Ci" ! 3Q76 ' Jl yd r Duke University Libraries The Confederate Conf Pam q#77 Wu ditmidtmU tmg Mil pavg Receives the Contributions of Christians of all Denominations, who, through it, lay their Offerings of Patriotism upon the Altar of Piety, and lead the Soldiers of the Country to become the Soldiers of the Cross. v«= Tbe Army of the Southern Confederacy is tlic most important field for religious labor in tlic wide world. If this Laud of ours, placing itself under the protection of Messiah, the exalted Head of all Power, the Governor amongst the nations, shall reader unto Him the honor which is His due, anJ prove steadfast in its allegiance to Him, then what mind can conceive, or language depict, the splendor of its destiny^the stately march of its sublime" career, as it rises to unquestioned pre-eminence, and wears its crown of glory, and wields its sceptre of influence amongst the Powers of Earth ! But, the choicest portion of the country, the jiower of Hie South, tvhi'ch icill of necessity^ ;)ive charorter to the Confederacy, and control it for years lo come, is found in the Army. Hence, the importance of consecrating to CHRIST this mighty influence. And hence the importance of sustaining an enterprise, which seeks to accomplish this great end. About Fifty Millions of Pages of Tracts, and thousands of Gospels and Hymn Books have been distributed from this Depository, gratuitously amongst the Soldiers of every Army of the Confederacy The seed has not been sown in vaiu. Numerous letters from Chaplains, Oificers and Privates, testify to the great good which has been accomplished, and show that the literature thus dis- seminated, has been, to a considerable extent, instrumental in producing an(J sustaining the won- derful Revival with which God ha.", blessed our Armies, and which, in the past year, baa added more than twelve thousand Soldiers to the churches. Generals Lee, Jack.son, Kirby Smith, and other Army Oflicers ; Captains Lee, Pegram, and others of the Navy ; and many eminent Statesmen • of the Confederacy ; have given their vol- untary testimony to the valuable service rendered to the country by this in.sirumentalit\-. The expenditure of means involved is very great, and donations for tho/ support ol tliis enterprise are respectfully solicited from all, everywhere, who have at heart, tfie religious wel- fare of our Soldiers, and the advancement of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesua Christ. Please send your contributions to Rev. A.. AV. MILLER, SuiVt }^C '^ /^v^rVv/<^/ y^^.^/^A//V^