TO t A^ COL GEORGE WASHINGTON FLOWERS MEMORIAL COLLECTION TRINITY COLLF.GF. LIHRARY nrRHAM. N ( EtlahlithtJ b) iht family 0/ COL GEORGE WASHINGTON FLOWERS Datt. I'^tfl .w \ CO., STATE PRINTERS. 1865. H' 5 c : -_5 ^- :;. ^? 2-01 * c » » ~ 3 IB (n ^ - -^ o. :^ ^ T 3 ^ .♦» D § -T* 3 5 -« B 2. TT3 •!<* lis- -i cr ,1) ™ ® 3 < «♦ ;• - 8 B> S-O S srSo 2. o *< D" A 9> 9 !«• C-r ^ 9 -J _ ?l ? 3. " 2. o ■ n ~ o - o <* Z- -^ > err. u O o o"5 L A W S OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, PASSED AT A CALF.ED SESSIOX OF THE MISSISSIPPI LEGISLATURE HELD IN COLUMBUS, FEBRUARY AND 3IARCH, 1865. MEBIDIAN, MJSS. J.J. SHAKNUN & CO., STATE PRINXEK,-^. 1«65. , \ ♦ LAWS STATIC] OF MISSISSIPPI CHAPTER I. An A«t entitled An Act to amend An Act entitled "An Act better to provide for tiiw families of sol- diers," Approved December 2, 1863. ^i:CTlON 1. Be it enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Mississimri, That in oider I he better _ ',. ^ to provide for the families of «olajora, a tax two percent, on in kind of two per ceatuni ho, and is TJ^^^c^XfoX hereby levied, •on thegros's amount of all corn, s'""*'' profit" ■wheat ^nd bacon grown or piodnced in the year 1865, and eacli successive year thereafter; on the tolls from all irrain milln for the same period ; on ihe irross profits of leather, manufactured or to 1)6 manufactured, for sale, or received on shares, or as commission, by all tanneries, for the same ]>eiiod : and on all woolen and cotton fabrics and yarns n>an\ifacturcd for sale by any manufacturin*? company or establishment during the same period : Providrd, that no tax in kind shall be levied on corn, when the gross amount grown does not exceed one hundred bushels, or on whiat, when the amount doeii not exceed twenty-five bushels, or on bacon, when the amount does not exceed three hundred pounds : and Provided further, that no tax shall be levied < *»«• wher« under this section upon corn, bacon or wh«at of """^ 1^9^t-3 (, %- I i .- ^ i .- .-. 1 J tbcj^c persons who aic bcncliciaiic«; under thie act : Provided further, that no tax shall be col- lected lir.dcr the provisions of this act on five bushels of corn for each one hundred pounds of pork rai:»C(l and fattened. Sec. 2. Bt: it farther enacted, That a special tax of one hundred and fifty per centum on the Sf.«Kii! uxof jeeular State tax for the vcar ISGo, and each «f!y ]■-' lit successive year until othcrwiBe ordered, be and *■' " \'l is hereby levied, to bo collected as other taxes » :.«»■ are now provided by law to be collected, which .Baid tax, when so coliocted. shall bo paid over to tlie Auditor, and the same shall constitute a })art of a rtservc fund, to be appled in such man- ner ^s is hereinafter j'rovided : Provided, that this tax shall not be levied on the «laves, stock and plantations, the products of which are taxed in kind by this act. or .slaves eniploycd in the production of anythiii<^ taxed in kind. Skc. 3. Be it fu.ithcr enacted, That in addition to the snbjects of revenue enumerated in an Act AdciiicD»ii»x entitled "An Act amendatorv of the i-evcnue rliTcTpS laws of this State," ai.provcd December g, 18G3, vt iron fonn- thcrc sliall bc, and is horebv levied, for the fiscal •lop*, Ac ,Qc*i- year lbb-),and the;eanor, a tax of two per centum provJ.'ron«Tic°! ou thc pross profits of all iron foundries, ma- rMd*^ '^*"""* chine sliops, ?aw mills, and of afl blacksmiths, shoemakers, carpenters, saddlers, harness ma- kers and other mechanics, and of all dealers and Speculators in grain, provisions, tobacco, salt, horses, mules, hogs or cattle, whicli shall be as- sessed and collected as other taxes, and paid over to thc Auditor, to constitute a further part of the reserve fund. , Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That to provide for the deficit in thc Indigent Fund, for the fiscal Botrd 01 To- year 18G4, thc Boards of Police of thc several lie* to leTT ux couDtifi.s shall meet as eariv as practicable after u) kind 01 o»e- , r. . • \ ^ • i • j r tfcif of aoe p»r thc passagc of tuis act, and levy a tax in kind of w°6«i*'Ld''*'u' one-hilf of one per cent, on all corn, wheat and coi of iw). bacon grown and produced in the year 18G4 : Providcd,X'\\^i if any taxpayer shall make oath before the commissioner, who is hereby, for all the purposes of this act, authorized to ad- minister oaths, that be or she had consumed or LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. ^ t) sold the whole quantity of wheat raised durin:j the said year, then the tax in kii>d of wheat may be paid in corn, bushel for bu?hel. Sec. 5. Be it further nmrtcd. That an addi- tional special tax of twenty-five per centum, .,^... ' 1 ^-M , i r zi /2 1 Additional upon the res^ular I^tate tax lor the nscal vear special ux of 1864, be and is hereby levied, to be collected as [Z^'ltltlZ other taxes are now provided by law to be col- \\^^.^^'^^ '^^^^Reuef lected, which tax, when so collected, shall be paid rima. over by the Tax Collectors to the Auditor, and shall constitute a part of the "Military ^Relief Fund," now being' collected, and to be distribu- ted in accordance with the. provisions of the acttowhicli this is an amendment: Promded, that th.c tax provided for in this section .shall not be levied on slaves and plantations, the pro- ducts of which are taxed in kind by this act. Sec. 6. Be it further enacftd, That for the purpose of ascertaining and collecting the tax in kind on corn, wheat and bacon, the Boards of conaty com Police shall order the Commissioners in their missiooers to ... . , . adopt »8 a basis respective districts to adopt, as a basis upon of anBeasaient which they are to assess said tax, the amount of rn''°kfn™Be" products of each producer, as returned to the meat. Confederate States Assessors : Provided, that when no such return can be had the Boards of Police shall order their Commissioners to make such assessments and all otliei* assessments ne- cessary under the provisions of this act ; and for the purpose of an equitable distribution of the tax in kind aforesaid, each Commissioner shall make out a roll of the number of indigent to^°k^oat*'?oi'i families, with the number and age of each bene- ?f indigent fam r • ' p i/»-i -1 • 1- ilies, and de- liciary of such family, with concise remarks ac- posit with ci«rk companying the same, and deposit the same with PoUre.^'*"'' "' the Clerk of the Board of Polic*', which said roll shall include all indigent families of soldiers resident in the county, without reference to the place of enlistment, oi: of residence of said sol- diers or families at the time of enlistment, which rolls sliallbe a guide for distribution. Should the Boards of Police have doubts as to the correctness of any such roll or rolls, such Board shall institute inquiries and .«uinnion a suf- ficient number of witnes.^es, upon whose testi- i LAWS OF MlSflSSlPPI. mouy, on oatli, they shall correct and jicrfeet lb« ibe same, and, Willi ihe assistance of the l'"om- missioDcrs, shall proceed to classify the bencti- s....«.-.,^.. claries into thrtt clnssts. The first clags shall iu- vo b« divided In cludc fucM as are entirely dependent ; the »e- "''''^•* ''*"'" cond class pjch as are delicient in bifodstuff's ; and the third class such as are d»*ticicnt in bacon. When thu* classification is completed, the B'ard of Police shall cause a copy of the famelo be iVb^i»i.i«»'i fur^'^hcd to each District Commissioner, and iiit» ic •arh i>,^ shall, with the assessment returns from each dis- *J«^r'^**"""'" irict.suni up the total atrfrregato of the tithing of corn, wheat and hacon in tlieir county, and shall prrofccd to set apart to eacli Commissioner his distributive share of tithing for the support of the indigent in his district : Pfvidtd, that no ALc*»»t.c«- »o beneficiary shall receive more than six bushels Mcb bMtfici q{- cyju^ one bushel of wheat and fifty pounds ol bacon for his or her support durinj; the year. The Doards of Police iiiay authorize the Com- missioners to draw orders for said lax upon any producer within his district, to l)e delivered by iiim to such jjerson or peisons as may be desig- nated, and in such portions as the Cojnmiseioners may direct, and Fuch order shall be a voucher as payment : Providtd, that no producer shall be compelled to deliver said produce at a greaier distance than twelve miles, without due compen- sation for the distance cxceednig said twelve milci, and any person failing or rcl'using to deliver to the CommissioDcr when )'C(|uired. or to his or- der, or to the order of the i^odrd of Police of his county, the tax in kind, or any portion there- of, which may be ordered or required (within the amount due from any such party) shall bo lial)!c to i)ay a tux of double the amount so refusod to be delivered or paid, and the President of tlie Board of Police, upon information of such de- linquency^ shall forthwith furnish the Sherifl' with tho name of such party so failing or refus- ing, and the amount of tax due, and thereupoa the Shorifl' shall proceed to collect said tax by > distraining and seizing double the amount of such tax in kind, which he shall deliver to the Commissioners entitled to rcceivQ the same, or LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 7 in the event that the tax ia kind of the tax-payer failing to deliver, as aforesaid, cannot be iband by the Sherifl", then said delinquent tax-payer ' DeiinqueBt shall be liable to pay double the market value of t" p 'y "doBbi© his tax in kind, which shall be forthwith collect- i,Vcr!iu![u,'Ju ed by thcSherift' as other taxes are collected : I"d«- , . , , - posed 01. their regular quarterly reports and the owner or owners of any mill or tannery, his, her or their agent shall make their quarterly returns, on oath, to the Commissioner of his respective district, the first quarterly report commencing with the first day of April, 1S(?5, and in failure Oiereof the delinquent .shall sufter .=uch action of law as is proyided for in section 6 of this act. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That where there may be an excess of corn, wheat or bacon in any I,AW> '.F Missis.-=ipri. couiitv, wliich llic Auditor mav not lieeni desira- ble or practicable for tra:..-portation, Ic may •wii". ;mviax- ofdcr the Prendcnt of the Hoard of Police of '"""''*•' •*'^- such county to sell ?ucli excess to the highest bidder, for' cash, after givicg tea days' t»otice of Fuch .sale, and all mouies arising from such sale or forfeitures, or revenue-? arising from the pro- vibions of this act, the President of such Board of J'olice so acting ^hall forward, thiough the prc relieved from the LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. • 5 tax levied I'V this act. and llie Boards of PoliCv^ of the several coimties, upon the affidavit of the tax-payer, endorsed bv the Commissioner attest- ing the fact, shall allow the Commissioner of sitch didtrietd credit to the amount the taxes due on such lo?t or destroyed property ; and the Boards? of Police shall allow all such credits in their settlement witli the Commissioners : Provided, the Commissioners shall, in all cases before re- leasing any party from the payment of the t^xes due, administer to him an oath as to the loss or destruction of the property, products or profits sought to be released from taxation, and any person who shall swear falsely in the premises shall be iriiilty of perjury, and, upon conviction, shall iiiifi'er the ()unishraent now pjiescribed for that crime. " Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the dutyof the Commissioners to make strict' inquiry into the absolute wants of the ifidigent families in their respective districts, and to dis- tribute to only such as cannot supply them- selves, and only in such quantities as the neces- sities of each person may require. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, Tlmi should the Cpmmissioner. by evidence satisfactory to him, ascertain ihsxi any beneficiary or beneficia- ries are harboring or concealing any de- serter or absentee, who is from his com- mand without Icc-vve, Ife shall withhold all supplies of provisions or money, until he shall hav-e received satisfactory evidence that such conduct has been abandoned by such beneficiary: Provided, houever thnt the f;jmilies of^ deserters or soldiers absent without leave from their com- iiw"^nof'?o aV mandsfor the space of fifteen days shall not be p'y «" '"miiea "f ijj iii'i r • ■<• r. .,. ^"-"^ deserters or ab- inciuaed on the list of indigent families ; nur ""ntees without shall such families be cntitlnd to the benefit of '*'''*■ the provisions r.f this act : Provided, further, that no person shall be deprived of the benefit of this act when it shall sufficiently appear to the Comnii.ssioner that he or she is in good faith try- ing to induce the party charged with desertion to return to his command. Sec. 1.3. /> it funhfr enacted, That the coun- 10 LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. ty of Ya^oo ?hall be exempt from the prnvisionr of this act, so far as it ipqnires tlic Hoards of Police to discharge the duties now impesed on the Commissioners for the relief of the indigent families in said county. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted^ That the act to w hich this is an amendment, and all other acts, >o far as they sliall come in conflict with the provi- sions of this act, be and t!icy are hereby re- pealed, and that this act take effect from and after it? passage, and that the Secretary of Slate be directed to have printed, at once, one thou- sand copies of this act for distribution among the different counties of this State. Approvect March 0th, 1865. CHAPTER II. AN ACT in relation to the venue in suits against de- faulting public officers and debtors to the State. Section 1. Be it enacted hi/ the Legislature oj ihc iState of JJississippi, That during the con- linr.ance of the present war, all civil actions against defaulting tax collectors, and otheV pub- lic officers, aud their sureties, and ag.-nnst all persons indebted to the State en any account, saiu »i»in-t iiiay be, commenced in the circuit court of the ec. 8, 1803. Section 1. Be it cvactcd by (he IjcgUlaturc of the State of Mh,iis-ippi, That so much of pec- tion I of said amendatory act,])rovidin2: that the fact of any slave found ^oinu; at hiv^c, shall be sufficient proof that the master, hirer, employer, or other person ha^in^ control of such slaves, gave sucli slavalict-n.^c or permission to trade as a free man. \)e and the same is hoieliy repealed. 8ec. 2. Be it Jurthci' evactid, That so much of section 2 of said nmcndiitoiy act, as provides that if horses and vehicles, or eitlier, are found under the control of any slave, the same shall be sufficient evidence of a violation of said section 2, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Bi it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March G, 18G5. CHAPTER \l. AN ACT to amend an act entitled un act to amend the law relative to fiieing out the writ ol Habeas Corpus, approved December 5, 1H()3. Section 1-. Be it enacted }>«»^y- the party aggrieved. Sec. 2. lie it further enacted, That it shall be the duty ol every person having or detaining another in his custody, to permit such person so detained, at all seasonable houi's, to be visited by, and to consult wiihouL niole-t.ation. with counsel, and any pcj-son olicuding against the provisions of this section shall be liable to in- dictment, ond on conviction shall be imprisoned in the penit ntiary not less than one year nor more than three years, and fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or punished by both such fine and im- prisonment. Skc» 3. Be a further enacted, That if any ^^^^^^ ^^^ person shall willfully fail or refuse to make re- failure or refuiai turn to any writ of Habeas Corpus to him di- on writ.* "'°™ rected and served on him, together with the cause of the commitment and detainer of the prisoner, or other person, or to bring the body of the person named in such writ before the Judge according to the command of such writ, or to do or perform what the Court or Judge shall consider and adjudge therein; or if any person, except a court of competent jurisdiction, shall afterwards confine for the same cause any per- son discharged by the Court or Judge upon a writ of Habeas Corpus, such person, so offending besides the remedies now prescribed byjlaw, shall be liable to indictment, and ou conviction, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than three years, or fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or punished by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. Be it further auxctrd, That this act shall take effect in ten days from its passage. Approved March 6, 18G5. 14 LtfWS OF MIgSIi>SIPPl. CUAPTER VII. A> ACT fixing tlie fef* of Jailor* for I'eediog Friaoners. Bkction 1. Be H maclrd hi fhr L, (fislaturr of the iState of Mississippi^ That hereatter it shall be lawful for the jailors of the s^everal counties of this Stale, to cliarge aud receive trvo dollan- pcr day for feeding pri:iOQcrs coufiiicd ia their rc^peptivo jails. Si.c. 2. Be it furOur rnocted. That thia act shall take oft'ectaud be in force from and after its passage, to continue durng the present war between the United Slates and the Oonfederate Slates. Approved March 3, 1865. CHAPTER VIII. AN ACT making HD A p]>ropri«tioD .for repairing the Capitol. Section 1. JJi it mactcd hi/ the. Jjn/i^latnie <>j the iStatc of Mi.'jH, That there be, and ia hereby apiiropi-jaicd. the sum of three thousand (3,000) dollars out of any money helonging to the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to he Uippi, That all contracts tor public work of any tlescriptiou in any county iu the t?tatc shall be let out at public outcry, and to the lowest bidder. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no one liowcontraoi* mcmbcr shall be authorized to let out contracts [2[c°i^"' ^"'^ ^y himself, but that at least two members of the Board of Police or three commissioners appoint- ed by the Board.shall be present, and superintend the letting out of all contracts for any public work. Sec. 3. Beit further enadcd^l^h&X aw evy con- Cc«ir»cior 10 fractor shall give bond with two good securities fife bond wiih r .1 r- -..iri p ri- two iureti*-. lor the taithtul performance of his contract to the amount of double the sum involved in the contract, to be approved by the Commissioners or the two members of the Police Court, who may attei^d the letting out of sail work, and said bond shall be recoverable as other liabilities of a p/srsonal character. Sec. 4.' Be it further enacted, That no mem- NoiBciLbcr of ber of the Board of Police shall havt- anv interest i.rt»t«(i Id ccc- dircctly or indirectly in any contract while he is a member of said Board, and any person so of- fending shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be fined not less than five hun- dred dollah-? and such contract shall bo void. Sec. 5. Be itjurthcr cjia'ctcd, That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act be and are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Be it furtltr cnco'tcd, That this act tLall take efTectrrom and after its passage. Approved March 6, 1865. uact. LAWS OP MieSlBSIPPI. 17 CHAPTER XL AN ACT to amend Section 9, Article 87, on page 445 of the Revised Code so as to authorize the Probate Courts of the several counties in this State to grant orders for the sale of perishable property at the time of the grant of letters testamentary or of ad- ministration. Section 1. Be it enacted by .the Legislature of fhe State of ^lississijipi, That ,the Probate Courts of the several counties in this State,at the time of granting letters testamentary or of ad- ministration upon any estate, may upon a proper showing, grant .an order for the sale of the per- ishable property thereof upon such notice as is now prescribed by law; but no sale shall be made thereof until after the same shall have been ap- praised by the appraisers of the estate. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this' act shall take eflfect and be in force from and after its passage. Approred March 8, 1865. CHAPTER XII. AN ACT to aniend an act entitled, An act making appropriations for the military service of the next fisoal year, approved Dec. 9, 1863. SkCTiON 1. Bt it enacted by the Lc/fislaturc of tkt State of Mississippi, That the unexpended- balance appropriated by said act be and is here- by appropriated for military service for the next year, 1 865, to be drawn from the Treasury upou the reqaisition of the QoFernor. Ssc. 2. Be U furth^ enacted, That this *ct take effect from and after it^ paasa^a. Approved March 8, I8i55. 18 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. cHAPTfeR xrir. A.t( ACT nmendatory of arlicT > ',f Mi« ■Revised Code, and of tbp toso'.- icr for- tfap vres^rvafion of the Lttws ai ; j^.^v ed Nov. 7, 1W8. . Section 1. Beit enacted hij't/ic the Sluit oj'Missisjiljtin. Tiial rcsolyiiii. ^nei sq; ployed ^QK, 7, 1^58, providitrg foiit4livc.s A\\x\\ furuiHU to lUo Pubiio n^^l^^sl^^i- rhuLer, the Oiij^iimi'joippal:? of the ,^»v'ate. .-and aoi ooiuo of ligus^j oi,, UcprCfJOuLatjvfs, iHsst,ead;«r a mmt SU^r«««ulAilvi < , „ , • 1111 1 .1 w . I i> • '•■ 10 b* furnuiaj ihorcnf, iiiitt It siuall bo the oXiioe i uoul a 1 keep the ^amc iu hjs office for future ii^^o find rrfjrent;e. Sec. 3. 75- ii furtJiLr.cnnic(iJtiVhAi ihisnct UiVc ' effect and \ni iu fprci.' IVoi^i an ! after itVpa3?uj?e. Approved J^a;-ch ^ U.Ua: • . . -viV. A N A'Cf*to hn .'^Srwp , /ie, Sneak • r Uep»-o ;iiid''rK*sid<.-nt uf t i'- j>oiul :•; : ^ b»»(»^»««*ti vliA'^svo ' Section- 'll''')/' './ {/is State of M'-.iiti^^ipifi, 'V\t-v. dy !i?^ the Legishiture sh ill br} in/ess-rou ;;. ;;. - . y <;1 Coluinba?, iIilj Sp3ak.-r4)f, tlioH)U9e of Renre- .sealaLivc3 add rrcsitl-'ti!: of the tSeiittc shall have pjWcT toappn-ii, eajh, a suitable person, to bo styled rt Alesseager between the two .:)r,?<',' why shall d-llv.- t'l- uir-^-^ -t-. ^ n-.d LAWS OF Mississirn. 19 parforrn ?uch other duties as the Clerk of the Mouse and .>(^crctary of the Senate may cWsit^- nuttv and'sliall receive each, during the timp !>o employed, s'X dollars per day, up>a the certifi- cate of the presiding olli^er of each bodyj coua- tersigaod by the Clerk or Secretary, upon the Auditor. See*. 2. Be it further cnncttd^ That this act '(akc effect and be m force from and alter ito • •>•)■ nil!"" • )i passage. • , • ■ Approved February 2f2, 1SG5. CHAPTER XV. AN ACT to amend Chapter 5. Articke 10 and 11, of the ilevised Code. >r:CTioN 1. Be it cna-cted bij the Legidatuic o/' ' 'tc Suite f/f' Mississipj)i^ That chapio-r 5, article. ■ 10, (if the Revised Code, be ^so aniettdei| a*,j:o g„^,J^^'"V?' i-l icaJ, the Secretary of 'the Seuitc shall re- «fiv«, e- i, «. s. ^.