Lcm-f jo" 70 Duke University Libraries Constitution of Conf Pam 12mo #507 DT11DMb33Z / ' CONSTITUTION PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH CONFEDERATE STATE' [ERICA, ' DIGEST OF THE OA^TOnSTS oral council, ix actgtj&ta, Georgia, november 1869. ' AUGUSTA, GA. : STEAM rOWBB PRESS CHRONICLE A f £ I IS; y THE WILLIAM R. PERKINS LIBRARY OF DUKE UNIVERSITY Rare Books TABLE OF CONTENTS, THE CONSTITUTION 1 DIGEST OF CANONS '. 7 TITLE I. — Of Candidateship and Ordinations 9 TITLE II. — General Regulations of Minist I ■ AND THEIR DUTIES 21 TITLE 111.— < >!■• Discipline 87 TITLE IV".-*-Of the Organized Bodies and Office] • • the Church 55 TITLE V.— Miscellaneous Provisions 58 TABLE OF COlSr TEISTTI DIGEST OF THE C AXONS. PAGE. TITLE I. — 0* Candidate sh p j •. •• rdinatIOKS o Canon I. — 0/ the M 9 'Persons for Deo Orders ? [ntention .' 9 9 Record 10 '. : ifusal to admit 10 5. Application by a " (nomination 10 § 6. By one not a citizen 11 ' to Officiate in. a For* II Can?:; III.— ' Candida/ 12 ■' L. ! ton oi' Candidates 12 - of Devotion 12 ra > other Dioceses 12 sfer 13 won .for i ion 13 Ordination 13 13 13- 11 (nations c, r Deacons' Orders and Ordi 114 l i it Till • TADLi: OF CONTEXT S, TITLE I. — Of Candidates^ip and Ordinations {Continued.) CANON V. — Examinations and Testimonials for Deacons* orders and Ordination {continued.) PAGE. § S. Period of Candidateship, and Testimonial,-; from Standing Committee 14 § 4. Testimonials to Standing Committee, and from a Presbyter. . 15 § 5. Substitute Testimonials 15 § 0. Candidates from other Denominations LS § 7. Candidates from other Countries 16 Canon VI. — Of Deacons ig § 1. Control of Deacons, 16 § 2. Conditions of Officiating 1G § 3. Transfer 16 Canon YIT. — Ordination to lite Priesthood .. 16 § ] . Deacon proceeding to Priests' Orders 16 § 2. Examinations. 17 § 3. Dispensations ....'. 17 § 4. Where there is no Bishop. . . : t 18 <^ 5. Testimonials 18 vn 6. Substitute Testimonials ! It) o: VIII. — Of the Admission of Ministers Ordained by BisJwps not in Communion uMh this Ghurch 19 CANON IX. — Of Ministers Ordained in Foreign Countries by Bish- > C m i»i i i ,. i .'■ , this I uurcli li) TITLE II. — General Regulations of Ministers, and their Duties 21 CANON I. — The Consent . ary for Offi. \ 23 CANON If. — General Regulations § 1. Election. 21 And Institution 22 , §2. Certificate to Minister removing I mother. 22 § 3. Alms at Communion 22 ^ 4. Duty of Ministers about Confirmation,-',, and about the state of the Congregation , 22 And for the Diocesan Council 22 § 5. Parish Register, and List of Families 23 § 6. Officiating of Ministers in the Cures of others 23 Neglect of Ministers to Officiate ■ 23 TITLE J [.- — < Iknki: ii RegI'latioxs of MiNtsTETts, &c. (Continued.) ' \\'<>\ [l.—(k)wral lley ulaltovst'tff Mini {Continued.) TACK § 7. < florica] [ve^uloiidb - ' 23 Letters Dimissorr 2 I Reception 2 < [iettera Dimislson . nhen uol required lit 5 >. A Minister w Ik ii settled . 2.1 \ S r O^ 111. Of BishojK.. . . § I. Election of Bisln §2. Process fur Consecration 2.1 Testimony v > i Diocesan Council * 25 And from Si a m liny Committees 26 Con entof Bishops 2fi Consecration of Bishop elected within three mouths of G oral Council 26 I'lace "1 Consecration 26 § ■>■ '^" ■ 26 5; I. Assistanl Bishop 26 S<> Suffragans 27 o ■">. Episcopal Visitations 27 And Residence 27 o ii. !'. b eni for ii time 27 o 7. Forms ofPuayer and Thanksgiving for qxtraordinarj oQca^ons 27 § 8. Episcopal Acts iir Vacant i)ioceses '. 2fl § 9. Domestic Missionary Bishops 28 Mode and Ei idence of Election 28 Jurisdiction 28 Vacancy 28 Eligible as Diocesan 28 May appoint Standing < 'eramittee 29 Report to General' Council 29 o 10. Foreigu Missionary Bishops 29 Evidence of Election 29 -Jurisdiction 29 May Ordain, with \vha1 Testimonials, Dispensations, and lie- • strictions :;u Jurisdiction over Resident < !lergj men so Standing Committee 30 Report to ( Jeneral Council 30 § 11. Diocese without a Bishopplaced under charge of another Bishop 31 N'i: other Bishop to Officiate there during such charge 31 § 12. Episcopal Resignations ;;i House of Bishops to accept or refuse . .... ','N 1 [I. — Of Bishops (Continued. I § ::. (Continued.) page. If during recess of Genera) < louncil 31 Resigned Bishop eligible to no Diocese. .• 32 Bishops without Charge subject to General Council 32 Resignation of Suspended Bishop 32 c'A N< >\ IV.— Of a List of the Ministers of this I 'humh 33 8 ]. Secretary of House of Deputies' to keep :i Register :::> vj •_'. Admission of Ministers to he notified 33 CANON V.— of Hie Mode of Securing an Accurate View of an: state * of tin' Church :;:; § !. Statement in Parochial Reports ;;:t riergymcn not settled to report s>f this < 'Imrch ,. :;;> CANON YH.-~Of publishing Editions of flu' Bool: of Common Prayer : , :■„-, (ANON VIIL—Of Parochial Instruction . :;<; TITLE 1 1 J.— Of Discipline :;7 CANON 1. — Of Amenability, and Oj/feqces for luhicn a Minister may he Tried and Buriwhed 37 § 1. To whom Ministers amenable ?j , ^ 2. Punishable Ofi'enoes. :;7 § '.'). Liability of Clergymen presenting for Ordination :;7 § -f. Proceeding on public rumour ;;r CANON II. — Trial of Presbyters bind Deacons under Missionary Jurisdiction ;>s § I. Presentment ;>s § 2. Trials 38 § .7. The Court ( 39 v> A. Tin- Sentence ;;:! TABLE oi' CONTENTS. Xt TITLE III.— ur Discipline (Continued.) \ IGTC. <\\\()\ MI.- •■Of a Clergyman in one Diocese or Missionary Dis- trict chargeable with Misdemeanour in another :;u o I. Offence oomputted in a different Diocese. :::> o i. Bishop may admonish, &c :;:i § :;. Case of Clergymen Ordained in Foreign Countries 40 <'.\\(>\ IV. -Of llenunciation of the Ministry 10 § I. Where no proceeding i- pending t m § ■_'. Suspension of action. M) § :;. Where liability to Presentmenl t ) C* I. Notice of Deposition II (! VNON V. — Of iif Abandonment of llm Commnnionof this Church /•r Deacon 1 1 § I. Abandonment without Renunciation 11 Certificate 11 Notice -1 1 5j 2, Deposition II. I'r0\ iso ',1 t'AN'OX VI Of a Clergyman absenting himself from his Diocese. 12 <\\o\ \'M -Of the 'Abandonment of tlie Communion of the CJmrch by a Uisltop 42 C.WOX VIII.— Of the Trial of a Kishop § 1. Offences / 1:; § '2. Charges in writing. t:» Action on rumours 4:; I iay AAy&slU' 11 § :'.. Charges to whom delivered.. . 11 ^ 4. Board of Inquiry .11 How constituted. ....". 44 Notice to Members . {:, Place of Meeting * 43 < Jopy of Charges 4.1 < Organization 4:, Sittings I'm ate i;, Duty of the Board 4,-, t .*w of Evidence 4 4fl Presentment : 45 To whom to in- scul ].". vi I TABLE Hi' CONTENTS. TITLE ill.— Oj- Discipline {Continued). <\\\'i>X VIII. — Of the Trial of a ffisftop ^Continued.) § ? Med.) iM.L. Refusal to Present. . . ., IG Bar lo future Presentment IS Exception . Hi Limitation of Time Mi ijj ~>. Notices on Pres&atinenl To Accused And to Church Advocate Formation of Courl * 10 Notice to Members of Courl 47 Summons to Accused and to Witnesses 17 § i;. Course of proceeding 47 President and nor!; > 17 Call to plead W Non-Appearance of A censed .*. Common Law the rule [S I declaration of Witness ■! > Deposition of Witnesses 4S Commissary Ki ( Jross-ExaminaMnn . 4i) Service of Notii es. Capers and Certificate 19 Accused may have ( 'ounsel ■!:> ( ^odnse) must be Communicants SO Opinion of ( !ourf 5G ! lecision SO A ecu- cil to in-' heard SO New Trial 5(1 Sentence ■""' Record '. . . si] Exceptions .'ij How kept and attested .">] Lay Advisers 9 5.] v N 7. Presentment for, Erroneous Doctftne Si To whom addressed S2 Court ! S2 s. < 'harges against Missionary Bishop ■"■- And Bi*bop without Jurisdiction •"»- Mode of Trying - ■ . 52 Ca son, IX. — Of Sentences 53 § 1 . Suspension ■'<■'• vj 2. Degradation S3 1\ restoration •. . . •"' : • Notice , S3 TITLE [II.t-Of Discipline (Continued). I'AOE. Canon X. — Of Remission or i nj Jitdicial Sent on Bishops '. v. Canon XI. — Regulations rcsjpt Laity :, i • N !. Removal of Communicants. :< l ->. 2. Bishop to be informed 5-1 TITLE IV. — Of the Oro sized Bowks \~sd Oj rcEits of tiii I ' I t I I ! t ! 1 Canon I. — -l )/ tl • ■ al C it -> !. Special Meetings i U puties. . . : 2. Registrar if Do ies .- 3. Notice to t>iod saa f.-i n< i • o !. Treasurer.. j j. Expenses of i ral < 'ouheil. . • ■ i I .— Oj •' •' ■ ■ • it teds, § I. Dtitie a ' •■ I. I \ ilvid to ■ lb iop i ., ■. Mi —Of Congregations and Pa, S"ot to onito •■■ ith Chui'i li in itn ' i' : ■• [T] E V -- ''•«! - . Provisions >. C vnon 1 — Of i I Ct is . . ;,,s Repeal of fepe I i .... 58 Canos -11 — Of. the Repeal inn 'm t and Enact m it of Canons. $% Form .ii' alterin Ci 58 ' h in ■■ ! to be i ei >'■!■■■>: In «vln in ' ">;» JONSTITUTIOK; CONSTITUTION Article I. This Church, retaining the name '^Broies- ••■■■ tant Episcopal," shall be known as the " Protestant Epis- copal Church in the Confederate States of America." Article II. There shall he in this Church a General '' Council. There may be also Provincial Councils and Di- ocesan Councils. Article III. The General Council of this Cluuvh shall Qonerticouncu. meet on the second Wednesday in November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and i ixty-two, at Augusta, Georgia, and on the same day in every third year thereafter, at such place as shall be determined by the Council. In case there shall be an epidemic disease, or other good cause to render it necessary to alter the place appointed for such meeting, the Presiding Bishop may designate another convenient place for the holding of such Council, and special meetings may be (.ailed at other times, in the manner hereafter to be determined. The General Council shaft consist of two ileuses — tile House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. The House of Bishops shall be composed of nil the Bish- ops of this Church having jurisdiction within the Confed- erate States, or the Territories thereof. Each Diocese shall be entitle;! to an equal representation, clerical and lay. in the House of Deputies. Such represen- tation shall consist of not more than three Clergymen, -and three Laymen communicants in this Church, resilient in the Diocese, and elected by the Council thereof. Before they shall proceed to business, a majority of the Dioceses, which shall have adopted this Constitution, shall be represented in the Council. The representations from two Dioceses shall be sufficient tb adjourn. [n all business pf the QounciJ freedom oS debate shall be allowed. CONSTITUTION. constitution. Each House shall have a rig-lit to originate acts ■ and. """^v^ when any act shall have been passed in either House, it shall be transmitted to the other House for its consideration. No act shall have the operation of law, unless concurred in and authenticated by both Houses. When any proposed act shall have passed the House of Deputies, and shall be negatived by the House of Bishops, the House of Bishops shall, when requested by the House of Deputies, signify to it in writing the reasons for non- concurrence, within three days after such request shall have been made. In all questions, when required by the clerical or lay re- presentation from any Diocese, each order shall have one vote, and the majority of suffrages by Dioceses shall be conclusive in each order : Provided such majority compre- hend a majority of the Dioceses represented in that order. The concurrence of both orders shall be necessary in such case to constitute a vote of the House. If any Diocese should omit or decline to elect clerical Deputies to the General Council, or should omit or decline to elect lay Deputies, or if any of those of either order elected should fail to attend, such Diocese shall, neverthe- less, be considered as duly represented by such Deputy Or Deputies as may attend, whether lay or clerical. And if, through the neglect of any Diocese, which shall have adopted this Constitution, no i >eptaty tkerefrom^ either lay I >r clerical, should attend the Council, the Church in such Dio- cese shall, nevertheless, be bound hy the %( -tsof such Council. province. Article IV. Whenever any one of the Confederate States shall contain more than one Diocese, said State may, with the consent of all the Dioceses in said State. conslV tute an Ecclesiastical Province, in which a Provincial Pi-ovmciaicoun. Council may be held at least once in every three years, which Provincial Council shall he made pp Of all the Bishops having jurisdiction within the Provim-e, and of such representatives, clerical and lay. from the Dioceses within the Province, as may be determined upon by the Diocesan Councils thereof. If there be more than one Bishop within the Province, the senior Bishop by eonsecra- tion shall preside in the Provincial Council. hen there shall be three, or more thim three Bishops, :]•(■;.- shall form a separate House. Whenever such Council shal . te, its acts si: all be of force within all the Dioceses en within the Province. Piocesan Coun- , COXsTITUTIOX. AaniCLB V. There shall be held annually, in each Dio- cese, a Diocesan Council, to be composed of the Bishop or Bishops of the Diocese, and of a lay and clerical represen- <*£.' tation from each Parish of the Diocese. This Council shall legislate for only J >iocesan purposes Article VI. The Bishop or Bishops in each Diocese bu shall be chosen by the Council of that Diocese, agreeably to such rules as it may prescribe ; and every Bishop of this Church shall confine the exercise of his Episcopal Office to his proper Diocese, unless requested to perform any act of that Office by the Ecclesiastical Authority of another Diocese. Article VII. A new Diocese, formed in any of the .\ew Dioceses. Confederate States, or in any Territory thereof, not now represented, may, at any time hereafter, be admitted to union with, and representation in, the Cenera! Council of this Church, on ac}C§diag to this Constitution: Provide' there were, at the time of organizing, and are, at the time of making application 1'- , at least six otli sbyters within si ' :!arly settled in ;i Parish or Church. A new Dior- formed with in the!: an y existing Diocese, with the consent of its Council and the Bishop or Bishops thereof, or, if there be no Bishop, of the Ecclesiastical Authority thereof; and a new Di< ay be formed with; of two or more Dioceses, wit:: the like consent. But no such new Diocese shall be formed, which s - thfcn ten self-supporting Parishes, or less than ten Presbyters who have been for at feast one year canonical- y resident within the bounds of such new Diocese, regularly settled in :> Parish or Congre- ion, and qualified to vote for a Bishop; nor shall such v Diocese be formedif thereby an ■ ie shall be so reduced as to contain i d fifteen self-supportiu g Parishes, or less than fifteen Presbyters who have been re- siding therein, and settled and qualified as above-men- tioned: Provided, that hall form i, Dio< In case a Diocese shall be divided into two or more Dio- s, the Diocesan of the Diocese so divided may elect the Diocese over which, he avIU preside, and shall become the Diocesan there isistant Bishop, if there be one, may elect the Diocese to which he wi!l be attached ; and, if it be not the one elected ' hall be thy Piocesan CONSTITUTION. Prayor-Booli Bishops for Igo Countries Article. VIII. The mode of trying Bishops shall be provided by the General Couneil. The court appointed for that purpose shall be composed of Bishops only. In every Diocese, the mode of trying Presbyters and Deacons shall be prescribed by the Council of the Diocese. Xone but a Bishop shall pronounce sentence of admoni- tion, suspension or degradation from the ministry, on any Clergyman, whether Bishop, Presbyter or Deacon. Article. IX. Xo person shall be admitted to Holy Or- ders, until he shall have been examined by the Bishop and by two Presbyters, and shall have exhibited such testimo- nials and other requisites as the Canons in that case pro- vided may direct. Xor shall any person be ordained either Deacon or Pri until he shall have subscribed the following declaration, viz : "I do believe the Holy .Scriptures of the Old and New Testamenl theWordof (iod, and to contain all Sitings necessary tosalration ; and '. do solemnly engage to conform to the Doctrines and Worship of the Pr6- testant Episcopal Church in the Confederate states of America. 