Duke University Libraries Mr. Rogers' min Conf Pam #286 DTTDE33E1T HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Feb. 15, 1865.— Order- ed to be printed. MR. ROGERS' MINORITY REPORT. Resolved^ As the sense of this House, that if pi'oper and effi- cient means be resorted to, to bring back to the army absentees and deserters, and the exemption laws be so modified as to place in the miUtary service the many thousands of able bodied young men, exempt under existing laws, but whose places at home may be supplied by those exempt from physical causes or from age, there is nothing in the present aspect of our mili- tary affairs to justif\' the hazardous experiment of placing slaves in our armies as soldiers, Resolved 2d. That as a dernier resort, should it become ap- parent that the material for soldiers of our white population has iDcen exhausted, and our armies inadequate to meet and repel the enemy, we will not hesitate to resort to the use of slaves in our armies, in any capacity in which they may be made serviceable. Resolved Sd. That the doctrine of emancipation as a reward for the services of slaves employed in the army, is antagonis- tic to the spint of our institutions, and could effect no perma- nent good, but would inevitably entail upon the country great present and greater future evil. pH8.5