t i I .- )L. p. i jji- .J,' (J ^- ^ " TREATISE EPISCOPACY; CONFUTING BY SCRIPTURE, REASON, and the CHURCHES TESTIMONY, thatfortof j^iotcfan Cljurtl)r0. PRELACr, 2ind GO V E R NM E N r. Which cafteth out The Prhn'itive Church-Species, Epifcopacy, Mimftry aad Difcipline, and confoundeth the Chriftian World by Corruption, Ufur- pation, Schifm, and Perfecution. Meditated in the Year 1640. when the Et catera Oath was impofed. Writ- ten 1 67 1, and caftby. Pubiiflied 1680, by the importunity of ourSupc- riours, who demand the Reafons of our Nonconformity. V>y RICHARD BAXTER. LONDON, Printed for Ni-vil Simmtm at the Three Cocks at the Weft end of S. Paul\ aad Thomas Simmons 3t the Princes Arms in Ludgate-ftrtet. 168 1. :!£lly; ■finut 10 I The Hiftory of the ProduSlioJi of this Treatife, mib its De- fiqii and Sum j to p event mif-unde^jlandin?. BEcaufemany of late, as weJl as Juflice Roger L' Eftrangc,6o feem to believe thcmfelves in their accufatioii of me, as ch.mging with the Times ; thougli I greatly affecb tlic cliangc of a Froficienf, and know not at what age it is that fuch men would fix us that we may grow no wifer, nor ever repent of former Ignorance or Errour ; yet Iwillhcreconfcfs to them that if what I here write againll be good and right, I have been forty years unchanged in my Errour. My mutability hath been little to my advantage for this world , For further than I was for the King, I never was one year on tJiar which was called the upper or ftronger prevailing fide, as far as I un- derfland it. Nor to the very day that I was turned out of all, did my Preferments, or Riches ever ferve me, fo mucli as to have a Houfe, or keepa Servant man, (fave in Travail) or Woman (favc one aged Woman that provided me neccflaries, in a few top rooms of another mans Houfe ;) which I mention for the fake ot the mi- iXzkQW French llranger, Mr. Dure/, that tells the World another flory. And as to this ^ubjciH:, this is the Breviate of its Hiftory, a^ cri- ghte. I was in my Child hood, firfl: bred up under the School.and Church teaching.oi eight feveral men, of whom only two preach- ed once a month, and the reft were but Readers of the Liturgie, and moft of very fcandalous lives. After that I fell into the hands of a Teacher, that ftudied for preferment, and reviled Puritanes; and after that I fell into the happier acquaintance of three ancient Divines, that were called then Conformable Puritanes ; and all of them bred in me an Opinion, that Nonconformijls were i/»lear»- eff men, a Je/^.ied to hxxmorhus, caufelefs Singularity: For I knew but one * who was an honeft plain Preacher but of little learn- •wher? ing: And to fettle me, theDivincs that Hollowed, mademe readDr.^iv- Bilhop Downame's Defence, Bilhop Andrews, and others for Epifco- {''" "". pacy, and Mr. Sprint, Dr. Surges, and others for the Ceremonies : n«t " And I verily judged them to be in the right : But as foon as I was ^'«'gb'»'- ordained, I removed into a Countrey where were fome Noncon- formifts, fome few of them Learned Minifters, and many Lay- men; of whom, one in the houfe with me, wasoftdifputing the Cafe with me, and I thought ! had ftill the better : And the Non- confcrmahle Minijlers there, were men of fo much Holinefs, and A z Peace, i Peace, tliat they would fcarce ever talk of die matters in dif?er- ence, but of Holinefs and Heaven, and repreHing the over-much heat of the Lay men; And the hmous fV///iam tenner being late- ly of the next Parilh.aConformift of learning.yet plain andahedHo- nate in preaching,God had blefl hisMiniftry witli fo great fuccefs itt the Converfion of many ungodly Perfons; as that the reverence of him, kept up the honour of Conformity among the Religi- ous people thereabouts- Butini640. I was removed to Brignorth, and the Canons newly made, impofed on us an Oath, wliich had thefe words, [I A. B. do five ar that I do approve of the Dotlr'me, and DifciplinCi or Government of the C/^arc/^ /////or>', to which I muft refer you, and not again repeat it here. I know that poor ingnorant Perfons muft exped fuch a fiiameful Cant of old reproach as this,to cheat them into the hatred of Chrifls Church or- der.and Government,into a loveof Clergiebondage,.afcornful fmile ihali tell them [Mr. ^d'.v/'e'/- would have as many Bifho^s .as Parijhes, and a Pope in every Parijh; ivben men think one in a Diocefs too much : When every ignorant or rajh Prie/l Jhall be the Mafter of all the Pari(h, and jou have no remedy againfl his Tyranny,.; what a hrave reformation wiU this be e] And fuch a deceitful fcorn will ferve to delude the ignorant and ungodly. Btit if tliev truly undcrftotxi viae cdfe , (hey vvoiild He the ■fli.ime of t],is deriding ohje^rion. i. A Pope is a -A/oiwich or Governmiv of the world , and a Dioec- CiA of a niultjuide of Parilbc^. Ar.d fufc he ufurpeth not io much, who will be hvx the ( ihurcli-guidc of one .<^ A man IS abler toa;iiide one SchocM, Cr,lledee, Hofpital, or Famih', than a hundred or thoufand, without any true Mailier of a Fa- mily, School, CoUedgc, &r. un.-lcr him. 3. Why is not this fooliih rcomeftfcd againft thcle forcdud relations alfo .,iH5jo that the lame iVljriiferqiay b e the com- mon T(:achcr of all the Pariflf ,;.a^ j'et ,.ti;c Ciiurch-Paftor only of fit confcnters. Atid 'when Sacraments at- g i^ ce q't^ t]o iVJitlift cr conftraincd to deliver them ap;aini^ his Coaici- encc^^ nor any unwilling; man to receive them, who is bv this en(layed>- _ 'j;n-.cijt7D '^-^ ■ I- 6. And if a Church-Paftor do difplcafe the Ghurch, and the main body of them withdraw/ their confent, we woiild not have any man continue their Btftorwhile they cohlait not, but difclaim him. Though i^afe of nccd*,the EJiaJet^s Hjay continue him in his Bcnelicc^as the publick l^reacher'. if tliC people bo grolly and obftinatcly ci-ilpable iH^tefufiiitr him. _ oq.Li<>»:.rl-i i^cvu^j:-,^..h /cio^yAndvve would have that Parifli Partort:b'hai4'nb:"|o(v- ■^r to hinder any other Afi'niftcr from giving any one^the 5;^- ■erament ^vhom he denycth it to, or that refufeth it from hioj: Though he that for a common caufeis cnftout of our Qiurch -"ftiouid- not be received by others, tHlhe repentcth, . vet tlv4t toids not in all private caules, between the particul.?r' P^ftor andh.ira ^ nor in cafe ot unjuil excommunication: And other i^'i^'linifters mull: judge of their own aictons, whom -to receive 5 'and an injuring Mimfterraaynot hinder any other, nor the '-injured pcrfon from communicating elfevvhere. '•:i 8. And we would have Parith Churches bc'asKirg'e'asper- fonal communion doth require or allow, and every Church to have divers Alinifters:, and if one be chief or Bilhop, and the j-ell: aififtants, and if three or, four fmall Parilhes mak.c'oiiie lUch communicating Church, we rcfift not. 9. And we defire frequent meeting or Synods of neigW^our Paftors ^ and that there every finglc. Paftor be reatly to gj\5e an account of his MinKfry, and toanfwcrany thing that (hall he alledgcd againfthim : And that the vote of the Synodio^^ •ligcthi all agamft unncceiiary lingularity, '^' ' - 'iq. We rcfiul- not^that one in every fuch Synod bethe^inp- 'dcfator; and if as of old every City (vaxn ) or Corporati- on had a Billiop , fo if but every Corporation or mjjrket •l^eWnj'oreyer^'cii-e^iit.thkf hath as nti'hy iCbnimuiiicaji.ts as cui;' 'Tilh Kijow one aiTotrierby n<;ignb.mitnood irtKd fbmc comcr- nitidh. and fbmetime.s Hllcmbiino-Y like a creat Paritli wiith 'mafly'ChappclsJ had but fomuch ptTV'.-ef,, %is ^l-lcn^ialtoa ,'tni'd pafticiilar Pafforand Church-^ yea .^it but, ihepqxvcr that ^ free Tutor, PhilolbplKT or Phyliciaahaih, to maiiU^e his office by his skill, and not asaii ApoihcCiiry or mecr executor bf a flrangcrs dictate?, w-elliould quietly fubmit. II. And as wc refufc not luch Bilhops (even dur.wte vita c^- [^^}^acHaic) in enciy Church or City th.at is Corporation 5 lb if ■itplca(e either the King, or the Churches by his pcrraiiUori to' give one grave and able man a general care of many Churches, (as even the Scots fuperintendcnts had at their re- formation , as Spotjirood of Lothian , ^c. ) not by \iolen:c tofilencc, and opprels, but by mcerPaltoral power, and only fuchasthe Apoflks themfclvcs ufcd to inftruft junior Paftors, to' reprove, admonilli, &c. we refift not: A\id fo if fiodly Dioce(ans will become Arch-biQiops only of diis fort, and promote our work inftcad of hindering it ^ we fliall fubmit, t'lidiigh wc cannot Swear approbation, it Ixing a thing that Chrjftian iVIiniflers may dcnibt of, and no Article of our "-"'^ibr Knd'ifthc King do cumulate wealth and honour on tlicm, and give them their place in Parliaments, to keep the Clergy from contempt, yea, or truftan}- of them under him «)S Magiftrates with the Sword, whether we like it or not, WC fliall pe.accabiy lubniit, and obey tl]cm ,as Magilbtites. ", /l^.'AiiJ '^fer order lake thefe Diocelijnst fhouJd have a Itcgative voice ('unkfs in cafes of forfeiture or netX'lUty) in theordinationof Nfmifters to the Church vmivcrfd, not tak- ing away the power of particular Chardies to dK»|>ef catimg^ov«( of pur 'h^inds no more ' tHan the Phyficiarl*, yet' '\ih^ i7uy%fp^^ j^u'rtice a^ di(v:i-ction ) pum(h us for male-ad miui^^' iVranon, anJ 'drive us to our duty, thoiii^h not hinder us &©rtl' it 5 And weconftnt to do all under his Governraeht-i'Jud^e' i-l^w^wbctherwefet up Popes or Tyrants. ,^ ! .-• ) By all this it is apparent that it is. none of the del^ex>f this Trcatifcto overthrow or weaken- the Church of Ef^g- Uhd I, but to Itrengthcn and fccure it againft all its /liotorU oQs. dangers, i. By rcfomiing thofe thia^s , \vH'ch ■ elft'* undoubtedly will caufe a faccelFion of diflcnters' in all ^e-^> nciations , though all we the prefcnt Noiiconlorniifts ' are quickly like to be paft troubling them, or being troubled by them, even of themfelves many will turnc'upon the fame rcafons which have convinced us. 2. By uniting all Pro- tcftants , and turning their odious wrath and contentions, into a reverence, of their Paftors. and into mutual Love and help. . . , . ! This Treatife being haftened in three prefTes fince Mti Dodrvcl lent me his Letter that required it, I have not time to gather the Printers Errata, but muft Icavethem to the difcretion of the Reader. Only for [ Ef'gifp Prelacy "] be- fore the fir ft Chapter and in many other places flipuld te [The defer ihed PrclacjTj. ^''' . ■ ■\-^-^ "^ ,. '/ ".'. ■■ • ' . -r-< I will end with the two following Teftimonies, Of/e adrem^ the other ad homhiem. The Lord pity his Ship that is endangered by the Pi- lot?. Oltoher 14. i686j Richard Baxter. fiji^ m i-^J^ipn M^riyfs ApoJog, ^^^e^ hp^^rathct; die tor the co^- fcllioQC^ one Faith, then either lie or (i^cceive them that ex- amii^c us : Ocherivife we might /evidily ufe that Common frying, my Tongue is fvvora , my mind is uafworn (vid.Rob.' ry« ' 4 * * • ' '-' "^ ■£ ' \ _. *' V....' , 77w7,'£//^c of forbearance of Penalties. It is to no purpofe to_ talk of reformation in the Church unto regular Govern- ment, without rcftoring the Liberty of choofing Billiops,*" and the Priviledge of Injoying them, to the Synods, Clergy and people of each Diocefs. So evident is the right of Sy- nods, Clergy and people in the making of this of whom they conlift, and by whom they are to be governed, that I need make no other realbn of the neglett of F.pifcopaqy. tJaan the . n^ I Part. I. — ^.lO ■7^0- T ■chap. 1. )>* JH""^ He Keafonf of this TVut'ing. Chap. i. T/;e E«g///& Vhctfane Prelacy and Church Go- vernment truly delcribd that it m.iy be l'r,cii:nrvhat it is rvhich ivc dijfait from. Chap 3. Our judgement if the Hijiory of the ancient Church Government^ and nf the rije of the T>iocejane Prelacy. Chap. 4. 1hejied(rcment of thofeNon ConformiHsnetv fdenced,rvLv»¥6o ad^, drejfed themfelves to King Charles 11. for the matter in CburS^K.r- ;rn^ ment ; IVhat they then offered^ and ivhat thofe of the Antb:rs. rrfftif^ f^:^ bold^ as to theKight of trhat is before but HijloricaJly related^ „^ ^\,^^';j-\^.^ ■Chap. 5. Concerning the feveraliFriters on this Controverftc, rvberetn there are' ■ fttfficicHt anim.tdi'erfanf on /^*»^ a»d fn^kient CoifulMiaas of the Cbeif^ rvho have ivritten for the Prelacy rvhich ive diffint from. As i.\ i,itp,ifr. 2.Faravia. 3. Bilfon. 4.Hooker. 5. B//?^');'Downa[r.s D./e//--p, 6,RijJ)op Hall. 7.Petaviiis.8.B//fc. Andrews, p Bilh.UihciiufomepaJfi^.es. loOf the Vijpute at the IJIe of W ight. 1 1 , John Forbes. 1 2. Ihetivo Books of ibs Bohemian Difcij>linc con fcnted to. 1^. GiOtlus appla.tdLd. 14.J.D, i5.M, A. de Doin. Spalatenfis conftdcrcd, and much of him approved, 16. DaUor H4rtiifipnd anfrvered., v'lz.his Annotatioiu^^s Dijfertat. againji Elondcj, ^c.wbobave written againji Prelacy. ■"^. . , Chap.4. ItisiiQtpkaftngto God^th^ , Cities cnlyjfjutld bjve Btlhops^a/f^i.i Cburcbci Kith the Jerritor.ies.: ■■ , ,y, ..i.,.....:* >.■,, ',',■).« ti ,,.t .1 ■ V'ti Chap. 7. The Definition and Reafons of a J)iocefah Chitrii^^.^ijf^^.^A.^^pd'^^^ confuted. u.-,; .,- ■■, xn.>v...,v;cv) >\:/',w\j ^ .stv,*? :/!vt.-,'..\v.^b'U j, .ncrl ■ Ciiap. S. !nethertbeInfdet-Smimkf-imi^^l^Mm m-.^V:-,'.- 'isV y.-- it^--;» Vt.;*i iiv^ws-.K .li q, -;;■.: Chap.^. JVhithercotiv&ting ;(iT}ioccff give right fo their Ccnyer^rf,a'ke.{t^.c^ Bifhop and Ruler. \,. ;> .,;^,_,,-j. •Chap. 10. 7hai apirticidivCl^urcbof \thtfirjl.gr Icrvijl 9rdtf^,rnt^/ confiji tjf r\i neig}}boKr Chrijiians^ ajfociatedfar perfonai Cofrmmnion in local prefence in holy holy tvcfjJjtp and Converfation, afklnoi ef Sir anger j fu nnulf^ as h.vje wy'v* an internal heart Communion, or an external Comnuituon by the Mtdiatioii of' others. Cliap. 1 '• '^•'■'' ^ K#o/' or PsHor' sf a Fariiculaf Church o/tljfjirj} ra)Jl^jfn)-e. eli-fcribed, mitjl govern it fijtedly as pr^Jent, by himfelf, and nit .ihjcnt hy others. T£t '^' T"* T Chap, iif.' the]^} npfjihu^d Mtmfiandimof the^c nit^rc of the P.itli . rtl Offic!^ andChtirch'Gozrrmnentj ivoula-end thefe Controttrfi^s abmt Prc- l.iny. Gliap. 13. Ihjttkrc is no HeedafJucJr as our DioceCsnes prtbc Unity-, errhc Cmernmcnt of the particular Mtm/fers, nor for tlv fiUncing of thcunwon'i ). Chap. 14- T^hetrueorit^inal of thettarrantahlc fort of Epifcnpacy in particn- hrChifrchcs,n\is tl.v notorious drfpanty »/ abilities in the Valines. And ' iljo 0, i(r/nal of that tyrannical Pnlary into whith it dii dt^eneratc, was the yrorldly f^pirit inihe Fajhrr and people^ rt4}ich tvithths IForld camebypro, fpcrity into tlx Church, Quxrc, Iflvthcr tf>e thmgceafcHot iritn the Kea- Jo(i of it ceafeth, ■ i r^uVnv " ; \ ;^' ,.»■ . !V !i. '■• ^.■^'Kl.^l ' ■^. T-: ' m, — . — Part. II. Gliap. I . "W'lie clrjri^ nftUf State oftl.v ^ueflion. A. t hap. 2. Ibefi'f Ara^itmcnt j^ainli the afircJi'fcnhed Diocffinef ttfit ihir ftrni ( cjimnnim in fc J d:lfi-oyeth i'>ie pjrtig.tlar Church'fhrm ofG(>dsinthtutin}t,!tndffttethup ahttmAne form in its {icad. Chap. 3 . 7»' '' the rrimitive Kpifof'l Churches Hcftwedf>y t/V fttnteiiTmony of Aniiqttity. VMif.'S^ ThvftiJte fiirthr cnnfityMcd hythe AncitiHs. Chap. 7. Mare proof of the aforefiid Ancmn Chitrch limits., fram the Ancirrt Cirjioins , Cl)ap. 8. Jhat thr Viocefmcs c.iufc t!-': Erri^rnf the Sep ir.itiftfy rrhi rroid oier Churches as f.ilfe in their Conjlitution^ and rvould ni fable nt to canfitie them. Chap. p. \[he fecond Ar(r:tment front the depyfition cf the Primitive fpecies of Bijfjopstandthe trcding of a hitnune tncjnji^eiit-f^ifS'itt their lltsd, Affi^ c/prk^fjifei-encc proved. ■•.a„\>.»;\ V,.u. •At\^^s^\.<^ -"v .: . ]v,i! - i hap. I o. UnHiher any form ofChweh Cevernment be injlituted hy Gad at «»* ceffa,-\\or all be left to hwnant prudence and choice, , ■ Cliap, 1 1, Argrtmenl third from the dijieuUicn of the Order of Pfis!>)icyf divi/ichiihtAftiim, and the invention ofjnarOrder ofhatfSiib-presbyttnt\itt thcirjiud. • '^ Chap.* i>iy ifb^GaiihjfiMtdftich rrcih\Jerf is hlid the fdrefaid pSn-er oFiiyi- K:)vs iv.(f"^l>ie, %yeirflii^^m3 i'i0pU»i , vkl no tiher ^.ca hy the Scrip/ kH' Chap. 13. Ihcfsmc co)ififmcdh\ihe AwhiHs, chap. 14^ And by the Coiiffjons of the greateji and leamedifl Prehtijtr. Chap. 15. UlKthu- this Ge be thou^t to wrong them, in our defcription ef them, and their fruits. Chap. 2 5. Ihe Ordination lately exercifed by the Presbyters in England, wbeK theBifhops were put down by the Parliament, ij valid, and Re ordination not to be required jiixe divino, asfnppofing it null. TREATISE O F EPISCOPACY. Confining, by SCRIPTURE, REASON, And the CHVKCUES TESTIMONT, That (brt of Dioccfan Churches, Prelacy and Government, which cafteth out the Primitive Church-fpecies , Epifco- pacy,Miniftry and DircipHnc,and confoundeth the Chriftian vvorldby Corruption,Ururpation,Schifmcs , and Pcrdcution. Meditated 1640 when the ov. Oath was impofed : Written. 1 67 1 andcaftby: Pubhllied 1 680 by the Call of Mr. H. DodiYcl^ and the Importunity of our Superiors, who de- mand theRcafonsofour Nonconformity. Tlic dcfigne of this book is not to weaken the Church o( EngLind, it* GovcrniBcnt, Riches, Honour or llnitv: But to lUengthcn and fc* cure it, i. By the concord of all true Proteflants who can never u- nite in tlie prefent Impofitions : 2. And by tlie nccclTary reformati- on of Parilli -Churches, and ihofe abufcsjwhichclfe will in all ages keep up a fucctllionof Nonconformifts. As an Account why we dare not Corcflj;;/ by Oath or Subfcription /.-tTrr tocndeaiwir any (amending) altn-.tthn of the ChHrch Gnva-Knicnt (by lawful meanes, as Subjcds) nnrmakc our fclves the jullifying vouch- ers for all the unknoivn ptrfon^iin the Kingdom, who vowed and fvvoreit, tiiat none ot them are obliged to fuch CiawfulJ endeavour, by their vow. By RICHARD BAXTER, a Catholick Chriliun, for love, con cord afld peace ot all true Chrifiians, and obedience to all lawful com- mands of Rulers '-, but made. Called and uied as, aNonconformilt. Ltndm. Printed for Kexil Shr.mms at the three Coc(\rac the NVcft end of SaiiK Pjul;^ and r/»«.« .S'/'wwin; at the Ftincti Armcsiii LaJgate-ttrcecy MDCLXXXI. rv Tbeje Books folloveing are printed for ^ and fgld ^^ Nevil Sim- mons at the three Golden Cocks at the vpeji end of St. Pauls. I A Chri/iian Dire&orj, or fura of praftical Theology, and jt\. cafes of Confcience, direfting Chriftians how to ule their Knowledge and Faith, how to improve all helps and i meancs,andto performeall duties how to overcome temp-'' rations, and to e(cape ormortitic every fin, in four parrs, I. Chrijiian Ez/j/V-^-f, or private Duties. 2. Chrjfihn Occoko- Mukj , or Family Duties. 3. Chrifli.in Ecclcfiujlicks ^ or Church Duties, 4. ChrJflian Politickj ^ or Duties to Our felves and Neighbours, in Folio. Catholick^Thcology : Plain, Pure, Peaceable, for Pacification in three Books, i. Pacifying Principles, &c. 2. Pacifying Praxis, dv. 3, Pacifying Difputations, C'r. 'mFol;o. The Life of Faith in three Parts: The fir ft S.n-mon preached before his Majefty, &■(. Thx; Second, Inftruftions for confir- ming believers in the Chriftian faith. The third direftion> how to live by f\ith, or how to cxercife it in all o:calion> in ^luarto. I^al^dVopcry-i or the naked Faldiood of a book called the Catholick^vahsd ^ritth^ or the Puritan convert toApoftolt- cal Chriftianity, written by W. H. opening their fmda- mental erroursof vinwritten tradition, and tlicir unjuft dc- fcription of the Puritan, the Prelatical Proteftant and the Papift, and their differences , 8cc. To which is added an examination of Roman Tradition, as it is urged as infal- lible, &c. Inanfwcr to a book called A rational d;fioiirjc of Tranfiibjlantiatiou, in ^^arto. A Key for Cathclicks^ to open thcjugling ofthe jcfuits, and fi* tisfie all that are buttnacly willing to underftand, vvhcrhcr the caule of the Ronun^ or reformed Churcl)Cs be of God 5 and to leave the reader utterly unexcufible, that will after this be a Papift. ?« O&azv. A Treatife of Juftifying RighteoufneC in two books, in ■ There TThcre are lately piihlijlxel of iijis Authors thefc tveo Books fillorvwgy and fold hy Thomas Simmons ^j? tke Princes Armes m Ludgate- Jircet. CHurch-HiJrcrj of the Govm-nwrnt ofB/fiops and their Couf^ cilsy Abbreviated. Including the chief part of the O'o vcrnment of ChriiftVan Princes and Popes, and a true ac- count of the moft troubling Controverfics and Herejies till the Refbr/mtioN. Written for the ufe efpecially of them, I. Who arc ignorant or mifinformcd of the Rate of the Aatient Churches. 1 1. Who cannot read, many and great J^olur/ies. III. Who thmk that the Umzmfal Church mud have one Vifible Soveraign^ Perfonal or Cclleftivc, Pope or General ■ Councils. IV. Who would know whether Patriarchs^ Di- . ocefans^ and their Couvcils^ have been, or mufl be the cure ■ of Herejies and Sckifm^s. V. vVho would know the truth about the great Hercfics which have divided the Chrifliatt World, efpecially the Donutijls^Novatiaf.'s^ArridKs, Macedo- nians^ Nejioriam^ Eiitychians , Monothelites, &c. By Richard B^A^T, a Hater of FalfeHiftory. A Moral Pragnojiication, I. What (hall befal the Churches ori Earth till their Concord, by the Reftitution of their Prinii- tize Purity, Simplicity and Charity. 1 1. How that Refti- tution is like to be made, Cif everjand what (hall befd them' thenceforth unto the End in that Golden Age of L VE. Written by Richard Baxter^ when by the Kings Commiffion, we(invaia) treated for Concord, 1 66 1. And now publifii- ed not to inftruft the Proud, that fcorn to learn 5 nor to "make them Wife, who will not be made Wife : Buttoln- ftruftthe Sons of Lo^e and Pcace^ in their Duties ^ndi Ex- pevlations. And to tell Pojieritj^ That the Things u hich be- fall them, were Fore-told : And that the Evil might have been prevented, and BlefTed Peace on Earth attained, if Men had been but willing 5 and had not Chut their Eyes, and hardened their Hearts , ngainft the Beams of Light ,and Love. ( ' ) v I I: .. Ki it THE Englifh Diocelan AND PRIESTHOOD T R Y E D, &c. CHAP. I. The Reafons of this Writing. I Am not ignorant how difpleafing it will be to the Prelates, that I piiblifh thefe Reafons of my Nonconformity to the Subfcriptions and Oaths by which they would have me become an obliged Ap- prover of their Fundlion. Nor am I ignorant what Power, Wit and Will they have to exprefs and exercife their difpleafure : And conle- quently, how probable it is that 1 fhall fufFer by them for this work. And I well know that peaceable fubjet^s (hould not unneceflarily fay any thing againft that which is required by their Rulers Laws, nor cherifli the Peo- ples difcontents, but do all that is lawful for the common Peace; And I am not of fo pugnacious or fclf-hating a difpofition, as to be willing of mens difpleafure, efpeciallymy Supcriours, or to be ruined in this World, and all that I may but vent my Opinion, in a cafe wherein I have publifh- ed already fo much that is ftill uaanfwered, as in my Difputations of Ghurch-Government is to befeen. B And ( 2-y Andupoii fuCh Reafons f-but above all, that I might notcal! away luy opportunity for ibme more ufeful writings, nor put an end to my own labours before God put an end to themj I have been filent in this Caufe finceour publick debates in 1661, above ten years. 1 have lived peaceably •, I have endeavoured to preferve the due reputation of the pub- lick Miniftry, and to perfwade all others to due fubjeftion , love and quietnefs: 1 have by Word and Writing oppofed the Principles of fuch as are exafperated by their fufferings into the Dividing and Separating extream •, Though I knew, that by fo doing, I was like to incur thedif- pleafurc and bitter ceirfare of the Separatifts, as m«ch as I had before of the Prelates, (tlTbugh not to fuffer fo much by them.) And I thought that the Prelates themfclves who would not underftand the true (bate of the People, nor the tendency of their way, by our informations, and evident Reafons, might yet come in time to know all by experience, and fo to a- mcnd what they have done amifs- But now 1 dare be no longer filent for the Reafons given ^pol.ch. i. which I will flay the Reader bri^y to fum up. i. I find that experience it felf doth not Teach fome men, but Harden them. a.. I perceive thatthofe that are now convinced by experience, and wifh they had taken another courfe, and rather have united the Miniftry, than filenced them, are not able to undo what they have done, nor to amend what is done amifs, much lefs to retrieve all the doleful confe- quents •, but the matter is gone out of their hands and beyond their power. , "■ 3. I fee that while we wait, the Devil's work goeth on, by the filence and by the Divifions of the Minifters •• Popery greatly iucreafeth ; Qua- kers multiply •, Atheifm and Infidelity go bare'-faccd among thofe that are accounted men of reputation : Malice, and bitter hatred of each o- - ther, with common backbitings, cenfurings and flanders, infVead of fweet Love and Concord, do notonoufly encreafe. Thoufands are every day committing thefefins, to the increafe of their guilt, and the haltening of Gods judgments on the Land.- The fufierers call the Prelates perfecuters, and wolves io Ihecps cloathings, who are known by their fruits, their teeth and claws. The Prelatifts ftill fay that the Nc»conformifl:s are un- reafonable, difcontented, peevifh, factious, unpeaceable, unruly fchiC- maticks •, that will rather fee all confounded than they will yield to things indifferent. And fhall we ftill Hand by, and filently fee this work goon? 4. And to love and defend Truth, Honefty and Innocency is to be like to God. It is pity that thofe that Chrift hath done fo much to juftifie, and will fo glorioafly juftifie atthelaft, fhould have nothing faid 01 their behalf by men- But we are much more obliged to juftifie a righteous caufe, than righteous men j For all men have fomewhat that is unjuftifiable, but fo hath not the truth of God- 5. And he that in his Baptifmal Covenant is engaged againft the Fle/h, t\\s World and the Devil, Oiould be loath to fee all their wofk go on and ■^ 3 ) and notoppofeiti and to fee, that whichl-etak^thto be no better than deliberate Lying, or Juftifying fin, and Perjury it lelf, and covenant.'ng never to obey God in lawful and necellary Church-rcforniation, to be all called ; Things indifterent. 6. Nature and Scripture teach us to have a due and moderate regnrd of our own reputation as men ^ but much more as Miniltersof ( hrift ^" feeing the doftrine of Chrift which we preach or write, is ufually diQionoured in the Miniftersdilhonour, and the edification of the fouls of them that hear us or read our writings, is greatly hindered by it; 7. While Noblemen, Knights, Gentlemen, conformable Clergy-men, and many others of all Ranks, are poifefled with thefe thoughts of us,that we are perfons who hypocritically pretend toGodlinefs, while indeed we are fo humourfome, that we will forbear our Miniftry, and our Mainte- nance, and fuffer any thing, and divide the Church, rather than yield to indi&rent things •» this is a fcandal, a grievous fcandal, either given or taken, and tendeth to wrong their fouls that are fcandalizcd : And if wcgive them this fcandal, it is our heiaousfin: But if they take it by mifinformation, we are obliged to do our part to heal it: Souls are pre- cious i and fcandal doth endanger them, even to diftafl: ReUgion it felf, for the fakes of fuch as they take us to be: And w« muftnot Hand by and fee raea perifh, if we can do any thing to fave them. 8. The fufferings of many of the Min iftcrsare very greats that have not br ead for thetrcFildren, nor cloaths to c over them, and are a fha- med to make known their want^ AndnF^itli^I this, we fuffer the burd en of unre prpved calumn y to lie oiT th em, andlceep th emn ottoth e. neceflary comfort which confclencc Ihould find in fuffering^ with Jnnb - ccncy. we fh all be guilty of nncharita T>IeneTs o u r felves . 9. It is part of our Honouring the King and Parliament and other Magiftrates, not to defpife or flight their cenfures : And the judgment which they have publickly pafledonus, inan Aft of Confinement, which impofcth the Oath for Prelacy, is fo hard and grievous, that if we are guilty, it is fit we (hould be made the common reproach of men ^ And if we are not, fas Non-conformiftsj it is our duty to rcdifie the judg- ment of our fuperiours where they are mifinformed. And as jiugnflint faith, that no good Chriftian (hould be patient under an imputation of Herefie ; fo I may fay that no good Subjcft fliould be fenflcfly patient under an imputation of difloyalty and fedition : That better befeemeth the anarchical and truly difloyal and feditious , who take it for no crime. 19. And we know how pleafantly the Papifts infult to hear us ftig- matized for Villains and feditious Perfons by our brethren, and what ufe they will make of it at prefcnt and in future Hiftory to the Ser- vice of their malice, and injury to the truth : which we ought not filent- ly Ibill to fuffer ■, white we fee how hereby they do already multi- ply. B % !!• And (4) Ti. And how unlikely foever it be, it is not irnpoirible, that oui Su- periours, that at once depofed and filenced about 1800 Minifters of Ghrift, when they fee what Reafons we have for our Non-conformity, may be moved to reftore thofe that yet furvive : And then how many thoufand fouls would have the joy and benefit ? 12. Laftly, Truth and the jutt information of Pofterity, is a thing exceedingly defirable to ingenuous minds: It is a great trouble to think that the Ages to come, fhould be injured by falfe Hiftory. Therefore we muft do our beft , that they may but truly know our Gafe-, and then let them judge of the Perfons and Aftions of this our Age, as they (hall find Caufe, when Trutlvis opened to them. Upon all thefe Reafons, though to my own great labour, and to the greater contradidion of my natural love of filent quietnefs , and to the probable incurring of mens difpleafure, I take it to be my duty to give my Superiours^ Neighbours and Pofierityy a true Account of the Reafons which have moved my felf and others of my mind, to re- fufe to Subfcribe and Swear to the prefent Engli^ Diocefan Prelacy? Committing my Life and Liberty to the pleafure of God, in obedience to whom I have both refafed to Conforn], and written thefe Reafona of my Non-conformity. ( s) C H A p. ir. I The Englifh Diocefan Prelacy, ani Church-G ovenwiiint^ truly c/c{oibe(f j that it may be {non-u irhat it is which we ilifomt^ IT being not Epifcopacyin General, but (the Popifliand) the En^^lt(1j Species of Prelacy, which our Judgments cannot approve , 'and which we cannot fvvear to as approvers, it is neceirary that we tell ftrangers, what this Prelacy is, that the fubjed of our Con- troverfie be not unknown, or mifundcrftood. But the fubjed is fo large, that the very naming of the parts of our Ecckfiaftical Government, in Tables by Dr. Ri.Cofws, makcth up a Volume in i6 Tables, and many hundred branches. Which being written in Latm I muft refer the Foreign Reader toit^ Not at all tor theundcrftanding of our Pradicc, but only of our Rule, or Laws with our Church-Conflitution: feeing it would take up a confidcrable Volume to open but one half of his Scheme. All that 1 fliall now do is to give you this brief Intima- tion. That in Enj^Un^ there are 26 or 27 BiHiopricks : of which two arc Archbilhops : In all thefc f.t together there was when Spte^ numbred them, nine thoufand fevcn hundred twenty five Paridi Churches, but now many more. IntheDioccfsthat 1 live in( L«V;co/« jthere is above a 1000 or 1100. In very many of thefe Paridies, bclides the Parifli-Churches, there are Chapels, that have Curates, in feme Parifhcs one Chapel, in fometwo, in fome three, if not more. In thefe Parifhes the number of Inhabitants is various, as they are greater or leder: The greateft about London, fuch as Steftiy^ Giles-Cnpple^te^ Scpulchrti , Martins, &c. have fome about 50000 perfons, (fome fay much more) fome about joooo, fome about 20000, &c. But ordinarily in Cities and Market-Towns through the Country, the number is about 2000, or 3000, or 4000, or 5000 attheraoft, except Flimouth, and fome few great Parilhes that have far more. And in Villages, in fome 2000, in fome 1000, in fome fmall ones 500, or 300, or in fome very fmall ones fewer. There are in England 6^\ Market-Towns (faith Speed) which are of the greater fort of Parifhes, and fuch as in old times were called Cities, though now^. fcvy have got that title ", at leaft a great number of them are equal, and fome much greater and richer than fome that now are named Cities. The Diocefs that I live in is about fix-fcore Miles in length. By all this you may conjefture how many hundred thoufand fouls are in fome Dia- ccfleai and at what a diltance from each other . and what perfona! Com- muaioa. \A munion it is that they are capable of: I ray felf who have travelled o- ver moft of England never faw the face or heard the name of one Perfon ('I thinkjofmanythoufands intheDiocefsthatllivein : Nor have we any other Communion with the reft of the Diocefs (even v;ith above a thoufand Parifhes in it) than we have with the People of any other Church or Dio- cefs in the land about us, fave that One Bifhop and his Chancellor and o- ther Officers, are over us all. The Magiftrates Civil Governmeut of the Church I (hall not meddle with, as having no exceptions againft it. The Sacerdotal or Spiritual Power, called the Power of the Keys, detcrmineth who fhall be Members of the Church, and partake of its Communion, and exercifeth other adls of Spiritual Difciplinc, of which more anon. This power isfaidtobe in Archbifhops and Biihops in foro ecclejia publico vel txteriore^ though alio in the Governed Presbyters , in foro privato interiore, as they may privately comfort a penitent perfon, and declare God's promife of the iCtjIns pardon of his fin- M The Archbifhops have it in eminency: As alfo the Tab. J. powerof confirming the Election of the Bilhops of their Provinces; and the power of Confecrating Bilhops with two others : and the power of Convocating Provincial Synods upon the Kings Prefcript ; and of mode- rating in them. The power of receiving Appeals, and of Vifiting the whole Provinces : yea to receive Appeals from the lower Judges, omit- ing the middle ones 5 and tocxercife Ecclefialbcal Jurifdiftion in any hccjins vacant Diocefs under them. They have M power of Difpenfation in Tab. 4. all Caufes (not judged contrary to Gods word^ wherever the Pope had powers and where. the Pope had not power, if the King or Council per- mit it them. They maydifpenfe with the Eating of flefh on Fafting-days, with Marrying without previous publication i with divers irregularities, and fometime may abo\\!h JtmomacHm i^fnhitum. They may grant Comraen- dams, and Difpence with Non-refidence, and with thel which the Church-w arden mult fwecr to p j^nt¥y, wherelj ecaule ot EHe qHality of the m fome Chur ch-Wardens refufe, and others becau I e ot the nu mper r^onv- laying it \i~unlawful to undolneir Minil ters MdjN cTgh- "Kou rrSyfuch Pfefentments Cas tor omitting a Cere mony, for preac h- ing or keeping a Faft in pnvate,""?cc.; and lome laying ltls Tmpdnbleto j ^eep the Oath , and fome faying that if thej^ do it, they ffiall be hated of thei r Neighbours: W hereupon thofe that rcTuTe are profe cuted to pnnifli- ment •, "And the reft take the Oath and Artick^ ibuinot^onejjf many doth prefent accordingly •, though thcCanon enquires af ter the perjured- And many that /car jjerjury ^r pcrfccution themfelves , do hire fome poof m ag to be Church- W'ardcn in their (tead, that will venture upon all. I mult intreat the Reader to perufcfome of their Books of Articles (efpc- dally fuch as Bilhop A^untagues and Bifhop Wrens) to fee what was thtn enquired after. Dr. Zouchdefud.Ecclef.\). 37. §. 1. Part. j. faith, jid ■ jiulicts cjHod attinet (tatnto ordinatum^ ^jMod perform conjugal £ duimaedo Dozens Juris Civilis fuerint, cjni ad offiictum Cancdlariiy yicarii Generalis ^ Officiality vel Commijfarii a Majeflate Rej^iay ArchiafifcofOy Epifcopo., Artkidiacono Mut alio qHocMique poteji-item habente dcpntuti fu>it, omnem jHrifdtUiowm Eccleji- 4j}icam excrcere^ & quam lihet cenfuram five coercttionem trrogare peffint. \ This Jurifdiftion of Bifbops is exercifed either Univerfally by a Vicar General, ufually a Layman •, orqarticularly by a Commiffiiry. W And «C»/;Tab. when he pleafe the Bilhop may do it himfclf. The ' (8) The other part of their Jurifdidion is called Contentious •■, And here tlic fo/.Tab. Bifhop may himfclf judge in fome Cafes [/] but in the ordinary courfe 8- of Jurifdidion, a Civil Lawyer called his Chancellor is the Judge.- This Chancellor is and mufl: be a Lay-man, which even Bifhop Goodman of Gloiicefier^ \_Myj}- Rel. Epiji. '■ 1 have it and can produce it at this time, 'under the Kings own Hand and Seal,wherein he forbids that any Church- ' man or Prieft in Holy Orders be a Chancellor : and this was the occafion 'of all the.corruptionof the Spiritual Courts: For Chancellors live only * on the Fees of the Court : and for them to difmifs a Caufe, it was to lofc * fo much blood. See further in him.] a Papift Bifhop of a Proteftant Diocefs, complaincth in Print, that he could not get Reformed. This Chancellor keepeth an Ordinary Court, in the form of a Civil Court, e Co''. Tab where are Advocates for Council, andProdors for pleading : C_f3 Cer- 1 & Tab. tain men called Apparitors (whofe name is commonly a fcorn among «. the people,) do from abroad the Country bring them in Accufations, and Sommon the perfons accufed ; befides thofethat by Plaintiffs arcac- cufed. Here are judged Caufes about Church Materials , and Caules Criminal-, which he that rcadeth the whole Book of Canons and the Vi hCo/ibid. fi^-^Eion Articles may fee, they belngtoomany for me to recite. [/;] Be- ' fides a multitude of Cafes about Marriages (.to-be Goatraded,-dillblved7 icof. ibid, r&pafation) and Teftament^, and the Goodsof Ixitcftate perfons.- C»3- - ..- Pcielts, Deacons-and Lay-men are judged in thefe Courts ; -The-final* c-onftraining penalty is Excommunication, or before that SufpeBfion,-a-Rd' other degrees of Church punifhment before mentioned as belonging to^ the Bifliop : The fuppofed offenders are no othervvife dealt with to bring them to true Repentance, than as in Civil Courts by other Lay-Judgesr They that appear not, and they that pay not the Fees of the Court and OfRcers, are Ejfcommunicate, and they that obey not the Orders of the* Court- In Excommunications and Abfolutions the Lay-Chancellor is Judg,- but he writcth the Decree in the Bifliops name: And ^at leafl fometimes)- fro for/na, fome Prieft or other is procured to be prefent fno Bilhop,> to utter the Sentence which the Lay Judge Decreeth: This-Sentcncc is- fent by the Chancellor to the Minifter of the Parifh where the offender- liveth, who muftpublidi it in the Church openly (as the Cryer doth the Kings Proclamation^ But if it be the Minifter himfelf that is Excom- municated, another Minifter readeth it. The whole proccfs of their Judicial Tryals, Sentences and Executions you may fee in Cc/Tu's, lTab. ThisistheOfficeof aPariffiPrieft. ilutsil ^'. '^' Where you mufl note i.in^fwf>vi/, that he hath no Judicial Aclmini- ftration in the Church: [«^ They ordinarily fay, that he hath no Jmif- "^'Z-TaK Mion^ but mccr Prif ft ly Orders'-, As if they knew not that PrieJIfy Order ^'' is nothing but the Sacred Off.ce •-, and that that Office is the Power of the Keys, or clfentially containeth the Porvn- of Giiidii(^ the FUcl^ in Tc4ch- «>!£, Wo»;^.'ip and Difclplinei under Chrift the Chief Prophet, Priefl and K-ing. Civil Jurifdietion over the Church is the Kings, and Spiritual is part of the Prieflly Office or Order (as to the ful)je(.4 peopk to be go- verned.) 2. Particularly note, i. that the Miuifter hath in £«^'/jWnopovverto Judge whom to Baptize, and whom nor, b«t mull Bnpcizc all that are C offcrcJ, oKtTiiy though the Childiea o£ Jews, Infidels, Turksj A^oftafts. 2. That he Jkathno power to hinder the admUfion of any lb baptiz€d, into the itate of adult Members by the Bifliops Confirnjation. For thoug h it be faid C hildren fhall bring his Certificate, that they can fay the C^i. techifn?, yet i. thoCe Children may go without it, a nd do ordinarily: When I was confirmed my feif, no ne was required, nor d id I ever jge v> P A I ^njLS^^*'** ^' ^^^ i f it were, the poor Ghildreg feldonnwderftand any .m.ii.Lf thing that they fay, or much. 3. There is not one of multitudes in our ,, ... Churches that ever fought or minded fuch Confirmation, becaufe of its ' '; abufe . ' ~" '• 3. That he hath no power to hinder any confirmed, or adult perfons from the Sacraments, on the account of the grofleft ignorance or infide- .'-"' •{ a .' lity ; when multitudes among us know not what the Sacrament is, nor •'''' " 'know the elTentiaisof the Chrillian Faith. 4. He hath no power to convent any open offendec before him, to call him to repentance: They raaychufetocometo him, or to open their doors to him, or fpeakto him, if he come to them. 5. He hath no power to call them to Repentance openly before the Church, or pray by name for their Repentance; or admonifh them. 6. He hath no power to judge any perfon to be Excommunicate. 7. Nor to abfolve any that is penitent after Excommunication ■-, But only to read tiie Lay-Cbanceilours lentences , fent him in the Bifhops name. ' " • 8. He hath no power to forbear giving the Lords Supper to any one- how notorious an offender foever, unlefs he will profecute him at the Bifliops Court, nor then, but for once: So that if he pay his Fees and be Abfolved there, though the Minifter know him to be ntver fo bad, he muft give the Sacrament the next time. And' the pr6(^cution is fo odious and fruitlefs. that I never knew any do it, except againlt the Nonconformifts. 9. He that feeth never fo great figns of Impcnitency in any man that is lick, or will but fay that he is fick, hath no power to deny him private' Abfblutlon and the Sacrament, if he do but fay, I Repent. '■■ 10. He hath no power to forbear pronouncing of alt Traytors, Mur- derers, Adulterers, Perjured, Atheilts, &c. that i}ever profeft Repen-. tance, at their Burial, that God hath of his tnercy taken to himfelf the foul of ims oKr dear brother \ except the unbaptized, &c. aforefaid. And note, i. that the ParilhPriefl: hath no power to do thefe things eii. ther by himfelf, or in conjundion with the Bilhop, or any other. 2. And that there is not one Suffragan Bilhop or Chof epilcopus in Eng- land under the 26 Bifhops, to do any part of their work in thefe 97 fcqiience, by fcandalsand dillentions, that it was worthy to be rcprovcJ, cfpecially in Chriftians that were perfccutcd by thofe Ma^^iltrates. Tiierc- fore almort all tiic differences of Chriltians were necellarily decided by Arbitration : And none were thought fofit to be the Arbitrators, as the Elders or Paftors of tlie Churches. By which it came to pafs, that where Churches were great, and the ccafing of perfecution ("which came but as ftormsthatpafled away) did rcftorc that peace which cheriihed dilfenti- on«, the work of the Elders in theic Arbitrations, was not fmall ; elpe- cialiy as added to their greater proper Office-work. 17. At the fame time many Hertiics arofe, which occadoned Divifi- ons in the Churches, and fomctimcs among the Officers themfclves. iS. And the Miuiftcrs being, though holy, yet imperfect, as well as other Chriftians, the remnants of felfconceitednefs and pride, occa- lloned alfothe troubleof the Churches: For v.henthe Apoftlcsthcmlelves while Chrift was with them ilrovc who ffiould be the Grentcft, and have the highcft place, it is no wondgr if they did fo afterward, who had not Ibgrcat a meafurc of Grace as they. ig. Befides all this, when the ApoRolical Virtues ceafed, there were few Philofophers or I eirncd men that turned CIiTiftian<:, and few that had excellent Gifts of Oratory, fit to be Teachers of the Churches', And themoft of the Eldrrs were good men but of Lnferiour parts', Like the better. fortof ou: unlearned godly Chriftians. By which means it came topaf^, that foraeonc of the Clergy in every Churcli, (when there were many) having fo much Knowledge, and Oratory as to overtop the reft, he was ordinarily more efteemed than the reft. 20. By ihefe four means coniucd it quickly came to pais, that in every Churcli, ( 14) CiTDrdi thattiad maTiy Elders, fomconewaschoIetibytTie telt and by the people, to be the chief, and to have fome fpecial power of Church anairs: And I. In cafes of frequent Arbitration, there feemed a kind of necefli- ty, that Ibmc One be Umpire : For if half go one way and half the other, there can be no end: i- And incafeof Herefies and different Opinions in Religion, if One had not in each Church fome deciding, over ruling power, or Negative Voice, it is no wonder if Divifions were the hard- lier prevented, and the Churches Unity hardly kept. j. And efpecially when fome One was really m^er and ahUr than the reft, it was thought but fuitable to Nature, that he rather ruled the juniors and weaker fort, than that their Votes (hould rule him, or rule without him. 4. And when all men have too much felf-love and Pride, which endineth them to de- fire pre-eminence, and maketh them judge too high of thcmfelves, It was thought fafer for all the Clergy and People, to judge who among them was really the bell andwifeftman, than to leave every man to be judgeof himfelf andof the reft: For fo it was too likely that fevery man would think himfelf the wifeft. Therefore one was chofen as fuppofed by others ('even by the whole Church) as the fitteft man to have a deciding and overfeeing power aqong the reft, to avoid contention, which their own ftrife'^bout pre-emmence would caufe. 21. And there was a fifth caufe, which was not much lefs than any of the reft: which was, that often through the fcarcityof fit perfons, One man was firft fettled over a new-gathered Chureh, before any others could be had to joyn with him. And therefore he being there firft alone, and that in fole power, it was thought unfit that any that came after him, fhould come in without his confent or Ordination, becaufe he was the fole Governouri fo that, i. becaufe they came ^/r^r him, 2. and that by his IK///, if not Ordination, it muft needs follow that he would ufually have the pre-eminence. As it is now among us, where the Redlor of the Pariili where there are divers Chapels, chufinghis Curates, who are ufu- ally his Juniors, he isconftantly of greater power than they, andruleth them accidentally, though his Office be the fame as theirs. 22. As by thefe means one Paftor got a pre-eminence of eftcem and power above the reft, fo in a ftiort time he got the title of Epifccput, Bifhop, to be appropriated to himfelf alone, leaving the name of Elders, and Paftors, and Priefts unto the reft in common with himfelf: For he was now become the prime Overfeer of the whole Church, both people and Elders. 2 J. Our own experience (heweth ushowit cameto pafs, that the peo- ple themfelves not only confented to all this, but alfodefired and promo- ted it : (efpecially then when the efFedts of Clergy-ambition had not ful- ly appeared to the World : ) For even now when a great Parifli can get one Learned able Paftor, they fay, we will allow you fo much, but your Curates muft take lefs : And they will not endure that the young and weak Curates, have either equal maintenance, or equal honour or power over ( '5 ) ever them, as the chief Pallor of the Parifh hath; To that the people chemfelves arc againft an equality of power, where there is not an equa- lity of worth. 24. Though we cannot prove that this fixed Epifcopacy wa? either fet up by the Apoftles, or countenanced by them, nor yet that it was begun and in being in their days ; yet it could not be long after their days that it begun; And i^Hierome raiftake not, it began ztjiextzndria Come ye3n before the death of St. y*hn the Apoftle. 25. All this while the BiiHop was not fuppofed to be of a diftinft Of?.ce, or fpecies of Miniftry, (now cMed ^n Order ) but only an Over- feer and chief of perfons in the fame Office with him; being in common with the reft, £ptfcopus piebis^ and extraordinarily, EprfcopHs Cln-i vet E- fjfcoporum feu Prabytcrorum. As one of the Monks is made Abbot in a Monallery, or as one Jullice among many is of the ^crum, or one Judge on the Bench is the chief Juftice : Or as the Prefidcntin an Acade- mick College. 26. The chief thing in which afpecial power was given to theDilhops above their fellow Presbyters was in Oidtnation^ that none (houfd be Or- dained without them-, It being a matter of exceeding great confcquence to the Churches, what Miniftcrs were fet over them, and therefore put chiefly in the power of thefe chofen men. And the next fart of their power was in having the chief difpofal of all Church affairs, as our Parifh Pallors have now among their Curates : fo that nothing was to be done in the Chutch without and againfl: thei^ confcnt and plea- ftre. 27. This Epifcopacy did fo univerfally obtain, that I remember not to have read of any fort of Chriftians, Orthodox or Heretical, Catho- lick or Schifmatical, whoever rcfufcd it, or fpakc againfl it, till 4//<«r, without any other formed /f//- commttnicatirj^ Church under him, but only Oratories in City or Country. 36. The firft that brake this Order yf^c^cAlexandrU^nA Rome, where Converts foon multiplyed to a greater number than could meet in one place, or Communicate at one Altar : wherefore fub-aflemblics with their particular Presbyters, were there firft formed, who Communicated di- ftinftly by themfelves. ('Though there is no proof that they Communi- cated there in the Sacrament of a long time after that they met for Preaching and Prayer.J Yet even mRcme and AlcxAtidrta the only places that had more than one ftated Aflcmbly for zoo years or more, there were not fo many Chriftiansthen as in theParilhthat I now live in-, See more of my Proof in the beginning of my Church Htftory abridged : whofc firft and fecond Chapters belong fpccially to this Trcatife, and therefore 1 muft refer the Reader to them. 37. Even in Epiphanifn time about 370 years after Chrift, it is noted by him as a fingularity in jiUxandriM, that they had diftinct Aflemblies befidesthe Bifliops^ whereupon Pf^^ww himfelf largely givethus notice, that in thofe days, except in a few very great Cities , there was but one Church-affembly in a Bifliops charge. }8. After that in Cities, or Country Villages, the Converts multi- plyed into more than could meet in one Aflembly, and had allowance to Communicate in their fubaffemblies ;, yetwere they appointed on certain great and folemn Feftivals, toConimunicate all with the Bifliops at the chief City Church, which llieweth that the fub aflemblies then were few and fmall. D 39. Thus f iS ) iy. Thus was the, Apoftles Order by degrees fubverted -, and where- as they fettled diltinft Churches with their diftinft Bifhops, no Bilhop having two Churches under him, ('that iiad not alio their proper Bilhop) now One Church was made of many without many Bifliops-, fub-Presbyters firft in the fame Church being introduced, at lalt fob Churches alio were fetup. And when theyfhould have done as we do with Bees, let every new Swarm have a new Hive, and fhould have mukiplyed. Bilhops and Churches, homogeneal, as fufficient numbers of Converts came in, in- ftead of this, the City Bidiopskept all under them as if they had been ftiU ane Church (yet not as Archbifhops that have Bifliops under themj and kept their fub-Presbyters as their Curates to officiate in the feveral Churches that had all no Bifliops but One. 40. The caufes of this were apparently moft of the fame which are mentioned before for the making of fub-Presbyters : Efpecialiy, i. The felfiflincfs of the Bifliops, who were ioth to let go any of the people from under their fuperiority : Becaufe it was more honour to rule many than one fingle Congregation •, and he was a greater man that had many fub-Presbyters and whole AfTemblies at his command, than he that had not: And alfo »J4«y afforded greater maintenance than zfcvc. And 2. the fame Reafons that made men at lirft fet up one Presbyter as Bifliop over the reft, to avoid Diviilons, and to determine Arbitrations, did now feem ftrong to them, for the keqVmg up the Authority of the City Bi- fliop over the fub-AOembJies round about them. 3. And Cities only ha- ving been poflefled of Bifliops for many Years if not Ages, before there were Chriftians enow to make up Country Churches, both the Bifliops and the City Inhabitants, Ceafily overlooking the Reafon of itj took this for their Prerogative, and did plead Prefcription-, As if 5cW/;be- ^ifm Empire, (and thene^igh- bouring parts that were influenced by them) had agreatrcren?hl,jnce.. 41. But that which moft notably let up this exlbrc iypelling mdde- Leg. ritMm generate Prelacy, was the miltaken zeal of Confl.%r.'.tne^ togecher with ^«^'»/><»' his Policy, and the ambition of Chridians and Billiops that were gra- fi"'"'«^. tificd by it. For, i. As Conflantine perceived that it was the Chrifuans ^^'^"^- *• that were his fureft ftrengtb, and when the Heathen Soldiers turned a/:o>is fo deterred Chriftians from feeking Juftice from the Ci- vil Judicatures, that they had few but Heathens to be Judges of. Yea the Chriftians thought fo hardly of the Judges themfelvcs ('forpunifliingmen bythe'Sword, when the Bilhops even for murder it felf did punifli them but with Penance J that they doubted fometime whether thole Chriftians that exercifed Magiftrscy or Civil Judgment after Baptifmc , were not therefore to be taken for finuers) as is viliblc in Imwceut i.his Eftfi. to Efifi- 5. to Exiiper. TheUfan. cap. 5. mCrab.Tom. I. p. 459. And before in Stlvtfler'^% Co»cti Rom. afudCrah rd- ip. 280. Can. 16. it is Decreed [_NetnoClcricns vcl DiHccnits tutt Pyeshytcr freptcr caiifam fiiam qu.tin- lihet hiirct in cHria^ cjHitm en niscnriu a cruore, dicitur^ C" immolatio fimnla- chrorum efl. ^^uod fcjiiisClntcnsin ciniAin i:tyeicrit, anathema fufcipiat,nun- ijuam reduns ad man em Ecclcfiam i ACcmwunione autcm non privatnr proffer tempHSturbidiim- And ConJ}:vitine is faid to he a Subfcribcr, with 2S4 Bi- fhops, 45 Presbyters, and 5 Deacons. And in former Counc. jub Sthej}. {^Nullum ClcricMn ante jiidicem ftare licet ~\ I know tliat Duareniis !ivA(jrotii4s defcribenot the Billiops power as fo large as the Canonills do. Bi'.r D. artmu confcfllih that Tljeodofii-s made a Law, ihiit lites omncs (y' contievcrju forenfis adjudicnun Ecclcfx remittcrcn- tu>; f alter liter liti^atoriim id poflnla: et. Tliat all flrifcs and controverjits fo- renfickjhoitld be reunited to the juil^^inent of the Church, if either of ihe conten- ders requiredit : And that Charles the Great renewed and confirmed the fame Law : Du.tr. lib. i.p. 8. And Croi ins de Jmpcr.fimpoL p. 2 }6. faith. This JiinfdtiHon by confefit the Bijhcps received from Conltantinc , with fo ^reat power, that it was not lawful further to hai.-ale any bufnefs. which the Si- flwps fentence had decided; that is, faith he, rcmot.'i appellaiioae. And he there fhevveth that three forts of Jurifdiiftion were by the Empjrours gi- ven to the Bifliops : i. Jure ordinario^ and fo they judged of all matters of Religion fand which the Canons reached, which went very far in heinous crimes.j 2. £.v confenfu parttHm^i when the parlies chofe the Bifnop for their Judge (^Vtd.Concil Chalced- c. g.) 3. Ex delegatione: which yet went further : And even to the }ews fuch kind of power had been grantid. Butofthiswhole matter of the Rife of fuch Prelacy, their Courts and power, Fardre Pauliis hath fpokca fo well and truly in his Hiftor- ConcU. Trident, pa^. 3 ^o, 35 1, &c. that I would intreatthe Reader to turn to it and perule it, as that which plainly fpcaketh our judgment of the Hiftory now in que ft ion: Read alfo his Hiftory of Benefices. 4J. The countenance of theEmperour with thefe honours and immuni- ties, having brought the World into the Church, or filled the Churches with Catiial tempqrixets, the numbers were now fo gtcar, that cpickly the grcst-' ( ") great Cities had many Parifh Churches, and the Country Villages about had fome •■, ib that now about 400 or 500 Years after Chrift, mofl Biihops of great Cities had more Churches than one, even feveralfubAlIemblies, and Altars, as dependant on their Mother Church. 44. Yet were their Diocefles (whchatfirll were called Parifhes^ (bme- what bounded, by the Canon and Edifts, which decreed that every City where there were Chriftians enow to make a Church, (hould have a Bi- • fliop of their own, and that no Bifhop ('except two, who bordered one on Scithia a rude unconverted Countrey, and the other on the hTce cafe, of which n>ore in due placej 45. And then every c/)j!i;V/«;» or populous Town, like our Market- Towns and Corporations, was called -mAii, a City, and not only a few among ma- ny that have that name by priviledge, as it is in En^Lind now. So that even at this height of Prelacy, about 500, 600 or 700 Years after Chrift, they were but as if every Corporation or Market-Town in Englandhzdz Bifliop, who ruled alfo the adjacent Villages. For though when they be- gan to fwell, it was once decreed by one Council, that Villages and every fmall City fhould not have a Bifhop, lelltheNameof a Bifhop fliou Id grow vile or cheap; yet this was but with this addition, Cthofe Villages or imall Cities where there was not a fufficient number of Chrfftians: ] f whereas Gregory ztNeocefarea thought fcventeen a fufficient number to have a Bi- fliop.) And the Canons, that every City fliouldhave a Bifhop, remained ftill in force. 45. Yet was it for about 4 40 Years fo far from thefe great Bifhops to ufurp the Sword, or any coercive or coaftive power, on mens Bodies or E- ftates, that they unanimoufly held that the Magiftrate himfelf was not to punifh mens Bodies for Herefie or a falfe Religion. Till at laft the bloody violence of the 0>c«w«///^« Vomtijfs, did cmk At^uftine in this to change his mind, and think them meet for the Magiftrates coercion. ■ 46. When Bifhops grew carnal and ungodly, and more regarded the keeping up their Power, Parties and Opinions, than Charity, theybegan- todillrufl: the Spiritual Weapons of their warfare; and infteadof true vigilancy againfl: errours, and confutation of them, by clear reafon and a holy life, they fled to the Rulers to do it by the Sword. But though Itha- ctHs and IdactHt with their Synod of Bifhops, exxited Maximus to take this i'-of.'^^' comkagainitthe Prffciliamfis-f yet not only St. Aftrtyn did therefore to Barm. the death avoid their Synods and Communion, and petitioned the Empe- rour, for the Hereticks peace*, b\it even Sr. Ambrofe alfo at MtUn would have no Communion with thofe Bifhops, that had done this thing. 47. About the Year 430, or after, Cyrii2.lJlexandriad\d\tSidthevi2.yy and a(n;ually ufed the Sword againft the Lives, Eftatesj^nd Liberties of Of- fenders.- An example which others quickly followed: And eafilydidhe Hep from the great Judicial Power before defcribed, to a forcing power, the preparations being fo great, and the Emperour fo ready to exak them, and the people oi Alexandria fo turbulent and inclined by pride and paffion tofuchwrays. 48. As fit. Am- 48- As the Prelacy thus fwelled, fo the Churches grew fuddeiily more corrupted with all manner of Vice. The Bithops began with forrow to coufels unto the Hereticks , that the greater number ia the Churches were naught. When they fliould cbufe their Bidiops they could feldom agree', but frequently inltead of holy peaceable Votes, did turn to De- vililh rage and blood-fhed, and covered ihe Streets and Church-floors with the CarkafTes of the llain ; (efpecially in the Cafe of Dam.ifM and others at RatHc^ and oft at Alexandria and Conilantincplc.) Frequently they fell into fewds, and fought it out, and murdered people by multitudes: E. ven the ftrid holy Monks of the E'^yptta/i Defarts, were as forward as o- thers to fighting, blood-dicd and ledition: Even in their ignorance, for fuch a paultryand fottifli an Opinion, as that of the Anthrofomorfhtta^ as that God hath the lliape and parts of a man : fo that they forced that de- ceitful treacherous Bifhop Thtofhtlus AUx.tndr. to flatter them, and curfe the Books of Or/^w (not for his errours, but for the oppollte truth) and to take on him to hold as they did. When God trycd them with a Julian ('who did pcrfccute tlicm very little,) they reproached him to his face, and trycd his patience as well as he did theirs. The Antiochi.vis fcorn- Stcratj.i. fully bid him fliave his l^eard r.nd make Halters of it. In a word, when <^'' J- Cofiftamirte had brought the World into the Church, the Church grew quickly too like the World. 49. But it was not the people only, but the Pallors, both Prelates and Presbyters, that grew licentious, wicked, proud, contentious, turbulent, and the fliame of their Order and ProfclGon , and the great difturbers and dividers of the Churches: except here and there an Ambrefc, an Au- guffine, a Chryfoftome^ a B.xfil^ a Gregory, an Atticiu, a Proclus^ and a few luch that fo (hined among a darkened di;gencrate Clergy, as to be fingled out for Saints. Abundance got rhefc great and tempting Prelacies by Si- mony, and more by making friends to Courtiers : And not a few by Car- nal compliances with the people: what abundance of mofl fliarpEpiftlc? did Jfidore Pclttfota write to Eiifehiits the Bifliop, and to Soprms, Maytia nns^ Eii{}>ithius^ &c. of all their horrible wicked lives, and yet could never procure their Rclbrmation ? What abundance of EpiftJcs did he write againftthem to other Bifl.ops, and yet could not procure their corrcfti on or removal? What a lisd character doth Sulpitim Sevens give of the Bifliops that profccured the Pnfciliimtfi.'^ and in particular of their Leader hhrxim, of his own knowledge ? What abundance of Prelates arc fliamc fully iligmatizcd, hy Sccr.it a, So^Lon-.ca^ Tbeodorct^ Efi^ffriiis, C^c? VA'heil a Rebel rofc up againll his Prince, and got but the ftronger party, and poflefllon, how quickly d:d they flatter him and own him. I find but one Biiliop betides St. /l/.<>a>; inallf,v<»cc ar.d that part of GrrwA'/y, that dif- owned AUximus that murdered CrMi.i'i : The reft applaiukd him for their own ends: Nor in tiiar p.nt of haly 1 liadnotany bciidcs Ambroje and one Uygiiuu that dilcwned him : fNot that I think it my partto con- demn all the"" holy Bilhops who profellcd lubje(^ion tollfur)x'rsinponef- fion: ( h) fion : Even holy jimhrofe could write to the odious Tyrant Eug^enim \jOU?}]c'ntiJfimo Imfcratori Eu^ento~\ concluding {_Nam cum private Sttiiltrim corde intimoy qitomodo non deferrcm Irnperatori.'] When I honoured thee apri- "Vate man from the bottom of my heart-, how can I hut henoitr thee being Empe- roHY ? 3 And how far have the Roman Bifliops gone in this, even to Phocas and fuch as he ? ) When good Gregory NazSanz. was chofen and fettled Bifliop of Conflan- timpU^ and loved and honoured by a good Emperour, yet was he reje* ^ rome make himfelf partaker ? And how ealUy did he get a Synod even where Chryfoflome lived to fecond them .<' fuch lamentable inflances are mere eafie than picafant to be cited. And that Epifcopacy which was fetupto prevent Herefieand Divifioas, did afford the Heads of mofl: of the Herefies and Divifions that befell the Churches. How few of all the Herefies mentioned by Epiphanliu^ after that Prelacy was in force, were not Headed and carried on by Prelates? And when the Arian Herefie fprung up by a Presbyter, the Prelates fo nume- EcclffMH ''0"fly received it, that they feemed to be the far greater parr, ifnot the uJi'p.to. "^^in body of the Imperial Church : Witncfs the perverting of many Em- .UgVakn- petours", the many Councils at Sirmi/m., Jriminum, £:c. And the many tiniani& new Crceds which Socrates and Hilary fo (liamcfully enumerate and de- vaientus^ claim againft. So that it was faid that the World groaned to find it felf u^tZ/7n turned Arian. Theodoreti And their fcwds and inhumane Contentions were fo many and odious, Eccl.wft. that it is a (haraeto read them. Multitudes of Cities had Bifliops fet up /.4-c-7-e^ againftBifhops, and fome Cities had more than two, orthree: The peo- Heflor. p]g reviling and hating each other, and fometime fighting tumultuoufly ^1 To unto blood, for thoir feveral Prelates. The Chriftian World was made &Mepli-^^^ Cockpit, and ChriHian Religion made a fcorn, by the Contentions anorumc. of the Bifhops. Conflantines ■wl^&om., confcicnceand interefl, engaged him lo.fKTO/?;- to ufe allhisskil, hlskindnefs and hhpowcr, to reconcile them : And if Terfreta- j^g j^^j j^^j. ^Q,jg what he did, howunfpeakably wretched would their o- ^HolkeH U dious contentions have rendered them? And yet he profefieth his heart y,f.6s. ' almofl broken by their difTenfions •, and while he chid them bitterly and de^ndio. exhorted th£3i kindly, he could not prevail. His Sons that fuccceded him laboured to unite the Bifhops, (^though in diflerent ways) and could not do it. Jevianns the little time he reigned, declared his hatred of their contentions, and hov/ much he loved a peaceable man: but thatdidnot cure them, even when they came nev/ from under a 7«/«^w. 1 will look no lower, to t^e more degenerate Prelacy, but recite the doleful words of ,£uftbit*s, even of thofrthat wore not at the worll, and came but newly from ( 2S) ^Ifrom under the perfccutions of former Ernperours, when they had but a little profperity , immediately before Dtochfans perfecution, they are thusdefcribed- t.Hew^>e4t and what manner of s^lury andUberty the doQrine Eufeb.lt. of Mty due to Ahn'ghty Cod^ preached i» the yVerld hyChnfl^ hath obttanedbe- '^■^■^- for ■ " — " - ■ "—^ rianSy (when mitt, d the Government of the Gentiles ", And for the r ic at favour they kare to our BoElrine^ they gri*nted liberty and fecurity tothc Fnfejfvrs ofChriflianity. What (hall I fay of them, that in the very Palace of the Empereurs, and in the prtfenee of Princes Hved wojl familiarly "• which efeemed of their Aiiniflers fo highly, that they granted them in their f^cfoct freely to deal in matters of Religion^ both by word and deed \ together with their wives and children and fervants ? And thus one might then have fetn the Bi^iojs of all Churches w great reverence and favour among all forts of mcn^ and with aH Magiftratcs. Who can worthily defcrihe thofe innHmerabUheapt and fi-'cki'ig multitudes, throHghout all Cities and f4t- tnoat Ajfemhlies, frequenting the placet dedicated to prayer : Becaufe of whicte cncumflancest they not contented with the old avd ancient bnildings {which could not receive them) have throughout all Cities^ biiilded them from the Foundati- on wide and ample ClMirches : Tkfr things thus prevailed in procefs of time, and daily increafed far andnigh: fo that no malice could intercept^ t>$ fpiteful fitnd bewitch, no wight with citnning at all hii'der k, as long as the Divine and heaven- fy hand of Cod upheld and vifited his People^ whom as yet he worthily accepted' But after that our affairs through too much liberty, eafe and fecurity^ degene- rated from the Natural rule ej piety ; and after that one purfued another vfith epen contumely andhatred., and when that we impugned our felvcs by no o- tncr than our fclves, with the armour of f pit e^ and (harp fpears of apprebrious words, fuhat Bifliops againfl Bifiiops^ and People agamfl People, raifedfedition ^ lafi of ull^ when th.it curfcd hypccrifte and diffimulation had fwam even to the brim of malic e\ The heavy hand of Gods high judgment after his Wonted man- ner \whslefi as yet the Ecclefiaflical Societies affembled themfelves neverthelefs) began foftly by little and little to vifitus ^ fo that the perfecution that was raif- td againfl Ht took^ f.fi his Original., from the Brethren that were under Baiwerin the Camp ■ When as we were touched with no jenfe thereof ^ nor went about so bad fit God, we heaped fn upon fin, thinking like careless Epicures^ that Gea neither cared, nor would vifit our fins •, And they which feemed eur Shepherds., ^-^y^ng afdf the rule of piety, pra^lifcd coKtention and fhifm a- mong themfelves., and whtlfi they aggravated thefe things, that is, contentious., thrcatnings., mutual hatred and enmity , and every one proceeded m Arrrbttion, much l:k£ Tyranny it felf, then I fay., then did the Lord make the daughter of Zioaobfcure, and ovcrthnw from above the glory of ICt^cI, &c. — c. 2. We faw with oivr eyes the Oratories thrown down to the ground ., the foundati- ons digged up., the holy Scriptures burned to afireiin the open A'fark£t-pljce.,and the Pajiors of the Churches fome fliamefuHy hid themfelvts. — Tet is it j'ot our drift to defcnhc the bitter calamities of thefe men., which at length they f^fered, E nor wrr to record their diJfenJJon and mfoUncy fraUifed Among tbemfehes^ before the ferfecHtio?!, O'C,'] Note that all this was before v^>/«^ his Herefie, even before D/W/f /?<«>«■ cruelties •-, but not before the beginning of Church- Tyranny and ambiti- on, as is faid. Butafterthis, alas, how much greater were their enormities and diffen- tions, when their Tyranny was much cncreafed ■, It would grieve any^ober Chriftianto read how the Chriftian World hath been tofTedup and down, and the people diftraiTted, and Princes difturbed and dethroned, and Herefies fomented, and horrid Perfecutions, and bloodflied caufcd, by the pride and contentioufiiefs of Prelates: And moll of all this, in profecu- tion of that Controverfie, which Chrift decided fo long ago, viz.. Who flwHldhe greatcfl. It was mt Religion, faith Socrates., l-%.c.il. that the tW9 Arian5fffj o/Mariniis and Agapius iv.^^ abont, but Primacy: They Jlrsve rvhich cf them jlionld be the chief: wherefore many Clergy -men under the jn- rifdi£tion of thrfe Biflwps, perceiving the ambition, the riUicottr and malice of 'thefe proud Prelatjts, forfook^thcm., e^c. Macedoniiis at Conflantinofle was fo Tyrannical, that as he came in by cruelty, fo he caufed more, by prefumptuous removal of the bones ofCw/i /;.v« had killed C7r;?rM« and reigned in Fr^wr«, and entered Italy; (after that v^w^vo/f had ftopthim a while) Theophilus Akxandr. fendeth an Agent Presbyter with two Letters, and a richprefcnt, one to /W^.v/w«j and one to Theodofins', ordering himto flay the ifliie oftheFight, and give the Prefent with his Letter to him that proved the Conqueror : But a Ser- vant flole the Letters from the Priefl, and opened the whole bufmefs, and caufed the Priefl to fly and hide himfelf. 50. Thcfe contentions of the Bifhops and corruption of manners, fodif- tafted the more Religious fort of the people, that it pceafioncd the ttmh tiplying of feparating Herefies : and greatly encreafed and confirmed 6- thers, efpeciallythe J'OT<«f»/?>, and Nov.Tticns ; becaufc" men thought them tobe of better lives than the Orthodox. 51, Yea, by their very abufe of good a.nd holy nren, they drove even the Id. lb. (■'^^ ) the Orthodox often to feparated Societies, as thinking fo bad Prelates uir- fit to be communicated with, As in ConfiantmofU their abule, ejeftion and banifhment of Chryfojlomc caufed great numbers of his faithful people to forfakethe Church •, and meet only in feparated Conventicles ^ And though they differed in no point of Dodrine, Worfliip or Difcipline from the reft, all that they could do by tyranny and threats would never bring them again to the Church v but they were called Joannites^ and allembled by thera- felves-, tilM«iWby wife and honeft means firft began the reconciliati- ou, by the publick inferting of Chry^ofiome's name among their honoured Bifliops in the daily Liturgy of the Church, and Froclns after wifely perfect- ed it, byfetchingthebonesofCitr)/o/?o»« with honour, from the place of his banilhment into the Church, bat Theodorct, hiJi.Eccl-l. $.c. j6. afcri- beth it to that good Emperour Theodofus Junior : It's like a good Bifhop andheconfentcd. For faith Socrates, c. 40. Proclns behaved himfclf fairly ^'"'"'^■^-'^ towards all men^ ftrfwading himfelfthat it was farcafurfor him by fatr means ' '*^' to allure men tp theChitrch, than by force to compel them to the Faith. 52. ThemuhitudcsofSchifuiesand horrid enormities in the Church of Rome-, thegrand corruption of Religion by them; the Oianieful divifions betwesnth^ Greek^znd iVejieru Churches, began fo long ago and continu- ed to this day, with much more fuch evidence, do tell the World that is willing to fee, what all this tended to as it's perfeiHiion. 5 J. And having thus (hewed how the Bifliopsofthe Flock came to be Bifliops of Bifliops, and how they grew from the Paftoral OfHcc to a pom- pous denomination moftly fecular, and how the Bifhops of fingic Chur- ches, did grow to be the Bifliops of multitudes of Churches turned into one Diocefan Church of another fpecies, we fhall leave it to thofe that arc wife and impartial, to judge whether a true Reformation muft retrieve them, and what Age and ftate of the Church muft be our pattern, to which we Ihould endeavour to returns and in what point it is that it ismcetorpof- fible, for Chriftiansunanimoufly to fix between the Apoftolical inftitution and the height of Popery ? And what fatisfying proof any man can give that in a line of 1500 Years, that it is the right point that he hath chofen. E 2 CHAP. ( 28 ) CHAP. IV. Th Judgement of thofe Nonconformifts {nom ft/enced) who 1660. addrelfec! themfelves to King Charles the Second for Concord in the matter of Church-Governr ment : what they then offerec/y and what thofe of the Authors mind now hold, as to the Right of what is be* foreHiJiorically related. A S I have delivered our Judgment about the Hiftory of Prelacy, fo (hall I next freely and truly exprefsmy own Jodgment and thofe that have concurred with me about the right of Church- Government itfelf, Cfuppofing thofe 100 Propof. ad Lud.AfgH^ naum which 1 have publifhed about the Nature of Church-power, and the extent of the Magiftratcs power in Church-matters.) For Truth hath great advantage when itappeareth, i. compaft, and entire, 2. and in the o- pen light. Since the writing of this our judgment is more fully publifhed i in the Nonconformifts firft and fccond Plea for Peace, joh.M»; Pyop' !• Since the Fall of Man, as God hath given a Saviour to the Gen.j.ifi World, by whom he hath made a new Covenant with or for. Mankind; Joh. 17.1. fo hath he delivered all things into the Redeemer's hands, and given him Mat.^ i8. 211 pojver in Heaven and Earth, making him the Adminiftrator General, Epb, u and Head over all things to the Church. %i,xi. ^ Some thi ngs are under Chri ft as Z^ff «/?//> viz, JnanimAtes and Brnites^ fome are under him as meer entmits fubdued, as Devils-^ feme are under him as generally Rtdeemid^ and fttbje^s dejnrt, or (jHoad ehligationein^ to be Ruled and ufed upon terms of Mercy; And fo are all Mankind in gene- ral, till the day of life and grace is paft: fome are under him as ViCble Confcnters, and Profeffed lubjefts; fo are the Baptized and vifiblepro-- fef^ors of Chriftianity. And fome are under him as fincere Heart Cove- nanters, JuftifiedandSandified, and to be Glorified by him. J. As Nature it felf is now delivered up to Chrift, and the Z-/m'i.'nt^ both for the common good znd order of the Redeemed World, and alfo .sf^i:Bified- to the fpecial good and order of his Church ', Even fo is the Office of Ma. gifiracy now under him, and derived from him, and dependant on him, in both thefe forementioned refpeds. ( Notvvithftanding all the vain arguments which Mr. Brewi a Scotch Divine, Cont. T'elthufirv. h^ith writ- ten to the contrary; which need no confutation to an intelligent Rea^ derj^ 44 But:. ( 29) 4* But tbe-Office of tlw Sacred Miniftry is much of Cra^e and Injiu thUoitt aad lefs of NatHral original than Magiftracy. For though U be of Natural obligation, that one man teach another , and that there be forae fitter perfons than the multitude to inftrud the people and guide them in Gods Worlhip ; Yet that in fptcie there fhould be Preachers •/ HieCoJpel, andAdminiftrators of thlsinltituCed worfhip and Church-difci- pliiic, thisisitfelfofC^i/?j/«y?»V«f/ow, astiitDdh-m., vorflnp snddtfciplint which are their Office-work are of his Inftitution. 5. And though a great part of a Chriftian Magiftrates work be alfo Inftituted, viz.. to promote Chrifts Inftituted C)oiftrinc, Worfhip and Bifcipline, yet fo much alfo of his work is natural, as thit he may be called a MMgiftratCy though he be not a Chriftian Magiftrate, while lie ex-cuteth Gods Laws of Nature, for the common good : But he is Cat leafl:) lefs fitly called a Minifter or Prieft of God, who fhall only teach the Lawr of Nature, and guide an Aflembly in mecr Natural Worfliip, (^o- mitting all that is by Inftitution O Or if any think otherwife, it being but demmne, atlcaft this is certain, that the Chriftian or Evangelical Mi- niftry is by Inftitution. 6. Therefore, though fo far as the Mofaical Magiftracy was founded m Nature, or in any Revelation expounding the Law of Nature, we may under the Gofpel fetch proofs thence for the Chriftian Magift rates Au- thority and Obligation-, Yet can we fetch no Model of a Golpel Miniftry, nor proof of our Authority or obligation as inftituted, from the Inftituted Miniftry of the Mofaical Church : Becaufc the Law o^Mofes is abrogate,an(^ indeed did never bind the (??«/(/«, fas 1 have fullier proved in my Treat, of the Lords dayO Nor is it fafe to argue from parity of rcafon that we mull how be or do as they did, in pointef pure inftitution, whilewelo little know the total reafon of God's inftitutions, and when he hirafelf hath taken them down and fet up new ones we muft not then plead our Reafon againft the alterations which God himfelf hath made. 7. Therefore though Chrift be now the Head and Fountain of Power, both to Magiftratcs and Minifters, yet he did not iufticute a new Office of Magiftracy, but add new Laws for them to rule by as part of their Rule of Government; Becaufe their Ofiice was fo much founded in Na- ture, and fo much of their work lay in ruling mankind according to their common Natural Law . But a Miniftry he did inftitute a-new, astothe fpecics andgrcat efTcntials of the OfSce. 8. Chrifl changing both the Inftituted Mofaical Law, and Prieft:- hood, did beoin himfelf m his own pcrfon as the Great Prophet, High Prieft and King of his Church, to exercile his Office in the Jcmjh Nation. 9- Being not to continue corporally on earth, nor his bodily prcfence being ubiquitary, hedefigned thatthc Holy Ghoft fhould be \ii% Agent in- ttrtj.ii!y.u^ carry on his work in the World , And he appointed the Sacred OSl^c^of the Miniftry, that meet men might be his Agents external- i^f-'m the Teaching and Governing of his Redeemed ones in a holy order, and in conducting them in holy worlhip, in a Minifterial fubordiliation to his Prophetical, Regal and Prieftly Office. • ^ - .; . ., lo, As he himfelfdid Officiate among the^^w/,' fo he firft placed thi^~ Minifterial Power in twelve ctibfen men, and feventy AlTiftants with ferae relation to tlie twelve Tribes and feventy Elders of Ifrael^ to whom he lent. them. ,11. During the time of Chrift's abode among thetn in the flelh, they wei*e but as Pupils and Learners while they were Teachers i and their u4- hilitiis, Cotnmijftohs, Office and Work_-, and fo their/Kc«/jf were all yctiml perfeift : They were not yet authorized openly and commonly fo much as todeclareChrlft to be the Mefiiah and Saviour, but only to prepare men for that belief: Becaufethofe works were not yet done, which muft be the £wi?fffc« of their Do(^rine and the Inftruments of mens Convicftion, viz.. Chrift's Death, Refurredion, AfcenCon, and his fending the mira- culous gift of theHolyGhoft. ^ '.•i.^|^ : -i! vd n j.-.r 12. When Chrift was rifen before "his Afcenfion, hie perfeded their CommilTion, both as to their Work and Province i but appointed them to ftay till the defcent of the Holy Ghoft upon them, (as the fealing and full delivery of it, giving them full ability for their workj before they fet themfelves about the folemn performance of it. 1 3. Their Commiffion and Office was, i. to Teach men and make them Ghriftians for Chrift's Difciples,) 2. and then to Baptize them into ^he name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, andfototakethera into his Covenant and Church ; and, 3. toTeach them as Covenanted and en-Churched perfons, to obierve all his commands -^ The firft part of their work was to be exercifed unlimitedly on all the World, as far as they were aWe; The fecondpart on the new Converted Believers fand their infant feed;) Andthe rhirdpart on the Baptized (that were adult.) And he added the promife of his prefence with them to the end. 14. Ashe now ehlargeid their CommilTion to All the World as the ob- jedt of the firft part of their Office^ fo he added one {Paul) by a voice from Heaven, unto the number of the Apoftles, who was efpecially made arr'Apoftle to the Gentiles, to fliew the reft that they were no more con- fined to the twelve Tribes of Jjrad. 15^ 'Becaufe thefe Apoftles were entrufted not only with a common Preaching of the Gofpel, but as Founders of the Churches, to be the eye and ear witnefles , of the life, miracles, refurreftion and doftrine of Chrift, and to acquaint men certainly with the Laws of Chrift, therefore hepromifedthemthcextraordinary gift of the Holy Ghoft, to lead them infallibly into all truth, and to bring all things to their remembrance, which he had taught and given them in Charge, and fo to enable them to perform all their Commiffion, which he gave them accordingly, and fomade them the Foundations of his Church, and the infallible deliver- ■-''..;. ;;ii"i :■■ ■ • ers f 3« ) crs of his Will to the World, by their preaching and pradice firlt, and afterwards by their Writing?. i6. Therefore fince their miraculous reception of the Spirit, all their Doiftrines Writings and EftabliHimcnts which w^re done in the Execution of, their Commiflion, are afcribed to the Holy Ghoft : It was the Holy Ghoftthat Indited the Sacred Scriptures; and it ivas the Holy Ghoft that fettled the Churches, and that wrought the Miracles, and that bare wit- nefs of Chrift, and the Chriftian verity. For the Apol^les fpake not of themfelves, but as the Holy Ghoft infpircd them. 17. Asothersin that time were employed as their affrftants in propa- gating the Chriftian Faith, fo had they alfo the faraefpirit, though in fevefal meafures, and gifts. And fa far as they had that fpirit, he was the fcal of their doftrine .• But bccaufe it was the Apoftles that had the promife of Infallibility, we have greater aflurance of the Infalhbility of their writings, than of others ", \t bdn^ their apprch,ttion^ which is much of our nflurance that the writings of their AftiftaOts were infallible, and the teftimony which thcy^ give of-, the perfons that -wrote them (viz.. M^^rk^ and Luke.) ' ' ' . 18. 1 hefe Apoftles with their many Afliftants, (Prophets and Evan- gelifts) did by p>r<«c/:7;«^, holimfs and tnir,icles, (tlie cffecfts of Divine W;/- domc, Goodnefs and Powcr^ convert multitudes , and baptize them, and did not only thus gather them into theC?tholick Church to Chrift, but alio fettled dieni In a holy Order in particular Churches , for perlbnal communion among thirnifclvcs in holy worihip and holy living: And they made fuch'^ie^'ilar Church-'commmiioa a duty to ail that could' ob- tain it. ' ^ : ' 19. By the! authority of Chrift and the Holy Giioft they oi'daincd other's to the (acred Offict of the Miniftfy j The fimc olfice with their own as to tlic commoji woiks oi PrcMhiiijr and Tc-tchifi^ the Golpcl, Worpifing Tind G Hiding the CShurchrs hybol^BiJciplitte:, which are tl>e CofrimoiS ei- Icntials of the f^tred Miuiftry. But not the fame in refpetl of their ek- traordinary cridow^ments and works before defcribed (as eye and ^ar witncflcs, infallibly delivering the will of Chrift.) -i iniyo) 20. Though in the Nature of the Office all ChriftsMiniftcrs have the Power before mctitioiied;''0' ^<^ convert men to the Faith by preaching, 2. to take them inro t'he' hofy Covenant and Church by Baptifm^ ^. to teach, worfhip and rule, in portidljar Churches-, or, 1. to gather Chur- ches by preaching and bapti"iing,' 2.- and then to teach and guide them-,;) Yet all are not called equally to the exerciftof all thcfe parts-,- But fome wefc by the Apoftlc?; and the Holy Ghoft ind*; finitely employed in an unfi.v- •Vjd Cinrfe, in converting mW'aha^athijrrtigChlii'chcsi, yc8 oftici'ating alfo in gith-efed Churched vvherct^rtcy-came -, Ahd'otl'icrs wcrd;3fi:!ted tTithef1tJ»ted relation of,Paftoi-s to. panfjrtifer gathered 'anirches,']k>' 'teach ■and- rule them, ands^orlhip among tSe'n-i -, yet fo as alfo to Pt*^aih f6r the ccHivcr- fioa of unbelievers, as far as they had ability and opportunity. •'■'■ ■ 21. The- C32) 2r. The unfixed Officers were called Mimfters'in General, and Stew- ards of God's Myfteries, and Evangclifts : But the fixed Officers, were alfo efpecially called Billicps, Paftors, and Elders : Thoiigli fometinie rarely the other alfo had luch Titles, becaufe of their doing the l^me work tranfiently in the Churches where they came. 22. They that were unfixed Preachers or Evangelills, had not that fpc- cial and particular Charge of all the fouls in particular Churches, and in fome one Church above ail the reft, as fixed Bifhops or Paftors have : But they had a greater Obligation than thefe Bifhops to preach to Infidels, becaufe it was their ordinary chief work. 23 . The Paftors of particular Churches had fuch a Charge of thcfe par- ticular Flocks, above all other Flocks ^materially,) as that they were not obliged equally to do the fame for others as they did for them : Though yet when they had a particular call, they might tranfiently or occafion- ally perform the work of the Paftoral Office, to other Churches. 24. This relation to their particular Flock, was not fuch as difobliged them from their higher regard of the Univerfal Churci; : For our rela- tion to that is ftrifter and more indiflbluble than to an y particular Church : And we mufb always firjaUy prefer the Church Uni.erfal, .though miite- riaily we arc to labour in our particular Churches priiicipally fand fome- times only ) becaufe by fuch Ojder the Church Univerfal is belt edi- fied- 25. The Apoftles ufually (but not only) planted Churches in great Ci- ties •, rather than in Country Villages. 26. This was not that hereby they might oblige others to confine Churches to Cities only, nor becaufe they had any fpecial honour for a City , but becaufe tbey were the places of greatelt Concourfe , and had belt opportunity for AfTemblies, and mofl materials to work up- on. 27! Neither the Apoftles nor others for fome Ages after Chrift, did divide the Countries about fuch Cities, and allign part of them to be the Diocefsof one Bifhop, and the other part to theBifhopof the next ad- joyning City: Nor was there any bounding of Parifhes orDiocefs, nor any determination, to which Bilhop fuch and fuch ground, or Villages of unconverted Infidels did belong. Only as natural prudence guided them f and the fpirit of God,) they fo dilperfed themlelves that none might hinder another in his work ^ but as molt tended to the propaga- tion and orderly governing of the Churches. 28. Thexefore no City Bifhop had fuch a Particular Charge of the fouls of all the individual Infidels, either in his City or the Country round a- bout him (which fome feign to have been his Diocefs) as hehadofth* fouls of the Church which he was Paflor of. Though he was bound to do all that he could to convert aH as he had opportunity, he ftood not ia any Paftoral relation to this or that individual Infidel, as hedidtoallthe individual Chriftians of his charge, Iin*tins requlreth the Bilhop to know know all his Flock by narae^ and enquire after them, even the fcrvarts i but not fo of all Infidels in his City or Circuit. 2p. No man was therefore the Pallor of any Chrilliansiaa particular Church-relation meerly bccaufe he cooverted them: Nor was there ever any Law made by Chrifl: or his Apollles, that all fhould be members of that particular Church whofe Overfeer did convert them; much lefs that at a diltance they fliould be the members of his Epifcopal charge, though ia another Church. 50. The Apollles fetled in every particular Church, one or more with the Pafloral power of the Keys, to teach and govern that Church, and to lead them in publick worfliip • And every fuch Body Ihould Hill have one or more Pallors with fuch pov.-er . And no Pallor or Bifhop fnould have more particular Churches under his Ipccial immediate Clisrt^e, than one, unlcfsas an Archbilliopwhohath Billiqps in thofe particular Churches un- der him. 51. A particular Church of Chrifl''s Inflitution by his Apollles, is Z-/i fttcrrd Society coffjiftinjr ef one or more Paflors^ and a caj.ihle nnmher of Chrijlian Neighbours^ corifociaic by Chrtfis i>.ffcintmein and thdr own coiifetit, for perfofial comtnunicn in Cod^sfHllick^worihip andinholylti'irig.'} In this de- finition, I. The Genus is {jif.tcrcdSocicty~\ lb called, i.to diflinguilli it from a meer community, or unbodied company of Chriflians; 2. and to diftinguidi it from Civil and prophane Societies, (For the Gcnns\% fubalter- nate, and thefpecicsof a fuperiour Cf««/.) 2. The conflitutive parts are Pallor and People. 5. I fay \_PaJlors} as diftinguifhing it from all other focieties as headed by other Ofliccrs or Rulers-, As Kingdoms by Kings, Colleges by thgrGovernours, Schools by School-mailers, Families by Pa- rents, &c. For Societies are fpecificd by their Governours. 4. I fay {one or more} becaufe it is the Office in fomc fcrftn that is the conftitutive part, the numberbeingindifFercntas to the 5f/>7gj, though not as to the well[htini of the Society. 5. The Peofle being the other material part of the Society, I call them LC/br>/?;.'led: To reprove the fcandalous: To admonifhthcobftinate before all : Tocenfure audcaftout the impenitent that continue to rcjeft ftich admonition: To abfolve the penitent : To take care of the Poor : And to be exemplary in holinefs, fobriety, juilicc and charity. I pafs by Mirriage, Burials, and fuch o- ther particular OlFices. And I meddle not here with Ordination, or any thing that concerneth other Churches i but only with the work of a Billiop or Paftor to the People of his proper Flock. 59. The ableft Man am o ng us, for mind and b ody, may find full and needful e m ployment of this fort, among an hundred pcrTons, efpecially fuch as our common Chriftians arc : But if he have hve huncfred or a thou- fand, he hath fo m u ch to do, as will conftrain him to leave fomcthing un- done which beion get h to hi8 Offic;. Therefore our Market-Towns, and large Country ParifHes, vyhere there are ordina rily t wo, three, or four thoiifand in a Parilh, have need of many paftors, to do that for which the Paftoral Office w as ordained : Much more our j^rcatcfl: City andTov^n Parilhes tha t have ten thonfand, twenty th oufand, andfome above thir- ty, if not forty or fifty thoufa nd in a ParijE 4C!. The office of a Pallor, containing the Tower of the Keys, as fub- ordinatc Minifterially to Chrifl: in his Teaching, Ruling and priellly work, is not by man to be divided and part of it to be given to one forr, and part to another (though they that have the wMe po\v*r may varioufly exemfe it, as there is caufe. j But every Church mud have fuch as have the whole power, as far as concerneth the People of that Church. 41. To divide the eflential parts of the Sacred Office, Cas to give one the power of TV^fc/w^ only, another of W'or/Jwpj^jj only, and another of Ruling only; or any two of thefe without the third, is to deltroy it, and change the _//>fc»'f J, as much as in them lieth that do it J And as nooneisa nan without his Animal, Vital and Natural parts-, fono one is a true Pa- ftor without the threefold power forementioned, of Teaching, Rule- ing that Church by Paftoral means, and Conducing them in publick Worlhip. He may be a Paftor that is hindered from theexcrcife of fome one of thefe or more :, but not he that hath not the Power iii his Office. Dividers therefore make new Church Oftkcs, anddcftroythe old. 42. Churches headed by fuch a new fort of Officers, fpecifically di- ftintfl fromtheoldof Chrift'slnftitution, are Churches fpecifically differ- ing from the Churches which Chrift Inftitutcd : Becaufcthe Society isfpe- cined by the fptcies of its Head or Governour. F 2 4 J. To (30 4J. To mnke a new fort of Church-Heads or Rulers, as their Conftitu- tivt parts, is to make a new fort of Churches. 44. The three forfaid Ellential parts of the Paftoral Office are not to be exercifed by any Lay-man, nor by any man that hath not that Office ; Nor may the Pattors do that work peralios^ or delegate Lay-men, or men of another Office to do it as in their ftead. For the Office is nothing but juft jinthority and Obligation to do that work : And if they convey fuch Au- thority and Obligation to another, they convey the Office to another •, And ta he is no longer a Lay-man, or of another Office only- 45. Therefore though many Paftors of the fame Office may in a great Chu: ch diftribute the work among them, yet none of them muft do it only as the delegate of another, not having hlmfelf from God the Office which ■ containeth the power of doing it. 46. But the Accidentals of the Paftoral Office maybe committed to a • Lay-man, or one that is no Pallor f As to fummon AHemblies, to keep Regifters, or the Church Books, Goods, Buildings, with many the llke:^ And fofome think that the Apoftlesinftltutlng Deacons was but a com- municating the Accidentals of their Office to other men. Therefore if Chancellors did only thefe accidental works (or Lay Elder either j and meddled not with the facred power of the Keys, we fliould not be fo quar- relfome, as to condemn their undertaking, unlefs it were for the a- bufe. 47. We doubt not but in a Church that hath many Paftors, thofe that are young and weak fliould much fubmit to the elder and more able, and be as far ruled by them, as the difference of age, experience and abilities,, without a difference of Office, doth require. 48. And we doubt not, but where Temples and Church-maintenance are at the difpole of Patrons, People or Magiftrates, they may give them to fome one Paftor as the prefent poffeffor , fo that no other fliall have part but by his conceflion. And this difference there is between the Parfon and his Curates in ourParifhes, and an accidental fuperiority and inferiority, thereby, without a difference of Office. 49.Mf Magiftrates, or Councils, or Cuftome, ffiould in each particular. Church that hath many Paftors, give one a Governing, that is a negative voice among the reft, in the management of the affairs of that Church, fo that the reft ffiould not go againft him or without him, as Archbi-. fiiops now are over BLQiops, and Archpresbyters were formerly over Pref- byters, and Archdeacons over Deacons, and Prefidents over Colleges,- and Courts of JuRice, without claiming a diftinift Office^ though the fad experience of M«ns Inclination to Church-tyranny, make us doubtful whether we ffiould wiffi for fuch an inequality, yet would we not unpeace- ably difturb or quarrel with fuch an Order, when it is fettled .• Our Parilh Order aforefaid being indeed but fuch. 50. Whether God himfelf hath appointtdanother fort ofBiffiops who Hjaybe better called Archbifliops, as Succeffors of the Apoftles in. the. Ruling ( 37 ) Ruling part of their Office-, and whether thefe have not a Power above particular Church Pallors in Ordinations, and in the overfight of the Pa- llors them felves, and in the Care of many Churches, 1 have long ago cbn- fefled, is aCafeof too much difficulty forme to determine. On the one fide, though the Apoltles have no SuccefTors in the extraordinary and temporary part of their Office, yet Church-government being an ordinary and permanent part, as dextrine is, I can hardly think that when we find one Form of Church-governmcnt inftituted by Chrill himfelf,. and conti- nuing till the end of that Age, that we fliould prefumc to fay that this Form then ceafed and another mull fucceed it without good proof. What wefindenaftedand fetled mufl Hand, till we can prove it abrogate.. And unkfs it were a thing which in the nature of it were temporary,it fecmeth a harfli imputation of mutability, to feign Chrill to fet up a Church-govern- . ment which fhould be in force but for an hundred years. And on theo- ther fide it puzlethme. i. to find it fo hard to prove, that the Apolllcs themfclves did indeed exercife any Office power over other Paflors,which one may not do towards another, over and above that which accrcwed to them from the meer extraordinary advantage of their gifts and Apo- ftolical proper work: 2. And to find it fo obfcure, whether they fettled any as their Succedbrsinthat fuperiority of power which they had. %i. But being in fuch doubt, and being unc er tain whether fuch Arch- Bifhops or Apotlolica l Siicceflbrs in t he p oints ofOrdina^n and ovcrfLght ofmanyCh':irches, be of Divine right or nor, I reioTve not tocontcna a - g-iinll any fuch Order, nor to difobey a ny juft commands o f fuch, norTo reproach the CHjhme of the Churches. 5 2. And though I know that Pallors fliouId not unneccfiarily be divert- ed by any alienc works, yet if it plcaie the Magillrate to commit fome of his power of Church-government by the Sword, (about things extrinfick, tothcPalloral Office) into the hands of fome IMinillers as his Officers, and if he call them Biffiopg, and command us to obey them, and if he make them Barons, and endow them with Lordlhips and great revenues, though I feethegrtat peril to the Church from hence, by reafon of mens pride and world lincfs; yet will I not reproach this Order, nor deny any jiilt obedience to any fuch Officers of the King. 5}. Ifany acknowledging the Pallorsof each Church to have the whole Paltoral Office, and fewer of the Keys of that Church which heoverfecth, fliall yet affi.m that the aforefaid fuperiour Genera! Biffiops Cor Arch- Bifhops) have a fiirniony power of the Key s^ and therefore Ihall have the decifion of controvcrfies that arife in particular Churches between the Pallors and the People and that appeals may be made by the people to them, and that they may villtthe particular Chuichcs at their plcafure, and have power to cenfure the particular Bilhops (or Pallors j when they deferve it, or to Ordain Minillers, remove them, and depole them as there is jull caufe, Cby bare fentence, and the peoples confent,; and all this jure divtHo, as Succellbrs to the Apollks in th«ir Government, or to ( 38) to fuch Artabiihv>pi (oi; General Biflipps) as Ttmthy and TUrs. I fliall not contend agaiafl any of t(iis, for the reafons aforefaid, being uncertain of ftie thing in quffiiqn. Mut if Imuft be put to fabfcribc, that 1 be- lieve 'all this to l)e true, (as if it were an Article of my Faiph) the fame uncertainty would forbid rae, 54. And here I muft i;ake Qccaflon to fay, that! take unnecaTary Sub - fc;riptioa?, Declaratica?, pronvifes andb'aths, to be P"e Qf the chi^fe(l: of tbebevils Engines,, to divide Chrifl'5 C hurches, andto tiih outthofeM i- lyftersi that make cppfcUnceot perjury apdljpg^ ^nd To turn thejp cut p f theyor^of iChrift, and '^ole^vgin thole t^t <^ i^o^VTvyBen CoarGiei}ce can find but" any fhifting; prete nce:';) Aq3 hoy "t luch are for the Sacred Minillry, andwlioie fervants reaUythey are, and h9w the y are like to do Chrlll^a work, and what a C^fe the Chutch.es wTtl be in that have fac h , apd what the ^fr'efls'jvill be ^ith;t|^e com mon pe5)ple, ajidjiqw the lover s of God li ne fs will r^fenit all this, aiid wh ^elfe wi lUoliowTier^uponJ leav e to the Reader that hath the brainsoFXmap, or "eveF opened his ey^s tft mark what is don e abroad in the W orld, prthafevgr readwith_pb^ vatiOD the things that in otbec Age s have bgfallen the Xhurc h es, or tha t knowe th what relation li ght bath to darkjiefs, good^ evil^and Chrift to Bthal. 1 think that the Articles oFour Faith ^ndiX^nQ matters oFour fror Bice are fpto bediltlnguilhed, as that there is a tHcejftty of Believing the former, 2nd therefore we may be called to profcfs that we do Belitvt, them--, And for the other, (the Agetidn) we mull be called to Do theraj ("and if they be plain and neceflary duties of our Religion, being to be BeHeved to h^Dnties before we do them, we may fometime be put to pro- fefs that Belief.) But ^«/»>j of humane impofition, or of doubtful nature, may be done as things lawful by thoufands of peaceable men, that can- not fay or fwear that they are duties; or may be done as of humane obli- gation by thofe that cannot fay they are of Diviae obligation- 55. Wc hold that the hr ft Churches that did divolveall arbitrations of difierences among Chriflians upon the Paftors, did that which brought no great prefent inconvenience, when the People were but few and the Paftors had fufficient leifure ', but that which prepared for the degenera- ting of the Miniftry andthe Churches lamentable corruption ^ And there- fore that they Ibould have forefeen this, and done as St. Paul direded them, and referred matters to any fit {yvtfe man amon^them.'} And when they faw the mifchief, they ftiould have quickly reformed it, as Silvanm . Biftiop oiTro/u aforementioned did : And that if there were Lay Elders in any of the ancient Churches, (as one paftage in Origen, and one in Antr hrofe, and this of Stluamts in Socrates have madefome think) they were truly Lay, and appointed only to fuch Arbitrations as thefe, and fuch o- therAnimadverfions over the reft, as Lay-menmay do; (A help that 1 once tryed and found to be very great-) 56. We hold that when Conftantine gave the Clergy the fole Pow^, of Judging theCau&s ('Civil andCriminal) of all-thc Chrifti^ns, helhew- ed (39) ed more ignorant zeal> than true difcretion, and did let in a" peftilence into the Church •, and that inftead of that he fhould have only left Arbi- trations to mans free choice, and have fet up a Chriflian or Righteous Magiftracy, to whom both Bilhops and all other Ghriftians fhould fub- 57. We hold that when Ghriftians fo niultiplyed, as that they grew uncapable of Perfonal Communion, at one Altar ^ it was the duty of them and the Bifliops, to have ordered them into new Churches, which (hould every one have had its proper Bifliop, or plenary Paftoral Office among them j and not to kave kept them all ftill in the name of one particular Church (^infimi ordinis ) when they were uncapable of the nature and end. 58. We hold that it vizs finfally done, to make a new Office or Order offubjeSl Presbyters^ that had not the Governing power of their per- ticular Churches, neither alone, nor conjun^H: •, but had only the power to Teach and Worlliip, the Government being referved only to the Bifliop of another (called a Mother) Church. 5p. But we believe that this came not in till many handred Years af- ter Chrift, and that but by flow degrees, and that after fubordinatc Churches and Altars were invented, and fet up, yet the Pallors under the name of Presbyters, had much of the Governing power voftheKeys> though with and under the Bifhop of the Mother Church. 60. Thedepofingof all thelirllrankorOrderof Bifliops. which were before over each particular Church, the making of a new Office of half Presbyters, the making of Churches of a ncvi fpccies^ as being under a new fort of Officers, the making Archbilliops, who (hould have many Churches and Bifliops under them, to become the Bilhops of the loweft rank, having none under them; but above all thcfe, the making of the Paftoral work, efpecially difcipline become utterly impoffible, by put- ting that into one mans hand, that cannot be done but by many (or ma- ny hundred,) thefe and fuch like are the things that wc can neither fWear to nor approve. 61. We hold that though the Magiftrate may {hapc his part of tfie Church Government varioully, according totlic latereft of tlie common good, yet that the Spiritual or Paftoral part ihoulj not have been mob ded into the flupe of the Civil Imperial Government •, And that io doing did give the Papacy tliat countenance which is the ground of its ufur- pation. 62. For we hold that the e(fe>ilial cmfijtution of the Paftoral Office, ^nd its work , a nd t he i:ShM[^lcon[htuiiOVi of the Church VmwrfaU and of Z,'^ - di-vidnal {0: particulai) Churches, are ail of Divine unakcrable Inftituti - on t And that all Laws of Chri ft for fuch Confticutlon, and for Adm in i- ftration, are unalterable by man : Though we h old that Circumft ancials and Accidentals are alterable, as being n ot f aed by any Divine determi - nation' (^ie'g^ how many Miniftcrs Ihallbe in each Church, which of them ( 4» ) them QuU be nior^ regarded than tlie reft, as being of greater wifdom, hbw oft and v:hcn and whtre they fliali allemble , with ma ny the like.; - '■ ■ '■ .■■ 6 J. We hold that as all ■Qiriftians (ordinarily) fliould have ferfonal Comtmimon in particular Churches, fo thofe Churches and tHeir Bifhops fliould hold fuch Communion as is needful to their Itrength and concord, 'and the commion good. • . " ' . . : '' 64. This Communion of Churches is to be held internally by Concord in the fame f^jV/j and Low and Religion^ and externally by the fame fro. 'fejfiofi^ znd inflrtmcntally, i. by Melfengers and Letters, and, 2. byDelc- .gatesand Synods when there is need i (which as is faid, for Time, Place, ■Numbers, Provinces, Orders, are left to humane Prudence.) 65. If any that divide the Country into Provinces, will fettle Synods accordingly, and fettle over them Prefidents for the ordering or their proceedings, and will give power to one above others, to call fuch Sy- nods, and willcallthele Provinces, or Nations, or Empires, bythename of Provincial, National;" or Imperial Churches, and the Bifhops fo exalt- ed by the name of Metropolitans, Primates, Patriarchs, &c. We con- tend not againft this as unlawful in it felf (though we eafily fee the acciden- tal danger., being taught it by long and fad experience ; j fo be it, i. that none of thele be pretended to be of Divine Inltitution, but of humane de- termination •, 2. andthatthey meddle with nothing but fuch accidentals as are left to humane prudence ; 3. and that they equal not their humane Aflbciation with the Chriftian Worfhiping Churches, which are of Chrift's Inftitution, 4. and that much lefs they do not opprefs their brethren, and tyrannize, nor deprive the particular Paftors and Churches of their pro- per priviledges and work- But alas when were thefe Rules obferved by humane Churches ? 66. The Canons of fuch Synods or Councils of Bifhops, may be made Laws indeed by the Civil power, andthey are(if juftj obhgatory to the people, by virtueof the Paftoral Authority of the Bifhops : But as to the particular Bifhops, they are only J^reements., and no proper Laws (the Major Vote of Bifhops being not proper Governours of the reftj and bind only by virtue of Chrift's General Laws for Love and Concord. 67. The Paftoral power is not at all Coaiftive by fecular force, on bo- dy or cftate, but only Nunciative and pcrfwafive, commanding in Chrift's name as authorized by him, and executed no otherwife than by a Mini- fteriaimrd, and by with-holdingourown aftsof Adm'niftration, andde- nyingour Communion to offenders : Nor did the Apoftles themfelves pre- tend to any other than this power of the Word (for the Keys are exercifed but thus) excepting what they did by Miracle. And if Bifhops would go no further, they would work on none but Voluntiers, and their ufurpa- tions might be the more eafily born. 67. And indeed weare fully perfwaded, that none but Voluntiers are fit for the great priviledge of Church-Communion, and that giving it to the (4') ' 'tlie ua?;illlDg that had but rather endure it thanaPrifon, is a great pro^ fanation of it, and a cheat to poor fouls, and a horrid corrupting of 'Chrift's Churches and Ordinances. 68. If wilful Ciiurch-corruptions have made anyplacesuncapableofa prefent conformity to Chrift's Inflitucions, their incapacity mult not be- come the meafureand rule of our Reformation v But a true Conformity to the Inltitution mull be intended and endeavoured, though all cannot come up to it at the fii ft. 69. VA'e do not hold that every Corruption in Number, or Officers, or Order, nuUifieth a Church, ormakcthall Communion with it unlawful, as long as the ellential conftitution doth remain. Yea, though my own judgment, is,, tha t every Church jn Town or Country Hiould ha ve a Biiliop. yet if they would but let up oh; Bilhop w"i tITTiis affiftant Presbyters iq every Corporation' and Gr ea t^Town, w ith t he neighbour Villages, ac- cording to the antignt pra^Ufc , fr om ,the~mjddle of the third Centur y for many fol lowing { l b that true^lcipline mighj but be niadepojlible^to t"Eem th at had a heart to pr a^'Ice It, TilibulcT greatly rejoyce in fudfa Reformation^ muc h more, ircVery Parifh Pafbor were refto red t o all the parVs" 6t his Ulface^THbugTilie "exercifed all tinder the Government of Bi- ij^s. 70. Wc hold the Parilh Churches of £/;_f/W, that have true Minifters (that are, not utterly uncapablc through Ignorance, Hercfie, Infufficicncy, or Wickednefs,J to be true Churches of Chrift ; But that is, becaufe we hold the particular Minifters to betrueBifliops ( Eptfcopos Gregii eifi von £pifcoporim^)and to have the power of the Keys over all their Flocks : And that is, becaufe we hold that it is not in our Billiops power to deprive them of it though they would ^ And becaufe w-c hold that when Chrift hath inftitutcd and defcribed the Office of a Pallor or Presbyter, and the Or- dainers ordain a man to that Offiice, their power (hall be judged of by Chrifts inftitution, and not by the Ordainers will, though he miftake or would maim and change it by his wrong dcfcription. And that the Or- dainer is but a Minifterial Inveftcr, delivering polfeffion according to his Mafters will and not his own: And as long as Chrift givcth to Paftors the power of the Keys, and they themfelvcs confcnt to receive and ufe them, (efpccially if the People alfo confcnt to the cxercilc of tliem) it is not the Biffiops wi/l or words that can nullifie this power. And if this Anfwer were not good, Iconfcfs, I were not able to Anfwer a ^r^wA;//?, who faith, that we have no true Publick Churches of God's Inftitution Dioccfan Churches being but Humane, if they had Bifhops in each Church under them, and being finful when they have none, and Parochial Chur- ches Ijcing Humane or null, as having no Biffiops of their own, nor Pa- ftors of Chrift 's Inftitution, but half Paftors •, and therefore bcin<^ but p.utof a Dioccfan Church. But all this is fufficiently anfwered by" pur forefaidReafons-, which no high Prelatift can fonndly anfwer. •7i- I do hold that thofc Parilh Aifemblics, that have no iMinifter s Thut r 42 ) fuchasatenncapable^ eklier through notorious Ignorance, or Herefie, orutter Infufficiency astothe Eflentialsof their Office, or bydifclaiming thenifelves any ElFential part of the Paftoral Office^ or by notorious Preaching againftGodlinefs, and oppofing the Churches neceflary good,] are indeed no true Churches of Chrift, but only are Analogically or Equi- vocally fo called •, As you may call a Community of Chriftians that have no Paltor or Church , which is no Organized or Political Society. 72. But yet I think it not fimply unlawful to joyn at any time with fuch an Allembly '. For I may joyn with a Chriftian Family^ or occafional Af- fembly, though not as with a Church. , 7,5' We hold that all the Chriftians in the World (in particular Chur- ches or out) do make up one Catholick or Univerfal Church:- which 'is Myftical and Invilible^ in that, i. the Faith of Mens minds- is Invifible, 2. and Chrift is Invifible to us Mortals now he is in Heaven.- But it is alfo Vifible, I . In refped of the Members and their outward Baptifm and Pro- feflion, i. and becaufe that Chrift the Head was once Vifible on Earth* andisftill Vifible in Heaven to the Glorified part fas the King is- to his Courtiers, when the reft of the Kingdom feeth him not. J and will Vifi* bly appear again to all. 74. We hold that this Univerfal Church is One in Chrift alone, and that it hath no other King or Head \ That he hath Inftituted no Vicari- ous Head, either Pope or General Council •, Nor is any mortal man or men capable of fuch an Office. 75. We hold therefore that the Roman Pope ('and General Councils, if they claim fuch an Headlhip^ is an Ufurper of part of Chrift's Preroga.^ tive ; which having ufurped he hath ufed againft Chrift , and his inte- refti againft the Soveraignty of Princes, and againft the true Unity, Con- cord, Peace and Holinefs of the Churches. 76. And we hold that itwas the modelling of the Church to the Policy of the Roman Empire, which gave the Pope the advantage for this ufurpa- tfon : And that the Roman Catholick Papal Church is a meer Humane Form, and an Imperial Church, asrauchastfe Archbi(hopofC^w/frW)i as Supe- riour to the reft of England is of Man, and that Body fo united is a Na- tional Church : And that the General Councils were never truly Genera!, as to all the Churches in the World, but only as to t\\t Roman Imperial Church-, None confiderable ever coming to fuch Councils, butthofethac were or had been in the Roman Empire, or fonie very few that dofely bor- dered on them : Nor had the Roman Eniperour fwho ufually called, or gave his Warrant for ilich Councils, or Governed themj any power over the Clergy of all the reft of the Chriftian World, (in Ethiopia^ the outer Armenia, Perfia^ India, (tc-) Nor did the Imperial Pope then exercife any power over them. And we are perfvvaded that the power of the Pa.» triarchs of Alexandria.^ Antioch^ yernfaUmy GnfiantinopUy and of tht Mc tropolitans, Primates, &c. ftood on the fame foundation with the Prima- cy of the Pope, and that one is no more of Divine right than the other; Buc wit tliat fhe Papacy Is fne ftr more wicked Ufurpation, as pretending t- in- 4' ^^ ^^^ Hooker^ till his jrh Book came lately out, we had nothing kz lAicred as" him confidcrable of this fubjeft •• And in that Book it felf, fo little to farasour the purpcfe, astoour forefaid two Controverfies, asisnext to nothing, caufe le- nor worthy a Reply. In his §. i- p. 4. He attempts (that which few quireth. Jq) to give us the definition of a Bilhop, which is ^A Bijhop is a Alim- Rcmem- ^^*' "f ^"^i ^"f° whom with fermanerit continuance, there is given not only \xi alfo power of Adminijlrinjr the Word and Sacraments^ which power other Presbj- itM Hock- ter shave ^ httt alfo a further power to Ordain Eccleftafticd perfons, and a power tr s third gj- chiift) in Covirnment over Presbyters as well as Lay me?t^ a power to be by written to '^'9' "/ 7'*>''fd'^'0" ^ Paflor even to Paflors thcmfelves.^ And then he diftin- prove that §uiillfth of ^{//.o;;^ at large or indefinite, and Biflieps with refiraint, and no one laith he meaneth the later. And fo you have what muft be expefted Foim is from Mr. Hooker for the information of you, what Epifcopacy he pleads dedTrf"' ^'~*'- ■ ^h^i^^ ii^ is obvious how fraudulently (through overfight or par- Scriptiwe: tiality I l«iow not) hedealeth: For whereas he durft put no more into Therefore the definition of Epifcopacy about Jurifdittion but [_a power of Chiefty in not the Government over Presbyters aswcUas Lay-mtn.~\ yet would not tell US, wh.e- PrcJatical. ther Gcwrwwfw of Lay-men, (under the Bilhop) belong to the Presbyters or not : His words feem plainly to imply it.; what ule elfe is there for his 'iChiifty'} and [_m well as Lay-men. J And yet twice over he would name nothing but. Teaching and Sacraments .which belong to the Paftoj as a Pa- ftor in general-, leaving it as a thing which he would neither affirm nor deny, whether Paltors Governed their Flocks. Yet all that Decantate Book turnetli on the Hinges of this lame Definition ( which hath other defeds which I pafsbyO And without this we cannot know what Sub- jc6t he difputeth of VVheieas Saravia well noted and acknowledged three Eflential parts of the Miniltry in General, Mr. Hooker who leaveth out one of tliem, and yet durft not deny it, fhould have told us, whether he in- clude it or not •, feeing it is the matter of mofl of our difference ; and we take him for no Paftor or Presbyter that is without the power of Go- vernment, nor that to be a true Church (w fenfu politico) that hath no other Paftor. 2. And when as one part of his Adverfaries deny not (at leaft) the Lawfiilnefs of one Biftiops fuperiority in a (ingle Church, as far as his defcription fpeaketh, but only in many Churches-, no, nor one Archbi- fliops power over many Churches that have their own Bifhops, but only his power to depole all the Bifliops of particular Churches and turn them air into one Diocefan Churchy his Definition vifibly reacheth tono other fort of Bifhops, but fuch as we oppofe not -, and fo he faith no- thing at ailagainftus, to any purpofe through all his Book: For where after he confidently tells us that the extent of his Jurifdidion alters nqt the ( ^9) the SjecitSi it is but barely faid, and by his leave 1 fliall fully prove the contrary anon. And fa^. 