Duke University Libraries Jackson is dead Conf Pam #775 JACKSON IS DEAD! BY REBEL. — — :o: Jackson is dead! Ard the trars of a nation Rise with the prayers of the millions that pray. Jack^ion is dead! And the sad revelation Lifts the sweet incense from alters to-day. Liberty bent o'er her champion sleeping, And shrieked as the conqueror fled from (he earth; His country beside his still coffin is weeping — Tear-drops of blood from the land of his birth. Jacknon is dead! Weep matron and nSaiden For him who his life for cur safety did spend; Weef o'er the urn with his honored du*t laden, The hero, the husband, the father and friend. Weep, for his arm wa." wield«d to save you From insult and outrage, from ruin and shame; Weep, for his life he willingly gave you, A stranger to fortune, a spurner of fame. Jackfion is dead! and the camp is in mourning Its veterans honored by many a sca*^; And warriors who, life and snfTering ^corning, Have breakted the angry tornado of war. Bow down their heads when they hear his name spoken And weep scalding tears for (he hero they love, And kneeling ttiey pray that the spirit, now broken; May kindle its flame frojn the hero's above. Jackson is dead! Bear sofily his ashes, And lay thfm to rest n*ar Mount Vernon's green vale, He hears not the cannon, he heeds not the flatihes, For Wa^hitjgton greets him a happy "AH Hail!" Together they f-leep, proud rivals in glory, No longer they toil where the wild carnage raves, But history gilds the blight laurel ot t-tory To beam with new lustre above the twin graven. Jackson is dead! Disturb not his slumber. But smoothe the soft pillow that raises his head, While living he spurned the foul toe without number, Let not their pollution disturb his when dead, Then, Soldiers, come swear, and the oath «s you word it Let angels record with their pens from on high, Swear by your swoids, and God shall record it, Swear to avenge him, or by him to die! Jackson is dead! Place the sod on his bosom, The wreath of his glory let history twine; For his grave shall be sought by the pilgrims of freedom, The Mecca of nations, his proud country's shrine. Then, youth, maid, and matron, and grandsires hoary, Kneel by his grave for 'tis blessed and free; Great in his goodness, and good in his glory. The spot wbete he sleeps must be sacred to thee, Jackson is dead! And the Angels in heaven Gather to welcome his soul from the sod, And strewing his pa*b with celestial flowers, They lead him with song to the presence of God; And olushing he takes the bright crown with the grectiog He hears io the voice of Jcbovah alone — Then Heaven applauds, and the Angels repeating The senteuce eternal, I'Good Servaat, weti doo«r* J M'jor Oeneral G. H. . Qfner*! J. K. Anderson'j lick and 59(h Yirjrinuk Pivkttft Diriiion Brigade (3ei?er*l J. L. Eemper'a BrijrAdo #9tli and ll:h Alabama. > Ofeneral G. E PickeU'a Bria*d(»-{ Colonel Corke,) 44 -.h and 47th North OirdHaa, iMti Vir- / iyfcoeral W, S. Fe«theratone'« BrteaJe— 27th and 28ty Gi»orr 6ViK;ru[ ;. ' l.an't Oieuiom. a 'tv, "/^^ Kerthav ..