. DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN EVELYN, F.R.S. AUTHOR OF THE " SYLVA." TO WHICH IS SUBJOINED BETWEEN KING CHARLES I AND SIR EDWARD NICHOLAS, AND BETWEEN SIR EDWARD HYDE, AFTERWARDS EARL OF CLARENDON, AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. EDITED FROM THE ORIGINAL MSS. AT WOTTON. BY WILLIAM BRAY, ESQ. F.A.S. A NEW EDITION, IN FOUR VOLUMES. CORRECTED, REVISED, AND ENLARGED. VOL. IV. LONDON: HENEY COLBUEN & CO., PUBLISHEES, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1857. CONTENTS. LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN, WITH HER CHARACTER, BY DR. BOHUN. The Letters to which an asterisk is prefixed are printed here for the first time. Page Character of Mrs. Evelyn, by Dr. Bohun 3 Letters of Mrs. Evelyn 8 To Mr. Bohun , . ib. To the same. May 21, 1668 10 To Sir Samuel Tuke 11 To Mr. Bohun. July 17, 1668 ib. To my brother Glanville in France 12 To Mr. Terryll in Ireland. February 10, 1668-9 .... 14 To the same 15 To my brother Glanville in France . ' ib. To my brother Glanville at Wotton. September 21, 1670 . . 16 To Mrs. Evelyn of Woodcot. September 26, 1670 .... 17 To the same . 19 To my cousin Mary Evelyn. September 28, 1670 . . . .20 To Mrs. Evelyn of Wotton. 1670 ib. To her son 21 To my brother Glanville at "West Dean. December, 1670 . . . 22 To my Lady Tuke, after the death of Sir Samuel Tuke. January 28, 1670-1 23 To Mr. Bohun. January 29, 1670-1 .24 iv CONTENTS. Page To Mr. Bohun. 1671 25 * To the same. May, 1671 26 * To my brother Glanville. October 8, 1671 ib. * To her son. October 9, 1671 27 * To Mrs. Alexander. October 9, 1671 29 To Mr. Bohun. March 2, 1671-2 30 To the same. January 4, 1672 31 * To my Lady Ann Carr. March 26, 1672 32 * To Mr. Evelyn. December, 1672 33 * To Mr. Bohun. January, 1672-3 34 * To Mrs. Saul 36 * March 28, 1673 37 * To my brother Glanville. December the last, 1673 ... 38 To Lady Tuke. April, 1685 • . 40 * Mrs. Owen to John Evelyn. Eltham, June 26, 1680 . . . 41 * John Evelyn to Mrs. Owen. June 26, 1680 42 PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN KING CHARLES I. AND HIS SECRETARY OF STATE, SIR EDWARD NICHOLAS . . 47 CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR EDWARD NICHOLAS AND VARIOUS MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY, DURING THE COMMON- WEALTH AND PROTECTORATE 189 PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN SIR EDWARD HYDE (AFTERWARDS EARL OF CLARENDON) AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE, AMBASSADOR TO THE COURT OF FRANCE, IN THE TIME OF KING CHARLES 1 231 A SELECTION FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR RICHARD BROWNE 327 GENERAL INDEX TO THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE . . 355 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. WITH HEE CHAEACTEE, BY DR. BOHUN; FROM THE ORIGIXAL IN' HIS HAKD-WEITING. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/diarycorresponde41 eve! CHAEACTER OF MES. EVELYN, BY DR. BOHUN * I HAD lately occasion to review several letters to me from Mrs. Evetyn of Deptford. After reading them, I found tliey were much to be valued, because they con- tained not only a complete description of the private events in the family, but public transactions of the times, where are many curious and memorable things described in an easy and eloquent style. Many forgotten circumstances by this means are recalled afresh to my memory ; by so full and perfect a narration of them, they are again present to my thoughts, and I see them re-acted as it were before my eyes. This made strong impressions on my mind, so that I could not rest till I had recollected the substance of them, and from thence some general reflections thereon, and from thence drew a character of their author, so far only as by plain and natural inferences may be gathered from their contents. This was not performed in a manner worthy of the design, but hastily and incorrectly, which cost no more time than could be employed at one sitting in an * The Rev. Dr. Ralph Bohun, D.C.L., was a scholar at Winchester College, aud was elected probationary fellow of New College, Oxford, at the early age of 19. In 1671 he wrote a Discoui'se on the History and Nature of Wind ; and in 1685, he completed his Doctor's degree. His connection with Evelyn's family arose from his having superintended the education of his son. B 2 4 CHARACTER OF MRS. EVELYN. [1695. afternoon; but in this short models Mrs. Evelyn will appear to be the best daughter and wife, the most tender mother, and desirable neighbour and friend, in all parts of her life. The historical account of matters of fact sufficiently set forth her praises, wherein there could be no error or self-conceit; and declare her to be an exact pattern of many excellent virtues ; but they are concealed in such modest expressions, that the most envious censurers can^t fix upon her the least suspicion of vanity or pride. Though she had many advantages of birth and beauty, and wit, yet you may perceive in her writings an humble indilfference to all Avorldly enjoyments, great charity, and compassion to those that had disobliged her, and no memory of past occurrences, unless it were a grateful acknowledgment of some friendly office ; a vein of good-nature and resignation, and self- denial, runs througli them all. There^s nothing so despised in many of these letters as the fruitless and empty vanities of the town ; and tliej seem to pity the misfortunes of those wdio are condemned by their greater quality or stations to squander away their precious time in unpro- fitable diversions, or bestow it in courtly visits and con- versations. Where there happens to be slrj mention of children or friends, there is such an air of sincerity and benevolence for the one, and religious concern for the happiness of the other, as if she had no other design to live in the world than to perform her own duty, and promote the welfare of her relations and acquaintance. There^s another observation to be collected, not less remarkable than the rest, which is her indefatigable industry in employing herself, and more for the sake of others than her own : This she wrote, not out of vain glory, or to procure commendation, but to entertain them with whom she had a familiar correspondence by letters, with the relation of such accidents or business wherein she was engaged for the month or the week past. This was a peculiar felicity in her way of writing, that though she often treated of vulgar and domestic subjects, she never suffered her style to languish or flag, but by some new remark or pleasant digression kept it up to its usual pitch. 1695.] CHARACTER OF MRS. EVELYN. 5 Tlie reproofs in any of these numerous letters were so softly insinuated, that the greatest punishment to be inflicted upon any disobligation was only to have the contrary virtue to the fault they had been guilty of, highly applauded in the next correspondence, which was ever so managed as to please and improve. Scarce an harsh expression, much less any evil surmise or suspicion, could be admitted where every line was devoted to charity and goodness. This is no effect of partiality, but appears in the particular instances, so that the same judgment must be made by all unprejudiced persons who shall have a sight of them. Any misfortune or disappointment was not mournfully lamented, but related in such a manner as became a mind that had laid in a sufficient provision of courage and patience beforehand to support it under afflictions. All unfortunate accidents are allayed by some consolatory argument taken from solid principles. No kind of trouble, but one, seems to interrupt the constant intention to entertain and oblige; but that is dolorously represented in many of the letters ; which is the loss of children or friends. That being an irreparable separation in this world, is deplored with the most affectionate tenderness which words can express. You may conclude that they who write in such a manner as this, must be supposed to have a just sense of religion, because there can scarce be assigned one act of a beneficent and charitable temper but has many texts of the Gospel to enforce it. So that all good Christians must be very useful and excellent neigh- bours and friends; which made this lady ever esteemed so. She was the delight of all the conversations where she appeared, she was loved and admired, yet never envied by any, not so much as by the women, who seldom allow the perfections of their own sex, lest they eclipse their own ; but as this very manifestly and upon all occasions was her temper, the world was very grateful to her upon that account. This happiness was gained and preserved by one wise qualification ; for though no person living had a closer insight into the humours or characters of persons, or could distinguish their merits more nicely, yet she never made any despising or censorious reflections : her great discernment and wit were never abused to sully 6 CHARACTER OF MRS. EVELYN. [1695. tlie reputation of others, nor affected any applause that might be gained by satirical jests. Though she was extremely valued, and her friendship prized and sought for by them of the highest condition, yet she ever treated those of the lowest Avith great condescension and humanity. The memory of her virtues and benefits made such deep impression on her neighbours of Deptford and Greenwich, that if any one should bring in another report from this, or what was generally received among them, they woidd condemn it as false, and the effect of a slanderous calumny : either they would never yield that any change should happen to this excellent lady, or theyM impute it to sickness, or time, or chance, or the unavoidable frailties of human nature. But I have somewhat digressed from my subject, which was to describe her person or perfections no otherwise than may be gathered from the letters I received ; * they contain historical passages and accounts of any more or less considerable action or accident that came to her knowledge, with diverting or serious reflec- tions as the subject requii-ed, but generally in an equal and chaste style, supported by a constant gravity, never descending to affected sallies of ludicrous wit. It^s to be farther observed, that though she recites and speaks French exactly, and understands Italian, yet she confines herself with such strictness to the purity of the English tongue, that she never introduces foreign or adopted words. That there's a great steadiness and equality in her thoughts, and that her sense and expres- sions have a mutual dependence on each other, may be inferred from hence — you shall never perceive one per- plexed sentence, or blot, or recalling a word in more than twenty letters. Many persons with whom she conversed or were related to her, or had any public part in the world, were honoured by very lively characters conferred on them, always just and full of discernment, rather inclining to the charitable side, yet no otherwise than as skilful masters who paint like, yet know how to give some graces and advantages to them whose pictui^es they draw. The expressions are * Copies of many letters to Dr. Bohun were found at Wotton, but not those here referred to. Several of them will follow, with some addressed to other correspondents, as specimens of her manner and great good sense. 1695.] CHARACTER OF MRS. EVELYN. 7 clear find unaffected, the sentences frequent and grave, the remarks judicious, the periods flowing and long, after the Ciceronian way ; yet though they launch out so far, they are strict to the rules of grammar, and ever come safe home at last without any obscurity or incoherence attending them. I will only give one instance of a person who was characterised by her in a more favourable manner than he durst presume that he deserved; however, to show the method of her writing, I shall set it down. " I believe (such an one) to be a person of much wit, great know- ledge, judicious and discerning, charitable, well natured, obliging in conversation, apt to forget and forgive injuries, eloquent in the pulpit, living according to known precepts, faithful to his friend, generous to his enem}^, and in every respect accomplished ; this in our vulgar way is a desirable character, but you^ll excuse if I judge unrefinedly who have the care of cakes and stilling, and sweetmeats and such useful things." Mrs. Evelyn has been often heard to say concerning the death of her admirable and beloved daughter, that though she had lost her for ever in this world yet she would not but that she had been, because many pleasing ideas occur to her thoughts that she had conversed with her so long, and been made happy by her for so many years. Oxon, 1695, Se^it. 20. [This character of Mvs. Evelyn would appear to have been written thirteen years before her death. She outUved her husband nearly three years, and, by her will dated in February 1708-9 (the year and month of her death), desired to be buried in a stone coffin near that of " my dear husband, whose love and friendship I was happy in, fifty-eight years nine months ; but by God's providence left a disconsolate widow, the 27th day of February, 1705, in the 71st year of my age. His care of my education was such as might become a father, a lover, a friend, and husband ; for instruction, tenderness, affection, and fidelity to the last moment of his life ; which obligation I mention Avith a gratitude to his memory, ever dear to me ; and I must not omit to own the sense I have of my parent's care and goodness, in placing me in such worthy hands."] 8 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1667. LETTERS OE MRS. EVELYN. To Mr. BohunS' Sir, I am concerned you should be absent when you might confirm the suffrages of your fellow collegiots_, and •see the mistress both Universities court; a person who has not her equal possibly in the world, so extraordinary a woman she is in all things. I acknowledge, though I remember her some years since and have not been a stranger to her fame, I was surprised to find so much extravagancy and vanity in any person not confined within four walls. Her habit particular, fantastical, not unbecoming a good shape, which she may truly boast of. Her face discovers the facility of the sex, in being yet persuaded it deserves the esteem years forbid, by the infinite care she takes to place her curls and patches. Her mien surpasses the imagination of poets, or the descriptions of a romance heroine^s greatness ; her gracious bows, seasonable nods, courteous stretching out of her hands, twinkling of her eyes, and various gestures of approbation, show what may he expected from her dis- course, which is as airy, empty, whimsical, and rambling as her books, aiming at science, difficulties, high notions, * This letter appears to describe the impression produced on the wi-iter by that interview with Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, to which reference is made in the Diary, vol. ii. p. 23: "Went again with my wife to the Duchess of Xewcastle, who received her in a kind of transport, suitable to her extravagant humour and dress, which was very singular." The date there- fore will be 1667. 1667.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 9 terminatino; commonly in nonsense, oaths, and obscenity. Her way of address to people, more than necessarily sub- missive; a certain general form to all, obliging, by repeating affected, generous, kind expressions ; endeavouring to show humility by calling back things past, still to improve her present greatness and favour to her friends. I found Doctor Charlton with her, complimenting her Avit and learning in a high manner; which she took to be so much her due that she swore if the schools did not banish Aristotle and read Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, they did her wrong, and deserved to be utterly abolished. My part was not yet to speak, but admire; especially hearing her go on magnifying her OAvn generous actions, stately buildings, noble fortune, her lord's prodigious losses in the war, his power, valour, wit, learning, and industry, — what did she not mention to his or her own advantage ? Sometimes, to give her breath, came in a fresh admirer; then she took occasion to justify her faith, to give an account of her religion, as new and unintelligible as her philosophy, to cite her own pieces line and page in such a book, and to tell the adventures of some of her nymphs. At last I grew weary, and concluded that the creature called a chimera which I had heard speak of, was now to be seen, and that it was time to retire for fear of infection; yet I hope, as she is an original, she may never have a copy. Never did I see a woman so full of herself, so amazingly vain and ambitious. What contrary miracles does this age produce. This lady and Mrs. Philips ! * The one transported with the shadow of reason, the other possessed of the substance and insensible of her treasure ; and yet men who are esteemed wise and learned, not only put them in equal balance, but suffer the greatness of the one to weigh down the certain real worth of the other. This is all I can requite your rare verses with ; which as much surpass the merit of the person you endeavour to represent, as I can assure you this description falls short of the lady I would make you acquainted with : but she is not of mortal race, and there- fore cannot be defined. M.E. * The once "matchless Oi'inda now forgotten. An edition of her poems had come out during the present year. 10 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1668. To Mr. Bohun, May 21, 1G68. If it be true that we are generally inclined to covet what we admire, I can assure you my ambition aspires not to the fame of Balzac, and therefore must not thank you for entitling me to that great name. I do not admire his style, nor emulate the spirit of discontent which runs through all his letters. There is a lucky hit in reputation, which some obtain by the defect in their judges, rather than from the greatness of their merit : the contrary may be instanced in Doctor Donne, who, had he not been really a learned man, a libertine in wit and a courtier, might have been allowed to write well ; but I confess in my opinion, with these qualifications he falls short in his letters of the praises some give him. Voiture seems to excel both in quickness of fancy, easiness of expression, and in a facile way of insinuating that he was not ignorant of letters, an advantage the Court air gives persons who converse with the world as books. I wonder at nothing more than at the ambition of printing letters; since, if the design be to produce wit and learning, there is too little scope for the one ; and the other may be reduced to a less compass than a sheet of gilt paper, unless truth Avere more communicative. Business, love, accidents, secret displeasure, family in- trigues, generally make up the body of letters ; and can signify very little to any besides the persons they are addressed to, and therefore must lose infinitely by being exposed to the unconcerned. Without this declaration, I hope I am sufficiently secure never to run the hazard of being censured that way; since I cannot suspect my friends of so much unkindness, nor myself of the vanity to wish fame on so doubtful a foundation as the caprice of mankind. Do not impute my silence to neglect. Had you seen me these ten days continually entertaining persons of different humour, age, and sense, not only at meals, or afternoon, or the time of a civil visit, but from morning till night, you will be assured it was impossible for me to finish these few lines sooner ; so often have I set pen to paper and been taken off again, that I almost despaired 1668.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 11 to let you know my satisfaction that Jack * complies so well with your desires^ and that I am your friend and servant, " M. Evelyn. To Sir Samuel Tuke. Sir, I think myself obliged, since this is the day designed for your happiness, to express the part I take in your joy, and join my wishes for the continuance of it. The favour you intend me on Monday I receive with much satisfaction, but fear you will not afford it us long, when you find the many inconveniences of a little house, a disordered family, and the difference in judgments; all which may 1)0 dispensed with, whilst health, the discretion of servants, and other accidents, permit ; but should there be a miscarriage in any of these, the end of our joining families ceases, and I, who am sensible of my own defects and tender of my friends^ contentment, cannot entertain the hopes you Aviil be sufferers many days. Let not this surprise you, since it proceeds from a cautiousness in my nature, which will not suffer me to engage, where I have any part to act, with that assurance some are more happy in ; therefore prepare your lady with the nicety of my temper, and the truth of this, that I may not pass in either opinions for a person that promises more than can be performed by, Sir, your humble servant, M. E. To Mr. Bohun. gjj^^ July 17, 1668. By honest John and my last to Jack, you have learnt Sir Samuel is entered into the state of matrimony. I do assure you, if marriage were the happy establishment in his opinion, he has made choice of a wife every way worthy of him, for person, quality, wit, good mien, and severe virtue ; her piety cannot be questioned after living seven years a canoness, which includes all the strictness * Her son, then at College under Mr. Bohun's care. 12 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1668. of a nun, tlie vow only excepted. They are both here at present, and will remain some time till they can fit them- selves for housekeeping; I am generally well pleased with such favours from my friends, and I am extremely satisfied with the conversation of this fair lady. I am apt, I confess, to enlarge the characters of them I esteem, but to be just to the merit of this person I ought to say much more. I will suppose your college affairs take up much of your time, and that your diversions in Oxford are very charming; yet neither should make you so absolutely forget Deptford and those in it, as not to impart some of your pleasant thoughts, at spare moments especially, knowing how well we receive your letters, and how naturally our sex loves novelty, that I cannot but accuse you of unkindness; however, I am, Your friend and servant, M. E. To my Brother Glanville^' in France. Sir, I have received your kind letter, and am not astonished Mr. Fuller finds so great a difference between a French pension and Woodcott table. Let him know eating is the least design of travellers ; that particular waived, I still persevere in the defence of France ; and will believe, when you have overcome the difficulties of the language, and gained some acquaintance amongst the better sort, visited the Court, seen the noble buildings and pleasant seats in and about Paris, you will render to what has been related to you, that it is an excellent country, wherein indeed riches are partially distributed, yet employed to great use and ornament. The people are a little various in their tempers, for which blame the several nations from which they are descended ; but all agreeing in the desire to enlarge their bounds, and augment the glory of the prince under whom the most of them do but breathe. I am sorry it was not my good fortune to stay till jou came, or your lot to come when I was there, that I might have been * See Diary, vol. ii. p. 367, for a character of Mr. Glanville, who had married Evelyn's sister. The letter is undated, but the mention of Lord Arlington's influence seems to fix the year as that immediately following Clarendon's disgrace, and the triumph of the Cabal ; namely 1668-9. 1668,] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 13 assisting to your conversation. An ambassador is daily threatened to be sent from hence, but it is not yet decided which of the two able statesmen shall carry it — the Lord Buchan, or Mr. R. Montagu ; since it does not depend on their abilities for the employment, but their being disposed to marry my Lord Arlington's wife's sister, as the neces- sary article to arrive to that dignity. When either is declared, you shall not fail of the address you desire. In the meantime any English gentleman must be well received by my Lord of St. Alban's. Though your eye be con- tinually over my cousin your son, and your care as great as a tender and knowing parent's can be, yet I am persuaded you will find the breeding in an academy the likeliest way to answer all ends except that of expense, which must be greater there than elsewhere ; but not to be valued, considering the advantages of good conversation, the emulation which young persons of good birth raise in one another, the learning all manly exercises in community, and the gaining a good air and assurance best acquired by example, which works most with such ingenious and observing tempers as my cousin seems to be. The orders are generally good, the discipline strict, and, I am informed, the chief master in our time has left a nephew that not only equals but excels him ; and is also of the religion.* If you are inclined to take this course with my nephew this winter, you will find him out in the Faubourg St. Germain, so pleasant a part of the town I admire you can live out of it. When you walk to the Charity, if you inquire for the Rue Farrene you may see how pleasantly our house was situated. I fear you will judge I mention Paris with that afi'ection persons in age remember the satisfaction of their youth, to which happiness was the nearest, at least in their opinion, and so past that there is no hopes of a return. Such, I confess, in part are my thoughts of that place, but must not flatter myself you will confirm me in them, who arrive there in a more discerning age, and carry with you a little prejudice against the people j yet something is to be expected from the justice of your nature in their behalf, and from the goodness of your nature in mine. Excuse the liberty of. Your aflPectionate sister, M. E. * A Protestant, Mrs. Evelyn means. LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1668-9. To Mr. Terryll in Ireland/' Fth. 10, 1668-9. Sir, I have received yours with the enclosed to Mr. Bohun, which shall be conveyed to him with care. I am not to doubt of your good reception w^herc your merit is well understood ; I am rather to wish you may not meet with engagements to keep you long out of this country, which, if so unhappy as to impart vices to its neighbours, cannot boast of many virtues to spare. This may truly be esteemed an admiring age, if distance from what is worthy define it well ; and what leads me to this opinion is the strange veneration paid to the ruins of ancient structures, greater than the entire edifices ever could pretend to; a sort of justice virtue challenges in our time, and leaves the practice to the choice of the succeed- ing age. To inform you of what passes here cannot be acceptable, since I suppose you are, not without the usual curiosity of travellers, desirous to collect foreign novelties ; which, should you be exempt from, little is worth commu- nicating to you from hence. The censure of our plays comes to me at the second hand. There has not been any new lately revived and reformed, as Catiline, well set out with clothes and scenes; Horace, with a farce and dances between every act, composed by Lacy and played by liim and Nell, which takes ; f one of my Lord of Newcastle's, for which printed apologies are scattered in the assembly by Briden's order, either for himself who had some hand in it, or for the author most ; I think both had right to them.t State affairs I am not likely to give you an account of, if Mr. B.'s character be taken of me, who * ;Mr. Terryli was the son of Sir Timothy (variously called by Evelyn, Tirrill, Tyrell, and Tyrill), as to whom see vol. i. 275 and 383 ; vol. ii. 99 ; and vol. iii. 308. See Pepys' Diary, last edition, vol. v. p. 89. " Horace " was a poor translation of Corneille's tragedy by ]\Irs. Philips. See Evelyn's Diary, vol. i. p. 32, where Evelyn contrasts the virtue of the authoress with that of the ladies (Castlemaine and others) before whom he saw it performed. + An entry in the Diary of Pepys (vol. v. pp. 100, 101) will probably explain this ailusion. 1668-9.] LETTEES OF MRS. EVELYN. 15 fancies I know nothing of the Dutch war till the guns went off at Chatham; and in my own concerns the most important good-fortune which has befallen me of late is the honour I have had to kiss my lady your mother^s hands^ with two of your bisters, whose stay in town being short as well as mine deprived me of the satisfaction I rejoiced much in. My father and Mr. Evelyn are infinitely your servants, and I am, Sii', your humble, &c. To Mr. Terryll in Ireland. Sir, Had I not been assured by some of your friends that you were upon your return into England about Easter, I should not have omitted my acknowledgments for your obliging letter; but since finding, upon better information, that good fortune is not so near, give me leave to beg your excuse for an undesigned fault, and inquire farther what can be the charms of a place which has not only invited but detained persons of so much wit and merit in it ? Can it be the natives^ fame for learning of late years which is the powerful attraction? or the Irish beauties above those of other countries, which engages through such dangerous seas? It cannot be judged by Mr. Terryll that interest only should be the motive ; there must be something more reasonable than rich fields and herds to souls so much raised above the vulgar. But I will give a stop to my curiosity, and satisfy myself that the same prudence which was our guide here accompanies you everywhere, and will maintain your choice of every thing but friends, which admits of no objection except the permission you give me to be of the number ; yet I am certainly as much as any, Sir, your most, &c. To my Brother Glanville in France. Sir, I have received yours of the 25th May, and will hope mine in answer to your first came safe to you, since it passed under your niece^s cover. Of any person I 16 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1670. know, you had the least reason to visit France, either to improve mien, wit, or style, since all necessary accom- plishments were ever granted you; but I acknowledge a nicer way of raillery is practised where you live than is used amongst us, or you would never address yourself to me for lessons in an art too well understood by you already. All I pretend to is, to keep myself on the defen- sive; plainness and sincerity are my best guards; I confess beauty and youth sometimes stand in need of subtlety and stratagems to evade and rescue them from the surprises of men, but persons wanting those charms are sufficiently secured from any attacks that may exercise the invention. Your return hither will be very pleasing to your friends. I imagine you so furnished with such critical and pleasant remarks of the countries, people, and customs, that, should you oppose former characters of France, your relation would be rendered to, as being latest and made with most judgment. Yet let not curiosity pass in your opinion for the only inducement which makes me desire your return, since your merit challenges my best wishes, which shall accompany you till I can assure you in a better manner how much I am, Sir, &c. To my BrotJier Glanville at TVotton. Q Sept. 21, 1670. I will not study much or long to excuse those weak tears you so slight and condemn in women, as believing they are always at our command, but I can assure you neither the flesh-pots nor the onions caused them in me. I have often been as nobly and as ci^illy entertained at Wotton,-:^ and yet have I parted with dry eyes. It is reality and kindness which gains upon my spirit. I will not deny but a confusion of thoughts proceeding from gratitude, a sense of my own want of * The reader may be reminded that Evelyn did not succeed to the paternal estate of Wotton till after his elder brother George's death ; nearly thirty years after the date of this letter. 1G70.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 17 merit, an apprehension I sliould make unequal returns, with the approaching loss of so much happiness, produced those unusual and unseasonable effects in me, though common in others, without the least mixture of pride or emulation. This your severity will hardly allow of, but when you shall learn more of my nature and the secrets of my heart, which I wish you already knew, so I might be spared the telHng them, because advantageous to me, and which are not concealed from you out of the least distrust of your discretion or friendship, but from niceness I cannot very well justify. Sometimes philosophical reflections have been of use to me, but I was surprised with abundance of kindness, of which you may justly claim a large share, since I am, &c. To Mrs. Evelyn of Woodcot. Sept. 2G, 1670. Dear Sister, The indisposition which you carried out of town, and the solitude you live in, gives me a desire to inquire after your Iiealth, and a title to interrupt your melancholy thoughts," though it be but mth the assurance of our wishes for your perfect recovery. One w'ho is of so judicious a temper as you are, cannot, if you give your reason leave to act, but be armed against all accidents which may disturb your quiet in a great measure. I confess to be wholly insensible of sorrow or misfortune is as little to be wished, as it is seldom to be found; since the inequalities of human life contribute much to the happiness of it, so that the variety of ills prove not the greater share ; which hitherto your condition seems to have exempted you from. It is true you have newly lost a friend and a guide, but you have it now more absolutely in you]' own power to be whatever prudence and generosity- dictates to you. And as you have it in your power, so I am confident it is in your will to oblige and gratify a friend, especially one who may challenge your kindness in some * The death of her husband (Evelvn's brot'ier Richard) had taken place few months before. — See Diary , vol. ii. pp. 44-5. VOL. IV. c 18 LETTERS OF MllS. EVELYN. [1670. sort upon the account of avowed services and much worth, one who has pursued your satisfaction preferably to his own interest, which shows he lias a true sense of honour, — and not to keep you longer in suspense with the character of a person, better known to you by his actions than by any description I can make of him, it can be no other than my brother Glanvil ; who certainly, being named, tells you wherein you may acknowledge past obligations and engage him for the future, by advancing his preten- sions to my Lady Lewtner. Possibly you may think it early to propose anything of that nature to a discreet widow and your own sister, who it may be you could wish might never have any thoughts of changing her condition, upon like resolutions of your own ; but be assured, persons so considerable for beauty, virtue, and fortune, will never enjoy that calm of those thoughts long ; attempts will be made ; persons of all degrees of merit and sufficient quality will make addresses, and value themselves by breaking through those rules of decency that they may be the first discoverers of their extreme ; therefore you ought not to blame my brother if he has already given marks of his, who from a long knowledge of my Lady^s great merit and obliging nature, has taken courage to lay himself at her feet j from whence he must not hope to be raised if she were of a haughty mind, that could allow of no happiness but in great titles and vast riches (in which certainly it is not wholly to be placed) ; but did it consist in either, she is so secured by a large provision of both, that she need not require an addition from a husband ; all that seems to be required is, her choice in a man that can value her perfections, be a friend to her interests, and make her happiness his own ; which qualifications may assuredly be allowed my brother, who protests with all imaginable zeal and sincerity that he has no other design but her satis- faction and advantage, and to live with honour the rest of his days, towards which who would not that could assist, and who better can than yourself ; an endeavour which acquits your obligations to a sister that you love, and a friend that you value ; which that you will do cannot be thought strange, but that I should concern myself in my Lady Lewtner^s affairs may appear so, being neither solicited by my brother, who knows nothing of my 1670.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 19 presumption in his behalf, nor called to council by you who need no advice to do well ; however let me beg of you to give a favourable construction to this freedom, and believe it proceeds from the kindest intentions I can express, since I am, Dear sister, your, &c. To Mrs. Evelyn of Woodcot. Dear Sister, I very much rejoice in the improvement of your health, and do still persist in my opinion that you may owe much of your happiness and quiet to your own prudence. I also continue to believe that my brother Glanvil deserves very much from you; and you have rightly guessed my meaning by the intrigue between my cousin Will and my niece, which would have proved no dishonour to him had he resolved to succeed in it, since we judge of things of that nature commonly by the event, and not from the means, but he being tender of your satisfaction made honour a very nice point. Give me leave to rectify a little mistake in Mr. Evelyn^s behalf, who though he might often wish one of the name worthy of my niece, never declared for my cousin Will more than that, if she should think him sufficiently deserving, with my brother and your consent, it was not a choice to be con- temned and deplored, since he is likely to make a very good man; and farther than such a reply I believe he never made to several discourses on that subject, urged at several times by many of our relations and acquaintance. As to my Lady Lewtner's concern, I do acknowledge I ought not to have gone so far had I not flattered myself with the hopes of your embracing any proposition so much to my brother^s advantage ; but possibly you have reasons in reserve more powerful than those which are visible to the w^orld against him ; and it is not my single opinion, but the belief of many others, that my Lady, your sister, though never so prudent and cautious, may not injure herself in marrying such a person as he is ; yet I will not importune you to be his advocate since you declare so positive a dislike to second marriages in general, the only excuse you can make for not being his friend in this o2 20 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1670. particular, be it on the account of gratitude or kindness, the word signifies little where the intention is friendly ; exceptions against such strict rules are daily made, and experience shows that as unequal fall out, therefore I shall make the less apology for the failings of Your humble servant, M. E. To my Cousin Mary Evelyn. Sept. 28, 1670. Dear Cousin, I have had often cause to acknowledge the noble entertainment and great civilities I have received at Wotton, but I never was more sensible of my obligations to my brother and yourself, than at present, from a full persuasion I was never treated with more reality and kindness, which gains infinitely upon such a temper as mine is : I wish you were as well inclined to believe as I am that passage in Scripture reasonable, which advises a woman not only to leave, but to forget her fatlier^s house for a husband, and as w^ell assured you should meet with as worthy and deserving a family as I have done. Some part of this you will think strange doctrine, but I seriously beg of 3^ou not to persist in your opinions concerning marriage, and thptt you will conform to so good a father's desires as you have in this particular, and endeavour to establish your happiness beyond his life, which, that j' ou may long enjoy, with all other blessings I heartily wish, being Your affectionate M. E. To Mrs. Evelyn of Wotton. 1670. Dear Cousin, I am so wxll persuaded of your good nature and merit, and so sensible of your best civility, that I w' ish for a more important occasion to express the desire I have to serve you. I have endeavoured to perform your commands in fitting my little niece with a mantle coat, bodice coat. 1670.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 21 petticoat^ narrow shoes and stockings, which I bespake two sizes less than any that are made for a child of a year old. If they prove to nurse^s mind, or have any fault, let me know it that the next may be the same or more exact. I was not willing to send all, believing it some difficulty to fit the lady by guess. Though you never want very good com- pany, I cannot but wish myself sometimes two or three hours in a day with you, to be a witness of the pleasant conversation I fancy such wits as Mr. Duncan and others of that strain afford you. I hope my cousin Mary is perfectly recovered ; that your father, husband, uncle, and brother are in perfect health, to whom my father presents his most humble service and particularly to yourself; assure them of my humble service, and esteem me, Dear Cousin, Your humble servant, M. E. To her Son, Jack, I have received your letter and request for a supply of money ; but none of those you mention which were bare effects of your duty. If you were so desirous to answer our expectations as you pretend to be, you would give those tutors and overseers you think so exact over you, less trouble than I fear they have with you. Much is to be wished in your behalf : that your temper were humble and tractable, your inclinations virtuous, and that from choice, not compulsion, you make an honest man. Whatever object of vice comes before you, should have the same effect in your mind of dislike and aversion that drunkenness had in the youth of Sparta when their slaves were presented to them in that brutish condition, not only from the deformity of such a sight, but from a motive beyond theirs — the hope of a future happiness, which those rigorous heathens in moral virtue had little prospect of, finding no reward for virtue but in virtue itself. You are not too young to know that lying, defrauding, swearing, disobedience to parents and persons in au- thority, are offences to God and man : that debauchery is injurious to growth, health, life, and indeed to the 22 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1670. pleasures of life ; therefore, now that you are turning from child to man, endeavour to follow the best precepts, and choose such ways as may render you worthy of praise and love. You are assured of your father's care and my tenderness ; no mark of it shall be wanting at any time to confirm it to you, with this reserve only, that you strive to deserve kindness by a sincere honest proceedins:, and not flatter yourself that you are good whilst you only appear to be so. Fallacies will only pass in schools. When you thoroughly Aveigh these considerations, I hope you will apply them to your own advantage, as well as to our infinite satisfaction. I pray daily God vrould inspire you with his grace, and bless you. I am. Your loving mother, M. Evelyn. To my Brother Glanville at West Dean. Decemhcr, 1670. Sir, Though I will not murmur that you prefer West Dean to Deptford to pass your Christmas in, since the attractive upon all accounts is so much more powerful, yet give me leave to lament the loss of so good conversation as I promised myself in yours : but to let you see I can prefer the satisfaction of a friend to my own, I will turn my complaints of you into good wishes for the success of so reasonable an address, as I am persuaded you are now making ; and could I question any perfection in the ladies you so much admire, it would only be how one who deserves so well should so long dispute the merit of such a man as you are ; do not imagine I pretend to compliment in return of those civilities you pass upon our sex, since, having the least title to your praises, I will have the least share in the acknowledgments ; but to be just to you and serious in my opinion, I do repeat, what I have so often declared with sincerity in your concern, that might I, after such a loss as a good husband must be to a virtuous wife, hope to repair it by the choice of a second, I should not only hope, but think myself secure, when I had twenty years known 1670-1.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELTN. 23 and conversed with tlie freedom which honour and friend- ship permits^ with a person of so much wit, good humour, generosity, prudence, and integrity as you possess ; one of so entire a reputation in the world, so generally esteemed, and so fortunate in obliging others, and, to conclude, above all one resolved to love me disinterestedly, without which I confess the rest would prevail but little. This my Lady Lewtner cannot be ignorant of; and being convinced that it is true, how is it possible she can resist her own happiness in making yours ? what scruple can remain in the breast of a worthy woman, who finds all that is desirable in her power ? she may oblige you with her person and show her generosity too, since you will not pretend to equal her in fortune, though in nothing else inferior were articles to be draw^n : I would take the liberty to own as much to the lady herself, were the acquaintance I have with her such as is requisite to recommend advice ; but I dare not offer my sense to be the guide of another's actions, though I flatter myself I do not err in this opinion : but what discourages me chiefly is the slight reception my sister Evelyn gave a few lines I writ to her on this subject, who I thought might have endeavoured more to your satisfaction than I find she is inclined to do, since not inconsistent with her own interest and the value she has for such a sister. Pardon the liberty I take to tell you my thoughts plainly, and the interruption I give those happy moments you now enjoy, to which I wish to bring increase. To mij Lady Tuke after the death of Sir Samuel Tuke. January 28, 1670-1. Madam, I acknowledge these are trials which make Christian philosophy useful, not only by a resignation to the Divine decree, but by that hope which encourages us to expect a more lasting happiness than any this world can give : without which we were extremely wretched, since no felicity here has any duration. We are solicitous to obtain, we fear whilst we possess, and we are inconsolable when we lose. The greatest conquerors themselves are 24 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1670-1. subject to this unsteady state of liumau nature ; let us not murmur then, for we offend ; and though in compliance to your present sense of things I could join with you in grieving, having made as particular a loss as ever any did in a friend, I dare not indulge your sorrow, especially when I consider how prejudicial it will prove to yourself and those dear pledges that are left to your care; but I do rather beg of you cease grieving, and owe that to reason and prudence which time will overcome. Were I in so good health that I could quit my chamber, I would be daily with you and assure you how really I am concerned for you. You cannot doubt the affection of your, &c. To Mr. Bohun. Sayes-court, Jan. 29, 1670-1. Sir, If a friend be of infinite value living, how much cause have we to lament him dead ! Such a friend was Sir Samuel Tuke, who retired out of this life on St. Paul's day [25 Jan.] at midnight, and has changed the scene to him and us, and left occasion to all that knew him to bewail the loss. You need not to be made sensible b}^ a character of a person you knew so well, and you can enumerate virtues enough to lament and shed some tears justly ; therefore spare me the sorrow of repeating wliat effect it has wrought on such a mind as mine, who think no misfortune worth regretting besides the loss of those I loA'e. Do not blame me if I believe it almost impossible to meet with a person so worthy in himself, and so disposed to esteem me again; and jQt that is not the chiefest cause of my affliction. I might waive much of my own interest, had I not so many partners that will suffer equally. These are the trials which make Christian philosophy useful, not only b}^ a resignation to the Divine decree, but by that hope which encourages us to expect a more lasting happiness than any this world can give, without which we were extrcDiely wretched, since no felicity here has any duration. The greatest conquerors themselves are subject to this unsteady state of human nature, therefore well may I submit, whose concerns are 1671.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 25 trivial in respect of others. Yet this I conclude, that we die by degrees when our friends go before us. But whilst I discourse thus with you, I should consider what effects melancholy reflections may have on a splenetic person, one who needs not cherish that temper. I will only add that I am now able to quit my chamber, which is more than I could do these fourteen days, and that I am, Sir, Your servant, M. Evelyn. To Mr, Bohun. Q 167L Sir, I must believe you are very busy, hearing so seldom from you, and that you are much in the esteem of Dr. Bathurst," since he judges so favourably of your friends. It cannot be the effect of his discernment which makes him give sentence in my behalf, being so great a master of reason as he is ; but it is certainly a mark of his great kindness to you that he defers to your judgment in opposition to his own. I should not question yours in other things, but the wisest may be allowed some grains, and I conclude you no less a courtier than a philosopher. Since my last to you I have seen " The Siege of Grenada,^^ a play so fall of ideas that the most refined romance I ever read is not to compare with it : love is made so pure, and valour so nice, that one would imagine it designed for an Utopia rather than our stage. I do not quarrel with the poet, but admire one born in the declme of morality should be able to feign such exact virtue ; and as poetic fiction has been instructive in former ages, I wish this the same event in ours. As to the strict law of comedy I dare not pretend to judge : some think the division of the story not so well as if it could all have been comprehended in the day^s actions : truth of history, exactness of time, possibilities of adventures, are niceties the ancient critics might require ; but those who have outdone them in fine * Dr. Ralph Bathurst, Dean of Wells, auci President of Trinity College, in Oxford, whose Life and Literary Remains were published by Thomas Warton. 26 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1671. notions may be allowed the liberty to express them their own way, and the present world is so enlightened that the old dramatic must bear no sway. This account perhaps is not enough to do Mr. Dryden right, yet is as much as you can expect from the leisure of one who has the care of a nursery. I am, Sir, &c. M. Evelyn. To Mr. Bohun. Sir May, 1671. I wish you had remembered my answer to some discourses you held before your departure concerning my cousin Glanville : it might have spared you the trouble, and my cousins the importunity, of a proposition not at all to their advantage or our satisfaction, since Jack is designed for the law in good earnest, in w^hich he can make little progress, should marriage intervene ; neither will his grandfather, father, and myself sacrifice him for a fortune, but shall rest satisfied with such a mediocrity as may be obtained with stratagem when his age and discretion will allow of that tie. Besides, having heard my cousin had intentions to bestow his daughter and fortune upon one of his name, it would not become us to select for ourselves to the prejudice of a relation we should willingly assist ; therefore, upon the account of generosity or mistaken interest, let this design die as civilly as you can : when your time permits you to think of coming to town, you need not question your being welcome at Deptford : we are all well in health ; all our relations are in town, your Deptford friends are well, and I am. Sir, vour servant, M. E. To my Brother Glanville. Sib, I have of late fancied myself very well established in your good opinion ; I will not examine merit or the causes of things too strictly for fear I return to doubts again : j^our last confirms my belief, being a very obliging 1671.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 27 letter. Love cannot be the motive from a man pre- possessed, nor can interest in either of us be the induce- ment ; it must then be concluded a mutual disposition to like one another^s inclinations and tempers, -which we will call friendship, and which, from this day forward, let neither piquant raillery nor pleasant interrupt, let neither censure nor whisper destroy; and if you sign these articles you shall never complain of a breach on my side. Well, what do you think of widows ? are they not odd creatures ? There is now a lady, newly a fine prize, near you. Who hovers about her yet ? Can twenty years esteem of the Sussex lady change into a violent passion for the Dorking lady ? If need were, cannot you imagine more probability in an address there, than the other way ; were she as considerable, I would advise it : but when one goes to yoke oneself one would be glad it should be very easy ; consideration of religion and fortune will come into one^s head whether one will or no : and then, it may be, my friend Glanville is a happier man with liberty than so engaged ; for marriage to such minds as yours and mine requires plenty and quiet, without which considerations, keep as you are, master of yourself ; take heart, and, let fortune throw cross or pile, be merry, and alwaj^s a friend to one that will ever be yours, since I am. Dear Brother, your affectionate, M. E. To her Son. Oct. 9, 1671. Dear Jack, I do not question your being very happy in so fine a place and so good company, neither do I think you wholly pass your time in diversion. I wish you early wisdom j it may prevent late repentance. Your father is gone a little journey with Mr. Treasurer, to Newmarket, and to my Lord Arlington's upon his earnest invitation ; " your grandfather is newly recovered of a fit of the gout; your It was on this occasion that Evelyn dined familiarly with the King, and was witness of "fondness and toying" highly characteristic of the time. — See Diary, vol. ii. p. 63. 28 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [167L sisters are all well except Moll, who, I fear, lias taken a cold which may end in an ague. Mrs. Durfe comes down stairs after your sister Susan's fashion, she is yet so weak ; we have been like to lose Mrs. Turner, but she is now passed danger; we shall certainly lose Madam Howard, and your spouse who is this night arrived, if the news hold that Sir Thomas Osborne brings his family this next summer to Deptford ; Mr. Bohun sticks so close to his Spanish brother that we seldom see him ; I have rare chocolate of his presenting for you. The foul weather and storms at sea have produced many shipwrecks and strange escapes. A seaman of this town, being the twentieth in a rotten ship boat, which sunk by their weight, and the only one amongst them that could swim, endeavoured to save the life of two of his companions that laid hold of an oar b}^ driving them to the shore ; but finding his skill and strength fail him he shook off one of the men, who gave him such a parting look so full of sorrow and pity, that though he came safe to land with his other companion, he cannot banish the thought of that dreadful farewell, nor almost forgive himself for not perishing with him. Another adventure of a Yarmouth fisherman, not less remarkable, who, being at sea when a great storm arose, alone in a little boat endeavoured to get to a bigger vessel which lay at anchor, but was loosened by the storm and set a drift, which he would have recovered, but in the attempt lost his oars, the waves dashing over him, sd as he was almost overturned into the sea; when he saw a ship not far off, towards which he made, and by signs implored aid, which they speedily granted, and hauled him aboard. Few hours after, God gave him an occasion to show his gratitude ; they being strangers, unacquainted with the coast, and in great danger of striking against the sands, which this old seaman perceiving, though he could not be understood by them in words, made them sensible by taking tlie rudder hastily from the steersman and turning another course, and so brought them safe to Yarmouth, where he saw his own abandoned barque returned safe also freighted with as many men as she could bring to harbour, which seemed to be a kind of providence for the safety of these men, who else had perished in a bigger vessel. To this accident 1G71.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 29 it were desirjible that some fine lady had made an escape to complete the adventure, which might have given you a subject for a copy of verses, — but what may not a poet add ? Amongst the ships that made the late discovery of the new strait, one had the ill fortune to perish with most of her men, and those few which escaped were preserved by the generosity of a seaman that could swim, who ventured five times with success to the rescue of five of his companions which he brought safe to shore, but perished endeavouring to bring in the sixth ; an attempt that merits a better fate, and not outdone in the Roman story, since more greatness of mind has not been often expressed. Were you here, there would be no end of these stories ; but it is time I finished this discourse, to remember my obligations to my brother for his favours to you, and to wish my cousin joy of the little one, since I hope the sorrowful hour is past. My service to my cousin Joe, to my cousin John, and to my cousin Mary when she returns. I am, your loving mother, M. E. To Mrs. Alexande7\ Oct. d, 1671. Since there has happened so much foul weather I have very much rejoiced that you did not make the Irish voyage, and do congratulate the safe arrival of your fair Ladies. Had you been very kind you would have passed some of your time at Deptford, but when I remember how little diversion there is here, and how ill you were treated, I forgive your long absence. I have sent your treasure, and approve of your generosity. Christian has left a small bundle for you, which Dubourg will deliver you. I hope it will not be long before I come to town, and if I can hear where to find you, I will endeavour to let you know it, that I may wait upon your Ladies, whose affec- tions you cannot fail of as soon as you are known to them. I have manj'- strange adventures and remarkable escapes at sea to relate for the encouragement of one that were ready to embark ; but since you are not in any such , hazard, I will reserve them, till I see you, and do wish you 30 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1671-2. established to your satisfaction : it is but what you merit, and it is what I would contribute to were I capable, since no person is more affectionately your friend, than is M. E. To Mr. Bohun.'' Sayes-courty March 2, 1671-2. Sir, When I have assured you that my usual indis- position has treated me so severely this winter, that I have had little leisure to think of anything but the means of gaining health and ease, I am persuaded you will excuse me if I have not decided in my thoughts which was the greatest captain, Csesar or Pompey ; whether M. De Rosny were not a great politician, a brave soldier, and the best servant that ever Prince had for capacity, fidelity, and steadiness, a man strangely disinterested, infinitely fortu- nate, and every way qualified to serve such a master as was Henry the Great, who, notwithstanding human frailties, was worthy to be faithfully dealt with, since he knew how to judge and to reward. But why do we always look back into times past ? we may not reproach our own, since here is at this present a scene for gallantry and merit, and whilst we may hope, we must not condemn. Should I tell you how full of sorrow I have been for the loss of Dr. Bretton,t you only would blame me ; after death flattery ceases, therefore you may believe there was some cause to lament, when thousands of weeping eyes witnessed the affliction their souls were in ; one would have imagined every one in this parish had lost a father, brother, or husband, so great was the bewailing; and in earnest it does appear there never was a better nor a more worthy man. Such was his temper, prudence, charity, and good conduct, that he gained the weak and preserved the wise. The suddenness of his death was a surprise only to his friends ; as for himself it might be looked upon as a deliver- * Mr. Bohun had now completed his superintendence of young Evelyn's education, and gone into residence at Oxford, " having well and faithfully/' says Evelyn, "performed his charge." — See Diary, vol. ii. p. 53. , + Minister of Deptford ; he died in February,UC71-2. 1672.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN". 31 ance from pain, the effect of sickness ; and I am almost persuaded God snatched him from us, lest he might have been prevailed with by the number of petitions to have left him still amongst us. If you suspect kindness in me makes me speak too much, Dr. Parr * is a person against whom you cannot object ; it was he who preached the funeral sermon, and as an eflPect of truth as well as eloquence he himself could not forbear weeping in the pulpit. It was his own expression that there were three for whom he had infinitely grieved, the martyred King, my Lord Primate, t and Dr. Bretton ; and as a con- firmation of the right that was done him in that oration, there was not a dry eye nor a dissenting person. But of this no more. M. Evelyn. To Mr. Bohun, January 4, 1672. Sir, Do not think my silence hitherto has proceeded from being taken up with the diversions of the town, the eclat of the Court gallantry, the entertainment of the wedding masquerades, which trebled their number the second night of the wedding that so there was great disorder and confusion caused by it, and with w^hich the solemnity ended : neither can I charge the housewifery of the country after my return, or treating my neighbours this Christmas, since I never find any business or recrea- tion that makes me forget my friends. Should I confess the real cause, it is your expectation of extraordinary notions of things wholly out of my way. Women were not born to read authors, and censure the learned, to compare lives and judge of virtues, to give rules of morality, and sacrifice to the Muses. We are willing to acknowledge all time borrowed from family duties is misspent ; the care of children's education, observing a husband's commands, * Richard Parr, D.D., Vicar of Reigate and Camberwell. He died Nov, 2, 1691. The funeral sermon alluded to was printed iu 1672. See Manning and Bray's History of Surrey, vol. i. p. 323. + Archbishop Usher. 32 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYX. [1672, assisting the sick, relievinf:: tlie poor, and being serviceable to our friends, are of sufficient weight to employ the most improved capacities amongst us; and if sometimes it happens by accident that one of a thousand aspires a little higher, her fate commonly exposes her to Avonder, but adds little of esteem. The distaff will defend our quarrels as well as the sword, and the needle is as instructive as the pen. A heroine is a kind of prodigy ; the influence of a hlazing star is not more dangerous or more avoided. Though I have lived under the roof of the learned, and in the neighbourhood of science, it has had no other effect on such a temper as mine, but that of admiration, and that too but when it is reduced to practice. I confess I am infinitely delighted to meet in books with the achieve- ments of the heroes, with the calmness of philosophers, and with the eloquence of orators ; but what charms me irresistibly is to see perfect resignation in the minds of men, let whatever happen of adverse to them in their fortune : that is being knowing and truly wise; it confirms my belief of antiquity, and engages my persuasion of future perfection, without which it were in vain to live. Hope not for volumes or treatises ; raillery may make me go beyond my bounds, but when serious, I esteem myself capable of very little, yet I am, Sir, Your friend and servant, M. E. To my Lady Ann Carr, Mavcli 26, 1672. Madam, I can assure you neither the cold weather nor the hilliness of the ways has kept me thus long from paying my respects to your Ladyship, but an indisposition to which I am subject, and which has treated me so severely this winter, that I have been confined to my chamber and house above three months without once venturing out so far as the church ; a kind of weaning me from that sensible loss we have made by the death of Doctor Bretton ; a more worthy man there never was, and one in whom there is so many things to be justly said in 1672.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 33 his praise, that should I but enter upon the discourse you might fear the length of my letter. I know not how to acknowledge your Ladyship^s last favour by any return of news from hence. Madam Howard has almost quitted this place, with whose concerns I am as little acquainted as during her last long absence ; yet I wish all imaginable happiness to that family. The marriage of Betty Turner with a citizen of London is the latest joy has been in this parish, the fame of which has not reached your Ladyship yet, at which fine clothes, fine company, and great feasting could not be wanting. 'My father has been so happy as to be free from the gout this winter. Mr. Evelyn is at present taking care of those that fall by the hands of the Dutch, being gone to visit Chatham and Dover, and the rest of those places where sick and prisoners put in ; Jack is with him. My little flock of girls are all well, and I promise myself so much health as may give me leave to wait upon my Lady Vere and your Ladyship very suddenly. I keep the portrait of the Duchess of Richmond with care, that 1 may return if you should desire it ; I am so out of the way of such kind of wits that I dare not pretend to judge of it, yet I fancy the Duchess deserves all that is said of her ; and did the author pass for lover, much more might have been expected from him, but he has nov,^ another kind of gallantry in chase, which I wish may prove successful to him and those other brave men that daily hazard themselves in the war. I am so near the guns that your Ladyship will not wonder that I should be solicitous for a happy event, and I am not less concerned to be esteemed. Madam, your most humble servant, M. E. To Mr. Evelyn. December, 1672. My Dear, I hope you do not imagine, though I live in the country and converse with sea-nymphs, now and then with a tarpaulin hero, that I do not apprehend the difference between this kind of felicity and that which you possess in a glorious Court, amongst great beauties VOL. IV. D 34 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1672-3. and wits, and these so refined that the charm of that splendour has no power on their spirits; persons whose ideas are of a higher nature, whose minds are pure and actions innocent ; these, if I could be capable of envy, I should make the subject, but I am so far from failing in that kind that I rejoice in your happiness. I acknowledge you a better judge of such perfections, and to merit the honour of being an admirer of the calm, prudent, and beautiful Alecone, the friendship of the sprightly saint, and to be allowed the liberty of a playfellow to Ornethia, whose excellencies unite your admiration and esteem, since you have qualifications which may entitle you to as much good fortune as any man. If knowledge and discernment in curious and choice speculations, joined with virtues not common though desirable in your sex, may obtain return of friendship from persons who cannot be unjust, and therefore must allow you a share of their esteem, you may pretend ; but should I hope for a part, it must be upon no other account, but as I have a little interest in you, and possibly a kindly thought of by jou, which happiness produces many advantages to AORTINSA.* To Mr, Bohun. January y 1672-3. Sir, I find the slight cares of a family are great hindrances to the study of philosophy, and that one grows less and less capable of improvements by books, as one grows more acquainted with the world ; yet amongst those fine experiments Avhich fall in my w^ay, could I meet with any one equally curious with those of the Greshamites, though as unuseful and trifling, I might hope in time to be in something famous ; learning is become so easy of access by the late industry of some who have removed the bar language put to the illiterate, and make women pretenders to judge of Alexander's valour and conduct, * Mrs. Evelyn makes sad havoc of classical names in this playful letter to her husband, but they are left, with her signature, as she writes them. 1672-3.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 85 and determine whether the effeminacy and imbeciUty of the Persians did not abate of the miracles of such a conquest; that it was suddenly and unjustly gained, and as precipitously lost ; and yet allow the man heathen worth who made all that stir till prosperity made him forget himself. He might have expected a better fate ; but this subject has been in so many boys' mouths and themes, that it is reasonable for me to give it over and fall upon Dr. Pierce's sermons, which is a great step from Homer's admirer. Not to dispute the eloquence of the person who appears more like a Grecian orator than a Christian preacher for three parts of each sermon, — which how necessary, now whole countries are under the Christian profession, I know not, — one Avould imagine 26 hundred years had worn out the remembrance of idolising insensible orators; that there were no more need of drawing instances from the moral men to encourage virtue, where light and joyful truth have had such influ- ences. But for the selections of young students whose first compositions are far-fetched, and keep alive the stories of the ancients by succession in the pulpit, one should hardly know who Socrates and Zeno were ; and of what importance to the congregation, few in it under- stand. The great example should be Christ, His doctrine, and the effects of it in the first ages of the church, when innocency and purity filled the minds of men ; when the sincerity of their words appeared by the manifestation of good works; when the leaders and people lived in mutual charity and love. If this could be brought into fashion again it were a happy effect of men's labours. And since I have seen that piece of the primitive Chris- tianity, I fancy we are strangely out of the way to heaven ; self-denial is a kind of by-path, and many necessary circumstances of a true believer are Avholly out of use. Do not wonder I treat with you in this style, since I am assured you own it as the greatest honour that could have happened to you to serve at God's altar, and therefore cannot be displeased when anything is suggested to His glory. Your last to Mr. Evelyn gave us hope of seeing you suddenly. d2 36 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1672-3. To Mrs. Saul Mrs. Saul^ The esteem I have had for you as a neighbour and a deserving person, makes me more concerned for the general censure upon your late quitting your husband and family : had you consulted real friends with your design, they never Avould have advised a separation without equal consent of both parties ; there is something so strict and binding in the marriage vow, that but upon extra- ordinary causes (the examples of which are rare) any divorce can be lawful : women especially being very tender how they violate that obligation, choosing rather to bear wdth infirmities, to pray for and endeavour the reformation of an ill man, by all the ways respect and love can suggest, and to bear injuries patiently, valuing their mutual reputation above particular satisfaction, as the necessary duty of a good wife, and the common effects of a good Christian, which qualification enables persons to overcome their own inclinations for a better end yet than present or worldly advantages, and secures their future and more lasting happiness. There is no state of life unattended with cares and troubles, afiiictions are common and fall to every one^s share more or less, therefore w^e should not without great presumption expect to run the course of this life so smoothly as to meet with no rub by the way. I take the more freedom to enlarge upon this subject with you, because I am really sorry one who appeared so sensible of what became her upon all accounts, as I have often observed you were, should take such ill measures in this last action as you have done ; you cannot be ignorant how many there are who rejoice at peoples' misfortunes, and think they excuse their own errors by pub- lishing others' failings ; and I wish, and wish it heartih^, you had not justified your husband by hurting yourself. I do remember some occasional discourse of yours to me in confidence, concerning some of his miscarriages, which obliged me to lament for you both, that a couple so likely by the agreeableness of person, quality, fortune, and age, should meet with any interruption to their happiness ; but do now infinitely bewail it is come to so 1672-3.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYK 37 wide a breach. I was in hopes you had convinced Mr. S. that it ^vas both reasonable as well as convenient to reform the ill habits company might have engaged him in, and that he had wholly designed to take off your suspicion of a relapse ; which disposition to virtue and kindness should have been complied with, and cherished by welcome at home^ and all endeavours used to confirm him in so good a resolution. I know not what the real cause of dislike is on your part at present, neither will I judge. But were I recommend Mr. S. to a wife in the temper I find him, I should pronounce in his behalf that he is likely to make a wife as happy as any man I know, if good humour, generous inclinations, industr}^, and many other good qualities, you have yourself done him the right to acknow- ledge him possessed of, can contribute towards it. Pray be so kind to yourself and him to return to all the duties of a wife ; to forgive past faults like a Christian, to forget them like a friend ; to begin your friendship upon a new account ; and as caution for him, give me leave to be the person; your word is sufficient for yourself. Since he desires so earnestly to make you happy, banish all obstacles; do not entertain a thought that may check a blessing offered to you both. You will oblige me infinitely by a ready consent to so just a request, you will overcome by it the prejudicial reports concerning you, recover your friends, make an experiment which if successful will prove worth your while. Who would not try it, and submit to harder conditions than any I hope you will find ? I beg of you to consider well what is offered you, and assure your- self that my zeal proceeds from a perfect belief of jour innocency and merit, and a desire to reunite persons who have both deserved so well the esteem of Your friend and servant, M. E. March 28, 1673.* Sir, I acknowledge the receipt of two of your letters unanswered : That of the 20th this day came to my hands, ■* The address of this letter is lost. It was probably written to one of her relatives at Wotton. 38 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1673. with a note to Will. Ha^xs, whicli I have given him. He will punctually observe your orders concerning your horse ; for the beer, according to his judgment of things, he be- lieves, since it is left undisturbed to which cellar it should go, it most properly belongs to his, as being worst fur- nished of any in Deptford ; yet upon second orders it shall be bestowed where you please. You need not fear a long comment upon the lady's censure of my indulgence to children, since I confess myself too much inclined to that failing ; but I have a maxim never to disturb the company with my own affairs, in showing dislike to servants^ mistakes and children's faults; so that sometimes, I believe, I pass for a very fond mother and remiss mistress ; yet it may be, in a convenient place, both are reproved; and amongst those who understand civility very well, this method is not unacceptable. Were I willing to entertain grief, I could answer to every particular of your first letter ; but since there is no recalling of the dead, let us not mingle past sorrows with the present ; every moment produces new occasions to exercise our morality. To comply with Mrs. Palmer's request it is impossible, till I am as much convinced of the excellency of my style as Mr. Alderson is of his preaching, who assured me his last funeral sermon was an elaborate, judicious, well-timed piece ; and then all the scraps I have written shall be at her service. And in the meantime advise her, since she is a person of wit, bred under Doctor Bathurst's wing, and. lives in the air of the university, to hazard some of her own lines abroad, and try what justice may be in the world. If I do not enlarge at this time, impute it to Easter-Eve ; and excuse this character, scarce legible. I am. Sir, Your servant. To my Brother Glanville. Decern, the last, 1673. Sir, I am not naturally suspicious, especially where I have an esteem. I was, I acknowledge, a little thought- ful what the cause of your silence might be, yet never doubted your friendship ; and since it was on so reason- 1673.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 39 able an account^ I am not only pacified for the loss of those kind expressions which I am always sure of from you, but would have added many good wishes to your endeavours for the success in the Captain's concern, which, by this time, I hope is out of question. Pray assure him and his lady I am their humble servant. When you are disposed to make us happy with your conversation, you cannot fail of welcome in a family that rejoice in the hopes of seeing you. You have conversed so much in the world, that you cannot be io^norant either of your own merit, or how kindly you will be received by those that have a real value for you. Be assured neither care nor industry would be wanting if an occasion would offer. Whatever else is unequal to you must be forgiven. The unsteadiness of the times is such, that a great man's favour is no sooner gained, but one is to begin again ; and the difficulty is to know where a new endeavour may be made. The next lesson will try how fast some of them sit. If you were one of the house, you have a talent that might improve what interest you please. I suppose your correspondent is so good, I need not entertain you with news. The satisfaction I had in a week's stay in town was not so great that I should trouble you with the rela- tion of it, besides the honour to have the Duchess's hand, visit the Duchess of Modena, &c. Only this particular I cannot omit concerning Sir George Lane, who is married to a daughter of my Lord of Dorset, a young, handsome person, who has 5000/. to her portion. The son desires to go into Ireland ; to oblige him perfectly, the father settles 3000/. a year on his son, and reserves as much for a second venture : makes her a thousand a year jointure, and all the advantages in Ireland. I have had the honour to wait on the lady, and to give them both joy. My father has had his turn in town — proceeds as vigorously as he can in his affair, but they stand it out, which forces him to issue out an arrest against them. What that course may produce is yet to learn. He seemed desirous to finish it himself, as being best able to dispute their right, or defend his own ; but the gout seizes him so often, though with less violence, that he is the more solicitous to end it. He is at present in bed, but not very ill. We have our workmen still, but hope a little time will finish all. Your brother watches 40 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1685. and prays still. Jack studies and ruminates; the girls make a noise ; and I lend a little of my time to any one that seems to want it. How well I pass the hours in which I am not serviceable to others, I am no good judge. The conclusion of this year with this day, puts me in mind to wish you happiness with all imaginable joy the next. I am, &c. To Lady Tuke. Apnl, 1685, How to express the sorrow for parting with so dear a child is a difficult task. She was welcome to me from the first moment God gave her, acceptable through the whole course of her life hj a thousand endearments, by the gifts of nature, by acquired parts, by the tender love she ever showed her father and me : a thread of piety accompanied all her actions, and now proves our greatest consolation. The patience, resignation, humility of her carriage in so severe and fatal a disease, discovered more than an ordinary assistance of the Divine goodness, never expressing fear of death, or a desire to live, but for her friends' sake. The seventh day of her illness she discoursed to me in particular as calmly as in health, desired to confess, and receive the blessed Sacrament, which she performed with great de- votion ; after which, though in her perfect senses to the last, she never signified the least concern for the world, prayed often, and resigned her soul. What shall I say ! She was too great a blessing for me, who never deserved anything, much less such a jewel. I am too well assured of your Ladyship's kindness to doubt the part you take in this loss ; you have ever showed yourself a friend in so many instances, that I presume upon your compassion ; nothing but this just occasion could have hindered me from welcom- ing you to town, and rejoicing with the best friend I have in the world — a friend by merit and inclination, one I must esteem as the wife of so worthy a relation and so sincere a friend as Sir Samuel was to me and mine. What is this world when we recall past things ! what are the charms that keep our minds in suspense ! without the 1680.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 41 conversation of those we love, what is life worth ! How did I propose happiness this summer in the return of your Ladyship and my dear child — for she was absent almost all this winter ! She had much improved herself by the remarks she had made of the world and all its vanities — What shall I add ! I could ever speak of her, and might I be just to her without suspicion of partiality, could tell you many things. The papers which are found in her cabinet discover she profited by her reading — such reflections, collections out of Scripture, confessions, meditations, and pious notions, evidence her time was not spent in the trifling way of most young women. I acknowledge, as a Christian, I ought not to murmur, and I should be infinitely sorry to incur God^s further displeasure. There are those yet remaining that challenge my care, and for their sakes I endeavour to submit all I can. 1 thank my poor Cousin a thousand times for her kind concern, and wish she may live to be the comfort you deserve in her, that God will continue the blessing of both, and make you happy — which is the prayer of her who is Yours, most affectionatelv, M. E. [To these letters of Mrs. Evelyn, may be subjoined two letters which have come into the Editor's possession since the volume containing her husband's correspondence was printed, but which so agreeably illustrate Evelyn's habits and intercourse with his neighbours and friends that it is worth including them in this collection.] Mrs. Owen to John Evelyn. Eltham, June 26, 1680. Honoured Sir, I am heartily sorry that I forced you to buy tulips for your fine garden. I must confess your guineas look more glorious than now these tulips do ; but, when they come to blow, I hope you will be better pleased than now you are. I have sent you some of my ordinary sort, and, sir, when mine are blown, if you please to come and 42 LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. [1680. see them^ Mr. Evelyn shall buy no more, but have what he pleases for nothing. I am so well pleased with those that I have, that I shall neither buy more, nor part with any, unless it be to yourself. I cannot, sir, send my husband^s service to you, because I do not acquaint him with ray trading for tulips. Sir John Shaw I cannot yet speak with (being taken up so much with visitors), as to know his miud about a gardener. Sir, I now beg your pardon for my rude lines, and desire you to assure yourself, that my husband and I, upon any occasion, shall be alway ready either to ride or go to serve you or yours. Thus having no more, but desiring to have my service to yourself, your lady, and Sir Richard Browne, and your beloved progeny, I shall take leave, and subscribe myself, Your most humble servant, to command, Amy Owen. John Evelyn to Mrs. Owen. June 26, 1680. MoN Amy (that is. My Friend), I am not so well pleased with Mrs. Owen's letter as with her tulips, because I am assured there must needs be some mistake, and that my gardener (who, perhaps, does not care that I should purchase anything but through his hands and in the common manner), as was to tell you that I would come myself and make friends with you, did leave out that. Can you ever imagine that I looked on your kindness as an imposing on me ? Sure, you know me better than to think so ; and that when I told you flowers of less value would better become my poor garden, it was neither to save my money nor reproach your merchandise. But I assure you I not only thank you for [them], but shall condemn you for a very unwise woman if you should for- bear to continue a traffic which is so innocent, so laudable, and so frequent even among very great persons. You and I, therefore, must come to a better understanding upon this chapter. In the meantime I had a good mind to have sent you your last present back again, till all this 1680.] LETTERS OF MRS. EVELYN. 43 had been cleared ; for I do not love to be overcome in point of generosity, tbough I see that for this present I must be. You seem to think I complained I had not full measure, and think now to make it up by overwhelming me with your kindness. This is a revenge that I cannot long endure, as you shall be sure to find, the first oppor- tunity I can lay hold on. In the meantime I thank you most heartily for all your good intentions, and the kind offices w^hich both you and the Doctor have ever been ready to do me. Sir Jo. Shaw did us the honour of a visit on Thursday last, when it was not my hap to be at home, for which I was very sorry. I met him since casually in London, and kissed him there unfeignedly. I chided myself that I was not there to receive him. Two of our coach-horses are still so lame, that we have not been able to stir out this fortnight ; but so soon as they are in very tolerable condition, my wife and I will not fail of kissing your hands, and repaying this civility to Sir John ; and so with our best respects to you and your Doctor, We remain, &c. PEIVATE COEEESPONDENCE BETWEEK KING CHARLES I. AKD HIS SECRETARY OF STATE, SIR EDWARD NICHOLAS ; WHILST HIS MAJESTY WAS IN SCOTLAND, 1641, AND AT OTHER TIMES DURING THE CIVIL WAR. THE CORRESPONDENCE OE CHARLES I. AND SIR EDWARD NICHOLAS. Few more valuable or more interesting illustrations of English history have been at any time made public than the Private Cor- respondence between Charles I. and his secretary -of -state, Sir Edward Nicholas. These letters were found at Wotton, with the correspondence of Evelyn ; his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, whose papers he inherited, having been connected by marriage with Mr. Secretary Nicholas ; and since their publication they have been quoted and commented upon by every historian or critic of the period on which they throw so much curious and important light. In no respect illustrating or forming part of Evelyn's history, the reason which existed for modernising the spelling in the case of the Diary and Letters" did not here apply. These papers are strictly historical documents, and, as such, are presented in all respects precisely as they were found ; with the king's apostils, by way of answer or remark to his secretary's information, printed as written in the margin of the secretary's dispatches ; with the queen's notes and messages appended ; with the occasional ciphers as in the originals ; and, thi'oughout, whether in these particular letters or in the few additional ones of later date, with a strict adherence to the exact orthography of the individual writers. The date of the commencement of the letters is one of the most- critical in the life of the king. It was that of the journey to Scot- land, which preceded the fatal attempt to arrest the five members. The king's motives for this journey have been variously surmised and stated ; but that, besides his hope of effecting a better understanding with the Scotch parliament by personal communication with its members, they also included an attempt by means of the new anti- covenanting Scotch party which had been secretly formed by Montrose, to obtain evidence available against the popular leaders in England, may be gathered from a study of the present correspondence. The feeling entertained in the House of Commons as to what was involved in the kmg's departure became manifest as soon as it was ascertained 48 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. to have actually taken place ; commissioners being immediately named and appointed to proceed to Scotland, ostensibly to treat with tlie Scots concerning the satisfaction of the treaty under discussion, but really to thwart as far as possible the king's suspected intentions. The new secretary-of-state, Nicholas, appointed on the flight of Winde- bank, had it left to him in chai'ge by his royal master to furnish diligent information, during his absence, of what was going on in London ; and his letters, noted and answered in the margin by Charles, and posted back to the writer, form the bulk of the succeeding corre- spondence. They begin with the king's first letter from Edinburgh, written five days after he quitted London, and continue during the whole of the stay in Scotland. After Charles's return there is a considerable interval in the correspondence, but it is resumed at the period of the treaty of Uxbridge, for which Nicholas was appointed one of the commissioners ; and is continued through the vicissitudes and disasters of the M-ar, up to the king's detention by the army of the Scots, and his imprisonment at Holdenby and in the Isle of Wight. Of Sir Edward Nicholas, who plays so prominent a part in this correspondence, and of whom Clarendon remarks that he was appointed secretary upon the king's observation of his virtue and fidelity, and without any other recommendation, some brief account may be expected by the reader. He was the eldest son of John Nicholas, Esq., of Winterbourne Earls, in the county of Wilts ; was born in Api'il, 1592-3, educated at Oxford, and entered of the Middle Temple ; resided some time in France, and on his return to England, directed his thoughts to public business. His first official appointment was in the time of James I. He was named one of the six clerks in chancery ; and afterwards became secretary to Lord Zouch, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, who surrendered tliat employment to please the king, by enabling him to confer it on the Duke of Buck- ingham. The duke continued Nicholas in his office, and advanced him to be secretary to the Admiralty. The commissioners appointed to administer the affairs of the Admiralty, on the duke's death, also continued Nicholas as their secretary ; and he retained the oflSce till 16.36, when Algernon, Earl of Northumberland, being appointed Lord High Admiral, he was removed to the clerkship of the council. This brought him more within the personal view and knowledge of the king, from which resulted his selection for the office of seci'etary- of-state, when the flight of Windebank left it vacant in 1641. He received his knighthood at Whitehall, at the close of November, 1641, the day after the king's return from Scotland. For his activity and earnestness in the execution of his duties, he had meanwhile become obnoxious to the Parliament, and was one of those excepted in the terms which they offered to the king after he had raised his standard at Nottingham, Notwithstanding this exception, however, they did not refuse to receive him as one of the king's commissioners at the treaty of Uxbridge. He was at Oxford during the time it was besieged by the parliament forces. On the death of the king he went to France, and afterwards joined the exiled prince at Rouen, on his arrival there from Jersey. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 49 In this service he remained, discharging it at various places in Fi-ance and Holland, till the treaty of Breda, when Charles went to Scotland. On his return, Nicholas again joined him at Aix ; and when the Restoi'ation came, in 1660, he was continued as secretary. In October 1662, being then about seventy years of age, he finally resigned the secretaryship, in which he was succeeded by Bennet, after- wards Earl of Arlington. He refused a peerage offered him by the king ; and retiring to his seat at West Horsley, in Surrey, an estate which he had purchased of Carew Raleigh, Esq. (son of Sir Walter), died there in September 1669. In the church of that parish are monuments erected to him and his descendants, who continued there till 1749. He left four sons. In 1641, it would appear from the letters now printed, he had a house at Tliorpe, in Surrey. The reader of these letters will scarcely need to be told that he was not only a devoted servant of Charles I., but a diligent and faithful adviser, never scrupling to offer his opinion, and that a conscientious and honest one. It is to the king's credit that he allowed him to do so, commending his openness, though unhappily for himself he did not always attend to the advice so given. It was Charles's greatest misfortune to have had few counsellors so judicious, industrious, and experienced as Nicholas ; of such unimpeachable integrity, or of a temper so unambitious and averse to intx'igue. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Nicolas, Your aduertisments to me,* is so far from displeasing to me^ that I comand you to continew it, & that as often as conuenientlie ye may. Deliuer thease incloseds. (I hope ye know by that yesterday that on [one] is to my Wyfe.) So I rest Your friend, Charles R. Eden. 15 Aiifj. 1641. Aduertise my Wyfe vpon euery dispache, that she may (if she will) wryt ; & make one when & as often as she will comand you. * This letter is evidently the first sent by Charles to Sir Edward Nicholas, in answer to his first communication respecting the pro- ceedings subsequent to the King's departure. The royal journey was by no means agreeable to the Parliament ; for, so late as the 7th of August, the Commons desired the Lords to join with them in an attempt to delay the King's departure for fourteen days, Charles, however, gave his assent on that day to several Bills both public and VOL. IV. E 1 50 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. The Queen to Sir Edward Nicholas. Maistre Nicholas, I liaue reseaued your letter: and that you send me from the King : which writes me word he has been vere well reseaued in Scotland : and that both the armie : and the people : have shued a creat joye to see the King : and such : that theay say was neuer seen before : praj^ god it may continued : for the letter that I writt to you counsern- ing the commissionaires it is them that are toe dispatch bussinesse in the Kings absence : I thank you for your care of geuing me aduises of what passes at London : and soe I reste Your fraud, Henriette Marie R. Otelands,* the 19 August. Indorsed,'- For Mistre Nicholas." lu Sir E. N.'s writing : « 19° Aug. 1641. The Queenes IC" to me." Sir Edward Nicholas to the King, May it please yo' most excellent Ma*% Yesterday I receaved yo'' Ma*'" of the 17th of this month, & in it one to the Queene, & another to my Lo: Keeper : f I forthw^ presented yo'" Ma*'" private, and then bade the ParHament farewell. The next day, Sunday, the Commons sat for the purpose of forming and presenting a petition on the subject. On the 9th, his Majesty again gave the royal assent to four Bills, and took leave a second time, telling the Parliament that he should return before Michaelmas, if possible. At two o'clock he set off, accompanied by the Elector Palatine and the Duke of Richmond. * Oatlands at this time was the Queen's property, having been gi'anted to her some years before, by the King, for her life. In the preceding year, 1640, her son, Henry of Oatlands, was born there. Oatlands had long been a royal mansion ; but the house, which then stood on low ground, was pulled down during the Protectorate, with the exception of a small part, which was again given up to the Queen upon the Restoration. t Sir Edward Lyttelton, soon after created Lord Lyttelton. He succeeded Finch, and it was not inaptly said of him that he was a 1641.] THE NICHOLAS COIIRESPONDENCE. 51 to tlie Queene, w'^ when she had read, her Ma*'" comanded me to forbeare to deliver that to my Lo. Keeper, & took it into her owne custody, for that her Ma*'*" said it was written att her entreaty, & Apostyiedin that there is now noe occasion for y° delivery of it, tlianj':* as her Ma*'^ tells me she will by her next satisfy yo^" Ma*'*", & I hope I have donne nothing but my Yearveme duty in obeying her Ma*'^' comaund touching that letter. Satterday morning the Comittees did set forth towards Scotland,t & that day the Peers adiourned their House till too-morrow : it is conceaved there will not be much business donne now in P^liam^t % untill they shall understand of the arrivall and recepcon of their Comittees by yo'' Ma*'^, whereon all their eyes are fixed. The Constable of y*' Tower is comanded by y^ j^Qdes jjQuse forthw^' to reside constantly in the Tower, & order is given (as I am credibly tould) that there shal be 40 souldiers added to reinforce that garrison, w*"^ new soldiers are to be contynued & paid by the P^liamH here during yo' Ma*'"" absence. Upon a Conference had betweene both Houses, there is an order of P^liam^t for y^ present disarming good Englishman, a good subject, and learned in the laws ; but, not having the same dexterity that his predecessor had, he was not so fitly qualified for his important trust in such perilous and critical times. * What is apostyled by the King will be printed in the margin of the passages so noted. These Commissioners were appointed by both Houses on the 16th of August, with instructions to negotiate with the Scottish Par- liament respecting the affairs of that kingdom. Their real mission was to counteract the anticipated effects of the King's presence in Scotland, X Here the Secretary hardly shows his usual discernment. The Commons had been very busy since the King's departure : having brought fresh chai'ges against the impeached Bishops ; voted Perry, Jermyn, and Suckling, guilty of high treason ; and established a complaint against the Queen's Capuchin Friars. Though the King was gone, yet Commissioners were left to exercise the royal functions in Parliament, and the assent was given to the Bill for Tonnage and Poundage on the 16th of August. Before adjournment also, they had made fresh orders against the Recusants, and also for raising money speedily for the use of the army. E 2 52 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. of all Recusants/'- and some Comittees of the Houses are appointed to see statutes on that behalf forthw'' put in execucon. Upon consideracon of y*" great ielousies that are raysed here & spread abroade, as if there were some intencons to make use of some of y" armyes to y^ preiudice of y" Parliam^, and upon the apparent delay that hath been used in y^ paying off^ & dis- banding y^ English armye, w'''' hath bene cleerely throughe y*" negligence of those whom y^ Parliam* hath imployed in that service, I humbly beseech yo' hauTtlvue Ma*^^ to givc mo leaue to offer to yo' Ma*'" con- thTincS' sideracon, whether it may not be fitt for yo' Ma*'^ to the p^sently to wryte yo'' Tres to the Speaker of one or Sj^^that both Houses, taking notice of y^ delay & sloth that wShaue^ hath bene used in y^ disbanding the armies, w'^^' youaduer- Jiavo bcue kept ou footc here to srreat e;ree- ticemywyfe r i rts • p -\T i.i o i of it. vaunce oi yo' sub*"^^ in y^ North, & att a heavy charge to yo'" kingdome in England in g'rall, not- withstanding yo' Ma*'^ hath from tyme to tyme by frequent speeches to both Houses often called upon them to ease this yo'' kingdome of that greevous burthen. Yo'" Ma^'" now understanding, that (when by y^ agreem* w*^ the Scots all the Englishe forces are to be disbanded) y*' Lo. G^rall hath advertised y^ Houses that there wants 140. thousand pounds to finishe that worke, therefore yo"" Ma*'^ may be pleased to quicken the Parliam* here, & to let them know how sensible yo'' Ma*'^ is of y"" long sufferings of yo' people of England, & to comaund the Houses, (all other matters set apart,) forthwith to apply them- selves to free this yo^ kingdome of soe heavy & dayly a charge. Such a letter would let yo'' people here see yo' care & affec^on to them, & make appeare cleerely to the world that there is noe intenc^on on yo" Ma^'^^ p*^ to make use of the army here, as may be otherwise insinuated. * This originated in a complaint from the Commons to the Lords on the 17th of August, that the laws for disarming them were neglected, and that many of them were even screened by members of the Upper House. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 53 I humbly beg yo' Ma*''' p'don for this bokl & tedious discourse, av*"^ is noe other than an effect of the dutifull affeccon of most humble & most obedient servaunt^ Edw. Nicholas. As I was closing this packet, I receaved one from Edenburgh, wherein was yo'' Ma*'''^ le'" of the 19*^' present : I shall lett my Lo. Keeper understand what yo"" Ma*'^ hath comaunded me to deliver to my Lo. Ch. Justice Bankes (who is now in his circuit in Suffolke) touching y^ 4 Iriwshe regiments," and desire his Lo^^ (in y*" others absence) to acquaint y' Lo'^^' House therewith. Yo'- Ma*'^' le' of y^ 19*'^ p'sent I have sent to y^ Queene. Westminster, 23° Aucj. 1641. Under this date, in the King's writing, " Eden. 28." Indorsed, " For yo'' Ma''«." And signed by the King, " Yours apostyled." Likewise indorsed by Sir E. N. " My le' to y« King of y« 23 Aug. 1641. Apostiled ye 28^A." The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Nicholas, I thanke you for the account you haue giuen by yours of the 14, comanding you still to con- tinew the same course, as lykewais that in my name ye tell the same to my Lord Cheefe justice Bankesf also : So I rest Your frend, Charles E. Eden : 19 Aug: 1641. You must tell my L. Cheefe justice Bankes from * When the Irish regiments were on the point of being disbanded, the Ambassadors of France and Spain made an appheation to the Parliament on the 14th of August for leave to hire several regiments for foreign service ; but their application was refused. f Sir John Banks, who had succeeded Sir Edward Lyttelton as Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. 54^ THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [16il. mc that I am so far now engaged to the Spanish Embassador* for fower regiment, that I cannot now goe backe, for it was asseured me before I cam from London that bothe Houses were content, onlie it wanted the formahtie of voting : whereupon I gaue an absolute order for the leaning & transporting of those men, but also reiterated my promises to the Embassador : wherefor he must tell the Houses from me that thease leauies must not be stoped. C. R. Addressed : "For your selfe." Indorsed by Sir E. N. «19° Aug: 1G41: R. 23". His Ma^i" igr to me." Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'' most excellent Ma*'*, This morning about 6 o'clock I receaved by y*" hands of ]\Ir. Murray yo^ Ma*''^ of the 22th, & have acquainted my Lo. Keeper, that yo"" ^la*'*' is well satisfyed w*^ his letf, whereof his Lo^p is very glad, & acknowledgeth yo"" Ma,*'"' great goodnes to him in it. Before my receipt of yo'" Ma*'^^ last letter I had acquainted my Lo. Keeper (in y^ absence of my Lo. Ch. Justice Bankes) w^' what yo"" Ma*'^ commanded me, touching yo' Ma*'^^ engagem* for transportac'on of 4 regiments of Irishe for y^ service of the Spanishe King, & w^ y^ reasons of it, & his Lo^P having that morning made y"" same knowne to the Lo'^''^, they thereupon had next day a con- ference w^' y^ Comons House, the result of w*''' conference is not as yet reported to y* Lo^^^ House, but I am tould, that the Comonsf are very much against these 4 regiments going for Spayne, in regard * Don Alonzo de Cardenas. This is noticed in the preceding letter. t On the 28th of August when the House of Commons again took this affair into consideration, Sir Benjamin Rudyard spoke loudly against it, founding his objections principally upon the points here stated by Sir Edward Nicholas. The Commons then refused assent to the measure, in which the Lords agreed with them ; and a letter, expressing their refusal, was sent to the King. I see your discretion may bee trasted in greater maters. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 55 it crosseth w*^' vo'' Ma^''^" & y*' Houses Declaration against y"" Spanyard on behalf of y^ Prince Elector ; * & therefore my Lo. Keeper thinkes not fitt to hasten y*" report of that conference : As soone as there shal be any order or resolucon in it by y^ Parliam*, I shall advertise it to yo'' Ma''". I sent yo"" Ma*'*'' letter to Sir Ph. Maynewaringt by an expresse messenger into Northamptonsh: whither S'" Phillip was gonne 2 dayes before my receipt of yo' Ma''^' to him. Since Satterday last there hath beene noe business done in Parliam* of any publique nature J that I can heare of ; but only the order made by the Lo*^^^ touching y*" election of y*" present Sheriffs of London, whereof I gave advertisem* to Mr. Thre^r § by myne of y"^ 23'^ II This day y- Lo. Mayor was att the Upper House to get an alteration of that their Lo^^ order, but the House would not recede from it in an}'- p'ticular, whereat y"" Lo. Mayor and cheif cittizens seeme to be much troubled. * Charles Louis, Elector of Bavaria, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, and nephew to Charles L, being the sou of his sister Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. f He was of Over Peover, in Che.shire, and father to the first Baronet of that name, so created after the Restoration. He was Sheriff of Cheshire in 1639, and Captain in the Cheshire light horse. Collins does not mention his knighthood. J Again the Secretary is remiss, or at fault. Public business was certainly going forward. On the 25th of August the Lords seques- trated the temporalities of Dr. Roger Manwaring, Bishop of St. David's, for his contumacy to an order of the House ; and, on the day on which Sir Edward wrote his letter, both Houses had a conference respecting a proposed recess of Parliament. § " Mr. Treasurer," that is. Sir Henry Vane the elder. |] This evidently relates to the dispute then existing between the Lord Mayor and the Commons of London ; the former laying claim to the choice of one of the Sheriffs, by a prescription of three hundred years. The Livery refusing to abide by this, the Court of Aldermen petitioned the King to decide upon the affair ; but the King referred it to the House of Lords, who, after some delay, ordered that the Com- monalty should proceed to tlie choice of the two Sheriffs, at the same time recommending that they would have those who had already been nominated by the flavor. The Sheriffs chosen were George Garret and George Clark. Sir William Acton, Bart,, was the then Lord Mayor ; but he was superseded by the Parliament, and replaced by Sir Edmund Wright. 56 THE NICHOLAS COPJiESPONDENCE. [1641. beereyester- ihcre IS here great expectation what recepcon to'" night. Ma^'^ will give to Comittees sent hence. 1 wishe yo'" Ma*'^ could have soe tymely expedited yo"" affaires there, as that you might have bene reddy to come away before their arrivall there.* Yesterday y'" Comons orderedf that y" pay of Coll. Willmot, Aslibournham, & y*" rest of y^ soldiers (that are questioned in P'liam^t) shalbe sequestred untill their busines shalbe heard & adjudged. And upon occasion of y^ discourse of that busines, Mr. Seidell did then in that house deliver his opinion with much confidence, that by y" Act of Oblivion Mr. Percy and ^Ir. Jermyn,J & all y*" rest that are questioned with them, are freed and pardoned, w'''' he argued so strongly out of the very words of that Act, as y^ sages of that house, who oppugned his opinion, did not (in y" iudgem* of able men) give any reasonable or satisfactory answere to it: the House seemed to be much amazed att this slipp in that Act, & were not well pleased with him who delivered this opinion : some said that it was not in y" intencon * The names of the Commissioners were Lords Bedford and Howard of Esricke, Hampden, Fiennes, Sir Phihp Stapleton, and Sir William Armyne. The Secretary seems to entertain a reason- able fear of the King's being brought into collision with such Commissioners. t Not recorded in the Parliamentary Debates. Ij: Jermyn had been especially implicated, by the confession of Colonel Goring, in the alleged plot contrived by certain officers of the array to secure StrafTord's escape, and overawe and dissolve the Parliament, by marching the army on London and making the King absolute. Balfour, the Lieutenant of the Tower, baffled that part of it relating to Strafford ; and, a quarrel arising between the leaders of the design, Goxniig and Wilmot (" Gorrein et Hailmot," as Madame de Motteville calls them in her account of the affaii'), which Jermyn had in vain done his best to reconcile, Goring made a quasi discovery of the plot to Lord Newark, from whom, through Lords Bedford and Kirabolton, it reached Pym. Goi-ing subsequently asserted that for his own part he had refused concurrence with the proposals to put the army into a posture to serve the King, and send a Declai'atiou to Parliament that Episcopacy should not be infringed upon, and that the King's revenue should be established ; for he said that he thought it belonged to an army to maintain, not to contrive, acts of state. At the same time he professed that his particular object, in joining in the proposed measures, was to solicit " a redresse for the miseries of the souldiers." 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 57 of y*' House to pardon them, whereupon it uas replyed that lawes are to be understood according to the words in Act, & not according to the intencon of makers, further than y" words will beare. This day the House of Peers have comitted to prison y^ man that printed the scandalous ballet concerning the Qu. Mother's going away, & will consider of further punishm* for him, and they have ordered that these ballets shalbe burnt by y*" hand of V*" hangman. Thankehim The inclosed from my Lo. Marshall* will give jorhfs^^"' yo' Ma''' an account of y' cause of y' Qu. Mother's stay att Dover. Albeit this employm^ w"^^ yo''. Ma*'*" hath bene pleased to honour me* w'thall, hath drawne much envy vpon me, & (as I heare) set some on worke to f^f^g^^J f^^^^ prye into my accons past & present, yet since I enioy fuu measure, y*" comfort of yo"" Ma*'" grac'ous opinion & accep- taunce of my poore & homiest endeavours, I shall not valine any mans mallice, but rather smile att their ignoraunce, that conceave there is any other felicity in this imploym*, then to deserve to be accounted an honest man, & Yo^ Ma*'" most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. i receaued The Queene sent me word she had written lately day.