1 ' Xo person ordained by a foreign Bishop shall be per- mitted to officiate as a Minister of this Church, until he shall have complied with the Canon or Canons in such case provided, and have also subscribed the aforesaid declaration. Article X. A Book of.Cmnmon Prayer; Administra- tion of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, Articles of Religion, and a form and manner of making, ordaining and consecrating Bishops, Priests and Deacons, when established by the Genera i Council, shall be used*iil those Dioceses which shall have adopted this Constitution. Xo alteration or addition shall be made in the Book of Common Prayer, or other offices of the Church, or the Articles of Religion, Unless the same shall be proposed in one General Council, and- by a resolution thereof made known to the Council of every Diocese, ap- proved by .a majority of the Diocesan Councils, and adopted at the subsequent General Council. Articlk XX Bishops for foreign countries may. on due application therefrom, be consecrated, with the appro- bation of a majority of the Bishops of this Church, signi- fied in writing to the Presiding Bishop ; he thereupon taking order for the same, and they being satisfied that the person designated for the office ha- been duly i and is properly qualified. CONSTITUTION. The order for such Consecration shall be conformed, as nearly as may be, in the judgment of the Bishops, to the one used in this Church. Bishops, so consecrated, shall not be eligible to the omVo of Diocesan, or Assistant Bishop, in any Diocese in the Confederate States, nor be entitled to a scat in the House of Bishops, nor exercise any authority in the said States. Article XI [. Any alteration in this Constitution shall bo originated in the General Council. When adopted in one -General Council by a majority of the House ot Bishops, and by a majority of the House of Deputies, said Deputies voting by Dioceses and orders, such alteration shall be made known to the several Diocesan Councils, and, if agreed to by two-thirds of them, and ratified in the ensuing General Council, the same shall be a part of this Constitution. Alteration* DIGEST OF THE CANONS. TITLE I. OF CANI)H)ATFSHIP AND ORDINATIONS. • * • CANON I. OF THK f-XCl.KSIAMK'AL A ITiK >i:iTY. The Ecclesiastical Authority of each Diocese is its Bishop. >; When there is no Bishop, the Standing Committee the Ecclesiastical Authority for all purposes declared in these Canons. CAXOX II. OF THE A.DMI3SIQ.N OF PERSONS As (\\yi >] | >.\ HE ; FOli DEACOHTS 1 ORDERS, § i. Every person, who desires to become a candidate for - Holy Orders in this Church, shall, in the first instance, give notice in writing of that desire to the Ecclesiastical Author- ity to whose jurisdiction he belongs ; in which notice he snail declare whether he has ever applied for admission as a candidate in any other Diocese. The Ecclesiastical Au- thority may consent to his applying in some other Diocese. § 2. The notice above required having been given to the Bishop, if there be one, and the Bishop having signified his approbation in writing, the person so applying shall send the -aid certificate in a letter addressed by him to the Pres- ident or Secretary of "the Standing Committee of the Dio- cese of the said Bishop ; whereupon the Standing Commit- tee may, if they see lit, testify in his behalf to the Bishop, that, from personal knowledge, or from testimonials laid before them, they believe that he is pious, sober and hon- est, attached to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the tio 10 TITLE 1. -OF CANDIDATESHIP AND ORDINATIONS. canon u. Protestant Episcopal Church, a commimicant of the same, w^ — !/ and in their opinion possesses such qualifications as will render him apt and meet to exercise the ministry to the glory of God, and the edifying of the Church: and if the Standing Committee cannot certify as above from personal knowledge, the testimonials laid before them by the appli- cant shall be of the same purport, and as full, as the certifi- cate above required, and shall be signed by at least one Presbyter and four respectable laymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. KewuL* 10 " am! § 3. The applicant shall transmit the certificate of the Standing Committee to the Bishop, who may thereupon admit the person as a candidate for Holy Orders, and shall record the same in a book to be kept by him for mat pur- .pose, and shall notify the candidate of such record. In any Diocese where there is no Bishop, the Standing Committee may, on the same conditions, admit the person as a candi- date, and shall make record and notification in the same manner. Refusal to a,i- § 4 ]sj p erson AV ] l0 i ias previously applied for admission as a candidate in any Diocese, and has* been refused, or, h'aving been admitted, has afterwards ceased to be a candi- date, shall be admitted as a candidate in any other Diocese, until he shall have produced from the Ecclesiastical Author- ity of the former Diocese a certificate declaring the cause for which he was refused admission, or for which he ceased to be a candidate. a wtt?& n a$ § 5. [1.] When a person, who, not having had Episcopal Ordination, has been acknowledged as an ordained minister or licentiate in any denomination of Christians, shall desire to be ordained in this Church, he shall give notice thereof to the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese in which he resides; or, if he reside in a State or Territory in which there is no organized Diocese, to the Missionary Bishop within whose jurisdiction he resides; which notice shall be accompanied by a written certificate from at least two Pres- byters of this Church, stating that, from personal knowl- edge of the applicant, or satisfactory evidence laid before them, they believe that his desire to leave the denomination to which he belonged has not arisen from any circumstance unfavorable to his moral or religious character, or on account of which it may be inexpedient to admit him to the exercise of the ministry in this Church ; and they may also add what they know or believe, on good authority, of the circumstan- ces leading: to the said desire. denomination. TITLE I.— OK CANDIDATE- nil' AND ORDINATIONS. 11 [2.] «If the Ecclesiastical Authority shall think proper to cannon u. proceed, the person applying to be received as a candidate v — v — ' shall produce to the Standing Committee a testimonial from tw^pe^nsam! at least twelve members of the denomination from which he two Presbyters - comes, or twelve members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, or twelve persons in part of the denomination from which he comes and in part Episcopalians, satisfactory to the Committee, that the applicant has, for three years last past, lived piously, soberly and honestly ; and also a testi- monial from at least two Presbyters of this Church, that they believe him to be pious, sober and honest, and sincerely attached to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Church. The Standing Committee, being satisfied on these points, may recommend him to the Bishop, to be received as a candidate for Orders in this Church; or, if there be no P>ishop, the Standing Committee ma} 7 so receive him. § 6. [1.] When a person, not a citizen of the Confeder- such roucatton ate States, who has been acknowledged as an ordained *>•» minister in any denomination of Christians, shall apply to become a candidate for Orders in this Church, the Bishop to whom application is made shall require of him (in addi- tion to the above qualifications) satisfactory evidence that lie has resided at least one year in the Confederate States, previous to his application. [2.] \Yhcn a person, not a citizen of the Confederate States, who has been acknowledged as'an ordained minister in any denomination of Christians, shall apply for Orders in this Church on the ground of a call to a Church in which And to officiate divine service is celebrated in a foreign language, the Stand- L" ing Committee of the Diocese to which such Church belongs, may, on sufficient evidence of fitness according to the Can- ons, and by a unanimous vote at a meeting did}' convened, recommend him to the Bishop for Orders, and the Bishop may then ordain him, and he may be settled, and instituted into the said Church, without his producing a testimonial to his character by a clergyman from his personal knowledge of him for oue year, and without his having been a year resident in this country, anything in any other Canon of this Church to the contrary notwithstanding:- Provided, That, in both of the above cases, the person applying produce a certificate, signed by at least four respectable members of this Church, that they have satisfactory reasons to believe the testimonials to his religious, moral and literary qualifi- cations to be entitled to full credit. 12 TITIE !. OF CANDIDATES!!!!' AND ORDINATION* CAKON II J. Supervision Candidate:--. Habit o: d tion. 0F AI>-MlTT!-:i> CANDIDATES FOR DEACONS' ORD] § 1. The Bishop, or other Ecclesiastical Authority -who may have the superintendence of candidates for Deacons' Orders, shall take care that they pursue their studies dili- gently and under proper direction, and that they do not in- dulge in any vain or trifling conduct, or in any amuse- ments likely to be abused to#liceutiousness, or unfavorable to that seriousness, and to those pious and studioiis habits, which become those who are preparing for the Holy Ministry. § 2. It is also to be made known to every candidate, that the Church expects of him, an inward fear and worship of Almighty God, a love of Christ, a sensibility to holy influences, a habit of devout affection, and, in short, a cultivation of all those graces which are called in Scripture, the fruits of the Spirit, by which alone Hi?- sacred influences can be manifested. § 3. ~No candidate for Deacons' Orders shall take upon Lay Readers, himself to perform the service of the Church but by a license from the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, from the cleri- cal members of the Standing Committee, of the Diocese in which such candidate may wish to perform the service. And such candidate shall submit to all the regulations which the Bishop, or said clerical members, may prescribe. He .shall not use the absolution or benediction ; he shall not assume the dress appropriate to clergymen ministering in the congregation; he shall conform to the directions of the Bishop, or said clerical members, as to the sermons or homi- lies to be read : nor shall any such Lay Header deliver ser- mons of his own composition, but, may make addresses or exhortations by the permission of the Bishop of the Diocese, and by the farther permission of the Minister of the Parish, if within the limits of a Parish. § 4. No candidate for -Orders shall be permitted to accept from any Diocesan Council an appointment as a Lay Deputy to the House of Deputies of the General Council. § 5. A candidate for Deacons' Orders may, on Letters Dimissory from the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese to which he belongs, be transferred to the jurisdiction of any Bishop in this Church; and if there be a Bishop of the Diocese where the, candidate resides, he shall apply to no Restrictions. '-. t sllgtble IX General Council. Transfer to r Diooesei . TITLE [.—OF OANDIDATEgHIP AND ORDINATIONS. 13 other Bishop for ordination without the permission of the Canon m former. '-— v — ' §6. Xo candidate shall change his canonical residence fc ow»ofttwi» but for causes sufficient in the judgment of the Ecclesiasti- cal Authority ; nor shall an}* candidate be dismissed from the Diocese in which lie was admitted, or to which he has been duly transferred, for the convenience of attending any theological or other seminary. CV.I10I1. f reje ("AXON IV. ( ENERAL PROVISIONS AND REQUISITES FOE ORDINATION". § 1*. Xo Bishop shall ordain any candidate until he has pmioua appu, enquired of him whether he has ever, directly or indirectly, applied for Holy Orders in any other Diocese ; and, if the Bishop has reason to believe that the candidate has been refused Holy Orders in any other Diocese, he shall write to the Ecclesiastical Authority thereof to know whether any just cause exists why the candidate should not be ordained. When any Bishop rejects an application for J [oly Orders, he shall immediately give notice to the Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese. s ; 2. Deacons' Orders shall not be conferred on any per- AgeforOrdina. son until he shall bo twenty-one years old. nor Priests' Orders until he shall be twenty-four years old. § 3. Eyerv candidate for Holy < >rders who may be reeoin- < mended by the Standing Committee of any Diocese desti tute of a Bishop, if lie have resided for the greater part of three years last past within the Diocese of a Bishop, shall apply to such Bishop for ordination. And such candidate shall produce the usual testimonials, as well from the Cor,: mittee of the Diocese in which he has resided, as from the Committee of the Diocese for which he is to be ordained. $ 4. X T o Bishop of this Church shall ordain any person to m»of- officiate as a Priest in any Congregation or Church not oonf&aeratestatesl under Episcopal supervision, and situated beyond the juris- diction of these Confederate States, until no shall have received from his Standing Committee the usual testimony, founded upon sufficient evidence of the soundness in the faith, an e pious and moral cha 'applicant. 14 Times of Ordi nation. TITLE i. OF CANDIDATESHIP AND ORDINATIONS. nor until he Las been examined on the studies prescribed by the Canons of this Church; and should any clergyman, so ordained, wish thereafter to settle in any congregation of this Church, he must obtain a special license therefor from the Bishop, and officiate as a probationer for at least one year. § 5. Agreeably to the practice of the Primitive Church, the stated times of ordination shall be on the Sundays fol- lowing the Ember weeks. Special ordinations may be held at such other times as the Bishop shall appoint. Limitation Candidateship CANON V. EXAMINATIONS AND TESTIMONIALS FO I £ DEACONS 1 OEDKUS AND ORDINATION. § 1 . Every person hereafter to be ordained Deacon in this Examination. Church, shall be examined by the Bishop and two Presby- ters, on Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric, the Holy Scrip- tures and the Book of Common Prayer, and they shall enquire into his fitness for the ministrations declared in the Ordinal to appertain to the office of a Deacon, and be satis- fied thereof. §.2. If any candidate for Deacons' Orders shall not, within three years after his admission, apply to be ordained, he shall cease to be a candidate, and unless the Bishop shall see fit to allow longer time, he shall notify him in writing, that he is no longer a candidate, and shall immediately give notice of the same to the Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese. period of can- § 3. No person shall be ordained Deacon in this Church ?iiEo5ftiS d «Sm' unt ^ ^ 1C sna ^ have -remained a candidate for Tloly Orders at standing commit- ] eas t one year, and until he shall exhibit to the Bishop tes- timonials from the Standing Committee of the Diocese for which he is to be ordained, which shall be signed by a ma- jority of all the Committee, the Committee being duly con- vened, and which shall be in the following words: " We, whose names are hereunder written, testify that A. B. hath laid before us satisfactory testimonials, that for the space of three years lasl past, he hath lived piously, soberly and honestly, and hath not written, taught or held anything contrary to the doctrine or discipline Of the Protestant Episcopal Ohurch in the Confederate States; and, moreover,, we think him a person worthy to be admitted to the sacred Order of Deacons. In witness whereof, we have hereunto' set t>ur hands, dav of — : — . i;i the rear of our Lord ."" TITLE [.—OF CANDIDATESHIP A.\l> ORDINATIONS. 15 § 4. But before a Standing Committee shall proceed to canon v. recommend any candidate, as aforesaid, to the Bishop, such ,^~~-^~~ / candidate shall produce from the Minister and Vestry of the standing commit- parish where he resides, or from the A r estry alone, if the par- ish be vacant ; or, if there be no Vestry, from at least six respectable persons of this Church, testimonials of his piety. good morals and orderly conduct, in the fol lowing words: •' We, whose name* are hereunder written, do testify from evidence satisfactory to us, that A. !>., for the space of three years last past, hath lived piously, soherly and honestly, and hath not, so far as we know or believe, written, taught or held anything contrary to the doctrine or dis- cipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church ill the Confederate States ; and, moreover, we think him a person worthy to be admitted to the sacred Order of Deacons. