^gents. 'hlorf -to i. ..if^cr n- iiV^nr;., Sec. 1. Bt it further^ e?wc^eJ, That this act shafli take eflect and bo in,£oca©. fcQm.and, aktter i%% f^paasage. i7'>h vocK'^n ^M po ta^iitr:: ^^^ Approved, .August 13, .1864. .)snodJfra 8£ ^}.T:i<;r.V ^ ., 'to •'Ot It hi)hi/(viq ''^iPCH AFTER XJ?A^ '^o h^jfOii:;^ AN ACT to- aniborizo- Attorneys and Counsellor* «t Law. being Clerks of tlie, Probate Court, to practice . g jlaj|«^ in certain otkef courts for a limited period, Ssc. 1. Be it enacted by. the L.egislature of the ^f£i.te of Mississippi^ That wien an Attorney iind Counsellor at Law may be a Clerk of the :- Probate Court, he bo and is lierebv authorizeei .. wyv LAWS OF UieSIBSlT^l. 21 to practice law in any of the courts of the Sute excepting the court of which he may be Clerk, during the continuance of the war between 'tb« United States and the Confederate StateB, and that this act take effect from and' after its ^.■»»» - ^ • r •(n;avlf':ti i(y'i}i'.u fcnC'f yi»ti>'t» .•'ijtitbioaoA ' i' ;q l>x/> !^f(T .Tiioaibii :. rr >,« fii Hirit ibiilw AN JLCTftmeadiDg the act an^ the ametidm^nt UieEe- ^Xo providing for the examination of the offices of Auditor of Public Accounts, and' State Treasurer — apprt)vbd respectiTeljr r^«cehib<3r 1, 1863, and April ^, 18M. , _ - ,oi^ty &di to vH:i»t'iii III bf>i>noq Sbc. 1. '-^e iVcHacitd' bj-ikc ■ Legislature ef Otf SHaU of Mississippi,, That the Oommissionere appointed underthe above recited acts be re- •* ^"* ^"Qired to carry therr examination of the books, Touchers, accounts^ &c., aatherin specified up to the first day of August, 1864, and that the Commissioners so appointed to examine tb« •iiiciM of Auditor of Public Accounts and •t«te Treasurer be required to count the cash balance in the Treasury on the said fir^t *3^. •t' August 18G4. >f%A«' uV Vi^V .1 /.mH^ Sro* 2. He it further enacUdy'^c,^ That thia «ct take effect and be in force from and alter lis pjissage. .. „ _ . A|?proved, August 12, 1864. t 'to ^.btiorf .1. CHAPTER iXlL AK ACT to Ameiitd an act authorizing (he i«Huaiic« of Treasury not«« on behalf of the^Ktatt, approred Jan. J&th, 1862. Hhcttok 1. Be it enacted by (he Lerjislatwe •/ Ut€ S^ait of Mississippit Tliat in order to pro- 2"^ LAwi OP iciBsrssrpJi/ Tide for the defence of the Stitc, the Govem- a«rernor kud OF aT}d AuditoT arc hereby req^uired as eoonaA' tT^^t^7or*\ri". possible to contract for the printing upon' I'fT'^JlTarj electrotype plates of Two Millions of Dollara' K»t««. of the Q^reasury notes of this State, signed by- the Treasurer and countersigned by the Audi^- tor, or by persons duly authorized by them, in accordance with the forms and of the denom- inations specified in section one of the act to which this is an amendment. The said platea shall be soldered up in a tin box, and depo€- ited in the ofdce of the Treasury. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said notes, when procured, shall be deposited witk ?LYtid^^tlt1'lieT^easurer, in the Treasury of the State, m«t« Tiea»«ry. ^nd shall constitutc a military fund to be ex- pended in defense of the State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said note* may be funded in the manner specified in th« faui'ei '**^ *** third section of the act to which this is aa amendment, for funding the Treasury notea referred to in said section, and the liability of the State for the notes herein provided for, and for the payment of the same, shall be reg- ulated and governed in all respects by tha provisions of the act to which this is an amende ment.'jf- b t;d5 uiiy ao -^ijiicv- Sec. 4. Be it further mactedy That the Treaw urer of this State be and he is hereby author- TrcMarer maj ^^^^ ^^ rc-issue the Treasury notes which mail re JMue Trewa- bo redeemed at the Treasury by the eiffht per 4,j8Med. cent, bonds of the State, and pay out the same as other funds are by law authorized to b« paid out of the Treasury, fii-st printing across the face of each bill ^'re-issued:" Provided, that in no event shall a larger amount be issued under tliis act than two millions of dollars, and that parties holding the notes £0 re-issued may fund the so me according to the provis- ions of this act, and the liability of the State for the same shall be regulated and governed in all respects by the provisions of the act to which tills act is an amendment, yv.\K, >»» ^ LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 23 f§B€. ft. Be it further enacted. That tliis acl' ^hall take effect from its passage,.. . _(./ Apsproveti August 12, 1864. ':%hrttti fit^y nmiii *"** "■";■■'•, CHAPTER xxnif': JlN 1C*'T supplemental (6 an act enCitltd ''Xn act to Iftmend an act authorixin^ th« issuance of treasury PtBotMon behalf of the State, approved January 29, ,.1862. . ,^, , ,.iUi r^juic: h.l. 1^ • Skction 1. Beit enacted by the Liegistdlure of 4he State of Mississippi^ That the Governor be, ^^^[^^ •'J,' «nd he is heieby authorized to sell and dia- fco»*«of«ui».. pose of the bonds of this State to the extent of 'two millions of dollars, which said bonds Jihall be issued in sums of five hundred dollars ■each, payable ten years after date, and bearing interest at eight per centum perannum,which •aid interest shall be payable annually at the office of the Treasurer of this State. ^ .^'Skc. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Gov- ernor may sell said bonds at any price he may be able to obtain, Provided, that no sale shall be made for less than their par value; and tor this purpose he may employ agents, taking bonds in such amounts as he may deem proper, and pay said agents any sum for their services not exceeding one per cent, upon the Amount uf salcB. /lu-^.io .nx. iTnlo«»noi* vdiq ©ff?'r«»bn;; M'>r Sec. 3. Br: it further enacted, That no treasury i^i^ .!♦♦ t^ notes provided to be issued in the act to which "' this is a supplement, shall be issued until the n© jf^ir Governor has ascertained that he cannot sell fued'if ««i,Bi or dispose of the said bonds as provided for in JSTir^Jw*"'^ thin act, and should he be able to sell a portion only of said sum of two millions ot bonds, and should therefore be compelled to resort to the issue of treasury notes, he shall issue treasury notes for such amount only, as shall, "with the bouds issued, amount to the said sum of two millions of dollars ; so that under no circum- 24 LAWfi OP Mi«si«siyn/ , stances shall a greater < amoxint of bonds^abd note« when added' toother be issued or »ol(i than the said sum of two millieins of dollars. Sec. 4. Be U further enacted, That the pr©> cceds of the sales of the bonds hereiu provided for, shall bo paid into the treasury of thii State, and that tlteir proceeds, as .well as the l.&^^^an?^•t*s trcasury notes whicbmaj be issued, shall coh- i** ri ^mmwT ®*^^^^® * military fund to be expended for tfee relief fBDd. miUtaij defense of the State. • Sec. 5. So it further enacted^ That the fakk of the State is hereby pledged for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon. ve ?A«xo»r ^^^' ^' Be it further criioc^^i, .That this aer •• *-• :***l^ shall take effect and be in -force from and ailet' its passage. * Approred, Autriist 13, 1864. "".r/-'^ '" ^'^^ eiijllob boibnJjrf 071 ^ io am ps ni h(^u\Akii i>d iiafiV :janfi9d Lxta ,*)^4:b iS^T^Hodv not oid/ '4q\dnii.^« ^ >''^w,irrf';!"" '"^ -^ '" '^'••^"^ " -^ M"Vj|I'*\tJi i^nn'iiiii ^l CHAPTER XXm; t^e-*jfii ]>?