4. /. 7. He confefleth that de fa£lo \iMany things are in the fiate of Bijftops, which the times have chmgtd ; Many a Pxrfonage At this day is larger than fame undent Bijliopricks were.'} It's wellconfeft: And I fhall try among other things, whether the Name of a Biflioprick will make a Parfonagc and a Diocefs to be ejufdem fpcciei^ and whether magnitude do not make a fpecifick difference, between the Sea and a Ri- vulet or a glafs of water, or between a Ship and aNut-lhel. And whereas- p^« 6. He undertaketh to proxe a Coercive Power inBi- fhops, either he fpeaketh according to the common ufe of men, or not : If nor, he would not be underftood : & ^i >ion viitt intelUgi, debet ne- gligi : If he do, then by Coercive he mull mean, by Oiitwdrd force upon the body-, which is falfe, and is proper to the Magiftrate, Parents or Ma- ftersj and isdifclaimed by all Ibber Protcftant Divines, yea by Papifts, as not at all belonging to the Pafloral Olfict. Ijiough we eafily grant that Paltorsmay Coerccre by word fand fomay Presbyters fure,) yet no otherwife but hyword. For Excemtnunication and Degradation as far as be- longs to them, are hwt words ('and an after forbearing of their own ads of Communion.) iut this is not the common ufe of the word Coercive as applyed to Government by way of diftindion. How much wifclierdoth the (mor£ Learned and judicious^ Bifliop Bilfon Ibll diftinguifli by the Ftwcr of the Word^ as differing from the Magiftrates Coercive or by the Sword? Yet note that page 8. §. 5. /. 7. He isbrought to acknowledge [that ^ Churches by the jifoftles erciled received from them the fame Faith., tie fame Sacraments., the fame Formof publick Regiment: The Form of Regiment by them ejlahlijhed atfrfi was, that the Laity be fitbjeR to a Collegt of Eccle- fiafiical perfons^ which were in every fuch City appointed for that purptfe : Thefe in their writings they termfometime Presbyters andfometime BifljcpsTo take one Church out of a number for a pattern., what the rejl were, the Presbyters o/Ephcfus, as it is in the Hiflory of their departure from the Apofik Paul at Miletnm, arc fatd to have wept abundantly all:, which fpeech doth (liew them to h.ve been many: Audbythe Afoflles exhortation it may appear., that they had not each his fevcral Flock^to feed, but were tn common appeimtd to feed Howlittle that one Flocks the CWc/? o/Ephefus, for which caufe the phrafe "f b'-' fpc'ch^'^^^J^?. is this Attenditegregi, Look to all that one Flock over which the Holy Ghofi Br. Ham- hath made yen Bifliops : Thefe per font Ecclefiajltcal being termed then Presbyters nmi, and Sijlmpsboth^ C^c And page 9. he faith, l^The outward being of a Cl;urch confifteth in the ha- vingof a Bijlwp.} Then the ^rcitw/?^ mud carry it, that our Parifliesare no true Churches ( but parts of a Church ) bccaufe they have no Bi- Ihop : Only a Dioccfan Church hath a Bifliop : Therefore only a Dio- cefan is a true Church , {' which anon fhall be proved to be but Hu- mane) H And f 50) «-g, Aad pjt^e u. He thus expoundeth Hierome, as holding Epifcopacy at- And«t terable Q The Church hath power by Vniverfal confent upon nrgeKt caufe t& »uft I take it away \ if thereunto Jhe be conjlrained through the fraud tyrannical and fwear ne- unreformable dealing of her Bijhop Whercjore lejl Bijiwps forget themfelves^ vertocon-^ ^y ^^^^ g^ f^ir/i; had authorky to touch their Jfaiesy let them cotinuaSy tiv"ah«a"- ^""' '" "^'"^y '^''' '' *^ rather the force of cuftome than any fuck true hea- tion. 1'enly law can he (licwed, by the evidence whereof it may of a truth appear^ that the Lord himfelf hath appointed Presbyters for ever to be under the Regi- ment of Bijlwps in what fort foever they behave themfelves. Let this conftdera. tion he a bridle to them ", Let it teach them net to difdam the advice of their Pref- hyters, but to ufe their Authority with fo much the greater humility and modera- tion^ as a Sword which the Church hath power to take from thtm.'^ This is Mr. Hooker. And page 14. He confelTeth that according to the Cuftom of £«^/4»«/, and a Council at Carthage, Presbyters may impofe hands in Ordination with the Bifliop, though not without him : So that by this they have the the power of Ordination to , though he have a Negative Voice in it- And indeed if all Ordination muft be done by one of a Superionr Order, who fhall Ordain Bifhops, or Archbifhops, or Patriarchsj or the Pope f And page iS. He faith, [M/l certain truth it is thae Churches Cathedral dnd the Bijhops of them are as glajfes, wherein the face and count enaUce of A- pofiolical antiquity remaineth even as yet to be feen 3 Which iS it that we alfo affirm, every City or Church having a Bilhop and Presbytery of their own. And whereas page ip- He faith, \_If we prove that Bifhops have lawfully gf old ruled over other Miniflers, it is enough^ how ftw focver thofe J^fmijlers have been^ how fmattfoever the circuit of place which hath contained them-li^ if this be fo, we grant you enough, when we grant Parochial Biflieps. But no where doth he more palpably yield our Caufe, than page 2 1, 22. where to Cartwright''s Objedion, that [_the Bijliop that Cyplha fpeak^ eth of is nothing elfe but fuch as we call Pajior^ or as the common name is Par- finSy and his Church whereoj he is BiOiop is neither Diocefsnor Province, but A Congregation which met together in one place To be taught by one tnan.^ He hath no better anfwer to this, than to tell us , that // it were true, it is impertinent ■■, and that it is not true, becaufe Cyprian had many Presbyters under him, fo as they might have every day change for performance of thelf duty :• And he never once attempceth to prove that Cyprian had more Chur- ches, yea, or Alfembires thaaOne ; but only that he was over the Pres- byters in one Church or Afrembly, and as an Archbilhop was over Bifhops. The fame thing which I fubmitto-, but nothing againfl: the things that 1 aflert againll him- A Parfoii may have divers Curates under him, and not divers Churches, much lefs a thoufand that have no other Bi. ftiop.> And f S' ) And whereas p<«/* 35. It is objefted that many things are innovate*! ia our Difcipline, as impofing Minifters on the People without their confent, Biihops Excommunicating alone, Imprifoning, &c. His anfwer is, that thgChurch may. change her cuftomes-. And on that ground alloweth the Ordination of Presbyters alone, becaufcthe Church can give them power; fgrhegoeth in Church-matters as he doth in pointof Civil Government, on his. falfe fuppofition, that all Power is Originally in the whole Body, fayin^g, page jy. [The whole Church vifhle beif^ the true Original {nhjcit ff all fowery it h^th not ordinarily allowed any othcr^ than Biflwps aUnt fZ Ordain. Howhcit as the ordinary xcnrfe is erdinartly in mJI things to be ohfervedj fo it may he in fame cafes net nnnicejfary that we decline from the ordinary ways.'} fWhat is more contrary than S^r^w** {Trail, de Obedient.') and Hooker in their Principles of Government ? ) From hence alfo,f'w«4wf hath faid much more to the main Points, in the de- ptwllme fence of his Confecration Sermon, and as much as I can exped to find Anfwered. in any. Bur, i. as to the mode he is fo contrary to i/oo^r, that (being a very expert Logician) he wafteth fo much of his Book about the Fvrms He fell af- of Arguments and Anfwers, that he obfcureth the matter by it, and en- ter under fnareththofe Readers, who do not carefully diftinguifh between Matter of Biftio"' ^"'^ Words, and between the force of therr<«pw, and the/or« of a Syilo- x«K;^hira- g'ffn* '^^ he fo adorneth ( ov defileth ) bis Style with taunts, iiifult- felf, his ing fcorns, and contemptuous reproaches, that it is more futable to tbe Book of Scold sat Billings-gate than fo learned and godly a Divine, andoccafion- ^^"^ce^be ethhis-iAdverfaries to fay, You have hereatafte of the PrelaticalSpi- mg proni- '■'■^' i mg proni- '■'■^' , . " bked. 2.'A9 totliewy^^fif?' of his fifflBook, I am of his mind (agamic meet ruling Elders) He and Bilfon have evinced what they hold in that. But: asto thepoints'jn which we differ he indeed faith much to little purpofe, and finallygiveth away his Caufe, orashe merrily telleth ihis Adverlary, fag. 62. I. i:c. 47> heufethitas Siv Chrificf her Blunt'' s headivas ufed, after his ap^re/ifwi^ frjibealcd^ and then cut off. For, I. in his /j^,, 3. Where he fpeaketh of the power of Ordination, henotonly confefFeth ihatit isin Presbyters with the Biihops, and that the Bifliops have but a fapeiiori- ty of power therein, but is angry with his Adverfary for'fuppofing tlie contrary, laying ch. 3. p. 68. \_BHt where good Sir^ do! fay., they mufi have the fole power in Ordination, which youhave fo oft ohjeUcd,, and vow again re- peat t mdi^ youno conference of pMifnng untruths ( Cannot Bifliops he fnpe- riourto other Miniflers in the pAwer of Ordination and JurifdHtion^ which is. * Jmhrofe *^^ thing xvhich J maintmt, ttnkfs they haw.the fole ■ pfwer?fo p. C^, &C. inE^hA. Therefore he granteth, that extraordinarily in cafe of neeejpty Presbyters yiug.qu. in may Ordain f that is without a Bifhop.) page 69. zxiA page 108. he giveth vet &N. this reafon for the validity of their Ordination", Becaufe Impofition of cfp7l°^' hands in Confirmation of the Baptized and Reconciliation of Penitents, r/i7.Co»- wererefervedto Bifhopsaswellas Ordination, and yet in the abfence of cii. carth. Bifhops may be done by Presbyters. '*' And that the Papifts themfelves Gj-cfc.f.4}. grant that the Pope may licenfe a Presbyter to Ordain Presbyters: C(f Cttrth.i.c. therefare (faith he) by the Popes licenfe a Tresbyter may Ordain Presbyttri^ ArmRc c ftinch better may a Company of Presbyters, to whom in the want of. a Bifhop the ti. ' ' Charge of the. Church if divvlvfd, be a»(boriz.ed thereto by fjccejfity.2.- And if f 53) all this be fo, no doubt but the Power of Ordination is in Presbyters, as fuch, though they are not to exercife it alone, nor without or againft -theBilhop (And fo formerly they were not lo Preach, or Baptize, nor Congregate the Church without him.) For why cannot a Lr.y-nian Ordaia with the Bifhop but becaufe he hath no fuch authority ? And Cap. 5. as to the power of 7nriidiUioit he faith the fame, p. no. III. C/ de>iy not Presbytirs (which have charge of fouls) to have JurifdiEiion ■, both fever ally in their Parijhes^ and jointly in Provincial Synods. And I have tonfeffcd before, that Presbyters have with »tid under the Bifiiofs exercifed feme jHrifdiElion. I grant that Godly Bifliops.^ before they had the countenance and ajfifiance of Chrijiian Magijlracy * and dirciiion of Chrifltan L.-iWS ; itfed in all 'Th; P^. matters of moment, to confidt with their Clergy, nn was praHifed by Cyprian latcs pre- Ambrofe alfo (in l Tim. 5. l.) teacheth., that there was a time when nothing F^"*^^ ^°y was done without the advice of the Presbyters; which therefore by lgoatius<«rve know of Divine Inftitution, aa (si) an Vnivetfal Church Headed by Chrifi, and particuUr Churches headed under him by their Bifhopsor Paftors : A Church without a Head^ fin Fair, Ship, or Temple) we talk not of : Nor yet of a Church that hath but an Acciden- lal, Extrinfick, and not an EfTential Conftitutive Head, to them, as they are Churches of Chrift'slnftitution; Whether it be the Emperour of Ger- fumy, ot oi CoKJiantinepU^ Mahvmetan, Chr\{\.\zn , Papift, or Proteftanr, we believe that every Soveraign is fothe Head, that is the Ruler of the Church, that is, of the Chriftians in his Dominions. We denominate i forma : Bifhop Downame may denominate whence he pleafe, a materia or nb accidetite, (^c and fay. They arc one Church that are under one Prince, Law, of one 8.eligion. Do with your Equivocals what you will ; But for- get not that it is a PaFloral f articular Church of the Holy Ghoft's Inftituti- on that we Difpute about. Olherwife I deny not Diocefan, or Patriai^ chal Churches, nor deny that the Papal Kingdom is a Church of a certain /^fn'f J right or wrong. And forget not his Concefiion p. 6. and we need no more, \_Indeed at the very firfi converfon of Cities^ thi whole number of the Ptofle converted (being fometimes not niuch greater than the number of the Presbyters fUad among ihcm) were able to make but a fmall Congregation. But thojc Chtfrchu were in- Conjli- tuting, they were not fuHy Conjlitiitcd^ till theirnHinbcrbetngyscriafed thiy had their Bifliop or PaJIor, their Presbyters and Deacons^ without whtchy Ignatius faith, there was no Church, &c.'} Of which after. ■': He next, Cap.i. laboureth much to prove, that thew/ords £cc/e/F(», Pa- r£cia, and Diocafls, of old were of the fame ilgnification; About words we have no mind to ftrive : But all the proofs that he brings of the ex- tent of a Church to more than one Congregation or Altar, arefetcht from later times, when indeed Churches were transformed into Societies much different from thofe before them Heciteth Concil- Carth. i. c. ^. & 5.42,43, ($•€. that places that -had no Bifliops before fhould not receive Biihops without theccafentofthe Bifhop whom they were before under. Indeed by thefe Canons we fee much of the ftateof the Church in thole times, and partly how the Cafe wasaltered. Every Church had a Bifhop of its own: Thofe Churches were almoft all firlt planted in Cities : The multitudes were Heathens : but the City Chriftians with thofe in the Country near them, were enow to make a Church or Congregation. In time fo many were Converted in the Coun- try Villages, that they were allowed Affemblies like our Chappels at home : And fbme of them had Country Bifhopsfet over them; And in many pla- ces greater Towns (which they then called Cities^ were anew convert- ed. The Presbyters that were abroad among thefe new Converts or fcatered Chriftians, made them know that every Church fhould have a Bifliop, and that they might choofe one of their own: And few Presby- ters being then Learned able men in Comparifon of the Bifhops, by this advantage of prefence among them, many raw and fchifmatical Presby- ters crept into the Peoples "affeftions , and perfwaded them to choofe them fsr) them for their Bifhops : when they were chofen and ordaiaed, they en^ croached on the reft of the old Bifhops Diocefs, and alio refufed to come to the Synods, left their failings fliould be known, pretending that they muft ftay with their own People. Now the Bifliops that complained ot" this, did not alledge, i. That no Bilhop Ihould be made but in a City, 2. Nor that when Chriftians multiplyed, they muft not multiply Blftiops accordingly, but all be under their firft Biiliop only, j. Nor that a new Congregation had not as good right to have and chiifc a Bifliop of their own, as the firft City Congregation had. But only to keep ignotant Schif- matical Presbyters from deceiving tlic People for thtirown cxaltation,and from hindering Synodical Concord, they Decreed that none in their Dio- cefles fliould have Bilhops, without the firft Bifliops confcnt ; Ard that be- ing fo Cpnfecrated they fliould ft-eqncnt Synods, and fliould be Bifliops on- ly of that People that firft chofethem, and not eucroach on the reft of theliibcefs'.' And whereas he hence gathereth thattha Cou-itry Churches teverfrom the htgvimng hcUn^ed to the City BiJIwps.'^ There were no fuch things «■ Appendant 'Counti7 Clnirches from the beginning of the City Chur- ches: But it's true, that from the beginning of the Country Peoples Con- vcrfion, when they were not enow to make Churches thcnifelves, they be- longed to the City Churches as Members (Even as now the Anabapcifts and Independent Churches confift of the People of Market-Towns, and the adjoyning Country AJlbciated into one Aflcmbly.) After that the Country Meetings were but as Oratories or Chappcls : And when they came to be enow to make dinftinft Churches of, fome good Bifliops had the Wit and Grace to help them to 0jorepifcopi ^ Bifliops of their own^ butmoftdid choofe rather to enlarge their own Polfcinons or Powers, and fet Subject Presbyters only over the People. And that thefc new Billiopricks muft be by the old Bifliops confent, is ap- parently a point ofOrder to avoid inconveniences (if notofUfurpation:^ For what power had the old Bifliop to keep any Church of Chrift with- out a Bifliop of their own, when it was for there good? That he hath feme tountenance from Leo, for the New Church Form (without Bifliops) I wonder not, when Leo was one of the hotteft that betimes maintained the Roman Primacy, if not Univerfal Soveraignty. And as the Care againft placing Bifliops in fmaJl places, ;;« viUfcat no- }nen Epifcopi^ came in late, fo i. Itintimateth that it wasotherwifedone, at leaft by fome before, z. And it is but the Prelaticalgrandure which Conjlantine had putTt up, which is then alledgcd as the Realon of tliis Re- ftraint. His Argument is, {^That which was juJ^ed unUwful by the Canons of ap. proved Councils^ and Decrees of Codiy BiJJyops, was never LnvfuSy^ rei^ttlarly aiui ordinarily pra^ifed: Biit^ drc. 1 deny the Major. Kneeling at Prayer or Sacrament on the Lords day, the Marriage of Priefts, thcRcadmg of ths Heathens Writings, and abundance fuch-like, were forbidden by fuch ap- proved Councils j efpecially a multitude of things dep^niin^ on the new 1 Tmpf- (58) Imperialfhapeof the Churches, which are now lawful, and were lawful, and ordinarily praftifed before : Faul Kneeled and Prayed on the Lord's day, ji£is 20. &c. Therefore the placing of Bifhops in Country Parifties was not unlawfiil before, becaufe the Councils of Biihops afterward forbad it, nor was it ever unlawful by Gods Law. Methinks a Bifhop that fubftri- beth to the J 9 Articles of the Church of £»^/<»«ace (for doubtlefs he calls not the foil or place, the Church) I deny the very fubje(fti There were no fuch Churches : Infidels and Heathens make not Churches, (Though Here- ticks made fomewhat like them, /icut vcffafaciunt favos^ as Tertulltan fpcak- eth.) If the Diocefan Churches Difputed for, be Churches of Pagans and Infidels, we know no fuch things. But if he mean that all the Heathens in that Circuit are the Bifliops Charge in order to Converfion, lanfwer, i. Thatmakcth them no parts of the Church : Therefore the Church is of never the larger extent for the foil or Infidel Inhabitants. 2. The Apofliles, and other General Preachers (_like the Jefuits in the Indies) may divide their Labourers by Provinces I 2 for for the Peoples Converfion, before there be any Churches at all. 3. This dillribution is a meer prudential Ordering of an accident or circumftance j and therefore not the Pivine Inftitution of a Church Form or Species. 4. Neither Scripture nor prudence fo diftributeth Circuits or Provinces to Preachers, in order to converfion of Infidels, as that other Preachers may not come and Preach there, as freely as on^that claimeth it as his Pro- vince. For, I. Chriftfentouthis Apoftles bytwoandtwoatfirft. 2. Paul had fiarnahas or feme ochcrEvangelift or General Preacher ufually with hfhi. And Ptter and Pmtl are both faid to be at Rome, at Antioch, and o- thcr places : And many Apoftles were long together at Jemptlem^ even many years after Chrill's Rcfurreftion. Chrift that bid them go into all the World,never commanded that one fhould not come where another was, not have power to Preach to Infidels in that Dioccfs. And wliat is the Epifcopal power over Infidels, which is claimed ? Itis not apowertoOr<^fpace of Ground containing Inhabitants to be converted if we can. I will fhorten my Anfwcr to the reft of his Reafonings for fuch Diocefan Churches- 1 will put a few Qucftions, more pertinent than his Queues p- .<>7' about the ftate of fuch Diocefan Churches. 'i o>'i! .-r 5n7-,vcrlf!:>'^ -^r- Q^ I. Whether the Apoftles were not," hy this defcriptfon , Bifhop? of allthe World as their Diocelfes? A i,d whether therefore it follow that there were no Bifhops under them in particular Churches ? Q^ 2. Whether Apoftles and Evangclills did not go from City to City, fometime ftaying fome Months or Years atone, and then palling to ano- ther? And whether this made all the interjacent Countries th.?irDioceires, changing their Bifliops as ofcas ihcy thus changed tlicir Haintations ? C>^ J. Whether more than one fuch Apoltie or Evaog^lift' vrere not both at once, and fuccellively in the famep'ace, to labour the convcrfion of all they could ? And whether thcf >;fore there were many Bifliops to a Diocefs ? Qi4- ( ^4 ) Q;_ 4. Where we (hall find theproof that the Apoftles 6r EvangelHtsfeC the bounds of Diocefl'es? And whether this defcription of his owa^o malieDiocefles bounded by circuit or Jpace of Ground, or by the Abilities o£ the Bifhop to endeavour converfion f ■ Q. J. When the Apoftles forbad any other to labour mens converfion in their Cities or Countries where they or others had been before them > And did not;one plant and another water, (and ufually more than one at once ?) V; AA ■p'.:rL U^th b'.:l iBUZytUiiiV: .; . '■ . i!.- . . • :; : -lO^f-M C. ,i •iivb - 1^ 6. Whether (J/«it2^ii^,ilcr^ Difripling or Preathag-to'cofi- vertmeniand then baptizing them, benotthe way of gathering Churches, and therefore proveth that before converfion they are no Churches? and «re not Chriftians only members of the Church?- And are thofc Dioceftn Churches that are no Churches ?> .; ■ i'- f . -in- - ci -: i:r!CJi a Q. 7. [fone befetlediria fingleiConjgregation in the City, with a pur- pofeto endeavour the converfionof the Countryj is not a Diooefan Chiitch tl^ce the fame as a fingle Congregation, though the Diocefs be larger ? -0^8. If when Congregations multiplycd, Bifhops were not multiplyed, but one would keep many Churches under himfelf alone, doth it prove that this was well done becaufe it was done? and thatGodconfentedto this change? ,. His next Reafonis, hecaufe Churches- xv^rs net then diivideri into Pdrifljes. Which in due place I (hall prove to be a fufficient Reafon againfthim* Churches were Societies conllituted of Pallors and theit Chriftian Con- gregations, as afore defined: And his inference is vain, that {^Presbyteries Vfere not fettled in Parijlies^ becanfe the Churches were not yet divided into Partflies. For they were Parilhes, that is, fln^le Churches, without dividing. The fpace of Ground called Parifhes was not then marked out ^ Nor was a Dio- cefan Church flike ours^ that hath no fubordinateBifliops divided into Parifhes ^ for there were no fiich Diocefan Churches to be fo divided. But the llniverfal Church and the Apoilolical Provinces were made up (or con- llituted j ofParilbes, I mean ot particular Ctwrck/, as greater numbers are of unites, and as Villages are of Houfes. But to fay that Churches were not divided into Panjlses, in the fence in queftion, is all one as to fay. Churches were not divided into Churches. Our Controverfie is like this. Whether all the Families in the Town (hould have but One common Mafter? And he thataffirmethit, fhouldar- guethusi Mafters were not at firit appointed toFamilies but to Villages; For Villages were not at firfl: divided into Families, (when there were none but (ingle Houfes ereded.J True-, but Families were Families before there were Villages to be divided- As Villages were not made before Houfes, and then divided into Houfes, nor Cities before Streets, and afterwards divided into Streets; nor Kingdoms before Cities and Corporations, and then divided into Corporations, (or inferiour Societies) Nor Academies before Colleges, and then divided into Colleges ; fo neither were Provin- ■cial, or Diocefan Churches made before finale Churches ^ and after divided into into them i but. were made by the coalitioa of many fingJe Chur- ches--, which fliould not have been changed for that ufe infpede, by alter- ing the fpecies of thek Pallors, and depriving them of their Proper Bi- {hops. In his ^thCh/ip. He pretendeth to confute the Aflcrtion that for thcfiifl: 2CO years, the City Churches were but fingle Congregations. Here we afetoexxept on]y yilcxandri a and Rome in all the World: And wc con- fidently extend the time to' 150 years, and very probably to 2co- and moreover fay, that till the fourth Century, mofl; or very many Churches were no other, if not long after in many Kingdoms. All his talk, p. 80. ^gainit JIjoUow j^iddy Heads^ that fee no further than their Ncfcend, becaufe it was denied that Pallors were fct in Tingle Con- gregations to convert alfo the Infidels about, I have nothing to do with : For I affert that as ail Miniflers are bound to endeavour the converfion of fuch, if they have opportunity fnot wanting power, j fo thofc are molt bound to it that have bell opportunity, which is the Neighbour BifhopS. But till men are converted they are no parts of the Church •, no, nor of that particular Church, co fiomine^ becaufe converted by that Bifljop (as Ihall be proved J without fome further confent and ground. The reft a- bout the largenefs of the Church of Jerufalon^ &c. Ihall beconfidcrcd in due place. In hisC^4/f.viot only of Anti- och, ^«to/Syria: Irenaeus,^^^i5»/fcefc/ Lyons, was Bipopof\the Churches in France, &c. Anf' I. This openeth the former cafe: Thefe were not Diocefanes, depofing all the Epifcopos gregis^ and become fole Bifhops, but Archb}- (hops that had under them Bilhops in each particular Church. Yet note, that it is the Frfw/; Synod of Bifhops whichE^/i/^. ib- 1- $.c. 2 3. /K»-is laid to overfee, asit'sfaid, iJ;id. that Palmas did To among the Bifhops of Pon- tus in their Synod, and th^t yiSlor was Prefidcnt in the Bifhops Synod ac Rome^ andThetphilus of C/prM, and Narcijfus o[ JcrnfaUm in the Pale- ftine Synod : Which is nothing to our cafe. It is further faid, that Optatus faith, that in Rome were 40 Churches, and that Tbeodoret had 800. Jnf I. It is granted, that in Optaths^s days Rome had 40, which is nothing to our cafe in hand. 2. Inthofe4o fo late, there were no half Presbyters, but as this DoftorconfefTeth, they had not only a joynt pow- er in Governing the Flocks, but in Ordination too. 3. I conkkTheoda- reis cafe feemeth ft range, and though of late date is fo incredible as con- trary to the cafe of other Churches, that I do the rather for that claufe believe that Epiftle to Leo to be a f<)rgery, or corrupted at leaft. And belldesthisReafon, I have thefe alio for it. i. Becaufe he himfelf faith, that Cyruj^ where he was Bifhop, was but two days journey from Antioch, Hifl. San^l. Patr. de Juliano. And he that knoweth how great the Dioccfs ofAntiocb was, will noteaflly believe that a Town within two days jour- ney f to Monks that went on foot) was like to have eight hundred Chur- ches in it at that time. 2. And we know out of whole fhop Thcodoreth Epifllescome. Nkephorns {aSt\ he read above 500 of his Epiftles. Ba. renius faith there is a Book in the rdticane containing 150 of them : Meti- Ms tranflated thefe into Latine. But faith Rivet. Crit. Sacr.l. 4. id have not known the depth of Sat An^ &c. Was this fpokento the Biiliop only ? Chap-i. V. I. Was it the B\n\0'p of Sat dis on]y thu had a name to live and X(*> dead, and that wras warned to be watchful and (tren^then the things which remain th^t are ready to die, whofe worbj were not ferfcU before God? that 7Hufl remember how he had received and heard - that had a few Names inSZTdis, &c. And fo of the reft. Obj. But it IS faid., Chap. i.v. 20. The feven Stars are the Angels of the feven Churches i and the feven Candleflicks are the feven Churches. Anf. And what can a man gather hence to facisfie himfelf in this point? whether the fcnfe be [,Js the heavenly Angels, are the Guardians of the Chur- ches, fo thefe Stars are thofe Angels, in whofe Perfon I fpeak^ to the Churches themfelves that are fgnified by the Candlejlicks : ^ Or [,As the Angels are the Guardians of the Churches^ fa by that title, J fgnifie the whole Aiiniftry that guide them^ and by the Candiefticks the Churches, and I write to the whole. For as every Meflage begins with [To the Angel.,'] fo it endeth with [_To the Churches. Obj. The Bijhop was to deliver it to the Churches. Anf. This is precarious, i. The Apoftle wrote it, that both Pallors and People might immediately read it, and did not intruft it as an unwrit- ten tradition to one, to be delivered to the reft. 2. All the Paftorswere to defiver or teach it to the People, and not one Bilhop only. This there- fore is no cogent Argument. TheDif-' '°- As for the Difputers for Epifcopacyat thelfleof ^ight, with King pute atthe CW/w, they manage Saravia*s Argument (fetcht from the Continuance ifie of of the Ordinary part of the Apoftlcs Office) as he did before them ^and ff^'iht. many others) fo well, that for my part 1 cannot confute them, but remain in doubti and therefore have nothing to fay againft them. But that's no- thing to our Cafe, whether every particular Organized Church fhould haveaBifhop or the full Paftoral Office in it. Johnhrhts 11. As to Joh. Forbes his Irenic- he maintaineth but fuch an Epifcopa- cy as wc offered to his Majefty in BifhopZ.^/Jjfr's Reduftion : He pleadeth for fuch a Bifhopas is the Moderator of a Presbytery, p. 242, 243. and as muft be fubjeift to cenfure himfelf, /). 145. and that fliall do nothing of weight without the Presbyteries confent, p. 145. and as is ftill bound to the Work of a Presbyters OfRce, p. 146. And that an Orthodox Church that (71 ) that hath no Bilhop or Moderator hath but a certain Oeconomical defeft, but isftilla true Church, and hath the power that other Churches have that haveBilhops, p. 158. And thzt jure divino Presbyters have the Power of Ordaining as well as of Preaching and Baptizing, though they muft ufc it under the Bifliops infpedion in thofe places that have Bilhops, fage 1(54. And he is more full for the Power of Presbyters Ordaining, and the validity of it, than any man that I now remember. 1 2. The two Books of the Bohemian Government of the Waldenftan Churches , Written by Lafcitius and Commenins, contain that very Form of Government , which f think the foundeft of any that I have yet feen. I?. The Learned and Judicious Crof>«/, (before he turned to Co/Wrr's Gr^/wJ and Erasmus's temperament in Religion) in his book dc Imper. fum. fot. circa facrAy in almoft all things fpeaketh the fame whicl) I approve and plead for •, though he be for fome Epifcopacy. I. As to the Paltoral power, it felf in whomfoever, heaffirmeth it to be but Nuntiative, Declarative, Suafory, and per confenfum, and not any Jmpertnm-y Like the power of a Phyfitian, a Counfellor, and an Embafla- dour. Chap. 4. But then by /wpmww hemeaneth that which is co<»fl»i'f by the Swora: And he acknowledgech the power of the Miniftry by the Word upon Confenters, to be of Divine Inftitution, fo that they fmagainflGod, who do rejeft it. And if the Paftors of the Church did meddle with no other power, we (hould the fooner be agreed. For my part I take the very power of the Keys, to bene other, than a power of applying God's Word to the Confciences of the Penitent and Impenitent, and the Church *, and a power of judging who is fit or unfit for Church-communion accord- ing to God's Word, which judgment we cannootherwife execute but by the fame Word, and by forbearing or exerciftng our own Minifterial adions to the perfon : (As a Phyfitian may rcfufe to Medicate the un- ruly.) In chiip. 6. He fpeaketh juflly of the Princes power fas in the former.) And fo he doth chap. 7. of the ufe and power ol Synods or Councils. Chap. 8. He well vindicateth the Magiftrate y and denyeth to the Church or Bifhops, the Legillative power, cina facra : and (lieweth that Ca- nons are not proper Laws- Chap. P.Heihewcthihe Jurifdidion, properly fo called, belongeth to the Magillrate, and not to the Pallors as luch, CThoughof old they might be alfoMagiftratcs.) He (heweth that the ufe of the Keys is called Jurifdidion, but by the fame figure by which Preaching is called Lcgiflation (which is true as to the Declaration who is bound or loofe, in fora cxU-., but Pallors more properly judge who is to be taks« into Church-coramunion or excluded.) The Theprefcriptof Penance be faith isno Jurifdidion, hutastheCouncelof a Phyfitian, or Lawyer,- qr Philolbpher. That the denying of the Sacra- ments is not properly J urifdi(fLioni he thus Ce>>'C€llently)explaineth if.ii^. As he that Baptiz.ethj or as the old cufiomt was, puts the Eucharifi into ones mouth or hand, doth excrcife an aEi of Mini fry and not of JimfdiEiion \ fo dfj he that abftaineth from the fann atls. For the reafon of the vifible f^ns, and of the audible is the fame : By what right therefore a Pafior denounceth by-words to one that is manifeflly flngtticus^ that he is an utter alien to the Grace of God'-, by the fame right alfo he doth,^ot ^apti^e-hipt^ .Ifcatfe it is the. fign of remi/fon "ffi" i <"■ */ he he Baptiz.ed ,giveth him >>ot fhe.Eiicharift:, as being the fign of Communion with Chriji. For the fign is not to be given to him that the thing Jig- nifed doth not agree to \ nor are pearls to be given to fwine : But^ as the Dea~ con was wont to cry in the Church [_Holy things are for the Holy'^ Tcu it weye not only, againft Truth, but agaivfi charity^ to md-s him partaksr of the Lords Supper^ who elifc em eth not the Lords Body, but eateth and drinketh judgment to E3* himjelf: Jnthefe things while the Pafior doth mi ly fnfpend his own a£l^ and doth ^^ '' not exercife any Dominiott over the afls of others, it is apparent that this he- Doftlrlt ° ^o^Ji^lh to the vfe of Liberty^ and not to the exercife of Jurifdidion. Such like is thitii the *he cafe of a Phyfcian refufmgto give an Hydroptck^watcr when he defireth it. Prelates or in a grave ptrfonwho refufeth to falute a profligate fellow, ofid in thofe that would avoid the company of the Leprous. fOnlyitmuft beremembred that this avoi- *'^y^g""" dance is by a Society governed therein by an -Officer of Divine Inftitu- ted us but . •» •' liberty. Next he proceeds to the Churches duty, and iheweth, i. That as cy- our di- p-ian faith. The Latty that is obedient to God^s commands, ought to feparate ftraded themfelves from afinful Pallor or Prelate (that is, t)\2it is gr of y bad.) 2. That Churches ^j^^y ought to avoid fa?mUarity with fcandalous Chrijlians : As a SchoUarmay have had /<"'P% ** ^'*'^ Teacher, and as an honefi Man may leave the frie>idjliip of the Concotdt. flagitious- As for thenamesof i)f/»fl^fw« and Excommunication, he laith. That we nnift interpret the name by the thing, and not tut thing by xhtname; And that the Church depofeth a Pallor when they forfake him or refufe to ufe him, and Excommunicateth a man, when they avoid his communion, ( and declare him unmeet for communion.) In all which the Church ufeth her own right, but taketh -not away another mans. Then for the Canonical Enquiries after faults, and impofitions of Pe- nence, or delays of abfolution, he fheweth that both the Canons and Judg- ments by them being but prudential Determinations of Modes and Circum- ftances, bound none but Confenters, without the Magiflrates Law, except as the Law of Nature bound them to avoid offences. THefhouId add, Land as obedience in general isdue to Church-guides of Chrift's appoint- mentOJ And how the Magiftrate may conftrain the Paftors to their duty. Chap. 10. He fheweth th^tth^ltZlt two perpetnalFunBions in the Churchy Presbyters and Deacons : I call them Presbyters (faith he^ with all the Ancient Church, who feed the Church with the Preaching of the Word, the Sacraments and (73 ) and tkelCiys, which hy Divine Ri^ht are individual (or infeparaWe.) (Note that.) And §. 27. He faith, It is doubtful whether T aft or s where m BiJ})opi are^ andfo are under none, though over none, are to he numbered with Biilwps or meer Presbyters. §. J I. His counfel for the choice of Pallors is, that {'as in 7«/?/>»/.jn's timej none be forced on the People aj^ainft their wills., and yet a power referv'd in the chief Rulers to refcindfiich cleCiions as arc made to the dejhuiHa^ of Church or Commonwealth. Chap. .11. J. 10. He fheweth th^t Biftwps are not by Divine precept. And §. !• That therefore the ditFerent Government of the Churches that have Bidiops, or that have none, fliouldbe no hindrance to Unity. And §. 10, n. That fome Cities had noBifhops, and fomc more than one: And that not only in the Apollles days, but after, one City had fe- veral Bifliops, in imitation of the Jews, who to every Synagogue had an Archifynagogus. Pa^e 557. He flieweth that there have been at ^owc and elfewhere long vacancies of the Bifliops See, in wliich the Presbyters Go- verned the Church without a Sijliop i And faith, that all the Ancients do con- fefs, th^t there is no aB fo proper te a Bifliopy but a Presbyter may doit, except the rii>ht of Ordination. Yet (heweth, p. ^ 5?. that Presbyters ordained with Bifhops, and expoundeth the Canon thus, i\\2iX.Prcshyters (IwuldOrd^nnone., contenmtHg the BijJjop. And p. 559 He flieweth that where there is no BiQiop, Presbyters may Ordain, as yilti/iodorcnjis faith among the Schoolmen. And queflioneth again whether the Presbyters that have no Bifliops over them be not rather Bilhops than meer Presbyters •, citing ^/«&r^/f's words [_ He th.a had no one above him, veas a Bijlwp'] (what would he have faid of our City and Cor- poration Paftors that have divers Chapels and Curates under them : Or of our Prcfidents of Synods : or fuch as the Pallor of the firfl Town that ever I was Preacher in {Bridgnorth in Shropfliirc) who had fix Pariihes in an ex- empt Jurifdidion^. four or five of them great ones, and kept Court as ordinarv like the Bifliops, being under none but the Archbifliop.) And §. 12. He flieweth that there was great caufe for many Churches to lay by Epifcopacy for a time. And p. 566. he faitil [^Certainly Chrift gave the Keys to be cxcrcifcd by the fame men, to whom he gave the power of Preaching and Baptizjng. That which God hath joyned let no man Separate.'} f But then how fliould Satan have ufed the Churches as he hath done ? ) And he flieweth of meer ruling El- ders v^as he had done of Bifliops) that they are not necefiary, but are lawful; and that it may be proved fromScriptui.; that they are notdif pleafing to God •, and that formerly the Laity joyned in Councils. Only heputsthefe Cautions (which I confentto) i. That they be not fct up as by God's command. 2. That they meddle no otherwiie with the Paflo ral Oflice, or Excommunication, than by way of Counfel. 5, That none bechoien thatare unfit. 4. That they ufe no coadlivc power, but what L is (74) . {s given them by the Soveraign. 5 ■ That they know their power to be imitable, as being not by Gods command, but from man. And Chap. 1 1. $.8. He delivereth his opinion of tlie Original of Epif- copaqr, that it was not fetcht from the Temple pattern fo much as from the Synagogues J where as he faid before, every Synagogue had a chief Ruler.) 14. As for 7- D- and many other lefler Writers, CSir Thorns JftotJ^ " D Sic ^'^•^ who fay but half the fame withthofe foreraentioned, it is not worth ^' ' your time and labour to read any more A nimadverfions on them. 1 5. But the great Learned M. Ant. de Dominis Spalatenjis deferveth a M. Ant. de more diftinft confideration : who in his very learned Books De Repuh. £c- pom. spa- f-iij; dotbcopioully handle all the matter of Church-Government. But luttnfs. letusconfider what it is that hcmaintaineth. In his/»^. 5. c 1. he main- taineth that \jhe whole proper Ecclejtjijiical Tower is meerly Spiritual. In cap- 2. that m Power with true PrefeHnre, JimfdiEiion., CeaBion and Domi- nation belongethto the Church. In eg. he fheweth that an improper Jurif- didion belongs to it. Where he overthroweth the old Schoolmcns De- fcription of Power of JurifdiBim, and fheweth alfo the vanity of the com- mon diftinftion of Power of Order and of Jurifdiftion-, and maintaineth, N that Power of Jurifdiftion followeth, ab Ordine, as Light from the Sun: 2. That all the Power of the Keys which is cxercifed for Internal efFeds, although about External Matters, (of Worfhip or Government) belongeth diredly to the Potejlas Ordinis .- 5. That the Power of '^urifdiSi- en as diftind from Order, and referved to the Bifhops, is but the power a- bout the Ordering of External things, which is ufcd Principally and DireBly for zn External Effect (that is cX/zrcfc or^^r.) $. 5. p. 55. 4. That itis foolifh tofeparate power of Order from any power of Jurifdidion whatfoever, that is properly Ecclefiaftica], it being wholly Spiritual. 5. The Eprfcopal Jurifdidion (not properly Ecclefiafticalj he makechtocon- iift in ordering Rites and Ceremonies and Circumftance?, and Temporals about the Church, and about fuch Modal Determinations about particular perfons and adions as are matters of humane prudence, (which have on- ly a General Rule in Nature or Scripture. 6. By which (though heboid Epifcopacy J«*-f -D/w'wo) that it is but fuch tilings that he fuppofeth pro- per totheBilhop (which the Magiftratc may determine and make Laws for, as Grer/w and others prove at laft, and him ielf after-, and as Sir ^0- gerTwifden hatliHiftorically proved to have been uftd by the Kings of Enq^land^ Hiflor. Def. Cap. 5. 7. That ^tl Ecckfujiical power whatfoever is fully and perftBly conjunct with Order, page 56. 8. That this plenitude of power is totally and ccjually i/i all Bif.iops and Presbyters lawfully Ord.tined : and that it is a meer 'vaniiy to dijlinguij]) tri fuch power of Order., Plenltudinem pote- Jlatis a pane folicitudinis. 9. That this equal po;ver of the Bilhop and Presbyter iloweth from Ordination ; and is the Effential Ordinary Minifle- rial power. 10. That this vain feparating power of Order and Jurifdidion is C 7S ) is the whole Foundation of Popery. §• ?• p- J<5. d- p^Jfim 37, Sec u. He frequently calleth that ^the EJfeKtialpower^ in which Bijliops and Presby- ters are equal, andfetakethche relt but for Accidental. 12. He thus defcribeth the Bifhops power of Jurifdidion, c. i-p. 39 §. M- £j4hont thofe things which xre corijHturcd in the Churchy only hy Humntie Ecclefa/iicil E.[^ht^ there is in the Church triis Jiirifdiilion not mcejfarily depending on the Sa- credOrder it felf^ if there be any at all feparate from Order. Such as Licenl- ing ,?. Billiop to Ordain in anothers Diocel's, &c. For thefc ails are not Ail us S.icri necjuefpirituales^ neqite attingimt dire tie qiiicqH.im fitpeviaturale^ fed f/wt mere tempor ales ^ C" circa rem externum & temporaUm quit eft mcra ap. flicatio^ &c. Thefe are not Sacred nor Spiritual, nor touch any thing direilly that is Supernatural, hut are meerly Temporal^ and about an External and Tempo- ral matter., Et his folis veriint efi, &c. So that it is molt evident, that as God hath left to Humane Prudence the Ordering of fome Modes and Cir- cumftances of Worlhip and Difcipline and Church-Order, and by his General Laws, fo Spalatenjis thought that all the Billiopi proper Jurifdi- ftion Jay in thefe things, which were of Humane Right, and tliat all things of divine appointment were equally belonging to the Presbyters. Where again I defiie it may be obferved. i . That Magiftratcs may determine of fuch things^ and fo make void or needlcfs fuch an Epifcopacy. z. That it is moll certain that many things of External Order belong to a Presby. tcr to determine, as to one that is the Conduder of the Sacred AflTem- blics; As what Text to preach on, what Method to ufe, what Chapter to read: where and at what hour the People fhall meet, how long they fliall ftay, what Tunc ro ling a Plalm in, and abundance of the like. So that e- ven that Jurifdidion which he excepeth to the Birtiop is common to hira with the Presbyter ':hat oiHciateth : And all that can be pretended is that it belongeth to Him, to determine fuch Circumftances as equally belong to many Churches f which yet Synods of Presbyters miy do as effedually for Concord. j j. That indeed tliere is no true Ecclcfiaftical aft which tend- eth not to Internal Spiritual effcifts : Publick Admonitions and Confeflions as well 3': private are for the humbling of the Sinner, and theexcrcife of R«.pcntaiice; and Excommunications and Abfolutions in publick are not oaly nor chiefly for the external Order of the Church,but for the prefen'ing of'; e peoples fouls from na,and for the warning of others, and for the pre- 11 ng in their minds a duceReem of the holinefs of our Religion, and the necefiity of holinefs in U5, and 10 convince thofe withour, that God's Laws uid Ways and People are more holy than thofe of the World. This isaclearand certain truth : and therefore according to Spalatorfis, PreH. bytersBijH in publick aswcllas private Admonitions, and Abfolutions, and Exconmunications, have equal power with Bidiops, except as totht cvderine, of thcCircuraftaitiais of it- Which though he fomctime fecra to rp'rickofSpahto., ought (if this Ceremony were of any great account) to give ten or their ParijTj Minifters there living free pswer of Confirming : Tea., if the Bi- tviemy, ff'ops deny it them, the Parijh A^iniflers may- and ought to exercife this Ceremo-r ny by- their own Authority. \^ And here 1 will tell Pofterity.that if we could have but got our Prelates, &c. to have Confirmed to us but one Word., which the King granted us, pro tempore, only inhh Declar. of Ecclef. Affairs^ viz. ihTitCovfirmation 7i% a folemn Tranfition from Infant Church-State, into the Adult, fhould be but by the Minifters [C O N S E N TU (as knowing his People better than the Bifhop that never before faw them, or heard of them, or examined them) it had healed one of the greateft of our Breaches : But our Concord was not thought worth this little price j Though there is not in. ail th e places tha t eve r 1 lived in.^ one Perfon of an hundred (if fiiv e hundred ) that lean hear of, that ever was Confirmed , or ever fought it or regard - edit. And yet their Kubrick faith, that we muft not give the Lo rds Sup - per to aiiv tha t are not Confirmed., or ready for it :"~Ye t have w e no power t Q req uire of any' Man a Proof or Certificate o f his Con firmatio n, nor can we know whether he be ^onfinncdor^^tj Nor.canwe refu fe any at th e ■ • " ~" Lords J ( 7? ) Lords Table thatrefuf ethto be examined by us, whetlier he be ready to bi Aadinthat'12. cr£4p. 5^25, 26, 27. p. 47 J. Spalateft/is again (heweth, that the Pomr of the Keys for binding and loofitig^ helongeth to Bifliops and Presby- ters as Minifters. And though he referve the Puhlick.ufe of them to the Bifhop, he faith, that he may commit it to a Presbyter- For it is Mixt^ and hath partly the External JurifdiBion which the Bifljop received by his proper Epif- copal Ordination ; and partly^ yea much rather (or more^ the Internal^ by the Keys., which they have by virtue of their Presbyterial Ordination, in eejuality with the Presbyters, The External, becaiife it is External, may therefore he de- legated to anothir^ even a Lay.man : fwhich is it, which the Parhament of Scotland have lately declared to be in the King.) And doth not all this ihew whatEpifcopacy is? Even a Magiftrates Office, CircaSacra, vindicatedhy Grotins and others. But ffaith he) they cannot delegate the inward power which is properly of the Keys ^ bccaiife this dependeth of the Sacred Presbyterial Order, both \n fieri, incjfey i>iconfervari& opcrari. For the Presbyterial Or- der hath always the Keys annexed- For when any is Ordained Presbyter^ the Keys are givenhim, a'ldJitrifdiRion., with Orders., by Divine Right. And §. 28. p. 474. Seeing the yl^oflles gave the Keys equally to aU BiJJjops and Presbyters., No man can by Divine Right, refervi part of the Keys to hi/nfcif alone, and leave another part to others. Moreover in ///'. 2c. ]- §- 61. p. 2.10. He flieweth that Clement, Linus, and Anacletiu, were all Bifhops in Rome at once. Lib. 2. c. 9. ^. I. p. 28:. He Ihcweth, ihnBilhops /wj Presbyters arg) wholly crjual in all Ejjenttals, which belong to the EccUfiajJical Aiintfirtes to be excrcifed towards the People. And that even in Government, the reft of the Presbyters ('without excepting any) inevery Church make one College, of which- the Bijhop is the Head ^ all Ordained to the fame Ch c and Government of Souls- (So this Diocefs hath between a thoufanil and two thouland Minillcrs, li- ving fome of them an hundred or fixfcore Miles diftance, to makeaCoI- lege to the Bifliopthuis ufuallyat London,) How the Bifhop is bound to Govern with them, fee him, §■ 4- And §. 5. Tobc plainly underitood, he faith, We Bijljops therefore mujh all remember, th.;t ylll the Presbyters are o:tr Brethren, andCoilegHes in the- Mmtflry ; not our Servants or Slaves.^ and thjt by Divine Rii^ht they have no lefs ' poW'r in feeding the people cf God than we have : yindifweexercifeanyExter^ *^3 nal ampler JunfdiBton over them, not properly Ecclefiajhcal, it is not of oifrown power , but delegated from the Magi^rates power, as I fliali prove lib- 6. and 10. Yet p! .liner, §8,9.^285. Thefe Parifli Presbyters have by Divine Rights full Power in the A^inijiry of Chr^ft, and in thefe Partjlies are the Ordinary Mt- tnjlers, but under the Bi(l.,(;,? J and if i*^ be given. '^ If not able, his ability mufl: be plainly defici- ent as to fhedVcifion ofour main controverficof the dilferencc between Bifhopsand Prrsbyters, which dependcth onit : if unwilling, he was un- willi if^to give us any folid fatisfaftory decifion of this Cafe. 2. Hriiighis Neighbour, 1 wrote in his I-ifc time, a Confutation of that Aifcrtion.that the ordained received their Off ce and Power properly from theOrdaincr as the necrcftEfficicnt of it,(in myDi ipnt ofOt dination, in niyDifput.ofChnrch-Governmcntj.md 1 proved thatthcPower orOffice is immediately from Chrifl, and that the Ordainrrs do but dcfign the Per- fon that (hall receive it, and Miniftctially deliver him poneflion by an in- velting Sign. J. Either the Ofllcc of a Presbyter is of Divine Inftitution, or of Himane : Either fixed by the Holy GhoiT: in the Apolllcs, immutably •, or made, and alterable by the Bifliops? If the Ofticeb: of Divine inRitiition, and fixed for the Churches co:i!lantufr, whc;h:r by Chrirt: immediately or by the Holy Gholtinth; Apoftles,) than it is not in the Bifliops Power to Altar it : And fo whatever the Ordaiaers pkafc to give them, is none of the mea- fnrcof their Power : As the Arc!i-Biihopmiy Crown or anoint the King, aad yet not give him wh"t Povrcr he pleafe ; Or rather as it is of Divine appointment, that the Husb:!nd ihou'd be the Governour of th;; Wife: And file that choofcch him, and he that Marrieth them, cannot alter it, nor do they give him his mcafure of Power as they plcafe, but fuppofe him cndovTcd with that by God, and do only choofc the Pcrlbn tliat ihall re- cciveif, andMiniflerially invjft himinthcPofieiriDnof it. And if the Pricft that marrieth them fliould byany vvoids Contradic^l, or limit thisin- ftitution ofGoJ, it werea Nnllicv, and invalid. If hedobutfay, Irro. r.oiinceyoii Hitshar.d arJ IKz/r-Hc therefore pronounccth ih: man to liave that Po.ver ofa Hjsband whic 1 God harhgiven him, though he vainly fay af- ter, yoj Ihall have butfo m.ich, or fo much of it. Andfoit is in prefent Cafe ; If God have made the Minifterial Oflice, he hath made it fmtthing ton- ( So ) conftitutedofitseflential parts •, And if fo what man hath Power to altw it. Butifitbefc«w^«f, yea,andmade by theBifliops theni confefs they may alter it, or deft::oy it. And ifa Presbyter have what power the Or- dainers plealeto give him, every Ordainer may alter the Office and make -anew Species of Church Miuifters at his pleafure : Prove that and ourdifpute is at an end. But Papifts, Greeks, and Proteftants are agreed againft it. 4. If Presbyters receive that which he calleth[ffce^r/ fower^ ('which he would not deny, though he would not grant) it is all that at prefent I am pleading for it : And it isall that in their ordination they receive (as he faith^astothePKcr^and S4cmww/-^. Ifthen the Office of a Presbyter con- tinue the fame Power of the Keys as to Excommunication, and Abfolution, as it doth ofadminiftring the Word and Sacraments, at prefent I reft fa-, tisfied with this Hn which Learned Spalaten/is^ and thofe that go with him, cannot be confutcd;For this proveth that theirDivinely-inftitutedOffice El- fentially containeth this Power of the Keys, though tobe exercifed under theinfpedion of a Superiour. 5. A nd if this Infpection would prove that they have not the Power or that their Office, or Order is therefore diftind;, it will alfo prove that Bi- fhops have not the Power of the Keys, becaufethey excrcife it under the Infpeiftion of Metropolitans, Arch-Bilhops, Primates, or Patriarchs : And alfo that they are of a diftinfl; Order from all thefe : And that a Phyfition hath no Power to Guide or Govern his voluntary Pati- ents inorder to Cure, and that he is ofFa diftind Office from the Colledge and Prcfident, becaufeheis under their infpedtion. And are not all Bi- fhops under the Government of the King, as well as Phyfitions and other Subjects: And have they no Power of the Keys, becaufe he ruleth them. And as a Presbyter might do nothing without the Bifhop, fo no one Bi- fhop could do any thing without other Bidiops : For he had no Epifcopal Power till they ordained him. And as to after Government or that which he calleth the grant of a Se- cond Power. 6. Is it any thing but Humane Lkenfe to Exercife the Power of Office of Divine inftitution before received? And is not the Magiftrates Licenfe as necelTary to the Bifhop and the Presbyter too,asthe Bifliops is to the Pres- byter. 7. And I take it for undenied among Chrillians, that humane Power of Government, extendeth but to the Ordcrings.nA not the Nulling of a Fun(fti- on inltituted by God. It is not referred to King or Biffiop, whether there fhall be a Preaching or none, Sacraments, or none. Church difcipline and exercife of the Keys, or none •, no more than whether there ffiall be a Scri- pture, and Divine Law, a Chrift, a Heaven, and whether men ffiall be good or bad, faved or damned .- But only by whom, and when, and how, this Divine Funftion (hall be fo exercifed, asmaybeft attain the end, as to thofe circumftanccsnot determined of byGod ■, and not contradicting Gods Inftitutions- Therefore if the Bilhops fay that the Preachers of the Gofpel ffiall ( 8i ) fliall be filenced Cp^rhapsby hundreds or thoufands j while the neceftty of the Peoples Souls is undeniable, their Authority iu thisniculd hinder no man from going to Preach (further than their vicljr.ce hindreth.) And fo by his own Rule it niuft be as to Difcipiine, if Dilciplnie be a Work belonging to a Presbyter. And as SpaUtevfis faitii of Co/fimuti. eHy the Presbyter (hould do it, though the Bifhop forbid him. 8. The SeconJ Power which the Presbyter mufl: receive from the Prelate for Teaching, Worfliipping, and Governing the Flock, is cither, i. For theextrcife of it in GcnirAl fo any ft pcrfons, or eife for the limitation of him to fuch a particular Flock,. 2. And it is citlier a General Licenfe or power at once given to do all his Work, or to do this of Governn^ent whenever there is caufc, or clfe it is a particular Licenfe for each parti- cular ah* his De- ftruiftionof Jerufalem-, and that the reward promifed to all that love his appearing, is meant to all that love the laid D^^iCM^lonoi J erufalem-y 2. Andthatthis Deftruftion wasnottobe called w»^fe, or at /;4«^, which fell out fo few Years afcer. ^ And that the GcmtUs of remote Countries vverefofhakcn in mind and moved about a Qneftionof a few Years di- ftance of the Deftrucftion of the Jews^ more than about Chrift's coming to the Common Judgment. 4. And that the Guoflich were indeed fuch terri- ble Pcrfecutorsol" the Church, fwho were dilperled Subjeifts^ when their Doi^rine was but that tiicy might dilVcmble tocfcape Perfecution thera- felves ^ and greater Pcrfecutions were near? and not the Gn«(licki^ nor ?fiv/, but Nero beheaded Panl\ and the Jews themfelves were banilhed Rotne ? 5. And that Simon Mae^iu was indeed fo famous a FelIovv,as to be ta- ken for thefupream God, when Church Writers fpeak fo uncertainly of his confiitts with Peter as of a doubtful (lory, and the evidence is lb obfcure, and the ^ow.twHiltories fay fo little of him ? He might as well have thought the Apoflle would have made all that ado s\)0\m J. wies Nay. lor, if he had been then alive. 6. Andthatthere were not many other He- reticks as well as the Gmjlicb that troubled the Churches, if Epiphunius knew how to name them and defcribe them righcly, or henxiu before him oTjthn\nRev. 2. and ^ before them. 7. And that Simon Ma^us and his Herefie wasa Myftery of iniquity wfr^vM/f^wiicn Paul wrote' the fecond Epifile to the Thcffulonians. 8. And that many had not then followed him and fallen away to Herelie. 9 Or that by the Jpojla/ie that muft firft come, is meant the Apoilles feparation from the ?m/, and Mofes\ Law- As if M 2 'he (84) hehadfaid, we willfirftfeparate, and that (hall bring perfccution on you ^ but till we do [hit, it is with.he'd. lo. Or that the laid reparation was not done by degrees, fome before this, and fome after. 1 1. Or that the difFerencc between the Jem perfecution of the Chriftians, before the Apo. ftles Apoftafie, and after it, was indeed fo great as to be the Crifisof the An- tichrifts Revel.ition. 12. And that poor Simon fliould be the Man tliat fitteth hi the Temple of God-, and oppoftd and exalted htmjelf above all that is caUedCod, when as the Scripture never once namech him after his depre- cation of the Apoftles curie or threatning; though Mco/(/»<• and other Countries,, were got together into JerufaUm, as that they might be faid to be confumed and dellroyed there, who fo long after troubled the Churches. 16. And when I tan beiicve that the Reve- lation is made up of fuch a fence, and that moft or much of it, was fulfilled before it was revealed and written, and all the reft fulfilled long ago (a- bout Confiantine\ days^ except one Parenthefis, or a few Verfes in the 2otk Chapter. And that the Refurredion and Thculand Years reign of the Mar- tyrs, is that 1000 Years from C(5«/?*?rt/je's beginning, in which the Bilhop? had Wealth and Honour, and fate on Thrones, and judged thePeopJein Courts, as our Lay-Chancellors now do^ and that this Glory, Wealth, and Grandure of Prelates, is the Churches RefurretT;ion, G lory and Feli- city : And that thefe happy t hou fa nd Years continued 700 Years after the rifing of Mahomet •, and included thofc Srfc, pr/*, xoth, and 1 ith Ages^ which Erafmits and all learned men (even BetUrmne himfell) fo dolefully bewail. And that when Boys, and Whores, and Sorcerers, and Murder- ers, and Hereticks, andSchifmaticks ruled the Church, they were haffy that had apart inthisfirfl RifurreU:ion to all this Glory, >ea, that thefe arc Holy too. Rev. 20. 6. And that the feccnd death fhall have no power oa them; thatis while they are drowning the true Churches of Ctirift in the FlooJs of all abomination, and bringing in all corruption, and laying the grounds of all divifion, fubduing Kings, and murdering Chriftians by thoufands, till the Year i joo. BlelTed and holy and happy are they, be- caufe though they perfecutc' the Godly, they are free from being perfe- cuted ( 8s ; cutcd themfelvcs, which is the fecoad death : Yea, that tlis Church was freed from perfecutica ia the Ages when th; poor U'^/df/.y;v, and yilhi -en fes were murdered in greater numbers than ever the Heathens muidciLd theChriftians heretofoie. When! can b^iievc abundance of fuch things as chtfe, I will believe Dr. Hummerjd'i hrft D.irertatioii. HisfecondDiUertation which isto vindicaiethc EpiHles of J^^natiiu, I litti. regard, as not concerning me. 1 le^ve it to Di. Pinfiti (,whoth.y fiay is about it) to anfwer DalUus his numercus Argumenisasainll h;m Twith Dienyfm.) For my part, I wifli Dr. Pmfon may prevail , For there is no Wiuicfs among all the Ancients whom 1 inoretiull to (at i»ait adht. minem) as a plaai undoubted deltroyer of our Prdacy, than /^«^fj»«, who is the confidence ot the Ficlatical Champions. I am pclIUl I'vith admira- tion as much at their glorying in lgn*ttHs^ as tic Patron of DiocJans, who is fo much aj^ainlt thtm, as 1 am at tiieir glorying in Rtcl). Hooker as a Defendci of Monarchy and ihcriclatis Loyalty : Qi IgnatiHs 1 Hiallfay tnore anon. His third Diflert. about Scripture psfl'^ges mere cor.ccrnethus. Cap. I. vvhich tells us of Cl'.nfts Epifcopacy, concerncth not our Caufe. Cup, 2. U liLthcr the ^^iy}itating the 70, wherj yet he had de- nied the 70, to have the power of the Keys, which he fuppofeth the Cho- repifcepi to have under the Biffiops. Of Clemens words in due place. Cap. 9. About the fence of a Canon varioufly read. AndCip. 10. Whether £/. \.i%\)MI Proem, \i\\t Cap. 2. he telisus thatthc Apoflks as Bifhops Governed the Churches which they had planted, veith- cut the medi'ttien of i CoUedge of Presbyters Tall ways) and he bringcth not a word to prove it, but i Cer. j 6. To» have not many Fathers t» Chrifi, ( 8? ) ■Chriji^ J h^e begotten yen by the G off el ^^ c. 4. Ijf, \6. I have plumtd ,and C.9> «y, i i« iw'ii come to you^ trtlije th.ir I come with the Rod ? and c- 5- i, 4. J as ahfent tn Body hia prefeni i>i Spirit have judged Tliis :s all. And will not the impartial Reader wonder at humane liailty, iio.v caHly .men believe what they would have to be true, and wiiac, afi cvi- xientiVorfcw^' will go for undeny able proof". L.ttheRtadcr Note, 1. That ;thc queftion is not whether an Apoltle after that he had plantcu a Cluiicti remain ftill an Apoltle to them as well as oti'ers, and have Uk- ApolioU- cal eminency ot Power, which is greater t;'an any uuci Biihop had. 2. But firft, Whether the Apoltleshad any fixed Province^.or Cities un- dertaken as their Ipecial charj;,c, in which no other ApoIUc iiad Apofto- lical Power ? And 2. Whether there were not fixed Biiliops iltled by them inallthe Churches which they planted? 3. And whether it was not lb in the Church pfConniij' in particular ? Yea, whether they had not more Bifliops or Presbyters than one t For by [VniHi} which here he applycth to Paul, liemeaneth'L'«/c«j, Paul only, orclfc heabufcthhis Reader and liimfelf. And i. He that will follow F^a/ in his Travels, will find that he went the fame way that fome other Apoflles went, vtz. fohnand Pctery and thercfoie that they mull have the fame DioceOes, or have their Dio- cefles notably intermixt : fohn was in ^Jia as well as P'c/)] Diocefane or Metropolitan, as united in one Bifliop, as our Diocefane and Metropolitan Churches now are. Nay indeed, though the Society be fpecified by the Government, yet the Name fticketh in their . teeth here in England, and they feldom ufe the Title of the Church of Can- nrbury andJV^] for the whole Province; and they ufe to fay the. Dioc&fe ■ of Lincoln^ London., IVinchefier, Wercefter., Coventry and Litchfield, Ct-c, ra- ther than l^the Church of Lincoln, London, Coventry and Litchfield, 0"f.] left the Hfrarers would fo hardly be feduced from the proper fenie of the word iChurcb'} as not to utideriland them. His Proofs of the Civil or Jewifh diftindion of Metropolitans, §.'4,- %&c. let them mind that think it pertinent : But § 9. we have a great word, that f// ?nay be proved by many examples^ that after this Image the ApofiUs took, care every where to difpofe of the Churches , and canfiituted a fubordiiiution and dependence of the lejfcr on the mors eminent Cities, in all their Pl.intations.} Anfw. This is to fome purpofe, if it be made good. Thefirft luHanci \s ASs 14.-26. i6.4..and 15.2,5,2,2,23,30- Nota word elieoutof Scripture. Andwhat's here ? Why,*' Paul and Barnabas are fent to Jc- ^^rufaUm t ** "-A/m rrom Amioch, to the Apoftlcs and Elders, about the Qa.flion, "and were Diuoght on their way by the Church, and palTed thorow Phe- *'«/«and Samaria: Cllufon men are fent to A'ltiech with Paul and Bxr/i'u- *^has^ ^udas and S///«, with Letters from the Apoltles, Elders, and Bk- **thren, even to the Brethren of the Genttlet xn Ai:uoch, Syria, and Ctlt- " cia : And when they came to Antiech they delivered die Letters , and *''i'd«/and Timothy as they went thorow the Ciiiesdclivertd.them the De- . .** crees to keep, that were ordained by the Apoftlcs and Elders that were at '^ fjtriifalcm^ Doth not the Reader wonder wjicre is the Proof? And won- "!derheniayforine,unlers thisbeit : The Apqj^ies ^^nd Elders were at Jt- ^r*/k^fw when they wrote tliisL^cer, and i Irene e fenc it to Amioch, Syria, ia'ild CiliciA : £r^»,They cftabliifhccf tlie iJiftop of JerttfJcm to be the Gover- Bourand Metropofiian of Antioch, Syri'.x, and Cilicia. The Apoftle Paul went from An'iocb to other Cities, and dclivcnd them thefe Decrees: Ergo, Arjtsoch is the governing Metropolis of iliofi.- Cities. 1 think the major Prppofitionsare/ LEv.ci y (^ijry i'i^m whici) ApolUpi. fsrid tlicir Let- ters to otlicr Cities, pnd every City frctin wExItjXi) ApjJUc cm iicth fucll Letters or Decrees to ot!icr Cities, \s\>'^ i\\o\'c Apoltlfts made tlv- Govern- ing Metropolis of thofe other Cities. 3 What dull H^iadsarethcPiuiiarjs, toqueftionfuthaPropofitionas this! But itii not given to all Men to be wife: And we ignorant Pcrfbns arc left in dou!)t, ^ i. VVlicthcr the llniverfalHcadniip or Papacy of the Bifho,) of Jcnifalimhz not of Apo- Ilolical Inftitution? and ihatniore than by one Apoftl;, even by all of them that were then at jerMf4U/>i> J^^- Wheth:r the Apoftlcs did not this as they did other p.irts of Church-fettlcmcnt, by the Spirit of God ? ' and fo, whether it be not jure Divino ? yea, by a more eminent Autiiority than the Scriptures, which were written by parts, by feveral Imgle Men, • Ibme Apoftles, and fome Evangclifts ? when this is faid to be done by all together. ^ 5- Whither Chrift's Life, Death, Refurredion, Afccnfion, i^ndfendingthe Apoftlesthence into all the World, (and not into the Ro. w^ Empire oncly) do not incomparably more evidently m^kc }crufalem theUQiverfal Metropolis of the Earjh, and fo fet it above Rome, which is but the Metropolis of one Empire? ^. 4. Whether thVn an Uaiverlal Head of the Church or Vicar of Chrift be not jure Vivino? and fo a Jeritfalcm Papacy be not eftential to t'uc true Church and Religion ? XJ. S- Whether then all the Emperours, Bifhops, and Churches, that did fet up Rome, Alexandria , Antioch , and Conjlantincfit above J-erufalem, - Were not Traytors againft the Univerfal Sovereign of the Church, and guil- ty of Ufurpati on and grofs Schifm? Q^6. To what purpofe this Sove- reignty was given to 7^r«/<»ifw, which was never pofTefs'd and exercifcd ? •^7. Whether Prff r's being at Rome could alter this ChurchConftitution ? and one Apoftle could undo what all together had done ? .^ S. Whether the Apoftles carried this Metropolitical Prerogative with them from place to place, vvhere-ever they came ? And whether it did belong to the Aitn ox the Place ? And whether to the Place whence they firft fet out, or to every Place ( H ) place where they came ? or to the place where they dyed ? Tude-^ "'"'c is the proof of any of tHefe. ^. 9. When they were nattered, which of their Seats was the Metropolitan to the red ? or were they all equal ? ^ 10. If the Power followed the Civil Power of the Metropolitane Ru- lers, whether Cafar did not more in conftituting the Church-Order, and giving power comparatively to the Metropolitanes, than Chrift and his Apoltlcs? J^- n- Whether it was not in Ctfar\ power to unmake all the Church Metropolitans and Bifliops at his pleafure, by diflblving tjie Priviledges and Charters of Cities ? ^ 12. If itpleafeany King, or be the Cuftom of any Kingdom (as it is in many parts of Anxrica) that the Kingdom have no Cities or Metropolis,whether it muft have any Churckes, Bifhops, or Metropolitane ? i^. 13- Whether when i'4«/ wrote his Letters from Corinth to Rome he thereby made the Bi{hop of Corinth the Governour of the Bifhop and Diocefs of Rome i And whether little Cenchrea was over them alfo, becaufe Phfebe carried the Lfetter ? And did his writing from Philifiii to Corinth fubjeft Corinth to the Bifhop of Philifpi ? And did his writing from Rome to Galatia^ Ephefus, fhilifpi^ the Colojjlans ; and from Athens to the Theptlonians, and from Laodtcea and Rome to Timothy, and from Nicopelis to Tttiis, and Johns writing from Patmos to the Afmn Me- tropolitanes produce the fame efFeft ? ^ 14. If P«'^'i'«'] of which more afterwards. And Cwp. 14, and 1 5. he faith the fame of ^mukw and ^iMnajKoi, Paftors and Teachers, that they both are meant of none but Bilhops. And that Presbyters now adayt are permitted and tyed to tettch the people, and inflru^ them from the Scriptures^ this apparently arofe hence, that Bifliops in ordaining Presbyters ga-ve them that power, but not to be exercifed till Itcenfed by the Rijhops Letters. ]] Of this deteftable Opinion fworfe than the //4/Mw.f in the Council of Tr*wr, that vrould have derived the Epifcopal Power from the Pope) I have faid (ome- what before, and intend more in due place. The Bifhops do only mini- fterially give them poffeflion : Chrift is the only Inllituter of the Office by himfelf (, and his Spirit in his Apoftles. j Can the Bilhops any more chufe to deliver this polleflion by Ordination, than to preach the Gofpel ? Could th?y have made Presbyters that had no power to teach the people ? Is the Bifliops liberality the original of the Office ? How much then is Chrift beholden to Biffiops, that when a thoufand Pariffiesare in fome one of their Diocefles, they will give leave to any Presbyter to teach any of the people."* and that when eighteen hundred of us were lllenced in one day (.jIu^. 24.. 1662.) that all the reft were not ferved fo too.** Cap. 16. he exercifeth the fame naked affirming Authority of the words JiMniflcrs of the word2 Luke 1.2. and Stewards'} all are but Biftiops. And he asketh whether ever man heard of more Stewards than one in one heufe ? or of- feveral bearers of one Key? And he forefaw that we would tell him that GodsCatholick Church is one Houfeof God, and that at leaft all the O Apoftles Apoftles were Stewards and Key-Bearers in that one Church ^ and that by his Dodtrinc none but one of them fhould be Steward of Gods Myfteries, or have the Keys : And therefore he faith, that \_Thouvh the Jpoftlei 4re called Stewards of the Myfleries of God, i Cor. 4. 1. that is to he rtckgntd as pertaining to the many divided Families^ that is the many particular Chur' chesy dtflin^ parts of thcVniverfal Church, which the ApoJ} Its divided among themfelves. Anfw- Unlefs his ttiam liere be a feif-coiitradiding cheat, it will hence follow, i. That the Apoftles are not Stewards of Gods Myfte- ries ingathering Churches, but only to the Churches gathered. 2. That in Baptizing and giving the Holy Ghoft, to fuch as yet entered not into a Particular Church, they excercifed not any of their faid Stewardflbip or Power. J. That thay have no Power of the Keyes at all, over any that are not Members of a Particular Church, (fucli as the Eunuch^ Ail. 8. And many Merchants, Embafladors, Travellers, and many thoufands that want Paftorsor opportunity, or hearts, yea and all Chriftians in the firft Inftant as mcerly Baptized Pcrfons feeing Baptifme entereth them only into the Univerfal Church, and not into any particular (as fuch) 4. And that till the Apoftles gathered particular Churches, and diftributed them, they had no Stewardfhip, nor ufe (&t leaft) of the Keyes. And what if it can never be provedthat ever the Apoftles diftributed the univer- fal Church into Apoftolical Provinces, but only j>ro re nata diftributed themfelves in the World, were they never Stewards then nor Key-bearers? Verily if 1 believed fuch a diftribution of the World into twelve or more Provinces by them, I fhould queftion the power that altered that Gonftitution, and fet us up but four or five Patriarch'es. And were the fame Apoftles no Stewards or Key-bearers out of their (feigned) fcveral Provinces? If we muftbe filenced unlefs we fubfcribe rothe Dictates of fuch felf conceited Confident men, who fhall ever Preach tb^t is not bora under the fame Planet with them? Cap. 17. he proceedeth ftill to main- tain our Caufc, that even in 'fujlin Martyrs writing$,and Others of that Age, by the 'B^oi'^m are meant the Bifhops of the fcveral Churches who had not one Presbyter under them, but Deacons only, and therefore had but fmgle Congregations ■■, but did themfelves alone with the Deacon perform all the publick Offices in the Church. And that no equal Presbyter was placed with them, ofFendeth us no more than that our Parifli Minifters now are prefented and inftitutcd alone, yea and have power to take Curates under them as their helpers. Cfp- 18. He proveth truly that the Names Sacerdos and Sacerdotium are ufually by old Writers fpoken of fole Bifhops and Epifcopacy. By which we are the more confirmed in our Opinion, that he thst is not Epifcepns gre^is a Bifhop over the Flock, \%\iot Sacerdos, truePaftor, but hath on- ly a limb of the IViinifterial Office, being a thing of prefumptuous Prelates inftitution. Cap. 1 9. He further ftrengtheneth us by maintaining that the word Pres- hyttr, in theplacts ol the New Teftaraent cited by him, doth mean only a Bi- _ ( 99 ) aB^Ihop, that is a Faflor of one only Congregation, that had no Pres- byter under hini) but Deacons: and that no wtntien is m/icieby the Apo, Itles of other Prtibyters, § 6. And be gratifieth us with Epiphanius his Reafons, § 4. {^hccauje as yet there vroj tot 4 muhttude of Brltc-jtrs Q And that the blders that Paul iptaketh to T/wor^^ of ordaining and rebuking, and tliole that were worthy ot double honour, were only Bifliops that had no fubjcd Presbyters. V\ hcther they were fet over the Churches as Mojes was ovtr Ifraet., with a dclign that they iliould make fubordinatc Officers under them, I Ihall enquire in due place. Cap. 20. He goeth over moft of the other Texts in the New Tefta- ment that mention Eiders, fliewing that tliey mean fuch BiOiops ; and that even at HumfaUm, the Elders jids 15. were not our new half Priefts, but the Bilhops of all the Churches of Judaa ^ and fo of others here again repeated by him. But it fticketb with me, that thefe Bifliops ha- ving no lubjeit Presbyters, are found fo oft in the Metropolitane City, and lb oft in travel, and fo oft many hundred Miles from home, that 1 doubt it was but a lew Churches in the world that kept the Lords day, and alfembled for publick Worfliip, or had any Sacraments frequently, but lived as the Atheifts and impious contemners of Church-Communion now do^ or elfe that with the Fanaticks we muft hold that Lay men or Deacons did play the Priefts in all Church Offices. Cap. 21. He vindicateth that one remaining Text, Jam. 5. 14. which mcntionexh Presbyters vifiting the fick, as meant only of Bifhops, and not of mungrel Priefts : And fo being fecured that thefe were never found in the Scripture times, and confequently no Bifhop (except Archbilhops^ that had more worlhipping Churches than one, we muft look who prc- fumed to inftitute another Office. And here, $ v he perfwadeth us to be fo civil to Jgtiattus, as thankfully to acknowledge him the firfb Patron of our Office-dignity •, intimating that there is no earlier proof of the in- vention of this mungrel Office, than the Epiftlcs of Jgnattus. Cap. 22. He tells us that the word Presbyter \% alfo taken for Bifhops by rdycarp., Papias^ irtnaus., TeriuJlian, and Clemens ALtxand- fo that our caufe will be carried beyond Scripture times. But again finding fo many Bi- lhops with Pclycarp, I doubt he maketh Bilhops too unwearied Travellers, flnd too great non-Refidents, and Gods Pubbck Worfliip too often inter- rupted by their abfence. , . ^„- ■/ Cap. 23, 24, 25,26. He fpeaketh of Deacons, the word and Office, which we liave now no bufinefs with, but to note that cap. 26. § 8. he is again at EpiphamHs allowing a fingle Biffiop without Presbyters, but not without Deacons, becaufe he cannot be a Bifliop without Deacons, (which I believe not, nor do our Prelates") but without fubjeft Presbyters he may Tbetter than with themj And § 10. he excellently argueth from the Epiftlc to Timothy., that leeing Paul wftruBcth him in aS things belonging to the Ctmrch af God, l Tim. ?• 15. and yet never mentioruth thefe Medio- xumos Prcsbyteros, mungrel or middle Priefts., it is plain that the reaftn is Q 2 kecaiife ( 100 } hecanfe mm fi c'o wo^e infiltuted when the "JpoflU wrote \ To which I add, nor afterward by the Apoftles, as far as can be proved, and therefore never fhoiild have been. Cap. 27. He fpeakech of the TifitrHv-re.^ and Tr^Kr^vTiM Tit.i. and 2.and i Tim.^. (hewing that thefe Women were in Orders: Of which I have no mind to contend, fo that by the N-ime it be not inferred that they are fhe-Bifhops ; and that they argue not as a Preacher did fince we wercfilen- ced ( 1 can name the Man and place ) from St. Jchn\ Epiftle [/» the EleEl Lady'} to prove that there were Lord-Bifhops in the Apoflles daies, viz... an Eledt Lady fuppofeth an Eleft Lord : But there are no Eleift Lords, but Ele(ft Lord-Bifhops : Er^o—^ We have not yet feen all D:.HA7nmor.d'*i confutation of our Diocefan Pre- lacie.- In his fifth DitTertation we have mox^.Cap. 1 . He fpeaketh of Clemens Rom. and whereas we think that the confufion among Hiftorians, came partly from the little notice that came down from thofe times of fucti parti- culars, and partly from the identity of the Office of Lmns, Cletus., and Ciemms ^ being all Bifhopsatonceof a great Church (the Half. Presbyters, being not yet ordained j hegratifyeth us by proving that hot only at RomCi butalfo in Antioch^ EphejHs^Cvrinth, and Jernfalem, there were more Churcii- esthan one, with their ieveral Bifhops .- Even on3 of the Jmv and one of the Gentiles (how the local Diocefe were then divided is hard to tell and where it was that one Apoftle had Power of the Keys, and where not) I (hall improve this Conceffion in due place. Cap. z Of C/fwwnEpifllehefirfttakes notice of the Infcriptlon [/«> the Church of God, dwelling (or fojourning) at Corinth '} The fame Phrale s& Philip. 1.1,2. And by this Cfe«rcfe he proveth (by confident affirming) thatali the Churches of Jchaia are meant. And that the fame is to beTa'id of P^k/'s Epiftle to the G?'-«/r^/<<='J. hennrefiftibly proveth,by fayiYig that Smfijuis eas vel leviter degnftaver:t 'tuo fctlicet Q^itJhi)hoc cmnino prcrimciandum €jfe nobifcumfiatuct. NixintHr dehac Clctmntis amhigi poterit.'} And fo all thatControveriie is ended. Butthough (withoutScriptureproof) imagi- nation might handfomeiy feign, that the many Chnrcbcs of >Mt.?^naii.'fi&i^{) ntipwka.- PalMWt lii iKx.^nnx.'ii diZ Tm-cjuisim KOfiyS a;' "J The Church of God dvccUirig (or {b' journing) ^iRome^ to the Church of God dwelUr^g (or j'ojourning) at Cer/^rfe* And why and where, and .by what good writers-, all Ach.iia is called Corinth, orall Macedonia,- Philippi for all the Ciciesabout it) indeed as the County ci IVorce/ler, the County of 7'oyt, o( Warwick^., &c. areufual Titles, fo. may the C/;«rt/jof Tork. Worcejltr., Warwick^-, be inthe Diocefans fenfe. But whoever faid of all the County or Diocefs [ To the County, Diocefs,dwel- iin^atTorkj, Worcefter., Warwicki''} As if ail the Counirey andTownsbe- ionging, to that Circuit were calkd.W'/iriv/d^, &c- " ' . z. Doth . 2. Doth not. bis own proof erictently confute fiim. JCor. 1. 1. To the Church of God vchich is At <. orinth, mth ail the Saints which are in all Achaia- Are the lalt words Tautological i' doch QivffcJ fignificiio addition at all- If by \jhe Church which is at Count\\'} be meant all the Chorcli sandChri- ftjans in -r^cfc^d;.^f<»,. which i Cor. 14. arcfiid tomect, all in one place, and to have fo many Prophets ard Interpreters in that one AlTembly ? I am not at kifure to fay more of thi;. But who denieth that the ftmj Epillic which was dircelcd firft to the Corinthiatis. wns. fccondarily directed to th; rclt of A'chia, and to be Com.mnnicatd tcth.m.i Aitd yet «dt the Churchisr.bt' yfcfcrt;.* be all. j fA\dto be or dvtcli atCeinih- ' ■ '' L When Z Cer.J I-IO- P^fpcakethof \the Refior.sof S.(i\i'»?i.'(\v XoiiKhlyiXn) he faith that jbcweth that the matter belonged C to the whole Church of Achaia- 3 But how long have they all been challenged to name one Ttxc of 5cr»;)f;/rf,tliat fpcaketh fingularlycfthe Church of a Province or Conntrey, conliftmg.of nun y particular Churciies : Y«iLadd:tli he [.Im re m.mifeflamn flurtbiis opts eft-l -C'Jf. .i-"'H*: onl/ ra ntioneth the occafion of C7f;«i-«fx Epiftle, where wvhouT any Proof he rxtcndcth the Scditionthcn raifcd by th:m, to the diPuirbanccoi ihe Civil Government and Peace: And if he had proved as- heendcavourcth th-it by 7i"««>i!(/t:'w is meant the Civil Rulers fwhich is ut- terly uncertain j ye: the commendation of their Obcd'encc, formerly to the Civil Pov;ef, as part of the CharaLlcrof rheir orderlinefsand peace- ablenefs, dotli not prove that Rebellion againft them was part of their fol- lowingdiforder. Qp. 4. Is to tell us, I- That Clemens puts Obedience to Rulers, and due honouringof Presbyters as a Lawof God Cwhich isnot to he doubted ■of.) 2. That Bifliops were fent by the Apoflles,as the ApofllesbyChriff, but were jovned only with Deacons to attend them. Mark here Reader, that he doth not only acknowledge that d/f.dto the Order of Mungrel or Half Priells wasnotyet E\"i(lent,butalfo that none fuch were fentby the A- poftles, and lonotlnftirntcd, and that C/fmf«fhimfelftakcrh notice of no fuch even in his times-But how theDrwill prove that no greatChurchrs(and particul uly this of Corinth) had but one Bifhop, you fliall fee with little fa- tisfadion.) ?. Hcnoteth thatthcfe Bifhops thus/wf were conflitnted every whtrcy Ecclejias notidum nat4s, fed ad partum ( bcms Dei aufp-cjs ) fefiinaru ^V ( I02 ) teSf brachiis -atq't ulnis fuis fufceplum & adminiftratum ', to receive in their Arms and Armi the Churches r.ct yetbortif but (by Gods BleflingJ haflmng to the Btrth 2 whereas of his own Head he had before laid that the Bijhgps wtrcfent by the Apoftles (when Clement faith no fuch thing j but only that they were Conftituted (/«Wf>?gbeing the word ufed of Itinerant Preachers gathering and vifiting Chuiches, and Cenfittutirii^ with Ordaining the ufual word ot BifhopsandPresbyters.whoasfuch arc pxed to particular Churches-,) fo now he more boldly feigneth thatBifhops were ('yea every where j to re- ceive Churches that were yet no Churches : Where he contradideth both Scripture and common ufe ot the word Bifliop, andabufethC/*«)f«f. i.Lec any Man that can (hew us thatin the NewTeltament the wordBilhop is ever ufed of any Paftor that was not related to a Church, and as fignifying that Relation, and that 57//;op4Wf/oci^are not as much Relatives as King and Kingdom. 2 Let him fliew that can, that the word was ufed otherwife by Chriftians, for many a hundred years after Chrift. Thougfi I grant that Minifters in general were (and may be) ordained fine titulo^ to f reach and gather Churches, and help others, y et never £//?j/>, whereby they examined and tryed who was worthy of that Dignity. And, 1. What ufe for f.v4^f/ and other reafons.well confuteth the former conceit, when Iictobkittobc 5/oM,^f//^ but fure he could not believe that they were EcitejJx nondum ti.-»i, or future Bditvers that chofc Bifliops by Suffrages ? But having fo fully in this Chap- ter confuted his former, as Bleitdefi opinion, t doubt not but Blondcl is in this as ealily reconciled to him as he to himfelf, and meant nomorc, but, I. That the Apodlesufed (uottomake Bilhopsof the firit Converts (Im- ply, but) to choofe them out of the ancient, grown, and proved Chri- Itians- 2. And that being lb chofeu (nothe that was firH Bapti/.ed, but) he thatwasfirllor^<<;>;f<:/, had the prelidence in the Co^/f/T"^ of their Pres- byters: Which the Dr. might ealily have fcen, and fparcd his infulting upon the contrary fuppofition. But let it here again be noted, that §. 9. heex'prefly and confidently af- ferteth all that I now dtfire., viz. That Clemens doth fpeak_of that time of the Churches Irea^iwiinj^^vi which there were net yet many Believers^and therefore with- out doubt, neither Presbyters inJlitHted. If he means Lno Subje^ Presbyters'} or it he means Cnot many in a Church but one BiJJjop'} 1 defire no more : For then no Bifliop had more Church Affemblies than one, nor any half Presby- ters were ordiined by the Apoftles. For Clemens doth not tell us what the Apoftlcs did in the /'f^«'««*Mij of their Preaching only, but giveth us this as an account of all their courfe, in fettling Offices in the Churches where they came. Cap. 6. He confeffeth that Clemens mentioneth but two Orders,Biniops and Deacons, (and we would have no more) and $. 4. is ovet angry with Blundel for gathering hence, that he did not do as thofe that from the Jew ifl) Elders, or Priells, or the 70 gather another order, what is there in this CoUeillon that deferveth the (hatp words of that 5. Cap. 6. ( 104 ) Cap. 7. Whether C/f>wf»i well cited 7/d«. do. 17. we need not debate. But if yet any think that the Dr. hath not fully granted us our Cauie, lee him take thei'e additioris -. §.7. He well gathereth from CUmcns that this farm of Government y founded in Bi^wfs and Deacons (in each Churi^h) being fetled by Min entrnftedbyChriJi, it no' lefs to be afcribedto Gods Cvmniundihan if ChriJ} htmfelf had ccnjlititted Bifhops and Deacons in every City. (Let who dare then approve of tie alteration by the Intrcduftion of another Order ofPriefts.) And §-8. Henoteth alfoout of,C/wf?-.f that thz fore fght of the cowf^now that would be about Epifcopacy caufed tiiis eftablilhment of Bilhops and Deacons : No doubt God foreknew both; that the popular fort would oppofe Government, and that the Monarchical Prelates would depofe all the Bifhops of the fame Church fave themfelves, and the Arch- Prelates would depofe all the Bifhops of particular Churches^ and fet up half Priefts in their ftead. And he doth well not to pafs the follow- ing words in Clemens ('though hard, yet plainly fubverting the Dodtors opinion) that from this fame forefight the Apoftles conflituted the forefaid Bifhops and Deacons (in every Church) 19 in-rv^v t7nvo\diM AJ^Kicaiy, &c. ac defcriptas deinceps miniflrorum ofjicicrnmq\ iiices reliqiierunt, ht in defmiEiorum locum alii "viri pobati fiiccedere^ CT illornmninnia execjui pojfrrt^ (as Pat. Ju- nius tranflateth it.) TJie word {^i-^vidiM 3 can allow no (ucl: doubt as fhall make this much of the fenfe to be queftionable, 1. That upon the forefight of the Contentions about Epifcopacy the Apofl^Ics made ("by the Spirit) an eftablifhed Defcription of the Orders and Offices ivhich fhould be in the Church, not only in their times, but afterwards- 2. And that the approved men that fhould hereafter be ordained, fhould fucceed in thofe fame Orders which the Apoftles had eftabliQied and defcribed, even to the fame Work or OfHce, ( tLu) AHTUf^iac dvilw. ) 3. That the Apoftles thus fetled or defcribed no rhuhgrel or half Priefts, but only Bifliops and Dea- cons, nor any Churches that had hot each a Bifhop and Dtacon. 4. There- fore no fuchhalf Priefts [hould be brought in, but only fuch as the Apo- ftles inftituted or defcribed. I can fcarce fpcak my thoughts plainlier, than by the Dodors next words, § 9- [^ It is evident that by the immediate impulfe of the Spirit of God Biflwfs were confiitHted iDcacoi:s only joyned to them) in every Church.^ and fo <»f Corinth, and the reft of the Cities of Achaia.- j4nd th.-U by the command of the fame Divine Trophefie or Revelation^ fuccejfers were ajfigned to them after their departure -.fnot a new order invented^C/;r;y? thus confulting and providing for the Churches peace, &c.]] And §. 14. he well granteth, 1. That the form of Church Government was no where changed by the jipoftles (and fo no middle or- der inftituted by them.) 2. That through all their v^^f, ar.d when they were confummate in the middle^ under their Difciplej, the Government of every Church was in t.^'c power of the Bifhops and Deacons in common. Lut whereas §. i j.&che layeth this as the ground of hisCaufe,j.That it was not the Church at Ccr/«<« v\ould lb far own one or nvo mutineers in a par- ticular Church, as to call out Ri.iny oft'eir Miuillers foriheir lakes? 5. Yc; \v\\cviClemc»s wliole Roptr iuiiuiateth tiiat this one or two did this be- caulc they .■'ipired atrerPower or Preeminence ihemfclves . Could they exped thcra- lelves tobe.iiade tlKRnlcisofraore ihan one or two Churches? 6. And wiiat was the caufe of this one or two like totouch the Bifliops of the o- ther Churches ? And what Cogni&ncc was all Achttitt like to have of the caufe of one 01 twodiftantperfons, foa? for them to rile up againfl: their own i^ilhops. 7. If it was not all nor many Palbors that were thus turned out (as C/fwer.j words import) why fliould all >4c^4«int of (oTCOmmindy) only let the Floskjf Chrijl with the Presbyters fet over them live in ptacc^ And is it like that the Flock that this Perfon mud fay fo to» was all Aehaia ? I i. And p- J I' Ht icqmVtthOhofe that begun the Sedition, to he obediently SuhjeB P to td the Preshyters (and not to their Bifhop onely.) And is it lilce to be the Bifliops of o- ther Churches through all AchaU^ that this ew or wo is required to O^fv and be in StibjeElion to. I have given my Reafons, to prove that thefe Presbyters were in the One Church ciCortnth: Conipare his (if you can find thmj to the contrary, and Judge Fmpar- tially as you fee caufe. Citj. 8. Hath nothing that concerneth us, but the rccitall of his grand Concef- fiOn, Jeft we fhould think that inC/f»»«w days, the great BifhopofCom<<7,or any in yichaia^ had any moreChurch.air.mblies than one to whom he could do all the Paftoral Offices himfelf, he thus COncludeth, §. 9. \_Ind(edmenlionts found only of £i(hops (with Deacons) conjlitnted tn each City^ fometimei under the Title of Bifliops , fometimes of Presbyters \ there bein^ no token or foot-fiep at all appearing of fuch-as we now call Presbyters^ &c- ] To which I wholly agree i though not that there was but OBe Presbyter in Corinth. C.'f. 9. He is offended much with S/(7«^f/, for reproaching i/«r»»^^, and yet u- fing his Teftimony : As if a Hereticks, or an Infidels Tellimony might not be uft'dinpointofHiftory: And, §. 14. he again comethtohis fnppofition of Bifhops without Subjed Presbyters, as ifitferved his turn more than our?. Cap. ID. About P»«i words, hath nothing that I find the caufe concerned in. • Cap.M. Isoflittlemomenttous, both parties have little that is cogent, but ve- litations about dubious words. Cap. rt. !s but about the fenfe of the word applyed to Irenes, which Dr. H. takethhere and by many after to mean a Bifhop, and wonders that Blondel pleadeth for a parity of order from a common Name. But it is not fo much without reafon ashemakethit : For if Bifhops and Presbyters were in the firft times called by oneMame •■, and thehighellPerfoninthe Church then was ordinarily known by the name Presbyter,and the appropriating ofiBifljop'^ to one fort, and Presbyter to StK)ti*^r,carae afterwards in by fuch infenfible degrees, that no man can tell when it was ^ it founds very probable,that it was the true Epifcopal Power,or the fameOffice andOrnote, I. That 1 meddle not with other mens Caufcs, nor particularly with the qaeftion: Whether one man in each Church, had of bid, a guiding fuperiority o- ver the reft of the Presbyters? Nor yet, whether the Apollks had fuch fuc- •ceiflors in the General care of many Churches, (fuch as Vifiters, or Arch-Bifhops ) but only, i. Whetherevery Presbyter wore noc Eflentially a Bifhop, or Gover- nour of the Flock, having the power ofReys, as they call it, in fero meriore .& ex.. tgribre., both for refolvingConrciences and for Church-order. 2. Whether every particular Church , whictiordinarily communicated together in the Lords Sapper, ■and bzd mum ;^lrare, had not one or more fuch Bilhops. 3. Whether it was not a ifinful corrupting change, to bring in anorlier Species of Presbyters ■, and fo to de- pofe all the particular Churches and Biihops, and fet up a Diocefant Bifhop, infimi wclinis, with half-Churches and half-Pricfts, under him in their ftead. 2. And nore. That as it concerned me not to fpeak to all that the Doftor hath laid, ^o 1 have carefully choien out all that I thought pertinent and of a teeming weight, as tothecaufewhichlmannage, and have paft by nothing in the whole Book, ( 107 ) Book, which I thought an underftanding Reader needeth an anHver to. There is yet the tame Authors Vindication of his Diirertations tobeconfldcrcd : But I find nothing new in them to be anfweredby nic, nor that I am concerned for the Caule in hand any further than to give you thcfe few Obfervations. I. That again, p. 5. )\z(a.\t\\^{Tiiatby obferving the paucity of Believers ;« >}>a~ ny Cities in the firfi Plantations, which made it unneccjfry thM thei e jl:eiild by the A- pejlles he ordained any more than a Bipcp and Deacon (one, or more) in each City, and that this was accordingly done by them at the fir/if is approved by the mojl undtvyable ancient Records. 2. That p. 7. he again well averrerh that the Jewifli and Gentile Congregations occafioned feveral Churches and Bifhops in the fame Cities. And p. 14- 1 5- That Timothy was placed by Paul., Bifliop oftht Gentiles at Efhefiis,and b.Jchn, and ano- ther after him, Bifhop of the Jews. Pag. \6. Hethinkcth ttiac Timothy was Bifliop of£;>fcdinatc to «ne another., as the Cities in which they are gathered were (though Hc:ilhcr\) Jubordnute tc one anothefy of which more in due place. Pag. -6, 77. He faith that \^j4s Congregations y and Tari^jes arc Synonimoiis in their Style, fo I yield th.n Believers in great Cities were not at frfl divided into Pa ipies, while the number of Chriflians in a City wasfofmall that they mtpht well ■'jfcmble in the fanie place, and fo needed no Partitions., orDnlfons.Butwh.t difadv.ir.tage is this to us^ who affirm that one Bijh op, not aColUd-^c of Presbyter Sy p, 1 ftdcd in that one Congregation, M;d that the Believers in the Regions ani^ f^tllages about did bdor.g to the care of that fngte Bi- fliop, or City Church'^ A Btfup and his Deacon wex fuff.ciert at the f-fl (tefcw^ their Plaft- ' t.ttions — {_For what is a Diocifs but a Church i>i a City vciih the Suburbs and Territories., or Region belongivi^ to it ? And this certat^.ty might be flndrcmaii. under the Gcvernmeit cfa ftngle Bijhop. Of any Church fo bounded there may be a Btjliop, and that whole Church fliall be his Diecefs, aiidfohe <»Diocefan Bi^lwp., though ^,s yet this Chunh be not fubdivided »W(7 worf/^wr^/^^j^f^wt/za ] So thatyou fee now whata Diocefs is. And that you may know that we contend not about M.imcs, while ihcy call the BiffiOp of one P2 Con Co'ngi-citloa,^ DlxefMe, wi fay nothing ag;iinft him : A Diocefan in our fenfe is- fac'a a.; wz live uai:r, tint have made one Church of many hundred or a thoufand. Bat R.eidsrbe not abufed by words, when it is vifib'e Coantreys that we talk: of. Asevery Mirket-Towii, or Corporation is toa« a City in tiie old fenfe, fo the Diocefs o'l Lincaln Cwhicli 1 live in) at this reckoning hath' thrve or fourfcore ■ Dioc^OT^sin't, anithsDiocefsofi^Tarw/cfeabout 50 Diocellls la .;, o-c That is fi},ch Cicies.wit'i tlie interjacent Villages. ' P'ig- 73- He fiich [When they add tbefe Awels were Congregational^ not DioCefan,, they vfsre evsry of them Angels of. a Cnu ch in a City , having authority over the Ri^ions adjacent an d pertaining to that City, and fo as CHURCH and CONGRE-* GATION. ARE ALL ONE, AS IN ORDINARV^ USE IN' ALL LANGUAGES THEY ARE: Thus were Congregational and Dio- cefan -e fi*»i of which chfirvttt ion is only this^ that one City with the Territories adj/)y>u>ig to it ^ never m.ikes above one Cuurch tn the Scripture Style. ('And yf the largely proveththc contrary, that there was one Church and Bi- ihtij^of/fiW/fe "lirifTians, and oneofGentiksJ whereas a Province., or Couvtrey, or- N.Uiom coiififls, cfm^ny Cities., and fo of many Epifcopul Sees or Churches.^ The like he hath aiiainp.yo $.5}. But whereas p. 88- '^e would Prove that a Province, or Nation, of m.tny ChiAch- es^may be c.tUid one Church, hecaufe the Churches in all the World are ft called tn our Creed, and in the Scripture : \ anfwcr, That he can never piove'that many Churches are ever in Scripture called one, laveonly the 'Z/'n»irr/4/ CWc/;, which is hut one., being Headed by «»<■ Wr^^^, evenChrift. The Uiiiverlal Church (^as he faid l)Lforo of a CWrfe compared to P^/ot;^ isOw Colieftive body, as a Political Society related to Chriltor conftituted ofChriltandallChriRians; And a ^Axuca- l^r Church is erte as cenflitHtedof the Asinifltnal Pafion tind People : But lind any Textof Scripture that calleththeChurches of a Nation, or Province, one Church, - in all the new Teflamenr if you can. In pag. 105. he giveth Reafons for hisfingularity in interpreting fomanyTcxts of Scripture^ andftieweth thnt as the Fathers differ from cacli other, fas TtriKui flicweth) fo we may alfo differ from them, ('and 1 know not of any Expofitor that ever wrote that hath more need of this Apology than Grojuu and he.) And I mif- like not h^s Reafons. But then how unfavou.'-y is it for the fame perfon to exped: that we fhoud in reverence to one expofitory word in Irenaus. and another in Epi- fhanius, forfake the common fenfe of the Fathers where they do agree .•* or that we raufl bow to every ancient Canon ? But I would not have him thought more fingular than he is, left wheal have an- • fwered him the Prelatiffs forfake him, and fay that they are (till unanlWered therefore I crave the Readers fpecial obfervation of his words, p. 104, 105*. [^ J might truly fay th.tt for thofe minute confiderations and conjeEiures wheren this X)«- nor diffirt from fome others vcho have written before him, as to the tnanntr of interpret' in^ fome few Text '.,he hath the Suffrages of many of the leari:edfi men ef this Chitrch at this ■ d^iy^ Andai far as he knovn Q ^ AUL th4t embrace the fame cwfe with /»i/a.J. Of which- (no) which I only fay, that if he do but minutely differ from others, and notatallfrom themoft, Ihopemy confutation of him will not be impertinent as to the reft. But if he lay the very ftrefsof his caufe upon novel Expofitions of almoft every Text which mentionethBifhops,Presbyters,Paftors,and quite crofsthe way of almoft all (fave Petavius) that ever went before him ; then think whether that caufe ftand on fo firm ground, as fome perfwade, which needcth fuch new foundations or ways of fupportatthisAge, in the judgement of fuch learned men as thefe. Pag. 119. izo, 121. He proveth that -Dwcf/<»»fB!fhops arc the only Elders of the Church which j'4»»(rjadvifeth the fick to fend for .• fuppofing the City Churches fe- ven of ?«r«/Wf»»:)tobeyetnobigger than that one Biftiopand a Desconfwho yet was notthis Viliterof thefick)mightdoall the Minifterialwork. Where I confefs he quite outgoeth me in extenuating the Churches in S. }ama''si\mc. If the Church of Jernfalem had feven Deacons, I will notbeiive him (pardon the incivility Jthat they bad but one Presbyter. And (pardon me a greater boldnefs in faying) if he had tryed but as jnuch as I have done what it is to do si! the Paftoral work for one Parifli ofz or3ooo Pcrfonsinpubhckand private, he could not polTibly have been of this Opinion. Nor do I think it likely, that when it is a finguUr Per/on that J/imei bids fend for the Eidtrs of the Churchy but that it implyeth that the Church where he was had more Elders than one. I confefs thar if it had been fpoken ei- ther to Perfons, plurally, or of Churches plurally, the phrafe might well have flgni- ficd the fingle Elders of the feveral Churches : But to fay to each (ick man fingular- ly, Let himfendfor the Elders of the Church fingujarlyj in common ufe of fpeech fig- nifieth that there were many Elders for that man to fend for in the Church. And whereas he asketh whether a fick man muft fend for the CoUedge of Presbyters ? I anfwcr.that a fickman may well fend for thePresbyters orMinifters,eitherorie after another, as there is occafion ,or more than one at once if need require for his Refolu- tion. Ifwel'aytoa fick man in LWsw, (fend for the Phyfctans of the City, and Ut them advife you, &cj itfignifieth that the City hath more Phyficians than one, and that he may advife with one, ormore atonce,orpfr-wc(r/ as he findeth Caufe : and no man would fpeak fo to him, \^ London had but one Piiyfician, and Norwich ano- ther, andro)i(:^ion, that th'-yhave a mean opinion of vifuing the fck^^ becaufe they lay, it is not the Bifliops work ('which he.wellmaketh it to be; methinksfhis fhouid fiiit with no Englijlj Ears, who wiliquickly -underftand, that they fpeak de facia of our Bifhops, to whom a fick man may lend an hundred, or fifty, or twenty Miles, to dcfire him to ccme preferitly, and pray with him, ifhisdileaiebeaPhrenfie vvhichdeprivcth him ofhis' VVics, and alUbouc himbeasmad: AndtheBifhop with usmay befaid to vilit rhc fick ofhis Diocef^, as a man may befaid to weed a Field that pluckcthupa weed or two where he gceth ^ or to build a City, becaufe he knockt up a Nail or two in his own Houfe. ,Pag.Mo. It is obfervable which he faith \_Indeed, if itw-.re net (the Bifhops Voo'ckjo z>ift thefakj-l-mv could it be ly the Btjhcp, when ether pai ts (fhis Office bcc.rme his full Efnploynient, lonimitt'dtethe Prahytcr- Per., I. he cch-ld net commit that to others^ if hefirj] hjtd it not in htmfelf: j4nd^ 2. This was the only Reafo 1 of ordaining itferior Offi- cers in the Chu'^ch; lh.tr p.irtoj'the Bijhops taik^might be firfxrinrdby them. A'tf Either he believedt^at the Office of a Subject Prisbytei for Order as they cali ( III ) callit)wasinftitutcdby God, and fetlcd in the Church as necerfary by his Spirit, and Law, crnot : If he do, thcn^. i. Whetherthe work of thefe Presbyters, af- ter the inltitution, be not the work of their cw^O^cf, and noi(intlie individual ads) the Bifhops? As Eve was ^ Rib of -^^/iw matcriaily,but whenfhe was a woman, Ihe was no part of Jdam^ nor her aifts like his afts •, and fo of all woman-kind Thereaf- ter. ^H- 2. WhetbertheBifliopartyoiher way commit the work or Office to him, than by calling him to an Oflice which Godhimfclf had made or inftitutcd, and Mi- nillerially invcftinghim in itasa Servant ('that hath no land ofhis own)may befent by his Walter to inveft another in fome Land which he hath given him, by a Legal Solemn delix-ery of pofleirion ■, or asa Steward may fend fuch Reapers into his Ma- ilers field as his Mafter did before cxacflly dcf».r!bc to him.'' Chrill being the only maker of the Office, and pund:u3ldefcribcr of it, and the Li.Iliop, pcople,and Magiltrates altogether, doingnomore butchoofcthe Pcifon dcfetibedas fit, and deliver him j)olfdrron of the place. , But if he thought tliat the Bifliop Itimfelf doth inhke.the Presbyters Office, by parting his own, and fo giving l>im as tnuch as he thinkeihfit, 1 (hall Ihamethis Opinion i'l due place Pa^. 132. (and \n\ns Difert.) he would make us believe that (Po/jc^p'sEpiille, and io^ Clemtf!t''s [^to thei hnrcb 7rJi«tK*fav KoiieSri] were 10 be int-erpretcd exten- fively as relating to ^f^i*^ ro nieCiuudi inrh ^ ■ParijK that is the Diocefs, of Corinth^ Of Provi'nCeof j4ci.,r/i: Ahu fo tocdill'ortetlt'f ftW. i. i. and orhcr places^ 'but in ail his Citations givethusiiot a word 'of proof, tiiat '^ufciKO) fignitieth to dwell in the Circuit or extent of a Uioccis, and not limply to fajfurn or liwelL As if 'jritfeMiw were derived ticni'rajtiiitt, arxi as it the litltuotion of •s-tfpoHitt were a Diocefs, or a City with its Tcnitcrrcs : KiPutToi-n^ faith on C/<-w/';;f''s Epifl:. p. I. [jciim idtm Jit ysi-rometv cjtiod -TdpiKuv tn onin c r/i fiaiiM in t/ntio Itbrt Ruth O" altbi afmd 70: which he further provet yea and by an old Ijiit^iption of^an Alur brought from Dr/w, CT'c. fee the place. Arid wc took it to be agreed on that <3rrtfo/KKw in its ftndt fenle is but habito ian(jnam ptrrf^rtnus, adz'ena jitm\ and in its ufual Ir.rger fenlc, ptxta hnhito^ accoln^ fum pvxiriKs^ vtcinus accola. And •»«fo'xii (^ wafo/wW/f but incolatus & vtciniu U' habit^iio froptncjHa \ a place ot Coliaititation, or a n is fo fully Ihewed out of many Authors by the Bajil Lexicon (publilhed by Henr. Petr. i5<^8 ) that I med not add to it. And the Authors of that Lexicon fuppofe, ihac the third ^the Church^ ll^nificatioa if 41 , is primarily but from rra.iciyj,(^ m accoLi^ that \_Par£ci buic dicHmur qxi fanum ali- ijHod accoluit (not tnac dwell near a tlioufand or many hundred kveialCha ci^s^ u>:dc & rre^ama. curia c;- vicimg. cotiventus (not many hundred Conventions ) acc^f- .larum coitio & conff'egatio^ hoc farochiam dicunt abfurde. Much more won id they call the newer Notion of a Diocefs-Pariih like ours, abfurd. \a Heb. m. ^ and Luk^x^- 18. AEI1.6. 1 Pet. 2. 11. 1 Pet. 1.17. J^.l^.i-j. A^.j.Zg. Eph. z. ip. (which are all the places in the new Teftament where thefe words are uied that J . know of) the Dr. himfelf in his v4«««;<«f/<»wj doth not once pretend that the word is ufed in his Province fenfe: And is not Clemens and Pelycarp [ik^t to ufe the word in the Scripture fenfe,than in thisaliene fenfejthat fince came into theChurch ? We mult therefore take leave, till better proof of tht contrary, to expound Clemens Polycarp., and Ignatius, mtcrly by {^fojo urn injr 4nd cohabiting in fiuh nviciniiy asPcv- fonal and Congregational Communion required. 7 > . ■ But his only feeming proof is (again } becaufe /?-»«f/j, and y^cfe^w, nor Qhe Church at Conw/fc,] and [the Churches ef all kc\\i\dr\ to be the fame :iNay,P<««/exprerty diltinguilheth them by the Conjundion, as aforefaid i elfchis words were Tautological, if by [^ To the Church cfCod^ which is at Corinth, with all the Saints which are in all Achaia^ he had meant tXo the Church ef God., which is in all Ach^ia, with the Saints that are in all Achaia] And 1 had thought all -<4c/;4«<* had been more than a Parifh, even as the word ^iuKU was ufed Ecclefiaftically in thofe times, in the opinion of the Diocefane Divines therafelves. And fo much of Dr. Hammmd.,and all that have written for our Prelacy. The Oppofers of Prelacy. Tonamethe Authors that write on the Other fide (or fontie of them) is enough viz.. I. Beza, z. Cartwri?ht^ 3. Jacob aga'inO: Downame, 4-. Didoc lane alias Calderweodh Altare Dam-Ufcenum, 5 Learned Parker de Polit. Eedefiafi. (not lb florid 3s his Treat, of the Crofs, but more nervous) 6. Holy and Learned Paul Batne(Perkin''i Succeflor i his D»ocf/'<»«'sTryaI,fhort and nervous, in Syllogifms. -j.Salmajius in 2 Books (^Apparat. ad primal. P. &Walo. Mejfalinus,)'^. Before him GerjomBiicer differt.de Guhern.EcckSe againft Downame, large and learned. 9, Jer. Burroughs, in 2 or 3 llieets, Argumenta- tively. 10. PWwj unbiftioping-of T/wof/jy aadTitnj, ii- Di.BafiwickliFlagellumPon, Tificis & Epifcoporiifn I^r/<«i/«»> (oratorical J 12. And fuch are Miltons. i i SmeSymnuuj that is, Steph. Mar f ml, Edw- CaLmy., Tho. Toung., Mat. Newcomen, and Will. Spurflow :' And a defence of it. i4.The Lond. Minifters J«i Divinum, Presb- & A4in:fi. 1 5. The Hie oiWight Papers. 16. Dav. Blo»del(that\Noadtx of the woiid^for Chronology and Hiltory.) A few leaves of whole over-large Colledions,Dr.//i«»»wo«^hath Anfwer- ■ ed,as you have heard,and givfen his reafon for going .to further ,L)ecaufe BUnd-extcnd- eth the Minifterial Parity but ;o 140. But to us it is not lo incoiifiderable to fee by whatdegres thePrelacy rofe.and to fee it proved lb copiouflv,thaL.even in after Ages the fpecies, extent *Bd-of Churches.and iheOrder orSpccies of Presbytersnerc not alter- i ed, nocwithitanding accidental alterations. And therefore lihall undertake to bring 'I proofenough of what I now'plead for from times much lower than i4o,fuch as 1 think i the impartal will reft fatisfied in,though interelland preconceived Idea's are feldom iatisfied, or conqueredby a Confutation. C „ 0'3) CHAP. VI. That it is not of Gods ivjlitHtion., ror is fkajing to him ffiat there be no Churches aiid B//hofs hut in Cities i, er that a City TPith its territories^ or Country adjacent ^ he the hounds of each Church. SOme late moft efiefmcd defenders of Vigcefane^, cfpecially Dr. Ham' mond, lay fo great a (trcfs upon the fuppofirion, that the Apoftlcs fet- Icd the Churches in the Mctropolitanc and Dioccfane order, and that they did partly in imitation ot the ]ewi(h policy, and partly as a thing ncccf- ftry by the nature of the thing, that even in Hca»h' n Kingdomts, when Churches arc gathered in any Cities, they mui\ hyvc a difference of Church power over each other as they find the Cities, 'ohavc a civil fK)vv- et (as you heard bcfoi c from Or. H.) that I think it meet hcii- brtilly to prove* I. That it was n( t of cheApoflles purpofc tohaveChurtheond Bifhops placed only in Cities, and not in Villages. 2. Nor that Church power (hould thus folknv thccivih3 Northi.> ( '^y with itr tiriitorics (hould be the mcafurc ot the habifation ofeac.'i v .uichcs mcmbrrs. The //«^ in fomc cafes Idmy not, but tbCfl/>or.*f/ isti-' qurltion, yea and the licet in Other cafts. 1 he two hrli arc proved togctiu by thefc rcafons, following. 1. Chrift hitnfclf our ^nnd exemplar did not only preach and con- vert Chriftians ii)Ciric=, wrt in Country villages. '.here hr held aflcm- blies, and prcacht at d p^yed, yr? in rr.o..ntains 3nd in Ship.s : Ani though he plantid r.npartic^lsr Churches with fixed Bilhups there, yet that wasUcaulc lic didfo no where. He performed all offices in the Countr} V hich he ^^i.l fn the Cities, except that which was appropriated xoJcrMjaktn b^ rhc Law and the inlHtuiion of his laltfuppcr, which could be done but m (^r.c place. 2. Thi^u i' noLaw ofGodCdircftorlndiredjwhichmakethitaduty to fettle t hiiulKS and tiihops in Cities only, and forbiddeth the fetling ihem inCi Lirirv villages ; This is mod evident to hini that will fcaich theScripturi., ai.d but try the pretended proofs of the late Prelatillsi tot the vanity ol their pretcnlions will eafilv appear', They have r.ot fj fair a prettnie in the NtwTeliaincnr for affcrtingfucha L^w. as the Fopi hath for his fi-pcrmacy in \JPftn feed my flntf)\ And where there is no Law, there is no obli^^ation on us unto duty, and no fin in omillnn. It tiicy fay tiiat [_t/)Cy^/>if//cx did ^lini Churches only inLitirs Qf>m^rc- hcnding their territories'] 1 anlvvcf, ». 'I hey prove that ihtry planted them in Cities s but the filencc of the Scripturts prorcth not the Nrgative, that rn4) they planted none in Villages. 2. Nor have they a word of preof that each Church ^Mtained ill Chiiflians in the Cities, with all the interjacent Villages. 3. Much Icfs that they mufl contain all fuch, when all the Countries were converted ^ and the Chriltians were enow for many Churches. 4. Nor can they ever prove that the Apofiles planting Churches only in Cities, was intended as a Law, to reftrainmen from planting them anywhere elfes Anymore than their not converting the Villages or the generality of the Cities, will prove that they muft not be converted by any other : Ox than that their fetting up no Chriftian Magifirates, or converting no Princes, will prove that there muftbe no fuch thing. Whoever extended the obligation of Apoftolical example to fixh Negatives, as to do nothing which they did not ? 5. The rear fon is moft apparent why they preached tirft in Cities, becaufc there is no fuch fifhing as in the Sea i They had there the frcquentett fulleftaudi- tories: And fo they planted their firlt Churches there, becaufe they had moft converts there. And it is known thit J itdea Ca barren mountai* 'nous Coutrey of it felfj had been foharreffed with Wars, that there wa^ little fafety and quiet cxpeded in Countrey Villages ; and the Roman Empire had been free from the fame plague by fuch (hort intervals, that as many people as could.got into the Citiesifforall that know by experience what War is,do know tli€ mifery of poor Country people who are at eve* ry wicked Soldiers mercy.) It was therefore among poor (cattcrcd la4 bourers, a hard thing to get a confiderable auditory : which maketh MrU E/wtrandhis helpers work go on fo heavily among the fcattered A* 'roericans, who have no Cities or great Towns, becaufe they can rarely . fpeak to any confiderable numbers. Now to gather from hence either that Villages muft have no Churches or no Eifhops, is an impiety next to a concluding that they muft not be ailembled, taught, or worfhip Godo ■ ,"'3. The rcalons are vain and null, which are pretended for fuch a mo*, delling of Churches to the form of thecivil Government, and thus con-" iining them to Cities. For, i. There is no need that oneBifhop be the Governour of another at all v 2. And therefore no need that the Birtiop of a Metropolis govern theEifliopof alcffer City,or he, theBilhopof a Village. I. God hath not given one Eifhop power over another, as mcer Eifhops. As Cj/'w<7« faith, in his Carth, Council^ nmetf its areiiJJjops of Bipopf, but Colleagues. Dr. Hammond himfdi fnth, that thcBifbops are ihcApoftlesSuccefl'ors.and the Apofiles were equal in power and Indepen- 'dent, Annot.in i T\m.^.c'p.']^2.JifusChrijidifpaiftngthcm(allthepar'-' iieiilar Churches of the whole world by himjelf and admiiiijlring them Cnxral- ly^ not by any one Oeconomus^ hut by the fever al Bijhops as inferionr heads of unity i'j the fiveralbodies fo conjiituted by thefei'cral ApofHes in their plantations each (f them having aVTo\ey.U a fiveral dijlin£i cowmifwn from Chriji immediately sndjitbordinate to none but thefujireme donor or plenipotentiary.! Indeed if it be not Eifhops, but Archbilhops orBifliops of Eifhops which are the Apo. liles SacceflorSjin oxdei oyer. tlie Bifhops as they are fuppofed to be over the Priefts JPf{<;(i-9^:i\xtn Josh art order cf Arch-Biftops is of dhrine riglit » Eutnol asMetropolitanes, or for the Cities feke^ but as general Officers to take cq,reQf mSny Chuicha;, fucceeding the Apoftles. 2,^ And that Apbltolical fucce(llon"iS not the ■foundation of the Mctro poji wpi fiJ "City power is plain > i . Eccaufe if the Bifhop or Arch-Bifhop ljj€ri)e^fr,ecJ*ptc{ilcce/rorsoFth(£.A'portles,thcrdniufl be but juft 15 or 1 4. initJie \vhcJk.w©tld:5 ifvho ^ad ,thc Metropolis for his Scat : Ttej PapMh thtmfelves'ntit prci- tcijding that Peter was RuTcr of the-rioiV, benute KowW Wjsd ^ny attempt fppifc^^, that hfallyrti>^.BartbohtAeir.f Lchkt^-, Jemts tht A^6R\c,' Iht' ftJaf, Phmpatid eVcry one'of the Apofllcs hadadiOiiiicft rndcpcndcntMc* (ropoli* for ills f^pilcfipil Seat. 4. Indeed its but vain words of them that pretend that the Apolilcs fixed themfelvcs in any Seat at all i but it is certain by their Office and by Hiffory that they oft t^mbvtid- from placi to pl«i(CO J. in order tbcall as tnuch of rht world as'^h(5y tv^^'ic&pibl**', ?ilj-wete 'fchitimts in Metrbfohs and fomctinies irt othe* 'placed; end ^iiiiawgK' Ihc ancle ntsl .make tJjcm therirft BtfliOpS of Uluicines/thwy fcl6 not fay that they were Bilhops'of any particular ChiUchcS onlyj rt\\y!tit]r Church<*was the lirJlBilliop of them iW fro tempore, fetling fixed Bilhop* (p fuccaqfl^ them. 5.. ApcLwhofever dreamed that Af<*»TJ^ whowasni&A- poflle, \>as the RUler ofotHcj Apdftleft, Cat leatt that attic ifttb liuWio-* vincc jLbccaufe AUxandri.i was tJie fccond Metr6ipblis? .:-'<:,' v » 4. This pretended forming of the Churches as iforcfaid » Js confrary* to the Ends of C/'«rc^.inliitution and CommimioVi : which are tht'publick^ vvoifliippingoiGod., and pcrfonal Communion of Paiochians or Cohabi- tants in thac worlliip. Sacraments and holy living, in mutual alfilJance. Wiicreasina great pi;rt of the world. Country Villages are fo far from^ an,yC/«iVj^ that ii they mult travel to them for this publickComrtuinion, they mult fpcnd ail tnc Lords day in t-ravailc, and vet mifs tlinirEndei and come too late. Nor can Women, Children and aged ones ^oilib'y'- do tatall. But if they are to have no fuch pctfv^nal Communion with the City ChurcliLS. but iiavcTtdidinarily among thcmlclvts, then Cwhb{ever men n,ay fa^thut linve al^out tiic Name Jtluy ate nut of that fmicnUr 0.2 City ("0 ei and fothe name not ufed equivocally .' And Bilhop T>$tt>nams affertion that it was a Church withamean Presbyter under the Bilhop of Corinth, is a naked unproved faying that deferveth no credit •> andis contradidedbyDodlorflm fometimes fignifieth any great Town, and fome Jimes ftridly Towns incorprate, and fometimes more ftridly eminent Corporations now called Cities with us here in England. And how great would the difficulty have been to determine when a Town was big enough to pa(s for a City, or when it had privileges enow for that title. Ifitbefaidjthat the account and name then and thus ufed was thcdi- redory. they will then make Gods Church to depend for being upoi> a Name with heathen people. If they will call Ceucbrea a City, it (hall have a Churchi otherwife itftiall have none. But there was no fuch contro- verfie in thofe times. 