^^^'*^"^ to yo"" Ma*'% & would not write by this dispatche. Westminster, 26° Aug. Written by the King, « Eden. 31, 1641." Indorsed, " For yo'' most excellent Ma*'«." Written by the King, " Yours apostyled." Further indorsement in the hand-writing of Sir E. N. : " 26 A ug. 1641. Myne to his Ma^^e apostiled 31" Aug. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas, Nicholas, I haue nothing to answer to yours of the 20 : (w"^*" I receaued yesterday in the euening), * Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel and Surrey. 58 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. save onlie to tlianke for your advertisments : but Leering from good hand, that the House of Comons meanes to refuse my General Pardon,* I haue thought fitt to comand you, to comandmy L. Keeper to thinke of a DecLiratiou to be put fourth in my name (in case my Pardon be refused) to make my fauorable intentions knowen to all my English subjects, how 1 consulted it with the best lawers, to make it of most aduantadge that might bee for all my said people. This being the sumrae, for the forme & the penning, I leave it to bee consulted there : to w*"^* end, I command you first to goe to my Wyfe, to receaue her directions in it (for she knowes my mynde fully in this particular) and according to what she shall direct you, to command my Lo. Keeper for the drawing of it, fitt for my hand, y/ith all speede, & so I rest Your frend, Charles R. Eden, 25 Aug: 1641. Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. fied^iththis ^^^y please y°'" most excell°* Ma''% account. Yo'r Ma''^^ of the 25th of this moneth founde me at Oatlands on Sunday last, as I was attending the Queenes com^aunds, where I p^sently p^sented to her Royall hand yo'^ Ma*'^^ 1% & acquainted her ]\Ia''" what you had written to me concerning a Declarac'on; her ^I'd}'" saith that she now vnderstands that y^ Com'ons will not suddainly refuse yo"* Ma*'^' Pardon ; but howsoever she com^aunded me to speake w*^ my Lo. Keeper about it according to yo"" Ma*'^^ le% & to Avishe him to consider of a fitting Declarac'on * This will be found fully explained in a subsequent letter. The King appears to have wished to secure Percy, Wilmot, Ashburn- ham, and the others engaged with them, from the wrath of the Parliament, but, unwilling to pardon them expressly by name, he issued this General Pardon in order to include them, without appear- ing to confirm the charges brought against them as acting under his privity and directions. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 59 agreeable to yC Ma*'" direcc^ons, that it may be reddy in case the G'ral Pardon shal be refused, & this to be donne w*^' all possible secrecy. My Lo. Keeper promiseth to p'^pare such a Declarac'on against too- morrow, & hath wished me then to attend his Lo^'P to Oatlands, there to shew it to her Ma*'*", & as soon as it shal be perfected to send it for yo'' ro3^al approbac^on. The busines will well beare this delay, for that y'^ Peers have this day adiourned their House till Munday next ; and y^ Commons (I heare) intend to adiourne too-morrow, also till Munday ; & it is resolvM that both Houses shall adiourne on Wensday sennight till y" 26th of Octob"". I humbly desire to know jo'' Ma*'*"^ pleasure whether when this Declarc'on shall be printed, it may not be fit to shew y*" same to my Lo. Banks or Mr. Attorney,* or both, before it be engrossed for yo' Ma*'" hand. I have bene tould that some take excepc'ons to j-o"" Ma*'" Pardon, for that it excepts all matters of eccl^all cognisaunce, albeit y'^same exception is in y" Pardon of 31° Jacobi, but I beleeve that this excepc^on of theirs is but a pretence, & that y^ mayne thing that they dishke in it is, that Mr. Percy & y^ rest of his company are comprehended in it. Both Houses have had a con- ference upon yo'" Ma*'" answear and reasons sent by Mr. Nichols f touching y"" commission, and I heare, thoughe many would have bene better pleased that yo"" Ma*'^ had signed y^ commission for their committees, yet they doe not much dislike yo'^ Ma*'" answeare, since by yo'" gracmous permission their committees have leave to come to Edenburg to doe the busines they are principally sent for.{ I have herew*^ sent yo"" Show it to both. I am of yoiu- mynd ; for their petition to mee was to have it as neer to that of 21 Jacobi as might bee. * Sir Edward Herbert, Knt. t This was Mr. Anthony Nichols, Member for Bodmyn, whom the Commons, on the 18th August, had ordered to be their messsenger to carry the Petition, Commission, and Instructions to Edinburgh for the King's approbation. It is stated in the Parliamentary Records, that the sum of lOOOZ. was then ordered for the « Commissioner's Charges." X The King's answer was read to both Houses on the 30th, in which he said that he did not find it necessary to sign any such Commission; but was "graciously pleased to give leave to the said 60 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. I com'and yontospeake with tlie L. Keeper, my I J. Banices, and my learned Councell, to see what course is best to be taken to stop ttieas insolencies in tyme to cnm. I willinglie grant your desyre. 1 receaued yours of the 2 : the 6 of this monthe, vpon w'ch, & other rea- sons, to stay thisdispache untill the 8 : euen now I receaued your of the 4: w'ch re- quyres no answer. Eden, 8 Sept. Ma*'^ substance of 2 messages delivered yesterday from y" Commons to y*" Peers. The ordinance therein menc'oned touching y'' disarming of Recusants is this day ordered to be printed (as I heare). There hath bene some of yo"" Ma*'^^ deer killed in Windsor forrest neer Egham by y*" inhabitants of that towne & of y*" parishes adioyning, -who hunted in y'' day tyme by 80 & 100 in a company : S"" Ar. Maynwaring* hath bene amongst them, and w*^' good words & promises hath made them forbeare for y^ p^sent. When both Houses shal be adiourned till OctoV I beleeve here wil be little or noe busines in this towne, where y^ sicknes & small pox increaseth, and therefore if yo' Ma*'*" please to give me leave, I humbly desire to reside att Oatlands or att my house att Thorpe (w"** is but 3 myles from Oatlands), whether I can take order that all packets shall w^^'out any delay or p^ludice be brought to me. I assure yo' Ma*'^ I would not p'^sume to crave this favour, if I could imagine that any inconvenience or delay might thereby happen to y^ services yo'' Ma*'^ hath bene pleased to comitt to y^ care of, y Ma^'^^ Most humble and most obedient servaunt, Edw^ Nicholas. Westminster, 31° Aug. 1641. Apostyled 7° 7'^'. Eden. 5 Sep. Indorsed, " For yo'' sacred Ma'"^." And by the King, " Yours apostyled." Members to come and attend us here in Scotland, to see the ratifica- tion of the said Treaty, and what else belongs thereunto." The Par- liamentary Debates say, that " these reasons seemingly contented both Houses, for we hear no more of the matter from either of the Journals ; " but Sir Edward Nicholas explains the business with more probability. * He had property in Chertsey,in the vicinity; and on thelTth of September was appointed, along with many othei's, to hold an inquest in the bounds of Windsor Forest, within the bailiwick of Surrey. The people had been enraged by the proceedings of the Justice in Eyre, the Earl of Holland. See Manning and Bray's Bist. Surreyy vol. I. Introduction, pp. xii. xiii. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 61 Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo' Ma'% Since my lef of y^ 26tli of this moneth it hath bene here ordered by both Houses of Parliam*^ that out of monny accruing to y'' Ma*'"" by vertue of y'^ last Act of Tonnage & Poundage^* there shal be paid for the use of the Nav}^ 10 m. lb. for this moneth of Aug : and 15 m. for each of y^ other 3 monethes to y^ first of Decemb" next^ amounting in all to 55 m. lb. and upon a message sent by y'' Parliam*^ to y" Commission" of y^ Treasury, they have given warraunt accordingly. There hath bene a conference between y^ 2 Houses about some course to be taken for preserving of the myne of saltpeetre_, but there is noe order as yet settled for it. The sentence whereby London Derry was adiudged forfeited to y"" Ma*% is by y"" House of Commons (as I heare) declared Nul, & that land thought fit to be restored backe to y^ Citty of London.f The Parliam* here (upon a conference of both Houses) hath resolved to make a recesse on wensday y'' 8th of Sep^^'^ to y'^ 26th of OctoV next, unlesse before that day there shal liapen some emergent busines, w'^^' it is thought wil be as y^ intelligence from Scotland shall please us here. The Qu. Mother J remaines still att Dover, ex- You must comand my learned Councell, in my name, that they doe what they may that the same vote passe not the Higher House. * This was taken into consideration by the House of Commons on the 26th of August, in consequence of long arrears due to naval officers, and the provisions in the magazines having been found to be decayed. Part of the money was also to be expended in fitting out ten men of war and ten merchant ships for the defence of the narrow- seas ; the charge of which would amount to 57,000Z., of which only 1200^. as yet was to be appropriated out of the tonnage and poundage. The farmers of the Customs were ordered to make good the defi- ciency, to the amount of 15,000Z. per month. f This refers to the proceedings of the Star Chamber against the City for non-performance of conditions in the charter granted to them by James the First. Vide Rushworth, vol. iv., p. 376. X i' e. the Queen Dowager of France, i The departure of the 62 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. You may asseure euery one, that now all difficulties ar pased heerc, as I have co'manded Vane to tell you more at large.* pecting (as my Lo. Marshall writes to me tins morning) y*" returne of a messenger from Flanders, soe as tuesday next wil be ye soonest tliat her Ma*'^ wil embarque. All things are like to be now very still here, every mans expectac^on being fixed upon yo' ^Nla*'"' & the Parliaments proceedings there, w*^^ I beseech God to direct & governe, as may be most for y*" honor & prosperity of yo'" Ma*'^ & of your royall posterity & all yo'" kingdomes, and this shall ever be y^ dayly prayers of, Yo'- Ma*'^^ Most humble & obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. As I was making up this packet I receaved an order of the Upper House of Parliam* to Sir Jo. Penington f fo. y^ stay of ships bound for Ireland, a Queen Mother from England, where she had arrived in 1638, had been strongly urged forward by the Parliament party. In a curious reprint of Grebner's astrological book, with its observations on the life and death of Charles, it is said that on her coming, " all men were against her, for it was observed that wherever or unto whatever Coxmtry this miserable old Queen came, there followed immediately after her either the plague, war, famine, or one misfortune or another." — Yet the same writer, when speaking of her departure, says, "a sad spectacle it was, and produced tears from mine eyes and many other beholders, to see an aged leane decrepit poore Queen, ready for her grave, necessitated to depart hence, having no place of residence in this world left her, but where the curtesie of her hard fortune assigned it. She had beene the onely statelie and magnificent woman in Europe." — She had, whilst in England, an allowance of lOOZ. per day ; and the Parliament gave her 10,O0OZ. for travelUng expences on her departure. * Up to this period, notwithstanding the affair of Strafford, the king appears to have put perfect trust in the elder Vane, to whom his indulgence and favour had at all times been remarkable. Sir Philip Warwick, in his Memoirs, states a curious instance of it ; where, speaking of the economy of Charles's Court, he says that *' besides the women who attended on his beloved Queen and Consort, he scarce admitted any great officer to have his wife in the family. Sir Henry Vane was the first that I knew in that kind, who, having a good diet as Comptroller of the Household, and a tenuity of fortune, was winked at ; so as the Court was filled, not crammed." 'f' Sir John Pennington was a distinguished naval officer of the 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 03 coppy whereof I send inclosed, but whether there be any such ships in y^ Downes, I cannot learne y" certeynty. The Queenes Ma^'" tells me she will not wryte till Munday by Mr. Murray. Westminster, 28° Aug, 1641. Eden. 3 Sep. The King to the Lord Keeper, My Lo. Keeper, answer that I can giue to yours of 31. of Aug. is only, that I am very well satisfyed w*^ it : where- fore y*" cheefe subiect of this is, that hauing under- stood, that y'' Lower House, in passing y" Bill of Tunnage and Poundage, forgot to reserue that aduantage to y*" merchant in diuers comodities w''^' I haue usually granted, therefore I co^maund you tell y"" Citty, in my name, that thoughe their owne burgesses forgot them in P^liam^t, yet I meane to supply that defect out of my alFecc^on to them, soe that they may see that they need noe mediators to me, but my owne good thoughts ; for as yet I assure you that I have not bene sued to in this particular by any on their behalfe. Soe I rest Your assured frend, C. E. Eden. 7 Sep. 16*41. I have commanded Nicholas to speake to you con- cerning the insolencies committed in y^' forest. The above is in Sir E. N.'s handwriting, and is thus indorsed : « 70 -jhris^ ig4i^ Coppy of his Ma"" lef^ to my Lo. Keeper, to be communicated to the Citty," period, and was appointed by the King, a few months afterwards, to the command of the fleet ; but against this the Parliament remon- strated in favour of the Earl of Warwick, and Sir John was obhged to resign. There was another Pennington, at this time, extremely active ; but his name was Isaac, and he is very harshly spoken of by the royalist writers, as a man who had enriched himself most flagi- tiously in the service, or rather through the influence and power, of the Parliament. He was a merchant in the City. 64 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. This dis- pache I re- ceaued tliis mominf?. but tell ray Wyfe that I haue found falte with you, because none of hers was within it. Tell him, that I am sa- tisfyed with his letter, as indeed I am with you for the cou- tinuall ac- counts ye giue mee of my businesses. Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. In the King's hand : Monday 20 Sep. May it please yo' Ma*'^, I have by my Lo. Carr receaved yo' Ma*'^' com^iunds of y'^ 8th of this moneth, apostiled upon my lef of y*" 31th of Aug. last, & have presented y' Ma*'" to my Lo. Keeper, whoe hath alreddy com*'uni- cated to my Lo. Mayor the effect of yo"" Ma*'^' gracious intenc^on towards y^ merchants tliat Avere not provided for by y^ Act of Tonnage & Poundage, w*"^ was most, dutifully & gratefulh^ receaved' by y^ Lo. Mayor, who will make known yo" Ma*'^' great goodnes to all y^ merchants of this Citty. My Lo. Keeper hath appointed my Lo. Bankes, Mr. Attorney, S"" Art. Maynewaring & myself, to attend his Lo^p att his house in y^ country on Mun- day next, to consider of y^ ryot committed in yo' Ma*'^' forrest of Windsor, & of some fitting course to prevent y^ killing of any more deere there. I have herew*^' sent yo'" Ma*'^ a list of y^ names of y"" Committees of y*" c^ons given to them, difficulty. The Committees of y^ Lo*^' met yesterday in y' afternoone in y^ Painted Chamber, & those of y*" Commons in y*" Excheq' Chamber apart hj themselves, & afterwards iointly. All their busines was to peruse & annsweare le'^', w'^^ they receaved from my Lo. G^rall,* & their Comittees in Scotland, & to take order for monnyes for paym* of the army, trayne of artillery, and garrisons. f They have given order to my Lo. Adm" to send shipps to y*" Holy Island J to fetch thence ordinance and Commons House, & y*" instruc- w^'i I have gotten w*^ some * Earl of Essex. t The Lord General stated in his letters that it was the intention of the Scottish Pai'liamcnt to keep 5000 in array, until the whole of the English army was disbanded, and the fortifications at Berwick and Carhsle slighted." ± On the coast of Northumberland. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 65 amunic^on, &c. as yo' Ma*'" by y^ order inclosed may perceave. I lieare that these ComMttees have written to y*" Committees in Scotland, that if by their next let" they shall certefy them that there is noe more busines for them in Scotland, then they will con- sider of calling them home. By a coppy herew"' sent, yo"" Ma*'^ will perceave y*" course that is here taken for paym* & discharge of y*^ garrison of Carlile, & accordingly the Pay- master hath alreddy receaved £4000, & is too- morrow to have y"" rest of the monny, for y^ p^sent carriage, whereof he hath taken order, soe as it shal be there by y" 3d or 4th of 8^"'', w*'^ is y*" soonest it can possibly be carried thither by cart. The Declarac^on of y'' Commons House * was Sun- day last read in y*" parishe church here in West- minster, & is sent to y" sheriffs of all counties to be published. There is noe man prayeth more fervently for yo'' Ma*'"^ prosperous dispatch of yo' affaires there_, & safe & speedy returne, than Yo'^ Ma*'" Most humble and most obedient servaunt, EDW^ Nicholas. I heare y^ Committees here have taken order for monnyes for paym* & discharge of yo"" Ma*'" garrison at Berwick, & that it is to be sent downe att 3 severall sendings, w^ii will require some longer tyme. Westminster, 15° Sep^>-'% 1641. Si7' Edivard Nicholas to the King, May it please yo'" most excell''* Ma*'*", According to my advertisem* yesterday, both Houses of Parliam* have this day adiourned till 20** * This was against all superstitious rites and observances in public worship ; amongst which were enumerated crucifixes, images of the Virgin Mary, bowing at the name of Jesus, &c. Tliey also ordered the Communion Tables to be moved from the east end of all churches and chapels ; and all sports and pastimes to be prevented on Sunday. VOL. IV. y 66 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. Octo^' next. They have appoynted Comittees to meete during the recesse,* & their first day of meeting is to be Tuesday next, & then they are to adiourne from tyme to tyme as they shall thinke good. Their principall busines is to receave & annsAvcare all le'' from Scotland, according to instrucc'ons alreddy given to the Comittees there, whom they have power to call home if they see cause. They have also power to send downe monny to y*" army, & to doe what they shall think requi- site for y" disbanding of it, & to dispose of y*" cannons and artillery in y^ North, & they are to make report of the whole busines att y^ next meet- ing of both Houses. There was not att parting a very p'fect agreem' (as I heare) betwene the 2 Houses in all things, for the Peers declyning to ioyne w'^ the Commons in orders touching inno vacuous in y^ Church, the Commons notwithstanding ordered y^ same to be printed, the particulars of w''^' orders are here in- closed. f I heare that the Lo''' & Com^'ons have inti- mated that none of the disbanded soldiers, either horse & foote, Englishe or Irishe, shalbe p^mitted to serve either the ffrench or Spanislie King, but that they may serve the States. J Upon a report that the Spanish and ffrench § AmbMors had treated w*'' diverse of the horse & foote to serve their raasters, * Lists of those Committees may be found in the ninth volume of the ParHamentary History, p. 536. f The Lords did not quarrel with the spirit of the I'esolutions of the House of Commons ; but they made some slight alterations in the details. The Commons, however, went further on the day before adjournment than they had previously done ; for it was ordered that a lecture might be set up, and an orthodox minister maintained, at the ex])ense of any parishioners, to preach on various occasions throughout the week, and also on the Sabbath where there was no sermon. J This leave to serve the States does not appear on the Parlia- mentary Records. § Popular prejudice had arisen to a great height against these diplomatic personages ; the House of Lords having found it necessary on the 30th of August to issue an order for the punishment of some rioters who had insulted the French Ambassador and his servants. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 67 the Commons House sent 2 of their members to each of their AmbMors, to know by what Avarr* they did goe about to le^y any soldiers here, & by whose procurement they obteyned such warr*^, but (it seemes) they could discover nothing att all. As soone this day as the L^' House was adiourned, I receavcd from Withering's deputy 2 packetts of le", one directed to yo'' Ma.*'^ and y^ whole P^liam*, the other to y^ L*^' in P^liam* ; both w'^^ I have sent now to Mr. Th^rer * for yo'" Ma*'^ I humbly beseech yo' Ma*'^ that this le' may be scene by noe other eye than yo'' owne, for I assure you the houses are very inquisitive after these that advertise yo'' Ma*''' of any parliament busines. I hope yo"* Ma*'*^ will now hasten for England, to put jo'' affaires here in good order, the armies being all disbanded but 4 regim*^ I humbly beg your Ma*'^' pardon for this tedies dis- course from, Yo' Ma*'^^ Most humble and obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. I receaued yours of the 8 : yesterday, this, this day: but tell my Wife, tliat in nether of them, there was anie from her. If you would haue beene sure of secrecie, you should haue inclosed them under my couer. Be confident I will as soone as I may. It was almost nine o^clock at night before y^ Commons did adiourne j but y^ Lo*^^ adiourned at 3 in y^ afternoone. Westminster, 9° Sep^'''% 1641. Eden. 13. " For sacred Ma^'^" ** Yours apostyled." In Sir E. N.'s"liand\\Titing : « 9« Se^^'-^^ 1641. apostil. i; /Sir Edwa7^d Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'' Ma'tie, The le'' inclosed from my Lo. Marshall will give yo'' I\Ia*''' an accompt of y^ Q. Mothers landing & recepc^on in y'^ Low Countries, by y'' care of y^ Prince of Orange. The Houses of Parliam* here begin to be att some difference one w*^ another; * Sir Henry Vane. F 2 68 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. I am not much sorie for it. J am that. riad of You may now say confidentlie in my name that tliey ar. the Peers take it not well that Commons comanded to be printed an order for abohshing of innova- c'ons, &c.* w^^'out their approbac^on, & thereupon their Lo^'^' caused to be printed a former order made for observing Booke of Com'on Prayer^ Avhereupon (I heare) y*" Commons made (on thursday night a little before their adiournem*) a Declarac^on against y^ Lords said former order, & some of y^ L*^*^' have also made a protestac'on against y^ same & entred it in their house, as yo' Ma*'*" may perceave by y^ pro- testacc^on herew*^ sent, & by the Declarac^on of y'^ Commons House, w"^ (I am tould) is sent to Mr. Th^rer by his sonne, but I cannot here procure a coppy it-t I have herew*^' sent yo^ Ma^'^ a coppy of an ordinance of both Houses concerning y*" raysing & transporting of forces out of England and Irland. By a le"" ^^"^ is sent in this packet from S"" John ColepeperJ to Marq. Hamilton, & by another sent by young S"" H. Vane to his father,§ yo'' Ma*'^ (if you call for y" same) may see all the passages of y^ Commons House since Munday morning, w""^ have beene soe various & dissonant, as may be worthy yo"" -^/j-^ties observac^on & informac'on. There hath beene nothing spoken hitherto in Parliament concerning yo'" Ma*'" General 1 Pardon. If yo' Ma*'^ overcome all difficulties there, & make firme to you yo"" good people of that kingdome, I * This is the order formerly alluded to. Previous to adjournment, on the 9th, the Lords desired a conference on the subject of orders respecting Divine Service : but the Commons, without noticing that desire, instantly passed a resolution " that this House doth not con- sent to these orders, or to any of them." The Lords who protested against the proceedings of the Upper House were Bedford, Warwick, Clare, Newport, Wharton, and Kimbolton. f Copies of these Declarations may be found in Rushworth's Col- Jections ; also in Nalson's. X He was Chancellor of the Exchequer. The elder Vane continued to hold the office of Treasurer only ■until the 26th of November, when, immediately after the King's return, he was succeeded by Lord Falkland. Nicholas seems to desire to convey to the King in a very marked way the continued relations of intimacy and correspondence existing between the elder and the younger Vane. 1641.] THE XICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. G9 beleeve it will not be difficult for you to put all things here in good order att y*" next recesse, by carrying a steddy and moderate hand upon yo' affaires. Yo"" Ma"*" will I hope pardon the tedious and empty le*''* you receave from, Yo-- Ma*^'^^ Most humble and most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 10 Sep^'''", 1641. Eden: 16: " For yo"" sacred Ma"i^" " Yours apostyled." 10 7^''% lG-11. Apost. 16^ Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo*" Ma*'^_, I cannot add any thing of advertisem* worthy yo'" Ma*'""' notice since my last of y" 10th of this present, only I can tell yo"" Ma*'*" that y^ Declarac'on of y^ Commons (whereof I could not then procure a coppy) is now printed, as y*" Duke of Uichmondt can shew yo"^ Ma''% to whome I have sent one from y*" Ea. of Portland.J Mr. Th'rer's 1" of y*^ 7'^ present, puts Oh 'he OppO- sit'- i>nge, in the King's ha 111 I -writing. I co'raand you to draw- up anie such ■warrant, as my Wyfe shall direct you, for the disposing of the great Collar of Rubies * that is in Hol- land, & tell her how I ha^e directed you to wait her co'mands in this; & that I anil confi- dent of your secrecie in this, & anie thing else, that I shall trust you with. C.R. * This was an affair requiring delicate management, tliougli not now so dangerous as it became two years later, when the Parliament, understanding tliat the Queen had pawned the crown jewels in Holland, ordex'ed that whoever had, or should pay, lend, send, or bring, any money or specie into the kingdom, for or upon those jewels, or accept of any bill hereafter, should be considered an enemy to tlie state. + De Lai'rey, in his characters, describes the Duke as at the head of the royalist Lords, not only from his near relationship to the King, but also on account of his personal qualities. At the early age of twenty-one he had been made a Privy Councillor, and married to the Duke of Buckingham's daughter. " His wit, his courage, and his affection for the King, made him worthy the esteem and favour of the Court. But two qualities which he had, prevented his being serviceable to the King, who loved him : the one was, his too great diffidence of himself ; and the other (quite opposite) too great a haughtiness in point of honour. By the first he rendered himself too dependent ; and by the latter, too obnoxious." X Jerome Weston, second Earl of that title ; a family now extinct. 70 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPOJ^DENCE. [1641. Queene in expectac'on every liowre of 1" from yo' Ma*'" by y*^ Lo. Carr. ^achldthis Besides y" Queenes le"", yo' Ma^''^ will herein asisdesyred, receave ono from my Lo. Keeper, ^vho humbly prayes KeepeJ^that Jo' Ma*'"* pkasure for a new Sheriff for Nottingham- specdie* ^ sheire, as Mr. Th'rer will acquaint yo"" Ma*'". I find account of alreddy that I shall not (now y" Parliam* is adiourned) I Bend him. have much occasion to trouble yo'" Ma*'" w*^ F', but I shalbe never the lesse vigilant & industrious in my care to approove myself Yo'' Ma*'"^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 13° Sep'"''', 1641. Eden. 17. Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. And this lykewais is meerlie for the conuey- ance of thease two inclosed. Ye had reason. Eden : 23 Sept. 1641. May it please yo"" most excellent Ma*'", I receaved yesterday yo'' Ma*'"^ of the 13th of this moneth by Mr. ffrisoll, & in it a lef to the Queene, w"^ I instantly presented to her Royall hands, & ac- quainted her w*^ what yo"" Ma*'" comaunded me. Her Ma*'" tells me she wrote lately by my Lo. Carr,* & intends to write againe to yo' Ma*'" on Munday next by Mr. Wm. Murrey, & therefore forbeares to send by this packet, w"^' I now dispatch for conveyaunce of the inclosed from my Lo*^ Keep''. I had sent the 2 lef^ (w"^' were directed to yo"^ Ma*'" & y" Parliam*) under yo"" Ma*'"' owne cover, but that I founde it was divulged by Witliering's deputy, that there were such le*'' came to his hands, and by him sent to me, soe that it had beene a vayne thing for me to have concealed y" same from Mr. Th^rer, who I was sure had advertisem* of them by another hand. All things here are in a great still, every one being busy in listening after the proceedings of the Parliam't in * Lord Ker of Cesford ; son to the Earl of Roxburgli, Lord Privy- Seal of Scotland, the first peer of the family, and ancestor of the Dukes of Roxburgh. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 71 Scotland, where Mr. Tli^rer writes the people are stiffe, & seeme to be resolute not to recede from their proposic^ons, w*'^ in my poore iudgem*" is bad newes, and of very ill example to us here. I humbh^ thanke yo'' Ma*'^ for yo' gracious leave granted me to reside at my house att Thorpe, for y'' sickness & small pox contynues very rife in London and Westminster. I am now once a day, or att least once in 2 dayes, att Oatlands, and intended to be att Westminster every tuesday & wensday, to attend what slialbe donne there by the Comittees, having nothing in my afFecc^on or ambition soe much, as by an exact dilligence & fidelity to approve mvself yr Ma^-^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Thorpe, 18° Scpf"-'% 1641. Sir Edivarcl Nicholas to the King. May it please yo' most excel* Ma*% Yesterday I sent by packet a le^' to yo'" Ma*^'' from the Lo. Keeper, & should not now have troubled yo' Ma*"", but that the oportunity of safe convej^aunce by this gent, doth prompt me humbly to minde yo"" Ma*'^ of some things in my poore opinion Avorthy yo-' Royall considerac^on. I am confident yo"" Ma*'^ doth by this time cleerly perceave, how it is here insinuated upon all occasions, that Popery (w""^ is generally exceeding distastefull to yo' su^*^ of this kingdome) is too much favoured by yo'" clergy here, & in yo' owne Court, & that this opinion (how vniustlv soever laid bv Brownists* on i thanke you TO' Ma*^'^^ governm^tf hath & doth (more than any Srm^l thing) preiudice yo' Ma'^' in y'' esteeme & aff'ecc'oii J^^' of yo' people, whose love I humbly conceave to be Bishobrikes, soe much yo' Ma*'"' interest, as that it ought to be co'mand yon * The " Brownist" schism began as early as the time of Elizabeth ; and their founder was able to boast, on his death-bed, that he had been in thirty-two prisons during his religious warfare with the established authorities. 72 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. to direct the I?, of London to send rae a list of all the vacant Bishobrikes, & those notes w^h he & I made con- cerning the filling of those places. Brownrigg. Hitherto, I lyke your opinion well^ but concern- ing the rest, preserved & reteyned by yo' Ma*''' by all possible meanes : Avlierefore I humbly ofter to yo' Ma*'*"' con- siderac^on, wlietlier it be not requisite, tliat yo"" Ma*'*' should now (during this recesse) give some publique assuraunce to the contrary : w^'' I humbly conceave may be donne by yo'' p^sent conferring of such ■gpricks eccles''''" dignities as are now voyde vpon persons, of wliome there is not the least suspicion of favouring the Popish partie, such as may be Dr. Prideaux,* Bromwicli, Gouge, Mr. Shute, & y^ like, if they will in these tymes accept of such p^ferm*', for I assure y' Ma*'" I am vnknowne to all and every one of them. Such men thus p^ferred, would not only give assurance of yo"" Ma*'*" firme resoluc^on to maynteyne the Protestant religion here professed, but by filling vpp of y^ vacant Bp'"'''^' w*'' such persons, yo"" Ma*'*' would gayne not only their votes for Episcopacy, &c. but many more, who seeing such divines p*'fered, Avould rest confident that there is noe intenc^on to introduce or connive at Popery. Also concerning the booke of Co'mon Prayer, (to partes whereof y" late Declarac'on of y" Co'mons House shewes there is some excepc^on), yo'' Ma*'" having constituted such B^p", may be pleased to declare yo'' reddines to reforme what shalbe thought amisse in it by jo" clergy & Parliam*, w^"*' will prevent those that (in a zeale w*''out knowledge) seeke to overthrow y" good government & order wisely esta- blished in this Church : & thus by yo'" Ma*'"' tymely moderac'on, you will put a bitt in their mouthes, who (vpon a popular pretence of y*' reliques of Popery) cry downe all that is of good order or decency in the Church. And for a further assuraunce of yo"" Ma*'*" integrity in this reformac^on, I humbly off'er it to yo"" Ma*'"' con- siderac^on whether it may not be necessary (before y" * Prideaux was Canon of Christ Church, Oxford ; he was made Bishop of Worcester in 1641, and died in 1650. Dr. Ralph Brownrigg, Master of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, and Prebendary of Durham, was made Bishop of Exeter in 1611. Gouge and Shute were high in the confidence of the Puritan party, and remained steady to their old congregations. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 73 next meeting in P^liam*) to send away all the Capu- cins* & dissolve their cloyster^ for if yo' Ma*"" doe it not yo'self, I am misinformed if y" P^liam^t fall not vpon them when they come againe together; & it AYould be much more for yo"" Ma*'""' hon"", & more acceptable to yo*" people, & (it may be) safer for y*" Capucins, if in that particular yo'" Ma*'*' prevented the P^liam^'. And now I humbly beg yo"" Ma*'*"' pardon for my presumc^on in tendering to yo*" great wisdome these my vndigested thoughts, w*"^' I assure yo'* Ma*'*" have beene comunicated to noe other person in the world, but are (w^^'out any p^tic^lar designe) meerely the yssues of my weake iudgem^ & indulgent care of yo'" Ma*'*"' honor, p'^servac^on & service, w*"'' I preferre before any thing in this world that can concerne Yo' sacred Ma'^'^^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Thorpe, 19 1641. Eden. 26. " For yo"" sacred Ma*'=." " Yours apostyled." Supersmbed by Sir E. N, « 19" Sepf^.i,, 1641. Apostl. 26°. his Ma''« thankes me for his le'" and my freedome in it. It was sent by Mr. W"\ Murrey." I know not what to say, if it be not to aduertice my Wyfe of the Paiiaments intention concerning hir Capu- chins, & so first to hearc what she will On the con- trair I thanke you for this hon- nest free- dome. Si7' Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'' most excellent M^tie, i wonder of Yesterday S"" Job Harby,t & I attended the orcVispe.j Queene about yo'' Ma*'^' collar of rubies, vpon w'^^ he before my"^ * This order of Roman Catholic priests had been introduced on the marriage of Charles with Henrietta Maria, and had been allowed to form an establishment here. + He was of an ancient Northamptonshire family, the Harbys of Adston. His sister Emma was married to Robert Charlton, of Whitton, Esq., who suffered much for his loyalty in the cause of Charles the Second. Their son Sir Job was a Judge in the Common Pleas, and created a Baronet. X This Crisp appears to be the same person afterwards engaged, in 1643, in the plan to seize the city of London for the King ; to which Edmund Waller was a party, according to Rushworth's account, though Clarendon considers their plans as completely distinct. 74 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. parting from London that it would be absolutlie free, before Bartholemy- tyde, there- fore know the cause of tliis mis- taking hou- soeuer I lyke the cource now taken by my Wyfe in this. It is so, & lykes me well. I lyke your proposition, and shall gett as much as I may, howeuer I thanke you for your ad- nertisment. I pray God, it be to good purpose, & that there be no knavery I command you to send, in my name to all those Lords that my Wyfe shall tell yon of, that they faile not to attend at the downe sitt- ing of the Parliament. saith there is alreddy 25*"^ Her Ma^'" hath let him vnderstand yo'' Ma^'^' pleasure concerning dis- posing of it, whereupon he hath promised that he and S' Jo. Nulls (who hath bene formerly imployed in the pawning of it) will forthw*^' write to y^ partie in Holland w*^ whome it h^es engaged, to see what more monny ma}^ be had vpon it, and if that man will not lend any farther considerable som^e, then S' Job promiseth to doe his best to procure elsewhere as much more vpon it as he can, & therew*^ redeeme it out of the hands where it now lyes, & get y^ overplus for yo' Ma*''', & he assures the Queene, tliat he will doe this w*^ secrecy, and all possible dilligence. This inclosed from my Lo. Keeper was })rought to me the last night to be conveyed to yo'" Ma*'^, & will I hope give yo"" Ma*'*' an account of yo' last let" to his Lqpp. Yo'' Ma*''' may be pleased to procure from y^ P'liament there some further reiterac^on of their declarac^on, that what yo'' Ma*''' hath consented vnto concerning y" election of Officers there may not be drawne into example to yo"" Ma*'"' preiudice here, for if I am not misinformed there wilbe some attempt to procure the like Act heere concerning OfHcers before y" Act of Tonnage & Poundage wilbe passed to yo'" Ma*'" for lief. I heare that y" Comittee of the Commons hath ap- pointed to take into considerac^on yo"" Ma*'"' Revenue y" next weeke, and that they will then set at least twice a weeke.* I am vnwilling to give yo"" Ma*'" in yo'' great affaires there too long an interruption with the tedious lynes of, Yo' sacred Ma*'"' Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Thorpe, 24° 1641. * The powers given to these Committees, dm'ing the recess, were almost unlimited. In vol. ix. of the Parliamentai'y History, page 537, a coj^y of them is inserted. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 75 Sir Edward Nicholas to the King, !May it please yo"" most excellent Ma*'*", Being yesterday at Oatlands to attend the Queenes com^auncls^ her Ma*'^ gaue me this paper inclosM, w^^ coraaund to send it this day to yo'" Ma*'^ : it was brought to y"" Queene by y*' Lady Carlile_,* who saith she had it from y*" Lo. Mandeville.t I confesse it were not amise to have it published, but I had rather it should be donne by any other hand than yo'' Ma*'*''' or y^ Queenes, & therefore I could wislie yo'' Ma*'^ i shaii. would conceale it for a day or 2, by w*'^ tyme I know there wilbe other coppies of it sent into Scotland. The late crosse orders, & vnusuall passages in P^liam't a little before y" Recesse, are so distastfull to y^ wiser sorte, as it hath taken oflp y^ edge of their confidence in parliamentary proceedings, & I verily beleeve, that if y*" Houses (when they next meete) * This was the Dowager Carlisle, Lady Lucy Percy, second wife, and, at this date, widow of James Hay, first Earl of Carlisle ; a famous woman in her time, celebrated by Waller and others, and supposed to have become as intimate with Pym as she had previously been with Strafford. Clarendon accuses her of perplexing the King's affairs, and what Nicholas states of her above seems to exhibit an equal readiness to perplex the affaii's of Parliament. But, being upwards of forty, she had now perhaps wholly given up amatory for political intrigues. f Son to the first Earl of Manchester of the Montague family, and formerly a personal friend of the King, having accompanied him on his romantic journey to Spain. The nature of the paper here alluded to, may be surmised from the fact that Lord Mandeville was at this time an active member of the Parliament party, and deep in the counsels and confidence of Pym. In the preceding year he had been one of the Commissioners to arrange all causes of dispute with Scotland. He was now best known, however, as the Lord Kimbolton, having at this period been called to the Upper House for his father's barony, though retaining the title of Viscount Mandeville by courtesy. A little later he was impeached with the five members. His brother, Walter Montague, was a bigoted Catholic priest. Abbot of Pontoise, in France, and Confessor to the Queen after the death of Father Phillips : he is further noticed in subsequent letters. 76 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. It were not amiss that some of my seruaunts met lyke- wais to counter- mynd ther Plots, to w'ch end speake w'th ray Wyfe & receaue her directions. shall approove of wliat was then done, it will loose them reverence that hath bene heretofore paid to Parliame^*. I heare there are divers meetings att Chelsey att y'' Lo. Mandevilles house & elsewhere by Pym * and others, to consult what is best to be donne at their next meeting in P'liam* : & I beleeve they will in y^ first place fall on some plausible thing, that may redintegrate them in y*" people^s good opinion, w'^^' is their anchor-hold & only interest ; & (if I am not much misinformed) that wilbe either vpon Papists, or vpon some Act for expunging of Officers and Counsellors here according to y*' Scottish p^cedent, or on both together, & therefore it will import yo'' Ma*'*", by some serious and faithfull advise, to doe some thing to anticipate or prevent them before their next meeting. Yesterday at Oatlands I understood that S' Jo. Berkeley & Capt. O^Nealef were come over, & that they had bene the day before privately at Way- bridge : I was bould then to deliver my opinion to y* Queene, that I did beleeve if they continued in England they would be arrested (thoughe y^ P'li- am^t sit not) by vertue of y^ warrant, that was given att first to y^ Sarjant at Amies (attending y^ Commons House) to attache them. Her Ma*'*" seemed (when I tould it to her) to app^'hend noe lesse, & will * This was a very short time previous to the City riots, and the affair of the London apprentices. Subsequently the City found it necessary to check those riots, and Venn, one of their members, having exerted himself to keep the peace, a party pamphlet observed that the rioters would have proceeded to the Mansion House, " but by the providence of God, and the great wisdom of Captain Ven, they were prevented." -f* O'Neale was deeply implicated in what was called the Army Plot ; the conspiracy for bringing up the English army against the Parlia- ment, before referred to {ante, p. 56), in which Percy, Wilmot, Goring, Ashburnham, and several others were engaged. May, in his History of the Parliament, p. 65 (Mason's edition), calls O'Neale an Irishman and a Papist ; and states that he was committed to the Tower, but escaped before trial. Berkeley was an officer of high rank, always active in the King's service, and is I'epeatedly mentioned by Clarendon, particularly as Governor of Exeter, which he was obliged to surrender to the Parliamentary forces. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 77 I believe take order tliat notice may be given to them of y'' danger of it, bvit her Ma*^*' for y'= p'^sent said she knew not where they were. i wonder at The Queene being now every day in expectac^on tms, for aii of le" from yo"" Ma*'^ (having receaved non since tues- Sintheuery day last) doth forbeare to write by this dispatch. at' fiitSt i Wee know not y*" importance of y" affaires there have written that deteyne yo'' Ma*'" soe long, but it is by those *^ that wishe best to yo'' service here, thought very necessary that yo'' Ma*'*" should hasten to be here as soone as may be possible before y*" 20tli of 8^"; and if yo"" Ma*'*" leave behinde you some Councellors that you carryed hence, it is thought yo' Councells here will not prosper the worse, nor be the lesse secreat, only it may be yo'' Ma*'*" may thereby deprive some menc'oned in y*" paper inclosed of their wonted intelligence." I beseech yo"" IMa*"" to vouchsafe to advertise me whether this come safe to yo'' Royall hands, & to burne it, that it may never rise in iudge- ment against, Yo'^ sacred Ma*^"^ Most humble & obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Thorpe, 27 Sep^'-^', 1641. Eden. 2 Oct. Si?' Edivard Nicholas to the King. May it please yo"" most excellent Ma*'", I had noe sooner sent away my packet on Munday last but I receaved yo" Ma*'"' apostile of y" 20*^ p"sent, & w*^ it a le'' to y" Queene, w"^ I forthw*^ p"sented to her royall hand, & yesterday I receaved yo'' Ma*'"' apostile of y" 23*^ of this moneth, & instantly sent away yo'" Ma*'"' lef to the Queene, & that to my Lo. 'Keeper. I tould y" Queene that yo'' Ma*'" had ^^t^f^^ J^^^j^^^^* blamed me, that in severall of my dispaches there amends is was no le"- from her Ma*'", for w"^ she hath now made saJisfa'SiU. * The allusion to the elder Vane is manifest here. The Treasurer, however, was now in his northern seat at Raby, having temporarily left the king. 78 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. a recompence by sending me two l""^, w''^ yo' Ma^'* shall herein receave. The Committees of y'' Peers met not yesterday, but will tuesdav next. The Commons Comittees* met, & had before them Jo. Berkley & Capt. O'Neale, i^ope^some ^ho coming over lately, were (as I heare) yesterday may repent apprehended by y" servaunt of y*" Serjant att Armes leuSitie. (attending y*' House of Commons) vpon y'^ first war- raunt that was issued for taking of them, & Com'ittees would not bayle them, though they tendred it, alleaging they had not power to doe it. Yesterday y*" Remembrancer of the Citty of London came to me from the Lo. INIayor & Court of Alder- men, & desired me to present to yo'' Ma*'^ the humble & dutifull thankes of the Citty for yo'^ Ma*'^' great grace & goodnes in y^ busines of Tonnage & Poundage. I assure yo^ Ma*'^ that yo'' grac^us le' concerning that matter hath wrought much vpon y^ affecc'ons, not only of y^ merchaunts, but of diverse others of this Citty. The Remembrancer tould me further, that y^ Lo*^ Mayor & Aldermen desired him to enquire of y^ day when yo' Ma*'^ wilbe here, to y"" end that, according to their dutifull affecc'ons, they might meete yo' Ma*% When ye to attend yo'^ royall person into this Citty, thoughe mteii^wiii: s^^^ y Citty (being become poore) were not able Mji^ay jthen to givc yo"" Ma^'*" any p'^sent according to their custom, know cer- I have promised to let them know when yo"" Ma*'*" onue of"my wilbc hcrc as soone as I shall know y^ certeynty returne,but Of all w<^^ I thousfht it mv dutv'to advcrtisc also now all . i -t" i- \ni\ end yo' Ma*'^, that I may therem doe nothing but what may be agreeable, to yo' Ma^'''' good pleasure ; not- w^^'standing I humbly conceave it imports yo'' Ma*'^ to cherish y*" affecc'ons & goodwill of this Citty. By let" to particular p'sons (w'^^ I have scene) dated 25° 7^"", it is advertised from Edenb. that yo"" JNIa*'" hath * The Report of these Committees was made to the Parliament, on their meeting, by 'Mr. Pym. A copy of it is inserted in vol. x. of the Parliamentary History, p. 1. Pym, in this i-eport, says that Berkeley and O'Neale came voluntarily to him, at his lodgings in Chelsea, for the purpose of submitting to the orders of the House ; after which the deputy Serjeant attached them on the first order. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 79 nominated v*' Lo. Lodifin to be Chancellor. What- itisLoudun not. I beliue be- liaiie such great cause soever newes be that is come hither amongst y*" partie of y*" Protesters_, they are observed to be here of late very iocund & cheerefull, & it is conceaved to arise from some advertisements out of Scotland, from fore arfbe' whose acc^ons & successes they intend (as I heare) they wm not to take a patterne for their proceeding here att their next meeting. I hartely pray for yo' Ma*'" speedy & of joy. happy returne, as being (of all men) most obliged to be Yo^" sacred Ma*^^^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 29° Sep^>-'% 1 64 1 . ^^^.^ j Eden, 5 Oct. receaved " For yo'- sacred Ma'^^" yours of the « V X 1 J J, 1 : Oct. " Yours apostyled." 290 -jbris^ 1641. Apost. 5 Sil' Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'' most excell"* Ma*% These inclosed from y'' Queene & my Lo. Keeper were brought to me y*' last night late to be sent to yo" Ma*'^ I have not as yet receaved from the of London* a list of the vacant Bp""'"' : I beleeve his LoP hath not finished the notes yo'' Ma*'^ & his Lo^^ made concerning that busines, w*^^ he tould me were very imperfect. I beseech yo'' Ma*'^ to give me leave to put you in minde that there is noe one thing that you can nowdoe^ that will better rectify y*" ielousies of yo'' good people, more satisfie their mindes, & settle their afiecc'ons to idoutnot yo"" Ma^% then y" good choyce you make of such as g"ue good yo' Ma^'*^ shall noAv appoint to be B^p^ ; & as it wilbe «'^tistactio. much for yo'' service that y^ new B^^^ be plausible persons, & beyond excepc^n, soe there would be a great care had that noe B^'p be removed, of whome there is any suspicion of being any wayes popishly afi'ected, or otherwise much disliked. * Dr. Juxon, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury. 80 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. Ye may see by this that all ther de- synes hit not, & I hope before all be done that they shall miss of more.t A ddresse them to the Duke of Richemont. You shall doe well to aduyse with some of my best seruauts there how this may be preuentcd, for I asseur you, that I doe not meane to grant it. The partie here, who we say hath best intelli- gence from Scotland (w''^ is Mr. Pyra & young Hen. Vane), report that y^ Ea. of Arguile* is Chauncellor of that Kingdome ; it seemes it was soe designed. I hear Mr. Th'rer is still at Raby^J & that he will not returne to Scotl. before yo'' Ma*'" coming thence, w^ makes me humbly to craue to' INIa*'^* com'aund whether I shall contynue the addresse of all packets still to him, or to whome else. I assure yo' Ma*'^ it is here resolved (if my intelli- gence doth not much deceaue me) to presse yo'' Ma*'^ at y^ next meeting in Pliam* for y^ like Act touching y^ elecc^on of officers and Councellors here, as yo' Ma*''' hath graunted to y*" Scots ; & in this I believe yo' Ma*'^ will find a more generall concurrency & accord, then hath bene in any one thing this P^ham*; for many here saj, that otherwise all y^ great offices and places of councellors here, wilbe filled upp w*^ Scotsmen. I beseech yo' Ma*'^ to vouchsafe to consider well of this particular, and be pleased to conceale that you have y^ advertisem* of it from me. I beseech God to direct & assist yo' Ma*'^ and yo' Councells soe as you may returne w*^ honour, w''^ shall ever be y^ prayer of Yo' sacred JMa*'" Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Thorpe, 3 Octob; 1641. Eden. 9. * This report was not true, as the King observes. Argyle was not Chancellor of Scotland ; though Charles had been induced to grant hira a Marquisate. In connection with the fact that he was after- wards beheaded for high treason (in the year after the Restoration), it is remarkable that in 1651 he had actually put the crown upon the head of Charles the Second at Edinburgh. f From this, and the similar covert threats in the margin of the letter preceding, as well as in others that follow, it is obvious that the King now believed himself in possession of facts involving the probable overthrow of the popular leaders. X His own country seat. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS COKRESPONDENCE. 81 Sir Edward Nicholas to the King, May it please yo'' most excell"' Ma*'^, Yesterday I receaved yo'* Ma*'^' commands by an apostile vpon my le"" of y^ 24^^' of y*" last monetli, & forthw^^ p^sented yo' Ma*'" to y"" Queene, and sent that to my Lo. Keeper ; & w*'' this yo' Ma*'^ will receave 2 let*"" from Queene^ & one from my Lo. Keeper. It hath bene here confidently said, by those that holde correspondency w*^ y^ Engl. Comittees in Scotland, that y^ Ea. of Arguile shalbe at length Chauncellor, & that y^ Lo*^ Amont-^^ shall not be Th^rer ; if I am not much misinform^, they are here as peremptorily resolved to presse & put upon vo"" Ma*'^ a Lo. Th^rer & some other officers before though i they will settle vo'' returne, & nothinar can brake cannot re- V . *' . ^ , turns so their designes here but yo'' Ma***"* presence ; & if soone as i yo'' Ma*'^ do not hasten to be here some dayes before yetWrn^con- next meetino; in Parliam^ I doubt there w^lbe few -V?^* J O -> you will that will dare to appeare here to oppose y^ party fynde ther that now swayeth ; & I pray God there be not some Tede forft, designe in deteyning yo'" Ma*'^ there till yo"" affaires ^at^manie here be reduced to the same state they there are in. miss of T -I r t • • n ' 1 -1 there ends. 1 assure yo"" Ma*'" y^ opmion oi wise men here is, that to have what officers you desire in that kingdome cannot make soe much for your service there, as yo"" absence hence at this tyme will preiudice you in businesses of more importaunce here : and as for the Lo. Montrosse f & y^ rest, some here (that pretend This was Levingston, Lord Almont, -svlio had the first command under Lesley in the Scottish army, and was afterwards created Earl of Callendar. Charles had certainly intended to give him the office of Lord Treasurer, but was obliged to put it into commission, naming the Earls of Argyle, Glencairn, Lothian, and Lindsey, as Commissioners. f Montrose, it is hardly necessary to remind the reader, had very recently quitted the Covenanting party, and joined the King. VOL. IV. G 82 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. This may be trcw that you say, but I am sure that I miss sume- what in point of honnor, if they all be not releued before I goe hence. I retume heerewith to the B. of London, not onlie his noats, but also how all the voide Bish : • ar to understand y*^ condic^on of their case) are of opinion, that ther innocency is such, as they will not fare y"" worse for yo"" Ma"''' leaving them to y'' ordinary course of justice there. I am credibly assured, that y^ Citty of London growes very weary of y^ insolent carriage of y^ Schismaticks, finding their way of governm* to be ■wholly arbitrary. Alderman Gourney [Gurney] (according to his right and place) is elected Lo. Mayor notw'^'standing y^ opposic'on of y" factious party, throughe y*" stoutnes and good affecc^on of one of y^ new Sheriffs (called Clerck), who while y^ fac- tious persons were making a noyse, & would not proceede to y^ elecc^on, proposed Ald'mau Gourney (who I heare is very well affected & stout), & carryM it, & y^ Schismaticks (who cryed noe elecc'on) were silenced w*^ hisses, & thereupon y^ Sheriff dismist y^ Court. Yo"" Ma*'^ will herew*^ receave from my Lo. of London y*' notes yo"" Ma*'^ sent for to him ; his Lo^^ is soe lame in his hand & shoulder, as he was not able to write to yo' Ma*^'', for w'^'' he beggeth yo"" Ma*'^' pardon. His Lo^ desired me to signify that he hath sent yo"" Ma*'*" y^ same individuall papers & notes w*''' yo'' Ma*'^ hath formerly scene, because yo*" Ma*'^ is best acquainted w*^ them : & he saith that * The new-made Bishops were: Bristol . . Thomas Westfield, Archdeacon of St. Albau's, of Jesus College, Cambridge. Chichester. Henry King, Dean of Rochester, of Christ Church College, Oxford. Exeter . . Ralph Brownrigg, Prebendary of Durham, Scholar and Fellow of Pembroke Hall, and Master of Catherine Hall, Cambridge. Norwich. . Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter. Salisbury . Bi-ian Duppa, of Chi'ist Church, Oxford, Bishop of Chichester, Tutor to the Prince, translated to Winchester. Worcester . John Prideaux, Rector of Exeter College, Oxford, and Canon of Christ Church, died 1650. York . . . John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Keeper, died 1650. Carlisle . . James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh, ob. 1655. ' 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 83 ye gpricks voyde have a cipher set before them ; his Lo^ alsoe entreated me to acquaint yo'" Ma*''' that y*' party whome you had in yo' thoughts for y*" B^"*"^ of Chichester desires to be spared for that place, if yo" Ma*"" soe please, & at yo'' returne he will acquaint yo'' Ma*'*" v/^^ reason of it. I have tould y^ Queene what yo"" Ma*'" wrote to me touching y" Collar of rubies, & by her Ma*'"^ co'maund I have sent to speake w*"^ S'' Job Harby about that busines, whereof by my next I shall give yo"" Ma*'"" a further accompt. I shall have a care to send in yo'" Ma*'*"^ name to all such Lo'^' (as y^ Queene shall direct) not to faile to attend y" downe sitting of y^ P'liam*. The Committees of both Houses met this after- noone att a conference, they were all bare-headed during y^ conference, both Lo'^'^' & Commons by a privatt intimac^on, but if y^ Lo'^' should have put on their hatts, y" Commons were resolved to have donne soe likewise. Their conference was concerning some troopers, who flock to y" Committees in soe great numbers, as they have agreed vpon an order to be fortw*** printed for sending them away, a coppy of w'^^ order is herew*^ sent. Vpon let*""' from y^ Lo. Howard, and y^ rest of y^ Committees (advertising that yo'" Ma*'^ will not come from ScotL this moneth at soonest) they have leave to come home as they desire, w*^ power to leave any of their company behinde them if they shall see cause. The Comittee of Commons here, upon pretence that some of their let*'*^ have miscarryed, doe now send an expresse messenger w*^ their let*'"^ to their Comittees, & I am privatly tould that that messenger carries let*" that advertise all their secret designes from y" close councells that have beene held here : & that he sets not forth from hence till too-morrow noone at soonest, to bee filled in a noate aparte, all w'th my owen hand ; wherein you ar to obserue two things to him ; first that I haue altered somewhat frome my former thoughts, to satisfie the tymes, & yet 1 hope, that I haue not disserued my selfe, in my elections : secondly, that in filling the Bish : I haue voided 3 Deaneries, to Witt Westmins- ter, St. Paules, & Rocester, w<=h I haue not thought fitt to fill, untill my returne, be- cause 1 am not yet well resolued in anie of them ; onlie I in- tend (if the tymes will suffer it) to giue that of Westmins- ter * to him that I in- tendit should have been B. of Chicester. • Westminster was at present vacant, in consequence of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, afterwards Archbishop of York, having been suspended by the Court of Star Chamber. John Earl was the next holder of the Deanery. G 2 84 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. soe as this wil be w*^ yo"" Ma^'^ before hira. I beseech God to send yo'' Ma*'^ a speedy, safe, & ho^^^ returne, & soe will euer pray, *Yo' sacred Ma*^" Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 5: S^"', 1641. Edbij, 12. " For yo*- Sacred Ma''^" In the King's writing: " Youi's apostyled." 5a Qbris 1641, Apostil'i 120. By S-" W"^ Balletine.' ] The Queen to Si?^ E. Nicholas. Maistre Nicholas, I send you the names of the Lords that I thinke fit to be send for. You must to aduertice the Bishops to be heer, so hauing no more to say I reste Your assured frend, Henriette Marie R. Cumberland, huntintong, bath, Northampton, Deeuonchier, bristoll, Newcastell, Pawlett, Couentry, Seymer, Cotintong.* If you wood writt to bridgeman f to com and to speake to all is frends in that contray is in Lencachier and so to as manie as ar your frends : for mene others I haue spokne my selfe to them already. " For Maistre Nicholas." Indorsed, "R. 5" S**-'* 1641, the Queenes letf to me." * The Peers here meant may be easily understood, notwithstanding her Majesty's royal grant of new names. The last, which has suffered the most, is evidently intended for the Lord Cottiugton. f This most probably was Sir Orlando Bridgeman, then Master of the Court of Wards, and Attorney to the_Prince of Wales; or it may have been one of his brothers, sons of the Bishop, two of whom were married into Lancashire families. 1641.] THE NICHOLiS CORRESPONDENCE. 85 Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'" most excellent Ma*'*", Since my last of y^ 7th present, I receaved yo'' Ma*'^^ comaunds apostiled y'' of this moneth, & have presented 3^0'" Ma*'^' let*''' to y^ Queene, v/hereof I have here'''^' sent an aunsweare from her Ma*'^, w*"^' came this day to my hands. I have acquainted her Ma*'^ (as you were pleased to comaund) that yo' Ma*'*" wished that some of yo'' servaunts here would meete to countermyne y^ plots here, but y" Queene saitli, that cannot be done in yo' Ma^'^' absence. I have written let'"^ to all such Lo^"^^, as I have had direc""^ to send unto, to attend att y^ downe sitting of y^ Parliam*. Touching yo' Ma*'^^ Collar of Rubies, y*" Queene wishes that nothing be donne in it till y^ next weeke, when S' Job Harby saith he shall receave answeare to his le""' sent into y^ Low Coun- tries, & in y^ meane tyme I am privatly to informe myself b}^ what warrant that iewell was put into S'' Job Harbyes or any other hands. Yo"" Ma*'^ will herew^^ receave a le*' from my Lo: Lieutenant of Ireland.* The insolency & disorders of y*" disbanded souldiers in & neer this towne is soe great, as y^ Lo*^' of y^ Councell (who met this day at Whitehall) have thought fit that some course should be forthw*^ taken to disperse & send them away, & to that purpose their Lo^^^ humbly desire to know yo' Ma*'*"' pleasure whether a proclamac'on shal be issued by y*" Lo*^^ Commissioners (whome yo' Ma*^'*" did authorise to set forth proclamac'ons upon certeyne occasions in yo' Ma*'''^ absence) to y^ effect of y*" inclosed printed order of y" Committees of both Houses, (whereof yo' Ma*'^ had formerly a coppy sent) ; but this their Lo^^' intend should be without taking any notice of that order, unlesse yo' Ma^'*" shall expressly direct that menc^on be made of it ; in this particular their Lo^^ pray yo' Ma*'^' speedy resolucrnQn & order. I confesse not so well, but yet so much as may doe much good, tlier- fore be dili- gent in it. You shall doe well to doe so. I thiuke it most fitt. by anie meanes. * The Earl of Leicester had received the appointment, but he never went over to take possession of his Government. 86 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. The principall cause Lo"^' meeting this day in Councell was to consider of some let^'^ from Irland concerning Londonderry, whereupon they have sent to Lo^^ Justices for further inform ac'on before they can doe any thing in it. I pray for yo" Ma*'" happy dispatch of yo'' great affaires there, & safe returne for England, as being Yo'" sacred Ma'^^^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 9° Oc^o'"'^ 1641. Eden. 13. Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo"" most excellent Ma*'^, I receaved (by young S"" Rob: Pye *) on Satterday last yo' Ma*'^' cora\'\unds by apostile of y*" 5'^ p^sent, & am much ioyed, that there is hope of yo'' Ma*'^* returne sooner then is generally reported here, where it is confidently said (amongst y*" most authentique intelligencers in Scottish affaires), that yo'" Ma"^ will not be here till Christmas, & I assure yo*" Ma*'^ they give forth, as if yo'" Ma*'^ were likely to receaue but an ill harvest of all y^ paynes yo' Ma*'^ hath taken : But I hope y^ happy conclusion of yo"" businesses there, shall now very shortly, by good effects, con- tradict and falsify their stories. I humbly conceaue that it may be for yo' Ma***"* honour & advantage, that y^ Lo: Mayor of London wayte on yo"" Ma''"" att yo' returne, that you may have thereby opportunity to shew yo^'self gra^cous to yo'' people, by speaking a short word now & then to them as you passe amongst them, to cheere & en- courage them in their dutifuU affecc'ons to yo*" Eoyall person ; & therefore I beseech yo' Ma*'", that by yo'' next I may receave yo'' pleasure, whither I I doe lyke shall iutimat to y^ Lo. Mayor, that yo' Ma*''' will you'silSTuid expect that he & his brethren attend yo"" Ma*'^ ac- doeso. cordingly : And I humbly desire to know to whome I shall addresse lef' for yo" Ma*'^, when you shalbe on * Of Lockhamsted, Bucks, Baronet; a title now extinct. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 87 yo' iourney hither, for that I beleeve Mr. Thre'r will to the Duke not ride soe fast as yo'' Ma^'^ The occasion of this (RiJhmond.) dispatch is y" inclosed from my Lo: Keeper. The Queene sent me word even now that she shall not write by this packet. We hope yo'' Ma*'^' next V"^ will satisfy yo"" good servaunts expectac^on here w*^' the desired newes of yo'" Ma*'^^ happy & speedy returne, w'''' is y° earnest prayer of Yo' Sacred Ma*^^^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Thorpe: Munday 11° 8*''« 1641. Eden: 18 Sir Edivayxl Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'" most excellent Ma*'^, Yesterday I sent to yo'" Ma*"" in myne a let'r from my Lo*^ Keeper by packet : and this is to give yo*" Ma**'^ advertisem*, that y*^ Lo'^'^^ of'yo"- Ma'^^^ Privy Councell met here this morning, to consider of some Irishe businesses, when they agreed upon a let'' to be forthw*^' sent to yo"" Ma*'^ w*^ their Lo^* advise, for divers reasons expressed in their said let''" (a coppy whereof for better expedic'on is here inclosed), to giue order to yo"" Ma^'*^' Justices in Irland to prorogue y^ parliam* there (w'^^' is to meete y*" 9th of No^^"") till ffebruary next : the originall under y'' Lo*^^ hands shalbe sent to yo'' Ma*'*" as soone as it can be got signed, if yo' Ma*'^ shall approve of their Lo^^ advise, you may be pleased for better expedic^on to send one ief" imder yo' Ma*'*^^ hand imediatly from Edenburg into Irland by an expresse messenger to y'' Lo"^"^* Justices, forth w*^' to set forth a proclamac'on to that purpose : & another by the way of West Chester or thereabouts, least y^ former should miscarry or receave delay. The Lo^*^^ of yo' Ma*'^' Privy Councell here have also this day giuen order to the Justices of Peace (in & neere London) to take a course, that a more effectuall and strict order be taken for present sending away all y*" disbanded souldiers (w*"^ still pester this city) : & for shutting up of all houses 88 TPIE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. infected, for that y*" sicknes dispersetli very mucli & dangerously hereabouts. There was this day nothing donne by the Comittees of either House worthy yo" Ma^'^' notice. There is a strong report (spred by persons of best creddit here for intelUgence & knowledge of y^ proceedings in Scoth) that yo"" Ma*'"" will not be here these 2 moneths, but what ground they have for it, I cannot learne. There is a whispering here, as if yo' Parlijim* (when it meetes) would adiourne for some moneths, or to some other place : I tould my Lo: Keeper this day that if y'' P'liam* should adiourne to a further day, (thoughe but for a moneth or two) before they passed y^ Bill of Tonnage & Poundage to yo' Ma*''=, (the same being graunted only to y"" first of Decern: next,) it would put yo'' Ma*'*" to a great streight for want of monny to uphold yo'' house, & for divers other occasions : and I humbly offer it to yo' Ma*'^' considerac^on, whether it may not be fitt for you to let my Lo: Keeper, & some other of yo*" Ma*'" best affected servaunts of either House of P'liam* know, what you would have them to insist upon in case there should be any moc'on for a further adiournem*, before yo'' Ma""' returne, by reason of y*" sicknes, w'^'' growes soe rife & dangerous, as will make such a moc^on willingly hearkened unto. My humble & earnest prayers shalbe still for a prosperous dispatch of yo"" affaires there, & for yo" Ma*'*"' speedy & safe returne, there being noe man so much obliged to yo" Ma*'*" for yo*" gracious favour, as Yo'^ sacred Ma*''^^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 12° 8^'". 1G41. Eden: 18: Superscribed "for yo'' Sacred Ma''^" Written by the King ; Yours apostyled." Written on the back by Sir E. N.: "Sent by Mr. Mungo IMurrey, and reed back by post boy of Barbican the 23"" at West^' at .9 at nyg'*'. His Ma*'«= is constant in doctrine & discipline of y= Church." to this heere: therefor I com'and you to asseurc .all my seniants there that I am constant for the Doctrine & Diseplinc of the Churche of Englaud as it was established by Queciie Elis. & my Father, & resolues, (by the grace of God) to liuo & dey in tlie maintenance of it. I TTOuhl not have that intention hindered, Cambridj^e would be best. For this, I would haue you consult with the Keeper & others of my seniants what to doe in it, leaving it to your discretions to doe as you shall sec cause, but 1 would have the adjurne- raent fur- thered by anie meaues. As I haue beene suffi- cientlie slan- dered heere, in sume respects, so there also I heere that I haue not mist those good offices, though in an other kyndo, as being resolved, jtt my rctorne, to alter the forme of the ChTirche gouemement in England 1641.] THE NICHOLAS COERESPONDENCE. 89 Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'" most excellent Ma*'% I receaved yesterday yo'' Ma*'^' apostile of y^ 9tli p'^sent by Mr. Barkley^ & have (according to yo"" jyfj^ties command) addressed this packet to y^ Duke of Richmond, & shall soe contynue my addresses^ untill I shall understand of Mr. Th'rers returne to Court. Yo' Ma*'^ com^aunds me to advise w*^ some of yo" best servaunts here, how to p'^vent the intenc'ons of some here to presse yo' Ma*''' at y^ next meet- ing in P'liam* for y*" like Act touching y'' elecc'on of officers & councellors here, as you have graunted in Scotland. I (w*^ all humility) assure yo'' Ma*% that I conceave it no lesse difficult for me (now in yo'' absence when y^ awe of the Parliam* is upon all in generall) to discerne who are yo' Ma*'""^ best ser- vaunts here, then it is almost impossible for such yo"" servaunts, to know what to doe or advise, to p^^ent soe plausible a designe, w*"^ in my poor opinion nothing can soe Avell divert, as yo' Ma"^' speedy returne : but of this intend forthw*^ to speake w*^ the Queene. This inclosed is y*' lef from y^ Lo'^'^' of yo' Ma*'" Privy Counsell, whereof in my last by Mr. Mungo Murrey * I sent a coppy : their Lo^^', as soon as they rose from Councell, (& before y^ \qV was drawne) dispersed themselves to their severall homes in y"" country, w*"^ is y^ cause (as I am tould), that it was If your owen observation doe not suffi- ciently tell you, lett my Wyfes direction guyde yon. It will be ^vell done. " * Murrey (Mungo) was a confidential servant and gentleman of the bedchamber to the King, who often entrusted him with private correspondence. In February, 1646, whilst the King was in the power of the English Commissionei's at Newcastle, Murrey, having obtained leave of absence on pretence of visiting Scotland, was admitted to his Majesty's presence before witnesses for the purpose of kissing his hand. The Commissioners, however, observed some- thing put into his hand by the King ; and having followed him, when out of the presence, they searched him, and found a letter in cypher directed to Montreuil the French agent. The letter was immediately sent up to the Parliament, and Murrey committed to prison, but admitted to bail after two days' confinement. 90 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. this day before it was brought signed to me for yo' Ma*'^. The more secrecy and expedic^on there is used in dispatch of yo*" Ma*'^' lef to y*" Lo*^*^' Justices (if you shall approove of their Lo^^^ advise) y^ better, & that made me p^sume to hasten to yo' Ma*'^ y*" coppy, before y^ lef" itself was signed. I finde that y** CoraHtees of both Houses (by reason of y^ con- tynuaunce of y^ sicknes) incline to be very earnest, when y"" Parliam* meets next, to perswade a further adiournem* for a tyme, but Mr. Pym, & those of his 1 haue given party, wiU not heare that y^ P'liam* shalbe held any ojSraii where but in London or Westminster : I hope yo"" this aireddy. Ma^'*" (if you shall Stay ^ there past y"" 18th pre- sent) will send some direcc^ons to yo' servaunts here how to apply their endeavours in P^liam*, in case there shalbe any debate touching an adiournem^ ihauesyned I have hcrcw*^ by y*' Quccnes com^aund sent yo'' forse?that Ma*'^ draught of a warrant for yo' Ma*'^ hand for atueienf" y^ dehvcry of yo' Ma*^"^^ Collar of Rubies to S' ^"er^oyeii Boswcll fo"^ yo' Ma*^^^ use : I tould Job Harby, Sit I liln that W° was to kepe it till yo' Ma''" should send tymtiir for it. The Queene tould me yesterday, that she sr"wifi-^'' would write to yo' Ma^'Uo be pleased w*^ yo' owne Bosweii* as hand to give S' W"" Boswell order what to doe w* y^ she desyres, ^^-^ CoUar, for it is apparent, that these mer- chaunts dare not have a hand in the engaging of it, but they say they will take order that, upon receipt of yo'' Ma"*^ warraunt, it shalbe safely delivered accordingly. If yo'' Ma*''' shall stay long from hence, f I humbly pray yo"" Ma*''' wilbe pleased to let me understand w*' Dispaches. whomc you would havc me to advise concerning yo'' * Boswell seems to have been an old confidential servant of the King, who mentions him as his agent in 1634, in a letter to the Queen of liohemia. See Bromlcifs Royal Letters, p. 67. He ■was also in the confidence of the Palatine Princes about the same time. Bromley, p, 79. He was at this period the British Resident at the Hague, but afterwards fell into disgrace, as we find by a subsequent letter of the Queen of Bohemia. + On this day the King wrote a letter to the Lord Keeper, desiring him to inform the Parliament that he was unavoidably detained, but that he would make all diligence to retm-n. This was read to the Lords on the 26th. T haue tould you in my former 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 91 affaires here, & that yo"" Ma^'^ would vouchsafe to let them know, how farre yo'' Ma*'** would have them l^}^^^^ to confide in me in any yo' Ma*'*"* services, that I may have y^ more creddit w*'' them, when I shall have occasion to attend them, & be y^ better able to annsweare yo'" Ma*'^' expectac^on. I haue not bene att Oatlands since Mr. Berkley came, but am this morning going to wayte on y'' Queene, to know if her Ma*"^ hath any com'aunds for Yo' sacred Ma*^^^ Most humble & obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Thorpe; 15 8*'-'», 1641. EdExN: 20: "For yo' sacred Ma"^." By the King: "Yours apostyled." 15° S*'-'* 1641. Apost: 20. R. 25" at 9. at night. Sir Edivard Nicholas to the King* May it please yo' most excellent Ma*'^, Yo' Ma*^^^ sent by S"^ W'" Ballatine^''- were deli- vered here y^ 18*^ of this moneth by 4 in y^ afternoone. Upon let'' from Encrlishe Committees now in , Scotl: to y*^ Committee here, relating y^ newes of Mar: lessecarfuu Hamiltons, the Ea. of Arguiles, and Ea: of Lanne- fect^elatfon ricks abandoning y^ Court & Parliam* there,t our ^ess because Committee here was yesterday in a great fright, & * Afterwards Lord Ballenden, the first Peer of that name. In 1640 he appears, by Bromley's Letters, pp. 115, 116, to have been attached as Minister at the Palatine Court. He was much in the confidence of all the branches of the Royal Family; and obtained his peerage from Chai'les the Second for his very useful and active services during the Usurpation. ■f This is the affair which, in the history of that time, went by the name of " The Incident," See Pym's Report of the Committees on the re-opening of Parliament, which may be referred to in vol.x. of the Par- liamentary History, p. 5. Lord Lanerick's (or Lanark's) relation of it may be seen in Hardwicke's State Papers, vol. ii. p. 299, wherein he asserts that there was a plan laid, by the opposite party, to cut the throats of himself and the two Lords mentioned in this letter; and he adds, that their "abandoning the Court and Parliament" was literally nothing more than quitting Edinburgh in order to save their lives. All that is absolutely known in the matter is, that Charles 92 THE NICHOLAS COERESPONDENCE. [1641. I sent one of wborie dis- cretion & knowledg I was & am so confident, that I thouglit his discourse of the busi- ness as hauing beene an ey wituess would haue satis- fied more than auic written rela- tion, there- fore I desyre you to call on him in my name to satisfie well afifected per- sones, of the treuth of that w'ch passed while he was heere ; &, for what hath passed since, I haue di- rected the D: of Kich: to giue you such an" account as there is. It is now under exa- mination, w'ch as siione as it (is) ended you shall be sure to haue. (declaring that they conceaved the same to be a plot of Papists there^ & of some Lo^*^' & others here,) sent p^sent order to y^ Lo: Mayor &c. to dubble y" gardes & watches of this Citty & Suborbs, & it is thought that this busines will this day in Parliament be declared to be a greater plot against the King- domes and Parliam*' in Eng: & Scotl: then hath bene discovered at all. There have bene some well- affected parliam*-men here w**" me this morning to know whether I had any relac^on of that busines, but finding I had none, but only a few words from Mr. Sec^rie Vane, w'^^ I shewed to them, they seemed much troubled, as not knowing what to say to it : I hasten this of purpose to give yo*" Ma*'*" notice hereof, & to pray yo' Ma*'^, that there may be sent hither w*^ all possible dilligence a full & p'fect relac^on of y*" present disturbance there, & the cause & grounds thereof, & what upon exa'iac^on it appeares to that parliam* to be : all w*"^', I humbh^ wishe may be certefyed hither in as authentique a way,* & from as vnsuspected a hand as may be. If Mr. Secr'ie Vane had written to me, or any of his friends here, a true narrac^on of that busines, it would have given much satifacc'on here, and stopped the causles alarmes that are taken vpon y*" noyse of had summoned these three Lords to attend his Court; but that they not only absented themselves, but quitted the city, and placed their houses in a state of defence; and that on the King demanding an investigation to clear his honour, a secret committee of the Scotch Parliament made a report in exculpation of his ^Majesty, but justify- ing the three Lords in the course they had taken. Clarendon says that Montrose had advised and " frankly " undertaken the assassina- tion of Hamilton, his brother Lanerick, and Argyle; and whatever reception may have been given to this proposal (which there is no ground for thinking that the King for a moment sanctioned), it is hardly to be doubted that schemes were now on foot between Mon- trose and Charles, embracing a simultaneous movement in the three kingdoms, and sufficiently explaining the alarm and excitement of the Parliamentary leaders, especially on the sudden breaking out of the Irish rebellion. It should be added that the friends of Montrose strenuously assert, in opposition to the statement of Clarendon, that his secret proposal to the King was not for the murder, but simply for the arrest, of Argyle and the Hamiltons. The Parliament met this day; the first time after the recess. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 93 it, that busiues being now by y'' relac'on of diverse Scotsmen licre made mucli worse, then I beleeve it will proove in y"" end. The Queene tould me yesterday that she will wryte to yo'" Ma**^ this night or too morrow, bnt I thought it not fitt to deferre this packet now for her Ma*'" lef, which shalbe hastened away as soone as Ishall receave it. The inclosed from Art: Hopton,* I receaved from my Lo: Cottington w*^ direcc^on to send it to yo'" Ma*'^ Yo' Ma*'^ will I hope pardon this hasty expression of the humble diligence of Yo-* sacred Ma*^^^ Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. As I was closing this, I receaved for yo'' Ma*'^ this le*' from my Lo: Marshall. Written by the King: " Those of yours, W^** I returne not to you apostyled, I alwais burne." WestmixXster, 20: 8*% 1641. Eden. 24. " For yo'^ sacred Ma*>«." " Yours apostyled." 20. S^'^'o 1641. Apost. 24° 8*'-'*. R. 30 at 7 at night at Thorpe. Rec. of Captain Smith. Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo' most excellent Ma*'^ I hope my le"", w*'^ I hastily wrote to yo' Ma'^^ yes- terday by packet, wilbe come to yo"" Royall hands before this, & that wee shall speedily receaue a relac-'on of this busines concerning the Marquis & y*" rest, w*'^ all yo'" servaunts here call for very earnestly. * He was uncle to Sir Ralph Hopton, the famous Royalist General; and, when tlie latter was created Lord Hopton, Sir Arthur was named heir in remainder, in default of issue male; but, dying before his nephew, he never enjoyed those honours. He was of a Somersetshire family, the Hoptons of Wytham. 94 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. Of this I much won- der, for on my credit I acquainted nobodie with the contents thereof, & am verie confident that none heerc knew whether I writt to him or not : therefor I thinke it fitt that you should try as much as may be how this is come, & whether it be an intelli- gence or con- jectur. Before this, that is satisfied. I remember that I had some dis- course w'th the Eng: Par: men about Proro- gation, but I'm confident that it was efter my Lett: was written, if it were serius, all others wer in con- sequence of the Plague at randome. Yo*" Ma^'" le" to my Lo: Keeper was carefully deli- vered to his owne hands yesterday before y^ sitting of y^ Parliam^ but his Lo^p tells me, that y" eflPect of it was knowne here some dayes before he re- ceaved it : w*"^ is an infinite p^iudice to yo'" Ma*'" affaires here ; such anticipation of yo' Ma*'" direcc- ^ons in businesses of importaunce renders y^ same impossible, or extreame difficult, to be effected : And I observe that y*' perfect intelligence, that is here of all yo' Ma*'" resoluc^ons & proceedings there, puts lief and spiritt into some here, who w*Wt that encouragem* & light, would (I beleeve) pay more reverence to yo'' Ma*'" councells and acc^ons. When yo' Ma*'^ hath made stay y^ disbanding of 5 companies remayning in Barwick,* it is here thought fit not to make any order to y^ contrary, but it is declared (as I heare) that from y* 15th of this moneth (w'^^ was y^ tyme appoynted by y^ Houses for disbanding all that garrison) those companies shall have no further pay from y^ Comonwealth as it is called, and concerning this, there is to be speedily a conference w*^ y^ Jjo^^% w*^ y^ issue where- of I shall acquaint yo' Ma*'^ by my next. Sir Jo. Berkley was yesterday committed to y^ Tower, & Capt. O^Neale to y*' Gatehouse by y^ House of Commons vpon y^ old business. f Yo'" Ma*'^ will herew*^ receave a coppy of y^ lef sent hither by y^ Committees in Scotland, and of y^ order made there- upon y^ day before y" P'liam* by y^ Committees here. I have p^sented yo"* Ma*'" lef^ to y' B^p of London, who hath promised to use all possible expedic^on in p^formaunce of yo"" Ma*'" comaunds therein. The Lo^^^ Commissioners have given order for p''- paring a Proclamacmon for p^sent dispersing & sending away of y^ disbanded souldiers,J as yo'' Ma*'^ directed * The jealousy of the Parliament about Berwick was so very great, that when the Scottish army, upon their return in August, wished to march through that garrison, a wooden bridge was actually ordered to be built over the Tweed, at some distance irom the town. + It was also ordered, the Lords should be desired to examine those gentlemen respecting the charges brought against them. J May, in his History of the Parliament, says that both the 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 95 byyo"" apostile of the 13'^ of this moneth. My Lo: Keeper delivered me this morning to be sent to yo"" Ma*'^ this paper, w*"'' was p^sented to his Lo^ in y*" nature of a protestac'on by y*" persons therein vnder- named : his Lo^^ tells me he hath formerly acquainted yo' Ma*'" w''^ that busines. My Lo: of Bristoll* tould me this day, that he heares from severall hands, that there is an intenc^on to question his Lo^, & his Sonne y^ Lo: Digby, but he knovves not for what, & he tells me that nothing shall deterre him from p'formaunce of his duty. This day there was twice read in y"" Commons House a Bill for taking away the Votes of Bp^' in y^ Ypper House, and that Bill is comitted, and it is said it will passe both Houses w*4n two daj^s. The disobedience against y^ order of y'' House of Commons concerning innovac'ons, was this day questioned in that House, & after a long debate, there was no way found or resolved on, to punishe those that disobeyed y" same, for that that order was conceaved by most in y* House not to be iustifyable by lawe, & therefore not binding. t I have herew*^' sent yo' Ma*'® some notes of y^ effect of y® conference this day betweene y® 2 Houses. I beseech God amongst those great distracc'ons to p^serve yo'^ Ma*'® in safety : & I beseech yo' Ma*'® to give me leave once more to put you in minde to hasten hither a true relac^on of y® vnhappy inter- rupc'on of yo"" affaires there, for I find, that yo' servaunts here are much disheartened that they are For diver- tion of this & other mischeefes, I ■would ye should put Bristo in mynde to rene-nr that dispute betwixt the two Houses, concerning the Parla- ment Protes- tation w'ch Southamp- ton was so fearse upon. In this, I hope, this dispache will satisfie your longins, but I belive, not some of yonr expectations. ai'inies, English and Scotch, quietly departed, conducted to their owne homes by order from Justices of Peace through the several counties." * The Earl of Bristol had mingled much in party politics previous to this date. He had been Ambassador to Spain in proposing Charles's marriage with the Infanta, and was afterwards impeached in Parliament respecting the treaty and its failure; but he had such influence with the House of Commons as to bring about a counter impeachment against the Duke of Buckingham. This may account for his hostility to Charles's friend. Lord Strafford, though the increasing probabilities of civil war now induced him to support the Royal Cause. f None of these circumstances are stated in the Parliamentary History ; yet they are important additions to the record of those times. 96 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. kept soe long in darknes in a busines soe highly im- porting yo' hon"", & yo"" Ma*'" owne person. I expected a let' from y^ Queene for yo' Ma*'^ this day, but I beleeve her Ma*'^ purposes to send her lef^^ by an expresse; for that there are none come from her Ma*'^ as yet to be conveyed by Yo' sacred Ma*'" Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 21" 8*'-'% 1641. Eden: 28: " For yo'' sacred Ma«'^" "Yours apostyled." Apost: 28 a*'-'*.— R. P A^o*' '*. at 5 at night, by Mr. Wm. Murray. Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo"" most excellent Ma*'^, I receaved Satterday night last yo'" Ma*'^^ of y" 18*^ p^sent, & have safely delivered yo'" Ma*'" to y'^ Queene & my Lo: Keeper : the messenger that was sent w*^ yo"" Ma*'" said Tter, (bruysing himself w*^ a fall from his horse soe as he was not able to ride) sent yo"" Ma*'" to me single by y*" ordinary post, w*"^ made me suspect that it had bene intercepted, but it came very safe. I have alreddy made known to diverse Lo^'^' & others yo' Ma*'" pious resoluc^on to mainteyne constantly y*" doctryne & disciplyne of y^ Church of England, & have by their advise delivered extracts (of what yo' Ma*'^ hath written) to diverse of yo"" Ma*'" servaunts, that yo'' piety therein may be vnderstood by yo' good people here. The Queene sent S'" Ballatine from hence on Friday last, & he going im^ediatly from Oatlands w*^'out calling here, I lost y*" opportunity of sending by him, but I p^pared my Tter of y^ 23*^' reddy for him, w*"^ I have now sent by this gent. Mr. Tho. Elliot. Wee here begin to app^hend that in y^ great troubles there, some of yo'' Ma*'" packets may mis- carry, & therefore I held it my duty to let yo"" Ma*'^ 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 97 vndcrstand, that since myne of y'' 12*^' (w*'^' yo' Ma*'^ hath retiirn'd) I have sent to yo'" Ma*'" let" of y' 15'^* Lauerttcm & 18^^ both w""'' were addressed in packets to y'' D. aii of Richmond, & afterwards 2 other packets of y'' 20*'' & thcase & 2r'' directed to Mr. Th'rer. As concerning y'' adiournem* of y"" P^liam* here, my Lo: Keeper tells me, that he hath, by his I'ter itistrew. sent in myne of y'^ 21*^' fully acquainted yo"" Ma"'' how expectac'on was here frustrated. The Vpper House did Satterday last reade y" Bill transmitted to them by y^ Comons, for taking away y'' votes of & SJt'^xake intend (as I heare) to speede it as fast as may be, t^^g'^oijec- notw'^'standing it is said to be against y"" auntient tionasmay order of P^liam* to bring in a Bill againe the same Sessions, that it was reiected.* Yo' Ma*'*"' best ser- vaunts here remayne still in great payne, that in all this tyme they have not receaved any p'^fect relac'on of y^ late disorders at Edinb: concerning Mar: Hamilton & y*' rest, & they are the more impatient, in regarde they heare that some of y" Commons house have coppyes of y*" examinac^ons taken in that busines, & other aduertisem*' touching y^ same. I beseech God to send yo'" Ma*"" forth of that laberinth of troubles there, & a safe & ho'''^ returne for Engl: ■sv^ii Yrillbe most welcome to all honnest men here, and to none more then to Yo'^ sacred Ma"'* Most humble and most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. "Westminster, 25<' 8*"'^' 1641. Eden. 30. Written by the King: " I hope this ill newes of Irelandf may hinder some of theas follies in England." "For yo'' sacred Ma''^" "Yours apostyled." 25° 8*"« 1641. Apost. 30 8*''«. Rec. 4''iW"* in y^ morning. * The Lords, however, did not" proceed so fai', until, on the 22nd of October, the House of Commons sent up Mr. Holies " to put them in mind of their complaint exhibited against the thirteen Bishops who made the last new Canons, and to pray a speedy proceeding therein." + This is an allusion to the rebellion which broke out on the 25tli VOL. IV, H 98 [THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. Sir Edward Nicholas to the King. May it please yo'" most excellent Ma*'% I sent to yo^ Ma^'*^ y^ 25tli of this p^sent 2. let" by Mr. Elliot,* & y^ same night I receaved yo'^ Ma^'^* apostile of y*" 20'^', and p*'sently sent away yo'' Ma*'^^ to y'' Queene, & delivered that to my Lo: Keeper. I shall forthw*^ deliver yo"" Ma*'*"' warr* to S' Job Harby, & hasten y'' dispatch of that busines. I have herein sent yo"" Ma*'^ a coppy of an order made by the Peers concerning y*" jurisdic^con of y ArchbP. of Cant. In this packet there is sent to yo' Ma''" by my Lo^. of London severall Bills for yo'" Ma^'"' signature for y*" new B^', w*^' a l**" from his Lo^ touching that busines. There is still kept here a strict garde & watch about y*" Parliam* houses of 100. of y^ trayned bands, besides diverse other watchmen : y^ p^'tence is an apprehension of some conspiracy of y*" Papists against y^ P^liam* here, answerable to that against some Lo^ in Scotl: & y*' alarme of popishe plots amuse and fright y^ people here, more then any thing, & there- fore that is y^ drum that is soe frequently beaten uppon all occasions ; & y*" noyse of an intenc^on to of October. The King's memorandum, or apostyle, is dated the 30th. The return of the letter to Sir Edward, on the 4th of November, is a further proof of the I'apidity with which, upon occasion, news might travel at that period. As for Ireland generally, and the King's notion of the value of a parliamentary mode of government there, it may be worth quoting an anecdote preserved in an old tract in the British Museum; where, in conversation with the Earl of Pembroke, in March 1641, his Majesty is reported to have said, "The businesse of Ireland will never be done in the way that you are in; four hundred will never do that work; it must be put in the hands of one. If I were trusted with it, I would pawn my head to end that work. And though I am a beggar myself, yet (speaking with a strong assevera- tion) I can find money e for that." This is the same person to whom, in 1642, the Lord Keeper Lyttelton delivered the Great Seal, when the King sent him for it. Lyttelton, terrified at what he had done, fled immediately afterwards to join the King at York. May states him to have been " a young gentleman, and Groom of the Privy Chamber to his Majesty." lien. Vane will rettime all those syned by mee w'th this Packc to my L: of l^on: 1641.] THE NICHOLAS COERESPONDENCE. 99 introduce Popery was that w"'' first brought into dislike w*^' the people y"" governement both of y" Church and Comonwealth. I have not bene sparing to make knowne yo" Ma*'''' pious resoluc'on to main- teyne y'' doctrine & disciplyne of the Church of Engl: w*"^ I perceave gives very good satisfac^on. My Lo: Keeper having occasion to Y/ayte on y*" Queene this day, did yesterday move y*" House for leave, & tould their Lo^' that my Lo: Bankes had a co^nisson dormant to be Speaker in his absence^ but y*" Lo*^^ said they would chiise their owne Speaker, & soe named y^ Lo. P. Scale,* whereupon my Lo. Keeper said he would (to avoide all question) rather stay, hut y^ Lo^' pressed him not to forbeare his iourney, least y'' Queene might take it ill, & soe his Lo^ goes this day to Oatlands, & y^ Lo. P. Scale is to be Speaker in his absence. Judge Berkley t was yesterday att y*" bar in y'^ Vpper House, & there heard his charge read, to w*"'' he pleaded not guilty, & made a prudent answeare ; whereupon tyme is given him till Tuesday next to produce witnesses concerning soe much of his charge as relates to misdemeanors. The House of Commons did yesterday by vote declare, that y"" 13 Bishops, J (who are questioned for making y" new cannons,) ought not to haue vote in Lo*^' House in any busines : & they are this day to have a conference Lo'^' thereupon, & also touching y'' excluding I comaiid you to speake with tlie Keeper & my L: Bankes to see if it can bee waranted by anie reule or president that the Vpper House may chuse there Speaker. w*^ y of all y*' B^' from voting iu y*^ Bill (w is passed y* Commons House) to take away totally ye B^' votes. § You shall doe well to put the B. of Lincolne in mynde con- cerning the pardon I thought fitt those 13 Bps. should haue for a pre- munire, that you may giue order to * Henry Earl of Manchester. f He was Justice of the King's Bencli ; was committed to the Tower by the Lords on a charge of high treason, and afterwards fined in the sum of 20,000Z., besides being declared incapable of all further administration of justice. X Tliese were Walter Carle, Bishop of Winchester ; Robert Wright, B. Coventry and Lichfield ; Godfrey Goodman, B, Gloucester; Joseph Hall, B. Exeter ; John Owen, B. St. Asaph ; William Piers, B. Bath and Wells ; George Cook, B. Hereford ; Matthew Wren, B. Ely ; William Roberts, B. Bangor ; Robert Skinner, B. Bristol ; John Warner, B. Rochester ; John Towers, B. Peterborough ; Morgan Owen, B. Landaff. § The Bill went further than Sir Edward reports, for it included 100 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. u in^my ^11 yo-- Ma^'^^ bcst servaunts here pray for yo' Ma*>^' Sfthiike ^P^^^y ^ ^lappy dispatch of afiaires there, conceaving itfitt. yo' p'^sence would be of very much advantage to yo' services here, & this is also y*" earnest prayer of Yo"" sacred Ma*'" Most humble & most obedient servaunt, Edw. Nicholas. Westminster, 27° S*"'', 1641. Eden: 2: No: By the King : I co'mande you to direct my L: Keeper in my name to issew out a Proclamac'on co'manding all Parlament Men to attend on the Parlament. " Thanke Southampton in my name, for stopping the Bill against the Bishops : &, that at my co'ming, I will doe it myselfe." " For yo"" sacred Ma''«." " Yours apostyled." " 27 8'^'« Apost. 2°. 9^''\— R. 6« 9*''* 1641 at 6. at night, by Mr. Brunker. Sir Edioard Nicholas to the King. May it please yo' most excellent Ma*% My last to yo' Ma*'*' was of y' 27*^^ p^'sent, w*^^ I sent by packet addressed to Mr. Th^rer. Yo"" Ma*'*"' long absence encourages some to talke in Parliam* of highe matters. It was yesterday in debate in y^ Commons House, that y*' Parliam* may have the approbac^on of all officers, councellors, ambMors, and ministers, and yo' Ma*'*" y*" nominac^on.-'' The reasons alleaged for "Bishops and other persons in holy orders." It was to shut them not only out of Parliament, but also from the Privy Council, the Commission of the Peace, or the execution of " any temporal authority, by virtue of any commission." A pamphlet strongly marking the direction of the public feeling was at this time industriously and widely circulated, under the title of, " Lord Bishops none of the Lord's Bishops." ^" A highly figurative and elaborate speech was made on this occasion by " Master Smith, of the Inner Temple," which he has done posterity the favour to publish. In one part he observes : " Prero- gative and Liberty are both necessary to this kingdom ; and, like the sun and moon, give a lustre to this benighted nation, so long as they walk at equal distances ; but when one of them shall venture into the other's orb, like those planets in conjunction, they then cause a 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 101 it were, first that it had bene soe heretofore, & soe is conceaved to be an auntient right : that y*" ill eflects that have bene by y*" councells & acc'ons of olde officers, councellors, &c. & y*" feares that there may be y" like by the new ; will make all that hath bene hitherto donne nothing, if this may not be graunted to secure them, whereby the kingdome may be as well p^'served as purged. S*^'^ that yo'' Ma^'"" did heare particular & privat mens advise in y^ choyce of yo"" offi", councellors, &c. & therefore it can be noe derogac^on for yo"" Ma^'^ to take therein y^ advise of y^ P^liament. Some said that untill such things as these shalbe granted they cannot w*^ a good con- scyence supply yo' Ma*'^' necessities : after a long debate this busines was at length referred to a Select Committee to p^'pare forthw*^ heads for a pet""* to be p^sented to yo" Ma*'" to receave the P^liam** appro- bac'on of such officers, councellors, &c. as yo"" Ma*'*" shall choose, for better p^'venc^on of y" great & many mischeifs that may befall y" Comonwealth by y^ choyce of ill councellors, officers, ambMors & minis- ters of state, w*'^' pet°" is to be ripened w*^ all speede & to be p'^sented to y*" House : there appeared soe many in y" Commons House against this busines, that some conceave that there wilbe noe further proceeding in it, but I doubt it : howsoever I may not forbeare to let yo' Ma*'"" know, that the Lo: ffalk- land, S-^ Jo. Strangwishe,* Mr. Waller, Mr. Ed. Hide, & Mr. Holborne, & diverse others stood as Champions in maynten^nce of yo'' Prerogative, and shewed for it unaunswerable reason & undenyable ico'mande you to doe p^sedents, whereof yo' Ma*'" shall doe well to take i" my nan some notice (as yo' Ma*'" shall thinke best) for their thauViu The Commons House having gotten notice of y" retume. deeper eclipse." He then concludes a string of uncouth metaphors by assuring the House that it was necessary " so to provide that the Maecenas's of the times may not, like great jacks in a pool, devour their inferiors, and make poverty a pavement for themselves to trample on." * Sir John Strangeways, knt. of Melbury Sampford, Dorset- shire. encouragm^t. doe it my- selfe at my 102 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1641. On the con- traire 1 com- mand you to take order that these Billes bee expedited that they may with all possible dili- gence attend the Parle- ment. new B^^'* that are now making, some did mervale that any man should move yo' Ma^''' for making of B^" in these tymes, when it is well knowne how great complaints are against them in generally & some would have had a pet°" or message to be sent to pray yo"" Ma*''' to be pleased to stay y'' constituting of any more B^' till y" busines concerning Episcopacy shalbe determyned : but this moc^on Avas not resented in y'' House, & soe y*" discourse thereof fell.f There was yesterday a great debate in y*" Upper House about y^ Bill for taking away y^ B^' votes, & it was very doubtfuU, after a long dispute, w*"^ side was likeliest to carry itt, but att length both sides agreed to put off y*" further debate thereof till y*' 10*'' of Nov' next, before w'^'' tyme it wilbe tryed, of what vallidity impeachm* against y*" 13 B^' will proove to be. The considerac'on of these particular passages may be sufficyent to move yo'' Ma*'*" to hasten yo' returne, & 1 shall take y*" boldnes to ad to it one more, w^^ I observed at y^ Councell Borde, when Marq: Hert- ford J moved y*" Lo'^*^' (upon occasion of these words in Mr. Th^rers let*"" to me, viz. that he did hope y'' P'liamt of Engl, would interpose & hasten yo' Ma*'*"* returne) to consider whether it might not be fit to * The superstitious feeling which entered largely into all the judg- ments of political events at this period is curiously exemplified by a contemporai'y writer, speaking of the occurrences immediately after Charles's return : " It happened one day, as some of the ruder sort of citizens came by Whitehall, one busie citizen must needs cry, ' No Bishops !' Some of the gentlemen issued out of Whitehall, either to correct the sauciness of the fool in words, if they would serve, else, it seemes, with blowes ; what passed on either side in words none but themselves knew ; the citizen, being more tongue than souldier, was wounded, and I have heard dyed of his wounds receaved at that tyme ; it hath been affirmed by very many, that in or near unto that place where this fellow was hurt and wounded, the late King's head was cut off, the Scaffold standing just over that place." + The Parliamentary History asserts that the motion for a con- ference with the Lords, for the purpose of drawing up a petition on this subject, was carried, on a division, by 71 to 53. .t Hertford, at this period, was Governor to the Prince of Wales. This branch of the Seymours became extinct in 1675. 1641.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 103 move y'' P'liara* here to that purpose ; most of y*" rest of y'' Lo'^''' of y'' Councele declyned it, in regarde y*" le'' was not written to y*' Boorde but to me, & that Mr. Th'rer left it to my choyce whether to acquaint them w*'' it or noe ; whereby I observe that every one of yo"" Ma^'*"^ Pr. Councele is not fond of yo' speedy returne hither. Yo'" Ma*"" can best make iudgm* by there carriages how much it imports you to hasten hither. I have delivered yo'' Ma*'"'" warraunt concerning jo' Collar of Rubies, and am promised that this weeke order shalbe sent into y*" Low Countries for delivery of y*' same accordingly w*^ all dilligence possible. The Queene toulde me on Wensday last, that she would send an expresse to yo"" Ma"^ wSn a few dayes, w*"^' I beleeve she hath donne by this tyme. This from my Lo. Keeper was delivered to me for yo*" Ma*'*" this afternoone. I assure yo"" Ma*''' I have bene warnM by some of my best friends to be wary what I wryte to yo"" Ma*'% for that there are many eyes upon me both here & in Scotl. & that Ttrs that come to yo' Royall hands doe after oft miscarry & come to others view : albeit it is a Ley. this shall not deterre me from p^formaunce of my duty in advertising yo'' Ma*'*" of all things that shall occurre to my knowledge of certeynty, importing yo*" Ma*'^^ service, yet I humbly beseech yo" Ma*'^ to vouchsafe to keepe to yo'self what I take y*" freedome i simii. to imparte, least, in these tym'es, that may be rendred to be treason in me, w*'^ I humbly conceave to be y^ JhiTon^^* Apost. 6° g**-'*.— Re» you are to use to 398 : 316 : 98 : 290 : 295 : 86 : 70 : according 290 : the nature of the thing. 277 : 225 : 19 : 43 : 3 : 37 : SO : 231 : 277 : 280 : Indorsed, Cardiff 4° Aitr;: IGlo. R. 10. The King to me con- cerning the Mungrill P'liam't. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Bridgenorthe, 9 Avff: 1645. Nicholas, this morning I receaued yours of the 30: July, w*^^' requyres no answer but thankes for your often aduertisments : & particularly for those w''^' ar of most freedome, in answer to w"^^ I shall desyre you, Dighy's (with the like freeness) to take heed that 358 : 51 : * Thomas Lord Saville, recently created Earl of Sussex. 158 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1645. friends make not most of suspicion 376 : 53 : 210 : 229 : 17 : 50 : 220 : 231 : 277 : 511 : (erased) for I cannot con against 401 : 147 : 174 : 111 : 229 : 18 : 115 : ceale : from you that Digby (erased) 148 : 316 : 276 : 358 : 39 : 31 : 19 : 35 : 53 : - perfectly and all that are belceved to be 453 : 96 : 94 : 276 : 98 : 104 : 202 : 83 : 290 : 104 : his friends that there 170 : particular 376 : 52 : & I asseur you 276 : 277 : is uo dispatch 1 : 36 : 60 : 181 : 229 : 124 : 72 : 32 : 17 : 61 : 41 : yet come to me from 315 : 116 : 290 : 213 : 148 : 401 : For newes, I refer you to your frends^ only I must tell you that to Lichfield & soe to morrow I intend to march to 403 : 96 : 266 : 290 : Newarke y« next daj- ; but if y* Irish 437 : 277 : 227 : 524 : 109 : 175 : 277 : 78 : 2 : 79 : be come then 51 : 42 : 104 : 116 : of I haue good hope 277 : I tume to Chester 27 : 174 : shall 17 : 43 : 3 : 28 : 37 : 290 : 340. My last was from Cardife, w''^' was written in such haste that I forgot to bid you send me word (w*"^ now I earnestly desyre you not to forget to doe) how my printed letters ar, & haue been^ sensured at Oxford^ by the seuerall sorts of people, according to theire dyuerse humors ; this is all at this tyme from Your most asseured frend, Charles R. In the Yoide place of your last cyfer at the end of the of the hindermost alfabet I haue filled it, with the word want : lykewais the two others at the end of the Y' with yesternight & yonder, 9" Aug: 1645. R. 16°. The King to me from Bridgenorth. * These figures are decyphered by Sir Edward Nicholas, but erased with a pen ; yet may iu part be restored. 1645.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 159 The King to Sir Edivard Nicholas. DoNCASTER, 18 Auf): 1645. Nicholas, I liaiie sent this bearer expressly to giue you a particular account of my present condition, w'^'' considering what it was at the beginning of this monthe, is now (I thanke God) miraculously good ; and indeed the gentlemen in thease partes showes themselfes really affectionat & harty in my service : acting cherfully (without any grumbling) what I desyre. Now I expect, not only that (lyke ants) you haue plentifully prouyded your selfes for winter, but lykewais that you so recrute your selfes in men & armes, that it may be a lusty stocke for a next years army : So I rest. Your asseured frend, Charles R. As I haue com'aded my Sone to comend me to all the Laydis, so you must to all the Lords my frends, & particularly to Vulpone, & tell the Gouernor that he has forgotten that he sent me a cyfer. DoNCASTER 18° Aug. 1645. R. 23. The King to me. The Ki7ig to Sir Edward Nicholas. HuNTiNGTOUNE 25 A ug: 1645. Nicholas, I haue this morning receaued yours of the 13: Aug: with fower printed Oxford Papers concerning my published Letters, & am glad to fynde that you there make so faire (indeed just, as concerning my religion, kingdomes & frends) an interpretation of them, & particularly that you haue so great a confidence in my constancy to my just cause : and now me thinkes I wer too blame if ICO THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [I(j45. I did not justifie tlie trewtli of your opinions con- cerning me, by my owen declaration, w"^' is this, that let my condition be neuer so low, my successes neuer so ill, I resolue (by the grace of God) neuer to yeald up this Church to the gouernement of Papists, Presbiterians, or Independants, nor to injure my successors, by lessning the Crowen of that ecclesias- tical! & military power w*"'' my predecessors left me, nor forsake my frends, much lesse to lett them suffer when I doe not, for theire faithfulnesse to me, resoluing sooner to line as miserable as the violent rage of successfull insulting Rebells can make me (w'^'' I esteme far worse than death) rather then not to be exactly constant to thease grounds ; from w''', whosoeuer, upon w^hatsoeuer occasion, shall persuade me to receade in the least title, I shall esteeme him ether a foole or a knaue ; but you will aske me, Quorsum hoc ? Yes, for without this warning, the tender person all affection of some might giue me troblesome aduyce, & yet not blameable, consider- ing the present condition of my affaires, & not knowing this my resolution, w"'' I comand you to publishe to all whom their quality or judgement makes fitt for such dicourses, & so I rest, Your most asseured frend, Charles R. You may say confidently, & giue me for author, that the peace of Irland is concluded, not yet knowing the particular conditions. 25 Avg: 1645. The King to me from Huntington, containing his resolue' on never to quit Church Gouernement, his friends, or to diniinishe the Crowne of that miHtary or eccrall power vas left liim by his p«deeessors. 1645.] THE XICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. ICl. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Ragland* 9 Sep. 1645. Nicholas, I receaued yesterday bothe of your letters (for I perceaue by their markes, that you haue yet written no more) with the advertisments from London, w'^'' as you say is worthy my notice, but without considering make this answer, that the just contrary, concerning the new discouery of my Commission in a letter to the two Queenesf about the Irishe Papists, is trew : for indeed that roag Hartogen made such a foolishe proposition, but it was flatly denyed by me, & (if my memory much faile me not) my Wyfe tooke occasion upon some clause in my answer, wherby it semed to her (in w'^' she was mistaken) as if I thought she had lyke the proposi- tion, to disclaime any parte in it (so far from aprobation) but only the transmitting of it to me, w*"^ certainly was not fitt for her to refuse : & this (with many other ansome expressions of her affection to me, euen to the ventring of being thought a Protestant in condemning the Irish proceedings) was, as I beliue, in that letter w"^ Tom Elliot deliuered me from her, as I was marching over Broadway Hills the 9 of May last ; for I am sure the most of that letter was concerning the Irish business, & I know the reason why the Rebelles haue not printed it is, because it cleers that point more then any of those betweene vs, w*=^ are published : That all this is trew, & that the Rebelles haue all this under my Wyfes hand & myne, I comand you to aflSrme positiuely in my name upon all occasions of this subject : but it is possible that all I mention to be, is not in the letter Tom Elliot brought me (though I am sure most is), but then it is in some other. So * The King's adventures at this old castle are too well known to require illustration. t Queen Henrietta Maria, and her mother the Queen of France the widow of Henry IV. VOL. lY. M 1G2 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1645. you see clecrly the trewth of this business, by w*''', if it be brought to light, (w'^^' I comand you to endeuor, Avith all possible industry) I must haue honnor ; for ■where my owen justifies me (w'^'' I am sure my AVyfe can produce, lett the Rebells doe what they will) I care not what lyers can inuent in this kynde. For what else remaines unanswered in your two letters I refer you to your fellow Secretary, & rest Your most asseured frend, Charles E. R. 24° Sep''"»J6i5. His Ma'i" le>- to me that Rebells have not printed some l""* of his Ma''<^ & Queens w'^^ iustifie tlieir Ma^'^^ in ljusenes conc'^ning Ireland. TTie King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Bridgenorthe 1 Oci. 1645. Nicholas, none of your iecres haue hitherto miscarried, this day having receaued the 12^ by Wytefoord, & shall at this tyme, more insist upon telling you of my desynes & giuing you directions, then in answers, hauing comanded your fellow Secretary to supply that : first then, (that you may know whither to send to me) I intend my course Newarke towards 437 ; where I shall take further resolutions my according to occasion : Vnderstanding that 224 : horse under Lo: Goring 173 : 293 : 83 : 36 : 3 : 380 : is lykely to be eather beaten or starued 14 : 37 : 32 : 17 : 38 : 27 : 242 : 53 : 19 : 32 : 2 : 43 : •where they are 30 : 84 : 307 : 277 : 47 : 20 : 98 : I haue command him to breake throughe to 169 : 290 : 14 : 2 : 36 : 33 : 62 : 37 : 60 : 283 : 290 : nie passe by or neere Oxon 213 : now they must 238 : 110 : 232 : 226 : 433 : wherfor my plasure is, that you take that oportunety to send D. of Yorke to me 290 : 264 : 125 : 231 : 541 : 290 : 213 : for since it 1645.