•^'lvc, .tweaty-four huaJred dollars, and • the da'v«, " i»»"hv C\itck of tlie House of Representatives lliir.lj^- ,Mur., L^^i,!! iwohuhdred dallarsj for each sesiioa ot the C'*''"'' '■^."" Le^jislulure of sixty daya' duration j but^sliould /ij^.o" ,. ,iiu''.ii,».i the session b J either .longer or s,hort<"'r. ili^' -^ild ' "' "' ' Secretary und, Clerk, shall receive ; i- s.ition, per d.iy, at the rate of the ab. 'v ■ iMi.ri. ;d svuns for sixty dav^ ; that of thi3 DoorWp'-'rof ^ I tr 1 t'l I -i ' . r . Door ikc House and oenate, and Sergcanl-al-,^\.^';-ps, a.vis-^.. ie iacreascd to fifteen dollars per day. ^\ . d^ure :ei'!r,y" .Sec. 2f Bi it further enuctcdy Tliat tlrc'^j^Wi- sious of iliis act sliall embrace th:' ,;; .v.ntJ^^Ci- . >ioa. •• , ' ^'^V' Sec. 3. Ban /'nnh'^r enacted, TlyM^iUisjid lake clllct and be iu force fro.Tia.i^ i'.u» ';,:j pa>sago. Approved March 2^ 1805. id LAWS «r MISSISSIPPI. CUAPTER XVr. AX ACT to aulhoriirt the Quartermaster General of fhe State to j^av to llie.nflicere and men of ifjo Se- cond Ualtalion and Sixih Repiment. Mif^osippi Stale Troops, for horsy* whicu were killed b«lor-« they were apprai&ed aud ralued. Whereas. In diflcrcm cn^iiagemcnfs witli tlie enemy, the ofliccrs aiuJ soldiers of the Second Battalion and iSixili Hcgirnent, Mississippi .Slate Troops, lost a number oJ" horses, winch wer^ killed in battle by the enemy ; and whereas, said }ior»es had not been appraised and valuevl before they were killed: Section 1. Beit nwctcd by the Legiskitmr cf Qnarurmsrtcr the StQtc oJ Missmippiy That thc Quarterm:isf<'i- fi^b™if.° kill- (joncral of the Slate be, and he is hereby an- .fmJ'tuV"«re *^^"''-^<^^ ^^^ required, lo pay to ihe.oArners of ^'♦^••* the horses so killed, ;»s alorcsaid, llieir vahir at the time they were killed. Sec. 2. lie it further cruictcd, That the owner of raei) horse whith was killed, as aforesaid, shall first make nflldavit before a nKigistraw, M hieh atlidavil shall stjitc llie time and ])l;ii« Avhere his l;orse was killed, and his value at Frtm ef prwjf that limc, ond shall also file therewith the affi- le .wori.ta jiavit of two witnesses, which shall state tl>at they were iicquainied wjtli the horse, and knew )iis value to be as set forth in the allidavit, aivd M\yo\\ presentation of his claim to the (Quarter- master (General, proved, as required, aeeompa- nied by the cortificaie of the commanding oflicor K<[' Sfiid-battJiiion or reginjcnt, that the horse was killed in action, the (Quartermaster General ekJi pay the samr. Sec 3. Be it ivrthn cmictcd. That this act takf ACT authorizing Sheriffs to receive certain claims in payment of County Taxes, levied for the support of destitute families. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of tlic State of ^fississl2)2)i, That the Sheriff? of this State fee, and ihey are hereby authorized and required, to receive in payment of county taxes levied by the Boards of PoHce for the support of indigent famih'es, any order, note or obliga- tion of the Commissioner, given to tax-pa3'er3 tor supplies for said families: Provided, the amount of the orders, notes or obligations so re- ceived shall not, in an wear, exceed the amount •f taxes which may be appropriated for the use of indigent families residing in the district of the Commissioner giving such orders, notes or ofdigations ; and that 'no Commissioner shall give any note., order or obligation for a larger sum than the amount of such taxes ; and that this act take effect from awd after its passage* Approved March S, 1SG5. CHAPTER XVIII. , AX ACT to aurhorize and, require the removal of criininalj from insecure or unsafe jails, in this State, and for other purposes. Sectio.v 1. Be it cuficted by the Lcgislalmn of the Stuic of Mis.'^i^sippi, That hereafrer, whtn- »'vor, in the opinion of the Board of Police of » any county of this State, the common jail of their county is considered insecure, from any cause, for the safe keeping of prisoners, it shall •"*'<' •' p»- bo lawful, and is hereby made the duty of mo'Tlurp^r^iJ.- such Board, to order tl>e Sheriff of their county uLrrcr'o." ^*" to remove such pnsoncrs from said jail to some jail, within the limits c\f this State, which may be considered safe and secure ; and it is hereby 22 LATTS OP JtflSSIfSlPn. , ma.dc ihp lUuj-^f such Slic^tiff to co:))|>ly wft}? til? order of the 'Bourd, nnd lo rcmoyo promptly such pn. hT Bonr ^' '"*'^r\^,f'f,';l of Police of every OHinty in tliis .>i:!tc, ''(mm Ji o, to b- prii.i which priSGiV^Fs muv be wdercrf lu^fl s«JU» -Ijr 'i U" the oruiv r ,i -rr-' ^ -J i » which thp malio to (ilif) iihrritl p.:'rtoniini>i: lua^: (in^lv a i i.: bi- «tnii. allowance i<*>r las (/4-oul)l«'. iiiclucJing ius iicliuil ♦3.\pen>e«;, to h^. (>rtid i)iUo:" tfi« Tr<>a>if y oi ih*^ county iium, which such pi'is«.ii<-'r8 umv \,6 scut, jipori.llj<^ order ur \ of ihc Li/iat4:<^* *J'"• ]ice of sych coiujl/v/upoh Hie Coiuuy'^Tivas- luer. , • fc^K< . :>c it fitrthcr cfutct-cd, ,\M)fi proper *uy\\in,:couuis t(» i*5ue liis warrant upon the t^lfeie Trc.isurc r, in ir,!:o?,?-t, b1 ^v\)r of ilio rrosie H txtnctalhy thA.Jjf;gi^lHtnre oj oo«v;u.r .an- ^'^'i ^Uiic^'Mu^nissiirpi, Thut hcr^fiftcl'ihe (iqy- vi'oy mni'h. Tr «Vn©r i^.f<»,>|ii.V'J<''i2f'^tx^ <-'ftip^".Vi ^^r lh««, period of tinny «i-.vs .. il/i:'i v*/lily>; itt unv -tiuje, the milLUii. of thijt arri-K,n„' • i < • - w •* . - . . . ' •nrti-a* obd m Mjlc«^n ;uje.stiua: qoscntocs and (Icicrtcrs^iiotn now eot..:^. ^»*C?., i.'. jiiiliuir cuofffd^ TsJ?>^:-.g'^",T'"iii Vz^^r^y "^ crturL^njaj;i;;.i,iijii>; po^i^sist .of gujfc'c !^gupuUis- siouccl ofliccrs aucTa judge advot;»t^. ,,,, ^ :^l:,c. 3. Be it JiuUicr jLubcud^ Xhal the s^iftr- RAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. , 2fo iff', aod constables of iheir respective . counties <^nsubfc5 ' *"i are bereby jequiredto &erveall suumw^is issued K^r^r tunnisnop* by g'enrial courU-uiarllal, make proper enddrsc- uai. merits thereon, aruifeluni ihesameto. the judge a/jlyoc^G. :^ ,,>••'» \ ■ ; ^v.c'.'^i Be h. further enacted, That all: dclln- qnents, eharged withoficnces agfli.nst ihe.mili- i;vrv ];nyi?.,of th[s;Stnlo, shall have the charges presented to him when summoned. Sec. 5. Be- k further evaded, That parties „ ,. <'harged with sudi ofivncpesragyKhaVe th.eir cases wit (lisp(Vsed of by me c6iiftSTrilartial, without beiiig ^'^' bEC. 6.- Be It jvrthcr enucted, ThatthiS". £ take effi'ct Irom and after its passage. tbont being sent. Approved March 9, 1665. niffH *'•» inrri-,'.'' /•■ •♦ ^,.'' , iA'^ ' 'V'J^*J Q\iartprmftpt«fi Geti- oral's Qep&iti]!)ent ot the^ State ot MiE^jj^ix^pi. . .> no;* .ir.iU (mIw ,*<'*< * !*< V, \\ wo SfeCTioN 1. Be it epacttd hif tfu: 'Le^ish.turtnf '• the S/atnq/' Mmissippi, That the Quartermaster General of ihc State be instructed and require matle to any troops, the payment of whiclj has bten a-sumed or agreed U) be made by the t^onfederale Govertiment. . i Sec. 2. Be il piftkcr enorfrd, That the said Quarteroiaster shall pay off said troops on the presenta,tion of (juf)licate pay rolls, or duplicate descriptive lista, ccrtiiied b}' the commander of the oDmpany, regiirwnt or battalion. Should such coraiuunder be< in prison or dead, then upon the c( rtifieate upon said rolls or descrip- tive lists of a coiDLiissioned officer next in rank. The weaning nn«l intent of, this act is, that an 24 LAwa OF MiaaiseippT. H»- !*t«i« officer elected to an office which entitled him td p»<i Ttprojri. c/i ;n pi tcjif. clerk oi-'4)ook-ke;eper,*lo aV'-^i ''i"- *'"'■ in i; ■ " ■ reouirrd Ijv iliis ucr ; alul lU; ^s:ni'' • ■ ' r ,Uje..^iil" - = !' !"•- hiiiKircd dt»liUrs fjor-. \,\ Hnc. it. JiQiljiq-tL /.'TUat ju iiu^tr lion V) ibc anion nt Ji^ uliowt.Hl i)ie Iwo roijiiJiLviiioiKire upp()Jmcu.jjp(Jcr ihc-iict lovvliieii \\n> \\. an :ijiu»iwjniciil, Uier^ Iftj ujlowed lUe syui '•f tiiiliLliuiidn cl l]<*Uars eacli,*aai compeu'sniion wr\\i:ci .rciidercd hy them. ia.c(;nr=e- -f'heiiig unablt; to procmo a suilab}*- l)K)K-k( cpii, at the piicejjX'-d in die huv, :iu(l also nr.iltTcd ;iii(M- lht>' cxpualitjn 'of the I'nu' lii:iit( (I tor ilic dufaljon ol" the cDinirws^ioii. .Six, 10. liciUf:iLiilur aiadc4. That tlib ;u-: •hiill-tiikc effect, i < lu ;ind-urter iis possiy^j'.'. • , , , CilAlTbPu.XXU. tonli'.ne tin', called 60^slyn in Ft'lnu*;ry, lSti;'i. " Mrr. 1. Be it Ai(i(*fM l»j the LtqhUrdirc \f ,'1,'f Sf>it^ oj *'J}ll^smiMiu, Thu"t,tliere be apprcjj^rin-' trd 16'lhl:''piei^Bcvri r^f'lU^^ Leg^ljjlritiiru, in luni >)K ;iny rDtupci's-itipn, fb^if nctiiuL travrlliiii': I'Xpcnses ;nVd '^'^cp'.'nst»'5 iiiL-Iirrod ih AlkVulin^r I he present f^osMon of the Lrgislnirre ; and ih(; Auditor Bhnll i;rsue"lii^'^';irf.'uilon ihc Tre.isiirer for ibc samQ, oil pic.>ciilaA)ii of tlic cortilicatf i'lf die- ^^-^sifl' irf Vyf liic r*('na!c and Speaker of !h;> rjou^e bf 'U^'P/C9<*n la* ives, i'o.speciively : iV./ti/A r/, if anyi^iembor ^!iall claim ihc conj- peiis.itionnoVc''^ provided by law, lie shall be en- titled t^ receivije ^he samaj and that lh;3 act irflc.i fffebt from ni(n'^?i'fier^*t5 passage, A^)proved INfaroh 6, 1S66. JjX'^Z of MISSISSIPPI. 2T AN iCT in rvl'»ti>') llie sppoi'ntuierit of ("laiirf^i.av'^ ^ , . c,f intaiiUB \\y 1 lict.j^JifjjiUJflry ( ;<■»' i"*;"?! i">K .Cfrt.ijn case;?, ^«nd,t') i»mo(i«l^ui ,^ic.' •5n,ti;l»f\I "A" M^i to prvvirh.oso,tat^jcv p-IuiIL'Jju liViiii;, nhnlh bti entit-tcil lo propoi't)}", ia lira ',o.v^ ^'gj't-. tlic Clnuicernr (^ji 9t.. Qf, ,t^tft co.ij[t)4.;jH in ^\•lli ck U'C , fhtlior ol" HuP-ii.inlkut.may, res;i(Jf\ or,, if i;(^ be ji non- ro^iidoTit (i£ the ^^tato, tho'.Chancurv Court of the couii!y in which the pr.opor.ty. ©r the p.^? b«i p,TORti!r part, thorcoi, inaj he,, inuy appoint a j;fj,,ir',?rT ,guavdiaw of the piK»pei:ty ot pueh iu'a;it, alv- vri6rnv. . ing'preierojice io-,l.feL|6 lather, or Dcxt 'of kin, if 'any, t^uck s-houidf <;pply, un e.^B eu(?li Jippli- caiit be nnp^Hfiibie for tlio tjiscbargo of th.e ^ duties ; :mT(,1: tJ*o pivo • boiioiJ of T.hc Avar(l^ i;-: ■* \ ■■ , . • (S.Kc. • 2; * /ie \ii furiher fiiacf'/d^ T]iii1r\cyc;y !:^i5ara;ao fiQ 'ap*pf>iiited .sh*Ur.'h:A\iO.'tho fitwn'e .^ ";;.'; • ' pO\v.^' <) V4>r tl«' oi^ifvtq , kU ^n a .:^t vd: ,*a8 *' giuac- ' ilj.ani^:':'' "'^'-■■■^ i> •♦ii" '•':■ '■: * ' •■;on:'t, and sliid.i p*.' eftnc tl'Tir tic? sli:d iii . and;pjvv- » ce<5!.din!J& : ; ;' hav« all tliQ'pcnvuvs m, ivijereiico to ni«i.0Matc. (jfitlie '.vfrciai'.d tlto jx^rnou of tlic )g;.uardinn Urjit .Probata iC ourt 4 liavo in aujdiisfouR car>e<'< and may iii;.' ''.chruJoR and orders as rahy he uuf: dOL.U' o the e:.!{ltj^, tjad to cau.s'y the cn;iiuiii/i t<;> acoouut profJcdy iorthe-Baniu. .';uu alho'.licr pi'Oc;^pdii)gs * in tbj^. promises nb^l ho jK^cordiHif' tOft)»o foursc and practice of th« Conrts.oi ,€'h'.