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, this day of , in the year of our Lord ." He shall also lay before the Standing Committee testi- Testimonial. &om monials signed by at least one respectable Presbyter of this ' Church, which testimonials sliall be in the following words: •• I do certify that A. r>.. for the space of three years last past, hath lived piously, soberly and honestly, and hath not, solar as 1 know or be- lieve, written, taught or held anything contrary to the doctrine or dis- cipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate states: and, moreover, we think him a person worthy to be admitted to the sacred Order of Deacons. This testimonial is founded on my persona] knowl- edge of the said A. B. for one year last past, and for the residue ot the said time upon evidence that is satisfactory to me. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this day of — — , in the year of our Lord -." ^ 5. But in case a candidate, from some peculiar circum- substitute testi- stances not affecting his pious or moral character, shall be"'' unable to procure testimonials from the Minister and Ves- try of the Parish wherein he resides, the Standing Com- mittee may accept testimonials of the purport above stated. from at least twelve respectable members/ and one respec- table Presbyter of this Church, which Presbyter shall have been personally acquainted with the candidate for at least one year. § <>. Candidates who, not having Episcopal ordination, candidates awn •* tit -i • ' -i i- x i • . 'other- denomina- have been acknowledged as ordained or licensed ministers ti ""-- in any denomination of Christians, may, at the expiration of not less than six months from their admission as candi- dates, be ordained Deacons, on their passing the same ex- aminations as other candidates for Deacons' Orders, and, in the examinations, special regard shall be had to those points in which i\w denomination whence they came differs from this Church, with a view of testing their information 6 TITLE L— OF CANDIDATESHIP AND OJtDINATIONS. c on v an( ^ soundness in the same; and, also, of ascertaining- that w^_^ they are adequately acquainted with the Liturgy and Of- fices of this Church : Provided, that in their case the testi- monials shall be required to cover only the time since their admission as candidates for Holy Orders. candinatos ftom § ^' ^ r hcn airy person, not a citizen of the Confederate other countries. States, who has been acknowledged as an ordained or li- censed minister in any denomination of Christians, shall apply for Orders in this Church, the Bishop, to whom the application is made, shall require of him (in addition to the above qualifications) satisfactory evidence that he has re- sided at least one year in the Confederate States previous to his application. CAKON VI. F D E A C K S Control of De con 3. § 1. Every Deacon shall be subject to the regulation of the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, of the clerical mem- bers of the Standing Committee of the Diocese for which he is ordained, until he receive letters dimissory to the Ecclesiastical Authority of some other Diocese, and be thereupon received as a Clergyman of such other Diocee ; and he shall officiate in such places as the Bishop, or the said clerical members, may direct. conditions of or- § 2. ~No Deacon shall be settled over a 1 'ariah or Conarega- tion ; nor shall any Deacon officiate in any Parish or Congre- gation, without the express consent of the Rector for the time being, where there is a Rector ; nor in any case without the assent of the Bishop; and when officiating in the Parish or Congregation of a Rector, he shall be entirely subject to the direction of such Rector in all his ministrations. § 3. No Deacon shall bo transferred to another Dio transfer. without the written request of the Bishop, to whos< juris- diction he is to be transferred. CAXoX VII. ORDINATION T(> THE PRIESTHOOl); in£toTriesteM)r- § *■ Whenever a Deacon shall determine to pr< tiers. ■ p r ]; es tg' Orders, he shall give to the Bis'lsop written no1 TITLE J. — CJI-- CANDIDATESJUP AND ORDINATIONS. 17 of such intention ; whereupon the Bishop shall record the uanpnvn. notice in a book to be kept by him' for this purpose, and w "v — ' shall appoint and direct the studies of the Deacon accord- ingly. § 2. Every Deacon desiring to receive Priests' Orders Examinations »« shall stand three different examinations, at such times and rie places as'the Bishop, to whom he applies for Holy Orders, shall appoint. The examination shall take place in the presence of the Bishop and two or more Presbyters. The lirst examination shall be on the books of Scripture, the First, candidate being required to give an account of the differ- ent books, to translate from the original Greek and He- brew, and to explain such passages as may be proposed to him. The second examination shall he on the evidences . of Christianity and Systematic Divinity, and the last ex- Last, animation shall be on Church History, Ecclesiastical Polity, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Constitution and Canons of the Church, and of the Diocese for which he is to be ordained. lie shall be examined also as to his knowl- edge of the Latin tongue, and of such studies as the Bishop shall have prescribed for him, At each of the forjemen- tioned examinations he shall produce and read a sermon or discourse, composed by himself, on some passage of Scripture, previously assigned to him, which, together with two other sermons or discourses on some passage or pas- sages of Scripture s61ectcd by himself, shall be submitted to the criticisms of the Bishop and clergy present ; and, before his ordination, he shall be required to perform such exercises In reading, in the presence of the Bishop and clergy, as may enable them to give him such advice and instructions as may aid him in performing the services of the Church, and delivering his sermons with propriety and devotion. ■ § 3. When a Deacon, applying to be admitted to Priests' Dispensations. Orders, wishes knowledge of the Latin, Greek and lie- brew languages, and other branches of learning not strictly ecclesiastical, to be dispensed with, the Standing Committee shall not recommend him for Priests' Orders until he shall have laid before them a testimonial signed by at least two Presbyters of this Church, stating that, in their opinion, he possesses a peculiar aptitude to teach, and a large share of prudence; and the Bishop, witli the consent of the Stand- ing Committee, shall have granted the dispensation. But in regard to a knowledge of the Hebrew language, the Bishop shall have the sole power of dispensation. 3 lg < TITLE!. <»:■" CANDIDA'! R3HH' AND ORDINATIONS. CanauVJI. § -1. J J * U J >i0CeSC where tl IC1V 18 110 J fistlOp, tllO Dcacoll s — "v — ' shall be examined by the Bishop to whom lie applies for r, tv'"e of — , do testify that the Rev. A. 15., Deacon, hath lai the doctrine or discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States; and, moreover. v\ - e think him a person worthy to be admitted to th>; saered Order oi Priests. In witness whereof, wo have hereunto set pdr hands this day of— , in the year of our Lord ■ ." TesumQuiaisftoii. He shall also lay before tin: Standing Committee testi- monials signed by at least one respectable Preshyter of this Church, in the following form: "I do certify, that the I«ev. A. B., Deacon, has, for the spaoe of three \c-ars hist past, lived piously, soberly, iind honestly, and lias not, so far as I know or believe, written, taught or held anything contrary to the doc- tririe or discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confeder- ate Slates; and, moreover, I think him a person worthy to he admitted lo the sacred' Order of Priests. This testimonial is founded on my per- gonal knowledge of the said licv. A. B., Deacon, for one year last past, and for the residue of the said time upon evidence that is satisfactory to me. In witness whereef, I Aave hereunto set my hand this day of , in the year of our Lord ." substitute itM § C). .But in ease an applicant for Priests' Orders shall, from peculiar circumstances, not affecting his pious or moral I TITLE [- OF CANDID'ATESIHT AND OIID1NATIONS. 1 1 ) t character, be unable to procure testimonials from the Minis- uauou vn. ter and Vestry of the Parish where he resides, or in case of there being no Vestry, the Standing Committee may accept testimonials of the purport above stated from at least twelve respectable members, and from at least one respect- able Presbyter of this Church, who has been personally ac- quainted with the candidate for at least one year. (AXON VIII. <>F T1IK ADMISSION OF MINISTERS ORDAINED BY IHHHOI'S \'<>T i>; COMMUNION WITH THIS CHURCrtJ When a Deacon or Priest, ordained by a Bishop not in uiuistenjonkinr communion with this Church, shall apply to :i Bishop for ^commifnlT^t'b admission into the same as a minister thereof, he shall pro-' ! " ?r, " m ' ! ' - duce a written certificate from at least two Presbyters of this Church, stating that, from personal knowledge of him. orsatisfaetory evidence laid before them, they believe that his desire to leave the communion to which he lias be- longed has not arisen from any circumstance unfavorable to his moral or religious character, or on account of which it may be inexpedient to admit him to the exercise, of the ministry in this Church; and he shall also, not less than six months after his application, in the presence of the .Bishop and two or more presbyters, subscribe the declaration con- tained in Article IX. of the Constitution^ which being- done, the Bishop, being satisfied of his theological acquire- ments, mnv receive him as such minister. CAXOX IX. OF MINISTERS ORDAINED rNFpfiESGK CO! NTEIES BY RISII OPS IN COMMUNION WITH THIS CHURCH. $ 1. A clergyman coming from a foreign country, and cd i |^;j^ l ( ;^; professing to have been ordained out oi' the Confederate ^f^^f^V;; States by a foreign Bishop in communion with this Church,"" ChOTrt - or by a Bishop consecrated for a* foreign country by Bish- ops of this Church under Article XT. of the Constitution. 20 TITLE L— Of CANDIDATESH1P AND ORDINATIONS Canon I\'. Certificate Letteu Dim] »ery. or by a Missionary Bishop elected to exercise Episcopal functions in any place or places out of the Confederate States, shall, before he be permitted to officiate in any Parish or Congregation, exhibit to the Minister, or, if there be no Minister, to the Vestry thereof, a certificate signed by the Bishop of the Diocese, or, if there be no Bishop, by the Standing Committee duly convened, that his letters or Holy, Orders are authentic, and given by some Bishop in communion with this Church, and whose authority is ac- knowledged by this Church; and, also, 'that he has ex- hibited to the Bishop or Standing Committee satisfactory evidence of his pious and moral character, and of his theo- logical acquirements ; and, in any case, before he shall be permitted to settle in any Church or Parish, or be received into union with any Diocese of this Church as a minister thereof, he shall produce to the Ecclesiastical Authority thereof, letters dimissory under the hand and seal of the Bishop with whose Diocese he has been last connected which letters shall be, in substance, those provided for in Section 7 of Canon II. ,of Title II., and shall be delivered within six months from the date thereof; and when such clergyman shall have been so received, he shall be con- sidered as having passed entirely from the jurisdiction of the Bishop from whom the letters dimissory were brought, ' to the full jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Authority by whom they shall have been accepted, and become thereby subject to all the canonical provisions of" this Church : Pro- vided, that no such clergyman shall be so received into union with any Diocese until he shall have subscribed, in the presence of the Bishop of the Diocese in which he ap- plies for reception, and of two or more Presbyters, the dec- laration contained in Article IX. of the Constitution: which being done, said Bishop or Standing Committee, being satisfied of his theological acquirements, may receive him into union with this Church as a minister of the same: Provided, also, that such minister shall not be entitled to settle iu any Parish or Church, as canonically in charge of the same, uutil he shall, subsequently to the acceptance of his letters dimissory, have resided one year in the Confederate States. § 2. And if such foreign clergyman be a Deacon, he shall obtain in this country the requisite testimonials of character, before he be ordained a Priest. TITLE II. GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS AND THEIR DUTIES. Istera. (AXON I. THE CONSENT NECESSARY FOR OFFICIATING. No Minister shall officiate, transiently or otherwise, in a [nweor &i* Congregation or vacant Parish, or in one the Rector or Min- ister of which is sick or absent, unless the Wardens, Vestry or Trustees of the "Congregation are satisfied that he is at the time an Episcopally ordained Minister in good and regular standing. When from another Diocese, letters commenda- tory from the Ecclesiastical Authority thereof may be re- quired. CANON II. GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. § L [1.] It is hereby required that, on the election of a Eioctioa of arm- Minister into any Church or Parish, the Vestry shall de- iiteM - liver, or cause to be delivered, to the Ecclesiastical Au- thority of the Diocese, notice of the same, in the following form : " We, the Church Wardens, (or, in case of an Assistant Minister, we, certificate of the Rector and Church Wardens) do certify to the Rt. Rev'd, (naming «>e« l «. the Bishop) or to the Revvd, {naming the President oj the Standing Com- viittee) that (naming the person) has heen duly chosen Rector (or assist- ant Minister, as the case may be,) of (naming the Parish or Church.)" Which certificate shall be signed with the names of those who certify. oo TITLE II. GENE11AL KEGULATIOXd OK MINISTERS. <;^ouji. [2.] If the Ecclesiastical Authority be satisfied that the '"^~v— ^ person so chosen is a quaiiiied Minister of ibis Church, the said Ecclesiastical Authority shall transmit the said certiti' cate to the Secretary of the Council, "who shall record it in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. i i [3.] And if the Minister be a Presbyter, the Ecclesiasti- cal Authority ma}', at the instance of the Vestry, proceed lo have him instituted according to the Office established by this Church, if that Office be used in the Diocese. This provision, concerning the use of the Office of Institution, is not to be considered as applying to any Congregation destitute of a house of worship. certificate to § 2. No Minister, removing from one Diocese or Mission- rrom w» Mocrae ary District to another, shall officiate as the Rector, Stated Minister, or Assistant Minister of any Parish or Congrega- tion of the Diocese or District to which he removes, until he shall have obtained from the Ecclesiastical Authority a certificate m the words following : •• I hereby certify Hint the Rev. A. 6. has been canonical!}- transferred to my jurisdiction, and is a Minister in regular standing.*' Juauat coimim- § 3. The Alms and Contributions at the administration of the Holy Communion shall be deposited with the Minister of the Parish, or with such Church officer as shall be appointed by him, to be applied by the Minister, or under his super- intendence, to such pious and charitable uses as shall by him be thought fit. Da\Y of Mini* § 4. [1.] It sball be the duty of Ministers to prepare young «£rti?M. ut ' persons and others for the holy ordinance of Confirmation. And on notice being received from the Bishop of his inten- tion to visit any Church for the purpose of administering that rite, which notice shall be at least one month before the intended visitation, the Minister shall give immediate notice to his parishioners, individually, as opportunity may offer, and also to the Congregation on the first occasion of public worship after the receipt of said notice. And he shall be ready to present for confirmation such persons as he shall think properly quaiiiied, and shall deliver to the Bishop a list of the names of those confirmed. jiMuuhectau [2.1 And at every visitation the Minister and Church «<*. Wardens, or Vestry, shall lay before the Bishop, it required, the Parish records, and give information to him of the state of the Congregation, under such heads as shall have been committed to them in the notice given as aforesaid. tot u- ]>:< v [3.1 And further, the Ministers and Church Wardens of rti Oonortl. % ,-mch Congregations as cannot be conveniently visited in any TITLE II. (iKNi.K \l. REGULATIONS QV MINISTERS. 