RUTH. A SACRED ORATORIO. LONDON: Printed for the Benefit of the LOCK-HOSPITAL, AND SOLD At the Hospital, and by E. Duly in the Poultry. M DCC LXIII. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ARGUMENT. Elimelech, a Man ^Bethlehem-Judah, left his Home by rcafon of a f 7 amine ', and with his Wife Naomi, and his two Sons Mahlon and Chilion, came into the Land of Moab to find Subfijlence. Here Elimelech died, leaving Naomi his Widow and his two Sons. Mahlon and Chilion married two Moabitish Women; the Name of the one was Orpah, the other Ruth, whofe Hi/lory is the chief Subjecl of the Book which bears her Name, After fome Tears Mahlon and Chilion died, and Naomi hearing that Plenty was again reftored to the Land of Israel, determines to leave Moab and return home : This flje mentions to her Daughters-in-law ; one of which, Orpah, after having accompanied her part of the Way, turns back to the Country and Idol-gods c/Moab. But Ruth, having beebme a true Convert to the GOD of Israel, determines to cleave to l£m l therefore leaves Moab and accompanies Naomi home. Upon NaomiV Arrival ^Bethlehem, the People of the City were Jhr- prifed at the Poverty a?id Wretchednefs of her Appearance, which is repre- fented in the mofi ajjeBing Terms, Ruth Chap. i. 19, 20, 21. Ruth, in order to fupport herfelf and Naomi, propofes gring to glean in the Harvefi-field with the other poor People, and happens to go into a Part of a Field behiging to Boaz, a Alan of g?rat Wealth and of tlx Kindred o/'Elimelech, Naomi'* late Hufband. A 2 Boaz ARGUMENT. Boaz feeing Ruth, inquires who Jhe is, and hearing that Jhe was the Damfel that accompanied Naomi out of the Land of Moab, Jhews her particular Kindnejs, and orders all his People to do the fame. The Reafon cf which was, the heroic Piety Ruth had fiewn in leaving her Country, her Gods and her Kindred, that Jhe might improve her unfeigned Attach- ment to the Worfljip of the true GOD, and exert her filial Duty to poor diflrefftd Naomi. Ruth, on her Return home to Naomi /;/ the Evening, recounts the Tranf- aflions of the Day, and, amc?igjl the reji, what had pajjed between her and Boaz. Encouraged by what Ruth related, Naomi injlrucls Ruth to afk of Boaz the Kinfman s Part, which, by the Law of Israel, was for the next furviving Kinfman to ?narry the Widow, and pojfefs the Land of him who had died, and had left no Children to inherit his Patrimony : That the Iffue of fuch Marriage might keep up the Name and Family cf the De- ceajed, and have the Land as Heirs to the firfi Poffejfor ; that fo, as the Exprejion was, His Name might not be put out of Israel. Boaz, on the Mention cf it, is pleajed with the Propofal, but fays, " There is " a Kinfman nearer than I, but if he will not do the Part of a " Kinfman to thee, then I will." Boaz goes the next Day to the Gate cf the City, and calls upon the next Kinfman to marry Ruth, and to redeem the Land of her late Hujband ; but he, having a Wife and Children of his own, refufes : Upon which, Boaz, having the Kinjmans Right devolved upon him, marries Ruth, redeems the Land, and thus becomes one of the Progenitors of the Re- deemer of Israel; for by Ruth he had Obed, the Father of Jessie the Father of David, of whom in the Fidnefs of Tune CHRIST came. The ARGUMENT. The Defign of this Book is, (i.) To lead to Providence, to fkew us how converfant it is about our private Concerns, and to teach us in them all to have an Eye to it, acknowledging GOD in all cur Ways, and in all Events that are concerning us. See i Sam. ii. 7, 8. Pfalm cxiii. 