■"^ t'^'Z-'K lUM.^K 01-' Ui:t'KE8ENTATIVK>;. Jan. 2ii, 18tJ4.^R£ac! fir«t. \r\(\ s«»rond times, placed on the Calondar, Mnd ordered to be printed, [Bv Mr. GooDF..] To be entitled Ati Act to anthorize i;hp impreff«ment of meat for the use of the array, under certain circamstances. .1 Section I. The. Cmisire'f.'^ of the Confederate States of America do 1 enact. That whenever the President shall declare that the public 3 exigencies render it nenesssry. impressments of meat, for the use 4 <~'f the army, may be made from an v ^upplio;* that may exist in the ,s country, under the express condition that just coropensation shall 6 be afforded to the owner of the meat taken or impressed, and sub- 7 ject to the following restrictions and limitations : 1 Srh. '2. Tho powor to direct ^«nch impressment shall be con- > fprred r.pon the Secretary of ^Var ; but he shall not reduce the 3 supplies of any person below one-half of the quantity usually al- 4- lowed for' the support of himself, his family, and dependants for 5 the year. He shall exercise the paid power by orders directed to G the officers or agents he may employ, who shall have explicit iu- 7 structions as to the mode of its execution, and injunctions that 8 the same shall not be abused. 1 Sec. S. That these orders shall direct that a notice shall he 2 given to the owner of the meat needed, his bailee or other a^ent, 3 declaring the quantity required, tho price offered, the existence 4 of a necessity, and whether possession is to be taken of the same 5 immediately, and with whom the risk of the safe-keeping is to be, li ponding the negotiation, nnd in what manner the compensation 7 shall be settled, in case tlie olter is not accepted — service of wliich «S notice shall be a condition precedent to any impressment, or 9 seizure by the impressing officer. s 1 Sf,c. 4. That upon the service of this notice upon the owner 2 of any meat liable to impressment, the o\Tner shall hold the same, i subject to the claim of the Confederate States, and shall be en- 4 titled to just compensation, according to the provisions of this 5 act ; and if the necessity is declared by the impressing officer to 6 be urgent, he shall deliver the possession to the impressing 7 officer upon his demand, who shall give a receipt therefor. r\s 8 provided in the sixth section of this act. 1 Sec. 5. That for the ascertainment of the quantity of meat liable 2 to impressment under this act, and also of just compensation for 3 the same, where the owner and the impressing officer cannot 4 agree, the impressing officer shall appoint one loyal and disinter- 5 ested citizen of the county, district or parish, in which the meat 6 impressed shall be at the time of impressment, and the owner of ? the meat so impressed, his agent, or other bailee shall appoint 8 anntber, who ahall. upon oath, ascertain the quantity liable to P irnpreBf»menr.. and th*-' vaino of th^ =amp at thp «iate of the notice ]H served upon the party, which natli may ))e admin isterffl by the 11 impressing officer, and which a-=icertainment of the '^uantity and 12 value shall be conclusive evidence thereof ; and if the assessors 13 cannot acrroc. thfty may a<*sociate with them a third poraon, of 14 like qnalificationfi, to mako 5»aid asscpsment. 1 Sfc. G, That whenever an impressment shall be made, under 2 this act, it shall l»p the duty of the impressing' officer to give an 3 official certificate, showing the quantity taken, the company, bat- A talion. regiment or other command, for whose use it is required, 5 the compensation to be paid, the circumstances of necessity that G existed, which certificnte shall be evidence of a claim against the 7 obiects. 4^ HI