^f4^3 Duke University Libraries (Estimate for a Conf Pam #443 MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Jan. 6, 1865. To the Senate and House of Eepresentatives : 1 herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of War, covering an estimate for an additional ap- propriation required by the Bureau of Engineers. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION OF SECRETARY OF WAR. Confederate States op Aserica, ) War Department, > Richmond, Va., January 6, 1865. ) To the President of the Confederate States : Sir.— I have the honor to transmit herewith an estimate, pre- pared by the Chief of the Engineer Bureau, for the additional sum of five million dollars, required by that branch of the service, du- ring the six months, commencing January Ist, and ending June 30, 1865. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. COMMUNICATION OF CHIEF OF ENGINEER BUREAU. CoirFEDERA.TE STATES OF AMERICA, ) War Department, Engineer Bureau, > Richmond, Va., January 5th, 1865. ) Hon, James A. Seddon, /Secretary of War, Richmond, Va ; Sir: — I have the honor to state, that in consequence of the in- creased expenditures for repairs to railroads, torpedo service, and other incidertal Eno^ineer operations, the additional sum of five viillion dollars ($5,000,000) for Engineer service for the six months ending June 30th, 1865, will be required, thus making the total estis, mate for that period, fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.) A''erv respectfully, your obedient servant, J. F. GILMER, Maj. Gen. and Chief of Bureau, pH8.5