7, 8, 9. (2.) To lead to CHRIST, who defcended from Ruth, Part of whofe Genealogy concludes this Book, from whence it is fetched into Matt. i. And in the Converfon g/~RuTH the Moabitess, and the bringmg of her into the Pedigree of the Messiah, we have a Type of the Calling of the Gentiles in due Time into the Fellowjhip of CHRIST. JE S U S our L OR D. The AffliBions of Naomi and Ruth we have an Account of Chap. i. Inftances of their Indujlry and Humility, Chap. ii. The bringing them into Alliance with Boaz, Chap. iii. and their happy Settlement thereby, Chap. iv. And let us 7-emember the Scene is laid in Bethlehem, the City where our Redeemer was bom. PERSONS, P E R S O N S. Boaz, Proph e.t, Asaph, Ruth's Kinsman, Reapers, Priests and People of Israel and Moab. Ruth, Naomi, O r p a h, Israelitish Women, Moabitish Women. 3> & 59? 5ec 5§C & & & 5§(^ i 5©C ^ 3©C > RUTH. A SACRED ORATORIO. PART I. SCENE I. Naomi, Ruth tfW Orpah /;z f& jFiV/dfr between Moab and Bethlehem. RECITATIVE. N A O M I. ^sy^^'ER Mahlon's Tomb, and Chilion's ftill I mourn, ^Ar\^'\ ^ ac ' 1 renews m Y Griefs, while here I ftay. < J) O > To lonej-left Shiloh's Tents I will return, 4 ,3* $ orrows footh, and at the Altar pray. ^ * On you, my Daughters, may the Lord beftow The beft of Bleffings from his Throne above: Believe, where'er I am whilft here below, Stiil Ruth and Orpah ihare my tend'refc Love. A I R. 8 R u r H> A I R. Ruth. Heaven forbid that I fiiould leave thee ! One with thine hath been my Heart. Nothing fhati of thee bereave me, I will be where'er thou art. 2. If in Moab's Land thou mourneft, Here with thee will I abide : If to Judah thou returned, Ruth fhall never quit thy Side. RECITATIVE. Orpah. As ftruggling Winds upon the Ocean blow, And tofs the troubled Billows to and fro, Within diftrafted now thefe Storms I prove, 'Twixt filial Duty and my Country's Love. A Mother's Lofs : O ! how (hall I fuftain ? How (hall I bear to leave this ancient Fane ? My Gods, my People here, how can I go ? But can I fay, Adieu ! — It mull be fo. SCENE II. Priejls and People facrifking to Chemosh, the God of the Moabites. RECITATIVE. Priest. How great is Chemosh ! chief of Gods ador'd! Worthy our loftieft Praife ! Thy Name o'erawes The Nations round. The circumcifed Race Of Jewry trembles : And by thee fuftain'd, In Liberty the free-born Sons of Moab Exulting glory. High to thee we raife The flowing Bowl, whilft Hecatombs furround Thine Altars, and the dulcet Sounds of Lute and Harp Proclaim our Joys ; and in the myftic Dance We celebrate thy Praifes, mighty Lord ! A I R. [Exit. RUTH. 9 A I R. Thou God of War, With ebon Car, Brandifh thy mafly Spear! Chemosh arife! Thy Peoples Cries In Mercy gracious hear ! Beneath thy Feet tread ev'ry Foe, And lay each haughty Helmet low ! CHORUS. Bring the fhrill Clarion, high your Voices raife, And bid the echoing Hills refound his Praife. RECITATIVE. 1 Moab. Wom. Why from thefe facred Rites to Day Do fair Naomi's Daughters ftay? Recitative accompanied. 