«# AN ACT to establiah a mioyMum fot.the aalc of two raillioiw of S^ate honda, iiuthorized to be sold und«r a« act passed at tfee^jweeoot session of the- Legisla- tore. Njo oi ■• . 'lu: ;vv ^ ^ >dj :ij.!i? «.-/.*lno't (.'.».':.. t •. SEC^ly:'Se'^it9iachd'hyike LSgtigtature ^ the State of Mi^mjrpiy That the Governor of this^ State shall not be authorized to sell or dispose «ir Ke JMate b<»tK!i the two millions of State bonds authorized to b<5 t« bu «dd f»r 3old under the provlglons of an act or supplemental l«i8 ttian fifty 1 ^ S ^ • i- ^1 r • ^ v*T e*ct preuri- act passfid at the prersent session ot the Legisia- *■*' ture, below, the minimum of fifty per cent, pre- ' *i*»' mium^ and all acts or parts of acts in confiiot A'aA* wkhf this act! (so far as the conflict extend?) \>e and the same are hereby suspended until tft^ first' day *'cf December. 18G>. Sfc. 2. -Be^ii further encwfed J That this act take effect and be- in^ force from and attei* its passagf^. Approved, A u^u:6t 13, 1864, «>cf^*i* LAWS OP MI«3I3«IWI. ^ OOAPTEIi^XXr. AK ACT for til© relief of the Mi«s«u8ippi Riyer Lovea Fu-nd.-.^j,,^; Uj..y,i(;„ J/i It ... i SfiCTiON .1. Be it cn.aoicd by the Lcoislaitirf #/ the S^teof Mississippi., That no land belonging to tlio Miseisaippi River Levee Fund shall be sold K«J»n«i ^"''rfF lof taxes under the law of this btate, during ine i«iw ' • CKAP'TER XXYI. AN ACT to anthorirft and require th» S^oretAryr.f Stal-e to give to members of tiie L-epislaturw ofrtili- oatee of their raemberahip Bnder the leal of bti« Jt«t«, and for other purposes. Whcroas Sec. 19, of Article Tlirce, of the C<»r- •titntion of the State of Mississippi dccliwos tlii^t ^ietiaiora and Roprepentatives ghall in all ca?05, or'^pt for treason, felony or breach of the peace, >.♦€ privilegoi from arregt during-thc eessioa of tiio IjCgislaturo, and in going to ar.d returning IVoBD the same, allowing one da\ for every twenty Hiilcs ?ach member may reside from t!ic place a,r. vkich the Lcfnsl&tnre is convened ; and wherefw* ■ life© military anthoriti^ of thie depar^.nnwit hskve LAWS OTT MISSISSIPPI. issued orders ir- permit no person to pass north or w^st ci *:'Je' idian, without iirst procuring a pass from *ho ^'n>vost MarFhal, or from tho Pre- vostMcirshai C em 'al at Meridian, requiring all persona lo ukr a proscribed oath not logo with- in the lines of ?! e enemy, nor attempt to do eo witliout dcfiiiing the liocs, leaving it to the die- ^•;.''<^retion of r^ilio. \ guards or other subaltern offi*/ -« .Vf^'^f'Cers to fix the Ims of the enemy, thereby eub- .f.i rS^'t'sjecting mcmbe' «.4' the Legislature who live on '•'the borders of •';..' State lo arrest and detention to or from the v'?-*' • v? here the Legislature is hold- en; and whereu- the i/onstitution in Article one. Section twenty-fo'i) , declarea that the military \ ***** shall in all cnscs bo in etrict subordination to ■vij^i'-jv iMf the civil power, therefore, VW!\**», n^., gECTioN «L. Be a • »o<««- CHAPTER XXVn. 4?^' ACT to am and an act entitled "An acfto b«tt«r provide for th© families of soldiers," approyed Jan. ^,1803. o'Wt? -^ •' .Qiit'^-'On '':U f, iSfiCTlON 1. Be it encLCted by the Lcgishtun of fJie State of Mississippi^ That the Auditor of Public Accounts be and he is hereby directed to . -,^_ . ^, turn over to the Treasiuer all .the money that •Ter to Tr«M«- he now has on hand, and all that he may receive eJire™ *^«f JI from time to lime, and as fast as received, which ^^^l^l!^ j^^fj was authorized to be issued by an act entitled, or siau. "An act to authorize the redemption of Treasury "notes of the State, by warrants in small suras, **Mr>»«}c.t> drawn upon the Treasurer by the Auditor, and ^' '.V^l. for other purposes,'' approved April 5, 1864. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of ^^^ auwoa ci©! ono million of dollars be and the same is hereby JJ^\o*fJ[i^/'*f appropriated, one halt of said sura to be paid out indifent f»m\ ol the money specified in the first nection of this i^« •''»<'"»<*• ' act, and the other half out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the re- lief of indigent families of our soldiers ; and that the Governor, Auditor and Treasurer be and ^'"^•'^^■*^ they are Qirected to cause the sum to be distnb rer umutc ib« uted from time to time araonfrst said indigent j'j^~ ^ *»• ^•*'^- families as in their discretion shall seem right and proper upon the baais hxed by the law to which this is an ameridraent. 8ec. 3. Be it further enacted, That an addition- al sum of one hundred thoui^and dollars be appro- .^,rt,a„i UL priated toward the support of indigent families, appropri»t»d. out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated ; which ^nm is in (en Jed to supply the deficiency caused by the discount on the Con- federate treasury notes low ou hand and belong- ing to said fund. Sec. 4. Be ^t further cniclcd. That the Commis- sioners who may bo ord. red to impress provis- ions for tlic benefit of neodv soldiers' fp.miliea, f^^^mi^^wo^r* Ik? allowed to impress tho snr;jl^s of all persons »nrpi«ft «f v*. who have taken tlie benefit of ibo Confederate 'xZ\lu. '•^'*'"'* ©icnption law as agriculturists both in their own and other couutie^, if necessary, at the 21 LAWS.OI MIgSXgS;j?fI. prioea fixed bjrthe Gtjnfeder&te comfliissioBcrs in the State. Sec. 6, Be it further enacicdt That -when tke, said comraissionerg may be unable to proeurt the nooessary provisious in their own -county, they may proceed to any other county in tbii State and there make ^^pj]iication to therShenff of the coualy, accoTHpanying said applieaton ^ t 9ikt. with an affidavit setting forth the fact of 'thfeir J*^;^^''^^ ".J^inability to obtain by purchase or impressment • i«i kar •♦the provisions necessary in their own county, and ♦ *»*r Jtt'.M*' that they have not been able to purchase ib% **^^ ''same at impressment prices in the county of th« Sheriff; thereupon it shall be the duty of th« vrk*art«tm*7 Sheriff, by himself or deputy, immediately lo iro- »s,x>mi9s. press from the excess above the necessities of ti}«" people of his county the amount and kind of food roquiredi-and said Shei*iff is Mkewise 'required Ui wt«m ' wft;j9a«i impress wagons, teams and drivers stffficient^t;> il'^is^^J^J*^' transport the provisions to 'the place desrired : 'Provided, the commissioners shall make oath that there- are no teams sufficient for the purpose liable to impressment in their own cDuntyv(except whoR* the teams arc^ desired to bear the provisions to a HJli»'i**K' depot, ihen no affidavit shall be required) and in •^ •*"*•' '^ all cases when teams are impressed under tbe *' ^i,**^];trt>visiuns of this act, the^owner or owners shall be paid according to the prices fixed by th« Confederate fs^overnmeut for like labor. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted y That the sakl commissioners be also authorized with the app'ro- ijriwjLSSi! bation of the Governor to impress railroad c«j« for the transportation of provisions for the deefci- tntc families of soldiers. ).''j ni ? ':ir?r? . jix: lo jt u Sec. 7. Be ii: further "^i^cted^ ''Thatin*-trtj;f county whore the provisions of this act shall b« ¥i nri Ail inadequate for the support of needy families of mTj:%,vyxtix*^ soldiers, the Police Court may lay-any tax they may think needful: Provided, they shall in no * ca*;c exceed 300 per cent. oa> the State tax. v Sec» 8. Be it further eiuictedy That tfeifi aet (take cflfcct from and after its passnig^'^. Approved August 4 Sj*; 1804. li."