gkrierAs f jmaI «. J P FOR THE STATES OF GEORGIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE, FQR THE YEA 11 BEING THE SECOND AFTER LBAJ YEAR. : usual Aatronouutal Calculations^ with the tim High Vv" I Charleston, i;xed The Ch' >rg?a. and of the City of Macon, With the Times of holding Courts ju the State of Georgia. A N t> The Arrival aud departure of Train* on tlic different Rail Roads leading to aud from V hours of Opening and Closing the Macon Post Office, and other Hon. « N, GA. ECLIPSES IN THE YEAR 1862. There will be five Eclipses this year, as follows : 1. A Total Eclipse of the Moon, just before and after mi night on the 11th of June. Begins at llh 22m, total at I2n29m, ends at 2h 3'Jm. 2. A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, June 27th, invisible. 3. A Partial Eclipse nf the Sun. Nov. tUst, invisible. 4. A Total Eclipse of the Moon, December 6th, visible. Begins at I2h 25m, early morning ; largest at lh 34m ; ends at 4li 14. Size 10. ss digits. 5. A Partial Eclipse oi the Sun, December 20th ; but invisible. MORNKVG AM) EVENING STARS. Yenls will be Evening Star until Eeb. 25th ; then Morning Star until December 10th. Mars will be Morning Star until October ">th. Jupiter will be Morning Star until .March 13th ; then Evening Star until October 1st. Satukx will be Morning Star until March 8th; then Evening Star until SeDtember 18th. MOVEABLE FEASTS. Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 16 | Rogation Sunday, May 25 Quin. or Shrove Sunday, Mar. 2 | Ascension Day, May 29 Ash-Wednesday, Mar. 5 I Whit Sundry, June 19 Palm Sunday, " Apr. 13 | Trinity Sunday, June 15 Easier Sunday, Apr. 20 j Advent Sunday, 5fov. 3* CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. "Dominical Letter, E | Solar Cvcle, 23 Lunar Cycle or Golden Numb 1 j Roman ludiction,. . ' 5 Epact, (Moon's Age, Jan. 1st; 1 | Julian Period, 6575 A VARIETY OF INYELOPES, Manufactured and for sale by P. M. HAYGOOD & SON, AT THE ' BAPTIST BOOK DEPOSITORY Where a large supply of RELIGIOUS AND MORAL BOOKS, BIBLES, Testaments, Sunday School Question Books, Com- mentaries, Hymn Bo. aing Books of Travels. Writing Paper and Pens, Wafers, Mucilage, Lead Pen- cils, and interesting Beading Books for Children; all for sale on reason; ble terms, FOR C^j^.SH. AGENCY, ALSO, OF THE CHRISTIAN INDEX. GEORGIA VOLUNTEERS IN THE SERVICE OF THE CONFEDERACY. The following are the Regiments, Battalions and Companies whose Odiccrs have been commissioned by the Governor of Georgia, FIRST REGIMENT. Colonel, Ramsay ; Lieutenant Colonel, Clarke ; Major, Thompson. Xe"vnanGuards, captain Hanvey, Coweta couniy 1 hern Guards, captain Wilkins, Muscogee county .Southern Rights Guard, captain Houser, Houston county nope Intaiitarv, captain Adam, Richmond county i aptain Jones, Washington county ■ tain Gzzard, Fulton county Bainbridge Independents, captain Kvans, Decatur county Dahlonega Volunteers, captain Cabaniss, Lumpkin county 'of'anlry. captain Crump, Richmond county Quitman Guards, captain 1'inkard, Monroe county. SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel, Senimes ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Harris ; Major, Burr. —i , captain Han is, Merriwether coui Bnrke Sharp Shooters, captain Holmes, Burke county Sajgomes Guard, captain Shepherd Muscogee county Hanks County Guards, captain Candler, Basks county Cherokee Brown Rifles, captain Ditkerson, Cherokee county ,loe Browns, captain Campoell, Fannin county Columbus Guards, captain Ellis, Muscogee county a Vista Guards, captain Butt, Marion county lit Infantry, captain Glenn, Whuield county Stewart Grays, captain Ball, Stewart county. THIRD REGIMENT. Colonel, Wright ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Reid ; Major, Lee. Burke Guards, captain MaSgrove, Burke county Brown Rifles, captain Nisbet, Putnam county Dawson Grays, captain McWhortar, Creqne countj Home Guards, captain Reid, Morgan county Governor's Guards, captain Griffin, Houston county Wilkinson Hitles, captain Real], Wi kinson county Confederate Guards, captain Walker, Richmond county Young Guard, captain Lee, Newton county Clarke County Rifles, captain Hendon, Clarke county Athens Guards, captain Billnpfi, Clarke county. FOURTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Doles ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Matthews ; Major, Whiteh ad Macon County "Volunteers, captain I'rothro, Macon county ithern Rifles, captain Curley, Talbot county Glover Guards, captain Bartlett, Jasper county Volunteers, captain Polsom, Twiggs county ds, tin H uat\ Dougherty county LaGri i -i Smith, Troup oounty Toombs Volunteers, captain Mayes, Gordon county Sumter Light Guards, captain Johnson, Sumter county *l i "lot Guards, captain Mathews, Troup county Baldwin Blues, captain Caraker, ialdwin county. FIFTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Jackson ; Lieutenant- Colonel, Beall ; Major, Salisbury, in Piatt, Richmond count v Griffin Light Guards, captain Maugham, Spalding county Insh Volunteers, captain Hull, Richmond county McUuflie Rifles, captain Potlle, Warren county Dawson Volunteers, captain Woolen, Terrell county Cuthbert Rifles, captain Long, Randolph county Schley Guards, captain Burton, Schley county Hardee Rifles, captain King, Decatur county Georgia Greys, captain Iverson, Muscogee county Upson Guards, captain Horsley. Upson county. SIXTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Colquitt; Lieutenant-Coiouel, Newton ; Major, Tracy. Crawford Greys, captain Cleaveland, Crawford county Mitchell In lepeudents, captain Shackloford, Mitchell county Look Out Infantry, captain Hanna, Dade county Sidney Brown Rifles, captain Arnold, Hancock county Butler Van Guards, captain Griffin, Taylor county Gilmer Blues, eaptain Lofton, Oglethorpe county Baker Fire Eaters, captain Plain, Baker couuty Beauiegard Volunteers, c iptain