7. According to their model Churches (hall be mutable and dillbl- T.ible at the will of the MagiArate> yea of every Heathen Ma^' ftrate ; For ' if r«i7) if he will, but change the privilcdges and tit'c of a Town and nuke it no City, it muft have no Church or Bifhop : And if he will remove the pri- vileges and title, the Church and Bifliop muft remove ; And if he will endow a big Village or Town with City privileges and nanie, aChuich and Bifhop muft be then made anew. But who can believe that Chrill fhus modled his Churches in hisinftitution? 8. Yea after their model, an infidel or Chriftian King a "ud sgent , that ncTer thinketh on it or intendeth it, (hill change the Churches, and deflroy them. If by war a City be turned into no City, or if the King for other rca(bnsun-city it, or if change of Government put it ino ano- ther Princes power, that fliall for his convenience un city it, the Churcb In City and Country is at an end, though there remain people enow to conftitute a Church. j>. Yea a fire or an Earthquake by this Rule may end a Church, by Wood and (ione.though the Country dill have never fo many Chriftians ; and when the City is gone, the Church is gone, i o. Yea it will be in the power of every king, even of Heathens, whether Chrill thall have any Church or Bi(hop in his kingdoms, or not. Becaufe he can un-eity or dis- privilcdge all the Cities in>his kingdom at his plcafure, and confequcntly unchurch all theChurchcSi 11. And by their way Chrift hath fctlcd as various Church forms as there be forms of Government in the world : For all Dominions are not divided into Provinces, under Prifidcnts?^c as the Roman Empire was : In many Countries, the Metropolis hath nofuperiority over the other City or (he Country, and fo that will be of divine inftitution in one Country, tvhich willbea fmin-others. 12. Yea by this Rule many vaft Countries rtufl have no Eilhopsot Churches at all, becaufe they hare no Cities (as is kno^n among the Americans^ i and others muft have but one Church and Biihop in a whole Country of many hundred Miles. 13. And by their Rule all the Bifliops of Eng/j«ii/ arc unbifhopcd, and their Dioccfan Churches are unchurched. For 1. Some of them ( in trjld znd Man) have no Cities row calkd fuch. 2. Others of them have many Cities C not only Coventry and Licbjif Id, Bath and Jf 'tils now called Cities, biitjabundance of Corporations really Cities. 3. And the Cities in England, Scotland and Ireland have no Civil Government o- vcrallthe Countries, Corporations, Villages of the Diocefcat all; nor are they Scats of Prcfidcnts or Lieutenants that have fuch Rule, fo that ourDioccfcsarenotmodcllcdto theformof the Civil Government. What fubjcdion doth Hartfordjffirc, Bcdfirdjhire, Bnckjngbamjf.urt , &e owe to the Town of Lincolne? 14. B} their model it is not Eifhops and Metropolitans alone that arc of divine right : For if the Church Government nuiil be modelled to the Civil!, the Imperial Churches mufl have had Ofhcers to anfwer all the Procontuls and Prefcdts , the Lieutenants, the Vicars, the Confular 0,3 rre6- CnS} PrcfiJcnts, the Correctors ^c. To\ who can prove tha.tone.foi;^prtwa only iTiufl be imitated ahd , not others. - ' , ' '■ 15. They mul\ by their rule, fct up in England in inconnrtcnf 'or felt" deftroying form. For irr ttiany if riot luoirCounties our Lord Lieutenants^ Deputy- Licutcinnts, and Shcrifs ,. and moft JuCi<;cs. dwell in Ctjniitre)" m^tinors. ahd Village^, ani ,npf m CifieSr, And'To' cither Cities muil not be, the ^eatsbf BifKops "and Chur-cJies', or ql(c the Seat of Civil Govcrnm?ntnlufl.'not bc^ihe Seat of the Ecc1efia(ji- <^al. If they faV that AJfrzes'znA SelTioDs aire kept In the Coiinty Towns The obferva'rion is notuniverfally true ; Yea'nO Allizcs qr-,SciTiop5'at all are therefore held in any Tcfn bccaufe it is theCqUnty Town, 'liut"' bccaiifcit is the convenientcft |ihc'cfbr mcetihgV ^iti'didice of which, ■is left to the Judges and jufticesi who (o'mctnncs choofe the County-'' Town, and futnctimes- another, as- they pleafe CAs BriJpforth in SUrep^" fliirc, Akshury (not Buckingham) ordinzn]y iri Buc}«l'g<'" ly) at £cc/r/7;j// Gallic •, thcBifliop ofCAr/fer ("nowj ztJFigjn, and fe ^'f"^";;'^': of others^. And I think that is ^he Biihops Scat where ufually hisr,,''j,j, dwellingis, and not where a Lay-Chancellor kccpes a Court, or where a Dean and Chapter dwell who are no Billiops. ip. There have (as Dr. Hammond hath well proved^ been of old fcvcral Churches in one City i one of Jarxandonc oiGentiler, with their fcvcral Eifliops and Clergy. Therefore one City with its terri- tories is not jure Vivino the mcafure or boundaries of one only Church. 20. If the Church Government mul\ be modelled to the Civil, then in every Monarchic or Empire there mull be one Univerfal Pallor to rule all the red as there is one King; And in every, Arillocracy, there inuflbea Synod of Prelates in Church Supremacy > and in every Dc- nmcracy -whoorwhat But then the Papacy will be proved rot only lawful, but of Divine inllitution , as the Hcid or Churcli Soveraign of the Kom.m Empire (" though not of all the world) (at KoD.c firll and ct Conjhiit/nop!e alter 3 And indeed I know r.o word ofrea- (on that can be given to diaw an impartial man of Judgment todoubt, hut tint MctropoHtjfjj; Primates, Patriarcks, and the Pope as Head of the Churches in the Empire, Hood all on the fame ground, and had the fame Original i as all Fathers Councclisand Hi.'tory fhew, whicli true- ly proveth that fas an llnivcrfal Papacy is a Treafonablc Ufurpation, fo) an Imperial Papacy (that is, through the Roff2j;i EmpireJ is but a huii/an Creature, and Metropolitans, Patriarchs^ €>-. are the like i anJ they that will fcigne the one to be ot Godsinliitution orntccllary, u.ili fay tliat the other is Co to. But after all this, one confequcnco puts the world in hope that P.w:- fans HiSy come in time to be reformed : Fur fueling Kings may mike aiid unmake Cities, and confequcntlyEilliop-pricks at their pleafiire, when- ever it ihallplcafe his Mi jcliy, or any ot-hcr wife and Holy Prirxc, ro declare every Corporation and Market Town to be a City, wc mnit needs have a Eilliopin every on^of them (according to the principles of the Prelates theiiifeivcs. And then the Dioccfc will not b: fo great, but a di» ligcnt Pallor may pcllibly fomecitnes, fee tlic greater number ofiiis flock. Obj. But they that do J'.iy that the Apo},les toi\thisco»rft do mi fay ibai it is Jo ohligatny but that in cafes of nccrffity »ve Wij do othsririjc. Anf. I. (no) Anp I. They alledgc the very Law of nature for it, that it muft be fo even in Heathen Empires ex natura rci , as Dr. Hammond before cited. 2. All meer pofitvesgive places to natural Auues^cxteris paribut : in cafes of true ncctflity we may break the reft of the Lords day, we may omit the Lords Supper, wemayftay from the Church aflemblies, wc may forbear to preach or pray or. meditate or read. So that the excepti- on only ot neccfliry will but equal this Vietefan model , toother pof- litive ord inances, which arc indeed Divine. Ohj. IVhat if rve prove but tbt laprfulmfs ef it^ though not the Duty > Anf. If you prove it not o/ Divine Inllitution, Ihave proved it to be finful, and (hall do much more, by all the evils which attend it. And fo much for thefe City Diocefe and MetropoHtans and modelling the Church Government to the ftate. CHAP. VI I. The Definition affd reajbtis of a Jjicnfiin Church cor.fi dired ^ avd ovcrthroTPK. I Have already (hewed, that wedifpufe not about aery notions, nor Non-exiftence, but about fuch Diocefes as we fee and have i and that by a Diocefc we Non-conformifis mean only a large circuit of ground with its inhabitants conteiningmany perticularPariflics: And by a Digcefan Church, wc mean all the Chriftians witliin that circuit, who have but one Bi(hop over them, though they be of many Parifll Churches, yea few Pre/iyto-wH/ take the word fo narrow as this. For (Itbinktoo^ many of them do with Rutherford diftinguifli between a worfhippin^ Church and a Governed Church fand fadling the horfe for Prelacy to mount on) do affirm that many ("about twelve ufualyj of thcfe woifbiping Churches (like our Parilhcs^ may make but one Go- verned or Presbyterial Church : But a Dioccfe in Engbnd containeth many hundred, and fomc above a thoufand ParKhes Casisfaid-) But the Vioccfgnj ( Hammtnd md Doanam) define not a Dioccfe fas weleeitj as conteining many Churches or holy aflemblies i but only as beirgtht Church of one City with its territories. Now the queltion h, what it is that is the fpccifying difference by which a t>Jocefan Church is diftinguifticd from others, and couflituted. i. Not that it is in a City; for an Independent Church, or a Presbyterian Church may be in a City : When ihtrtis hut one Chnrch there, or many Inde- pendent ones, thcfe are no oihtr than thcfe allow, whom you take for »/our chief adverfarics. 2 . Is it then the circxut of ground ihat is tl.e bour.dary of thefe Churches, Cm ) Churches, either this ground is inhabited, or not ■■, if not, then earth amJ' trees make their Churches. If inhabited, it is by Inhdcls, or by ChrilH- ans , or both. If by Infidels they are no member! of any C hriftiin Church, and therefore not of a Viocefan Church. 11 nlefs they will pro- fcfTe tohaveChurhcsof Infidels: If they be Chrijiijiis, either they arc no more, nor more diflant than as that they may Cat lead the main body of them J comconthc Lords daics to the City Church into one afiembly, orclfc they are enow to make more or many Church alTcmblics. Ifthc former, than what dif- fer they from a Farijh Church, or an Independent Church, which is planted in a City ? When each of them are but one congregation, where is the difference but in the arbitrary Name ? But if the City and territories havcChriftians enow for mjny Churches; then either they arc formed into many or not. Ifthcy are, thq* (hould f by their own conftihon) have many Bifliops: If not, either Church Societies are Gods ordinance or not. If not , the City fhould hive none: If they are, where hatli God exempted the Country from the privilcdgeorduty any more than the City ? But if they (liould fay that a 'Diocefan Chuxch is one Church in a City and its tcrritcrics confiding of Chridians enow tomake many, of whom the mofi part take up with oratories for Churches, thiswoultl fuite our Notion ot a Viocefan Church, but not theirs.. For they fay that it is not ncccfljiy that a Viocefan Church have more than one Con- gregation. Therefore if mufi needs follow that their Viocefan Lhmch mufl dif- fer from our Parilh cr Congregational Cluirches only in pjiciitid and rot in cefj» Church. And tiicn when we liave proved tL.at the Country fliould havcChi rches, and r.otmecr Oratories, and that every Church (hould have a Billiop, and (o that a Bill-op is not to be appropriated to a City and its territories, we have done a'.l. And that fixieiy which IhcuiJ have all Gods (!"!u-.rch ordinances, Ihould have a I'aftor r.c.i.ffary for ihecxercifir)g of themall. L-.-.t every tr. c Parill; Chuich, fl;ou!d have R all f 122) •aU Gods ordinances Cbelonging to a lingle Church) therefore they Ihould have a Pallor (at leaft) t j exercife them. And, a Paltor author- ized to exeicife all particular Church ordinances of Chrifts is a true Biftiop. But every true particular Church (hould have fucha Paftor. Therefore they (hould have a Billiop. Ey ths Cburcb ordinances! mean I. Teaching. 2.Miniiierial VVoxfliip, in Prayer, Praife and Sacran-.ents. ^. Difcipline fecret and publick in that Church. And let them rcmeai- bcrthit they that inftead of proof, do but crudely affirme, that Cities cnly may btBiQiops Seats, do but beg the qucfiion. But bccaufe he that pu's us hardeft to it (Vorvname) doth lay Co much onthefe twodifferenccsof a riocf/i;! Church from a Parochial, i. That a Diocefe conteineth the City and territories , though at fiiftit have hut one Corgrcgation. 2. That converting the reft of the City and territories, giveth the Bidiopa right to Govern them all ; I will further diftindtly ccnlidcr of both thcfr. " * CHAP. V 1 1 L Whether the Infidel Territories or Citizevs do via]^ fart of a Diocejime Church. I. TTT'E, diAinguiih between a Diocefe and a Diocefane Church. V V !• The word Diocefe firft was of civil figniHcation, ar.d (b we have nothing to do with it. 2. It may fignifie a Country of Infidels whom a Minilier of Chrifr endeavoureth to convert ; And fo it is no Chirchof itfelf, nor no part of a Church, if a Church be in it: Cas is pali all quellion.) And fo we deny not but that, i. Every Minifter Ihould convert as many Infidels as he can. 2. That he that isrelidenton the place as Paftor of a Cohabiting Church hath better opportunity than a ftrangcr ufually toconvert the neighbour infidels i Andthcrefore hath more obligation to endeavour it > becaufe men muft divide and order their work as their opportunities do invite and guide them. 3. But yet that God fet no man his Minilicrial Charge by the meafure of ground : And therefore that if flich a City-Bi(hop have a fmaller number of Infi- dels in his territories, than will take up his time and labour (befides the care of his Church) he ought not to confine his labour to them; nor negleft other territories that need his help, but may, mufiand (hould go further in his endeavours, as AiigM\hne and other later Bifhops among theSaxons^ 'notwithltanding the neighbourhood of thcBrittains i and as Wilfrid alias Br,73i/j« among the Germans, e^f. And if any other Mi- nilkr come atnong thelnhdcls in the Territories of a City that hath a Chujcbj while, they have need of fuchhelp, the Biihop were a beaft if he fliQuld : .. ('^3) ftould forbid him on pretenfe that it is his Diocefs whire another hatfi nothing to do. But as unoccupied Countries belong to any occap:nt, fo an Inhdel Country belongeth to any preacher that hath opportunity to convert them. And ii a Diocefane prohibit fuch preaching, he is to be negkded or reprehended, but not obeyed. Yet I deny not, but pru- dence may diredl preachers fas it would do occupants in the aforefaid cafe)todifiribute their labours fo asone may not hinder but help another; But that is not a Law of propriety otherwife than as mutual confcnt ob- ligeth. Andit is, butthedeterminationof circum/iances, and that not about any part of a Church, and therefore nothing to the confUtution of a Church. And asisfhewed, as Chriftfent hisDifciplesout by two and two,{f> the Apoftlcs oft went two together, oranApoftle and an Evangciilt, which (hewed that no one claimed the Diocefs. But ftill, were it othcc- wife,Inhdelsarenotof the Church. C H A r. I X. Whether convert h!g a Dietefi give right to the Converter to l>4 their Bipop crCovcrmur. I; ^TTH. deny not, but that Convcrtsowe a peculiar love and rcfpcd YV fo thofe as their fathers in Chrift which did convert tlicmi which PdfJ claimethot iWCorintbhns. 2, And we deny not but c^trr// tarihus, that man being as ht a man as otiicrs, and his abode being ncar- cr,and his Chcrch being not full, but capable of them, this advantage fhould cndine his converts , to choofe him rather than another for their Pador, But yrt converting them as fich givcth him not aright to g.ivern them as their Paibr , nor nccclVuatttli them to choofe him : As I prove. 1 . Eccaufc a Lay man fcs ^rwiientiits and Eiifmt and Origen, &:c.J may convert men, whoarcnot i'jllorsto themorany- 2. EecaufeConverlion and Baptifn as kich is but mens admifHon in- to the Z^mWi/j/ Church(as in the Eunuchs cafe,^i'f. 8. ismanifclf) and rot into any particular Church; It uniceth them to Chrill , but not^o a • ry particular Pallor •• lor they Baptize not into their own name. 3. Bccaufe whentwoor thrcego togedicrjasF.tfc/and Baniahjt^SHv^ Tmio'hy^Ltike.^c. it is to be iuppoftd that one convertetlvnot all, but one foine and awthcr fomci and therefore if converting gave rig'ic there mull be many BiOicf s and Churches in a place. 4. Bccaulc when a Church is fettled, a (Grange preache* that con?et.\ 11 i ^■.■.i,v C«4) after, yea on; that hath a charge elfewhere, miy convert mmy neigh* bouts, that were not Converted, and yet it will not follow that he muft come, and ftt up. another Church there for that, nor that they muft re> move their dwelling to follow him. ?r. f 'T, 5' Eecaufe a man may ("and abundance of excellent preachers have thtt'an- "done it) convert many fouls in many Countries where they go at great iciti'tb m.f-difunces from each other : But he cannot be the Eilhop of fo many peo- m catcris p]e or Churches fo far difpcrfed. paribus i! ji'ujt to b: chfen fir their Pajl/tr : on n-hkb account Greg. Naxianz. n\i; ch^fen tit Conflanti- nople , /or the Siiccefs "f bis Miriiftiy ag.iinj} Arianifm : And in my Church-iiiflory , / have told you of a Cmncil that decreed, that if a Bijhop negk^ed to turn ary of bis City from here- fie., he that converted them fliould, have them for his flocl^: which flxteab that there might on ]uH cflufc be t't:en mire Bifi.op! and Churches than one in a City \ and that they were not neccffurily measured 5> thecom\tfi of ground, but Church;s might b: mixt aoiDng each other as to kabnatim, on fiich occafions. 6: E.caufc itwould make ituncertain who it is thathath any where theEpifcopal power. ForConverilon is, i.afccrct workkno^yn only to the pcrfon converted. 2. And it is an obfcure and ufuallya gradual' work, not done at once, butbyfuch degrees, that the convert feldome knoweth himfelf who It was that converted him : Tlioughhemay know that one mans minifrry fo far convinced him, and another fo far, and (boav Itwillbe hard tofayjuit when it came to a converlion. And if you fay it is he that perfwadcd him to be baptized, that may be a Jay man, or long after his Converfion. Princes in fome Countries force or perlwadr thouiands to be baptized. If you fay, that it is he that Lipiizcdhwa, t\\zn?aul Ihould be Pafior but to few of i\\zConnthUns., who thanked God that he baptized none ol them but Stephaiius houfliold, Gjius and Crifpus ■■> as b.ing not fent to baptize, but to preach the Gofptl. 7. Bccaufe clCe many perfons (liould be neceditated to choofe a bad or very weak man, if not a hcretick for their Bifhop, when they may have far better and abler men. For it hath been known that a bad Mini- lkr,and aheretical Miniltcr, much more a very weak^Minifter hath con,- vcried men. But God doth not allow fuch converts therefore to cafl their .Souls undcr.tht danger and difadvantagc of fuch a ones Miniltry, or o- vcrfights when much iutcrmay be had. S. Becaufe both nature and Scrip.ture example diredt men to another courfc > that is, i. To be members of the Church where they are coha- bitants, if there be a worthy Paffor ; 2, And to get the belt they can. for cohabitation or proximity or vicinity is necclTary to Church ends, both to publick and private communion and mutual help. But the Mi- iiiHcr that convcrth them may dwell far of!" that. Therefore inc'eed theRcafons why all in a City and vicinity were wont to beot tiie faiiieChur:h fif there were room) was not becaufethat iMinidcr c?inverted ihcm, bucbecauC; they were fit for fuch Communion b.ygohabitatioa... ^.. And, p. And wereitotherwife the Eifhop and his Presbyters preaching (o the fame people, the Presbyter might convert more and become joint Eifliop. lo. And certainly it would unbifliop all the Englifli Bifhopsalmoft that I am acquainted with, uho nether converted thfirDiocefes from l-nhdelity , nor baptized iheni, nor convert many that ever we hearof from a wicked lite, to fcrious hoiincfs : which the Presbyters have done by very many, and fo muft there be made the Bilhops (if they would.) C H A P. X. That d farthulir Cl.unh of the fi'rjl cr loivcji orcla\ miifl cOfi^ ftjl of Ncighlfl.v Ckriflijtjs jff^chilcd fur Pcrdinal Commu- nion in local prefcncc, in holy nw-pip and covvcrfution --i uful 7!ot of J}rut;gres fo remote^ as have Ofilj an htcmal Hcart- Qonnnunioii^ or an External Qonimunion hy the mediation of o- thcrs. LEt it b: here noted Tthat non: dally with the Name [Chiirchl as an equivocal, that, i. I fpeak of no mecr Community of Chriilians, rorof any accidcntall a(Tcmb!y, which have no Paftors, or no intent of facred ends ■■> Call them what you will: But of a proper Chriitian fo- cicty conditutedof the Pjrfgnbn-nans and the Fars gubernatj > thePahor and Flock. 2. That I fpcak not of a Family Church, which eonfrlteth of the Mailer and the Family. 3. Nor yet of the llniverfal Political Church, as vilibleeras myllicall; which conlillcth of ChrilUhc head, and all vi- frble or iinccrc believers. 4. Ncr of any Chrijiijn C/wrc/v/ confined by Agreement for Concord of Chinches^ being many. 5. Nor of any fuch Ciiurch:s accidentaly united in one kingdom, under one king or Civil Governor, whether Chrillian or InHdel.* 6. Nor of many Churches headed by humane appointment with one MetropoHtanc, Primate or Patriack, beingaPa/ior thus exalted by men above the relh y.Noryet of many Churches under one Arch-BiHiop or general Apollolital Vilit!>r or Pallor, clumingthis general overllght by D;vine right fwlxther right- ly or wrongfully I now taki no notice J 8. But the Church which I treat of iSj only the political fociety of Chriltians of thehrrt ranck (and foofaBiihop of the lowed ranck, or a mecrBilhop that isnoArch-B- ihopji. Not of an Oratory, orChapptl ot cafe, where part ofa true Church often meet i but ofa true entire Church of the hrli magnitude or rank. And I take it for granted i. That fuch Churches tlicrv^ftiould b^ 2-. 11 \ and Cn6) and that every true Church (hould have its BilTiop, is V>ockoi Hammwd and many others grant, taking the Church in this political notion > or ir that be not granted I will proovc it further anon. . And that thefe loweft true political or Organized Churches, muft be /Neighbours unit^-J forPerfonal Communion , as aforefaid,! prove. 1, Firfl: from all the Scripture inftances: The Churches at Jeritfalem, > Antiocb^ "Ephefits ^ Corinth &c. were all fuch as is fuller to be opened in the 2d. Part. 2 , From the inftances of all the Churches of the hrft and fccond .age, of which alfo more is after tobefaid. ■ 3. Fromthedutyesof Church members, which arc as followcth. I. To alTcmble together for Gods publick fervice i AS. 4. Hcb. iq. 25. I. Cor. 14.' ^^c. And how can they do this that arc utterly out of reach, and never know or fee each other .'' .' 2* To have the fame Paftors that are among them, and over them, and preach to them the word oi God, and go before them by the example of aa holy life. 1 Ihef. 5. 12, 13. Heb. 13. 7, 17, 24. i Tim. 3, 6, "]■,&-•' And how can they hear the Paftors that never Preach to them, or beGuidedby thofethat never fee them,or follow their example whom they never knew, or come for counfel to them that are out of their reach and knowledg ? 3, To fend to their Paflors when they are fick, to pray with them, 31. d advife them : which they cannot do to them that are out of their reach. Jam. 5. 4. To provoke one another to Love and to good works, and toconfider c n; another ( Kdletvivfji^ ) to that end .■ A word ihit figni- ficth kiwreledgeand more, even Objervation oi^thit which wefeeorknow. In which and f. 25. faith Dr. Hammond [_Let us iveigh and confider all advantages ive can have Hpon one another to f revoke and excite one another to Charity and all anions of piety .^ fuel} as are joyning in the publick^ fervice. And not fuffcr our Jelves to proceed fo far toreards defections as to give over the fttblick^ ajftmblies, (the forfahlng ofjvhich is not is not only defining the pub- lick^ profejfmn of Chri'J, but aljo of the mcanes of growth in grace) but Jiir up one another to the performance of tins'] All which fuppofc propinquity, and andconlhl not with the dill^ice of uncapable ftrang:rs. Heb. 3.13. 7o cxhoi-t one another daily ivhile it is callcdtJ d.iy., lefi any be hardened by tie Je(e:tfitlncJsof fin. Which we cannot do by men of another Countrcy, with whom we have noconverfe. Allisplainly exprcffcd, i T/jf/"5. 1 1. 12, 13. JFberefore comfort your felves together^ and cdife one another even as alfo ye do. And ive befeecb you ■brethren to knotvthem which labour aimngyotf^^aiid are ozeryou in the Lord, and ■admon/Jh )OHyand to cjhcmth:m very highly in love, for their vpoih^ fake, and to he zt peace among your felves. But how can they comfort tlien;fclves to- gether that never came together, or fee each other '' There can no peace i>Lit Negative be among them, thit are not among eachother, and have noccnvfirtc. They cannot cdilie utter flrangcrs. Howcau Iknuvvthe B:/hpp C'27y) Bifhopofthe Dioccfe vvhoneverfawhim, nor ever had opportunity to feehim, tholliveabout an hundred miles neerer him ( being at LortJjn) than feme parts of his Diocefc are ? I know thofe that Libjur amm^^Ks m this Parifh, but the Billiop never laboured among us, nor was hcr^ that ever I heard ofv nor do I know one in the Parilh, that ufctli not to T'ravaHc, that ever faw him, and few that by hcatfay know his name. Kom. 15.7. I'i- Receive ye one another as Chriji alfo received its^ tjt!:e GhryofGnd, 6. That ye may tpith nne mind and »ne mouth glorifie God — •— ofwhichfatth Dy. Hammond, [That ye mty joyn unanimoujly Jews <«'!./ Gentiles intoone, andjffcmbUngtozcther, worfhip.tnd firve the Lord, wherefore in all htimdity of condejcenfwn and kjndnefi, embrace andfitccour one another^ help them up tvhen they are fallen, injlead of defpifvig and driving them from your communion z*. 1 4. \_Able alj'o to adminipj one another fo Col. 3.15. Teach- ing and admonifhing one another in P films, and Hymns dut more of this in the 2d. part. 5. Lalily it is their part to admonifh a brother that offcndeih, and if hchearnor, to .rake two or three witncflTts, and if he hear not to tell the Church Mjtth. 18. 15. ("of which fee Dr. Hamnonh Annot. and ofthe Kcys^. But all this rcquircthperlbnal knowledge and propin- quity. Obj . It is not neccjf.iry to the being of Church members, th.it eicry one that is a Church member k^onf them : many in London knoiv not their next Neigh- bours. Anf I Speak not. i. Cf the A(fV, butof tlie Toirer ox Capacity zn<\^ \hcRel.ition with its end. 2. I fpcak not of every member, but of fo great a part as denominatcth the Church. I. As a Pallor who by licknefs or other impediment prcachcth not of a longtime, niay yet be i Pallor, becaufc he hatii. i. The Power. 2. And a Relation whofe end is the Inllrudting of the Flocit. 5'. And he intcndcththc exercifeas foon as the impediment is removed (or iflijy- ncfs or any.culpable neglcd be the caufc, that altereth not the natuit oftheoriicc, but provcth him faulty^: So a member that is. 1. Cap- able. 2. Related to the end, may be a member , though ncglcttt or im- pedimentskeep them from the cxcrcifc of much of that which they o- therwifcmay do. He that dwtileth in the Neighborhood maydoall theft Offices to another, if he- wil!,whcn opportunity callcth for it i atid therefore may be fo obliged to it : But fo cannot he that dwclleth our of reach. Citizcn^or members of Corporations arc in'a capaci.'v. 'or offices belonging to the focety, though fome may ncgleft thcm.and others want opportunity to do tlrcito but one out of reach is uncapablc ot the duty and therefore uncapableci the Relation, which is made vpoUyUgaiion ro th; t duty when there iscaufc. The Relation is cffentially a Poivcr SlXxS obligation to the Duty : And the Vijpofjtio matcriitis ncceffary to the reception of the fjrtne. He therefore that is not in a capable means.by co/v/'/^.?t/i7;/, is not fff^tctij.^ (ll^J Hjjtma difpofita,:xT\d can neither have Potver nor cMigation to the diityes of a Church member tovyaras the reft, and fo cannot have the Relative lorm, or be indeed a men:bcr. And therefore all that write judiciouf- ly of the dehnitionof a particular Church, do maiie Propinquity or Cohabitation, to be the Difpfitio miterix fine qiu uon-, From which rhey are called P.:r/Jhioncrs. They are> not a Chnrch bccaiife a P^rz/^j but tlieyaie ihcrefore the materia diffofita zs to this partot the capacity extrinllck ( Chriliianity bting it that maketh them intrinfecally lit ma- terials J. .2. And Idfnynot but feme fe\v members may be feveral waies un- capable naturally of the ordinary offices of members : Some by infancy, feme by diftradtion, fome by iickncfs, fome by the rellraint of Parents Maiicrs or Husbands, andfome by aretireddifpoiltion, &c. And lome Churches may be fo iinfully over-great, as that the nrmber hindereth many of the members from a capacity of the ordinary duty of the re^ lation i which is the cafe of fome great Pariflies in London: But either thi.) is the cafe of the greater part and main body of the Society, or bL,t cf a few. If but of a few, it may prove it a difordcn-d Chr.rch, but it cannot prove it no Church ■, no more than a few Heretic'ks can denomi- nate the Church Heretical^ or a few mad , or leprous pcrfors, can de- nominate it mad or leprous, cr than the family of 2V/7j/j, Vjvid^ Chrijl^ •was denominated from a C/7.2/K, an Jbfolom^ z Judas. Eurifit be the main body ( though in intrinlickqualihcations, the Church may be de- nominated from the better 'pzn fom,etimes and not from the greater, yet^ in sxtrinfick qualifications, it is now to be denominated a Church only from the Paftor and that number who are capable of the relation fas being the two conllitutive parts ) and all the relt are none of the Church; And if there be no fuchWj) united to the Pallor for true Church ends, and capable of them, it is no Church. Obj. But it is enough to ma\e one Church, if they he all united in one Bijli- ■0/) or Gevernour ^though their dijhince make them uneatable of kno:vuig one ano- ther, and doing tvhat you have defcribed . Anf. It is enough indeed to make a Church of zxioxhcx fpcciis^ fuch as I before named, either the Catholick Church through oat the world, or a Chi:rch compofed of many particular Churches (if it maybecalkda ■Church ) : Bccaufe their Communion is not to be Lo.-al or prefint^ nor to the ends of a particular Church i but only intrindeal inhaithahd Love, and cxtrinfical by Delegates or Mediators, hut tliis is not enough -to the bei/:g ot a Church of the fiill order which now we fp^ak of, vvliich ■fhould have a Bilhopof thtir own, and is not compcfcd of many united Churches. lorelfe the Church of a Patriarkor a Primate, or an Arch - Bifliop or Mttrcpolitane, fhould be a Church gt the lirfl order, and have no church or Bifliop under it. For fuch a Church is tniited in one Go- - vtrncur. (To fay nothing of the Papa! Church, which yet pretend- .edir.ot to depofcallBifliops.j Therefore the unity of the Govcrnoux win C>29) will notfufficcofit fcirtomakc one Primary Church i though it may make one Compounded or General Church conteining many Churches and Bifhops. 2. .\nd the nature of the thing telleth us, that as the Teffple, have their Vutici and Trivilidgts as well as the Paftors, fo the people mufi be united among themfelves, by fomc common Relation, conteining Pmxr ofand(?W/^jf/o« to that duty, and capacity of thatpri- viledge : Which ispaftall li/urtttamong knowing men. Therefore an uncapable body cannot be made one Primary Church, by the unity of a Prelate. 3. But as we diHinguifli of a Church fnigle and compounded of many, particular and GentraL Primary and Seco'id try, (all whicii termcs f ufe to be clearly underllood^, fo do we alfo ot Bifliops or Pallors : which are particnlar Eiftiops of one Church , or General Bilhops o( mmy Churches. Of the Hdlfort we confefs all that isfaid pofitively, that is, that one fuch Bifhop mzVcxh one Chttrch. Bccaufc the very nature of his oflicc, as (hall be after fhewcd, doth luppofc a capable focicty. It being his office in prcfencc perfonally to condud them \ which a General dill- ant Bilhop cannot do, fo that indeed, one Prefcnt Palhr for more) of iflock^ by ChrijtiaNity and Vicinity cipMe, and by confent united with him and one amther for prefential Communion in pHhtickjPOijJjip and holy converfa^ tian, are the con/titutive paits by which a Primary Church iselTcntiatcd and muH be defined. Obj. Eut (ven the Preshyterimf fay that mar.y rvirfhiping congrtJitioni miy mj.ke up one Governed Church, though each congregation have ordinary Communion in the Sacrament, &c. amvig themfelves dijiinU from the reji-, becaufe ihiy m.ty he all united in the Government of one Preslytcry. And our ordinary Panfljes have Chappels in them, and yet are one Church. Anf. I. Wemult be excufcd tiom fubmitting now to the opinions of Pra^yiiT/j/i/oranyother party, while we are giving an account of our own judgment in the cafe. 2. The Prf/t)ffr/iy. But muft we therefore remove all diilindion of Families, orforfake the old and ufual definition. The fame I fay of Trimary perticttlar Churches. Stepney Parifh ox GiliT Criplegjtc, or Martins in the fields may be fo great, as to make a doubt of it, v/hethcr they are (Ingle Churches i and fo may fomeLa>ics. lihirt Parifhes, that have very diftant and large Chapelries. But (hall the djfeafc or extaordinary cafe, or dic(Eulty of fuch a Parifh, make us change the old and true definition of a Church? And thus fome Presbyterians have argued from the Mul titude of Con- verts at ymz/i/ew; and Ephcfuf, that they could not be one particular Church, fo as to meet all in oneplaccfwhich is the common and ilrongcll objedion againli us J. But i, undoubtedly there were many Grangers, there, that were ready to pafs away to other places. 2, And the' Spirit Itnew tliat the Church was quickly by pcrfecution to be (cattercd. 2 . And on a fuddain there was not time to fettle them in exa(fl order,as after- ward they did in all the Churches. AUs, i^. 23. But many Apodlcs being there they might tranhently have divers meetings at once, 4. And the rumber anddiiiance ot them all was no greater then might con()/t with the (brcmentioned Church Ends and definition. They that meet one day with one Apolilc, might meet the next day with another, and might have fcrfoul Comniiinion and Coiaerfation. And 5. The text faith that they did meet all in one place: and asDofflor fhrnmond aiorecked faith, they deny the plain text that do deny it : they were not diftri- buted into divers aHcmbles i and ^hcl_All'] that meet togetber^matt mean the greater pjrt. oh he Church members at oncc. And I my (elf have Preache d - toa Con^regation/uppofcd by underftandingpcr fons in it,tQ be (ix thou - sand, and all to have h eard ; and as many more might have heard the next day : and io twenty thoufand might make a Church, when vicinity m^ke- ingthe proper works ot the facred Minidry, from thofe that are Ptf«»/W7ji . t© other merjind.thcfe that are but Accidents or Circum^!|antial. As a Bi- fcop may plow his land, or. build his houfe, or faddle his horfc, .by an- other, (b I doubt not but he may appoint another to toll the EdJl to Church to cover the ho]y Table, to receive CoIIcdiions, to read Proclamations,, to keep the Church doors, to repair the building, to bring .relief to the , Ppo»} to de. that. abQucfaaed-.tkingSy. which is comraoa to, Lay men , 03O withMinifictsi even to read the Pfalm , tocliufeir, to fet the tune, fo publifli Marriages, to name to the people the times of meeting, to read the Scriptures, to be mcfTcngcrs to fummon accufcd offenders, to tell the Church, to fummon witnefTcs, to hear witnciTes and conftiTions > All thcfe he may appoint a fervant or another to do, bccaufe they are but accidental to his Office, and no part of his proper work > but that his proper rrorl^ muft be done by himfclf^ and tiiat as prefent ordinarily with the people whom he Governcth, the enumerations of the particular will evince. 1. The work of fuch a Ei(hop is Publick in the facred Aflemblies. 2. Or out of the Aflcmbiics by way of applicatioon to particular Tctfonsand ca(es. 1. In the Afllmblics, i. It is the Eithopsoffice tobc the c/iA/ Ttjci.- f '■of the Church i to preach, inlkudf, exhort and comfort them ufually himfelf i And when he doth if not himfclf to appoint another, and- judge of his performance. CUhall rcferve the proof to the 2d. part, where all. this is to be reviewed to a further ufc.^ And this is the work cfoncthatis prcfcnt. 2. He is to be the mouth or Interccfibr of the' people, as a PrieH un- der Chrid the Great high Priell and Interccffor : To pray in the Af- fcmbly, to be their mouth in the common confcirion of fins : Topraife God and give thanks with and for thcin s to whom they are to joyn in confcHt with their Amenjfat lea/Lj And this is the work oii pre/cat Per- fon. 3. He is to Baptize and admit per fons into the vifible Church i Or to tr) andjudgwho is ht tobc Baptiycd, and to admit them by (bme otherMiniflerof'Chritl vbut hecan neither Baptize, nor try and judge particularly who is to be baptized fat Icalt of the Adult J unlcfs he he prefent and know the pcifons, and hear his confetlion and receive his claime. 4. He is to Celebrate the Supper of the Lord , to confecrate the Bread and Wine, to be the Mcflcngcrof Chrifl in his name to deliver them as his body and blood, and the Seals of his Love, and of Remif- lionof fms unto the people, and ib to commemorate his death till he come, and as his Steward to give his lioufelhold meat in feafoni but this is all the work of a Prcfcnt znd not an abfcnt ?erfin. 5. Fie is to be the judge of theclaimc and titleof the pcrfons that come to the Churches Communion', to fee that Intidels and incapable pcrfons be not there, which isncK well done by one that is not ordinari-- ly prefent, even inthe Adminifkation tofee to whom it is admini- #red. 6. He is to be the chief publick reprover, andadmoniOier of Scan- dalous, pcrfons by name, who are fo to be openly reproved and admo- nilhcd in the Church, which hc cannot well do if he be not in the Church- hin;fdfi,. S"3_. ; __. 7' He 094) ' * y. He is to be the chief publick Excommiinicator of the obflinatcly wicked, todcclare before all that fuch a pcrfon is uncapable ofcom- iTiunion with the Church : which is not well done by one that is not there to do it i as fhall anon be further opened. 8. The fame is to be faid of publick Ablolution, when the Penitent is piiblikelv taken into the Church, or judged and declared to be ';-^fj"^Abfoivtd. /.^rtcVthe P- And the blcding of the people- in the name of the Lord, at the (huw'}, .dilmidionofthe AfTtmbly hathof old been referved to the Bifhop as his rrcancrh part which is to be done by one that is there prefent. *''"/'r/.r"' ^ ^- ^'^'^ ^^ ^^^ ^^°^^ ^'^^ ^^ Application to perfons and cafes which arc ^cmblyor ^°^^ done out of the AlTembly, i. To be at hand for the peophto inulntkdi, repair to in their greater doubts for refokition, and grcateft difKcul- rt;ia'"5fo)i/y ties for dircdion (asa Phyfician arnongthe lick) is not the lead part |°^'''p-'^^'*_'ofthetrue Eifhops work. And this rcquireth his ufual prefence and fan Bi(}iop fome acquaintance ufually with the perfons life; No man will expedt that fwhcn per- all fuch doubting people travaile to a ftrange Bifliop many fcore mifcs h.ips om diftant, or out of their reach. '""'6^' 7« ^' To hearthcconfetrions and cafes of burdened penitent fouls and mcUh'im), fo dired thein in the true way to peace and comfort, i's a fpecial part of fee Grotius the Bifhops work befidcs his refolution of Docffrinal doubts which rc- himfeijin quireth piefence, and acquaintance (ufually) with the pcrfbn. hisAnmr. .j^ is part of the Bifhops work to watch over the peoples converft- cntbe lext . ■' i^, ii- • ^ \ r /-ii imdh'is f'on, and to Ice that they live not in mortal Imsor Icandalous courfcsi p-oojoutof and to rf prove them that do, anddraw them to repentance. And all Tcrrullian this is a prefent ptrfoHS work^ "sei'dt"' '^- ^^^^ ^^^ Bifliops work to fee tliat the families of the flock be or- ErJ'mus t^e=rcd in the fear of God, and that Parents and Mafkrs do their duties, m the pl.ice. 2nd indulge not wicktdnefs in their houfes, which isalfoa prefent per- And many [q^S work. "he7/me ^' '^ '^ the Eilhops work to vifit the fick and to "pray ^ith and for 'though /ciOTcfbem, vvhich requireth prefence.. the Church to be only the Bifliop, w m others the Pi esbytery. Rutlierfords contrary reafin is but a full.icy, 1'/^. [Toe [.•-.me Church ihit tm<(i be heard mull be told, but it is not the Cm^rcgatiw but the Elders that mull be heard. Ergo Sec, Anf. T.e Church confij^ing of the Paftor and people inufi be told, and they have all ears that without confufn can hear at once, hat they camnt without conUtfion afl fpeal^ at oncc^ there- fore one mufl fpeal^for all. For this argument would c^'jually prive that it is not any Frcsbitery or Cmrt, or mam Mniflers that (Inuld he told, if it be but etie that is to fpealf^ to the' (inner : And it it not iiecejjary that they all fpeal^ to him. As the chief Judge fpeakctb fir all the Bench, and the PmlocKtor for all the S)nod, and yar the Court ox Synod may b.e cotriflajned to ; fo is it hear: Tse fame nan may fee with tivo eyes and hear with two ears, and yet fpeai^ but with one tongue f)et this reaj h once deceived me. J Seeing then that Chrili, infiitutidi thus much of difciplinc in etch particufar thurcb , h is dear •that by his in(iitktian every («rticuLir Church faf\idated for. prcfential Com>pnnionJ f^mdd hofyc^ifg srtnore pajhrs aiiibrriXfd jor Jo milcbdijcif line \vkicb is that which we plead for, , *• , ,, €. It Ci}5) 6. It is the Bidiops work to ftir up the people tliat areduU and back- ward to their feveral duties, in piiblick and in private, and to provoke thcin to love and to good works which is the work e(p:cially of frefmt and rotofabfcnt men. 7. And it ishisduty tohavea fpecialcarcofthepoor, and tofecthat. they be relieved > which he will r.evcr do well in abicnce ar.d to the un- known. 8. And it is confclTcd to be the Eiiliops work to admonifh the un- ruly , to reprove and exliort ungodly perfons , to convince gain- faycrs, to hear the accufcd fpcak fur thcmfeivcs, to licar what accufcrs and vvitneffcs (ay againii them j which rcquireth prefcnce, as (hall be further Ihcwn anon. Obj. Other mtii miy exitffiiteivitncjfu and reprove offenders ■> therefore this may be committed to another. Anf. Other men may doit on another obligation, in another manner, to another end: But to do it froin the Paltoral obligation, in a Pa- firral manner; to Palioral cnJ>, is proper to the Paltors of the Church. Obj. A BiJJjnf) may recehe accufit ions by prepntmenit, or by informatioii^ and m.i)i fummon offenders^ examine iriinejjes, and jiid^e at a dijlance of per' fans that an to him unl^wtvn. Anj. He may do what he can that way, when neceility hindcreth him from doing better, but not with any true fatisfa.caufe the title depcndcth not on the moral qualities of the perfons: And in criminal cafes where the quefti- on to be judged or rcfolved i<;,w!icthcr the pcrfon Ihall live or die, or fhall be fined, imprifoned, banifhcd or not, the cafe may be judged of unknown ptr(ons fccundmn allegata & probata : For outward puniihments muft go upon outward proved crimes, and the Judges can poiribly do nf thcjujinej} of the excommunication. Anf.i. In the nature of the thing, they go together, and are thework of the fame perfons; And therefore 2fr/«///j« allureth us, that in his time, Dikipline was cxercifed in the Church-meeting, when they had been worlhipping God- 2. Who is either fo ht,or fo obliged to fatishethc Church of the Ai^, as he that dotli it, and hath examined all theCaufc ? A parilh Miniltcr cannot bring any unwilling perfon to come over to fpeak witli him, ( not that we would have him have a forcing power: buthccannotdo his own Minillerial part, whichis torttufc to be the Paftor uf fuch a man as refuftih to fpeak with him at all, or to take him for hisPai]o/,ror totorbcar hiii (elt to give him the Sacrament^: fo that he that neither heard the examination oi the Caufe by tixChan- cellor,nor perhaps c:.n iiaveany fpeech with^the perfon, or at leall with the Accufer, or any of the Witnefles, is very unht tojuliitic another mans ad, and to (Jtishe the Church that it is well done ••> niuch lefs to exhort theortender to repent, who to him perhaps (\i h.r vouchfafe to fpeak to iiimj will ji.ltif.c his ovvncaulc, when he cannot call witnefies to con- vince him. And (^to'fpcak to that wliicii is our common cjfc) wc liave few perfons excon municaied (" that ever I fiw or knew of in for- ty years time) lave only the Cc'tifciemious perlons beforcmchiioncj ; And when the parilh Minilier ott lakcth. them lur ihc »;odlieh pcifuns in ills Parilh, and thcEilhop 01 Chancellor excoir.municatts them aslmpc- T nituc («38) nitent fchifmatick), how (Viall fuch a parifh Minifter ial>ilig thaf, and fi- tisHe the perfon or people of the juflice oF it, which he himfelF la « mcntcth as a hainous lin, which tendeth to the diiripation ot hi s HocE But I come nearer to enquire into this off dating per c^'ium by which inabfent Bijhop is fuppofcd to do his office in the feveral Parilhes of his Diocefe. * I. That alias or Official is either a Laymtn^ or a Clergyman. 2. If a Clcrgymj/i, he is either one of the fame Order mth the Bilhop or another. 3. Either it is the mecr accidentals of his facred fundion, which he cnmmittcth to another, or the /ro/jcr ^4^/ of it. 4. Either hispra bac vice in fonae cafe of neceffity, or it is as by an ordinary ftated OUi- dal. ' r; If it be a Layman and the work be but Accidental or Extrinfick to the facred fundion, I grant that he may do it; But for fuch works we need no Bi(hop : For what a Layman may do when he bids him, he may do when the King cr his Magiftrates bids him. This is not the thing in queftion. But if it be a proper Paftoral A7, this Layman that doth it, either receiveth from theBiJhop porver and obligation to do it^or not. If not^ he cannot do it as his Official ; If he do, ihen he is a Pa- ft or or EiJJ} op himf^lf, and \s Ordained-, and Co no Layman: For I provoke any diflTenter living to tell me wherein the facred office Cor any other J iicth, but in a Power ("or Authority) and an Obligation to do the proper reork^ of that office, fo th^t undeniably here isa contradiftion. And if any were of opinion that pro tempore in a cafe of n'^ceffity a Layman might do any Minifterial facred a even that every Church (liould have an fordi- rarily J prefcnt Biffiop. But if he be fuppofcd to be but of an inferi- or Order, then I proceed as before v either the Bidiop giveth \\im power and obligation to do the proper reoT\ of the Bifhopor not ; If not, he is not hereby enabled to do it. If yea, then he' hath thereby made him ■a-Eilhop : For to be a Bifhop is nothing elfe than to have Authority and i>bligation to do thQ proper wor^ of a Bifhop. But if it be but znAcci» d!f«t{»i or a co»j»B(7// work, which another may do, it is not that in que- iiion, nor do we need the Office of a Biilwp for if* - — _ . , Morf"^- 039) Moreover either theBirtiop pro hie & khuc washimMf obliged to do ibat ^fif which lie committcth to another, or not he but the d//ay was by cffice obliged to do it. It he himftU was obliged to do it,he finned in not doirg it. If he werenot,it wasnot truly his adt or part of hiso/^Uce work; nor did he do it by another, but that otherdid only his own wcrk i (or which not the Bi(hop,but he (ball have the reward. Ob). But doth not he tbatfcndcth his fcrvant top.iy a debt, himfelfin Laiv- fenfe pay it per alium ? rphat another doth ai his Injlrumeiit, rcputativcly he doti himjdf. Anf I grant it i bccaufc it is none of the debtors proper work, nor is he at all obliged to it, to bring the nioney and deliver it hinifcit", but to caufe it to be delivered ; Therefore in/in^/z/zg it, he doth all that he is obliged to do, and when another is his inltrument, if is fuppofcd that he is not obliged him(elftodo that which his instrument doth, but only tocaiifc the doing of it, by himfelforanlnlirumcnt, ashcplcafe: fo thatftil this is notliing to the cafe of a work that is proper tothcBi- fliops Office. Obj. But Tve therefore grant tliat it is not proper to the Eijhnps Office to £uer toothers to do all the facred ads of cHicc, he may give others power to ordain ; and il fo, then Oruinaiion will be like Preaching, Sacraments, and pifcipline, whick are none of them proper to the Bilhops order, .o vi^. .,j- 0^6) And is not Church difcipline the exercifeof the power of the keys ? If then the power of the keys may be exercifed by the Presbyters , whene- ver the Biftiops pleafe, itfecms it is common to them, with him, aswell as Sacraments, and chereforebelongethnottoaBifhopasaBifliop, butas a Presbyter. * Difwf of ^^^ '^ '" '"y difpute of ordination ■* I have fully proved that the church Go- P^^^^ of the Minifiry is given by Chrift fo farimmediatly, as that it \cr. 2. paflTeth not through the hands of Eledors or Ordainers to the rcceiver,but is given by the meer Inllrumentality of the Law or inftitution, and that the Elcdlors and Ordainers do no more than determineof the quah'rted pcrfon that receives it.and publickly invert him,or minifterially folemnize his PofTeffion, (as the BurgefTes chufe, and the Steward or Recorder invefteth the Major of a Corparation, whofe power floweth immediatly from the Charter granted by the King jthen all this conrroverlie is at an end ; and I doubt not but that's fully proved. And if commanding another to do an office work be all that is proper to the Billiop, I ask rvbether any thing there be poper te him -' and fo whether we muft have fuch an office ) For may not the King command the Mi- niikr to doall the work which belongeth to his function :^ rnay he not appoint Magilkates, and make Law to command it ? may he not punish thofe that do it not .'' Is he not cuftos utriufq; tahnLe ? and muir he not cored mal-adminifiration in minilkrs, and drive them to do their duty ? No doubt hemiy. Obj. But he duth not ordaineMinifters^ though hzcommmd them to do their dnty Tvhen ordained, <■ . Anf. 1. Our prefcntqueftion is not about Ordination, but comrHand- ing men to Govern the Church by Difcipline or fully to Rule by the Keys the people of a particular Church. It thisfo far belong to the Presbyters office that he may do it by theBiftiops Licence, let him that can, tell me why he may not do it by the Kings Licence ? and then fas they were wont to fay of old) exceptaordinatione^ nothing but ordination only is pro- per to the Bifhops office. And that this is not proper neither, i. This objedinn it felf doth in- timate, feeing the Bilhop may give another Poive-r taordaine: Cand then why may not the King? ) 2. Many of the Schoolmen, and the Papifts thcmfelvesconfcfs , that the Pope (fay fome ) , or PrelatesCfay otheis ) may impower an Abbot or Presbyter to ordaine, of which fee that un- anfwerable book of Voetius de.defierata canfa Pjpjtris againfi JjnfeniHS lor Presbyters ordination. 5. And our Church of E«g/j«icaufeth Pref- byters to impofe hands with the Biniops,and Biffiop Dow^jaw aforecited is angry with his anfwerer, for fuppoling that he pleaded for fole power of ordination in the Bilhop, when he fpakebut foracheifpower. And if nothing but a chcifpomer in ordaining be proper to a Biffiop ■■, 'why then are the Churches fo confounded, and beggered, and altered, by a. contrary practice? And why is anewofficeofiBjlhopsfet up-ihtlrc / - world ('40 world ? whofe work is to hinder the MinKlersofCnriflfrom their offic- work,under pretence of a power of Licenling them to it ? when God liccn- ceth them to the work, when he calleth them to that oifi.-e, which effenti* a!lY,confilieth in 2 poivenndObligit/pn todoit,wheH theyhave opportunity Moreover m/ Lord B.icin in his confiderations hath wcH mar.ifcftcd (if impartiall wife men could have bin heard _) that the ofHcc of a Bilhop is z'fmciion conlilling in the exercife of pe'-fo/ull skilly or abilities: and therefore mull be done by him that hath them, and not committed to an- other, as the office of ajudg, or Lawyer, of a Fliilitian, of a Tutor , &:c. no man choofeth a Tutor or Philitian mcerly to fend another to him for his Tutor or Fhifitian, but 10 do the work himfclf. It is not like the place of a King, whofe right dcpendcth not on his parts or skill, bccaufe he may Govern by others that are able. And Grotius (who one would think by their refped' tt him^ (hould have been regarded by thcm^ truly faith i/e /'»/»er/(7 /««. />7/rif. Pag. 2p:i [Nam lllud ]^^uodqtiis per ilium facit^fcrfe fjccre videtur] ad ear tjntitn pert/net aHiones qujfitm canfa efficiaif proxiitu a jure indefiriit.t eft ) that is | For ibis Jjyinf^. That tvhofe a man doth by another. he feemetb to do hy himfelf, be^ Inngcth only to thofe jdions^ivbich neerejl efficient caufe is not dCj'ined hv the Ljtv] Eutfurc when God made the Palloral ofHcc, he meant that the perfons called to if, fhould do the work and not only appoint other men to do if. And I would know whether the work of a Presbyter (as to confccrae and celebrate the Sacrament &cjmay be done per j//«w, by one that i; no Presbyter. If not (as all fay not^ then I ask, whether the Bilhoo'^ work or the Presbyters be the more ficrcd? If the Presbyters, then his Office is more facred : If the Eiffiops for both alike) then that Bilhops work, may no more be done per alium then the Presbyters. Moreover I know no Bilhops but would willingly be more FvcfpcCled and Honoured than the Prcsbjtcrs, and if they ditire, it Ihould bconly by way ot/f.:r,thry neither think or wi(h like Minifiersof Chrili, nor like fober men. But it by way oflove,who /^wn-f//) not rvbjt ^dvjntjgc the pre- jcnt pallor hath above the abfent, cataris paribus, to get the peop'cs love ? and Paul would have it to be fo, iThef. 5. 12, 13. Jt it thfe that Labour among thenz and admoniJJi them, whoin they mil} ejiecm highly- in jLffi'e, not for their titles and dignities, hutfor their rpork fake. And who knowcth not that he rhat Lovcth a man for Preaching the word o( {'i\\\\. ticnto himjs likelier to c ome to him, whofe doflrine daily edihctli h'm , and ccmforteth him, than to him whom one of a hundred of his Dioccfc never heard 3 ^"rmon o r a good word from, in all their lives ' If it be ■ ior tiK' v\or k luke that they mult or will be Loved, isnothe liker cobe niofl Loved whci is Hill withtiicm, arid praycth and praifeth God will) them, and comtortcth, and conrirmeth them, an d rcfolvetl i theirdoubrs . ai;d quictcth their troubled Conlciences, and vilitcth them inhcknc(> , and takcth care of the poor, and viiircth ih: m from houfe to houfc, tha n he tliat once or nerer came amosg them, and is uuknnown i * And if the • ' T 3 people . (IJ^lJ rpcople be Rcbdlious and wicked, it is the prcfent Pajlor who (hall be moft }iati.d and oppofcd (which if it be for Chrill is a good and comfortable thing, and hath a fpccial promife A/>2f. 5,10. 11, 12. ) And ihatPaftor who is molt beloved of the p^ood people, and mort hated by the bad, is ' he that will Jo moll e,ood for n.cns falvation, and will have moll comfort ill his Soul, a-nd at I'alt the grcatefl reward from God > and that is c£tcrit paribus the prdcnt Pallor . . And it were %vorth the noting fif blind men would fee) that this is our great reafon of theccmtr.on calamities of the Churches : that when the bcft of the people love their /'a/f/;* faithfull Pajlors and the worft /wJe them n'.oll,ar.d/«t'e beft the Abfent Bifhops that trouble thtm (as they do the dead Saints for whom they keep holy daicsj thcle wicked people fly to the Eifhop and feck to make the frefent Pallors ftilpeded, or odious to him, as Schiimatlcks, or fuch as are againft the Bifhops mind and honour; and becaufe thefe Villains Love the abfent Bifhop better then theprefent Pafors, therefore the Bifhop Cthat knoweth them not but by hearfayj taketh fuch for the honefteil men in the Parifli, and fo taketh their words againlttheMiniilers; andftothe utmoft of my experience I fpeak it>r- dinarily, that Minilkr fhall pafs with the Bifhop for a Schifmatick, a Puritan, a fcditious Felluw, or a flark knave, let him be more Learned than Hicrom, more induflriouS than AMguftin, more holy than Macarius^ or at leall as fufpeded of thefe crimes, whom the flattering malignant, will fo reprclent to him : efpccially if he be a fenfual Gentleman,that can- not endure to have his lulls and licentioufnes reproved, or controlled by a Miniller of Chrill. And when thefe lies and flanders have encoura- ged the ungodly -accufcrs by their fuccefle, while they engage the Bifhop againll the prefent Pallors, and caufe him to turn their troubler, hin- derer or perfccutor, then is the Prelate and the Pallor become as enemies, whole interefls are grown inconfillent, and then they come tohave their feveral Parties, and the debauched take one lide, and the fober and religious the other, and what followeth upon this, he is mad in this .age who is ignorant after fo great exprrience. But 1 fliall add more of this lubjedl in the Chapter following. C H A P. X I L The jujl ppcfiing af:d trnderjiandiNg of the trite nature of the Pajtcral ojfuc and Church Government^ Xfonldend theje (on^ iroverftes about Epijiopacj. He name oi Church Government fo' far deceiveth undifiinguifiiing grofs cr inconiiderate wits, as that they take the controverfie to be 0\-i) but whether we fliall have order or anarchic, C!tvjrch Government or none. As if neither the MagiftratesGovernreent oftl'c Sword were any thing, nor yet the Paftors Government by the word. But I would fain knowof thcfe men what more it is that they would have, and what is the Church Government which they fo much contend for ? T. \%\x. ^x\V nmrfjl Legijl.it ion} It is high and damnable Trcafon a- gainrt Chrill for any mortal men to claime it. UnivcrUl Lcgillitioa is the prerogative of the Univerfal King. There is noUniverlil King but Chril't, wiio elf- isGovernour of all tlic world or all tiic Churches in the world!* And Chrill hath in nature and Scripture given the world already an Univerfal Law. If he hath doncitwell, take not on you to amend it. If you fay he hath done it ill, cither take not on you to beChrilHans, or elfe call your fclf the Chrid , tiiatis Anti-Chrill, if you will take Chrifls place and take uponyou to amend his work. If jou dreain of an Univerfal Pope or General Council as having this power, you will but inakc true Anti-Chrillsof them, and foolilhly con- found a humane conllitution with a Divine, and the Ko;«w Empire with j// thcn-orld. For you are ignorant in Charch Hidory if you fee rotplainly that Popes, Patriarks, and Primates (land all on the fame foundation-, And that both they and Councils (fallty called, General,) were b.it Imperial, or conHned to one Princes Dominion, called or ruled ufually by the Emperours, who had no power in other Prince? Territories : No Councils conteining any conliderable members, but fuch as were in that one Empire, or formerly had been of it, ard fo ki pt the cuflomc which then they had received, except that the Rom:ns pli- ccd one Bifhop on the borders of .fnf/vj or Tjrt.?ry, and one on the bor- ders of Pcrfu, in hope that he might have inliucnce further into the Countries, and rarely one or two fuch might beat a Council c,:l!ed General, fo that certainly there is noUnivcr'al Law-giver or Judgcb.it Chril). This therefore is not the Churcii Government of B.Ihops which men contend for. 2, what is it then, is it an Univerfal Expofition of the Scripture orofChrillsLaws ?\vhy antxpotition truly Univerfal is ft r Regulation as the Lawit felf: And none ever had fuch power (even in civil Go- vcrnment_) b.it the Law-givers thcmfclvcs: Elfc the Expolitor of the Lawcs fhould be King, and not the maker, feeing it is his fence that the fubjcdmufi be ruled by. But if it be a particular decifrve cxpoliti- on which you m cane, fuch as a JuJge in deciding particular controvcr- ■ lici, Khali fay more to that anon. . ^. If it beany Coadtive or Coercive pewcr of Church Government that you meant , by inulds or Corporal penalties, no Bilhopsas fuch liavcany thing to do with it i not only Bilfon, but the generality of the I'rchtifls dilclaime it, and conftfs that it bclongeth only to the King and Mag'Orates and that they r&ccivc it licm the King, if ever they ex- cicife ;ny fjdi. :iJ.VVhat CM4) 4. U'liat is it then, is it tobethc Kings £cclcfiaftlca} Council, topre- pare fuch Caroiisas he fliall cnad ? Ot Canons I (hall fay inore anon. But though Paftors may be the httcft to Council Kings, yet that giveth them no power, nor doth aptitude make an ofHcc, nor is the King fyed to them , but may advifc whiih whom h: plcafc. And experienced prcfcnt Paflors, arc ufually fitter to give advice in the matcers of Rch'gi- or, than they. And even Civil impartial Noblemen hj,e »fiul!y pro- ved, wifcr, fcb.rcr ardrr.orc peaceable and I appy Church Cour.cellours thin the intertffcd partial Clergy. I am not of Erajfus mind, that all Church Government belongeth to th^Magiflratcs. I have lately publifhcdmy judgment ot that mat- tcr in certain Propohrions to Ludov. Mdinius. But I j^ranr to him znd all fobcr in^rartial Divines do g rant, that all forccing Government bv the Sword, brlongethto Magiltrates ( and i^arents; only, and not " to any Eifliops as fcch . " . _ ~ It tbilovveth therefore that no Bifhops power extcndeth to any other cTedl, but only to work on the Confciencesot Volunteers, unlefs as the Magiftrates or Parents may conftraine them by penalties to fubmit to it. Suppofe therefore a while that the Magillrafes force were withdrawn ficm yoLr difciplinc, and left-it toitfelr', you would then know bet- ter by experience u herein its fircngth conhilcd. That man would then Rule the people mioft, who did molt etfcdtually convince their reafon, aud prevaile with Confcicnce : and further nothing would be done , Arc not. our Eifhops well aware of this- Do they not thcmfelves confefs hovv little their Government would ilgnifie above the Govern- n:ent of prefcnt Presbyters, unlefs they could give clear convincing Rcafons to the people, which abfcnt firangers are unlike to do ? What do jou think your peculiar power would lignihe in one year above a Presby- ters, if the Magifirate left all at liberty in their Church obedience to their Faflors, would not the prcfent Pallors carry almoft all, with the bell ar.d fobercft of tie flocks? F.fpccially where Bilhops make it I heir office to forbid tie Paflors to do theirs, and to keep them from Preaching the word of life ? Their holding fall thefecidar conjunft power, and ufing it fo much doth fhew what they truft to ! they fay thcmfelves, what would the Keys fignifie without the Sword ? and the Pifhops Government prevail, where none are p-nilTied for defpifing it if the Bifhop excommunicate a faithful! Prerchcr, neither he ncr hisfloclc will muchregardit, butgoe on in thelcrvicc of the Lord. And perhaps' feme will cxcon iiiunicatc the Pilhop and be even wiih hiin. O! thaT the Magifirates would a fev\> Years try what the Keys candoln E«^/,j/7^ of thcmfelves, and valcant quantum v.jlerepojfiint. Not that I would wilh him to leave oHiiisown duty, topunirti iin i but let it not be mix':d with Church Offices, fo, as that all that (hall be imputed to the Bifhops Keys, which is effcdtcd only by the Magi/trates Sword. I deny not but the ^Iagi^;ratc may moJcratily drive men to hear Gods word, anJ to do tlie r«45) tlie immediate dutiesoF their places? But not to profefs t?i.if they arc Chridians when they arenot.or that they confent to Clnircli Communio a! when they do not; Nor to take thofc Privileges which belong not to thern ." N.j nun J^Jth right to Church Communion^ who had rather be cxcnm- mtinicated then r.fent of fin : Therefore if Gods word and an cxcommi;- nication will not bring him to prcfcfs Repentance, he fhouldnotbc cither Rackt or Imprilbned, to force him to faj he doth repent, wlVen it is certain that he doth not indeed repent, who ivill not profcis it isy eaficr means ." Nor hath rhat man riglit taabfolutiaon and Church Com- munion , who only prefereth it before a Goalc. The cff'tds of the Church Kcycsare talked of but arc indeed urknown^wlierefccular force doth dctcirmcn into lyeing profcfilons of repentance anddrivc un- willing pcrfons in to the Communion ot the Church: No nnwiijingpcr- fon fhotild have the Seal of pardon put into his handy. Obj. But JVC c innot fay they arc wnvilling who confent^ though moved by the penally nf the L.civ and S word. Anf. Yes i he is to becallcd 7w;iv/7///.'ej, who hath not the willingiiefs which ChriA maketh neccflary ; He that i'? not rvilling to have Churc'f Cewmunion for it felf, and for Chrifi and hii falvjtion, is not w-illing of it at all indeed, nor in Gods account; Tor it is only frecdonie from a Prifon that lie is willing of, and of Church Communion as a means to that, and not as a means to the end tliat God appointed it; As he that con- fcntcth to be Baptized only toiicalthe Kings evil, ortofavc his life, is rot to be Baptized nor taken for a ChrilHan, nor is it Bapt ifm indeed, but t^vichiiiii only \\ h ich lie condntctli to ; fo is it in this ca(e . C)bj. But l\nv know \oh hut thcmm hathrighter ends together nrith thef\ pcniJJjmcnt brings many a man to reafon and true ripcntancc. Anf. You (uppofe your felves that //vivar^/^jn^/ Keys will not prevail witli him of thcmfclvcs i and therefore it is that you dcfirc force » your own Confcienccs tell you that it is but to avoid punilhment that you (uppofe him t© profcfs repentance : Otherwifc when your threats have brought him to repentance, try what is the cau^c by remitting the penalty on hisbody>and after freely leaving him t.i himfelf. Obj. />.'// fmit art lil\c Children thit will hear reafon rvhen tbeirfiub'jo'nnefs is fallen don-n : Therefore it miy alfo have better motives for ought you k^otv. Anf, I . Men that are dealt with in the matters of Salvation, are not to be thus ufcd as Fools and Children about common tliin^;; ; but as men that mu/i live and die asthcy choofe . 2. And God hath left us no fiich means to bring men into a right Choice in things of thij niture : Otherwife you might ftt Infidels on the Rack till they cffnfenf to be Bap- tized, or fi.nd them to Prifon, and then fay, how know you but this, ns the Rod dothChildren, hath brought them to thc'r witts. But rhc Church ofChrift never took this coujfe, nor never thus undcrflood his Yvill. 3. 1 he cafe is plain to men that will underltan.l ; When God iiath made mens free eonfent tlie Condition of their Sjli\uicn at^J the Pr.)- V fiffKl- Cia6) fefoiJ vf a free confent to be the Condition of Church Commtmion fand what wife man would have lower that will mt make the Church a fvvine (UcJ ? It followeth that the Paltors muft iiave the a'/Vewa'of fiich a Profcfii-n of free and voluntary r.onfent^ or elfe they mud not receive fuch pcrlf.ns ; Now fuch a one that hath been long tried by the word, and by the penalty of Excomi.nication it rclf,and refiifcth to proflfs Repentance, but only pro!cflc-th it when no other means will cfcapea Prifon, doth not give the Pallor an evidence in the Court of Reafon acceptable, to llgnit.e a voluntary Repentance orconfcntv and therefore whatever pcffibly rnay be known to God, he is not to be taken into the Church : For we mull: judge by evidence, and that is by fuch free profcllionof Repentance, as Chriit hath taught us to exped ; and therefore we can only Jur'ge that perfon to be one, that had rather fay he rcpcnteth than be impriloncd, but not as one that indeed rcpenteth or uelircth Church Ccmmunion as fuch, and for trucends> Obj- But if he he in the Church though rvithoiit Jlepenta/ice, he may there be brought to Repentance aftenvard. .AiiJ. Polbbilities are no Rule for us to go by in fuch cafes, fo you jnay fay if one be Baptized, before he profcfs to believe or repent, he may be brought to it after by hearing in the Church : But this is but to make Lawcs for the Church inffead of Chrifts, when we have caft oat his Lavvcs.^and to confound the world and the Church by our foolifh advcrfe rcafon. He that is in the Church notorioufiv againll or without his will , Hands theie but as a tclfimony of the Bilhnps perhdioufnef s : And he that will net come in by any rcafoning or intrcating, without the violence of the Sword, is in all procefs of humane Tudgment s to be elleemed unwilling; The arcient Churches would inde ed importune me n to Bap - tifnn but they never baptized any (at agejthat did not intr eat to be baptized, and voluntarily make prorcHion of fa ith and repentance. And Papifis and Proteftants comiTionly afKrn, that nonefhould bcconfirained to be baptized, or to make profcrtion of Chrillianity. Bit the Papifis come after ard xcW us thdt ^'Ci wlun one is l\-rptized, hemay becomptlkd iy force to all his duty, and ib may be condraincd to Hay in the Church, crto return if he for fake it : Their Pvcafons arc, i.Becaufe now he is obliged by his own confent, 2. Becaufe he hath put himfelf under the Go- vernment of the Church, and therefore muft be Governed by it. Jnf But 1. to confent to be a Chrilfian Ruled by Chriil, and to confent to be conflrained by force to continue this confent, are two things. Prove the latter if you can to be included in our Baptifm ? Contrarily aswe freely and not forcedly confent, it is fuppofed that we are accordingly to con- tinue it as we began it. 2. And to put our felves under the Government of the Church, is not to put our iLlves under the fword ; the Church funilhment reachtth no further thenexcomunication : and where a man is fully excom.unicated, he is calf out of the Church again: and when hQ is out of it, he is not iindex its Government : Indeed he is under the MagijlrMes. I ('47) Maglflrjlcs Covcyrmciit: Eiuifthat will prove that he miy be piiniflicj fr)r not repenting and returning to the Church when txcomunicarc, it will prove too tint he iniglu bepunifhed before Bap; ifm, for not repent, •ingand being baptized. For though there be (ome aggravations of iiis fm that Apnilatiieth to it, yet that difiereth the cafe but as to f he (/t-^w. It is for the quality of tlie crime iifelf, tiiat theMagiilrate is topuniflifas ^'Iurder,Theft, Adultery .^Elafphcmy &-€.) Whether it be in the unbaptized, or baptised, or cxcomunicate: But it // for Impenitcncy only in (bmc criir.e that the Church doth excommunicate. And if the Migillraie muft imprifon or kill men properly for Impenitcncie, it inu'l b; as it aggravatetli the cr/'wf it fclf, and it may be as well the unbaptizcd asthe baptized, for he is the Governour ot both: It is therefore ameer hdion of Papilis Church" Tyrants, that there is fuch a difference between the iinbaptizcd and the excommunicate, as that the firll mud not have Church privilcdges till they dillre them, and the later may have thcin if they be but commpelled to keep them, or return to them by tlie fword. And fo fciiilinaticaly different are they from the Catholick Church for many hundcred years after Chrift, as dircdly to contradid tl^m. For all the Canons as well as the Hiflory tell us, that all thcantient Churches whtn they had excommunicated a linner, would not receive Iiim till he had penitently begged readmillion : Yea they ufcJ tocaft down thcmftlves on the earthf as even great Theodofms did before Am'jrfc whsa but ftifpcndcd), and to beg pardon and readinilVion with tears : nay for great faults, this was not received till ii-iany montlis or years continued penitence, iliewcd their defires to be lincerc j and now Prelates mult have a Blafphemer, or a comn.on Drunkard,conip.lled by the fwoVd to fay that he rcpcnteth, that he inay tlic next day have the honour and privilcdge of aChriliian ConiHuinicant, whether he will or nor. O kind-naturcd- cruel l-t. liurch! And when Cyril o( Alcxandrii began to ufe the fwotd, -and when the Circumcellian PM.i//i?/ tempted At/g- jihie to chdn£,c his .opinion about nHng force in matters of Religion ; yta and when Iihjcins and Ms par- takers offended flfjr///;and Amhrofe by fiirring upMia.7««r againft the rr/Jcilliiiiift';, noneot all this was to force thef' Hercticks by the iWord, to Communicate in the Church b. fore they had (hewed a voluntary re- pentance, nor to make tPicm Church members againlf their wills, cecn that hhjciuT whom I^nnh^r himfcU rrknowledgcth fo bad, was not Co foolifli : But only they would liavetorccd thein from their own waics, and punilhed them asfcduccrsof the people, and as dilirrbers of the Churches purity and peace. Though yet it is toocvident, that the pride and pallionof the Prelates that were orthodox, did q'lickly and hercly flame out to the conlbgration of the Churchc«, wlicn tlicy found that the Chrillian Lmpcrcnjis were ready to ("ervc their palTions with riu UvotX It is then pali deniil, that all the povvcr of Bi!hops or any Pauors is but i\K m.rnnjgcmeiit of t!.\- rfrri of Cod, ayii the Confchncts of wi V 2 ' th.t (.48) ihat believe them and voluntarily receive that n-ord : only with this advan* tagc, that they do not this as private men^ but as Officers appointed ^o to niannage this roord. And therefore he that dilbbcycth the word of God truly delivered and applied by them, cornmitteth a double fini one as he difobeyetli Gods word as fuch, in the matter in hand, and the other as hcdifobeyeth that particular word of God, which com- mandcth him to hear and obey his Pallors. But if men will fo fin, we have nothing but that rvord of God, which they defpife to cure them by. For inftance, i.In our admonitions and reproofs, nf the greateft finncrs, we can do no more but (hew them Gods Law, which they have broken , and which threatncth damnation to them, and to perfwade them by Scripture arguments to repent that they mayefcapc. 2. In excommunication itfclf, welnvenoihing to do but to fnew them thefam.e word, and ftiew them how- God hath threatned to punilb them, and to (hew theinand the Church that word which commandethus to have no Communion with them but to avoid them , and according to that word to declare them (' Impcnitency openly Charaftcrizing themj to be perfons unmeet for Chriltian Comrnunion, and fuch as Ctill they rcpent_) are under the wrath of God, and muft expecl his . drcad/ul jud-menti and to command the Church irr Chrilis name to withdraw from the Impenitent perfon, and to have no Communion with him. And all this is but the application of Gods word to his Confcience and tlie Churches. If his feared Confcience deride it all, we can do no more. If he will forcibly intrude into the Com- munion of the Church againrt their wills, it is like ones breakingia- to my houfe j the Magillrate mull reftrain him as a violater of the p;ace as well as of the Churches liberties : If the Magiltratc will not, the Church m'jft remove from him. If they cannot, they mult pronounce him morally abfent, as a forcible intruder and none of their CommunioR. If the Church will not obey the Pallors fentence, he hath no inltrument but the fame, word to bring them to it. Now all this being pall denial, let us come more particularly to enquire ia all this, what pirt there is effential to aEilhops office as fuch. I. Js it the making of Church La wcs or Canons? About what? r. Either thefe Canons are but the Commanding of that which Gods Law made a duty b:fore, or of fome^'hat newly made a duty by them- fclves; 2. Either they are Lawcs or Commands to the Laity only, or to the Presbyters, or to the particular Eilliops, or all. I. If they do but urge the performing of fome duty already made fuch by God, in Scripture or Nature, whoever doubted, but Pie^byters m3y do that even to teach and charge the people from God to obey his Laws. And note that God daily rriaketh new duties by the Law of nature, tyc.n providentially dtering. the Nature of things j And (b he maketh this 0^9) this er that to become Decent and Orderly and Co a duty. And niik- cth it my duty to fpeak this or that word, to this or that pcrfoiij or to do this or that particular good work. Even by varying occallous, acci- dents and circumftances of things. 2. But if thefe Canons mak-e new duties which God hath not mide, I. If il be to the Ljity^ the Presbyters may do the Hke i for they arc "•' Guides alfo of the Laity, unlefs they arc forbidden by a fuprrior pow- er : If it be only to the Presbyters, that will not reach our prefcnt cafe, as fliall be further (hewed afterward. 3. If it be to the Bilhops thcm- fclres,.thcy cannot be Laws, but meer agreements, becaufc one Bifliop is not the proper Governour of another i noi many o[ one '■> nor the pre- • fent in Council of the abfcnt as fuch. And here by the way it is worthy to be noted how much the Didce- fincs contradid theitifelves, in this claim of Government; They .fay - that they are of a diftind order and oflice from mecr ^Presbyters, be- caufe they have power to Govern chcm. And yet they make, i. A Council of Eifliops to have as high a governing power over particular Eilhops of the Cime order; 2. And an Arch-Bilhop to be the Cover- noiir of Eilhops i 3. And a Primate or Patriarch to be th": Governour of Arch'Bifhopsi and yet not to be of a dilVin^tOrder^or office, but only of a dUlinft c/f^m- in the accidentals of the fame order. If Go- vernment prove a dihindl OrJcr^ or Office in one, it will do fo in the o- thcr. And why may not the Magiilrate make all the fame Canons who lulcth them all ? But let us conllder what theft Canons may be. i. The Eifhops make Canons, how often Synods or Councils fhall be held, and when and where, and when they (hall be dilToIvcd. But, i.May not the Kii::r do the {ame •■ And can that be proper to Eilhops which the King tnay do? Yea which all Empcrours have formerly ufcd ? 2. And is not this Cannon made to rule B.y/wpx thcmfilves^ who is it but Bilhcpsfor fo' much as them J that you think fliould be called unto Councils .'' And arc the Bifliops in Council of another order th^n th.emfelvcs out of Council ? Need we an office of Bilhops to rule Siihops of the fame ofHce .<* ' 2. Canons arc made about Temples, Buildings, Tithes, Glebes, Bcll.«, Pulpif^, Scars Tables, Cups, Fonts, and other uteniils. And 1. who doabtcth but the Mjgillrate may do all this ? yea that it bcloiigcth to him to regulate fuch ihingsas thefe i* 2. And who knoweth not that even B;(hops are under thcfe Canons alfo, who are of the lame order i" 3. And tiiat Presbyters (even InEiigljndJ are members of thcfe S) nods, and fo make Canons to rule theBilhops^ Ergo, they areofafuperior crdtr to Eifhops by your rcafoning. 3. Canons arc iiiudc (or the j;. g.ilatingof Minifters attn-c jn the Church and out, and for officiating gauncnts, as furpHces e^c. And of thcfe J fiy the fame as of the former. The King may do tlic fame c:; Diflicps may do, and Eifhops th:nif.lvcs aie bound by tlirm , ar.cf V 3 Vrcsby-u^i Prcsbytcrsmake them, which three things prove chat it is not the proper Mork of Rilhops asa cliftindt order from mecr Presbyters. 4. Canonsare made for worthip Ge lures; in what; gefture to pray, to receive the Sacrament, to uk the Creed, &c. And the fame three an- luers fcrvc to (his alfo, as to the cafe in hand. ' 5. Canonsaremade for Holidaics, publick Fafts, and Th3nkfgiving<;, and Lcdlure daics. And the fame three conlldctations fall in here. 6. Canonsaremade for the ordering officers, fees, and fuch like in Eiihops Courts. Ard here all the (cime three things fall in, i. The Kingmay do,it.i"';'2. It is Birtiops that are ruled, 3. Presbyters alfo make the Garidns, therefore it is not jure and perhaps the Eilhops be under the Canon as vvcU as others. Yet then wc have not found out a Bifhops proper work iinlefsit w^rc when heis prefent in the fame af-" ftn.blics togovcrnc the work inall thcfe circumlhnccs, in which I do not contend sgainll iiim. I I. If then it lie not in Lcgilhtioa'or Canon miking, let us confidcr whctlicr it lie in judgi/i^ or fxe.-uting. And thismuft be chiefly about Excommunication and Ahfolittioit, asit concerncth the Laity. And here, 1. The bulincfsis not to judgcof thcLiw, but of the Pcrfoti by theLzw. It is not to judge in plainc cafes, whether we mul\ avoid an impenitent Fornicator, a Drunkard, aBlafphcnicr, an Hcretick, &c. For if the Billiopsfav nay, we mull not believe hui\ or obey him. And for diffi- cult inllarces, ut they/'tv/i-/ of lins deferving, it is partly the work ot an expoliiorofSciipturc, todctcriiiincof them, and partly of the Canons and LawsoftheUnd, where Mag'Jirafes and PrCibytcrs are efficient, an 1 BiihopstlTenvfclvcs obliged as well as Prcshyter;. The bulinefs therefore is to judge whether f[>is pe'rfjn be guilty offuch ^'-'^ ""'"'^ zCrit):e, and. 2. Whether he be impenitent therein. And that this ^*.'"?"'!'"^'^'|'^ isthe wcrk of a. Parochur, that is, a Cohabiting Pailor, who is ^^pon ^jtj'e^rh: the place, and knowcth the- parties, and not of a fuangc Bi'hop ov. may know. • paeRc^ini fCcipub.p.i. I. I . fi',. 11:. Col. 2. (''T Gregor. Sa) rus To. z.l.i^.x 7. man. :. 5. ?, cVc. Aid inJced they cvt- cIkc/c th.it mt "f tbi c.tfc riffcanJ.il, Magijiriites Ldw;, unjuli inittcrinllu that a, to the Cvmnnn hurt, er th.it arc .ignhifi amm-}') ^oiti, bind nut in Coiifiien.e \ uc Id. Fraeofo ib. j). 112. n., 254. s;p. W::-) citct: tb: c^njcnt fij Sdvcik. Tabicn. EaUl. Bartoi. Koftknf. & Doftonim Communit'cr.\S'i) 'f/;.jf Mi: |ohn Ilumfrcy /j- rit fingultr in his relilution of this Cafe, thy,i;^h I ^.-txc kim man) cautioiu and' ii.viutions in the Letter, p.irt efrvtidi he bath printed i« the aul of bJsboi;. 1. A Cip) 1. A Eifliop Cefpecially armed with penal terrour^ or a Chancellour 9 Court, isnot like to know of one fcandalous Impenitent perfon of a hundred, which the prcfcnt Paftor islikcro know of . tor experience tf;ilttii us that fcw.honeft men will accufe their neighbours, ^'herc they (hal! but get liatrcd, and forcfccnomorc probalityof procuring the per- fens repentance by it : And that Church-Wardens do rot and will not do iti Many men that fear perjury, rcfufe the oath, left they (hould break it, or iin in keeping it, as it bindeth them to profecute many men for Confcientious Nonconformity : And thcfe that take the Cath., be- fore they fear an oath, will make no Confcicnce at all cf breaking it, So that a matter of notorious fad is paftdiiputc. The land know- cth that not one Swearer, Curfer, Fornicator, Adulterer, Railer, Thie^, 'Deridcr of Scripture and Religion, &-c. of a multitude, is ever accul- cd at the Eiftiops Court. Whereas thePrefent Paftor can fcarce choofe but know the grcateft part of thefe in his Parifli, by dwelling among them, -where he fliall havefrequent noticeof it. Say as long as you will that this is long of the Mini'/ler, or Long of the Church-Warden), or of the Apparitor, wc know that the thing is Co. 2. And in Church judgments, where a mans repentance is the caufe in queftion, he hath the advantage an hundred fold that is prefent. For the tenor of his life before, and after, will be of great fignihcation in judging of this: A man that never fell into fuch a iin before, and that quickly lamentcth it by free ccnfciTion (known to the Paftor) may eafily be believed to be penitent. Eut a man that hath many years con-' tinued in a wicked life, and that after all admonition and pcrfwaiions to repent, confcflingone dayand finning the next, and perhaps derid- ing the Paftor, and making a jeft of his ownconfeflions, is not fo quick- ly to be believed. And yet the ftrange Viocefans or Chancellour fhalKnot know the difference, nor hear any more at the beft, than [I repent] And whereas they fay, it he fin again he is tobeaccufed again"] i. They know defacio^ that this is feldome done, except againft fome Confcient i- ousNonconformifts.a.And when neighbours fee that the man whom the y enraged againft thctn by an accusation, cometh home again, by fayin g JKrptv/f, and paying his fees, and doth but watch to ex ecute his malice againft the accufcrs , they will meddle in luc li improh table worTTno inore, T" 3. And whereas the Chanccloror Diocefanemuft go upon the witnefT- es report. 1. The credit of the witncffes will be unknown to themj becaufc it lycth upon the honeffy of thepcrfons, whom they know not but by other perfbns i nor thofe other but by others > and they are forced to take all our flight reports, ufualy from fome flatterers of thcmfelves, 'almoft theworftmenin the Parifli, accounted by themthebcft andm.ofi credible, becaufc they know not them aright, nor the uft at all. 2. And how unfatisfadlory a thing it is to a mans Ccnfcience, to Judge at random, or upon the uncertain credit of they fcarce know who, in a cife of of Excommuriicatfon or Abfolution s whereas the preftnt Pjfror ir.ay tore Excormiuinicacionor n^.^,^..^.., .--1- o "— • " -5 arid a grcar many word?, andthofe chofcn with the grcateft skill, and fet home withthe grcatc/t Life, and Light, and Love, that can be manifcHcd by the (pcakcr. Many a time 1 have tried if, and could nevtr fatisfic myConrcicnce with- oiit more frequent, long and carncft exhortation, and prayer with ir . than ever 1 knew Chancelor or Bithop ufc to fourt y delinquents fet (og c~ thcr. The prcfent Pallor hath opportunity to do this : But the Chanccior o r Piocefane lia< h not . 1 never heard ot any fiich means ufcd in their Courts that was of fuch a nature as true Palioral exhoitaticns arc, to melt a finners heart into repentance. But of this beture. 2. Another cafe of pcrticular;>Mgwf/if is, what finncr in hisficknnels before death, is fit for Abfolution. Here they cannot make the Eilhop Judge, who is many a mile off •, nor can they tell how to deny it to be- without (he office ot the Parilh Paflor , and therefore they allow him fa be the Abfolver •, and yet, Ictt he be the Judge, they bind him to Ab- folve all that require it.and do but fay they repent : which mutt needs be a pernicious deed vingcourfc to impenitent fouls., vkhcn it is known that nothing is moreordinary with many in fickncfsand in liealth, than to fay I rcpentoffomeonegrofsdifgraceful (inland live in others worfe withouta- ny profclTlonofrepentance,ard die fbat latl. And muli I abfolve him from that iin which he repenttthot without the red > orfrom allbccaufc hcre- pentcth ofmic} yca,commonly men have a Confttlion which is like a Pro- teflion of llieir fin, and a Repentance which declareth it felt to be Im- penitence it felf: fomc ttoutly fome ttupidly faying [1 comfcfs I am a fwea- rer and a drunkard, a whoremonger, but jou Precilians arc as bad and uorfe, for ^ouare but h)pcciitcs: I repent of my fins daily, and askc God mercy, though I commit them dai!y, and I doubt not ottorgivc- nefs, fcrailare fnners]and if oneof theft fay alfoon his fickbed, herc- pentcth, without any ligns of fcrious contrition or change of heart, wc mutl Abfclve him : But yet though we are not free in this, it is no Dio- ccfanes proper work, antl tJieretbrc requireth rot theirofHce. 3. Another Judgir.ent of individuals rxcJhry hn-l.io is to be hjptJzeJ., et lejjl cf fcrfcns at aj^c; in Infiddl CountricT^ or fuchascim, irbirt mi'iy thwfind /liijpj!/trjif Children 2TC unbapi zed till thc\ come in ace^ Thv: queliion isnot what lliall bcthc Law and Rule (whether Scripiurcor Canon) but who fliall judge whether the pcrfon be capable aceording to the rule. Doib>k(s every ore iiath rot faith: The protellicn that cntitlcthto baptilme mult be, 1. Cfthe whole tlTcnce of our part of theCovcrant, faith, confer.t and luture cbrdicsce. 2. With tolciablc itiuUyftii)dnigo{\\\iiX\.W) l:iy. 3. With Iteming fcrioufncfs. 4, With leeming Volurt-uiijCiS and fixed rtfb'ution. Now how can a Dicccfan )udgc e)t this, that is not within inany miks of the place, r.or nevtr f..w X ti.c r»54) the pttlcn in his lifer It hath ever been confefTcd to be part of the Baptizers work, though under the Government of Magiftrates, and in the Church theprefcnt Bifliop is not clcnycd a negative vote or a guiding JL,dgrr,cntin the affair. 4. The very fame throughout is tc be faidof judging what individual pcrfbns inaParifh are grown up to a capacity of the Lords Supper i fwhithcr i: be done in confirmation or at any other time^ certainly they i-nuft renew their baptifmal Covenant, and moreover underftand the ferjfe of the Sacrament, &c, But (hall the Viacepnthat never feeth one of an hundred of his Diocefc judge of every one ofthefe ?• I will flay no longer on fuchinftanccs> I think we need no more. II T. If the cafes of Teftaments, Adminiftrations, Licenfes to mar- ry, judgement of cafes of divorce, difpenfations andfuch like be pre- tended as the proper works of Bifliops, I think I need not ftay to con- fute them, while it is known that lo much as is not every Paftors work in it, belongethto the Magifirate , and is done among us by his Com- nriitr.on, and that uiually by Laymen- 1 V, We have therefore the Government of the Minifters themfelves to fpeak of next, which confi'^eth, i. In ordination, 2, Inilituting and induding, 3. Licenfing, 4. Sufpending, ejeding, filencing and degrading. I. And ordination being that great and notable work, which ancient- ly was taken to be allthat was^ra/^ei'tothe Bifliop, by many of the Fa-- tlicrs, as well as Hicrome , this above all nuilt be well confidered. And I. Let us confider of the Reafons for it i and 2. Qf the different cafes. I. The reafons given for appropriating ordination to V/ocefans , or Eilliops 6se thefe, i, Becau{(;no man can give that which he hath not; 2, Bccaufe it is an adf of fupcriority : 3. Eccaufe none but Bifliops' ever did it in Scripture times, or lince without the Churches condem- ■ nation. I . The firft ofthefe reafons Dr, Hammond Vnmon. DiJJert. is earnefl in \irginf. To which I fay, i. It is granted, thzt no man givetb that xvhich '.'i hath nit. 'But Fresbycrs have the office of Vresbyters, therefore by your Juppoh'tion) they may give it. Obj. But (faith I.e.) Presbyter j had never a povcer given by tlx. ordainers to ordain. Anf, I deny it, and prove the contrary Cvvhatever the ordaincrs mean) jj. Thofe whoin their ordination had an Office,Power or Keys of Chriils making, conttiningthe power of ordination , delivered to them Mi- riflcrially, had the power ot ordinal ion delivered to them Minifterial- i\ ; But all true Pafioas or Presbyters ordained in England had an Of- • t-ce. Power or Ki yes of Chriils making, contcining the power of ordi- :iAtion delivered tothtm Minilierially. E>-g<7 they had the power of or- 'J4:.w!ipn.( i--' paR doubt among fobcr CliiilUans,2. And that it was fheordainers mean- ing t© deliver them no new humane office, but that which Chriil f by hi*;' Spirit and ApolHcs at leaft) made, inrtitutcd and dcfcribed, I will Ihnd ' to the ordaincrs own profciTion, 3. Anditfo, I tliink they will con- fefs, that iftlicy didmidake, and think that the oflice conteined nor, what it conteincd indeed, their miliake will not difabic the ordained Minifleri no more than the Errour of a Recorder or Steward, who thinkcth when hegivcth the Mayor his Oath, that his ofSce hath lef- Icr power than it hath : But Gods making and not mans meaning mufi determine oft he power, 4. Therefore all the quefrion is whether God put the power ot ordination into the Faftoral office. Of which now I will fay but this, that Dr. //jw»waH(icontefTcth that there was no i'aflor ordained in Scripture times that had not the power ot' ordination; And I (hall after prove, that no other (hould be introduced fines by ; men. \ 2. And farther the Church of England appointeth Miniflers to im- pofe hands with the Pionjan inordmation: Theretore they take not ordination, hut on\y a. Superiority in ordination, to be proper to their of- lice > As Bifliop "Downame and other of them alfo openly hold and profefs. 2. The, 2d. Rcafun; that ordination is an Adtof Superiority, i. Is granted? becaulb the pcrlon to be ordained is yet no Miniver of Chri/J, and therefore is Inferior to the Presbyters that ordain him, till he have received his office. 2. But that aftcnvard the ordaincr muft be of an higher order (as w^ll as greater antiquity in officcj than him that is or- dained by him, I deny: For than Bifliops could not ordain Billiopsi nor Arch-Bilhops ordain Arch-Bifliops ; and who fhall ordain the I'atri- arcks, or (it you be for himj the Pope ? Have they all fupcriours to doit ? 3. The third Rcafon from Hiftory I (lull confute in due place: only here retorting it thus: In Scripture time' no hxcd Dioctfan ever did ordain, theretore none fnch fliould now oidain. 2. But next let usdiltinguilh, r. Between ordaining to the Miniflry in the llniverfal Church uiihoiit affixing to a.particular Charge, and the fixing ofaPaltor in that particular Cliurch. And, 2- Betw>.cr, ordaining a Bifliop or Plenary Paitor, and a half Pallor called now a Presbyter. I. AsBaptihnasfjchdoth joyn air.an To na particular Ch'Jrch, but only to the llniverfal, but yet they that have opportunity (hould kc:m- darily by a faitlicr ad of cortfcnt alfo )oyn thcmftlvcsto the partiCuhi Church where they live i but it they live where they have no fuch oppor- tunity,thcy trull do it alter as foon as fuch opportunity cometh : Itven fo ordination to tl.c facicd Miniliry as fuch doth tix a man tonoparticulxc Church, but make him a MinilterofChrill to the world tor mens cori- X 2 Ytrl;i.i;.", r-50 verfion, and to the Univerfal Church for Chriftians cdi/ication, as he fliill have any particular opportunity tor cxeicife (vvliich tlie Church of Ei!(^l./)!dc-Kf'Xi.(l<:ih by the words [jviocii tboit fljslt be thereunto Luivfitliy cjlk(f\ rr.caning a c3lI<2Jf.ic«rc/>/«;», lothccxercife ot the office receiv- ed ; Eut yet wiicrc there are not Hiiay unchurciicd lolidels to be convert- ed, but all protcft Chriltianity, it is nothtfuch Ihall be orrfained fi.te tititio, astheyfpeak, Ie(t it occaiion irregularity and poverty in the Cler- gy, but be at once afBxed to a particular Church, which fixed Minifiets are in Scripture ufually called Bithops, Presbyters and Palioi's , with relation to their particular ^c/;^ or CWc/^, belidcs their prim:!ry relation fo ihcW^fld and to the ttniverjal Church, from which the cxtraordinaiy (Officers were called Apohles and Evangclills, and the ordinary ones Muiijlers oi Chriit in general. Though I deny not but even the unhx- ed iiiay l>e callcdEilhops, Elders and Pallors, as being virUijlly fuchjand in an Office which wanteth nothing but a particular Call to that fixa- tion and cxercife. Now I. To call a Minifter already made fueh to a particular Church andfoto make a Bilhopor Pallor or Presbyter of him, doth not ncce- farilyrec^uirea Lyiocefin : For, i. The people that ar-e at liberty may doit, and ordinarily have done (is Blondel hith fully proved; And in our times if a free people only choofe a man already ordained, and take iiimforlheir Pallor, no man taketh this for a nullity, no not the Pre- Jatills thcmfelves. i . And a Paftor Magillrate or Prince may do it witfi* outaEifhop, asnonedeny. 5. And a Minilkr may frequently on juft o:calion be removed from place to place, and needeth not a Eilhop for every change, at kail as to the being of his ofHce. 2. And astothehrft ordination of a Minifler zs fuch, if there muft be a Vigcefj/itodoit, this is gathered chhcti'xom the natare of the thing, or from Jivifie injlitution. 1. As to the nature of the things it (heweth no fuch neceflity, but xzi- ihcrcontradidethit vfor :■. As to Efficiency, if a Bilhop or Arch-Bi(hop or Primate or Patriark may be made without the agency of any one of a higher order, then fo may a Presbyter. For the reafon is the fame. 2, And as to the objeifti i. The firll objcd of the facred Miniftry as fuch, is the Inridel world, to whom they are to Preach the Gofpel, 2; Cor.5.1 c.and OiJer Chria and Salvation, and befeech them in Chrifis fiead to be yj//. 26.18. i-fconcilcd to Gcd, to call them from darknels to light , and the power Mat.2S.2c.^^ Satan unto God. And to think that none but ApoHles fhould do this, and that all tlie world murt be left tothe Devilwhenthe Apoliles wcredead, isan unchriffian thought: Tothofe that muft do this, Chrift promifedhis. prefcnce to iheend of the world. Now., i. The Infidel world is no more under the power of a Viocefan than ofa Presbyffr : If it b?, it is either, i. Ashe isaprelate. 2. Or zsn Viocefan. I. Not as. a Prelate in general. For if the world be the objed of the Miniftersof- iice, it cjn be no more of the Erelites as fuch.. i. Not.as a Diocefan : For. tfefe. 037) t!ie Infidel world, [^f}p, 'firtary, Japm, China, P(rfia, &c. ] is tlo part otany Eilliops Uioccl,*. 2. And as to the n'orko\ a Preacher to th(; Infidels, it is tlic very famcwhctlur it bedone by a Bi'fhop or a Prcsby- iTr : There is r.otliing to do tor them b'Jt preach and baptize, and nei- ther of thofc is a work proper to a Bifhop. If it be faid that it is not becaufeof the objed or the woi^ are prop- er to a Bifhop, but bccaijfe x\\t fending firtb a man for thit work is proper to him i I anfwcr, that when 1 have proved paO contradidion that hefendethaman to doas high a work as ii: could there duhimfcU, and to the very fame, it fhewcth thatrx natkra ret there ncedeth no higher order than the Miiiifters to fend him; No more than there ncedeth a higher progenitor than a man to beget a man, 2. And as hiscfficcis related to the Church -Vniverfal^ all the fame argumentation will hold good. For the Church-Univcrfal is the objoft ot the Miniliersoflicc as well as of tilt Prelates > and no more than his own Dioccfe is the (pccial charge of a Vixefjnis fuchv and the work to which tiic Miniller is ordained in general to the whole Church can no othcrwife be proved lefs than the Prelates, unlcfs by proving a Di- vine inliitution (which (hey will grant. Jj 2. Andasfura Divineinfiitution as to the ordaining power, I will fuybut thismuch, (which may take with cordate meaj tilllcometo fpcak morclargclyot the point, i. That Dodlor Htmmond (and as far ashc knew, all that owned the fame caufc withhimj doth grant that the Apofiles (nor any other) in Scripture times did not fo n.uch as inliitutetlieof^ceof a Presbyter as difiind from a Eiftiop, mucli lefs c- vtr ordain any one to fuch an office: And that in all tlicir Infirudfi- • ens to Timothy znAlitus about ordination of Bifhops or ciders and Dea- cons, tliey havener a fyllable about any ordination or qualification of fuch fubjccfr Presbyters, but only about ordaining Bifhops. Therefore if Bifhops be the fucceffors of the Apoliles in ordination, they cannot do more than they did i nor ordain- any other Presbyters than Eifli- ops.. 2. That if Eilhops were the Infiitutors of Presbyters, as diffincf^ from rticm by a Power of parcelling out their office to others than Bilhops^ yethavepowcr to make more forts offacred Miniffers, by fubdivifion of their power. They may make one office only to Preach, ahdanothcr only tobapti/c, and another only to pray, and another only to admini- lier the Lords Supper, and another to Excommunicate, and why not another to ordainc i and fo ordination ihall not bcpropcrto a Bilhop- And fo a Chancellor that luth the parcel of excominunicating and ati- folvcing, ' is as true a Clergy man, and of as high original as a Pref- byter. 3. But that which Dr. Hammond betakcth himfelf toat lafl (in his Anlwer to the Lpndon Miw.lkrs) is as niilLrable a fliift as ever a poor caufc was reduced to Cthathad never Hood ii ith.:d not U en more be- X. 3 hoJdta* r 058) 'koJdcn to the Sword than (o fuch foundations) he durft not fay tbdt the pRsbyterscftice isnotof Divine institution : And yet it was not mfti- tutcd in Scripture times: But it wasinftituted in Saint Johns time by him a lone after the writing of his Gofpel ("which according to Jerome was about a year or two before he dyed J aVid the Revelation (which according to Jrenxus li. 5.) was about tour or fiveycars b;;fore he dyed. And fo ali the Bilhops power of ordaining fubjed Presbyters depcndeth, 1. On one Apofilcs Inltitution, 2. Not proved at allby Scripture, 3. But only by Chmch-Hifiory, which hath not afyllableof fuch a thing, as that Saint jfo/M did inlHtu^e the Presbyters oince > 4.. And this is feigned to be done by Saint John many years after Peter and Paul, are faid to beBifhopsot Rome 3^nd James ot Jcriifalem, and Pmr of Anthch and A/<«ri^of^/a-(Z/jir/./. Yea about thirty two years after Mjr/^^waspuf to * Hierome death according to Eufebins ^ fee then what proof the Dodtor giveth jahhhe dy- US that even at Kome and Alexandria all that time, there was no Bilhop edmtbe over Presbyters, nor any that ever ordained a Presbyter that was not %iti^\oi'. 3' Eut luppofe theDivine inftitution be proved of Bifhops ordination Scaiigcr. of lubjcd PresbyterSj Icttheie three things more be noted. Aimn.m j, xhat at kail we have brought it to the Ancients meafure, thatf;«- ^ ' ccpta fib ordinatione^ except only ordination,hcic is no work for to make a refHtMi'cm, Bilhops office of, but what a Presbyter may do. pai-ips-' 2. That in this ordination they themfelves acknowledg that the Presbyters may joyn , even in impofing hands, which is the note of Superiority fthe kfler being bleiltd by the greater J ', and fo Presbyters -alfo ( by Epiphanms^s leave) do generate f aires : And Bifliops have not the Jolepoiver of ordination, but the chief. 3. And whether a chief poiver in invefting men in the Miniflerial office, . . do make a diftind order or office de nomine , let them contend that pleafe dereh if this wereall, we were agreed : Formy part, I had ra- ther that Ei(hops had not only zcliicf poiver as troderators, but even a Negative voice in ordination , yea ar.d in Removals and hxing ofMini- /iers, than not: For in fo weighty a bulincfstwo Locks and Keyts to keep out bad men, are furer than one. And the poor iileiiccd Noncon- tormills have yielded to much more than this. But yet there rcmaineth one part ot the Viocefins work to be confidcr- cd, viz. The judging of Hcrelic and Schi(m , and the filencing , fnf- pending and degrading of Minilkrs that dcfcrve it. The Quefiion is, whe- ther this benot proper to the Prelates office. And here no man can wilh us to fwallow the terms of the qucrti- on whole , without difunguiihing, as if they llgnifycd 'but one thing. I. As judging is, i. Either frivate by difcerning ones own duty, which belongcth to every private man. 2. Or publick for the deciding ota CLntiovtiiic i and this is. i. Civil, 2. Or properly Ecclei^aiiicali lo 05?; foin fcvcral manners and tofeveral ends, Private men, Magiilrates and Paflorsmay judge of UcrcCiC&c. 2. And zs for fufpending, filenciiig 3nd degrading, either, r. It figniti* ethiome Coired ion by the Sn^ord or force > and that undoubtedly belong- tthonly to theMigirtrate, and to no private man, nor Clergy man at all, asfuch. 2. A Private man and much more a Congregation, may and muft refufc a notorious Intolerable Minilkr , whether Infuffiacnt, Hcrctkal or»vc%r/and MaHgnaiit, they muft withdraw trom him, and not take Iiim for their guide, and Pallor, nor trull their Souls upon his care and ■condud. \fCyprrtii iiad never fai J [_P!ebf wtx^imjm habct pttelh'.tcm, vel fjccrd-ita dignot eUgarli, vcl indignos rccnfj>idi, the Law of nature faith enough i as it doth warrant a man to rcfufc an unskilful or malicious murdering Phyfician. And Scripture requireth every man to take heed of lalfc Teachers , and deceivers, and from fuch to turnc a> way. 3. To /J/f/Kca falfc Teacher by Argument, (by word or writeing) bclongcth to every man that is called to contend carncllly for the faith, and toanfvver a fool according to his folly. 4. To perfvvadc himby Argument to give over Preaching, ortore- formhis crrours. i, A private man may doit privately i 2. Any Mini- flerolChrill may doit both ex ch.tritatc & ex officio & atithritMe, as a Minifier ofChrili in his name. For asa Phylician doth medicate an- other Phylician, not as another man, biit as a Phylician, and a judge doth judge the caufe of another Judge, not as a private man, hut asa Judge i ib a MinillerofChrilldoth Preach to a Minilkr. and pcrlwade him, not as a private man but as a Minifter, not as his fupcriour, but as a Mtflenger of thrill who is his Sovcraigne. 5. yQi,ro Comnu'id fuch a mm ex .mthoritatc Ntemii vcl Minilhi, by Mi'iilhriil ivtfhnrity in the name of Chriji to {orhkc his Hercilc and wick- cJncfs, or to forbear the Sjcrcd Minillry, belongeth to Minilkrsof the fame office. Forif a Minilter Preach or fpeak to another Minillcr as a Minillcr himfelf, and in Chriils name, then no doubt but he may roiHWJw^in Chrilis njmc; which is but by Minillcrial office to publilh the Commands of Chrilt : No doubt but he may fay to another Mini- /kr [I Counfcl, yea Command you in the name of Chrill, byvcrtuc of iriy odicc and his word, to forbear Adukerv, Tlu;ft, Blafphemy, Hert^- lle, or clfe toforbearthc Sacred Minillry] Yea hemay fay thirs (with due reverence) to a Biihop, fo that for a lilencing by FxCafon or foice, or by Minillerial authority and command as from Chrill, there is no need of the office of a Vi^-efait. 6. Thequcllion theicforc is whether we muflhavea Eifliop tolilence men by ijrc Authority n-ithotit cmvincing effcdiul jrgument fatisfyirg his Confcicnce i" or elfc by axliliir.ifl 5'K/»fr/cr Authority^ more powerful than the Miniikrs ? AivJ (r5o) And. t. Seing the T^iocefanzs fuchhath not the SworJ, it is certain that he nicnceth no further than he prevaileth witU the Confciencc ei- tkrof the Miniltcr tobc filent, or of the people not to hear him, orof the Maz^ijiraies to filcncc him by force- Now to do this, cither he tnuft prove to them from the word of God, by arguiT-cnt, that each of thefe are thus far obliged by Goi i or elfe that God hath made him as Vhccfan the Judge , and they are bound to doit, bccnufe he bids thcmdo it. Forthefirl}, asisfaid, it bclongeth to every Minifrer, even with of- fice-authority to tell both Magiftratcs, Minifterand people their duty, in thenamcofChrifi: Thus [God hath commanded Adulterers, Here- ticks, &c. Toforfake their lins or forbear the Miniftery , and com- manded me topublifhthis in his name, even to particular perfons: But thou art an Adulterer, Heretick &c. go &c. Or [God commandeth me to tell the people that it is their duty to avoid a Heretick, and the Magiflrate that it is his duty to filence him by force.- Therefore I re- quire this of you in his name^. 2. But if the Viocefan claim aSuperiour Nuntiative power, as one rrore tobe /f//irea/than thcMinifter, this is. i. But to thedoing of the famcwork whicha Minilkrmay do. 2. And he muft prove that Superi- our credibility. 3. But Minifterial convidiion is efficacious according to the evidence that is brought to do the work. If ihe hearer believe not that the Major is Gods word fthat an Heretick e.g. mult give over l^reachingi. Or if he deny the Minor [Jmt thon art an Hcretkl^J' it is not a Billiops word that will convince him, but a Minillcr that is bstt:r at proving it may do more. Obj. hut tvervill command him to be fi lent. Anf. And he will deride you and command you to be filent again. Obj. Ihcn rve will convince the Magiflrate of his duty to filence him by force, A/if. I. That was not the way for 300 years after Chrifi: And what was Epifcopacy for till then ? 2- What if the MagiOrates believe you not, will you convince him t_y 5c'-//)f«i-e or by your Authority ovcv the Magi- l!nte?Ifby Scripture a wifer Presbyter can do that better, or as well. Itby authority, ofthat anon. C^bj. But at leajl rve will convince the people that it is their duty to forfik> that Preacher, Anf. Again 1 fay, ifyou will do it by Sciiptar'e , a Mii;i- itercando it as well. And thus many Minifters now do filence the Viacefansand ConformiHs, that is, they perfwade the people not to hear them, or own them. But if hy authority, it inuft come to this at la/t, that you arc made by God the Judges , and this mull be believ- ed. And rcmertibcr ftill yon fiknceno further thanyou perfwade t':e Confci' ence to believe that God hath given youthis authority. And. i. lask whe- ther it be ever likely that }0U will filence any Hereticks , falfe Teach- er, or Schifmaticli this way by making l>im take you for one authorized by (i5t) by God to forbid him to Preach. For it muft be in one of thefc thrct cafes or all that youhave this power, i. Either to filencc him as a Here* tick thatlsnoHeretick, or not proved fuch. a. Or to lilence him as a Heretick that notorioufly and provedly is a Hcrecick. 3. Or to (ilencc himas a Heretickin adoubtful cafe to others, but judged HcrcHe &c, by you. J. In the firft cafe neither the injured perfon, nor any that know that you injure him will or rouft obey you. Elfe a malignant Pjrelate might iilence all the holied and worthielt Miniftcrs of Chrift, and it would be at fuch mens mercy, whether Chrill (hould have Churches, or the people (hould be ChrHlians or be faved. I am one of the 1 800 that have been filcnccd by better authority than the Prelates alone, and yet I think I am bound in Confcicnce to exercife theMlniftry which I receiv" - ed, whatever I fuflfcr, to the utmoltofmv opportunity. And if the Sword ftreightened my opportunity no more than my Conlcicnce of the Diocefaif Prohibition, I fhould be but very little hindered. 2, In the 2d. cafe (of notorious HerefieJ all good Chriftians arc- bound by God to avoid fuch a man, though you never lilenccd him, yea though you liccnfcd him. •» yea though you commanded them to licar him: AndfoMagillratesarc bound todo their duty in rcliraining him. Can you deny this ? Mult the peoples Soals be poyfoned and dam- ned, till the Bilhop pleafe to take away the poyfon and tofavc them ? muA tlie Magidratc let Hcrcticks alone till it pleafe the V/oce/jn to judge them ? ■ 1. And in this cjfe, no fobcr Chrirtian will deny, that a Prcsbytei ought to call upon people and Magilhates to do their duty, as wdl as the Vioccfani. Yea, and to command men in Chiills name, .akit\'ii.houtcault,2.HckrDWCth that you have no power tolikncc Oilhodox iv.acLcrs ai lliicticks , but tiioic tiiat an Hatticiat rcmaineth, is, whither in nnl^ottfn doubtful cafes, yon are tlx fudges of Uerefic, Errour, Scbifm , and of mens unrcoTthinefs to Prejch, And here. i. I need not tell you that by this way you can never iilence either the ^mj/z/, or any that deny your au- thority. Of which fort you know are mof^ that you lilence in this age and Nation. No, nora Donatilt, aNovatian, or any one that is for the office of Bifhops, but takethyou for no EiQiop as being undue! y cal- Itd : Of which fort were abundance of Chriftians towards each othets Bilhops in former ages i and fuch are the Papifts now towards you. So that neither Papili: nor Proteftant that lever knew filenced t>y youj doth forbear upon Confcience of this your pretended authority at all. And what a fileneing power is that which fcarce any man would be ever lilcnced by ? You cannot choofe but know this to be true. 2. And really, (hould Magiftrates thcmfelves be fo fervile to you ss to filence all Minilkts by the Sword, whom a Prelate judgeth to be hlent, while he knoweth not whether it be defervcdly or not i God forhid that Protcfiants, like the Popes, (hould make Kings to be their Executioners, or hangmen. Ameer Executioner indeed is not bound to know or exan ine , whether the fentence was juft or not (though inmoftcafestoforbearif it be notorioufly unjuftj but whata King or Magilirate doth, he muft do asa publick Judge, and therefore muit hear the caufe himfelf, and try whether he be really guilty ©mot, and not only whether a Birtiop judged him fo. Elfe Magilkates will ei- ther be involved in the bloody lin ef pcrfecution, as oft as a Prelate will but command them > and fo mull be damned and help to damn others, when Prelates pleafe : Or elfe it is no lin for a Magiftrate to filence all the holyeli Miniliers of Chrilt, to the damnation of thoufands of ig- norant untaught Souls , fo be it the Prelates do but bid him, and he keep himfelf unacquainted with the caufe. And next they mull obey the Counfel at Laterane ftib. Itioc. 3. And exterminate all fub;edts out^of their Dominions Cthough itbeall that are there J and muft burn Holy-Chriflians to allies , bccaufe the Pope or Prelates bid them. 3. I need not make alfoa particular application of this cafe to the people; when they know nothing but wife and found and holy in the Dodlrine or life of their Paftors, and God bids them know fuch as labour among them and are over them in the Lord, and highly ejieem them in Love for their rvor\fjh^ > they will hardly be fo debauched as to violate this command; r«^3) ^ command of God, asofrasa Dioceftn wiWbvit fiy \^I l^iorv fame Hmfie or. Crime by your T'eacber Tvhich you do not, and therefore he mull Preach no more., and yon rrntji no m^re ttfe his miniilryr\ Were I one of thefe people, I would be bold to ask the tfiocefan £ Sir what is the. Hercfie or Crime that he is guilty of ? If he refufe to tell ine I would flight him as a Tyrant : Gen- eral Counfelstold the people of the Herefics for which they did dclpofc their Paftors. If he told me what it was, I would try it by Gods word; If I were unable, I would feek help. If the Viorefjn filenccd my Teach- er, and ten neighbour Eiftops wifcrfhan he, did tell me that it was for Truth and Duty, and that the Hercfie was the Bilhops, I would hear my Teacher, and believe the other Eithops before him, (without taking them to be of a higher order. J Thcpbjedtions againfi this, and what is before faid (liall be anfwcr- cd in the next Chapter. You fee when it is but opened, how the Dioce- fjni power vaniQieth into the air. CHAP. XIII. That thcrcisno 7}ced of fich at our Diocclans y3»r tic Unity or the Gaverjwmtt of the pM-tiatUr Minijkrs, ttor for the jilcn- cing of the tmvperth)'. IT ftuck much in the minds of the Ancient Doftors and Chriftians that Epijcnpacy was ncccffary to avoid Schifm and difcord among the Mini/lcrsandthe peoples arvd that it was introduced for that rea- fon. Andl amfoaverfc to fingularity in Religion, that I will not be lie that lhallgain(ay it. Atioublc, ycaa treble E/>«/cf/>jfv, thougli [can- not /rare inllituted of ChriA, yet will Inotcontiadidt, bccaufconc fort I cannot difprove, and the other two I take to be but a prudential humane determination oftheCircumdanrcs of one and the fame facrcd Miniftcri*- al officc-wOrke. i. That which I cannot difprove as fo a Divine I/ijiitn- tion^ is a General Miniliry over many Churches (like the Scots Vifiters at their Reformation) who as SucccfTors to the ApoHlcs and Evange- lirts in the durable parts of thcirofticc, were by a conjundtion of Scrip- ture evidence and Divine authority of office, to pcrfwade Paliors and people to tlicir fcveral duties, and to have a chief hand in ordaining and removing Minifkrs. 2. That which I will not contradid antiquity in, !sa Bifliopinevery particular Church, tobeasthc chief Prcbytcr, like thechiefJulHce on the bench or one of the Qnorttm^ as our PariQi Mi- uilkrsnow arc in refpcd to all their Curates of the Chappels under them. 3. Andl would rot deny but at all Miniltcrisl Synods, one man may be Moderator jCithcr/)v tempore, or for continuance, as tlicre is caufc. y 2 'ihti« Ci6AJ Thefctwo I aft are but Prudential circumfianccs, asDodlor Stilingfltit hath proved. And in all thefcl like the Difcipline of the Waldtnfts, Bahemian and Polonian Churches. But no Government of the Presbyters, no concord, no keeping out ofHcrcGc, requireth fuch as our T>iocefjiis\ i. Who put down all the Bifhops of the particular. Churches , under them, a. And pretending Spiritual Power, Govern by the force of the Magiftrates Sword : 5. And obtrude thcmfelveson the people and Pallors, without their con- fcrt., and againfi their wills, being by multitudes taken for the cne- »:ics of the Church. 4r Afid vifibly before the world introducing (b iTiany bad Minifters, and filencing fo many faithful ones, as in thisagc I'hcy liavedonc. Without them we have all thefe means of concord following, i. We have a clear defcription of the duty of Minifters and people in Gods word. 2. We have Minifters to Preach up all thefe duties by Office. 3. The people are taug,ht by Scripture what Miniflers to choofe. 