^ C^^ KISSISSTPK. . 2S CHAPTER XXVnL^i »' 1 >» ^A*.« \>r ACytO tmoTiclaTi act entitled "An act t^ asieoMi fto act to authorize the State Treasurer to receive from dlelinquent Tax Ccll«-cU)i*)9 of the several counties iu |bi« Wtate Military Treasury bonds or note* falling itt^ the first ot June, 1803 and 1864, in payment of the. amounts dufe by them on account of the military taxes for the year 18C1/' approved April 5, 1864. 8BCTI0N 1. Be it efiactod by the Le^Iaiun of $f^. Slate of Missmippi, That the first section ot said amended act be so changed as to extend the time for payment of balance due by/i'ax Collect- ors, on account of military tax ot 1861, until the first day of January, 1865, and that this act „^^^'';,"S; take effect and be in force from and after its »o j*B»»ir>, .w jisjsago. Approved, August 12Ltb, 1864. ciiArtERXxa:. "^ '■ . AJv ACT to aulhorixe the State Treasurer to exchangee, the Treasury notes of this State for oertaiu bond* '^ rti«rein specified, and- for oth«rpurpo«e«. Section 1. Beit tmaetedhy the Legislatwri 0f the Statf- of Mississippi^ That the Treasurer of ih« State be and he is hereby authorized upon the application of the President of the Board of Po- CeBftder»*f Jic^ of any of the counties- of Ihi^ State, who have B"c'i*d t!r*roiiei tiepositcd, or wlio may hereafter deposit with j^ *;t''J^l,;i Mid Treasurer the Confederate notes held by fx»iM.Bgwi &■ them in a fiduciary capacity, to be by said Trea**- ***** ***** arer funded in accordance with tho provisions of tie third section of an act -entitled "an act to nttthorize county treasurers and otiier county offi- «ers.,and other persons holding Confederate treas- ury notes in a fiduciary capacity to dis|X)se of them under the recent legislation of Congreai*, aud for other purpo.^es," approved April 5, 1864, *)r in accordance with the provisions of an act ' amendatory to the act aforesaid, approved A«- *\n\ 6, 1864. to exch;>Pj5^« the t;'«a«»fry--BOte« of ^0 ^ LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Ihis State for the six per cexjt. bonds, ftnthor- ized by said acts to be purchaged at par. Sec. 2. Beit farther enacted, Thixi the President* B^ard of PoHe* ^^ ^ho Boards of Police aforesaid, may in their diH- »»T dupofte tf cretion exchange the six per cent bonds, ay pro- *'**'^' • f^idsd for in the foregoing section, or they may dispose of said bonds in the same manner that the States arc cow allowed by law, or any future law, to dispose of them. - * Sec 3. Be it further enacted^ That this act shall take efFect iiiid.be,in^farcje.^oaj4ai»^6«r its passage. • '• /nii/i'^ ■ - «»d ^m. bobiT'^H: i br^t Approved Augpst 13, 1864* fltitii^i mw CHAPTER XXX. ' AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act 4© pr^Tid© for the payment of certain inforrsial clainse against I the State." Approved Dec. 0, 1863. Section 1. Be it 'Cnacted hy the LcgultUure of the State of Mississipjyi, That so much of said act requiring the Governor to appoint suitable agents to carry out the provisions thereof be re- » pealed, and the duties therein named be devolved ^npon the Quartermaster General of tbe State, ia the following manner to-wit : The Quartermaster .,a> -General shall appoint two or more suitable /*;• ;^ ' agents, whose duty it shall be if practicable to ^ufcrtemaster go into cach county iu the State, where the Quar- ^f ag«ttt9*t'o termaster General cannot give it his personal «b-.am evidenca attention, and where he may have evi'dence of the ri»k*° *""** existence of such claims, and gather up all the * informal claims against the State, with the evi- dence of their justice and validity, and forward the same to the Quartermaster Geueral, who shall examine the same, and, if satisfied of their justice and validity, he shall pay them according; to the provisions of the act to which this is an amendment. Skc. 2. Be a further enacted, That the agents appointed under the first &ecticn oi^hif^ amcMl- LAVrS OF MISSISSIPPI. SI «f MQ*(« atory act shall only hold their appointment and receive the same pay end allowance as is c«■p«»••^i•■ I'll '*' •««■<« ^granted to the ae^ent authorized to be appoint- ed by the Governor, under the act to which this is an amendment, ^nd thr.t all parts ot the original act which come in conflict with the Erovieions of this act be and the same are crehy repealed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted^ That the Quar- termaster General shall receive uo additional compensation for said sen^ice, but shall be en- titled to such allowance as is granted to military officers travelling under orders, when visiting any other county or counties other than the one in which his office is located. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted^ That this act take effect and he in force from and after its pasflagc. Approved, August 12, 1864. ::'.]' I '..If; .'i AN ACT to continue in forco the prejent a»»«8sm«nt of iWQdfl until the year 1869. ^ .' Section 1. Be it enacted bu the Legislature ofthr. State of Mississippi, That no ar-sessment of land fthall be made during tlie year 186.'>, but the present assessment of lands saall continue in lorce until the year 1869, with the same effect as if made during the year 1865, and that tbia aettakc effect from its passage. *^:: .. Approved AnguiJt 12, 1664. "i {.) ,^^ 14 LAWS OF Kiesigsippr, CHAPTER XXXIkiis io AX ACT to amend Article 78. Section T, Chaptter $^ of tJae Revised Code of Mississippi. r» ^ >» ^.^ ,^ .J SifotloN ^1.' Be iV enacted h^ the Legklatwr^ of l^hi State of, MissisMjypk • T£at so much of Ar- ticle 78, Section 7, Chapter 6, of the Revised Code, which • requires the Constitution' ot the State to be inserted in the acts of each iession of the Legislature be so amended that hereafter it shall only.be insei-^gd, jj;^the>Bheet acts of each regular session. "T ^^ Sec 8. Be it further enacted^ That thi«^ a«it take efPect from and after its passage. J Approved, August 12, 1S64. ..; CHAPTER xxxni. AN ACT to amend an ftct entitled "An act to amend • &n act entitled an act better to provide for families of soldiers, approved Ma^ch 31^ ^804," so far sm the »aine relates to the- county of Yazoo/and lor other purposes.- Whereas it is ascertained that the clerk of tb« Board bf'PdTiee of the tounty of Yasoo has not )»ecn* enabled to 'make a return of a rcl^of th« names' of '-the beneficiaries imder on act'entitled an act better to provide for families of soldiers, »pprov«ed Dec. 2, 1863, on account of raids in said ^tjoonty by the public enemy, and wliereas ih-era are other* counties similarly situated for' like eauses, therefore,* StCTioN 1. Be if enacted by the LegislcUure tf the State of Misnssippi, That the first section of an act entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act^ better to provide for the families of sol- liiers, approved March 3 1st, 1864, be and th« same is hereby so amended as to give the clerk of ibe Board of Police of Yazoo county until the Srst day of October next to transmit to the Au- ditor-of Pabli-e-- AccownU a roll ^©t the flaiBes of , LAWS OF MISSISSIPPt. 3S the beneficiaries under the fiet entitled an act to better provide for the famiIios''of soldiers, approv- ed Dec. 2d, 1863. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall operate to delay the distribution of such funds to such counties as have transmitted their rolls to the Auditor, and that in the subse- ^quent distribution of the funds for the relief of families of said soldiers, the*said county shall be made equal pro rata to other counties to which «noh funds may have been distributed- prior to the said first day of October. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provis- ions of this act shall apply to all other counties in this State that may be now or hereafter may become similarly Rituated for like causes. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act ^ake effect and be in force from and after its pas- Approved August 12, 1864. CHAPTER XXXIV. Aiif ACT to amend Article 16, Section 5, Chapter 3-3, Page 238, Revised Code. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Lcgislatt^re of tht State of Mississippi, That in addition to Jus- tice of the Peace, the Probate Judge, Probate and Circuit Clerks, be and are hereby empow- ered to commit ruraway slaves, and to do any and all things required of Justice of the i^eacein said section, receiving therefor the same fees allowed to Justices of the Peace. Sec. 2. Be it further erutcted, That tliis act take efiect and be in force from juid after its fmssage. Approved August 12, 1864. lu^^ 34 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTEK XXXY. AN ACT to amend article 115, section 10, p.ige 122, of the Eevised Code. Sec. 1. J^e it enacted hy ilrc Legislature of im Stale of Mississij^pi, That article 115, section 10, page 122 of the Re\nsed Code, be so amended as to read, That every fcheriff shall have power to appoint one deputy and no more for each county. Sec. 2. Be if; furiiur enacted^ That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, August 13, 1864. CHAPTEE -KXXYL AN ACT making certain appropriations therein named. Section 1. 'Be it enacted by the Lcgislaiure of the State of Mississippi, That the following sums be allowed out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated : To A. J. Gillespie, for hire of ne- fi^roes : , : : : % Dr. E. M. Blackbourne, : ' Jno. Verner, &herifi of Mon- roe county, ; : : C. R- Dickson, for postage, E. C. Eggiestoii, Sheriff of Lowndes county, : : Keuben Wigle, : : J. G. Morey, : : : James D. Stewart, : : W. M. Haley, Sheri^T Copiah county, ; : : : W. H. Wright, Jailor, &e., R.H. Fielder, : : : Same, : : : : 1J7 00 672 50 47 80 688 00 801 00 156 50 883 00 988 00 20 00 S.58 00 15 * 40 60 Laws op Mississippi. *' J. L. Power, Sup't Army B-e- . cords, : : : : 669 66 <' J. J. Bbaunon &. Co., for print- ins;, : : : : : ^68 75 " Mississippi State Armoiy, 30 00 " A. J. Gillespie, repairs Senate Chamber and House, : 80 00 " Cooper & Kimball, for print- ing, &c., : : • : t),-oi j- " G^T. Yates, over assessment, 37 50 " R. M. Gunn, over assessment in currency, : : : 131 ^>o <' E. M. GuuiQ, ovof assessment m specie, : : • • i- ■iii " Quartermaster General ior ex- penses paid by bim for civil department, : : : 683 65 " John L. Armstead, : 300 50 '' M. D. Haynes, : : 2 400 00 " J. T. Griffin, : : : 800 00 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this ^act shall be sufficient authority for the payment ot the respective sums of money hereinljefore i^pecified .• B'ovided, that tlie Auditor of Pub- lic Accounts be and he is hereby required to take from the persons respectively, to whom appropriations are herein made, a receipt in full to this date, for services and items stated in tb. Hayne3, State Treasurer, credit for certain warrants lofet or mislaid. Section 1. Bo U enacted hj the LrgklcUurc of tfic State (f Mismsipjn, That the Commissioner-^ LA^S OF Mississi?pr, to examine the Treasurer's office shall give M. D. Hay nes, State Treasurer, credit for thfee warrants lost or mislaid, viz : one payable to> T. W. Caskey for t^8,000, out of the militaTj fund ; one payable to F. D. Eoddy for $5,06o, out of same fund ; and one payr.ble to T. T. S>vann for $20, out of appropriations. The one payable to T. W. Caskey was dated oa 6th i'ebruary, 1862 ; those payable to P. D. Eoddy and T. T. Swann weVe dated on the 28th Jan aary, 18^2. Provided, the- said Haynes shall make satisfactory proof of, his having paid said warrants. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Thtii thh act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, August 13, 1864. CHAPTER XXXYHI. AIlC ACT to authorize the Secretary of State to furnislv the counties of Newton and Scott with copies ofths Reports of the High Courts of Errors and Appeals, • aedpublished laws of this State. Sectigx 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of tke State of IMississippi, That the Secretary ot State be and he is hereby authorized and di- rected to furnish . the Clerks of the Circuife Courts of Newton and Scott countie.s with copies of the Kepprts of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, the Eevised Cod e, and the sheet acts ot the Legislature passed since jSVvember, 1857. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted., That this act take effect and be in force from and after its pa.^- sage. Approved August 12, 1S64. LAWS .OF MISSISSIPPI. S7 OHAPTER XXXIX. AN ACT to authorize the Botrl of Police of Copia^i county to sell certain property belonging to the Poor Fund. Section 1. Be it enacted hj the Lcg'islature of the State of M'm'issijijn^ That the Board of FoYice of Copiah county be and said Board is herebj •authorized and crapovvcred to sell any and all the property, both real and personal, belongin^(> to the Poor Fund of said county, said Board may think proper, for cash, at public sale, after notice as required in other sales by Shenffg, and to place the proceeds oi such sale or sales m the hands of the Treasurer of said county, and the President of the said Board of Poliee to execute deeds or dce^ /is in case of Sheritf's sale. Src. 2. Be ii further enacted. That said Boarec. 2, 1863. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted. That it is the duty of the Treasurer of said county to loan the money belonif;ing to such Poor Fund to the Board of Police at su^ch rule of interest ae •may be agreed upon by the parties. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That when said Board shall borrow any of said Poor Fund^ the i*rc--dent shall execute a bond, signed by himself as such president, and countei. 'gnefl by the clerk of said Board, und-r seal of of- iice. Sec. T). V.c ii further crtaiied, That such bond or bonds shall bo binding in law or equity till paid, and that this act be in force from' and rafter its jiassage. .Approved, August 12, 1864. B8 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER XL. AN ACT for the relief of Yazoo Cif.y. Whereas, by reason of the proximity of the pubhc enemy, the authorities of \azoo City were unable to hold the regular charter election for mayor and members of the common council of said city, on the 1st Monday of April last, as provided for and directed by the charter of .said city, and, Whereas, the persons elected to said offices at the general eleclion immediately preceding the said first Monday of April last, have contin- ued to hold over until their successors in office should be qualified, and, Whereas, ihe charier of said city makes no provisions for a special election of such officers in such cases, therefore. Section 1. Be it e^iacted^j the LegislaLnwe of the State of Mimssliipi, That the persons till- ing the offices of mayor and common council of Yazoo City on the first Monday of April last be and they are hereby contPnued ajicl confirmed in said offices until the next regular election of their successors in office, at the time and in the man- ner prescribed by ihe charier of said city, and that all the official acts and proceedings of said officers, done in pursuance of the charter and ordinances of said city, from and afier the second Monday of April last, aixi until the next regular election of their succesors in office, be and are hereby declared legal in all respects, and of as binding ibrce and efficacy in law as if they had been regularly and constitutionally elected to said offices, on the snid first Monday of April last, anything in the r'harter and ordinances of said city to the conu'ary notwithstanding. Sec 3. Be it further enacted^ That thi^s act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved August 10, iS64. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 3t> CHAPTER XLI. AN ACT to authorize the Boards of Police of Lauder- dale, Newton and Harrison counties to borrow tlio naoney belonging to or known as the Swamp Land Fund, and for other purposes^ Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Boards of Po- iicq of ihe counties o^' Lauderdale, Newton and Harrison are hereby authorized to borrow any or all of the money now on hand or that may hereafter be collected, known as the Swamp and Overdo wed Land Funds. Sfc. 2. Be it further cmictcd, That said Boards of Police shall apply the funds so borrowed to the relief of the destitute famihes of soklicrs of Lauderdale, Newton and Harrison counties. ^ Sec' 3. Be it further emictcd, ''I" hat this act he in force and take effect from and after its pas- ;sage. Approved, August 10, 1864. CHAPTER XLH. AN ACT tc restore the corporate powers of thci city of Canton, in Madison county, and to provides for the election of officers thereof. Whereas, by reason of the occupation of ,-^aid cit}^ in the month of March, 1S64, by the public enemy, an election for mayor and select- men, and oiher officers of said city, was prevent- ed from being held at the tiBc it further enactMy That persons Kot already registered as A^oters, may become com- petent to vote at the election, hereby authorized, by registering their names and making the decla- ration as required by the first section of the act, chapter 129, approved Dec. 19, 1861, at any time before the day of said election. Sec. 3. Be it further cfuicted. That this act «hall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, August 10, 1864. CHAPTER XLIIL An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to incor- porate the Bank of Jackson, and other Banks," ap- l^roved January 17th, 1862, and all acts amendatory ihereof. Section 1, Be it macted by die Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That an act entitled "An act lo incorporate the Bank of Jackson and other Banks," appi'oved Jan. 17, 1S62, and ail acts and parts of acts amendatory thereof, be and the same are hereby repealed ; but this act shall not affect any bank tliat has been organized and gone into operation under the provisions of the said act before the passage of this act. Approved, August 8, 18G4, LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. CnAPTER XLIV. AN ACT for t'uo relief of Dempsey Slrerrod. Sic. 1. ]Ji ;. ,n. deled hy the Lcffislaturc of the State of Missksipj)i^ That in consideration of the active exerLions ui Dcmpsey Sherrod in en- deavoring to raise a fund to print a systematir series of text books, in raised print, for the use of the Bhnd, the tru-^tees of tlie Institution for Uie BHndbe and they are hereby authorized I/) •arrange whh Suid- fcfheiTod for the board and lo<:]ging of his si.-ter at said institution, free of charge, while said Sherrod remains in said In- stitution pursuing his studies. Sec. 2.^ Be it further nurcled, That the trugt- ec8 of said Institution shall permit the use of A furnished room and bora'd at the Institution, free of charge, to said Sherrod, after his stud- ies are completed, at sue"': times as he may de- sire the same, and that this act take efFe«tfiX)m its passage. Approved, August 12th, 1864. , CHx^PTEK XLY. AN ACT for the relief of G. C. Chnndler. Wliereas, it has hcen proven that auditor's warrant Xo. 1010, issued on the 20th April, 1864, for ($375) three hundred and seventy-fivf> doHars, to G.. C. Chandler, lias licen lost or mislaid, and has not hccn paid by the Trca«- «Ter of the State, therefore, Section 1. J3(j it enacted by the Lrgislatwe of Mc State of Ili^sUsippi, That the Auditor of Publie Accounts is hereby r.irected to issue to the said G. 0. Chandler "a dnjdicate of said warranto and to endorse on the back thereof t?hat iti> a duplicate with the date oi the issup of the original vv'arrant, and ^he Treasnrer of this State shall pay the duplicate wa;Tant 42 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. when thus endorsed, but it shall not be lawful for him to pay the original. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, August 13, 1864. CHAPTER LXVI. AN ACT for the relief of L. D. Yates, late 2rKl Lieu- tenant Company D, 1st Mississippi Regiment. * Whereas, L. D. Yates was duly commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in company D, 1st Regiment, Mississippi State Troops, as provided far by law, and did serve as such in said regiment, and under Confederate States' authorities from^the 21st day of March, A. D. 1863. to the 1.0th June, A. D. 1863, for which he has received no pay, and, Whereas, The State of Mississippi is indebt- ed to the said Yates in the sura of one hundred and eighty-svcv and, 66-100 dollars for such service, as is shown by pay rolls duly certified to by the proper officer, and, Whereas, The sai( id regiment has been disband- e.trc of the. State of Mississippi, That the acts of the Board of Police of Wilkinson county in ex- tending the time for the trustees of common schools to make their reports to the superinten- dent to the second Tuesday in July, 1864, be and the same is hereby ratified and approved. 48^ LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. See. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after it* passage. Approved August 9, 1864. CHAPTES LVI. AN ACT lo authorize the Auditor (vf Public Accowivta to settle with J. G. Barton, Sherififand Tax Collector of Tishemingo county, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by tJie Legislative of '^■e State of Mississifj^h That the Auditor of Public Accounts be and he is hereby author- ized to settle with J. G. Barton, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Tishemingo, for the taxes reported by him to the Auditor to iave been eoliected for the iiscal year, 1861, and that aaid Sheriff* and Tax Collector be and he is- hereby relieved from turther liability upon hi« official bond for the taxes yet due and uncol- lected in said county for said fiscal year ; and the Auditor is authorized and directed to pay him in said settlement, upon the sums of money collected and piud into the Treasury of the State, the same commissions now al- lowed by lav/ to Tax Collectors : Provided, said Sheriff' and Tax Collector shall make oath or affidavit that the sums reported by him are alt the moneys he has collected of the taxes of Raid fiscal year. Sec. 2. Be itfirrther enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after itsi passage. Approved, August 12, 1864., LAWS OP MISSfSSIPPL ^ ' 49 CHAPTER LVII.. AN ACT to repeal an act entitled *'An act to regultite the distribution of money arising from fines, forfeit- ures, &c., approved April 5, 18G4, so far as it relates to the county of Claiborne. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi^ That the provisions of ' the above recited act be and the same is here- by repealed bo far as the same relates to the county of Claiborne. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That this act shall take eftect from and alt^r its passage. Approved Aug. 12, 18G4.. CHAPTER LVIir AN ACT to authorize, tlie Circuit Clerk and Sheriti" of Madison county to draw petit jurors to serve at the September term, 18C4, of the Cu'cuit Court of said county. Section 1. Be it enacted hij the Legislature of the State of 3Iississippi, That the Circuit Clerk and Sheriff of the county ot Madison be and they are hereby authorized to draw, in the presence of the Probate Judge of said county, petit jurors to serve at the September term, 1864, of the Circuit Court of said county. from the list ot names returned, or to be returned, by the Assessor of taxes, as required, by Article 185, Chap. 61, Revised Code. Sec. 2. Be it further cruicted^ That the }\irovii so di^awn, as authorized by the 1st section of this act, shall, to all intents and purposes, be the petit jurors to serve at the September term, 1864, ot the Circuit Court of Madison county, and that all their acts as jurors shall be and arc hereby d-C'^ljw'cd to be a^ valid and binding upon all parties in Court as if they had been regularly drawn in conformity with LAVfS or BIISSI3SIPPI. tlie provieions of tlie exi&tiiig laws of tliis State. Sec. 3. Beit fufilier enacted., That this act shall take effect and bo in force from and after it-s passage. Approved August 10, 1864. CHAPTER 'LIX. AN ACT for the relief of Wm. H. Mangum, Sheriff of Yazoo county. Whereas, by the pro^igions ol an act approved Jan. 29, 1864, entitled "An act to provide for the collection erf arms,*' Wm. H. Mangum, Sheriff of Yazoo county, did, in accordance with the" pro- visions of said act, proceed and collect a large number of guns, &c., but in consideration of the immediate demands of said arms, they were not passed through the hands of the Inspector ap^ pointed by the Chief of Ordnance, as provided for in Section 4, but were turned over to Col. John Balfour, commanding the 6th Mississippi battalion, 0. S. A., therefore. Section 1. Be it e7iaded by the Legislature oj the State of Missis8i])pi^ That the Chief of Ord- nance be instructed to pay Wm. H. Mangum, in trust, to be paid over to the parties entitled thereto, the sum of thirteen- hundred and nine- teen dollars and twenty-five cents, the value of said arms, as determined by three commissioners appointed by the Probate Judge, as provided for in section 2 of said act, and the further sum of one hundred and twenty three dollars for collect- ing said guns, as is provided for in section 15 of the same act. Sec. 2. Be -it furUier enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its H passage Approved August 10, 1864. LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 5 J CHAPTER LX. JOINT RESOLUTION in relation to tlie commission- ers to examine the ofFicesof tlift Quaitt-rmaster Gen- eral, Orvinance and Executive Departments. Resolved by the IjCS!;islaturc of the State of Miss^is- dppi, That the Commissioners to examine the offices of the Quartermaster General, Ordnance, and the Executive department, be and they are hereby instructed, with power, to call for per- sons and papers to examine what disposition Capt. 1). S. Pattisonmade of the twenty thous- and dollars placet! in his hands by Ei-Gov. Pettus for the purchase of salt ; and also what became of the fifty bales of cotton placed in the hands of Dr. Luke Blackbourncjb}^ Gov Pettus: and that said commissioners report the result of tlieir investigation in both of said cases to the Governor of this State as soon as practicable. Approved, August 13, 1864. CHAPTER XLL JOINT RESOLUTION directing liie Governor to isiue his proclamation calling on every able-bodied rnan in the State to take up arms to repel the invasion. WiiKREAs, information has just been re- ceived by this J^egislature that the enemy has jgain invaded the State in large force, that his advance has already reached Plolly Springs, and that unless he is promptly met and repeJied the State will be again devastated, the homes of our people made desolate, and their firesides outraged and insulted ; and while this Legisla- ture is confident that the regular force in the State will do all that brave men can do to drive back the invader, and to protect oui' people from insult and their firesides li om desecration, yet it ought to be known that their efforts, to be suc- 'cessful, must be sui^lained, and promptly sus- tained, and immediate and cordial co-operatinn 6'2 _ LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI.. given by exery man now at home, who iS able to- shoulder a musket or fire a gun — ^therefoi'e, Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Misslssipj^i, That the Governor be and he is hereby dkected to issue his proclamation at once, calling upon every able-bodied man in the State ^. forthwith to assemble at such place as he may designate, to be orgrnized in such manner as he may deem best, in order to meet the present emergency, and to render the most prompt and effective service in repelling the invasion and. driving the foe beyond the limits of the State. Approved August 4, 1864. CHAPTER LXIL JOINT EESOLUTION in relation to the education of the children of soldiers killed or disabled during the present war. R'csolved by the Legfslattire of the Stale of Missis- si'iypi, That it is the duty of the State to make provision for the education of the children of all soldiers from this State who have died, bee;:i killed, or permanently disabled, in the military service of the Confederate^ States, or of this State, during the present war, or who may hereafter die, be killed, or permanent^ disable^!, in the said service, and not leaving sufficient property for the proper education of their chil- dren, and that in order to facilitate these objects the Governor be authorized and requested to ap- point twenty persons :who shall have power to procure and receive donations or subscriptions of money, or property of any kind, to be held by them in trust for the purposes aforesaid, subject to the control and appropriation of the Legisla- ture, and with power to appoint assistants to canvass every county in the State for such dona- tions and subscriptions, and that such persons report from time to time to the Governor when • LAWS OP MISSISSIPI*!. O^ required, and that the Governor shall have power « *to remove any person so appointed, and to ap- point others in their room, and also to fill all va- cancies that may arise from any cause, and that -such persons shall mature and report to the next Legisiatuie a plan by whioh the above policy may be properly and efficiently carried out. Approved August 13,, 1864. CHAPTER LXIII. J(>I]^T1 RESOLUTIONS in regard to Major Gen. N B. • F<^rest. Whereas, The eminent services of Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest have inspired the country with the highest confidence' and admiration in his^gallan- try as an 'officer, arid pre-eminent qualities as a. commanding General, and. Whereas, his daring braveYy and consummate skfll, and the devoted heroism of his brave little army, hnve repeatedly saved an important por- tion of this State from destiniction by a ruthless foe, therefore. Be it resolved by tht Legislature of the State of Mississippi^ That the Governor be and he i<^ hereby authorized and instructed to cause to be manufactured, in 'the finest style of work mo n*- sliip arid art, a s\voi*d, the hilt, blade and scab- ixird to be embossed, etched or engraved witli the arms of the State of Mississippi, and havr engraved thereon the following inscription : — ''Presented by the State of Mississippi to Major Gen. N. B. Forrest, of the C. S. Army, as a tee- timonial of her high appreciation of him as a warrior and patriot, and for his distinguished services in defense of her soil and jxjoplo.