Duke University Libraries Siege ot Charle Conf Pam q#131 v^ pm^iMimmmmmm:^ 4 /la Or itsLO lSt SIEGE OF ( HARI.ESTON^^ Ih- Jamks R. Kjf.ROY. -^ \ Air — I fool Hotr or Dit, \ I will toll j-ou of astoiv, flmt liappeneH here brlow, j\l)nut the Siege of rhail.-sli.ii tlmt hogan not long ngo ; "l\as down oil Morris rsjjind, the Yankees thought they try To get a lick at Ciinileston under Root Hog or Die. C/iorv.^—]\wriih, Hurrah, Hnrrah for the land of the. free; Our ■Iiirlp])end)ince w« ivill have, and fiecnien we will be; And shun all Yankee treacheiy. on tli«t you nrwy rely, And tight f.ndesr <.ld 2>i1)crty and Koot Hog or Die. But soon tiiev were inistal».Mi, an you will plainly see, For Mitcli<»l Ktopped tlieii progress which csuied them to flee ; V* hen largely N-intorced on the Otii of July. Thty carried Mitchel's Battery under Root Hog or Die. Chorut — Hurrah Huuah, Hurr/ih, i"kc. Thi-y th.-ntiirncd their afteotion and at Wagner they hegau. And swore !i, (ake it al.^o ir loose e-. fiy ni.m ; \\ hen ou a ni^ilit apjmiiired, they oaii;e nj) on a sly. And noon wr miide the Yankees .sing Root Hog or Die cV(«r«* — Hurrali, itunah, Hurrah, A-v. Twat- then old lamom .Sumter the VankeeH'did aTinoy, Wlio soon t'.iund i.nt 'twas tie.-.t ihat I'lO ue.>N (,i oe.itrov; When once Miey hi'l her senr. iliey woiihl all join inthe cry Of onward boys to ( 'hariesli.n nndei Umit ilog or Die. Clinrf.x — Hurrah, Hurrah. Hurrah, \f. They threw 14) heavy batti rie^. mail" rhjefly otit of sand, Their otijeet i.> vodii. c II. ..r else to lake coniniand ; \\ ith a m'exagc to 'unend.r our (M-neial diri reply, Come and lak» \\ a«rMcr wiili R(((»t lli,,r ,,, Ijjg C/www* — Hurrah. Hiiu.ih, Hiiruilj, iSco. \\ hen thex received this ai^.swer, they began to pelt away, In ord«r to drBl:oy it, they kept Ap I'li-ht „nd day ; Bill hlill old ^unlIer »ianilN I'll irll you the rr,'iiiJn' why, Wajner wWs a hard im; like Root il'og or Ditt. Cfiorut — Hurrah, Hurrah, Huriali, &e. Then on (1 - Sth of August before it_wa.s too light. We changed our opinion then to evacuate, We spiked luirguii.s ind ielt theni.'au'l all made off to fly, Auu left them iu theii glory under Koot Hog or Die. Chonu — Uurrab, Hurrah, Hurrah, &:c. I 0/>the I Oil <.f September, in the ftiiddU of the night, They canje up wiili their Larger 10 Sumter for to fight, But again they foiiid us reacly, Til tell j on the rejuon why. Fo. we poured into the Yankee' Root Hog or Die. Chorus — Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah, &c. Afttr all this fierce bombardment still old Sumter standi. The \ alikee^ sonietimex fhell iis al the ineiex of their liaiids • To them we'll ne'ei snrrenHer, I'll tell voi; [he reaaon why, For now my .story it ended with l!(.ot flig er D;e. CAiJAK*— rUnrrah, l|urrrah, Uurrab. Ace- §•0 % / ft^ Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5