2 Woman. At early Dawn in yonder verdant Field, Naomi, Ruth and Orpah I beheld ; I at a Diftance kept. Their deep Diftrefs, fad Looks, a Parting feem'd to tell ; They kifs'd, they wept, The Tears ran trickling down theirCheeks, and mingled as they fell. RECITATIVE. Orpah. Late I return to join your Songs, And render Praife where Praife belongs. B DUE TX R U T H. DUET. A Moab. Man & Wom. Orpah, thon art faithful found; Orpah let the Roof refound! W elcome, Daughter, to thine own ; Welcome, Orpah, tho' alone: Faithlefs Ruth her Gocjs forfakes, Gods unknown for Chemosh takes. Orpah joins her Peoples Songs: Chemosh ! Praife to thee belongs. SCENE III. Naomi and Ruth on their Way to Judah. RECITATIVE. Naomi. Thy Sifter s gone ; return, I pray, Why wik thou with Naomi flay? Unhappy me ! no Sons remain, Whom thou fhouldft Hufband call again. Return, dear Ruth ! A better Reft, With fome brave Son of Moab bleft, Awaits thee there ; nor wifh to fhare A Widow's Toils, a Widow's Care. Ruth. Refufe me not, fixt is my Heart, It cannot from Naomi part. Gladly with thee I wifh to fhare A Widow's Toils, a Widow's Care. AH Moab offers I refign ; Thy People and thy God are mine. Prefs me no more, refolv'd am J, With thee to live, with thee to die. A I R. RUTH. A I R. Naomi prophetically fingi. Filial Gratitude and Love, High JEHOVAH muft approve. Bleffings on thy Steps attend, Whilft thy Feet to Judah bend ! Come, my Partner in the Way, Give our Sorrows to the Wind ; Amply He can foon repay What for Him we leave behind. G O D to pleafe who all Things leave, Here an hundred-fold receive. SCENE IV. Jewish Priejis and People offering the firjl-fruits of the Harvejl. RECITATIVE, Priest. Look down propitious from thy Throne, Mod High ! Accept the grateful Tribute which we bring Before thy Sanctuary ! Here we wave This hallow'd Sheaf. Thefe are thy Gifts, O GOD f Thou, thou alone, art worthy to be prais'ri ! What Name like thine in Heavens high Courts is heard ! What Name among Earth's mightieft Sons with thine to be ccmpar'd ! CHORUS. The LORD JEHOVAH is our Strength and Son& To him eternal Praife and Thanks belong. RECITATIVE. i Isr. Woman, See from yonder Hill defending, Arm in Arm, a loving Pair, Hitherward their Footfteps bending", Come with us our Joys to fhare, B 2 Second 12 R U T St. Second Woman. And can it be ? What Change is here ! Is this Naomi, once fo fair ? Naomi. Ceafe, Daughters, ceafe, no more repeat the Name * Beauty's fair Flower is faded. Deep with Tears (As Hillocks wafted with inceffant Showers) This Face now furrow 'd hath forgot to tell Naomi's * Form. More Hiked to my State, Henceforward call me Marah *f\ I departed, My Cup with Bleffings crown'd : But, mournful Change! Return a childlefs Widow — [a Paufe.] He forbids My Murm'ring who permits my Tears. He gave, And He hath taken away. Bleft be his Name ! A I R. i Woman of Israel. " Wipe away thefe briny Tears, " Ceafe thy Sorrows, quit thy Fears.'' He that wounded foon can heal ; He corrects but for our Weal : In Affliction's Furnace try'd, Still with patient Hope abide. Then, as pureft Gold refin'd, Soon thou'lt leave the Drofs behind. SCENE V. Ruth prcfejjes her Change of Religion. RECITATIVE. Ruth. JEHOVAH, Israel's God, for mine I own, And hither come to fall before his Throne. Tho' other Gods I've ferv'd, thefe Knees fhall bow No more to Idols. Hear the folemn Vow ! Pardon, O LORD, the part, incline my Heart To ferve Thee now, and ne'er from Thee depart ! R E C I- * Signifies beautiful. + Signifies bitter. RUTH. *3 RECITATIVE. Finest. Whene'er a Sinner turns, Heaven's Courts around, Seraphic Lyres and Songs of Praife refound. CHORUS. We'll join their Songs, to Heavn lift up our Voice ; Rejoice, a Sinner turns, again rejoice. RECITATIVE. Prophet. Sudden I feel the mighty Influence Of that prophetic Spirit which reveals Deep Things of GOD ; and from the Womb of Time Opens to View the hidden Myfteries. Hear what the LORD hath fpoken, and believe. A I R. Hail, Daughter! hail! a feftal Band