4. We iind It natural to the people to be for Learned and godly Minifiers, though many of them be bad themfelvcs. And though it be not fb with. tlicm all 5yet the fobcr part do ufually perfwade the iel\ : So that inLon - don and clfe where, thofe Pa rifhes where the people choofe, had ufual ly far worthier Pallors than the refl,~elpecially th an thefein thcE i fhop s, prefentation . s. The people are obliged by God to markc thofe Mini- flers that caufe divifion and contention and avoid them. 6. The Mini- Itcrs arc bound to give notice to the people of falfe teachers and Schif- JTiaticks, and to command them to avoid them i And themfelvcs to re- nourkce Comtriunion with them after the firll and fecond admonition^ 7. Thefe Minilicrs may have crrrefpondence by Synods, tokeepiipcon-- cord by agreement among themfelvcs. So we have over all a Chrirti- an King and Magiftracy, who are the rightful Governours of the Cler- gy as well as of all other fubjecflsi and may conftrain the negligent to their duty , and rcflrain the Heretical, Schifmatical and wicked from ti.eir fin. And may not all this do much to keep up Concord ? ■: 2, what our Viocefa/is really cffeft in order to concord ororder y ?h£V doitbythe Magiftrates power, and .not by the Keys > without the ' Magifliate they would be fo contemned a fort of men, thatinfte adof fi- kncing us by their ksyes, one of us now tiienced coul d^do more to fi - lence them, were that according to our ]udgment, I -mean, it were €afi.er;to perfwade ten , pe ople fromHe a ringonc of them (f pe cially of late) t han for them to perfwade one from hearing us, in many place s. And w:hatthe Magiltratedoth^hecandoby others, if he pleafs, as well as Kpvv he doth by them. 5. The Churches that have no Bilhops have incomparably lefJe He- j;dle, Schifm ( Wickedncfs, and mar«; concord than we have here. TJtc Churchof Scotland is an eminent inliance, which hath knownbut liSt.tIc..by experience what Schifm 01 Herefies are. And fo are the J ' P/oteftant, 0^5 ; ftotefiant Churches of France , of Geneva , of Hehaia , and o:bcr places : 4. Were but the true E/>//cff/>jcy forementioned reflored, we fliould yet lefs know any (hew of need for our Diocefane ^ Migifiratc Mini- Iters, and they would fjftice, to do what on eartli may be expect- ed. Obj. J fere not Bifhjps the mcjnes of the Churches concord in all a.ga ? Aiif. True Bilhops fuch as afore defcribed, did their parts, but when fuchasour D/oce/i;;/. fprang up, the Church was prefcntly broken in- ' to pieces, and by odious contentions and diviilons became a (candal and (corne to unbelievers. To read but the Ads of Counfcls and the Hirtoryof the Church, and there rind the horrid contentions of Pre- lates againd each others, the parties which they made, their running up and down the world, to Princes and Rulers, and Synods to bear down one another, it will do as much to grieve and ama7e the Soul of a Sober Chrillan, almoA as an Hillory in the world that he can per« ufc. Obj . But they fdenced Heretickj and dipafcd them, and Jt k^pt Do&rine found and fife. Anf. Before they had the Sword of the Magillrate to fe* cond them, they lilenced none : For hovf could they do it? They only- judged themtobecafl out of their Communion, and depofcd , which they could no way execute but by avoiding them, and pcrfwadiiig the people to difown them and avoid them ; For they neither did nor could hinder them froin gathering Churches and Preaching to their follow- ers; And there the rejcded ones did rejedf their KejedKrs, and cx- coinmunicate their excommunicaters, and in the eyes of their lollow- crs were the better men, and only Orthodox: So that -tlicir lilcpcing. was but changeing their Congregations. Andfo numerous were rfic feds that followed fuch Teachers, that they fometimes-feemcd more, than the Orthodox: Epiphaniuf found enow in his time to rill a large Volume. Ai!d the Donatills alone were fo numerous in Africj as to pretend to be the Catholick Church, and by their numbers and info- iency deterred Augujiinc intoa change of hisopinion, and .to call for that help from the Princes Sword, which before h^ had denycd. Ne- ver had the Church in any place, fo many Seds and Herclies, as fince the times that Prelacy grew up, and in thofc Countries, and where it wasmofl exercifcd. Andindced the ignorance and pride of Prelates was not the lea({ caufe. For fomcofthcin fand no (mail number J be- came the Authors of Hercliesthemfclves, fucii as Paulnf, Samyfuenns, the Ap.linarii, tlie great Patriarcks, Diofcorits ^ Nejiori.mr ., Macrdjiiius^ and alas how great a number more and others of them did by their dorni- nering infolency rife up with fo much pride and wrath againit thofc that humoured them not, cfpccially if indc(d tiuy erred, as that they forced (bme into Schifms, and by iilcneeing tin dillenters, did but drive fheiir>r ctuptbr themfelvcs in feparatcd alTciubliesi. And they fo di(- Y 5 afftdrd (i66) •.tjffi'fte'd the jealous people, as drove them awiyfroih the Orthodox churches, to theSedsand Hereticks, astheEr.ghlh Prclatesdo at this dayifo that multitudes of the moft llrid and temperate CliriHians follow- ed the A^n;'^f/(7Hj-,the Vonatifts^ and much worfcr feds. And when the Prelates grew up to a fecular terrour, and twifted with the Civil power, and were backed by the Sword, i. They made the more fober and mortified Chriftians the more diflikc them , as may appear by what E/ And Ambrofe was pcr- fccutcd or endangered by Valentinian, as AthaaafiHs at laft was by Con* ftantinc himfelfjUnd Cbryfofloym dcpofed, and many others by fuch means : Yea till at lafi the EiOiopsfotind that evil is more commonly bifriend- cd by corrupted nature than good i and that Goodnefs is ufually iow- efrwhcrewoalth and honours make men higheft, and that few Princes were the beJT of men, and therefore that if one befriended the truth, many were liketobeagainfl it, and till the Arriansh"^ t\\t help of Em- perours , and Vandal and Gothijh Kings, had almoll: turned all the Church into Arrianr, and had got the General Counccis on their fides, and had cruelly perfecuted the Orthodox Bilhops, and taught them what it was to trull to the Sword, for the clenfing and concord of the Churches. And when the controverile of Images came up, one Em- pcrour was for them and another againft them: By which means and by thecontcnding of the Eafternand Wefiern Patriarcks and Prelates, wholhould be the grcateil, the Churches have been torne to pieces, and fo continue lamentably to this day fas ip the Hiitory was before declared.) Andit wasthe Prelatical Tyranny of the Romanifts, tliat fincerai{^ ed fo many parties againft them, and then had noway to Curb them, but by prolccuting them by the Swo;dand flames, as in the cafe of the IFaldenfcs^ Albigenfes, and Profr/fijwf/ appcarcth ; And as the Murders of many hundred thoufands in Piedmont, Fra/ice, Germjiiy, Ireland^, England, 6cc, Befides their Inquifitions Ihew. Thus SoUttidinem fecf rttntj&nnitatem & pacem vccaricni. "When they have hanged, burnt and llain the people and Priells, they have quitted and filenceJ them, and when they have made a lolitude and depopulation by killing thofe thatdiffertdfrom them, they have brought all to concord, and been all of a mind. And Ci€fJ And ;le£ none be offended tliat I mention the Papiits in dtCctilyiap Prelacy. For I do it not toraifc an Odiiun on .them > but Irehfrtt to riiecbnliderationof fober men, i. Whethcrns Ha-lyin-ts give us the piduieand titfcription ofherbes, not in theirfpring, but in thciv tuH f^rb'-vnnallt, blo/Totn and fruits, and as he that will know the nature ar.J difference of fruit?, or animals, muft Ihy till tiiey arc come to their full growth and ripentfs, and not take them green and youngs fo trc thar will judgeeitherof Schifmat o( Cbircb-tyrjiinyawxl} do. 2. And whe- ther the ^j%r/. Ranters, Familijh ^wA Murder- monftirtbt wox. Schijou- iickj ripe and at full growth, and therefore a young Schilinatick is not 10 tell us what Schifin is, but ftiould himfclt fee what he will be whcii he is ripe. And fo whether I'o pety be no t the V/occJmc Prelacy fail grown and ripc^ and whether tlicy fliould not therefore fee what thcs' would come to, if that which witbo'dcth in the fevcral Kinadoms were taken out of the way, as'the Pope hath rernovCd it in the Empire . If the Viiicepinf, Mctropclitancs, Patriarks, and Pope (as to his Pri- macy in the Empire^ did not a>Il Ibnd on the fame humane foLmdati\)n , then are they not the things that I am fpcakingof. Obj. Bm thclatc and pnfeiU Scbifmts in England /^en? that tt it the S^ vcrfiirics of Frclacy that tire tlx canf(s, ' Anf. Very true, for Prelacy makcth it felf adverfarits, and fo makcth fome of the .Schifmaticks. Tlurc arc two fort of 5c/.'//»»jj;ri^i i fome Vrchiills (as the Papifis, the Novjtiani^ the Vm^tiih^ and moll of the aid Schifmaticks were) i and fome Anti-ptelatills. And there axe two Ibrts of Anti prclatifis ; Some Catholick being for the Primitive Epifco' fjcy^ and fome Schifmaticks. And thcfe lall the Pi elates make, and then ccmplainofthern. Itis their llatc, arid pradice, hereafter dt f- cribed,thatdrjveth men to diAalUhem, and fo precipitaicth the inju- dicious into .the Contrary extreme. I t is Prelacy that makcth almoli all the Scfts that be ip .Evjr/jwrx'at this day ; When the>- fee ho w the Spi- ritual K eys are kcularly ufcdjiy La^mein in thc fr Courts, when they ice what Min ifiers and how many hundted of t hcin are tilci ;ad, and what Fello ws in many places a rc fet up in tlieir tlcad, they thmkjhey can never fly far enough from. fuph PteJates : To tell the worleT. It. js Sc hifma ticks that we lilcnce, and they ate c bcditnt and Otthod ox ■|> oi • fonsthat we fet up, may figr.jrie fomcthir.t; in another hnd or age . but it doth but increafe thedifaff^dion ot thofc that are upon tlit |i!.icr . und know what kind ot men the Prelates coiiancndj and who ii\ey difconimcnd and filcncc . A very Child when he is eating his . pple, will nut cail it away, becaule a Prelate !aii h it is a Crab, nor when he tati- cih a Crab, will he eate it, it a Prelate Swear it is a fwcatippK. Though he that doth but look on thcitmiy poiiril>iy belitvchim.- I believe they that thougiu that Prelacy Was the only cure of onr Sdiifuvs, do know by this time by experience, that by that tifr.e the lUelateslud again ruLd but itvcn years, there were ft vto and Icvcn againft them for one that was fo baforc: And we that dwell among them, do take thofethat diflike their courfeand waitfs, tobe the Gen - erality ot themoji Keligioos and ibber people of the land ralwaies excepting the King and Parliament and thofe that muii beftillex - cepted). C H A P. XIY. T/^e true Original of the warrantable Epifcopacy in particular Churches, was the notorious difparjty of abilities in the Paftors : And the original of that tyrannical Prelacy into which it did de- generate, TPds the worldly Spirit in the Pafiors and people , rvhich xvith the world came by projperity intotheChurch. ^^re, Wjhether fM thivg, eS4je mt^ ja?here the nafon pf. it ceafith . duty and reprove vice: But as for Sermons in a nuthodical accurate wviy, as r.ow ufcd, and defending the tnuh.and oppofing Hercfics, and Hopping the mouths of gainfayers, they n\vi\ needs be far below the Learned. But yet here and there a rhilofophcr was converted » and ot tiiofc that h^d no fuch Learning (then called fccular, and the Learning of the Gentiles) fomc few were far better Learned than others in the lacrcd ScriptiTcs, and the CLiftcmes and Learning ot the Jmv : And it was long before tlic Cl'.riflians had Schools and Academics of their own. That tills was fn, appeareih. i. In thereafonof tlic thing. For no ciTccft can exceed the total caute. Tiicretorc they that iud not the in- fpirations piofbttical, or miraculous guifts, nor Acadcrcjics and Schools offccular Learning, nor fo much as Riches and Icilurc, butPovcrty and perfccution and worldly troub'c and labour, were not like to have more Learning than the holy Scriptures taught them. ' 2. And this appeareth by the torecitcd Canons of Gounfels, which forbad Pallors, ever almolt three hundicd years after Chrill, to read the Gcniiks books. By which the former cullome of the Church maycalily be perceived. And alfo by abtmdancc of reproaches which aie call upon fome Hercticks in the Ancients writings, for being too much skilled in Logick and other of ihcGcntiUs Learning. 3. And it appeareth by the parity ot jvriffivof the fccond and third Centuries. 4. And a] fo by th; paucity of famous Divines that arc mentioned ia the Hilloriesot thofe titties. 5. And above all by the plainnefsandfiinpliciiyof thofe that are dtteribcd and of ihcirwritings. I fpcak not in any contempt of them for this Cperha] s we vali c common learning noiv to;) highly J But only totcUyouthe true Hilloryof thofe times. No doubt but many poor men among us, Cdivcrs Weavers and fomc Plowmen, of the Church which I was rcn-.oved from , for inftance ) are able to pray, and tcacii as well as moll of thofe who arc by E«/f/!/«r extolled as the tamous Bifliops of the fccond and third age v and to write as Methodical, pious, weighty tradatcs, as any that were then written by men that neither convcrkd with the Apofilcs, nor had been bred up in Philofophy; That I fay rot as C/cwf/;x K(7w.j«a/- himfclt, ot Igiutiit^, ox Iraisnt^ yea ox C]prijiis, Epililes are. 'Yea,or as many of the ages following i even asholy 3/j(.vr/'.vj-, Ephcrm^ Cyrus , Synifius^ fa Philo(ophcr) Ifidure, PcIh' fwta, and many more have written iince. If this be not be'ieved, how many Lay-men could I natnc who have written more accurately and ju- dicioufly, andasfaras the writings (hew, as pioully as any ot" thelc.? And that not only Learned Lay-men, but men that had neither inany Languages nor riiilofoph). And itthe books then written were very feiv, andoflliofe very few that were writtcnby any butSifliopsor Phi- Z lo fop hers-, ^ (i7o) UofoiMier;, ■ and tWefeivfo j>kineas we fee they arc, (the bed of them far below the writings of abundance of lat€ Latia and Englifh and i icnch writers, th.it were hut I'rcsbytersJ, you may calily judge of what parts the reft ot' rhc Presbyters of thofe times vvere, that never wrote. Ar:d 'from hentc-yo-°.'may gather the reafons, i. Why fo few Volumes arclcfr us written in tlrctwo hrft ages.' 2. And why the Churches had then (o many Presb'/tcrs. C Whatever Dodor Hammmid i'iy to the contrary without any proof.) It was eafy to find fuch Chriliians as aforc- dccribcd, v/ho might competently guide the reft by Dail'rine, worlhip, dilcipline and example: Though to find Learned men was hard. 3. And yon may fee why lu many Hereticks boafted fo much of their high- er knowledge, and Platonical &c. fpeculations, as accounting the Or- thodox to be ignorant men. 4. And you may fee why I'o tew were champions for the truth. 5. And why there were fo many parties and diviflons, when the Elders were many and lefs judicious, 6, And yen may (cchow the opinion of Eccleilaftick mecr Ruling Elders came up-, and how to expound Tauls^ il'iwz. 5,17. Efpecijllytbontlut hboitr ,intbz Word and Voclr/ne. For it was but here and there a Learned or fpccial gifted Chriftian, that was able folemnly and ornately tD Preach, decide hard cafes and controverGcs, confute Hereticks, and guide the Churches in difficult cafes. And rhe reft did lit about the Bifhop as his aUKlants, and Preach and ofliciate at his diiccfion, and overfee the people from man to man i being of the fame order and office with the Eiiliop, but not of the lame parts, and therefore not equalin the exer- cife. _ 7. And therefore iafily hence you may fee, the reafons of the firft fix- ed particular Church Epijcopjcy : Thofe few that were Philofophcrs or eminently qualified ("being ((:arce enow to make one for every Churchy did by their gifts overtop the reff in thedueeffeem of all the people .* who were bcund to clkem liim wifcft that was wifcft, and to yield more to his judgment than to others thatlcnew Icfs ; And this inequality of gifts uCtially lafted as long as life j and therefore fo did the inequality of effeem and reverence. And both the people and the inferiour gifted Paflors, obeyed the Law of God in nature, and readily gave honour to whom honour vvasdue. And when one was dead rinding another ftil to excel the reff, they accordingly prcfcTrcd him before the reft, even as an excellent Phytlcian would bs by the patients, and by all the young- er and more ignorant Phyiicians, that are notcarrycd away with pride. ''iAnd this did eafily (asall things elfe ) turnc into formality under pre- sence of order, and come tofeem a kind of Office. But when difference required it, I know not but that all this was v/cll done, except that they •for.faw not the degenerate tyranny that would afterward hence arife. This preftnt experience opcncth to us to the day. What did fet up '^liHther, and MelM&hoUy and lllyricits, but their eminent parts? What CnO c\k%ViZ Zuinilins and Oaofu/iipjdius the ? reddende at Zuikk ? Whatclft did fee up Cdviii, and Bex^a at Geneva ? And K^iax and Utn.ierfori in Scotland ? And all our Pan flies tluc have Chappeb and Curates iliew it here in Eng- l.v'J- Where one man for hi;; worth IS thought meeteft to have the Bemficc and chief cure ; but oilicis miy be dyjfen byhi:n and placed under hiin, and maintained by hi.n ("oy the BiiTiops allowance; as his curates. And indeed it was (o long beRire Academies made a fuliicicnt ftore of men of (ufficiencie for every Presbyters place, that for four or five hun- dred years, there were few bred up to competent Learning, except tither under Heathens, or elfc in a Bifhops honfe, or here and (here as an Auditor offomc one rare Teacher. Clemens Alcx.nhirinus , as aDifcipleof Pjn.'i?- nusind 0«/^f7;t" of c/c';;;^;;;, and dime few others, came to Learning, a.:^ au- ditors in that Alexandri.m iichool : But few o'licr places bclides Akxjn- drijhd.A any fuch Jschooi of a long tune, info much as Kjxjjnxen, B.i/i\ (^reg. Nijfcn, Chr}fojhme, i3c. were taught at Athens, by Lyhantus ancl fucli other Heathens i hnXAmhrtf:, Augujline, and many other?, were in a manner cLvlaS'iJ'a.KToi^ felf raughr, (6 that it wasnor polfiblcthcn to have m.iny Learned men ordinarily foronc Church (or congregation) And ye' many Presbyters certainly they had. Which is the true caufe that one Learned man was made an Ovcrfcerand Guide to the reft, who were his Curates or A(rift'anfs,pirrcd lil.e our wifer fort of the L.ii y, but of the fame Ofticc and order with him ; And thisBiihop wjs the ufual Preacher, and the otlier didlcarne of hnn to Preach, and grew up under him as Scho- lars; an I he that came to greatflt abilities under him, waschjfen for a iBifliop to another Church that wanted, bur not without his own Bilhops confcn'", which m.ide the debate in Councels Co frequent, whether a Presby- ter might remove to another Church, orbecholcn for aBuliop of another Church? And an Afnc.iu Council giveth it as a Reafon why that BiOiop that had ab'c Presbyter-, fliouLi not ref;iie to let one go to be a B lliop clfc- whcrc, becaufc where there were many fit to be Presbyters, ilicrc were but few men ftttobe made Billiops, which implieth that they took it not then for a mecr place of order, where one man of equal parts was for Unity to rule the relt, but for a nccclfary difference of exerciting the fame OHice, bccaufe of the different abilities of the Officers: Wiiich was not only to keen an Older by iifparity of places, but toc.lucatethe Presbyters to greater abilifie-^jand tomanagc Gods woi k in each .ilTcml)ly more skiilful= Jyand guide the ChurJi more prudently, and defend the truth more power- fully, than common unlcarnevl Presbyters could do. N)w let It oc fir the pi cfent granted that for fuch rcafbns I^f>ifcop.icyin ■eachChurclvwasjuftlyrctied, and call it an order or a degree as you pleafc ; Itwill bendifliCiilt que'Uion, what ftiall be judged of thofc that have the fame place and Title, without the fame CLualifications and precedcncie of parts? Becaufc the iUafonof his power failcth. If onebcchofi-n Hiiliopto keep out Hcteiie, andhcprovc a Heretick, and the Presbyters Orthodox, whatis his power to that end ? Ifone bechofen Biiliopto keep out Schifiii, and he prove a Schifinacick or Sec^-Maftcr, and the reft concordant, what is his power? IfcnebemadeBifliop to teach the people better iliaiuliePres* bytres, and to teacli the Pre.^byters themfllve-, and todefcnil truth and Oodlinefs, and he prove more ignorant than the Presbyters, andPrcachnot to tliethoufatidthoi hundredth part of his Dioccleoncein all his life, nort^i any atad pall once in many weeks or months or years, and if he do but fi- knce the Miniftcrs that are abler andfarr more pious than himfcif, what Z 2 pawcr J C«7o) power hath he as a Bifhop ro thofe ends .■> Sure I ara that J/ff'ofnio materWis neccfTary as fine (ju.t non, adreceptionem form.i!. If one be made a School- malter, that cannot reach the Scholars haiffb much as they know already, bur hath need to learneof them, andyctwill neither learne of them, r,or fuftcr them to learne without hira^ 1 know not well howfarr he is their Schoolmafter indeed. If one be made a Phyfician, thatk.noweth not half fb much as I do, Ifliouldbc loth for Order fake to venture my life upon his truft. Nor yet to venture my own life ami others in a Ship that had an ig- norant 1 ilore, wlienihe Mariners had more skill, butmuft noru/cir. Or- tlcrsand OHxc that a^c appoinredfpr tlie work's Hike, cflentially fuppofe ability for thu work. And without the necefl'try qualifications, they are but the Carkiflcscr images of the office (but of this before;. Therefore itis that the Chnftian flocks could never yet be cured, by all the art or tyranny that ould bcu.ed, ofthecfteem of real iVifJome and Sofih:efst and preferring it before an emf-ij title, or a pompous Jhetv, and from fcrringleft by l^iior.:nce3.nA I:np':cty venerably /(.rwf./ and ' many Kingdoms it will be for the Pope and MalTe^ in others for Exorcifin andCorfubftgntioii, G c 2. Is not order for the the thing ordered ? Epifcopjcy is for the Churches benefit by the Bifhops eminent gifts and parts. But if the Birtiop be of Jow- crparts, than the Paftors (and an Envious Malignant hinderer of their work), Querc, Whether the order fbeing humane) ceafe not, uhl ceffat [ub- \Tiii difpofitio dS relatio adfinem; when the end and the pefbns capacity ceafe. 1 1. But how the world by the countenance of Emperours was invited to coraeint the Church? How worldly wealth, power and honour did indue them? How Biiliopricks were made baites for the proud and tyrannical and Covetous ? How fuch then fought them and fo the worldly Spirit had the rule, and altered Epifcop.uj, I iTiewedijitheHiftory before. CHAP. 1 or Covenant] even abfolntely no obligation at all rvithoHt exception of the claufes.that are for the Protejiant Religion., for Reptntance nf our fins., agai/iji Popery^ Herefie, Scbifm, Prophmcnefi., &c. The Aft of Unifor- mity impofeth it on all Minifters, &c. to declare or fubfcribe that there is no obligation from that; Vow on me or any other pcrfon to endeavour at any time any alteration of Government in the Church. ] The V^^^f Y A<3: Impofeth the like on all Veftry men •, and fo of others, c ^ ■ 4. All Minifters fwear to obey the Billiops in HcitTS,&hiMJiis^ which is called the Oath of Canonical Obedience. 5. And laft of all an hOc paft at Oxford by which we are to be banilhed five miles from all Cities and Corporations, and all places where we have preached, and imprifoned fix months in the Common Jail, if we come nearer any of them, except on the Road, till we have taken an Oath \_that rvervill not at any time endeavour an alteration of the Government of the Church.f] ("which plainly importeth as much objectively as the Ef cxtera Oath of 1640 i Though not en- deavouring be fomewhat lefs than not confenting.J And fo black a Charafter is put upon the Non-conformifts, with a [_fome of them) in the beginning of the faid Aft, that all Reafon,Religion and Humanity obligcth us for the fa- tisfaftion of our Rulers, for the vindication of our felves, and for the juft in- formation of pofterity, plainly and truly to lay open our Cafe, even thofe rea- fons for which we forbear that Conformity i and by fo doing, incurr all this, belides the greater lofs of our Minifterial Liberty, to labour for thefaving of the peoples fouls, and the edifying of the Church of God. What is faid in the beginning may fufficiently inform the Reader, i. That it is not every man's Caufe that is called a Non-conformift, no nor a Presbyte- rian, or Independant that I here maintain. 2. That I am not writir.g a Jufti- fication of the Covenant, i. As to the Aft of Impoling. 2, Or of taking it. 3. Nor as to the obligation of it to any thing unlawful. Leaving fuch matters as c?) as alien to my work, 3. And that I am not fo radi as to affert fliat it obfi- geth any man, to cndenvom (in his place and calling") any change of our Church Government, no not of a Lay-Chancellor's ufe of the Keys, whatever I think, Becaufc it is made a matter of fo grievous peniUy by an Ad. All that I have to do i?, to enquire whether the Diocefane Prelacy as now ftated, be fo law ful that vve may take all thefe Oatlis and Subfcriptions to it, and fo necciiary tHat the King and Parliament have no power to change it, or make m alteratiou if they pleate, and we endeavonr it by obeying them if they (hould com - mand us.~ ' AnTi go upon fuch Principles as Dodor Burges., Mafter Gatakp-^ and many others in the Aflembly, that were ready to proteft that they were not againlt the Primitive Epifcopaey, no nor a moderate one that did not in all things reach it. I will rather be guilty of Repetition than of leaving the ra(h or hecdlefs un- der a pretext for their miftake or calumny. My own judgment is as tolloweth. i. That every particular Churchy (confift- in(^ of iff full a nifinl^cr iK can ajf>cijte for true pcrfinal Comnmnim in JFmJhip and holy living) (hould be guided by as many Pallors or Elders ( cf the fame Of- fice ) as the number of fouls, and the work requireth. 2. That it is lawful, ( if not ufually laudable and fit ) if thefe Presbyters confent that one among them wlio is wifcr and titter than the reft, be ftatcd- ly their Guide, Diredor, or Moderator, in the matters of Dodrine, Wor- (hip and Difcipline in that Churcli, for order and concord, and for the peoples (akes and their own : And efpecially tliat in Ordinations they do nothing without him. 3. That thefe particular Churches witR their Ei(hop and Presbytery are In- dependant, fo far that no other Bifhop or Cliurch hath a Divine Right to Go- vern them, faving what is anon to be faid of General Pallors Oi Vihitcrs, and the power of each Minifter in the llniverfal Church, as he is called. 4. That as to tlic Communion of feveral Cliurches among thcmfelves, theie particular Churches are not Independent, but muft hold Concord and Correfpondency by Letters, MeiTcngers or Synods as there (hall bz caufe. 5. That in tliefe Synods it is lawful and orderly oftentimes to make fomc one the Moderator or Guide of their debates. And that either Pro tempore^ or (jitamdiie fit maxime idoneitf^ or durante vita, as true Prudence mail difcern it to be moft conducible to the end. 6. That where the Churdies Good and the calling of the Inindel World re- quireth it, there lliould be itinerant Minillcrs, like the old Evangelills, Silar, Apollo^ Timothy^ Tituf, &c. to preach the Gofpel, and gather Churches, and help their Pallors. And if fuch be not necelTary in any place, yet tiie fixed Pallors (hould wlien there is caufe be itinerant, and help to convert the Infidels and Hereticks, and do both the general and particular work. 7. That the judgment of Antiquity moving me much, but more the Argu- ment from the necelFity, [ that the fame form of Government be continued in A 2 its C4) its ordinary parts, which Chrift at firft fetled in the Apoftles, and is not pro^ ved repealed ] do move me to incline to think that the Apoftles muft have fiich Succeflbrs, as general Planters and Overfcers of many Churches. And who Qioiild ( before all particular Bilhops ) have a chief liand in the ordain- ing of particular Bithops and Paftors, and removing them as the Churches good requiretlrCAs the Seniors have in the Bohemian IValdenfcs GovernmentO And -tliough lam yet in doubt my felf, whether fuch general Minifters, or ATch--bi(hops be-j;/>-e divino^ of Chrifts inftitution, I do not deny it;, or contend againft it -. And though I would not affert or fwear to their rightj 1 would o- bcy them. 8. That all this Church-power is to be exercifed only by Gods word, mana- ged by convincing Reafon, Love and good Example, and that no Bifhops or Arch-bifhops have any power of Corporal Coadion ■■, Nor fhould give Church Communion to any but Voluntary Confenters \ nor (hould mix and corrupt the exercife of the Keys, with unfeafonable interpolltions of the Sword even in the Magiftrates own hand. p. But yet that the King and Magiftratcs are the Rulers by the Sword over all Paftors and their Flocksj to fee that all rnen do their duties, and to regu- late them by Laws about holy things, fubferviently to the Kingdom and Laws of Chrift, and in coniiftence with the prefervation of the Office of the Miniftry and real liberties of the Flocks. lo. And therefore, though we think Churchmen ufually very unfit for any Magiftratical Power, yet we ftrall obey as his Minifters any whomfoever the King ftiall commit any part of his power about Qhurch matters to j and pro- mife them due obedience as fuch. And fo you fee what U not the QjCTlion now to be debated. But the Queftion is [J't^hcther the prefent Church Government in Englandfas di- fiindl from the Kings and Magiftrates partj he fo good or lawful., that rve (hould fncear or Juhfcribe our approbation of it, our obedience to it, or thatvpemUtiever(iH our place and calling) endeavour an alteration of it (no though the King command us) and that every man in the three Kingdoms that vowed to endeavour fuch alteration, is fo clearly and utterly difobliged, as that aU ftr angers that never k^iew him may fubfcribe or declare that he M difobltgedy or not obliged to it by that Von'. CHAP. CHAP, IL The firfl Argument agaivft the Englijh Diocefans 3 That their form ( quantum in fe ) deftroyeth the par- ticnlar Church For 771 of God's hiflit7itio?i-i a7id fetteth up a Hu7?ia7ie For77i in its fleacf. ARGUMENT I. WE cannot fubfcvibc or fwcar to tliat form of Cliurch Government as good or lawful, which in its nature excludeth or deftroyeth the ve- ry fpccificd nature of the particular Churches which were injiitutcd by fix Holy Ghnfi., and fetled in the primitive times, and ii it fclf a Jmmane form ftt up in. their ftcad. Bittfuch rre tak^ the prefcnt "Diocefane form to he : Ergo, The Major will be denied by very few that we have now to do with. And thofe few tliat will deny it, niuft do it on this fuppofition, i. That the Holy Ghoft did inftitute that particular Church Fcvm which is deftroyed but pro tempore. And Secondly, That he allowed men fincc to fet up one or more of their own in its ftead. But the difproof of this fuppofition will fall in more fitly, when 1 have (hewed what Church Form was firftfctlc'd. The Minor I thus prove. 7he Species of a particular Church which the Floly Chnfh did injlitutt, wai \_ont Society, of Chrijliaiis united under one or more Bijhops, for perfonal Communion in puhlick^ jvorftup and holy living . ~\ The Diocefane Enghjlj frame is (de\}rudive of or) inconfjknt with thii fpccies of a particular Church* Ergo, Ihe Viocefane Englijf} frame ii inconfijhnt with C or deJiruBive of ) the- Species cf the Kcly Chofls injiitution. In the Major, i. By [ Bi hops ]] I mean. Sacred Minifters authoriycd by Divine appointment, to be the Hated Guides cf the Church, by Doftrinc, Worlbip and Difcipline, under Chrift the Teacher, Prieft and Ruler of the Churcii. Whether he have a fuperior Arch-Bifhop I determine not ■•, NornoW' whether he may ordain Paftors for other Churches. What In can by [^fcrfonal Communion^ and whether it be confi/knt with^ divers Aflaiiblits, I have fully (hewed betore. I mean, that the faid Churches were no more numerous than our Englifh Parilhes, nor iiad more Afl'cmblicsv Or no more than could have the fame perfonal Communion, and that thcic were never any Churches mpvix vet prime, fpecieij which confifted of man;^ iiidi Ibted Affen-iblics. Hhall I {hall therefore now prove, i. That, the Churches of the Holy Ghofts in- ftitution were no more numerous, or were fuch fmgle Congregations. And that they had each fuch Bifhops and Paltors will be proved partly herewith, and partly afterward. 2 . And that fuch Churches do tntifpecie differ from the Diocefane Churches, and from our prefent Pariih Churches as they define them, and are inconfi- ftent with them. And the firftKhall prove, i. From the Holy Scriptures. 2. From theConfeflionsofthc Dtocefaiies. 3. From the teftimony of Anti- quity. All proving fully that the ancient Epifcopal Churches were but fuch lingle Societies or Congregations as I havedefcribed, and fuch as our Diocefles of many hundred Churches are different from, and inconfiflent with. CHAP. HI That the primitive Epifcopal Churches of the Holy Ghofts hiftitution-, were but fuch Congregatioiis as afore de- fcrihed. THefe following particulars fet together, I think will by the Impartial be taken for full proof. J. In all the New Teftamcnt, where ever there were moreftated focieties than one, for publick worfhip as afore defcribed, they are called \_Churches~\ in the Plural Number, and never once \_a Chwch^ in the Singular Number i except when the Vniverfal Church is mentioned which containeth them all. This is vifible in ^fl.p.3i.jand 14.41.and i(5.5.K(»M.id.4, and 16. i Cor.-j.i'J. and II. 16, and 14.33,34. (unlefs that mean the feveral meetings of the fame Affembly at feveral timesj and 16. ii ip. 2 Cor. 8. i, 18, ip, 23, 24. and II. 8,28. Gal. 1. 22. i "theff. 2. 14. 2 'theff. 1.4. Kev. i. 4, 11,20. and 2. 7, II, 17, 2p. and 3.d, 13,22,23. and 22. 16. If any fay, how prove you that all thele were but fingle Congregations, I anfwer, i. It is granted me by all that thefe plural terms [ Churches'] included many fingle Congregations, 2. I (hall prove anon that the molt of the par- ticular Churches named in Scripture were but fuch Congregations. 3. And no man can give me any proof that a Society confining of divers fuch Congre- ■gations is any where called \_a Church"] lingularly ; And therefore we are not to believe that the plural term meanetn many fuch fingulars, as are no where fingularly named. 2. Particular Churches are defcribed fo in Scripture as fully proveth my a- forefaid limitation and defcription. As i Cor. 11. 1^518,30,22. When ye come C7) ame together m the Church I hear that there he divifions among you. A Church confined of fuch as came together. tVhenye come together into one place, thU U not to eat the Lords Supper. And it is the Jffemblies that arc called Churches, when he (kith [ ff^e have no fetch cw Jiom, nor the Churches of Cod. 3 So I Cor. 1 4. 4. He that prophcfectb edijieth tJx Church "| that is, the Affem- bly that heareth him, and not many hundred fuch Affemblies that are out of hearing. Verf. 5. Except he interpret that the Church may receive edifying. Verf 1 2. Seekjbat ye mo)' excel to the edifying of the Church. Objed:. May not the whole Church be edified per partes J* Anf. Yes, but it mufl: be pcrplurcs vel divcrfu vicibuf. Not at once by the fame man, if the far great- cil part of the Church be abfent. Obj. But U not the rebnle man edified (natura]ly or morally J by the edification of a part ? Anfxv. Yes, if it be a iwble part : Becaufe tiie whole man being na- turally Onc^ by the unity of the foul or form, there is a natural Communion and Communication from part to part : But one Corporation in a Kingdom, may be editied or enriched without the wealth or cdirication of the red;. And this Text plainly fpeaketh of Immediate Edification of that Church that hcarethy and this at once, and by one fpeakcr. So Verf. I p. In the Church I had rather fpeak^ one rvord rvith my undcrjlanding, that I may teach others. Here the Church is plainly taken for the AJfembly. Verf 23. Jf therefore the rvhok Church be come together in one place, and Jf>eal{ rvith tongues,"] what can be more exprcfly fpoken to Ihew tliat it is not only a part of the Churcli, but the rvhok which coinetb together into one place. So Verf. 2 4. If there be no Interpreter let him^cp filencc in the Church. ] So Verf 54. For Cod m not the Author of Confufton, but of Peace, as.in all the Cbmxhes of the Saints. So Verf. 1 4. Let your women k^cp ftlence in the Church, for it is a/hamefor ivo- men to fpeak^ in the Church. So Adt. II. 26. A irholeyear they ajfcmbled themfelvcs ivitb the Church, and taught much people. Adt. 14. 27. When thc\ tvcre come, and had gatlxred the Church together, tlxy rehear fed all that Cod had done by them. Adl. 15.3. And they rvere brought on their way by the Church,'] which muft fignihe fuch a number as might be called the Church, when part was but for the whole, at leall. Ad. 3.1. T'hey n-cre all rvith one accord in one place ; which it's like was all the Church with the Apoftles. Verf 44. 46. And all that believed rt>ere togetlxr. And they continuing daify rrith one accord in the Temple, Scc. Ad. 4. 31, 32. And the place rvat (haken rvhere they vfcre affembled together^ And the multitude of them that believed rvere of one heart, and of one foul. Ad. 5.12. And they were all with ont accord in SolomonV Torch-) and of the reji durji no manjoyn himfclfio them, . (8) if any here fay that fo many thoiifands could not be of one AiTembly, I have an fwered it before, i. I have preached ( as was fuppofed J to ten thoufand at once. 2. Some of our Parilhes that have but one Church, are thirty thou- fand, fome forty thoufand, fome fifty thoufand. 5. There were llrangers at Jerufjlem from all parts. 4. The next Verfe faith [^Ihre came alfo a mtlti- tude out of the Cities round about wito Jcmfikm.] 5. The multitude were not ■yet perfedly embodied, and were quickly fcattered. Col. 4. 16, If^hen th'u Efifile U read among you, caufe that it be read alfo in the Church of the Laodiceans-, &c. It is not [_ to the Church ~\ for then you might have faid that fo it may be if the Church confilkd of many Afferablies : But it is [ /■;/ the Church~\ which intimateth that the Church was but one Alfembly. And fo that of Colojfe anfwerably. All thcfe Texts and others fuch plainly tell us whether a Church there was one AiTembly or many hundred. 3 . This is made yet much more evident,by the Scriptures defcription of a Bi- (bops work ■■, even fuch as the Apoltles then appointed over every Church. I. They were to be the ordinary publick prefent teachers of all the Flock which they did overfee. i Theff. 5. 12, 13. Knoiv them rvhich labour among you and are over you in the Lord, and ejieem them highly in love for their wori^ fak^e. Thofe then that were over every Church, were prefent with the Church, and laboured among them (which they could not do in one of our Dioceffes, fa- ving as a man may be faid to labour among a Kingdom, or the World, becaufe they labour in it.j Heb. 13. 8, 17, 24. Remember them tvhich have the rule over you, tvhich have fpsk^n to you the word of God. Obey them that have the Rule over you, and fub- viit your felves, for they watch pFyour fouls M tlhy that mu(i give- account. So that a Church was no bigger than the Bilhops could fpeal^ the word of Cod to, and could watch for their fouls. But I never faw the face of the Bilbop of the Diocefs where I live, and know but very few men in his Diocefs that ever did fee him. 2. And this care was to extend to the particular perfons of the Flocks. AIL 20. 20, 28, 3 1, / taught you publickly, and from houfe to houfe. T'ake heed to your felves, and to all the Flock^ over which the Holy Ghili hatb made yo-u Bijhops, to feed (or rule) the Church of God, &c. Remembor that by the jpace of three years I ceafed not to vcarn every one night and day with tears. I Pet. I. 2,, 3, Ihe Elders which are among you I exhort who am alfo an Elder, feed the Flacky of God which U among you, taking the overfigbt thereof, not by con- flraint, &c. that is, dithDoGtot Hammond [^^he Bijhops of your feveral Churches 1 exhort, take care of your fevcral Churches, and govern them, not as Secular Rulers by force, but as Pajiors do their Sheep by calling and going before them, that fo they may follow of their open accord.] See alfo Doftor Hammond's Annot. on Heb. 13. 7, 17. I 7hejf. 5. 12, 13. And faith Doftor Jeremy Taylor, of Repent. Fr£f. \_1 am Jure we cannot give account of fouls of which we have no notice. '] (O ter- . rible word to the undertakers of fo many hundred Churches, and fo many thoufand or ten thoufand fouls which they never knew !^ This (?) This made Ignjiiuf (zs after ciced J fay, that The Bijhop muji lool^after or tjJ^ ■account of each perfon iis much ai Servants and Maids. Objedt. But there may be more in a Fa,ljh than a Minijhr can k>'oa>. Anfrv. If a Parilh may be too large for a Billiops work, how little reafon have they to make a Church, and take the Paftoral Care of many hundred Parilhes? 2. VVe murt judge by the ordinary common cafe. In a Parifh a Minilkr may know every one, except it be fome few ftrangors or retired perfons, or except it be a Parilli or Church of too great a fwcllingbignefs : But in a Diocefs of many hundred Churches, it is not one of a hundred that the Bilhop will ever know. 3, I know by experience what may be done, whatever llothful perfons fay ■■ , I had a Parifbof about three or four thoufand fouls ■•, ( A Market Town with twenty Villages) and except three or four F'amilics that refufcd to come to me, V whom yet I knew by other means) I knew not only the perfons but the mca- fures of all or almoll all their underliandings, in the Town, and n ^y aHiliants in the VillaRes knew the reft, by pcrfonal conference, each family coming to us Ijy turn s. 4. And where a Chuvdi is too large for one, there may be and iiiul\ be alTilbnt Miniliers, and that may be done by many, which cannot be done by one alone. ; Objcd. So may a Bijhnp and his Presbyters in a Diocfs. Anftv. In a Diocefs of many Churches, the Presbyters only know tlie people, and do tiie Mir.ille- rial Office for them, except in fome one or few Churches where the Bifhop dwells and fometimcs preachetli : But in the fame Churcli, all the Minirters preach to the fame perfons ordinarily, f/vr vices) and they all know them, and all watch over them, though they allilt each other in particular offices for tliem. There is much difference between a School-maftcr and his allillants in the fame School, and one School-madLr only with fcveral Ulhers in inany hun- dred Schools. As there is between a Mailer, Miftrifs, and Steward ruling the faiTx: F'amily, and one Mailer with Stewards ruling many hundred Families \ Cof which more anon.) 3 . Another part of the Billiops work in thofe times was to Baptize : For it was part of the Apolllcs work. Matth. 2S. 19,20. And how great a work that was, to try the peoples due preparations, and to fee that they did under- fhndingly and ferioully what they did, I delire no other proof than the great care taken in all the ancient Churches ot tliis bullncfs, which brought up the Cultom of baptizing but twice a year. Objed. Ihe Apnjiles baptized three thnifand at or.ce. Anfiv. The Jews were fuppofcd to be bred up in the knowkdgc of other parts of Religion, and wan- ted only the knowledge of the true Mcifiah, and his Salvation, which might be taught them in a lliortcr time than the Gentiles could be tauglit tlie whole fubrtance of Religion, that knevv but little : Therefore as foon as the Jews were convinced of the true MelViah and the righteoufncfs of Faith, and con- fentcd to the Covenant, they might be baptized. 2. The extraordinary ctfu- lions of the Spirit in that time, did make a Ihurter preparation fufficient. At Icaft Baptizing muit be an addition to the Biihops work, B 4. As 4. A? the Apoftles laid hands on Belipvcrs to convey the Holy Ghofr, fo the Prclatirts think tliat the Bifhops then Conjii-mcd Bdhvcrs with Impolition of hands, (2k\\ Dodtox Hammond on Hcb. i^.a. 'to teach, exbfrt, confirm and im- pofe'hahdf, all tvbicb jvere the B/Jho[>s office in thatplacc,~\ Aiid O what a work it Is t§ know the pcrfons of many hundred Parillies to be capable of Confirma- fioii, and fo to conHrm them f of wlucii more afterward.) 5. I need not prove that the Bifhops then were the Mafters of the AfTem- bdies, and called them, appointing time and place, as the P\.iilers of the Sy- nagogues did : which llieweth that they were prefcnt with the Ghnrch A{- (emblies. 6^ The BilTiops adminiftred the Lords Supper fas all confefs) and therefore muft have fome Paftoral notice of the Htiiefs of all the Church to receive it : which intimateth fufficiently the extent of the Church- . 7. They went before the Affemblies ufually in performance of the publick WOrfhip : Tliey prayed with thern, and praifed God 1 And Dodior Ham»nond thinks that in all this in Scripture timeSj they had not fb much as a Presbytes to afiirt them. 8. They admoni(hed tlie unruly and diforderly, and received Accufatlons, and openly reproved and excommunicated the Impenitei\t. And O, how great a work is it to deal with one SouLaright as muft be done, before it cometh to Excommunication ! Much more with all in a Pariih. Much more in many hundred PariChes. ' p. It is confcfled that' it was the Bifhops work to abfolve the penitent pub- lickly. And then he muft judge of their Repentance : and thfen he muft try it : And for how many thoufand can a Bifhop do this, with the reft ? 10. The Bithop did difmifs the Congregation with a Benediction C as is rn'aintairied by thofe tliat wc difpnte with ) and therefore muft be preferrt; in it. . ■■ 11. They were to vifit and pray with the fick, and hU the fick^to fend for them to that end. Jam. 4.14. If any l>e fic!^ among ycnt let him call far the Elders (if the Church., and let them pray over him ~\ faith Doftor Hdmmorid \_ Bccaitfc there ii no evidence whereby thefe ( inferior Presbyters) may appear to have been brought ■ into the Church fo early , And bkaufe the vifiting of the fich^ is anciently mentioned as one branch of the office of Bijhops '-, therefore it may very reafanably be refolved., that the Bifliops of the Church, one in each particular Church, but many in the uni- verfal, are here meant.'] Though I am far from believing him that the fick per- fon is bid to fend but for one, when the term is plural, or that he muft fend for many oiit of other Churches, I will take his conceiTion that this was the Bilhopswork. . 12.- Laftly, They were to take care of the poor, and 'of the Contribntiorrs and Church ftock, faith D'"".i'- Hjmmdnd on 1 Cor T 2:. 28. ihe'pffrcine kiit^ and charge tViK referved-to the Ar-'\:Us and-BijJ^opsoftl^ Cbukh. So in thel{m. Canon (f the Apnfths, the'BiJhop 7)aill bkve the care 'dftJje!fiioniys,f) tixit by bis power all be difpmftd to the poor by \J\' Presbyters and Deacons ", and jve cbmmand that he have in his power the Church. Goods, So Juflin Martyr, Apol,2, that ^- ' -r vphicb do rvhicb is gathered is depopted by the Frafeli or Bifhop, and Ik Jxlpeth or rdieveth the Orphans and JFidofPS, and becometh the Otrator and Guardian of all abfolutcly that be in xvant. So Ig/iatilis to Polycarp^ After the Lord thou floalt be the Cura- tor of the Widows. And Pulycarp himfeljf fpcaking of the Elders or Eijhops, They vifit md tah£ care of all that are fick^^ not neglcHing the IVidows^ the Orphans and the Poor. ] So far Dodlor Hatntnond. So that by this time it is cafie to fee how great the ancient Churches were i yea, and how great tliey were to be continued i when all this is the Bi(hops Office and Work. We arc willing tliat they have DiocciTcs as bi^ as they caii do this work in, even with a Confcffiis of atVUiincn Presbyters . There is no one of all thcfe twelve alone that a Bidiop can do for a Diocefs of many fcore or hundred Churches. How much Icfs all thefe fet together ? Nay, what one confiderable Parilh would not find a Bilhop with divers aiTilbnts work enough in all thefe kinds, if it be faithfully done?* As for the doing of it per fe atit per alimu, I have fo far confuted it before, as that I may be bold to tell them now, that they may alfo receive the reward infe ant in alio : And if he that will not work lliould not cat, qture whether they (hould cat^cr alium. I addj Jf all this as Dodlor Hammond maintaineth was rnadc by the Spirit in the Apolllcs the Bifliops work, if they may make new Church-Officers to commit part of their work to, there may be twelve forts of Officers made by them for thefe twelve parts of their work. And then we ffiall better undcr- lland them. Whatever is the work of a Bifliop as a Presbyter, every Presbyter may and muft do, according to his ability and opportunity : But whatever bclongcth to a Bilhop as a Biffiop, cannot be done by another, eitlier Lay-man or Picsby- ter. Therefore let us Iiave but Bilhops enough to do it, or elfc confcfs that it is no neceflary work. So great a truft as the Gofpel and mens fouls which Chrift hath committed to Biffiops, may not be call upon others without his confent that did commit it to them. But they can lliew no confent of Chrill to make new Officers to do their work by. limothy was to commit the fame to others which he had re- ceived, 2 liin.2,2. The thingsthou hall hcardof me aniongnianyn-itneJfcs-,thc fame commit thou to faithful men, tvho Jhall be able to teach others alfo. And who knoweth not that if a Tutor commit his work ftatcdly to another, he inaketh that other a Tutor ? And fo if a Phylician commit his work Ibtcdly to another, or a Pilot, or the Mailer of a Family, he maketh the other a Piiyfician, a Pi- lot, a Marter ? And fo if a Bifliop or Presbyter commit his work Ibtedly toa- nothcr, he maketh that other a Bifliop or Presbyter. And then that Bilhop or Presbyter fo made is himfclt obliged as well as cmpoirred^ and the work that he doth is his own work, and not his that delivered him his Commiffion. So that this doing thcfe twelve parts of a Billiops work per aJii/m is a nicer mocke- ry, unlefs they fpcak unfitly, and mean the making of all thofe to be Billiops as they are, orelfeby pevtidious ufurpation calling their trult and work yn ethers. For if they could prove that God himfclf had inftitutcd the Species B 2 of cTSiih-preshytcrf., ic would be to do their omi iro)\^ and not another mans. My next proof of the limitation of Churches in Scripture times is, that Deacons and Biiliops were diftinft Officers appointed to the fame Churches. T!-ie Church which the Deacon was related to, was the very fame, and of the faiTie extent, with the Church which the Bi(hop was related to v as is plain in all Texts where they are defcribcd \ Ad, 6, i Ttm.:^. Tit. 7. d'"c. But it is moftcharthat no Deacon then had the charge of many hundred Churches, or more than one fuch as 1 have defcribed ; Therefore neither had the Bifhop -£)f thatuChiu-cli. _ . . _ . Tiicy that hav£ rww, extended the Office of the Deacons further, and have alienated them from their firft works, of attending at the Sacred Tables, and taking care of the Poor, cannot deny but that this was at leaft a great part of their work in the Scripture times and fome Ages after (at lead when Jerome ad Svagf. defcribed the Offices of the Presbyters and Deacons.) And was any man then made a Deacon to a Diocefs ? or to many hundred Churches ? or to more than one ? Did he attend the Tables of many Churches each Lords day at the fame time? If you fay that there were many Deacons, and fome were in one Church and fome in another, it is true : that is, They were in feveral AflTemblieSj which were every one a true Church, and they were oft many in one Affembly : But there was no one that was related to Many ftated Church AlTemblies i nor to a Church of a letter fi2e or magnitude than the Bifhop was. 5. And that there was no Church then without a Bifhop foneormore) is evident from ACi. 14. 23. They ordained them Elders in every Church i com- pared with other Texts that call them Bilhops : And Dodor Hammond fhew- cth that thefe Elders were Bifhops. And indeed it was not a Church ( in a proper political fenfe) that had no Bifnops formally or eminently. No more than there can be a Kingdom without a King, a School without a School-ma- ftcr, or a family without a Mafter. Objed:. 'They are called Churches Ad. 14. 23. before they had ordained Elden. Anfrr. I. It is not certain from the Text, for the name might be given from their itate //; fieri or which they were now entring into. 2. If it were fo, it is certain that the appellation was equivocal, as it is ufual to diftinguilli the Kingdom from the King, the School from theSchool-mafter, the Family from the Mafter, but not in the firid political fcnfe of the word's, for that compre- hendeth both. 3. The truth is, they were true political Churches before. For they had temporary unfixed Bifliops, even the Apofflcs and Evangelifts, that converted them, and officiated among them. Otherwife they could have held no Sacred Affemblies for holy Communion and the Lords Supper, as hav- ing none to adminifter it. The hxing of peculiar Bilhops did not make them firll Churches, but made them fctled Churches in fuch an order as- God would cftabliffi. 6. Laftly, The fetling of Churches with Bifhopsin every- City^ Tit.i.^. doth (hew of what magnitude the Churches were in the Scripture times. For, J, It is known that fmall Towns in Jitdea were called Cities. 2, And. thjit Crecu (^3). Crectc which Was called Hecaimpolii, as having an hundred Cities, muft needs tlicn have fmall ones, and near together. 3. And it is a confeffed tiling that the number of Converts was not then fo great, as to make City Churches fo numerous near as our Parifhes are. And if the coniideration of all this together, will not convince any, that tiie Churches that had Biftiops in Scripture times, confirted not of many ftated Af- femblies as afore defcribed, but of one only, and were not bigger than our Pariflies, let fuch enjoy their error ftill. CHAP. IV. The fame proved by the Cojiceffio?i of the mofi Learned defenders of Viocefane Prelacy. T Hough the Scripture Evidence be moft fatisfadory in it felf, yet in con- troverfie it much eafeth tiic mind tliat doubtctli, to Hnd the Cauie ful- ly and exprclly granted, by thofc that molt learnedly defend thofe confequcnts which it overthrows : And if I do not bring plain Conceffions here, I will not deprecate the Readers indignation. I. Among all ClirilVians, the Papifis are the higheft Prelatifts i And among i. FetavK all Papills the Jefuits \ and among all the Jefuits Pctaviut, who hath "'• written againrt Salmafms^ &c. on this Subjcd-. Fctavius, Viffcrt. Ecdcfi-jfl. fie EpiCc'f' fliiinit, & ]urifd. /'. 22. concludeth his firll Chapter in which iic had cited tiie chi^fcll of the Fathers •, [ Hjdcnin igitiir ex antiquontm autl.witate con- fcitur primis Icmporihiif, Pi cshytcromm & Efifcoponwt noii tantum appeVaticnes-, fed ctivn ordincf, in ejfJem c>n:ciirriffc pn-fniijf^ iiclcm ut cjfoit utriqne- ]] i. e. Hi- ihertn it is proved by the Aiith.^rityif the Anciaus^ i hit in the firjt timet, net only the Niintes, but the Orders, nf Trahyters and Bijhops did concnrr into the fame fer- fonSffo that hoih were the fame mcn.'\ And if fo,I (hall (hew the confequents anon. And/?jg. 23, He thus bcginncth his third Chapter, as opening the onlyne- ccfTary way to avoid the Scripture Arguments againfi Epifcopacy, \_Si qu'n tmnia ilia fcriptur£ loca diligenur expendat, id /lecejjario confequens ex ilTvs ejfe jlalH- f *, eof ipfiif, qui ihi Trcshyteri voeaniur, phif aViquid gxam fimpliecf fuijfe preshy- teros, cujufmodi hodicqite fwit : nee duhitabit, ejuin Epifeopi fuerint iidem, tion voca' btilo tantum, fed re Uiam & potellate.'] i. C. [_ If any one will diligently weigh all th:>fe places of Sa-ipliire^ he will conclude that thit vs the neccffaryconlequent of them, that ihofe that are there called Presbyters rvere fomcwhat more thanfwtplc Presbyters, and fuch as now they arc : and he will not doubt but the fame men were Bifl?ops, not *nly in name-, but in detd ami in Jiowerfl T "■ P£g. (h) Pag. 2 4. Q Exifiiino Prcshytem vel onines^ vel eoriim pUrofque fic ordinatos ejje ■ftt Epifcnpi pjriter ac presbyteri graditm obtinercnt. ^ I tbi)\ that either all or tru^l of the Presbyters n-ere fo ordained, as that they obtained both the degree of Bijhop and of Presbyter. ] Which he procecdeth to ihew that he thinks was done that there miglit be a ftore of Bilhops prepared for all Countries. Pag. 2 5. he thus far differs from Doftor Hammond., but not from the truth, as to hold, that {_ P lures in eadem Ecclefia velut Epbifina Epifcopi fucre.'] [^7here n-cre many Bi- jhsps in one Church., as in that of Ephefus. ] Which he taketh for a particular Church, and not a Province ; and faith, tliat the fimple manners of the Church would then bear this, till Ambition had depraved men, and Charity and Hu- mility and the imitation of Chrill waxed cold : then came that which Hierome fpeaketh of, that For a remedy of Schifm one reas cl^fen out of the company of Presbyters, and fet above the reft. So Pag. 26. In eadem capiti^ajfim ambo confercbantur. And p. 27. Hoc fv it a efi, quid aliud reftat nifi ut penes eofdcm (Nam plures una in Ecclefia fuijje tales, '^'iifdcm ex lock argmnentum ducitur) tam nomen Hind duplex, quam conveniens no- mini potefttK & authority utraque fuijfe dicatur,'] that is [_If this be fo, what elfe remaineth, but that both the double name, and the agreeable double porver and au- thority, be faid to have been in the fame perfins (for that there were many of them in one Church, may be proved from the fame places.) And P^g.p5,pt5,P7,p8,pp. he llieweth out of y///h/2 Martyr, firft, [77ut all things in the f acred Affcmblies and Sacraments were done by the Bijhop alone i and that he was the Curator and Moderator both of the Sacraments to be adminiftred, and of teaching the people, and of the Churches money. 'Ihe Bijhop confccratcd the Sacraments, and by the Deacons adminijlred them to the people. He prayeth and preacheth. He had the care,of the Churclj-moneyis, and kept them with it \ he relieve ed the Orphans, Widows, Sick^, Prifoners, 1 raveilers, &c. And from "tertnllian, that the Chriftians received not the Sacrament from the hands of any but the Bijhops. (Were there not then as many Bilhops as Church-Affcmblies ? ; And that they chiefly did baptize. And p. 112. heciteth the Can. y.& S.Concil. Gangrenfu, which anathemati- zeth thofe that without the Bifliops confent durft give or receive the Church Obla- tions, &c. And p. 141. out of Profpcr de vita contempt, c. 20. that a Bilhop muft excel in knowledge, that he may injbuli thofe that live under him. And p. 144, 145, 147. he citeth Can. 3. Concil. Arelat. ^.an.St^. [^"that every Bi- . jhop in his own Parijh do perfedly and jiudioujiy teach the Presbyters and all the j>eople, and not ncgk& to injim& them.^ And Concil. Turonenf. 3. Can. 4. Let every Bijhop diligently ft udy by facred preaching to inform the fbck^committed to him., what they mujl do, and what they muft avoid. And Concil. Rhcmcnf, 2. Can. 14. 7hat Bijhops preach the Word of God to all. And Concil. Cabilonenf. 3 . Can. 1 . [_7hat Bijhops be ddigent in reading, and fc arch themyfteries of Gods Word, that: they may Jhine by the brightnefs ofDo^rine in the Clmrch, and ceafe not to fatiate the finis Jubjetf to them, by nutriment of Gods Words.'] And p. 1 47. That in the formula by which the Kings oi France committed Epifcopacy to any, it is (aid, loHJliall ft udy by daily Sermons to edifie, or polijh, the people committed to yott, ac- cording to Canonical Injiitution. And (i5) And ibid. Can. ip. 'Concil. Coiiflant. in Trullo, [ The Church Prefidenfs mt^jvcry day, but efpccially the Lords day^ teach all the Clergy and people^ the things that belong to piety , gathering from the Scriptures the fentences and judgments of verity. J Andp. I4P. he dteth Concil. Lateran.fiib Innnc. ^. c, 10. allowing Bifliops to take helpers in preaching when bufinefs or fickncfs hindrcd thciu. And p. 150,152, 153. he mentioned! it as fomewhat rare, that at ^/f.'vjWW.j Pref- byters preadied, and at Antioch Chryfolbm., and at Hippo /iitgujiine, while Fla- I'ianits and Valerius were Bilhops. I do not cite all this now as to prove the fenfe of Antiquity, but the fen(e of Petavins, who plainly intiinatcth that the Churches were no larger of a long iimc, than that a Billiop might preach to all the Clergy and People every Lords day ', and that in Scripture times all or near all the Presbyters were Bi- fliops (which is it that we contend for ■■, ) and confequently you may judge what the Churches were. And though it IHU look much farther than Scripture times, I will fliew you what Petaviuf tliought of the Magnitude of City-Churches, even near four hundred years after Chrill, in Epiphjnii«p 2. My next Witnefs is Bifhop Vonviame., the ftrongeft that hath written a- Downamc gajnft Parilh Billiops for Diocefanes i who, lib. i. ca^. i. (before recited) laith, [_ Indeed at the very frft Qmverfwn of Cities., the vf hole number of the people V converted., being fomervhere not muw greater than the number of Presbyters placed a- mong than., rpere able to make but a fmall Congregation. '] And cap. 6. pag. 104, \_ At the firji, and namely the time of the Apoftle Paul, the mofi of the Churches, fo foon after their Converfwa, did not each of them, exceed the proportion of a populous Congregation.'] Though this reach not fo low as Petavius Conceffion, it is as much as I need. to the prefent bufinefs. 5. Mufisi/ 3. 'My third Witnefs (hall be that learned moderate man, Mr. Jofeph Mede, Mede. yi^ho in his difcourfe of Churches, pag. 48, 49, 50. faith, [ Nay more than this, it jhojtld feem that in thofe firji times before Viocejfes rcere divided into thofe leffer and fubordznate Churches xs>hich we norv call Parijlies^and Presbyters aligned to them, they had not only one Altar to a Church or Vominicum, hut one Altar to a Church, tak^ ing Church for the Company or Corporation of the faithful united under one Bijlwp or Pajior : and that was in the City or place where the Bijhophad his See and Keftdence. Lik^ its the Jews had but one Altar and 7emple for the whole Nation, united tinder one High PriLJ}. And yet, as the Jews had their Synagogues, fo perhaps might they have more Oratories than one though their Altar were but one, there namely where the Bi/hop was. DiefolU, faith Juftin Martyr, omnium qui vel in oppid'n vel ruri de- gunt in eundem locum ConventKs fit. Namely as he there tells us to celebrate, and participate the l^oly Euchariji. Why was this ? but becaufe they bad not many pla- ces to celebrate it in. And itnlefs this werefo, whence came it elfe that a Schifmati- cal Bijhop was faid, Conjiituere or collocare aliitd altare ? And that a Bijhop and an Altar are made correlatives ? See St. Cyprian, Epiji. 40, 72, 73. ^e mit. Ecclef. &c. So that Mr. Mede granteth that every Church that had a Bifhop, had no more (i7) more 'peojJle than communicated at ore Altar. To which purpofe he goeth on further to Ignatius Tc^imony, of which anon. 4. Bifliop Bi//S«'s. Teftittiony, Fttf*Gov. cap. i^.pag.2^6. See after- 4- Eil'o"' ward. . '■ . (■i-.«r.\V ".i..: ■ ^^• '"' ' '. ' ' ' ^. Gro*?«f is Wge (in his endeavours to prove, that not only every Gity had ^.Grotius. a Bilhop, but alfo every liated Afllmbly, of which there were divers in one and the fame City> and that the Government w'as not fuited to the Temple vi^ay, but to the Synagogues ■, and as every Synagogue had its chief Ruler, of which there were many in a City, fo had every Church in a City its Biftiop v and that only the Church of Alexandria hjiJ the ctijhm ofhainng hta one B{fhop in thc' whole City. ThSshede />»;/>?>•. 5;/(«. Pof.;>. 355, 35^, 357. And in his Amot.in 1 lint. 5. 17. \_ Sed nptanfit4m efi wu itrhe., ftciit f litres Syfi.iff<^jf, it a &• tliires fuijje Eccjcfus, id eli conventus Cl^rijh.tnorum : &• cuifinc F,cchfi£ f"'Jf^ f"' um po£fidcni^ qui pnpulum alloqutrctrtr & Prcshylerfls Preiin.trct : Alexandria tM'.tum eitm fullfe rnorcm-, ut unm ejfct in t(Jta tfrhe pi-fftr qui ad di'cendnm Frfshyteros per urbeni dilh-ibuent, docct nns Snznmcnuf^ /. i. c. 14- & "Epphar.ius^ •C'^r.! Thus Crntiw: thought that of old every ftated Affembly had a Bi'hop that had power of Ordination. I confefs 1 interpret not Zoz'^men nor Wpifhanius as' Grd- tiiif doth, nor believe I that he can bring us frequent proof ot two Churches with Biihops in one City (much lefs many •, ) unlefs in Dodtor Hammond'^ in- ftance before and after mentioned. But the leli I accept. 6. Eiftop 6. I may take it for a full ConcefTion from Bifhop Je^-cmy Tailor, which is /«>;"«> before cited, though in few words ; Pnfi Treat. nfBerei:*. \_I am fim rre can- ^•"•'"'' not giiv account of jimls if rvhich rve hne n» )r'itice.~\ And 1 am fure a full Pa- ri(h is as many as a more able and diligent man than ever I Was, can tikefuch notice of as to do the Palters Office to them. 7. Doflor • 7. But thelaft'andgveatcrt Champion for Dioccfancs isDo\iTi^ci Elders-, hai'e been alfo extended to a fecond Order in the Church, and non- ii only in ufe for them under the name of Presbyters, yet in the ScrijHtire times it Inlmged principally, if not atone to Bifjops, there thing no evidence that any of the fccond or- der irere then injiituted ■-, ihDugh foon after before the writing of Ignatius E^ftj there ivercfuehinliituted in all Churches. ^ ^ ' (Though fo fuddain a change be unlikely, I pafs it'byl)' In hh t^ijfrtf. ioS, ■ 209, ll« cap.^o. fe&. 19,20,21. d^ 11. feU. 2.&(\ he faith, |^P/iit< rtffh t^- tjuetjuaque verwn ((fe quod pro concejfa furuitur (in una eivit.ite non frrrjfe phrres E- pifcopos.) i^uann'n enim in una Ecchfia aut ca-tu plures fimul Epffcopi winqutm fuerint, nihil t amen ohft are, quin in eadem ciiitate dtf) ahqitando drfhrminati fT- tUf fuerint, a dkobiU Aprj^ln ad fdem addtiUi^' &c. a^ 1 nave before more Ibr^- ly cited him. C Yta, (,8) Yea, D/Jfert. 'Epi^.Stti, 50,31. he will have the queftion ftated only of a Bifhop \_in fngulari Ecclejia'] & [jn fwgulari c«tit.'\ "Ihecontroverftc U not, ^«'- biift London Minflerr, pag. Vivniesin jQ^_ ^ y^nd though I might tmly fay that for thofe more minute confiderations or Caufi. conje&ures., rvherein this DoHor differs from fame others.^ he hath the fuffrages of many of the learned\i men of this Church at this day-, and as far as he kpoioetb of all that embrace the fame Caufe with him.~\ . Ipurpofely pafs by fuch Bifhops as Cranmer, Jewel, &c, aiidfuch conform- able Divines as Doflor Whitak^r, Fidh^, &c. as being not high enough to be valued by thofe that I have now to do with. As Jeveel, Art. i\.p. i-ji. Qiew- cth. that every Church muft have one Biftiop and but one, and out of Cyprian that the Fraternitas tmiverfa was to chufe hin) > Et tpifcopiu dekgatur plebe pr£- .fente — de univerfx fraternitatis fiifl'ragio, Epifcopatus ei ( S abino) dcfcrrctm : And mentioneth the KcCcxipt of Honorim the Emperor to Boniface, that \_If two Bijhops through divifwn and contention happen to he chnfin, we will that nei- ther of them he allowed as Bifhop ; hut that he only remain in the Apoftolicl\_ Seat, whom out of the number of the Clergy, Godly difcretion, and the confent of the whole Brotherhood, Jhall chufe by a new EleiUon.^ How big yet was the Church even then ? Now all this being aflerted, i. It is evident that they hold that in Scripture times, no Church coniifted of more than one ordinary ftatcd worfhipping Af- fembly. 2. And that every fuch Affembly had a Bilhop. For if there were 110 Presbyters, there could be no Affembly but where a Bifhop was prefent : for the Lords days were then ufed for publick Worftiip ; and the people could not . dp that without a Minifter, for they had Communion in the Lords Supper , , 1' every I {19) every Lords day : And therefore they muft have a Bidiop, or have no fuch VVorlhip. And Dodor Hammond departech from Fetavius in holding that no Church had more Bilhops than one : So that dc fa^o he granteth all that I dc- firc, I. That the Churches were butfonunyAlTemblies having cacha Bidiop. 2. And that no Sub-Presbyters were inftituted in Scripture times. And by what right the change was made we Ihall enquire anon. CHAP. V. The fame f rove J by the full Tejl'unony of Antiquity. THat the particular Churches, iiifim£ fpcciei vcl ordinis., (of which combined Affociatcd Churches were conrtitutcd) were no larger than is before de- fcribcd, and had but Vmtm Altare^ I lliall prove Hirtorically from Antiijuity. 1. And Order requireth that I begin with Clemens Komanus. But let the Reader (lill remember that while I cite him and others oft cited heretofore by many, I do it not to the fame end, as they who thence prove that Bilhops and Presbyters were then the fame ■■, but to prove the Churches to be but fuch fingle Congregations as are fore-defcribed, Ep. ad Cor. pag, 54, 55. [KaTixx«'?«5 5ii yly 7rdA«s H.iiguJtrovTtj, v.x^'t<^ovToii oLnaqxccs aur^'", o^om- /u«JavT£s TCfi TTHi/^uaTi &is tTrnntoTrou^ itj ne reNther yon mil, and will do 'rA)at-{halthy the people he ■appointed j only let tb: Sheep-fold of Chrifl live in peace reith the Vresbyters appointed over it. By which words it is evident, that it was fuch a particular Ovikox Church, where the Will of the people might be decla- red as a matter that bore much fway. But who can think, that this is fpoken of many Congregations, where the peoples Will could not eafily be iigni- hed. And it is farthe* ma-liifeft in thatit was but for the fake of one or two that the Church of Cww?/j moved this fedition againft the Presbyters ("called alfo Bi- ihops,) fag. 62. Now how many Congregations that Church confilled of^ where the intereft of one or two was either fo far concerned or (0 powerful, it is ealie to conjediure \ fee all thefe together, and judge impartially. I add ('though out of feafon ) that it was none of the Apoftles meaning that thofe whom they made Bilhops of fuch hng'e Churches, without a fubjedt Or- der of Presbyters, fhoukl make fuch an Order of fubjed Presbyters, and make feiTifelves the Bifhops of a Dioccfane Church without any Bifhops under them. For pag. 57. he faith, [ And our Apnfilesby our Lord Jefnr Chnfi k^erc, that can- tention reonld arife about the name of Epifcopacy ■, and for this canfe being endued with perfect fore-knowledge^ they appointed them aforefaid-, and left the Courfes (or Orders) of After-Miniflers and Offices defcrihed, that other approved men might fuc- cved in the place of the deceafed^ and might execute their Offices^ So that it was the fame places and the fame Offices which thofe ordained by the Apoftles had, in which others muft fucceed them, which therefore were defnibed by the A- pollks, and not into others,- To. i (2i; To confirm my Expofition oiCkmcns, note, that Grotm himfelf Ttftfl. 182. ed Bignon. giveth this as a reafon to prove this Epiftle of C/m^j to be genuine. $lHod mifqMam mmiiiiit rxortis illius Epfcoporum autlwitatis^ que Ecchfiji coiifm- tndiiiefoft Marci mortem AkxandrU^ attjueeocxemplo alibi introdHci capt:fcd plane m Patilm Afoftolus cjiendit, Ecckfus commwu Frcsb^'teronim^ qui iidan omnes & Et>ifcopii confiliofiajje gubiTfutas.'] that is, Bccatifc he no where makcih mentinn of that excelling authority of Bi(hops rehich began to be intrduoced at Alexandria by the ciiftom of the Church, after tlx death ofMark, and in other places by that exanrple: But he plainly Jhewcth, as the Apofile Paul doth^ that the Clmrches rvere gcvoncd by ike Comnion Council of Presbylers-, ivh were alfo Bi(J}ops.~\ Note alfo, as aforefaid, that Doftor Hanvmnd in Pijfert. grantcth as to matter of facfV, that Clemens fpcakcth but of tlic Bilfiops of Iniglc Congregati- ons, whom he alfo calleth Presbyters, there being no other in the Church of Corinth, II. My next Witncfs is Pius Bifhon of Rome, in Epift. Juih Epifcopo ■■> in Biblimh. Patr. torn. ^.pag. 1 5. mentioning only Bilhops and Deacons : ofwhich Dodor Hammond iriaking the fame Conceflion, Ihll grantetli that hitherto Bi- lliops had but fingle Churches. (Of this move anon.^ III. My next and grcateft Witnefs is Ignatius^ in whom ftomy admiration) the Dioccfancs fo much conridc, as that quaft pro ar'n & forcii they contend for the authoritv of his Epif ties. I am as loth to lofe him as they are : therefore I will not meddle in BlondeCs controverfie (againd whom they fay Dodtor Pier- fon is now writing.) In his Epillle to the Philaddphians he faith, \^'^v Svaia.- crufjov ■r.i.zvi lyj fcnK,\iwinf,>t, Ms 'i.i\i(j}tOTT^j^ xf but as of the Notes of every Churches Individuation or Hxcccity as they fpeak. The Unity of the Church is charaderilcd by Oee Altar, and One Eifhop with the Presbytery and Deacons. If [^nxsyf lii tn.v.K»ci(^, ~\ were out, it would not alter the fcnfc, being plainly implied. Eifhop Pow/MWt's Expofi- tion of SuMxcy^ov as if it ligniried Chriji, is fo forced and contrary to the evidence of the Text, that his own party quite forfake him in it, and he necd- cth no confutation. For who Cycr before dreaiiied that the Vnity or Indhi- diution of each particular Ciuirch, s^ontillcd in having one Chrij}^ who is the common Head of all Churches ? 0/^ Chriji to ei'ery Chitrch and one Bijl.'op, would fignihe that every Church mult have one feveral Chrilt, as well as one feveral Bilhop. Nor is 3ui3i.y-cii^)v fo ufcd by the Ancients, ex- cept when the Context (heweth that they fpeak by alluiie)n of Chrilt. MalKr Mead's plain and certain £xpoliticn and Collcdion I gave you before ; the fan)e with ourj. As ^, As for them that fay that many Congregations might per vices come to one Altar to communicate, I anfwer, i. Let them make Churches as big ascaa thus communicate and fpare not •, though there be neceflary Chappds or Ora- tories befides. 2. But remember that every Church ufed to worlhip God pub- lickly and to communicate, at leaft every Lords day i and that there was but 0/ie Altar to each Church, and therefore but one Communicating Congre- gation, Dodlor Stillingflect in his Schifmatical Sermon is for my Expofition. Objecft, It if meant of one Species of Altars^ and not one Individual. Anfre. Then it is meant alfo of one Species of Bilhops in each Church, and not of one Individual. Objedl. T/jl' pra&ice of the Churches after fherveth that they too\ it not for a fin^ cr Schifm^ to have fever al Altars in a Church, Anfw. I talk of nothing but matter of fa& '-, it was the r)Ote o{ One Chttrch when thofe Epiftles were written : whether the Author was miflakcn de jure^ or whether after Ages grew wifer, or rather had fewef Bifhops and more Al- tars tor the fake of Carnal Intereft, I judge not. The fame Author Epifi. ad Smyrn. faith \_Vbi tttique apparct Epifcopus^ ibi & miiltitjtdo fit : qHcmadmodum utiqite ubi eji Chrijiiu Jefuf-, tUic Catholica Eccle- fi.t:~\ zs Vfper's Lat.'Tranf. or [^-rroisx is^:i(^ ^zO(-Tix~\ omnU exercitus cxk- ftis. And the Context (heweth that this nmltitudo or pkbs is the Church which the Bilhop overfeeth. Therefore ubi Efifcopm ibi Ecclefiafnit, and fo every Church had a prefent Bilhop. So in Epifi. ad Magnef. he bids them [ All tmitedly (or as one) run together to one Temple of God^ ,K to one Altar^ to one Jefiis Chrifi7\ So that every Church had one temple and one Altar to which (as a note of their Union in Chrift^ the whole Church muft unanimoufly come. So in Epifl. adTrull. he faith \_Et Epifcopiu typuin Dei Patris omnium gerit > Tresbyteri veru fmit confejfits quidam^& conjundlif Apnjiolontm cxtus ■, fine his Eccle- fia Ele&a non efi : Nulla fine his San&orum Congregatio ■■, nulla Sanliorum Colledio, Et pojiea, ^id vera alitid Sacerdotium eft (vel Tresbyterium) qttam facer coetus, Conciliarii & ajfcjfores Epifcopi ? ^id Viaconi, &c.'] So that it is hard m.ore plainly to exprefs a thing in words, than this Author expreifeth,that not only defado every Hated worlhipping communicating Congregation had their Bi- fhop,Presbyters and Deacons, but that dejure it ought to be fo : And that there was no lawful >-.hurch AiTembly for Worfhip, without the Bilhnp and his Presbyters ordinarily •, and one Altar and one Bilhop were the Notes of one .. Church. And Epifi. ad Polycarp. \_S£pe Congregationes fiant : ex nomine omnes q»£re : fervos & ancillas ne defi>ici,is (ut "Tranf. Lat. Vfiy.) i. e. Keep often Congregations : Enquire (or lo)]^ after) all (or every one) by name : defpife not the Servants and the MaidsJ] And how many Congregations at once that Church then had,or how great it was, when the Bilhop himfelf was to look after every one by name, even the Men- fervants and the Maids, I leave to their judgments who are wil- jing to underftand the truth. Since ' (23) Since the wriring of this fabouf thirteen years) I have feen Jfaac VoSim his Flonntine Ignatius-, Edit. 2. andalfo had fome fpeech with Bifliop Gunning, confidently denying that by 'iv SuH'iafMg/ov is meant one material Altar or place of Communicating : I will therefore review the Texts of Ignatius accor- ding to Ifaac Vofpiif, and anfwer this Bilhops confident aflertion. 1. Epilh ad Smyr/!. p. 4. Xlxv^is TUiTtKntOTrits i\i.oK^3^7i, &c. Omnei E- pifcopim fequtmini ut Jefiis CImfius Patrcm ■, & Preshytoiitm ut Apqjiolos , Dw- conos atttcm rcvcreamini ut Dei mandattim. "Nullm fine Epifcapo aliquid operetur co- mm cj!i£ cpnveninntin Ecclcfiam : Ilia firma Cratiantm adio (tvxo'.PJ.'^ix) repute- tm\ qu£ fuh ipfo eft, vd qtiam utiijue ipfe conccjfcrit : uhi utique appant Ep/fcopuf, illtc mult it udo fit ; quemadmodum utique ttbi eft Jefuf Chriftus it lie CatMica Ecck* fia : Non licit um ft fine Epifcopo neqite baptizare, neque agapcn fitccrc. Here it is evident, i. That by t5 vrAiiB©^, the Multitude.,'] is meant thea& fcmbling multitude, and not dilbnt people many miles off. 2. That by cpctvvi apparet, is meant the perfonal vifiblc appearing prcfencc of the Bi(hop. And fo that every Church-Affembly had a prcfent Bilhop or>- dinarily. •5. That by tuxa^'tci'*, is meant the Churches joyful laudatory Commu- nion, of which the Lords Supper was a cliief part. And fo tliat the Fuckiriii ■was ufualiy celebrated with and by the Bilhop, and never but by his particular allowance to the Presbyters ; not only a general allowance to do it commonly as Parilh Priells do without him, but to do it in his Affembly either in cafe of his abfence, or need, or as allilling him. 4. That by t y\')'iM\]G)v e^s tuv iMiKvtaixv is meant the mttto-j and perfonf of the particular Affembly : And fo that every fuch Aflbmbly iiad a prefcnt Super- vifor or Bilhop. 5. That by ii«.oA»S&t'T«, is meant a local going whither he gocth, and an i- mitation of him as prcfent ■■, and fo that they hjd his vifible prcfence. 6. That the prohibition of baptizing and holding their Love-feailing Meet- ings without hiin, figniticd not only \_ivithout h'n general licence at a dftancC','] but as no Servants mult do great matters in the houfe without the Malicr, fo it implieth here his ordinary prcfencc and particular approbation of the lingle perfons fitnefs for Baptifm, and his condjjdt of their Love-fealls, and his al- lowance in cafe of neccilary abfence. 7. That the fame Alfemblies had a Bifhop, Presbyters and Deacons. For the fimc multitude is to follow the fame Bifhop, Presbyters and Deacons: And how could one Parilh follow all the Presbyters of all other Parilh Churches of a Dioccfs whom they never knew? And it is certain that it was the fame Church that the Ptrrhytery and Deacons here mcntit-nicd had : But Deacons were appro- priated only to fmglc Churches, and the people of one Parilli-Affemblyj were not to follow or obey the f^cacons of all other diftant Parilh Churches. 8. And after he faith, l_Salutoi eodignum Epifcop/wt, & Deo dccens Ti;s- bytaium , & confcrvos mos D/aconos &" finziHttim & comniuniitr om'ies.^ Which plainly Jigniheth that it was the fame City Church in Sr>.yiia that that had a Bldiop, Presbytery and Deacons: For the fcattered Presbyters of many dillant Parifhes cannot be meant by the Presbytery which is fuppofed prcfent with the Bilhop and Deacons. II. Tlie next in the Florentine Copy is the Epiftle to Folycjrpe^ where he faich to the Bilhop, {_'■' Let not the JFidnvs be ricgkcied : Next after the Lord., " be thou the Curatm- of them : Let nothing he done without thy Sentence. : and do '•'• thou nothing n-Hhotn God : and whdttboK dojl let it be well]} able : Let Congre- *' gations be often made : feek^ all by nana : dejpife not Semants and Maids : jpeak^ " to my Sijieri to love the Lord^ and be fiibjcci in flejh and Ipirit to their Husbjnds-, "■ and to the men to love their Wives. And the Men that marry, and the Women that "■ are married., mufi makg their union xvith the fentence of the Bijhnp, &c.] Here it is evident, i. That it was a Church of which Widows were a part that is here meant : But Widows then were fpccial parts of particular Pariili- Churches, and not common to a Diocefs of many fuch. 2. It was fuch a Church where the BiQiop himfelf was to take care of all the Widows, and fee that they were not negleded : And that could not be done to a Diocefs of many fcore or hundred Parilhes. 3. It was a Church where the Bifhop as prefent could fee to all that was done. 4. It was a Church that was oft to afTemble or be congregate : which a Dio- cefs never doth : For it is frequent Congregations of the fame perfans that is here commanded or defired. 5. It was a Church fo afTembled that the BilTiop could by name take an ac- count who was abfent by his own eye : Yea, even of the Servant-men and Maids. . ■ 6. And fuch as the Bifliop could himfelf marry all that were married in it, or at leart be their particular Counfellor therein : And exhort all Husbands and Wives to their duties. 7. He after faith, [] " I am of one foul with them that are fuh)eti to the Bifhop, " Presbyters and VeaconsJ] Signifying that thefe three were the prefent Officers of one and the fame particular Church. III. The next is the Epiftle to the ^p/^e^j;;/ i where, i.Pag.iy. he willeth them to love their Bilhop, and all of them to imitate /)/w;which fuppofeth that they knew him (and fo doth not one in an hundred in moft of our Diocefles, nor ever fee his face. ) 2. Tag. ip. He tells them that [ " 7hey agree in the Sentence of the Bijhop, " andfo doth the worthy Presbyters agree with him, as the firings of a Harp > and " therefore in their confent and confounding love Jefus Chriji pi fung : and ttjcy are " all made a Chore., that being confonant in confent, receiving in unity dtvine melody^ " they might with one voice ftng by Jefus Chrifi to the Father that he may hear them, " and k^iow by whom they do goodJ] Where it is moft plainly iigniried that it was a Church which fung to God by Chrift in one Chore, in unity of conccnt- ing voice, under one Bilhop and his Presbytery and Deacons prcfent and con- ■du(^ing them. 5. After (2 5) 3. After pag. 20. he praifetli them for being \_cmfmant in Vnity with the Bi(hop, " For if any be not tvithin the Altar^ he is deprived of the Pread of God : " For if the prayer of one or trvo have fo great /<»•«, hare much more that xvhich is of " the Bijhop and all the Church ? He therefore that comcth not to the fame, is proud " and condemneth himfdf. And by horv much you fee the Bijhop filent, reverence him " the more : for rve mull receive every one that the Lord of the houfe fendeth^ as htm " that fent him : you muji therefore look^upon the Bifhop manifeft ( or vifbly prefent ) *' Of to the Lord. Onelinius praifeth your Divine Order.'] Here it is plain that it was a Church where many, yea all the Church joyned prefentially in prayer with the Bilhop, which a thoufand Paridies- (nor two) do not. 4. It was a Church where the Bi(hop was fecn by all when he was filent -, and fo reverenced for his lilcnt prefencc. 5. It was a Churcii, whicii they that wilfully abfcnted thcmfelves from were fclf-condcmned : But a man can be but in one Parilh at once. 6. It was a Church where they might all fee To» iKitncoitcr cIVm\ov, the Bi- lhop tmnifiji, that is, Perfiicuum, vifible. 7. It was a Church where all that had the Sacred Bread were [ within the Altar,"] that is, the one Sacrarium., or place of communicating in tlic Eu- charift. 8. And this was their tuTafiat, the Order of their AlTembly. After pag. 25. he faith \_ *' Hajhn therefore to affemble frequently, for the Ew " charift (or thanksgiving) of Cod, and for Clory : For rvhen you oft meet for the '■'■fame thing,the powers of Satan are de{iro^ Having mentioned the Bifhop he faitli, [ " Bccanfe in the afore '■'■ faifi perfons I behold .iH the multitude, in faith and love I rvarn yott^ (iudy to do " all in the concord of God^ the Bifljop prcfiding in the place of Cod} and the Presby- " ters in the jiead of the Confeffion of the /4pojilef^ and the Deacons, &c. Which flieweth that it was a Church where Bilhop, Presbyters and Deacons fate together in prefcnce. 4. And after it's faid, \_ '' Let there be nothing amongyou vehich may divide (or '■^ fcparate) yoH v hirt be united to the Bij^jop and Prefidents, &c. Which Cbeweth the fame prefent Prefidency as aforefaid. 5. Pag. 33. Herepeateth \_ir/tboi{t the Bifhop and Presbyters do nothing'] which no reafon can interpret of any Presbyters but the prefent. So 6. Pag. 34. £" Let nothing elje fern reafonable proper to your felves i but " one Prayer fur the fame thing-, one deprecation, one widerjianding, one hope in love " and undefled joy.] Which importeth their prefent Communion in Prayer and Profeffion. 7. He addeth, [_'■'■ All of you run (or meet) together into one Temple of Cod-, " M to one Altar.^ This needeth only an impartial Reader, and it's plain. 8. And pag'S?' [_'''' f^ith your tvorthily honoured Bijhop-, and the rvorthily " Comphxe Spiritual Croren of your Presbytery, and the Deacons, &c.]] Where no Presbyters are mentioned but the BiQiops Presbytery which fate about him in the Church, called the Complexe Corona. p. He addeth ut unto fit carnalu & fpiritualU, that is, of prefent bodies and of minds, V. The next is the Epiftle to the Philadelphians : where praifing them f»r their union with their Bilhop as the firings of a Harp, he faith, [ " Study there- '■'■ fore to ufe one Euchdri{i (ox Thankfgiving) that is, to joyn all together in the " Euchariflical Communion;) For there is one Fhjh of our Lord Jtfus ClmJ}, " and one Ci/p (that is, which is there Sacramcntally reprefented and given) /;;- " to Union of his Blood-, one Altar, and one Bijhop, with the Presbytery and the " Deacons myfdloie Servants \ that irh.ttyou do, you may do according to God^ Here one Church is notified in its Unity by thefe marks. 1. "That they all jnyn in one AJJ'embly fur the Euchar/Jl. Which fignifieth one Body and Blood of Chrirt. 2. And that there be one Altar for this Commu- nion. 3. And one Bifhop. 4. And one Presbytery with his Deacons with him. But here Bifhop Gunning faith, It is not meant of one material Altar, Anfrv. I. It muft be noted that (as Matter Mv/e and others have obferved) 5uffiar;'g/ov is ufed in Church Writers for the Chancel, Sacrarium, or place where the Altar Hood, as well as for the Altar it felf : Ipto which place the GoiTHTiunicants only were admitted ; to which form our Chancels are made. 2. And to be wjtra ^/*i?r« is ufually meant of being one admitted to that Ett- chariflical Communion, 3. And though as we give the Sacram.cnt in private houfes to the fick, and have Chappels for the weak and dillant, fo miglit fome great Chmches then, and yet have but one Chancel, Altar or place for the Com- (^7) Communion of the whole Church i 4. The exprefs words, and the Context and fenfe fuHy (Iiew that it is perfonal prefent Ccmmunion that is here fpokeii of, and therefore in one place. 5. The common ufe of the word in other Writers, (heweth it, (as being imra vd extra Altve, and fetting up /iltarc con- tra Altare^ that is feparated Affemblies for fuch Communion. (6. Tiie moft learned and fam.ous Expofitors fo expound it i fuch as Mafter Mcde before ci- ted, and Arch-Billiop Vjhcr and others. 7. The ContradiAors can feign no other probable fenfe. For, 1. If by tlie Altar they fay is meant [ One Chriji,'] 2. or one Specks of Al- tars^ thefe are before confuted, and are palpably falfe. He that is in another part of the World may come to an Altar of the fame fpecies, which is nothing to the unity of a particular Church here fpoken of. 3. If they fay, It U called one Altar bccaufe under one BifJ^ip., this maketh not many to be one, no more than many Temples. And if tropically it were fo meant, it would be but a vain repetition. One BifJjop being mentioned bcfidcs. And it is an Altar which the Bilhop with his Presbytery is fuppofcd to be prefent at, which cannot be All in a Dioccfs called One. Partiality can give no other probable fenfe. Objedl. I. One Church it U Iqwivn bad many Altars. j4nf)v. Not then i no nor long after except at Rome and Alexandria : and then they were but as parts of Chappcls, and not of Churches. Objed:. 2. It is faid alfo, Ihcrc is one Body of C/v/Vf and one Ctip, tvhich caii' rot he meant litcraV)'. Anfw. It is well called One agreeably to our prefent fence : For, i . It is one and the fame Bread, though not one piece, which is there prefent, confe- crated and divided to them all ; and one Cup or prefent quantity of Wine which is there diftvibutcd among them. 2. And it is 0«c body and blood ot facrihced Chrid, which is in every Church rcprefented and offered by One Bi- Jhop at one Altar. Tliis doth but confirm our Expofition. But what can bc fo plain as to convince the prejudiced and unwilling ? 2. P./g. 45. he willeth \_'-'- the Church to fend a Deacon /o Antioch «j- other tieighboHr Churches fent B/Jhopr, and fomc Fresbyters and Vea'cons.'] And can any man tliink that a Dioccfs met to chufe a Deacon to go on a vil'it,or that it was a Diocefane Billiop that was fent by aDiocefs, yea that all thefc neighbour Churches that fent them were fo many Dioceffcs ? VI. The next is the Epiftle ./'/ frallcfios. Where he faith of the Bidiop that came to him, \_that he fan> all the muhitude in him ■,'] that is, the AiTembly. And as before he bids them, [Do nothing without the Bijhop, and befubjeti to ilte Presbytery ■-, and that at to the Ccttnfel of Cod, and Conjundion of Apojiles'] ad- ding, I'For rvitlmtt thefe the Church is not called: ] what can be plainer to (hew that it was a Church that had a prefent Bijhop and Conned of fresbyters conjun&, mthotft n-hom the Church was not hnfully called together ? So that eve- ry Church had fuch. 2. And fig. 50. he faith again, [Not inflated, butbeinginfeparahk from God,. Jefuf Chri!}, and the Bifm and the Orders of the Apofxles (that is, ■ the Confeis of D 2 Presbyters; (28) Presbyters) He that is within the Altar is clean \ ani be that is without the Altar is not clean; that is y he that doth any thing (m the Church) without the Bijhop^ Presbytery and Deacon., is not clean in Confcience : which plainly (hevveth that e- very Cburch-Affcmbly had a guiding Bifhop, Presbytery and minirtring Dea- con. 3. Tag.'^i. he faith, \_I falute ym from Sm^xm with the Churches of God, which are prefent with me ; 1 He had not then the prefenceof many Diocefles v nor were Billiops alone ufed then to be called Churches : Therefore they were ■ Church-Affemblics which he vifited, and were with him, and about him. 4. Again he repeateth, \_ Be fuh'jeU to the Bijhop and Treshytery, and love one angther with an infeparabk heartr\ Which hath the fenfe aforefaid. VII. In the Epiftle to the Tiomans, the words of the Church prefiding in lo- cho chori Komanoritm is much fpoken of already by many. The Epiftles afcribed to him have much of the like kind > as Epft. ad lar- fenfes, fag.^O. Ad'Antiochenos^pag. 85, 87, 88. T'he Spifl. ad Heroum Diaconum calleth the Presbyters of Antioch Bifliops who baptize, facritice and impofe. hands. So Efifl. ad Fhilippenfes, pag. 1 1 2. If after all this evidence from Ignatius any will wrangle, let him wrangle r what words can be plain enough for fuch ? And what a blind or blinding pra- ftice is it, which too maay Writers for Prelacy have ufed ? to pretend Igna- tius to be for them, who is fo much and plain againft them ? And to tofs about the name of a Bifhop and Presbytery, as if all that was faid for a Parochial Bi- fhop and Presbytery(that is,in a Church affociated for perfoiial prefential Com- munion) were fpoken for fuch a Diocefane Prelacy as putteth down and deftroy- eth all fuch Churches, Bi(hops and Presbyteries. And whatfallliood is it to perfwade the World that we are againfl: Epifcopa- cy becaufe we would have every Church to have a Bifhop, and would not have . all the Churches in England except Diocefane, to be unchurched and turned info Chappels or Oratories ? When yet we refufe not to fubmit to more general Overfeers of many Churches, to fee that the Paftors do their duty, and coun-. fel and exhort them to it, whether appointed hereto by the Magiftrate, or the.^ confcnt and choice of many Churches.. IV. Juftin Martyrs Teflimony is trite, but moft plain, and not to be eva- ded. 'hml]oL-ii^as thoi^} their Altar were but one^ tlvre namely xvhere the B/Jhop.tv.K. Die folis omn^^^c. (here hc cites thcfe words,) Namely as he there tells us, to celebrate ant^prticipate of the Holy Euchjrijh Why was this f" but becaufe they had not many places to cele- brate /'/?.] V. Tirtullian is as plain and full : Apol. c. 3 p. Corpus fnmus de confcientia reli- gionis-, & difciplin£ imitate^ & fpei fxdere : Coimus in Cxtum., & Congregatio- nem, ut ad Demn quafitnanu fada prccationibus amhiamus orantes — Cogimur ad divinarum I iter arum ammcmorationem.- Certe fidem fanUis vocibus pafcimus : fpem erigimitSi fiduciam figimus., difciplinam precept arum nihilominus inculcatiouibus difijamus. Ibidem ctiam cxbortationes-, cajiigationes, & cenfura divina. Nam t^ judicalur magr.o cum pondere-, tit apud ca-tos de Vet conjpedtt '■> fmimumque futuri judicii prj!Judicium eji-, fiquis ita deiiquerit., ut a Communicatione orationis & Con- ventus & omnis SanCii Commcrcii rclcgatur : Prsfidcnt probati quique SenioreS) &c. And de Corona Milit. cap, 3 . Eucharijii^ Sacramcntum, & in tempore vithts., &" . omnibus mjndatum a domino, etiatn antelucanis axtibits ', nee de aliorum ma/iu. quam prjefidentium fumimus. And further, [_ Aquam adituri itidcm^ fed & aliquando frius in Eeclefa fub antifiitis mamt conteilawur, nos renwiciare Viabolo & pomp£ & angelis ejus.'] In all thefe words (and many more fucli in Tcrtullian) it is evident, i. That. then a Church was a Congregation met for iioly Worlhip, and not many hun- dred (3°) ilrcd Congregations making one Church /'i/w.^ m-(/i«//. 2. That this Church had ordinarily a Bilhop prcfcnt (not prcfent in one Congregation and many hundred without.; 3. That the Bilhop baptized, and toolt the Confdrions of t lie Baptized, and pertbrmed the ordinary Worlhip, and ad minilired die Lords Supper. (■ Dodor HMmiand liimfelf maintaincth that it is the Billiop that Tertullian fpealieth ofj 4. That Difcipline was exercifed in thofe Church AC- femblies, and therefore the Biftiop was prefent. 5 . Tliey took the Sacrament from none but the Bifhops hand Cfave tliat the Deacon diiuibuted it as from himj which proveth that the Bithop was prefent, when ever the Sacrament was adminil\red. 6. Tliey had thefe AlTemWies eve- ry Lords day. All which fet together plainly (hewecli that then every Church had a prefent Bilhop, fordinarily) and was no more than one Congregation, met for fuch Communion as is defcribed, Cyprian Vl. And even in Cyprians time the alteration was not great : Epiji. 6S. in the Se- ^Edit, GoMlart.) p. 201, he faith, [ Fropter quod plebs obfcqums pr£ceptis domini- F^Ti'-'iff "^ ^ 'Diitm metums^ &c^ i. e. [ For rvbich caiife the people that are obedient to and five " '^•''^ Lords Commands and fear God, ought to ftparate themfches from a fwful Prc- Presbyers " late ('or BiQlop J and not to be prefent, at the Sacrifices of a Sacrileginus Prieft j Epift. 44. « feeing tliey have the greateft power either of chufing worthy Prielts, or of re- pae ci" " ^^'^'^0 ^'^^ unworthy : which very thing we fee coming down by Divine Au- faithSDe- " Aority, that the Prieft, the people being prefent,be chofen for appointed J be- us mils & " fore the eyes of all, and by the publick judgment and teftimony be approved chri(i!is " worthy and fit. And fo going on to prove the Divine Right hereof lie ad- wt'i^'cle- ^^'^^ " wl^'^^^s before done fo diligently and cauteloufly, the people being fii " all called togWier, left any unworthy perfon fliould creep into the Miniftry /itiiid Al- " of the Altar, or the place of Priefthood. For that the Unworthy are fome- tare con- " times ordained, not according to the Will of God, but according to the pre- slurdor " ^'^™Pf'°''' of Man ■■, and that thefe things are difpleallng to God which come urn novum " ""^^ of legitimate and juft Ordination, God himfelf doth manifeft by the fieri frit- " Prophet Ofee, faying, "fhey made themfelves a King-, but not by me : And there- ter unum " fore it is diligently to be obferved, and held of Divine Tradition and Apo- ^/f«rf & St ftolical Obfervationj which with us alfo and almoft all the Provinces is held, cerdotim " ^^^^ ^^^ ^^'^ ^'S^t celebrating of Ordinations, all the next Biihops of the fame noa potejl. " Province do come togctherjto that people over whom the Bilhopfor Prelate^ " is fet, and that the Bilhop be appointed them. Cor ailigned J the people being " prefent who fuUyell know the life of every one, and have throughly feen the " adt of every ones Converfation : which alfo we faw done with you in theOr- " dination of Sabinus our Colleague, that the Office of a Bifhop was given " for delivered J him, and hands impofed on him, in the place of BafiUdes^ '■'' by the fuffrage of the whole Fraternity, and by the judgment of the BiQiops '' that had met together and had fent you Letters concerning him. And before iSefl. 4. Dens >>ijiniit, &c. '■'■God injirucieth and Jheroeth that " the Ordinations of Pricjis (that is, BilhopsJ ought not to be done but under the "f; Confcknce f that is, prefent fight andconfcntj of the apjiing people, that the Laity (30 ^' Laity being prefe»t, either the crimes of the bad may be detedled, or the me- " rits of the good predicated, an4 that OrJimtio)i be jiiji znd legitimate, which " was examined by the fiiflfragc and judgment of aU.-- The Cafe is fo plain in Cyprun that TamcUus himfelf is forced thus to confefs [_Nnn mgamus vmran Eleciwnis Epifcopomm ritum^ quo plcbc frsfcntc, irnmo & fffff>'<'giis pubis cligi folent. Nam in Africa iUum obfervatwn conftat ex cleUione Endi'i fmcejjhris D.Augultini dcqitoextjt Epiftola epis vio. IH Grxch £tatc Ghryfoflonii ex lib. ^. Whether it was many hundred Ciiurches that never faw the pcrfon, 4ior one another, that were to meet in one Church or place, to do all this ? Or rather the Inhabitants of a Vicinity, uling to af- femble for Communion, when even our Greater Variflns now are more than can thus meet and do all this ? 2. Note alfo that when Cyprian impofeth it on thii fame people that chufe their Bilhop, alfo to fcparatefrom one that is nv'cJ^t-^.-and not-communicate with him in the Sacrament, it is moll evident to him that is willing to undcrlland, that tliis Billiop was to be the Teacher of all the-people of that Church, and was to adminifter the Sacrament to them in the Congregation, and they had ordinary communion witli him ; For how elfe Ihould they be called on tofe- parate from him, in the Sacrifice (as it's called.) Doth he command a thou- fand or a hundred diltant Churches to feparate from the Sacrifices of that Bi- fliop, who never had local Communion with him Cunlefs perhaps once in their lives as with a ftrangcr.) The Impartial can hardly read thefe words, and not underlland them. Two Ob jedtions are here made. I. Obj. All the Fcople ii put for aV prefcntj which if a part. ty4nfn\ By fuch interpretations let God or Man fay what they will, it will (Ignifie but what the Reader pleafc. The Context and ir.any concurrent cx- prclTions Ihcw thatfthough bulinefs or ficknefs might hinder fome Individuals^ it was the main boily of the Congregation which is called Pkbs Vniverfa, or clfe it will be nonfenfe. 2. Objedt. But if tk fame rverc the cuflom till the days r/f Charles and Lodo- tick, then it could not be all the people, for then it^s k^nonvi that tlx Viocefs mre larger : therefore it muji be but all that belonged to tlx Cathedral. Mftt* (30 . ..A/5v. I. -Even till tlieir days Chriftianity had not been received by the whole Cities or Parilhes, in the greatcll part of the Empire ; but faccordine to the liberty tlien given when none were forced to be Chriliiansj the Chrifti- ^ aus were but few in many great Countries. It was long ere they were the 1 greater number of the Inliabitants in France and Flanders ■■, longer in Fnshnds * and longer in Gmtiany, and Hmigaiy, and Poland ■■, and longer in Sxveden and Venmark^, &e. 2 . Tiiat it was no Cathedral Society diftind from other Con- gregations under the fame Biihop in Cyprians time, is moft evident : There be- ing no fuch dWindtion intimated, but contrarily all the Biftops Church or Fleck isfpoken to : And how (hould one part of the Church come to have a right to chufe and refufe the Bifhop more than all the reft > And in all ordi- nary Diocefes it was folong after : But it is true that at Rome, Akxandrit and the greater Churches, where the cuftom was continued, and yet the multitude of the people was fo great that they could not half meet in one place -, thofc rfut were forwardeft crowded together, and oft committed Riots and Mur- ders I'as at the Ele(aion of r>^OT^/i<^, and others,) till by this, the cuftom was changed to avoid fuch tumults i and thofe that would not be in the CrowU flayed at home : And the neareft Neighbours commonly were they that met Objed. But do not rve fee that a vphole County can meet to chufe Parliament Mm ? Anfn^.i.No :lt is only the Freeholders who are comparatively but a fmall part of the County. 2. It is in a Field, or Streets, and not in a Church. / It is commonly to judge of their Suffrages by comparing by the eye, the magni- tude of the diftind Companies when they feparate, or elfe by taking their Votes Man by Man in a long time, and not to do all in their hearing, and by their Counfel, as in this Cafe. 4. I have been at g reat AiTemhl Jes for Hirh p i^/q-j- ons of Parliament, in the Fields ; and I never faw more tog ether rj^n hV.t heard me preach in one AHembly, nor halt fo many as iome London PlTifWI o contain : much lets as a Diocel s- ' ~ ' ' — -^ Ihere is a great deal more in Cyprian to prove the thing in queftion Epill 5,6,10,11,13,14,2^,27,28,31,33,40. which would be tedious 'to the Reader (hould I recite it. J pimordio Eptfcopatm met flatuerim nihil fine confilio veftro & fine confafu plebis me£ frivata fententia gerere Prohibeantur offerre aHuri apud nos, & apud confejfores ipfos, & apud plehem mive-rfam caufam fuam.l H^cfingulorum tra&andafit & Innanda plenim ratio, nan t ant urn cum Colkgis meis fed & cum plcbe ipfa univcrfa. — Vix plehi perfuadeo, immo extorqueo, ut tales pati- antur admitti— Secundum vejlra divina fujfragia, Coyurati & fcelerati de Feck- fiafpontefepcl!erent.-~\ By thefe and many fuch paffages it is evident that c'~ ven the famous Churcli of Carthage, under that famous Bi[hop was no greater than that all Church Affairs might be treated of in the hearino- of all the Laity and managed by their confent, and the Quality of each Presbjter and Commu- xiicant, and their faults fell under the Cognizance of the whole Church ; not as Governors, but as interelfed for their own welfare, as the words declare. Vir. And (33) ^ VII. And here I think I may feafon;^bly cite the Conftitiitions called Apo- ftolical i which if not written by Clernent, were certainly for the mofi part of them very ancient, as being before Atbaiiafius who mentioneth them. And the Learned and Sober Albajfiinem^ Obpro. Lib. i. p. 38. faith, [Ve cmjiimti' ombus ijiif nemiiii dubiuin ejfe debet ^ quin p-obus juxta & antiquns liber fit ; ccrto- qttc affirmare pnjfum trecentU primii eo ecckftam GraJcam, tanquam rituali & Fonti- fjcali ufam ejfe i Quique ex attente legerity cadem de illW qu£ de canonibus jitdi- cabit, additJfi viz. decwfu tempnmm primU novas, qncmadmodum & nov£ leges & conjliiHtiones in regimine Ecclcfu, mvis occafionibtu outU, faci£ fttiit.'] that though they Wfie not written by Clement or tiK Apoftles, yet they were that Summa- ry of Apoftolical or Chrirtian Difcipline, which the Gw;^ Churches much ufed for the hrft three hundred years ■-, and that Additions were made by degrees. But I cite them for nothing but the Hiftory, wlierein they are of great account to acquaint us with the ftate of the Church in thofe times. Lib. 2. cap. 18. It is faid, that \_Omnium Epijcopns cttram habeat, & eomm qui non peccjmnt, ut non pcccent, & eomm qui in peccatif funt, ut pcccajfc pxiiitcat : ait eniiH Dominits, Videtc ne contcmnatii umun ex pufiUis ijtis. Item pxnitcnttbus condonare oportet peccata.— ^Hocirca euram omnimtt fiifcipe tanquam rationem de pluiibus rcdditiims : Ac fanoi qtiidem conferva, lapfos vera mone, & qui in jcjti' nio premens, Icja in rwiiffione, & eum qui Ittxit recipe, cunifa Ecclefia pro eo defre- cante^ &c.^ And mucii more works he adds : Whereby it appeareth that the Billioprick was no greater than that he could take a pcrfonal care of every mem- ber, over the meanelt, found and unfound : And that it was one Aflembly where all did intercede for the rcftoring of the Penitent. So cap. 20. opening the Billiop's duty to the Laity, he repeateth, Omnes monens, omnes increpans, &c. And ibid. Medice ergo Ecclefi£ Domini adbibe me- dicinam cttique ^grotantium convenicntcm : Omnibus modis cura, fana, faVtos ftuos redde Ecclcfue \ pafcc gregcm, non per vim, neqtte impcrinf, cum ludibno & dejpedu quafi domination tendtf, fed tanquam bonus paftm- in fvittm ac complcxiim agnos congrega & oves gravida hortarc. And it concerncth thein to know well what they do, for cap. 2. Scitote quod qui eum, qui injuriam non fecit, cjicit, attt qui fe ccnvertit non recipit, frairem fuwn occidit, & fanetiinem r]us fudit, ficut Cain fanguinem fatris fui fiidit ■-, citjus fanzttis, qui tid Veum clamat, requiretur. - Similiter rjcniet ei qui ab Epifcopo ftta fvic]ulia caufafuerit excnrnmiinicattis : ^i tanqu.nn pejlifcrum ejicit cmn qui eji ex- tra culpam, is quidem fevinr e(i interfetme.— Viokntior eji ipfo homicida qui corpus perimit,ts qui innocentem ex ecclefia ejicit. Et cap. 25. Oportet ut qui in Ecclefia affidui funt cos Ecclefia al.il (viz Tonti^- cem, Sacerdotes, Levitas.) where the Affcmbly is the Church which maintain- cth the Bilhop and Presbyters. And cap. 2d. It is the Bilhop that to all the Church is, Minijhr JWbi, fci- ent!£ cujlos. Mediator Dei & vejirum in us qu£ ad eum cohndwn pertinent Cthat is, otticiateth in Church Worlhip;) bic cjl magilhr pictaiis ac rcl/gionis; hiccjife- atnditm Deum pater vejhr, qui vos per aqii.im & Spiritum fanlhtm rcgencravit, &-c. E ^ij- (34) Elnfcofu! igitur vohis pr^fiJcjt, ut dignitjie "Dei cohonejlatttf, <^ua clcnm fuhpott- Ihtc/u.i tenet, & toti populo prtecfl, Vijcpiius tcto ajjljitt haic^ &c. So tfiat a Bi:hops Cluirch was no greater than that he could be the conllant Teacher, Guide, Baprizer, &:c. of them all. And f.j/'. 27. All the Oblations were to be brought to the Bifliop himfelf, by themfch'es that offered, or by the Deacons. Imnw primitijs (juotjue & tUci- ttijs & qii£ fponte nfcrunii/r ■, it cnim probe novit affiUos & ciiiqtie trilmit, ut con- gruit •> >ie quis e.iJein die attt eadon hcMom.ide his jut fx'pim accipijt, alius zero ribil pe/iiius. So that tlic rcafon why all the Ortcrings, Tythcs and Gitts in his whole Diccefs were brought to the Bilhophin;fcU was, bccaufc he was well acquainted with all the Poor of his Dioccfs, and was every day to rcliwre thcin, and fee that one did not receive twice the fame day,or the fame \V'eek,3nd ano- ther have none. How many hundred Churches tiiink you had a Church then in the Belly of it ? and how large was fucii a Diocefs ? And cap. 28. In their Love-Fcalls the Eilliop was to have always his ff>ecial part of the Feaft, even fcnt him if he were abfenr. Sure if his Diocefs had fix hundred or a thoufand Parifhcs and as many Fealls, and fomc of them as far cfFasIamfrom the Cathedral Church (about fourfcore Miles) it will coft more tiie Carriage of the Bilhop's Supper than it is worth , and it will be cold, and it is well if it (link not by the way. And the Presbyters that were all to have a double portion alfo of the Feaft, are called tanquam Confiliarit Epifcopi & Ecclefi£ Corona, fitnt eniin Qnfilittm & Senatus Ecclifm, So that it was but one City Congregation yet that had Bilhops and Presbyters and Deacons, &c. And in cj/). 30. and many Chapters there is mentioned often the Bilhops doing all without any help fave the Deacons, which would make one think that dcfaao Dod^or Hammond was in the riglic, and that fome of the Confti- tutions were written when in moft Churches there was no Presbyters with the BillTop but Deacons only. Cap. 32, If the Deacon knew any to be poor, he muft tell the Biiliop, and do nothing without him. How large was this Diocefs ? cap. 34. This Birtiop muft be loved as a Father, feared as a King, honoured as a God, offering him our P'ruits and the works of our hands for his Blelling •, giving him as God's Prieft our Firll-fruits, Tythes, Firft-fruits of Corn, Wine, Oyl, Apples, Wool, and all that God Ihall give us.] Was all this carried him from many hundred Parilhes, many fcore Miles ? And cap. 36. The Bilhop's Church was no farther ofi'than that all the Mem- bers were to come to it in the morning before they vventto any work, and at Evening when tiicy had done. How big was this Diocefs ? Cap. 44. The Deacon is to be the Bilhop's Eye, and Ear, and Mouth, and to help him,that he may not be overwhelmed with his work : If he had a thou- fand fubjedt Presbyters, one Deacon's help only would not have been named. Cap. 56. The. Bilhop is to fee that this Deacon fpcak Peace to every one that entreth into the Church to worlhip. Which implyeth that he was pre- fent in the Church, Cijp. 57. The defcriptionofa Church Order is, that the Bilhop's Seat be in the (35) the midft,and that the Presbyters fit on each fide of him,and fo for the reft. And ■ the Order of Officiating was, [ that (the Deacons feeing all orderly keep their Seatsy the Reader Hrft read the old Scriptures, and the Deacon or Presbyters the Gofpels ■■, then that the Presbyters exhort the people, not all afonce, but one by one, and laft of all the Biiliop, &c.'] Thefe were then the Churches i where every Altar had a BilTiop. So cap. 50. Cum doccs Epifcope^jitbe &monepopulumfrequentarcqmtidie Eccfe- fiam mane & vejjtere, ut omiiimabcffe nolity immo ajJiJue cnnveniat^ neque VJIw fub- ducaido fe Icchfiam tnutilam fac/at^ & a corpore ChrijH unum mcmbrtim decerpjt : Najuc mint defolps Sacerdotibm diCtum cfi, fed potiuf quifque Lakw^ &c. So that a Billiop's Diocefsor Church was fo great, as that no one Lay Member (hould be abfent Morning or Evening. Lib, 4. cap. The Biihop had the particular care of all the Pupils, Widows, Labourers, Weak, Naked, Sick, Virgins, &c. And cap. 5. He is to know well who they be that offer all the Oblations s and is to rejecft the Oblations of all the Wicked : For cap. 7. Let the Poor have never fo much need, it's bet- ter perifti by Famine, than receive anything from the Enemies of God, which may be contumelious to his Friends.] Lib 8. cap. 4. The Ordering of a Bi(hop mull be (de quo nulla cjl querela i & qui fit a cun&o populo ex optimii quibufque cledus^ quo noniinato & placente pnpu- lus in unum congregatuf, una cum FresbytcrU & EpifcopU prsfcntibus^ die Vomi- rico, confcntiat. ^ui vcro inter reliquos princeps Epifcopui-, pcrcontetur Epifcopos &■ populum., an ipfe fit quern prxeffe petunt .<' &c. So that all the people of the Churcli came together to chafe and confcnt to the Bilhop : no greater at that time was a Dioccfane Churcli. Cap. 12. His pcraliii dextram & I.evam ems ut difcit>uli Magiflro afftjlant. — . This is part of the Common Kubrick (ot the beft and eldell Liturgy that I know of recorded by Church Hiftory; for the celebrating the Sacrament. So that it fuppofeth a Bi(hop to be tlien prefcnt in all Churches that had an Altar and Sacrament. The reft of the Liturgy, lib. 8. fuppofeth ftill the fame pre- tence of the Bifhop. Cap.^'j. CongrcgabU Epifcope Ecchfutm ad vcfpcram^ &c. It would be too long to recite all the Billiops part in the ordin.ary Offices of the Affembly. It is hence plain that in thofe Ages (unlefs it were very tew ■, per- haps only Rome and Alexandria) no Bilhops had more ftatcd Affemblies or Churches that had Altars, ot communicated, tlian one. VIII. The Canons called the Apoftles run juft in the fame firain with the Conftitutions : And thougli by fome of them it is apparent that Cat leaftj all of them are not foold as many think, C As that which intimateth that Ruljrs fet up Clergy-men,- &c.) yet they were elder than our Compound Dioccfane Churches. For Can. 5. It is faid. \_Omnium aliorum primitije Ep/Jcnpo & Pref- hyterU domum mittiintur \ non fuper altare : Manifeftiim cjl autem miod £pif- copus & Presbyteri inter Viaconos & reliquos Clericos c.« dnidiint.'] By whicii and many fuch paJfages it is evident tliat there was then but one Akar and one Bilhop with his Presbytery and Deacons in a Church , as in E 2 Ignaiius's (30 J^n.jt'nis's time : and that they all lived on the fame Altar, together with the icil of the Gifts of the Church, FiJ. & Can. 58. The Can. 32. faith, [ Siqms Preshytei- contmmeiis Epifcojwn fiam, Jeorfmcol- Icscrh & alt arc aliud crcxait, nihil babcns quo reprche/idaf Epifiopiim in cjufa pie- l.ilif-, ant jnjliti£., dcponatur, (]uafi principatus amator exijhiis. — H£c autem pojl iinam & fccnnrlam & ia-ti.wt Epifcopi ohfccralioncm flirt coimiiiat.'] The fame is in tlie Can. 5. Concil. Antioch. And to fet up aliiid A It are, & Alt arc contra Al' tare is the Plirafe ufed then by many Writers, and Councils, to lignifie a di- viding and fcparating from the Church, and fetting up an Antichurch •, All which (heweth that then a BiQiops Church had but one Altar. IX- Vionvfuis rwhoevcr or whenever he wrote) doth fodefcrlbe the Bifhops work as [heweth that he had but one Church and Presbytery to alTiil: him. Cap, 4. de Ecckf. Hicr. hetellsusthat \_7he Pnfccl did baptize thofe that rvcre con- verted,'] and the Presbyters and Deacons did butalM him : And it is a very long manner of baptizing which he there dcfcribeth, and all the Church were called together to it, and joyned in it. And this was in times when the Intidels were to be brought in, and converted, and baptized at Age, where Examina- tions, Profethons and Circumftances made it fo long a work, as this alone would have proved his Church to be no greater than aforcfaid : much more with the reft of the work which he dcfcribeth. X. But Councils give the furcft teftimonies to fuch matter of fad : Con- cil. Agath. Can. 4. Sicjtus etiam extra FarochiM, & itbi legitimus eji ordinari- nfque conventus, Oratorium habere volmrit, reliqiiis fcfiivitatibus ut ibi mif- fam atidiat, propter fatigationem familix, jnjia ordinatione permittimus. Faf- cha vcro, Natali Domini, Epiphania, Afcenfione Domini, Tentecnjie, ^ natali Sandi Johannis Eapiiji^, & fiqiti maxime dies, in fefiivitatibus habentjtr, non fiifi in civitatibus, aut Farochiis andiant. This being decreed fo late, when Chrilhans were increafed in the Countries, alloweth them, to avoid wearinefs in travelling with their Families too far, to have Chappels or Oratories in the remote parts of the Country (but fo that they come all to the City or Parifh Church on all the greatell: Feftivals.) Which Iheweth that then the. Church was but one Affembly which all could joyn in to hear the word. And that each of thefe City and Parilh Churches had a Bifliop of their own, is apparent in what followeth, [ Can. 30. Benedidionem fiipcr plcbem in Ecclejia fundire aut pxnitentem in Ecclefta benedicere, Presbytero penitm non licebit ; that is, j] Itjhall not at al! be lawful for a Presbyter to pronounce the Blejfing on the people in the Church, or to blefs a Penitent in the Church.'] Now thcfe being for one at leaft) performed in every Church AlTembly, wlien a Presbyter is forbidden to do them, it is implied that a Biihop was prefent to 'do it himfelf : and fo that every communicating Affembly had a Bifhop. And it's faid, C^«.3i. Mijffs die Dominicofecularibus iotnf aiidire fpeciali ordine prxcipimus ', ita ut aiHe benedtCiionem facerdotU egredi pop7tlns non prafumat, quod fifecerit, ab Epifcopo publice confandatur. So that there mult be a daily pronun- ciatiua (37) ciation of the Blelling each Lords day, and that not by the Presbyters bat the Bifhop, who muft rebuke them that go out before it i which (heweth that each Church had a Bilhop. And after, [ ^d fnkmnitatiirH-, id eft Tafchx & natalU domini vel Fentecofiej ftfth'itatibiK-, cum Epifcopis intereffe negkxcrint, qtmm in civitMibus communionli vel bcmdidiomi accipiend£ cairfi pnfitnf fe iinjfc dcbcant^ tricmiitt commwiione p-iventur I'cc/f/j.f.] By which it appcareth that in a City there were no more Chrifti- ars or Church-members, than could congregate with tlie Bidiop on the Fefti- vals for Communion i when all the ncglcders were to be deprived of the Com- munion for three years. XI. The Council at E/;7'o-wB^//c/^«.3 05. had nineteen Bifhops, twenty fix Presbyters, and the Deacons, & oniim Plebs Itood by : which intimateth that thefe twenty fix Presbyters and the Deacons were tlie main body of tlie Clergy under the nineteen Bilhops ', which was not two Presbyters to a Bilhop ; why elfe lliould the Deacons and all the Laity be there, if not all the Presbyters? And fuppofingthat Plebs (mmU here lignitie not llridly all the Laity, yet it inti- mateth tlut the Churches were no greater than that fo great a part of their Laity was there, as that Phra(c might be well ufed of i which cannot be of our Compound Diocefs. XII. CnncH. Gangrmf.cjp. 7. No onerv.ti to receive the Obl.itions of Fmitf, and the Firji-fruiis-, due to the Church, out nf the Church. And c. 7^. 