{iice3y, and that thia a«t srball tal--ft'C'ft'"ot tviHi) ite j-'HSsrge. i .. Ai»p-<>vocliJ^mchittj 18t»ii. JO LAWS OF UIS6ISPIPPI, CHAPTER XXIV. AX ACT t( amend An Act entitled "An act to pre- rent the distillation of spirituous • liquors, »na to declare the dii^tilleriei to bo public »nd common nuisaiicps, nrjd to authorize the pame to be aba- ted, and for other ])urpoae8," approved April 5tb, Sectiox 1. Be it niartrd by the Lcfjislature of Uu Slate of MtJisissippi, That the agent and offi- cer appointed nndiT tlie tenth section of the above rocitrd act shall take and snbserihe th« t'olloNvinir oath or alhrmation : "I, A. B., bo- ini; ;i]»p()intcd by the Governor to carry on •r**oajc».r*'''! the distillation of spirituous liquors onlxdiaU" ,*i*,^*^J;7^;'-* ot the gtate, do sn-ear that I will well and taithfully execute and perform all the duties required of me by law, in reference to the , distillation of si;ch spirituous iKjuorg, so helj* nie God." which said aiH.lavit shall be tiletl in the ottice of the (iovernor. • Sec. 2. Be U further nutetcd. That the olfl-* cere and agents appointed under the tenthsee- tion of the act of whicli tliisact is amendatory ««eer4 ?.ii .^j^jiH etitcr iuto bond, with ijood and sutticient iBMfcon.i scc-urities, to be .'ipproved by the Uovernor, in the penalty of one hnudred and hfty thou- sand dollars, conditioned that he will faith- fully keep and disp-^se of all money or prop- itrty tlifTt. may come to his hand as such ut^enl ' or ofHcor, and account tor the same, when thfroto required by the Governor of this Stat*' or the Legislature" thereof, and in all things taithfuUy discharge the duties imposed wpon him by the laws relating to the distillation of sj.irituous liquors, and at the termination ol his said office or agency, faithfully to deliver to the State all the money, property or etibctK which lie may have in his hands by virtue of such office or agency, which said boi.d shftil be fded in theotKce of the Secretary of State. Skc. 3. i^c it further enacted, That all ofli- ccrs and agents heretofore appointed und-er LAWS Of MISSISSIPPI. 2^ the tentli section of the act of wliich this act A»:«««er-. na,i is amendatory, shall, within twenty days from Bivewon*. with uud after the jtaseage of this act, take the oath froi'^'hV^ t^» and give the houd required hy the first and '«* ^' *'»'* ■•' ftocond sections of this act, and upon their failure to do so, their said office and agencie» {•hall he, and they are hereby declared vacant, and the Governor is authorized and required to appoint other oflicers and agents to fill said vagrancies. Sec. 4. Ik ii farther enacted^ That all the employees engaged by the officers or agents appointed under the tenth section of the act of which thisactia amendatory, for the purpose of carrying on distilleries, or persons engaged in transporting spirituous liquors to depots or other places, in this State, from said* distille- rie^jshall make oath faithfully lo discharge the oau, t» b« duties required of them,'and deliver all spir- ^i^te?*^^ H ituous liquors placed in their hands for de- ^»k«;'1 »o tra*. livery to the proper person and at the proper K.r»ut«, &e. places, and use diligent cilbrt to prevent all losses of said liquor by leakage or otherwide; and no person, shall be engaged as such em- ployee, or entrusted with tlie transportation of such liquor, until he shall have made said affidavit ; and ior a violation of the same, such persons shall be liable to all the pains ' and. penalties of perjurj^ ; which said affidavit gihall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State : that no man of conscript age shall be appointed superintendent, dispenser, agent, or employee ot any description, under the act to which this is an amendment, unless he be otherwise exempt by law. Skc. 6. Be it further enacted^ That alcohol ^^^^ ,^^ maybe manufactured at the establishment »>• »»»«Ae forthedistillat'on of spirits, provided for in 'clit^iiurmMa' the act to which this is an amendment, which '" <»*«•*••«»- shall bo of ninety percent, proof, and may be sold by dispensers to physicians and druggists, in an amount not exceeding four gallons at any one time, and at a price not exceeding "-♦ ' LAWS OF iiifesiesrVH. ^^p t.t fyffi\ is9o\\iy-i\ve(]o]]{ir& -par piWon 1>]iC. (^. Be it ftn\Ktr^e,>^cleci, T!j«t this i\v\ Iftke^MF'ot iroin ami ivttar its pasta^^a. CilA-PTEK ^'^^V ' ■ ' , !• ■• .■ ' lain ruouifa Mi«>i«^n natutJ. SiTTibx It" Be it c'noctrd l^'ike i'iie I J' the St(tte of Missis^rpj^i ^: >ill (-jRicA ivhcro tiixcs have bV Ic-ctcd cVi'ntriiry to tfic provir' :ut f"nj:leil an net lor n r* . ] ;i ccrt.-iin caso.% artd , -Tovofl April 4. "^ • i... »,. ■ •!0 oolketc«rt 'til • 'iliri-lj 'ne r.v- '•• »•«« i:iO;.::cd,r;iij; Prcftlj^cdfimhq\ ho or] \.\\cy shaM- bo pradiico tfio' tp.x cdI! jcfot- s ro6C: the .lib :,nr! ^r>rx>•^\\\ f-f^^ifch r-r' : Kn t ■ I c : I . pi'ovi'3i6ns 'of the pnicchn'^ >^ I'olleetod Ivy* liirn, ac shaft "^i c'xW upiVp the Ain^itnr of i'r.'.^ tho diiidanta s6 rOfindOiV - ,.-, r , f n:il! bff 'rGtT'.iivc'd to clt'.r.v T- isticd, upon' ovi : • h:ic, uiulor the prov i-l :od :h>.'it1i();ir,t\'!:i!r;M-i!. • Apiii-ovciVMift-ch V. le-^S. LAWS OB' MISSISSIPPI. 31 CHAPTER XXVI. AN ACT to amendan- A«t enfi^lod "An Act to pstab- lish a minimum foi tiie, sa!^ ot two millions of tStatd .lionds', uutUori.a:Hl to be sold under :in act passed attiit^liv'senL sess-ioD of tlio L'^gislature," approved AugiisL K>, i'o!, fw.d for oibei purposes. Section 1. Be a eiia<:ial by the LcgisViiarc of itke Si:(lc of lllasisslpjn, Tliiit the- Governor of this Sta-o sUsill be authofi/icd io soil -or di^pc^o of ^ive lumd:eJ tliousaud dolliirs of the^ bonds moutioi]6d in tbc act to which Lhi'S is an aiuend- lueut, for tfuch prejuiuiii as he may bo able to ob- tiiiti iu ^.'ho market. . .Sec, 2..Z?c'_«^ f'crthcr cmtcUd, Jh^t the Gov- ^^^.'^'«^"»; «;;; crnor be, and' he is hcrebv aiUhorlzed, to sell ov <>r ^nn^n^ .f d.iSj)o:-e o\ all tl>e i-mr ;)Qr cent, nou-tax^blc i,„uu bonds.oi- ueriiricatc3ta» a:iut, uudor, ^-Uq proviii^uo of an act entitiod."Aa,acit to. au|jiqfr ifqthc r'd?tnptioa/of. Treasury .notes o^^tlje State,. Ij warrants, in ^iiaiL .'njixj.?; drawu^ MS.'? tlipluieAiuni^.J^y the Auditor, auji fvir o^her, ijjii;;- poses," approved Aj>ril 5. l8G4, ai the eauio may be'ued or p^id into \\\f; Troasur^v, viicludin}]; tho'co th^it liaye bccii loce^vcd or pai.d into the TrtMsiify, (ii'licr for taxes or other' duos to tae State ; and the Treasurer and A,iniitoy elian each be rcipiircd to keep a. lpo1'f"al all sets incorporatinj the town of Otkl.ind, Y«tliolu^ha county, Mississippi, Section 1. Be if enacted by the Lcgislaiuve of the State of Mississippi That all acts incorpo- rating tiic town of Oakland, Yallobusha county, Misuissipi»i, hci-etoibre paescd, be, and tliej arc Ijcrcby repealed. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted^ That this act take effect and be in torce from and after its passage. Approved February 29, 18G5. CHAPTER XXIX. AN ACT for the relief of John Lee Crawford and Mary E. Craw lord, of Copiah county. Whereas, There arc doubts Avhether the marriage contracted by and between John Lee Crawford and Mary E.Martin, in Copiah county, on the 24tli day of February, A. D. 1850, i8 legal and valid. Therefore, Section 1. Beit enacted by the Ler/islature of the State of Mississippi, That the sai?! mar- riage, celebrated- and contracted on the 24th day of February, A. I). 1850, by and be- tween the said John Leo Crawford and Mary E. Martin, be, and the same is hereby made valid and legal trora the beginning, and that all of the issue ot said marriage, heretofore born of the said Mary E. Crawford, since said 34th day of February, 1850, be, and the same are hereby mado and declared to be legiti- mate. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 28, 1865. k CHAPTER XXX. AN ACT to legalize the Assessment Roll of Iiawaniba County, and for other purpo*©8. Section' 1. DcU enacted by the Lfgislaturt of the State of Mississippi^ That tlie nsaesf^meut roll mad'*, and filed by C. A. Manshall, Tax Assessor ot Itawaruba county, made in Octo- ber, and liled on the lirgt day of December, 18'J4. be as valid as though the asee^Pinent roll had been made and filed within the time now i^rescribed by law. Src. 2. £c it further aincteil, That C. A. Marshall, Assessor of Itawamba county, shall receive the same compensation tor his uthcial sei'vices as tlioufrh the assessment had beeu made and tiled within the time jiruscrihod by law. Sec. 3. Be it further en>i<'(ni. That this act be in force from and after ita jtabsage. Approved hcbniary 2"'. 1865. CUAPTEU XXXI. AN ACT t§ change the name of Frances R. BUck- mar, of Hinds county. Section 1. Be it enacted !>)/ fhr Leglslaturr of Ihe State of Mississippi, That Francos R. T^lack- mar, of the county of Hinds, shall hereafter be called and known by the name of Fannie R. Mosely, and by said name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court ©f law or equity. Sec. 2. Be it further niaefed, That this act take effect and be in force from and after it* passage. Approred February 24, 1865. . LAWK or iMmyumn. 85 CHAPTER XXXII. AN ACT to invpstthe rrc1>ntp ^nnrt of the county of Yaz">o with jurif^diciiou ot ihc lasi will and testa- ment of John Cunapbell, deceased. Section 1. Be it enacted In/ (he Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the Probate Court of the county of Yazoo be invested with full au- thority and jurisdiction to take the proof of the will of John Campbell, late of Carroll county, deceased, tc^rant letters testamentary thereon, and (o conduct the admiuidtration of the estate of the deceased to a final settlement, in the same manner as if tne mansion house or fixed place of residence of said Cflmpbrll had been in said county of Yazoo at the time of his death. Sec. 2. Be it further encu-ted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved Feb'ry 28, 1865. CHAPTER XXXIH. . AN ACT for the relief of Charles li. Davis. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature oj the State of Mississippi, That all the civil dis- abilities of Ciiarles 11. Davis, a minor, of Yallo- busha county, Mississippi, existing under the laws cf this State on account of his minority, be and the same are hereby removed, except the right of sufirage and holding office, and he is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for and make such other disposition of his property as he would bo able to do had he arrived at the age of twentyono years. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act »hall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 1, 18G5. K LAVS or n?f»iiPN. CHAPTER XXXIV. AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Daniel Cchen, a minor, of Wilkinson couiily. Section 1. Be it enacted hy ike Legislature of the State «y' J/ZixW/y)/, 'that the civil disabili- ties of Daniel Cohen, a minor, of Wilkinson county, be and they aie horchy removed, and that the said minor be and he is hereby authorized to perform all ac.s which lie mighi or could do were ne twenty-one years of nge, except tiie right of suffrage and holdinj? office. Sec. 2. Jh il furtJur ttun'ted, Tliat this act shall take elTectand be in foice from and aftor its passage. Approved March 2, 1S65. / CIIArTER XXXV. AN ACT to remove tlie civil dieubilities of Evander II. Ross, a minor, of Hancock county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the iState of Mississippi, That the civil disabili- ties of Evander H. Koss, a minor of Hancock county be removed, and that ho bo entitled to all the rights, powers and immunities of a citi- zen, the same as though he was twenty-one years of age : except the right of suffrage anil the power of holding office. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 2, 18G5. FAVi Of MrwwsippT. jgr CHAPTER XXXVI. AN ACT to remove the civil disabilities of Emma E. Kennedy and Walter P. Kennedy, minors, of Car- roll county, Misstsaippi. « Section 1. Be it enaUcd by the Legislature of > the State of Mississi2}}n, That the civil disabili- ties of Emma E. Kenuedj and Walter P. Ken* nedy, minors, of Carroll county, Mississippi, be and tie same are hereby removed, and all rights, powers and privileges of adult citizens are hereby conferred upon said Emma E. Ken- nedy and Walter P. Kennedy, except the right of suflFrage as to Walter P. Kennedy. ■ Sec. 2. Be it further enacied, That this act take effect and be iu force from and after its passage. Approved March 2, 1865. CHAPTER XXXVn. AN ACr to authorize the Board of Police of Tippah county to borrow money from the Treasurer of th« School Funds of said county. Section 1. Beit enacted by the Legislature of the State of ^li-ssissippi, That from and alter the passage of this act it shall and may be law- ful for the Board of Poli'',eof the county of Tip- pah to borrovr the money belonging to the school fand of said county. Sec. 2. Be it further niarted, That for all mon- ies 80 borrowed out of ?aid school fund the same rate of interest shall be cliarged as is now au- thorized by law to be charged when loaned to individuals, to be annually paid into the treas- ury of said fund. Sec. 3. Be it further enackd, That when the Board of Police of "said county shall borrow any money of said scliool fund, ihat the Pres dent of said Board of Police shall execute a bond for » 3$ B&vrt or ihe araonnt so borrowi^d, pigned by biiiiiJelf offi- ially ap Prc:lipation is paid off and discharged. Sec. 5. Be it jHrther rmicted, That this act be in force from and after its pasfage. Approved March 2, 18()5. CHAPTER XXXVIII. AN ACT to change the nnmps of I^anra Tioe and George Tice. Section 1. Bf it enacted hy the Legislature oj ihe State of Missis ^ijijil, Tliat the names of Laura Tice and Oeorj^e Tice, minors, of Monrot county, Mifisissijipi, tlie former about four years of age, and the latter about ten years of ;i^o, b« changed to Laura Williams and George Wil- liams. Sbc. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 9. 1865. CIIAI'TER XXXIX. AN ACT for the relief of the State Institution for the Blind. Section 1. Be it enacted dy the Legislature of Ihe State of Mississippi, That a special jijipro- priation of the sum of ten thousand dollars bo and the same is hereby ii|)iiro|)ri;ited fi)r (ho 1 eu- efit of the State lustitu'ion for the Blind, aud that the Auditor of Pul)lic Atcounla be aud ho is hereby directed to issue his warrant upon the Treasury of the State for that sum in favor of the trustees of said Intstitution upon their appli- cation for that purpose. 8ec/2. Be itfHrihn- roncied, Thftt tVi*> a(1di- tional sum of ten thousand dollars be and the iame \a hereby appropriated as a contingent fund, to be placed in the hands of the Governor and to be under his control for tiie use and bene- fit of said Institution for tlu) Blind, when in his opinion the necessities of the Institution require the use of said sum, or any portion thereof. And the Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby required to issue his wan-ant on the Treasury for the last above Lann d sum of money or any portion thereof, at any lime, upon the requisition of the Governor. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act be in force and take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 3, 1865. ;^ CHAPTER XL. AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act amendatory of an act, entitled an act for the relief of the 1st Battalion Mississippi State Troops, commanded by Major ilarp«r. Section 1. Be it enacted bij the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the setond section of the above recited act be .'^o amended that after the word "officers" in said section, there be inserted the word.* ''or any properly certified muster or pay rolls." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 3, 1S65. CHAPTER XLT. AN ACT for the relief of C. S. Whitcomb of Ifolmes county. Wheueas, it appears that C. S. Whitcomb buriiMl S86 in cotton money, $50 in military bills, an, therefore. Section 1. Uc it enacted hij the JjCtjiMatiire of the Stale oj Mi'^M.'^sippi, That the Board of Police of Panola county be and are hereby au- thorized and empoTsered to appoint for each section of said police districts divided as afore- said, one commissioner, whose power and duties shall in all respects be us full and ample ii« those of commissioners appointed for police districts in pursttance of all laws looking to tho provisions for the families of soldiers. Sec 2. Be it further enacted. That this act tak« effect and be in force from and after its passa«je. Approved March 3, 1S65. CHAPTER Xi.V. AN ACT for the relief of <"»ptHin W. G. Middleton, lormer captain of tLe I'anohi Cavalry, and Ciiplain J, K. Taylor, his succetKor in ollice. WiiKRKAS, the Legislature of the State of Mis- sissippi did, by act, approved Jan. :i:.^ 1^02, appropriattjthesum of two thousand dollars to arm and ecpiip the Panola Cavalry, then commanded bv Capt. W. G. Middleton, and. whereas, upon the reorganization of said company Captain J. R. Taylor waa elected captain, and it having been made to appear to the aatii«n>ction of tiiis Legislatur? that th« ■aid Middleton (now deceased) did turn over to the said Taylor eighteen hundred doUan of the said suni (two hundred dollars having l^een expended in the purchase of pistols for gaid company;) and,- whereas, it having been made further to appear that the-house of th« said Captain Taylor was robbed by the pub- lic enemy, and thirteen hund'red dollars of ■ said sum was then and there taken from his trunk, therefore. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississipjn, That the Auditor of Public Accounts be and he is hereby authorized and required to enter a credit for the sum of thirteen hundred dollars on the bond of Captain W. G. Middleton, provided for and executed in accordance with the provisions of an act en- titled "An act for the benefit of the Panola Cavalry and Tillalaha Greys," approved Jan. 22, 1SG2. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, ThatCapt. J.R. Taylor be permitted to return to the treasury five hundred dollars, ballance on hand of said sum, and upon his doing so, a further credit to that amount be entered upon said bond ; and that tills act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 3, 1865. 44 Liwf or Miieinirpi. CHAPTER XLVI. AN ACr for the relief of the Probate and Circuit Clerks of Lh Fayette county. Section 1. Beit cuacfn] bij the Legislature of the State of M'aslssippi^ That the Secretary of State be and is hereby authorized and directed to furnish the Probate and Circuit Clerks. of Lafayette coftnty with copies of the Reports of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, the Re- vised Code, and the sheet acts of the Legisla- IxiYe. ' ' '"'"'-'^ ••"'• •''•111 '.'// M Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect Irom and after its passage. Approved March 3, 1S65. CHAPTER XLVII. AN ACT to repeal an act entitled an act to secure the interest on the Chickasaw School Funds, so far as relates to the county of Pontotoc," approved Dec. 2, 1858. 'I Section 1. Be it cnnctcd b>j the LrgisIatNre of the Slate (f Misffissipjn, That the tirst section of said act, which limits the rate of tuition to peven and one half cents per day to teachers, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same relates to the cotiuties of Pontotoc and Calhoun. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That tjjis act be in force from its passage. . Approved March 3, ISGo. LAW* or MI81SM8IPFI. 45 CHAPTER XLVIII. AN ACT to authorize and require the payment of cer- tain funds to the parties therein named. Fection 1. Be it enaded by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, Tiuit upc^n the presenta- tion to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the receipt of M. D. Haynes, late the Treasurer of this State, for the sum of seventeen hundred and forty-se'ven dollars, which sum was deposited by the Pres-idcnt of the Boivrd of Police of Marion county with the said M. D, Haynes, to be funded in accordance with the provisions of an act en- titled ''An act to authorize county treasurers and other county oflficers, and other persons.holding Confederate Tre sury notes in a fiduciary ca- pacity, to dispose of the same, under the recent legisUtion of Congress, and for other purposes," approved April 5, 1864, and upon the presenta- tion of the application of said Pre&ident, to have the said sum exchanged for the Treasury notes of this State, in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled ''An. act to authorize the State Treasurer to exchange the Treasury notes of this State for certain bonds therein specified, and for other purposes." approved August 13, 1864; that the said Auditor be, and he is hereby au- thorized and required, to issue a warrant upon the State Treasurer, in favor of the President of the Board of Police aforesaid, for the said sum of sevenieen hundred and forty-seven dollars, payable in the Treasury notes of this State, whtch said warrant shall be sufficient for said Treasurer to pay, and he is hereby authorized and required to pay said sum, in accordance with said warrant, and that this act take effect and h% in force from and after its passage. ^ Approved March 4, 1865. [ 4^ XAJ9 cm ICMWAIPM. CHAPTER XLIX. AN ACT to incorporate the Pioneer Machine Com. pany. » Section 1. Be it enacted by tlif Lrgislalure of the State, of Mississippi, That Franklin 1?, Brid- * ges, James G. Cummings, Harrison Hale «nd Abraham Murdock, their associates and sncces- sors, be, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, under tlie name of th« Pioneer Macliine Company ; may sue and be s«ed, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of law or equity ; may have a common seal, and tbe same to alter at pleasure ; may make such by- laws, rules and regulations for the government of its business and the control of its property PS they may deem it best : Provid(d, the s?ime are not contrary to the Constitution and laws of the State or of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said company shall be two hundred tliousa::d dollars, divided into, shares of one hundred dollars each, and that when the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars is subscribed and paid in, the said company is authorized to com- mence business. Sec. 8. Beit further enacted, 1 hat the busi- ness of said company shall be the makin'g and repairing of machinery and farming implements of any and all kinds, and that, for the purpose of , ' carrying on and establishing said business, said company may employ its capital, or any part thereof, in the purchase of lands, the erection of buildings, aud the employment of steam, water or any other power or thing which may be , deemed necessary. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the corpo- rate privileges and franchises conferred by this act-shall continue for twenty years and do lon- ger. Approved March 4, 1865. CHAPTER L. AN ACT to grant freedom lo rual© skre Loyd, the property of James N. Harper, of Tallahatchie county. Whereas, Loyd, a negro slave the property of James N. Harper, of Tallahatchie county, Mis- sissippi, has proved himself a faithful and devo- ted servant to hin young master^s, Lucius and Charles E. Harper, whom he attended in the army, and both of whom have fallen in battle, the first at Denmark, in Tennessee, the second Hear New Hope Churcli, Ga.; and whereas, the said Lovd risked his own life in recovering the bodv of liis young rniister, Charles E. Harper, from the field of bafile, and aided in his inter inent ; and whereas, the said James N. Harper has expressed hi? dosir.', in writing, that the Legisliiture sliall free said ncsrro. Therefore, Section 1 . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That said ne^ro boy Loyd be, and he is hereby declared, freed and emnnci- pated from the condition of a slave, and is granted all tiie privileges and immunities ex- tended to free negroes by the laws of this State, and is permitted to remain in the State on his good behavior. ^ Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That this act shall not alTect the right of creditors ; and that the said James N. Harper and his representatives shall be at all times liable tor the support and maintenance of the said negi^ Loyd, so as to prevent him from ever becoming a public,cbarge. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That this act take cfiect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 8, 1865. "48 liJLW? or Ml?ITf»flPM. ***"**^ CHAPTER LI. ' ' r ' AN ACT for tlie roliff of the estnte and ?fcurities of B. F. Tcoini r, former Sheriff of Itawamba county. Section 1. Be i( evartcd h/ Ihc Lcrjishbur of the Sfat6 of Mississippi, That the estate and securities of B. t\ Toomcr, fornior SheriiT of Ita- wamba, bo and they arc hereby allowed to »)ay ' iuto the Trea.^urv, under the prf^vipioiis of an act approved April 5, lSn4. the sum of three hun- dred and evcnty-threo dollars and .seventy eiglit cents in the n)ilitary warrants due in 1863 and 18G4, for balance ot military tax due by ihom in 1801, provided that uo interest shall ho. aljowcd on said notes beyond the time when said tax was due the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enadrd. That this privi- lege be extended to them until 1st January 1866 ; and the Auditor of i'ublic Accounts shall, draw his warrant upon the Ticasurer for all commissions due said B. F.'Toomer from the Auditor's office. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this aot be in force from and after its passage. I .Approved Mareh 8, 1^65. CHAPTER LH. AN ACT relative to the relief of indigent families of soldiers in Yazoo county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State ofMi.^sissij)})^, That Fountain Bar&sdale of Yazoo county, be and he is hereby authorized, in lieu of the Treasurer of Yazoo county, to receive all monies collected and appropriated by law for the use of indigent families of soldiers in Yazoo county, and to do and perform all act* relative to the use and appropriation of said money, which the said Treasurer is required by law to do and perform. Sec. 2. Be it Jurther enacted, That the dutiei LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. 41> and powers wli'ch by law the members of the Boai'dri of Poiici' of the several counties are re- quired by law to perform and authorized to ex- ercise relative to ti.e use, apprcrjiriation, disposi- tion and mana;,: 'ment of funds collected for ia- • digent families cf soldiers, shall and mny be exercised nnd performed in the county of Yazoo, in lieu of the un, .ubers of the board of police, by Fountain Bark;M!:ile, who, as to such disposition, appropriation management, ia hereby vested with the power;;; conferred by law on such board of police. iSEc. 3. Be it further enacted^ That the said Fountain Bark;- iale shall execute and deliver to the JJoard of Police of Yazoo county a bond witli good security fo- the sum of twenty thousand •dollars, to be aj 'proved by said l^'oard fi{ Police, for the faithfu! performance of the duties as- signed him by tlie previous sections of this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, March 8, 18G5. CHAPTER LIII. AN ACT to remove the civil dip^Lllities of George K. Smith, a minor, of Sunflower county. , SECTiOiV 1. JBe it enacted by th£ ^ Liigislaturc of the State of Mississippi, That the civil disabili- ties of George K. Smith, a minor, 6f Sunflower connty, be and the same are hereby removed, and that t)ie said George K. Smith, be and ho is hereby authorized to contract, sue and be sued, and do all other acts and things as if he were of the age of twenty-one years ; ^yrovidcJ, h^ shall not be allowed to vote or hold office, and that this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 9, 1SG5. 50 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. • CHAPTER LIV. AN ACT for the relief of M. GreenhcoJ, of Clarke county. Section 1. Be it enacted by (he Legislature o/' (he State of Mississippi, That tho Auditor ot' Public Accounts be and he is berebyauthorizod and directed to issue bis warrant On the Sttico Treasurer in favor of ^f. Greenbood for the %\\\a of ninety-nine dollars and ninety-eight cents excess of taxes paid into the State Treasury in JSG3, which warrant shall, bo paid out of anv tnonev-m the Treasury not otherwise appropri- arcd. ■ ."^EC, l*.. Be it farther enacted, That this act shall lake effect and be iu force from and after i.s pas-age. Approved March 8, ISGo. CIT.VlTEIl LV. AN ACT ior ilif iv li.'f of Mobrrt Shotwell. t WiiEPvEAi^, Robert Shotwell entered, in tho of- iicc of Jhe Secretary of State of this State, a quantity of la*id situated in the county of Sunflower, the patents for which have bo- coi::e injured and defaced so as 'liot to bo leg- ible, therefore, SiiCTloN I. U-:i it rn/tdid l>ij (kc IjCgijlaturc <■( 'he State (if Miisi:mi>pi, That duphcaic pa-enLs J hall bu issued to the said Ivobert Sliotwell for ;iny laild heretofore entered by him in the ottice oi" the Secretary of State, situated in the county (jf Sunflower, in this State, the said duplicat^^ patent to have relation to, and to take eHect. from the date of the original entry or entrie*, and to have the same force ;ind effect as the said ((ri'nnal patents would have had if the san^ i,;;d not been injured or defaced ; and that this act ska! i take eilbct from iCs pas.sage. Approved March S, IS (3 5. LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 51 CHx\.PTER LYI. AN ACT to amen J an act entitlpd an act for lh»-> r(»' lli^f of Dempsey Sherrod, approved August 12- li, 1864. SECTION 1 . Be if enacted hj the Legishlure cf ih£ estate of 3Iississipp)\ That the second sec- tion of an act entitled "An act for theli-elief of Dempsey Sherrod," approved August 12, 1S64, b3 so amended as to provide and require tiiat rh3 said Dempsey Sherrod while be remains in the Institution for the Blind, in accordance with 1 lie provisions of the act aforesaid, shall bo sub- j.rtto'all the rules and regulations of said lu- :Mit.tuiou ; and tliat this aci take effect and be ia tV)if.c from and after its passage. .'.puroved March 8, 18G5. CHAPTER LVII. A N VCT for the relief of the Probate Clerk of Marion county, and for other purposes. \Y:i!:rwEAf', by reason of a recent raid of th3 en- ouiy through tlie county of Marion in this State, a greater part of the books, record:? and papers, belonging to the Probata, Cir- cuit, Chancery arid Police Courti of said count5% were lost, mutilated and destroyed, and th 3 seals of thj Circuit and Probat;; Courts thereof wore by said enemy carried away, therefore, SEcrroM I. Br; U cn/icfc.l i)'j the L-'.^ldature of ftir, Staid of ^lissi&siivn, T!iat the Cirrk a{ \Yn Prab:i-te, Cfrcuit, Chancery and Police Court; of the county of Hariou skill not be Yvx^Xz upou his otUcial bond for his failure to re;*ord or hav ? r.'corded, since the Gtli day of December, lS6i, any paper d.^po.sited with the clerk ef f-ai I courts for record, or any ot!i:r :n.itru'r.3'it uf 52 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. writing roquircd by law to be rcconiud in any of thcoflices nlbrcsaitl witliin thetinic pn'soribetl by law : Provided, bis failure to do s^o sHaU liavc been tlie result of tbe raid aforesaid ; bui TJiat all paju'ns deposited with the clerk of .sjiid courts for the purpose of beinc: recorded so far as to protect said clerk from liability upon hit; official l4p)nd, sliali be con-udered recorded upon ihe receipt of said clerk' ibr such paper, ami » certificate under his private seal tiiat the same was received ^jjy him for record and for want of proper books the same cannot now bo recorded; Pj:(>vii)KD, said clerk, shall record the same v.ithiu tlie time now prescribed by law, after suiiable books of record shall have been pri>- cnred. i>KC.2, Be U further enacted, That in all cases when the seals of any of the courts aforesaid are requimd by law to be affixed to any ])aper or process issi;ing thorefroni (except the Chancery (vourt) the private seal of said clerk shall be doomed valid and eflectual in law and o!■ /urtlvr nunttd. That iliis aci ;;iko efifecL and be in lorcc; from and after its l'n''?ag('. Approved .March S, lSG-3. CHAPTER LVIil. i\N ACT to pulborize iho Mnyor and Selectmen to 'nci»'U->e the \nxv& on piopMiy in tlic corporate liiuilsi (if the (own of Mucon. ;>FCTiox 1. BcU tnudnl by the Lcg-islaiu'i'c n; the Stall, of Mississippi, That the mayor and ahi- ennen of the town of Mucon be and they are hereby authorized to increase the asses.'^ment. aiul collection of ta.xes in the corporate limits ♦if said town to two per cent, instead of one- LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. 5S iourtb of one per cent, as now provided by law; ;ind ihnt this act tak incorporate the town of Canton, and to rt>j>''al all former acts iiicuvpitralinp the p;ime, nnd all acts ameudatory thtrcof, and for other purposes. tSECTioN 1. Be it enacted, b// the Li.qislalurc oi the Stale of Mississippi^ That the above recited 'x;c. 2. H: it further cnactct, Tint the tenth f^-i I>A\VR OF MISSISSIPPI. rnd thirrot^nth sortians of Piiiihicts ofincnq^orcV 1 ion, and the fifth section of ihe act {uiu'iidatory Thereof, approved February 11, A. D. ISoO, he ;!iul are hereby restored to their original force iind effect. Sec. o. Br H far i her enacted, Thst the mayor iiiid marshal of said corporation shall each re- ceive such aimflal salary iis may be fixed by the board of selectmen in council, ancf none other e.\(X'pt they shall bo enijiloyed by said board to ]>erform some, extra service, in T\'hich case their pay for the same same shall be stipulated, nor shall they receive any per diem for tiieir attendance on the meetings of said board, nor shall they receive from the corporation any Ibes for suits brought at the instance or in behalf of the same "which shall be dismissed or decided against it, or when the money shall not bemade- on suits decided in its favor. Sec. 4. Jji if further enacted. That the Mayor and selectmen in council are hereby authorized to specify what persons sl.Niil be subject to patrol duty, whether such be liable to such (hity or not 'by the laws of this State. >EC. h. Ba it furi!arcriiicttd, Tiiat the meetings of said board shall be held in the room used by iho grand jury- in the court house of Madison county, or, in cold, inclemeijt weather, they may hold in any room occupied by one ef the county oflicers by consent of said officers only ; and said grand jury room is hereby declared to be the Mayor's ofiice, in which he shall hold lii« court, or in the Circuit Court room, but not to riic exclusion, of or interlerence with the grand jury or the Circuit Court. ^Ec;. 