~Ui, U md 3d ^ineral Setninos's Brigade— Oeorci* "ir'iWTtfi e^eral W. H. Echol'a Brigade— Vi^giaift r«i- Ments. . Colonel WarreVB B'-iffada-VIrginU rerimcnta. Cfloncl Woltard'i Brigade— Virginia and North Oatolina regimenta. J/«/ar GcntraL J. E.-Hoo'^'t OtVW'itt j - -' '■"— ' - H. Andursoc'i L^ • N^rth .th, 8th, 9;h and ia., ' ii d Toxau Brigade— - , . _j and Ch Tejiifi. _ cJle M. Law'B Brifade-7;h, ISibjCWfo and 21st,4laUnia. ,- • , ,[4 j,, .„.„i Cdl. BenBicg'a Brigade- 24, :16th, 17MkM«aaih QeorijJt. Gan. Max9y'8 BrtpadcT— Isji, Slji and 39th Ala- barnn and let G-orgia. ' HiaOl^p OOaPd— LIEUTSNANT OKRKUAL RICHABD 8. 7- BWBLL, OOMlWASDiHG. And if peace stouW^'fes+tiopeles's and Jqstiie denied. '^lo .*« ^ ^" And ^va,r'« ■bl«'tff8'fi.K1; •''.ri-arii. •- n.-^-tr *-. .And li. : .iVe! _ [Major OenermtJ. A. KarTe^V Dioision. Qva. Gordon's Brigade- (Jih, tOth, ICtB and 23d Geoigia. • .GA. RansmV Brigade— 24th, 25th, 2Cth, 35th «ad 4i)th North Caroliai. ' ,».. ujifi^- B*rksdale'a Brigade— 13th, 17th, 18th and ^(Bt Mississippi. Gan. H. L. Wright's Brigade-3J, 4th and 22d Geoilgia aad Isfc Lonisians. Geo. Oryines's Brlgade-3j, IgJ ^gilk d 6th LoBUiana. ' * __^ - Major S^neraJ. M. J'oJlnron^W^itie**"^ " "THE SOUTHEKN. CROSS." ^ (111' ..\c:iii Miij ?.■■»>, ihvodRl) tlin gl6olii*nnd ! 1,, . I , n , liift t, imre cou- l^ilit- ilie .->AU,i>o^ol love au.l vrdpniption its form, --" '- ". Asiittpoiui-* tr> thiB.haven of hope for the na- tion. . How lull Hint each s'av, as the hoacon afar, Givinp; itiomifp of jieace, or assurance In -war! 'TIs tU*'' Cross of the SoiitJi,- which shall ever re- main To light us to fn-edojn and glory asam! lio'W poJtccful and West wns America's soil -Till hetray'd by the guile of the Puritan demon, ..1' 1.11(1 'u . ■\Vhic)i links u)[^de.rVir|u$> aiid springs from its coil To ffvSten its fant;' in thelife-hlood of freemen. Then l.oldly appeal to each heart that can feel, ,' , And crush the ioui viper 'neath Liljcrty ? heel! And the tVw^- (flhe !ii\ittt'f^n\\ in trlnmph re- I main .^o light us to freedom and glory again! ' 'Tisthe emblem of peace, Mis the day star of ; [1 hope, • X.lke the sacred Laharufii that Ruidcd tho JJo- maii; ' ■ . From the :ilh shall in ttininiiji remain ■ 'i- • '• | ( To light us 10 freedom and glory again! <, liir J GbMdral W. U. \SiDima 10 h and 15th Louiriana. ^ QtWT&l EL Ji£. Ohodei 12Rttr>Qv. Oonrad PoseVi B l«'.b Mississippi. '^''^'' Xa^or General Inane Gon. OoUto&'s BrigMl Lottisiana. Getl. il. Hare'3 Brigad and C7th X o«rt»-< T<'.«r TbeH death o! How n.'JLl ci Lf. c„r brief ftnuouncement, tb* j3ytd f.he pleajuro of a pi Mrs. Pierc?, and Itnew h the ties of n.ntual affa bound the huiband and ^ petiah&bla love. Bhe v soul, a woman of rare s lored by an extensive oi and held by them in a m Bhe had been a fragile a else, indeed, than a valet death of her little sm^ thirteen years ago. Fr< reavement she never ree her, the glltterirg ditpli connected with the eleri band to what was then 1 the world, isto the m< fleeting moclcerles. Al prcmpced by anxious afiiE nrr sbatiored health was b«t even a residence xn. \ Madiera, among the viae beautiful ot the Islands o to restore the bloom and whcee heart .wAB»lre| Vihere her lost selfh-'SEOwr] The to . iy. tra- Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 N