Anderson, Houston county Twiggs (Guards, captain Barclay, Twiggs couuty Butts Volunteers, captain Dupree, Butts county. SEVENTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Gartrell ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Cooper; Major, Dunwoody. Coweta Guards, captain. Lee, Coweta county Confederate Volunteers, captain Foreacre, Fulton county Paulding Volunteers, captain Jenkins, Paulding county Confederate Guards, captain Linlley, Cobb county DeKald Light Infantry, captain Fowler, DeKalb county Iverson Invincibles, captain Burke, Carroll county Heard Volunteers, captain Brown, Heard county Soswell Guards, captain Dunwoody, Cobb couuty Cobb M»untaiueers, captain White, Cob county Davis Infantry, captain Ballard, Fulton county. EIGHTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Bartow ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Gardner ; Major, Cooper. Oglethorpe Light Infantry, captain Bartow, Chatham county Atlanta Greys, captain Cooper, Fulton coucty Miller Rifles, captain Powers, Floyd county Macon Guards, captain Lamar, Bibb county Pulaski Volunteers, captain Ryan, Pulaski county Oglethorpe Rifles, captain Lumpkin, Oglethorpe county Floyd Infantry, captain Cooper, Floyd county Rome Eight Guard, captain Magrud&r, Floyd county Echols Guards, captain Howard, Merriwntbercounty Stephens Light Guards, c iptain Dawson, Greene county. NINTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Mercer ; Lieutenant-Coiouel, Rockwell; Major, Olmstead. Phoenix Riflemen, captain Gordon, Chatham county Irish Jasper Greens, captain Foley, Chatham comity Savannah Volunteer Guards — A., captain Screven, Chatham county Savannah Volunteer Guards — B., capt. Davenport, Chatham county German Volunteers, captain Stcgin, Chatham county DeKalb Riflemen, captain Wetter. Chatham county Savannah Artillerry, captain Gallie, Chatham county Republican Blues— A., captain Anderson, Chatham county Republican Blues--B., captain Davis, Chatham county. TENTH REGIMENT.. Colonel, McLaws ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Cummiug ; Major, Weems. Confederate States Sentinels, captain Hawe. Muscogee county Letcher Guards, captain l'hmizv, Richmond county Chattahoochee Beauregarris, captain Holt, Chattahoochee county Independent Blues, asp tain Richards, Richmond county Benjamin Infantry, cai tain Crawford, Clayton county Thomson Guard*, ca] Columbia county Georgia Rangers, c«> j > i sin 1 1 ore, Pulaski county Wilcox Rifles, captain Loud Wilcox county Fayette Rifle Grays, captain Wooteii, Faye'te county Pulaski Guards, captain Reed, Chatham county. ELEVENTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Anderson; Lieutenant Colonel, Guerry ; Major, Goode. Beauregard Rifles, captain Wood, Whitfield comity Walton Infantry, captain Anderson, Union county Gainesville Light Infantry, captain Mitchell, Hall county Gilmer Boys, Captain Welch, Uilmer county Fannin Young Kitles, captain Dobbs, Fanninhounty Murray Rifle Company, captain Lutl'man. Murray county Mrs. Joe Brown's Boys, captain Hy.io, Fannin county Quitman Grays, captain Guerry, Quitman county Houston County Volunteers, captain *■ iton county Lee Volunteers, captain Stokes, Lee con TWELFTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Johnson ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Conner; Major, Smead. Marion Guards, captain BlanforcL Marion county- Davis Rifles, captain McMillan, Macon county Davi- Guards, captain Brown, lit oly county Jones Volunteers, captain Pitts, Jones county Huckblee Volunteers, captain Hawkins. Sumter county Lowndes Volunteers, capta n Patterson, 1 a\j Culhoun Rifles, captain Furlow, Calhoun county Central City Blues, captaii bb' county Putnam Light Infantry, captain Pavies, I'utnum county Muscogee Rifles, captain Scott, Muscogee county. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Goulding ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Turnipseed; Major, Mounger. Baldwin Volunteers, captain Lock, Baldwin county Lafayette Volunteers, captain Gi nunty Chattooga Rifles, captain Jones, Chattooga c< Ameiicus Volunt eis, captain King, Sumter county Walton Guards, oapl Walton county Toombs Guards, cap I u I loch county ' Irvin Guards, captain Norman, Wi kes county Fori I ,i Webb, Way county < Brooks Rifles, captain Jones, Bn ol b county Talbot Guards, captain Gouldi g, mnty. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Brumby ; Lieutenant. Colon. Price, Ramah volunteers, captain 1*' Isom, V Com luntei i -, captain ' uuty : Volunteers, captain i Blackshear Guards, captain Kai iuity J eft' Davis Riflemen, captain I rice, Butts county Jasper Infantry, captain Jordan, Jaspei count] Etowah Guards, captain Jones, t ass county 6 Yaucy Independents, captain Harris, Worth county Cherokee Brown Rangers, captain Fielder, Cobb county Johnson Grays, captain Harnian, Johnson county. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Thomas; Lieutenant Colonel, Stephens; Major, Mcintosh. Delhi Rangers, captain Cade, "Wilkes county Fireside Guards, captain Martin, Elbert county Mcintosh Volunteers, captain Mclutosh. Elbert county Bowman's Volunteers, captain Bnrch, Elbert county Pool Volunteers, captain Foole, Hart county Stephens Home Guards, captain farrier, Taliaferro countT Tugalo Blues, captain Millican, Franklin county Hancock Conlcderatc Guards, captain Latimer,. Hancock county Lamar Confederates, captain Lamar, Lincoln county Hancock Volunteers, captain Smith, Hancock count v. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Styles; Lieutenant-Colonel, Lane; Major, Gardner. Wire Grass Minute Men, captain Styles, Ware county Brunswick Riflemen, Captain Harris, Glynn county Lowndes Volunteers, captain Hammond, Lowndes county Oclockonee Light Infantry, laptain Young. Thomas county St. Mary's Volunteers, captain Dufour, Mcintosh county Seaboard Guards, captain Nichols, Wayne county Berrien Minute Men, captain Knight, Berrien county Piscola Volunteers, captain Lane, Quitman county Thomasville Guards, captain Rockwell, Thomas county. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. Colonel, Cctor; Lieutenant-Colonel, Douglas; Major, Smith. Evans Guurds, captain Long, Troup county" Early Guards, captain Craw ord, Early county Merriwether Volunteers, captain Ector, Merriwether county Upson Volunteers, captain Smith, Upson county Randolph Volunteers, captain Douglas, Randolph count Confederate Guards, captain Laker, Pike county Fayette Rangers, captain Glass, Fayette county Ringgold Rangers, captain Moore, Spalding county Fauola Rifles, captain Spearman, Terrell county Stark Volunteers, captain Robinson, Paulding county. I REGIMENT, Colonel, Woflbrd ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Buff; Major, Thowpi Acworth Infrnirv, captain O'Neill. Cobb county Newton Rifles, captain Stewart, Newton county Li wis Volunteers, captain Maddox, Cass con Davis Invincibles, captain trvin, Dougherty county Rowland Highlai ird, * ass county Rowland Infantry, captain Crawford, Cass county Jackson County Volunteers^ captain Jarre tt, Davis Guards, captain R„per, Casscoi Stephens Infantry, captaii §5tarr, G< rdon county Dooly, Light Infantry, capttoan Armsti j county. NINETEENTH RE<;!MENT. Colonel, Boyd ; Lieutena on; Major, Hi Georgia Volunteers, captain Johnson, Fulton couuty Jackson Guards, captain Neal, Fulton c< unty Palmetto Guards, captain Beall, Campbell county Senoia Infantry, captain Hunter, iunty Heard Grays, captain Mabry, Heard couuty Carroll Guards, taptain Curtis, Carroll county Hem'v Guards, captain Flyut, Henry county Cotton Guards, captain Beall, Paulding county Gold Diggers, captain Chambers, Can oil county Kingston "Volunteers, captain Hooper, Cass covnty. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. Colonel, Duncan ; Lieutenanl Colonel, Gumming; Major, Jones. Sparks Guards, captain Ross, Bibb county Southern Guards, captain Jones, Muscogee coduty Border Guurds, captain Shorter, Muscogee county Jeflerson Guards, captain Gamble, Jeflerson county WhiteviUe Guards, captain Norwood. Harris county Toombs Rangers, captain Waddell, Fulton county. TWENTY-FIRST REGIMTNTj Colonel. Cobb; Lieutenant-Colonel, ; Major, . TW ENT Y -SECOND R EGIM EN T. Colonel, Benning; Meutenant-Colonel, Bryan ] Jfejor, Walker. TWENTY FOTIITH REGIMENT. Colonel, McMillan ; Lieutenant. Colonel, Saunders; Maj r, McMillan. hiards, captain Poole, Hall county McMillan Guards, captain Porter, Habersham county aohee Volunteers, oaptain Leonard, Habersham i >unty Thomas Guards, captain Coi. o\ ant, Hart county Hanks Volunteers. captain Chandler. Hanks county While Marksmen, captain Sumpter, White county Independent Hues, wiptain Mattox, Gwinnett county FIRST REGIMENT GEORGIA REGULARS. Colouel, Williams ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Magill ; Major, Walker. Company A— Captain A. S. Hamilton ' B_ '• William Martin « K— " R. A. Wayne F— " John G. Catton t;_ " ■ ain }1_ " Miller Grieve, Jr. J — " Lewis H. Keenan K— " F. T. Cullens i. Wallace M— " A. A. Frank. Hill. tJOBB'S LEGION. Colonel, T. R. R. Cobb ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Garnett ; Major. Baglcy. FIRST BATTALION. Major, Vilhpigue. •\ ah Infantry, oaptain Howard, Cass county Volunteers, captain Sprayberry, Catoosa cuonty Brown Infantry, eaptam Smith, Bibb county Independent Volunteers, captain Aderhold, Bibb county. I oN It BATTALION. Major, Hardeman. Macon Volunteers, captain Smith, Bibb county Floyd Rifles, captain Boss, Bibb county Lighl Guards, captain I olquitt, Muscogee county Spalding Gray?, captain Doyal, Spalding county. The Third Battalion has bee" formed into a Regiment— the Twentieth-] SUPERIOR COURT CALENDAR, for the year 1862. Appling Baker Baldwin Banks Berrien Bibb Brooks Bryan j Bulloch J Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Campbell Carroll Cass Catoosa Cnatham Chattahoochee Chatioega Cherokee Charlton Clark Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb Coffee Columbia Colquitt i Coweta Crawford Dade Dawson Decatur DeKalb Dooly Dougherty Early Echols Effingham j Elbert Emanuel Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth Franklin Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glynn 1st Monday in March and September 2d " May and November 4th " February »nd August 4th " April and October Monday after Superior Court in Irwin 2d Monday in May and November 2d " December and June Day after 3d Monday in April, and Mon- day after Liberty Court in November Friday after 3d Monday in March, and Fr'day after 4th Monday in October 2d Monday in May and November 2d 4th 3d 2d 1st 2d 9.d 2d 2d 1st 1st 2d 1st 4th 1st 4th 3d 2d 2st last 1st 1st 4th 2d 4th 4th 1st 1st 1st March and September May and November April and October February and August April and October March and September May and November January and May May and November March and September April and October Feb. and 2d Mouday Auj: March and September May and November March and September " May, and Monday after 4th Monday in November " March and September " Mnv and November " February and August " April and October June and December April and October Mon. after 4th Mon. in March and Sept. " " " " " " 2d Mon day after 4th Monday in October 2d Monday in March and September 4th " May and October March and September Jan. and 1st Mon. in July February and August April and October May and October February and August April and October Holmesville Newton Milledgevjlle Nashville Macon Eden Statesboro Waynesboro Jackson Morgan Jefiersonton. Campbellton Carrollton Cassville Ringgold Savannah Cusseta Summerville- Canton Traders Hill. AVatkinsville- Fort Gaines Jonesboro Magnolia Marietta Douglas Appling Moultrie Newnan Knoxville Trenton Dawsonvilfo; Bainbridga- Decatur Vienna Albany