23 year, shall bring or send to the Bishop, at the stated meet- cwwrair. ing of 1he Council of the Diocese, information of the state s "~~s — ' of the Congregation 1 ; under such heads as shall have been committed to them at least one month before the meeting of the Council. § 5. [11.] Every Minister of this Church shall keep ;t reg- itamne&aa*. iste* of baptisms, confirmations, communicants, mamagee and funerals, within his cure, agreeably to such rules as may be provided by the Council of the Diocese where his cure lies ; and if none such be provided, then in such manner as in his discretion he shall think best suited to the uses of such a register. [2.] The intention of the Register of Baptisms is hereby t„ Ki . v , .<;.,„.,;. declared to be, as for other good uses, so especially for the ' """' * rtWp - proving of the right of the Church-membership of those who may have been admitted into this Church by the holy ordinance of Baptism. [3.] Every Minister of this Church shall make* out and lm or buhium. continue, as far as practicable, a list of all families and adult persons within his cure, which, with all other Parish records in his keeping, shall, in case of his removal, be entrusted to the "Wardens of the Church, to remain for the use of his successor, to be continued by him and by every future Min- ister in the same Parish. §6. II.] Xo Minister belonging to this Church shall officiating * £C • i- *a1 1 1 • J- ±1 • Ministers In "tlj. otnciate, either by preaching, reading prayers or otherwise, cures or «tbe»- in the Parish, or within the parochial cure of another cler- gyman, without the consent of the Minister of the Parish or cure, or, in his absence, of the Church Wardens and Vestry- • men, or Trustees of the Congregation, or a majority of them. [2.] If any Minister of this Church, from inability or segicctoraun- other cause, fail to perform the regular services in his Con- gregation, and refuse, without good cause, his consent to the officiating of any other Minister of this Church within his cure, the Church Wardens, Vestrymen" or Trustees of such Congregation shall, on proof of such failure or refusal before the Ecclesiastical Authority, or before such persons as may be deputed thereby, or before such persons as may be, by the regulations of this Church in any Diocese, vested with the power of hearing and deciding on complaints against Cler- gymen, have power, with the written consent of the before- mentioned authority, to open the doors of their Church to any regular Minister of this Church. I 7. [1.] A Minister of this Church removing within the < > jurisdiction of any Bishop or other Ecclesiastical Authority. 24 -GENERAL REGULATIONS I I MINJ - When to affect canonical rea- canon n. shall, in order to gain canonical residence within the same, ^-^-v — ' present to said Ecclesiastical Authority a testimonial from the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese or Missionary District in which he last resided, which testimonial shall set forth his true standing and character. The testimonial may he in the following words : Letter . ..-■ ry. " 1 hereby certify that A. B., who has signified to ine his desire to be transferred to the Ecclesiastical Authority of , is a Presbyter (or Deacon) of , in regular standing, and has not, so far as I know or believe, been justly liable to evil report, for error in religion or vicious- ness of life*, for three years last past." All such testimonials shall he called Letters Dimissory. [2.] Xo such letters shall affect a .Minister's canonical residence, until, after having "been presented according to address, they shall have been accepted, and notification of such acceptance given to the, authority whence it proceeded. The residence of the Minister so transferred shall date from the acceptance of his letters dimissory. ff not presented within three months after date, they may he considered as void by the authority whence they proceeded ; and shall be so considered, unless they be presented within six months. [3.] If a Minister, removing into another Diocese, who lias been called to take charge of a Parish or Congregation, shall present a testimonial in the form aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese to which he has removed, to accept it, unless the Bishop or Standing Committee should have heard rumors, which lie or they believe to be well founded, against the character of the Minister concerned, and which would form a proper ground of canonical inquiry and presentment; in which case the Ecclesiastical Authority shall communicate the same to the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese to whose juris- diction the said Minister belongs; and, in such case, it shall not be the duty of the Ecclesiastical Authority to accept the testimonial unless, and until there be satisfactor}- explanation of such rumors. [4.] It shall be the duty of all Ministers, except chaplains in the army and navy, and professors and officers in insti- tutions under the direction of the General Council, to obtain and present letters dimissory as above described, whenever they remove from one Diocese or Missionary District to any other Diocese or Missionary District, whether Domestic or Foreign, and remain there for the space of six months. If, at the end of that time, any Minister, so removing, shall not have obtained and presented such letters, the Bishop of 1.' c( i Iron. W 1 1 a tnintsd. When refused. Letters dimisso- ry, when not re- quired. TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. the Diocese from which ho has removed shall have the right to transfer him by letters dimissory into the Diocese of the Bishop into whose jurisdiction he has removed. § *. A Minister is settled for all purposes here or elsewhere mentioned in these Canons, who has been engaged perma- nently by any Parish, according to the rules of the Diocese to which the Parish belongs, or for any term not less than one year. 25 CA^O^N" III. O F B r S IT o v s . § 1. To entitle a Diocese to the choice of a Bishop by the Council thereof, there must be, at the time of such choice, and have been during the year previous, a-t least six officia- ting Presbyters therein, regularly settled in a Parish or Church, and qualified to vote for a Bishop, and six or more Parishes represented in the Council electing. § 2. [1.] Whenever the Church in any Diocese shall be desirous of the consecration of a Bishop elect, the Standing Committee of the Church in such Diocese shall, by their- President, or by some person or persons specially appointed, communicate the desire to the Standing Committees of the Churches in the different Dioceses, together with evidence of his election, and a certified copy of the following testi- monial : Testimony from the Members of the Council in the Diocese from tchence the Person is recommended for Consecration. "We, whose names are underwritten, fully sensible how important it is that the sacred officd of a Bishop should not be unworthily conferred, and firmly persuaded that it is our duty to bear testimony on this solemn occasion, without partiality or affection, do, in the presence of Almighty God, testify that A. B. is not, so far as we are informed, justly liable to evil report, either for error in religion, or for viciousness in life, and that we do not know or believe there is any impediment, on account of which he ought not to be consecrated to that Holy Office. We do, more- over, jointly and severally, declare that wo do, in our conscience, be- lieve him to be of such sufficiency in good learning, such soundness in the faith, and of such virtuous and pure manners, and godly conversa^ tiou, that he is apt and meet to exercise the office of a Bishop to the honor of God, and the edifying of His Church, and to be a wholesome ex- ample to the dock of Christ/ 1 [2.]. The evidence of the consent of the Standing Com- mittees shall be in the form following : 3* Electi Bishop. Process fur con- secration. Testimony from Diocesan Council. 20 TITLE IE— (JENERAE REVELATION'S OF MINISTERS. canon in. Testimony from the Standing Committee of (naming the Lioeesc). K> ~y~~~~ / " We, whose names are underwritten, fully sensible how important it tii/stanS^Jcolu- is that the sacred office of a Bishop should not be unworthily conferred, mittee. an( j fi rm ]y persuaded that it is our duty to bear testimony, on this slemn occasion, without partiality or affection, do, in the presence of Almighty God, testify that A. B. is not, so far as we are informed, justly liable to evil report, either for error in religion, or for vieiousness of life; an<] that we do not know or believe there is any impediment, on account of which he ought not to be consecrated to that Holy Office, but that he hath, as Ave believe, ledhis life, for three years last past, piously, soberly and honestly." consent of [8.] And if the major number of the Standing Commit- tees shall consent to the proposed consecration, the Stand- ing Committee of the Diocese concerned shall forward the evidence of such consent, together with other testimonials, to the Senior Bishop of this Church, who shall communi- cate the same to all the Bishops of this Church in the Con- federate States; and if a majority of the Bishops consent to the consecration, the Senior Bishop, with two other Bishops, or any three Bishops to whom he may communi- cate the testimonials, may proceed to perform the same. consecration of [4. J "When the election of a Bishop occurs within the v1fh I \Vthr t e e e three months preceding the regular meeting of the General raeeun| Vf the Council, the Standing Committee of the Diocese shall com- Gencai coundi. municate to tlie General Council the desire of the Diocese for the consecration of the Bishop elect, together with evi- dence of his election, and the testimonial required by § 2, [1.] of this Canon; and, if a majority of both Orders in the House of Deputies shall consent to the proposed consecra- tion, and shall sign and transmit to the House of Bishops the testimony contained in § 2. [2.] of this Canon ; and if a majority of the Bishops entitled to seats in the House of Bishops shall consent to the proposed consecration, the Pre- siding Bishop shall take order for the samfe. piace of con!-- [5.] The consecration of a Bishop shall, if practicable, take place always in the Diocese of which he is the Bishop elect. Age. § 8. No man shall be consecrated a Bishop of this Church until he shall be thirty years old. ant Bish- § 4. Wlien a Bishop of a Diocese is unable, by reason of old age, or other permanent cause of infirmity, to discharge his Episcopal duties, one Assistant Bishop may be elected by and for the said Diocese, who shall, in all cases, succeed the Bishop, in case of surviving him. The Assistant Bishop shall perform such Episcopal duties, and exercise such Epis- copal authority in the Diocese, as the Bishop shall assign to TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. 27 liim; and, in case of the Bishop's inability to assign such canon m. duties, declared by the Council of the Diocese, the Assist- '^~~v~^ ant Bishop shall, during such inability, perform all the duties, and exercise all the authorities which appertain to the office of a Bishop. ISTo person shall be elected or con- No sunvagans. secrated a Suffragan Bishop, nor shall there be more than one Assistant Bishop in a Diocese at the same time. § 5. [1.] Every Bishop of this Church shall visit the tat ? p i*° 1)al viii - Churches within his Diocese at least once in three years, for the purpose of examining the *etate of his Church, inspect- ing the behaviour of his clergy, administering the apostolic rite of confirmation, ministering the Word, and if he think fit, administering the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the people committed to his charge, and shall keep a register of all his official acts. — [2.] No Bishop of this Church shall reside beyond the d Episcopal «*- limits of his Diocese, unless with the consent of three , fourths of his Diocesan Council given at each of its Sessions. § 6. It shall be lawful for any Bishop of a Diocese, who to Bishofcataent is about to leave or has left his Diocese, with the intention of going out of the limits of the Confederate States, or if remaining out of his Diocese for the space of three calendar mouths, although without leaving the Confederate States, to authorize, by writing under his hand and seal, the Assist- ant Bishop, or, should there be none, the Standing Com- mittee of such Diocese, to act as the Ecclesiastical Authority thereof. The Assistant Bishop, or Standing Committee so authorized, shall thereupon become the Ecclesiastical Au- thority of such Diocese, to all intents and purposes, until such writing shall be revoked, or the Bishop shall return within the Diocese : Provided, That nothing in this Canon shall be so construed as to prevent any Bishop, who may have signed such writing, from exercising his jurisdiction himself, so far as the same may be practicable, during his absence from his Diocese, or from permitting and authorizing any other Bishop to perform Episcopal offices for him. § 7. The Bishop of each Diocese may compose forms of ^E^ prayer or thanksgiving, as the case may require, for extra- ^^J^*^ 3 ^ ordinary occasions, and transmit them to each Clergyman within his Diocese, whose duty it shall be to use such forms in his Church on such occasions. And the Clergy in those States or Dioceses, or other places within the bounds of this Church, in which there is no Bishop, may use the formof prayer or thanksgiving composed by the Bishop of any Dio- cese. The Bishop in each Diocese may also compose forms of prayer to be used before legislative and other public bodies. Og TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. canon in. § 8. Any Bishop exercising jurisdiction, may, on the in- N — v — ' vitation of the Council or the Standing Committee of any v a ?a p nf^occs«; iD Diocese where there is no Bishop, or where the Bishop is, for the time, under a disability to perform Episcopal Offices by reason of a judicial sentence, visit and perform Episcopal Offices in that Diocese, or in any part thereof; and this invitation may be tcmporaiw, and it may at any time be revoked. sion^Ti'shop'. 