*' Which sword tlic Governor shall present, or f^ause to l)c presented to Gen. Forrest. 2d. Resolved^ That the Governor be and he is TiJJthorizcd to makehis requisition- -on the Audi 54 LAVfS OF MISSISSIPPI. tor for his warrant upon the Treasury for the amount necessary to pay for the manufacture of Said sword. 3d. Resolved, That the Governor be requested to forward to Gen. Forrest a copy of these rego- lutions. Approved August 12, 1864. CHAPTER LXIV. JOINT EESOLUTION in relation to the exemption of certain State and county oilicers from the military service of the Confederate States. Whereas, in the present situation of affairs it is not necessary to the proper administration of the State government that the officers, members and agents, hereinafter named, shall be held ex- empted from the military service of the Confed- erate States, and,, in the absence of sach, neces- sity, the State is willing to waive lier rights in the premises to all officers, members and agents, not named in the Constitution, and are not nec- essary to the preservation of our ibrm ofgovern- ^^^ent, . ■ ^; ._,^y, ■Wv^.V Be it Resolved by the Legislaiure of the Sitzie of Mwsissijrpi, That the said State hereby waives it^' right to the exemption of the following State and County officers from liability to conscription in the military service of the Confederate States, to-vv'it : All officers of incorporated cities and towns, under the age of forty-five years ; all commissioners to distribute the fund for the re- lief of the families of soldiers, under the age of forty-five years, (except one for each police dis- trict) all agents to dispense spirituous liquors, under the age of forty- five years ; all the trustees and supervisors of the Lunatic Asylum, and In- stitution of the Blind, and the Deaf and Dumb, under the age of forty-tive years ; all overseers of roads ; ail Deputy Sheriffs, except one in LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 55 €ach county, to be designated by the Sheriff; all deputy clerks in any court in this State, except- , ing 9ne deputy cltrk in the Circuit Court of Hinds county, to be designated by the clerk of said Court ; all trustees or commissioners of common schools of this State ; and all other officers ap- pointed by any of the courts of this State ; and the State hereby declares that the above enume- rated officers shall not be exempt from liability to the military service o[ the Confederate States by reason of their holding any of the above-men- tioned offices or appointments. Be il further Resolved, That these resolutions shall tyke effect from their passage. ApproTO -ACT to auiborizethe- Gov<^rnor of the State to ex- tend the tir»e alllowed the Commissioners appointed to examine the several military funds, the vouchers, books and accounts of the Quartermaster General and Ordnance Department, and Executive Department, andfor other purposes '•', 2. to be entitled "An act to amend an act enti- tled an act to provide for the speedy recov- ery of personal property wronglully taken or detained," approved December 3d, 1803,. 4 o. to repeal so much of Article 2, of the Z'Zd chapter of the llevised Code, as relates to Hangers advertising in the nearest newspa- pers, and for other purposes, 5 4. to amend an act to authorize and require tho Governor to cause »o be prepared and print- ' ed, a suificient amount of bonds, bearing • eight per cent, interest, for the purpose of • calling in and taking up the notes issued by law for military defense of this State, ap- proved Dec. 5, 1803,..., ,5. '-to amend an act entitled "An a-ct to authorize and require the Governor to cause to be prepared and printed, a sufficient amount of bonds, bearing eight per cent, interest, for the purpose of calling in and taking up, the Treas«.iy notes issued by law for military defense of this State, approved December '), \.18G3, C G. to.3.uthorize the Boards of Police to dispose of certain trust funds, and for other purposes. 7. to- provide for the publication of an act there- in named, ^ . 8. to authorize County Treasurers and other county oflicers, and other persons holding; Confederate TreRsury notes in a fiduciary capacity, to dispose of the sa:n-i under too' recent legislation of Congress, and for other purposes, -.. .- ">■ 58 t:aele of contents. CHAPTER. • PAGE. 9. AX ACT to amend an act entitled "xin actio authorize County Treasurenj aad other county officers, and other persons holding Confederate treas- ^ ury notes in a fiduciary capacity, to dispose of them under the recent legislation of Con- gress, and for other purposes, 10 10. to amend the act^ to authorize the collection of taxes in the curroncy therein mentioned, and for other purposes, approved April 5, 1864, 10 11. to require Tax Collectors to collect taxes^ of 18G3 and 1864, by the assessment rolls of the fiscal year 1802, II 12. supplemental to an act entitled "An act to re- . quire Tax Collectors to collect taxes of 1863 and 1864, by the as;:'essment rolls of the fis- cal year 1862, passed at the present session • of the Legislature, 12 13. to relieve Tax Collectors in certain cases, 12 14. to authorize the G-overnor of the State of Mis- nissippi to exchange the treasury notefvand bonds of the Coniederate States belonging to the Siate, and for other purposes, 13 15. to provide for perfecting and preserving the recordsof Mississippi troops, 14 10. to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for organizing and disciplining the miliiia of this State,^^ approved De-c. 9, 1803, 10 17:^d to exempt certain persoiis therein named from military service in this State,,. .« 18 18. to authorize the payment of interest on cer- tilicatesof the State Treasurer issued^in cer- tain cases ID 19. amendatory of an act entitled "An act for the relief of the first battalion Mississippi State Troops, commanded by Major Harper,'^ ap- proved December 9, 1803, 20 20. to authorize Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, being Clerks of the Probate Court, to prac- tice law in certain other courts for a limited period, , 20 21. amending the act and the amendment thereto providing for the examination of the olnces of Auditor of Public Accounts, and State Treasurer, approved respectively December 1, 1803, and April 5, 1864, ,. 