^: [HousK OF Representatives.] HOUSE OF UEPRESENTATIVES, Jim. 4, 180 f— roslpoae.l, placed on the Calendar, and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Milks.] A. BTLT^ To bo entitled An Act repealing existing, and regulating future, ex- emptions from military service. 1 Section 1. T/tr, Congress of the. Confederate States of America do 2 enact. That from and after the passage of this act, all acts and 3 parts of acts exempting persons from military service be, and the 4 same are hereby, repealed, except in so far as they relate to 5 odicers of the Confederate and State Governments ; and hereafter 6 no otl\^r persons shall be exempt from such service than the fol- 7 lowing, to ■svit : .Ml who shall be hold to be unfit for military ser- 8 vice, under rule.^ to bo prescribed by the Secretary of War, and 9 such other persons as the said Secretary, with the approval of the 1(1 President, may deem it expedient to exempt in view of the fact — 1 I which must be satisfactorily established — that such persons can 12 by their skill, labor, occupation or employment, better subserve 13 the vital interests of the country, and contribute more substan^ 2 14 tially to its defence outside of tbe army than in its ranks: Pro- 15 xnded. That even in such cases, absolute exemptions from military 16 service shall not be granted, if, in the opinion of the Secretary, of 17 War, the same end can be attained by regularly enrolling and 18 detailing for specific times, and stated purposes, the persons 19 whose skill, labor, occupation or employment may make their 20 services more valuable out of thin in the actual ranks of the 21 aimy.