15 ' § 9. [1.] The House of Deputies may, from time to time, on nomination by the House of Bishops, elect a suitable person to be a Bishop of this Church, to exercise Episcopal functions dn States or Territories not organized into Dio- dem*o? ekrtton? ceses. The evidence of such election shall be a certificate, to be subscribed by a constitutional majority of said House of Deputies, in the form required by § 2. of this Canon to be given by^the members of Diocesan Councils, on the re- commendation of Bishops elect for consecration, which certificate shall be produced to the House of Bishops ; and if the House of Bishops shall consent to the consecration, they may take order for that purpose. jurisdiction. [2.] The Bishop so elected and consecrated shall exercise Episcopal functions in such States and Territories, in con- formity with the Constitution and Canons of this Church, and under such regulations and instructions, not inconsis- tent therewith, as the House of Bishops may prescribe ; and the House of Bishops may at any time increase or di- minish the number of States or Territories over which the said Bishop or Bishops shall exercise Episcopal functions. vacancy. [3.] In case of the death or resignation of a Missionary Bishop, or of vacancy by other cause, the charge of the vacant Missionary Episcopate shall, until another Bishop be elected and consecrated, devolve on the, senior Bishop of this Church, with the power of appointing some other Bishop as his substitute in said charge. cesan! giWe as Do ' [4-] Any Bishop elected and consecrated under this sec- tion, shall be eligible to the office of Diocesan Bishop in any organized Diocese within the Confederate States, with the consent of three-fourths of the Bishops having seats in the House of Bishops, and of the Standing Committees of three fourths of the several Dioceses, said consent to be signified to the Senior Bishop and announced by him ; or, if the Missionary Bishop be elected Diocesan within three months preceding the meeting of the General Council, with the consent of three-fourths of both orders present in the House* of Deputies, and of three-fourths of the Bishops present in- the House of Bishops. And whenever a Diocese shall have TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTTRS. 29 been organized within the jurisdiction of such Missionary canon m. , Bishop, if he shall he chosen Bishop of such Diocese, he v — v — ' may accept the office, and shall thereby vacate his mission- ary appointment : Provided, That he continue to discharge the duties of Missionary Bishop within the residue of his original jurisdiction, if there be such residue, until the meeting of the next General Council. [5.] Every such Bishop may yearly appoint two Presby- ters, and two Laymen communicants of this Church, resi- ^ May appoint dent within his missionary jurisdiction, to perform the mme. s duties of a Standing Committee for such jurisdiction : Provided, That no Standing Committee constituted under this Section shall have power to give or refuse assent to the consecration of a Bishop. [6.] Every such Bishop shall report to each General Coun- cil his'official acts, and the state and eondition.of the Church enucoun'n. 00 "' in said States and Territories of the Confederate States. § 10. [1.] The House of Deputies may, from time to time, on nomination by the House of Bishops, elect a suit- able person to be a Bishop of this Church, to exercise : r™«m mw Episcopal functions in any missionaiy station of this ' Church out of the Territory of the Confederate States, ' which the House of Bishops, with the concurrence of the House of Deputies, may have designated. The evidence of such election sjhall be a certificate, to be subscribed by a constitutional majority of said House of Deputies, express- Evidence of eiec- ing their assent to the said nomination, which certificate °°' shall be produced to the House of Bishops : and if the House of Bishops shall consent to the consecration, they may take order for that purpose. ^ [2.] Any Bishop elected and consecrated under this Sec- tion, or any foreign Missionary Bishop heretolore conse- crated to exercise Episcopal functions in any place or country Jurisdiction. which may have been thus designated, shall have no juris- diction, except in the place or country for which he has been elected and consecrated. He shall be entitled to a seat, but not a vote, in the House of Bishops. He shall not become a Diocesan Bishop in any organized Diocese within the Confederate States, unless with ihe consent of three-fourths of all the Bishops entitled to seats in the House of Bishops, and also with the consent of the Stand- ing Committees of three-fourths of the Dioceses. [3.] Any Bishop elected and consecrated under this Sec- tion, or any Foreign Missionary Bishop heretofore conse'- May ohms. crated, may ordain as Deacons or Presbyters, to officiate 30 TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTER.-. . canon in. within the limits of his Mission, any persons of the age ,s "~~ v ' required by the Canons of this Church, who shall exhibit to onu^ ,0,,I,islsl ,r hi m t nc testimonials required by Canons A', and VII. of Title I., signed by not less than two of the ordained Mission- aries of this Church who may be subject to his charge: Provided, „ nevertheless, That if there be only one ordained Missionary attached to the Mission, and capable of acting at the time, the signature of a Presbyter, under the jurisdic- tion of any Bishop in communion with this Church, in good standing, may be admitted to supply the deficiency. dispensation. [4.] Any Foreign Missionary Bishop consecrated under this Section, or heretofore consecrated, may, by and with the advice of two Presbyters, one of whom, if necessity re- quire, shall be a Presbyter in good standing under the juris- diction of any Bishop in communion with this Church, dis- pense with those studies required from a candidate* for Or- riovisos. ders by the Canons of this Church : Provided, No person shall be ordained Priest by him, who has not passed a satis- factory examination, in the presence of two Presbyters, as to his theological learning and aptitude to teach: And j)ro- vided, j arther, That no person shall be ordained Deacon by him, until he shall have been a candidate for at least one ons " year. Nor shall any Deacon or Priest, who shall have been ordained under this Section, be allowed to hold any cure, or officiate in the Church in these Confederate States, until he shall have complied with existing Canons, relating to the learning of persons to be ordained. jurisdiction over [q! Anv Foreign Missionarv Bishop elected and conse- resident Clergy- L J J O «/ ■*■»»■•• -r»> 1 wen. crated under this Section, or any ± oreign Missionary Bishop heretofore consecrated, shall have jurisdiction and govern- ment according to the Canons of this Church, over all Missionaries or Clergymen of this Church, resident in the district or country for which he may have been consecrated. Starting com- [qi Every such Bishop may yearly appoint not less than two, nor more than live Presbyters, resident within his missionary jurisdiction, to act as a Standing Committee, upon all questions pertaining to the interests thereof; and, in case of the absence of the Bishop from his jurisdiction, or of a vacancy in the Episcopate, said Standing Commit- tee shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority of such missionary jurisdiction. Kepon t..Gene- [7.] Every Bishop elected and consecrated under this Section, or Foreign Missionary Bishop heretofore consecra- ted, shall report to each General Council his official acts^ and the state of the Mission under his supervision. niittee. Tal Council. TITLE II. -GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. 31 § 11. [1.] A Diocese without a Bishop, or of which the canwiii. Bishop is for the time under a disability by reason of a ^"^^iLot judicial sentence, may, by its Council, be placed under the a^Bishopjiiaced full Episcopal charge and authority of the Bishop of another another BisKop. Diocese, or of a 'Missionary Bishop, who shall by that act be authorized to perform all the duties and offices of the Bishop of the Diocese so vacant or having the Bishop disa- bled ; until, in the case of a vacant Diocese, a Bishop be duly elected and consecrated for the same ; and, in the case of a Diocese whose Bishop is disqualified as aforesaid, until the disqualification be removed ; or until, in cither case, the said act of the Council be revoked. [2.] !No Diocese thus placed under the full charge and ^^'late^S authority of the Bishop of another Diocese, or a Missionary J^ge! 8 such Bishop, shall invite a second Bishop to perform any Episco- pal duty, or exercise authority, till its connection with the first Bishop has expired or is revoked. § 12. [1.] If, during the session of the General Council, Episcopal resist- or within six calendar months before the meeting of any such Council, a Bishop shall desire to resign his jurisdiction, he shall make known in writing to the House of Bishops such his desire, together with the reasons moving him thereto; whereupon the House of Bishops may investigate investigation the whole case of the proposed resignation, including not only the facts and reasons that may be set forth in the appli- cation for the proposed resignation, but any other facts and circumstances bearing upon it, so that the whole subject of the propriety or necessity of such resignation may be placed fully before the House of Bishops. r2.] An investigation having thus been made, the House House of Bisu- „ L T ■,.-'■. -i-i i • i" • -ii °i is "* accept oi of Bishops may decide on the application ; and, by the vote rcflwe - pi a majority of those present, accept or refuse to accept such resignation ; and, in all cases of a proposed resignation, the Bishops shall cause their proceedings to be recorded on their journal ; and, in case of acceptance, the resignation shall be complete when thus recorded ; and notice thereof shall be given to the House of Deputies. [3.] In case a Bishop* should desire to resign at any period ri *tefCtfGe£ not within six calendar months before the meeting of a «rai council. General Council, he shall make known to the .senior Bishop such his desire, with the reasons moving him thereunto ; whereupon the senior Bishop shall communicate, without delay, a copy of the same to every Bishop of this Church having Ecclesiastical jurisdiction within the Confederate States ; and also to the Standing Committee of the Diocese 32 TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. canon in. to which the Bishop desiring to resign may belong ; and, v *"pv~~" / at the same time; summon said Bishops to meet him in per- son, at a place to be by him designated, and at a time not less than three calendar months from the date of his sum- mons ; and, should a number not less than a majority of all the said Bishops meet at the time aud place designated, they shall then have all the powers given by the previous clauses of this Section to the House of Bishops; and, should a number less than a majority assemble, they shall have power to adjourn from time to time, until they can secure the attendance of a majority of all the said Bishops. Should a proposed resignation of a Bishop be accepted at any meet- ing of the Bishops for that purpose held during a recess, then the senior Bishop present shall pronounce such resig- No8«. nation complete, and communicate the same to the Eccle- siastical Authority of each Diocese, who shall cause the same to be communicated to the several Clergymen in charge of Congregations therein. And it shall be the further duty of the senior Bishop to cause sucji resignation to be for- rvC:oriI mally recorded on the journal of the House of Bishops that may meet in General Council next thereafter. If the Bishop if senior Bbhop. desirous of resigning should be the senior Bishop, then all the duties directed in this Section to be performed by the se- nior Bishop shall devolve upon the Bishop next in seniority. Resigned Ksh- [4.] jSTo Bishop whose resignation of the Episcopal juris- !Sofcfe blc t0 no diction of a Diocese has been consummated pursuant to this Section, shpll be eligible to any Diocese now in union, or which may hereafter be admitted into union, with this Church ; but he may perform Episcopal acts at the request of any Bishop of this Church within tho limits of his Diocese. Bishops without [5.] A Bishop, who ceases to have charge, of a Diocese,, Ctenlreicouncii! shall still be subject in all matters to the Canons and au- thority of the General Council. Rofenation of [6.] In case a suspended Bishop of this Church should »uspen5ed Bishop. d es i re to resign at any period not within six calendar months before the meeting of a General Council, he shall make known by letter to the senror Bishop such desire ; whereupon the senior Bishop shall communicate a copy of the same to each Bishop of this Church having jurisdiction within the Confederate States ; and, in case a majority of such Bishops shall return to the senior Bishop their written assent to such resignation, the same shall be deemed valid Notice, ; and written information of the said resignation shall at once be communicated by the senior Bishop to the TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. 33 Bishop and Diocese concerned, and to each Bishop of this canon m. Church. And it shall be the farther duty of the senior ^v ' Bishop to cause such resignation to be formally recorded Record on the journal of the House of Bishops that may meet in General Council next thereafter. CANON IV. OF A LIST OF THE MINISTERS OF THIS CHURCH. § 1. The Secretary of the House of Deputies shall keep secretary of a register of all the Clergy of this Church, whose names tuX keep a $*- shall be delivered to him in the following manner, that is to say : The Ecclesiastical Authority of this Church, in each Diocese,, shall, at the time of each General Council, deliver to the said Secretary a list of the names of all the Minis- ters of this Church in their proper Dioceses, annexing the names of their respective cures, or of their stations in any Colleges or other Seminaries of Learning ; or, in regard to those who have not any cures or other stations, their places of residence only ; and the said list shall, from time to time, be published in the journals of the General Council. § 2. The Ecclesiastical Authority 4 of each Diocese shall, Admission «r during the intervals between the' meetings of the General -notifled. i Council, take such means of making known the admission of Ministers among them, as shall tend to prevent ignorant and unwary people from being imposed on by persons pre- tending to be authorized Ministers of this Church. CANON V. OF fllE MODE OF SECURING AN ACCURATE VIEW OF THE STATE OF THE CHURCH. § 1. As a full and accurate view of the state of the statement m i-a- Church, from time to time, is highly useful and necessary, it is hereby ordered that every Minister of this Church, or if the Parish be vacant, the Wardens or Vestry, shall dc- 4 rochial Reports. 34 TITLE ILt-GEKERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. canon v. liver, on or before the first day of every Diocesan Council, v Tf w to the Bishop of 'the Diocese, or -where there is no Bishop, to the President of the Council, a statement of the number of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and funerals, and of the number of communicants in his Parish or Church, also the state and condition of the Sunday Schools in his Parish, also of the amount of the Communion alms, the contribu- tions for Missions, Diocesan, Domestic and Foreign, for Parochial schools, for Church purposes in general, and of all other matters that may throw light on the state of the setucrt rg to m tepoit same. And every Clergyman, not regularly settled in , any renricea. Parish or Church, shall also report the occasional services he ma} T have performed ; and, if he have performed no such services, the causes or reasons which have prevented the same. And these reports, or such parts of them as the Bishop shall think fit, may be read in Council, and shall be entered on the journals thereof. Hahop's Address. § 2. At every annual Diocesan Council, the Bishop shall deliver an address, stating the affairs of the Dioces^ since the last meeting of the Council ; the names of the Churches which he has visited ; the number of persons confirmed ; the names of those who have been received as candidates for Orders, and of those who have been ordained, suspen-, ded, or degraded ; the changes by death, removal, or other- wise, which have taken place among the Clergy ; and, in general, all matters tending to throw light on the affairs of the Diocese ; which address shall be inserted on the journals. Putj of imocc- §8. The Secretaries' of the several Diocesan Councils shall forward to the House of Deputies, at every General Council, the journals of the different Diocesan Councils, Episcopal Charges, Addresses and Pastoral Letters since the last General Council, together with such other papers us may tend to throw light on the state of the Church in committee on in each Diocese. A Committee shall then be appointed to <:i.urciK L ( draw up a view of the state of the Church, and to make report to the House of Deputies; which report, when agreed to by the said House, shall be sent to the House of Bishops, with a request that they will prepare and publish a Pastoral pastomi Letter. Letter to the members of the Church. When any such letter is published, every Clergyman having a Pastoral charge shall read it to his Congregation on some occasion of public worship, condensed Re- § 4. The Bishop and Standing Committee of the Church Etocwe?" 1 La " in every Diocese, or, if there be no Bishop, the Standing Committee only, shall, prepare, previously to the meeting of TITLE II — GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. 35 I every General Council, a condensed report, and a tabular canon v. view of the state of the Church in their Diocese, com- ' — * — ' prising therein a summary of the statistics from the paro- chial reports, and from the Bishop's addresses, specifying the capital and proceeds of the Episcopal fund, aud of all benevolent and missionary associations of Churchmen within the Diocese, for the purpose of aiding the Commit- tee on the state of the Church, appointed by the House of Deputies, in drafting their reports. can ox VI. OF THE MODE OF PUBLISHING AUTHORIZED EDITION'S OF THE STANDARD BIBLE OF THIS CHURCH. The Ecclesiastical Authority in each Diocese of this rawona ofjta Church shall appoint, from time to time, some suitable rected br the 11 , , i 11 ■ v.