Blakely Springfield! Elberton Paris Morganton Fayettevill* Rome Cumming Carnesvillfj; Atlanta Elijay Gibson Brunswick 9 SUPERIOR COURT CALENDAR, for the year 1862. PLACES. Greene Gordon Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jefferson Johnson Jones Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Lowndes Lumpkin Macon Madison Marion Mcintosh j Merriwether Miller Milton Mitchell Monroe Montgomery - Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oglethorpe Paulding Pickeus Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam Quit man Rabun Randolph Richmond Schley Scriven Spalding Stewart 2d Mond«y in March and September April ami October Marcch and 3d Mon. Sept April and October March and September April aud October March and September April ii April and September 1st 1st 2d Bd 2d 3d •2d Id 3d 1 4th Thursday after Sup. Court at Telfair 4th Mondav in Kcl inarv mid August •Ith sd 8d 2d •1th April and October June and December April and October March and September Greensboro ioud I.awrenceville ■-\ ilJt. Sparta Tallapoosa Hamilton Hattwell F anklin M'houough •II'CTI'V jlrwinville Jefieraoa Monticello Louisville ■ Clinton Dublin Starkesville 8d Mon. April & Mon. after 4th Mon. Nov. Uiuesville 4th Monday in April and October June and December January and .1 uly March and September 1st 4th list 1st " Tuesday after 2d Monday in April and Thursday after 4th Monday in Nov. ;8d Monday in February and August Sd " ' April an 1st " June and November 2d " ind November 4th " February and August Thursday after ."d Monday in March, and Thursday afierod Monday in October ' mday in March and September l.incolton Tr< ujiville jllahlosega iOgletl Oanielsville : Buena Yista Darien Greenville C. lquitt Alpharetta Camilla Fersj th Mt. Vernon -on Spring Place Columbus -ton i Lexington [jasper |8d " April and October 4th " ober . d " March and September I8d " Api :l and October ;4th " February and a ;2d " March and September iThursday before 1st Mon. in Mar. A kshear :ist Mom April A Th. afl nlon 1th Monday in April and Oct Cedai 3d " " " Hawkinsville ?d " March and September -ton d " Mav and Not c:iiber _>town lsi "April A 'Wed 1st " May and x Cuthbert 4th " January and June £usta 4th " April and October . ille 2d " " " ; aia 3d " May and November Griffin 3d " April and October Lumpkin II) SUPERIOR COURT CALENDAR for the year 1863. cor nt ii s TIM PI V Smnt it l'i1 Monday in A \ DUG T;i1Ij ill e Taylor list " April and Octol Butler Terrell ■l t h " Dawson Telfair Fridav v ' ox Jacksonville Thomas ■3d " J vi ii isville Towns " lliwassee Troup ' rwiggs '4th Mai ion 13d " May ami October ■Blairsville Upson Walker and Nov( in Thomaslon Mod la i March & Sept Lafayette Walton 2d and 8d Mod in Feb. and 3d Mon. Aug Monroe "\\ are Monday in March and Si jit. 1 Waresboro W an en 1st " April and October • Warrent'on Washington :"2d " March and Septe iSandersville Wayne Thins lay after 2d Monday in April & Oct Waynesville Webster :2d Monday in March and S< ptember i Preston White :4th " Mount Yonah Wilcox 4th " April and October iAbberille Wilkrs [4th " March and September Washington Wilkes 1st " April and October i Irwinton Whitheld [4th " Dal ton Worth " ella SI PRE3IE COTRT CALENDAR, for the year 1862. jui ■■■■ J. II. LUMPKIN. ('. j. JENKINS. '■ R. F.-LVON. 1 PLACES. 1st 2d Eastern,Middle & Brunswick. [2d Mon. Jan&Jtini Macon, Southwestern, ' tahoochee and Pataula. Flint Coweta, Blui Cherokee and Tall Western and Northern. Ocmulgee and Southern. Return day out 20 days before Court. Macon. - ! 4th 5th Court. 4th Mo . ..tiauta. 4thM( tens. 2d " " ' " 'Milledgeville. All sums under $50, Magistra GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. JOSEgH E. BROWN, Governor J. M. Mobley, Secretary Senate N. C. Barnett, Sec. State and Surv. Warren Akm. S] John Jones, Treasurer, [General L. Carrington, Clerk " [Dept. P. Thweatt, Comptroller-General II. H. Waters, li. Campbell, Sec. Ex. C. J. Wellborn, Librarian J. S. Rev. la l . R. R. John Billups, President Senate • Green, Principal Keener Pen J 31 days JANUARY, 1862. 11 YE iETABLE GARDEN.— Sow Peas, Spinach. Lettuce, Cabbages, Radishes' Parsnips, Paisley, B ts, Salsafy, Turnips, ' ens. Plant Horse Raddish, Irish Potatoes. Transplant Cabbag Lettuce. Remark* The best Yariety of Peas for tins month, are the Early Frame and B r an e-rly crop, and Dwarf Marrowfat and Dwarf G ision. The Cabb -lies and Lettuce should be protected, the Radishes may be sown between rows of Can ch Celery earthbed. d up. Dress Arti- choke and Asparagus beds. MOON'S Fjril Quarter, Tth, 5h. 2^ni. even. Last Quarter 23d, lh. ISrn. moru.- Full Moon. ] in. even. 19th 9h. r.-Jm. evt n. N'eather, Ac. Circumcision. riat. Epiphany. i Battle of New Orleans, I • iippi seceded in 1 - aa and Florida seceded Landing ol Oglethorpe, 1782. Moon high run a changt with rati i -. 1781. brightest. ; 1861. . -Anti-Buoi - Pn i s I' ulv '» I ,,/.; formed into pills with gum or molasses. Dose, from two to four. Powd«b9 for Fits. Lobelia Seeds puhr'd., blue Cohush, each i, black root, cayenne, each 2 oss. Put eight ozs in 1 gallon wine. Dose, 1 talde-jpoonf.il I ' ; " ur before Also, make a strong toa of wild rosemary and drink one quart daily. FEBRUARY, 1862. 28 days. VEGATABLE GARDEN.— Sow Peas. Spinach, Cabbage Coru, Beets, Radish, Lettuce, Carrots Balsafy, Parsnips, Turnips, Sage, Thyme, and other Herbs. Plant Irish Potatoes. Transplant Callages and Lettuce. Remark* — The same variety of Peas may lie sown in this month, as were directed for the last. The principle crop of Beets and Carrots should now be sown. The common varieties of Spinach should besownin small quantities once in ten days, as it soon runs to seed. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter, 6th, 2h. 52m. even. Last Quarter, 21st, 8h. 52m. morn. Full Moon. 14th, llh.47m. morn. New Moon, 2Sth. llh. 30m. morn. w. M 1 i Sun | Sun Moon II Wa. j Rises 1 6 46 i Sets i ! 