8. None n\is to receive them but the Bijhop, or he rvhom the Bipop appointed. Tliis Iheweth the quantity of the Diocefs, and that every Church had one Altar and one Bilhop. XUI. In a Roman Council fub Silveft. it's faid, \_j1bomm "EccUfia eliga- tur coiifccranduf Ep/fcopUf, imllo de mcmbrif Ecchfi£ intcrcedcntc, & omni Ecclcfia convcnicntc : & niili EpiJ'copo liccal f;nc cuncui Ecchfui a mK'ifpmo gradu nfquc ad primnm ordinare Neophytion Silvefter Papa dixit, A nobii incipientes wodcramine /c- mtatis jitdicare, commonemm ut nuUEpijcopo liccat qiumlibct gradmn Clerici ordi- tiare ant ovifccrarc, nifi cum omni adunata Ecchfia, ft placet : &• dixermit Epif- ropi, placet. Wliat can be more tully faid, [ Let the Btfltop to be ordained be cho- fen by all the Church, no one of the Members of the Church being wanting, and aU the Church meeting together. Let it be lanf/tlfor no Bifhop n-ithont the rfhole Church to ordain. Not to ordain or confccrate any degree of Clergy-Man, but with the whole Church tognhcr in one. And iiow great then were the Churches, when even at Rome and all about it, Ihe whole Church united, and r.'ery member could meet together at a'ery Ordination and Conficration .<' I fcarce know how a tcltimo- ny can be plainer. XIV. The Concil. Sardic. which firft began to befriend the Grandeur of tlie Rottian Billiop, was it that hrft forbad Eilhops to be ordained in fmall Villages : yet note that even there it was not abfolutcly forbidden to all Villages < but only ■ (38) only to fuch Villages and fmall Cities where one Fresbyter was enough : But they allowed a Bilhop to the Cities. [ ^ji Epifiopns habucnvn^ & fiqua tarn popidofa cji CivitM vd Locuf fmark Lociif as diliind from Cnitai) qui mereatur habere Epifcop:tm.'] So that if there were but people enough for more than one Presbyter, they allowed them a Bilhop. And Can. 14. It is decreed that, [_ As no Lay-man muft be above thee IVeekj from Church, fo no Bipop from Im own Chmch at another place-'] Whereas if a Bifhop have many Churches, or many hundred, or a thoufand, he could be but at one in a Year, or two, or three, or more, if he did nothing but travel from parifh to Parifh. Only in the next Canon, thofe that have Farms or Lands in the Country are difpenfed with for three Weeks to be abfent from their own Churches, fo they go to another. XV". In the Epiftle of the i,Concil.Nic. ad Ecclef. ^gypt, (inCrab.pag. 262. T. 1.) Presbyters were to be made, \_Solnmmodo fivideantur digni,& po- puluf eof elegerity condecernente fimul & depgnante maxime Alexandria? ChitatU Ep/fcopo.'] Still the people that had the choice were no more than could meet to chufe. And even in the Arabick^dnous afcribed to this Council by fome of late it's faid,C^«.72. Sic Epifcopi & Sacerdotesfi Civitatesfuas & Alt aria propter alia ma- jorarelinquerent^ male facereiit •, which (hews that each City even then had but one Altar or Meeting for Sacramental Communion : though when thefe were writ- ten, there were other Churches in Villages that had Altars. And in Fifan. Can. 57. Archi-presbyter in abfentia Epifcopi honoretur tanquam EpifcopiK., quia eji loco ejiK^ & (it caput Sacerdotum qui fnb potejlate ejuf funt in Ec- clefta. The Bifliop then was but fuch a Head of Prietts in the fam-e Church, as an Arch-Presbyter might be in his abfence. And Cap. p. The Vote of the whole Diocefs without the Arch-bifhop fliall not ferve to chufe a Bifliop, though all gathered together. XVI. The Concil. Vafenfe granted leave for Presbyters to preach and Dea- cons to read Homilies in Country Parithes, which (heweth both that Bifhops were the ordinary Preachers to their whole Flocks before, and that thefe Pa- rifhes were yet but new, and perhaps but Chappels that yet had not Altars and the Lord's Supper. XVII. Binnim in Concil. Ephef. i. To. 2. cap. 20. faith, (^Dalmatius told the Emperor that there were fix thoufand Bifhops under the Metropolitan fent to the Council that tvere againji Neftorius i ] And there was a great number on the o- ther tide with Johan. Antiochen- who caft out Cyril and Memnon. How great think you were thefe Biihops Diocefes ? XVIII. Concil.Carth.^.cap.^p. & 40. (in Crab) Come would have had many (twelve) Bifhops at each Bifhop's Ordination ; but Aurelius dellred it might be but three, becaufe [Cnbro & peneper diem Vomimcum ordinationcs habemm^ they had (39) had Ordinations almoft every Lord's day, and Tripoli had but five Bilhops. How big were thefe Diocefes where the Bifhops could meet almoll every Lord's day for Ordinations ■, and five under Tripoly was an exceeding fmall number. •And cap. 40. If a Bifhop were accufcd at his Ordination, the Caufe was to be tried. In eadcm plebe citi ordinandus eji ■■, And furely it was not to be in many hundred Congregations at once or per rices. XIX. Concih Aiuioch. Cbcfore this) Can.'). Cpjg.^2i.inCrab) Siqm Presbyter aiit Vi.iconiii Epifocpimi propium conteninens, fe ab Ecchfu fegregaverit & feorfum coUigens Altare con\iittm (vel in femnda edit. & priv.jtim apitd fe coMUs populis Altare cri7.crc aufiu fiierit^ &c.) This Ihewetli, i. That the Presbyters then joyned with the Bilhop in tlie fame Churcli. 2. And that then each Church had but one Altar, and to eredV another Altar eKcwhere, was to fet up another Churcli. ClVI. 8. Tresbyteri qui fitnt in agrU Canonic-tf Epijloliif dare non pnffnnt Chorc- pifcopiantem — darepojfunt This flicweth that then the Country Villages had Chorepifcopos with Presbyters. Can. I o. Bl»i '" ^'i'^i^ ^'<:i pojfcfftonibuf Chorepifcopi nominantur quamvis manus impofitioncm Epifcoporum percepcrint^ &• ttt Epifcopi confecrati fi'it-, tamen S anils Sy- nodo pLiciiit, ut mod/on propritmi recognoj'cant, ut gitberncnt fihi ftthjcdas Eccleji- as e.mimquc moderamine ciiraque contenti fint. This (he wcth that then tlic Ciiurchcs in Villages had their Bifhops, tiiough under the City Bilhops. Can. \6. A Bilhop that put \\ur\^c\i into a vacant Chio-cb without the con(ent of a perfedt Council, where mull be the Metropolitanc, mufl be caft out, et- fi eunUits pflpnlm qticm diripuit cum habere dclegn-it : whidi Iheweth that the whole people were no more than could meet to chufc him. Can. 17,18,21. imply the fame-, Epifcopus ab alia Tjyochij non migret ad aJiant, ncc jpontc jita inftlicns-, ncc li coaDiif a popuh, ncc ab Epifcopps necejfitaie compulfm : Maneat ant em in Ecclefta qttam primitus adeo fort it id eji. A Churcli and a Parifii are here the fame i and no greater than that the people could be the compellers, which implictli their concurrence, whicli could not be in a Diocefs of many hundred Churches '■, but in one only. Can. 25. The Goods of the Church are faithfully to be k^pt : rvhich alfo an to be dijfenfed by the Judgment and Porver of the Bifljop, to rvhom is committed the people^ and the fouls that are congregated in the Church: and it^s marafji what things be- long to tlv Churchy with the k»nvledge of the Presbyters and Deacons that are about him., who cannot but k>iotv what are the Church Goods., &c. Here I . The Church contained only the fouls that were congregated in it, and not many Congrega- tions, 2. All the Church Goods were known to the Presbyters and Deacons, fo that the Bilhop did difpofe of them while he lived, but could alienate none at his death : which Iheweth that it was but one Church or Congregation, where tlie Bilhop and Presbyters joyned in the Minillry. Cap. 25. hath the fame Evidence : The BilTiop difpenfeth all theGoodsand Lands of the Church, to all that need, but muft not appropriate them to his Kindred, &c. but ufe them by the confent of his Presbyters and Deacons. XX. Concil. Carthag. 4. cap. 14. The Bi(hop's dwelling was to be near the Ciiurch. (But if he had many Churches,they would have told which.) Can.17. The Billiop was to exercife the care of Government of Widows, Orphans, and Strangers by his Arch-Presbyter and Arch-Deacon (which (heweth that they had not many Churches > where each appropriate Presbyter and Deacons did itO Can. 22. The Peoples confent and teftimony was neceflary to every Clerk ordained : (which (heweth how large the Churches or People were.) Can. 35. The Bilhop is ordered to fit above the Presbyters in the Church, and in their Confefs i but at home to know himfelf to be tlieir Colleague : which [heweth that they were all belonging to one Church, and not to many far from each other. XXI. Concil. Laodk. Presbyters muft not go into the Church (or Sacrarmm as the other Ed.) before the Bilhop, nor fit in the Seats, but mttjl go in mth the BiJJ^fop, or fit in louver Seats (till becomes.) Which (heweth that they were all in one Church. And if there had been many Churches diftant where there were no Bilhops but Presbyters only, it's like that Cafe would have been ex- cepted, as well as is the Cafe of the Bi[hop's [ Sick^nefs and Peregrination.^ See Binnim three Verfions, To. I. pag. 2p2. and Grains two Vol. i. pag. 310. Can. 28. Forbidding the Agap£^ or Church Fea(h to be made in the Church, implieth that other Houfes could contain the Church Members. And Can. 58. Forbidding Oblationes fieri vel celebrari in domihus ab Epifi:opU vel Presbyteris-, doth (hew that till they built Chappels there was but one Congregation in a City, which was where the Bilhop was. XXII. Vecretimt Innocent. I. P.Kom. ( in Crab, Vol. i, pag.^")).) Bicit, T>e confignandis infantibiis manife{ium eji non ab alio, qttam ab Epijcopis fieri Hcere : Nam Presbyteri licet fvit Sacerdotes-, Pontificatus tamcn apicem non habent, &c. And for how many one Bifhop can do this with all his other work alfo, you may judge. XXIII. ( To look back, ) Concil, Carthag. 2. Can ^. decreeth, \_Clrrifmatis confcCtio, & pueVarmn confecratio a Presbyteris non fiant : Vel reconciliare qitenquam in publica mififa, Presbytero non licere.~\ (Crab. pag. 424.^ But this being an or- dinary publick work, this fuppofeth the Bilhop ftill prefent in every Cliurch to do it, and to have a Church no more numerous than he could do it for : whereas if Difcipline were but moderately exercifed according to the ancient Canons^ there could not be fewer than many hundreds in a day for the Bilhop either to ^xcom.municate or abfolve in this Diocefs where I live. Leg. Albajfin. Not. pag, 2(58. And the fourth Can, fortitieth this by this exception, Si quif- quarn (40 (juam in periculo ftcerit conflitittm &fe reco/icili.iri divinis aUaribuf peticrh^ ft Eft- fcopus ahfensfuerit, debet utique Presbyter confulere Epifcspmi, & f,c perklitantcm mm p-jicepto rccoiiciliare. Where note that rcconciluri altaribus is the Phiafe for being reconciled to the Churches ; And that no Presbyter might do it but in cafe of the perfons danger, the Bifhops abfence, and with the Billiops Com- mand : VVhicIi IHU fhewcth that the Bifhop was ufually prcfent. And as Al- ba§mm noteth, a Presbyter might not do it for a dying Man, till he had con- (ulted the Bi(hop, and told him all the ca(e, and had his Command : Wliich fuppofeth him near (for tlie man may be dead before our Minilters can ride to the Billiop and have his CommilTion; and fuppofeth the Church to be but fmall. XXIV. To make (hort, and leave no place for doubting, I will joyn feveral Canons which decree that [ No Man (ball be a Clerk to two Churches, nor an Abbot to two Monafterics, nor ■x Bifhop to two Cities or Churches.] So Concil. Oecumcn. Nic. 2. Can. 15. (in Bin. pag. 3<;40 Ckricm ab hoe deinceps tempore, in duabuf Ecclcftii non collocetur. Ab ipfa cnim domini voce attdi- vimuf) non pojfe qiienqiiMi duobus dominU fervire. And Concil. Chalccdon.Can, 10. ']nxtj Dionyf. Hon licet Clericitm confcribi in diiabiif fmiul Ecclcftif. And though then the Can. 17. (hewcth that there were Singidarum Ecclcfiamnt Kitjiicie Parochia vel poffcffioncs, yet thefe were but like our Chappels, and not called Churches, but only the Bilhop's Church. And if the Secular Power made any place a City, it was thereupon to follow the Se- cular Order. So of Abbots, Coned. Venct. Can. 8. (in Crab, pag. 948.^ no one was to have two Monafterics i Vid. Concil. Agath. C<7/j. 38. hv\^ Pbotim & Balfainon Nomocan.Tit. 1. cap. 20. pag. 21. Kc in una Pro- vincia duo Mctropolitani, ant in una Civitatc duo Epifcopi, aut in duabiu Civitati- htif unuf Clcricus Ncque in duabm Civitatibus qmi potcjl t(fc Epifcopu<.~] Ex- cepting only (even then) Epifcopum Tomenfcm : lUe cnim reliquarum Ecdcfia- rum Scythian curam gcrit, ( Becaufc tlie ChrilHans were few, and from under the Roman Power.) \_ Et Leontopolis Ifauris/i/t Epifcopo Ifauropolis eli'] He addeth, [_Porro ^^ Conji. tit. ^. I. 1. Cod. c. ^. &c. ait, \_E.utn qui quamcun- que vetercni aut recens conditam civitatcm, proprii Epijcopatiu jure, aliove prhilcgio privat, tamctfi Principii pentiijfu idfaciat, infamia notat, muUiatque bonis conjiitu- tio \ ac fimul inceptum irritum facit.~\ So that no City new or old might be deprived of its Privilege of having a Bilbop. Now feeing Corporations and Market Towns are in the old fenfc Cities, and feeing Parilh Churches fuch as ours arc true Churches (as Communities) how mawy Cities, and how many hundred Churches have manyBifliops now? He addcth,C.M.i5.''w;c.7.and faith \_Si non pcrmittitur cuiquam in duabiis Ecckfiis Clericwn fieri, tmilio magi< pr£ful duo Manajhria non moderabitur s ^tanadmodum ncque unum caput duo corpora. Therefore by parity of reafon tnuch lels Ihould one Chuvch-man or Bilbop be the head of many hundred or a thoufind Bodies, without any fubordinate Head cr Bifhop under him. Why may not an Abbot as well rule a thoufand Mona- fterics, per alios non Abbates-, as a Bilhop a thoufand Cluuclics per alios non £- pifcopos ? F ^/w (40 More TeJiimo?nes of Councils added to the fowter Chap. 5. TJPon the Review, finding fome confiderable Evidences from Councils bc« fore omitted, fome fliall be here added. I. The Kowj« Clergy called a Council at Kowf, Bi/J. p^g. 158. &c. faith, that in the Intmegnum they had the charge of the Univcrfal Church : and Cy- prian wrote to them as the Governors of the Church of Rowf, when they had been a year or two without a Billiop. And their Adions were not null. Cypr. /.I. 2. A Carthage Council with Cyprian condemn even a dead tnaii called Vi&or^ £p,66. becaufe by his Will he left one Fanflhim a Presbyter the Guardian of his Sons, and fo called him off his Sacred Work to rnind Secular things. Did this favour of Bi(hop's Secular Power, Magiftracy or Domination ? 3. How came the Carthage Councils to have fo many hundreds in fo nar- row a room or fpace of Land, but that every ttoKr, Corporation or big Town had a Bifhop ? Anno 308. at a Cartijage Council the very Donatifts had two hundred and feventy Bifliops. And at Arks two hundred Bifhops heard the Donatifts Caufe. 4. The Laodicean Council decreed, Can. 45, that the Bapti-zed (hould learn the Creed, and on Friday repeat it to the Bithops or Presbyters : ] which im- plicth that a Bifhop was prefent with every Church. And Cap. 57. It is ordained that thenceforth | Eijhops Jhould not be ordained in fmall Villages and Hamlets, but Vifiters Jhould be appointed them : But fuch (BiJhopsJ as had heretofore been there ordained flipuld do nothing without the Confci~ ence of the City Bijhop!] Which implieth, I. That every big Town had a Bi- Ihop. 2. And Villages before. 5. Epiphaniiis, H^er.eS. pag.yiy. &c. faith, That Teter feparated from Meletius in the fame room, and as Mdetius went to the Mines, he made nemx Bijhops^ and gathered ?teiv Churches '-, fo that in feveral Cities there were two (Bi- fhops and Churches O Which implieth that they were Congregations for Per- fonal Communion. 6. The Kicmc Council, cap. 8. alloweth Rural Bifhops then in ufe, (whom Teiavius proveth to have been true Bifhops.J 7. Greg. Nazianz. pag. 528. ^c. fheweth how Churches were enlarged and changed when the firife began between Mca & 7ua, Antiqua & Nova., Nob/lior & Ignobilior, Multitudine Opulentior ant T^enuior. 8. After Lucifer Calaritmus ordained Faiilimis-, Antioch had long two Bi- fhops, half being his Flock, and half cleaving to Me/eti^J-. 9. Nazianzen had in the great City of Conliantinople but one of the fmall Churches, ('the Arians having the greaterj till Lheodofms gave him the greater : And thofe Hearers he was Bilhop over. 10. A (43) 10. A Council at C^/i/u ordered that both the BKhops Flocks in Antioch (under Evagriw and Flavian) (hould live together in Love and Peace. 11. Many Cities tolerated Novatian Bilhops and Churches among them, and oft riiany other DifTcnters. Which ftiewcth that but part of the City were one Church. 12. The Council at Carthage (called the laft by Bmiuf) decreed that [ Re conciliation of Penitents (as tvel! as Chrifme and confccrating Virgins) is to be done only hy the BifJ.wps, except in great nccejjity : ( For how many Parishes can a Bi- fliop do all this and all the relt of his Office ? ) And when Chrijlians were multi' plied they that defired a Bifhop where wJS none before-, might hai'e one. But elfe aliud Altare is again forbidden to befet up. 1^. Another C^rt/^jge Council decreeth, Can. 15. That the Bifhop have but vile or cheap Houjhold-jiujf and a poor Table and Viet, and feek^ Authority or Vig' tiity by his Faith anddefert of Life. Can. ip. That he contend not for tranfitoiy things though provoked. Can. 23. Ihai he hear no Caufe but in the prefence of bit Presbyters: clfeit Jhall be void that is fcnteneed jvithout them, tmlefs con^rmed by their prefence. (Note, this being a conftant work required a conftant prefence : and it is not a felcdled Chapter of Presbyters that is named : And muft thofc of many hundred Parilhes dwell in the City, or travel thither for daily Caufes of Offenders ? &c. ) Can. 28, t^30. Bilhops unjuft Sentence void: and Judgment againft the abfent. 14. A Council at ^gjf/)«»;. Can. ^. faith, \_IfBiJhops wrongfully excommu- nicate one, any other Bifliop Jl.'all receive him :~\ Which implicth that the wronged perfon lived witliin reacli of a Neighbour Billiop's Parilh : For it doth not bind him to remove his Dwelling : And leave to go daily twenty or forty Miles to Church is a fmall kindncfs. And I have already cited. Can. 6^, If any Citizens on the ^at Solemnities., Eafter, the Lord's Nativity or WhhCimtldc, JhaV negle& to meet where the Bijhops are (feeing they arc fct in the Cities for BenediBion and Communion ) let them for three Tears be deprived of the Communion of the Church.'^ So that even when Churches were enlarged, yet you fee how great a part of them met in one place. 15. Divers Canons give the Bi(hopa third or fourth part of all the Church Profits ■■, And if thofc Churches had been as big as our Diocefes, it would have been too much of all Confcience. 16. A Synod at CarpentoraUe decreed, that the Biftiop of the City fhall not take all the Country Parifli Maintenance to himfelf : Which iinplictli as the for- mcrj that his Country Parilh was fmall. 17. A Council at Orleance, Jmio tf.\o. decree, Can. ^. about ordaining a Bilhop, that [ §lui pi£ponendus eft omnibm, ah omnibus eJigMur^ Tlie Diocefes yet were not fo large, but that AU met to chufe. 18. So Concil. Byzazen. faith, itmultbe |_ By '^-"f E^f""'« '/'^''•l ip. Another at Or/fi7««, Anno 545. laith, \_Nii Citizen muft celebrate Ea.Rcr out of the City, bccaufc they muft k^cp the principal Feftiiities in the prefence of the 'Bipfp, where the holy Afembly muft be k^pt. ~ But if any have a necefity toga F 2 abroadf (44) abroad, let him ask^ leave of the Bifljop.'] Here is but one City AfTembly, and Individuals niuft be known to the Bifliop, and ask his leave to go abroad. And Can, 5. faith, \_A B/fl-jop wiiji b: ordained in his onvi Church ivhich he it to overfeed] Which impUcth that he had but one Church and Country Chap- pels. 20. Another Or/MWfc Council hath the like, depofingall Bifhops that come not in by common confcnt : And requiring them both in their Cities and Ter- ritories to relieve the Poor from the Church-Houfe.] Let us have fuch Diocefes as the Bifliop can do this for, and we confent. 21. A Synod at TarUj Can. 8. fays, {Let no Man he ordained a Bijhop againft the J fill of the Citizens^ nor any hut whom the Ele&ion of the People and Clerk/ Jf^taU feek^trith plenary Will : None jh all be put in by the Command of the Trince.~\ &c. 22. King C/o^(?»ew called a Synod zt Cabilone, which Can. 10. decreeth, [ That all Ordination of Bifhops be null that was otherwife made than by the Eleat rvhatever alteration the Imperial Torver pall mal^ on any City, the Ecchfiajtical Order pall folkrv it^ And fo if the King will make every Market Town a City, it fhall have a Biihop : And if he will make but one or two cities in a Kingdom, there [hall be but one or two Bifliops : And if he will make one City Regent to others, that Bifhop (hall be fo. Thus Kome, Conftantinople^ &c. came by their Superiority. But Hierome telleth us the con- trary i that the Bifliop of "Tanaii, or any fmall City (Kke our leaft Corporations) was of equal Church-Dignity with F-ome (ct the greateft.) 24. The fame Council, Can.-jS, repeateth that, [/ill the Illuminate (that is, Bapti7ed J mitji learn the Creed, and every Friday fay it to the Bifliop and Tref- hytersi^ I hope they did not go every Friday fuch a Journey as Lincoln, Torkjot 'Norxvich Diocefe, ( no nor the leaft in tngland) would have put them to s nor that the Bifliop heard as many thoufands every Friday^ as fome of ours by that Canon fliould have heard. 25. Anno 6$^. at a 'toletane Council, King Eglca writeth a Sermon for them, and therein tells them, that \_ Every Parijh that hath twelve Families mufi have their proper Governor (not a Curate that is noGovernor.) Bnt if it be leff, if mufi be part of another s Charge.~\ 7.6, Anno"] 1^6 . Pipn called a Council in France, whofe Can. i. is, that [^ Every City mufi have a Bijhop^ And (as is beforefaid; every Corporate Town was a City, 27. In the Epitome of the old Canons fent by Pope Adrian to Carolus Mag- tittS) publiflied by Canifius, the eighth Antioch Canon is, [ Country Presbyters tnay not give Canonical Epifiles, but the Chorepifcopi.] By which it appeareth that the Chorepifcopi were Bifliops, as Petavius proveth (in Epiphan. Arriiu.) 1 And Can. 14, 15. That { No Bijhop be above three Weelq in another City, nor 'above two Week/ from his ami Chureb.'] Which intimateth that he had one Cngle Church, And (45) AndCtfW. ip. That when a place wants a Biihop, he that held them mull not proudly hold them to himftlf, and hinder them from one \ clfe he mull lofe that which he hath. 28. The fame Canons fay (Cjn. c,^.) If a Bifl.'op, f,x Months after Admnni- tion of other Biffjops-, ncgldl to nuk^ CatboUcks of the people belonging to his Scat ^ any other fl'ull obtain them th.it jhall deliver them from their Hercfie.'] So tliat, 1 . The Churches were not fo big b-.it that there might be divers in one Town. 2. And converting the People is a better Title, than Parilh Bounds. 2p. It is there alfo decreed, [T/uf nj Bifijop ordain or judge in another's Pa- rip : clfe it (liall be void : ] And they forbid [ Foreign Judgments, becaufe it is unmeet that be fjoiild be judged by Strangers-, xicbo ought to hafc Judges oftlx fame Province cbofen by hinifelf.'] But our Diocefanes are Strangers to almolt all .the People, and are not chofen by them. See the reft. Alfo another is, that every Election of Bilhops made- by Magillrates be void : yea, all that ufc the Secular Magiltrate to get a Cluncli mult be depofed, and feparated, and all that joyn with him : Alfo if any exadt Money •, or f'r affe- ction of his oivn^ drive any jrom the Minijlry, or fcgrcgate any of his Clergy, or Ihut tlie Temple. 30. A Council at Chalone under Carol. Mign. the Can. 1 5. condemnerh Arch-Deacons that exercife Domination over Parilh-Presbyters, and take Fees of them: as matter of lyranny, and not of Order and Keditttde. And C^«. 13. faith, \_ It is reported offme IWetbren (Bilhops) that they force them rvhom they are about to ordain tofivear that they are n^otihy, and xrill not do contrary to the Ca- tions, and ivill be obedient to the Bijhop that ordaineth them, and to tin Church in n^hich they are ordained : Which Oath, hecaufe it is very dangerous rve all agree Jhall be fn-bidden,'] By which it appcareth that, i . The Diocefcs were not yet fo large as to need fuch fubordinate Governors as ours have : Nor 2. Were Oaths of Canonical Obedienci: to the Bilhop and Church yet thought lawful, but forbidden as dangerous. 3 1. A Council at Ai]uifgrane, under Ludov. Tius, wrote an excellent Treatife gathered out of the Fathers, to teach Bilhops the true nature of their Office, which hath much to my prefent ufe, but too long to be recited. 32. Upon EW^;/ Flight that depofed Lud. Pius, the Arch-Bi(hoprick of JLhemes was void ten Years, aiid ruled by two Presbyters, Ftdk^ and Hotho : who were not then uncapable of governing the Flock : but it is not like tlut they governed Neighbour Bilhops. 3 3 . Canifius tells us of a Concilium Kcgiaticimtm, and Can. 6. is, [ That the Arcl^-Presbyter examine every Majler of a Family perfonally, and tak^ account of their Families and Lives, and receive their Cqnfeffions : And Can. 7. That a Pnf- byter in the ahfencc of the Bifjop may reconcile a Penitent by his Command, &cc.'\ Whicii flicw that yet Diocefes were not at the largeft. 34. A Council at Pj/7m, Annoi'y'j. order yet, [^Tbat the Clergy atid People ehufe the Bijhops : and yet that the Laity on pretence of their eleSing porver trample not on the Arclj-Presbytcr, and that Great Men's Chappels empty not Churches. 35. Yea, (4^ 55. Yea, Pope A^khobs, fit. 8, c. i. decrecth that no Billiops be ordained but by the Eledion or Confent of the Clergy and People.] When they be- came uncapablc of the ancient Order, yet they kept up the words of the old Canons. 3d. This is intimated in the old Canons repeated at a Koman Council, Anno 8d8. [ 7'hjt if Bif}:ops excommunicate any v^rcngfuUy^ or fm- light Caufcr, and not rcjiore them^ the Neighbour Bilhops Jhall tjkc fitch to their Communion till the next Synod:'] Which was the Bimop of the next Parilh or Corporation, and not one that dwelt in another County out of reach. » And Can.'JZ. Bccaufe the Bijhops hindred by other b/ifinefs^ cannot go to all the Sicl^^ the Presbyters (or any CImflians) may anoint them. How big was the Diocefs when this Canon was firft made ? Who would give his bujinefi, rather than Vijhnce, and Numbers, and ImpoJJrbility, as the reafon why the Bilhop of London^ Lincoln-, Normch, &c. vifit not all the Sick in their Dio- cefes ? 37. AnnoSdp, till Syp. was held a Council called General at Cwj/?i7«/«of/c. The Can. 8. is, [ Whereas it is reported that not only the Heretical and Vfiwpers., but fame Orthodox Patriarchs alfo, for their oxen fecitrity have made men fubfcribe^ (that is, to be true to them^ the Synod judgcth that it Jhall befo no more ■, fave only., that Men rphen they are made Bijhops be required as ufiial to declare the found- nefs of their Faith: He that violateth this Sandion, let him' be dep-ived of his Honour,] But thefe later inftances only (hew the Relicfts of Primitive Purity and Sim- plicity, more evidently proved in the three firll Centuries. 38. And he that will read the ancient Records of the Cuftoms of Burying, will thence perceive the extent of Churches : Dodtor "tillefy (after cited) af- fitmeth (pag. i-Jp. againft 5eWe«J thitlhe Right of Burial place did firji belong to the Cathedral Churches : ] And Parifh Churches began fo lately fas now un- der(lood,having no Bilhops, and diftin(ft from Cathedrals) that they could not be there buried, before they were built and in Being ■■, which faith Selden, be- gan in England feven hundred years after Chriil i here one and there one^ as a Patron ercded it : Selden of Tythes, pag. 267. Yea, in feven hundred he findeth but one of Earl Puch in Beda i and in Anno 800. divers appropriate to Crowland ; and fo after. And it was the Chara(2:er of a Parith Church to have Baptifterium & Scpulturam, (pag. 262.) So that before a Bilhop's Church however called, had but one place that had Baptijhrittm & Sepulturam : Yea, long after that Parilhes, had very few Members in moft places, -fo long was it e'er the People were brought to Chriftianity ; And they were then, as our Bi- lhops make them now, not proper Churches, but Chappels of Eafe. Selden, (ibid. pag. 26"].) tells you that Kalph Nevil Bifhop of Chicheficr and Chancellor oi England requeued of the King that the Church of Saint Peter m Chichejier might be pulled down, and laid to another Parifh, becaufeit rvas poor, having but tn-o Parifhioners. Sure it was never built for two Perfons : But it's like many were Heathens: Or if not fo then, in the Years 700 and 800 they were fo, (Jiiough Mafter Thomas Jones hath well proved that the Brittifl} Churches (47) Churches were far extended before Gregory fent Jufihic, and that our Bi(hcp5 and Religion "are derived from them : ) Even at tmtrs in France in the days of Saint Mirfw, notwithftanding all his Miracles, the ChrliHans were not fo ma- ny as the Heathens, at leaft till one publick Miracle towards his later time convinced Ibme. CHAP. VI. The fa??ie further conjirmed by the Aficie?its. I. ^Vfchins'Dcmoniirst.EvMgcl. pag. \^%. faith, [^ When he confidcrcd the C Power ofChr'ft's Word, how it perfwaded innumerable Congregati- ons of Men, and by thofe If-,noble and Ru(>ick Difciplcs ot Jcfus, jwuf/xvcA^oi EKM.\it^/iX( tmmrr ifijfiine Ecchf.ji were conllituted, not in certain unknown and obfcure places, but ereded in the moft faitious Cities, ( 'Rome^ Alexandria and Antioch) tiirough all Egy^t and Lvc/j,through Europe and Afia-, 't>1c. K ^j 7r«vToioi9 tt «■( — in Villages and Countries or Regions and all forts of Nations.] By this it appcarcth that Villagcs-liad Churches then. II. Though of liter date, coiifider the Hiftory of FjtriclCs Plantation of Churches in L-cIj J: who is faid hinifclfinhis own time tohavethree hundred fixty rive Churches, and as many Bilhops, and three thoufand Presbyters i as Niiiiia reportcth. Not only 71.wndikf takcth notice of this, but a better Au- thor, Vjher dc Ecclcf. Brit. Friniord. pa, 950. And Sclden in his Comment on Eittjchim Oi-igiiKS Alex. pag. 86. from Antoninm and llnccntiuf, tluis mention- eth it, [_ Ccrie tantum in orbe urramm tunc tcmporii Epifcopontm fegctem mirar't forfan deftmt, quipjuii crediderit, quod de B. Patrrcio Hibomrifi Antoninus & Vin- centiuf tradunt \ Ettin j'cilicci folum Ecchfuis fundajfe 365. totidemque Epifcopos ordinajfe, prater Vrcshytcromm 3000. ^ade re confiil.ts plura apud prtjlantiffi- mum viriim Jacobum Uffcrium, &c.~\ So that here was to every Church a Bilhop and near ten Presbyters. ( No Man will doubt but the Eilhops them- fclvcs were taken out of the better fort of tlie Laity, and the Presbyters of the fecond fort ■■, and all below many private Chril^ians now among us.) 'And were there three iuindrtd llxty five Cities think you in Ireland Z Yea, or Corporations cither ? It's cafie to conjefture what Churches thefe were. III. All Hirtory, Fathers, and Councils confent, that every City was to have a Bilhop and Presbytery to govern and teach the Chrilhans of that City and tiie Country people near it •% which is but a Parifli or Presbyterian Church. For the word 7;d\(s ligniHcth in the old common ufe, any big Town, ua Utile (48") little Towns that were diftindt from Country Farms and fcattering Villages : fo that all our Corporations and Market Towns are Oppida and fuch Cities as TToAis fignitied. Therefore even by this Pvule we Qiould have a Bilhop to every fuch Town. 1. Crete was called HccatomfolU-, as having an hundred Cities, as Homer faith it had. And what kind of Cities were thofc? Which were to have an hundred Churches and Bifliops (in a fmall Ifland ">) 2. Tlxorritus Idyl. 1^. delaudibufPt0lcm.vcrf.S2. faith, that he had under his Government thirty three thoufand three hundred and thirty 7ro\tjs, Cities : And if fo, they muft be as fmall as our Borouglis, if not fome Villages : cer- tainly he had not above twice the number of Cities eminently fo called that Stephaniii Byzantinui could find in the whole World, in his Book, vrtgyd 7rd/\£t>i'. Tir. I. 5. 3* He that will perufe and compare the Texts in the New Tcftament that Ordiin ufe the word Tro'Ais (above fixfcore times) and fee Grotius on Ln]^ 7. 1 1 . &c. Elders in (hall foon fee that the word is there ufed for fuch Towns as I am mentioning, iverycitj. jfnotlefs. IV. Sozomen, lib. ^. cap. 3. tells us, thzt Majtma v/hkh was Naz:ile Gaz£., being as part of its Suburbs, or the adjoyning part but twenty Stadia diftant, was, becaufe it had many Chriftians, honoured by Conftantine with the name of a City, and had a Bi(hop of their own. And Julian in malice took from them the honour of being a City, but they kept their Bilhop for all that. It had the fame Magiftrate with Gaza^ and the fame Military Governors, and the fame Republick i but was diverfified only by their Church-State. For, faith he, each had their own Bifhop, and their own Clergy, and the Altars belonging to each Billioprick were diftinft : And therefore afterward the Bilhop of Gi?zj laboured tofubjeft the Clergy of A/jj«/kj! to himfelf, faying, that it was unmeet that one City fhould have two Bilhops : But a Council called for that purpofe, did confirm the Church-Right of Majmia. V. Gregory Neoc£faric)ifis called 'Ihanmat7irgus^ was by force made Bifhop of that City, vvhere all the ChrilUans were but feventeen at his Ordination : fuch was the Bifhop's Church. And when he had preached and done Miracles there till his Perfecution, there is no mention of any Presbyter he had with him •, but of his Deacon Mnfonim \.\\3.i tied with him. (Though when he died ... he left but feventeen unconverted.) fiithEu- ' ^""^ when he had converted fome at Comana-, a fmall Town near him, feb.l.j.c, he did not fet a Presbyter over it, and make it part of his own Diocefs, but 16. Vid. appointed Alexander (the Collier) to be their Bilhop i and that over a Churclr Earon.an. ^^i^ ^^^^ ,^q j^pj.^ t].)^,^ ^^^^ ^.^j debated the Cafe of his Election and Rece- ''■ ''°' ption. See Greg. Nyjfen. inOrat. inGreg.Thaimat. & Bafil de Spirit. Sando, cjp. ip. & Bnviar. Koman. die 15 Novemb. & Menolog. Grxc. VI. Concil. 1 - VI. Cancr/. Mc. OccuiHii. Can.i^. dcctccdi. that every one that before death dcfireth the Sacrament, was to have it from the Bi(hop : One Ed. in Crab faith, Gcneraliter omni aiilibct in exitu pofito., & fofcaiti fiki CommunionU gra- tiam tribuii Epifcopm probabilitcr ex oblatione dare dcbebit. The other Ed. faith [Et cxra & probatiojit Epifcopi.'] We are content that the Diocefs be as great as the Bilhop will perform this for, to examine all fuch dying men, and give them the Sacrament, or fend it them after his dilhnionyfms Akxandr. that he wrote nor to the pcrfon of Paidus Samcfatenus ', but to the whole Congregation (that is, his Church. ; And they fay [ He licenfed the Bifhops and Minifters of the adjoyning Villages and Cities to preach to the People.] Which Iheweth what biocefes and Churches then were. XVI. Socratu. (5>) XVI. Soeraies, 1. 1. c. 8. tells us that SphiJion was at the fame time a Bi- fliop and a Shepherd.] And whether his Parifh was one Church or many hun- dred you may eafily judge, when fo holy a Man could fpare time all the Week to keep his (heep. XVII. When Conjijnf the Emperor affrighted Cor^lantius toreftore Athana- fius^ Conjtantiui craved of Athanafius that the Arrians in Alexandria might have one Church to themfelves : Athsnafms told him, It was in his power to com- mand and execute •, but craved alfo a requeft of him, which was that in all Ci- ties there might alfo be one Church granted for them that communicated not with the Arrians ; But the Eaftern Arrian Bilhops hearing that, put off the de- cifion of both the Requefts.] By which a willing perfon may conjedure at the quantity of the Epifcopal Churches in thofe times. XVIII. Even in Amhrofes days the great Church of Milan was no greater than could meet in one Temple to chufe a Bifhop : And Ambrojl was chofen by them. Socrat. /. 4. c. 25, And BamiiuT, hi Vita Ambrofii ex Paulino, faith, fp"^' 9') L ^odfoli- ttts erat circa BaptizanJns fotus implnx^ quinque pnflea Epifcopi tempore qm dcceffit vix implerciit.'] What then was all the reft of his work ? and how many Churches could he thus overfee ? And the Arrians, for whom the Emperor made all that Air with Ambrofe., were fo few in Milan, that when the Emperor would have had one Church for them, and could not get it by tair means or force, Ambrofe thus jclkth at the Emprefs and tlie Arrian Gothcs s ^libns m olim plauftnim fedes crat, itt tiwic platfjhttm Ecclejia efi ; ^uocnnque fxmina ilia prPcefferity fecum fuos orwics cxtki rehit.'] Her Coach is their Church i and which way (beverihe goeth, (he car- ricth all her Congregations with her. Ambrnf. de Offic. To. 4. c 1. (heweth that teaching his Church is the Bi- fhop's Office : And de initiandif, c. 2, />. 163. To. 4. lie faith to the baptized perfon, [ Vidijii illic (in Sacrario) Lcr'itam, vidijii Sacerdotcm, vidifii fwnnmin Sacerdotem."] In which he intimatcth that the Bilhop ( as the Chief Prieft ) was prefent in the Church with his Presbyters at Baptirings. Which fheweth that they had not a multitude of Churches without Bilhops. And de Sacram. /.I. f. I. how the Birtiop himfclf mull touch with Oyl the Noftrils ot all th.at were baptized, with other Ceiemonies after mentioned, (heweth that he was ufually prefent at every Raptifm. And de Sjcram, /. 3. c, i. he giveth thereafon why he did wafh (he P'eetof all that were baptized, and the Church ot Rome did not. Vide ne forte pmptrr mitUitudinem declinarit.'] [^Perhaps they decline it becaufe of the multitude.] But all the Dioccfs of Milan (as a Bilhoprick, not as an Arch-Bilhoprick ) had no fuch multitudes, but that betides all his other work, Ambrofe could have time to walh the feet of every one that was baptized. G 2 And .(52j And cjp. 3. ^cchfix contnitii & confideratme tc ipfe commenda — The Church was pre fent lohen; Ardto fhew by his work what his Church was, he cele- brated the Sacrament daily : Accip quotidie quod quotidk tibi profit : fie vive ut qstotidk nicrearis acdpm : ^/d twnmerettir qmidje acciferCi mnmtretur pfi an- num acdpcre. ,' ijiWll'A- And how he difcharged all this you may perceive,eo Patre funt oimij^ ftngulos Epifcopos fv;gH- lis Eccleftis prxcjfe dccrez'it.'] He decreed that there Ihouldbe to' every Church a.fuvcralBifhop. When I cite all this of the Ikteof that famous Church of Milan, where the Emperor himfclf did oftreftde, and which prefumcd to differ in Cuftoms from Home, I leave you to gather how it was before Chril^ian Emperors, and in all the ordinary Churches. XIX. Auguftine wos.chofcii by the people, and brought to the Bifhop to be ordained. Vit. cap. 4. And cap. 5. Valerius the Billiop gave him power to preach before him contrary to the ufe of the African Churches, but according to the cuftom of the Ealiern Churches.] Which Ihcweth that Auguftine while Presbyter (and fo other Presbyters ordinarily) was in the fame Congregation with the Bifhop, and not in another. And upon tliis other Churches took up the fame cuftom. And cap. 3 l. it's faid. [ hi Ordinandi! Faccrdotibm & CLricis Confcnfum irux- jorcm ChriftiaUOrum, & conjimudinan Ecchfix fiquendam cjfe arbitrahatur : — And cap. 25. Cum ipfi J'emper Cterici una ttiain domo & mcnfa, fxmptihufque commwu- huf ahbantur, & vefttchaniur. Yca, he ordered jull how many Cups in a day his Clergy-meii with him Ihould drink ■■, and it any fware an Oath he loft cmc of his Cups. ( Through God's Mercy fobcr Godly Miniftcrs now need no fuch law.) By this it evidently appcareth tlut the Church which he and his Presbyters ruled, was not many hundred, but one Congregation, or City- Church : There being no mention of any Country Presbyters that he had elfe- where, as far as 1 remember. • And when Auguftine was dying, the People with one confent, accepted of his choice of E)W/«f to be his SucctlTor-, Epift. no.pag. ipj. To recite all that is inJuftins Works intimating thefc Church-limits, would be tedior.s. XX. Epi- ' (54) XX Epiphanius's Teftimony I have before mentioned, as produced by Teta' tm, that there were few Cities, if any bcfides Alexandria in thofe Countries that had more than one Congregation i and particularly none of his own. And Dodor Hammond trufleth to him and Iwi£us to prove that the Apoflles fctled fingle Bi(hops in fingle Congregations io many places without any Sub- Presbyters. XXI. Socrates, l.$.c.2i. faith, ([The Church o( Antioeh in Syria is fi- tuate contrary to other Churches ; for the Altar ftands not to the Eall, but to Which Speech implieth that (befides Chappels if any) there was lurch that was notable in Antkch v while he calleth it [The Church the Weft._ but one C at Antioch^ without difiindlion from any other there. XXII. Socrates., I. 'J. c. 5. tells us a notable ftory of Theodojiiif Blfhop of Synada, who went to Conftantinoph for Power to perfecute Agapetits the Mace- donian Bi(hop in that City. But while he was abfent Agapetus turned Ortho- dox, and his Church and the Orthodox Church joyned together, and made Agapetus Bifhop, and excluded theodofim : who made his Complaint of it to Atticm the Patriarch of Conjiantinople fa wife and peaceable Man) who defired Theodofius to live quietly in private, becaufe it was for the Churches good.] CMayfuch caufes oft have fuch decifions, and Lordly troublefome Prelates fuch fuccefs.) By which itory you may guefs how many Congregations both Parties made in Synada. XXIII. Socrates, I. 7. c. 26. tells us that Sifinnius was chofen Bi(hop of Conjiantinople by the Laity againft the Clergy. And cap. 28. Sifinnius fent Pro- cIhs to be Bifhop of Cyzicum i but the People chofe Valmatius and refufed him.] And this cuftom of the People's Choice-, mufl: needs rife at hrfi: from hence, that the whole Church being but one Congregation was prefent : For what Right can any one Church in a Diocefs have to chufe a Bifhop for all the reft, any more than the many hundred that are far off, and uncapable to chufe ? XXIV. Sozomen^s Teftimony (even fo late) is very obfervable ■■, lib. 7. cap, 15. who mentioning the differences of the Eaft and Welt about Ealier, and in- ferring that the Churches fhould not break Communion for fuch Culioms, faith, \_Frivolmn cnim & merito quidem judicarunt, confmtttdinU gratia a fe mtt- titofcgregari eos qui in pr£cip2iis KeligionU capitibus confentirent : Neque enim eaf- dcm traditiones per omnia fimiles in omnibus Ecclefus quamvpi inter fe confentientes, repcrire poJfes.~\ And he inftanceth in this, \_Et enim per Scythhm cum fint Ci- 'vitates mult£, unum duntaxathxomnes Epifcopum habent(\ told you the reafbn of this Rarity before ) Apud ali.K vera nationes reperiai nbi & Tagis Epifcopi ordinan- tur : Sicut apud Arabes & Cyprios ego comperi. J He fpeaketh of his own knowledge : No wonder then if Epipljanius be to be interpreted as Petavius . doth, when in Cyprus not only the Cities had but one Church, but alfo the Villages (55) Villages had Bifliops. To theft he addeth the Novatians and the TJjrygii>f Montanifts. And let none think their inftances inconfiderable. For the Mon- tanifts were for high Prelacy, even for Patriarchs, as in ttrfnl'ian appeareth. And the Novatians were for Bilhops, and had many very G(-dly Bilhops, and were tolerated by the Emperors even in Conjianunopk^ as good People and Or- thodox in the Faith : And Novatur was martyred in Valerians Perfecution, ae Socrates, /. 4. c. 23. faith. XXV. Even Clemens Roman, or whoever he was that wrote in his name, tpili. :}. (hewcth that Teaching the People is the BiChop's Office, and conclu- deth (in Crab, p. 45. J Andire (Epifcopum) attentius oportct & ab ipfo fitfcipn-c dortrinam fiJci ; Monit.t autctn ihiaconH vero O'dinem Difciplin£ : By which Partition of Offices it is evident, that the Bilhop only and not the Presbyters then ufcd to preach to the Church, and that the Fref- byters fthough ejnfdcm ordmif-, and not Lay-EUcrs) ufcd to inrtrudt the People pcrfonaRy, and give them Monits vine : and that they were all in one Church together, and not in feveral diftant Churches. XXVI. Fattl himfcif telleth us that Cenchrea had a Church, and the Scri- pture fciitli. They ordained Elders in every Cinirch : And thougli T>otvname without any proof obtrude upon us, that it was under the Bilhop of Ccr//;/ A,and had a Presbyter of his to teach them •, yet of what Authority foever (in other refpcds^ the Confiitutions called Clements or the Apoftles be, they are of more than his in this i where lib. 7. cap. \6. in that old Liturgy, Lucius is faid to be Billiop of Cenchrea, ordained by the Apoftles. XXVII. Gcnnadius dt virit illttfir, /. i. c. 10. faith, that Afckpim was Vict noiigrandis Epfcopts, Biftiop of a Village not great. XXVIII. Saith CdT/rpnij/'t, Four or five of the Towns which were Seats of the Biihops of the Concil. Carthag. which Cyprian mentioneth, are fo inconfide- rable that they are not found in the Geographical Tables. XXIX. And faith Alt arc Vamafcc/i. />. 294. Oppidum triiim Tabernarum Velitris vicinum was a BidvDp's Seat for all the nearnefs and fmallnefs of the Towns : And Grcgor. lib. 2. Epiji.^^. laid the Relids of the wafted Church to the Bi(hoprick of Veliterno. Cajhum Lumanwn had a Bilhop till Gregory joyned it to Bencvatus Bifhop of MiceiuK : (and fo had many Ca'frj ordinarily.) Remigius did appoint a Bifhop within his own Diocefs when he found that the number of perfons needed it ; Viz. apud Lattdunum ctavatum Cajirtim fit£ Victeefeos. Of Spiridion the Biihop of Trtmithantis 1 fpakc before. XXX. 7heopI}. Alcxand. Epijl. Tafch. 3. in BibL Fat. To. 3. concludeth thus, £ Pro dcfunUis Epifcops in hcis fiiigiilorum conjiituti. In urbt Nichio pro Theo- pen pto (?0 pempto Thcodofius •, r« Tcrenuthide Aifinthiusi In oppi J o Ger^s pro E\iiz' mone Piiozus •, I« Achsis ;)ro Apolline Mufsusi /« Atlirivide /-jj TMoro A- thanafius i In Cleopatride Offellus i I/i Oppido Lato, pro Timotheo Apdles. And the nearnefs and fmalbefs of fome of thcfc (heweth t!ie Diocefes fmlll. The fame 'thcoph. Alex, faith, Epijl. Canon. Can. 6. [ De iis qui ordinandi fynt h£c crit forma, tit qidcquid eft Saccrdotalis ordinis confentiat & eligat, & tunc Epifcopus cxaminet.vcl ci etiam ajfentiente Sacerdotali ordine in media Scckfta ordinet pr£fente populo, & Epifcopo alloquenU-, an etiam pojfet ei populus fern teflimonium : Ordinatio antem non pat clanculum : Ecchfia enim pacem habente decet prtfentibut Qindis ordinationef fieri in Ecchfia.'] Undoubtedly, as Balfamon., noteth by [Saints] is meant fidekx, the People. Here then you fee that the Churches then were fuch where all the Clergy were prefent with the Bi(hop, who or- dained Minifters to a fmgle Church where all the people could be prefent to be confulted. '.XXXI. In the Life of Fulgentius it is faid, that Flebs ipfius loci uUfuerat Monallerium conftitutum differrefuam prorfus Eleclionem, donee invenirct B. Ful- gentitm, cogitabat (where, theBilhops refolved to ordain, though the King for- bad it thena.) And though the King perfecuted them for it, it is added, £Rc- pleta jam f Herat Provincia Bizaccna novis Sacerdotibiis, & pene vix paucarum ple- bimn Cathedrd remanferant deflitut£.'] And the Phrafe [/'/eZ'w/w Cathedra"] doth fignifie a BilTiop's Seat in one Congregation of People. One Flebs was one Congregation i and had its proper Cathedram. XXXII. Sozomen ("after Socrates) mentioning the diverfity of Church Cu- ftoms fas aforefaidj /.-y. c. ip. faith, that at Alexandria ihc Arch-Deacon only readetli the Holy Scriptures, in other places only the Deacons, and in ma- ny Churches only the Priefts, and on folemn days the Bifhops.] By which words it appeareth that then every Church was fuppofed to have a Bifliop, Priefts and Deacons prefentin their publick Worfhip. For the Bithop on his folemn days could not be reading in many Churches fmuch lefs many hun- dredj at once. XXXIII. Hiflor, Tripartit. I. I. c. jp. fout of Sozomen, I. i. c. 14. Edit. Lat. Bafil. p. 1 587. J telleth us, how Arius feeketh ("as from the Bithynian Sy- nod J to Paulinus of Tyre, Eufeb. Cafar, & Patroph. Scytbopol. ut una cum fuis yiberetur cum popitio qui cum co erat-, folennia Sacramcnta Ecclefu cclebrare, — • EJfe dicens confuetudinem in Alexandria ( ficut etiam nunc ) ut una exijiente fuper omnes Epifcopo, Presbyteri forfim Ecclepas obtinerent, & populus in eis CoUedasfo- hmniter cekbraret. — J \_Twic illi una cum aliis Epifcopis, &c,'\ By this (with what is faid before out of Epiphanins) it is undeniable that this (gathering of Affemblies by the Presbyters in the fame City, and adminillring the Sacrament to them befides the Church where the Bithop was} was taken to be Alexandria's fii^gularity, even as low as Sozomen s time. And yet note that here is even at 'Alexandria no mention of many Churches in the Countries at a diftance, much lefs (J7) lefs hundreds, thus gathered,^ but only of fome few in that great City. And if even in a great City, and in Epiphan. and in Sozomcn's days a Presbyter's Churcli was an Akxandrian Rarity, what need we more Hiltorical Evidence of the Cafe of the Churches in thofe times ? XXXIV. Fmanduf VhcoiiHf, in Epijl. de 5. ^i^jl. faith to Fnlgmhts, £ SanBos Tnsbytcros , Visconos , beatamque Congregationem ( which was liis Chmch) falttto,'] And that you may again fee what Congregation or Church that was, //; vita Tulgentii^ cap.ij. pag- 8. it is faid, that the Plehs fought and cbnfe him (and that in dcfpight of Fcel/x the ambitious Deacon, who fought the place, and fought the life of Fulgmtius.) Pepulus ft:z.pag.2^^. Cm:. •).) faith, [NhIIus it is thi civibiis invitii ordinctur Fpifcopus^ nifi quern Popttli & Clericoritm EkBio pkr.ijjima tiihth tjiixficrit ivlitntate > Non principii impmo^ tuque per qtismlibet conditionem Mctrapo- c^"'' jx lii volitntate Epifcoporum Comprmincialium iiigeratm: ^itod fi per ordimtioncm ' ' Kegiam honor'n fiii culmen pervadcrc aliqidi nimia temyitate pr^fumpferit, a Compro- I'inciaJibus loci ipfuis Epifcopii recipi ntdlatenus mereatttr, quern indebitc ajfumptttm agnofatnt. Siquii de Comprai'incialibus recipere eum contra indiila prxjhnpfcrit^ fit a fratribus omnibns fcgregatm^ & abipforum omnium Chjritatc remotm.'] Here again you fee liow late all the Church was to chufe every Billiop ■, pleriffima vc- luntate i and confcqucntly liow great tlie Church waS. And were this Canon obeyed, all the people iniift feparate from all the BilTiops of England-, as here all are commanded to do from all thofe Bilhops that do but receive one that is put in by the King, and not by the free choice of all the Clergy and People of his Church. Note that Cvjt (Vol. 7.. pjg. i.^\.) hath it, [_cflntra MetropoHi voUintatcm :~\ But both that, and C»r.z«s,i's Reading, who omittcth [cfi«frj] fcem contrary to the fcope-, and it's moft likely that it (liould be read [^Mctrc- polii voluntate, contra Epifcoporum comprov.^ Jcilicct voUtntatcm, XXXVI. Lro.i. P. Kom. EpIJl. 8p. pag. (mihi) t6o. damning Saint Hil- lary Magifterially, yet faith, f Expcciarentur certe vota Civium, tejlimonia populo- rum, quxreirtur bonoratorum arbitrmm-, Eledio Clericorum, qu£ in Sactrdot/rmfo' lent ordinationibus, ab hii qui norunt patrum rcgul.K, cujlodiri., ut Ap^fftolicx atttho' ritatis norma in omnibw fcwarettir., qua pr£cipitur ut Sacerd'U F.ccleft£ prsfuturuf., lion folum attcjhtione fdclinm, &c. Et pojlea^Tcncatur fubfcriptio Chricerum^ /;<>• noratortmi tcfiimoninm^ ordinU confenfii{ & Fkbif : Qui p-xfuturm eji omnibus^ ab omnibus tltz,aUir.'\ And how great muft tliat Diocefs be, where all the Laity muft chu^c and vote ? &c. It's true that Fpi^h S7. c. 2. />. 158. he would H not (58) not tiave little Congregations to have a Billiop, to whom -one Presbyter k enuugli i and no wonder at that time, that this great Bilhop of Rowc, Cthe Hrft that notably contended for their undue Supremacy in the Empire] was of that mind ■ who alfo if)'{,'?.88. faith of the Choi-ej>tfcopi,{^i jnxta Cjn.Neocsefar. five fcciindmn jlicriitn dccntj patrmn iidcm funt qui & Pnsbyteri.) The falfehood of which being too plain, Fetavius in Epipbjiu ad Hxrcf. 74. p. 278. judgetli that thefe words being in a Parenthefis are imptitious.) And ibid. EpijL 88. he faith that by the Can. all thefe things following are forbidden the Cborcpifc. and Presbyter, [Fresbyterortmi., Viaconomm, aiit Virginum coiifecratio, ficut con- ftitutio Ahari!., ac bencdi&io vel wicfio : Siquidem ikc erigcrc m Altaria, nee Eccle- fi.K vcl Aliaria conficrare licet., mc per impofitioms mantmm fdclibiis baptizandit vel converts ex h^refi Tarackium Spiritum SMiUum ti\ido:e., mc Cbrifma conficere, >iec Chrifmate Baptizatornni fro/itcs fignarey mc publicc qiiidan in Miffa quemqitam pxnitoitem reconciHare^ mc formaus citilibet EpiiioLu mittcrc."] By which it ap- peareth how big that Man's Diocefs muft be, who befides all his other work, niurt be prefent to fign every baptized perfon, and reconcile every Penitent in every Congregation. And it's worth the noting what kind of works they be that the Bilhop's Office is maintained for. XXXVII. From the great Church o[ Rome (it its firft Tide time) let us look to the great Church oi Gonftantinopk 5 even in the days of a better Bilhop, Cbryfojlom : Befides that they had long but one Temple, (of which anon) Cbi-yfojinm faith in i T^bef. 5. 12. Orat, 10. -n^Ziov jUtv, &c. Et prinrnm debet impcrarc & pr£ejfe volenlibns & htbentibiis., qui ci gratiam babent quod imperet^ (p. i^'J2, & p. 1 473 .J S acerdos in boc fuum contulit mgotiiwi : NuHa eft ei alia vita qitam M verfetur in Ecclefia— ^{i Cbrijhtm diligit^ cu]ufmodiciinque fit Sa- cerdos atm diliget., quod per cum fit veneranda ajfecutui SacrameMa > ( And Doctor Hammond faith, this Text fpeaketh only of Bittiops, ilbef.'j. 12.) Et ibid. \_Pro te precatitr, & dono quod per Baptifmum datwtibi infervit., vifitat^ hortatur &monet, & media noUe fi vocaveris vcnit7\ And how many Parilhes can a Bi- lhop thus ferve ? And how many fcore miles will they fend and he go to vilit the S'lck at midnight ? And Cbryfift. in 1 Cor. 14. p. ^53. faith, Conveiiiebant oUm^omnes pfallebant commuKiter. Hoc nunc quoquc facimof-, ( Tliey had no feparating Chorilkrs ) fed tunc in omnibtu erat una anima & cor unum : Nunc autem nee una quidem ani- tna illam concordiam videris &■ confeiifmn i fed ttbique magnum eft Bellum, Tacem nunc quoque precatur pro omnibuf, is qui prxeft Ecchfis., tft qtfi in domum ingrcditur patcrnam, fed.ht^Ui pads nomen quidem eft fcqiuns^ res auieni nufquam. Tunc etiam domiK erant Ecclefia ( though called Conventicles : ) Nunc autem Ecclefia - eft domus, velpotius quavis dome deierior. When Churches grew to be Diocefes they grew worfe than when they were in houfes : But he that liere is faid pr^' effe Ecclefi£ is he alfo that pronounccth Peace to them. XXXVIII. Gregory Nyfen. fpeaking of the gathering of true Cbtirchcs by jpieathing, faitij (in Ecchfiaft. Horn, i . p. (mihij p^.) {_He is the true Preacher, tuba (5?) n>bo gathemh the difperfed into one Affemhly.and briiigeth thofe together into one Con-^ gregation (or Convention) rvho by various Errors are varioujly fcdnced. XXXIX. He that readeth impartially Bedas Ecclefiaftical Hirtory (hall find that in England between fix and feven hundred years after Chrift they were but Ungle Churches that had Bifhops : For indeed the famoufeft and holiert of them in the Kingdom o[ Northnmberla?id, were hut Scots Presbyters, and fuch as were fcnt by them without any Epifcopal Ordinations (Aidan^ Finan,6^c.) And though they did Apoftolically preach in many places to convert the Hea- then Inhabitants, yet their Churches of Chriftians were fmall : yet prcfently the Roman Grandeur and Ceremonioufnefs here prevailed, and fo by degrees did their Church-form. Yet faith Camhden, Brit. ed. Frank- p. too. When the Bifhops at Rome had afligned fcvcral particular Churches to feveral Presby- ters, and had divided Parifhes to them, Honorius Arch-Bifliop of Canterbury about the Year 63 <5. firft begun to i'liWihutc England into Parilhes, as is read in the Canterbury Hiftory.^ But it's plain in Bcda-, if he did then begin it, he went but a little way with that divilion. The fame Cambdcn alfo tells us, that the Biflioprick of Ljr/^^devoured fevcn Bilhopricks, and the Billioprick of Lincoln more, &c. Some Seats were but removed, but many Bifhopricks were dilTolvcd and turned into one, which yet were eredJcd when Chrilhans were fewer, faith Ifaackfon Chronolog. There was one at Wilton^ the See at Ramesbury, one at Crcditon, one at St. Patricias tit Bodmin in CornivaU^ and after at St. GtTw.w;/, on€ at -^fZ/f)' Ifland, one at Dunjvich^ one at Helmham^ and after at Thetford^ one at Sidnacelhr or Lindii, one at Ofney, one at Hexham, &c. And at this day Landaff, St. Afaph\ Ban- gor, St. David's arc no Cities, where wc have Bilhops Seats, as notices of the old way. XL. Iftdoruf Tcleufwta, lib.]. Spijhi^p.to BifhopTtv/wwj/wj- diftinftly nam- cth tlic Bilhop's Charge, and the calamity, if he be bad, that will befall himfelf firll, and then the wlwle Church : Himfelf for undertaking and not perform- ing, and the whole Church, oTi TOjcuTii) ItgcoTUMr ocva^ia? iTriS^awx.'', §^id hujufmodi viro Sacerdotium indigne mandavit. The; whole Church then was no bigger than to chufe tlie Bi(hop and be under his prcfcnt infpedion, as he intimatcth. And Epift. 315. to Eilliop I contius ■■, [ If thou tookcft on thee the care of the Church, againrt thy \Vill,and art ciMifiramcd by the Suffrages, and the Conten- tions and Hands of the People, God will be thy helper.—— But if by Money &c. Lib. 5. Ep. 2 1(5. p. 342. He rcckoncth up fuch and fo much work as nc- ceflarytora Bilhop as no man living can do for above one ordinary Parifli. And frequently he dcfcribeth the City and Congregation at Ttlnfum as the place where the wicked Bilhop and his wicked Priclls together dclhoycJ the intcrcft of true Religion, Hi XLI. I XLI. I conclude this with the words of Etifebius with the CoIIedion of P principally employed in pcrfonal overlight, ^nd in joyning in Government with the Biihop. And thofe fame Presbyters who had Congregations, joyned with the reft in their Weekly Work, and made up the Confrffm or College of Presbyters. 3. And next that (and in fomc places at the fame time) Com- municating Congregations were gathered in the Cou>itry Villages, fo far ofF the City, as that it was found meet to leave a "Presb^'ter Relidcnt among them -, but under the Government of the City Bifhop and Presbytery, of whom he was one when he came among them. And all this while the Churches were but like our greater Parilhes which have divers Chappcls, where there is liberty of Communicating. 4. After this when tlie Countries were more converted, there were more Country Parilh-Congregations fct up i till they attained the form of a Presbyterian Church, differing only in the Bilhop i that is, a certain number ot the Neighbour Country Parilhes in one Conlillory (but with a Bi- lhop^ did govern all thefc Parilhes as one Church s that is, It was many IFor' fflyipping Churches (as iix, eight, or ten, or twelve,) joyning to make up one governed Church. But at the fame time many Pallois and People being con- vinced of the Church-form which they had before been u^ider, and of their own ncceffity and privileges, did require the fame Order among themfclves as was in City Churches, and (i) had tlicir proper Bilhops, wlio were called Cho- nfifcft, or Country 'Bilhops. But thcfe Country- Bilhops living among the poorer and fniallcr number of Chrifiians, had not lb many Presbyters to attend them as theCity-Eilhops had:So that fome Country Congregations had Bilhops and fomc had ncne. And the Churches being ciiietly governed by the Synods-, who met for obliging Concord) to avoid Divilions; thefe Synods b^ingmadc up of the City-Billiops at hrft, they there carried it by Vote to make all the Country-Bilhops under them, and refponiible to them : Which they the ra- ther and theeafilier confcntcd to, becaufemany obfcurc and unworthy Fellows did inlinuate into the elkem of the Country-Chriliians, who had no Bilhops near them to advife thtm better ■■, and fo became tlic Corrupters of Doitrir.e, and the Mailers of ScSts and Herelics. • By this time one, part of the Countiy Churches had Bilhops of their o^vn, and the other had none, but only Presbyters under the City-Biihops and Pief- bytery. But yet it was but few Neighbuur-Parilhcs, like our Market-Towns and the Villages between them that were thus under the City-Bilhop. For tvery.fuch luwn was tlun. called a City in the larger feufe as it iignihedi (62) Opj>idum, and moft fuch Towns had City-privilcgcs too, which was no inore than to be Corporations, and not to have a Nominal Eminency, as now fomc Imall places have above greater (as Bath rather than tlhnottth^ Ipfwicb, Shrcwf- biii-y^ &c.) Next to this, the Emperors being Chriftians, and defiring without force to draw all the People from Heathenifm to Chriftianity, they thought it the beft way to advance the ChrilHans in worldly rcfpeds, which ever win on com- mon minds. And fo they endued the Churches and Biftiops with fuch Ho- nours and Powers licretotore defcribed as were lilie to the Honour and Power of the Civil Governors in their kind. And the Bithops being thus lifted up, did Hrft enlarge their own Diocefes as far as they could, and advance their Power i and the World came unchanged into the Church, both in Cities and Villages, (where the Chriftians were before fo few, that many think the Hea- thens were called Tagani in dillindiion from the Citiiens, who were Chri- ftian.) And then the Bilhops put down the Chorepifiopi, as prefuming too much to imitate their Power : And next to that, left every Corporation or Market-Town having a Billiop, their Diocefes fhould not be great enough, znd tie z'/lffccm nomcn Epifcopi, left a Bilhop's Name fliould not be honoured enough, but become cheap by reafon of the number, and of the fmallnefs of his Church,they firft ordered that no fuch fmall Cities or other places as had People enough for but one Presbyter,niould have a Bifliop , and afterward by degrees put down many fmaller Bilhops Churches, and joyned them to their own : And fo proceeded, by the advantage of Civil Alterations on Cities Names and Privileges, to bring themfelves to the ftate that they are in, wherein one Bi- (hop infimi ordiim (that is no Arch-BilhopJ hath many hundred or above a thou- fand Churches and multitudes of Cities, called now but Corporations, Bur- roughs or Market-Towns. I have repeated fo much of the Hiftory, left the Reader forget what it is that I am proving i and that he may note, that if [ prove now that in later Ages they kept but the Vcjiigia , or Reliques of the former to prove how it was before their times, and if I prove but a Church of Presbyterian Magnitude to have fo long continued, it fufficeth againft that which we now call a Diocefs : And that we do not play with Names, nor by a Diocefane Church, mean the (ame thing with a Parochial or Presbyterian ■■, but we mean fuch as cur Diocefes now are, where a Bilhop alone witli a Lay-Chan- cellor's Court, or with fome fmall help of an Arch-Deacon, Surrogate, or Dean and Chapter, without all the Parilh-Minifters befides, doth rule a mul- titude of diftant Congregations, who have no proper Bilhop under him. And now I proceed. I. The Chorepifcopi which were at iirft placed in Country Churches where were many ChrilHans, do fbew what extent the Churches were then of : That thefe were really Bilhops at firft (whatever the aforefaid Parenthefis in Leo or Vamajhs lay) moft Writers for Epifcopacy, Papifts and Proteftants do now grant i and therefore I may fpare the labour of proving it ; And whereas it is faid Hz) faid that they were but the Bidiop's Depirtks : I anfwer, even as Biftiops are ^-^^ ^^^^^ "the Arch-Bi(hops Deputies i that is, they were under them, but were really „vi, in' Bifhops themfelves : For if a Biftiop may depute one that is no Bilhop to be his Epip.'hf- Dcputy, either a Presbyter alfo may depute one that is no Presbyter to admi- rcf. dp. p. niftcr the Sacraments, or not. If yea, then Lay-men ihall come in and all be ^jf'^"'* levelled, (For a Deacon alfo may depute his Office.) If not, then either a Bi- jl„ ^;„yy fhop cannot do it, or elfe the Presbyter's Oliice is much holier than the Bi- chmpion Qlop^S. oj PrtUcj And that thefe Chorefifca^ Countjcy-Bilhops w«e not finch Rarities as to in- ^'^Hf^l validate my Proof, but very common, befides what is before faid, is evident ^^,^^ j^, by the Subfcriptions of many Councils, where great ilore cf C^wfp//c(7^» arc chorepif- found. And bcfidcs the names in our common Collcdicns of the Councils, copi ^"' how it was in the Egyptian and Neighbour Chiucli^s at leaft Cif riot how it 'J"^ ^'* was at Nice) you may fee in tlie Arabick^ Subfcriptions publilhcd by Sddai in * his Comment on 'Emych.Ong, AUx. pa;:,. 95,94, 95- &c. Num. 29, 31, 55, ^-l-, (58,119,122, 1 28," 1 3 1, 1 79, 193, 2i«j, 237, 241,278. There are feventeen named. And tlie Canons made to curb and fupprefs them, fhew that they were ordinary before \ as, Concil. Laodic. Cjii, 57, But they Ihould rather have incrcafcd them, that Bifliops might have multiplied as Churches or Chri- fiians incrcafed, which was decreed here in EngLwid in the cjp. 9. of the Council at Hertford, per Thcodor. C^tiur. tvfcrviie Bids, lib. 4, Hiji. Ealifi ■ ■cap. 5. II. The very name Ecckfu which was firft ufcd before Varodjis or Vixccjis, and ftill continued to tliis day-, doth thew what the form of a Church then was, cfpecially; if you withal confidcr, that the name was communicated to the Temples or facred Meeting- Places, which are alfo ordinarily calkxl Ecchft£i wliich no Man doubteth was in a fccondary fenfc, as derived from the People, who were the Ecckfu in the primary fenfc. And fo even in our Tongue, the word Church is ufcd for both to this day, as it is in many other Languag/cs. Now it is certain that a part, cfpecially a fmajl part, (a hundredth or a thou- fandth part) of the Church is not the Church (unlefs equivocally.^ Why then Ihould the Temple be io called from the Church, when noCluirch at all, but a Particle only of a Church doth meet there ?( For that the woxiX^Cburch']m our Qacltioo is' not taken for ;^ny Community or Company of Chriftians, but for a governed Society eonfifting of the governing and governed part, 1 have before (hewcd.J But, i. A Church in its iirll and proper Notion being Ca- im Evocatiis., An AlTcmbly, or Convention or Congregation s t as dittinguilli- cd: from the Univafal Cliurch, which is fo called bccaufe it is called out o( the World to Chrifl the Head, and with him (hall make one glorious Society J how are thofetwcnty or an hundred Miles off, any more a part of the Aifein- bly where I live, than thof; at the AMipodci inay be ? If you fly to one Go- vernor, I anfwer i i . So the Pbpe cUinieth a Government at the Antipodes. a. A Governor of niany Aifcmblics imy make thcro one Society, as to Go- "Vcr.nmcnt, but not pnc Aflaiiyy. 2. Aud. («4> 2. And certainly when Temples were firft named Cburchef^ it was not be- caufe thofe met there that were iio Churcber, but only Members of Churches ; Nor is this Parilh Church called a Church becaufe f6me meet here that belong to the Church at Pojhn^ Lincoln or Grantham ■■, But to this day we cannot dif- ■■ ufeour felvesfrom faying, tlie Church o( Barnct, the Church of Si. Albans^ ' of Hatfield, &c. yea, in the fame City, we denominate the feveral Temples fiill feveral Churches. Hcfychm explaineth Ecclcfia, by no other words than thefe three, (tuvocRo?-, evvx^ay^ & Traviiyug/?, which all fignifie the Meetings of the People, and not Men that never fee each other, only becaufe one Man ruleth them. Mr. /l. ' (Jfotfjuot fjlvari, Dcique judicium & iratn rdtai'e vohtnt.~\ Field,1.5. So 'Tertidlian-, de IdnloLit. cap. J. pag. iji. Iota die ad banc partem zeliif fidei c. 28. In ingenuum Chrijliamim ab Idolis in Ecclcfiam venire-, de adverfaria Officina in domttm '^%"^''-'lh ^" venire, &c. The very Name there oiz Church, and the naming of a lingle "intiined Tcmpk thencc doth fignifie our fuppofition. the citi- %m, and in. To this I may add the Name and ^ Fr'miitive Senfe of Tru^omoc. For it B derr fig'ii'i^fli a Fictt/t)', znd Parochns Vicinus, a Cohabitant or Neighbour, as well as drvtlt ^s inquilinui, and is ufed in all the ancient Church-Writers as noting both a near, and Sojourner fas Chriftians are in the WorldJ and a Neighbour,- h conftantly in refaired to x[-m\it&x fenfe, not excluding the former. Elfe Men of feveral parts of the 'ch h ^^^"-'^ might have been laid to be TrajniRoi, becaufe inquilini, had it not alfo citr-ADi- ^'""^ Specially fignified Vicinity. To avoid tedioufnefs of Citations, I refer the ocefs both unfatisfied Reader but to Gerf. Bucer againft Dojrnam, and the Bafil Lexicon oi then and Henr. Pet, in the word wagcjRO^. And though the cullom of calling a Church now m- jjy jj^g name itaoamoc continued when the Church was altered in magnitude ViUages ^'^ ^ \^x%^ Dlocefs, yet that is fo far from proving that this was the Hrlt and & church- old fignification, as that the word rather plainly leadcth us up to the thing and es dif^irfsd j}f,j} which firft it fignified. And therefore to this day, Etymology teachcth us in divers niore wit than in Englifh to call a Diocefs a P^ri/^, but only a Vicinity of linthe "ri- Chrillians : And when the a Vicinity is the Englilh of the Word, why (hould ^imcnt of Strangers that we (hall never fee or have to do with, any more than thofe onetilhof] in the uttermoft part of the Land, be called our Parilhioners or Neigh- f^''^/'"V hours ? true uje of the words, againjl IV. Another clear Evidence of the truth in queftion is the Paucity of vchit Churches ( or confccratcd Meeting-Places ) for many hundred Years after ani'others ^^"^'^^ • ^°^^ before they were called Temples and after. Not that occafional *{aend. Meeting-places were few (Houfes, Fields, &c,) but appropriated confecrated places places called Churches, where there were Altars, or ordinary Church-Commu- nion in the Lord's Supper. ( Or rather it is doubtful wiiether the name of Al- tars with the form were introduced till two hundred Years after Chrifl, which maketh fome the more queftion the Antiquity of Ignatius and Ckm. Conji. and Can. ApojhJ I yield to Baroniiif (ad Jn.'yj.) that theChrilUans had Churches, that is, places confecrated for Church-AlTcmblies, under thofe peaceable Em- perors that went before Viockfian : For Eufcbius (befides others) exprefly tcl- leth us fo : Spaciof,K & ampLif con}hnx(rnr.t Ecclefias : But I dcfue the Reader to mark his words. " Lib. 8. cap. i. [ A man might then have fcen the Bi- " fliops of all Churches in great reverence and -favour among all forts of Men, " and with all Magiftrates : Who can worthily defcribe thofe innumerable heaps " and flocking multitudes through all Cities and famout Affcmblics frequenting "the places dedicated to Prayer ? Becaufe of which Circumftances, they not " contented with the old and ancient Buildings, which could not receive them, " have through all Cities buildcd them from the Foundation wide and "ample Churches.^ Here note, i. That here is no mention of any more Churches than one in each City : Cities and AJfeniblies are numbered together. 2. That thefe Buildings are called Churches, 3. That thefc Churches were built greater than the old ones anew from the Foundation, becaufe the old ones were too narrow to contain the People : But not fuperadded to the old ones. 4. Tliat the Bilhops are called I he Bifhops of all Chmxhes in relation to the fame kind of Churches as are here defcribed. So that then a Bilhop's Church met in one enlarged place. Yet all thefe were no Temples , but fuch as the filenced Minifiers have of late built in fome parts of Londmi i for the ChrilHans were in continual dan- ger of the demolilhing of them : which fell out in D;Wt;^j/;'s time. But till this Cslin whicli Euj'cbim here defcribcth, tor about two hundred and fifty Years after Chrid, the Chrillians oft n\et in Vaults and fecret places, where they might be hid, and not in open Churches, unlefs now and then in a Calm between. Tlatina in tit. Xijii, tells us, that even at Rome it felf about the Year 120. there were few found that durft profefs the Name of Chrirt. And fee what lie faith. In Vita Clement. I. & Anacht. & Mantuan. lib. \. fjlhr. Ac Clem. A- nacl.Evarij}. Alex. Xtji.C.iJijl. Urban. &c. In whofe times, Killing, Banilh- ing and Perfecuting caufed Scatterings, hidings, and as flmy tells us many A- poltafies. See what Cerf.Bucer im\\ fag. 221,222,223. of all the Ages now in quelhon about this matter : As Tertul'ian faith, Apol.c, 3. adeoinho- viinibus inmicuU., nomen innociium erat odio : Did the Rabble but fee or hear the ChrilHans, they were raged againll them, and cried to the Judges, jMie impios. Saith Folydor. Virgil, de invent, rer. I. 5. c. 6. Ro»L£ tion reperij ouid fciam aliud antiquiui templimi tcdijicstum jut dicatum, vel ad nfum Sacrorum fuiffi con- verfum, quam Ihermas Novjti in vico patricio, qias Fim Pontifex Praxidis tximia fanaitatU fxmin£ ri>s,.itu.,dn'£ Pudentian^ ejus Sorori confca-aiit '■, quifuit annu< cir- citer 1 50. But ti:e name Janphim here is not ufed by Polydore as by tlie An- 1 cients. {66) cients, for a large and comely Fabrick. For, faith 'fertullian, after that, Apol. c. 37. Clmjlijnf leave "Temples to the Heatlxns. And faith Pope Nichol.K, in Epiji de depofitio/ie Zachariit & Rodoaldi Epifc. (recited in his Life by Pjpir. Majfonuf, Fol.17,2. Col. 2,) [^Veinde propter frigidiorcmloatm in Ecclefia Salva- torii^ qn£ ab Antbore vacatur Conllantimaiu, & qti£ prima in toto terrarum orbe conflmda cjh'] You fee that by this Pope's own Teftimony, there was no church in the whole World built before this one at Rome by Conftantine. The meaning is, no large (umptuous place called a Temple, but only commodious meaner Rooms or -Buildings. And the fame Pap. Miffon. in Vita Bonifacii^fol.'^ 5. noteth that Hia'om even in his time ffo late) Bafilicas Chriflianorum trcs tantum commemorate. When upon the great increafe of Chriftians, but one odd Idol Temple even in Alexandria^ was begged of the Emperor for the Chriftians, Kuffin. lib. 2, cap. 22. and divers Others tell us what tumult and ftir it caufed. And when Etifeb. deVitaConjlant. lib. ^. c. 49,50. tells us of his building ofCliurches except Coiijiantinople, it is but one in a City,- even the great Cities, Nicomedia mBythifiia^ and Antioch. And Socrat. lib. 1, cap. 12. faith that even in Co«- ftantinnpk (which he made fo great and beautiful that it was no whit inferior to Kome, and by a Law engraven on a Pillar, commanded that it be called Second Bome^) he built from the Foundation (but) two Churches, PacU & Apojlolorum. I could find in my heart, were it not tedious, here to tranflate all Ifidor. Peliifi0ta''s Epiji. 2i\6. lib. 2. in which heopeneth the difference between Tem- plmi and EccUfia, and inveigheth againft that Bi(hop as no Bilhop, wlio cried up the Temple as the Church, while he perfecuted and vexed the Godly who are the Church indeed •, and againil them that are for fumptuous Temples and unholy fcandalous Churches \ and tells us he had rather have been in the times when Temples were lefs adorned, and the Churches more adorned with Heavenly Graces, than in thofe unhappy times when Temples were too much adorned, and Churches naked and empty of Spiritual Graces. So that when there was but one Temple in a City, (except two or three) and when that was called the Churchy becaufe it contained the Churchy it's evi- dent what the Churches then were. V. The ancient Agapte (hew how great the Churches tlien were, wlien as all the Church did feaft together : and thefe continued in lertnUians time, in fome pbces at leaft : And feveral Church-Canons mention them after that. And Chryfiji. faith (Homil. de Oportet hxref. ejfe p. (mibi) 20, 21. that in the. Primitive times, there was a cullom that after Sermon and Sacrament, tliey all fealled together in the Church, which he highly praileth. (But it was not many hundred Churches that fealied in one Room.J And after he faith, [The Church IS like Woa^'s Ark, but Men come in Wolves, and go out Lanibs, &c.] (hewing that by the Church he meant the Affcmhly. And after, [All have the fame Honour, and the fame Accefs, till all have' communicated and partaked of the fame Spiritual Meat, The Prielts Handing expett them all, even the poorell (^7) pooreft Man of all,] (Ey this he flicweth what Church he meant, and how ^^'"'"' great the Church was.; Et Smn. 21. pjg.^ 13. Kodundat injnria in loam il- Alba'fpi' [itm ■, Ecckftam ciiim tntam coiitemnis : Proptcrca eniin Ecclcfra dicitttr^ quia ommtt- naus U' niter omius accipit. This doth not only fhew what Church he meanedi, but bourtth to fully confirmeth what I faid before : that [ 7he whole Chuirh jv.k in that place : P''"'^' ''''" and that iln place Uihercfore called the Churchy hecanfe it commonly receiveih all.'] ^^j^^^f* But note that this was not preach'd at Co/ijlanti/wple, but yet at the great Patri- at the U- archal Church of Antioch. crament. And I may add as to the former Evidences', T^o. 5. Serm. 52. pag.']o<,. when ''"dinthit he had fhewed that in the Church there muft be no divifion, he cxpoundetli it \l^l\JJtfi, by [ofit'v Toi Tvi? ffuvo'tA^ Taurus- Ixutov (iwopp,<|a5.] [^" feipfum ah hoc con- thitthcy Tcntti fejwixerit.'] So that the AflTenibly was the Churcli, and not a thoufandth wen mat- part of the Church only. i'>i' »/''" See more of the Churches feafting together in Baronim ad an- 57. i^ag. (td. "^frnity' Tlant.) 543. to fpare mc more labour about this. arid. it\ li^t no VI. Another Evidence of the Limits of the ancient Churches is fthat which *""•/"' "'•*'" I oft mentioned in the particular Teftimonies) that every where all the People '^^''t^fn^l,] either chofc^ or exprefly confcnted to their Bifliops, and they were ordained over church- them in their fight. And this no more could do than could meet in one place ; houfi, ft and one part of a Church hath no more right to it than all the reft. The Con- '^'"j^ '*" fequence is evident : And for them that fay, that it was only the Parilliioners J//ft"j^" of the Cathedral Church that voted v I anfwer, Now Cathedrals have no Pa- riflies, and heretofore the Cathedral Parifh was the tvhok Chitrch. The Tefti- monies fully prove that it was All the Church or People that were the Eilhop's Finely: And for fomc hundreds of Years there were no Parifhes in his Diocefs but one, and therefore no fuch diftindion. Pamdiiiis heap of Teftlmonies, and many more, for the matter of fadt I have already cited : And however fomc talk now to juftifie tlie contrary courfc of our times, it is fo clear and full in Antiquity that the People chofe their Billiops, at firft principally, and after fecondarily after the Clergy, having a Negative Voice with them, and their Confent and Teftimony everneceffary, even for eight hundred Years atleaft, that it would be a necdlefs thing to cite any more Teftimonies of it to any ver- fed in the Ancients. Papifts and Protcftants arc agreed defado that fo it was. See Cyprian., lib. 4. Epiil. 2. of Cornelius '•, lib. i. Epiji. 2. ot Sabiniif ■, and lib. I. Epiji. 4. Ettfeb. Hij}. lib. 6. cap. 2p. tells us that Fabian by the People was chofen to fucceed Antcnts. And Cyprian faith it was Iraditione Ap'jiol/ca., vid, & Socrat, lib. 4. cap. i\. & lib. 2. cap. 6. & lib. 7. cap. 35. 0" Sozomen. lib. 6, cap. 24. & lib. 8. cap. 2. oi' Chryfojlom ■-, & lib. 6. cap. 15. vid. & An- gnjiin. E-piji. 110. & Theodorct, Hill. lib. I. cap. p. in E-pilh Concil. Niaeni ad Alexandr. The Bloodllicd at the Choice of Vamafus was one of the Hrlt occafions of laying by that cuftom at Kome. And yet though they met not fo tumultuoufly, they muft confent. Lro's Teftimony I gave you before with ma- ny more. Ihcodor. lib. 5. cap. p. of Ne&arius ftieweth tliat Billiops were then chofen, Plebe pnefente & univcrfa fraternitate., as Cyprian fpeaketh of Sabinns. 1 2 So (^8) So the Gvicih PM-/fie>i. even an. 559. But for more plentiful proof of this fee M. A. SfalaWif. de Kep. Ecdff. lib. i. cip. 22. ii. 10. & lib 6. cap. 7. & lib. 3. cap. 3 «. 12. &c. & Btondel de Jme plebU., more ccpioully, and de 'Epij'.i^ Frefbyt. & fiilfim prrpct. Gofer/:, cap}")- & lib. of Chiiftian Subjed-ion oft. And it is to be noted that when tlie People's Confulion had made tiiem fcem uncapabk any longer to chufe : i. This was long of the Prelates thcmfelves, who by that time "had fo far enlarged their Churches, that the People were nei- ther capable of doing their ancient Work and Duty, nor yet of being ruled by the Clergy aright. 2. And when' the People were retrained from the Choice by Meetings and Vote, the Magirtrates in their Itcad did undertake the Pbwen 3. And when it fell out of the People's hands into Great Mens, the Proud and Covetous who could beltfeek and make Friends did get the Bifliopricks, where- upon the Churches were prefently changed, corrupted and undone. 4. And the fenfe of this moved the few good Bilhops that were left to make Canons againll this Power and Choice of Princes and great Men, decreeing that all Bi- ftops obtruded by them on the Churches lliould be as none, but be avoided, and all avoided that did not avoid them. And the KoWiW and Patriarchal party cunningly joyned with thefe honeft Reformers to get the Choice out of the Magirtrate's hands that they might get it into their own ; and fo Chrid's Church was abufed among ambitious Ufurpers. The Decrees againit Magiftrates Choice of Billiops you may fee. Can. Apnfl. ^i. & Ve- cret.\y, q.y. c. jiqm Epi/c. Sept. Synod, c. 3. Dccret. 16. q. 7. Oc?. Synod, c. 12. & AS. 1. & c. 22. Decret. 16. q. 7. Nicol. i. Epi^i. 10. & Epifi. 6^. with more which you may find cited by Spalatenf. lib. 6. cap. 7. pag. 575, d76,^77._ And it is to be noted that Cthough ftill tlie Clergy had a Negative or firfi: Choice, yet) when they procured C/^^^r/fj- the Great (who was to rife by the Papal help) to refign and renounce the Magiltrates Eledlion , he reliored the Church to its Ancient Liberties, as far as enlarged Diocefes and ambitious Clergy-men would permit it. His words are thefe, \_Sacrornm Canonum non ignariut inVci nomine Sanda Ecclefra fno liberiiu potiretur ijonore^ajfe/ifianordini Ec- ckfjafiico pr£bifimnf^ Kt fcilicet Epifcopi per Ekilionem CLERI & POPVLI fe- atndftm jiatnta Canonum de PROPRIA VIOECESI., remota perfonarmn & mit- mrum acceptione., ob vit£ merit itm &• fapientix donnm^tcligantur. ut exeniplo &• ver~ bU fibi fnb]e[lii ujquequaque prodcjfe valeant. ~\ Vid. Baron. To. 1 1 . ;/. 2 6. Vecrct. Diji. 6^. c Sacrorum. Where note that, i. he includeth the People of the whole Piocefs. 2. And -doth tliis as according to the facred Canons. So that for Men to dream that only the Pariihioners of a Cathedral Church Cwhich had no proper Parifh J or the Citizens only, were to chufe, is to feign that which is contrary to notorious Evidence of Laiv and Faa^zs- well as of the reafon of the thing. For where all are the Bijhops Flock,, and chufe as hit Flock^, there all the Flock^ muft. cl;ufe, and a parcel can claim no privilege above ali tlie reft. VJI. Tlie I VII. The Yitxt Evidence is this : In the firft Age, it is very fairly proved by Dodt.r Hjmmond^ that there were by the Apoftles more BiChops and Churclies than one in many Cities thcmfi^Ives : And i( one C/';y had more than one Church and Buhop, then much more many diftant places, in Towns and Countries. That one City had more than one he Ihjweth by the di'tint^ion of Javs and Gentiles Churches : As Peter was appointed qjiicfly for tlic Jews,, and Paul chiefly for tlie Gentiles, fo he fheweth it vei7 probable, tliat at Romcy Antioch^ and other places they had feveral Churches. An! rhu5 he reconcileth the great differences about Linw^ Clemens and Cletiif ovAn.tclet.es. And efpe- cially on- this reafon, tliat they had not the fame Language. And indeed when in great Cities there are Chrillians of divers Languages, it isneccfTiry that they be of divers Congregations, unlefs you will have them Hear, as the Papills' will iiave them Pa/v, they know not what. And thougli (bme might fay, that" though they be of divers AflTemblics, yet they might have onely OrrBiJJwp to R///c them : I anfwer, i. Dr. H.j'mwW is ttiore ingemtous, and acknow- ledges tliat the divcrlitics of congregations and languages inferred a divcrfity of Churches and Bilbopsvvith their diltind: Clergy. 2. And all Antiquity made Preaching or Teaching his flock as efl^ential to the Billiops office as Go- verning them C of which next: ) But he could not, teaclv feveral Chifrches whofc language he underllood not. YIU. Antiquity made the three parts of the Bitliops office Tf.Tc/w;^, If^oyf.'i^" png-, and Gmerii/ng,to be of the fame extent as to the fubjed fociety under him. It was one and the fame Church wiiich he was ordinarily to Tcjch, to .guide in ivnrlhfp ( prayers, praifc, facramcnt ) and to Ruleby difcipline ( fuppoling ftill that we fpeak of ameer Bilbopand not an Archbilhop ) I ihould weary the Reader to cite numerous tclHmonics for fo notorions a thing. But it is known that the faid Billiop ncitlicris nor can be the Orrlhriry 'Teacher., ^nAGttiJe in worfh p to a Diocefe of a multitude of Churches, but to one or few at moll. And he that perufeth ancient writers, lliall find that the Bifhop was not only to be a rare or extraordinary Teacher of his whole flock, but the Ordinary ov\z : not only to (end others, but to do it himfelf i till the enlarge^ ment of Diocefes changed the cuflome. IX. Another evidence is this : In the firft two Centuries, Deacons and Biihops were ever ofticcrs in the fame Church : But Deacons were never then oflicers in more Churches ( or Hated aifemblies that had Sacramental Com* munion ) than one: tiieretore Bilhops were not officers in more. No proof can be given of any Deacon? tliat had tlie care ( in their places ) ot many Churches, Parilhes, or Societies of Chriftians. And when Diocefes vverc enlarged, it is notable that the Presbyter tliat was the pckLts Epifcopi in the Diocc(e is called the Archdeacon: Becaufe originally he was but indeed a Dea- con, the chief Deacon who was with the Bith>p in one and the fan.e Churclv, •It being then inoftdiium for a Deacon to belong to nianyi X. Another (70) . X. Another evidence is. The Great. number of BiQiops who out ofa narrow fpacc of ground, did ufually afTemble in die ancient Synods. I told you befote out of Crab of Sylvejkrs number at Rome. B'tniiu alfo hath the Hke words [ Sylvcjler collegit in grcmia fedis fii£ 2%^ Epfcopos ] and that 139 of them were ex urbc Roma vd mi longc ab ilia. A hundred thirty nine Biftiops in Rome and not far from it, had not fuch Diocefcsas now. Cvf-v-zw faith, lib. I. E/?. 3. that Prnvm// was condemned ia ^j'/Wy L^/wie- fitana by QO Bifliops which was before Chril^ianity was countenanced by Em- perours , and were under perfccution, yea, long before Cyprian wrote that Epiftle. For tlie examining of every ordinary caufe of an accufed Presbyter, fex Epfcopi ex viciiiis locii, fix Biftiops from the neighbour places, C "^t from 40 or fourfcore miles diftance ) were to hear and determine, and three Bifhops for the caufe of every Deacon, Concil. Afric. Can. 20. fo that no doubt but their Bifliops were as near as our Market Towns at leaft, even when fo few of the people were Chriftians as that all that fpace afforded but one great Con- gregation. The iixth provincial Council z.t Carthage \\^^ 217 Bifliops (whereas the General Council at 7rent had long but 40. 3 A Council of Donatifts ( Hereticks not fo numerous fure as the Catbolicks) at Carthage, mentioned by Augu\}ine, Epijh6S. f about an. 308 ) had 270 Bifliops. And when there were fo great a number of Heretick Bifliops, how many were there of the Catholicks and Donatifts and all other feds fet toge- ther? This one herefie had enow to become pcrfecutours of the Catholicks, ( beating them with clubs, putting out the peoples eyes by cafting vineger mixt with lime into them, dragging them in the dirt) And yet they were the fmaller number , and complained of pcrfecution ■■, and fome Circumcellions killed themfelves to make the Catholicks odious as perfecutors ( Occifos aufe- runtltici, viv'a anfentnt Ittcem — . ^gd nobk faciunt fibi non imputant : & quod fibi faciunt >iobi6 imputant inqtuwit, Clerici Hippon. ib. ad Januarium. ) Certainly here were Churches no bigger then, than our fmaller Pariflies. And Atigtiftine cont. Gaudentium faith, there were innumerable Bifliops in Africa that were Orthodox. ( And it was but a corner o( Africa that were Chriitlans, and in the Roman Empire here meant. ) ViBor Vticenfis in perfecjtt. Vandal, flieweth that in that part of Africa 660 Bifliops fled.-, befidesthe great number murdered, imprifoned, and many to- lerated. The like may be faid of Fatrickj Irifli Bifliops before mentioned, and many others, who plainly were Parochial Bifliops. XI. Another evidence is. The way of Strangers communicating then by way of Communicatory Letters, or Certiticates from the Church whence they came, which were to be fliewed to the Bifliop of the Church where they defired to communicate : But was it many hundred Churches that they mult thus fatisrie? or mult tiiey travail to the Bifliop with their Certifi- cate, before they mulf communicate in anyone Church within 20. 30.40. or (70 pr 50. miles of liim ? Doubtlefs an impartial Reader will think, that it was but a Bifhop of the fame City-Church which he defired Communion witli, to whom the Certificate was to be fliewn. See what Albafpin£us faith of thefe Letters, ex Concil. Laodk,c.\i. Concil. Antioch.c.i. Condi. Agath. cj/;. 52. Concil. Eliber. c. 58. in hisobfervat. p. 254, 255. XII. Another evidence is the ancient phrafc defcribing 3. Sch\Cmhy A It are aliud crigere^ to fct up another Altar^ or to fct up Altar againft Altar. And to fcparate from that Akar was to feparatc from that Church: which implyeth, that there was but one Altar in a Church i and multiplying Altars was multi- plying Churches. XIII. Another evidence was the late divifion of Parifhcs : The idle ftory oi'soSr.^en. Evarijlus dividing Parilhes at Rome ., GcrJ'.Bttccr hath fully confuted. It is Spelman inoft certain that except at Alexandria and Rome, it was long before they were ^°"cil. p. divided. Sir Rojr. Twifden H/jfni: Vindicat. c, g./-. p, 10. faith that it was under H^^ ^'J^,^' Theodore A. B, C. that Parochial Churches began ( mark Began ) to be eredted time about here m England, and the Bilhop of Kuwr greatly reverenced in this nation (j"c. An ^72. out of a MS. in Trinity Hall Cambridge. And it was 66S as Beda tells us ^'p^' f'' before Theodore was Ordained Bilhop. The evidence in hillory of the Latenefs tig'7.'"' of Parilh divilions is part doubt. Scld. of And whereas the ufual anfwer is, that there may be Dioccfcs without Pa- Xttf^np'o- rifhes ; I anfwer, It is not the Name [ Diocefe ] that is the thing in qucllion, '"t'^J^l'^^^ but the Church-lhte. While there was but one Altar, there was but one place oHofpli'' of ordinary Churcli Communion in the Lords Supper. And when there rl/ha in were more places with Altars ercAcd, they could not be, nor were long with- England out their proper affixed Presbyters fas Ariits his Cafe (licweth and as is con- '^•"' *"' feflcd ) And when that was done, they were Parilhes in our fenfe : And till yfj^ J^°f tiiat was done, fome one Presbyter was fcnt from the Bifliop as he plcafcd ■> chrifi. and then all the Parilhes in the Diocefe mull: needs "be under one Presbytery as -^.'"^ Dr. well as one Bilhop. There were no fetlcd Congregations for ordinary Church T''i^ ^^ Communion, bcfides the Bilhops Church-meeting, till Parillies were divided > iif,y]lt if not byfpace of ground, yet by the diliinclion of Temples and People, which is timi, but ■ the thing intended. There could be no fuch thing as a Dioccfane Church 'hmt^tth in the fenfe that \vc oppofe it in, that is, One Church with a Bilhop infimi '^"""'"i'' ordmli ( having none under him ) made up of a multitude of Communicating rj^seldcn Churches with their Subpresbyters, yea fuch as are no part of the Bilhops Cun- fiith ) jeffus or Presbytery fouthe (jovernment of that Church. 1 might pro- » bibly be- XIV. The next evidence is, the ancient cuftom of All his Presbyters ftting ptii'i'hn'>s in one feat ivith the Bipop in a femi-circle in loco eminentiore on each hand of him iifo hsia and the Deacons jiandmg under or below them : which is fo ordained by Councils '-'■»»'' '>* /»'. ( asCarth.^. Can. 3 5. &c. ) And the thing is commonly reported in the anci- ents. And this being put ufually as of his Presbyters in common, who were* his atfiiiants and colleagues , and with whom he Governed the Churches, wiihouCi withoiit mentioning any excepted Presbyters belonging to dirtant Paridiesjt is apparent that the Billiop then liad ordinarily but one aflembly. The fame I may fay of the many Canons, that Ihew what the Presbyters are to do in the Church, which imply hisprcfence: But I have mentioned many of them before. XV. Another evidence is , the cuftom of the Presbyters dwelling in the fame houfc with the Bifliop (fingle) as in a Colledge i which not only in Hippo^ but in very many other places was then ufed : and they dwelt near the Church , where that was not ufed C As when they had wives, or the Bifliop had his Epifcopam as the" Concil. Turon. 2. calleth her, and alloweth it. ) 7oht himfelf, di Saca-dotio lib. 5. cap. 4. >i. 15. pag. 722. confefieth this faying, [_ In Ecckfia Primitiva tifqitc ad tcmpwa Augujiim & Hieron. Epifcopum €5" Clmtm folitos vivcre in communi : undehona ejnx vcl ex decimis, vel cxfidelium devotionc offcrebantur^ erant indit'ifa., & fubdebantur d/jhibntioni Epifcopi., qu£ partim /J>fi, pariim Clcro-, partim fabrics , panim paitpmhm obvenicbant. Fnjiea rcro quando qitifque per fe vixit, talia bona divifa jiint in qujtuor partes.^ prima Epifcupo fervata , feciinda Clero, tenia fabrics^ quarta pauperibus. ~\ And fure that Church theii was no bigger than that Colledge did officiate to. XVI. And that which thefe words of "tnlct recite, is the next evidence> viz. The way of »2(ii«nHJiicc in thofe tiities. i. They lived on Oblations moftly: Of this fie y\,ij ti^^fg oblations are ever mentioned as offered but upon One Altar. I'mrrak ^' Thefe Oblations were all brought to the Bifhops hands, anddilWbuted by of church him or his appointment- 3. The Firlt- fruits, and Tythe that came next were iiemfices, alfo in his hands. 4. And fo were all the Gifts, and all the Prsdia or ^ ^^^- . church glebe. 5. All thefe are mentioned as given to One Church only, tranfllted '^"'^ "^'- tn^ny. 6. The dillribution was asatorelaid, fome fourfold, fome- byDr.D' n- time three-fold i of which Spalatmfis recitctii the decrees fo fully, that I will ton covfir- not tire the reader with reciting them. 7. And it was the Fjfcvcj of One ming many cbitrch only that the Bifhop was to give the fourth part to maintain C And hrefiid.' ^^^^ many hundred fabricks more forgotten ? ) 8. And it was aprefent Clergie^ and not men fetled along way off, that he was to make diltribution to. p. And when he was to have the firll: fourth part himfelf", who can think that this is meant that men muff cany the fourth part of the Hay, and Corn, and Wood, and Pigs, &c. from all the Parilhes through fuch Diocefes as ours', and the fourth part of all the Glebe rents v This would make the Bifhoprick indeed fecm to worldly minded men to be worth the venturing of their fouls for ; And they muft havefo many fcore. or hundred barns full, as might tempt them to fay, Svul take thine eafe, cat drink^and be merry, &c. But the evidence fpeak- eth plainly. XVII. Another evidence is this ; That when firfi new Communicating Af^ femblics were ercded even in the fame Cities with the Bilhops, thefaid Biihops did devife this new trick of their own headsjto fend to thatAfiembly fbme Bread hallowed i (75) hallovved by themfclves i And this was firft to comfort ( as they faid ) the Presbyters and new Congregation, left they (hould think thcmfelves cut ort' from their Bifhops Church and Communion. 2. To hold their intcreft in the people by this handle of their own making. Of thefe Enlogite the Can. Concil. Laodic.i^. fpeaks, zs Pet aviiif and others think: Petav. in Epifhan.ad h^rej". 6p. pag. 2j6, faith, £ KwM of the Papiits are fo notable, as that I will not pafs them by. Cardinal Cnffmis ( that Learned Prelate, and proud enough ) //'. dc Con- cord. /. 2. c. 13. faith, \_ Omnes grjidits M.tynitatis & hTinoritatis in ccclefu ju- ris pffnivi ejfr. ] And therefore concluded that the Papacy is removeablc from Komc. Nay the very Canon Law it felf, faith, Decnt. Par. t. dif, 22. c. i. c, omncs^ r Omntsfivc Patriarchii ciquflihct apices., five M.-trofak'iin primatns, ant Epifcopa- tuttm Cjih:dras^ vcl ecchfumnt cnjrifcitnqua ordinis dignitJtes, inlhtifit Rontana eccLfr.i. ] what need we more vvitncfs ? It is from P. NicoljHs his decretal. And though a man might fufpcdt that he meant only of the pcrfonal Inllitution of the particular Patriarchs, Metropolitans, 6cc. yet the context iheweth the contrary ,3nd that it is tlie fpecies,officc or place that he fpeaketh of iBecaufc the oppolite alTcrtion is,that the Romn Churches dignity was founded by God him- felf: And the next Cap. 2. is thit, not the A^oliles, hut the Lord himfelf gave the Koman Church its primacy, XX. The next evidence is, That we rarely read of any Bifhops preaching in any Church but One, unlefs he was driven out of it by perfecution, orun- lefs it were in another Biihops Church. If I llioulj except only the great Patriarchal Churches out ot all the world, and that only as late as 4.00 or 500 years after Chnii:, when E(r)perours had hclpt to increafe the Churches, no impartial man would take that for any debilitation of my proof. And yet I (hall not eaiiiy yield to that exccptioo. In Antiocb and Jcrufakm I think if will hardly be affirmed, that the Bilhop ufed to preacli to any Congregation but One : In Great Conjiantiimple ( cqiuWcd to Rmnc ) vvhen rind you C/:)ry- /';/f(;wc any where but in one Church, except when violence hindred him, and then the fame Congregation followed hnii? Indeed the Nn\aijns had a Church there, and perhaps there was fome bye Congregation br two of Lhriftians, who all communicated in the Biihops Church, and thcrcfor-c were but as Chap- pels. But go into all the rcll of th. world, and the cafe will be plainer, (ex- cept Rmnc and Ahxtndria. ) Even Ti.tfil an Archbifhop is not found a Teacher ordinarily any where but to his Church at Cefarca i nor Grrg-'i^'but at Nuzi.m- ztim ( when lie went from Conjhntnwplczud from Safimis i J and G) of the reft, no not Amhrofe in the great city of hLIan : And let it move none that Mdan and fome other Cities had more Temples than one,, for as B.j)w;/«xbetorc cited tells us, there were then many Temples built as Monuinents in honour of.Jthe Mavtyjs, tiiat were not 7/JM//,.nor had any Parilli or Congregation. belonging to them. iV'hen hnd you Angufiine teaching in any Church but one fju fl//)/)(j J aspart ofhis charge? Of Epiph.mus I need not fpeak, feeing it is confcll that in Cy^rwx no City had two Churches in his days, and that it was K 2 their r (70 riieir cufiome to place BiQiops in villages, C as Socrjtes^ Sozomcn, and NkcpLv- ruf agree. ) So that the matter of fad is certain : except four or live Churches ( if fo many ) in all the world 400 year^ after Chrift, and except but two or three hundred years after Chrilf, you will find no Biftiop in any Church but one, as part of his own Cliarge. But the confequence inferred hence will be denied, becaufc the other Pa- lifhes might be taught by Subpresbyters without him. ^nfivrEutl would ask, J. Whether all the -red of the Parfllies were not the Bifheps Charge? yea part of his Church, yea equally with the other part ? As to what Omphrius and others fay of the Nations, and the Billiops going from Church toChurch, I. Itwas fcarce any wherebut inKow? : 2. It wasof later times : •3. It was only in the City : 4. It was- commonly the fame auditors that followed him to feveral Churches. And it's true that other Bidiops went to the memorials of die Martj'rs oft, and had as monuments more Churches than aflemblies. And it's true that of later times, certain Canons bind the Bifhops to vifit all their Parifhes: And the eldclt oblige him to vifit all the people : which flieweth that yet his Docefe was not great. If he be the Bifliop of the Church, and the office of aBifhop be to guide the Church, in Worjhip^ and by Vifcipline, then he is bound to do this to all the Church : indeed if you make but a mecr Presbyter of him, then as many may dividethe work between them, fo each might know his proper part, (as things flood when Parillies or Chappels were divided J But if a Bilhop, as fuch, be the uniting head as the King of a Kingdom, he muft be equally related to the whole. But if it were not equally^ who can believe that there was fo great a difference in the parts of the fame Church, as that one parcel of them only (hould have right to their Billiops prcfencc, teaching, worlhipping, and perfonal guidance, and ten, twenty, an hundred, a thoufand other parcels have no right at all ? What ! a Bilhop of a whole Church, not at all obliged to Teach, or Guide in perfonal worlhipping, any part of that Church but one ? Some great change was made in Churches before men could arrive at fuch a conceit ? Even now among us, a Bilhop taketh himfclf ( by the conllraining Law of man, which is his Rule) to vifit his Diocefe once in three years ; ( I do not mean one Church of fourty or an hundred in his Diocefe, much lefs to preach himfelf ufually in thofe few Towns he comes to i but to call his Curate Prielts to- gether, and to fet one of tlicm to preach his Vifitation Sermon. J But where find you this done by three Billiops in the world for 300 years after Chrilf, unlefs that Archbifhops vifited the Bifhops Churches under them ? Now they fay there have been Billiops in England who have once jn three years confirmed fome children abroad throughout their Diocefe ( I do not mean one of two hundred ) but where find you that then 'the Bilhop went,out of" his City to do 2. My nextqueflion therefore is, Whether the Bifhops of thofe times were 3jot at leaft as confcionable and careful and laborious in their offices, as any now arc. (77) are, if not much more? What! not a. Gregory, zBafd, diC!.r,yf>jhme, znAn- gujiimy a Fulgoit'm, a Biliary, &c. What ! not they that preaclied almost daily ? They that write fo ftridtly of the labours of the Miniftery ? They that lived fo auftercly, and favoured not the fle(h •, that fpcak fo tenderly of the worth of fouls ? And would all thefe, think you, undertake to be Biftiops of a . whole Church, and yet fo leave the whole work upon others, as never to come among them and teach them, and examine them, nor give them the Sacra- ment in all the Parillies of the Diocefc fave one •• This is not credible. If you fay that in Alexandria it was certainly fo, that dillind congregations were committed to the Presbyters, I anfwer, i. Yet fo as that they might any part of them ( as livingin the fame city ) comcand hear the Billiop when they would : 2. They might communicate with him per vices if they would : 3. They were all bound to do fo at the great fedivals of the year: 4. They were all pcrfonally governed by the difcipline of the Bilhop and Presbyters conjundl in Council : -But of this next. XXI. Another evidence is that the whole Thbi or people of the Bidiops charge ( till Chirrehes were fetled under Presbyters far off in the countreys ) were bound by tlic Canons to come to the Cathedral Ch.urch, and communi- cate with the Billiop at Eaftcr, VVhitfuntidCj and fomc other fuch fefitvals, even after they were diftinguilhed into feveral Auditories and Communicating AfTemblies under Presbyters i which I have before proved from the particular Canons : which certainly provctli that the Dioccfes were no more than could alTemble in one place. XXII. Another evidence is that Presbyters-did but rarely preach in the two or three hrfi ages C except in Akxar.dria, or in fbme few Churches which had got fonie extraordinary men ■•, Chryfojiome^s preacliing at Antincb, Anguftins at Hippn, while they were but Presbyters, are noted as unufual things. And it xitixAoi Augtifline ( as forecited J that it being not ufual in other Churches, for the Presbyters to preach in the Bilhops prefcnce, the example of that Church ( by the humility of the honcll Bilhop who preferred his abler Presbyter before himfelf) did lead many other Churches into the fame pradice. Spjlatenfis ^^jy^j^^ and many others have given large proofs, that the Bilhops and not the Presby- alfo as ters were the ordinary preachers in their Church. * Filefaats Qixth, VeEpij'cop. <'^i'>J>' anthorit. cap, 1 5. Sed. 1-pag. 344. [ EpifcnpDs cmfneiijfe ex amhtm verba facere, '^\^^^^ ^^,i nfert Coiicit. latcran.fnh Martinn, & Cnncil. Jrull.c. 33. Fermiffum deitide f*"'/' (,fg/««j«j» byteris, quanqnam non paffim, nee in quibuflibet ccclcfns : DiaconU olimid concef- fsr acar.ji- dinblt timi, CoiflmitioH wis chfely joyncdto Hiftifm,, and therefore ordimrily note wire f.aptixtd bin hi a. cm- firmer, or :n hisprefence : Andthe Bijbofs fjy, tint only Bi;hips did coufi'm: And ijf"-, thin Itt it be con- fidered, to how Ur^e a. Viocefe a Bi;hop could be prefent at every Siptiim : Tea i\Ctnfrmition had inen it agriater diliiKCi, {tiing all thitvetre bjptl\cd were confirmed, it iseafi to l^now for how marif one ni,lop cannot do this. Did our Eijhops life it they would l^now. 1 do net thin^ thdt in this city one perfiin 9/50 cr ICO is confirmld though the hi Imp dwtil amoni (hem. Perhaps in jomt Piocefrs mt one o\ icco for ivf ranly hear ej aay at all- fiim, . fum, fed rJi'o - ' ' — c^* />• 3 5 1 « itit-, \_Bjlfamon jum GrecO'Komani U i.cap.cf, in Alxii Coninem Bui I is \ Fopilum docerc folii eji datum Epfcofis : & niagim cccLfu VoHorcs ? atnafch£ jure dncciit. ] Thefe were like our Canons as he ftiews at large i and this was in later ages when a Bifliop might teach per alium. — And /'• 35 '' 352* ^o'"^'^- T^rn^' c* <^4' docct ex Gng. NaziMiz- folis Spifcnpis conve- >iire coiicioihiri & [antlas faipturjs intcrpmari i Fresbyteris vero non nifi Epifcopo- rum cimccfwie. Of the Biftiops teaching fee the numerous citations in File- fjcm cap. 1 . And if any be ftumbled at the name Prcshyteri Parochiani ufual in the Coun- cils and Fathers, as if they were Countrey Presbyters, who preached then in other Churches ? I have before cited a Canon which gave leave to Presbyters to preach in the countrey villages, intimating it was rare heretofore. 2. Filefa- cus faith, ibid. p. 562, 563. £ Scdut quodns eji libcre eloqua)\ & iHo £vo & an- tcriore., cum Pjrochi£ vox vulgo eti^mpro'Dixcifi iifurpatur ( tliat is for all the BilTiops Cliarge ) credo Preshyteros Pamchianos dicios f/iijfe-, non aliter ac fiquis Dixccfj/ins pronitncia'ret, hoc eji^ In hac Paruchia fat Viarcfi ordinatos & titiilatos.~\ But furely whilli Presbyters rarely preached, there were cither Churches that had no preaching ( which cannot be proved ) or elfe few Aflemblies that had not Bi (hops. Obj. But then you mak^ Lay "Elders of the Presbyters. Anf. They were the abler fort of Chriftians ordained to the fame Minifterial or Sacerdotal Office as all true Minillers are : But few of them being Learned men, and able to make long Sermons, were imployed only as the Biihups affilhnts, as ciders are among the Presbyterians : who if they would but ordain thofe Elders, and let them have power over the word and Sacraments, though only to exercifcit under the Bilhops or chief Pallors guidance, when there was caufe, they would come nearelt to the ancient ufe. XXIII. And it fcemeth to rrc an evidence that the Churches then were C ufually ) but as narrow as I affert, that fhe Presbyters were to abide with the Bidiop, and attend him in his City Church. For if you fuppofe them able to Teach or guide a flock themfelves, ( as feme were fuch, as Augujiine^ Macarim, Ephrem Synts-, Tirtidlian^ &c. ) it is fcarce credible to me that the Bifhop "■jnthefub- would fuffer fuch worthy perfons to fit among his Auditors , when there were fcr ptions many countrey congregations that needed their help. For that the Church was of councils {q fupplied with Preachers as that beiidcs all thefe Presbyters in the Billiops ^Mkm ^'^"'f'^h, there were enow for all the reli of the countrey Parifties as now, is time a ' contrary to all the intimations of Church-Hillory. And therefore when we Bifhnp and read of fo many Presbyters with the Bilhop, before we read of many or fcarce oi!eveace>i,2.ny eKcv/hcxe, furely there were no people that needed them. " fomnimt a. anddPrif- XXIV. And yet ( though great Cities had many with the Bifhop) I may hytsr.nsdt add that the ^paucity of Presbyters under the generality of Bilhops,nieweth that Aries,' id. their Dioccfcs then were but like Parifh Cliurchcs with their Chappels : Or P.'az""'"' <-^^^ ■^f^'^lii'-i and the other Bilhops in the C^/f/;a£e Council needed not have been (79) been in doubt whether thofe Bifhops that had but one or two Presbyters,(liouId have one taken from them to make a Bilbop of, which was yet aftirmatively decreed, becattfe there may be more found fit to mak^ Presbyters of, rphere it^s hard to find any fit to be Bijhops. I will fpeak it in the words of the learned Bifhop Bilfojis Ferpet. Govmi.c. 13. p. 256. [ "In greater Churches they had great nurrjbcrs of Presbyters : In " fmaller they had often two, fomewheie one, and fometimes none. And " yet for all this defcd of Presbytas, the Billiops then did not refrain to im- " pofe hands without them. The number of Presbyters in many places were "two in a Church, :Li /tmhrofc writtth on iTim.^. f ;metimcs but one. In " the third Council Cjrth.ig. when it was agreed that the Primate of that City " might take the Presbyters of every Diocefc and Ordain them Bilbops for fuch " places as dcilred them, though tlie Bilhop under whom the Presbyter before " lived were unwillingto fparc him, Pnflhiimijnus a Bilhop demanded, [what " if^a Bilhop liavc but one only Presbyter, mull that one be taken trom him ?3 " Aitiyliuf the Bilhop of Carthage anfwered, One Bilhop may Ordain inaiiy "Presbyters, but a Presbyter Ht for a Bi'hoprick is not eafily found ; where- " fore if a man have but one only Presbyter,and fit for the room ot a Bilh(~^p, he "ought to yield tiiat one to be Ordained. ?o\}lMni'hinm replied. Then if ano- "ther Bilhop have a number of Clerks, that others (lore Ihould relieve him. '■'■ Aiirclim anfwered. Surely as you helped another Church, fohc that hath " many Clerk's * (hall be driven to fparc you one of them', to be ordained by * not many " you ] A Diocefe fuch as is intimated here, we do not rtrive againll. chwchtu XXIV. Another evidence is that when ever wc read of perfecution turning thcChrilhans out of their Churches, you ever Hnd them gatliered into one Con- gregation, when they could have leifuve and place to meet m, and ufually a Bilhop with thern s unlefs he were banilhcd, imprifoned, or martyred, and then f >me Presbyter fupplied tlic place : or unlefs they were kattered into many little parcels And you find no talk of the pcrfecutiein of multitudes of Countrey Presbyters afar off, but of the Bilhop with his City Presbyters and Church. To which add that it was Okc Church Ihll, which rcjedcd, obtru- ded Biihops, and refufed to obey tlie Empcrour vviioimpofcd tlicm. All this is nunifelt in Gregory Ncnc^fjr. his fligh.t wiili Mufnins^ and the tlatc ot his Church: In the Cafe ot' Bjj9/ s and vi Lucim the obtruded Bilhop at -(4/.-.yj;;- r/r/i, and in the Cafe of /^«rMc/.> before dcferibcd, and of Kowc it felf. It's,- tedious to cite numerous telhmonies in a well known cafe. \i Akxandrix was in fuch a cafe, or near it, I hope you will doubt of no other Churclies. Aixl that with this you may feC what Canventicks the ClirilHans kept wlien the Kmperours forbad them, and how refolutely the Bilhi fs preached when the Kmpcrours filenced 'rhem,I will recite the words o\ B.irani:if himfelt,3nd in him ot IHi>n){ut< AUxJiirlr. .ij'ud EnfcbJib. 7. c. 10. d^ c. 17. and Cyprian ep,-). &c. in Emm. .id an. 57. f. 542. that thofe who cry out againll Preaching andCon- vent'cles, vvhen they are but llrong enough to drive others out of the Temples, may better underlhnd tiicmfislves. Siqitaitda > (So) \_S./auiidv, &c. -If at anytime fo vehement aperfecution did a rife, that the "Cliriitians by the Emperoursedifls, were utterly excluded from theChur-ches '' and aflemblies, notwithlhnding, little regarding fuch things, they^forbore ''not to come tngether in 0/ie^ in holy aflemblies, whitherfoever there was op- " portunity. This Vin/iyf. Akxand. Bifhop witnefllth writing to Germanm ■•' when he mentioneth the Edids of Valerian forbidding the Affemblief. [ But " we by Gods allilhnce, have not abllained from our accullomed Aflemblies " celebrated among our felves. Yea, 1 my f:!t did drive on certain brethren to " keep the aflemblies diligently, as if I hadconverft among them.] And he "^ wriicth the fame alfo to Hierax when he was banilbed [_ When we wereper- "■fecuted by all and put to death we celebrated the Fealt with joyful minds •, " and any place appointed us for feveral forts of (ufferings, fas the woods, the " defert folitudes, thetoflTed (hips, the cominon Innes, the horrid prifon ) did " fecm fit to us in which we might keep our folemn Afli^nblies with the grcat- " cll joy. ~\ That they held their Aflemblies and olTercd facrihce ufually C when "it was permitted them ) in the prifons, Cyprian witnefleth : But the Ads of " the holy Martyrs dofuUier fignilie it i efpccially thofe moft faithful ones called " Pro-Coiifitlar , which were taken by the publick Notaries. Certainly the "Gravel-pits alTdrded them advantage for the celebrating of their publick Af- " femblies, in the time of perfecution, efpccially at Rome, where in the dig- " ged gravel there remain many fubterrancous ample receffes : Though when " the perfecution was vehement, they were thence alfo excluded ■,' as the letters " F. Corndii ad Lufic. Epifc. Vien. tefiifie, faying , \_ Chriftians may not mijf,K " agere, keep their meetings for Church worQiip publickly, no not in the vaults, " ( or pits ) So much of the Churches and publick alfemblies of the Chriftians " e5>c. faith Baronius. Which Fnlyd. Virgil fecondeth c. 6. yea the Bifhops durft fcarce be feen in the firects fo hot were the perfecutions, as Eufeb. lib. 6. cap. 31. Therefore, as I before noted, they had yet no capacious Temples, as Illyriais well gathereth. Catalog. Tejii. verit, p. 1 1 2 . But they began to have days of peace and liberty undci Jlexand. Severiis, Cordian. Philip-, Galiams, Flaviiii, Claudius, Aiireli' anus, Frohis, and then they did enlarge their too fmall rooms, to that defcri- bed by Eufcb. lib. 8. c. i. XXVI. Another evidence is, that Monafteries were built before Chappels and Countrey PariiTi Churches, and far more numerous , fo that we frequent- ly read of Monafleries under a Bilhop with their Abbot, or Presbyter, when we read little or nothing of Pariih Churches in the Countries, under him. And if thefe had been as common, why are they not as much mentioned in the ancient records of the Church ? The Egyptian Monks, and thofe in Jttdxa, and thofe in Britain, in Bida^ and the life of Hicrome, Fulgenfiiif, and abun- dance fuch witnefs tliis. XXVII. Another (8.) See Leo i. XXVII. Another evidence is the Canons, that none but a BilTiop muft pub- ^P'C-^S- lickly reconcile a penitent, nor pronounce the blcffing in the Church, &c. Of ^'ilfcgj' which before in particular Canons, un'tid"' Thiodori XXVIII. Another evidence is that Presbyters or Bifliops were not to remove ^'""''- "» from the Places they were Ordained in : But thofe places of old were fingle ^P^™'"' Churchcsi fufually in Cities with the tiburbs thatcouldcome tothe fame Church, as Dr. Field faith. ) Concil. Ardat. i. cited by Spclman, fag. 40. conctl. A- ( becaufe we had 3 Brittifli Bilhops there ) | In quihufcmqtte locU ordinjti fuc- "'"'• »• rint Aiiniflru, in iffis locK pcrfa'croit ~\ And tpfc Lkik was not a circuit of 40 or ^' ^'" 50 or 100 miles long,butthe Bilhops Parilh or Vicinity. Of the Bilhops not re- moving ( without a Synod ) many Councils fpeak. XXIX. Another evidence is that the Canons which take down the Chorepi- fcopi and turn them topcriodcma Fifitors., or Itinerants, and which forbid the (^'i^-^"^- niakingof Bilhops in fmall Cities, or villages, i. Were of late date, 2. And ^' "" were in afpiring times, and had a reafon anfwerablc, ne vihfcat nomcn Epifcj- pi\ 3. And therefore intimate that it was otherwifc before ( as I have before Ihewcd. ) XXX. A Separatift or Schifmatick was then known by his witlidrawing ^ from his proper Church ■, and fo was an Apoftatc or dirfcrter : And he that flayed away certain days was to be excommunicate i And they that fall into fins and never prefent themfelves »o the Church, to (hew their penitence, even when they fall lick and delire Communion,lliaU not have it till they Ihcw fruits worthy of repentance, faith Concil. Ardat. 