- Standard. person or persons, to compare and correct all new editions of the Bible by the standard edition agreed upon by the General Council, and a certificate of their having been so compared and corrected shall be published with said book. CANOX VII. OF PUBLISHING EDITIONS OF THE I'.OOK of COMMON PRAYER. The Ecclesiastical Authoritv of this Church, in each (Wet jamma Diocese, shall appoint one or more Presbyters of the Dio- »««*. cese, who shall compare and correct every new edition of the Book of Common Prayer, the Articles, Offices, Metro j Psalms and Hymns, by a copy of the standard edition; and a certificate, specifying the name of the PifWishing House and the date of said edition, and that it has been so com- pared and corrected, shall be published with the same. And in case any edition shall be published without such correc- tion, it shall be the duty of the said Ecclesiafstical Author- ity to give public notice that such edition is not authorized by the Church. 36 TITLE II.— GENERAL REGULATIONS OF MINISTERS. Canon VIII. Psr«ch!al instruc tion. CANON vni. OF PAROCHIAL INSTRUCTION. The Ministers of this Church who have charge of par- ishes or cures, shall not only be diligent in instructing the children in the Catechism, but shall, also, by stated cate- chetical lectures and instruction, be diligent in informing the youth and others in the Doctrine, Constitution and Liturgy of the Church. TITLE III. OF DISCIPLINE. PunlshnU* of- CANON I. OF AMENABILITY AND OFFENCES FOR WHICH A MINISTER MAY BE TRIED AND PUNISHED. § 1. Every Minister shall be amenable for offences com- ToTvhom Min. mitted by him to the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese 18tersamena lc ' in which he is canonically resident at the time of the charge. § 2. Every Minister shall be liable to presentment and trial, for any crime or immorality, for disorderly conduct, fcnces - for drunkenness, for profane swearing, for frequenting places liable to be abused to licentiousnesness, and for violation of the Constitution or Canons of this Church, or of the Diocese to which he belongs ; and, on being found guilty, he shall be admonished, suspended, or degraded, according to the Canons of the Diocese in which the trial takes place. § 3. A Clergyman who presents a person to the Bishop for LUbUitT of Holy Orders, as specified in the office for Ordination, with- S?t r f U g men pre * out having good grounds to believe that the requisitions of the Canons have been complied with, shall be liable to Ecclesiastical censure. § 4. If a Minister of this Church shall be accused, by proceed^ on public rumour, of discontinuing all exercise of the minisie- pubUc rumc ' , "'• rial office without lawful cause, or of living in the habitual disuse of public worship or of the Holy Eucharist, accord- ing to the offices of this Church, or of being guilty of scan- dalous, immoral or disorderly conduct, or of violating the Canons, or preaching or inculcating heretical doctrine, it shall be the duty of the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, of the Clerical members of the Standing Committee, to see that an inquiry be instituted as to the truth of such public 38 TITLE III.— OF IMS* "I I'M ST.. canon l rumour. Aud in case of the individual being proceeded """"""* — ' against and convicted according to such rules or process as may be provided by the Councils of the respective Dioceses, he shall be admonished, suspended or degraded, as the nature of the case may require, in conformity with their respective Constitutions and Canons. CAXOX II. TRIAL OF PRESBYTERS AJSTD DEACONS [JNDEB MISSIONARY JURISDICTION. § 1. The jurisdiction of this Church extending in right, presentment, though not always in form, to all persons belonging to it within the Confederate States aud Territories, it is hereby enacted, that each Missionary Bishop shall have jurisdiction over the clergy in the district assigned him, and may, in case a presentment and trial of a clergyman become proper, request the action of any Presbyters and Standing Com- mittee, in any Diocese suilicicntly near, and the present- ment and trial shall be according to the Constitution aud Canons of said Diocese. Or, if there be .a Standing Com- mittee appointed by the Missionary Bishop, the clerical members thereof may make presentment, and the trial shall take place according to the Constitution aud Canons of any Diocese of this Church which may have been selected at the time of the appointment of such Standing Committee : Provided, That the Court shall be composed of at least three Presbyters, excluding the members of the Standing Committee and the accused. § 2. If any Minister of this Church, acting under a For- Prtaig. eign Missionary appointment, and within the jurisdiction of a Foreign Missionary Bishop of this Church, shall com- mit any offence for which Ministers may be tried and pun- ished, or shall refuse obedience to the lawful authority of the Missionary Bishop, such Clergyman shall be pro- ceeded against according to the Constitution aud Canons of any Diocese in this Church, which may have been selected at the tin\e of the appointment of the Standing Committee of such missionary jurisdiction : Provided, That a present- ment shall first be made by the members of said Standing TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. gcj, Committee, or, if the accused party be a member of the cammii. Standing Committee, by the other member or •members v — * — ' thereof. § 3. The Court for the trial of such Minister shall consist The court, of five Presbyters, excluding the members of the Standing Committee; or, if there be not five, then of all the mem- bers of such missionary jurisdiction. If tliere be more than five,, then shall the Standing Committee select, by lot, the five who shall compose the Court, which Court shall proceed in the trial, according to the Canons of the General Council of this Chhurch, so far as the same may be appli- cable to such a case ; and where no provision is made ade- quate to the exigency, the Court shall consider and adjudge the case according to the principles of law and equity § 4. The sentence of the Court shall be rendered to the sentence. Bishop of such missionary jurisdiction, who shall have power to revise and modify the same, and the decision of the Bishop shall be final and conclusive. CANOX III. OF A CLERGYMAN IN ONE DIOCESE OR MISSIONARY DISTRICT CHAGEABLE WITH MISDEMEANOR IN ANOTHER. §1. If a Clergyman of this. Church, belonging to any omaioeo Diocese or Missionary District, shall, in any other Diocese diomU* 1 or Missionary District, conduct himself in such a way as to be chargeable with misdemeanor, the Ecclesiastical Author-* ity thereof shall give notice of fhe same to the Ecclesiastical Authority where he is canonically resident, exhibiting, with the information given, reasonable ground for presuming its correctness! If the Ecclesiastical Authority, when thus • informed, shall omit, for the space of three months, to pro- ceed against the offending Clergyman, the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese or Missionary District, within which the alleged offence was committed, may intetitutc proceedings, and the decision given shall be conclusive. §2. If a Clergyman shall come temporarily into any Bishop may a*. iocese, under the imputation ot having elsewhere been guilty of- any crime or misdemeanor, or if any Clergyman, while sojourning in any Diocese, shall misbehave, the 40 TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. canon in. Bishop, upon probable cause, may admonish such Clergy- v v ' man, and 'forbid him to officiate in said Diocese. And if, after such prohibition, the said Clergyman so officiate, the Ecclesiastical Authority shall give notice to all the Clergy and Congregations in said Diocese, that the officiating of the said Clergyman is prohibited; and like notice shall be given to the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese to which the said Clergyman belongs. And such prohibition shall continue in force, until the Ecclesiastical Authority of the first named Diocese be satisfied of the innocence of the said Clergyman, or until he be acquitted on trial, case of cicrgy § 3. The provisions of the last Section shall apply to men ordained ia ,-*■, ■*■-.. -.. P . .. -, -r»- i • foreign countries. Clergymen ordained in foreign countries by Bishops in communion with this Church : Provided, That in such case notice of the prohibition shall be given to the Ecclesiastical Authority under whose jurisdiction the Clergyman shall appear to have last been, and also to all the Bishops exer- cising jurisdiction in this Church. CAXON IV. Of i;i-:xrxciATiON" of the ministry. mere n» pro- § 1 . If any Minister of this Church, against whom there ins- '" " is no Ecclesiastical proceeding instituted, shall declare, in writing, to the Ecclesiastical Authority to which he belongs, his renunciation of the Ministry, and his design not to officiate in future in any of the offices thereof, said Eccle- siastical Authority shall record the declaration so made. The Bishop shall then depolfe him from the Ministry, and pronounce and record in the presence of two or more Cler- gymen, that the person so declaring has been deposed from the Ministry of this Church ; and if there be no* Bishop in such Diocese, the same sentence may be pronounced by the Bishop of any other Diocese invited by the Standing Com- mittee to attend for that purpose, suspension of §2. If the Ecclesiastical Authority, to whom such decla- ration renouncing the Ministry is made, shall have reason to believe that the person has acted unadvisedly and hastily, all action thereupon may be forborne for the space of not more than six months, during which time the person may withdraw his application. u.tion. TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. § 3. If tlic Bishop shall haw ground to s tlie person to bo liable to presentment for any.cauoni,cal offence, he may, in his discretion, and with, the consent of the Standing Committee, proceed to"' nave the aprplicaat put iipon his trial, notwithstanding his having made the afor declaration ; and the same discretion is allowed to the ling Committee, 1 in case the Diocese should be without a Bishop. § 4. In the case of deposition from the Ministry, as above provided for, the Bishop snail give notice thereof to the Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese of this Church; and if the i Iergyman be dcpn.-v.vd for anything involving moral degradation, such notieo shall be road before every congregation of the Diocese to which lie belongs, on the occasion of public worship next After the reception of notice. 41 Cauon IV. of dero- ■■■<. CAXOX A'. OF THE AEAXDONMCXT OF THE COMMUNIOlj OF THIS Ciirilv'Il BY A PBESBJTTEK OR DEACON. § 1. h' any Presbyter or Deacon shall, without availing himself of the provisions of Canon IV. of this Title, abandon the Communion of this Church, either by an open renun- ciation of the doctrine, discipline, and worship of this Church, or by a formal admission into any religious body not in communion with the same, it shall be the duty of the Standing Committee of the Diocese to make certificate of the fact to the Bishop of the Diocese, or, if there be no Bishop, to the Bishop of an adjacent Diocese; which certi- ficate shall be recorded, and shall be taken and deemed by the Bishop as equivalent to a renunciation of the Ministry by the Minister himself. Notice shall then be given to the said Minister, by the said Bishop receiving the certificate, that unless he shall, within six months after being notified, make declaration that the facts alleged in said certificate are false, he will be deposed from the Ministry of this Church. § 2. And if such declaration be not made within six months as aforesaid, the Bishop shall depose said Minister from the Ministry, and pronounce and record, in the pres- ence of two or more Presbyters, that he has been so deposed. 4* Abandonment I II b lilt reu u li- gation. Certificate. Deposition. 42 v TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. canon v. Provided, nevertheless, That if the Minister so renouncing ^-^v — ' shall transmit to the Bishop receiving the certificate, a rroviso. re t r action of the acts or declarations constituting his offence, the Bishop may, at his discretion, abstain from any further proceedings. CANON VI. OF A CLERGYMAN ABSENTING HIMSELF FROM HIS DIOCESE. May be suspended. When a Clergyman has been absent from the Diocese to which he belongs, during two years, without reasons satis- factory to the Bishop thereof, he shall be required by the Bishop to declare the cause or causes thereof in writing; and if he refuse to give his reasons, or if they be deemed insufficient by the Bishop, the Bishop, after due notification of such insufficiency, may, with the advice and consent of the Clerical Members of the Standing Committee, suspend how long, him from the Ministry; which suspension shall continue until he shall give, in writing, sufficient reasons for his absence, or until he shall renew his residence in his Diocese, or until he shall renounce the Ministry according to Canon IV. of this Title. In the case of such suspension as the Notice to be given above provided for, the Bishop shall give notice thereof to the Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese of this Church. CANON VII. OF THE ABANDONMENT OF THE COMMUNION OF THE CHURCH BY A BISHOP. Abandonment If any Bishop abandon the Communion of this Church, Sp unl0 °' y either by openly renouncing its doctrine, discipline and worship, or by formally uniting himself with any religious body not in communion with the same, the Standing Com- mittee of the Diocese shall make certificate of the fact to the Senior Bishop, which certificate shall be recorded, and shall be taken and deemed as equivalent to a renunciation of the Ministry by the Bishop himself. TITLE [II.— OF DISCIPLINE. & Notice shall then be given to said Bishop by the Senior canon vn. Bishop receiving the certificate, that unless he shall, within „ ^"7Y~ "^ six months after being notified, make declaration that the facts alleged in said certificate are false, he will be deposed from the Ministry of this Church. , ,And if such declaration be not made within six months Deposition. as aforesaid, the Seni6r. Bishop,. with the consent of the majority of the Bishops entitled to seats in the House of Bishops, shall depose from the Ministry the Bishop so cer- tified as abandoning, and shall pronounce and record, in the presence of two or more Bishops, that he has been so deposed. CANON VIII. OF THE TRIAL OF A BISLIOF. § 1. Any Bishop of this Church may be presented for may c bo t r riTd ich trial on charges for the following offences, viz : (1.) Crime or immorality. (2.) Holding and teaching publicly, or pri- vately and advisedly, any doctrine contrary to that held by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. (3.) Violation of the Constitution or Canons of the General Council. (4.) Violation of the Constitution or Canons of the Diocese to which he belongs. (5.) Any act which involves a breach of his Ordination or Consecration vows, charges in -a-rums. § 2. [1.] The proceedings shall commence by charges in writing ; and, except when the charge is holding and teach- ing doctrine contrary to that held by this Church, shall be signed by either Five male Communicants of this Church, in good stand- ing, belonging to the Diocese of the accused, of whom two at least must be Presbyters ; or, By seven male Communicants of this Church, in good standing, of whom two at least shall be Presbyters, and three of which seven shall belong to the Diocese of the accused. [2.] Whenever a Bishop o£ this Church shall have reason mo ^ tioa oa ra - to believe that there are in circulation rumours, reports, or charges affecting his moral or religious character, he may, if he please, acting in conformity with the written advice and consent of any two of his brother Bishops whom he may select, demand of the Presiding Bishop of the House of Bishops, or if he be the Bishop affected by such rumours, 4 t . ' TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. canon vin; or if be be related to him within the degrees hereinafter s — v-- / mentioned, then to the Bishop next in seniority not so related, to convene a Board of Inquiry in the mode herein- after set forth, to investigate such rumours, reports, and charges, and to proceed, in all respects, according to the provisions of this Canon, as if charges had been formally made in either of the two modes first mentioned in this section. • • Lay Advocate. |"o.] "Whenever charges are formally made in either of the modes first above mentioned, the accusers may, if they choose, select a Lay Communicant of this Church, of the profession oi the law, to act as their adviser, advocate and agent, in preparing the accusation, proofs, etc., until such time as a Board of Inquiry is convened in such manner as is hereinafter provided for ; or they may prepare such cbargco to be charges themselves, without regard to any particular form ; certified ® *^ «/ l and, in either case, the grounds of accusation must be set , forth with reasonable certainty of time, place and circum- stance. ^Towhom&uv- § 3. The charges, having been prepared in either of the modes first above mentioned, shall then })Q delivered to the Presiding Bishop of this Church, if he be not the accused, nor related to the accused in any degree mentioned herein- after in this Canon; in either of which cases, the charges shall be delivered to the next Bishop in seniority not so related. Board of inquiry. § 4. A Board for making a preliminary inquiry into charges thus preferred, shall be constituted as follows, whenever such Board shall be necessary, viz : now constitute. [1.] The Presiding Bishop, or senior Bishop, as the case may be, to whom such charges are delivered, shall take the list of Deputies to the last General Council that was held before such charges were presented, and from that list shall choose by lot two Presbyters and two Laymen from the deputation of the Diocese of the accused, and two Presby- ters and two Laymen from each of the respective deputa- tions of the three Dioceses adjoining that of the accused ; and if there be not three adjoining, of the three nearest thereto ; and if more than three Dioceses adjoin that of the accused, those three that have the largest number of cauon- ically-resident Presbyters in them shall be accounted adjoin- ing, for the purposes of this Canon ; and the sixteen indi- viduals thus selected by lot shall constitute the Board of Inquiry, a majority of whom shall form a quorum for doing business. TITLE I1L— 01? DISCIPLINE. 