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 3 63 yeelde toT\-nes basely * is the fasliion to 314 : 17 : 5-i : 68 : 27 : 35 : 52 : 70 : venture 14 : 33 : 52 : 36 : 207 : none can blame ine to 43 : 35 : my children 27 : 19 : 4i : 3 : 224 : 59 : 39 : 79 : 4 : 84 : 2 : 36 : in nn army rather tlieu 27 : 176 : 95 : 323 : 47 : 90 : 2 : 33 : 277 : 3 : 18 : 39 : to be besieged 36 : 27 : 290 : 101 : 60 : 16 : 36 : 52 : 38 : 78 : 24 : 127 : I haue no more to say but that 1 approue of all your aduyses in your last, & meanes to follow the Queene of England them : one of thease inclosed is for 247 : 231 : 363 : the other speakes it selfe. So I rest Your most asseured frend, Charles R. " For your selfe." 1" Octo^'' 1645. His Ma' <= to me concerning sending D. of Yorke to him by Lo: Goring. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Nicholas, When you shall have considered the strange and most inexcusable deliverye vpp of the Castle and Fort of Bristoll^t and compared it with those many precedinge aduertisments w'^'' have been giuen mee, I make noe doubt, but you and all my Counsell there will conclude that I could doe noe lesse, then what you will finde heere inclosed, in my care of the pre- seruation of my Sonne, of all you my faithfull servaunts there, and of that importaunt place, my Citty of Oxford. In the first place you will finde a coppy of my letter to my nephew ; secondly, a reuo- cation of his commission of Generall; thirdlye, a warrant to Lieutenant ColF Hamilton to exercise the * This evidently refers to the King's displeasure against Prince Rupert for the loss of Bristol, t Alluded to in the precedmg letter. M 2 104 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1645. charge of Lieutenant Gouernor of Oxford in Sir Thomas Glemhams* absence; fourthly, a Avarrant to the sayd Lieutenant Colonell Hamilton to appre- hend the person of Will: Legge f present Gouernour of Oxford ; and lastlye, a warrant to be directed to what person shall bee thought fittest for the appre- hendinge my Nephew Rupert, in case of such extreamitye as shall bee hereafter specifyed, and not otherwise. As for the circumstances and the timinge of the execution of all these particulars, as farr forth as they may admitt of some howres delay more or lesse, I must referr it to my Lord Treasurers J care and yours to aduise of, vpon the place, how it may be done with most securitye, and accordinglye to direct the manner of proceedinge. But yett I shall tell you my opinion as farr forth as I can judge at this distance, w*"^ is, that you should beginne with securing the person of Will: Legge, before any thing- be declared concerninge my Nephew. But that once done, then the sooner you declare to the Lords both the revokinge of my Nephews commission, and my makinge S"" Thomas Glemham Gouernour of Oxford, the better. As for the deliuery of my letter to my Nepheu, if hee bee at Oxford, I take the proper time for that to be as soone as possiblye may bee after the securinge of Will: Legge. But if my Nepheu be not there, I would then haue you hasten my letter unto him, and in the meane time putt the rest in execution. The warrant for my Nephews commitment is onlye that you may haue the power to doe it, if in * The King appears to have reposed great confidence in Sir Thomas Glemham, notwithstanding his surrender of Carlisle on the 28th of June preceding ; which, however, had not taken place till after a long siege, and when he had reason finally to despair of succour. Indeed he had distinguished himself, from the first, in the Royal Cause ; having been second in command in Yorkshire, under the Eai'l of Cumberland. f This is a piece of private history not noticed in the Peei'age ; but it is right to add that the King's suspicions of his old and faithful friend, the ancestor of the present family of Dartmouth, were subsequently ascertained to be without the slightest foundation. t Sir John Culpepper. 1645.J THE NICHOLAS COKRESPONDENCE. 165 stead of submittinge to, and obeyinge my commaunds in goinge beyond sea, you shall tinde that hee practise the raysinge of nmtinye or any other disturbance in that place, or any other, in w'^ case the sayd warrant for his committment is to bee deliuered unto whome you and my Lord Treasurer shall thinke fittest for it to be directed unto, and by that person to be putt in execution. Lastlye I enjoyne you the care to lett all the Lords know, that whateuer is done in this kinde, is out of my tender regard of their safetye and preseruation, and that they shall speedilye receiue for their satisfaction a particular account of the reasons of this necessarye proceedinge. I rest Your most asseured frend, Charles R. Hereford, Sept: 14'^ 1G45. Tell my Sone that I shall lesse greeue to lieere that he is knoked in the head then that he should doe soe meane an action as is the rendring of Bristoll Castell & Fort * upon the termes it was. C. R. R: 17° 7'"''' 1645, by Mr. North. The King to me. Copie of Pr: Ruperts ^c. Petition deliuered at Newarke.f May it please yo' most excellent Ma*'^, "Whereas in all humility wee came to present our selues this day unto your Ma*% to make our seuerall * The King's anger at the surrender of Bristol is not surprising, when it is recollected that Prince Rupert possessed at the time 140 pieces of mounted cannon, 100 barrels of powder, with 2500 foot, 1000 horse, and 1000 tx'ained bands and auxiliai'ies ; on the other hand,, he had not more than sixteen days' provisions for such a force. But the King's feelings at this precise period must have been very bitter ; since the immediate and consequent loss of Devizes, Winchester, Basing House, Berkeley Castle, and Chepstowe, had reduced his affairs to a situation almost desperate. + The affair that gave rise to this Petition deserves notice. The King having at this moment gone to Newai-k, as a place of the best 166 THE NICHOLAS COERESPONDENCE. [1645. greevances knowue, Wee find we liaue drawne upon us some misconstruction by the manner of that, by reason your Ma'''' thought that appeared as a mutiny, Wee shall therefore with all humblenes and carefulnes present unto your Ma'^', that wee, the persons subscribed, whom from the beginning of this unhappy warre haue giuen such testimony to your Ma"^ and the world of our fidelity and zeale to your Tyj^ties person and cause, doe thinke our selves unhappy to lye under that censure ; and as wee know in our consciences our selues innocent and free from that, wee doe in all humility therefore (least wee should hazard our selues upon a second misinterpretation) present these reasons of our humblest desires unto your sacred Ma*''', rather in writing than personnally, which are these : That many of us trusted in high c^^mmands in your Ma*'" service, haue not only our commission taken away without any reason or cause expressed, whereby our honors are blemished to the world, our fortunes ruined, and wee rendred incapable of trust or command from any forraigne Prince ; but many others (as we have cause to feare) designed to suffer in the same manner. Our intention in our addressing our selues to your Ma*% and our submissiue desires, now are : that yo'' Ma*"" wilbee graciously pleased that such of us as now labour under the opinion of unworthinesse and inca- security, some differences of opinion arose among his confidential officers respecting the defeat of Lord Digby at Sherborne, which General Gerard asserted to be the result of treason. Digby 's character, however, was supported by Bellasis, the Governor, and several others ; but the Princes, Rupert and Maurice, sided with Gerard, At length swords were drawn, and the King rushed in to part them ; but when it was found that his opinion was in favour of Digby, Prince Rupert, and 400 of that party, actually threw up their commissions, as Burton declares in his Civil Wars. This Petition now printed, however, seems to imply positively that their commissions were taken from them. There appears a strange incon- sistency in the accounts given of these affairs by the various contem- porary writers of the period. The curious reader will find much amusement in referring to Bulstx'ode's Memoirs, page 127, et seq. ; and to the notices by Clarendon. 1645.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 167 pacityto scrue your Ma^'^^may at a Counccll of AVarre, receiue knowledge of the cause of your Ma^'" dis- pleasure,, and haue the justice and libertie of our defence against what can be alleaged against us, and in particular concerning this Government ; and if upon the severest examinac'on our integrity and loyaltie to your Ma^'^ shall appeare, that then your Ma*'*" be graciously pleased to grant us, either repa- ration in honour, against the of our ennemys, or libertie to passe into other partes, which are the humblest desires of Your Ma*'" most obedient and loyall subjects and servants. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Newarke 10 Od: 1615. Nicholas, none of yours haue yet miscarryed, haueing yes- ternight receaued your 14*^ letter : before this, I hope, S' Tho: Glemham will be come to you, whom I have commanded to take particular care of purging Oxford of mutinus & disaffected persons ; & least he should not be bould anufe, hauing yet but a verball command, I thinke fitt now, that you should show him this, under my hand, that my pleasure heerein be dewly executed, whomsoeuer it may concerne : As for your Ticket of Accommodation, that I may understand it the better (for it yet seemes to me but an insignificant peece) I command you to send me the two Colonels Fox & Murray;* being possible that it may receaue such illumination, by the illustration of circumstances, as what hitherto seemes but a darke chaos, may breake foortli into a lactea via, leading to peace : "Will: Legge no suspiciou For what concernes 401 : I haue 229 : 511 : 231 : of but what Lo: Digbv informed 109 : 305 : 358 : 96 : 316 : 166 : 176 : 147 : 213 : * The whole of this affair is curious, aud little noticed in the histories. 168 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1645. ■what I S3 : me, \\'^' satisfies me as to 305 : 174 : 166 : have done but not him guilty 122 : 109 : 229 : 17 : beliue 169 : 24 : 43 : 78 of trickery more 4 : 18 : 79 : 35 : 231 : 521 : before I see 221 : particular proofs * 467 : 72 : 1 : 54 : 57 : 7 : 51 : Our North- erne newes t we hope to be as good as your but Westernc, though yet not so fully ratified, 109 : in confidence thereof I 176 : 350 : 29 : 58 : 35 : 277 : 2 : 231 : 174 : lit to advance thinke 143 : 290 : 87 : 43 : 31 : 27 : 61 : 36 : a dave or t-v\o's march 10 : 32 : 20 : 118 : 51 : 232 : 568 : 212 : 60 ; and if Montrose be in that part as 96 : 175 : 417 : 104 : 176 : 276 : 118 : 99 : I hope he is there I 174 : 172 : 167 : 181 : 30 : 277 : 28 : and 174 : intend to jovne 176 : 19 : 38 : 27 : 85 : 10 : 290 : 179 : 28': 37 : -,Vth 30 : 303 : 169 : So hoping shortly to send you more certanty of our good newes, & how I shall dispose of my selfe, then yet I can, I rest Your most asseured frend, Charles R. my -wyfe This inclosed is for 224 : 68 : 47 : 7 : 35. « For your selfe." J 10O86'-'* 1645. R: 17. 1645. His Ma'^e to me concerning Coll: Will: Murrey. The \7'^ of S*'" Col: W. Murrey was sent for by the Lo*'''', & his Ma*'«^ pleasure signified to him to attend y^ King accordingly. * It is a certain fact, of which the King was afterwards well assured, that the insinuations against Legge's loyalty were founded on false statements. 'j- Alluding evidently to the victory gained by Montrose at Kilsythe in Scotland ; but the King's hopes were soon after quashed, when Leslie defeated Montrose at Philiphaugh, ie45.] THE NICHOLAS CORIIESPONDENCE. 169 The King to Sir Edward Nicholas, Newarke 1G Oct. 1G45. ; Nicholas, I haue receaued 17 letters from you, for w'^'' I liartely tlianke yon, wee being very mucli clieered by your frequent dispacbes, wherfor I dout not but you will continew in so doeing : I wrote to you upon my wyfe Fry day last, wberin there was a letter for 224 : 68 : 49 : 7 : 35 : 30 : 300 : and lykewaise in that dispache (I will not say that all was in myne) you were answerd concerning the Gouernor of the Deuyses, & all others in his predicament, as lykewais the L: Hatton : so that now I haue but fower the Earle of particulars to answer: T begin with 277 : 126 : 231 : Norwich * 431 : about wliome I embrace and thanke you for your motion, & comand you to send him word accordingly ; secondly for Mr. Atturny, t tell him if the Rebelles neuer did but justice or what they had lawfuU power to doe, then his answ^er good, otherwais it is not w^orthe a button : wherfor if he confesse my power, lett him accept my offer, other- wais 1 shall know what I haue to doe ; as for Rains- ford,let the Judges proceede : lastly concerning 200 : the Duke of York 277 : 125 : 231 : 541 : 300 : if (as I hope) 380 : haue 156 : 271 : 176 : 277 : 525 : then 276 : 440 : concerning 169 : 302 : 27 : 54 : 17 : 10 : 163 : 72 : 35 : 28 : 20 : 109 : 175 : 380 : 104 : 374 : 83 : 30 : 290 : 250 : 277 : 525 : 96 : 116 : 290 : 213 : 303 : 170 : 173 : in that case it wer a folly in 213 : 290 : 194 : 224 : 266 : 29 : 36 : 40 : 101 : 443 : in the meane tyme 115 : 58 : 37 : 31 : 4 : 38 : 50 : 305 : I haue written in this 293 : 17 : 78 : 5 : 6 : 60 : 279 : 447 : 79 : 18 : 47 : 136 : 236 : as I haue sayed 109 : 277 : * Previously spol any reasonable hazard I 47 : 175 : 303 : 97 : 254 : 88 : 70 : 39 : 34 : 2 : 85 may passe : but if 174 : 209 : 238 : 109 : 175 : S"" Thom: Glemham^ findes I come not to Banbuiy by Thursda 144 : 174 116 : 229 : 17 : 290 : 329 : 110 : 551 evidence of the King's great desire for secrecy, and is also in agree- ment with his well-known habit of imparting his resolutions to none, except to two or three of the nearest trust about him. * Then Governor^of Oxford. 17 'Z THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1645. next come senight then 227 : 116 : 263 : 27 : 78 : 24 : 42 : 19 : 277 : 29 he may draw back 167 : 209 : 83 : 3 : 34 : 69 : 20 : 16 : 32 : 59 : 64 the liorse secrecy 277 : 173 : you must remember that 53 : 37 : 58 : 1 in this particular 38 : 61 : 49 : 176 : 279 : 239 : 79 : 59 : 43 : 4 : 34 must be your cheifest 3 : 215 : 104 : 317 : 59 : 39 : 37 : 78 : 7 : 38 53 care tell the Gouemor 19 ; 112 : I will only allow you to 274 : 277 : 379 of it -who must be 232 : 231 : 182 : 320 : 215 : 104 : answerable for the discretion & 124 : 59 : 3 : 38 : 17 : 180 : 96 : 80 : 84 : 78 : 207 dilligence of the person 24 : 38 : 27 : 58 : 38 : 231 : 277 : 73 : 37 : 3 : 53 that shall comand those 233 : 276 : 52 : 39 : 94 : 346 : 17 : 39 : 54 : 53 horse in cheif 38:173: 176 : 58 : 39 : 37 : 78 : 7 : 38 : so I rest Your most asseured frend, Charles Il» Newarke 29 Oct: 1645. Giue me an account of this: 29 8*'-'* 1645. The Khig to me by Parsons. Copy of a Letter from Sir Edward Nicholas to Sir Henry Vane the Younger/'' You cannot suppose the work is donn, though God should suffer you to destroy the King : the miseryes * This and the letter \vhich follows it are remarkable illustrations of the secret history of the time. The royal overtures to Vane came to the knowledge of Essex, who complained of them by letter to the House of Lords. On inquiry, however, it turned out that Vane had communicated them already to the Speaker, to a Committee of the House of Commons of which he was a member, and to the Scots Commissioners. 1646.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 173 Avliicli will ineuitably follow are soe plaine in view, that it is more then necessary some speedy expedient be found for their preuention. Is it not cleere to you (to me it is) that Spaine and ffrance will instantly conclude a peace : and that ffrance makes great pre- parations to ioyne with the Scotts (when the breach betweene you and them shall liappen) whilst Spaine labours to be Protector of Ireland, and will vndoubt- cdly carry itt. Consider well, whether the season is not proper for this designe, when the wealth of this nation is already so exhausted, and the sufferings of the people soe great, that they are no longer to be supported. This is reason, tis not to cast a bone amongst you : The only remedye is (and it is a safe and honourable one for you) that you sett your selfe, the gentleman that was quartered with you, and all his and your freinds to preuaile, that the King may come to London vpon the termes he hath offered ; where, if Presbitery shall be soe strongly insisted vpon as that there can be noe peace without itt, you shall certainely haue all the power my master cann make to ioyne with you in rooting out of this king- dome that tyrannicall Gouernment; with this condition, that my master may not haue his con- science disturbed (yours being free) w^ien that easy worke is finished. Loose not this faire opertunity, the like was never offered, nor euer will be ; for itt brings all things of benifitt and aduantage imagin- able, both to the generall and to your particular ; to him that was quartered with you, and to his & you freinds : and shall be honestly made good. Trust to me for the performance of itt ; waigh itt sadty, and againe relye upon me. Bee confident, that neither he that carryes this, nor he that deliuers it to you, knowes any thing of itt. {Not signed.) Written at tlie bottom by the King. " This is a ti*ew Coppie of what was sent' to Sir Hen. Vane the Younger by niy comand. C. R." March 2, 1645-6. Indorsed, 2° Martij 1645. By his Ma^'^s comaund these are to S. H. Vane sign'd w''' y^ Kings owne hand. 174 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [164G. Coj)y of another Letter from the King to Sir Henrtj Vane the Younger, I shall only add this word to what was said in my last : that you hasten my business all that possibly you cann ; the occasion lately giuen being fairer than euer, and donn on purpose. Be very confident that all things shall be performed according to my promise. By all that is good, I coniure you, to dis- patch that curtoysye for me with all speed, or it will be too late, I shall perish before I receiue the fruits of itt. I may not tell you my necessityes, but if it were necessary soe to doe, I am sure you would lay all other considerations aside, and fulfill my desires. This is all : trust me, I will repay your fauour to the full. I have donn. If I haue not an answeare within foure dayes after the receipt of this, I shall be necessitated to finde some other expedient. God direct you, I haue discharged my dutye. [Not signed.) Written at the bottom of this letter by the King. " This is a ti'ue Copie of what was sent by Jack Asheburnhara & iny comand to Sir Henry Vane the younger. C. R." The King's promise to Mons. de Montreuil concerning those that should come loith him to the Scots Army. I do promise to Mounsieur de Montreuil, that none sliall come with me to the Scots army, or meet me there, who are excepted by those att London, but only my two neplieues, and Jack Ashburnham.* * The King's confidence in Ashburnham was very great at this crisis. But a very short time before, he was obhged, by the approach of Fairfax, to escape from Oxford in disguise ; and this he did as tlie servant of Ashburnham : after which he joined the Scottish army before Newark. Yet Ashburnham is accused of having misled the King when he was taken prisoner in 1648, either through treachery 646.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 175 Notwithstanding, tlie said MontreuU is to receaue this my protestation, that all my seraants, and all others who doe adheare to me, shalbe saued from mine, or any publiqne dishonour; which is a condi- tion that my wife writt to me that not only she, but likewise Cardinall Mazarine,* were absolutely of opinion that I was sooner to dye, than not to haue. As for Cluirch Gouernement, as I haue already, soe I now againe promise, that as-soone as I come into the Scotts army, I shall ])e very willing to be instructed concerning the presbiteriall gouernement : where- npon they shall see, that I shall striue to content them in any thing, that shall not be against my conscience. Charles R. Indorsed by Sir Edward Nicholas. " The King's promise to Monsieur de ^lonti'euil f concei'ning those that should come ay*'' him to Scots army : w'^^ promise was written by Mr. Jo: Ashbournham, and signed by the King; but w'''out date." or folly. Bulstrode (in his Memoirs) asserts that when Charles arrived in great privacy at the house of Lady Southampton, and Ashburnham went up stairs to the King's bed-chamber to announce to him that Colonel Hammond was below at supper, and had given assurance for his Majesty's safety, but not of liberty for his person, the King instantly, with much emotion, struck his hand upon his breast, exclaiming, " And is this all ! Then I am betrayed ! " * Mazarine had recently become Prime Minister of France, in consequence of the death of Richelieu. The latter bore an impla- cable malice and hatred to England for her interference respecting the French Protestants, particularly in the affairs of the Isle du Rhe, and Rochelle. It is curious to compare this opinion of Mazarine with the well authenticated fact that, notwithstanding his outward appearance of friendship for the King, he was keeping up ii good cor- respondence with the Parliament through the medium of Don Alonzo de Cardenas, the Spanish Ambassador. t Montreuil, or Montreville, seems in this affair to have been the tool of Mazarine in deceiving the King ; for all the contemporary writers, Warwick, Bulstrode, &c., assert that he had promised, in the name of the King of France, that Charles should be secure under the protection of the Scottish army. 17G THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1616 The King to Sir Edivard Nicholas. New Castle 16 Maij 1646. Nicholas, since my last I had neither sufficient tyme nor matter to write to you, but now I haue enough of either, yet I shall to ease both our paynes, contract my thoughts, merely to what is (for the present) necessary for you att Oxford.* ffor directions then, know that you are not to expect releefe, so that I giue you leaue to treate for good condic'ons. Let those of Exeter be your example : the additions must be the taking care particularly of the University, and to trye if you can gett the Duke of Yorke to be sent hither to me, as alsoe all my seruaunts who wilbe willing to come (of w'^'' num- ber I am sure you are one) but feare you will not get leaue, and those goods w"^' I haue there. These directions I would haue you keepe very secreat, that you may make better conditions : ffor the number and choyce, I leave to the Lordes discrec^ons (the gouernor being one), but you must give out that releefe will come. Jack Ashburnham is this day gonne for ffraunce. I haue no more to say, so I rest ,^ , i ^ i Your most asseured frend, Charles E.^ Indorsed, "IG^iYaV/ 1640. R, 10" Junii & next day read to y^ Lo'''. The King to me from New Castle giving leave to treate, &c. This If & that of 2*^ of June were read to all y"^ Lo'*'* and gent, about this towne (Oxford) on Sunday ye 20"^ of June 1646.'' Oxford was at this moment nearly reduced ; so that Sir Thomas Glemhara, the Governor, in answer to a summons, asked permission to send a messenger to the King for orders. This, however, was refused by Fairfax, and the city was delivered up, but not until after a treaty of some weeks' continuance. The actual date of the sur- render was the 24th of June. The facts contained in the indorse- ments possess considerable interest for the future historian. When this letter was written, the King was ^with the Scottish army, who had retreated thus far after the surrender of Newark to the Par- liament. In Herbert's Memoirs of the Two last years of Charles the First there is an allusion to the King's consent, through the Lords of the Privy Council then at Oxford. * This letter was written in cypher, but the figures are for the 1646.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 177 The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. New Castell, 2 June, 1646. Nicholas^ since I saw you, I receaued but one letter from you, w''^ was of the 5th of May ; & this is but the 3'"'^ that I haue written unto you, hauing sent a duphcatt of my last about 9 dayes agoe. For direc^cons, I shall in substance repeate what I last sent you, w*"'' is that, because you are to expect noe releef, I giue you leaue to treate for good condic'ons. Let those of Exeter be your guide, w'''' I beliue wilbe graunted you, hauing a particular care that my sonne and two nephues haue permission to com to me whersoeuer I shalbe : as l^d^ewais that the freedome of y*" University be preserued, & that all my seruants, who ar willing, may come to me with the few goods that I haue there. I omitt news att this tyme, because it will doe little good to you, & troble me ; soe comanding you to asseur all my frends, that no change of place shall (make) me alter my affection to them j I rest Your most asseured frend, Charles R. I aduise excepted persons to agree for Exeter con- ditions, & for noe better. When my goods ar sent, forget not all the bookes w'^^ I left in my bedchamber. Indorsed, 2° Junii, 1646. R: 11°, read to L'le* next day. The King gives leave to treate. most part blotted or run through Avith the pen, but are decyphered and filled up by Nicholas. VOL. IV. 178 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1646. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas, New Castell, 2i Jime, 1G46. Nicholas^ I haue receaued yours of the 6: & 9: of this monthe w'''' requyres no other answer but thanke you for your intelligence & to comend you for your resolution ; only I tliinke you needed not to burne my cypher; but liowsoeuer lett me heare from you as often as you can, & asseure all my frends that I am constant to all them who will not forsake them- selfes, of w ""^ I know you ar none, so that I am Your most asseured constant frend, Charles Pt. I desire In hope my cypher is not sacrifised 209 : 141 : 56 : you to send me -word 63 : 17 : 67 : 429 : 360 : 341 : 250 : 78 : 31 : 18 : where my Jewells were -w^^ I. H. 81 : 412 : 351 : in : no : 418 : 56 : 111 : 413 : 449 : had, and if my Cabinet* 197 : 112 : 213 : 251 : 90 : or 27 : 40 : 7 : 67 ; p : ■w^'' I left -w''> vou be burned 413 : 209 : 234 : 409 : 429 : 121 : at : ad : 19 : if : or not. 147 : 281 : 270 : 24° Junii, 1646. The K. to me. The Kliiy to Sir Edward Nicholas. New Castell, 16 Aug: Nicholas, I receaued yours hy the last post, whereby I understand what course you intend to take, w'^ I approue of, yet I thinke it not necessay ■'^ The King's anxiety about his Cabinet is not surprising, when it is remembered what use had formerly been made of letters seized by the Parliamentary forces. 1646.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 179 MTite to Marq: IT. nor Earl [necessary] to 122 : 360 : 550 : 520 : 269 : 17 : 503 : of Southampton f<>i* liauiiif^ 280 : 85G : 84 : 107 : 43 : 282 : 102 : 200 : 216 : [erased] 258 : 133 : 280 : 366 : selfes there 365 : 280 : 251 : 84 : 282 : 7 : 281 : 122 : 431 : 216 : 383 : 251 : 56 : 67 : 46 : 75 : 70 : 59 : 112 : 57 : 78 : 281 : 81 : 360 : 361 : 319 : 27 : 148 : 58 : Commend me to all my Trends, & asseure them of luy constancy ; and I asseure you that I haue sent where you ar goeing, being confident that you will be very well receaued there, so I rest Your most asseured frend, Charles R. This inclosed is for 14 : 47 : he : 68 : 21 : 35 : 6 : 16° Aug. 1G46. The King to me.* In the handwriting of Sir Edward Nicholas. The Reasons why his Ma*'° thought good to send his Proposition of y*" ... of December, 1645, to London, were, for that His Ma*'^ hath noe Army att all, nor any forces but what are in his garrisons. Noe meanes or monny either to satisfy or keepe together his officers, or to supply or pay his garrisons, but the contribuc^ons of the country, w*"^' being- wasted by y^ souldiors of both sides, & extremly dis- affected, are reddy every day to rise ag* his Ma*'^^ garrisons, as being not able any longer to undergoe * This part of the correspoudenee is important, as it took place about the period when the Scottish army were engaged in the nego- tiations for the surrender of the King to the English Parhament. In a Glasgow publication of Original Letters (176G) there is one from a Scottish Commissioner, who observes, many of the King's greatest fi"iends think his obstinacy judicial, as if in God's justice he were destroying himself." This letter was written on the 7 th of August, 1646, at the time when Charles refused to agree to the Scottish pro- positions. N 2 180 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1646. tlie heavy pressures ^y''^ necessity's of his Ma^*^^ soukliors & y*" absence of his Ma^'^' Governm^ dayly put upon them. That his Ma*'*" having lost Bristol!, hath no meanes to be supplyed from forraigne parts vt^^'' armes or munition, or materialls for making of either, of w^^ he begins alreddy to be in want. There is noe meanes to raise any considerable forces for an army ag* y*" next Spring : for that all Wales was lost p^'sently after y*' losse of Bristoll, and since that, Munmouth & Hereford. Chester is in imminent danger to be likewise lost : Newark &Belvoir Castle* are besieged & in danger. In y'' west there are about 5 or 6000 horse &foote, but there are there soe great divisions amongst the cheif officers, and the Councell that attend y^ Prince, as for want of condvct these forces are disunited, and y*" countr}^ soe disaftected to them by reason of the soldiors rapine and oppression, as y*" country rises against them whensoever they come into any place not in a body, and the country is soe wasted, as it cannot feede them when they lye together in a body. Besides, the Cornishe will not be drawne further than Devonsh% Exeter is soe close besieged, as very little or noe p'visions can passe into it, & it is not supplyed for many monthes is possessed by S' Tho. ffairfax forces, & the King hath in Devon now noe poste but Dartmouth, & there are likewise forces marched thither to blocke it upp. The Seige of Plymouth is soe weekly prosecuted for want of force as they have lately releeued them- selves and burnt some of our quarter neere it. S' Tho. Fairfax & Crumwell haue lately sent into these pHes neere 1500 of their best horse, w"^' shewes that they are much too strong for his Ma^'''' forces in those partes. These Western horse are drawing towards Oxon & are to ioyne av*^ other forces w'^^ are to come from London under Coll: Bingingborrow, & all that can * The Earl of Rutland had sided with the Parliament, but Belvoir was garrisoned by the King's forces. 1646-7.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 181 be spared from Coventry, Warwick, Gloucester, & Northampton, & out of Buckinghamshire (w''' it is beleeued will in all make noe less than 8000 foote and 4000 horse & dragoons) & ar designd p'^sently to block upp Oxon att a distance. Denington Castle is blockt upp by forces that lye in Newberry & the Country thereabouts. This being his Ma*' p'^sent condition in England, and there being noe peace concluded in Ireland, nor any considerable forces possibly to be drawne from that Kingdom in any tyme to assist his Ma*''' : The Mar: of Muntrosse being still in y^ highlands, or noe neerer than Glascoe, & in what condition his Ma*'^ is not certejuly assured, soe as there is little hope of tymely ayde from him : From Era. or Holland there was nothing but faire & fruitless p^misses, they having not in all this tyme afiPorded his Ma*'" any considerable assistance, nor soe much as publickly declared ag* those att London : Upon these considerations his Ma*'" resolved to send to London y" . . . . Expositions, w""" being as low as he can goe w*^ p^serving of his conscience and hon'' he doubts not but God will give a blessing to y* his intentions ; And that if his s^*' doe not barken to y" reason he offers, his Allies will consider how farre his interest may worke theirs. Indoi'sed, Reasons why his Ma*'« sent his Proposic'ons to London, dated Dec', 1646. The King to the S2:)eaker of the House ofPeers, HoLMBY [Holdenby], 6 Mart 'ij . 1646-7. C. E. It being now 17 dayes since I wrote to you from hence, & not yet receiuing anj^ answer to what I then desired, I cannot but now again renew the same unto you ; and indeed concerning any thing but the necessary duty of a Christian, I would not at this time trouble you with any of my desires. But my being attended by some of my Chaplains,* * This letter was written about two months after the King had 182 THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. [1646-7. whom I esteem & reuerence, is that w*"'' is so neces- sary for me (euen considering my present condic^on, whither it be in relation to my conscience, or a happy settlem*^ of the present distracc^ons in Reli- gion) that I will slight diners kinds of censures, rather then not obtain what I demand. Nor shall I doe you the wrong, as in this to doubt the obtaining of my Avish, it being grounded upon reason. For I desire you to consider (not thinking it needfull to menc'on) the diners reasons w'^^ no Christian can be ignorant of, for the point of con- science. I must assure you that I cannot as I ought take into consideration those alterac'ons in Religion w*"^' haue, & wilbe offred unto me, w^^'out such helps as I desire, because I can neuer iudge rightly of, or be altred in any thing of my opinion, so long as any ordinary way of finding out the truth is denyed me. But when this is granted me, I promise you faith- fully not to striue for victory in argum^, but to seeke to submit to truth, according to that judgem* wh*"'' God hath giuen me; always holding it my best & greatest conquest, to giue contentm* to my two Houses of Pari* in all things w''^' I conceiue not to be against my conscience or hon'. Not doubting likewise, but that you wilbe ready to satisfy me in reasonable things, as I hope to find in this parti- cular concerning the attendance of my Chaplains upon me. To tlie Speaker of the House of Peers, pro tempore, to be com- municated to the Lo: & Co'mons in the Pari' assembled at Westm'r, Indorsed, 6° Mar: 1647. Coppy of King's 2d If for some of his Chaplaiues. been given up to the Parliament, and three months previous to liis seizure by Cornet Joyce, on the part of Cromwell and the army. A very minute and interesting account of these transactions will be found in Sir Thomas Herbert's memoirs of the two last years of the unhappy monarch. There is a remarkable passage alluding to them in a letter from the Earl of Panmure to Lord Wariston, dated 23rd January, 1647 ; where he says, " His Majesty is so well resolred now for his going to Holmby as ever I saw him for anything. He thinks that the Scots have sold him at too cheap a rate. If our posterity find not the smart thereof, it is well." 1647.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 183 A Memorandum in King Charles the First's own handivriting : Freedome in Conscience & Honnor and Security for all those that shall come with me^ & in case I shall not agree with them, that I may be set doune at such of my Garisons as I shall name to them : w""^' condition I hope not to put them to, for I shall no* differ with them about Ecclesiasticall businesses, w''^' they shall make apeare to me not to be against my conscience ; & for other matters, I expect no difference, & in case there be, I am content to be judged by the two Queenes. And befor I take my jurny I must send to the Marquis of Montrose to aduertice him upon what conditions I come to the Scots Army, that he may be admitted forthwith into our conjunction, & instantly march up to us. Indorsed by Sir E. Nicholas. " A Note written with Kings owne pen concerning his going to y« Scotts." The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Oatlands, 19 Aug., 1647.* Nicholas to ease my paines, 1 haue comanded Oudartt to answer some particulars in your last letter: this being only to thanke you for your aduertisments & freedome : desyring you still to continue the same, asseuring you that I haue a particular care of you, w*"^ I hope shortly shall be visible to all the world : so I rest Your most asseured constant frend, Charles R. Oatlands, A ug. 1647. His Ma''<=s If to me. * It was on the 'drd of June that the King was seized by Joyce, and after a desultory progress arrived at Oatlands on the 14th of August. Soon after he removed to Hampton Court. f Oudart was afterwards one of the King's Commissioners in the 184 THE NICHOLAS COKEESPONDENCE. [1648. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Nicholas^ Yo"^ fidelitj^ & industry in our seruice & eminent affecc^ons to our person^ liaue made in us too great an impression to be forgotten ; on the contrary you must continue in this confidence, that we very highly retaine you in our value & remembrance, as you will finde if it please God to restore us to a condic^con for it. As an earnest whereof at present you will receive herewith a direction to our dearest Sonn the Prince on your behalfe, whom as we know you will serue with the same duety and zeale as you haue serued us, so will he assuredly giue you that reception & admission to his con- fidence w*"^' you haue had with us. We thanck you for yo' severall letters & aduises, and are very tenderly sensible of yo'" pressures, and if you could gett them removed by the help of friends, we thinck you would do well not to neglect so doing in respect of yo"" family, there being no certainty yet what successe will follow this Treaty. That Providence w'^^' per- mits these afflictions to lye upon [Js, We trust will yet in good time take them off. Doe you continue yo'" affections towards Us, not doubting of the constant fauor to you & yo'' of Your most asseured Frend, Charles R. From Newport in y Isle of Wight, 24 Novemh: 1648.* To Seer: Nich'as. Conferences at Newport with the Parliamentary agents. In such confidence was he with the King as to be employed during that treaty in writing his private dispatches to the Prince of Wales. See Wai'mcFs Memoirs, p. 325. * The several historical facts, to which this letter refers, are too well known to require comment ; but the letter itself is an important testimony to Sir Edward Nicholas's claim on the patronage of Charles II. alluded to in a subsequent communication to that prince respecting the office of Secretary. 1648.] THE NICHOLAS CORRESPONDENCE. 185 His Ma^'"' Farewell Speech unto y" Lords Com'ssioners at Newport iyi y' Isle of Wight.^ My Lords, You are come to take your leaue of mee, and I beleeue wee shall scarce euer see each other againe : — but Gods will be done. I thank God I haue made my peace w*'' him, & shall w*''out feare undergoe what he shall please to suffer men to doe unto mee. My Lords, you cannot but knowe that in my fall and ruine you see yo' owne, and that also neere to you. I pray God send you better frends then I haue found. I am fully informed of y"" whole carriage of y" plott against me & myne, and nothing soe much afflicts mee as the sense and feelinge I haue of y^ sufferings of my subjects, and y^ mischief that hangs ouer my three Kingdomes, drawne upon them by those who (upon pretences of good) violently pursue their owne interestes and ends.''^ These words his Ma*'"" deliuered w*^' much alacrity and cheerefiillnes, w^^ a serene countenance, & carriage free from all disturbance. Thus he parted w^'' y*" Lords leaning many tender impressions (if not in them) yet in y" other hearers. f His Ma''" farewell Speech to the Lo''" at Newport, 1° Dec. 1648. * The Commissioners were the Earls of Northumberland, Pem- broke, Salisbury, and Middlesex ; Viscount Say and Sele ; Lord Wenman ; Messrs. Pierpoint, HoUis, Crew, Bulkeley ; Sirs Henry- Vane, juu., Harbottle Grimstone, and John Potts ; Serjeants Glynne and Browne, and some others. -f- This conference took place almost immediately before the King's death. On the 4th of December took place the third day's debate in the House of Commons of the question whether the royal concessions in the Newport treaty Avere a ground of settlement ; which, at five o'clock next morning, was resolved in the affirmative by a majority of 129 to 83. The day following, Wednesday the 6th of December, was the day of Pride's Purge. Within a month from that date the King was brought to trial; and on the 29th January, 1648-9, the death-warrant was signed. I COKRESPONDENCE OF SIR EDWARD NICHOLAS AND VAEIOUS MEMBEKS OF THE EOYAL FAMILY ; DUKIXG THK COMMONWEALTH AND PKOTECTORATE. CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR EDWAED NICHOLAS AND THE EOYAL FAMILY, AFTER THE DEATH OF CHARLES L The subjoined letters, in continuation of the preceding corre- spondence, will be found to require little illustrative comment. They embrace the brief and unsuccessful royalist campaign which closed on the field of Worcester ; they contain illustrations of Charles the Second's distrust and dislike of his Presbyteinan friends and supporters ; but they derive perhaps their chief interest from the gossiping details in which the deceased King's sister, Elizabeth of Bohemia, so largely indulges, and in which the fears and jealousies, the enjoyments and privations of the Exiles, the fluctuation of her nephew's hopes, Cromwell's assumption of power, the vagaries of the errant Queen of Sweden, the attempts of the Queen-mother Hem-ietta to make Roman Catholics of her children, and the childhood of that young Prince of Orange for whom those attempts were preparing a throne, are curiously and impartially mixed up. The letter of earnest remonstrance to the Duke of Gloucester, concerning his being tempted to tui'ne papist," bearing the signature of his elder brother, is a somewhat strange comment on the faith in which Charles the Second died. Paris,* Nov. 6, 1649. St. No. Sir, To giue you an account of tlie vastnesse of this packett, give me leaue to tell you, that together with this booke w'^^' I send you, there came in half a * Charles, at the period of his fathers death, was at the Hague with his brother in law, the Prince of Orange ; after which he went to France to join his mother ; but having been proclaimed King throughout Ireland, with the exception of Dublin and Londonderry, he would have proceeded there, had he not been forewarned that 190 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1649. score persons of consideration_, who with very much passion desired nie to represent to Jersey, the high indignity l)y this base edition* offered to our blessed Master, and the great injury rendered to his Majestj^ that now is. You will finde a preface to this Booke, w*"^ tends to proue that our blessed Master might be^ nay perhaps was, a Papist in his heart, notwithstanding this I3ooke. That what instructions & commands were giuen to his Sonne for his firmenesse to the Protestant religion, were giuen out of politique con- siderations meerely, and many other particulars, w*"^' I hope will bring it to the hands of tlie common- hangman. This Marsys is one who setting out the tryall of the late King, and y^ manner of his murther, stiles himselfe " Interprete et Maistre pour la langue Francoise du Roy d'Angleterre regnant a present et de son Altesse Royale le Due d^ Yorke son frere,^^ in w*"^ Booke he stiles Queene Elizabeth (of euer blessed memory) Jezabell. He setts downe a false and faigned speech of the King's at y" time of his being murthered; & being charged with it, he said he thought fitt to make that speech as spoken by him, since the speech he did make was poore and below a King. He hath sett forth diuers other things, an extract whereof I shall shortly send you, the least of w*'^ would deserve a whipping in England in good such a procedure -would produce mucli alarm among the Protestant friends to his cause. He therefore Avent no farther than Jersey, where he was proclaimed King, a short time previous to the date of this Remonstrance. To what Courtier or Minister about Charles's person it was addressed, does not appear ; but it was written by Sir- Edward Nicholas during his retreat from England, after the death of his royal master. He appears at its date to have been resident with his relative. Sir Richard Browne, who still remained Charge' d'Affaires at the French Court. * The wish here expressed was not fulfilled specifically ; though afterwards in some measure gratified by the publication of " Eikou Aklastos" in 1651, as a vindication of tlie original work against the attacks of " Eikonoklastes." The reader may find some interest in turning from this letter to the very copious essay on the subject by Mr. Nichols in Literary Anecdotes, vol. L, p. 522. 1649.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 191 times to speake moderately. I p^'sume you will giue this busines a thorough sifting there in couucell, and send some directions to S"" Rich: Browne how to proceede here ; that it may appeare who sett him on worke here, and who giues him these exact coppies, w*''' he pretends to haue under y'^ King's owne hand, and those other peeces of the King^s, w"^ he so braggs of, and promises he will bring them to light, so soone as he obtaines leaue to publish them. I hope some course wilbe taken that he may be dis- charged of his titles of relation to the King, and that his Ma^^' will hereupon giue order, that a true coppy may be printed in french of his Father's Booke, dechired by him to be authentique, waving both the editions either of Huguenot or Papist, and that this command be grounded upon the ill editions of both these persons and partys. Indorsed, " 6° iVorm: 1649. Concerning Marseis his translac'on of the King's booke." /Sir Edward Nicholas to King Charles the Second, May it please yo' Ma^'^* I came to yo' Ma^''' out of duty to serve you if I could, not out of designe to gaine preferment, & thoughe I understood well, that yo"" Ma*'^' Pri^y Councell here was neither of number or weight equall to y^ importaunce of yo" Ma*'""^ affaires, yet yo'' Ma*'^ being then resolved to goe for Irland (where I conceaved there would be an addition of Councellors answearable to y^ weight of yo"" aff^''^) I did y" more Avillingly tender my humble services here. But since its not now councellable for yo'' Ma**^ upon y' change of yo*" busines in Irla: to goe thither, I held it my duty humbly to advise you, that I find yo*^ affa''^' of soe great importaunce, & of such a nature, as (in my pcore iudgem^) it will not be possible for you to man' age y^ same w'''out a steddy, setled, & * Written by Sir Edward Nicholas, and alluded to in a note, ante, p. 184. 192 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1649. D. Richmond Ea: Arundell Ea: Derby Ea: Norwich E. South'ton Sir Art. Hopton, Mr. Cha: Exch. L'd Hatton. more full Councell of able, graue & experienced p^sons of unblemished integrity, whose honor, esteeme, fidellity, & prudence may raise y^ reputa- c^on of yo"" Councell from that greate contempt it lyes under both at home and abroade ; & whereby for- raigne Pr'"'"' may be encouraged to assist yo"" Ma^'^, & yo*" E/Oyall party in Engl: to appeare more vigorously for you. If for want of such a setled & ho^^^ Privy Councell, yo"" Ma*''' shalbe necessitated (as lately) to call (upon every important occasion) such to Councell who are not sworne, it will not much satisfy yo' party in Engla: nor advantage yo"" aff""'. Besides yo"" Privy Councell wilbe att a great disadvantage, when they are to give their advise upon oath, & are by y"" same obliged to be secreat, & y*" others shalbe att liberty & under noe tye att all. My humble advise therefore is, that yo'' Ma*'*" forthw*^ endeavour by all meanes possible to get a Councell composed of a convenient number of such ho^^^, experienced, & faithfull p'sons, as may be equall to y'' great importaunce of yo'" p^'sent aff & above y^ contempt that yo"" now Councell lyes under, aswell in yo'' owne Court, as abroade, w^^out w''^ it will not be possible for you to goe throughe yo"" greate businesses. As for my owne particular,* I humbly beseech yo'' Ma*'^ to give me leave to put you in minde, that att St. Germains y' Ma*'^ comaunded me to wayte on you in this place, where you were pleased to tell me you should have occasion to make use of my service as Secre^'^, & to that end * De Larrey, a French contemporary writer formerly quoted, says of Sir Edward Nicholas, that he had much better quahties and more zeal for the late Monarch, than the preceding Secretary of State, Windebanlc. He adds, that he was truly devoted to the Church of England ; and having, besides, as much integrity as ability, was as faithful to the son as to the father. " Charles II. recompensed his fideUty, and restored him, in 1658, to the post that his father had given him ; if this employment was honourable to him, all the profit redounded to the King, who conferred it on him not till he left France, and when he was a wanderer from Court to Court, and from country to country." 1649.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 193 j^o' Ma^'' comaunded me to gett prepared a signet, and other provisions fitting, ^v'^' accordingly I p'vided att my owne cost. I was tliere further tould from yo' ]\Ia*^ that when I came to Jersey, I should be sworne Sec'rie. And since I came hither, yo'" Ma*'° tould me I should be sworne, as soon as I came into Irla: Now since yo'' Ma*''' goes not for Irla: I humbly desire that I may be sworne before yo'" Ma"'' dep^ture from hence : 1. Because, I know y'^ busines belonging to a Sec'rie of State ought not to be p^formed by one that is not sworne in y^ place. 2. For that y^ busines I shall doe (not being sworne), will not have that creddit & esteeme, as is requisitt for y^ advantage of aflPaires of that nature. 3. That it wilbe a great disrepute for me (who have had the honor to serve yo"" Royale father 7 yeares in that office) to execute any considerable pHe thereof, & not be established in it by oath, w''^ only can make a man capable of p'formaunce of the duty of that place, as it ought to be. Yo"" Ma"*"' obiection, that if you sweare me, you must doe y^ like for Mr. Long,* is rather a dis- couragement then a satisfac^con to me, who did hope my soe long faithfull service to yo'" Royall father would have mov'd yo'' Ma*'® to make more difference betweene us, since I have hitherto (I thanke God) carryed a cleere reputac^on in all my wayes. Wherefore its my most humble suyte, that yo" Ma*'® wilbe pleased either to give order that I may be sworne yo' Ma*'®' Sec^rie (whereby I may be enabled to doe you service), or else that I may have leave w**" yo" Ma*'®^ gracious favour, to retire untill my faithfull & disinterested service may be of more use in yo" Ma*'®' affaires. « For yo"* Ma'^e." Indorsed, " Je lis ce papier au Roy a Jersey, 31 de Janvier. St. 1649." * Mr. Long appears to have been engaged as secretary to Charles in a quasi-private capacity, for his name is not entered upon any of the official lists. The King, influenced most probably by his mother, showed much favour to him. It is perhaps not irrelevant also to VOL. IV. 194 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1650. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Charles R. Ill regard of our many great & weighty businesses. Wee are resolved & promise w*^ all convenient speede to increase the number of Our English Privy Coun- cellors in a considerable proporc'on answerable to y'' importauuce of our affaires. Wee are alsoe resolved principally to make use of & rely on, the faithfull advise of our sworne Privy Councell in y^ managem^ and determinac'on of our important affaires. Wee likewise resolve & promise, to sweare and establishe S' Edw: Nicholas in y^ ofiBce and place of one of our principall Secrita,ries of State, the first man Wee admit to or constitute in that office, and as soone as Wee shall dismisse RoV Long from our service. Given at our Court att Castle Elizabeth in our Island of Jersey the 14-24th of ffebr: 1649-50. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. St. Johnstons: Sept. 3, 1650.* Mr. Seer: Nicholas, I haue giuen this bearer his dispatch, and haue signed all the Commissions, with 53 blankes w*"^ I desire you to fill up as you shall haue observe, that if the hand-writing of the rival Secretaries had been allowed any weight in the discussion of the question, Mr. Long must have proved successful against Sir Edward ; his mode of writing being singularly precise and clear, whilst that of Nicholas is often scarcely intelligible. * Written during Charles's visit to Scotland, when the Presby- terians crowned him King, Cliarles sailed from Schevling in Holland, in the preceding June, and landed at Spey, in Scotland, soon after. On the loth of July he was proclaimed at Edinburgh Cross; and afterwards proceeded to St. Johnstone's, which place had been appointed for the meeting of the Scottish States. It was on the day when the above letter was written, Cromwell's " fortunate day," that the Scots were defeated at Dunbar. Charles went to Scotland in June ; and towards the latter end of July, Cromwell took the com- mand of the English Army in that Kingdom. 1650.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATP]. 195 Marq: Hertford occasion, there are two commissions for 445 : 388 : that if one should miscarey the other might serue. I haue sent you here inclosed a letter of credance to the Prince of Orange,* that if you should haue occasion of his assistance you may use it ; but pray have a care that you doe not press him about money, for I haue had so much from him allready that it were a shame to seeke more of him. This bearer ^yill acquaint you with my condition much better than I can doe in a letter, I shall only say this to the vilaney of tlie you, that you cannot imaien 245 x3 : 160 : m8 : 8 : (illegible) & their 191 : w5 : 175 : m9 : t6 : p : 64 : 49 : v6 : party 104 : 47 : 213 : 7 : indeed it has done me a greate have confirmed deale of good, for nothing could 138 : 81 : 109 : me more to the 14 : 12 : 2 : 170 : 13 : 220 : 242 : 245 : bb : Church of England 254 : 73 : n8 : 349 : 153 : then being x9 : 26 : here seing theire hippocrisyf 139 : 69 : t3 : 151 : w5 : s3 : c4 : 20 : q6 : 75 : the D: of Yorke's h : 8 : v2 : I shall send 245 : 575 comission and Lo: Gen'ard's 374 : 49 : by Oudart, who I will dispatch within this 2 or 3 days. I had allmost forgot a bussines of great importance, it is to speke to the Pr: of Orange a smack or to send hether 21S : 30 : 4 : 169 : 44 : 38 : n7 : a herring buss w''' five or 12 : eS : gg : w : 5 : 262 : 111 : x2 : 190 : * Father of William the Third, f This not to be mistaken allusion to the men who had just placed the crown upon the writer's head is sufficiently illustrative of the character of Charles. A report that he had been obliged to perform public Kirk-penance by the Presbyterians is mentioned in a ludicrous manner in a Letter from the Elector of Bavaria to the Queen of Bohemia, preserved in Bromley's Royal Letters^ p. 153. 2 196 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1650. six men to lie here pre te n 229 : 39 : 19 : \\2 : M : 33 : f5 : r4 : 210 : 25 : di n g it is to carrey oner VY : 45 : 34 : 145 : g5 : 242 : 80 : s3 : 7 : p7 : messenger when 64 : 30 : 170 ; 228 : 45 : cl4 : 14 : x7 : aq : there is occasion w5 : 220 : 147 : 477 : I being at the charge of I would have keeping them wlien they are here. 141 : z3 : 138 : the vessel come to 245 : rS : x2 : 4 : 228 : 24 : 44 : nn : 47 : w2 : Montrose 171 : m6 : 222 : t3 : 3:20 I would haue you and Mr. Atorney to stay in holland as being the place that is the neerest to this Kingdome and where I sliall haue occasion of your services : I have no more to say to you at the present but to assure that I am and euer will be Your most affectionate friend, Charles R. The King to Mrs. Twisdeii.f M"^ Twisden, Hauing assurance of your readines to performe what I desired of you by my Letter of the 7 th of Februar}^ from Jersey, according to j^our Brothers promise, in order to the conveying to me the George and Scales left me by my blessed Father, I haue againe imployed this bearer (in whom I haue very much confidence) to desire you to deliver the said George and Scales into his hand for me, assuring you, that as I shall haue great reason thereby to ac- knowledge your owne and your Brothers civilitys * This of course is a plan for his own escape if necessary, and another proof of the small reliance he was placing upon his Northern friends. "Whether he doubted their power or their loyalty is not very material ; but it is evident that he wished to ensure the means of his own safety, independent of their exertions. f This is not printed from the original, but taken from a copy. 1650.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 197 and good affections, in a particular soe deerly valued by me, soe I will not be wanting, when by Gods blessing I shall be enabled, deseruedly to rccom- pence you both for soe acceptable a service don to Your louing friend, Charles R. St. Johnston, 2 8&''', 1650. The King to Mr. William Hinton. ^ Mr. William Hinton, Your many faithfull services done to my deere Father of blessed memory and to my selfe, & the constant continuance in your loyall affections to my just cause, are soe very remarkable, as I shalbe euer mindfull to acknowledge them, and to gratify and reward you for them. The condition of my affaires requiring that a considerable sum'e of money be speedily sent into Holland, I doe at present desire you by such private meanes as you shall conceiue most safe, to conveye or returne thither by bills of exchange for my use, such sumes of money, as either you haue or shalbe able to procure by loane, or otherwise, of my well affected subjects, towards my supply : and as I doubt not you will comply with all readines & industry with this my desire, soe I will that you assure all those who shall contribute to y'' support of my occasions, y* I shall willingly repay them, when God shall enable me, and also further recompence them to their content : and will particu- larly consider you for the paines you shall imploy herein as a service very acceptable to Your louing friend, Charles R. Sr. Johnstons, 2. S''^'", 1650. * This letter, taken from a copy, contains further proof how much more anxious Charles now was for a safe escape to the Con- tinent than sanguine of success from the state of his affairs in Scotland. 198 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1650, The King to Sir John Greenville. S' John Greenvile/' considering how important it would be for the good of my affaires to haue a body of men in a readines to countenance any attempt that shall be made by my good subjects in the West^f for recovering my just rights, their owne libertys, and suppressing the present barbarous and bloody Vsurpers, especially in a place soe neere and op- portune for the seconding any such enterprize as that under your charge; I haue thought good to desire and require you, to gather & entertaine as many souldiers, and to prouide what store of armes & munition you can possibly, and as may consist with the necessary subsistence of y*" garrison under your command, to be ready to be seasonably transported on any good occasion : In w''*' busines soe highly conducing to the good of my seruice, as I am very confident your particular relation and affec- tion to my person and interests will prompt you to imploy your utmost industry and assistance, soe you may rest assured, that w^ you shall therein performe shall ever be acknowledged on any seasonable occa- sion that may manifest your deserts and y^ esteeme and kindnes I haue for you^ who am Your loving friend, Charles R. St. Johnstons, 2 Oct. \ 650. The King to Sir Richard Grenville. S*" Rich: Greenville, though it be not seasonable for me to giue powers to any to appeare for me, in regard of the diverse affecc^ons and dispositions of * He was afterwards Earl of Bath, f Thoroughly weary of the thraldom of obligation to the Scotch Covenanters, this and the following letter (both of which are taken from copies) contain evidence of the writer's anxiety again to engage the service of the English royalists- See also a letter of Abraham Cowley to Lord Arlington, iu the Miscellanea Aulica, p. 152. 1650.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 199 people I liauc to deale with in the present con- juncture of my affaires, yet I held it requisite to cherishe the good affecc^ons of those who haue the like kindnes for me as I haue observed in you, desiring you to continue constant therein, and to keepe your selfe in readines for my imployments when it shalbe seasonable, and in the meane time not only to be your selfe very secret and circum- spect in what concernes my interests, but hy all meanes to procure that all others be soe likewise, least if the Rebells shall discerne and app^hend any disposition & intention in any of my good subjects to assist me, they shall, to p^^ent the same, use violence on those that are best inclined to my service. I haue soe great confidence in your affec- tion as I am assured of your readines, and when there shalbe a fitt opportunity you shall be sure to heare from Your very louing friend, Charles Pt. St. Johnstons, 2'^ of 8 6^', 1650. The Duke of York to Sir Edward Nicholas. Sir Edvr. Nicolas, though I haue much desired your company and aduise, yet not with the hinder- ance of the Kings seruise, nor your one incon- venince : but that now vpon the death of the Prince of Orange,* I haue more neede of your councell then euer, which I desir you to comunicat to me by letter or any other waye as you shall thinke fitt. I desire you also to moue my Lord Culpeper f for monye to defray the charges of the Kings horses ; as well for the Kings honor, as to preserve '6 of the best of them for the Kings use. I desire you would aduise me wheither I may not presse my Lord Culpeper to * Who died on the 24th of this month. The first peer of that name. He joined the deceased King's councils at the same time with Hyde and Falkland ; was an exile, for twelve years, with his son; and on the Restoration was made Master of the Rolls. 200 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1650. lend me 1500 or 2000 Pounds, to be repayd if tlie King allow it not : the wanting of those supplies which I expected from the King and the Prince of Orange enforces me to this councell, wherein I desire your assistance witli my Lord Culpeper if you aproue of it : desiring you to beleiue that I shall euer be Your very affectionat friend, James. BiiuxELLS, Nomm: 12. 1C50. Indorsed by Sir E. Nicholas. 2-12° iV^o*''«, 1 650. R. 8-18°. The D. of Yorke from Bruxells to me. Copie of y" Dukes Letter to my Lord Culpeper. My Lord, the Kinges horses are to be sold for money to pay for their meat. Some of them are much prised by his Ma*^', and cannot be sold to their worth : therefore I desire that you would laye downe the money due for their charges, so that the Kinges honor may be preserued, and the best of y" horses still kept for y'' Kings use : w*^ w*"^' I am sure his Ma*'^ wilbe well pleased. I rest your louinge friend, James. Bruxells, Noveml. 12, 1650. The Duke of York to Sir Edivard Nicholas."^ Sir Edw. Nicholas, I haue receiued yours of the 8. of Nouember from the Hage, and with it that from Dicke Fanshaw, and I haue as you desired me lett the King know why I had you not heare with me, which he knows very well was not your fault, and I am sure he is well satisfy de with you, and has the same esteeme he always had for you, of which I am * This letter was written after the battle of Worcester, fought on the same day as that of Dunbar, the 3rd of September. It was on the 2nd of November that Charles landed in Normandy. 1653.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 201 confident before this tyme you liaue knowledge of in his hauing sent for you to come heither to him, which makes mee now that I shall not say any thing more to you, because I hope to see you shortly, till when you may assure your selfe that I shall euer be Your most assured freind, James. Paris, iVoM. 18, 1651. The King to Sir Edivard Nicholas. Paris, April 6, 1652. Mr. Sec. Nicholas, I haue receaued yours of the 28 of the last month, and doe very well approue of your sending me intelligence in your letters to the Chancelour,* by whom you shall againe receaue my pleasure, and information of all my purposes and resolutions, and directions concerning your selfe, w*"^ the unsetlednesse of my condition heitherto hath kept me from sending so positiuely to you, as I hope shortly to doe. In the meane time assure your selfe I rely upon noe mans fidelitie and affection more then on yours, and you shall allwais find me to be Your most assured frend, Charles R. The Princess Dowager of Orange to Sir Edward Nicholas. Breda, 21 July, 16o3.t Mr. Secretarie, I haue been so long without giuing you thanks for all y'' letters, that if I did not hope you would not impute it to neglect, I should not know which way now to desire you to continu, but * Sir Edward Hyde ; but he is not marked on the lists as Chan- cellor until 1658. + This letter has reference to the Treaty then pending between Holland and the English Commonwealth. The negotiations were finally settled on the 5th May, 1654. 202 COERESPONDENCE DURING THE [1653. your knowing how little I loue this exercise will (I dout not) justifie niee enough in y' opinion. I am very vnsertain of ray stay here, because it depends vpon his Majestis remoue/-!'- who I wish with all my hart would not come into thesse parts till hee sees what becoms of the treatty, for I do much aprehend at last thay will agree: the Hollanders desiring nothing more. By this imagine how ill his Ma*'^' receiption will bee : Pray let mee know your opinion of this, and whether 3'ou beleeue ther Avill be a peace, which in doing you will much oblige Your affectionate friend, Marie. The King to Sir Edward Nicholas. Tauis, Sept: 28, 1653.t Nicholas, I am very well pleased with the paines I perceaue by your letters to the Chancelour you take in my seruice, and you must upon all occasions lett those good men know, who communicate freely with you, that I am very sensible of their affections to me w''^ I will requite when it shall be in my power : I am exceedingly troubled at any factions and iealosyes amongst those who wish me well, and will use all my power to compose them, and if you meete with any who have hearetofore bene averse to those wayes, w""^ haue bene most conducinge to my seruice, or bene opposite to that party w""^' hath bene most tender of me, you may confidently assure them, if they haue now changed ther mindes, I will be there harty frind, and be very carfull to aduance there * Charles was then at Paris. From a letter written by Abraham Cowley to Lord Arlington very soon after this period, it appears that the King's dependence on Dutch friendship was greater than his sister's. He believed that the eagerness to conclude a treaty with Cromwell was not the wish of the States, but merely of a party which then was predominant. See Miscellanea Aulica, p. 1.58. + This letter was written only a few weeks previous to Cromwell's assumption of the Protectorate. The initials in the latter part refer evidently to Sir Marmaduke Langdale and Mens. Befort. 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 203 interest, and to requite there good will : In the par- ticular you and S' M. L: haue consulted, I thinke best to acquiesse in that generall, untill there shall be some declaration of at least an inclination towards me, and you shall let Mon"" Be: (to whom you are to commende me kindly) know that I shall then make it appeare, that it is in my power to add more strenght to those states then is imaginable : if you haue interest in any discreete person who is a con- fident of Count Williams, I would be glad he should know, that I haue great kindnesse for him, and doe much depend upon his good will and frindshipe to me in all my concernements, as indeede I do ; * pro- ceede as you haue begun, w*"^ is very acceptable to Your constant louing frind, Charles R. Copie of the Kings [Charles 11.) Letter to the Duke of GlocesteVy concerning his being tempted to turne Papist. CoLoiGNE, i\^or; 10: 1654.t Deare Brother, I have receaued yo""" without a date in w''^ you tell me that Mr. Montague has endeauord to pervert you from yo'' religion. I doe not doubt but you remem- ber very well y"" commands I left w*^' you at my going away concerning y* point. I am confident yovl will observe them : yet yo'" letters that come from Paris say that it is y'' Queenes purpose to do all shee can to change yo"" religion,J in w'^^' if you do hearken to * Charles's mode of expression here is worth remarking. Policy obliged him so often to express favour and affection to those for whom he had a very different feeling, that the addition of " as indeede I do " seems necessary on occasion as a guarantee of good faith. t Charles left Paris for Cologne on the 18th of October, and received much attention and kindness from the Princes of Germany. This letter oddly conti-asts with what the writer afterwards became. X In some private instructions given by Charles to the Duke of York, and dated the 13th July, 1654, there is a passage expressing the same anxiety about his brother, and strongly marking the Queen- 204 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. her or any body els in that matter_, you must never thinke to see England or mee againe, & w^soeuer mischiefe shall fall on mee or my affaires from this time I must lay all upon you as being y^ only cause of it. Therefore consider well what it is to bee not onely y^ cause of ruining a Brother that loves you so well, but also of yo' King & Countr3^ Do not lett them p'suade you either by force or faire p^mises; for the first they neither dare, nor will use, and for the second, as soone as they have perverted you they will haue their end, and then they will care no more for you. I am also informed y^ there is a purpose to putt you into y^ Jesuits' Colledge, w*"^ I command you upon y^ same grounds neuer to consent unto. And when soever any body shall goe to dispute w^^' you in religion doo not answeare them at all. For though you haue the reaso' on yo''' side, yett they being prepared will haue y^ aduantage of any body y* is not upon y^ same security that they are. If you do not consider what I say unto you, Remember the last words of yo'^ dead Father, w""^ were to bee con- stant to yo' religion & neuer to bee shaken in it. if you doe not obserue, this shall bee y^ last time you will heare from (Deare Brother) yo' most affectionate brother, Charles R. mother's breach of promise on the subject. "I have told you that the Queen hath promised me concerning my brother Hariy in point of rehgion, and I have given him charge to inform you if any attempt shall be made upon him to the contrary ; in which case you will take the best care you can to prevent his being wrought upon, since you cannot but know how much you and I are concern'd in it." See Miscellanea Aulica, p. 108. The " Mr. Montague " alluded to Avas Walter Montague, who had lately entered into Priest's orders, and, upon the death of Father Philips, became the Queen's confessor. Carte, in his Life of Ormond, speaks of his " busy temper, spiritual pride, and furious zeal." Some further particulars of this bigoted Abbot of Pontoise, who was second son of the Eai-1 of Manchester, may be found in p. G76, vol. II. of the Sidnoj Papers. And see ante, p. 75. 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 205 The Queen of Bohemia * to Sir Edward Nicholas. Mr. Secretaries I ame verie glade to finde by your letter that you are safelie arriued and all your com- panie at Aix^f ^i^d that you found the King and my Neece % so well in health and so kinde one to the other, which has euer bene so since I haue knowen them. I beleeue indeed the seperation will be hard, but when there is no remedie one must be content. As for my iourney up hill I cannot tell what to say to it, S' Charles Cottrell § shall informe you how it goes but slowlie on, and which is stranger that it is not my fault. Dr. Morley has made a verie good description of the Queene of Sweden : || she gaue an assignation to the French Ambassadour to meet her at Breda, whither he went, and so did the Prince and Princess ^ of Tarente and most * Sister to Charles the First ; a woman whose beauty and spirit increased the sympathy justly due to her misfortunes. She had lost her eldest son shortly before her husband's death. Her second son was Charles Louis, the exiled Elector Palatine ; her third, the Pi'ince Rupert; her youngest, the Prince Maurice. Through her daughter Sophia, afterwards Electress of Hanover, the present royal family occupy the English throne. The letters now printed are A^ery interest- ing specimens of her style of correspondence, and form an apt and valuable commentai'y upon the graver records of this important period. f Aix-la-Chapelle. X Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, § Repeatedly mentioned in letters from the Elector Palatine to his mother, preserved in Bromley's Collection, He appears to have been attached to the personal service of the Queen of Bohemia. II The far-famed Christina. It was in this year that she abdicated the throne. There were several personal squabbles between the Ex-Queen of Sweden and the Ex-Queen of Bohemia ; and Christina was not a little jealous of Elizabeth's distinguished correspondents, among whom she at this time numbered Des Cartes and Admiral Penn. Christina, who had just treated and negotiated with Cromwell,even after her abdication still attempted to mingle in politics. She also offered oc- casionally personal slights to the Queen of Bohemia; which may account for the manner in which she is spoken of in passages of these letters. •ff The writer's spleen against Christina seems here to extend itself even to her own relations : for Emilia, Princess of Tarente, was daughter of William, Landgrave of Hesse Cassel ; and Charlotte, 206 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. of our French gallants, who came all sneaking home againe, for her greefe was so great for the beating of the Spanish armie before Arras * as she would not goe to Breda. She sent another account than that to the Ambassadour as you may imagin, but the Landgrave writt the truth to his neece the Princess of Tarente. We haue yet heere no parti- cullars of this defeat, but in generall it is a verie great one. I long to heare what part my godsonnef had in it, for I still thinke of him, being my cheefest comfort next your excellent Master. I ame verie glad your daughter is so well, I doe not wonder at it, she is soe well vsed, and now she has her father with her she is the more content, and I take it verie well that all this makes her not forget her frends heere. I assure you I long to haue her heere againe. I am verie sorie for poore Killegrew,J she was a verie good gentlewoman. You will heare by M"' Howards letter howe great a scape my little Nephue § escaped yesterday vpon the bridge at the Princess of Grangers house, but God be thanked there was no hurt onelie the coache broken : I tooke him into my coache and brought him home. The Princess of Grange went from hence vpon Saterday, and you will haue our Baron shortlie with you at Aix, he will tell you the second part of the Queene of Sweden, for he comes from her to your Court, to another daughter of the Hessian Elector, was wife to her son Charles Louis. The Prince was Henry Charles de la Tremouille, then in the service of the States, and in command of the Hessian cavalry. His connexion with these families pi'ocured him to be chosen a Knight of the Garter in 1653, along with the young Duke of Gloucester, * An allusion to the defeat of the Spaniards by the French on St. Louis's day, when their lines were forced, whilst besieging Arras, with great slaughter. + In the Queen's letters preserved in the Bromley Collection there are also frequent allusions to this " godsonne.'' In one place (p. 286) she speaks of him under the name of " Tint," playfully writing to a familiar friend. X " Kate Killigrew," daughter of Lord Stafford. She had been Maid of Honour to the Queen upwards of eight years. A curious letter, introducing this lady to her Majesty in 1646, may be referred to in Bromley's Royal Letters, p. 1 35. § Afterwards William the Third. 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 207 morrow I beleeve I shall goe a shooting, which I haue not done since you went. I am verie glade to heere that you are established in your place, which you desarve so well, this is no complement but the verie truth from Your most affectionat frend, Elizabeth. Hage, Aug. 31. I am verie sorie for my Lo: Wentworths sickness. I pray lett him know so from me, and remember me to Mr. Chancellour. I pray remember my humble seruice to the King : the news of beating the Scotch * is now tolde quite contrarie by a ship come from thence. " For Mr. Secretarie," Indorsed by Sir E. N. 31° Aug: st: No: 1654. R. 3«. 7*"*. Queene of Bohemia to me. The Queen of Bohemia to Sir Edward Nicholas, Hagh, Sep: 7 (1654). Mr. Secretarie, I thanke you both for the good news you writt to S'' Charles Cottrell out of Holland, and for your letter I receaued this morning with the relation of the defeat before Arras. I hope you will send that of Holland to Curtiusf that the beleef of the Scotch defeat may not be continued in Germanic, but none pleaseth me better then what you write of my deere Godsonne, and the continuance of my Neeces good health. The Queen of Sweden is yett at Anwerp, wee looke euerie day to see the Land- grave heere, and by him I shall know what she will doe. It is certaine that the flux is much in Monkes * This was a trifling affair ; being merely a check given tO' Lilburn, the Parliamentary General, who commanded during Crom- welFs absence. 'h Curtius had long been the English agent, at Frankfort, to the German princes. He had been Secretary to the King of Bohemia, and in 1640 was also employed by Charles the First in Germanic diplomacy. 208 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654/ army/" a Scotchman that is come from thence reports it, and all the particulars you haue written. Dr. Morley has a letter from Anwerp of some trouble by a discouerie of a new treason in London of the levellers against his pretious highness, but I beleeue you will haue more particullars of that then wee heere.t Dr. Earle setts forwards to morrow to Breda and so to Aix. I doe not write to you by him because this will be sooner with you. Our Baron has sent for his man Smith to meet him God knows where, for I doe not, I beleeve you will haue him at Aix : he is the direct wandring Jew. My Ladie Herbert is looked for heere shortlie, but she was not come from Paris the last week. I heare M""' HideJ is to come to my Neece in M""' Killegrews place, which I am verie glad of, she is verie fitt for itt and a great fauorit of mine, who ame euer Your most affectio nat Trend, I pray lett my Lord Went worth know I ame extreme glade he is of the kings councell, being so much his frend as I ame I cannot but wish him much ioye of it. Indorsed, 7*^ ^Sep^''*, 1 654. The Queene of Bohemia to me. * Monk commanded in Scotland at this period ; having superseded Lilburn, Morgan, and other Parhamentary officers. f This was immediately after Cromwell's assumption of the Pro- tectorate. It was on the 3rd of the present month that he called together his first parliament; and eight days after the date of this letter, the members swore fealty to him. t Afterwards Duchess of York, Though not yet married to the Duke, Mrs. Hyde appears to have engaged much of the royal atten- tion at this time. Charles, in a letter to Bennet, afterwards Earl of Arlington, in 1655, says, " I will try whether Sir S. Compton be so much in love as you say, for I Avill name Mrs. Hyde before him so by chance, that except he be very much smitten it shall not at all move him." Sir Spencer Compton, son of the Earl of Northampton, was the youth of whose loyal and gallant infancy Sir Philip Warwick relates, that though not able to grasp a pistol, yet in indignation he cried because he was not exposed to the same hazard his brothers were. 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 209 The Queen of Bohemia to Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Hagh, ^Sep; 15. (1654.) Mr. Secretarie, I assure you your letters are always verie welcome to me. I hope before this come to you, you will receaue a pacquet from Scotland which came to Roterdam, and ould Will. Kepley caries himself to Aix. I shall be verie glad to know what news it brings, because heere is againe news of Menkes being beaten, which a man of Midletons writes to Straglien from Stranaven or such a name, and from my Lo. of [illegible], and that all long for the King. Stone is at last here, he saith that Cromwell will be now either King or Emperour, I wish him the latter, he has heard nothing of Barafeild, but I easilie beleeue he is honnest enough to be well used by Cromwell, he tells the Fleet as you hear, but it will not be beleeued heere. This day the assemblie of Hollande begins, theire agent in Sueden writt to the States Generall, that S' George Fleetwood, brother to him that is Leftenant of Irland, tolde him that he knew Cromwell had saide he woulde keepe the peace with the States no longer then he found it good for his interests, and woulde break with the first occasion that he can for the good of his deseins. Those of Hollande are verie angrie at the agent for writing this : those that have scene the letter tolde it me. it is so late as I can say no more, but ame euer Your most affectionat frend.* I pray remember me to my lord Wentworth, I have not time to answer his letter but will doe it by the first post. 150 76r,> 1654^ _7_, Qu- of Bohemia. * The letters of the Queen which follow, where her name is not subscribed, are signed with her cipher, as in the letter preceding this, and that, post, at p. 226. VOL. IV. p 210 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. The Queen of Bohemia to Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Hage, Sep: 21. Mr. Secretarie, I thanke you for yours of the 18 of Sept: yesterday I was tolde that all the people at Bruxelles were sending theire goods to Antwerp for feare of the French.* Some in a ship come out of England say that the mock Parliament beginn to dispute their priuiledges with Cromwell, but I feare they will but too well agree. I ame verie glade the King used Prince Williame and his ladief so well. BoswellJ is well enough serued, but I pittie him for he is vtterlie vndone. there is heere no news at all_, onelie Mons'" de Wimmenom is verie sick. the States of Holland are assembled, but Brederoke, Opdam, and Merode are not yett come, it is now verie faire weather, when the Princess of Tarents picture is ended by Louyr, which will be this day, then I may chance goe a shooting, § which I have not done since you went. I pray deliuer this inclosed to the King with my humble service. I ame euer Your most affectionat frend. I pray lett me know if the Queene of Sueden did write to the King by my Lord of Norwich, and if she did it cinilie or not. Sure Dick Harding is growen a fish in his baths, for he is as mute as one, tell him so from me. I think the King had better stay where he is then to goe to Coliein, he will not be so much at his leisure there as at Aix, those of Coliein are odd people, so as I ame of your opinion. ^ 7*''', 1654. R. if. Queene of Bohemia to me. * In consequence of the war existing in Flanders, between France and Spain. f Sister of the late Stadthoider. X Sir William Boswell, already noticed. § Hunting seems also to have been a vei'y favourite amusement of her Majesty of Bohemia. It is frequently alluded to in these letters; and in those of Bromley's Collection, sixteen years earlier, there are several references to it. 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 211 The Queen of Bohemia to Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Mr. Secretarie, I ame verie glade that I shall see my Neece heere so soone, and I thanke you for all your other news. I beleeue Dr. Morley will write those that he heares out of England of Cromwells dessoluing of his Parliament,* for being so ungratious as not to doe as he woulde haue them, it was con- firmed to me the last night by one of the States Generally for three of ther Deputies are come from London that were sent about the treatie of the ^^l^;ors ^Yie other disputes ; they confirme all, but it was so late that I coulde not heare of the particuUars. the same State tolde me there was a speech of part of the orange and red men in rebellion against his pretious highness. I pray tell your daughter all this, for I had sealed her letter before I had the cer- taintie of the news. I ame verie glad the king resolues to stay at Aix, it is much better than Collein. I heare there is one that has heeretofore served my Lo: of Brainfordf paked from Scotland to the King but three days agone, and came from thence but sixe days before, he would tell no news but made hast away. Soone as he went, there reached heere one Thomson, one I haue scene before : he tells all the particuUars of the defeat that is so bragged of. he saith that they were dispersed vpon it, but it is aboue fine weekes since he came from * An allusion to the transactions of the 3rd of September, 1654, when Cromwell summoned that Parliament which he immediately afterwards dissolved for their opposition to his assumption of the Protectorate. The speech to which the Queen of Bohemia refers was that remarkable one on the first sitting of the House, when a member, after denying the authority which had called them together, boldly exclaimed, " that as God had made him instrumental in cutting down tyranny in one man, so now he could not endure to see the nation's liberties shackled by another, who had no right to the government but by the length of his swoi-d." f Patrick Ruthen, Earl of Forth, in Scotland. He had been General of Charles's forces during the Rebellion ; but was dead at the date of this letter. p 2 212 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. thence, being come tliouroiigli England by his countrie^ the borders, ^vhere in his passage he mett with a partie where he was hurt and lamed, but for all that he is gone to the King, he much com- plaines of diuisions amongst them, and not of Sir George Monroe, which they doe also. I doe admire how people could tell so great a lye as the pacquet, but it is verie common amongst my countriemen. Phil: Moliun is heere, she is fled from England fearing to be imprisoned by Cromwell, shes verie good companie and talkes verie freelie but hand- somlie. My Ladie Herbert is also heere, since Sunday last ; I haue had yett no time to aske her anie thing, hauing not scene her since Sunday. Thorn: Doleman" is heere and desires leeue to see me, which I haue put off untill I know the Kings plea- sure : for hauing so openlie owned the setting forward of the treatie I will not see him without the Kings approbation. I haue writt thus to your daughter, and desire you both to know the Kings pleasure in it. I entreat you besides to remember my humble seruice to him, and keepe me still in his good opinion, for it is the best seruice and frendship you can doe to Your most affectionat frend. Hagh, Sep. 29. I bragg'd to soone of shooting, for since I wrote the weather has not serued. " For Mr. Secretarie." 290 'jhris^ 1654. R: 8'^"^ The Queene to me. * Dolmau had suffered much in the royal cause during the civil wars. He was a Berkshire gentleman; and his house at Shaw, just below Donnington Castle, was one of the points of attack during the battle of Newbury, from which a good defence was made against Lord Manchester. im.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 213 The Queen of Bohemia to Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Hagii, Oct. 2. (1654.) Mr. Secret arie, I send you heere a letter for the King, it is about a match betwixt Prince Adolphe the King of Suedes brother and Sophie ; * he has desired it verie handsomlie : my sonne has con- sented to it^ reseruing the King of Suedens consent and mine, who ame to acquaint the King with it. I doe it now_, and send you the copie of Prince Adolphes letter, I pray gett an answere from the King as soone as you can. I haue no more to say, but am euer Your most affectionat frend. I pray assure me to my Lo: Wentworth, I write not now to him, I haue no time, for the poste is readie to goe. I pray say the same to reuerent Dick Harding. «2° 8*'% 1654. St. No. R. 4". The Queene of Bohemia to me con- cerning Kings consent for Pr<=s^e Sophia to mari-y Pr<^'= Adolph, } King of Swedens brother." The Queen of Bohemia to Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Hagh, Oct. 19. (1654.) Mr. Secretarie, hearing that you may chance to stay all this week at Collein, I send you this inclosed for the King, to giue him humble thankes for his aprobation of Sophies mariage. You will haue vn- derstood by Curtius all the newes of Germanic, for his going to waite vpon the King. You will finde by the English prints that they are forbiden to write anie thing of the proceedings of their mock Parlia- * Daughter of the Queen of Bohemia, afterwards married to the Elector of Hanover, and thence the stem of descent of the reigning family of England. 214 COERESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. ment. I v»as at Delft to sec the wrack that was made by the blowing up of the powder this day seuenight, it is a sad sights whole streets quite razed ; not one stone vpon another, it is not yett knowen how manic persons are lost, there is scarse anie house in the toune but the tyles are off. — {A great blot on the paper.) Apollo with leaping into my lapp has made this blott. Thom. Killegrew is heere, who makes a rare relation of the Queene of Sueden. It is verie colde, which I hope will diminish the plague. I pray be confident that I am euer Your most aftectionat frend, Elizabeth. I ame extreme glade to heare that the King is satisfied with Huperts letter, and that he has an- swered him so kindlie. I pray doe poore Curtius all the fauour you can, that he haue something from the King to incourage him the more to serue him. The Queen of Bohemia to Mr. Secretary Nicholas. Hagh No: 16. (1654.) Mr. Secretarie, iust now I receaue yours, and for a cause that you shall know heereafter I now answer you, this is a riddle which none but your daughter and two more know. I was Satterday last with my best Neece* at Speilng, it being her birth day. I ashure you she is [in] much trouble for her deare Brother the D. of Glocester, all the world woulde looke for no other I can witness for you. — I ame sorie the King has so much cause of greef, I beseech God he may speedilie remedie it. I beleeue my deare Nephue has a good resolution, but there is no trusting to one of his age. I confess I did not think Perhaps the Princess Dowager of Orange, pa7' excellence ; espe- cially as the whole passage seems to refer to the attempts made at Paris, by Queen Henrietta Maria and her friends, to induce the young Prince to change his religion. 1054.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 215 the Queene woulde haue proceeded thus : all is kept hcere verie secret that Prince Will :* doth in Overizel, but I ame tolde that all goes well, and that Deventer which toune was the most against will doe well, as also Rupert who was of the other faction,t not against the P. of Orange but Marshals. I pray beleeue me constantlie for I ame so Your most affectionat frend. I send you a letter for the best of Kings, tis about Thom. Killegrew^s business. I pray remember me to Mr. Chancelour, and tell him his Ladie and my faourit his daughter came hither upon Saterday, and are gone this day to Teiling. I finde my faourit growen euerie way to her aduantage. iVo'" '% 1654. R. Yg". The Queene of Bohemia to me. The Queen of Bohemia, to Sir Edward Nicholas. Hagh, Be: 3. (1654.) Mr. Secretarie, I receaued yours at Berghen, whither I was come from Anwerp and Bruxells. I find you haue vnridled my riddle verie right. I saw the Queene of Sueden at the play, she is extrauagant in her fashion and aparell, but she has a good well fauoured face, and a milde countenance. One of the players who knew me tolde her who I was, but she made no shew of it. I went the next day to Bruxelles, where I saw the Arch-due at mass, and I saw his pictures and lodgins. I lay at S'" Harry de Vies,:]; * Prince of Nassau Dietz, married to the Stadtholder's sister. f Evidently an allusion to the De Wit agitation, which at this moment was disturbing the United Provinces. The object was to deprive the infant Stadtholder of his official power, and give it solely to the Assembly of the States. This, in fact, had been one of the articles which Cromwell urged upon the States as a sine qua non. X Sir Henry de Vic had been long in the Enghsh service. He was with the Duke of Buckingham at Rochelle ; and there are several well-written letters from him to Lord Conway, respecting that affair, in Hardwicke's Collection of State Papers. 216 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. who was verie careful! and dilligent to doe me all the service he coulde. I stayed but Sunday at Bruxelles, and returned to Anwerp vpon Munday, and heearing from Duart how the Queene of Sueden had desired to know when I came back thither, that she might meet with me in an indiferent place, I made the more hast away the next day because I had no minde to speak with her since I heard how unhandsomelie she had spoken of the King my deare Brother and of the King my deare Nephue, and indeed of all our nation, so I auoided it and went away as soone as I had dined. Yett she sent Donoy to me with a verie civill message that she was sorie she coulde not use that ciuilitie to me as she both should doe and desired, hoping that one day wee might meet together with more freedome; I an- swered her as civillie as I coulde, and now when I went from Berghen I gaue S"* Will: Swann charge to make her a complement from me. I came hither vpon Tewsday from Berghen, where I was extremelie well intertained by the Princess of Zolern * who was with me and was my guide all the iourney, and defrayed me. her daughter is now so prettie euerie way that you would like her yet better than euer you did if you saw her ; she is much growen and is still of a verie sweet disposition, and she doth become her : she has a great deal of witt and loues our nation extreamlie, it makes me think of your wishe t which I ame not against you know, by this post I haue had verie good news of the Duke of Glocesters constantie in his religion and of my Lo: of Ormonds handsome carriage in that business, J so as the Queen saith she will press him no further * Francisca, daughter of Frederick the Rhingrave, and wife of John George Prince of Hohenzollern. + A plan for a marriage between Charles II. and this young Princess, one of the daughters of the Zollern family, appears at this time to have been under discussion. X This alludes to the attempt made to force the young Duke of Gloucester into the Jesuits' College ; from which, and other designs upon his religion, he was only saved by the Marquis of Ormond, who voluntarily offered his services to the King to snatch his brother 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 217 in it, but I hope tlie King will not trust to it, but gett him away from thence, which will doe the King great right : it is so colde as I can say no more, but ame euer Your most afFectionat frend. I pray excuse me to my Lo. Wentworth and reve- rent Dick Harding till the next. " For M'. Secretarie." 3 Dec: St: No: 1654. R. 6°. The Queene of Bohemia consr her iourney to see the Qu. of Sweeden. The Queene of Bohemia to Sir Edward Nicholas. Hagh, De: 21. (1654.) M' Secretarie, I haue receaued yours of the 18 of this month. I long to heare my sweet Nephue * is at Bruxelles. My Neece has sent Nick: Armourer to meet him there. I haue written to him by him, if the King woulde permitt him to take this place and Teiiing in his way from Bruxelles he woulde make his Sister f and me verie glade : he need not make such hast to see him, it is but the other day since he was with him, but it is much longer since wee saw him, and I ame sure our hoghen Moghens will take no notice of it if they be not asked the question as they were for the King^s comming to Breda. To be with his Sister some time can doe him no harme. I haue taken the boldness to write the same by my Lo: Gerard { to the King, who I beleeue will be with you as soone as this letter, for he went from hence vpon Saterday last. We heere nothing out of the hands of the Queen-mother and her Confessor Montague, Carte's Life of Orniond, vol. ii., pp. 163 — 7, contains a very amusing account of the whole transaction, telling much to the credit of the Marquis. * The Duke of Gloucester, who had just been brought from Paris by the Marquis of Ormond. f The Princess Dowager of Orange. + Lord Gerard of Bromley; a title now extinct. 218 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. of the rebells fleet heerabouts, but they say that Blag * is to ioine with the Spanish fleet against the Duke of Guise. The French Ambassadour beleeues the treatie with Cromwell as good as broken ; he is much ioyed that the meeting betwixt the Queene of Sueden and P. of Conde f was to neither of theire content, for he desired to be receaued as the Queene receaued the Arcdduc, Avhich she refused, saying she had done too much in that and woulde doe so no more, yet he came to see her brusqucment a Vim- proiiist, and did nothing but railler her in his talke, which putt her so out as she said almost not one worde. This was in the morning ; after dinner she sent to know if he woulde see the play at night, he said he would obey her, but desired to know whither he shoulde come knowen or as vnknowen, for if he came as Prince of Conde he looked tohaue a chaise a bras as the Archduc had — she saide he had better come unknowen, so he came, and she stood all the play, railling with Mon"" Quito the Princes favourit. the next day the P. went to Bruxelles, and neither of them well satisfied with the other. My La: Swann will be heere within a few days, by her I shall know more of this : I haue heard the reason of Henry de Vies iourney to Coloign : J since it is a doting time for the kings oulde Ministers of * Admiral Blake is the pei'sonage here alluded to. The Duke of Guise died very soon after this letter was w ritten, in consequence of wounds received at the siege of Arras. + Yet the Prince de Conde was a great admirer of Christina, being recorded to have exclaimed of her abdication—" How great is the magnanimity of this Princess, who could so easily give up that for which mankind are continually destroying each other, and which so many throughout their whole lives pursue without attaining ! " Conde, at the period here recorded, was in exile at Brussels ; and though they had their differences on the score of etiquette, they appear to have talked famihai'ly on meeting. Cousin ! " exclaimed Cliristina, " who would have thought ten years ago that we should have met at this distance from our countries ?" The Prince might have thanked her for his exile, as it arose partly from her intermeddling in the affairs of the Fronde in France, a few years previous. X It was an affair of courtship. Her Majesty again alludes to it in the next letter but one. 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 219 State, I thanke God your wife is yet aliue, for feare you should fall in loue againe. I pray lett me know when that wedding will be, for I (will) send you a letter to reverent Dick to bespeak him for bride- man. I thank you for your congratulation of Apollos * returne, you know how great a favorit he is to Your most affectionat frend. I pray tell my Ladie Hide I ame verie glade she is so well come to Coloigne. " For Secretarie." Bee. 1654. R. ^. The Qu: of Bohemia co? the Pr. of Condc ond the Q,u: of Sweedes being unsatisfied w'^ each other. The Queen of Bohemia to Sir Edward Nicholas. Hagh, Dec: 27 (1654). Mr. Secretarie, since you wrote yours, I under- stand that that arch villaine Manning has receaued his iust desert. t I wish all those of his cabal with him. I wish I might know whome he has accused on this side the sea, to auoide them, but this is onelie in case you may tell it, for I doe not desire it otherwise; I haue curiositie enough to desire to know the rest, but I will not desire but as you think fitt. There is * The Queen's lap-dog, already noticed, 'f' The assassination of this Manning, thus referred to by the Queen, is related in a scarce tract, now in the British Museum, which pro- fesses to give a memoir of Charles during his exile. " Before his Majesty's departure from Colen, there happened a discovery of one of those persons who, under pretence of waiting upon him (Capt. Manning by name) discovered unto the Protector all his designs and counsels ; who being found out, was by his Majesty's command sent to a strong castle adjacent to Colen, there to be kept close prisoner. But all the Court being highly incensed against him for his per- fidiousnesse, one of his Majesty's servants (though contrary to order) pistoled him as he was lighting out of the coach at the Castle gate, giving him less than the due reward of his so abominable treachery." It was by Manning that Penruddock had been betrayed. He corre- sponded with Thurloe. 220 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. little news heere, the King of Sueden* has a sonne born to him and has and prospers exceed- inglie. the K. of Polandf is in Silesia, hunts and passeth his time with little care of anie thing else, this I haue from his owne resident, but I feare the Electour of BrandebourgJ will be in a ill condition if he doe not make an agreement with the King of Sueden. it is beleeued that Prince AVilliame will be shortlie Marschall of the Feelde : those that were so much against him are not now so fierce : else there is no news, onely Scone is come, and I hope all will be well ended in that foolish business. I ame euer Your most affectionat frend. Mr. Charles Cottrell, my Lo: Wentworth,§ and reverent Dick Harding, I cannot write to them now for lack of time. I pray say the same to Mons' Soiret from me. The Queen of Bohemia to Sir Edward Nicholas. Hagh, Jan: 4 (1654-5.) Mr. Secretarie, I haue receaued yours of the 29th at my returne vpon Thursday last from Teiling, and this morning I haue letters from Bruxelles, who tell me that my deare nephue the D. of Gloucester was there vpon new years cue the same day I was at Telling, but * Charles Gustavus. Duke of Deux Fonts, who had recently suc- ceeded the abdicated Christina. t The weli-known John Casimir. The Queen's observations seem almost prophetic; the whole of Poland having been conquered by the Swedes in less than two years after the date of this letter. X George William, grandfather of the first King of Prussia. § Lord Wentworth had been high in command, during the Civil Wars ; and after Goring went to France, a second time, he had the command of the Western army. Yet Bulstrode says of him that he was a very lazy and unactive man, and was not thought either of interest, experience, courage, or reputation enough for that trust which was devolved upon him." There ai'e some curious anecdotes of him in Bulstrode's Memoirs, p. 150, &c. « 1654.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 221 when he came thither or goes from thence I know not. I ame extreme glade the King permitts (him) to see his sister and me. I hope he will suffer him to stay some time with my deare Neece, it will be a great contentment to her and no hurt to him, and as long as there is nothing tolde to the States of him, they will take no notice of it, this I know is true. I am sorrie for poore S'' Henry de Vic,* for lett the match break or goe on, it is euerie way ill for him : We heare no certaintie heere how the French treatie with the rebells in England goes, whither it breake or peece.f I am verie sorrie for the Countess of Mortons death, J I pittie Thom. Berkle}^, but most her children, the Queene of Sueden is now at Bruxelles, where she was receaued in greate state : I beleeue the Arch-duke§ wisheth her at Anwerp, for she persecutes him verie close with her companie, for you know he is a verie modest man. I haue written to the King some particullars of it which are verie rare ons, but the Prince of Conde is still verie unsatisfied with her and will not come at her. I haue one peece of news which it may be you haue not heard : the resident of Polande tells me that there is a treatie betwixt Sueden and Polande and a perpetual peace, and to assist one the other against the Muscovits : the King of Poland will quit his preten- tion to Sueden vpon condition that he be recompenced with some lande or Islande for his heire, that if they be not chosen to succeed the kingdome of Polande, they may haue some place to them selfs to line in, for the K. of Polande has no patrimonie of his owne * Sir Henry de Vie, in the early part of Charles the First's reign, had been his Majesty's Secretary for the French mission, and also agent to the King of Denmark. f In January the cavaliers were stirring, but in vain ; and in the following November, Cromwell made peace with the French. The Ex-Queen of Sweden and the Prince of Conde appear to have been meddling with these affairs, through the diplomatic exertions of the Count de Tott ; as may be seen by reference to a letter in Bromley's collection, p. 186. X Widow of William Earl of Morton, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, and long in great personal favour with Charles the First. § Archduke of Austria. 222 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654-5. nor can buy anie lande under the crouue of Poland : his aj^ent has order to goe for England, to see if Cromwell woulde send some ships against the Muscovits to make a diuersion. the good agent is verie vnwilling to goe, but he must obey his master. Sure Cromwell is the beast in the Revelations that all kings and nations doe worship ; I wish him the like end and speedilie, and you a hapie new yeare as* your most affectionat frend. " For Mr. Secretarie." 4° Jan: St. No: 1654-5. R: 7. Qu: Bo: The Queen of Bohemia to Si7' Edwm^d Nicholas. Hagh, Jan: 10 (1654-5). Mr. Secretarie, I beleeue you will heare at CoUein how I haue beene debauched this last week in sitting up late to see dancing, wee made Friday out and every night, which lasted till Saterday at hue a clock in the morning, and j^esterday was the christening of P. Wilht childe : I was at the supper : my Neece, the P' douager, the little PrinceJ and P. Maurice were gossips : the States generall, I meane their Deputies, and the Counsell of State, and myself and Louyse were there as guests, after super was dancing this (till) three a clock, my little Nephue was at the super and sett verie still all the time : those States that were there were verie much taken with him. the King of Sueden with his army is within an houres going from Kunisberg with twenty thousand men, most horse, the Elector is in the * The proposed peace between Polaud and Sweden was of very- short duration. t This evidently refers to William Frederick, Count and Prince of Nassau Dietz, who had married Albertine Agnes, sister of the late Pi'ince of Orange. Afterwards WiUiam the Third of England, now only four years of age. 1654-5.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 223 tounc and has also which they say is twentie thousand also, he has [torn off] foot then the King has [also torji] * Ambassadour goe this week from hence towards Sueden and Dennemark, one of those that goes for Dennemarke is Mon*" d^Ameron a gentleman of Utrecht, a verie honest and great Royalist and so you may be sure my great frend, but I beleeue they will doe but little with that King, for I am tolde from a good hande that he and the K. of Sueden are in verie good intelligence together, which I am not sorie for considering how little these States assist there allies. My deare Neece continues her resolu- tion of going from hence Thursday next, but I dout the weather will hinder for it thaughs apace. I ame euer your most affectionat frend. I have not time to write to Mons: Soiret, but tell him he was wished here vpon Friday last. I haue written to my Nephue all the particullars of what they were and w^ho was best dressed. TTie Queen of Bohemia to Sii' Edivard Nicholas. Hagh, Jaw. 11 (1654-5). Mr. Secretarie, I hope my next will tell you of my sweet Nephues being wellcome to Teiling, for Mr. Lovell assures vs all heere that he is perfectlie well. I beleeue Mr. Fraiser is not sorie to haue a commission to waite upon him this way, for soe he may see his Mistris though she will not confess him so. I know not how your people at Colloigne f goe * An allusion to the first invasion of Poland by Gustavus, who marched from Ponierania into that Kingdom after the irruption made, in obedience to his order, by General Wirtemberg. t Charles the Second now kept his Court at Cologne, but in great privacy. Su: Stephen Fox is described by Bulstrode as having the care, management, and disposal of his household, which he kept at an expense of not more than six hundred pistoles per month. In fact, such was the economy necessarily imposed by the condi- tion of the exiles that Charles never kept a coach during his long 224 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654. on with theire business, but our resident Tliom. was asked yesterday for the first time, and so was Jack Sayers. I feare resident Halle will not haue by much so good a bargaine, but how Bess who is left at Bruxelles will take it, for she has written a terrible letter to S"" Charles Cottrell of it, and how confident she is of her Masters honnestie to her, so as she may cliaunce forbid the bains. Vicfort tolde me yesterday that Bourdeaux has order to stay yett it England, which shews what you beleeue is true, the news I wTitt to you of Poland and Sweden is most true, and that De Bre makes still his monitions to goe for England. Wee had a Boyaltie, though not vpon twelf night, at Telling, where my Neece was a gipsie and became her dress extreame well was a Northolland boorine ; Mrs. Hide * a shephardess and I assure was verie handsome in it, none but her Mistress looked better than she did. I beleeue my Lady Hide and Mr. Chancelour will not be sorie to heare it, which I pray tell them from me. the queene of Sueden takes a house at Anwerp, all her owne people leaues her and Italiens and Spaniards comes in theire place. Heere is little news stirring. .1 beleeue you heare of the quarrelle betwixt my soone and the Elector of Ments, it may come to some f ill business, it is so colde and they make such a noise stay in that city. "In the time of the King's banishment," adds Bulstrode, "he spent two years at Cologne, where he was well received by a widow, at whose house he lodged." In a letter written by the King to Bennet, afterwards Earl of Arlington, and preserved in the Miscellanea Aidica, p. 109, Charles seems to imply that he is living a rational and sober lifQ at Cologne. "I hope it will not be many days before you see how we pass our time at Collen, which tho' it be not so well as I could wish, yet I think it is as well as some of you do at Paris ; at least some that are here would not pass their time so well there as they do here." In another letter, Charles mentions a design of himself and the Princess Dowager of Orange to go to the Frankfort Fair incognito. * Afterwards Duchess of York; but then in the household of Princess Dowager of Orange, + A trifling dispute about boundaries. 