5 13 R. S. S 28 II. M. s. 9 17 s. 2 1 6 45 1 5 15 9 26 9 53 M. 3 i 6 44 i 5 16 10 22 10 3-3 Tu. 4 ; 6 43 j 5 17 11 18 11 17 W. 5 i 6 42 • 5 IS Morn. Morn. Th. 6 6 41 5 19 14 4 F. S. ■ 7 6 40 5 20 1 8 54 8 6 40 5 20 2 5 1 54 s: 9 6 39 5 21 2 53 2 50 M. 10 6 38 5 22 3 43 3 51- Tu 11 6 37 5 23 4 23 4 48 W. 12 6 36 5 24 5 10 5 41 Th. 13 6 30 5 24 5 48 6 27 F. 14 6 35 5 25 Rises. 7 7 S. 15 6 34 5 26 7 4 7 51 s. 16 6 33 5 27 8 9 :•; :;;; M. 17 6 32 5 28 » 14 9 14 Tu. 18 6 31 5 29 10 20 9 56 W. 19 6 30 5 30 11 28 10 48 Th. 20 6 29 i 5 31 Morn, 11 42 F. 21 6 28 i 5 32 36 Ev. 56 S. at! 6 27 i 5 33 l 41 1 57 s. 23 ! 6 26 1 5 34 2 40 3 8 M. 24 ! 6 26 | 5 34 3 33 4 15 Tu. 25 i 6 25 ! 5 3o 4 18 5 14 W. fee 6 24 j -,* 58 6 6 Th. 27 i 6 23 ; • 5 33 6 49 F. 28 ! 6 22 : 5 38 Sets. 8 26 Aspects, Weather, Ac. Texas seceded 1861. 4th Sunday after Ep & Pur. Cold- South rn Conf. M. 1816. Race Week in Charleston. Moon in Apogee. and clear. Changeable. 5th Sunday after Epiphany Prov. Gov. Con States, 1861. Jupiters gr. elong. East. P. E. Con. meets. Rain. St Valentine's Day. Wet >reat?ier- Septuagesima S. Mercury stationary. Rain or Pros. Davis inaugurated '61. Moon in Perigee. snow. Biela d. 1857. Heavy frost. Washington born 1732. Saxagesi. Sun. St. Mathias. Likely some rain. Clears mild and pleasant. RECIPES. — Rheumatic Liniment — Tine, cayenne or 3d prep. 2 oz., spts. turpentine, essence peppermint, each 1 oz. Rub well before a fire for twenty minutes. Another Formula — Sassafras I oz., British oil 2 oz., 3d prep. 3 ox., '■ eats-foot oil, spts, turpentine, each 1 oz., appliod as above. Another Formula — Gum Camphor, beef's gall, each 1 oz., cayenne, spts surpentine, each J oz., No. 6 1 pint. Bathe well as hot as can be :borne. k Jaundice. Charcoal and sweet milk -with a course of medicine. 31 days. MARCH, 1862. 13 VEGETABLE GA&DEN— Sow Carrot* lard, parsnips' Salsafy, Cabbages, Spinach, Turnips. Leeka, Tomafoes, Peppers, Rad- ishes, Lett i iiiMsli. Plant Cneumbefs, Okra, Melons. Snap Beans, Cushaws, Sewee i ih. — Transplant * rs, Gains - oe. — Rsmahks. — The abov- as early as possible. Carrots should be sown plentifully. Lettuce separt should be sown every I Irish Potatoes should uut be planted later than this month. MOON'S PHA- First Quarter 8th, Oh. 2m. even. Quarter 22d, 4b. 30m even Full Moon 15th, 1 lh 58m. even. New Moon 30th, 2h 2flin morn. W s s M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th r B M Tu W Th F S s M |m 1 Sun Sun Moon 11 \\a risee. 5 40 H M 6 20 7 12 8 6 2 6 Ifl 5 11 8 10 3 6 is 9 8 li 21 4 1 6 17 10 2 5 16 6 M 10 :.7 10 41 6 15 5 45 1 1 51 11 38 7 6 11 5 46 Morn 6 12 H i) 20 9 6 11 1 17 10 6 10 5 50 2 21 2 16 11 6 9 5 51 3 8 12 6 8 5 52 1 1.. 13 6 7 5 53 6 8 6 6 5 54 5 56 15 6 6 5 55 Rises 6 40 16 6 -1 5 56 6 57 7 21 17 6 3 5 57 8 7 18 6 2 5 58 9 17 19 6 1 5 59 10 26 9 40 20 6 6 11 34 21 5 59 6 1 Morn 11 34 22 5 6 2 23 5 57 6 3 21 5 6 4 2 17 25 5 55 3 55 26 5 54 6 6 4 50 27 5 6 7 4 6 5 38 28 5 6 8 4 38 6 20 29 5 51 6 9 5 29 7 12 30 5 50 6 10 31 5 49 6 11 7 4G 8 31 Aspects, Weather, Ac. Quiquag S y icith 1 rrll'n. Ash Wednesday Moon in apogee. Unt 1st Sunday in Lent. Fair Mercury station. Ember day. Ember day. Ember day. Lent. 8t. Patrick's day, a change Moon perigree. inning of Spring shower*. Moon lowest. 3d Sunday in Mildtr and Hudson River discov'd Mercury g. elong. W. pleasant Becomes nor* settled. 4th Sunday in Lent. Calhoun died 1860. RECIPES. — For Dyspepsia — Take one ounee extri t, one ounce golden seal. 1-4 ounce cayenne, 1-i ounce saleratus; mix with elm mucilage, and form into pills. Dose from 2 to 3, 3 or 4 times a Hay. Another Formula — Composition] unicorn root, golden real, each'twsj ounces, bayberry. nervine, cayenne, each one oun . leaspoon- fuls to a pint of hot water, to be taken three or four times a aay 14 APRIL, 1862. 30 days. VEGETABLE GARDEN.-— Sow Carrots. Beets, fifalsafy, Turnips, -. Cauliflowers, Broceli, Tomatoes, Peppers, RadisheB, Lettuce, .Plant ©kra, Snap Beans, Sewee Beans, Eqjuashes, (,'u- Cushaws, Melons,.. Transplant Cabbages, Tomatoes, Peppers, ties. .Prick out Celry. Remarks. — Carrot* for summer id autumn should be sown this month. Cucumbers, Squashes and elans, if they nave been neglected or destroyed, may now be sown. — hg same remark applies to Beets. Balsafy, Parsnips and Turnips. Let- ices are uncertain ; green glazed Cabbage only to be set out this and oej ling months. MOON'S PHASES. frst Quarter, 7th, 6b 53m morn. Last Quarter, 21st, Oh 44m morn. ill Moon, Mil', ihiiiiui lmirii. New Moon, 2^h, 6h 8m even. W. R un i Sun Moon ll.Wa. ses : Sets R. S. H. M. Aspects, Weather, i 49 .. It lu 6 50 14 10 6 50 7 29 15 6 9 6 51 9 9 - 27 6 10 7 9 21 ."> 6 10 54 lo 13 5 7 1 1 85 11 9 19 5 6 6 54 Morn. Ev. 4 20 5 6 6 54 10 57 21 G 5 6 55 41 1 58 22 5 5 6 55 1 1 3 2 45 5 4 6 56 1 42 3 35 24 5 3 a 57 2 12 } 26 5 6 57 2 I.. 5 12 26 ^ 6 58 3 20 5 57 - •"> i'. 53 1 4 8 42 5 1 6 59 Sets. 7 19 6 8 7 S 61 8 47 7 n 9 33 9 28 Aspects, Weather, Ac. St. Philip and St. James .Moon in api . 1 1861 2d Sunday after Easter Bonaparte died, 1821 pie i Fair with cool morning. for some time. Blockade commenced, I8f] 3d Sunday after Easter A', or ,i Moon in perigree. change with Moon lowest rain, thundi r and lightning 4 th Sunday after Easter Like for a N. Carolina seceded, 1861 storm ^fuch wind and UlUtttltd Rogation Sunday Rogation days Moon in apogee Ascension day Moon highest T<> K '. SPOIBU— Ink spott can he removed from watte ■ lean talow picked from tie i indie nil led on the ink spot, and kit sticking tbeffi when tie wash tub. It will come out of the wait free from the iak sttln. Frtrh emoi jaiec mixed with a little sr.it Sxoellsatfor removing stains #f in):, iron mould. Ac. 16 JUNE, 1802. 1 30 days. .VEGETABLE GARDEN.