1. Can. 22. But i. inourwiy, when the Church that I am of is an hundred miles long and hath aboveathou- fand Parilhcs, who can tell when a man is at the Church, and wiicn he is not, unlefs you make half a years work to examine the matter in a thoufand AlTein- blies ? 2. And a man may wander, and never be in the fame AJTcmbly once in three years, and yet be llill in his own Church becaufe the Docefe is the Church : -5 Unkfs the Bilhops prcfence as well as remote relation be ncccfTiry ; And then no iTun comech to Church, but he that cometh wlicrcthe Bi.hop is, for nbi Epifcopiis ibi Ecdefu : And the Parilh Church is with them no Churcli, unkfs equivocally as a Community. For as Learned Dr. t'idd faith, ( and they mull all fay ) [^None arc to be ordained^ but tojcrvc infomc C 'U>xh : .ind mvie have Churdxs but Bifhnps s all otlxr being but ajfjjijnls to tlxmin th^ir Cburd?cs- ] Lib. 5. c. 27. p. ijp. Therefore they call the Parilh Piielts the Biih ^s Cu- rates ■, and Dr. Field maketh the Bilhops Churcli or Diccefc and a p.irticulaf Church all o*. If then one Parilh priclt of a thoufind be an Ariun, An- tinomian, Socinian, Papill, Seeker, &c. lie that fcpavatcth not from that oiic Pried and Parilh meeting, fcparatcth not from his BillioDS Churcli, nor any particular Church : For his Churcli is a countrey,wliich while he is in, he is no Separatift, if h; jovn with any part ot it. L XaXI. ( 82) XXXI. ,Eiit my greateft evidence which I truft toabove all the reft is, The greatnefs of the Bilhops work, which no mortal man can truly and faichfull^' difcharge and do for a Diocefc in the oppofed fence, nor for more than one of our greater Parifhes. I have recited fome of the particulars before, and I (hall again have occalion to do it more at large : 1 now only name thefe parts. I. To be the ordinary Baptizer, o'r ilill prefent with all that are Baptized, Cto anoint their noftrils, &c. as aforefaid. ) 2. To be the Coniirmer of all the • bapti-zed in all the Diocefe. 5'. To be the ordinary preacher to his flock, and to expound the Scriptures to them. 4. To be the only publick reconciler or abfolver of all penitents. 5. To be the publick Priell, to be the Guide of the people in publick vvor(hip, and to adminificr the Lords Supper. 6. To take particular account and care of all the peoples fouls, and admonilh, teach, and exhort them as there is fpecial need. 7. To be the Excommunicator of the impenitent (or ever one and the chief.) 8. To Ordain all Minifters and Subminifters. p. Tooverlee and rule the Clergy. lo. To receive all Oblations, Tithes, Gifts, and Glebes,and be the dillributer of them. 1 1. To vifit the fick in all his flock. 12 . To take a particular care of all the poor, the fick, the ftran- gerSj the imprifoned, cf^c. as their Curator. 13. To keep almoft daily, but conftantly weekly Afl^emblics for all the publick offices. 14. To keep Synods among his Colleagues,Bilhops,and Presbyters. 15. To try and hear Caufeswith . the Bilhops, and Synods, and with his Presbyters at home,about all fcandals, &c. that come before him, ( of which one Town may find him work enough, the convincing and gentle reproof and exhortation will take up fo much time. ) i^.The looking after and convincing or confuting Hereticks. ly.The reconci- ling difagreeing neighbours. 18. The confeding of oyl and holy bread, e^c. to furnilTi all his Presbyters with. ip. The Benedidtibn of Marriages, and So- lemnizing of Funerals i with a multitude of other Ceremonies. 20. Andbe- lidesall this, the right government of his own houfe ( And if he had Chil- dren, the education of them ) 21. Tha overfight of all the Schools and edu- catingyoung men forthe Miniftery (there being then no Univerlities to do k.) (That the Schools were under his care, you may fee proved in Fi/c/icw 3 22. The Confecratingcf devoted Virgins ( to fay nothing of Altars and other utenfils J 23. The overfight of the Monafteries. 24. The writing of Cano- nical Epiftles (as they called them J to Great men, to other Churches, &c. 25. The granting of Com^municatory Letters. • I have named all that come fuddenly to my memory, but it's like not all. And how many Parilhes, how many hundred thoufand fouls can one man do all this for, think you ? I Will nor tire you with citing out of J^^sA', 'Grcgoryi, Amhrofe-, Chr)>fo{i. &•€, the ftrid; Charges terribly laid on Bifhcps, but only now recite the Preachers words whofe Oration Eufbim giveth us, at the dedication off'new Church, Kiftor. Eccl. I. 10. c. 4. It is Taifl/niu B\(hop oi'Tyre. In which he tells them that it is the work ot Bilhops [ Lnini.-e aiihumm veftrarny-^ theorix vie/ere & introfpkerc, uhi experie/itia &" iempdris frclixitate itnuntQitemqu:- vcjhum exa&e hi' quifivit-) ftud'ioqHc & aira cwiclos vos koneftate & do^irina qa c jccutidiiiji pietatem (83) eft, inflruit.^ It was then thought a Bifhops duty to be intimately acquainted with the minds of his flock, and exactly enquire after everyone of them, even menfervants and maidfervantsby name, lz\th Ignatiuf, as cited before. All this was then tlie Bifhops work : Almoft all this C except the Ceremo- nies') Dt, Hammond proveth induftrioufly belonged to the Biihop. Let him faithfully do it all, and let hisDiocefe then be as big as he p'.cafe. I might have added ConcilArclat. i.e. \6, that people are to be abfolved in the fame place where they were Excommunicated, which intimateth it muft be only in the Biftiops Churcii, And in Synod. Hyhenric. Pjtr/di ( in Spebnaa p. ')2. ) All that was more than neceflfary to a poor man that had a Collecti- on was to be laid on the Bifhops Altar, ] which implyeth that each Church had one Bifliop and one Altar. And c. 21. [ 6'^ non in EccLfum nt ibi eX' aminetttr cartft'] And c, 25, 2d, 27. no Clergy-man but the Biihop to di which is nothing but Plcbs pajiori aduiuta. And that a people without a Bilhop C truly fo called ) are but a Church equivocally, as Scholars without a Mafter are a School, or as a company of Chrillians in a fhip or houfe accidentally met and praying together are a Church, &c. And as Dr. Fidd before cited, faith None but a Bijfjop hath a Church : all others are but hU ajjtflants, or as commonly called his Curates. Therefore when a Prelatiit pleadeth that our Parilh Churches are true Churches ( either of Gods or mans inftitution ) they do forfake the principles of their party ( as now maintained ; or they conttadid themfelveSj or they play with equivocations and ambiguities. II. And that a Diocefane Church, which is one compofed of the carcafes of multitude of mortihed Churches,is not jwre ^/w/wjiaving faid fo much to prove my fcif, I will not ftay to tell you how eafily the Separatifts may prove it. So that for my part as much as I have written and done againft them, I profeG I am not able to confute them on the Diocefane grounds, but would be one of them if I had no better. Quefl. How. then miiji they be confuted} AnJ. Thus or not at all by me. A Presbyters office is not to be judged of by the Bilhops will or defcription,but by God's the inliitutor. As if the King defcribe the Lord Mayors office in his Charter j If the Recorder or whoever giveth him his oath, and inltalleth him, (hall mifdefcribe the office, and limit it, and fay falfly you have no power to do this or that •, This will not at all diminifh his power, as long as it is the Charter that they profefs to go by. He (hall have the power which theKing givetli,and not which the invel^ing Mi- nifter defcribeth.If a Parfon prefented to a Benefice, fhall be told by the Bilhop at his inifitution, the Tithes or Glebe are but half yours, this (hall not diminilh his Title to the whole. So when God hath defcribcd the Mmilkrs office, it (hall be whztCod faith it is, and not what the Ordaincr faith it is. And God maketh the Pallors of each particular body of hxed Communicants, united as aforcfaid, to be really a Bilhop C or at leaft the chief of thefe Partors, or the fole Pafior: ) And therefore the Church to be truly and univocally a Church of Divine inllitution : Though it were never fo much granted that Aichbilhops were over diem, as the ApolUes were overtliofe AUs 14. 23. And then when the Parilh Churches are once proved true Churches, whether the Diocefane be fo or not, is nothing to our controverfic vvith the Separatifts. But for- my part I cannot confute the lawtulnefs of a Diocefe as confilting of many particular Churches with their Billiops, as I can a Diocefe wliich hath, put them all down. CHAP. (Ss) C H A p. IX. Thefecofid Argument : from tJ>e Depofitiori of the pimi- tivefpecies of BiJhopSy and the ereHing of a humane inconfiftent fpecies in their JleaJ: A fpecijick^Jiffe' rence prove J, ARGUMENT 11. ' /L Humane inconfiftent fpccics of Bifhops crcAcd inftcad of the Divinely- x\. inftituted fpecies thereby dcpofed, is unlawful. But fuch is the Uioccfan fpecies now oppofcd — Ergi\ I have hitherto charged it with the changing of the CWct Form : Now of the form or fpecies ot Bilhops. And here I netd not add much to the former, becaufe they are coincident, and in proving the one I have already proved the other. A Bilhop of one Church united for Individuals Communion, and a Bifhop of one Church united only for Communion in ffeck aSionum^ arc not the fame. But becaufe I iitar many fay that Mj^f & hhnuf non v-niani Jpcckm, And that a Greater and a LcfTcr Diocefe mak^e neitlier the Churcli, nor Bilhop to be of a different ypfaVj-, 1 am here to prove the contrary. And ririt let it be remembred in what predicament the tilings in queftion are, a Church and a Bilhop : That is, They are rtlationr. Then let it be remem- bred wliat gocth to the cflence and definition of a Relation, that is. The Re- late, tlie Correlate, the Subjt(f1:, the Fundatnentum ( or as fome fpeak the "Ratio fundandi alfo ) and the 7erminu'. Now where thefeare not the fame, orany ofthefc, then the Relation is not the fame : becaufe where an cfTential tngitdient is wanting, the tffence is wanting. Again it mull be remembred tliat many Natural Relations are fo founded in an ad palf, that the Relation refulteth from it without depending on any thing future. As God is Creator quia jam cremit , Vatcr eft qiti gcniiit. But there arc other Relations which are founded in meer Vndirtakjng^ Mjitdjte au- ihor'ity-, and ohligation x.o future adioiis : As he is a Tutor, a Schoolmafler, a Judge, a Chancellor, a Pilot, a Bilhop, a Husband, c^c. who by w W:(r is authrizcd and nbUged to fuch and fuch works, implycd in the names. And in thefe cafes, there is nothing mor^;fpccifieth the olhccs than the frm\ of the cfficc, which is, its neanji End. And thefc nearcll ends are ever cfltntial to fuch R(.!ations i whether you will call them the l.rmini or End^ or by what other najne, we contend Hot, . And (M Aqu. I. 2. q. ! 8- "rt, ^.^.& ic- i&q. 72. an. 9. & Cajet. ci~ Medio. /i'. And tlicrefcre Acjuiim and all, 1.2. (7. 18. art. 2. and others commonly agree, that tljc Ob)c£l and the End do fpccitie humane a6is. But rfwofe ends may be the fame in Adts, ( and fo in Offices ) of the fame fpecies i It proving but a Generical agreement ( which yet may be iufptxk fub- alterna. ) AllhuiTianey^ds fnould have the fame ultimate end, that is, The pkafingof God in the refplcndency of his Glory, and the felicity of man. Yet this maketh them not all of the fame infintjs fpcdd. All Government intendeth the common good ; and yet there are different fpecies of Government. All Ciiurch Government is for the good of the Church, and for the killing of iln, and the promoting of faith and holinefs : And yet there are different fpecies of Church Governours. But btfidesthe Objc^ and End, (which all agree toj there are by Schoolmen and Cafuifts, faid to hccircnmjlances, which may a.Ko fpecifie Moral ads. The feven named by Oc.w in 2v/;efoi-. are, ^^m, Qjtid. Vbi, ^ubm aaxiliis, Cu,\ ^uomodo^ ^ujiidu : And Aqaiuas and others tell us that thefe circumftances communicate fpecial Goodnefs or evil to actions. Vid. P. Soto in reU&. 5? hi fine de bonk. & mal. aS. Greg, de Valent. torn, 2. qa. l^.punUo 4.. J of. Angles in Florib. 2.fcht. d.^y.(].^-a.'y.p.2. Greg. SayrHi in Clav.Regia Lib. 2. Cap, j-pag.'^^. giveth us the(e two notes to know when circumftances fpecitie a6i:ions. I . ^ando CircHmjlantia novam conformitatcm, aut deformitatem aUni tribuit j ita ut peculiariter conveniat vel rcpttgnct reDie rationi^ novam fpecicm conjiituit : Rat. ^iiiii in hoccafu circumjlantia tranfit in rationcmobje^fi 2. ^totiefatn- que circHmJiantia non nfpiat fpeciakm ordinem rationU in bono vd malo nifi prafup- pofita alia circumftantia a qua a&iM moralU habet fpecicm boni vcl mali quamfblam intra eandem fpecicm auget, vel diminuit, reddendo adum lUum meliorem aut pejo- rem,totics circumliantia ilia aggravans vet diminuens, non autemfpeciem mHtans-^cen- fendaeji: ut quant it as v. g. magna vel parva in furto. Note alfo that though Re/rff/o z«/(;rwj rcbtionps-, non rccipit magii & minus y €. g. Titins non eft magk' Pater quam Scmproniuf ■> Yet quoad fubjedum, & aliquando quoad fund amentum & correlatum^ it may rccipere magis & minuf, fo that magis vel minus Ihall change ihc fpecies. This is in fuch cafes, wherein the alteration of Quantity altereth the Capacity oi the {i\h]cdc quoad pnemejfentialem. For as in Phyficks, befides the Matter, the Vifpnfitio materia ( wliich Ariftotk calls Pri- vation ) is neceffary adformam recipiendam ( which is comonly called A third Principle ", but I would call it, the Conditio neceffaria oi the Material Principle V ) fo in Relations there mud be tlic Vifpofitio nece(faria fuhjeiii, or elfe there can no relation refult. E. g. to the being of a houfe, fome quantity is necelTary to the End, that is, habitation ■■, And therefore it is no houfe, except equivocally which is no bigger than an egg-lhell : So to the being of a Ship, of a Church, &c that which is no bigger than a nutfliel is no Ship or Church, though you ■ call it foor Confecrateit, &c. And on the other tide. It is not a fpoon, a dilh, a ladle, a pen, which is as big as a Church, a Ship, a Houfe. Yea a Ship and a Boat do differ in fpecie, though both have the fame End, ( fate pafTage over the waters by portage ) by the citcumftantial differences of the End andSubjed. So (8/) So alfo in Societies ; the whole world, or a Kingdom is too big to be a Fa- mily : And a Family is too little to be a Kingdom. ?agnf,Vkii<, Civim, Re^- nitm differ principally in their Ends^ and next in their Quantity of the fubje ^own all Dioccfancs, and to fetuponlya Bifliopin evefy ParilTi or Independent Church.,& fay,I change not the fiecies i or if I believed tiiat this were a Change ef the Ef)g\\(\n [pedes of Church Government I would not do it : what anfwer would they give to this ? ^/f/f. 4. If a Conformift or one that hath taken that Gath, fhairfay, I did fubfcribe and (wear only not to endeavour an alreration ofthey/'ec/fj, but not of the degree: Therefore I will do all that lean to take down Diocefans, and to fet up Congregational or Parochial Billiops in their fteadj will you tell this man that indeed by fo doing he endeavourethnot to change the y/jfcie/ ? Qticjl. 5. Seeing many of the greateft oppofers of Pre- lacy, do confent to a Congregational or Parochial Bilhop, will you grant that riicfe are not at all yoiTr advcr&ries as to the fpecies of Church Government, but only as to the degree or extent of Diocefes ? Thefe cafes are pradtical : There- fore take heed how you refolve them, kit you do that which you are unwilling of. ^cli. 6. And 1 may ask, Why is it that many deny that it was a Parlia- tnent ofEpifcopalmen, that raifed the Army againll the King, only becaufc in thePropofition fentto Noiti/igham they would have had Epifcopacy reduced to what is there intimated, and would have had their power Ihortned ? Come, come, deny not the plain truth. If magk &• miniu non variant fpecicnt, Parji- pmcnt men, yea, and the Learncdeil: part of that Synod who took down Eifhops, were Episcopal men, yea, Prelatilb a s you are, for they were but fo r a Gradual alteration at the begin nin g of their war, till they were carried fur - ther by neceltity and '"terefl:. '^njiTj'. And I ask you alio, why, and with what front do you call us all Presbyterians, who offered Bilhop VJh:rs Model to the King and you in \66o. as the terms of Concord ? Is it againft your Confciences meerly to make us odious with you know whom ? what can it be better, ifyou grant that we are not only for Epifcopacy in genere, but even for the fame /pfc/fj- with your felves? Yea, thofe that are againft Bilhop Z^yfe^rj- Model, and are only for Congregational or Parilh Billiops, are it feemeth even for your y/'eciej- : And are they not then Epifcopal as well as you ? So much ad hominem > now ad rem. II. Where the fpecifying "Ends differ , there the Species of Kelations differ. But in the Churches and the B/Jhops in tjuefiion the fpec/fying Ends differ : Ergo &c. I will firlt manifcll the truth of the Minor (for tne Major is unqueftionable) c{ Churches^ and next of Billiops. I. The ends of a particular Church as defcribcd by us arethefe ; 1. Com- munion fenlibleand external i 2. And that local or prefentiaU 3. And that perfonal by all the body of the Church •, 4. And that in the fame Individual adts of Gods publick worlhip. 5. In watching over, or helping each other towards Heaven, by provoking each other to love and to good works, and if a brother offend to tell him of his faulty to comffirt each other, and to live to- gether in holinefs, love and peace. 6. To be related to the fame Pallors, as thofe that are their Ordinary Teachers, Governours and Guides in publick worlhip, as labouring amongd them and being enfamples to the flock. 7. To hold a diftant Communion with the neighbour aflbciated concordant Churches, and (8?) and particularly with thofeneareA thciij of the hrft order of Conipofitionj; of which aflbciation this particular Church is a part, Ibr Communion of C!)urche§ as they are thcmfdves a Society for Communion of Individual Chriitiins' in a Inigle Church. 2. Now the ends of our Dioccfane Churches are not one of all thcfe. For I. Their Communion is internal in Faith and Love i fuch as \vc have with the Abaflincs. 2. It isdiftant only, and not prcfcnrial at all ,: For as Diocefane we never fee each other it's like in our whole lives. 3. If is not^i);//vw/ (asex^ tcrnalandrcnlibk'> but only by the intervention of Delegates, Mcrtengers, Ot'-^ ficCrs or Synods ol fudi. 4. It is only in cjJcmJjtccie of publick worlhip andi facred adions that we have Coniiriunion, but not in tlic fame Individual ani- ons of worfhip : Antlfo we may have Communion vviiii the Aiuipodcs^ while we bi-lievc the fame Scriptures and Creed, and ufc the fame Sacraments, c>e. in j'peck, 5. We have no convcrfe vvith one another at all as Dioctfanc : 1 though as Parochial we inay ) we never meet together, pray together, hear together, exhort or watch over or help each other : If a Brother trefpafs we. tell him not of his fault, d^c. for we never know one of five hundred in tlic Diocefc, no more than men of another Countrcy. 6. We hear not the fame Teachers i we have not the fame Guides to refulve our doubt?, and to inllrufn: us as wc need ■■, We have not the fame Priells to jcsyn vvith in Gods publick worlhip : But he that Tcachetliandofficiatethin one Church, hath no power in another; Only we have the fame Bifhop to call ( not the people before hira tq teach and warn and comfort them, but ) tiie Parfon and Churchwardens i or ri- ther the lame Lay-Chancellor and his Court, and the fame Canons ("for filen- cingour Minilkrs, Excomniunicaiing many confcionable Nonconformifts, &c.) which not only all the Diocefc hath, but all the Land. Not one of many hun- dreds of tlic Diocefc ever fecth the Bilhop in all his life, 7. A Diocefc is it felf a compound of particular Churches allociated* ( Though mortified quantum in Vioccfumi ; ) And therefore cannot be a conftitutivc part of fuch a firlt order of AiTociation, as a particular Church may be or is. , Thcfcarc the diffe- rences in the Ends. Now lay all thcfe together, and try, whether the differences in fo many parts of the Ends of the Society, make not a Specitick difference in Societies. Whe- ther [a company of Chriifians affociatcd with the fame prefcnt Pallors,for pre- fcntial perfonal Comtnunion in Gods publick worlliipj Sacraments, Teaching, and Guidance, and for mutual allilhncc in holy convcrfe and living, &c. and cohabiting in a vicinity capable ot this convcrle and Comtnunion j be a So- ciety of the fame (pecies with [ A company of Congregations affociatcd ( or rather never affociatcd ) to hold a diliant Communion in the {iiwcfpcacs of Be- lief, Prayer, Sacraments, c^c under fcveral appropriate Pallors, not living (wt Fjrnchiani ) in any fuch vicinity as may miJcr them capable of any of the tbre- faid prefent affillances er Communion : ( unkls in travail men accidentally come together as,we may do with men of other lands.J J It is notorious that thefe Ejjintiating Ends ot the two forts of Societies arc diftind i and therefore the Societies are effentiallv diltmd. M Evert i (9o) Even as a City, Bunough, or Corporation, are part of a Kingdom, and ' arefpecitically diCtind focietics from the Kingdom. ( For the Parts may have a proper fubordinate fpccitication, which all fet together may conrtitute one more comprehenlivey^t'c/t'j : As a Clock, and the feveral wheels and parts ot that Clock may differ in _y^fa>, though not as coord inate_fp<'aVj-) A Kingdom may pofTibly be no bigger than a City : But yet the form of a Kingdom and of a City do differ in the Ends o( the Societies. So a Family in^wVdifferethfrom a City,vvhich is compact: of many Families : fo a Troop differeth in fpecie from a Regiment, and a Regiment from an Army, aColledgefroman Univerfity, a bed-chamber which is part of an houfefrom an houfe, though yet it's poirible that a houfe may be but one room, and an Univerfity but one Colledge, and an Army but one Regiment, &c. Now let us enquire whether de jure divino there ought to be fuch a Society as I have defcribed, aflbciating for perfonal prefent Communion and aHiftanccas aforefaid. And this I have fully proved before Chap. 3. ^fif/14. 23. T/^i, crdaimdthan "Elders in every Church. I Ihef. 5. 12, 13. Knoiat them that la- bour among and are over you in the Lord-, and highly ejieem them in love for t heir rvorkj fak§ '• and be at peace among your felves. Heb. i^. y. ly. Rcmentber them which have the rule over you, who have Jpok^n to you the word of God. ACi. 2 o. 2 8. "Takf heed to your felvcs and to all the flock^, &c. v.^i. I ceafed not to rvarn every one night and day with tears. 20. piblickly and houfe by hufi. i Pet. 5. 1,2,3, The Elders that are amongyoH,&c. feed the flacky fnot a particle of the iiock JMat, J 8. 1 5. If thy brother trefpafs againji thee^ tell him his fault between thee and him ■, If he hear thee not, tah^ two — If he hear not them, tell the Church— If witli S el- den, de Synedr. and the Erafiians by the Church were meant the Sanhedrim, it would tend to the confirmation of what we plead for •, confidering how thin both Council ( and Synagogues ). were, and in how fmall places. But againfl; that fence, kc Galafpies Jarons Rod, &c. Heb. 10. 22. &c. Forfake not the ajfemblingvfyourfelves together. But exhort cnc another '<••»» i Cor. 11. When ye comt together in the GIntrch, l Cor. i.^,&Ci See the Text as forccited Chap. 3. It is then manifeft that Churches afTociated for fuch prefent Communion bf Chrilfens, is of Gods appointment,which Ihorndik^ in 5 fet Treatife proveth to bethcgroundofDifcipline. ' '' 2. Next I will fliew that the Bifhops of fuch a particulai? Church and of a. toinpound Diocefeare offices fpecitical'y different ( afnibiis. ) 1. The Birtiop of a particular Church is related to another Correlate, fpeci- fically diftindl from the faid Drocefane : Therefore his office is fpecihcally diRin6t. The Antecedent is before proved, and the Confequence no fober man will queftion. 2. And their works are fpecifically dirtin<3'. I. The work of the one is, i. To be the ordinary publick Teacher of the Church •, 2. To Congregate the Church i 5. To be their Guide in prefent worihip-, 4. To give them the Lords Supper s 5. To watch over and guide them geilbnallyin their conveifation •, and fo of the reft forcnamcd. 2. Tie ikki (91) 2. The work of the Other is, r. To (end Curates to be tlieoruimr>' Teach- er, and GLiides,ancl Priclb to the people ieven to each Pariih one. 2. To have a LayChancellors Court to trouble them in a fecular modc,and to judge men to excommunication and abfolution. 5. To villtfbme Towns in his Dioccfe,an(l there to call together the Clergy and Churchwardens, once in three years, (or a yearifhepleafe. J 4. To have an Archdeacon to keep fome kind of Courts under him in certain places, by himfclfor his official. 5. To grant Licences to Marry : 6. And to preadi : 7. And to eat flefti in Lent. S. To fufpcnd or lilence Preachers, p. To lay liis hands on Children or others, tor the Cere- mony of Confirmation ; perhaps on the thoufandth or five hundredth part of iiis Diocefe, (thougii dejuir he Ihoulddo it to every one J 10. To preach as oft as he pleafein his Cathedral, or wiierehe will. But as for the aforefaid work of a Bilhop of a partiailar Church, he is not to do it, nor any one part of it, that I know of. For whereas the t>-kc office of fuch a Billiop is fas Dr. Hammand in his Annotat. well defcribeth it } by a Mi- ni/lerial participation to fubferveChrili to his whole flock in the threefold work of a teacher, aPriell, and a Pvulcr, he doth no ojie part of all. i. Inikad of Teaching his ftoch^^ he ( if he be one of the extraordinary bell) doth only pub- lickly preach once or twice a week to the thoufandth or hve hundredth or hun- dredth part of his flock : (But {^ do very few of them, but fome it may bs once in a month or a year) And as to the perfonal care of their Souls, he hath not one Pariih that he taketh the care of,to teach them perfonally. 2.Hefeldoin doth officiate in publick Prayer, Praife,and Sacrament to any part of his flock: And when he doth, it is but to a particle of the forefaid proportion : But when others doit, he faith, He doth it by them. 3. He doth not at all govern his flock with that which is the true Paltoral Government i wliich is in perfon among them to guide them, and rcfolve their doubts, and admit thole to Com- munion that are tit, and refufe tlie unfit i To admonilh all the fcandalous and unruly, as perfonally known to him, to watch over them and conflrm the weak, and rcfcl fcducers when they come among them. But inltead of this, he never fecththem, f as to the main body of his flock ) nor knoweth them, but fum- moncth their Teachers and Church-wardens, ( and fuch as others that dwell among them, or his Apparitors will accule to him ) to come before his Lay- Chancellours Court, as aforefaid, and in his Vilitation to meet him .- fothat here is none of the fame work no nor Governinent it felt, but another kind of Government. And here note, i. That the forefaid three parts of the oflicc ( Teaching, Worlhipping, and Ruling) are all Ejfcniial to the office-, fothat if he wanted but any One of them, he were not an Officer of the fame fpcc/cx with thofe that have them all, much more if he have but One, yea, not One of all. 2. That the fl'ii\ox Chitrch is not to be denoininatcd from a fmall or incon- ildcrablcpart ot it,but from tiie main Body. Ihcrclore he that is the Teacher but of one Congregation ot a thoufand, or many hundreds, or fcores, is not to be therefore called, the Teacher of chat Church or Flock, wliich conlifteth of M 2 fo' (92) fb many Congregations: And fo alio for Worfliip and Pcnfonal conJud, He is not a Priell to that flockje^f'c.Much Icfs when he undertaketh not one Paii(h. Obj. Soyoumayfjy of one of the old City Churches^ fuch M Alexandria where the B/Jhop preached hut to one Congregation V or of our Farifhes that haze Chappeli^ xphere the Cwate teachcth in the Chappeh i or tvha-ever there are many Presbytns to a Gen^regittion : AH do not preach., at k.tji to all the people. ■'" Anf.T. 1 doubt not but Alexandria and allfuch places.fhould have had many Churches and Bi(hops,as tlieChriftians grew too many to be in and under one. 2. But vet when they had feveral Churches and Pi c?byters, the people were not'at all tyed to their own Parifhcs, but might come to hear and joyn with the Bilhop as oft as they plealed .- which though they could not do all at once, they might do by tarns^ fonie one day and fome another ; And fo they did. So that fiill they hadperfonal Communion with him,though not every day. 3. And they lived in Vicinity, where they were capable of Converfe, and perfonal notice, and private help from one another. 4. And the Presbyters all joyned in perfonal overiTght or Government of the whole flock, and were each one capable of perfonal admonition and exhortation to any member. 5. And thofethat attended the Bilhop and did not frequently officiate in the chief adi- ons, yet were prefent with the Church.and allilkd him in officiating, and were ready to do the reft when ever he appointed them or there was need / fo that though (j^WfAr^rato/w they did not the chief parts of the work everyday, or ufually, yet, i. it was all the three parts of the Piiffor?/ o^ce which they did, and undertook to do, in feafon ; 2. And that to the fame Church in pcrfon by themfelves. So that though Churches that fwell to a diibrdered bulk, are not in that perfe(fi- order as more capable Societies may be ; yet whilell their Communion is perfonal, prcfcnt, as aforefaidj the Church^eciej is not altered as in our Diocefes it is, III. A divers fundamentmn vel ratio fundandi, proveth a diverfuy of Relations". But a true Parijh Bijhop and our Diocefanes have fundamenta that are in fpecie divers i Andfi have a particular Church and a Vioccfane Church : S'rgo, a Pari'.h Church and Bilhop, and a Diocefane Church ar.d Bilhop are j/raV divers. The Major is undeniable. The Minor I prove by Ihewing the diverfity. I. The F«;ia?JWfnfKw of the Relarion of a Particular Church, is either i.Of the Relation of the Church to God; 2. Or their relation as fellow members one to another: 3. Or of their joynt relation to their Paltors or Bilhops; 4. Or of their Bifhops or Paftors relation to them. For certainly a Church is rot only compounded of various Materials, but its form is a compounded of thefe Ffl«r Relations let together, and every one is Effential to it (And he that cannot dirtinguifh cannot undcrliand. ) Now everyone ot ail thcie compound- ing Relations, is founded in a mutual confent. I. The Relation of the Members, Paftors, and the whole Church to God is founded in Go^/ confent and theirs : Gods is I7gnihed i. By his Scrip- ture Inltitution and Command .- 2. By !iis qualifying and difpolingthe per- foirs; 5. By his providential giving then, opportunity ; j^ Ani ad ordine^n (9?) where it can be had, by the Ordauieri; C as to 'the Paftovs relation ) w!io are Gods miniikrs to inveft them in the office i 5. And by his moving the hearts of tiie People to confent f which belongetli to the giving of opportunity.) The Relation ofallthefeto God, is fecondarily founded in their own con- fent (that it may be a Contrjci: ) The Pallors exprefs theirs, in their Ordi- nationin general, and in thm Indrdrijii or fixing in that particular Church, to the Ordainers, and to the people. The members exprefs f/A-/r ro/i/iv.f, either plainly in a ContraA, or impliedly by adtual convention and fubmiflion, and performing of their duties. 2. The Relation ot' the members to each other, is founded in their faid Explicite or Implicite confent among themfelves, joyned to their forefeid con- fent to God. 3. The Relation of the Members to their Paflors, is founded Remotely in the faid fignitication of Gods will, by his J'Tard a.nd Providence, and by thcOr- dainers-, ( for they are but Miniikrs, and operate but by fignifying Gods will. ) And nextly , by the mutual confent of tlie People and the Paftors. 4. 1 he Relation of the Pallors to the flock is accordingly founded, i. Re- motely in the faid iignihcation of Gods will by his Word., Gifts, T>ifpofition^ Oppo)trtnit)\ and by die Minijlay of the Ordainers : 2. And nextly by the con.- fent of Pallors and People. Thus is a paiticular Church-relation founded, and all thcfe parts arc necelTary thereunto. But as for our IJiocelane Churches, which have no particular Churches un- der them, nor Bilhops, but only Congregations with feveralCurateSjbiingnoc politically ind properly Churches, ( For I meddle not with fuch A. Bilhops Dio- cefes as confili of many true Churches with their proper Bilhops ) kt us fee from what foundation they reftilt. 1. As to their Relation to God, he never expreffed his Con/ent, nor onmeth them ( that ever I could hear proved ) And therefore the Fundamental Con-- traft is wanting. Thofethatgo Dt. Stilling flvet\ andBihop Kn/w/i's way, and fay. No F"orfn of Government is of Gods appointment, do grant that the Diocefane form is not : But that the Congregational form is, I have fully pro- ved. Therefore they have not the fame Foundation. 2. And as to the Relation of the Members of a Diocefe to one another, there is no mutual confent truly nor feemingly figniticd by them : wiiat ever fomc icwmaydoj who are not the Diocefe, it is certain that the Diocefe as fuch du neither Explicit ely nor Impliedly by word or deed exprcls any fuch Church confent, but rather the clean contrary. For i. Their Dn-cling in the Diocefe is no more a profclVion of con lent, than the Chrillians dwelling in Corjuntinopk iheweth them to be Maliometans : For their Ancelbrs there livedjand they Vavc no other dwelling. 2. Their chooimg a Parliament who confent is no proof of their confent. 1. Becaufe it is not pall a llxrii or tentli or twentieth part" of the Members that (hoofe Parliament men.2.BccJu(ethey never intend to choofe them for any Inch life as to be the choofcrs of their Religion, orChurch, and to difpofe of their " SjuIs: But only to regulate Churcli matters accortling- to Gods word, which wheu (94) when they go againft, they gabcyond, and againfttiie peoples confcnt. As in chooiing Parliament men, we do not trull thenuo choofe husbands and wives and Mailers and fervants for all the people : Nor can we commit that trurt ( tor the choice of our Religion or Church ) to others llatedly, which Gods Word and Nature have bound us to ufe our fclves. Or if fuch mifchoofe tpr lis, they difoblige us from accepting their choice. I am fure tlie Papilts thinl\ not that they choofe Parliament men to choofe a Churcli for them : Nor would the Prelatills think fo, if the Parliament Ihould prove Presbyterian, Independent, Anabaptifts, or Papifts. 3 . The Diocefe doth not fignifie Confcnt to a Church relation, by the Church- wardens or accufed perfons coming to the Chancellors --or Bifhops Courts. Fori. It is but a fmall number comparatively that do fb. 2. They are compelled , and are well known to come full forely againll their wills.: They are undone if they refufe : And fubmiilion and patience, are not fub- jedlion nor confent. 3. They moll commonly profefs to come to thefe Courts in obedience to the King, and as they are empowered Wy him, and itrengthened by his fword : And not at all as Church-Paflors empowered by Chrill : For who taketh the Chancellor to be fuch ? 4. The appearance of the Clergy at the Bifhops Vifitation , and theiv Conformity, is no proof of the peoples confent. For the Minifters are diltind: perfons, and have a dillind interefi, and are no way empowered to fignirtc the peoples confent. 5. Yea, they Ihew their diffent, i. By being fo backward to be made Church-wardens: 2. So backward to take their Oaths : 3. So backward to prefent : 4. So backward to appear at their Courts. 5. Doing it on a civil account as obeying the Kings Officers. 6. So few of them ever coming to a Biihop to be inlirudted, refolved, yea or for the ceremony of Conrirma- tion. So that the people can never be proved to confent to a Diocefane Church State. And if they had, that is not the fame as a confent to a Congregational or Parilh Church State. g. The fame I need not fay over again as to the Diocefane Bifhop, Chan- cellor and Archdeacon : They confent to the Parilh Minillers where they are tolerable, by word or daily attendance in Godsworihip : But I know Englmd fo well as that I know that as they never choofe their Billiops, orCiiancellors, ( but the King choofeth them, and a Dean and a few VxthtnAi j>ro forma con- fent ) fo they are never called to exprefs their confent, nor do any confidera- ble part of the Diocefe ufually confcntindeed ; fome never mind fuch matters : others fay, the King may put in whom he will i it is no ad: of theirs : others had rather have a good one than a bad onc,buthad rather yet have none at all, efpccially of late lirftre fo many hundred Minillers are iilcnced.And fome would have Bilhops to filcnce the Minillers, and fome are for them on a better ac- count. But it's no confiderable part of the Diocefe that figniheth Confent. And as for the formal demand to the Icanders by at the Confecration, whetiier any (95) any of them have any thing againft the Bilhop, it's a ceremony fitter for a ftagf, than to come here into an Argument. 4. And as for the Bilhops and Cliancellors relation to the People, when k wants the word of God, and his confcnt, and the peoples confent, and hath but the Kings collation, the Deans and Chapters formal confent, and the Pre- lates and ConformiR Minilkrs confent, 1 may well conclude that here is not the fame Fwidaincntum as is of tlic Parochial and Paftors Church relation. IV- And where there is not the fame Relate and- Correlate, there is nottlie (ame Pvelation. But a Parochial Church and Paftor, and a Diocefane Church and Palior^ arc not the fame Relate and Correlate. Ergo, If they be, let them become Parochial Bilhops and be ftill the fame. But what I have faid of the difference of Ends and Fomdations proveth this i a Com- bination of ChrilHans into one Churcli frimi rrdinis for perfonal Communion, is not the fame with a Combination of Congregations forCommunion mental ur by delegates only. And fo of the Bilhops of thefe fcveral Churches. V. If a Congregational Church or Paftor be of the (amey^cc/f/ with our Di- ocefane Churches and Prelates, then a Church thatextcndeth tiirough all the Kingdom, yea to many Kingdoms, yea to the Eaftand Weft Indies or Anti- podes may be of the fame /^fc/c/ alfo ( and fo its Pallor.) And (o the Pope and his Church may be of the fame,( as to the magnitude) But the confequent is falfe : f r^.', fo is the antecedent. The confequence in tiie Major is evident, becaufe there is cadem ratio i For their reafiin ot denominating a Churcli One is becaufe it hath One Bilhop ■•, and by their Principles there may be onz Bilhop to a Province, to a Kingdom, to an Empire, to the World. When all the fubordinate Bifhopricks were taken down fo make up this Diocefane Church oi Lincoln which I live in, the Churdi was Ow, which be- fore was many. And if all the Bilhops were taken down except the two Archbifliops, the two remaining Churches I confcfs would be of the fame ffc~ «(•/ with a Dioccfe. Yea, if there were but One Church and Bilhop in the Land. And wiiy might not all Emopc on thefe terms make one particular Church ? If you fay, Becaufe they are not under one King, 1 anfwer, i. That's HO reafon ; A King is a Civil c xtrinfick Accidental head of a Church as a Church ■, and not a Conflitutive Head : But a Bilhop is an Intrinfecal, Eccle- lialhcal Conllitutive head, without wlioin it is no Church ( unlefs equivo- cally.) 2. Ten Kings may agree to give way to One Bilhop in all tiieir King- doms C as they have done to the Papacy. ) 3. The Roman Empire was bigger than Eumpc : \Vhy then might not that have been one only Ciiurch of the lame Sfecicy witli a Dioccfe ? If they fay that it is becaufe one man is not capable of doing the work of a. Billii^p for fo many Countrcys. 1 Anfwer, Per fe^ he cannot do it for the hun- dredth part of a Dioccfe ; Ter alios he may do it for all Europe : It is but ap- pointing fomc who (hill appoint others, who (hill appoint others, ( and fo to» the; (9«> tlie end of the chapter ) to do it. There is but one Ahiina in MjJJij to Ordain, f though numerous Bifhops,wlio have not the Generative faculty ■■, which Epi- fhanitii makes to be the dirtercnce between a Bithop and a Presbyter, tliat the one begets Fathers and the other but Sons ; Their Countrey was converted by an Eunuch. }It would be a notable difpute whether all the rcll be true Bilhops or not ( 1 think Yea i thePrclatills muli think Nay. j And yet B/vVm-oW faith that Ahajfia ( after all its great diminutions ) is as big as Italy^ France^ Spain, and Germany. And dotli not the Pope govern pa- alms yet far more, and pretend to govern the whole Chriftian World? while he fendeth one to Goj, another to Mexico^ (and Oviedo to Abaffia, would they but have received him.) Olj. But he hath other BilHops under hitn, therefore he is not ejufclmfpc- tuL as a Dioccie. Anfiv. But the Abima hath no Ordainers under him. And the Bifhop hath Chancellors, Deans, Arch-deacons, Surrogates, Officials, and fometimes in the days of old had Siiffi-agant too, under him. ( Ojicjh Was a Diocefe then. One Church, or two ?J And what if a Patriarch or Pope put down all Bifliops under him, and exercife his power only by other forts of officers ? (They that can demife, grant, let,, what parts they pleafeof their own office, may devife enow. ) And feeing it would not alter the fpecies, what if it fhould pleafe the King and Parliament to put down all the Biihops of England fave One ? I hope the Bifliops would not take that to be againft the Canon of 1640. nor againft the Oxford Oath \_ of never endeavouring to Cenfent or Alter ttie Cktrch Covcrnment'] (li it could have been paii to be taken by the Parliament J Becaufe the /pedes is not altered ; And they tell us Nonconformifts to draw us to Swear, that they mean but the fpecies. I make no doubt but at the rates of our prefent Ordinations, One Bilnop or Abiina with Chaplains enow, inay Ordain Priefis enow, fand too many of all confciencej for all the Kings Do- minions y and m.ay lilcnce preachers enow, and may fet up Chancellors, Sur- rogates, and Arch-deacons enow to do the prefent work. And it's pity that the land fhould be troubled with fo many when one would ferve. 1 confefs I would either have more ox fewer had I my vvilb. And as for my Minor propofition, let him that thinketh it wanteth proof, when he hath conlidercd what is beforefaid, and how perfonal prefent Commu- nion in all Gods Church-wor(liip,differeth from the Communion of aiTociatcd Congregations by meffengers, &c, think fo iVill, if he be able fo cgregioully to err. But I muft not fo leave our Prelatifis. I know that it is the common trick of Sophifters, when they cannot make good an ill caufe, to carry it into the dark, or fiart a new controverfie, and then they are fafe. A Papitt will wheel about into the wildernefs or thickets of Church hiliory, and ask yeu what names you can give of your Religion in all Ages, that one propolition of your. Syllogifm may contain much of a Horfe load or a Cart load of Books, and then I trow he hath done his work, if woitien be the judges. And others ufe Xo carry the qucliion a rthus ad verba : And fo it is in the cafe in hand. But it is not the name of a SPECIES that (hall feivc your tun:. Wc know how hard it (97) it is in Phyficks, to determine what it isthatfpecifieth s and much more in Mo- rals, Politicks and other Relatives. Bat Let the Logical notion of 3 fptcies lie at your mercy ; It (hall fuffice us, that you may not make fo great a change of the Church-crders and Government of Gods inrtitution, as to turn a thou- fand or hundred Churches into one v and to deprive all Parilhcs orCiiurchcs Confociatc for prefential Communion, of the priviledgc of having a Billiop of their own to Teach, VVorlliip, and Govern them prefcntially aiwl per fc. As if all the Arch- biQiops in the R.onan Empire had put down all the Bilhops, and ■called themfelves the Bilhops of the Churches. Of which more anon. CHAP. X Whether a?iy form of Church Goverwuent be i?iflituteJby God as Jiecefary ? or all left to humane piuience ? Obj. Ty^t VoSor Stillingfleet hath invincibly proved that God hath made no XJ one form of Church Government neccjfary, but left the choice to humane prudence, Anfiv. I. Iffo, Why (houldwcall fwcar to this one f rut, that we will never endeavour to ah(r it ? or (as the & c£tcra Oath J never awfciit to the alteration of it, when we know not but the King may alter it, or command us to endeavour it ? Mull there be Cuch frvearing to the perpetuating an alterable unnecefTary thing ? IL The word [ Form ~\ fignificth either the eflentials of Church policy, or thcIntegrals,or accidents which Chrirt himfelf hath fctled : Orelfe it llgnitieth only fome mutable accidents or modeS^ which God hath left to hun\ane pru- dence. Of the tirlt we deny mans power to change them. Of the later we grant it. ^5' ^ ''4 I. It is undeniably of Divine infticution that there be ordinary publick Af- Hei)"[Vot ' femblies for Gods folemn worfhip, and the peoples edification. 2, And that 22,8ec. & MiniRers of that oHice which Chrill irath iniUtuted, be the oftciating Guides in i?-7> i7> thefe Aflemblies. 3. And that Cohabiting Chrillians be the ordinary ilated ^•^1 bodies of thefe a(remblies,and notlive loofely to goevery day as they plcafe frorti s-.jt ^it. Church to Church, but ordinarily when they can, be fetlcd members offoiiit 2^, one Church ( To which cohabitation or vicinity, is one difpofnio m.uerie ) i Thef. 5. 4. And that each ot thefe Churches have their proper fixed Pallors, and fhould ' ^' ' ?• not take up with unfixed various pailing Minilters, unlefs in cafes of •nccclTary i^.^,';],,-. N unfetlcdncfs. (9S) 1 Pet. J. iinfetldneG. 5. And that thefe fetled Paftors fhoukl live arttong the People, ^'t' \ ^"<^ watch over them perfonally, and know them, and be known of them in & Tic. I." dodrine and enfample, as to the main body of the flock. 6. That thefe Re- 5, &c. lations and Communion be by mutual confent of the Paftors and the body of 1 Cor. i5. the flock. 7. That thefe mutual Ftclations of Gods appointment and their own '' *• confent do conititute them a fpiritual fociety of Divine infiitution. 8. That Mat. 28. ' ^'"^ Communion muft be ( as our Creed calleth it J a Communion of Saints-: 19,20. that iSj ofmen profeirmg Chrill:iaiiityand Holinefs, and feeming fuch : And Mat.18.15 mull extend to a free Communication to each other, for the fupply of corporal Tit.3. 10. neceiTi'.ies ■, And to a mutual alTiltance of each other in holy living, p. That therefore there muft be fome to difcern and judge whether the perfons that would enter this Society and Communion, be Profefled feeming Chriiiians and Saints or not ? And whether they revolt by Herefie or wicked lives from their proftifion ? And whether they be impenitent in thefe revoltings ? And therefore having opportunity by prefence or nearnefs to know them and the witnefTes, muft judge of the credibility of reports or accufations ? And mult admonifh the offenders, and feek by all poffiblc convidri.on and exhortation, •with patience to draw them to Repentance : And if no perfwafion will prevail, torefufeto admit them to the Communion of the Church, and to deliver them the Sacrament of Communion, and to tell them openly of their fmand danger, and pronounce them lyable to Gods wrath till they do repent, and to charge the Church to avoid Communion with them, 10. It is the particular Pafiors of thofe Churches, to whofe office all this belongeth. ir. If that Church ha v£ more Paftors than one, they mufl do all this work in concord, and not divide nor thwart each other. So that as many Phyficians undertake one Patient, aseachonelingly of the fame office, and yet muft do all by agreement, unlefs fome onefeethat the reft would kill the patient •, fo it is in thiscafe. 12. All thefe particularChurches muft in their vicinities and capacitiesjiivc in Concord, and hold fuch a correfpondcncy, and Communion of Churches for mutual ftrength and edification, as tendeth to the common good of all : The means of which arc MelTengers, Letters, and Synods as there is occalion. All thefe twelve particulars 1 doubt not but fo judicious and worthy a man as Dr. Siillingflcct will eafily concede. And indeed the fumme of them is granted in Ills book. And then whether you will call this a Form of Government or not, liow little care I for the meer name ? 13. I may add this much more, that All thefe Congregations are under the extrinfick Government of the Ma- giftrate, as Phyficians are : And he only can rule them by the fword and force. But then we will agree with Dr. Stil'bigficct or any man, that God hath left all thefe things following without a particular determination to be determined according to his General Laws. i. Whether this Parochial or Congregational Church (hall always meet in one and the fame place •, or in cafe of pcrfccution or want of room, or by reafon of the Age, Weaknefs, and diftance of fome Members, may have feveral houfes or Chappels of eafe, where fome parcels raay fometiines meet, who yet ( at leaftj^o- vices ) may have petfonal prefent Cumnuuiion . (99) Communion with the reft. 2. Whether a Church (liall be great or fmall, that is, ot what number it Ihall confift,fuppofingthat it be not fo grcjt or jofnijH as to be inconfiftent with the end. 3. How many Palters each Church Ihall have. 4. Whetheramong many One (hall be a Chief, and upon fuppotition of his pre- eminence in Parts, Grace,Age,and Experience, (lull voluntarily be fo far fubmit- ted to by the re(i, as may give him a Negative voice. 5. Whether fuch offi- cers of many Churches, (lull confociate fo as to joyn in ChlTesor Synods llated for number, time and place. And whether their meetings lh.ill be confFant, or occalional ;vo renata. 6. Whether One in thefe meetings (hall be a ftated Mo- derator, or only pro tempore^ and (hall have a Negative voice or not, in the circumlkntials of their Synodical work. 7. Whether certain Agreements called Canons, (hall be made voluntarily to bind up thefeveral Members of the Synods to one and the fame way in undeterinincd circumilances of their call- ings i or as an agreement and fecondary obligation to their certain duties. 8. Whether thefe AiTociations or Synods (lull by their Delegates conftitute other provincial or larger alTociations for the fame Ends : Wlio thofe Delegates Ihall be. Whether one in thofe larger Synods alfo ihall have fucli a Negative as aforefaid. All thcfc and fuch like we grant to be undetermined : And if they will call only fuch Humane modes and circumftanccs by the name of Forms of Government, we qparrel not de notnine, but de re do grant that fuch kind of Forms or P'ormalitics are not particularly determined of in Gods word. ,9..Avvd.belul36all thefe, whether fuccclTors of the Apollles in the ordinary pait of their Avork , as A. Bilhopsor General Minilkrs having the careofmany interiour Bilhops and Churdics , be not Ljivfii!, yea, of Pivi/ie right, or whe- ther they be unlawful is a quellion which all NoncontbrmKb are not agreed on among themftrvcs, fo great is the difficulty of it. But for my own part, being unfatisried in it, I never prcfumcd to meddle in any Ordinations, leftit lliould belong to Apollolical A. Bilhops only ■■, and Irefolvcd to fubmit herein to the order of the Church wherever 1 ihould Uve. 111. But if y>-«r.hold that Did they will confcfs I think } to be jure diiinc 2. And that we pkad againll/ircjr/«(Tand/«/;/o7i NeiHi) dat qmd non habet. It's no honour to Prelacy to be fo made. And were they Chriltians or no Chriltians that made the Diocefane Form ? If Chriftians, were they orj/tr/y Chriltians, or rebellious ? If orderly, how happened it that they were of no Church themfelves, when the Apoftles fetled fo much of Church Form and Order, as I have before named ? If rebelUous,thcy were a dif- honourable original of Diocefanes. And if the Church Form be not of Divine infiitution^ then ^the Church it felf is not. Vox forma dat nomen & ejfe. And fo the caufe is given up to the Brnwnijh by thefe Learned moderate men, fo far as that there is no Church in England oi Divine infiitution. Were it not that when in general they have faid that no Church Form of Government is fo Divine, they again fo far urifay it, ag to confefs the Parith Churches or Congregations with their Paftors tO' be of Divine inftitution and of continued neceffity. ' "" All that is to be faid by and for them is this, That the Apbftles were the makers of the Englilh or Diocefane Form, but not of that only, but of the Presbyterian ( and IndepcndentJaKb ; and fo made no one neceifary but left all indifferent: Or that they made one of thefe Forms as mutable, allowing men to change it. Anfjv. But I. I have proved what they made •, Let them prove that they made any other, of a di&rent fort, not fubordinate or fupraordinate, if they can. 2. And let them prove the mutability of that which they made, and their power to change it, which they affcrt. Till one of thefe is proved, w-e are or (hould be in poffeffionof that which was certainly hrft made. ' I am bold to conclude this argument with the fpeech of a W-^ but a wife and holy man, Joh, Chryfojiome de Sacerdotio lib.'^. p.ig. (mihi) 48. cap. 15. £ And whenfome { Bilhops J have obtained that prefcclure of a Province not belong- ing to them-, aifd others of one FAR GREATER THAN THEIR OWN proper STRENGTH CAN BEAR, THEY CERTAINLY BRING TO PASS, THAT THE CHURCH OF GOD SEEMETH NOTHING TO DIFFER FROM AN EURIPUS ( or a confufed tur- hulent changeling thing) • & pag. s,^. AND DO-NOT THESE THINGS DESERVE GODS THUNDERBOLT A THOUSAND TIMES? ARE THEY NOT WORTHY TO BE PUNISHED WITH THE (lOl) THE FIRE OF HELL ? NOT THAT Jnll WHICH THE HOLY SCRIPTURES THREATEN TO US v BUT EVEN OF ONE THAT IS FAR MORE GRlEVOUS. ] Forgive the words, my Lords i They are not mine but CArj/nff^wf's : or if you will not forgive the citing of them, I will bear it as he did the like. Only I will abate you in my prognofti- cation, or fentcnce, that /.«• fnrcr hell fire than the Scripture threatneth, fup- podng tiiis will be iharp enough, even for the moll difperfing, lilcncing per- fecuting Prelate-, and imputing thofe words to honed Chryfojiomc^s vehement Oratory. And I'le tell you what went next before thefe words, [^Jnd they do not niily taks in the uriivorthy ( into the Priefth(X)d ) bi/t they caji out the rvorthy: For ar if they had agreed both tvays to fpoil the CImrch of God ^ and the firjh cauji rvere not enough to kjndle the rvrath ofGod^ they add the fecond, or tvorfe, to the former. For 1 judge it etjuaHy pefiUcni to drive out the Profitable, and to taks in the unprofitable : rt'hich certainly they do, that the flock^ of Chrijl may from no part either find confi)lation, or be able to tak^brcaih j O what would this manhava faid had he lived now in England ! C H A P. XL ^ ' Argiwient 3. From the deflru^iofi of the order of Pre S' byters of Divhie Injiitutiori, and the Invention of a new order of Sub-half-Preshyters i?i their Jiead, ARGUMENT III. THe office of Vresbyters inlhtuted by the Holy Ghofl containeth an Obligation and Authority to Guide by DnUrine, IVorJhip, and Vifciplinc the flockj committed to their care: But the office of a Viocefane, being one only'BiJhop over many fcore sr hundred Congregations, is deJiruDive of that office of Presbyters, which containeth an obligation and authority to Guide by DoUrine, H^orfhip, and Difipline, ( or the exercife of the Church keys ) the flocks committed to their care. Therefore tin tfficcoffucha Viocefaneii de^miiive of the office of Presbyters injiitutcdbythe tMy Cht^i. Tlie Major is thus proved by the Enumeration of the Ads which contain the general office, and by the proof of the General power extending to thofc Ads; viz. I. They (l02) 'I. They that had the Authority and Obligation to exercife the Church keys in the Scripture fence, had the authority and obligation to Guide their flocks by Dodrine, Worfhip, and Difcipline. But the Presbyters of the Holy Ghofts inrtitution had the authority and obligation to exercife the Church keys, in the Scripture fence : Ergothc)' had authority and obligation to Guide their flocks by Dodrine, Worlhip, and Difcipline. 2. Again : The office which contained an Antlmity and Obligation to Teach, Exhort, Rebuke, publickly and privately, to judge of perfonsbaptizable and to baptize them, to Pray, Praife God, and adminifter the Lords Supper to the Church, and to judge of tliem that are to receive it, to watch over them privately, and publickly to Excommunicate the obitinately impenitent, asd abfolvethe penitent, doth contain authority and obligation to Guide that flock by Dodrine, Worfhip, and Difcipline. But fuch is the Office of Presbyters as inftituted by the Holy GholL —Ergo — &c. Here note i . That I am not now medling with the Queftions, Whether fuch Presbyters hold this power in fubordination to any fuperiour Billiops > nor whether there lie any appeal from them to a higher power in the Church ? 2. Nor am I now queftioning , Whether in Scripture fence Bifliops and Pres- byters are all one in Name or thing. 3. But that which I maintain is, i. That there is no proof in Scripture that God ever inliituted any order of Presbyters which had not the forcmen- tioned power of the keys. 2. And that God did inflitutefuch an Order of Presbyters as /jj,:/ that power, de nomine & de re. And 3. That the Diocefane Office deftroyeth fuch, and fetteth up others in their ftead. What God in- ftituted I will prove i. Out of the Scripture records, 2. Out of the Hiftory cf the Church which long retained them, in fome degree. CHAP. (-103) CHAP. XII. That GoJ iiiftituted [uch Presbyters a^ had the for ef aid power of the Keys^ in Do^ri?je, If'^orjhip, andDifci- fli?ie 3 arid ?io other, proved by the Sacred Scriptures.. THat God inftitiited fucli Presbyters and no other, I (hall prove ty the enumeration and penUal of all the Texts of Scripture which mention them, ( xiz. as inlHtutcd in the New Tellament, and now in force. J ' Ati. H- 23. jyi^en they hjd OrdMncd them Elders in ivcry Church — Compa- led with lit. I. 5. T.laat thou Jhouldcji Ordain Eldtrs in ncry City, as I had ap' pointed tixe — 7. For a Bijhop ntuH he blamelefs x the jiercard rf Cod. And his ^ow.T is dcfcribcd v. 11, 13. Ch.2. 1,7,15. and 3. 10. intimate it. Com- pare this with I 'liin. 5. I, 2, 5, 6. 1 'tim. 5.17. Let the Elders that rule rvell be counted worthy of double honour '■> ejpe- ciaVy they who labour in thcWordand Vonrine: compared with i Cor.p.jt^.Gal. 6. 6. which Ihew that preaching the Gofpel was their work, as well as Ruling the Churches under them, as i Cor. 12. 2S, Eph.^ 11, 12. Kom. 12.7,8. intimate. Jifs 20. 17, 28. Hefent to Epkfus and called the Elders ofthcClyurch — 7ak^ heed to your felves and to all the floc]^ over the which the Holy Gbi^i hath made you fjerfeers, ( or Bifhops ) to feed ( or rule ) the Church of God which he hath pur- chafed rvith hit orrn bloud. v. ^1. Therefore watch &CC. £'.35. So labouring^ ye ought tofupport the weak^. AOs 1 1. 30. they fent it to the Elders by the hands of Barnab.K and SauL Alls 15. 2. tf. 22,23. I'o the ApojUes and Elders — And the Ap(jiles and El- ders came together to confider then pleafed it the Ap jiles and Elders with the whole Chiirch 7he Apojiles, Elders., and Brethren fend greetings— Sec V. 25,28. Ails 16. 4. The decrees which were ordained of tlx Apoflks . and Elders which- were at Jerufjlem. ACts 21. 18. rbe dity following Paul went in withttf unto James, and all the Elders were prefent — I 7<>K. 4. 14. NeglcH not the gift which ii in thee, wJiich was given tlyce by pro- phccy, with the laying on of the hands of the Fresbytery — I Pet. 5. I. The Elders which are among you I exhort, who alfo am an Elder, • — Feedtbeflock^ofGod ivhich U among you^ t-^kjng the overfight (or Epifcopacy ) thereof, not by conjirai/it but willingly — Neither as being Lords over Cods heritage, but being enfamplcs to tlx flock^. And when tin chief Shepherd fljall appear — 2 Jolh^. 2 Joh. f . the Elder to the E/c(f? Larly Whether thofe Texts, i 77w. 5. i. Rchnl^iwt an Elder, v.ip. Receive not an acctifatinn againjl an Eldcrl fpcak of an Elder by Office or by Age, is uncer- tain ■, if it be by Office, the other Texts dcfcribe them. Jam. 5.14. Is any man fick^F Lei him call for the Elders of the Church. AH thefe Texts Ihew that every Church had Elders by the inftitutioii of the Holy Ghoft : That they were the Teachers, Worlbippers, Rulers, and were among thepeople, prefcnt with their flock, perfonally doing their Offices, d^c. And the Scripture mentioneth no other that I can find. , And of this I have Di.Hammonds full conk\Twn,Amtotat. in A^.i i . & differt. before cited : with all thofe whom he mentioneth of his party and mind. And as for them of the contrary opinion, they tell us that in Scripture times the Names Presbyter & Bilbop werecommon : And that the word [Bilbops] fomc- times fignified all the Presbyters ( theBifhops as Presbyters and the Subpresby- ters ) as in ?hil. 1. 1,2. And that the word 1 Presbyters3 fometimes lignifieth theBiftiops only, and fomctime both conjunftly : But they are none of them able to give us anyone inftance with proof, of a Text which fpeaketh ofSub- jedl Presbyters ? ( I mean fubjed in Order or degree to Bifliops of thefinglc Churches, and not fubjed to the Apoftles and General officers. ) And while we prove that God appointed fuch entire Presbyters as are here defcribed, and they cannot prove againft ( Dr. Hammond or us ) that any one text fpeaketh ofa lower order or rank, I think we need no other Scripture evidence. CHAP. XIIL Tlye fame conjirmed by the A?icie?its. AS for Humane teftimony, the heap is fo great brought in by Dav. Blondcf, that I have the lefs mind to fay any more of it ■■> But fhall only C befides all that is faid before on the by ) recite a few of thofe telltmones which moll convinced my own underftanding in the reading of them.in the Authors them- ielvesjleaving others to take what they fee bell out of Blpndels llore. I. I know that fomewhat may be faid againft what I (hall firft cite, but I think notoffufficient force. I begin with it, though not hrllin time, bccaufe firft in Authority. The i.Cnncil. Nic£n, in their Epilile to the Church of ^lexand. and all the Churches of Egyp, Libya, and Pentapolkt, thus decree concerning thofe that were Ordained by Ucletius., ( OiS Socrat. lib. J. c.6. Iranllaced by Giyaxm ) Hi ant cm qui Vci gratia &vejhpf precious ad jut i ad nitl- lltili (.05) limfch/fma dtflexijfe comperti funt, fed intra Cathotic£ & A^njioUc£ Fcclefi^jinet aberrom labe vacuosfe contintterint^ author it atern habcant turn Minijlros ordinandi^ turn (OS qui clero digni fuerint nnminandi^ turn deniqm omnia ex lege & inftituto Ecclcfuiftico libere exequendi ] Now ordaining Minifters and non'iinating men for the Clergy, are ads which, if any, (hew Presbyters to be Rulers in the Church. Obj. I. Perhapi it u 'Bifliops ordained iyMeletius that are here fpoken of : or Bi(f}ops with the Presbyters refpeUively. Anfiv. There is no more in the Text but this, [ Tijey decreed further touching fuch Of were entred into holy Orders by hit laying on of hands^ that they, after con- firmation vfith more myjlical laying on ofhandsfjotddbc admitted into the fellon>fhip of the Churchy vriththif condition that they fl)ould enjoy their dignity and degree of Minijiry, yet that they be inferiour to all the Pajlors throughout ei'ery province and Church Moreoi'er that they have no authority to elcCi the A'tinijlcrs approved by their cenfures^no not fo much of to nominate them which are to execute the Ecclefiajlical fundions, nor to intermeddle with any thing touching them that are within Alexan- ders yw//2/«flw/7, without the confent of the Bifiop of the Catholick^Church, ] And then they add as afore, that thofe that fell not into Schifm C as they did ^, , ff-jall have authority to Confecrate Minifters, and nominate fuch .fi f.\i!l be thought „j( ,;;^t worthy of the Clergy. Now that it is Presbyters and not Bilhops that are here thtj vrtrt fpoken of appeareth i . In that it is without any note of eminency faid to be ""' '" C"'* \_fuch Of were entred into Holy Orders. ~] 2. In that it is fuch as fo entred by the-''?a^"'^* Laying on of Mf/rt/w's hands : Whcrereas a Bilhop mud be ordained by the /^^^/tj^t hands of r/7)-fc -B//fe<7/'/. And thcSchifinof one of the three, would not have f be B»"|/jof. frurtrated the Ordination, if thcother two flood firm in the Catholick Union. 3. Becaufe it is the priviledgc of Presbyters tliat is denycd them : Though they be not degraded, they are to be below all other Paltors in every Church : which cannot be , that they ihall be Bilhops below all Presbyters. 4. Becaufe the confent of the Biftiop of the Catholick Church ( where they (hall come ) is ncccffary to their officiating. But if it could have been proved that Bilhops had been here included, yet while Presbyters alfo are included, it will not invalidate the teltimony. Btit indeed here is no fuch . proof I confefs that A7ff//wrK^ C a lefs credible Author ) fecmcth to apply it to Bifhops Ordained by Meletius : But no fuch thing can be gathered out of So- zomen, either Iripart. lib. i. c. 18. where he defcribcth Meleiiuf and his party, 01 Tripart lib. 2. c.i2. where he reciteth the fame Epilile that 5ccTJ/fj doth. But I would pretend to no more certainty than is evidegt. 11- Piuf Epifcop. Roman, in Bibliotb. Pat, "torn. ^.p. 15. Epiii. Julio Epifcopt inquit, \_ Presbytcri & Viaconi non ut Majorem^ fed ut Minijtrum Chrijii te obfer- vcnt falutat tc fenatuf pauper Cbrifii apud Rcmam conltitntw : faluta omne Collegium fratrum qui tecum funt in Domino And epiCt. prima eidem Jufto, he reckoneth Timothy and Mark^ with the Pnsbyters educated by the Apojiles. Now if they were of the Senate, the C()//t'(/c;i',-and the fame name Presbyters z^ Bilhops had,wc have no vcafon to think that they had not the power of the kcvs. O III. Tertullun (loO III. fe^-tullian de pxnit. to caft himfelf d/ojrn at the/ert o^t\\i?mbyten\ which implyeth that they had the power of the keys for Abfolution .• And thofe whom he calleth [Seniores ^ Jjiolog. managed the Difcipline, and that not in a Chancellors Court, but in the fame Congregations where and when they AfTcmblcd for publick vvorfhip. If any will fay that Billiops are here included, I will not deny it •, But if they will fay that when he nameth the Seniors and Presbyters without diftindion,that he excludethM fave the Bilhop alone, I (hall not believe that TcrttiUian fpeaketh fo un-intelligibly. Unlefs they will follow Dr. Hammond and believe (" as I do not ) that there was yet but One Presbyter, who was the Biftiopin a Church, or in moft Churches ; which dc f ado would be for us. IV. The Teftimonies of C/cw. Kowjn. Ignat. Juftin Martyr, may be gathered out of the words foreciced. Hierom^s Teftimony in this cafe is fo plain and full, and trite hi every writing CE^i/f ad Evagr. & pajjim, making them \ht Apn}lkT Smccffors, and the fame with the Bilhops, except only in ordination ) that I will not trouble you with reciting it. Epift. 2?. V. Cyprian neither would nor could govern his Church without the con- p.64,Edit. currence of the Presbyters ; ( before cited ) De Gaia defideraftis ut de Philume' ' no & Fortunato hypodiaconU & Favorino acolutbo^ refcribam : cut rei non potui me fohan judicem dare i cum multi adhuc de Clero abfentes fint '■, nee Inum fmtrn vel fero repetendwn putaverint, & h. 32. again he faith [_ Ante exomologefin grrdipmi & rxtremi deliSi fa&am, ante manum al> Epifcopo & Clcro in pxnitcntcm iittpofitamy offerre Lipfis pacem & Eucbarijiiam dare, id eji fanHtwt Vomini corpus prof snare audeant The fame he hath again Ep. 12. p. 37. ( v/kh zn examinMoitar fingtda prjifcntibm & judicantibuf vobif ( that is, the people, to thew how great the Church was.) Afterward Ep. 14. hcdiredteth the Presbyters to abfolve thofe by Impofiti- cn of hands themfelves without him that arc infirm and in danger, but that the reft mull be publickly reconciled in the Church pr£fente& jiantium plebc. To recite all of this nature in C\'pni»«,would be too long. VI. I will add next a General Teftimony riz. the conftant cufiomc of all Chuiches, even linmcit felf, where the Presbyters have Governed without a Eilhop in the intervals, when after one Bilhops death another was not chofen. As bclbre the choice of Fabians fucccffor you may -fee by the Epiftles of the Koman CUrgy to Cyprian. Mirci.n was expelled by the Kcwmi Presbytcs O 2 fede (io8) CIS in Blondil. § 37-13 3, 184. fedevacante, Epiphjiu H Had it no Governn^ent? Was there no power of the Keys? Was tlie Church" laid common to alP This inibnce is fo full as nothing can be faid againA it,, but that it was in Cafe of Necefity.^\t that only proveth that it is thePre?bytcrs office work, though out of a cafe of neceiTity th<.y mult do it with the Biftiop, and not without him. But a Lay-man may not do a Presbyters proper work on fuch a pretence. However the Church by this practice hath declared it's judgment in the cafe. Vn. Conc/1. Caithag. \. Can. 23. w \_Vt Epifcofiu mtHm caitfam andut abfque prjefeiiiia Clericormnfitorum ; Alioqttin irrita erit fententia Epifcopi^ niftCle~ rkomm pnfentia confrmititr. If it be faid that here is no mention of their Con- fent, but of their Prefeiice only, I anfwer. It is a prefence neceffary to the Con- firmation of the Bifhops fentence : and the prefence of Diflenters would rather injirm the fentence ( more than their abfence ) than confirm it. And the con- jund Canons Ihew that it is Confent that is meant. For, Can. 32. it's faid [_ Irrita erit donatio Epifcoporitm^ vel venJitio, vel commnta- tio rei Ecclcftafiic£, abfque conniventia & ftibfcriptione Clericorttm : where fuch z Connivence is meant as is joyned with fubfcripHon, And if jubfcription of the Presbyters was neceffary inthefe cafes, no \ds thin. Confent is meant in the other. Which is yet more apparent by thofe following Canons, which forbid the Biftiop to Ordain without his Clergy, or to accufe any of them but by proof in a Synod, or to fuffer a Presbyter to (land while he fitteth. And the Ca- nons that place the Bifhop in confeffit Tresbyteromm , and fet him in the mid ft of them m the fame feat in the Church, and call hira their Colleague : The Canons which make the Presbyters Governours of the Rural Churches, and inake the Deacons fervants to them, of which the number is too great to be now recited Even here Can, 22. it's faid \_ Epifcopm fine ConcilioCkrimumfmrumCleri- - cos non ordinet : Ita ut Civium ajfenfwn & conniventiam & teftimonium qu£rat. ~\ And if not fine concitio * then not contra cohfiliutn. And if the content of the Laity be neceffary, fure the Clergies is fo too. • Can. 2^, Epifcopnf fi Clerico vel Laico crimen impofuerity deducattir ad proba' tionem in Synoditm. Can. 30. Caveant Jndices Ecchfite n; abfente eo cu'jm caufa vcni/latiir fententiamproferant'-, quia irrita erit^ imo & caitfam in Synodo pro faSto dabunt. And if a Bilhop mull not fo much as acaife but in a Synod on proof, much Icfs might he be judge alone. Can. 33. appointeth that Bilhops or Presbyters [hall be invited to preach, and confecrate the Oblation, when they come into ftiange Churches ^ So far there was no difference. — Can^ N«tf it is not confi lio but condtio. Can. 54. Z't Epifcopuf in qml^het hcofedeiU) flare TrcsbyUmm nonpathtitr. 55. Vt EpifcopMin Ecchfia & ifi coiifejfu Presbyterorumfiiblimiorfee/eat. Intra domum veroCnllegam Trcshytcroritm fc ejfc cognofcat. Can. 3 6. Presbytcri qui per Vixccfes t cdefiof reguiit^ &c. Can ^7. Viaconm ita fe Freshyteri, ut Epifcopi minijirum cjje cognnfcjt. zitf. &Can. 38, 3 p, 40. Yea even in Ordination it is fai3, Can.2.Vr(shytn-(jHum Ordithttw\Epifcnpn aim hencdiccnte^ & mamim fupcr ejm tenente , etiam omncs Pnsbyttri qui pr^fcntes fitnt manw fitM juxtj manian Epifcopi^ fupcr Capnt iUius t meant, Et Can, 5. Diacontif r.Hiim ordinaiur folus Epijcnpuf^ qui mm bencdicit, i:r.vm fupcr caput lUim ponat : quia no/i ad S.ic:i-dotiHm fed ad miriflcrium confecraiur~] So that Priellhooi was to be conferred by the hands of Prieils, and the Billiop's alone was not enough •, But Deacons might be Ordained by a Bilhop without Presbyters, ] What need I tire the Reader witli otlicr Councils tcllimonies ? when this, though called Provincial having 214 Biihops, and among them Aureliifr^ Augujiinc^ Tr c. is no !cls valuable tlian any General Council in the volumes c4' the Councils. VIII. Ill the Arabick Canons ot the Concil. Nic. r. ( which I cite not for their jullitication, but as teltifying the matter of fadt in the times of which they were written wlicnfocver it was ) it's faid, Can.^-J. After one Birtiopis forbid to abftilvc him. that another iiath Excommunicated [ Eadem Lex erit dc Saccrdjte^ id efl, Vt nullui Sacerdos folvat aut ligct quern aliUf Sacerdos folverit attt ligaverit, quamdiu ilk qui folvit out ligaiit vixerit : Pofi mortem vera fucceffor tyi6 fotvet cu-m mnrUfMsligavit : Jed debet Epifcopuf pr^eeffe hihcnegotio Nequt tonvcnit ut EpifenpUf lUtt Ardjtepifcopm folvat aut ligct atm, qui dieiie a Sacerdote folutitf aut UgatUf. fun, quamdiu ille qui folvit aut ligaiit vixerit."^ Here you fee the Priell may b nd and loofe, and that inforo Scclefiaflico : yea fo falf that no Bilhop or Archbihopmay loofe or bind contrarily during his life. ThenPresr byters lud tlic Keys. And Can 57. (according to other Canons cited before,^ they fay.[^The Arch- Prcsbyter in the Biihops abfence (hall be honoured as the Bilhop, bccaufe h^ is in Iiis place s and let him be the Head of the Pricfts, who are under his power in the Church, with all that the Archdeacon is over. 3 And if one Presbyter may Rule the rcll as a Bilhop, the Government of the flock is not above their Order or place. If it be faid that he doth it as the Biihops Dcpi\ty, it is an- fvvcred oft enough before. Spiritual Power for Palloral) is deputable to noiic but fuch as are of the fame Order: which is not properly a depLitation. IX. Presbyters had power to Baptize and to celebrate the Lords Supper, Theretore they iiad power to judge wiio were Baptizable, and who were ca- pajie of the Lords Supper ; For 1 . Elfethey wpuld not do it as Chrifts Mi- nillcrs, but as the executioners of auothers judgment. And if fo, they may give both Sacraments to Turks aiid Irihdtls if they be bid. And then indeed thetridt is not the Baptizer or Confcaateit MoralIy,but the Bilhop doth i« (no) it by the Prieft : All which arefalfe. And a Presbyter may preach and Bapti2e in any Infidel Kingdom, where no Bifliop hath any Dioce{e, and this as an ordinary cafe ( in 7ur\y^ Tartary^ China^ Japan, &c. ) And what Bilhop Hull there tell him r>;hom to Baptize where there is no Bilhop ? And the power of: Baptizing is the hrit and greateft Key of theChurch, even the Key ofad- miffion. And they that do among us deny a Presbyter the power of judging whom to Baptize and give the Lords Supper to, do not give it to the Bilhop ( who knoweth not of the perfons ) But the Direitive part they commit to a Convo- cation of Biihops and Presbyters ■■> and the Judicial partly to the Prieft, and partly to a Lay-Chancellor. X. Epfphaniiii Hxref.'J'^. faith, [ The Acoftles did not fet allin full order at once ; And at hrft there was need of Presbyters and Deacons ■, by whom both Eccleliartical affairs may be adminifired : Therefore where no man was found worthy of Epifcopacy, in that place no Bi(hop was fet ] By which it appeareth that he thought that for fome time fome Churches were Governed without Bifhops .• And if fo,it there belonged to the Presbyters office to govern. Whereto we may add the opinion of many Epifcopal men, who think that during the Apoftles times, they were the only Biihops in molt Churches them- felves. And iffo, Then in their long and frequent abfence the Presbyters tnuft be the governours. XI. That many Councils have had Presbyters, yea many of them is pafl doubt .• Look but in the Councils fubfcriptions and you will fee it. A Synod of fome Biihops and more Presbyters and Deacons gathered at Rome., decreed the Excommunication oiNovatiannf and his adherents, 'Eitfeb. lib. 6. c.43. Noetus was convented, judged, expelled by the SelTion of Presbyters, Epi- phan. Heref. 47. c. i . See a great number of inftances of Councils held by Biihops with their Pres- byters in Blonde!, dc Epifc. felf.^.p, 202. Yea one was held at Rome prsfiden- tibtis mm. Joanne 12 Presbytem., An. 964. vid. Blond. p. 20^, 206, 207, Yea they had places and votes in General Councils; Not only «t aliorum procuratores, as Fiaor and Vincentius in Nic. i. but as the Pafiors of their Churches, and in their proper right. I need not urge Seldens Arabick Cata- logue in Eittych. Akx. where there were two perfons for divers particular places .• or ZonarM who faith, There were Priefts, Deacons and Monks ■-, nor Athanixfius a Deacon's prefcnce; Evenof late the Council oiBafil is a fufficient proof. XII. The forefaid Canons of Carthage which are fb full, are inferted into ■the body of the Canon Law, and in the Canons of Egbert Archbifhop of lork, as Bilhop Z'Jhcr and others have obferved. XIII. Hkrctns XXTTT. BinonCs \_Commwii Trahytcrmm Concilio Ecclcfi£ gjihcrtiabanfttri "} feconded by Chryfojionte and other Fathers, is a trite, but evident telUmony. XIV. That Presbyters had the Power of Excommunications fee fully proved by Calderrvood, Altar. Vaiyafc. p. 273. XV. Bafirs, Anaphora Bibl. Pat. Tom. 6. p. 22. maketh every Church to have Archprcsbyters, Presbyters, and Deacons, making the Biftiop to be but the Archpresbyter. CHAP. XIV. The Confeffio7is of the great eft: and LearneJeft Trelatifts, I. "TpHe Church of England doth publickly notific her judgment , tha^ X Church Government, Difcipline, and the power of the Keys is not a thing aliene fromor above the Order of the Presbyters, but belongcth to their office. I. In that they allow Presbyters to be members of Convocations (and that as chofen by the Presbyters. ) And whereas it is faid, that the Lower houfe of Convocation are but Advifcrs to the Upper, I anfwer, All together have but an advifing power to the King and Parliament ; But in that fort of power, the lower houie hath its part, as experience Iheweth. 2. There arc many exempt Jurifdidions in England., ( as the Kings Chap- pel, The Dcanvy of i^'i/idfa; and If^olvcrhampton, Bridgenorth, ( where fix Pa- rilhes are governed by a Court held by a Presbyter ) and many more, which fhew that it is conlillcnt with the Presbyters office. 3. The Archdeacons who are no Bifhops cxcrcifefomc Government ; And fo do their Officials under them. The Objedion from Deputation is an- fwered . 4- Thb Surrogates of the Billiops, whether Vicar General, Principal Offi- cial, or Commiffaries, are allowed a certain part of government. 5. They that give Lay-Chancellors the power of Judicial Excommunication and Abfoiiition, cannot think a Presbyter uncapablc of it. 6. A Presj\tcr pro forma, oft paflcth tlie fcntencc of Excommunication and Abfulution in the Chancellors Court when he hath judged it. 7. A Presbyter in the Church mull publilh that Excommunication and Ab- (blution. 8. By allowing Prcibyteis to baptize, and to deliver the Lords Supper, and to- to keep fome back for that time, and to admit them again if they openly pro- fefs to repent and amend their naughty lively and to abfol ve the fick, they intimate that the' Power of the Keys belongeth to them, though they contradid them- felves otherwife by denying it them. ' p. And in Ordination the Presbyter is required to cxercife difcipline: And the words of AVt. 20.28. were formerly ufed tathem \_Take heed to your felves and to all the flock^, overrvhich the Holy Ghofi hath made you Overfecrs '( Ot Bi(hops ) to feed ( ox Ku\t) the Church of God : Whence Bifliop X^e/ gather- eth that the Churches fence was that the Presbyters had a joynt power with the Bilhop in Church Government. And though htdy Jnno 1662. this be altered,and thofe words left out, yet it is not any fuch new change that can dif- prove this to have been the meaning of them that made the book of Ordination, and that ufed it. II. Archbifhop Cranmer with the reft of the CommifTioners appointed by King Edward the Sixth for the Reformation of Ecdefiaftical Laws, decreed the adminiftring Difcipline in every Parilh by the Minifter and certain Elders i Labouring and intending by all means to bring in the ancient difcipline. Vid. 'B-eform. Leg. Ecclef. tit. de Divinis Officiii cap. 10. And our Liturgy wilheth this Godly Vifcipline reftored, and fubftituteth the Curfes till it can be done. And the fame Cranmer was the iirft of \6 who in the time of King Henry the Eighth affirmed f in a book called Ihe Bijhops Book^^ to be feen in Fox's -J Martyrology,)that the difference of Billiops was a device of the ancient Fathers, * and not mentioned in Scripture. And of the opinion of Cr«nwf«" with others in this point, his own papers publifhed by Dr. Sullingfleet Ire/iic.p. ^90^^$i-^&c. are fo full a proof, that no more is needful. III. Dr. Hichard Cofws in his Tables (heweth how Church Difcipline J is partly exercifed by Presbyters, and by the Kings Commillion may be much a more. And it is not aliene to their office. • IV. Hooker Ecclef. Pol. lib. 5. pleadeth againft the Divine fettlcment of one form of Government ; And lib. 7. Sell. 7. p. 17, 18. he (heweth at large that the Bifhops with their Presbyters as a Confcis governed the Churches: ■ And that in this refpe<5, \_It is mofl certain truths that the Churches Cathedral 1 and the Bijhops of them are as glaffes rvherein the face and very countenance of Apo- jhlical antiquity remainethyct t-o befeen^notrvithjianding the alterations rvhich trail of time and courfe of the rvorld hath brought. And much he hath ' elfe- where, which granteth that the Presbyters are Church governours, though not in equality with the Bilhops. V. Dr. F/eW, lib. 5. c.27. (hewing how the Apoftles hrft limiting and Skiing of Paliors to particular Churches, was a giving them Jurifdidiion, faith, \tlns aligning to men having the pojver of order ^ the perfons to ivhom they were Uj tisiniji^"' boly things , and of whom .they rpere to take the care-, and the fubjeiJing of ("3) of filch pofons to thetn , gave them the potvcr of JwifH&hn which they hud not before. ~\ ' . And [ As another of my Rank^ cannot hai's that JtmfJiShn tcithin^ my Church as I havC) but if he voill have any thing to do there., be mnji be inferiottr in depxe to mc s fi ree read in the Ka'clation, of the /fn^cl of the Church of Ephefus, &c. '] So that with him a Billiop is but one of the Presbyters, of the fame Rank, having the Hrll: charge of the Church, (as every Incumbent in rcfpedl to his Curates ) and fo above his Curates in Degree. '] And [^ As the Presbyters may do nothing Trithont the Biflfop^ fo he may do no- thing in matters of greatefi moment rvitboln their prefence and advice. Cone. Cart hag. 4. c. 23. It therefore tmjl falj'e that Bcllarmine faith , that Presbyters have no potver of Jurifdiciion For it it tH(^i clear and evident., that in all Provincial Synods Presbyters did fit., give voices., tvid fttbfcribe gf well as BiJJjops : And the Eifiops that rrer.epreftnt (in General Councils ) bring- tng the refolutifiu and confent of the provincial Synods of thofe Churches from xchence they came., in which Synods Presbyters had their voices, they had a kjnd of confent to the decrees of General Councils alfo : and nothing was pajfcd in them with- out their concurrence. And Chap, 4p, \_the Pap/jls thinks that this is the peculiar right ofBiJhopt: jinde.^o. But they are clearly refuted by the ttniverfjl practice of the whole Church, from he jhetetth the beginning : For in all Provincial and National Synods, Presbyters did ever i''ll^'>i:t^ give voice and fubfcribe in the very fame fart that Bijhops did i whether tl>ey were 'f^'^^^^ ' ajfembled to make Canons ofDifcipline., to heai- Caufes, or to define dmbtfu'l points jor. f._* of deiirine : And that they did not anciently fit and give decifive voices in Central Tariac. Councils, tlx re.ifon was, not becaufe they have no mtcreji infuch deliberations and f-. i^Con- refolutions, but becaufe feeing all cannot meet in Councils that have interejl in fuch J^^^^' bufmefs, }but fame mujlbe deputed for and authorized by the reft, it was thought fit Gregor I that tlx Bijhops ] So here are Billrops j«t/;mz;ei by Presbyters as tlicir 4. ep.88.' Deputies in thegreatcft affairs in General Councils. • Synod. E- He proceedcthto prove this by inlbnccs, Concil. Later, fttb Iniwc. 3. &c. ^^^^' ^tc* VI. Even Archbilliop Whitgift maintaincth C as Dodor StiHingfleet hath ^^^^j^y. colledtcd, Iren. pag. ^^if. ) that \_No l^nd of Government is exprejfed in '/jclow, e». * word, or can necejfarily be concluded thence : No form of Church Goz'crnment bridges, is by the Scriptures commanded to the Church of God ( or prefcribed. ) 3 And Cofins, Dodor Stillingflcet there citeth ^ many tcflimonies, to prove this the judgment?," J^^' of the Church of England: And if fo, it muft be only men and not God, thorp who make any difference between a Presbyter and a Bifhop in the point of Ju- Hales, lifdidion.- ' Chilling-' worthjScc VII, Billiop Bilfon Perpct. Govern, p. 16. c. 391. (aith, \_'I'hc Synod ofchemni- Antioch which depofed Paulus Samofat. as Eiijehiuf jheweth lib."], c.38, &in.i\\iiand Concil Etiber. about the time of the frji Nicene Council fate Bijhops and Presby- '"""y ^''' teis, even ^6. In the fecond Concil. Arclat. About the fame time fxbfcribed ' ji"]-: twelve Presbyters befidts Deacons. So in Concil. Rom. fub Hilario & Cregor. ,;^^_ P where ("4) i^tbre 34 ^cfhyters fuhfcrihed after 22 B/Jhopf. And in the j\rji fub Symmach. ivhere after "JZ Bipops fibfcribed 6y Fresbyters : So in the thirds fifth, and fixth, under tl)e fame SymmacbiK^ Felix had a council of 43 Biffops and"/^ Presbyters, The Concil. Anttfiod. c 7. faith, Let all the Presbyters being called come to the Synod *^jf^^^intheCity.'<'-] Yi/thiDi- ^o""^' T^olet.'^. c.3. faith,Lft the Bijhops affemUedgo to the Church together and fctft real, fi^ according to the time of their Ordinal inn : After all the Bifhops are eiitred and fet , let the Presbyters be called-, and the Bijhops fitting in a compafs let the Presbyters ft behind them., and the Deacons jland before them. Even in the General Council at Later an fttb Innoc.^. rfcre 4S2 B/Jhop.)andZQO Abbots and Priors convent if at, faith tlatind. ] Thus Bilfon and more. VIII. To the fame purpofe writeth the Greatefi Defender of Prelacy ^[(hop VorvnatHj Vef. lib. i. c. 2. fell. 11. pag. 45, 44. and the placesbefore cited out of him , profeiling that the Bilhop hath but a chief and not fok jtirifdi&ion, IX. Bifhop Vpers judgment is fully opened in his Model which we oiTered to the King and Bithops in vain, and which he owned to me with his own ,.. mouth. X. Becaufethe citing of mens words is tedious, I add, that All thofe whom I cjted Chriji. Concord, p. 57, &c. to fhew that they judge the Presbyters Ordination may be lawful, and valid, do inuch more thereby infer that they are not void of a Governing power over their own flocks, viz. i. Dr. Field lib.^. f, 32. 2. Bilhop Doivnam Vef. lib. ■^. c.-^-p-ioS. 3. Eiihop Jervel '' Vef. of Apol. Part 2. p. 1^1. 4. Sararia Ve diverf. Min. Grad, cap. p- 10, 11. 5. Bifhop Alley Poorinans Libr. Prclecf. ^, & 6. p. p-^^'pd. 6. Bilhop ?/7- kj'igton. 7. Bilhop ^r/Vgfj-. 8. Bilhop Bilfon, Of Subject. />. 540, 541, 542, 233, 234, c^c. p. Alex.Norvel. lO. Grotius de impcr. 11. Mi. Chifenhall. 12. Lord P/giy ( then a Protelknt. ) 13. B\(hop Vavenant Veterm.'§^^2. p. ipi, ip2. 14. hi[}\op Prideaux,cont. deVifciplin.Ecckf p. 2 i\9. 15. Bilhop Andrervs. 16. Chillingtvorth. To which I add 17. Billiop B/-t?w/;^// in his Anfwer to Mileterim's Epiffle to the King. 18. Dr. 5/fn.'^r^:/'s- Anfwer to Fountains Letter. 15?. Dr. Ffr«. 20. Mafon zx large. 21. Bilhop' Mj,'/(J/j j4polog. XT. Spalatenfis is large to prove the power of the Keys to belong in common to Presbyters asfuch. 1 cited the words before, L/A 5. c.p. n.2, & c, 2. n. 483 &c, XII. Even Grfl^/rrw the Papifr pleadeth in the Council of Trr/ii for the re- ftoring of Synods of Presbyters inllead of Officials, fthe thing fo much detelted in England, as that all we undergo mult rather be endured ) yet faith Groppt- rtis I Reilore theSyiwdals rvhich are not fiibjcci to fo great corruption, removing tkfe ihofe Officers by whom the world Ufo much fcandalized-, bceaufe itU notfojfibk that Ccrmj/iy fhoitld endive them. "] the Sjjjniards and Duub-r^en n-iUiiigly heard this, but not the refi. Hiji.p. 334. lib. 4. XIII. Tlie opinion of Pj///«^ himfclf, the author of that Hiftcry, is fo fully and excellently laid down, of the Original of the BiQiops grandeur, and of the manitcr of introducing the Ecclefiallical Courts by the occafion of Pacifi- cations, Arbitrations, and Conftantines Edid, as that I intreat the Reader to turn to and pcrufc /'•330j33I-)332,333. XIV. Filefacuf (' a Learned Papift J copioufly proveth from Councils that Presbyters were called the ivfd?or/ of the Churches, pag. •)6o. And more than fo. that they were called Hierarchici and Prelatey, and had place in Councils, efpecially Provincial, p. 576, 577, 578. Pag. 574. he citeth Coiidl. Aquifgr. {"aying, Tresbyteri qui prtefwit Ecchfiii, dc omnibm hominibus qui ad corum Uc- clefum pertinent, per omnia curam go- JHf' Pj^. 576. he proreth they were cal- led Prelates abundantly. P.^^. 577. Ep>iJcoporum injlar fuam habebant plebem rcgendam, XV. Mr. H Tljorndike is (6 large in defending the Presbyters Governing .power, and that as grounded on the power of Congregating, in his Form of Trimit. Gov. Mid Right j^ Church, &c. that it would be tedious to recite his words. Pag. p8. he faith, \_ the p.mier of the Keys belengetb to the. Prcshytas and U convertible with the power of celebrating the Euchariji, and that's the Reafon why it belongeth to them ( Nothing could be fpok^n plainer to our ufe. J And p. 128. "The power of the Keys, that i^, Jhc vcholepoxver of the Church, whereof that power is the root and fource, ii co»wion to B/jJjops and Presbyters. ] And Right of Ch. p. 126, 1 2p, 130, 131. he feith much more to confirm this by tclUmonies ana inllan^es of antiquity. XVI. The great 70. Gfr/(;« is cited to your hand by the fame Filefacm zs (hewing that Curates were Hierai-chical, ^da eadcm opera Hierarchica eii incum- bunt qu£ & Epijcopk ; And more out of Ccrfon, dc Concil. Evangel. & dejiat» Ecclefiajiic. tit. dejiatu Curat orum confid. 1.& \, &c, XVII. I will end all in the fulleft tcftimony for thefe times. His Majefties Declaration concerning EcclclialHcal Aftairs, before the palTing of which it was examined by his Majelty and the Lord Chancellor, before Dukes, Lords, Bilhops, Dodors of their party, and many of us alfo that are now filcnced, and after all two great Billiups with Bilhop Reynolds and Mr. Caljwy appointed by the King to joyn witli two Lords to fee tliatit were worded according to the *Bvt no Kings cxprelTed fenfe. And it faith />. 11, 6"-c. l_Becaufethe Vtocefes, efpecially ""^ '" "f fime of them are thought to be of too large extent, we will appoint fuch a ntunber of ^ ^^ ^„, Suffragan Bifwps in every Viocefe as piaH be fufficient for the due performance of pointed to their work^^.' 3. No Btjljoppall Ordain or excrcij'c any part of'ytr'ifdiUion tvhich tkts day. P 2 appertaineth appert.tincth to the eenfimr of the Church without the advice and afjjflance of the Presbyters : And no Chancellors, Comniijfjrics or Officials as fitch, Jhall exercife any all of Spiritual JurifdiCtion, in thcfe cafes, viz. Excommunication, Abfolution, Sicc. \_ As to Excommunication our will and pleafure if, that no Chancellor, Commiffary, or Official Decree any Sentence of Excommunication or Abfolution — 'Nor (hall the Archdeacon exercife any Jurijdiliion rvithout the a^iice and afviance affix Miniflers ofhU Archdeaconry, whereof three to be nominated by the B/Jhop, and three by the ekSien of the mjjor pan of the Presbyters within the Archdeaconry. 4. To the end the Dean and Chapters may the better be fitted to afford coimfel and efjijiance to the Bijhops bjth in Ordination and other offices mentioned before. Sec. — Moreover an equal rtumber to thofe of the Chapter of the mojl learned, pious, and ■difcreet Presbyters of the fame Diocef annually chofen by the major Vote of all the Presbyters of that Diocefe p-efent at the Eledion, (hall be always advifn^ and ajjijling together tvith thofe of the Chapter in all Ordinations and ■£iiery part of Jurifdidion which appertains to the cenfure of the Church, and at all other folemn and important aiiions in the exercife of the Ecclcfiajiical Jw rifdi^ion wherein any of the Miniflery are concerned. — And our IHll is that the great work^ of Ordination be conjiantly and folemnly performed by the Bifhop and his aforefaid Presbytery 5- ^^^ will take care that confirmation be rightly and folemnly performed by the inform jtion and with the confent of the Mitiiflcr of theplace : IFho Jhall admit none to the Lords Supper till they have made a credible profejfion of their' faith,' and promifed obedience, &c. Befides the Suffragans and their- Presbytery, every Hwal Dean together with three or four Mini- flers of that Deanry chofen by the major part of all the Miniflers within the fame, jhall meet once in every month, to receive fuch complaints as Jhall be prcfented to them by the Minijiers and Cbm-ch-wardens of the refpe&ive parijhes, and alfo to campofe allfuch differences between party and party, as Jhall'be referred to them hy way of Arbitration^ and to convince offenders, and reform all fuch things as they find amifs, by their Pajloral Reproofs and Admonitions, if thy may be fo reformed. And- fuch matten as they cannot by thU Pafloral and perfvafive.way compofe and reform, are by them to be prepared for and prefentedto the BiJJ-Jop; At which meeting any other MiniJhrs of the Deanry may if they pleafe be prefenl *andaffiji. Moi-eover the Rural Dean and his AJfifl ants are in their refpedive di- tifions to fee that the children- and younger fort be carefully injirucled by tl^refpeiiive Aiinijlers, Sec. ] See the reft. This was the judgment of his Majefty, &c. i66o. And on thefe terms we were ready to have Conformed and United with the Prelatifts fo far as to go in the peaceable performance of our Offices. But that very Parlia- ment who gave his Majefty thanks for this his Declaration , did lay it by , fo that it was never done , but other Laws eftdblilhed which we feel. Obj. Toudo but obtrude on iisyo'ur own opinions: For when you had di-awn up moft of tb.fe words, his NIafjiy w,h fain tofeemfor the prejent to grant them you, for the qitieting of you. 1 A'nfftt. ("7) \^nftv. I. If we did offer fuch things, let the world' judge what we fought by them. 2. Thcreismoft of that about Piural Deanrics put in ( I fuppofe by the Bi(hops confent who were to word it ) after it went from us, and after the King had done with it, on Cdober 22. 1660. 3. Whoever motioned or dc- tlred it, by this it appcareth that his Majefty and thofe that counfelled him, did not then think the work of Jurifdidion, Excommunication, Abfolnti- on, no nor Ordination, to be aliene to or above the office of the Presbyter. And if that be no part of his Paftoral work, they would not Iiave appointed it him. Yet finally let the Reader note, that though my proofs have readied as high as the power of Canon- making, Jurifdidlion, Court-excommunications and Ordination i Yet it is no more than the power ofPaftoral CiiiJjnce o( ovx particular Parifh Churches, and not to be forced to adminillcr all holy things ( Sacraments, Abfolutions,e^c.) contrary to cur confcicnccs, at other mens will who know not our people, and not to thofe that wc know to be utterly Igno- rant, Infidels, Scandalous, and Impcnitcntjthat 1 am here pleading for. I conclude therefore boldly after all this proof, that the Pnrbyters office rvhich rvim, feu- fkfljall abhor him, Prov. 24. 24. Wo to them that call evil good and good evil ! But wliat if the Bithop bid them ? If I may not preach Hes or heieiies • ifthe Bidropbid me, then I may not lyingly curie the faithful norbkfsthe wicked if he bid me. If I may not forbear preaching the Gofpel meerly for the will ot man, when God calleth me to it, much le^s may ,1 fpeak llanders, yea and ("9) and lie in the name of God, when men bid me. The French Prieftdid wifclicr than fo, that being bid from the Pope to Curfe and Excommunicate the Empe- rour, faid, hkliorv iwt rvho it U that is in the right, and tvho is in.thc irrong, but I do Excommunicate him th.it is in the rvrong whoever he be. 2. Or clle, it will follow that I am bound to fin and damn my foul there- by, whenever the Bilhop will command me ; which i«acontradi(ftion. 3. Or elfe it will follow that I am a bcall, that am not to judge or know what I do, and tiierefore my aAs are neither fin nor duty. 4. If he have not the Keys to ufe publickly infiro "Ecchfit he hath no power of Excommunication and Rel'titution at all : For to Excomniuni- cater is publickly to notitie to the Church, that this pcrfon is none of them, nor to be communicated with, and to cliarge them to avoid his company. 5. Tlie Biihops thcmfelvcs put the Presbyters to proclaim or read the Ex- communication : and if this be any Miniftcrial or Paftoral a(fV, certainly it is inforo Ecchfue. 6. Moll of the A(9's before named as their concclTions, as to be in the CotTvo- cation, t^-c. ixczii^ in faro publico. 7. The full proofs before brought from Antiquity, of Presbyters fitting in Councils, Judging, Excommunicating, drc. are oi ptthlick^, not private cxer- cilc oftheKeys. 8. They are the fame Keys or Office power which Chrift hath committed to the Pallors, even the Guidance of his Church, to feed his lambs : hnd ubi Lex nnn dijUugHtt non rji dijlingncndnm. WUetc doth Chrillor Scripture {ay. You (hall I fe the Keys of Church-power privately, but not in the Church, .or pub- lickly > p. All this driving againfl Porver in the Miniflers of Chrifl, is but driving agilnll xhc'n duty., n^orl^. and ihccnds and benefit f of it : He that hath no Porrer forpublick difciplinc,hath no ohiig.itim to ufe it \ and fo he is to n^Ic be a Bilhiip, a Cluiltian, or a man ? C H A P. (l20) CHAP. XVI. lljat the Englijh Diocefane Gover?imejit doth change this office of a Presbyter of Gods iiifiitution 'uito another ( quantum in fe ) of humane inventmi. I Come now to prove the Minor propofition of my Argument •■, That the Diocefane Government depofeth the Office of Presbyters which God hath inlfituted ( as much as'ln them licth ) By which limitation I mean, that if we would judge of the Power and Obligation of Presbyters, as the Prelatical conftitution dz fa&o doth defcribc it, and not as God defcribeth it contrarily, we mud take it for another thing. For the proof of this it muft _i . be confidered what is ElTential to the office, and 2. How fomewhat EiTential is taken from them. 1. And I. we grant ("as before^ that no Adlion whatfoever, as per- formed at the prefent, or for fome excepted feafon, is Effential to the Paftoral office : A man ceafeth not to be a Preacher or Paftor, as foon as the Sermon is done and he is out of the Church. When a man is afleep or in a journey, he endcth not his office : Nor yet when he is interrupted by bufineis, ficknefs, or perfecution. Yea, if he were fo fickj as to be fure never to exercife his office more, he keepeth the Title with refped to what he hath already done. • , — ^ 2. Yet Exercife as Intended and as the Relative end or T'erminuf of the Ob- ligation and Antbority, is Eflentia-1 to the Office : For when it is a Pvelation which we queftion, and that confifteth in Obligation and Authority.^ there is no doubt but it is ad aliquid-, and is fpecified by the Adion or Exercife to which men are Obliged and Authorized. ( As a Judge, a Souldrer, a Phylician, are ) And it being a Calling which we fpeak of, and tha-t durante vita & capacitate., it muft be fuch ABion as is intended to be Ordinary, and Conjiant. He that Confenteth not to do the work of a Minilier, and that for more than a trial or .a prefent occalion , and is not Obliged and Authorized to that work, at lead ftatedly as his intended ordinary courfe of life, is no Minifter of Chrill : which Paul well expreiTeth by that phrafe Kom. i. i. Separated to the Gofpel .of God. * 3. As God in creating man made him in his own Image, fo did Chrill in niakinc, Church Paftors ; Therefore he faith, As.my F ather fent me^ fo fend I ^it : And he that nceii'cth you receiiKth me., and hi tint drfpijcth you dtfpifth (.2.) me^ and — ^ him that fent me^ Luke 10.16. And they are Embjjfadmrt tohe- feed) men in hUname and jiead to be reconcikdto God, 2 Cw.5.ip,2C. AndChrift himfelf is called the Angel of the Covenant, and the Apoftle and high Priell of our ProfelTion, and the Great Prophet, and the Bifhop of our Souls, and the good Shepherdj and the great Shepherd or Paftor of the flock, and the Minilter of the Circumcilion : And lie was a Preacher of the fame word of life as we are : And he adminillred the fame Sacrament of Communion as we do. Now as the Office of Chrifi; had thcfe three EiTential parts, viz. to be the Teacher^ the HighPricji, and the Kjtlcr of the Church i Co hath (not only the ApolUes, but j every true Paftor in his place ( as is proved ) this threefold fubferviency to Chriih i. They will confcfs themfelves, that He is no true Palior who hath not Authority and Obligation ( which fet together are called a Commifjion ) to be a Teacher of the Cburch. For tliough fomc men may be fo weak as that they can Teach but by Reading, Catechizing, Conference, or very lliort dckCtivc immethodical Sermons : And though where a Church hath Many., the Ableft may be the ufual publick Preachers, and the reft be but his aflfiftants : Yet I never found any proof of Elders that were not Teachers by office as well as Rulers, and had not Commillion to Teach the flock ac- cording to their abilities, and might not Preach as the need of the Church required it, however the weaker may give place to the abler in the exercifc of his office. Bccaufe his office is an Obligation and Authority to exercifc his Gifts as they are, for the Churches greateft edification. 2. And it will be confeflcd that he is no Minirter or Paflor who is not Com- millioned by Chrift to be the Churches Guide in publick Worlhip, in Prayer, praife, and Sacrament of Communion; However where there are many, all cannot officiate at once. 3. Therefore all the doubt remaineth whether the power of the Keys for Church Government, fuch as bclongeth to Paftors, be not as Effential as the reft ", I fay the Commi^on., the Authority, and the Obligation, ( though violence may much hinder the exercifc ) And this I have proved before and muft not (lay to repeat it. Only i. God doth not diilinguiffi, when he giveth them the Keys and office. Therefore we murt not dillinguifh. 2. The very fig- nitication of the words [ Kcyi, Falhr, Presbyter, Overfeer, Stervard, &c. ] do not only import this Guiding, Ruling power, but notably iignifie it, as moll think more notably ih^n the Jf^orjhipping part of their office. 3. Dr. Hammond and all of his mind confefs that in Scripture thefe words are applyed to no one perfon or oPiicc, that had not tlie Governing as well as the Teaching and Worfliipping power. 4. The truth is, the Teaching, and Ru- ling, and VVorlhipping power, are infeparably twilled together. Ruling is done ( not by the fword here, but ) in a Teaching way by the Word : As a Phylician may i. read a Ledure of health to his Patients, 2. and give every one particular direftions for his own cure i and this lafl is called Go- verning them : So when tlic fame Pallor who Tcachcth all generally by Sermons, doth make his applications to mens petfons and cafes particularly, Q. it ( 122) it is Governing the Churcli : as when a man is impenitent, he doth Ex- communicate him only by teaching him and the Church, that fuch perfons as are fo impenitent are under the wrath of God, and uncapabic of Church Communion, and therefore requiring the Church as from Chrilf, to avoid that perfon, and declaring him to be under the wrath of God till he repent, and requiring him to forbear Comniunicn with the Church. And fo in other ads of Government. And as in Worlliipping, the Pallor ddivmth the Sa- crament of Communion, fo it mufi belong to him to Give it or Deny it. 5. And indeed the ancient Churclies had ufually more Pallors than Aflem- blies, by which means every Presbyter could not daily preach and officiate. But yet they were fo conilant Affiftantsin the Government, as hath occalioned to many to think that it was mere Ruling Elders who joyned with the BiQiops in thofe times. And P^«/ himfelf faying 1 lim: $' i^J , %l}( jLldcrs that fith jvell are worthy of double honour^ efpccially they that labour tn the word and doihine^ doth plainly imply that there were /.)«?£■/• who were thus L*?- hourers in the ivord ^r)d dodrine than thzt Ruled well. For indeed the follow- ing practices of the Churches expoundeth this Text, when the Churches ha- ving few Learned or able Speakers, he that could fpeak or preach belt, did preach ordinarily, and was made Chief or Bilhop, and the reft helped him in Government, and other offices, and taught the people more .privately, and preached feldomer when the Bilhop bid them and there W2s need: ( licing yet of the fame office. ) . ..■ Obj. JFhy then may they not now be forbidden pullickGovcrnnantitx foro Ec- "clefisexteriore? ji?ifrv. I. Our queftion is not chiefly what part of the exercife of their pro- per office may be retrained on juft occafion ■■, But what it is which truly belongeth to their office. 2. It is one thing to forbid it them ^i!)/-fw/>ore,i and another ftatedly ( for this changcth the Office. J 5. It i^DnethijTg to forbid a man Preachings Prayings ox 'Exercife of Dtfcipli/ie in a Church wiierc there are many, and all cannot fpeak at once, and his reflraint is. tor the better doing of the work, and the avoiding of confulion : And another thing to forbid a lingle Paftor of a Parilh Church, with all his Curates., to do it, when there is no other there, nor near the place, that knoweth the people, to do it i but it muft be undone. 4; And indeed the cafe of .Difcipline:in this differeth from Preaching and officiating in VV'orlhip : .Twotneti cannot do the later at once in the fame Congregation, without confutinn and hin- derance of Edification: But ten men or twenty may confult and confent to the ads of Difcipline. So that by Pveafon, Scripture, and Antiquity it is clear, that if any one part were more effential to the Presbyters office than therell, it would be the Authority and Obligation to Rule theflockJbY ^^ word of God, and exercife the Church Keys of Difcipline. II. Now that this power is here taken from them fnotwithfianding all the forecited Conceffions or ConfeflSons that it is due to tliem J I gro7.e. I, IiTiiiih.t. (l23) , I. I miglit premife, that Vbi mn cfi idem fundamcntum, non cji cadan re' hth : At^&c, There is not the (a.mc foundation, therefore not the fam Kd^- tio.'i. For I. Here is not the fame ElcUm, no nov Confoit. I opened this befote. Though all Antiquity gave the Ciiurch the EUiiion of her own Paftors, yet we make not that neceffary to the- bcii:^ of the ctficc, or relation to them: So there be but Confait. But wc cake Con/raf of the Church to be ueceffary to any mans Paftoral Relation to that Church ( though not to the Miniftcry in general as unfixed. ) For feeing it is not polTible to Exercife the office without the peoples Confait^ it cannot be ajfumcd as over them without th?ir Confent : Becaufe that which cannot be Ext-ra/Ivi fhould not be under- taken to be exercifed. But witii us, commonly, the Fjtron chxf(tl\ and the B.Jhop approvcth^ jiijiitutcth^ andgivethhim indudion, and fohe is fully fetled in title and pofTcffion in their way, without any of the peoples knowledge or confent. Obj. Tou choofe Parlument men xeho nuh^ thcfc lajvs, and your Anccfiottrs confen^ ted to Patrons poxpo' : Therefore you coiifoit. Anfv. This feemeth a jeft", but that the bufinefs and execution make it a ycr/ffw matter to us. i. It cannot be proved that all the Churches or people gave the Patrons that power. 2. We never intended to confent that Par- liaments Ihould do what they lilf, and difpofc of our Souls , or of that which is ueceffary to the faving of our Souls. 3. Elfc you raay as well fay that we confent to be Eapti7ed and to receive the Sacraments, becaufe the Parliament whom we chofe confcntcth to it: Andfowcmay baptize Infidels becaufe their great grandfathers confentcd that all their po; fterity fhould be Chrirtians: And you need no difcipline to keep men from the Sacrament, if Noah confentcd that all his pollerity fliould fear God and ferve him and fo be faved. Many men are jelkd wf of their faith and fal- vation, but none are thus jeflcdinto it. Sin is a mockery, but fo is not piety. 4. Uur forefathers had no power to reprefcnt us by fuch confenting. If tliey could oblige us to Duty by their Authority, they cannot be oi« fubfti- tutes for the performance of duty, any more than for the poffcffion of the reward. 5. What God himfelf hath laid upon the Terfon or exiftent Churchy they cannot commie to another if they would themfelves, becaufe tiie obli- gation was pcrfonal,and they have not Gods confent for the tranfinutation.We cannot ferve God by proxy, nor be happy by proxy. Obj. But how unjit arc the common people to choofe their Pajhrrs : Ihcy are igno- rant, and partial-, and tumult uoiif. JDothe children beget their onvi father, ortiK fhcep choofe their ownjhcphcrd ? Anfw. I. No: but wives choofe their own husbands, and Patients choofe their own Phylicians, and Clients tlieir own Advocates^ and fervants their own mailers, e^-c. Similitudes run not on four feet. If all the Ciiurch of Chrill befides the Prelates and tlieir Curates, be as brutilh as fhecp and as filly as infants fin comparifon of them ) then they have talkt reafcn in their funilitude. Elfe ■ 2. Is it not notorious in England that no Congrc- Q_2 gations (124) gations have had more Learned and holy Paftors, than where t!ie People have had their choice ? 1 defire London but to coniider it ( nay they know it by great experience J what men hath /Hdirnunhufy had, Mr. Calantyi, Dr. Stottgh- ton. Dr. 7aylor, and fo before ? What men hath Blackfrycrs had, Mr. Gibbons, Dr. GoMgc^ and many formerly ? So alfo AntboUns^ Lincolnr-lm, Greys-hw, the Temple., &c. But the truth is, that is an excellent perfon to us, who is an odious or contemptible perfon to the high Prelatifts. If he will preach as He)'lm writcth, and make the people believe that Presbyterians are Rebels, and Difciplinarians are feditious brainfick fellows, and llridt living is hypo- crifie, and praying without book and much preaching is Fanaticifm, and that rone are worthy to preach the Gofpel who will not fwear to be true to this Prelatical intereft : that drunkennefs in a Conformable man is a tolerable in- firmity, and their ignoranteft nonfence is fitter to fave fouls or Edihe the Church, than the labours of a Learned Holy Nonconformift i that Calvin was a Rogue, and Carttwigl^t, AmcfiUf and allfuch as they, difcontented fadious Schifmaticks, unworthy to preach or to be endured i This is afonofthe Church, and an excellent perfon with the men in queftion. But it isthe man that Learnedly and Judicioufly openeth the word of life, that clofely and skilfully and ferioufly applyeth it, that is an example of Holinefs, Sobriety, Love, Meekneft, Humility, and Patience to the flock, who fpareth no labour or coft or fuffering for thefaving of mens fouls, who is for. the wifdom which is firft pure and then peaceable, &c. This is the Paftor that is excellent in our eyes. And of fuch I have oft wondred that the common peop le (hould V j^fually choofe far better than the Prelates do.. But the truth is, Wifdom and Goodnefs have their w i tnefles evenin the confcien ces of natural men, which Fa&ion ^ Pride, and Flef^Ay interefi dothl&ribe orfilence, and cannot endure . "~ 5. But what's all this to us ? We plead not now for the neceffity of the peoples Eledions, but only for their co;;/«Jt : If the Patrons as now, or the Clergy as formerly be the Nominators, or Eledors, yet (hould the peoples ««- fent be acknowledged neceffary in the fecond place. 4. For who is fitter to choofe, or refiife., or confent zt leaft, than' he whofe cverlafting intereft lieth at theftake ? It is thcir-own foul that mufi be faved or damned ? And in good fadnefs do thefe Diocefans love the fouls of all the people better than they love their own ? Do you make them believe this, by not feeing one of a thoufand or many hundred of your flock once in ali the time of your lives ? Doth the filencing of fo many Minifters fhew it ? Chrift will have all men at age in Covenanting, Baptifm,and the Lords Supper, to be Chufers or Refufers for themfelvesjbecaufe fas Clem. Akxandr.Strom.\. faith,^ they have free will, and it is themfelves that mult have the gain or lofs, that muft be in heaven or hell forever. What if a Prelate, aParliament, a Patron, or a forefather, chufe Mafsprieils or Hcreticks for us, muft we accept the choice? Is this OUT bavari/ig of falfe prophets., and of the Udvenof the Tbarifees, and our trying all things, and letting no man deceive ?«■, &e. .5. But . hovY unfit is this ohjedtion for a, Pj:clates mouth or pen ? Are you.. (.2 J) you the Church Governours ? Is all this contention that you may have the Keys alone, without the parifh Minifters ? And is this the fruit ot" all your Government, that the common Church members are fo mad, fo bad, fo un- tradable, that they are not fit to be free Confenters to them that arc to Tcaclv and Guide them to falvation ? Who then is thisChurch Ruine and Abomina- tion long of but your felves, who have :xnd oo\y rvil} have the Keys? Have you not fine Churches and members, that are not iit to choofe no nor con- fent to their own Guides ? Why do you not take care that the Churches by^ difcipline may be better conftitutcd ? As none Ihould be Paftors who are not fit for the duty of Paftors, fo none fliould be members who are not fit for the duty of members. It's excellent Government inded to keep fuch in the Church as are unfit to be there, and then fetch an argument firom their unfitn^fs for their ncglcd of their duty, and your depriving them o£ their power ? As if you fliould choofe none but ideots C or moft fuch ) to be Jury men, and then argue thence, that they are unfit for fo great a truft, and fo the people mulUofe their liberties. 6. There are among the ignoranter fort of the people, ufually divers fobe» and good men, and the reftuie much to hearken to them. Obi.Bw/ trhat if the people iriUnnt confert to any but a Heretickj>r intolerahltperjon* Anfiv. I. The former anfwers ferve to this : You do fairly to keep fuch people in the Church? But as the Foreigner wondered in Henry the Eighth's days, to fee at once fome hanged for being Papills, and fome burnt for be- inf^ Froieltants, and cried out Vii bout (jim^nodo gentcs hie viiitnt ! So It is fuch another cafe to fee at once the fame Prelates forcing the unrviHing into the Church and to the Sacrament, as if this would or could favc them ( if thcit Church be falvation J in dcfpight of them , even on pain of undoing, and perpetual imprifonment s And yet Excommunicating and carting out thofe that are ipiHing to ftay in i As . ii Confent were a mark of an aliene and a re« probate, and unwillingnefe the mark of worthinefs. 