21 22. to amend an act authorizing the issuance of Treasury notes on behalf of the State, ap- proved Jan. 29ih, 1802, 21 23. supplemental to an act entitled "An act to amend an act authorizing the issuance of treasury notes on behalf of the State," ap- proved January 29, 1862, oo TABLE OF CONTENTS. 59 CHAPTER. PASE. 24. A%. ACT to establish a rQlnimiim for the sale of two millions of State bonds, authorized to be sold under an act- passed at the present session of ■ ^ the Legislature, 24 25. for the relief of the Mississippi Eiver Levee Fund, ,... 25 2o. to authorize and require the Secretary of State to give to members of the Lei,'i.s!alure cer- tificates of their membership under the seal cf the State, and for other pur])oses, 2.> 27. to amend an act entitled "An act to better provideforthefamiliesof soldiers,^' approved Jan. 3, 18G3, .*. 27 I 2S. io amend an act entitled "An act to amend ftn act to authorize the State Treasurer to re- ceive from delinquent Tax Collrc^ors of the several counties in this State Military Treas- ury bonds or notes falling due the fiist ot June, 1863 and L864, in payment of the amounts duo by them on account of the mil- I itarv taxes for the year 1801," ar^proved .q^v'/i', Api-il 5, 18G4 20 2'.'*. to-c^uthorize the State Treasurer to exchange the Treasury notes of this State for certain bonds therein specified, and for other pur- ^, ,j,., . poses, 20 4. 80. to amend an act entitled "An act to provide '''.' " for the payment ot certain informal claims r.gainst the State." Approved Dec. 0, 18G3. So '^^vrni to continue in force the present assessment of ^ijf lands until the year 18G9, 31 ^ o2. to amend Article 78, Section 7, Chapter 0, of the Revised Code of Mississippi ?il >•. to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act better to provide for iiyii.Bc familiee of Poldiers." approved March 31, 18G4, so far as the simie relates to the coun- ty of Yazoo, and for other purposes, 33 M. to amend Article 10. Section 5, Chapter 33, Page 23S, Kevised Code 33 3"'. to amond article 115, section 10, page 122, of tile Kcvised Code^ 34 3G. making certain appropriations therein named, 34 •'7. to authorize the Commissioners to give M. D. Ilnynes, State Treasurer, credit for certain warrants lo.^t or mi^aid, '. ?/^ to authorize the Secretary of State to furnish the counties of ^e\Tton and Scott with cop- ies of the Reports of the Hi;:h Court of Er- rors and Appeals, and published laws of this State .:..... .iiv. .' 30 to authorize the Board of Police of Copiah county to 9(?\\ certain property belonging to the Poor Fund .;7 ^00 XABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE, *^0. AK ACT for the relief of- Yazoo City..... .*. 38 41. to authorize the Boairda of PoliQe of' Lauder- dale, Newton and Harri&on counties to bor- row the money belonging to or known as the Swamp Land Fund, and for other .pur- poses ..\ i 39 42. t© restore the corporate powers of the city of ' Canton, in Madison counity, and to provide for the election of c'fficers 'thereof... -'So 43. to repeal a lY act entitled "An act to incorpo- rate the Bank oi Jackson, and other Banks," approved January I Tub, 18o2, and all acts amendatory J.'beroQf. 40 44. for the reliei of/Di^irip.- ^'^•lerro^J *.. 41 45. for the relief of G-.C, C- —r ,.. 41 46. for the relief of L. P V ' 2nd Lieuten- ant Conir>?^«iy'D, 1- Regiment... 42 -47. to auth()iise and emi> v. • I of Police of CaJhvun cOuniy 1;^ -y le School Funds from- the 'Treaf^ure? o! :.tv 1 county, • for the u..,,.....,..,... 48 BANK OF JACKSON— ' act to incorDorate repealed 40 BOARDS OF POLICE— may sell certain trustfunds, 7 President of, authorized to transfer or assign certifi- cates or bortd«, 7 not required to order sale 10 may levy tax for relief of indigent families of sol- 4 diers 28 BONDS OF THE STATE— to be signed by Governor., 6 law amended in relation to 6 form of, changed , 7 not to be sold for less than 50 per cent, premium, 24 CANTON— to restore the cornorate jpowcrs of..., 3'.) CALHOUN COUNTY— board Oi police m?i.v borrow school funds of 43 ^^IL DISABILITIES REMiOyED— '"^^ of Heydon L. Level , 44 of Thnmas C. Rttsberry 45 CLAIBORNE COUNTY— act in relation to >.,,.. 40 CLERK OF BOARD OF POLICE-. time extended to report roll of beneficiaries 32 COMMISSIONERS— to examine certain becks and accounts.. ...,.., 3 INBEX. C3 COMMISSIONEBS FOR RELIEF OF DESTITUrE FAMI- LIES OF SOLDIERS— . . „.; 3,, exempteti fi'om militia dutj'- 17 may impress provisions 28 COPIAH COUNTY— bonrd of police authorized to sell property of Poor Fund ..., ."^T COUNTY TKEASUllEBS"—' mav l\ind or exchango county money !:> GOVERNOR— t ».. .-,. authori7.ed to ercchj^nge Confederate nol-p^of State,... 13 to sell Coafederate bonds 13 may employ agc^nts to sell bonds 14 authorized to call out. militia 17 INDIGENT FAMILIES OF iSOLDIERS— jq^propriation tor 27 board of police may levy tax for relief of *. 28 LEGISLATURE— membert-i of entitled to certincr^tes of membership... 20 MADISON COUNTY— act in relation to 40 MILITIA— to amend law in relation to 30 per.'Ons exempted from 17,18 how called out » IV penalty on ffiilure to report 17 NEWTON COUNTY— RalAry of Probate Judge increased 46 (ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— commissioners to examine accounts of. 3 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL— ^ commiasioners to examine books of. 3 to appoint agents to obtain evidence of informal claims 30 RANGER— not required to advertise in njBwspaper G RELIEF ACTS- for relief of first battalion Miss. State Troops..., 20 " of Miss, river levee fund 25 of M. I>. Haynes ou " of Yazoo City S8 ** of Dsmp:^ey Sherrod 41 of G.C.'Chandler 41 " of L. D. Yales.. 42 " of Sheriff of Noxubee county 4C *' of John W. Bryant,.." • 47 " of W. II. Slangum, Sheriff Yazoo county,... 50 RESOLUTIONS— in relati'ui to commissioners to examine offices of Quartermaster General. &c ^ 51 directing Governor to call out every able bodied man in the State to r^pel invasion...; 51 in relaLon to the education of the children of de- ceased soldiers. ^2 >><5_c '^ INDE^; in regard lo Major Gen. N. B. Forrest.... 5^ • in relation to the exemption of certain State and coun- ty officers, 54 for the relief of certain citizens of Noxubee county... 55 REVISED CODE— to repeal article 2, chapter 32, of 5 to amend article 16, section 5, chapter 33, of.. ..-..«.... 33. to amend article 115, section 10 ?» 34- SECRETARY OF STATE— required to furnish members of the Legislature with certificates ..> » > 25 to furnish Newton and Scott counties with reports ancf acts, < 56 STATE TREASURER— interest to be paid on certificates of. 19 to amend act in relation to examination of office ofi... 21 duty in relation to Confederate notes held by board of police 29: SUIT— for personal property wrongfully taken or detained,... 4 SUPERINTENDENT OF ARMY- RECORDS— appointment and duties of 14 SWAMP LAND FUND OF LAL^DERDALE, NEWTON AND HARRISON COUNTIES— may be borrowed by board of police 30 TAXES— until what time collected in old issue 10 TAX COLLECTORS— when required to pay into &late treasury old issue re- ceived for ta/res 10 duty when no aissessment made for 1863 or 1864 12 act to relie\'e.... f;! 12 time extended to pay military tax of 1861. 29 TREASURY NOTES OF STATE— to amend act authorising issuance of 21 act supplemental thereto 23 no treasury notes issued if sufficient bends can be sold,. 23 WILKINSON COUNTY— acts of board of police of, ratified, t 47 >