165 L] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTORATE. 225 with tlieire bells and pleids in (the) street as makes me end, but am euer your most afFectionat frend. I pray remember my humble seruise to the King, and in my name make an humble suit to him in Thom: Killegrews * behalf. It is to recommend him to Pr. "William for Captaine Morgans companie who is dead, the companie lyes at Orzo and is under Eri ... e, it will make him to subsist untill the King be able to doe for him, and his wiues frends haue putt him upon it. I woulde not trouble his Ma*''' with a letter since you are in the place. Thom: writes himself to the King about it; it will be a great honnour for him the Kings writing because his wiues frends will by that .... his Ma*^^^ favour to him. " For ^Mr. Secretarie." 11" Jan. 1654-5. R, Queeue of Bohemia to me. T/ie Queen of Bohemia to Sir Edivard Nicholas. Mr. Secretarie, I haue receaued yours. My sweet Nephue is not yett gone from Anwerp, but I hope now the weather is better, and I shall see him I hope shortlie, for as soon as he comes to Telling I will be there. I hope it is a good prophesie of the Electrice of Brandebourg t hauing a sonne, but she doth looke to be deliuered before the end of this month or the * Killigrew, so well known in the private histoi'y of Charles's reign, was groom of his bedchamber after the Restoration, and happened to be engaged one morning Avitli a volume of his own plays, which he took up in the window, Avhilst his Majesty was shaving. "Ah ! KilUgrew," asked the King, "what will you say at the last day, in defence of all the idle words in that book?" To which Killigi-ew replied, that he would give a better account of his "idle words" than the King would be able to give respecting "his idle promises" and "more idle patents," Avhich had undone moi'e than ever his books did. t The Electress Elizabeth Charlotte was daughter of Frederick V. Elector Palatine,^and therefore sister-in-law to the Queen of Bohemia. VOL. IV. Q 226 CORRESPONDENCE DURING THE [1654-5. beginning of the next. The letters out of England say Cromwell is bringing his armie to London, and doubles his gardes, plants cannon in manie places in London and at the Toure ; it is saide he will make himself King by force since he cannot be it other- wise : this is written to the P. of Torente. I doe not heare that Bariere is at Bruxelles. I will tell Thom. Killegrew what the King answeres. As for the Archduc he may thanke God to be ridd of the Queen of Sueden, who is lodged at the Count of Egmonts house in Bruxelles, where she stays all winter. My Lord Norwich has got news that the Archduc goes for Spaine, and Don John of Austria comes in his place andmarrieth theQueene of Sueden, and to haue the Low Countries as the Archduc Albert, but I beleeue it not : there is nothing else that I have to say to you but ame euer Your most affectionate friend. Hagh, Jan. 18. 18= /a?i: 1654-5. R: 11-12. Queene of Bohemia. To her Rot/all Highness the Lady Princesse Dowager of Orange, from the States of Holland and West- Vriesland. Most excellent Princesse, We were informed by some that the Lord King Charles your Royall Highnesses Brother should haue betaken himselfe within the limitts of this State, and particularly that he should at this present shelter himselfe in the house at Tylinge : And although we cannot by any meanes belieue or expect from the wisdome and reason of the said mighty Lord the King that he would or durst vndertake contrary to the Treaty of Peace made the last yeare with the Commonwealth of England to come within 1654-5.] COMMONWEALTH AND PROTECTOKATE. 227 the limitts of this State, and directly against our particular orders comprehended in our Resolutions of the 30^^ of July, 2*^ and 4^^ of August all in the year 1653, and the writing made by the vertue thereof to be giuen to your Royall Highnes within the Province of Holland and West Vriesland : So hauc we after good reasons, and for settling our selues in entire rest, found meete with these to set before the eyes of your Eoyall Highnes what is said before, with a desire and demaund that you will speedily declare, and assure vs of the truth hereof, nothing doubting, but desiring and requiring your Royall Highnes as much as in her lyes by all good offices and duties to be willingly helpefull to take heede and effect that the said mighty Lord the King doe not cast himselfe within the limitts of their high mightines : and referring our selues thereto Most excellent Princesse, We committ your Royall Highnes to Gods protection. Written in the Hague the 8*^ of March 1655. Your Royall Highnesses good friends The States of Holland and West-yriesland. By order of the same, Herb't Van Beaumont. 1655. The superscription. " To her Royall Highnes the Lady Princesse Dowager of Orange."* Indorsed by Sir Edw. Nicholas. 8° Mariij, 1654-5. Copy of the translation of y« let' written by y^ States of Holl'd to y^ Pr^^e cone? y« being reported to be at Tylinge. * The obscure editor of Grebner, in his astrological guesses, has the following curious one. Speaking of Charles I., he says, " The old Prince of Aurange [Orange] he almost beggar'd, and yet to no purpose ; the Parliament one time or other getting all armes and ammunition which ever came over to him. It's confidently averred, if the King had become absolute here in England, Aurange had been King, &c." In the margin this political conjuror adds — " It's pittie Aurange lived not to master the Jew Hollander." Q 2 PEIVATE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEX SIR EDWARD HYDE (AFTERWARDS EARL OF CLARENDON), AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE, AMBASSADOR TO THE COURT OF FRANCE, IN THE TIME OF KINO CHARLES I. LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE (AFTERWARDS EARL OF CLARENDON), AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. The letters now to be given, also from the papers of Sir Richard Browne, will be found to throw additional and valuable light on the condition of the various members of the royal family and their adherents during the interval between the death of Charles the First and the Restoration. Only the first two letters of the series are of earlier date. These were written (in 1646) from Jersey, whither Hyde had accompanied the Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles the Second ; having been named of his Council in the preceding year. His object at this time was to counteract the intrigues of the Queen to get possession of the Prince ; and the desponding tone in which these letters are written marks the failure of that design. The first is dated but a few days after the Prince had left Jersey to join his mother in Paris. Jersey was now under the government of Lord Jermyn, the Queen's favourite ; but his deputy. Sir George Carteret, was Hyde's intimate friend ; and with him he remained, solaced also by the friendly intercourse of Lords Hopton and Cape), and engaged in the composition of his Hhtory of the Rebellion, •which, he had begun at Scilly not many weeks before. He did not quit this retreat till 1648. During the same period Sir Edward Nicholas was at Caen in Normandy, and afterwards in Holland, where, on being obliged to fly from England, he had the King's permission to reside. Lord Digby also, to whom frequent reference is made, had been in Ireland at the time of the Prince's flight to Jersey, but joined him soon after with two frigates and two hundred soldiers, strenuously to advise an attempt upon Ireland, in which the Prince refused to engage. On quitting Jersey in 1648, Hyde joined Charles in Holland {his Life gives an interesting notice of his adventures on that occasion), and soon after the King's death he was sent Ambassador to Spain, from which country he rejoined Charles in France, and was appointed Resident at Antwerp, where he remained during the unsuccessful Scotch campaign, and till he and his master again met after the escape 232 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1G46. from the field of Worcester. In the later passages of the Corre- spondence, to which these events bring us, so many allusions occur to the royal fleet that it may be desirable to describe its position at the time. When Charles I. perished on the scaffold, a portion of the navy revolted from the Parliament, and sailed to Holland in aid of the Royal exiles. These ships were put under the command of Prince Rupert, and were employed by him in a predatory warfare against the Commonwealth, besides making several attempts on the Eastern coast of England in aid of the small Royal party still existing there ; after which they proceeded to the Irish coast, where they took some valuable prizes. The Parliament sent Blake after them ; but in 1649, Rupert, having forced his way through Blake's fleet, con- tinued to capture English ships, apparently on his own account, and indeed without either asking for, or receiving, any orders from the young exiled King. He then proceeded for Portugal, but was foi'ced off by Blake, so that he was obliged to fly for the Mediterranean, where he commenced aggressions on the Spaniards, and having aftei-- wards repaired and refitted at Toulon, from whence he found it neces- sary to retire, sailed, in 1650, for the West Indies. At this period Scilly and Jersey sent out swarms of privateers ; but those islands being captured by the Parliamentary forces, the freebooters were obliged to bring their prizes into the ports of Britanny ; and, in return for the sanction of Royal Commissions, were called upon to pay certain droits into the King's Exchequer. To that arrangement many of the following Letters refer. In 1 652, Rupert arrived at Nantes on his return from the West Indies, after suffering heavy losses from storms ; so that, in fact, he only brought back one man of war, and three or four other vessels, being the sole remains of twenty-five ships of force of which his squadron originally consisted : and these he was compelled to sell to pay his seamen, under circumstances which will be found illustrated in the ensuing Correspondence, Finally, it may be convenient to bring to the reader's recollection that the young King staid at Paris until 1654, when he proceeded through Flanders to Spa ; thence to Aix-la-Chapelle, and ultimately to Cologne; and that in January 1658, he was at Bruges, where he appointed Sir Edward Hyde, his Chancellor of the Exchequer up to that period, to be Lord Chancellor of England. It is of course needless to add that the men among whom these high-sounding titles were thus exchanged continued still to be as powerless as they were poor ; they found themselves destitute even of the ordinary comforts of existence ; yet, as the letters now printed show, this little exiled Court had its intrigues, jealousies, fears, and hopes, in quite as great an abundance as when, after the lapse of a few years, it was "restored" to Whitehall and St. James's. ^ 1646.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 233 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne,^ S', That you receaued not an answer to yonr very kinde letter of tlie 4 of June^ by some of the Princes trayne, you must impute to that agony of minde^ which was necessary to oppresse me, at the partinge fro^ so pretious a ieweil, and with so many good frends ; I hope I shall be agayne restored to them, howeuer that all happinesse will crowne ther counsells; whilst I with some very good frends of yours pray for them, in this poore islande; you will very much refresh vs with your correspond- ence, that wee may vnderstande the hopes, and pro- gresse of that prosperity wee pray for. I doe not in the least degree apprehend a possibility of a peace betweene the Scotts & the Independ^ts, but feare more the manner of the warr, least in opposicon to the nacon all the English turne IndependHs ; which sure may be prseuented : I believe the crisis is at hande : I wish you all happinesse, beinge. Your very affectionate Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Jarsy, this 12 of July, 1646. I beseech you remember my seruice to Mr. Nicolls,t and desyre him, if Coll. Murray J should ■* The reasons for the despondency expressed in this letter are fully detailed in Clarendon's Life, and also in the second volume of his State Papers, p. 276. The justice of the opinions expressed in it received speedy and full verification. See also the Clarendon State Papers, vol. ii., p. 239, for the King's reasons respecting the Prince's visit to the Court of France ; and p. 307, for further observations on the " Scots and Independents." f Who this Mr. Nicolls was, does not appear; for though Sir Edward Nicholas's name is sometimes spelled so in these letters, yet being then knighted he would have been called Mr. Secretary, as Sir Edward Herbert is often called Mr. Attorney. X Colonel Charles Murray, a companion of the Prince from Jersey to Paris. There is a humorous letter from him in the Clarendon State Papers, vol. ii., p. 255, describing the arrival of the Prince in the French capital, and subsequently at Fontainbleau. 234 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1646. not be at Courte, that he keepe my letter to him, in his handes, till he see him ; and that he deliuer it to none else. Your favour (S') for this to H. Macke worth. * Sir Ric. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I haue this day receaued yours of the 18. of August, t Jiiid by your leaue continue the giuinge you this trouble ; by this tyme I hope his Highnesse hath had so good a recepcon at ffountainebleau, J that hath made some amends for the former wante of ceremony : Methinkes the imaginacons that it is possible for the Kiuge to submitt to those vyle proposicons, § is the next treason to the makinge them, ther beinge in them no seedes left, out of which Monarchy may agayne possibly springe : and therfore I longe to heare how our brethren of Scotland comporte themselves upon his refusall, which yet I doe not exspecte will be positive, but such a one as they at London will vote to be a refusall : I beseech you let me heare, how your intelligence from London diposes the Catholiques ther, I suppose that party cleaues to the Inde- pend^ts, and I am sure had hearetofore fayre pro- mises from them ; and can have no hope from the * The first Baronet of that name, of Noimanton, in Rutlandshire ; brother to the " brave and honest " Sir Francis, who distinguished himself in the Civil War, as Major General to the Marquis of Newcastle, and who afterwards served in the Low Countries, during Charles's exile. This is perhaps a mistake for July ; or, if coi-rectly written, its apparent anticipation of date may have arisen from Sir Richard using the Gregorian style, from Paris, whilst Sir Edward preserved the old style, in conformity with English custom. t The letter, spoken of in the preceding postscript, for Colonel Muri'ay, appears to have been written on the subject of the Prince's reception at the French Court. § The propositions here alluded to are mentioned in preceding letters and notes. 1646.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 235 Presbitery. I feare the ill successe of the ffrench in Italy and fflanders,* will giue them an excuse for those faylings to his Highnesse, which they meant to committ in the most prosperous condicon : and if this indispoticon in the Pr. of Conde be in earnest, they may haue ther excuses multiplied, f If my brother Aylesbury J be come to you, I pray let him receaue this inclosed letter, otherwise keepe it for him. My service to Mr. Nicolls,§ to whome I sent a packet by Dr. Jonson, which I hope came safe to him ; My LL'^^ heare, and our very good Gouernour,|| are your seruants, as I am very heartily, S', your most affectionate, humble seru*, Edw: Hyde. Jarst, this 14 of Aug. 1646. S"" Ric. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. % S", Yours of y^ 24. of Jan: from yourselfe and S"" G. Carterett came [not] to my hands till y^ post was gone, and I am now in soe great torment w*^ y^ gowte, that I am not able to keepe off my bed, and soe must use another hand, w*"^ I hope you will pardon. The * During the war with Spain, in the minority of Louis XIII.; but these events were not of sufficient importance to require specific illustration. + The Prince of Conde was then at the head of the party in oppo- sition to the pohtics of Mazarin. He was sometimes a courtier, sometimes a poHtician, and sometimes a rebel in arms. X Son of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, Bart, and brother of Sir Edward's second wife, who finally became heiress to her father and brother. § See note to preceding letter. II Lord Jermyn. ^ This letter relates to difficulties respecting the reception and sale of prizes. Of the persons referred to, Beunet, afterwards Earl of Arlington, was then Secretary to the Duke, of whom Berkeley- had been the Governor; Castelnau was Governor of Brest; Holder was agent for the captors ; and Carteret, who had been 236 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1646. Duke of Yorke* is now here, and conceiues all ob- struccons are now remoued, w*"'' troubled you at Brest, the Marquis of Castelnoef hauing made large pro- mises to bis Highnes : I would aduice you hereafter (though you may giue me an account apart) to send a very particular state of all the buisinesse and mis- carriages there, to the D. of Yorke himselfe, Sir John Berkeley, or Mr. Bennett; since all redresse must be obteyned by y*" sole mediacon of his R. Highnes, and you shall doe very well to expresse at large the misdemean"^' and cheates y"" Captaines, J whom upon all occasions Mr. Holder hath wonderfully magni- f^^ed. You must take spetiall care for y^ safe and Deputy Governor of Jersey, was then, or soon after, a Rear Admiral in the French service, though still attached to the Royal cause. Sir Richard Browne, the King's resident at Paris, had been dis- patched to arrange affairs at Bluest. * The Duke of York had much personal interest at this crisis at the French Court ; having very recently distinguished himself in the French King's service, under the command of General Coimt Harcourt, and against the Prince de Conde's forces, especially on the preceding Christmas day, when, though Conde was finally victorious, the Duke had charged against him in person, being in command of the forlorn hope, consisting of the English cavalry. In this rencontre the Duke's horse was shot under him ; but he himself received little hurt. See a printed pamphlet in the British Museum, A bloody fight in France, Lond. 1651-2. f The hopes of Lord Clarendon from the promises of Castelnau were but indifferently founded ; for the pamphlet quoted in the pre- ceding note expressly states that at this period the return of the Cardinal Mazarininto France with a force of 7000 men had produced great jealousies at that Court, and that Castelnau and Villeroy, having forwarded his return, with the express purpose to undo him, were suspected of that design, and had in consequence forsaken the Court. Castelnau's deputy had pretended an order from his Court to detain the prizes, in the hope of being bribed by the captors. X This little squadron had been recently very active, particularly in the chops of the Channel ; but the republican newspapers of the day affected to treat them with great contempt. In one of these Intelli- gencers, of the 8th of the preceding month, preserved in the British Museum, it was roundly stated that Capt. Chapman, in the Recovery, convoying a small vessel for Ireland, had met with the Francis, the Patrick, and the Hunter, and maintained a gallant fight from eleven at noon till night parted them. Prince Rupert is also stated to be at this period at sea, " with six or seven lusty ships," and to have taken several Spanish vessels. 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 237 speedy conueyance of this inclosed from the King to the Gouern'' of Innisbofine,*, and I pray send the other to Sir George Carterett, if he be gone, and excuse this shortnesse, w'^^' my extreame payne pro- duces. I am, S', your very affecconat humble seru*, Edw. Hyde. Paris, 8ffeh: 1652. Sir Rich. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. Within 2. howers after my last to you of the 17. were sent away, I receaued both yours of the 5 and 9. of this moneth. I am entirely vnacquainted with the person or the purposes of your Capt: Anthonie,t nor do I heare that he is in these partes. I should imagyne, that whateuer else he does, he will neuer putt himselfe in the power of the Hollander, whome he hath sufficiently prouoked and damnify ed. J I cannot giue you any good accounte of the transac- tions betweene this Crowne and the English Rebells, only that ther is notliinge like that order, of vvhich you say you are aduertised from Rowen, that Pr: Euperte § is requyred to go away with his shippes * It was at this time reported in the London papers that the King intended to set out for Rome, professing openly the Catholic religion, on which terms it had been promised to him that the Duke of Lorraine should make a diversion in his favour in Ireland, by the relief of Galway, and by a general interference in affaii's in that quarter. + Commander of one of the privateers attached to the Royal cause. X The royal fleet and the privateers were now in great distress for a port to shelter them, in consequence of the Parliament having captured the Seilly islands, which had for some time been their prin- cipal harbour ; Jersey also having fallen. § Though the fleet under Prince Rupert was, strictly speaking, an English one, yet it appears that in a recent attack upon the Spaniards he was avenging a private cause ; for when, in the spring of 1652, he sailed from Toulon with four men-of-war and two fire-ships, and 238 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. and pryses, his Highnesse liauinge all the respecte hearC;, and I thinke, security, he can desyre : and I heare they do not now bragg so much as they haue done, of ther treaty in Englande, and are not without some apprehension, that the Rebells of Westm. may fauour ther fellow rebells of Burdeaux o"" letters fro^ London importe no new notable effecte of ther alteracon ; ther Councell of the Army still sittinge at Whitehall to forme ther new modell of gouerment. I know not what to say to the com- plaint e of your seru', because you will not giue me leaue to take notice of it to the partyes who are most concerned, but I believe ther may be some errour or malice in the reporte,t because I am told by a very true frende of yours^ that it is the maydes owne fault that shee hath not her dyett ther, and that because shee might not be trusted with the gouerm* of the kitchen and the buyinge the meate (in which shee was thought to lauish) shee absolutely with greate indignation refuses to take her dyett, with which they say the lady is much troubled : but I tell you agayne, I haue this only from a frende, and not any of the house. I doubte your mayde is apt to be angry, and when shee is, shee may be as vnreason- able, as such angry people vse to be. Upon my conscience you haue not the least reason to suspecte Geo. Carterett^s J frendshipp or kindnesse instantly commenced hostilities against the^ Spaniards, taking, as his first prize, a ship worth 100,000 crowns, he put forth a declaration in which he stated one of his reasons for this aggression to be in revenge for the injuries committed by the Spaniards against the Palatinate. * Alluding to the Conde party, then active in the south of Fi-ance. + Nothing can more whimsically raark^the great change in the circumstances of the English courtiers than this rapid transition from national polities to kitchen gossip. X Sir George Carteret, before this period, had been, as Deputy to Lord Jermyn, Governor of Elizabeth Castle, in Jersey, besieged by the Parliamentary forces in 1651. His conduct in that post was so admirable as to exact the praise even of his enemies, one of whom said in a letter, preserved in the British Museum, " I hear he hath sent to the Scots King, to acquaint him with the state of affairs, as touching our approach, and condition of the Castle, from whom he 1662.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 239 to you, but you must not make his frequent writinge the measure of it, and it is very possible (for he hath bene out of all roades) he may haue written, and his letters miscarry, as yours may haue done to him. I am very hartily, S', your most affectionate humble serv*, Edw: Hyde. Paris, this 20th oi May, 1652. Sir Ric: Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I giue you hearty thankes for yours of the 17. which came safe, and I distributed the inclosed accordinge to ther directions; and the Kinge is resolued to obserue this order, of sendinge twice a weeke to Paris, wherby all our correspondencyes will I hope be preeserued : I send you a pistole inclosed that you may keepe an euen reckoninge with your man for the portage of my letters,* which will quickly spende such a summ, so that I conclude your owne charge in this seruice is no easy burthen ; for what will concerne me, I will be carefull to supply, as this wastes. Wee haue yett taken no further resolucon, then to sitt still some tyme heare, both to decerne what conclusion your distempers will produce,t and what our frends of Hollande will expects a letter ; and if he with it signs a warrant for delivering up the Castle, I believe the Governor (to make his own conditions the better) will soon yield it up ; yet, without it, his devout allegiance is such, that he will do nothing." * However trifling this caution appears about a sum so insig- nificant, yet it will be found, in a subsequent note, that the postage of letters was a most important article of expenditure to the exiled Royalists. + The distempers here alluded to were the disputes and consequent civil war, between the Conde and Mazarin partisans. 240 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. do : you will be careful to receaue all information and aduice from the Dutch Ambassadour * how afFayres goe ther, and transmitt it hither: if our letters fro' the Hague be true, they looke more kindly towards us fro' that climate, then they haue done, and the Ambassadour hath receaued some derection to communicate with his Ma*^ ; but I know he is so iust and kinde, that he will gladly imbrace the orders, and therfore I doubte our information may not be true. The wayes I hope will be so secure shortly betweene us and you, that wee may euen visit each other. f God preserue you, and me as I am with my whole hearte, Your most affectionate humble Serv^, Euw: Hyde. ffriday night this 19. oi July, 1652. Euery body sends ther letters to me, & I cannot refuse to transmitt them : you will lett your man dispose them to the seuerall posts. If the Spanish Ordinary be not speedily exspected, I pray putt this under youre cover to Bryon.J Sir Ri: Browne. * Mynheer Borell. One of the journals of that day {Perfect Passages, 23 July, 1652,) says " Charles Stuart, being gone from the Louvre, continues yet at St. German's, where he hath been saluted by a messenger from the Marquis of Brandenburg, inviting him into Germany. His creature Bx'owu, and the Dutch Ambassador Borell, are often together." Borell had been Pensioner of Amsterdam, and was very much devoted to the Royal cause, having formerly been Ambassador at the English Court. He was also of the Orange party, and on that ground anxious for a war with the Commonwealth. f The road between St. Germain's and Paris was at that period totally unsafe, on account of the military marauders of both armies. X Count de Brienne, first Secretary of State to the French King. 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 241 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Broiune. Yours of the 20. came safe to me, and so the inclosed were disposed accordingly : I am sorry ther should be any hazard of hauinge our letters inter- cepted,* which I thought by the remooue of the Armyes would haue been now Avithout any doubte, especially since the Carry-all of this place trauelles dayly & securely to Paris : howeuer I will obserue your advice, and WTite any thinge of importance in you are in the King's name to cypher : 731 . 405 . 532 . 668 . 220 . 13 . 596 . 667 . returne his Ma''" very to the 333 . 502 . 239 . 13 . 699 .hearty thankes 667 . 668 . Dutch Ambas"" his Maty is 142 . 95 . and iudeede 502 . 239 . 529 . exceedingly of his kind n e s s e and sensible 598 . 502 . 544 . 30 . 7 . 13 . 62 . 23 . 407 . freind shipp 488 . 651 . and if God blesses him, will make it his Ma'y d e s i appeare that he is so. 502 . 239 . 15 . 23 . 13 . 27 . re s the Ambas'' to lett him know 36 . 56 . 6.2 . 668 . 95 . 667 . 551 . 505 . 546 . as the warre is d soone as he is assured that 668 . 723 . 529 . 25 . e c 1 a red that hee 23 . 15 . 28 . 21 . 36 . 7 . 26 . and then 673 . 501 . * The disturbances at Paris and its vicinity were now of such a nature as to justify the apprehensions here expressed. The scandal of the day asserted also that Cliarles was by no means a favourite with many of the highest rank in France ; and it is recorded in a Gazette, or Mercurius Politicus, of the 1st July, 1652, in the British Museum, that " Charles Stuart hath secured himself by showing them a pair of heels " (after the victory obtained by the Prince of Conde close to Paris), " and retreating from the Louvre to Court, where the King harbours him, being highly distasted by the Duke of Orleans, ^Mademoiselle, the Princes, and all the people, so that they have made several books and songs of him." VOL. IV. R 242 LETTERS OF SIR EDAVARD HYDE [1652. will his 5Ia7 what he is to do 710 . aduice 502 . 239 . 717 . 501 . 529 . 667 . 439 the u n i t 6 both with reference to 668 . 43 . 30 . 27 . 12 . 23 d Pro V 1 nee s 25 . 41 . 34 . 3G . 22 . 43 . 27 . 30 . 15 . 56 . 13 and to this C'rowne with which his aia'y will 407 . 667 . 671 . 437 . 713 . 722 . 502 . 239 . 710 in that manner as the interpose 532 . 673 . 573 . 30 . 23 . 36 . 401 . 668 . Ambass' best 95 . shall thinke 416 . 13 . 12. I shall not neede to hira bespeake your diligence in calling often 600 . 505 . for 469 . 86. — You will do me the fauour to send this inclosed to S' Jo. Mennes^* who I suppose is still at Calice. I pray do me the fauour to desyre Monsieur Paule to giue you the title of the Duke of Bauaria^ and to informe you how longe he hath bene Duke : — You will exspecte no newes from this place wher wee haue little to doe, but to study & take the ayre, and to longe for good newes of peace in this kingdome. If the messengers dispatched from hence doe not attende you at those howres they should, it is not for want of derection heare. I haue a serious quar- rell with you for somewhat D"" Earles f hath lately aduerticed me of, which in good earnest I take un- kindly, and doubte you haue not so good an opinion of * Sir Jolin Menues was Rear-admiral of the Fleet iu the reign of Chai'les the First ; and distinguished as one of the most loyal of the officers, when Parliament took those steps which led to the defection of the greatest part of the naval force. He was removed from his station by the Earl of Warwick, iu 1642, after the unsuccessful attempt of the King to regain the fleet iu the Humber, which failed through some mismanagement on the part of Sir John Pennington. + Dr. Earle, afterwards Bishop of Salisbury, author of the 3Iicrocosmograpky, was one of the Loyalists attached to the exiled Court, and Chaplain to the King. He was in habits of friendly intimacy with Hyde, two of whose letters to him may be found in vol. ii. of the Clarendon State Papers, pp. 322, 329. In the latter. Sir Edward [facetiously arranges employment for the Doctor's leisure, allowing him two hours to eat his dinner, and " two hours in the projecting where to get one." 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 243 my friendship as I wish you should, and for which I must chyde you heartily when wee meete. Let me know particularly what you receaue from Englande, and lett your man enquyre for letters derected as Edgman ^ aduiced you. I am, Your most affectionate faythfull Seru*, Edw. Hyde. St. Germain's. Tuesday morninge, 23. oi Jidyy 1652. Sir Rich : Bi'owne at Paris. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I haue not had an opportunity till now to acknow- ledge the receipte of yours of the 24. which came safe to me, and the contents therof were imme- diateh^ by me imparted to his Ma^'*", who had not before heard of many of the particulars, nor do wee yett heare from the Court of any such message f sent from the Duke of Orleans, which it seemes they thinke fitt to conceale, when they do not intende to satisfy. I am very sorry for the good DeanesJ indispo- sicon, though I am gladd it is nothinge but a ffitt of * Edgman was Secretary to Sir Edward Hyde, who once vindi- cated him from a charge of having violated a seal by declaring he knew him to be so honest that before he would be guilty of such a villainy he would starve. f Comparing this letter with another of the same date to Sir Edward Nicholas, in the Clarendon State Papers, vol. iii. p. 85, it appears that the whole of the news, here alluded to, related to the negotiations carrying on between the Court aud the Condeans. J This was Dr. Stewart, Dean of the Chapel Royal, whom Clarendon, in another place, calls " a very honest aud learned gen- tleman, and most conversant in the learning which vindicated the dignity and authority of the Church." He had been long about Charles's person ; for, as early as 1646, in a letter preserved in the Clarendon StaAe Papers, vol. ii. p. 253, aud addressed to the Prince, the King calls him an honest trusty servant, and recommends him to his Royal Highness as Dean of his Chapel, telling him at the same time to take the Doctors advice, " giving reverence to his opinion in all things concerning conscience and church affairs." r2 244 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. the stone, whicli I am very farr from vnderualewinge, yett it seemes lesse daungerous then a vyolent ffeauour with which wee heard he labored : I pray remember my seruice very heartily to him, and send me worde quickly of his perfecte recouery. The wante of the title of the Duke of Bauaria keepes us from making a congratulatory dispatch to him, which is requisite in seuerall respectes, therfore I pray hasten it as sooue as you may : let me heare any particulars you receaue from Englande, especially how our frends at Detforde doe*. If it would be any comforte to you to haue companyons in misery, you will heare shortly that wee are in greate dis- tresses,t for I cannot imagyne which way the Kinge will be able to procure mony for his subsistance ; nor indeed how the ffrench Courte will subsiste it selfe. Wee know nothinge heare of the Spanish army: what is become of it ? You will still commende the King to your neig- bour : if the wayes were once open, I would make a iourney ouer to visitt you, and to be merry 3 or 4 howres : I am very heartily, S', Your most affectionate humble Seru*^, E. H. St. Germ: 26 Jihhj, 1652, ffryday 9 at night. I pray send me the copy of a warrant for Barro- nett, for I am not sure that myne is not defectiue. Sir Ric: Browne. * This inquiry refers to the Evelyn family at Says Court. + The periodical prints of that day thus account for the King not wishing to remain at Paris. " The Scots King is still in Paris, but now upon his remove. What shall he do then ? Trayl a pike under the young Lady of Orleans : " (tliis lady had recently raised a regiment for the French King's service against the Confederate Lords :) an honour too large for the late Majesty of Scotland. His confidents have satt in Council, and it is allowed by his Mother, that during these tumults in France, it is neither honourable nor expedient for him to continue in Paris, the affections of the citizens for the most part being alienated from the King," &c. 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 245 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Broione. The messenger who brought me yours of the 27. is so positive in the iustifyinge himselfe, that I can- not but desyre you to examine his allegations^ which if not true^ he shall be no more sent on his errancle, at least not by me : he sweares, he was on Saturday at your house, by 11 of the clock e, and you not being at home, he left the letters, both the Kings and myne with your mayde : this is so contrary to what you say, of his not appearinge before 4 of the clocke, (which putts me in apprehension that our packetts went not by the last ordinary) that I haue a greate minde to know the certainty, and whether the fellow hath any excuse or not : I told the Kinge of the expedient you proposed, which he lyked well, only it was sayd by a stander by, that one footeman would not be alwayes willinge to make that iourny, and hauinge so little encouragement, it is no wonder, that euery man is willinge to saue his labour : I am of your opinion that the breach is already too wyde, betweene the two Commonwealths, to be easily closed agayne. I pray God wee may make good use of it, which will most depende upon your neighbours aduice and derection : I pray hasten the Duke of Bauaria^s titles, &c. I wish I could tell you of a more plentifull condicon heare, because I am confi- dent you would haue a share of it : upon my worde, the Kinge hath not yett receaued a penny of supply since his comminge hither : he hath hope of 300 pistoles, for which he gott an order at his beinge at Grubyse, but payment is not yett made seriously I cannot be more troubled at any thinge, then at your distresses ; which I had rather see relieued then my owne : I will not surpryse you at Paris, and * This delay is easily accounted for, by a reference to the pre- ceding letter respecting the pecuniary difficulties of the French Court. 246 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. would be glad that the communication should be with more freedome, before I uenture thither. — I will by Saturday send you a letter for George Carterett,* from whome I wonder I heare not, but more, that he forgetts his promise to you : I thought your agent ther had taken the dutyes in spetie accordinge to former aduice. The defeate of Count Harcourtef I would haue bene gladd to haue receaued more particularly : wee hauinge heare heard nothinge of it : and the Court needes none of these humilli- ations. God prseserue vou, and, \ our very affectionate hu^'*" serv^, E. H. St. Gerjiain's this 29. of Jidy : Munday 3 in the afternoone 1652. Sir Ri: Browne. B'lr Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I receaued yours of the 30. late the last night, and reade euery worde of it this morninge to the Kinge. His Ma''« that the Amhass'' 502 . 239 . is very much troubled 673 . 668. 95 . for his friend s should receaue any prseiudice 469. 502. 488. 13. h 1 p p to him 17 . 27 . 34 . 35 . 667 . 505 . nor can imagyne by what hande those offices are done. J The truth is, * Sir George Carteret was now very active as a sea officer in the King's service ; and in the month of July, 1652, is stated to have been ou the coast of Flanders with thirteen sail under the royal colours, making prize of English vessels. Soon after this he joined Van Trorap ; and subsequently sei'ved as Vice-admii'al of the French fleet under the Duke of Vendome. + Harcourt was a gallant and loyal French officer ; but his laurels faded before the genius of the great Turenne. t The De Wit party Avere at this time predominant in Holland, in opposition to the Orange partisans, who were of course fi-iendly to the King. 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 247 ther is so greate a licence of writinge vnder the nocon of gettinge intelligence, for which euery man thinkes himselfe qualifyed, that men care not what they write/'' so they may prsetende to know much, and I have seen some letters from Hollande, the S t a wherein it hath beene sayd, that 668. 13. 12. 4. t e s had giuen Amhass'' to 12 . 7 . 62 . 506 . 493 . 30 . order to ther 95 . 667 . with the Kinge communicate all affayres 713 . 66(S . 220 . and so it seemes others who belieued that true, may haue giuen notice of his resorte to the Louer, possibly without any ill purpose, and yett I will not abso- lue them from that nether : at least, folly and im- pertinency does the same mischieue that malice King the does : but the 220 . would haue you assure 668 . Amb' 95 . that he will be as carefull hereafter as he desyres, he Avill and for the two papers, 501 . 780 . examine his cabinett, wher he is sure they are, if he did not burne them, and deliuer them to me, and I will then s send them to you by some sure messenger : ffor 13 . t a r k y and Taylorj 12 . 21 . 36 . 51 . 10 . 407 . 39 . 21 . 10 . 28 . 53. I am of your opinion for the first, that he is * Sir Richard Browne himself had many enemies at this moment among the English exiles ; some of whom, in their wish to drive him from the King's service, were busy with suggestions at Court that "his Majesty being present, he could have no Resident." This is alluded to in a letter from Sir Edward Hyde to Secretary Nicholas, in the Clarendon State Papers, iii. 112. f This Taylor, adverted to in former notes, was the King's agent with the Emperor of Germany and the Diet ; as appears more parti- cularly in a letter to him from Sir Edward Hyde (Clarendon State Papers, vol. iii. p. 112), in reference to an approaching meeting of that body. But in the same volume, p. 121, a very strong reason is given for Lord Wilmot's German Embassy, Hyde remark- ing, " I am sure a wise man is wanting there ; for Taylor is the most absolute fool I ever heard of." — See further, in the same volume, pp. 113, 116. 248 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. honest, but a foole : The other is more a foole, and I doubtc not so honest, though yett I do not take liini for a spy : nor can I imagyne it possible for to them to make any sober vsefuU proposicons 667 . the Ambass' and 668 . 95. The Kinge will follow the aduice, 407 . s i t t the Arnhnss"' vr is 13 . 27 . 12 . 42 . still, till 668 . 05 . 20 . 529 . h c s him to mono Lord 17 . 7 . 62 . 502 . 667 . 577. The sendinge 394 . Wihnott into Germany* and if hee 532 . 667 . 186 . is not declared, 407 . 531 . 501 . ^ne s hee 491 . 13. (which will not be yett) 501 . shall not goe by Holand, the King Avould nott haue the 491 . 415 . 192 . 068 . 220 . 728 . 589 . 514 . 668 . Bishop to the Ambass'' 99 . propose any such thinge 667. 668. 95. Though that you should lett the Arahas' know hebewillinge673 . 731 . 666 . 551 . 668 . 95 . 546 . hee can putt such that as low as his power is, 501 . 429 . 615 . 654 . places in Irland and Scotland 618 . 13 . 532 . 204 . 407 . 303 . into the handes of Iloland 598 .192 . as would inable them to torment their enimyes : t Ther is no opinion of the good nature Vr. EI. Pal.+ The Earl of Br: Avas and gratitude of 308 . 452 . 598 . 103 . 707 . called * How well the King's motions were now watched by the Parlia- ment, is evident from the fact that a journal of the 5th August, 1652, was enabled to state — " The late King of Scots is at St. German's, and expects daily to bee sent for by the Hollanders. The Loi'd Wilmot is designed to go Ambassador from him into Germany.'^ t This extraordinary fact receives confirmation from another of Sir Edward's letters to Secretary Nicholas, published in the Clarendon State Papers, vol. iii. p. 86. Fortunately for the honour and credit of all concerned, the idea was finally abandoned. Z The Elector Palatine abundantly justified this opinion; for, when the German Princes subsequently made up a sum of ten thousand pounds for Charles, the Elector, though under great obligations both 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 249 to counccl Counsel!' of 667 . 121 . as an old 121 . 599 liis father:* and it would haiie bene greatc pitty lie should not : he is Ld Digby a good old man, and much my frende. 155 . intends his owne businesse and lookes not after what con- cernes us : I thinke I haue answered all yours : and I am able to add nothinge of this place: god of heaven preeserue you, and me as I am heartily. Sir, Your very affectionate hu^^° Seru^, Edw. Hyde. St. GermaixNS, Wensday Jidy 31. 8 at night. 1652, Sir Ri. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. Since I writt last to you (though it was but on ffryday night) I haue receaued 5 letters from you, two of the 2d, one of the 3. of the 4. and the 5. of this moneth, all which are now before me to be answered in order, after I have exceedingly thanked you for your diligent and very punctuall correspond- ence, Avhich is so greate a virtue, that it is high iniustice not to rewarde and gratify it, which I hope will one day be done. I have informed the Kinge of the Venetian Am- bassadors complainte against Mr. Killegrew, f with to his father and grandfather, did not conti'ibute a single stiver. See Clarendon's History, vol. iii. p. 418. * In tracing the conduct of the Eai'l of Bristol throughout these letters the reader will derive amusement from Walpole's account of him as a Noble Author. t In his Life, p. 116, Hyde says that Charles had been at first unwilling to send Killigi'ew to Venice; but afterwards was prevailed upon simply to gratify him, that in the capacity of Envoy " he might borrow money of English merchants for his owne subsistence, which he did, and nothing to the honour of his master." The letter in the text contributes some interesting detail upon an incident but slightly noticed in history. Francis Erizzo was the Doge who acted thus cavaherly to the representative of the exiled monarch. 250 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. which his Ma^- is very inuch troubled, and resolues upon his returne hither, to examyne his miscarriage, and to proceed therin in such a manner as shall be worthy of him, and as may manifest his respecte to that Commonwealth, with which the Crowne of Eng- lande hath alwayes held a very stricte amity, and his Ma^^^ Ministers haue in all places prreserued a uery good correspondence with the Ministers of that State, and therefore his Ma^^' is the more sensible of this misdemeanour of his Resident : However his Ma*^ wishes that the Republic had proceeded accordinge to the vsuall custome, and first acquainted him with ther iust exception against his Minister, that ther- upon his Ma*^ might haue testify ed his respecte to them by recallinge and punishinge him, and that they had not by a judgement of ther owne compelled him to retyre, which beinge so vnusuall a way, his Ma*- doubts will not be cleerely and generally under- stoode, but may be interpreted to the Kings disad- uantage as a declininge in this tyme of tryall that auntient friendshipp with the Crowne of Englande, which his Ma*^ is gladd to finde by the Ambassadour is not in truth the purpose or intention of that Com- monwealth, and you are to thanke the Ambassadour in the Kings name for his particular affection to his Ma*=^, which he desyres him to continue. — After I had shewed the Kinge your letter, he appointed me to r e a d e it in councell 667 . 36 . 23 . 4 . 25 . 7 . 530 . 532 . 121 . and the resolucon was ther taken for the answer, so that the very wordes which I haue used upon this argument, were consider^ and. perused by the Kinge. — I have bene very much troubled for poore Mr. Douglasse^s beinge sicke, and am much comforted with your good newes of his amendment : If ther had not bene 3 or 4 persons of quality heare very sicke, as my Lo: Wentworth,* . . . Schomburgh, younge Mr. Jarmin,t * Lord Wentworth, of whom some particulars may be found in a former note, was shortly after this sent as agent to Denmark, where he remained until the ensuing year. + Son of Thomas, elder brother of Lord Jermyn. He succeeded his uncle, after the Restoration, in the Barony of Jermyn, but not in the Earldom of St. Alban's, and died without issue male. 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 251 vfho hath the small pox^ and others, Avho would not indure the absence of ther physicon, Dr: fFrayser * had gone over to Paris to looke to him : I pray when you go next remember my seruice to him, and desyre him to be very carefull of himselfe that he fall not into relapse : I could willingly be of your minde for the certainty of one avowed messenger, but I finde it harde to lay the worke upon one man, which your passe must suppose ; besydes the askinge such a warrant might possibly shutt the doore against all others, and that would not be well, for betweene the English and Dutch Letters, and the particular businesses from this place, ther is no day passes without a messenger to Paris, and an authority graunted to one might cause all the rest to be in more daunger ; the conclusion is, that wee will euery Wensday morninge, or Tuesday night, send an honest fellow to you, and agayne on Saturday morninge, and in those two only I will take my selfe to be most concerned. I hope the Kinge of Spayne f is not deade, and then the arry vail of the ffleete will indeede prooue a cordiall. I haue the same reproaches fro' the Hague for not writinge things which I doe not know, and sometymes that are not. — You must ex- playne this ; you say, I have not yet scene 95. both he and I haue bene to [too] busy. What do you meane by that, sure you haue not bene so, nor does the any wise man thinke you can be soe : I haue 668 . * Fraser was a Scotchman, and mingled much in the religious politics of that country ; he also had some political besides his medi- cal influence at the exiled Court. In another letter (State Papers, iii. 119) Clarendon says of him, "I am glad you have so good a correspondent as Dr. Frayser, who is grown (God knows why) an absolute stranger with me ; he is great with Lord Gerard and Mr. Attorney, but he will speedily leave us and go for England, which truly I am sorry for, for the King's sake: for no doubt he is good at his business, otherwise the maddest fool alive." Elsewhere also he expresses himself very kindly as to Fraser; yet the doctor took great offence against him on account of this trip to Englaud, actually asserting that it was Hyde's wish to have him murdered when there, or that he might languish in prison until he should die of grief and hunger. + Philip IV. He did not die until 1665. 252 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. t^vo memorialls liee 670 . 569 . 29 . 2 . 36 . 27 . 400 . 13 . 501 . sent to the K. by his Soim which you 668 . 216 . 415 . 502 . 13 . 43 . 30 . 59 . 722 . 731 . K. me requyred and the 220 . gaue 269 . two dayes since : I will keepe them till you order me to dispose them. As I was much startled my selfe with yours of yesterday, which my Lady Harberte * sent me late that the K. had in the night, concearning 673 . 668 . 220 . 506 . given 493 . 30 some derections quite contrary to what I understoode to be his minde, so I gave my selfe the his Ma'y pleasure of perplexinge 502 . 239 . by readinge only the first parte of your letter : and when he was in trouble, and protested that he had neuer gaue any such order, I reade him that which was in cypher, with which he was wonderfully pleased, and exceedingly the Ambass' in thankes 668 . 95 . and referres the proceedinge 532 . it to his dis c r e t 530 . intirely 667 . 502 . 440 . 15 . 36 . 23 . 12 . ion 437 . and frendshipp, for as he hath hitherto accord- inge to his aduice forborne in the least degree to stirr, or moue any thinge, for feare of doinge it vnseason- ably, so he very well knowes, that such an ouerture may giue his frends in as this, timely made, 571 . 493 . 502 . 488 . 13 . 532 . Holland to say 192 . opportunity . 667 . 13 . 21 . 10 . somewhat on his behalfe,t which of themselues originally they the K. the could not doe, and therefore 668 . 220 . committs 668 . * "Wife of the Attorney-General, afterwards Lord Keeper, Sir Edward Herbert. t Comparing a letter of the 2nd' August to Secretary Nicholas, now residing in Holland, it is evident that this passage refers to the former proposals for the delivery of certain places, both in Scotland and Ireland, to the Dutch. 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 253 con (I IX c t e of t h 428 . 25 . 43 . 15 . 42 . 23 . 598 . wholy to 12 . 17 . e Ambas. the good e 23 . 95 . and will acknowledge alwayes 668 . 495 . 7 . f f e t s to him : 18 . 24 . 56 . 12 . 13 . 667 . 505 . and ther is no to t r doubte, if ther were an opportunity 667 . 12 . 36 . eat e on the Kings be h 23 . 21 . 42 . 23 . 600 . 668 . 220 . 13 . 416 . 17 . a 1 f e 21 . 28 . 18 . 7 . ther would be founde reall aduantages yett in liis power (as low as it is) to giue witli to Irland and 667 . 493 . 713 . reference 667 . 204 . 407. Scotland * 363 . and really I have reason to belieue that make Jersey, Guernsey, and Scilly wee could speedily 580 . 213 . 191 . 407 . 13 . 27 . at our 28 . 52 . 10 . 402 . 603 . deuocon. You must lett the Ambass' know the K. 668 . 95 . 546 . that 668 . 220 . hath this day dis- Lord Taffj to the Duke patched 549 . 12 . 21 . 18 . 24 . 667 . 668 . 446 . * The King's supposed wishes at this period are recorded in one of the public journals (Several Proceedings, 28th October, 1652), in a letter from Paris. " Charles Stuart, the Titular Scots King,lives in the Palace Royall, and still in necessity ; his Mother went to Challeau on Munday last ; he impatiently expects this peace ; he could wish to be now in Ireland, so he told some of his own Creatures of late ; so would all about him : yet Ormond and Inchiquin tell him plainly that those who most oppose the Commonwealth, are but Ulster men, which doe not much care for him, and are only for their own ends, which if they could obtain, would never look upon a King, and that if they promise to be faithful to a Parliament they would be constant." -f- Lord Taafe was particularly active in the King's Councils, in so far as related to Ireland. A Gazette of that day, alluding to the King's Irish afifairs, remarks, when speaking of the proposed operations of the Duke of Lorraine : " Lord Taafe is the man that manageth the business with the King, which is much opposed by the Lord Wilmot, and some others, as a course very improbable : and this hath occa- sioned a quarrel, and afterwards a challenge, betwixt Taafe and Wilmot, which with much ado was composed by the Scots King." 254 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. of Lorraiii 598 . 231 . (with whome lie is in singular creditt_, and to con i V r is indeede a very honest man) 661 . 428 . 27 . 1 . 36 . e him uot Holland hut 23 . 505 . 589 . in any degree to disturbe 192 . 417 . on to he will 600 . the other hande . 667 . declare that 501 . 710 . assist them against England 401 . 13 . 529 . 12 . 676 . 414 .13.12. 164 . which I doubte not he will doe heartily. I conceaue my L*^ Inchiquin * (though I haue not spoken with him of it this day) does not speedily intende to make use of his passe, but will send to you agayne about it, before he exspects it fro^ you. — It is very true ther was such a summ of mony lately receaued at Paris for the Kinge as you mention, and 40. pistoles of it disposed to that Lady, which is all the mony he hath receaued since he came hither, and in some tyme before, and he hath hope to receaue iust such a summ agayne within these few dayes, but alasse it doth not inable his cooks and back-staj^es t nien to goe on in the provydinge his dyett, but they protest they can undertake it no longer. I hope ther will be shortly another manner of receipt, and then if you should be left out, I should mutiny on your behalfe : in the meane tyme, if it would giue you * It had been intended, at this period, that Lord Inchiquin, accompanied by Jermyn, should go as Ambassador to Holland, to prepare for Charles's reception there, 'j- The public journals, in real or assumed letters from Paris, now asserted loudly that the " quondam" King, as they desci'ibed him, had gi'own hateful to the people of that city "since Loraigne's treason, being afx'aid lest he might find such entertainment fi'om them at the new bridge as others had experimented, and beuig reduced to nothing to subsist on, and having beggared a multitude of bakei's, brewers, butchers, and other tradesmen, on Saturday last departed out of this town with all his family {radio relicto). The Pi'ince of Conde and Beauford accompanied him about a league off the town ; he is gone to St. Jermin's, and from thence to St. Dennis, intending for Holland, where keeping a correspondence with the Duke of Loraine, and likewise with his Mother and his brother Yorke, who are to remain yet in France, he hopes to worke some mischiefe to the State of England." 1652.J AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 255 ease, I could assure you, my L*^ . . . . nor I have one cardicue in the worlde, yett wee keepe up our spiritts : fFor gods sake do j^ou so to, and he will carry you through this terrible storme. — My L'^ Jermin is this day gone to the Courte, how longe he staves I know not. We haue no newes, at least that I know. I pray tell us as much as you know of the Armyes mouinge, and what hope ther is of peace. I am, s% jovLT very affectionate hu''''' serv*, Edw . Hyde. S' Germans this Tuesday the 6. of Au(/. 6. at night. 1652. This messenger is to returne as soone as the fflanders letters are arryved. S'^ Ri. Browne. Sir Edioard Hyde to Richard Browne. That yours of the 10. of December (which came to my handes the same day that I dispatched my last to you) hath yett brought you no answer, is not my faulte, for as I was takinge penn & paper to do it on Sunday last, your other of the 14. arryued, which derected me to change my cource of w^itinge, and to send no more to Nantz,* but to St. Malos : and in- deede I was very gladd to finde that you were bounde for Brest, wher I should haue wished you, notwith- standing any discouragements you receaued from thence, except you could bringe a recommendation from this Courte : for Mr. Holder f writes me worde, that a letter from Moun'' Castlenoe would signify " Sir Richard Browne was at this moment very actively endeavour- ing to collect the King's dues on the prizes brought into the different ports of France, + Holder was Secretary to Prince Rupert. He was loyal, and it appears from the Clarendon State Papers that great dependence was placed on him when wanted : yet Sir Edward calls him " the pert, importunate agent of the Catholics." See^o-*.', p. 261. 256 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. very little. I am confident the letter you haue from our Master, will prseserue you from any affronts, and then sure your beinge ther will be at least for your owne aduantage, both to collecte what is dew to his Ma*^ upon accounts,* which must be worth some- what, and will be easily discouer'd by what Mr. Holder hath receaued from the Duke, and to receaue the dewes upon ther last pryzes, which will, they say, amounte to a rounde summ. — Though S' Geo. Car- terett was gone out of the towne, when I receaued yours of the 10. yett very contrary to my expectation he returned hither 3 or 4^ dayes after, and stayed only one night, when I shewed him your letter ; sure he will do all the good offices to you in all thinges he is able. My L'^ will obserue the caution you giue him, and will be gladd you can discouer any monyes to be dew to him, and he will gladly giue you authority to receaue it ; indeed a supply will come as seasonable to him as to any body, for when I haue told you, that none of us haue receaued a penny since you went, you will belieue our necessi- tyes to be importunate enough, which would be more insupportable, if wee did not see the King himselfe reduced to greater distresse then you can beheve or imagyne. I perceaue the arrest of ffar- rande, is upon some pique betweene the Duke of Vandosme and the Marshall Melleray,t betweene whom the contests grew very high, and are like to breake out to such a degree that the Courte is not without apprehension, that it shall not conteyne them both to its seruice, and seemes at present, to be vnsatisfyed with the Marshall, and I heare some letters of reprehension are sent to him ; therefore this arrest is not like to produce any aduantage to his Ma% besides that it seemes the shipp is out of the power of the Marshall. I haue giuen Choquex the * The difficulty which Charles experienced in raising any money upon the prizes, is alluded to in Perfect Passages of the 15th October, 1652: "Pi-ince Rupert hath lately seized on some good prizes; he keeps himself far remote, and makes his kinsman, Charles Stuart, make a leg for some callings of his wmdfalls." , + Melleray was Governor of Nantes. 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 257 papers, and will conferr with liirn what is to be done, for it is I perccaue true that the shipp and all the furniture was really putt into his handes by Pr. Ruperte,* so that besides the restitution of the vessell, there will be a large accounte to be made : A'VTien any thinge is resolued, you shall haue an accounte of it. I am very gladd you haue had so good successe in your suite, I hope it is but an instance of future good fortune at Brest, wher ther is much dew, if you haue receaued so little, as I haue formerly hearde you haue mentioned : — I prsesume you haue kept an exacte accounte of all you haue had upon those assignations, which I putt you only in minde of, because upon conference with S' Geo. Carterett, he could not belieue it had bene possible, that upon so many pryzes as he obserued to be brought in, you should touch so little, as I assured him had come to your handes. When you went from hence, and A^pon occasyon of somewhat I writt lately in a letter to Mr of the no profitt accrewed to his Ma*'^ upon that receipte, he answered me that it was impossible much could come to his Ma*^' owne receipte, when he granted so large assignments out of it, and so mentioned in the first place, what was allotted to you, as if it had bene payde. — Wee know nothinge of Englande more than that your fprench Minister was landed at Dover. Wee shall shortly see what his reception hath bene, and shall then better guess at the effects : in the meane tyme, we are at no ease heare. My Lo: of Rochester (for that is my Willmotts title) t is to sett out from hence * Prince Rupert, just before this date, was in the West Indies, and had with him a fleet of fifteen sail, to which eight Dutch ships were joined in October. He is stated in the journals to have cap- tured ten rich English vessels, whilst cruising off St. Kitts. It is a remarkable circumstance, however, that another journal, the Perfect Passages, places him off Cyprus, and describes him as capturing all vessels that pass him in the Levant. 'f' There was considerable difficulty in finding a proper title for Lord Wilmot, his first proposed one of Essex being claimed by Lord Capel, and that of Danby by the Attorney-General ; upon which, as VOL. IV. s 258 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. on Thursday morninge^ he trauells with a small trayne, and hath it in his power to assume the title of Ambassadour, which I suppose he will choose to declyne, and do his businesse in a priuate way, which will procure a speedyer dispatch. — God prseserue you. I -am, your very aflPectionate hu''^'' Serv^ E. H. Pallais Royale, this 24 o{ Decemb. Christmasse Euc, 1652. Commend me to Mr. Holder^ and lett him know I have now receaued his of the 13. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I haue receaued yours of the 22*^ from Nantes, and am very gladd that you haue passed that parte of your iourny so well ; I hope the rest will be as successfully though I do not exspecte you should finde as good weather to bringe you home, as you stated in the Clarendon ^^ate Papers, hi., 121, "my Lord dedined that title, and so his patent is drawn up for the Earl of Rochester." — See also iii. 57. * It was hoped that he might succeed in inducing the German Princes to advance money for the King's private expenditure ; and also might so manage with the Dutch as to render them disposed to undertake some decided step in his favour. The King must>t this time have been in sore distress. A letter from Paris in the Several Pro- ceedings, of 1 3th December, asserts that " the titular King of Scots is reduced to so low a condition that he is forced to eate his meals in taverns here at Paris, having not the commodity of dining at home." And not three months before this date, even Hyde had thus ex- pressed himself in a letter to Sir Edward Nicholas : " It is no wonder you should desire to be eased, as much as may be, of all kinds of charges, I am sure I have as much reason as any man living to join with you in that thrift ; yet I cannot avoid the constant expense of seven or eight livres the week for postage of letters, which I borrow scandalously out of my friends pockets, or else my letters must more , scandalously remain still at the post-house ; and I am sure all those which concern my own private affairs would be received for ten sous a week, so that all the rest are for the King, from whom I have not 1652.] AND Sill RICHARD BROWNE. 259 haue liad to carry you out : The Spanyard* desyred me to giue you my tliankes for your care of him^ which I do very heartily, and conceaue by this tyme he is gotten into' his owne Country, and I do not thinke he will euer visitt ffrance agayne, which he hath no reason to loue, but for the English which he founde heare. Ther hath beene yett no letter from the Mareschall de Melieray, Avhich ther was no reason to exspecte, if you had not mentioned it, as some- what you thought intended; I am exceedinge gladd that he proceeded so roundly with the English Rebells, as to arrest both the shipps and goods,t I wish they did so in all other partes of ffrance, that they might proceede a little more briskely towards ther greate worke, then yett they appeare to doe, but if I am not deceaued, the English will quicken them shortly, if they haue any spiritts left. You must not suspecte your frends kindnesse and affection to you, when I tell you, that your arrett is not yett dispatched : you know how little seruice I can do in that kinde by any personall sollicitation of my owne, more then by callinge upon Sir Ri: Foster,! which I haue often done, and in truth I thinke him to be as carefull in all that concernes you, and in this particular, as a frende can be : But the truth is, he hath beene ill since you went, and your Aduocate hath bene neuer with him, not at received one penny since I came hither, and am put to all this charge; and yet it is to no pui'pose to complain, though I have not been master of a crown these many months, and cold for want of clothes and fire and owe for all the meate which I have eaten these three months, and to a poor woman who is not longer able to trust." * A part of the private history of the time, to which no certain clue remains. Some plans had been put in agitation on the part of the Condeans to persuade both England and Spain to aid them with their arms; and as at this period there were two powerful political parties at Madrid, the man alluded to may have been a secret agent in the politics of the day. 'I' An event not elsewhere recorded; unless it refers to the seizures of some ships at Dunkirk, afterwards restored to Cromwell by the French Government. X Sir Richard Foster was keeper of the King's privy purse, though lie seldom was lucky enough to have anything to keep in it. See the Clarendon State Papers, vol, iii. p. 46, s 2 260 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1652. home when he went to finde him, and the seth'nge the kings businesse with the Surintend^t (which is yett faiT from being setled) hath so worne out the good okl man, that he hath not bene yett able to settle yours, which he promises me to dispatch out of hande : I forgott likewise to tell you, that this man is gone from him, which leaues him so much the worse. I receaued this weeke a letter from S"" Ger. Lucas, under a cover to you, dated from a place called I thinke ,1 suppose it is somewher in Bri- tany, and T belieue you haue some addresse to him, therefore I trouble you with the inclosed. — All heare are your Seru'' : God prseserue you. I am very heartily, S', Your most affectionate humble Serv*, Edw: Hyde. Pallais Royall 29 Novemh. 1652. The Kinge would have you giue Mr. Richards all assistance in executinge the orders for the Patricke & Francis,* formerly granted to S' G'^ Carterett : the 10*^' & 15*^' are to be payd to the proper receauers. Sir Ri: Browne. Sir Ediuard Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I haue receaued yours of the 26. of Decemb. and am very gladd that you were then upon your way to Brest, wher sure your presence will be more neces- sary than at Nantes, though it may be, your com- pany was not much desyred ther : you will I suppose finde the seamen and Capt: weary of that Porte, and therefore you are like to be the more Wellcome to them, with the proposicon from the * Two of the Jersey privateers. . 1652.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 261 Marecliall de Melleray, * and if they were once induced to goe to Porte Lewes, I would mooue the Kinge to take notice of it, and to write to the Marechall : I hope you haue founde good store of mony for your selfe at Brest, from the pryzes which haue bene brought in, & that you finde that trybe of Captayns as towardly as Mr. Holder reported them to be, who hath a wonderfull esteeme of them : Though I do not loue to infuse any iealosyes or distrust in any man, of his frends, and those of whome he hath a good opinion, yett I haue reason to warne you, to be a little upon your guarde, and not too freely to imparte all you know or to Mr. H. o 1 d e r thinke 667 . 568 . 17 . 2 . 28 . 15 . 23 . 36 . who a ... weeke mau 704 : trust me is 4 . 699 . 726 . 573 . and so in his llcligiou that hee sottishly corrupted 534 . 502 . 337 . 673 . 501 . p r i e s belieues whatsoeuer an}^ 34 . 36 . 27 . 7 . 13 . t 12 . sayes to him, how ridiculous soeuer, and to all these virtues he tliinkes himselfe wiser than Solomon. Ther are some other reasons for this caution, which I cannot expresse at large, which he is not so iust make me belieue that 501 . 529 . 589 . 645 . 538 . to you he 667 . 731 . as 501 . ought to be. We are all heare in the same beggarly condiconf you left us, which I * Melleray was at this moment a great object of jealousy to Cardinal Mazarin, who caused a letter to be sent to him from the King, inviting him to Court, and adding an offer of the command in Champagne; but the Marshal, knowing well tliat this was an intrigue to get him and his son, both of them suspected as friendly to the Conde party, into the power of the Court faction, excused himself on pi-etence of illness, &c. He was Governor of Nantes. '\' Yet the subjoined extract is taken from one of the Intelligencers published in London, of the date of November, 1652 : " The King of Scots lies yet in the Palace Royal, whither the French King and Queen came to give him a visit, and in abundance of ceremony, to thank him for that great pains he had taken in laboui'ing the healing 262 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. tliinke by longe custome will grow a seconde nature to us : I should be glad to heare that S"" Geo. Carterett were come to Brest. — God praeserue you, and bringe lis well togither agayne : — I am very heartily, Your most affectionate hu^'" Serv^, EDW^ Hyde. Paris, this 11 oi January, 1653. Sir Ri. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Brovme. I haue yours of the 3*^ and the 6. of this moncth : and you had receaued an answer to the first before the last had come to my hands, if it had bene in my power to haue returned you such a one as could haue satisfyed my selfe. I was as full of the sense of the iniury and indignity that is offred to j'our Captaynes at Brest, and truly so is the Kinge, as they could wish, but you know iniuryes and acts of iniustice are not as soone remedyed and repayred heare, as dicouered : The Kinge wished young Jermin, Mr. Atturny and my selfe, to consider what was to be done, and w^ee were all of opinion, know- inge w^hat Princes all Gouernors are at present in ffrance, that it would not be fit to mooue the Courte, which no doubte knows nothinge of this arrest and up of those sad breaches between his Majesty and his people ; which Christian office has gained him at Court the title of MagncB Britannice et Hibernice Rex, Fidei Defensor, Pericli Dissipator Gallici, Pacisque Compositor Generalissimo. 'Tis rumoured that the King of Denmark should send him 100,000/. in gold for a present, with the promised assistance of him and his subjects in the disputing of his cause against all opposers. The Duke of Yorke is still in high favour, and is cryed up for the most accomplished gentleman, both in arms and courtesie, that graces the French Court. The English begin to be admitted dayly into places of high trust and command ; and those shaded Cavaliers, whom the world thought worthy of nothing but exilement, begin to be looked upon according to their worth and laiown gallantry." 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 263 restrainte, nor it may be of the bargayne and con- nivance for the admissyon of our shipps (for you know wee haue bene Jonge without the benefitt of the printed Order you mention) before Mons. Castlenoe (from whome the orders were without question sent, for his owne benefitt) be first spoken with, and my L*^ Jermin " promised to doe that presently, and he hoped effectually ; but wee finde after longe en- quyry that Mons. Castlenoe is gone out of this towne to the Cardinall, nor is it knowne when he will returne, and yett it is thought as necessary, that his minde and resolucon be first vnderstoode : Therefore mj Jermyn hath written to him, and inclosed the state of the case, made out of your letters, and Mr. Atturny hath sent the same to the Duke of Yorke, who wee presume is most like to gett a full dispatch in it, and Avee must expecte the answer from thence, and then if there be any cause to complayne * Jermyn's influence at tlie exiled Covirt had foi' some time been very great ; and is thus described by a news-writer of the time, writing from Paris, in a volume of Tracts in the British Museum : " The little Queen is retired to the nunnery at Chaliot, there to spend her time a Avhile in devotion, for the advance of some designes that she hath on foot. She left her son the fugitive at the Louvre, given up to the bent of his Common Pi'ayer Mongers, and of Jermyn, whose power is now greater with him than any ; which is a sure sign that his Mother rules him again, and that he hath resigned his judgment, affection, and all to her ; because heretofore there was a sore grudge between him and Jermyn, in regard at his former being here. Jermyn (who then commanded and still keeps the purse) was very streight handed over him in his expenses The old Court flies begin now again to flock about him" (30th Dec. 1651) " from all parts. Crofts is returning from Poland, where he called himselfe a Lorde Ambassadour ; and is to be made a Lord as soon as he comes (as they would have us believe), for his pains in that employment, and for the charitable contribution of our Polish cousins that (they say) he brings along with him. Some of them are come to the Louvre already out of Flanders, as Hide, a man of dignity too, that calls himself the Chequer Chancellor ; here is also Bramhall, of London Derry, Dan O'Neill, Fraiser, a physitian, and one Lloid, a Chaplain. These bring newes, that Buckingham and Seer. Nicholas would have come along too, but that they -wanted Ghelt ; and the rest of his Majesties black guard and retinue that wander in the Low Countries, if they were sure of daily bread for their attendance." 264 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. at Courte, wee will take the best care wee can, that it be made as it ought to be. ffor the other bvisinesse concerninge the Marq: of , of which I thinke I writt somewhat to you in my last, Mr. Atturny and I haue spoken with Choquy of it, who exspects euery day an answer to what he hath formerly sent to the Marq: and when that comes, or that it appeares he desyres not to make any answer, the Kinge will conclude what he should doe as to the revocation. ffor your Hamborough pryse, you cannot suppose that I will returne a priuate opinion of my owne, in a businesse of that nature, for many reasons, and the Kinge commanded me to aduise with M"" At- turny, and upon both our consideringe the case, as M"" Holder sent it me, wee doe not see it so cleerely stated, as to be able to giue the King any iudgement upon it, since it does not appeare that the goods do at all belonge to any English raarchant or ffactor, but for ought appears may be the proper estate of the Hamberghers. I did not suppose they had suffred you to giue any adiudications ther, and that the former arrest had bene made at Rhemes upon that qup.rrell : We hope the Duke will be heare within 2 or 3 dayes, and then it will be necessary to receaue his derection upon all this businesse. My L*^ Inchiquin and I are upon some trouble with your Landlord, who yesterday was at your house, and expresses some purpose to seize upon the goods; which we all vnderstande would not only be very mischieuous to you, but very dis- honorable to the Kinge, and therefore you may be confident that wee omitt nothing that is in our power to doe, hauinge not a penny to discharge the debte.* * An extract from the Mercurius Politicus of the 8th July, 1652, may help to illustrate this letter : " Charles Stuart, who was said to be gone in our last [from Paris] went not till some few days after. He made the more haste, because a servant of his was fallen upon, pursued, and beaten, even in his master's place of abode at the Louvre. Hee also was besieged there by the bakers, butchers, and other tradesmen of all sorts, in whose books he is fain very deep ; and they feared, if they lost hira they should lose their money. But 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 265 This day S' Ri: ffoster goes vfith my L'^ Inchiquin to him, to see how farr good wordes and promises will prevayle with him, and all other conrses shall be really taken for his satisfaction, that are in the Kinges power. Will ther be nothinge dew upon the Kinges owne share of the pryses brought in by the Patricke & Francis, that might be imployed to that purpose ? any order sliould be procured from hence. I pray convay this inclosed to Ge: Carterett, who I suppose is not still with you. God prseserue you. I am heartily. Your most affectionate hu^^*' Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Pall: Ro: this 21 of January 1653. Sir R. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne, I haue receaued yours of the 7th from the good Govern'' and yourselfe, and this must serue as answer to you both, for I am still in my old posture, not yet able to stirr from my bed. I have not heard these many weekes from Mr. Holder, but I suppose he giues the same informacon to the Duke and his officers, if not, what he sayes is likely to be belieued more then what I shall informe, therefore I must still renew my aduice to you, that you write very particularly to the Duke himselfe, or to some of his officers, of all the obstruccons you meete with, and very particularly of the misdemeanours of the Cap- taines, * and of any such proposicons and expedients to pacify them they were told his intent was but to go to Rosney upon the way to Roan. His mother marches with him. The small baggage they have is already gone. They give out that they will returne after the peace is made, and condemn this City of ingratitude; alledging that it had bin blockt up by the King before this time, had it not bin for their mediation with his Majesty." * The Duke of York was actually at this period with the French 266 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. which you thinke fitt to offer for the promoting his seruice, and I make noe doubt but his Roy all High- nes will as soone hearken to you, and be aduiced by you, as by any persons. I can giue you no intelli- gence from hence, whilst I continue thus a prysoner, but trueh^ I thinke they who are abroad know little of moment, the Court here being wholy intent upon battels and matters of pleasure, and our owne affaires being in a dead calme, exspecting some gentle gale from some of our neighbours to give them motion, and really I doe belieue y" good spiritt does improve, since no body can doubt, but y* the people in Eng- land are generally well prepared for it. This is all I can say to you, but y* I am to you both your most affectionate humble servant, EDw^ Hyde. Paris 18 Feb. 1653. The King hath lately bene aduertised by the Gouernment of Innisboffine, that if any Marchant- men will bring corne, armes, or ammunicon thither, they shall be sure to receiue ready money for it, and that such a supply would enable them for some time to exspect greater, and not to submitt to the rebells. If it were possible to procure any of your Men of War, or any Marchants to resort thither, it would be a wonderfuU good seruice, therefore I pray deuice all wayes possible to compasse it, and let me know how the seuerall letters I sent to you directed to y* place haue bene disposed off. * army under Turenne ; and though he would seem from this letter to have been personally interested in the affairs of the little squadron of privateers, yet there is no mention of it whatever in the Life published from his own Memoir. * These plans and hopes Avere soon after put an end to by the capture of Innisboffin by the Parliamentary army, it being then the last place in Ireland that held out for the King. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 267 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I am sure it can be no newes to you that Pr. Rupert is safe at Nantes," and tlierfore it is very probable this letter may not finde you at Brest^ but that you may haue thought it fitt to attende his Highnesse, and offer him your seruice. The Kinge hath sent Mr. Holder some derection concerninge the Hamborough shipp. If George Carterettf be not with you, I pray send this letter to him by the first safe opportunity, and if he hath not a coppy of your cypher, send it to him, I havinge used it in this letter for 3 or 4 lynes, wliich it is necessary for him to understande. Excuse me, who hauinge no letter of yours to answer, for beinge at present so shorte, which you know is not my naturall faulte. Wee haue reason to hope the Kings affayres are upon a mendinge hande, with reference to Hollande. — God be with vou. I am very heartily, S', your most affectionate Seru^, Edw\ Hyde. Paris this 22 of 31arch (1653). Sir Ric: Browne. * This was the last of Prince Rupert's maritime expeditions during the Interregnum. On his return to Europe he captured a rich prize laden with tobacco, and having carried her into Kantz, in March, 1653, he was soon after seized with a violent illness, recover- ing from which he proceeded to Paris, and was well received by the French King. From Paris he v/ent to the Imperial Court ; but returned to England at the Restoration. The small fleet now under the command of Prince Rupert had been originally refitted at Toulon ; but having met with losses of ships, particularly at the Azores (where his own flag-ship, the Reformation, had been sunk, and the whole crew of 360 men perished, with the exception of Rupert, his brother Maurice, and twelve others), it was found neces- sary to return to the northern parts of France; particularly as Admiral Penn, with his squadron, was waiting for them in the Straits of Gibraltar. t Sir George Carteret, a little before this time, commanded a 268 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', About three days since I receaued yours of the 24. of the last moueth, which makes me still wonder how it comes to passe, that yours are so longe upon the way, for it is not possible that the post can be 12 or 14 dayes upon the way from Brest, and so much tyme ther is still betweene your writinge and my readinge. I suppose the Governour is now gone to Nantes, or else he will not wayte on the Prince, which I should be sorry for. the Kinge sent his coach on Wensday to Orleans, supposinge it will meete his Highnesse * ther, or that he will be ther within a day or 2 after, so that wee exspecte him heare on Tuesday or "Wensday, and till his returne I do not conceaue that you neede putt your selfe to the treble of a iourny, and if ther be then any occasyon for it, I will aduer- tise you: If the euidence against the Captaynes be so pregnant as it seemes by you to be, of seueral theftes and cozinages, how would it be possible for the Judge to declare them innocent ? and though it may, it would be difficulte to obteyne iustice against them in that jurisdiction, yett the declininge to giue in the testimony and charge against them before the proper officer (though it is possible he will not haue power enough to cause reparacon to be made, if he had the will to do it) will be made a greate counte- nance to them, as if the allegations were not waighty ; and I finde (though I am a stranger to all that is done on that syde of the house) that the Captaynes are upon all occasyons much magnifyed, as excellent vsefull ministers. — I am very gladd of that order you small squadron of the Royal ships, with which he cruised, principally upon the coast of Ireland, and greatly to the annoyance of the Republican party, if we may judge from their journals. * Prince Rupert. This event is much noticed in the London journals of the time. Those journals also assert, upon the autho- rity of some runaway seamen who had landed at Weymouth, " that all the plunder he hath brought is not worth 10,000^., and the Swallow is hallen up altogether unserviceable." 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 269 mention, against the transportinge the necessaryes for shippinge, which I wonder the more at, because wee conceaue the ffrench Minister at London euery day getts grounde, but I hope they will deceaue each other. — Innisboffin was poorly giuen up aboute the middle of ffebruary, so that now I feare the poore Irish haue only woods and boggs for shelter ; I pray keepe all those dispatches safe by you, but you neede not send them backe, till you come your selfe. Hath Carterett a good opinion of Anthonio ? I hope ther will be some parte of your house-rent payd out of hande, but I know not what to say to your assigne- ments upon the Prince, Avho no doubte will haue occasyon to vse all and more then he can haue brought home, to repayre and fitt out his shipps.'f^ — It is a good and conscientious thinge to pay off any old debts, and good husbandry to discharge those first, for which interest is to be payd ; but if I were in your case, I should satisfy my selfe, in keepinge mony enough in my purse to prseserue me a yeere from staruinge, before I thought of paying any debtes. Wee do flatter ourselves with an opinion, that our affayres will mende, and that wee shall not stay long heare, indeede I belieue our Master will putt himselfe into some action this summer, and that wee shall not spende it in ffrance.f God prseserue you and, your very affectionate hu''^^ Serv*, E. H. Paris this 12 oi Ajml (1653). Indorsed by Sir R. Browne: From Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, 12 Ap^ 1653. Received 19 Api. * These were the shattered ships which had returned to Nantz from the West Indian cruise : but another portion of the Royal squadron was now favourably received in the ports of Holland; as we find asserted in the Moderate Publisher of the 15th April, 1653. Indeed it was generally reported that the States had now resolved to give Charles the title of King of Great Britain. t This was a vain hope, for Charles remained in France until the ensuing year. 270 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. Sir Richard Browne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. 21 April 1653. Right Hon^'^ Two dayes since I receiued your Hon" of 12^^, by which it appeares that it made better speede hither, then it seemes mine commonly doe to Paris, the cause whereofif is, that betweene this place and Morlaix there is noe settled convaiance, only the opportunity of such carriers who come uncertainly from thence hither once or twice a weeke to fetch linnen cloth. I haue not yett heard one word from the Gouernour since his goinge hence : butt Mr. Holder (who yesterday returned from Nantes) assures mee that hee had beene with the Prince some dayes before his Highnesses going for Paris ; and that His H. did also acknowledge to him to haue receiued my Tre by Sir G: Carterett.* I perceive the French minister is nott returned (as wee were made beleiue) out of England, which I am sorry for, butt hope God in his due time will doe our worke by puttinge his Ma'^ into some successefuU action worthy his Royall undertakinge : and shall with impatience exspect to heare how 'in case our Maister leaue the kingdome, I shall bee iuabled to returne to Paris (one handsome stepp to which the * How very little chance the Privy Purse had of assistance from the assets of the squadron, may be judged from a letter of Hyde's to Nicholas, where he says : " You must never expect information from me of any of the business of the prize, or anything that is managed by Prince Rupert, who consults only with the Lord Keeper; and I much doubt very little of that money will come to the King. I shall be satisfied if what is raised on the guns and ship (for all is to be sold) come justly to his hands." See the Clarendon State Papers, vol, iii. p. 200. — And again, in p. 222, he speaks more feelingly : " The truth is, Prince Rupert is so totally governed by the Lord Keeper [Sir Edward Herbert], that the King knows him not. You talk of money the King should have upon the prizes at Nantz ; alass ! he hath not only not had one penny from thence, but Prince Rupert pretends the King owes him more money than ever I was worth." 1663.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 271 discharge of my house-rent will proue), or be other- wayes disposed off in order to his seruice. If wee had faire play the Kiuges dues here would rise to somethinge, butt with this most abominably shock- inge Gouvernour there is such an unpreuentable tyranny in the vpper and corruption of the under officers in this place where we are but precario, that it is a shame to see it. Captain Antonio hath vppon that score quite left this port, and will yf hee may be beleiued be shortly with you at Paris, where he hath a proces. S' G. Carteret will giue y" Hon' an account of him ; for since the receipt of your last I haue written to him soe to doe. He knowes what I thinke of him, and yf his owne opinion bee not better then mine, I doe assure your Hon' it is nott admirably good : and I doe wish the Kinge would be very sparinge how hee con- ferre any fauour on him until he deserue better then hithertoo I can say hee hath. I perceiue you haue new councellors sworne & a grand new officer with whom I am obleeged to congratulate. God direct all for the best : soe that the generall of our affaires goe well, it matters not much what becomes of him, who is unfaignedly and seternally Yo' Hon" Most faithfuU, most obliged, and most humble seruant, R: Browne. Brest, 21. April 1653. Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer. Bir Richard Browne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Right Hon^% My last to your Hon'' were of the 28th Aprill, Munday last; the day foUowinge in the eueninge came priuatly to this towne the Marquis de Neu- bourg, youngest brother to the Marq: de Sourdiac, with another gentleman in his company ; who imme- diately went to the Castle, and after a longe consul- tation with Mon' de Camper concealed themselues as 272 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. much as tliey could. Yesterday, in a small fregat* which was goinge to sea with his Ma*'*"* commission, this Marquis, with a Captain, an officer of the Castle, & 150 men, amongst which our turbulent Captain Smyth, imbarqued as priuatly as they could with in- tention to goe and reduce the Isle of Ushant, for which enterprise I heare this Marquis hath brought the French Kinges orders and Mon'" de Castlenau^s recommendations. And I presume the island yf taken, will as formerly bee re-annexed f to this gouvernment of Brest. Wee are in hourly expec- tation what the successe will bee, wheroff your Hon"" may expect account in my next, and accord- ingly I shall gouverne myselfe in the demand of his Ma*'*"' dues out of the tobacco that shall be there found, which is nott vppon this occasion to bee ne- glected. Nott yett one line from my deare George Carteret : wee lined together like brothers ; and I hope he hath nott soe soone forgotten mee. Prayinge, &c. From your Hon""' &c. E. B. Brest. 2 May. 1653. The Hollanders bringe more prizes dayly into the ports vppon this coast. Captain Swart, who com- manded The Patricke hath this weeke lanched a small man of warre under the Holland colours ; Agent Bameng Coale hauinge undertaken to procure for him a sea- commission from the States of Holland. * The Parliamentai'y news-writers of the day, alluding to those parts of the navy which still remained loyal to Charles, inform us : " The King of Scots Pickroones play their cards cunningly upon the coast of Jersey ; no less then two delicate prizes have they taken and carried to Shawsey Island," (Isle du Choisi), " aniountinge to a great value ; besides Captain Chamberlin playes his pranks notably, and trusses up our pore fishermen, even as a falcon doth wild ducks, forcing them to pay tribute to his young master Charles, and exacts a pistol upon all such boats that fetcheth urack [sea wrack] from the said island of Shawsey, belonging to the French King." t This affair is rather unintelligible, unless we suppose that Ushant had declared for the Condean party. The tobacco alluded to may possibly have formed the cargoes of prizes carried in there by the Royal cruisers. lG53.j AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 273 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I haue receaued yours of the 21. of tlie last^ and had one little letter from the Gouernour * since his departure from you^ after he had wayted on the Prince : I belieue he is now busy at Burdeaux^ yett sure he will sometymes write to his frends, who haue the lesse reason to be angry with his silence^ since his wife knowes so little of him, that shee askes me wher he is. Our reportes of the proceedings of the fFrench minister in Englande are so different, that I know not what to thinke of it, many of our frends at London conceauinge him even ready to come away full of dissatisfaction, & on the contrary the Courte heare belieue, or secme to belieue, that they haue almost finished a treaty with them to their content : if the newes which came to the towne 2 dayes since, be true, that Burdeaux hath declared it selfe a common wealth, and is promised protection fro' Englande, ther will be a quicke end of that negoti- acon : I wish wee were ready to be gone from hence, though you were not so amply prouyded for, as I wish, yett I doubte not somewhat would be done towards it : in the meane tyme, I am confident S'' Bic: ffoster hath payd at least halfe a yeeres rent, but I thinke more : I know no new councellours made but the Keeper :t and wee haue now another new greate ofiicer, Pr. Buperte, Master of the Horse : J Sir George Carteret, who had been Deputy Governor of Jersey. + Sir Edward Herbert, Lord Keeper since 1 652, of whom Clarendon elsewhere says, that he "thought himself the wisest man that fol- lowed the King's fortune ; and was always angi'y that he had not more to do." His intrigues are humorously depicted in Clarendon's autobiography. X A letter from Paris, in the journals of the day, says: "'Prince Rupert is in some measure recovei'ed of his bloody flux, but goes little abroad out of the Palace Royal, because he wants a princely retinue, which I see no probability for him to have in France yet a while. Charles Stuart is at a non plus what to do ; things do not VOL. IV. T 274 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. God praeseme you_, and send us a good meetinge. T am uery heartily,, Your most affectionate hu^^^ Serv*, E. H. Paris, this 3 of 3IaTj 1653. Sir R. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne, I receaued yours of the 28. of the last^ and of the 2*^ of this^ togither 3 dayes since : I thought all the dutyes of the Marq^ pryzes had bene already in Mr. Bullins hande^ and I told him that he should, and he told me he would retayne in his owne hands the for you : I will not so much as enquyreinto what concernes or may relate to the 10*''^ nor a worde more concerninge the commissyons, for which I am sure Edgman neuer exspected a penny, but Maffonett did, and had reason to doe, which I suppose Mr. Bennett - had not : but no more of that : nor I pray take any more notice of it. I receaued a letter from the good Gouernour within these 2 days from Brouages, which was the first I had from him since his beinge at Nantes, though he sayes he hath writt others. It is no easy matter in that hurry he is in of businesse and remooues to write frequent letters, nor is he good answer his expectations : his designes faile him." Another observes : " Prince Rupert flourishes witli his blackmoors and new liveries, and so doth his cousin Charles, they having shared the moneys made of the prize goods at Nantz ; and in recompence Rupert is made Master of the Horse." * This is that Bennet of .whom Clarendon remarks, that he was a man bred from his cradle in the Court, and had no other business in the world than to be a good courtiex', in the arts whereof he suc- ceeded so well, that he might well be reckoned in the number of the finest gentlemen of the time ; and, though his parts of nature were very mean, and never improved by industry, yet, passing his time always in good company, and well acquainted with what was done in all businesses, be would speak well and reasonably to any purpose. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 275 at itt at any tyme, and tlierfore you and I shall be very vnkinde and vniust to him, if wee suspecte his frendshipp to us, for those omissyonS;, which all men, but those of the penn, are alwayes guilty of : he is sure a very worthy person, and loues wher he professes soe to do : you heare what a noble confu- sion Cromwell hath made, by dissoluinge ther Parliam* * with all the contempt and scorne imagin- able, and now those adored members, and of the Councell of State, are looked upon by all, as they deserue to be : what be ther next acte, is our great expectacon, and what influence that which is done, must haue "upon forraigne nations, who were treatinge with them: sure some notable crisis is at hande, worse I hope wee cannot be. All thinges are heare as they were, S"" Ric. ffoster hath payed 500^'. for your rent, and hath acquittance only for so much, but no information, what the contracte is, or how much is still in arreare. God send us a good meet- inge in England, which is not despavred of by, Your very affectionate serv*, E. H. Paris 3fay 19. 1653. Sir R. Browne. Si}' Richard Broivne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 20 May, 1653. Eight Hon^'% Yesterday I gaue yo'' Hon"" notice of my being called to Nantes ; this morninge as I am ready to * An allusion to the memorable event of the 20th April, 1653, when Cromwell entered the House of Commons at the head of a party of soldiers, forcibly dissolved the Parliament then sitting, took away the mace, and ordered the doors to be locked up, A few days after- ward a bill was stuck upon the door — " This House to be let unfurnished." One of the Intelligencers of the same day published an alleged letter from Paris, stating : " Charles Stuart pretends to be as glad at the dissolution of the Parliament of England, as at the T 2 276 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. put footc in stiiTop, Captain Sadlington's * fregat arriues from the coast of Irland with the bearer hearoff O'Sullivane Beirne,t ^ person Avhom I find noe lesse by his owne discourse then by the testi- monye of all his countrymen here, very well afi'ected to his Ma^"' seruice : He comes deputed from such of his Ma*'" faithfull subjects as yett remain e in the west side of Munster : and hastens now towards Paris to giue his Ma*'" an account of those parts : which though of it selfe it bee recommendation enough, yett at his request, I take the boldnesse by these to addresse him to y'' Hon" acquaintance, and by y' fauour to his Ma*^' : The state of whose affaires, I hope hee may by Gods goodnesse find in a condition able to afford such releife as may excite and ani- mate these embers of loyalty into a fire, nay flame, sufficient to destroy and consume the circumambient and the now too predominant contrary of haynous treason and unparaleld rebellion. In which good omen I kisse yo*" Hon'"' hands, and rest Y" &c. &c. R. Browne. coming of his brother Henry to him, but I think they are both but frohcs. He hath received intelhgence from Rome, that the Pope will have nothing to do with him, and in no case have dealing with him, as being not only inconstant and unsettled what to do, but unable to do anything." * Captain Sadlington was retained in the royal service after the Restoration, and fell gallantly fighting in the year 1673, on the 4th of June, in the action with Van Tromp. He then commanded the Crown, under the orders of Prince Rupert. + O'SuUivan Beirne was a gentleman of some landed property in Ireland, living near Beerhaven, and was of such consequence in that part of the country, where the clans of O'Sullivan were numerous, that he was chosen general of the forces raised in aid of the Royal cause. The reason of this visit to France seems to be accounted for by the following extract from the Severall Proceedings of the 30th June, 1653 : " From Ireland it is certified, that a party of Irish, of General Bear's men, had a design to have surprised some gari'isons ; but, having notice, a party fell upon them in their march, routed them, and killed many ; and Bear himself, with some other officers, got into a boat, and fled over into France." 1653.] AJ^D SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 277 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne, I receaued yours of the 7. 3 dayes since and yesterday your other of the 10. and returne this by the same hande which brought me yours^ which seemes to be very sollicitous and confident to returne it safely and speedily to you : I haue sent 3^ou such a letter from his Ma*^ to the Marshall, as in my vnderstandinge is necessary, and I hope if any thinge would, will prseuayle with him. To have inserted the memoire it selfe would not haue bene so proper, since it cannot be supposed to be within his Ma*^' proper cognisance. Your letters concern- inge O'Sullivan Beare are not come to my hands. Upon the receipt of your former I did send the inclosed to Mr. Bennett, who hath notwithstandinge not vouchsafed to conferr with me a worde about the businesse, and when I sent to him to know whether he would send any thinge to you, and lett him know what his Ma*^ had directed, he returned me answer that I might haue spared his Ma^^ that labour, for the Duke had done the same, but I hope actes of supererogation in this kinde will do no harme : it may be he will send his letters under this cover. Ther is no questyon that I know concerninge your accounte, it is fitt you should alwayes haue it ready, and produce it when it is called for, and Idoubte not you will receaue all iust allowance, and truly I am heartily glad that it hath brought so seasonable a reliefe to you : * our Master thinkes of remoouinge, * It was made matter of remark in the public journals that a season- able supply had arrived for the Royal family at this moment. The Faithful Post, of the same date as this letter, says, in a communication fi'om Amsterdam : " Here is arrived the adventurer called the Spanish Bark ; coming from Rochelle : he hath taken three prizes about the West, which he hath sold in France, amounting to a great value, which is distributed by the Commander in Chief, Capt. Gi'imes, as followeth — to the poor distressed widow, our late Q,ueen, £1000 ; 278 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. but wlien or whither is not yett determined. "Wee exspecte euery day newes of an engagement at sea betweene the two ffleetes^ the successe of which may probably alter - the temper in both Councells, at London and at the Hague, the last still pressinge most vnreasonably ther desyres of treaty. I am very heartily, vour most affectionate Serv*, E. H. Paris this 14 of June 1653. Sii- Ri: Browue. Sir Edivard Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I haue receaued yours of the 30 of June by Mr. Holmes, & a duplicate of by your mayde, to nether of which ther needes any answer, my last which you since haue had satisfj'inge the contents of those. Since, your other of the 5. of July are come to my handes. To what concernes the Marshall I can add nothinge, till I knoAv in the way I advised what his prsetences are ; nor haue I any reason to imagyne that he hath King of Scots, £3000 ; Duke of York, £2000 ; Duke of Gloucester, £1000." * The action did take place, and the Dutch were defeated. The consequences, if we ai*e to believe a letter from Paris in one of the weekly Intelligencers, were very hostile to Charles's interests at the Court of France. " The news of the defeat given by the English to the Dutch," says the writer, " much startled the Court, and indeed all France ; those of Charles Stuart's followers gave out reports at first that the Dutch had beaten the English, and that he was to go to Holland, and that they would do great things for him, and the English went vapoui-ing of it up and down the streets, and some of them were soundly foxtj but the next day came news to several merchants of this city, besides letters to the Courts (which were kept more private), that the Dutch were beaten, and had sustained a very great losse : upon this there was a great meeting of the Council with the King, and their countenances very sad all about the French Court, and divers of the English going through the streets of Paris were so mocked and jeered that they have been ashamed almost to show their heads abroad." 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 279 taken any excepcons to your person, only when I asked, wh}'' it was desyred that the busynesse might be referred to Pr. Rupert, since being not upon the place, his Highnesse could not so easily giue direction upon it, answer was made to me, that it might be, that the Marshall desyred not to treate with S"" Ri. Browne : and truly in those cases, when men aske vnreasonable thinges, it is no wonder that they haue no minde to be pressed by publique Ministers.* I doubt I shall not be able to finde a copy of your peticon and order from the Kinge, if I can I will, nor will I do any thinge upon that businesse, till upon your view of the whole accounte you can see in what state you are, and then I will procure such orders as are necessary ; till then it is to no purpose to discourse of it : nor is it proper for me to send to M'" Windham t (with whome I haue no correspond- ence) to know what you haue receaued from him, you will state all that upon your accounte. The course I propose to my selfe to obserue is, that the Kinge signe a warrant to you, to deducte out of your receipts satisfaction for all such warrants which he hath formerly signed upon others, and which haue prooued ineflPectuall to you ; and if that satisfyes for the time past, advise what will bee best, to order for the future. Wee are full of exspectation what will be the issue of the treaty in Englande J betweene the Dutch and * An allusion to the rapacious conduct of the Marshal with regard to the prizes, and the stores of the ships that were sold. f Mr. Windham, as early as 1G52, had been appointed the receiver of the King's fifth in all prizes; and this by the King's special appointment, in opposition to the Duke of York's recommendation of the Bishop of Derry. The situation was one which Sir Edward Hyde had been very anxious to obtain for his godson, son to Sir Edward Nicholas. See the Clarendon State Papers, vol. iii. pp. 112, 118. X The London Intehigencers were at this time giving a very different view of the feelings of Charles's little exiled Court, assert- ing that they were constantly engaged " in forms of Common Prayer" for the success of the Dutch fleet over that of England ! Nor were the Puritan party at home particularly anxious for peace, protesting that the " work of the Lord is not yet done ; that the sword must not be sheathed uutill they had brought down the tyranny of Rome, and restored poor ignorant captives to a gospel enjoyment of the universal freedom." 280 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. the Rebells, which our frends ther do not belieue like to produce any reconciliation : and then I hope wee shall quickly leave this place, the which our poore Master prouydes to doe. The same day brought the newes of the takinge Bourgue by the Duke of Vendosme and Rhetell by Marshall Turgu, and yett the Prince of Conde is confident the Eoglish will relieue Burdeaux.^i'^ I am, S-", Your very affectionate humble Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Paris this 12 July (1653). S'^ Ri. Browne. A^ir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. Paris this 30'^ oi July (1653). ' S', I haue receaued yours of the 23. of July, as I had before your other of the 16. I deliuered your other to Pr: Ruperte, and he hath promised mee to write to the Marshall, who he sayes he knowes will make no scruple to deliuer those parcells to you and the Dukes officers, which concernes the 10*^' & 15*^', which beinge done, you are not to make anj^ instances in the Kings name, for the rest, till his Ma'^ shall be better informed, and you receaue other orders : so that you are only to looke for the 15. and lOths.f I desyred the Prince to send his letter for the Marshall inclosed to jom, but he was not willinge to do that, because ther is an agent heare of the Marshalls with w^home he transactes all, and by whome he promises such directions shall be giuen, that upon your repayr- inge to the Gouernour (which is all you neede to do) that shall be done which wee exspecte : * The Prince of Cond^ was mistaken, t This necessity of temporising with the avaricious detainer of their captured property, to which the exiled Court was obliged to submit, is not only a convincing proof of the inhospitable conduct of the French Government, but also (if they did not participate in the- plunder) of their want of authority over their own officers. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 281 it is now tlie tyme that tlie businesse of the pryze is transactinge^ and therfore the Prince desyres that all complyance be vsed towards the Marshall^ and that wee do nothinge to anger him : — I finde the Mar: pretends the stoppinge the other goods npon pre- tence of much money dewe to him as Admirall of Britany, npon many pryzes brought into those portes by the owners of those goods. I yett heare nothing of Anthonio. I know not what to say to your mayd^ nor the information shee hath receaiied, but I assure you, the King takes all possible care that the house receaues no afironte, and to that purpose hath had a con- sideracon of it in Councell within these 3 dayes, in which, particular order is taken, that his former directions to you, and to Dr. Cozens, be reuiued and renewed, for the keepinge up the seruice* carefully when he shall leue this place : and I had order to sende for your landlord, and together with S"" Pti: ffoster, to renew to him his Ma*-' gracious promises that he shall not be any looser : I intende this day to send to him to come hither: ther are yett only 500"', payde of the rent by S"" Ri: ffoster : when mony can be gotten, more shall : in the meane tyme, the Kinge himselfe commanded me to write to you; that you should if possible returne some mony to the landlorde, in parte of the rent, out of your receipts ther, with such a letter for his encouragement that he may vnderstande it to be his Ma*-' mony, and sent by his order, and I thinke joii will be no looser by it, for heareby I shall be able to keepe off all prsetences and importunities for other orders, w''^ his ]Ma*=' hath promised to me. I have no more to say, but that I am, S', your very affectionate hu^'^'' Serv*, E. H. * Dr. Cosins (afterwards Bishop of Durham) was one of the King's Chaplains. He is often mentioned by Evelyn in his diary and letters; and the allusion in the text is to his having the service of the Church of England regularly performed at Sir Richard Browne's house, which Evelyn tells us was always done. 282 LETTERS OF Sill EDWARD HYDE [1653. Sir Ediuard Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I haue receaued yours of the 26. of the last moneth, and by this tyme I suppose Pr: Ptuperte* is with you at Nantes, so that you can iudge what is like to become of your businesse better then I, but his Highnesse seemes to me to be confident that the Marshall will make no question of deliueringe the 10*'' and the 15*^. but it seemes he claymes accounts for the rights of his Admiralty at Britany^f upon which he thinkes ther is a greate arreare dew to him from all those who haue carryed pryzes into Brest : And to this pointe you shall do well to instructe your selfe as well as may be, and whether his Officers at Brest ever demanded any thinge before he made this seizure at Nantes, for in truth I know not how to answer this ; if he hath the rights of Admirall due to him in all the portes of Britany, and none of our shipps haue euer payd him any, by virtue of ther deere-bought protection at Brest, I do not wonder he * The Prince had nearly lost his life a few days before this date, as a journal of the period records: "Paris. — We have not much of newes here ; but the river Seine had like to have made an end of your black Prince Rupert ; for some nights since hee woulde needes coole himselfe in the river, where he was in danger of drowning, but by the help of one of his blackmores escaped. His Highnesse (it seems) has learnt some magic amongst the remote islands ; since his coming hither he hath cured the Lord Jermin of a feaver, with a charme ; but I am confident England is without the jurisdiction of his conjuring faculty." t There were also other difficulties respecting the prizes : the French Court at this period, or at least Mazarin, being so anxious to conciliate the favour of Cromwell, that an arrest was even permitted to be made upon them. Indeed all the affairs connected with these prizes were very badly managed, as Sir Edward Hyde observes in another place, by Sir Edward Herbert, whom he describes as despising all men, and looked upon by Prince Rupert as an oracle. See the Clai-endon State PaperSy vol. iii. p. 177. The shabby conduct of Mazarin — surpassed even by that of Marshal Melleray at Nantes — in these matters, may be further seen by reference to Clai'endon's History, vol. iii. pp. 405-6, where Melleray is also spoken of with justly merited severity. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 283 takes the best way he can to recouver his dewes_, when wee fall into his dominions : Ther is not the least thought of Ostende in the pointe : My opinion is, that you should do the best you can to gett the 10*^' and 15*^. and you are to Tse his Ma*^^ name to no other purpose^ and then lett the rest petition the Prince (since his Ma*^ hath referred the matter to him) to mediate for fauour to the Marshall, for it is playne he will haue somewhat out of it, if not the whole : God blesse me from your ffrench Governours : Concerninge your house I can add nothinge to my last : nor will any care be omitted to keepe up the seruice. God prseserue you. I am, S', vour affectionate Im'^'' Serv^ E. H. Paris this 2''. of Aug. (1653). Sir Ri: Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', Yours of the 31. of the last (which is the last I haue receaued from you) gaue me so much ioy, that as soon as I receaued it, I thought it my duty to imparte the good newes to the Kinge, who upon reading that clause, made not the least scruple that Mr. Morrice* * From this mention of Mr. Morriee's escape, it would seem as if some report now prevailed that a Royahst of that name, who was supposed to have been (and in fact was) put to death in 1649, had made his escape, and remained in Ireland. This Morrice had in the latter year got possession of Pomfret Castle, and held it some time for the King, till it was besieged and taken by Lambert. Morrice, who was excepted from the terms of surrender, managed to make his escape at the time ; but he was afterwards seized and executed at Lancaster, as Whitelock tells us. His story, as given by Lord Clarendon, is a curious episode of the civil war, and sufficiently brief to be worth repeating here : A young man, in the beginning of the war, had been an oflficer in the King's army, but engaged in the Parliament army with some circumstances not veiy commendable. By his courage and pleasant humour he made himself very acceptable, and obtained a commission as Colonel ; but being a free speaker, and living licentiously, he was left out in new modelling the army, but not without 284 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. was in safety, of which since wee see no euidence, I pray send me worde, how it was possible for you to be deceaued, and how the reporte came to you : I told you in my last, that it is too manifest, that Innis- boffin is deliuered up, so that there is nothinge to be comjtliments. He had a competent estate in Yorkshire, to wliich he went, and resided tliere. As he grew older, he repented of having left the King's service, and meant to take an opportunity of returning to it. His humour was so cheer- ful and pleasant, and he mixed so much with men of all parties, that he had great weight with all of them. The Governor of Porafret Castle was his most intimate and particular friend, and was so fond of him that he was never easy without him ; he was continually at the Castle, and the same bed served him. He now concerted with the King's party to surprise the Castle, and he so artfully managed with the Governor, telling him that there was such a design, that he mixed with those concerned, in order to communicate eveiything to the Governor, that he completely lulled that gentleman to sleep, and made him inat- tentive to notices which he received from other quarters. He also ingratiated himself with many of the soldiers, and at length effected his pui-pose. Cromwell was then gone for Scotland, so that they had time to repair the fortifications, and collect a good garrison. Cromwell ordered Rainsborough to go with a few troops to keep them in check ; and whilst he lay at Doncaster, 10 miles from Pomfret, they sent 20 picked men, who by the most dexterous management actually surprized Rainsborough in his bed, and mounted him on a horse; but when he found how few there were who had surprized him, he called to his soldiers, and then the captors, finding they could not carry him off, actually killed him, and then all made their way back to the Castle. At length Lambert was sent to besiege the Castle ; the garrison made a most gallant defence, but finding no hopes of relief, they at length offered to surrender, if they might have honourable conditions. Lambert said, they were gallant men, and he would do all he could to preserve them ; but Col. Morrice and five more of those who had destroyed Rainsborough, must be given np, and he could not save their lives. The garrison said they never would deliver up any of their companions, and desired six days, that these six might deliver themselves as well as they could, the rest being at liberty to assist them. Lambert gene- rously consented. The garrison made several sallies to effect the desired escape, in one of which Morrice and another escaped ; in another sally two more got away ; and when the six days were expired, and the other two remained in the castle, their friends concealed them so effectually, with a stock of provisions for a month, that rendering the castle, and assuring Lambert that the six were all gone, and he was unable to find them after the most diligent search, and had dismantled the castle, they at length got off also. The subjoined notices are from Whitelocke's Memorials : April, 1649. Col. Moms, late Governor of Pomfret Castle, and one Cornet Blackburn, Avho had a hand in the death of Col. Rainsborough, and who were excepted persons on the surrender of the Castle, were taken at Lancaster in disguise.* Aug., 1649. They were arraigned at York before Baron Thorp and Judge Puleston, for levying war against the kingdom. They made a stout defence on points of law, all of which Avere over-ruled, were found guilty, and Morrice being manacled with irons, complained of a soldier being so treated, but got no relief.t Before the end of the month Morrice was executed.]: It is not said whether Blackburn suffered. f P. 3S2. t i*- 405. X P. 407. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 2S5 done -^vitli those dispatches, but to keepe them. I can add little of newes, only that the Court hath new argument of tryumph, upon a late victory of some considerable party of the Pr: of Conde " wher they tooke many prisoners and some officers of emi- nent quality : The Dutch yett proceede very slowly, as well in order to ther allyance with tliis Crowne, as in any declaracon for our Master, notwithstandinge which my hopes are not abated, nor do I thinke a peace almost possible to be made betweene the two Commonwealths, and all this addresse which is so much spoken of, is only a letter from a priuate man, without any knowledge of the Pro: of Hollande, much lesse of the States Generall, who resent the prsesumption. Lett me know, whether Mr. Bennett did euer requyre the ffees from you upon any of the Commissyons which I deliuered to you, or how he comes to prsetende to them : howeuer you shall by no meanes take the least notice of this question, nor declyne the course you intended, for I am sure I neuer intended to receaue penny fro^ them, but would gladly know how he claymes such ffees. I wish you all happynesse, and am, S', Your very affectionate Serv*, E. H. Paris this 19. Aug. 1653. Sir Ri: Browue. * The conduct of the Condean army at this period was of a most discreditable kind, if we are to believe the following statement in a letter from Paris of the oth of August, 1653, in the Faithful Scout. " The Prince of Conde is become very considerable and exceeds the K. in number of forces, being 7000 foot and 1000 horse, besides the Spanish auxiliary army under the command of Gen. Fuensaldague, which makes 13,000 horse and foot. His Highness hath sent several challenges to Marshall Turein to fight; but he declines ; so that he hath given Conde an opportunity to get within eight leagues of Paris, plundering all, his Germans ravishing the nuns, and ransacking all religious houses, firing suburbs of towns, and enforcing contri- butions from others. He made way so far as to come and dine at his own house, where he and his commanders were as merry as so many Princes." 28G LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I haue receaued yours of the 15. of Octo: but nether know nor can iraagyne * the reason of your longe silence, but conceaue it proceedes from some such cause as made you wish that it might not be interrupted by any provocation from me : and yett it was not possible for me to do you any seruice without beinge instructed by you in the way, the businesse standinge as it did. I heare nothinge of Choquez, and what his undertakinge is I know not. I asked the Kinge whether he knew any thing of the businesse, and I haue reason to believe that he nether hath nor will giue any order in that affaire without askinge me how the case standes ; but if you give me no cause to move publiquely in it, it is no wonder if I say nothinge of it, and if you do write upon the argument, you will write so that the letter may be reade at Councell, any other advertisements you Trill put in a paper aparte. I hear nothinge of the wyne, nor know not any thinge of Nantes, vrhen they come away, who are ther, or what they do ther. The Kinge hath spent the last fortnight in the country at Chantillj^, and returned hither on Wens- day last : and proposes to goe backe thither agayne tomorrov/, and I suppose will spende his tyme ther, till the fayre weather be done : I can tell you little of newes, the distractions I thinke are so high in Englande, that ther must be some suddayne altera- tion : and I depende more on that, then any thinge that can happen abroade, wher ther is little care of * Though Hyde was too sanguine in the hopes expressed in this letter, yet the plain good sense it shows, and indeed his general con- duct in exile, where we have neither to mark the listless apathy which deadens entei'prise, nor the hasty enthusiasm which mars it, admirably justify that place in Charles's councils which his talents and services continued to secure to him, notwithstanding many counter intrigues. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 287 honour^ or any thinge but tlier owne present conveni- ences. It may be^, all the pause in your busi- nesse is in contemplation of the greate pryze, and I would not interrupt that, by any meddlinge in a matter so particular and inferior as the other ; but if that were at an end, or I knew what were like to come of it, I would be very importunate to knowe what the grounde of the proceedinge is. If ther be no reason to the contrary, I shall be gladd to heare from you, and as particularly as you please ; but if 3^ou thinke it in any consideration inconvenient, I referr it wholly to you, and am very heartily. Your very affectionate hu^^® Serv*, E: H. Paris this 26: of Oct: (1653). S"^ Ri. Browne. Sir Richard Broivne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Right Hon^^^, With humble acknowledgments of j^our last favour of 26. Octob'' I can now give your Hon'' this brief account of my businesse here on which I haue soe longe and with much charge and trouble attended. Captain Anthonio hath without any consent of mine, nor doe I know with what power from the rest of the witnesses, payed the Mar^ fifteen thousand livres, and by this means obtained mainlevee [removal of the arrest] of all the goods arrested, and consequently gotten them all into his hands.* By H. H. Prince Rupert's order I haue now commenced a sute in law for recoverie of the fifteenths, and the Duke of Yorkes interest (both which the Mar^ allways intended to restore without diminution) and his highnesse doth soe nobly support and countenance me therin, that I hope eyther by decree of justice, or by the Captains volontary rendition, to have a speedy end, & therby be soon able to remit to Paris that money his Ma*^ hath ordered towards satisfaction of my Landlord 288 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE I liaue (togetlier with monej'- for tlie charges of the carriage) committed to Mr. Killigrews care, a butt of Canary wine divided into three barrells. The one wheroff I Immbly present to his Ma*=^, the other to his K. H. and the third to the Lords at Court.- Soe praysinge God for liis Ma*'*"' happy recovery of health, and dayly pray in ge for the same. Nantes first Nor 1653. Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer. Si7' Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I haue yesterday receaued yours of the 1. and the 4. of this month together, & this day gave the Bill of Exchange to JNIr. Deane, who wdll be very glad that he is provyded to comply with some parte of your landlordes importunity, and we shall all have the more ease by it. I heare the Canary vryne is come to Paris, but no men^con of the delivery of it, being conceaved to be M"" Killigrews owne wyne, so that I expecte a very small share of it, but have acquainted his Ma^'^ and my LL"^' with that parte of your letter, and my L*^ Chamberlyne will enquyre after it : You cannot imagyne I can misinterprett any acte of yours, which I know can not w^ant kindness to me ; your silence was very fitt, and I guessed so much at the reason of it, that I complyed wdth it, and yet (as you say) all is little enough, and iealous natures will alwayes finde somewhat to worke upon, to disquyett themselves and others, and I know no cure to apply to those, who are not pleased with fayre and open dealinge.t * The politic attention of Sir Richard in this instance shows how fit he was for a courtier, even upon the smallest scale ; though his worldly prudence in trusting Killigrew with the wine may be open to some doubt. It will be observed in the next letter, that suspicions of Killigrew, by no means sui'prising, appear to have occun'ed to Mr, Chancellor of the Exchequer. t It has already been hinted that Sir Richard Browne had many 1G53.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 289 I hope you liaue not suffered your selfe to be too mucli a loser by Capt: Anthonio, with whom you know how to deale well enough : at least if he intends to haue any more to do with us : I hope ther is care taken to giue Geo: Carterett satisfaction, who over apprehends discourtesy from hence, and that he was putt out of the Kinges protection, when God knowes the Kinge resolved to do all he could for him and the other adventurers, as soon as the case should be so stated that he knew what to presse, but it seemes all is now composed, and it is a notable ffyne you have payd to the Marshall, if the commo- dityes were not of a huge value : God preserve me from such governours. — Wee are yett in the country, which the Kinge is better pleased with then with Paris, and truly he hath recovered his health most miraculously : But if the w^eather changes, as it is like to doe, I suppose we shall looke backe to Paris : and then any good newes will carry us away. I wish you all happynesse, and am very heartily, lour most affectionate hu^^"" Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Chantilly this 10: oi Novemh: (1653.) Sir Richard Broivne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Right Hon^^^, I have here received your Hon"^' of the 10^^ Nov. for which I sende humble thankes^ as bringinge with it the assurance of my standinge upright in your opinion : your friendship being one of the greatest consolations I have in the midst of all my sufleringes. I humbly submitt the adjoyned for yowv manage- ment : yf you approve not theroff, and had rather enemies at the exiled Court. Hyde had many also : aud no doubt all this caution in the correspondence of the two friends was for the purpose of guarding against the Court sycophants opposed to tliem. See Hyde's pi'eceding letter of the 26th October. VOL, IV. . u 290 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. convert the summ mentioned to your own iise^, order it how you please and to whom you would have the bill made : perhaps you may think Mr. Edgman a fitt person to be trusted with the secret^ that soe little notice may be taken. The three barrells of Sacke are yett here ; in company Avith them goes a fourth vnder Sir Gervais Lucas * his name^ which is a present I make to y"" Hon'" wherewith to rejoyce yourselfe and friends : Only I intreat you that the good Lady Lucas may have her physicall proportion out of it warmed keepes her alive as shee herselfe sayth. That you will not give Dr. Earles half a dozen of bottles I cannot doubt. The person I last mentioned in cipher will tell you notable stories when he comes to you. To him I refer all. You may beleeve him, for hee is much a man of honour. Being ready to goe from hence I expect to find your answer hereto in Mr. Richards his hands at St. Malo's. This is all at present from, y"" hon" most faithfull and most obliged humble servant, R. Br. The following is the Paper adjoined : I have formerly acquainted you that I cannot make up my accounts untill I returne to Brest, which I am now hastening: In the interim, finding that some monyes of his Ma*'" will remaine with me, I humbly submitt it to your Hon" consideration whether a hundred Lewises in gold will not be acceptable to his Ma*^ to be by your Hon'" privately delivered into his owne Boyall hands, towards his merry playing,t wherwith to passe his time at cards * The whole of this is confirmation of the remark made in the foregoing note. Sir Gervais Lucas had been a cavah-y officer in the Royal cause during the Civil Wars. t See post, p. 295. Of Lord Jermyn's conduct generally as cashier for the Royal expenses, Clarendon roundly asserts in his History that while Jermyu kept a coach of his own, and an excellent table for those who courted him, yet the King, even when under the most urgent want of twenty pistoles, could not find credit to borrow them. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 291 this approaching Christmasse. This I shall be able to performe from St. Maloes, if I may there meet with encouragement. This is all at present from, y' Ron'' most faithfull and most obliged humble servant, R. Br: Nantes 18. Nov. 1653. Mr, Chan: of the Excheq"". Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I haue receaued yours of the 18. and since you are so well provyded, I cannot but commende your designe, and as I believe the Kinge does not expecte such a present, so I am sure it will be most wellcome to him, and I will promise you to present it to him, in so secrett a manner, as nobody shall know it but himselfe ; and be confident I will never converte one penny that belonges to him, to my owne use, in what straights soever I should be. I like very well your distribution of the sacke, and I will not bragge of my share, nor fayle of delivering the proportion you assigne, and if the good lady comes hither, (as by yours I guesse she intendes to do, though Paris at present is a place of prodigious exspense, every t hinge double the pryse of what it was when you left it) the vessell shall stay with her ; and I there shall be sure of iustice, and I will fetch my allowance in bottles : Lett me only giue you this warninge, that the carriage be payd for, as I thinke you told me in your former that it was, and I am sure I cannot do it, and then, the sooner it comes the better.* Wee are full of exspectac^on of good newes ivom. all quarters, and I hope some of it will be of such a nature that will call us from hence, The whole of this letter is a curious illustration of the distresses of a man who was afterwards Lord Chancellor of England, and father- in-law to a King. U2 2D2 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. Avliicli I Avill be sure to giue you an accounte of as soone as I can : I wish you all happynesse, and am very heartily, Your most affectionate hu^^^ Serv*^ ED^y: Hyde. Paris this 24 Novcmh: (1653.) S"" Ki: Browne. Sir Richard Broivne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Right hon. Mons'' de Yarennes, Intendant of Marqu. de Castlenau's affairs at Brest, havinge beene from that towne deputed to the States of Bretany, Mars^ de Milleray did there declare unto him that he pre- tended nott to abate any part of ^Yhat belonged unto him in the loading of the fleete which hee had seased, and for malnlevee wheroff hee had receaved 15000 livres. AYheruppon this gentleman came hither to demand his right, & after a weekes digladiation at law with Captain Antonio, the Captain yeelded up the cudgells and gaye him satisfaction. 'My desire to see the issue of this suite in law causeing my stay here longer then I intended, hath brought me hither your Honours favour of 15 Noy. which containinge an intimation of something of complaint against (as they call it) the King of En glands A dmiralty at Brest, I considered myselfe whether it will be fitt for mee to goe now into Low Bretany before I haue once again shewed myself to the Mar and receiyed his commands (who they say will bee here shortly) least he againe come uppon us with a second costly after-reckoninge, grounded uppon pretence of not beinge suflSciently applied unto, or of being neglected in his goyernment ; at least not untill I haye your Hon" sence heruppon, which I humbly beseech you to youchsafe me, sending y"" letters as you please, eyther directly hither, or by the way of Richards, thorough whose hands I expect answers of my last of 18^^ currant. 1G53.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 293 I render hurablo tliankes to your Hon'" for the sanguine part of 3'our letter, resultinge out of the good newes from Germany and Enghmd. God of his mercy improve these comforts to us; and pre- serue his Ma'''* sacred person, and vouchsaef him a speedy establishment uppon the throne of his Royal progenitors. Soe prayes dayly and heartily, y' Hon'', &c. Nantes 29 No'' 1G53. The same to the same, accompanying the precedinc/ letter. Eight lion^'^'^ I am told that the Prince [Rupert] hath now totally settled his businesse with the merchant, and stayes only to see performance. [Meane time S'' Gervais Lucas hopes to be goinge Avith his lady some time the next Aveeke for Paris, and takes along with him that commodity for joviv Hon'" w'^^' I thought would have accompanied the other 3 which are now upon their way. Mr. de Varennes carries a letter recommendatory from mee to y" Hon^ Yi hee uppon his maisters the Marqu. de Castlenau^s recom- mendation hath thus enjoyed the benefit of favour and protection in his part, how much more might wee (had not an imhandsome eclipse happened) his INIa*'^' subjects and servants uppon our Royal Maisters gracious owning of us? beleeve me the Captain doth now sufficiently repent his unprofitable, unadvised, nay precipitate performance of Mons"" Choquere his bargaine. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Broivne. I haue receaued both yours of the 29. of the last, & cannot imagyne, how any thinge I sayd to you in my former letter could make you deferr your iourney, nor can I add any thinge to what I then sayd, havinge 294 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. not heard since of the complayntes, and you must indeed know the temper of those places much better than I can doe : I perceave by what you say of Mons*" Varrennes that wee are nothing beholdinge to the Marshall^ who it may be without our frends helpe would not have beene able to have done us so much prejudice. Lett me know Avhen you goe from thence, and wher my letters may finde you. The Capt. doth well to quitt his old frends, and betake himselfe to new who know better how to use him. Wee lieare not yett of Pr: Rupertes comminge hither, but mee- thinkes he hath bene longe absent. Hath S' Ge: Lucas absolutely quitt his ffarme in Britany, or doth he only repayre hither for health. Meethinkes the comodity you mencon should not be worth the charge of so longe a voyage by lande. The Duke of Yorke is returned hither, full of reputac^on & honour,* and the fFrench Courte is expected on Sunday or Munday. I can tell you little newes : our frends in Hollande do not believe the treaty will produce a peace, and for an instance that the States do not so much depende upon it, they have given a licence this last weeke to ... . Ge: Middleton,t to transporte armes and aramunicon for Scotlande, which is a good signe : I suppose you heare frequently from Englande, where sure the confusion is very high, and it is exspected that they will declare Crumwell Protector of the 3 kingedomes, that his single influence may compose those distractions, which the multitude cannot doe, for Mr. Peters himselfe now professes that Monarchy is the best government. God send us well under it. I am, S'- Your most affectionate Serv*, E. H. Paris this 6. Decemb: (1G53.) * The Duke had been serving under Turenne, and had just before the date of this letter distinguished himself at the siege of Mousson. Being disappointed in his wishes to be present at the siege of St. Menehoud, he had repaired to his brother's Court, in order to accom- pany him during part of his route from France to Germany. t Middleton bore the rank of lieutenant-general, and was very 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 295 Sir Richard Browne to Sir Edward Hyde, Right lion^^ This being onely to give course to a bill of ex- change for one hundred Lewises of gold in specie payable at sight unto Mr. William Edgman^ which I haue desired Mr. E/ichards to inclose herin at St. Males. j Nantes 10 Dec. 1653. The Same to the Same. Nantes 20 Dec. 1653. Right Hon^'^ My last unto your Hon*' were of 10. Dec. with an inclosed bill, which Mr. Richards assures me will be punctually payed this very day (20 Dec.') at Paris. My desire now is (in case you approve theroff and will at my humble request vouchsafe to accept this poore tender of my seruice) to transmitt to your Hon*' a supply of money for your owne occasions in that now extraordinary deare place, which I am the more apt to beleive in regard that the price of all thinges here raysed a third since my cumminge into this pro- vince. I doe nott dessigne lesse than a thousand livres, and am very sorry I cannot performe it untill I draw a somme from Brest, in which I find great difficulty at present, noe man being willinge to meddle with money, in regard of the approachinge fall at the end of this month. By this abatment in the species T am like to sustaine not an inconsiderable losse, for I heare they have this good while payed the Kings dues at Brest according to the rate the money went many monthes since, when the commoditis were sold {viz.) Lewises of gold at 12 livres and of silver at 3/. 9s. And I am told the Duke of Yorkes re- ceivers can gett noe better quarter. I know not why active in Scottish affairs, as Charles's agent with the Highlander and other Royalist adherents in that country. 296 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1C53. I should nott make tlie just reparation of this losse as an article in my account; as well as the Treasurer of the States of Bretany_, ^vho hath on this consider- ation lately had seven thousand crownes indemni- fication adjudged him by Act of the States. By way of S' Malos your Hon" next commands will find mee, and you may well imagine your presence, tho not possible, will be most heartily wished, and your health noe lesse cordially celebrated. I am now to acknowledge your Hon'' favour of the 24. Nov. & 6 Dec^ The three first vessells of sacke are doubtlesse long since arrived by water at Orleans, there expectinge Mr. Killigrew^s order, who is desirous to present them himselfe. I have allready furnished him with some money towards the charges, and have taken care to defray at Paris the whole port of them and of the 4^^' which went hence inboate the beginninge of this weeke with noble Sir G. L. [Gerv. Lucas] and his lady, who have quite aban- doned this province, the Ladies intention being to goe ^ere longe into the greater Bretany. I desire your Hon' to give credit to him in many thinges with which hee will acquaint you, for hee is much a man of honour and integrity. Hee will tell you to what degree wee have (as you well call it) had our freinds healp and furtherance in the payment of the 15 thousand livres fine, &c. I did not till uery lately know that my Lord Percy now Lord Chamberlin was come to the Kinge, and I am likewise told that he is much in 3^our intimacy, of which, if true, I am uery glad, for hee hath beene my noble freind of a date little lesse than 30 yeares old. I pray if your Hon'' thinke it fitt be pleased to present my humble seruice and congratulations to his L''pp. Prince Kupert hath now quite finished his busi- nesse with the marchant that lost the sugar prize, and speakes of goinge hence for Paris within few dayes. 1653.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 297 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I have yours of the 20. as I had before your former with the bill, which was punctually payd,^ and delivered to the Kinge, for which you shall have his acquittance, and I must tell you, it came very seasonably to him, and most acceptably, of which you shall heare more hereafter. Ifor your new noble offer, I am not in a condic'on so plentifull to refuse, for I must tell you that I have not had a Lewes of my owne these o moneths ; therfore when you send the bill, lett me know whether you lend me so much out of your owne little stocke, or whether it be the Kings money, for in that case, his Ma*- shall be the disposer, — since my office hath never yett uor shall intitle me to take his mony without his derection.f Ther is no question any fall of money es is a just * See ante, p. 290, Paper adjoined to Sir Richard BroAvne's letter. f The charges to which Hyde alludes in this letter were those brought against him by intriguers of the Queen-mother's party, who were unwilling that he should execute the office which Lord Jermyn had formerly discharged, the disposal of tlie King's private funds. !Mr. Long, the Ex-Secretary, was therefore brought forward to concoct this story of the conference with Cromwell on the evidence of one Massonet, or rather on his second-liand hearsay evidence from a maid-servant in London, who assured him that she had seen Sir Edward go into Cromwell's chamber at Whitehall. Charles of course had the sense to laugh at it, being himself in fact a competent witness to prove an alibi. See Clarendon's Histonjj vol. iii. p. 402. When Charles the First appointed a Council for the Prince of Wales in 1644, Mr. Long was their Secretary ; but after this was suspected of holdmg a correspondence with the Earl of Essex, on which he went into France, and made great complaint to the Queen- ]\Iother, who always strongly supported his interests. After the death of Charles the First he became Secretary to the young King in his exile, was ci'eated a Baronet shortly after the Restoration, was Auditor of the Exchequer, and a Privy Councillor. Suspicion attached to him of having been secretly a Roman Catholic, and this is partly borne out by a legacy in his will. See Manning and Bray's History of Surrey, ^yo\.n. p. 606. ^ 298 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1653. grounde for demaunde of allowaunce upon accounte. If you are at Ducy, wish me with you, as I do heartily. I write to the Governour the way he derected, and must be informed when he returnes to his dominion. I hope you thinke it strange to heare that I have bene in Englande, and have had private conference with CrumAvell, and [that you] are not sorry that my enimyes can frame no wiser calumny against me : Pr: Rupert is not yet arryued, nor is ther any newes of the sacke : I shall be gladd to see S"^ Ge: and his lady heare. Though my L'^ Chamberlyne * and I lyue ciuilly togither, and I can menc'on you to him, yet it is fitt you write a congratulatory letter to him, which if you thinke fitt, I will deliver. God send you a merry Christmasse. I am, S', your most affectionate hu^^*" serv*, Edw: Hyde. Paris this 27 of Decemh. (1653.) >S'ir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. Yours of the 30. of January came not to my hands till within these 2 dayes ; and you haue before this tyme I conceaue receaued some of myne since that date, which have informed you how much wee have bene all deceaued in the imaginac^on of the breach of the treaty betweene the Dutch and the Rebells. It is now looked upon as concluded in a peace, and though the other Prouinces are not yett reconciled to the condic''ons, wee have very fainte hopes, that ther opposic'ons will be able longe to deferr what the Province of Hollande so importu- * This was Lord Percy, to whom the office had been granted in lieu of that of Master of the Horse, to which he had some claim, but which had been reserved by the King for Prince Rupert, who after- wards very ungraciously threw it up. The whole affair, as related in Lord Clarendon's History, vol. iii. p. 411, is illustrative of many of these letters. 1654.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 299 nately and vehemently pursues : and I do belieue that this Crowne will labour all they can (and I thinke Avith successe) to gett it selfe into the allyance,* for the facilitatinge wherof I suppose they wish our Master gone from hence, and wee shall gratify them in it, the Kinge resoluinge to goe as soone as he can gett away : you shall do well to hasten all accounts with your Capt' as soone as may be, least they grow lesse respectfull of the Kings authority, and what they owe to him, when they finde that they are like to finde little protec- tion heare. I am in greate payne, therfore you must excuse me, that I say no more, but that I am, your very affectionate hu^^'' Serv*, E. H. Par: this 17. Feb. 1654. Sir Richard Browne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Eight Hon^^ Captain W"' Arundell the bearer hearoff being dispatched f by CoP O'Sulleuan Beirne to giue his Ma^'' a particular account of his proceedinges hitherto, and to receiue our royall and gracious Maister's farther directions and orders for the future, in case he may be soe happy as (in the present conjuncture) to be found any way vsefull & * So certain were the politicians of that time of a treaty between the French King and the Protector, that in a letter from Paris, of the 20th January, in one of the pubHc Intelligencers, it was expressly stated, " Here is much talk, as if the Peace were concluded between France and England." It did not take place so rapidly, however ; for, notwithstanding Mazarin's overtures to Cromwell, the Protector showed no extraordinai'y eagerness to meet them. In writing to Cromwell, about this time, Mazarin concluded with, "Votre tres humble serviteur," which obtained nothing more from Oliver than " Your affectionate friend to do you service." + There are no historical records of the specific events in Irish affairs to which this letter alludes ; the letter therefore itself sup- plies matter for history. 300 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1654. serviceable to his owne Souueraigne, in whose just quarrell he much rather chuseth accordinge to duty and alleageance to loose his life as he hath allready donne his estate and fortune, than to drawe his sword in the service of any forraigne Potentate : I am desired to giue your Hon' this summary account of what hath beene here transacted since his arriuall in these partes some few weekes since, with divers persons of quality, leading men of the severall cheife provinces of Irlaud,- about 30 barrills of powder and some other amies; for transportation of which whole equipage into the south-west part of !Munster, O'Sullevans country, there to make an impression, ]\P Holder and myselfe had here prevailed with M"" Griffin, Captain Smyth,t and Captain Dillon, (whose readinesse to serue his Ma'- on this occasion hath beene very laudable, and ought soe to be represented unto his Ma^- as nott unworthy of his particular taking notice thereoff) who in their three fregats had undertaken to passe them ouer & by Gods* goodnesse to haue giuen a happy beginning to this generous and loyall enter- prize : offering further in case they could at ther landinge gett possession of any fortifiable place, fitt and considerable, to furnish them with 2 or 8 peeces of canon out of each vessel : and to afford them what other assistance might lye in their power. But just as they were ready to sett sayle, comes the certain advice that Mortagli O' Brian (to whom O'Sullevan chiefiy intended to joj'ue himself, and whose party was it seemes the principall foundation of his hopes) had layd downe armes; by which unexpected newes, this soe probable dessigne auertinge for the present, O^Sullevan hath * A Mercurius Politicus of the '22nd Februaiy gives expi-ession to the hopes and fears that agitated the opposite parties at this time : " The Irish are much troubled to hear of 'clie dissolution of the late Parliament, in ^hom they had great hopes, but, blessed be God ! their hopes are prevented."' j- How very trifling this naval force was, may be surmised from the fact that Capt. Smith's vessel only mounted eight guns ; whilst another, commanded by_]\Ieldrum, carried two. 1654.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 301 neuer tlie lesse tliouglit fitt to aduenture a kinds- man of his owne name^ an experienced soldier, w ith some few others, and some powder, to goe in Captain Dillon^s fregat, tanquam explorator, at whose returne hee hopes Avithin 2. or 3. weekes to be able to giue a fall account of the state of affaires in that kingdome, and what likelvhood there may bee of attemptinge any thinge there for his Ma*'''' service and adnantage, which failinge, this noble person and his company are ready to transport themselves into Schottland, or what other part of his INIa*'"' dominions may be thought expedient. Brest 30 A prill 1654. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. The last weeke I receaued yours of the 23. of the last moneth, & by this post your other of the 1 of this moneth, to both which I shall neede reply no more, then to assure you that what I wrote to you was not out of the least unkinde purpose towards you, or doubte of your punctuallity in accounte, or opinion that you had receaued so much as people give out (yett, as you say the Duke of Yorkes officers can make a shrew computac^on, and are not very nice of publishing what they conceave may aduance his Ma*- ^ service) : but I was willinge to be ready to answer any questions the Kinge himselfe might be induced to aske ; and the truth is his necessityes are so greate, and so like to encrease, that all wayes must be thought on to draw supply to him, and therfore make what you can ready, and I had rather you should prevent him by sendinge Bills before he expectes them, then that I should be required to * Between this and the preceding letter there is an interval of twelve months ; during which time the King and his friends, having left Paris in June, 1654, had been resident in Flanders and Germany. The reader will find a curious anecdote relating to these changes in their place of exile in Clarendons Histonj^ vol. iii. p. 413, and another at p. 422. 302 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1655. call upon j^ou : if you procure Bills upon any honest able marchant at Antweipe, payable to Patrick Garlancle,* or his order, and send them to me, I can easily draw it from thence to CuUen, or to any place wher the Kinge will neede it. I can make no other conclusyon by the discourses of peace or warr betweene Crumwell and that Crowne, but that the Cardinall f will do all that is in his power to prevent a warr, which very many believe he will not be able longe to doe, and the Spanyard is ver}^ much abused, if he be not sure of a firme coniunction with him. I doubte the tyme of our deliverance is not so neere at hande, as was expected. God will send it at last : you may be ver}^ confident that I will never cease to be, lour very affectionate Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Br: 22: ^p-: (1655). Si?' Edward Hyde to Si?' Richard Browne. I haue receaued yours of the 10. of the last moneth, and shcAved it to the Kinge, who hath sent derection to S"" Geo. Ratcliffe J to returne the 2000^ to him * Sir Patrick Garland, who was long in confidence with Sir Edward Hyde. f Mazarin personally admired Cromwell, and was therefore the more likely to be averse to a war between France and England. J RatclifFe, instead of Lord Byron, had once been thought of by Charles the First as Governor to the Duke of York in his infancy. He was a Privy Counsellor, and lived at Oxford during the siege, before which the Queen had desired him either to bring the Duke to her at Paris, or carry him to Ireland ; but this Ratcliffe refused, on the plea that he dared not to convey any of the King's sons out of the kingdom without an express order from the King. In the " Life of James the Second," evidently written with authority from that Prince, speaking of this affair it is remarked, "which nicety, or I may rather call it indiscretion of his, might have cost his Highness dear, as being the occasion of his being put into the Rebells' hands." When the Duke of York was taken prisoner at Oxford by the Parliamentary army, Fau-fax ordered Ratchffe to continue with him, until the pleasure of the Parliament should be known ; and he was lGo5.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 303 as soone as Le receaues it, and 1 assure you it will come very seasonably hither, -wher ther is as much pouerty as you haue knowne at Paris. I doubte Mr. Crumwell hath putt a periodd to your receipts, but it is not impossible that Dunkirke^ and Ostende muy prooue as hospitable to our shippinge as Brest hath bene, for they say, upon closinge with ffrance, the Rebells will have a briske warr with the Span- yard, and looke euery day to heare that they are possessed of some considerable place in the Indyes, which is at last believed at Bruxells; wher they finde how they haue beene fooled. I am newly returned hither, hauinge beene kept in my way hither at the Hague by a greate sicknesse, for above a moneth, but God be thanked I am now well recovered, beyonde the hope of many of my frends, and contrary to the wishes of those who are not so : I hope I may live to see better dayes : I haue not heard from George Carterett these very many monthes, though I am sure he hath many letters of myne upon his handes, so that you may tell him, I thinke he despayres, and hath given me ouer : God send us a good meetinge, wher you shall receaue all seruice from Your most ajffectionate hu^^^ Serv*, Edav. Hyde. Coll: this 8 of June (1655). S"^ Ri: Browne, only discharged from his attendance on the Earl of Northumberland being appointed Parliamentary Governor to the Duke. In conse- quence of this early acquamtance, Ratcliffe retained much influence over James, to the great disUke of the Queen, and also in opposition to Lord Byron. He was at Jersey with Charles, and afterwards joined him in Flanders. He was also very active in caring for the Duke's interests, when it was reported that the King was dead in Scotland, three years before this period. See Clarendon's Life p. 124. * Many prizes had already been carried into Dunkirk by the Jersey privateers; and in 1650 the Duke of York had been supported solely by the tenths which the captors paid him. See further a letter on this subject to the Spanish minister, in the Clarendon State Papers, vol. iii. p. 276. SOi LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1G55. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir RicJtard Browne. Though it be now many moneths since I heard from you, I had not at this tyrae troubled you, if by letters which I receaved the last weeke, I had not cause to believe that one which I writt above a moneth since to you, is miscarryed : I then told you how seasonable your 200 pistolls would come to the Kinge, who hath bene and is still in straight enough, since which tyme it is receaued, but not till within these 3 dayes, it being returned very unskilfully to be payd at Amsterdam upon double usance. I told you likewise in that, that his Ma*- would haue you giue a deputac^on to Mons'' Marces* to collecte and receaue the dutyes dew to him in 2 or 3 of the lesser and more obscure portes in Britanny_, untill he should haue receaued the summ of 200 pistolls which are owinge to him, and he was well content to receave them this way : I thought it more proper that the deputac'on should be given by you, then an immediate grante of it from his Ma*- to him, therfore I pray (if my former letter miscarryed) Ictt him know that you haue receaued such derections, and lett him have a proper instrument accordingly. I doubte it will be very longe before he will out of those portes receaue that summ, but the request is the more modest, and could not well be denyed, his Ma*^ lookinge upon the man as one who hath done him many services. You can exspecte little newes from us, who have only courage enough to looke for better tyme ; the apprehensions the whole Empyre hath that it shall not longe inioy ther peace, and the terrour the Kinge of Sweade f gives them by his inroade into Polande, wher he carry es all before him, proove of no small pra^iudice to our master, * Vide p. 308. t Gustavus, the successor of Christina, whose disputes with the King of Poland were a source of great confusion and disturbance to Germany. 1655.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNK 305 who is therby mucli disappointed of the mony he was promised from those Princes, so that the truth is wee are no richer then you haue knowen us at Paris : yett trust me wee are farr from despayre, and do promise our selves with reason enough, that wee shall shortly have good frendes, and see a good turne in our fortune, especially if the newes with strange confidence repeated at present heare be true, of Cromwells death : which I doubte is not upon ground enough. The Kinge and his sister are in a private at ffrankeforte,* from whence wee ex- pecte them in 4 or 5 dayes : the Qu: of Sweden is this very minute passinge through the towne, wher shee stayes not, but lodges this night at Bone, the house of the Elector of CuUen [Cologne] . If you are very rich, and can lend me 20. or 30. pistolls, or such a summ, and returne it to honest Church, he will transmitt it to me, and it will come very seasonably to supply, Your very affectionate humble serv*, Edw: Hyde. CuLLEN this 28 Sejyt. (1655.) S"" Ri. Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I write now to you rather to lett you know that yours of the 16. of the last moneth is come to my hands, then to returne a full answer to it, which I cannot do till the next, and then I shall not fayle to do it, except by our intelligence out of ffrance I * This journey to Frankfort has been ah*eady noticed. It excited some attention both in England and upon the Continent : for, in one of the papers of the day, a letter from Paris observes, after alluding to the newly-signed treaty with Cromwell, " In the mean time, it seems, the Pi'incess Royall of Oi-ange is expected here in January, she intending to bestow a visit upon the little Queen, her mother, and bring her all news from Frankfort fair ; what further end there may be in the voyage is not known." VOL. IV. X 306 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE conclude that it is for the present to no purpose to do it in the way you propose ; as I suppose it will not be, if the peace betweene Crumwell and ffrance be published, which I doubte it is, and then all your armado at Brest will be quickly discharged those harbours, and I heartily wish they may gett off fayrely, without any preiudice or even violence offred to them to obliege Mr. Crumwell. If this falls out to be the case, and that you see ther is no more worke to be done ther, you will not be the lesse intent, sollicitous, and dextrous, to obliege the seamen to continue ther affection to his Ma*^' service, and to continue ther commissyons, since ther is no greate doubte wee shall prepare a better recepcon for them at Dunkirke and Ostende, then they have found at Brest,* and your owne particular ivill not be neglected : I hope to be speedily able to say more to you upon this subiecte, and to tell you that wee shall not be longa confined to Cullen, and I pray dispatch such advises to me as soone as may be, as may be necessary to be consi- dered in that traffique wee are like to have with seamen, how wee may give them encouragements enough and yett retayne a competency for our Masters supporte. I haue not time to add more, having very much to doe, upon those greate alterac^ons which fall out, which truly I believe will carry us all wher wee desyre to be :t Grod send it, and you shall then have cause to believe me to be, Your most affectionate Im^^^ Serv*^, Edw. Hyde. Cull: this 9 of Novemler (16.55). Ri. Browne. * The facts here mentioned are of importance to the naval histo- rian, should he desire to illustrate a period of which very little, at least with regard to the part of the service which remained attached to the King, has yet been recorded. f It took five years more to make these hopes and anticipations real. 1655.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 307 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Broivne. Since my last to you_, which was of the 9. of thie moneth, I have receaued yours of the 23. of the last moneth, and yesterday another of the 8 8^", which it may be ought to be of this moneth : you will not wonder that I make no hast in sendinge these dis- patches which concerne your Admiralty, which no doubte is now at an end by virtue of this peace, so that if you parte faj^re, and they suffer all the vessells to get out of ther portes, it is as much as I looke for : and if ther had been any more to be done ther, I should not haue moued the Kinge for such a letter to the Duke of York as you advise, till wee had knowne his Highn^ pleasure, ffor for the Kinge to declare that he would abate as much of his fifteenths as the Duke would abate of his tenths, before wee know that he thinkes fitt to abate any thinge, were to putt him upon some disaduantage, and ther wante not those who would be gladd upon any occasyon to infuse an opinion of the disrespectes of many heare towards his Highn^ Therfore you should adiust all those thinges with his ministers, before any thinge be moued to come from hence : But at present all that designe is at an end, and wee must consider what conclusj^ons wee are to make to aduance our marityme afPayres in filanders, wher I hope wee shall finde all encouragement. AVhateuer concessyons are to be granted, they must be to all alike, and not with distinction betweene rich and poore, which will inter- rupt all payment of dewes. I writt to you to send us any advise that upon your obseruance of those people, you thinke necessary to be obserued. That which wee are soUicitous for is, to gett into filanders,* which I hope wee shall do shortly, and not * The necessity of this step was rendered imperative by the second article of the new treaty between Cromwell and the French Court providing against any aid to the enemies of either ; and also " that X 2 308 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1656. he without such a henefitt from tliis "vvarr betweene Spayne and Crumwell, that may ^'me our frends new courap:e. I shall add no more, but that I wish you your heartes desyre, and shall alwayes be ready to serue you, as, Your most affectionate hu''^" Serv*, Edw\ Hyde. Cull: this 23. of Nouemh: (1655). Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. The Kinge is so desyrous to pay Moun' de Marces some parte of the debt that is dew to him,* that understandinge that ther is dew to his Ma*'' frome a frende of his the sayd Mo"" de Marces nine hundred livres, and from another twoo hundred livres, both which summes are payable to you from them for the fifteenths dew to his Ma*^' : since the former order £:iven on his behalfe hath prooued ineffectual! to him, his Ma*'' pleasure is that you authorize him to receaue the sayd two summes of 900. & 200^'' and that you appointe the sayd persons to pay the same to him. I shall neede to add no more, but that you may see, the Kinge both a very good opinion of Mo' de Marces, and a sense of some seruice he hath done him, otherwise vou would not haue receaued this commande from him, by the hande of. Your very affectionate hu^'^^ Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Coll. this 15. of ffehb. 1656". neither of the Confederates shall harbor, or permit their people to harbor, any pirates or robbers " — terms lavishly applied to Charles's cruizers. ^ * See ante, p. 304. This extraordinary anxiety on the part o Charles to pay a particular debt makes one wish to ascertain its cause. Unfortunately there is no means of satisfying so reasonable a curiosity. 1656.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 309 CuLLEN this 29. oiffcbr: (1G56). I liaue yours of the 31. of January -which came not to ray handes till the last weeke, and I forbore to answer it till now^ supposinge you would not be sooner come to Paris, ttbr your men of warr, I know not what to say, they are so fantasticall and humorous, that till wee can exercize such a iuris- diction ouer them as to compell them to keepe good order, I care not how little we haue to do with them. In Spayne I heare they haue sent up an agent to Madrid, to offer to engage in that Kings seruice, and Capt. Martin at Dunkirke hath desyred a com- missyon from that Admiralty : But I doubt not, when the Kinge himselfe shall be in fflanders, which I hope will be very speedily, and that by the next post I may send you newes to that purpose : those Ifrygates which are manned ^vith. his owne subiects, wdll choose to come into his Ma^^^ seruice, & take commissyons from him, and for the rest lett them do as they see cause : you shall do well to encourage Capt: Smith * and Capt: Beart to gett up as many seamen English as they can, and to come to Dunkirke or Ostende, wher they will be wellcome. For your owne condicon, I am very sorry it is no better, yett in one respecte 1 did not thinke it so good, for I neuer imagined your receipte would have inabled you vpon the assignements the Kinge had given you to haue discharged all your debts at Paris, and thought it w^ould haue prooued well if you were inabled to pay those which were most crying and importunate, which God knowes the poore Resident * Captaia Smith was taken prisoner about a year afterwards, as related in the weekly journals. " Letters come from Plymouth which give an account of a good prize newly taken, and brought in thither by the Sapphire frigat. It bears the name of a Brest man-of-warr, new built, of 30 guns. He was met with about the Land's End, and had aboard two captains, the one named Meldrum, a famous pirate ; the other named Smith, who sailed by virtue of a commission from Charles Stuart.'* 310 LETTERS OF SIR EDV\"ARD HYDE [1656. at Bruxells is not able to doe, but is euery day in daunger of an afFronte. I am sure you doe not belieue I envy you any aduantage you haue reaped : I ^ish it greater with all my heart, and shall alwayes contribute towards it with all my creditt ; but trust me I am often putt to answ^ers & replyes that I know- not how to go through with, when they who know the Duke of Yorke's receipts as Admiral!, confidently averr that the King^s haue not bene so little as 5000 pistolls, and enquyre how much hath bene payd to his vse. Therefore as soone as you can, send me such an accounte (which neede not be uoluminous) as I may vpon occasyon satisfy his Ma''' in that alfayre, that I may the more confidently propose any thiuge on your behalf e, which I shall doe very heartily as, S', Your most aff'ectionate serv*, EDw^ Hyde. Sir Ri. Browne. Sir Richard Broicne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Right Hon^^^ I returned hither on Sunday night ; and Munday morninge M' Locker from M"" Crumwel came into this towne, and had yesterday eueninge publick solemme audience of K. Q. and Card^ Hee hath bought a coach and talks of hyreinge a house, and though he thus insinuates himselfe as Envoye, yett it is belieued hee will within few weekes produce a latent Commission, and take vppon him the title of Ambass' : Monsieur le Comte de Briene f sayd thus much to 668 : 192 : 95 ; whom I was faine to visit en particulier by reason of some thinges I left in his hands. Yf this should cause any alteration in his * Lockhart soon became a great favourite witli iMazarin. He did remain at Paris, and was very active there in 1659. See the Clarendon State Papers, vol. iii. p. 547. t The French Secretary of State. 1656.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 311 Ma*^' intentions of continuinge a publike Minister here (as perhaps much may be sayd pro and con), I beseech your Hon'' to giue me timely notice : that yf I remoue, I may dismiss my house and forbeare to make a new household : and I pray your Hon' to giue mee instructions how to carray myselfe towards 668 : 192 : 95 : whether I shall uisit him in quality of his Ma*'" Minister or not ? The French Court will some time the next weeke remove towards the Frontier. Paris 19'* May 1656. I haue as yett beene onely once at our Court, wher by misfortune I could nott kisse y^ hands of your faire daughter. Mr. Chancellor of the Exchecker. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne, S', I am gladd to finde by yours of the 19. that you are returned to Paris, and cannot write at large to you upon what you propose to me in this concerning your selfe, and in some former, till wee are returned to Bruges, which I conceaue may be by the end of the next weeke : nothing being possible to be maturely weighed and considered in the moc'on we are in. I thinke wee shall be at Bruxells to-morrow or Munday, only priuately, to uisitt Don-Juan,"^' nothinge being to be publiquely declared on our behalfe till the returne of the Enuoy fro^ Spayne, but wee haue no cause but to hope very well. Ther can be no reason for you to discontinue your old frendshipp and neighborwoode with 668 : 192 : 95 : who truly I believe wishes us uery well, and can do no other then he does : when you see him, remember my service to him, and tell him I doubte * Don John of Austria ; formei'Iy Viceroy of Catalonia, and recently appointed Governor of Flanders. Lord Clarendon, in his History, vol. iii. p. 478, mentions some anecdotes respecting him and the Eai'l of Bristol, his belief in astrology, i5:c. 312 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1656. not but I shall yett lyue to meete him at Whitehall. I shall now heare from you euery weeke, and shall not neede to put you in minde not to omitt to write constantly to M"^ Secretary : * I shall be gladd to know how your frends do in Englande, who I doubte not continue ther kindnesse to you : If nothinge be done by the ffrench Courte to discountenance you, you will not putt off your house, till the Kinge giues you full order. I pray informe your selfe who of either Nac'on performe most respects to M"" Lockyer. I wish you all happinesse, & am uery heartily, Your most affectionate hu^^^ Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Antwerpe this 26: May (1656). The letter which included the examinac^ons of the Spy t is not yett arriued heare, so that wee haue a very obscure informac'on of that affayre, nor can I imagyne what seruice the rogue (whome I know well) could do in these partes, to deserve the charge he hath beene to them. I heare the Life of Car- dinall Richelieu is newly come out, or in the presse, I wish you could send it to me. J Sir Richard Browne to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.^ Right Hon^^ I did nott vntill now know of your Hon'' beinge * Sir Edward Nicholas. + See po5<, p. 315. X The Cardinal seems to have been reckoned a conjuror or prophet by some folks at this period. One of the London newspapers called the French Intelligencer says, " There hath been lately a prophesie found in the Priory of Cardinal Richelieu at Paris, written by his own hand, wherein he foretells the wofuU calamities of the family of Stuarts, descending from the Lyon, that is, King James, for so he was called, by reason that he brought the rampant Lyon figured upon his breast, in the world with him. He likewise predicts three changes of Government, and domestic divisions," &c. § Though without signature or address, this letter is evidently from Sir Richard Browne to Sir Edward Hyde. 1G5G.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 313 ill personall attendance on his Ma*-'. This ignorance of mine nott onely depriued me the contentment of beinge assured that I had soe worthy a friend soe neere my Royal Maister, butt also made me guilty of an omission of nott sooner giuing notice accord- inge to my duty of m}' returne unto this my former station : for which I humbly crave your Hon"^' pardon. The French Court parted hence a weeke since, and remaines yett at Compeigne. Yesterday came newes that the MarP: de Turene had defeated 4 Regiments of horse, and taken a small place : yf true, a good beginninge of this Campaigne. M"" Locker, Crumwells Envoye, followes the Court : before his going hence he declared to a person of quality, that he had by him, and would ere long produce, a Commission to be Ambassador ; nottwithstandinge that I haue publiquely (since my returne hither) appeared in the Erench Court in presence both of this K. & Queene, and twice beene with the Count of Brienne, yett I find nothinge at all of any the least intimation to retire : * And the other day in conference with my Lord Jermyn, his opinion Avas that this State would permitt me to remaine here as long as his Ma*^' thought good : soe that I expect to heare what his Ma*^*"' pleasure will bee, in this particular : forbeareinge in the meane time to engage for the continuance of my house, or to make a new family : humbly intreating your Hon', that yf his Ma*^ thinke fitt to continue mee here, you will please to move for a settlement of my subsistence uppon some good and well assured funds, without which I shall soone lapse into a very sad condition. In the conuersation I have had abroad in my trauail, as well as here in Paris since my returne had with the French Protestants, I find them generally much inuolved in Crumwells interests, he hauinge * The temporising policy of the French Court, still unwilling openly to concede all that Cromwell demanded, yet fearful to offend the Protector by abrupt dismissal of his Envoy, appears in these allusions. 314 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1656. dexterously insinuated into their belief tliat he will maintaine them in the enjoyment of ther preuiledges : a more manifest demonstration of their good inclina- tions to him may also doubtlesse bee, their hauinge since Lockers arriuall effaced the name of Kinge out of the inscription of the Seate for the Inglish Ambassad" at Charanton, and left only "pour les Ambassad'" de la Grand Bretaigne.'' Olini tempus erit magno cum opiavcrit emptum Intactum EpigrapUen. And in their discourse uppon all occasions, they fervently declare their great good wishes of the prosperity of the army of the Kinge of Sweden as abettinge uppon that hand in order to the mine of Antichrist, vnder that Kinge and Crumwells banners.* I humbly beseech your Hon'' to direct mee how I shall henceforwards addresse my letters unto you Soe praying for &c. Pahis 2^^tJune 1656. Sir Edivard Hyde to Sir Richard Broivne. I had not tyme the last weeke to acknowledge yours of the 23. (whiche I hope you excuse) and I have since receaued your other of the 30. in answer to both which I can say no more, then that you shall be sure of all the seruice I can do you upon all opportunityes, and I hope any improvement of our fortune Avill administer these opportunityes : — you shall doe well seasonably and naturally to pursue that discourse to Ld. Jermin concerninge your stay ther, and draw an advise from him hither for your * Of all this private history of pohtical chicane the French Court could not have been ignorant. In some respects it may explain the course they found it expedient to hold between the cause of Chai'les and the demands of CromAvell. Certainly the Protestants had no reason to wish well to Charles. 1656.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 315 reuocac'on, and then wee shall know what is next to be done. All the papers concerninge Martin wee have, and would be gladd to know what is become of the fellow, and whether he be yett hanged, and what goodly confessyon he made in that season.^ — God send us once a good turne, w*"^ it may be may not be farr off : and then wee shall have more frends and I hope lesse neede of them. I perceave your spiritts in Paris are not so composed, but that ill accidents may cause some disorders amongst you, and those people do belieue that your designe before Valen- ciennes may be frustrated ; it is a greate stake, and these as much concerned to preserve and you to possesse it. Wee exspecte howrely newes of some action before it : I have beene misinformed if Cardinal Richelieu's life be not in the presse. — I wish YOU all happinesse, and am very heartilj^, your most affectionate Serv'^ E. H. Bruges this 7 July (1656). Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Fdchard Broivne. Bruges this ] 1. of Aug. It is uery true, I haue besydes your last of the 4: of this moneth, your other of the 21. and 28. of the last upon my hands, the subiecte of both which beinge such, as I could not discourse upon, before my L*^ of Bristolls arriuall,t to whom you referred me, I forbore to say any thinge till I could speake to the purpose, and he arrived not till Sunday last : * See ante, p. 312. f The hopes and designs of the Royal partisans, now carrying on a rapid intercourse with their friends in England, and seeing happy omens for themselves in the distrust manifested by Cromwell in regard to his own personal security, account for the tone and manner of this letter. Soon after its date Lord Bristol was left as the King's Agent at Brussels, whilst the King and his Court went to Bruges, &c. See the Clarendon State Papers, vol. iii. pp. 308—10. 316 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1656. jind you will easily believe that in this little tjme wee have not bene able to conferr of halfe the matters of importance which are necessary for present consul- tac^on : yett wee have spoken of your businesse, w^herein I perceive he is farr from hauinge any positive opinion, nor have either of us yett spoken with the Kinge of it : Wee haue many thinges under debate, which must be prseliminary to any deter- minac'on in that pointe, therfore you must haue a little patience, and be confident if you are designed to continue that imployment, prouisj-on must be made for your reasonable supporte, and it cannot be most [more] secure then upon that pension, but whether you are to be continued ther I cannot yett tell; shortly wee may. I do not finde that the Queene or my L*^ Jermin haue W'ritt or sent any opinion upon it : I am of your opinion in the matter of Mon' Lyon, nor can I discover the least foote- stepps of a treaty betweene the 2 Crownes, nor is Madrid a place of that secrecy, but the Venetian Ambassadour in that Courte would discover it. I pray informe your selfe as particularly as you can of Mo"" Orleanes, whose visitt in this season is not merely upon complement. It is not possible to give such an accounte of our affayres heare, as may satisfy the curiosity of our frends, since if what is intended be not kept secrett, wee shall have little fruites of it : trust me, so farr, as to be confident, our condic^on is very hopefull, and I am as confident that I shall lyue to see you at Whitehall, and serve you ther as, S', your very affectionate hu^*^ Serv*, Edw: Hyde. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne, Hauinge replyed as particularly as I can in my last to what concernes your owne particular, I should not at this tyme (when 1 have very much to do) 1656.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 317 acknowledge yours of the 11. were it not to desyre your fauour in transmittinge the inclosed. I receaved a letter from Mr. Bourdon, whom I well knew at my beinge at S' Sebastians, and I am gladd that tlier is such a distinction made ther, for he writes me worde, that since the Edicte for the turninge out of towne all the English, Irish, and Scotts, ther is a seconde order, that excepts all those that can make it evident that they are good subiectes to his Ma*^, and there- fore he hath desyred such a certificate, havinge as he sayes hitherto preserved himselfe by producinge some letters which I writt to him at my beinge at Madrid : I have in the inclosed sent him what I conceave may do him good, and have derected it as he aduised, to Bourdeaux.- We exspecte the Duke of Yorke here very speedily, and then wee shall come the sooner to a resolution in that pointe which concernes you. I pray lett us know more of Don Michel de Castile, and of Mr. Locker : I would be gladd you would send me (if you have it by you) the life of the Connestable De Desguynes, which they say is well written. I wish you all happinesse, and am very heartily, your most affectionate hu^^^ Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Bruges this 18: oi Aug: (1656). Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. Bruges this 25. of Aug. (1656). S',t I have yours of the 18. and as you have greate reason in this perplexed and unsteady condic'on wee are all in, to desyre to know as soone as may be what your owne lott will be, so, you must not wonder that your frends cannot give you so speedy * This transaction seems to have had reference to the expected war between Spain and the Enghsh Commonwealth. "f* The hopes of the Royal partisans were now reviving rapidiy, as the whole tenor of this letter makes clear. 318 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1656. satisfaction ia it, as they wish ; wee shall shortly I hope see the Duke of Yorke heare, and then that matter will be most properly and seasonably consulted; besydes, the case is now very different from what it was understoode to be, when you returned to Paris, for the Romance of Don Miguell will prove authentique History, and it may be Mr. Lockier may retyre with lesse glory then he entred, and S"" Ri: Browne stay ther with more respecte: ther is one thinge no doubte you may depend upon, which is, if you are continued ther, some fitt assignac'on will be made for your supporte, and if you are called away, no doubte your Master will thinke of some other prouisyon and imployment for you. Our businesse does not goe so ill, but that wee may reasonably hope that wee shall all have somewhat to doe. The Declarac'on of the freedome of the Portes is now published accordinge to our heartes desyre, and many other e\idences given us, of a full affection from Spayne, and if they do not do all for us that wee desyre, it is only because they are not able : nor are they so weake, and unable to helpe us, nor Mr. CruVell at so much ease or so confident of his new parliam* that wee have reason to dispayre of better dayes, or that we may not eate cherry es at Deptforde agayne. I returned you by the last post an answer to what was desyred from Sebastians, which I prsesume you receaved and have sent forwarde. I do belieue ther will be occasyon for me the beginninge of the next weeke to repayre to Bruxells and Antwerpe, and therefore if you please lett your letters be putt under couer to S'' H. De Vic, or Mr. John Shaw at Antwerpe : S' H. De Vic complaynes he knew not of your returne to Paris, till some letters from you came into his handes to be sent to a 3^. person. Corresponding with each other may be usefuU to you both. I am your most affectionate Serv^, E. H. 1656.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. 319 Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. I hau8 yours of the 8. upon my hands,, and this last nyght at my comminge I founde your other of the 22. and how longe I shall stay heare I knew not, my businesse dependinge upon the pleasure of others, who will mooue faster or slower as they haue a minde to it, and the ill newes of the losse of Valenza, and the march you haue putt this army to make, by your attempt upon la Chappelle,* makes the season lesse fitt for those kinde of negotiac^ons, then I belieue otherwise it would haue prooved ; howeuer I hope sometyme the next weeke to be agayne at Bruges, and then after the Kinge hath conferred with the Duke of Yorke, I conceaue some resoluc^ons will be taken concerninge your owne particular, and it may be the Cardinallf v/ill finde wee can be as angry as hee, and with more reason : I will enquyre of the letter you say was writt to the Jesuite, and I pray haue as stricte an eye upon the Knight, and informe your selfe of him, as you can: and likewise of the moc^ons of the Cardinall de Retz .1: w^hich is an intriegue I do not understande : you must excuse me for writinge so impertinently at this tyme, when the truth is, I haue so much to doe, that 1 hardly * An allusion to the events of the Low Country wars, and the campaign in Italy. The Valenza here mentioned is in the Milanese, and was taken, at this period, by the Duke of Modena and the Duke of Mercoaur. Mazarin. J De Retz had always been extremely active during the contest between the King and Princes. He was the bitter enemy of Mazai'in, and also of Conde, playing a double part, and ruling the Duke of Orleans in all things. De Retz also, before this period, had been joined in an accusation brought against Charles, as the mere creature of Cardinal Mazarin. We quote the Mercuvius Poliiims of July 1, 1652 : "In the mean time the Cardinal, by his creatures, the pretended King of Scotland, the Cardinal Retz, ]\Iadame Chevreuse, Monsieur le Chasteauneuf, and Montagu, have plaied their game so well that they have di'awu the Duke of Lorrain to declare for the King, and to forsake the cause of the Princes," 320 LETTERS OF Sill EDWAED HYDE [1656. gett this tyme to write at all : and I pray lett me heare from you of any tliinp^e you thinke fitt to im- parte, I mean when I am fro' Bruges, for whilst I am ther, your letters to the good Secretary will serue us both : God send us good newes fro' England, which is exspected by S', Your very affectionate Serv*, Edw. Hyde. An'Twerpe tills 29: Sept: (1656). Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne, I had not tyme the last post to acknowledge yours of the 29. of the last moneth, and I haue since, by your to reasonable guesse of the slownesse of all dispatches heare, receaued your other by the last post without a date, which was the only one I receaued fro' Paris, all my other frends conceauinge as they had reason that I would be at Bruges, and therby they are all now without any letter fro' me. The truth is, my stay heare hath beene beyonde all possible exspectac'on, and hath so tyred my patience, that though this day be not like to giue so good an ende to my businesse as I desyre, yett I resolue (God willing) to be gone to morrow towards the Kinge, from whom I haue been now aboue a fortnight : Wee are willing to belieue that these seasonable raynes will dispose both armyes to enter into ther winter quarters, and then wee shall do our businesse the better : Ther is a discourse of the Marq: of H court goinge this winter into Spayne, which meethinkes yett he should not haue leaue to doe : you menc'n your neighbour the Venetian Am- bassadour, but you neuer speake of your next neigh- bour my old friend the Holl: Ambassadour,* I would gladly know what he, thinkes of these altera- c'ons, and whether his eld affections continue to us : * My nheer Borcll, before I'eferred to. 1C58.] AND SIR RICHARD BROWNE. I haue notliiugc to add but licarty wislies of your happinesse fro^ Your most affectionate Serv*_, Edw: Hyde. Antwerpe this 13. of Octob: (1C56.) Sir Ri: Browne. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Browne. S', I must give you many thanks for your fauour of the 25. And the greate ciuilhty you expresse to me, which I assure you you will finde returned to you, by all the seruices I can doe : it is indeede to melan- cholique a tyme, to feele any prseferment * with that gusto that it hath vsed to carry with it, and I wish that considerac'on would abate somewhat of the enuy that will attende it, but wee must submitt to the burthen and uneasinesse of the last, without any refreshment from the former : I hope the tyme is not far of, that God Almighty will give some change to the sadd condic^on of ojir poore Master, and then wee his seruants shall haue aboundant matter to reioyce in, be our condic^on what it will : myne, trust me, will be much the more pleasant to me, if it shall giue me any power to lett you see how heartily I am, S', Your most affectionate Serv*, Edw. Hyde. Bru: this 5. of/c6: 1658. Sir Ri. Browne. * An allusion to his own appointment as Lord High Chancellor of England, shortly after the Great Seal had been surrendered by Lord Keeper Sir Edward Herbert. Curious anecdotes respecting its surrender may be found in Clarendon's History, vol. iii. pp. 411, 412. It "was not very long after this that the Duke of York was px'ivately , married to the Chancellor's daughter. A serious mis- understanding had for some time existed between Charles and the Duke, and a separation between them had actually taken place whilst the former, during great part of 1657, resided at Bruges. VOL. IV. T 323 LETTERS OF SIR EDWARD HYDE [1659. Sir Edward Hyde to Sir Richard Broivne:^- I doe very seldoniG trouble you with my letters, knowing very well that the good Secretary t informes you of all things that passe here : But I write now vpon a particular occasion, in which his Majesties honour is concerned : and iustice and charitie obliges vs to doe all wee can : and though you are not in your publique capacit}^, and soe cannot move any thing in the Kings name, I doe beseech you for charities sake, to take a little paynes to informe your selfe and therevpon to apply your selfe to my Lord Jermyn, or Mr. Montague % on the poore mans behalfe : and I cannot but presume but they will so farre interpose, and vse their credit, that there may be no further proceeding vpon so foul an arrest, but y* the man may be sett at liberty ; and if it be pos- sible, with some repairation. You cannot but re- member that scandallous arrest of the Parliament of Rennes, Avhilst the King was at Paris, of which the Court being informed was so ashamed, that they gaue present order in it, which I thought had beene so effectuall, that there would have beene no record left of it : nor did I since heare any thing of it, till within those last fourteen dayes Mr. Crowther told mee that Mr. Bullen was in prison vpon the same arrest. I presume y'' Duke of Yorke Lath, vpon the addresses about that time made to him, recommended it to some sollicitation ; howeuer the enclosed letter combing to my hands within these two dayes, and the King being absent at this time from hence, I cannot but recommend the matter to you, and doe desire * This letter only bears the signature and postscript of Lord Clarendon. t Sir Edward Nicholas. X Alter diligent search it has been found impossible to ascertain to whom this letter alludes. Lord Jermyn and the Abbe Montague were at this time in active confidence with the Queen at Paris, as appears from a letter of the Marquis of Ormond to the Chancellor written in 1659. Clarendon State PaiKrs, vol. iii. p. 547. 1659.] AND Sill EICHARD BllOWNE. 3£3 you upon perusall of liis letter, and tlic processc, whicli will informe you of all that I can say, that you will likewise take the paynes, if it be necessary, to call vpon the Superiour of the Benedictines for the other papers, and therevpon to take such course, that such letters of evocation may bee sent, as arc necessary ; & that the poore man may bee sett at liberty, and out of danger of future vexation : and I hope the conjunction may not be vnfavourable towards the advancement of such acts of justice. I wish vou all happiness, and am, your very affectionate serv*, Edw. Hyde. Brux: IGtJt Aur/ust 1659. If S"" George Carterett be in towne, desyre him from me to do all the good offices lie can in this alFayre. SELECTION FEOM THE COKEESPONDENCB SIR RICHARD BROWNE, AMBASSADOR AT PARIS A SELECTION FEOM THE COEEESPONDENCE OF SIR RICHARD BROWNE. The subjoined extracts are taken exclusively from the letters and papers of Sir Richard Browne, Evelyn s father-in-law, of whom such frequent mention is made in the Diary and Coi-respondence now brought to a close. They will be found to refer chiefly to matters strictly historical, having been selected for the occasional new facts they contribute to that series of remarkable events which form the subjects of the various correspondences contained in this volume. They require little illustration, beyond what has incidentally been supplied in notes already given. The first paper contains instructions for Browne's special embassy to Holland ; but, with this exception, all the extracts given relate to his official residence in Paris, in the interval between 1642 and 1651. What followed the latter year has been the subject of the correspondence just given between himself and Clarendon. If the reader refers to the Diary, vol. i., p. 276, he will observe that it was shortly after the date when the last of these letters was written, the result of the fight of Worcester having put a decided close to all further Royahst effort for the time, that Sir Richard Browne sent his son-in-law Eveljnti over to " compound with the soldiers^" and take possession of Sir Richard's seat at Sayes Court, Deptford, with a view to permanent residence, " there being now so little appearance of any change for the better, all being entirely in the rebels' hands." Shortly after Evelyn had so left Paris, at which his young wife was to remain, with her father, till Sayes Court should be prepared for her reception, Sir Richard Browne had to communicate a piece of news of much domestic interest to his son-in-law, and his notes on the occasion may be given here not inappropriately, whether as specimens of Sir Richard's moi'e intimate and friendly manner of writing, or as connected very closely with the family story of the Evelyns. The first is dated from Paris, on the 11th of May, 1652, "Dear Son, — Dick Hoare hath formerly given you notice of the safety of your lost half, or half lost Ben: Johnson, and will also tell you by what good fortune I have (paying the half- pistole) got possession of your letter post. I am now to acquaint 328 SlPt mCHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1610. you, tliat youi' wife will (God blessing her with safety) bring you a (lepositum you left behind you here, of far gi'eater value, viz. a JIans ill Keldc, a young cavalier, who hath within these few days unexpect- edly discovered his A'ivacity, and plainly manifests his intention within few months to come forth, and be a citizen of this world. This (though yet a secret here) is so real a certainty, that I exceed- ingly joy to give you this first notice thereof. And if grandfathers love more tMiderly their remote offspring, you will not I hope envy me my share in the great contentment, who so passionately wish you and yours all happiness, under God's eternal, and the temporary bless- ing of your ever dearly loving father, to serve you, Ri: Browne." — The second is dated three days later, and addressed "My son Evelyne." Thus it runs: "Dear Son, — Lest what I sent you by the last post should by accident have gone astray, I now repeat what much con- cerns you to know, that you may, as soon as may be, participate our joy, the nature whereof is to be diffusive. Your wife, by being since your departure so free from nausea's and other ordinary indications of child-bearing, hath so deceived us that, until very lately, we scai'ce other ways than in wishes thought of so great a blessing ; of the certainty whereof there is now no doubt to be made, though as yet it be here so much a secret, that none but my wife and 1 and your maid do know it. God accomplish prosperously this his mercy, to his glory, your comfort, and the singular contentment of your dearly loving father to serve you, Richard Browne." Instructions for our trusty id ell -he] one cl Seruant, Richard Browne, Gierke of our Privy Coun- cell <^T. {in 1640). Charles R. Hauing occasion to send a person of trust into Holland, unto our deare Sister the Queene of Bohemia, and our Nephew the Prince Elector Palatin, Wee are pleased to make choise of you for the iraployraent, and for your better direction there- in, to prouide you w*'' the Instructions following : You shall represent unto our Sister, and Nephew, The Elector Palatine had been in England before this date, and was then elected Knight of the Garter. In consequence of the pre- sent negotiation, he did not proceed to England until 1643, two years afterwards. Charles the First may already have suspected the young Prince of the design which he afterwards did not scruple to carry into effect by joining the party arrayed against his uncle. 1C40.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 329 (wee beeing informed lie liatli a desire to passe over into these partes) how inconuenient it would be for our seruice if att present he should undertake the journey, and that w'^all, it can noe ways aduantage his owne affaires, since we shall still haue the same care and affection for them, in his absence, as if he were present, and now especially in this Treaty between us and the States of the Ynited Provinces, and the Prince of Orange, wherein his interests shall not be forgotten. That for the paper w^^^ Eichard Cave* hath given us, Wee find it soe directly contrary to the interests of the States, and in itselfe impracticable, that from that ground, Wee cannot hope any effects conducible to the good of our Nephewes affaires, yet in the present Treaty we are resolued to endeauour y^ interest of him, and the House Palatene, soe farre as the present conjuncture of affaires will permit, it being one of the principall motiues that induced us to harcken to this Alliance w^^' the States, and the Prince of Orange. You are further to giue our Sister and Nephew, all reall asseurances of our loue and affection to them, and particularly of our desires, that all mis- understands (if such there chaunce to haue bin) that haue happened either in circumstance or otherwayes, concerning the ouuertures of this Marriage f intended betweene our eldest daughter and the Prince of Oranges son, may be taken away : Wee foreseing that nothing can be of more aduantage to tliem in their present condition, then that there be a cleare vnderstanding, and all reall friendship betweene them, and the Prince and Princesse of Orange : w^^ * This Sir Tlicliard Cave appears to have been much engaged in the affairs of Holland and the Palatinate. In Bromley's Collection of Royal Letters he is mentioned by the Count Palatine in a letter to the Queen of Bohemia, as Captain Cave ; he was then serving in the army, and occasionally employed in diplomatic affairs. f The mai'riage took place on the 2nd of May, 1641, Avhen the Princess was only twelve years of age ; and it is a curious fact in Charles's private history, that it was celebrated with great magni- ficence in the interval between the sentence and the execution of the Earl of Strafford. 330 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1641. you are effectually to represent vnto tliem by all the arguments and reasons you can frame, and of what dangerous consequence the contrary may be to their interests and restitution. You shall likewise give unto our Sister and Nephew, a true and particular knowledge of the state of the Treatyes betweene us and the States Ambassad" (as our principall Secretary shall informe you) as well of that of the Marriage, as of y^ Con- federation, in the latter of which, we are resolued (as aforesaid) to take a special care of their interests. You are to acquaint them, that although the two Treatyes are not come as yett to a conclusion, neuer- thelesse hauing been pressed by the Prince of Orange, that his son might passe into England before his going to the Field, Wee haue so farre giuen our assent thereunto as that wee haue left it to him, to doe therein as he shall thinke fitt. You are to impart these our Instructions vnto S' William Boswell our Resident, and to take his aduise in all things that may concerne our seruice, and you are w*^ him to addresse your selfe in our name to the Prince & Princesse of Orange, & to passe like offices w^^ them for the endeauouring & setling of a good understanding betweene our deare Sister, our Nephew, and them, according as wee soe earnestly desire, and their interest requires : Giuen under our Signe-manuall att our Court at Whitehall y^ 23*''' of Febru: 1640. (Signed) H. Vane. Indorsed, " His Ma*'«^ Instructions to Mr. Browne, going into Holland 1641." Instructions for our trusty and icelbeloued Richard Broivne, Esq. one of the Clerkes of our Privy Councell^ and our Agent iv^^ our good brother the most Christian King : {in 1641). Charles H. Wee hauing occasion to imploy our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin the Earle of Leycester,''' Robert Sidney, nephew of tlie gallant Sir Philip. 1641.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 331 our extraord'y Ambassad' with our good brother the Erench King, in the gouernmen* of our Ttealme of Ireland, as our Lieutenant generall there, and to that end being now to recall him from his employ- ment in France : Wee haue that confidence of your fidelity, and abilities, and particularly of your expe- rience in those parts, that wee haue thought fitt to make choice of you for to be our Agent there, and that you may the better acquitt your selfe in that charge, you shalbe provided w*^ the Instructions following : First vpon your arriuall in that kingdome, you shall addresse yo'^'selfe vnto our said Ambassad'' ex- traord'^ for to be by him presented vnto that King, to whom you shall deliuer yo"" Tres of Credence, and impart your charge : And when you shalbe thus admitted to his pre- sence, you shall in due, and the best manner, lett him know the great affection wee beare to his person, and the good aduancement and prosperity of him and his affaires, and how much wee doe desire, accord- ing to the antient friend shipp and strait obligations betweene us, to maintaine all good intelligence and correspondence. To w'^^' end, that there may be nothing wanting on our part. We haue now, vpon the comming away of our Ambassad'", sent you to reside there : And soe you are accordingly to make this your principall aime, as it is indeed the proper charge of all AmV', Legats, and Agents, to nourrishe and maintayne a good correspondence betwixt the two Crownes. And therefore you are to informe yo''^selfe of all former Treatyes, and more especially of the last and most freshe in practice, betweene these Crownes, being the rule by y?"^' the proceedings of the subjects of both sides are to be regulated. And that you may better know wherein Wee, or our subjects, are any way es concerned in those parts, whether in suites, processes, or otherwayes, you are to take all fitting and necessary informations from our said Ambassad'', and what businesses shalbe left in agitation by him for o'"^ seruice, you are in our 332 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1641. name to continue the prosecution thereof, and to giue account of yo"" proceedings therein. Another part of your charge is, that you watch carefully oner the motions of that State where you are, what treaties, alliances, assistances, or ennemi- tyes shalbe moued w"' other States openly, or vnder- hand, wherein our affaires may be any wayes con- cerned ; and for yo"" better light and information herein, you are to keepe intelligence w*^ our Ambas- sad""' and Agents w*^ other Princes, and States, to whom wee wnll giue orders to correspond w*^ you. And as there shall further occasion arise for you to negotiate in, for our seruice, you shall receiue directions, either immediately from our selues, or from our principall Secretaries in our name, w'^'' you are to obserue & follow, as if it came vnder our owne hand, and from time to time to aduertise them (or vs as the importance of the occasion may require) of all yo''^ proceedings, and what soeuer else may come to yo'^ knowledge, w*"^' may be usefull and necessary for the good of our affaires. : — Whitehall the 23^^ of July 1641. H. Vane. " Instructions for Mr. Browne." Jahj12>, 1641. Charles E. Nostre feal et bien ame Richard Browne, Gentil- hom^e de Nostre Chambre Privee, Secretaire en Nostre Conseil Privee, et Nostre Resident en France, salut. Comme ainsi soit que ceux contre qui Nous avons a faire presentem* touchant le reste des derniers Dotaulx * de Nostre tres chere Epouse la Reyne, se veulent servir contre Nous de certains pretendus Ordres donnez Tun an mois d'Octobre 1633, par feu Nostre Grand Thresorier : f 1' autre par ■* This resumption in regard to the Queen's dowry was to facilitate supplies from the Continent ; her Majesty at this precise period transmitting to the King a considerable sum of money raised upon the l)awned jewels of the Crown. She had gone to Holland on the 23rd of Februai'y pi'eceding. + Kichard Weston, Earl of Portland. 1G12.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 333 Nous du 20"''= Juiii 1039 a Barwick. Nous vous declarous & tous aultres qu^il appartiendra, que Nous desavouons celuy pretendu du dit N^re Grand Thre- sorier, com^e estant donue hors son pouvoir, et contre le bien de Nos affaires et interests^ & contre Nostre intention. Et pour celuy donne au diet Barwick, Nous le revoquons absolument, com'e ayant este tire de Nous par surprise & du tout contre N'*" intention & le bien de Nos affaires. Ce que vous declarez et notifierez quand ainsi vous adviserez estre affaire. Et pour ce faire, ces Nos Lettres vous seront G arrant et Authorite suffisante. Donne soubs Nostre signet le dixneufiesme jour de Juillet a N^'^ Cour a Beuerley, 1642, Tan XIIX"'^ de N're Eegne. A N'^s feal et bien ame Ricliai'd Browne, Gentilliom'e de N're Chambre Privee, Sec're en N're Conseil d'Estat & Prive, et N're Resid* en France. 1642. Charles R. Trusty and well beloued Wee greet you well. Whereas one Walter Strickland * hatli bin very lately sent in y^ name of both Houses of Parliani* heere with credentials to treate with o'^ AUyes the States G^rall of the Vnited Netherlands, as pre- tended, for the publick good, though without any concurrence or knowledge of Us, which We must interprett the highest act of affront & disobedience w''^ hath bin committed against o'' Boy all person & dignity ; And this example leading us to a beleefe of what Wee haue bin told, but were not apt to creditt w^hilest there was any shew of reverence of o^ knowne Begalities yet remaining, that Augier,t or some other person, is by the said Houses sent with their usurped comission into Erance ; Wee haue thought fitt hereby to authorise & command you to use y^'' * Strickland Avas afterwards a member of the House of Common?, and strenuous in the affjxir of the " Self-denying Ordinance." f Augier had formerly been engaged in the diplomatic negotiations on the Continent with regard to the Elector Palatine. . 334 >SIR PJCHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1642. best and utmost meanes as well privatly as publicldy & in Our Name to hinder & oppose any audience, countenance, or treaty in any kind to be afforded the said Augier or other "whatsoeuer craving the same of o'"^ Brother the French King, the Princes of the Blood, or any of the Protestant Party, o'^ Friends & Allves, without Warrant under owre owne hand. And if, notwithstand", Augier or any other shall prevaile. That you then in C'' Name solemnely pro- test there against the highest violacon of theire Allyance & Friendship with Vs, against w*^^ Wee shall seeke such reparacon as by God's assistance Wee shall be enabled. For all w*^^ as these o'^ Letters shalbe y" sufficient Warrant & Proteccon, So we shall expect hereof yo"" faithfull & bounden discharge as occasion therefore shalbe offred vnto you. Giuen at o" Court at Nottingham the 12^^ day of Septemb' in the Eighteenth veare of o'^ Keigne 1642. " To our trusty «Sc welbeloved Richard Browne, Esq. Our Resid'^with o"" Brother the French King." Indorsed, " From his lla.^y 20''' day of SqA-' 1642." * Charles K. Trusty & welbeloved Wee greet you well. Wee beleeve that before this Letter the Capucinsf of Somersett house, or some from them, wilbe arrived at Paris & haue represented there how disgracefully they were lately entreated at London. Wee are exceedingly displeased that soe high an alfront hath * Tills letter was written a month after the King had raised his standard at Nottingham. f An allusion to the complaints, so long existmg, against the Queen's Popish attendants. So strong was the feeling on this subject, that the King, unable to resist it, was under the necessity of conceding to Parliament their demands that he should by royal proclamation require all statutes concerning Popish recusants to be put in execu- tion, that the seven condemned Popish priests should be banished, and that all Romish priests should be ordered to depart the Kingdom in twenty days. 1642.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 335 been put upon the Treaty between Vs & the French King Our Brother, & upon Our owne Authority. But forasmuch as this barbarous Act is the child of that monstrous KebelKon vf"^^ goes big with confusion & destruccon to our Person & Posterity as well as our Laws & Bights. Wee wilbe cleere of any impu- tacon thereof, disavowing the same, the authors, actors & abettors thereof, as Wee doe disavow & detest all their traytrous machinacons against Ys & the Peace of Our Kingdoms, leaning them obnoxi- ous to the iust indignacon & revenge w*""" God shall inflict upon them in his due time. And to this effect Wee will & command you in Our Name to make yo''^ addresse to Our said deare Brother the French King for his satisfaccon & the discharge of Our conscience & affeccon to Him in this regard. And soe Wee bid you farewell. Giuen at Our Court at Oxford the 5^^ day of Aprill in the Nineteenth yeare of Oure Beigne. 1643. " To our trusty and welbeloued Richard Browne, our Resident with our deere Brother the French King." From his Ma"e oth Ajml, 1643. The extracts which now follow are from letters written by Sir Richard Browne whilst Ambassador at Paris. They generally, but not always, indicate to whom they were addressed ; but the topics sufficiently explain themselves. In a few instances, a genex-al abstract of the subject of the letter precedes the particular extract given. 21 Oct. 1G42. Bich*^ Browne, Esq; Ambass'' at Paris writes to S'' Edw*^ Nicholas, Secretary of State — That by his Ma*^'^ late speech at ... . Shrewsbury & by other advices, he hears the possibility of a thing w'^'' he hopes will never come to pass, that his Ma*^ will be constrained to sell or engage his faii-est parks or lands : that there is at Deptford certain pastures called Sayes Court, reserved in his jMa^" hand for the special service of his household, for w*"^ being so near London^ there may in these intruding times. 336 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. be persons ready to deale : he beseeches Edw. to move his Ma*^ that they may not be sold, but if (w*^'' God defend) his Ma'^ sho*^ have just cause to part from them, that he wo*^ let some sufficient persons (whom he shall find out) to deale for them, have the first ofi'er, not above 260 acres ; no man shall give a clearer light than he Avill, for they have been long in the custody of his ancestors, by whom the dwelling house thereon was built at their own charge, & it is the only seat he has, & is the place wherein he was borne. To Sii' Edward Nicholas. 7 Nov. 1642. That [m cypher'] doth continue his assistance to the Irish, furnishing money to buy arms, w*"^' they send away for Ireland ; that he has made reiterated complaints by his Ma*-^ express order, & in his name, with so little success that it is useless to endeavour any more. The Irish priests as well as the soldiers flock very fast into their country & pretend bishopricks and other benefices by donation from Home. Col. Tirel is here lately come out of Portugal and hastens into Ireland. Col. Belinge (late prisoner in England) hath obtained his liberty, & is now in this town. To the same. 9-19 Nov. 1642. The Prince of Conde lately sent for me & told me the Counsells of France had hitherto beene contrary to his Ma^-' — excused and asked pardon for his complyinge : bad mee assure his Ma*^ he would henceforward do all that lay in his power to serve him, that he would in confidence advertise me (and only me) of all that passeth, and (yf neede so require) hee would himselfe endeavour assistance for his Ma^>'. Use may be made hereoff yf cherisht & kept secrett, especially in regard the French King is 16i2 3.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 337 not like to live longe, & the Princes of the blood will probably have their share in govornm' then yf not sooner. To the same. 13-23 Jan. 1G42-3. The whole numbers of the Scotch who doe allready serve or have contracted to serve this Crowne, are^ Colonel Douglas his foot Reg' 2000 Earl of Erwin his new Reg' of Guard consisting of 30 companies .......... 4500 My Lord Gray one Reg' of foote 1000 My Lord Lundy one Reg' of foote 1000 Colonel Fullerton one Reg' of foote 1000 Earl of Laudian (is sayd) shall have auncit;nt conip;ii)y of Gens d'Armes 100 9600 Of these, allready here Coll. Douglas Reg' 1000 The Earl of Erwins 2000 Coll. Fullertoa's 500 3500 The rest expected, butt much difficulty to find men in Scotland. I have scene letters lately written from a person of great quality in Scottland, bearinge the Earl of Laudian^s speedy comminge over hither with his Ma*^* leave to treate the renewinge of the auncient allyances betweene the Crowns of Scotland and France; uppon which Treaty many particular in- terests depend, as, the reestablishinge the Marquis Hamilton in the Dutchy of Chatelraut, of the Marq. Douglas in that of Turenne, of restoringe the Captainship of the Scottish Archers and Guardes- du-corps to one of that nation, &c relative to which negotiations [cypher] and Mons' de la Ferte Imbault pretends to have in favour of him erected a VOL. IV. z 338 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1642-3. new office of Colonel de la Nation Escossoise, of the same nature and in all points of profitt and honour equall to that of the Suisses. Mr. Chambers hath very honestly beene with mee and tells mee unlesse the Earle Laudian come (as he pretends) with his Ma*'*"* leave, and that his Ma*^ doe well approve of the employment whertoo hee is dessigned, he shall not bee very forward so farre to quit his allegeance to his lawful! Soveraigne as to accept theroff. I beseech y' Hon' lett me receive y' orders how I shall carry myself in this business. Mons*" de la Ferte Imbaull is nott only a vehement stickler for the Scotch, butt in a manner also agent for the Parliament here. I have by me the authen- tique copie of a letter written lately to him by a Peere * in the name of the Upper House to sollicit a businesse here. In all his discourse he raysetli their reputation to what heighth hee can, and depressetli his Ma*'" causelessly, dishonestly, and maliciously. To the same. 11-21 March, 1642-3. Passports to treat for a general Peace to assemble at Munster. The Earle of Laudian with T. Dishington solicite very earnestly here for the sendinge an Ambass'' into England, to treat of an accommodation, by order as is presumed of the Par? in England, and Mr. Pert Imbault is noe lesse earnest to bee the man. These three are all one and violent Parliamentarians. [An inclosure in cypher.] To the same. 2-12 June, 1643. "By the letters I recommended to Mr. de Gressy's safe delivery, your Hon' will have understood in * In this part of the original, the words "my lord of Holland'* are scratched through with a pen. 1643.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 339 what a miserable condition I am for want of some present supply of money, my friends haveinge plainly signified unto mee that I must expect no more from them_, or from my estate in England already engaged to its utmost extent. By the same opportunity I likewise give y'^ Hon' notice of S' Bait. Gerbiers manner of proceedinge here at his first arrival, since which he continues his frequent visits to the Oueene, Princes, and Ministers, taking much uppon him, and using his Ma^'^* name how hee pleases uppon all occasions, not onely givinge out here, butt also waiting into other parts (as I have received notice by letters from good hands) that he is sent hither by his Ma*'' to condole about other business of great consequence. — I shall be glad to know what y' Hon' thinkes of this kinde of carriage of his, and whether it bee his Ma*'^' plea- sure to have a pretended Ambassad' where he hath allready an avowed Besident. The Elector Palatine to Mr. Browne. Sir, Y" of the ^ past, brought along w^h it soe good efi'ects of y' endeavours in my afi*aires, as that besides y' owne assurances & my Besid* Pawls constant tes- timonie of y' assiduity, the contents of what it hath procured in my favour, doth clearely confirme me in confidence, & augment my obligation towards you. My constant ill fortune hath taught me not to stand att this time much upon formalities w*^ those whose helpe I need, therefore I must rest satisfied w*^ what the mentioned letter wants thereof, in hopes it will be supplied w*^ reallity when it comes to the push. I thanke you also for y' good advertisements to Pawel, & am very glad to find by y' last concerning Mad^^^ de Bohan,=»= the care w''^ the King my gracious * This lady was only daughter of the Duke de Rohan, one of the great leaders of the Huguenot party in France ; and who signalised z2 340 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1643. V^ncle hath of those that doe him acceptable service. And soe desiring the continuance of yo' good offices in w^' still further concerne the good of my interests, I assure you that I shall euer reraaine y most affectionnate frend, Charles. Haghe the of Sept: 164.3. " For Mr. Browne,* Resid' to the King of Gr: Britt: att Paris." Indorsed, From Pr: El: Palatine 7: Sept. 1643. Sir Richard Broivne to Sir Edward Nicholas. 3 Sept. 1643. [Cypher] concerning -which money es as I treated with 335 . 420 (who hath very much contributed to the findinge out and sending this summe) hee know- inge my case, of himselfe offered mee to move 335 . 501 . to reserve here what part I would towards pay- ment of my entertainement until they received his Ma*'''^ order to put it into my hands, but I replyed himself in the affairs at Roehelle and the Isle du Rhe. In Hardwicke's State Papers there is a letter from Sir Henry de Vic to Lord Conway, dated from the Coast of France in 1627, in which she is said to be on the point of marriage with the Count de Soissons ; a match which the Duke of Buckingham also describes as most desii^able for the Pro- testant Cause. See Hardwicke's State Papers, pp. 34 — 38. It was at one time intended by Charles the First that Prince Rupert should marry Mademoiselle de Rohan : and in the Harleian Collection there is a letter from the King to Prince IMaurice in favour of the match. The Elector Palatine, Charles Louis, the writer of the letter in the text, returned soon after its date into England, where he had long been a pensioner. His brothers were constant to the Royal cause ; but he took part with the Parliament, and sat in the Assembly of Divines. The truth was, that, being the next heir to the English Crown in case the family of Charles the First were set aside, a section of the popular leadei's had undoubtedly cast their thoughts towards him as a means by which some settlement might be efiected similar to that which was made with the Prince of Orange between forty and fifty years later ; and there can be as little doubt that the young Elector, who had nothing amiable or generous in his dis- position, and who felt bitterly his dependence on his royal uncle's generosity and charity, caught greedily at the bait held out. * Afterwards Sir Richard. 1643.] SIR RICHAKD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 341 that though my necessities did much presse mee, yett I would uott presume to stopp or divert any supply whatsoever sent to his Ma*^ Here is a very consider- and ammunition* able quantity of 259 . 82 . 91 . 