— Sow Cauliflowers, Brocoli, Cabbages, Car- rots, Totoatoes.. Plant Snap Beans, Okra. . Transplant Celery, Cabbages, Leeks. . Prick out- Cauliflowers, Brocoli and Celery. Remarks. — This month is generally very djry and hot, and all of the crops recommended to Be sown now, must be protected from the sun; most of them should have been sown in April, and it is only in case ef failure or omission that they should be now sown. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter, 5th, 9h. 24m. morn. Last Quarter, 18th, 9h. 53m. even. Full Moon, 12th, Oh. 58m. morn. New Moon, 27th, lb.. 35m. morn. W. s. M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Th F S 8 M Tu W Th F S S M M Sun Sun Moon Rises Se ts It. S. 1 4 5'J 7 1 10 12 2 1 59 7 1 10 48 3 4 59 7 1 11 21 4 4 58 7 2 11 52 5 4 58 7 2 Morn. 6 4 58 7 2 24 7 4 57 7 3 57 8 4 57 7 3 1 93 9 4 57 7 3 2 15 10 4 56 7 4 3 3 11 4 66 7 4 3 59 12 4 56 7 4 Rises. 13 4 56 7 4 8 43 14 4 56 7 4 9 29 15 4 55 7 5 10 9 ie 1 55 7 5 > 10 42 17 4 b'-> 7 5 11 13 18 4 55 7 5 10 43 19 4 55 7 5 Morn. 20 4 55 7 5 15 21 4 55 7 5 47 22 4 55 7 5 1 21 23 4 5i 7 5 2 24 4 55 7 5 2 42 25 4 55 7 5 3 27 26 i 55 7 5 1 17 27 4 55 7 5 Sets. 28 4 56 7 4 8 1 2 29 4 56 7 4 8 51) 30 4 56 7 4 9 12 ;l\ V"a. u. M. Aspects, Weather, &c. id 8 Sunday after Ascension 10 52 Very hot and n 33 dry. Morn. S' and 27 'erf. ■ 1 19 2 15 Perhaps rain. 3 18 Whit Sunday 4 20 Whit Monday. Moon in perig. 5 22 6 22 Moon eclipse visible 7 19 8 15 Warm iptih 9 8 ran'. 9 54 Trinity Sunday 10 43 President Polk died, 1849 11 ,53 Ev 20 Battle Waterloo, 1815 1 7 9 2 Queen Victory crowned, 1837 2 54 Sun furthest North 3 47 1st Sunday after Trinity 4 40 Summer has set in 6 31 Moon in apogee 6 18 6 59 Thunder anil 7 42 lightning 8 25 Battle of Fort Moultrie, 1776 9 5 2d Sunday after Trinity 9 45 Clay died, 1852 TO DESTROY RATS AND MICE.— If you propose to destroy a mouse by arsnic, spread butter on bread, sprinkle on the arsnic, and drrop a drop or two of oil of rhodium, and :v mouse will unfailingly be attracted to the poison. Place beside it a saucer of water, and as soon as he has eaten of the poisoned bread and butter, he will driuk, and then die on the spot. Oil of anis seed spread on the bread will attract them into a trap. 81 days. JULY. 1862. V VEGETABLE GARDEN.— Sow early Dutch Turnips, RutaBe rots, Parsnips, Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Brocoli, Endi c. Radishes, Spi- nach. .Plant Snap Beans, Irish P TiansplaniGabl Celery, Cauliflowers. Brocoli* Ton I Lteks. Remarks.— A ww Carrots. Parsnips, S v i i . a c 1 1 or Radishes, thould be sewn, and while voting should be protected From the sun. The curly Dutch Turnips should be sown in email quantities towards the hist of the month. Tho Irish Potatoes will be lit tor use in October, and Tomatoes when the spring sown crop ceasi S. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter, -1th, 5h 31m even. Last Quarter, 18th, llh 2-iin morn. Full Meon, 11th, Sh 19m morn, Ne\i 16m even. A spects, Weather, 4c. Suu iu Bpoges Wurvi uiik thotctr* Independence U. S. 1T7<3 3d Sunday after trinity nn-tittUd With rain I , T | • :r y itfa Sunday alter Trinity icith th under and Ugh I u ir*g vtry unt; Th 3 1 57 7 8 1 68 11 53 F ■1 J 57 7 8 11 3'J Mora. a ."> 1 ■ '. 7 3 Morn. V 46 B 8 ! .'7 7 8 ,1 |n 1 45 M 7 1 5 s 7 u (I 5-1 2 Tu N 4 5s 7 •_ 1 44 4 W 9 4 5-< 7 2 8 4-1 5 1" Th 10 4 59 7 1 3 50 13 F 11 ; 58 7 1 Rise* H L* S 7 s 1 / S 18 5 7 M 14 5 1 Ii 5g 9 19 1 Tu 15 5 1 ''. 5y 9 41 10 11 W Id 5 8 8 .' - 10 16 10 :.-, Th 17 •") 2 •; lo is 11 ! 1 F 15 ."> 8 ; ■' 7 11 21 Ev S 19 5 :; 6 57 11 57 1 19 s 20 5 1 '". Morn. 2 1 1 M 81 5 ■1 6 66 38 .; 13 Tu sa s 5 6 55 1 88 1 9 W - s 8 6 M 8 11 5 Th •ji 5 6 6 :; I 5 F 25 5 7 ''• 4 •'• 38 S 26 5 7 ii Sets 7 51 N 'J 7 5 8 6 53 ■ ' 7 59 U 88 ■ ' '.' 6 51 7 68 s Tu 29 5 10 tj 50 '.' W 3(1 5 10 <'< 9 i 9 Th 81 5 11 6 49 9 33 10 RECIPE — Consumption — Hoaihound, elecan pane, leech hark, lobelia chamomile flower, Indian turnip, skui.k cablfige, and black tnake roct, each one pound, pipsiasewa, dandllion, each four pounds, catenae four ounces. Boil till the strength is obtained, and add one quart honey to every gallon ; simmer till well mixed ; then ccol and add one-third bran- dy to preserve it. 18 AUGUST, 1862. 31 dar*. VEGETABLE GARDEN.— Sow Peas, early Dutch and oilier varieties of Turnips, Hutu Baga,*Oniabs, Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Brocoli, Black Spanish Radishes,. Canots, Beit-, Parsnips, Salsafy, Lettuce and En- 'dive. . . Plant Snap Beans. . Transplant Cabbages, Cauliflowei s, lirocoli. Celery. Ruta Baga and Endive. Remark*. — Not much can be expected from Peas sown in this month, as they will he verv much crip-pled bv the high winds and rain. The Beets and Spinach are liable to the at- tacks of the worms, which destroy their leaves, though they n.::y be v*>y fine. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter, 2d, llh 37m even. Last Quarter, 17th, 4h 28m morn. Full Moon, 9th, 4h 34m even. New Moon, 26th, 4h 12m morn . W ¥ S 8 M Tu W Th F « 8 M Tu Th F 8 8 M Tu W Th F S 8 JC Tu W Fh F S 8 1 M S mi Sun Moon J I Wa K s>es S ets R. S. n u 1 5 12 6 4S 10 10 11 27 2 5 12 6 48 10 51 Morn 8 5 13 6 47 11 83 24 4 5 14 6 4C> Morn 1 29 5 5 15 6 45 31 2 39 1 6 s 115 6 44 1 33 3 51 5 its 6 44 2 40 6 8 5 17 6 43 3 50 6 9 5 IS 6 42 Rises 6 47 10 5 19 '6 41 7 8 7 35 11 5 20 6 40 7 41 8 21 12 5 20 6 40 8 14 9 ,. 