45 -' [2.] The Presiding Bishop, or next in seniority as the c a vm. case may be, immediately alter thus selecting by lot the v * y Board of Inquiry, shall give notice thereof to each member ^^ t0 Mem " of said Board, and direct him to attend at a linn' and place designated by him, and organize the Board ; and it shall be the duty of each member so to attend. The place must *■&<* of meeting, be within the Diocese of the accused. The J 'residing Bishop shall, at the same time, send a copy of the charges copy of charges, to the senior Presbyter of those thus selected by lot from the four Dioceses. [3.] On assembling, the Board shall organize by choosing Boa Organization of rtt. from among themselves a President and Secretary, and shall also appoint a Church Advocate, who must be a Lay Com- municant of this Church, and of the profession of the law, and who thenceforward shall, in all stages of the proceed- ings, if a trial be ordered, represent the Church, and be the party on the one hand, while the accused is the party on the other. The sittings of the Board shall be private; swings privat?. the Church Advocate shall not attend as prosecuting counsel, but shall be at ail times at hand and in readiness to give his advice in all questions submitted to him by /he Board. [4.] In conducting the investigation, the Board shall hear Duty of the Board, the accusations and such proof as the accusers may produce, and shall determine whether, upon matters of law and of fact, as presented to them, there is sufficient ground to put the accused Bishop upon his trial ; and in such investigation, as well as in all cases of trial by an Ecclesiastical Court now authorized, or hereafter to be authorized, by the Constitu- tion or Canons of the General Council, the laws of the State in which such investigation or trial is had, so far as they relate to the law of evidence, shall be adopted and taken as Law or evidence, the rules by which the said Board or Court shall be gov- erned. If a majority of the Board present on such investi- gation shall be of opinion that there are sufficient grounds to put the accused Bishop upon his trial, the} 7 shall direct the Church Advocate to prepare a presentment, to be signed resentment. by such of the Board as agree thereto; and to that end, shall place in his hands all the charges, together with the testimony that has been laid before the Board. [5.] The Board shall then direct the Church Advocate to ^ to whom to be transmit to the Bishop from whom they received the charges, the presentment thus signed ; and shall cause him also, with- out delay, to send to the accused Bishop a copy of the same, certified by the Church Advocate to be correct. sent. 46 TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. canon via. [G.] If a majority of the Board present shall be of opinion v — v — ' that there is not sufficient ground to put the accused Bishop upon his trial, in such case, the charges, together with a ^Refusal to pro- certificate of the President of the Board of its refusal to make a presentment, shall be sent to the Secretary of the House of Bishops, to be deposited among the archives of vrien r tment fuUirc that House. Aud no proceedings shall thereafter be had by Except^,. wa 7 °f presentment on such charges, except upon the affidavit of a respectable Communicant of the Church, of the discovery of new testimony as to the facts charged, and setting forth what such testimony is. Limitation of time. [?•] No presentment shall be found in any ca^e, unless the alleged offence shall have been committed within five years next before the day on which the charges were deliv- ered to the Presiding or senior Bishop. But if the accused conviction in a shall have been convicted of the alleged offence in a State statecourt. court, notwithstanding five years may have elapsed since its commission, a presentment may be founded on charges delivered to the Presiding or senior Bishop at any time within one year after such conviction. Notice to accuswi ^5 n n When a presentment has been made by the on presentment. S WT -" 1 J . I . . _,. . •'_ Board of Inquiry, or a majority thereof, to the Bishop from whom they received the charges, it shall be the duty of such Bishop forthwith to give to the accused written notice to attend, at someplace hot more than one hundred miles from the place of residence of the accused Bishop, and at some time not less than twenty days after the time of serving such notice, either personally, or by some agent authorized by him in writing to act for him in the premises, for the purpose of selecting the Bishops who shall form the Court for the And to church trial of the said accused Bishop upon the said presentment. He shall also give notice to the Church Advocate of the ■0%,. time and place appointed for such selection. ^Formation of j-o.] At the time and place appointed in the notices, the Bishop who has given the notices shall attend; and, in the presence of the accused Bishop, or of his agent authorized as aforesaid, and also in the presence of the Church Advo- cate, or of such person or persons as may attend in his behalf, or, if no person shall attend on behalf of one or , both, of two Presbyters named by himself, the said Bishop shall cause placed in a vessel the names of all the Bishops of this Church entitled to seats in the House of Bishops, then being within the territory of the Conied- erate States, except the accused and those Bishops who may be related to him either bv consanguinity or affinity, in the Court. TITLE III.- OF DISCIPLINE. 47 direct ascending or descending line, or as brother, uncle, or canon wa nephew. He shall then cause seven of the said names to Stv ^TCd^w D be drawn. The names so drawn shall be entered upon a' list as they are drawn, and the accused or his agent may strike off the list one name, and the said Church Advocate or his agent another name, and so as to reduce the number to five. If it shall happen that either party shall neglect or refuse to strike, then the Bishop who has given the notices shall reduce the number to five, by striking off so many of Reduced to five. the last drawn names' as will reduce the list to that number. The five Bishops whose names remain, or a majority of them, when assembled, shall constitute the Court for the trial of the accused upon the presentment. [3.] The Court having been thus constituted, the Bishop be ™tfo&rt! ,m " to whom the presentment was made shall immediately com- municate to each Bishop who has thus been by lot designa- ted as one of the triers, the fact that he is a member of the Court. He shall appoint a time and place for the asssem- bling of the Court. The time shall not be less than two n " ie - nor more than six calendar months from the day on which the notice should arrive at the most distant Diocese, in the ordinary course of the public mail. The place shall be Place. within the Diocese or Missionary field of the accused Bishop, unless where the same may be of such difficult access, in the judgment of the Presiding or senior Bishop, that reason- able convenience may require the appointment of another location. And the said senior Bishop shall cause the Church Advocate to send certified copies of the said presentment certified copies, to all the Bishops who constitute the Court. [4.] The Bishop to whom the presentment lias been made cu ^ nm0Mtoao: shall also immediately communicate to the accused the names of the members of the Court, and inform him of the time and place appointed for its meeting, and summon him then and there to appear and answer. He or any other Bishop of this Church having charge of a Diocese, shall have power, until the Court assembles, upon the application Ami to witnesses, of either the Church Advocate or the accused, to issue a summons for witnesses. § 6. The Bishops who constitute the Court, or a majority ,,,' ,',;;;; ^ of *•■ of them, having assembled according to the notice given them, which notice it is hereby made their duty to obey, shall proceed as follows, viz : [1.] They shall elect a President out of their own num- (:) ,.^'' si,l '■ ,;, and her, and appoint a Presb}tcr of the Church as Clerk, and if necessary, another Presbyter as Assistant Clerk; and whoi; 48 TITLE [II.— OF DISCIPL B sentmen cunonvin. thus organized the President shall- direct the CJl,erk to call v "*" v ' the names of the Church Advocate .and the 'accused; and if both appear, he shall then cause the Clerk to read the •■ i«- presentment which was delivered to the Presiding or seiftior Bishop, whose duty it is hereby made to deliver the same to the Court upon its organization. [2.] The accused shall then be called u] the Court to' say whether he is guilty or not guilty of the q '& or offences charged against him, and his plea shall be duly recorded; and on his neglect Or refusal to plead, the plea, of not gi^) l y shall he entered for 'him, and the trial shall proceed: Provided, That, for sufficient cause, the Court may adjourn from time to time; and Proridr \ also, That the accused shall, at all times during the trial, have liberty to be present, and in due time and order produce his testimony, and to make his defence.- [8.] If the accused neglect or refuse to appear in person, according to the notice served on him as aforesaid, except for some reasonable cause to be allowed by the Court, they shall proceed to pronounce him in contumacy, and notify him that sentence of suspension or degradation will he pronounced against him by the Court at the expiration of three months, unless within that time he tender himself ready, and accordingly appear to take his trial on the pre- sentment. But if the accused shall not tender himself before the expiration of the said flyec months, sentence of suspension or degradation from the Ministry may be pro- nounced against him by the Court. [4.] The accused being present, and the trial proceeding, it shall be conducted according to the principles of the Common Law, as the same arc generally administered in the Confederate States ; nor shall any testimony be received at the trial, except from witnesses who have signed a decla- ration in the following words, to be read aloud before the witness testifies, and to be filed with the records of the Court : " I, A. B., a witness summoned to testify on the trial of a presentment against the Right Rev. , a Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, now pending, do most solemnly call (tod to witness that the evidence I am about to give shall he the {ruth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ; so help me God !" And if it be necessary to take the testimony of an absent witness on a commission, such testimony shall be preceded by a similar written declaration of the witness, which shall be tiled and transmitted with his or her deposition to the Provisos. Non-appearance. Contnmac)'. Three laont! graft. Common Lav. the rule of pro- ceeding. Declaration of witness. Deposition. TITLE in.— OF DISCIPLINE. - 49 Court. The testimony of eacli witness shall be reduced to canon vm. writing. And in case there is ground to suppose that the v — v — ' attendance of any witness on tlfb trial cannot be obtained, it shall be lawful for cither party to apply to the Court if m session, or if not, to any member thereof, who shall there- upon appoint a commissary to take the deposition of such commjaary. witness ; and such party so desiring to take the deposition, shall give to the other party reasonable notice of the time and place of taking such deposition, accompanying such notice with the interrogatories to be propounded to the witness ; whereupon it shall be lawful for the other party, within six days after such notice, to propound cross-inter- v^vnaBa*. rogatories ; and such interrogatories and cross-interrogato- ries, if any be propounded, shall be sent to the commissary, who shall thereupon proceed to take the testimony of such witness, upon oath or affirmation, and transmit it under seal to the Court; But no deposition shall be road at the tl0 ° n d ™*- trial, unless the Court have reasonable assurance that the bttread - attendance of the witness cannot be procured, or unle both parties shall consent that it may be read. Provided, rrovi*>. That in any Diocese in which the civil government has .authorized the Ecclesiastical Courts therein to issue sum- mons for witnesses, or to administer an oath, the Courl I act in conformity to such laws. [5.] All notices ana paper i may be serve \ I y a summoner s v^° ) ^ e ^ >ticc8 or summouers, to be appointed by the Court when the same is in session, or by a member thereof; and the certificate of any 8U< 1 .-ummoucr shall be evidence of the due service Of a notice or paper. In ease of service by any other person, the fact may be proved by the affidavit of such person. The delivery of a written notice or paper to the accused .^Vc 1 . 1 "'" 3 of party, or to the Church Advocate, or leaving it, or a copy thereof, at the residence, or last known residence, of cither. shall be deemed sufficient service of such notice or paper, on the Church* Advocate and accused respectively, If the person to be served with any notice or paper shall have left the Confederate States, it shall be a sufficient service thereof to leave a copy of such notice, or paper at his last place of abode within the Confederate 3, sixty days before the day on which the appearance, or other' act required by the said notice or paper, is to be performed. [G.] The accused party may, if he think proper, have the uv ,^^Lu iiy aid of c : and if he should choose to have more than one counsel, the Church Advocate may have assistant • 5 50 TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. Opinion of Court. canon viii. advocates, to be named by the accusers ; but in every case ^"^ ' the Court may regulate the number of counsel who shall address the Court or examine witnesses. The Church Advocate shall be considered the party on one side, and the conSSnTc e ant s. be accused on the other. All counsel must be Communicants of the Church. [7.] The Court, having fully heard the allegations and proofs of the parties, and deliberately considered the same, after the parties have withdrawn, shall declare respectively, whether, in their opinion, the accused is guilty or not guilty of each particular charge and specifications con- tained in the 'presentment, in the order in which they are set forth ; and the accused shall be considered as not guilty of every charge and specification of which he shall not be pronounced guilty by a majority of the members of the Court. [8.] The decision of the Court as to all the charges and specifications of which a majority of the members of the Court have found him guilty, shall be reduced to writing, and signed by those who assent to it ; and a decision pro- nouncing him not guilty of all those charges and specifi- cations of which a majority shall not have pronounced him* guilty, shall also be drawn up, and signed by those who assent to it ; and the decision thus signed shall be regarded as the judgment of the Court, and shall be pronounced in the presence of the parties, if they shall think proper to attend. [9.] If the accused shall be found guilty of any charge or specification, the Court shall proceed to ask him whether he has anything to say before the -sentence is passed, and may, in their discretion, give him time to prepare what he wishes to say, and appoint a time for passing the sentence ; and before passing sentence, the Court may adjourn from time to time, and give the accused reasonable opportunity of showing cause to induce a belief that justice has not been done, or that he has discovered new testimony ; and the Court, or a majority of its members, may, according to a sound discretion, grant him a new trial. Before passing sentence, the accused shall always have the oppor- tunity of being heard, if he have aught to say in excuse or palliation. [10.] The accused having been heard, or not desiring to be heard, the sentence of the Court shall then be pro- nounced, and shall be either admonition, suspension as Accused to be heard. TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. 