83. sent and sendinge from hence, the particulars wherofF are I assure myselfe well knowne to his Ma^^ and to y' Hon^ prays for money & to be preserved from perishing. To the same. 3 Sept 1643. the welcome newes of 20,000/. sterling which this good Queene sends to their Ma*'" by her Am- bass'. — They offered to put part into his hands, but he refused it, tho^ his necessities were great, as he w^o*^ not intercept any supply sent to his Ma*^ Much arms & ammunition sent — lord V. Moun- tague had 50,000 livres Tournois to purchase arms — 35,000 only expended — prays the other part may be ordered for him. To the same. 10-20 Nov. 1613. The Queene is in a manner wholly governed by Card^ Mazarine, who is secretly leagued with the Prince of Conde, but governed by Mons' de Chavigny ; this last beinge by this meanes though in a close v/ay more powerfull than ever. The whole triplicitly I feare will league noe very favourable influence on England. Mr. Croft is gone to Rouen joyntly with my L'^ V. Mountague & others to treat with som merchants for furnishinge his Ma*^ with armes & ammunition, &c. * The words "and ammunition" are struck through with a pen in the original. 342 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1644. To Lord Digby. 6 /an. 1644. Delivers tlie Kings passe for 100 barrells of powder, 12,000 waiglit of match, 2000 swords & 500 case of pistols to be by a merch* put aboard his Ma*^'' 2 men of war at Havre. The passe was drawn according to my memoire, for the king of Gr. Br. service, but the Secretary of State caused it to be new written, and those words left out ; w*"^ among many other things I have observed, makes me think those here very far from declaring for either side in England. To the same. 25 March, 1644. I have received your L'ps letter of 21. Feb. that some supplies of money will speedily be sent to me, & intimating his Ma^^" gracious pleasure to conferre upon mee (not lesse unexpected than undeserved) the dignity of Baronett ; as y"" Lo^ has happily joyned these two together, soe I humbly beseech .... they may not be separate butt for mutual support and ornament march hand in hand. To attend y"" Lo^' commands in both I have desired the bearer hereoff Mr. William Prettyman (a younger brother of my wife^s) to make a journey to Oxford within few dayes I shall have better opportunity to express my thankfulnesse more at large, I humbly beseech yo'' to represent my most abundant gratitude to his Ma*^ To Lord Jermyn, Z-njane, 1644. Lo^ hath obtained from his Ma^^ a grant of the perpetuity here in France of 2822 livres tournois p' an\ If yo' Lo^ should not already have made sure thereoff, I know not how Mr. Aubert's pretensions 1614.] SIR RICHAKD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 313 may interfere with this of yo'Lo'" ; for three days since liis Agent here signified his Ma'^* order to mee for payment to him of 25°' livres and returning from him the diamond ; which sume not being to bee had out of the arreares, it is probable hee will now make a demand of the rents themselves, which if he doe obtain, and that they bee made over to him in that lowe and underhand rate hee expects, he will make up his summe, sweep awaj^ not only the rents themselves_, but alsoe the remaininge part of the arreares. To Lord D'lgby. June, 1644. The inclosed arret will lett yo"" see that I have at last finished the longe dependinge suite for reco- very of a remainder of His Ma*'^' portion-monc}^ longe since deposited here for the payment of certaine creditors & servants of His Ma*'^ The rents or per- petuity tenn yeares since bought with this money, with the arrears of the sayd rents, I have been forced to wrest out of violent hands uppon the best terms I could; for to say the truth, the}^ were in a manner swallowed up by some greedy cormorants in too great place and power here, who never thought to have thus regorged them to their true owner his Ma*''. Of the tenn yeares arreares of 2822 livres p' an. there are little above seaven at present to bee found in ready money (the rest being nott yet payed), which present money will all be disposed off partly by the arret itselfe, and partly for necessary compo- sitions, charges, and gratuities (as shall appeare by my just and good account), so that to his Ma*'*"' profitt there will come cleare only the perpetuity or rents themselves, and betweene two or three j^eares arreares. These rents stand his Mat*^ in twelve yeares pur- chase, but by reason of the seasures the late French King and this have since these warres made uppon rents of this nature, and of the uncertaine con- dition of these times, they will not now bee sold at 344 SIR RICH.VRD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1G44. SO good a rate as they may improve to after a general peace. To Lord Digby. 7-17 June, 1644. Writes earnestly for money — inevitable ruin must befall him — has not wherewithall to provide himself out of mourning, a new Coat and Liveries, w''"'' will much tend to his Ma*'"' disreputation — " I appeall to all the world whether I have not in this absolutely dearest part of Christendom for these three yeares maintained his Ma*'" honour beyond what could be expected from my quality in these distracted times, my estate lying all in Kent and Essex yielding little or nothing, the moneys I take upp comeing uppon much disadvantage^ and a constant great interest paid/^ To Lord Jermyn. Right Hon^^" my singular good Lord. Accordinge to y Lo^' command to send you the Inglish newes, I now begin by this opportunity of Mr. Besse^s departure : What London affords this inclosed printed will acquaint y*" Lo^. Besides which the letters containe little or nothinge, onely some hopes of misunderstandinge and diuisions amonge the Parlamentary Generalls. Yesterday the Pr: Elector Pal. his Agent came to acquaint mee that His Elec: High: hee thought was by this time in London : and to declare the cause of his ionrney thither to bee, partly to see what aduan- tages he might reape to himselfe from his Ma*^ and Pari: according to both their promises, in case they treated an accommodac^on ; & partly to sollicit some supplies of money for y^ Queene his mother and him- selfe, without which they can neyther of them subsist any longer. And this hee desired mee to write to their Ma"". And I thinke the same excusatory account will bee brought within fewe dayes to y 1644.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 345 Court by Pr. Edward, who was also yesterday witli mee to consult where he might most speedily and most conueniently find His Ma*^. The Duke of Orleans is on his way hither, and yf what I heare be true, will visit his Ma^^ ere long at Bourbon. Of the Duke d^Anguien's action at Fribourg, I will nott giue an account till the lame Post bee come, and then I shall send it by a speedier conueyance. It shall suffice that by this sure hand I present my humble seruice to y'" Lo^. and giue assurance of my diligent endeauours to obey y' com- mands. Beseeching y' Lo^ to take some speedy care for the subsistance of a creature of yours whose sole ambition it is to bee vsefall to you : Many haue allready passed by and pitied his condition ; butt y'' Lo^ is the Samaritan from whom alone his vrgent necessities expect that balme must cure them. In which happy omen I take the boldnesse to kisse y'' Lop^ hands in quality off, Most faithfull humble Ser*, Richard Browne. Paris 19 Aug. 1G44. After seuerall negotiations betweene the Palais Cardinal and the Court of Parlament, the Queen e Regent vppon Tewsday last signified to the Parlam^ that being well informed of their good intenc^ons and sincerity, she approued of theire proceedings, willinge them to meet frequently and to continew dilligently their consultations for the publique good ; w^^all acquaintinge them, that the Ennemy was vppon the ffrontier, and that the King wanted mony, wherefore they might doe well to bring theire resolutions to maturity wSn the space of 8 dayes : since w*"^' satis- factory answere the Parlament is uery busy in finding meanes how to reforme the abuses in the gouvernement chiefly in that of the Kings reuenews, in which Avorke the rest of the Parlaments of fi^rance will doubtlesse comply w*^ this of Paris. And some 3i6 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1648. great Ministers may perliaps be sacrificed to the people^ who have already confessed their feares by dis- furnishinge theire houses of their choicest moueables. Heere is all possible care taken to furnish the Prince of Conde w^^ mony, and heere is also much seeking after horses to sende to him, wherewith to remount his Caualiers ; the Prince is w*^ his array neere Guize, where he hath lately arrested a gent' of Piccardy (whose name is Ragny) for hauing giuen intelligence to the Spaniard^ and hauing drawne great pensions from them any time this 6 or 7 yeares. The ffrench ffleet consistinge of 13 shipps and 19 gallies hath presented it selfe vppon the coast of Naples^ but as yet w*^out any success at all. This weeke hath safely brought hither Mr. Langton, with all j^our noble tokens, for all which (particularly for the rare booke to mee) I render you my hearty acknowledgements, as also your two letters of 15. & 19. June, containinge (as allways of late) feares and hopes. God in his mercy direct thinges to some tolerable end or other. I wrote to Mr. Spencer this day seauenight, as to you also ; and hope it went safe, though I find some of the former Post (none of mine, for I wrote nott) were intercepted. Our Prince being disappointed of the somme of money hee expected from the French for his iourney, goes the beginninge of the next weeke to Callice, butt with lesse traine than hee intended, which is all I can say to you of that matter, onely that all his Ma*'" Priuie Councellors in France haue orders to attend his High''^ at Callice : my Lord Treasurer, Lord BristoU, Sir Ed. Nicholas, are on their way thither. Our best respects to the good company with you in the Country : where I hope you injoy j^ourselues, and amongst other diuertisments with that of hay- makinge, the season for which now approaches ; and ought (yf you haue there had soe wett a growinge time as here) to afford you store of exercise. Fare- well, D. S. Yours for euer. Paris 4. Juh/ 1648. From Sir Ric: Browne. 1618.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 347 I know not yet what judgment to make, or what the euent will bee of the affaires now in agitation betweene our Royall and our pleadinge Pallace heere. For notw^^standinge that the exiled members of the Parlament be restored ; that the reuocation of the Intendants out of the Prouinces bee resolued (three onely excepted) namely, in the Lyonnois, in Cham- paign e, and in Piccardy, where theire employment is restraned onely to the affaires of the armies and that y^ Queene hath condescended to y^ erection of a Chamber of Justice, as they terme it, w*^^ is to consist of a selected number of Parlament men, whereof the Kinge (to saue the reputac^on of his authority) is to haue the nomination, and is established to inquire, and informe against financiers, partisans, and others that haue misbehaued themselves : yet it will be a difficult matter to reconcile other differ- ences, for there is much dispute about the reraitt- inge y*" arrears of the Tailles of y® yeares 44, 45, and 46, and about abatinge of the 8*^ part of the Tailles of the yeare 47, and the fourth part of 48 and 49 ; about the regulating the impositions uppon the entry of merchandises, about the reuokinge those Edicts by which the rents vppon the Towne house and the wages of Officers are diuerted to the Kings vse, and generally whatsoeuer almost hath passed w%ut the verificac^on of the Parlament, is subject to question. Nor is the Counsell altogeather complyant w*^ the Court of Parlament, hauing lately by their arrest cashiered an arrest of Parlament against the Dutchesse of Aiguillon. Nor is the Parlament vndiuided in ittselfe, the Kinge hauinge a party there amongst whome the S' Boulanger, Conc^ in the first Cham- ber, two dales since pleadinge very earnestly on the Kings side, in behalf of the Partisans in whose handes he is sayd to haue great sum^es of money, fell downe dead in the House, where- vppon the Duke of Orleans retired, the meeting dissolued, and the people conclude this blow to bee 3i8 SIK niCHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1648. a judejment of God vppon him for defendinge soe bad a cause. Mars" de Gramont is come hither, whose privat businesse being not yet knowne, what appears is that he hath addressed himselfe to the Parlament to acqiiainte them the necessityes of the army, and to demand snpplyes of them, seeing all other meanes of raysinge monyes are now, by their stirringe, soe disordered, that the new sur-intendant can neither by intreatyes or threats dispose the partizans to aduance one penny till they see farther what settle- ment these disputes will produce. The ffrench ffleet is returned from the coast of Naples (not hauinge made any impression at all vppon that people) to Piombino & Portolongone. Nor doe I heare that Prince Thomas is yet embarqued. My Lord Jermin went hence towards Callice Munday last. The Queene is returned to St. Ger- mains. My Lord Marq^ of Ormond prepares for Irland. And my L*^ Marq* of Newcastle goes next weeke towards Holand by the way of Flanders, with his Lady, &c. God blesse you and vs. And send vs a happy meetinge. Yours euer to loue and serue you. Parts, 18 July 1648. From Six' Ri. Browne. The businesse of the Parlament this weeke hath been to deliberate vppon, and examine the declaration w""^ the King brought them, hauinge appointed fower of theire members to make report thereof vppon the 16*^ of this moneth ; in the mean tyme they make great difficulty to obey that part thereof, wherein the King com'andes them not to assemble any more in the Chambre St. Lewis; and this notw^^standmg that the Duke of Orleans hath seuerall tymes beene w*^ them to maintaine the King's authority, and to vrge the conueniency, yf not the necessity, of theire obedience ; so that, by what yet appeares, the Parlam* yf they meete not in the 1648.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 349 Cliambre St. Lewis yet they will doe tlieire businesse in some other place^ and perhaps at last make a foule house; for that is certaiiie, tliat some other Parla- ments of flfrance doe manifestly declare and foUowe theire example. The Prince of Conde findinge great difficultyes in the reliefe of Tourne * is encamped at B'ethune, there expectiuge the succors y* Erlack, Vaubecour, and others are to bring to him. At Naples the affaires betweene the King and people (ill satisfied w^th the Spaniards non-perform- ance of treaty, and murmoringe by reason of the scarcety of bread) are againe fallen into great dis- order ; insomuch as it is thought the flPrench ffleet may therevppon make yet an other journey to attempte some new impression in that Kingdome. The newes of the seidge of Cremona is confirmed, not w%ut hopes of the speedy takinge thereof. The Marquis of Ormond is vppon his departure for Irland, Wee are here, God be praysed, in good health. Butt w'hen will our deare Brother William come ? I am glad to heare our cottage hath beene dignified with such good company as your brother, to whom I longe to present my seruice. Our honest cousin Stefens (who will well deserue your acquaint- ance, and whom I recommend vnto your afi'ection) will perhaps by that time these come to you, bee arriued. Which yf hee bee, I pray present my seruice to him, and soe wdth our relatiue cordiall affections, I rest Yours euer. Paris, S Aug'^ 1G48. Our Court wants money, and Hues very quietly at St. Germains : where no peere appeares but my Lord J ermin. The Lord Marq. of Worster, the Lords Digby & Hatton, though yett in France, yet line for the most part in Paris. From Sir Ri. Browne. * Note appended : " Wliicli is lost." 350 SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. [1648. Since Com'ittinge of the King^s declaration to fower Members of the Parlament^ to bee by them examined w*^ order to make reporte thereof on Munday next, the Parlament hatli followed theire ordinary course of businesse, and this interim seemes to bee a kind of truce betweene the Royall and y* pleading Pallace. The losse of Tourne hath not yet exasperated y^ Prince of Conde into any newe vndertakinge against the Spaniard, v/^^ now vppon y^ joyninge of Erlack^s troops vnto him, it is expected hee shoulde, soe that probabily wee shall soone heare of his remoue from Bethune. In this stationary, or rather retrograde, condition of the ffrench affaires in fflanders, the certaine expectation of the taking Cremona, and the weaknesse of the Spaniard in Catalonia, are very considerable supports ; but aboue all, the relaps of Naples into (as they heere thinke) a more desperate state than euer, doth raise their mindes, and giues here great hopes of the losse of that Kingdome to the Spaniard. In order to w'^^ the ffrench ffleet hath set saile for L^Abruzzo, there to joyne w*^ the Conte de Conuersano, who hath reuiued y^ rebellion and is at the head of a considerable army. The Com'andeur de Souuray prepares for his journey into Holland, in quallity of Ambassador from the Religion of Malta, there to demande resti- tution of the Com'andarieSj w'^^' the States of Holland doe possesse. The Duke of Beaufort (who 'tis thought hath not beene out of ffrance) attended w*^ 40 or 50 horse, hath lately (as is saide) appeared in Brittany, wherevppon there are some troopes sent thither, and into Normandy, to secure those Provinces. And to Card" Mazarin they speake of giuinge a guard of 100 horse, for the safety of his person. The Marquiss of Ormond two dales since begane his journey towards Ireland. Thank es for yours of 28 & 31. most wellcome. 1648.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 351 All your relations here salute you most cordially. To my brother yf nott com away, & to my cousin S'. yf arriued, present my loue and seruice, the like to all the good company with you. Farewell, my deare S. Yours for euer louinge. Paris. 15 Aur,. 1648. From Sii' Ri. Browne. Yf thorough the difficult and hazardous passage, these lines come safe to you, they will conuey my serious and hearty congratulations of that condition you are now in neere his Ma*^', wlierein his gracious fauour and your owne merit haue concurrently placed you. Though I haue receiued noe letter from you since your arrivall in Schotland, yett I in joy the fruits of your care and kindnesse towards mee, witnesse the two warrants of his Ma*'% dated y^ 4 Aprill 3° Car. 1651, directed to Prince Rupert and to Mr. Windam in my behalfe, for which, as I render all humble acknowledgements to my most Gracious and Royall Maister, soe, I giue you also my hearty thankes for beinge soe happily instrumental! in a concernment of mine, though hithertoo neyther of them haue prouued any way aduantageous unto mee, for I can giue noe account where Pr. Uupert is since his comminge into the Ocean, and takinge some rich shipps belonginge to the Kinge of Spaine, and to the Genoese : And when I addresse any demands to Mr. AVindham, hee makes mee noe returne butt these kind of warrants, such as the inclosed, of which he hath many. Soe that unlesse his Ma'^ be pleased eyther to thinke of some other way of supply for mee, or direct some more eflfectuall commands to Mr. Windam, your kindsman and his family must (for ought I see) begge bread (or starue) in the streetes of Paris. In March last Mr. Windam assigned mee a thousand guilders of Dunkirke money, which makes little aboue fourescore pistolls 352 sm r.ICHARD BROWNE'S letters. [1618. here. Butt tlie man (one Jolm Arden) in whose hands he had deposited the prize goods, out of which this summ was to bee raysed, is soe insoluent that he lyes in prison eyther nott able or not willinge to j^iue any satisfaction. The truth of this will bee confirmed to you by word of mouth by Mr. Edgman, of whose safe arriuall with you, and returne into these parts, I should be gladd to heare. The afFau'es of this kingdome are in a dubious condition, occasioned chiefly by reason of some jealosies betweene the Queene Regent and the Princes ; to w hich the neere approachinge majority (the 6^^. 7'.) will, in probability giue a period, one way or other, by a more firme settlement of the authority, ministery, and direction of affaires. As for the aspect towards vs, all I can say to you is, it will bee answerable to the successe of his Ma*'^* affaires in schottland, vppon which they here looke as the North Pole- star re by which they intend to steere. Our good Queene spends much of her time of late in a new monastery at the end of Queene Mother's Cours (formerly the faire and pleasant house of Mar^ Basompeere at Challiot) of which shee is the titular foundresse; and the sweete Duke of Yorke doth here subsist vppon the allowance of one thousand crownes a month payd him from this state, beinge greatly esteemed by all for his comeli- nesse and personall dexterity, in his behauiour and exercises. Amongst all the publique and priuat calamities wherwith it hath pleased God to visit my poore family, wee yett (by His gracious blessinge and mercy) injoy our healths, and the hopes of a better condition, when eyther our humiliations, or our enemies sinnes shall moue the Divine power to looke more fauourably vppon vs ; in order to the obtaininge wheroff I yett make shifte to keep vp a chappell and the Inglish Liturgie in my house, v»'here, by ordinary and extraordinary deuotions Avee implore Gods blessinges vppon his Ma*'" person and just cause. To that diuine Omuipotency 1651.] SIR RICHARD BROWNE'S LETTERS. 353 recom mending you (witli all our cordiall and kind salutes) I rest, Dear cousin, Y' most affectionate kindsman and faitlifull humble seruant, R. Br. Parts, 19 Aurj. 1651. I pray present my seruice to all such worthy friends of mine of our owne nation, in whom j^ou find any memory of, or kindnes for, mee. Butt, faile nott to render mee most louinfre and most respectfull to my noble friend to me still (for I know nott his new titles) 'Mr. William Murray. Postscript. Extract of a letter from Nantes. 15*^ Aug\ Prince Rupert is arriued with his prizes in Portugal!, 15 leagues from Lisbone, and there hee fitts his shipps with some others that belonge to the Kinge of Portugall, to goe against the Kinge of Spaines galiions. This is written by a good hand from Lisbone. Wee heere hope the newes of Schottland, and the defeat in Fife, is nott soe bad as the London prints would make vs beleeue. I pray God send us some comfortable tidinges, and bless his Ma'^'. with victory and successe in all his undertakinges. VOL. IV. GENERAL INDEX. TO THE DIAEY AND COERESPONDENCE. Abbeville, notice of, i. 41 Abbot, Dr. George, Archbishop of Can- terbury, his hospital, i. 286; family of, iii. 342; portrait, 301 , Mr., a scrivener, ii. 116 n ; con- demned as a loyalist, ii. 136 Abdy, Mr., i. 219 Abel, John, his counter-tenor voice, ii. 163 Abingdon, Montague Bertie, Earl of. Lieutenant of the Tower, displaced, ii. 376 Academies at Richelieu, i. 74; at Paris, 257, 258 « Acetaria" (1699), by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 355, 392, 393, 396; iii. 384 Acoustics, &c., letter on, iii. 209, 210 Act at Oxford (1654), i. 290 ; (1664), 384 ; (1669), ii. 40, 41 Acton, Sir WiUiam, Lord Mayor, iv. 55 n Acts, of the Apostles, MS. of, i. 140; of the Council of Basil, i. 295 Addresses to the king, origin of, ii. 348 Adolphus, Prince, proposes for Princess Sophia of Bohemia, iv. 2 1 3 Adriatic Gulf, notice of, i. 196 Adscomb, Surrey, Mr. Di'aper's house at, ii. 358, 368, 371 " Adventures of Five Hours," a play (1662), i. 372 Advocates' library, the founder, iii. 193 n jEmiliana, Margaret, i. 212 ^tna. Mount, eruption of (1669), i. 338 n ; ii. 43 Agates, &c., curious, i. 43, 86, 214, 306, 307 " Agreement of the People," debate on, iii. 34 Agrippina, Julia, mother of Nero, her sepulchre, i. 160 Ague, cure for the, ii. 1 64 Aid, royal, distribution of (1665), iii. 1 70 Aiguillon, Duchess of, iv. 347 Air, excellence of the Italian, i. 84; experiment on, i. 362 Aitzema, Leo D', his " History of the United Provinces" (1657), i. 20 n Aix, in Provence, account of, i. 80 Albano, tombs of the Horatii and Curiatii at, i. 162, 163 Albemarle, George Monk, Duke of, various references to, i. 359, 374, 377, 385—399; ii. 2,3,20,24,25 n,75, 157, 170, 185; stays in London during the plague (1665),i.396 ; appointed General at sea, &c., 399 ; his victory over the Dutch fleet, ii. 5, 6 : share of a Spanish galleon (1687), 267; trials respecting an estate, 327, 343, 366; portrait of, iii. 301 See Keppel, ii. 352 n Albemarle Street, notice of, ii. 20 and n Albert Eremitano, bust of, i. 210 Alberti, Cherubin, paintings by, i. 139 Albury, Surrey, villa of Mr. Howard, i. 247, 249, 308, 364; the grounds improved by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 29, 52; bought by Mr. Solicitor Finch, 1687, 268; Mr. Evelyn desirous of possess- ing (1657), iii. 63 and n Alchemist, a pretended one at Paris (1650), i. 263, 266 n; stories of an, 273 Aldobrandini, Cardinal Pietro, i. 179, 180 Alessandro, Signor, musician, i. 134,255 Alexander III., Pope, (Roland, Bishop of Sienna), i. 2U0; painting respect- ing, 138 VII., Pope, Fabio Chighi, liis intrigues with the Queeu of Sweden, ii. 149 Alexander, Mrs., letter to, iv. 29 Algardi, Alessandro, architect, i. 182 A A 2 356 GENERAL IXDEX TO Alibone, Sir Hichard, Justice of the King's Bench, a Papist, ii. 276 Alkoran, written on a sheet of calico, i. 291 Allegri, Antonio da Corregio, paintings by, i. 56, 93, 133, 163, 369; ii 341; sum paid for a Venus by, ii, 326 Allen, Capt. Sir Thomas, i. 391, 392 n, 393; ii. 60 Allestree, Dr. Richard, Dean of West- minster, i. 344, 3.52; ii. 41, 42, 382; sermons of, 97, 137 Aileyn, Edward, his College at Dulwich, ii. 102 Allington, WiUiam, Lord, ii. 59; his house at Horseheath, 48, and n < , Rev. John, preaches against regicides, i. 302 AUix, Dr. Peter, ii. 243 and n, 256 All Souls' College, Oxford, painting in the chapel of, i. 384 Almont, Sir James Levingston, Eai'l of Callendar, iv. 81 Alois, Planta, its peculiarities, iii. 205 Alps, joui-ney over the (1646), i. 230 — 235 Alstedius, John Henry, referred to, i. 267, 382; ii. 330 Alston, Dr., President of the College of Physicians (1664), i. 382 Althorp, Northamptonshire, seat of Lord Sunderland, ii. 100, 277—279, 338; earthquake at, 310 Amazons in Persia, ii. 146 Ambassadors, see Embassies, on the precedency between the French and Spanish (1661), i. 355; ii. 395; nar- rative by Mr. Evelyn, vindicating the King and his servants, i. 426 — 429; French and Spanish apply for Irish soldiers, iv. 53, 66 ; foreign, ordered to give up priests who were tha King's subjects, 109 ; the Venetian, offended by the parliament, 127 ; instructions to Sir R. Browne, 328 ; sent to France and Holland, 333 ; seat of the English, disfigured at Chareuton, 314 Amber, spider, &c., enclosed in, ii. 165 Amboise, Castle of, i. 70,71 ; Cardinal George D', his tomb, 60, 79 Ambi-ose, St., quoted, iii. 89 Ambrosian library at Milan, i. 226, 227 Ammanatti, Vincenzo, architecture of, 170 Amphitheatre at Venice, i. 78 ; at Peri- gueux, 82 ; of Vespasian, 116 ; at Verona, 221 Amsterdam, account of (1641), i. 22 — 25 ; hospital, 23, 401 Anabaptists, their objection to oaths, i. 322 ; increase of, 323 ; iii. 45 Anatomy, school of, at Leyden, i. 26 ; at Padua, 211, 216 ; at Oxford, 292 Anchor, method of casting in Acts, xxvii. 29, illustrated, ii. 197 Anchorite of Mount Calvary at Paris, i. 254 Anderson, Sir Richard, ii. 150, 175 Andoyne, Abbot of, i. 36 Andrews, Dr. Launcelot, Bishop of Winchester, i. 304 ; ii. 129, 130, 181 Mayor of London, 1649, iii. 44 Angelica, an apothecary at Vincenza, i. 221 Ange'oni, Signer, his medals, &c., i. 110, 163 Anglesea, Arthur Annesley, Earl of. Viscount Valentia, i. 347 ; ii. 35 ' Anio, cascade of the, i. 181 Anjou, Gasto Jean-Baptiste, Duke of, performs in an opera, 1651, i. 265 ; his embassy to Charles II., 340 Anne, of Denmark, Princess, afterwards Queen, ii. 235 n, 222, 273, 288, 291, 300, 336 ; her marriage, 182 ; refuses to dismiss Lady Marlborough, 318 ; William III. reconciled to, 333 ; en- tertained, when Queen, at Oxford, &c., 368 ; goes in procession to St. Paul's Cathedral, 369, 373 , of Austria, Queen Regent, iv. 352 ; message to Parliament of Paris, 345 ; agrees to erect a Chamber of Justice, 347 Annunciada (Annunciata), churches of, i. 87, 95, 187 Antenor, founder of Padua, inscriptions to, i. 206 Anthonie, Capt., iv. 237, 269, 271, 281, 287 ; Sir Richard Browne's opinion of, 289, 292 Antibes, i. 82 Antichrist, final destruction of, ii. 297 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, his baths, i. 165 ; column of, 169 ; his palace, ib. Antonio, Marco, singer, i. 182 ; an enameller, &c,, at Paris, 273 Antwerp, account of (1641), i. 31 — 33 ; cathedral, 32, 403 Apennines, passage over the (1645), i. 191 Apiaries, transparent, notice of, i. 292 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 357 A pianos, Mr. Evelyn's signature to his letters, iii. 4 — 42. Apollo, Temples of, i. 159 " Apology fur the Royal Party" (1659), by Mr. Evelyn, i. 333 ; ii. 391, 395 Aponius, Peter, bust of, at Padua, i. 210 Appian Way, its extent, «kc., i. 147, 148 Appii Forum, etched by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 392 Aqua Claudia, i. 175 Aqua Paula, fountain of, i. 145 Aquapendente, town of, i. 100 Arabian horses, account of some, ii. 201, 202 Ara Coeli, church of, at Rome, i. 106, 136 « Archseologia," cited, ii. 106 n, 189 Architects in Rome (1G45), i. 182 " Architecture, Parallel between Ancient and Modern" (1664), by Mr. Evelyn, i. 382 and n, 384, 386, ii. 391 ; his directions for reprinting it, iii. 318, 360; M. D'Aviler's work on, 361, 362 Arconati, Cavaliero Galeazzo, his gift to the Ambrosian library, i. 227 Arden, John, conduct to Sir Richard Browne, iv. 352 Aretino, Pietro, epitaph on, i. 209 n Argyle, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of, i. 314, 318 ; his son, 362 ; his rebellion, ii. 223 ; executed, 225 ; notice of, i. 413; iv. 80, 81, 91, 111 , Archibald, ninth Earl, son of the preceding,!. 362, 418 Arlington, Sir Henry Bennett, Earl of. Secretary of State, references to, i. 355, 357, 362, 379, 385, 391, 393; ii. 2, 8, 20, 26, 27, 38, 39, 46, 48, 51, 53, 56, 58—60, 62, 63, 71, 77, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86,91, 188 ; iii. 222, 223 ; Lord Chamberlain, ii. 106 — 108, 110, 115, 135, 187, 211 ; disappointment of being Lord Treasurer, 370 ; Mul- berry Garden granted to, i. 288 n ; his daughter, ii. 77, 135 ; Gox-ing House burned, 93; his pictui'es, 109; re- built Euston church and parsonage, 113; his seat at Euston, 110—114; letters to, iv. 198 n, 202, 208 n, 224 n, 235 n, 236 ; life and character, ii. 114, 115; died a Roman Catholic, 237 • , Countess of, ii. 82, 176, 186, 249, 260 ArUngton House and Street, in London, historical notice of, i. 391 n ; ii. 144 Armourer, Sir James and Sir Nicholas, ii. 26, 380 ; iv. 217 Armoury at Genoa, i. 87 ; the Pope's in the Vatican, 141 ; at Florence, loo Armstrong, Sir Thomas, ii. 178 ; his execution, &c., 198, 341 and n Army, proceedings for - disbanding the (1641), iv. 52, 66, 94 ; provisions for the payment of, 52, 64, 108 ; dis- banded soldiers permitted to serve the States, 66 ; tumults of the troop- ers, 83, 85 ; orders concerning, 87 ; guard kept at the Parliament Houses, 98; sent to Ireland, 110, 112, 119, 121 ; design of gaining the army for the King, 106 ; marched into Oxford- shire, 136 n ; advancing to England, ib. ; state of the Royal forces, 147, 180; Rebel army (1648), i. 246; ex- pels the Parliament, 333 ; afterwards limited, ii. 351 Arnauld, Mons., iii. 219 Arno, notice of the River, i, 90, 91 Arnold, Michael, a brewer, against the seven bishops (1688), ii. 276 Arpino, see Cesari Ai-ran, James Hamilton, Earl of,ii. 170, 233 ; his marriage, 270, 279 , Lady Anne Spencer, Countess of, her death, iii. 315 Arras, Spaniards defeated before, iv. 206 Arsenal at Florence, i. 190 ; at Venice, 207 ; at Geneva, 243 Arundel, Capt. William, iv. 299 ,ofWardour, Lord (1647), iii. 5; (1660), i. 334; (1664 85), 379; ii.58, 62, 2U4, 213, 224; (1687), Privy Seal, 262 Arundel and Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of, Earl Marshal, i. 15, 28, 35— 38, 166, 211, 218, 223, 227 ; his last sickness, &c., 218 ; medals, &c., of, iii. 300 , Henry Frederick Howard, Earl of, and Eliz. Stuart, his Countess (1649), i. 247, 251 ; iv. 192 , Henry Howard, Lord, married to I-ady Mary ]Mor- daunt (1677), ii. 110; alluded to (1680), 154 , Earl of, Manor of Worksop belonging to, i. 299 Arundel House, various references to, i. 319, 357—360, 365, 374 ; ii. 20, 23, 31, 89, 121 ; see also Howard and Norfolk Arundel Street, notice of, ii. 89 n 358 GENERAL INDEX TO Arundelian Library, procured for the Royal Society by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 20, 122 ; iii. 216 Arundelian Marbles, procured by Mr. Evelyn for the University of Oxford, ii. 29, 41 ; iii. 219 Ascension-day, ceremony on, at Venice, i. 197 ; sports of Ascension week, 203 Ashburnham, Mr,, ii. 28, 380 , Col., referred to, iv. 154 n ; Parliament sequesters the pay of, 56, 58 n, 76 n ■ , Mr. John, iv, 135 n 174 — 176 Ashley, Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord (1671-2), ii. 59, 70 Ashmole, Elias, Windsor Herald, i. 310, 322, 328; ii. 161 n, 227 ; his library, museum, portrait, and collection of coins, i. 322 and n, 328 ; ii. 119, 120; iii. 299 Ashted, Surrey, seat of Sir Robert Howard at, ii. 196 Ashton, Colonel, iii. 36 , John, executed (1691), ii. 311 Ashurst, Sir Henry, ii, 341 , Sir William, a subscriber to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 n, 345 n Ash-AVednesday, observance of neglected, i. 287 Astley, Sir Jacob, sent to Ireland, iv. 110 ; examined on O'Neal's affair, 128 Atkins, Sir Jonathan, ii. 89 , Sir Robert, Puisne Justice of the Common Pleas, ii. 133 n. 269 n Atterbury, Dr. Francis, Bishop of Ro- chester, iii. 365 and n Attornies, number of, reduced, ii. 358 Atwood, Mr., ii. 270 n Aubert, Mr., employed by King Charles L, iv, 342 Aubigny, Lord, Almoner to the Queen, i. 272, 300, 379 ; his character, 360 Aubrey, John, his " History of Surrey " I'eferred to, ii. 26 n Audley-End, Essex, Palace of the Earl of Suffolk, i. 305 ; ii, 49, 115, 185 n Auger, Sir Anthony, ii. 26 Augier, Mr., Parliament sent to France, iv. 333 Augustine, St., citation from, iii. 88, 89 Augustus Octavianus Csesar, Emperur of Rome, his aqueduct, i. 145 ; Temple of, at Puteoli, 158 ; Obehsk of, 171 ; his Mausoleum at Rome, ib. Aungier, Lord, i. 305, ii. 119 ; account of, i. 411 Aurelius, Marcus, equestrian statue of, i. 104 " Aurum Potabile," prepared by M. Roupel, i. 285 Austen, Colonel, a subscriber to Green- wich Hospital, ii. 344 Austria, Don John of, iv. 311 Avernus, Lake, at Naples, i. 159 Aviaries and Menageries, notices of various, i. 32, 35, 58, 86, 111, 117, 174, 178, 181, 212, 288, 314, 390 Avignon, account of, i. 79 Axtall, Daniel, regicide, executed, i. 341 Aylesbury, Sir Thomas, iv. 235 Aylesbury, Robert Bruce, Earl of, ii. 170, 287 Ayliffe, Capt., i. 392 n Ayscue, Sir George, captured by the Dutch, ii. 6 Backhouse, Sir William, ii. 240 n, iii. 1G5 n Backstair, Colonel, iii. 23 Bacon, Sir Edward, ii. Ill , Sir Francis, Viscount St. Alban, i. 86, 380, 383; iii. 297, 301 , Dr., at Rome, i. 101 " Bacula," Treatises concerning, ii. 392 n; iii. 221-224 Baden, Louis- Guillaume, Prince of, in London (1 694), ii. 327 Baglioni, Cavaliere Giovanni, paintings by, i. 103, 167 Bagni di Tritoli, i. 160 Bagnios at Veiaice, i. 196 Baije of the Romans, i. 154,158,160, 161 Baker, Mr., his house on Epping Forest, ii. 43, 173 , Capt,, attempts the North- West Passage, ii. 107 , George, his " History of North- amptonshire" cited, ii. 102 n , Sir Richard, his " Chronicle " referred to, i. 422 Baldarius, Andrea, i. 210 Baldassare. See Peruzzi Baldero, Dr., Sermon of, i. 345 Balfour's " Pratiques," or Reports, iii. 383 Balgrave, Dr. Isaac, Dean of Canterbury, ii. 73 Baliol College, Oxford, Mr. Eveljn's present to, iii, 247—249 Ball, Robert, letter, iii. 286 , Sir Peter, i, 360 Ballad on the Queen Mother burned, iv. 57 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 859 Ballard, George, his " Memoirs of Learned Ladies " referred to, ii. 37 n Dallatine, Sir William, iv. 91, 96 ; raised to the Peerage, 91 n Balle, Dr. Peter, his gift to the Royal Society, i, 377 Balls Park, Hertfordshire, i. 39 n Bamfield, Mr., iv. 209 Banbury, Nicholas Knollys, Earl of (1G45), robbed in Italy, i. 146 Bancroft, Dr. Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, his library, i. 304 Bandiuelli, Baccio, productions of, i. 92, 95, 188 Banditti in Italy, i. 147, 223 ; in France, 264 Bank, for the poor in Padua, i. 211 ; of England estabUshed, 1694, ii. 329, 331, 345 Bankes, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice, iv. 53, 54, 59, 64 Lord, proposed as Speaker of House of Peers, iv. 99 Banks, Sir John, an opulent merchant, ii. 107 Banquetting-house, touching for the Evil at the, i. 338 ; creation of Peers there, 347; lottery held there, 380 ; auction of pictures at, ii. 325 Banstead, Sui'rey, Roman medals found near, i. 329 Baptism of a Turk and a Jew, i. 172 ; pi'ivate, censured, ii. 296 Baptist, Signor Giovanni, musician, ii. 198, 204 Baptistery of San Giovanni, i. 89 ; of St. John Baptist, 124 Bar, defects in educating for the, iii. 378 Baraterius, Nicholas, architect, i. 202 Bai-badoes, i. 365, 395 ; conspiracy of negroes at (1693), ii. 323 ; trees, &c., there, iii. 258 Barberini, Cardinal Francesco, his courtesy to the English, i. 124, 178 Barberini, Palazzo, i. 107, 167 Barclay, John, his " Icon Animarum" (1614), i. 283 andn; ii. 37 n , Lord George, mechanical occu- pations of, iii. 167 , Mr. John, iv. 89, 91, 107, 125, 146 Bargrave, Dr. Isaac, ii. 73 Barill, Mr., i. 246 Barillon, Monsieur, French Ambassador (1685), ii. 246 Barlseus, Caspar, " Historia Rerum in Brasilia" (1647), iii. 258 Barlow, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, i. 291, 383 ; ii. 30, 31, 41, 99 ; iii. 149 ; lettei's to Mr. Evelyn, acknow- ledging presents to the Bodleian, iii. 64, 104 ; on a lost MS., 132 ; on the Jesuits, 143 , Francis, painter, notices of, i. 312, 412 ; ii. 158 ; iii. 81 n ; letter to Mr. Evelyn on dedicating a plate to him, 81 ; answer to ditto, 82 , Mrs., alias Walters, notices of, i. 253; ii 229 andn; account of, i. 407 Barnaby, Mr., iii. 380 Barnard's Castle occupied by troops, iii. 33 Baron, Barnard, engraving from Titian by, i. 328 n Baronius, Ccesar, his sepulchre, i. 109 Barrow, Dr. Isaac, Bishop of Chester, sermon by, ii. 97 and n Bartholomew Fair (1648), i. 247 Bartolomeo. See Porta Bartolomeo, Signor, musician, ii. 137, 164,213 Barton, Mr. John, his death, i. 285 ; referred to, iii. 63 Basil, Council of, original acts of the, i. 291 Basilisco at Ghent, i. 36 Basire, Dr. Isaac, i. 357, 370, 417 ; iii. 3 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn on his loyalty to Charles I., 1 ; on some theological questions, 218 Bassano. See Ponte Bassano, Dorainico, and his daughter, musicians, i. 215 , Veronese, paintings of, i. 133 Bassompiere, Fran9ois de, his palace, i. 44 ; iv. 352 Bastille at Paris, i, 50 Bath, visit to (1654), i. 289; given up by Prince Rupert (1645), iv. 153, 156 , John Grenville, Earl of, account of, i. 415 ; references to, i. 347 ; ii. 107, 1 17, 170, 176, 206, 211, 223, 269 and n ; trial with, concerning an estate left by the Duke of Albemarle, ii. 327, 343, 366, 392 ; his death, 366 , Henry Bourchier, Earl of, iv. 84 Bath, Knights of the, their creation, 1661, i. 347- Bathurst, Dr. Ralph, Dean of Wells, i. 4, 21, 30, 95 n ; iii. 199 ; iv. 25; let- ter respecting Lord Howard's arms, iii. 219 ; his death, ii. 373 , Mr., a merchant, ii. 98 Bauli, notice of, i, 160 3 GO GENERAL Bavaria, Duke of, iv. 242, 244, 245 Baxter, Lieutenant of the Tower (1657), iii. 86 n Baylev, Dr., Vice-Chancellor of Oxford (1636), i. 420 Baynards, at Ewhurst, Surrey, i. 246 ; iii. 330 ; described, i. 320 and n Baynton, Sir Edward, his house at Spy Park, i. 293 Beach, Sir R., ii. 236 Beale, Dr., letters of Mr. Evelyn to, on his " Acetaria," and Hortulan collec- tions, ii. 392, 393 ; on philosophical subjects, iii. 207—211, 254 Beale, a tailor, discovers a plot, iv. 126 Bear-garden, sports at the (1670), ii. 46 Beauchamp, Lady, i. 310 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, first Duke of, his house at Chelsea, ii. 127 n, 183 ; death of, 357 and n ; his family, 173, 242 Edward Somerset, Duke of, iv. 350 Beaugensier, notices of, iii. 85 and n Beaumont, Francis, iii. 301 , Herbert Van, iv. 22 Beauvais, town of, i. 42 Becher, Mr., ii. 33, 90 Beckford, Lady, ii. 139, 155 Beddington, seat of the Carews, i. 6, 329 ; ii. 361 and n Bede,Venerable, MS. of, in the Bodleian Library, i. 291 Bedell, Mr., iii. 56 Bedford, William Russell, Earl of, i. 347 ; ii. 34, 178, 203 ; his protest, iv. 68 n Bedford House, Bloomsbury, i. 389 n Bedloe, William, a witness against Sir George Wakeman, ii. 132 ; iii. 253 Bedsteads, splendid ones noticed, i. 86, 110, 214, 364 Bee-hives, remarks on, iii. 76 Befort, Monsieur, iv. 202, 203 Belin, Mr., i. 382 Belinge, Col., iv. 336 Bella, Stephano della, engraver, i. 256 Bellarmine, Cardinal Robert, his sepul- chre, i. 108 Bellasis, Henry Lord, i. 373, 384 ; ii. 34, 261 ; iii. 253 , Governor, iv. 166 n Bellcar, pictures possessed by, i. 249 Belle Cour at Lyons, i. 78 Bellino, Giovanni, master of Titian, his portrait, i. 343 Bells, notices of, i. 24, 25, 60, 301 INDEX TO Bcllsize House, Hampstead, notice of i. 380 ' Belluccio, Dr., of Sienna, i. 185 Belvidere Gardens, i. 141 Belvoir Castle, Lincolnshire, i. 298 Bembo, Cardinal Pietro, i. 1 72 Bemde, Henry, letter, iii. 31 9 Benbow, John, Admiral, ii. 342, 347 n ; his gallantry and death, 369 Benedict VII., Pope, i. 173 Benevento, statue by, i. 95 Benlowes, Edward, references to, and notice of, i. 303 and n Bennett, Mr., iv. 274, 277, 285, 301 , Mrs., sister to Lord Arlington, i. 379 Benotti, an artist in Pictra Commesso, i. 94, 190 Benson, Henry, M.P., iv. 109 n Bentivoglio, Cardinal Guide, his gardens, &c., i. 173 ; Castle Bentivoglio, 195 Bentley, Dr. Richard, references to, ii. 130 n, 328, 333, 347 n, 348 ; iii. 341, 362, 370, 388 ; delivers the Boyle lectures, ii. 319, 322, 327, 328 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, on a new edition of the " Sylva," iii. 365 ; the library in St. James's Park, 369 , Mr., a bookseller (1697), iii. 366 Bergamo, Damiano di, inlaying by, i. 192 Bergen-op-Zoom, i. 30 Berkeley, George, first Earl of, various references to, i. 329, 332, 336, 368, 378 ; ii. 8, 85, 93, 167, 181 ; ambas- sador to France for the treaty of Nimeguen, 102, 106 ; seized v/ith apoplexy, 102 ; sets out for France, 103, 104 ; commits his affaii's to Mr. Evelyn, 103—105, 107, 110 Berkeley, of Stratton, John, Lord, his house in London, ii. 78, 79, 377 , Lord, bombards Dieppe and Havre (1694), ii. 331 , Lady, property of, from Berkeley Gardens, ii. 197 , Sir John, iv. 235 n, 236 n ; danger from the Parliament, 76 ; arrested, 78 n ; sent to the Tower, 94 ; political intrigue of, 154 , Mr. Arthur, iv. 110, 112 . , Sir Robert, Puisne Justice of the King's Bench, his portrait, iii. 301 ; examined by the Peers, iv, 99 ; his sentence, ih. ; grandson of, ii. 188 ; iii. 273, 275, 276, 280, 282, 320, 332, 337 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 3G1 Berkeley, Sir Charles, i. 355, 373 , Mr. (son of Lord Berkeley), i. 312, 313; iii. 70 n Berkeley House, described, ii. 4, 78 n, 377 ; gardens of, built over, 197 ; residence of Pi-incess Anne (1696), 333 Berkeley Castle East Indiaman sunk, ii. 328 Berkenshavv, Mr., musician, i. 381, 419 Bei'kshire, Thomas Howard, Earl of, iv. 143 , Charles Howard, Earl of, ii. 39,101,211 Berkshire, or Cleveland, House, ii. 20, and n Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, sculptor and architect, i. 182 ; works of, 107, 110, 122, 124, 166, 188, 253 ; his varied talents, 122 Bertie, Mr., ii. 5 Berwick, James Fitz- James, Dake of, engaged in the conspiracy (i696), ii. 339 ; noticed, iii. 319 • , Garrison of, paying off, iv. 65 ; jealousy respecting, 94 Bestland, Cantlo, engraving by, ii. 324 n Betcliworth Castle, i. 305 Betterton, Thomas, his theatre in Dorset Gardens, ii. 53 n Beveridge, Dr. William, anecdote of, ii. 312 Bevei'ley, notice of the town of, i, 301 Bewdley, Charles I. visits, iv. 140 n Bianchi, a singer in Rome, i. 183 Bible, English MS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, i. 291 ; versions of the, 309 « Biblia Polyglotta," by Bishop Walton, i. 283 BickerstafF, Sir Charles, purchases Pilton, ii. 197 Bickerton, Mrs. Jane, daughter of Sir Robert, ii. 65 and u, 118 n, 120 n Biddulph, Sir Theophilus, i. 372 Bie, Jacques de, and Sieur de Bizot, their " Histoire Metahique," iii. 355 Billiards, Portuguese manner of playing, ii. 138 Bills, Parliamentary, tacked to Money Bill, contested, ii. 359 Bindley, Mr. James, i. 356 n Biographia Britannica," referred to, i. Introduction, 271 n, 387 n, 426; ii. 196 n, 306 u, 374 n, 393 " Biographia Dramatica," referred to, i. 331 n Birch, Dr., sermon by, against Papists, ii. 259 Birds, Royal Collection of, in St. James's Park, i. 389 Birkenhead, John, a spy, iii. 51 ; his reply to the Jesuits, iii. 70 Bishoprics, proceedings for filling up those vacant (1641), iv. 72,79, 83,98, 115, 116, 129; Parliament dislikes the measure, 99, 102, 106 Bishops, impeached, proceedings against (1641), iv, 51 n ; summoned by the Queen, 84 ; pamphlet against, 99 n ; King Charles's directions about a pardon for them, 118, 123 ; pro- ceedings in Parliament concerning, 97 n, 99—102, 106, 115, 123, 128 ; Parliament endeavours to take away their votes (1641), 95, 97,102; popular outcry against, 102 n ; inattentive to the Church at the Restoration, ii. 71 ; the six Bishops petition James II. against his declaration for liberty of conscience, ii. 274 ; sent to the Tower, 275 ; trial of, 275, 276 ; called upon to reconcile matters on the expected invasion (1 688), 281 ; the Bishops and Convocation at variance (1701), 365 Blackburn, Cornet, brought to trial, iv. 284 n Blackfriars garrisoned, iii. 33 Blackheathjcamp at (1673),ii.83 ; (1 685), 230; (1690), 308 ; fair on (1683,) 174 Blacksmiths, ingenious works of, i. 293 Blackwall, Dr., Boyle lecturer, ii. 356 Blagge, or Blague, Mrs., ii. 39, 77 n, 94, 381; marriage of, 98, 123, 124. Ste Godolphin Blake, Admiral Robert, iv. 218, 232 Blandford, Dr. Walter, Bishop of Wor- cester, ii. 79 Blathwaite, Mr., Secretary at War, &c., ii. 268 Bleaw, William Jansen, i. 25, 402 Blechingley, Surrey, house of Hen.VIII. ,at, i. 308 ; sale of the manor of, ii. 110 Blenheira,''thanksgiving for the victory of, ii. 373 and u Blois, notice of the town, &c., of, i. 69 Blood, Colonel, account of, ii. 57, 382 Bloomsbury-square, building of, i. 389 ; Montague House erected in, ii. 106, 135, 248 Blount, Sir Henry, i. 332, 414 ,Col., i. 141, 281, 310, 313, 320, 332 302 GENERAL INDEX TO Bobart, Jacob, a botanist, and a de- scendant of, i. 384 and n Bodleian Library, Oxford, curiosities of the, i. 291 ; Mr. Evelyn's presents to, iii. 64, 104 Boet, Dr., i. 263 Boggi, a sculptor, i. 123 Bohemia, Elizabeth, Queen of, i. 18, 401 ; iv. 90 n, 103 n, 195 n, 205 n ; letters, 205—226 ; character of her writing, 205 n ; her cypher, 208, 226 ; spleen against Q,. Christina, 205, 207. 214, 221 ; fond of shooting, 207, 210, 212 ; Prince Adolphus of Swe- den proposes for her daughter Sophia, 213 ; travels to see Q. Christina, 215, 216 ; gaiety at the Hague, 222 ; at a royalty at Tilling, 224 ; solicits a com- mission for Killegi-ew, 225, 226 ; Sir Richard Browne sent to, 328 ; her funeral, i. 362 , Sophia, Princess of, daughter of preceding, offer of marriage, iv. 213 Bohemians, revolt of (1618), i. 4,400 Bohun, Dr. Ralph, tutor to Mr. Evelyn's son, i. 396 ; ii. 21, 53 ; iv. 30 n ; letter to by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 346 n ; living presented to him, 364 ; Dr. Bathurst's legacy to, 373 ; character of Mrs. Evelyn by, i. Introduction; iv. 3 — 7 ; notice of, 3 n ; sermon by, ii. 110 ; letters of Mr3. Evelyn to, iv. 8—11, 24—26, 29, 30, 34 ; alluded to, 14 , Mr., his house and garden at Lea in Surrey, ii. 134, 168, 169, 184 Bois-de-Boulogne, muster of gens d'armes in the, i. 66 ; referred to, 256 Bois-de-Vincennes, palace of, i. 50, 255 Bois-le-Duc, fortifications, &c., of, i. 28 Bologna, account of, i. 191 — 194 ; Torre d'Asinelli and Churches, 192; Palace of the Legate, ib, ; Dr. Montalbano, St. Michel in Bosco, 193 ; religious houses, &c., ib. ; observations on, 194 Bologna, Baldassa di, painting by, i. 1 1 1 • , Giovanni di, sculptures of, i. 45, 94, 95, 146 Bolognesi,Giovanni'Francesco,Grimaldi, called II Bolognesi, painting by, i. 167 Bolsena, Lake of, i. 100 Bolton, Dr., his Consecration Sermon, i. 371 Bombardment, a cruel species of war- fare, ii. 337 Bombs, experiments made upon, ii. 264 Bommell, town of, i. 20 Bond, Sir Thomas, his house at Peck- ham, ii. 107, 159 Bonifacio, Father, at Venice, i. 218 Bonnes Hommes, Convent of, at Paris, i. 55, 263 Books, various particulars concerning, i. 11 and n, 43, 140 n, 243, 291, 292, 300, 303, 380 ; ii. 122 Booksellers, at Geneva, i. 240 ; loss of, by the Fire of London, iii. 188; their editions of the classics censured, 190 Boord, Mad. de, censures the carving of Gibbon, ii. 56 Booth, Sir George, created Lord Dela- mere, i. 347 , Mr., i. 260 Borell, Peter, work of, referred to, iii. 84 , Mynheer, Dutch Ambassador, iv. 240, 241, 246, 252—254, 320 Borem.an, Sir William, Clerk of Green Cloth, ii. 246 Borghese, Cardinal Scipio, houses of, i. 133, 180 Borghese Villa, i. 117, 1 18, 178 Boi'romean Islands, i. 231 n Borromeo, Cardinals St. Charles and Frederick, ii. 91 ; burial-place,!. 224 ; munificence of, 225, 226 Boscawen, Mr., ii. 230 ; his daughter, 346, 366 , Mrs., ii. 123 Bosio, Antonio, his "Roma Sotterranea" (1632), i. 177 Boswell, Sir Wdliam, iv. 90, 210 ; resi- dent at the Hague, 55 n, 223 Bouehai-vant, Abbess of, i. 266 Bouillon, Duke and Duchess of, i. 174 Boulanger, Sieur, counsellor, his sudden death, 330 Boulogne, account of, i. 41 Bourbon, L'Archambant, i 76 Bourdeaux, iv. 273, 280 Bourdon, Sebastian, his portrait of Mrs. Evelyn, i. 249, 275, 277 ; iv. 317 Bourges, account of, i. 75 Bowles, Sir John, ii. 190 Bowyer, Sir Edward, ii. 26 ; his seat at Camberwell, i. 321 ; noticed, iii. 18 Boyle, Richard, first Earl of Cork, i. 382 ; iii. 349 ; anecdotes of, 396 . Hon. Robert, refei*ences to, i. 313, 332, 346, 362, 364, 383 ; ii. 104, 283, 307, 318, 322 ; iii. 70 n, 391 ; experiment by, i. 362 ; elected Presi- dent of the Royal Society, ii. 150 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, on his « History of Ti-ades," and Ray's work THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 303 on Flowers, 393 ; enclosing certain Treatises of Arts, iii. 92 ; on Essences of Roses, 110; on his works on Garden- ing, 114 ; on a plan for a Mathe- matical College, 116—120; on Mr. Boyle's "Seraphic Love," 121—126 ; on a vai'nish and books of Mr. Boyle's, 133 ; on several new publications, 147 ; his death, and Bishop Burnet's funeral sermon, ii. 316 ; particulars of him, i. 412; iii. 346—352, 359, 370, 385, 387—393, 395 Boyle, Mr,, killed in a sea-fight, iii. 240 Boyle Lecture, notices of the, ii. 319, 322, 327, 333, 338, 341, 356 ; iii. 367, 376 Boyne, battle of the, ii. 308, 309 Bracciano, Duke di, his house, i. 135 Bradford, Mr., of Bow Church, proposed Boyle lecturer, iii. 377 Bradsliaw, George, of Balliol College, Oxford, i. 9 , John, regicide, i. 9, 248, 251, 260 n, 281 Bramante. See Lazzori Bramliall, Dr. John, Archbishop of Armagh, i. 339 ; ii. 252 ; account of, i. 415 ; iv. 263 n Bramstone, Francis, Baron of the Ex- chequer, iii. 301 ; his son, i. 213,215 ; ii. 34 ; iii. 31 Brandenburgh, George William, Elector of, iv. 220 ■ ; Elizabeth Charlotte, Elec- tress of, iv. 225 , Duke of, his present to the Royal Society (1682), ii. 165 ; to the Queen (1693), 325, 326 Brandon, Lord, Charles Gerard, trial and pardon of, ii. 245 , Charles, Duke of SufiFolk, paint- ing of, ii. 121 Bray, Sir Edward, i. 320 n , William, F. S. A. "History of Surrey " referred to, i. 249, 383 n ; ii. 20 n, 26 n, 159 n, 203 n, 219 n, 252 n, 269 n, 300 n, 323 n ; iv. 31 n, 60 n, 297 n, 419 n ; great age of, iii. 208 n, 357 n ■ , Captain, iii. 36, 37 Brazen Tables at Lyons, i. 78 Breakwater at Plymouth, i. 87 n Breames, Sir Richard, ii. 19 Breda, ship of war, blown up, ii. 31 Brederoke, , iv. 210 Bredrod, family of, i. 28 ; ii. 114 Brenta, fine country on its banks, i. 205 Brentford, Patrick Ruthen, Earl of Forth, iv. 211 Brentford, battle of, i. 38 Bi'ereton, Lord, ii. 26 , Mr,, son of Lord Brereton, i. 332, 4] 4 Brescia, account of, i. 220, 223 Brest, the harbour of, iv. 282, 292, 295, 303, 306 Bret, Colonel, ii. 160 Bretagne, claims of the Admiralty of, iv. 281, 307 Bretagne language, its great resemblance to the Welsh, ii. 98 Breton, Dr. John, sermon by, ii. 44 , Mr., Vicar of Wotton, sermons by, i. 357 ; his death, and Mr. Evelyn's regret for, ii. 68 ; iv. 30 Brett, Sir Edward, i. 398 Breughel, Peter (called the Old), paint- ing by, i. 34 ; ii. 43 , John (called Velvet Breughel), i. 34, 226, 246, 248 Brevell, Mons., ii. 68 Brevent, Dr., Dean of Durham, i. 258 Brick-Close, Deptford, granted to Mr. Evelyn, ii. 34 Brideoak, Dr. Ralph, Bishop of Chiches- ter, ii. 97, 105 Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, ii. 59, 80, 107, 224 ; iii. 301 ; iv. 84, 135 , Mr., Clerk of the Council, his death, ii. 352 , Mrs., ii. 192 Bridges, particulars concerning, i. 44, 45, 57, 59, 60, 62, 75, 77, 79, 90, 91, 98, 99, 153, 158, 175, 180, 221, 232, 242, 244, 259, 300 Bridgewater, Parliament captures, iv. 154 n , Francis Egerton, Duke of, his improvements, ii. 33 n Brienne, Mons. le Corate de, iv. 240, 310, 313 Brightman, Thomas, an expounder of the Revelation, ii. 308 Brill, Paul, paintings of, i. 56, 139, 369 Briloft, curious mechanism at the, i. 23, 402 Bi'indley, James, engineer, notice of, ii. 33 n Brisbane, Mr., Secretary to the Admi- ralty, 1681, ii. 155, 188 Bristol, i. 289 ; St. Vincent's Rock at, 290 ; Prince Rupert sui'renders, iv. 163—165, 180 George Digby, Earl of, i. 356, 364 GENERAL IXDEX TO 3Q0, 3G3 ; iii. 301 ; his house and library at Wimbledon, i. 361 ; ii. 1 17, 118 ; house of, in Queen-street, ii. 58 ; account of, i. 417 Bristol, Countess of, ii. 183, 278 ; her house at Chelsea, 127, 129, 136, 183 — — , John, Lord Digby, Earl of, iv. 84 ; votes against " Instruciions " to Commissioners, 121 ; references to, 95, 124, 249, 311, 315, 34G Broclii, Vinceiitio, sculptor, i. 190 Brockman, Sir Payton, iii. 1 3 Brodiick, Sir Aleyn, ii. 96 ; iii. 394 Broghill, Richard Lord, Plays by, i. 391 ; ii. 18 and n Bromley, Mr. John, his house at Horse- heath, ii. 48 n • , Sir George, " Royal Letters " referred to, iv. 90, 91, 115, 130, 195, 205, 206, 210, 221 (notes) Brompton Park, rare plants in, ii. 329 Broniwich, Dr., iv. 72 Bronziuo, Agnolo, paintings by, i. 93, 189 Brook, Francis Greville, Lord, his house at Warwick, i. 297 • , Lady, her gai'den at Hackney, i. 287 Brook, seat of Lady Camden, i. 298 Brooks, W., architect of the London In- stitution, ii. 79 n Broomfield and Deptford, Kentish loyal- ists meet in, i. 246 Bi-ouages, M., iv. 274 Brouncker, William, Viscount, First President of the Royal Society, i. 351, 367, 378 ; ii. 110, 117, 272 ; iii. 348 ; account of, i. 416 , Mr. Henry, ii. 59, 148; his house at Sheen, ii. 122 Brown, Islv., detained in Holland, iii. 270 . , Sir Adam, of Betchworth, ii. 128, 219, 370 u ■ , Sir Ambrose, of Betchworth, i. 305, 329 . , Sir Richard, temp. Elizabeth and James L, ii. 172 Browne, Serjeant, a commissioner at Newport, iii. 48 ; iv. 185 n , Sir Richard, Ambassador to France, father-in-law of Mr. Evelyn, references to, i. 44, 245, 250, 257, 258, 269, 271, 274, 282, 283, 337, 343 n ; ii. 33, 56, 58, 88, 98 ; iv. 190, 191 ; uncle to the Countess of Car- narvon, i V. 1 1 5 n ; letter to, from Elector Palatine, 339 ; King Charles tlie First's instructions and letters to, on being sent to Elector Palatine, 328 ; on going Ambassador to France, 330 ; directing him to revive claim to Qaeen Henrietta's dowry, 332 ; about the Parliament's agent in France, 333 ; on Queen Henrietta's Capuchins, 334 ; transports. arms, &c., 341 ; baronetcy conferred on (1644), 342 ; correspondence with Sir Edward Hyde on affairs of Charles II., 231 — 323 ; great distress, 244, 255, 339— 346 ; indebted for rent at Paris, 264, 271 ; rent dischai'ged by Sir K. Foster, 273, 275, 281 ; his enemies, 247 n, 288 u ; difhculties of the cor- respondence, 245, 251 ; warned of Mr. Holder, 261 ; sends a present to Charles II. at Paris, 288 ; sends money to Charles II., 290—297, 304; sends a present of money to Sir Edward Hyde, 296, 297 ; desires in- structions about Cromwell's minister at Paris, 310 ; about his continuing at Paris, 316,318 ; anxious lest Charles I. should dispose of Sayes Court, 335 ; selection from his correspondence, 327 — 353 ; his support of the Church while abroad, i. 258, 270 n, 337 ; ii. 172; iv. 281, 352 ; disappointed of the wardenship of ^lerton College, Oxford, i. 346 ; resigns the clerkship of Council, ii, 68 ; master of the Trinity House, 82 ; his death and funeral, 171 ; eulogium on, 171, 172 ; debts owing to, from the crown, 266 ; despatches of, iii. 262 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 5 — 54, 101 Browne, Lady, i. 256, 279 ; her death, 283 , Sir Thomas, ii. 65, 383 ; his curiosities, C6 Brownists, accuse King Charles I. of Popery (1641), i v. 71; founder of the sect,i6. ; object to Common Prayer, 72 Brownrigg, Dr. Ralph, Bishop of Exe- ter, iii. 301 ; iv. 72, 82 n Bruce, Robert, Lord, i. 204, 312 ; ii. 192 ; account of, i. 404 Bruges, notice of, i. 36 Drunker, Mr., iv. 100 Brussels, account of, i. 33 — 35 ; ii. Ill , "The late Newsfi'om Brussels unmasked" (1660), i. 336 and n ; ii. 395 Buat, Mons., brother to Admiral Vaa Tromp, ii. 20 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 8G5 Bucentnur, the Doge's vessel, at Venice, i. 208 Buchanan, George, portrait, ii. 37 n Bnckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Lord High Treasurer, iii. 301 Buckingham, George Villiers, first Duke of, i. 310, 316 ; iii. 301 ; im- peached, iv. 95 n, 215 n, 340 n : , second Duke, i. 253, 298, 385 ; ii. 35, 67, 118, 136 ; iv. 263 n ; his "Rehearsal" performed, ii. 67 and n ; his glas?- work, 108 ; seat of, at Clifden, 133 ; his estate at Helmsley, 343 and n , Duchess of (1686), ii. 255 Buckingham House erected, i. 288 n, 410 Buckle, Sir Christopher, i. 329 Buda, thanks2;iving on the capture of (1686), ii. 257 ; iii. 286 Buffaloes at Pisa, i. 90 Bulkelev, Sir Richard, chariot invented by, ii' 242 ; letter, iii. 322 — — , Mr., a commissioner at New- port, iv. 1 85 n Bull, Mr., F.R.S., i. 351 Bullen, Mr., iv. 274, 323 Buonarrotti, ]\Iichael Angelo, architec- ture of, i. 102, 106, 111, 114 ; paint- ings by, 56, 93, 128, 139, 144, 188 ; ii. 342 ; sculpture, &c., of, i. 92, 95, 124, 128, 129, 172, 188, 189, 191 ; ii. 270 Burghers, ^Michael, engraving by, i. 384 n Burial in churches censured, ii. 173, 296 Burleigh, Robert Cecil, Lord, picture of, ill mosaic, i. 39 ; portraits and letters of, iii. 301, 380 , William Cecil, Lord, iv. 119 Burleigh-on-the-Hill, i. 298 and n ; garden at, ii. 189 ; fire at, 374 Burlington, Earl of (1682), ii. 170,283 ; iii. 347, 370, 396 Burnet, Dr. Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, Mr. Evelyn contributes to his " His- tory of the Reformation," ii. 155 ; iii. 380 ; bis pi'eachinsj, ii. 93 ; sermons by, ii. 167, 291, 295, 305, 348, 358 ; funeral sermon for Mr. Boyle, 316; « Pastoral Letter " burned, 323 ; por- trait, 299 ; various references to, ii. 7 n, 71 n, 81 n, 85 n, 131 n, 142, 147 n, 179 n, 204 n, 252 n, 254 n Burrow Green, Cambridgeshire, Mr. Hingsby's house at, ii. 47 and n Burton, ^Ir. Sheriff", of Surrey, ii. 109 , Mr., of Honson Grange, ii. 210 Bury St. Edmund's, Suff"olk, abbey and town of, ii. 110 Busby, Dr. Richard, theatiical per- formance of, i. 421 Bushel, — , iii. 37 Bushell's Wells at Enstone, Oxfordshire, i. 383 and n Butler, Mrs., ii. 94 n. Byron, Sir John, first Lord, i. 273 ; iv. 123 n ; family seat at Newstead Abbey, i. 299 , Lord, iv. 303 n Cabinets of inlaid leather, i. 266 ; Indian, 364 Cade, Dr., a Commissioner of Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 n Cadiz, bombardment of (1695), ii. 337 Caen, town and abbey of, i. 61, 62 Caernarvon, Robert Dormer, Earl of, directed to attend Parliament, iv. 115, 124 ; killed at the battle of Newburv, 115 n , Charles Dormer, Earl of i. 239, 405 Csesar, C. Julius, Emperor of Rome, obelisk erected to, i. 119 , Augustus Octavianus, Emperor of Rome, i. 171 ; see Augustus Cagliari, Paolo, called Veronese, paint- ings by, i. 55—57, 189, 201, 207, 369 Cajetan, Cardinal, his palace, i. 170 Calais, notices of, i. 40, 252 " Chalcography, History of," by IMr. Evelyn (1662), various notices of, i. 344, 364 ; ii. 392, 395 ; iii. 304, 318 Caldwell, Mrs., married to Mi*. George Evelyn, i. 13 ; ii. 354 and n Calendar, Earl of, enUsts in Charles I.'s cause, iii. 15 n Caligula, C, Emperor of Rome, bridge of, i. 158 " Calisto," a comedy performed at Court (1674), ii. 94 ; account of it, ib. Cambridge, remarks on the colleges, i. 303 Camden, William, Clarencieux King of Arms, iii. 145, 301, 372 ; his " Britannia" (1695), additions to Sur- rey, furnished by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 334 , Lady, her seat at Brook, i. 298 Camomile flowers, fumes of, for the head-ache, i. 250 Campania, notice of, i. 149 3G6 GENERAL IXDEX TO Campanile at Pisa, i. 89 Canipanilla, " De Subjugandis Belgis " quoted, iii. 131 Campion, Edmund, his portrait, i. 167 Campo di Fieri at Rome, i. 167 Campo Martio at Vincenza, i. 221 Campo Martius at Geneva, i. 241 Campo Santo at Pisa, i. 89 ; at Rome, 135 Campo Scelerato at Rome, i. 112 Campo Vaccino at Rome, i, 103, 104, 160 Can, Dr., sermon by, ii. 197 Cauarv merchants desire a new charter, i. 385 Cannes, notice of the town of, i. 82 Cannon, of leather, i. 41 ; remarkable one at Ghent, 36 ; at Havre, 61 ; at Venice, 208 Canterbury, Archbishop of, order about his jurisdiction, iv. 98 Canterbm'y Cathedral, notices of, i. 37, 388 Capel, Arthur, Lord, i. 310 ; iii. 14, 28 ; iv. 105 n, 134 n ; his ti"ial and death (1649), i. 248, 249 and n, 338; ii. 141 ■ , Sir Henrv, afterwards Lord Capel of Tewkesbury, ii. 23, 130,231, 518, 326, 379 ; his house at Kew, 122, 188, 272 ; letter from, iii. 2S7 • , Arthm', created Earl of Essex (1661), i. 347 Capellus, Mons., ii. 299 Capitol at Rome described, i. 104 — 106 Caprarola, palace of, near Rome, i, 184 Capua, notice of, i. 149 Capuchins at Rome, i. 168 ; Queen Hen- rietta's cloister of, complained of, iv. 51 n ; recommended to be dissolved, 73 ; proceedings in Parliament about, 109 and n, 334 Carabines, manufactory of, at Brescia, i. 223 Caracci, Agostino, gallery painted by, i. 102 . , Annibal, paintings of, i. 107, 144, 168, 184, 193, 343, 354 , Ludovico, fresco-paiutmg by, i. 193 Caravag2;io, Polydore Caldara, i. 109, 170 Cardenas, Don Alonzo, Spanish Ambas- sador, iv. 54 n, 175 n Cai-di, Ludovico, called Cigali, i. 55 Cardigan, Thomas Brudeuell, Earl of, his creation (1661), i. 347 Cardinars hat given at the Vatican, i. 1 1 S Carew, family and seat at Beddington, i. 329 ; ii. 331, 361 and n , Mr., a performer on the harp, i. 251 , John, regicide, executed, i. 341 Carey, Patrick, brother of Lord Falk- land, i. 101 ,Mrs., i. 308, 319 Carle, Dr. Walter, Bishop of Winchester, iv. 99 n Carlingford, Lord, ii. 58, 380 ; new fuel [ projected by, 26 Carlisle, James Hay, Earl of, iiL 301 ; iv. 75 n , Charles Howard, Earl of, his creation (1661), i. 347, 416 ; com- plained of as Ambassador, 373 , Garrison of, Pai'liament pays off, iv. 65 ; surrender of, 164 n , Lucy Percy, Countess Dowager of, iii. 37 ; iv. 75 Carmarthen, Thomas Osborne, Lord (1701), ii. 302, 303, 3G4 Carnivals at Naples, i. 152 ; at Rome, 174 ; at Venice, 205, 216 Caroline of Braudenburgh, Queen of George II., ii. 24 n Carolus Quintus, a captured vessel, i. 396 Carr, Sir Robert, i. 379 ; pilloried for a libel, ii. 32 , William, Lord, of Cessford, iv. 64, 70 Carrara, marble quarries at, i, 88 Carshalton, Surrey, i. 329 Carte, Thomas, " Life of James Duke of Ormond " referred to, iv. 204 n, 217 n Carteret, Sir George, Treasurer of the Navy and Vice-Chamberlain, i. 252, 339, 361, 367, 370, 377 ; ii. 58, 258 ; iv. 231, 235 — 238, 246, 256 — 262, 265, 269—273, 289, 303, 323; services to Chai'les II., 238 n, 246 n, 280 n; account of, i. 406 ; his daugh- ters, i. 370, 375 Carthusian Church and Monastery, i. 151 Cartwright, Colonel, ii. 60 , Dr., Archdeacon of St. Alban's, his library, ii. 276 , Dr., Dean of Ripon, Sermon by, ii. 256 , William, his « Royal Slave," i. 421 Casaubon, Isaac, hints for a treatise De Baculis," left by, iii. 220 , Dr. Meric, coiu'espondence on THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 3G7 his father's treatise "De Baculis," &c., iii. 220—225, 246 Cascade of tlie Aiiio, i. 181 Cashiobury, Hertfordshire, seat of the Earl of Essex, ii. 140 Casimir, John II., King of Poland, iv. 220, 221 Castelfranco, Giorgione da, i. 198 Castel-Mellor, Count de, his character, &c,, ii. 118, 227 Castile, Don Michael de, iv. 317, 318 Castillion, Dr., Prebendary of Canter- bury, sermon of, ii. 107 Castle^ Mrs., her marriage, ii. 189 Castlehaven, the second Earl, his ar- raignment and execution, i. 6, 400 , Lord, ii. 170, 176 Castlemaine, Lady, satire on, &c. ii. 33 Castlenau, Marquis of, iv, 236 n, 255, 263,272,292,293; admits Charles II.'s cruisers into France, 263 Castles, notices of, i. 19, 28, 29, 38, 40, 41, 55, 61, 62, 69, 70, 75, 79, 82, 150, 223, 236, 252, 298, 300 ; ii. 235. Sec Fortifications Cat, singular one at Orleans, i. 403 j another called the Mocock, 320 Catanea, earthquake at (1693), ii. 323 ; iii. 327 Catharine, Infanta of Portugal, Queen of Charles II., various references to, i. 363, 365, 381, 418 ; ii. 5, 16, 23, 45, 55, 56, 57, 127, 176, 184, 282; arrival of, i. 358, 363 ; her person, 363 ; furniture of, 364; procession on the Thames in honour of, 367 ; her toilet, 364; ii. 83 ; birth-day of (1668), ii. 35; (1672), 80; (1684), 200; grief on Charles's death, 206, 209, 212 ; re- mains in England, 274 Catharine Hall, Cambridge, i. 304 Cathedrals, notices of, in England, i. 37, 38, 289, 292, 294, 296, 297, 300, 301, 302 ; ii. 235 ; abroad, i. 31, 34,42, 46, 57, 74, 77,78,80, 81, 89, 97,151, 184, 223, 224, 242, 244, 403 ; St Peter's at Rome, 120 — 124; St. John Lateran, 124—128 Catiline, Tragedy of, ii. 36 Cats, I'emarks on the sight of, iii. 209 Catta Malata, equestrian statue of, i. 206 Cavalerizzo at Florence, i. 95 ; at Naples, 152 Cave, Sir Richard, iv. 329 , Dr., sermon of, ii 139, 385 Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury, his portrait and letters referred to, i. 39 ; iii. 301, 380 Cedar of Bermuda, iii. 259 Centi Camerelli, notice of the, i. 161 Cercean Promontory, &c. i. 147 Cesare, Giuseppe, called D'Arpino, paintings of, i. 105, 109, 121, 127, 179 Cestius, C, tomb of, at Rome, i. 165 Chamberlain, Captain, iv. 272 n Chambers, Mr., iv. 338 Chambourg, palace of the French Kings at, i. 69 Chamois goats, account of, i. 236 Champneys, Justinian, his imprison- ment and portrait, ii. 365 n Chandos, Duke of, carving of Gibbon bought by, ii. 54 n Chanterell, Mr., portrait of Mr. Evelyn by, i. 5 ChapUn, Dr., said to be the author of the "Whole Duty of Man," ii. 312 Chapman, Captain, iv. 236 n Chardin, Sir John, references to, ii. 145, 188, 191, 194, 195, 257, 266, 269, 374 ; notice of, 385 Charenton, Protestant Church at, i. 57 ; monument there, 254 ; zealots of, iv. 314 Chariot invented by Sir R. Bulkeley, ii. 242 Charitable Uses, &c., Commission of inquiry concerning, i. 365, 368 Charite, Hospitals of La, i. 49, 78, 256 Charles I., King of England, references to, i. 12, 14, 38, 227, 245, 248, 299, 372 ; ii. 136, 270, 273 ; iii. 301 ; iv. 227 n, 232, 328 n ; visits Oxford with the Queen (1636), i. 420 ; pro- cession (1640) to the Short Parliament, i. 12 ; on his return from the North, 14 ; on proclamation of peace (1642), 38 ; in the Isle of Wight, iii. 5 ; martyrdom of (1649), i. 248 ; paintings, &c., dispersed, 249 ; restoration of ditto, 338 ; his effigies thrown down, 251 ; daily forms of Prayer ordered by, 270 ; his burial-place, 288 ; his murderer's tried and executed, 341 ; Fast on his Martyrdom ordered (1661), 345 ; prayers used on it altered (1689), and Dr. Sharp's ser- mon on, ii. 291; sermon on, by Ste- phens (1700), 357 ; Private Corre- spondence with Sir Edward Nicholas, iv. 47 — 185 ; his instructions to Sir Richard Browne, on his going to 3G8 GENERAL Elector Palatine, 328 ; as Ambassador to France, 330 ; letters to and from Secretary Nicholas, 47 — 185 ; de- parture for Scotland, 49, 50 ; engages four Irish regiments for Spanish service, 54 ; a general pardon pub- lished, 58, 59 ; an attack on the deer in Windsor Forest, 60, 63 ; forfeitui-e of Londondei'ry, Gl ; his Scottish affair, 68 ; confidence in Sir H. Vane, 62 ; act of tonnage and poundage, 63; ■ the disposal of his collar of rubies, 69, 73, 90, 103; suspected of popery, 71; the vacant Bishopricks, 72, 98 ; and on Common Prayer, 72 ; recom- mended to dissolve cloister of Capu- chins, 73 ; refers the matter to the Queen, ih. ; commands certain Lords to attend in Parliament, 74 ; his plans for countermining plots of the Fac- tions, 76, 80, 85, 89, 117 ; ti'eacherous counsellors about his person, 77, 103, 115 ; Lord Mayor desires to attend him through London, 78, 86, 110, 113, 124 ; fills up the vacant Bishopricks, 82 ; advised to prorogue Irish Pai'- liament, 87 ; firm in the doctrines of the Church, 88, 97, 99, 160 ; directs Lord Bristol to renew a dis- pute between the two Houses, 95 ; anecdote of, respecting Ireland, 98 n ; on House of Peers choosing their OAvn speaker, 99 ; supports the Bishops' votes, 99, 100; division in his council- boai'd, 103; letter to Queen Henrietta^ ih. ; anxious to stop the progress of Commons' remonstrance, 117; pardons the thirteen Bishops, 118, 123 ; declares against orders of Parliament made without him, 124 ; gentry of Hertfordsihire welcome him, 127, 132; his return, 133 ; speeches by Mayors of different towns on his return from Scotland, 133 n ; his military affiiirs decline, 135 n ; his memorial for the treaty of Uxbridge, 140 ; letter on Parliament's treatment of Queen Henrietta's Capuchins, 334 ; French Queen sends money to, 341 ; aimis, &c. sent to (1643) from France, 342 ; orders a fast on the treaty of Uxbridge, 136 ; directs Sir Edward Nicholas to talk with the. Parliament's Com- missioners on their rebellion, 137 ; determines not to treat without Marquis Montrose, 135, 138 ; direc- tions, &c. about treaty of Uxbridge, INDEX TO 137 — 139 ; his IMemorial on Religion and the INIilitia, 140 ; his retreat from Oxfordshire to Bewdley, ih. ; defeats Waller at Cropredy Bridge, 141 n ; state of affairs before the Battle of Marston Moor, ih. ; directs Prince Rupert to relieve York, 142 ; council of war held at Oxford daily, 141 n ; ditto on Parliament's propositions (Dec. 1644), 143, 144 ; state of his army (June, 16-15), and anxiety to relieve Oxford, 147 — 149 ; plans before battle of Naseby, 151 and n ; proceedings after that battle, 152 n ; determines to adhere to the pro- positions at Uxbridge (Aug. 1645), 156 ; his intercepted private corre- spondence published, 156 — 161 ; his contempt for the Parliament, 157 ; route from Bridgenorth to Newark, 158 ; constant to the Church, his friends, &c., 160 ; state of his affairs, ih. ; displeasure at surrender of Bristol (Sept. 1645), 163, 164; orders Oxford to be cleared of disaffected, 167; his intention of joining Montrose, 1 68 ; observation on the conduct of Sir E. Herbert, 169 ; his design to break through the reljel army to Oxford, 170 ; writes to Sir Henry Vane the younger, 172; taken prisoner by Colonel Hammond, 174 n ; direc- tions for the surrender of Oxford, 176; anxiety about his cabinet, 178 and n ; reasons for his sending his propositions to London (1646), "l 79; letter to Speaker, for his Chaplains to attend him, 181; thanks Sir Edward Nicholas for his services, 184 ; speech to Com- missioners at Newport (Dec. 1648), 185; libel against, by Marsys, 190 Charles II., King of England, references to, i. 252, 253, 332 n, 342, 346, 347, 350—360, 366 n, 370—395 ; ii. 2—7, 20—26, 34, 38, 51-57, 61-65, 70, 71, 74—78, 92—96, 127, 134, 135, 148, 177—187, 228 ; crowned by the Marquis of Argyle, iv. 80 n ; his education, 1 05 n ; his servants examined by the Parliament, 109 ; his tutors and residence, 154 n ; letters on his affairs (1641-59), 233 — 323 ; goes from Jei'sey to Paris, 233 ; at St. Germain's, 349 ; letters of Sir Edward Nicholas on his affairs (1649), 191—194; documents respect- ing his counsellors, 194 ; letters on THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 8G9 his affairs in Scotland, 194 ; to Mrs. Twisden, about the George and seals of King Ciiarles I., 19G ; to Mr. llinton, respecting bills of exchange for his use, 197 ; to Sir John Gren- ville, to procure arms, &c., 1,98 ; accused of popery, 237 ; expedition to Scotland alluded to, 194 n, 352, 353 ; letter to Sir Edward Nicholas (1652), on his affairs, 201 ; notices of his court at Cologne, 223 n ; anecdote of the King and Killegrew, 225 n ; letter from the States of Holland, &c,, concerning his residence at Tilling, 22() ; design of putting places in Scotland and Ireland into hands of Holland, 248 ; thanks Borell, Dutch Ambassador in France, for kindness, 241, 252 ; his answer to complaint of Venetian Ambassadors against his Envoy, 249, 250 ; hopes from the German Princes (1652), 258 n; French King and Queen pay a visit to, 2G1 n ; indignity offered to his cruisers at Brest, 2G2 ; English journals cari- cature his Court, 263 n ; fleet under Prince Rupert, 267—270 n ; pro- ceedings ridiculed in English prints, 272, 273, 275 n ; his distresses in exile (1652), 244, 245, 253 n, 254 n, 256-258 ; (1653), 261, 264 n, 290 ; (1655), 301 ; letter to Sir E. Nicholas (Sept. 1653), 202 ; at Chantllly, 289 ; Sir Richard Browne sends money to, 290—297, 304; (1654), designs leaving France, 299 ; letter to the Duke of Gloucester, on attempt to pervert his religion, 203 ; at Cologne, 223 n ; shipping shut out from Brest, 303, 306 ; (1655), at Frankfort, 305 and n ; anxious to get into Flanders, 307 ; (1655-6), discharges a debt due to Monsieur Marces, 304, 308; difficulty in keeping his adherents together, 309; (1656), state of his afiairs, 317— 320 ; escape of, after the battle of Worcester, i. 271 — 273 ; iii. 263 ; Mr. Evelyn's letter in defence of, against a pretended paper from Brussels, i. 136 ; his declaration to Parliament, &c., and address to, ih. ; triumphal return of, to London, 337 ; Mr. Evelyn's correspondence with Col, Morley, previous to the Restora- tion, 422 ; " Mystery and Method of his Restoration," 425 n ; entertained at Guildhall, 338 ; touches for the VOL. IV. evil, ih. ; his speech to Parliament, 339 ; Peers, &c., created by, 347 ; account of his progress aiid coro- nation (1661), 348— 351; Ml'. Evelyn's " Panegyric" on it, 351; ii. 391, 395; iii. 132 ; opens Parliament, and declares his intention of marrying, i, 352 ; miniature painting presented to him by Mi-s. Evelyn, ih. ; day of his Restoi-ation kept, ib. ; sailing match with the Duke of York, 354 ; design of rebuilding Greenwich Palace, 361 ; marriage with Catharine of Portugal, 363 ; in danger at sea, 365; commends Mr. Evelyn's writings, and explains his plan of building Whitehall, 384 ; favour to the Royal Society, 367 ; visit to Mr. Evelyn, 374 ; thanks him for his " Mystery of Jesuitism," 389 ; prorogues the Par- liament (1665), 390 ; visits the fleet after victory (1665), 395 ; gracious reception of Mr. Eveljn after the plague, ii. 2 ; proclamation of, at the Fire of Loudon, 11 — 16; orders thanlvsgiving after fight with the Dutch (1666), 5 ; visits the fleet, 6 ; assumes the Persian habit, 17 ; dines in ancient state, 27 ; gaming and gaiety at Court, 22, 32 ; commands Mr. Evelyn lo write the " History of the Dutch War," 46, 51, 55, 90—92 ; at Newmarket, 48, 63 ; at Euston, with Mad. Qnerouaille, 63 ; conduce of, to Lord Arlington, 70 n ; visits the fleet, 77 ; attachment to Mrs. Frances Stuart, 91 n ; his library at White- hall, 146 ; the Rye House Plot, 181; profligacy of his Court, 203, 210 ; sickness and death, 204, 205 ; conduct in his last hours, 206 ; character of, 206, 237 ; funeral of, 211; papers proving him to be a Roman Catholic, 237 — 239 ; iii. 279 n ; anniversary of his Restoration neglected (1 686), ii. 254; (1692), 320 ; causes of his death, 332 ; order of Regicides for his apprehen- sion, iii. 263 Charles IIL, of Spain, in England (1704), ii. 372 v., statue of, i. 36. ; his horse- armour, 188 ; hearse, or trophy of, 192 IX., letters of, referred to, iii. 380 . Charles Gustavus X., King of Sweden, iv. 220, 223, 305, 314 B B 370 GENERA.L Charles, ship of 110- uns, lauucliing of, ii. 32 Charlet, Dr., iii. 359 Charleton, Dr., his lecture on the heart, ii. 174 ; noticed, 38(5 ; iv. 9 , Mr., ii. 106, 260, 306, 316 ; iii. 299, 315 Charlton, Robert, of Whitton, iv. 73 n Charlton, Kent, Sir H. Newton's house at, i. 278, 285, 310, 381 Cliarmont, notice of, i. 70 Charnoek, Robert, executed, ii. 340 n Chaiter-House, London, i. 319 Charts of the British Coast, ii. 171 Chasteauneuf, Mons. le, iv. 319 n Chastre, Claude de La, i. 77 Chatelets at Paris, i. 49 ; question given at the, 264 Chaucex", Geoff rev, referred to, i. 289 ; iii. 301 Chavigny, Mons. de, iv. 341 Chaworth, Lord, i. 299 , Dr., i. 376 Cheapside Cross destroyed, i. 39, 297 Cheke, family of, seat at Burrow-green, ii. 47 Chelsea, Duke of Buckingham's House, &c. at, ii. 127, 129, 136, 183 ; Apothe- caries' Garden at, 230 ; Wiustanley's water-works there, 343 Clielsea College, prisoners-of-war eon- fiued at, i. 389, 392 ; given to the Royal Society, ii. 29, 39 ; purchased to erect the Royal Hospital, 159, 163, 166, 169 Cheney, Lord, and his son, ii. 303, 320, 343 Chenonceau, Castle of, i. 75 Chepstow Castle stormed, iii. 21 Chester, the King's intent of summoning (1645), iv. 145 ; loss of, 180 Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of, i. 256, 408 ; ii. 42, 47, 138 Chetto di San Felice at Venice, i 205 Chetwin, Mr., sermon of, ii. 262 Cbevreuse, Duchess of, iv. 319 n ; Parliament discovers her cypher, 130; anecdote of, ib. Chevreux, notice of, i. 73 Chicheley, Sir Thomas, ii. 7, 9, 49, 378 Chichester, Francis Leigh, Lord Duns- more, Earl of, iv. 135 n, 143 Chiesa Nova, at Rome, i. 108, 132, 136, 176 Chiffinch, Mr. Thomas, the King's closet keepei', i. 358 ; letter to, from Mr. INDEX TO Evelyn, on catalogue of the King's curiosities, iii. 1 35 and n Child, Sir Josiah, his great wealth and seat, ii. 173 Chillingworth, William, iii. 301 Chilston, Kent, seat of Mr. Hales at, ii. 4 Chimes, at Amsterdam, i. 24, 402 ; at Venice, 198 China, curiosities from, i. 3''9 ; account of, by Mr. Vander Douse, translated by Mr. Evelyn, iii. 137 ; list of books on, then published, ib. u Chiswell, Richard, bookseller, iii, 381 Chiswick, Lady Fox's house at, ii. 169, 175 Chi Vali, licentious custom of, at Padua, i. 215 Choppines of the Venetian ladies, i. 203 Choquex, Mons., iv. 256, 264, 286, 293 Christ Church, London, attendance of the grandees, iii. 55 Christ Church, Oxford, i. 292 Christ College, Cambridge, i. 304 Christ's Hospital, at Rome, account of, i. 145 ; in London, 319; ii. 263 Christina, Queen of Sweden, ii. 24, 148, 149; iv. 205—216, 224, 226, 305 ; gives an assignation to French Ambassador, 205 ; anecdotes of, ib. n ; her meeting with Prince of Conde', 218 ; at Brussels (1654), 221 Christmas Eve, ceremonies on, in Rome, i. 135 Christmas Day, in Rome, i. 106, 107, 136 ; prohibited in England, i. 284, 287, 306, 311, 323 Chrysostom, St. John, his" Comment on the Gospel," i. 97 ; his " Golden Book on Education," translated by Mr. Evelyn (1659), 326 n, 329 ; ii. 391, 395 ; iii. 112, 337 Church of England, splendour of the ritual iu 1638, i. 10 ; service and clergy of the, suppressed. 250.258, 267, 276, 283, 286, 287, 306, 310, 311, 31 7, 323, 327, 332, 338 ; innovations of the Parliament iu the (1641), iv. 65 n, 66 and n, 68 and n, 72, 95, 136 ; pro- tested against by the Lords, 68 ; px'o- tection of, by Charles L, 88, 96, 99, 160 ; collection for persecuted minis- ters of the (1658), i.327; sttite of, under the Commonwealth, iii. 67, 68, 108 ; controversy of Papists with, i. 338 ; iii. 139—142, 231—238; restoration of the, i. 339, 366 ; ii. 45 ; missionary of the, i. 357 ; Asian Churches' sub- THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 371 scription to the, 370 ; excellence of the, ii. 239 ; danger of, from the Papists, 277, 281 n Churches in Italy, measures of, i. 194 Churchill, Francis Spencer, Baron, i. 383 n ., Sir Winstan, ii. 318 , Gen., made Lieutenant of the Tower, ii. 37b" , Mr., his collection of cui'iosi- ties, ii. 338 • , Mrs., ii. 249 Church-music, dispute on, i. 20 ; alter- ation in, 372 Churchyards in Norwich, ii. 66 Ciaconio, Alphouso, on Trajan's Column, iii. 262 Cicero's Palace, i. 104, 158 ; tomb, &c., 147—149 Cifaccio, a famous singer, ii. 261, 265 Cigali. See Cardi, Ludovico Circumcision, Jewish Ceremony of, at Rome, i. 137 Circus Caracalla, i. 165 Circus Ma.N.imus at Rome, i. 106, 129, 165, 171 Cisii, Siguier Pietro, ii. 35 Citolin, M., taught Mr. Evelyn to write, i. 5 Clancarty, Earl and Countess of, ii. 279, 310, 389 ; iii. 347 Claurickarde, Ulick Bourk, Earl of, house at Summer-hill, i. 281 Clapham, houses at, ii. 320, 362, 389 Clare, John Holies, Earl of, i. 299 ; pi'otest, iv. 68 n Clare, Dr., i. 272 ; sermon by, ih. Clare Hall, Cambridge, i. 304 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, Lord Chancellor, i. 252, 265,344, 345, 351, 357, 365, 3G8, 375, 378, 382, 384 ; ii. 4, 7, 8, 20—23, 31, 240 n, 373 ; iii. 145, 153, 165 n ; attempts to remove him from the office of Chancellor (1656-7), i. 347 n; his daughter's mar- riage to the Duke of York, 341 ; iv. 321 ; elevated to the Peerage, i. 347 ; visits Mr. Evelyn in state, 367 ; re- marks by Mr. Evelyn in vindication of him against Sorbiere, iii. 145 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, 189—192 ; portraits worth collecting, proposed to him by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 36 n ; iii. 301, 302 ; collection formed by, ii. 36 ; iii. 295, 301 ; impeached by the Par- liament, and the Seals taken from him, ii. 28, 31 j party in Parliament, &c. against hini,i. 347 n ; ii. 28—32; iii. 302 ; his flight, ii. 32 ; injurious charges against him, '&c., 184; liis conduct contrasted with that of his supplanters, iii. 302. See Clarendon House, Hyde Clarendon, Henry Hyde (Lord Corn- bury), second Earl, i. 382 ; ii. 5, 36, 83, 169, 176, 178, 191, 199, 211, 240, 268, 299, 373 ; iii. 286 ; letters of Mr. . Evelyn to, on the " Mystery of Jesuit- ism," i. 387 ; iii. 149, 287 ; hints for a course of study, iii. 1 62 ; congi-atu- lating him, &c., 164, 168 ; opinion of Clai-endon House, ii. 185 ; iii. 177 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, ii. 231, 236, 241, 245, 247 ; his recall, &c., 261, 262 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, on materials for his work on the Dutch War, iii. 242 ; corresponds with Mr. Evelyn on the afJairs of Ireland, &c., 281, 285 ; refused to sit in council with Papists (1 688), ii. 282 ; dissatisfied at the Revolution, iii. 289 ; opposed William's assumption of the Crown, ii. 292 ; sent to the Tower (1690), 308 ; bailed, 309; confined again, 311—313; permitted to take country air, 314 ; medals and library, iii. 301 • , Countess, i. 343 ; ii. 142, 198, 217, 227, 240 ; iii. 188, 206, 283 , Edward (Lord Cornbnry), thii'd Earl, grandson of the Chancellor, ii. 242 ; iii. 286 ; his account of Den- mark (1687), ii. 268 ; goes over to the Prince of Orange, 284 Clarendon House built, i. 382 ; ii. 4, 20, 23, 31 ; collection of pictures at, 36 ; iii. 295, 301 ; sold and demo- lished, ii. 178, 184, 197 ; Mr. Evelyn's opinion of the house, 185 n ; iii, 177, 178 Clarges, Sir Thomas, i. 422 , Sir Walter, ii. 332 n, 360 Clarges Street, in London^ ii. 332 n Clarke, Mr., player on the Irish harp, i. 287 ; ii. 36 , Rev. ;Mr., Boyle lecturer, ii. 374 ; iii. 399 Classics, Greek and Latin, Mr. Evelyn's proposal for correct editions of the, iii. 190 Claude, Mons., forced to quit Fr.mce, ii. 243 ; his book burnt, 253 ; account of, 387 , Dr., physician, i. 335 B B 2 S72 GENERAL INDEX TO Claudius, son-in-law of Mr. Ilartlib, a chemical adept, iii. 3fi9, 391 Clayton, Sir John and Roljert, i. 318 ; ii. 87, 107, 110, 129, 300 n, 335 ; house of, in the Old Jewry, London, ii. 78, 79 ; seat at Marden, 1 1 5, 300 n, 361 ; account of, 116 n, 136 • , ?ir T., warden of Merton Col- lege, i. 3-16 Clement VIIL, Hippolito Aldobrandini, Pope, Palace of, i. 1 80 Clement, Dr., i. 8 , regicide, executed, i. 341 Clench, Dr., his son's early talents, ii. 288—290 ; murder of, 288 n, 317 Clere, Mons. St., his collections of draw- ings, &c., i. 259 Clerk, George, Sheriff of London, his loyalty, iv. 82 Clerkenwell, Newcastle House at, ii. 22 Cleve, Duke of, his heart preserved, i. 29 Cleveland, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of (1662), i. 374 ; lawsuit of,ii 18 ; no- ticed, 379 . , Duchess, i. 353 n ; ii, 57, 206, 210 ; her chihiren by Charles IL, ii. 65, 77, 108, 136, 195, 251 Cleveland House, ii. 20 n, 138 Clifden, Duke of Buckingham's seat at, ii. 133 Cliiford, Sir Thomas, afterwards Lord, Treasurer of the Household, i. 385 ; ii. 19, 52, 55, 58, 62, 63, 73, 75, 78 ; iii. 242, 260 ; Lord Treasurer by the Duke's interest, ii. 70 n ; death of his eldest son, 67 ; Exchequer closed by his advice (1672), 70 ; inclined to Popery, 71 ; resigns his Treasurer's staff, 84 ; his engagement to the Duke ; of York affects his mind, ib. ; his life, and unhappy death, 85 — 88 ; iii. 241 n, 261 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, 153, 157, 213, 221, 238, 241 ; letter from, 155 Clincars, a brick, i. 24, 402 Clitheroe Castle fortified, iii. 36, 43 Clocks, curious, i. 109, 118, 144, 175, 198, 342, 347, 353 Clotvvorthy, Sir John, iii. 33 ; accused of peculation, iv. 108 Coaches in Rome, i. 120 ; in Naples, 162 Coale, Mr. Gregory, ii. 20 and n Cock, Mr., lottery-prize gained by (1694), ii. 332 Cocke, Capt., Treasurer to the Commis- sion for sick and wounded, i. 386 Cocke, Mr., Mr. Evelyn at law with, ii. 59 Cockerell, Mr. Samuel Pepys, original letters belonging to, iii. 260 n Cockpit, play performed there, i. 246, 361 Coffee introduced into England, i. 10, 400 ; Coffee-club, iii. 381 ; Coffee- houses established, i. 400 Coilus, King of Britain, i. 315 Coin, plan for reducing gold, i. 376 ; depreciated state of (1694), ii. 331 ; ditticulties in reforming it (1664), 378; (1695), 339 ; new coinage (1695), ib. ; scarcity of (1696), 342, 343 Coins, ancient, iii. 344 ; observations on Roman, i. 182 ; collections of, iii. 299, 300 ; Prince Henry's collection, 305 Coke, Sir Edward, his portrait, iii. 301 ; library, 307 Colbert, Jean Baptiste de, French Am- bassador, ii.*19, 34, 63, 64 Colchester, siege of, i. 246 ; ii. 272 ; ac- count of, i. 314 Coldbrook, at Cashiobury, in Hertford- shire, ii, 140 Coleman,executed (1678), ii. 126,127,152 Colepeper, Sir John, Chancellor of the Exchequer, iv. 68 Colepepper, Thomas and William, their imprisonment and portraits, ii. 365 n Coligni, Admiral, Gaspard, assassination of, a painting, i. 138 College, scheme for a Philosophical and Mathematical one, iii. 116 — 120 Collier, Jeremy, nonjuring clergyman, ii. 341 n Collins, Dr., of King's College, i. 304 , Capt., sea-charts by, ii. 171, 386 , Arthur, his " Peerage" referred to, ii. 100 n ; iv. 55 n Collyer, David, Earl of Portmore, his mai-riagp, ii. 120, 385 Cologne, Kings of, their bodies, i. 225 ; city of, addresses Charles IL, 339 Colone, Bart(domeo, statue of, i. 209 Colonna, Connestabile, i. 127 ; wife of Colonna, ii. 353 ; Vittoria, iii. 245, 296 Colosseum at Rome, i. 115 Colours of the ancients, iii. 277 Colson, Mr. John, notice of, i. 386 Columbus, Christopher, painting of, ii. 204 Combefis, Padre Francesco, his ti'act of St. Chrysostom, iii. 337 Comber family, of Sussex, i. 2 Comets, notices of several (1680),ii. 155; (1682), 169 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 373 Cominazzo, Lazariiio, carbine-maker, i. 223 Commerce of England, iii. 271 Coniminges, Gaston Jean Baptiste, Frencli Ambassador, i. 374, 3B5, 3ii5 " Committee," a play by Sir K. Howard, i. 371 Common Prayer, Book of, ordered by the House of Loi'ds to be observed (1641), iv. 68; opposed by the Browiiists, 72 ; denied being read (1C44), 136 Compagno, Hieronyma, sculptor, i. 206 Compton, Dr. Henry, Bishop of London, ii. 41, 173, 176, 257 ; sermon by, ii. 83 ; notice of, 83 n, 107, 381 , Sir William, i. 355 ; iv. 134 , Sir Spencer, gallantry in youth, iv. 208 n Con ally, Owen, discovers Irish Rebel- lion, 108 and n ; Parliament reward foi', ib. Coude, Louis, Prince of, and his party, referred to, i. 249, 253, 255, 279 ; iv. 235-243 n, 254, 259 n, 261, 272, 341 ; meeting with Queen Christina, 218 and n, 221 ; px'oceedings of (July, 1648), 346, 349 ; professes friendship for Charles I., 336 ; his insurrection- ary army (1653), 285 n Confederates (1689), progress of, ii. 299 Conflans, bathing at, i. 267 Congreve, William, poem by. iii. 369 Conopios, Nathaniel, a Greek, i. 10 Conscience, liberty of, proclamation for, in Scotland (1687), ii. 262 ; bishops petition the King against reading the declaration for, 274 ; proceedings against them for not suffering it to be read, 274—276 Conservator!, apartment of the, at Rome, i. 105 ; procession of the, 136 " Consideration," Treatise on, by Dr. Hoi'neck, ii. 173 and n Constable of the Tower ordered to reside in the fortress (1641), iv. 51 Const'intine the Great, statues of, i. 106; arch, 116 ; palace, 124 ; obelisk, 126 ; churches built by, &c,, 173 Constantinople, name of an ancient coin, iii. 375, 381 Convention (1689), proceedings of, as to disposal of the Crown, ii. 287, 291 , 293 Convents and Monasteries, notices of, i. 19, 29, 32, 34, 46, 72, 95, 98. 100, 109, 1 12, 147, 157, 164, 166, 170, 172, 192, 201, 207, 210, 215, 226, 227 Converaano, Conte, iv. 350 Convocation (1690), for reforming Lit- urgy, &c.,ii. 301, 303; (1701),noticesa passaLje in a book of Dr. Daveuant's, 364 and n ; disputes in, 3<)5 Conway, Edward, Lord, ii. 118 ; iv. 340 Cony, Mr., ii. 103 (/onyers. Sir Jo., examined, iv. 128 and n Cook, Dr. George, Bishop of Hereford, iv. 99 n , Sir Robert, i. 261 , Mr., nonjuring clergyman, ii. 341 n , John, regicide, executed, i. 341 Cooke, Col., i. 253 ; ii. 192 , Capt., an excellent singer, &c., i. 306, 317 , Mr., at Cashiobury, ii. 141 , Sir T., discovery about East India Company, ii. 335 , Rev. Edward, pamphlet re- printed by, ii. 329 n Cooper, Samuel, portrait-painter, i. 360, 418 , Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord, creation of, i. 347 , Mr. Surgeon, on Mr. Evelyn's Tables of the Veins, &c., ii. 367 , Rev. xMr., Fellow of Baliol Col- lege, i. 10 Coque, Mons. le, ii. 301 Corbeil, notice of, i. 59 Cork, Richard Boyle, First Earl of, i. 382, iii. 396 Corker, James, trial of (1679), ii. 131 n Cornaro, Helen, a learned Italian, iii. 296 •, family painting of, i. 328 Cornbury, Lord Corubury's house at, i. 382 ; portraits, &c., thei-e, iii. 301. See Clarendon Cornea, Antonio de la, painter at Rome, i. 182 Cornelius Nepos, statue of, i. 222 Cornwallis, Lord, i. 347, 416 ; ii. 148, 202, 209 Coronada, Don Juan Vasquez, i. 228 Coronation and Harwich ships lost,ii. 316 Coronation of King Charles II., i. 347 — 351 Corpus-Christi day in Paris, i. 245, 266 Correggio. See Allegri Corsica, Is'and of, i. 83 Cortone, Pietro Berretini il, paintings, &c., by, i. 107, 109, 183, 190 , Dr., of Verona, i. 222 Cosin, Dr. John, Dean of Peterborough, afterwards Bishop of Durham, i. 255 ; ^"^^ GENERAL IXDEX TO notice of him, 270 n ; officiated in the English Chapel in Paris, 258, 2G6, ' 270, 271 n ; occasion of publishing his « Offices," 270,27 1 ; iMr. Evelyn treated with him for the purchase of his library, 277 ; iii. d07 ; letter on that subject, iii. 307 n ; letter to Mr. Evelyn, on his visiting his daughter, 61 ; alluded to, i. 304, 374 ; ii. 45 n, 229 n ; iv. 281 Cosin, John, son of the Bishop, perverted to Popery, i. 273, 277 ; his letter to Mr. Evelyn on joining the Roman Church, iii. 58 Cosmo II., Grand Duke of Florence, fine statue of, i. 188 Cotterell, Sir Charles, ii. 35 160 ; iv. 205, 207, 224 ; his son, ii. 75 Cottington, Sir Francis, Lord, sum- moned by the Queen (1641), iv. 84 ; referred to, i. 253, 2G5 ; iv, 93, 146 n ; King Charles 1. requires his presence in Parliament, 124 ; portrait, iii. 301 Cotton, Sir John, i. 59 ; a great Grecian, ii. 7 ; library, 33 ; his relict, i. 3 n, 13 n ; ii. 355 ■ , Sir Robert, ii. 7 ; MSS. collected by, 33 ; portrait, iii. 301 ; medals of, 299 ' , Lady, christening of her daugh- ter, i. 247 ; birth of a son to, 277 ; death and funeral, 381 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, on the death of her infant, iii. 136 Courland, Duke of, iv. 139 Course in Paris, i. 51 ; at Vincenza, 220; in Milan, 228 Court of Vulcan, i. 156 Courts in Venice, i. 201 Covel, Dr. John, ii. 338 and n Covenant, Scotch, i. 40 ; burnt, 352 ; ordered to be abjured, 366 Covenberg, F., painting by, i. 28 Covent Garden, Church and Piazza of, copied from Leglioi-n, i. 91 Coventry, city of, notice of, i. 297 ; address to James II. (1687), ii. 267 Coventry, Thomas, Lord, summoned by the Queen (1641), iv. 84 , Henry, iii. 240, 243 • , Sir Wm., secretary to James Duke of York, &c., i. 253, 333, 373, 396 ; ii. 2, 27, 106 ; account of, i. 407; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, i. Introduc- tion; iii. 172, 243 Cowley, Abraham, i. 374, 378 ; ii. 149 ; ^ iii. 317 ; iv. 193 ; his death and funeral, ii. 27 ; iii. 322 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, ii. 21 n ; iii. 194 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn respecting his verses on Royal Society, 195 ; on the treaty of Breda, iv. 202 n ; portrait, iii. 301 Cowper, Mr. William (afterwai-ds Earl Cowper), made Lord Keeper, ii. 375 and n Cox, Capt. of the Charles, ii. 33, 71 , Sir John, iii. 258. Coxhall, Rev. Mr., of South jM ailing, i. 5 Craddock, Dr., Provost of Eton, ii. 133, 135 ; sermon of, 251 Crafford, John, notice of, i. 12 Cranbourne Lodge, ii. 90, 258 Cranbourne, Lord, ii. 160 Crane, Mr., Clerk of Green Cloth, i. 342, 343, 344 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Can- terbury, iii. 301 Craven, William, Lord, ii. 60 ; house at Caversham, i. 289 ; notice of, 410 Ci'eech, Rev. Thomas, letters by, iii. 267, 272 Creighton, Dr., sermons by, i. 253, 358, 374 ; ii. 88, 107, 231 ; account of, i. 417 Cressy, Dean, his answer to Dr. Pierce, i. 376 and n ; iii. 139, 141 Crevecoeur, jMarquis de, i. 21)5 Crew, Bishop of Rochester, ii. 248, 256, 257, 259 n , Sir Clepesby, i. 246 , Thomas, Lord, creation of, i. 347 , , a commissioner at Newport, iv. 185 n Crisp, Sir Nicholas, projects of, i. 310, 361 Crispe, a confidential servant of King Charles I., i v. 73 and n Croft, Dr. Herbert, Bishop of Hereford, « Naked Truth " by, ii. 104 ; referred, 38 Crofts, Lord, i. 253 ; ii. 110 , Mr., iv. 263 n, 341 ; Parliament discovers his cypher, 130 ; account of him, ib. n Crombe, Col., i. 29 Cromer, , musician, i. 372 Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex, por- trait, iii. 301 , Oliver, iv. 180, 194 n, 202— 215 n, 222, 226, 294, 302, 305—313 ; dissolves Long Parliament, 2(i8 n, 275 n ; assumes the Protectorate, 208, 209, 294 ; his Parliament (1654), and its dissolution, 211 and n ; THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 375 procures Charles II. 's cruisers to be shut out from Brest, 303, 306 ; sends a squadron to the Indies, 30G ; his . I vision, iii. G ; resolves to proceed to Ireland, 39 ; murders by his guards, i. 246 ; Act of Oblivion, 277 ; feasts with Lord Mayor on Ash Wed- nesday, 2J57 ; prohibits Ministers of the Church fi'om preaching, &c.,311 ; death and funeral, 329, 330 ; disinter- ment, 345 ; alhisions to, i. 275, 276, 288, 307, 316, 319 ; ii. 352 Cromwell, Richard, i. 331 Croone, Dr., letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 138 Cropredy Bridge, battle of, iv. 141 n Cross, fragments of the, i. 123, 128, 173; of St. Edward discovered, ii. 234, 390 Crouch, Dr., iii. 249 n Crowder, Rev. Mr., i. 271 Crowe, Sir Sackville, i. 393 Ci'owne, John, masque by, at Court (1674), ii. 94 n Crowther, Mr,, iv. 322 Croydon Church, mouuraents in, ii. 361 Croydon, Dr., i. 266 Crusca, Academy de la, i. 189 ; iii. 310 Crypt of St. Peter's at Rome, i. 135 Cud worth, Dr., sermon of, ii. 128 Cullum, Sir Dudley, letters, iii. 331, 339 Culpeper, Col., attack on the Earl of Devon, ii. 227 Culpepper, John, Lord, i. 398 ; ii. 4,58 ; iv. 135 n, 140, 143, 164 n, 199 n ; letter of James Duke of York to, 200 Cuma, City of, i. 159 Cumberland, Dr. Richard, Bishop of Peterborough, ii. 312, 313 and n Cumberland, Henry Clifford, Earl of, iv. 1 64 n ; summoned by the Queen, 84 Cuperus, Gisbertus, on the colours of the ancients, iii. 277 Cupid and Psyche, Raff'aelle's painting of, i. 134 Cupola, curious effects of one on the voice, i. 89 Curtius, , notice of, iv. 207 n, 213, 214 • , Sir William, President for Charles II. at Frankfort, i. 267, 382 -■ , M., his place of sacrifice, i. 103 Custance, Capt., knighted, i. 395 Custom-house, rebuilt after fire, ii. 62, 383 Cuthbert, St., Hegge's MS. Life of, iii. 383, 384 Cutler, Alderman Sir John, patron of Deptford, i. 331; ii. 69, 73, 383 Cylinder with chimes, i. 24 Cypher, various letters in, with inter- pretations, iv. 137, 145—179, 246— 254 ; notices concerning cyphers, 153, 157—159, 164, 178, 267, 280 Cypress Tree, remarkable one, i. 222 Cyril, patriarch of Constantinople, i. 10 D'Ada, Ferdinand, Count, Pope'snuncio, ii. 247 and n, 269 and n Daincourt, Lord, ii. 94 n D'Ameron, Mons., iv. 223 Dampier, Capt. William, notices of, ii. 350 and n Dauby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of, Lord Treasurer, ii. 162, 302 n, 303 ; iii. 261, 308 ; imprisonment of, ii. 194 Danes, their title to Dominion of the Sea, &c., iii. 268—271 Dangerfield, whipped for perjury, ii. 226 D'Anguien, Duke, iv. 345 Darcy, Edward, Mr. Evelyn's sister un- happily married to, i. 6 ; her death, 7 Darieri, Scotch book about the Colony of, ii. 357 and n ; Parliament votes against the Scotch settling in, 358 Darneford, Magna, farm so called, i. 295 Dai'uel, Rev. Mr., sermon by, i. 309 Dartmouth, Lord, fair on Blackheath procured by, ii, 174 ; Master of Trinity House, 175, 197, 230 Davenant, Sir William, plays, &c. by, i. 331 n, 357 n, 372 n , Dr. Charles, ii. 326, 389 ; con- vocation displeased by a book of his, 364 and n Davenport, Mrs., " Roxalana," i. 359 ; ii. 18, 379 D'Aviler, Mons., his book on Architec- ture, iii. 361 D'Avinson, Dr., of Paris, i. 254 Davis, Lieut., i. 392 n , Mrs., ii. 18 n, 94 n Daun, M., ii. 326 Dean Forest, planting of, suggested by Mr. Evelyn, i. 370 Dean, West, Wiltshire, descent of the Evelyns of. Pedigree; ii. 397. Deane, Mr., iv. 288 , Sir Anthony, ii. 165 ; on mode of building men of war, 164 ; conver- sation respecting frigates, fire-ships, &c., 304, 305, 306 De Brie, i\L, iv. 224 De Camper, Mons., iv. 271 376 GENERAL Declaration from Kins; Charles I. (1641), iv. 58 ; from the Parliament, against superstitious rites, 65 n ; of the Commons against the Lords, 68, 69, 72. 74 ; of ditto on the state of the Kingdom, 109 ; of ditto on the army for Ireland, 113 n, 119, 125; from King Charles I. against Orders in Parliament made without him, 124; of the House of Commons on ill Councils, 117, 125, 130 and n, 133; of Freedom of the Ports, 318 Decoy in St. James's Park (1665), i. 390, 39 i De Creete, painter, i. 294 Dedham, Essex, notice of, i. 315 Deepden, at Dorking, Surrey, i. 308 and n, 381 Deering, Sir Edward and his daughter, ii. 142 D'Harcourt, Count, Grand Ecuyer of France, i. 269 Delabarr, paintings possessed hy,^i. 250 Delamei'e, Henry Booth, Lord (1 688 ), ii. 285 De I'Angle, M., minister of Charenton, ii. 177 De Larrey, Isaac, his character of Duke of Richmond, iv. 69 n ; of Lord War- wick, 105 n ; of Sir Edwai'd Nicholas, 192 n Del Camp, M., his Equestrian Academy, i. 256 Delft, i, 18 ; church and senate-house of, 21 ; explosion at (1654), iv. 2] 4 Delichio, Busqueto, bending tower built by, i. 185 Demalhoy, Mr., ii. 90 Denbigh, Basil Fielding, Earl of (1664), i. 382 Denham, Sir John, i. 287, 312, 356 Denmark, Resident of the King of, i. 340 ; Ambassadors fi-om, 341, 345; tyranny exercised in (1687), ii. 268 ■ , Prince Geor^^e of (1662), i. 370 ; married to Princess Anne, ii. 182 ; allusions to him, 201, 202, 268 ■ , Christian IV., King of, iv. 139 ; reported present to Charles II., 262 n Deptford, monument at,i. 375 n ; plague at, i. 396 ; ii. 4, 8 ; hre in dock-yard, 25 ; church built, ii. 354 Derby, James Stanley, Earl of, executed, i. 272;; iv. 192 ; portrait, iii. 301 Derby, William George Richard Stan- ley, Lord (1689), ii. 290,293 IXDEX TO Derby, Countess of, ii. 108, 145. Derby House, notice of, i. 329 u De Rosny, Mr., his talents, iv. 30 De Ruyter, Admiral Michael Adrian, his conuni.'^sion to Guinea, iii. 240 Descartes, Rene', iii. 296, 346, 350 Desguynes, Connestable de, iv. 317 D'Espagne, Mons., i. 317 D'Este, Palace of, i. 180 D'Estrades, Marslaal, obliged James II. to dismiss Protestants, ii. 296 Devereux, Lord, house at Ipswich, i. 315 De Vic, Sir Henry, i. 35, 353, 402 ; ii. 22 ; iv. 215, 218, 221, 318, 340 n Devou!?hire, William Cavendish, Earl of, afterwards Duke (1652;, i. 278, 366 ; ii. 293, £26, 344, 352 ; iv. 84 ; account of, i. 409 ; Col. Culpeper's assault on, ii. 227 , Christian, Countess of (l':62), i. 366 ; (1686), ii. 249 De Wit faction in Holland, iv. 215 and n, 246 n Diamond and Ruby ships launched, i. 276 Diana, Baths of, &c., i. 160, 164 Dichley, Sir Henry Lee's seat at, i. 383 Dickinson, Dr. Ednmnd, ii. 374 and u Dieppe, i. 60 ; bombarded, ii. 331 Digby, George, Lord, I'eferred to, iv. 95, 121, 139, 143, 155, 156, 157, 165 n, 167 n, 170, 231 ; letters to, 342—344; opposes " Instructions " to Commis- sioners at Edinburgh, 121 ; King Charles thanks him, ib. ; Prince Rupert, &c., quarrel about defeat at Sherbourne, 166 n , Mr. John, son of the Earl of Bristol, iv. 123, 124 , John, Earl of Bristol, portraits, ii. 203 ; iii. 301. , Sir Everard. ii. 127 , Sir Kenelm, i. 29, 272, 287, 291, 353, 370 ; Mr. Evelyn's opinion of him, &c., 271 ; ii. 47 ; portrait, 203 ; library, iii. 309 , J., son of Sir Kenelm, i. 219 Digesters, Papin's, bones dissolved by, ii. 166 Dillon, Capt. in navy of Charles II. in exile, iv. 300, 301 Dioclesian, C. Valerius Aurelius, Em- peror, bath of, at Rome, i. Ill Diodati, Signior John, i. 238, 240, 211 Dishington, Sir T., iv. 338 Diskvelt, Mynheer, Dutch Ambassador, ii. 266 THE DIARY AND CORRESrONDENCE. 377 Dissenters, Act of Indulgence for, ii. 29B Dives, Sir Lewis, adventures of, i. 267, 27-2 Diving Rell, trial of (1661), i. 353 Dobson, William, paintings by, ii. 120 n, 203 ; noticed, 387 Dodd, Charles, his " Church History " referred to, iii. 108 n Doge of Venice, his espousal of the Adriatic, i. 197, 208 Dogs, Market of, at Amsterdam, i. 23 ; use of, in Holland, 36 ; in Bologna, 194 ; spaniel l«stby Mr. Evelyn, 244 ; mention of, 367 Dolben, Dr. John, Bishop of Rochester, ii. 117 n ; house at Bromley, 43 ; Archbishop of York, ii. 183, 248 ; death of, 252 Dolman, Mr. Thomas, iv. 212 and n D'Ulonue, Count, i. 268 , Mr. Justice, ii. 1 33 n Domenico, Zampieri, called Domeni- chino, paintings by, i. 193 Donatelli, statue by, i. 95 Doncaster, notice of, i. 300 Donghi, Cardinal, i. 98 Donna, Count, Swedish Ambassador, ii. 32 Donne, Dr. John, iv. 10 ; portrait, iii. 301 Donniiigton, notice of, i. 289 Dorchester, Henry Pierrepoint, Mar- quis of, i. 299 ; ii. 23, 351 • , Countess of, ii. 120 n, 248, 385 Dorell, Mr., i. 328 ; Major, ii. 77 Dorislaus, Dr. Isaac, death of, i. 251 ; iii. 51, 53 Dormitory of St. Michael, i. 194 ; measure of, ib. Dornavius s " Amphitheatrum," &e., iii. 194 n Dorset, Charles Sackville, sixth Earl of, ii. 85, 248, 293, 335, 344 n ; iv. 39 , Countess of, 1657, i. 323 , Edward Sackville, Earl of, i v. 1 49 Dort, notice of the town of, i. 18, 29 Douglas, Marquis of, estates in France, iv. 337 Douglas, Mr., iv. 250 , Colonel, a commander for the French King, iv. 337 , Lieut.-Gen., ii. 303 Dove, Dr., sermons by, ii. 135, 203 Dover, Earl (1687), ii. 2G1, 285, 316 ; his daughters, i. 319, 414 Dover, Countess of (1686), ii. 249 Dover Castle, prisoners of war at, i. 388, 394 ; iii. 156 Dowe, Gerard, painting by, i. 343 Downes, Mr., funeral of, i. 254 Downing, Sir Georg", account of, ii. 8, 377 ; minister in Holland, 55 ; iii. 242 D'Oyly, Sir William, i. 385 ; ii. 3, 8, 17, 378 ; iii. 156 Drake, Sir J'rancis, painting of his ac- tion in 1580, i. 316 ; letters, iii. 380 Draper, William, married Mr. Evelyn's daughter Susanna, ii. 323, 324 ; Mr. Evelyn's character of his daughter, 324 ; their mutual happiness, 347 n ; Adscomb House, &c., l)equeathed to him by Lady Temple, 358 ; the house rel)uilt, 368, 371 ; Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital, 347 n, 371 ; allusions to, 337, 368 , Mrs., mother of the preceding, ii. 347 n ; her death, 364 and u Drayton, Dr., works referred to, iii. 109 Drebbell, Cornelius Van, chemist, ii. 8, 377 Dress, various notices concerning, i. 47, 81, 88, 118, 130, 131, 137, 139, 162, 186, 203, 237, 268, 363, 379 Drogheda taken (1649), i. 254 ; surren- dered, ii. 308 Dryden, John, plays by, i. 373 and n, 378 and n ; ii. 21, 327 ; alluded to, ii. 90, 176 ; said to go to mass, 248 Dryfield, Sir John Prettyman's house at, i. 295, 296 Dublin surrendered, ii. 308 ; earth- quake at, 310 Du Bois, John, paintings possessed by, i. 249, 260 ; his election, ii. 177 Du Bosse, Abraham, engraver, i. 255 Ducal Palace at Genoa, account of, i. 86 ; at Venice, 201 Ducie, Sir William (afterwards Lord Downe), i. 246, 332, 381 ; notice of, 405 ; his paintings, i. 249, 288 Duel, fatal one (16y4), ii. 328 Duerte, Signer. Antwerp merchant, i. .33 Dugdale, Sir William, Garter King of Ai-ms, i. 314, 334 ; ii. 122 ; his great age, 222 ; portrait, iii. 301 , Stephen, a witness against Lord Stafftn-d, ii. 151 Duke, Dr., i. 399 Dull House at Amsterdam, i. 23 Dulwich College, ii. 101 Dumaresque, Philip, letters to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 189, 227 878 GENERAL INDEX TO Dumblaine, Peregrine Osborne, Viscount, I ii. 94 n, 191 n ; his wife, 191 Du Menie, chemist, fraud of, i. 9.66 Dunbarton, George Douglas, Earl of, ii. 254 Duncan, Rev. Dr., i. 271 n ; sermon of, 263 , Mr., iv. 21 Duncomb, goldsmith, estate of Duke of Buckingliam purchased by, ii. 343 ■ , Sir Sanders, i. 8 ; introduced sedans into England, 162 ■ , Rev. Mr., of Albury, his ser- mons, ii. 331, 336 ' , Rev. William, Rector of Ash- ted, ii. 334, 348 , Mr., ii. 110 ; one of the Lords Justices in Ireland, ii. 326 Duncoml)e, Mr. Anthony, ii. 349 n , Charles, parliamentary pro- ceedings against, iii. 349 and n ■ , Sir John, ii. 7, 8, 59, 162, 342 ; Burnet's character of him, 7 u Dundas, Lord, ii. 100 n Dundonald, Archibald Cochrane, Earl of, his scheme of charring sea-coal (1785), i. 316 n Dunkirk, i. 37 ; Louis XIV. before (1671), ii. 57 Dunluce Castle, m Ireland, iv. 119 and n Dunsmore, Francis Leigh, Lord, Charles I. requires him to attend Parliament, iv. 124 Dunstall, John, engraver, ii. 20 n Duport, Dr. James, Greek Professor, i. 352, 416 ; sermon of, ii. 78 Duppa, Dr. Brian, Bishop of Chichester, ii. 148, iv. 82 n ; tutor to Prince Charles, 154 n ; portrait, iii. 301. Du Prue, performer on the lute, ii. 137 Durance river, i. 80 Durante, painting of, i. 1 67 Duras, Lewis, Earl of Feversham, ii, 102, 202 Durdans, at Epsom, i. 329, 368, 396 ; ii.85 Durell, Dr., Dean of Windsor, i. 258 ; ii. 128, 176 ; translation of the Liturgy into French, 45 ; account of, 382 Diirer, Albert, drawings by, i. 56 ; pi'ints, 66 ; carvings, 93, 186, 308 ; paint- ings, 127, 133, 186, 188, 308 Durfe, Mrs., iv. 28 Dutch, their traffic in pictures, i. 21 ; towns, 23, 402 ; avarice of, 333 ; embassy to congratulate William III., ii. 299 ; jealousy concerning the Spice Islands, iii. 258, 259 ; toll for the fishery in Scotland refused by the, 270 Dutch Bishop, humorous story of, i. 100 Dutch Boy, phenomena in the eyes of (1701), ii. 365 Dutch Fleet, first action of the CI 664), i. 392 n ; daring enterprise (1667), in the destruction of ships at Chatham, &c., ii. 24, 25 ; scheme of the action, iii, 263 and n ; completely block up the Thames, ii. 25 — 27 ; encounter with, 27 , Vice Admiral of the, cap- ture and misfortunes of, i. 398 Dutch War, vigorous prosecution of, on both sides (1665), i. 391 ; Mr. Evelyn's occupation with the, ii. 392 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to Sir T. Clifford respecting libels on England in rela- tion to, and recommending the com- piling of a History of it, iii. 21 3 — 216 ; Mr. Evelyn requested by his Majesty to write the History, i. 394 ; ii. 38, 46, 51, 52, 55, 62, 78 ; impeded by the publication of a Dutch foho, &c., on the subject, iii. 221—223 ; the History divided into three pai'ts ; brief account of them, and of the pre- face, 228 — 231 ; great extent of the work, 231 ; progress hindered, 238 — 242 ; other papers on the subject alluded to, 242 ; the design laid aside, ii 91 and n ; the MS. (as far as com- pleted) communicated to Mr Pepys ; observations respecting it ; the work left unfinished, i. Introduction^ xxviii. ; iii. 260. Earle, Dr. John, Bishop of Salisbury, i. 245, 253, 271 n ; sermon of, 344 ; consecration, character, and works of, 371, 405 ; noticed, iv, 208, 242 n, 290 Earnley, Sir J., ii. 261 " Earth and Vegetation," Mr. Evelyn's « Discourse of" (1675),ii. 98, 392,396 Earthquakes, — in England (1687),ii.266 ; at Althorpe, &c. (1690), 310 ; in Jamaica (1690), and in all parts of Europe, 321 ; at Catanea and Malta (1693), 324 ; at Portland (1696), 339 ; at New Batavia (1699), 354 ; at Rome (1703), 370 ; Dr. Tenison's and Mr. Evelvn's letters on Earthquakes, iii. 323, 325— 330 Easter in Rome, i. 1 76 Eastern languages, superficial informa- tion of the, i. 308 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 879 East India Company, union of, &c. (1G.')7), i. 322 ; prosperous, ii. 170 ; probable dissolution, 299 ; transac- tions in Parliament respecting, 31 9, 351 ■ . , Dutch, i. 398 ; ii. 33 ; their palace at Antwerp, i. 33 ; account of the Company (1656), 318 ; yachts introduced by the, 354 , Scotch, ii. 343 Eaton, Judge, i. 251 Ecclesiastical aflairs, Commission for (1686), ii. 256 Echo, remarkable one, i. 57 EcHpse of the sun (1652), i. 278 Edgehill, battle of, i. 38 Edgman, Mr. William, iv. 274,290,295, 352 ; fidelity to Sir E. Hyde, 243 Education, Academic, defects of (1699), iii. 378, 379 Edward the Confessor, King of England, crucifix and gold cliaiu found iu his coffin, ii. 234 and notes, 390, 391 VI., King of England, portrait of, i. 249 ; MS. exercises of, ii. 147 , Prince, i. 255 ; iv. 345 Edwards, Rev. Mr., of Denton, ii. 331 Egyptian Antiquities given to Mr. Evelyn, i. 213 " Eikon Basilike," malicious French translation of, iv. 189 — 191 Eleanor of Provence, Queen of Henry III., i. 301 Elector, Charles of Bavaria, Prince Palatine of the Rhine, i. 255 ; iv. 49 u, 55 n, 195 n, 248 n; Sir Richard Browne sent to him (1641), 328 ; letter of thanks to Sir Richard Browne, 339 ; joins the Parliament, 340 n ; comes to Loudon (1644), 344; ingrati- tude to Charles I., 248 n Elector Palatine, Frederick, i. 400 Elephant of a monstrous size, i. 20 Eliot, Mr., of the bedchamber, ii. 63 Elizabeth, Queen of England, Dutch hospital founded by, i. 22 ; portrait of, 249 ; head of, cut in sardonyx, 282 ; her effigies unhurt by the fire (1666), ii. 14 ; referred to, i. 316 • , Princess, daughter of Queen of Bohemia, iii. 296 Ellesmere, Sir- Thomas Egertou, Lord, Lord Chancellor, iii. 301 EUiott, Mr. Thomas, iv. 96, 98 n, 161 Ellis, Mr., a scrivenei-, ii. 116 u EUowes, Sir John, ii. 157 Eltham Palace, dilapidated state of, i. 313 Eltham, Sir John Shaw's house at, i. 380 Elysian Fields, notice of the, i. 161 " Elysium Britannicuni," Mr. Evelyn's collections for that work, ii. 392, 393 ; plan of the contents, 393, 394 Elzevir printing-office at Leyden, i. 26 Emanuel College, Cambridge, i, 304 Embalming, nevv-hivented method of, ii. 165 Embassies and ambassadors attend Charles II. ou his restoration, i. 338 — 340 Emerald, remarkable one, i. 87 n " Employment, Public, and an Active Life preferred to Solitude," published by Mr, Evelyn (1667), ii. 21 and n, 306, 392, 396 ; his letter to Cowley respecting, ii. 21 ; iii. 194, 196 Enfield Chace, Lord Coventry s Lodge in, ii. 106 "England, a Character of" (1659), i. 344 and n ; ii. 395 England, New, proceedings in the colony of (1671-2), ii. 59—61, 68 ; increase of witches in, 323 English language, Mr. Evelyn's plan for improving the, iii. 159 — 162 ; society for, recommended by (1686), 310; such a society begun in 1665, 311 English portraits collected by Lord Clarendon, ii. 36 and n ; iii. 295, 301; othei's worthy of being preserved, ii. 36 n, 37 n ; iii. 301; portraits by Holbein and others, 296 Enhydrus, stone so called by Pliny, i. 129 Eustone, Oxfordshire, Bushell's Wells at, i. 383 "Epicteti Enchiridion," consolation in, iii. 150 Epiphany, ceremony on the, at Rome, i. 136 Episcopacy, Cromwell's opposition to, i. 311 ; iii. 66 n Epping Forest, Earl of Norwich's house on, ii. 43 Erasmus, Desiderius, statue and birth- place of, i. 18 ; portrait of, by Holbein, 308 Eremitano, Albert, head of, i. 210 Erizzo, Francisco, Doge of Venice, iv. 249, and n Erlack, • , iv. 349 Erskine, Mr., Master of the Charter- house, ii. 160 Erwin, or Irvine, James Campbell, Earl of, iv. 337 Esdras, ancient books of, i. 192 380 GENERAL INDEX TO Esquire, payment for the title, i. 341 Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of. Lord General of the Parliament, his esti- mate of the debts of the army, iv. 52 ; Scottish forces stated by, 64 n j pursues tlie Royal army, 140 n ; Lord Chamberlain (1G41), Charles I.'s di- rections to, 113, 131 ; letter to Prince Rupert (Dec. 1G44), 143 • , Arthur Capel, Earl of, his crea- tion (1661), i. 347 ; his house, &c., at Cashiobury, ii. 140, 141 ; character, &c., of, and his countess, l4l ; alluded to, 135, 155 ; not acquainted witli the marriage of LacJy Ogle and Mr. Thynne, 159 ; committed to the Tower, 178, 179 ; his death, 179, 194 , petition brought from, i. 246 Essex Hou^e, notice of, ii. 80 and n Essling, Mons., of Paris, his gardens^ i. 59 Estampes, town of, i. 67 Estcourt, Sir William, killed, ii. 203 n Este, Palazzo D', at Tivoli, i. 180 , Lucretia D', a philosopher, iii. 245 — , Princess Mary Beatrice D', married to James Duke of York, ii. 89 Eucharist, doctrine of the Clmrch of England on the, iii. 231—238 Euganeau Hills, notice of the, i. 219 Evans, Rev. , ii. 110 Eve, statue of, i. 201 Evelyn, origin of the family of, and ai'ms. Pedigree ; ii. 3! 