Welcomes thy Steps to Judah's Land ; Bleft be the happy Day ! Since here to feek the GOD of Truth, From Idols turn d, thou com'ft, O Ruth, He will thy Pains repay. In future Times from thee fhall fpring The Son of Heaven's Eternal KING, To fit on Israel's Throne. He fhall extend his wide Domain, And Moab fhare his happy Reign, Who makes our People one. CHORUS. JEHOVAH reigns ! Exalt his Name on high, And fhout his Glory thro* the vaulted Sky. JEHOVAH reigns ! Raife the loud Trumpet's Sound, 'Till Heaven's high Arch with echoing Praife refound. PART PART II. * SCENE t BETHLEHEM. Morning. B o a z and Reapers* RECITATIVE. Boaz. ELCOME, my Friends and Brethren ! See the Sun J5 w }Jj Hath left his Sea-green Bed, and lifts his Head, * * With Glories beaming round, above the Hills. Hafte to the Harveft-Field. * But firft adore * The GOD Omnipotent, moft juft, moft holy ; * Who for our Sins had vifited the Land, * And to the Famine s wafteful Rage had giv'n * Our fruitful Fields and Vineyards : Now in Judgment * He hath remembred Mercy, and reftor'd * The Smiles of Plenty. Praifed be his Name ! * The teaming Earth from her prolific Bofom, * Pours forth the plenteous Gifts of Providence. * With grateful Hearts we humbly bow and ble&. ^The gracious Giver. Be our Diligence * And Induftry Proof of our Gratitude. A I R. X Reaper, With chearful Hearts And willing Hands, Away to the Fields and the Harveft Lands. 2 Reaped Tjfefy Thefe Parts marked thus * are omitted to fiiorten.the Performance, R U T II i,s 2 Reaper. And the Way all along We'll beguile with a Song ; Then ftrike up the Tabor, and join the glad Throng. CHORUS. With chearful Hearts And willing Hands, Away to the Fields and the Harveft Lands, SCENE II. Naomi and Ruth. RECITATIVE. Ruth. The Harveft is begun, why ftay I here Idle to Day ? Let me, I pray thee, go, And glean in yonder Field. If Grace I find Before the Man, he may companionate A helplefs Stranger, and permit my Stay Among the Reapers. With my Bofom full At Night I fhall return. Thus may the Wants Which patiently we fuffer be relieved. A I R. Naomi. Go, my Ruth, the Pattern faireft Of Fidelity and Love : Juftly valued as the deareft Gift beftow'd from Heav'n above. As the Cloud my Tears fhall vanifh, Thou my kind Support and Friend : Ev'ry Care and Fear I'll banifli, Peace fhall be our latter End. R E C I- i6 R U T H. RECITATIVE. Ruth. Glad to my Work I haften, nor regard The Toil. Thy Love will be my rich Reward. SCENE III. CORN FIELDS. B o a z at Noon goes to the Reapers. RECITATIVE. Boaz. *The LORD blefs you! Reapers. * And may the LORD blefs thee ! Boaz. Well have ye wrought to Day. * Beneath the Scythe * The bending Reeds along the Plain extend, * A golden Train. * Bind up your Sheaves ; your Shocks In Order range ; then reft awhile. * The Sun, * Now in its mid Career, his fultry Beams * Darts down, * Retire to yonder Shade. * You'll find * Provided there needful Repaft. Who reaps * Is worthy of his Hire. * But tell me, Friend, Whofe Damfel yonder gleans ? Overseer of the Reapers. Sire, thou haft heard, From Moa'b's Land Naomi is return d, And with her, drawn by Ties of filial Love, A Daughter came, admir'd of all who heard The tender Tale. This Damfel is the Daughter. * Her Name is Ruth. At early Dawn fhe came, * Bow'd lowly, alk'd PermiiFion here to glean: * Thy gen'ral Plcafure known, I granted it. [Reapers retire. Boaz and Ruth remain. Boaz. Welcome, my Daughter, go not hence away, My Field is open to thee, tarry here ; Follow RUTH. Follow my Maidens, o'er