13 5 21 6 39 8 45 9 89 14 5 22 6 88 9 20 10 18 15 5 23 6 •c7 9 66 11 S 16 5 24 6 36 10 85 1 1 50 17 5 25' 6 36 11 18 Ev 43 18 5 26 6 34 Morn 1 38 19 5 26 6 34 5 2 38 20 5 27 6 33 65 3 87 21 5 28 6 32 1 49 4 83 22 5 29 6 31 2 45 5 22 23 5 30 6 30 S 44 6 11 24 5 31 6 29 4 42 6 49 25 5 82 6 28 Sets 7 29 26 5 83 6 27 7 8 8 11 27 5 84 C 26 7 31 8 60 28 5 85 6 26 8 13 9 33 29 6 36 6 24 8 52 10 17 80 5 87 6 22 9 38 11 12 31 5 38 5 22 10 29 Morn. | Aspects, Weather, Ac. Commtnre-t fair and hot 7th Sunday after Trinity Moon lowest Moon in perigee sultry Battle at Oak Hill 1861 8th Sunday after Trinity Changeable now pirhaj * rain. Battle at Camden 1780 9th Suuday after Trinity Moon in perigee Cool change • stormy and unsettled 10th Sunday a ter Trii ily Likefor m uoh wet and damp wtather Cloudy 11th Sundry atter Trinity RECIPES. — To Punier tub Blood. — Sarsaparilla 2 ounces, prickly ash, sampsou snake root, bay berry, mandrake, nervine, and golden seal, each one ounce. Put the above in six quarts of water, and boil to one gallon, and then add one-third spii its. Dose, from one-half to a wine- glassful three times a day. Cramp in STOMAcn. — Drink freely of waim water sweetened. Adda tea^poonful of cayenne to a pint of water. SO day?. SEPTEMBER, 1862, 1» Vfi&ETAHliE GARDEN. — Sow early Dutch and other varieties . f Turnips, P.uta Bag*, Beets, Swiss Chard, Mangle "Wurtzlo, Carrots, Pdrsnms, Salsafy, Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbages, Ouionft, Radishes, Kn- dive. .Plati S lapt Beans.. Transplant Ruta Baca, Cabbages, Cauliflow- ers, Hrocoli, Celery, Lettuce, Leek*«, Endive. Kfmarks. — In this month the principal crops ol 1'urnip-. Beets, Carrots, I'arsni] s, Ac., should b« sown, us ibey "ill ii<-i|iiiie sufficient strength to withstand the cold weather before the winter sets in. When thining out the Ruta Paga, the plants should be reserved and transplanted where they have failed. BOON'S PHASES. First Quarter, 1st, 4li 53m m irn. Last Qu irter, loth, llh *m evon. Full Moon, 8th, 2h 39m morn. New Jioon, 23d, i>h CGm even. First'Quart r, 8t)tb, luh 51m morn. W .. Sun Sun iiiso Sots 1 5 39 6 121 1! Wa, K. S. 11 26 tt. M. Aspects, Weather, &o. M 13 Moon in apogee oool and Tit ■2 5 30 6 21 Morn 1 in UNSETTLED W :: 5 40 6 20 29 •J 31 Th •1 5 -11 6 19 l 36 Q 41 OLBABfl V 5 :, 42 6 18 4 46 s 6 5 43 r, 17 5 41 I >og Days end s 7 S 14 6 16 •1 54 6 27 M 45 6 16 7 6 Brittle at Eataw, 17S1 Tn 9 5 46 6 14 6 41 7 49 vr Id ;> •17 6 13 7 18 8 30 Battle on Labe Erie, 17IS Tli 11 5 48 6 12 ," £ 9 9 F 12 5 49 6 11 8 32 j 9 46 COOT. WKATIJKa s 1.", 5 :,(» 6 Hi 9 14 ID 29 t'EKHATS FROST R 1 1 s 5 1 6 9 Hi ti 11 Is M 15 6 52 G 8 10 47 j Eve. 11 Moon in apogee Tu 16 5 53 6 <- 11 40 1 9 OOOL XICTTTS w 17 5 54 6 G Morn o -1 AND Th 18 B 55 G G i) 34 3 o JtORXTNCS F 19 5 56 6 4 1 30 3 56 gXPECT s a ) e 57 6 3 2 29 4 ' ANOTHER. s .! 5 58 6 o 3 26 5 36 M 1 1 28 6 20 Tu |23 6 5 Bets. to 1 Autumn begins W 24 6 1 5 6 11 7 44 CHANGE Th 25 6 2 5 fi 49 8 30 F 26 6 3 5 57 7 36 '.» 17 UNSETTLED S 27 6 4 5 56 8 26 10 6 s 28 6 6 5 55 '.) 21 11 14 M 29 6 G 5 54 10 24 Mo; n St. Michael and All Angl. Tu 30 6 7 5 53 11 29 6 Moon lowest. Frozen Liml.s— l'athe with equal parts of the oil of turpentine and peppermint. 20 OCTOBEil, 1801 31 (lave. VEGETABLE GARDEN.-- Sow Cabbages, Lettuce, Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Radishes, Spinach, Salsafy, Parsnips, fiuta Baga. .Transplant Cabbages, Cauliflowers, liroc'oli, Onions, Lettuce', Leeks ami Endive. — Remarks. — If any ot'tlje crops recommended above have not been sown. they should not be neglected loDffer; most of them may yet be sown with considerable advantage. The artichokes should in this month bo attended to, the suckers removed, and manure given. Strawberries should be set out in this month. MOON'S PHASES. Full Moon, 7th, r;h 28m even. New Meon, 23d, 2h 18m morn. Last Quarter, 15th, 6h 23m even. First Quarter, 29th, f>h 25m even. w M Sun Sun Moon 11 VVa. Rise Sets R. S. n. M. Aspects, Weather, &c. w 1 6 8 5 41) Morn 1 12 Cool, NIGHTS Th o 6 9 5 40 30 2 19 AND MORNINGS. F 3 6 10 5 4!) 1 40 q 23 S 4 6 11 5 48 2 44 4 22 s 5 12 5 48 3 46 5 12 M 6 G 13 5 47 4 40 G FROSTY Th 7 g 14 5 46 Rises. 6 40 Battle at King's Mountain W 8 6 15 5 46 49 1 10 Th 9 6 10 5 43 28 8. TEET TJNSETTI.Kn F 10 6 17 5 43 7 8 8 40 WITH WIND AND S 11 6 18 5 42 7 40 9 21 RAIN s 12 6 19 5 41 8 40 10 a M 13 6 20 5 40 9 31 10 48 Moon in npogco Tu 14 6 21 5 39 10 20 11 37 CI.OtDY W 15 6 22 5 38 11 20 Ev. 29 Th 16 6 23 5 37 Morn 1 24 F 17 24 5 30 16 2 17 Burgoyn surrendered '77 S 18 6 25 5 34 1 12 3 16 RAIN s 10 20 5 34 2 12 4 M 20 6 27 5 33 3 12 4 59 Cornwallis surr.eudered'81 Tn 21 6 28 5 32 4 10 5 48 CLEAR W 22 6 29 5 £0 Sets G 30 PLEASANT Th 23 6 30 5 30 6 28 7 22 * v - F 24 6 31 5 29 G 16 8 14 PAIR s 25 6 32 5 28 7 12 t Moon Lowest s 26 (I 33 5 27 8 16 10 M 27 6 34 5 20 9 21 10 57 Tu 28 6 35 5 24 10 28 11 40 W 29 36 5 24 11 33 Morn FERHATB A Ta 30 G 3G 5 24 Morn 49 CHANGE F 31 G 37 5 23 48 1 49 WITH RAIN Tooth-ache — Cayenne in a littlo bag kept in the mouth night and day. 30 days. NOVEMBER, 18G2. 21 VEGETABLE GARDEN.— Sew Peas, Cabbages, Radishes, Carrot.*, Spinach, Turnips, Pai I ce, LSeets, Salsafy. .Plant Matagon and Windsor Beans. .Transplant Cabbages,* Lettuce, Unions and Leeks. — Uemauks. — The Crops sown about the commencement of this month, and a general crop towards the last, though it is bc.-t to defer this until the nex', mouth. The Dwarf Marrowfat and Dwarf Green Imperial arc the best varieties for the sowing. The Asparagus beds should now be- dressed, and a good supply of manure given. lON'y phases; Full Moon, 6th, 7u 30m morn. New Moon, 2l«t, Oh 45m oren. Last Quarter, 14th, on 51m even. First Quarter, 28th, 4h 43m morn.. w , r Sun E nut Moon 11 Wa. : M B '■ 1 1 6 ise 88 Sets 5 22 ):. s l 39 ii. M. Aspects, Weather, «fcc. s •■> 49 All Saint's Day s 2 15 39 5 21 i' 38 •". 20th Sunday after Trinity M 40 20 4 39 FOOGT AND Tu . 4 G 41 5 19 4 34 5 •.'7 w ;, c 42 5 is 5 30; 6 11 VNSKTTI.ED T!i 6 6 43 5 17 6 49 r.UF.AT OHANGB F 7 6 ;:; 5 16 5 4 s 7 31 WITH RAIN S 8 6 44 5 15 8 16 Moon highest s 9 6 45 5 14 7 27 8 -7 M 10 6 46 5 13 8 17 8 87 Moon in apogee Tu 11 6 47 5 12 '.! 10 Jo 19 Bsooirea clear w 12 6 48 5 11 | | 8 li 6 Th 13 6 49 5 11 11 11 49 Meteoric showerafl883-87 F 1 1 6 &o 5 in ! 