51 defined by the existing Canons of this Church, or degra- cmonvni. dation, as the offence or offences adjudged to be proved "—"v ' shall seem to deserve. It shall be the duty of the Court, whenever sentence has been pronounced, whether it be upon a trial, or for contumacy, to communicate such sen- tence to the Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese of this Church ; and it shall be the duty of such Authority to sentence to i* , ill /->n communicated. cause such sentence to be made known to every Clergyman under his jurisdiction. [11.] Every Court shall keep a full record of its proceed- Record, ings, including the whole evidence given before it. Should any Court refuse to insert in its* record a statement of any testimony which has been received, or of any decision which the Court has made, or of any fact which has occurred in Court, or any paper which either party has produced, it shall be the right of either party to file an exception in Exceptions. writing, containing a statement of such evidence, decision or fact, or referring to or describing such paper, which paper shall also be filed with the exception. All exceptions and papers so filed shall become parts of the record. [12.] Such records shall be kept by the Clerk, and in- at ^ kei,t and serted in a book, to be attested by the signatures of the President and Clerk. Every such book, and all papers connected with any trial, shall be deposited with the Regis- trar of the General Council. Such books and papers shall be open to the inspection of every member of this Church. [13.] Every Court, constituted under the authority of Lay adrfwra, this Canon, may be attended by one or more Lay advisers, who shall be Communicants of this Church, and of the profession of the law. Such advisers may be present at all the proceedings of the Court, but they shall have no vote in any case whatever ; it shall be their duty to give in per- son to the Court an opinion on any question not theological, upon which the Court, or any member thereof, or either party, shall desire an opinion. If a dispute shall arise whether any question be or be not theological, it shall be decided by the Court by a majority of votes. The Court may always, by unanimous consent, appoint an adviser or advisers. If they are not unanimous, each member of the Court may name a candidate ; if not more than three are named, they all shall be advisers ; if more than three are named, the Court shall reduce them to three by lot. § 7. [1.] Any Bishop of this Church may be presented e^l^f^ trine. 52 TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. Canon VIII. To whom dressed. Quorjm. Xuiaber to con- vict. Oharzes Against Missiou'ry Bishop Bishop without Jurisdiction, Mode of trying. for holding and teaching doctrine inconsistent with that of this Church, by an}' Bishop in communion with this Church, and not under suspension or degradation. 2^"o Bishop shall be presented in any other mode for this offence ; and it shall not be lawful for two or more persons to unite in any such presentment. The Bishop making such presentment shall appoint a Church Advocate. [2.] Every presentment for alleged erroneous doctrine shall be signed by the person making it, and shall be addressed to the Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, and delivered to the senior Bishop entitled to a seat in the House of Bishops, and not being the accused or the accuser, whose duty it shall be to convene a Court for the trial of the accused. The Court shall be composed of all the Bishops entitled to seats in the House of Bishops, except the accuser and the accused. Three-fourths of such Bishops shalbconstitute a quorum ; but the consent of two-thirds of all the Bishops entitled to seats in the House of Bishops shall be necessary to a conviction. § 8. [1.] If charges be preferred against a Missionary Bishop, who is not a Diocesan, such Missionary Bishop shall be required by the Presiding or senior Bishop to name some one of the three Dioceses nearest to his District or Missionary field ; and such selection having been made, the proceedings shall then be precisely such as, under this Canon, they would be were he the Diocesan of the Diocese named by him. Should the Missionary Bishop refuse to name a Diocese, then the Presiding Bishop may name any one of the three above designated, and the eftcct shall be the same as if the nomination had been made by the accused Missionary Bishop. [2.] If charges be preferred against a Bishop having no jurisdiction, he shall be proceeded against precisely as if he were the Diocesan of the Diocese in which he has his civil residence. T3.] Any Foreign Missionary Bishop shall, on present- ment by two-thirds of the Missionaries under his charge, for immorality or heresy, or for a violation of the Consti- tution or Canons of this Church, be tried, and, if found guilty, sentenced, in all particulars .as if he were actually resident within the limits of the Confederate States, except that the trial may be within any Diocese in the Confederate States. TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. 53 Canon IX. CANON IX. w v -^ OF SENTENCES. § 1. Whenever the penalty of suspension shall be suspension, inflicted on a Bishop, Priest or Deacon in this Church, the sentence shall specify on what terms, or at what time, said penalty shall cease. , § 2. [1.] When any Minister is degraded from the Holy Degradation. Ministry, he is degraded therefrom entirely, and not from a higher to a lower Order of the same. No degraded or no restoration, deposed Minister shall be restored to the Ministry. [2.] Whenever a Clergyman shall be degraded or deposed, (i .;;^ e of aep * the Bishop who pronounces sentence shall, without delay, give notice thereof to the Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese, and to each Minister, (or to the Vestry, if there be no Minister,) of the Diocese to which the degraded or deposed Minister belongs, in which notice it shall be stated whether or no the degradation or deposition be for causes affecting his moral character; and each Minister in said Dio- cese shall give notice thereof to his congregation on the first occasion of public worship next occurring. CANON X. OF THE REMISSION OR MODIFICATION OF JUDICIAL SENTENCES ON BISHOPS. The Bishops of this Church, who are entitled to seats in the House of Bishops, may altogether remit and terminate any judicial sentence imp'osed by Bishops acting collectively as a judicial tribunal ; or modify the same so far as to designate a precise period of time, or other specific contin- gency, on the occurrence of which, such sentence Bhall utterly cease, and be of no further force or effect: Provided, That no such remission or modification shall be made except at a meeting of the House of Bishops, during the session of some General Council, or at a special meeting of the said A cVoT a speSi Bishops, which shall be convened by the Presiding Bishop on the application of any five Bishops; three months' notice in writing, of the time, p4ace and object of the meeting being given to each Bishop, or sent to his usual place of abode: meeting. 54 TITLE III.— OF DISCIPLINE. Majority assenting Provided, also, That such remission or modification be assented to by a number of said Bishops not less than a majority of the whole number entitled at the time to seats in the House of Bishops ; and provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to alter the effect of Canon IX. of this Title. CAXOX XI. REGULATION'S RESPECTING THE LAITY. Kemoyai of com- § 1. A Communicant removing from one Parish to another, shall procure from the Rector of the Parish of his last residence, or, if there be no Rector, from one of the Wardens, a certificate stating that he or she is a Commu- nicant in good standing ; and the Rector of the Parish or Congregation to which he or she removes shall not be required to receive him or her as a Communicant until such letter be produced. Bishop to be in. §2. As one of the rubrics of this Church requires that formed. ■»*■•• ,,. n ,-. . i H ■ every Minister repelling from the Communion shall give an account of the same to the Ordinary, it is hereby provided, that, information of the same being laid before the Ordi- nary, that is the Bishop, it shall not be his duty to institute an inquiry, unless there be a complaint made to him in wri- ting by the repelled party. But on receiving complaint, p iafm , . Urycmcom " th e bishop shall institute an inquiry, as may be directed by the Canons of the Diocese in which the event has taken place; and the uotice,. given as above by the Minister, shall be a sufficient presentation of the party repelled. § 3. Persons desiring to act habitually as Lay Readers may do so with the consent of the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese in which they arc thus to read. Lay Reader TITLE IV. OF THE ORGANIZED BODIES AND OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH. CATON I. OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL. • § 1. [1.] The right of calling special meetings of the specw meeting*. General Council shall be in the Bishops. This right shall be exercised by the Presiding Bishop, or, in case of his death, by the Bishop who, according to the rules of the House of Bishops, is to preside at the next General Council : Provided, That the summons shall be with the consent, or on the requisition of a majority of the Bishops, expressed to him in writing. [2.] The place of holding any Special Council shall be riace. that selected by the preceding General Council for the meeting of the next General Council, unless circumstances shall render a meeting at such a place unsafe ; in which case, the Presiding Bishop may appoint-some other place. [3.] The Deputies elected to the preceding General Coun- sameDepuHea. cil shall be the Deputies at such Special Council, unless in those cases in which other Deputies shall have been chosen in the meantime by any of the Diocesan Councils, and then such other Deputies shall represent in the Special Council the Church of the Diocese in which they have been chosen. § 2. [1.] The journals, files, papers, reports and other Kegistrar. documents, which, under Canon Y. of Title II., entitled Of Securing an Accurate View of the State of the Church, or in any other manner, shall become the property of either House of the General Council of this Church, shall be committed to the keeping of a Presbyter to be elected by the House' of Deputies, upon nomination of the House of Bishops, who shall be known as the Registrar of the General Council. [2.] It shall be the duty of the said Registrar to procure madaMe* all such journals, files, papers, reports and other documents 56 TITLE IV*.— OF THE ORGANIZED BODIES AND OFFICERS. canon i. dow in existence ; to arrange, label, file, index and other- v — y — ^ wise put in order, and provide for the safe keeping of the same, and all such others as may hereafter come into his possession, in fire-proof box or boxes, in some safe and accessible place of deposit, and to hold the same under such regulations and restrictions as the General Council may from time to time provide. Kecordof con- [3.1 It Email be the duty of the said Registrar to procure a proper book of record, and to enter therein a record of the consecrations of all the Bishops of this Church, desig- nating accurately the time and place of the same, with the names of the consecrating Bishops, and of others present and assisting ; to have the same authenticated in the fullest manner practicable ; and to take care for the similar record and authentication of all future consecrations in this Church. . Expenses. [4.] The expenses necessary for the purposes contemplated by this section shall bo provided for by vote of the General Council, and defrayed by the Treasurer of the same. N ccmn cii? loccsan § 3. The Secretary of the House of Deputies, whenever any alteration of the Constitution is proposed, or any other subject submitted to the consideration of the several Diocesan Councils, shall give a particular notice thereof to the Ecclesiastical. Authority of this Church in every Diocese. § 4. At every triennial meeting of the General Council, a Treasurer shall be chosen by the House of Deputies and confirmed by the House of Bishops, who shall remain in office until the next stated Council, and until a successor be appointed. It shall be his duty to receive and disburse all moneys collected under the authority of the Council, and of which the collection and disbursement shall not other- wise be regulated; and to invest, from time to time, for the benefit of the Council, such surplus funds as he may have on hand. His account shall be rendered triennially to the Council, and shall be examined by a Committee acting vacancy; how (o nnder its authority. In case of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer, it shall be supplied by an appointment to be made by the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese to which he belonged; and the person so appointed shall continue to act until an appointment be made by the Council. E uui council in " ' § 5. In order that the contingent expenses of the General Council may be defrayed, the Several Diocesan Councils shall forward to the Treasurer of the General Council, at or before any meeting thereof, live dollars for each Clergy- man within such Diocese. Treasurer, hi duties. TITLE IV. -OETIIE ORGANIZED nODIE? VXD OFFICER? CAXoX II. OF STANDING COMMITTEES. S 1. In every Diocese there shall be a Standing Commit- tee, to be appointed by the Council thereof, whose duties, except so far as provided for by the Canons of the General Council, maybe prescribed by the Canons of the respective Dioceses. They shall elect from their oT^. shall belong to the Diocese within which their Church building? is located. TITLE: V. VIISCELLANpOtlS PKOVISIONS. I ■ ■ !.. . <>: !•..-•;; y ED CANONS viuqpwi ?Whe] jverthere shall be a repealing clause in any Canon, and the said Canon shall be repealed, such repeal shall not be a re-enactment of the Canon or Canons repealed by the ••nid repealing clause U-A"N*ON [I: OF-TIIE RE1 lJ ' L51> EXA< 1 KENT <>!•' CANONS. Vom ot Ln all cases of future enactment, the same, if by way of amendment of an existing provision, shall be in the follow, ing form : "Canon (or Section of Canon , or Clause of Section of Canon ) of Title , is hereby amended so as to read as follows:" And if the enactment is of an additional Clause, Section or Canon, it shall be designated as the next Canon, or next Section, or next Clause, of a Canon, or Section, in the order of num- bering, of the Title to which the subject properly belongs ; and if a Canon or Section or Clause be stricken out, the existing numbering shall bo retained, until a new edition of the Canons be directc ] 'REPEAL, AMENDMENT AND ENACTMENT? 01 CANONS ,.' The Committee on Canons of each House of the Geueral moa u. Council shall, at the close of each Session, appoint two of v — \ — ' their number to certify tho changes, if any, made in tl< {whom Canons, and to report the same, with the proper arrange- ment thereof, to the Secretary, who shall print the samo in the Joura Hollinger Corp. P H8.5