the Furrows glean. Pear not, in Charge 'tis given that the Reapers May not moleft thee. And when thou art thiifty., Go to my Veffels, draw and flack thy Third. A I R. Ruth. O erwhelm'd with the pleafing Surprife, My Bofom with Gratitude glows : I'll blefs the kind Hand which fupplies My Wants, and fuch Favour beftows. JEHOVAH on High fhall repay All fuch as the Needy regard. He guided me hither to Day, And foon will thy Bounty reward. RECITATIVE. Boaz, Ceafe now thy Toil, and from the fcorching Sun Retire, beneath that beachen Canopy Extended wide. My Reapers there enjoy Short Reft and fweet Repaft. The tufted Grafs Affords a welcome Sofa ; and around Abundance without Luxury adorns The verdant Table. Take my parched Corn, And dip thy Morfel in the cooling Bowl. Boaz calls ajide the Overseer of the Reapers. RECITATIVE. Boaz. * Permit this Damfel, Friend, amidft the Sheaves * To glean, and as you reap a Handful drop. * My Cup with libral Bleffings overflows, * The Gifts he heft improves who thus beftows. [Exit Boa?. C SCEN E i8 RUTH. SCENE IV. Reapers at Dinner. RECITATIVE. Overseer of ] Amidft thefe Shades, where from thefultry Beams the Reapers, j Of midday Sun we reft, and the cool Bower Fann'd by foft Zephyrs yields a.fweet Retreat, Ere yet our Labour calls us to the Field, Let's end our rural Feaft with Harmony : Who moft excels fliall cheer us with a Song. Recitative accompanied. 2 Reaper. Asaph is fanrd for Melody and Voice; Sweetly I heard him fing in Arnon's Vale, Near Jordan's rapid Stream ; as on our Forks We refled j while the new-mown Hay breath'd Fragrance,, And feather' d Songfters warbled on the Bough : Warbled — till by his foftly-fwelling Notes Struck dumb, they filent liften'd to the Song. A I R. As a eh. * Under Oppreflion's galling Chain * Unhappy Judah lay : * And Jabin's Chiefs (as Tyrants reign) * Mark'd their imperious Sway. * Deferted now the verdant Fields, * No lowing Herds appear; * No golden Grain the Harveft yields, * No Grapes the Vineyards bear. * Our Harps upon the -Willows hung, * We fat in filent Grief: * The Voice of Joy forfook our Tongue, * And: Tears were our Relief. * JEHOVAH R If T H. 19 * JEHOVAH faw our fad Diftrefs, *' He pitied and arofe ; * Swift to his Sons he brings Redrefs, * Pours Vengeance on our Foes. * Rife, Barak rife! At GOD's Command, * (The Prophetefs infpir'd * Proclaims) and loofe thy captive Band * Bright Zeal his Bofom fir'd. * Strait he arofe. The Tyrants fly, * Their Hofts in wild Defpair. * Stars in their Courfes fought on High, * Around the Lightnings glare. 4- Hail Liberty ! hail balmy Peace ! Our wonted Joys reftore : At thy Return our Sorrows ceafe, And Judah mourns no more. See the bleft Change ! The verdant Fields New cloth'd with Herds appear ; The golden Grain the Harveft yields ; Rich Grapes the Vineyards bear. CHORUS. * Then clap your Hands, alL hail ! * Sweet Liberty, all hail f * Above the Skies our Joys fhall rife ^ * Sweet Liberty, all hail ! SCENE V. EVENING. RECITATIVE. Overseer. The weftern Sun begins to hide his Head Behind the Mountains 5 and the gilded Splines Of 20 RUTH. Of yon bright Tow'rs reflect the dying Beams. The Ev'ning's Dawn advances, and the Dew Defcending foft, from Labour bids defift. Let this remind us of the joyful Time When this Life's Sun fhall fet, and we no more Or Toil or Labour know ; but in that Reft, Which waits the Faithful, be for ever bleft. A I R. Soon will our fleeting Hours be part ; And as the fetting Sun Now leaves the Clouds in yonder Weft, Our