1 58 Ev 41 s I.", 51 6 9 ICorn l 34 s If, 6 :.l 5 9 55 2 28 n.nrnv anp M 17 6 ■V' 5 8 1 55 3 23 CIIANGF.ARI.E Tu fie 6 53 5 i 4 SI TERM ATS FROST W 19 G 53 5 i 4 7) 5 17 Th 20 G 53 •"> 6 6 U Charge with K 21 G 54 5 5 Sets 7 6 Moon in perigee fair S 22 6 55 5 5 8 2 s 23 6 5 1 7 3 8 56 WEATHER M -2 1 6 56 5 3 8 12 9 46 Tu 25 6 57 5 •J 28 in 42 W 2fi 6 ■•7 5 2 in 23 11 ANOTHER WF.T DAT Th 27 6 58 5 2 11 32 Morn. F 28 G 58 5 1 Morn gfl (Advent Sunday s 29 6 59 5 1 1 42 < and s 30 6 59 5 1 1 22 o 17 (St. Andrew's Day v ramp in Stomach — Drink freely of warm water sweetened.. Add a tea.-poonful of cayenne to a pint of water. 00 DECEMBER, 1861 31 d ays. ■ M nv.ii.^1 U'lii LIU 1 it 111 1IUI I.'J iu|iui:i| i i i .i i ' i I a I I * , 1 I d l .III , Ll> Ull>. I\ 11 s'jed sown during this mouth, except Spinach, l'eas and licans, must be protected duriu^ the old weather. Full r.Ioon, 6th, 2h 18m morn. List Quarter, 14th) 5h 14m morn. New Moon, 20th ; llh 45m even. First Quarter, 2Nth, Oh 25m even. W ; i :' Sun : Sun Moon II W;l. II se i Sets R. S. ir. M. Aspects, "Weather, «fcc. M \l 5 2 29 3 41 Days 10 hours long Tu 1 9 \n 1 i.6 3 20 4 4 Hazy W 1 3 :7 1 4 50 4 22 4 56 LNSETTLED Th 1 4 7 2 4 59 5 10 5 44 AND COI.D F i 5 7 2 4 58 Rises. 6 28 '. Moon highest S ! 6 : 7 2 ; 4 58 5 It) 7 10 Moon eclipsed, visible s 7 if 8 4 58 6 11 7 49 ; 2d Sunday in Advent M ! S |7 3 4 57 7 5 8 32 Moon in apogee Tn i 9 : 7 9 O 4 57 7 58 9 15 I.IKE FOR W i 10 : 7 o 4 57 8 53 9 51 SNOW Th In 7 4 4 57 9 49 10 33 Milder F i 12 7 4 4 56 10 45 11 17 (.Washington died, 1799 •]Ev. Charleston, 1782 (3d Sunday in Advent S 118 .7 4 4 56 11 42 ev. 1 S !l4 7 4 4 56 Morn 52 M lis 7 4 4 50 41 1 45 PERHAPS PAIN Tu m 7 5 4 56 1 44 2 45 NOW OOI.D AND w U7 7 5 4 50 2 50 3 47 Ember Day Th ; IS 7 5 4 55 3 58 4 63 DISAGREEABLE f i 19 7 5 4 5") 5 8 5 55 s :2o 7 5 4 55 Seta 51 S. Carolina seceded, 186) s m 7 5 4 55 7 47 7 49 4t'' Sunday in Advent M :22 7 5 4 55 7 8 43 Beginning of Winter Tu 1 23 7 5 4 55 8 11 9 31 W 124 7* 5 .4 55 9 18 10 17 Sun and cbek agree Th 25 7 5 4 55 10 22 11 7 Christmas F 20 7 5 4 uj 11 23 11 55 .S 27 7 4 4 55 M( rn Morn. St. John the Evangelist s ; 28 7 4 4 56 22 46 Sunday alter Christmast M 129 4 4 56 1 19 1 38 Tu 30 7 4 4 50 2 10 2 36 STORMT W 31 7 4 4 50 3 12 3 29 CHANGE Boils— Honey, Hour and yolk of an egg, or turpentine, equal parts. 23 MACON CITY GOYERNMEIff. MATCH!, jr. s. Thomson. iLDEBMBV, 0. F. ADAMS. E. C RRANNI8S, JOHN T. BOIFEOTLLET, J. V, GRIER, IX T DRIG1ARS. THOMAS \. HARRIS, \VM. P. GOODALL, JOHN L. JONES. RICH A Hi) CURD, Clerk and Treasurer. E. JOHNSON. MarshaL GEORGE D. LAWRENCE, Dtputy Marshal. JAMES A. SIMPSON, Superintendent Stints a- ,d I.i.ces. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. Antral bailroad^-gSo. w. adams, mtpkbiniendent. Leave Macon 12.30 p m Ann e at Savannah 11.15 p m . Leave Mmon 8 50 p m Arrive at Savannah 7 .40 a m. Leave Savannah 2.80 p m < Irrive al Macon 12.40 a m. Leave Savannah a. 50, p m Arrh e at Mao u 9.{0 a m. IN AM' B Ul'M *'N BB IM H. Leave Eatonton at 6.55 p ni. Leave Milli i IS p m. Arrive at Gordon at 9.45 p m., connecting with down night train on C. II. R. — Returning, will Kave Gordon farter arrival of up day tiain from Savan- nah) at 11.45 p m. arriving at Milledgevtlle at 12. 5S a ni, and Eatonte.i at 2.3t> a ni. BOOTH-WSSTBRM RAILROAD — Vtunil. row M.S. si fBKIKTEKDEST. ■ - n SfaeoH an 1 ■ Leave Macon at 1.30 am Arrive at Columbus 7. IS a m. Leave Columbus at 2 25 p m A rrn e at Macon 7. ,"ti p m . Beiwei Leave Macon at 9.80 h in Arrive : t Cl.attahoocLee fi 44 p m . Leave ChattaLoochee at 9.55 a m At rive at Mi, con 7. IS p m. gACON A WESTERN RAILROAD. Leave Mncou at 10.00 am \trive at Atlanta 4.00 p m . Leave Atlanta at 1.40 p m Arrive at Macon 7.00 p m . HAOOM A BBCKSWICK I 1ILROAD. Leave Macon at 10. On a in Returning, an ire at Macon 4 00 pm. HA.CGN POST OFFICE — E. L. Stohecker, P. M. Office Hours. — Open at half-past 7 a m. Close at 1 p m. Open at half-past 2 p m. Close at i\ p m. Open on Sundays B to Ham. Mails per Central and Muscogee Railroads close at ."> p m. Per South- Western and M icon and Western Railroads 8 a m. Clinton mail closes* daily at 12 m. Twiggs county mail closes Tuesday and Friday at 5 pm. NEW J V.Toir«lKjOERT\ ANTHONY MAYR manufactuies to order every description of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, and HINDS in any style desired, Magazine*. Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books,. Clerk's Record and Docket Books, with or without Printed Forms, and warranted best quality pa- per. Engineer's profile paper made frcm the best Erglish drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and carefully attended to.* Office No. 13 CoUcd Avenue, Macon, Ga. I HAVE A GOOD STOCK UF Glass Goblets, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, &c ALSO, A GOOD STOCK OF Gr-anitc and Common Ware. • ALSO, SEVERAL China Dinner and Tea Setts, White and Gilt. also;" several \ • Plated Tea Sets and .Ca£ ; prs, . AND A LARGE STOCK T)F FArgC^ ¥ASBS, .NOW IN STOKE, WHICH WILL BE SOLD REASONABLE _ FQlt CASH. January 1, 1862. It. F. SIcEVOY, Macon, Ga. "PUGH & BRO.'S Photograph, 'Ambrotype and Ba- guerrean Gallery, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACQJSr' GA. We shall still continue business at our old stand, where we are pro- ducing LIKENESSES of every style, from miniature to the lite-sire Photograph Portrait, which we can make' from Daguerreotypes of de- ceased persons as well as from life: We ore native Southerners, Carolinians by birth, and Georgians by adoption, but we do not ask patronage mi phat ground, but pn the ground' that we are producing as iiue pictures as are made* on this con-^ • t : nent — as our specimens will show— and at prices as LOW.as any Gal- .lery in die State. We were awarded the premium, over* all ofherr, for -the best Photographs, at the two last Annual State Fairs, and at the f€!otton Planters' Fair. ~Give us a trial, Rnd we-will-guarrantcc to please you* • ' J. A. PXJ.GH & BRO.