7. Such as you here defcribe are ix)t fit to be members of a Church. If they will not Confent to Church privilcdgcs and duties, they (hould be with- out the doors. And you may force them to hear Teach'vig whether they are tvillinT or not •. But ycu cannot make them Godly nor bring them to heaven, nor give them right to Church Communion and Sacramaits whether they will or not. So much ot Elcdion and Confent. 2. Moreover the On^f/Vwi/wj ditfereth from that of Gods inftitution. For Presbyters are now Ordained commonly neither by ArchbiLhops, Bllhops or Presbycirrs of Chrifts inllitution ( in their way. ) I. Tlie Bilhops themfelvcs profefs that they Ordain not as Presbyters. For they fay fuch have no power of Ordination. 2. They are not Bilhops of Chrilh inllituiion as is before proved i but of another /pcdcj-, which half thcmfelves confefs to be but humane. 3. They are not Archbifhops, becaufe they have no Bilhops under them. And fo havuig not their power ofOrdina- tion as Oihceis of Gods making, they have no power from him to Ordain. Gbj.. - Ck>]. By thfclinroIi^'tlifmKctiiynitreoitJigii'c ffpthCur/Je io the ScparaU\}t. Affw, The Piehtirts dofo i but' Ibiio no'fwc: i. Becaufe whether the ~Prel:rtt, ■ t\\k people exfcfifaiio do Confan to evEtyJworthy Paftor. 2 "Becaufe we judge of Parhh Minilkrs as God defcribeth tiietn, and therefore as true Bifhops ; and ccnftqaently take the Prelates for a kind of Ai^hbilhops whatever tl^y call thanfclves. 3. And there is no honelt Minilkr but hath the Confent of fome i->eighbour Miniftcrs and of the Fenpk : And though im- polition of hands be a laadable Ceremony, yet it is not that, but mmujl Coitfcnt ofthemjih'es and the Piiji^grs snd Fcoplein Which theirexternal call conlllteth, as is before (aid. II. Tlie different Correlates and 'tertnini inakc different Relations. The Churches which the ancient Presbyters were related to, were true entire Chwtchcsj^however their work n-iight be parcelled among the members. J) But a(*c6rding to the Prelates platform, each Presbyter hath his charge over no Church of Chrift at all, but only over a hundredth, lix hund-redth or thou- fahdth part of aChuKh, having n& more to do with all the reft than if they were of another Diocefe. III. But I come to the point intended ; That they take from the Presbyter his eflcntial Obligation and Authority appeareth, 1 . In general, they commonly aflirm, that the Governing power belong- eth not to them ■-, and that they are but the Billiops Curates : By which they mean not only that the Eiftiops rule them ; but they fay that the Bilhop doth Tcjch all his Diocefe per «/wi-,"even by thefe his Curates. And accor- dingly they have lately blotted out of their Litany [ Eijkops, Pajhrs^ andMi- rijia's of the Chm-ch 1 and have fubftituted [ Bijhops, Priejls^ aiid Deacons ] left the Priefts fliould be fuppofed Paftors. But they altered not the Colle(i for all BiJJ-jops and Curates. And tiisy have put out ot the Office for Grdf- iiation of Prieffs, Act. 20. 28. Now what a Presbyter Hoth in the pcrfm of the Bifhop and as his inftrument, that he doth not in the diftincft perfon of a Presbyter : He that payeth money or delivereth poffeffion in his Mafbrs name, doth it not in his own. So that if really they mean as they fay, that quoad perfonam legalem qitamiis non naturalem., it be the Biftiop that doth 7each and Off.ciaie per alios., then no Presbyter is indeed endued with any power of Teaching, Officiating, or Ruling in the perfon of a Presbyter, but only to be theServant and Inftrument of the Diocefane. 2. No Presbyter hath power to judge whom he (hall Baptize., or whom to refufej but is to Baptize all without any exception that have Godfathers and Godmothers, who will but fay the words in the book. The Canon "j^. is \J\o Minificr fl)all rtfiife or delay to Chrijien any Child according to the hool^ of Com- mon prayer-, that is brought to the Clmrch to him upon Sundays or Holidays to he Chrijiened Elfe fufpcnded three months from hif Minijiry. ( Yea, that is it xhat pays for all. ) So Can, 79. he is bound to do in houfes in cafe of dangler. Yet YctCac 39. N« Pfftit. Jhfll he urged toUFF-ES ^ii:!" nvbe adDpttd u atifmr at Godfather f^^r his own cbiQ. ' Now ' the Xftui^y KquiKth not any Godfiithcr to Adopt the Child, and take it For his orvn : Nordoth it allow us to reftjfe the Children of Turks, Jews, crHcithcns v. And ifchefw God- fathers be known Atheills, Turks, Jews or Heathens, or the tildiidV Adul- terers or-wicked pcrfons, if they did ever in their lives receive^ t^ic Sactaimeiit, . and. will fay is n\vi Bo>ik bids.tliein, the Pricli cannot ictlifJ tlieCIiildi Bui: if the godlicll Parent can get none to be fiich Godtathcrs or GodnotherS, his Child muft not be Bapti7ed. I told the Bilhops my felf tliat 1 had a nctorioug Inhdcl boalted that he would brin^ his Child to be baptiz.d, and fay the words of (he Ixxik, and ti.e who du r li retufe it s And I was ai'J'wcred tliat if the Child had Godfathers, there was no fcruple but I Ihculd Eaptiie him ; But when 1 ask, what if thefc_ Inridels ( proftffcdly fu di ; be the G(>df^ ihcrs, aiul tay bctorc-hancl / |^ . I will jav~thofe words aix l rcfufe tne iLlQW dare "] they have not hing to iay, that common rcafon ^ould regard. Now he tliat is but lent to Baptizethofe ( even all whomfoevcr ) That others bid him baptize, and hath no more difcerning or judging power of the pcrfoiis ca- pacity, than a Lay-man hath, is in this no Presbyter, but a Prelates meffcngej or (^ivant. ' 3. They have no power to inftruA, admonifh, or reprove |p£ccret or pul>- lick'orin their ownhoufes, any .one Ignorant Heretical Inhdcl, Achciltical or Ifiandalous wicked nun, that will but rtfufe to fpcak with them or to hear them. And yet he nmlf give this perfon the Sacrament, at Icalf till he prove that by him which his ret'ufal to fpcik to him maketh impolTiblc to be pub- lickly proved. It I have great rcafon by fome private ojcafional fpccch or report to believe, that many ot the Parilfi know no more of Chrilt than Pagans do > or that they among their own crmpanions ( who will not accuie them ) profefs Atheifm, Intidclity, or H,.rtli;.- ', or if after fcandalous fames I would admoniih them to repent i I f they refufc to fpcak with me, or futferme notto'comeai.d fpcak to thun,I h a ve no remedy > but iiiultliill continue theai in the Communion otthe Church. Ob). Toil ivduld not haicjucb wen fotccdyJU)- fdf. Anjn'. But I would not hcfiit^d then my fclf, to give him the Sacrament of Co;ianumon as his Paltor, who retxifcth to fpcak with me or to liear me as his Paftor i but would have power torcfuiethat Paltoul admin ilbation to liimthat rcfufeth the refr. 4. They have no power to judge of the fitncfs of any one for the Sacra- ment of the Lords Supper, in point of iywu-Wg;?, faith, cr Covenanting with God, nor whether he underliand vvlpac the Sacrament is, any more than an In- Hdel or id^ot v fo be it the Bi:hop do but contirin him f in his childhood J or he will lay that he is ready to be contirmed. I ndeed all are required to fend their chilJren tube CatechiiLa , Kut I. few Miniucrs ufe it; 2. fcw perfons in a parilh come. ^. If tl'iCy refufc, we eaur.ot pie vent thcii turther cotnnuinr - catins. 4^ I^ is but to fay over the vyords oi tliat Catecliiim which they ate • ^ ' = ^ Eallid (I28)' called to •, which experience tells us children will do like Parrots, without underftanding what they fay : And we mui: not ask them any other quelU- ons. It is true alfo that they who are confirmed by the Bifhop (hould bring a Certificate from the Minifter that they can fay the Creed, Lords prayer. Com- mandments, &c. But they may choofe, and not one of many doth it. 1 went tny felf at thirteen years of age or fourteen, to the worthy Biftiop Morton with the reft of the School-boyes without any Certihcate, and without any exami- nation he haftily faid as he paffed on three or four lines of a prayer over us , wheni knew not-what-heia id: And after this, no Mini fter can re mfe any one at age the Sacramen t.The Kubrick faith,They (hould openly own their Baptifm, &c. 13ut few doit, and -none can be refufed for not doing it. -Andfo the •tranfition from the number of Infant members into the number of the adult, is ■made without the Minifters Confent ( Though the Kings Declaration once yielded to the contrary ) And Communicants croud upon him in utter ig- •norance, becaufe they were Baptized in Infancy : Nay few in a Parifh ( not one of many hundred of my acquaintance ) is ever confirmed by the Biflaop ■at all, fo much as ceremonioufly, or regard it. 5. Tliey have bo power to choofe what Chapter they will read to the Church in publick C though a word before the Homilies /ik 2 . feemed once to allow it them) But every day in the year even week-days and Holidays they are tyed up to the Chapters impofed on thcm,though Bel! and the Vragon^Judith^ Sufanna, Tobit, and other Apocryphal writings be appointed for Leflbns, even about 106 Chapters of the Apocrypha in two months : And though any fcandal or other occafion in his Church would dired; him, to choofe fome other fubjed: for the peoples good. d. He hath no power to choofe what words to ufe in his publick prayers to God : no not to ufe any that are not written for him to read out of the book. And though cuftom hath fo ufcd Miniikrs to pray without book in thepulpit ^ yet this is but conni ve d at becaufe it cannot eatily be remedi ed ; One of them wrote a book againft it, as anfwering that part of our Savoy Reply 1 660 : Dr. Heylin hath largely laboured to prove that it is contrary to the Canon, which indeed doth feem exprefs againft it ; And tliat's not all v However their Confciences digeft it, all the Conformilts in England do fubfcribe as ex animo a covenant or promife \_ that they reill ufe the form in the faid book, p-efcribed in publick^ prayer and adminiftration of the Sacraments^ and no other. ^ Canon. 3d. Mark, No other : And the Bifhops that endure this are forced to fay, that thele Pulpit prayers are not the Churches prayers but our oivn : But yet they are \_THblick^prayers~\ and therefore I doubt a breach of the Canon-Co- venant. 7. A Presbyter as fuch hath no power to preach the Gofpel. The words of his Ordination do but give him power to preach when he (hall be lan^fully ■called: yea hisPrefentation, Infhtuticn, Indudion and poiTelfton ofaPaito- -lal Charge, do not all make up this Lareful call , nor may he preach one Sermon (l2p) Sermon after all this, till lie have a particular Licenfing Inftrumcnt from the Bifhop. So that he preacheth not mealy as a Presbyter nor as a pofTcflcd In- cuiTibent, but as Lkcnfed by the Billiop. 8. When he villteth the Ikk, he hath no Totva- left him to judge. Whether ^^ ''".«» the perfon be penitent and Ht to be Abfolvcd or not ? But if the wickedeli ^Jddtd^Xi Jivcr will but fay or fwear that he rcpenteth of Swearing, of Adultery, of Per- he hum- jury, though fuch exprelVions or circumlhnces be fuch as plainly tell a prcfent biy and Minilkr, that he hath nothing like to a ferious repentance, yet muft this Mi- h^-rtily nilkr be forced even in Ablolutc words to Abfolve liim from all his fins; p' J" ^ I' ^ When a Popi(h ConftfTor would require more. I do not in all this lay the m-v/L/ fault that this Miniltcr hath not power to keep awjy any of thefe perfons, from f^yfo, tht Baptifm , Confirni.itinit^ the Lords Tahlc-, Abfolntioii ^ &c. but only that he tf'th""'!^ hath no PonYv to forbear his fln-vji/drw; and application, and leave them toothers ""^^''^i'- that arc fatisfied to do it : Nor not fo much as to delay till he give a reafon of his doubt to his Lord Bifhop. p. When he buryeth the dead, he hath no power to judge Co far as to the performing or reftraining of his own adl , whether the deceafed perfon muft needs be declared and pronounced blcflfcd. Three forts of per- ibns he muft deny Chrirtian burial to. i. Thofe that die unbaptizcd, Cthougli they be the Children of the holielt Parents J 2. Thofe tha t kill the mfelves C though they be the faithfullel t perfons of godly and blan^clcfs lives, w ho do it, in melancholy , deliration, a ph renzy, fc av er, or diHra dion. ) 3. All that are Excommunicate, Cthough by a Lay Chancellor,) for not paying their fees, or though it be becaufe they durrt not take the Sacrament from the hands of an ignorant, ungodly, drunken Prielt, to whofc minillery neither they nor other of the Parilh did ever confent ■■, or that it be the Learncdell Godly Divine that is excommunicate for diflentingfrom the Prclatifts. But all others without any exception that arc brought to Church, they muft bury with a publick Declaration that they are faints, viz. [^ 7hatGodin mercy hath tjksn to himfelftlx foul of thif oitr dear brother'] ( And without Holinefs no man Itiall fee God. ) (So great difference in Holinefs there is between the Holy Church of Rome and ours, that they Canonize one Saint in an age by the Pope, and wc as many as arc buryed by the Priell. ) Though it was the moft notorious Thief or Murderer, or the molt notorious Atheilf, or Inridel, or Hcretick, who cither writcth, or preacheth or difputcth that there is no God or no life to come, or ufeth in his ordinary talk to mock at Chrifi as a deceiver, and to fcorn the Scriptures as nonfcnce and contradidion, or though it be a Jew who profcflcth enmity to Chrill ? Much more if it be a common blafphemer, perjured perfon, adulterer, drunkard, a fcorner at a godly life, &c. who never profcfled repentance, but dcfpifcd the Minilkr and his counfel to the lalt breath, yet if he be brought to the Church for buryal, the Pricrt mull pronouncehim f JitW in the atorefaid words, fo be it he be not Excommunicate ( of which fovt of late rlicre arc too great numbers rifcn up, in fo mi)«;h that the fobcr Prclatilts themfelves cry out of the growth and peril R of cfAtheirm,Tnfidelity,andmoft horrid filthincfs, and profanenefs. ) The words of the Canon are (Can6S.) \_ No Minijier Jball refufi er delay to bitty any corps that U brought to the Church or Churclyard ( convenient rvarning being given thereof before ) infuch manner and form as w prefcribed in the book of Common Prayer. Jnd if he Jhall refuje — except the party deccafcd were denounced Excom' municated Excommunicatione majori for fome grievotis and notoriow crime , C and no man able to tejiife of hU repentance) he/hall befufpended by the Bijhop ffthe Dioccfe from his Minijity by the fpace of three months 3 But the New Ku- brick in the Liturgy faith, [_ Ihe office enfuing U not to be ufedfor any that die nnbjpt/zed^ or Excommunicate, or have laid violent hands on themfelves. ] The Office faith, \_ Forafmuch at it hath pleafed Almiglny God of his great mercy to takg unto himfelf the Soul of our dear brother here departed, &c.'\ And £ Tff g/Ve thee hearty thanks that it hath ^leafed thee to deliver this our brother out of the mi- feries of this finful vporld.'\ And yet as felf-contradiders and condemners, if any man do but fay of one that hath been openly againft the Prelates or Confornaity, that he was a godly honefl: man, ( much more one that was againft the King, and efpe- cially a downright Traitor who fo lived and died impenitently J they take it for a heinous crime, ( as in the latter cafe they well may do ) And yet C ex- cept thofe whofe quarters they fet up upon the gates, or deny Chriftian bu- rial to by the Magiftrate, ) the poor Prieft muft pronounce them all at the Grave to be the Biftiops dear brethren and faved as afbrefaid. lo. They have no Power to give the Sacrament of Communion with Chrift and his Church, to any the moft Learned holy Chriftian, who dare not receive the Sacrament kneeling, ( for fear of bread-worlhip in appea- rance, &c. ) wliich C though I think is unwarrantably fcrupled, yet^ hathfo much of Univerfality and Antiquity as maketh it ill befeeming thofe fame men who cry up the Church Councils-, Cufiomes, and Antiquity, to caft out of Com- munion thofe that conform to all thefe, for fo doing. For who knoweth not by Can. 20. of Concil. Nic. i. and the confent of Antiquity, that they took it for a cuftome ? and tradition and Canon for the Univerfal Church, that none Qiould at all adore God kneeling on any Lords day in the year, nor en any week-day between Eafter and Whitfunday. ir. They have no power to forbear denying the Sacrament of Communi- on to any how faithful and holy foever, wiio is againft the Diocefanes Con- tirmation, and is unwilling that thofe whom he taketh to be no true Biftiops (hould ufe that which he taketh C as ufed by them ) to be no true Ordinance of God, but a taking of his name in vain •, or if on any other account he be unwilling of it ; For the new Kubrick is, [ There pall none be admitted to the holy Communion., until fuch time as be he Confirmed, or be ready and defirons to be Confirmed. ] So that it is not aftual confirmation which they think ne- celiary. But [ a Vcfire af Confirmation 1 by the impoiition of the Diocefanes iiands, is made a thing neceffary to Chriftian Church Communion. 12. As it is before faid that he hath no power to judge who (ball be Con- firmed, (130 firmed, and admitted into the Rank of Communicating members, fo he hath no power at all cflFedually to keep away the groflTell offenders, or to forbear his own adual putting the Sacrament into their hands. For though the Canon feem to favour his power, and the Kubrick fay fome- what the fame way, yet it is to be noted, i. That whereas the Kubrick allowetli him to advcrtifc the fcandalous not to conic to the Sacrament, yet it is only the contentious that have injured others and are not feconciled, wiiom he is plainly enabled to refufe. 2. Among thofe tliathe may advcrtifc not to come, the grolly ignorant ( who know not what Chrill or th>." Sacra- ment is ) the Atheilt, Inlidel and Herctick are not numbred at all i but [ an open and notonom ail liver, or that hath done tvroiig to his neighbours ] 3. Ana if he be never Co wicked, yet unlefs alfo \_7he Con^-cgation he ttyereby ofended'] the Curate cannot hinder him, or lo much as advcrtifc him not to come. And fo if only a few Godly perfons be offended, they arc not the Congregation ■■, or if the Minor part be offended, they are not the Congre- gation : And how fliall the Minilkr know whether th: Major part be of- fended : For he hath no power to ask them, much kfs to put it to the Vote : And the Major part will never come to him nor be accufers ? And if the Major part ( which is no wonder ) be thcmfelves (o Ignorant, Heretical, or ungodly as not to be offended, but rather to take the Sinners part, then the Curate mufl give them all the Sacrament, and hath no remedy. 4. And he that muft not live in Taverns, Alehoufes, Play-houfes, or other places of wickednefs ( fpecialiy if he live as Chryfojlome did, who never did fo much as eat with any one in his own houfe j may have mort of his Com- municants to be abominable and flagitious, before it will be Notorious to him : for C as is faid ) He hath 1:0 power to call any to witnefs any thing, that arc unwilling. And few will be willing to enrage their neigh- bours, when they foreknow that it will do more hurt than good. 5. And if he do refufe any one, he is bound to become an Informer, and to give an account of tlx fame to tlx Ordinary rvithin fouteen days at the fjrthcji.~\ VVhcnas, i. Perhaps he may dwell many fcore miles offi 2. And have his ftudies and all other bulinefs on his hands: 3. And murt then bring his proofs, when he is not enabled to examine any witnefs nor take proof of that which to all others is notorious. 4. It is a great doubt whether the Sinner have not his remedy at Law againft him to his undoing, if he lay not by all his other bufinefs to profccute the proof to the utmoli;. And if he do lay by the rcl't of his work that while, the Biihop may undoe him or fufpend him. 5. By this means he Ihall more exafpcrate the Sinners ( by profccuting them to fuch a Court as the Prdirts^ and harden them againll all profiting by his Miniliry, than if by his r'ii&f^l office he had himfclf tirli lovingly convinced them, and fufpended them only tilt they repent. 6. WK'Cn he hath all done, if the liiincr pay his fees and fay, He repcntcth, the Chan- cellor is to Abfolve him : And fo the Curate doth only to his own vexation and the Sinners hurt, deny him the Sacrament but once. And if the wrath R 2 or (132) or fcoms of the Sinner (hew that lie was far from true Pvcpentance , the Curate cannot deny him the Sacrament the next day, nor ever after, till he not only again commit the fame fin f Adultery, Perjury, Drunkcnnefs, &c.) but till it be again notorious, and lie will be again at the fame trouble in the profecution. 7. And there are few great Parilhes in England where there are no Swearers, Drunkards, Pvailers, Fighters, Fornicators, Adulterers, and fuch like enow, to hold a Curate work through the whole year to profe- cute them , though he lay by almoll; all his other work ; fo that by this way, if he keep fuch from the Sacrament, he muft keep all away by ceafing his Miniftcrial work, 8, The Curate cannot refufe him till he hath called and advertifed him i whereas the perfon may refufe to come to him, at leaft by pretending bufinefs and other excufes. All thefe things make this which feemethhis moll: confiderable power, to be in effed but next to none. 13. The Curate hath no power when any perfon is obftinate and impeni- tent in the moft notorious fcandal or herefie, or endcavoureth to pervert others, to admoniih him before all, that others may beware, nor to call hini openly to Repentance. 14. Nor hath he any power to judge who fhall be Excommunicated as impenitent, be the crime never fo heinous or notorious : no not fo much as to concur in this power with any Bilhop , Chancellor or Presbyters •> any more than any Lay-man hath. He can but Accufe them, and fo may an Apparitor or Church-warden ; or Read the Bilhops or Chancellors Ex- communication, as he doththe Kings Proclamations, or as the Clerk doth other writings. 15. He hath no power to abfolve ptblickjy any perfon Excommunicated, no more than a Lay man ■■, but as aforefaid to read the Abfolution. i<5. He hath no power to forbear his own ad of Reading an Excommu- nication againd the faithfulleft and moft religious perfons in his Parilh, whom it (hall pleafe the Bifhop or Chancellor to Excommunicate, C that is, ufually,' a Nonconformitt, or a Churchwarden who dare not fwear to their large books of Articles, to perfecute the Nonconformifts, &c. or one that appeareth not at their Courts, or a poor man that doth not pay their fees, &c. ) The poor Cu- sate muft read the Curfe againft them. 17. He hath no power himfelf to forbear the open Reading of an Abfolu- tion of the mof( impenitent wicked man, whomic fliall pleafe the Chancellor to abfolve- And how eafily that is procured for any man, that is but Rich and Conformable, is well known. 18. The Curate hath no power fo much as to Baptize the holieft belie- -tfer or the Child of fuch, as do but fear left it be a Sin to ufe the Tranfient Image of the Crofs, as a humane fymbol of Chriftianity, and an engaging dedicating tign, that he \_ will not be a(hamed to profefs the foith of Chrift crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner againft the Devil, the world and the fiefh, and to continue Chrifts faithful fervant and fouldicr to his lifes end. T If the perfon to be baptized were a Turk, or a Jew, a Jew, who both hate Idolatry, and (hould be Co fcandalized at this Traii" ficiit Image and humane Symbol, as that they would rather never be Chri- ftians or be Baptized, than receive it ; yet mart the poor Priell let them go without Chriftianity, ratlier than Baptize them without this Image of a Crofs, unlefs he will be fi.fpcnded from preaching Chrilts Gofpel to the ignorant that they may be favcd. But if he will hear t/w/,he may do what he will i that fo poor fouls inay be the lofcrs. ip. If the commoneft whore or wicked woman come to be Churched, as they call it, after child-bearing, the Pricft mull ufe all the Office of thankf- giving,without firft expedling her repentance, as if fhe were the chartcft perfon : And mijft give her the Sacrament. 20. To conclude, no Priclt as fuch ( till Licen fed ) hath power \^ to take upon them to expound in his otvn Cure-, or elfcxvbcrc ( and therefore not to his family, or any one of his ignorant neighbours ) any Scripture, or matter, or Vodrinc ; But fliall only ftudy to Read plainly and aptly, without gloffjng or adding the Homilies, &c. J Arc thefe Authorized Paiclis, that may not fo much as tell a Child the meaning of his Catcchifm, or any Article of the F'aith ? No though an ignorant perfon ask him ? The Priclb lips lliould prefervc knowledge , and the Law (hould be enquired of at his mouth, for he is the mclTenger ot the Lord of holis. But an Englilh Prieli may not expound any Matter, Scripture, or Doifrine but barely Read, till tlie Bifhop Licenfe him. Obj. If thy he not able, it will do more harm than good. Anfrp. Will the righteous God be always mocked ? and fuffer mm to make mcrchandice of Souls, and to viliHc them and fet them at cheaper rates than they would do a goofe, a pig, or a dog ? Is this a fit anfwcr for thofe that are their Ordainers ? under whofc examination and hands all men enter into the Minilkry ? Will they fay that they can get no bet- ter ? What, not when they have made fo many Canonical Engines to keep out better ? What, not when fuch as Carttvri^H, Uildcrfliam, Amcfxm^ 'Tarkrr, Dod, Ball, &c. are call out as unworthy ? When fo many hundred were iilenced in Queen Elizabeth and King James's days ; and Eighteen Hundred of us now ? When the Bilhops 1iavc got fo many Laws to hin- der us from Preaching in publick and private, and to banilh us five miles from all Cities, Corporations, and places where we have preached ? When none but their ftvorn Curates, Subfcribcrs, Declarers, &c. may preach, yat can they get no better? Will they keep up a Minil'try whom they will themfclves fo ignominioufly ftigmatize, as to tell the world, that none of them all, as Presbyters, may be endured to expound any Scripture, VoUrinCy or Matter, but barely to Read ? Yea as if they would dilTwadc them from all Learning ot" Humanity or Divinity as needlefs or hurttul things, they fay [ hefhall onlyjindy to Read plainly and aptly. ] So that he that liitdicth for any more than to Read, doth break the Canons of the Prelatical Church. (t34) Alfo a Prieft as fuch hath no power to judge what Garments he (hall wear, nor of what colour at home or abroad. He hath no power to judge in what houfe he may inftruft or pray with any of his flock : nor when fo much as with his Church in publick, or with any fick or afflidted neighbour in private , to Faji and Prj)> : But they are all Itraitly forbidden to preach or adminiiter the Sacra- ments, f except to the fick ) in private houfes ; To preach or officiate in any room fave a Confecrated Chappel, even in a Noblemans houfe ■, To keep publick or private fafts i To give the Sacrament to any that are not of their own Parifh, at leaft if they go from their own Prieft, bccaufe he never fiudied more than to Read : They have not power to admit any other , how Learned and Holy foever, to preach in their Churches, as Presbyters, without Licence. All thefe (hew their Priefily power. Obj. But a Surrogate may Excommunicate. An^rv. I. That is but ludicrous ^ro forma, 2. Or elfe it is but their felf-condemnations while they allow one Presbyter of a thoufand, to do that which all the reft are forbidden. The fame I fay of Arch-deacons, and per culiar Ordinaries. Objedt. 'tiny mak^ Canons in Convocationt , and choofe Convocation Priefis. Anfxv. I. It is but two Priefls of many hundred that are in a Convocati- on : And what's that to all the reft. 2. Choofing is not a Governing ad. Where the people choole Kings and Parliament men, it proveth not that they have any Government themfelves. The Laity ever formerly chofe their Bifhops, and yet were no Bi(hops nor Church Rulers. 3. It is in the Bifhops power to fruftrate their choice. . For when they have cho- fen four, he may put by two of them. In this pgreat Convocation whic h hath new moulded our Liturgy , which hath formed the Engines that have done what is done, the great and famous City of London had not one chofen Clerk in the ConV(ic3tion. CNo wonder then if they Con - forrn not, as not being bound by their own Confent ) For when they chofe Mr. Calami and my felf , the Ei(hop refufed us both ( which I am fo far from mentioning in difcontent, that I take it to have been a greate r Mercy than I can well exprefs ) 4. I take not Canon-making to be an y conilderable part of the Paftoral 0(fice. If two of many hundred, hav e power to pleafe the Plural Number of Prelates, Deans, and other Dign i- taries ( whom they cannot over-vote ) by fcrving them againft the Churc h and their Breth ren, doth that prove t hatPresbyters as fuch have t he Govern - ing_powcr of their flock s ? 1 am not ftriving for a power of Ruling one another, much lefs of Ex- fommunicating Kings and Magiltrates, nor a power of making Laws, or Ruling (135) Ruling Neighbour Churches : But only a power of Guiding their own flocks, and judging of their orrw adions. Yea, and that not as Ungovemed or without Appeals : But as Ruled by Magiftrates, confociated for Con- cord with other Paftors, and Ruling Volunteas. And if Archbifhops alfo Rule them by Gods Laws, we (hall fubmit. CHAP. XVII. That the great cha?ige of Government hitherto defcri- bed ( the making of new fpecics of Churches^ a new Epifcopacy-, and a new fort of half-fub-fresbyters^ fpith the Depofition of the o/dy was fi?i fully done ^ and not according to the intent of the Apofiles. THcre are two pretences ( and no tnore that I know of) made to juftifie all this foredcfcribgd change. The hrlt is by Dr. Hammond when he was hard put to it at laft, in anfwer to the London Minifters, which is, That Subpreshytcrs were Ordained in Saint John'/ time, and therefore by him. The fecond is ordinary, that though dc fadto the ApojHes fetled but fingh Taftors C tvithout Spib-preihyters at leaji ) ha-fingk Cfntrches or Affimblies, yet thU n>ar not done with an Obligatory ptrpnje, for the fo fixing of it ; Bnt only de h&o, pro tempore, as a State of immaturity, with a pur^ofe and intent, that itjhould grow up to the cbcuigt of this maturity. I. To the firft Pretence I anfwer. i. What probability is there that one Apoftle when all the relt were dead, (hould make fo great a change in their Church Orders? Either it was part ot the Apoftolical Commillion and work to fettle Church Offices and orders for Government, or not. ( as to the fpeci:s , if Chrill had not before done it ; or to fettle it by revealing what Chrill did command them ; either from Chriji's mouth, or the Spirits in- fpiratioii, to fettle the Catholick Church, as Mofes did the Jewilh. ) If it were none of their Commifioned Office rvork^, then it was none of John^s : And then it is done fo as may be yet undone. But it" it were Johns work it was Theirs j And if theirs, why did they not perform it ? Even while they had ^ (13^) had that promife, Mjtth. 15.20, 21. TVhere trvo or three are gathered tot^e- ther inmyName,&c. And, Iftiero of you agree of a things &c. If you Tay that there w.is no need till they rverg all dead, I anfwer. It is a Fidion. The greateft numerous Church at Jcrufakm, had more need of more than One to officiate among them, ( and fo had Ephefuf, Antioch, Coritn'.'^ &c. ) than mod Churches elfe had in St. John's days. And were all the Apollles fo negli- gent and forgetful ? 2. What proof is there that St. John did make this change ? It is either by Scripture that it is proved, OThyHiJhry. 1. Not by Scripture; For i. No Scripture mentioneth S. yarn's doing it. 2. Dr. HjfMwowi/ and his followers confefs that it was not done ( as can be proved ) in Scripture times. And Chronologers fuppofe that there was but a year or two, between his death, and the end of Scripture times, that is, the writing of his Apocalypfe. And is it probable that he began fo great a Change the laft year of his life? 2. And Hiftory maketh no mention of it at all, (Fori amafhamed to anfwer their nonconcluding reafon, from St. John's bringing a young pro- digal to a Presbyter to be educated, or his Ordaining Presbyters, when it is no more than is faid of the other Apoftles. ) Let them give us, if they can, any Satisfactory proof, that S. John alone, a year or two ere he died, made this new J/'cc/Vx of Presbyters and Churches, that we may believe it to be of God. But blind prefumptions we dare not truft. 3. None of the Ancient Churches, Councils or Dodors C that ever I could find ) did ever hold that Subpresbyters were inftituted by St. John alone, and thefe changes made by him: How then (hall we think that men of yefterday can tell us without them, and better than they, and contrary to them, the hifto- ry of thofe times ? ,• /'. ,- 4. By as good a courfe as this, what humane corruption may not be de- fended, and Scripture fuppofed infufficient to notihe Gods Church-inftitutions to us ? When there is nothing faid in Scripture for them, the Papifts or others may fay tliat S. John made this or that Change when all the rell were dead : But why mull we believe them ? 5. And the Church hath rejected this plea already long ago. When Pa- fus pleaded that he had the Millenary Docftrine from St. John himfelf, and when the Eaftern Churches pretended his Authority for their time of Eajlers obfervation i here was incomparably a fairer ihew of St. Johns Authority than is produced by Dr. H. in the prefent cafe: And yet both were over-ruled by the .Confent of the Churches. II. And that it cannot be proved to be the Apollles intentions that their ellaWKhment herein lliould be but temporary, and left to the will of man to dfhange, I have largely proved in my Difptt. i, of Church Government iong ago. 1 now only fay, I. That (137) 1. That which the Apofiles did in execution of a Commiirion ofChrift, tor which he promifed and gave them his infallible Spirit, was the work of Chrill himfelt and the Spirit, and not to be changed but by an Autliority .equal to that which did it. But fuch wastiie fetling of the fpcacs of Churches and. Elders. E)%o — &c. The CommilTion is before recited from Scripture, and fo is thepromiieand gift ot the Spirit to perform it, 2. Where there is full proof of a Divine Inftitution by the Apoftles, and no proofof a purpofe that men Qiould afterward change it, or that this in- ftitution Ihould be but for a time, and tlien ceafc ■■, there that Inllitution is to be fuppofed tolbnd in force, and the repeal, ceflation, cr allowed muta- tion to be feigned. But there is full proofof a Divine inftitution by the Apo-^ Jtles that Preesbytcrs with the power ot Government were placed over fingle Churches ( and no other faitli Dr. H. ) And there is no proof brought us at all, of cither Repeal, Ceifation, or Allowance for mutation Ergo &c. — — They confefs dcfado all that we dellre, viz. i. That there was then none but fwgle Churches or Congregations under one Bilhop. 2. That there were no Subpresbyters. Let them now prove the Allowance of a Change. 3 . That fuppofition is not to be granted which Icavcth nothing fure in the Chrirtian Churches and Religion; But fuch is the fuppofition of a change of the ApolHes Orders in thcfc points. Ergo. If the after times may change thefe Ordersjwho can prove tliat tliey may not change all things elfe of fupernatural inllitution ? As the Lords day, Baptifm, the Lords Supper,the Bible, the Minilhy yet remaining, &c. And if fo,nothing is fure. Objeft. CImjl himfelf inflitutcd ihtfe, and therefore they may not be chan- ged. Anftv. 1. It was not Chrifl Iiimfclf that wrote the Scripture, buthisler- vants by his Spirit. 2. Chril\ himfelf did that wr^j'w/f/y which his Apoftles did by his Mandate and Spirit. Matth. 28. 20. The Spiiit was given them to bring all things to their remembrance which he had fpoken to them. And to cauie them to Teach the Churclies aH things which Chrill had commanded them. And as Chrill made the Sin againll the Holy Choll to be greater than that which was but diredly againll his humanity, and as lie promifed his Difciples that by that Spirit they Ihoukl do greater works than his,fo that which his Spirit in them dideliablilh, was of no Icfs authority, than if Chrilt hadper- fonally eftablithed it. 4. By this rule the Prelates themfclves may be yet taken down by as good authority as the ApolUes other fcttlcment was changed : for ifit was done by Humane Authority, there is yet as great Humane power to make that further change; Wherever they place it, in Kings, Bilhops, or Councils, they may yet put down Bithops, by as good authority as they put down what the ApolUes fet up > and may (It up iiioic new orders lUU, by as good autho- '^ S rity i- (138) rity as they fet up thefe half-presbyters ; And fo the Church (hall change as the Moon. 5. That which is accounted a reproach to all Governours is not without proof to be imputed to God, and his infpired Apoftlcs. But to make oft and • fuddea changes of Government, is accounted a reproach to all Governours : Ergo — For it is fuppofed that they wanted either forefight and wifdom to know what was to be done, or Power to maintain it. To make Laws and Cct up Churches, Officers, and Orders, this year, and to take them down, and fet up . new ones a few years after, feemeth levity and mutability in man : And there- fore muft not without caufc and proof be afcribed to God. And the rather •becaufe that Mofes Laws had flood fo long, and the taking down of them was a fcandal very hardly born'; And if the Apodles that did it, (hould fet up by the Spirit others in their ftead, to continue but till they died, this would be more ftrange and increafe the offence. 6, There was no fufficicnt change of the Kejfon of the thing, Therefore there was no fufRcient reafbn to change the thing it felf ( if Prelates had had Authority to do it. .) If you fay, That in Scripture times there were not worthy men enow, to make Subpresbyters and Bifhops both of: I anfwer, It is notorioufly falfe, by what Scripture fpeaketh, i. Of the large pourings out of the Spirit in thofe times: 2. Of the many Prophets, Teachers, In- terpreters, and other infpired fpeakers which were then in one Congregati- on, Ad. 13. I, 2. And I Cor. 14. Infomuch that at Corinth Paul was put to limit them in the number of^ fpeakers, and the exercife of their gifts.. 2T And it's known by hiflory and the great paucity of Writers in the next age, that when thofe miraculous gifts abated, there was a greater paucity of "fit Teachers, proportionably to the number of Churches, than before. 3. And who can prove that if there had been more men , the Apoflles would have made a new Order of Presbyters, and not only more of the fame Order? 2. Obj. But the Churches grerc greater after than before ^ Anjrv. I. Where was there three Churches in the whole world for 300 years fo numerous as the Church at Ja-nfalem is faid to have been in Scri- pture ^ 2. If the Churches were more numerous,- why might they not have been diftributed into more particular Churches ? 3. Or how prove you that Presbyters fliould not rather have been increa fed in the number of the fame Order, than a new Order invented ? 4. This contradidls the for- mer objedion : For if that Churches were fo fmall and few before, it's like • there might have been the more gifted perfons fparcd to have made two Orders in a Church. 5. And what if in Conjiantine's days the Churches grew yet grc-ater, than they did in the fccond, or third age compared to the Apo- iiks ? will it follow that ftill more new Orders may be devifed, as Subprielis ivere"? 7. There 7. There are worfcr reafons of the change too vifible : And therefore it is not to be imputed to a fecret unproved mental intention of the Apodlcs. In Chrilis own time, even the Apollks themfelvcs ftrove , who Ihould be the greateli. Falfe Aportles afterward troubled Taul by Ihiving for a fuperiority of reputation. Vhtrcphcs loved to have the preeminence. Sedt-maliers rofeup in the Apoftles days : ^ds 20. 30. Of ynnr omi fches Jhall men arife, fpejk^"^ perverfe things^ to draw away difciplei ajhr thctn. Some caufed Divifions and Offences contrary to the Dodtrine which they had learned, Kam, 16. 17, In Clem. Rom. time the Church of Cm-imh was con- tending about Epifcopacy and fuperiority, even Lay-men afpiring to the chair. Tctn fcemcth to forefce what Pallors would do, when he forewarn- eth them not to Lord it over Gods heritage, i Tct. 5. i, 2, 3. J'iSor quickly pradifed the contrary when he Excommunicated the /f/i j« Bi(hops. See Grotiuf his complaint of the early and ancient pride, contention, and tyranny of the Bithops, De Impcr.fiim. Tot. ^.5(50,361. Noi^atianvi'vh No- vate quickly (hewed this fpirit ( if they be jiot wronged ) at Kome and Carthage \ and lb did Felicifimiu and his partners againfl Cyprian. What ftirrs were there for rtiany ages between the Ceciliant and the Donatiiis ? What horrid work was there at the Concil. Ephef. 1 . And Cmcil Chalcedon. & Concil. Eph. 2. between the contending Bilhops on each lidc ? The reading of the Adls would make a Chriflians face to blulh. What ikife between An- thymim and Bafil for a larger Dioccfe ? What work againll Nazianzen to calt him out of Conjiantinopk .«' What fad exclamations maketh he againil Synods, and againfl thefe Names and Titles of preeminence and higher feats, wilhing the Church had never known them ? And yet he was angry with his friend Bafil for placing him in fo fmall a Bilhoprick as Sofimii. What abundance of Epirtles doth Ifxdore Pelufiota write to Eufchiiif the Bilhop and Sofimiif and the other wicked Pricfis, dctedling and reproving their malignity, drunkennefs, and horrid wickednefs ? And how Iharply doth he lament that a faithful Miniftry is degenerate into carnal formal Tyranny , and that the Bilhops adorned the Temples under the name of the Churchy while they maligned and perfecuted the Godly who arc the Church indeed ? How la- mentable a defcription doth Stilpit. Scvcrus give of the whole Synods of Bilhops that followed Ithaciur and Idaciitf ? And in particular of Ithaciuf himfelf, as a fellow that made no confciencc of what he faid ; And what did Martin think of them who avoided all their Communions to the death, and would never come to any of their Synods ? Efpecially becaufe by liirring up the Magiftrate againft the Prifcillianilis, they bad taught the vulgar fury to abufe and reproach any man that did but read, and pray, and fart, and live rtridly, as if he were to be fufpedcd t( PrifciHianifm( which Hooker himfeU complaineth of. Pit/. J And Amhrofe alfo did avoid them. What bloody work did C>r/i and his party make at Alexandria ? What a man was Tbeophiluf after him * What work made he againrt Cbr\{ii\iom !" What a Charadcr doth Socrates s^ie. othim ? What infolence and furious zeal did Epiphaniitf flievv in the fame S 2 caufe^ (i4o) caufe, in ttirurtinghimfelf into the Church o£ Chryfopm to ftir up his hearers toforfake him ? Hierom had a finger in the fame caufe ; His quarrels with Johan Hierofol. with RtrffifiUf, his abufive bitternefs againft Vigilantiu!, &c. are well known. The multitudes of Canons for preferving the grandeur of Pa- triarchs, and Metropolitanes, and Prelates, on one fide, and for keeping fmall Cities without Bifhops, ne vile/cat nomen Epifcopi, and for reftraining Pride, ' felf-exaltation, enlargement of Diocefe, encroachment on each other, on the other fide, do all (hew the difeafes that needed fuch a Cure, or that had fuch a vent. In a word the Biftiops never ceafed contending, partly for their fe- veral opinions and errours i and partly for preeminence and rule, till they had brought it to that pafs as we fee it at this day, between Rome and Conjianti- mple, and the moll of the Chriftian world. From all which it is moft appa- rent tha'. Pride and Contention were cured but in part in the Paftors of the Churches : And that the remaining part was fo ftrong and operative, as ma- kethit too credible that there were ill caufes enow for enlarging of Diocefes and getting many Churches into one mans power, and fetting up a new Order of half- fubpresbyters •, And that the event of fuch a change is no proof that it was the Intent of the Jpojiles, that this change (hould be made when they were dead ■, no more than you can prove that all this turbulent pride and Jlrife was intended by them. If any fay, that it is not probable that fo foon after the Apoftles all the Churches would confpire in fuch an error : I anfwer, If all thefe things before mentioned were not done, or if matter of known fad may be denied as improbable, then that objedion hath fome fence. To which I add, 8. I have proved that this change was not made at once, but by flow clegrees ; No nor made fo foon as is pretended, nor fo univerfally, but in long time, except at Alexandria and Rome v It was long before the Churches knew it. p. And I think none will deny but other things were taken upas the Tradi- tions of the Apoftles, and all the Churches cultomcs, which yet are now re- jedcd as no fuch thing. To fay no more -o{ Eajier and the Millenniim, tliere were five ceremonies which were accounted the Churches univerfal cuftomes, and traditions, and none was to omit, viz. not kneeling in adoration on the Lords days. Adoring towards the Eaft, the White Garment, the Milk and Honey and the Chrifm to the Baptized : But were thefe fuch ? Socrates, So- zotne)t, and Niccphorm tell us great Reafons to believe that ( whatever fome fay ) the time of Eafter, the Fait of Lent, and many other obfervances, and among cthersthe largeacfs or fmallnefs of Diocefes, were no Laws of God or the Apoftles, but ufages voluntarily and divcrfly taken -up, in feveral places, in which no Chriftians (hould condemn each other, but allow a liberty of dif- fentand diiference, without breach of Charity or peace. I o. Moreover it is a clear proof that the Apoftles intended no fuch change, in that theyleft no Rule, Inftruftions or Diredions for it, nor for the calling ofthensw. fort of Presbyters, nor for their pertormanoe of their places, TJiey kit (i4i) left full diredtionsforthe Ordination and Regulation of Biflhops, called Pesbyters, and for Deacons,not leaving out fo much as DeaconefTes •, And would they have wholly omitted all inftrudlions for the new order of Presbyters, and Prelates, &c. if they had intended them ? 1 1. To put all out of controverfie, God hath told us that his fetled orders are for continuance. Eph. ^. 11,12, i^. Such Offices as Chrift hath given to the Church, are for the perfeding of the Saints, for the work of the Miniflry, for thecdifying of the Body of Chrift, till we all come to the unity of theFaith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfeA man,d^c. If God do give fome to lay the foundation, and fome to build thereon, yet he leaveth not men to make new Officers befides all thefe, to do his appointed work. Timothy had charge to propagate the fame Dodtrine,and the fame Church orders, even to the coming of Chrid, i T/w. 5. 13,14. 2 7/w. 2. 2. and i Tim.'}. T/f. 1.5. Heb. 10. 25, 24, 25. But of this I defirc the Reader to fee full proofs in my 2. (licet for the Minillry. 12. Lallly, the holy Scripture isa perfcdV Handing Rule for all things neceG- fary toSalvation,and Divine Faith and duty, and to Church worfhip and Com- munion. If not, what is? And where (hall we find it ? And what Hop (hall we make of our additions, if there be no Law or Rule to govern the univerfal Churcli ? And who are they that have power to Rule the Church univerfal ? See my Key for Catholic!^-, ac^ainji the claim of Pope and General Councils. But if it be,tlicn the adding and altering is prefumption,except in circumlhntials which God luth left to mans determination : And then why muH we fwearnever to alter unncceflary circum(tances, were they fuch ? CHAP. (142) CHAP. XVIII. The fourth Argument, From the Imfojfihility of their ■performance of the Epfcopal Office, in a Diocefane Church 3 And the certain exclufion and defiru^ion of true -particular Church Gouernment, while one man oily will undertake a work, too great for many hun- dreds, r A LI that I have faid hitherto is far fhort of this one Argument, from the x\. notorious unqueftionable mifchiefs which the oppofed frame of Prelacy doth infer > not probably, but certainly i not only where Bifhops are bad, but with the bell: i not in fome Churches, but in all. ARGUMENT IV. 'that form of Prelacy U not lawful and to be fwom to, which maketh the Epifco- pal Office tmpoffible to be performed, and certainly deflroyeth and nuVi^eth true par- ticular Church Government wherever it obtaineth. But fuch is the oppofed frame. None will deny the Major but the Eraftians, who think that the Magiftrate only is the Church Governour (which as to forcing Government is true J And they that fo think, muft needs be againft Bifhops otherwife than as they are Preachers ot Magijlrates. Therefore I may let them pafs, ' The Minor 1 am to prove by parts. It muft be remembred, that I have (hewed how great the Diocefes are, and that no work proper to the Office of a Bifhop can be done by a Lay-man, or any but a Bifhop. And have prevented the pretence of doing it per alios. And now I mult (hew more fully than in the former breviate, what the work of a Bi(hop is-, And then you (hall fee whether it be not impoiTible. And led: you think I precifely feign more work than God hath put upon them, I will take it out of Scripture and Dr. Hammonds Annotations. I. The Teaching of the Flock. II. The Prieftly worfhipping of God with ihcm. III. The Government of them by Difcipline, arc the three parts of the Bifhops Orticc, as hach been proved. . L The I (H3) I. The Teaching of the Flock is, r. Publick^Tcaching them m their Sieved AfTemblics, by expounding and applying the word of God. i Pt/. 5. 2,5, Feed the flock^ of God which is amnng you, taking the ai'erfight thereof^ &c. faith Dr. tijmmond, [_ The Bilhops of your fcveral Churches, 1 exhort take care of your feveral Cliurchcs and govern them, &c, ~\ Heb. 13. Kcmembcr them which have the rule over you^ who hare fpol^n to yojt the voordofGod. Dr. H. [ Set before your eyes the Bilhops and Governours that have been in your Cliurchand preached thcGofpel to you — ] j4cts 20.7. Vpon thejirji day of the tyeel{Tvhen the Difciples came together to brcak^bread^ Pattl preached to thetn — "] Mjtth. 24. 45, 46. IVho then w a faithful and wife fer- ■vant rehom his Lord hath nude rulo- over his houfl^old togiie them meat in dm feafon. 1 I TbiJ. 5. 12, Webefeechynu brethrcH-to hjiowtlmn that labottr amongyoti and are over yoH in the Lord and admonijh you, and to ejieem them very highly i)i love for their reorkj fake- '] D. H. [ Pay ( your Bilhops ) as great a rcfpe(fi as is poifi- ble for the pains they have taken among you. ] 1 Tim. %• 1 7- The Elders that rule rrell arc rrorthy of double Iwnour, efpecially they that labour in the ivord and dodrine.'\ D. H. \_ Let the Bilhops */)ar ijt^e difcharged that fundlion well, receive for their Reward twice as much as others have, efpecially thofe that preach the Gofpel to whom it was news, and alfo continue to inllrud: congregations of Chriltians in fetled Churches. 3 I Tim. 3. 2. A Bifiiop mult be apt to teach. ~\ D. H. [One that is able and ready to communicate to others the knowledge that himfclt liath. ~\ 2 lim. 4.1,2. I charge ihcc before Cod and the Lord Jefm Chriji who fhaU judge the quicl^and the dtad at his appearing, and his kingdom, preach tlxword, be injiant in feafon^ out of feafon, reprove, rebttkc) exhort with all long-fufferin^ and doBrine. 3 See Dr. H, Annot. And can one Bilhopbc the publick Teacher of a thoufand, a hundred, or many Churches : Can he feed them, and give them their meat in due feafon ? wlicre one of a thoufand never heard his voice nor faw his face ? Is the fiock^ with tlicm or among (hem ? Can you fay to his Diocefe, 1 befeechyou know the Bijh^p that lahoureth anivig you and adtnonijhethyou^ and clieetn him highly in love for hii works f ike ■'' ^^''^ ^'^^V "^'^ ^^V "S^^ mock them, and that they cannot kpntr him wliom tliey never faw i nor love him for his work and admonition amongthcm, that never was among them, that never workt with them, that never admoniilit them i but only that one of many hundred faw him, and heard a Vifitation Sermon in one City or market Town once in tiiree years,or a year at moll. Murt many iumdrcd Congregations that never heard him, give him double honour that preachcth fometime to one Congregation a hundred or twenty miles from them, and this as their Inlhudting Lldcr ? Judge of the polVibility of this. 2. The Bilhops are alf ) bound to private lulps, inftrudion, counfel, and to watch over all the flock, and every particular mc.nbcr of them - as a Fathcj mult. (H4) iTiuft look to every Child, and a (hcphcrd to every flieep, and a Phyfician to every Patient. Ads 20. 2 o, 2 8, 3 I . I taught you pnhlkkly and from hoiife to honfe "Tak^e heed therefore toysitr f elves and to all the floc]^ over xvhich the holy Ghn^l hath made yOH Overfeers, to feed the Church of God., which he hath ptrchafed with his own blond "therefore n-atch, and remember that by the ff ace of thee years., 1 ceafed not to warn every one night and day rvitb tears ] D. H. [^ I/ijimding both in the •Synagogues, and in private Schools, and in your feveral houfes vvhither I alfo came Wherefore ye that are Billiops or Governours of the leveral Churches, look to your felves and the Churches committed to your truli;, to rule and order all the faithful Chriifians under you.] Ci.'/. 1.28. IFhom JVC preach, tvarning every man., and teaching every man in all n-ifdom, that n\ may p-efcnt every man prfeU in Chri\l Jefm.~\ Heh. I^.iy. Obey them that have the rule over you and fitbm it your felves., for they ivatch for yottr fouls us thofe that mufl give account, "] D. H. [ Obey thofe that are fet to Rule over -your feveral Churches, the Bilhops, whofe whole care is fpent among you, as being to give an account of your proficiency in the Gofpel. ] I before cited Ignatius telling the Bifhop that he mull enquire after every one byname, even fervants and maids. And Dr. Jer.laylor who faith. No man can be accountable for them that he knoreeth not ( or cannot k>jon:_) Now is it poiTible for a Billiop to do this ; To infl:ru(ft,overfee, counfel, one of many hundreds of the flock? who know him no more than one in ano- ther kingdom ? Is this pailoral teaching of particular Souls, to have an Appa- ritor call one of athoufand when he Conformeth not, or offendeth,to a Chan- cellors Court j How little know they what the work of a Pallor is that think fo !* 3. Biffiops mufi teach the flock by their own vifihle example -■> By holy fpeaking and holy living before their flocks. Heb.i^, 7. [ Kememkr them rehich have the rule over you., robo have fpoken to you the word of God., vehofe- faith folloip., confideringthe end of their conveffations. J D .f/. [ Set before your eyes the BiQiops obferve their manner of living. ] If it were the Pope at Jlowc, we might caftaconjefture by the report of that great \\d.t fame., Becaufe it is a place that we hear often from in the Curranto's and Gazets : But no Ga- zet tellethus of the life of our Biihop. And how fhall thofe ohjo-ve their manner of living, who know not whether they be alive or dead, till aMinilier is to be iilenced, or a new Biihop doth fucceed the old ? You may as well bid us ob- ferve how they live in the Weji-hidies. .1 Fet. I. 5. 3. Neither as being Lords over Gods Heritage ( or haviiigdominion ove-r yiiir charges ) but being eifamples to the I'lock^'] D, H. [ Walking Chri- llianly and exeniplarily before them. | What ! before them that never faw or heard them f Before men ot another Countrey , that may fwcar and i^.ot repent with Veicr., JFek>ioivnot the man} What ! be examples to them that are out of the notic; of their words and lives > But if really you think thatfanieis iuflicienr, 1. It mull be of perfons and thin^^^s not too far olT. 2. It mult be . in (H5) in a CoWcn age or another world, where good men are not hated and calum- niated, and where bad men it" Great are not extolled, and where falfe reports be not ealily believed and reported i where a vile p;rfon is contemned, and thofe that fear the Lord are honoured i Wlicre the taitiifuiicrt Paltors are not tiie objed oi Great mens jealoulic, of bad mens malice, of dilTentcrs and con- tentious mens backbitings and reproch, and are not made the drunkards fong, nor the fcom and oiT-fcouring of all things, and where he that reprovcth or departeth from evil, doth not makehimielfa prey:, or at leal! where malig- nity, worldlincTs, and lying aie not the prcdominai-.t humours of the Age. When you have fecured lis of a true fame, we will make the example of a flrangcr of another land or Diocefe,(as foonasone of this Dioccfe as ftrange to us ) the exemplar of our lives. 4. Another part of the Bilhops work is to preach to thofe without that arc uncalled, as he hath opportunity; Tobbour in the nvrd and Do,flrine, i TimJ 5.17. faith Dr. H. I'd proch the Gnjj'cl to tvl^oin it tvas news : which mads Dr. Dmvuin and other Prclatills fay That the City and Territories are their Dioccfe even when few of them are converted, that they may rirll convert them and then govern them i and Dr. H. to Noteout ofC/.w.Kow. thatthey- are made Billiops over the Intidels that Ihould after believe. And doubtlcfs they mull do their bell to call the unbelieving and impenitent to CliritL And how much of this will a Bilhop have time to do, that hath the work of 3 Diocefe ofChriliians on his hands? 5. It is the work of a Bilhop to Baptize, or at leaft to judge of thofe that are to be Baptized, M.itth.2S.ip, Go and dil'cipkuie all nations baptizing them. And Dr. H. thinketh that no Prcsbyter,but Bilhops baptized in Scripture time, be- caufe there were then no other exitlent. And it is too evident in Antiquity -v ( liy what I before cittd ) that no child or aged perfon was ufiully baptized +, • ''•''> • y '**"" xvithout a Bilhopf wlun Bilhops canre up,) at lead they ufcd to anoint their no- *^^w '. Ka 7 ihils,c^'c.with holy oyl.Anddoubtlefs they that Baptized or admitted to baptifm, did examine them ot their faith, and refolutions,before they took them into the Covenant and Vow of God. And htiw many hundreds in a year em the Bilhop do this for, befidcs all his other work ? 6. It is by the EngUlli Canons and P\.ubrick the Bilhops duty to confirm all that were baptized ; many think it is meant in H.b. 6.1,2. Our Bishops take it for a proper part of their work. And they tlut mull confirm them according to our Liturgy, niull know their underllanding, and receive their profellion of their faith, and Handing to their Eaptifmal Covenant, which rcquireth fome time and labour witli each one, for him tliat will not make a mockery of it. Look into the Bills of London^ which tell you Imw many are born every week i and thence conjctSure how many hundreds in a year the Bilhop hath in that Dioccfe to Confirm, and confequcntly in other Diocefes proportionably? Or if that will not inform you, try over EnolMd where you come, how many aic (thoufiii but cuvtorily as a hafty ceremony J contiru.cdat all? Whether it be one of many hundreds? And fettliis to therel't of the Bilhops work. ♦ 7. It i>the Bilhjps worktod^tend the truth againli giinfayers, to confute T aiid J (i4^) and flop the months of Hereticks and contradiders, and confirm the troubled and wavering minded in the fluth ; not by fire and fword, nor by a quick prohibition of others to preach \ but by fober conferences, and weight of evi- dence, and by Epiftlcs as Fan! did, when they are not at hand, yea even to other Churches ; and as one that is gciitle to all men., apt to teach, patient, in mcekiteff injini^Htig them that oppnfc thcmfelvss, if God peradveWm rvili girc them repentance to the ackiiorvledging of the truth, 2 T'im. 2 . 2 4, 2 5. And Ihall the Bifhop do this for many hundred Churches ? While he is defending the poor flock againrt Papifts, Qiiakers, Arrians, Socinians, Infidels ( alas how numerous ^rc the deceivers ! ) at Nexvark^, or Gahisborough,ot Bojion,whzt (hall they all do ■b'etvveen that and Bamet-} or the remotelt part oi Bttckinghamffme } II. Thi fecond part of the Bilhops office is to be the peoples ?nefi:ly guides m Gods' woirfhip ; prii^cipally in the publick Afiemblies, and oft in -private, viz. 1. To confcfs the peoples fins and their own : To be their ownandtlie Churches mouth in prayer, thankfgiving and the praifes of the Lord. And in how many hundred Congregations at once will they do this J* ■ 2. To confecrate and diftribute the Sacrament of Communion •,: and confc- quaitly to difcern who are fit for it. And in how many Churches at once will he do this ? 3 . To blefs the Congregation at the end of every iTieeting. . All thefe I have before proved that the ancient Bithopsdidi :m6i'Dx, Hammond idSth, No other in Scripture times i And what Ubiquitary (hall do this. 4. And in private it is the Bifliop that mtifl vifn the fick, that muft be fent for by them all, and muft pray with them. As Dr. H. at large proveth,^OT(?f. in Jam. 5. 1 have told you before how well and for how many he is able to do this, in one of our Diocefes. If that (erve not turn, I pray you if you arc foreigners, ask Englifh men what number it is of fick men in a Diocefe that are vifited and prayed with by thcBi(hop?Compare them with the Bills of Mor- tality in London, and judge proportionably of the reft, whether he viiit one of many thoufands of fuch as die, to fay nothing of all the fick that do recover, 5.. And it is the Bilhops work to receive all the offerings, firft-fruits, tythes, and other maintenance of the Church, as the Canons before cited fay. And fee Dr. H.onAd. 2. e. and Ad.^, ^^,^i\.,^%&c. 6.. It was the Bifliops work to take care of all the Poor, Orphans, Widows, Strangers, as the Canons cited (hew ; And Dr. K. on i Cor. 12. 28. c. faith 1^ The fttpreme truji amd charge rvai rcfened to the Apofiles and Bijhops of the Church.] So'mCarr.'^J. Apnji. A Bilhop muft have the care of the moneys, fo that by his power all be cfifpenfed to the poor, &c. where he citeth Jftji: Mart, and Polycarp. for a particular care. I have before told you that if the poor of every parilh be not relieved til! the Bifnop take notice of them, few of the poor in England would be any more for Bilhops, than for famine, nakcdnefs, -and death. III, But the principal thing which I reckon impolTible, and is, and mufl be deftroyed by Diocefancs, is the Government nfal! the pariicitlar Churches, ( or Pariihes j in the Dicccfc. Where 1 Ci47) Where note, r. That I fpeak not of the Magillrates Government, 2. Nor of that General [nfpedttonby which an Archbilhop or General Pallor overfceth tlie inferiour Bitliops with their flocks, as a general Officer doth the Regiments, and Troops in his Army, which haveColoncls and Captains of tlicir o\vn.' But I fpeak of the particular Church Government of the Bilhops of fingle Churches, like that of Captains over their own troops, or rather Schoolmafters in their feveral Schools. And I the rather mention thisbccaufe Bifliops making it more proper to thcm- felves, than 'Teaching oi ff^otjh/p^ mudhold, ( were they cor.fillent with them- felvcsj that they can Icfs delegate it to otliers. The exercife of tlic Keys are i. For entrance by Baptifm. 2. By confirmati- on (rightly understood, as in a peculiar Treatife I have opened it ) 3. By Re- proof, Confoiation, Excommunication, and Abfolution of particular per- lons, which I am now to fpeak of. Where diliindly note I. What the work is Materially, II. In what man- ner it muft be done, 111. On how great a number of perfons. 1. I . To receive accufations and informations of all the great and perilous herefies, crimes, and fcandals in the Diocefe. 2. To judge of the credibility of the witnefTcs ( hardly doiKby a firangcr ) and of the validity of their proofs. For Councils themidves have petitioned the Empcrours, that ungodly perfons might not be witneffes, who make fo fmall a matter of other iins, as that they may be fuppofed to make but little of falfc witnelling. Elfc an Atheilt or Inhdel or man of no confcience ( as he ne* ver need to mifs of Church preferment, for want of conforming to mens wills, fo ^ he may be maftcr of the fame, liberty, and lives of all honeft men, at his plcafure, and govern them that govern Church and State. Therefore Billiops themfelves mull difference Ixtwecn witneffes : And to fay, I know an honeft man that knowetii an honclt man that faith they are honell men, is a poor fa- tisfaftion in comparifon of pcrfonal knowledge. Much lefs to truft the whole trial to another. 3. He mull hear the accufed perfon fpeak for himfelf. For there is no judg- ing till both are heard. 4. He muft rebuke falfe accufers, and juftihc the innocent, and vindicate their good name. - ■ 5. He muft by convincing arguments and melting affedions, labour to bring thelinner to Repentance. 6. Hemuftdefirethe Church to be witneffes of his faithful admonitions, and to avoid the like crimes and impenitence themfelves, and to pray God to give Repentance to the offender. 7. He muft publickly declare the impenitent excommunicate, and bind him over to anfwer it at the bar of God,and fet Gods terrors before his Confcience. 8. He muft try and judge of the Truth of the Repentance of thofe that fay they do repent ( where all the ancient rigorous Penances came inj And not truft every incredibl: fayii^g, 1 Repent. T 2 ?. He (i48) p; He muft receive thofe publickly into the Church tliat truif repent , or credibly profefs to do fo v and murt comfort him with the decbratioii of the; pardon ot his fm. 10. He mufi: perfwade the Church to receive him Into their affe>f}ions and- Chriftian Communion, and to eftecm and ufe him as a Brother again, 11. And as to the Ma/iwo-, all this muft be done, i. with great Prudence anddifcretioni elfethe Church may foon be fet on fire, fasbya confcllionof a Deacons adulteries at Coiijiantinople,&c.) 2. It muft be done with deliberation and th-oughefl acquaintance and information of the truth : elfe rafh and hafty judgments, and believing knaves will difgrace the Bilhop, and injure the juft, and gratifiethe wicked, & breed uncurable breaches between fo unjull a Bilhop and the flock. 3. It muft be done with the ^xatdifemuf/iefs, revcretict\znd gravity; hs knowing that the honour of God and Religion and the Church lieth on it, and the comfort or recovery of the fouls of men,and the prefervation of the rell. It is not a Chancellors check, nor faying, doyoit-nfent^zndmWyonpjyyourfecs^ that difpatcheth fuch a work as this. It requireth much skill, and time and pa- tience. Poorfinners muft not be taken in a paffion ; nor is it imperious frowns that melt men into true Repentance: Theopeningof the nature of the fin, and the aggravation,not reproachfully but convincingly i the awakening of a fecure hardened finner, with the terrors of the Lord i the drawing him home by the opening of the motives of Love and mercy ■■, do all require greater j-j^i//, and holt' we/>, and love to Souls, than moft Bilbops.have that ever I was acquainted with ; much more than a Lay Chancellor hath, who is the man that doth the work, that never pretended to be a Divine. I muft profefs for my own part, that when I did this with others for one Pa^ rifh, it called for more skill-, and holy ajfeUioiis, and confequently more convinced me of my weaknefs, by far, than publick preaching to the people. The heart of an honeil judge will be turnedwithin him, before he pafs the fentence of death on an offender. And before we pafs the fentence of Excommunication, our bowels muft yearn over poor fouls, and all means be tried to recover them. And here it is not the cleareft witnefs of the crime that will ferveturn : For men are not to be excommunicated tor any ordinary crime, unlefs it have impenitcncy and oi/^/z/^rji added to it. And therefore the work, of the Bithop is ( not like a fecularCourt to judge only of the/jc7 and fault, but ) to judge of mens repentance or Impe/iitcnce. And that is a thing that cannot be done by a few Lordly awful words. You will fay, BecjtiJ'c of all th'n rvc ]'tdge that ordinary Tricjis are not to be truji- edmthfo great a ivork^, but a few wife and Reverend Prelates. Ahf. I.I never yet knew the beft Bilhop that was to be compared for ability in this work to many a Pariih Minifter that I have known .• Nor did I ever know One Bilhop tolerably fit for it,who had not for a confiderable time been a labo- rious Parilh Minifter. Thofe that come from the Univerfities to be Nobkmens • and Bilhops Chaplains, and fb get the Tythes of two or three rich Benefices, and then are made Prebends, Deans, and Mafters of Colledgcs ■■> and then are made Bilhops, may read, and talk of all this work.-, but know no more what (i45»') what if is indeed than I know how to build an houfe. 2. An experienced Miniftcr that liveth upon the place and knoweth all the? perfonsand witneflcs, Iiath incomparable advantage above a lirange Prelate. .. 3. One that is theirfamiliar and ordinary Teacher, whom they neither con- temn, nor fear with a carnal awe, for fear of punilhment, nny dil^rern whether Repentance be credibly ferious i which he that aweth them by greatnefs and tenor (hall never know : For almoli all the vcricil beafts will there profefs Re- pentance, though they come home with redoubled malice againlt the perfons that would have reformed them ; Only a man that bclicveth he is in the righ« will infur the Bilhops wrath for not confcffing that he is in the wrofig. ,,'. 4. But yet our Caution is far greater than the Billiops ■■> For becauie tbisre* quireth Co much skjU and fjithfttbicj}, we would have no one Man trufti:d witli it ( except in a cafeof necciTity, when a Church can have no morej For in the" multitude of Counfellcrs is fafety : We would have every Cliurch have a- Con- fiffi:: of VrcsbyHrs. ( and if one be a Biihop we contend: not againtl it ) And wc would have it done in the prefence of the Seniors of the Hock, who know the pevfoub , that foifone Qiould want skill or truitine&, he might be helpt by others, or hindrcd from doing wrong. And if all this will nocdo, we would have the next Synod of neighbour Pallors to have a final audience of the cafe. And now let any thing except utterly blinding Vrifiv and Parti jlity be judge ; Wiic. f HfcR A COl\S KSSVS OF MINISTEkS IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SENIORS OF THE FLOCK, WHO ALL KNOW THE PERSONS, be notlikcp to JUDGE RIGHTLY IN ONE PARISH, where alfo a neigli- b.m Synod may review the cafe, than ONE STRANGE PRELATE or CHANCI LLOR FOR A DIOCESE OF MANY CHURCHES, WHERE HE KNOW ETH NOT THE PERSONS .• Efpecial'y when this ChancLllor and all the Prodtors and Officers of tlic Courts do live (in wealth; upon the Trade-, and therefore muli manage it asa trade ; When in the way that we defirc, no Presbyter, nor Synod, Ihould have one farthing for allhis pains, but his comfort in cbeyhigGod, and endca- vouriuti the Churches good and mens falvation. Alas Lord, How long Hull Chrills enemies be the Paftors of his flocks ?and the (eed of the ferpcnt be the great inftruments that mull break the ferpents head, and the loversof lin be they that mull be the fuppreffers of it, ajid thofe ejiiploycd to teach men knowledge, wlio thcnifelves will not know, and to preach up holincfs whocannot endure it?To willing minds thcfe things are plain. Church Difcipline hath us effed on the Confciences of men, and thefc things . take as they come with fpiritual lifc.,lia.ht and love. We fee in our Preaching, how much all work is loll, which is done proudly, unskilfully and marred in the manner. And true Palioral difcipline mull work jull as Preaching mull do,it being Imt a more particular Application of the fame wovd,to perfonsand caufes. Jthunafuis Pjtriji-cb.i Cciiftanriiuf. in his lifth Epiltle for the rcfidcr.ce of Bithops ( Bibl.Vjtr. T. 3. ^. 1 59.)(aith of conllant preaching [ Htcc ndh dieqm ddKiitftn- guU Pajlores grcgibm Jiiii iuciilcjre^(ju-*'''^ And in his three laft Epiftleshc counfelkth the Emperor to force thofc Bifliops to Preaching and Vigihncy^ that will not do it without force. ■ And indeed, unjuft 'E5icommunications mofi hurt the Excommunicators. Fvead Nkons Epiftle ad Euch. de in]tifta Excommmikatione, proving that an un- juft Excommunication bindeth not another, but falleth on the Excommuni- cators head. But the fad truth is, that it's ufual with the Prelates to confefs the vanity of their ewn Spiritual powet, and to call it a leaden fword, which would but be defpifed, if it were not backt with the Magiftrates fword, which is the very thing they truil to. But husband and wife living in open enmity or wrath: we have murderers, fighters, railers, fuch asmalicioufly feektheruine .of others, great and fmall opprcTfors, thieves, defraudcrs, adulterers and fornica- tors, tilthy fpeakers, gluttons, drunkards, fuch as wafte their lives in gaming, |)lays,and idlenefs-Zalfe-witnefTes, Simoniacal, bribe-takers, fubv.erters ot juftice, to to fay nothing of the notorious effadls of grofs ttncharUMmfs, covfto^fiieffj and pride. Thefe and more than thefe are here. - ri - 2. And for the number of tinners i i. Conjcdure by the number' pfper- fons ; 2. And then by the commonncfs of the lins. ^" ' ' r. I have before oft told you thatfome Diocefcs Iiave many hundred Parishes, fome above a thoufaud ■■, and in the Iclfer fort of thefe Parifhcs, commonly there are in fome 50, in mod 1 00 or 200 families i and in the greater and Market Towns, there are in fome ot the kfl'er about loco fouls, in the middle fort about 2000 or 3000 or 4000 ; and in the bigger about 5000 or 6pC>o,3nd fome few 1 0000 : And in the greatell Parilhes of all in Lo/iJon,(omc 20000, fome ^000, feme 50COO, and it is faid in fome many thoufands more. 2. And for the fins, i. The Biihops themfelves fayjthat Atheifm,Ti)hdclity,an(l derffion of Scripture and Religion aboundcth among fuch as I will not name ; 2. Tlicy fay themfelves chat Rebels, and Quakers, and Seekers, and Enthuliafts, &c. arc fo many as that they know not what to do with theai. 3. They fay themfelves that Papills fo incrcafc, as that they give out their hopes to fwallow up all. 4. One fort which they call Sehifmaticks, as being s^ainft tiieir interefl, they really cxercife their power againfl : and find that this one fort are more than they know what to do with. 5. The number that malignantly labour to inakealiycrroM//;c;f>,and diligence in /a-Jl;;;gGo^,to become ;aftorned hated thing, and^make it to feem meer felt-conceitedncfs and hyppcrjfie, and to keep people from obeying God, is fo great, aswe cannot reckon tb?m. 6. The number of thegiofly ignorant is lamentably great. 7. Common fvvearers and curfers arc ufually met with in our ordinary convcrfe. 8. How common drunkennefs is, let lamenting Parents, grieved wives, and bcggcrcd families tell you. p. Whe- ther fornication and adultery (rarely heard of till of late, comparatively J be now ^rown common,if not in falhion,! leave the Prelates themfelves to judge. 10. To pafsbyallthc rcCi^frhcthcrferioitf credible Rcpvlltancc(t\\o\.^gh not qxprcfliid by the ancient fevere penances ) be now a common thing, for thefe or many other fins, I am content that any Englilh man be judge, that ever laboured to bring men to Repentance, and knowcth what Repentance is. And now by this conjedturc i. How many thoufands CI fay not the Bifhop who puts it off, but ) the Lay-chancellor hath to Ibnd at his bar at once, it difcipline were tolerably exercifcd. 2. How many years, theacculers and offen- ders were hkc to wait before a caufe could be heard. 3. Or how fpiritually, powerfully, meltingly this Lay-man ( that never preached) is like to draw all thcfc thoufands to Repentance. 4. What the Sinner and the Churcii lliall do till the year come that they can be heard. 5. Whether it be polTible tor any fuch thing as true Pa(lor:.l convidion, exhortation, difciplincj to be ever excrcifed on them at all, whik ; that new fins, even heinous ones are (Ull committed ■ and the Bilhop or Chancellor or Surrogate, that had a thoufand, or ten thou- fand tinners at once to fpeak to, when he could deal but with lix or feven in a day (it'he did nothing elfc,) (hall before he can examine their cafes have thou- fands more C of their and ochersj to examine. So that nothing of this natiue can be more nctoriouSjthan that our controverfic with (■52) \vlth the Bidiops is but fuchas thefe: Whether the Lord Mayor abne'fliall not only cverfee all the Families in the City , but be the Only Gmer- ?;«/»• of them, fothat Husbands, Parents, and Mafters, fhall only teach and ex- hort their families, but the Lord Mayor alone (hall rule them, as to their daily works^ then ffccchcs and their lives. Or whether the City and the whole Dioccfediall have but one Schcolmafter, whoQiall be the fole governour of all the Schools in all thofe hundred parithes, 20, or 40, or 100 miles diftant, and the Schools lliall have under him only Curate Uthers, who (hall only teach the boyes as far as they are willing tolearn, and for all their untradabknefs, difobedience, abfence, and faults, (hall prefcnt their names to a Chancellors Court, fet up by the fole ruling Schoolmaftcr. Or whether all the Colledges in the Univerlity (hall have no Gpvernour but the Vicechancellor,and the rert be but Tutors tothe Voluntiers; *' ■ : Or whether all the Patients in a Diocefe (hall have but one F^iy(id3n, to go- vern thcPatientby prefcripti, and under him only Apothecaries to carry about his medicines and dircdions ? Indeed if it were the Phyficians work to play the Soldier, and cut all their throats, it might be done in a ihort time. But healing requireth more ado. And if it were the Billiops or Chancellors work to do no more, than to read an accufation, and fay, Do you Repent, and (as fome do, becaufe they muft be thrice admonifhed, ) to fay at once, I admonifli you^ I admo- rifliyoH^ I admoniflj yoit., I excommtmicate yott i or to do as the Pope doth, I/iter- di^ whole Kins^doms at once-, ( as Herod killed all the children in hope that he fiiould meet with Chrilt among them,) then a few hands might do the work . But whether it be potTible to excrcife the difcipline of Chrid, in their Dioce- fan way on one of a thoufand, let the impartial judge ; As alfo whether that Church behtlier faid to be governed or ungoverned where one of a thoufand is governed indeed, whenas if is the body of the people , and not one of a thoufand, that iscalled the Church. J.J 111.' ,-.: .iJli.,ii:T} CHAP. C'77) GHAP. XIX. The fhtitc Impojfibiltj proved by ExpcriCKce, THcy fay Experience is the teacher of fools; But O how well were it for the Churches of Chrift, it their Reverend Biftiopsf who think thcnifelvcs only meet to govern themj ha(i but learnt by it, the(e 1300 years, at Icaft. The Experience which I offer you is, I. 1 hat of the ancient Churches : what work the enlargement of thcii D tKcfl:s, an^ growing gieat by the greatncfsof their charge made qr cMy b^ the ddirutftion of true difciplinc, abundance of forccitcd te- fi:morif s 'hcw. To which what fad complaints n ighi I add out of So- rr.tts Cih\jii\io-ue.lf(i(re Felt'Ciata. and many others: which made Gregory Nj- ziarz,0.ndcd lur power and pre- en. inence 1 cited fomeof CVy/'r>/?iw;crrayirgs before, (/cpcrrf/iif./ 3 c x 6 . i y . whcie he fh' V. cMi fbe ^'reatn- (S''" a Liilhops work, and p. 57. So p.')^. Nif' qm- lidie EpiicopUf "'fviium /i mis circuminit, in hac p.ntevcl eas juperanr^qnihuf nulum alffii {indium i.ji nitam in foro vcrfrdi de.imhul mdiqiie. luiic omninn .tf- fcnfhiiies infinite cmcrge.it : NeqHC eiiim ij foU qui agrot.tnt^ fed & qui fjni Ju/it. tiivifi \c vi'h'nt : \d quod nan rcligionis ac pictjiit^ (ed honorir dignitjlijqiie pot/ut nomine plwimi fihi .cndicant. j-ic ft quern forte contigcrit ex ditioribui potent lorihufnne (.hri\iiaius ecchf£ ttfu luc nque cmimuni ita urgenti.ab E- pifcnpf ffcqitentiuf invifu hie proiiiius Fpifcnpnt pjlpnorii .ttque adiil.itorii no- tjm fibi iiim-it. Llir^folionie Ipeakcth like a man that knew by experi- ence wliat a Pa(tors work is: And it ourB (hops mult go to every houfc, how m.any years pilgrimage would it bi. to go but once through all their Diocefes f* Birnjrd, faith EpilK.Sz. Cum pr^fdc.mt urhihui valde pnpnlofif^& cxtm, ut iti dicam. pjtrias. propria Vioc^fei arnbitu circumcludant, occafone inventa ex qnacHiiqnevcieri privileging fjt.iQivit ut vicinal fhi juhdjint civitjtci^ quatentu dii£^ quihm v:x dui Pr.el!ilci liifficiehjntj.-ib uni rcdis^.intur antijiitc. And the doli.tJ.jl l.ipli; ot dilciplm^ hereupon all Hiltory witncffcth. which n.aJe Erufmus fay, EccleJ. lih.i. ^jiitnm negotii cred/muf effe^cunt pfstcr vicos & p.t os.vis^inti freq^aites & aynpU ciiitjtcj Cdich as our big Market Towns J uni parent antijiiti-- Et mnhorumpr^pdrtm ditio t.tm late pj' ietjUt ft q.tam maxime forent expedttt omnibus mitniUnis negotiii nonpoffcnt tamiii A a ' in (lyS) in omnihus oppidis Concionari j quum hodie una ckitof q:{.tmpluTes reqiihit Eccle- fijfier: How much lefs wiH one perform all the rcff of the Biftiops work? Saith Miifinltis Loc. Commwi, dc Miniji. p. mibi -^38. [Quare vidcrint E- pikopi, &c, \_Let Bifhops Ioq\ to it^ n^bo when they cmnot (ox do not) rightly Miniiier to one Churchy extend their power, not to fome few Churches-^ bitt to T^hote Provincer. Let them read Chryfojh/ne on Tit 1 . P^ civitates^ in every City, ej-c, Thcfe things tr,ade Luther fay adverf. filfo nominatum ordinem E- pfcop.'to.2,p.:^io. Perinde habet, &c. ■ It is with thcfe wicked ungodly Bi- fl) ops all one Of if the Devil himfelf,Jljonld mitred and ringed fit in the chair and himfelf ritle the people. ' And Bilhop Hooker in 8 precep. faith, Et certe fi jam vigereP antiqim ille er- gd popiilHin amor. If they had the ancient Lo^'e to the people^ they would them' felves confefs that there is more ivork^ in one C ity^ than the bejl men can eafily do. They kfioip well enough that the Primitive C h'urch had nojuch Bifljobs till the time of Silveltcr thefrjl.{ 1 cite this ex Altar.T>amjfcen havingiitH thcEook at hand- Filefaciis tells us, ex Concil. Triburicifi c. 26. Relata eji corjm fands Synodo qu£remonia plebimn, eo quod fmt qnidim Ep/j<:opi nnlcntes ad prcdicaniitm^ vel ad confirm J ndum fujs per annum par^cias ciicuire, de Orig. par.ec.p. 537. W hat would they have done it they had been in our times. Scclfidore Peluf. Ep,2<].6. l.2.p 2^6. teaching EKhop Enfebiiis Cand Theo' dofms) what a Church is, who had lo tar loll the true Epifcopacy, as -o fake ■walls for men, and to abufe and fcorn the true Church or godly people, while the Walls -were adorned, as if Chrill had come from Heaven more for [_JP''j11s tlunSotils']&c. of which before. In a word, nothing is more evident than that true DifcipHne was fliut out at the times and in the degrees as Dioccffes were enlarged ■■, and that in Afi-ick^znd other places where the Churches or DiocefTes were more fmall and numerous, difcipline was boil prefcrved. 11. The fecondfort oF experience is, that of al mofl: all the Reformed Churches, who have found the Paiioral work and Difcipline particularly to be fo ^reatias that lc(s than all the Parifli Miniftcrs concutring could not perform if. i. Thofe Churches which with Calvin fet up Presbytery, ex- clude no Paftor from the Governing part i but took in Elders of the people to help them, becaufe experience had told them that all the Minillers were too few : what then would one Bifliop and Chancellour or Vicar have been able to do ? 2. The Lutherans who fet up fuperintendants,.commonTyfo fet them over the Paftors as not to take away the true Palloral power of governing their particular flocks, as finding by experience, that the old way of Pre- lacy would not do it; And ulually they join Magiilrates with them, as they alfo in the Palatinate did. And it is fuch a ircderate (upriority which is excxc\Ccd in Hungary, Tranfdvania, and in Poland till the Papills rooted the m out thence. 3. The Helvetian Divines exercife a certain meafure of power in ketp- 2Ug,the unht from the Sacrament j but not what they judge to be the Churches r«79) Churclics duty, bccaufe the Magiftratc never would confcnt: That the Fa- /iors are for it, as nctdful to the right ordering of the Churches you may fee in PolMt : Sy/itjg. at large, and in mod of their Divines ot Bj(il, Bmi, Zurichy &c. I will now only cite thchoneft hearty words of A»er,Ci»/;//?, nor any psrty a?n ch i but took liberty to uilfv;r from then, all as in the points of Re- diiiiption,perf vcranctjdv.J l^t Bern in his Loci Commnn.ed. iiyS"] p \2i. Ucproveth Bifh. p5,3nd I'rcsb^ter- and Dodtois, andPiftors to be all one. Aci/'.422. that in the Apu(!olick 1 riinitive Church they governed the Chi rch in common, being lubjcdt to no head or prtfidcnt. But atter the ApoltlcsdaKsas H/ovwe laith todvoid fchifni,but as ht thinktth more out of a ddlfL ot Majority > one got tht nan.e and prclidi.ncy ot aB:ihop: But, fiirh hi [jrbetber this cfiHuJcl did prnit tledhnrcb or not, by whicb jitcb BiJ}.'f>i s rvcre i/.troduccd^js Hitror e jaitb by ctijirwe ratbcr ihjn by truib, of divine dijpnfition , te be above the Prabyttrs ^ it bath been better manifeji- ed to after Ji^ef, than irbcn tli< cH\in»u xvas fi^ji hrotfht in : rvbicb wc mnjl ihank^fhr all the iiijolency^ u?ejhl> and tyanny, of tlx Principal andEqucflral E:lhops, ya furtbe coriuptio't of all the Churcher, r hich if Hitroine hadfeen, un^ d ubtedly he tviul Ihavek^'own that it xvas the devife^ not -f the Spirit of G.id, to take at of the order of Nobles and great mcH. trho being iiph Id by their onvi and their kindreds porpcr^ ttiay domineer over thefl}el{ of God as they liji. And p.423. The offi-e appointed to theBifJfopf that came after the Apo- Jlj.r times tvas to preach to the pe pie, to admi'ijier the Jacred t'lings, to pre- Jcribe repentance to /./% the cart of the rlriy and the pefle both in City and 'Country^ to ordain, to vi'h, to tuhs care that the goor s if the Church be rightly kodor ' or Mor\, fo fivorne, as that he jhall not dareto fpeak^ a word (or hi/Tc) he- '■fides what isprcfcribidhim in the fortms of Laves. Thusfarlccnfcfs he fpeakcs ofthe Popifh Eifhops: But who would believe he rncant not ours that had feen them ? And how little do they diritr? Well you (hall nixt hear him fpeakof Proteltant Ei(liop«. 'Pag. 425 \_Let tis noiv come to other Minifters^ Pallors and Bifhops di, ■ * vers from-, thefe, who do nothing in the Cinirch ofC'mji hut Preach and teach : ' They have-certaint dales ofthe t^-cekf on rvhich they Preach: . A}id that is will : '' They Preach only out of the holy Scriptures : And that wtll to>. But this >s T^iefe are r»'' not well, that very many of them fpcak^frm.dly and coUly ^ and not from mr tiJJiopf.^ the hearts fo that what Senecz fonn'wh.re faith, agrieth to them ; AnitiiUm 'nonfaciunt, quia animum non haknt. They m.il^ nH mm h:^jrty Cor 'fcriousj) hecaufe they are not fo themfelves : And that of the Romzn Orat,)/' ^ thoit wouldjl never tulk^thus, if thoit fpeakeji from the heart: Nor do they ^ accommodate the word of Cod to the Hearers, by pertinent and profitable di- '' j}r:bntion, but they thinly they have well performed their fffice, if they have ' anyhow fpoken out the hour.. In the mean time^ they ohferve not the peoples ' mindes and lives, much Uffe do they reforme them : Nor d) they take care '' how the people grow in the knowledge of God, the faith of Chrill and in true ''Codlinefs: They apply not themfelves to the fiudyof the Scriptures, nor per- '' /wade the people to read- them in their houfes ', they neither tal^ care of the poor. ' and jh angers nor vifit the fick^. as little caring how and with what faith they dtr- *■ part: And thus they difcharge their Minijhy neither faithfully, prudently nor ' profitably. It is indeed of great moment that they bring not liranTe Vc^f- ' rine into the Church i but teach the Scripture Do'lrine ■, and that they ufe. • not fuperftitious rites, but are noUcontent with fimple adminiihation of the Sacra - 'ments, according to the cuflome of the Primitive church. But in this they ^ are to be blamed, that they do things right and profitable, not fr.om the hearts^ ' but fleightly, as on the by, and what is accordingly to be elfe done by a faitb- ' ful M/nifter they wholly aegle^. While they thus Miniller, they do not indeed ^'br/ngErro^r and fuperfiiiicns into the Churches, as in the foregoing ages was . ' done. But in the mean time, inclining to the other txtreme , they tak^ the '■ courfewhich.by degrees will bring the people into that indifferency in Religions 'which isthemofi pejiilent, and tj drink in Epicurifmthewajhr and extnigu/fher- '■of all religion. TFhereforeTbefech them in the Lord, that they fu'ly pcrformz '■ and difcharge their Minijhy, and not tlws by the halves'] Thus i'arhcdef- - cixbc'.h our ordinary better iortof.the Ckrgie, but not our Eilhops. 'And r.s.j * And Pa.43 I . fTJ^y '^"^^ laboftr more to l^ep up the attthority of Bijhopf, than ' tofave the people^ n>hen they cannot convince the Mini\hrs^calkd by the Mas^iiirate^ ' of error^ do raife a queftion about their calling, {being themfelves neither lawfully ' chnfen nor called )faying,what Sujfragane ordained \oh minijier} n^hit Bifhip cal- ' hd you t' the office ? As the Pricfh by Chriji- 'Ihey qucjiioned not his xi'ork^ *" wh/ch they cnnld find up fault with, but his power— fo thefe^ wkre ' they cannot by Cods word defend their otvn errours and ahufet, nor disprove our ' true dodrine, they fly to the Epifcopal power and anihority, as if they did poj- ^ fcfs anyfuch umblamable and laivful power, when they neither difcharge the of- *' fee, nor have the power of true Bijhnps » wherefore let no true fincere Minijler ' of Chrifi regard the barlqng of tbife men, but as content with the tfjlinwiiy of hk ' Conjci.nce^ and his calling to teach by the Lawful Magtjhatc, go on in the Lords ' jrorl{_ with alacrity of fpirit."] Here he addLtfi tlie-nuniieror tlicir calling at BiT«, by tlic ekd-ion of the Pallors and cnnhrniation of the Magidrates, and reception ot the people , that you may know what he iiicaneth by the Magillrates Call. ■ 'And p. 43<>. having told uS, that Chrifi ianity falkth wh;re the elellion ' and Palioral care of the Minijlry fallctb, he addcth. ^But noiv they that cndea- ' I' 70- /' p:tt out the light of truth, boift much of the power of Bifljops,Arch- ' Bifl.'.'i^s, Metropolitancs . Fatriarckj.and the Roman Pope; where if you urge ' i/)(W to ii. they arc not able to prove by any truth of divine inftitution, that fo '' i7iuch i'S this (iiii miniierial pown- (of Minillringin the Church) is in thofe ' Eilh.ips, Arch-bi(J}iips, Mctrop)litanes,?atriarcks or Pope, that is, in thefe church '■Lords ("Satrapc^J. Let them prove thai thefe are true Minijiers of ChrijK ' / jirive not about Kpifcopacy (liir.ply J in it fclf, whether it be to be numbred ' nithChrifls true Minilhrs : Put the c^nlriK'ofte is whcilxr fuch Bijhips as our age ' toe patiently toleratetb arc to be numbred with Chrijls true Minijhrs '■> It is great • '■ ly to be feared Jcjl in theday of j.rJgvcnt they ivill hear that dreadful word '■from Cod, Vtpart from me ye worl{:rs of iniquity, I l^'ow )•;»;< not ~) i have added more ot A////c«/hj- ihendiretUy ci-nccineth the point now in hand, bccaufc I would take him all together. And bccaufi tlic Helveti- ans arc not accounted Prcs'jytcrians, 1 add Eullinger, Dccad. 5. Serm, 5, p. ('n,ihiJ377. 578. and5"tvOT.4. ^.58'. Where he fliewcth that Dwafan Bilhops have not the fole power ot orJination, that Presbyters and l^i- fhops were thcfatricand had the fame work, and the horrid abucs, that amc into the Church by the degenerating of Epifcop.icy : And Decad. 5. Serm, 10. />. 4pr. '■that in latter Agrs, Prelates and Bijh ps,fnatching by ty ranny that power of excommunication, to thcmfdves which before was ulci by the Pajhrs in Synods incommon,andfacrilegijuflyt^f,ngitagaiiilithefir,iitfii' tut ion, had tamed a whdcfnne medicine into deadly poyfiin, and made it abj' minahlc to good and bad. But I may not reciteall. jyigundus was no Prc'bytciian, b.ing fuperintcn lent of Magd:burgh fiiU, and after of JTifmaria, and after ot Jene, and afkr Dilhop Pomcrtnien" Jis, ncr yet Math.Lidcx. yet go they the fame" way as may be feen, Sy- A a 3 tagfSf^ . (1 82) t7(rm.p.J04p. deexcom.p. 1114. deEcclef.p.ji^^. Je Minili. Should I cite all that js laid by ihole that never were called Presbyterians, "about the degeneration of Epifcopacy, the largencfs of their charge, the ruine of dilciplmcby their tyranny, ambition and grafping wealth. and titles, when they neither will nor can perform the work, 1 mean b\ Luther. Melin&on- Ilhririis^ Chytr£irr Tzeaedhie^Bifcer^Zni'igliuf^ Oesolampadiui ^Grynetu /Iretitti^ Gtulther, Pet. Martjr^ I ar£ns,Cheninitins.Pclargus^ikc. I (hould but iivtr" weary the Readers patience, I only a dd that if thcC hurches o Fnnc e^ Belnja^ Geneva and the reft of the Presbyteria ns, an d the Churc' es "if 'Tran - (ilvani a. Hungary and formerly, Poland ( that were Ort^iod o xJ .mH Wje - mia^ Brandenburg!} Saxo ny, the Palatinate, &c. that fct up another fiut of Epifcopacy, had fouad, that t he old or ti.nglilhl"p:cies would' have done the Minifterial works it is n^credible that they would all have re* jedcd i t. in. The third part of that experience which I alledge is the Bifliops own. I. This is fifin'fied by the'rconfeirions before named, Ar.Eifliop Vjhcrs rcafons tnr the ancient u(e of tpifcopacy with their Presbyters who (ha'l be acknowledged true ( Juirch Governours over their flocks, is fetchr from the need of (o many to tht work. And Mr S anley Gorvcr late of Vurchejler was woni to. proofs fbLing long intim.;tt with; him J that he protcficd to him that he 'ook a Bidiop to be but fnmm Prej- byternnim, of the fame orde<, and every Presbyter a Govcrnour ot the flock; And when i;e asked him,\vhy then he would be a Primate as hevvas,he told him that he took it not tor any [.art of hisoflice as inftituted by Chrili but for a C ollateral Dignity vvhicii the Kii.g was ptrafLci lo beftow on liim, lor the more advantageous d;fcharge of his Sp r'tu 1 Office. \V hat Eilhop Jewels opinion was to the like purpote is plain enough in his works, B\{hopReigno!ds ffhat now is") profclled to me his opinion fo be the fame, when he took the Eifhoprick,and when he faw Di. Stillingflcts book, that no torni of Cnurch Govtrniiitnt is prekribed in Scripture, piof^lTed that it was always his opinion 5 And joyned with us in out propofals for BilhopVJ^jersMvdd. Dr St/llin: fleet in- his Irenicon hath faid fo much againfi the Jus Vivinum cf OUT Prelacy ascarr never be anlwcrcd. I have talked with many oi the Bil hops and Epifcopal Conformilb my felf of thcfe iTattcrs, and I do not remember that ever I fpake to one ac- counted a Learn' d n;an, that did not conkfs when driven to it, that the Grcatr.cfs of //;eDiorLfus,and the Chancellois Government by che ( hurch Kcyes, v^cre caufcs ot iogreat a Ispfeut difcipline, as is to be groaned under: And can fluvv us no p.robab:i!icy, ir poflibiiity ot reftorin^; it, while it fo ibnds- And yet rhtv wo^ild iuveus fublcribe and (wca.v never to endeavour any alternation nf the Church C oi ernnient : not excepting in our place and r-s?; and cal!inp;,bv petition, crothcrwife, no though the King commanded Bifhop Hall in his Mod»Offer doth confcfs the faultinefs, and defircs refor- mation: and in his excellent Peace- makpr^ would take up even with a pre- fidencic durante w/;7, as fufticient to reconcile us. Dr. Hammond himfelf oft complaintth of tlic lapfe of difcipline, and the clergits and peoples vices thereupon. The Liturgy wifheth the godly Diicipline rcfiored, but doth it not, as if in our cafe it could not be done. Abundance of their Writers lament the fcandals of clergy and people which have abounded, of which I lliall fay fonitwhat more anon. 2. And this is yet plainlierconicfTcd by the Actual omiffionoi' difcipling: Me need not to difpute whether that can or be ever like to be done, by our Prelacy, wliich Isnoivhcrc doiic^ and m.cr tvas dnne^no not by any one man of them, not ex- cpting the 'icry bell, (o that it they had not come peer the fcraltian opinion in their hearts, and thought this ufc of the Kcycs t o conlitt but in bare Teachinp, or the reft to be et no great reed, it had not been roflTibic that they (hould have quieted their Confciences. Or at kail, it they did not do it, b^ faying, I cannot help it i It is not long of tiiC : As Bilhop Goodman laycth'it on the King in thif cafcof Chancel- lours, aiid molt lay it on the Church-Wardens and Minidcrs forprcfcnt- ing no liiore ; But all muil confefs that little is done b.lidcs the troubling of Nonconformilts. It is not one of a thoufind in a Dioceflc, lam con- hdenti tliat ever is brought under the cxcercifc of Church difcipline that ought to be; Noroneoimanv thou fan d th at ihould be fo according to t he ancient Ca non_s_gf lIic_Chur£hg^. If I fliould give no other inlhnce ^ than the ordinariencglcd of allGoJspublick worlhip (Preaching,, Pray- er and Sacrjmcncs) in publick, Churchcsor any other Rcli>;ious AlTan - blies, I do not think but ten thoufand perfons in this Dioct/Tc , and twenty thoufand, i fnotfour cy, in L3;/i/i>/t DioceHc are guilty, that were never queftion;d by the Church^ I may therefore argue thus: That which never was done by any one Eifliopin England, being the contefTed workof their office is naturally or Morally Impoliible tobedone (or if it have a pollibility it is asbad as none, when it never was oncered.'ced into aft) But the true ex. rcife of Ch-Urch difcipline on all or (he Inndredth or many luindred(h per - ion th a t it is due toy W'as never done by one Bilhop in Efizla>id, that rjnby anycrcdible Hijiory be proved ffincc the dcturmation or retormation J trgo. . . _ The fircngthof the Nfajor is plain, i. From the Eifliops own months who ufe to praifc thcmfclvcs as the Wiftlt, Lcarnidft and btlt of the Cltrgie, and therefore litterio be trufted vvith the Government of the Che^rch than all or any ot the Presbyters ( though but under thuri) And they would take it heynoully if we qucftion th.ir wifJoir t.^ cor.lciL ce orhonefty, arid if they are all or moli fogood, fiirc 'it is lo:ig ot th? i!a;c r.84) ftate and conftiuitlon of their places, and not long of their pcrfbnSi, that their very proper work is made but a (haddpw and a dream. 2. But though this be but ad homlnss^ yet really we have had very worthy and excellent perfons to be Bifhops i what a man was Jeivell ? Arch-bifliop Grind jI had Godlincfs enough, and rcfolution too to make himodius, and favoured Lcdures and Preaching, &c. Enough to bring him dpwn i[ CamhJcn, Godtxin or Fuller^ are to be believed." but ne- ver could do tills workofdilcipline, upon one of hundreds or thbufands under him. We had an excellent Arch-Eifhop- Abbot afterwards, good •enough to be reproached by Hcylin, and to fuffcr what I need not men* tion, but never able to do thi*: work. What Learned, Judicious wor- thv men, WLtehis]^roi\vr Robert Abb^t andsikei hmiyavenant, Bilhops of Salisbury ? And how 'good a iiian w:is peaceable Bilhop Hall , fo VJJ:er in Irdar.d , Moron and many more? But no f xh thing was done by any of tiiem ? what fhould I fay nowof Bifliop Kei^nolds, and Bilhop IVill^ins^ Men Learned and extraordinary honelt in thefe times: But let any man enquire whether any fuch thmg as the difcipline in quellion is exercifed on the thoufardth Criminal in their Dioccf c ? Indeed we have heard in Eiiliop Reignoldj Diocefe of a great nu-nber cciifured tor Noncontormity ; And it is his praLfe that it was not his doing ■, but his Chancellours ('.hough htretotorc J'idge Advocate in F ri reflexes or Cromrvells Ariuy. ) A nd to fay now that it is long of Church- Wardens, Chancellours, &c. Is bur to fay that the Church is corrupted, the Epifco- pal difcipline almolt quite call out, and all the remedy is to fay. It is long offomebody." Like the Phylician wh'fc Praife was, that his patients dyed according to the rules of art i orthenurfe whofe praife was, that ' though moll ot the Children perilhed, it was long ot thi.m(elvesorforae- body elfe. I IV. But the fulle d experience, which fo far faiisfieth methat all 'he book? in the world cannoc change me in this, is my oevn, and the reji of my Brethren in the Miniflry. I have lived now ( through Gods woa - » Notf „^ir- dcrtul mercy) threefcorc years wanting leife than four '^ In all this fixiyji-jc time, whilil the Bilhops ruled, I never heard one, man or wcman ca l~ Jhaveiaie led Openly to repentance for any tin ; nor one ever publikely confe fe '^ *''"'' or lament any iin s' Nor one that was excommuni ca te in any Coun » mxnkau'd try whcrc I carrie , except the Noncontormi(ts : Nor did I "hea r for teaching of any but One man to my remembrance , 'wJio did formal penanc e School and for Fornication, 1 doubt rot but there have been more: But the num - being mar bcr m.ay beconjidfurcd by this. I lived under a great number ofdrun - o'/f r' } l ^cn ana ignorant Curates that never preached, and Schoolmaliers, my and a \hi d (elf, and iiany more were round about us, that were never troubled wit h no tnuft difcipline, or calt out. I never lived where drunkards and fwearer s ""med. were not comiiion ; but never one of them underwent the Churches difcipline : But thole that met to faft and pray, ^nd went to hear a Sermon two miles oft, when they had none at home. But yet this is t he lafiof ny convidion. ~" WHen ^ — — -m- • S r'85) "When I unckrtooli a Pafioral charge my kK; I kept witli mc twoMi-j "nifkrs to allift tne Cat oneParifh Church and a fmall ChappelJ: I had' three Godly Jufliccs of Peace in the Parilh, who tocoimtcnancc ourdifci-, plinckept their monthly meeting at the fame time and place. I had four aiif cicnt Godly men that per lormcd the office of Deacons : I had above twen- ty of the Seniors of the Laity, who witliout pretence of any office, met with usto be witnclTcs that we did the Church and finncrsno wrong.and toawe the offenders by their prefence : Thcfc met once a month together, wc had almoil all the worthy Miniliersof the Country agreeing and afToci- ated todo tiK hke intlicir fcvcral Parifhcsaxfar as they were able i thit unity might the niorc coavince offenders: Wc had in the fame Town the next day after our monthly TowH-mceting , an AfTembly of adoz-' en or twenty fuch Miniflcrs, toedifie each other, and that thofe might be trycd by thcin and before them, whether we could pcrfwade them to re- pentance, who could not be prevailed with by ourfclves: And, which was our cafe incomparably beyond ^^II this, the times nor our judgment allowing us to ufcdifciplincupon none but fuch asconfcnted to our office and relation to them, wc told them that we had all agreed only to cxcr- cifc fomuch of difciplinc as Epifcopal, Presbyterians and Indcpcndants had no ccntrovtrfie about (fome of the Epifcopal joyningwith us) and that we would cxcrcife it in all our focks, but wc could be Paftors to none againft their wills i whe reupon of about 3000 pcrfons, 1 800 or more o t wf.ich were at age to be Ccrnmunican ts^ all rcfufcd to do any more than hear me j'rcach, Cfor fear of difcipline) except about gco or a few Inore. Thcfe 606 were the moft undcrHanding Religious part of the Pavim,a11 the groflv ignorant, an.d the Common ivyearers, and all t he Drunkards and fcanda lous pcrfons were among the rcfufcrs, excep t apout hvc or fix young men that had ROt fuch a Love to fipling that they cbuld not ka y^^it. ThcTehid their fin a while: But could not lon^; Yet . riie trouble and woik tlil't th c fe hve or fix men made us, fometimcs £y Drunkcnncfs , (oinctiines b y hghtinfi^^Tomciitncs by flandeiing tluir ■ Neighbours, or fuch like was more tHn it is^caTy Tor an u ne xperienc.d pet - ion to believe . So hard was it to bring them to a ContciTTon of their IJn s nr to ask thofc Forgivencfs whom they groHy wronged, that when we en- deavoured with all ourskill to convince them, and ufcd both gentle ex- hortation, and alio oj'cned to them the terrors of the Lord, when we prayed before them that God would give tlicm repentance, when their own Pai cuts and relations joy ncd with us, all would not make them con* f?fs tiicirlin, but we were force d to caff them ouf of our' CoWmnnion (for the mof t par t of them). Arid among all tlic rcfl there \^re(9(Ee that fometimcs would need adinonitions, and reconciliations withone'anothcr, which found us fome work. But if we had but been troubled wrrhallthc other ^loooor i2ooas was fiippafc'(^_) of the Parifh, anU fo with all the Swearers^ railers, Common Drunkards, foir.c Infidels, &c. What work fliould we have had i" So much as I dare confidently lay'^that (with- Bb out fi8«) out bting half fo ftridand troublefome as the Ancient Canons were_^ all we could not poiribly have done more in the work of difciplinc, thaa Govern that one Parifh. Nor could we have done fo much, but with fuch omiflions as nothing but difability would have quieted our Confci- cnces under. And that you may know that I give you not my fingle experience, the reft of the honeft Miniikrsof theCounty. i. Sometimes durftnotafToci- atewithus, becaufe thefcandalous perfons of their Parifheswcrc fo many and fo malierly and fierce, as tliat they were not able fthcy thought^ to exercife any difcipline among them, 2. Some that did joyn with us were fain to do as the Independants, and gather out fome of the bcft to be their flock as to Communion in the Sacrament, and let the reft live quietly a* bare hearers, becaule the offenders were fo many that they durft not ex» crcife difcipline on them. 3. Some did even give the Sacrament to all proroifcuoufly how fcandalous foever, to avoid the difficulties of exercif- ing difcipline. 4. And all over the land they werefaine to take the fan)e courfc with thefe forts afore faid, yea and more, too many quite forbear the Sacrament, becaufe they could not keep away the fcandalous, 5. And too many took up the way of Separation, and gathered Churches out of thefe Churches, according to their fevcral opinions, becaufe the Parifties were fo bad, that they thought them uncapablc ot difciplinc. Though yet the truth is. i. Many fuch made them wurfe than tiiey were. 2. And took the courfc that was eafieft tothcm, by avoiding the moftd fficult part of their work > 3. And they were led to it by over v3.\uingExf)ref!ve parts in fome of the people, and unvaluing the gooddcfrrcs ot foinc that wanted fuch Expreffions, And if we that found difcipline too hard awork for ustotxcrcife in our feveral Parifhes, fhould have dreamed that one of us, was fufticient to have exercifed it on a thoufand or many hundred fuch Paridies fby our felves and Chancellors) O what Monfters of ignorance, ihould we have been. CHAP. XX. OhjcdIioKS agawfi Parifi DiJiipUfie aajwcrcd. ' Oh], l''\70ii make this difcipline feem more needful than it is. j^ Church I ipay be utrue Church without it. l^be Helvetians ufe very little of it at all. Anf. I. The Helvetian Divines write for it, though with lenity and they are for denying the Sacrament to the Impenitently wicked, which is not nothing-, and they are for Paftoral admonition of the perfons that arc l And if not on Minifters, why Iiave there fo great numbers been fiicnccd, fufpcndcd, and troubled ? Sure fomebody tlinkcth, that our filcncingis needful. 3. If it be not need- ful, why did the iiniverfal Church ufc it, and that fo Itridly from the be- ginning? And why do they that fay this, pretend a reverence to the Anci- ent Churches, to the Councils, the Canons, and the Bifliops of thofe times, who went ten times further in their Severities than we do. 4. It is need- ful by Precept and Divine Canon as may be fecn, Lr:'. I p. 17. Matth. 18. 15, 16,17,18. I Cot. ^. lit. 1. 1'^. and2.\'). and 2,. 10. 1 T/w, 3. 5. 15. ««i^5. jp,20, 21 22,24. 2'tirn.^.and Holinefs. 18 It is needful to the eafe and peace of MagifirateSjthat they m.ay not he overwhelmed with thecares,troublcs, dangers, that come by multitudes of Wicked Men j but the Pallors la- bours with the voluntary may prcvcat much of the Magi /Iratcs trouble with the involuntary., ip. Zt is needful to the falety of Commonwealths and Kingdomes, that they be not po>foned by wickcdnLfs, and fo expof- cd to the judgment of God. 2C. And laftly, it i; needful to the fcan- dalous Sinners themfelvcs, that they may not be fuffercd to die and pe- rifliin their lin, but have all poffible means ufcd to bring them to repen- tance, that they may be favcd. Confidcr. whether all thcfcReafons prove not Difcipline to be needful. Object. II. But till Con(ljnii/ies t'lmt there w-ts no Chriiidii Magijlrate^ which made it then needful: But fi/ice the cjfe is lut the j lime. Anfrv. 1. Down then with Bilhops now, if 'heir work be necdleXs. But why then were they fet fo much higher, and had fo much more power iincc thedaycsof Cij«yb«ti«e then before? J, ;2., Are you wifcr than all the Councils ( Nice, F.pbcj'.'Chalced. Coiiji nice, Bcc. ) which have ever fince made Canons for Difcipline ? 3. Again, try whether none of the fore- going rcafuns, be itill in force. 4. Read G.iLifpies Aarons Rod, which fully proveth the continued, need of difcipline. Objcd]-. III. But difcipline is not to he ufed on all that defme it, hut only one noip and then, one to be a tenor to the reji : Xoit are for toj much jiriclnefj-^ rigidncfs and feverity. a>^ Bi/hops and Churches, who made the penitents waite at the Church doors,, and caft'duwn themfelves with cryes and tears to begabfolution andre- admiflion, and in many cafes to waite thus many years together, arid in. fome, till their deathbed. I am for accepting the firll credible pro - fclTion of Repentance: lam for gentle exhorting them and praying for them long before wecaft themout. I am not for troubling any for fmalT faults : Nor for bringing any mans fccret fins to light, or making them more publick than he maketh them himfcif i I am not for impofing fiich penances as the Papiftsdo. And is a Ifiidnefs fhort of theirs into- lerable to you, that pretend to be more holy than they ? Yea more, I" am not for the ufe of difcipline at all, where it is notorious to true realon that its liketodo moreharme than good. And is all this too much ftricft- nefs? But I amnot for keeping it out, and then making fuch pretences, nor for caufingthc incanveniences, and then pleading them agiinll the duty, •2. Ttti. CSg) 2. The Scripture and Canons do not bi J you reprove or fufpend or rc- jcd- one blafphemer, or drunkard of many •> but all thaf are fiich ; And do you fay that God and Councils diflembled, and bid us do that which they would not have us do ? 5. To cenfurconeof a hundred or a thoufanJ, yea, or twenty offen- ders, will be no terror or warning to the reft i who will look to (cape that which falkth on fo kw. 4. AN' hen one of fo many only is ccnftircd, tlie Church will be ftill un- der molt of the foremcntioncd danger and dchlcmenf, and this much will not reach the End. 5. Partiality is an odious Chara(flcr of injuflice and iTiouId not b: found in civil judges i much lefs in the Chuicius of Chrill. And it will but- harden and enrage thofe pcr((.)i)s whom jojj. deal with, when you cfiabfe all the Njvy, nor an hundrerl Sdyjolm ijiers that can well Govern all the Schools in the Viocefs : Ihei efore 1 w II get them all turned o.-it jni I trill be the only Phy- ( fician fwith iviy Apothecaries) the only /'i7« (with my S..amcn) the only' Sch.orlmaficr fwith my Monitors and ClhcrsJ my fclf; for theivjfk^can !«' hat left H/idone} Such rule tlie Chuiches nuilt have whilcGod Rr outii.;s wi'l fuiler it. The doing it per alios is oft enough anfweicd before. Obj. V. Many Parilh Miiiilters are young and raw and unlit to govern. AnJ.i. They aieunfit who make tl:is Objcdion, who biirg and keep fi.ch in, and call fo many iuindied ost that a,re letter ("ho vtvcr ig^norant mi- lia llandcr them) 2. This ahb mavbefai.1 ogiinft tlieir {.reac'iiPg, naich Bb3 mere: no*c: For, 5. They tray Rule with others, when they cannot preach by oihciS. 4. Ihcremay be appeals to thcncxt Synod for Prelate if you will have it Co)- Obj . \' I. ToH n-cuJd Lvc a Trkfl to he a Tope in his Parifh. Anf. I can call this Objection no better than grofs Impudency : For, i.Its a Contradidi- on: A Pope is a Head of the llniverral Church ; And fo it is faying, thai n-emaks every Minifies a Head of the Vniverfal Church to his Farijh. 2. We dcfireaioic Presbyters than One in" a Church. 3. Wedefirc Appeals to the next Synod ; and is that to be a Pope? 4. Is not one Minilkr as able to Fx'ile aParifti, without the help of aiTiKants and Synods, as one Prelate to Rule many hundred Parifhcs, wholikely is aworfe man than the Minilkr? Impudent pride will perhaps fay no. CHAP, XXI. Tf.e Magijlraies Sirerd is ncitLcr the Jlrcvgth of Chtirch difcJpUne, vcr mil fcrve injlcad of it^ tiorjlmdd he too KUtch nfed to fe- coiid and C77 fine it. THefe three afTcrtions I will prove diAindly- x.'the Magi^ratef^rvord is not the chief flrength of true church difcipline. I add this, becaufe this is the Frelatills lall Objcdion, that its true that the Keys are but brutum fulmen iZ«c/i2 leaden ftrord rvithout the Magi' firatef : For almofl all men will difpife it : JVho reill come to our Courts if they may choofe ? IFIyo will regard our Excommunications ? Do not the peo- ple 710JV defpifethcm? what then tvonldthcy do if they had their mils? when we have excommunicated the Schifmaticks ^ They rvill Excommunicate us a- gain. g^ The grcateft Prelati/ls who write tome and fpeaHJith me, ufe thefc very words thcmfclves. To which I anfwer. 1. If we prove that Chrifl hath inftituted difcipline, and that for fuch noble ends as aforementioned, it is little lefs than blafphemy thus to re- proach it : As if Chrifi had no more Power, V\ ifdome or Goodnefs, than to ordain fo vain and unprohtable a means, to fuch high and necelfary ends. 2. The objcdion doth butcxprefs a carnal mind, which rcgardethon* ly carnal thinj_s, and thinketh as bafcly of all others, as if nothing moved them but theincerefrof theflefhi And as if Gods favour or difpleafure, and the authority cf his word and Minifters were of no force or regard e- vcn with the Church of Chrifr. 3. The objedticn invitcth Kings to put down all Biftops, except Preachers 090 Preachers and Magiflratesi For why fliould they put the people to fj great charge and trouble, efpccially when they love the PrHiUs fa link as to keep them up to wield a Leaden Sword, and to brandilh a hrutum fulmen, and to makeanoife to no more purpofc i yea to rob the Magilhate oi the honourof his proper work, and to mike the de- luded people believe that thofe things are done by a i'V//.'/«/;«t'« tvhich really are done by the Civil power. 4. This objcdicn bitterly reproachcth all die ancient Churches and Bifliops, and all General and provincical Councils, and all the Cannons and ancient difcipline of the Churches v As if they had troubled the world tono pupofe and all their diftipline had been vain. 5. The objcdion is notoriouily confuted, in that the Difcipline was more powerful and had better trf(:(ft, before dj/iftjiitiur time than af- terwards, and was much moreftridly exercifcd againll lin. And that which fo long did more without the Sword, than afterward by it, doth not receive its eflkacy from the Sword. 6. Anatwarci there is as much of Divine Authority, as much of the powcrofhis Precepts Prohibitions^ PromiCa^ and thrcatnings, as much of Heavenly induccmert, as tnucli ofihe terrors of Hell, as much of in- ternal goodncfsot holynefs, and evil of lins, as much of Soul inti.rert in what tlic Minilici propoundcih for mens convidf ion , as there is, when It is backt with the Mjgifirat'.s Sword. And if all tlitfe luve no force, Chriltianity mu(l beadream. and able to do no good in the world i which better bcfeemcth JhUmi^ CclJ'ut or Porphyry, Sym^HjchnT^ ciEu/ijpins, to (ay, than a Bifliop. 7. By this objeition the Prelatifts openly confcfs that their Churches coii-(l(l of men fo carnal as are not tnnved by Divine autliority with-* out the Svvord : And confcqucntly what Fillors they Inve been to theClmrches, and how they have governed tiicm ', and what th.