6. Ik it further enartcd, That Jill fie(^- white male persons within the city of Canton, ])ossessing qualificatioi:s similar to those made liable liy the laws of this State for road work- ing, and all male slaves, free negroes and niu- lattoes, likewise liable, shall be liable to work the streets of said civv, and for such time as the LAWS OF MISSISSIPrl. eaid hoard of Mayor and selectmen may direct ; but the said board may commute said work or an}'^ part thereof for money, and may imj^ose such pecuniary fine as may be requisite to its performance. Sec. 7. Be if. further enacted, That the pro- ceedings! of the board shall not be published in any newspaper, nor in any other manner at the expense of said city, provided that ordinances passed, or that shall be passed from time to time, may be printed in book or pamphlet form i'or distributi(5n or preservation when it shall be deemed necessary to do so. Sec. S. Be it furtlicr enacted^ That this act be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 9, 1SG5. CHAPTER LXI. AN ACT making certain appropritions therein r.rmed. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Legislature of the Slate of Mississippi, That tbe loUowing gums be allowed to be paid out of any mouey iuthe Treasury not otherwise appropriated : ToE. J. Runnuls $293 66 W.*F. Alford 105 00 Lewis Green _, 25 00 D. J. Bush ......*. 65 00 T. J. Arnold 500 00 Pv. Woodfin 525 00 liardv Stevens 150 00 C. A.^Prougher -121 50 James Jones, 59 50 J. W. Felts, : . 220 00 R.C.Miller ..' 245 00 J. J. Sharuon& Co 2470 02 I). K. Corley 21 00 AV. R. Cannon (page)..^. 50 00 r. Dickinson (page) 50 00 F. Pope (page) 50 00 Js'. J. Gillespie, servant hire,.. 270 00 ■Christian tthurch (for use ofcbapcl) 200 00 56 LAWS OP MISSISSIPPI. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That tlin sum of fifty thousand dollars be and the same is h^rebv appropriated for the relief and support of the liospitals and depots for Mississippi soldiers in the army of the Confederate States, tu be paid ou the ordev of the Governor as provided in the act for the establishment of hospitals and depots passed Dec. 16, 1S61. Sec. 3. Be il further enacted, That there be al- lovi-ed to W. R. Poindexter, private secretary of the Governor, his actual travelling and other expenses, incurred in attending •the present session of the Legislature, for which the Audit- or, on thecertificate of the Governor, shall draw ' his warrant on the Treasurer. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, Tiiat this act shall be sufficient authority for the payment of the respective suras of money herein be- fore specified. Provided, the Auditor of Public Accounts shall be and he is licreby required to take from the persons respectively to whom appropriations are herein made, a receipt in full, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its pas-age. Approved March 9, 1865. CHAPTJ^R LXII. AN ACT for the rcliet of Ilenry £. lia^co, Executor, (fcc. Section. 1. Be it.enaeied hjj the Legislature of liie Stale of Mississippi, That Henry V.. Itusco be and he is hereby authorized to probate the last will and testament of Dr. Zebena Conkey, deceased in the Probate Court of Lafayette, in- stead of Tunica county, Mississippi, and t'.it he be allowed to qualify aft executor of sn": will in the Probate Court of said county oi Lafay- ette, and make all reports and settlements and LAWS OF MISSISSIPPI. ^M divisions through the Probaj:e Court of Lafay- ette county. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Ihat this act take effect an-d be in force from and after it.s passage. ApproTcd. March 2, 1S65. CHAPTER LXIII. AN ACT in fcia'ion to the Probate Court and Loard of Tolicia ot Wuri^n county, Miasissippi. Section 1. Be it enacted by the -Legislatare of the Slalc of 31issisi>ipp(^ That the Probate Court of said county shall bo held at the plantation of George McsscDt^cr, in said connly, or at such place as the Judge may appoint, oti giving ten days public notice thtii^of, on the fourth iMonday of Januajy, Marci), May, July, September and Xoveiubcr, aiui may continue in session six day^ and no loi;gcr. -i CEC. 3. Bs it further enacted, ThaC the iner.v bcrs of t^e Hoard of Police of said counu\shall liold their couit at the limo^ and place named in the fu'st section of th.ia act, or at sucli. other l>luce as the President thereof may ajipoint, giv- ing ten days fjublic n»)t.i(0 thereof and may con- tinue in session fur three day,s and no hdiger. Sec. o. Be it firilwr uiactcd. That thr clerk of the l.'ircuit, I'robale and Poliee Court, ^nd the SiK riii of t^aiJ county, be empowered t'>f hold th<;ir eincesat sncli jilaces in said county as ihey may do( 111 advi.-^;ih;e. a!id said clerlir^ ii'* auliiorJA-'d to use ihwir jiiivato seals, i:niil piovid(.t %ir->^ Jusoacdb,, the Ugislaiare of ihe St->tc oh ^miss^pri, That Friday, the 'lOth day of Marcnnext,beappr,intedas a day of fastinc ' uundiai.on aad prayer, and that the Governor - bcreqaestedt., issue h.s p;:oclamation, inviting he people of the Slate to umte with their iel- Jow-ciUzens of other S^les in its observance as MKh, and lo that end, that th.y do assemble in luMr usual p..H:e.s of public worship, to return 'hanks and praise lo ,he Great Disposer of •iilry, du- nufj lior Si ruirizlc for independence, and tne al- Icciionato interest whieli he lia.s at all tiint*s jnanilested l()r the succe-s of "Ihm- nrinie«, claim iioni ihtj Govtrntneni and people veneration lor his virlues, ^Taliiude for hi- si-rvices, and reirrei. for his iibscKr;- from the tidd of active of)era- iions. :>. Th-tl i i U.r ()|)ini(>M of this Leu'islature, the service^ of so able JL general as .Joserh K. Jchnsion ought not, in the presjent exigencies o|" ihr Confederacy, bo dispensed wJih, and liiui ihe rresidcnt be respectfully rcquesteo to place him in a position of active service, suitcil lo his rank and acknowledged abilit}-. ' 4. That our ^^enat(»rs in Congress be rc'iucsl- ed lo place thc^c resolutions before tlie I'resi- LAWS Oi" MISSISSIi>PI. 61 doht, as expressing the sense of this Legislature, andlhnt a copy be also sent to General J. E. Johnston- Approved March 2, 1SG5. CHAPTER LXIX. , JOINT RESOLUTIONS calling on tbo Coa federate Slates Government for the payment of our troops. Resolved hy the Legislature of (he Stale of Mis- sissipj)i, That tliere is no debt more sacred than that which the Government owes- those who are defending her existence with their lives, and that it has been most unfortunate for the good of the service thai our soldiers have not been paid regularly and prompth'', in the manner provided by law. Jlcwlvcd, That much of the dissatisfaction and ilemoralization which we now have to de- plore in the army has arisen from this delin- quency ou the part of the Govtrnment, and we trust that such measures will be taken, at once, as will secure the prompt payment of our noble troops. Resolved, That while we repudiate the idea tliat Southern soldiers are fighting for pay, we, nevertheless, claim for them their just rights, aijd hold that, in the present condition of af- fairs, Some compensation is necessary' for their comfort and welfare. • Resolved, That the Governor be, and he is hereby requested, to submit a copy of these re- solutions to each of our Senators and Repre- sentatives in Congress. Approved March 3, 186*5. ^'•2 LAWS (JF MISSISSIPPI. CIIArTP:R LXX. ,.V'1NT REoOLUriO>J in relation lo. Sol;.- ol C mnus- niiBsioner-t. Rcsohrd hy (he Lcgishitnre ofllic State of Miss! - s/j-pl. The Ijoani of Coinniissinnors appointcl micliT a "Joint rosolntion in relation to the eti- wcallwii of the children ot'soUliiTs killed or dis- uhled duriwir the present war," and approved August 13, 1SG4, be so amended thutU ([uoruia iliall consist of six members, and that such (|U0- nim be invested with all the powers of a fn!l board. JJe it furtiwr licsulcal, That this rcs3h!tii)ia go in'o elfect from and ;j.ftcr its pas.-;a^e. Approved February 2S. lS(ir>. ClIAPTKR LXX[ JUINT RIjSOLUTION in relatiou to filling up cur ui uiies. R^olcFd by (hi: Lc(;lshtturc of the SUik nf Ji;,. swsippi, 1st. That thi-^ Legislature hails, with i^reat satisfactiou, the avowed purpose declarelature for the earnestness with which he has entered upon the duties of his present position, and a hope that he will succeed in so restoring confidence and recruiting our armies tliat success will crown our every effort and in- depejidence be our reward. Apj)roved February 27, 1SG5. CIIIPTELILXXII. RESOLUTION granting ]pave of absence to Hon, VVm. H. KilpatrJck. Hcsokcd by the Legislature of the State of Mis- .-(ssipjn. That leave of absence be horeby granted to Hon. Willli;iai H. Kilpatriclv, Cir- cuit Judge of the 9th Judicial district of this State, for three months;, any time during the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five and eigh- teen hundred and sixty-six : Pkovided, such ab- st'nce docs not interfere with the discliarge of his official duties in holding the terms of his coi*rtin siiid district. Approved March 2, F05. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, ^. >L\CON, MlBS^SSlPPh ) . This is to cx^tify that the forcgoiug priuted acts, rcsolu Vxouti, «tc., passed at a called session of the Legislature of the Stat*' of ]\IiBsisj«ippi, held in ColuniljU8, in the nionihi «»J February and March, 18G-3, are just and true cojtirs froni the originals now oa file in this office. Given under my hand and the Grent'Scal ol' the j^L. S.] . State of Mississippi, affixed this Miircli 17, 18G5. 0. A. BROUGIIER, Secretary of State. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER. TAtn. 1. AN ACT entitled An Act' to amend An Act entitled "An Act better to provide for the families of poldierp. Approved December 2, 1SG3... 3 2. in relaUon to this venua La suits against de- faulting public officers and debtors to the State 10 3. to authorize Probate Judges and Justices of the Peace to administer oaths in certain cases 11 4. further to amend tlie act providing for the establishing of Probate Courts '. 11 '5. to amend an act entitled an act to amend article 32, section 8, of the Kevised Code, approved December 8, 1803 :.,. . 12 0. to amend an act entitled an act to amend the law roJativeto sueing out the writ of Ha- beas Corpus, approved D^^cember5, 18G3*... 