parting Beams be gone. RECITATIVE. Reaper. As firft the Blade precedes the budding Ear, Then fwells the Corn and the full Harveft yields ; So may each Moment, each revolving Day, Be ripening us for thofe celeftial Joys Which round JEHO V AH's Throne the Faithful tafte. DUET. Reapers. Our Care, our Joy, our happy Lot be this, To reap the Harveft of eternal Bfifs. RECITATIVE. Overseer. Farewel, my Friends, each to his Home retire, And wait the Toil of the returning Day. To that bleft Power who ftill renews our Strength, All Praife be given for his Mercies paft. He reigns on High, and ever reigns to blefs The chofen Seed: JEHOVAH is his Name. CHORUS. JEHOVAH reigns ever; His Name be prais'd ever ! Let Heaven and Earth his Power proclaim, And all Creation fpread his Fame. P A R T PART m. SCENE I. Boaz alone. AIR. PfKWK^HEN the frail Body Tyrants bind, 3£ W IncefTant we complain )g j@j Love tyrannifes o'er the Mind, The Pris'ner hugs the Chain. RECITATIVE. Sleep hath forfook my Eyelids. Ruth alone Engages all my Thoughts ; her beauteous Form, Like the fair Moon fhot from behind a Cloud, Is ever in my View ; Since Yefterday She lifted up her Veil and blufliing fpoke, Adorn'd with ev'ry Grace, and moll: adorn V. With Modefty, Woman's beft Ornament ! Some Claim in her I find as near allied, One only ftands between. I'll to the Gate, And wait his coming there. If he refufe The Kinfman's Part, in Order next I (land To claim the .Wife, and to redeem the L and.. D SCENE 22 RUTH. SCENE IL Gate of BETHLEHEM. Boa Elder-s, Ruth'* Kin/man pajjing by. RECITATIVE. Boaz. Ho there ! my Friend, come hither and attend : Chilion is now no more. Thy Right of Blood Before the Elders plead ; ranfom the Land ; The Widow wed, and Chilion's Name preferve. Kinsman. The Land I cannot ranfom, left I mar My own Inheritance. Thou'rt next ally'd, Redeem it if thou wilt, and Ruth be thine ; This Shoe furrenders all. Boaz. Bear Witnefs, ye Elders of Bethlehem, and People all! Chilion's Inheritance this Day I claim, And hope fair Ruth will not my Suit difdain. A I R. Elder. Thy Choice may JEHOVAH approve, And Children thy Table furround. May fhe who poflefTes thy Love, Like Rachel and Leah be found. CHORUS. In the Ages to come may great Boaz and Ruth Be fam'd as Examples of conjugal Truth. SCENE RUTH. 23 SCENE III. Ruth alone. Recitative accompanied. Tofs'd on the Billows of tempeftuous Thought, Hope mounts the briny Wave ; then dark Defpair Plunges me back into the Deep. Sad Lot Of Womankind ! with tend'reft Pafiions form'd \ Yet doom'd in Silence to conceal their Love, Which, like fierce Winds confin'd, rages the more. Mufic I've heard hath magic Charms to bind The raging Storm, and fmooth the ruffled Sea : Then foftly let harmonious Numbers flow, And lull this troubled Breaft to fweet Repofe. A I R. Below perpetual Change appears, The Seafons mark the rolling Years Not ever black the Welkin lours, Nor Clouds drop down inceffant Show'rs. 2. Tho' Darknefs long encompafs round My Paths, and ev'ry Profpedt bound ; Be Boaz kind ; this chearing Ray Shall turn my Darknefs into Day. SCENE IV. Naomi enters. RECITATIVE. What means, my Daughter? liftning to the Sound, Methought I heard her fpeak of Boaz Kindnefs. D 2 Ruth 2+ r u r n. Ruth. His Kindnefs to me, Mother, was furpaffing. Soon as his bounteous Hand had fill cl my Veil With Corn, fix Meafures full and clofely fliook, 1 turn'd to go ; he feem d to wifh my Stay : Once calTd me back, faid, Daughter, go in Peace j And look'd a Kindnefs, better felt than