-y allow us foexpcdt from their difcipline for the time to come. 8. By this Objection they condemn themfelves and jiiflitic the Nonconformifts: Fcrwhy fhould we ^iPtv/cthat we will never ci.Joi- vour any alteration of fo brutijh an Office, as it tiie King and Par- liament could not take down fuch an ufclefs thing i* And why Ihould fo many hundred Minillers be forbidden to Preach Ciirilf , for not afTcnting, confenting and Swearing to luch a vainc and bnuilh power ? p. By this they give up their caufe to the Presbyterians, and Indc- pcndcntsj Confilling that their difcipline is uneffedtual i when as we that plead for another frame, dclire not the Magiftiates Sword to in- terpele, and dcfire to ufc difcipline on none but Vclunfcers. And ci- ther the difcipline which wedelJre hath /»»>« efficacy, or none. If none, what need they fear it, or hinder it, or lilencc fo many hundred Mi- nilkrs, and write and drive, and all to keep men from uling fuch a bnuioH fnlmcn whicli can do no haune. But if they cootels tliat our difcipline hatii L :lnfli efficacy, and theirs !iath none, what do they but dirciJlly call us (o ■feck the alteration which we are required to abjure ? 10. Laflly by this objt-dl-ion they Ihcw themfclvcs too ignorant of 'the naturc'of Churchy and dijcipli'ie, and Sacrament and M/nijhry: Or elfethcy would better know how hr Volunteers are proper ob]C(ftsof •Church difciplinc, and have theriji,htto the privileges and Corr.munion of the Church. 1 1. Ihe Magijlratei Strord will not fcrve infle.id of Church difci' •p'ine. 1. Elfe Chrift would not have inflituted another office for it. 2. EUe it might fcrve alfo indead of Miniftry, Preaching and Sa- ciamcnts. 3. The nature of it tendeth not direftly to convince men of Errours fo lead them into truth, to move them by heavenly motions, and to ■bring tiiem to true repentance and godlynefs. Eut this will be fuller proved under thenexti and isconleffed by all fave the Eraflians. III. Ihe Mji^ijirater Sword jhould not be ufed too fonvardly or too much to fccond or enforce Church difcipline i much lej's to be its life and firengtb, andinfcp.irMy ttvijhdrvithit. I inear, 1. No unbeliever fhould be forced to fay he is a Believer, and to •prcfefTe the Chriltian faith. 3. None upon fuch profciTion Ihould be forced to be Baptiz- ed. 3. None that hath no right to Church Communion in the Sacrament fliould be forced to receive it. 4. None that Apoliatizeth from Chrift fliould be forced falfly to pro- fcfle that hcis itill a Chriftian. 5. None thatarcatage (hould be forced to flay in the Church by lo- cal preftnce or relation asa member of it, who is not willing, and the pradiceof the Papi/f's who force no Heathens to be Chriftians, but af- terward force Chriftians by hre and Sword , and burn them that were Hereticks, Scliifmaticks , or Apoftates is fcif contradidling and fclf condemning ■■, God Ixavirg left man as much unto his own choice for continuing as for Entring into the Church: And as for Obedience to Rul- ers, Inhdels may owe it to Chriflian Kings, as wellas Chriliians : And none but Magiltrates can ufc the Sword to punilh either. 6. No Magifirate fhould punifli a Mani body, niecrly b:caufe he is Excommunicate, and fo puniflicd already. Nor fhould he be made a meerexecntioncr to the Bithop without hearing, trying and judging the Caufe himfelf, in order to hisown execution. 7. No Magilirate fhould force an Impenitent finnertoJie and fay he doth repent, that thereby he may be admitted to the Church Communion "nd Sacrament, but it is the force of Gods word that muli try his Pvcpcn, ■^ce. liut yet I acknowledge, i. That Magiftrates and Parents and Ma ficrV may a fane 093) may force their Subjcifl's to ufe thofe means which tend to make them ChriOians, as to hear Preaching, Conference or dilputations, or to read convincing books: But with thcfe two Cautions, i. That it be but when it is like or hopeful to do more good than haimc. 2. That it be by wife and moderate means of conlheint, ard not ha»,g or burn them to convert them. 2. Accordingly MagiHrates, Par'~nts, and Matters, may ufe the like force wi:htheir Subjerts who are ChriHians, to caufc them to ufc the forcfaid mcancs Cof hearing and Reading and conference^ fortheciuc- ingof their dangerous errours or llnful lives. 5. And Idoubtnot but Magiftrates may punifh men Corporally for their crime according to the nature of them , and. even for the fame that the Church hath excommunicated them. If one be excommuni- cated for Treafon, Murder, Theft, Swearing, Prophaning the Lords day, and holy things &c. it fellowcth not that the Magiitrate may not alfo meddle with him. 4. And wc doubt not but Magiflrates may Rcflrainc falfc Teachers . from reducing otiiers, and drawing th(.m from God to lin. 5. And the Magiiiratc may and ought to encourage Miniftcrs in the life of the Church Keycs, and to prtftrvc tiiem from the violence ok wicked men. 7. And they maym.akea difference in their favours and rewards, be- tween Chriftiaiis obedient to God and tluir Pallors, and Inhdcls, excom- municate, in penitent ones, and Apollates, by denying honors and prefer- iMcnts and rewards to the worfe. which hcgiveth to the better fort of iijer. But yet as to the Cafes before denied, eipccially tlie forcing men by fire> fwoid, and imprifonmcnt to fay, they believe and repent, and to take the Sacrament and other Church privikdges,and making this the ftrength of Church difciplinc, I have all this againll it. I. No (orce Ihould be ufcd to the hindering and deflruAion of Chri/ls ordinance of difcipline and his Church Laws. But fuch it would be in the cafe in hand. For Ciirills fundamental Covenant is, that the true wil- ling penitent and believer Ihall beamenbcrof his Church, or thofe only that credibly profcfs to befo (at aj;e,) Ke that will may freely drink o{ the water ot life. Nemo invitut pt Chri^iianuf : (b tliat to fay, that any man hath right to the ni^lUeal Church privilcdgcs, hwX Con faiurs, or any man hath right to the vilible Church priviledgcs, bi.;t credible Profclffors of can- fciit; is to contrathdt the very condition ot the Covenant ot life, whi:his the fum of all the Gofptl. Its true, you may compel fome men to duty, but you cannot compel them to be h.'ppy. But to force them by perpetual lu.prifonmrnt, conhfcation and the fword, tT> lay thst tlvy jre Chrijiiins^OT npent^coi'fnt OT jre n-illhiir^ and (b to give them abfolution and Church-communion, is to make Chrilh ( rdi- nancc of none clfcg (>i>4) //'ffg, and then to »f( them as fucli ; But, i,It is not eredihh t!ut iliat pcr- fon is tr«/ypenirent and willing to be aChrilUan, or haveGfnirch-com- nnunion,who will not be peiTwadcd to confcnt by all that can be faid by the Pafiors from the word of God, but yet on the rack or lo prevent un- doing will fay, Iconfent. This is contrary to the nature of true Repen- tance. 2. Or if it did not make this forced confent utterly incredible, yet it utterly croffcth the ends of Church difcipline, which is to difccrn the voluntary penitent; which force foobfcureth that no man can tell whe- ther the peilbn be credibly penitent or not. If I left a Legacy to fo many that are Lovers of the Church, and its Communion, and my Executors (hould get the Magiftrate to hang, or Imprifon or undo certain men that are accufcd as Enemies of the Church, unlefs they will fay, n-p. Love the Church, I thiuk my Will would be ill perfoimed, if thofemenhadmy Le- gacy, that were forced to fay fo. 2. No man (hould be forced to his own fin and diflrucflion. But he that is forced to take the Sacrament when he is unwilling and had rather be without it, in likelihood is forced to his fin and deftrudlion : For even the Liturgy telleth the unworthy that they eat and drink darnnation to therri- felves, and that the Devil may enter into them as he did into Judjs ; And who is unworthy if the unwilling are not ? 3. Force is not fitted to caufe love and jvillingnefs; therefore men fiiauld not be forced to take a Gift, which Love and willingnefi is the condition of ■> men ufe not to fay. Love me or I will hang thee or impriion thee; This feemeth to make a new way of Preaching which Chrirt never made. 4. Chrifis terms are felf-denial, Crofs-btaring and forfaking all and following him for the hopes of heaven : But this feemeth a new ind con» trary Gofpel, as if Chrift had faid i He that will be my difciple rather than be iraprifoned or die, (hall be faved or received.] Chrid faith : He that forfaketh not all that he hath cannot be my difcip-le, Luk. 14.^53. '^'^'^ way, faith []He that will come to the Church-communion rather than forfakg all jh all be my difciplel. Chrift faith [_Hethat lovethany thing, even his life more than me, cannot be my difciple.'] This way faith, j^He that loveth life, credit, wealth, liberty fo well as that he will rather receive the Sa- crament than lofe it, (hall be my difciple] ChxiH (3.1th, except ye repent ye Jhall all perijhj] This forceth a Minifter to ablblve a wicked man, as if he (hould not peri(h, if he will but rather fay [7 repent~\ than lofe his li- berty and eftate. God faith [He that loveth the IForld, the love of the Fa- ther is not in him]. This vwy faith £Do but Love the world fo well as to fay and do any thing to keep it, and then Palter and people (hall number thee with the Lovers of the Father.] God faith i the carnal mind is enmi- ty to God and it notftibjeH to his Laiv nor can be."] This way faith [If thy carnal mind make thee fay or do any thing to fave thy liberty or money, thou art an obedient Son of the Church and of God.] And is not this to fet up anewGofpel, Grf/.i.j'.S, " "- 5»An4 riP5) 5. And this way compclleth men to lie and play the Hj«pocntcs, when we may difccrne it is fo. Mr. Capel of Tempt ; would perfwadc us that a lie thus diffa-etb from mod other fins, that it is fo evil in it fdf^ as that it cannot in the very aCt be hrvftil. \Vhcn a man againil all pcr- I'wafion, faith or Iheweth you, that be doth not believe in Chrifi^ or doth not rejient, to fay to that man, \_Say thoubclieveji, orKepentell, er thou {halt he confifcdte and lie in ]jile~\ is plainly to fay [Lie or fuffer'] I deny not but that in fome cafes a man may be examined when it is foreknown that he will lie. But its one thing to force him to cxamiiiation and an- fvvcr, and another to force him to that particular anfivcr. 6. It is acompcllingmcn to pretend to that which we cannot compel tlitni to, that is, to have a Right to fo great a benefit as Ahfolittion and Church Communion. Force giveth no man Right to theBenefit^ and their force fliould not compel him falfly to pretend a Right. 7- It confoundcth the Church and the world: VVhileft every man is made a member of the Church that had but jather tell a lie and take bread and wine, than be undone, what wicked man on earth will not do the fame funlefs he be fo Confcicncious that miftake and Confciencc hindcrcth him j Is there any Inhdtl , Heathen, Atheill, Murderer, Traytor, cr Scnfualill, in the world that will not doit? What Hiould hindtr him tliat bclicveth there is no God, to do thus rather than b: undone i' Is it fo hard a word to fay in a Chancellours Court [^Ircpcnt^ and deride and curfe them whcn'hc is gone out i or is a bit of Bread and a Sup of Wine fohard for a Glutton or Drunkard to get down, as that , any of them would rather he in jailc. i. So that by this courfe the Church and the Inhdel world are made equals and no man can prove that any Mahometan Congregation is not as good, as to the perfons , as fuch a Cliri/Han Congregation ; For wliat Mahometan would not fty and do this rather then be undone? unlefs he be a Confciencious one, who is not fobad as thofe Chridians that have no Confciencc. 2. And by this meancs no conje^ure can be made of the real members of the Church. Tlioufands may be driven in at the doars, but we liave no means to perceive whither any of them indeed be Chridians. 8. And liereby the Church and the Chridian Religion are greatly dislionoured, while this odious jiigma is made the marke of a vifible nieniber, [One that had rather fay he is a Chridian and repcnteth, than lie in a jailc] ! Is this a laudable defcription ? 9. And hereby Mabenutant , Jews and Heathens are hardened in their Infidelity and reproach of Chrift , while Chridians are fuch as thcfe. lo.'Itputteth every confcicncious Minider intoafnare, and trou- bleth his Confciencei , or turneth him out , when he mud put the Sacrament into the very hand of every man that had rather take it than b« imprifoncd v and mud read the Abfolution of every one that had rather fay, [Irepent^] than be undone. Cc 2 11. It Cip^) 11. Ithindercth the comfort of the faithful in Church Communion to know that this is the meafurc and Charader of thefe with whom they muft hold that Communion, which is called the Communion of Saints. 12. It defiroycth Church unity and Love. For every viable member of the Church being a fceming Saint, fliould be loved with the fpccial Love which bdongeth t ) Saints, by us who are not Searchers of the heart. But who that is not outof his wits can by any obedience to the Church be brought to Love allthofeas f'eeming Saints, who will choofe a Sa- crament before a jailc ? He that cannot believe them fuch, cannot Love them as fuch. 13. It will fircngthcn them that Separate from us asnoChurch, and make it not fo eafy to prove that we have any Church, as clfe it would be ) when they fliould argue l_IFhere there ii >w credible ProfejJioH af Faith and repentance there if no trite Church : But &c. Ergo. The Major is un- sf ^, they denyable. '*^ The Miner indeed is not true, becaufe many do Voluntarily tbattoske profefs, and (hew their Voluntarinefs other waics. But no thanks to the Coven tbein that teach the accufers thus to argue [ fFben the Lan>s of Profeffion TTmu> '"■^ ^'■"/'■/^ orlieinjayle, there is no credible (Voluntary J Frofeffjon : But 'J^iMaine '^'^- The Major %' prove, 2V«j fjje &non apparereheicare equipollent: that there- But tender fuch a law no vduntarinefs and Credibility is apparent : Erpo — fort it And I know but this anfwcr to the Minor, it is apparent oth:rwife binds ihcm thoj;ghnot by that forced profcilion, becaufe multitudes daily (hew that they approve of what they do. 1 4. Force tcndeth ratlier to hinder mens Repentance and Love to the Church • For Fear breadeth Hatred '■> or at leali Hurt doth. Kindnefs breedeth Love. God winneth our Love by mercy : And we are fo to ^in the Love of others. Give a man but a box on the ear or flander or wrong him, and try whether it will make him Love you-, to fay, Leve Chrijl I n J the Chrifiian or I mil undo thee and lay thee in jaile, is the way to make him hate them. 1 5. And vhe Office of the Paftors is fuch as that trtab and Goodnefs are the wares which they expofe to finners choice, and Light and Love are the cfTcds which Spirits IFord and Minijiry are appointed to produc. And by Light znd Love they muftbe wrought. Therefore no Minider doth his work, or doth any good to fome, if by Light and Love and holy Life, he help not the people to the fame. And therefore the ad- iun&ionof J jyles znd confifcatrens ^ is fo contrary to his Office and de- l^gne as obfcureth or defiroyeth it. (Though Enemies may bere/lrained and peace \^pt by torce.J) * 16. True difcipline cannot be exercifed this way, not onJy'as its loft in the confufion of powers ^as a little wine in Wormwood juice ) but becaufe the Number and quality of the Church members will make it impoiTible. Enemies and rebellious carnal minds are not fubjed txox. can be to the Lawcs of Chrift j you may alfright them. to a Sacra- ment,, 097) nicnt, hutftieof .them w'lW mike i Miniricrfudi work, who vviii bac tjll them to credible repentance for their crimes, and will renew thofecriir.c^ fo ©ft tillhe be excommunicated, and will fohitethofc that excomir^uni- cate, as will tell you what can be done,when aJ/fuch are forced unwillingly into the Church. Of this I have fpokc at 1 irgc in my Book of ConfirnMio':. 17. It tendeth greatly to harden the iinncrs in the Church in their im- penitence, to their damnation ; when they Ihall fee, that let one fwear and curfe and be drunk every day in the week, if he will but fiy , I repent, ra- ther than lie in Jayl, he (hall be abfol vcd by the Chancellour in the BiHiops ramc, and have a fealed pardon delivered him in the Sacrament, by the Minister who knowcth his wicked life. How calie a way to Heaven (which leadeth to Hell jdo fuch good-na'iircdCcrueljChurchesina'cemen ? Obj. 7he Minijier is to refufe the fcand.tlous. Anf. Not when he is abfolved by the Chancellour. Obj. But if he fui again, he may refufe him .igaiit, Anf. How far that is true, I (hewed before. But nnt n-hen he is abf4ved j- gain. And he may be abl'olved tones qitoties, if he had, but rather lay, / re- pent'] thin Vic in ]3:)k. 18. Let but the ancient Canons be perufed, and how contrary to them will this courfe appear ? The ancient Churches would admit none to ab- folution and communion after divers greater crimes, till they had waited fas is alorefaidjin begging and tcais, and that for lb longaterm and with fuch penitential exprcllions, as fatished the Church of the truth of their repentance. It would be tedious to recite the Canons. How great a part o( Cyprians Epililes to the Churches of Cartl\i«rc/^, yet it they do not \owciJayU with /"r^gfry better, they fhall be received. 19. Even when ChiiflianEmperours had advanced Prelates, and gi^T en them { though not the fword yet^ the aid of it in the Magidrates hand to fecond them, they never ufed it to force any to the Communion of the Church, but only to defend them, and to rcprcfs their adverfaries. Yea when Prelates then»felvcs began to ufe the fword, or to delire the Magi- flrates to fcrve them by it, it was not at all to force men to fay ; lhc\ Re- pent and fo to be abfolved and communicate \ But only to k^rP htreticks from their own aficmbling's, and (nm publilhing their own doflrincs or inain- fafiiing them, or from being Pallors of the Churches. And yet now men will (oreethem w be Abfolved and comm:inicjte. And how great Hiifchieis did even fo much ufe of the fword in matters of Religion as was the pimijhmmtoi Hereticks then being Ctlwugh they Cc 3 were. r is'S ) were not foiccd into thc-Chnrch.) Socrates btindeth Cyril of AlexanJria, *Th-ophi.* for the fivft Prelate that ufcd thefvvord: and what work did he make lus hit 5/ wkh k? He invaded a kind of fecular Magiftracy. He fct himfelf a- Jle'sf n atJ gain'ft the Governour Orcj'tcr, and under his fhadow thofe bleody murthers jucajTir. were committed on thejcwcsi who alfo killed many of the Chriftians. The Monks of Mount Nyjlra rofe to the number of 500, and alTaulted the civil Governour and wounded him > and Atnonius who did it was put to death by Orf/h'x: and Cyr// made a Martyr of him > till being afliamcd of it, he furtered fiis memorial to be abolillicd. And when Hypatia a moft excellent woman of the Heathens, was famous for her publick teaching of Phylofophy, Pf.'er, one of Cyrils Readers became the head of a party of that (Ihurch, who watched the woman, and dragg'd her out of a Coach into a Church, fiript her of her cloaths, and tore her flefh with (harp (hells, till they killed her, and then tore her m,etnbers inpeices, and carried them to a place called Cyiuron and burned them, for which we read of no pu« niftiment executed, ^ocnz^ /ii. 7. ^.13.14,15. Anditwasthis S.Cyril who deprived theNovatiansof their Churches, and took away all the Se- cret trcafure of them, andfpoiled t\iz'^\W\0'p 'Xheopomptis of all his for- tunes, iS'ocrd*./. 7. c. 7. What his Nephew and SuccefTor 'timphilus was and did, you have heard before and fliall hear more anon. What the ancient Chriftians thought of ufing the fword againft Here- ticks (though they compelled them not to the Church and Sacrament) a- ny man that readeth their Writings may fee, viz. T'ertullian, Arnobiuf^ La- clantitts znd abundance more. And the cafe of S.Martin townds Ithaci- ifs and IdaciHS, I have oft enough repeated : Only I cannot but note the im- prdency of Bellarmine, who de Scriptor. Ecclef. de Idacio (falfly making Idaei- iij to be the fame with Ithacius, when he was but one of his affociates) doth ttll us that Id jci US kWundei the rcprehenfwn and punifhmcnt of the Bifhops (in eo reprehenfus & punitits ah Epifcop'n fnit, quod PrifciUlanum apud je- culares acctifavcrit & occidi cierjverit~\ whereas Sulpitins Severus^ telleth us that all theEiihopsof the Synod joyned with them, and one S.Martymnd one French Bilhop moredifowned and refufed them, and Martin would have no Communion with them to the death (fave that once at the Em- perours perfwalion he Communicated with them to fave a prifoners life, which was given him on that condition, and yet was chaftifed by an An- gel even for that.J And Ambrofe at Milan alfo difowned them (as you may read in his lifcji and whenthedeed was done, the Chriflians fpake ill of Itbacius and Idacitts tor taking that new and bloody way, which be- fore the Churches commonly difowned, but they pretended tliat they did not caufc this execution. And the fame Sulpitiits tells you, that when this new way of feeking to theEmperour,was tirft fet on foot by Ithacius and hisSyKodifts, the Prifcillianills quickly got the handle of the fword, zni by a Courtier got c\cnCratian to be on their fide againlt theBilhops, And r^99) And yet that was not all the mifchicf, but wlicn Mtxrnui hid iiiH-c'l Crjtun^ it was this plealmg of th.fe bloody Orthodox Prelates which he trufied to as his means to pofTtTs the Empire, and fo punifl^cd the Prifcillianifts to pkafethcm, and ferve hiirifelf of them (of whichmore anon.J But you may fee here that Bf//jr;?.i/ie himfelt feemcth fo difown Ei- fhops fecking to Magiftratcs to punilhHercticks •, As if he had for£;otrea their bloody Inquilition and Maffacres. And Birmittsiiwit. Amhrjf.wouM pcrfwade us th.it /^wiroje (who was of /V/jr/i/iT mind) did not dilown the punifhmcnt of hercticks by the fword, but he would not have Churchmen fcek it. As if it were not evident enough that it was the thing it fclf that he ind Martin w«;re againft, and tlutMjrtin vvas .reproached by the Prelates as a fiitor of Hercticks, for (ravelling to Afj.v/ww/ Court and importuning him to fjve them. And as if thelnquititors did not feei;^ to the Magiftratc, and more, even Judge, and execute the fword them- li-lves. Its true that ^«^^«/?<«e was at lad for the ufe of the fword again ft the Donatills. But its as true. i. That he wrote much before againli it. 2. That it was fo much againft the Churches foriner judgement and pr3fj«(/r/.i, faith ^wr.jff/, [_¥pifcopns Kfrnanns nonalit(r atqtu yUeKjidriniif qit.ift cxtn ftccrdotis j^nts cgrcjf/n , ad featlarem principjtum crjt jjm ante dcLipftu'] ("it fecmsRowe had the primacy in a Sanguinary PreiacyO ^"'='5 faith he, Then I'ope Cekfline hrfl took their Churches from the Novations; and compelled their Bilhop Ruricelit to keep their meetings privately in houfcs: And though the Bifhops commended them as Orthodox, yc^ they Ipoiled them of their fortunes, Socrat.l.j. c.ii. 10 iir.patient are armed Prelates of any that are not of their mind and way, how horcO othcrw ile foever they acknowledge them. But, alas, fince then what llreams of blood have been fhed to back the Romane difcipHns ? Kow many hundred thoufard of xheJValdenfes and Alhigenfes did they murthcr .'' How many thoufandsin Eelgia, France, Ger' mj?iy, Poland, Ireland, &c. And when at hrft they prccariouily got theMa- gihratcs to ferve them voluntarily with the fword, at laft they would co/ijlrain them to it, as their duty ; and fuch a duty as they muft per- form on pain of loling their doininiuns: For the Pope having hrft ex- communicated them, next may give away their dominions to others, asis fully exprefied, Concil, Latcran. fub. Innoc^. Can. 3. & Cmicil. Kom.fub. Gregnr.-j. And do I yet need to fay more, what mifchief hath come by o- vermuch backing Church difcipline by the fword ? If I do, let this be the clofc,that God knowethhow many Great men and Commanders are now in Hell, for the perlecutions and rrjurdcrs, which Church m.en have thus drawn them to. i. Lattly, mod certain this courfe fof forcing all men into the Church and tothe Sacrament by prifcn and fwordj will keep up perpetual divifi- ons in the Churches. The more religious fort of people will Hill in all ages be'tlying away from fuch Churches as from a Peli-houfe, orinfedfed place, or ruinous houie that'srcady to fall. The unexperienced Prelates think that it is but feme few preachers that teach the people fuch Arid: opinions, and if thofe werecut oft all would be well : But their ignorance is theChuichcs plague and their own. i. There is (bmcwhat in Scripture that perfwadcth themthatGod hateth all the workers of iniquity; and that holinefsard L.nholinefsare as Light and Darknefs, and that he that namcth the name of Chi ill mull depart from iniquity, and that the impe- nitent and fcandalous mult be avoided and alhatncd, and hercticks after a hrii and (ccond admonition, and that he that bids them Good fpced is partaker of their evil deeds , and that a little leaven leaveneth the U'holc lump, and therefore the wicked mult be call out, and murt be to us ^if obftinate after adinonitionj as Heathens and Pub'icans i Thefeare not the'Mords of phana ticks but ol Chrift. 2. There is fometliing in the faid f-loi) ncNvborn foul which Is contrary to wickcdncfs," and wHlch indineth men f o an enmity with the Serpents feed as fuch, tliough a love to them as men that arc yet capable of grace and which difpofeth men to obey all the fofo faid words of Chrift. 3. And there is in the people more than in^ tlic Paftors, feme remnants of ignorance, which makes them more liable to flrctch thcfc words of ChriA too far, and by miftake to run further from wicked men than God would have ihem. But when they fee the Wildemefs called the Garden of God, and the wicked not only tole- rated in the Church, but forced into it by the Sword, and fo the Ciiurch to contain the world, and to be as vicious as Inhdels i (what ever men fhould do,) I dare confidently prophecy what thcyBvi? do > AH the Prelates in the world, ro nor all the godly that' preach, will never prevent it, but e- very age will bring forth new divilious, and the firidl-cr fort will be Aill flying from fLich Churches as thefc, to worftiipGod in purer (bcictics i And if you are angry with the Scriptures, and with the Papifls.keep them from their knowledge, you inull do fo alio by thcCrced, LordsPrajer and ten Commandments, or clfe the very Article of [the Communion af Saints'] and the praying \JIhy Name be hal/on-ed, thy Kingdome come^thyTFill be done in earth at it isheaven^wnh the precepts of Holinej't and Righteouf- tiefs, will have the fame kind of operation. Obj. But in the Chttreh of Rome, there ii unity and concord, and no SeGr^ and therefore that JJjeit eth hs tvhit thefh'ordmay da. Anf.i. But the Church of Kowcisitfclf but a fradion, divided from the refi of the Church. Do they not differ fufficiently from tht Greekj; Ar- meijijns.,/4hajtnes,8cc. Did they not drive from them Gfrw^;;)!, Bc/g/j and the red of thcProtcftants ? Yea, even by their cruelty, fo far was cruelty from preventing it ? The Anabaptills, and many other Scdls may be atone among thcmfelvcs, and yet not at one with any others. 2. Are you vvillingofa concord in your Churches upon the fame terms as the Ciiurch ofKw«f hath it?\Vhat,wiih the fame ignorance and,ungodlinefs> Locking up the Scriptures, in Latin Prayers and MjITcs, and a Catholick Tyrant or llfurpcr,and all this procured by the blood of fomany hundred thoufands, and kc.pt up by the fame Love-killing means ^ would you indeed have fiich a concord .'' Et cum {olttitdinem facitis, paeemvocabitrt^z^Ter- inHian fpeakcth. 3. But indeed the Church of Kowchath oneother means forconcord which you want iand that is various houfcs and orders of Monafiicks. Ig- norance and prophancfs will ferve for the conccrd of the word ■■, but there will be ilill fome who btlieve and (orcthink of a life to come, and therefore will be religious', and for thefe when they cannot have communion with the wicked, this politickly holy Church iiatli provided this expedient ; e- vcry one that will be Rcligioultr than the relt, hath a hive or fociety to flic to at their choice, and may betake tiiemfclves to tiiat which is mod ftridt er moflfuited to their own conceits. And it you would make Indcpcn- dant Churches to be like fuch Monaftetics, where the Rdigioufer fort may Dd have (301) have Communion with one another , you may do much to prevent a further breach. • Objed. II. But the /word mil profail with the mo(i: In the changer gf *► tRe/igwn in England and elfe rvbere, the People have alivayci changed reith the h he King. Anjw. I. Men may feemingly leave an ill way with the King ; Be- caufe they are wicked that walk in it, and therefore can fay any thing. But men will not fo eafily leave a good tray when a King (hall leave it i Becaufe they that are in a good way are often Good men, and true to God, and hold truth and Goodnefs fafter than bad Men hold Error and Evil. 2. Indeed this is the way to have a Church onely of perfidious wicked Men, who will turn to any thing with their tongues ( becaufe they will rot turn to God with their hearts ) ; And to have no true Chrifiian left among you: for fuch fear not them that can kill the body ontly, in com- parifon of him that can damn the Soul, L«% 12.4. 3- Do not Trunee^ and all the Churches J and Ourfelves at this day fully Jherv yon the falft- ntfs of this Objedion. CHAP. XXiL AnAnveer tothe Ohje&ioffs. i.NoBipops ko King. 7.Afidof the Kebellidtts and Seditictisof thoje^ that have been againji 'Qipops. I Come not for your own fake to meddle with fuch matters as thefe, but you put a neceffity on us, by making us odious by fuch pretences. I. To the firfi I anfwer, i.Were not all the very Heathen Emperors heretofore, and are not all the Heathen Kings ftill, Kings, and as great as others, without Bifhops ? And may not Chriftian Kings much more ? 2 . If the Presbyterians had faid, no Presbyters, no King, you would have taken it for treafonable > as ii they had threatned that the King (hall not be King, unlefs they may have their way, and (hall not the King be King unlefs you maybeBilhops ? 3. What is in the nature of the thing to warrant this alTertion ? Presbyterians own every text and Article for Monarchy as the Prelatifts do, even as ever any Chriftian Council orConfeffion a(rerted, as far as we can learn. They plead no other divine right for their offices, than our Prelates do. And ffave what fbmc of them have held by the Magiftrates own gift) they pretend to no power over any mans body or purfe. Many of them and the Independants, meddle no further than their own Congregations. What is in all this againft Kings ? That an Ariftocratical Church Government may not live quietly under Monarchy, or a Monarchial Church Government under Ariftocracy, is an afferted iiftion, without all proof. Otherwife by the fame reafon you would per- fwade Venice, Holland and all (lich Governments, that Prelacy may not be endured under them, 4-. But f20^) 4. But what if it were all as true asit is falfe? What is it to thofc Nonconformifts that craved Biftiop I^/^err Epifcopacy ? The queftion is but whether a humble Bifhop in a Parith or Market Town, without any Lordlhip or great revencws, or intereft in the fword, may not Hve as fafcly and obediently under Kings, as our Lord Bifliops? Yea in very deed moft of the Independant Churches themfelves have a kind of Epifcopacy, whether they own thenameornot : For ufually one llnglcPalior hathas much as a Negative voice in the mannagement of all difciplinary af- fairs. II. But theanfwer to the fccond will fuller anfwer this. i,Do you rot know that where Prelacy is at the higheft, there Kings and Empcrours have been at the loweft ? Do you not know how the Papal Prelacy at the prefcntufurpcth one part of thefr Government ; and is ready to take away the other when they can, when ever Kings difplcafc them ? Can a- ny thing be faid to hide this by him that rcadcth, but the two forcnamcd Councils (Later. & Rpm.fubGregor.y.) Did Prelacy prcfcrvc thofc Empe- rors of the Eaji thii fuffered by it •* Doth it now prcfcrvc theEmpcrou r of Moictvy, where the Patriarks intereit is pretended in the rebellion ? Did It prefer ve Frederick^, and the two Henritso( Germany > or Henry 3. and 4*/^. of France^ Did it prcferve the Kings of England, fFlll. 2. Hen. 2, and 5. John, &c. from their wars and troubles ^ Did it prcfcrvc the King- dome of Navar to the right Lord ? What fbould, I fay, more of this af- ter the copious inllances of H.Fowln } and after that volume of IV.Frin. of the En^ijh Prtbtei Trcafons? Read it and judge. 2. What people more peaceable and obedient to their fupcriors, for in- ftance than the Helvetian Minifkrs have been?' who yet have no fuch thing as Bifhops. 5. Dr. Pet. Moulin Junior, one of your felrcs in his anfwer to Philanax ■^ngl. hath faid enough to confute moll of the Calumnies againft the Re- formed Churches in this point. 4. Who knowcth not, that even in the ancient Churches, and that when Epifcopacy was thriving apace, yea and by and among the Bifhops thcmftlves, )Ca fomethat were good men and are now Sait«ed, yet tu"- mults, fcditions, rebellions, and contentions troublcd-the Churches, and the Empcrours and Magiflratcs, as frequently as of later times,- which I mention not to abate the honour of thofe better ChrilHans, but i. To fhew you, that all this was done under Prelacy, and therefore it was not want of Prelacy, oraverfnefs to it that isto-be-taken for the caufe. 2. That thcfe dilkmpers were found in the bdltimes, and -among the* pureft Churches, and therefore arc not to be now-thought flrange, or taken for a mark of a bad religion. 1 win not repcate what I faid but even now of the horrid tumults «nd blood 'i)\(.A it Alexandria, their cruel Murdering of Hyfatia, and the infurrcdion and fedition even of the Holy Monks, and Saint Cyrili Saint- ing ofthe executed artor of violence on the Governour. Dd 3 What (2e>4) what work his Predeceflbr Saint T'i&fffp^i/^f made againfi Saint Chry fnjlome, how Epiphanius aded his parti how Saint H/erawf uas of their party 5 how even the Orthodox Bifhops infcvcral Synods oppofed and dcpofed thofe two excellent Bilhops of Conftantinoph Gregory Thiol, and Chryfofiome, hath been laid before. Even at the Elcdion of Chryfojlome Iheoyhilut went about by alt means to difcrcdit him, and to preferr to the place one Ifidom Prieff of his own Church. And that you may know how Loyalty prevailed' againft the owning of Tyrants when they got the better you flnll fur* ther hear why T/)£(3;>/;^/«i . fet fo much by this If^dore^ becaufe he under- took for him a pcrillous piece of {ervice ffaith Socrates It. 6. c. 2.) vi?, ' £ when the Emporour Tbcodofius waged War with Mxximtts the Ty-- .. ' rat)t, Ihcofhihis fent Frefents direcfted to the Eraperour with two Let- * ters (one to Iheodofms and one to Maximits) charging Ifidorus to pre- * fent him that got the,better with the gift and one of the Letters. Ifi' '■dore being carpful of his bufincls, wept diligently about this fcatv got * him ,to Rpme, and hcarkeneth, after the Vidory ; But his fetch was * not long ere it was found outj for his Reader, that accompanyed him ' ftole. away his Letters. Whereupon Ifidore being afraid to be taken- * with the manner, took his heeles in all haft to Alexandria : This was •it that made "theophilus labour fo earncftly for Ifidore: But all that ' were of the Empcrours Court preferred John to the Bidiopprick: And 'afterwards when as many charged TbeophilKf , with hcynous crimes, * andprefented to the BilVops (then.prefent) libells and Articles againfV ' him , fome for this thing and fome for that j Eutropius one ot the *Emporours Chamber having gotten the Articles and Inditcments, 'fliewed them to Tbeophibts, bad him choofp whether he would Create ' John Bifliop , or ftand at the Earr and anfwcr to the Crimes that ' were laid to his charge. Jheophilus was fo afraid with this that prcfcnt^ * ly he confented to the inftallingof John ]. What would h ave been faid ofoneot us now, if we had not onl y c omplyed with a fidorious Tyrant, butalfo fo jugledwith prefents ap d double Letters before hand. I did my felf difowne Oliver Cromwel open- ly to his death j and yet becaufe after twelve years poflcflion of the Ufurpers, I did, but D ed icate two B ooket to hi s Son Richard, whom I iiever faw nor heardTrom, only to encourage him t o befriend truth and - unit y againft Papiils and Sedaries, wh o the n threatened all, Tand this ' when the Roy alifts themfelves gave out that he was Really for the re - flora tion of _ the King) this is mad e th g odious Crinag inme> as a thing ijeferving greatclt infamy . ." Do I need to recite how great Lee himfelf and other Roman and J-" talian Bilhops owned the Barbarian Conquerours? No wonder than if they too early took 'theodoricus for their King fet over them by God,- who was a better man than the reft, and. had at h&. a better Tit- : Saith, r J05) 'Saitli .?Mrrff?/flirther li.G.c]. [when the Common-wealth of the '■Roman Empire, was toiTed with thde troubIefc)nic Itormcs of RcbcUi- 'on fuch as were promoted to (he reverend tuniflion of Pijeii-hood ' were at diftrad-jon among thcmfelves, to the great ilandcr of Chriili- . *■ an Religion : Then was one fctagainft the other ? the original of which ' pert 'f lent Schifm came from E?v/'f, and theoccalion wasa.s foliowcth. ' There was a que(tion broached a little bjfore- , wh(.thcr Gvid were 'a.boJy , made attcr the likenefs atjd turfnc of man ? ,Or wliethcr he '*'Vcre withdnt body, and void bf all 'Corporal' Ynap^,. * Hereof**^'** • 'therearofe fundry contentions and quarrels: While fume affirmed this •^"j'"'./"''* ' and others that : Some of the rudc/t and unieaincd fort of Religious men min^be''Li» ' thought that God was Corporcr.1, and of the forme and figure of man; called.ib.it ' But the greater part condemned thefn with their Heretical opinion, a f- *-''^ "<""'"'' * tinning that God hadno bodily fublbncc or Ihape. Of which opinion ^"'"''"^''t ' was Ihenphiluf Bifhop nt'A/cxtndria i Co that in the hcaringof the whole uHr'and'fi ' Congregation he inveighed bitterly againll the Contrary The wor- frfjr/"»r)f 'Ihippersof Ei^v/>iun.derii3nding this, left their Religious houks, cjme '"•'^ f""^'* ' to Alexandria., tlockcd about Ihc^philits i condemned him for a wickr ^'''/,""* '^" 5 cd. perfon, and fought to bereave him of his Life. Tbeophilui being ' '""* 'made privy to their Confpiracy, was wonderful pcnfivc, devifed how 'he might (cape their hands and favc his life. As foon as he came ' into their prefencc he falutcd themCourtcoufly, and faid thus to them." ' When I fallen mine eyes on you, methinks I fee the lively face of 'God. With thcfe words the rafli heat of the unruly Monkcs was da- ■ *■ laycd, and they faid, // tbjt he true tl.ut thou fayejiy that the Counten- *- As foon as Tbecpbilus »,nmcT in ' underflood that they abhorred his manner of living, he was wonder- hit Wjrf.-n, 'fully incenfedi and promifed to work them' a difpleafurc — and being L'^*'' '* 'prone to anger and rcvenge,belljrred himfelf againil them and endeavour- ^,^.^,/'/ 'edby all means to work them mifchicf. And lie began to de(pig[it /-o-jin h ' Dinfioruf, tbcBifhop, for it grieved himtotlie gutts that the Woilhip- »5)WJ ' pcxs madcfoffluchof r'?c/tvr»/ and reverenced hin^fo lii^hly CTo be- E) 3 'jhortei . (io6) flidrtcr than Socratir ) "thiofhilm not. knowing elfe how to be revenged, ftt the Monks againft him and his Bretiiren, and accufeth them ofho\d- ing contrary to the Scripture, that God had no body, hands, or ictt-, and fo taketh on him to be of their opinion,till he had fet them altogether by the cars ; And the ignoranter Monks being the greater number he took their fide, and fo they went firft to it by zealous reproaches, one part calling the other Originefts, and the other part calling them Anthropomorphitts^ and at lafl it came to a deadly Battel. And., faith Socrates., "thtofbilm per- eeiving, that his fetcher framed after his will pcent tvith great power tovDards the Mount Nitria, where there religions henfts flood., and aided the Monks agairji Diofcorus and his Brethren : And the Religious men thns befet rvitb great danger had much ado to Jave their lives. ~\ Socr. 1.6.c. 7. Did ever Presbyterians commit fuch an unchrilHan and inhumane vi- lany as this, by fuch falfe dilfimulation and malice ? And here we fee how the quarrel began againil Odgens Works, not for the palTages that are truely culpable, but for the founder parts i and how it came to pzCs that Chryfeftome Wis not fo forward to condemn them as his Condemners did require him to be. Theodorct.Ub. ^.Hiji Eccl. c. 13. Tells us that when theEmperour Fj- lens his order was brought to Euj'ebitts Samofatenus for his removal and ba- nifhment, Eufehius teh the Officer, That if the People (hould k»on> it, they wcould drown him in //^R/wr ("Euphrates J and therefore contrived to flip away by night. 3 What would they fay, if our Churches were fuch as this orthodox Epifcopal Church was ? Theodor. lib. 3. c. 13. The Virgins openly fung in reproach of Julian the En'perour \_Rjt£ ilium confcderatum tyrannum contemnendum ejje& omni- um irriftone liidendum ^ judging that wicked Tyrant to be contemned and made a mocking ftock by all. And yet he was a lawful Emperour and none of the cruelleil Perfecutors. 7hcodor.l. ^,c. 13. When the People of his Church had found out E«- fehiits their baniftied Bifhop, they earneiUy perfwaded him to return, con- trary to the Emperors Edid, and not to fuffer his flock to be left to the Wolves ( which were the Bifhops fet over them by the Emperour J. And is not this more than the people are now condemned for) who on- ly hear the Miniftcrs privately ? Cap. 14. When the Emperors Arrian Bifhop was fet over them, not one of all the People, rich or poor, fervant or labourer, husbandman or Artificer, man or woman, young or old, would come as they ufed to theChurch,nor come in f^ght of theBifhop,nor fpeak with himiBut though he lived very modeflly, he came to the Church /CplaceJ alone. They would not bathe with him nor bathe in the fame water , but throw it firft into the Channel v when he left the City ( this was EunomiusJ. Do our hearers deal as harsfhly as thi? ? Afterward when L«ci«j- was fet over them, the Children in the ftreets did burn their ball, becaufe his Aflesfeet had touched it. Id. C^oyJ) Id. ih. e.i6. When the Bi(hop o^EdeJfs was removed and another fet over them, the people frequented private meetings is the Suburbs. And when the Emperour commanded hisPrcfecS-, Modejiuj, to take Souldiers and difturb them, and drive them away, the women ran with tlieir Chil- dren hoping to die with them. And EulogiHS thePrcsbjter a'kcd, ly^j the Emperour made Priejl when be was ntade Emperoxr ? And how thePrcsbiters and People of ^nt/W; continued their meeting whether the Emperour would or not , though he difturbed them by Soldiers. "Xhcodorc, 17. Bafilt anfwer to the Prefed, when he offered iiim the Emperours favour, was, that Children were to be fo talked to, but Men bread up in divine lludies, would fuller any death rather than fuf- fer one fyliable of divine Truth to be blcmi(hcd. ^od autem ad Imptra- toris atnicitijm,8cc. But as for the Emperors friendlhip I much value it (faith he) joyned with godlinefs, but if it want that, I fay, it is pernici- ous. In one of us this anfwer would have been enough to make us fce;n as bad, as it made Bjfil cflccmed good. Jd. ii.c. rp. when theforenamcd Luciitr was made Birtiop of Alex- andrta^znd P^ter their Eifhop putout,the People would come to thcChurcli place, though he pcrfccutcd them as he had done the other, & omncs pjt- ritir eepcrttnt Lucinm ennvitiir laccrjre^ they all began to tear Lxc**/ with revilings, becaufe he pcrfecuted the Monks ol Egypt. Id. I.e. ^2, ^oc/j/ a Bilhop in Pfr/ij demolilhcd their Temple for Py reum) by violence: For which the Emperour of Pcr/tJ killed him, andde- ftroyed all the Chriftian Churches. Id.l, 4..C. 21. \V hen ftf()/f/ was dclired by Qljcen Mjvia to be her Bi- (hop among the Saracens, he would not let Lueiuf ordain him, becaufe he had perfecuted good men. But (aid to him (S^'f i»tp>us »on tuj cau' fa etmventus Ecclcfiajlicos petulaiiter infcQjtus r/f .«' j^is e laudaterum viro- rum numtro non parte exulavit ? ^^am immaiiitatetn barbaram, malefici abt te in dies fingulos admijfa ncn fuperaruiit ?) Do Nonconformilisfpeakmore harihly to our Biihops ? "Ibiodorct himfcif frequently callcth Julian a Tyrant, cap. 22. The Heathens kept their Fealis openly i Iclis auient ApojiaHe£ dociriiue propug- naUrtibus , tyrannus ifit fe hofltrnprebuit. And, when he was dead, they openly rcjoyced at his death. Id.cap.^o.l.^. Withwhatbold language doth Jssjjj^tcll Fj/cn/ of his fighting againlt God, and calHng out his Ministers, and Gods fighting againit him, and what he would be fure to meet with at the end, if he kicked againrt the pricks, Lib.^.c.i-J. The Chriftian people of Theffahmies roCe, And killed fomc of "tlmdofius his Officers, which provoked him by his Souldiers to kill fc- ven thoufandof them, foi v/hkh Anihrofe brought him to do open pen- nane. To mention all the blood (hcd at ^ome ( as at Vtmafeut eledtion and elfcjt ('208) e'.fe ) and Confiantinopk, and Alexandria would' he tedious, even that which wasftiedon the account of Eifliops. Lndits Calaritanus was a piOus Bifliop j but fo hot for fcparation froni thofethat had been ^h-m/u, that he is numbered for it with the Here- ticks, though an orthodox Bifliop. The Nci'atianswerc Epifcopal, and fo were the 'Donatifts, and yet how have they been judged of for their Schifrn I need not tell : ApolUnariut father and fon, PjhIw Ssmofatenus, Nejiorius, Diofcorns^ EufebiHi, Nicomed, "Xbcodoms Mopftiejl^znd how many more Bifliops have been Arch-hercticks and the caiufeof tutnults and diffenfions. The very reading over the ads ot the General Councils,efpecialy Eph. i. and li&Calced. is tremendous.lt was to be a Bi(hop,th3t Maximus made fo peitilent a IHr at Confiantinople and Alexandria againlt Gregory 'theolog. Yea they tell us themfelves, that it was bccaufe he could not beaBilhop that ^o-zHj-fpake againlt Bifliops, fo pe- fiilent a thing hath the defire of fuch Eifliopricksbeen. ThepdotHi the Eifliop would not fp much as joyn in Prayer with Bafil morning or evening, bccaufe he had but communicited with Bifliop E«- ftathius upon his fair proklfions, Bafil. Epifi. 43. Admir: ad terentium Comit, The contention between fuch excellent perfons as Eufebius Cafar while Eifhop, and Bj/j/ : while Pretbyter, was very fad andfcandalous. The contention between Bafil and Euthimitts 2ho\it the extent of their Diocefs wasno lefs. The People of Cxfana would have torn in peices, Eufebitu the Prefi- dent, the Emperors own Unkle, for Bafds fake, if he had not hindred them. The Church oi' Neo-C^farea wrangled with Bafil for his Pfalmodie, and even avoided him as if he had been an Heretick, fee Bafils Epiji. ad mer. 4. to Julian, what language he there ufeth to the Emperour : Not that I judge him, but wifhyou to judge equally of the adions of thofc times and ours. See Bafd Ep.S2. Theodor.l. 5. c. ip. The Antiochians for a Tax under Iheodafm the great, did lumultuate and kill the Magillrates, and deflroyed the Statue of Placilla the good Emprefs. In the Weft good Ambrofe zt Milan ("was not filenced as we are, but ) by an Orthodox En perour defired and commanded to deliver the Arriant pcrJIdlion but of one Church ; and he refufed to doit, and to forfakc that church Cor Temple} or deliver the Veffels till they (hould be taken by force. Vit, Amhroj. per Baron, p. 6. whereas we all left our Churches at a word. Nay though he would not refill: the Ernperour, he would rather die than deUver up the Church. When he was celebrating Gods Worfhip he was fain to break off, to refcue an Arrian Prielf out of the hands of the Orthodox people, who had laid hold on him : For which multitudes were laid in prifon and Irons, and accufcd of Sedition, and great Calamity followed to the Church, fsop) Clnirch , and this from Fakntinian an Orthodox Empcrour. Amlrofe faith when he rcfufcd to deliver up the Temple, Eaqiu fmt Dnhij Jntperaforiji potejlati non e[fe JuhjeHa (^KBarnniufdy trnc)"j but mine 1 fiiall yield to him]. But we hold that even Teirples fas wellas Bill>- opsj though dedicated to God, are under the Civil power of the Em- pour. vvhcn Amhrofe was defired but to quiet the people, he anfwercd It it in my poivernot to fiir thttn up-, but it is God that nmji cjiiict thcm~^ So great was his intcrcii in the people that the Empcrour faid he was a Tjrj^r, and that tlic people wduld deliver himfcif bound to him, H' Ambrnje did but bid them. Vet had Ambrofc been the man that had gone on his Ein- ballie to Mjxinius^ and kept him from coming into Italy in purfute of Vahntiiujii which made Ambnje {iy .[Non hoc Maximum dicere giiod Ty- r.iiittstgo funt Vjlditiniani: qui fe mc£ Icgationis objeCmm qncritur adltal/amiim ^otuijfe pervenire.'] And bccaufc the late revolutions in E;;^/^;;;^ arc made by foiDe Prelates the pretcn~(; for tiic lilencing of the 1 800 Minilkrs, of whom one of ten never mcdled with Warrs, being fallen again on this cafe of Mjximiify let it be noted how like he was to Cromrvcl^ faving that it was not tl>e Scdarie-5, but the Birtiops that hcfludyed to picafcand rife by. A\ hen Gratijii the Emperour befriended the Prifcillianilh, Mjximuf to plcafe the Eifhops perfecuti.d tliem.tothc death. When Valantinian by Jufiin^ the EmprciTc mcancs did pcrfccute or trouble Amhrofe for retufing todelivtra Church to Jhc Arrijiu., and alfo other Orthodox Bifhops as well as Ambrnji, Mjxiinus gave to Ambrofc and the Bilhopsthe Hon- our of keeping iiim out of J/j/y, and letting J'^^/f;!*/«/'j/jfcape; Yea, wrote his Letters to VuUntinian for tiic! Orthe)dox Bilhops, telling him how grievous a thing it is to pcrfecuTc the Minilkrs of God, and when un- der his father they went for faithful Miniftcrs. ^x tanta mut.itio^ ut qni ante J Cjccrdotes, nunc fjcrilcgi jifd!Cjnmr\Iifdcm certcprsceptis, lifdon Sjcramcnlis dil.itis i K.idcm fide credunt^ qu.t antea crcdidcritnt. An pxtJt Vaicrabilis mibi firciiitds tua conceptam fcnicl in animis rditnonem e^nam Pctcf ip\c conliiiidt pojjc ciclli ? And proceedcth to fhew what dilbrdcrs and contentions muft needs- follow wlicn there be a (hew of pcrfccuting Chrillians and Minilkis] Upon this lucfTage of Mj.v/w;r/, Pakntinian being afraid of him, the pcrlecution ccafed ; and Amhmfc mull bcfent again on the Emballage to Maximiis to Hop him ; But when as the Bifh- ops oi France and Germany owned him, and Ambn^e would not com- municate with tlwfe Billiops ('no more than Mir*//) J faith he, cHmvrdertt me abjhncre ab Epifcopis qui commit nicabant «, vel qui aliquos dei'ios licet, t fidt ('tl\atisthe Frejc/llianilis) ad necem petebant, jifffit me fine mora ire- ^redi. See here that .<^wtr(»,'i'as well as Mjr//« liparated from the Com- munion of the multitude of Eifhops tor owning Mjx/ww, and forfechin^ to thcMagifiratc to draw hisfword againli the TrifiiUur.ifts, whom Snip. ^/•zjfiw/ callcth Gn#/?ycj^ i \Nhenas many among us, have by words and Ec v^ritting C2I0) writing provoked Rulers to draw the fword agalnftus that differ, in no one point of dodlrinc from the Articles of the Englifh Church. And the faid Maximm and the Bifhops did fo clofe.that only one Hyginus aBifliop is menfioned,and7'/;c(7gn<3/?»/ befides Amhroje and Mmin that reje- dted Maximus^ and refufcd Communion with the Synod and Bifliops, and wasbanilhed alfo for fo doing. By which you may fee, i.That Eifhops can comply with ufurpcrs that will be for them as much as Presbyters, 2. And that all is not unwarrantable feparation or fchifm, which Bifliops call (o, when thefe three (hall fcparatcfrom fomany. And faith "Baron. in vita Ambrof. MJx'imus ut Tyrannr n'omen vitaret, perinde atgnefidei Catholk.40. tcWs us, tha.t Maximtis took juft a name to himfelf as Crow ve/ the Prett(5}or did. [Maximus Procnratorem fe mpublicje nomine pr^fuiffe confi' Uxetw.'] He would rule as the Procurator of the Common -wealth. Well! But this is not all the ufurpcrs that rofe up in thofe dale*. E«ge- . «i«/foon becomethmore terrible than he (who once was but a Schooima- ftcrj. And how doth this loyal S, Ambrofe carry it'' when he had got of Theodofmi a pardon for all that took part with Maximus, even his Army except two or three, yea and benefits too, yet did not this holy loyal man think it finful to write thus to the Tyrant EUgenius, [Epiflohl.tp.io^. CUmentiJJimolmpiraiori Eugenia, Ambrefms EpifcopKJ j Bifhop Ambrofe to the incfl Clement EmferourEM^f«/«/. And thus condudeth, [In hit vera in quibiis vos rogari decet, etiam exhibere fedulitatem potejiati debitam^fjcut & fcriptmnejl,ciiihonorem, bonorem,eni tributttm^ tribtttum: Nam cum private detulerim cerde intimo, qitomodo non deferrem Imperatori ?J i. e. But in thefe . ' matters where it becometh us to petition you, we mult alfo give thcdili- ' gence due to power : as it is written, honor to whom honor, tribute to * whom tribute : For when 1 honored you, when you were a private man •from the inwards of iny heart, howlhould I not hon^r you an Empe- *rour?'] Reader do not only judge of my two Epiftles. to Rich. Crommll by C=") thefe paflagcs, but even of theirs that fubmittcd to Oliver himfclf : ani yet Judge of the inferences that are raifcd by our accufers. Should I but recite the words of fubmiHion of Bijhopt to ufurpers, ye* oi Gregory the Great and fuch of the highefl note, it would be over tedious to the Reader, who I doubt will think that I have been too long in this un- pleafantHiilory already. 2. But this I muft need add adhomims^ i.That it hath been the Ei- fliops themfelvesthat have be£n the grand caufe of our Church divifions and reparations: what advantage they have given the fcparatifts I (hewed before. I am f ure in the Congregation where I once w as teacher, a nd the Countrey abou t, nothin g that ever c ame to pafs hath f o inc lined the peo- ple to avoid the Prelate s, as r heir own doin g, efpccia lly the iile'niring and reproaching their ancien t teac he rs ^hom tH cy kne w longer and better than the Prelates did . ^ 2. That it was a Parliament of Epifcopals and Eraftians, and not of Presbyterians , who hrft took up Armcs in England againft the King. 3. That the General, and chief Officers of the Parliaments firft Ar- my were fcarce any of them at all Presbyterians, but Epifcopal by profef- fion,faving fomc few Indcpendants. 4. That the Lord Lieutenants of the feveral Counties, were almoft all Epifcopal, fave three Independents. 5. The Major Generals of the fci^cral By-armies in the Counties were alnieft all Epifcopal. 6. The AfTcmbly of Divine; at Wejtminjler were all five eight or nine Conformable. 7. Moll of the Epifcopal men of my acquaintance took the Covenant, that could ■keep their places by it, or at their compofition. 8. I knew few of them that took not the engagement it felf, againii King and boufe of Lords, mecrly for liberty to travail about their bullncfj, when we that ran a greater ha7ard by refuting, never took it > but many were caft out of their Churches, and their government in the Univerfity Collcdgcs for rcfuflnp it. Thefc and many more fuch unplcafant things, I have fully proved elfewherc, being conltraincd by the falfe accufations of implacable men, to mention that which I had tar rather fiicncc. p. And what hand the Londoners, the Presbyterian MiniOcrs, and Gentkmtn, and people had in bringing in the King wasoncc known and acknowledged. And General Monkf Colonels and Captains were fo many of thcmPref- bytcrian?, when they caft out the Anabapritls, from among them in Scat- Ltndivd march t \nto England znd rcfTored the King, that as I knew divers of" thtmtobefuch, fofar as I could learn iVomothcrs, the chief llrength of them were fuch or lb inclined. 1 o. And though many of the Parliament wcreHippoPd Pr;sbytcrian» ^long after, who were Epifcopal at the railing of the Army, >et could not E c a the (2U) tRc late King C/^jr/i;/ 1, be rejeded and judged and put to death, till moft of the Parliament were violently fccluded and imprifoned by the Army. ' And as foon as they were but called together again, it was they (in Parha • mcnt and Councilor State j that opened the door for theKings reftitution. But while the matters of the Church of Chrift, and the dccilion of re- ligious controverfies, and the liberty of Chrifts Miniikrs to preach his Gofpel, muft be laid upon ftatc revolutions, and where Biftiops that can neither accufeChrife Minifters of hercfic, ignorance, negligence, cove- tuoufnefs, pride, nor fcandalous immoralities, Ihall run to the old me- thods , and perfwade Kings that thefe men arc not for their prohr, that they are peftilent fellows and movers of fedition among the people, tliat they prophecy not good of Kings but evil, and that they would f^.t uo another King, one Jefus, and therefore are not defjrj friends, thefe mi - licious projcds may filenccMinifiers, and profpcr, while our fins are to be punifhcd, and the peoples, contempt of the Gofpel and their ingratitude are to bechaflifcd. But the wicked (crvant that faitii, my Lord delayeth Iiis coming,arid bcatcth his fellow [ervanrs, and cateth and drinkcth with the drunken, will fee that his Lord will come in a day, that he looked not for him, and will cut him a funder, and give him his portion, with hypo^ crites (for their dead Image of Religion will not fave them) there Ihall be weeping and gnafhingof teeth, M^«/j.24..48.4p, 50,51. * " ■ "■' T' '■ : ' - — — .. — -. ...... ... — — ■■■ . I ^^^ . M - . . ,^.,. ■» e CHAP. XXMI. Four "doitlh cLrrgesJhavp vyyvj roved agahrj} the feredejin'hed O'loce- fanc/ rM of Govcrfrnic?it^ the Icijiofrrhicb 'ilonc is ctictoh top-iv: it vUerly nvlan-Jul.. 1. "TF^iiat it overthtowctli the ancient Species of Churches, and fetteth X up another fort of Churches, in their phcei and fcts up (j/jeCWc!> of that kind inftcad of many hundreds. . , 2. That it overthroweth the ancient oflice of a Presbyter, by taking away one part of his work {viz^ Government^ which as much biloigeth to him as the reft ; And mikethanev^^olliceof fubjcd- Rresbytcrs, v/hich God never made. 3. That it overthroweth the ancient fort of fixed Epifcopacy, Casdi- fiindt from Itinerants and Arch-bi(hops)vtakingdown.a thoufanior very many Bifhops, even the Bi(bops of particular Churches, and inftead of them all fetting up but one over all thofe Churches j as if all Bifliops were put down, and the Archbifhops only take all their charges and work upon them. 4. That, it iKakcth the Difcipline or Government inliitutcd by Chrift, in the. verj' matter of it to become impoirible and imprafticable, and fo cxcUid- r*!?; cxcladeth it, under pretence tliat they are the only perfons impowred for it ,' and they fet up a Kind of fecular Courts and Government in its /teadi and.lo arc pradically Eraftians. I fhall conclude all with thcfe Confecfarics which follow what is already proved. Cf Chrilt. 3. But it is (cant well that yet they fubfcribc to the book of OrJinjtio>i,vf\vch afTcrtcth the Divine right of three dill ind orders, ifthey donot believe it. 4. And thcfe alfotoo muchgratifie thcBrownift, who aflirmeth that we have no Churches of Divine inll itution, and think- cth tJiat it is no tault tofcparjtc, but from 1 (Juirchof humane invention. - Ctnf.i. To fay that no man High or Low is biXind in his place and calling to endeavour a lletormation of fuch a Church -Govcrnmexit, and fo to jultihe the negledlers and oppofers of all Inch Pvcforn.ation is to draw upon a mans felf the guilt of fo much pollution, and of the ruin of fucli a multitude of'fouls, as Ihnuld make that Confcicnce fmart and trem- ble, which is not (cared and paft all feeling* i • ' Conf. 3. To fvvcar or fubfcribc, or fay and declare, that though milli- ons fhoviU Uvcii to endeavour fuch a reformation, in tlicir places and callings, by lawii;! means, there is no obligation licth on any oncof them from that Vow or Oath : So to endeavour it, is — - The Lord have Nt.rcy on that Lard, City or Snul that is guilty o\ it' Conf. ^. All car nal intcrcft aru) all carniL'"'^sfo" '' on the Vixc fantr ^^, /_. / fide, and' all the luf^s of the heart ' of man, and con feq gently all ftiePc^ "* " '^'^ ' '^ vii^can do : Therefore while carnal Chriltiansmake a Religi on o l their luils and intercH, and pride, and covetoufnefs, and idlencfs are^more pre- dominant, than tiie fear ot God and the l Dvc^f.» fouls» no w onder it t!w I?i!7ff^/;c caufe prevail with fucli. ,•••.•. Con]. 1. A"truly fan5iticd heart knowctli the nature and worth ot Grace, and the nature and weight of the Palloral Office, and »is devoted to God and the good of fouls, and contcmncth thecaleand pleafurcsof the flelh and thericlits and the honours of this \Vorld,and is the bell argument in.the \\ orlJ againll fuch Diocefanc Prelacy^ and mull at leall be rfeaki^ned be- fore it can fublcribe never to endeavour to amenAjt, Conf, 6, No .wonder il the moll fcrious zealous pradical fort ot Chri- fliaus are ordmarily againft fuch Z>/i>f(;/j«f; Prelacy, when it luth.lhe dcfcnbed ( tledts and that thofe among thcmfclvc*. Co?)/. 7. No wonder it the principal work of fuch Djoccftncs^ht to filcnce faitlifiil gxcacheis and £C.ifccuce ■zealoujChrillians, where ihcy had c- ^ Ee 3 fpoufcith tvbat depth of forrorv ought we to recount your part errours, *, partly through neglcd of duty, partly through abufe of power ^ ** were the faithful inyourtruft? did ye diligently inftruft the ignor-^ , ' ' ant ? feverely punifh the difobcdient ? Endeavour to reclaimC thofe that """'*'* ' walked diforderly and contrary to the Gofpel — -That ye were vio- * lently bent againft A(flion and Schifme> againft fingularity and Non- ' conformity, all confefs v a few excepted who thought nothing too * much, yea nothing enough in this kind, how oppofitc focvcr to Chrilii- * an mild nefs, prudence and Confcience: But in themcan time» byrcafon •ofyourConnivcnceorSupinencfsinthe EpiCcopal office, Ignoranceand ' Superllition every where mifled the people, and caufed themto wan- *derin darkncfs, not knowing whither they went. Profanels like a .'rank pernicious weed ovcrfpread the held and Vineyard of the Lord '— And the prophane and vicious lives of thofe who Aood up in defence ' of your Government ^occalionally g.ivc increafe and added ftrength » ^,yj ,^.' ' totheoppolltc fadious party, who allcdgcd this as one main ground rAf^r*- ' of their fcparation from die Church, that thofe who adhered to it, /''>•««»• ' were for the moU part unworthy to have Communion with any orderly ' well governed Congregation of believeis, bccaufc of their looC: and ' fcandaious manner of living, which bccaufe they could notredrefl'c, 'they did pretend at IcaU they were bound thus to (hun and avoid as *■ lutcful toGoJ and to good men. Whcrctoreye did not carefully (c- 'peratc between the precious an J the vile '''but confulting with flclh and » ,, 7V> j«, 'blood what ye were to do in this cafe, thought in humane Policy totbiidii.bj 'break the power of one party, by flrcngthening the harfds of the o pfrfecuiinc ' fher •*■ or not binding and rcltrair.ing them with the Cords of ^c-'fhtfciuU* ' clcfiafticall difciplinc. Thus while yoa oppofcd Frofanencfs againft „„ ^.f^K/i 'Sciiifm^ or did let that loofe at this, or fccretly favoured and uy'hddrbfyKerc 'itinhopeto lupprelfetlic later, by the termer, the one grew too (trong Dioccfans, ' by tlic violence ol oppofition fojyour felves, and both tor the Church ''"'^"'Ji ' in order to peace and liolincis. As for your labour in tiie work of the ""^^'^^ ■'' ' Miniliry, how little it hath been formany years together, it is cvcnzoftb:m ' (hame to mention, (ome of you wholly exempting your felvcs, from *•"''•''*' * this ntceffary burJcn of their calling, for cale and pleafure ; Others *'£• ^^_ *fuppoling it a task and employment too low and infcriour for them /,,;«' 'The red for the moit part, fljghtly or (eldome bcaiing it with their »(7 Ma>le ' were ignorant and tlilTolute men, * diflionourable to your party,' aad what they * ir.deed to-'the GhriOiafl Religion, which they did continually profane Kirefe- ' by their words and wiriies : So uniaitable is humane policy with quefati .t £vangelica1 (impHcity, and unfuccesful when it isufed to fupport the '"' '' regiment thereof. And inltead of fending forth mrret Labourers into ''theLords harveli, ht Paiiors into his flock, you fent thoi'e that were * idleShcphards, loving to ilumber, given to fleep, altogether like your ' felves, carele{s of the Lords Heritage > either unwilling if able or if ' willing unable, or neither willing nor able, lightly to divide the word * of truth, giving them their portion in due fcafon. As for thofe to * whom God had given both a'^iliiy and will, to preach the word, ye pcr- ' mittcd them not the free ufe and ex^rcife of their gifts i but forbade ' them to teach the people as oft as they faw it convenient or ncceffary * for their Edification. A^id though you did at hrft commend to them, 'the way of Catechising the younger fort — yet afterwards, I know not 'upon what grounds or for what reafon, you fo far limited and reftrain- 'edthe Minilkr in this pious and profitable pradice, that ye did in a ' manner take away the key of knowledge, or make it ufelefs for themjfo * that they could not enter in thereby. ' And pag. 6p. [_of this I ain affurcd, that nothing was reformed after- •ward in your ordinations, ic being as free and indifferent for all who 'came, as ever p. 70. 71, 72. [/rhe like excufe fome frame for the ' grofs corruptions of your prerogative Courts, for commutations, un- ■* jurt, partial and unreafonable Cenfures of Excommunication, for un- ' lawful (to fay no more) fufpcnllon of the meaner fort from ordinances *of Jcfus Chrift, for non- payment or ratherdifability of paying pecuniary ' muidts and fees impofcd on them, and without Equity exaded of them, * byyour prophane and greedy officers. They pretend the power of the ' Chanceilour to be difiinil: and feparate from that of the Bifhop, in many ' points of fpiritual jurifdidionjand fo exempt from it and uncontroulable ' by it, however proving illegal and exorbitant in the proceedings there 'ofi Antlfurelyit may leem flrange to anyconiidcrate perfon,that ' ye who did fomnch flrain your authority for the introuducing of new *■ Ceremonies into the Church of Chrift (favouring of fuperrtition,and be- ' getting jealoufies in mens minds of Popilh innovations intended by you,) ' without prudence or Confcience, and ufed it forigorouily for the enforc- ' ingofthe old upon many illaffeded totheobfervat^on of theifi,abfolutely 'requiring conformity to the Church Liturgy in evcr^ point , of all ■^ MarkS' -'men, (Dotwithilanding rebus fie ftantibits ^ fmfiigata clifcipUaa * fome «. - * formes (217) ' former thereof were not appliable to divers perfon?^ would not cx- ' tend it to the utmofi incafure for the redifying thofc great abufes ' which I;ad by infciiliblc degrees crept in, and corrupted the true Primi- ' tive difciphne But (.ourt eirployrri'.nts, State tiattery, and iinful ' Complyanceswith gicat perfons , were the main lets, which hindrcd ' you from the duedifchargcot your office, both in preaching the word, ' and exercillrg the Rod ot Chrilt, according to his mind and will, while ' ye thought in carnal reafon, fuch nieins as thcfetnoll effcftual for the ' acquirinji and retaining of ^our greatnefs.and dcfpifed thofe which the 'prudent limplicity of thLGolpcidid c/krandcomiriend untoyou:\Vhcrc- ' tore it is no wonder it vice did reign there where flattery did abound, ' and that m tic chief Mmificrs and Mifitngcrs of trith, if injuliiceanil ♦opprdlion did bearfway, If men wtrtflcure m their fins, wlicre * peace was proclaur.ed where a pi ophane Company licardnotliing * lor the iiioli part dccrifd in tiie Pulpit l)Ut F'jdion, trom wiiich perhaps, ' alone they w re free. And what cciiid becxp dted from the common ♦ peopIe,but blind ignorance love of plealiiies niore thanG')d when ' yc tlieir chief Leaders caufed them to err , not only tlirough yrur ' negligence, but alfb by your example. And I would to God fome ' of you had nor proved Jalfe and deceitful to your brethren, whomyc ' perverted from the way of tri. h and peace, by your own departing *tromit— — contmuing talt friends tothe world yc were carnal • your (elves and wal^^cd as iren,flicwing them the way to heaven with 'hearts and eyes hxed upon earth. For who Piore imnioderate in their •care for the things of this lite than y( u ^ Who more eager in the * purfuit ot riches and hi>nor,n v re tenacious in withholding good fron; •• the owncis thercot, than your [elves .<' W ho were more fet upon the u- « fual courfe of enriching above meaflirc, and raifing^oiir fan ilies on 'highi* It a dignity or ofhcc fell within the Compafs of your Diocef^;, 'who wasprefenfly )i'dged ot you niori wi rthy to pofiefs and manage ' it, than a Son or a Nephew, or a Km man, or an Alhc, though they ' were many times aid pahcruncapable ot the honor and truit to which 'ye preferred them in the iioute ot God, either they wanted ability of ♦ parts requifitc iherei rto, ct had not as yet attained to maturity of ■•years, be ng not much pall their nonage, as we have known (omc of ' them tobc, or in ail reipcCts undefcrving perfons. And yet men of ' age, and experience, en inent lor learning, and piety, nult Hand im- ' veiled hetbre fuchasthete, to receive diredfions, and commands from "■ them, to whcm they jverc able and ht to give the fame ; who through " the )uli judgment of ihc .Almighty, have lincc been as much and more ' fcorned— than ihey do now fcorn others, everyway their fuperioufj 'but in pla' c.3 Bcre he citcth fuch like words alfo even from Eifhop Andrervs^Cmaad Ckf. with his predidion of the fall of their order- tor their vicious livc^. .So p. 6. .£To this fpcciousdclign, an open way feemed to be made by f f the (ai8) tltf great profancfs and vicious living of theoppofite party, who while ihcy were zealous for conformity to the ordinances of men, and thought airainpartof ChrilHan duty, to depend upon the obfervacion of them, did allow thcmfelves carnal liberty inviolating the precepts and comman- dcments of God. And this they did, as from the inbred corruption, which is common to all men i fo likewife from a private fpirit of oppofitiona- gainft the advcrDries of their caufe]. And p.io II. Speaking of advantages againft the Bifhops and their patty, faiih he [' 7his perchance was not the meanelt, that they might ' thus check and fliamc the open prophanefs, grois impiety , irreligi- 'on and (in of their profefTcd adverfaries : The which (to fpeak truth) * was fo eminent oft times and notorious in many of them, as might Itar" ' tie ameer natural Confcience to hear or behold iti and caufe therein an ' abhorrence from their courfcs, (fo oppoiite as well to right reafon, as ' fandifying grace j much more in a mind inlightened, though with the ' fmallell ray of Evangelical truth. For whit could be more flrange or "hateful to men, in whom was any (park remaining of common grace or 'moral virtue, and who were not wholly pofTcfTed witii Atheifm, andcar- 'ricd on with fulled bent to hbertinifm, and ungodly pradice, than to 'hear thofe that profefTed themfelves the followers of Chrift, fcoffing at * the purcfi ads of his worihip, blafpheming or prophming his holy name, ' by caufltfs Oaths, fearful imprecations, direful execrations, and fuchlike ' fpeeches,not to be exprcfled again without horror and amazement. And ''not only fo but glorying likewife in this their abominable wickednefs, 'and in other of like damnable natures in lafcivioufnefs, lufts, excefsof ' wine, and tirong drinks, revellings ■■> wherein they thought it llrange that ' others ran not with them to the fame excefs of riot, (peaking evil of '^- Leave ff' them. — — How much did this their apparent and overdaring impudence to God to ' in fin, commend and grace the feeming Saint-like * converfation of their )udie ef the <■ adverfaries, [of fome of them, we cannot without manifeft breach of femts o/_ i charity judge of them othcrwife, than that they were limple harmlcfs .'neheart. ^ ^^|j j^j^g^^i^g rnen, who being offended ('and not without caufe) at the ' corruption of the times, and fcandalous lives of many in the facred of- ' hcc of the Minifiry. ] And indeed their Arid conformity in othel: ' refpeds to the precepts of the Gofpel, with their conAancy in fuffering ' for the defcnceof their caufe, did argue as much to moderate men and ' not poffeffed with prcjudicatc hatred of their opinion and perfons .-For * filch as thcle could never be indisced to entertain a good conceit of them, ' no not in the Icali meafiire ; but judged their belf adions to be count er- 'feit and falfe, and thought their greatelf fullering to proceed from pride * and contumacy of fpirit —Now as it comes to pafs between thofe that extreamly hate one another, that they endeavour as much as in ■ them lieth, to be unlike each other in manner of ]ifc,fo it fared in this - * cafe. And /'.27.2S, (The flack hand of ecclefuflical difcipliqe, was anor the? c (Xl<^^ * ther caufc of the general ignorance and prophancfs of thcfe times \ ' which reached no further for the molt part, to the inferior Clergy (hovr ' peccant foevcr othcrwifej than in difconformity toEpifcopal orders, * Provincial or Synodical Conftitiitions touching cxtemil government ; 'Neither did it call people to a due account (\\ any) of their proficiency * in tht knowledge of Chrill Jefus, or ccnfure them for non-proHciencf * therein, yea (carcdy for grofs and fcandalous crimes, ilf they were per- ' fbns known to be well affcded to the prcfent Government ^ ' And of the cKange iince in 1(553 when Billiops were down, he faith, *p. 2p \l cm rpf-fkjt on my own k>}ocvUdge, that a Town of good note in ' the Wcltem parts of the land, not far diftant from the Sea, heretofore ' famed for all manner of riot, and difordcr»by this courfc of late years ' hath been reduced to that order and difcipline, that it is a rare matter to ' fee a man there at any time dillempcred with wine and ftrong drink , or * to hear a ra(h Oath proceed trom any mans mouth, no not when there ' is moft frequent concourfe of people thither from all tlie neighbour- * ing parts. Such changes through Gods mercy were not rare, til! Prelacy returned. Reader, I cite, die words of this author fo tedioully, bccaufe many would perfwade tliofe that knew not thofe times that none of this was true on cither fide s And becaufe the Author was a very high Prelatifl, writing openly agiinilHieiradvcrfarics, 1155 j. VI. HuCiudai, after Bilhcp of JFitrcelicr, Hierj ffiji.fag.2%-J. faith, '[I neither approve or cxcufe the perfonal faults of any particular Bi- ' Ihops, as to the exercifc of their power and authority i which ought * not in weighty matters to be mannagcd without the prcfcnce, Council, ' and fulfragcsof the Presbyters, fuch as arc tit for thit alTifiance. The * want of this S.Anthr,ije, S. Hteram:, and all Jokr men * juflly reprove, f f/g „^t * as unfafe for the Bilhops and Presbyters and the whole Church. For in tib eurPrc * multitude of Counfellcrs is fafety and honor. I am furc much good they '"'" "i fo- 'might all have done, as many of them did, whom thefc touchy times ^" *"'*• * were not worthy of -] 'And p 262.. 261. [ Tiicv have taught m!: to cftcem the ancient *andCatkolickG>wernmcntof Godly Bilhops, as Moderators and Prefi- ' dents among the Presbyters in any Diocefs or Prtcin(fts, in its juft mca- * fare and coniiitution for power paternal duty excrcifed, fuch as was in ' the perfecuting, purcff and primitive times. ■ ] Juft fuch we offrrttf 'thtm \n^\l\iO]^Vih:rs Modd^ /'•2<^5, [I contdsafter the example 'of the bill rimes and judgment of the moll learned in all Churches, I ' alvvaycs wilhed fuch moderation on all fides, that a Primitive Epifco- * pacy (which imported the authority of one grave and worthy perfon, ' chofcn by the confent,and aflii'ied by tiie prefence Counfel and fuifragcs 'of many Presbyters J might have been rellored or prcfeivtd in this « Church i And this not out of any factious ddii^n, but tor tholi: wcigh- i ty rcafons which prevail with mel- F f 2 ^u (^220) Add to this, what he faith in Hnokers life of the lateBlfhops, and re- member that this man was one of the KeeneA Writers againft the advcr- farics of the Eifhops in his time \ And that though he was made a Bifbop and great .when the King was reftored, yet he was the only Eilhop of them all that in our conference at the ^jviy, did defire and endeavour by fuch conceilions to have reconciled us altogether. VII. I muA not tire the Reader with more fuch long citations, I next wifh him to fee Mr. Alesburier Treatife of confefton,p.2j,2^ 28 104 105, 160. where he dclcribcth the ancient difcipline, andlheweth from our own Prelates that it is every particular member ot the flock that the Paftor (hould perfonally know and counfel ; And (ee how tar we arc from this. VIII But none of thcfc fpeak of the times that we are now fallen in- to : It can hardly be expedlcd that any of their own party fhould yet daie to fpeak againft them ; yet in private talk how common is it i* But becau£e it will be too tedious to recite the words, I defire the Rea - fon to perufe a Book c alle d Icab od, or the five g roans of the^hurch^ which m (harpnefs and h igh charges upo n the Prelates fince their return, ex- ccedeih alTtha t are before ci'. ed. And that you may know that he is fu f^ ficiently E pifcopal,oncof hisiccufationsof them is fo r accepting Co ma - ny into the Ch urch now that were lately agjir.lt conform ity : I know th e man wHolslaid ro be the Author, and kn:)w him to be conformable to this - time, and in poflcflio n of a benehce in the Church. IX. Let the Reader remember that the diviiion between -the Confor- mif\s and Non-conformilts began at F rar.kford in Qiicen M.ir'ns dars, and that Dr.Ki.Coxe was the man than bigan this ftir againll the Englilh Church there, by his forcible obtruding the Common-Praver book on them, and that long led that party \ A nd let him read in Caffmdcr his 20th. Epiflle where he will find that tiiefiid Dt.Coxe wiien he was made Bi- fhop of Ely in Queen Elizabeths time, wrote to Cj/fi?/;^er for direcftions about fetting up Crucifixes or crofTes in the Churches i and Cajfandcr in- ftrudfeth him in what Ihape the Crols is to be niade : And his Prec.Ecclef. gaveusfomeof ourColkds. X. Yea, when the Popilh Prelacy b dtfcribcd, it is Co like taours that when Dr. Balirvick^ and others wrote againfi the Ij;alian tilhops, ours take it'as fpokenof them. HearBifhop j^t'^^Serm.. on A/i^t. 9. 37 38 [B«t the labourers are few^ If'}'-, '"" there are b^-t fetr C^dinals, fiw Bijhips, few Priefls, that Jkmld be preachers^ fcrv^-chbifljop ^ ferv Chancellors^ few Veanr^ few Prebendaries y few Vicars^ ferv PanJJj irie{is, few Moa^. few Ffvers , For the number of theje is almoU infinite- And p ipS» And what jhalll fpejj^ of Bifhops ? Their cloven Mitre fignifieth perfeU k>iowkdgeof.the old and new 7'efiament V "their Crnfijrjijjf fignifieth d/lii^encein attending the floc!{_nfChr/jK Iheir purple boots and fandals fignifie that theyfljoulJ. ever be hooted and ready togo abroad through thick^ and thin to teach the Gofpel.-" But, alas in what J^id of things do they bear themfdves cs , Bijhops. ? Tbefe_ niyfiical titles jini. '. . _ . . fhews \ f220 jlmvi'aie not enough U fetch in the Lords hjn'cfl : fhey are gjrmv.ts more meet fr Pltyers than for good labourers whatftever afpjrel they have on unkfs they will fjll to reorh^ Chrri will not ]!rjow ihcin for Labaurtis.— ' Pag. 1 44. The Chrijiians in old time, when they lived ttnderlyrants. and were daily put to moji (lixmcful deaths, and ifpcrc hated and dcfpij'cd of all fhc world, yet never lacked Minivers to injhud them. It if therefore mo'i lamcntahle that 'chrijiians living under a Chriltian Prince, in the peace and liberty of the Gof- pel jhmild lack^ Learned Mintfters to teach them, and inflndi them in the word of Cod : iJyh it the great efl flagae that Gsd doth fend on any peofle. To whicli, I add on the by. tliat if any fay, wc would labour if the Eifliops would give us lcavc.3 Thougli the charge againlUhfm thus in -■ timatcd is grievous Cand it were b.ttcr tor that ir.an that ofttnacth one of Chrifis little ones, much more that hindercth inuhitudcs from their duty in fccking mens talvation, that a Mill-Oonc wen: hanged abour his neck, and he were call into the depths of thcScaJ yet that this Vvil! not cxcufe men from the preaching of the ("ofpcl to the utmoft of their power, fee Billiop hiljon himfcif AlRrting, viz. that lilenc, cd Miniliers fliould not thcrctore give over preaching, in his C/'ni'i*'?' fubjed. XI. Yea, read but Cf/irj-defcriptionof the Heathen Druides,and tell us, whetlicr their ( haradkr agree rot better witli tlie Prelacy which hath prevailed in theChuicIus thefe feven hundred years at leart, th^ Chriiis Chaiadcr in the Scripture, (are oneiy that it is Chriliianty which they prokfs., O/jrCo ntncnt lib.<5. p.ya. [/« omni Gallia, ^ci ' In all F ranee there are two farts of men in p'»e number an-l honoit^-, (fr '■the common people arc accounted alntili hut as ferv ants, which 0/ thtnt- *'fehes dire do nothing, nor are nfed in anv amfullatioM^ nwflof then hf ^ingprcffed whh ddu, or the. greatncj's of tributes, or the iiijimcs of tlx * more ponyftl, do givf: tiKmjches m feriitude to the nobles, whir have all ' that power over them as Lords over their fervants : Ani of theft two '/Tjr//, one are DruiJes , the other -Kniiihts. Ihe formet^ are interclled in ' Vivinc djfjhes, they procure publicly and private jacrifces '■> thev interpret *■ Religions: To theje flock^ abundance of yowfr nten for diJcipHne ; m't '■they are ivith^thpn in great honotfr : ; For tlocy determine of afttinit all ' controverfes 'private and pub!.-ck^\ And if any a-iniehc committed; if mier- ' dtr be done, if thire be any coniroverfus of inhcritanc or bounds, thcfc * men determine them , and do award rewards and pumlhmcnts. If any *■ private perfon, or the people fl and not to their award ( ox decree J they for- * bid them the facrifces. Ihis is with them the mill grievous pmiipivent. ' Jhofe that are thus interdi&ed arc accounted in the niimh.r of the tms^od- ' ' ly and wirked : All men depart from them, and fly from their prefence and '■their fpeefh, /c/f they get any hurt by the contagion; nor is any Right ({.^r ' Law; afforded them when they feck^ it, nor any honour d'!>ie thstn. ■ Ar.l t f ^ fy<.;v- f2Z3) ' over all there Vr/iiJef there is one in chiefs n>ho hath the highefi atithority ' amang them. IVhen he is dead , if any one of the rejl excel in rvorthi- ' fff/}, he (rccceedeth : But if there he many egual, he is chofen by the fuff age ' of the Vmides : And jnmctimes they contend for the principality by Arms, ' At a certain time of the year in the borders of the Carnnli CChartresJ ' n>hich is counted the middle of all France, they have a Confefs for Con- ' vocation J in a cnnfecrated place i Hither come all that have controvcrfies '■from all parts, and ebey their judgments end decrees. It is thonght that this ^ Vifcipline (vas found iwBritrain, and there tranflated into France. And ' norv they that more diligently veould hriofv that bttfinefs , for the moli ^ part go thither to learn it The Drieidet ufe not to go to the l-Fars, nor ''do they pay tribute ivith the rcjh They have freedome from rvarfare^ and im- '■munity of all things : Being excited by fo great rewards, many fioc}{_to this ' difcipline of their orvn accord , and many are fent by their parents and ' kindred. They are reported to learn there abnndance of Vcrfes : Therefore ' fame continue at learning ttventy years i And they thinks it not lawful to * commit them to tvriteing'-, for in other publick^matters and private accounts '■jor the mufi part they ufe the Greeks Letters. It feemeth to me that they ' do this for trvo caufes : becaufe they would not have their difcipline Cor ' learning J made common Cor brought to the Vulgar ) nor thofc that learn it ' negkli their memories by trufting to reritings > rvhich befalls the mofl, tvho by ' the help of writings, remit both their diligence in learning and their memory ' This efpecially they perfwade that fouls die not, but after death pafs from '■fometo others: And by this they think, that men are chiefly excited to virtue, * negleUing the fear of death. Many things alfo they difpute and deliver to ' youth about the Stars, and their motion, of the magnitude of the world, and ^ of the earth, of the nature of things, of the force and power of the immortal ^Cods.J So far C Alexandria aMarco t\an!^d\i\3 nfqnc ad Heraclairi d^-Dion^liiini Epif- copos, Presbyteri jemper ununi ex fe elcaum. in excel fori (n'adit collocaliim i-pif- cnptimiwminjbant : ^lomcdof. cxcrcitns Imperator m fact at : ant DiMonie- ligunt ex \e quern induftrium navernrt, &■ Arcbidiaconum vocent^\ \\ Jicrc note, 1. That Hierome undertaking to fhew how Bijfjops were made at Alexandria, mentioneth r.o other making of them, but this l>y the Presbyters: 2. That l_PrcjbyterT made BiflMps"] is broiiiht by Hieromt as an Argument to prove the Identity frji , and ncarntfs after of their power. 3. That he afcribcth to the Pnshyters the V.kCiion, the pljcir.g of him in a higher degree and the njiiiing ot him a B'ihop. 4. And thct he dillinguilheth the Prt-xAy/crj' making cf a Biflicp ilius anciently, from that whicliy^)//oa-f(^ HcraeUiS and DioK\(]us, which was by e- pifcepai ordination or confcration. Wliich obfervations are fufficient toan- {wcr all their objcdions that will perfwade men that Hierome fpeaketh but of Eledion. 2. This tcftimony is fcconded by a more full one of Eutychiits Patvi' ark of Alexandria, who out of the Records and Tradition of that Churdi, in > (^224) in Iw Arahkh^Originalls thcreot faith a"; followcth \_accerdingto StlAiins YrjnjTat'wn in his CoiTiiiicntary pag. i^^^o.'^ \_Cnnjiitnit item Mareiii Fvj"gc!ijij dttndecem FreihyteroT cum Hanania , qui ncmpe mancrent aim Patriarcba, adeo tit aim vacaret Pr.itriarchjtres eligcrent unum e ditodecim Preshytms cnjus capitireligui un^eciitimjiiiti impnncroit, mmque beneiiiccrent , & Fairisrch.T.n cum creareiit : & dan virion aliqi/em nift quern eligerent , cnmque Pnsbytenim, fecum conftitMrint loco eJHS qui fie faCltts ({} Vatrijrcha, Ht itajemper extjrent dmdccim, Ncqm dcfiit Alex.indri£ injiitutttm hoc de l-res- t>\ieris, tit fcilicet Patrirrchas crearenttir Presbyttris duodccim , ufqttt ad iempira ^kxandri Patriiirchte Akxjndriiii ^ qui fuit ex numcro illo 318. It autcm vciuit lie dcincepr Pjtriarchjm Prcshyteri creareiit, &• decrci'it ut mortua Patriarcha convenircnt Fpijcopi qui Patrurcham ordiiureiit. Decrevit item nt vjcante Pjtriarchjtit, Eligerent five ex q.-tacufique regioiie-, five ex duuderim illis Presbyteri!,frje aliii, utresfcrebjt^vimm aliquem eximium^eiimque Palriarckim crcarenti atqueitaei'anuitinliitMumilliidiintiquiiis, quo creari folitus aPres' bytcris Patriarcha, &fucccjfit in locum ejus decretum de Patriarcha ab Epifcopls 'CHMid.3. ■■..,.■.■ Here you fee in the moft full expreffions that the Presbyters EleUion^ inipofition o( h^nds 3Lnd Beiiedidion created their Bifhop or Patriarkv and zUo chofe znd made or ordained another Frcsbytir'm his roonric, and fo or- dained both. Presbyters and Ei{h:jps.' '?fj5ijp;- 3. The Tradition or Hiliory ot ^fo/Zi/j^telieth us that their Church- es were long governed by Presbyters without Eifl.mps , and thcretorc iud no ordination but by Presbyters. Hector Boethitts Hijior. Scet. li. 7. fo!. 128. 6 [_A>ite Palladium populi fiif' fragiis ex Men ichis & Ciildjeis Pontifices ajjiimerentiir. '] John Major degcjHs Scotorum li. 2, cap. 2. Saith \J>rioribut illis tem- foribus per facerdntes & monachos fine Epifcopis Scoti in fide erudnifwit. Jahan. Fo;donus mak^s this the at :omeof the Primitive Church: Scetichr. li. ^, cap.S. AntePalladiiadventum habebaiit Scoti fidei Voaores ac Sacra- mentomm Minijiratorcs Presbyterss folummodo vel Monachos, ritum Jcquentes EcclefiiC primitiv£. which Bilhop llflier reciting ( de primordiisE xkf.Brit p ypS.Jpp 800.) Saith §uod pajtremiim ab iis acctpijje vidctur qui dixerunt ( ut J oh an, Semeca in glojfa decreti V/lK p^. cap, Lcgimitj ) quod in prima primiliva Ecelefia com- mune erat officium Epifcoporum & facerdotnm, & iiomiiia erant communis & officium commune Jed in fecunda primiiiva cepcrunt dijiingm & /lomina &officia. So BjUus Script. Brit . Cent. 14. cap. 6. All n-hich ajfure us that then only Presbyters could crdaine where there were no other, the fame wc may fay ot the Gothick^ Churchet according to Pbiloflorgius Eclog. li. 2.C.5. That were for levtnty years after their convtrlion without a Bilhop. Vlphilas being the hrli. 4. Colitmbanits was no Biliiop but a Presbyter and Monk , nor his Succilfours that yet Ruled even the Bifj,->ps, as Beda notcth, Hiji.li j.e. \.&, 5. Habere fokt tpja Infula P-idvrem femp:r Abbatem frcsbyterum, cujus y C^7$) eiqus jure& omitiipravineijy &ipfielhin Epifcopt , orJiic vmfitatD d fint Aydan \_&- ipfum e[fe di^uin Epijcrpjtu ipfitm ad erttiiendjs increJuloi ^indoBos mitti di'bcre decernunt Skque ilium ordin^ntcs ad prfdicindam mijerunt &c. Succcffit vera ei in Fpifcopatu Finan^ & ipfeiUo ah Hy Sector' uminfula ac tnon-ilicrio dejUn.itvs. c. 17. &cjp. 25. A)'djno Epifcopo de hac vita lublato. Finanpro illo gradum Epifcopatus a Sc:iis ordinatiis & miffus ac- ceperat 6>c. Sacap. 24. 6^c. You will iind that the Englilh hadj^wc- cefion of Bijhops by the Scntijli Presbyters ordination : And there is no inention in IWj of any diJlikgOT Jcrupic of thclavvfulncfsof this courfc. Scgeiiiusa. Presbyter was Abbot of Hy ( cap. 5. ) when this was done And icap.^.) it appears that this was their ordinary cufiome , though in rcfped- to the Chuiches that were in the Empire, it be faid to be, mors inufitato, that Presbyters did Govern Bilhops : but none quclHon- ed the validity of their ordinations. And the Council at Hcriidford, fubjcdfcth Bi/?wp/ /« obedience to their Abbots. And ihc firji reformers or Pr.nejhnts here called Lolhrds and TFickJifith held and pracff fed ordination by mere Presbyters ^ as JValfingham report's Hili.^ngUAn.i::.ip. and fo did Luther znd the ProteOants of other Nations, as Pomn\tnus ordination in Pfwwjrjl^ (hews, inAChytrsus Saxon Chronlib. 14. 15. 16 17. 5. Leo Mag. Epiih p2. cited by Cratian , being confukcd a ruliico f^arbonenfi, dc Presiytcro vcl Viacoro qui fe Epifopos mentiti funt ", & dchis qiiosipficlericcs ordinarnnt, anfwcrcd [Nulla ratio fivit ut inter Epijcopnr habcantur qui nee ackrids funt elcBi, necaplebibusexpctiti., C^-c. — yet thus refolveth of their ordination \_Siqui auiem clcrici abipfsPfeudo- Epifcopis ineis EccUfus ordinatifunt^ qii£ adpr.priof F.pifcopospertinebant, &-erdinxtio eorum cum confenjit & judicioprefidentium fa&aeji, potqitata babcri > it a m in ipf^is Ecclefus perfei'erunt. 3 So that the mere ccnjent of the proper Bilhops can tr.ake valid llich Presbyters o-dination. 6. Ficli:'jftmus was ordained Veaconhy Novattts one of Cyprians Prep byiirs, Schijhiatically, yet was rot his ordination made ]V«//^j' Cyprian-, but he was depoj'cd for Mal-adminijhation. See Blvndcl p. 312. 115. 7. Firitiilian (in y^ Epijl. apud C\prian) Saith [JSleceffari}! apudnosfit, Ut perfvigutjs annos jcniorcs & priepifni in unum coraeniamus ad dilponenda qu£ cur£ nofti-£ commiffa funt, ut ft qu£ graviora funt, cimmuni caiifilio dirigantur Ibis flaws that eommuni confdw importc'tb aionjintingGoverning Power) &c. OiTinis potijias & gratia in Ecclfus conjiiiuta, uhipr£fidcr.t mijores natu qui & ra^tizjndi, & manum imponcnd/^ & ordinandi prfidt nt Potefiatem ~\ 1 f , G g any (226) inyfa.y-,Jtif only BiJhopsthatfotmiWinfpejkttofi lanfwer, I. He had a little before ufed the word C ^en/orcxj (the fame in fenfc with Majoret iiatuhcte) zsd\{\h\£t (torn (Pr^pofiu) to fignihe either all Pajhrs in gen' <7j/, 01 Fresb}tefs in fpecial. 2. WhtDhefpeakes of (Majoret nattt) in general, they that will limit it to Biftiops , mull prove it fo limited i and not barely affirmeit. 3. The con jund 3(^5 of the office difpiove that; It was the fame men that had the power of baptizing. 8. The great Council of Nice (the mofc reverend Authority next to the holy Scripture,) decreed thus concerning the Presbyters ordained by Melitiiis at Alexandria and in Eg)'/'* [ Hi autem qui Vci gratia e> nqfiris precibics adjttti , ad nullum Schijm^ defiexijfe comperti fint ^ fed fe intra Ci»' tholic* & Apofiolic£ Ecclef!£ pnes ab erroris labe vacuo/ ontinnerint, authorita- trinhahcant tumminij}ros ordinandi, turn cor que ckro digni fuerint neminandi turn deniqtie omnia ex lege 6" infiitHto Ecchfiajiico libcre exeqttendi. ~\ It any fay that the meaning is that thcfe Presbyters (hall ordain and Govern with the Bifhops but not withoutthcm, I am of his mind, that this muft needs be the meaning of thefe words i or elfethey could not be confonant with the Church Canons: But this fhewcth that ordination belongeth to the Presbyters office) and confequcntly that it is no nullity f though an irrcgulrity as to the Canons J when it is done by them alone Socrat. lib. 5. 6. cap. 6. $. It is the title of the twelfth Canon Concil. Ancyrani \^§^iod non 0- poriet Chorepifiopas ordinare nifiinagris & villulis~\ Now either thcfe Chore" jt)//c(?/'i were of the order of Eifliopspr not > Ifthey were, then it farther iippeareth how fmall the Churches were in the beginning that had Bifh- opSj cvenfuchas had but Vnum Altare, as Ignatiits (zith ; when even in rhc Countrey Villages they had Bilhopsas well as in Cities j notwith- flanding that the Chriftians were but thinly fcattered among the Hea- ihcns. Eutif they were not Bifhops, then it is apparent that Presby- ters did tiien ordain without Bifliops, and their ordination was valid. And the Vafrities of the Prelates is ditingenious in this that when theyare pleading for "Diocesan Ciuirches. as containing many hxed Congregati- ons, then they eagerly plead that the Chorepifcopi v/cie oi the order of Presbyters: But when they plead againff Presbyters ordination, they -.vould prove them Bifhops. Read & Ctn. 1 o. ConcilH Andodpeni, JO. Even in the dales of ignorance and Roman Ufurpation, Eonifjcius Mogmt. aliai JFilfred, Epifl. 130 (AuS.Bib. Pat. Jo 2./'. 105. _) tells Pope Zach-iry (as his anfwer intimateth) that inGente Eoiariormn there was but one Bifhop, and that was one Vivilo^ which the Pope had ordain- ed, and that all the Prcbyters that were ordained among them , as farascDuldbefound were not ordained by Bifhops, though that igno- rant ufurping Pope rtquircth, as it feemeth, that they be rcordained, (un- kfs Benedictionem ordinationis fliould ilgnihe only the bkffm^ or confir- mation of their former ordination, which is not like) For he faith \_^ia in- {fic.tJiipernKiJfe te ad gentemSvariorum^ & invenijfe cot extra ordincm ecchfiajii. cum. cuiH vivsntcs./hmiEplfc'ip!)! ion bahchant inTrovincis n'lfi Hnum,»mineT^r,'i!o.^tfKem HOT ante tcmj'itrt>rd/navirmiy, Preshyierar vera qi)ierr tiiat were fixed in every City or pertiailar Chimb, that tuok a pertichlar care oi cverySo.il in thatCWc^. h'lsonly thefe /^jf tliacl fpukof, that were Gg 3 Bilhops A (si8) Bifiiops infimi gradks i no t fuch as the ApojUes and EvJngelijh i but fuc-h as arc mentioned Aas 14. 23. and^(frx 20. 28. tTrf. i. 5.dr'c. Now for the M^jaritis notorioufly known, i. That ordinarily fom: of our Oxdainers wctcCity Paflorr. 2. Thit they had Presbyters under themi viz. one or more Curatcf, that adminiftrcd there with them, or in Cratories called Chappels in the Parifli. n'o\i{ is Oppidum, and our Boroughs and Tov/ns Corporate are fuch Cities as arc fignihed by that word : And there arc few of thefe but have wore Prisbyten than owe, of whom one is the Cheif, and the reft rul- ed by hinn. Befides, that one 'was oft-times Frefident of the Aflembly chofen by the reft. For inftance f if I had ever mcdled in Ordain-* ings as I did not ). !• I was my feU'a Paftor of a Church in a City or Buroughi 2. I had two or three Presbyters with me, that were ruled by me: fo that Iwasftatedly th.'ir Chief: I was ftatedly chofen by the neighbourhood afibciated Paftors to be their Moderatour (which was fuch a power as made Bilhops at A hx^ndria hc{oxe the Nicenc Coiii]ci\.) Now that fuch were B)7^.9/)j- (fuch as were in Scripture-times)! prove I. By the ConfelTion of the Opponents : Dodor Hammandznd his follow- ers maintain, that there were no fttbjeH Presbyters injiitiiied in ScriptKre times-, and confcquently that a Eithop was but the/j/jg/e Pd/?«;^r of a j5«^/e ongregation^ having not fo much as one Prex^v'cr under him, butowor i7iore Deacons (which granteth usmorethan now I plead for ; ) and that afterwards when Believers were encreafcd, he aflumed Presbyters in par- tem cHr£ : So that our Eifiiops which I plead for are of the fiature of thofe ^/fo- Scripture times in the Dodfors fence. VefaBo this is granted, 2. The Biff^aps ill Scripture times were ordained in every City and in every Church, Tit. 1,5. and Ads 13.23. So are ours. They had the particular Epifcopacy over-ftgh rule and teaching of all the Flock committed to them. Ads 20. 28. ( and if the Angel of the Church of Ephefus were one cheif, he was but one of thefe, and over thefe in the fame Church and charge j. And fo have our Parochial Paftours ■, thefe very reords, A(ks 20. 2S. being read andapplyed td-them in their ordination. They had the Keys of tJ;e Kingdom of Heaven committed to them, and fo have ours. If it be faid, that thefe are but things common to the Bilhop with the Presbyter: I. What then is proper to a Bifhop? To fay [Ordination'] is but to beg thequeftion.: And Ordination it felf is not proper in the fenfe of our own Church, that rcquireth that Ordination be performed as well by the lav- ing on of the bands of the Presbyters, as of the Bifhop. 2, They ufe th:m- felves to mzkcthe governing or fuferiority over many Presbyters to be pro' fcr to a Bifhop. ^. Thefe til nhom the defcription ofBiffwps in Scripture helongeth are truly and properly Bi[hops. But the Defcription of Bifhop s in Scripture agreeth (at leaf}) to the chief particular Pajlors of City Churches, having Presbyters under them; 'L.xgo,fuch are truly and properly Biflfops. TheMinor (which only necdeth proof ) isproved by an indudion C^^9) of the feveral Texts containing fuch descriptions, as^iis Jo. and 15.2 j. I Tim. ^. and $.17. Tit.i.^,&c. i7h.'/.^.l2. He^r. z^. 7. 17, 24.. I Fet. 5. 1,2,5. and the rell. 4. If our Parochial Churchefor at leafl our City Clwrches ( tbofe in etch Town Corporate andEorougb) he true Churches, then the theif farticuLr Pw jiors of them are trite Bijhops, but they are true Churches ■, Ergo. Still note, i . That Ifpeak of Churches as gtVerned Societies in fenfu Pa- litico', and not as a Conipany ot friiwfc C/)r/|?/a/;/> 2. That I fpcak only of particular Pajiors, or Biihops infimi gra- dus, znd r\ot oi /4rcb.Bipops, and General Patlns. And therefore it they fay Tt it not the Presbyters, but the Dlocefane^that is tbtci>eifPdflorofyour Parijfj Church : I anfwcr, there ii none above the Rtfidcnt or inamhnt Presby- ters, that take the particular charge and ovcrlight : The Bilhnp takes but ihc general cbarfT^e, as z general Off cer in zn Aimy. If they do inderd take the particular Pajioral charge ot ci'ery 5o«/. which belongs to the B/JJ^jfr infimi graduf , then wee to that man that voluntary takes fuch a charge . upon him, and hath fuch a charge to anfwcr for before the Lord. If they fay that the Presbyters have the ptrticnlar charge (or teaching znd Sacra- tncnts,, butthcEifliopsfor ruling. I anfwcr, i. It is G(;:;(Tw«eH/ that we arefpcakingof, if they are. Bifliops ?«/?'»/' j^rj^/zw, then there arc no Bijf^opt or Governours under them. And it (0, then it is they that mnft perform and anfwcr for (joi'cr;;;Mc«f of every particular Soul. And then woe to them. 2. Goi'crningand teaching areaVtsof the fame Office by Chrijls injtitfttion, as appears in 1 Tim, 5; 17. Acis 20. 28. &c. And indeed they arc much the fame thing : For Government in olir Church fcnfc is nothing buC the explication of Gods Word, and the application of it to particular Cafes : And this is Teaching. Let them that would divide, prove, that Chriil hath allowed zdivifmn. If one man would be the general School- mafteroi zn^holeDiocefs, only to overfee the particular School-maftcrs, ard give them rules,we might bear with them: But if he will fay to all the particular Scboolmaliers, you arc but to teach., and I only mu/i gcwr/J all your Scholars, ( when governing them is neccffarily the ad of him that is up- on the plan., conjundl with teaching, this man would need no words tor the manifeliation of the vanity of his ambition. The fame I may fay of the Mailers of every Science, whofe government is fuch as our Church Government is, not Imperial but D oil oral ; yea of the Army oitheNary where the government is moft imperial. Now for the Argument. 1. The confcqucnce of the Major is unde- niable : bccaufcevcry fuch Society is cfTcntiallyconftituted ot theKuling and R/j/cii parts,as everyCommOn-wcalth oi the pars impcrans and thepars fubdita : So every organJTcd Church ot thePjUcr and the Flock. 2. And for the Minor, it they denyed both our P art Ih Churches, and ow City Churches ( t'lat is thole in Towns Corporate to be true i bar- rhcsy ihcy then confefs theflnmc, and "^ pen the ulcer and leprotic of their •way of £0vcrningj that to build up one Diocclane Church, (which is Gg 3 not c 230 ) not -of Chriftsinnifution, but dcfirndivc of his innitiition J they dc- llroy and puU down Hve hundred or a thoufand Parilh Churches, and ma- ny City Churche5. Iftliey willalfo feign a fpcciHquc difference of Churches as they do ofPaliors, and fay that Parilh Churches arc Ecc/efu doai, but Diocefan Churches arc only Ecclefjji gubcrnai£ of which the Pariih Churches are but parts; I answer, i. The Scripture knowcth no fuch dillindion of ilated Churches : All fitted Churches for worfliip are to be governed Churches, and the government is but guidance, and therefore to be by them that are their Guides. 2. I have before proved, that every wor- ihipping Church, that had wiumahjre was to have a Bilhop or Govern- ment by Presbyters at lead. Arg. III. That Ordination which is much better than the ordinati- on ot the Church of Rome, or of any Diocefane Bilhops of the fame fort with theirs is valid. The Ordination now qucfiioned by fomc in E»^/j«^, is much better then the Ordination of the Church of Rome, urot any Diocefane Eifhops of the fame fort with theirs, Ergo the Ordination now queftioned by fome in England is valid. The Major will not be denied by thoie which we plead with > be- caufc they hold the Ordination of the Church ot Rome to be valid, and their Priefis not to be re-ordained. The Minor I prove. ■If the Ordination, that hath tio Reafon of its validity alledged , tut that it is not done by Diocefane Eifhops, be much better than the Ordi- r.ation of fuch as derive their power from a meer Ufurperof Headfhip ■over the univerfal Church, whofe fucceilion hath been oft interrupted, and of fuch as profefs themfelves Pafiors of a falfe Church, ( as having a Head and form of divine Inftitution ), and that ordain into that falfe Church, and caufe the ordained to fwcarto be obedient to the Pope, to {wear to falfe Dodrine as Articles of Faith, sod orf^ain him to the Office of makinga peice of Bread to be accounrtd no Bread , but the Body of Chrift, which being Bread IHU is to be worfliipped as God by himfclfand others C to pafs by the reftj than the Ordination now qucfiioned in Eng^ land is much better than the Ordination of the Church oiRotm. But the Antecedent is true: Ergo Cois the confequent. And for the other part ot the Minor I further prove if : If the Office and government of the Romifh Eifhops and of any Diocefanes of the fame fort with them, be dcllrudive of that form of Epifcopacy and Chuich Government which wasinfiitated by Chriii, and ufed in the Pri- mitive Church, then the Ordination -i w queftioncd by fome in England h much better than that which isdc . > by fuch Diocclanes. But the Oflice and Government ol ''leRomilh Eifhops and ofanyDi- ccefanes of the fa.ue fort wi:h them, is ddirudive of that form of Epif- copacy CnO topacy and Chifrch Government, which wis inftitiued by Ciirift ani iifed in the Primitive Church. Ergo The Ordinatior. now quefiio- ncd by fome in England is much better , than that wiiich is done by fuch Diocefanes. TheReafon ofthe conrcqucnceis beciufe the Ordination of Presby- ters now in qucIHonisnotdcftrudiveot the Epifcopacy and Government jnftituted by Chrift and ufed in the Primitive Church : Or if it uvrc, tliatsthe worll that can be faid of it. And therefore if other Ordina- tion may be valid notwithlhnding that fault, fo may it. N. B. i. I here fuppofc the Reader to undcritand, what that Ordination is now Qucltioncd in E«^/j««/: I'/z. Such us we affirm to be by Bithops, not on- ly as Presbyters, as fnch arc called Eitliops, but as the cheif Presbyters of particular Churchcs,cfpecially City Churches,having Curates under tliem, and alfo as thePrelldents ol Synods are called Bifliops: 2. Note that all I fay hereafter about DioccGncs.is to beundcrflood on. ly of thofe Bilhops of a Dioccf'; of many hundred or fcorc Churches wh c!i zxcinfmi ^radiu, havmg no Bifhops under them, who are only Priells, who are denied to iiave any proper Church Government : And not at all oi" thofe DioccfancBi(hops, who arc Arch-Bifhops having many Bi- fliops iHider th.m, or under whom each PariQi Pailor is Efifcopm Gregis having tliettiiC Church Government of his particular FlocJt. And ih'.i^. LKcaurethe Major is ol great moment, Ifhall handle it tlic more lar,',cly. Till"; Vicioulhcs nf the Romifli Ordinations appeareth thus- I. In that they commonly prokfs tor.ceivc and hold the Ordainers office and power from the Pope: The very office it felfc fay the Italians being from him', And the application and communication ot it to the in- dividual fubjcdt being from him, fay the Spaniards and Frendi alfo. But the Pope as fuch hath no power to make Eilhopsat all : whicli I prove I. Becaufethc very office of a Pope as fuch isnot of Chrill, yea is a- gainit Chrilt andhis prerogative and Law, and abhorrcdby him i viz. I An univerfil vilible Vicar or Head ofthe Church on earth. ] a. Bccaufc on thcirown principles, the Pope can have no power, for want of uninterrupted fuccOlion ol true Ordination, nothing being mor; plain in Church Hiliory fcarcc, than that fuch fuccellion is long ago nul- led by oft interruptions, as 1 have proved elfcwhcrc, and as is by miny Piotellants proved. 3. Becaufc the Wotk that they ordain their PricA to is Idolatry, even Bread worlhipv btlidesMan worlhip, and Image wodhip. 4. Becaufe all their Priclts are fin the T)-f«f OathJ (worn to thi; Ido- latry, and fworn to renounce all tlieir Senfes to tlut end, and to renounce the ^fcripture fufSciencyi and to own the Papal Treafonable ufurpation, wiiich ail arc contrary to the O/licc of Cihrilis Miniifers. Yet are thofe, that ordained at Kome , received by our Prelates, when they turn to us, without rcordinution , and their Orders, are no: tikvii . 03 taken by them to be null ('which I difpute not nowj. Much Icfs arc the? late Protertai;t Englifh Ordinations null. 11. The ViciourneCs'of fuch other Prelates Ordinations, is proved by. all that is faid againrt their Calling it I'clf before. And further. i.Thofc Prelates, that arc chofen by Magiftratcs and not by other Bifhops or the Presbyters of tlicir Diocefs or People ( vvhatftale hypocritical pretext Ibcver there may be of the contrary _) are by the Canons of the Univerfal Church no Prelates. But fuch are thofc in queftion : Ergo - The Major ( to omit many other CanonsJ I prove from Concil, Nic. 2. Cm. 5. in Bin'To.2.^. sp^.^ Omnem ekHionem,^ qx£ fit a Magifiratibus , Fpifcopi ve! Freshyteri, vel Diacsni^ irritam mojien^ ex Cancne dicentc, fi quis EpifcopUf fecularibtts Magtjhat'tbm ufus^ per eos EccUfiam ebtinuerit, depo- natm& fegregetur^dr vmnes qui cum M communicant : Oportet enim turn qui eii promovendm ad Epijcopatum ab Epifcopis eligi, quemadmodum afanCiit {'a- tribui Niceae decmiim eji in Can, qui died j^ Epijcopiem oportet mixime j^i-. dem ab omnibin, quifuntinpfovinciaconjiitid^SiCQ.^ Argumerrt I V. Orders conf erred by fuch as are in orders, 'and^ have the Power of Order equal jyith the highelt Biihops, is valid. Euj^ Orders lat ely conferred in England^nd Scotland h^ thofe called PrcsHy- ters, were conferred by fuch as were in Orders, and had the po wer o f Order equal Avith the higheft BiOiQp : Ergo The Orders lat ely c oriferred in England znA Scotland by thofe called Presbyters, was validT As to the Major,! remember Arch-Bifh.l^'y^o* told me himfelf that it was the argument by which he indeavoured to fatistie K. Charles I. i. That Ordinif efi ordinare, a man that is in orders as to the facred Pritilhood, may ceteris paribus confer Orders > it being like Generation or univocal caufation. 2. That Hierom tells us the Alexandrian Presbyters did more > for they made their Bifhops ; And at this day among the Papifts, mcnqf inferiour Order muft with them ordain, or confecrate, or make their Popco And Eifhops make Arch-Bifhops; How much more may men of the fame Order confer what they have, that is the Power of the Pricfthood or Presbytcrate. As Abbots ( who are no Bithops ) have frequently done. ,, 2. And for the Minor Biftiop Carkton hath thefe words in his Treatife of Jurisdidtionp^^.y. The Pon?er of Order by all IFriters^ that I could fee^ even of the church of Rome, iV underjiood to be immediately from Chrifl^ gi- ven to all Bi/hops and Vriefis alik^ by their confecratim i wherein the Pope hath noprivikdge above others Thus teaches Bonavint. in 4. fent.d, 17. (/. I . Augitf. Triumph. li: depotcji. Ecclef.. qn. i.a.i. Job. Ge-rjjn li. de pot. Ecclef.Confjd. I. Czidina] CuJaH. li.de conced. Cathol. z.cap. i^. Cardinal Contarenus TraSf. de Ecclef, poteji. Fontif. Bellarm. lib. 4. de Rom. Voiitif. cap. 22. In the Cznonsoi El frkk^adWulfn Epifc. in Spelmanp. 57^. /. 17. Hav- ing fliewed that there are feveih Orders ( i.Ojiijrlus, z. Lector, 3. Exor. cijh (^235) e/flj, 4. Acol)thu!^ 5. Siibdiiconus^ 6. Dlaconus^ 7. Vralytu') tlioiigh' the Bilhcp for Unity fake have the privilcdge of Ordination and In- fpedion, yet he is there declared to b; but of one and the fame { 7th. J Order with the Presbyter. Hmi pl!trisi>itere,i inter Mijfulem Tresbyterum &KplfMpum^ qujinqn^d Epifcopui co'ijiitMns fit aj ordinationesco/ifcrcndjs^ & ad vifitandum^ fctt infpicieiidMin, curanduinqKt ea qtijc ad T>cu>n pcrtine/it , (jHod nimu credcrctur multitndini, ft omnis Presbyter hoc idem faccrct. Am- bo fiquidtm tinnm teitcnt enndcmque Ordinem , qitjimiis dignior fit ill j pars Ep'ifcopi. This being the Dodtrine of the Church of England even in the times of Popery, we have little reafon fwith the Preface to the book of Ordination j to fay that it ismanifcftin Gods word that they arc difiindt (jc^t;-. For as it is added Can. 1%. Noiiell alim ordo conili- tut MS in EcclcfijjUcis niinijiriis Cluinianc and all taken in_) prater ttiemora* tos feptcmijigs &CC. Dion. Petjzitts IJjeoLig. Vogmat. To, 4. par. 2. T'omi. 3. Append, c. 2.p. d"" \_Altcrnm ejt^ quidnunquam itn-jre illam (wdinatiancm) licet ut citm ab hxrcfi ad Catholicam Ecclcfiamrcvcrtuntur, qui vere erdinati, eisdenut maniis impoiiitur. Ard what ordination is valid among the PapiUs, fee in • Jjfbnfont aniwcr to my Qucllions. FINIS. Hit p as TC-R I P T ' ^romifaicus adchtmn ip the Chapter^ a,: of part faond out of . iMr. Gilbert Burncts /wA? cAlkd^ The Vindication of the Church of ScotUml^ (S^c. <■ r^Ag. 504. 305. Let mchere (endyou to the Mafters of <• |_ 'javijl) Learnings particularly to the eminently learned 'Dr. L/^/'//»y the imfl ^ , pj.f;cbvter?,who were fubiefl: to him,and particularly to be knowing Lii^-i .•', p.. 11 ]■ • I • I ■' 1 Hijiomin:. ' ordained by him, nor could any ordmation be without the 'Bilhopi who in ordaining was to carry along with him the. ' concurrence of the Presbytc!^, as in e^'ery other act ofEcclell- ■'-aftical jurifdiction. ' P^g- ' Pag. 508. 309. Corruptions broke in upon Church Officers, 'efpecially after the 4th. Centuric, that the Empire became * Chriftian ; Which as it brought much nchcs and fplendor on 'Church employments, fo it let in great 6" warmes of corrupt 'men on the Chriftian Aflemblies; And then the Election to ' Church offi::cs,which was formerly in the hands of the people, ' was taken from them, by renfon of the tumults, and difbrdcrs 'that were in thefe Eleftions, which fometime ended in blood, 'and occafioned much Faction and Schilm : And Awbhus be- ' came now fuch an univerGil fin among Churdimen,that &c. 'Pag. 310. I do not allcdgc aBiltiopto be a diftinft office ' from a Presbyter, but a different degree in the fame office, Sec. ' Pag. 9 20. As for the folc power ofordination and Jurifdidi- ' on, none among us claimc it, but willingly tfllow the Prcs- ' byters a concurence in both thcfe. 'Pag. 322, That whole frame of Metropolitans and Patri- 'Jtrkswas taken from the divifion of the jRtfw.w Empire, which 'made but one great National Church. ' Pag. 331. I acknowledged Bilhop and Presbyter to be one *and iheftmcoffice,and fo plead for no new officebearer in the ' Church - — The hrft branch of their power is their authority to ' publilb the Gofpell, to manage the worflup and difpencc the ' Sacraments : And this is all that is of Divine right in the Mini- ' ftry ; in which Bilbops and Presbyters a re equal Ibarers, — but ' beiides this the Church claimeth a power of Jurifdiction, of 'making nilcs for difcipline. and applying and cxecutingthe 'fame ^ All \\liich is indeed fuitablc to the common laws of Ib- 'cicties, and thegcncral rules of Scripture, but hath nopolitivc ' warrant from any Scriptuix? precept : And all thele Conftituti- ' ons ofChurches intoSynoils ^nd the Canons of difcipline, tak- ' ing their rife from the tli\ lUons of the world into the fevcral ' provinces,and beginning in the 2d. and beginning of the 3d. ' Century, do clearly ihew ihcv can be derived from no Divine ' originnl,and lo were a to their p.uticalar forme but of humane ^ conllitution. Thereforeas to the managmentofthis J'.uildkli- ' on, it is in the Churches power to cafV it into what mould five ' will — But we ouglw to be much more determined by th.e La'*v«. 'of the land — In things neccllary to be done by Divine prc- ' cept, fincc no power on earth can Council the authority of a ' Divine Law, the Churches reftiaints arc not :o be confidercd. P..g, "Pag. 955. I acknowledge that without Scripture Warrant ''no new oitices may beinftitutcd. . ' ; 'Pug. 5-37. I am not toaimul thele ordinations that pafs by 'Presbyters, vherc no Bi(l:op can be had: And this la3-es no 'claime to a ncwofficc,butonl}' 10 a higher degree of infpeftion ' in the (ameofticc;whcreby the exercifc of feme afts of jurifdifti- ' on,arc rtftraincd to fuch a Method : And this may be done ei- ' iher b)- the Churches free con(ent, or by the Kings authority. 'Pag. 348. In Avgujlhies time it appears from the journal of ' a conference he had with the Donatifts, that there were about ' 5coEiil':opricks in a fiiiall trnft of ground. ' Pag. 50. Obferve the Bilhops \\ ere to be ordained in the ' prefence of th^ people, where every one might propofe his ' exception?, yet the popular Eleftions were not w'hoUy taken ' away, and atleaft the f copies conlent was asked. ' Pag. 4 1 . VoJJiufsfiom all the manufcript s o^Da?'^afiis his lives ' ot the Popes,lbcwcs thatS, Pf/cr ordained both Lium and C/f- ■ ' ivs^ Eiihops of i^6wc,and after fome enquiry into the matter he ' concludes, that at hrft there were three Bifbops in Rome at 'once, Lwrz-T, Cleu.'s, and Af!Cf!cIctf^ : inthenext (ucceffion he ' placeth Cktus^ Am>7cUus^ and Clemens, ' Pag. 48. Among the Jnvcj- where ever there were an hun- ' dred and twenty of them together,they did ered a Synagoguge ' Pag. 49. At a conference which Jvgrtjih/e and theBifliops of, ' that Province had with the Donatifts, there were of BiHiops '-286 prefent, and 120 ablent, and 60 Sees vacant .• And there ' were 279 of the Donatifts Bi(hops. 'Pag. 51. The Goihkl{, Churches are faid to be planted 70 ' years before Ulphilai their firfl: Bifliop came to them fPag. 50, 'He ihcweth thelike of theiS'ftf/x.) By the ftreine o{ Ignatius '■ Epiftles, efpecially that to Smyrna^ it would appear that there ^ was but one Church,at lead but one place where there was one 'Altar and Communion in each of thefe Parifties (which was ' the Bifhops whole charge.^ 'Pag. 56. The enlarging oftheDiocefies hath rvholly altered ' the figure of Primti-ve Epifcofacy') That the Bifliops werechofen by the people,aud.by the Cler- gy and people, and at laft not obtruded without the peoples conlentjFather VanlSaript.de Bencficnso'tx. tells you^and I have fully proved by many Canons in my abftradofChurch-biftory. £»f Councils. FINIS, '^ ^ H» ^^^v^'py \