7 ; i. Introduction, xx.; French branch of, ii. 46 ; pedigree of, at Wotton, 394 • , Anne, daughter of Richard, of Woodcott, marriage of, referred to, ii. 36 and n , Sir Edward, cousin of John, elected M P., ii. 219 ; his death, 320 ■ , Eleanor, mother of John, i. 1 ; her chai'acter, 2 ; death of, 7, 8 ; epi- taph on, Introduction, xxxv. , Eliza, sister of John, i. 1,6; ii. 35 ; see Darcy ; her death, 7 , Elizabeth, second daughter of John, birth of, ii. 29 ; her marriage and death, 231 , tlie late Sir Frederick, i. Intro- duction, xxxiv,; ii. 299 n , George, grandfather of John, i. Introduction, xx., 5 ; epitaph on, xxxiv. . , George, elder brother of John, birth of, i. 1 ; letter to his father Richard, descriptive of the visit of Charles I. to Oxford (1636), 420; his marriage, i. 13 ; his brother John's present to his daughter at her christen- ing, 247 ; improvements by, in the garden at Wotton, 277; birth of a son to, ib. ; letter from Jolm Evelyn ou the death of his son Richard, iii. 79 ; death of his second wife. Lady Cotton, i. 381 ; prevented from becominga can- didate for Surrey (1685), ii. 219 ; de- puty lieutenant of the county, 328 ; his death, i. latroduclion, xxv. ; ii. 354 ; character of, and ])articulars of his family, 354, 355, 363 ; his property, various allusions to, i. 246, 247, 248, 277, 305, 399 ; ii. 128 • , Captain George, son of Sir John, and cousin of Jolm, a great traveller, his skill in architecture, i. 249, 285 , George, of Nutfield, cousin of John, deputy lieutenant of Surrey, ii. 328 ; his family, 331 ; daughter of, mai'ried, 333 ; death of, 353 , George, son of George, and nephew of John, i. 278 ; his travels, marriage, and death, ii. 354 and n ; daughters of, ib. , George, fourth son of John, birth of, i. 320 ; his death, 326 , Jane, sister of John, married to William Glanville, birth of, i. 1 ; death of, 273 ; allusions to, 15, 246, 252,261 , Jane, gi'aud-daughter of John, ii. 316, 318 , Sir John (sen.), his monument at Godstone, i. Introduction, xxi. ; ii. 116 , Sir John, of God>tone, cousin of John, i. 249—251, 286, 377 ; ii. 115, 361 ; his house at Godstone, inferior to what was first built by his fathei', i. 328 ; his forty-first wedding-day, 334 , Sir John, of Deane, in Wiltshire, i. 251; ii. 266 ; his daughter, Mrs. Pierrepoint, i. 251 ; ii. 351 , John, summary of his life and character, and pedigree, i. Introduc- tion, xvii. — xxviii. ; ii. 394 ; (162U) his birth, i. 1 ; (1624) received his first instruction under Mi*. Frier, 4 ; (1625) passed his childhood at Lewes, with his grandfather, 5 ; (1626) his picture painted by Chanterell, ib. ; (1628) taught to write by M. Citolin, and sent to the free school at South- over, ib.; (1631) begins to record remarkable circumstances, 6 ; his Diary mentioned, iii. 438 ; (1636) THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 881 admitted of the Middle Temple, i. 9 ; (1637) entered a Commoner of Baliol Collej^e, 'ib. ; presents books to its library, 10 ; (1638) first exercise, 11 ; visits his friends, ib. ; (1639) studies music, and visits various parts of England, 12 ; confirmed at St. INIai'y's, ib. ; (1641) his poi'ti'ait painted by Vanderborcht, 15 ; makes a tour throu;^h various parts of Holland and Flanders, 16 — 37 ; volunteers befoi-e Genep, 1 7 and n, 1 9, 20 ; at the court of the Queen of Bohemia, 18 ; at the fair of Rotterdam, 20 ; mati*iculated at Leyden, 26 ; ditto at Bois-le-Duc, 28 ; ditto at Williamstadt, 30 ; leaves Holland, ib. \ arrives in London, 37 ; elected one of the Comptrollers of the Revellers of the Middle Temple, but declines, 38 ; (1642) a royal volun- teer at the battle of Brentford, 38 ; Introduction, xxii. ; Dr. Basire's letter to, iii. 3 ; (1643) impi'oves the house at Wotton, i. 39 ; sends a horse accoutred to the King at Oxford, 40 ; embarks for France, ib. ; his remarks during his travels in that kingdom (1643-4), 40—82 ; (1644) travels to Normandy, 59 — 62 ; attacked by robbers, 67 ; arrested by his valet, 73 ; establishes two of his relations at Tours, 74 ; sets out for Italy, 75 ; embarks at Cannes, 82 ; sails down the Meditei'ranean, 82, 83; his perilous situation, ib. ; arrives at Genoa, 85 ; account of his travels (1644-6), in various parts of Italy, 87 — 230 ; his treatise of " Liberty and Servi- tude," published in 1644 and 1649, 248 ; ii. 391, 395, 438 ; blessed by the Pope, i. 178 ; travelling ex- penses of, 183, 219, 243 ; his illness from bathing at Venice, 196 ; dis- appointed of a voyage to the Holy Land, 205 ; matriculated at Padua, 211 ; accompanies the Earl of Arun- del to the gardens of Mantua, 212 ; contributes to Father Kircher's "Obeliscus Pamphihus," 213, 313; elected Syndicus Artistarum at Padua, but declines, 213 ; studies at Padua, ib. ; obliged to arm there in self- defence, 215; his illness from drinking wine cooled with ice, ib. ; learns the theorbo, 134,215 ; receives a present from the Nuns of St. Catharine at Padua, on his birth-day, 215 ; enter- tains the British residents in Venice (1646),?&. ; fired at by a Venetian in his gondola, 216; studies surgery at Padua, 217 ; obtains a Spanish pass, 218 ; with the Earl of Arundel at Padua, ib. ; adventure with a Scotch Colonel, 229 ; journey over the Alps into Switzerland (1646), 231—235 ; detained at Mount Sampion, 233, 236 ; catches the small-pox, 238, 239, 243 ; crosses the Lake of Geneva, 238, 240; and joins in the exercises of the Campus Martins, 242 ; sails down the Rhone and arrives in France (1647), 243 ; learns High Dutch and Spanish at Paris, 244 ; attends a course of Chemistry, ib.; learns the lute, ib. ; marries Mary, the daughter of Sir Richard Browne, Ambassador at Paris, 245; returns to England, ib.; visits King Cliai-les I. at Hampton Court, ib.; letter to Sir R. Browne on the political crises, iii. 5 ; (1648) buys the manor of Hur- cott, i. 246 ; his portrait painted by Walker, 247 ; gives a present to his niece Mary (daughter of his brother George), at her christening, ?6.; letters during 1648 to Sir R, Browne, iii. 7 — • 33 ; (1649) nari-ow escape of, i. 248 ; studies chemistry, ib. ; corresponds with Sir Richard Browne, 250 ; illness of, ib. ; manor of Warley bought by, ib. ; sets out for Paris (1649), 250— 252 ; remarks during his resi44 ; presents a copy of a miniature by Oliver to Ciiarles 11., 352 ; cha- racter of her by Dr. Bohun, iv. 3 — 7 ; letters, to Dr. Bohun on the Duchess of Newcastle, 8 ; on epistolary writing, 10; on Sir S. Tuke's marriage, 11; on Dryden's " Siege of Grenada," 25 ; on her cousin Glauville, 26 ; on female accomphshments and duties, 31 ; to Sir Samuel Tuke on an expected visit, 11 ; to her brotlier Glauville on his son's education, 12; on his return froin France, 15 ; his settlement at Wotton, 16 ; on his courtship, 22, 27 ; his amiability commended, 38 ; to Mr. Terryll in Ireland, 14, 15 ; to Mrs. Evelyn of Woodcote, 17, 19, 20 ; to her cousin Mary Evelyn, 20 ; to Lady Tuke, and to Mr. Bohun, on the death of Sir S. Tuke, iii. 108 n ; iv. 23, 24 ; to Mr. Bohun on the death of Dr. Bretton, 30 ; on domestic duties, 31 ; on pulpit eloquence, 34 ; on recent shipwrecks, 27 ; to Mrs. Alexander on her visit to Ireland, 29 ; to her husband, 33 ; to Mrs. Saul on leaving her family, 36 ; to Lady Tuke on the death of her own daughter Mary, 40 ; to her son, exhorting him to a virtuous life, 21 ; extract from her Will, con- taining a character of Mr. Evelyn, 7 ; her death and epitaph, i. Introduction^ XXV. XXX vii. Evelyn, Mary (daughter of John), ii. 90, 129, 164, 204 ; birth of, i. 398 ; her death by the small-pox, ii. 213; her piety and accomplishments, i. Intro- duction^ XXV, ; ii. 212 — 218 ; her monu- ment and epitaph, i. Introduction, xxxix. , Mary, Lady Y/yche (niece of John, and daughter of George), John Evelyn presents her with a piece of plate at her christening, i. 247 ; mar- riage, ii. 320. See Wyche ■ , Mary (niece of John, and daughter of Richard ),mari'iage of,ii.47 , Martha-Maria (grandchild of John), birth, ii. 179 ; death, 183 , Richard (father of John), his marriage and family, i. 1 ; his person and character, 1,2, 14 ; High Sheriff of Sui'rey and Sussex, i. 1, 6, 7 ; sickness and death, 14 ; epitaph on, i. Introduction^ 25 Evelyn, Richard, of Woodcote (brother of John), birth, i. 1 ; chamber-fellow with his brother John at Oxford, 12 ; alluded to, 246, 247 ; ii. 47 ; mar- riage, i. 247 ; his house called Bay- nards, 246, 320 ; iii. 330 ; afflicted with the stone, ii. 30, 39, 44 ; his death and funeral, 44 ; letters to his wife from Mrs. John Evelyn, iv. 17, 19 , Richard (son of John), birth and christening, i. 283 ; death, 324 ; his remarkable early talentsandpiety,i. Introduction, xxv, 323 — 326; his early death alluded to, ii. 290 ; letters oc- casioned by his death, iii. 101 — 103; monument and epitaph of, i. Intro- duction, xxxviii. Another son Richard, death and burial of,i. 378, 379 , Richard (grandson of John), birth, ii. 155 ; death, 158 , Richard (nephew of John), his death, iii. 79 n , Susanna (daughter of John), birth of, ii. 39 ; marriage, 324 ; cha- racter and accomplishments, ih. See Di-aper , Sir Thomas, ii. 155 , William, of St. Clere (son of George of Nutfield), assumed the name of Glauville, ii. 367 n ; his issue, ib. , (cousin of John), house near Chfden, ii. 1 34 , Evelyn family, epitaphs of, i. Introduction, xxiv. — xl. , Mons., a French physician, ii. 45 " Evening Lover,"a play,ii. 33 andn, 380 Everard, Mrs., a chemist, i. 260 Eversfield, Mr., of Sussex, his daughter, ii. 139, 155, 355 Eversou, iMr., iii. 155 Everzen, Capt. Cornelius, taken pri- soner, i. 392 and n ; his liberty restored by Charles II. on account of his father's services, ib. iii. 153 Euston, Suffolk, Loi'd Arlington's seat at, Charles II. 's frequent visits, 1671, ii. 63 ; splendid entertainment at, 64 ; the house and garden described, 64, 65, 112 — 114 ; church and parsonage house rebuilt by Lord Arhngton, 48, 111, 113 " Examen of the Assembly's Confession of Faith," iii. 109 Exchange at Amsterdam, i. 22 ; at Paris, 47 ; Merchants' Walk at Genoa, 80 at Venice, 198 390 GENERAL INDEX TO Exchange, the Royal, the Kind's statue at, thrown dowu (1G49), i, 251 ; uew building of the, ii. 89 Exchequer shut up (1G72), ii. 70 Excise, &c., contiuuiince ot, i. 330 ; duties let to farm by James II., ii. 211; Scots grant them for ever, 221 Executions (see Question) at Rome, i. 183 : at Venice, 208 ; in Switzerland, 241 ; in England, 278, 282 Exeter College, Oxford, comedy per- formed at (lG37),i. 11 Exeter Chapel, communicants at, sur- prised (1G57), i. 323 Exeter, Earl of, garden at Burleigh, i. 298 n ; ii. 189 -— — , Parliament's terms of capitula- tion to, iv. 176, 177 ; siege of, 180. Exhalation, fiery, account of (1694), ii. 328 " Exomologetis," by Dean Cressy,i. 376 Experiment, uew invented ship so called, ii. 96 Exton, Dr., Judge of the Admiralty, i. 376 Eye of a Dutch Boy, phaenomenon in, ii. 364 Eyes, receipt for strengthening, iii. 208; wax taper at night recommended, &c., 209 Eyre, Mr. Justice, a subscriber to Green- wich Hospital, ii. 345 Fairfax, Major, i. 300 n ; character of, ii. 115 , Sir Thomas, Lord, iii. 10, 35 ; iv. 141, 149, 154, 174, 176, 180, 181, 302, notes Faith, Assembly's confession of, iii. 109 "Faithful Post" (1653), a journal, iv. 277 n " Faithful Scout" (1653), a journal, iv. 285 n Faithorne, William, his portrait of Cathei-ine, Queen of Charles XL, i. 363 n Falcon berg, Thomas Belasyse, Viscount, ii. 117, 176 Falkland, Lucius Gary, Lord, iv. 68 n, 101 ; portrait, iii. 301 • , Lord (Treasurer of the Navy), ii. 176, 198, 218; deatli, and account of, 330 , Lady, ii. 215, 216, 330 Fallen Angels, iii. 88 Falmouth, Charles Berkeley, Earl of, i. 355 and n ; iii. 240 Family of Love, address to the King (1G87), ii. 268 Fanelli, statues in copper by, i. 364 Fans from China, i, 379 Fanshaw, Sir Simon, his collection of coins, iii. 300 Fanshawe, Sir Richard, allusions to, i. 275, 276, 306, 349, 366, 418 ; iv. 200 Fai'nese Palace at Rome, account of, i. 102, 143, 163, 175 Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro, i. 128, 184 Fari-ande, iv. 256 Farringdoii, Mr., funeral of, ii. 27 Fari'ingdon, town of, i. 293 Father John at Rome, i. 101 Faubert, Mons., riding-master, his aca- demy, &c., ii. 159, 169, 201, 202 Faulkner, Thomas, his "History of Chelsea" cited, ii. 127 n Faustina, temple of, i. 103 Fay, Governor of Portsmouth, i. 334 Fearne, Dr., i. 334 Febure, Mons., his chemical experi- ments, &c., i. 244, 272 ; Sir W. Raleigh's cordial prepared by, 368 Fell, Dr. John, Bishop of Oxford, i. 352, 383 ; ii. 42 ; sermon in blank verse, i. 390 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn on the Arundel MSS., iii. 216 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, recommending answers to atheistical books, iii. 264 ; death of, ii. 256 ; account of, i. 416 Felton, Sir John, ii. Ill , Sir Maurice, iii. 390, 395 ,Sir Geoffrey, iii. 389, 396 Fenton, letters and journal of, iii. 262, 380 Fenwick, Sir John, taken, ii. 342, 343 ; executed, 346 , Mr., and his wife, cause between, ii. 370 and u Ferdinand I., Grand Duke of Florence, chapel of, i. 189 Ferguson, Robert, conspirator, ii. 178, 180, 226, 228 Feria, Duke of, i, 227 Fermor, Sir William, afterwards Earl of Pomfret, ii. 129, 156, 318 ; some of the Arundehan statues purchased by, now at Oxford, 31 1 Ferrara, notice of, i. 195 Ferrarius, Dr., of Milan, i. 224, 226 ; notice of, 405 Ferrers, Barons, their tenure at Oak- ham, i. 298 Ferte Imbault, Mons. de la, iv. 337, 338 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 891 Fete Dieu, at Tours, i. 72 Feversham, Lewis de Duras, Earl of, ii. 102, 202, 206, 226, 233 ; taken prisoner, 28 O" Fiaramingo, Gei*., picture by, i. 112; sculpture, 123, 182,259 Fiat, Mous., i. 291 Field, Dr., Bishop of Oxford, i. 5 , Captain, iii, 271 Fielding, Lady Mary, her marriage, ii. 388 Fienues, Dr., sermon of, ii. 200 Fiesole, Gio. di, painting by, i. 172 Fifth -Monarchy- Men, sermon against, i. 321 ; insuiTection of, ^44 Filmer, Sir E., ii. 190 Finale, notice of the shore of, i. 83 Finch, Sir John, Lord Keeper, in Hol- land (1641), i. 18, 23 ; advanced to the peerage as Baron Finch, 401 ; letter of Charles I. to, iv. 63 ; noticed, 64, 69, 70, 74, 77, 87—125 , Sir John, afterwards Lord Chan- cellor, and Earl of Nottingham, i. 385 ; ii. 59, 153 • , Mr. (son of Lord Chancellor), afterwards Earl of Aylesford, ii. 1 30, 250 and n ; James II.'s speech to the Council on his accession, taken down in writing by, 208 n, 268 ; Burleigh-on-the-Hill bought by the family of, i. 298 n Fioravanti, a painter in Rome, i. 183, 259 Fire-eater, performances of a, ii. 79 Fire-ships, appalling nature of, iii. 305 Fire-works at Rome (1644), i. 131 ; in St. James's-square (1695), ii. 338 Firmin, Mr. Thomas, account of, ii. 300 Fish, horn of one presented to Royal Society, i. 379 ; sight and hearing of, iii. 209, 210 Fisher, Dr. John, Bishop of Rochester, portrait of, iii. 301 Fishery, on the right of, iii. 268 — 271 Fish-ponds, various references to, i. 39, 51, 58, 64, 111, 112, 134, 181, 240 Fitzgerald, Lady Catherine, ii. 198 Fitz-Harding, Lord, instructions for Holland, iii. 240 ; death of, ii. 86 Fitzpatrick, Colonel, ii. 266 ; iii. 319 Fitz-Roy, Lady Anne, ii. 108 n Flagellants at Rome, i. 176 Flamel, Nicholas, i. 65 Flamerin, Mens., ii. 200 Flamstead, Dr. John, astronomer, ii. 108-111, 183, 198, 385 Flanders, apprehensions of the French army in, iv. 210 Fleet, engagement with the Dutch, 1665, i. 392 and n, 393 ; victory over the Dutch (June, 1665), 394 ; Charles II. visits the English fleet at the Nore, 395 ; victory over the Dutch (June, 1666), ii. 5 ; various particulars of the, 4, 8 ; mangled state of the English fleet, 7 ; English and French united fleets (1672), 73 Fleetwood, Dr. James, Bishop of Wor- cester, sermon by, ii. 105 , Mr., declines the Boyle lectureship, iii. 376 , Sir George, on Cromwell's dissimulation, iv. 209 Fletcher, John, poet, portrait, iii. 301 Floors of rooms, plaister, &c., used for, i. 85 Florence, account of the city of, i. 91 — 95, 186—190 ; bridges of, 91 ; Palaces of Strozzi and Pitti, 91 ; church of Santo Spirito, 92 ; Palazzo Vecchio, ih. ; Hanging Tower, ih. ; the Duke's Repository of Curiosities, 93, 94, 187 ; church of the Annunciata, 95, 187 ; Duke's Cavalei'izzo and Menagerie, 95 ; Poggio Imperiale, 186 ; collec- tions of Prince Leopold and Signor Gaddi, Academy de la Crusca, 189 ; church of St. Laurence, ih. ; Arsenal, artists, &c., 190 , agent of the Duke of, an affront to, iv. 127 Florival, Mons., of Geneva, ii. 352 Fog, remarkable (1670), ii. 53 ; (1699), 355 Fondi, i. 148 Fondigo di Todeschi at Venice, i. 198 Fontaine, Mrs., i. 314 Fontainebleau, palace and gardens, i. 57, 58, 299 Fontana, Annibal, carving by, i. 225 • — , Domenico-Maria, architect, works of, i. 113, 114, 119, 120, 126, 141, 167, 171, 225 , Lavinia,painting by, i. 142,164 Fontana della Therme, at Rome, i. Ill Fontana di Specchio, i. 180 Fonts, remarkable, i. 29, 89 Forbes, Mr., ii. 1 89 Force, Duchesse de la, ii. 301 Forests, notices of, i. 56, 57, 67, 70 Forraiana, i. 148 Forstei*, Sir H., house at Aldermaston, i. 289 392 GENERAL INDEX TO Fortifications, continental, i. 19, 20, 2G, 28, 30, 33, 37, Gl, 71, 73, 75, 76, 95, 97, 99, 191, 228, 231, 252, 270 ; English, 29U, 299 ; ii. 24, 72, 77 Forum Boarium at Rome, i. 107 ; Tra- jauuni, 172 Fossa Nuova, monastery at, i. 147 Foster, Sir Richard, iv. 259, 2G5, 273, 275, 281 Fotherbee, Sir John, i, 23 Fountains of Lepidus. See Water-works, i. 113 Fowler, Dr. Edward, Bishop of Glou- cester, ii. 312 n , Sir Thomas, his aviary, i. 288 Fox, Colonel, iv. 167 ■ , Dr. Edward, Bishop of Hereford, portrait, iii. 30 1 ■ , Sir Stephen and Lady, ii. 8, 129, 1 34, 1 3G ; (a Lord. Commissioner of the Treasury, 139) ; account of him, 147, 148, 378 ; proposals for his daughter, 15G ; directed by the King to form regukitions, &c., for Hospital at Chelsea, 159, 163, 166, 169; his great interest with bankei-s, 1 62; his house at Chiswick, 169, 175 ; allusions to him, 187, 192, 199, 218, 232, 283 ; grand dinner given by, 241 ; subscrip- tion to Greenwich Hospital, 344 n Foy, Dr., ii. 350 Frampton,Dr. Robert, afterwards Bishop of Gloucester, ii. 69, 80 ; sermon (1686), 250 ; deprived, 312 n Franc, Mons. le, notice of, i. 313; ordained of the Church of England, i6. France, Scotch forces serving in (1643), iv. 337 ; fleet sent to Naples (1648), 346 — 350 ; proceedings of Court and Parliament, 243, 322, 345—349, 352 ; peace made with (1649), i. 250 ; de- sirous to conclude a treaty with Cromwell (1653), iv. 299 n; tem- porising policy of, about Cromwell's Ambassador (1656), 313; persecution of Protestants (1685), ii. 225 « France, the State of," ii. 395 Francis L, King of France, tomb of, i. 42 ; his palace, called Madrid, 55, 256 ; his regard for L. da Vinci, 226 ; portrait of, 249 Francis a Paula, St., epitaph, i. 73. Franciscan Monastery at Sienna, i. 100 Francisco, Signor, his skill on the harp- sichord, ii. 94, 164 Franco, John Baptist, manufacturer of fire-arms, i. 223 Frascati, description of, i. 179 Fraser, or Frisoll, Mr., iv. 70, 223 , Dr., i. 373 ; iv. 251, 263 n , Sir Alexander, ii. 6 , Mr., books purchased by, ii. 181 Frato del, paintings by, i. 188 Freart, Roland, treatise of, translated by i\Ir. Evelyn, i. 382 n ; ii. 396 Frederick, Sir John, his pageant. Sec, when Lord Mayor, i. 357, and n Freeman, Sir Ralph, of Betchworth, i. 371 Freind, Sir John, judicial sentence upon, ii. 340 ; absolved by three non-juring clergymen, 341 French Church in the Savoy, i. 317 ; refugees at Gx'eenwich (1687), ii. 265 French, Dr., i. 290, 376 "French Gardener and English Vine- yard" (1658), pubHshed, ii. 391, 395 French Litelligeucer" (1656), iv. 312 n Frene, M., of Paris, his collection, i. 56 Frey, Hans, famous for his lutes, i. 194 Frier, Mr., schoolmaster, i, 4 Frigates, peculiar advantages of, i. 375 n; ii. 304 Frobisher, Martin, his Journal, iii. 262, Frognall, Sir Philip Warwick's house at ii. 101 Fromantil, curious clock by, i. 342, 351 Frost, remarkable (1649), i. 248 Frowde, Mr., clerk to Mr. Locke, ii. 80 Fuel, scarcity, &c., of, ii. 25, 26 Fuensaldague, General under the Prince of Conde', iv. 285 n Fuente, Marquis de la, pass granted by, i. 218 Fulgosi, Rodolphua, tomb of, i. 207 Fulliam, Dr., sermon by, ii. 348 Fuller, Isaac, paintings by, i. 384 , Mr., iv. 12 Fullerton, Colonel in the French service, iv. 337 "Fumifugium" (1661), by Mr. Evelyn, notice of, i. 84 n; ii. 12 ; publication of, i. 354 and n, 355 ; ii. 391, 395 Gaddi, Signor, of Florence, collection of, i. 189 Gaetano. See Pulsone Gaieta, City of, i. 148 Gale, Dr. Thomas, Master of St. Paul's School, ii. 171, 38G ; iii. 323, 371; MSS. possessed by, 334, 337 GaUcano, Prince, of Rome, i. 177 " Gallant, the Wild," by Dryden, i. 373 Galleries in the Vatican, i. 139 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 39S Galley-alaves at Marseilles, account of, i. 80 ; slaves at Leghorn, 90 Galloway, Thomas Sysderf, Bishop of (1G50), i. 271 n ; ordmation by, 258 Galloway, Lord (1G58), i. 'd'd2 Galway, Henry do Ruvigne, Earl of (1701), account of, ii. 3G5 and n ; iii. 313 Gamboo, Castle of, taken by the French, ii. 328 Gaming at Leghorn, i. 91 ; at Venice, 21 G ; at Court, 359 ; ii. 32 Gardens — Abroad : at the Prince's Court at the Hague, i. 21 ; at Leyden, 26 ; Prince's Court at Brussels, 35 ; Jardine Royale at Paris, 49 ; of the Thuilleries, 51 ; of the Archbishop of Paris at St. Cloud, 52; of Cardinal Richelieu at Ruell, 53 ; ditto at Riche- lieu, 75; at St. Germain's, 55; Fou- tainebleau, 58 ; M. Essling at Paris, 59, at Caen, 62 ; of the Luxemburg Palace, 63, 64; M. Morine's at Paris, 65, 265 ; of the Palace of Negroes at Genoa, i. 85 ; of the Prince d'Orias' at Genoa, 86 ; of the Marquess Spinola, 87 ; of the palace of Pitti at Florence, 92 ; Palazzo de Medici at Rome, 108; Prince Ludovisio's, 109 ; Villa Borghesi, 117, 178 ; Cai-dinal Borghese's at Rome, 133 ; Pope's palace at Monte Cavallo, 111, 134 ; Vatican, 141; Horti Mathtei, 165; garden of Justinian, 171, 174; Cardinal Bentivoglio's, 173; Frascati (Cardinal Aldobrandini's), 179 ; Mondragone, 180 ; palace d'Este atTivoli,z6. ; Garden of Simples at Sienna, 185 ; at Padua, 211; of Mantua, ib.; at Grand Duke's near Bologna, 1 90 ; Count Ulmarini's at Viucenza, 220 ; Count Giusti's at Verona, 222 ; at Geneva, 240, 242 ; Gardens of Palais Cardinal at Paris, 255, 270. In England : atWotton, i. 2, 3, 39, 277; at Sayes Court, 284; Lady Brook's at Hackney, 287 ; Mr. Tombs's, 288 ; Spring and Mulberry Gardens, 251, 288, 353; Physic-garden at Oxford, 292, 384 ; ii. 99 ; Earl of Pembroke's at Wilton, i. 294 ; Orangery, «Scc., at Bedington, 330 ; ii. 361 ; at Audley-end, i. 305 ; at NewHall, 316 ; at Hampton Court, 364 ; Mr. Rett's at Chatham, 375 ; at the Earl of Norwich, Epping Forest, ii. 43 ; at Albm*y, 52 ; Lord Arlington's at Euston, 64 ; at Berkeley House, London, 78, 197 ; Lord 'Lauderdale's at Ham, 122 ; Sir Henry Capel's at Kew, ih., 189, 272 ; Countess of Bristol's at Chelsea, 1 28 ; Earl of Essex at Cashiobury, 140 ; Apothe- caries' Garden at Chelsea, 230 ; Lady Clarendon's at Swallowfield, 240 ; Sir William Temple's at Sheen, 272 ; Mr. Evelyn's plan for a Royal Garden, 393 Gardiner, Sir Thomas, iv. 135 n Gardner, Mrs., i. 262; mai'riage of, 272 Garland, Sir Patrick, iv. 302 Garmus, Mr., Hamburgh-resident in England, his entertainment, i. 352 Garrarde, , iv. 147 Garret, Lady, iii. 308 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, 57 Garrick, David, i. 386 n Garro, arrest of Mr. Evelyn by, i. 73 Garter, Order of the, celebration of St. George's day (1667), ii. 22 ; offerings of the Knights of, 51 ; Installation of the, 22 Gascoigne, Sir Bernard, ii. 48, 118 Gassendus, Peter, translation of his « Vita Peiriskii" (edit. 1657), i. 319 Gassion, (soldier), monument for at Charenton, i. 254 Gauden, Sir Denis, ii. 134, 321 Gaudy, Sir John, account of, ii. 110 Gaunt, John of, i. 36 ; Hospital of, 298 Gaurus, Mount, i. 158 Gay wood, Robert, engraver, iii. 82 Geare, Sir John, his conduct before the Lords, iii. 8 Geere, Sir R., present to St, James's Church, Piccadilly, ii. 201 Genep on the Waal, siege of, i. 17, 19 General Pardon issued by Charles I., iv. 58 and n, 68 ; dishke of, 59 Geneva, account of, i. 239 — 243 ; book- sellers, the Town House, 240, 242 ; sports in the Campus Martins, 241 ; religion, 242; Chui'ch of St. Peter, {6.; College, 243 Genner (Jenner), Sir Thomas, Recorder of London, ii. 187 Genoa (1644), i. 83 ; account of, 83—88 ; Palace of Hieronymo del Negros, 85 ; of the Prince d'Urias, 86 ; armoury, ih. ; Strada Nova, Churches, 87 ; the Mole, and Walls, 84, 87 ; dress of the inhabitants, 88 n ; besieged by the French, ii. 197 Gens d'armes of Paris, muster of, i, 66 Gentileschi (Orazio Lomi), painting by, i. 167 394 GENERAL INDEX TO "Gentleman's Magazine" referred to, i. 357 n, 367 n, 370 n, 385 Georgia, &e., women of, ii. 146 Georgioni (Giorgio Barliarelli), painting by, i. 328 Gerard, General, liis accusation of Lord Digby, iv. 166 n Gerbier, Sir Balth., conduct at Paris, iv. 339 Germaine, Lord, i. 253 , Sir John, ii. 359 Germany, method of pei'fuming rooms in, i. 311 Gerrard, Charles, Lord, i. 267, 373 ; ii. 21 ; account of, i. 409; referred to, iv. 195, 217, 251 n , Ladv, i. 247, 278, 285—288 ■ , Sir Gilbert, ii. 250 Ghent, account of, i. 36 Ghetto, at Rome, i. 136 ; at Venice, 217, Ghisi, Palace of, i. 134, 163 ; chapel of, ' 170 Gibbon, Grinling, carver, discovered by Mr, Evelyn, and introduced to the King, &c., ii. 53 — 57 ; carvings by, 53—57, 119, 134, 142, 168, 176, 201, 260, 261 ; Walpole's account of him, 53, 54, notes; letter of, to Mr. Evelyn, soliciting his recommendation, 54 n Gibbons, Christopher, musician, i. 292 Gibbs, Dr. James Alban, account of, i. 101 and n, 144 Gibson, Dr. Edmund, Bishop of London, communication to, by Mr. Evelyn, for "Camden's Britannia," iii. 341 and n GifFord, Captain, misfortune of, ii. 337 Gilbert, lapidary of Venice, i. 219 . , Dr. William, portrait of, i. 369 Gildron, paintings possessed by, i. 250 Gilpin, Bei'nard, ii. 259 n Giolo, the painted Prince, ii. 350 and n Giotto (Ambrogiotto), mosaic by, i. 124 Giovanni, Signor, of Florence, i. 190 Giuseppe, Cavaliero, marbles by, i. 125 Giusti, Count, of Verona, his villa, i. 222 Gladiators, celebrated statues of, i. 1 02, 110, 134, 143 Glanvil, Dr. Joseph, letter of Mr. Evelyn to, respecting his " Plus ultra," iii. 204 ; noticed, ib. Glanville, George (brother-in-law of Mr. Evelyn), i. 246, 285 ; ii. 313; Mrs. Evelyn's letters to, iv. 12, 15, 16, 22, 26, 38 ; his death, and burial in the sea, ii. 367 ; descendants, ib. • , William (nephew of Mr. Evelyn), ii. 313, 357, 367 Glanville, Sir John (Speaker), i. 293 , William (son of Speaker), i. 284, 293 Glass manufacture, i. 212 ; ii. 84 ; paint- ing, remarks relative to, 165 Glemham, Sir Thomas, Governor of Oxford, iv. 164 ; the siege of Oxford, 167, 171, 176 n ; iii. 8 Glencairn, William Cunningham, lltli Earl of, iv. 81 Gloucester, Henry Stuart, Duke of, iv. 220, 278 n ; Henrietta endeavours to pervert his religion, 203, 214—217 ; letter of Charles II. to, 203 ; death of, i. 341, ii.52 , Duke of, son of Princess Anne, ii. 361 Gloucester Cathedral, i. 296; castle, ih. Gloves, custom of presenting, i. 420 Glow-worms, flying (Luccioli), i. 195 Glynne, Serjeant, Commissioner at Newport, iv. 185 n Godfrey, Sir Edmondbury, murder of, ii. 126, 133 Godolphin, Francis (son of Lord), birth, ii. 123, 124 n ; alluded to, 126, 225, 230 ; marriage of, 350, 369 , Dr. Henry, ii. 135, 276, 341; sermon of, 195 , Sidney, afterwards Lord Godolphin, his marriage, ii. 77, 98 n ; Mr. Evelyn builds him a house, 108 ; alluded to, 103, 108—110, 123—126, 135, 211, 218, 220, 225, 261, 285, 310, 320, 325, 333, 335 ; made a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, 129, 131, 199; created Baron Godolphin, 199 ; his house, Cranbourn, in Wind- sor Park, 258 ; subscription to Green- wich Hospital, 344 and n ; retires from the Treasury, 346 ; his return to it, 362, 368 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 354 , Mrs., wife of the preceding (formerly Mrs. Blagge, ii. 39, 77 n, 94 n) ; her marriage, 98 ; allusions to her, 105, 108, 117 ; birth of her son, 123; her death, ib. ; character, &c., 123, 124 ; funeral, 125; papers, &c., ib. ; life of, prepared by Mr. Evelyn, 124, 381, 394 , , Sir WilHam, ii. 123, 125, 127, 130, 199, 218, 225, 276, 325 Godstone, Surrey, descent of the Evelyns of, Pedigree ;u. 397; Sir John Evelyn's house at, i. 251, 328 ; monument of Sir John Evelyn at, 116 THE DIAllY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 39e5 Godwin, William, his "Lives of Edward and John Philips" (1815), i. 377 n Goffe, Dr. Stephen, a llomish priest, i. 19, 376 ; Mr. Evelyn's conversation with, respecting Cressy's Answer to Pierce, iii. 139, 141 , Colonel, i. 323 Golding, Capt., killed in engagement with the Dutch, i. 392 n Gondolas of Venice, description of, i. 197, 364 Good, Di\ Thomas, letters, iii. 247— 249 Goode, Dr., minister of St. Martin's, ii. 327 Good-Friday, ceremonies at Rome on, i. 176 Goodman, Dr. Godfx'ey, Bishop of Glou- cester, impeached, iv. 99 n, 123 u , Dr., sermon of, ii. 199 Goodrick, Sir Henry, a subscriber to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 n Goose, unnatural one, i. 287 Gore, Mrs., married George Evelyn, ii. 354 Gorges, Sir Arthur, i. 361 , Mr., ii. 61 Goring, Col. George, i. 19, 28, 38 ; account of, 401; examined by Parha- ment, iv. 56 n, 76 n, 130, 133 ■ , General George, Earl of Norwich, iv. 149 n, 154n, 162, 163, 169, 170, 210,220; account of, 133 n; Charles's directions to, before battle of Naseby, 146 n ; defeated by the Parliament, 154 n Goring House, i. 391; ii. 38, 46, 82; burned, 93 Gosling, his fine bass voice, ii. 204 Gospel, ancient copy of St. John's, i. 92 Gotefridi, Signer, collection of medals, i. 178 Gouge, Dr., iv. 72 Gouttiere, near Colombiere, caves so called, i. 73 Governe, Madame de, ii. 255 Grafton, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of (natural son of Charles II.), marriage of, ii. 77 ; remarriage, 135 ; alluded to, 108, 168, 251, 309, 389 ; duel fought by, 250 ; death, 309, 310 ; iii. 319 ; birth of his son, ii. 189 , Duchess of (daughter of Lord Arlington), marriage, ii. 77, 135 ; cha- racter and notices of, 135 ; allusions to, 112, 184, 187—189, 325; appeal to the House of Lords, 327 Graham, Colonel Jame.", in love with Mrs. Dorothy Howard, ii. 100; mar- ried, 100 n, 117 ; Mrs. Graham, their house at Bagshot, &c., 232, 240 , Captain, ii. 107 , Mr., absconded, ii. 311 ; in the Fleet, 340 Grammont, Anthony Hamilton, Mar- shal de, ii. 57, 382 ; iv. 348 ; «Me- moires" cited, 122 n " Granada, Conquest, or Siege of," a play by Dryden, ii. 55 ; iv. 25 Granado shot, of glass, i. 378 ; ii. 24 Grand Signior, letters of, to the Popes, i. 227 Grange, ceremony of the Prince de la, at Lincoln's Inn (1662), i. 359 Granger, Rev. James, his Biographical History of England" cited, i. 321 n Grantham, notice of the town, i. 302 Graunt, Mr., his remarks on the Bills of Mortality, ii. 97 Grave, Robert, his print of Rose, gar- dener to Charles II., i. 353 n Gray, Andrew, eighth Lord, a leader for the French King, iv. 337 Greatorix, Mr., mathematical-instrument maker, i. 314 Grebner, Ezekiel, his " Visions and Prophecies concerning England," &c., i. 303 ; iv. 62, 227 n Greek Church, ceremonies of, i. 174, 182, 209; iii. 219 Greek historians, &c., iii. 162 Green, Henry, a florist, iii. 254 Greenborow, painting by, i. 384 Greene, Mr., iv. 114, 116 , Anne, restored after hanging, ii. 95 and n Greenwich, Italian Glasshouse at, ii. 84 , Palace at, possessed by the rebels, i. 247, 278 ; design of building a new Palace at, 356, 361 Greenwich Hospital, commission for endowing, &c., and proceedings in relation to it, ii. 333, 335—337, 341 ; iii. 345 ; agreement with workmen, ii. 342 ; first stone laid, 344, 401 ; sub- scriptions, ib. ; want of money for (in 1696), 345 n ; hall and chapel of, 350; lottery for, 352 ; Mr. Evelyn's ac- counts as IVeasurer, 347 n, 363, 367, 371 ; seamen first received there, 374 Greenwich Park, elms planted in, i. 378; observatory built, ii. 108 Gregory XIIL, Pope, Cardinal Hugo Buoncompagno, Palace built by, i. 396 GENERAL INDEX TO 111 ; Chapel, 122; his hall in the] Vatican, 137 Gregory XIV., Pope, Cardinal Niccolo Sfrondati, bridge built by, i. 99 Gregory, Mr. Justice, a subscriber to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 345 n { Grenadiers, first introduction of, 119 Grenville, Bernard, house at Abs Court, ii. 88 , Sir Richard and John, after- wards Earl of Bath, discontented with the Royalists, iv. 15-4 ; letters of Charles II. to procure arms and men, 198 ; to hold himself ready for his service, ib. Gresham, Sir Thomas, statue of, pre- served in the Fire of London, ii. 14 Gresham College, meetings of Royal Society at, i. 344, 345 ; ii. 26, 89 {see Royal Society), enquiry into Reve- nues of, i. 365—368 Gressy, Mons. de, iv. 338 Grew, Dr. Neheraiah, ii. 117, 385 Grey, Forde, Lord, proclamation against, ii. 178; defeated with the Duke of Monmouth, and taken, 226 ; con- demned and pardoned, 245 ; heavilv fined, 261 Lady Mary, iii. 380 ;Mr. (son of Lord Grey), ii. 59 Griffin, Mr., engaged in service of Charles II., iv. 300 Griffith, Prince, i. 257 , Captain, i. 275 , Lord, his Ciiapel (1693), ii. 325 • , Sir John, i. 398 Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco lognese), i. 167 (II Bo- Grimani Palace, Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, a Commis- sioner at Newport, iii. 21 ; iv. 185 n Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of Can- terbury, monument of, ii. 361 Grocers' Hall, banquet at (1649), iii. 55 Groomsbridge (Kent), house and chapel, i. 281 ; ii. 91 Grotius, Hugo, his escape from Fort Lovestein, i. 20 . , INIons. (son of Hugo), i. 217 Grotto del Cane, Naples, i. 156 Guarda-Daraas, office of, i, 363 Guarini, Battista, portrait of, i. 166 Guerchino, Giovanni Francisco Barbiero, called, painting by, i. 193 Gueschn, Bertraud du, his sepulchre, i. 42 Guicciardini, Francisco, portrait, ii. 109 Guido. See Reni Guildford, Surrey, i. 286 , Elizabeth, Countess of, i. 343, 415 Guildhall, London, paintings in, i. 369 ; ii. 85 ; Lord Mayor's feast in (1664), i. 385 Guilford, Francis North, Lord, his lady, and chai'acter, ii. 356 Guillotine, in Naples, Vcuice,and France, i. 183, 209 Guise, Duke of, i. 80, 81; ii. 57 ; his death, iv. 218 Gunman, Captain, ii. 104 ; account of him, 219 Gunning, Dr. Peter, Bishop of Ely, sermons of, and allusions to, i. 323, 326, 333, 334; ii. 81, 82, 104 ; cha- racter, &c., of, 81 ; opinion on the Test, 127 ; death, 200 Guns first used at Genoa, i. 87 Gunson, Treasurer of the Navy, ii. 172; iii. 392 Gurney, Sir Richard, Lord Mayor(1641), iv. 82, 106, 128 Gustavus Adolphus II., King of Sweden, i. 239 Gustavus X., King of Sweden, iv. 220 ; invades Poland, 223 n, 304, 314 Guttemberg, John, i. 27 Guzman, Don Gaspar de Teves y, Spanish Ambassador at Venice, i. 218 Gwvnne, Nell, i. 18 n ; ii. 57, 162, 206, 379 Haak, Theodore, iii. 241 Hacker, Col. Francis, regicide, exe- cuted, i. 341 Hacket, Dr. John, Bishop of Lichfield, sermon of, i. 329 Haddock, Sir Richard, lottery prize gained by, ii. 326 Haerlera, church. Sec, of, i. 25 ; per- spective model of, 312 Hague, the HofF, or Prince's Court at, i. 21 ; HofF van Hounslers Dyck, 28 Hale, Sir Matthew, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, ii. 60, 382 Hales, John, of Eton, portrait, iii. 301 ; library, 307 , Edward, of Chilston (cousin of Mr. Evelyn), ii. 4 , Mr., ii. 130 , Sir Edward, i. 308, 310 , Sir Edward, Governor of Dover THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 397 Castle, ii. 251 and n ; Lieutenant of the Tower, 276 Halford, Sir Henry, College of Phy- sicians opened by, ii. 1 74 n Halifax, Sir George Savile, Marquis of, ii. 34, 62, 107, 211, 2!J2, 285, 293, 303 ; death of, 335 Hall, Dr. Joseph, Bishop of Exeter, translated to Norwich, ii. 173 ; iv. 82 n ; questioned by Parliament, 99 n , patent of King's printer refused to, ii. 250 , Dr., sermon of, i. 330 ; ii. 41 Halle, , iv. 224 Halls and Exchanges, notices of, various, i. 21, 34, 47, 210, 219 Ham, Duke of Lauderdale's house, &c., at, ii. 122 Hamburgh, siege of (1686), ii. 257; succoured, 258 Hamilton, James, first Duke, iii. 15; trial (1648), i. 248 ; execution, 249 and n ; portrait, iii. 301 , James, third Marquis, i. 273 ; flies from the Court, iv. 91, 97, 111 ; his letters to Charles, 104, 112; speech published, 121 ; his envy of Marquis of Montrose, ] 35 n ; estates in France, 337 ; executed (1648), 105 n ; refer- ences to, 68, 107 , Lieut.-Col., iii. 35; iv. 163, 164 ,William Douglas,Duke(1660), i. 340; ii.5 ; (1682), 170; taken (1690), 308 ; marriage of his son, 270 , Lady, and George her hus- band, ii. 1 04 , Rev. Mr., i. 271 n " Hamlet, Prince of Denmark," per- formed, i. 358 Hammond, Col. Robert, his promise to Charles I., iv. 174 n , Dr. Henry, i. 290 , founder of a fellowship, &c., iii. 342 Hampden, John, ii. 151 ; committed to the Tower, 178, 190 ; tried, 194 , Mr. (1693), ii. 326 Hampstead, Lord Wotton's house at, ii. 106 Hampton Court, Charles I. at, i. 245 ; court held there (1665), 396; palace at, ii. 363 ; ii. 300 ; noticed, iv. 131, 132, 183 Hanging, women restored after, ii. 95 Hanging Tower at Pisa, i. 89, 185 ; at Florence, 92 ; at Bologna, 192 Hanmer, Sir Thomas, i. 319 ; portrait of, ii. 203 Hanover, Duke of, excluded from the British throne (1689), ii. 300 , Sophia, Electress of, i, 401 Harbord, Sir Charles, i. 353 ; his son's death, ii. 75 , Ambassador, his death, ii. 322 Harby, Sir Job, employed by Charles T., iv. 73, 83, 85, 90, 98, 164, 178 ; his family, 73 n Harcourt, Count d'. Grand Ecuyer de France, i. 269 ; iv. 246 , Earl of, ii. 299 n •, Sir Simon, i. Iniroduction, xxxiii. ; ii. 366 Harding, Mr. Richard, allusions to, by Queen of Bohemia, iv. 210, 213, 217 —220 Hardwick Hall, plaster floor at, i. 86 n " Hai'dwick State Papers " cited, iv. 340 n, 215 n Harlakenton, jNIr., i. 310 Harleian Manuscripts referred to, iv. 133, 140, 340, notes Harley, Col. Edward, ii. 1 25 n , Robert, Earl of Oxford, Speaker of House of Commons, ii. 363 and n Harman, Captain, ii 5 Harris, IMr., candidate for Boyle lectureship, iii. 367 Harrison, Sir John, house near Hert- ford, i. 39 , Henry, executed, ii. 317 n Hartlib, Samuel, visit to, by Mr. Evelyn, i. 310 ; notice of, 412 ; alluded to, iii. 115, 389, 391 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn, 131 Harthp, Kent, war prisoners at, ii. 72 Harvey, Sir Daniel, ii. 5 , Dr., statue of, i. 369 ; anniver- sary oration, 381 , Mr., of Combe, ii. 375 Harwood, Dr., iii. 381 Hasted, Edward, his " History of Kent " referred to, i. 281 n, 282 n, 375 n Hatfield, palace at, i. 39 Hatton, Christopher, Lord, i. 251, 253, 257, 262, 319, 353 ; iv. 135, 151, 169, 192 ; house of, at Kirby, 302 , Lady, i. 251, 323, 406 , Sergeant Richard (cousin of Mr. Evelyn), i. 246 , Edward, his *' New View of London," ii. 79 n Hatton Garden, built over, i. 332 ; exhi- bition in, ii. 88 398 GENERAL INDEX TO Hausse, M. de, his library, &c., i. 56 Havannah, Governor of, liis misfortunes, i. 319 Havre de Grace, citadel, &c. of, i. 61 ; bombarded, ii. 331 Hawkins, Sir John, letters of, iii. 380 Hawley, Lord, ii. 67 Hayes, Sir James, ii. 77 , WiUiam, iv. 38 Hay-Hill Farm, notice of, ii. 78 n Hay-Market, paving of (1662), i. 365 Haywood, Sir William, ii. 67 Headache, cure for, i. 250 Headly, Thomas, servant of Mr. Evelyn, i. 287 Heard, Sir Isaac, Garter King of Arms, great age of, ii. 222 n Hearth Tax, abolition of, ii. 294 Heath, Mr. and Mrs., i. 275, 298 ; ii. 32 ; iii. 95 Heaviside, Mr., i. 345 n Heber, Dr. Reginald, late Bishop of Calcutta, his " Life of Bishop Taylor," referred to, iii. 69 n, 91 n Hebert, Mr, Evelyn's valet, robs him, i. 245 Hebrew manuscript, i. 140 Hedges, Sir Charles, ii. 362 Hegge,R.,hisMS."Life of Sir Cuthbert," iii. 383, 384 Heinsius, Daniel, notice of, i. 26, 402 ; library, ii. 181 Helena, St., statue of, i. 123; monument, 128 ; chapel, 173 Helmsley, Yorkshire, estate of Duke of Buckingham, ii. 343 and n Hemly Hall, Staffordshire, iv. 145 Henchman, Dr. Humphrey, Bishop of London, i. 334, 339 ; ii. 8, 69 , Mr., i. 339 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I., her oi'der of Capuchins, iv. 51 n, 73, 109, 334 ; summons of Lords and Bishops by, 83 ; claim for remainder of her dowry, 332 ; letter on recep- tion of Charles 1. at Edinburgh, 50 ; directions to Sir Ed. Nicholas about Charles's free pardon, 58 ; answ^er to Pai'liament on the education of the Prince, 105 n ; intercedes for Father Phillips, 114 n; letters to Sir Edward Nicholas, to direct attendance of Earl Caernarvon in Parliament, 115 ; to forward her despatch, 118 ; to direct j the attendance of certain Lords in | Parliament, 124 ; to inform Lord j Chamberlain to prepare for the King's | return, 131 ; her reception at Tours, i. 74 ; resides at Bourbon I'Archam- baut, 76; averse to the Duke of York's marriage, 341 ; her attempts to pervert the Duke of Gloucester, iv. 203, 214 n, 216 n ; arrives in England, i. 342 ; visits Mr. Evelyn, 366 ; compliment to him, 38G ; alluded to, i. 253, 337, 342—344, 361, 366 n, 368, 371, 381, 417 ; iv. 49—53, 74—125, 149—155 Henrietta, Princess (daughter of Charles I.), i. 342 ; condescension to Mrs. Evelyn, &c., 343 ; married to Duke of Orleans, ii. 53 n Henry IV., King of Fi'ance, statues of, i. 44, 58, 128 ; book of drawings be- longing to, 259 ; letters of, iii. 380 ; attentive to his maritime interests, 268 VII., Emperor, i. 185 VII., King of England, picture of, at Whitehall, i. 312 ; referred to, 316; "Office" of, at Wliitehall, ii. 147 VIII., King of England,his Book against Luther, i. 140 ; portrait of, 249 ; an "office" of, 292 ; chimney- piece belonging to, 308 ; referred to, 316 , Prince of Wales, son of James I., his palace at Charlton, i. 278 ; col- lection of coins, &c., iii. 305 Henshaw, Thomas, with Mr. Evelyn abroad, i. 88, 164, 173, 177, 181, 213, 215 ; allusions to, after his return, 248, 252, 285, 313, 318, 328 ; ii. 107; recommended for an embassy by Mr. Evelyn, i. 338 ; and as French secre- tary to the King, 353 ; his "History of Salt Petre," ib. ; return from Denmark, &c., ii. 102, 142 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 375 ; etchings dedicated to, by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 396 Heralds' College, part of the Arundel library presented to, ii. 122 Herbert, Richard, Lord, i. 287 , Edward, Lord (1665), 390 , Sir Edward, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, bold speech, ii. 255 ; a Conmiissioner for ecclesiastical affairs, 256 ; his house at Oatlands, 269 and n ; attainted, Scc.,ib. , Lord Edward, of Cherbury, i. 271 , Sir Henry, i. 276, 389 , Admiral, defeated by the French, ii. 298 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 399 Herbert, Mr. (nephew of Lord Herbert), ii. 165, 31.3 •, Sir Edward, Attorney-General, i. 255; iv. 59, 117, 121,129, 170,233, 262—264, 270, 273 n, 282, 321 n ; Kinnj Charles I.'s observations on the conduct of, 169 , Lady, i. 255, 262 ; iv. 208, 212, 252 , Sir Thomas, his " Memoirs of King Charles I." referred to,iv. 176 n, 182 n Hercules, i. 156, 158; temple of, at Milan, 226 « Hercules in Lydia," an opera, i. 204 Hereford, Lord Viscount, his house at Ipswich, ii. Ill HexTOit of the Colosseum at Rome, i, 1 1 6 Hertford, William Seymour, Marquis of, iv. 102, 105 n, 135 n, 137, 143, 154 n, 179, 195 Hertfordshire, loyalty of the gentry, iv. i 127, 132 ; remarkable robbery in a692), ii. 322 Hervey, John, i. 312; ii. 123 — , Mr., of Betchworth, ii. 366 Hewer, Dr., i. 286 ; condemned, 327 ; and executed, 328 •, Mr., house at Claphara, ii. 320 ; account of him, ib. Hewson, regicide, executed, i. 342 Heylin, Dr. Peter, sermon by, i. 346 Hicks, Sir William, his house and family at Ruckholt, i. 332 and n Hieroglyphics, stone inscribed with, communicated by Mr. Evelyn to Kircher, i. 213 Higgins, Sir Thomas, his daughter, ii. 259 Higham, Rev. Mr.,ii. 110 ; sermons by, i. 286, 305 ; his death, ii. 196 Highland dragoons (1694), ii. 329 ; two Dutchmen killed by one of them, ib. Hill, Abraham, F.R.S., ii. 165, 171 ; iii. 366, 367, 381 Hinton, Mr. William, letter of Charles IL to,iv. 197 Hippodrome at Rome, i. 165 " Histoire Critique," of Father Simon, strictures on, iii. 264 Historiographer, Royal, recommended, iii. 215 History, advice for the study of, iii. 162 —164 Hoare, Richard, an excellent penman, i. 252 ; sti*ange sickness of, 285 Hobbes, John, ii. 128 ; visited by Mr. Evelyn, i. 268, 311; book against his « Leviathan," 284 Hobbson, Mr., of Venice, merchant, i. 217 Hobson, the Cambridge carrier, i. 304 Hoefnagle, George, print by, ii, 1 n HofF Van Hounslers Dyck, account of, i. 28 Holbein, Hans, portraits, &c. by, i. 249, 288, 308, 343; ii. 120, 122, 147, 188, 264 ; alluded to, iii. 296 Holborne, Mr., supports Charles's right to election of officers, iv. 101 Holden, Dr., vicar of Deptford, i. 255 ; ii. 105; character of, 81 ; sermon of, 217 Holder, Dr., ii. 195 , Mr., iv. 235 n, 236, 258, 264, 267, 270 ; Sir Edward Hyde's opinion of, 255 n, 261, 265 Holland, Henry Rich, first Earl of, iv. 60 n, 105 ; account of, 105 n, 338 ; appointed Lord General beyond Trent, 129; execution of, i. 249 ; portrait, iii. 301 Holland, Sir John, ii. 17 Holland, Cromwell's dissimulation with, iv. 209 ; propositions to engage its assistance to Charles IL, 248, 253 ; war with, i, 279 ; fleet defeated, iv. 278 n ; concludes peace with Crom- well, 298; letter of States of, to Prin- cess Dowager of Orange, 226; present of the States of, to Charles II. , i. 364 ; peace with, ii. 28 ; embassy from, to William III., 299 « Hollandia lUustrata," referred to, i. 20 Hollar, Winceslaus, his arrival in Eng- land, i. 15 ; notice of, 16, 401 ; engravings by, 309 n, 338 n ; ii. 17 ; plan for rebuilding London, iii. 72 n Holies, Denzill, Lord, creation of, &c., i. 347 ; iii. 243 ; iv. 185 n ; account of,i. 416 , Mr. Jarvis, his message to the Lords, iv. 97 Holloway, Sir Richard, Justice of the King's Bench, ii. 276, 297 Holly-hedges, on cultivating, iii. 274 I Holmby House, ruins of, ii. 100 Holmes, Mr., iv. 278 , Sir Robert, ii. 39, 69, 79, 90, 236 Holt, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, a subscriber to 1 Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 n 400 GENERAL Holy Island, stores taken from, by the Parliament, iv. 64 Holy Thursday, ceremonies on, at Rome, i. 175 Holy-well, near Malvern Hills, i. 297 Homei', ancient edition of, ii. 352 Hondius, WiUiam, of Amsterdam, i. 25, 402 Honfleur, in Normnndy, notice of, i. Gl Honson, Grange, Staffordshire, sale of, ii. 210 Honywood, Lieutenant, i. 19 Hooke, Dr. Robert, i. 378, 30(5, 419 ; built Montagu House, ii. 1U6, 135, 188 Hooper, Dr. George, bishop of St. Asaph, ii. 38G ; sermon of, 159. , Bishop John, iii. 380 Hope, Thomas, his seat called Deepden, i. 308 n Hopkins, William, engi'aving by, i. 369 Hopton, Sir Arthur (uncle to Sir Ralph, Lord Hopton), i. 251,405; ii. 233 n ; iv. 93 n, 192 , Sir Ralph (afterwards Lord Hopton), iv. 93 n " Horace," Mrs. PhiUips' tragedy of, ii. 32, 38 ; iv. 14 Horatii and Curiatii, tomb of, i. 163, 165 Horneck, Dr. Anthony, character of, ii. 173 and n ; sermon by his son, 356 Horninghold, Leicestershire, seat of, i, 297, 302 Horns at Hampton Court, i. 364 Horse baited to death, ii. 27 Horseheath, Lord Allington's house at, ii. 48 and n Horsemanship, Duke of Newcastle on, ii. 22 n ; iii. 246 Horses, fine sculptures of, i. 104, 110; racing of Barbary at Rome, 174 ; regard of a woman for one, 223 ; Turkish or Asian, brought over, 1684, ii. 201 ; Charles II.'s sold, iv. 199 Horticulture, Spanish, letter respecting, ii. 36; iii. 201 " Hortus Malabaricus," iii. 259 Hoskins, Sir John, ii. 145 ; President of Royal Society, 170 ; iii. 381 Hospital, called Clmst's Hospital at Rome, i. 145 Hospitals, various notices of, abroad, i. 22, 23, 49, 78, 95, 97, 145, 167, 225, 243,256, 262 ; in England, 298 Hotel Dieu, and Hotel de la Charite, i. 49 Hotham, Sir John, commander of Hull, i. 301 INDEX TO Houblon, Mr., merchant, ii. 128, 237, 385 ; his house on Epping Foi'est, 173 , Sir John, a subscriber to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 u Hough, Dr. John, made Bishop of Wor- cester, ii. 310 and n Houghton, Mr., F.R.S., i. Introduction, XXX Houllies, a species of fuel, ii. 26 Hounslow Heath, camp on (1678),ii. 119; (1686), 231, 254, 267 Household, Comptroller of the, public dinners of, i. 376 Household, Royal, purveyors of the, regulated, ii. 172 and n How, John, complained of Bishop Bur- net's book (1693), ii. 323; Mr. How made a Bai'on, 365 Howard, Anne, wife of Sir G. Silvius, ii. 100 and n, 116 , Bernard, i. 365 ; ii. 203 , Charles, i. 365, 380, 381 ; liouse at Dorking, 308 ; ii. 52 , Craven, law- suit against his mother, ii. 100 and n, 101; account of him, 100, note , Dorothv, ii. 83; married to Colonel Grahani, 100, 116, 232, 240 , Edward, i. 365 ■ — , Lord George (son of sixth ' Duke of Norfolk, by Mrs. Bickerton), ii. 120 n , Henry, Lord, grandson of the Karl of Arundel (afterwards sixth Duke of Norfolk), at Padua, i. 215, 219, 405 ; Yilla at Albury, pictures, &c., 308 ; ii. 29 ; procures the dukedom to be restored, and compounds a debt of his grandfather's, i. 364 ; Mr. Croone recommended by Mr, Evelyn to travel with his sons, iii. 138 ; permitted the Royal Society to meet at Arundel House, and gave them the Arundelian libi'ary, ii. 21, 38 ; pre!;ented the Ai'undelian marbles to O.vford University, 29—31, 41; iii. 198, 219 ; created Lord on his embassy to ^Morocco, ii. 31, 39 ; con- versation with jNIr. Evelyn respecting marriage of his son, his own con- nexion with Mrs. Bickerton, his house at Norwich, Sec, 65, 66 ; alluded to, i, 332, 333, 365 ; ii. 35, 38, 42, 78. Sec Norfolk. , Henry (son of the preceding, afterwards seventh Duke of Norfolk), THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 401 i. 365, 380 ; ii. 23, 42 ; iii. 138. See Norfolk Howard, Philip (afterwards Cardinal), i. 219, 365 ; ii. 45 , Sir Robert (son of the Earl of Berks), play by, i. 371 ; alluded to, 378 n ; ii. 18, 39, 378, 387 ; im- peached Sir W. Penn, 33 ; " an universal pretender," 175, 211 ; his house at Ash ted, 196 , Mr. Thomas (son of Sir Robert), ii. 313 ; his death, 364 , Thomas, Earl of Arundel, Earl Marshal, iv. 57, 62, 67, 83, 93 • , Lord Thomas (son of Henry, sixth Duke of Norfolk), i. 365, 380 ; ii. 23, 121 ; iii. 138 ; his children alluded to, ii. 359 , Lord, of Escrick, concerned in the Ryehouse plot, and discovered his associates, ii. 179 ; Algernon Sidney executed on his single witness, 190 , Mrs. (widow of William, fourth son of first Earl of Berkshire), and her daughters, ii. 39, 99, 100 n, 101, 116; law-suit against, by her son, 100, 101 ■ , Eax'ls of Berkshire, mansion of, ii. 20 n Hoy, Dr., Mr. Evelyn's opinion of his talents, iii. 375 Huddleston, Father, a popish priest, administered the sacrament to King Charles II. in extremis, ii. 206 n Hudibras (Samuel Butler), portrait, iii. 301 Hughes, Margaret, mistress of Charles II., ii. 18 n, 379 Huguenots, zealous for Cromwell, iv, 313 ; persecution of, in France, ii. 242—245, 249—254, 258, 269, 271— 273 ; brief in England for relieving, 251, 252 ; book exposing the perse- cution burnt, &c. 253 ; released and driven out of France, 271 ; remorse and massacre of those who had con- formed to the Romish faith, ih. Hull, town of, noticed, i. 301 Hume, Colonel Alexander, assumed the name of Evelyn, Pedigree^ ii. 397, 367 Humorists, academy of, at Rome, i. 166 ; iii. 310 Hungate, Sir Henry and Sir Philip, iv, 117—120, 132 Hungerford, Edward, of Cadenham, i. 289, 295, 297 n Hungei'ford, town of, i. 290 VOL. IV. Hunter, Dr. A., editor of Evelyn's " Sylva," ii. 395 ; references to that work, i. Introduction, xvii. xxii. Huntercomb, Bucks, descent of the Evelyns of, Pediyree^ ii. 397 Huntingdon, Theophilus Hastings, Earl and Countess of, ii. 47, 62 , Henry Hastings, Earl of, summoned by the Queen, iv. 84 Huntingdon, Mayor of, addresses King Charles I., iv. 134 n; custom at, i. 303 Huntingtower, Lord, ii. Ill Huntly, a cavalier, beheaded, iii. 42 Hurcott, manor of (Worcester), i. 246, 247 Hurt, Mr,, purchased Warley Magna (1655), i. 310 Husbandry and gardening of the ancients, iii. 363 Huss, John, medal of his martyrdom, ii. 200 ; iii. 298 Hussey, Peter, of Sutton, ii. 52 ; his attention to husbandry, &c., 158 , Mr., his attachment to Mr. Evelyn's daughter, and death, ii. 227 , Mr., married daughter of George Evelyn, ii. 333 Hutcheson, Lady, ii. 47 Huygens, Constantine, i, 381 ; notice of, ii. 60, 383 ; his wax taper for studying by, iii. 209 Hyde, Dr., brother of Sir Henry, «&,c., i. 383 ; ii. 41, 381 , Sir Edward (afterwards Earl of Clarendon), ii. 135 ; supports Charles's right to election of officers, iv. 101 ; with the Prince of Whales (1645), 231 ; correspondence with Sir R. Browne (1646—1659) on affairs of Charles IL and of Europe, 233 — 323 ; dissatisfied with Chai'les's leaving Jersey for Paris, 233 ; on a servant of Sir R. Browne, 238 ; his distress in exile, 254-258, 261, 269, 291, 297 ; his opinion of Mr. Taylor, 247 and n ; of Mr. Holder, 235, 255, 261, 264 ; ill- ness, 265, 303 ; See Carteret, charges brought against, 297 n ; present sent to, by Sir R. Browne, 289, 295, 297 ; borrows money of Sir R, Browne, 305 ; at Antwerp (1656), 311, 320 ; made Lord Chancellor, 232, 321 n ; interests himself about a person im- prisoned, 322 n. See Clarendon , Anne, Sir S. Compton in love with, iv. 208 n ; at a raasquei-ade at D D 402 GENERAL INDEX TO Tilling, 215, 224 ; married to James Duke of York, i. 341, 343 ; iv. 321 ; her desertion of the Chui'ch of England misrepresented, iii. 255 ; alluded to, i. 361 ; iv. 208 Hyde, Lady Frances, ii. 83 , Lady Harrietta, ii. 8 Hyde Park, toll at (1 653), i. 284 ; coach- race in (1658), 327 ; referred to (1660) 338 ; (1661), 351 ; (1667), ii. 23 ; review in (1663), i. 374 ; (1686), ii. 251 Hyldiard, Henry, of East Horsley, i. 285, 305 ; ii. 253, 313 ; his sons, i. 249, 273 Hysduue, town and fort of, i. 29 Ice, blue and transparent, ii. 107 " Icon Animarum" (1614), notice of that work, i. 183 and n II Ponte, notice of, i. 191 Imperati, Ferdinando, plants of, i. 152 "Impostors, Three, History of" (1669), by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 38 and n, 392, 396 Inchequin, Lord, Governor of Tangiers, ii. 143 Inchiquin, Marquess, i. 263 , Murrough O'Bryen, Lord, iv. 254 n, 264 Incident, The (1641), account of that affair, iv. 91—97, 105, 107, 111 Indian Ambassadors (1682), account of, ii. 167, 168 " Indian Queen," a play, i. 378 Infirmary for sick and wounded, Mr. Evelyn's plan for, ii. 3 ; iii. 175 — 186 Inglish, Esther, beautiful writing of, i. 291 and n Ingoldsby, Sir , house at York, i. 301 Inks for copying, i. 31 1 Innisbofin, iv. 237 ; besieged and cap- tured (1653), 266 n, 269, 284 Innocent X. Cardinal Giovanni-Battista Pamphilio, Pope, his election to the papal chair, i. 98; procession to St. John di Laterano, 98, 130 Inquisition, references to the,i. 135, 224, 229, 230 Insensati, Society of, iii. 310 Interest, lawfulness of, considered, iii. 105 Ipswich, account of, i. 315 ; ii. Ill, 112 Ireland, nomination of bishops for, i. 339 ; remarks respecting its natural history, 357 ; map of, by Sir Wil- Uam Petty, ii. 96 ; ships kept back from (1641), iv. 62 ; Rebellion in the North of, 97, 106—108 ; Treaty with the City of London for pay of soldiers in, 108 ; progress of the Rebels in, 110, 122 ; Troops sent to, 112; Commons order Lord Lieutenant to raise Volunteers, 119 ; Rebels give out that they are instigated by the King, 108, 127, 129, 161 ; Scotch troops employed to quell, 122, 125 ; Parliamentary Instructions for Lord Lieutenant, 128 ; arms, &c., sent to (1642), 336 ; remark of King Charles I. respecting, 97 n ; intrigues of Spain with, 173 ; proceedings in (1653), for Cliarles II., 276 ; (1654), 300 ; criti- cal state of (1689), ii. 294, 298 ; pro- ceedings respecting forfeited estates (1700), 356, 359 ; Lord Galway removed from Lord Lieutenancy, 365 ; paper relating to (1587), iii. 363 Ireton, Henry, regicide, iii. 34 ; mur- ders by, at Colchester, i. 276, 315 ; death, 273 ; funeral, 275 ; disinter- ment, &e., 345 Irish Parliament prox'ogued (1 641), iv. 87 Irish regiments, France and Spain apply to Parliament for, iv. 53 n ; Charles engages to grant to Spain, 53, 54 ; Lords and Commons hold a conference concerning, 54 ; refuse them, 54 n, 66 Irish Kebellion breaks out, i. 38 Ironmongers' Hall, dinner at (1671), ii. 62 Iron Crown at Milan, i. 227 Iron ovens, portable, ii, 8 Iron work of England, i. 293 Isaac, Mons., dancing master, ii. 164, 214 Isaacson, Henry, historical work of, iii. 164 n Isabella, Queen of Castile, iii. 245 Isabella, Island of, i. 231 Isis, statue of, in Palazzo Farnese, i. 144 Islands about Venice, i. 202, 210—212 Isle Bouchard, i. 74 Isle of Wight, debate on its government (1641), iv. 109, 130; the King's fare- well speech there, 185 Italian Opera, introduction of into England, i. 331 ; ii. 90 singer, female, encouragement given to in (1703), ii. 370 Italy, various notices concerning, i. 85 —230 ; Mount Vesuvius, 153, 154 ; measures of churches in, 194 ; etch- ings of views in, by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 396 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 403 Jackson, Mr., heir to Mr. Pepys, ii. 371 Jacomb, Dr., ii. 90 Jamaica, i. Ml ; ii. 59, 68 ; design of the Dutch upon (1673), 80 ; earth- quake at (1692), 321 ; iii. 328, 329 ; profanely mimicked at the South wark Fair, ii. 322 James, Duke of York, after King James II. ; letters of, to Sir Edward Nicholas and Lord Culpepper, for money, iv. 199,200; (1651),onthe King's esteem for Sir Edward, 200 ; gallantry of, in an engagement with the Prince of Coude, 236 and n ; in favour at the French Court, 262 n, 352 ; with the army of Turenne (1563), 265 n, 294 ; quarrels with Charles II. (1658), 321 n ; discourse with Mr. Evelyn (1 662), i. 358 ; visits him at Deptford, &c., 861 ; " Life of, written by himself," quoted, 347 n, 392 n ; ii. 25 n, 70 n ; iii. 279 ; sailing-match with Charles IL, i. 354 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn on the Dutch fleet, 392, 394 ; kind re- ception of Mr. Evelyn, ii. 2 ; opposed laying-up men of war (1667), 25 n ; forbears receiving the sacrament, 70 n, 82 ; marriage with Mary of Mo- dena, 89 and n ; neglects to attend the Protestant worship, 105 ; Com- mons vote against, lor recusancy, 129; libellous papers against, 130; his case as to the succession, 155 ; remarkable escape of, from shipwreck, 167 ; iii. 256 ; office of admiral, restored to, ii. 196 ; his account of the last hours of Charles II., 205 n ; speech in council on his accession, 207—209 ; proclaimed, 209 ; opens a popish oratory at Whitehall, 212 ; lets to farm duties of customs, &c., 211 ; coronation, 220 ; his first speech to Parliament, 222 ; discourse re- specting relics, &c., 233 ; reception at Portsmouth (1685), 235 ; remarks on his character, 236; celebration of his birth-day (1685), 239 ; improve- ments at Whitehall, ib ; speech to Parliament, 244 ; anniversary of his accession, 249 ; birth-day (1686), 258; speech to a deputation from Coventry, 267 ; alarm at the Dutch fleet, 273 ; enjoins the reading of his declaration for liberty of conscience, ib ; his con- sternation at the landing of the Prince of Orange, 280—284 ; his flight and return to Whitehall, 285 ; his return to Whitehall and second flight, iii. 287 ; compared to Maxentius, ii. 289; protest against having abdicated, 291 — 296 ; assisted by France in his Irish expedition, 294 ; in Ireland, 296 ; Scots' reasons for setting hira aside, ib; surprised Londonderry, 298, 301 ; declaration of pardon, 299 ; defeat at the Boyne, 308 ; letter respecting the pregnancy of his Queen, 319; offers to submit all differences to Parliament, 325 ; intended invasion of England (1696), 339 ; Oates'sbook against him, 341 ; his death, 366 James, Dr., probable origin of his fever powder, i. 264 n , Mr., ii. 313 Jameson, Rev. Nicholas, on " Sylva," iii. 226 Janicius, Dr., physician, i, 213 January 30th first kept as a fast, i. 345 Janus Quadrifrons, temple of, i, 107,298 Jardine Royale, at Paris, i. 49 Jeffreys, George, made Lord Chief Justice, ii. 187, 190 ; Baron of Wera, 224 ; likely to be Lord Keeper, 232 ; made Lord Chancellor, character of him, 242 ; a commissioner for eccle- siastical affairs, 256 ; alluded to, 198 n Jeffryes, Dr., minister of Althorp,ii. 277 Jenkins, Sir Leoline, ii. 30 , Judge, iii. 37 Jennings, Sarah, Duchess of Marl- borough, ii. 94 n Jermyn, Mr, Henry, afterwards Baron Jermyn of Dover, ii. 23, 63, 379 , Henry, Lord, pension granted to, by Charles I.,iv. 342 ; influence in Court of Charles II. iu exile, 263 n ; conduct as Treasurer to Charles II., 290 n ; references to, 231, 235, 250, 254 n, 262, 263, 297 n, 313, 314, 316, 322, 348, 349 ; letters to, 342, 344 , Mr.,iv.250; proceedings against (1641), 51 n, 56 Jerome of Prague, medal of his martyr- dom, iii. 298 Jeronimo, painting by, i. 56 Jersey, Edward Villiers, Earl of. Lord Chamberlain, ii. 360 Jerusalem Church at Bruges, i. Pref. viii. 32 ; earth of carried to Pisa, 89 " Jesuitism, Mystery of, ' in 3 vols., the second translated by Mr. Evelyn(l 664), i. Introduction, xxix., 387 — 389 ; ii. 391, 396 ; iu. 149 : thanked by D D 2 404 GENERAL INDEX TO Charles II. for it, i. 389 ; presented to ditto, ii. 3 ; thanked by Bishop Barlow for it, iii. 143 Jesuits, their church, schools, &c,, at Antwerp, i. 31, 32 ; church and con- vent of, at Paris, 47, 266 ; church, &c., at Tours, 73 ; at Tournon, 79 ; at Aix, 80 ; at Rome, 107, 132, 177 ; English college at Rome, 136, 167 ; other notices of, 230 ; iii. 70 ; Mr. Evelyn's books against the, ii. 3 ; iii. 143 Jesus College, Cambridge, i. 304; ii. 142 Jewels, Crown, order of Parliament respecting, iv. 69; notices of, various, i. 42, 65, 86. 87, 93, 94, 109, 110, 113, 139, 144, 188, 189, 200, 201, 214, 259 Jews in Holland, ceremonies &c. of, i. 22, 27 : in France, 79 ; at Rome, 107, 131, 136, 183; of circumcision &c., 137, 172 ; Jews at Venice, marriage, 217 ; in England, 309, 311 Joan d'Are, her statue, i. 67 John Cassimir, King of Poland (1654), iv. 220 John the Baptist, his arm preserved, i. 97 ; baptistery of, 124 of Udine, paintings of, i. 137 n Johnson, Sir , executed at Tyburn, ii. 310 , Mr., author of " Julian," ii. 194, 387 Jones, Sir Henry, ii. 62 , Inigo, i. 357 , Sir William (1680), ii. 151 , Mr., of Gray's Inn, lawyer, ii. 60 , regicide, executed, i. 341 Jonson, Dr., iv 235 Josephus, Flavins, history of, on the bark of trees, i. 227 Jovius, Paulus, museum of, i. 93 ; sepul- chre, 189 Joyce, Cornet, iv. 181 n, 183 n Joyliffe, Dr., physician, i. 249, 318, 322 Julio Romano, paintings by, i. 56 Julius IL , Cardinal Julian della Revere, Pope, his sepulchre, i. 129 Junius, Patricius, his description of Prince Henry's collection, iii. 306 ; his son Francis, ib Jupiter, temples of, at Rome, i. 103; at Terracina, 147 Just and tournament at Rome (1645), i. 177 Justell, Mons., ii. 192, 194, 200 ; iii. 300 ; arranged the library at St. James's, ii. 311 j account of, 387 Justice, statue of, at Florence, i. 188 Justin, corrected by Isaac Vossius, iii. 190 Justinian, gardens of, i. 171, 174; statue, 174 Justiniani, Venetian Ambassador, ii. 245, 247 Juxon, Dr. William, Bishop of London, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles consults him about the vacant Bishopricks (1641,) iv. 79, 82, 98 ; noticed, 115 ; i. 346, 350 ; portrait, iii. 301 " Kalendarium Hortense" (1664), &c., by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 392, 396 ; iii. 189, 317 Keepe, Henry, pamphlet by, under the name of Taylour, ii. 234 n, 390 Keffler, Dr., ii. 8 Keightly, Thomas, cousin of Mr. Evelyn, i. 39,'285 , Mrs., her old age, ii. 155 Reiser's Graft, at Amsterdam, i. 24, 402 Kello, Rev. Bartholomew, i. 291 n Kemp, Mr., Impropriator of South Mailing, i. 246 Ken, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells, attends Charles II. in his sick- ness, ii. 205 and n ; sermons by, against Romanists, &c. (1686-87), 251, 263, 264, 272 ; refuses to read. Declaration of Liberty of Conscience, 273 ; sent to the Tower, 275 ; tried and acquitted, 276 ; his scruples on King William's accession, 295 n ; de- prived, 312 ; much beloved in his diocese, 313 ; not the author of "A Letter to Dr. Tenison," iii. 345 ; alluded to, ii. 233, 286, 388 Kendal, Dr., Oxford Act performed by, i. 290 Kendrick, Alderman John, a fanatic Lord Mayor, i. 278 Kensington Palace purchased by King William, ii. 303 ; fire at, 316 ; pictures, &c., 341 , Mr. Wise's house and gardens at, ii. 365 and n Kent, Anthony Grey, Earl of, i. 379 , Countess of, ii. 44 Kent, rising in (1648), i. 246 ; iii. 17, 20, 23, 25 ; Kentish men imprisoned (1701), ii. 365 and n Kepley, William, iv. 209 Keppel, Arnold Joost Van, Earl of THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 405 Albemarle, commander of the king's guard, ii. 352 Ker, William, Lord, of Cessford. See Carr Kew, Sir H. Capel's house, &e., at, ii. 122, 188, 272 Keysler, John George, Distich on Virgil, from his "Travels," i. 155 n ; references to, 206 n, 228 n Keys, Thomas, executed for high treason, ii. 340 and n Kidd, Captain, pirate, ii. 357 and n Kidder, Dr. Hichard, Bishop of Bath and Wells, ii. 322 Kildare, Lord, ii. 54 n, 157 Kiihgrew, Thomas, various references to, iv. 107, 122, 123, 214, 215, 225, 226, 288, 296 ; his family, 103 n ; witticism by, 225 n ; complaint against him (1652), 249 n , Mrs. Katharine, iv. 206 n, 208 " Killing no Murder," by Colonel Titus, ii. 38 Kilmurry, Lord, i. 328 Kilsythe, Montrose defeats Covenanters at (1645), iv. 168 n Kimbolton, Henry, Montague, Lord, protests against an order in the Com- mons (1641), iv. 68 n ; account of, 75 n ; faction meets at his house, 76 King, Dr. Henry, Bishop of Chichester (1641), iv. 82 n ; licensed to be absent from Parliament, 106 King of England, speech in 1686, as- serting him to be absolute, ii. 255 King, Dr., relieved Charles II. in apo- plexy, ii. 204, 205 , Dr., Archbishop of Dublin, ii. 374 , Edward, executed for high treason, ii. 341 and n , Rev. Mr. of Ashsted, i. 329 King's College Chapel, Cambridge, i. 303 King's Evil, royal touch for (1660), i. 338, 339 ; great pressure at the (1684), ii. 195 Kuig's household, ancient supply of, i. 343 n King-street, Westminster, design of Charles IL respecting, ii. 333 Kingly office, act for abolishing, iii. 36 Kingsmill, Lady, iii. 46 Kingston, Earl of, portrait, iii. 301 , Evelyn Pierrepoint, Earl of, i. 251 ; ii. 160, 266, 351 , Henry Pierpoint, Earl of, iv. 135 n Kinsale, surrender of, ii. 310; iii. 319 Kirby, seat of Lord ilatton, i. 302 Kirby, Captain, court-martial on, and execution of, ii. ;i70 n Kircher, Father Athanasius, his atten- tions to Mr. Evelyn at Home, i. 108; communication by Mr. Evelyn to his *'Obeliscus Pamphilius" (1650-54), 213, 313 ; notice of, 403 ; alluded to, i. 126, 132, 309 Kiviet, Sir John, account of, ii. 20, 379 ; his proposal to wharf the Thames with brick, 21, 22, 29 ; project rela- tive to draining, 49 KnatchbuU, Sir Norton, sermon, &c., by, i. 375 , Sir Thomas, Commissioner of Privy Seal, ii. 303 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, his portrait of Mr. Evelyn, ii. 239 and n, 299 ; iii. 295 ; of Bishop Burnet, ii. 299 Knevett, Mr., iii. 211 Kuite-swallowers, i. 26, 358 ; ii. 105 Knight, Mr., of Northamptonshire, i. 285 , Sergeant-surgeon, ii. 72 , Mrs., singer, and mistress of Charles II., i. 332 ; ii. 18 n, 94 n ; compass of her voice, 94 Knowle, Kent, Duke of Dorset's house at, ii. 85 Knox, Dr. Vicesimus, and Rev. Thomas, Masters of Tunbridge School, i. 393 n Kouigsmark, Count, procures Mr. Thynne's murder, ii. 165, 386 Labulla, boiling fountain of, i. 153 Lac Tigridis, drug so called, i. 380 Lacy, John, Comedian, portraits, i. 369 and n ; performance of, 371 Ladies, learned, enumeration of, iii. 244—246 La Dorees, Mons., i. 278 Lago d'Agnano, Naples, i. 155 Lago di Garda, i. 223 Lago Maggiore, &c., i. 230 Lake, Dr. John, Bishop of Chichester, petitions against reading the Declara- tion of Liberty of Conscience, ii. 274 ; sent to the Towei', 275 ; tx-ied and acquitted, 276 ; alluded to, 287 ; ab- sents himself from Parliament (1689), 295 n , Mr., a Commissioner of Green- wich Hospital, ii. 343 n Lakin, Daniel, pamphlet by, i. 358 n Lambard, Mr., estate at Westeram, i. 286 406 GENERAL IXDEX TO Lambert, Major- General, John, besieges Pomfret Castle (1649), iii. 15, 36 ; iv. 284 n Lambeth Palace, assaulted by a mob (1G40), i. 13 ; library, iii. 35? Lamedrati, sea-horses sculptured hy, i. 94 Lamot, Mons., sermon of, ii. 267 Laniplugh, Dr., sermon of, ii. 83 Lamps of Licetus, iii. 99 Lancaster, Dr.. vicar of St. Martin's, ii. 322, 357, 358 Lance of St. Longinus, i. 122 ; letter conceruiug, 227 Lane, Sir Tliomas, ii. 343 n ; subscriber to Greenwich Hospital, 344 n , Mrs., loyalty of, i. 273, 409 ■ , Sir George, his marriage, iv. 39 , Sir Richard, iv. 1 35 n Lauerick, Lord, iii. 42 ; flies from Ck)urt (1641), iv. 91, 111 Laney,Dr. Benjamin, Bishop of Ely,ii. 35 Lanfranci, Giovanni, works of, i. Ill, 143, 168, 171 Langdale, Sir Marraaduke, afterwards Lord, i. 254 ; iii. 15, 22, 29 ; iv. 170, 202, 203 Langhara, Sir John, letter to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 196, 197 , Lady, a kinswoman of Mr. Evelyn, i. 306 Langhern, Major-General, iii. 12, 16, 37 Langton, Mr., iv. 346 Languages, modern, Mr. Evelyn's Dis- course on, iii. 261 Lansdowne, Lord, Count of the Roman empire, ii. 202 ; suicide of, 366 Laocoou and his sons, statue of, i. 141 Lapidaries at Venice, i. 219 Lashford, Sir Richard, kinsman of Mr. Evelyn, ii. 52 Lassels, Richard, his " Voyage through Ttaly" (1670), quoted, i. 86—96 n, 99, 206, 207, 218 n Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, i. 226 ; in wax-work, ii. 72 Last Judgment, by Michael Angelo, i. 139 Latin historians, list of, iii. 163 Lavaran, Madame, singer, i. 266 Lavinia, painting by, i. 142 Laud, ^Villiam, Archbishop of Canter- bm-y, i. 10 ; his palace attacked, 13 ; gift to St. John's College, Oxford, 292 ; portrait, iii. 301 ; Mr. Wharton's Life of, 340, 343 ; jubilee of the Jesuits on his death, 340 Lauderdale, Duke, i. 374, 378; ii. 58, 99 ; iii. 42 ; his house at Ham, 122 ; hbels against, 30 ; letters and papers lent to, "bv Mr. Evelyn, and lost, iii. 381 ; his library, 309. Lam'a, her tomb at A>'ignon, i. 79 Laurence, Mr., president of Oliver's council, i. 320 Laurentius, Jansen, Coster of Harlaem ; his effigy, i. 27 Lam-etto, Cavalier, of Rome, i. 183 " Law agamst Lovere," a tragi-comedy, i. 372 Lawi-ence, Sir John, his pageant as Lord Mayor, i. 385 , Dr., master of Baliol College, i. 9, 10 Laws, a Scotchman, a duel fought by, ii. 328 Laws, municipal, study of, recommended, iii. 378 Lawyers, &c., required to renounce James II., ii. 342 Lazzari (called Bramante), palaces built by, i. 167, 172 ; chm-ch buUt by, 225 Lea, Kent, Mr. Bohun's house, &c., at, ii. 94,134, 168, 184 League and Covenant, abjui'ed, i. 366 Leake, Dr., his dausjhter, ii. 107 Leaning Towers, i. 89, 92, 185, 192 Leatherhead, picture at the Swan Inn, at, ii. 21 n Le Chat, Mens., physician, i. 239, 243 Lechmore, ^Ir. Baron, subscription to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 345 n Lectures in Parish Churches sanctioned by Parliament (1641), iv. 66 n Lee, Lady, and Sir Henry, i. 383 ; Sir Thomas, ii. 151 Leech, Mr. and Mrs., i. 32S Leeds, Duke of, ii. 346 n ; commissioner of Greenwich Hospital, 335 ; subsci'ip- tion to it, 344 n Leeds Castle, Kent, prisoners kept at, i. 398 ; ii. 4, 18, 28 Leeward Islands, Sir C. Wheeler's in- discreet government at, ii. 67 ; danger of, 69 Le Febure, Mons. chemist, i. 244 Legate of Bologna, his palace, i. 1 92 " Legend of the Pearle," by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 394 Legg, Colonel, ii. 236 Legge, Captain William, ordered to be apprehended (1645), iv. 164, 167 ; alluded to, 127 n THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 407 Legge, George, Master of the Ordnance, ii. 175 • , Mr. W., of the Bedchamber, ii. 28, 380 Leghorn, account of, i. 90, 183, 185 ; consulage of, ii. 80 Leicester, Robert Sidney, Earl of. Lord Lieutenant of Ii-eland (1641), iv. 85 n, 106—108, 119, 330 n ; house at Pens- hurst, i. 282 ■ , Robert Dudley, (the great) Earl of, his Vase, i. 306 ; portrait of, iii. 301 ; alluded to, ii. 172 ; letters and papers of, iii. 380 Leicester, city of, noticed, i. 298 ; capture of, iv. 151 n Leicester House, London, notice of, ii. 79 Leighton, Sir Elias, project of, ii. 35 ; account of, 381 Leith Hill, Surrey, i. 3 Lely, Sir Peter, portraits by, i. 328 ; ii. 26 n ; alluded to, 53 n, 175 Le Neve, painter, i. 248, 405 Lennier, Jerome, paintings possessed by, i. 282 Lennox, Duke of, i. 360 Lennox, portrait of the Duchess of, i. 342 Lent, ceremonies of, in Rome, i. 174 ; in Venice, 216 ; preaching in London during, ii. 82 ; (1665), observance of, recommended, iii. 150 Leonsenas, Dr. John Athelsteinus, ana- tomical preparations by, i. 217 Leopold, Pi'ince, his collection of paint- ings, i. 188 Lepanto, picture of the battle, i. 139 ; battle of, iii. 262 Lepers in Holland, notice of, i. 18 Lepidus, fountains of, at Rome, i. 1 1 3 Lerici, procession at, i. 88 Lesley, David, iii. 38, 44 Leslie, Lady Jane (Countess of Rothes), her marriage and issue, ii. 367 n L'Estrange, Sir Roger, i. 312 ; ii. 90 ; some account of his " Observatoi'," 221 ; notice of, i. 412 Letters, ambition of printing, iv. 10 ; difficulty of conveying, iv. 245, 251, 263, 270 Lewen, Samuel, and Sir William, ii. 219 n Lewtner, Lady, iv. 19, 23 Leyden, account of, i. 26 Leyden, Lucas Van, painting by, i. 56 ; prints of, 66 Lian court. Count de, his palace, garden, and pictures, i. 56 "Liberty and Servitude" (1644-49), a translation by Mr. Evelyn, i. 248 ; ii. 391, 395 Libraries, Foreign, i. 10, 63, 140, 193, 226 ; Oxford, 291, 292; Cambridge, 303 ; in Pai-is and England, iii. 305 — 310 Lichfield, Lady, daughter of Charles II., ii. 162 Licola, in Italy, i. 159 Light, contrivance for reflecting, i. 55 Ligue, Prince de, Ambassador from Spain, i. 340 Ligon, Captain, ii. 34 Lilburne, Colonel John, iii, 9, 39, 42, 44, 49, 51, 53 ; iv. 207, 208 Lillo, fort of, i. 30 Lilly, William, astrologer, ii. 354 Lima, earthquake at (1688), ii. 275 Linch, Sir Thomas,goveruor of Jamaica, ii. 57, 80, 105 Lincoln, City and Cathedral of, i. 30 1 Lincolnshire, fens of, i. 302 Lincoln's Inn, revels at (1661), i. 359 Lincoln's-inn-fields, theatre in, i. 345 ; Mr. Povey's house in, 380 ; Lord Bristol's house in, ii. 58, 62 Lindsey, Earl of, portrait, iii. 301 , Lord, i. 7, 400 ; iv. 81 n Lion, gentleness of one, i. 287 Lionberg, Mons., Swedish Resident, ii. 170 Lisle, Sir George, put to death by Ireton, i. 276, 315 , Lord (son of Earl of Leicester, i. 312 ; his house at Sheen, ii. 122 Littler, Mr., vicar of Deptford, i. 331 Littleton, Sir Charles (brother of Sir Henry), his house at Sheen, ii. 272 Livorno, i. 90 Livius, Titus, reliques of, i. 151, 210 Lloyd, Sir Richard, i. 252, 275. , Dr. William, Bishop of Landaff, Peterborough, and Norwich, at- tended the English Court in France, i. 271 n; sermons of, ii. 105, 137 ; reflections on a sermon by, 137 ; noticed, 349 Lloyd, Dr. William, Bishop of St. Asaph, Coventry, and Worcester, ii. 149, 155; petitioned against reading Declaration of Liberty of Conscience, 274 ; sent to the Tower, 275 ; tried and acquitted, 276 ; his interview with Mr. Evelyn, 296, 297 ; his inter- pretation of prophecies, 307 ; sermon (1689), on the deliverance of the 408 GEJ^ERAL IXDEX TO Church of England, 301 ; alluded to, i ii. 131 n, 142, 144, 227, 244, 286, I 296, 307, 309 ; iv. 263 n i Lloyd, Mr. ii. 80 Loadstone, a remarkable one, i. 94 Locke, John, Secretary to Council of Trade and Plantations, ii. 80, 89 ; Reply to the Bishop of Worcester, iii. 369 Lockhart, Lord, Ambassador to France, ii. 89 ; iv. 310—318 Locks, notices of curious, i. 293 Locks on river Brenta in Italy, i. 205 Lodge, Edmund, Norroy King of Arms, his " Illustrations of British History" cited, i. 363 n Lodi, victory of the French at, i. 224 Loftus, Mr., ii. 141 Loggan, R., his portrait of Bobart, i. 384 n Lombardus, Tullius, sculptor, i. 206 Lombart, Peter, engraver, i. 285 ; ii. 26 n Lomellini, church built by the, i. 87 n London, pestilence in (1625 and 1636), i. 5, 9 ; processions of Charles I. (1640), 12, 14 ; tumults, 13 ; dispute about right of electing Sheriflfs (1641), iv. 55 ; sickness in, 60, 70, 88 ; : forfeitui'e of Londonderry from, 61 | and n ; tumults of the apprentices, i 76 n ; Charles's Act of Tonnage and ' Poundage, 63, 64, 78 ; Lord Mayor, &c., desire to attend the King through London, 78, 86, 110, 124 ; an enter- tainment to him, 1 32 ; election of Lord Mayor (1641), 82 ; guards doubled by Parharaent, 92 ; Parlia- ment treaty with, for soldiers in Ire- land, 108 ; on the Mihtia, 136 ; tumults (1643), 39,(1648), 246 ; pro- clamation of peace in (1642), 38 ; Cross at Cheap destroyed (1643), 39, 297 ; compared with Paris (1644), 65 ; pulpits filled by mechanics, &c. (1649), 250 ; (1656), 316 ; forcibly entered by General Monk, 335 ; triumphal entry of Charles II., 337 ; visit of Charles II., 338 ; Lord Mayor's Show, &c. (1660), 342, (1661), 357, (1662), 370, (1664), 385, (1686), ii. 259 ; the King's progress through, before his coronation, i. 347 ; the nuisance of smoke in, 354, 360 ; fast in (1662), ib ; commission for regu- lating buildings, &c. (1662), 362, 365, 374 ; present of the City to the Queen of Charles XL, 363 ; tumulta from Nonconformists, 367, 370 ; plague (1665), 396, 397 ; fast on account of, 396 ; dreadful increase of, 398 ; abates, 399 ; ii. 2 ; mayor, &c., congratulate Charles II. after the plague, 2 ; the great fire iu 1666, 9—15; iii. 186; alarm in, of the Dutch having landed, ii. 15 ; survey of the ruins, and plans for rebuilding the city, ii. 16, 394 ; iii. 188; fast appointed, ii. 1 7 ; alarm on the Dutch entering the Thames, 24 ; rebuilding of the city begun, 43 ; the Pope burnt in effigy, 89 ; petition of the Corpora- tion on the Quo Warranto against their charter, 177 ; their privileges diminished, i6 ; and judgment entered, 186 ; inscription on the Monument (1685), 225 ; rejoicings, &c., on James II.'s birthday (1686), 258 ; proceed- ings of Common Council on the approach of William III., iii. 289 ; rejoicings on the accession of William and Mary, ii. 292 ; charter of the city restored, 306 ; earthquake felt at (1692), iii. 329 ; increase of (1696), reprobated, 356 London Frigate blown up, i, 391, 393; ii. 25 ; iii. 154 ; a new frigate so called, launched, ii. 6 London House made stables for horses, iii. 33 London Institution, house of, in Old Jewry, ii. 79 n ; mansion erected for, in Moorfields, ib London, Mr. George, gardener to Sir Christopher Wren, ii. 350 ; iii. 28i , William, letter on his proposed Natural History of Barbadoes, iii. 257 Londonderry surprised by James II., ii. 298 ; Schomberg sent to its relief, 300; forfeiture of, to Charles II., iv. 61, 86 Long, Mr. Robert, Secretary to Charles II., iv. 193 n, 194; brings charge against Sir Edward Hyde, 297 n Long-Ditton, Surrey, descent of the Evelyns of, Pedigree^ ii. 397 Longevity, instances of, i. 301 Longford, Lord, Treasurer of Ireland, ii. 119, 128 Longinus, St., holy lance of, i. 122; letter concerning it, 227 Longtteville, Duke of, ii. 57 Lords, protest of the House of, against the Commons (1641), iv. 68 n ; choose their own Speaker, 99, 119; pro- THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 409 ceedings of, on the Irish rebellion, 108 ; debate on excluding the Popish Peers, 119; letters from Charles I. to the Speaker of the (1646 — 47), 181 Lorraine, Duke of (1652), iv. 236, 254, 255, 319 notes Lort, Mr., at Lincoln's Inn, i. 359 Lothian, Lord, alluded to, i. 314, 340 ; iv. 81 n Lottery, in 1664, i. 380; in 1693, ii. 326'; state lottery (1694), 329, 332; frequency of lotteries (1696), 343 ; suppression of (1699), 352 Loudoun, Sir John Campbell, Eai'l of (1641), iv. 79 ; in France (1642), 337, 338 Loudune, Nuns of, impostures practised by, ii. 50 Love, its excellencies and advantages considered, iii. 121 " Love and Honour," a tragi-eomedy, i. 357 « Love in a Tub," a play, i. 379 Love, Captain, duel fought by, ii. 226 Lovestine, fort of, i. 20 Louis XII., King of France, equestrian statue of, at Blois, i. 69 XIII., his sepulchre, i. 42 XIV. performsina masque(1651), i. 265 ; procession to Parliament, 268 ; his ambitious career, ii. 182, 197, 323 ; the King and Dauphin alluded to, i. 254 ; ii. 53 n, 255 Louvre, at Paris, described, i. 50 ; re- ferred to, 254 Louyr, Mr., a painter at the Hague, iv. 210 Lower, Dr., physician, ii. 333 Lowman, Mr., of the Marshalsea, i. 398 Lowndes, Mr., Secretary to the Treasury, ii. 335, 345 n Lowther, Sir John, ii. 117, 165 ; sub- scription to Greenwich Hospital, 344 Loyola, Ignatius, his burial-place, i. 107 Lubicer, his skill on the violin, i. 312 Lubinus (Gilhardus), a German critic, iii. 131 Lubnam, Leicestershire, iv,, 151 Lucas, Sir Gervas, iv. 260, 290, 293, 294, 296—298 , Lady, iv. 290, 296 , Sir Charles, iii. 14, 27, 28 ; put to death by Ireton, i. 276, 315 Lord, Lieutenant of the Tower, ii. 23, 303, 311 ; iii. 70 Rev. Mr,, ii. 335 Lucca, city of, account of, &c., i. 185 Lucretia, Signora, a Greek lady, i. 251 " Lucretius," first book translated into English verse by Mr. Evelyn, i, 314, 391 ; iii. 72 ; his own remarks upon it, i. 314 ; iii. 73, 246 ; observations on it by Dr. Jeremy Taylor ; iii. 72, 75, 77 ; proof sheets corrected by Dr. Triplet, 76 n Lucrine, lake of, i. 158 " Ludi Circenses," colours worn by combatants, iii. 277 Ludovisio, Prince, his villa at Rome, i. 109,110,178 Luke, St., pictures said to have been painted by, i. 94, 106, 113, 125; re- liques of, 207 Lumley, Lord, ii. 1, 226, 266 , family of, i. 329 Lundy, James Campbell, Lord, in the French service, iv, 337 Lutes made at Bologna, i. 194 Lutterell, Mr., painting by, ii, 331 Luxemburg, palace and gardens, i, 62 — 64 ; surrender of, to the French, ii. 197, 266 Lynn P^egis, notice of, ii. 115 Lyon, Mons., iv. 316 Lyons, city of, i. 77, 243, 387 Lyra, Don Emanuel de, ii. 118 Lysons's " Environs of London," &c., referred to, ii. 1 n, 47 n, 48 n Lyttleton, Sir Edward, Lord Keeper, iv. 50 n, 52—55, 58, 59, 98 Macarino, inlaid pavement by, i. 184 Maccinigo, with Venetian Ambassa- dors (1685), ii. 246 Macclesfield, Lord, his death, ii. 327 Macguire, Lord, rebellion and execu- tion of (1641), iv, 106 n Mackenzie, Sir George, ii, 379 ; his Essay " On Solitude " answered by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 21, 306, 392, 396 ; iii. 196 ; Lord Advocate of Scotland, ii. 286, 287 ; founder of the Advo- cates' Library, iii, 193 ; Letters to Mr. Evelyn, 193, 202 ; particulars respecting Scotland by, ii. 306 Mackworth, Sir Humphrey, i, 332 ; iv. 234 Macmahon, Hugh, discovery of the Irish rebellion by (1641), iv. 108 n Maddox, Mr., letter of Mr, Evelyn to, iii. 83 Madrid, a palace of the French King, i. 55, 256 410 GENERAL INDEX TO Maestricht, a siege of, represented at Windsor, ii. 92 MafiFonett, , iv. 274 Magdalen College and Chapel, Oxford, i. 292, 384 Magniani, Marquis, of Bologna, i. 193 Maim burg, Father, pretended letter of Duchess of York to, ii. 167 ; iii. 255 Maison, President, his palace, near Paris, i. 253 Maison Rouge, near Paris, i. 59 Maitland (ancestor of the Duke of Lauderdale), letters of, iii. 381 , Lord, library of, iii. 309 , Sir Richai'd, his collection of Scotch Poems, iii. 383 Makias, Mrs. Bathsua, school of, i. 250 Mai Albergo, i. 1 95 Malamocco, notice of, i. 1 96 Malata, or Mela, Catta, effigy and notice of, i. 206 Malcolm's, " Londinium Redivivum " referred to, i. 288 n Mailing, South, Church consecrated, i. 5 ; impropriations, 246 Malpighi, Signior, presents a treatise to the Royal Society, ii. 38 ; notice of, 381 Malta, earthquake at (1693), ii. 324 Malvern Hills, view from, i. 296 Manchester, Edward Montague, Earl of, Lord Chamberlain, i. 343, 385 , Henry Montague, Earl of, Speaker of the Lords (1641), iv. 99; portrait, iii. 301 • , Edward, Earl of, joins the Scottish army, iv. 141 n; mentioned, 212 n Mancini, Signior, of Rome, i. 166 Mander, Dr. Roger, Master of Baliol College, ii. 351, 362 Mandeville, Henry Montague, Lord, iv. 75 n, 76 Mann, Mr., Recorder of Ipswich, ii. Ill Manna at Naples, i. 1 62 Manners, general depravity of (1690), ii. 303, 356 ; Society for Reformation of (1699), 356, 358 Manning, Captain, his treachery to Charles IL, 219 n Manning a ship, the phrase, iii. 15 Mantegna, Andrea, paintings by, i. 56, 364 Manton, Dr., sermon of, i. 327 Manufactures, notices of, i. 72, 223, 256 Manuscripts in the Bodleian, i. 291 Manuscripts, Essay on, by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 392 and n Manwaring, Dr. Roger, Bishop of St. David's, ParUament sequestrates (1641), iv. 55 n Maple tree, marbling in the wood of, iii. 130 Marais du Temple, Paris, i. 49 Marble, magazine for, at Lambeth, ii. 108 Marcello, Dr., of Verona, i. 222 Marces, Mons., Charles II. discharges a debt to, iv. 304, 308 Marchand, Florian, the water- sp outer, i. 263 and n Marcus, .^milius, statue of, i. 222 Marden, Surrey, Sir Robert Clayton's seat at, ii. 115, 300, 361 Margaret, eminent women of that name, iii. 245 Margate, Kent, notice of tov/n of, ii. 74 Marine laws of France, paper on the severity of the, iii. 262 Marinella, Lucretia, book by, in praise of Women, iii. 245 Marius, Caius, victory of, i. 173, 221, 222 Markets, notices of, i. 23, 34, 37, 304 Mark, St., Piazza of, at Venice, i. 198 Marlborough, John Churchill, Lord (afterwards Duke), dismissed from office (1692), ii. 318, 389 ; deserted James II., ib ; Master of Ordnance (1701), 363 ; his honours, 369 ; naar- riage of his daughters, 350, 369 ; death of his son, 370 ; his attention to Mr. Evelyn, 374 ; his brother re- ferred to, 376 , Sarah Jennings, Duchess of, i. 361 ; ii. 94 n, 318 Marlborough, town of, i. 289 " Marmora Oxoniensia Arundeliana, ii. 30, 105. See Arundel, Evelyn, Howard Marmoutiers, Abbey of, i. 72 Marne, famous bridge over, i. 57 Mai'riages, numerous by one person, i. 25; of a Jew at Venice, 217. Burials, &c., tax on, ii. 336 Marseilles, account of, i. 80 ; slaves there, 81 ; referred to, iii. 83 Marshall, William, portrait by, i. 250 n ; book of flowers painted by, ii. 169 , Colonel, iii. 10 Marsham, Sir John, i. 334 ; his " Chro- nicus Canon,'' &c., iii. 265 and n Marston Moor, battle of, iv. 141 n Marsys, Mons., his libel against Charles L, iv. 189—191 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 411 Martio, Mr. ii. 367 Martyn, Capt., iv. 315 ; offers himself for Spanish service (1656), 309 Mary Beatrice D'Este, Princess of Mo- dena, Duchess of York, ii. 89 Mary Magdalen, her place of penance, i. 82 Marv, Queen of Scots, her burial-place, i. *302 ; her life, iii. 383 ]\Iary, Queen (consort of William III.), ii, 107 ; married to the Prince of Orange, 117 ; her conduct on her accession to the crown, ii. 292 ; her cabinets and collection of China, 325 ; her death and funeral, 333 ; her character, 334 Maseres, Baron, tracts respecting the Civil War, i. 425 n Mason, Dr., his house, i. 283 , Rev. John, noticed, ii. 329 Masques, at Court in France, i. 265 ; at Lincoln's Inn, 359 ; at Charles II.'s Court, 374, 389 ; ii. 21 Massey^ William, his " Origin and Pro- gress of Letters," referred to, i. 291 Massenet, , iv. 297 n Massy, Sir Edward, Governor of Ja- maica, i. 341 Masters, Captain, in the Dutch Fleet Fleet, i. 392 n Mastiff dogs draw pedlars' carts in Holland, i. 36 Mathematical College, Mr. Evelyn's scheme, iii. 116—120 Matliaei Horti, at Rome, i. 165 Maurice, Prmce, i. 18 ; iv. 143. 165 n : 222, 267 Mausoleum Augusti, at Rome, i. 171 Maxfield, — , arrested for debt, iii. 44 Maximilian II., Emperor, letters of, iii. 380 Maxwell, Mr., ii. 120 n May, Hugh, and Baptist, architects, works of, i. 382 ; ii. 53 n, 54 n, 57, 78, 140, 169 ; a commissioner for re- pair of Old St. Paul's, ii. 9 ■ , Thomas, "History of the Long Parliament " referred to, iv. 76 n ; 94 n, 98 n May 29 th, festival on, i. 352 Maynard, Mr., sergeant, ii. 151 • — , Lord, comptroller of house- hold, ii. 211 Maynwaring, Sir Arthur, iv. 60 n, 64 , Sir Philip, iv. 55 Mazarine, Cardinal Julius, proscribed, i. 263 ; death, 346; alluded to, 255, 1 284; ii. 353 ; iv. 175, 236, 239, 26], 282, 299, 302, 319, 341 notes, 367 ; Mazai'ine Library, iii. 305 Mazarine, Duchess of, mistress of Charles II., ii. 108, 210 ; iii. 251 ; her death, ii. 353 Mazzotti, an artist in Pietra Commessa, i. 190 Meadows, Sir Phihp, marriage of, ii. 346 Meath, Bishop of (1656), poverty of, i. 313 Medals, ancient, observations on Roman, i. ] 82 ; utility of, as historical records, iii. 297—299 ; authors on, 299, ii. 103 ; coined at the coronation of James I. iii. 339 ; various collections of, noticed, i. 110, 163, 178, 214; iu. 299—301 " Discourse of," by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 392, 396 ; letter to his bookseller respecting, iii. 342 ; to Lord Godol- phin on clipping coin, 354 Mede, Joseph, on prophecy, ii. 297, 308 Medici, palace of, at Rome, i. 108, 133 Cosmo di, Duke, his statue of Justice, i. 92, 188 ; equestrian statue of, 95 Cosmo II. improved the Palace of Pitti, i. 92 ; statue of, 188 , Cardinal, Arabassadoi', i. 177 ; fireworks at his palace, 178 Medicis, Marie de. Queen mother, por- trait, i. 22 ; her reception in Holland (1641), i. 28 ; notice of, 72, 253 Mediterranean, Evelyn's voyage in the (1644), i. 82 Meeres, Sir Thomas, ii. 107, 130 Meggot, Dr., Dean of Winchester, ii. 233 ; sermons of, 7, 195, 256, 262 Meldrum, Captain for Charles II. (1654), iv. 300, 309 n Melford, Lord, pictures belonging to, sold, ii. 325 Mell, Mr., musician, i. 282, 313 Mellerav, Marshal, intrigues of, iv. 256 n, 261, 277— 281, '283— 292 ; seizes on English ships (1652), 259 ; claims a fee from prizes taken for Charles II., 282, 292 Melos, Don Francisco de, ii. 23, 81 Menageries, notices of, i. 32, 52, 117, 212, 287. See Aviai-ies. Mennes, Sir John, his verses on the Duchess of Chevreuse, iv. 130 n ; loyalty to King Charles I., 242 n Mentz, Elector of (1654),iv. 224 412 GENERAL INDEX TO Mercator, Nicholas, mathematician, ii. 9, 378 Mercers' Company (London), i. 366 ; Italian sermon at their Chapel, 247 ; Chapel of, burned, ii. 14 Merceria, at Venice, i. 198 Mercure, Mons., performer on the lute, i. 244 "Mercurius Politicus," cited, iv. 241, 264, 300, 319 notes "Mercurius Rusticus," quoted, iv. 136 n Mercury, Transit of (1664), i. 384 ; a ring, said to be a projection of, ii. 24 Meret, Dr., of the College of Physicians, i. 369, 419 Merey, Mons., i. 72 Merick, Sir William, i. 376 Merode, , iv. 210 Mei'rick, Mr., of Parson's Green, i. 345 , Sei-jeant-Major, sent to Ireland (1641), iv. 110 n Merton College, election to the Warden- ship of (1661), i. 346 Messeray, Mons., Judge Advocate of Jersey, i. 339; iii. 227 Messerny, Mr., iii. 189 Meta-Studante, ruins of, i. 115 Metellus, sepulchre of, at Rome, i. 1 66 Meteor, one in (1642-43), i. 39; (1680), ii. 154; (1694), iii. 339 Meverell, Dr. i. 8 Mewes, Dr., of St. John's College, Ox- ford, ii. 43 Michel!, Robert, estate at North Stoke, ii. 363 Mickleham, notice of, i. 309 Middlesex, James Cranfield, Earl of, commissioner at Newport, iv. 185 n Middleton, Lord, ii. 24, 380 ; Secretary of State, 199, 266 . , Colonel, ii. 60, 61, 383 ■ , Sir Hugh, New River of, ii. 255 , Mrs,, daughter of R, Need- ham, ii. 183 , Dr., Italian sermon by, i. 247 , Lieut.-General, ii. 25 ; trans- ports arms for Charles II.'s service (1653), iv. 294 n Milan, description of, i. 224 — 230 ; Cathedral, 224 ; Church of the Jesuits and St. Celso, 225 ; public buildings, ib ; Ambrosian library, 226; Church of St. Ambrose, 227 ; Citadel, &c., ib ; Signor Septalla's curiosities, 228 ; civilities of a Scots Colonel, 229 Millennium, delusion respecting, ii. 329 Militia, notices of (1644), iv. 1 36—140 Miller, Rev. Mr., vicar of Effingham, &c., ii. 323 Millington, Sir Thomas, ii. 174 Milton, John, allusions to, i. 337; ii. 254 , Christopher, brother of John, ii. 254 Mingrelia, women of, ii. 146 Mint, committee for regulating the, i. 376, 378 ; ii. 4 Mirandula, John Picus, ii. 131 ; por- trait of, 43 " Mii^cellanea Aulica," referred to, iv. 198, 202, 203, 223 notes Misenus, ruins of its city, i. 160 Miss, coui*tezans so called, i. 360 ; ii. 63, 379 Misson, Francois Maximilien, his New Voyage to Italy," i. 153 n Mochi, Fra., statue by,i. 122 Models, notices of, various, i. 25, 55 Modena, Duchess of, ii. 89 ; iv. 39 , Duke of, iv. 319 n " Moderate Publisher," journal cited, iv. 269 n Modiford, Sir Thomas, Governor of Jamaica, ii. 59, 61, 93 Mohun, Lord, tried and acquitted, ii. 322 , Mrs. Philippa, iv. 212 Mole and Pharos at Genoa, i. 84, 87 ; at Naples, 150 Molino, Signor, Doge of Venice, i. 215 , Conde de, Spanish Ambassador, i. 395 Mollen, famous for making lutes, i. 194 Monconys, Mons. Balthazar, ii. 50, 382 Mondragone, Palace of, i. 1 7 9 Money, scarcity of, in England in (1696), ii. 343 Monk, George, Duke of Albermarle, iv. 208, 209 ; his march from Scotland, i. 335 ; breaks down the gates of the city, ib ; marches to Whitehall, ib ; and convenes the old Parliament, ib ; allusions to his conduct, i. 423, 424; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 156. See Albemarle , Dr. Nicholas, Bishop of Hereford, consecration of, i. 344 ; funeral, 359 Monkeys, feats of, at Southwark fair, i. 340 Monmouth, Sir James Scott, Duke of, i. 253 ; ii. 51, 81, 92, 94 n, 108 n, 134, 159, 206 ; his return from Hol- land, and popularity, 138 ; proclama- tion against, 178 ; surrenders himself, 189 ; pardoned, and banished White- THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 413 hall, 1 90 ; lands in Eno;land and sets up his standard as King, 225 ; pro- claimed traitor, ih ; taken prisoner, 226 ; committed to the Tower and executed, 228 ; his base extraction, ih ; character, ih ; his mother, i. 253; ii. 229 Monmouth, Duchess of, ii. 81, 107, 160, 228, 249 ; sermon by her chaplain, 303 , Earl of, ii. 335 Monro, Sir George, iv. 212 Montague, Henry, Lord, purchases arms for Charles I., iv. 341 ; alluded to, iii. 10 , Lord Viscount, i. 318 n, 334, 397, 415 , Lord, trial (1693—1696), concerning estate left by Duke ot Albermarle, ii. 327, 343, 366; sub- scription to Greenwich Hospital, 344 n , Mr., Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, subscription to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 n. See Mountague I , Walter, Abbot of Pontoise, iv. 75 n, 322 n ; attempts to pervert the Duke of Gloucester, 203,216 . , Ralph, Duke of, his palace at Bloomsbury (now the British Museum), ii. 106, 135 ; described 188 ; burnt, 248 , Mr. Attorney, his son married to Mary Evelyn of Woodcot, ii. 47 ; her death, 271. . , Lady Mary Wortley, ii. 388 Montalbano, Dr., discoverer of phos- phorus, i. 193. Mont- Alto's villa, i. 112 Monte Cavallo a iRome, i. Ill, 134 Monte Feltre, Count and Countess, ii. 183 Monte Pientio, or Mantumiato, i. 98 Monte Pieta, i. 167 ; in Padua, 211 Montefiascone, notice of, i. 100 Montfoi'd, the player, murder of, ii. 322 , Loi'd, ii. 48 n Montgomery Castle declares for the King, iv. 145 Montgomeryshire, fiery exhalation in (1694), ii. 328 Mont Louis, dwellings of its inhabitants, i. 71 Montpelier, celebrated for perfumes, &c., iii. 83 Montreuil, Mons.,iv. 174 ; deceived by Mazarine, 175 n , description of, i. 41 Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of, trial (1641), iv.81 ; Charles L deter- mines not to treat without him, 135, 138 ; account of, 92 n, 135 n ; defeats the Covenanters at Kilsythe, 168 n ; portrait, iii. 301 ; alluded to, i. 267; iii. 42, 380 Monument (London), building of, ii. 156 ; words on against the Papists erased, 225 Moody, Rev. Mr., recommended for a living, i. 320 Moon, on the nature of its light, i. 32 Moore, Dr. John, Bishop of Ely, his library, ii. 353 Moorfields, its manufactory of camlets, i. 278 Morant, Rev. Philip, his History of Essex," cited, i. 332 n Moray, Sir Robert, letter to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 203 Mordaunt, Mr., acquitted (1658), i. 327 , Lord Viscount, i. 319, 336, 343, 345, 348, 358, 374 ; case between him and Captain Taylor, ii. 19 ; letters to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 132, 243 ; Mr. Evelyn his trustee, ii. 109 ; notice of, i. 413 ; ii. 379 , Lady, her charity, &c., ii. 104, 105, 109, 120 ; Mr. Evelyn her executor, 131, 138, 141 Lady Mary, ii. 94 n, 110 Lady, house at Ashsted, i. 399 ; ii. 268 More, Sir Thomas, portrait of, i. 249 : iii. 301 Morgan, Mr., iv. 208 n , Captain, iv. 225 , Mr., botanist, i. 328 ■, Dr. Robert, Bishop of Bangor, i. 340 , Col., exploits at Panama, ii. 61, 93 Morghen, Raphael, fine engraving by, i. 226 n Morice, Mr., Secretary, i 355, 396 ; ii. 21 ; his library, i. 377 ; ii. 22 : notice of, 379 , Mons., professor at Geneva, i. 242, 243 Morine, Mons., his garden and collection of insects, &c., i. 65, 265 Morison, Dr., professor of botany, ii. 99, 384 Morlaud, Sir Samuel, his inventions, ii. 26, 64, 113, 176 ; account of him and 414 GENERA.L his father, 26 ; his house at Lambeth, 159 ; inventions to assist his blind- ness, &c., 338 Morley, Agnes, school founded by, i. 5 , Dr. George (Bishop of Win- chester), with Charles II. in exile, iv. 205, 208, 211; i. 254, 271 n, 375, 377, ii. 104 ; coronation sermon by, i. 350 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to on the Duchess of York's apostacy, ii. 167;iii. 255 ; the Bishop's vindication, 256 ; portrait, 301 , Col., a fi'iend of Mr. Evelyn, and one of the Council of State (1652), i. 278, 308 ; Mr. Evelyn attempts to bring him over to the King, 334 ; the Colonel hesitates, 335 ; procures par- don, 336 ; Mr. Evelyn's negotiations with him, 422 Morocco, Ambassador, Named Hamet (1682), ii, 161 ; entertainment given to, 162 ; admitted of the Royal Society, 167 ; Lord Howard made Ambassador to, ii. 31 Morosini, Ambassador from Venice to France, i. 269 Morrice, Colonel, Governor of Pomfret Castle, account of, iv. 283 Morris, Mr,, scrivener, ii. 116 n Morton, Countess, allusions to, i. 254, 262; iv. 221 Morus, Mons. (Alexander Morus ?), a French preacher, i. 360 Mosaics, i. 124, 125, 129, 134, 142, 173, 199. See Pietra Commessa. Moscow burnt (1699), ii. 354 Moulins, brief account of, i. 76 Moulins, M., sm'geon, i. 250 Mountains, travelling in the, i. 99, 191, 230—235 Mountebanks at Rome, i. 168, 182 ; at Venice, 216 Mowbray, Lord (son of Earl of Arundel), i. 214 ; notice of, 404 Muccinigo, Sign., Venetian Ambassador, entertained by Mr. Evelyn (1668), ii. 35 ; iii. 211 ; his entry into London, ii. 43, 53 Mulberry garden, i. 288 Mulgrave, Lord, ii. 79, 135, 325, 326 Mummies, fragments of, given to Evelyn, i. 213 Mundaims, philosophers' elixir projected by, ii. 374 " Mundus Muliebris" (1690), a poem by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 215, 396 Murano, near Venice, account of, i, 212 INDEX TO Murillo, painting by, ii. 325 Muro torto at Rome, i, 171 Murray, Colonel Charles, iv. 233 n, 234 n , Mr. Mungo, iv, 88, 89 ; notice of, 89 n , Mr. Wm., in the confidence of Charles I., iv. 54, 63, 69, 73, 96, 107, 110, 118, 130 n, 353 — ■ , Col. William, iv. 167, 168 , Sir Robert, one of the insti- tutors of the Royal Society, i. 346, 352 n, 367, 389 ; ii. 47, 84, 393; iii. 348 ; funeral of, ii 84 Muschamp, Mr., ii. 285 Musgrave, Sir Philip, i. 254 Music, singing, &c., particulars relating to, i. 20—25, 109—111 Musical instrument, a new invention, i. 381 Muscovy Ambassador, audience of (1662), i. 372 — , Czar of, his conduct to the English Ambassador, i. 373 n "Mustapha," a ti-agedy, by Earl of Orrery, i. 391 ; ii. 18 Mutiano, Girolamo, painting by, i. 109 Mynne, George, of Woodcote, i. 247 ; Pedigree, ii. 397 " Naked Truth," a pamphlet, ii. 104 Nalson, John, " Collection of the Affaii's of State," iv. 68 n Nantes, Edict of, revocation of, ii. 242. See Huguenots Nanteuil's portraits of Mr. Evelyn, i. 258, 408 Naples, state of in 1648, iv. 349, 350 ; inscription over the gate, i, 148 ; account of the city, 149— 163 ; Castle of St. Elmo, &c.,'l50 ; the Mole,t6/ Cathedral and Churches, 151 ; Monas- tery of the Carthusians, ib ; Museums, 152; Carnival, ib ; Vesuvius, 153, ; 154 ; Pausihppo, 154 ; Lago d'Ag- nano, 155; Grotto del Cane, 156; Court of Vulcan, ib ; Puteoli, &c., 157, 161 ; Lake Avernus and cave, 159; Cuma, ib ; Baiee, 154, 160, 161 ; Misenus, 160 ; Elysian Fields, ib ; Arsenal, 161 ; manners of the people, 161,162; execution at, 183; etchings of views near, ii. 396 ; its geology, iii. 326 Narbrough, Sir John, Journal of, iii. 340 Naseby, battle of, iv. 1 47 n ; Charles holds a Council of War before, 151 n THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 415 Nassau-Dietz, William Frederick, Prince of (1654), iv. 215 n, 222 n Nassau, Prince William of, and his son Maurice, monuments, i. 21 ; iii. 262 Naudseus, Gaspar, " On Libraries," translated by Mr. Evelyn (1661), i. 357 ; ii. 391, 395 ; noticed, i. 358 ; iii. 303, 373 " Navigation and Commerce" (1674), by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 91, 396. See Dutch War Navy, provided for by Act of Tonnage and Poundage (1641), iv, 61 ; state of (1656), 267—270 n, 278 n, 309 Neale, Sir P., optician, i. 314 , Mr., lotteries set up by, ii. 326, 332 ; built the Seven Dials, &c., 332 Neapohtano, Carlo, painter, i. 105, 115 Needham, Dr. Jasper, i. 317, 335, 413 ; funeral and eulogy, ii. 135 ; iii. 83 • , Sir Robert, and Lady, 1. 321, 328, 377 Needlework, Landscape of, i. 342 Negroes, to be baptized, ii. 234 ; revolt of, in Barbadoes (1692), 323 Negros, Hieronymo del, Palace at Genoa, i. 85 Neile, Sir Paul, i. 351 Neptune, Temple of, i. 158 ; Rock of, 239 ; launching of, ii. 174 Nero, Emperor of Rome, vestiges, &c., of,i. 135, 159, 160, 161, 163, 170 Neubourg, Marquis de,enterprise against Ushant, iv. 271 Nevers, brief notice of, i. 244 Newburgh, Lord, ii, 202 Newcastle, William Cavendish, first Marquis of, iv. 348 ; summoned by the Queen (1641), 84; leaves England, 141 n ; tutor to Prince Charles, 154 n; seat at Welbeck, i. 299 , Duke and Duchess of, Mr. Evelyn visits them, ii. 22, 23 ; fanciful dress of the Duchess, 22, 23 ; iv, 8 ; visits the Royal Society, ii, 23 ; the Duke's book on Horsemanship, 22 ; iii. 246 ; marriage of his daughter, ii. 333 ; portrait of the Duke, iii. 301 ; on Mr, Evelyn's "Discourse of Forest Trees," 226 ; letters and poems to the Duke and Duchess, 244 n ; panegy- rical letter of Mr. Evelyn to the Duchess, 244 New Hall (the great Duke of Bucking- ham's), i. 316 Newmarket, Charles II.'s house at, ii. 48; stables and heath, 48, 49; court at, and races (1671), 63, 67 ; revelling, &c., at, 67 ; collection for rebuilding Newmarket after fire, 186 Newport, Andrew, ii, 138 , Montjoy Blount, Earl of, protests against an order in the Com- mons (1641), iv. 68 n ; i. 347 ; pictures in his possession, ii. 203 ; treasurer of the Household (1685), 211; (1689), 293 ; alluded to, 224, 233 , Viscountess, ii. 129 Newport, King's farewell speech and Commissioners at (1648), iv. 185 " News from Brussels unmasked " (1660), by Mr. Evelyn, i. 336 ; ii. 395 Newstead Abbey, notice of, i. 299 Newton, Sir Adam, monument of, i. 278, 409 , Sir Henry, allusions to, i. 278, 310, 317 ; his house at Charlton, 285, 381 , Mr,, married Mr, Evelyn's grandmother, i. 6 ; her death, 263 Nice, in Savoy, notice of, i. 82 Nice, Daniel, his collection of coins, iii. 300 Nicholai, of Rome, base singer, i. 183 Nicholao, excellence on the violin, ii, 94, 137 Nicholao del Abati, painting by, i, 56 Nicholas, Sir Edward, Secretary of State ; his private correspondence with Charles I. (1641-48), iv. 47— 185 ; Charles I.'s testimony to his worth, 57 ; desires to I'emove to the country, 60, 70 ; directions about Collar of Rubies, 73, 83, 85, 90, 103; urges Charles I.'s return from Scot- land, 107 — 122 ; advises the King about vacant Bishopric ks, 72, 79, 116 ; of treacherous counsellors, 77, 94, 97 ; of the Marquis of Montrose, 81 ; zeal in the King's service, 89, 91, 112; anxiety about the "Incident," 92-97, 105, 111 ; his letters dis- closed, 103 ; thanks the King for destroying his letters, 105, 129 ; advises him to require attendance of all Members in Parliament, 109 ; King Charles promises to protect him, 112 ; letters of Queen Henri- etta to, 50, 84 ; ditto to direct Earl of Caernarvon to attend in Parliament, 115; ditto to forward dispatches, 118; desires the King to destroy or return his letters for his greater safety, 115, 416 GENERAL INDEX TO 117; advises him to defer signing the Thirteen Bishops' pardon, 123 ; his illness, 124 ; advises the King to receive the Hertfordshire gentry, 127, 132; knighted by King Charles I., 13"4 n; letters of Sir R. Browne to (1642 and 1643), 335—341 ; his opinion in a Council of War held December (1 644), 144 ; King Charles I. thankful for his services (1645), 146 n ; directed to put Oxford upon short allowance, 148 ; letter by the King's command sent to Sir Harry Vane the younger, 172 ; the King again ac- knowledges his services (1648), 184 ; correspondence of Sir E. Nicholas and the Royal family after the death of Charles I., 189—227; letter con- cerning Marsys's translation of the « Eikon Basilike," 189 ; letter to King Charles II. (1649), on his counsellors, 191 ; Charles II. 's promise to, 194; letters of James Duke of York to, for money, 199 ; of the same, on Charles H.'s esteem for Sir Edward, 200 ; of King Charles II. to (1652), ib; of Mary, Princess Dowager of Orange, to, on Charles IPs affairs (1653),201 ; of Charles II. to keep together his friends, 202 ; of Ehzabeth Queen of Bohemia to (1654-5), 205—226; De Larry's character of, 192 n ; arrived at Caen, 231 ; at Aix-la- Chapelle, 205 ; letters to, from Sir Richard Browne, 335 — 341, 343 ; account of, iv. 48 ; alluded to, i. 252, 397; ii. 90 Nicholas, Mr. John, son of Secretary Nicholas, i. 67, 76 , Friar, of Paris, chemist, &c., i. 263 NichoUs, Colonel, ii. 60 ; iii. 240 Nichols, John, his " Progresses of Queen Elizabeth," referred to, i. 1 n ; his Literary Anecdotes," iv. 190 n , Mr. Anthony, iv. 59 ; Par- liament sends him to Edinburgh (1641), i6 Nicholson, Dr. William, Bishop of Gloucester, i. 359 Nicolls, Mr., iv. 233 and n, 235 Nicolson, Dr. William, Bishop of Car- lisle, ii. 368 ; corresponds with Mr. Evelyn, iii. 378, 383, 384 Nieuporr, Dutch Ambassador, notices of, i. 314 ; his account of the Dutch East India Company, 318 ; alluded to. 322, 330, 332 ; policy of his nation, 333 Nineveh, remains, &c., of, ii. 89, 146 Niobe and her Family, statues of, I 108 Nismes, city of, &c., iii. 83 " Noah's Ark," shop at Paris so called, i. 48 Noli me tangere, by Hans Holbein, ii. 147, 386 Nonesuch House, Surrey, ii, 1, 377 Norden, John, accuracy of his map, ii. 171 Norfolk, Thomas, fourth Duke of, letters of, iii. 380 , Thomas, fifth Duke of, re- stored to the title, i. 359, 364 ; his death, ii. 118 , Henry, sixth Duke of, i. 405 ; " Marmora Oxoniensis " presented to, by the University, ii. 105 ; marries his concubine, Mrs. Bickerton, 118, 120 n ; his house and pictures, 120, 121, 270 ; presents the Arundelian Library to the Royal Society, 122 ; collection of pictures, 175 ; his skill in horsemanship, 202 ; letters to and from Mr. Evelyn, iii. 211, 217 ; alluded to, ii. 121, 268. See Howard , Henry, seventh Duke of, his divorce bill thrown out (1692), ii. 319, 322 ; his kindness to the Evelyn family, 327 ; succeeds in obtaining his divorce (1700), 358 ; his death, 365 ; alluded to, 348. See Howard , Duchess of (Mrs. Bickerton), ii. 118, 120, 270 , Palace of the Dukes of (1671), ii. 65, 66 , Philip, Cardinal of, i. 219, 405 Normanby, Marquis of, on death of Charles II., &c., ii. 332, 333 Normandy, excursion into, i. 59 — 62; tomb of Robert, Duke of, 296 n North, Lord, ii. 105, 108, 170 , Sir Francis, ii. 73 ; Lord Chief Justice, 133 ; Lord Keeper, 170 ; character of, 193 ; his death, 232 , Sir Dudley, and his brother Roger, ii. 232 , Dr. (son of Lord), sermon of, ii. 105, 107 North Foreland Lighthouse, Kent, ii. 74 Northampton, Earl of (1 658-60), i. 331, 338 ; (1669), ii. 41, 83 ; (1676), 107, Earl and Countess (1688), 277 ; his seat, ib THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 417 Northampton, town of, ii. 100, 277—279 North West Passage, attempt to dis- cover, ii. 107 Northumberland, Earl of, portrait of, iii. 301 , Henry Percy, eighth Earl of, suicide of, ii. 180 , Algernon Percy, tenth Earl of, account of, i. 414 ; his pic- tures at Suffolk House, 328 ; his house at Sion, 396 ; alluded to, 347 ; iii. 106 ; iv. 185 n, 303 n , Joceline, eleventh Earl of, his daughter's marriage, ii. 159 . , Countess of (Lady Elizabeth Howard, wife of tenth Earl), i. 343 ; marriage of her gi'aud daugh- ter, ii. 159 ; her death, 374 . , Countess of (widow of eleventh Earl), ii. 188 and n , George Fitz Roy, Duke of ( natural son of King Charles II.), ii. 108, 195; account of him, 199; his horsemanship, 202; attempted to spirit away his wife, 251 Norton, Colonel, ii. 236 — — — , Lady, infamous conduct of, to Charles I., i. 286 Norwich, brief account of, ii. 66 Norwich, George Goring, Earl of. Am- bassador to France, i. 44 ; heads the rising in Kent (1648), 246 ; iii. 14,26, 27, 28; tried before the rebels, i. 248; his house in Epping Forest, ii. 43, 173; alluded to, i. 252, 272, 275 ; iii. 46 Norwood, Colonel, ii. 81 Notre Dame, Cathedral of, at Antwerp, i. 31; at Paris, 46 ; at Rouen, 60 ; at Marseilles, 81 Nottingham, town of, i. 299 Nottingham, Earl of, refused to sit in Council with Papists (1688), ii. 282 ; protests against the abdication of James II., 291; sells Kensington to King William, 303; quarrel with Ad- miral Russell, 322; resigns Secretary of State, 326 ; fire at his house at Burleigh, 374; alluded to, 130 n, 285 November, Fifth of, forbidden to be kept, ii. 244 Nowel, Dr. Alexander, portrait, iii. 301 Nulls, Sir John, iv. 74 Nuncio of the Pope at the French Court (1649), i. 254 VOL. IV, Nuffield, Surrey, descent of the Evel} ns of, Pedigree,\\. 