SENATE, November 7, IS64. — Ordered to be laid upon the table and j>rintcil. [lijr Pfesidf.nt pro tern] LETTER FROM THK GOYKKNOR OF VIRGINIA, Cnmmun'Citing a series of Ue^ pa>s^rl nf. a 3f('cfing of the Govern- ors of the Slntrs of Virginia. North C'irolina, South Carolina, Gear' gia, Alnbamn and 3Ilssissippi^ held in Augusta, Ga., 07i Mond-it/, the Mth day of October, |S64. State of V[rginia, \ Exeaitive Departmmt, \ Richmond, November 7, 1864. ) To the President of fj'e Senate of the (hngress of the Confederate. States : Sir: I herewith enclose the proceedings of the Governors of sev- eral of the Slates of the Confederacy, which you will please present to your body. I am, fiir. Yours most respectfully, VVM. SMITH. At n meeting of the Governors of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, held in Augusta, Georgia, on Monday, the 17th day of October, 1864, Gov- ernor William Smith presiding, after a full, free and harmonious con- sultation and interchange of counsel, the following, among other views, were expressed : Kcsolved, That there is nothing in the present aspect of public affairs to caufe any abatement of our zeal in the prosecution of the war to the accomplis^hment of a peace based on the indcpendepee of the Confederate States. And to give encouragement to our brave Boldicrs in the field, and to strengthen the Confederate authorities in the pursuit of this desirable end, we will use our best exertions to increase the effective force of our armies. Resolved, That the interests of each of our Stales are identical ic the present struggle for solf-government, and wisdom nnd true pa- triotism dictate that the irilitnrv forces of ettch should aid the others against invasion and subjugation, and for thi> purpose we will recom- mend to our several Lefii^^latures to repeal all sucli laws as piohibit the executives from sending iheir forces bevond their respective lim- its, in order that tht?^ may render temporary service wiijrever most urgently recjuired. Mcsnlvid, That whilst it is our purpose to use every exertion to increase the strength and efficiency of our j>tate and Confederate forces, wo re- spectfully and earnestly request that the ('onfederate authorities will send to the field every able-bodied man, without exception, in any of its various departments, whose place can be filled by either disabled offi- cers and soldiers, senior reserves or negroes, and dispense with the use of all provost and post guard, except in imp' riant cities, or localities where the presence of large bodies of troops makes them necessaiy, and with all passport agents upon rail roads not in the immediate vi- cinity of the armies, as we consider these agents an unnecessary an- noyance to good citizens and of no possible benefit to the country. licsnlved, That we recommend our respective Legislatures to pass stringent laws for the arrest and return to their commands of all de- serters, and stragglers from the Confederate armies or State troops, and that it be made the special duty, under appropriate penalties, of all civil and military officers to arrest and deliver to the proper au- thorities all such delinquents. And whereas, the public enemy, having proclaimed the freedom of our slaves, are forcing into their armies the able-bodied portion thereof, the more effectually to wage their cruel and bloody war against us: Therefore, be it liesolvcd, That it is the true policy and obvious duty of all slave owners timely to remove their slaves from the line of the enemy's approach, and especially those able to bear arms, and when they shall fail to do so, that it should be made tlu' duty of the proper au- thorities to enforce the performance of this duty, and to give to such owners all necessary assistance as far as practicable. Reiolvrd, That the course of the enemy in appropriating our tlaves who happen to fall into their hands to purposes of war seems to jus- tify a change of policy on our part; and whilst owners of ulaves, under the circumstances, should freely > ield them to their country, yfc recommend to our authorities, under proper regulations, to appro- priate such part of them to the public service as may be required. Resolved, That the States have the right to export such productions and to import such supplies as may bo necessary for State use, or for the comfort or support of their troops in service, upon any vessel or vessels owned or chartered by them ; and that we request Congress, at itj^next session, to pass laws removing all restrictions which have been imposed by Confederate authority upon such exports or imports by the States. And, lastly, we deem it not inappropriate to declare our firm and unalterable purpose, as we believe it to be that of our fellow-citizens, to maintain our right of self-government, to establish our indepen- dence, and to uphold the rights and sovereignty of the States, or to perish in the attempt. Resolved, That the Chairman be requested to send a copy of these resolutions to his Excellency President Davis, one each to the Presi- dent of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to be laid before the respective bodies, and one to the Governor of each State in the Confederacy.