12 7. fixing the lees of Jailors for feeding prisoners 14 5. making an appropriation for repairing the Capitol , • 14 9. to authorize the Sirtte Treasurer to re-issue. ' one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the Treasury notes ot this State, which have been funded in eight per cent, bonds, and to destroy a similar amount of the small warrants authorized by act of April 5, 1804, and for other 15 10. to regulate the actioA of the Police Court in certain ca?es ^ 10 11. to amend section 9, article 87, oft page 44.5, of the Revised Code, so as to authorize the Probate Courts of the .several, cnunties in this State to grant orders for the s.nle of perishable property .it the time of the grant of letters testamentary or of admin- istration 17 12. to amend an act "nlitled an act mnkin|* ap- propriations for the military serv oe of the next fiscal yeai;, approved Deccmben 9, 1803 17 11. amendatory of article 0, chapter 5, of tLo, • Revised Code, and of the repolutions pro- viding for the pre.servation of the lawe and ' jourDRle, approved KoTcmV?i 7, 18.5S IV 61 TABLl OF C6NTIXT1. CHAPTBB. rA«B. H. AN ACT to Authorize the Speaker .of the House of Representatives and PreBJdent of the Sen- ate to appoint Messengers between the two Houses 18 1ft. to amend chapter 5, articles 10 and 11, of the Eevised Code 19 19. to authoiize the Quartermasler General of the Slate to ))Hy to the oliicers and men of the St'cond B.*llalion and Sixth Regiment, Mississippi State Troops, for horses which were killed before they were appraised and Talued 90 H. authoVizing Sheriffs to receire certain claims in p lament of county taxes, levied for the support oi destitute families 21 18. to flutliorize and require the removal of criminals from insecure or uosale juils, in this State, and for other purposes 21 19. to amend the militia law of thib Slate 22 SO. to secure the prompt setlle.ment of outstand- ing claims against the Quartermaster Gen- eral's Department of the Stale of Missis- lippi 2S H. amendatory of the act providing lor the ex- amination of the nffices ot Auditor of Pub- lic Accounts and Siate Treasurer. approved Dicembtr 1, 1803, and thn nmcndments thereof, approved April 5 and August 12, » 1864 24 J2. to pay the. Members of the. Legislature at- tending the called session in February, 18G5 2< M. in relation to the appointment of guardians of infants by the Chancery Courts, in cer- tain c:is<-s, and to amend "An act to pro- vide for the support of jnlants, m certiin cases," approved Febiuary 11, 1800 ST 84. to amend an act entitled "An aci to i)revent ^tlie distillation of spirituous liquort^.and to declare the distilleries lo be jiublic and c imm^n nuisances, and to authorize the same to be abated, and for other purposes," approver! April .*), 1H04 28 %. to authorize tax collectors to refund certain monies tlnrein named 20 38. to amend an act entitled "An act to establish a minimum for tho sale of two mil- lions of State bonds, authorized to be sold under an act passed at the present session of the Legislature," approved Au- * gurt 1^; 1^64, and for other purposes Jl TABLR eiT OONTHyTS. 6.T e«AriBB. FAOC. t7. AN ACT to legalize tho assesstnent of taxes for tha corporation of the town of Woodville, for the year 18G4.-. » 32 fS. to repeal all acls incorporating the town of 0 S?-. for the relief of Charles R. Divis 35 S4. to remove the civil disabilities of Daniel Co- hen, a minor, of Wilkinson county S5 34. to remove the civil disabilities of EvauderH. Ross, a minor, of H;incock countv 8G 36. to remove the civil disabilities of Emma E. Kennedy and Walter P. Kennedy, minors, of Carroll county, Miss J^f 37. to authorize the Board of Police, of Tippah • county to borrow money from the Treas- urer of the School l-^unds of said county... if 38. to change the names of Laura Tice and George Tice jj 30. for_the relief of the State Inetitution for the Blind. Si •40. to amend an act entitled an act amendatory of an act entitled an act for the reli-f of the 1st Battalion Mississippi i-'trda Troops, commanded by Mtijor Harpei [ jg 41. for the relief of C. 6." Whiicomb, of Holmes county 4Q 4fi. to amend an act entitled an act to incorpo- ra'e the Central Female Institute, in the town «f Canton, Ma^iison county, Miseis- ^ ?'PJ'' 4« *o- to incorporate the Ne^vton Female Institute... 4" '•44- toaj>p>iiit additional commissioners in Di?- tricLs 1 and 5 in Panola county 4f ^- I'or the relief of Cap ain W. G Middle.ton* former C:^pt!^in o.'' the Panola Cavalry, and Captain J. 11. Taylor, his succssor in ofTico 4A ^- for the relief of the Probate and Circwit Cle.ks of Lafayette county .^4 ^- to repeal nn ac» entitled an act to secur*^ the; interest on th« Chickasaw S<^h(»ol Funds, eo far as relates to the county of Pontotoc " approTcd Dec. 2, 1868 ,'.. 44 ♦IR TABLl OF CONTKNTf!. OHAI'TKR. * fAGB, 4S. toaulhorizp and require the payment of cer- tain funds to the pr^rtics th^roin named.... 46 49. to incorporate the Pioncev Machine f'om- pacy 40 60. to gr.'ni frrpdom to male slave Loyd, t.he pioi>erty ot Ja"me.« N. Ilarpci', of TuUahat- obio county IV 61. for the rfHel' of the Ci-tato and secuvilies of R F. Toomor, formor Sheiiff of Itawamba ' counLy 43 ,S'. to ri-move the civil diBabilities of George K. 'Smi'.h.a minor, of Sunflower c-iunty 40 : '. for tlie relief .of M. Greenhood, of Clarke county r 50 for the relinf of Robert Shotwell 50 .0. to auipnd an net entitled an act for the relief of Dempsey Sherrod, approved August 12, 1804 51 "i7. for the relief of the Probate Clerk of Marion county, and for other purposes 51 5?t. to authorize the Mayor and Si lectnien to in- crease the taxes on pr^ perfy in the corpo- rate limits of f Iv? town of Micon ■ 52 ,V.). for the relief 'bf Col. T. C. Aplicraft 5a t/i. * to r<»p>^al .in a^t approved Decern tier 1'^, A. D. 18(51, entitled an act to .imcnd an act to in- corporate the town of Canton, and to ro- per.l all forraeractsincorporaiin.i; the same, arid all nets amendatory thereof, and for other* purposes 54 (il. making certain nppropii.tate8 Gov- I rnmo.nt for the navnuMit of our troopn (51 70. joint, in relation to School Commissioriers 02 7l[ joint, in relation to filling up our armies...... 02 72. "•runling lea^e of abpf^iico to lion. Wm. H. Kilpatrick .•• OT ( IINTDEX. APPROPRIATIONS— page, for repair of Capitol 14 to amend ^acfc making appropriations for military servicp 17 3o.t making cprtaio appronriatioDS 55 AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS— ofli("e of, how examined 24 BOARDS OF POLICE— ' when to levy tax in kind 4 to furnish Commissioners lists of beneficiaries under- indigent act 1 when to order removal of prii=oners 21 BONDS BELONGING TO THE STATE— How sold 34 CARTHAGE— in relation to town of 50 CAPITOL— appropriation for repairing 14 CANTON, TOWN OF— in relation to incorporation of 1 53 CENTRAL FEMALE INSTITUTE— act to Id corporate .«' 41 CIVIL DISABILITIES REMOVED-^ of Nathan C. Luse i 56 of Daniel Cohen 36 of Evander H. Ross 36 of Emma E. Kennedy and Walter P. Kennedy 37 COMMISSIONERS FOR RELIEF OF DESTITUTE FAMI- LIES OF SOLDIERS— to fisse>s tax in kind 5 to make out roll of indigent families 5 GOVERNOR— to sell Confederate bonds, &c., belonging to the State, 31 to employ Militia to arrest absentees or deserteft from C. S. Army 22 GUARDIANS— how appointed by Chancery Court 27 powrr of Bijch Guardian 27 HABEAS CORPUS— law amended jn relation to 12 penally for not malcinc return on writ 13 INDIGENT FAMILIF.S OF SOLDIERS— act in relation to 3 •Uowance for>, '. , ,,, h'awamba col'-xty- pam. to legaliaeasaessmeut of j , }4 JAILORS— ff>»>B of...; 14 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE— ti'.'iv Tdruiiiisier oalbs in certain cn«e8 11 LEGISLATUHE— in r-lHtion to payment of 2fi LOYD. A SLAVE— frpcHom crjintod to 47 MACON. TOWN OF— in r"l tion to 52 MESSENGERS- njiiiointed between the House and Senate 18 MILITIA LAW— fict to ntnpnd 22 KEWTOX FEMALE IXSTIIUTE— ;irl t<« inc'^rporale 4i NAME CHANGED- ol Friincrt; R. BlacVmar 34 of Liura TioM and George Tice S8 of Maria E Wadlitjgton 58 OAKLAND, TOWN OF— act in r'-'iiijon to 38 PANOLA COUNTY— addiiional Commissioners allowed in M PAYMENT— of cprtain funds to parties therein named 45 PIONEER MACH IN !£• COMPANY— inooi pnnited 4' POLICE COURa — to k^itu'h'p action of 16 PONTOTOC COUNTY- iii rel;jti"n tc) Chickasaw School fund of %i PROBATE JUDGES— may administer oaths in certain cases 11 PROBATE COU liTS- to auTMul law in relation to II PUBLIC PRINTER- to prcMtTve manuscript of journals and return to St'cP'-tarv of St«U'. 18 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL— to piiv lor horiies kii.ed in certain cases ,...., 20 RELIEF ACTS— for relief of John Lee Crawford and Mary E Crawford, 33 ior relief of Cliarles R. DvVjs 36- for relict ol Institution for llje Biind 38 to nni«nd act tor relief of 1st B.iltalion Miteissippi Suic troops • .. ; 30 for relief of C S. Whitoonib .*. 40 for relief of Captain W. G MuliJletou 42 for relief of Probate and Circu't clerks ol Lsifayebte co., 4^ for rclJef o4 eet«t« and securiXiieB of 1. F, Toomcr, 4« RELIEF ACl^S— ^^^^ for relief of indigent, families of soldiers ia Ta««o ao. 48 for relief of Robert Shotwell | ' r^Q to amend act for relief of Demppy Sherrod *"..." 51 for relief of Probate Clerk o( Marion county 51 for relief of Col. T. C. Ashcraft • ["'" 50 for relief of Henry E. Itasco, executor. &c cc BESOLUTIONS— • " *" ^^ appointing a day of fasHng, humiliation and prayer... 57 in relation to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston ,[[ jl calling on Conlederjite States Government for the pay' mentof our troops r* in relation to School Commissioners *.*.'.'.!!!!!!!! 50 in relation to filling up our armies '.','.'..'. GO granting leave of absence to Hon. W. H. Kilnatrick 61 SLAVE LOYD— pitrxcK 01 freedom (jrantcd to aw STATE TROOPS— *' How paid .,, STATE DISTILLERIES— oath required of agents and employee* in 28 officers and agents to execute bonds .".!.';.*.*."*.*.! 28 alcohol maj' be made at nn STATE TREASURER— "^ otiiceof, how examined »a to re ii'sue certain State notes .*.".'!!!' ' 15 to burn certain notes and liabilities of Suite.". .'I........ 1$ for relief of soldiers' families.... » sppcial, for reserve fund !!.'.'.'.',.*..*.* 4 additional special, for relief fund'.!!!*. *** « TAX COLLECTOR— '* when to refund certain monies .a TIPPAH COUNTY— *^" in relation to Board of Police of. »r VENUE— "*' when no change allowed -,» WOODVILLE— ^^ in relation to assessment of taxes for town of to WARREN COUNTY— "wn oi j^ in relation to Probate and Polic© Court of «t YAZOO COUNTY— *^ in relation to Probate Court •f 3g w O r->- * p. '■^ <■>■* - ?^ ^ ' 2. cr^^ m 5k -^ ^ C .CO •6 ^ CO «, S°s^ ^ c 63 ^ c P ,. * E ® ^t- « 3 '•Co .^ g- s I* ° "^2 ^ » O 3 *-5 tt <* „ 3* •r* f° ^ f (S w 3 - — 2 a. •I' a. - » ? ■» * G-r* •^ o ;5 ?• :r p o o o 3 -^ tr no ra 5 w " :-!=-' • Q.^t o -o 2 » •^ 2 =0 B ^ i 2 a H o CO cn a o ►^ cw »i - - OS ^^ I-. - 1^ « r:o c LLi-LLL 1.1,1 -°- K^=:3-rt3?-c-=-srB-52 I CO (D 03 -<5 3 •< 3""3 3 5-2:^^3 ?re ,■» * = 3- r» - o 2 an ^ '73 ~ SB 3 ® 0-0 S'^'^' " ° 5 2 "^3 < 3 " ^ tc 5 t^ '^ CO E'* S * .— 3- tf ,. 3-=33' o 5 -era iCp =^3 o 2 3 (6 crS ;::. »5 • -. — B Q-g c ST 0-3-CL^ CD '^ — - 'T> 3 K^» '*- ~ 3^ 35 ' ® B-i ' 3 O 3 —it 3 o w 3- g « o o 3 Z- o » OD T «< - .. a a - (t "3 <* fe S 3-2 o 3 5 5^^ >« ~ - ^ I ^j=-? 0f=-'-.-C-1?^0''3-.T> 2=.£05*5aCoo£.3 3- 0. O -■ O rt. a 3 -'-. O O 3- " ?^ D *« ? 2.- x-s « 3 C c» i. tr- 5 — o 2 - — c =.•< i^ o ^ , p - ■ 3- 1 c D M> 0-- ?»° a O 2 c »; « «5 5 ^ C 3 ~ — _ -r — , 3-© "• SB ^^ = 2, * ^ XJ^ -? ?W t. 3^ 3^ •— — fi ^ Cu * « * t" * ?• p 2 e- ?r - ^«S5 ^3 •■< - " 3 _ o ^ A » *i3 o S. =: 2. 2 2> (t «< to ^ _^ = 3 3 a-= -^ 3- 3 a L* o - •^ 3 o 3- :=— ' : 2 5^ = a 3 o ir * £. fs 5 ; c :3 3 3 * -> P CO cc- ^? 3-5 C s » cr — f c 2 3 1 00 n' 3 O (C -B •-' 3 3 ^ '''^ ^ 5^ 3 -'« 3 — ' C - S-5 oo^:s-2 » r. — . 3 » 05 r- .1 ■< C 3 9-% 3 p ^ p o ^ — i.." ►- c a. C -. ft T) DO 2r C. 3 2 « " 3 2 ^ o ^ o 7' c 2. o io 1^ a 5^ 5. J 0. >