397 Nutmegs, jealousy of the Dutch respect- ing, iii. 258 Nuts found by swine, &c., i. 78 Oakham, tenure of the Barons Ferrers at, i. 298 Oakwood Chapel, endowment and repair of, ii. 337, 366 Oates, Titus, conspiracy discovered by, ii. 125; iii. 252; character of, ii. 126; accuses the Queen, and several Po- pish peers, 127 ; evidence against Sir George Wakeman, 132 ; I'eflexions on his conduct, 152, 220; a witness against Lord Stafford, 151 ; Loi'd Stafford's remarks on his evidence, 152 ; his knavery and imprudence, 178 ; tried for perjury, 221, 299; his punishment, 222, 224, 226 ; writ of error in the judgment of, 297 ; his reviling book against King James, 341 Oatlands, mansion at, referred to, iv. 50 n, 60, 70, 75, 91, 96, 99, 106, 114, 122, 183 n ; Queen Henrietta resides at, 50, 58, 59, 105 n O'Beirne, Sullivan, Col., in service of Charles II. (1653), iv. 276 n, 277 n ; (1654) 299, 300 "Obehscus Pamphilius, et .^gyptiacus '* (1650-54). i. 213 Obelisk, of Octavius Caesar, i. 119 ; of Constantine, 125 ; in Circus Caracalla, 165 ; brought from Egypt by Augus- tus, 114, 171 Obligations and Tests, dispensed with (1687), ii. 265 Oblivion, Act of, proceedings upon the (1641), iv. 56 O'Brian, Mortagh, iv. 300 O'Brien, Lord, ii. 91, J17 ; his widow, 91 andn Octavius Csesar, obelisk of, i. 1 1 9 Odart, Mr. Latin Secretary, ii. 8 " Qiieonomis," by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 394 Uesters House, at Antwerp, i. 33 " Offices and Meditations, " by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 394 Offley, Mr. Thomas, groom-porter, i. 247, 284, 328 , Dr., Rector of Abinger, ii. 1 3 ; sermon of, 337 ; his gift to Oakwood Chapel, ib Offley family, ii. 355 Ogilbv, John, on the Progress of Charles n.*(166]), i. 348 u E E 418 GENERAL INDEX TO Ogle, Thomas, of Pinchbeck, his daugh- ter Anne, ii. 100 n, 101 , Lady, widow of Lord, I'e-marriage to Mr. Thynne, ii. 159, 161, 165, 386 Oglethorpe, Mr., duel fought by, ii. 370 Ogiiiati, Count, ii. 48 Old Bailey, man pressed to death at the, i. 283 Old Jewry, Sir Robert Clayton's house in the. ii. 79 n Oldenburg, Anne, Countess of, letters of, iii. 380 , Henry, Secretary to Royal Society, confined in the Tower, ii. 27, 380 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, 16 n ; alluded to, iv. 105, 393 ; iii. 207 Oleine, Count, his palace at Vincenza, i. 220 Oliva, Padre, General of the Jesuits, ii. 132 Oliver, Peter, miniatures of, i. 246, 308, 342, 352 Olivetani, Padri, church of, i. 210 Olonne, Count d', i. 268 O'Neale, Captain Daniel, iv. 263 n ; his danger from Parliament, 76, and n ; arrested, 78 n ; committed to the Gatehouse, 95 ; Parliament examines, 94, 127—129 • , Mr., built Belsize House, ii. 106 Onion, Spanish, iii. 206 Onocratylus, or Pelican, i. 389 Onslow, Arthur, his seat at West Clan- don, i. 320 ; ii. 52 ; iii. 30 n , Denzil, his house at Purford, ii. 158 , Sir Richard, ii. 313, 348, 351, 363; subscription to Greenwich Hos- pital, 345 n ; contested elections for ^Surrey, 367, 375 ; duel with Mr. Oglethorpe, 370 ; noticed, iii. 18, 20, 330, 331 Onslow, Earl of, i. 320 ; ii. 158 n Onufrio, Cardinal, of Rome, i. 168 Opdam, Admiral, iv. 210 Opera at Venice (1645), i. 204 ; at Mi- lan, 229 ; at the Court in Paris, 265 ; in England, 331 ; ii. 90 Optics, letter on, iii. 207 Orange, town and principality of, i. 79 Orange, Henry Frederick, Prince of, ii. 114 ■ , William, Prince of, i. 401 ; ii. 52, 116, 117; marries Princess Mary, 116; accusation of Deputies of Amsterdam, 194 ; forces sent by, to James IL (1685), 230. See Wil- liam IIL Orange, Princess of, sister of Charles IL, i. 28, 341, 343, 364 ; her death, 344 , Prince of (1641 ), his protection, of the Queen Mother, iv. 67; his death, i. 26 ; referred to, i. 15; iv. 195, 199, 227, 329 , Mary, Princess Dowager of, letter to Sir E. Nicholas on Charles's aflfairs (1653), iv. 201 ; letter of the States to (1655), 226 ; references to, 206, 214 n, 222 Oranges raised in England, ii. 28, 135, 361 ; iii. 243 Ordination of Ministers in France (1650), i. 258 Organs, notices of, various, i. 24, 25, 97, 145, 172, 225, 292, 372 Orias, Prince d', palace and garden of, i. 86 Orleanes, Mons., iv. 316 Orleans, Duke of, i. 269 ; iv. 243, 345, 347, 388 ; governed bv De Retz (1554), 319 n , Henrietta, Duchess of, iv. 205, 244 n , Duke of (temp. Hen. V.), i. 281 aud n ; ii. 91 , Gaston Jean Baptiste, Duke of, his palace, &c., i. 62 — 64 ; ii. 260 Orleans, account of, i. 67, 244 Ormond, James Butler, Marquess, after- wards Duke of (1649), iii. 43; (1654), iv. 322 n, 348—350 ; attempt to pervert the Duke of Gloucester, 216 n ; his estates restored, i. 339 ; on the na- tural history of Ireland, 357 ; Chan- cellor of Oxford, and created Doctor, ii. 42 ; anecdote respecting, 97; lays down his commission, 352 ; restored, ib ; alluded to, i. 256, 263, 328, 339, 351, 359, 365, 391 ; ii. 144 , Duchess of, ii. 109 Orrery, Richard Broghill, Earl of, plays by, i. 391 ; ii. 18 ; his mansion burnt, iii. 319 Osborne, Sir Thomas (afterwards Earl of Danby, Marquess Carmarthen, and Duke of Leeds), Lord Treasurer, ii. 84 ; strictures on, 86 ; his adminis- tration, 162 ; his imprisonment, 191 ; released, 194 ; alluded lo, i. 262 ; ii. 117, 302, 303 ; account of, i. 408 Osiris, insci'iptions concei'ning, i. 100 ; statue of, 107 Ossory, Thomas Butler (Earl of), Lord, THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 419 his horsemanship, i. 256 ; adventure of, 256, 257 ; averse to attacking the Smyrna fleet, ii. 69, 145 ; a younger Brotherof the Trinity House, 82 ; Mas- ter, 98; commands forces in Holland, 119; his expedition to Tangier, 43; death, 144; character of him, ib; Mr. Evelyn's letter to the Countess, iii. 254; alluded to,i. 339 ; ii. 116, 137 ; his daughter, 108 Ossory, James Butler, Earl of (son of the great Earl), i. 256 ; ii. 1 68 ; his marriage, 170, 242 ; his mansion de- stroyed, 310 ; account of, i. 407 Ostend, notice of, i. 37 Otter-hunting, i. 359 Ottobone, Cardinal Pietro, elected Pope (Alexander VIIL), ii. 301 Oudart, Mr., confidence of Charles I. and II. in, i. 381 ; iv. 183 n, 195 Oughtred, Rev. William, mathematician, i. 285 ; iii. 67 ; conversation with Mr. Evelyn, i. 309 Ouseley, Sir Gore, i. 93 n , Sir Charles, i. 312 Outram, Dr., Vicar of St. Margaret's, ii. 137 Ovens of portable iron, ii. 8 Ovid, Metamorphoses of, in mezzo- relievo, i. 181 Owen, Dr. John, Bishop of St. Asaph (1641), iv. 99 n • , Dr. Morgan, Bishop of LandafF (1641), iv. 99 n , Sir John, i. 251, 406 — , Dr. Richard, a sequestered mi- nister, i. 248, 249, 277, 283,284, 286, 287, 306, 328, 381 , Dr. John, the Independent, i. 290 , Mrs. Amy, of Eltham, corresponds with Mr. Evelyn, iv. 41, 42 Ox, remarkable one, i. 250 Oxford, Aubrey de Vere, Earl of, his mistress, i. 359,360 ; ii. 18; alluded to, i. 373, 376 ; ii. 51; notice of, i. 419 Oxford besieged (1645), iv, 145, 147 — 149, 167, 170, 174; surrendered, 176; visit of Mr Evelyn to (1654), i. 290 — 293; the Act, 290; Bodleian Library, 291 ; Anatomical School, St. John's, 292 ; Christ Church, Magdalen, Phy- sic-garden, ib ; visit to (1664), 383 ; Theatre, All Souls, Magdalen, 384 ; Ashmolean Museum given to, 322, 328 ; ii. 119 ; Court and Parliament held at (1665), i. 399; gift from, to wounded sailors, ii. 7; the Arundelian Marbles procured for, 29, 30, 41 ; Decree of Convocation, formally re- turning Mr. Evelyn thanks, 30 ; thanks to Mr. Howard, 31; Encaenia on the completion of the Theatre, 39 ; Terrae filius, 40 ; the Act, 40, 41 ; Doctor's degree conferred on Mr. Evelyn, &c., 42 ; visit of Mr. Evelyn to (1675) 99; Dr. Plot's curiosities, ib; Parliament at (1681), 155; reception of William III. at (1695), 337 Packer, Mr., his seat and chapel at Groomsbridge, i. 281 ; ii. 1, 91, 188; his daughter's fine voice, 204 Paddy, Sir William, portrait of, i. 369 Padua, described, i. 205 — 2 1 9 ; inscription over a gate, 206 ; tomb at St. Lo- renzo, ib ; St. Antony's Church, ib; Convent of St. Justina, 2o7 ; Great Hall, 210; Monte Pieta Schools, 211; Garden of Simples, ib; nocturnal dis- orders at, 215 ; Lectures and Hos- pitals, 216 Pageant at the Lord Mayor's Show (1660), i. 342; on the Thames (1 662), 367. See London Paget, Lord, Ambassador, ii. 322 Paine, Captain, i. 275 Painters and Sculptors in Rome, i. 182; in Florence, 190 ; on adding their names to portraits, iii. 295 ; avarice of English painters, 379 Painters' Hall, i. 386; ii. 7 "Painter's Voyage of Italy" (1679), cited, i. 137 n, 226 n, 228 n Painting, old Roman, described, i. 133 *' Painting, Perfection of," by Mr. Eve- lyn, ii. 35, 391, 396 Painting on the face, first used by females, i. 288 Palace of the Pope at Monte Cavallo, i, 110, 134 Palais Cardinal, at Paris, i. 66 ; royal masque at, 265 Palais (Exchange), at Paris, i. 48 Palais Royal, Paris, i. 49 Palais, Isle du, Pai'is, i. 48 Palazzo Barberini, at Rome, i. 107 ; Medici, at Rome, 108 ; !Maggiore, at Rome, 128 ; Ghisi, at Rome, 134 ; Caraffa, at Naples, 152 ; Vecchio, at Florence, 92 — 94 ; delia Cancellaria, at Rome, 167 Palladio, Andrea, Works of, i. 207, 210, 220, 221 2 E E 420 GENERAL Pallavicini, Cardinal Sforza, works of, iii. 112 Palma, Jacopo, paintings by, i. 56, 249 Palmer, Sir James, i. 248 , Jeffrey, iv. 135 u; portrait of, iii. 301 , Dudley, of Gray's Inn, his curious clocks, &c., i. 353 ; member of Royal Society, iii. 293 Pamphili, John Baptista, elected Pope (Innocent X.), i. 98 ; palaces of his family, 1G8 Pamphilio, Cardinal, i. 118, 177 Panama, expedition of Colonel Morgan to, ii. 61 Paimmre, George Maule, second Earl of, iv. 182 n PanciroUus, Guido, on a Roman corpse, i. 147 " Panegyric, poetical, on King Charles XL's Coronation," by Mr. Evelyn, i. 351 ; ii. 391, 396 Pantheon at Rome, i. 169 Paolo Veronese. See Cagliari Paper, from China, i. 379; process of manufacturing, ii. 121 Paper-office, ravages committed in, iii. 379 Papillion, Mr., i. 314 Papillon, Mr., ii. 177 Papin, Denis, his Digestors, ii. 166; notice of, 386 Papists, laws enforced against, iv. 127, 334 n ; conspiracy of (1696), banished ten miles from London, ii. 339 ; dis- possessed of estates (1700), 359. See Roman Catholics Paplewick, view from, i. 299 Paradise, banqueting house so called, i. 364; an exhibition of animals, ii. 88 Paris, description of (1 643-4), i. 44—67; (1646-7), 245 ; (1649), 252—259 ; (1650), 262—274; Pont Neuf, 44; Cathedral of Notre Dame, 46; Jesuits' Church and College, 47; the Sorbonne, ih ; the Exchange and Palais, 48; St, Chapelle and Isie du Palais, ih ; Marais du Temple, St. Genevieve, Palais Royale, 49 ; Hotel de la Cha- rity, &c., 49, 256; Jardin Royale, 49; Bois de Vincennes, 50 ; the Louvre, %h; tlie Palace of the Tuilleries, ib; its gardens, 51 ; St. Germains-en- laye, 52, 54 ; Count de Liancourt's palace and pictures, 55, 56 ; Fon- tainebleau, 57, 58 ; palace of Luxem- burg, 62 ; gardens, 63; view of, from INDEX TO St. Jacques' steeple, 64 ; St. Innocent's Churchyard, 65 ; Mons. Morine's gar- den, ih ; Palais Cardinal, 66, 254 ; muster of the gens d'armes of, 66 ; President Maison's Palace, 253; audience of the English Ambassador (1649), 254 ; St. Stephen's Church, 255 ; Masquerades at, 256 ; Madrid, 55,256 ; ordination of English Divines at (1650), 258 ; Samaritan or Pump at Pont Neuf, ih ; Convent of Bonnes Hommes, 263 ; Friar Nicholas, ih ; Torture at the Chatelet, 264 ; Opera at the Palais Cardinal, 265 ; cere- monies on Corpus Christi, 266 ; pro- cession of Louis XIV. to Parliament, 268 ; audience of English Ambas- sador, 269 ; King's gardens, 270 ; Mark Antonio the enameller, 273 ; parliamentary proceedings (1648), iv. 345—350 ; besieged in 1649 and 1652 by Prince of Conds, i. 249, 279 ; re- joicings on the reported death of William III. (1690), ii. 309 Paris, Archbishop of, house at St. Cloes, i. 52 Park at Brussels, i. 35 ; at Pisa, 90 ; at Hampton Court, 364 Park, John James, his "History of Hampstead " referred to, i. 380 n Parker, Dr. Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, ii. 256 ; his death and character, 271 , Matthew, Archbishop of Canter- bury, iii. 380 , William, works of, iii. 109 Parker's almanack quoted, iii. 324 Parkhurst, Sir Robert, ii. 158 , Dr., master of Baliol College, Oxford, i. 10 Parliament, opening and dissolution of (1642),i.l2— 14;proceeaingsof(1641), iv, 49 — 57, 68 ; respecting the garrison of the Tower, 51 ; orders Recusants to be disarmed, 51, 60, 108, 119, 126, 334 n ; refuses Irish regiments to Spain, 53 n, 54 n, 66 ; sequesters Dr. Roger Manwaring, 55 n ; sequesters pay of Col. Wilmot, 56 ; House of Peers orders ballad against Queen Mother to be burnt, 57 ; takes ex- ception at the King's pardon, 58 ; adjournment of, 5 9 — 61, 65, 67,85, 90; proceedings on Charles's answer to the Parliamentary Commission, 59 and n ; on the Act of Tonnage and Poundage, 51 n, 61 n, 63, 64, 74, 88 ; on forfeiture of Londonderry, 61,86 ; THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 421 House of Peers orders Sir J. Penning- ton to delay going to Ireland, ()2 ; Committees of both Houses meet, 64, 66 ; order gari'isons of Carlisle and Berwick to be paid, 65 ; directions to Lord Admiral, 64 ; declai'ation of, against superstitious rites, 65 ; pro- ceedings of the Committees, 66 ; difference between Committees of both Houses respecting the Church, &c., 68 n ; order concerning the Crown jewels in 1646, 69 n ; inquiry of, into the Royal revenue, 74 ; un- popularity of, 75 ; proceedings at a conference of the Committees, 83 ; removed from London on account of the plague, 88, .00 ; proceedings of, on news of the "Incident," 91, 97 ; Par- liament meets, 92 n ; orders of, con- cerning Berwick, 94 and n ; proceed- ings against Sir J. Berkeley, 94, 99 ; corresponds with the Commissioners in Scotland, ib ; proceedings con- cerning Bishops' votes, 95, 97, 102 ; order about jurisdiction of Archbishop of Canterbury, 98 ; chooses Speaker, 99, 119; debate in the Commons about Counsellors, 80, 89, 100, 101, 114 ; holds a conference about the Prince's education, 105 ; dislikes the creation of new bishops, 99 n, 102, 106 ; members of, commanded to attend, 100, 109, 116, 120, 125 ; proceedings of, on the Irish RebeUion, 106 — 114 ; treats with the city of London about soldiers in Ireland, 108; considei's of dissolving Capuchin Convent, 73, 109; sends troops against the Irish, 112; Charles sends letters on Irish Rebel- lion to the Committee, ib ; considers of Instructions to English Commis- sioners at Edinburgh, 116, 120 ; pro- ceedings upon the Remonsti'ance on state oi the Kingdom, 117, 121, 125, 130, 133 ; proceedings respecting Irish Rebellion, 119, 122, 125, 127 ; plot against, 126, 129 ; affronts the Venetian Ambassador, 127 ; proceed- ings about the impeached Bishops, 123, 128 ; intercepts letters of Mr. Crofts and Duchess of Chevreuse, 130; examines Colonel Goring, ib ; march of the army under Sir William Waller, 1 36 ; persons sitting at \Vest- minster not fit to be considered a Parliament, 144 ; besieges Oxford (1645), 145 n, 149 n ; the King's contempt for the, 157 ; successes of their armies (1646), 179— 181 ; Crom- well dissolves the Long Parliament, 208 n, 275 and n ; (1648), surprised by ths Rebel Army, i. 247 ; sumratmed by Cromwell in 1656, 317 ; opened by Charles II. (1661), 351 ; fast held by the, 360 ; prorogued by Charles IL (16G5), 391; subsidy granted by, to the King (1671), ii. 58 ; Roman Catholic Lords excluded (1678), 127 ; elections (1685), influenced by the Court, 212, 219, 223 ; speech of King James II. on his accession, 222 ; pro- ceedings of (1685), 244 ; steadfastness of its Protestant members, 262 ; (1687), prorogued, 264 ; debate in the Lords respecting Regency, 290 ; precipitate conduct of the Commons (168.9), 294; prorogued and dissolved (1690), 302; proceedings on discovery of conspiracy against William III. (1695), 339 ; Parliament (1705), 376 ; Mr. Evelyn's sentiments on Parlia- mentary Reform, iii. 357 " Parliamentary Debates" referred to, iv. 90 n '* Parliamentary History" referred to, iv. 66, 74, 78, 92, 95, 102, 120 notes Parma, Duke of, triumphal ai'ch of the, i, 131 ; his collection, 143 ; his palace Caprarola, 184 Parmensis, Battista, i. 56 ; drawings of 222 Parquiou, letters of, iii. 380 Parr, Dr. Richard, funeral sermon on Dr. Breton, ii. 68 ; iv. 31 ; alluded to, ii. 59 ; visit of Mr. Evelyn to, 252 Parson's Green, Lord Mordaunt's house at, i. 345 ; ii. 141 Pai-sons, Mr., iv. 172 Pasquin, remains of the statue of, i. 168 Passignano, Domeuico Cresti, painting by, i. 56 Passion, instance of violent, i. 85 Passports, i. 29, 31, 218, 231, 260 Paston, Sir Robert (Earl of Yarmouth), i. 313, 318, 395, 413 Patriarchs, Eastern, subscriptions to our Confessions, i. 370 Pati-ick, Dr. Simon, Dean of Peter- borough, ii. 245 ; I3ishop of Ely, 312, 382 ; sermons of, 36, 44, 258 , Rev. Father, letter of Mr. Evelyn to, on the Eucharist, iii. 231 Pau, Mons., Ambassador, iii. 38 Paul, St., his burial place, i. 123 ; relics 422 GENERAL INDEX TO of, 136, 143 ; port of, 1G5 ; eflBgy of, 169 Paul ITI., Pope, statue of, i. 124 ; shrine of, 170 Paul v.. Pope, chapel of, i. 1 1 3; fountain of, 145 Paul, Chevalier, i. 268 Paule, Mr., agent of the Elector Palatine in France, i. 255 PauUo, Jul, bust of, i. 210 Pausilypus, «&.c.,near iNaples, i. 154 Pawls, Mons., iv. 242, 339 Pawlett, John, Marquis of Winchester, iv. 84 Peace with Holland, proclaimed, ii. 28 Peake, Sir John, Lord Mayor (1687), ii. 269 Pearls, notices of large ones, i. 93, 169 n Pearson, Dr, John, Bisliop of Chester, ii. 81, 97 n ; his " Biblia Polyglotta," i. 283 ; alluded to, 308, 352 Peat, or Turf, use of, proposed (1667), ii. 25, 26 Peckham, Sir Henry, feast at the Temple, ii. 43 Peckham, Sir T. Bond's house at, ii. 107, 159 Peiresk, Nicolaus Claudius Fabricius, Lord of, iii. 85 Pelicans, account of, i. 21, 389 Pelhsson, his " History of the French Academy," ii. 24 n Pemberton, Lord Chief Justice, ii. 133 n, 187 Pembi'oke, Philip Herbert, Earl of. Governor of the Isle of Wight, iv. 109 n ; father of the Countess of Caernarvon, 115 n ; Commissioner at Newport, 185 n ; iii. 29 ; seat near Aldermaston, i. 289 ; seat at Wilton, 294; fire at, ii. 374 ; (1696), Lord Privy Seal, 342 ; subscription to Greenwich Hospital, 344 ; alluded to, i. 291,390; iii. 197 Penitents, procession of, on Good Fri- day, i. 176 Penn, Sir William, impeached, ii. 33 ; notice of, 380 ; blasphemous book by his son, i38 , Admiral William, i. 306 ; iv. 267 n Pennant, Thomas, his " Journey to the Jsle of Wight" cited, iv. 131 n Pennington, Sir John, iv. 242 n ; his voyage to Ireland stopped, 62 n , Isaac, iv. 62 Penshurst, brief notice of, i. 282 Pepper, Guinea, iii. 206 ; Jamaica, 259 Pepys, Samuel, Secretary to the Admi- ralty, cut for the stone, ii. 39 ; Clerk of the Acts, 55 ; twice Master of the Trinity House, 106, 230 ; committed to the Tower, 129, 130 ; accused of being a Papist, and of treachery (1684) 12!) n ; possessed Dean's " Art of Shipbuilding," 164 ; accom- panies the King to Portsmouth (1685), 232 ; impostures of the Saludadors confessed to, ib ; his conversation with James II. respecting Charles II. being a Cathohc, &c., 237—239 ; iii. 279 ; portrait of Mr. Evelyn painted for, ii. 299 ; iii. 294 ; his remonstrance against suspicions of him, ii. 306 ; sent to the Gatehouse, 308 ; enlarged, 309 ; his house at Clapham, 362, 370 ; his death and character, 370, 371 ; his library, 371 ; iii. 304 ; allusions to him, ii. 92, 107, 288, 304, 310 ; iii. 383 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, ii. 37 n ; iii. 175, 178, 180, 260, 267, 276, 279, 294, 313 ; letters of Pepys to Mr. Evelyn, ii. 236 ; iii. 279, 312 ; (on his escape from shipwreck, 256) ; his " Diary and Memoirs" refei'red to, i. 394 n. See Evelyn. Percy, Henry, Lord, Chamberlain to Charles II., iv. 296, 298 , Henry (Ijrother to Earl of Northumberland), ii. 148; proceedings in Parliament concerning (1641), iv. 56, 58 n, 59, 106 — . , Lord, iii. 106, 107; Lady Eliza- beth, ii. 374 n Perelle, engraver, i. 256 "Perfect Passages" (1652), a journal cited, iv. 240 n, 256 n, 257 n Perfumes, &c., Moutpelier famous for, iii. 84 Perfuming rooms, singular method of, in Germany, i. 311 Perigueux, city of, account of, i. 82 Perishot, Mons., collection of, i. 56 Perkins, Sir William, executed, ii. 340 ; absolved at Tyburn, 341 Pernee, notice of, i. 274 Perpetual motion, ii. 34 Perrier, Francis, his book of " Antique Statues," i. 259 Persepolis, ruins of, ii. 145 Persian habit, i. 192 ; adopted at Court (1666), ii. 17, 18 Perspectives, remarks on, by Honorati Fabri, iii, 207 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 423 Perugino, Pietro, paintings by, i. 93, 105, 172, 184 Peruzzi, Baldassare (called Baldassare da Sienna), i. 135 Peter, St., his burial-place, i. 123, 142 ; relics of, 123, 136 Peter the Great occupied Mr. Evelyn's house, l7it7'oduction, i. xxv. ; ii. 349. Peterborough, notice of, i. 302 , Henry Mordaunt, Earl of, i. 345 n, 358 ; ii. 211, 319 ; sale of lands to pay debts (1676), 109, 110 ; mai'riage of his daughter, 110 , Countess of, iii. 39 ; house at Rvegate, i. 308 ; alluded to, 319, 327, 358 Peterhouse, Cambridge, i. 304 Peters, Hugh, a rebel, i. 248; iv. 294 ; executed, i. 341 Petit, Mons., of Rome, i. 101 , Old, paintings of, i. 248 Petitot, John, enamel by, i. 342 " Petra Glossa," found at Sheerness, ii. 34 Petrarch, Francisco, MS. of, i. 140 Petre, Lord, committed for Popish plot, ii. 129 Petrifactions, i. 21 4 Petrified human body, i. 110, 178 Petrifying spring, i. 73 Pett, Phineas, his skill in ship building, i. 17, 375 ; built the first frigate, ii. 304 ; epitaph at Deptford, i. 375 n Petty, Dr., his Glottical College, iii. 131 , Sir William, improvements of shipping, i. 358 ; ship with two keels, 378, 387 ; map of Ireland, ii. 96 ; his character, 95 — 97; account of, i. 417 Peyton, Sir Thomas, i. 260 Phidias and Praxiteles, horses of, i. 110 Phihp IV., King of Spain, rumour of his death, iv. 251 Phillipp and Montgomery, this title first used, iii. 47 Phillips, Father, iv. 75 n, 204 n ; refuses to be sworn on English Bible, 109 n ; Queen Henrietta intercedes for him, 114 n , Edward, preceptor of Mr. Evelyn's son, i. 377, 390 ; iii. 196 ; preferred by his recommendation, ii. 115 ; " Lives of John and Edward," by Mr. Godwin, i. 377 n , Mrs. Catherine, her tragedy of <' Horace," ii. 32, 38, 381 ; iii.296;iv.9 Philosophic Society. See Gresham Col- lege, Royal Society Philosophers' Elixir, projection of, ii, 374 Philosophy, discoveries in, by Mr. Boyle, iii. 348 Phipps, Sir William, governor of New England, ii. 322 n Phlegrsean Fields, i. 156 Phosphorus, various kinds of, i. 193 Physicians, College of, i. 369 ; ii. 173 Piacentino, Giulio, painting by, i. 167 Piazza, Navona, i. 168, 182 ; of St. Mark, atVenice, 198; of St. Anthony, at Padua, 206 ; at Brescia, 223 ; at Milan, 225 ; at Leghorn, 90 ; Piazza Judea, at Rome, 136 Picardy, the Regiment of (1650), i. 262 Piccadilly paved (1662), i. 365 Pichini, Signor, his collection, i. 103 Pictures, numerous at Rotterdam Fair, i 20 ; auction of, at Whitehall, ii. 325 Pierce, Edward, paintings by, i. 294 ; notice of, 411 , Dr., President of Magdalen College, i. 317, 376 ; letters respecting Cressy's reply to his sermon, &c., 376; iii. 139, 141 ; sermons at Whitehall, ii. 118, 128 Pierpoint, Evelyn, his marriage, ii. 266, 388 • , a Commissioner at Newport (1648), iv. 185 n Pierrepoint, Mrs., married to Mr. Cheny, ii. 303, 320 , Hon. William, his wife, Lady Pierrepoint, daughter of Sir John Evelyn, i. 251 ; ii. 266, 388 ; her death, 351 , Mr., house at Nottingham, i. 299 ; near Pontefract, 300 Piers, Dr. William, Bishop of Bath and Wells, iv. 99 n Pietra Commessa (inlaid marble), i. 94, 97, 118, 123, 124, 143, 181, 186, 188, 207, 303; artists in, at Florence, 190 Pietramala, a burning mountain, i. 191 Pietro, Signor, his Memoirs, iii. 211,212 , Signor, musician, ii. 148, 213, 216 Pilgrims, lodging of, in Rome, i. 167 Pine, Queen, from Barbadoes, i. 353 ; King, ii. 34 Pintado, room hung with, i. 399 Piqudelio (Piccadilly), paving of (1662), i. 365 Pisa, city of, account of, i. 89, 185 Pisano, Pietro, paintings by, i. 127 424- GENERAL INDEX TO Piscina Mirabile, account of the, i. 160 Pismire, memory of, iii. 89 Pistoj a, notice of, i. 186 Piten, a Jesuit, ii. 284 Pitti, Palace of, at Florence, i. 92 Place, Mr., bookseller, letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 360 Plaet, dangerous passage of the, i. 30 PJague, in London, Sac, ravages of, i. 5, 9, 37 ; iv. 88, 90 ; (1665), i. 396 —399; ii. 1—3, 8, 9, 16 ; iii. 165 ; facts in consequence of, i. 396 Plantations, Foreign Council for, ap- pointed (1671), ii. 55, 57, 58 ; pro- ceedings of, 58—62, 68, 69, 73, 77, 78, 81, 85, 88, 89 ; constituted a Council of Trade also, 78, 80, 93 Plan tine, Christopher, shop of, i. 33 Plants, &c., Spanish, iii. 205 Plaster used for floors, i. 85 Platts, Sir Hugh, Treatise of Metals, iii. 365 Plays and Theatres, at Rome, i. 174, 177 ; at Venice, 204; in Milan, 229; in Paris, 265; in England, i. 369—373 ; ii. 34 —38 Plessis Du, house of the French King, i. 72 Plessis, Mons. Du, riding-school of, i. 66 Pliny, references to,i. 88, 100, 108, 169 ; death of, 154 ; statue of E. M. Pliny, 222 Plot, Dr. Robert, account of, ii. 384; his natural curiosities, 99 ; his projected " History of Staffordshire," ib; secre- tary of Royal Society, ii. 161 ; applied to Mr. Evelyn for an account of himself for Wood's " Athen. Oxon." . iii. 264, 321 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 335 ; letter of, in answer, 337 ; " History of Oxfordshire " cited, i, 382 n Plots, references to various, iv. 92, 98, 106, 125, 129 Plume, Mr., sermon of, ii. 17 Pluto, Temple of, i. 159 Plymouth, breakwater at, i. 87 n Plymouth, Charles Fitz-Charles, Earl of, ii. 135 Po, river, notice of the, i. 195 Pocock's " Century of Arabic Proverbs," iii. 104 Poggio Imperiale, at Florence, i. 186 Poignant, Mons., at Paris, his collection, i. 266 Poland, incursion of the Swedes into, 310 ; iv. 220—223, 304 Poland, King of, Embassy to Cliarles IT., i* 340 ; raises the siege of Vienna, ii. 186 Poleman's " Novum Lumen Medicum," iii. 131 Polemburg, Cornelius, paintings of, i, 56 " Political Discourses," &c., by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 394 Pollaivola, Antonio, sculpture by, i. 121 Pollard, Sir Hugh, i. 370 ; iv. 154 ; death of, ii. 19, 86 Poll Tax, i. 341 ; ii. 298 Polydore, paintings by, i. 282, 369 Polythore, a musical instrument, i. 354 Pomegranate, a hardy tree, iii. 206 Pordage, Mr., his excellent voice, ii. 203 Pomfret, Mr., his " Life of the Countess of Devonshire," i. 366 n Pons Milvius, i. 174 Pont Neuf, at Paris, i. 44, 258, 259 Pont St. Anne, Paris, i. 45 Pont St. Esprit, at Valence, i. 79 Pontanus, Joh. Jov., chapel of, i. 151 Pontaq. or Pontac, Mons., account of, ii. 180, 326, 387 Ponte, Francisco da (the elder Bassano), paintings by,i. 56, 109, 163 ; ii. 128 , Giacomo da (II Bassano), paint- ings by, i, 164, 202 ; ii. 325, 341 Ponte Sisto, sermon at, i. 136 Pontefract Castle, i. 300 ; siege of (1648), iii. 15, 27, 39, 42, 43 ; iv. 283 n Pontius Pilate, Palace of, i. 78 Pontoise, in Normandy, i. 59 Pontormo, or Poutorno, paintings of, i. 93, 189 Pope, Palaces of, Monte Cavallo, i. Ill, 134 ; Vatican, 127, 137—142 ; Chapel in the Vatican, 139 ; Armoury of, 141 ; procession to St. John de Lateran, 107, 130—132 ; his alms, 140; his tribute from Naples, 161; procession on the Annunciation, 172 ; on Lady Day, &c., 175 ; various cere- monies of the, 175 — 178 Pope, Walter, verses by, ii. 95 n. Popery, Charles I. suspected of encou- raging, iv. 71, 72, 161 Pophara, Colonel, iii. 46 ; house of, i. 289 Porcelain, chimes of, i. 24 Porcupine, description of one, i. 330 Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio Licinio, paintings of, i. 188 Porphyry, statue in, i. 91 Porta, Baccio della (called Fra Barto- loraeo di San Marco), painting by, i. 187 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 425 Poi'ta, Giacomo della, works of, i. 107, 179 Porter, Enrlymion, i. 250 Portland, Dorsetshire, earthquake at^ ii. 339 Portland, Jerome Weston, Earl of, iv. 69, 109 n, 130, 145 , Richai'd Weston, Earl of. Lord Treasurer, ii. 67, 345 n ; iv. 332 and u Portnian, Sir William, Duke of Mon- mouth taken by, ii. 226 Portraore, David Collyer, Earl of, ii. 120 n, 248, 385 Portraits, collected by Lord Clarendon, ii. 36 ; iii. 295, 301 Portsmouth, siege of (1 642), i. 38 ; James IPs visit to (1685), ii. 232 —236 Portsmouth, Duchess of (Mile. Que- rouaille), account of, ii. 53 and n ; her apartments at Whitehall, 102, 187; Morocco Ambassador enter- tained there, 162, 163 ; visited in her dressing-room by the King, 187 ; her apartments burnt, 311 ; alluded to, ii. 63, 98, 206, 210 Portugal, King of, Joam IV. (1644), iv. 136 ; Alphonso VI. (1683), death of, ii. 189 Portugal, earthquake in (1699), ii. 356 Portugallo, Arco, in Rome, i. 168 Portuguese Ambassador (1661), i. 353 ; entry into London (1679), ii. 129 Portus Herculis, i. 82 ; Julius, 158 Postage of Letters, curious particulars of, iv. 239 and n, 258 n Positive, Sir (Sir Robert Howard), ii. 211, 387 Pott, Sir George, his son, i. 332 Potts, John, a Commissiouer at Newport, iv. 185 n Povey, Mr., his house in Lin coin's- inn- fields, i. 380 ; near Brentford, ii. 8 ; alluded to, i. 372 ; ii. 32, 104 ; notice of, ii. 377 Poule, Henry, manager against Viscount Stafford, ii. 151, 152 Poussin, Nicholas, i. 55, 183, 259 ; ii. 203 Powell, Sir John, Justice of the King's Bench, displaced, ii. 276 ; subscription to Greenwich Hospital, 345 n ■ , Capt., i. 205 ; present to Mr. Evelyn, 212, 314 " Power, Essays on the Balance of," ii. 364 n Powis, Mr. Baron, subscription to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 345 n Poyer, Colonel, his loyalty and death, iii. 8 n, 12 n, 37, 48 Pozzo, account of his collection, i. 129 Pozzuolo, i. 157 — 159, IGl Pratoline, villa of Duke of Florence, i. 190 Pratt, Mr., Architect, i. 308 ; a com- missioner for repair of Old St. Paul's, ii. 9 ; built Lord Allington's at Horse- heath, 48 ; Clarendon House, iii. 177 n Pi'ayer, Common, disused in the English churches, i. 250 ; prohibited, 306 ; resti'icted allowance of, 308 ; used again in England, 339 ; ii. 45 ; Reformation of and order for, i. 366 Praxiteles, sculptures by, i. 209 Prerogative Office, writing of Mr. Hoare at, i. 252 Presbyterians in Holland, notice of, i. 22 ; of Scotland, character of, ii. 306 ; disliked by Charles II., iv. 195 Pressing to death inflicted, i. 282 Preston, Lord, ii. 266 ; Secretary of State, 283 ; tried and condemned, 311 ; released, 313 Preston Beckhelvyn, manor of, i. 247, 308 Pretvman, Sir John, house at Dryfield, i. 295 , Mr., uncle of Mrs. Evelyn, i. 246, 249, 290, 295, 307 ; ii. 255 ; iv. 342 Price, Sir Herbert, i. 349 ■ , Dr. John, " History and Mystery of Charles II's Restoration," i. 425 n Prideaux, Dr. Humphrey, ii. 87, 384 ; editor of " Marmora Oxoniensia," 105 , Dr. John, iv. 72 ; made Bishop of Worcester, 82 n Pride's Purge, iv. 185 n Friestman, Mr., subscription to Green- wich Hospital, ii. 344 Primaticcio, Francisco, paintings by, i. 56, 58 Prince of 90 guns, i. 395 ; ii. 75 Prince Frigate, burned, ii. 6, 7 Printing House, the King's, at Paris, i. 50 Printing-types procured by Sir Henry Savill for his " Chrysostom," iii. 300 Prints, collection of, recommended, iii. 304 426 GENERAL INDEX TO Pritchard, Dr. John, Bishop of Glou- cester, sermon of, ii. 104 Privateer of Charles 11. (1649), i. 2o2 Privy Council, various proceedings of, and notices relating to the (1641), iv. 77, 80, 87—89, 103, 106,1 11, 127 ; at Oxford, 143, 144, 150 ; improvement of, recommended to Charles II., 192 ; adopted, 194 Privy Seal, commission for executing the office of (1685), ii. 247 ; proceed- ings of (1686-7), 247—256, 261, 262 Prizes, Royal, taken by Cruizers of Charles II., iv. 259—292 Procession, of the Pope to St. John de Lateran, i. 98, 130 ; of the Conser- vatori, 136 ; of the Zitelle, 136, 175 ; of the Viceroy of Naples, 152 ; of the Pope on the Annunciation, 172 ; of ditto in Lent, 175 ; of Penitents at Rome on Good Friday, 176 ; of Lewis XIV. to Parliament, 268 ; funeral of Ireton, 275 ; of Cromwell, 330 ; Coronation, &c. of Chai'les II., 347 — 350 ; aquatic procession in honour of Catherine, Queen of Charles II., 367 Proger, Mr., notice of, iv. 122 n Pi'ophecies, interpretations of,ii. 297, 307 Pi'osdocimus, St., Bishop of Padua, i. 207 Protestant French Church at Charen- ton, i. 57 Protestants of France, i. 239, 270 ; per- secution of. See Huguenots, Savoy, Vaudois, Waldenses. Prouse, Mr. a mad Fellow of Bahol College, i. 10 Proverb on the women of Venice, i. 203 Proverbs, beautiful MS. of the, i. 291 Prujean, Sir Francis, account of, i. 354 Pryce, Sir John, Governor of Mont- gomery Castle, iv. 145 Prynne, VVilham, I'eview of Dr. Cosins' "Offices," i. 270; speech on evil coun- sellors, iv. 120 n Puckering, Sir Hen., his seat at War- wick, i. 297 Pule, Mr., his fine voice, ii. 349 Puleston, Judge, iv. 284 n Pulsone, Scipione (called Gaetano), paintings by, i. 128 Pulteney, Sir William, ii. 39, 303, 381 Punteus, Jo,, mountebank, i. 353 Pui'ford, Mr. Denzil Onslow's house at, ii. 158 Purgatory, gates of, i. 157 Puteoli (*Pozzolo), i. 157—159, 161 Putney, schools at, i. 250 ; drawings about by Mr. Evelyn, 251 ; etchings of, ii. 396 Putti (boys' heads), paintings of, i. 248, 253, 259 Pye, Sir Walter, i. 251 ; seat of, 293 , Sir Robert, iv. 86 Pym, John, iv. 75—78 n, 108 n ; op- poses the removal of Parliament from London, 90 ; plot against, 126 ; cha- racter of, by Clarendon, 126 n Quakers, the new sect of, i. 315 Queen Mother, INIaria de Medicis, Dowager of France, satirical ballad on, iv. 57 ; her leaving England, 57, 61, 62, 67 ; referred to, 161 Queensberry, Duke of, ii. 221 Quercei, Jacopo, sculpture by, i. 96 Querico, St., notice of, i. 98 Querouaille, Mons., and his lady, ii. 98. See Portsmouth Question given in the Chatelet at Paris, (1650), i. 264, 265 Quine, James, letters, iii. 338, 344 Quinquina, brought into use by Mr. Tudor, ii. 332 Quintin Matsys, the Blacksmith, a painting by, i. 249 Quintinye's " Treatise on Orange Trees," translated by Mr. Evel} n, ii. 396, iii. 332, 337 Quinze- Vingts, Hospital of the, at Paris, i. 49 Rabiniere, Admiral, his death, ii. 76 Racing at Rome, i. 174 RadcUffe, Sir George, i. 254, 255 Radicofani, notice of, i. 98, 184 Raffaelle (Raffaelle Sanzio, di Urbino), paintings by, i. 56, 58, 59, 93, 97, 106, 133, 134, 137, 163—189, 193, 222, 225, 259, 352, 364 ; ii. 109, 175; architecture of, i. 190 ; his burial place, 170 Ragny, Mr., iv. 346 Rainbow, Dr., sermon by, i. 342 Rains remarkable, i. 248, 321, 360 Rainsborough, Colonel, sent against Pontefract Castle, iv. 284 n ; killed, ib. Rainsford, , tmal alluded to, iv. 169 Raleigh, Mr. Carew, son of Sir Walter, i. 329 , Sir Walter, i. 285 ; his cordial, 369 ; portrait, iii. 297, 301 Rand, Dr., notice of, i. 8, 319 Randolfe, letters of, iii. 380 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 427 Ranelagh, Earl of, liis subscription to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 n • , Lady, ii. 307 ; her death, 317, iii. 352 Rapinus, Renatus, translation of his book on Gardens, ii. 8) n Rasp-house at Antwerp, i. 23 Ratcliffe, Sir George, iv. 302 n , Mr., i. 263 Rattle-snakes of Virginia, i. 322 Raven, a white one, i. 330 Ravensbourn Mills, Deptford, ii. 33 Ray, Dr., his book on Fishes, ii. 250 ; noticed, 387 , Mr. (Rea), on the culture of flowei's, ii. 393 Reading, Sir Robert, ii. 120, 192 " Reason in Brute Animals," by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 392 Rebellion, breaking out of the Irish, i. 38 Reccij, Andrea, niezzo-relievo by, i. 206 Recusants, Parliament orders the dis- arming of, &.C. (1641), iv. 52 n, 60, 109, 119, 126, 334 n Red Lion inn, at Guildford, i. 286 Reeves, Dr., sermon by, i. 361 — , famous for perspective, i. 278 Regalia of the Pope, i. 1 39 Regency, debate respecting (1 689), ii. 290 Reggio, Sign. Pietro, musician, ii. 198 " Rehearsal," by Duke of Buckingham, ii. 67 ** Religion, History of the True, " by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 394 Remonstrance of the House of Com- mons (1641), proceedings upon, iv. 117, 119, 125, 130, 133 Rencia, Anna, singer, i. 205, 216 Rennes, Parliament of, ari-ests a servant of Charles IL (1659), iv. 322 Retz, John Francis Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de, intrigues of, iv. 319 n Revels in the Middle Temple (1642), i. 38 ; (1667), ii. 32 ; Inner Temple (1697), 348 ; at Lincoln's Inn (1661), i. 359; at Court (1661), ib ; (1668), ii. 32 Revenue, Royal, examined by the Par- liament (1641), iv. 74 Review, of the Gens d'Arraes at Paris, i. 66 ; in Hyde Park (1663), 374 Revolution of 1688, distracted Councils at, ii. 287 Reynaldo, Prince, ii. 89 Reynolds, Dr. Edward, Bishop of Nor- wich, sermon by, i. 322 ; his conse- cration, 344 Reynolds, Colonel, iii. 52 Rheni, Guido, paintings by, i. 109, 128, 143, 173, 193, 282 , Caval. Giuseppe, i. 113, 125 Rheymes, Col. Bullein, i. 385, ii. 76 Rhinoceros, the first in England, ii. 199 " Rhodes, Siege of," an opera, i. 359 Rhodomante, Sign. Paulo, of Venice, i. 196 Rialto, at Venice, i. 197 Rich, Sir Robert, subscription to Green- wich Hospital, ii. 344 , Mr., feast at Lincoln's Inn, i. 390 , Earl of "Warwick, iii. 1 5 ,Sir Edward, iii. 251 , a rebel, i. 313 Richard, St., an English King, epitaph at Lucca, i, 185 Richard III., King of England, tomb of, i. 298 Richards, Mr., iv. 260, 290, 292, 295 Richardson, Sir Thomas, Chief Justice, i. 7 n ■ , Rev. Richard, letter, iii. 386 , fire-eater, feats of, ii. 79 Richelieu, town of, i. 74 Richelieu, Armand du Plessis, Cardinal Due de, his villa at Rueli, i. 53 ; at Richelieu, 75 ; Palais Cardinal, 254; prophecy respecting the Stuarts, iv. 312 ; his life noticed, 312, 315 ; al- luded to, 1 75 n Richett, Mr., engraver, i. 284 Richmond, James Stuart, Duke of, funeral (1641), i. 15 — , James Stuart, Duke of Lennox and Duke of (1641), his character, iv. 69 n ; noticed, 50 n, 80, 87—92, 113, 114, 124, 129, 135, 140—144 jCharles Stuart, Duke of (1663), i. 374, ii. 91 ; dies ambassador to Denmark, 91 n, 102 , Duchess of, iv. 33 , Duke of, natural sou of Charles II., ii. 162, 195, 199 , Countess of, mother to Henry VII., i. 303 Riding schools at Paris, i. 66, 256 Rilie, Sir Hugh, i. 255 Ringingborough, Colonel, iv. 180 Rings, inflammable, i. 182 Roane, notice of, i. 77, 243 Roberts, Dr. William, Bishop of Bangor, iv. 99 and n 428 GENERAL IXDEX TO Robin Hood's Well, i. 300 llobinson,Sir Johu,i. 314, 373; pageant of, 370 n Roclie Corb^, Castle at, i. 73 Roches, of Poictiers, Catherine de, iii. 245 Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, a prophaue wit, ii, 53 — — — , Laurence Hyde, Earl of. Commissioner of the treasury, ii. 138 ; a favourite at Court, 169 ; made Earl, 170 ; his daughter mai'ried, ib ; Presi- dent of the Council, 199 ; alluded to, 204 ; Lord Treasurer, 211 ; his oppo- sition to William and Mary, 293 ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 3b" 3 , Countess of (1664—1686), i. 383 ; ii. 217, 255 Rochester, City of, bequests to the, i. 386 n , Deanery of, vacated (1641), iv. 83 Rogers, Dr., Consul in Padua University, i. 211 ; account of, ii. 169; Harveian oration of, ib Rohan, Mademoiselle de, iv. 339 n Rokeby, Mr. Justice, subscription to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 345 n Rolsies, notice of the, i. 82 Roman Catholics (1678), banished, iii. 251 ; machinations of (1686-7), ii. 253, 261, 263 Roman Medals found near Bansted, i . 329 Roman Money, observations on, i. 182 Roman Painting at Cardinal Borghese's, i. 133 Roman Temple at Leicester, i. 298 Romano, Julio, paintings by, i. 1 39, 282; ii. 341 , , Paris, i. 113 Roma Soterrdnea, account of, i. 176 Roma Triumphans, at Tivoli, i. 181 Rome, description of, and events in, (1644-5), i. 101—146,163—183, 228; Farnese Palace, 102, 143 ; temples of Peace, Jupiter, Romulus, Faustina, 103; arch of S. Severus, the Capitol, 104—106 ; AraCoeli, 106 ; Barberini Palace, 107 ; Jesuits' Church, ib ; Medici Palace and Gardens, 108, 133; Chiesa Nova, 108, 132, 136 ; Prince Ludovisio's villa, 109 ; Signor Ange- loni's study, 110, 163 ; Monte Cavallo, and the Pope's Summer Palace, 110, 134 ; Dioclesian's baths, Fontana delle Therme, and Church of St. Susanna, 111; Church of Maria della Vittoria, and Mont Alto's Villa, 112; Churches of SS. Agnes and Constanza, ih ; Via Felix, ; St. Maria MagLiiore, 113, j 114; St, Prudentia, and Praxedeis, I 114 ; arch of Titus, 115 ; Sta. Maria ^ Nova and Amphitheatre of Vespasian, 115; arch of Constantine, 116; St. Gregorioand Villa Borghesi, 117, 118, 133, 178 ; St. Peter's and Obelisk dedicated to Julius Csesar, 118 — 124 ; Crypt of St. Peter's, 135 ; Baptistery of St. John, 124 ; Seala Sancta and Obelisk, 1 25 ; St. John de Lateran, 124 — 128 ; collection of Cavali6ro Pozzo, 129 ; St. Pietro in vincolis,ti ; procession of the Pope to St. John de Lateran, 1 30; fireworks, 131 ; Jesuits' College, 132 ; collection of H. Vitellesco, ib ; Ghisi Palace, 1 34, 1 63 ; St. Mary's, 135 ; ceremonies on Christmas Eve, ib ; Zitelle, Ghetto, and ceremony of Circumcision, 136 ; the Vatican, 1 1 8, 1 37— 1 42 ; St. Paul's, 142 ; Trie Fontana, 143 ; St. Cecilia's, 163; Temples and Mons Testaceus, 164 ; St. Maria in Navicula, Horti Mathaei, 165; St. Sebastian's, 166; Hospital of Pellerini della S. Trinita, 167 ; Palace of Cardinal Spada, ib ; Piazza Navona, 168 ; Church of the Capuchins, ib ; Pantheon, 169 ; Monasteries, 170; Mausoleum Augusti, 171 ; St. Andrea della Valle, ib ; Trajan's Column, 172 ; St. Cross, of , Jerusalem, 172; St. Lawi'ence, 173; Carnival, 1 74 ; Pope's portions to the Zitelle, 136, 175 ; Roma Sub- ; terranea, 176 ; Opera by Prince Gallicano, 177 ; Frascati, 179 ; Cas- cade of the Anio, 181 ; Roman coins and medals, 182 ; extent of Rome, 183 ; drawings made between Rome , and Naples by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 396 ; Romney, Lord, his offices, ii. 338, 363 ; f subscription to Greenwich Hospital, , 344 n , Ronquillo, Don Pietro, visit of Mr. i Evelyn to, ii. 155 ; Ronsard, Pierre de, his burial place, i. 73 ; Rooke, Admiral Sir George, squadron e of, ii. 340 ; Spanish galleon taken by, 369 ; subscription to Greenwich Hos- I, pital, 344 n I, , Laurence, pendulum invented e by, ii. 9 ; account of, 378 I, Rookwood, at Low Layton, Essex, i. 332 I, Rookwood, Sir T., ii. 64 s Rose, Mr. (King Charles's gardener), THE DIARY xVXD CORRESPONDENCE. 429 painting of, i. 353 n ; his " English Vineyard Vindicated," ii. 395 Roses, instances of dislike to, ii. 47 -, essence and oils of, iii. 110 Ross, tutor to Duke of Monmouth, ii. 229 n Rosse, Lord, divorce of, ii. 45 , Alexander, divine and poet, i. 252, 284 ; notice of, 406 ; letters to Mr, Evelyn, iii. 56, 57 Rosso (old), gallery painted by, i. 59 Rothem, Sir J., iii. 377 Rotheuhamer, painting by, i. 249 Rotheram, Sir John, Serjeant, ii. 322, 327, 341 Rotherhithe, di-eadful fire at (1699), ii. 353 Rotiere, Mons,, his excellence in graving, ii. 119, 385 Rotterdam, the fair at (1641), i. 20 Rouen, account of, Cathedral, i. 60 ; Church of St. Ouen, ib , Archbishop of, palace at Gaillon, i. 59 Roupel, Mons., of Paris, i. 285 Roxalana (Mrs. Davenport), an actress so called, i. 359, ii. 379 Royal Excliange, London, built, ii. 89 " Royal Slave," a play, i, 421 Royal Society, origin of, iii. 347 ; shows Charles II. an eclipse of Saturn, i. 351 ; incorporated, 354, 367 ; mace and arms, 367, 368 ; first anniversary, 377 ; the King's pi'esent to the, 379 ; statutes prepared, 386 ; allusions to the Society in 1665, iii. 167 ; meet at Arundel House, ii. 20, 89 ; Cowley's poem on, iii. 194 ; Ai'undel Library presented by Mr. Howard, ii. 20, 38, 122 ; iii. 306 ; Mr. Evelyn presents Tables of Veins, Arteries, and Nei'ves, i. 217 ; ii. 31, 367; College for, de- signed at Arundel house, 32; Mr. Evelyn's 2;ift of bricks, 33 ; History of the Silkworm given to the, 38 ; Mr. Evelyn chosen Secretary, 80 ; meets again at Gresham College, 89 ; regulations respecting electing Fellows, 162 ; Roman urn pi'esented to, 242 ; experiments relative to earthquakes, iii. 325 Royalty, or Masquerade, at Telling (1654-5), iv. 224 Royston, Richard, iii. 68, 74, 1 14 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul, paintings by, i. 31, 34 ; ii. 325 j his Views in Genoa, i. 85 Rubies, King Charles I.'s collar of, iv- 69, 74, 83. 85, 90, 98, 103, 178 Rudyard, Sir Benjamin, iv. 133 n ; opposes sending the Iinsh regiments to Spain, 54 n Ruell, Richelieu's palace at, i. 53 Rufus, William, coin of, iii. 344 Rugini, Signer, of Venice, his collection, i. 214 Rump Parliament dispersed, i. 333 ; dissolved by Monk, 335 Rupert, Prince, references to, i. 345, 346, 362 ; ii. 5, 24, 51 ; iv. 136, 232, 236 n, 276 n, 340 n, 351 ; Charles I.'s directions to, before the battle of Marston Moor, 140 ; letters, to Earl of Essex about pass for Royal Com- missioners to Parliament (1644), 143; to Sir Edward Nicholas, on the royal cause (1645), 153 ; forced to quit Bath, 153, 156 ; surrenders Bristol, 162 — 165 ; Charles I.'s proceedings against, in consequence, 163; quarrels with Lord Digby about defeat at Sher- bourne, 165 n ; naval proceedings for Charles IL (1651), 353 ; (1652), 237 and n, 256, 257 ; (1653), 267, 268 n ; governed by Sir E. Herbert, 270 n ; Master of the Horse (1653), 274 n, 298 n ; is nearly drowned in the Seine, 282 ; allusions to, concerning prizes to Charles IL, iii. 39, 44, 51 ; iv. 256, 257 n, 267 n, 274 n, 279, 280, 283, 287, 293, 294, 296 Rush worth, John, his " Historical Col- lections" referred to, iv. 61, 68, 73 notes Russell, Lord William, apprehended, ii. 178 ; tried and condemned, 179 ; be- headed, 182, 189, 2-28 , Colonel (uncle of Lord), ii. 183 , William, embalming practised by, ii, 165 , Admiral, Edward, Earl of Ox- ford, quarrel v.ith Lord Nottingham, ii. 322 ; put aside, 323 ; restored, 326 Russell, Catholic Bishop of Cape Verde, i. 358 Russell family, possessions of, in Blooms- bury, i. 389 n Russian Ambassador, entrance of (1662), i. 370, 371 ; audience of, 372 ; takes leave, 374 ; curious waterfowl pre- sented by, to Charles II., 389 ; audi- ence of (1667), ii. 28, 29, (1681) 160 Rustate, Tobias, benefactions of, ii. 142 430 GENERAL Rutland, John Manners, Earl of, iv. 1 80 n " Rutler's Work on Bees " noticed, iii. 76 Ruvigne', Henry de, Marquis, Earl of Galway, account of, ii. 257 ; alluded to, 265, 301 ; his son, 257 n Rycaut, Sir Paul, ii. 244 Rye, Sussex, embargo at (1652), i. 279 Ryegate, Lady Peterboi'ough's house at, i. 308 Rye-house Plot detected, ii. 178 ; de- claration concerning, 183 ; thanks- giving, ib Ryswick, seat of the Prince of Orange, i. 21 Sacheverell, Mr., manager on Lord Stafford's trial, ii. 151 Sacraments disused in the English churches, i. 250 Sacristy at St. Denis, i. 42 Sadlington, Captain, iv. 276 and n Saffron brought from Greece, iii. 259 Saffron Walden, Essex, famous for saf- fron, i. 305 ; ii. 49 Sailor, fortitude of, under amputation, ii. 72 St. Adriano at Rome, i. 103 St. Agues at Rome, i. 1 12 St. Alban's, Henry Jermyn, Earl of, i. 339, 356, 366 ; ii. 2 ; house at By- fleet, 121 ; account of him (1683), 184 ; porti-ait, iii. 301 , Duke of (sou of Charles IL), ii. 195, 199 St. Ambrose at Milan, i. 227 St. Ambrosio at Genoa, i. 87 St. Angelo, notices of, i. 163, 249 St. Anne, London, ii. 264 St. Anthony at Padua, i. 206 St. Bartholomew at Rome, i. 164 St. Baume, i. 82 St. Bernard at Rome, i. 1 1 1 St. Carlo at Rome, i. 1 1 3 St. Catharine of Sienna, i. 97 St. Catharine's cell at Sienna, i. 1 84 Sta. Cecilia, church and bath, at Rome, i. 164 St. Chapelle, Paris, i. 48 ; at Bourges, 76 ; at Bourbon I'Arehambaut, t6 St. Christopher, colossal statue of, i. 46 St. Clement's Church, London, ii. 200 St. Clere, Kent, descent of the Evelyns of, Pedigree, ii. 397 St. Clere, Mous., of Paris, collections of, i. 259 St. Cloes, house of Archbishop of Paris at, i. 52 INDEX TO St. Cloud, Paris, referred to, i. 253 Sta. Constanza at Rome, i. 112 St. Croix at Orleans, i. 68 St. Cross at Rome, described, i.l73 ; at Lucca, 185 St.Denys, Paris, i. 42—44,252 St. Dominic at Naples, i. 151 ; at Floi'- ence, 192 St. Francis, Genoa, i. 87 ; at Siemia, 98 St. Genevieve, Paris, i. 49 St. George's, Hanover-square, ii. 314 St. Germain, Naples, natural stoves of, i. 156 St. Germain, Mons., i. 257 St. Germains, English Court at, i. 245, 253 ; referred to, 267 St. Germain's en Laye, i. 52, 54, 257 St. Giovanni, Baptistery of, i. 89 St. Giovanni e Paula, i. 128 St. Gratian, Tours, i. 71 St. Gregorio in Monte Celio, i. 116 St. Gregory, by St. Paul's, London, i. 308 ; iii. 66 n St. Honore, Island of, i. 82 St. Innocent's, Paris, i. 65 St. James's Chapel, i. 360 St. James's Church, Piccadilly, ii. 201 St. James's, library at, ii. 338, iii. 305 St. James's Park, skating in, i. 372 ; collection of rare beasts and fowls in, 389 ; iii. 136 St. James's possessed by the rebels (1650), i. 260 ; improvement of (1662), 365 St. Jean, Lyons, i. 77 St. John, Church of, at Genoa, i. 87 ; at Bologna, 193 St. John's College, Oxford, i. 292 , Cambridge, i. 303 St. John di Laterano, Church of, at Rome, description of, i. 124 — 128 ; procession of the Pope to, &c., 130 — 132, 176 St. John, Lord, ii. 39 ,Sir Walter, i. 383 • , son of Sir Walter, murder by, ii. 202 , regicide, i. 302 Sta. Justina, Church of, at Padua, i. 207 St. Laurence at Rome, i. 173 St. Lawrence at Genoa, i. 87; at Flo- rence, 189 St. Leger, Lady, antipathy to roses, ii. 47 St. Lorenzo at Padua, i. 206 St. Mai'garet, Island of, i. 82 Sta. Maria Maggiore, at Rome, i. 1 1 3, 135 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 431 Sta. Maria sopra la Minerva, at Rome, i. 136, 172 Sta. Maria, at Venice, i. 209 Sta. Maria in Navicula, i. 165. Sta. Maria della Pieta nel Colisseo,i. 116 Sta. Maria Schola Graeca, i. 164 Sta. Maria della Ilotonda, i. 169 Sta. Maria della Vittoria, at Rome, i. 1 12 Sta. Maria Nova, at Rome, i. 115 St. Mark, at Rome, i. 172; at Venice, Piazza, 198 ; Church, 199 ; Tower, 202 St. Martin, Tours, i. 71 St. Mary's, Oxford, ii. 40 St. Maurice in Switzerland, i. 237 fet. Michael, Island of, near Venice, i. 212 St. Michael in Bosco, at Bologna, i. 193 St. Nicholas in Carcere, i. 166 St. Paul's Cathedral (old). King's statue at, thrown down, i. 251 ; surveyed for repairs, ii. 9 ; destruction of, by the great fire of London, 9—13 St. Paul's Cathedral, deanery vacated (1641), iv. 83 ; carving of Gibbon in, ii. 57 n ; choir finished, 332 ; opened for public service, 348 ; pubhc library recommended at, iii. 309; made stables for horses, 33 St. Paul's, Church of, near Rome, i. 142 St. Peter's at Rome, piazza before, i. 118 ; description of, 120—124 ; chapels in, 120 ; ecclesiastical mem- bers of, 124 ; dimensions, 194 ; crypt, 135 ; service on Good Friday and Easter Day, 175, 176 St. Peter's at Geneva, i. 242 St. Pietro d' Arena, i. 88 St. Pietro de Vincoli, at Rome, i. 106, 129 St. Praxedeis at Rome, i. 1 1 4 St. Prudentia, at Rome, i. 1 1 4 St. Ruth, General, slain, ii. 315 St. Sabina, at Rome, i. 164 St. Saviour, at Aix, i. 80 St. Sebastian's, at Rome, i. 128, 166 Sto. Spirito, at Florence, i. 92 St. Stephen's, at Bourges,i. 75 ; at Pisa, 89 ; Paris, ii. 255 St. Susanna, Church of, at Rome, i. 1 1 1 St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, i. 386 St. Victoire, at Aix, i. ^1 St. Vincent's Rock, Bristol, i. 290 Sala del Conclave, i. 138 Saladine, Mons., i. 239—243 Salisbury Cathedral, i. 294 ; Plain and City, ib ; Stonehenge, 295 Salisbury, Earls of, their palace at Hat- field, i. 39 ; William Cecil, Earl of, iv. 185 n Sallust, Caius Crispus, his viridarium and gardens, i. 109, 111 Salt-houses at Rome, i. 164 Saltpetx-e, commission for regulating, &c., ii. 7 ; mine of, iv. 61 Salt water, rivulet of, at Pistoia, i. 186 Salvatico, Dr., of Padua, i. 215, 218 Saludadors of Spain, impostures of, ii. 233 Salviati, Francisco Rossi, called II Salviati, works of, i. 102, 168 Salutation, picture of the, i. 187 Samai'itan fountain at Paris, i. 258 Sampion, Mount, i. 233, 236, 237 Samuel, Mr., architect, ii. 48 San Bernardo, mountain of, i. 230 Sancroft, Dr. William, Archbishop of Canterbury, ii. 244,254, 256,257, 269, 299,332; sermon of, 3; aCommissioner for repair of Old St. Paul's, 9 ; a Com- missioner for Ecclesiastical Affairs, 256 ; refuses to sit, 257 ; required to publish a declaration of abhorrence of the invasion, 284 ; meeting of Bishops at Lambeth, 286 ; Mr. Evelyn's letter to, 281, 287 ; protests against the crown being given to William III., 293 ; refuses to attend Parliament (1689), 295; conversation with (1689), 296 ; deprived, 301, 312, 313 ; advice to Dr. Beveridge, 312 Sanctuary, man entex's St. Martin's chui'ch for, ii. 265 Sanders, Captain, ii. 235 Sanderson, Sir William, ii. 107, 384 , Dr. Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, sermon of, i. 334 ; portrait, iii. 301 Sands, ti-avelling, account of, ii. 115 Sandwich, Edward Montague, Lord Admiral, Earl of, i. 395—397; ii. 46 ; his courage, i, 399 ; ii. 6, 33 ; at Madrid, 36 ; President of Commission of Trade, 58—61 ; death at battle of Solebay, 75 ; character of, 75, 76 ; funeral, 77 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, on Spanish horticulture, iii. 201, 205; portrait of, iii. 301 Sandwich, town of, i. 388 Sandys, Edwin, Archbishop of York, letter of, iii. 380 Sandys, Rev. Mr., ii. 357 Sansoviuo, Jacopo, sculpture by, i. 168, 432 GENERAL INDEX TO 170, 201, 202, 206 ; Piazza of St. Mark by, 199 ; his burial place, ib Santa Clara, Fra. de, miracle related by, ii. 233 Sapienzaat Rome, i. 171 Saracin, ^NIous., goldsmith, of Paris, 1.51, 403 Sarto,Del( AndreaVannucchi), paintings by, i. 59, 93, 187, 188, 189, 328 ; burial place, 187 Saturn, eclipse of, &c. (1660), i. 351 Saville,Sir George (Marquis of Halifax), son of Sir Henry, i. 369 . , Sir Henry, i. 369 ; types pro- cured by, for his edition of " Chry- sostom," destx'oyed, iii. 300 ; MSS. of, 307 , Mr. Henry, Vice-chamberlain, ii. 45, 211 , Countess of Monte Feltre, ii. 183 Saul, Mrs., letter to, from Mrs. John Evelyn, iv. 36 Saumeurs, Mons , i. 253 Savona, town, cape, and passage of, i. 83 Savoy, persecuted Christians of, collec- tions for, i. 308 ; ii. 302 Savoy, Duke of, his persecution of Pro- testants, ii. 253, 302 ; remits his cruelties, 307 Savoy Hospital, sick and wounded lodged at, i. 394 ; ii. 8 ; French Church of the, 45 Saxe-Gotha, Duke of, ii. 258 Say and Sele,Winiam Fiennes, Viscount, iv. 185 n Sayes Court, Deptford, Mr. Evelyn's house, i. 246—250, 282—284, 343, 351, 353, 374 ; garden at, i. 293 ; ii. 175, 193 ; let to Peter the Great, 349; to Lord Carmarthen, 364 Sayers, John, iv. 224 Scala Saucta, at Rome, i. 194 Scaliger, Joseph, ii. 175 ; his burial place, i. 26 , Julius Csesar, statue of, i. 222 ; his eulogy of Verona, ib Scaligeri, "Princess of Verona, monu- ment of, i. 222 Scaraniuccio, Italian, performance at Whitehall, ii. 102 Scarborough, Dr. Sir Charles, i. 283 ; ii. 45 ; library, 334 ; notice of, i. 409 Scawen, Sir William, M.P. for Surrey, ii. 375 n Scheld, curious notices of the, i. 33 Schomberg, Frederick, Duke of, Marshal, ii. 300 ; iv. 250 ; death, ii. 308 Schonaich's Protestant nunnery, iii. 131 Schools, various notices of, abroad, i. 26, 32, 171, 211, 243 ; in England, i. 250, 290. See University Schotti, Gaspar, a scholar of Father Kircher, i. 108 ; notice of, 404 Scipio, Publius Cornelius Africanus, statue of, i. 75 Sclater, Edward, cui'ate of Putney, ii. 252 n Sconvelt, Nicholas, famous for his lutes, i. 194 ^' Scornful Lady," performance of, i. 345 Scotch Army, employed against Irish Rebels (1541), iv. 122, 125 ; enters England (1644), 135 n, 136 ; besieges York, 141 n ; in Wales (1645), 155 ; promise given by the King I'especting, 174 ; exacted by King Charles on going to them, 183 Scot, Major, i. 336 , regicide, executed,]. 341 Scotland, King Charles I.'s expedition to (1641) iv. 49 n ; his reception there, 50 ; negotiations with the Par- liament of, 51 n ; Parliamentary commissioners sent to, 56, 59 n, 65, 66, 75 n, 91 ; notices concerning Par- liament of, 70, 78 — 81 ; treaty for, 135 ; proceedings concerning, 139 ; intrigues of Finance with, 173 ; dis- pute with the English independents, 233, 234 ; King Charles II.'s expedi- tion to (1650), 194 n ; various tidings from (1651), 352, 353 ; Commissioners for the Union of, ii. 55 ; conduct of theBishopsof (1689), 287; declaresfor William and Mary, 297 ; Scots Com- missioners offer the Ci'owu on condi- tions, 298 ; Episcopacy again voted down in, 300 ; Pi'esbyterians of, 306 Scots troops in France (1648), iv. 337 ; (1650) i. 260 ; Parliament against their settling in Darien, ii. 358 Scott, Sir Edward, iii. 319 , Sir Thomas, and his seat Scott's Hall, i. 375 , Lady Catherine (daughter of Earl of Norwich), i. 252, 260, 406 Scotus de la Marca, painting by, i, 369 Scribes in St. Innocent's Church-yard, i. 65 Scriptures, notices of ancient copies of the, i. 92, 140, 243, 308 Scriveners, Company of, ii. 116 u THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 433 Scroope, Adrian, regicide, executed, i. 341 , Lady, ii. 188 Scrope, Sir Andrew, i. 373 Scudamore, Mr., i. 252, 284 Sculptors, in Rome, i. 182 ; in Florence, 190 "Sculptura," by Mr. Evelyn (1662), i. 344, 346, 364 ; ii. 392, 396 Sea, destruction by, in Holland, i. 17 Sea-coal, project of charring, i. 316 Seas, Dominion of, and Fishery, iii. 267—271 Sebastian's, St., edict against the British, iv. 317, 318 Second sight, instance of, ii. 233 Sedan, a town, i. 28 Sedans introduced into England, i. 162 Sedley, Sir Charles, ii. 248 n ; his daughter Catherine, Countess of Dor- chester, 84 n, 248 " Sedum Arborescens," i. 159 Seeds, the imbibition of, iii. 254 Selden, John, his " Titles of Honour," i. 309 ; executor of, ii. 28 ; portrait, iii. 301 ; library, 306 ; on the Act of Oblivion, iv. 56 Seleniscope, i. 285 Self-denying Act, contest about, ii. 322 Sembrador, brought out of Spain, ii. 36 Senate, or State House at Delft, i. 21 ; at Amsterdam, 22 ; at Antwerp, 32 ; at Brussels, 34 ; at Sienna, 96 ; at Lucca, 185 ; at Venice, 201 ; at Brescia, 223 Senatan, Mons., of Paris, i. 264 Sensitive Plant, experiments on, i. 353 Senten, Bastian, gallantry of, iii. 240 Septalla, Signor, collection of, i. 228 Septuagint l^criptures noticed, i. 309 Sepulchral Monuments, i. Introduction, xxxiv.— xl., 160-174, 254 ; ii. 364 " Seraphic Love," remarks on Mr. Boyle's, iii. 121—126 Sermon, in blank verse, i. 390 ; an hour and a half long, ii. 1 40 ; old-fashioned sermon, 181 Sei'moneta, Da (Girolamo Siciolante), painting by, i. 128 Seven Dials, building of, ii. 332 " Severall Proceedings," a journal (1652), iv. 253, 258, 276 notes Severus, Lucius Septimius, Emperor of Rome, arch of, i. 104 ; baths, 164 Sewers, Commission of, i. 330, 373 Sextons, remarkable instance of lon- gevity in, i. 301 VOL. IV. Sextus Empiricus, iii. 88 Sextus IV., Pope, his statue, i. 124 Sextus v., horses on Monte Cavallo, re- paired by, i. Ill ; aqueduct, ih ; chapel, 113; Constantino's pillar re- erected by, 126 ; Vatican partly built by, 137 ; destroys the Septizonium, 165 ; Augustine Obelisk set up by, 171 ; statue of St. Peter on Trajan's column, 172 Seymour, Mr., i. 308 — , Mr. Conyers (son of Sir Edw^ard), killed in a duel, ii. 353 , Mr., impeaches Earl of Clarendon, ii. 31 , Mr., speech on elections (1685), ii. 223 ' , Sir Edward, ii. 325 ; notice of, 366 , Francis, Lord, summoned by the Queen, iv. 84; notice of the family, 1 02 n ; his house at Marlborough, i. 289 ; referred to, iv. 135 n, 143 Sfrondseti, Cardinal Francisco, church built by, i. 163 Shaen, Sir James, ii. 105 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, ii. 36, 70, 80, 84 ; president of Council for Plantations, 78, 80 ; anecdote of Lord Cliffoi'd related by, 87, 88 ; crafty conduct of, ii. 1 80 Shakspeare, William, illustration from, i. 169 ; portrait of, iii. 301 Sharp, Mr. Samuel, surgeon, ii. 79 n ■ , Dr. John (Ai-chbishop of York), noticed, ii. 388 ; preaches against Romanists, 255, 257; sermon before the Commons (1689), 291 ; other ser- mons of, 328, 341 Shaw, Sir John, house at Eltham, i. 380; iv. 42, 43 Shawsey Island, iv. 272 n Sheen, Abbey of, ii. 122, 272 Sheep, remarkable one, i. 287 Sheerness, arsenal at, ii. 6 ; fortified, 25, 71 ; curiosities dug up at, 34 Sheldon, Dr. Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury, i. 376 ; Theatre, &c., at Oxford, built by, 384 ; ii. 39 ; alluded to, i. 359, 368, 370, 375, 397 ; ii. 7, 35, 39, 73, 77 ; monument, 361 ; por- tx-ait of, iii. 301 ; sermon of, i. 345 — — — , Mr. Edward, ii. 327 , Ralph, collection of coins, ii. 200 ; iii. 300 , Mr. (nephew of Archbishop), his house, ii. 121 F F 434 GENERAL Sheldon, Mrs. Mary, iii. 108 ii Sherard, Lord, ii. 47 Sheere, Mr. Duncomb's house at, ii. 110 Shei'iffs pf Counties, their retinue, i. 6 ; of London, disputes on the choice ot (1641), iv. 55 n ; bill for, HI Sherlock, Dr. William, ii. 244 Sherwin, Mr., trial with Sir Walter Clarges, ii. 3G0 Sherwood Forest, account of, i. 299 Ship of 96 guns built by Cromwell, i. 307 Ship-building, art of, ii. 164 ; plans for improving, i. 358, 367, 378, 386 ; ii. 83, 95 Siiips, curious models of, i. 25 ; at Venice, 208 ; captured (1665), 3.>7 ; destroyed in war &e., 391, 393 ; ii. 6, 7, 25 ; ibr protecting commerce, iv. 61 Shipwreck, wonderful story of a, i. 84 Si'irley, James, his " Young Admiral," i. 370 , Mrs., i. 332 Shish, Mr. , vessel built by, i. 32 ; account of, ii. 142; vessel built by his sou, 174 Shoes, various fashions of, ii. 44 Shooter's Hill, mineral w-aters at,ii. 354 Shore, Sir Bartholomew, ii. 211 n Short, Dr., consulted by Charles IL, ii. 332 Shotover, Sir Timothy Tyri'ell's house at, i. 383 ; ii. 99 Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Earl of, ii. 135 ; portrait of, iii. 301 , the abandoned Countess of, ii. 67, 133 Duke of, a Commissioner for Greenwich Hospital, ii. 335 ; his subscription, 344 n ; retires from Lord Chamberlainship, 360 Shute, Mr., iv. 72 and n ; " Sidney Papers " referred to, 204 n Sibbaid, Sir Robert, ii. 255 u Sibylla of Cuma, i. 159 Siciliano, Jacomo, painting by, i. 112 Sick and Wounded, and Prisoners of War, Commissioners appointed, i. 385; their seal &c., 386 ; proceedings of the Commissioners (1664-1673), 386 —399 ; ii.2— 88 ; iii. 166—186 Sidney, Lord, offices in Ireland, ii. 309, 311, 326 ; noticed, 389 , Algernon, appi'ehended, ii, 178; beheaded, 190 ; character of, 180 ; alluded to, 194 ; story of, 229 u , Sir Philip, i. 282 ; portrait, iii. 301 IXDEX TO Sidney, Lady Dorothy (Waller's Sacha- rissa), i. 282 and n , Colonel Robert, alleged father of the Duke of Monmouth, ii. 229 Sienna, Baltazzar di, arch by, i. 96 Sienna, account of, i. 96 — 98, 184 ; towers of, 96 ; courts of, ih ; Uni- versity, ih \ Church and Cathedral, 97, 184 ; Hospital, 97 ; St. Francis' Church &c., 98 Siglitsman at Rome, i. 102 Silhon, M., work of mentioned, iii. 72 Silk stockings, engine for weaving, i. 351 Silver, bells, i. 25 ; bedsteads and tables, 86 ; lamps, 95 Simon, Father Richard, his " Histoire Critique," iii. 264 Simons, Abraham, medal engraver, &c., i. 285 Simson, Mr., agate cup in his possession, i. 307 Singers in Rome, i. 183 Sion, Switzerland, i. 235 Sion, Earl of Northumberland's seat, i. 396 Sirani, Isabella, painter, i. 1 93, 404 Sissac, Marquis de, loss of at play, ii. 107 Skaits, introduction of, into England, i. 372 Skinner, Dr. Robert, Bishop of Bristol (1641), iv. 99 and n Skippon, Sir Philip, his account of Wotton's early talents, ii. 130 n , Serjeant-Major-General, Philip, iii. 17, 20, 25, 29 ; iv. 110 n Skipwith, Sir Fulmar, iv. 135 and n Sky, remarkable appearance in (1643), i. 39 Slauiug, Sir Nicholas, marriage, i. 370 Slaves at Marseilles, i. 80, 81 ; at Leg- horn, 90 Slayer, Di"., chemical experiment by, ii. 245 Slingsby, Sir Arthur, goes to Paris, i. 252 ; his lottery, 380 ; character of, 381 ; governor of Portsmouth, ii. 236, 378 , Mr., Master of the Mint, i. 368 ; Commissioner for repair of Old St. Paul's, ii. 9 ; his house at Burrow Green, 47 ; Secretary to Council for Trade, 59 ; a lover of music, 94, 137 ; alluded to, i. 371 ; ii. 47, 107, 119, 135, 200, 378 ; his decayed cir- cumstances, 270 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 435 Sloane, Sir Hans, Secretary to Royal Society, ii. 350, 389 ; his collection, 312 Small-pox, ravages of (1 646), i. 238, 239 ; (1660), 341 ; (1685), ii. 212, 215; (1694), 333 Smith, Capt., iv. 120 ; his gallantry at battle of Edge-hill (1642), 104 , Sir Jer., bravery of, ii. 83 , Mr. Robert, marriage of, i. 282 , Mr. (Commissioner of Trea- sury), his subscription to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 , Mr. John, Speaker of the House of Commons, ii. 376 , Dog, benefactor to Surrey, iii. 342 , Mr., speech on election of offi- cers, iv. 100 aiid n Smithfield, woman burned in (1652), i. 278 Smyrna Fleet, attack on (1672), ii. 69, 75 ; earthquake at Smyrna, ii 280 " Smyrna Imposter," the author of, iii. 241 Smyth, Capt, iv, 272, 300, 309 ; taken prisoner by the rebels, 309 n Snake, Virginian rattle-snake, i. 322 Snape, Andrew, King's farrier, father of Dr. Snape, ii. 1 74 Snatt, Edward, school-master at South- over, i. 5 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 95 ; his son a nonjuring clergyman, ii. 341 Sneiders, paintings by, i. 56 Snow s in the Alps, i. 234 Snow'-Avater, its effects in the Alps, i. 232 Soames, Sir William, Ambassador to Constantinople, ii. 232 Society for Propagating the Gospel, ii. 368 Soiret, Mons., iv. 220, 223 Solan geese, notice of, i. 390 Soldiers, spoliations of the Parlia- mentary, i. 301 ; quartering of, in pri- vate houses, ii. 230 " Solitude, Essay on," by Sir George Mackenzie, answered, ii. 21, 306, 392, 396 Solomon, Proverbs of, exquisitely written, i. 291 Somers, John, Lord, made Lord Keeper, ii. 324 ; subscription to Greenwich Hospital, 344 ; elected President of the Royal Society, 350 ; charge brought by Parliament against, 357 ; seals taken from him, 360 ; his talents, ib ; continued President of Royal Society, 363 ; trial of, 365 ; his " Collection of Tracts " referred to, iv. 108 n Somerset, Lord John, i. 101, 167, 403 , Duke of, estate left to, ii. 374 , Duchess of, letter of, iii. 380 , Lady Anne, ii. 65 " Somner's Saxon Dictionary," iii. 104 Sorbiere, Samuel, noticed, iii. 144 Sorbonne, Paris, account of, i. 47 Soul, its immortality, iii. 98 Sourdiac, Marquis de, iv. 271 South, Dr. Robert, ii. 40, 256, 381 ; sermons of, i. 377 ; ii. 118 Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of, his attendance required in Parliament (1641), iv. 124 ; notice of, i. 413; portrait, iii. 301 ; alluded to, i. 314, 381, 389 ; ii. 86 ; iv. 95, 100, 117, 125 n, 137, 140, 143, 144, 149, 153, 179 , Duke of, ii. 108 n Southampton House, Chapel, ii. 47 Southcott, Sir John, i. 267 Southover, Sussex, Free-school at, i. 5 Southwark Fair, i. 340; ii. 322 Southwell, Sir Robert, on " Water," ii. 98; Envoy to Brandenburgh, 142, 384 ; President, &c., of Royal So- ciety, ii. 310, 326, 350 ; iii. 381 ; letter by, 274 Soutman, Peter, engraving by, i. 226 n Souvray, Commandeur de. Ambassador, iv. 350 Sovereign, Ship of War, built, i. 1 7 ; ii. 339 Spa Wells, Islington, ii. 255 Spada, Cardinal, palace of, i. 167 Spain, Queen of, catafalco of, i. 168 Spain and Portugal, umpii-age between, ii. 4 Spain, expected war with England (1656), iv. 317 n Spanheim, Ezekiel, ii. 103, 384 ; iii. 375 Spanish Ambassador at Venice, i. 218 ; in England, ii. 395 ; his house, demo- lished, 285, 388 Spanish Galleon, weighed up near Hispaniola, ii. 266; taken at Vigo, 369 Spanish Plants and Trees, iii. 201, 205 Sparrow, Bishop Anthony, sermon of, ii. 82 Speed, John, his Map of Surrey, ii. 1 n r F 2 436 GENERAL INDEX TO Spelman, Mr. (grandson of Sir Henry), i. 343 Spencer, George John, Earl, i. 361 n , Lord (son of Earl of Sunder- land), intended marriage of, ii. 156 ; character, 279 ; alluded to, 310; his marriage, 333 ; library, 352 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 293 ; his Lord- ship's tour, 336 ,Mr., i.282, 314 ; sons of, 267 , Lady Anne, marriage, ii. 270, 279 ; alluded to, iii. 284 ; death of, 315 , Charles, younger son of Earl of Sunderland, (afterwards Earl), ii. 279, 369 , Martha, married Mr. Evelyn's son, ii. 139 , Robert, ii. 42, 99 , Colonel, i. 340 , Mr., iii. 30 ; iv. 346 Spenser, Edmund, his porti'ait, iii. 301 Spilbergh, J., view by, ii. 20 Spin-house at Amsterdam, i. 22 Spinola, Marquis, river cut by, i. 36 ; gardens, 87 ; letters, iii. 380 Sports of Geneva in Switzerland, i. 241, 242 Spragge, Admiral, his expedition, ii. 69 Sprat, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Rochester, ii. 41, 382 ; his preaching, 101, 137, 150, 174, 191, 220 ; Dean of Chapel Royal, 248 ; Commissioner for eccle- siastical affairs, 256 ; resigns, 279 ; his form of prayer on the Prince's birth, 276 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 144 Spring Gardens, i. 251, 288, 327 ; new Spring-garden, 353, 417 Springs at Tours, i. 73 Spie Park, Sir Ed. Baynton's, i. 293 Squirries, at Westerham in Kent, i. 328 Stafford, William Howard, Viscount, i. 266 ; ii. 46 ; antipathy to roses, 47 ; committed for Popish plot, 129 ; trial, 46, 150 ; behaviour on his trial, 154 ; beheaded, 46, 155 , P., Superior of English Jesuits, i. 167 Stag, remains of a gigantic one. i. 71 Staircase, at Chambourg, i. 69 ; in the Vatican, 141 Staly, executed, ii. 127 Stamford, Mayor of, addresses King Charles I., iv. 1 34 n Standish, Dr., ii. 231 Standsfield, John and Eleanor, Pedigree, ii. 397 ; i. 5, 286 Stanhope, Lord, i. 258, 262 , Lady, ii. 106 , Dr. Geoi'ge, discourses of, ii. 328, 338 Stanhope, Mr., Gentleman Usher, ii. 47 Stanley, Mr., i. 334 ; killed in a duel, ii. 250 Stapylton, Sir Robert, translator of Juvenal, i. 288, 410 , Col., Governor of St. Chris- topher's, ii. 73 Stai'-Chamber, proceedings of, against London, iv. 61 n ; suspension of Bishop Williams by, 83 n Starkey, , Lord Clarendon's esti- mate of, iv. 217 Stationers' Companv, their great lo?s, ii. 13 ; iii. 188 Statues and Sculptures, names and notices of various, i. 42 — 49, 85 — 99, 102—129, 184-203, 209—211 ; ii. 54—57, 270 Statutes, legal, to be printed in English, iii. 35 Staughton, Sir Lawrence, his proposals to Miss Evelyn, iii. 333 " Staves," Mr. Evelyn's letters respect- ing, iii. 220, 225, 246 ; fragment by Mr. Evelyn on this subject, 225 n ; ii. 392 Stawell, Sir Edward, i. 267 Stenwick, Henry, paintings by, i 34, 56, 248, 249, 288 Stephen, King of England, his tomb, i. 296 Stephen, Mr. Attorney, ii. 99 Stephens, William, sermon on 30th of January, ii. 357 •, Mr., cousin of Mr. Evelyn, i. 252, 253, 295, 317 , Mr., iv. 349, 351 Sterne, Di\ Richard, Archbishop of York, ii. 321, 389 Stewart, Dr., Dean of St. Paul's, i. 267, 271 ; iv. 135 ; his death, i. 272 ; iv. 243 Stidolph, Sir F., house at Mickleham, i. 309 , Lady,ii. 119 Stillingfleet, Dr. Edward, Bishop of Worcester, ii. 272, 318 ; his library, 352 Stoake, North Sussex, estate at, ii. 363 Stokes, Dr., i. 305, 315 ; perpetual mo- tion, ii. 34 , dancing-master, book by, i. 1 1 Stola Tybertina (at Rome), i. 164 THE DIAEY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 487 Stone, Sir Robert, i. 20 Stone, operation for the, i. 256 Stonelienge, description of, i. 295 Stonehouse, Sir John, marriage, ii. 138, 139 , Lady, 320 " Stones, Discourse on," by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 392 Stoope, Monsieur, speech of, i. 338 Storm, (1652), i. 281 ; (1662), 362 ; (1687), ii. 266 ; (1689), 299; (1690), 302 Stoves, of St. Germain, i. 156 ; of Ger- many, 310 ; for green-houses, iii, 331 Stowell, Sir J., iii. 37 Strada del Corso, i. 168, 170 Strada, Faraianus, i. 132 ; notice of, 404 Strada Nova, at Genoa, i. 87 Strada Pontificia, i. 168 Strada Romana, at Sienna, i. 97 Strade, Count de la, liberal conduct of, i. 275, 277 Stradling, Sir William, i. 20 -, Dr., ii. 376 Strafi'ord, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, i. 254 ; his trial and execution, 15; alluded to, iv. 95, 108 n, 121, 329 n • , Lord, son of the preceding, i. 266, 267, 409 Strangeways, Sir John, supports Chas. I., iv. 101 Straw, for brick-making, ii. 146 Strawberry Hill, painting at, i. 353 n Streeter, Robert, paintings by, i. 380 ; ii. 55, 79, 134, 169 ; tormented with the stone, 94 ; notice of, 382 Streets, &c., of London, commission for regulating, &c., i. 363, 365, 374 Strickland, Sir Thomas, ii. 62, 383 , Mr. Walter, iii. 38 ; iv. 333 Stringfellow, Mr., minister of Trinity Chapel, ii. 315, 327, 332, 337 Strood, Sir Nicholas, i. 382 Stroode, Col. Lieutenant of Dover Castle, i. 388 Stuart, Lady Catherine, ii. 91 n , Mrs, Frances, the celebrated beauty, ii. 91 n , James, Regent of Scotland, iii. 380 Stubbe, Henry, hostile to Royal Society, iii. 204 Sturbridge Fair, i. 304 Subterranean rivers, i. 240 Suburbs of Paris, i. 45 Suckling, Sir John, proceedings against, iv. 51 Sudarium of St. Veronica, i. 122, 175 Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of, i. 305 , Countess of (1674), ii. 94 Suffolk House, near Charing Cross, i. 305, 328, 412 Suidas, antient MS. of, ii. 352 Sulphur, manufactory of, i. 157 Sun, eclipse of (1652), i. 278 ; (1699), transit of Mercury before, ii. 354 ; 1664, i. 384 Sunderland, Earl of, his widow (1652), i. 282 , Lord, Ambassador to Spain (1671), ii. 62 ; and France (1672), 79 ; his seat at Althorp, 100 ; Vorsterman's view of it, 118 ; Secre- tary of State, 135 ; iii. 250 ; his con- duct respecting Lord Ossory, ii. 143 ; sunk by gamins:, 156 ; President of the Council, 245, 250 ; Commissioner for Ecclesiastical affairs, 256 ; Knight of the Garter, 266 ; marriage of his daughter, 270 ; the seals taken away from, 282 ; meditates flight, 285, 286; his return from Holland, 312 ; his library, 334 ; entertains William IIL, 338 ; obnoxious to the people, ib ; alluded to, i. 314 ; ii. 176, 203, 232, 350, 376 ■ (Ls^dy Anne Spencer), Countess of, ii. 63, 79, 104, 105, 127, 1 35, 1 36, 1 42 ; (match for her son pro- posed by, 156), 183, 203, 220, 258, 260,282, 300, 312, 342; letters to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 250—253 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, inclosing a catalogue of religious books, iii. 284 ; on Virtue in Youth, 290 ; on the death of her daughter, 315 ; on his own publica- tions, 317 Superstition, instances of, iv. 62, 102, 312 notes Superstitious rites prohibited, iv. 65 n Suppei', Paschal, represented in wax- work, ii. 73; of Leonardo da Vinci, i. 226 Surrey, address to the Parliament(l 648), i. 246 ; iii. 18 ; to the King (1681), ii. 157 ; (1697), 348 Sussex, separate Sheriff given to, i. 2 ; address to the King (1660), 338 Sussex, Thomas Sackville, Earl of, iv. 143, 157 Thomas RatclifFe, Earl of (temp. Q,. Eliz.), i. 316 , James Saville, Earl of, i. 347 438 GENERAL INDEX TO Sussex, Countess of, ii. 94 n ; daughtei' of Charles II., 108, 162 Sutton, Sir Edward, ii. 3G Sutton in Shore, Mr, Hussey's house, ii. 52, 158. Swallowfield, Berkshire, ii.240; iii. 281 Swann, Sir William, iv. 216 , Lady, iv. 218 Swart, Capt., in navy of Charles II., iv. 272 Swearinn;, declaration against set forth, ii. 358 Sweate, Dr., Dean of the Arches, i. 376 Sweden, Cecilia, Princess of, iii. 380 Swiss Guards of France, i. 268 Switzerland, travelling in, i. 232 — 242 ; vexatious adventure in, 234 ; snow in the mountains of, 235 ; fertility of, ib ; the Rhone and Rhine, 235, 238, 242, 243 ; Chamois goats, 236 ; Mar- tigni, 237 ; persons, manners, and language of the Swiss, 236—243 ; St. Maurice, 237 ; Lake of Geneva, 238 — 242 ; sports of the Campus Mar- tins, 241 Sydenham, wells at, ii. 1 02 " Sylva, or Discourse of Forest Trees," by Mr. Evelyn, i. 369, 370, 378 ; 2d edition, ii. 44 ; 3d edition, 392 ; other editions, 392, 395 ; allusions to the work, iii. 226, 317 ; thanked for it by Charles II,, i. 384 ; referred to, ii. 26 Sylvius, Sir Gabriel, ii. 20, 1 17, 175 ; his mission to Denmark, 224 Synagogue at Amsterdam, i. 22. See Jews. Taafe, Theobald, 2d Viscount, iv, 253 Taberna Meritoria of the Romans, i. 135 Tacco, Peitro, statue by, i. 95 *' TaxuTrAota, Uepi." by Isaac Vossius. iii. 278 Talbot, Sir Gilbert, Master of the Jewel- house, i. 367 ; alluded to, ii. 79 ; iii. 240, 243 . , Sherrington (son of Sir John), killed in a duel, iii. 226 Tangiers given to the English (1661), i. 358; expedition to, ii. 143 Tapestry at Hampton Court, i. 364 ; at Duchess of Portsmoutli's, 187 Targoni, altar by, i. 127 Tarare, notice of, i. 77 Tarente, Henry Charles de la Tremouille, Px'ince of, iv. 205 and n , Emilia, of Hesse Cassel, Prin- cess of, iv. 205 and n ; portrait, 210 Tatham, John, pageants by, i. 357 n, 367 n, 370 n, 385 n Taunton, siege of, iv. 147 n Tax money from Scotland, robbery of (1692), ii. 322 Taxes during the Usurpation, i. 310 Taxus, or Deadly Yew, i, 185 Taylor, Bp. Jeremy, Mr. Evelyn's spiritual adviser, i. 307 ; his work on "Original Sin," 309, 313 ; iii. 74; disputes with M. le Franc, i. 313 ; his " Cases of Conscience," 319 ; iii. 71 ; sermons of, i. 287, 307, 326 ; vai'ious allusions to, 313, 320, 326 ; ii. 139 ; iii. 65, 69, 70, 86 ; letters of Mr. Eve- lyn to, on his imprisonment (1654), iii. 65 ; on the depressed state of the Church (1655), 66 ; on retiring from ttie world, and his "Lucretius" (1656), 72 ; to the lieutenant of the Tower on his behalf, 86 ; with a present (1657), 93; to christen his son, 96 ; letters of, to Mr. Evelyn, commending his piety (165.5), 78 ; on the state of the Church &c., 69 ; thanking him for his hospitaUty (1656), 71 ; on his own circumstances, 74 ; on his literary works, 76 ; on the loss of his chil- dren (1657), 91 ; thanking him for a present, 94 ; on christeniug his son, 97; on the immortality of the soul, 98; on the loss of his son Richard (1658), 102; on the offer of a lectureship, 104 ; on literary subjects, 109, 112 ; on essence of Roses (1656), 111 ; on the state of the Church, 126; on Mr. Evelyn's writings (1660), 127; on the same (1661), 134 Taylor, Capt., case against Lord Mor- daunt, ii. 19 , Charles II. 's agent in Germany, Sir Edward Hyde's opinion of, iv.. 247 Teignmoutli, French troops landed at (1690), ii. 309 Tempesta, Antonio, work of, i. 125 Temple, Sir Purbeck, ii. 336 ; death of, 337, 358 , Lady Purbeck, trial with her nephevv, Mr. Temple, ii. 343; her fu- neral, and property, 358 , Sir William, his house at Sheeue, ii. 122, 272 ; alluded to, 130, 161 ., Mrs., ii, 272 Temple Bar, human qu irters set up at, ii. 341 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 480 Temple, Inner, revels at, ii. 348 Temple, Middle, revels at, i. 38 ; ii, 32 Temple, Marais, 'Ju. at Paris, i. 49 Tendring, John, works of, iii. 109 " Teneriffe, Peak of, relation of the," by Mr. Evelyn, i. 346 Tenison, Dr. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, Vicar of St. Martin's, ii. 150; character of, 174, 314,315; library founded by, 194, 227, 315; iii. 307 ; sermons of, ii. 196, 211, 220, 251, 264, 280, 314, 324 ; chapel in Conduit-street opened by, 314 ; Bp. of Lincoln, 318 ; a Trustee for the Boyle Lecture, 318, 327, 374 ; on the author of " Whole Duty of Man," 321 ; tabernacle near Golden-square set up by, 323 ; Abp. of Canterbury, 333 ; a Commissioner for Greenwich Hospital, 335 ; visit of Mr. Evelyn at Lambeth, 336; subscription to Greenwich Hospi- tal, 344 n; opinion respecting proceed- ings against Bp. Watson, 345 ; cor- respondence with Mr. Evelyn, iii. 323, 325, 339, 340, 343, 345, 376, 377, 399 ; alluded to, ii. 195, 219, 264, 277, 318, 324, 332, 338, 352 Terella, notice of, i. 308 "Terra," by Mr. Evelyn (1675), ii. 98, 392, 396 Terracina, formerly Anxur, i. 147 Terra di Lavoro, i. 149 Terrasso, Marco, lapidary, i. 219 Terringham, Colonel, iv. 153 Test, sacramental, ii. 83, 84 ; doubts re- specting taking it, 127, 244 ; remarks on Test, 296, 298 Testaceus, Mons., at Rome, i. 164 Testament, New, in vulgar Latin, MS., ii. 344 Teviot, Earl of, i. 378 Teviotdale, Lord, a Scotch nobleman, i. 378 ; ii. 135 Terry II, Mr., Mrs. Evelyn's letters to, iv. 14, 15. See « Tyi-ill " Thames, river, frozen over (1648), i. 248 ; triumphant pageant on the, 367 ; fog on the, ii. 53 ; design of wharfing from the Temple to the Tower, 20, 21 ; frozen over, i. 372 ; ii. 333 ; amusements upon it, 192 — 194 Thanet, Countess of, iii. 347 Thea Root, ii. 306 Theatre, curious model of one, i. 55 ; Marcellus at Rome, 107 ; at Vi- cenza, 219 Theatres recommended to be closed during Lent, iii. 151. See Plays Theobaldi, building by, i. 225 Theobald's Palace in Hertfordshire, iv. 131, 1.32 Thetford, town of, ii. Ill Thicknesse, James, of Baliol College, i. 9; travels with him, 40, 75, 214 Thistlethwait, Dr., Sermon of, ii. 79 Thistleworth, seat of Sir Clepesby Crewe, i. 246 Thomas, Dr. William, Bp. of Wor- cester, ii. 295 Thomond, Lord, house at Newmarket, ii. 48 Thomson, , his report of a battle in Scotland, iv. 21 1 Thornhill, Mr., i. 310 Thorp, Baron (1649), iv. 284 n Thorpe, seat of the regicide St. John, i. 302 Thou, President Fran9ois Augusta de, i. 257 Thrisco, Mr., i. 334 Throckmorton, Sir William, letters of, iii. 380 Thuilieries, Palace, i. 50 ; gardens, 51 Thurland, Sir Edward, ii. 33, 100 ; iii 74, 75, 91 ; a Trustee for the sale Oi Albury, 63 n ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, 63 ; his Treatise on Prayer," 87; about a travelling tutor for Lord Percy, 106 Thurnheuser, a German chemist, i. 94 Thynne, Lady Isabella, painting of, i. 249 , Mr., his marriage, ii. 160, 286 ; mui'der of, 165 ; his monument in Westminster Abbey, ih , Mr., ii. 245 " Thrysander," a Dramatic piece, by Mr. Evelyn, ii. 394 Tickenhall, notice of, iv. 140 and n Tilbury Fort, built, ii. 71 Tillotson, Dr. John, ii. 35 ; sermons of (on the Papists, 126, 259), 220, 293; Archbishop of Canterbury, 312, 313; his " Rule of Faith," iii. 192; allusions to, ii. 41, 174, 316 Tintoretto, II (Giacomo Robusti), paint- ings by, i. 202, 210. 282 ; ii. 54, 341 Tippin, Mr., Sermon by, ii. 325 Tirel, Colonel, iv. 336 Tithe Ale, i. 302 « Titles of Honour," by Selden, i. 309 Titian (Tiziano Vecelli da Cadore), paintings by, i. 34, 56, 93, 133, 163, 440 GENERAL INDEX TO 188, 189, 198,209, 249, 261, 328 ; ii. i 128, U7, 203, 341 ; tomb of, i. 210 | Titus, triumphal arch of, i. 115 ; baths and statues fx'om, 129 ; drawings of his Amphitheatre, 259 Titus, Col. Silas, author of « Killing no Murder," ii. 38, 59, 151, 276, 382 Tiviot, Lord, a Commissioner of Privy Seal, ii. 247; iii. 286 Tivoli, i. 180 Todd, Rev. H. J., his edition of « Milton," i. 310; ii. 73 Toledo, Peter di, i. 156 ; Palace of, 158 Toleration, universal declaration of (1672), ii. 71 Tombs, Mr., his garden, i. 288 Tomson, M., a merchant of Genoa, i. 84 , Jesuit, i. 379 Tong, Dr. Ezrael, Popish conspiracy discovered by him, ii. 1 25 ; his " Mo- dern Practice of the Jesuits," i. 388 Tonnage and Poundage, Act of, i. 339 ; iv. 51 n, 74 ; Navy provided for by, 61 and u ; allowance to merchants by, supplied by Charles L, 63, 64 ; neces- sity of, for the exigencies of the King, 88 Tooke, Benjamin, letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 342 ; admitted to a share in the " Sylva," 366 Torrington, Earl of, imprisonment of (1690), ii. 308 ; account of, 388 Torre d'Asinello, account of, i. 192 ; measure of the, 194 Torre della Pallada, i. 223 Torso of Amphion and Dirce, i. 102 Torture, the punishment of, i. 264 Totes, in Normandy, notice of, i. 60 Tournon, Castle at, i. 79 Tours, the city of, i. 71—74, 299 Tower of London, garrison re-inforced (1641), iv. 51 ; during the great fire, ii. 13 Towers, Dr. John, Bishop of Peter- borough, iv. 99 n Townsend, Marquis, seat of, i. 39 n ; created earl, 3i7 Trade, Council of, iii. 355. /See Plantations Tradescant, John, Museum and family portraits of, i. 321, 414 ; ii. 120 Trained Bands keep guard over London, iv. 92 ; guard the Parliament, 98 Trajan, Column of, at Rome, i. 172; iii. 262 Transubstautiation, Mr. Evelyn on, iii. 231 i I Travels in France and Italy, hints for, I iii. 83, 107 Travers, Mr., King's surveyor, ii. 325 Treacle, its manufacture, i. 333 Trean, merchant, his pictures, i. 248 Ti'eaty of Oxford, Charles I. Memorial for the, iv. 140 Treby, Sir George (Lord Chief Justice), ii. 151, 187, 386 ; subscription to Greenwich Hospital, 344 n ; his death, 363 Tredagh, prepares against Irish Rebels (1641), iv. 121 Tree in the centre of France, i. 75 Trees, their vegetative motion, iii. 129 Trelawney, Sir John, Bp. of Bristol, ii. 274 ; sent to the Tower, 275 ; acquitted, 276 Tremellius, Emanuel, Letters of, iii. 380 Trenchard, Sir John, Secretary of State, ii. 324 , Mr., apprehenle l for a plot, ii. 178 ; enlarged, 190 Tresham, Judge, iii. 17 Ti'esoro di San Marco, i. 201 Tres Tabernse, i. 146 Trevor, Sir John, ii. 59 ; subscription to Greenwich Hospital, 345 Trie Fontana, Church of, i. 143 " Tribuna," a splendid cabinet so called, i. 93 Trinita del Monte, at Rome, i. 1 7 Trinitv, Platouists MSS. concerning the, ii. 337 Trinity College, Cambridge, i. 303 Trinity Chapel, Conduit-street, ii. 314 ; first sermon in, ih Trinity House, incoi'porated, i. 361 ; great dinner at, 391 ; Corporation of, re-assembles after the plague, ii. 6 ; their alms-houses, 58 ; election, 82, 83 ; festival of the, 60 ; account of a meeting (1685), 230 Triplet, Dr. Thomas, i. 314 and n; letter to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 75, 76 n Triumphal Arches in Rome, i. 131 Trollop, Mrs., marriage of, ii. 148 Trout, excellent in the Rhone, i. 238 ; at Huugerford, 290 ; spearing of, 295 Truffles, earth-nuts, i. 78 Trumball, Sir William, subscribes to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 344 Tudor, Mr., Quinquina introduced by, ii. 332 Tufton, Sir John, i. 308 j Tuke, Sir Brian, porti-ait, ii. 122 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 441 Tuke, Sir Charles (Son of Sir Samuel), birtli, ii. 62 ; death and character of, 309 ; ill. 103 , George, marriage, i. 314 ; alluded to, 320, 331 ; play by, 372, 373 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 108 , Col. Sir Samuel, notice of, ii. 381 ; his proselytism to the Church of Rome, iii. 108 ; at Paris, i. 253 ; harangue on behalf of Papists, 338 ; sent to break the marriage of the Duke to the Queen Mother, 341 ; sent to Paris on the death of Card. Mazarine, 346 ; his marriage, 379 ; ii. 34 ; christening of his son, 62 ; speech on behalf of the Papists, 81 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, on the fire of London, and on the death of his wife, 16 n, iii. 186 ; from Mrs. Evelyn on a promised visit, iv. 11; his second marriage, ib ; his death, 23, 24 ; aUuded to, i. 336, 378 ; ii. 65 , Lady, ii. 82, 90, 195, 217, 220, letters of Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn to, iii. 333 ; iv. 23 Tulliola, daughter of Cicero, i. 147 Tully, Dr. George, suspended, ii. 255, 388 " Tully's Offices," an early printed book, ii. 352 Tunbridge Free-school, i. 393 Tunbridge Wells, beauties of, i. 279, 281, 354 Turburville, evidence against Vise. Stafford, ii. 151 Tureune, Marshal, iv. 265 n, 294 n Tui'gu, Marshal, iv. 280 Turk christened at Rome, i. 172 Turk, a rope-dancer so called, i. 321 Turkey Fleet destroyed, ii 327 Turks, costly equipments of, ii. 202 Turner, Dr. Francis, Bp. of Ely ; Dean of Windsor, ii. 175' ; sermon by when Bp. of Rochester, 195 ; other ser- mons, 200, 250 ; petition against Declaration of Liberty of Conscience, 273 ; sent to the Tower, 275 ; tried and acquitted, 276 ; at a meeting respecting the Succession, 286 ; deprived, 311, 312; at Bp. White's funeral, 349; alluded to, 195, 244 , Dr. Thomas (brother of Bp. of Ely), sermon by, ii. 246 , Sir Edward, Lord Chief Baron, ii. 93, 384 , Mr., a friend of Mr. Sliugsby, ii. 47 Turnham Green, Sir John Chardine's house at, ii. 374 Turquoise, a remarkable one, i. 94, 188 Tuscany, Prince of, visit to Royal Society, ii. 39 , Duke of, his singular trade, ii. 93 Twickenham Park, Lord Berkeley's seat, ii. 105 Twisden, Sir Roger, i. 398 ; letter of Charles II. to Mrs. Twisden, iv. 196 Twyford, council at, iii, 384 Typography, invention of, i. 27 "Tyrannus,' or the Mode" (1661), by Mr. Evelyn, i. 359 ; ii. 392, 395 ; anecdote relative to, ii. 17 Tyrconuell, Earl of, powers given to, in Ix'eland, ii. 254, 258 ; appointed Lord Lieutenant, ii. 261 ; Ireland endan- gered by his armv, 291, 294 ; alluded to, 308, 310 ; iii. 281, 285 Tyrill, Sir Timothy, and Mr., marriage of, i, 275 ; iii. 308 ; house at Shotover, i. 383 ; ii. 99 ; Mrs. Evelyn's letters to, iv. 14, 15 Tyson, Dr. Edward, anatomist, iii. 184, 264 and n Vag.4, Perino del, paintings by, i. 59, 259 ; his burial-place, 170 Valence, city of, i. 79 Valenciennes, proceedings against (1656), iv. 315 Valois, Marguerite of, novels of, iii. 245 Vamber, near Paris, i. 256 Vanbeck, Barbara, a hairy woman, i. 321 Vanbrugh, John, ii. 336, 389 Vanderdall, painting by, i. 22 Vauderborcht's portrait of Mr. Evelyn, i. 15 ; notice of, 400 Vander Douse, Mr., ii. 175 ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 1 37 Vandervoort, Mr., of Venice, his books, i. 217 Vandyke, Sir Anthony, paintings by, i. 248, 288, 328 ; ii. 37 n, 128, 203, 272, 325, 341 ; full length portrait of himself, ii. 1 09 Vane, Sir Harry, Secretary to Charles I., iv. 92 ; his confidence in, 62 n ; confined in Carisbrook Castle, i. 317, 413 ; referred to, as Mr. Treasurer, iv. 55, 67—70, 80, 87, 89, 97—104, 107, 111—113, 116 , S'r Henry, jun., a Privy Couti- sellor, ii. 276 ; letters to, iv. 172 — 442 GENERAL 174; alluded to, ii. 32G ; iv. 100, 185 n Vane, Sir Walter, iii. 240 Vauui, Francisco, picture by, i. 164 , Curtius, i. 127 Van Tromp, Admiral Martin Happertz, ii. 20 ; iv. 27G n Varennes, Mons. de, intendant Marquis de Castleuau, iv. 292, 293 Vapari, Giorgio, paintings by, i. 168, 188 Vatican, ceremony of conferring Cardi- nal's hat, i. 118 ; description of, 137 — 142 ; library, 140 ; ceremonies at, 175 Vaubecour, Mons., iv. 349 Vaucluse, notice of, i. 89 Vaudois, persecuted Protestants of the, i. 308 ; ii. 302 ; restored to their country, 307 ; received by German Princes, 351 Vaug;han, John, Lord Chief Justice, ii. 28 ; portrait of, iii. 301 Vauxhall, Sir Samuel Morland's house at, ii. 26 n ; 159 n Vavasor, Mons., iv. 142 Ubaldino, letters of, iii. 380 Udine', Da' (Giovanni ISanni), painting by, i. 137 n Veau, M. de, his academy, i. 66 Veins, Arteries, and Nerves, tables of, i. 217, 250 ; lent to College of Phy- sicians, 283 ; presented to the Royal Society, i. 217 ; ii. 31, 367 Velletri, town of, i. 146 Vendome, Duke of, a brother of, ii. 176; iv. 256,280 Venetian Ambassador, Parliament af- front to, iv. 127 ; entry into London ii. 341 Venice, description of, i. 195—204,208— 210, 212, 213—218; the bagnios, 196; origin of Venice, ih; Gondolas, Rialto, 197 ; Fondigo de Todeschi ; Merce- ria, 198 ; Piazza of St. Mark and Clock over the Arch, ib ; Church of St. Mark, 199 ; Reliquary, 200 ; Exchange, Senate-hall, &c., 201 ; Mint, 202 ; Tower of St. Mark, ib ; citizens, &c., 203, 204 ; the Opera, 204 ; the Arsenal, 207 ; execution, 208 ; churches, 209 ; islands, 210 ; glass manufactory, 212 ; Sign. Ru- gini's collection, 214 ; the Carnival, 216 ; Operas, ib ; the Ghetta, 217 ; lapidaries, 218 ; policy of Venice with respect to Vincenza, 220 ; gondola INDEX TO sent from, to Charles II., i. 363 ; consulage of, ii. 80 Venice, States of, Envoy of Charles II. ill-treated by, iv. 249, 250 Venipont, John, Campanile built by, i. 89 Venn, Capt., suppresses tumults (1641), iv. 76 n Venus, statues of, i. 134, 169, 189 Venus of Corregio, ii. 326 Venuti, Marcello, paintings by, i. 172 Vere, Sir Horace, and Fi'aucis, portraits of, iii. 301 Verneuille, Henri, Duke of, i. 395 Verney, Mr., a cousin of Mr. Evelyn, ii. 198 , Sir Edward, killed at battle of Edgehill, iv. 104 Vernon, i\lr.. Secretary of state, ii. 360 Verona, description of, i. 221, 222; am- phitheatre, 221 ; remains of former magnificence, 222 ; Count Giusti's villa, ib ; Scaliger s praises of, ib Veronica, St., altar, i. 122 ; her suda- rium, 122, 175 Verrio, Signor Antonio, ii. 135; liis gar- den, 133 ; fresco painting by, at Eus- ton, 65 ; at Windsor, 119, 133, 175, 231 ; at Cashiobury, 140 ; Chiswick, 175 ; Montague House, 188 ; Ashted, 196; Whitehall, 260 ; character of his paintings, 176 ; settle at St. James's, 257 Verrochio, Andrea, statue by, i. 209 Verulam, Fraucis Bacon, Lord, i. 380 ; iii. 348 Vespasian, Titus Flavins, Temple of Peace built by, i. 103 ; amphitheatre of, 116 ; sepulchre, 165 Veslingius, Dr. John, of Padua, i. 211, 215, 21 7 ; ii. 31 ; account of, i. 404 Vesuvius, Mount, i, 153; eruption of (1696), ii. 340 ; views of, etched by Mr. Evelyn, 396 Via Felix, at Rome, i. 112 Via Pia, at Rome, i. 112 Vicfort, , iv. 224 Vienna, siege of, raised (1683), ii. 186 Vienne, account of, i. 78 Vignola, Giovanni Barozzio de architect, i. 107, 184 ; his works, iii. 361 Villa- Franca, notice of, i. 82 Ville-fi'ow, in Flanders, i. 34 Villiers, Lord Francis, slain, i. 247 Vincennes, Bois de, i. 50 Vincent, Sir Fi*ancis, ii. 313 Vincenza, account of, i. 219; Hall of THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 443 Justice, Theatre, ib ; Piazza, Palaces, 220 ; Count Ulmarini's garden, ib Vinci, Lionardo da, paintings by, i. 56, 59, 93, 193, 225, 328 ; ii. 109; his Ccena Domini at Milan, i. 226 ; his death, ib Viner, Sir George, his carving by Gib- bon, ii. 57 , Sir Robert, banker, ii. 129, 385 Vineyards, various notices of, i. 42, 59, 73, 149, 223 Viol d'Araore, a musical instrument, ii. 137 " Virgilius Evangelizaus," by Alexander Rosse, i. 284 Virgilius jNIai-o, Publ., ancient MSS. of, i. 140 ; his tomb, 154 "Virgin Queen," by Dryden, ii. 21,379 Virginian rattle-snake, i. 322 Visse, Mons., concert at his house, i. 262 Vitellesco, Hippolito, his statues, i. 132 Viterbo, account of, i. 100, 184 Vitruvius, statue of, i. 222 Ulefield Oxenstiern, Count, Cornelius, iii. 146 Ulmarini, Count, his garden, i. 220 Union, a fine sort of pearl, i. 169 University of Leyden, i. 26 ; of Paris, 45 ; of Orleans, 68 ; of Bourges, 77 ; of Valence, 79; of Aix, 80; of Sienna, 96; of Padua, 211 ; of Oxford, visits to, 290—293 University College, Oxon,repairof,ii. 100 Upcof-, Mr., his literary assistance, i. Advertisement, ix. x. 403 Uphill, Mrs., actress, ii. 18, 379 Voiture, Vincent, his merit as a Writer, iv. 10 " Volpone," a play, i. 369 Volterra, F., church built by, i, 170 Volterra, Di (Daniele Ricciabelli), paint- ings by, i. 167, 170 Volumes, ancient form of making, i. 140 Vossius, Isaac, ii. 81, 103, lOo, 383 ; Justin corrected by, iii. 190 ; notes and treatises of, alluded to, 278 ; his library, 306, 308 Vosterman, Lucas, painting by, ii. 113 Upman, Mr., ii. 107 Upnor Custle, fortified, ii. 24, 77 Uppingham, Rutland, notice of, i, 293 Vrats, Col., assassin of Mr. Thynn, exe- cuted, ii. 1 65 Urban VIII., Pope, public works of, i. 122, 138, 140, 169 ; his monument, 124 ; statue, 146 Ursino, Fulvio, museum of. i. 102 Ushant, Isle of, enterprise against, iv. 272 Usher, Dr. James, Archbishop of Ar- magh, ii. 69 ; iv. 83 ; sermons of, ii. 250, 251, 277 ; ii. 159 ; conversation with Mr. Evelyn, i. 308 ; his Annals, iii. 164 ; library, 308 ; his daughter, i. 383 : prophecy of, alluded to, ii. 244 ; Life and Letters, 252 ; Dr. Parr his chaplain, 69, 159 Vulcan, Court of, i. 156 ; temple of, 157 Vulpone, references to, iv, 137, 151, 159 Uxbridge, Treaty of (1644), iv. 135 n ; fast on occasion of, 136 and n ; Com- mon Prayer refused to be read in the Church of, ib ; Charles I.'s remarks and directions concerning, 136 — 140 ; his memorial concerning Religion and the Militia, 140 Wade, Capt., court-martial on, ii. 370 n Waggons drawn by dogs, i. 36 Wainsford, Mr., i. 263 Wake, Dr. William (Archbishop of Can- terburv), ii. 365, 388 ; sermons of, 261, 264 Wakeman, Sir George, his trial, ii. 131, 220 Waldegrave, Sir Henry, created a peer, ii. 249 Waldenses, destruction of, ii. 297 Waldrond, Dr., ii. 72 Wales, James, Prince of, son of James II., birth of, ii. 275, 276,279; James II. calls council to testify his birth, 282 ; sent to Portsmouth with treasure, 285 ; portrait of, 319 Walker, Sir Edward, Garter King of Arms, notice of, ii. 383 ; anecdote of Lord Clifford, 88 ; alluded to, 348 n, 368 ; iv. 141 u , portrait of Mr. Evelyn by, i. 247 ; alluded to, 261 , Dr. Obadiah, tutor to Mr. Hill- yard's sons, i. 249, 273 ; thanks Mr. Evelyn for procuring Arundelian Marbles, ii. 30; letter on that subject, 31 ; University College repaired by, 100 ; Master of University College, 252 ; perverted several young gentle- men, 253 ; licence to print popish books refused, 254 ; Treatise on Me- dals, 347 n , Mr., additions to medals in Camden, iii. 354 , Dr. (of Londonderry), death of, ii. 308 ; notice of, 388 , Rev. Joshua, letter, iii. 382 444 . GENERAL Walker, Clement, History of Inde- pendency" cited iv. 136 u Wall, John, account of, i. 46 Waller, Edmnnd, in Italy and France, .i. 218, 219, 244, 245, 255 ; 'child of, 262, 267 ; his return to England, 274; * a commissioner of trade, 59 ; portrait of, iii.'301 ; alluded to, i. 255, 282, , 318 ; iv. 74, 75 n , ' '- — ,Sir Hai'dress,-his daughter, ii. 95 ' , Richard, of Groomsbridge, i. 281 n ^. , , Mr., talents of, ii. .329 Mr., of the Royal i^ociety, iii. 381 ' — ■■ , Edward, supports Charles I's rights,, iv^ 101 • ■ , Sir William, l^iis army, i. 38 ; iv. 135 n,' 136 n';. pursues King CharleS'I. from Oxford, l41 n W^llgrave, Dr., physician, ii. 94, 195, 203 Wailis, Dr. John, mathematician, i. 352, 38^, 416 ; ii- 41 Walls, of Genoa, i. 87 Wallops, , iv. 146 Walnut tree, marbling in the wood of, iii. 130 Walsh, Peter, Romish Priest, ii. 248 Walsingham, Sir Francis, portrait of, iii. 297, 301 ; letters, 380 Walpole, Hoi-atio, Earl of Orford, his " Anecdotes of Painting" i-eferred to, i. 331 ; ii. 53, 54; iii. 81 Walter, Sir William, ii. 157 Walters, Mrs. Lucy, ii. 108 n, Sec Barlow. Walton, Brian, Bishop of Chester, his " Biblia Polyglotta," i. 283 Walton Heath, Komau Antiquities found on, i. 329 n Wanstead House, Sir Josiah Child's, ii. 173 War, Prisoners of, Treaty for exchang- ing (1665), i. 393 ; expense of, ib War. See Dutch War Warburton, Capt. iii. 282, 283 Warcupp, Mr., iii. 31 Ward, Sir Patience, subscription to Greenwich Hospital ii. 345 n , Dr. Seth, afterwards Bishop of Salisbury, i. 290 ; ii. 176 ; account of, i. 410 , Lord Chief Baron, subscription to Greenwich Hospital, ii. 345 n , Mrs., solicits an Order of Je- suitesses, i. 183 INDEX TO * Warley Magna Essex, Manor of, i. 250, 310; iii. 63 Warner, \ officiated at Touching for the Evil (1688), ii. 284 , Dr. John, Bishop of Rochester, iii. 65 n ; iv. 99 n Warr, Mr., iii. 359 Warren, Di\, sermon of, ii. 259 Warrington,"Lord, deafh of (1693), ii. • 327 Warwick, Guy, Earl of. Arms, Grot, Chapel, &c., of, i. 297 , Charles Rich, Earl of (1661), i. 347 ; Robert Rich, Earl of, made Commander of the Fleet, iv. 63 n ; protests against an order of the Com- mons, 68 n ; character of, 106 n ; referred to, 242 n Warwick, Sir Philip, i. 340, 376—378 ; ii. 101 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 169; Mr. Evelyn's answer to, 171 ; account of, i. 415 ; iv. 62, 175, 183, 208 notes Warwick, Castle and Town of, i. 297 Warwick, The Constant, frigate, ii. 304 ; iii. 44 Warwickshire, address to Charles II. (1660), i. 338 Wase, Christopher, account of, i. 274 ; recommended by Mr. Evelyn, 278 ; ii. 38 Washing of head, &c., benefit from, iii. 209 Water-works, by Mr. Winstanley, at Chelsea, ii. 343 Water-works and Fountains, notices of various, 52—63, 86—100, 108—118, 142—167, 178—181, 297—304 Watson, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of St. David's, suspended, ii. 345 ; deprived, 354 Watts, Mr., Keeper of Apothecaries' Gardens, ii. 230 Way-wiser, description of that instru- ment, i. 320,414 Weathercocks, fixed on trees, ii. 72 Webb, , his paintings, i. 248 , John, architect, i. 357 , Mr., letter to Parliament inter- cepted, iv. 115 Weese-house, at Amsterdam, i. 23 Welbeck, Marquis of Newcastle's seat, i. 299 Welsh, resemblance of Breton language to, ii. 98 Wenman, , a Commissioner at Newport, iv. 185 u THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 445 Wens, of the inhabitgints of the Alps, i. 232 Wenterton's work ort Aptiorisms, iii. 95 Wentvvorth, Lord (1649), i. 253, 275 ; iv. 154 n, 207--209, 213, 217, 250 ; sketch of, iv. 220 ii , Lord (1663), i. 374 , Lady Hemnetta, mistress- of Duke of Monmouth, ii. 94 n, 228 , Wessell, Mr., of Bansted, M.P., ii. 36Z West Clandon, Surrey, seat at, ii. 52 West Horsley, Surrey, seat at, i. 285, 397 West, pardon granted to (1685), ii. 247 Westfield, Dr./i'homas, Bishop of Bristol, iv. 82 n Westminster Abbey, burial of Cowley in, ii 27 ; deanei'y vacant, iv. 83 » Westminster Hall, shops formerly in, i. 21n Westminster School, exercises of boys at, i. 352 Westminster, Medical Garden at, i. 328 , sickness in (1641), iv. 70 Westmoreland, Lord, death of, ii. 327 , Richard, Lord High Trea- surer, portrait of, iii. 301. See Port- land. Weston, Elizabeth Joan, a learned lady, ii. 37 n Mr., his election for Surrey, ii. 367 Westeram, estate at, i. 286 Wethei'born, Dr., physician, i. 335 Weybridge, Duke of Norfolk's house at, ii. 120, 121 Whale taken near Greenwich, i. 327 ; another, ii. 352 Whaley, Colonel, i. 323 Wharton, Lord, ii. 53 , Sir George, mathematician, ii. 7 , Mr. Henry, his "Life of Archbishop Laud," iii. 341, 343 . , Philip, Earl of, protests, iv. 68 n Whartan House, Nottinghamshire, i. 299 Wheeler, Sir Charles, governor of St. Christopher's, ii. 62 ; his removal re- commended, 67 ; an executor of Viscountess Mordaunt, 138 , Sir George, ii. 192 ; account of, 191, 259 , Paul, musician, i. 313 Whips, harmony produced by smacking, iii. 278 Whispering Gallery at Gloucester, i. 296 Whistler, Dr., F.R.S., ii. 105, 171, 173, 384^ , Whitbread, Thomas, Jesuit, anecdote ■ of, ii. 126 n White, Bishop, recommends Dr. Cosids to Charles L, i., 270, 271 , Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Peter- borough, sermon of, ii. 25 1 ; petitions against Declaration of Liberty of Conscience, 273 ; sent to the Tower, . 275 ; tried and acquitted, "276 ; at a meeting of Bishops on the Revolu- tion, 287 — :, Dr., Bishop of Norwich, his funeral, ii. 349 , Mr., philosopher of Paris, f. 266, 408. ■ \ , Mr., nephew -of the preceding,- ii. 67 ' ■ - , Robert, engraver, ii. 174 ; iii. 343 ' Whitefoord, , iv. 162 Whitehall, Charles I. at (1641), iv. 131, 132 ; affray at, 102 n ; occupied by the Rebels, i. 246, 248, 260 ; state of, 312; goods pillaged from, restored, 338 ; paintings at, 369 ; design for rebuilding, 385 ; ball and play at the theatre, ii. 55 ; Charles Il.'s library at, 146, 159; Popish oratory at, 212 ; new Chapel at, opened for the Popish service, 260 ; Queen's apartments, 261 ; fire at, 311 Whitelocke, Bulstrode, i. 278 ; his " Memorials of English Affairs," iv. 95, 133, 141, 147, 152, 166, 175, 220, 283 notes Whitfield, Sir Ralph, i. 40 Whitsuntide, neglect of, i. 288 Whittal, Tom, and his brother, anec- dote of, iii. 210 Whittle, Mr., King's surgeon, his sister, ii. 148 "Whole Duty of Man," Dr. Chaphn supposed to be the Author, ii. 321 Wiburn, Sir John, governor of Bombay, ii. 221 " Widow, The," a lewd play, i. 361 Wight, Isle of, treaty of, i. 247 Wilbraham, Mr., ii. 175 Wild, Dr., Bishop of Londonderry, ser- mons by, i. 308, 311, 317, 318, 330 ; account of him, 334 Sir William, Recorder, ii. 93, 384 Wild House, Spanish Ambassador's re- sidence, ii. 156, 285, 388 446 GENERAL INDEX TO Wilkins, Dr. John, Bishop of Chester, i. 291, 378 ; his mechanical genius, •292 ; notice of him, 311, 410; al- luded to, 312—314, 396; ii. 4.5, 393 n; conseci'ated Bishop of Chester, 35 ; letter to Mr. Evelyn, iii. 76 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 129, 192 Wilkinson, Dr., iii. 92, 93 William I., King of England, tomb of, at Caen, i. 62 William III., his landing reported, ii, 280 ; manifesto of, 284 ; landing of, ib ; his progress to London, 285 ; James II. invites him to St. James's, 286 ; iii. 288 ; proceedings thereupon, ii. 286; Convention votes the Crown to him and the Princess, 288 ; his morose temper, 290 ; Prince and Princess declared King and Queen, 291 ; proclaimed, 292 ; his conduct on his accession, 294, 295 ; coronation^ 295 ; his birth-day and anniversary of landing at Torbay, 301 ; resolves ; to go in person to Ireland, 302 ; sets out, 306 ; buys Kensington of Lord Nottingham, 303 ; his victory at the Boyne, 308 ; embarks fur Holland, 324 ; progress into the North, 337 ; fireworks on his return, 338 ; enter- tained at Althorp, ib ; conspiracy to assassinate, 339 ; subscription to Greenwich Hospital, 344 ; entry into London, 348 ; his death, 367; allu- sions to, 309—312, 322; iv. 222 Williams, Dr. John, Bishop of Chiches- ter, ii. 333, 338 ; letter, iii. 359 , Dr. John, Bishop of Lincoln, made Archbishop of York, iv. 82 n, 116, 129 n ; draws up pardon of the impeached Bishops, 123 ; portrait, i. 303 , Count, iv. 203 and n Williamson, Sir Joseph, offices held by, ii. 20, 38, 52, 68 ; account of him, i. 386; ii. 90, 379 ; alluded to, 26, 54 n, 95 n, 104, 171 ; President of Royal Society, 117 , Mr.,ii. 26 Williamstadt, account of, i. 30 Willoughby, Lord, of Parham, i. 328 ; Governor of Barbadoes, ii. 73 Wilmot, Col., proceedings against, iv. 56, 58 n , Henry, Lord, i. 253, 273 ; iv. 253 n ; created Earl of Rochester, 257 n ; ambassador to Germany, 248 and n, 258 ; account of, i. 406 Wilson, Mr., killed in a duel, ii. 328 Wilton, seat of the Earl of Pembroke, i. 294 ; fire at, ii. 374 I Wimbledon, Earl of Bristol's house at, i. 361 Wimmenom, Mons. de, iv. 210 Winch, Sir Humphry, i. 387 ; a Com- missioner of Trade, ii. 59, 80, 130 Winchelsea, ruins of, i. 279 Winchelsea, Heneage Finch, Earl of, i. 339 ; alluded to, 310 ; ii. 43 ; seat at Burleigh, i. 298 Winchester, Bishop (1685), miracles re- lated by, ii. 233 Winchester, notice of, i. 38 ; royal pa- lace built at, ii. 186, 235 n ; Cathedral of, ib Winchester, Jchn Paulet, Marquis of, iii. 37 ; iv. 146 ■ , Marchioness of, ii. 151 Wind, tempestuous (1658), i. 329; (1662), 362 ; (1703), ii. 372 ; Windham, Mr., office in the exiled Court of Charles II., iv. 278 and n, 351 ; alluded to, i. 373 , Sir Thomas, enjoins his children to be loyal, iv. 154 n , Colonel, defended Bridge- water for the King, iv. 154 n , Mr. Justice, ii. 133 n Windsor, Lord, ii. 53 Windsor Cnstle and Chapel, notice of, i. 288 ; Charles I.'s burial place, ih; offering of Knights of the Garter, ii. 51 ; improvements by Pi'ince Rupert, ib; installation at, 60; statue erected, 1 42 ; improvements about the Castle, 175; painting in the hall, 231 ; al- luded to, 320 Windsor Forest, deer in, attacked, iv, 60 ; King Charles's directions, 64 Wine, of Orleans, i. 68 ; Dutch bishop killed by, 100 ; at Caprarola, 184 ; at Bologna, 194 ; at Venice, 215 Winnington, Sir Francis, ii. 151 Winstanley, Henry, waterworks by, ii. 343; built the Eddystone Light-house, ib, n Winstanley, William, his " Loyal Mar- tyrologie," cited, iv. 105 n , engraving, by, i. 361 n Winter, Sir John, on charring sea-coal, i. 316; iii. 77 Winter, fatal one (1648), i. 248 ; severity of (1658), 327 ; paper on the effects of the winter of 1 683, ii. 196 Wirtemburg, Prince of (1646), i. 217 THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE. 447 Wise, Henry, his house at Brompton Park, ii. 329, 366 Wiston, Nottinghamshire, iv. 146 and n Witches, increase of, in New England, ii. 323 Withers, an ingenious shipwright, ii. 83 Withering, , iv. 67, 69 Wi things, Mr. Justice, ii. 190 Woldingham Church and Parish, ii. 116 Wolley, Rev, Dr., i. 271, 273 Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas, i. 292 ; ii. 37 n ; his burial place, i. 291 ; birth- place, 315 Wolves in France, i. 60, 69, 274 Woman, hairy, i. 321 ; gigautic, 302 ; ii. 38, 74 ; marks on the arm of one, 50 Women in Venice, the dresses of, i. 203; painting first used by, 288 ; on the duties of, iv. 31 Wood, Anthony a, letter of Mr. Evelyn to, on his "Athene Oxonienses," iii. 321 ; references to that work, i. 303 n; 334 n ; 370 n ; 376 n , Sir Henry, his marriage, i. 272 Woodcote, Surrey, descent of the Eve- lyns of, Pedigree, ii. 397 ; referred to, i. 399 ; ii. 45 Woodstock Palace, destruction of, i. 382; iv. 136 Woodward, Dr. J , letters, iii. 367, 368 Woolwich, battery erected at, ii. 24 Worcester, Henry Somerset, Marquis of, ii. 46, 173 ; iv. 349 Worcester, battle of, i. 270 ; iv. 200 , notice of, i. 296 Worcester House, Strand, i. 343, 382 Worcester Park, ii. 2 Worksop Abbey, notice of, i. 299 World, on the Eternity of the, iii. 89 Worsley, Dr., on Plantations, ii. 68 ; death of, 89 Wotton, Sir Henry, his " Elements of Architecture," ii. 395 , Dr. William (son of Rev. Henry), his talents when a child, ii. 130 n ; sermon by, 331 ; alluded to, 347, 389 ; iii. 360 ; letters of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 346, 390 ; on his " Sylva," 363 ; from Dr. Wotton to Mr. Evelyn, 352, 353, 370, 371, 385, 387, 388, 398. See Evelyn , Lord, project of draining, ii. 49 ; his house at Hampstead, 106 Wotton, Surrey, mansion of the Evelyn family, i. 245, 249, 251, 263, 381, 397 ; described, i. 3 ; improvements at, 39, 277 ; ii. 347 ; hospitality of Mr. George Evelyn, 347 n, 348 ; views of, i. 1 ; ii. 396 ; descent of the Evelyns of, PcdUjrce, ii. 397 ; Dr. Bohun presented to the living, 364 : MS. works of Mr. Evelyn there, 392 — 394 Wray, Captain, afterwards Sir William, i. 219, 223, 229, 233, 234, 243, 244 Wren, Sir Christopher, his early talents, i. 291, 293 ; Theatre at Oxford built by, 384 ; ii. 39 ; a Commissioner for repair of Old St. Paul's, 9 ; his plan for improvement of London, iii. 188 ; verses by, ii. 95 n ; Ashmolean Mu- seum built by, 120 ; christening of his son, 129 ; St. Paul's, Monument, and 50 churches, building by, 156 ; President of the Royal Society, 160 ; design of Chelsea College, 166 ; Com- missioner for Green wicli Hospital, 335, 342, 344 n ; letter of Mr. Evelyn to, iii. 154 ; alluded to, i. 383 ; ii. 54 n— 56, 104, 117, 145, 194, 350, iii. 366 , Dr. Matthew, Bishop of Ely, i. 345, 386 ; iii. 37 ; iv. 99 n , Matthew, son of Bishop of Ely, i. 318, 386 Wrestlers, ancient statues of, i. 134 Wrestling Match before his Majesty (1661), ii. 21 Wright, Chief Justice, ii. 276 , Michael, paintings bv, i. 331, 369 ; ii. 85 ; alluded to, i. 379 ; ii. 283 , Sir Edmund, made Lord Mayor by Parliament (1641), iv. 55 n , Dr. Robert, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, iv. 99 and n , Travels, i. 153 n Wrighte, Sir Nathan, Lord Keeper, ii. 360 and n Wriothesley, Thomas, Earl of South- ampton, daughter of, ii. 188 Wych, Sir Cyril, President of Royal Society, ii. 189 ; married a niece of Mr. Evelyn's, 320, 355 ; Lord Justice in Ireland, 326 ; alluded to, iii. 370 , Lady, wife of Sir Cyril, and niece of Mr. Evelyn, ii. 320, 355, 357 Wyche, Sir Peter, letter of Mr. Evelyn to, on the English language, iii. 159 Wye, Mr., rector of Wotton, his death, ii. 363 Yakborough, Sir Thoma?, ii. 179, 387 Yarmouth, Sir Robert Paston, Earl of, I i. 395 448 GENERAL INDEX. Yachts first used in England, i. 354 • i Yew Tree, deadly species of the, i. 185 ; large one, 375 ; on planting it, iii. 274 York, City and Minster, i. 300 ; siege of, iv, 141 n, 142 ; Mayor of, speech to Charles I., 134 . York, Frederick, Duke of, pays the fine at Oaliham, i. 298 n York House, Strand, i. 310 ; ii. 72 " Young Admiral," a play, i. 370 Young, Captain, capture by, i. 318 ; death and character of, ii. 326 Youth, advice to, iii, 85 ^ Zachary, of Genoa, anecdote of his shipwreck, i. 84 Zecca, or Mint at Venice, i. 202 Zeland, a captured vessel, i. 396 Zenno, Signor, Venetian Ambassador, ii. 246 ; alluded to, 247 Zinnar Tree, quality of, ii. 1 84 Zinzendorp, Count de, ii. 175 Zitelle, procession of, at Rome, i. 1 37 ; account of, 175 Zolern, Francisca, Princess of (1654), iv. 216 and n Zucchero, Frederico, paintings by, i. 102, 170, 184 ; his burial place, 170 Zulestein, Mons., ii. 53 Zulichem, Mons., account of, i. 347, 381 ; alluded to, 351, 381 ; iii. 209 THE END. BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. r^^ASHBURN'S < \Bindery & Old Book Shop/ ( Sprir.R St. at Mill ) ^^MEWPORT. R. I. r