told. Naomi. None knows what may be. Rich in Lands and Herds Is Boaz, and to us fo near of Kin, That, if I judge aright, Good will arife From this Day's Bufmefs. * Still let us hope. * Myflerious are the Ways of Providence, * Thro' winding Mazes, long bewilder'd Steps, * Oft from the deepeft Gloom rufh into Day. * Tho' here beneath a Cottage* oaten Roof * Diftreft we dwell ; and fcarce, with ceafelefs Toil, * Lean Poverty, with Habit patcht and torn, * Unwelcome Gueft! keep from the fhatter'd Door : * He, in whofe Hands are all Things, foon can turn * Our long Captivity. In Boaz give * To thee a Hufband, and to me a Son. AIR. * When Winter's bleak Storms are no more, * The Spring decks with Dew-drops the Thorn : * When Summer's hot Sunfhine is o'er, * Along the rich Vale waves the Corn. * Happy Changes! Hence away * Winter's Sorrows : Hafte the Day, * When at laft (the genial Sun * Thro' its circling Courfes run) * Rip'ning Joys fhall bloom around, * Hope be with Fruition crown'd, Boaz R U T H. B o A z alters* Abrupt I enter — Pardon the Intrufion— Faireft of Women, Ruth, to call thee mine! Henceforth permit thy Boaz. At the Gate I've claim'dthe 'Kinfman's Part ; my Claim allow'd : Crown all my Hopes, and tell me I am happy. A I R. Ruth. Be happy then, we'll never part, Faft join'd in Wedlock's Band : To thee before I've giv'n my Heart, Nor can refufe my Hand. SCENE V. Boaz, Ruth, Priest and People celebrating the Marriage. RECITATIVE. Priest. When from the Womb of Nature firft arofe At ELOHIM's dread Command, the Vifible Of Heav'n and Earth, together fweetly fung The Morning Stars, and all the Sons of GOD Shouted for Joy. To crown this lower World Man firft was form'd ; and to complete the Plan, Woman, Man's better Half, was giv'n ; in one Join'd by their Great Creator ! Sacred Wedlock ! Bell: Ordinance of Heav'n, thy Reign extend, And banifh far unnatural Celibacy. Be Ruth and Boaz one! i : FlouriJJ: of Trumpets. DUET. 26 RUTH. DUET. Boaz and Ruth. May He, from whom all Bleffings flow, Thefe facred Rites attend ! Unite our Hearts, no more to part 'Till Life's fhort Journey end. 2. And as the rapid Sands run down, Still may our Blifs improve ! 'Till each receives the glorious Crown Of never-fading Love. RECITATIVE. Prophet enters. Hail wedded Pair ! At Heaven's Command I come With Tidings of great Joy. * Of Abram's Race, Ye are preferr'd. Hail, favour'd of the LORD! Hear and receive the Dilates of his Word. A I R. By Sin undone, offending Man Ruin'd his haplefs Race. His Life contracted to a Span, Driv'n from his Maker's Face. * 4 >;c $te!c ! mo> oi b% Yb'raitft fhft rtBM A flaming Cherub wav'd the Sword, Emblem of Wrath divine : Left, but for one reviving Word, In fell Defpair to pine. 3- Thy Seed fhall bruife the Serpent's Head, (So Mercy's Voice ordains:) Captivity he'll captive lead, And break Death's hateful Chains. 4. To RUTH. 27 4- To Abram, Isaac, and his Seed, At laft to Judah's Line, The Promife is anew decreed, And now 'tis fix d in thine. 5- From thee the righteous Branch fhall fpring, Whofe Rule fhall never end ! The Gentiles Light, his Israel's King, The helplefs Sinner's Friend ! 6. Hail wedded Pair ! His Name adore Who crowns you with his Grace ! And the beft Gift referves in ftore, In Heav'n to fee his Face. C H # R U S. Then fwift roll the Sun till this Day-Star arife, And Peace, Truth and Mercy look down from the Skies. Blow the Trump, ftrike the Cymbals, exalt his Great Name ; JEHOVAH! to Day and for ever the fame. Hallelujah, Amen. FINIS. ,gfu |